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premise: a woman in a yellow shirt and green shorts is climbing an artificial red wall whilst wearing a safety harness. hypothesis: a woman in rock climbing attire scales a wall wearing a safety belt. | neutral: The fact that a woman in a yellow shirt and green shorts is climbing an artificial red wall whilst wearing a safety harness does not imply that she is in rock climbing attire scales a wall wearing a safety belt. |
premise: a woman in a yellow shirt and green shorts is climbing an artificial red wall whilst wearing a safety harness. hypothesis: The woman is climbing. | entailment: in a both sentence wearing and climbing is different. |
premise: a woman in a yellow shirt and green shorts is climbing an artificial red wall whilst wearing a safety harness. hypothesis: a woman is climbing a wall using a safety harness. | entailment: in a both sentence a woman using a safety harness. |
premise: a woman in a yellow shirt and green shorts is climbing an artificial red wall whilst wearing a safety harness. hypothesis: A man attempts to climb a wall without a safety harness. | contradiction: A woman wearing a safety harness is not a man without a safety harness. |
premise: a woman in a yellow shirt and green shorts is climbing an artificial red wall whilst wearing a safety harness. hypothesis: The woman is at a gymnasium. | neutral: The woman climbing a rock wall does not mean that she is at a gymnasium. |
premise: a woman in a yellow shirt and green shorts is climbing an artificial red wall whilst wearing a safety harness. hypothesis: A woman in a safety harness is Spiderwoman the superhero. | contradiction: If the woman was Spiderwoman, she would not be wearing yellow and green. |
premise: a woman in a yellow shirt and green shorts is climbing an artificial red wall whilst wearing a safety harness. hypothesis: The woman is sleeping. | contradiction: A woman cannot be climbing and sleeping at the same time. |
premise: a woman in a yellow shirt and green shorts is climbing an artificial red wall whilst wearing a safety harness. hypothesis: A woman is rock climbing. | entailment: Both subjects are climbing. |
premise: a woman in a yellow shirt and green shorts is climbing an artificial red wall whilst wearing a safety harness. hypothesis: The woman is using safety equipment. | entailment: A woman could be in a yellow shirt and green shorts. A safety harness could be safety equipment. |
premise: a woman in a yellow shirt and green shorts is climbing an artificial red wall whilst wearing a safety harness. hypothesis: The woman is lifting weights. | contradiction: One cannot be climbing a wall while lifting weights. |
premise: a woman in a yellow shirt and green shorts is climbing an artificial red wall whilst wearing a safety harness. hypothesis: The woman is indoors. | neutral: Not all an artificial wall is indoors. |
premise: a woman in a yellow shirt and green shorts is climbing an artificial red wall whilst wearing a safety harness. hypothesis: A woman is climbing a fake red wall for firefighter exams. | neutral: A woman climbing an artificial red wall whilst wearing a safety harness is not necessarily for firefighter exams. |
premise: Two people on a rock looking at each other. hypothesis: A couple stare at each other. | neutral: Not all two people is a couple. |
premise: Two people on a rock looking at each other. hypothesis: Two people look at each other. | entailment: They are shown to be looking at each other. |
premise: Two people on a rock looking at each other. hypothesis: Two people are at a movie theater. | contradiction: A rock and movie theater are not the same place. |
premise: A busy operating room with high tech equipment to assist the doctors. hypothesis: A judge and an accused are staring at each other. | contradiction: Doctors means different to a judge. |
premise: A busy operating room with high tech equipment to assist the doctors. hypothesis: Equipment are lying in operating room. | entailment: A busy operating room is a type of operating room, and high tech equipment is a type of equipment. |
premise: A busy operating room with high tech equipment to assist the doctors. hypothesis: An operation is being performed in the operating room. | neutral: Describing an operating room is not the same thing as stating that an operation is taking place. |
premise: The girl is climbing a rock wall. hypothesis: A girl climbs away from danger up a rock wall. | neutral: Just because a girl climbs a rock wall does not mean that she is climbing away from danger. |
premise: The girl is climbing a rock wall. hypothesis: A girl is rock climbing. | entailment: A girl climbing a rock wall must be rock climbing. |
premise: The girl is climbing a rock wall. hypothesis: A woman sits on the couch and watches TV. | contradiction: Can either be a girl climbing or a woman sitting. |
premise: A woman in an apron carries a styrofoam box of upside down ice cream cones. hypothesis: A female surrounded by kids is walking with a heavy object. | neutral: Not all women are surrounded by kids. |
premise: A woman in an apron carries a styrofoam box of upside down ice cream cones. hypothesis: A female is carrying a box. | entailment: She is described as carrying a box. |
premise: A woman in an apron carries a styrofoam box of upside down ice cream cones. hypothesis: A contractor is eating a sandwich. | contradiction: woman and contractor,and icecream and sandwich. |
premise: Crowd standing outside a metro area. hypothesis: A group of people out in the metropolis. | entailment: A crowd is made up of people. |
premise: Crowd standing outside a metro area. hypothesis: The crowd is sitting in a field. | contradiction: Standing is not the same as sitting. |
premise: Crowd standing outside a metro area. hypothesis: There is a large city. | neutral: Not all metro areas are a large city. |
premise: Crowd standing outside a metro area. hypothesis: A group of people stand outside. | neutral: All inferred, crowd is a group of people, standing outside is stand outside. |
premise: Crowd standing outside a metro area. hypothesis: Pedestrians wait at a taxi stand. | contradiction: A TAXI STAND IS NOT A METRO AREA. |
premise: Crowd standing outside a metro area. hypothesis: A group of people have gathered. | entailment: A crowd is a group of people. |
premise: Crowd standing outside a metro area. hypothesis: A group of people are assembled outside. | entailment: A crowd standing indicates they are assembled. |
premise: Crowd standing outside a metro area. hypothesis: A crowd waits for the city bus. | entailment: Standing can indicate waiting. |
premise: Crowd standing outside a metro area. hypothesis: The group gathered outside to celebrate the strike of midnight on New Years Eve!. | neutral: Not all crowds celebrate New Years Eve. |
premise: Crowd standing outside a metro area. hypothesis: The group are standing in a corn field in the country. | contradiction: The group cannot be outside a metro area and in a corn field at the same time. |
premise: Crowd standing outside a metro area. hypothesis: Group of people walk down Main Street. | contradiction: One cannot be standing and walking down the street simultaneously. |
premise: Crowd standing outside a metro area. hypothesis: There is a crowd standing outside. | entailment: The crowd is described as standing. |
premise: Crowd standing outside a metro area. hypothesis: People standing waiting for the bus. | neutral: Not all people are waiting for the bus. |
premise: Crowd standing outside a metro area. hypothesis: A group of people are waiting for the station to open. | neutral: Not all crowds are waiting for the station to open. |
premise: Crowd standing outside a metro area. hypothesis: Metrosexuals sitting on the porch. | contradiction: People can't be sitting and standing at the same time. |
premise: young boy in orange sweatshirt on a log. hypothesis: A young boy in an orange sweatshirt sitting on a log by a river. | neutral: Not all boys are by a river. |
premise: young boy in orange sweatshirt on a log. hypothesis: A young boy in an orange sweatshirt on a log outside. | entailment: A log is often outside. |
premise: young boy in orange sweatshirt on a log. hypothesis: A young boy in a blue sweatshirt sleeping on a deck. | contradiction: The sweatshirt cannot be orange if it is blue. |
premise: Boy in a black shirt standing in front of an advertisement. hypothesis: The boy was wearing a black shirt. | entailment: He is described as wearing a black shirt. |
premise: Boy in a black shirt standing in front of an advertisement. hypothesis: The boy was at school. | contradiction: The boy cannot be in front of an advertisement if he is at school. |
premise: Boy in a black shirt standing in front of an advertisement. hypothesis: The boy was in the advertisement and posing next to it. | neutral: Not all boys are posing next to it. |
premise: A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. hypothesis: A graffiti artist paints a poster. | entailment: A graffiti artist paints over a poster is a rephrasing of graffiti artist paints a poster. |
premise: A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. hypothesis: A man is taking his dog on a walk. | contradiction: A man cannot paints over a poster while taking his dog on a walk. |
premise: A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. hypothesis: An artist is painting. | entailment: We can see he paints something. |
premise: A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. hypothesis: A graffiti artist paints a poster to try and win a contest. | neutral: An artist can be motivated by a multitude of other things besides trying to win a contest. |
premise: A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. hypothesis: A graffiti artist rips a poster at an art contest. | contradiction: The artist cannot both rip and paint over the poster. |
premise: A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. hypothesis: A person is putting up posters on a wall. | contradiction: The person cannot both be putting up and painting over a poster. |
premise: A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. hypothesis: A singer draws on a window in a brick wall. | contradiction: The person cannot paint over a poster if they are painting over a window. |
premise: A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. hypothesis: An artist was hired to paint over a poster. | neutral: Not all artists are hired. |
premise: A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. hypothesis: A graffiti artist is illegally paining over a poster on a building. | neutral: Not all artists are illegally paining. |
premise: A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. hypothesis: An artist is covering up some bad words on a brick wall. | neutral: Although the artist is painting over a poster they may not be covering up some bad words. |
premise: A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. hypothesis: A graffiti artist paints over something else. | entailment: A poster on a brick wall is mentioned as something else. |
premise: A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. hypothesis: A graffiti artist is paining over something on a brick wall. | entailment: THe poster is mentioned as something. |
premise: A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. hypothesis: A artist is using graffiti. | entailment: A grafitti artist uses grafitti. |
premise: A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. hypothesis: An artist is making a poster. | contradiction: The artist cannot both make a poster and paint over it. |
premise: A graffiti artist paints over a poster on a brick wall. hypothesis: A woman spraypaints over an advertisement. | neutral: While we know they are painting over a poster we do not know it is an advertisement. |
premise: A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. hypothesis: The man sees the camera. | entailment: Looking towards the camera means he sees the camera. |
premise: A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. hypothesis: the people are all holding picket signs. | contradiction: The man cannot look toward the camera if he is holding a sign. (?). |
premise: A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. hypothesis: The man is wearing a suit and tie. | contradiction: The man cannot be wearing both a white t-shirt and a suit and tie. |
premise: A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. hypothesis: There is a crowd at the station. | entailment: It is clear that the crowd is at the station in both contexts. |
premise: A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. hypothesis: a group of people have gathered for a purpose. | entailment: If there is a crowd they must have gathered for a purpose. |
premise: A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. hypothesis: The famous man is surrounded by his fans. | neutral: Not everyone who looks toward a camera is famous. Not every crowd is made up of fans. |
premise: A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. hypothesis: A crowd at the station is taking pictures of him. | neutral: While we know the man is looking toward a camera we do not know that the crowd is taking pictures of him. |
premise: A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. hypothesis: A man in a train station looks at the camera. | entailment: If the man is surrounded by a crowd near a metro station, it means he is in a train station. |
premise: A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. hypothesis: The boy is playing basketball. | contradiction: The man/boy would not likely be playing basketball near a metro station. |
premise: A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. hypothesis: The man is having coffee at the shop. | contradiction: The man cannot be both near the metro station and in the coffee shop. |
premise: A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. hypothesis: the man is alone. | neutral: There in no mention of the man being alone. |
premise: A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. hypothesis: A news crew is at the metro station. | neutral: While the man is near a metro station we do not know if a news crew is at the metro station. |
premise: A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. hypothesis: A man is curious why the crowd is surrounding a camera. | entailment: A man is naturally curious if there is a crowd near the station. |
premise: A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. hypothesis: A lady is posing for pictures. | contradiction: man cannot be a lady at the same time. |
premise: A man in a white t-shirt looks toward the camera surrounded by a crowd near a metro station. hypothesis: A man is with a group of people. | neutral: There is no mention of the man being with a group of people. |
premise: A young man is texting while standing in front of a poster. hypothesis: A man texts his wife. | neutral: Not everyone who texts is texting his wife. |
premise: A young man is texting while standing in front of a poster. hypothesis: A woman talks on the phone. | contradiction: man cannot be a woman at the same time. |
premise: A young man is texting while standing in front of a poster. hypothesis: A man texts. | entailment: It is obvious that the man is texting in both contexts. |
premise: A man in a green shirt is standing between two cars holding up 3 fingers. hypothesis: A man is standing between bikes. | contradiction: man standing between cars cannot be standing between bikes at the same time. |
premise: A man in a green shirt is standing between two cars holding up 3 fingers. hypothesis: A man is standing between pink sports cars. | neutral: While we know the man is standing between two cars we do not know that they are pink or that they are sports cars. |
premise: A man in a green shirt is standing between two cars holding up 3 fingers. hypothesis: A man is standing between cars. | entailment: It is obvious that the man is standing between cars in both contexts. |
premise: A dog is jumping in the air to catch an orange Frisbee. hypothesis: A dog is outside playing. | entailment: Jumping to catch an orange Frisbee is outside playing. |
premise: A dog is jumping in the air to catch an orange Frisbee. hypothesis: The old man is reading the newspaper. | contradiction: A dog is different to the old man. |
premise: A dog is jumping in the air to catch an orange Frisbee. hypothesis: A dog is playing catch with kids. | neutral: Who knows whether kids threw the frisbee. |
premise: A man in a green shirt hailing a taxi in a large city. hypothesis: A man wearing green clothing needs to get to the airport. | neutral: Not everyone hailing a taxi need to get to the airport. |
premise: A man in a green shirt hailing a taxi in a large city. hypothesis: A man is skinny-dipping alone in a mountain stream. | contradiction: man in city cannot be a man in mountain stream at the same time. |
premise: A man in a green shirt hailing a taxi in a large city. hypothesis: A man wearing green clothing wants to go somewhere. | entailment: A man in a green shirt is hailing a taxi to go somewhere. |
premise: a man is hailing a cab or giving a peace sign in a city. hypothesis: The man is showing his middle finger in the city. | contradiction: Hailing a cab is different to showing middle finger. |
premise: a man is hailing a cab or giving a peace sign in a city. hypothesis: The man wants to promote peace. | neutral: He might want to promote peace, or he might want a cab ride. |
premise: a man is hailing a cab or giving a peace sign in a city. hypothesis: The man is throwing up a peace sign. | entailment: Giving a peace sign is a paraphrase of is throwing up a peace sign. |
premise: A dog catches a disk in the air. hypothesis: A puppy is playing catch with a Frisbee. | neutral: Not all dog is a puppy. |
premise: A dog catches a disk in the air. hypothesis: A dog is eating kibble out of a red bowl. | contradiction: dog in the air cannot be a dog eating at the same time. |
premise: A dog catches a disk in the air. hypothesis: An animal is jumping. | entailment: A dog is an animal catches a disk in the air. |
premise: A man in a green shirt hailing a cab. hypothesis: A man is in a hurry. | neutral: Not all man in a green shirt hailing a cab is in a hurry. |
premise: A man in a green shirt hailing a cab. hypothesis: A man is driving his own car. | contradiction: man hailing a cab cannot be man driving at the same time. |
premise: A man in a green shirt hailing a cab. hypothesis: Man is getting a cab. | entailment: A green shirt man got a cab. |
premise: A boy and a girl wearing a blue jacket are having their own snowball fight. hypothesis: The children pay in the mud. | contradiction: A snowball fight does not usually happen in the mud. |
premise: A boy and a girl wearing a blue jacket are having their own snowball fight. hypothesis: A snowball fight is in progress. | entailment: Having is a present tense form of have, meaning the snowball fight is happening now. If it is happening now, then it is in progress. |
premise: A boy and a girl wearing a blue jacket are having their own snowball fight. hypothesis: The siblings enjoy the snow. | neutral: A boy and a girl engaging in the same activity may not be siblings. One may be having a snowball fight and not enjoy the snow. |
premise: Kids play soccer outside. hypothesis: Kids are only playing soccer because their parent make them. | neutral: Just because kids play soccer outside does not mean that they are only playing soccer because their parent make them. |
Subsets and Splits