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SEAN HANNITY TAKES OFF THE GLOVES After “Hillary Supporter” Megyn Kelly Makes On-Air Crack About Him [VIDEO]
Sean Hannity is taking a page from Trump s playbook. When a member of the mainstream media or a person pretending to be a conservative commentator intentionally misrepresents you you strike back.That s exactly what Hannity did.@megynkelly u should be mad at @HillaryClinton Clearly you support her. And @realDonaldTrump did talk to u. https://t.co/vsQiNMgHut Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) October 6, 2016Maybe Megyn forgot about this EXCLUSIVE interview with Donald Trump:https://youtu.be/UGPvwdrlzCMFrom USA Today: This election has sparked some heated exchanges between family, friends and co-workers and now between Fox News hosts.Conservative pundit Sean Hannity leveled what he might consider the worst insult imaginable at anchor Megyn Kelly in a tweet Wednesday night, which said she clearly supports Hillary Clinton.The tweet was apparently in response to Kelly comments earlier in the evening on The Kelly File when she accused both presidential candidates of avoiding tough interviews. They re both in their own version of a presidential protection program, Kelly said. She said Clinton makes sure she is not in a place where she feels uncomfortable or anything unexpected could come at her, which is why she sat for a half an hour with Mary J. Blige, the singer, which is why she did Entertainment Tonight this evening. But, Kelly didn t stop there. And Donald Trump, with all due respect to my friend at 10 o clock, will go on Hannity, and pretty much only Hannity, and will not venture out to the unsafe spaces these days, which doesn t exactly extend the tent. Trump has made several appearances on Hannity s show and the Fox News personality has been a vocal supporter of Trump.h/t GP
Oct 6, 2016
Cruz seeks dismissal of case challenging U.S. presidential eligibility
Republican Ted Cruz asked a federal court in Houston to throw out a lawsuit questioning whether he is eligible to be president of the United States because he was born in Canada, saying the case against him “suffers from fatal deficiencies.” Lawyers for Cruz contend in the filing made on Monday that the U.S. senator from Texas meets the constitutional requirements to serve as president and that the Houston lawyer trying to have the court block his bid does not have standing to bring the case. “Senator Cruz is a ‘natural-born citizen’ eligible to serve as President of the United States,” the motion to dismiss said, adding, the “plaintiff is essentially implicating the Court in a political dispute that it lacks authority to adjudicate.” The lawsuit brought in January by Newton Schwartz, an 85-year-old self-described liberal, also cited Cruz’s stance on issues such as abortion rights, gay marriage and the Bible in a 27-page argument against the senator’s eligibility. The lawsuit filed in the Southern District of Texas is a class action, meaning others can join. It requests a ruling before the Nov. 8 presidential election. Lawyers for Cruz also argue he has yet to be the Republican Party’s nominee and it would be premature for a court to address the issue. “Nowhere does Plaintiff, who acknowledges that he is a Democrat ... explain how he is harmed by Senator Cruz’s presence on the Republican primary ballot,” the Cruz filing said. Billionaire Donald Trump, the front-runner in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, has repeatedly questioned whether Cruz is eligible and warned that his winning the nomination could throw the party into chaos and hand the election to the Democrats. Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta in 1970. At the time, his mother was a U.S. citizen and his father was Cuban. He has dismissed attacks on his eligibility and noted in the filing that 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain and 1968 Republican candidate George Romney also were born outside the United States but were considered eligible to be president. The U.S. Constitution says a president or vice president must be a “natural-born citizen” but does not say whether the term means the candidate must be born on U.S. soil or just be a citizen at birth. According to legal experts, any child born to an American mother or father, no matter where, is considered a U.S. citizen. The case is Schwartz v. Cruz, 4:16-cv-00106, U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas (Houston). (Reporting by Jon Herskovitz; Editing by Jonathan Oatis) This article was funded in part by SAP. It was independently created by the Reuters editorial staff. SAP had no editorial involvement in its creation or production.
February 24, 2016
Trump’s Immigration Speech After Mexico Visit FILLED With Lies, Deceit, And Racism
After meeting with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto (and lying about what was discussed), Donald Trump flew back to Phoenix, Arizona to deliver a 10-point plan on how to fix America s broken immigration system.As pointed out by the Hillary Clinton campaign, the speech was overwhelmingly applauded by the alt-right, including white nationalists David Duke and Richard Spencer, and closeted white nationalist Ann Coulter (who is apparently back on the Trump train).In typical Trump fashion, the immigration proposal was laced with lies, deceit, and rank xenophobia, with outright lies regarding President Obama and Hillary Clinton s determination to tackle the issue of illegal immigration.Once again, Donald Trump claimed that illegal immigration is as high as 30 million, saying, honestly we ve been hearing that number for years. It s always 11 million. Our government has no idea. It could be 3 million. It could be 30 million. They have no idea what the number is. Considering Trump has been fact checked on this claim multiple times with Politifact rating it as Pants on Fire one would think the Republican nominee would have the sense to stick to what is fact. But then again, it is Donald Trump. The Department of Homeland Security, along with several independent groups, put the number anywhere between 11 to 12 million, give or take. Not one serious organization, meaning one with credibility, has published a report showing the number to be anywhere near the bloated 30 million Trump and his surrogates are pushing.It s much easier to convince people there s a bigger problem than there really is when you conflate the statistics to suit your political purpose, and no one understands this better than Trump he conflates the statistics on America s tax rates, crime rate, terrorism rate, and unemployment rate.If there s one thing Trump is better at than inflating statistics, it s letting his supporters know that he, and only he, cares and can fix it. At the Phoenix rally, Trump used the opportunity to slam his opponents, saying President Obama and Hillary Clinton have engaged in gross dereliction of duty by surrendering the safety of the American people to open borders Ah, yes, the Obama doesn t care about America shtick. A popular and sometimes effective rallying call of the right, Trump and his surrogates certainly know how to play into the hands of their rabid base, and they certainly knows how to play into the hands of their latent racial hatred of the President.If only it were true though.See, if the Obama Administration (which included Hillary Clinton his first term) really had a gross dereliction of duty of the kind Trump speaks of, it wouldn t have overseen the largest deportation force in decades, while simultaneously seeing illegal immigration numbers fall, very dramatically.Perhaps Trump should answer for the illegal immigrants he s hired to work here in the United States before he accuses anyone of dereliction. In a speech that was really rhetoric and not all that much fact, Trump managed to get even that wrong when Trump claimed President Obama said climate change was a bigger threat than ISIS, China, Russia (which is ironic), and the 11 million illegal immigrants.First off, it was Senator Bernie Sanders who said climate change is the biggest threat to American security. Second, while President Obama has said that tackling climate change was an urgent threat to the United States, fighting terrorism and keeping Americans safe was the top priority.In fact, President Obama said, verbatim, I ve got a lot of things of my plate, but my top priority is to defeat ISIL. What say you, Donald?Wednesday s speech in Phoenix was classic Trump fluff, lies and fear mongering. A trip to Mexico that ended up being an embarrassment turned into a speech that fell on deaf ears (except for the white nationalists). This is the man Coulter compared to Churchill.Republicans have themselves a real winner.Featured image John Freso/Getty Images
September 1, 2016
Russia won't hand over suspect in Montenegro coup attempt: RIA
Russia will not hand over to Montenegro the person wanted by the Balkan nation as a suspect in a coup attempt, the RIA news agency cited the Russian prosecutor general s office as saying on Wednesday. Montenegro says a group of Serb and Russian nationalists had a plan to attack state institutions on the day of an election last year and kill then-Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic, who held the post for a total of 21 years. The Kremlin has dismissed the accusation as absurd. The Russian prosecutor-general s office said it had refused to hand over to Montenegro the person, who it identified as Ananie Nikic, because he had earlier been given refugee status by Moscow.
November 1, 2017
China's precedent-breaking Xi Jinping gets set to bolster his power
Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to amass even greater power at a Communist Party Congress this week, promoting close allies, having his guiding thought enshrined in the party constitution and possibly assuming a title to put him on par with Mao Zedong. That is the view of multiple sources with ties to the Chinese leadership, including senior party officials, former officials and foreign diplomats who have talked to top officials. Much of it has also been signalled in various ways in the state media in recent months. Xi was born into revolutionary aristocracy and came of age in the tumult of Mao s Cultural Revolution. Since taking office five years ago, he has cast aside decades of precedent, stamping his authority on the party s 89 million members and asserting China s rising might on the global stage. Having been perceived as a colourless, unambitious princeling child of the elite before catapulting into the apex of power as a Standing Committee member in 2007, Xi has surprised time and again, leadership sources, diplomats and experts say. He has locked up political rivals for corruption, accumulated titles and pushed painful reforms for the military. China s State Council, which doubles as the party s spokesman s office, did not respond to a request for comment on Xi s plans for the 19th Party Congress or on how the party evaluates his first five years in office. At the congress, a twice-a-decade event that opens Wednesday, some of Xi s most trusted aides look set for promotion to the Standing Committee, such as Li Zhanshu, an advisor who worked as a junior official in Hebei province in the 1980s at the same time as Xi. In another key break with tradition, Xi looks set to retain a key ally, Wang Qishan, in some capacity despite the anti-corruption tsar passing retirement age. Xi could also end up being called party chairman, a role that would pave the way for him to stay in office past 2022 when precedent dictates he should step down, leadership sources say. Xi is now moving more in the direction of a king, of I am China and I am the Communist Party , said Steve Tsang, director of the China Institute at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London. In another first, Xi has already overseen two large-scale military parades in his first term, including a dramatic display of China s rising power and military capability through Beijing s Tiananmen Square in 2015. What will actually happen at the congress, and what Xi will say in his state-of-the-party address at its opening, are closely guarded secrets, even as the party and state media have flagged the broad outlines of what will happen. One of the most important signals to watch at the congress will be whether - or how often - Xi is referred to as lingxiu , or leader. That honorific has been bestowed only on two others since the 1949 founding of the People s Republic of China: Mao and his short-lived successor, Hua Guofeng. Using the term over the congress could set him up to be named party chairman, a title that has not been used since Hu Yaobang, who died in 1989, sources with ties to the leadership and diplomats say. Xi is currently head of the party but with the title general secretary, and has to rule by consensus with his Standing Committee, part of a system of collective leadership set up after Mao died to prevent a recurrence of the chaos that erupted under him. If he does become chairman, that will spell the end for the concept of collective leadership, said a senior Beijing-based Asian diplomat. He won t have to answer to anyone, the diplomat said. Xi has gathered other titles gradually since late 2012, when he first became party chief, just before assuming the presidency. He also runs the National Security Commission and the top financial and reform decision-making councils. And despite already being head of the military, he was appointed commander-in-chief last year. Arguably one of China s crowning achievements over the past five years, one unquestionably popular with the public, has been Xi s crackdown on corruption. Some 1.4 million officials have been punished and many jailed, including the much feared former domestic security chief, Zhou Yongkang. Xi has also cracked down on the pomp that had previously gone with visits by high-level Chinese officials to the provinces, and flashed a deft common touch to show his connection to the ordinary person. In one widely-reported instance, Xi visited a Beijing dumpling restaurant in late 2013; images on state media showed him lining up for his food with other patrons. Part of the story of Xi s rising personality profile is about the need to bolster the perceived legitimacy of the Communist Party around a leader seen as being of the people, said David Bandurski, co-director of the China Media Project. He said the previous leadership of President Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao had warned of a growing gap between the Communist Party and the rest of the country, partly epitomised by rampant corruption. So under Xi there was an immediate move to address both of these key problems of perception , Bandurski said. The answer was Xi as the plain-talking man of the people.
October 16, 2017
Trump Throws Intelligence Community Under The Bus To Side With Putin Despite Strong Evidence Of Russian Meddling
President Bone Spurs finally made it to Vietnam over 40 years too late this week, and he used the occasion to stab our intelligence community in the back again.While taking questions from reporters on Air Force One, Donald Trump was asked if he still believes Vladimir Putin s denial that Russia interfered with the 2016 Election even though the evidence proves that Russia meddled.Of course, Trump is Putin s puppet so he was quick to throw U.S. officials and U.S. agencies under a speeding bus to side with the Russian dictator. He said he didn t meddle, he said he didn t meddle, Trump said. I asked him again. You can only ask so many times. I just asked him again. He said he absolutely did not meddle in our election, he did not do what they are saying he did. As we all know, 17 agencies, including the FBI and CIA agree that Russian interfered with the 2016 Election. There is so much evidence that Trump is being investigated for colluding with Russia, not only by a special prosecutor, but by Congress as well.We also know that Trump s own son met with Kremlin-connected Russian officials at Trump Tower seeking their help. Not long after that meeting, Trump urged Russia to hack Hillary Clinton s emails and the DNC.Trump went on to claim that the whole thing was set up by the Democrats and desperately defended Putin again. Every time he sees me he says I didn t do that and I really believe that when he tells me that, he means it. But he says I didn t do that. I think he is very insulted by it, if you want to know the truth. Don t forget. All he said was he never did that, he didn t do that. I think he is very insulted by it, which is not a good thing for our country. Then Trump attacked the intelligence community officials who have testified under oath that Russia meddled with our democratic process. They re political hacks. So you look at it, and then you have Brennan, you have Clapper and you have Comey. Comey s proven now to be a liar and he s proven to be a leaker. So you look at that. And you have President Putin very strongly, vehemently says he had nothing to do with that. And there you have it. Trump would rather believe the word of a Russian dictator over the word of several high ranking American officials who spent most of their lives dedicated to keeping America and our democratic institutions safe.That alone should outrage the American people.Featured Image: Steffen Kugler /BPA via Getty Images
November 11, 2017
Shocking Ad Shows How Trump’s Racist Campaign Is RUINING Children’s Lives (VIDEO)
We know without a doubt that Trump s blatantly racist campaign has had a massive effect on adults in this country. Suddenly, the bigots that were too afraid to voice their opinions aloud have found the courage to spew their hate speech openly and Trump has only encouraged more division and violence throughout America. But if you think that adults are the only ones being affected by this, you re wrong.Thanks to a new ad from progressive group Move On, we re able to see that Trump s campaign is taking a devastating toll on non-white and Muslim children, who are getting bullied in school. The ad, titled Our Kids, runs through several powerful news clips where minority children have been threatened or harassed by their white, racist peers who have undoubtedly latched onto Trump s messaging after learning it from their parents or from the media.In one news bit, white students were chanting Trump s name at black and Latino players during a high school basketball game in Chicago. In another, Latino students were humiliated when vandals in Oregon hung a banner that said, Build a wall. One student who was interviewed in the clip said that Students don t feel safe. Students don t want to go to school anymore. Another said, Lately, it s just been getting worse. This ad is less than 90 seconds long, but it perfectly sums up that the biggest motivating force behind Trump s campaign and its voters is racism, regardless of what Trump s surrogates try to say. Move On s ad gave viewers a brutal reality check when it said: Donald Trump is endangering our kids. Perhaps the next most powerful message in the ad was the call to action for adults to do something to protect all the children in the country. The ad said: Protect our kids from Trump s hate speech. Vote November 8th. You can watch the ad below:Featured image via United Nations Photo / Flickr
August 31, 2016
Against a backdrop of motorcycles, Trump pledges to help veterans
In a move to bolster support among veterans, Republican Donald Trump joined a leather-jacket-wearing, motorcycle-riding crowd in Washington on Sunday to honor fighters who served in foreign wars and advocate for those still missing in action. Riders from across the country converged on the National Mall near the Lincoln Memorial for the annual “Rolling Thunder” rally and to listen to the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, who hopes to be commander in chief next year. “We’re going to rebuild our military and we’re going to take care of our veterans,” Trump told the crowd of thousands, many of whom wore leather vests, veterans’ hats and biker insignia. Trump, the billionaire businessman who has promised to build a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico if he becomes president, said illegal immigrants in many cases got better care in the United States than military veterans. “We’re not going to allow that to happen any longer,” he said. Trump, 69, who did not serve in the military, upset veterans last year when he said Senator John McCain of Arizona was not a war hero. McCain, a Navy fighter pilot who went on to become the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, was imprisoned and tortured after being shot down during the Vietnam War. Trump made no mention of McCain during his remarks on Sunday, and the crowd cheered him enthusiastically, with some waving signs including “Bikers for Trump” and “Make America Great Again.” Supporters cheered when Trump mentioned veterans and booed at the mention of Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. “I don’t know if he can fix (veterans’ issues), but he’s the only one I think will try,” said Leonard Westberry, 68, of Richmond, Virginia, a U.S. Army veteran who served in Vietnam in 1967. Westberry said he planned to support Trump in the Nov. 8 election. “It’s awesome that Trump is here. ... That’s a good thing,” said Ralph Giannola, 65, who said he had not decided whether to support Trump in November. “I just don’t want to see any rioting. I mean, protests are OK. I don’t want to see anybody get hurt,” he said. There were no protest interruptions during Trump’s nearly 20-minute address on Sunday, a rarity for similar events. “I know one thing, you’re going to all behave yourselves, right?” Trump said to positive affirmations from the crowd. “And I know another thing - there won’t be any paid agitators in this group,” he added to cheers.
May 29, 2016
John McCain’s Son Really Hates Ignorant Racists, So He Did THIS To Piss Them Off (TWEETS)
After racists threw a temper tantrum over Old Navy s ad featuring an interracial couple, Senator John McCain s son took them on.Oh, happy day! Our #ThankYouEvent is finally here. Take 30% off your entire purchase: https://t.co/nGQ9Pji1pN pic.twitter.com/vq4mIczm6A Old Navy Official (@OldNavy) April 29, 2016McCain s son Jack is a Navy lieutenant and he is married to Air Force Reserve Captain Renee Swift, who happens to be a black woman. So when racists attacked interracial marriage on Friday, Jack McCain took it personally.Standing up to their hate, Jack McCain took to Twitter and told the racists to basically go f*ck themselves. To the people upset about the #OldNavy Scandal of an a picture of a mixed race marriage, eat it, McCain wrote along with a picture of the couple. To the people upset about the #OldNavy Scandal of an a picture of a mixed race marriage, eat it. @Reneeitchka pic.twitter.com/yA5YwbZRcm Jack McCain (@McCainJack) May 2, 2016And then for good measure he posted a picture of the pair on their wedding day. I hope this one burns too, you ignorant racists, he wrote.I hope this one burns too, you ignorant racists. Here is us on our wedding day. @Reneeitchka pic.twitter.com/1VSd2gqH9W Jack McCain (@McCainJack) May 2, 2016McCain has received an outpouring of support on his Twitter account, including a comment from CNN anchor Jake Tapper, who wrote that anyone who has a problem with it is an idiot clinging to a backward time. @marcoscadiz @McCainJack @Reneeitchka anyone who has a problem with it is an idiot clinging to a backward time. Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) May 2, 2016Of course, McCain s posts must have stung the racists hard because some responded with vile replies.@McCainJack @noFelld @ClaraJeffery @Reneeitchka No, you re not. I certainly wouldn t consider myself lucky to be married to a monkey. monolith (@wishgranter14) May 4, 2016 @McCainJack @Reneeitchka Dude, you re the one wasting your seed, not us. Why wouldn t I be happy to see tards dropping out of our gene pool? Prez Davis (@prez_davis) May 2, 2016Clearly, Jack McCain succeeded at enraging the racists in our society. Hopefully, one day, racism will truly no longer exist in this country. Until then, it s good that there are people like Jack McCain fighting back against the hate.Featured Image: Twitter
May 4, 2016
LIBERAL LUNACY IN ACTION: Watch This Dirty Democrat Pull A Bait And Switch On Illegal Alien Border Law
There was testimony today regarding illegal minors flooding our southern border. John Conyers said it s unAmerican to stop them from crossing. He struggled to read the prepared statement on illegal minors. He claimed that illegals aren t committing an illegal act . Notice how he reclassifies illegals as refugees. This is what the left wants to do with illegals. If they all claim persecution then it s their ticket into the U.S. It s how they FEEL and not something they have to PROVE. Yea, typical government stupidity. So now we have a free for all at the border where anyone can come and they get in because they are now considered a refugee . Not to mention, Obama just reinstated the catch and release program where the border patrol just releases the illegals once they catch them. Crazy!
Feb 4, 2016
U.N. nuclear watchdog reiterates Iran subject to world's toughest controls
The chief of the U.N. atomic watchdog reiterated on Friday that Iran was under the world s most robust nuclear verification regime after U.S. President Donald Trump struck a blow against a 2015 Iran nuclear deal, in defiance of other world powers. The nuclear-related commitments undertaken by Iran under the JCPOA are being implemented, Yukiya Amano, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency said. He referred to the Iran nuclear by its proper name, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.
October 13, 2017
Donald Trump won the state of Indiana in a landslide tonight. Ted Cruz suspended his campaign in front of a tearful and shocked room of supporters:.@TedCruz: "And so with a heavy heart we are suspending our campaign." #TedCruz #Cruz #INPrimaryhttps://t.co/fTHEIvtyD9 CSPAN (@cspan) May 4, 2016 Donald Trump ran away with the Indiana GOP primary on Tuesday thumping Ted Cruz for his seventh straight win and moving to within a near-certainty of the Republican presidential nomination.Donald Trump: We want to bring unity to the Republican Party. We have to bring unity. https://t.co/9aZuA8xMp6 https://t.co/EC0vDNlmQg CNN (@CNN) May 4, 2016Fox News and other networks declared the billionaire real-estate tycoon the winner just moments after the polls closed in the western part of the Hoosier State at 7 p.m. New York time.Read more: NYPBUT the shocker of the night is that Bernie Sanders won Indiana! Bernie Sanders just barely eked out a win in the Indiana primary Tuesday evening, in a surprise upset over Hillary Clinton one that ultimately won t change the landscape of the Democratic race all that much.Sanders won with 53 percent of the vote and 56 percent of precincts reporting, according to the Associated Press. Clinton was favored to win the state in the polls leading up to Tuesday although the matchup remained close until the moment polls closed.Before Tuesday, Clinton had a lead of 808 delegates over Sanders (including super delegates) and was 90 percent of the way to getting the magic number of 2,383 required to clinch the nomination. Indiana allocates delegates proportionally, so even with a 47 percent loss Clinton will be able to keep a sizable advantage over Sanders in the number of delegates.Read more: Vice NewsA great night!
May 3, 2016
Time to move on from Algeria's colonial past, says France's Macron
President Emmanuel Macron, visiting Algeria, said on Wednesday he would not be held hostage by France s colonial involvement there and urged young Algerians to build for the future and not dwell on past crimes . The relationship is scarred by the trauma of the 1954-1962 independence war in which the North Africa country broke with France. Hundreds of thousands of Algerians were killed and both sides used torture. Macron was in the capital Algiers for talks with President Abdelaziz Bouteflika and senior officials, a rite of passage for all new French presidents. Many in Algeria had wondered whether Macron would offer an official apology for the past given his statement earlier this year when he described France s colonial rule as a crime against humanity . But he did not go any further than his predecessor, Francois Hollande, who sought a more conciliatory tone but stopped short of saying sorry. Instead, Macron s message to young Algerians was not to harbor grudges from the past but look to the future. I ve already said we need to recognize what we did, but Algeria s youth can t just look to its past. It needs to look forward and see how it will create jobs, Macron said, answering questions from people as he walked through downtown Algiers. I m not here to judge those in the past. There have been crimes and there were people that also did good things. Your generation must not allow this. It s not an excuse (to blame the past) for what is happening today, he said. When asked by reporters about the past, a visibly annoyed Macron, said it was time to stop asking questions from 20 years ago. These benchmarks block our bilateral relationship. They don t interest me because the ambition I have for the relationship between Algeria and France has nothing to do with what was done for decades. It s a new story that s being written, he told a news conference. Facing high unemployment, low oil prices, austerity and political uncertainty, Algeria s youth is likely to warm to Macron s call to look to the future more than the war veterans. An inter-governmental forum presided by the countries prime ministers will take place in Paris on Thursday to discuss how to develop an economic roadmap. Economic ties between the two countries have marginally progressed since 2012 and France is now behind China as the main partner. Annual trade stands at about 8 billion euros compared with 6.36 billion five years ago. More than 400,000 Algerians are given visas for France annually, almost twice as many as in 2012. While walking near the university, young Algerians came out in force, calling out: Visas, Please! Highlighting just how divided opinion remains some others called out: Go home! We don t want you here. This morning I saw too many people simply asking me for visas. That s not a life project, Macron told reporters. Franco-Algerian relations are also a sensitive subject in France. Macron past condemnation of France s colonial rule angered many at home. There must be no taboos between us. But there has to a be a project for the future and I think the Algerians must build their future from Algeria, Macron said responding to more questions in the streets. But the thorny issues are unlikely to disappear just yet. Excuse me but France will have to apologize for the martyrs we lost, said a woman who gave her name as Nadia.
December 6, 2017
CATHOLIC PARTIAL BIRTH-ABORTION SUPPORTING DEMOCRAT Steals Pope’s Water To Drink And Splash On Grandkids [Video]…You Won’t Believe What He’s Doing Next
He did the same thing at Obama s inauguration Sounds like someone needs a trip to the confessional (and/or a psychiatrist) Rep. Bob Brady, a Democrat, supports partial birth abortion.h/t Gateway PunditBut wait the story gets even better:This is not the first time Brady has pulled a stunt like this, with the Philadelphia Daily News reporting he did the same thing after President Obama s inauguration, though he just saved that glass and did not drink from it.They also spoke to Representative Brady who said he had saved the cup and would have police dust it for fingerprints to prove it was used by Pope Francis.He also had police dust President Obama s glass as well.Via: Daily Mail
Sep 26, 2015
California lawmakers approve hiking minimum wage to $15
A plan to raise California’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2022 passed both houses of the state legislature on Thursday, putting the state on track to become the first in the nation to commit to such a large pay hike for the working poor. The measure, incorporating a deal Governor Jerry Brown reached with labor leaders and progressive Democrats in the Legislature, was approved in the state Senate Thursday afternoon after winning approval earlier in the day in the Assembly, and now goes to Brown for his signature. “If you work full time, your family shouldn’t live in poverty,” Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, a Southern California Democrat, said in support of the bill to raise the state’s minimum wage from its current level of $10 per hour. Lawmakers from the state’s poorer regions said the measure could harm small businesses that are barely hanging on amid double-digit unemployment, ultimately leading to job losses. If enacted, the bill would put California, home to one of the world’s biggest economies, among a growing number of U.S. states and cities that have moved in recent years to surpass the federal minimum wage, which has remained at $7.25 an hour since 2009. A proposal to raise the minimum wage in parts of New York state to $15 was announced Thursday by Governor Andrew Cuomo and legislative leaders. The California measure would gradually raise the state’s hourly minimum wage to $15 by 2022 for large businesses and by 2023 for smaller firms. The measure would also head off two competing ballot initiatives lacking a provision to allow the governor to suspend increases in hard economic times, a deal breaker for Brown. The proposal sped through the legislative process after the governor’s office reached a deal last week with labor unions pushing a similar minimum wage hike in the form of two ballot initiatives. With polls showing strong support for those measures at the ballot box, Brown emphasized that a version passed through the legislature would allow lawmakers to amend it if needed over time instead of going back to voters to request amendments in expensive and uncertain campaigns. Moreover, the deal allows the state to opt out of minimum wage increases if the economy is doing poorly, a provision not in either of the union-backed ballot initiatives. Even so, several moderate Democrats and most Republicans complained that it was being rushed through, and would disproportionately harm businesses in poorer parts of the state, where the cost of living is not high enough to warrant such a dramatic wage hike. The deal reached in New York would raise wages in costly New York City to $15 in three years, but would stagger increases in other parts of the state, some to just $12.50 per hour unless further approval is granted. It still must pass the legislature, where negotiations on the details are ongoing.
March 31, 2016
CHILLING Democrat Sponsored GUN “SEIZURE” Bill Is Introduced In GA
If GA residents are paying attention, these six Democrats will be looking for a job in the private sector after the next election. Americans need to understand the effort to dismantle and ultimately destroy the 2nd Amendment happens at the Federal, State and local level. These Leftists are like a dog-on-a-bone when it comes to gun control. Democrats are seizing the opportunity to take our rights while they still have a friend in the White House advocating on their behalf The drip drip drip of communism: If the [political] opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves. Josef StalinSix Democrats in Georgia s state House of Representatives unveiled a bill on Jan. 11 that would require seizure of certain weaponry and ammunition that is deemed as contraband, effectively banning assault weapons and large-capacity magazines. HB 731, which is sponsored by Mary Margaret Oliver, Carolyn Hugley, Pat Gardiner, Stacey Abrams, Dar shun Kendrick and Dee Dawkins-Haigler, would amend current law to prohibit the possession, sale, transport, distribution or use of certain assault weapons, large capacity magazines, armor-piercing bullets, and incendiary .50 caliber bullets. The text of the bill goes on to say that certain weapons would be required to be seized by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, with increased penalties for use and possession of machine guns, among other related regulations.Information posted to sponsor Oliver s website clearly notes that HB 731, which was introduced on the first day of the 2016 session, would ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. In the same statement, the Democratic representative made her stance on the sale of certain guns more than clear. Georgia needs debate about these weapons which are only used for rapidly killing people, the statement read. Assault weapons are not necessary for deer hunting. The text of HB 731 proclaims that the sale, possession or distribution of any assault weapon will come at a profound cost. No person shall possess, distribute, transport, transfer, or sell any assault weapon, it reads. Any person who distributes, transports, or imports an assault weapon into this state shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two nor more than ten years. The proposed bill goes on for almost two pages, explaining and specifically naming the types of guns that are included in the sponsors definition of an assault weapon. Here s just a portion of that section of the bill:The proposed measure also defines a large-capacity magazine to be any firearm magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that has the capacity of, or can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than ten rounds of ammunition. The text gets very specific when it comes to how large-capacity magazines will be handled under the law, if, indeed, HB 731 is passed, detailing the imposed punishments for those who still have them in their possession after Jan. 1, 2017. Any person who possesses a large capacity magazine on or after January 1, 2017, that was obtained by such person prior to July 1, 2016, shall be fined not more than $100.00 for a first offense and shall be guilty of a felony for any subsequent offense, it reads. Any person who possesses a large capacity magazine on or after January 1, 2017, that was obtained by such person on or after July 1, 2016, shall be guilty of a felony. Those who do possess either an assault weapon or a large-capacity magazine, as defined in the text of the bill, on July 1, 2016, will need to either modify the weapon to magazine to render it permanently inoperable or such that it is no longer an assault weapon or large capacity magazine or give the firearm over to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to be destroyed; gun owners will have an Oct. 31, 2016 deadline to do so.Read the text of HB 731 here. Via: The Blaze
Jan 16, 2016
Texas Lawmaker Files CRUCIAL Bill That Could Save Countless Lives (VIDEO)
On Tuesday, Senator Jose Menendez (D-San Antonio) filed a bill in Austin to expand the use of medical cannabis. The bill, titled Senate Bill 269, will allow for doctors to decide how much or which part of the plant to use in order to treat patients with chronic health conditions such as severe autism, epilepsy, PTSD and a wealth of other disorders that cause debilitating pain and mental and physical disabilities.After this unprecedented bill was filed in Texas on Tuesday morning, Menendez held a press conference along with citizens who were there to speak about why this bill is so important to their lives and what cannabis will do for their children and families who are suffering.Senator Menendez opens with his reasons for this crucial bill: No one has died from an overdose of cannabis in this country, said Menendez. 44 people are dying every single day from overdoses of painkillers, prescription painkillers. Why if we re such a state that is always been, we thrive on talking about our independence and less regulation and less government and all of these things, why are we deciding to put more government or a politician s decisions between a patient and their doctors. One mother, Debbie Tolany, spoke at length about her 13-year-old son, Miles, who is affected by autism, has intractable epilepsy and a rare endocrine disorder called hypoparathyroid disease. In 2015, Texas passed a bill allowing for the limited use of cannabis for certain patients with epilepsy which a giant leap for the red state, but unfortunately, it wasn t enough to help Miles and others like him. Doctors, having little control over the treatment they prescribe, are forced to use medicines with chemical side-effects that can be severely damaging to the brain and can continue to be a detriment to the well-being of their patients.Debbie had this to say about her son and the side-effects that Miles recently endured from chemical medications prescribed to him: I watched a child with low muscle tone and usually low endurance for physical movement run in frantic circles around my living room for 30 minutes. His face and lips were completely white and he cried out in pain, looking at me for support, which his body would not allow him to receive. No parent should have to watch their son suffer in such a way and no human being should be FORCED by doctors, who are supposed to be taking care of them, to ingest chemicals that only make things worse.The answer for these families is pretty simple. Please watch the full report below: You can also view the press conference, in its entirety, here.Featured image via screenshot
December 7, 2016
Trump TERRIFIED Of Losing, Now He’s Even Running Away From Sean Hannity (DETAILS)
On Thursday morning, Donald Trump did the unthinkable: he canceled an interview with one of his biggest cheerleaders, Sean Hannity. Trump had been scheduled to appear on the Fox host s show Thursday night, but a spokeswoman for the network says The Donald will not be showing up.This announcement comes in the wake of Pussygate Trump s mid-90 s admission that he loves that he can get away with grabbing women by the pussy because he s rich as well as revelations that he barged into dressing rooms to creep on models (some as young as 15 years old), his admission that he thought Paris Hilton was hot when she was 12, audio of him hitting on a 10-year-old surfacing, and his upcoming child rape case.Apparently Mr. Trump doesn t think even Sean Hannity a joke of a man who has done nothing but pitch underhand to Trump the entire election season can find kid gloves to fit this situation.Things are not looking good for Trump lately, with his poll numbers in a nosedive since everyone learned about his special handshake. While it is gratifying to see the Republican Party and even some of Trump s formerly vocal supporters running away from him, it is frightening that it is only happening now. The GOP is fine with Islamophobia, racism, his open courting of white supremacists, his constant attack on women because of their looks and weight, his desire to build a wall to keep brown people out of the country, Muslim concentration camps, his incessant remarks about banging his daughter, the child rape allegations, and his love of well-done steaks. At one point it seemed like Trump was right when he said he could shoot someone and not lose a single supporter.Apparently, groping was the line.Featured image via Getty Images/Joe Raedle
October 13, 2016
DID IRAN RELEASE This Footage Of Captured U.S. Sailor Apologizing To Humiliate America?
And what about the female sailor in the headscarf? What was that all about? Do all the female hostages of Iranian Revolutionary Guard have to wear headscarfs so as not to offend them? This whole capture of the Navy boats and the hostage taking of our U.S. Sailors just wreaks of something that s been in the workings and was not as spontaneous as Obama s spokes liar would have us believe Iranian state-controlled news outlet Tasnim released video Wednesday afternoon that shows a U.S. sailor apologizing for purportedly infringing upon Tehran s sovereignty.Pictures published by #Iran state TV from the moment #US marine were arrested. pic.twitter.com/bcEKaJGPb9 Abas Aslani (@AbasAslani) January 13, 2016Pictures published by #Iran state TV from the moment #US marine were arrested. pic.twitter.com/YQakdKmqi3 Abas Aslani (@AbasAslani) January 13, 2016On Tuesday, Iran seized two U.S. naval boats, arguing they illegally entered Iran s territorial waters. The Pentagon said they encountered mechanical troubles, forcing their boats to go off course.First footage from the moment when #US sailors were captured by #Iran's #IRGC. #Marines pic.twitter.com/7BeJLlGfNn Abas Aslani (@AbasAslani) January 13, 2016Part 2: First footage from the moment when #US sailors were captured by #Iran's #IRGC.#marines pic.twitter.com/vFyto44oGD Abas Aslani (@AbasAslani) January 13, 2016Footage of #US marines having Iranian #food while they were held in #Iran.#marines#navy#Pentagon pic.twitter.com/mtk2J0Yef9 Abas Aslani (@AbasAslani) January 13, 2016 It was a mistake, it was our fault, and we apologize for our mistake, an unidentified sailor told the Iranian interviewer, who then asked him if his GPS system penetrated Iran. I believe so, he responded.#Iran state TV showed a footage in which the commander of #US sailors made an apology.#navy#Pentagon pic.twitter.com/VCdjEZiY54 Abas Aslani (@AbasAslani) January 13, 2016In another segment of the interview, the sailor held by the Iranians is asked, How was the Iranian behavior with you? He responds, The Iranian behavior was fantastic while we were here. We thank you very much for your hospitality and your assistance. Did you have special problem with us, the interviewer asked. We have no problem, sir, the U.S. sailor responded.Video: One of #US sailors says Iranians behavior with them was "fantastic" & they had no problem. #Iran pic.twitter.com/vgVlrkzdvh Abas Aslani (@AbasAslani) January 13, 2016What do you think? Does anyone else believe this was a test run for something more serious?Via: Breitbart News
Jan 14, 2016
Proof Republicans MADE UP ‘Voter Fraud’ Lie To Stop Black Votes
If you listened to Republicans and conservatives, you would probably believe that voter fraud is running rampant across America, as dead voters and other illegal votes rise up and jam polling places from coast to coast, winning elections for Democrats at all levels as poor Republicans sit and look on, completely helpless before the onslaught.But as is so often the case with a lot Republican hysteria, voter fraud claims are at best a tiny, minuscule, whimper, and not the national emergency you would assume it is based on Fox News and the rest. The New York Times looked into it after the 2016 election, and they found nothing:In an election in which more than 137.7 million Americans cast ballots, election and law enforcement officials in 26 states and the District of Columbia Democratic-leaning, Republican-leaning and in-between said that so far they knew of no credible allegations of fraudulent voting. Officials in another eight states said they knew of only one allegation.[ ]But inquiries to all 50 states (every one but Kansas responded), found no states that reported indications of widespread fraud. And while additional allegations could surface as states wind up postelection reviews, their conclusions are unlikely to change significantly.The reality is, as far as statistics go, voter fraud may as well not exist it is such a small portion of the vote. Yet it is repeatedly invoked by conservative Republicans to pass measures such as voter ID and limits on early voting.Why? Because voter fraud is an excuse and a smoke screen for Republican initiatives designed to cut down on the minority vote, particularly black Americans. It is also used to limit voter registration among young voters. Those segments have been targeted by the right for suppression because they vote overwhelmingly in favor of Democrats.Conservatives believe that the best way to win an election is to stop certain key voting blocs from having their votes counted. And the phony voter fraud is a great way to get that to happen.Featured image via Flickr
December 18, 2016
Tillerson says U.S. weighing closing embassy in Cuba over sonic attacks
The United States is considering closing its embassy in Havana in response to an alleged sonic attack on U.S. personnel in Cuba, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Sunday. We have it under evaluation, Tillerson said on CBS Face the Nation program. It s a very serious issue with respect to the harm that certain individuals have suffered. Five Republican senators on Friday called for the Trump administration to retaliate against the Cuban government by expelling Cuban diplomats and possibly shuttering the U.S. embassy there over attacks that began in late 2016. The State Department said in August that Americans linked to the U.S. embassy in Havana had experienced physical symptoms from incidents involving sound waves. Five Canadians were also affected. Symptoms included nausea, dizziness and temporary loss of hearing or memory. Cuba, the United States and Canada have investigated the attacks, but the probe has not yielded any answers about how they were carried out or who was responsible for them. Cuba has denied involvement. The U.S. State Department has not blamed Havana for the attacks but asked two Cuban diplomats to leave Washington in May.
September 17, 2017
New York City budget boss to state: We're not a 'piggy bank'
New York City’s fiscal watchdog said the city faces much bigger budget deficits in coming years than the mayor has forecast and warned state lawmakers about treating the city like a “piggy bank.” The state, like the city, is finalizing its budget and will soon make decisions affecting New York City. “Some upstate legislators just don’t get it,” New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer said during his review of the city budget on Wednesday. “They see New York City as their piggy bank.” Stringer cautioned against last-minute, late-night budget decisions that could deprive the city of resources. His comments reflected growing frustration with state lawmakers over their suggestions that the city is flush with cash after a stronger economic recovery than other parts of the state. New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo has had a tense relationship with New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, persuading his fellow Democrat last year to pay $2.5 billion toward the city’s public transportation system, which is run by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, a state agency. There have also been suggestions in the state capital that the city could do more to fund healthcare costs and pay more for the city’s university system. New York State legislators are known for “vampire” budget sessions that go into the early hours to beat the budget deadline at the start of the state’s fiscal year on April 1. Stringer said that although next year’s budget remained balanced, the total gaps forecast through fiscal year 2020 are $1 billion more than the mayor’s office had predicted. “Budget monitors and rating agencies have all applauded this administration’s fiscal prudence and focus on protecting against economic uncertainty – and investors agree,” said Amy Spitalnick, a spokesperson for de Blasio. The mayor’s office points out that Stringer projects $900 million in additional tax revenue for this financial year and next, and cites that as an example of cautious revenue projections on the city’s part. Stringer said the mayor should not have included $731 million from the sale of taxi medallions through 2020, saying the taxi business is currently in upheaval. The city has already cut it expectations for revenue from taxi medallion sales but Stringer has been more aggressive in elimintaing it from later years. He also said some taxes would be lower than the mayor is predicting and that costs for overtime, healthcare and homeless shelters would be higher.
February 10, 2016
Senior U.S. Republican senator: 'Let Mr. Mueller do his job'
The special counsel investigation of links between Russia and President Trump’s 2016 election campaign should continue without interference in 2018, despite calls from some Trump administration allies and Republican lawmakers to shut it down, a prominent Republican senator said on Sunday. Lindsey Graham, who serves on the Senate armed forces and judiciary committees, said Department of Justice Special Counsel Robert Mueller needs to carry on with his Russia investigation without political interference. “This investigation will go forward. It will be an investigation conducted without political influence,” Graham said on CBS’s Face the Nation news program. “And we all need to let Mr. Mueller do his job. I think he’s the right guy at the right time.” The question of how Russia may have interfered in the election, and how Trump’s campaign may have had links with or co-ordinated any such effort, has loomed over the White House since Trump took office in January. It shows no sign of receding as Trump prepares for his second year in power, despite intensified rhetoric from some Trump allies in recent weeks accusing Mueller’s team of bias against the Republican president. Trump himself seemed to undercut his supporters in an interview last week with the New York Times in which he said he expected Mueller was “going to be fair.” Russia’s role in the election and the question of possible links to the Trump campaign are the focus of multiple inquiries in Washington. Three committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives are investigating, as well as Mueller, whose team in May took over an earlier probe launched by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Several members of the Trump campaign and administration have been convicted or indicted in the investigation. Trump and his allies deny any collusion with Russia during the campaign, and the Kremlin has denied meddling in the election. Graham said he still wants an examination of the FBI’s use of a dossier on links between Trump and Russia that was compiled by a former British spy, Christopher Steele, which prompted Trump allies and some Republicans to question Mueller’s inquiry. On Saturday, the New York Times reported that it was not that dossier that triggered an early FBI probe, but a tip from former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos to an Australian diplomat that Russia had damaging information about former Trump rival Hillary Clinton. “I want somebody to look at the way the Department of Justice used this dossier. It bothers me greatly the way they used it, and I want somebody to look at it,” Graham said. But he said the Russia investigation must continue. “As a matter of fact, it would hurt us if we ignored it,” he said.
December 31, 2017
China court uses social media to shame debtors: China Daily
A local court in the eastern Chinese city of Wenzhou is using social media to shame people into repaying their debts, the China Daily reported on Tuesday. Citizens who ignore court repayment orders have been subjected to targeted advertisements on the popular Chinese social media app WeChat, notifying their contacts about the amount of money they owe, the paper said. It said the court in Wenzhou s Ouhai district had released the names and photos of 20 local defaulters owing a total of 10.7 million yuan ($1.61 million). Though China has sought to make more credit available to individuals in a bid to develop a consumer economy, officials have expressed concern about surging levels of household debt, which is estimated to have doubled in less than a decade to reach around 50 percent of gross domestic product. China s outstanding household consumer loans surged nearly 30 percent by the end of September from a year earlier, and the country s central bank governor recently issued a strong warning about the risks of rapidly rising debt. With no reliable nationwide credit rating system, authorities across the country are looking for ways to crack down on people who fail to repay.
October 24, 2017
DAVID DUKE NEVER ENDORSED TRUMP: “The media in this country is absolutely disgusting”
I m David Duke and this is a quick unscripted response to the CNN interview today with Donald Trump. The inaccurate reporting by the media that I had endorsed Donald Trump I am not endorsing Donald Trump.
Mar 1, 2016
Bush Speechwriter LEVELS Trump With This Devastating Inauguration Day Tweet
Donald Trump officially and depressingly takes over the White House today, but former George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum had some strong words for him on this Inauguration Day.Of course, Trump won t bother actually going on the job until Monday since he has decided to take a two day vacation first.So he ll have plenty of time to read a tweet Frum posted on Twitter and throw a temper tantrum about it.Frum called Trump the worst human being who has ever become president, and that includes every president who owned slaves.The worst human being ever to enter the presidency, and I include all the slaveholders. David Frum (@davidfrum) January 20, 2017No doubt, if slavery still existed Donald Trump would definitely be a slaveholder. Hell, he has his company s products made by cheap labor overseas. Slaves would have to manufacture his products for free and we all know Trump would love that. In fact, 20 percent of Trump supporters actually believe that freeing the slaves was a bad idea. And let s not forget that white supremacist flocked to support Trump s campaign and Trump even made of them his top adviser.Frum then followed up with a tweet about how much of a coward Trump is.Andrew Jackson was at least physically brave David Frum (@davidfrum) January 20, 2017Indeed, Andrew Jackson fought duels and was a soldier for this country. Trump, on the other hand, dodged the draft during Vietnam and only brags that he could kill someone.Donald Trump only fights for Donald Trump. He doesn t care about this nation and he intends to destroy everything that made this country great.Americans across the country should be terrified. The days of hope and change are gone. Republicans are going to double down on their failed policies like never before and our country will pay a steep price for it.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
January 20, 2017
Trump Condemned By Jewish Leaders In Poland After Snubbing Warsaw Ghetto Memorial
Republicans were crossing their fingers that Donald Trump s visit to Europe would go better than the last time, but the fates were not on their side. In just one day, Trump became a laughing stock over a failed handshake with Poland s First Lady and told the Polish people that the horrors they suffered during WWII were just tough. He also managed to piss off the leaders of Poland s Jewish community by snubbing the Warsaw Ghetto Memorial.Visiting the memorial is a time-honored tradition when U.S. presidents visit Poland, but Trump decided he would just skip it. The Warsaw Ghetto Memorial honors the 750 Jews who lived in the ghetto and fought the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising when they came to drag every resident of the ghetto off to concentration camps in 1943.While Trump didn t bother to visit the memorial dedicated to the Jews that fought, he did find time to visit the Warsaw Uprising Monument, which honors the Polish resistance fighters who fought the Nazis in 1944, rather than the Jewish fighters from the ghetto.Leaders of Poland s Jewish community were not amused with Trump s decision to omit the Warsaw Ghetto Memorial from his itinerary. A scathing statement signed by Anna Chipczynska, President of the Jewish Community of Warsaw, Les aw Piszewski, President of the Union of the Jewish Communities in Poland, Michael Schudrich, Chief Rabbi of Poland, reads:Ever since the fall of Communism in 1989, all US presidents and vice-presidents visiting Warsaw had made a point of visiting the Monument to the Heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto. They did this in the name of the American people, who had played such a central role in bringing down Fascism, and in that of the universal commemoration of the victims of the Shoah, and condemnation of its perpetrators, that people of all nationalities and religions express. For the Jews of Poland, rebuilding in a democratic Poland their communal life, after the horror of the Shoah and the devastation of Communism, this gesture meant recognition, solidarity and hope. We deeply regret that President Donald Trump, though speaking in public barely a mile away from the Monument, chose to break with that laudable tradition. We trust that this slight does not reflect the attitudes and feelings of the American people.Ivanka Trump, who is Jewish, did visit the memorial and laid a wreath at the site.It was a deeply moving experience to be able to visit The Monument to the Ghetto Heroes and the POLIN Museum of the History of the Polish Jews. It was a privilege to be able to pay my respects and remember with gratitude those who fought with such tenacity against all odds. #POTUSinPolandA post shared by Ivanka Trump (@ivankatrump) on Jul 6, 2017 at 3:34am PDT But Ivanka s visit did little to soften the blow of this perceived slight, particularly after the blatant anti-Semitism he and his administration have shown from the very beginning.Snubbing the memorial apparently wasn t enough for Trump. He just had to make things a little worse. In his speech, Trump included the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in his list of the evils beyond description that the Polish people suffered through during WWII. This prompted Chelsea Clinton to call him out on Twitter.Wait, what? Surely Trump meant the Warsaw ghetto (way station to Treblinka death camp) was evil NOT the uprising against the Nazis. Surely https://t.co/3YbJgCM0PC Chelsea Clinton (@ChelseaClinton) July 6, 2017Trump on Hitler and Stalin invading Poland: That s trouble. That s tough. pic.twitter.com/prE4uOhVnV Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) July 6, 2017Any hope of Trump not making more enemies while on his second international trip just went out the window, with a thud.Featured image via Moshe Milner/GPO via Getty Images
July 6, 2017
Russian bombers hit militant targets in Syria's Deir al-Zor: agencies
Six long-range strategic bombers took off from their bases in Russia to hit militant targets in the Syrian province of Deir al-Zor on Wednesday, Russian news agencies cited the Russian Defence Ministry as saying. The Tu-22M3 planes flew over Iran and Iraq to hit the targets which included terrorist strongholds and depots with weapons and ammunition, TASS news agency reported.
November 1, 2017
Democrats Raise Money To Rebuild Firebombed GOP Office While Selfish Trump Demonizes Them
As Donald Trump condemned Democrats as animals on Sunday because a GOP office was firebombed on Saturday night, it was the Democrats who raised money to help rebuild the office while Trump didn t send a dime.Let s make one thing clear. Whoever firebombed the GOP office in Hillsborough, North Carolina is a terrorist. But we don t actually know who committed the act and we certainly don t know where the perpetrator(s) stand politically.But that didn t stop Trump from immediately blaming Hillary Clinton supporters in his response to the incident.Animals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems in North Carolina just firebombed our office in Orange County because we are winning @NCGOP Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 16, 2016Of course, Hillary s response sounded way more presidential.The attack on the Orange County HQ @NCGOP office is horrific and unacceptable. Very grateful that everyone is safe. Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 16, 2016And while Donald Trump is busy demonizing Hillary supporters and Democrats, it is Democrats who are saving the day in the name of democracy and compassion.A group of Democrats started a GoFundMe account to raise money in an effort to help the Republican Party rebuild the destroyed office and get it running again as soon as possible. As Democrats, we are starting this campaign to enable the Orange County, North Carolina Republican office to re-open as soon as possible, the account s message reads. Until an investigation is undertaken, we cannot know who did this or why. No matter the result, this is not how Americans resolve their differences. We talk, we argue, sometimes we march, and most of all we vote. We do not resort to violence by individuals or by mobs.So, let s all pitch in, no matter what your party affiliation, in and get that office open again quickly. And while Trump hasn t provided any money to help rebuild the office, these Democrats raised $13,000 in a matter of hours to give to the North Carolina GOP in a spectacular demonstration of American values. This is a moment for graciousness, not fractiousness, said Jeff Jarvis, one of the Democrats who helped put this fundraiser together.Unlike Donald Trump s selfishness and accusatory rhetoric, Democrats displayed true patriotism and compassion for their fellow Americans even though they are divided by political beliefs. This is the true definition of citizenship and you have to wonder if Republicans would do the same if it were a Democratic office that had been bombed. Surely, they would. But it s hard to say considering Trump is painting Democrats as animals who hate America.Featured Image: Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images
October 17, 2016
NANCY PELOSI Just Went After Trump’s Grandchildren And It’s Disgusting! [Video]
During Nancy Pelosi s remarks regarding President Trump s decision to pull out of the Paris Accord, Pelosi questioned whether President Trump s grandchildren breathe air! I kid you not! Can you imagine if a Republican had spoken like that about Obama s children? The snark coming from Pelosi is palpable RUDE! How is he [Trump] ever going to explain to his grandchildren what he did to the air they breathe? Assuming they breathe air. And I have to assume that is the case. We all do, right? Pelosi released a garbage statement after President Trump s announcement: San Francisco Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement after it was reported that the Trump Administration will pull out of the landmark, 195-signatory Paris Climate Accord that would significantly slow the progress of global warming: President Trump s decision to pull the United States out of the Paris Climate Accord is a stunning abdication of American leadership and a grave threat to our planet s future. In walking away from this agreement, the President is denying scientific truths, removing safeguards that protect our health and our environment, protecting polluters and their dirty energy agenda, and threatening our national and global security. The Paris Accord honors our collective moral responsibility to leave future generations with a planet that is clean, healthy and sustainable. The agreement deploys the full force of governments around the world to halt the rise in carbon emissions that cause extreme climate events, including record droughts, horrific famines and devastating floods, in addition to thousands of deaths each year from asthma attacks and other air pollution-related diseases. Rejecting the pact also sends a strong message to the marketplace to direct innovative, entrepreneurial investments in the clean energy economy elsewhere. The majority of Americans in both parties know that climate change is real, and want clear, decisive action to arrest its dire effects. Democrats will continue to support the strong action of states, cities and the private sector to halt the march of climate change, no matter how destructive and short-sighted the decisions of this Administration continue to be.
Jun 2, 2017
Lebanon passes disputed tax hikes to fund public sector pay rise
Lebanon s parliament approved contentious taxes needed to finance a public sector pay rise on Monday and Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri warned the alternative was a collapse of the Lebanese pound in six months. Without taxes it would have been better in popular terms, but six months later the lira would have collapsed, Hariri said after the parliament session. If we carried out the (public sector salary law) without revenues it would be a disaster for the country. Lebanon has a debt-to-GDP ratio of 148 percent, one of the highest in the world, and recorded a fiscal deficit of $4.9 billion last year. Parliament approved a $917 million rise in public sector salaries and a series of tax increases to fund it in July. Despite objections from business and some political groups, President Michel Aoun ratified the laws in late August and people have since begun receiving increased salaries. But in September the constitutional council annulled the tax law after a political party brought a legal challenge and the council referred it back to parliament for amendments. A Lebanese official told Reuters the taxes approved on Monday remained mostly as they were before being challenged in the Constitutional Council and do not contain any substantive amendments . A key argument of those opposing increased taxes is that the Lebanese government offers little in return. The country s infrastructure has been awaiting repair since the 15-year civil war ended in 1990 - roads are clogged with cars, beaches are littered with waste, internet links are slow or patchy and cuts to power and water supplies are frequent. Sami Gemeyal, leader of the Christian Kataeb party which filed an appeal against the earlier version of the law, said it would do all it could to challenge it again. We will study it and see if it is possible to contest the law at the constitutional council, said Gemeyal. Kataeb is the only major political party not part of Lebanon s coalition government. Lebanon expects to hold a general election next year and the public sector pay rises have proved a popular move. But the business community has warned higher taxes could damage Lebanon s fragile economy, which has been battered by conflict in neighboring Syria. Growth fell from 8-9 percent to below 2 percent after war began in 2011. Business leaders say Lebanon instead needs better tax collection, a credible economic plan and a budget to be passed for the first time since 2005. The banking sector, the cornerstone of Lebanon s economy, objected strongly to the law. The changes raised corporation tax to 17 percent from 15 percent and also applies taxes on bank transactions in a way bankers say amounts to double taxation. The effective tax rate on banks currently stands at around 15 percent, but would rise to around 50 percent if the proposed tax changes are enacted, Freddie Baz, Group Strategy Director of Bank Audi and board member of the Association of Banks in Lebanon (ABL) lobby group, told Reuters. The laws have provoked a number of street protests, with people asking for pay rises and also protesting hikes which raised value-added tax (VAT) by 1 percentage point to 11 percent. The head of Lebanon s General Labor Union Beshara al-Asmar said before the vote on Monday there would be a complete strike which would ground the country to a halt if positive results were not achieved.
October 9, 2017
Catalan police say Sagrada Familia bomb scare was false alarm
Catalan police declared a false alarm on Tuesday following a bomb scare that had led agents to cordon off Barcelona s Sagrada Familia church and send in a bomb squad to check a parked van. Police said on Twitter that there had been no arrests as a result of the incident and that the area had returned to normal.
September 12, 2017
'Margaret Thatcher is my role model': German far-right AfD leader
Alice Weidel, a leader of Germany s far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, said the late British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is her political role model, saying Thatcher got Britain back on its feet when it was facing economic ruin. Weidel told the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag newspaper that her party, which stormed into parliament for the first time after capturing nearly 13 percent of the vote, aimed to be ready to join a coalition government by 2021. That could be a long shot since all mainstream parties have rejected working with the AfD. Weidel said the party was content serving in opposition now, but its long-term goal was to shape policy, and Thatcher s experience in Britain was a helpful guide. Margaret Thatcher is my political role model, Weidel told the newspaper, lauding the U.K. leader s willingness to swim against the current when necessary. Thatcher took over Great Britain when the country was economically in the dumps and built it up again. Weidel, a lesbian, said her partner and two adopted sons would move to Berlin from Switzerland when the partner s current film project was completed. She said only 18 percent of the AfD s voters were women which was way too few and the party needed to attract more women voters. She said she favoured free child care and kindergartens because that would help families. Weidel also urged former AfD leader Frauke Petry to give up her seat in parliament after quitting the party the day after the election and vowing to sit as an independent. I don t have any animosity, Weidel said. I think it s a shame that she left the AfD. I consider it the wrong decision. Petry this month kicked off a new Blue Party , promising a reasonable conservative agenda and berating AfD leaders for holding views too far outside the mainstream.
October 28, 2017
NEIL CAVUTO Gives A HUGE Reality Check To College Activist Who Wants Free College [Video]
This is awesome! Cavuto rips into this activist big time!
Government News
Nov 12, 2015
Russia says satellite launch failure due to programming error
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said on Wednesday the failed launch of a 2.6 billion-rouble ($44.95 million) satellite last month was due to an embarrassing programming error. Russian space agency Roscosmos said last month it had lost contact with the newly-launched weather satellite - the Meteor-M - after it blasted off from Russia s new Vostochny cosmodrome in the Far East. Eighteen smaller satellites belonging to scientific, research and commercial companies from Russia, Norway, Sweden, the United States, Japan, Canada and Germany, were on board the same rocket. Speaking to Rossiya 24 state TV channel, Rogozin said the failure had been caused by human error. The rocket carrying the satellites had been programmed with the wrong coordinates, he said, saying it had been given bearings for take-off from a different cosmodrome - Baikonur - which Moscow leases from Kazakhstan. The rocket was really programmed as if it was taking off from Baikonur, said Rogozin. They didn t get the coordinates right. The Vostochny spaceport, laid out in the thick taiga forest of the Amur Region, is the first civilian rocket launch site in Russia. In April last year, after delays and massive costs overruns, Russia launched its first rocket from Vostochny, a day after a technical glitch forced an embarrassing postponement of the event in the presence of President Vladimir Putin.
December 27, 2017
WHY IS OBAMA DISARMING COPS IN AMERICA At Same Time Terror Threat Is Being Raised?
In the face of mounting threats of terrorism and civil unrest in U.S. cities, President Barack Obama is arbitrarily prohibiting local police and sheriff departments from obtaining military surplus equipment from the Defense Department as part of what many law enforcement officers are calling his war on police.Beginning on Monday, Obama visited a number of high-crime areas especially those with large black populations to explain the need for his unilateral action, according to news sources on Monday.President Obama s spokespeople said Monday that the administration will no longer give local cops some types of protective gear and vehicles while putting stricter controls on other weapons and equipment distributed to law enforcement. The details were released prior to Obama s visit to Camden, News Jersey, Monday afternoon to give a speech on how he will address police officers allegedly using racist tactics based on racist departmental policies.Obama and his supporters view police wearing protective riot gear and using armored vehicles as being overly-aggressive in neighborhoods that are predominately black and Hispanic. The President even accused some departments of issuing bayonets, which is demonstrably untrue, according to one police officer who claims she voted for Obama in 2008. This President actually shows his dislike for local cops. I believe he wants to federalize policing and do away with local and state law enforcement. While the constitution prohibits that, when was the last time Obama cared about what the constitution says, said Iris Aquino, a former police detective.During Obama s speech in Camden, New Jersey, a city reputed to have the highest violent crime rate in the United States, not once did he mention the police officers who were gunned down by blacks or whites within the last few months, noted a New York City police official who has been active fighting against the anti-cop Mayor Bill de Blasio. That s because Obama like many liberal-left ideologues believe that police officers are the primary oppressors of minorities. The fact that Obama and the racial-division industry which includes the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson keep blacks in a state of poverty in order to use their anger and resentment for their own political interests appears to escape the notice of the news media, another group that doesn t care about dead cops, he said.Originally police officers were led to believe that Obama would continue the Pentagon s military surplus program, however a panel of his sycophants warned that there is a propensity for misuse of equipment such as armored vehicles, high-powered firearms and camouflage. But not one example of police misusing an armored vehicle has been reported. I have not heard of one incident in which police misused an armored vehicle. These are defensive vehicles used by cops to protect themselves from gunfire, Molotov cocktails, explosives and weapons of mass destruction, said former law enforcement commander Jack McGowan. High-powered firearms? The police use nothing that even resembles a powerful firearm. And camo clothing is clothing. No one gets hurt from a shirt s design pattern, McGowan said.Besides cutting off the flow of equipment that would have gone to local law enforcement, the Obama government considering a recall of certain equipment that was already give to local police and sheriffs departments. I ll highlight steps all cities can take to maintain trust between the brave law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line, and the communities they re sworn to serve and protect, Obama said in his weekly address out Saturday.Obama believes law enforcement is a necessary evil, claim his opponents. He s never showed local cops any respect. He also doesn t trust any agency he doesn t directly control. This is an American leader who wants to federalize the law enforcement function and he has a lot supporters who trust big government over states rights, political strategist Michael Baker.Former New York City Mayor Rudy Guiliani s Police Commissioner Howard Safir said he believes a war on police, exists in America, the anti-cop attitudes are being stoked up by Obama and his minions. After 20 years of incredible crime reduction accomplished by thousands of dedicated police officers, the public has become complacent now that they are safer, said Safir. They have let the anti-police pundits and talking heads convince everyone from the president to the attorney general that police are racist and brutal. Via: Examiner
May 20, 2015
Irish PM prefers May abortion referendum to maximize student vote
Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said he would prefer to hold a referendum on easing the country s abortion laws next May in June in order to maximize the number of students who can vote. The government promised last week to hold a referendum in May or June on loosening of some of the strictest abortion laws in the world, and will decide in the coming months exactly what question to put to the Irish people. As many Irish students spend the summer months traveling or working overseas, pro-choice activists have warned that holding the vote in June would effectively mean disenfranchising thousands of young voters. It is very much my preference that the referendum should be held in May, rather than June, so that we can maximize the number of people that can take part in it, Varadkar told parliament. That makes sense. I ve met student groups and I have said that to them. Abortion remains a divisive issue in once stridently Catholic Ireland, where a complete ban on the procedure was only lifted in 2013 to allow terminations in cases where the mother s life was in danger. Tens of thousands of people marched in Dublin on Saturday to demand a more liberal regime, closer to that of England, which allows terminations to be carried out up to 24 weeks after conception. Thousands of Irish women travel to England for abortions each year. Anti-abortion supporters demand no further changes to the law. Opinion polls show a large majority of voters want some change.
October 4, 2017
Clashes kill four in Yemen capital as anti-Saudi alliance frays
Four supporters of Yemen s former president Ali Abdullah Saleh were killed in clashes with their supposed allies from the Houthi movement in the center of the capital Sanaa on Wednesday, his party said. The fighting around the city s main mosque complex underlined deepening rifts between the armed groups who have together confronted a Saudi-led alliance in three years of war. Houthi fighters and army units loyal to Saleh made common cause to fan out through Yemen in 2015 and have weathered thousands of air strikes launched by neighboring Saudi Arabia and its allies. But they have fought between themselves briefly once before in August and have vied for influence in the capital and Yemen s main population centers over which they rule. In an official statement, Saleh s General People s Congress Party accused Houthi forces of trying to occupy part of the mosque site on Wednesday for a coming political rally. Hundreds of Houthi fighters, the statement said, broke into the Saleh Mosque and fired RPGs and grenades inside the mosque and put its regular guards under siege. They said four of Saleh s supporters died and six guards were wounded in the complex built by Saleh and bearing his name which straddles a major highway and is close to the presidential palace. The Houthis, the statement said, were responsible for every drop of blood. Officials from the Houthi group were not immediately available to comment on the reports of gunbattles, which were also reported in Arab media. The two allies were once bitter foes, as Saleh launched several wars on the armed Shi ite Muslim religious movement before 2011 Arab Spring protests forced him to step down. They formed a partnership to fight the Saudi-backed and internationally recognized government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi and his forces. A political body the allies established continues to rule over most of Yemen s population centers but quarrels over appointments and policy have mounted as a Saudi-led blockade has spread economic pain and helped unleash hunger and disease. Taha Mutawakil, a Houthi spiritual leader, in a Friday sermon blasted Saleh s rule as black days for Yemen and called for the Houthis to declare an economic state of emergency and seize the assets of Saleh-aligned businessmen. The movement s leader, Abdulmalik al-Houthi, appeared to direct an unprecedented salvo at pro-Saleh officials in a speech on Saturday: He who does not understand the concept of alliance and partnership, is an obstacle and knows only how to be a rival. For their part, Saleh s General People s Congress party referred to pro-Houthi fighters as cartoonish mercenary things in an earlier statement. Saudi Arabia accuses the Houthis, as Saleh frequently did before their alliance, of being proxies of Shi ite Iran - a charge the group and Tehran deny.
November 29, 2017
WIFE OF LIONS QUARTERBACK Matthew Stafford Just Sent A BRUTAL MESSAGE To NFL Players Who Disrespect Our Flag
Not only is Detroit Lions quarterback Matthew Stafford s wife drop-dead gorgeous, she s also smart, patriotic, and apparently outspoken when it comes to professional athletes who refuse to stand for our national anthem. We couldn t stop smiling, as we read Kelly Stafford s passionate and patriotic Instagram message to her husband s fellow NFL players.Here s what Stafford wrote: If you think the country can be better, stand for the ideal. If you think the answer is people showing unity, stand with them. The anthem is not the national police song. The anthem is not the national racists song. The anthem is an exercise in how this country can endure and rise, how we can agree on its future potential, even while struggling with its present.The anthem s words depict a flag that is suffering through bombs and rockets. You could easily view those bombs and rockets as the challenges our democracy faces today, and the flag a symbol of rising above them. -Mitch albomI ve been hesitant to talk about this, as I know I will get backlash from it.. but I believe we can stand and show our unity against everything that doesn t represent what this flag stands for.Let s stand united against terrorists, against racism, against white supremacists, against killing of cops, against police brutality, against sex slave trafficking.. against anything that is not the ideal for this country.Let s unite in the fact that God made us all unique and different and that is something we should cherish. You can disagree with me and that is totally ok.. let s use this forum to discuss (not yell at each other) and listen to one another.Here is the actual Instagram post: If you think the country can be better, stand for the ideal. If you think the answer is people showing unity, stand with them. The anthem is not the national police song. The anthem is not the national racists song. The anthem is an exercise in how this country can endure and rise, how we can agree on its future potential, even while struggling with its present. The anthem s words depict a flag that is suffering through bombs and rockets. You could easily view those bombs and rockets as the challenges our democracy faces today, and the flag a symbol of rising above them. -Mitch albom I ve been hesitant to talk about this, as I know I will get backlash from it.. but I believe we can stand and show our unity against everything that doesn t represent what this flag stands for. Let s stand united against terrorists, against racism, against white supremacists, against killing of cops, against police brutality, against sex slave trafficking.. against anything that is not the ideal for this country. Let s unite in the fact that God made us all unique and different and that is something we should cherish. You can disagree with me and that is totally ok.. let s use this forum to discuss (not yell at each other) and listen to one another. #landofthefree #homeofthebrave #illstandwithyou #nfl #standunited #unitedwestandA post shared by Kelly Stafford (@kbstafford89) on Aug 23, 2017 at 4:45am PDTMost of the comments Stafford received on her Instagram post were positive, however, there are always gonna be haters out there, and for the haters, Stafford posted a follow up to her original statement (which also received mostly supportive responses):A post shared by Kelly Stafford (@kbstafford89) on Aug 23, 2017 at 7:55am PDT
Aug 26, 2017
Tracking the U.S. economy under Trump in seven charts
U.S. President Donald Trump has set many specific and general goals for his administration’s management of the economy, like raising growth to 3 percent and eliminating the country’s trade deficit. The charts below show how key indicators performed during former President Barack Obama’s second term and how they are performing since Trump took office in January.
October 5, 2017
WHAT IS GOING ON WITH HILLARY’S EYES…Could It Be Related To Parkinson’s Disease? [VIDEO]
Hillary spoke to a very small group of students at Temple University. With a total student population of just under 38,000, her estimated crowd of 300 would be considered by most, to be a total bust. Unfit Hillary wasn t about to let 37,700 disinterested students stand in the way of addressing 300 paid plants students about the benefits of a taxpayer funded education or a President who is willing, on behalf of the American taxpayer, to forgive their debts What the heck is Hillary hiding now? What is going on with her eyes in this video? We looked into symptoms of patients with Parkinson s Disease and here s what we found:Visual motor symptoms of patients with Parkinson s Disease: Some vision difficulties are related to changes in the movement of the eyeball. These are motor symptoms, similar to other motor symptoms caused by loss of dopamine neurons. Blurred or double vision, and eye strain, because the eyes may have trouble moving together to focus on things traveling toward or away from a person Trouble reading, because the eye movements needed to follow the lines of a page are slowed and have trouble starting (similar to gait freezing in the legs) A person with PD may need to blink in order to change eye position; levodopa can helpLet s put the eye issue aside for a moment and let s examine why Hillary has chosen to talk to this crowd of adults like they re a two year old sitting on her lap, while she reads them a bed-time book? No wonder millennials are leaving her in droves. She s not just a liar, she a a condescending liar as well. She doesn t have enough faith in these young adults to consider they may care about our national security or about getting a good paying job out of college. Her only concern seems to be how to woo them with the free sh*t vote her former opponent Bernie Sanders used to build his base.As The Gateway Pundit reported Hillary was given assistance getting up the stairs to get to the stage. She needed help.
Sep 21, 2016
Speaker Ryan says he would step down as Republican convention chair if Trump asks: report
U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said on Monday he would step down as chairman of the Republican Party’s July convention if presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump asked him to do so, a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporter said on Twitter. “.@SpeakerRyan on whether he’d step down as convention chair if Trump asks: I’ll do whatever he asks me to do,” Christian Schneider, one of the newspaper’s columnists, tweeted. Ryan also said in the interview he is steadfastly opposed to a third-party candidate, even if it were 2012 party nominee Mitt Romney, Schneider said in another tweet.
May 9, 2016
Look How Differently President Obama And Donald Trump Talk About Women (VIDEO)
There are many differences between GOP Presidential hopeful Donald Trump and sitting President Barack Obama, but chief among them is the way they speak about the women in their lives, and women in general. This video draws out those difference in a stunning comparison.The video, put together by the brilliant team at Buzzfeed News, features Obama sharing a wish for his daughters to live as equals among men in their future. Meanwhile, Trump talks only about the great body of his teenage daughter Ivanka, while Howard Stern tells him he thinks she s hot.While Obama speaks about how much inspiration he takes from his wife Michelle and his two daughters, Trump is seen telling a female Apprentice contestant: Must be a pretty picture you dropping to your knees. When Obama speaks about his admiration for his mother, who raised him alone, and the struggles she faced in making ends meet and bringing up a son. At the other end of the spectrum, Trump tells a radio interviewer he has no plans to be involved in raising his next child that s what his wife is for.The video features many more shockingly callous comments from Trump, who clearly has about as much respect for women and girls as he has for the truth. (Seriously, a recent study looking at more than 40 hours of campaign footage, found the Republican candidate lies on average, every five minutes.)https://www.facebook.com/BuzzFeedNews/videos/1114564681897882/ Misogyny is not a joke. It is not some hobby horse that angry women ride around to piss men off. According to WHO figures, 1 in 3 women will experience sexual or physical abuse in her lifetime. It killed 18,000 American women in the last 12 years. This means that more women have been killed at the hands of their husbands and boyfriends since 9/11 than Americans died during 9/11 and in all terror attacks and wars since.This is a national (and global) crisis.As President, Barack Obama has done more for equal rights than many a President before him but this is a project still in it s infancy. It would not survive the Presidency of Donald Trump. Should Mr Trump, or Mr Cruz for that matter, make it to the White House, it is likely that two generations of advances in women s rights will be unravelled. On reproductive rights, on equal pay, on prosecuting r*pe and s*xual assault, on s*xual harassment, on basic human respect the Republican front runners are to the right of Ghengis Khan.These are views that should make the candidates unelectable in an advanced nation. It remains uncertain whether it makes them unelectable in America in 2016.But one thing is certain. If either makes it to the Oval Office, the US will be put into reverse gear on some of the most pivotal issues of our time while the rest of the world drives forward.Featured image via YouTube screengrab
March 23, 2016
KARMA: GAY PASTOR SUES WHOLE FOODS For “Anti-Gay Slur” On Cake…Didn’t Count On Baker Being Gay [VIDEO]
Too bad for the gay pastor that Whole Foods had him dead center on their surveillance cameras. Is it just my imagination or do gays seem to have it out for bakeries? On Tuesday, the Austin Statesman reported that Whole Foods filed a lawsuit against Jordan Brown, an openly gay pastor who claimed that an anti-gay slur was placed on a cake he ordered. The cake was supposed to read Love Wins, but Jordan claimed a slur was added to the cake s decoration.https://youtu.be/p972qntg1qMWhole Foods, however, said that surveillance video shows otherwise. Brown filed a lawsuit against Whole Foods, but the company fired back, accusing Brown of making a fraudulent claim.Look at labels. It's at bottom in hoax video. But look at how checker scans. It's on top. https://t.co/aiE0WVBokV pic.twitter.com/MbLU6jJsSJ Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) April 19, 2016Here s the surveillance video from Whole Foods. The gay pastor can be seen in the right corner in an orange (salmon) shirt: According to Whole Foods, Brown intentionally, knowingly and falsely accused Whole Foods and its employees of writing the homophobic slur on a custom made cake that he ordered from WFM s Lamar Store in Austin The company also said Brown acted with malice, and he has damaged the reputation and business of WFM. If you look closely, it appears the piping does not match:@Cernovich @mirriam71 @JenniL_KVUE Clearly not same icing tip used to create F-A-G as rest of letters. Much finer. Had to do double pass. Hillary for Prison (@HRC4Prison) April 18, 2016The company further said that a bakery team member wrote only Love Wins at the top of the cake according to Brown s request. This, Whole Foods added, was visible through the clear portion of the packaging. That s exactly how the cake was packaged and sold at the store, the company added. Whole Foods Market has a strict policy that prohibits team members from accepting or designing bakery orders that include language or images that are offensive. Worse yet, Whole Foods said the employee involved is a member of the local LGBTQ community. We stand behind our bakery team member, who is part of the LGBTQ community, and we appreciate the team members and shoppers who recognize that this claim is completely false and directly contradicts Whole Foods Market s inclusive culture, which celebrates diversity, the company said.The video also indicates that Brown removed and replaced the UPC label on the packaging. According to Whole Foods, the label was originally on top of the box. Brown s video, however, showed it on the bottom and the side of the box.Brown s lawsuit seeks a jury trial, damages and monetary relief for mental anguish he allegedly suffered, but it seems his anguish is just beginning. The company is seeking at least $100,000 in damages from Brown. Via: Examiner
Apr 20, 2016
WATCH Trump Fans B*tch And Moan About How Hard Life Is For Trump Fans
Life is hard. We get it. Every one of us has had a tough time for one reason or another. However, Trump fans seem to want us to believe that the world is especially cruel to them just because they re Trump fans. While they make a point about how stereotyping is bad, they made the choice to support a racist, sexist, narcissistic prick, even if they don t see themselves that way.That s literally what they re saying in this video, posted to the New York Post s website. One woman says: I think that we are portrayed as the same things as Donald Trump: Racist we don t like people coming into this country who aren t the same race as us. That s not the case at all. And a man says: You always have to be fearful, like the Stasi is going to come and grab you because you re a Trump supporter. Oh, well, gee, pardon us. And really? The Stasi? Come on. It s kind of hard not to see Trumpkins this way when many of his biggest policy positions are blatantly racist, and will harm pretty much everyone who isn t straight, white, and cisgender.While one man said, Please, sit down, let s have a rational conversation, the problem there is not Trump s supporters, per se. It s Trump himself and his supporters by proxy. Trump is not rational, so having a rational conversation about him is useless. Yes, it s true that one can support a candidate without having to agree with every single position that candidate has. However, when something is a huge part of what they stand for, it s almost impossible to separate the supporters from their candidate.Watch the video below:When you look at the people who attend Trump s rallies, it likewise gets more difficult not to lump them all in together as racist, hateful bigots. So, to these particular supporters who don t want to be seen this way, how about you people start really pressing your candidate, and the Republican Party, a lot harder to get him to tone it down?Until you do, our hearts bleed pink carbonated peanut butter for a plight of your own choosing.Featured image via screen capture from embedded video
August 14, 2016
Reporter Gets Bush’s CIA Director To Admit Waterboarding Is Torture Using VERY Clever Trick (VIDEO)
George Bush s former CIA director, Michael Hayden, has always had a very uncomfortable position on waterboarding. At times he seems to acknowledge that the technique which, as described by human rights groups, is best summed up as simulated drowning, is inhumane and constitutes torture. He recently told Donald Trump (a yuge fan of waterboarding) if he wanted to reinstate the practice that he would have to bring your own damn bucket because the CIA wouldn t go down that road again. On the other hand, Hayden s tenure as Bush s CIA head meant he oversaw extensive use of the technique on terror suspects. How do you square that round peg? Stunning levels of cognitive dissonance, of course!Hayden was put on the hotseat in an interview with Al Jazeera, in which reporter Mehdi Hasan effortlessly walked through the former intelligence officer s walls of hypocrisy to get at the kernal of truth at the center: Hayden isn t stupid, and he knows that waterboarding is torture.How do you get a man who has spent the last seven years denying he did anything wrong to admit that he did? Flip the question around and ask whether other people should be using waterboarding. Hayden admits in that case it s completely different. Hayden: I m not giving an answer!Hasan: Okay. If [Syrian] President Assad waterboards Syrian rebels, you will not call that torture?Hayden: Oh, that s completely different.Hasan: Why? So if America does it it s fine, but if Syria does it it s bad.Hayden starts getting very defensive, arguing that Syria wouldn t waterboard safely (there s an oxymoron) and that when the CIA does it, they do it the proper way, which he then describes. Hasan isn t impressed. Good point, Hasan deadpans. Series of near drownings, bubbles rising through open full mouth. That is not torture in your view? Hayden concludes by saying the legal opinion at the time was no and that America had a right to use the method because they were careful. So for those keeping score at home, the logic is: America s use of waterboarding during the Bush presidency was not torture, but any use of waterboarding by other nations or by a current or future American president is torture. Spoken like a true member of the Bush Administration: It s never bad when we do it was their unspoken motto.// < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&#038;version=v2.3"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); // ]]&gt;Is waterboarding torture? Do you think [waterboarding] is torture? Mehdi Hasan asks former CIA Director Michael Hayden. Watch the full episode: aje.io/pr2dPosted by UpFront on Thursday, March 31, 2016Featured image via Al Jazeera screengrab
April 2, 2016
Ukraine's Poroshenko vows to work for quick exchange of prisoners: Germany
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko told German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday that he would work to implement a rapid exchange of prisoners held on both sides of the line of conflict in eastern Ukraine, a spokesman for Merkel said on Friday. Merkel spoke by telephone with Poroshenko on Friday, a day after she spoke to Russian President Vladimir Putin, said Merkel s deputy spokesman Georg Streiter. Merkel and Poroshenko welcomed a decision by the parties to recommit to a ceasefire agreement signed in 2015 ahead of the Christmas holiday, and both agreed it should lead to a longer-term improvement of the security situation in the region. A Russian-backed separatist insurgency erupted in 2014 and bloodshed has continued despite the ceasefire. More than 10,000 people have been killed, with casualties reported on a near-daily basis. Poroshenko and Merkel underscored the importance of an agreement by the parties to exchange prisoners, calling it an important step toward implementation of the Minsk agreements, Streiter said. President Poroshenko stressed that he would push to ensure that this exchange happened as soon as possible, he added. The two leaders also discussed the withdrawal of Russian officers from the Joint Center for Control and Coordination that plays an important role in supporting the observer mission of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe. They agreed that the Russian officers should return to the center quickly, and said German and French experts could get involved in a mediating role in coming days. Merkel also welcomed Poroshenko s plan to submit a draft law to set up an independent anti-corruption court, the spokesman said.
December 22, 2017
Jimmy Kimmel Lets A Little Girl Adorably Mock Sarah Palin On Her 52nd Birthday (VIDEO)
This is cute and hilarious.During his show on Thursday night, Jimmy Kimmel pointed out to his audience that it was Sarah Palin s birthday. The half-wit former governor of Alaska is now 52-years-old and continues to defend her status as America s Village Idiot.Kimmel didn t break out into a rendition of Happy Birthday, even though the copyright claim on the song has been vanquished by a federal judge. Instead he let a little girl on stage to deliver a birthday message to Palin dressed as a birthday card.Third-grader Lindsey then stepped through the curtain dressed as Palin with an American flag as the background and gave the audience the most adorable mocking of Sarah Palin ever witnessed. Hi everybody, I m Sarah Palin! she began. Is today my birthday? You betcha! I m 29-years-old, but the lame-stream media says I m 52. I support Donald Trump, because we need a straight shooter in the White House. I know straight shooters because I once shooted a whole zoo from my helicopter. Well, I gotta go make my husband Todd a moose pie. Obama s the Anti-Christ! Bye-bye! Here s the video via YouTube:As you may all nightmarishly recall, Palin jumped to reappear in the spotlight in order to endorse Donald Trump last month in a bizarre rant that made everyone think of the Yosemite Sam character in the Looney Tunes cartoons. How bout the rest of us? Right wingin , bitter clingin , proud clingers of our guns, our god, and our religions, and our Constitution, Palin said during her endorsement speech. Tell us that we re not red enough? Yeah, coming from the establishment. Right. Here s the perfect Palin/Yosemite Sam mashup via YouTube:
February 12, 2016
Norfolk Southern resumes limited trains service in Irma-hit areas
Norfolk Southern Corp said on Tuesday some rail routes closed by Hurricane Irma were being restored to service as it was safe to do so, and has started to run trains accordingly. Even so, the No. 4 U.S. railroad said regional flooding and power outages continue to curb operations on its network in the U.S. Southeast. Workers were clearing trees and assessing overall track conditions as the railroad works to restore service. Norfolk Southern has opened origin facility gates for shipments destined to Charleston, South Carolina, though gates remained closed to traffic destined for Jacksonville, Florida, Savannah-Garden City in Georgia, and Florida East Coast Railway locations. Its intermodal facility in Jacksonville opened on Tuesday morning, the railroad said.
September 12, 2017
What is in the Republicans' final tax bill
Republicans in the U.S. Congress reached a deal on final tax legislation on Wednesday, clearing the way for final votes next week on a package that, if approved, would be sent to President Donald Trump to sign into law. Formal language of the legislation has not been released. The following are known provisions on which House of Representatives and Senate tax writers have agreed, based on conversations with aides and lawmakers: CORPORATE TAX RATE: Falls to 21 percent from 35 percent. The House and Senate bills, as well as Trump, had earlier proposed 20 percent. Going to 21 percent gave tax writers more federal revenue needed to make the tax cut immediate. U.S. corporations have been seeking a large tax cut like this for many years. PASS-THROUGH BUSINESSES: Creates a 20 percent business income deduction for owners of pass-through businesses, such as sole proprietorships and partnerships. The House had proposed a 25 percent tax rate; the Senate, a 23 percent deduction. CORPORATE MINIMUM: Repeals the corporate alternative minimum tax, which was set up to ensure profitable companies pay at least some federal tax. TOP INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX RATE: Falls to 37 percent from 39.6 percent. The House had proposed maintaining the 39.6 percent top rate and condensing the current seven tax brackets to four. The Senate had proposed cutting the top rate to 38.5 percent and maintaining the seven brackets. PERMANENCE: The expectation is individual tax rates will snap back to current levels in less than 10 years. The individual tax rates in the House bill were permanent. The individual tax rates in the Senate bill would have expired after 10 years. STATE AND LOCAL TAX (SALT): Both the House and Senate had proposed scaling back a popular individual deduction for state and local tax payments by limiting it to property-tax payments and capping it at $10,000. The compromise bill is expected to keep that cap, but also allow for continued deduction of state and local income tax payments. MORTGAGE INTEREST: Caps the mortgage interest deduction at $750,000 in home loan value, down from the current $1 million. The House had proposed a $500,000 cap. The Senate bill left it at $1 million. ESTATE TAX: Roughly doubles the exemption from the federal estate tax on inherited assets to about $11 million, but leaves the tax in place, mirroring the Senate proposal. The House bill had raised the deduction, but also entirely phased out the tax. OBAMACARE MANDATE: Repeals a federal fine imposed on Americans under Obamacare for not obtaining health insurance coverage. The House bill did not repeal the Obamacare individual mandate. ANWR DRILLING: Allows oil drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The provision was sponsored by Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.
December 14, 2017
WATCH THE FIREWORKS! NAACP President FREAKS When He’s Asked If He’d “Be Okay With A Congressional White Caucus? [VIDEO]
Watch NAACP s Cornell William Brooks, who was at loss for words Thursday after he was asked a hypothetical question about allowing a Congressional White Caucus to be formed during a debate on CNN s Anderson Cooper 360.The racially charged exchange began during a discussion of President Trump having asked an African-American reporter from a black-focused new radio outlet if she knew the leadership of the Congressional Black CaucusThe best part of the video comes when Cornell William Brooks DEMANDS an apology from Lord for using KKK member David Duke to make a perfectly logical analogy of how dividing our lawmakers down racial lines could get very ugly if it s allowed to continue. Frankly I used to think the Congressional Black Caucus, when it was first formed, was a good thing, Lord began. I changed my mind on this. I don t think there should be any caucuses in the House of Representatives that are divided by race. I mean, heaven forbid, if David Duke got elected and wanted to form a Congressional White Caucus, that would be appalling, he said, explaining his change of heart. Sir, Jeffrey, that is I m looking for a word here. Beyond it s completely preposterous. To compare the Klan to the Congressional Black Caucus, Brooks smilingly replied, visibly upset by the analogy his fellow panelist drew. You would be okay with a Congressional White Caucus? Really? Lord shot back, interrupting Brooks explanation of the Black Caucus s purpose. I didn t say that, was Brook s immediate reply. Daily Caller
Feb 18, 2017
Only one journalist has made it his mission to set the record straight about what really happened in Ferguson, MO on the day that Michael Brown was shot by Officer Darren Wilson. Every American needs to know about this man who faux journalists fear. Phelim McAleer is not a household name in America but he should be. He s challenged Matt Damon, Susan Sarandon and Yoko Ono and Sean Lennon on the false narrative they were promoting about the dangers of fracking in America.Watch Phelim bravely confront Susan Sarandon, Yoko Ono and Sean Lennon here:Watch Phelim expose the truth about who was helping to fund Matt Damon s anti fracking movie:While America was fixated on Jodi Arias murder trial for the stabbing death of her boyfriend, Phelim McAleer was focused on another trial that was taking place simultaneously that involved the most prolific serial killer of our time, abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell. The mainstream media intentionally ignored the story of Kermit Gosnell because the truth about the crimes he committed would surely harm the reputation of the coveted abortion industry. Phelim, along with his wife Ann McElhinney and Magdalena Segieda raised over $2.2 million on Indiegogo that is being used to finance the production of a made for TV movie that will tell the true and horrific story of Kermit Gosnell.Phelim has bravely gone against the tide on so many issues the left has been either lying about or hiding for years. Because the mainstream media fears him however, it s likely you ve never even heard his name. Our goal is to change that.Phelim s latest project, Ferguson will be a live play that was written by journalist and documentary filmmaker Phelim McAleer and will be directed by Nick DeGruccio. Ferguson will run from April 26-29 at Los Angeles s Odyssey Theater. The reenactment of the controversial killing of Michael Brown on stage will allow Americans to actually view the facts based on the Grand Jury testimony. McAleer told the Washington Times: It s going to be a dramatized stage reading. Witnesses are going to describe what happened, just as they described it in the grand jury room. We re going to have cast at least 13 people, playing 20 different characters. The documents that accompany the testimony will be on a large screen. The audience will act as the jury and their votes will decide whether or not Ferguson officer Darren Wilson should have been indicted.YOU CAN HELP PHELIM MCALEER TELL THE TRUTH about what happened in Ferguson by contributing to the production of his play Ferguson by clicking here.FERGUSON will be the first dramatization of the controversial shooting that prompted public outcry and riots, with protesters claiming that white police officer Wilson shot black teenager Brown as he was surrendering with his hands up. Ferguson is certain to confound and frustrate the leftist mainstream media who believes they have already cemented the hands up don t shoot narrative in the minds of Americans, regardless of the facts. I want to bring the truth about what happened that day to the stage, explains McAleer, a celebrated journalist and filmmaker. I think audience members will be very surprised, even shocked, when they hear the clear and unaltered truth about the events that took place on Aug. 9, 2014. There are a lot of myths and half-truths circulating about the shooting. FERGUSON is a chance to dispel these once and for all. Because the subject matter is so controversial, McAleer is launching the play as an independent production financed by crowdfunding. I know people want the truth to be told, so now they can be part of that process by going to FergusonThePlay.com to help make that happen, he says.Helmed by multiple award-winning director Nick DeGruccio (The Laramie Project at both Laguna Playhouse and the Colony Theatre), FERGUSON will be staged as an evening of verbatim or truth theater, modeled on Tricycle Theatre s wildly popular Tribunal Plays series that has been a staple in London for over two decades. Verbatim theater is defined as a play constructed from the precise words spoken by people interviewed about a particular event or topic. In this case, the audience will hear unaltered witness testimony, exactly as the Ferguson grand jury heard it.Concludes McAleer, who covered numerous crime scenes and court cases while reporting on the troubles in Northern Ireland for The Irish News and UK SundayTimes, I ve always been fascinated with the truth and with reexamining facts once the controversy and grief have abated. That is what I want to bring to the stage with FERGUSON. McAleer is also a producer and director of documentaries, including FrackNation, about fracking ( meticulously researched provocative The New York Times; briskly paced [a] mischievous pic. Variety); Not Evil Just Wrong, examining the devastating consequences of global warming hysteria; and Mine Your Own Business, exploring campaigns by foreign environmentalists against large scale mining projects in the developing world, which the UK Guardian described as A Michael Moore-style documentary [that] casts the green movement as the influential villain of a worldwide campaign to block development and deny people the chance of jobs and a decent life. As a foreign correspondent with the Financial Times and The Economist, McAleer covered the post communist chaos in Eastern Europe, and he is a regular columnist for the New York Post. He has appeared on BBC, CNN and Fox News, among others.The provocative nature of McAleer s projects make traditional financing difficult. With FrackNation, McAleer bypassed traditional funding methods and instead turned to Kickstarter, a crowd-funding website. It was one of the most successful documentary campaigns in Kickstarter history: in just 60 days, 3,305 backers donated $212,265. His Indiegogo campaign for Gosnell was the site s most successful ever, with over 26,500 people contributing $2.25 million in 45 days. FERGUSON is also being financed through crowdfunding. For more information, or to make a contribution, go to FergusonThePlay.com.
Apr 9, 2015
Syrian army ousts IS from last central Syria pocket: military source
The Syrian military has cleared Islamic State from its last pocket of territory in central Syria after months of fighting, a Syrian military source said on Friday. The enclave east of the Syrian city of Homs had lain close to the main road running between the cities of Homs and Aleppo near the town of al-Salamiya. The armed forces completed military operations in the eastern Homs countryside, eliminating the last groups of the terrorist Islamic State in the area and liberating an area of 1,800 square kilometers, the military source said. Islamic State has lost swathes of Syrian territory to separate campaigns being waged by Syria s army, supported by Russian forces and Iran-backed militias, and by the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which is dominated by the Kurdish YPG militia. Government forces and their allies are trying to oust Islamic State from its remaining Syrian positions in the eastern province of Deir al-Zor. Last month the Syrian army s advance to Deir al-Zor city lifted a three-year-long siege imposed by Islamic State on a government-held enclave there. On Friday Syrian forces reached the edge of Islamic State s current main base in Syria, al-Mayadin, which lies around 45 km (28 miles) to the south of Deir al-Zor city.
October 6, 2017
France's Macron tells Iran, Israel leaders of need to preserve Lebanon's stability
French President Emmanuel Macron told the leaders of Iran and Israel in separate telephone calls that it was vital to keep Lebanon disassociated from regional crisis and urged all countries in the region to work collectively to reduce tensions. Macron s office also said in a statement that he had told Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that France was attached to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, but that regional subjects and ballistic missile programmers should be discussed separately.
November 21, 2017
Thousands of homes wrecked by huge Mexican quake, death toll at 91
A massive earthquake off southern Mexico on Thursday night that killed at least 91 people damaged tens of thousands of homes and afflicted upwards of two million people in the poorer south, state officials said, as more details of the disaster emerged. The 8.1 magnitude quake off the coast of Chiapas state was stronger than a 1985 temblor that flattened swaths of Mexico City and killed thousands. However, its greater depth and distance helped save the capital from more serious damage. On Saturday, authorities in the southern state of Oaxaca said there were 71 confirmed fatalities there, many of them in the town of Juchitan, where the rush to bury victims crowded a local cemetery at the weekend. Another death was confirmed in neighboring Chiapas late on Sunday, bringing the total there to 16, a spokesman for local emergency services said. A further four deaths have also been registered in Tabasco state to the north. Television footage from parts of Oaxaca showed small homes and buildings completely leveled by the quake, which struck the narrowest portion of Mexico on the isthmus of Tehuantepec. Aftershocks continued into Sunday, and scores of people were wary about returning to fragile buildings hammered by the initial tremor, sleeping in gardens, patios and in the open air. Piles of rubble lay strewn around damaged streets, where the shock was still visible on the faces of residents. Oaxaca Governor Alejandro Murat told Mexican television the quake hit 41 municipalities and had likely affected around one in five of the state s 4 million-strong population. We re talking about more than 800,000 people who potentially lost everything, and some their loved ones, he said on Sunday. In Juchitan alone, more than 5,000 homes were destroyed. Hundreds of thousands of Mexicans were temporarily left without electricity or water, and many in the south were evacuated from coastal dwellings when the quake sparked tsunami warnings. In Chiapas, some 41,000 houses were damaged, governor Manuel Velasco said, estimating nearly 1.5 million people were affected. President Enrique Pena Nieto declared three days of national mourning and pledged to rebuild shattered towns and villages. However, some residents interviewed expressed frustration that the poor southern regions were still not getting the help they needed from the richer north and center of Mexico.
September 10, 2017
Under pressure to act against Kurds, Iraq has limited options
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi faced calls on Tuesday to take measures ranging from an economic blockade to military action after Kurds voted in a referendum in support of independence. But he will need to proceed cautiously. Abadi has been trying to unite Iraq since he took office, focusing mainly on sectarian hostilities between Shi ites and Sunnis, which had triggered a civil war, and Islamic State militants who seized a third of his country before their defeat. The Shi ite-led Baghdad government and the Kurdish region in the north have struggled for years to resolve differences over oil and other sensitive issues. But Monday s vote, which is likely to lead to a breakaway state that has been the dream of generations of Kurds, has ratcheted up tensions, posing one of the biggest challenges to Abadi as he tries to keep Iraq together. The Iraqi government ruled out talks on possible secession for Kurdish-held parts of northern Iraq on Tuesday after projections by the Kurdish Rudaw TV channel showed support for a split could be over 90 percent. Neighboring Iran and Turkey also fiercely oppose independence in the north. They say it will cause regional chaos, and they also fear secession will encourage their own restive Kurdish populations to press for self-determination. Now Abadi s Shi ite constituency, as well as Sunni Arabs opposed to Kurdish independence, will be pressing him to take firm action. Disputed areas such as the multi-ethnic oil city of Kirkuk could be a flashpoint for widespread instability. Kurds have gone too far and government must show them a tougher face. Government forces must go to maintain peace in Kirkuk and all other areas Kurds try to control by force, said Mohammed Tamim, an Arab Sunni lawmaker from Kirkuk Parliament has authorized Abadi to safeguard Iraqi unity and such a mandate allows him to send troops. Mobilizing government troops may not be so easy. The army has spent years fighting Islamic State and the recent battle to drive the group out of Mosul has left many of Iraq s formations exhausted. Those troops that can fight are engaged in operations against Islamic State militants west of Kirkuk and near the Syrian border. Another option would be to turn to Iranian-backed paramilitary groups. Some, like Asaib ahl al-Haq, have already threatened to march on Kirkuk. Tehran supports Shi ite Muslim groups that have been prominent in Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein in 2003. Abadi, as the commander of armed forces, must switch the needle of the fighting compass toward Kirkuk, said Hashim al-Mouasawi, a spokesman for the Shi ite Nujaba group, which has about 10,000 fighters and is loyal to Iran. We are fully prepared to answer Abadi s orders to liberate Kirkuk and the oilfields from the separatist militias control before it s too late. We will fight to safeguard the prestige of the state. While the use of these paramilitary groups against the Kurds would spare the army from having to fight against fellow Iraqis, there are risks for Abadi. Tensions are already high between Kurdish peshmerga fighters and Shi ite paramilitary forces, even though they cooperated in the fight against Islamic State. Now that Islamic State has largely been removed from strategic areas, the ethnic and sectarian battle for land and influence that has dogged Iraq could complicate efforts to create harmony among its many sects and communities. If the Shi ite paramilitaries and Kurds clash, it will mean all-out war between two of the best fighting forces in Iraq, a U.S. ally and OPEC oil producer with an economy shattered by conflict. Vahal Ali, a spokesman for Masoud Barzani, president of the Kurdistan Regional Government, said the Kurds would not take further steps toward independence without pursuing peaceful negotiations with the Baghdad government. But, he added, Kurds did not have endless patience. If we are attacked we will defend ourselves, he said. We are not breaking any laws. The Kurdish people were given a chance to vote and they did. For its part, the Iraqi government gave the KRG three days to hand over control of its airports in order to avoid an international air embargo, Abadi said, according to state TV. Baghdad asked foreign countries to stop flights to the international airports of Erbil and Sulaimaniya, in KRG territory, but only Iran complied. Lawmakers called on Abadi to apply economic pressure on the Kurds, who suffered under Saddam for decades and then began building a semi-autonomous zone in the north after his fall. One possibility is a blockade of Kurdish areas, something that Vahal Ali said would also harm the Baghdad government. The Government must take tough measures to prevent the Kurdish leaders from going too far, said Shi ite lawmaker Ammar Tuma. He called for shutting down exits and entrances, controlling the border crossings, chasing the funds Kurdish leaders generated from illegal oil sales, and finally deploying Iraqi forces in areas they try to control by force. Kurdish oil sales without the consent of the government have angered Iraqi leaders. But placing an economic stranglehold on the Kurds may have only limited success for Baghdad if Turkey continues to trade with the north. Turkey has long been northern Iraq s main link to the outside world and the KRG exports hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil per day to world markets via Turkey. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said Iraqi Kurds would go hungry if his country halts the flow of goods and oil across the border with northern Iraq. And while it sees the referendum as a grave matter for its own national security, Turkey has built good relations with Barzani s Kurdish administration. Iraq, including the Kurdish region, was Turkey s third-largest export market in 2016. Erdogan has repeatedly threatened economic sanctions against the Kurds in response to the referendum, but he has so far given few specifics.
September 26, 2017
‘I’m Very Angry’: Dems ‘Outraged’ With Comey After Details Revealed In Classified Briefing
FBI director James Comey on Friday and other Intelligence agency chiefs provided legislators with a classified briefing on Russian involvement in the U.S. presidential election. That information was so damning that Democrats were outraged.A number of House Democrats left the confidential briefing fuming over the actions of FBI Director James Comey and they are now convinced that he s unfit to lead the agency.We don t know the details but we know they were unnerved when they left: I was nonjudgmental until the last 15 minutes. I no longer have that confidence in him, Rep. Tim Walz (D-Minn.), ranking member of the Veterans Affairs Committee, said as he left the meeting in the Capitol. Some of the things that were revealed in this classified briefing my confidence has been shook, he added.Rep. Elijah Cummings (Md.), the senior Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said he is concerned. I m extremely concerned extremely, he said. I ll just I m very angry, said Rep. Mark Takano (D-Calif.).All of the acronymic U.S. Intelligence agencies agree that Russia hacked Democratic groups in order to help elect Donald Trump. It s not just in the U.S. This has gone global. The BBC says that intelligence agents in Europe believe there is much more compromising and embarrassing material about Donald Trump in the possession of the Kremlin than previously believed.Just weeks before the Nov. 8 election, Comey announced in a letter that the FBI was launching an investigation into the use of a private email server by Hillary Clinton. Then, just two days before the election, he announced that they came up empty.That letter helped to sway the election. Trump s Crooked Hillary rhetoric and Comey s move was a campaign to diminish his rival to the public.Lawmakers are not allowed to reveal the information they received since it was a classified briefing.Comey has to answer for his actions:The Justice Department s inspector general on Thursday announced a new investigation into the agency s actions leading up to the election, a probe that will focus on Comey s public statements as well as FBI leaks and other relevant correspondences.Republicans simply do not care. The FBI director is a good man who was placed in a very difficult position, said Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Pa.). His boss [U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch] made life very difficult for him in the last year when she met with Bill Clinton on the tarmac. I want to [have faith in Comey], said a visibly annoyed Rep. Charlie Crist (D-Fla.). I have concerns. Stay tuned. I m disappointed, outraged many of us are right now, Walz said. I ll wait to pass full judgment, but the exchange that just happened in the final 15 minutes gives me no reason to have confidence. Shortly after the meeting, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said she has not lost confidence in the agency. No, I haven t lost confidence in the agency, she said. Pelosi expressed concern over the timing. And that was the judgment of Director Comey, unless it goes deeper, and that s what the investigation will find out, she continued. Let s find out how they thought this was a good idea to make the judgments they did, and understanding weighing full well that the Russians were actively engaged in disrupting our election. Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images.
January 13, 2017
Republican tax plan may mean slightly less grand sports stadiums
Some wealthy owners of U.S. major-league sports teams may have to put up more of their own money to fund stadium construction under a tax bill proposed by U.S. House of Representatives Republicans, but the overall impact could be slight, sports economists said. The legislation unveiled on Thursday could mean just a modest scaling-back of grand plans for new stadiums, with one expert suggesting team owners could help offset any lost federal subsidies, for example, by pouring concrete flooring instead of terrazzo. Outside some of the biggest cities, team owners may have enough leverage to compel local governments hungry for the prestige and perceived economic benefits of new stadiums to come up with alternative funding streams. Various sports owners in the past have relocated teams to other cities because of stadium funding issues or used the threat of a move to extract concessions from local governments. “I’m sure the teams will be in a lather but, based on experience, if the cities/counties/states want to subsidize the stadium they’ll figure out some way,” Rick Eckstein, a sociology professor at Pennsylvania’s Villanova University, wrote in an email.  Andrew Zimbalist, an economics professor at Massachusetts’s Smith College, said it may make future plans for billion-dollar stadiums “less elaborate,” but added it was nothing that team owners and local governments could not take in their stride. Under the Republican plan, local governments could no longer fund the building or renovating of professional sports stadiums by issuing tax-exempt public-purpose bonds, the sort of bonds typically used to fund things like schools, libraries and public transit. U.S. President Donald Trump has called for an end to the subsidy, at least for the National Football League after some of its players angered the Republican president by kneeling during the national anthem to protest racial bias in the criminal justice system. His Democratic predecessor, Barack Obama, also proposed ending the tax break for stadiums in 2015. A report last year by the Brookings Institution, the Washington-based social sciences research group, found that of the 45 major-league stadiums built or overhauled since 2000, 36 were at least partly funded by tax-exempt municipal bonds. The total tax-exempt bond principal issued to fund those stadiums was about $13 billion and led to a federal tax revenue loss of about $3.7 billion, the study found. Republicans say they would expect to see only an additional $200 million in tax revenue over the ensuing decade if the plan becomes law. Ted Gayer, one of the authors of the Brookings study, welcomed the proposal to end what he called an “egregious but small misuse of federal tax dollars.” “Will it substantially affect the lucrative business of professional sports teams? No,” he said. “Will it substantially impact the ability of sports teams to get subsidies? No, maybe at the margins, but probably not.”
November 3, 2017
Syria fighting worst since Aleppo, air strikes deadly: aid agencies
Syria is in the throes of its worst fighting since the battle for eastern Aleppo last year, with heavy air strikes causing hundreds of civilian casualties, aid agencies said on Thursday. Hospitals, schools and people fleeing violence have been targeted by direct air strikes that may amount to war crimes, the United Nations said, without apportioning blame. Russia and a U.S.-led coalition are carrying out separate air strikes in Syria ostensibly aimed at defeating Islamic State militants. September was the deadliest month of 2017 for civilians with daily reports of attacks on residential areas resulting in hundreds of conflict-related deaths and injuries, U.N. regional humanitarian coordinator Panos Moumtzis said in a statement. Air strikes killed dozens this week in Raqqa, where 8,000 people remain trapped, and at least 149 people, mostly women and children, in residential areas of rebel-dominated Idlib province in Syria s northwest in the last 12 days of September, he said. Explosions in Damascus killed 20 people and civilian casualties were also reported in rural areas around the Syrian capital and in Hama, Aleppo and Deir al-Zor, Moumtzis said, again without saying who was responsible. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said in a statement that up to 10 hospitals were reported to have been damaged in the past 10 days. We have seen a number of hospitals being targeted, we got very worrying reports and converging reports about hospitals, schools, civilian infrastructure being targeted, Robert Mardini, ICRC regional director for the Middle East, told Reuters in an interview in his Geneva office. And of course this is outrageous, unacceptable, he said, adding that damage to Sham hospital in Idlib alone had cut off half a million people from access to health care. The ICRC voiced alarm that violence was occurring in many of the de-escalation areas including Idlib, rural Hama and eastern Ghouta. Taken together, these are the worst levels of violence since the battle for Aleppo in 2016, it said. Hundreds of civilians killed is certainly a very conservative figure, Mardini said. We see a very strong correlation between the escalation and the intensification in the fighting on one hand and the human cost of this conflict, the attacks on health facilities and civilian infrastructure. Syria s six-year-old civil war pits President Bashar al-Assad s government supported by Russia and Iran against a myriad number of rebel factions, some Western-backed, and Islamist militant groups. Military jets believed to be Russian killed at least 60 civilians trying to flee heavy fighting in the oil-rich Deir al-Zor province when their small boats were targeted as they sought to cross the Euphrates River, opposition activists, former residents and a war monitor said late on Wednesday. The U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State in Syria has carried out air strikes that have also caused civilian casualties, which it says it goes to great lengths to avoid. The point here is not to point fingers, Mardini said, declining to identify suspected perpetrators of deadly strikes. What should be non-negotiable is the respect for the laws of war, everywhere in Syria. This is absolutely critical today.
October 5, 2017
Police examine three envelopes at Scottish parliament, one thought to contain white powder: source
Three similar envelopes, one believed to contain a suspicious white powder, were being investigated by police on Tuesday at the Scottish parliament, a source at the building said. The letters were addressed to Conservative lawmakers, Jamie Halcro Johnston, Liz Smith and Edward Mountain, the source said. One of the letters was only intercepted when opened by a researcher on the first floor of building while the other two letters had similar writing.
November 7, 2017
Ukraine president says against holding early elections
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Thursday said he opposed holding elections earlier than is mandated by the constitution. The approach of planned votes for the president and the parliament makes the idea of early elections even more irrational. My position is unchanged: everything should happen in the timelines determined by the constitution, he said in an address to parliament. The presidential and parliamentary elections are scheduled for 2019 but many lawmakers have talked up the prospects of an early vote. Poroshenko currently trails the main opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko in opinion polls.
September 7, 2017
BREAKING UPDATE ON Obama’s War On Cops: Ohio Police Officer Murdered By Thug “looking to kill an officer” [VIDEO]
This random cop killing trend is almost like punishing every black man in America for the crimes Obama has committed against our nation. Most of us are smart enough to understand that you don t blame an entire group of people who are largely innocent of wrong doing, for a few bad apples. Now that Obama, Holder, Sharpton and DeBlasio have made blaming our law enforcement as a whole, for the crimes of a few, expect to see more of these hate crimes committed across America. This is a despicable new trend, and people need to start demanding those who started this war against our law enforcement are held accountable.Officials say they were warned a gunman was hunting cops in Ohio this weekend, and by Sunday evening they realized the terrible truth behind the warning when they found a bloody hat but no patrol car and no officer.Police say a woman in Danville called dispatch Sunday evening around 11:20 p.m. to warn them her ex-boyfriend, identified as 34-year-old Hershel Ray Jones III, was armed and looking to kill an officer, reports CBS affiliate WBNS-TV in Columbus.The woman said officers in the area of Danville, near Columbus, were in danger.Dispatchers frantically put out a call and failed to make contact with Danville Officer Thomas Cottrell. Deputies from the Knox County Sheriff s officer were dispatched, but all they turned up initially was a Cottrell s hat with blood on it, and nothing more.Their worst fears were later realized 20 minutes later when they Cottrell s body behind the Danville Municipal Building, clearly dead from gunshot wounds. His gun and patrol car had been stolen.He was the first officer killed in the state of Ohio in 2016, reports WBNS.Jones was tracked down a short while later, and spotted at 1:30 a.m. running out of a house. Police gave chase, and caught him near Danville Park. He has been named as the prime suspect in the murder.No charges have been announced yet.Via: CBS News
Jan 18, 2016
Trump Just Outed Himself As YUUUGE Liar After Saying He Saw U.S. Plane Unloading Money To Iran
Oh, Donald Trump. The pathological liar has struck again, although everyone should have seen this coming. At a rally in Daytona Beach, he made an absurd claim that he saw top secret footage of a U.S. plane unloading $400 million in payment to Iran the same day that four American detainees were released. Of course, he later used Twitter to try and backpedal, but all he really did was admit that he lied through his teeth:The plane I saw on television was the hostage plane in Geneva, Switzerland, not the plane carrying $400 million in cash going to Iran! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 5, 2016The tape that he saw allegedly came from Iran, and he made it out to be some kind of taunt on their part: It was interesting because a tape was made. Right? You saw that? With the airplane coming in nice plane and the airplane coming in, and the money coming off, I guess. Right? That was given to us has to be by the Iranians. And you know why the tape was given to us? Because they want to embarrass our country. They want to embarrass our country. And they want to embarrass our president because we have a president who s incompetent. They want to embarrass our president.I mean, who would ever think they would be taking all of this money off the plane and then providing us with a tape? It s only for one reason. And it s very, very sad. Oddly enough for him, intelligence officials had zero idea what he was talking about, since no such video exists. There are two yuuuge problems with this:And he has the nerve to call Hillary Crooked Hillary, in part because of the right-wing narrative that she mishandled classified info. As president, he ll brag about every juicy thing he sees because it makes him feel important and superior to have access to info that others don t have. He can t wait to tell the world how much better he is than they are.On Wednesday, a spokesperson said that he d simply mistaken a grainy video of detainees being released, which played on Fox News, for this to secret video. However, Trump made this absurd claim again on Thursday, in Portland, Maine, as if the video was part of the intelligence briefings he s getting as a presidential candidate.Those briefings have not yet begun.As his story began developing holes, and then unraveling entirely, Trump decided he had to scramble in order to avoid looking like the liar of liars caught in a lie. His tweet is meant to make it look like he d just made a mistake. It s in line with what his spokesperson said, but, again, the timeline is way off.All he really did was say, I lied about this, but it doesn t matter! Sorry not sorry! Featured image by Alex Wong/Getty Images
August 5, 2016
Breitbart’s War On Kellog Backfires SPECTACULARLY As More Advertisers Flee The Hate
When Kellogg pulled its advertising from the white nationalist website known as Breitbart, they and their followers decided Kellogg was evil for this and called for a boycott. Breitbart s editor-in-chief, Alexander Marlow, even said: [T]o blacklist Breitbart News in order to placate left-wing totalitarians is a disgraceful act of cowardice. Or it s standing up for the rights and dignity of the people Breitbart regularly targets, but hey, they aren t exactly known for their ability to see reality. It seems, though, that their war against Kellogg is now backfiring. Vanguard, 3M and AARP are leaving now, too.And others pulling their ads from Breitbart include Nest Labs, Earthlink, ModCloth and Allstate. Many companies ads are placed automatically on websites through third parties, but those that are leaving have taken steps to blacklist Breitbart.In short, Breitbart fucked up. They made two major mistakes: The first was when they decided to become the mouthpiece of white supremacy and nationalism, and the second was when they decided to attack one of their biggest advertisers.Advertisers do not like being associated with hate. It harms their brands.Advertisers also do not like seeing one of their partners attack other advertisers. It makes them wonder when it ll be their turn in the crosshairs.However, Breitbart seems to be too consumed with their hate of everything to the left of extreme white nationalism to understand this. They see Kellogg s decision as anti-American, which is absolutely absurd since American businesses have always shifted their interests around for the purpose of protecting their brands.But because the members of the so-called alt-right (read: white nationalists) think they re the most put-upon and persecuted demographic that ever existed in the whole entire history of everything, of course Breitbart calls this anti-American. It s only nice and patriotic when they re doing this kind of thing.Lee Wilkins, professor of communications at Wayne State University, probably summed up Breitbart s war on Kellog the best by saying that Breitbart was behaving stupidly. There s a difference between being a conservative site and a white nationalist site. Breitbart would do well to figure this out.Featured image by Mike Mozart, CC BY 2.0 via Flickr
December 4, 2016
UK punters back an early exit for Trump: bookmakers
British gamblers believe U.S. President Donald Trump is now more likely to leave office before the end of his first term than not, British bookmakers said on Wednesday, after a week of tumult at the White House. Betfair said that punters had bet more than 5,000 pounds ($6,470) on an early departure for Trump in the hours after it was reported he had asked his then-FBI Director James Comey to shut down an investigation into ties between former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn and Russia. Concerns that businessman and former reality TV star Trump’s economic reforms could be slowed and he might even face the threat of impeachment has dented demand for the dollar. On UK betting markets, the odds on Trump failing to see out his four-year term dropped to 5/6 from evens on Betfair, implying a 55 percent chance that he will leave. Betfair was also offering odds of 12/5 percent that Trump would leave office this year, implying a 27 percent chance that he would depart. Betfair said that the odds for such an early departure had never been shorter. Fellow bookmaker Ladbrokes said its odds on the president leaving office via impeachment or resignation before the end of his first term had also shortened in the last week to 4/5 after a flurry of bets. Spokeswoman Jessica Bridge added that Ladbrokes had taken close to 50,000 pounds on various wagers over Trump’s future, including whether he would be impeached and the year he might be replaced. “Barely a day goes by without a Trump scandal, but money talks, and punters are becoming increasingly convinced the president could be impeached sooner rather than later,” Bridge said. UK political betting markets have exploded in recent years, with millions wagered last year ahead of surprising results of Britain’s referendum on European Union membership and Trump’s election which was the most bet-upon political event ever. Bookmakers also saw their biggest market for a French election earlier this year, buoyed by growing enthusiasm for political betting, an unpredictable result and a ban on betting on politics in France.
May 17, 2017
Plague outbreak in Madagascar kills 20: WHO
An outbreak of plague has killed 20 people in the space of a month in Madagascar, with a further 84 infected, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said on Friday. Plague is mainly spread by flea-carrying rats. Humans bitten by an infected flea usually develop a bubonic form of plague, which swells lymph nodes and can be treated with antibiotics. But the more dangerous pneumonic form invades the lungs and can kill a person within 24 hours if not treated. About half of the 104 known cases are pneumonic, the WHO said. WHO spokesman Tarik Jasarevic told reporters in Geneva that areas affected included the capital Antananarivo and the port cities of Mahajenga and Toamasina. The U.N. health agency said it feared that the outbreak could worsen because the season for plague, which is endemic in Madagascar, had only just begun, and runs until April. On average, 400 cases are reported each year. The overall risk of further spread at the national level is high, WHO said in a statement.
September 29, 2017
DISNEY HAS A DISTURBING SURPRISE For Kids Who Watch Their Top-Rated Show Targeted At Kids 6-14 Yrs Old
The Walt Disney Company the same group that s so woke, they once apologized for drawing a fat cartoon that made race-baiters mad has taken it upon themselves to teach your kids about LGBT rights by featuring their first on-screen gay character.According to this, Disney plans to have one of the main characters on their popular tween show Andi Mack come out as gay in this week s episode. Oh and it s a 13-year-old boy who s got feelings for the main character s crush.Of course, the character s coming out as gay doesn t to do with moving the plotline forward so much as it pushes the pro-LBGT agenda the media are determined to cram down your throat or, if that fails, your kid s. Andi Mack is a story about tweens figuring out who they are, said Disney Channel in a statement. (Creator) Terri Minsky, the cast and everyone involved in the show takes great care in ensuring that it s appropriate for all audiences and sends a powerful message about inclusion and respect for humanity. Producers say the coming out scene will have the barely-a-teenager telling a friend about his feelings for a boy at school. His friend will tell him it s A-O.K. and perfectly natural for guys to like guys, because Disney s all about creating a brainwashing supportive atmosphere. The company added they consulted with several outside advocacy groups to make sure the scene was age-appropriate and sufficiently inclusive, including gay activist groups GLAAD and PFLAG, along with the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy and Common Sense Media.Groups that would ve likely had a different opinion about teaching pre-pubescent elementary school kids the importance of being gay didn t make the list.According to ratings data, the median age of Andi Mack s viewers is 10. In fact, the show is the Disney channel s No. 1-rated program among kids six-14. Because nothing says inclusivity like teaching six-year-olds about being gay, whether their parents like it or not. MRCTV
Oct 26, 2017
From Russia with love: why the Kremlin backs Trump
Donald Trump is a brave pro-Putin political maverick who would end U.S. foreign wars and perhaps lift sanctions on Moscow. Hillary Clinton, however, is a warmonger beholden to the military-industrial complex. Russian state TV, which hews closely to the Kremlin’s world view, leaves little doubt about who Moscow supports in November’s U.S. presidential election: “The Donald.” Vladimir Putin’s spokesman took brief exception this month to a Trump attack video which showed Putin laughing at the prospect of Clinton defending America. But officials and analysts say the Kremlin still sees Trump as the best candidate by a mile. Putin has hailed Trump as “very talented”. The head of the Russian parliament’s foreign affairs committee said he’d be a worthy winner of the 2015 “man of the year” title in the United States. And Dmitry Kiselyov, presenter of Russia’s main weekly TV news show “Vesti Nedeli,” claimed this month that the Republican party elite had struck a secret deal with the Democrats to derail Trump, in part because of his sympathy for Russia. “Trump doesn’t suit the Republican party,” Kiselyov told viewers. “They usually divide up the state budget (among themselves) by frightening people about Russia. But Trump is ready to find a common language with Putin. That’s why they don’t need Trump and even regard him as dangerous.” Kiselyov has been one of the chief proponents of state television’s strongly anti-American tone, once saying Moscow could turn the United States into radioactive ash. Some experts say Trump appeals to Moscow because Putin believes a Trump presidency would be isolationist and leave Russia with a free hand. “The Kremlin can’t believe its luck,” said Konstantin von Eggert, an independent Moscow-based political analyst who believes the Obama administration has not been forceful in countering Russia. “President Obama and (Secretary of State) John Kerry were a dream team for them, but now they have an even better option; someone who thinks that America should have nothing to do with the rest of the world.” RT, the Kremlin’s English-language TV channel formerly known as Russia Today, says it does not back any U.S. candidates. But it has described Trump as “idiosyncratic and raw,” and suggested he represents the popular will of U.S. voters, which a sinister U.S. establishment is trying to subvert. “Can America’s elections be truly called democratic if the political establishment aligns itself against the popular will?” lamented Peter Lavelle, the American host of RT’s flagship talk “CrossTalk” show. “As things stand now millions of voters could be disenfranchised.” Trump has received advice from Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, a former U.S. military intelligence chief who advocates better ties with Russia, and who shared a dinner table in Moscow with Putin in December to celebrate RT’s 10th anniversary. Trump has won friends in Moscow with statements praising Putin as a strong leader that he could probably get along with. His support for Russian air strikes in Syria was welcomed. In January, after a British judge ruled that Putin had “probably” authorized the murder of former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko in London, Trump said he saw “no evidence” the Russian president was guilty. “First of all, he says he didn’t do it. Many people say it wasn’t him. So who knows who did it?” Trump said. This week, Trump said the United States should reduce funding for NATO. A Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman said his comments showed the alliance was in crisis. “For the last two years all we heard from Western newspapers and TV was very critical of Russia,” Victoria Zhuravleva, a Moscow-based expert on U.S.-Russia relations, told Reuters. “So when you hear something that is not so critical and even more friendly towards your country it’s like: ‘Thank God, There’s one person we can talk to: Donald Trump’” Trump and Putin were similar, she said: “They are both open-minded, pragmatic, and say what they think.” The mutual appreciation between Trump and Putin has invited comparisons to the Russian leader’s friendship with another billionaire-turned-politician, Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi, who outraged Ukrainians and irked EU leaders last year by visiting Russian-annexed Crimea with Putin. They toured a Crimean winery and drank a priceless 240-year-old bottle from its cellar. By contrast, Hillary Clinton, who is well known to the Kremlin because of her 2009-2013 stint as U.S. Secretary of State, is clearly not to Moscow’s taste. “We really don’t want Hillary,” said one Russian official, who spoke anonymously because of the subject’s sensitivity. “She’s no friend of Russia’s.” State media coverage has focused on what it has cast as her wacky promise to declassify UFO files and on the pressure she has faced for using her personal email account for government business and over her response to the fatal 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. Pro-Kremlin bloggers, corralled by a Putin supporter who used to represent the ruling party in parliament, are enthused by the prospect of agitating on behalf of Trump. “Trump is the first member of the American elite in 20 years who compliments Russia. Trump will smash America as we know it, we’ve got nothing to lose,” Konstantin Rykov told his followers on social media. “Do we want the grandmother Hillary? No. Maybe it’s time to help the old brigand.”
March 24, 2016
Trump: Everything You Heard Me Say On The Access Hollywood Tape Never Happened
Former reality show star Donald Trump has repeatedly refused to be held responsible for the words that come out of his own mouth, even when it s on tape. For example, the infamous Access Hollywood tape in which he suggests that because he s powerful, he can just grab women by their p-ssies. Trump defended sexual harasser and Fox News host (yeah, I know that s redundant) Bill O Reilly in the recent past and even more recently, he has defended alleged pedophile and Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore. So, defending perverts is just another day for Donald Trump.Here s a quick reminder of what Trump said on the p*ssy grabbing tape: You know I m automatically attracted to beautiful [women] I just start kissing them. It s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don t even wait. And when you re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything. The New York Times reports that even after Trump made an almost-apology after the tape was revealed, he still told a Senator and an adviser that the Access Hollywood tape may not be authentic.But something deeper has been consuming Mr. Trump. He sees the calls for Mr. Moore to step aside as a version of the response to the now-famous Access Hollywood tape, in which he boasted about grabbing women s genitalia, and the flood of groping accusations against him that followed soon after. He suggested to a senator earlier this year that it was not authentic, and repeated that claim to an adviser more recently.So, to reiterate, Trump told an adviser recently that the video and tape of him talking about perving on women is fake news. And he also told that to a Senator after it was released.We see a pattern here. Maybe Trump s cult-like following will believe this crap but the rest of us remember that tape all too well. That tape was an indicating factor that Donald J. Trump is unfit for office, morally and intellectually.Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
November 25, 2017
CAN’T-MISS: Bernie And Hillary MOP The FLOOR With Trump For Not Paying Taxes Like Everyone Else
You can t say that both parties are the same when the Republican nominee avoids paying taxes for 20 years while the Democratic nominee pays her fair share.On Saturday, the New York Times revealed that Donald Trump might not have paid any income taxes for 18 years.As it turns out, Donald Trump is a terrible businessman despite his claims otherwise. And his bad decisions resulted in a $915 million loss in 1995 that let him off the hook from paying taxes for the next 18 years.Donald Trump has made millions of dollars every year since then, but has not had to pay a single dime to the federal government while the rest of us had to pay ours. He thinks that means he is a genius. It s a bombshell that gives us a clearer idea of exactly why Trump has refused to release his taxes. Because he knows the rest of America will be pissed that a pampered billionaire who wants to control the government and our military didn t pay one cent to help pay for the services that make our country great.Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are certainly pissed off, which is why they released statements on Sunday blasting Trump for not paying taxing. There it is, began a statement from the Clinton campaign via Twitter. This bombshell report reveals the colossal nature of Donald Trump s past business failures and just how long he may have avoided paying any federal income taxes whatsoever. In one year, Donald Trump lost nearly a billion dollars. A billion. He stiffed small businesses, laid off workers, and walked away from hardworking communities. And how did it work out for him? He apparently got to avoid paying taxes for nearly two decades while tens of millions of working families paid theirs. He calls that smart. Now that the gig is up, why doesn t he go ahead and release his returns to show us all how smart he really is? Trump apparently got to avoid paying taxes for nearly two decades while tens of millions of working families paid theirs. pic.twitter.com/g62jB9fKr5 Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 2, 2016Bernie Sanders expressed his disgust during an appearance on CNN.And then Sanders went on to blast Trump on ABC for not contributing to the general welfare of our nation. If everybody in this country was a genius like Mr. Trump is and not pay any taxes, we would not have a country, Sanders said.Donald Trump has personally benefited from the government for decades. He even received 9/11 relief funds totaling $150,000 despite not being hurt at all by the terrorist attacks. So just to recap, this man has received government funds which were paid for by everyone who actually pays their taxes, and he did this without having to pay a single penny in taxes for nearly 20 years. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton paid over $3.5 million in income taxes last year alone. She contributed to this country like everyone else does. Trump did not, which means Republicans literally picked a bottom-feeding taker as their leader.That should make every American angry.Featured Image: Alex Wong/Getty Images
October 2, 2016
Boiler Room EP #130 – Mandalay Cover-Up
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM CST | 9:00 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for bar fly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher and Spore along side Andy Nowicki (The Nameless One) for the hundred and thirtieth episode of BOILER ROOM. Turn it up, tune in and hang with the ACR Brain-Trust for this weeks boil downs and analysis and the usual gnashing of the teeth of the political animals in the social reject club.Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer and Andy Nowicki representing the ACR Brain-Trust with their continuing analysis of the Mandalay Bay Massacre. The details, the anomalies, opinions, hypotheses and the questions we came up with in the days after the event.Direct Download Episode #130 Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved! Reference Links, for your consideration and research:
October 6, 2017
TRUMP PUT JENNIFER HUDSON And Relatives Up Rent-Free In Trump Towers After Her Family Was Murdered…So Why Isn’t She Performing At His Inauguration?
In 2008, Jennifer Hudson the Dream Girls star and Grammy Award winning 34-year-old singer lost her mother, her brother, and her nephew after her sister s estranged husband shot them in a brutal murder a topic she rarely talks about now, except in a healing light. She s a great girl. And we re protecting them well, Trump told PEOPLE at a benefit honoring Australia director Baz Luhrman at the Museum of Modern Art Monday night. They are very safe. PeopleIn 2008, Hudson performed Let s Stay Together for Barack and Michelle Obama during Obama s inauguration ball. It s not clear if Obama and Michelle did anything to help her after her family was murdered.Two days ago, another Dream Girls star, Broadway sensation Jennifer Holliday, who had previously committed to performing at Trump s inauguration, backed out over bullying and threats she received from the Left.Ms. Holliday said she was asked on Wednesday if she would sing at the concert scheduled for Jan. 19, and she agreed, seeing the request as similar to those she received to sing at the White House during past Republican and Democratic presidencies. I just thought of the history part of it, and about singing on the mall where Marian Anderson paved the way for me to sing as a black American, she said, referring to a 1939 concert that Ms. Anderson, a popular singer, performed from the Lincoln Memorial after being denied permission to sing at Constitution Hall because she was black.Ms. Holliday said she had been startled and disheartened on Friday by the venom that greeted the news of her participation. It brought a lot of threats from people already saying I ll never work again, she said. If that s what America has come to, where we all hate and bully people, there s no more freedom of speech. She added, I know everybody hates me now, but that shows we are all just hateful people now we don t even want to work together. Ms. Holliday said she did not see herself, or her singing, as political, a sentiment echoed by Jackie Evancho, the 16-year-old classical-crossover singer who will perform the national anthem at Mr. Trump s inauguration on Jan. 20. I just kind of thought that this is for my country, Ms. Evancho said. So if people are going to hate on me it s for the wrong reason. Ms. Holliday said her goal is to support America: Are we saying that if there is anything that could be done for America in four or eight years or however long Trump is there, we re not supposed to participate or help anybody? she asked. Shouldn t we all be praying for the success of America? I would like to sing some hope and have my voice not be associated with some kind of label, but I guess that s where we are now. NYT s
Jan 15, 2017
Trump Campaign Official Tries To Make Dallas Shootings All About Hillary Clinton
Virginia s Trump campaign chairman politicized the Dallas shootings in one of the worst ways imaginable. He didn t use it to call for more guns on the streets. He didn t use it to claim reverse racism. He tried to make it all about the 2016 election and Hillary Clinton, and it s really sick.Corey Stewart said, in a post that s since been deleted:Like Joe Effing Walsh, Stuart has forgotten that the Internet never forgets, and this will follow him and King Donnie for awhile, despite spokeswoman Hope Hicks attempt to mitigate fallout from this: Corey does not speak for the campaign and this is not something we agree with. The vice president of Trump s Virginia campaign, John Fredericks, echoed that empty sentiment with an empty sentiment of his own: That statement by Corey Stewart is his and his alone. Oh, really? They better tell that to their overlord. While Donald the Trump didn t come right out and blame Hillary for the deaths of those officers like Stewart did, he did go after her for taking softball questions about her emails on CNN on a day of national tragedy. Because Hillary can totally control what CNN decides to ask her:Isn t it sad that on a day of national tragedy Hillary Clinton is answering softball questions about her email lies on @CNN? Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 8, 2016Isn t it sad that on a day of national tragedy Donald Trump and his campaign decide to make the whole thing all about Hillary? This is how you politicize a tragedy by bringing up your opponent in a damned political race and using the tragedy to attack them.It is truly hypocritical that our wannabe White-Supremacist-in-Chief would say something like that when he and one of his campaign officials are busy politicizing all of this in the sickest way imaginable. Calling for more good guys with guns would be less political than this. It just goes to prove that all Trump really cares about his himself and his campaign, and that he hires people who will help him with that. Neither Trump nor Stewart really care about those dead officers, or all those dead black people.Featured image by LibandJustice. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons
July 8, 2016
WOW! SECRET SERVICE DIRECTOR Sets Record Straight, After USA TODAY Attempts To Make Readers Believe President Trump Is Draining Secret Service Funds Dry
USA Today published an article today that was so egregiously misleading that every hotel that leaves this joke of a publication outside the doors for their guests to read, should be ashamed to be peddling such trash. (Even if it is free..and we all know what they say: If it s free It s free for a reason .) USA Today is one of the most virulently anti-Trump publications you will find anywhere. Much like the morning shows, whose morning talk hosts greet their viewers with cheerful dispositions and big white smiles, while sticking daggers into our president and his family, USA Today can be found as in almost every hotel in America as a complimentary source of news for their guests.USA Today comes across to the everyday American as a friendly publication that gives Americans a snapshot into the latest national news without any bias. Unfortunately, nothing could be further than the truth. USA Today s stories are so anti-Trump, they should almost come with a warning label for anyone who s looking for honest journalism and unbiased news.An article that appeared today, in the USA Today talked about the dire financial situation that President Trump and his family have caused with their with an unprecedented number of White House protectees. Shortly after the article was published, Secret Service Director Randolph Tex Alles released a statement refuting what USA Today claimed he said. The quotes in red in the USA Today article below are from the Secret Service Director s statement.USA Today The Secret Service can no longer pay hundreds of agents it needs to carry out an expanded protective mission in large part due to the sheer size of President Trump s family and efforts necessary to secure their multiple residences up and down the East Coast.Here s what Secret Service Director Randolph Tex Alles said about the Secret Service running out of money: The Secret Service has the funding it needs to meet all current mission requirements for the remainder of the fiscal year and compensate employees for overtime within statutory pay caps. Secret Service Director Randolph Tex Alles, in an interview with USA TODAY, said more than 1,000 agents have already hit the federally mandated caps for salary and overtime allowances that were meant to last the entire year.OOPS! It looks like the same thing happened in 2016 while Barack Obama was President: The Secret Service estimates that roughly 1,100 employees will work overtime hours in excess of statutory pay caps during calendar year 2017. Our agency experienced a similar situation in calendar year 2016 that resulted in legislation that allowed Secret Service employees to exceed statutory caps on pay.The agency has faced a crushing workload since the height of the contentious election season, and it has not relented in the first seven months of the administration. Agents must protect Trump who has traveled almost every weekend to his properties in Florida, New Jersey and Virginia and his adult children whose business trips and vacations have taken them across the country and overseas.To remedy this ongoing and serious problem, the agency has worked closely with the Department of Homeland Security, the Administration, and the Congress over the past several months to find a legislative solution. As we work to ensure that employees are compensated for the hours they work, the Secret Service continues its rigorous hiring of special agents, Uniformed Division officers, and critical support staff to meet future mission requirements. The president has a large family, and our responsibility is required in law, Alles said. I can t change that. I have no flexibility. The law, Title 18 US Code 3056, details protection requirements for the President, Vice President and their immediate family members.Alles said the service is grappling with an unprecedented number of White House protectees. Under Trump, 42 people have protection, a number that includes 18 members of his family. That s up from 31 during the Obama administration.Does USA Today really believe the average American is so stupid that they ve already forgotten about the several separate vacations that the former first lady took while her husband golfed almost every weekend that he was in office? What about her notorious trip to Spain where she brought most of her entire friends and family list courtesy of the American taxpayers?The people you see surrounding former First Lady Michele Obama on her luxury African Safari are Michelle s family members. Yes, the American taxpayer paid for her luxury African Safari with her brother, cousins and of course, her mother, who lived in the White House for Barack s entire 8-year term, and traveled to all of their overseas destinations courtesy of, you guessed it, the American taxpayer.Surely USA Today doesn t believe we ve already forgotten about Barack Obama s obsession with golf, that more than one time, took him and his lovely wife to opposite sides of the country to satisfy their individual 5-star travel needs:Overwork and constant travel have also been driving a recent exodus from the Secret Service ranks, yet without congressional intervention to provide additional funding, Alles will not even be able to pay agents for the work they have already done.The compensation crunch is so serious that the director has begun discussions with key lawmakers to raise the combined salary and overtime cap for agents, from $160,000 per year to $187,000 for at least the duration of Trump s first term.But even if such a proposal was approved, about 130 veteran agents would not be fully compensated for hundreds of hours already amassed, according to the agency. And finally, the same Secret Service Director Randolph Tex Alles who allegedly gave USA Today the exclusive scoop about how the Trump family were draining the Secret Service funds dry, concluded his statement with this:This issue is not one that can be attributed to the current Administration s protection requirements alone, but rather has been an ongoing issue for nearly a decade due to an overall increase in operational tempo.This isn t the first time USA Today was caught fabricating a story to make President Trump look bad to their readers. In April of 2017, USA TODAY was caught fabricating a story about an innocent Dreamer being deported. Click HERE to read the story.
Aug 21, 2017
Here’s What The World’s Top Economist Is Saying About Bernie Sanders
Thomas Piketty, the French economist who started a revolution of thought on income inequality when he wrote Capital in the Twenty-First Century. He is now considered one of the world s top economists. He is now sharing his thoughts on Bernie Sanders and the movement that is driving his campaignPikkety agrees that Bernie Sanders and his supporters have the right idea when it comes to economics. Though the economist suggests that Sanders may be too white and too old to win an election.Other than those two caveats, Pikkety gives Bernie Sanders a glowing, if tacit, endorsement, writing that, In many respects, we are witnessing the end of the politico-ideological cycle opened by the victory of Ronald Reagan at the 1980 elections. Conservatism in the media may have something to do with the reason Pikkety is critical of Sanders electability with racial and other political minorities. Recent polls show the race between Sanders and Clinton is a dead heat. Polls seem to indicate that the main difference between Clinton supporters and Sanders supporters is generational.Piketty goes on to say that Sanders is reviving the progressive agenda. He writes: Sanders success today shows that much of America is tired of rising inequality and these so-called political changes, and intends to revive both a progressive agenda and the American tradition of egalitarianism. Hillary Clinton, who fought to the left of Barack Obama in 2008 on topics such as health insurance, appears today as if she is defending the status quo, just another heiress of the Reagan-Clinton-Obama political regime.Sanders makes clear he wants to restore progressive taxation and a higher minimum wage ($15 an hour). To this he adds free healthcare and higher education in a country where inequality in access to education has reached unprecedented heights, highlighting a gulf standing between the lives of most Americans, and the soothing meritocratic speeches pronounced by the winners of the system.Meanwhile, the Republican party sinks into a hyper-nationalist, anti-immigrant and anti-Islam discourse (even though Islam isn t a great religious force in the country), and a limitless glorification of the fortune amassed by rich white people. The judges appointed under Reagan and Bush have lifted any legal limitation on the influence of private money in politics, which greatly complicates the task of candidates like Sanders. Since the oh so tragic passing of Justice Antonio Scalia, the Supreme Court may have the votes needed to end Citizen s United. That would be a major gift to future progressive candidates Berniecrats who would abstain from SuperPACs.The way that this election is playing out, it appears that we are witnessing a battle of generations be played out more than anything else. Regardless of who takes the nomination in this election, Sanders supporters are very much the face of the future of the left.Featured image from Gage Skidmore [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
February 17, 2016
Trump to host Sept. 18 meeting of world leaders on U.N. reform
U.S. President Donald Trump, a frequent critic of the United Nations, will seek to gather global support for reforming the world body when he hosts an event at U.N. headquarters in New York on Sept. 18, a day before he formally addresses the 193-member organization. Countries will be invited to attend Trump s function if they sign on to a U.S.-drafted 10-point political declaration backing efforts by U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to initiate effective, meaningful reform, according to a draft of the political declaration seen by Reuters on Friday. Trump has complained that the U.S. share of the world body s budget is unfair, pushed to slash funding and described it as a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time. Trump, who took office in January, has since described U.S. funding as peanuts compared to the important work of the organization. The United States is the biggest U.N. contributor, providing 22 percent of its $5.4 billion biennial core budget and 28.5 percent of its $7.3 billion peacekeeping budget. The contributions are agreed on by the 193-member General Assembly. Trump, Guterres, who also took office in January, and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley are scheduled to speak at the Sept. 18 event, diplomats said. The draft political declaration states: We support the secretary-general in making concrete changes in the United Nations system to better align its work on humanitarian response, development and sustaining peace initiatives. We commit to reducing mandate duplication, redundancy and overlap, including among the main organs of the United Nations, the draft declaration reads. The United States also is reviewing each of the U.N. peacekeeping missions as annual mandates come up for Security Council renewal in a bid to cut costs. The United States is a veto-wielding council member, along with Britain, France, Russia and China. Haley has said there is a lot of fat around the edges and some abuses that happen at the U.N. but I do think it is very important that we make the most of it. Ethiopia, which is president of the 15-member Security Council for September, said on Friday it would hold a high-level council meeting on peacekeeping reform on Sept. 20 that will be chaired by Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn. Ethiopian U.N. Ambassador Tekeda Alemu told reporters it was unclear if Trump would attend the meeting, which would be his first appearance in the Security Council, but that he expected about 10 heads of state or government to be present.
September 1, 2017
Trump's UK visit on despite criticism, says foreign secretary
British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said on Tuesday he saw no reason to cancel Donald Trump’s state visit to Britain after the U.S. president criticized Mayor Sadiq Khan’s response to the London Bridge killings. Prime Minister Theresa May called Trump’s comments “wrong.” Trump has lambasted Khan on Twitter, accusing him of making a “pathetic excuse,” for saying Londoners should not be alarmed by the sight of additional police on the streets of the British capital after Saturday’s attack that killed seven people. “The invitation has been issued and accepted and I see no reason to change that, but as far as what Sadiq Khan has said about the reassurances he’s offered the people of London, I think he was entirely right to speak in the way he did,” Johnson said in a BBC radio interview when asked whether Trump’s state visit should be canceled. No date has been set for the visit, which was agreed during May’s visit to Washington in January and seen as a sign of her desire to maintain good ties with Britain’s traditional close ally as Trump began his presidency. The Conservative prime minister has said Khan is doing a good job, echoing public sentiment across London. On Tuesday, May told a political rally in response to a question about Trump’s tweets, “I think Donald Trump was wrong in the things that he has said about Sadiq Khan.” Trump and Khan, the son of Pakistani immigrants and the first Muslim elected as London’s mayor, have been at odds since Khan denounced as “ignorant” Trump’s campaign pledge to impose a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States. Since taking office on Jan. 20, Trump has ordered temporary travel restrictions on people from several Muslim-majority countries, although the ban is currently held up by federal courts. Asked on Tuesday about the London visit, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said only that Trump intended to go and that “he appreciates her majesty’s gracious invitation.” Asked on Monday evening if he would like Trump’s visit to be called off, Khan, a member of Britain’s opposition Labour party, said his position remained the same. “I don’t think we should roll out the red carpet to the president of the USA in the circumstances where his policies go against everything we stand for,” Khan told Channel 4 News. Tim Farron, leader of the opposition Liberal Democrats, also has urged May to cancel the visit, saying Trump was insulting Britain’s values “at a time of introspection and mourning.” Former Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, defeated by Trump last November, praised Khan’s performance in dealing with the attacks. Speaking at a fundraising event on Monday, she did not name Trump but said it was “not the time to lash out, to incite fear and use trash talk and terror for political gain,” the Washington Examiner reported. Deputy White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told reporters on Monday that she did not think it was correct to characterize Trump’s tweets as “picking a fight” with Khan. Asked if Trump was attacking the mayor because he is Muslim, Sanders replied: “Not at all. And I think to suggest something like that is utterly ridiculous.” Trump’s oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., defended his father. “Every time he puts something out there he gets criticized by the media. All day, every day,” Trump Jr. said in an interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America” broadcast on Tuesday. “And guess what, he’s been proven right about it, every time. We keep saying, ‘It’s going to be great’ and ‘Hold fast,’ ‘We’re going to keep calm and carry on.’ Maybe we have to keep calm and actually do something,” he said. He was referring to a World War Two-era slogan of resilience, to “keep calm and carry on”, that Britons have echoed following the London attack. British author J.K. Rowling said on Tuesday that if a state visit did go ahead, Trump’s tweets related to the attack should be enlarged and shown wherever he goes. “I’d rather he didn’t come, but if he does, I’d like his vile Tweets juxtaposed against whatever he’s been coaxed to read off an autocue,” Rowling, celebrated for her Harry Potter books and a frequent critic of Trump, wrote on Twitter.
June 6, 2017
Fox News Bans Gene Simmons For Life For Harassing Staff Off Camera
Gene Simmons, the 68-year-old Kiss bassist and co-lead singer, contestant on The Celebrity Apprentice for a grand total of three episodes back in 2008, self-proclaimed womanizer, and all-around poster-boy for washed up, aging rock stars who will stop at nothing to keep their names in the rapidly-diminishing spotlight, has stooped to a new low in his battle against irrelevancy He has been given a lifetime ban from Fox News.When it comes to Fox News, the network has a tendency to be a little lenient on the issue of behavior of sexual nature, a reputation that screams Hold my beer! to a man like Gene Simmons. On what was far from his first appearance on the network, Simmons was a guest last Wednesday on Fox and Friends, as well as Fox Business Network s Mornings With Maria, to promote his new book, On Power. Gene Simmons, who claims to know Donald Trump very well and that the current President s critics should get over it, couldn t be faulted for his onscreen appearance, even helping with the weather report:MUST SEE: @genesimmons helps @JaniceDean with the weather! pic.twitter.com/EFfRQESNuq FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) November 15, 2017Simmons also sat on a panel with Mornings With Maria host Maria Bartiromo and gave his view on the Harvey Weinstein sexual-misconduct case. The lunatics have taken over the insane asylum when respected business entities such as yourself ask guys that like to stick their tongues out what I think of Harvey Weinstein, Simmons answered. Okay, I m a powerful and attractive man, and what I m about to say is deadly serious, he added. Men are jackasses. From the time we re young we have testosterone. I m not validating it or defending it. As is always the case, however, it was when the cameras weren t rolling that things began to get creepy and also quite hypocritical. According to a knowledgeable Fox News source, Simmons arrived on the studio s fourteenth floor to do an interview with FoxNews.com s entertainment section to promote his book, but also chose to walk into a staff meeting uninvited, opened his shirt and shouted, Hey chicks, sue me! He didn t stop there, though. The source claims he went on to tell pedophilia-related Michael Jackson jokes, hit two employees on the head with his book while making comparisons on their intelligence based on the sounds, and asked an African-American employee if he was Al Roker. It was pretty severe, the source said.Simmons behavior was reported to a supervisor, who in turn passed the news on to Fox News human-resources executive Kevin Lord, who promptly banned Simmons from the building. He was also permanently barred from appearing on any Fox News or Fox Business Networkprogramming.It seems that Gene Simmons may have had a change of heart over the past week, as he has released the following statement: I have appeared frequently over the years on various Fox News and Fox Business programs and have a tremendous amount of respect for the talented women and men who work there. While I believe that what is being reported is highly exaggerated and misleading, I am sincerely sorry that I unintentionally offended members of the Fox team during my visit. Although Simmons interview with FoxNews.com was recorded, it will not be released.Featured image via Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images
November 22, 2017
Obama Makes UNPRECEDENTED Move To Protect The World From Trump (DETAILS)
President Barack Obama knows that President-elect Donald Trump doesn t know what the hell he s doing, and is putting more time in on Twitter than actually trying to figure it out and learn the ropes.Obama has not only agreed to hold Trump s little orange hands and remain close to guide him through this transition period, but he s also just made an unprecedented move to save the world from Trump and his deadly administration. On Monday, our beloved Commander-in-chief released a memo that is basically a guidebook on how to use military force for dummies.The document lays out specific details on national security-related topics, such as how and when to use military force. This is a major move by Obama and the first time a President has EVER had to do this to prevent a completely unqualified person from destroying everything. The Washington Post reported: On the eve of a new administration that has promised more aggressive counterterrorism operations, the Obama White House has released a lengthy compendium of its own policies governing the use of force.The 61-page document outlines eight years of the administration s legal opinions, executive orders and military directives. In a strong defense of the administration s actions, it lists rules for lethal drones and terrorist detention, and describes the international and domestic law that undergirds them. In the introduction of the guidebook, Obama said he d created it to reduce the risk of an ill-considered decision an obvious observation of Trump s lack of emotional stability and impulsive, erratic behavior. And then he wrote something that Trump will REALLY hate when he said it was critical to give as much information as possible to the public so that an informed public can scrutinize our actions and hold us to account. Obama is truly amazing for this. It s clear that even though he won t be America s President in a few weeks, he still deeply cares about the future of our country and the world. Even on his way out, he s committed to serving the people and minimizing the damage our moronic President-elect might do. We re really going to miss him.Featured image via Sean Gallup/Getty Images
December 6, 2016
German women ask Merkel for more support after vote
A group of German women s organizations wrote to Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday demanding more support for their goals of equal participation, equal pay and better monitoring of gender policies after the Sept. 24 election. Merkel was elected as Germany s first female chancellor in 2005, helped by strong support from women voters, but the leader of the conservative Christian Democrats (CDU) has not made fighting for equal rights a major priority. Women in Germany have moderated their demands for long enough and repeatedly accepted compromises. Without notable progress, wrote the 17 groups representing 12.5 million women in professions ranging from medicine to law and engineering. Now, new, binding milestones with clear targets need to be defined and achieved. Opinion polls show that Merkel should easily win a fourth term, with women still more likely to vote for the CDU than the SPD, and far more likely to support Merkel on 60 percent than her SPD challenger Martin Schulz on just 20 percent. Merkel was initially opposed to quotas, but her government has introduced a requirement for women to hold 30 percent of seats on non-executive company boards after it was championed by her junior coalition partners, the center-left Social Democrats. Beyond that, however, progress at boosting female representation in both business and politics has been slow. None of Germany s top 30 listed companies has a female CEO and women hold only 7 percent of executive positions in the 160 biggest listed firms, up from 6 percent in 2016. Meanwhile, the percentage of women in the German parliament is expected to fall to 32 percent from a current 36.5 percent after the election due to the likely entry of the male-dominated Free Democrats and Alternative fuer Deutschland (AfD). Merkel says she wants half her new cabinet to be female, compared to seven out of 16 posts now, although that will depend on which party she shares power with. She has also warned firms they face tougher regulation if they do not promote more women. The women s groups said they welcomed Merkel s desire for an equal cabinet and for more women in business, but said more was needed to improve participation and equal pay. The example of the mandatory gender quota for supervisory boards of large companies shows that legal targets are needed to speed up the necessary processes of change and a switch in role models in business and society, the letter to Merkel said.
September 11, 2017
U.S. House Speaker Ryan applauds new Puerto Rico aid bill
U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Tuesday he applauded a new House bill to help Puerto Rico deal with its $70 billion in debt. “I applaud Rep. Duffy for introducing H.R. 4900, which holds the right people accountable for the crisis, shrinks the size of government, and authorizes an independent board to help get Puerto Rico on a path to fiscal health,” Ryan said in a statement.
April 12, 2016
Professor Who Predicted Trump’s Election Has Another Prediction Trump Will HATE (VIDEO)
Until November 8, Democrats desperately tried to dismiss the prediction of presidential historian Allan Lichtman, who has accurately predicted every presidential election for the last 30 years. Unfortunately, it turned out polls were wrong and he was completely right.Lichtman has a second part to his prediction, though. While he accurately called the fact that Trump would win the White House, he s now predicting that he will just as quickly lose it through impeachment.While his electoral prediction was based on a scientific system, his latest prediction is not. It s a gut call, but let s call his an educated gut. His main argument is the baggage that Trump is carrying with him to the Oval Office. But it has a few reasons behind it. What you see [with Trump] is what you get: candidates don t fundamentally change. Donald Trump throughout his life has played fast and loose with the law. He was found by the justice department in the seventies to have discriminated against African Americans with his real estate business. This video is a couple of days old, so Lichtman didn t know that Trump would be settling the Trump University fraud case that s been hanging over his head, but that s far from the only scandal. While that alleged victim in the child rape case dropped the charges, Gloria Allred, the alleged victim s attorney, said the story isn t over yet.All of this, though, might just be an excuse to get rid of Trump. Trump is a wildcard and if there s anything Republicans can t stand, it s unpredictable behavior. Republicans love control and they would love to see Mike Pence, the vice president, as president because he is predictable and controllable. Pence is anti-choice and anti-gay. Trump keeps changing his opinions on those issues. That type of moral uncertainty doesn t sit well with the ber religious Republican Party.Here s the video:Of course, if Trump is impeached, that would leave us with a President Pence. Trust me when I say that s no better.Featured image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images
November 19, 2016
WASHINGTON POST PRAISES MICHELLE OBAMA For “Reclaiming her image”…For Openly Supporting Racist and Cop-Hating Black Lives Matter
Washington Post: Is this the woman that Michelle Obama sees when she looks in the mirror now, free of the White House and the media scrutiny of presidential politics? After more than a decade in public life, can she freely shed the sheath dress and pearls for a wide brim black hat and dookie braids?She just did.By allowing herself to be photographed alongside 15 other members of Beyonc s inner circle, Obama reclaimed her image from the annals of stodgy first lady portraits. And, she did it by embodying Beyonc s.The image, in case you haven t seen it, is part of a birthday tribute to the singer who posted portraits of black women some famous, others not dressed in one of her iconic looks from the Formation video.For those who aren t able to pick out Michelle without seeing her perpetual scowl or eyeballs rolling, she s the one in the middle:The Washington Post took great pains to make sure there is no room for interpretation when it comes the reason Michelle Obama chose to publicly throw her support behind Beyonce s divisive, cop-hating music.From the Washington Post:Both the former first lady and Queen Bey are two women who don t put images out into the world without carefully considering their meaning. So what s the former first lady telling us with this one?First, that she loves Beyonc . Well, duh: Their track record of public support dates back to the first inauguration, when the singer serenaded the Obamas with Etta James s At Last. Second, that she loved Formation, undeniably one of Beyonc s most overtly political tracks. The video featured stark images of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, along with graffiti supporting the movement for Black Lives Matter, a police cruiser sinking into a body of water and a young black boy dancing in front of a line of officers outfitted in riot gear. That s all before Beyonc throws up her middle fingers.In other words There can be no denying that Michelle has given up the front, and is coming out as a full-fledged supporter of the anti-law enforcement Black Lives Matter domestic terror group.The Washington Post wrapped up their piece by reminding their readers how painful it s been for Michelle to be stuck in the White House, and how she s looking forward to living a normal life again, unlike the stodgy former first ladies before her:In one of her final interviews as first lady, Obama told Oprah Winfrey that she longed for a normal life after living in the nation s fish bowl. So it seems counter intuitive for her to participate in this such a public display of adulation for one of the world s most famous women.Add to that the controversial nature of the look which hearkens to Beyonc in one of her more militant moments. Remember that satirical New Yorker cover, which cast Michelle Obama as a fist-bumping, combat boot-wearing, afro d commando? That image, Obama has said, knocked [her] back.
Sep 6, 2017
Democrats ask Trump to veto measure repealing city retirement plan rule
In a last-ditch effort, five U.S. Senate Democrats are urging President Donald Trump to veto a resolution that would repeal a Labor Department rule designed to help cities launch retirement savings plans for low-income private-sector workers by exempting such programs from strict federal pension protection laws. In an April 5 letter that Reuters saw on Thursday, the lawmakers told Trump, a Republican, that killing the rule could harm more than 2 million Americans who would otherwise benefit from city-run retirement plans. “We ask you to work with us to increase access to retirement savings programs and promote greater retirement security,” they wrote. The senators signing the letter are Patty Murray of Washington and Ron Wyden of Oregon, the top Democrats on committees overseeing pensions and tax matters; Maria Cantwell of Washington; Kirsten Gillibrand of New York; and Robert Casey of Pennsylvania. The resolution on city-run retirement plans is one of 13 measures that Congress has passed to repeal rules enacted under previous president Barack Obama, a Democrat. An obscure law called the Congressional Review Act gives Congress a tool to repeal regulations that it finds objectionable. All that is required is a simple majority vote in both chambers and the president’s signature. The law is limited, however, in how it can be used. Only rules that were finalized within 60 legislative days are eligible for repeal. Trump has signed 11 of the 13 resolutions so far. The White House Office of Management and Budget has advised Trump to sign the city-run retirement plan measure, and a White House official said on Wednesday that the president would sign more resolutions this month. The Labor Department adopted two rules at the end of Obama’s tenure that exempted both city and state-run retirement plans from the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, or ERISA, a law designed to protect workers’ savings. The plans are geared toward private-sector workers whose employers do not offer 401(k) or other retirement benefits, and would let them enroll automatically in plans like those being introduced in places like California. Cities and states say they need the exemption for the plans to work effectively, but trade groups like the Chamber of Commerce and Investment Company Institute want it repealed amid concerns that workers would not have adequate pension protections. The resolution to repeal the city-run retirement plan rule narrowly passed the Senate in a 50-49 vote. The Senate is expected to take up a separate resolution to repeal the rule on state-run retirement plans after the Easter recess.
April 6, 2017
Alabama Supreme Court SHOCKS Conservatives With This Latest Ruling
Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore is so pissed right now.Ever since the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in their Obergefell v. Hodges ruling last summer, Alabama has resisted following it.Almost immediately, Moore ordered county clerks and judges to refuse to help same-sex couples get married, claiming that the nation s high court has no power to overturn a state ban on same-sex marriage.Despite Moore s efforts to keep defying the Supreme Court, his colleagues on the state bench made the opposite decision on Friday.In a single sentence, the Alabama Supreme Court chose to not defy the high court by rejecting an anti-same-sex marriage case brought by the Alabama Citizens Action Program and the Alabama Policy Institute. It is ordered that all pending motions and petitions are dismissed, the majority of the court ruled, thus ending the fight against federal authorities that Moore wanted so badly.According to the Associated Press,In one of several written opinions accompanying the order, Justice Greg Shaw called the decision a clear refusal to ignore the Supreme Court ruling last June.Several other state justices railed against the high court s ruling while noting they can t overturn it.Chief Justice Roy Moore wrote that previous state orders barring gay marriage in Alabama remain. Most probate judges already are ignoring that directive, however, and hundreds of same-sex couples already have wed in Alabama.NBC News had more about what Moore wrote in his dissenting opinion.Quoting everything from past court rulings to the Bible and the 1974 song Feelings, the chief justice called the court s ruling immoral, unconstitutional and tyrannical. He referred to homosexuality as a disgrace to human nature which can t be compared to opposite-sex intimacy. Sodomy has never been and never will be an act by which a marriage can be consummated, Moore wrote.This is a victory for the LGBT community and a victory for sanity in general. Even Moore s fellow judges acknowledged that the U.S. Supreme Court has the final say and federal law trumps state law no matter how they may feel about same-sex marriage personally.It s definitely a significant setback for conservative Christians in the state who were hoping to keep bigotry, hate, and their ability to discriminate at will enshrined under state law.Featured image via Flickr
March 5, 2016
Trump Has A Really, REALLY Disturbing Bedtime Ritual, It Will DISGUST You (DETAILS)
Donald Trump s two month old presidency has been so disastrous, the only things we know he s doing (besides working to strip health care from millions of Americans and humiliating the country) is play golf and watch television. A LOT of television.Pretty much everything Trump has tweeted or referred to in interviews has been influenced by something he watched on TV Fox News in particular. Trump s obsession with cable news and the way he s being portrayed is an all-consuming hobby for the narcissistic POTUS, and he s taken it to a truly disturbing level.Apparently, according go New York Magazine reporter Gabriel Sherman, Trump records news shows all throughout the day so he can watch how different networks have covered him right before he goes to bed. He does this every single night! In an appearance on Slate s Trump podcast, Sherman said: People in Trump world say basically a lot of Fox. But the other thing he does, from a source close to the White House told me that he does DVR basically all of the cable news. It s kind of remarkable when you think about it, that someone would actually want to watch cable news on recording. Donald Trump, apparently he does. And when he goes back up to the residence at the end of the day, I ve been told does spend a lot of time flipping through cable networks, including CNN, and catching up on the way that he s been covered. This is a man whose validation is cemented by how the media covers him. So he sort of obsessively monitors his media coverage. So basically, Trump s unhealthy obsession with television is just another way that he caters to his monstrous ego. This makes perfect sense, especially since Sherman stated that Trump s primary source of live information was Fox News, one of the only networks that routinely speaks of him favorably. It would be nice if, for a change, Trump would stop watching television (especially the highly inaccurate Fox News) and actually do his job for once.Featured image is a screenshot
March 21, 2017
JOHN CONYERS’ LAWYER Threatens ‘If This Nonsense Continues, This Is Just a Harbinger of What’s to Come’ [Video]
Rep. John Conyers lawyer, Arnold Reed, threatened with what s to come during a press conference today: This, ladies and gentlemen, I promise you, if this nonsense continues, this is just a harbinger of what s to come, Reed said while defending the congressman during the press conference in Detroit.IS REED TRYING TO BLAME THE ACCUSER OR IS CONYERS READY TO NAME NAMES?Marion Brown, a former staffer to Conyers, revealed herself this week to be one of the accusers. In a Thursday interview with the Today Show, she alleged Conyers violated her body and would frequently proposition her for sex. You boo d up with him at the Barrister s Ball? LAWYER FOR JOHN CONYERSREED PUSHES BACK:Reed pushed back against the allegations and showed several signed statements of former Conyers staffers that stated they didn t witness any harassment or sexual misconduct from the congressman.Reed made us head for the Urban Dictionary when he said the victim was boo d up with Conyers: This means kissing in public or in a relationship Mr. Campbell indicates that he never saw anything and verified that the congressman hired the accuser s daughter. But there became a problem all hell broke loose when the congressman fired the daughter. And then, all of a sudden, we get this sexual harassment, sexual allegation problem. Here s the predator that she s talking about at the Barrister s Ball, 2011 Barrister s Ball, Reed said as he held up a photograph that appeared to be of Conyers and Brown next to each other, posing for a picture. She [Brown] said that he took every opportunity during hours to harass her. He was an animal. But you boo d up with him at the Barrister s Ball? You want to get angry and mad when the congressman defends himself? Reed continued.READ MORE: WFB
Dec 1, 2017
NEW EMAILS: Clinton Foundation VIP donors buy access – while Hillary was Secretary of State
21st Century Wire says In the old days, this scandal would be filed under gross conflict of interest or government corruption . In the America in 2016, it s simply filed under news. Far from being a great charity organization, the Clinton Foundation appears to be merely a vehicle for those who want access to a US-based syndicate of international oligarchs, elite financial institutions, foreign governments, and even dictator-friendly Lebanese-Nigerian billionaires.As 21WIRE reported last week, this international syndicate stretches right through the heartland of Islamist radicalization and state-sponsored terrorism to the feudal monarchs in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and others.To be sure, this is only the tip of a much larger political iceberg RTNewly released emails reveal more ties between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department during Hillary Clinton s tenure as secretary of state, showing that major donors received special perks including lunch with the Chinese president.The State Department emails were released as part of a public records lawsuit by conservative group Citizens United. The documents were then shared exclusively with ABC News. After more than two years of Freedom of Information Act requests and lengthy litigation, the truth is finally coming out, David Bossie, president of Citizens United, said in a statement. Hillary Clinton s senior staff at the State Department routinely worked with the Clinton Foundation to reward big donors with special access and favors for four years. The emails seem to suggest that some of the Clinton Foundation s biggest donors were given special treatment, including seats at a meal attended by Chinese President Hu Jintao.One particular email chain dated December 2010 includes correspondence between Clinton s closest aide, Huma Abedin, and then-top Clinton Foundation official Doug Band.The email gives names of those expected to attend a State Department lunch with the Chinese president scheduled for January 2011 and some of the foundation s biggest donors were on the guest list.The list included three executives from organizations that have donated millions to the Clinton Foundation Bob McCann, then-president of wealth management at UBS; Dr. Judith Rodin, president of the Rockefeller Foundation; and Hikmet Ersek, the CEO of Western Union.According to the Clinton Foundation s website, UBS has contributed between $500,000 and $1 million to the organization. The Rockefeller Foundation has donated between $10 million and $25 million, and Western Union and its foundation has given between $1 million and $5 million.Nearly two weeks after the initial email, Band sent a follow-up requesting that Rodin be seated at Vice President Joe Biden s table. I ll ask, Abedin wrote in response.In a separate email, Abedin forwarded Band an attachment titled Updated China RSVP Guest List 1-5-11. The attachment itself was not included in the documents seen by ABC Read more at RTREAD MORE CLINTON NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Clinton Files
August 29, 2016
U.S. stance on auto industry sows more doubt about NAFTA overhaul
The Trump administration on Friday demanded that U.S.-made content account for half the value of the cars and trucks sold under the North American Free Trade Agreement, raising further doubts about any potential deal to renew the pact. Three sources briefed on the protectionist U.S. proposal, which is in line with President Donald Trump’s goal of shrinking a trade deficit with Mexico and stemming the loss of U.S. manufacturing jobs, said it also seeks sharply higher North American automotive content overall. The proposal was made during contentious talks in Washington, in the fourth of seven planned rounds of negotiations to overhaul the treaty. Some Mexican sources denounced it as “absurd,” but Juan Carlos Baker, Mexico’s deputy economy minister, put a brave face on the state of NAFTA negotiations at the halfway point. “There’s no question there are some difficult proposals,” Baker told reporters at Mexico’s embassy in Washington. He said Mexico will consider all of them, though he said, “It’s clear to us that there are certain things that are proposals that go against the country’s objectives.” Trump, who claims that the original 1994 pact has been a disaster for the United States, is threatening to walk away from the agreement unless major changes are made. Washington’s auto industry gambit came hot on the heels of its demand that NAFTA also contain a so-called sunset clause. That could mean any new deal expires in five years, an idea that Canada and Mexico also strongly oppose. Although sources briefed on the talks describe the mood as sour, Mexican and Canadian politicians say there is no question of leaving the table for now. A collapse of NAFTA would wreak havoc throughout the North American economy, disrupting highly integrated manufacturing supply chains and agricultural exports with steep tariffs that would snap back into place. Trade among the three countries has more than quadrupled since 1994 to over $1.2 trillion annually. Sources close to the talks said Washington wants to increase the North American content requirement for trucks, autos and large engines to 85 percent from 62.5 percent over a period of years. That is in addition to its insistence that 50 percent of the products used in vehicle be U.S.-made within the first year of a signed deal. The proposal also requires that steel, aluminum, copper, plastics, electronics and other parts be sourced from North America for vehicles to qualify for NAFTA tariff-free status. Trump has made clear he prefers bilateral trade deals, and skeptics wonder whether the U.S. demands are part of an “America First” strategy designed to ensure the current talks fail. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has listed the demand for a greater use of U.S.-made products for vehicles among a number of “poison pill” proposals that it said would torpedo the talks. {nL4N1ML4JW] The chamber says the proposal would cost jobs, since automakers and parts suppliers would likely forgo NAFTA benefits and simply pay the 2.5 percent U.S. tariff for imported cars and many parts. Unifor, the union which represents most of Canada’s auto workers, said the U.S. proposals were deliberately untenable. “Frankly, I think this is a bully move by the American government,” Unifor President Jerry Dias said in a statement. Trump officials say current rules are too lax and allow auto companies to bring in too many cheap parts from China and other low-wage Asian countries. Mexico is heavily dependent on the United States and NAFTA for its economic viability, and uncertainty over the outcome of the talks helped push the Mexican peso to near five-month lows this week. Canadian officials said it was too soon to write off the deal-making process. They noted that U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland and Mexican Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo were due to meet in Washington on Tuesday to take stock of the negotiations. Separately, U.S. negotiators on Friday formally asked Canada to address a bilateral dispute over dairy pricing, a request the Canadians are set to resist, sources familiar with the talks said.
October 13, 2017
Mali's president contradicts French account of military strike
Malian soldiers killed by a French military strike in northern Mali in October were hostages of Islamist militants, not deserters turned jihadists as French authorities say, Mali s president said in a newspaper interview published on Sunday. Malian and French officials have given contradicting accounts of the Oct. 23 strike on a camp of the Ansar Dine militant group, which the French army said took 15 Islamists out of action . France s defense minister has said her services had factual information showing the fighters were all jihadists, including ex-Malian soldiers enrolled by Islamists, contradicting comments from the Malian defense ministry. But in a interview with Jeune Afrique magazine, Malian President Ibrahim Boubakar Keita insisted that was not the case: They were the terrorists hostages and there should be no ambiguity about that between our French friends and us, he said. It s regrettable, it can unfortunately happen in this type of operations. We should admit it and not look for reasons that don t exist. The Malian government is struggling to contain Tuareg and Islamist violence in northern Mali, some of which is spreading south. Attempts to place officials in northern towns have sometimes failed, raising questions about the government s ability to maintain stability ahead of elections. Islamist militants seized northern Mali in 2012 and French forces intervened a year later. Around 4,000 French troops remain in West Africa s Sahel region as part of Operation Barkhane. France has also been at the forefront of organizing a regional force as part of efforts to find a long-term strategy to exit the region.
December 3, 2017
COMMANDER IN CHIEF APPROVED RACISM? U.S. Military Makes SHOCKING Disciplinary Decision For 16 Black West Point Cadets
Do we even need to ask how 16 white West Point cadets posing in uniform, with a white power fist before graduation would have been resolved? Never mind the media circus it would have created Sixteen black West Point cadets who posed with raised fists for a pre-graduation picture that sparked debates on race and proper behavior in uniform won t be punished for the gesture, the U.S. Military Academy said Tuesday.The decision, less than two weeks before the 16 female seniors are poised to graduate, found they didn t violate any U.S. Department of Defense rules limiting political activity.An internal inquiry found that the cadets did not pre-plan or set out to make a political statement, West Point s superintendent, Lt. Gen. Robert Caslen Jr., said in a letter to the student body.But, he said, they showed a lapse of awareness in how symbols and gestures can be misinterpreted and cause division and they will get some instruction on that.The fists-up image, which circulated online, led some observers to question whether the women were expressing support for the Black Lives Matter movement, which grew out of protests over police killings of unarmed black men.But the inquiry found the picture, one of multiple photos the women made in keeping with an informal campus tradition, captured a spur-of-the-moment gesture intended to demonstrate unity and pride in graduating, Caslen wrote. Groups of cadets often take Old Corps pictures in traditional dress uniforms to echo historical portraits.A raised fist has symbolized political resistance for generations, from Nelson Mandela upon his release from prison in 1990 to Democratic Vermont U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on the presidential campaign trail this year. It was used by black power advocates in the 1960s, including by two American sprinters during a medal ceremony at the 1968 Mexico City Olympic Games, and more recently by activists for the Black Lives Matter movement.Some observers suggested the women were improperly identifying with the movement while in uniform.Defenders said the women were simply celebrating their forthcoming graduation, something closer in spirit to a team lifting helmets to celebrate a win or Beyonce raising her fist at this year s Super Bowl halftime show. Via: Yahoo h/t WZ
May 11, 2016
The left believes they are winning this war. Radical organizations funded by George Soros and other radical leftists are paying protesters to join anarchists in the war against America. This is a must watch debate with two conservative men who are unafraid to take on one of the mouthpieces of the left and call them out on their agenda.Steve Malzberg from NewsMax TV and Nomiki Konst, the radical executive director of the Accountability Project, joined Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit to discuss the Ferguson mobs and myths and Barack Obama s stellar record on race relations.Nomiki is a committed leftist and accused Donald Trump of being a racist. Steve Malzberg let her have it. We ended with a discussion on how Barack Obama destroyed race relations in this country. Enjoy.Via: Gateway Pundit
Aug 12, 2015
Bernie Sanders Gets Some Pretty Outspoken Praise From Biden (VIDEO)
Vice President Joe Biden has nothing but glowing praise for Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. Biden, who contemplated a run for the presidency but decided to opt out, said of Sanders: Bernie is speaking to a yearning that is deep and real. And he has credibility on it. And that is the absolute enormous concentration of wealth of a small group of people, with a middle class now being left out. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkFFh2M8rAc]Biden was referring to Sanders consistent record of speaking out on and pushing initiatives about income inequality throughout his career. Sanders has made the issue a central theme of his campaign. Biden also believes the issue of income inequality is of vital importance to the country. He said: There used to be a basic bargain. If you contributed to the profitability of an enterprise, you share in that profit, and that s been broken. Productivity is up and wages are stagnant. Sanders strength is with young voters, with polls showing that he leads in double digits in that demographic. Many millennials, for example, have enormous college debt and they continue to have a tough time in the job market. Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, director of the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, an organization that encourages young people to get involved in politics, said: Part of it is really sort of the age that they grew up in. If you think about the millennials, that age group, they turned 18 as President George W Bush took office. That s the world they grew up in: their country is at war, it seemed to have lost purpose. And then as they were graduating from college the recession hit. So the social contrast that people generally have that you invest in your education and you get paid off was a myth for them. One thing is his genuineness. He s been consistent warrior against economic inequality since the 60s, and he hasn t changed a bit. Although Biden has not officially made an endorsement, he did meet with Sanders last October to discuss campaign finance reform.Bernie Sanders campaign is moving in the right direction, gaining momentum at the right time more than any other candidate despite the fact that the media has not paid attention to him. If the current polls are indicative of things to come, the Republicans better look out. Polls show him trouncing all Republican candidates, including Donald Trump by a wide margin.Featured Image: Marc Nozell (flickr)
January 12, 2016
Syrian army and Iranian-backed militias push towards Idlib province
The Syrian army and Iranian-backed militias backed by Russian air power stepped up a military campaign against rebels in eastern Hama province in a push towards the rebel stronghold of Idlib province in northwestern Syria, rebels and witnesses said. They said dozens of aerial strikes believed to be conducted mainly by Russian jets in the last 48 hours hit opposition held villages and towns in the northeastern Hama countryside and the southern part of Idlib province. The Islamist Hayat Tahrir al Sham and some Free Syrian Army (FSA) rebel faction in control of these areas said they were sending reinforcements to seize back a string of villages in the northeastern Hama countryside, near the town of Rihjan, that the army had earlier announced were captured in heavy fighting. The army said the villages of Um Turayka, Bilil, and Rujum al Ahmar were seized, forcing the rebels to flee to areas close to the administrative boundaries of Idlib province. The Syrian army had lost the strategically located Idlib province to insurgents when the provincial capital fell to rebels in 2015. It has since become the only province that is fully under opposition control. The Syrian army s first goal was to retake strategic Abu al Dhour military airport, one of the largest airports in the north of the country that fell to rebels in 2015. It was heavily bombed on Sunday, a rebel source said. The regime movements seek to besiege Idlib province with the help of Shi ite militias fighting with them, said Colonel Mustafa Bakour, a commander in the Jaish al Izza rebel faction. Tahrir al Sham, which is spearheaded by the former al Qaeda branch in Syria, is the main rebel force in the province, raising fears among civilians and rebels alike that Moscow and the Syrian army and its allies would soon turn it into a major battlefield. The strategically located province that borders Turkey is part of the Russian-led de-escalation zones that seek to shore up ceasefires in western Syria. Idlib has been a haven for tens of thousands of rebels and civilians who were forced to abandon their homes in other parts of western Syria that the government and its foreign military allies have recaptured from rebels. It has already been the target of intensive strikes by the Russia and Syrian air forces in the past year that have killed thousands of civilians and destroyed hospitals and civil defense centers. Tahrir al Sham also repelled simultaneously an offensive by Islamic State militants who have been for the last few weeks pushing into the opposition-controlled territory to extend a small enclave they have in that area, among the few they retain across Syria. The ultra hardline militants also seized a string of villages that brought them within kilometers of Idlib province. The Russian and Syrian army advance towards Idlib is also piling pressure on Turkey which had since October begun a major military deployment in the province it considers within its sphere of influence. Ankara s intervention seeks to rein in Russian strikes and prevent Idlib from facing a similar fate to Mosul or Aleppo, according to a senior rebel commander briefed on Turkish policy.
December 11, 2017
Democrats want Congress' authorization for anti-militant campaigns
Ten Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives said on Thursday they want Congress to vote on a formal authorization for the use of military force against al Qaeda, the Islamic State and the Taliban. The group introduced an authorization, known as an AUMF, that would last three years and replace authorizations passed in 2001 and 2002 that have been used by both Republican and Democratic presidents for military action against the groups. Some members of Congress have contended for years that those measures, approved in 2001 to retaliate against al Qaeda for the Sept. 11 attacks and in 2002 to pave the way for the Iraq War, were outmoded. Those arguments intensified when President Donald Trump ordered air strikes against an airfield in Syria this month, although Republicans, who control Congress, and many Democrats said they did not feel that a single action like that required formal approval by Congress. But a small, mostly Democratic, group of lawmakers has argued for years that Congress should stop abdicating its responsibility to consider an AUMF that would govern U.S. military action, whether against Islamist militant groups or the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. “As deployments to Iraq and Syria increase, and with complicating factors like the recent cruise missile strike against the Assad regime in response to the use of chemical weapons, Congress cannot stand on the sidelines any longer and must debate and vote on any new war,” said Representative Adam Schiff, who introduced the bill with nine co-sponsors. The measure would authorize Trump to deploy combat ground troops against the three groups anywhere in the world, but also includes a mechanism to allow a motion to repeal or modify the authorization. It also would put in place new requirements for administration reports to Congress and the public on how force was being used. Without Republican co-sponsors, the measure stands little chance of passage, but if it picks up support, it could help pave the way for future legislation.
April 27, 2017
WATCH: Penn Jillette’s Newest Card Trick PERFECTLY Illustrates How Trump Runs His Campaign
Penn Jillette doesn t want Donald Trump to run for president, and apparently, neither does Bloomberg News. They asked Penn to create a new card trick representing Trump s campaign, and it apparently only took him a few seconds to do so, because that s how much of a disaster Trump s campaign is.He starts with a deck of cards and it seems like an ordinary, pick a card, stick it back in the deck and I ll find it card trick. He then explains how all the shuffling cards while talking around is misdirection, and uses that as an analogy for many of Trump s outlandish statements.The video even shows Trump making some of his idiotic statements and lies, like his repeated attacks on the Khan family, his misogynistic blood coming out of her wherever slam of Megyn Kelly, and his claim that he wouldn t lose support even if he shot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue.But it s the trick itself, and the ending that are the real gems of the video. Watch below:Trump s campaign isn t a train wreck waiting to happen, it s a flat-out train wreck, especially given the week he s had. Come November, his campaign will end the same way this card trick does.Featured image via screen capture from embedded video
August 6, 2016
Russia builds bridge to move troops across Syria's Euphrates river: TV
The Russian military has built a bridge across the Euphrates river near Deir al-Zor to move troops and vehicles to the other side to support a Syrian army offensive, Russian TV reported on Tuesday, showing footage of trucks moving across the bridge. Russian TV channels reported that the military had erected the bridge under fire from Islamist militants in less than 48 hours and that it could also be used to deliver humanitarian aid and to evacuate the sick and wounded. Up to 8,000 vehicles weighing up to 50 tonnes would be able to cross the bridge in any 24 hour period, including tanks, TV channels reported, saying the bridge was located east of Deir al-Zor.
September 26, 2017
WATCH: 3 PRESIDENTS Before Trump Promised To Move U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem
On Tuesday, Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein of California blasted President Trump for saying he would move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Feinstein claimed it would be a terrible decision even though she previously voted for the embassy to be moved. The hypocrisy of the left doesn t stop there Today, President Donald Trump announced that America formally recognizes Jerusalem as Israel s capital city, changing decades of U.S. policy in a brief afternoon speech and casting the move as a bid to preserve, not derail, aspirations for regional peace.The critics of Donald Trump attacked his decision. Meanwhile, the truth is, that for decades, some of the most beloved Democrats have used the promise of recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel as a way to get votes.In 1999, while campaigning for New York s US Senate seat, first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton said in a letter, that she considered Jerusalem to be the eternal and indivisible capital of Israel and will be an active advocate if elected to New York s Senate seat to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.In a letter that became public Thursday, Mrs. Clinton wrote: If I am chosen by New Yorkers to be their senator, or in whatever position I find myself in the years to come, you can be sure that I will be an active, committed advocate for a strong and secure Israel, able to live in peace with its neighbors, with the United States Embassy located in its capital, Jerusalem. Hillary s not the only one to promise, that if elected, they would move heaven and earth to make Jerusalem the rightful capital of Israel. As it turns out, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama (twice) also made the same promise. The only problem is, none of them had the courage to do it.Watch:When President @realDonaldTrump announced that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, he fulfilled another campaign promise, in addition to those that go back 25 years . pic.twitter.com/P7M2dEx2qT Dan Scavino Jr. (@DanScavino) December 7, 2017Here s why our courageous president, Donald Trump was right to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel:Matthew Continetti of the Washington Free Beacon wrote the best article on Trump s bold decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem that we have seen to date.Not only is President Trump s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and begin the process of moving the U.S. embassy there one of the boldest moves of his presidency. It is one of the boldest moves any U.S. president has made since the beginning of the Oslo peace process in 1993. That process collapsed at Camp David in 2000 when Yasir Arafat rejected President Clinton s offer of a Palestinian state. And the process has been moribund ever since, despite multiple attempts to restart it.That is why the warnings from Trump critics that his decision may wreck the peace process ring hollow. There is no peace process to wreck. The conflict is frozen. And the largest barriers to the resumption of negotiations are found not in U.S. or Israeli policy but in Palestinian autocracy, corruption, and incitement. Have the former Obama administration officials decrying Trump s announcement read a newspaper lately? From listening to them, you d think it would be all roses and ponies in the Middle East but for Trump. In fact, the region is engulfed in war, terrorism, poverty, and despotism; Israel faces threats in the north and south; its sworn enemy, Iran, is growing in influence and reach; and the delegitimization of the Jewish State proceeds apace in international organizations and on college campuses. I forget how the Obama administration advanced the cause of peace by pressuring Israel while rewarding the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. Maybe someone will remind me.One of the reasons the Middle East persists in its decrepit condition is that it has been, for decades, a playground of magical thinking. Whether it is believing that poverty is the cause of terrorism or that the Ayatollah Khamenei is a good-faith partner, whether it is imagining that Assad will go just because we tell him to or that ISIS is akin to a terrorist JV team, liberal internationalists have all too eagerly accepted an alternative picture of the Middle East that is much more flattering than the actuality. A similar form of doublethink is present in our discussions over Jerusalem. Every Israeli knows Jerusalem was, is, and will remain his capital. Every recent president has agreed with him. And the U.S. consensus has been bipartisan. The last four Democratic platforms have said the obvious: that Jerusalem is Israel s capital. The Senate voted 90-0 only six months ago urging the embassy be moved to the ancient city. Were we to take seriously neither these platforms nor that vote? Was it all virtue-signaling, a bunch of empty gestures in the kabuki theater of U.S. diplomacy?It is a sign of the disingenuousness of American foreign policy that it required someone from outside this system to behave as if words have meaning. President Trump has no background in or admiration for the routines, manners, and norms of the U.S. foreign service, especially that part of it which specializes in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This has enabled him to state unequivocally the fact others would prefer to avoid: Jerusalem is Israel s capital, full stop. His transactional nature also brought him to this fateful recognition. In March 2016, at the AIPAC policy conference, he pledged that We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem. His remarks today make clear his intention to fulfill that promise and to cement his support within the pro-Israel community.I wonder about the journalists and flacks and politicians criticizing this literal reading of U.S. law as disruptive. Have they not paid attention to this man? Donald Trump s purpose in office is to disrupt if not overturn the patterns of governance and ideological consensus that have dominated the U.S. capital for decades. In this sense, his Jerusalem policy is his presidency in microcosm. He is acting on a common sense appraisal of the world and satisfying the wishes of his supporters without regard to global or domestic elite opinion. What Trump knows more than the art of the deal is the art of the bluff and how to call one. By keeping his campaign promise today, he has called the bluff of everyone who thought the United States could have its cake and eat it too on the question of Israel s capital. And by moving our embassy to Jerusalem, the United States will acknowledge Israel s right to determine its own capital city. That is not something to condemn or fear. It is something to be proud of.
Dec 6, 2017
NFL owners to mull anthem rules as Trump ups protest criticism
NFL team owners will consider requiring football players to stand for the U.S. national anthem after President Donald Trump on Tuesday suggested using tax laws to penalize the league for players who kneel in protest of racial injustice. Trump, a Republican, escalated his feud with the National Football League in a Twitter post asking if the league should get tax breaks while some athletes kneel in protest when the “Star-Spangled Banner” is played at the start of each game. “Why is the NFL getting massive tax breaks while at the same time disrespecting our Anthem, Flag and Country? Change tax law!” Trump wrote on Twitter. The world’s top-grossing sports league gave up its tax-free status two years ago. Its owners are preparing to address the anthem issue at their fall meeting in New York Oct. 17-18, NFL chief spokesman Joe Lockhart told reporters on a conference call on Tuesday. “Everyone at this point is frustrated by the situation,” Lockhart said. “The commissioner and the owners do want the players to stand. We think it is an important part of the game.” The protests, in a league where African-Americans make up the majority of players, have continued through the season, with some players taking a knee when the anthem is played and others standing arm-in-arm in solidarity. Current policy calls for players to stand for the anthem and face the flag, but no player has been disciplined for a protest, Lockhart said. “We need to move past this controversy, and we want to do that together with our players,” NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell wrote in a memo to team owners. The White House supported the idea of asking players to stand, said spokeswoman Sarah Sanders. “We are glad to see the NFL taking positive steps in that direction,” she said at a news briefing. Asked to explain Trump’s comment on the NFL and taxes, Sanders said, “The federal tax law doesn’t apply here, but certainly we know that they receive tax subsidies on a variety of different levels.” The NFL Players Association, when asked for a reaction to possible changes to anthem rules, said in an email “we do not have a response at this time.” Trump last month called on NFL team owners to fire players who kneel during the anthem to protest police violence against black Americans. Critics contend Trump is fanning the controversy to distract from issues including devastation in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, tensions with North Korea and difficulties in pushing healthcare and tax overhauls through the U.S. Congress. Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, speaking on KRLD-FM in Dallas on Tuesday, reiterated his stance that if any of his players chose to demonstrate during the anthem, they would not play. “If you do not honor and stand for the flag in the way that a lot of our fans feel that you should ... if that’s not the case, then you won’t play,” said Jones. “That’s nothing new as far as that being my wish or the way I want the Cowboys. As far as whether or not I will basically institute or do what I said I would just say. ... I would ask anybody to look at my record relative to what I say I’m going to do.” Vice President Mike Pence walked out of a NFL game on Sunday after some players knelt, an action some critics called a publicity stunt. Trump won the presidency with less support from black voters than any other president in at least four decades. Trump has squared off against the NFL before, having owned a team in the upstart United States Football League in the 1980s. That league folded in 1985 after an antitrust lawsuit against the NFL failed. Trump has refused to disclose his own tax history, departing from a practice of U.S. presidents going back more than 40 years. Trump has said nobody cares about his tax returns, but critics say they could show conflicts of interest.
October 10, 2017
New U.S. U.N. envoy warns allies: back us or we'll take names
The new U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, pledged on Friday to overhaul the world body and warned U.S. allies that if they do not support Washington, then she is “taking names” and will respond. Haley made brief remarks to reporters as she arrived at the world body’s headquarters in New York to present her credentials to U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. “Our goal with the administration is to show value at the U.N. and the way that we’ll show value is to show our strength, show our voice, have the backs of our allies and make sure that our allies have our back as well,” Haley said. “For those that don’t have our back, we’re taking names, we will make points to respond to that accordingly,” added Republican President Donald Trump’s U.N. envoy. Haley, who was South Carolina’s Republican governor when Trump picked her for the post, has little foreign policy and no U.S. federal government experience. French U.N. Ambassador Francois Delattre and British U.N. Ambassador Matthew Rycroft said they looked forward to working with Haley. The United States, Britain and France, along with Russia and China, are permanent veto-wielding members of the U.N. Security Council. After her meeting with Guterres, a U.S. official said they had “a good and productive conversation about ways they can work together to reform the U.N.” Haley told reporters, “Everything that’s working, we’re going to make it better, everything that’s not working we’re going to try and fix, and anything that seems to be obsolete and not necessary we’re going to do away with.” According to a draft executive order published by The Daily Beast, Trump wants a committee - including his secretary of state, attorney general and director of national intelligence -to carry out a one-year review of U.S. funding to international organizations with the aim of almost halving voluntary funding. A senior U.S. administration official said on Friday that no such executive order was “expected at this time.” The United States is the largest contributor to the United Nations, paying 22 percent of the $5.4 billion core U.N. budget and 28 percent of the $7.9 billion U.N. peacekeeping budget. These are assessed contributions - agreed by the U.N. General Assembly - and not voluntary payments. U.N. agencies, such as the U.N. Development Programme, the children’s agency UNICEF, the World Food Programme and the U.N. Population Fund, are funded voluntarily. Last year, Trump took to Twitter to disparage the 193-member world body after the United States abstained in a Dec. 23 U.N. Security Council vote, allowing the adoption of a resolution demanding an end to settlement building by U.S. ally Israel. Trump, who had called on President Barack Obama’s administration to veto the resolution, warned that “things will be different” at the United Nations after he took office on Jan. 20.
January 27, 2017