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WATCH: Unfortunate Bug Lands In Trump’s Hair During Rally, Can’t Seem To Escape
In what could be seen as an omen of sorts, a fly just landed on Donald Trump s head, but had no idea what it was in for.It s true that flies are attracted to poop, so for the fly to land on Trump, a man that spews utter bullshit daily, it really should come as no surprise to anyone that a fly would land directly on top of his head. Unfortunately for the fly, though, he seemed to get tangled into what can only be called a nest of sorts that lays directly on top of Trump s head.You can actually watch the bewildered bug land, crawl up on top of his hair, because apparently that s possible with the amount of hairspray used, but then fall in and under, and your heart breaks when you know that may be it for the little fella.Of course, many are making the comparison of this fly to the moment when the bird landed on Bernie Sanders podium in Portland, Oregon. Clearly showing what sort of creatures are attracted to either candidate a bird of hope and a fly attracted to bullshit.Watch the Lord of the Flies and his new little friend here:https://www.facebook.com/ABC7/videos/10153577369722452/Featured image via video screen capture
May 27, 2016
Senate panel delays vote on Trump trade nominee Lighthizer
The Senate Finance Committee on Thursday delayed a scheduled vote on President Donald Trump’s nominee for U.S. Trade Representative due to the lack of a quorum among committee members. Republican Senator Orrin Hatch, the committee’s chairman, said he hoped the nomination of Robert Lighthizer for the administration’s top trade negotiating job could be taken up after Congress’ two-week Easter break ends on April 24. Senate confirmation of Lighthizer’s nomination has been delayed partly by demands from Democrats that the Finance Committee first advance a bill aimed at protecting retired coal miners’ pensions and health care benefits. Only one Democrat, Senator Ron Wyden, showed up for the start of the panel’s meeting on Thursday. Also contributing to delays were questions over whether Lighthizer, a veteran trade lawyer and Reagan-era deputy USTR, needs a congressional waiver from a 1995 law prohibiting USTR candidates from working on behalf of foreign governments. After leaving USTR but well before that law was passed, Lighthizer did some work for Brazil’s agriculture department in the late 1980s and assisted a law firm colleague who was advising a Chinese electronics industry group in the early 1990s. Lighthizer has strong support from both parties because of his pledges to strengthen enforcement of U.S. trade laws to stop unfairly dumped and subsidized imports, but the waiver issue has become a leverage point for Democrats on the miners’ pension bill. That measure seeks to transfer certain pension obligations to the federal government and provide funding to prevent some 22,800 retired coal miners from losing healthcare benefits at the end of April. Wyden said Democrats’ concerns needed to be addressed, but he was “confident that we can find a way to have a positive, strongly bipartisan markup of Mr. Lighthizer.”
April 6, 2017
Trump issues first public condemnation of anti-Semitic incidents
U.S. President Donald Trump delivered his first public condemnation of anti-Semitic incidents in the United States on Tuesday after a new spate of bomb threats to Jewish community centers around the country and vandalism in a Jewish cemetery. Several of the centers were evacuated for a time on Monday after receiving the threats, the JCC Association of North America said, and another center was evacuated on Tuesday morning in San Diego, California, according to police. Also, vandals toppled about 170 headstones at the Chesed Shel Emeth Society cemetery in St. Louis, Missouri, over the weekend. “The anti-Semitic threats targeting our Jewish community and community centers are horrible and are painful and a very sad reminder of the work that still must be done to root out hate and prejudice and evil,” Trump told reporters. He was speaking at the end of a tour of the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, which Trump said showed “why we have to fight bigotry, intolerance and hatred in all of its very ugly forms.” The comments marked a change for Trump, who had not explicitly and publicly condemned the threats against Jews when asked last week. Instead, he spoke more generally about his hopes of making the nation less “divided.” The president reacted with anger at a news conference last week when a journalist from a Jewish magazine asked how his government planned to “take care” of a rise in threats. Trump berated the reporter for asking a “very insulting” question, appearing to believe the reporter was accusing him of being anti-Semitic. “Number one, I am the least anti-Semitic person that you’ve ever seen in your entire life,” the president said, adding that he was also the least racist person. Trump has often noted that one of his daughters is a convert to Judaism, he has Jewish grandchildren and he employs many Jews in his business. Trump’s daughter Ivanka, a close adviser to her father who practices Orthodox Judaism, responded to the latest threats in a message on her Twitter account on Monday evening. “America is a nation built on the principle of religious tolerance,” she said. “We must protect our houses of worship & religious centers.” On Tuesday, Trump again declined to answer a question about what action he would take to address the threats to Jewish organizations. Sean Spicer, a White House spokesman, said later that Trump would respond through “deed and action” over the coming months and years. ‘BAND-AID’ Trump’s derogatory campaign rhetoric against Muslims and Mexican immigrants won enthusiastic backing from prominent white supremacists who embrace anti-Jewish, anti-black and anti-Muslim ideologies. It also drew greater media attention to fringe extremist groups. Trump has disavowed their support. His chief strategist, Steve Bannon, is the former publisher of Breitbart, a news website popular among right-wing extremist groups. The Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect in New York, which has criticized the Trump administration repeatedly over anti-Semitism, said his comments were too little too late. “The president’s sudden acknowledgement is a Band-Aid on the cancer of anti-Semitism that has infected his own administration,” Steven Goldstein, the group’s executive director, said in a statement. Spicer rejected the characterization. “I wish that they had praised the president for his leadership in this area,” he told reporters when asked about Goldstein’s comment. “Hopefully as time goes by they’ll recognize his commitment to civil rights.” Jewish groups criticized the White House for omitting any mention of Jews in its statement marking Holocaust Memorial Day last month. The White House said the omission was deliberate since the Nazis also killed people who were not Jews, if in smaller numbers. The stated goal of the Nazis was the extermination of Jews. One day after speaking at a security summit in Munich, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence spent Sunday morning walking through the grounds of the Dachau concentration camp in Germany with a camp survivor. Over the course of the U.S. Presidents Day holiday on Monday, bomb threats were sent to 11 Jewish community centers, including ones in the Houston, Chicago and Milwaukee areas, according to the JCC association. They were found to be hoaxes, as was another threat that forced the evacuation of a center in San Diego on Tuesday morning, according to police. No arrests were made. The FBI has said it is investigating recent threats as “possible civil rights violations.” The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a prominent Muslim human rights group, has offered a $5,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of anyone behind the threats, saying Muslims felt a duty to support any targeted minority group. The incidents on Monday followed three waves of bomb threats so far this year. In all, at least 69 incidents at 54 Jewish community centers in 27 states and one Canadian province have been reported, according to the JCC association.
February 21, 2017
Kanye West appears to dump Trump with disappearing tweets
Kanye West, one of Donald Trump’s biggest celebrity supporters, appeared to have deleted his tweets about his meeting last year with the then U.S. president-elect in which the two discussed multicultural issues. The influential rapper’s handful of Twitter entries from their Dec. 13 meeting at Trump Tower in New York, where West said he had wanted to discuss “bullying, supporting teachers, modernizing curriculums and violence in Chicago,” were missing from his account on Monday. After the meeting, West had also tweeted that he felt it “important to have a direct line of communication with our future president if we truly want change.” West, 39, emerged as one of Trump’s most high-profile supporters during the 2016 election campaign. He made headlines in November when he was booed at a concert for declaring his support for Trump, although he said he had not voted in the presidential election. It was not clear why the Trump tweets had been deleted but the “Jesus Walks” singer has been the target of outrage and sarcasm from fans on social media following the December meeting. West’s representatives did not return requests for comment. Celebrity website TMZ, quoting an unidentified source, said West had deleted the tweets because he was unhappy about Trump’s actions since taking office. These include a ban on travelers to the United States from seven predominantly Muslim nations and Trump saying he will “send in the Feds” to “fix the horrible ‘carnage’ going on” in Chicago due to high crime rates. West was raised in Chicago.
February 6, 2017
U OF CHICAGO Admissions Blames Trump For Chicago’s Violent Image…Offers Students CASH For Best Idea Of How To Deceive Prospective Students About Violence [VIDEO]
The University of Chicago s admissions office is offering a reward to its student tour guides who can dispel the notion among prospective students and their families that the city is unsafe and scary. In an email obtained by The Chicago Maroon, Colleen Belak, the assistant director of admissions at the university, offered a $500 cash prize to those who find a creative way to dispel the negative perception about Chicago s violence epidemic. FOX If you ve paid attention to the national news (or Donald Trump s tweets) over the last few months, you ll notice that the city of Chicago is often painted with a broad brush as an unsafe or scary place to reside, Belak wrote to the campus tour guide listhost. Of course, certain realities should not be ignored, but at the end of the day most of us are proud Chicago residents with a deep love of the city. With that spirit in mind, we have an opportunity for you to win some money $500 to be exact. If you are able to come up with a creative way to approach this negative perception, be it a video series, blog post, photo, or something else (and better) entirely Keep in mind that the audience is a high school student and his/her family. Here is a 2016 Deadliest Hoods map of Chicago showing two of the highest crime areas in the city are directly next door to the University of Chicago courtesy of Heyjackass, a website dedicated to cataloging the shootings and murders that take place in gun-free Chicago:
Jan 9, 2017
JUDGE NAPOLITANO: THREE INTEL SOURCES Have Disclosed How Obama Spied on Trump [Video]
JUDGE NAPOLITANO was on FOX & Friends this morning discussing the Obama administration s efforts to spy on Donald Trump. Three intel sources have disclosed to the network that Obama went to British intelligence to get the goods on Trump, but we may never be able to prove it JUDGE NAPOLITANO: Three intelligence sources have informed FOX News that President Obama went outside the chain of command. He didn t use the NSA, he didn t use the CIA, he didn t use the FBI and he didn t use the Department of Justice He used *GCHQ. *GCHQ is a British intel agency.@Judgenap: Three intel sources have disclosed that Pres. Obama turned to British spies to get surveillance on Trump pic.twitter.com/IghCFm7qhO FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) March 14, 2017
Government News
Mar 14, 2017
Rick Scott Issues Bizarre Response To The Woman Who Humiliated Him In Starbucks
On Tuesday, the world was treated to an awesome video of a woman absolutely reaming Florida Governor Rick Scott at a Gainsville Starbucks. Now, we finally get to hear what he had to say about the woman who prevented him from getting his latte and it is absolutely baffling.In the viral video, Cara Jennings yelled (in part), You don t care about working people. You should be ashamed to show your face around here, at the governor.She s not wrong, Scott has done many, many horrible things to the people of his state. He refused to expand Medicaid to nearly a million of the state s working poor. He changed hospital rules for one of his donors who ran a medical center with an extremely high infant mortality rate. He has attacked women at every turn, most recently with an unconstitutional anti-abortion bill.On Wednesday, Governor Scott s office issued a statement saying: People with radical views tend to not like civil debate. A self-proclaimed anarchist rudely yelled and cursed at the Governor. She also refused to Pledge Allegiance to the flag. It s a free country, but it s not at all surprising that an anarchist prefers shouting over conversation. What? That s his response? Jennings didn t stand for the Pledge, seriously?Jennings, a former Lake Worth city commissioner, was asked what she thinks of Scott s bizarre allegations and she said that sometimes she recited it, sometimes she didn t: I was never disrespectful about it, but I was never an avid Pledge leader, she said. But I don t know how that bears any impact on if I critique his policies or not. How is it relevant if I say the Pledge? It has absolutely nothing to do with her critiques of his policies, but he is doing what Republicans often do when confronted: he s deflecting. Scott is not the kind of guy who feels like he should ever have to answer for anything he does. A prime example of this was when his former company Columbia/HCA defrauded the federal government out of millions of dollars with the biggest Medicare fraud in history and when he was asked about it, he invoked the 5th Amendment 75 times.So, his current deflection is, really, just more of the same from Florida s biggest mistake.Featured image via Joe Raedle/Getty Images
April 7, 2016
Supreme Court's recent unity faces looming test
As the U.S. Supreme Court navigated a difficult period in which it was short one member for more than a year, justices from across the ideological spectrum often managed to find common ground. That sense of unity promises to be soon put to the test. The nine-justice court ended its 2016-2017 term on Monday with a flurry of rulings. When it resumes work in October, its recently restored conservative majority could become more assertive as the justices tackle big cases on whether the U.S. Constitution lets businesses refuse to serve gay couples for religious reasons, presidential powers and manipulating electoral district boundaries for partisan gain. Neil Gorsuch, Republican President Donald Trump’s appointee, joined the court in April, giving conservatives a 5-4 majority. Gorsuch already has established himself as among the most conservative and outspoken justices even before beginning his first full term. “We will certainly see more cases where they are sharply divided,” Chicago-Kent College of Law professor Carolyn Shapiro said. While partisan tensions in Washington have deepened since Trump took office in January, the Supreme Court largely remained above the fray. In the 14 months that the court operated with only eight justices following Justice Antonin Scalia’s death and was divided equally between liberals and conservative, it showed greater unanimity in its decisions than in recent years. During that time, the justices often sidestepped major rulings on divisive issues, resolving several cases narrowly and trying to avoid 4-4 votes that would leave legal questions unresolved. The court even avoided a sharp ideological split in its decision on Monday on how to handle Trump’s contentious order banning people from six Muslim majority countries from entering the United States. The four liberal justices were silent as the court allowed parts of the order to go into effect and agreed to decide the legality of the policy in its next term. The court already has agreed to hear several major cases in which the justices are likely to be divided on ideological lines, including one on the conflict between gay rights and religious freedom concerning a Christian baker from Colorado who refused to make a cake for a same-sex couple, citing his religious beliefs. The justices will also weigh whether state legislative districts violate constitutional protections if they are drawn purely to gain partisan advantage in a case involving a Republican-configured electoral map in Wisconsin that could have major consequences for U.S. elections. The travel ban case, Trump’s first big Supreme Court battle, is a major test of presidential powers, with Trump’s administration arguing that the judiciary should show deference to the president on national security matters. In the term that just ended, the court was able to decide all but two of the cases it heard. On Monday, the justices ordered that those cases, both on immigration-related issues, be re-argued in its next term, when Gorsuch would be able to participate. The action suggests the court was divided 4-4 along ideological grounds on those cases. A review of rulings from the 2016-2017 term compared with previous years shows a higher rate of unanimity, likely prompted by the greater need for compromise without a decisive ninth vote. In 69 cases in which the court issued decisions on the merits, there were no dissenting votes in 41 of them, or 59 percent, according to Kedar Bhatia, who compiles court statistics for the SCOTUSblog website. That compares with 44 percent in the court’s previous term and 40 percent in the one prior to that. “With only eight members, I think the court was trying harder to achieve as much agreement as possible, both in the close cases and in the not-so-close ones,” said Kannon Shanmugam, a lawyer who regularly argues before the court. While they were shorthanded, the justices took up fewer cases that were likely to divide them ideologically. For example, they took six cases on patent protections, a higher-than-normal number, on an issue in which they usually are unanimous.
June 27, 2017
WATCH HILLARY CLINTON Go Full On Socialist…Your Hard Earned Money Isn’t Yours! [Video]
The Death Tax is the hard earned money you have to pass on to the government when you die. Wouldn t you rather your children receive that money instead of the feds? Donald Trump thinks so but Hillary goes full on socialist describing what she would do with Trump s money when he dies. It s really disgusting!
Aug 12, 2016
WATCH: John McCain Twice Claims President Obama Is ‘Directly Responsible’ For Orlando Attack
Senator John McCain is in damage control mode after he openly accused President Obama of being directly responsible for the mass shooting in Orlando, thus going even further than Donald Trump s attacks of the president.In the wake of the attack that left 50 people dead and 53 wounded, Trump responded by suggesting that President Obama is somehow helping ISIS carry out their attacks on our shores. He doesn t get it or he gets it better than anybody understands. It s one or the other, Trump said. And either one is unacceptable. We re led by a man who is a very look, we re led by a man that either is, is not tough, not smart, or he s got something else in mind. And the something else in mind, you know, people can t believe it. People cannot they cannot believe that President Obama is acting the ways he acts and can t even mention the words radical Islamic terrorism. There s something going on. It s inconceivable. But McCain, who is facing one of the toughest re-election campaigns of his political career, went even further than that. Barack Obama is directly responsible for it, because when he pulled everybody out of Iraq, al-Qaeda went to Syria, became ISIS, and ISIS is what it is today thanks to Barack Obama s failures, McCain said.After being given a chance to clarify his remarks, McCain repeated his claim. He pulled everybody out of Iraq, and I predicted at the time that ISIS would go unchecked, and there would be attacks on the United States of America. It s a matter of record, so he is directly responsible. Here s the audio via the Washington Post.Of course, Trump s campaign manager quickly tweeted what McCain said, most likely thinking they had found an ally for their own attacks against President Obama.John McCain: Obama is directly responsible for Orlando attack The Washington Post https://t.co/hjh5ry2r3B Corey Lewandowski (@CLewandowski_) June 16, 2016There are many problems with McCain s claims. First of all, the shooter is the one who is directly responsible for the mass killing. Second, President Obama followed the order signed by President George W. Bush in 2008 agreeing to pull all US military personnel out of Iraq in 2011 after several attempts to keep troops there were rejected by the Iraqi parliament.Therefore, not only is President Obama not responsible for withdrawing our military forces out of Iraq, ISIS wouldn t have been able to rise if President Bush has not pushed to invade Iraq in the first place. The war in Iraq destabilized the region, thus allowing a terrorist organization like ISIS to form to fill the power vacuum.After much criticism, McCain has been scrambling to spin his remarks ever since. I misspoke. I did not mean to imply that the President was personally responsible. I was referring to President Obama s national security decisions, not the President himself. As I have said, President Obama s decision to completely withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq in 2011 led to the rise of ISIL. I and others have long warned that the failure of the President s policy to deny ISIL safe haven would allow the terrorist organization to inspire, plan, direct or conduct attacks on the United States and Europe as they have done in Paris, Brussels, San Bernardino and now Orlando. Again, it is an established FACT that President Obama did not invade Iraq and did not sign the withdrawal order. Both of those actions occurred before he ever stepped foot in the White House.But McCain was given a chance to clarify his usage of directly responsible and said it again instead so it s hard to believe him when he claims to have misspoke. Also, as a so-called leader of his party, one would think that John McCain would be able to at least try and persuade the Republican-controlled Congress to declare war on ISIS so that President Obama can wage a full war with full resources to fight terrorism. But so far, Republicans would rather criticize President Obama for not going to war against ISIS even though the Constitution clearly states that only Congress has the power to declare a war.Clearly, John McCain has served long enough in the Senate. It s time for a new senator from Arizona. Perhaps a real maverick who knows how to be respectful of their commander-in-chief and knows when to keep their mouth shut instead of spewing lies and false accusations.Featured Image: Gage Skidmore
June 16, 2016
More than 300 Syrian refugees rescued, arrive in Cyprus
Two boats crowded with 305 Syrian refugees arrived in Cyprus overnight, police said on Sunday, one of the largest group landings of migrants to the island since the outbreak of the Syrian war in 2011. The vessels were tracked sailing to the north-west of the island and were thought to have set off from the Turkish coastal city of Mersin. For their safety they were towed to harbor, a police spokesman said. One of the vessels had been taking in water, the spokesman added. Cyprus is the closest European Union member state to Syria, yet many fleeing conflict have largely avoided the island because it has no direct easy access to the rest of the continent. The single largest group arrival since the Syrian conflict started was 345 people who were rescued in September 2014. Police said they were questioning a 36 year old Syrian man believed to have been steering one of the vessels. The others would be taken to a reception center west of the capital, Nicosia. The Syrians, who included many minors, appeared in good health. A woman and her infant were taken to hospital for precautionary reasons, the spokesman added.
September 10, 2017
Bill proposes letting U.S. lawmakers carry guns anywhere except Capitol
Warning that members of Congress have a “bull’s eye on our backs,” a U.S. lawmaker said on Wednesday he had introduced a bill to make it legal for senators and representatives to carry guns anywhere in the country, except the U.S. Capitol building. Representative Jody Hice of Georgia said his proposal was an important step to ensure the personal safety of lawmakers “in light of recent events,” an apparent reference to an attack last week in which a gunman opened fire on Republican members of Congress practicing for a charity baseball game. “Personal protection and being able to defend oneself against an assailant is part of the fabric of our Constitution, which is why I am an ardent believer in the Second Amendment,” Hice said in a statement, referring to U.S. legal guarantees of the right to keep and bear arms. “While members of Congress are all average Americans, it is clear that we also have a bull’s eye on our backs,” Hice added. “In light of recent events, it’s incredibly important that congressmen and women maintain the ability to provide for their own safety, regardless of the city or state.” Hice said he introduced the measure on Tuesday, less than a week after a gunman opened fire on Republican lawmakers at the baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia, a Washington suburb. U.S. Representative Steve Scalise, the No. 3 Republican in the House of Representatives, was wounded in the attack, along with a Republican aide, a lobbyist and a Capitol Police officer in Scalise’s security detail. The gunman, a former volunteer campaign worker for Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders who was said to be angry with Republicans, was killed in a gunbattle with police. Scalise underwent several surgeries to treat internal injuries caused by a wound to the hip. His condition was upgraded to “fair” on Wednesday.
June 21, 2017
Rappoport: ‘CNN Already Deflecting From the Susan Rice Scandal’
By Jon RappoportCNN is already claiming the whole Susan Rice scandal is a tempest in a teapot, and the Trump team is exaggerating it to distract the public from something. Fill in the blank yourself.For example: Trump isn t actually the president, he cheated his way into the Oval Office, while acting as a secret agent for his handler, Vladimir Putin, who in turn was operating on behalf of aliens from Jupiter.The Susan Rice scandal is out in the open. She, Obama s national security advisor, led an effort to spy on legal phone calls the Trump team was making during the presidential campaign, in order to gain intelligence on the enemy. The Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF) spoke with Col. (Ret.) James Waurishuk, an NSC [National Security Council] veteran and former deputy director for intelligence at the U.S. Central Command. Waurishuk said: many hands had to be involved throughout the Obama administration to launch such a political spying program It s unbelievable of [sic] the level and degree of the [Obama] administration to look for information on Donald Trump and his associates, his campaign team and his transition team. This is really, really serious stuff . Michael Doran, former NSC [National Security Council] senior director, told The DCNF Monday that somebody blew a hole in the wall between national security secrets and partisan politics . This was a stream of information that was supposed to be hermetically sealed from politics and the Obama administration found a way to blow a hole in that wall , he said. Yes, serious stuff. A felony, punishable by up to 10 years in prison.Obama, of course, will have plausible deniability if the Susan Rice scandal blows up into a Watergate. He didn t know. He didn t order the spying. He was playing golf that day. Or any day.And if a Congressional investigation of Rice and her antics reaches a fever pitch, somebody can play the race card. That s always an option. If Rice were white, this never would have happened to her. The Trump people are all over her like white on Rice. Meanwhile, CNN, in alternating segments, can say a) Rice and her people never spied on anybody, and b) everybody spies on everybody all the time, it s not a big deal and then some on-air goofball will add, In fact, we here at CNN are spying And the TV screen will go blank, then display colored stripes, then come back and the goofball will be gone, and an anchor will say, We had a technical problem for a moment. Continue this article at John Rappoport s websiteREAD MORE RUSSIAN HACK NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Russian Hack Files
April 4, 2017
BIG MOUTH ROSIE O’DONNELL Could Be Heading To Prison After Taking Her Hate For President Trump Too Far
Many are suggesting that the former comedian, turned militant, leftist activist, Rosie O Donnell needs to be treated by federal authorities like every other American when it comes to being held accountable for her actions. O Donnell broke the law when she offered to pay two Republican lawmakers for voting against Trump s tax cut bill on Twitter. Even offering this is illegal. You are not above the law but I guess you are since the Feds haven't been knocking on your door. with all these tweets you obviously are not joking. Androgynous Priest (@AndrogynPriest) December 21, 2017After ex-comedian Rosie O Donnell s meltdown on Twitter before the Senate s big tax vote Tuesday night, President Donald Trump can reasonably direct federal authorities to lock her up and even to take some money out of her fat-ass pockets, which he once infamously cited as a personal goal.Starting a few hours before the legislation passed, O Donnell tweeted:so how about this i promise to give 2 million dollars to senator susan collins and 2 million to senator jeff flakeif they vote NO NO I WILL NOT KILL AMERICANS FOR THE SUOER RICH DM me susan DM me jeff no shit 2 million casheach ROSIE (@Rosie) December 20, 2017Even after another Twitter user, Louise Mensch, replied that O Donnell was irresponsibly advocating bribery, O Donnell doubled down.i disagree it is obvious there is a price corker had one collins tooflake almost brave he crawled out backwards2 million to any GOP senator who votes noon KILLING AMERICANS MILLIONS WITH OUT HEALTH CARE MY GOD HAVE WE NO SO ROSIE (@Rosie) December 20, 2017Federal law addresses O Donnell s actions.18 U.S. Code 201 criminalizes the attempted bribery of federal officials by whoever directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers or promises anything of value to any public official with intent to influence any official act. The penalty? For Rosie, she could spend up to 15 years in jail, suffer a lifetime ban from elective office and pay up to a cool $12 million:The statute calls for a fine of not more than three times the monetary equivalent of the thing of value, whichever is greater, or imprisoned for not more than fifteen years, or both, and may be disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States. In court, O Donnell would probably argue that her attempted bribe was in jest, or perhaps a syndrome of a mental illness.After all, her attorneys would argue, who, while seriously attempting to bribe members of the U.S. Congress would do so in such a reckless, public manner that would all but ensure a conviction? Daily CallerThe emboldened screwball doubled down on her vile tweets calling for people to rise up against our government and mobilize , to call 911 and again, offered to pay US Senators millions of dollars to vote against tax cuts for working, American families.WE CANNOT SIT AT HOME WHILE THEY ROB OUR NATION YOUR NEIGHBORS HEALTH CARE FOR THE FUCKING MERCERS AND KOCH BROTHERS FUCK THEM RISE UP ROSIE (@Rosie) December 20, 2017She even asked her followers to call 911 to report a fake crime. There has to be a law against this:call 911 crime in progressUS SENATEthis is too much ROSIE (@Rosie) December 20, 2017What does Rosie mean when she calls on people to mobilize against our government? Isn t that the same thing as calling for a coup? Isn t that also considered to be illegal?WHY HAVENT THE MOBILIZE PEOPLE MOBILIZED https://t.co/wEucdcLqoH ROSIE (@Rosie) December 20, 2017And then, she doubled down on stupid with this tweet:heres the thing al i am not looking to give more money to a corrupt system however this bill is criminal i therefore offer 2 million for any GOP senator that votes no to them personally or directed to A NON PROFIT OF THEIR CHOICE no strings attached DO WHATS RIGHT ROSIE (@Rosie) December 20, 2017Here s how a few Twitter users responded:What you just tweeted is criminal check yourself on that ! LaDeplorable (@NenaPacino) December 20, 2017Send that 2 million and any benefit you receive from the tax cuts back to the government. Better yet, why not go out in the streets of L.A. and find 40 homeless people and give each 50 grand for job training for a career that will change their life 4ever. D.B. (@boingboingbong) December 20, 2017
Dec 21, 2017
Islamic State says New York truck attacker is 'caliphate soldier'
Islamic State has claimed responsibility for a truck attack this week that killed eight people in the deadliest assault on New York City since Sept. 11, 2001. The militant group on Thursday described accused attacker Sayfullo Saipov, 29, as “one of the caliphate soldiers” in a weekly issue of its Al-Naba newspaper. The Uzbek immigrant was charged in federal court on Wednesday with acting in support of Islamic State by plowing a rented pickup truck down a popular riverside bike trail, crushing pedestrians and cyclists and injuring a dozen people in addition to those killed. According to the criminal complaint against him, Saipov told investigators he was inspired by watching Islamic State propaganda videos on his cellphone, felt good about what he had done, and asked for permission to display the group’s flag in his hospital room in New York. Saipov was taken to Bellevue after being shot in the abdomen by a police officer before his arrest. U.S. President Donald Trump, who has called for Saipov to receive the death penalty, said on Twitter on Friday that Islamic State had claimed as their soldier the “Degenerate Animal” who killed and wounded “the wonderful people on the West Side” of Lower Manhattan. “Based on that, the Military has hit ISIS “much harder” over the last two days. They will pay a big price for every attack on us!” Trump tweeted. In the Middle East the Islamic State’s self-proclaimed caliphate looked to be on the verge of defeat on Friday, with Syrian government forces seizing its last major city on one side of the border and Iraqi troops taking its last big town on the other. The group’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is believed to be hiding in the desert near the frontier, and regional officials fear it will reconstitute itself as a guerrilla force, capable of waging attacks without territory to defend. Saipov’s sister believes he may have been brainwashed, and she appealed to Trump on Friday to ensure he gets a fair trial. Speaking by phone from the Uzbek capital Tashkent, she told Reuters she hoped Trump would help make sure her brother was given “more time” and “a fair trial.” In a separate interview with Radio Free Europe, she said she spoke with her brother the day before the attack and he was in a good mood. “It was a usual, good conversation,” she said. Five Argentine tourists, a Belgian woman, a New Yorker and a New Jersey man were killed in Tuesday afternoon’s attack. The attack unfolded just blocks from the site of the World Trade Center, where some 2,600 people were killed when suicide hijackers crashed two jetliners into the Twin Towers 16 years ago. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has said it has located another Uzbek man, Mukhammadzoir Kadirov, 32, who it said was wanted for questioning as a person of interest in the attack.
November 2, 2017
Meanwhile, police officers were outside the walls of the DNC literally putting out fires started by Bernie s flag burners and protecting the very people who mock and scorn them inside. Unimaginable hate, and violence was directed at the same police officers who have been treated like the enemy of the DNC on the streets and outside of the enormous fence erected by the DNC to keep legal citizens out. This is Hillary s America. It s the same America Obama has worked tirelessly to create. Is this the America we want to leave to our children and grandchildren? Thursday on Fox News Channel s Fox & Friends, in an appearance from the site of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani called the convention the most anti-police and the most anti-law enforcement he had ever seen.However, he also said that according to high-ranking police officers in Philadelphia, uniformed law enforcement was not allowed on the floor of the convention.WATCH:Rudy Giuliani: Last night was the Democrat insider fantasy land, they didn't talk about one world problemhttps://t.co/6DhXRBrG50 FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) July 28, 2016Via: Breitbart NewsRudy Giuliani: This is the most anti-police, anti-law enforcement convention I've ever seen in my whole life.https://t.co/sHnZAAE430 FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) July 28, 2016
Jul 28, 2016
U.S. top court takes up Republican challenge to Maryland electoral district
The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday added a second case to its docket on a contentious issue that could have major consequences for American elections, agreeing to decide whether Democratic lawmakers in Maryland unlawfully drew a congressional district in a way that would prevent a Republican candidate from winning. The court’s agreement to take up an appeal by Republican voters in Maryland regarding the U.S. House of Representatives district came two months after the justices heard arguments in a high-profile challenge by Democratic voters to Republican-drawn state legislative districts in Wisconsin. Both cases target a practice known as partisan gerrymandering that aims to entrench one party in power and that critics have called a distortion of the democratic process. The justices have not yet issued a ruling in the Wisconsin case. Each case presents a different legal theory as to why limits should be placed on partisan gerrymandering, and the court’s decision to take up a second case on the issue hints that at least some of the nine justices are seriously considering cracking down on it. Gerrymandering, a practice dating back two centuries in American politics, involves manipulating boundaries of legislative districts to benefit one party and diminish another. Legislative districts around the United States are redrawn every decade after the national census to reflect population changes. The “redistricting” in most states is done by the party in power though some states assign the task to independent commissions. The Supreme Court for decades has been willing to invalidate state electoral maps on the grounds of racial discrimination but never those drawn simply for partisan advantage. In the Maryland case, the Republican voters targeting the Democratic-drawn electoral map appealed a 2-1 ruling in August by a panel of three federal judges sitting in Baltimore rejecting their challenge. Maryland’s sixth congressional district, the focus of the case, was previously held by a Republican and now is held by Democrat John Delaney. When the Supreme Court heard arguments in the Wisconsin case on Oct. 3, the justices appeared closely divided, with conservative Justice Anthony Kennedy likely to cast the deciding vote. The Republican challengers in Maryland take aim at a single electoral district, not the whole state as in the Wisconsin case. They argue that the district should be struck down because it was drawn by Democrats as a form of retaliation on the basis of past party affiliation based on the Constitution’s guaranteed rights of free association and free speech. The challengers in the Wisconsin case argued that the Republican electoral map violated Democratic voters’ rights to equal protection under the law as well as free speech and association. In the Wisconsin case, the legal argument advanced by the Democratic challengers was that an electoral map would be unlawful if the intent was to discriminate against minority party voters, the map had a sizable effect in accomplishing that goal and that there was no other justification for the map. The theory was based in part on measuring the number of “wasted” votes in each district cast for a losing candidate and comparing each party’s total wasted votes on a statewide basis. The results, plaintiffs said, show whether one party’s votes are more likely to be wasted than the other party’s, which would show evidence of unconstitutional extreme partisan gerrymandering.
December 8, 2017
Iran says fight to retake eastern Syria, Idlib will start soon: Mehr news
A top Iranian official said on Wednesday that forces loyal to Syria s President Bashar al-Assad will start operations soon to retake the northwestern Syrian city of Idlib and eastern areas. Soon we will see eastern Syria cleared, and then the Idlib area in west, Ali Akbar Velayati, the top adviser to Iran s Supreme Leader, was quoted as saying by Mehr news agency.
November 8, 2017
Hannity Interview with Julian Assange: Wikileaks Source is NOT The Russian Government
21st Century Wire says Fox News Sean Hannity has broken away from the majority of Western news reporters and has gone to Wikileaks Julian Assange to ask him directly, Was your source for the DNC leaks of Russian origin? Watch the interview below: How refreshing to see a mainstream media commentator actually look into the unfounded claims of Russian hacker involvement in the DNC leaks and the US Presidential election. Alex Christoforou The DuranHannity interviews Julian Assange, who once again confirms that Russia had no role to play in the Wikileaks email leak.Fox News Sean Hannity is perhaps the first main stream media commentator who has gone deeper on the Russian election hacker fake news story than other MSM journalist.Hannity interviewed Julian Assange, who once again confirmed that Russia and no state actor was the source of the Wikileaks Podesta emails or DNC leaks.Hannity is also the only MSM show to explore the Craig Murray report, that chronicles the genesis of the leaks stating that the former Ambassador had met with the source of the email leaks confirming and corroborating Assange s factual claim that no state actor, including Russia, was involved in any kind of hack or leak.Continue this article at The DuranREAD MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 Files
December 17, 2016
George Takei’s Latest Twitter Poem Roasts Trump’s Idiotic North Korea Statement To Perfection (TWEET)
George Takei has been on a social media role since the start of the Trump era, providing astute commentary with a brilliant wit that has made him beloved to millions. His latest Twitter poem something he does fairly often might be one of my favorite posts of his yet.Here it is:The crisis has grown very direTrump threatens with fury and fireSo before war's begunAgainst Kim Jong-unWe'd better make Donnie retire George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) August 9, 2017 The crisis has grown very dire Trump threatens with fury and fire So war s begun Against Kim Jong-un We d better make Donnie retire I d say we re all thinking something pretty similar! Or, at least, according to the latest polling, an overwhelming majority of us are (sorry Trump fans, but those are the facts).Here are a few of his other latest Twitter poems:You tweet us ad nauseumMueller's not tricked cause of 'emSo tweet your memoirsDuring years behind barsYou no doubt'll serve lots of 'em George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) August 8, 2017Happy Bday oh dearest ObamaThanks for 8 yrs of no dramaFor your wisdom and strengthFor sparing no lengthAnd no daily national trauma George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) August 5, 2017Things just went south in a hurryNow that they've sat a grand jurySubpoenas galoreI've popcorn. Want more?As karma unleashes its fury. George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) August 4, 2017Putin tried this n that hackeeInstalling a personal lackeyIt's since come to passWe sanctioned his assWhile Trump is increasingly wacky George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) August 2, 2017Keep it up, George! You can bet it pisses Trump off every time he sees one, considering how thin his skin is.Read more:Featured image via Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images for GLAAD
August 8, 2017
Trump Just Got DESTROYED By J.K. Rowling For His Attack On The Free Press – Here’s How (TWEET)
Donald Trump topped off his disastrous press conference on Thursday by calling the press the enemy of the American people on Friday, and is thankfully getting all the criticism and backlash he deserves.One of Trump s harshest and most outspoken critics, author J.K. Rowling, slammed Trump s comments about the press without even using any of her own words. Brilliantly quoting former President Theodore Roosevelt, Rowling tweeted to educate Trump on just how the free press worked, in case dictator Trump and the GOP forgot. In the tweet, Rowling pointed out that Roosevelt had written: To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President right or wrong is morally treasonable to the American public. Rowling even used the trending #NotTheEnemy hashtag to show her support for the press. Check out the full tweet below:Exactly. The free press is protected by the U.S. Constitution, a document that Trump desperately needs to read before he does or says something else that will make him look foolish. In his attacks on the media, it s clear that Trump wants unquestioned, unchecked and unlimited power and doesn t care if it interferes with the very values that this country was built on. Trump wants to operate as if his word is law and that his alternative facts are the only truth Americans should be digesting without a second thought.Trump seems to be oblivious to the real responsibilities of the job he signed up for, as well as the fact the he actually works for the American people not the other way around. What Rowling did perfectly put Trump in his place and reminded the undeserving POTUS just exactly how a democracy is supposed to work.Featured image via Ben A. Pruchnie and Mario Tama / Getty Images
February 18, 2017
India's muted response to Trump's Jerusalem move stokes Arab unease
A dozen Arab ambassadors have asked India to clarify its position on the U.S recognition of Jerusalem as Israel s capital, diplomatic sources said, after New Delhi s muted response suggested a shift in support for the Palestinian cause. U.S. President Donald Trump abruptly reversed decades of U.S. policy this month when he recognized Jerusalem as Israel s capital, generating outrage from Palestinians. Trump also plans to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv. Countries around the world, including U.S. allies Britain and France, criticized Trump s decision, but India did not take sides. Instead, the Indian foreign ministry in a brief statement, said India s position was consistent and independent of any third party. The bland statement made no reference to Jerusalem and prompted criticism at home that it was insufficient, vague and anti-Palestinian. Israel maintains that all of Jerusalem is its capital. Palestinians want East Jerusalem as the capital of a future independent state and say Trump s move has left them marginalized and jeopardized any hopes of a two-state solution. Last week, envoys from Arab states including Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Kuwait based in New Delhi met Indian junior foreign minister M.J. Akbar to brief the government about an Arab League meeting on Dec. 9 condemning the U.S. decision, a diplomatic and an Indian government source said. The envoys also sought a more forthright Indian response, the sources said. But Akbar gave no assurance and the Indian source said the government had no plans for a further articulation on Jerusalem, which is at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Akbar did not promise anything, the diplomatic source briefed on the meeting said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of diplomatic sensitivities. India was one of the earliest and vocal champions of the Palestinian cause during the days it was leading the Non-Aligned Movement while it quietly pursued ties with Israel. But under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, New Delhi has moved to a more open relationship with Israel, lifting the curtain on thriving military ties and also homeland security cooperation. Modi s Hindu nationalist ruling group views Israel and India as bound together in a common fight against Islamist militancy and long called for a public embrace of Israel. Modi in July made a first trip to Israel by an Indian prime minister and did not go to Ramallah, the headquarters of the Palestinian Authority and a customary stop for leaders trying to maintain a balance in political ties. P.R. Kumaraswamy, a leading Indian expert on ties with Israel at New Delhi s Jawaharlal Nehru University, said a major shift on India s policy had been evident since early this year when Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas visited New Delhi. With the Palestinian president standing by his side, Prime Minister Modi reiterated India s support for Palestinian statehood but carefully avoided any direct reference to East Jerusalem, he said. For decades, India s support for a Palestinian state was accompanied by an explicit reference to East Jerusalem being the Palestinian capital. But Delhi has moved to a more balanced position, refusing to take sides in an explosive dispute, he said. During the meeting last week, the ambassadors of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Somalia and the Palestinian Authority spoke, the diplomatic source said. Besides the dozen envoys there were charges d affaires from several other countries in the region. They were expecting more from India, perhaps to denounce Israel and the U.S. said former Indian ambassador to Jordan and Anil Trigunayat. But would it really make a difference, adding one more voice?
December 18, 2017
Senator McCain says Putin bigger threat than ISIS
U.S. Senator John McCain said Russian President Vladimir Putin is a bigger threat to global security than ISIS, and warned that the Senate would push for sanctions against Moscow for its alleged interference in the U.S. election. McCain, a leading foreign policy voice in the U.S. Congress, was speaking in an interview in Australia, where he has held security talks on his way to a defense summit in Singapore. “I think he (Putin) is the premier and most important threat, more so than ISIS,” McCain said in an interview on Australian Broadcasting Corp television. He said while there was no evidence the Russians succeeded in changing the U.S. election outcome, they were still trying to change elections, including the recent French vote. “I view the Russians as the far greatest challenge that we have,” said McCain, who is chairman of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee. “So we need to have increased sanctions and hopefully when we come back from our recess, the Senate will move forward with sanctions on Russia and enact other penalties for Russian behavior.” McCain, who has been a critic of President Donald Trump, said he believes the national security team around Trump is developing a strategy that will lead to “victory” in Afghanistan, and Trump has great confidence in that team. “I do believe that most of the time that he accepts their advice and counsel. Can I tell you that he does all the time? No. And yes, does it bothers me? Yes, it bothers me,” he said.
May 29, 2017
Secretary of state nominee says risk of climate change does exist
The nominee to be U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, said on Wednesday the risk of climate change does exist, and the consequences could be serious enough that action should be taken. When asked during a Senate confirmation hearing to say whether he believed that human activity was contributing to climate change, Tillerson did not answer yes or no, but said: “The increase in greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere are having an effect. Our abilities to predict that effect are very limited.” Tillerson is former chief executive of Exxon Mobil Corp. Trump said during the election campaign that he would seek to quit the 2015 Paris climate accord.
January 11, 2017
Swiss urge voters to keep fee for public broadcasters
The Swiss government urged voters on Monday to keep the annual license fee that finances public broadcasters, saying taxpayer money played a crucial role in supporting cultural diversity and political discourse in the media. Its call seeks to defuse support for the No Billag initiative that comes to a binding vote on March 4 and which opinion polls show has around 57 percent support. Proponents want to scrap the Billag fee that last year raised 1.37 billion Swiss francs ($1.38 billion) as the financial lifeblood for public broadcasters at the federal, regional and local levels. National broadcaster SRG, which operates in the four national languages, gets 75 percent of its budget from the fee. A varied media offering is important for a small, polyglot country like Switzerland with its direct democracy, President Doris Leuthard said in a statement. Switzerland says it would be the first country in Europe to abolish fees for public broadcasting should the measure be adopted. This would push advertising revenue to mostly foreign-controlled commercial media. The government is cutting the fee levied on homes with a radio or TV set to 365 francs per private household from 2019 from around 450 now. Businesses will pay up to 35,590 francs a year based on a sliding scale of annual sales. ($1 = 0.9915 Swiss francs)
December 11, 2017
BLACK LIVES MATTER ACTIVIST Obama Invited To White House Charged With PIMPING Teenage Girl…Blames Conservatives “Trolls”
Just another upstanding citizen who s been invited to the White House by our Community Organizer In Chief Birds of a feather Who can forget when Obama s speech about child safety was interrupted by a rapper who was wearing an ankle bracelet for KIDNAPPING went off?And then there was the rapper Tef Poe, who met with Obama in our White House to strategize , who tweeted this threat: Dear white people if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go A Black Lives Matter activist who operates a social justice charity was arrested last month on charges of sex trafficking a 17-year-old girl.Charles Wade co-founded Operation Help or Hush in the aftermath of the August 2014 police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. The group claims it helps raise funds for the needy and provide food and shelter for activists.But according to a police report obtained by TheDC, the 33-year-old Wade was raising money in more explicit ways.He was arrested on April 25 at a motel where he resided in College Park, Md. Police say he was using the motel room to pimp a 17-year-old girl.He s charged with seven counts, including felonies for human trafficking. The charges carry sentences of up to 25 years in prison and a $15,000 fine. Wade posted $25,000 bond and left jail on April 27.Wade denied the allegations in an email to The Daily Caller. Formerly a stylist for Solange Knowles, the sister of Beyonce, Wade has been featured in numerous news articles about the Black Lives Matter movement. He was also invited by the White House earlier this week to a movie screening with other Black Lives Matter activists. Wade says he did not attend the function, which was on Tuesday.Last year, a team of Washington Post reporters, including Pulitzer Prize-winner Wesley Lowery, included Wade in a profile of Black Lives Matter activists who protested after the August 2014 shooting of Michael Brown by Ferguson, Mo. police officer Darren Wilson. According to the police report, an undercover officer with the vice intelligence unit responded to an ad on backpage.com, a website frequently used by sex traffickers and prostitutes. Holla at me. Quick stay specials tonight and tomorrow. Independent. Fun and sexy. Text me to set up an appointment??????? reads the ad, which listed the age of the poster as 23.The undercover detective contacted the poster to set up a meeting. The respondent informed him that the cost of services would be $100 for a half-hour and provided an address, which turned out to be a Howard Johnson Inn in College Park. A room number was also provided.When the undercover john arrived, a white female wearing only a towel answered the door and let him inside the room. After she attempted to initiate contact with the detective he informed her he was a police officer, and she ran out of the room. Members of the Vice Intelligence Unit described a male that was watching the Undercover Detective as he entered [room 412], the report reads.Investigators reported that the teenager, who gave her age as 17, said that Wade was her manager. She called him CJ. Wade, who used a passport to rent the Howard Johnson Inn room, was arrested and charged with sex trafficking. Police recovered three cell phones from him.The alleged victim told investigators that Wade knew she was a minor. She said that he told her he was not concerned about her age because you only have 5 months left until you re 18 so I m not worried. She also told investigators that she provided all the money she was paid to Wade.In response to TheDC s request for comment, Wade claimed that a tenant at a temporary housing facility he was running as part of his charity was involved in activities that he did not know about. As this is a legal matter, I m not going into serious detail with you, he said.He did claim, however, that he was unfairly arrested because he was too trusting. Despite those claims, the police report suggests that there is evidence that Wade was the person who communicated with the undercover detective by text message.Wade issued a statement on Twitter after being contacted by TheDC in which he blamed conservative trolls for focusing on the case. He also said I am confident that I will be cleared of the charges I am currently facing. I was forced to make this statement before I was ready to because of ongoing efforts by Twitter trolls to stop my work and the work of my organization, he wrote. For the past two to three days, trolls have been actively baiting conservative news outlets to report on my arrest, amongst other vindictive things that they are actively working on. Wade also stated that the recent arrest is the second time he has been arrested after helping someone else. He did not provide details of the case, but a review of criminal databases shows he was charged with 3rd degree grand theft in Miami in January. Wade says he was not convicted in the case nor did he take a plea deal. Records show that the case was closed in February.Wade was also arrested in August 2014 in Travis County, Tex. and charged with making false statements.For entire story: Daily Caller
May 19, 2016
Back road drive, secret flight brought Trump's court pick to Washington
A secret meeting at a neighbor’s house, a drive through a back country road, and a clandestine flight on a military jet marked Judge Neil Gorsuch’s journey to the White House this week after U.S. President Donald Trump chose him as his Supreme Court nominee. Trump, who took office on January 20, called Gorsuch on Monday to inform him that he had prevailed among a handful of finalists to succeed deceased Justice Antonin Scalia on the high court. That decision set off a rapid and secretive process to get Gorsuch to Washington without alerting journalists and other Supreme Court watchers of the president’s selection. After Trump called the Colorado-based judge, a team from the White House counsel’s office flew to Denver and then drove to Boulder, roughly 45 minutes away, to meet with Gorsuch and his family. They met at a neighbor’s house to avoid detection. Then the White House staff spirited him though a “back farm road” to a waiting military plane to transport him to Washington, White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters on Tuesday night in the White House East Room. Gorsuch stayed at a friend’s residence before being brought to the White House for the Tuesday evening announcement. The secrecy continued up until the last minute. When Trump, a former reality television star, entered the East Room, he came alone, addressing the cameras and the waiting crowd, which included Scalia’s widow, at a podium before calling on Gorsuch and his wife to come in. Trump’s decision came after he narrowed a list of 21 candidates down to six, including Thomas Hardiman, William Pryor, Amul Thapar, Diane Sykes, and Don Willett. Then President-elect Trump interviewed Gorsuch, Hardiman and Pryor on Jan. 14 in his New York residence. He also interviewed Thapar. “He finalized the decision recently,” after considering all 21 candidates “very deeply,” said Kellyanne Conway, a senior adviser and counselor to the president. White House counsel Don McGahn informed Hardiman, Pryor and Thapar that they had not been chosen, Spicer said. The White House was determined to keep the president’s Supreme Court selection a secret and make the announcement of his choice a success after the botched rollout of his refugee executive order contributed to confusion and worldwide criticism last weekend. The strategy to get Gorsuch confirmed will kick off right away, Spicer said, with former Senator Kelly Ayotte serving as the “sherpa” to help steer the nominee through the Senate confirmation process.
February 1, 2017
Trump Campaign Gives PATHETIC Reason Why George H.W. Bush Is Voting For Hillary (VIDEO)
Months ago, former First Lady Laura Bush shocked Americans when she said she d rather vote for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton than a Republican this election. For the most part, former presidential candidate Jeb Bush and former presidents George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush have opted to stay out of this election until now.Word of George H.W. Bush s decision to snub the GOP by not voting for its disastrous Republican nominee just recently broke, and it s a super provocative move because not only is Bush refusing to support his party, but he is voting for the Democratic Party instead. It s a controversial decision, but obviously Bush recognizes that it s the smartest choice for the future of this country.The Trump campaign, as you can imagine, isn t taking this lightly. In an interview with CNN s Erin Burnett, Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway reacted to the elder Bush s voting decision and couldn t have demonstrated any better how immature and bitter the campaign was about it.Conway said that although she respects Bush s choice, it s ironic that he s voting for the wife of the man who knocked him out of the race in 1992. Conway also chalked up Bush s decision to vote for Clinton to his emotions and hurt feelings over his son s loss to Trump in the primaries. She said: This was a bruising primary, and Jeb Bush really failed all expectations I know there are a lot of hurt feelings there. You can watch the interview below: Jeb Bush really failed there are a lot of hurt feelings @KellyannePolls on Bush 41 voting #Clinton https://t.co/iyhiLRgrPL OutFrontCNN (@OutFrontCNN) September 20, 2016This response from the Trump campaign is exactly what we d expect it to be. The Bush family is making a responsible, informed decision during this election, and that is way too much for Trump and his minions to wrap their feeble minds around. This election is no joke it s about far more than Republican and Democrat parties. It s about saving the country from a candidate that will destroy it and the Bush s are smart enough to recognize that.Featured image via Joe Mahoney / Getty Images
September 21, 2016
GOP Lawmaker To Trump: Stop Acting Like A ‘Fragile’ Snowflake Over Town Hall Protests
Angry constituents have inundated town hall meetings over concerns of Obamacare being repealed and other issues. There is so much frustration with constituents over Trump s policies that Republicans in Congress are avoiding in-person town hall meetings. Vice News reports that 200 Republicans in Congress are skipping town hall meetings with their constituents in February. Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN) will not allow protesting, or what he calls disruptive behavior at his upcoming town hall Wednesday or the event will be canceled. Specifically, no chanting will be allowed at the Snowflake s event. Of course, we never heard the same to be said when tea partiers descended on Democratic lawmaker s town hall meetings and shut them down over Obamacare. Republicans are feeling the heat and so is the alleged president. The so-called angry crowds in home districts of some Republicans are actually, in numerous cases, planned out by liberal activists. Sad! Trump said on Tuesday.The so-called angry crowds in home districts of some Republicans are actually, in numerous cases, planned out by liberal activists. Sad! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 21, 2017In order to discredit those who offend our fragile POTUS, Trump routinely uses the term so-called, just as he did with a federal judge who ruled against his Muslim ban.Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) pushed back against Trump s claim that liberal activists are organizing agitated protests in Republican districts. They are our fellow Americans with legitimate concerns. We need to stop acting so fragile. I m proud to defend liberty and the Constitution, he tweeted.They are our fellow Americans with legitimate concerns. We need to stop acting so fragile. I m proud to defend liberty and the Constitution. https://t.co/2CcD02mXzl Justin Amash (@justinamash) February 22, 2017Amash called out Trump before after the amateur president kept attacking Rep. John Lewis. Dude, just stop, he tweeted in January.Dude, just stop. https://t.co/UCIqhqGnXu Justin Amash (@justinamash) January 15, 2017He s not wrong but he s in a swing state so we re wondering if he s pandering to voters in his area, however, he has faced packed town halls in his home state recently with hundreds of constituents. I think it is critical that members of Congress hold in-person town halls like this, Amash said at an event about two weeks ago, according to The Hill. There aren t enough of people on either side of the aisle who do it. Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr.
February 22, 2017
DEMOCRATS CAUGHT Paying Halfway House Patients $300 To Vote For Hillary [VIDEO]
A lawless party whose end always justifies the means Why wouldn t everyone want another lawless President residing over our nation from a party with no morals or respect for the laws of our nation?https://twitter.com/WDFx2EU7/status/792465012585406464
Oct 29, 2016
The U.S. Has No Legal Standing in Its Involvement in the War on Yemen
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireYemen is proving what should be clear by now: President Trump may never make good on his bold campaign promise of less senseless wars overseas. Watch as Trump defers to the Generals to double-down on a bad Obama bet.This week, we learned that the US Department of Defense, led by General James Mattis, would like to increase its support for Saudi Arabia and its Gulf accomplices, in their effort to continue to further destabilize and bomb Yemen, followed by the installation by force of a US and Saudi-friendly regime in that country.Following over 2 years of hostilities against Yemen, Mattis has also decided to ask Congress for help in drafting some sort of authorization to give the US some legal standing in its continual involvement with this war. Mattis is erroneously bundling the issue of Yemen into both Syria and Iraq, claiming that this is somehow part of the the fight against ISIS .What is it about Yemen that makes it such a gaping blind spot for members of the US government, its diplomatic corps and the US mainstream media?Fact: On its face, the joint Saudi-US War on Yemen is illegal under both US and International Law (see US legal analysis below).With that in mind, shouldn t every person in the US, from the Obama Administration forward and including the Department of Defense, the Pentagon, the CIA and so on, who has been involved in prosecuting this illegal, undeclared war of aggression be indicted and charged with high crimes?Is the United States not a nation of laws, as so many politicians and pundits proudly proclaim to their public over the airwaves each and every day? Are we really a nation of laws?Or is Washington DC merely a nation of self-inflated, self-reverential hypocrites? In a nutshell the Saudis, Emiratis and the USA are inflicting a war of genocide against the Houthis, (University of Illinois Professor of International Law, Francis Boyle)So what is the Trump Administration s solution to this collapsing situation? Of course, more sanctions. Because this war was initiated under President Obama, left-leaning and liberal media outlets and Democratic Party operators were bound to an unofficial regime of silence on the issue of Yemen hence, almost zero media coverage or commentary throughout 2015-2016. It was sufficient to focus only on Syria, and even then to streamline all mainstream media talking points with foreign policy directives from US State Department. With Syria, just look at the media coverage over the last 6 years and overlay it with the US State Department and British Foreign Office narratives. Totally seamless.For the US political right-wing and the Pentagon-oriented news outlets like CNN, the War on Yemen was simply reduced down to a binary argument, blaming the entire affair on Iran, claiming that the Iranian-backed Houthis were the primary antagonists. By framing it in the Iran-centric geopolitical context and not the true context of US-Saudi aggression and a battle to control some of the regions most lucrative untapped oil and gas reserves it served to somehow justify the organized, international crime which has been taking place. CNN s Wolf Blitzer was always careful to inject the correct qualifier (as he always does) of Iranian-backed Houthis when covering Yemen. By framing it as an Iranian plot, US neoconservatives also reinforced the operation as good for Israel, which by extension means its in US national interest by virtue of the neoconservatives doctrine.Since the War on Yemen began in March 2015, rather than reporting on the carnage and pressuring the US government to recuse itself from its daily military role backing of Saudi Arabia, the mainstream media foreign policy gatekeepers and CFR members like CNN s Fareed Zakaria have instead opted to ignore the conflict as much as possible, opting instead to continue pushing more fake news and extravagant lies spun regarding Aleppo along with other aspects of the other illegal US operation arming international terrorists in Syria.Members of the media should be ashamed of themselves, but that assuming the word shame still exists in their lexicon. By now, it should be clear that they simply do not care. While the establishment and auxiliary CFR public relations mascots like George Clooney have been crusading for the International Criminal Court (ICC) to take urgent action against the bad guys in places like South Sudan (a CIA project from the onset) and fawning over the US-UK government joint project and pseudo-NGO fraud known as the White Helmets in Syria, the United States government and its partners Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and of the course the United Kingdom have been allowed to get away with one of the most obvious and egregious, mass violations of international law and collective murder in modern history.In short, all the establishment and Deep State players; in Washington, the UNHRC (bought-off by Saudi Arabia), the mainstream media, Hollywood, and across the billion dollar think-tank industrial complex have all colluded through their collective inaction and media censorship in perpetrating an long-running and obvious international crime against humanity in Yemen. Add to this, holding in contempt the concept of the modern nation-state as it pertains to Yemen, by colluding in a violent, neocolonial fashion with the express intent to deny the Yemeni people their right to sovereignty. To compare Saudi Arabia s belligerent actions in Yemen to Nazi Germany s undeclared wars of aggression prior to WWII is no exaggeration. In fact, one could make the argument that this Saudi-US joint venture is much worse, and a far more dangerous precedent. Likewise, the failure of a corrupt UN (who effectively sold Saudi Arabia its seat as the head of the UN Human Rights Council ), led by an impotent Secretary General in Ban-ki Moon, to censure Saudi Arabia for its flagrant violation of international law, the Nuremberg Principles and the entire Geneva Convention content and implied framework leaves the UN in the exact same position as the League of Nations in 1938. This is most certainly the case on paper, and with each passing moment we are nudging ever closer to geopolitical d j vu. (Vanessa Beeley, 21WIRE, Oct 13, 2016)The following is a professional analysis, from a US legal perspective. The case is clear, and non-contestable under the current provision in both US and international law Yemeni resident in Taiz, who lost everything after another Saudi airstrike.. Trevor Thrall & John Glaser ReasonAfter almost a year of bombings, Yemen is a humanitarian catastrophe. Over 6,000 Yemenis have been killed [an extremely conservative estimate] half of them civilians. According to a recent United Nations report, the Saudi-led coalition has conducted airstrikes targeting civilians and civilian objects, including refugee camps, hospitals, weddings, and mosques. Saudi bombing has reduced large tracts of several cities to rubble. Some of the attacks, according to the U.N. panel, could amount to crimes against humanity.As of this month, over two million people in Yemen are internally displaced, millions lack access to potable water, and thanks to a U.S.-supported Saudi blockade on imports, more than 14 million Yemenis are at risk of starvation.Throughout, the U.S. has quietly but dutifully lent the Saudis weapons, logistics assistance, and diplomatic cover. It s time to stop.The civil conflict in Yemen has its roots in the overthrow in 2011 of long-time U.S.-Saudi ally Ali Abdullah Saleh. In the midst of the unrest, Saudi Arabia and the U.S. supported a political transition to a government headed by President Abed-Rabbo Mansour Hadi, in which he was the only candidate on the ballot. Yemen s Shiite Houthi rebels waged an insurgency against the Hadi government and captured the capital city Sanaa in 2014.The civil war then morphed into an intractable proxy war when, in March of last year, Saudi Arabia decided to wage a vicious bombing campaign under the pretext of destroying the Houthi rebellion and reinstating Hadi s beleaguered government. Riyadh views the Houthis as a proxy of Iran, and after the peaceful diplomatic settlement between the U.S. and Iran over the latter s nuclear program, U.S. officials have apparently felt obliged to reassure Saudi Arabia by supporting its war in Yemen.The problem is that Saudi Arabia s war in Yemen compromises both U.S. interests and its moral standing. Our interests are harmed because undermining the Houthis and contributing to the power vacuum in the country has benefitted the position of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), which happens to share Saudi distaste for the Houthis.The Saudis succeed in garnering U.S. support in part by characterizing the war as a fight against terrorism. But the Saudis and al-Qaeda are actually in an awkward alliance in this fight, making U.S. help even more misguided.As for our moral standing, by supporting Saudi Arabia s military action, we are a party to serious war crimes and are indirectly at fault for the devastating humanitarian crisis the people of Yemen now face.The Saudi intervention clearly violates the just war tenet of jus ad bellum. That tenet dictates that nations not only have a just cause for going to war but also resort to military force only after all other options have been exhausted. Despite Saudi claims to the contrary, the intervention is clearly not a case of self-defense. The notion that Yemen, the poorest country in the Middle East (kept afloat primarily by Saudi funds), represents a military threat to Saudi Arabia is absurd. And to argue Saudi bombs are justified to prevent future terrorist attacks is to argue for preventive war, which violates just war theory and the UN Charter.The Saudis insist that their actions are legal because the legitimate Yemeni government invited military intervention. But the Hadi government hardly deserves the label legitimate. Hadi was elevated to the presidency after serving in Saleh s autocratic regime as vice president. Once president, Hadi used his position to consolidate power against the Houthis and Saleh loyalists all while misappropriating billions of dollars. A better description would be to call the Hadi government a tool of Saudi Arabia, since Saudi Arabia not only brokered the deal that allowed him to replace Saleh but also enabled him to return to Yemen after the Houthis drove him from the country. Arguing that the Saudis are responding to a call for help is essentially to argue that the Saudis asked themselves to intervene in Yemen.So, if Saudi Arabia s argument for intervention is weak, what s the U.S. s excuse? Any claim that this is a part and parcel of the war on terror is dubious, considering the bombing of Yemen is, if anything, bolstering Islamic extremists. Furthermore, Saudi Arabia itself is a major exporter of the kind of jihadist ideology that drives groups like al-Qaeda and the Islamic State.Even if it were about countering terrorist groups, if the threat to Saudi Arabia from Yemen is remote, the threat to the United States is certainly too small to justify violating the rules of war, international moral norms, and common decency.Beyond placating overexcited Saudi fears of a U.S. strategic tilt towards Iran, there simply is no moral, legal, or strategic justification for what the U.S. is doing in Yemen.About the Authors: Trevor Thrall is an associate professor at the School of Policy, Government, and International Affairs at George Mason University and a senior fellow at the Cato Institute. John Glaser is based in Washington, DC. He has been published in CNN, Newsweek, The Guardian, and The National Interest, among others. READ MORE YEMEN NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Yemen FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
April 3, 2017
Republican’s Excuse For Cutting Food Stamps: The Bible Says Unemployed ‘Shall Not Eat’
Republican lawmakers love using the Bible to dictate their policies. They especially love using it to justify pushing spending cuts to social programs even if it means intentionally misreading their favorite passages.In Texas, Rep. Jodey Arrington decided his support for cutting parts of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program needed a bit of New Testament spin. How does one defend taking the food out of mouths of hungry people using the Bible? By cherrypicking this quote: If a man will not work, he shall not eat. During a debate on whether or not Republicans will further gut SNAP benefits, Arrington cited the biblical verse in response to a Jewish anti-hunger group pleading with Congress not to do something so foolish as to further dismantle food stamps. He probably thought he was being pretty clever.Arrington isn t the first to use the line. It s extremely popular with conservatives. So popular, in fact, that the Daily Kos once devoted an entire article to debunking the misinterpretation of the quote.What s important to understand is working was secondary in this context, this is not so much a moral decree about work, the main message is a warning not to take advantage of the Christian obligation to feed the hungry, especially if you are screwing up the church and community tasked with doing that by behaving like a twelve year-old socialite.In other words, the real meaning is to judge a man by his heart, not by his employment status. And as the Washington Post points out, in today s economy, being unemployed doesn t mean lazy, unmotivated, or being a leech. As the economy continues to separate between the haves and the have-nots, finding employment can be hard.The verse in question applies specifically to people who can work or otherwise contribute to society but choose not to, said theologians from several denominations who spoke to The Post. There is a perception, among some voters and lawmakers, that many adult SNAP recipients are exactly this sort of freeloader. But policy experts say that is not the case. Many unemployed adults on SNAP simply cannot work, they say. Those include the mentally ill, the borderline disabled and veterans.Here s economist Justin Wolfers putting the sad reality of America s employment into a stunning graph:It takes a certain kind of mind to look at these trends and conclude that tax cuts for the top 1% are an urgent national priority. pic.twitter.com/6s9Jwr0a8w Justin Wolfers (@JustinWolfers) March 31, 2017Arrington has both biblical and economic reasons to doubt his own reasoning. Instead, his real ideology the Church of Conservative Magical Thinking led him to ignore it all in favor of more cuts to the poor to benefit the very richest in the country.And as if voters needed yet another reminder of why elections matter: Arrington has only been on the job two months. He was voted into office this year. He barely moved into his office and already he s going after the most disadvantaged people in his district. Hats off to his efficiency, but then, institutionalized cruelty often is.Featured image via the Washington Post
March 31, 2017
VIDEO: BLACK MAN Tells Reporter They’re Taking Protests To Charlotte Suburbs
Unidentified man helping to organize protests in suburbs tells Mark Barber of WSOC: We need to go where the immediate threat is at. Whether it s a threat or not, I just want us to go to the area where the gentleman lives, so we can actually have the people with the money be concerned about the people without the money. Reporter: So you plan to protest in the suburbs? Man being interviewed: Yes. Cuz I figure if we go hit them in their area, then they ll be more potent (?) to what s going on in our area. LISTEN | Protesters say this isn't the end. They plan to take protests to wealthy areas of Charlotte next. @wsoctv #KeithScott pic.twitter.com/og3T2zW2wd Mark Barber (@MBarberWSOC9) September 21, 2016
Sep 21, 2016
WATCH: Keith Olbermann Goes On EPIC Pre-Trump Address Rant With An AWESOME Twist At The End
Keith Olbermann rants on a very regular basis. Tonight s rant, on his video series, was extremely on point given that Trump will give a State-Of-The-Union-esque address to Congress this evening where he will likely talk about one of our biggest controversies: Immigration.He spends most of the address calling Trump s immigration orders a Muslim ban, and a purge of Hispanics. He s not wrong, and he lays out exactly why he s not wrong with example after example: When you detain an American born in Philadelphia and ask him over and over again, Where did you get your name from, and, Are you Muslim, and the man s name is Muhammad Ali Jr., it s a Muslim ban! When ICE agents reportedly wait across the street from a Virginia church refuge designed to save the homeless from freezing to death on our streets, and you grab six men as they leave the place, it is a purge of Hispanics! He goes back and forth between Muslim ban, and purge of Hispanics, through his rant, with each example of the truth of these words worse than the one before. A couple of his examples have background to them that he doesn t lay out, which makes them misleading. However. The gist of the entire video is the truth.He also explains that one of the biggest things Trump s stance on immigration has done is start turning rank-and-file ICE and U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers, and U.S. Border Patrol agents who may not even know any better into power-tripping sadists under the false belief that they re still doing something moral.But his final sentence is the kicker. Watch his entire rant below:NEW: THAT is a Muslim Ban, THIS is a Hispanic Purge, and THEY are Trump s Gestapo pic.twitter.com/pI6XCsbiU8 Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) March 1, 2017Featured image via screen capture from embedded video
February 28, 2017
U.S. firm Air Products, China's Yankuang plan to build $3.5 billion coal-to-syngas plant in China
A top Chinese coal miner, Yankuang Group, and U.S. industrial gas supplier Air Products and Chemicals Inc on Thursday said they planned to build a $3.5 billion coal-to-synthesis gas (syngas) plant in China. The announcement on the facility in the province of Shaanxi comes as part of U.S. President Donald Trump s state visit to China, the world s biggest consumer of coal. The deal is yet to be finalised, although the companies said in a statement that they would look to do this as soon as possible. Syngas is a combination of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and some carbon dioxide that is typically manufactured by gasifying a solid hydrocarbon fuel. It can be used to create energy or to help churn out products such as methane or methanol. Under the agreement, Air Products and Shaanxi Future Energy Group Co (SFEC), a subsidiary of Yankuang, will form a joint venture, in which Air Products will have a majority stake. It will build, own and operate an air separation, gasification and syngas clean-up system in the city of Yulin to supply SFEC, the firms said in a statement. The air separation units are expected to produce about 40,000 tonnes per day (TPD) of oxygen to support the production of about 2.5 million normal cubic meters an hour of syngas. SFEC will supply coal, steam and power and receive syngas under a long-term, onsite contract. Air Products currently supplies SFEC s Phase 1 project in Yulin with 12,000 TPD of oxygen. The addition of Phase 2 would make the complex one of the largest coal-to-fuel and chemicals facilities in China, with SFEC Phase 2 producing 4 million tonnes per year of liquid fuels and downstream chemicals, it said. The companies expect the overall project to come onstream in 2021.
November 9, 2017
Senate bill would cut Medicaid spending 35 percent in 2036: budget analyst
Spending on the Medicaid healthcare program for the poor would be 35 percent lower than under current law in 2036 if a draft bill to repeal Obamacare proposed by Senate Republicans were to become law, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office said on Thursday. The CBO estimated in a report requested by Senate Democrats that under current law Medicaid spending would grow 5.1 percent a year over the next two decades. Under the Republican Senate plan, it projected growth of just 1.9 percent a year through 2026 and about 3.5 percent per year in the subsequent ten years.
June 29, 2017
Nazi-Ranting Man Accosts MSNBC Host At Iowa Caucus
A man ranting about Nazi Germany had a strange encounter with MSNBC host and college professor Melissa Harris-Perry at the Iowa caucuses this week. Perry was with some of her students in a hotel lobby in Des Moines where a man she doesn t remember ever speaking to came up to her and began speaking, oddly acting as if they were in mid-conversation.Harris-Perry wrote about the odd incident on her website.When he started he speaking it was like he was picking up in the middle of sentence, finishing a conversation we had begun earlier, but I couldn t remember ever meeting him. So what is it that you teach? I am a professor of political science. My wife is a professor of communications. Does she teach here in Iowa? What I want to know is how you got credentialed to be on MSNBC. I am not sure if it is how he spat the word credentialed, or if it is how he took another half step toward me, or if it is how he didn t respond to my question, but the hairs on my arm stood on end. I ignored it. Told myself everything was ok. Well. It is not exactly a credential I began. But why you? Why would they pick you? Perry said the man now sounded angry and began to get closer to her. As the victim of a previous violent crime, she became more upset and agitated at the provocation. The situation escalated:I freeze. He speaks. And moves closer. Is there a knife under the coat? A gun? Worse?And I can t hear all the words. But I catch Nazi Germany and I catch rise to power. But I can t move. I am lulled by a familiar powerlessness, muteness, that comes powerfully and unexpectedly. It grips me. Everything is falling away. Until in my peripheral vision I catch sight of a ponytail, the movement of an arm, the sound of familiar young voices and I remember my students.She jumped up and rejoined her students, telling the hotel authorities about the bizarre encounter, though they don t appear to have taken any action.While he only got second place in the caucuses, Donald Trump s campaign has made an appeal to extremist racists and bigots, speaking in a racist manner that was previously only done behind closed doors. Now they re coming out into the light, and apparently trying to intimidate progressive figures like Harris-Perry, who have often been the target of attacks and ridicule by conservative and conservative media outlets like Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.Featured image via YouTube
February 2, 2016
New 9/11 Trailer – Featuring Charlie Sheen and Whoopi Goldberg
21st Century Wire says Everything changed on 9/11. Overnight, it transformed US foreign policy, the geopolitical chessboard, the global police state, a not to mention the laws of physics, the melting point from steel and much more.Based on the initial marketing package, this latest film, which is due for release this September in 2017, looks very much like a consensus reality production designed to further reinforce the official story of 9/11 or will there be more to it?Will this be Sheen s penance and ticket back into mainstream Hollywood?One looming possibility: this could end up being an own goal by the establishment, as the mere presence of former 9/11 Truth activist Sheen in this mainstream film will trigger a wave of chatter challenging the official 9/11 tale (watch Sheen s 2009 video plea to President Obama for 9/11 Truth here). Stay tuned and find out Here is the initial trailer for this latest Hollywood action drama will feature actors Charlie Sheen, Whoopi Goldberg, Gina Gershon and Luis Guzm n. WATCH: SEE ALSO: FBI Trove of 9/11 Pentagon Photos Refuels Conspiracy SuspicionsREAD MORE 9/11 NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 9/11 Files SUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
July 29, 2017
Republicans Just Granted Themselves Special Status In Their Latest Healthcare Bill
If you have a pre-existing condition, Obamacare currently protects you from being turned down for insurance on the basis of that condition. Republicans want to take that away because insuring sick people just eats too much profit, and healthcare is a privilege, not a right anyway. The latest iteration of their ridiculous healthcare plan will allow states to decide whether insurers have to cover people with pre-existing conditions, because of course it does, but it also contains a brand-new amendment that s patently disgusting.It carves an exemption out for members of Congress and their staffs. Insurers would still be required to provide coverage for them regardless of pre-existing conditions. Vox confirmed it last night: A spokesperson for Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-N.J.) who authored this amendment confirmed this was the case: members of Congress and their staff would get the guarantee of keeping these Obamacare regulations. But don t Republicans hate Obamacare? Well, their relationship with Obamacare is actually considerably more complex than we tend to give it credit for. Contrary to popular belief, we taxpayers don t subsidize Congress health insurance the way many people think. In fact, we never did. Until 2013, they were covered under the Federal Employee Health Benefits program, which is a health insurance marketplace where they (and every other federal employee) purchase health insurance with all the same bullshit as everyone else, and have their premiums taken out of their paychecks.The Office of Personnel Management contributes to each employee s premium, but where private sector employers cover an average of 83 percent of their employees premiums (or 72 percent for family plans), OPM covers 72 to 75 percent, whichever is less depending on a variety of factors, across the board.In 2013, all of Congress was kicked off of FEHB thanks to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA). He proposed an amendment to the ACA that would require all members of Congress to purchase health insurance through the exchanges, and for their staffs under the small business provision.So that s what they ve been doing for health insurance for the last four years. Where their own lives are concerned, Obamacare s popular provisions are good things. Where the rest of the country is concerned, though, well, we all know how they feel about the rest of us. The prohibition on denying insurance due to pre-existing conditions is one of the most popular provisions and they want to gut it.For everyone but themselves.Can they get any more obvious about where their true priorities lie?Featured image by Mark Wilson via Getty Images
April 26, 2017
For storm-ravaged Houston, a presidential visit and baseball's return
The city of Houston on Saturday witnessed two milestones on its road to recovery from Hurricane Harvey: a visit from the president of the United States and the return of baseball a week after deadly floodwaters engulfed the metropolis. President Donald Trump, in a widely watched test of his handling of the disaster, distributed food and played with children at a center for evacuees in his first trip to Houston since it was slammed by one of the most destructive storms to hit the United States. A few miles away, Major League Baseball returned to downtown Houston for the first time since Harvey came ashore last Friday as the most powerful hurricane to hit Texas in 50 years, bringing a welcome distraction to the fourth-most populous city, facing years of rebuilding. In his second Texas visit since the storm struck, the president and his wife, Melania Trump, were greeted warmly on an unannounced stop to NRG center, a convention complex converted into a facility to assist storm evacuees. “Really, I think people appreciate what has been done,” Trump told reporters. “It has been done very efficiently, very well. There is a lot of love, a lot of love.” The visit gave Trump an opportunity to show an empathetic side to victims. Some have criticized him for staying clear of the disaster zone during a Texas visit on Tuesday, when he said he did not want to hamper rescue efforts. The storm is expected to be one of the costliest natural disasters in U.S. history, displacing more than 1 million people and leaving behind wreckage in an area stretching more than 300 miles (480 kms). Some areas of Texas received more than 50 inches (127 cm) of rain and the storm led to the deaths of at least 47 people. The city of Houston ordered a mandatory evacuation for about 4,600 residences in the western part, where several hundred people have not left their homes. “Put your own personal safety above your property,” Mayor Sylvester Turner said, adding that residents should also consider the safety of first responders who would have to handle any emergencies. The Trump administration on Friday asked Congress for a $7.85 billion appropriation for response and initial recovery efforts. Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who accompanied the Trumps, has said his state may need more than $125 billion. The first couple’s initial stop was at the center’s “kid zone” where they hugged and chatted with some children playing there. At one point, Trump, dressed in a black rain jacket and no tie, picked up a child and kissed her on the cheek. Later, the couple handed out prepared meals to the crowd, pausing frequently to greet and take “selfies” with aid recipients. Kevin Hipolito, 37, an unemployed Houston resident rescued from the roof of his car two days earlier when his first-floor apartment was flooded, said he saw the Trump visit to the fourth-most populous U.S. city as a show of support. “I’m a Democrat. It raises the morale,” he said while the Trumps served lunch. The Trumps later flew to flood-hit Lake Charles, Louisiana. Harvey came on the 12th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, which killed about 1,800 people around New Orleans. U.S. President George W. Bush’s administration was roundly criticized for its botched early response to the storm, and the Trump administration appeared intent on avoiding such a misstep. For a graphic on Harvey's energy impact, click tmsnrt.rs/2xzso1S For a graphic on hurricane costs, click tmsnrt.rs/2vGkbHS For a graphic on storms in the North Atlantic, click tmsnrt.rs/2gcckz5 Late Saturday night, Trump tweeted “Just got back to the White House from the Great States of Texas and Louisiana, where things are going well. Such cooperation & coordination!” Robert Hendricks, 48, an electrical engineer standing on line at NRG Stadium, was skeptical about Trump’s visit helping. “What’s he going to do, use us as props to serve us lunch?” he said before adding: “It’s good that he’s showing his face.” At Minute Maid Park, the Houston Astros opened a double-header against the New York Mets, the first time the team played at home since Harvey struck. Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner threw out the first pitch and a moment of silence was observed for those who died. The Astros won the first game of the doubleheader 12-8. The devastation from the unprecedented flooding to the Houston metropolitan area, with an economy as large as Argentina’s, has been enormous. By Saturday, nearly 200,000 homes had suffered flood damage and about 12,600 were destroyed, according to the Texas Department of Public Safety. Thirteen Texas Superfund sites, heavily contaminated former industrial zones, were flooded or damaged by Harvey, but the full impact on surrounding areas was not immediately clear, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said. The announcement came amid rising concern about the health risks posed by Harvey’s record floodwaters, which contain a toxic soup of chemicals, oil and bacteria from Houston’s notoriously leaky sewer system. For many people in the region, there was little time for baseball or the Trump visit as receding waters allowed them to return to flood-damaged homes for the first time since the Harvey came ashore on the Gulf Coast. In a neighborhood in east Houston, streets were lined with 8-foot (2.4 meter) piles of soggy debris, including mattresses, carpets and other belongings ripped out of homes. Volunteers had set up shade tents with water and food and were helping residents remove the wreckage. “It’s overwhelming. It’s sad to see it. We have a lot of good memories here,” said Sergio Estrada who grew up in the neighborhood and came to help salvage the home where his parents live. Many areas still were battling floodwaters from swollen rivers that were expected to last for a week or more. In Beaumont, about 85 miles (140 km) east, officials tried to repair a flood-damaged pumping station that caused the city of about 120,000 people to lose drinking water days ago. To the east, flood-hit Orange County implemented a curfew from Saturday night to keep the community safe and give its residents “peace of mind,” officials said. The storm shut about a fourth of U.S. refinery capacity, much of which is clustered along the Gulf Coast, and caused gasoline prices to spike to a two-year high ahead of the long Labor Day holiday weekend. Meanwhile a new storm, Irma, strengthened on Friday into a Category 3 hurricane on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale. It remained more than 1000 miles from the Leeward Islands, where residents were advised to monitor its progress. The National Hurricane Center said in an advisory late Saturday night it was still much too early to determine what direct impact it might have on the Bahamas and the continental United States.
September 2, 2017
Romania's ruling party endorses government reshuffle plan
Romania s ruling Social Democrats endorsed on Thursday a government reshuffle proposed by Prime Minister Mihai Tudose in a move that could strengthen his position within the party and lend his cabinet credibility within the European Union. Three ministers will resign, party senior members said, including Deputy Prime Minister Sevil Shhaideh, a close ally of party leader Liviu Dragnea, who holds a tight grip over party ranks but cannot be prime minister because of a previous conviction in a vote rigging case. Earlier this week, Tudose said that corruption allegations surrounding Shhaideh and European Funds Minister Rovana Plumb had created problems for his government with the European Commission. Both will resign, as will Transport Minister Razvan Cuc. The party will decide their replacements on Friday. Transparency International ranks Romania among the European Union s most corrupt states and Brussels is keeping its justice system under special monitoring. We have a reality and a perception, Tudose told reporters on Wednesday. The reality is the presumption of innocence, but the perception in Brussels is completely different. On Thursday, Tudose said he hoped Shhaideh would choose to stay in public administration in a different position. Some analysts have said Tudose was using the corruption allegations to gain more control over government decisions. The government is under pressure from the party to enforce an ambitious governing program that includes tax cuts, public sector wage and pension hikes, as well as a judicial overhaul that could threaten magistrates independence that has raised concerns with the European Commission. We communicated badly with each other, Dragnea told reporters after a six-hour senior party meeting. We cannot make that mistake again, put the party and the government at risk. Anti-corruption prosecutors said in September they were investigating Shhaideh for suspected abuse of office in a land transfer case, and have asked parliament to approve an investigation into Plumb linked to the same case. Both have denied wrongdoing. The reshuffle comes a little over three months since the cabinet was sworn in after the ruling coalition toppled its first prime minister at end-June. Tudose has said he was not afraid to resign, which would have automatically toppled the cabinet. Analysts said the Social Democrats accepted the reshuffle rather than risk going with a third prime minister proposal to centrist President Klaus Iohannis, a rival, who must approve premiers. If this government were to fall as well, then I would certainly ask myself very seriously whether the PSD still has the capacity to govern, Iohannis told reporters earlier on Thursday. For now, we are not in this position.
October 12, 2017
All Hell Breaks Loose At First Charlottesville City Council Meeting Since Nazi Rally
All hell broke loose on Monday when the city of Charlottesville held their first city council meeting since torch-wielding white supremacists took over the small Virginia town, leaving a counter-protester dead in their wake. Residents were more than ready to let the city council know just how they felt about the city allowing Nazis to march through their streets. You had multiple opportunities to intervene and you did not intervene one time. We told you exactly what you needed to do and you did nothing, one man told the city council members at the meeting.Two protesters who were holding a sign that read Blood on your hands climbed up on top of the dais, at which point several members of the city council got scared and ran away. Police eventually removed several people from the meeting and arrested at least three of them, which prompted the crowd to chant Shame and Shut it down. Vice Mayor Wes Bellamy, was the only official who had the guts to stay and try to negotiate with the protesters, who have every right to be pissed off that Nazis were given a permit to spread their hate and violence throughout Charlottesville. The protesters called for Mayor Mike Signer to resign from his position, chanting Signer must go! After making it abundantly clear that they do not appreciate the city council inviting white supremacists to town, they also demanded the removal of Confederate monuments from Charlottesville. The city agreed to begin the removal process and a motion was approved by the council that will commemorate the victims of the Nazi rally by draping black fabric over the statues.Watch more on the mayhem here, via WVIR: NBC29 WVIR Charlottesville, VA News, Sports and WeatherFeatured image via video screen capture
August 22, 2017
WATCH: Republican Army Colonel Hammers Gun Nut On Real Time With Bill Maher
This is one of the most epic smack downs of a gun nut you ll ever see.During Real Time on Friday night, host Bill Maher was joined on his panel by guests Lawrence Wilkerson and Emily Miller to discuss the Orlando mass shooting and the role guns played. This tragedy was brought to you by guns and religion, Maher said to kick off the discussion.Maher and conservative reporter Emily Miller agreed that only followers of Islam commit acts of terrorism, forgetting mass shootings that were perpetrated by white Christian males such as Dylann Roof, who killed nine black people at a church in Charleston. Or Timothy McVeigh, who committed the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995. He grew up a Roman Catholic and took the Last Rites prior to his execution. And there are so many other examples that they could literally fill this article and more. And here s a list of violence against the LGBT community, some of which were committed by anti-gay Christians with guns.But it was Republican retired Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson who stole the show when he buried Miller and her gun nut views, much to Maher s amusement. We need some kind of control on the weapons in this country, Wilkerson said. We do not need large capacity magazines, semi-automatic weapons in the hands of anybody in this country, other than possibly law enforcement. Wilkerson admitted that he owns 14 guns at home because he inherited many them from relatives who passed away, but he only uses them for hunting and is very selective about who he sells a gun to if he wants to let one go.Miller immediately volunteered to buy some guns from Wilkerson and he quickly rejected her. I wouldn t sell them to you, he said.Wilkerson went on to hold Republicans responsible for the shooting to some degree because they have refused to pass a law banning people on the terrorism watch list from buying and owning guns.Miller then attempted to defend guns as a necessary tool for home defense but Wilkerson, who served in the Vietnam War, didn t buy that malarkey either, saying that he doesn t own guns to shoot people and pointing out that we have law enforcement to deal with home invasions. When Miller attempted to discuss law enforcement response time, Wilkerson shut her down. I m 71-years-old. I ve lived in this country for seventy-one years, except for the years I was deployed fighting for this country when I did need my guns, and nobody has ever entered my house and tried to kill me! After that, Miller was stunned into silence.Here s the video via YouTube.Featured image via screen capture
June 18, 2016
Three vehicles torched in long-running South African taxi war
One Uber vehicle and two other taxis were torched in South Africa s main business district on Thursday night in a feud over fares, but no one was injured, Uber and police said on Friday. The vehicles were set alight in the wealthy Sandton district near the Gautrain station, a popular pick-up point for taxis where previous attacks on Uber vehicles have taken place. It was not clear who torched the vehicles. Uber [UBER.UL] drivers around the world have faced threats and protests from regular taxi operators, who say cheap fares from Uber drivers are forcing them out of business. All the drivers of the cars escaped unharmed. It is suspected that the incident is related to the ongoing fight between the metered taxis and the Ubers, police spokesman Captain Mavela Masondo said. A fourth car had its back window smashed in, he said. On Friday, police officers patrolled the street outside the Gautrain station, which is opposite the Reuters offices. Samantha Allenberg, Uber s communications head for Africa, said only one of the torched vehicles belonged to Uber. One of the torched vehicles was likely from a different ride-hailing service, Allenberg said. We really need the government to do more here. The violence and intimidation is simply unacceptable, she said. Uber has met the minister of transport and law enforcement agencies several times over similar incidents, she said. Footage of the burning vehicles circulated on social media. Transport Minister Joe Maswanganyi said those behind the violence and intimidation would face the law. More than 6,000 vehicles use the e-hailing Uber application to find customers in South Africa, where the service has grown swiftly as public transport has not kept up with the rising population in sprawling cities. Uber operates in more than 600 cities and has faced protests in France, Brazil and Hungary, and Uber drivers have been threatened or attacked in Kenya, Costa Rica, and Australia.
September 8, 2017
IT’S A MIRACLE! Food Stamp Use Went Down 85% After This Change In Requirements
Food Stamp use has miraculously gone down in several states! It s a miracle! In 13 Alabama counties, food stamp use went down a whopping 85%!When Obama took out the welfare-to-work requirement, the use of food stamps skyrocketed to nearly 45 million Americans! That s 1 in every 7 US citizens using food stamps! Now that the Trump administration has vowed to reduce the use, it s interesting to see that people jump off of assistance when the work requirement is put back in.Georgia and Alabama have seen a sharp decrease in food stamp use with the work requirement back in:Georgia:More than half of the 11,779 people enrolled for food stamps in 21 counties, an estimated 7,251 people, have dropped out of the food stamp program a drop of 62 percent, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.Georgia first rolled out its work requirements for the food stamp program in three counties in January 2016. Since then, the state has expanded work requirements in an additional 21 counties, giving people in those 21 counties until April 1, 2017 to find a job or lose food stamp benefits. Via: BNALABAMA:Thirteen previously exempted Alabama counties saw an 85 percent drop in food stamp participation after work requirements were put in place on Jan. 1, according to the Alabama Department of Human Resources.The counties Greene, Hale, Perry, Dallas, Lowndes, Wilcox, Monroe, Conecuh, Clarke, Washington, Choctaw, Sumter and Barbour had been exempt from a change that limited able-bodied adults without dependents to three months of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits within a three-year time frame unless they were working or participating in an approved training program.During the economic downturn of 2011-2013, several states including Alabama waived the SNAP work requirements in response to high unemployment. It was reinstituted for 54 counties on Jan. 1, 2016 and for the remaining 13 on Jan. 1, 2017. As of April 2017, the highest jobless rate among the 13 previously excluded counties was in Wilcox County, which reported a state-high unemployment rate of 11.7 percent, down more than 11 percentage points from the county s jobless rate for the same month of 2011.Ending the exemption has dramatically cut the number of SNAP recipients in the counties.As of Jan. 1, 2017, there were 13,663 able-bodied adults without dependents receiving food stamps statewide. That number dropped to 7,483 by May 1, 2017. Among the 13 counties, there were 5,538 adults ages 18-50 without dependents receiving food stamps as of Jan. 1, 2017. That number dropped to 831 a decline of about 85 percent by May 1, 2017. Based on the trend, the number of (able-bodied adults without dependents) recipients for SNAP benefits is expected to continue to decline statewide and in the formerly 13 exempted counties, according to Alabama DHR spokesperson John Hardy.Statewide, the number of able-bodied adults receiving food stamps has fallen by almost 35,000 people since Jan. 1, 2016. Each recipient receives about $126 a month in benefits.Nationwide, there are about 44 million people receiving SNAP benefits at a cost of about $71 billion. The Trump administration has vowed to cut the food stamp rolls over the next decade, including ensuring that able-bodied adults recipients are working.Via: al.com
Jun 6, 2017
OBAMA’S EPA GESTAPO TO SKIP Hearing On CO Mine, Toxic Sludge Disaster…Will Attend UN CLIMATE CHANGE Meeting With Obama Instead
Priorities priorities Arizona Sen. John McCain wants a subpoena issued immediately for the head of the Environmental Protection Agency to attend a hearing in his home state on the Colorado mine disaster the agency caused last year.The August disaster caused an uncontrolled rupture of an abandoned gold mine that caused 3 million gallons of toxic sludge to spill into the Animas River, which sullied the waterways of three states. It s my understanding that the EPA has decided not to send a representative to this field hearing, the Arizona Republican said Wednesday, requesting that the chairman of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee issue a subpoena. EPA s response is unacceptable. It s a violation of our obligation to protect the interests of Native Americans and their tribes and EPA must be present at this hearing. I respectfully request that the committee issue a subpoena for EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy to appear at the field hearing. The hearing will be held on Earth Day, April 22, which is a big day for the EPA. McCarthy is expected to be part of President Obama s delegation to New York for a climate change meeting at the United Nations. Obama plans to sign a deal he agreed to in Paris to cut greenhouse gas emissions with nearly 200 other countries to fight global warming.The field hearing will be held in Phoenix at the request of American Indian tribes affected by the toxic spill that crossed through Navajo land.The EPA said it would send testimony from a high-ranking agency official in lieu of an actual official attending.Via: Washington Examiner
Apr 7, 2016
Taking back control? Britain's May to make high-stakes Brexit speech
After months of Brexit talks that have made little progress and deepened rifts in her party, British Prime Minister Theresa May will try this week to put the negotiations on track and reassert her authority. In a speech in the Italian city of Florence, May will set out on Friday her vision for future ties with the European Union and try to fill an apparent policy vacuum that has left her Brexit team adopting what Brussels regards as wrecking tactics in the talks on unraveling four decades of union. The 60-year-old leader has deliberately chosen an EU city to deliver the speech so that she can speak directly to the other 27 nations in the bloc, but has her work cut out in seizing back the initiative. May has been largely quiet on Brexit since her Conservative Party lost its parliamentary majority in a June election that she need not have called, saying little beyond expressing her support for a deep and special partnership with the bloc once Britain leaves in March 2019. But days before the speech, foreign minister Boris Johnson laid out his own Brexit vision, challenging her more cautious approach and exposing the fault lines in her party and government. EU negotiators are also frustrated with what they see as Britain s policy drift. At talks in August, British officials spent almost three hours picking holes in the legal basis for the bill that the EU expects London to pay to leave. Sources familiar with the presentation so detailed it stretched for 11 pages and was illustrated with 23 slides called it a show of legal muscle. But, as Brexit minister David Davis said, the meeting was even tetchier than the one before . The reason lawyers gave a two-and-a-half hour presentation is because no government minister had made a decision on policy, said Andrew Hood, who was a legal adviser to former prime minister David Cameron and still has contact with lawyers in several government departments. The August talks were almost canceled by the EU side because of Britain s lack of position, Hood told Reuters. I always thought when I was in the foreign office that if you ever need to revert to lawyers you ve probably lost, he said. Hood now advises companies on their Brexit strategy for law firm Dechert but took part in meetings with the EU under Cameron, who resigned last year after Britons voted for Brexit. The financial settlement with Brussels is one of the most difficult parts of the Brexit negotiations, but the lack of movement so far on even the mechanics of how to calculate the sum shows the difficulties facing Britain. May is walking a tightrope between hardline Conservative Brexit supporters who want to make sure any payment is as small as possible, and some top ministers who believe Britain must pay to keep ties as close as possible. Until now, she has largely let her government do the talking by setting out a wishlist for future relations with the bloc that aims for the closest of ties without the costs. May has also stuck to a belief that by playing her cards close to her chest, Britain will force EU negotiators into concessions. But her silence has allowed other voices to emerge. The main opposition Labour Party says it would keep Britain in the single European market and customs union during a transitional period, the Liberal Democrats are demanding a second referendum and the Scottish National Party wants Scotland to remain part of the EU. Their opposition is to be expected, but criticism from May s own team is not, and has raised eyebrows. In a weekend newspaper article, Johnson wrote that he did not expect Britain to pay for access to the EU s market, putting him at odds with finance minister Philip Hammond and May, who has spoken of paying in. At the August talks, left without clear policy direction, Davis and his team s detailed dissection of the EU s arguments on the Brexit bill left the bloc s main negotiator Michel Barnier wondering whether we can build trust and start discussing a future relationship . Weeks earlier, a former aide to May had praised the emerging agreement in her cabinet over the need for a transition deal and a divorce settlement something that seemed remote after last year s Brexit referendum. But though there may be agreement on this in principle, the difference lies in the detail and has opened a deep rift. Hammond wants a transition as close as possible to the status quo while others, such as trade minister Liam Fox, do not want to stay in the single market or pay for access. Pro-Brexit lawmakers have also balked at suggestions Britain should pay 60 billion euros ($72 billion) for the divorce, and May s aides have poured cold water on reports that there could be a compromise to reduce the headline figure by paying 10 billion pounds a year to the EU during a transition. In a move that appeared intended to tighten her control over the Brexit talks, May appointed the top official at the Brexit ministry as her EU adviser on Monday. But resetting the talks is a tough order, and aides are silent on whether May will use the Florence speech to try to break the deadlock on the financial settlement. Officials in Brussels are not holding their breath. The EU has taken the black veil off and is getting on with its life, one EU official said after the August talks. The Brits are either completely overconfident or completely overwhelmed.
September 19, 2017
HYSTERICAL! Jimmy Kimmel Reads “WINNERS AREN’T LOSERS” To Donald Trump [VIDEO]
This is hysterical!Here s the entire interview:
Apr 8, 2016
UK counter-terrorism police charge 14-year-old boys with murder plot
Two 14-year-old boys from northern England who were arrested by British counter-terrorism detectives have been charged with conspiracy to murder, police said on Wednesday. The teenagers, who cannot be named for legal reasons, were arrested on Saturday and are due to appear at Leeds Magistrates Court on Thursday.
November 1, 2017
Bannon's exit not seen to signal Trump shift to center
President Donald Trump’s ouster of chief strategist Steve Bannon is unlikely to mark the abandonment of the administration’s “America First” agenda that has unnerved investors and trade partners and split the White House into nationalist and globalist camps. Within hours of leaving Trump’s administration on Friday, Bannon was back at the helm of Breitbart News, the hard-right news site he ran before becoming the main architect of Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. Bannon can now do more to further conservative causes because “he can speak his mind” without the constraints of working in the White House, Rick Weatherly, 61, a maintenance technician from the Denver suburb of Lakewood, said on Saturday. Trump appeared to agree, tweeting: “Steve Bannon will be a tough and smart new voice at @BreitbartNews ... maybe even better than ever before. Fake News needs the competition!” Bannon, 63, was instrumental in some of Trump’s most contentious policies including the travel ban on people from several Muslim-majority nations, departure from the Paris climate accord and rejection of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. He was no friend to the Republican political establishment and was loathed by liberals, but became a darling of some of the president’s hard-line conservative supporters. “Trump will now have a great external ally,” a source close to Bannon said on condition of anonymity. “He will use his big hammer against the congressional leadership in support of the president’s agenda.” Trump supporters in south Florida, Chicago and Colorado told Reuters that they were not concerned that Bannon’s departure meant the president was distancing himself from policies he supported during last year’s campaign. “I think Trump will be fine,” said Bob Janda, a 67-year-old small business owner in Chicago. Nor is Bannon likely to be distanced from Trump’s ear, a White House official said on condition of anonymity. Bannon joined a string of senior officials who have left the Trump administration in the past five weeks, leading to the appointment of retired Marine general John Kelly as the new White House chief of staff. Kelly has succeeded in imposing some order on what had been a haphazard operation, but Bannon will still have “a direct pipeline into the Oval Office with Breitbart, Twitter and the TV,” the same White House official added.     “My guess is he’ll (Bannon) probably be more effective goading the president from outside, especially if the president feels boxed in by John Kelly’s clean lines of authority and (national security adviser H.R.) McMaster’s orderly processes,” said Kori Schake, a research fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution who previously served in the White House. “Seems to me that Bannon was symptom not cause: The president seems to share his dark vision, revel in the support of people Bannon represents,” Schake added. Prior to joining the Trump campaign, Bannon had spearheaded Breitbart’s shift into a forum for the “alt-right,” a loose online confederation of neo-Nazis, white supremacists and anti-Semites. His departure capped a tumultuous week in which Trump was widely criticized for saying both sides were responsible for last weekend’s violence at a Charlottesville, Virginia rally organized by neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Bannon told the conservative Weekly Standard on Friday that he would use Breitbart to attack opponents of the populist and nationalist agenda he championed, including establishment Republicans. At the same time he appeared to suggest that his departure signaled a major shift for the Trump agenda. “The Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over,” Bannon said. Defense policy is one area where Bannon could play a role from the outside. While many of Trump’s national security aides favor sending several thousand more troops to Afghanistan, where the Taliban insurgents have been regaining ground, Bannon argued for withdrawing the 8,400 U.S. personnel still there. He also had advocated restraint in dealing with North Korea, rejecting the use of military force to solve the recent crisis. “There is a danger that if he continues to bang away on issues that appeal to Breitbart’s audience but aren’t going anywhere, Bannon risks splitting the administration’s loose coalition of hard-right ideologues, traditional conservatives, and middle-of-the-road voters who didn’t like Hillary Clinton,” another Trump administration official said, also on condition of anonymity.
August 19, 2017
OBAMA PUBLICLY BULLIES GOP Over Justice Scalia Replacement…These Senate Republicans Are Starting To Cave
We ve made it very easy for you to pick up the phone, or go to their Facebook pages to let these Senators hear your voice. Obama will undoubtedly choose a radical to replace one of the most conservative voices on the US Supreme Court. This would be the final nail in America s coffin, as Obama s fundamental transformation of America would be complete. This nomination is every bit as serious as the person we nominate for President of the United States. When you have a court loaded with justices who have no regard for our US Constitution and choose to instead, legislate from the bench, our freedoms will no longer be protected and our nation will be doomed WATCH OBAMA PUBLICLY BULLY and attempt to embarrass anyone who stands in his way: https://youtu.be/1ITQXYyNo1wPresident Obama called on Senate Republicans Tuesday to give his eventual Supreme Court nominee a fair hearing in his bid to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia, as cracks emerged in the Republican leadership s position of automatically blocking any nominee. I expect them to hold hearings. I expect them to hold a vote, Mr. Obama said at a press conference. There s no unwritten law that says it can only be done on off years. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican, and others including presidential candidates Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Marco Rubio of Florida have vowed to block any Obama nominee, saying the next president should select Justice Scalia s replacement.Mr. Obama blasted that rationale. This is the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land, the president said. It s the one court where we would expect elected officials to rise above day-to-day politics. I understand the stakes. I understand the pressure that Republican senators are undoubtedly under. This would be a deciding vote. But that s not how the system is supposed to work. Even before Mr. Obama stated his case, there were signs that Republican unity was wavering on the notion of blocking any nominee out of hand.Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, Iowa Republican [Phone: (202) 224 3744], didn t rule out confirmation hearings and a vote by his panel on an Obama selection.You can voice your opinion on Senator Chuck Grassley s Facebook page by clicking HERE. I would wait until the nominee is made before I would make any decision, Mr. Grassley said Tuesday in a conference call with Iowa radio reporters. In other words, take it a step at a time. Asked whether he thought the controversy over filling the court vacancy might endanger his re-election chances this fall, Mr. Grassley said, I think I have a responsibility to perform, and I can t worry about the election. I ve got to do my job as a senator, whatever it is. And there will be a lot of tough votes between now and the next election. His comments appeared to be a softening from a statement shortly after Justice Scalia s death, when Mr. Grassley said it was standard practice not to nominate or confirm candidates for the Supreme Court in an election year. It only makes sense that we defer to the American people who will elect a new president to select the next Supreme Court Justice, Mr. Grassley said in a statement Saturday.Sen. Thom Tillis, North Carolina Republican [Phone: (202) 224-6342] , voiced caution about blocking any Obama nominee automatically.You can voice your opinion on Senator Thom Tillis Facebook page by clicking HERE. I think we fall into the trap if [we] just simply say, sight unseen, we fall into the trap of being obstructionists, Mr. Tillis said on Tyler Cralle s radio show.But Mr. Tillis added of the president, If he puts forth someone that we think is in the mold of President Obama s vision for America, then we ll use every device available to block that nomination. A top aide to Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, responding to Mr. Tillis comments, predicted that Mr. McConnell will eventually retreat from his stance of blocking any Obama nominee without a hearing. Via: Washington Times
Feb 17, 2016
LGBT VOLUNTEERS Aren’t Waiting To Be Thrown Off A Rooftop…Join Fight Against ISIS In Syria
A group of volunteer soldiers announced this week the first ever LGBT unit formed to kick ISIS butt.The Queer Insurrection and Liberation Army, or TQILA (pronounced Tequila ), is now fighting alongside Kurdish forces in Syria, the group announced Monday, according to Newsweek. TQILA s members have watched in horror as fascist and extremist forces around the world have attacked the Queer community and murdered countless of our community members citing that they are ill, sick and unatural, the volunteer fighters group, International Revolution People s Guerilla Forces (IRPGF), wrote on Twitter when announcing the formation of the new unit.The IRPGF is a group of foreign fighters who traveled to northern Syria to fight ISIS alongside the Kurdish militia, People s Protection Unit, known as YPG. The images of gay men being thrown off roofs and stoned to death by Daesh was something we could not idly watch, they said.The group also posted an image of two soldiers brandishing a banner reading, These f s kill fascists, in front their logo, a pink flag with a black AK-47 machine gun, and a rainbow flag in Raqqa, with the caption #Queers smashing the caliphate. These Faggots Kill Fascists! We shoot back! The Black & Pink and Rainbow flag fly in Raqqa. #Queers smashing the Caliphate. #TQILA #YPJ #YPG pic.twitter.com/eBCssrbjMI IRPGF (@IRPGF) July 24, 2017ISIS courts have declared homosexuality a capital offense punishable by death. Since its rise in Iraq in 2014, the terrorist group has released anti-gay propaganda showing men accused of homosexuality blindfolded and being thrown off roofs in front of large crowds, and then stoned if they survived the fall.ISIS also claimed responsibility for the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting last year, in which gunman Omar Mateen murdered 49 people. New York Post
Jul 25, 2017
Senators say effort to protect 'Dreamers' making progress
A bipartisan push in the Senate to protect undocumented people who immigrated to the United States as children is gaining momentum as lawmakers try to wrap up negotiations, Republican Senator Jeff Flake said on Tuesday. Both Republican and Democratic senators said a deal would include measures to improve border security, something which Republicans have repeatedly stressed is a priority and which Democrats have said they would meet as part of a deal. President Donald Trump said in September he was terminating the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, and he challenged Congress to come up with legislation to protect around 700,000 “Dreamers” from the threat of deportation. Trump’s Democratic predecessor, President Barack Obama, created DACA by executive order. “We’re still working ... we’re very close” to an agreement, Flake, one of a few Republicans and Democrats in the Republican-controlled Senate leading the effort, told reporters. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer, speaking on the Senate floor on Tuesday said, “We are in the process of negotiating with Republicans to provide a significant investment in border security in exchange for DACA. These talks continue to progress, and I’m hopeful we can reach an agreement.” Trump said the current program will be terminated in March, but already some participants have seen their enrollments expire. Trump’s tone toward Dreamers has varied. While he has vowed “a great love” for these youths, on Saturday he referred to them as “criminal aliens.” The president would have to sign off on legislation before it could become law. Democrats in Congress have been pushing to attach legislation restoring the immigration program to a must-pass spending bill either later this month or sometime next month. Another Republican active in the effort, Senator Thom Tillis, also was upbeat. “When we sit down and talk (with bipartisan groups of senators) we see that we’re not that far apart,” Tillis said in a brief interview on Monday night. But Tillis said additional law enforcement efforts in the interior of the country - and not just at the border - must be part of any deal. Many Democrats have said they would support increased southwestern border enforcement efforts such as more electronic and drone surveillance. But at least publicly they have not embraced some of the enforcement steps for the country’s interior that Republicans seek. Negotiations, which have been closely held as senators engaged in high-profile fights over revamping the U.S. tax code and funding federal programs in order to avert government shutdowns, had been slow-going. There have been differences over how many Dreamers would be covered by legislation, the length of temporary protections from deportation and whether Dreamers would eventually qualify for permanent residence and citizenship. These decisions have been complicated by Republicans’ immigration enforcement demands. Any deal negotiated by No. 2 Senate Democrat Dick Durbin - a lead negotiator for Democrats and who along with Republican Lindsey Graham introduced the Senate bill that is the focal point - and his fellow senators would still have to be sold to the full Senate. Durbin has been pushing to help Dreamers for the past 16 years. Legislation would face an even tougher struggle in the House of Representatives from a core of hard-line opponents to granting “amnesty” to anyone who arrived illegally, even children brought by their parents. Immigration advocacy groups were heartened by a letter sent on Dec. 5 by 34 House Republicans urging the passage of legislation by year’s end. A broad coalition, including the U.S. business community and evangelicals, have joined forces to pass legislation. Neil Bradley, a senior vice president at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, said failure “would have a negative impact on the economy and our community,” and that for the hundreds of thousands of Dreamers who have work authorizations under DACA it would “literally rip them out of the work place.”
December 12, 2017
After bomb blasts, Clinton, Trump trade charges on national security
Democrat Hillary Clinton on Monday accused Republican Donald Trump of aiding Islamic State recruitment, while Trump said she had helped weaken national security as bomb blasts in New York and New Jersey resonated on the U.S. presidential trail. Both candidates for the Nov. 8 election tried to use the weekend attacks to flex their credentials to protect America as world leaders gathered in security-heightened New York for the annual United Nations General Assembly. Clinton said Trump’s rhetoric against what he calls “radical Islamic terrorism” was helping Islamic State recruit more fighters. “We know that a lot of the rhetoric we’ve heard from Donald Trump has been seized on by terrorists, in particular ISIS, because they are looking to make this into a war against Islam rather than a war against jihadists,” she told reporters in White Plains, New York. ISIS is an acronym used for Islamic State. Trump fired back by saying Clinton bore some responsibility for the violence by not persuading President Barack Obama to leave a residual force of U.S. troops in Iraq when she was his secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. Obama and the Iraqi government failed to reach agreement at the end of 2011 on extending a U.S.-Iraqi status of forces agreement, and most American troops were withdrawn. Trump has sought to tie Clinton to the decisions of the Obama administration. “Her attacks on me are all meant to deflect from her record of unleashing this monster,” Trump told a large crowd in Fort Myers, Florida. The campaigns weighed in after the bomb incidents and a stabbing attack at a mall in central Minnesota. In the most serious incident, a bomb went off in New York City’s Chelsea neighborhood on Saturday, injuring 29 people. An unexploded pressure-cooker bomb was found nearby. Earlier that day, a pipe bomb went off in Seaside Park, New Jersey. On Monday, an Afghanistan-born American suspected in some of the incidents was arrested in nearby Linden, New Jersey, after a gunbattle with police. Authorities had said earlier they wanted to question Ahmad Khan Rahami, a 28-year-old naturalized U.S. citizen, about the Chelsea and Seaside Park bombings. The incidents, just days after the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, put the United States’ most populous city on edge. Trump, who has in the past talked of the need for a resumption of harsh interrogation tactics like waterboarding for terrorism suspects, said authorities need to “get information” from the bombing suspect “before it comes no longer timely,” but that instead he would probably be coddled. “Now we will give him amazing hospitalization. He will be taken care of by some of the best doctors in the world. He will be given a fully modern and updated hospital room. And he’ll probably even have room service knowing the way our country is,” he said. At a speech in Philadelphia on Monday, Clinton called for vigilance. “This is a fast-moving situation and a sobering reminder that we need steady leadership in a dangerous world,” she said. Trump seized on a government report that said 858 immigrants from countries with which the United States has national security concerns who were pegged for deportation were mistakenly granted citizenship. He said the report showed the need for tighter control over who gets into the United States. “Immigration security is national security,” Trump said in Fort Myers. Peter Feaver, a political science professor at Duke University who worked on the National Security Council under Republican President George W. Bush, said Clinton was trying to argue Trump did not pass the commander in chief test. “When bad news happens, she wants to be able to say, this is why you need a steady hand on the tiller,” Feaver said. The renewed focus on terrorism came as Clinton and Trump prepared for their first debate next Monday at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, east of the city. With world leaders gathered in New York for the U.N. conclave, Clinton was expected to meet leaders of Japan, Egypt and Ukraine later on Monday, while Trump was expected to meet Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. A U.S.-led coalition has been fighting Islamic State mainly through air strikes in Syria and Iraq. Trump, who has based much of his campaign message on arguing that the United States is no longer safe and that he alone can protect the nation, told Fox News on Monday morning that he expected more attacks. “I think this is something that maybe will ... happen more and more all over the country,” he said.
September 19, 2016
Secret Service Agent Risks Everything To Denounce Trump: ‘I Ain’t Taking A Bullet For Him’ (SCREENSHOTS)
Would you die to save the President? What if it was President Trump? A longtime secret service agent recently risked time in prison to promise the world that if she is all that stands between Trump and a bullet, the bullet wins.Kerry O Grady, the special agent in charge of the Secret Service s Denver district, didn t mention Trump directly in her Facebook post, but she didn t have to. Her words make it clear whom she means: As a public servant for nearly 23 years, I struggle to not violate the Hatch Act. So I keep quiet and skirt the median. To do otherwise can be a criminal offense for those in my position. Despite the fact that I am expected to take a bullet for both sides. But this world has changed and I have changed. And I would take jail time over a bullet or an endorsement for what I believe to be disaster to this country and the strong and amazing women and minorities who reside here. Hatch Act be damned. I am with Her. The Hatch Act prohibits executive branch members aside from the President, Vice President, and other selected people, from making partisan statements. The Hatch Act is designed both to protect employees from being forced to support a particular candidate, but it also acts to limit the political activities of executive branch employees.After several days, O Grady removed the post. It was an internal struggle for me but as soon as I put it up, I thought it was not the sentiment that I needed to share because I care very deeply about the mission, she said. However, she has not stopped posting her thoughts on social media. She also changed her cover photo to images of the Women s March in Denver, writing all of these women represent me! Proud to say it! #nasty and uploaded a photo of Princess Leia, captioned A woman s place is in the resistance. My government is the most important thing to me, she says. I serve at the pleasure of the president, but I still have the First Amendment right to say things. The Secret Service refuses to discuss the situation, but that the posts will be seriously and swiftly investigated. While some may criticize her for her posts, she probably made the right decision. After all, he is already threatening to march on American cities, isn t he?featured image via screengrab
January 25, 2017
Exclusive: Blocking Trump could hurt Republicans in election - Reuters/Ipsos poll
A third of Republican voters who support Donald Trump could turn their backs on their party in November’s presidential election if he is denied the nomination in a contested convention, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll. The results are bad news for Trump’s rivals as well as party elites opposed to the real estate billionaire, suggesting that an alternative Republican nominee for the Nov. 8 presidential race would have a tougher road against the Democrats. “If it’s a close election, this is devastating news” for the Republicans, said Donald Green, an expert on election turnout at Columbia University. The Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted March 30 to April 8 asked Trump’s Republican supporters two questions: if Trump wins the most delegates in the primaries but loses the nomination, what would they do on Election Day, and how would it impact their relationship with the Republican Party? Sixty-six percent said they would vote for the candidate who eventually wins the nomination, while the remaining third were split between a number of alternatives such as not voting, supporting a third-party candidate, and switching parties and voting for the Democratic nominee. Meanwhile, 58 percent said they would remain with the Republican Party. Another 16 percent said they would leave it, and 26 percent said they did not know what they would do with their registration. The online poll of 468 Republican Trump supporters has a credibility interval of 5.3 percentage points. (Click here for the poll results: tmsnrt.rs/25PRLZe ) Trump has topped the national polls throughout most of the race for the Republican nomination, and has won more delegates than any other Republican so far. A Reuters/Ipsos online poll from April 4-8 showed that 42 percent of Republicans support Trump, compared with 32 percent for U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and 20 percent for Ohio Governor John Kasich. [L2N17B1J0] Cruz and Kasich have both said their paths to victory rely on winning at least enough votes to block an outright win for Trump and force a decision at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. But Trump, whose supporters have remained loyal even as he rankled women, Hispanics, Muslims, veterans and others with his fiery rhetoric on the campaign trail, predicted last month there would be riots outside the convention if he was blocked. “If they broker him out, I’ll be fed up with the Republicans,” said Chuck Thompson, 66, a Trump supporter from Concord, North Carolina, who took the poll. Thompson, a lifelong Republican, said he admires Trump’s independence from big campaign donors and takes that as a sign that the front-runner will be able to think for himself if he were to become president. If Trump loses the nomination, Thompson said he would quit the party. “The people want Donald Trump. If they (Republicans) can’t deal with that, I don’t need them,” he said. Green said the departure of even a small number of Republicans would make it tough for the party to prevent the Democrats from winning the White House, especially if the election is again decided by razor-thin margins in a handful of battleground states. In 2012, President Barack Obama won Florida by less than 1 percentage point and Ohio and Virginia by less than 4 percentage points. “The Republicans don’t really have any margin of error,” Green said. Trump and Cruz both trail Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton among likely general election voters in a hypothetical general election matchup, but not by much, according to the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls. Generally, a convention battle is a bad sign for the health of a political party, said Elaine Kamarck, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and author of the book, “Primary Politics: How Presidential Candidates Have Shaped the Modern Nominating System.” “When a party gets to a point when it has a contested convention, it almost always hurts them,” Kamarck said. “It’s a confirmation of some really deep fissures within the party that were unable to be dealt with during the primary season.” Trump supporter Elizabeth Oerther, 40, of Louisville, Kentucky, said she would switch parties and vote for the Democratic nominee if the Republicans denied Trump the nomination. “If you don’t give it to him, I’m going to vote against them,” said Oerther, who took the poll. “They want to take away the choice of the people. That’s wrong.”
April 9, 2016
“NEVER-TRUMPER” and Weekly Standard Editor Sends Vile Tweet Mocking VP Pence…Suggests Pence Has Replaced God With President Trump
The former Fox News contributor and editor of the Weekly Standard, Bill Kristol, took to Twitter to appease his newfound liberal friends with a disgusting tweet, mocking devout Christian and genuine conservative, Vice President Mike Pence. Ever since President Trump won the election, Kristol and his never-Trump friends have become unhinged with hate for the President and for anyone he surrounds himself with. Yesterday, Vice President Mike Pence made a surprise visit to the troops in war-torn Afghanistan to roll out President Trump s new fight to win policy.Pence addressed the troops at a Bagram Airfield hangar, telling them that before he made his trip, he asked president Trump what message he wanted to be delivered to the troops. Here is Pence s touching message to the troops from President Trump:Pence told the troops, Before I left the White House yesterday, I asked Trump if he had a message for our troops here in Afghanistan. And he looked at me and said, Tell them I love them. And he did.WATCH:Before I left the @WhiteHouse yesterday, I asked @POTUS Trump if he had a message for our troops here in Afghanistan. And he looked at me and said, Tell them I love them. pic.twitter.com/PO4F7Z5vOx Vice President Mike Pence (@VP) December 21, 2017 Never-Trumper and former frequent FOX News guest Bill Kristol mocked Vice President Mike Pence over his speech to our troops. Kristol wrote:And I, a mere humble and unworthy VP, gazed back into the kindly and understanding eyes of the great and glorious POTUS, and said, Thank you O POTUS! And thank you for letting us say once again, Merry Christmas! And I, a mere humble and unworthy VP, gazed back into the kindly and understanding eyes of the great and glorious POTUS, and said, Thank you O POTUS! And thank you for letting us say once again, Merry Christmas! https://t.co/RAQwmQk2Sq Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) December 22, 2017Little sad man, Bill Kristol, who was once respected by conservative Americans, has been reduced to retweeting glowing articles about himself published by liberal rag publications like The Slate to discuss where Republicans went awry, whether Palin abetted Trump s rise, and the costs of rationalization. NEW @IHaveToAskPod: @BillKristol talks about where Republicans went awry, whether Palin abetted Trump's rise, and the costs of rationalization. https://t.co/rEwacCUfZx Isaac Chotiner (@IChotiner) December 21, 2017
Dec 22, 2017
TERROR-TIED GROUP Plans In-Your-Face Parade Float At Tomorrow’s Veterans’ Day Parade
CAIR knows what it s doing in Tulsa, OK but as usual pretends it s no big deal. We ve dealt with the CAIR, Michigan leader who s been on Twitter, along with others in the organization, bashing our military. We took screen shots of the Tweets that are included in this article. The organization is trying to taunt our veterans on a day when we should be saluting them. If you live in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area, please go and protest this float.The Islamic hate group CAIR is taunting our veterans and military personnel with this latest stunt. Yesterday, veterans gathered at the Richard L. Jones, Jr. Airport to protest the terror-tied float. The group is asking parade goers to literally turn their backs on the float for the Council on American-Islamic Relations.The U.S. front group for a UAE-designated Islamic terrorist group will have a float in one of the largest Veterans Day parades in the country.The subversive organization known as the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, continues to try to burnish its unsavory image and obscure knowledge of its true nature.Adam Soltani, executive director of CAIR Oklahoma, insists that his organization is pure as the driven snow: Any claim that CAIR is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, or any other terrorist organization is absolutely preposterous. CAIR was founded in 1994 in Washington, D.C., as a national organization to be a civil rights advocate for American Muslims, to stand up for constitutional rights, for religious freedom, for pluralism, and for every right that we value as American citizens. A Memorial Day Tweet From CAIR, Michigan Director And Retweeted by the San Francisco CAIR Director:Soltani s words are far from the truth. The reality is that CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case so named by the Justice Department. CAIR operatives have repeatedly refusedtodenounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR s cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements. Its California chapter distributed a poster telling Muslims not to talk to the FBI. CAIR has opposed every anti-terror measure that has ever been proposed or implemented. According to a captured internal document entered into evidence in the largest terrorist funding trial in our nation s history, the Islamic Association of Palestine, which is the parent organization of Hamas-tied CAIR, was a Muslim Brotherhood entity, working toward eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within, and sabotaging its miserable house CAIR operatives attack and dismantle America s greatest freedoms through litigation jihad. They smear and destroy the voices of freedom via their well-paid hacks in the media. Over the past decades, they have expended untold amounts of money to buy influence among media and elected officials.Michigan Director of CAIR: A Muslim nation with ties to 9/11 (Qatar) made a major endowment to the Council on American-Islamic Relations. The Saudis have funded them with at least $50 million. Post-9/11, they worked furiously to defeat the Patriot Act, and they continue to undermine counter-terror programs here at home.Read more: Pam Geller
Nov 10, 2015
Niger, Mali leaders seek funding for new anti-jihadist force
Mali and Niger, two of the West African nations worst affected by jihadist violence, appealed on Wednesday for international funding for a regional force they have set up to counter Islamist insurgencies. Mali s President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita and Niger s Mahamadou Issoufou said the force assembled by the G5 Sahel bloc Mali, Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad was crucial to fighting a threat that went well beyong their borders. We bring this combat against terrorism not only to protect our own people and countries but for the whole world, Issoufou told a news conference in Niger s capital Niamey. For terrorism knows no border. It will go to Europe, it will go to the United States, he said. The world has to be mobilized. The idea of the G5 force was first dreamed up in 2015, but only in July last year did the countries set it up. It is expected to comprise around 5,000 troops. French President Emmanuel Macron has said he expects it to be operational by the autumn. Islamist groups, some with links to al Qaeda, seized Mali s desert north in 2012. French-led forces scattered them the following year but they still attack peacekeepers, soldiers and civilian targets in Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast. Issoufou said a multinational force in the Lake Chad region, including soldiers from Niger, Nigeria, Chad and Cameroon, had had some success against Islamist Boko Haram militants, but that this was financed by Africa s biggest economy, Nigeria, whereas no country in the G5 had sufficient resources. It is important that the international community takes note of this and gets together to give us resources to ensure our mission can be accomplished, he said. Analysts see the G5 force as the basis of an eventual exit strategy for around 4,000 French troops deployed to the region on counter-insurgency missions, mostly in Mali. We have only limited means, but if we mutualize our power, our sovereign elements will have more force, more vitality than we imagine, Malian President Keita said. Issoufou said the force would be divided into three deployments across the Sahel region: an eastern one consisting of Chadian and Nigerien forces, a central one with forces from Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso, and a Western one with troops from Mali and Mauritania.
September 13, 2017
Republican Senator Corker says cannot support Senate tax bill
U.S. Republican Senator Bob Corker said on Friday he cannot support a sweeping tax bill that Senate Republican leaders have said has enough votes to pass. “At the end of the day, I am not able to cast aside my fiscal concerns and vote for legislation that I believe, based on the information I currently have, could deepen the debt burden on future generations,” Corker said in a statement issued by his office.
December 1, 2017
Trump Slapped With Lawsuit For Refusing To Release White House Visitor Logs
Donald Trump is being sued again. Three organizations have joined together to file suit against Mango Mussolini for his refusal to make White House visitor logs public.The National Security Archive, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), and the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University have all filed a suit against the Department of Homeland Security under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Trump has ignored FOIA requests for the visitor logs and the suit is asking that the records be released. We hoped that the Trump administration would follow the precedent of the Obama administration and continue to release visitor logs, but unfortunately they have not, CREW Executive Director Noah Bookbinder said in a statement. Given the many issues we have already seen in this White House with conflicts of interest, outside influence, and potential ethics violations, transparency is more important than ever, so we had no choice but to sue. The three groups suing Trump are asking not only that the visitor logs for the White House be released, but also that he make records public from Mar-a-Lago where he holds many of his meetings, particularly on weekends. Trump likes to use his resort to schmooze foreign leaders, most recently meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping there just last week.Tom Blanton, the director of the National Security Archive, said in a statement that the release of this information has been routine for many years. In September 2009, the Obama administration announced that they would release records of all visitors to the White House following multiple lawsuits that were filed by CREW. President Obama routinely released the data we re seeking with no damage to presidential privilege, and this information is central to the Secret Service mission and thus clearly agency records subject to FOIA, Blanton said.According to another employee working for the National Security Archive, they were responsible for filing the first FOIA against the current administration just three days after Trump was sworn into office on January 23. When foreign officials go to see the president or his staff, the American people have a right to know who and when, explained National Security Archive senior policy analyst Kate Doyle.Featured image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images
April 10, 2017
Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Sept 18) - U.S. Air Force, CIA
Happy 70th Birthday @USAirForce! [0914 EDT] - Happy 70th Birthday @CIA! [0916 EDT] -- Source link: (bit.ly/2jBh4LU) (bit.ly/2jpEXYR)
September 18, 2017
Navy SEAL Tells Katy Perry: “Go to H*ll” [Video]
Navy SEAL Carl Higbie had three words for Katy Perry: Go to hell. Carl Higbie in a Thursday interview on Fox News criticized Perry for her remarks following the deadly Manchester terror attack that left 22 people dead and 59 injured, including children.Perry said: The greatest thing we can do is just unite and love on each other. No barriers, no borders, we all just need to coexist In response to her call for no barriers, no borders, Higbie said that Perry should hold one of her concerts in Syria and see how they respond to our culture:You might remember Higbie from the time he was screeched at by a CNN anchor when he demanded the truth before accusing Trump s administration of anything: A Navy SEAL Carl Higbie was blasted and screeched at by a CNN anchor who was shocked that Higbie asked for more evidence and truth in the Trump controversy. Yikes! She s got snowflake written all over her. It s just how the left rolls you have to march in lock-step with what they believe to be true even if it s not true. Just go with it, right? We say NOT RIGHT!Shouldn t we ask that sources be exposed? Anyone can say they know the truth but when they hide behind anonymity, they ruin their credibility. The left just expects everyone to believe the many lies they ve been telling about President Trump. We re with Carl! We re not accepting any stories against Trump until we have proof and know the source.Way to go Carl!
May 26, 2017
Veterans: Cozy Trump Relationship With Russian Hackers “Cause For Alarm”
Military veterans are expressing extreme concerns about the behavior and reaction of Donald Trump to the revelation that hackers under the employ of Russia stole information from Democrats and passed it on to WikiLeaks in an attempt to influence the result of the election. While Donald Trump and congressional Republicans have down played this information, veterans are now pushing back.Retired Major General Paul D. Eaton, senior adviser to VoteVets.org, has released a statement blasting the Trump/Republican reaction to this dangerous moment:When you see a President-elect of the United States so enamored by the Russian regime, as well as are his National Security Adviser and potential Secretary of State, and then find out the Russian government interfered in our election to help that side, it is cause for alarm.We join Senator Wyden and other Intelligence Committee members in calling for materials on Russian hacking that can be declassified to be immediately released to the public. We also join the group of 10 electoral college members that recently asked for all materials to be turned over to them, on this matter. We do not need an investigation to tell us what evidence and information the CIA found. The American people deserve to see those materials right now.General Eaton also asks, Did anyone in the Trump campaign, or anyone connected to the campaign know about this plot? The Russian campaign to manipulate the outcome of the 2016 election continues to induce fear in millions of Americans, and it is very telling that veterans are now among those expressing concern about the actions of Russia, Putin, and Trump in such dire terms.Congressional Republicans, fresh off of the partisan Benghazi investigation largely whipped up to attack Hillary Clinton, have slow-walked their responses to Russian hacking, with some actively opposing any sort of investigation that could harm Trump s public image.Featured image via YouTube
December 12, 2016
Venezuela may ban main opposition parties from presidential vote
Venezuela s pro-government legislative superbody ruled on Wednesday that parties who boycotted this month s local elections had lost legitimacy, potentially eliminating the main opposition groups from the 2018 presidential race. The decree by the Constituent Assembly - created in a controversial July vote boycotted by the opposition and widely condemned abroad - infuriated Venezuela s opposition and drew criticism from the United States. The Venezuelan government and its illegitimate Constituent Assembly are inventing rules as they go along. This is not democracy, the U.S. Embassy said on Twitter. The Justice First, Democratic Action and Popular Will parties did not run candidates in this month s mayoral polls in protest against what they said was a biased election system designed to perpetuate leftist President Nicolas Maduro s dictatorship. Maduro had warned that could cost them participation in future votes and the Constituent Assembly echoed that position on Wednesday, saying the parties had lost their legal status and should re-apply to the National Election Board. Given that the board is pro-Maduro and authorities are constantly throwing up obstacles to the opposition, that could well mean those parties are now effectively unable to run in the presidential election due before the end of 2018. Maduro, 55, is expected to run for re-election despite the disastrous state of the economy in Venezuela, where millions are skipping meals and struggling to survive amid one of the world s highest inflation rates and widespread shortages of basics. Two of his potentially biggest rivals already cannot run against him: Popular Will leader Leopoldo Lopez is under house arrest, while Justice First leader Henrique Capriles is prohibited from holding political office. We alert the world and all democratic governments that banning opposition political parties is yet another measure by the dictatorship that deserves rejection and condemnation, said Capriles party colleague Tomas Guanipa. Maduro and his allies say the Constituent Assembly has brought peace to the OPEC nation after months of opposition protests earlier this year in which more than 125 people were killed. Demonstrators said they were fighting for freedom, but the government condemned them as violent subversives. It s time for the coupsters to face the constitution. Let no one undermine the people s participation and the democratic system, Constituent Assembly head Delcy Rodriguez said after the passage of Wednesday s measure.
December 21, 2017
Hannity Gets HUMILIATED For Claiming He Never Kissed Trump’s A**
Sounds like someone can t handle the truth.In her new book, Fox News host Megyn Kelly claimed that pro-Trump hosts would arrange with Trump in advance to ask him certain critical questions or do certain hits on him so they would appear to have some credibility. In other words, they were pretending to ask tough questions on the spot but Trump was able to form an answer in advance, thereby making himself look good.Kelly did not name names but one pro-Trump host is already objecting.Naturally, fellow Fox host Sean Hannity went on the defensive on Twitter and demonstrated that he has never heard the old quote in Hamlet about protesting too much.Hannity demanded to know which hosts Kelly was talking about and strenuously insisted that he isn t one of them.No idea who @megynkelly is talking about. When I asked ? s about Justices, The wall, Refugees, Obamacare, economy etc I wanted real answers! https://t.co/AZxax2rpur Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) November 20, 2016I would love to know who was Acting . https://t.co/AZxax2rpur Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) November 20, 2016I never asked a question from a TelePrompTer in my life. I cannot speak for others. https://t.co/OSs0sO9tDS Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) November 20, 2016Curious who she was referring to. I am transparent, I want to defeat Isis, protect the homeland and get people out of poverty and working! https://t.co/tranPp7y2k Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) November 20, 2016I m just curious. All year long I talked about the number of people not working in poverty on food stamps I wanted real answers and got them https://t.co/62F0etYnxS Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) November 20, 2016Twitter users had fun mocking Hannity for pretending he was tough on Trump.@seanhannity, you sir are no journalist. You are a Trump surrogate, or more accurately, a puppet. Period. @JohnJHarwood @megynkelly Joseph Amodeo (@josephamodeo) November 20, 2016@seanhannity @JohnJHarwood @megynkelly Guilty conscience? Why don t you ask her? You probably have access to her. patrick dickson (@knowitall143) November 20, 2016.@seanhannity @megynkelly @Mediaite Have you ever watched your show, Sean? Tweets by Collin (@TweetsByCollin) November 21, 2016Megyn Kelly also claimed that some of these pro-Trump hosts received gifts for going easy on him.Of course, Hannity claimed he never received any gifts from Trump.I would also like to know what people were offered by DT, I was never offered a thing. Never stayed at a DT property played a DT golf course https://t.co/62F0etYnxS Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) November 20, 2016Never played a DT golf course. To be clear. https://t.co/62F0eufYpq Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) November 20, 2016That led to this spectacular takedown by a Twitter user.@seanhannity Trump didn t offer you anything because he knows your love is unconditional like a good lapdog. Eric Koeller (@BasicKoell) November 20, 2016And that caused Hannity to complain.Nice cheap shot. I agree with his plans for the economy, energy, vetting, the wall, Ct Justices, Obamacare, education, and foreign policy. https://t.co/toN8PRsjQu Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) November 21, 2016As we all know, Sean Hannity was Donald Trump s chief propagandist throughout the 2016 campaign. Trump could always count on Hannity to deliver the softball interviews he demanded but didn t get from real journalists.That being said, Hannity is lying when he says that he was tough on Trump. BUt it s probably true that he received nothing in return. After all, there s no need to bribe someone whose lip prints are already firmly embedded on your ass.Featured Image: Screenshot
November 20, 2016
Democrats ask White House about Trump son-in-law's potential conflicts
Three Democratic lawmakers questioned the White House on Wednesday over its handling of U.S. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law’s potential conflicts of interest now that he is serving as an official adviser. Jared Kushner, a real estate developer who advised Trump during the presidential campaign, was cleared by the U.S. Department of Justice in January to serve as a White House senior adviser. Kushner, who is married to Trump’s eldest daughter, Ivanka, has been given a wide range of domestic and foreign policy responsibilities, including working on a Middle East peace deal. In a letter to Deputy White House Counsel Stefan Passantino, Democratic Senators Elizabeth Warren and Tom Carper expressed concern over media reports that Kushner is maintaining some business interests, and asked how the White House plans to comply with laws that prohibit federal officials from profiting by government work. “Neither the White House nor Mr. Kushner’s attorneys, however, has confirmed which financial assets Mr. Kushner still controls,” making oversight “impossible,” they wrote with U.S. Representative Elijah Cummings, the senior Democrat on the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform in the House of Representatives. They also said the White House, unlike previous administrations, is not posting ethics-pledge waivers on its websites, adding that the public should know the issues from which Kushner must recuse himself. The White House had no immediate comment on the letter. A lawyer for Kushner, Jamie Gorelick, said in a statement: “Mr. Kushner is fully complying with the ethics rules, removing himself from active participation in his prior businesses, divesting of substantial assets and recusing himself where appropriate in light of interests that he is not divesting.” Before Trump took office on Jan. 20, Gorelick said her client would leave his family’s company, divest substantial assets and recuse himself from matters that could affect his financial interests, Bloomberg reported. Public interest journalism site ProPublica, citing documents submitted to the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, reported in February that Kushner had divested some assets but was keeping other holdings linked to privately held Kushner Companies. In authorizing Kushner’s appointment, the Justice Department ruled that Trump, as president, has special hiring authority that exempts White House positions from laws barring the president from naming a relative to lead a federal agency. The Democratic lawmakers called on the White House for details on what holdings Kushner maintains, a list of issues he will recuse himself from, and copies of any ethics waivers. They also raised questions about holdings belonging to his wife, who established a clothing and jewelry line, and whether that would lead Kushner to recuse himself from any issues. Trump himself has said he would maintain ownership of his global business empire but would hand off control to his two oldest sons while president.
March 8, 2017
WOW! BILL AND HILLARY Called Jesse Jackson ‘That G**damned n****r’ Behind His Back
Dolly Kyle has written a scathing tell all book exposing the sickening hidden truth about Bill and Hillary Clinton. Hillary s war on just about anyone who is beneath her, or who would dare to get in the way of her ascent to the White House. When will the media do their job and report the truth about this horrible opportunist?Dolly Kyle who was just 11 when she first crossed paths with Bill, dated him through high school and began sleeping with him once they graduated published the claims about the Clinton couple s racial epithets and politics in her new book, Hillary: The Other Woman, published by WND Books.Bill and Hillary Clinton profess to have always been supporters of racial equality, but anecdotes published in a new book by his ex-lover claim otherwise.Bill was also sued several times by blacks and Hispanics for violations of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.Behind the Reverend Jesse Jackson s back, the Clinton duo called him, That G**damned n****r .Dolly claims the couple used the same insult toward Robert Say McIntosh, one of the leading African-American activists in Little Rock, Arkansas when Bill was governor. McIntosh was dogging Clinton about ongoing relationships with black prostitutes, q charge, she says, Bill never denied.Clinton never denied stories that he was having an ongoing relationship with one black prostitute as well as her friends. He did deny a rumor that he had fathered a child with a black prostitute while governor and took a DNA test that was reported as negative.Rumors of the trysts throughout Little Rock and were aided by one prominent black female newscaster who used to brag openly around the television station about her relationship with the governor, although they were only indulging in oral sex .Bill Clinton and Dolly grew up with Jim Crow laws in place in the plantation mentality of the South and they were in full force during the 1950s and 60s.It was a segregated society in Hot Springs at that time. Black and white students went to different schools. In the movie theaters, black people had to watch the movie from a balcony, use separate bathrooms and water fountains. Signs that separated WHITES and COLORED were deadly serious and always enforced , Dolly writes.In Arkansas, everyone had to pay a $2 poll tax to vote, and the cost was a huge sum for many black people.The black vote was further diluted by gerrymandering, a wide-spread practice of dividing electoral districts along racial lines to dilute the black vote .Not one black was voted into the Arkansas legislation in hundreds of elections.In the 1980s, Clinton was sued several times by blacks and Hispanics for violations of the 1965 Voting Rights Act and he lost every case.The district lines were redrawn under court order.Ben McGee was a black Democrat was elected to the state legislature in 1988. Clinton tried to replace McGee with a white Democrat of his choice, claims Dolly.The case went all the way to the Supreme Court was ruled 8-0 against Clinton and the Arkansas officials who challenged McGee s election.In the 1980s, Hispanics were moving into Arkansas in greater numbers and Clinton began racial profiling against Hispanics, she claims.He instituted the racial profiling program three years after his brother, Roger Clinton went to prison in 1985 for dealing cocaine. The program was initially part of his anti-drug program, although Roger s drug suppliers and buyers were white. For no good reason, Bill and Hillary decided to profile Hispanics as drug dealers, Dolly writes.State troopers now had the authority to stop and search any vehicle remotely suspect of carrying drugs. Specifically, the troopers were to stop and search cars driven by Hispanics, especially those cars with Texas license plates. Clinton was sued in federal court for his Criminal Apprehension Program that was ruled unconstitutional. Billy threw one of his infamous temper tantrums about the ban on his racial profiling of Hispanics and he threatened to renew the racial profiling program in spite of the court s ruling , Dolly reports. Via: Daily Mail
Jun 20, 2016
Corruptocrat Maxine Waters: ‘Impeachment Is About WHATEVER the Congress Says It Is’ [Video]
Flip flopping is what Maxine Waters has been doing when it comes to calling for the impeachment of President Trump. See the video below for just one of many examples of Waters lying through her teeth saying she never called for the impeachment of Trump. Here she is at a CBC Town Hall revving up the crowd with her phony baloney call for the impeachment of Trump. We re guessing it all depends on who she s talking to. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), who previously has called for the impeachment of Donald Trump, on Thursday told a Congressional Black Caucus Town Hall on Civil Rights that she expects other members of the black community to back her up: Impeachment is about whatever the congress says it is. Seems as though Maxine Waters is willing to lie to have President Trump impeached. pic.twitter.com/Jx8A9ShMrK Kyle Morris (@RealKyleMorris) September 21, 2017 Don t come here and tell me, Maxine, you keep on doing what you do. But when you gonna give me some support? she asked. How many of you in your organizations have said, Impeach 45 ? Waters urged the crowd not to get hung up on what law to invoke in the impeachment process:Impeachment is about whatever the Congress says it is. There is no law that dictates impeachment. What the Constitution says is high crimes and misdemeanors, and we define that.Bill Clinton got impeached because he lied. Here you have a president, who I can tell you and guarantee you is in collusion with the Russians to undermine our democracy. Here you have a president who obstructed justice. And here you have a president who lies every day.Thank God that the special counsel is beginning to connect the dots and understand Facebook s role in it and social media s role in it. When is the black community going to say, Impeach him ? It s time to go after him. I don t hear you!Don t another person come up to me and say, You go, girl. No, you go!Waters received a standing ovation Oy vey!MAXINE DENIES CALLING FOR TRUMP S IMPEACHMENT:WHICH IS IT?
Sep 21, 2017
Breitbart Fails HARD In Trying To Prove Polls Are Biased
We have roughly 92 billion opinion polls going around regarding the presidential election, and right now, they all show Trump and Hillary either locked in a dead heat, or Hillary leading, across the nation and in key states. Of course, this means the polls are rigged, or at least biased, right? Right. So Breitbart, being of sound editorial judgment, commissioned Gravis to conduct their own poll. The results?Hillary leads Trump 42 percent to 37 percent.That s in a four-way race, not a two-way. The poll surveyed 2,832 people on August 9, and carries a 1.8 percent margin of error. So Hillary is outside of even that.Alex Marlow, editor-in-chief at Breitbart, has this to say about their poll: It s an open secret that polls are often manipulated and spun to create momentum for a particular candidate or issue. Breitbart News Network s first national poll marks the start of a major initiative to give our readers an accurate assessment on where the American people stand on the key topics and people of the day without the mainstream media filter. It s pretty telling when the poll you conducted, with the intent of being as neutral as possible, brings back the same results as the polls you think are biased. This poll has Hillary leading Trump by five percent. In a four-way race, Reuters/Ipsos most recent poll likewise has Hillary leading by five points, Economist/YouGov has her up by six points, and even Rasmussen Reports has her up by three points.But Trump s crowds are huge and Hillary s aren t, so of course the polls are screwy. Breitbart and Gravis are trying to put a positive spin on it, though, saying that the poll reveals areas where Trump can reach more voters. For some reason, Doug Kaplan, managing partner at Gravis, thinks things like 11 percent support for Trump from the black community presents a problem for Hillary. His rationale seems to be based only on the fact that Hillary has less support from the black community than Obama did in 2012.Hillary also won big when it came to the question, Do you agree or disagree? Donald Trump/Hillary Clinton would fight for people like me. Overall, only 39 percent feel that Hillary would fight for them, and Trump had 38 percent of that. However, when it came to Muslims, a stunning 84 percent said they think she ll fight for them.Obviously, Trump won t have that kind of support from the Muslim community. Not with his Islamophobic remarks toward them.Overall, Breitbart walked away from this with egg on their face, because they sought to prove one thing and failed miserably. In the end, all they showed is that either Gravis is biased, too, or that (gasp!) the polls are more accurate than the right would like to believe.Photo of Hillary by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images. Photo of Donald Trump by Alex Wong/Getty Images. Images merged by Rika Christensen
August 15, 2016
Sean Spicer Bombs Press Briefing, Fails To Defend Trump Over Comey Tapes (VIDEO)
Donald Trump continues to be the biggest pain in the a** for White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, who seems to visibly hate his job more and more each day.Earlier today, Spicer crashed and burned during his press briefing when reporters cornered him and asked him why Trump refused to release the alleged tapes and recordings of the private conversations between himself and former FBI Director James Comey. This was a hot topic, considering that Trump had just accused Comey of lying under oath last week, when Comey said Trump demanded that he drop the investigation on Michael Flynn, Trump s former National Security Adviser.When a reporter questioned Spicer about why Trump wouldn t give up the recordings if they could prove Comey had lied during his hearing, it was clear that Spicer wanted to hide behind the bushes again. Spicer stumbled over his words and said: I think the president made it clear on Friday that he would get back as soon as possible on this. Things got even more humiliating as the reporter pressed Spicer further, So what s he waiting for, what s the delay? It looked like Spicer had completely given up defending Trump or trying to come up with a more clever response. Instead, Spicer said: He s waiting for he s not waiting for anything. When he s ready to further discuss it, he will, but he laid out his position very clearly, very concisely on Friday. You can watch this very awkward press briefing below:Trump has gotten himself in such a mess with this whole Russia thing that not even his own team knows how to defend him anymore. As Spicer continues to fail Trump, the rumors of his termination have only been strengthened. After Trump sees this, Spicer s days in the White House may be numbered.Featured image via Win McNamee and Alex Wong / Getty Images
June 12, 2017
On bike, horse and foot, police keep order outside Republican convention
City police on bicycles and horseback, backed by state and local officers from across the country, kept order outside the Republican National Convention on Tuesday, as predictions that protester unrest would tarnish the event did not come to pass for a second day. There have been only five arrests since the convention began on Monday, police announced at an early evening news conference. As sundown neared, the mood on downtown streets was calm. In Tuesday’s largest demonstration, police on bicycles rode into the crowd in the city’s Public Square in mid afternoon. Helmeted officers, some in protective equipment and others wearing shorts, separated a crowd of Black Lives Matters protesters from other protesters wearing masks and helmets, occasionally lifting their bikes to push through the crowd. “If America is so bad, why don’t you leave?,” a pro-Trump demonstrator shouted at a group carrying signs that read, “America was never great” A pair of men dressed in traditional Muslim garb walked near the plaza carrying assault-style rifles, with one also bearing a semiautomatic handgun. Micha Noziri of Yellow Spring, Ohio, who is not Muslim, said he wanted to take a stance against Trump’s positions on “religious minorities” and immigration. “We came out to show solidarity for all minority groups, the so-called minority groups that Donald Trump would oppress if he does the things that he says,” Noziri told a knot of reporters surrounding him. Ten men identifying themselves as Ohio militia walked through Public Square with weapons on open display, surrounded by a pack of journalists. Police escorted conservative radio host Alex Jones from the square, amid shouting and jostling, after Jones used a megaphone to shout invective about Black Lives Matter and other groups toward a group of liberal-leaning protesters. Dozens of Cleveland police on bicycles and dozens more in state police uniforms intervened. They walked Jones and a handful of supporters past a few hundred demonstrators and journalists. One Trump supporter, Elam Stoltzfus, said he felt “very safe” watching the scene. “About 150 police were here in a minute,” Stoltzfus said in reference to events that led up to Jones’ being escorted away. “Ohio is an open-carry state; we have a lot of protection here.” Earlier Tuesday, police arrested three people for climbing flagpoles near Cleveland’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and hanging a banner with the words, “Don’t Trump Our Communities.” Firefighters used a ladder truck to assist in the arrest, police officials said.
July 20, 2016
DEMOCRAT CONGRESSWOMAN Who Served Two Tours In Iraq Hammers Obama: Should Stop Illegal, Counter-Productive War In Syria, Potential For WWIII [VIDEO]
Congresswoman Gabbard also criticizes Hillary s strategy. Is it possible we re hearing a Democrat who s actually making sense? Hmmm .this is gonna leave a mark Last month, US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard went on CNN and laid bare Washington s Syria strategy.In a remarkably candid interview with Wolf Blitzer, Gabbard calls Washington s effort to oust Assad counterproductive and illegal before taking it a step further and accusing the CIA of arming the very same terrorists who The White House insists are sworn enemies. In short, Gabbard all but tells the American public that the government is lying to them and may end up inadvertently starting World War III. For those who missed it, here s the clip:https://youtu.be/IHkher6ceaAThat was before Paris.Well, in the wake of the attacks, Gabbard has apparently had just about enough of Washington vacillating in the fight against terror just so the US can ensure that ISIS continues to destabilize Assad and now, with bi-partisan support, the brazen Hawaii Democrat has introduced legislation to end the illegal war to overthrow Assad.Gabbard, who fought in Iraq twice has partnered with Republican Adam Scott on the bill. Here s AP:In an unusual alliance, a House Democrat and Republican have teamed up to urge the Obama administration to stop trying to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad and focus all its efforts on destroying Islamic State militants.Reps. Tulsi Gabbard, a Democrat, and Austin Scott, a Republican, introduced legislation on Friday to end what they called an illegal war to overthrow Assad, the leader of Syria accused of killing tens of thousands of Syrian citizens in a more than four-year-old civil war entangled in a battle against IS extremists, also known as ISIS. The U.S. is waging two wars in Syria, Gabbard said. The first is the war against ISIS and other Islamic extremists, which Congress authorized after the terrorist attack on 9/11. The second war is the illegal war to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad. Scott said, Working to remove Assad at this stage is counter-productive to what I believe our primary mission should be. Since 2013, the CIA has trained an estimated 10,000 fighters, although the number still fighting with so-called moderate forces is unclear. CIA-backed rebels in Syria, who had begun to put serious pressure on Assad s forces, are now under Russian bombardment with little prospect of rescue by their American patrons, U.S. officials say.For years, the CIA effort had foundered so much so that over the summer, some in Congress proposed cutting its budget. Some CIA-supported rebels had been captured; others had defected to extremist groups.Gabbard complained that Congress has never authorized the CIA effort, though covert programs do not require congressional approval, and the program has been briefed to the intelligence committees as required by law, according to congressional aides who are not authorized to be quoted discussing the matter.Gabbard contends the effort to overthrow Assad is counter-productive because it is helping IS topple the Syrian leader and take control of all of Syria. If IS were able to seize the Syrian military s weaponry, infrastructure and hardware, the group would become even more dangerous than it is now and exacerbate the refugee crisis. And make no mistake, Tulsi s understanding of Washington s absurd Mid-East policy goes far beyond Syria. That is, Gabbard fully grasps the big picture as well. Here s what she has to say about the idea that the US should everywhere and always attempt to overthrow regimes when human rights groups claim there s evidence of oppression: People said the very same thing about Saddam (Hussein), the very same thing about (Moammar) Gadhafi, the results of those two failed efforts of regime change and the following nation-building have been absolute, not only have they been failures, but they ve actually worked to strengthen our enemy. Somebody get Langley on the phone, this woman must be stopped.Here s Gabbard speaking to CNN this week about Assad: So there s hope for the US public after all.Perhaps if the clueless masses won t listen to lunatic fringe blogs or Sergei Lavrov, they ll listen to a US Congresswoman who served two tours of duty in Iraq and who is now telling Americans that The White House, The Pentagon, and most especially the CIA are together engaged in an illegal effort to overthrow the government of a sovereign country and in the process are arming the very same extremists that are attacking civilians in places like Paris.Good luck Tulsi, and thanks for proving that there s at least one person inside that Beltway that isn t either dishonest or naive.Via: Zero HedgeFrom Gabbard Here are 10 reasons the U.S. must end its war to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad:Because if we succeed in overthrowing the Syrian government of Assad, it will open the door for ISIS, al-Qaeda, and other Islamic extremists to take over all of Syria. There will be genocide and suffering on a scale beyond our imagination. These Islamic extremists will take over all the weaponry, infrastructure, and military hardware of the Syrian army and be more dangerous than ever before. We should not be allying ourselves with these Islamic extremists by helping them achieve their goal because it is against the security interests of the United States and all of civilization. Because the money and weapons the CIA is providing to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad are going directly or indirectly into the hands of the Islamic extremist groups, including al-Qaeda affiliates, al-Nusra, Ahrar al-Sham, and others who are the actual enemies of the United States. These groups make up close to 90 percent of the so-called opposition forces, and are the most dominant fighters on the ground. Because our efforts to overthrow Assad has increased and will continue to increase the strength of ISIS and other Islamic extremists, thus making them a bigger regional and global threat. Because this war has exacerbated the chaos and carnage in Syria and, along with the terror inflicted by ISIS and other Islamic extremist groups fighting to take over Syria, continues to increase the number of Syrians forced to flee their country. Because we should learn from our past mistakes in Iraq and Libya that U.S. wars to overthrow secular dictators (Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi) cause even more chaos and human suffering and open the door for Islamic extremists to take over in those countries. Because the U.S. has no credible government or government leader ready to bring order, security, and freedom to the people of Syria. Because even the best case scenario that the U.S. successfully overthrows the Syrian government of Assad would obligate the United States to spend trillions of dollars and the lives of American service members in the futile effort to create a new Syria. This is what we have been trying to do in Iraq for twelve years, and we still have not succeeded. The situation in Syria will be much more difficult than in Iraq. Because our war against the Syrian government of Assad is interfering with our being one-pointedly focused on the war to defeat ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and the other Islamic extremists who are our actual enemy. Because our war to overthrow the Assad government puts us in direct conflict with Russia and increases the likelihood of war between the United States and Russia and the possibility of another world war.
Nov 23, 2015
Chris Rock Ends Oscars With ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬, Racists LOSE It (VIDEO/IMAGES)
This year s Academy Awards nominations received loads of backlash for their lack of diversity, sparking a boycott and the widely used hashtag #OscarsSoWhite.The 88th Academy Awards was hosted by black comedian Chris Rock, who made sure to comment on the overwhelming whiteness in his brilliant monologue, where he spoke of how black actors deserved equal opportunities. Here s just a sample of how Rock blasted the lack of diversity at the ceremony: I m here at the Academy Awards, otherwise known as White People s Choice Awards. If they nominated hosts, I wouldn t even get this job. Y all would be watching Neil Patrick Harris right now. This year things are gonna be a little different at the Oscars. This year, the In Memoriam package is just gonna be Black people shot by the cops on their way to the movies. At the end of the awards ceremony, Rock closed the show with three important words: Black Lives Matter. And as expected, Chris powerful human rights message was lost amongst racists, even those who work in the Hollywood industry. Hollywood producer Juergen Pichler Levine even had the audacity to say that the Oscars were too black! Levine posted (and then deleted) a meltdown that he shared with his 900,000 Instagram followers about the obscene number of black people at the Oscars. Levine said, God bless America but not these monkeys and complained about Obama.Levine wasn t the only one. Fox News had a field day when contributor Kevin Jackson ripped Rock over his remarks. When host Brian Kilmeade asked Jackson about what he thought about Rock s remarks, Jackson said: It was tragic. It was fun though watching a group of white racist liberals get put back on them the things that conservatives face every single day. At the end of the day, you can t say that Hollywood is racist because blacks have been getting awards in proportionate numbers for the last couple of decades. So at the same time I m watching these very sanctimonious liberals suffer, I also know that it s not good for the country that we go through this. Jackson also said that Rock was solely responsible for the worst performance the Oscars had seen in years. He argued: It was definitely one of the ones I wish I had a chance to miss. I think it was more just this idea how he was treating Hollywood of being so racist because black people hadn t been nominated. You can watch Jackson spit straight nonsense below:Even CNN s Carol Costello couldn t take the fact that racism still exists in America and watching it on television made it uncomfortable for her to sit smugly in her white privilege. Her reaction was, Please stop and let me enjoy this for a moment. Guest commentator Michaela Angela David agreed and said that the hashtag #OscarsSoAwkward would have been more appropriate. You can watch the exchange below:Rock did a great job at the awards ceremony, regardless of what anyone says. Sometimes the truth is uncomfortable, but we should not avoid exposing it just because it s hard to hear. Featured image via video screen capture
February 29, 2016
America’s Primal Scream: David Icke Explains Reason for Trump’s Election Result
21st Century Wire says Author David Icke talks about the US election shocker and what it says about the relationship between society and big government.In the end, Trump s success was an expression of a complete rejection of the political establishment and the two party system. Like BREXIT, Trump s surprise electoral result represents a much bigger social and spiritual tremor happening beneath the establishment s feet one that the mainstream are prepared to admit. Watch: SUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
November 10, 2016
OPEN SOCIETY: Soros-backed, Anti-Trump Immigration Protests ‘Sprung from Nowhere’ at Airports Across America
21st Century Wire says This week a US presidential executive order temporarily restricted travelers and refugees from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen from entering America. In response to the controversial order, a wave of anti-Trump flash mob protests emerged seemingly out of nowhere at New York s JFK Airport and other airports across the nation. Welcome to the brave new world of digital activism, driven by some of the world wealthiest men ENGINEERING CRISIS George Soros tied to protests over Trump s recent executive order concerning immigration. (Photo illustration 21WIRE s Shawn Helton)While the airport angst appeared to be an organic effort to reject Trump s executive order on immigration, it was revealed that the heavily organized protests were found to be tied to social movement billionaire financier George Soros. Participating groups included the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the National Immigration Law Center, the Urban Jusric Center, and Make The Road advocacy group, to name only a few are all funded by Soros front organizations led by his Open Society Foundation.The airport protests erupted just a week after a string of multi-million dollar Soros-linked/Democratic Party-affiliated NGO s organized what was dubbed a Women s March on Washington DC. The Soros-backed women s march was full of Hollywood celebrities in addition to a bevy of other speakers that included Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards, activist Gloria Steinem, filmmaker Michael Moore, as well as the convicted felon Donna Hylton, who took part in kidnapping and torturing a 62-year-old real-estate broker named Thomas Vigliarole, in a botched ransom plot from 1985.The recent airport protests and mainstream media reportage regarding the immigration based executive order prompted a response from President Donald Trump over the past 24 hours:Below will take a closer look at the main outline of the immigration based executive order, as another wave of Soros-backed political opposition has been triggered into action (Image Source: abcnews.com)Here are the key provisions of the immigration order outlined by the Trump administration:Whether or not someone supports the new US immigration order, it is strange that the list does not include other countries linked to state-sponsored terror such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Pakistan. From a security standpoint, by leaving out these terrorist-linked and terrorist sponsor countries Trump s executive order makes little sense.In a press release from February of 2016, The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) outlined travel orders similar to Trump s immigration EO based on the Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015. Here s a passage of the DHS release discussing travel restrictions concerning the exact countries included in the Trump order: The Department of Homeland Security today announced that it is continuing its implementation of the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015 with the addition of Libya, Somalia, and Yemen as three countries of concern, limiting Visa Waiver Program travel for certain individuals who have traveled to these countries. Pursuant to the Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security had sixty days to determine whether additional countries or areas of concern should be subject to the travel or dual nationality restrictions under the Act. After careful consideration, and in consultation with the Director of National Intelligence and the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Homeland Security has determined that Libya, Somalia, and Yemen be included as countries of concern, specifically for individuals who have traveled to these countries since March 1, 2011. At this time, the restriction on Visa Waiver Program travel will not apply to dual nationals of these three countries. DHS continues to consult with the Department of State and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to develop further criteria to determine whether other countries would be added to this list. Last month, the United States began implementing changes under the Act. The three additional countries designated today join Iran, Iraq, Sudan and Syria as countries subject to restrictions for Visa Waiver Program travel for certain individuals. Under the new law, the Secretary of Homeland Security may waive these restrictions if he determines that such a waiver is in the law enforcement or national security interests of the United States. Such waivers will be granted only on a case-by-case basis. As a general matter, categories of travelers who may be eligible for a waiver include individuals who traveled to these countries on behalf of international organizations, regional organizations, and sub-national governments on official duty; on behalf of a humanitarian NGO on official duty; or as a journalist for reporting purposes. Additionally, under the Obama administration, during the Syrian refugee resettlement program US entrance for Iraqi refugees was halted for 6 months in 2011.Interestingly, several Soros-linked organizations led the charge following the detention of immigrant travelers at airports in America over this past weekend. The ACLU, and the immigration-advocacy group Make The Road, both Soros linked entities, were heavily involved in organizing political opposition concerning the Trump immigration order.In 2014, it was disclosed that George Soros s Open Society Foundations granted $50 million dollars to the ACLU. Additionally, a law suit filed by ACLU associated lawyers and The National Immigration Law Center led to a stay of President Trump s executive orders over the past 48 hours.Breitbart recently reported that the The National Immigration Law Center has received numerous Open Society grants earmarked for general support. RT reported the following on January 30th: Three more federal judges, along with a district judge, have issued rulings barring authorities from deporting people detained at US airports following President Donald Trump s executive order restricting entry to travelers from seven countries with Muslim-majorities. Whether in the flesh, social media or through mainstream TV, the populace is subject to various forms of hyperreal propaganda around the global in many ways this is being used to push certain political regime changes and party objectives through the use of deceptive color revolutions and their many incarnations.In a book from 2011 written by Susanne Elizabeth Shawyer entitled Radical Street Theatre and the Yippie Legacy: A Performance History of the Youth International Party, 1967 1968, we gain a clearer perspective of the term Smart Mobs and the nature of these cross-platform gatherings: The potential for ideological uses of flash mobs soon became clear by autumn 2003. Because of its original apolitical nature and network organization, the flash mob was easily appropriated for other means beyond random fun. Flash mobs were soon used for political or commercial end by those seeking to capitalize on the trendy cultural capital of flash mobs. Adding to that, Shawyer cites author social science critic Howard Rheingold, who penned a book entitled Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution in 2003 and continued to outline the nature of smart mobs: A smart mob may be composed of strangers who have no relationship to each other beyond their mutual connection to the network, yet this connection creates a virtual community and provides the opportunity for collective action. When looking at the smart mob phenomena concerning the recent anti-trump protests in America, we can see how a large block of people can become useful in spreading political or cultural memes.In addition, the blending of socially engineered political agitator mobs and color revolutions is becoming more and more imperceptible as any group-think meme can cause a sudden flash gathering for the cause of the day.Controversial filmmaker Michael Moore took to social media to rouse the masses, while acknowledging that the Soros-backed NGO MoveOn.org mobilized a protest directly outside of the White House . Debra Heine PJ MediaThe flurry of anguished news stories and protests surrounding President Trump s executive action temporarily suspending immigrants and non-immigrants from countries of particular concern appears to be part of a coordinated PR effort financed by left-wing billionaire George Soros.Rather than a complete Muslim ban as promised during the campaign, Trump s executive order contains moderate refugee restrictions, similar to those that have been implemented by President Obama. If reports are true that restrictions are being applied even to green-card holders, that is an unfortunate misapplication of the law that will likely soon be corrected.Protesters quickly materialized Saturday at JFK Airport, where some refugees were being temporarily detained.Who are these people? Make the Road is a NY-based far-left non-profit funded in part by George Soros.According to Breitbart s Aaron Klein, the signatories to the lawsuit filed Saturday to block Trump s executive order included immigration lawyers from groups financed by Soros.At least one case quickly prompted a legal challenge as lawyers representing two Iraqi refugees held at Kennedy International Airport in New York filed a motion early Saturday seeking to have their clients released. They also filed a motion for class certification, in an effort to represent all refugees and other immigrants who they said were being unlawfully detained at ports of entry.The suit was filed by lawyers from the International Refugee Assistance Project, the National Immigration Law Center, the Jerome N. Frank Legal Services Organization at Yale Law School, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and the International Refugee Assistance Project (formerly Iraqi Refugee Assistance Project) at the Urban Justice Center.The ACLU is massively funded by Soros s Open Society Foundations, including with a $50 million grant in 2014.The National Immigration Law Center has received numerous Open Society grants earmarked for general support.The Urban Justice Center is also the recipient of an Open Society grant.Taryn Higashi, executive director of the Center s International Refugee Assistance Project, which is listed on the Trump lawsuit, currently serves on the Advisory Board of the International Migration Initiative of Soros s Open Society Foundations.Reportedly, open-borders advocate Soros has provided some $76 million for immigrant issues over the past decade, as Soros-funded immigrant rights groups helped influence President Obama s immigration policy.PJ Media continues here..READ MORE TRUMP NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Trump FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
January 31, 2017
U.S. House Republicans exploring border tax design changes: lawmaker
Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are considering possible changes to the design of their controversial border adjustment tax proposal to accommodate industries worried about being harmed by the provision, a top lawmaker said on Friday. The measure, a centerpiece of the House Republican tax reform blueprint backed by Speaker Paul Ryan, is intended to encourage investment and manufacturing in the United States. But it faces mounting pressure from U.S. retailers, oil refiners and automakers who fear it could result in higher prices for consumer goods including gasoline. Major U.S. exporters on Thursday threw their support behind a border tax, but President Donald Trump has sent mixed signals and some U.S. Senate Republicans question whether it would pass muster under international trade rules. “We are listening carefully and exploring a number of ideas on both design and the transition of this provision to accommodate some of the concerns, valid concerns,” House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady told a conference on tax issues. “I’m confident ... that the design of the border adjustability and the transition of it will allay those concerns,” he added without providing details. He previously said the committee would look at transition rules but has not suggested possible design changes until now. The Texas Republican, whose panel is working on tax reform legislation, is not considering product or industry exemptions but said the committee is engaged in discussions with industries including import-dependent oil refiners. The border adjustment proposal would exempt U.S. corporate export revenues from tax but impose a 20 percent levy on imports by preventing U.S. companies from deducting import costs from their taxable income. Import-dependent companies say the sweeping change could hurt their businesses and customers. “Their concerns about consumer impacts or tax impacts, we don’t want those either,” Brady said. Brady said the policy would tax all products sold in the United States equally while matching the export tax approach of U.S. trading partners. He acknowledged that the change could be phased in over time to help smooth the transition but denied that the proposal would violate international trade rules by penalizing imports or subsidizing exports. Business lobbyists have suggested a number of changes, from a nominal tax to compensate import-dependent businesses to an import tax rate that would vary by country of origin to match the taxes U.S. products face abroad. “We know where we want to go and we’re going to listen to all ideas. But we’re going to end up with a tax code that taxes products at the same equal rate in the United States,” he said.
February 3, 2017
WATCH: Maxine Waters Starts Disgusting Chant At Women’s Convention…Crowd Goes Crazy: ‘I’m still shaking’ [Video]
The Women s Convention in Detroit brings to mind the stereotypical liberal female who s angry and bitter:The Detroit Free Press published photo after photo of women with raised fists and a look of anger See what we re getting at? The tired and failing Democrats are grasping at the notion that President Trump is the enemy . They re behaving like sheeple and following blindly So it s no surprise that they followed the tired chant from California Rep. Maxine Waters. She shouted Impeach 45 during her speech at the Women s Convention Saturday.HEADLINING SPEAKER:Waters was the headlining speaker for the Women s March event, devoted part of her speech to leading the female attendees into a chant calling for the impeachment of President Donald Trump. Video footage shows women on their feet with their fists in the air shouting Impeach 45! Impeach 45! Waters s speech focused on the recent allegations of sexual harassment against figures like Harvey Weinstein. She also mentioned Trump s past behavior towards women, declaring This president has no respect for women. Chanting "Impeach 45" led by @RepMaxineWaters alongside hundreds of strong, like-minded women is my happy place. #WomensConference pic.twitter.com/nGD01qtjNN Ryllie Danylko (@RyllieDanylko) October 28, 2017DETROIT SHEEPLE GATHER PAY $295 TO CHANT:Organizers with the Women s March decided to host a weekend long convention aimed at preparing women for the 2018 election. At $295 a ticket, women gathered in Detroit, Mich. to learn how to fundraise, how to be an ally and the issue of the most misogynistic administration in recent history.Women seemed to appreciate Waters s chant, telling the Detroit Free Press it was a powerful moment. I loved how she called Trump out and I loved how she encouraged women to speak out and led us in an impeach chant, attendee Laura Chapman said. It was so powerful to hear thousands of women chant impeach. I m still shaking.
Oct 29, 2017
BREAKING: 28 YR OLD PALESTINIAN MUSLIM Feras Mohamed Freitekh Crashes Plane Near Pratt Whitney HQ’s…Instructor Pilot Said “It Was Intentional”…Media Says Motive Is Still Mystery…LOL!
28 year old Abdullah Faris Freatekh, aka Feras Mohamed Freitekh was a Muslim with a Palestinian backgroundThe National Transportation Safety Board s initial investigation of a Tuesday s aircraft crash in East Hartford, Connecticut should be a serious concern as it was a possible attempt to destroy one major US military defense contractor. As it seems, Muslims are possibly attempting to carry out an attack by using airplanes again.The investigation by The National Transportation Safety Board also indicates the crash is the result of an intentional act, which means the likelihood this involves an act of terrorism. FBI and police have also raided the pilot s apartment and are questioning three of the associates of Feras M. Freitekh, the pilot. The Jordanian students were also studying to become pilots.Freitekh who was killed on impact is a 28-year-old Jordanian national from a Palestinian background who was studying to become a pilot died after crashing a small plane Tuesday afternoon in Connecticut, and the instructor pilot who survived the crash said it was intentional. Family and friends of Freitekh are already writing about him on Facebook with oodles of praises from good man hero to Allah be with him in Arabic. Click and check it out for yourself. Rafeek Zabian comments Our old friend, Feras Freitekh, is with Allah, after he fulfilled his dream to fly, he died as a pilot, yes, and he accomplished his dream, may Allah be with you .Here are pictures from the Facebook page of in what appears to be Mecca. The pictures appear to be very recent, as they are dated June 3, 2016. People see him kissing the tip of the propeller and they do not think. The kiss is a kiss for the tip of his missile he is using. He and the Muslims and relatives commenting know why he came to the U.S. The argument with the co-pilot that he does not want to fly anymore is an excuse to land early because his intention is likely to swerve at the US defense contractor facility. It would take hours to include all the other praises from folks who would seem normal to the naked eye, yet they harbor ill for the United States.What is alarming about this crash is that the crash occurred near Pratt & Whitney, a defense contractor that makes jet engines for the military. Pratt & Whitney is a major defense contractor which manufactures military and commercial jet engines. East Hartford Police Chief called the company s plant critical infrastructure, the Hartford Courant reports. Police said the FBI was contacted because of the proximity to Pratt & Whitney.A high-ranking law enforcement source told the Hartford Courant there was an argument between the student pilot and the instructor prior to the crash. Terrorism is a criminal act, East Hartford Police spokesman Lieutenant Joshua Litwin said at a press conference. There is a lot of criminal investigators on scene. Nothing has been ruled out. The surviving flight instructor, identified by the Courant as Arian Prevalla, was able to get out of the plane after the crash and is expected to survive. Freitekh came to the United States from Jordan in 2012 on a temporary M-1 visa for flight school. The FBI and local police raided an apartment on Annawan Street as part of the investigation, WVIT-TV reports. Neighbors told WTIC-TV that four men lived together in the apartment targeted by police. Sources told the Hartford Courant the three other men who lived there were also foreign nationals studying to become pilots. And don t be fooled, the pilot, Feras M. Freitekh also has another Facebook as Rafael Majdi Freitekh and he is gay with all the rainbow flags. He was not a peaceful Muslim and neither was he a peaceful gay after all, as society tries to arm-twist us to believe about Muslims and gays. He stops writing anything on his timeline for a year is perhaps the man decided to go dark becoming a lone-wolf.The instructor pilot who survived the crash was hospitalized with serious burns, CBS News reports. He was identified as Adrian Prevalla by the Hartford Courant. Officials say he is cooperating with the investigation. He runs the Hartford Jet Center, according to his Linkedin profile. The flight school is based at Hartford-Brainard Airport, where the plane took off from on Tuesday.Via: Shoebat
Oct 12, 2016
U.S. lawmakers seek more money, authority for derivatives regulator
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission would have stronger policing powers over the derivatives market, along with a boosted budget, under legislation introduced in the U.S. Congress on Wednesday. The bill, introduced by Democrats Elizabeth Warren and Mark Warner in the Senate and Elijah Cummings in the House of Representatives, also would add new tasks to the regulator’s rulemaking agenda. “The only way to make sure that derivatives can never lead to a financial crisis and taxpayer bailouts again is to put in place clearer rules and stronger oversight,” Warren said in a statement. The bill likely will fizzle in the Republican-led Congress. It could also become part of this year’s election fights, as the relationship between Wall Street and Washington frequently moves to center stage in presidential and congressional campaigns. Democrats such as Warren, who is campaigning for her party’s presumptive nominee, Hillary Clinton, regard the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law passed after the 2007-09 financial crisis as crucial for preventing another massive meltdown. That law greatly expanded the CFTC’s reach, as swaps and derivatives had played a key role in the breakdown of banks and other firms. They also seek further regulation, saying vulnerabilities persist in the financial system. The presumptive nominee for the Republican Party, real estate developer and television star Donald Trump wants to repeal Dodd-Frank. Many in the party say the law has gone too far, drying up liquidity and freezing capital. The proposed legislation “gives the CFTC a stable funding stream and the tools necessary to help deter future illegal acts by permitting penalties large enough to impact the bottom lines of even the largest financial firms,” Cummings said. The CFTC currently is funded through annual appropriations from Congress, unlike the Securities and Exchange Commission, which is backed by user fees and fines. CFTC Chair Timothy Massad has sought a change, saying millions of dollars more in funds would help the agency keep up with technology advancements in the markets it oversees and with “high-powered defense teams” in its enforcement cases. Republicans in Congress say the funding process keeps the agency accountable to elected leaders. The Democrats’ bill would move the CFTC to the same model as the SEC. It would also put certain foreign exchange swaps under CFTC jurisdiction, change how derivatives are treated in bankruptcy, require posting initial margin in inter-affiliate swaps, and require regulators to review derivatives clearinghouses.
June 29, 2016
Alabama Trump Supporter Gets Fired For Incredibly Racist Rant About The Obamas (IMAGE)
Her viral post won her the title of racist of the week. June Pridmore somehow got a job working as the vice-president of loan operations at a Regions Bank in Alabama, but after investigating a recent Facebook post she wrote, Pridmore no longer has a job.In an atrocious, incoherent, and racist post featuring multiple misspellings and poor grammar that make one wonder how the bank picked her for the job in the first place, Pridmore ranted about her support of Donald Trump and trashed President Obama and his wife First Lady Michelle Obama. I voted him in, Pridmore began in reference to Trump. I like him. He has a beautiful wife unlike the ugly and embarrassing woman (for lack of a better word), in the White House now. Ms. Trump s face would make Michele (sic) O Bama (sic) a Sunday face. Seriously, does this women not have spellcheck? I m certainly glad [Trump] he has a lot of money because she he (sic) won t be bought out like Barack (sic), socialist Muslim O Bama (sic) or his wife or all those host of relatives they have in the whitehouse (sic) for US to support. Oh, you mean his two kids and mother-in-law? That s only three people, and two of them really didn t have a choice since they are kids. On the other hand, Donald Trump s family is way bigger and they ve all made a mint mooching off the government and taxpayer dollars. Plus, it is costing taxpayers $1 million a day to protect Trump in his New York Trump Tower apartment.But Primore still wasn t done. She ranted about President Obama s vacations, which are less than the number of vacations President Bush and President Reagan took during their presidencies. And Trump has already expressed his desire to be a part-time president who spends most days at his golden tower or on the golf course instead of in the White House working.And then she said this: If any idiot out there thinks that is justified, you deserved him as president. I prefer a man who can buy Michele (sic) and Barack and sell them several times over. Yep, she went there. A definite reference to slavery.And she went on to bitch about people who are unemployed, calling them lazy non-working takers. Here s an image of the post via Facebook.This post was too much for Regions Bank, who fired Pridmore after receiving many complaints.Bank spokesman Jeremy King announced the canning in a statement. We appreciate the concerns shared about offensive social media comments that were made through an associate s personal Facebook account. We want you to know that we share those concerns. Those comments do not reflect our values as a company or the way we do business. The associate is no longer an employee of the company. So now Pridmore is unemployed and has the new title, Racist of the Week. Of course that title won t pay the bills unless Donald Trump has position open for another ignorant racist. Maybe she can use Jeff Sessions as a reference.Featured Image: Facebook
November 25, 2016
UK concerned by implications of U.S. decision on Iran deal: minister
Britain is concerned by the implications of U.S. President Donald Trump s decision not to recertify an international agreement on Iran s nuclear program, junior foreign office minister Alistair Burt told parliament on Monday. The government takes note of President Trump s decision not to recertify the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and is concerned by the implications, Burt said.
October 16, 2017
TRIGGERED? POLICE OFFICER Kicked Out Of Event For Wearing Uniform
The city s first transgender police officer was kept out of an event at the San Diego LGBT Community Center because she was wearing her uniform.The Transgender Day of Awareness, an annual event to honor those who lost their lives to anti-transgender violence, was held Nov. 17 in the Hillcrest neighborhood. Officer Christine Garcia, who transitioned last year, helped plan the event and was part of the Police Department security detail that watched over a commemorative march down University Avenue. After the march, when Garcia tried to enter the event as a member of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community, she was asked to leave because her uniform could upset others in attendance. When leaders at the center learned what had happened, they apologized to Garcia and San Diego Police Chief Shelley Zimmerman. We do not wish to ever make any community member feel unwelcome these officers are valued members of our community, Delores Jacobs, chief executive officer of the LGBT center, said in a statement. Jacobs said the occurrence was a misunderstanding of the center s existing policy of inclusion, which seeks to acknowledge the concerns that members of the community may have without excluding others. Leaders have reviewed the policy with its staff since the event. While we need to support those that are uncomfortable and honor their reactions to valid and understandable difficult previous experiences, we also need to explain that our LGBTQ San Diego police liaisons are a valued part of our community, Jacobs wrote. Longtime LGBTQ activist, City Commissioner Nicole Murray-Ramirez, said the incident was an outrage. Any officer, be they gay or straight, should be welcomed into our community center in uniform, he said. They protect our community and neighborhoods and make San Diego a better place.Read more: San Diego Tribune
Nov 24, 2016
ABC Producing Comedy Involving Illegal Alien Family…That’s Funny?
ABC just announced that it s developing a comedy series about an illegal alien family. This is an attempt to normalize criminal illegal behavior, Yes, you broke the law when you crossed our border! There s nothing funny about that!The sitcom, tentatively titled Sanctuary Family, centers on a husband and wife who constantly clash over the chaos created when they provide sanctuary for their undocumented nanny and her family, Deadline reports. The two families slowly come to learn that their similarities far outweigh their differences.The ABC comedy joins a growing number of network and cable projects that take on the hot-button political issue of immigration and illegal aliens in America.CBS IS GETTING INTO THE ILLEGAL GAME TOO:Two undocumented immigrant-focused dramas are in the works at CBS and The CW from Golden Globe Award-winning actress and activist Gina Rodriguez (PICTURED BELOW)The CBS project, Have Mercy, follows a Latina doctor who, after being unable to practice when she immigrates to Miami, begins running a makeshift clinic in her apartment to serve the community. The CW series, titled Illegal, is a lighthearted hourlong undocumented family sitcom centered on a 16-year-old boy struggling to come to grips with his and his family s undocumented status.READ MORE: BREITBART NEWS
Sep 22, 2017
Republican Ted Cruz releases four years of tax returns
Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz released four years of his and wife Heidi’s tax returns on Saturday, ranging from 2011-2014, showing $389,124 taxes paid on $1.2 million in 2014. Cruz’s filings follow a similar release of returns on Saturday by rival Marco Rubio, a U.S. senator from Florida. Both campaigns called on billionaire businessman and Republican front-runner Donald Trump to make his returns public, too. (Reporting by Alana Wise; Editing by Mary Milliken) This article was funded in part by SAP. It was independently created by the Reuters editorial staff. SAP had no editorial involvement in its creation or production.
February 28, 2016
France's Le Drian says China is 'well placed to push' North Korea to talks
China has leverage to persuade North Korea to go back to talks over its nuclear ambitions, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said on Friday, after meeting with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi. North Korea s rapid progress in developing nuclear weapons and missiles has fueled a surge in regional tensions as United Nations-led sanctions appear to have failed to bite deeply enough to change its behavior. Western diplomats have said that China is largely responsible for patchy enforcement. But Beijing bristles at the notion that it should be doing more to rein in North Korea, which does about 90 percent of its trade with China, saying it is fully enforcing U.N. sanctions and that everyone has a responsibility to lower tension and get talks back on track. We want to force the negotiations ... and it s true that China is well placed to push, Le Drian told reporters during a joint briefing with Wang after arriving in Beijing for a four-day visit. A military solution was an extreme option, he said. China advocates for a dual suspension plan to address the issue in which Pyongyang would halt its nuclear and missile programs and Washington would stop military exercises with its allies in the region, though U.S. President Donald Trump has ruled it out. Wang said the proposition is realistic and feasible . France thought it was a real proposition but that the conditions to realize it have not been met. But if we don t have the conditions we have to create the conditions, Wang said. Le Drian countered that he didn t see it as the right approach. I don t believe much in the double-suspension strategy, because first of all [North Korea] isn t prepared to negotiate the very principle of this nuclear program, Le Drian said. Le Drian has said previously that bellicose statements by Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un have created fears of a dangerous miscalculation, particularly since Pyongyang conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test on Sept. 3. Washington this week imposed sanctions on 13 Chinese and North Korean organizations Washington accused of helping evade nuclear restrictions against Pyongyang and supporting the country through trade of commodities like coal. The U.S. Treasury also put North Korea back on a list of state sponsors of terrorism. But North Korea last week ruled out negotiations with Washington as long as joint U.S-South Korea military exercises continue, and said that Pyongyang s atomic weapons program would remain as a deterrent against a U.S. nuclear threat. The air forces of South Korea and the United States are scheduled to hold a regular joint drill in December, which will include hundreds of aircraft and about 12,000 U.S. personnel.
November 24, 2017
China's Chongqing vows purge of former leader's 'vile influence'
The southwestern Chinese megalopolis of Chongqing will purge the vile influence of its former top official Sun Zhengcai after he was expelled from the Communist Party for corruption, the city government said, praising the move as brilliant . Sun, a senior official once considered a contender for top leadership, had been party chief of the city until an abrupt announcement in July that he had been replaced by a rising political star close to President Xi Jinping, Chen Miner. He was put under investigation later in July and on Friday the party announced he would be prosecuted for corruption, accusing him of leaking secrets, bribery and abusing his power. In a front page story on Saturday, the official Chongqing Daily said a city party meeting overseen by new party boss Chen offered strong support for the Sun decision, which comes just weeks before the party opens a key twice-a-decade Congress. Everyone said they resolutely uphold the party s decision, resolutely practice the party s spirit and will resolutely purge Sun Zhengcai s vile influence, the paper said. The party s decision to investigate and handle Sun Zhengcai s serious breach of discipline is completely correct, absolutely brilliant, came just at the right time and has completely won the hearts of the party, the military and the people. It has not been possible to reach Sun directly for comment and unclear if he has been allowed to retain a lawyer. He is certain to be found guilty when his case comes before a court as the party controls the legal system, which won t challenge its accusations. These include trading power for sex and sloth. Chongqing, one of China s most important cities, is perhaps best known outside China for its association with its disgraced former party boss, Bo Xilai, who was once himself a contender for top leadership before being jailed for life in 2013 in his own dramatic corruption scandal. The government has yet to give exact details of what Sun is suspected of. The official newspaper of the northeastern province of Jilin, where Sun was party chief from 2009 until late 2012, implied on Saturday at least some of his crimes took place there too. While in Jilin he neglected Jilin s development, put his undivided attention on promotion, and seriously damaged Jilin s political ecology, the paper said, summarizing a provincial party meeting to condemn him. Sun had been seen as a potential candidate for elevation at next month s party Congress and as a possible future premier. But sources with ties to the leadership and foreign diplomats say Sun had been out of favor after the party s corruption watchdog in February criticized Chongqing authorities for not doing enough to root out Bo s influence. Sun is the latest senior official to be investigated under Xi s sweeping crackdown on corruption. The party s official People s Daily said on Saturday the move against Sun augured further struggles ahead, saying major victories did not mean the anti-corruption fight was over.
September 30, 2017
WATCH: A GOP Candidate Just Released This Amazingly Racist Ad
Republican congressional candidates have been the source of some of the most outrageous campaign ads over the last few years. A new ad from Kentucky 1st district candidate Mike Pape is one of the most racist examples of this that has come across in a long time.In the ad, three apparent Mexicans approach a border fence wearing t-shirts that say, Stop Trump Stop Ted Cruz and Stop Pape . The subtitled, heavily-accented actors explain that Pape will work to build Trump s wall or help Cruz repeal Obamacare, before saying they must stop him and charge into the country illegally. Pape then appears in the foreground to say he approves the message.The ad builds on Donald Trump s racially charged campaign rhetoric and his bizarre promise to build a wall between the United States and Mexico, paid for by the Mexican government.On the very first day of Trump s campaign, he blamed Mexicans for bringing crime like rape to America, as well as drugs.Gaskins is currently running in the Republican primary for his district against three other candidates, for the seat that will be opened up due to the retirement of Rep. Ed Whitfield. It is a heavily Republican district, with 73 percent of the vote going to the GOP in the 2014 election.The ad is a symptom of the problems plaguing the Republican Party nationally. As the country becomes more diverse, especially with Latinos, the GOP s hardcore base demands that candidates stick to racist and sexist appeals that reliably get voters to the polls.And when Republicans attempt to slightly moderate themselves even with candidates who are otherwise hard conservatives they are ostracized and excluded. For instance, while former Florida Governor Jeb Bush was an orthodox conservative, he argued in favor of immigration policy that was harsh but not as draconian as other candidates. As a result, Bush was utterly destroyed in the 2016 primaries and caucuses, even though he had more money than everyone else.This ad reflects the current state of the Republican Party, and it isn t a good look.Featured image via YouTube
April 22, 2016
Tillerson: Trump did not discuss 'sources, methods' in meeting with Russia's Lavrov
U.S. President Donald Trump did not discuss “sources, methods or military operations” in his meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Monday, after reports that Trump disclosed classified information. “During President Trump’s meeting with Foreign Minister Lavrov, a broad range of subjects were discussed among which were common efforts and threats regarding counter-terrorism. During that exchange the nature of specific threats were discussed, but they did not discuss sources, methods or military operations,” Tillerson said in a statement.
May 15, 2017
WORKPLACE MICROAGGRESSION: ISIS Yells “Alluha Akbar” While Accidentally Blowing Themselves Up [VIDEO]
Obviously not the smartest cowards in the desert https://youtu.be/QsZN_0barc8h/t Weasel Zippers
Mar 25, 2016
Factbox: Trump on Twitter (April 18) - Obama administration, interview
The weak illegal immigration policies of the Obama Admin. allowed bad MS 13 gangs to form in cities across U.S. We are removing them fast! [0539 EST] - I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends by @ainsleyearhardt starting at 6:00 A.M. Enjoy! [0548 EST] -- Source link: (bit.ly/2jBh4LU) (bit.ly/2jpEXYR)
April 18, 2017
First Trump-Pence Interview Gets Very Awkward When They’re Asked This Simple Question (VIDEO)
Donald Trump and his running mate, Mike Pence, conducted their first joint interview on Saturday. The interview was conducted by Lesley Stahl on CBS 60 Minutes. The full interview does not air until Sunday night. However, CBS released a teaser for the interview that shows that the two candidates are starting to look more like two students forced to work together on a science fair project than a presidential duo.In the preview, Stahl questions Pence about an essay he wrote where he said that he felt that negative campaigning was wrong: You said negative campaigning is wrong. And a campaign ought to demonstrate the basic decency of the candidate. With that in mind, what do you think about your running mate s campaign, and the tone and the negativity of it? I think this is a good man who s been talking about the issues the American people care about, Pence said referring to Trump.Pence said that he wrote the essay a long time ago. He continued saying that I said campaigns oughta be about something more important than just one candidate s election. And, and this campaign and Donald Trump s candidacy has been about the issues the American people care about. Stahl continued to press Pence on the issue of negative campaigning, and that s when Trump decided he needed to jump in to clarify that he is a huge fan of negative campaigning, but Pence does not think that way or share the belief that negative campaigning is great. We re different people, Trump interrupted. I understand that. I ll give you an example. Hillary Clinton is a liar. Hillary Clinton, that was just proven last week. Hillary Clinton you better believe it. Hillary Clinton is a crook. Trump continued, only to reiterate that he does, in fact, think that calling people mean names is a great thing to do. I call her Crooked Hillary. She s Crooked Hillary, he said. He won t. I don t, I didn t ask him to do it, but I don t think he should do it because it s different for him. You can watch the excerpt from the interview below.Featured image via video screenshot
July 17, 2016
[VIDEO] HOLLYWOOD ACTOR Scott Baio FED UP With Obama: “He’s a Muslim or a Muslim sympathizer”
I don t think there are too many people who would disagree with that sentiment, given Obama s obvious desire to make Americans believe Islam has nothing to do with Islamic terror. In the wake of yet another attack on American soil by a radicalized Muslin gunman, actor Scott Baio questioned whether President Barack Obama wants to eliminate the United States as it was created. Appearing on Fox Business, the former Happy Days star was asked if the president is reluctant to say Islamic terror. He s absolutely reluctant, Baio replied. I can t tell, Lester, if he s dumb, he s a Muslim or he s a Muslim sympathizer. And I don t think he s dumb. WATCH here:Baio, an ardent supporter of Donald Trump, was asked to explain Obama s actions. I have no idea, the actor replied. Like I said, either he s a sympathizer, a Muslim sympathizer or he s a Muslim to allow this to keep happening. He insisted that Trump is the only person who wants to do something about these attacks by Islamic extremists.Borrowing from Obama s 2008 promise of fundamentally transforming the United States of America, Baio speculated on what may be the end game for liberals like Obama and Hillary Clinton. Is it to totally eliminate the United States as it was created and founded and the way it is now? he asked.The actor went on to say he is baffled by the inaction from Obama and Clinton, saying the only time they get angry is at Republicans. Via: Biz Pac Review
Jun 19, 2016
U.S. plans to admit maximum 45,000 refugees in next fiscal year
The Trump administration plans to admit up to 45,000 refugees to the United States in the fiscal year starting Oct. 1, a former U.S. official said on Tuesday, a ceiling that would keep admissions to their lowest level in over a decade. The White House settled on the figure after a contentious debate between officials who wanted a lower ceiling and those who wanted a higher one, said the former official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. On one side of the debate were officials who tended to look at the issue through a domestic political prism given President Donald Trump’s focus on curbing immigration during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign. On the other were foreign policy experts who argued that taking refugees into the United States is vital to ensure other nations keep their borders open. The plan to set the cap at 45,000 was earlier reported by the Wall Street Journal newspaper. The former official, who favored a higher number, said the decision will undermine the U.S. ability to persuade nations such as Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon that have accepted huge flows of Syrian refugees to keep admitting them as well as to convince donor nations to keep up financial contributions for refugees. “We have no standing to play that role when we cut our own humanitarian assistance and when we are halving our refugee admissions,” said the former official. In his two travel ban executive orders, Trump directed the United States to accept a maximum of 50,000 refugees for permanent resettlement in the fiscal 2017 year ending Sept. 30, less than half the 110,000 President Barack Obama authorized. In part because of court challenges to those orders, the United States ultimately accepted more than 50,000 refugees during the current fiscal year. According to State Department data, the United States took in 51,392 refugees through August. If the United States accepts 45,000 in fiscal 2018, it would be the lowest level admitted since fiscal 2006, when it took in 41,223, according to State Department data. A State Department spokesman declined comment on the 45,000 figure, saying only that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Elaine Duke would consult Congress on Wednesday. “Each year, the president makes an annual determination, after appropriate consultation with Congress, regarding the refugee admissions ceiling for the following Fiscal Year. Secretary Tillerson and DHS Acting Secretary Duke will consult with Congress tomorrow,” he said.
September 27, 2017
Watch SNL Hilariously Mock Ted Cruz Over Iowa ‘Win’ (VIDEO)
Ted Cruz is a guy who s easy to make fun of and SNL had a field day with him and his campaign last night. Taran Killam, who played the Republican presidential candidate, delivered a hilarious performance. Kallam as Cruz said: Some of you may have seen me in tonight s Republican debates in New Hampshire. And if you missed it, here s a quick recap: I won. I also won the Iowa Caucuses thanks to endorsements from strong conservatives like Glenn Beck and God almighty. Cruz s win , of course, had nothing to do with God but more to do with some nasty trickery. For example, there was Cruz s campaign telling voters that Ben Carson had dropped out of the race. Then of course, there were the mailers sent by the Cruz campaign which tried to manipulate voters into voting for him.Killam as Cruz said he was an unconventional candidate : I didn t get where I am today because I was born wealthy or handsome or charismatic or nice. I am not cool or likable or even fine. Cruz shouldn t be blamed for his looks, being born without wealth, or even his lack of charisma. However, there are certainly some things he can do to make him more likable to folks. People don t like being lied to, nor do they like to be manipulated and it looks like Ted Cruz is a master at that. It s quite crazy to think that people actually vote for this guy!Killam concluded: Isn t it time for a president who s just a nasty, little weasel? The answer is absolutely not, Ted!Feature image via YouTube screenshot
February 7, 2016
Trump's eldest son questioned in Congress about Russia
President Donald Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., declined to discuss with lawmakers on Wednesday a conversation he had with his father about emails related to a June 2016 meeting he attended with Trump associates and Russians, a congressional panel member said. Representative Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee investigating allegations of Russian interference in last year’s U.S. election, said Trump Jr. answered the “overwhelming majority” of questions from committee members in his hours of testimony. But Trump Jr. claimed attorney-client privilege in declining to respond to queries about that discussion with his father because a lawyer was in the room when it took place. The discussion between then-Republican candidate Trump and his son took place after the emails became public, Schiff said. Trump Jr. released the emails in July. “In my view there is no attorney-client privilege that protects a discussion between father and son,” Schiff told reporters after the closed-door testimony had ended. “We will be following up with his counsel,” Schiff said. Representative Mike Conaway, the Republican leading the investigation, said Trump Jr. had answered all of his questions. “Mr Trump was cooperative at all times,” Conaway said. Trump Jr. arrived and left without being seen by reporters. Lawmakers said they want to question him about a meeting with a Russian lawyer in June 2016 at Trump Tower in New York at which he had said he hoped to get information about the “fitness, character and qualifications” of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Democrat who was his father’s presidential election opponent. It was at least the second time Trump Jr. has testified to a congressional committee investigating any Russian meddling in the election and possible collusion with Moscow by the Trump campaign. He arrived shortly before 10 a.m. EST (1500 GMT) and was questioned for most of the next eight hours by members of the intelligence panel. A person familiar with knowledge of Trump Jr’s testimony said Trump had said repeatedly he did not remember things he was asked about, including some details about information provided by Russians during the Trump Tower meeting. Department of Justice Special Counsel Robert Mueller is also investigating. He has announced the first charges of Trump associates, and Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, has pleaded guilty to lying to Federal Bureau of Investigation agents. The House intelligence panel also released on Wednesday a transcript of testimony last week of Erik Prince, a Trump supporter and founder of the Blackwater military contractor. A focus of that testimony was a report that Prince tried to set up a “back channel” for communications between Trump associates and Russia. Prince denied such a plan. Trump Jr.’s appearance coincided with criticism of the Russia probes from some of his father’s fellow Republicans, who control both houses of Congress and accuse investigators of bias against Trump. Other lawmakers, Republicans as well as Democrats, say the goal of the investigations is to guarantee the integrity of U.S. elections, not to target Trump and his associates. Trump Jr., like his father, denies collusion with Russia. U.S. intelligence agencies concluded that Russia attempted to influence the 2016 campaign to boost Trump’s chances of defeating Clinton. Moscow denies any such effort. Some Republicans criticized Mueller, the FBI and the Department of Justice at a news conference on Wednesday, ahead of congressional testimony on Thursday by the director of the FBI, Christopher Wray. Republican House members accused the Justice Department and the FBI of bias against the president and having been too easy on Clinton during the investigation of her use of a private email server while leading the State Department. However, Clinton has made no secret of her belief that then-FBI Director James Comey’s announcement just before the election that the bureau was investigating potential new evidence in the lengthy email probe cost her the White House. Also on Wednesday, Representative Bob Goodlatte, the Republican chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, announced a hearing next week with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, citing “serious concerns” about reports on the political motives of staff on Mueller’s team.
December 6, 2017
Sanders opposes Constitution pipeline between Pennsylvania, NY
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Monday said he opposes a proposed natural gas pipeline between Pennsylvania and New York and called on New York officials to reject the project. “The possibility of methane leaks from the proposed Constitution Pipeline would be catastrophic to our air and our climate — and if this pipeline were approved, eminent domain would be used to seize land from farmers and homeowners,” he said in a statement. U.S. pipeline company Williams has delayed the start up of the pipeline to the second half of 2017 from the fourth quarter of 2016.
April 18, 2016
UNREAL! HERE’S WHY OBAMA SAYS He Stopped Using the Term “Radical Islam” [Video]
WOW! At About the 14:00 minute mark you ll hear the ridiculous explanation for why Obama stopped using the term radical Islam We wouldn t want to offend any of the people blowing us up, would we? This guy is such a total jackwagon!
Jul 25, 2016
“YOU’RE HIRED!” Trump Pulls Unemployed Vet From Audience And Hires Her On The Spot
No matter which candidate you support, this moment on the campaign trail is pretty awesome. Trump has said he wants to support our veterans in a big way if elected. He showed he s a man of his word when he plucked a veteran from the crowd and hired her. Instead of his catchphrase you re fired, Mr. Trump told the previously homeless black woman, You re hired. Just when you think the 2016 presidential race can t get more surreal, Donald Trump reprised his role from the hit realty TV show The Apprentice at Washington press conference Monday and plucked an unemployed veteran out of the audience for an impromptu job interview.It was yet another unexpected twist in Mr. Trump s unconventional run that has defied the pundits, confounded the GOP establishment and made him the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination.Mr. Trump summoned the Washington press corps to the under-construction Trump International Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue, just blocks from the White House. He said the one way or another he s coming to the nation s capital.The billionaire businessman boasted that the hotel, which is being refurbished from the city s historic Old Post Office building, was being restored to the highest level, with luxurious suites and the largest ballroom in Washington.He said the hotel would open ahead of schedule and under budget in September.When hands went up from reporters gathered in the cavernous atrium where the hotel lobby was being built, Mr. Trump called on Alicia Watkins. HERE S THE ENCOUNTER BETWEEN TRUMP AND MS. WATKINS: Ms. Watkins, 38, a former Air Force staff sergeant who survived the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon and served in Iraq and Afghanistan, was at the press conference as a freelance writer working on an article about jobs for veterans.She briefly described her situation and complimented Mr. Trump s stance of expanding employment opportunities for veterans, and then asked if the hotel would be part of a jobs program. We are doing some of that. What are you looking for, what kind of position, Mr. Trump asked, and then invited her to come to the podium.Pleased with her response, Mr. Trump directed her to one of his company s executives to work out a employment deal. If we can make a good deal on the salary, she s going to probably have this job, said the real estate tycoon.Asked why he did the on-the-spot job interview, Mr. Trump said that he felt good about her. It s a gut instinct, he said. I have instincts about people. Read more of this incredible story at: Washington Times
Mar 21, 2016
CHILLING: Terrorism Expert Gives Frightening Look Into OBAMA’S FAUX “FIGHT” AGAINST ISIS: “It’s not about protecting America” [Video]
THIS INTERVIEW IS HONESTLY FRIGHTENING because Sebastian Gorka basically tells us Obama is doing NOTHING to stop the instability in the Middle East and is just spinning information to protect his political legacy . The White House simply wants to spin Gorka is the best at giving us the truth about Islamic terrorism and the efforts by the Obama administration to spin, spin, spin
Aug 7, 2016