Keller, “Airborne measurements of the ocean radar cross section at 5.3 GHz as a function of wind speed,” Radio Sci ., vol. 21, pp. 845–856, 1986.
N. P.: Bright Radar Displays Employing Direct-View Storage Tubes, Conference on Air Traffic Control S_rstems Engineering and Design, London, Mar. 13-17, 1967, IEE Conference Publication no.
~ Axis of m11ror movement Movable .. --plonor twist reflector RADAR ANTENNAS 243 Figure 7.13 Geometry of the polarization­ twist mirror-scan antenna, using a polar­ ization-sensitive parabolic reflector and a planar polarization-rotating twist reflector. Scanning of the beam is accomplished by mechanical motion of the planar twist­ reflector.
II (a) in a Fortress [ 8] and (b) in a Warwick [ 12]. Figure 2.13. Indicating units, with gain, brilliance, focus and range controls (left to right, viewed from the front), (a) type 6; (b) type 6 A; (c) type 96 [ 7].Airborne Maritime Surveillance Radar, Volume 1 2-15.
!  !        !  ! !    !      
Accurate long-term forecasting of the precise location and level of severity of these phenomena, through data assimilation and numerical weather prediction techniques, is beyond the present state of the art. Operational radars, however, can detect these phenomena and provide local warn - ings of approaching severe events; they can also detect the rotating mesocyclones in severe storms that are precursors to the development of tornadoes at the Earth’s surface.134 Ground-based coastal and airborne radars can also measure the severity of approaching hurricanes and define their most intense landfall positions for evacu - ation warnings.135,136 Tornado Detection. A single doppler radar can measure only the radial compo - nent of the vector wind field.
The various amplifier transmitters, however, are generally capable of higher power than the magnetron oscillator. Amplifiers are of greater inherent stability, which is of importance for MTI and other doppler radars, and they can generate more conveniently than can power oscillators the modulated waveforms needed for pulse-compression radar. Power oscillators, therefore, are likely to be found in applications where small size and portability are important and when the stability and high power of the.amplifier transmitter are not required.
7-11, 1987. 51. Lord, D.
Each of the interferometer ports produces a (complex-valued) range-doppler “image” that could be called a “SAR” image, since it was formed from a coherent sequence of pulses, and the subsequent complex pair-wise combining of these images with the proper relative complex weighting to null the clutter can be considered as an InSAR process. On the other hand, to avoid confusion with the type of interferometric SAR that is used for target height measurement, the Joint STARS team typically refers to their process as “Clutter Suppression Interferometry” or simply “CSI”.‡ Barbarossa and Farina43 show that, by using multiple subapertures, detection and repositioning of moving targets can be considerably improved, in an extension of the real-beam Displaced Phase-Center Antenna (DPCA) technique (Staudaher44). They developed a procedure for SAR processing using an arbitrary number of subaper - tures, separated horizontally, to cancel ground clutter and image a moving target.
The Confirm dwell is used to manage false alerts and provide a range measurement for target detections. The Alert and Confirm detec - tion thresholds are designed to achieve overall false alarm time equal to conventional search (one every few minutes). Along with using the same PRF in Alert and Confirm, the time between these dwells, or latency , should be minimized to prevent a valid Alert detection from being eclipsed during the Confirmation dwell.
A dielectric around the wires is equivalent to a shortening of the wavelength incident on the mesh. The spacing between wires appears wider, ekctrica\ly, causing the transmission coefficient of the surface to increase. On the other hand, the total reflecting surface is increased by the presence of ice, reducing the transmission through the mesh.
The values stored in the map are milltiplied by an appropriate constant to establish the threshold for zero-relative-velocity targets. This eliminates the usual MTI blind speed at zero radial velocity and permits the detection of crossing targets in clutter if the target cross section is sufficiently large. ~hus, in Fig.
Allen, “A theoretical limitation on the formation of lossless multiple beams in linear arrays,” IRE Trans ., vol. AP-9, pp. 350–352, July 1961.
The noise figure due to these RF losses may be derived from the definition of Eq. (9.1 ), which is (9.1) The noise N0u, from the lossy RF components is kT0 Bn, and G = 1/L,.F. Therefore on substi· tution into Eq.
M. Jones and J. J.
The synchro rotor ismatched tothedriving tube byastepdown transformer. Since the secondary circuit isalmost purely inductive (ideally itwould be precisely so), itscurrent waveform will resemble that inthe primary of thetransformer, and acurrent amplifier similar tothat driving thedeflec- tion coil ofFig. 13.44 isappropriate.
The frequencies (2.7 Hz and 12 Hz) are peculiar to the specific truck that was imaged. ( Courtesy of Northrop-Grumman Corporation ) ch17.indd 27 12/17/07 6:49:51 PMDownloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved.
7.6] THE U.S. TACTICAL AIR COMMANDS 231 and issue radiotelephone instructions tofriendly fighters inaneffort to bring them into favorable positions tocounter airattacks. For defensive operations, thk sort ofcontrol isusually adequate; enemy airattacks will ordinarily bedirected atoneofafewvital areas where substantial damage can bedone.
The CCD, or charge coupled device, is one possibility as a shift register. The data on the synthetic display must be refreshed at a sufficiently high rate to obtain a Iiigh brightness and to avoid flicker. When a number of displays are used with the output of a single radar, a dedicated minicomputer can be used at each display position for the refresh of data so as to reduce the data-transfer rate from the radar central processor.
8.15 it can be seen that the array will scan over the region + 30" as the frequency is varied from 0.968Jo to 1.035f0, wherefo is the frequency corresponding to the broadside position of the beam. As the frequency is increased, the factor n1 = 10 applies and the same arigular region is scanned as the frequency varies from 1.075f0 to 1. 149fo.
If the guide is not used to terminate in a radiator, then energy is fed in by a small aerial stub at the start of the tube, and taken from the far end of the tube by a similar stub. The majority of guides used in radar equipment are of rectangular cross-section, to ensure greatest accuracy in design, and also, so the cynics would say, to simplify the mathematics! The ‘arithmetic’ of this form of link does, in fact, become quite complicated, because mathe- matical analysis shows that only certain types of wave- forms can be propagated along metallic wave-guides, and each of these wave-types, moreover, is characterized by a certain distribution of electromagnetic field over the cross-section. The velocity of the waves is different from that in free space, so the wavelength in the tube is somewhat different from the length in space, and this .
Interms ofEoand S~,thecross section udefined inSec. 2.3isgiven by (1) 3-2. Rayleigh Scattering from aSmall Sphere.—As anillustration of the use ofthis equation, weshall derive the Rayleigh law forthe case 1Sections 3.1-3.4 and3.6by.!.J,F,Siegert, 3,5byL,X.Ridenoar, and3.7b.v 11.H.Johnson.
J: Synthetic Aperture Radar; chap. 23 or" Radar Handbook," M. I.
6.13). The axis ofthe conical scan was aligned with the guns sothat only point-blank fire with nolead was possible. Thk was done because the lead required incountering theusual nightfighter approach isnegligible.
2009 ,18, 2221–2229. [ CrossRef ] 27. Gonzalez, R.; Woods, R.
In this chapter, the radar antenna will be considered either as a transmitting or a receiving device. depending on wliicli is more convenient for the particular discussion. Results obtained for one may be readily applied to the other because of the reciprocity theorem of antenna theory.' CHAPTER SEVEN RADAR ANTENNAS 7.1ANTENNA PARAMETERS1.2 Thepurposeoftheradarantenna istoactasatransducer between free-space propagation and guided-wave (transmission-line) propagation.
Other electronic phase shifters. In addition to the ferrite and diode devices, there have been other techniques suggested for electronically varying the phase shift. The traveling-wave tube 296INTRODUCTION TORADAR SYSTEMS Waveguide,Nonrecipracal- Phas~- €I~ent-with7 palamers coilandyokes:; Figure8.13 Oual-mod~ reci­ procalphaseshifterconfigura­ tion.(From IVhickt'f (llld rOl/lliJ.
3.8, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1947. 29. Blacksmith, P., Jr., R.
Several forms of data analysis and display are accessible, but perhaps the most use - ful are the maps of (i) Excess Power and (ii) Optimum Frequency . The Excess Power parameter is constructed as follows. Consider a specific target whose RCS is known or estimated as a function of frequency.
532 533. July. 1974.
Inthefollowing weshallderivetheoptimum formofthesecond~detector law.26•43 Assume thatthereareIIindependent pulseswithenvelope amplitudes VJ,V2'.••,Vnavailable fromtheradarreceiver. Theproblem consists indetermining whether theseIIpulsesaredueto signal-plus-noise orwhether theyareduetonoisealone.Theprobability-density function for theenvelope ofIIindependent noisesamples istheproductoftheprobability-density function foreachsample. or n Pn(lI,I'd=nPn(vd i=I(10.33) Theprohahility-density function forithnoisepulsePn(Vj)isgivenbyEq.(2.21),rewritten (2.21) where 1';istheratiooftheenvelope amplitude Rtothermsnoisevoltaget/Ji,/2.Likewise, the probability-density function fortheenvelope of"signal-plus-noise pulsesis n P.•(II,Vi)=nPs(Vi) i=1(10.34) Theprobability-density function forsignal-plus-noise, Ps(Vi), IStheRicedistribution of Eq.(2.27) (2.27) (10.35)wherea=ratioofsignal(sine-wave) amplitude tormsnoisevoltageandIo(x)=modified Besselfunction ofzeroorder.Thedetection processisequivalent t<.-determining whichofthe twodensityfunctions [Eq.(10.33)or(10.34)]morecloselydescribes theoutputofthereceiver.
Leith, E. N.: Optical Processing Techniques for Simultaneous Pulse Compression and Beam Sharp- ening, IEEE Trans., vol. AES-4, pp.
13.26 RADAR HANDBOOK 6x9 Handbook / Radar Handbook / Skolnik / 148547-3 / Chapter 13 Additional scan angles may be simulated by exciting other modes. The waveguide dimensions are chosen so that a radiating element or element placed in the waveguide sees mirror images in the walls of the waveguide that appear to be at the same spacing as the array to be simulated. Both rectangular and triangular arrays may be simulated, as shown in Figure 13.15.
Although the usual SAR optical processing provides dechirping (matched filtering) of the linear FM pulse-compression wavcform, tlie cliirp niodulation of the transmitter is accomplished as in other pulse- compression radars. Other aspects of SAR. The SAR has been described as a side-lookirtg rudur wiih the antenna beam directed perpendicular to the path of the vehicle such that the dopplel.
The S-193 zone of access was 48º forward and 48º to either side of the spacecraft ground track. For selected measurements, the beam was pointed in the along-track direction to fixed angles of 0º, 15.6º, 29.4º, 40.1º, and 48º, with sufficient dwell time at each angle to permit averaging to achieve approximately 5% precision. RadScat data collected over the Amazon rain forest suggested that the uniformity of the observed backscatter would be a stable calibration reference for space-based radars, which has since been validated as a standard technique.132 SASS , the Seasat-A Satellite Scatterometer,133,134 was the first space-based radar designed specifically to measure oceanic winds.
The third bistatic RCS region, forward scatter, occurs when the bistatic angle approaches 180°. When P = 180°, Sicgcl33 showed, based on physical optics, that the forward-scatter RCS, crF, of . a target with silhouette (or shadow) area^4 is cr^r = 4TTv42/X2, where X, the wave- length, is small compared with the target dimensions.
Thus, one should be careful in using mean values for radar design; the median values are more representative. Billingsley17 presented his results both in terms of mean values and median values. Here, we report only the median values because they tend to be more meaningful for radar design than the values distorted by occasional strong targets.
It lias been found4 that tlie backscatter is more sensitive to wirid direction at the higher radar frequencies than at the lower frequencies, that horizontal polarization is more sensitive to wind direction than is vertical polarization, that the ratio of rrO measured upwind to that measured downwind decreases with increasing grn7irig atigle and sen stittc. :trlil tI1:tt at UIiF the backscatter is practically insensitive to wind direction at grazing atigles greater than ten degrees. Wlietl viewing the sea at or near vertical incidence the backscatter is greatest with a calm sea a~id decreases will1 increasing witid.
G. H. Pettengill, P.
Harger, Synthetic Aperture Radar Systems : Theory and Design , New York: Academic Press, 1970. 9. R.
352 THEMAGNETRON ANDTHEPULSER [SEC. 106 magnetron-magnet combination isnow asmall fraction ofthe weight of the pulser required todrive it. The weight ofmagnetrons and their magnets has thus ceased tobeacritical design consideration.
228-9, March, 1973. JOO. Hering, K.
One of the factors that is often misleading is the usual picture of an array as a single radiating face of relatively modest size. A single array antenna can scan but a limited sector; ± 45° in each plane is perhaps typical. Four or more faces might therefore be necessary for hemispherical coverage.
Sincethepulsepackettravelsatthespeedoflight.thereceiving beam sometimes mustbescanned morerapidlythanpossible bymechanical means.Thisiscalled pI/1st'clrasi"g.Ifthereceiving antenna usesabroadfixedbeam.theproblem ofpulsechasing is alleviated. However. thesmallerefrective antenna aperture associated withthebroadreceiving beamresultsinlessechosignal.Thismustbecompensated bygreatertransmitter power.In short.theuseofbistaticradartoobtainotherthanfencecoverage usuallyresultsinmore complicated andlessefficient systems..
.. 4W 12.7 Automatic Frequency Control. 453 12.8 Protection against Extraneous Radiation.
Figure 2.22 also indicates that for probabilities of detection greater than about O.JO. a greater signal-to-noise ratio is required when the fluctuations are uncorrelated scan to scan (cases I and 3) than when the fluctuations are uncorrelated pulse to pulse (cases 2 and 4). In fact.
'fhus a low-noise receiver might not always be the obvious selection. if properties otlier than sensitivity are in~portant. 9.5 DISPLAYS The purpose of the display is to visually present in a form suitable for operator interpretatiorl and action the information contained in the radar echo signal.
Often, in the past, the assumption has been made that the returns from clutter have a gaussian power spectral density, which may be characterized by its standard deviation sv and mean velocity mv, both in units of m/s.6 Using this gaussian model, each of the spectral lines in Figure 2.11 will be convolved with the spectrum: S ff m G ff f( ) exp( )= ⋅ −−   1 2 22 2πσ σ (2.4) This spectrum is normalized to have unit power, and the velocity parameters have been converted to Hz using the doppler equation: mm fv fv=⋅ =⋅2 2λ σσ λ (2.5) FIGURE 2.11 Pulse transmitter spectrum ch02.indd 11 12/20/07 1:43:07 PMDownloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website. MTI Radar.
Subarrays may be formed, each with only one phase control and of a size such that its beam width includes all the scan angles. Alternatively, a small phased array could be placed in the focal region of a large reflector to scan the narrow beamwidth of the reflector over a limited scan angle. Scanning of Arrays Phase Scanning.
Palamutcuoglu, 0., J. G. Gardiner, and D.
Geophys. Res ., vol. 100, pp.
It follows that through continuous display(continuous because of the persistence of the CRT screen and the pulserepetitionrate)ofthepositionsoftargetsonthePPI,theirmotionsrelativetothe motion of the reference ship are also displayed. In summary, the indicator of this basic radar system provides the means for measuring and displaying, in a useful form, the relative bearings anddistances to targets from which reflected echoes may be received. Indisplaying the positions of the targets relative to the reference shipcontinuously, the motions of the targets relative to the motion of thereference ship are evident..
In the daylight hours, the F region sometimes manifests two component layers, especially in summer. The Fl region lies between 130 and 200 km and, like the E region, is directly dependent upon solar radiation; it reaches maximum intensity about 1 h after local noon. The F2 region is variable in both time and geographical location.
The relative phase excitation caused by these feeds is a known function of frequency. In these cases, the computer must provide a correction based on the location of the element in the array and on the frequency of operation. For a large array with thousands of elements, many calculations are required to determine the phasing of the elements.
Smith, and C. E. Grove: L-band T/R Module for Airborne Phased Array, J\ficroware J ..
Syst. 1999 ,35, 1240–1252. [ CrossRef ] 16.
This procedure, together with adjustment ofthe regulator onthe tight side ofthedip, helps notonly inclearing upthetroubles mentioned above, but also inincreasing the interval between regulator adjustments, and inreducing thewear ofthe carbon disks. The carbon-pile regulator isaffected bymoisture. Moisture inthe carbon pile materially reduces the resistance, and frequently when a motor-alternator isstarted after having stood forsome time inanatmos- phere saturated with water vapor the output voltage ishigh—approxi- mately 135 to145 volts.
4.2) and the increased spread of the clutter spectrum. The Moving Target Detector, described in Sec. 4.7, is an example of an MTI radar designed specifically to cope with the special problems of precipitation clutter.
CONCLUSION 167 make a weapon too great for any one man or any one nation to hold. Although the people and even the scientists are reluctant to realize what has happened, the baby of radar, born in the nineteen-thirties in Slough, has risen from that despond to become a giant. In his youth he saw valiant war service.
Therehavebeenotherkindsofferritephaseshiftersdcvelopt.:d overtheyearsbasedondifferent principles oronvariations ofthosedescriht.:d ahove. Although theabovephaseshifterswerediscussed primarily aswaveguidc devices,somcof thcmmayheimplemented incoax,helicalline,andstriplinc. JJ TheferriteFaraday rotator,whichwasmentioned aboveasbeingapartofthedual-modc phaseshifter,alsohasbeenappliedasanelectronic phaseshifter.33.3MItistheequivalent ofthe mechanical Foxphaseshifter.39Otherexamples of phase shiftersareahelicalslow-wave structure eithersurrounded byorsurrounding aferritetoroid,40.41 atransversely magnetized slahofferriteinrectangular waveguide,42.43 abuckingrotatorphaseshifter,"" circularpolari­ zationbetween quarter-wave plates,44 areciprocal, polarization-insensitive phaseshifterfor reftectarrays,45 wideband phaseshifters,46 andphaseshiftersthatoperateatUHF:nFerritcs havealsobeenusedincontinuous aperture scanning whereaphasechangeisprovided across anaperture withoutsubdividing itintoseparate elements.
Sampled-Data Operation.2'4'6 To overcome the limitation of tying up an il- luminator for the duration of a semiactive engagement, a single radar can be time- shared among several missiles. This generally implies a phased array radar, al- though mechanically scanned track-while-scan (TWS) radars can provide this option in some cases. The advent of phased array radars permitted a single transmitter to illuminate many targets by sequentially stepping its agile beam from one target to the next.
It places a virtual short circuit across the capacitor bank to transfer the stored energy by means of a switch which is not damaged by the momentary short-circuit conditions. The name is derived from the analogous action of placing a heavy conductor, like a crowbar, directly across the capacitor bank. Hydrogen thyratrons, ignitrons, and spark-gaps have been used as switches.
M .. and C. N.
Van Baelen and A. D. Richmond, “Radar interferometry technique: Three-dimensional wind measurement theory,” Radio Sci., vol.
(ii) The InSAR results are validated by 56 leveling benchmarks. (iii) We study the influence of natural conditions and human activities on land subsidence and their interrelationships. 2.
46. J. Frichel and F.
Remote. Sens. Lett.
29, no.3, pp. 834–863, July 1993. ch08.indd 42 12/20/07 12:52:56 PMDownloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
A new algorithm for surface deformation monitoring based on small baseline di fferential SAR interferograms. IEEE T rans. Geosci.
The sizes ofL,,L,,and R,depend upon how quickly itis desired tobring thetail ofthepulse down tozero once thegrid drive has been removed, and also onhow much energy one iswilling towaste in these elements during thepulse. There exists anupper limit tothe size ofthe coupling condenser, because avery large capacity would take longer torecharge fully after a pulse. Given afixed pulse rate and recharging impedance, anincrease incoupling capacity will beaccompanied byanincrease inthe no-load tofull-load voltage ratio.
S., Jr.: Mutual Impedance Effects in Large Beam Scanning Arrays, IRE Truti.~., vol. AI'-8, pp. 276-285.
Half power and 71 percent field strength correspond to -3 dB; quarterpower and 50 percent field strength correspond to -6 dB. Figure 1.2 - Free space radiation pattern.frequencyspeed of radar waves wavelength--------------------------------------------------= frequency300 000 km, ondsec---------------------------------0.000032 km cycle---------------------------------- - ÷ frequency 9375megahertz= = . 5The radiation diagram illustrated in figure 1.3 depicts relative values of power in the same plane existing at the same distances from the antenna orthe origin of the radar beam.
Table 8.1shows the comparison between the different centimetric systems in use with Coastal Command for long range surveillance at that time. 8.1.2 ASV for Coastal Command strike aircraft and FAA Smaller 3 cm ASV systems were also developed in the UK, for use in Coastal Command strike aircraft and the Fleet Air Arm (FAA). These ASV systemsincluded the following: ASV Mk.
O'Hara, F. J., and G. M.