#!/bin/bash # Install script for Anaconda environments on macOS and linux. # This script is not supposed to be called directly, but should be run by: # # $ cd <path to ideep, e.g. ~/ideep> # $ conda build conda # # # If you're debugging this, it may be useful to use the env that conda build is # using: # $ cd <anaconda_root>/conda-bld/ideep_<timestamp> # $ source activate _h_env_... # some long path with lots of placeholders # # Also, failed builds will accumulate those ideep_<timestamp> directories. You # can remove them after a succesfull build with # $ conda build purge # git submodule update --init mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/.local .. cd ../python python install
#!/bin/bash curl -sc /tmp/cookie "" > /dev/null CODE="$(awk '/_warning_/ {print $NF}' /tmp/cookie)" curl -Lb /tmp/cookie "${CODE}&id=1VRtI6_5gQZINHm1YsNrnpipscQQm0niC" -o resources.tar.gz tar -zxvf resources.tar.gz rm resources.tar.gz echo Download finished.
#!/bin/bash find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/AGP_LATEST/libs.androidGradlePlugin/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/LINT_CORE/libs.androidLint/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/LINT_API_LATEST/libs.androidLintApi/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/LINT_TESTS/libs.androidLintTests/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/AUTO_COMMON/libs.autoCommon/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/AUTO_SERVICE_ANNOTATIONS/libs.autoServiceAnnotations/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/AUTO_SERVICE_PROCESSOR/libs.autoService/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/AUTO_VALUE_ANNOTATIONS/libs.autoValueAnnotations/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/AUTO_VALUE_PARCEL/libs.autoValueParcel/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/AUTO_VALUE/libs.autoValue/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/ANTLR/libs.antlr4/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/APACHE_COMMONS_CODEC/libs.apacheCommonsCodec/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/ASSERTJ/libs.assertj/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/CHECKER_FRAMEWORK/libs.checkerframework/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/DAGGER/libs.dagger/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/DEXMAKER_MOCKITO/libs.dexmakerMockito/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/DEXMAKER_MOCKITO_INLINE/libs.dexmakerMockitoInline/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/ESPRESSO_CONTRIB/libs.espressoContrib/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/ESPRESSO_CORE/libs.espressoCore/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/ESPRESSO_IDLING_NET/libs.espressoIdlingNet/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/ESPRESSO_IDLING_RESOURCE/libs.espressoIdlingResource/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/ESPRESSO_INTENTS/libs.espressoIntents/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/ESPRESSO_WEB/libs.espressoWeb/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/FINDBUGS/libs.findbugs/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/FIREBASE_APPINDEXING/libs.firebaseAppindexing/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/HILT_ANDROID/libs.hiltAndroid/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/HILT_ANDROID_TESTING/libs.hiltAndroidTesting/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/HILT_ANDROID_GRADLE_PLUGIN/libs.hiltAndroidGradlePlugin/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/HILT_COMPILER/libs.hiltCompiler/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/HILT_CORE/libs.hiltCore/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/INTELLIJ_ANNOTATIONS/libs.intellijAnnotations/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/JAVAPOET/libs.javapoet/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/JSQLPARSER/libs.jsqlparser/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/JSR250/libs.jsr250/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/GCM_NETWORK_MANAGER/libs.gcmNetworkManager/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/GOOGLE_COMPILE_TESTING/libs.googleCompileTesting/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/GSON/libs.gson/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/GUAVA_ANDROID/libs.guavaAndroid/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/GUAVA_LISTENABLE_FUTURE/libs.guavaListenableFuture/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/GRADLE_INCAP_HELPER_PROCESSOR/libs.gradleIncapHelperProcessor/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/GRADLE_INCAP_HELPER/libs.gradleIncapHelper/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLIN_ANNOTATION_PROCESSING_EMBEDDABLE/libs.kotlinAnnotationProcessingEmbeddable/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLIN_COMPILER_EMBEDDABLE/libs.kotlinCompilerEmbeddable/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLIN_COMPILE_TESTING_KSP/libs.kotlinCompileTestingKsp/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLIN_COMPILE_TESTING/libs.kotlinCompileTesting/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLIN_COROUTINES_ANDROID/libs.kotlinCoroutinesAndroid/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLIN_COROUTINES_SWING/libs.kotlinCoroutinesSwing/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLIN_COROUTINES_CORE/libs.kotlinCoroutinesCore/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLIN_COROUTINES_GUAVA/libs.kotlinCoroutinesGuava/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLIN_COROUTINES_TEST/libs.kotlinCoroutinesTest/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLIN_COROUTINES_RX2/libs.kotlinCoroutinesRx2/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLIN_COROUTINES_RX3/libs.kotlinCoroutinesRx3/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLIN_COMPILER_DAEMON_EMBEDDABLE/libs.kotlinDaemonEmbeddable/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLIN_METADATA_JVM/libs.kotlinMetadataJvm/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLIN_STDLIB_COMMON/libs.kotlinStdlibCommon/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLIN_STDLIB_JDK8/libs.kotlinStdlibJdk8/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLIN_STDLIB_JS/libs.kotlinStdlibJs/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLIN_STDLIB/libs.kotlinStdlib/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLIN_TEST_ANNOTATIONS_COMMON/libs.kotlinTestAnnotationsCommon/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLIN_TEST_COMMON/libs.kotlinTestCommon/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLIN_TEST_JUNIT/libs.kotlinTestJunit/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLIN_TEST_JS/libs.kotlinTestJs/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLIN_TEST/libs.kotlinTest/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLIN_REFLECT/libs.kotlinReflect/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLINPOET_METADATA/libs.kotlinPoetMetadata/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLINPOET_METADATA_SPECS/libs.kotlinPoetMetadataSpecs/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLINPOET_CLASSINSPECTOR_ELEMENTS/libs.kotlinPoetClassinspector/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/KOTLINPOET/libs.kotlinPoet/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/LEAKCANARY_INSTRUMENTATION/libs.leakcanaryInstrumentation/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/LEAKCANARY/libs.leakcanary/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/MATERIAL/libs.material/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/MOCKITO_CORE/libs.mockitoCore/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/MOCKITO_ANDROID/libs.mockitoAndroid/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/MOCKITO_KOTLIN/libs.mockitoKotlin/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/MULTIDEX/libs.multidex/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/NULLAWAY/libs.nullaway/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/OKHTTP_MOCKWEBSERVER/libs.okhttpMockwebserver/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/PLAY_CORE/libs.playCore/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/PLAY_SERVICES_BASE/libs.playServicesBase/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/PROTOBUF_COMPILER/libs.protobufCompiler/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/PROTOBUF_LITE/libs.protobufLite/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/PROTOBUF/libs.protobuf/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/REACTIVE_STREAMS/libs.reactiveStreams/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/RETROFIT/libs.retrofit/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/ROBOLECTRIC/libs.robolectric/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/RX_JAVA3/libs.rxjava3/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/RX_JAVA/libs.rxjava2/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/SQLDELIGHT_ANDROID/libs.sqldelightAndroid/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/SQLDELIGHT_COROUTINES_EXT/libs.sqldelightCoroutinesExt/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/ANDROIDX_TEST_CORE/libs.testCore/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/ANDROIDX_TEST_EXT_JUNIT/libs.testExtJunit/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/ANDROIDX_TEST_EXT_KTX/libs.testExtJunitKtx/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/ANDROIDX_TEST_EXT_TRUTH/libs.testExtTruth/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/ANDROIDX_TEST_MONITOR/libs.testMonitor/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/ANDROIDX_TEST_RULES/libs.testRules/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/ANDROIDX_TEST_RUNNER/libs.testRunner/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/ANDROIDX_TEST_UIAUTOMATOR/libs.testUiautomator/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/TRUTH/libs.truth/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/VIEW_BINDING/libs.viewBinding/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/WIRE_RUNTIME/libs.wireRuntime/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/XERIAL/libs.xerial/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/XPP3/libs.xpp3/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/XMLPULL/libs.xmlpull/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/JUNIT/libs.junit/" find -iname build.gradle | xargs sed -i "s/GUAVA/libs.guava/"
#!/bin/bash # Name of Schema SCHEMA_NAME=ILA # Name of default workspace that applications are associated with APEX_WORKSPACE=ILA # Comma delimited list of APEX Applications to export. Ex: 100,200 APEX_APP_IDS=123 # File extensions # Will be used throughought the scripts to generate lists of packages, views, etc from the filesystem EXT_PACKAGE_SPEC=pks EXT_PACKAGE_BODY=pkb EXT_VIEW=sql # File Mappings # This will be used in VSCode to allow for quick generate of a given file based on template data # Format: # <name>:<template_file prefix (no extension)>:<file extensions (; delimited)>:<destination directory> # # Definitions: # - name: Name that will be mapped to VSCode task # - template file: Template file prefix to use (no extension) # - file extensions: ";" delimited list of file extensions to reference each template file # - destination directory: where to store the new file OBJECT_FILE_TEMPLATE_MAP="" OBJECT_FILE_TEMPLATE_MAP="$OBJECT_FILE_TEMPLATE_MAP,package:templates/template_pkg:$EXT_PACKAGE_SPEC;$EXT_PACKAGE_BODY:packages" OBJECT_FILE_TEMPLATE_MAP="$OBJECT_FILE_TEMPLATE_MAP,view:templates/template_view:$EXT_VIEW:views" OBJECT_FILE_TEMPLATE_MAP="$OBJECT_FILE_TEMPLATE_MAP,data_array:templates/template_data_array:sql:data" OBJECT_FILE_TEMPLATE_MAP="$OBJECT_FILE_TEMPLATE_MAP,data_json:templates/template_data_json:sql:data"
#!/bin/bash if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo “This script must be run as root” 2>&1 exit 1 fi rm -rf /usr/share/4gindicator rm -f /usr/share/applications/4gindicator.desktop rm -f /etc/xdg/autostart/4gindicator.desktop rm -f /usr/local/bin/4gindicator
#!/bin/bash GLE_DIR=$1 if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then echo "Illegal number of parameters: need GLE src path" exit 1 fi # how to add a new version: # make sure GLE repo is available. # 1. Add 2 lines in this file, section 2. # 2. Change pom.xml with the new version ####################################### # 1. create begin section # ####################################### rm -rf com/tigergraph/* mkdir -p com/tigergraph/client cat <<EOT >> com/tigergraph/client/ package com.tigergraph.client; import; public class Driver { public static void main(String[] args) { String Gsql_Client_Version= System.getenv("GSQL_CLIENT_VERSION"); if (Gsql_Client_Version == null) { Gsql_Client_Version = System.getProperty("GSQL_CLIENT_VERSION"); } if (Gsql_Client_Version == null) { Gsql_Client_Version = ""; } // do two loops: 1st to try the given Gsql_Client_Version; // 2nd is to try each one except the given Gsql_Client_Version String Supported_Versions=""; for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++) { if ( i==2) { System.out.println( "Supported Versions ( " + Supported_Versions +")"); System.out.println( "You may use 'GSQL_CLIENT_VERSION=v? java ...' or \n 'java -DGSQL_CLIENT_VERSION=v? ...' to specify the version"); } EOT ######################################################################## # 2. add each version. Make sure we can CD to the first GLE directory. # ######################################################################## cd $GLE_DIR; git pull && git checkout tg_2.6.0_dev; cd - # client path branch/tag version_string is_tag? ./ $GLE_DIR tg_2.6.0_dev v2_6_0 ./ $GLE_DIR tg_2.5.2_dev v2_5_2 ./ $GLE_DIR tg_2.5.0_dev v2_5_0 ./ $GLE_DIR tg_2.4.1_dev v2_4_1 ./ $GLE_DIR tg_2.4.0_dev v2_4_0 ./ $GLE_DIR tg_2.3.2_dev v2_3_2 ###################################### # 3. finish endi section # ###################################### cat <<EOT >> com/tigergraph/client/ } } // end main } EOT # Continue with " mvn package "
#!/bin/sh CUR_PATH=`pwd` cd third_party sh -x && \ cd $CUR_PATH && \ mkdir -p build && \ mkdir -p output && \ cd build && \ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$CUR_PATH/output .. && \ make -j 4 && \ make install && \ exit 0 exit 1
#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC2059,SC2230 # makes windows work with bazel's prefix for targets export MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL="//" fmt="\nBuilding with %s\n" if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "windows" ]; then CCWARN=('--copt=-Wall') else CCWARN=('--copt=-Wall' '--copt=-Wextra' '--copt=-Werror') fi set -e printf "$fmt" "Uncompressed tables and 128-bit types allowed" bazel build "${CCWARN[@]}" //doubleback/... printf "$fmt" "64-bit only, 128-bit types not allowed" bazel build "${CCWARN[@]}" --copt=-DRYU_ONLY_64_BIT_OPS //doubleback/... printf "$fmt" "Compressed tables" bazel build "${CCWARN[@]}" --copt=-DRYU_OPTIMIZE_SIZE //doubleback/... printf "$fmt" "Compressed tables, 64-bit only, 128-bit types not allowed" bazel build "${CCWARN[@]}" --copt=-DRYU_OPTIMIZE_SIZE --copt=-DRYU_ONLY_64_BIT_OPS //doubleback/... printf "$fmt" "64-bit only (no 128-bit) and optimize for 32-bit platform" bazel build "${CCWARN[@]}" --copt=-DRYU_ONLY_64_BIT_OPS --copt=-DRYU_32_BIT_PLATFORM //doubleback/... if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "windows" ]; then printf "Skipping static analysis on windows.\n" exit 0 fi if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "osx" ]; then # note: if you want to enable osx, add llvm to the homebrew package list in .travis.yml # and add /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin to PATH. printf "Skipping static analysis on osx.\n" exit 0 fi CC=gcc CCOPTS=('-Wall' '-Wextra' '-Werror' '-std=c99') CHECK="scan-build" if [ -n "$(which $CHECK)" ]; then "$CHECK" "$CC" "${CCOPTS[@]}" -I . -c doubleback/dfmt.c -o dfmt.o "$CHECK" "$CC" "${CCOPTS[@]}" -I . -c doubleback/dparse.c -o dparse.o rm dfmt.o dparse.o else printf "Skipping static analysis, %s not installed.\n" "$CHECK" fi printf "Finished build.\n"
set -e ### Part of automated testing: only required when this script is called via vm run-command invoke inorder to gather the parameters ### for args in "$@" do keyname=$(echo $args | cut -d ':' -f 1) result=$(echo $args | cut -d ':' -f 2) export $keyname=$result done # login using the user assigned identity. az login --identity -u /subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION/resourceGroups/$RESOURCE_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/$IDENTITY_NAME az account set --subscription $SUBSCRIPTION az configure --defaults group=$RESOURCE_GROUP workspace=$WORKSPACE location=$LOCATION # <build_image> # Navigate to the samples cd /home/samples/azureml-examples/cli/$ENV_DIR_PATH # login to acr. Optionally, to avoid using sudo, complete the docker post install steps: sudo az acr login -n $ACR_NAME # Build the docker image with the sample docker file sudo docker build -t $$IMAGE_NAME:v1 . # push the image to the ACR sudo docker push $$IMAGE_NAME:v1 # check if the image exists in acr az acr repository show -n $ACR_NAME --repository repo/$IMAGE_NAME # </build_image>
#!/bin/bash sudo mkdir /var/www/proak-dota2 sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/proak-dota2 cd /var/www/proak-dota2 sudo npm install sudo service dota2 restart
#!/bin/bash # linux-install-scripts # # Copyright 2020-2021 Mark Stephen Sobkow [email protected] # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # sudo apt-get install git aptitude ssh zip unzip bzip2 gzip unrar lzip lrzip p7zip-rar rar dpkg apt libc-bin bash findutils gnupg2 gnupg-agent vim-common manpages texlive-binaries docbook-xsl-doc-html docbook-xsl-doc-pdf docbook-xsl-doc-text docbook-xsl-saxon aspell-doc spellutils exfat-utils f2fs-tools npm setserial ir-keytable cifs-utils tcl-tclreadline psutils sysstat memstat samba smbclient ssh-askpass csh dnsutils
#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e PKGS=$(go list ./... | grep -v '/vendor') set -e echo "mode: atomic" > coverage.txt for pkg in ${PKGS[@]}; do go test -v -timeout 30m -race -coverprofile=profile.out -covermode=atomic "$pkg" if [ -f profile.out ]; then tail -n +2 profile.out >> coverage.txt; rm profile.out fi done
if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then sudo ../tomcat/bin/ exit fi exec ../tomcat/bin/
#!/bin/sh # # This file is part of LXE project. See LICENSE file for licensing information. ( PKG=protobuf PKG_VERSION=${PROTOBUF_VER} PKG_SUBDIR=${PKG}-${PKG_VERSION} PKG_FILE=${PKG_SUBDIR}.tar.gz PKG_URL="${PKG_VERSION}/protobuf-cpp-${PKG_VERSION}.tar.gz" PKG_DEPS="gcc zlib" [ ! -z "${GCC_EXTRA_VER}" ] && PKG_DEPS="${PKG_DEPS} gcc-extra" CheckPkgVersion CheckSourcesAndDependencies if IsBuildRequired then PrintSystemInfo BeginOfPkgBuild UnpackSources cd "${PKG_SRC_DIR}" cp -aT "${PKG_SUBDIR}" "${PKG_SUBDIR}-native-build" # Native build PKG_SUBDIR=${PKG}-${PKG_VERSION}-native-build PrepareBuild SetBuildFlags SetSystemPath UnsetCrossToolchainVariables ConfigurePkg \ --prefix="${PREFIX}" \ --enable-static \ --disable-shared BuildPkg -j ${JOBS} cp -a "${BUILD_DIR}/${PKG_SUBDIR}/src/protoc" "${PREFIX}/bin/" CleanPkgBuildDir CleanPkgSrcDir # End of native build PKG_SUBDIR=${PKG}-${PKG_VERSION} PrepareBuild SetBuildFlags "${GCC_EXTRA_VER}" UpdateGCCSymlinks "${GCC_EXTRA_VER}" SetCrossToolchainVariables "${GCC_EXTRA_VER}" SetCrossToolchainPath if IsVer1GreaterOrEqualToVer2 "${LIBTOOL_VER}" "2.4.2" then cd "${PKG_SRC_DIR}/${PKG_SUBDIR}" ./ &>> "${LOG_DIR}/${PKG_SUBDIR}/configure.log" CheckFail "${LOG_DIR}/${PKG_SUBDIR}/configure.log" fi ConfigureAutotoolsProject \ --with-zlib BuildPkg -j ${JOBS} InstallPkg install CleanPkgBuildDir CleanPkgSrcDir UpdateGCCSymlinks fi )
#!/bin/bash -eu # # Copyright 2011 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ################################################################################ # # Run the Closure compiler on GameBuilder Javascript library to produce a final # compiled version. readonly GAMEBUILDER="${GAMEBUILDER:-$(pwd)}" readonly CLOSURE_LIBRARY="${GAMEBUILDER}/third_party/closure-library" readonly CLOSURE_BUILDER="${CLOSURE_LIBRARY}/closure/bin/build/" readonly CLOSURE_COMPILER="${GAMEBUILDER}/third_party/closure-compiler" readonly CLOSURE_COMPILER_JAR="${CLOSURE_COMPILER}/compiler.jar" # Externally-passed in flags via environment. readonly COMPILER_FLAGS="${COMPILER_FLAGS:-}" err_exit() { echo -e "$(basename $0): $@" >&2 exit 1 } notfound_err_exit() { err_exit "$1 not found; run\ntools/" } if [ ! -d ${CLOSURE_LIBRARY} ]; then notfound_err_exit "directory ${CLOSURE_LIBRARY}" elif [ ! -x "${CLOSURE_BUILDER}" ]; then notfound_err_exit "${CLOSURE_BUILDER}" elif [ ! -d "${CLOSURE_COMPILER}" ]; then notfound_err_exit "directory ${CLOSURE_COMPILER}" elif [ ! -f "${CLOSURE_COMPILER_JAR}" ]; then notfound_err_exit "Closure compiler jar ${CLOSURE_COMPILER_JAR}" fi jscomp_error_flags() { readonly ERROR_CLASSES="\ accessControls ambiguousFunctionDecl checkRegExp checkTypes checkVars \ constantProperty deprecated es5Strict externsValidation fileoverviewTags \ globalThis internetExplorerChecks invalidCasts missingProperties \ nonStandardJsDocs strictModuleDepCheck typeInvalidation undefinedVars \ unknownDefines uselessCode visibility" for class in $ERROR_CLASSES; do echo "-f" "--jscomp_error=$class" done } readonly COMPILER_DBG="\ -o script \ -f --compilation_level=WHITESPACE_ONLY \ -f --debug \ -f --formatting=PRETTY_PRINT \ " readonly COMPILER_OPT1="\ -o compiled \ -f --compilation_level=SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS \ -f --formatting=PRETTY_PRINT \ " readonly COMPILER_OPT2="\ -o compiled \ -f --compilation_level=ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS \ " COMPILER_DBG_OR_OPT="${COMPILER_OPT2}" while getopts 'dO:' OPTION "${COMPILER_FLAGS}"; do case $OPTION in d) COMPILER_DBG_OR_OPT="${COMPILER_DBG}" ;; O) if [ ${OPTARG} -eq 1 ]; then COMPILER_DBG_OR_OPT="${COMPILER_OPT1}" elif [ ${OPTARG} -eq 2 ]; then COMPILER_DBG_OR_OPT="${COMPILER_OPT2}" else err_exit "invalid flag value -O ${OPTARG} (allowed: 1, 2)" fi ;; *) exit 1 ;; esac done ${CLOSURE_BUILDER} \ --compiler_jar=${CLOSURE_COMPILER_JAR} \ --root=${CLOSURE_LIBRARY} \ --root=${GAMEBUILDER}/src/js \ "$@" \ ${COMPILER_DBG_OR_OPT} \ -f "--generate_exports" \ -f "--warning_level=VERBOSE" \ $(jscomp_error_flags)
#!/usr/bin/env bash test "the compilation of shared files built with different flags" \ "cp ../assets/" \ "cp ../assets/say_hello.f hello1.f" \ "cp ../assets/say_hello.f hello2.f" \ "cp ../assets/say_hello.f hello3.f" \ "cp ../assets/greetings.f ." \ "$MAKE standard" \ "$MAKE | grep greetings.o | wc -l" \ should_output "3" test "the recompilation of a modified program that uses shared files" \ "cp ../assets/" \ "cp ../assets/say_hello.f hello1.f" \ "cp ../assets/say_hello.f hello2.f" \ "cp ../assets/say_hello.f hello3.f" \ "cp ../assets/greetings.f ." \ "$MAKE standard" \ "$MAKE" \ "touch src/hello1.f" \ "$MAKE | grep \"is up to date\" | wc -l >> results.txt" \ "touch src/hello2.f" \ "$MAKE | grep \"is up to date\" | wc -l >> results.txt" \ "touch src/hello3.f" \ "$MAKE | grep \"is up to date\" | wc -l >> results.txt" \ "cat results.txt" \ should_output "2\n2\n2" test "the recompilation of a modified shared file" \ "cp ../assets/" \ "cp ../assets/say_hello.f hello1.f" \ "cp ../assets/say_hello.f hello2.f" \ "cp ../assets/say_hello.f hello3.f" \ "cp ../assets/greetings.f ." \ "$MAKE standard" \ "$MAKE" \ "touch src/greetings.f" \ "$MAKE | grep \"greetings.o\" | wc -l" \ should_output "3" test "that there is no unnecessary recompilations when using shared files" \ "cp ../assets/" \ "cp ../assets/say_hello.f hello1.f" \ "cp ../assets/say_hello.f hello2.f" \ "cp ../assets/say_hello.f hello3.f" \ "cp ../assets/greetings.f ." \ "$MAKE standard" \ "$MAKE" \ "$MAKE | grep \"is up to date\" | wc -l" \ should_output "3" test "that there is a recompilation caused by the use of new flags when using shared files" \ "cp ../assets/" \ "cp ../assets/say_hello.f hello1.f" \ "cp ../assets/say_hello.f hello2.f" \ "cp ../assets/say_hello.f hello3.f" \ "cp ../assets/greetings.f ." \ "$MAKE standard" \ "$MAKE" \ "$MAKE CPPFLAGS=-Dbla | grep \"is up to date\" | wc -l >> results.txt" \ "$MAKE" \ "$MAKE CFLAGS=-Wall | grep \"is up to date\" | wc -l >> results.txt" \ "$MAKE" \ "$MAKE CXXFLAGS=-Wall | grep \"is up to date\" | wc -l >> results.txt" \ "$MAKE" \ "$MAKE FFLAGS=-Wall | grep \"is up to date\" | wc -l >> results.txt" \ "$MAKE" \ "cat results.txt" \ should_output "0\n3\n3\n0"
alias ls='exa' alias lsa='exa -lah' alias eagle_eye='exa --tree --level=2' # alias eagle_eye_n='exa --tree --level=$1' # TODO: fix the "$1" parameter, it doesn't get recognized. Maybe this helps: alias eagle_eye_long='exa --tree --level=2 --long' # alias eagle_eye_long_n='exa --tree --level=$1 --long' TODO: fix the same error as 'eagle_eye_n'
# Autocompletion for kops (Kubernetes Operations), # the command line interface to get a production grade # Kubernetes cluster up and running # Author: if [ $commands[kops] ]; then source <(kops completion zsh) fi
#wget echo Get the xdf RevoScaleR file in your browser:
#!/usr/bin/env bash ROOT=$(cd $(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") && cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" && pwd) source "${ROOT}/build-support/" function usage() { echo "Checks import sort order for python files, optionally fixing incorrect" echo "sorts." echo echo "Usage: $0 (-h|-f)" echo " -h print out this help message" echo " -f instead of erroring on files with bad import sort order, fix" echo " those files" if (( $# > 0 )); then die "$@" else exit 0 fi } isort_args=( --check-only ) while getopts "hf" opt do case ${opt} in h) usage ;; f) isort_args=() ;; *) usage "Invalid option: -${OPTARG}" ;; esac done REQUIREMENTS=( "isort==3.9.5" ) VENV_DIR="${ROOT}/build-support/isort.venv" function fingerprint_data() { openssl md5 | cut -d' ' -f2 } function activate_venv() { source "${VENV_DIR}/bin/activate" } function create_venv() { rm -rf "${VENV_DIR}" "${ROOT}/build-support/virtualenv" "${VENV_DIR}" } function activate_isort() { for req in ${REQUIREMENTS[@]} do fingerprint="$(echo "${fingerprint}${req}" | fingerprint_data)" done bootsrapped_file="${VENV_DIR}/BOOTSTRAPPED.${fingerprint}" if ! [ -f "${bootsrapped_file}" ] then create_venv || die "Failed to create venv." activate_venv || die "Failed to activate venv." for req in ${REQUIREMENTS[@]} do pip install --quiet ${req} || die "Failed to install requirements from ${req}." done touch "${bootsrapped_file}" else activate_venv || die "Failed to activate venv." fi } activate_isort isort ${isort_args[@]} --recursive src tests pants-plugins examples
#!/bin/bash CYAN="\e[0;36m" CLEAR="\e[0m" SECTION_START="\e[0Ksection_start:the_time:section_id\r\e[0K${CYAN}section_header${CLEAR}" SECTION_END="\e[0Ksection_end:the_time:section_id\r\e[0K" section_start() { local section_header section_id start start="$SECTION_START" if [[ "$#" -eq 1 ]]; then section_header="$1" section_id="$(echo "$1" | tr -c '[:alnum:]\n\r' '_')" elif [[ "$#" -eq 2 ]]; then if [[ "$2" =~ -{0,2}collapsed ]]; then start="${start/section_id/section_id[collapsed=true]}" section_header="$1" section_id="$(echo "$1" | tr -c '[:alnum:]\n\r' '_')" else section_header="$2" section_id="$1" fi elif [[ "$#" -eq 3 && "$3" =~ /^-{0,2}collapsed$/ ]]; then start="${start/section_id/section_id[collapsed=true]}" section_header="$2" section_id="$1" else echo "section_start should be called with 1-3 args but it was called with $#" echo "acceptable usages:" echo " 1. section_start \"<section-start-id>\" \"<section-header>\"" echo " 2. section_start \"<section-header>\"" echo " 3. section_start \"<section-start-id>\" \"<section-header>\" --collapse" echo " 4. section_start \"<section-header>\" --collapse" echo "where <section-start-id> is only alphanumeric characters and underscore and" echo "--collapse indicates that you would like those log steps to be collapsed in the job log output by default" exit 9 fi start_time=$(date +%s) start="$(echo "$start" | sed -e "s/the_time/$start_time/" -e "s/section_id/$section_id/" -e "s/section_header/$section_header/")" echo -e "$start" date +"[%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3N] section start" } section_end() { local section_id end date +"[%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3N] section end" end="$SECTION_END" if [[ "$#" -eq 1 ]]; then section_id="$(echo "$1" | tr -c '[:alnum:]\n\r' '_')" else echo "section_end should be called with 1 arg but it was called with $#" echo "acceptable usage:" echo " 1. section_end \"<section-start-id>\"" echo " 2. section_start \"<section-header>\"" echo "where <section-start-id> or <section-header> is that of the section this marks the end of" exit 9 fi end_time=$(date +%s) end="$(echo "$end" | sed -e "s/the_time/$end_time/" -e "s/section_id/$section_id/")" echo -e "$end" }
#!/bin/bash SPARK_VERSION='spark-2.1.1/spark-2.1.1-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz' # 'eth0:1' is the private IP network interface on Linode. # Change this if deploying on a different machine or cloud. BIND_TO_NETWORK_INTERFACE='eth0:1' # Prepare the system to run this script. init() { apt-get -y update apt-get -y install tmux jq curl wget tar bc mkdir -p /root/spark mkdir -p /root/spark/data mkdir -p /root/spark/data/historydata mkdir -p /root/spark/data/targetdata mkdir -p /root/spark/data/spark-events mkdir -p /root/spark/data/spark-csv } install_master() { install_master_node_prerequisites install_recommender_app install_spark "/root/spark/stockspark" # Since master script will requires non-interactive ssh access to slaves when job is started, # we'll create a private key here. if [ ! -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa ]; then ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N "" -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa fi } install_master_node_prerequisites() { # Install sbt repo echo "deb /" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv 2EE0EA64E40A89B84B2DF73499E82A75642AC823 apt-get -y update apt-get -y install openjdk-8-jre-headless dstat python3 python3-pip git # Create Python environment for recommender app. pip3 install google-api-python-client beautifulsoup4 feedparser PyYAML requests apt-get -y install sbt } # $1 -> Target installation directory where Spark will be installed install_spark() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Error: Missing target directory" return 1 fi local target_dir="$1" mkdir -p "$target_dir" # Get the Apache mirror path. cd "$target_dir" local mirror_info=$(curl "$SPARK_VERSION?as_json=1") local spark_url="$(echo "$mirror_info" | jq --raw-output '.preferred')" local spark_path="$(echo "$mirror_info" | jq --raw-output '.path_info')" spark_url="$spark_url$spark_path" echo "Downloading: $spark_url" wget -O spark.tgz "$spark_url" tar -xzv -f spark.tgz local archive_root_dir="$(tar -tzf spark.tgz|head -1|sed 's|/.*||')" local installed_dir="$(echo "$target_dir/$archive_root_dir"|tr -s '/')" cp "/root/spark/recommender/deploy/spark-defaults.conf" "$archive_root_dir/conf/" cp "/root/spark/recommender/deploy/" "$archive_root_dir/conf/" configure_spark_memory "$installed_dir" echo "Spark installed in: $installed_dir" } # $1 -> Spark installation directory. configure_spark_memory() { # For cluster mode, the settings will go into conf/spark-defaults.conf and # conf/ # In cluster mode, there are 4 processes running on master node: # 1) The Master daemon # 2) The Worker daemon # 3) The Executor process # 4) The Driver process # # - use SPARK_DAEMON_MEMORY to set Xmx for master daemon # - the same SPARK_DAEMON_MEMORY sets Xmx for worker daemon. # - use SPARK_WORKER_MEMORY to set maximum memory across all executors. In our case, there's just 1 executor. # - use SPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY or "spark.executor.memory" to set Xmx for executor process. # - use "--driver-memory" or "spark.driver.memory" to set Xmx for driver process. # # Master and Worker daemons are only for job management, resource allocation, etc. So they don't need high Xmx. # Executor does all the computation tasks; it should have high Xmx. # But specifically for our LDA app, there is a resource-heavy collect in the driver process. So driver process # too should have high Xmx. # The split will be # 1GB for Master Daemon, # 1GB for Worker daemon, # 8GB for other OS processes, NFS and caches, # (RAM-10)/2 each for executor # (RAM-10)/2 for driver process. local spark_dir="$1" local system_ram_mb=$(grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -I {} echo "{}/1024" | bc) local other_mem_mb=8192 local master_mem_mb=1024 local worker_mem_mb=1024 local remaining_mem_mb=$(($system_ram_mb - $other_mem_mb - $master_mem_mb - $worker_mem_mb)) local executor_mem_mb=$(echo "scale=0;$remaining_mem_mb / 2" | bc) local driver_mem_mb=$(echo "scale=0;$remaining_mem_mb / 2" | bc) local env_file="$spark_dir/conf/" cp "$spark_dir/conf/" "$env_file" echo "export SPARK_DAEMON_MEMORY=$master_mem_mb"M >> "$env_file" echo "export SPARK_WORKER_MEMORY=$executor_mem_mb"M >> "$env_file" echo "export SPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY=$executor_mem_mb"M >> "$env_file" echo "export SPARK_DRIVER_MEMORY=$driver_mem_mb"M >> "$env_file" } install_recommender_app() { git clone /root/spark/recommender chmod +x /root/spark/recommender/app/ sed -i 's|^HISTORY_DIR.*$|HISTORY_DIR: /root/spark/data/historydata|' /root/spark/recommender/app/conf/conf.yml sed -i 's|^TARGET_DIR.*$|TARGET_DIR: /root/spark/data/targetdata|' /root/spark/recommender/app/conf/conf.yml # Build the LDA spark driver JAR. cd /root/spark/recommender/spark sbt compile sbt assembly cp target/scala-2.11/lda-prototype.jar /root/spark/ } # Runs the LDA job in local (ie, non-cluster) mode on the master itself. # $1 -> The directory where a spark installation exists to use for running this spark job. # $2 -> Training data directory (under /root/spark/data/historydata/) # $3 -> Targets data directory (under /root/spark/data/targetdata) # $4 -> Number of topics (k) # $5 -> Number of iterations # $6 -> Algorithm to use. "online"|"em" # $7 -> Path of a customs stop word list file run_lda_local() { local spark_dir="$1" if [ ! -f "$spark_dir/bin/spark-submit" ]; then echo "Error: $spark_dir does not seem to be a Spark installation." return 1 fi # Runs the LDA spark app in local execution mode on the master node. # The important settings are: # --driver-memory MEM : Sets maximum heap space -Xmx to MEM # --conf spark.driver.maxResultSize=SIZE: Some of the results like collect/take result in massive # results that exceed the default 1G size. local system_ram_mb=$(grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -I {} echo "{}/1024" | bc) # Set driver max heap space to 70% of system_ram_mb. For bc to give integer results, # the operation has to be a division. local driver_max_heap_mb=$(echo "scale=0;$system_ram_mb * 7/10" | bc) local max_result_size_mb=$(echo "scale=0;$driver_max_heap_mb * 1/2" | bc) local run_dir="/root/spark/data/master-$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S)" start_system_metrics "$run_dir" "$spark_dir/bin/spark-submit" --driver-memory "$driver_max_heap_mb"M \ --conf spark.driver.maxResultSize="$max_result_size_mb"M \ /root/spark/lda-prototype.jar \ "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6" 2>&1 | tee -a "$run_dir/stdlogs" # Wait for sometime before stopping metrics collection, because memory and disk # cleanup take some time. sleep 15 stop_system_metrics } # Starts the Spark master and a slave daemon on this machine's private IP address. # $1 -> The directory where a spark installation exists. start_cluster() { local spark_dir="$1" if [ ! -f "$spark_dir/sbin/" ]; then echo "Error: $spark_dir does not seem to be a Spark installation." return 1 fi # Master daemon uses SPARK_LOCAL_IP only for port 8080 (WebUI), # and --host for ports 6066 (REST endpoint) and 7077 (service) local private_ip=$(ip addr | grep "$BIND_TO_NETWORK_INTERFACE"$ | awk '{print $2}'|tr '/' ' ' | awk '{print $1}') SPARK_LOCAL_IP=$private_ip SPARK_PUBLIC_DNS=$private_ip \ "$spark_dir/sbin/" \ "--host $private_ip" sleep 10 SPARK_LOCAL_IP=$private_ip SPARK_PUBLIC_DNS=$private_ip "$spark_dir/sbin/" \ "--host $private_ip" "spark://$private_ip:7077" } # Stops the Spark master and slave daemons on this machine. # $1 -> The directory where a spark installation exists. stop_cluster() { local spark_dir="$1" if [ ! -f "$spark_dir/sbin/" ]; then echo "Error: $spark_dir does not seem to be a Spark installation." return 1 fi "$spark_dir/sbin/" "$spark_dir/sbin/" } # Runs the LDA job in cluster mode executing tasks across all worker nodes in the cluster. # $1 -> The directory where a spark installation exists to use for running this spark job. # $2 -> Training data directory (under /root/spark/data/historydata/) # $3 -> Targets data directory (under /root/spark/data/targetdata) # $4 -> Number of topics (k) # $5 -> Number of iterations # $6 -> Algorithm to use. "online"|"em" # $7 -> Path of a customs stop word list file run_lda_cluster() { local spark_dir="$1" if [ ! -f "$spark_dir/bin/spark-submit" ]; then echo "Error: $spark_dir does not seem to be a Spark installation." return 1 fi # Runs the LDA spark app in cluster execution mode on the master node. # In cluster mode, all the memory settings are set via conf/ and conf/spark-defaults.conf # Nothing needs to be set here. local run_time=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S) local run_dir="/root/spark/data/master-$run_time" start_system_metrics "$run_dir" start_system_metrics_on_slaves "$run_time" local private_ip=$(ip addr | grep "$BIND_TO_NETWORK_INTERFACE"$ | awk '{print $2}'|tr '/' ' ' | awk '{print $1}') "$spark_dir/bin/spark-submit" --master "spark://$private_ip:7077" \ /root/spark/lda-prototype.jar \ "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6" 2>&1 | tee -a "$run_dir/stdlogs" # Wait for sometime before stopping metrics collection, because memory and disk # cleanup take some time. sleep 15 stop_system_metrics stop_system_metrics_on_slaves } # Start system CPU and memory usage collection using dstat. # $1 -> Output metrics to this directory start_system_metrics() { local report_dir="$1" if [ -f "/root/.dstat_pid" ]; then echo "Error: Reporting is already started. Stop it first using stop-metrics or kill dstat process and delete /root/.dstat_pid" return 1 fi # Since dstat appends a bunch of headers and newlines on every call by default, the CSV file becomes # difficult to process. So prevent user from collecting to an existing file. if [ -d "$report_dir" ]; then echo "Error: Report directory already exists. Provide a different directory." return 1 fi mkdir -p "$report_dir" # Find number of processors. local num_cpus=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep '^processor' | wc -l) local cpu_ids="$(seq -s ',' 0 $((num_cpus - 1)))" # dstat output columns are: #--epoch--- -------cpu0-usage--------------cpu1-usage--------------cpu2-usage--------------cpu3-usage------- ------memory-usage----- # epoch |usr sys idl wai hiq siq:usr sys idl wai hiq siq:usr sys idl wai hiq siq:usr sys idl wai hiq siq| used buff cach free nohup dstat -T -c -C "$cpu_ids" -m --noheaders --output "$report_dir/dstat.csv" > /dev/null 2>&1 & local dstat_pid=$! echo "$dstat_pid" > "/root/.dstat_pid" # Collect disk free metrics. This is because Spark consumes 10s of GBs of /tmp for shuffle operations. nohup ./ collect-df "$report_dir/df.csv" 5 > /dev/null 2>&1 & local df_pid=$! echo "$df_pid" > "/root/.df_pid" echo "Started CPU, RAM, disk space collection to $report_dir" return 0 } stop_system_metrics() { if [ -f "/root/.dstat_pid" ]; then kill -9 "$(cat /root/.dstat_pid)" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Stopped dstat metrics collection" rm -f "/root/.dstat_pid" else echo "Unable to stop dstat metrics collection. Kill PID $(cat /root/.dstat_pid) manually." fi else echo "Error: Does not look like dstat is running" fi if [ -f "/root/.df_pid" ]; then kill -9 "$(cat /root/.df_pid)" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Stopped df metrics collection" rm -f "/root/.df_pid" else echo "Unable to stop df metrics collection. Kill PID $(cat /root/.df_pid) manually." fi else echo "Error: Does not look like df is running" fi } # $1 -> the run timestamp that master wants slaves to include in metrics directories. start_system_metrics_on_slaves() { while read slave_ip; do echo "Starting metrics on $slave_ip" local run_dir="/root/spark/data/slave-$slave_ip-$1" ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa "root@$slave_ip" /root/ start-metrics "$run_dir" done < /root/slaves } stop_system_metrics_on_slaves() { while read slave_ip; do echo "Stopping metrics on $slave_ip" ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa "root@$slave_ip" /root/ stop-metrics done < /root/slaves } # Periodically collects disk free stats for /dev/root # $1 -> Report file # $2 -> Interval between collections collect_df() { report_file=$1 interval=$2 while sleep "$interval"; do echo "$(date +%s) $(df -h | grep /dev/root)" | awk '{printf "%s,%s,%s,%s\n",$1,$3,$4,$5}' >> "$report_file" done } enable_nfs_sharing() { apt-get -y install nfs-kernel-server systemctl start nfs-kernel-server.service } disable_nfs_sharing() { systemctl stop nfs-kernel-server.service } # Add a Spark slave as permitted NFS client. This is called by the slave itself # when it's joining the cluster. # $1 => The private IP address of client. Example: add_slave() { ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa "root@$1" add_nfs_client "$1" touch "/root/slaves" grep "$1" "/root/slaves" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "$1" >> "/root/slaves" fi } # Remove a Spark slave as permitted NFS client. # $1 => The private IP address of client. Example: remove_slave() { remove_nfs_client "$1" sed -i -r "/^$1$/ d" "/root/slaves" } # Add a Spark slave as permitted NFS client. # $1 => The private IP address of client. add_nfs_client() { # /etc/exports allows the same directory to be repeated on multiple lines for different clients. # This makes grepping and adding or replacing much easier compared to having all clients on a # single line. # The /17 subnet after slave's IP address is required. local worker_ip="$1" grep '/root/spark/data' /etc/exports | grep $worker_ip if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "/root/spark/data $worker_ip/17(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)" > /etc/exports exportfs -a fi } # Remove a Spark slave as permitted NFS client. # $1 => The private IP address of client. remove_nfs_client() { # /etc/exports allows the same directory to be repeated on multiple lines for different clients. # This makes grepping and adding or replacing much easier compared to having all clients on a # single line. # The /17 subnet after slave's IP address is required. local worker_ip="$1" grep "$worker_ip" /etc/exports if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then sed -i -r "\|/root/spark/data.+$worker_ip.*$| d" /etc/exports exportfs -r -v fi } # For Spark to be able to use native linear algebra libraries like OpenBLAS or ATLAS, # it requires some additional JARs that are not packaged with it. # This function installs them under SPARK_DIR/jars/ # # $1 -> The Spark installation directory. It should have ./jars/ under it. install_spark_native_stack() { local spark_dir="$1" if [ -z "$spark_dir" ]; then echo "Error: Missing Spark installation directory" return 1 fi if [ ! -d "$spark_dir/jars" ]; then echo "Error: $spark_dir does not seem to be a Spark installation" return 1 fi # To integrate with native stacks, we need these additional JARS under SPARK_DIR/jars/ # 1. com.github.fommil.netlib:native_system-java:1.1 # 2. com.github.fommil.netlib:netlib-native_system-linux-x86_64:1.1 # 3. com.github.fommil:jniloader:1.1 wget -P "$spark_dir/jars/" \ '' \ '' \ '' } case "$1" in # Prepare the system to run this script. init) init ;; install-master) install_master ;; install-prereqs) install_master_node_prerequisites ;; install-spark) install_spark "$2" ;; config-memory) configure_spark_memory "$2" ;; install-spark-native) install_spark_native_stack "$2" ;; run-local) run_lda_local "${@:2}" ;; start-cluster) start_cluster "$2" ;; stop-cluster) stop_cluster "$2" ;; add-slave) add_slave "$2" ;; remove-slave) remove_slave "$2" ;; run-cluster) run_lda_cluster "${@:2}" ;; start-metrics) start_system_metrics "$2" ;; stop-metrics) stop_system_metrics ;; collect-df) collect_df "$2" "$3" ;; enable-nfs) enable_nfs_sharing ;; disable-nfs) disable_nfs_sharing ;; *) echo "Unknown command: $1" ;; esac
#!/bin/bash trap cleanup SIGINT list_descendants () { local pids=$(ps -o pid= -o ppid=) local children for i in $1 do local tmp=$(echo "$pids" | awk -v i=$i '{if($2==i){print $1}}') children=$children" "$tmp done for pid in $children do list_descendants "$pid" done echo "$children" } cleanup() { echo "Killing all processes." kill $(list_descendants $$) &> /dev/null } die() { echo "$1" >&2 echo cleanup exit 1 } REDIS_PORT=7777 WEB_ADDR= WEB_PORT=5000 LOG_LOCATION=$(pwd) usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [-r REDIS_PORT] [-a WEB_ADDRESS] [-p WEB_PORT] [-l LOG_PATH]" 1>&2; echo "optional arguments: " 1>&2; echo " -h show this help message and exit " 1>&2; echo " -r REDIS_PORT " 1>&2; echo " port to use for redis server (default: $REDIS_PORT) " 1>&2; echo " -a WEB_ADDRESS " 1>&2; echo " address to bind the web interface (default: $WEB_ADDR), but to run from other" 1>&2; echo " computers over the network (under VPN) can be *WARNING* " 1>&2; echo " -p WEB_PORT " 1>&2; echo " port used with web address (default: $WEB_PORT) " 1>&2; echo " -l LOG_PATH " 1>&2; echo " the directory path to write the logs (default: $LOG_LOCATION) " 1>&2; echo " " 1>&2; exit 1; } while getopts ":r:p:a:l:" o; do case "${o}" in r) REDIS_PORT=${OPTARG} ;; p) WEB_PORT=${OPTARG} ;; a) WEB_ADDR=${OPTARG} ;; l) LOG_LOCATION=${OPTARG} ;; *) usage ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) if [ -z "${REDIS_PORT}" ] || [ -z "${WEB_PORT}" ] || [ -z "${WEB_ADDR}" ]; then usage fi REDIS_LOG="${LOG_LOCATION}/redis.log" INTERARTIC_LOG="${LOG_LOCATION}/interartic.log" CELERY_LOG="${LOG_LOCATION}/celery.log" REALPATH=$(dirname "$0") readlink "$0" && REALPATH=$(dirname "$(readlink "$0")") ARCH=$(uname -m) OS=$(uname -s) if [ "${OS}" != "Darwin" ]; then echo "This binary package is for Darwin (MacOS). You O/S is ${OS}. Trying to launch anyway - anticipating a crash!" fi if [[ ${ARCH} != "x86_64" && ${ARCH} != "aarch64" && ${ARCH} != "arm64" ]]; then echo "Unsupported architecture ${ARCH}. Trying to launch anyway - anticipating a crash!" fi export PYTHONNOUSERSITE=1 unset PYTHONHOME unset PYTHONPATH cd "${REALPATH}" echo "Starting redis server on port $REDIS_PORT. Log location: $REDIS_LOG" ( bin/redis-server --port ${REDIS_PORT} &> "${REDIS_LOG}" || die "Launching redis server on port $REDIS_PORT failed. See $REDIS_LOG" ) & sleep 1 echo "Starting interartic on $WEB_ADDR:$WEB_PORT. Log location: $INTERARTIC_LOG" ( bin/python3.7 ${REDIS_PORT} -a ${WEB_ADDR} -p ${WEB_PORT} &> "${INTERARTIC_LOG}" || die "Launching interartic on $WEB_ADDR:$WEB_PORT failed. See $INTERARTIC_LOG") & sleep 1 echo "Starting celery. Log location: $CELERY_LOG" ( export PATH="$(pwd)/artic_bin/bin:$(pwd)/scripts:${PATH}"; export HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH="$(pwd)/lib/ont-vbz-hdf-plugin"; bin/python3.7m bin/celery worker -A main.celery -b redis://localhost:${REDIS_PORT}/0 --result-backend redis://localhost:${REDIS_PORT}/0 --concurrency=1 --loglevel=info &> "${CELERY_LOG}" || die "Launching celery failed. See ${CELERY_LOG}" ) & sleep 1 echo "" echo "InterARTIC is now running on your machine :)" echo "To launch InterARTIC web interface visit${WEB_PORT} on your browser" echo "To keep your InterARTIC active this terminal must remain open." echo "To terminate InterARTIC type CTRL-C or close the terminal." wait
#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2015, Google Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. set -ex cd $(dirname $0) unzip -o "$EXTERNAL_GIT_ROOT/input_artifacts/" -d TestNugetFeed ./ auto cd DistribTest # TODO(jtattermusch): make sure we don't pollute the global nuget cache with # the nugets being tested. dotnet restore dotnet build dotnet publish # .NET 4.5 target after dotnet build mono bin/Debug/net45/*-x64/DistribTest.exe # .NET 4.5 target after dotnet publish mono bin/Debug/net45/*-x64/publish/DistribTest.exe # .NET Core target after dotnet build dotnet exec bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.0/DistribTest.dll # .NET Core target after dotnet publish dotnet exec bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.0/publish/DistribTest.dll
#!/bin/bash #bl2 file size 41K, bl21 file size 3K (file size not equal runtime size) #total 44K #after encrypt process, bl2 add 4K header, cut off 4K tail #bl30 limit 41K #bl301 limit 12K #bl2 limit 41K #bl21 limit 3K, but encrypt tool need 48K bl2.bin, so fix to 7168byte. #$7:name flag if [ "$7" = "bl30" ]; then declare blx_bin_limit=40960 declare blx01_bin_limit=13312 elif [ "$7" = "bl2" ]; then declare blx_bin_limit=57344 declare blx01_bin_limit=4096 else echo "blx_fix name flag not supported!" exit 1 fi # blx_size: blx.bin size, zero_size: fill with zeros declare -i blx_size=`du -b $1 | awk '{print int($1)}'` declare -i zero_size=$blx_bin_limit-$blx_size dd if=/dev/zero of=$2 bs=1 count=$zero_size cat $1 $2 > $3 rm $2 declare -i blx01_size=`du -b $4 | awk '{print int($1)}'` declare -i zero_size_01=$blx01_bin_limit-$blx01_size dd if=/dev/zero of=$2 bs=1 count=$zero_size_01 cat $4 $2 > $5 cat $3 $5 > $6 rm $2 exit 0
#!/bin/bash -e source "/etc/openshift/node.conf" source ${CARTRIDGE_BASE_PATH}/abstract/info/lib/util # Import Environment Variables for f in ~/.env/* do . $f done cartridge_type="jenkins-1.4" cartridge_dir=$OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR/$cartridge_type translate_env_vars if ! [ $# -eq 1 ] then echo "Usage: \$0 [start|restart|graceful|graceful-stop|stop]" exit 1 fi validate_run_as_user . isrunning() { # Check for running app pid=`pgrep -f ".*java.*-jar.*jenkins.war.*--httpListenAddress=${OPENSHIFT_INTERNAL_IP}.*" 2> /dev/null` if [ -n "$pid" ] then return 0 fi # not running return 1 } start_jenkins() { src_user_hook pre_start_${cartridge_type} set_app_state started JENKINS_CMD="/etc/alternatives/jre/bin/java \ -Xmx168m \ -XX:MaxPermSize=100m \ -Dcom.sun.akuma.Daemon=daemonized \ -Djava.awt.headless=true" if [ -f "${OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR}/.openshift/markers/enable_debugging" ]; then JENKINS_CMD="${JENKINS_CMD} -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=${OPENSHIFT_JENKINS_IP}:7600,suspend=n" fi JENKINS_CMD="${JENKINS_CMD} -DJENKINS_HOME=$OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/ \ -Dhudson.slaves.NodeProvisioner.recurrencePeriod=500 \ -Dhudson.slaves.NodeProvisioner.initialDelay=100 \ -Dhudson.slaves.NodeProvisioner.MARGIN=100 \ -Dhudson.model.UpdateCenter.never=true \ -Dhudson.DNSMultiCast.disabled=true \ -jar /usr/lib/jenkins/jenkins.war \ --ajp13Port=-1 \ --controlPort=-1 \ --logfile=$OPENSHIFT_JENKINS_LOG_DIR/jenkins.log \ --daemon \ --httpPort=8080 \ --debug=5 \ --handlerCountMax=45 \ --handlerCountMaxIdle=20 \ --httpListenAddress=$OPENSHIFT_INTERNAL_IP" $JENKINS_CMD & echo $! > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then run_user_hook post_start_${cartridge_type} fi } stop_nodes() { result=`curl -s --insecure https://${JENKINS_USERNAME}:${JENKINS_PASSWORD}@${OPENSHIFT_GEAR_DNS}/computer/api/json` nodes=`echo $result | awk -F"[,:]" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if($i~/displayName\042/){print $(i+1)} } }'` OIFS="${IFS}" NIFS=$'\n' IFS="${NIFS}" for LINE in ${nodes} ; do node="${LINE%\"}" node="${node#\"}" IFS="${OIFS}" result=`curl -s -X POST --insecure https://${JENKINS_USERNAME}:${JENKINS_PASSWORD}@${OPENSHIFT_GEAR_DNS}/computer/${node}/delete` IFS="${NIFS}" done IFS="${OIFS}" } stop_jenkins() { src_user_hook pre_stop_${cartridge_type} set_app_state stopped kill -TERM $pid > /dev/null 2>&1 wait_for_stop $pid run_user_hook post_stop_${cartridge_type} } case "$1" in start) _state=`get_app_state` if [ -f ${cartridge_dir}/run/stop_lock -o idle = "$_state" ] then echo "Application is explicitly stopped! Use 'rhc app start -a ${OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME}' to start back up." 1>&2 exit 0 else if isrunning then echo "Application is already running!" 1>&2 exit 0 fi start_jenkins fi ;; graceful-stop|stop) if isrunning then stop_jenkins else echo "Application is already stopped!" 1>&2 exit 0 fi ;; restart|graceful) if isrunning then stop_jenkins fi start_jenkins ;; reload) # the plugin automatically does a reload prior to a build - so a no-op here exit 0 ;; status) if ! isrunning; then echo "Application '${cartridge_type}' is either stopped or inaccessible" exit 0 fi print_user_running_processes `id -u` exit 0 ;; esac
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=/data/unibas/boittier/test-neighbours #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks=1 #SBATCH --partition=short #SBATCH --output=/data/unibas/boittier/test-neighbours_%A-%a.out hostname # Path to scripts and executables cubefit=/home/unibas/boittier/fdcm_project/mdcm_bin/cubefit.x fdcm=/home/unibas/boittier/fdcm_project/fdcm.x ars=/home/unibas/boittier/fdcm_project/ # Variables for the job n_steps=0 n_charges=24 scan_name=SCAN_amide1.pdb- cubes_dir=/data/unibas/boittier/fdcm/amide/scan-large output_dir=/data/unibas/boittier/test-neighbours frames=/home/unibas/boittier/fdcm_project/mdcms/amide/model1/frames.txt initial_fit=/home/unibas/boittier/fdcm_project/mdcms/amide/model1/ initial_fit_cube=/home/unibas/boittier/fdcm_project/mdcms/amide/model1/amide1.pdb.chk prev_frame=30 start_frame=31 next_frame=32 acd=/home/unibas/boittier/fdcm_project/ start=$start_frame next=$next_frame dir='frame_'$next output_name=$output_dir/$dir/$dir'-'$start'-'$next'.xyz' initial_fit=$output_dir/"frame_"$start/"frame_"$start'-'$prev_frame'-'$start'.xyz' # Go to the output directory mkdir -p $output_dir cd $output_dir mkdir -p $dir cd $dir # Do Initial Fit # for initial fit esp1=$cubes_dir/$scan_name$start$suffix'.p.cube' dens1=$cubes_dir/$scan_name$start$suffix'.d.cube' esp=$cubes_dir/$scan_name$next$suffix'.p.cube' dens=$cubes_dir/$scan_name$next$suffix'.d.cube' # adjust reference frame python $ars -charges $initial_fit -pcube $dens1 -pcube2 $dens -frames $frames -output $output_name -acd $acd > $output_name.ARS.log # do gradient descent fit $fdcm -xyz $ -dens $dens -esp $esp -stepsize 0.2 -n_steps $n_steps -learning_rate 0.5 -output $output_name > $output_name.GD.log # adjust reference frame python $ars -charges $output_name -pcube $esp -pcube2 $esp -frames $frames -output $output_name -acd $acd > $output_name.ARS-2.log # make a cube file for the fit $cubefit -v -generate -esp $esp -dens $dens -xyz > $output_name.cubemaking.log # do analysis $cubefit -v -analysis -esp $esp -esp2 $n_charges'charges.cube' -dens $dens > $output_name.analysis.log echo $PWD sbatch /home/unibas/boittier/fdcm_project/job_files/test-neighbours/
#!/bin/bash declare -a nodes function git_update_details { remote=`git config --get remote.origin.url` current_branch=`git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD` echo -e "The process will also perform the following UPGRADES:\n" echo " 1. Upgrade to the most recent version of the installer: " echo " * The update will be retrieved from: ${remote}" echo " * It will be based on the most recent release from: ${current_branch}" echo "" echo " 2. May add additional files to your Assets area to allow for advanced configuration" echo "" echo " 3. Upgrade, if necessary, to the most recently vetted versions of: " echo " * Shibboleth IdP" echo -e " * Jetty\n\n" } the_install_base=/opt working_dir=$the_install_base/shibboleth-idp-installer/repository cd $working_dir || exit function get_nodes { i=1 getting_nodes=false for line in $(cat ansible_hosts) do if [ $line == "[idp-servers]" ]; then getting_nodes=true else if [[ "$line" == [* ]]; then getting_nodes=false else if ( $getting_nodes ); then nodes[$i]=$line fi fi fi done } function server_patch () { patch=`grep "server_patch:" host_vars/$1` if [[ $patch == "server_patch: \"false\"" ]]; then echo " Node: $1 will NOT be patched" else echo " Node: $1 will be patched" fi } get_nodes echo ${nodes[*]} upgrade=false while getopts ":u" opt; do case $opt in u) upgrade=true;; esac done echo -e "\n-----\n" echo -e "This process will perform the following UPDATES: \n" echo " 1. Update underlying operating system packages to ensure any security issues are addressed" echo "" for x in ${nodes[*]} do server_patch $x done echo "" echo " 2. Apply any configuration changes made within the assets directory for: " echo " * Shibboleth IdP" echo " * Jetty" echo " * Apache HTTPD" echo "" echo -e " 3. RESTART all dependant processes.\n" if [[ $upgrade = true ]] then git_update_details fi echo "You MUST have a tested rollback plan in place before continuing." echo -e "\n-----\n" read -r -p "Are you sure you wish to continue with the process as detailed above? [y/N] " response response=${response,,} if [[ $response =~ ^(yes|y)$ ]] then if [[ $upgrade = true ]] then echo -e "\nAttempting to update the AAF Installer respositry...\n" git pull retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ] then echo -e "\n ----" echo -e " An ERROR occurred attempting to upgrade the local AAF Installer respoitory" echo -e " This must be resolved before your upgrade can proceed!\n" echo -e " Details of the issue are shown above." echo -e " ----" echo -e "\nNo changes have been made. Exiting." exit 1 else ansible-playbook -i ansible_hosts update.yml --extra-var="install_base=$the_install_base" fi fi ansible-playbook -i ansible_hosts site.yml --force-handlers --extra-var="install_base=$the_install_base" else echo "No changes made, exiting." exit 0 fi
#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2021 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -eo pipefail # Constants readonly GITHUB_REPOSITORY_NAME="grpc" # GKE Cluster readonly GKE_CLUSTER_NAME="interop-test-psm-lb-v1-us-central1-a" readonly GKE_CLUSTER_ZONE="us-central1-a" readonly SECONDARY_GKE_CLUSTER_NAME="interop-test-psm-lb-v1-us-west1-b" readonly SECONDARY_GKE_CLUSTER_ZONE="us-west1-b" ## xDS test client Docker images readonly CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME="" readonly FORCE_IMAGE_BUILD="${FORCE_IMAGE_BUILD:-0}" readonly BUILD_APP_PATH="interop-testing/build/install/grpc-interop-testing" ####################################### # Builds test app Docker images and pushes them to GCR # Globals: # BUILD_APP_PATH # CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME: Test client Docker image name # GIT_COMMIT: SHA-1 of git commit being built # Arguments: # None # Outputs: # Writes the output of `gcloud builds submit` to stdout, stderr ####################################### build_test_app_docker_images() { echo "Building C++ xDS interop test app Docker images" docker build -f "${SRC_DIR}/tools/dockerfile/interoptest/grpc_interop_cxx_xds/Dockerfile.xds_client" -t "${CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME}:${GIT_COMMIT}" "${SRC_DIR}" gcloud -q auth configure-docker docker push "${CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME}:${GIT_COMMIT}" } ####################################### # Builds test app and its docker images unless they already exist # Globals: # CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME: Test client Docker image name # GIT_COMMIT: SHA-1 of git commit being built # FORCE_IMAGE_BUILD # Arguments: # None # Outputs: # Writes the output to stdout, stderr ####################################### build_docker_images_if_needed() { # Check if images already exist client_tags="$(gcloud_gcr_list_image_tags "${CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME}" "${GIT_COMMIT}")" printf "Client image: %s:%s\n" "${CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME}" "${GIT_COMMIT}" echo "${client_tags:-Client image not found}" # Build if any of the images are missing, or FORCE_IMAGE_BUILD=1 if [[ "${FORCE_IMAGE_BUILD}" == "1" || -z "${client_tags}" ]]; then build_test_app_docker_images else echo "Skipping C++ test app build" fi } ####################################### # Executes the test case # Globals: # TEST_DRIVER_FLAGFILE: Relative path to test driver flagfile # KUBE_CONTEXT: The name of kubectl context with GKE cluster access # SECONDARY_KUBE_CONTEXT: The name of kubectl context with secondary GKE cluster access, if any # TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR: Output directory for the test xUnit XML report # CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME: Test client Docker image name # GIT_COMMIT: SHA-1 of git commit being built # Arguments: # Test case name # Outputs: # Writes the output of test execution to stdout, stderr # Test xUnit report to ${TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR}/${test_name}/sponge_log.xml ####################################### run_test() { # Test driver usage: # local test_name="${1:?Usage: run_test test_name}" python -m "tests.${test_name}" \ --flagfile="${TEST_DRIVER_FLAGFILE}" \ --kube_context="${KUBE_CONTEXT}" \ --secondary_kube_context="${SECONDARY_KUBE_CONTEXT}" \ --client_image="${CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME}:${GIT_COMMIT}" \ --xml_output_file="${TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR}/${test_name}/sponge_log.xml" \ } ####################################### # Main function: provision software necessary to execute tests, and run them # Globals: # KOKORO_ARTIFACTS_DIR # GITHUB_REPOSITORY_NAME # SRC_DIR: Populated with absolute path to the source repo # TEST_DRIVER_REPO_DIR: Populated with the path to the repo containing # the test driver # TEST_DRIVER_FULL_DIR: Populated with the path to the test driver source code # TEST_DRIVER_FLAGFILE: Populated with relative path to test driver flagfile # TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR: Populated with the path to test xUnit XML report # GIT_ORIGIN_URL: Populated with the origin URL of git repo used for the build # GIT_COMMIT: Populated with the SHA-1 of git commit being built # GIT_COMMIT_SHORT: Populated with the short SHA-1 of git commit being built # KUBE_CONTEXT: Populated with name of kubectl context with GKE cluster access # SECONDARY_KUBE_CONTEXT: Populated with name of kubectl context with secondary GKE cluster access, if any # Arguments: # None # Outputs: # Writes the output of test execution to stdout, stderr ####################################### main() { local script_dir script_dir="$(dirname "$0")" # shellcheck source=tools/internal_ci/linux/ source "${script_dir}/" set -x if [[ -n "${KOKORO_ARTIFACTS_DIR}" ]]; then kokoro_setup_test_driver "${GITHUB_REPOSITORY_NAME}" else local_setup_test_driver "${script_dir}" fi build_docker_images_if_needed # Run tests cd "${TEST_DRIVER_FULL_DIR}" local failed_tests=0 test_suites=("change_backend_service_test" "failover_test" "remove_neg_test" "round_robin_test") for test in "${test_suites[@]}"; do run_test $test || (( failed_tests++ )) done echo "Failed test suites: ${failed_tests}" if (( failed_tests > 0 )); then exit 1 fi } main "$@"
#!/bin/bash DATA_DIR="data/arxiv-abs" OUT_DIR="outputs/reorder_exp/bart-large_arxiv" mkdir -p ${OUT_DIR} cp $0 ${OUT_DIR} python -m source.encoder_decoder \ --train_file ${DATA_DIR}/train.jsonl \ --eval_data_file ${DATA_DIR}/dev.jsonl \ --out_dir $OUT_DIR \ --model_type facebook/bart-large \ --model_name_or_path facebook/bart-large \ --device 1 \ --do_train \ --save_total_limit 1 \ --num_train_epochs 1 \ --logging_steps 3000 \ --gradient_accumulation_steps 8 \ --train_batch_size 4 \ --eval_batch_size 8 \ --overwrite_out_dir \ --max_input_length 1024 \ --max_output_length 40 \ --task index_with_sep \ $@ #--overwrite_cache \
#!/bin/bash /usr/bin/python3 "/lto-node/" echo "Node is starting..." ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -Dlogback.stdout.level="${LTO_LOG_LEVEL}" "-Xmx${LTO_HEAP_SIZE}" -jar "/lto-node/lto-public-all.jar" $LTO_CONFIG_FILE
#!/bin/sh #/ Usage: <pkg_ident> #/ #/ Example: core/php/7.2.8/20181108151533 #/ set -euo pipefail source "$(dirname "${0}")/../../bin/ci/" if [[ -z "${1:-}" ]]; then grep '^#/' < "${0}" | cut -c4- exit 1 fi TEST_PKG_IDENT="${1}" export TEST_PKG_IDENT hab pkg install core/bats --binlink hab pkg install "${TEST_PKG_IDENT}" ci_ensure_supervisor_running ci_load_service "$TEST_PKG_IDENT" # run the tests bats "$(dirname "${0}")/test.bats" # unload the service hab svc unload "${TEST_PKG_IDENT}" || true
{ "name": "<CUSTOM_VARIABLE_NAME>", "value": "<CUSTOM_VARIABLE_VALUE>", "is_secret": false }
#!/bin/bash input=$1 output=$2 keyword=$3 if [[ ${input} == "" ]]; then exit; fi if [[ ${output} == "" ]]; then exit; fi dpmurl=root://${DPNS_HOST}:1094/${output} dpmhost=${DPM_HOME}/${output} dpns-mkdir -p ${dpmhost} for file in `xrdfs ls ${input}` do if [[ `echo ${file} | grep ${keyword}` == "" ]]; then continue; fi filename=${file##*/} filecheck=$(dpns-ls ${dpmhost}/${filename} 2>&1) if [[ "${filecheck}" == *"No such file or directory"* ]] || [[ "${filecheck}" == *"invalid path"* ]]; then srcfile=root://${file} echo -e "==== xrdcp ${srcfile} ${dpmurl}/${filename}" xrdcp ${srcfile} ${dpmurl}/${filename} else echo -e "==== ${filename} is exist." fi done
#!/bin/sh PROJECT=mendex-doc TMP=/tmp PWDF=`pwd` LATESTRELEASEDATE=`git tag | sort -r | head -n 1` RELEASEDATE=`git tag --points-at HEAD | sort -r | head -n 1` if [ -z "$RELEASEDATE" ]; then RELEASEDATE="**not tagged**; later than $LATESTRELEASEDATE?" fi echo " * Create $ ($RELEASEDATE)" git archive --format=tar --prefix=$PROJECT/ HEAD | (cd $TMP && tar xf -) rm $TMP/$PROJECT/.gitignore rm $TMP/$PROJECT/ rm -rf $TMP/$PROJECT/mendex.1* perl -pi.bak -e "s/\\\$RELEASEDATE/$RELEASEDATE/g" $TMP/$PROJECT/ rm -f $TMP/$PROJECT/ cd $TMP && zip -r $PWDF/$ $PROJECT rm -rf $TMP/$PROJECT echo echo " * Done: $ ($RELEASEDATE)"
#!/usr/bin/env bash dep ensure -v
#!/bin/bash sqlite3 ./game.db .dump > game.sql
#!/bin/bash # Simple bash script for generating the file structure for a new assignment. prefix="assignments/$1" # Create the directory structure: mkdir $prefix mkdir "$prefix/exemplars" mkdir "$prefix/files" # Create symbolic links to the `includes` and `graphics` folders: # Following lines are required for MacOS ('brew install coreutils' for grealpath): # relative=$(grealpath --relative-to="$prefix" templates/) # ln -s "$relative/includes" "$prefix/includes" # ln -s "$relative/graphics" "$prefix/graphics" # Following lines are used for linux: # ln -rs templates/includes "$prefix/includes" # ln -rs templates/graphics "$prefix/graphics" # Create a copy of the template.tex file with the assignment name: cp templates/assignment_template.tex "$prefix/assignment_$1.tex"
#!/bin/bash if [ "$#" -ne 2 ] then echo "usage: [input file] [output file]" exit fi INFILE=$1 OUTFILE=$2 if test ! -w "$OUTFILE" then echo "$OUTFILE is not writable!" > error.log fi if [ -e "$INFILE" ] then cat "$INFILE" >> "$OUTFILE" fi # the script copies the content of the INFILE (1st input argument) # and appends it to the OUTFILE (2nd input argument)
#!/usr/bin/env bash main () { declare -A chars for char in $(echo "${1,,}" | tr -d " " | grep -o .); do printf -v num "%d\n" "'$char" 2>/dev/null if [[ "$num" -ge 97 ]] && [[ "$num" -le 122 ]]; then chars["$char"]=0 fi done if [[ "${#chars[@]}" -eq 26 ]]; then echo "true" else echo "false" fi } main "$@"
#!/bin/sh docker run -it -v $PWD:/home/jovyan/work --rm bash
#!/bin/bash read -e -p $'\e[32mEnter work dir:\e[0m ' CODE_WORK_DIR docker run -t -p -v "$CODE_WORK_DIR:/root/project" codercom/code-server --allow-http --no-auth
export DIR="./train_log/4_8_0" export NGPUS=1 export BATCH=$(echo "$NGPUS*8"|bc) for i in $(seq 1 18) do let ITER=i*2500 ITER=`printf "%07d" $ITER` python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=$NGPUS ./tools/ \ --config-file "./configs/retinanet/retinanet_R-50-FPN_P5_1x.yaml" \ --ckpt $DIR"/model_"$ITER".pth" \ OUTPUT_DIR $DIR TEST.IMS_PER_BATCH $BATCH done
if [ ! -z $BUILD_BUILDNUMBER ]; then exit 0 else exit 1 fi
#!/usr/bin/env bats load '../lib/helper' load '../bats/extensions/bats-support/load' load '../bats/extensions/bats-assert/load' load '../bats/extensions/bats-file/load' @test "plugin-install: helm plugin install" { HOME="$(mktemp -d)" # Windows # See: # shellcheck disable=SC2034 APPDATA="${HOME}" run helm plugin install "${GIT_ROOT}" assert_output --regexp "$(printf "sops is already installed: sops .*\nInstalled plugin: secrets")" assert_file_exist "${HOME}/.gitconfig" } @test "plugin-install: SKIP_SOPS_INSTALL=true helm plugin install" { SKIP_SOPS_INSTALL=true export SKIP_SOPS_INSTALL HOME="$(mktemp -d)" # Windows # See: # shellcheck disable=SC2034 APPDATA="${HOME}" run helm plugin install "${GIT_ROOT}" assert_output --regexp "$(printf "Skipping sops installation.\nInstalled plugin: secrets")" assert_file_exist "${HOME}/.gitconfig" } @test "plugin-install: helm plugin list" { run helm plugin list assert_success assert_output --partial 'secrets' } @test "plugin-install: helm secrets" { run helm secrets assert_failure assert_output --partial 'Available Commands:' } @test "plugin-install: helm secrets --help" { run helm secrets --help assert_success assert_output --partial 'Available Commands:' }
IFS=',' while IFS=, read -r date_rec timestamp val; do echo "inserting $timestamp $val in $1 $2" curl -X POST "$1/measurements/$2/values" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"value\": $val, \"timestamp\": $timestamp}" done < $3
#!/bin/bash # Script to deploy a very simple web application. # The web app has a customizable image and some text. cat << EOM > /var/www/html/index.html <html> <head><title>Meow!</title></head> <body> <div style="width:800px;margin: 0 auto"> <!-- BEGIN --> <center><img src="http://${PLACEHOLDER}/${WIDTH}/${HEIGHT}"></img></center> <center><h2>Meow World!</h2></center> Welcome to ${PREFIX}'s app. No hairballs allowed! <!-- END --> </div> </body> </html> EOM echo "Script complete."
#!/bin/sh while true; do sleep $INTERVAL; date; wget -q -S --timeout $TIMEOUT $ENDPOINT -O /dev/null; done
#!/bin/sh # you need to set the environment variable HABITAT_PROJECT_FOLDER mkdir -p $HABITAT_PROJECT_FOLDER/assets/widgets/lab_interactive cp -R tmp/lab-interactive/* $HABITAT_PROJECT_FOLDER/assets/widgets/lab_interactive # next steps: # need to setup the meta data files for the widget # need to add a snippet to: /trunk/s9ml/.templates/pattern-snippets.tpls # here is example snippet: # <!-- [Widget Name] --> # <script type="application/inkling+patternsnippet" id="[widget-id]" data-label="[widget label]" data-category="Widgets"> # <figure> # <object type="text/html" data="../../assets/widgets/[widget folder]/index.html" class="widget [widget class]"> # </object> # </figure> # </script>
#!/bin/bash rm -rf pof/ mkdir pof/ echo copying help patches... cp -a ../help/* pof/ cp ../LICENSE.txt pof/ echo copying example patches... mkdir pof/example/ cp -a ../example/pd/* pof/example/ echo copying pof external... cp bin/pof.* pof/ patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/libs' pof/pof.* mkdir pof/libs echo copying libs... cp -a bin/libs/* pof/libs LIBS_TO_COPY="freeimage boost_filesystem boost_system openal gstreamer gstbase gstapp gstvideo \ sndfile GLEW openjpeg IlmImf IlmThread Half Iex raw gpg-error gcrypt datrie graphite2 \ protobuf-lite mirprotobuf mircommon jbig lzma gomp lcms2 jasper jpegxr Xdmcp Xau orc \ jxrglue pcre mirclient atspi wayland-client wayland-egl wayland-cursor Xfixes \ openjp2 jpeg png webp webpmux ssl crypto \ " # gstadaptivedemux gstallocators gstbadbase libgstbadvideo gstaudio gstbadaudio gstcheck gstcodecparsers gstcontroller gstfft gstgl gstinsertbin gstmpegts gstnet gstpbutils gstphotography gstplayer gstriff gstrtp gstrtsp gsttag for libtocopy in $LIBS_TO_COPY ; do libfile=`ldd bin/pof.* | grep lib${libtocopy} | cut -d' ' -f 3` if [ "x$libfile" != "x" ] ; then #echo "$libtocopy : copying $libfile in libs" cp $libfile pof/libs fi done echo copying gst plugins... mkdir pof/libs/gstplugins GSTREAMER_VERSION=0.10 RET=$(ls pof/libs/libgstreamer-1.0* &> /dev/null; echo $?) if [ "$RET" -eq "0" ]; then GSTREAMER_VERSION=1.0 fi GSTREAMER_PLUGINS=$(dirname `locate gstreamer-$GSTREAMER_VERSION/`) cp $GSTREAMER_PLUGINS/*.so* pof/libs/gstplugins echo setting libs and plugins rpath... for x in pof/libs/gstplugins/*.so* ; do patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/..' $x ;done for x in pof/libs/*.so* ; do patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN' $x ;done echo copying OF install_dependencies scripts... mkdir pof/scripts cp -a ../../../scripts/linux/*/ pof/scripts echo POF_VERSION=`strings pof/pof.* | grep "Pof: version" | cut -s -d' ' -f 4` rm *${POF_VERSION}*dek* if [ x$1 == xtest ] ; then deken package --objects ../pof.dek.txt --version ${POF_VERSION} pof else deken upload --objects ../pof.dek.txt --no-source-error --version ${POF_VERSION} pof rm -rf pof/ fi
#!/bin/bash # This script creates a json file containing openssl verification meta data # which is used inside java unit tests via function usage(){ echo "usage: ciphertest <server:port> <server|pds>" echo " - second parameter is for taget type, currently only 'server' (sechub-server) and" echo " 'pds' are supported" } # check if open ssl is available at all # if not the function will exit with exit code 3 function ensureOpenSSLInstalled(){ checkCommand="which openssl"; foundOpenSSLPath=$($checkCommand) if [[ "$foundOpenSSLPath" = "" ]]; then echo "Did not found a open SSL installation! So cannot check ciphers!" exit 3 fi } # check and print openssl version ensureOpenSSLInstalled echo "Using installed $(openssl version)." if [ -z "$1" ] ; then echo "server is missing as first parameter!" usage exit 1 fi if [ -z "$2" ] ; then echo "type is missing as second parameter (server|pds)" usage exit 1 fi cd .. cd sechub-$2 source ./ cd .. cd sechub-integrationtest # OpenSSL requires the port number. DEV_CERT_PEM="$DEV_CERT_PATH/generated-dev-localhost-keystore.pem" OUTPUT_FOLDER="./build/test-results/ciphertest/" OUTPUT_FILE="$OUTPUT_FOLDER/sechub-$2.json" rm -f $OUTPUT_FILE mkdir -p $OUTPUT_FOLDER echo DEV_CERT_FILE=$DEV_CERT_FILE SERVER=$1 ciphers=$(openssl ciphers 'ALL:eNULL' | sed -e 's/:/ /g') # convert existing pkcs12 file to a PEM file, so we can use it later to connect to localhost with self signed certificates.... openssl pkcs12 -in $DEV_CERT_FILE -out $DEV_CERT_PEM -clcerts -nokeys -passin pass:$PSEUDO_PWD echo Obtaining cipher list by openssl echo "{" > $OUTPUT_FILE echo " \"cipherChecks\" : [" >> $OUTPUT_FILE count=0 for cipher in ${ciphers[@]} do if [[ "$count" != "0" ]] ; then echo "," >> $OUTPUT_FILE fi count=$count+1 echo -n " { \"cipher\" : \"$cipher\", \"verified\" :\"" >> $OUTPUT_FILE # wyh -tls1_2? only when using tls_1_2 (or below) the given cipher is really used # otherwise client will accept tls1_3 fallback which are then verifified as true # and the test is not possible # # why -CAfile? We use our former generated PEM file for the self signed certificate # otherwise we have always unknown results because openssl does not # trust the self-signed certificates result=$(echo -n | openssl s_client -CAfile $DEV_CERT_PEM -tls1_2 -cipher "$cipher" -connect $SERVER 2>&1) if [[ "$result" =~ ":error:" ]] ; then error=$(echo -n $result | cut -d':' -f6) echo -n "false\",\"error\" : \"$error\"" >> $OUTPUT_FILE else if echo $result | grep -q "Verify return code: 0 (ok)"; then echo -n "true\"" >> $OUTPUT_FILE else echo -n "undefined\", \"error\" : \"$result\"" >> $OUTPUT_FILE fi fi echo -n "}" >> $OUTPUT_FILE done echo "] }" >> $OUTPUT_FILE echo "written to $OUTPUT_FILE"
#!/bin/bash set -e ABSOLUTE_SCRIPT=`readlink -m $0` SCRIPT_DIR=`dirname ${ABSOLUTE_SCRIPT}` source ${SCRIPT_DIR}/ if (( $# != 2 )); then echo "USAGE: $0 <solve base parameters file> <inference options file>" exit 1 fi SOLVE_BASE_PARAMETERS_FILE=$(readlink -m $1) INFERENCE_OPTIONS_FILE=$(readlink -m $2) if [[ ! -f ${SOLVE_BASE_PARAMETERS_FILE} ]]; then echo "ERROR: ${SOLVE_BASE_PARAMETERS_FILE} not found" exit 1 fi if [[ ! -f ${INFERENCE_OPTIONS_FILE} ]]; then echo "ERROR: ${INFERENCE_OPTIONS_FILE} not found" exit 1 fi RUN_DIR=$(dirname ${SOLVE_BASE_PARAMETERS_FILE}) RUN_NAME=$(basename ${RUN_DIR}) LOGS_DIR="${RUN_DIR}/logs" mkdir -p ${LOGS_DIR} # use shell group to tee all output to log file { # --------------------------- # run solve JAVA_CLASS="org.janelia.render.client.zspacing.ZPositionCorrectionClient" ARGS=$(cat ${SOLVE_BASE_PARAMETERS_FILE}) ARGS="${ARGS} --solveExisting" ARGS="${ARGS} --optionsJson ${INFERENCE_OPTIONS_FILE}" ARGS="${ARGS} --normalizedEdgeLayerCount 30" ${RENDER_CLIENT_SCRIPT} ${RENDER_CLIENT_HEAP} ${JAVA_CLASS} ${ARGS} # --------------------------- # merge cc data CC_BATCHES_DIR="/nrs/flyem/render/z_corr/${RENDER_OWNER}/${RENDER_PROJECT}/${ALIGN_STACK}/${RUN_NAME}/cc_batches" if [[ ! -d ${CC_BATCHES_DIR} ]]; then echo "ERROR: ${CC_BATCHES_DIR} not found" exit 1 fi JAVA_CLASS="org.janelia.render.client.zspacing.CrossCorrelationDataMerger" ${RENDER_CLIENT_SCRIPT} ${RENDER_CLIENT_HEAP} ${JAVA_CLASS} ${CC_BATCHES_DIR} } 2>&1 1>>${LOGS_DIR}/cc_solve.log echo grep Zcoords.txt ${LOGS_DIR}/cc_solve.log echo # --------------------------- # generate plots Z_CORR_SCRIPTS_DIR="/groups/flyem/data/trautmane/z_corr" ARGS="${RENDER_OWNER} ${RENDER_PROJECT} ${ALIGN_STACK} ${RUN_NAME}" ${Z_CORR_SCRIPTS_DIR}/ ${ARGS} ${Z_CORR_SCRIPTS_DIR}/ ${ARGS}
#!/bin/sh ROOT_SRC_DIR=/home/mjt5v/CLionProjects/belief-propagation # cuda benchmark cd "$ROOT_SRC_DIR/cmake-build-release/src/cuda_benchmark" ./cuda_edge_benchmark || true ./cuda_edge_streaming_benchmark || true #./cuda_edge_openmpi_benchmark || true
#!/bin/bash # RESTful Interface Tool Sample Script for HPE iLO Products # # Copyright 2014, 2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP # # Description: This is a sample bash script to return the # # current FIPs Mode # # NOTE: You will need to replace the USER_LOGIN and PASSWORD # # values with values that are appropriate for your # # environment. # # Firmware support information for this script: # # iLO 5 - All versions # runLocal(){ ilorest get TpmFips --selector=Bios. -u USER_LOGIN -p PASSWORD ilorest logout } runRemote(){ ilorest get TpmFips --selector=Bios. --url=$1 --user $2 --password $3 ilorest logout } error(){ echo "Usage:" echo "remote: ^<iLO url^> ^<iLO username^> ^<iLO password^>" echo "local:" } if [ "$#" -eq "3" ] then runRemote "$1" "$2" "$3" elif [ "$#" -eq "0" ] then runLocal else error fi
# !/bin/bash # 功能:包含编译、启动 # . /etc/profile # 1. checkout 代码 rm -rf /data/temp/ideploy echo "开始checkout代码" git clone /data/temp/ideploy/ > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "checkout代码失败" exit 1 fi # 2.开始编译 cd /data/temp/ideploy/ echo "开始编译代码" mvn -P=dev -Dmaven.test.skip=true -U clean install > complie.log 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "编译代码失败" exit 1 fi echo "编译完成" # 迁移jar包 if [ -f "/data/project/ideploy/deployment-log/" ];then rm -f /data/project/ideploy/deployment-log/ fi mkdir -p /data/project/ideploy/deployment-log/ cp /data/temp/ideploy/deployment-log/target/deployment-log.jar /data/project/ideploy/deployment-log # 3.重启 echo "开始部署....." killTimes=3 # 循环kill -15 3次,否则直接kill -9 echo "开始停止tomcat....." pId=$(ps -ef | grep deployment-log.jar | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}') while [ $killTimes -ge 0 ]; do ps ax | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep -e "^$pId$" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then break fi kill -15 $pId >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $killTimes -gt 0 ]; then sleep 10 fi # 强kill ps ax | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep -e "^$pId$" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then sleep 10 else break fi if [ $killTimes -eq 0 ]; then kill -9 $pId fi killTimes=`expr $killTimes - 1 ` done export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS" echo "开始启动...." #启动 cd /data/project/ideploy/deployment-log/ nohup java $JAVA_OPTS -jar /data/project/ideploy/deployment-log/deployment-log.jar>/dev/null 2>deployment-log-err.log & #删除临时目录 rm -rf /data/temp/ideploy echo "启动完成"
#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Christer Edwards <[email protected]> # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. . /usr/local/share/bastille/ usage() { echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Usage: bastille cmd TARGET command.${COLOR_RESET}" exit 1 } # Handle special-case commands first. case "$1" in help|-h|--help) usage ;; esac if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then usage fi TARGET="${1}" shift if [ "${TARGET}" = 'ALL' ]; then JAILS=$(jls name) fi if [ "${TARGET}" != 'ALL' ]; then JAILS=$(jls name | awk "/^${TARGET}$/") fi for _jail in ${JAILS}; do echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}[${_jail}]:${COLOR_RESET}" jexec -l "${_jail}" "$@" echo done
#!/bin/bash REF_FA=$1 READ_1=$2 READ_2=$3 SAMPLE_NAME=$4 REF_DIR=$5 # Base name of reference.fa file TEMP_VAR=${REF_FA} REF_NAME=${TEMP_VAR%.*} cd "${REF_DIR}" if [ "${REF_NAME}*" != "${REF_FA}" ] then # Create symbolic links to all reference index files # ln -s ${REF_NAME}* ${REF_DIR} fi /usr/local/apps/bioapps/bwa/bwa-0.7.16/bwa mem -t 12 -M -k 32 -I 300,30 -R "@RG\tID:lane1\tLB:${SAMPLE_NAME}\tPL:illumina\tPU:lane1\tSM:lane1\tCN:${SAMPLE_NAME}" $REF_FA $READ_1 $READ_2 > /projects/mgc/Project_1/ram/CromwellWDL_WorkFlow_Development/IdxCaptureOutputs_temp/${SAMPLENAME}.aligned.sam find -type l -delete
#!/bin/bash readonly CONTAINER_RUNTIME=${CONTAINER_RUNTIME:-podman} readonly CURRENT_SCRIPT=$(basename "$0") readonly CMD="${CONTAINER_RUNTIME} run --entrypoint performance-profile-creator" readonly IMG_EXISTS_CMD="${CONTAINER_RUNTIME} image exists" readonly IMG_PULL_CMD="${CONTAINER_RUNTIME} image pull" readonly MUST_GATHER_VOL="/must-gather" PAO_IMG="" MG_TARBALL="" DATA_DIR="" usage() { print "Wrapper usage:" print " ${CURRENT_SCRIPT} [-h] [-p image][-t path] -- [performance-profile-creator flags]" print "" print "Options:" print " -h help for ${CURRENT_SCRIPT}" print " -p Performance Addon Operator image" print " -t path to a must-gather tarball" ${IMG_EXISTS_CMD} "${PAO_IMG}" && ${CMD} "${PAO_IMG}" -h } function cleanup { [ -d "${DATA_DIR}" ] && rm -rf "${DATA_DIR}" } trap cleanup EXIT exit_error() { print "error: $*" usage exit 1 } print() { echo "$*" >&2 } check_requirements() { ${IMG_EXISTS_CMD} "${PAO_IMG}" || ${IMG_PULL_CMD} "${PAO_IMG}" || \ exit_error "Performance Addon Operator image not found" [ -n "${MG_TARBALL}" ] || exit_error "Must-gather tarball file path is mandatory" [ -f "${MG_TARBALL}" ] || exit_error "Must-gather tarball file not found" DATA_DIR=$(mktemp -d -t "${CURRENT_SCRIPT}XXXX") || exit_error "Cannot create the data directory" tar -zxf "${MG_TARBALL}" --directory "${DATA_DIR}" || exit_error "Cannot decompress the must-gather tarball" return 0 } main() { while getopts ':hp:t:' OPT; do case "${OPT}" in h) usage exit 0 ;; p) PAO_IMG="${OPTARG}" ;; t) MG_TARBALL="${OPTARG}" ;; ?) exit_error "invalid argument: ${OPTARG}" ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) check_requirements || exit 1 ${CMD} -v "${DATA_DIR}:${MUST_GATHER_VOL}:z" "${PAO_IMG}" "$@" -M "${MUST_GATHER_VOL}" } main "$@"
#!/bin/sh export ORGANISM=human export ORGANISM_SHORT=hs export READ_LENGTH=100 export FILE_BASE=ensembl_rna_hs export GENE_MODEL=ensembl export RADIUS=100 export STRAND_SPECIFIC=FALSE export STRAND_SPECIFIC_DIRECTION=none export PAIRED_END=TRUE export GENOME_FASTA_URL=
ovs-vsctl add-br br0 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 xvm1 -- set Interface xvm1 type=xiluiovs ovs-vsctl show
#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. assert_ok "$FLOW" type-at-pos printBinaryExpression.js 15 12 --strip-root assert_ok "$FLOW" type-at-pos printBinaryExpression.js 17 15 --strip-root
#!/bin/bash namespace=$1 kubectl -n ${namespace} cp client:/ servers=0 while [ $servers -lt 5 ] do echo "###########Web Requests#############" kubectl -n ${namespace} exec -it client / > ./result.txt echo "50 requests divided on these pods:" cat ./result.txt servers=`cat ./result.txt | wc -l` echo "-----------Pods---------------------" kubectl -n ${namespace} get pods echo "-----------Endpoints IPs------------" kubectl -n ${namespace} describe ep liveandready | grep "Addresses:\|NotReadyAddresses:" if [ $servers -lt 5 ] then sleep 10 fi done
#!/bin/bash DEPLOY_TO="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )/../.." NGINX_DIR="/usr/local/openresty/nginx" USER=$(whoami) chown -R $USER:$USER $NGINX_DIR ln -sf $DEPLOY_TO/ $NGINX_DIR/count-von-count mkdir -p $NGINX_DIR/conf/include ln -sf $DEPLOY_TO/config/voncount.nginx.conf $NGINX_DIR/conf/include/voncount.conf service redis-server start $DEPLOY_TO/lib/scripts/ $NGINX_DIR/sbin/nginx if ps aux | grep nginx | grep master > /dev/null ; then echo ">>> nginx is running" else echo "ERROR: nginx is not running" fi if ps aux | grep redis-server | grep -v 'grep' > /dev/null ; then echo ">>> redis-server is running" else echo "ERROR: redis-server is not running" fi
# cleanup last version rm -rf __deployme mkdir __deployme # build # sh scripts/ # minify js uglifyjs bundle.js -o __deployme/bundle.js # or copy bundle # cp bundle.js __deployme/bundle.js # minify css cssshrink bundle.css > __deployme/bundle.css # copy html and images cp index.html __deployme/index.html cp -r images/ __deployme/images/ # done date; echo;
#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script identifies the unit test modules that do not correspond # directly with a module in the code tree. See TESTING.rst for the # intended structure. neutron_path=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." && pwd) base_test_path=networking_sfc/tests/unit test_path=$neutron_path/$base_test_path test_files=$(find ${test_path} -iname 'test_*.py') ignore_regexes=( "^plugins.*$" "^db/$" ) error_count=0 ignore_count=0 total_count=0 for test_file in ${test_files[@]}; do relative_path=${test_file#$test_path/} expected_path=$(dirname $neutron_path/networking_sfc/$relative_path) test_filename=$(basename "$test_file") expected_filename=${test_filename#test_} # Module filename (e.g. foo/ -> foo/ filename=$expected_path/$expected_filename # Package dir (e.g. foo/ -> package_dir=${} if [ ! -f "$filename" ] && [ ! -d "$package_dir" ]; then for ignore_regex in ${ignore_regexes[@]}; do if [[ "$relative_path" =~ $ignore_regex ]]; then ((ignore_count++)) continue 2 fi done echo "Unexpected test file: $base_test_path/$relative_path" ((error_count++)) fi ((total_count++)) done if [ "$ignore_count" -ne 0 ]; then echo "$ignore_count unmatched test modules were ignored" fi if [ "$error_count" -eq 0 ]; then echo 'Success! All test modules match targets in the code tree.' exit 0 else echo "Failure! $error_count of $total_count test modules do not match targets in the code tree." exit 1 fi
#!/bin/sh set -e set -u set -o pipefail function on_error { echo "$(realpath -mq "${0}"):$1: error: Unexpected failure" } trap 'on_error $LINENO' ERR if [ -z ${FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH+x} ]; then # If FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH is not set, then there's nowhere for us to copy # frameworks to, so exit 0 (signalling the script phase was successful). exit 0 fi echo "mkdir -p ${CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR}/${FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH}" mkdir -p "${CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR}/${FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH}" COCOAPODS_PARALLEL_CODE_SIGN="${COCOAPODS_PARALLEL_CODE_SIGN:-false}" SWIFT_STDLIB_PATH="${DT_TOOLCHAIN_DIR}/usr/lib/swift/${PLATFORM_NAME}" BCSYMBOLMAP_DIR="BCSymbolMaps" # This protects against multiple targets copying the same framework dependency at the same time. The solution # was originally proposed here: RSYNC_PROTECT_TMP_FILES=(--filter "P .*.??????") # Copies and strips a vendored framework install_framework() { if [ -r "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/$1" ]; then local source="${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/$1" elif [ -r "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/$(basename "$1")" ]; then local source="${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/$(basename "$1")" elif [ -r "$1" ]; then local source="$1" fi local destination="${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH}" if [ -L "${source}" ]; then echo "Symlinked..." source="$(readlink "${source}")" fi if [ -d "${source}/${BCSYMBOLMAP_DIR}" ]; then # Locate and install any .bcsymbolmaps if present, and remove them from the .framework before the framework is copied find "${source}/${BCSYMBOLMAP_DIR}" -name "*.bcsymbolmap"|while read f; do echo "Installing $f" install_bcsymbolmap "$f" "$destination" rm "$f" done rmdir "${source}/${BCSYMBOLMAP_DIR}" fi # Use filter instead of exclude so missing patterns don't throw errors. echo "rsync --delete -av "${RSYNC_PROTECT_TMP_FILES[@]}" --links --filter \"- CVS/\" --filter \"- .svn/\" --filter \"- .git/\" --filter \"- .hg/\" --filter \"- Headers\" --filter \"- PrivateHeaders\" --filter \"- Modules\" \"${source}\" \"${destination}\"" rsync --delete -av "${RSYNC_PROTECT_TMP_FILES[@]}" --links --filter "- CVS/" --filter "- .svn/" --filter "- .git/" --filter "- .hg/" --filter "- Headers" --filter "- PrivateHeaders" --filter "- Modules" "${source}" "${destination}" local basename basename="$(basename -s .framework "$1")" binary="${destination}/${basename}.framework/${basename}" if ! [ -r "$binary" ]; then binary="${destination}/${basename}" elif [ -L "${binary}" ]; then echo "Destination binary is symlinked..." dirname="$(dirname "${binary}")" binary="${dirname}/$(readlink "${binary}")" fi # Strip invalid architectures so "fat" simulator / device frameworks work on device if [[ "$(file "$binary")" == *"dynamically linked shared library"* ]]; then strip_invalid_archs "$binary" fi # Resign the code if required by the build settings to avoid unstable apps code_sign_if_enabled "${destination}/$(basename "$1")" # Embed linked Swift runtime libraries. No longer necessary as of Xcode 7. if [ "${XCODE_VERSION_MAJOR}" -lt 7 ]; then local swift_runtime_libs swift_runtime_libs=$(xcrun otool -LX "$binary" | grep --color=never @rpath/libswift | sed -E s/@rpath\\/\(.+dylib\).*/\\1/g | uniq -u) for lib in $swift_runtime_libs; do echo "rsync -auv \"${SWIFT_STDLIB_PATH}/${lib}\" \"${destination}\"" rsync -auv "${SWIFT_STDLIB_PATH}/${lib}" "${destination}" code_sign_if_enabled "${destination}/${lib}" done fi } # Copies and strips a vendored dSYM install_dsym() { local source="$1" warn_missing_arch=${2:-true} if [ -r "$source" ]; then # Copy the dSYM into the targets temp dir. echo "rsync --delete -av "${RSYNC_PROTECT_TMP_FILES[@]}" --filter \"- CVS/\" --filter \"- .svn/\" --filter \"- .git/\" --filter \"- .hg/\" --filter \"- Headers\" --filter \"- PrivateHeaders\" --filter \"- Modules\" \"${source}\" \"${DERIVED_FILES_DIR}\"" rsync --delete -av "${RSYNC_PROTECT_TMP_FILES[@]}" --filter "- CVS/" --filter "- .svn/" --filter "- .git/" --filter "- .hg/" --filter "- Headers" --filter "- PrivateHeaders" --filter "- Modules" "${source}" "${DERIVED_FILES_DIR}" local basename basename="$(basename -s .dSYM "$source")" binary_name="$(ls "$source/Contents/Resources/DWARF")" binary="${DERIVED_FILES_DIR}/${basename}.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/${binary_name}" # Strip invalid architectures from the dSYM. if [[ "$(file "$binary")" == *"Mach-O "*"dSYM companion"* ]]; then strip_invalid_archs "$binary" "$warn_missing_arch" fi if [[ $STRIP_BINARY_RETVAL == 0 ]]; then # Move the stripped file into its final destination. echo "rsync --delete -av "${RSYNC_PROTECT_TMP_FILES[@]}" --links --filter \"- CVS/\" --filter \"- .svn/\" --filter \"- .git/\" --filter \"- .hg/\" --filter \"- Headers\" --filter \"- PrivateHeaders\" --filter \"- Modules\" \"${DERIVED_FILES_DIR}/${basename}.framework.dSYM\" \"${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH}\"" rsync --delete -av "${RSYNC_PROTECT_TMP_FILES[@]}" --links --filter "- CVS/" --filter "- .svn/" --filter "- .git/" --filter "- .hg/" --filter "- Headers" --filter "- PrivateHeaders" --filter "- Modules" "${DERIVED_FILES_DIR}/${basename}.dSYM" "${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH}" else # The dSYM was not stripped at all, in this case touch a fake folder so the input/output paths from Xcode do not reexecute this script because the file is missing. touch "${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH}/${basename}.dSYM" fi fi } # Used as a return value for each invocation of `strip_invalid_archs` function. STRIP_BINARY_RETVAL=0 # Strip invalid architectures strip_invalid_archs() { binary="$1" warn_missing_arch=${2:-true} # Get architectures for current target binary binary_archs="$(lipo -info "$binary" | rev | cut -d ':' -f1 | awk '{$1=$1;print}' | rev)" # Intersect them with the architectures we are building for intersected_archs="$(echo ${ARCHS[@]} ${binary_archs[@]} | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq -d)" # If there are no archs supported by this binary then warn the user if [[ -z "$intersected_archs" ]]; then if [[ "$warn_missing_arch" == "true" ]]; then echo "warning: [CP] Vendored binary '$binary' contains architectures ($binary_archs) none of which match the current build architectures ($ARCHS)." fi STRIP_BINARY_RETVAL=1 return fi stripped="" for arch in $binary_archs; do if ! [[ "${ARCHS}" == *"$arch"* ]]; then # Strip non-valid architectures in-place lipo -remove "$arch" -output "$binary" "$binary" stripped="$stripped $arch" fi done if [[ "$stripped" ]]; then echo "Stripped $binary of architectures:$stripped" fi STRIP_BINARY_RETVAL=0 } # Copies the bcsymbolmap files of a vendored framework install_bcsymbolmap() { local bcsymbolmap_path="$1" local destination="${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}" echo "rsync --delete -av "${RSYNC_PROTECT_TMP_FILES[@]}" --filter "- CVS/" --filter "- .svn/" --filter "- .git/" --filter "- .hg/" --filter "- Headers" --filter "- PrivateHeaders" --filter "- Modules" "${bcsymbolmap_path}" "${destination}"" rsync --delete -av "${RSYNC_PROTECT_TMP_FILES[@]}" --filter "- CVS/" --filter "- .svn/" --filter "- .git/" --filter "- .hg/" --filter "- Headers" --filter "- PrivateHeaders" --filter "- Modules" "${bcsymbolmap_path}" "${destination}" } # Signs a framework with the provided identity code_sign_if_enabled() { if [ -n "${EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY:-}" -a "${CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED:-}" != "NO" -a "${CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED}" != "NO" ]; then # Use the current code_sign_identity echo "Code Signing $1 with Identity ${EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY_NAME}" local code_sign_cmd="/usr/bin/codesign --force --sign ${EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY} ${OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS:-} --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements '$1'" if [ "${COCOAPODS_PARALLEL_CODE_SIGN}" == "true" ]; then code_sign_cmd="$code_sign_cmd &" fi echo "$code_sign_cmd" eval "$code_sign_cmd" fi } if [[ "$CONFIGURATION" == "Debug" ]]; then install_framework "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/test-app/test_app.framework" install_framework "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/test-extension/test_extension.framework" fi if [[ "$CONFIGURATION" == "Release" ]]; then install_framework "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/test-app/test_app.framework" install_framework "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/test-extension/test_extension.framework" fi if [ "${COCOAPODS_PARALLEL_CODE_SIGN}" == "true" ]; then wait fi
#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2022 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. docker_image=$1 data_dir=$2 function show_help() { echo "Usage: docker_image data_dir" } function param_check() { if [ -z "${docker_image}" ]; then echo "please input docker_image" show_help exit 1 fi if [ -z "${data_dir}" ]; then echo "please input data_dir" show_help exit 1 fi } param_check docker run -it \ --device=/dev/davinci0 \ --device=/dev/davinci_manager \ --device=/dev/devmm_svm \ --device=/dev/hisi_hdc \ -v /usr/local/Ascend/driver:/usr/local/Ascend/driver \ -v ${data_dir}:${data_dir} \ ${docker_image} \ /bin/bash
#!/bin/bash # # BSD LICENSE # # Copyright(c) 2017-2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # if [ -z "$FPGA_TOOL_DIR" ]; then echo "FPGA_TOOL INSTALL ERROR: FPGA_TOOL_DIR environment variable is not set. Please 'source' from the fpga directory first." exit 1 fi if [ $EUID != 0 ]; then echo "" echo "Root privileges are required to install. You may be asked for your password..." sudo -E "$0" "$@" exit $? else echo "FPGA_TOOL INSTALL MESSAGE: Executing as root..." fi BASE_PATH=/usr/local echo $PATH | grep "$BASE_PATH" &> /dev/null ret=$? if [ $ret -ne "0" ]; then BASE_PATH=/usr fi FPGA_TOOL_DIST_DIR=$FPGA_TOOL_DIR/dist FPGA_TOOL_DST_DIR=$BASE_PATH/bin if [ ! -d "$FPGA_TOOL_DST_DIR" ]; then mkdir -p $FPGA_TOOL_DST_DIR fi #Copy to /usr/lib64 cp -f $FPGA_TOOL_DIST_DIR/ /usr/lib64 RET=$? if [ $RET -ne 0 ]; then echo "FPGA_TOOL INSTALL ERROR: Copy to /usr/lib64 failed." exit 1 fi echo "FPGA_TOOL INSTALL MESSAGE: Copy to /usr/lib64 success " #Set privilege chmod 600 /usr/lib64/ RET=$? if [ $RET -ne 0 ]; then echo "FPGA_TOOL INSTALL ERROR: Set the privilege of /usr/lib64/ failed." exit 1 fi echo "FPGA_TOOL INSTALL MESSAGE: Set the privilege of /usr/lib64/ success" #Copy fpga tool to /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin cp -f $FPGA_TOOL_DIST_DIR/FpgaCmdEntry $FPGA_TOOL_DST_DIR RET=$? if [ $RET -ne 0 ]; then echo "FPGA_TOOL INSTALL ERROR:Copy FpgaCmdEntry to $FPGA_TOOL_DST_DIR failed." exit 1 fi echo "FPGA_TOOL INSTALL MESSAGE: Copy FpgaCmdEntry to $FPGA_TOOL_DST_DIR success " #Set fpga tool privilege chmod 700 $FPGA_TOOL_DST_DIR/FpgaCmdEntry RET=$? if [ $RET -ne 0 ]; then echo "FPGA_TOOL INSTALL ERROR:Set the privilege of FpgaCmdEntry failed." exit 1 fi echo "FPGA_TOOL INSTALL MESSAGE: Set the privilege of $FPGA_TOOL_DST_DIR/FpgaCmdEntry success"
#!/bin/sh set -e echo "mkdir -p ${CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR}/${FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH}" mkdir -p "${CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR}/${FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH}" SWIFT_STDLIB_PATH="${DT_TOOLCHAIN_DIR}/usr/lib/swift/${PLATFORM_NAME}" install_framework() { if [ -r "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/$1" ]; then local source="${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/$1" elif [ -r "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/$(basename "$1")" ]; then local source="${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/$(basename "$1")" elif [ -r "$1" ]; then local source="$1" fi local destination="${CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR}/${FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH}" if [ -L "${source}" ]; then echo "Symlinked..." source="$(readlink "${source}")" fi # use filter instead of exclude so missing patterns dont' throw errors echo "rsync -av --filter \"- CVS/\" --filter \"- .svn/\" --filter \"- .git/\" --filter \"- .hg/\" --filter \"- Headers\" --filter \"- PrivateHeaders\" --filter \"- Modules\" \"${source}\" \"${destination}\"" rsync -av --filter "- CVS/" --filter "- .svn/" --filter "- .git/" --filter "- .hg/" --filter "- Headers" --filter "- PrivateHeaders" --filter "- Modules" "${source}" "${destination}" local basename basename="$(basename -s .framework "$1")" binary="${destination}/${basename}.framework/${basename}" if ! [ -r "$binary" ]; then binary="${destination}/${basename}" fi # Strip invalid architectures so "fat" simulator / device frameworks work on device if [[ "$(file "$binary")" == *"dynamically linked shared library"* ]]; then strip_invalid_archs "$binary" fi # Resign the code if required by the build settings to avoid unstable apps code_sign_if_enabled "${destination}/$(basename "$1")" # Embed linked Swift runtime libraries. No longer necessary as of Xcode 7. if [ "${XCODE_VERSION_MAJOR}" -lt 7 ]; then local swift_runtime_libs swift_runtime_libs=$(xcrun otool -LX "$binary" | grep --color=never @rpath/libswift | sed -E s/@rpath\\/\(.+dylib\).*/\\1/g | uniq -u && exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}) for lib in $swift_runtime_libs; do echo "rsync -auv \"${SWIFT_STDLIB_PATH}/${lib}\" \"${destination}\"" rsync -auv "${SWIFT_STDLIB_PATH}/${lib}" "${destination}" code_sign_if_enabled "${destination}/${lib}" done fi } # Signs a framework with the provided identity code_sign_if_enabled() { if [ -n "${EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY}" -a "${CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED}" != "NO" -a "${CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED}" != "NO" ]; then # Use the current code_sign_identitiy echo "Code Signing $1 with Identity ${EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY_NAME}" echo "/usr/bin/codesign --force --sign ${EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY} --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements \"$1\"" /usr/bin/codesign --force --sign ${EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY} --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements "$1" fi } # Strip invalid architectures strip_invalid_archs() { binary="$1" # Get architectures for current file archs="$(lipo -info "$binary" | rev | cut -d ':' -f1 | rev)" stripped="" for arch in $archs; do if ! [[ "${VALID_ARCHS}" == *"$arch"* ]]; then # Strip non-valid architectures in-place lipo -remove "$arch" -output "$binary" "$binary" || exit 1 stripped="$stripped $arch" fi done if [[ "$stripped" ]]; then echo "Stripped $binary of architectures:$stripped" fi } if [[ "$CONFIGURATION" == "Debug" ]]; then install_framework "Pods-ConnectSwift_Tests/Alamofire.framework" install_framework "Pods-ConnectSwift_Tests/ConnectSwift.framework" install_framework "Pods-ConnectSwift_Tests/SwiftyJSON.framework" fi if [[ "$CONFIGURATION" == "Release" ]]; then install_framework "Pods-ConnectSwift_Tests/Alamofire.framework" install_framework "Pods-ConnectSwift_Tests/ConnectSwift.framework" install_framework "Pods-ConnectSwift_Tests/SwiftyJSON.framework" fi
#!/bin/bash # # Check Environment if [ -z ${IMPERAS_HOME} ]; then echo "IMPERAS_HOME not set. Please check environment setup." exit fi ${IMPERAS_ISS} --verbose --output imperas.log \ --program ../../../Applications/dhrystone/dhrystone.ARM9E-O0-g.elf \ --processorvendor --processorname arm --variant ARM1026EJ-S \ --numprocessors 4 \ --parameter compatibility=nopSVC --parameter UAL=1 --parameter endian=little \ "$@" \ -argv 300000
#!/bin/bash trap "" SIGHUP trap kill_and_exit EXIT PGID=$(echo $(ps -p $$ o pgid h)) KILL=false kill_and_exit() { local ret=$? echo Caught EXIT do_kill -9 exit $? } print_ps() { ps -eO pgid | grep -E 'PGID|'" $PGID" } do_kill() { print_ps PIDS= for p in $(ps -e h o pid,pgid | grep -E ' +'${PGID}'$' | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v $$); do if [ -e /proc/$p ]; then PIDS="$PIDS $p" fi done if [ -n "$PIDS" ]; then print_ps echo PID $PGID has died doing kill "$@" $PIDS kill "$@" $PIDS fi } main() { while sleep 2; do if [ -e /proc/${PGID} ]; then #print_ps continue fi if [ "$KILL" = "false" ]; then do_kill KILL=true else do_kill -9 break fi done } main
source /tmp/ if [ -n "$(sshd -T | grep -i kexalgorithms | grep -i diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1)" ]; then exit $FAIL; fi if [ -n "$(sshd -T | grep -i kexalgorithms | grep -i diffie-hellman-group1-sha1)" ]; then exit $FAIL; fi if [ -n "$(sshd -T | grep -i kexalgorithms | grep -i diffie-hellman-group14-sha1)" ]; then exit $FAIL; fi exit $PASS
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -J Act_minsin_1 #SBATCH [email protected] #SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL #SBATCH -e /work/scratch/se55gyhe/log/output.err.%j #SBATCH -o /work/scratch/se55gyhe/log/output.out.%j #SBATCH -n 1 # Number of cores #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=6000 #SBATCH -t 23:59:00 # Hours, minutes and seconds, or '#SBATCH -t 10' -only mins #module load intel python/3.5 python3 /home/se55gyhe/Act_func/sequence_tagging/arg_min/ minsin 431 sgd 1 0.5099879732360412 0.01245660089173843 orth 0.3
#!/usr/bin/env bash ## datasets carla_kitti_dataset_moduletest=../datasets/carla_kitti/carla_kitti_sr_lowquality_moduletest carla_kitti_dataset_overfit=../datasets/carla_kitti/carla_kitti_sr_lowquality_overfit carla_kitti_dataset=../datasets/carla_kitti/carla_kitti_sr_lowquality/ sceneflow_dataset=../datasets/sceneflow/ kitti2015_dataset=../datasets/kitti/data_scene_flow/training/ kitti2015_testset=../datasets/kitti/data_scene_flow/testing/ kitti2015_sr_dataset=../datasets/kitti/data_scene_flow_sr/training/ kitti2015_dense_dataset=../datasets/kitti/data_scene_flow_dense/training/ kitti2012_dataset=../datasets/kitti/data_stereo_flow/training/ ## dir setting pretrained_dir=logs/pretrained submission_dir=logs/submission ## pretrained models pretrained_PSMNet_sceneflow=${pretrained_dir}/PSMNet_pretrained_sceneflow/PSMNet_pretrained_sceneflow.tar pretrained_PSMNet_kitti2012=${pretrained_dir}/PSMNet_pretrained_model_KITTI2012/PSMNet_pretrained_model_KITTI2012.tar pretrained_PSMNet_kitti2015=${pretrained_dir}/PSMNet_pretrained_model_KITTI2015/PSMNet_pretrained_model_KITTI2015.tar pretrained_EDSR_DIV2K=${pretrained_dir}/EDSR_pretrained_DIV2K/ ## GPU settings export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 nGPUs=$(( (${#CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES} + 1) / 2 )) pretrained_SR_kitti=${submission_dir}/pretrain_SR_kitti/SR_train/190318163338_SR_loadScale_1_0.5_trainCrop_64_512_batchSize_64_lossWeights_1_kitti2015 pretrained_SRStereo_kitti=${submission_dir}/SRStereo_finetune_kitti/Stereo_train/190319080705_SRStereo_loadScale_1.0_trainCrop_64_512_batchSize_12_lossWeights_-1.0_0.0_1.0_kitti2015 finetuned_SRStereo_kitti=${submission_dir}/SRStereo_finetune_kitti/Stereo_train/190320013526_SRStereo_loadScale_1.0_trainCrop_64_512_batchSize_12_lossWeights_0.5_0.0_0.5_kitti2015 finetuned_SRdispStereoRefine_carla=${submission_dir}/SRdispStereoRefine_SRStereo_compare_carla/Stereo_train/190313215524_SRdispStereoRefine_loadScale_1.0_0.5_trainCrop_128_1024_batchSize_12_lossWeights_0.5_0.4_0.1_carla_kitti pretrained_SRdisp_kitti=${submission_dir}/pretrain_SRdisp_kitti/SR_train/ ## prepare: pretrain_SR_kitti (DONE: 190318163338) ## finetune SR on kitti2015 #PYTHONPATH=./ python train/ --model SR --outputFolder submission/pretrain_SR_kitti --datapath $kitti2015_dataset --dataset kitti2015 --trainCrop 64 512 --epochs 6000 --save_every 300 --log_every 50 --batchsize_train 64 --lr 0.0001 --loadmodel $pretrained_EDSR_DIV2K --half --subtype subFinal ## SRStereo_finetune_kitti (DOING) ## finetune SRStereo initialized with PSMNet pretrained with KITTI and SR finetuned with KITTI without updating SR (DONE: 190319080705) #PYTHONPATH=./ python train/ --model SRStereo --dispscale 2 --outputFolder submission/SRStereo_finetune_kitti --datapath $kitti2015_dataset --dataset kitti2015 --load_scale 1 --trainCrop 64 512 --epochs 1200 --save_every 300 --log_every 50 --batchsize_train 12 --lr 0.001 300 0.0005 450 0.0002 600 0.0001 --lossWeights -1 0 1 --loadmodel $pretrained_SR_kitti $pretrained_PSMNet_kitti2015 --half --subtype subFinal ## finetune SRStereo initialized with prefinetuned SRStereo with updating SR (DONE: 190320013526) #PYTHONPATH=./ python train/ --model SRStereo --dispscale 2 --outputFolder submission/SRStereo_finetune_kitti --datapath $kitti2015_dataset --dataset kitti2015 --load_scale 1 --trainCrop 64 512 --epochs 300 --save_every 50 --log_every 50 --batchsize_train 12 --lr 0.0001 --lossWeights 0.5 0 0.5 --loadmodel $pretrained_SRStereo_kitti --half --subtype subFinal ## submission #PYTHONPATH=./ python submission/ --model SRStereo --dispscale 2 --datapath $kitti2015_testset --dataset kitti2015 --loadmodel $finetuned_SRStereo_kitti --load_scale 1 --subtype subTest --half ## prepare: pretrain_SRdisp_kitti (TODO) ## generate GTs of SR and dense disparity map with finetuned SRStereo #PYTHONPATH=./ python submission/ --datapath $kitti2015_dataset --dataset kitti2015 --loadmodel $finetuned_SRStereo_kitti --load_scale 2 1 --subtype subTrainEval --half #PYTHONPATH=./ python submission/ --model SRStereo --dispscale 2 --datapath $kitti2015_dataset --dataset kitti2015 --loadmodel $finetuned_SRStereo_kitti --load_scale 1 --subtype subTrainEval --half ## finetune SRdisp on kitti2015_dense: compare different initialization checkpoints (SERVER 135) #PYTHONPATH=./ python train/ --model SRdisp --outputFolder submission/pretrain_SRdisp_kitti --datapath $kitti2015_dense_dataset --dataset kitti2015_dense --trainCrop 64 2040 --epochs 1500 --save_every 300 --log_every 50 --batchsize_train 16 --lr 0.0005 300 0.0002 500 0.0001 700 0.00005 900 0.00002 1100 0.00001 --loadmodel $finetuned_SRdispStereoRefine_carla --half --subtype subFinal # # ## fintune SRdispStereoRefine with updating SRdisp #PYTHONPATH=./ python train/ --model SRdispStereoRefine --dispscale 2 --outputFolder submission/SRdispStereoRefine_finetune_kitti --datapath $kitti2015_dataset --dataset kitti2015 --load_scale 1 --trainCrop 64 512 --epochs 300 --save_every 50 --log_every 50 --itRefine 2 --batchsize_train 12 --lr 0.0001 --lossWeights 0.5 0 0.5 --loadmodel $pretrained_SRdisp_kitti $finetuned_SRStereo_kitti --half --subtype subFinal
apt-get -y install aptitude git aptitude update aptitude install -y libmicrohttpd-dev libjansson-dev libnice-dev libssl-dev libsofia-sip-ua-dev libglib2.0-dev libopus-dev libogg-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev pkg-config gengetopt libtool automake libcurl4-openssl-dev apache2 cd /usr/local/src wget tar xfv v2.0.0.tar.gz cd libsrtp-2.0.0 ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-openssl make shared_library && make install cd .. git clone cd janus-gateway sh ./configure --prefix=/opt/janus make make install make configs cp -a /usr/local/src/janus-gateway/html/. /var/www/html/
#!/bin/bash set -eu # Delete Kube-OVN components kubectl delete -f --ignore-not-found=true kubectl delete -f --ignore-not-found=true kubectl delete -f --ignore-not-found=true # Remove annotations in all pods of all namespaces for ns in $(kubectl get ns -o name |cut -c 11-); do echo "annotating pods in ns:$ns" kubectl annotate pod --all -n "$ns" kubectl annotate pod --all -n "$ns" kubectl annotate pod --all -n "$ns" kubectl annotate pod --all -n "$ns" kubectl annotate pod --all -n "$ns" kubectl annotate pod --all -n "$ns" done # Remove annotations in namespaces and nodes kubectl annotate no --all kubectl annotate no --all kubectl annotate no --all kubectl annotate no --all kubectl annotate no --all kubectl annotate no --all kubectl annotate ns --all kubectl annotate ns --all kubectl annotate ns --all kubectl annotate ns --all kubectl annotate ns --all kubectl annotate ns --all
#!/bin/bash sort -r -n -k 5.1,5.5 emp2 #sort numerically by field 5 character 1 to field 5 character 5, in reverse order
#!/bin/bash # ============================================================================== # Copyright 2019, Inc. All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 if [ ! -d log ]; then mkdir log else rm -r log/* fi if [ ! -d output ]; then mkdir output else rm -r output/* fi export FLAGS_cudnn_deterministic=true export FLAGS_cpu_deterministic=true PWD_DIR=`pwd` DATA=../data/ BERT_DIR=cased_L-24_H-1024_A-16 CPT_EMBEDDING_PATH=../retrieve_concepts/KB_embeddings/nell_concept2vec.txt python3 src/ \ --batch_size 6 \ --do_train true \ --do_predict true \ --do_lower_case false \ --init_pretraining_params $BERT_DIR/params \ --train_file $DATA/ReCoRD/train.json \ --predict_file $DATA/ReCoRD/dev.json \ --vocab_path $BERT_DIR/vocab.txt \ --bert_config_path $BERT_DIR/bert_config.json \ --freeze false \ --save_steps 4000 \ --weight_decay 0.01 \ --warmup_proportion 0.1 \ --learning_rate 3e-5 \ --epoch 4 \ --max_seq_len 384 \ --doc_stride 128 \ --concept_embedding_path $CPT_EMBEDDING_PATH \ --use_nell true \ --random_seed 45 \ --checkpoints output/ 1>$PWD_DIR/log/train.log 2>&1
#!/usr/bin/env bash # vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4:et # # Author: Hari Sekhon # Date: 2020-05-29 12:35:16 +0100 (Fri, 29 May 2020) # # # # License: see accompanying Hari Sekhon LICENSE file # # If you're using my code you're welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn and optionally send me feedback to help steer this or other code I publish # # # set -euo pipefail [ -n "${DEBUG:-}" ] && set -x srcdir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" # shellcheck disable=SC1090 . "$srcdir/" # statements should be named in format: Barclays_Statement_YYYY-MM-DD.csv export STATEMENT_GLOB="Barclays_Statement_[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]-[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]-[[:digit:]][[:digit:]].csv" # Barclays CSV statements often have whitespace starting fields instead of blank or 'null' # unfortunately this resets all the original CSV timestamps each run so it's best to do only where needed # UPDATE: no longer necessary, converter just ignores these blank fields now in the validation #for statement in $STATEMENT_GLOB; do #perl -pi -e 's/^\s+,/,/' "$statement" #done generate_crunch_statements --reverse-order
#!/bin/bash # Activate environment source /home/nbuser/anaconda3_420/bin/activate # Install packages conda update -c conda-forge conda conda-build conda install -y -c conda-forge folium=0.9.1 jinja2=2.10* xlrd networkx=2.3* missingno=0.4* bokeh pandas=0.25* pip install --upgrade pip pip install pyviz plotly==4.0.0 source /home/nbuser/anaconda3_420/bin/deactivate
#!/bin/bash # Default values for testing files relative_path_test_directory=$'test/auto/' input_file_suffix=$'-input.bc' output_file_suffix=$'-output.txt' # The will output if the files failed or passed diffFiles() { if diff <(java -cp target/SimpleBC-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.codecaptured.SimpleBC.SimpleBC $1) $2 > /dev/null then echo "Pass: " $1 else echo "Fail: " $1 fi } # Go through all the files in the test directory that match the input suffix for file in $relative_path_test_directory*$input_file_suffix do # Compare the input files output with the output file diffFiles $file ${file%$input_file_suffix}$output_file_suffix done
# This file downloads the IWSLT15 English-Vietnamese dataset. NMT_ROOT=$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd)/.. cd $NMT_ROOT/dataset; wget; \ tar xvzf iwslt15_en-vi.tar.gz; rm -f iwslt15_en-vi.tar.gz
kubectl delete pod $POD_NAME &
#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Customize an existing OS image using systemd-nspawn (from systemd-container package). # # For other architecture support (e.g. arm) make sure binfmt-support and qemu-user-static # packages are installed, e.g. # # apt install systemd-container qemu binfmt-support qemu-user-static # # This script relies on tools available in the bc, coreutils, and rsync packages, e.g. # # apt install bc rsync declare -A FS_OPTS FS_OPTS[btrfs]="-q -m dup" FS_OPTS[ext4]="-q -m 2 -O ^64bit,^metadata_csum" FS_OPTS[vfat]="" declare -A MNT_OPTS MNT_OPTS[btrfs]="defaults,noatime,nodiratime,commit=600,compress-force=zstd" MNT_OPTS[ext4]="defaults,commit=600" MNT_OPTS[vfat]="defaults" declare -A DEST_MNT_OPTS DEST_MNT_OPTS[btrfs]="defaults,noatime,nodiratime,compress=zstd" DEST_MNT_OPTS[ext4]="defaults,noatim" DEST_MNT_OPTS[vfat]="defaults" SRC_BOOT_LABEL="SOLARBOOT" SRC_BOOT_PARTNUM="" SRC_ROOT_LABEL="SOLARNODE" SRC_ROOT_PARTNUM="" DEST_ROOT_FSTYPE="" BOOT_DEV_LABEL="${BOOT_DEV_LABEL:-SOLARBOOT}" BOOT_DEV_MOUNT="${BOOT_DEV_MOUNT:-/boot}" ROOT_DEV_LABEL="${ROOT_DEV_LABEL:-SOLARNODE}" CLEAN_IMAGE="" COMPRESS_DEST_IMAGE="" COMPRESS_DEST_OPTS="-8 -T 0" DEST_PATH="" EXPAND_SOLARNODE_FS="" INTERACTIVE_MODE="" KEEP_SSH="" SCRIPT_ARGS="" SHRINK_SOLARNODE_FS="" SRC_IMG="" VERBOSE="" ERR="" do_help () { cat 1>&2 <<EOF Usage: $0 <arguments> src script [bind-mounts] -a <args> - extra argumnets to pass to the script -c - clean out log files, temp files, SSH host keys from final image -E <size MB> - shrink the SOLARNODE partition by this amount, in MB -e <size MB> - expand the SOLARNODE partition by this amount, in MB -i - interactive mode; run without script -N <boot part #> - the source image boot partition number, instead of using label -n <root part #> - the source image root partition number, instead of using label -P <boot label> - the source image boot partition label; defaults to SOLARBOOT -p <root label> - the source image root partition label; defaults to SOLARNODE -M <boot mount> - the boot partition mount directory; defaults to /boot -o <out name> - the output name for the final image -r <fstype> - force a specific root filesystem type in the destination image -S - if -c set, keep SSH host keys -v - increase verbosity of tasks -Z <options> - xz options to use on final image; defaults to '-8 -T 0' -z - compress final image with xz The bind-mounts argument must adhere to the systemd-nspawn --bind-ro syntax, that is something like 'src:mount'. Multiple mounts should be separarted by commas. This mounts will then be available to the customization script. Example that mounts /home/me as /var/tmp/me in the chroot: ./ solarnodeos-20200820.img /home/me:/var/tmp/me To expand the root filesystem by 500 MB: ./ -e 500 solarnodeos-20200820.img To interactively customize the image ( is not run, but copied into image): ./ -i solarnodeos-20200820.img EOF } while getopts ":a:cE:e:io:M:N:n:P:p:r:SvZ:z" opt; do case $opt in a) SCRIPT_ARGS="${OPTARG}";; c) CLEAN_IMAGE="TRUE";; E) SHRINK_SOLARNODE_FS="${OPTARG}";; e) EXPAND_SOLARNODE_FS="${OPTARG}";; i) INTERACTIVE_MODE="TRUE";; o) DEST_PATH="${OPTARG}";; M) BOOT_DEV_MOUNT="${OPTARG}";; N) SRC_BOOT_PARTNUM="${OPTARG}";; n) SRC_ROOT_PARTNUM="${OPTARG}";; P) SRC_BOOT_LABEL="${OPTARG}";; p) SRC_ROOT_LABEL="${OPTARG}";; r) DEST_ROOT_FSTYPE="${OPTARG}";; S) KEEP_SSH="TRUE";; v) VERBOSE="TRUE";; Z) COMPRESS_DEST_OPTS="${OPTARG}";; z) COMPRESS_DEST_IMAGE="TRUE";; *) echo "Unknown argument ${OPTARG}" do_help exit 1 esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then echo "This script must be run as root." exit 1 fi if ! command -v bc >/dev/null; then echo 'Error: bc is not available. Perhaps `apt install bc`?' exit 1 fi if ! command -v sfdisk >/dev/null; then echo 'Error: sfdisk is not available. Perhaps `apt install util-linux`?' exit 1 fi IMG="$1" if [ -z "$IMG" ]; then echo 'Must specify source image as argument.' exit 1 fi if [ ! -e "$IMG" ]; then echo "Error: source image '$IMG' not available." exit 1 fi SCRIPT="$2" if [ -z "$SCRIPT" ]; then echo 'Must specify script as argument.' exit 1 fi if [ ! -e "$SCRIPT" ]; then echo "Error: script '$SCRIPT' not available." exit 1 fi BIND_MOUNTS="$3" FSTYPE_SOLARNODE="" FSTYPE_SOLARBOOT="" LOOPDEV="" SOLARBOOT_PART="" SOLARNODE_PART="" SRC_IMG=$(mktemp -t img-XXXXX) SRC_MOUNT=$(mktemp -d -t sn-XXXXX) SCRIPT_DIR="" copy_src_img () { if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Creating source image copy $SRC_IMG" fi if [ "${IMG##*.}" = "xz" ]; then if ! xzcat ${VERBOSE//TRUE/-v} "$IMG" >"$SRC_IMG"; then echo "Error extracting $IMG to $SRC_IMG" exit 1 fi elif ! cp ${VERBOSE//TRUE/-v} "$IMG" "$SRC_IMG"; then echo "Error: unable to copy $IMG to $SRC_IMG" exit 1 fi if [ -n "$EXPAND_SOLARNODE_FS" ]; then if ! truncate -s +${EXPAND_SOLARNODE_FS}M "$SRC_IMG"; then echo "Error: unable to expand $SRC_IMG by ${EXPAND_SOLARNODE_FS}MB." elif [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Expanded $SRC_IMG by ${EXPAND_SOLARNODE_FS}MB." fi fi } clean_src_img () { rm -f "$SRC_IMG" if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Deleted $SRC_IMG" fi } setup_src_loopdev () { LOOPDEV=$(losetup -P -f --show $SRC_IMG) if [ -z "$LOOPDEV" ]; then echo "Error: loop device not discovered for image $SRC_IMG" exit 1 elif [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Created loop device $LOOPDEV for source image." fi # seems system needs a little rest before labels are available in lsblk? sleep 1 if [ -n "$SRC_BOOT_PARTNUM" ]; then SOLARBOOT_PART=$(lsblk -npo kname $LOOPDEV |tail +$((1+$SRC_BOOT_PARTNUM)) |head -n 1) else SOLARBOOT_PART=$(lsblk -npo kname,label $LOOPDEV |grep -i $SRC_BOOT_LABEL |cut -d' ' -f 1) fi if [ -z "$SOLARBOOT_PART" ]; then echo "Error: $SRC_BOOT_LABEL partition not discovered" exit 1 elif [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Discovered source $SRC_BOOT_LABEL partition ${SOLARBOOT_PART}." fi if [ -n "$SRC_BOOT_PARTNUM" ]; then SOLARNODE_PART=$(lsblk -npo kname $LOOPDEV |tail +$((1+$SRC_ROOT_PARTNUM)) |head -n 1) else SOLARNODE_PART=$(lsblk -npo kname,label $LOOPDEV |grep -i $SRC_ROOT_LABEL |cut -d' ' -f 1) fi if [ -z "$SOLARNODE_PART" ]; then echo "Error: $SRC_ROOT_LABEL partition not discovered" exit 1 elif [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Discovered source $SRC_ROOT_LABEL partition ${SOLARNODE_PART}." fi if [ -n "$EXPAND_SOLARNODE_FS" ]; then local part_num=$(sfdisk -ql "$LOOPDEV" -o Device |tail +2 |awk '{print NR,$0}' |grep "$SOLARNODE_PART" |cut -d' ' -f1) if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Expanding partition $part_num on ${LOOPDEV} by $EXPAND_SOLARNODE_FS MB." fi echo ",+${EXPAND_SOLARNODE_FS}M" |sfdisk ${LOOPDEV} -N${part_num} --no-reread -q partx -u ${LOOPDEV} fi if ! mount "$SOLARNODE_PART" "$SRC_MOUNT"; then echo "Error: unable to mount $SOLARNODE_PART on $SRC_MOUNT" exit 1 elif [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Mounted source $SRC_ROOT_LABEL filesystem on $SRC_MOUNT." fi FSTYPE_SOLARNODE=$(findmnt -f -n -o FSTYPE "$SOLARNODE_PART") if [ -z "$FSTYPE_SOLARNODE" ]; then echo "Error: $SRC_ROOT_LABEL filesystem type not discovered." elif [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Discovered source $SRC_ROOT_LABEL filesystem type $FSTYPE_SOLARNODE." fi if [ -n "$EXPAND_SOLARNODE_FS" ]; then case $FSTYPE_SOLARNODE in btrfs) btrfs filesystem resize max "$SRC_MOUNT";; ext4) resize2fs "$SOLARNODE_PART";; *) echo "Filesystem expansion for type $FSTYPE_SOLARNODE not supported.";; esac fi if [ ! -d "$SRC_MOUNT$BOOT_DEV_MOUNT" ]; then if ! mkdir -p "$SRC_MOUNT$BOOT_DEV_MOUNT"; then echo "Error: unable to create $SRC_MOUNT$BOOT_DEV_MOUNT directory to mount $SOLARBOOT_PART." exit 1 fi fi if ! mount "$SOLARBOOT_PART" "$SRC_MOUNT$BOOT_DEV_MOUNT"; then echo "Error: unable to mount $SOLARBOOT_PART on $SRC_MOUNT$BOOT_DEV_MOUNT." exit 1 elif [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Mounted source $SRC_BOOT_LABEL filesystem on $SRC_MOUNT$BOOT_DEV_MOUNT." fi FSTYPE_SOLARBOOT=$(findmnt -f -n -o FSTYPE "$SOLARBOOT_PART") if [ -z "$FSTYPE_SOLARBOOT" ]; then echo "Error: $SRC_BOOT_LABEL filesystem type not discovered." elif [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Discovered source $SRC_BOOT_LABEL filesystem type $FSTYPE_SOLARBOOT." fi } close_src_loopdev () { if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Unmounting source $SRC_BOOT_LABEL filesystem $SRC_MOUNT$BOOT_DEV_MOUNT." fi umount "$SRC_MOUNT$BOOT_DEV_MOUNT" if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Unmounting source $SRC_ROOT_LABEL filesystem $SRC_MOUNT." fi umount "$SRC_MOUNT" if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Closing source image loop device $LOOPDEV." fi losetup -d "$LOOPDEV" rmdir "$SRC_MOUNT" } disable_ld_preload () { if [ -e "$SRC_MOUNT/etc/" ]; then echo -n "Disabling preload shared libs from $SRC_MOUNT/etc/ " sed -i 's/^/#/' "$SRC_MOUNT/etc/" echo 'OK' fi } enable_ld_preload () { if [ -e "$SRC_MOUNT/etc/" ]; then echo -n "Enabling preload shared libs in $SRC_MOUNT/etc/ " sed -i 's/^#//' "$SRC_MOUNT/etc/" echo 'OK' fi } setup_mounts () { # be sure to work with UUID= and PARTUUID= and LABEL= forms; also, work with /boot and /boot/firmware if grep 'UUID=[^ ]* */boot' $SRC_MOUNT/etc/fstab >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo -n "Changing /boot mount in $SRC_MOUNT/etc/fstab to use label $BOOT_DEV_LABEL... " sed -i 's/^.*UUID=[^ ]* *\/boot/LABEL='"$BOOT_DEV_LABEL"' \/boot/' $SRC_MOUNT/etc/fstab \ && echo "OK" || echo "ERROR" elif grep 'LABEL=[^ ]* */boot' $SRC_MOUNT/etc/fstab >/dev/null 2>&1; then if ! grep 'LABEL='"$BOOT_DEV_LABEL" $SRC_MOUNT/etc/fstab >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo -n "Changing /boot mount in $SRC_MOUNT/etc/fstab to use label $BOOT_DEV_LABEL... " sed -i 's/^.*LABEL=[^ ]* *\/boot/LABEL='"$BOOT_DEV_LABEL"' \/boot/' $SRC_MOUNT/etc/fstab \ && echo "OK" || echo "ERROR" fi fi if grep 'UUID=[^ ]* */ ' $SRC_MOUNT/etc/fstab >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo -n "Changing / mount in $SRC_MOUNT/etc/fstab to use label $ROOT_DEV_LABEL... " sed -i 's/^.*UUID=[^ ]* *\/ /LABEL='"$ROOT_DEV_LABEL"' \/ /' $SRC_MOUNT/etc/fstab \ && echo "OK" || echo "ERROR" elif grep 'LABEL=[^ ]* */ ' $SRC_MOUNT/etc/fstab >/dev/null 2>&1; then if ! grep 'LABEL='"$ROOT_DEV_LABEL" $SRC_MOUNT/etc/fstab >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo -n "Changing / mount in $SRC_MOUNT/etc/fstab to use label $ROOT_DEV_LABEL... " sed -i 's/^.*LABEL=[^ ]* *\/ /LABEL='"$ROOT_DEV_LABEL"' \/ /' $SRC_MOUNT/etc/fstab \ && echo "OK" || echo "ERROR" fi fi if ! grep '^tmpfs /run ' $SRC_MOUNT/etc/fstab >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo -n "Adding /run mount in $SRC_MOUNT/etc/fstab with explicit size... " echo 'tmpfs /run tmpfs rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,size=50%,mode=755 0 0' >>$SRC_MOUNT/etc/fstab \ && echo "OK" || echo "ERROR" fi } setup_chroot () { disable_ld_preload setup_mounts if [ -L "$SRC_MOUNT/etc/resolv.conf" -o -e "$SRC_MOUNT/etc/resolv.conf" ]; then if ! mv "$SRC_MOUNT/etc/resolv.conf" "$SRC_MOUNT/etc/"; then echo "Error: unable to rename $SRC_MOUNT/etc/resolv.conf." exit 1 fi fi echo 'nameserver' >"$SRC_MOUNT/etc/resolv.conf" SCRIPT_DIR=$(mktemp -d -t sn-XXXXX -p "$SRC_MOUNT/var/tmp") if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Created script directory $SCRIPT_DIR." fi if ! cp -a ${VERBOSE//TRUE/-v} "$SCRIPT" "$SCRIPT_DIR/customize"; then echo "Error: unable to copy $SCRIPT to $SCRIPT_DIR" exit 1 fi chmod ugo+x "$SCRIPT_DIR/customize" } clean_chroot_fluff () { if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Finding archive logs to delete..." find "$SRC_MOUNT/var/log" -type f \( -name '*.gz' -o -name '*.1' \) -print fi find "$SRC_MOUNT/var/log" -type f \( -name '*.gz' -o -name '*.1' \) -delete if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Finding archive logs to truncate..." find "$SRC_MOUNT/var/log" -type f -size +0c -print fi find "$SRC_MOUNT/var/log" -type f -size +0c -exec sh -c '> {}' \; if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Finding apt cache files to delete..." find "$SRC_MOUNT/var/cache/apt" -type f -name '*.bin' -print fi find "$SRC_MOUNT/var/cache/apt" -type f -name '*.bin' -delete if [ -e "$SRC_MOUNT/var/tmp" ]; then if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Deleting temporary files from /var/tmp..." find "$SRC_MOUNT/var/tmp" -type f -print fi find "$SRC_MOUNT/var/tmp" -type f -delete fi if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Finding localized man files to delete..." find "$SRC_MOUNT/usr/share/man" -maxdepth 1 -type d \( -name '??' -o -name '??_*' -o -name '??.*' \) -print fi find "$SRC_MOUNT/usr/share/man" -maxdepth 1 -type d \( -name '??' -o -name '??_*' -o -name '??.*' \) \ -exec rm -rf {} \; if [ -s "$SRC_MOUNT/etc/machine-id" ]; then if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Truncating /etc/machine-id" fi sh -c ">$SRC_MOUNT/etc/machine-id" fi if [ -e "$SRC_MOUNT/var/lib/dbus/machine-id" ]; then if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Deleting /var/lib/dbus/machine-id" fi rm -f "$SRC_MOUNT/var/lib/dbus/machine-id" fi if [ -n "$KEEP_SSH" ]; then if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Preserving SSH host keys." fi else if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Deleting SSH host keys..." find "$SRC_MOUNT/etc/ssh" -type f -name 'ssh_host_*' -print fi find "$SRC_MOUNT/etc/ssh" -type f -name 'ssh_host_*' -delete fi } clean_chroot () { if [ -L "$SRC_MOUNT/etc/" ]; then if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Restoring original $SRC_MOUNT/etc/resolv.conf" fi rm -f "$SRC_MOUNT/etc/resolv.conf" mv "$SRC_MOUNT/etc/" "$SRC_MOUNT/etc/resolv.conf" fi if [ -d "$SCRIPT_DIR" ]; then rm -rf ${VERBOSE//TRUE/-v} "$SCRIPT_DIR" fi enable_ld_preload if [ -n "$CLEAN_IMAGE" ]; then clean_chroot_fluff fi } execute_chroot () { local binds="$1" if [ -n "$binds" ]; then if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Binding container dir $binds" fi binds="--bind=$binds" fi if [ -n "$INTERACTIVE_MODE" ]; then if ! systemd-nspawn -M solarnode-cust -D "$SRC_MOUNT" \ --chdir=${SCRIPT_DIR##${SRC_MOUNT}} \ ${binds}; then ERR="Error running setup script in container." echo "!!!" echo "!!! Error with interactive setup in container!" echo "!!!" fi elif ! systemd-nspawn -M solarnode-cust -D "$SRC_MOUNT" \ --chdir=${SCRIPT_DIR##${SRC_MOUNT}} \ ${binds} \ ./customize \ ${VERBOSE//TRUE/-v} \ ${SCRIPT_ARGS}; then ERR="Error running setup script in container." echo "!!!" echo "!!! Error running setup script in container!" echo "!!!" fi } copy_bootloader () { local dev="$1" # note: following assumes MBR, with first 440 bytes the boot loader local start_len="440" local bl_offset="1" local bl_len=$(echo "$(sfdisk -ql $dev -o Start |tail +2 |head -1) - $bl_offset" |bc) if ! dd status=none if=$SRC_IMG of=$dev bs=$start_len count=1; then echo "Error: problem copying MBR bootloader from $SRC_IMG to $dev." elif [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Copied $start_len bootloader bytes from $SRC_IMG to $dev." fi if ! dd status=none if=$SRC_IMG of=$dev bs=512 skip=$bl_offset seek=$bl_offset count=$bl_len; then echo "Error: problem copying bootloader from $SRC_IMG to $dev." elif [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Copied ${bl_len} sectors starting from $bl_offset for bootloader from $SRC_IMG to $dev." fi } LAST_PARTUUID="" copy_part () { local part="$1" local fstype="$2" local label="$3" local src="$4" if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Creating $part $fstype filesystem with options ${FS_OPTS[$fstype]}." fi if ! mkfs.$fstype ${FS_OPTS[$fstype]} "$part"; then echo "Error: failed to create $part $fstype filesystem." exit 1 fi local tmp_mount=$(mktemp -d -t sn-XXXXX) if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Mounting $part on $tmp_mount with options ${MNT_OPTS[$fstype]}." fi if ! mount -o ${MNT_OPTS[$fstype]} "$part" "$tmp_mount"; then echo "Error: failed to mount $part on $tmp_mount." exit 1 fi LAST_PARTUUID=$(blkid -o export "$part" |grep PARTUUID |cut -d= -f2) if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "$part PARTUUID = $LAST_PARTUUID" echo "Labling $part as $label" fi case $fstype in btrfs) btrfs filesystem label "$tmp_mount" "$label";; ext*) e2label "$part" "$label";; vfat) fatlabel "$part" "$label";; esac if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Copying files from $src to $tmp_mount..." fi rsync -aHWXhx ${VERBOSE//TRUE/--info=progress2,stats1} "$src"/ "$tmp_mount"/ umount "$tmp_mount" rmdir "$tmp_mount" } setup_boot_cmdline () { local part="$1" local fstype="$2" local rootpartuuid="$3" local tmp_mount=$(mktemp -d -t sn-XXXXX) if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Mounting $part on $tmp_mount with options ${MNT_OPTS[$fstype]}." fi if ! mount -o ${MNT_OPTS[$fstype]} "$part" "$tmp_mount"; then echo "Error: failed to mount $part on $tmp_mount." exit 1 fi if [ -e "$tmp_mount/cmdline.txt" ]; then if grep ' root=' "$tmp_mount/cmdline.txt" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo -n "Changing root to PARTUUID=$rootpartuuid in $tmp_mount/cmdline.txt... " sed -i 's/root=[^ ]*/root=PARTUUID='"$rootpartuuid"'/' $tmp_mount/cmdline.txt \ && echo "OK" || echo "ERROR" fi if [ -n "$DEST_ROOT_FSTYPE" ]; then if grep ' rootfstype=' "$tmp_mount/cmdline.txt" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo -n "Changing rootfstype to $DEST_ROOT_FSTYPE in $tmp_mount/cmdline.txt... " sed -i 's/rootfstype=[^ ]*/rootfstype='"$DEST_ROOT_FSTYPE"'/' $tmp_mount/cmdline.txt \ && echo "OK" || echo "ERROR" fi fi if grep ' init=' "$tmp_mount/cmdline.txt" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo -n "Removing init from $tmp_mount/cmdline.txt... " sed -i 's/ init=[^ ]*//' $tmp_mount/cmdline.txt \ && echo "OK" || echo "ERROR" fi if ! grep '' "$tmp_mount/cmdline.txt" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo -n "Adding to $tmp_mount/cmdline.txt... " sed -i '1s/$/' $tmp_mount/cmdline.txt \ && echo "OK" || echo "ERROR" fi fi umount "$tmp_mount" rmdir "$tmp_mount" } copy_img () { local size=$(wc -c <"$SRC_IMG") local size_mb=$(echo "$size / 1024 / 1024" |bc) local size_sector="" local size_sector_in="" if [ -n "$SHRINK_SOLARNODE_FS" ]; then size_mb=$(echo "$size_mb - $SHRINK_SOLARNODE_FS" |bc) if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Shrinking output image by $SHRINK_SOLARNODE_FS MB." fi local part_num=$(sfdisk -ql "$LOOPDEV" -o Device |tail +2 |awk '{print NR,$0}' \ |grep "${LOOPDEV}${SOLARNODE_PART##$LOOPDEV}" |cut -d' ' -f1) size_sector_in=$(sfdisk -ql "$LOOPDEV" -o Sectors |tail +$((1 + $part_num)) |head -1) size_sector=$(echo "$size_sector_in - $SHRINK_SOLARNODE_FS * 1024 * 1024 / 512" |bc) fi local out_img=$(mktemp -t img-XXXXX) if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Creating ${size_mb}MB output image $out_img." fi if ! dd if=/dev/zero of="$out_img" bs=1M count=$size_mb status=none; then echo "Error creating ${size_mb}MB output image $out_img." exit 1 fi chmod 644 "$out_img" local out_loopdev=$(losetup -P -f --show $out_img) if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Opened output image loop device $out_loopdev." fi if [ -n "$size_sector" ]; then if ! sfdisk -q -d "$LOOPDEV" |sed -e "s/size=.*$size_sector_in/size=$size_sector/" |sfdisk -q "$out_loopdev"; then echo "Error copying partition table from $LOOPDEV to $outdev, shrunk from $size_sector_in to $size_sector sectors." exit 1 fi elif ! sfdisk -q -d "$LOOPDEV" |sfdisk -q "$out_loopdev"; then echo "Error copying partition table from $LOOPDEV to $outdev." exit 1 fi copy_bootloader "$out_loopdev" copy_part "${out_loopdev}${SOLARBOOT_PART##$LOOPDEV}" "$FSTYPE_SOLARBOOT" "SOLARBOOT" "$SRC_MOUNT$BOOT_DEV_MOUNT" copy_part "${out_loopdev}${SOLARNODE_PART##$LOOPDEV}" "${DEST_ROOT_FSTYPE:-${FSTYPE_SOLARNODE}}" "SOLARNODE" "$SRC_MOUNT" setup_boot_cmdline "$out_loopdev${SOLARBOOT_PART##$LOOPDEV}" "$FSTYPE_SOLARBOOT" "$LAST_PARTUUID" if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Closing output image loop device $out_loopdev." fi losetup -d "$out_loopdev" close_src_loopdev if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Customized image complete: $out_img" fi if [ -n "$DEST_PATH" ]; then mv "$out_img" "$DEST_PATH" out_img="$DEST_PATH" fi out_path=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$out_img")) out_name=$(basename "${out_img%%.*}") # cd into out_path so checksums don't contain paths pushd "$out_path" if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Checksumming image as ${out_path}/${out_name}.img.sha256..." fi sha256sum $(basename $out_img) >"${out_name}.img.sha256" if [ -n "$COMPRESS_DEST_IMAGE" ]; then if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Compressing image as ${out_path}/${out_name}.img.xz..." fi xz -cv ${COMPRESS_DEST_OPTS} "$out_img" >"${out_name}.img.xz" if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Checksumming compressed image as ${out_name}.img.xz.sha256..." fi sha256sum "${out_name}.img.xz" >"${out_name}.img.xz.sha256" fi popd } copy_src_img setup_src_loopdev setup_chroot execute_chroot "$BIND_MOUNTS" clean_chroot if [ -z "$ERR" ]; then copy_img else close_src_loopdev fi clean_src_img if [ -z "$ERR" -a -n "$DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "Customized image saved to $DEST_PATH" fi
#!/usr/bin/env -S bash --norc --noprofile #shellcheck shell=bash disable=SC1008,SC2096 #shellcheck disable=SC2155,SC2034,SC2154 # # Distro neutral upgrade script michaeltd 171124 # From # Unofficial Bash Strict Mode set -euo pipefail IFS=$'\t\n' #link free (S)cript: (D)ir(N)ame, (B)ase(N)ame. readonly sdn="$(dirname "$(realpath "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")" \ sbn="$(basename "$(realpath "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")" main() { # For this to work package manager arrays must be in following format... # | #1 package manager executable | #2 repo update switch | #3 distro upgrade switch(es)| #4 ... # PS: By ignoring dpkg and rpm we are avoiding issues with systems where alien has been installed. local -ra apt_get=( "apt-get" "update" "--assume-yes" "--simulate" "dist-upgrade" ) \ yum=( "yum" "check-update" "update" ) \ zypper=( "zypper" "refresh" "update" "--no-confirm" "--auto-agree-with-licenses" ) \ pacman=( "pacman" "-Sy" "-Syu" ) \ emerge=( "emerge" "--sync" "--pretend" "--nospinner" "--update" "--deep" "--newuse" "@world" ) \ pkg=( "pkg" "update" "upgrade" "--quiet" "--no-repo-update" "--yes" ) local -ra pms=( apt_get[@] yum[@] zypper[@] pacman[@] emerge[@] pkg[@] ) local -r notfound="404" local pmidx="${notfound}" # Which is the first available pm in this system? for x in "${!pms[@]}"; do if type -P "${!pms[x]:0:1}" &> /dev/null; then local -r pmidx="${x}" break # break on first match. fi done if [[ "${pmidx}" == "${notfound}" || "${EUID}" != "0" ]]; then printf " Error: required access privilages not met,\n or package manager not found. \n For this to work you need root account privilages \n and a %s, %s, %s, %s, %s or %s based distro.\n Quithing.\n" "${!pms[0]:0:1}" "${!pms[1]:0:1}" "${!pms[2]:0:1}" "${!pms[3]:0:1}" "${!pms[4]:0:1}" "${!pms[5]:0:1}" >&2 return 1 else "${!pms[pmidx]:0:1}" "${!pms[pmidx]:1:1}" && "${!pms[pmidx]:0:1}" "${!pms[pmidx]:2}" fi } [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "${0}" ]] && main "${@}"
#!/usr/local/bin/bash if [ -f ~/.previousexternaladdr ]; then rm -rf ~/.previousexternaladdr fi if [ -f ~/.previousinternaladdr ]; then rm -rf ~/.previousinternaladdr fi if [ -f ~/.externaladdr ]; then rm -rf ~/.externaladdr fi if [ -f ~/.internaladdr ]; then rm -rf ~/.internaladdr fi
#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (c) 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This file is licensed under the Apache Software License, v. 2 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail mkdir -p "$(dirname $0)/../.github" "$(dirname $0)/../.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE" for file in `find "$(dirname $0)"/../vendor/ -name '*.md'`; do cat "$file" |\ sed 's/operating Gardener/working with this Gardener extension/g' |\ sed 's/to the Gardener project/for this extension/g' |\ sed 's/to Gardener/to this extension/g' |\ sed 's/- Gardener version:/- Gardener version (if relevant):\n- Extension version:/g' |\ sed 's/\/kind [a-zA-Z]*/&\n\/platform vsphere/g' \ > "$(dirname $0)/../.github/${file#*.github/}" done
#!/usr/bin/env bash set -ex docker exec -it influxdb influx setup
# -*- sh -*- (Bash only) # # Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # The template is expanded at build time using tables of commands/options # derived from the bazel executable built in the same client; the expansion is # written to bazel-complete.bash. # # Don't use this script directly. Generate the final script with # bazel build //scripts:bash_completion instead. # This script expects a header to be prepended to it that defines the following # nullary functions: # # _bazel_completion_use_query - Has a successful exit code if # BAZEL_COMPLETION_USE_QUERY is "true". # # _bazel_completion_allow_tests_for_run - Has a successful exit code if # BAZEL_COMPLETION_ALLOW_TESTS_FOR_RUN is "true". # The package path used by the completion routines. Unfortunately # this isn't necessarily the same as the actual package path used by # Bazel, but that's ok. (It's impossible for us to reliably know what # the relevant package-path, so this is just a good guess. Users can # override it if they want.) : ${BAZEL_COMPLETION_PACKAGE_PATH:=%workspace%} # Some commands might interfer with the important one, so don't complete them : ${BAZEL_IGNORED_COMMAND_REGEX:="__none__"} # bazel & ibazel commands : ${BAZEL:=bazel} : ${IBAZEL:=ibazel} # Pattern to match for looking for a target # BAZEL_BUILD_MATCH_PATTERN__* give the pattern for label-* # when looking in the the build file. # BAZEL_QUERY_MATCH_PATTERN__* give the pattern for label-* # when using 'bazel query'. # _RUNTEST is a special case for _bazel_completion_allow_tests_for_run. : ${BAZEL_BUILD_MATCH_PATTERN__test:='(.*_test|test_suite)'} : ${BAZEL_QUERY_MATCH_PATTERN__test:='(test|test_suite)'} : ${BAZEL_BUILD_MATCH_PATTERN__bin:='.*_binary'} : ${BAZEL_QUERY_MATCH_PATTERN__bin:='(binary)'} : ${BAZEL_BUILD_MATCH_PATTERN_RUNTEST__bin:='(.*_(binary|test)|test_suite)'} : ${BAZEL_QUERY_MATCH_PATTERN_RUNTEST__bin:='(binary|test)'} : ${BAZEL_BUILD_MATCH_PATTERN__:='.*'} : ${BAZEL_QUERY_MATCH_PATTERN__:=''} # Usage: _bazel__get_rule_match_pattern <command> # Determine what kind of rules to match, based on command. _bazel__get_rule_match_pattern() { local var_name pattern if _bazel_completion_use_query; then var_name="BAZEL_QUERY_MATCH_PATTERN" else var_name="BAZEL_BUILD_MATCH_PATTERN" fi if [[ "$1" =~ ^label-?([a-z]*)$ ]]; then pattern=${BASH_REMATCH[1]:-} if _bazel_completion_allow_tests_for_run; then eval "echo \"\${${var_name}_RUNTEST__${pattern}:-\$${var_name}__${pattern}}\"" else eval "echo \"\$${var_name}__${pattern}\"" fi fi } # Compute workspace directory. Search for the innermost # enclosing directory with a WORKSPACE file. _bazel__get_workspace_path() { local workspace=$PWD while true; do if [ -f "${workspace}/WORKSPACE" ]; then break elif [ -z "$workspace" -o "$workspace" = "/" ]; then workspace=$PWD break; fi workspace=${workspace%/*} done echo $workspace } # Find the current piece of the line to complete, but only do word breaks at # certain characters. In particular, ignore these: "':= # This method also takes into account the current cursor position. # # Works with both bash 3 and 4! Bash 3 and 4 perform different word breaks when # computing the COMP_WORDS array. We need this here because Bazel options are of # the form --a=b, and labels of the form //some/label:target. _bazel__get_cword() { local cur=${COMP_LINE:0:$COMP_POINT} # This expression finds the last word break character, as defined in the # COMP_WORDBREAKS variable, but without '=' or ':', which is not preceeded by # a slash. Quote characters are also excluded. local wordbreaks="$COMP_WORDBREAKS" wordbreaks="${wordbreaks//\'/}" wordbreaks="${wordbreaks//\"/}" wordbreaks="${wordbreaks//:/}" wordbreaks="${wordbreaks//=/}" local word_start=$(expr "$cur" : '.*[^\]['"${wordbreaks}"']') echo "${cur:$word_start}" } # Usage: _bazel__package_path <workspace> <displacement> # # Prints a list of package-path root directories, displaced using the # current displacement from the workspace. All elements have a # trailing slash. _bazel__package_path() { local workspace=$1 displacement=$2 root IFS=: for root in ${BAZEL_COMPLETION_PACKAGE_PATH//\%workspace\%/$workspace}; do unset IFS echo "$root/$displacement" done } # Usage: _bazel__options_for <command> # # Prints the set of options for a given Bazel command, e.g. "build". _bazel__options_for() { local options if [[ "${BAZEL_COMMAND_LIST}" =~ ^(.* )?$1( .*)?$ ]]; then # assumes option names only use ASCII characters local option_name=$(echo $1 | tr a-z A-Z | tr "-" "_") eval "echo \${BAZEL_COMMAND_${option_name}_FLAGS}" | tr " " "\n" fi } # Usage: _bazel__expansion_for <command> # # Prints the completion pattern for a given Bazel command, e.g. "build". _bazel__expansion_for() { local options if [[ "${BAZEL_COMMAND_LIST}" =~ ^(.* )?$1( .*)?$ ]]; then # assumes option names only use ASCII characters local option_name=$(echo $1 | tr a-z A-Z | tr "-" "_") eval "echo \${BAZEL_COMMAND_${option_name}_ARGUMENT}" fi } # Usage: _bazel__matching_targets <kind> <prefix> # # Prints target names of kind <kind> and starting with <prefix> in the BUILD # file given as standard input. <kind> is a basic regex (BRE) used to match the # bazel rule kind and <prefix> is the prefix of the target name. _bazel__matching_targets() { local kind_pattern="$1" local target_prefix="$2" # The following commands do respectively: # Remove BUILD file comments # Replace \n by spaces to have the BUILD file in a single line # Extract all rule types and target names # Grep the kind pattern and the target prefix # Returns the target name sed 's/#.*$//' \ | tr "\n" " " \ | sed 's/\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\) *(\([^)]* \)\{0,1\}name *= *['\''"]\([a-zA-Z0-9_/.+=,@~-]*\)['\''"][^)]*)/\ type:\1 name:\3\ /g' \ | "grep" -E "^type:$kind_pattern name:$target_prefix" \ | cut -d ':' -f 3 } # Usage: _bazel__is_true <string> # # Returns true or false based on the input string. The following are # valid true values (the rest are false): "1", "true". _bazel__is_true() { local str="$1" [[ "$str" == "1" || "$str" == "true" ]] } # Usage: _bazel__expand_rules_in_package <workspace> <displacement> # <current> <label-type> # # Expands rules in specified packages, exploring all roots of # $BAZEL_COMPLETION_PACKAGE_PATH, not just $(pwd). Only rules # appropriate to the command are printed. Sets $COMPREPLY array to # result. # # If _bazel_completion_use_query has a successful exit code, 'bazel query' is # used instead, with the actual Bazel package path; # $BAZEL_COMPLETION_PACKAGE_PATH is ignored in this case, since the actual Bazel # value is likely to be more accurate. _bazel__expand_rules_in_package() { local workspace=$1 displacement=$2 current=$3 label_type=$4 local package_name=$(echo "$current" | cut -f1 -d:) local rule_prefix=$(echo "$current" | cut -f2 -d:) local root buildfile rule_pattern r result result= pattern=$(_bazel__get_rule_match_pattern "$label_type") if _bazel_completion_use_query; then package_name=$(echo "$package_name" | tr -d "'\"") # remove quotes result=$(${BAZEL} --output_base=/tmp/${BAZEL}-completion-$USER query \ --keep_going --noshow_progress \ "kind('$pattern rule', '$package_name:*')" 2>/dev/null | cut -f2 -d: | "grep" "^$rule_prefix") else for root in $(_bazel__package_path "$workspace" "$displacement"); do buildfile="$root/$package_name/BUILD.bazel" if [ ! -f "$buildfile" ]; then buildfile="$root/$package_name/BUILD" fi if [ -f "$buildfile" ]; then result=$(_bazel__matching_targets \ "$pattern" "$rule_prefix" <"$buildfile") break fi done fi index=$(echo $result | wc -w) if [ -n "$result" ]; then echo "$result" | tr " " "\n" | sed 's|$| |' fi # Include ":all" wildcard if there was no unique match. (The zero # case is tricky: we need to include "all" in that case since # otherwise we won't expand "a" to "all" in the absence of rules # starting with "a".) if [ $index -ne 1 ] && expr all : "\\($rule_prefix\\)" >/dev/null; then echo "all " fi } # Usage: _bazel__expand_package_name <workspace> <displacement> <current-word> # <label-type> # # Expands directories, but explores all roots of # BAZEL_COMPLETION_PACKAGE_PATH, not just $(pwd). When a directory is # a bazel package, the completion offers "pkg:" so you can expand # inside the package. # Sets $COMPREPLY array to result. _bazel__expand_package_name() { local workspace=$1 displacement=$2 current=$3 type=${4:-} root dir index for root in $(_bazel__package_path "$workspace" "$displacement"); do found=0 for dir in $(compgen -d $root$current); do [ -L "$dir" ] && continue # skip symlinks (e.g. bazel-bin) [[ "$dir" =~ ^(.*/)?\.[^/]*$ ]] && continue # skip dotted dir (e.g. .git) found=1 echo "${dir#$root}/" if [ -f $dir/BUILD.bazel -o -f $dir/BUILD ]; then if [ "${type}" = "label-package" ]; then echo "${dir#$root} " else echo "${dir#$root}:" fi fi done [ $found -gt 0 ] && break # Stop searching package path upon first match. done } # Usage: _bazel__expand_target_pattern <workspace> <displacement> # <word> <label-syntax> # # Expands "word" to match target patterns, using the current workspace # and displacement from it. "command" is used to filter rules. # Sets $COMPREPLY array to result. _bazel__expand_target_pattern() { local workspace=$1 displacement=$2 current=$3 label_syntax=$4 case "$current" in //*:*) # Expand rule names within package, no displacement. if [ "${label_syntax}" = "label-package" ]; then compgen -S " " -W "BUILD" "$(echo current | cut -f ':' -d2)" else _bazel__expand_rules_in_package "$workspace" "" "$current" "$label_syntax" fi ;; *:*) # Expand rule names within package, displaced. if [ "${label_syntax}" = "label-package" ]; then compgen -S " " -W "BUILD" "$(echo current | cut -f ':' -d2)" else _bazel__expand_rules_in_package \ "$workspace" "$displacement" "$current" "$label_syntax" fi ;; //*) # Expand filenames using package-path, no displacement _bazel__expand_package_name "$workspace" "" "$current" "$label_syntax" ;; *) # Expand filenames using package-path, displaced. if [ -n "$current" ]; then _bazel__expand_package_name "$workspace" "$displacement" "$current" "$label_syntax" fi ;; esac } _bazel__get_command() { for word in "${COMP_WORDS[@]:1:COMP_CWORD-1}"; do if echo "$BAZEL_COMMAND_LIST" | "grep" -wsq -e "$word"; then echo $word break fi done } # Returns the displacement to the workspace given in $1 _bazel__get_displacement() { if [[ "$PWD" =~ ^$1/.*$ ]]; then echo ${PWD##$1/}/ fi } # Usage: _bazel__complete_pattern <workspace> <displacement> <current> # <type> # # Expand a word according to a type. The currently supported types are: # - {a,b,c}: an enum that can take value a, b or c # - label: a label of any kind # - label-bin: a label to a runnable rule (basically to a _binary rule) # - label-test: a label to a test rule # - info-key: an info key as listed by `bazel help info-keys` # - command: the name of a command # - path: a file path # - combinaison of previous type using | as separator _bazel__complete_pattern() { local workspace=$1 displacement=$2 current=$3 types=$4 for type in $(echo $types | tr "|" "\n"); do case "$type" in label*) _bazel__expand_target_pattern "$workspace" "$displacement" \ "$current" "$type" ;; info-key) compgen -S " " -W "${BAZEL_INFO_KEYS}" -- "$current" ;; "command") local commands=$(echo "${BAZEL_COMMAND_LIST}" \ | tr " " "\n" | "grep" -v "^${BAZEL_IGNORED_COMMAND_REGEX}$") compgen -S " " -W "${commands}" -- "$current" ;; path) compgen -f -- "$current" ;; *) compgen -S " " -W "$type" -- "$current" ;; esac done } # Usage: _bazel__expand_options <workspace> <displacement> <current-word> # <options> # # Expands options, making sure that if current-word contains an equals sign, # it is handled appropriately. _bazel__expand_options() { local workspace="$1" displacement="$2" cur="$3" options="$4" if [[ $cur =~ = ]]; then # also expands special labels current=$(echo "$cur" | cut -f2 -d=) _bazel__complete_pattern "$workspace" "$displacement" "$current" \ "$(compgen -W "$options" -- "$cur" | cut -f2 -d=)" \ | sort -u else compgen -W "$(echo "$options" | sed 's|=.*$|=|')" -- "$cur" \ | sed 's|\([^=]\)$|\1 |' fi } _bazel__complete_stdout() { local cur=$(_bazel__get_cword) word command displacement workspace # Determine command: "" (startup-options) or one of $BAZEL_COMMAND_LIST. command="$(_bazel__get_command)" workspace="$(_bazel__get_workspace_path)" displacement="$(_bazel__get_displacement ${workspace})" case "$command" in "") # Expand startup-options or commands local commands=$(echo "${BAZEL_COMMAND_LIST}" \ | tr " " "\n" | "grep" -v "^${BAZEL_IGNORED_COMMAND_REGEX}$") _bazel__expand_options "$workspace" "$displacement" "$cur" \ "${commands}\ ${BAZEL_STARTUP_OPTIONS}" ;; *) case "$cur" in -*) # Expand options: _bazel__expand_options "$workspace" "$displacement" "$cur" \ "$(_bazel__options_for $command)" ;; *) # Expand target pattern expansion_pattern="$(_bazel__expansion_for $command)" NON_QUOTE_REGEX="^[\"']" if [[ $command = query && $cur =~ $NON_QUOTE_REGEX ]]; then : # Ideally we would expand query expressions---it's not # that hard, conceptually---but readline is just too # damn complex when it comes to quotation. Instead, # for query, we just expand target patterns, unless # the first char is a quote. elif [ -n "$expansion_pattern" ]; then _bazel__complete_pattern \ "$workspace" "$displacement" "$cur" "$expansion_pattern" fi ;; esac ;; esac } _bazel__to_compreply() { local replies="$1" COMPREPLY=() # Trick to preserve whitespaces while IFS="" read -r reply; do COMPREPLY+=("${reply}") done < <(echo "${replies}") } _bazel__complete() { _bazel__to_compreply "$(_bazel__complete_stdout)" } # Some users have aliases such as bt="bazel test" or bb="bazel build", this # completion function allows them to have auto-completion for these aliases. _bazel__complete_target_stdout() { local cur=$(_bazel__get_cword) word command displacement workspace # Determine command: "" (startup-options) or one of $BAZEL_COMMAND_LIST. command="$1" workspace="$(_bazel__get_workspace_path)" displacement="$(_bazel__get_displacement ${workspace})" _bazel__to_compreply "$(_bazel__expand_target_pattern "$workspace" "$displacement" \ "$cur" "$(_bazel__expansion_for $command)")" } # default completion for bazel complete -F _bazel__complete -o nospace "${BAZEL}" complete -F _bazel__complete -o nospace "${IBAZEL}"
#!/usr/bin/env bash shopt -s expand_aliases alias echo_on="{ set -x; }" alias echo_off="{ set +x; } 2>/dev/null" # Choose colors carefully. If they don't work on both a black # background and a white background, pick other colors (so white, # yellow, and black are poor choices). RED='\033[1;31m' GRN='\033[1;32m' BLU='\033[1;34m' CYN='\033[1;36m' END='\033[0m' set -e SOURCE="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" while [ -h "$SOURCE" ]; do # resolve $SOURCE until the file is no longer a symlink DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" SOURCE="$(readlink "$SOURCE")" [[ $SOURCE != /* ]] && SOURCE="$DIR/$SOURCE" # if $SOURCE was a relative symlink, we need to resolve it relative to the path where the symlink file was located done DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" DBUILD=${DIR}/ now=$(date +"%H%M%S") # container name of the builder BUILDER_CONT_NAME=${BUILDER_CONT_NAME:-"bld-${BUILDER_NAME}-${now}"} # command for running a container (ie, "docker run") BUILDER_DOCKER_RUN=${BUILDER_DOCKER_RUN:-docker run} # the name of the Docker network # note: this is necessary for connecting the builder to a local k3d/microk8s/kind network (ie, for running tests) BUILDER_DOCKER_NETWORK=${BUILDER_DOCKER_NETWORK:-${BUILDER_NAME}} # Do this with `eval` so that we properly interpret quotes. eval "pytest_args=(${PYTEST_ARGS:-})" builder() { docker ps --quiet \ --filter=label=builder \ --filter=label="$BUILDER_NAME" } builder_network() { docker network ls -q -f name="${BUILDER_DOCKER_NETWORK}"; } builder_volume() { docker volume ls -q -f label=builder; } declare -a dsynced dsync() { printf "${GRN}Synchronizing... $*${END}\n" TIMEFORMAT="(sync took %1R seconds)" time IFS='|' read -ra dsynced <<<"$(rsync --info=name -aO --blocking-io -e 'docker exec -i' $@ 2> >(fgrep -v 'rsync: failed to set permissions on' >&2) | tr '\n' '|')" } dcopy() { printf "${GRN}Copying... $*${END}\n" TIMEFORMAT="(copy took %1R seconds)" time docker cp $@ } dexec() { if [[ -t 0 ]]; then flags=-it else flags=-i fi docker exec ${flags} $(builder) "$@" } # Usage: build_builder_base [--stage1-only] # Effects: # 1. Set the `builder_base_image` variable in the parent scope # 2. Ensure that the `$builder_base_image` Docker image exists (pulling # it or building it if it doesn't). # 3. (If $DEV_REGISTRY is set AND we built the image) push the # `$builder_base_image` Docker image. # # Description: # # Rebuild (and push if DEV_REGISTRY is set) the builder's base image if # - `Dockerfile.base` changes # - `requirements.txt` changes # - Enough time has passed (The base only has external/third-party # dependencies, and most of those dependencies are not pinned by # version, so we rebuild periodically to make sure we don't fall too # far behind and then get surprised when a rebuild is required for # Dockerfile changes.) We have defined "enough time" as a few days. # See the variable "build_every_n_days" below. # # The base theory of operation is that we generate a Docker tag name that # is essentially the tuple # (rounded_timestamp, hash(Dockerfile.base), hash(requirements.txt) # then check that tag for existence/pullability using `docker run --rm # --entrypoint=true`; and build it if it doesn't exist and can't be # pulled. # # OK, now for a wee bit of complexity. We want to use `pip-compile` to # update `requirements.txt`. Because of Python-version-conditioned # dependencies, we really want to run it with the image's python3, not # with the host's python3. And since we're updating `requirements.txt`, # we don't really want the `pip install` to have already been run. So, # we split the base image in to two stages; stage-1 is everything but # `COPY requirements.txt` / `pip install -r requirements.txt`, and then # stage-2 copies in `requirements.txt` and runs the `pip install`. In # normal operation we just go ahead and build both stages. But if the # `--stage1-only` flag is given (as it is by the `pip-compile` # subcommand), then we only build the stage-1, and set the # `builder_base_image` variable to that. build_builder_base() { local builder_base_tag_py=' # Someone please rewrite this in portable Bash. Until then, this code # works on Python 2.7 and 3.5+. import datetime, hashlib build_every_n_days = 5 # Periodic rebuild even if Dockerfile does not change epoch = datetime.datetime(2017, 4, 13, 1, 30) age = int(( - epoch).days / build_every_n_days) age_start = epoch + datetime.timedelta(days=age*build_every_n_days) dockerfilehash = hashlib.sha256(open("Dockerfile.base", "rb").read()).hexdigest() stage1 = "%sx%s-%s" % (age_start.strftime("%Y%m%d"), build_every_n_days, dockerfilehash[:16]) requirementshash = hashlib.sha256(open("requirements.txt", "rb").read()).hexdigest() stage2 = "%s-%s" % (stage1, requirementshash[:16]) print("stage1_tag=%s" % stage1) print("stage2_tag=%s" % stage2) ' local stage1_tag stage2_tag eval "$(cd "$DIR" && python -c "$builder_base_tag_py")" # sets 'stage1_tag' and 'stage2_tag' local name1="${DEV_REGISTRY:+$DEV_REGISTRY/}builder-base:stage1-${stage1_tag}" local name2="${DEV_REGISTRY:+$DEV_REGISTRY/}builder-base:stage2-${stage2_tag}" printf "${GRN}Using stage-1 base ${BLU}${name1}${END}\n" if ! docker run --rm --entrypoint=true "$name1"; then # skip building if the "$name1" already exists ${DBUILD} -f "${DIR}/Dockerfile.base" -t "${name1}" --target builderbase-stage1 "${DIR}" if [ -n "$DEV_REGISTRY" ]; then docker push "$name1" fi fi if [[ $1 = '--stage1-only' ]]; then builder_base_image="$name1" # not local return fi printf "${GRN}Using stage-2 base ${BLU}${name2}${END}\n" if ! docker run --rm --entrypoint=true "$name2"; then # skip building if the "$name2" already exists ${DBUILD} --build-arg=builderbase_stage1="$name1" -f "${DIR}/Dockerfile.base" -t "${name2}" --target builderbase-stage2 "${DIR}" if [ -n "$DEV_REGISTRY" ]; then docker push "$name2" fi fi builder_base_image="$name2" # not local } bootstrap() { if [ -z "$(builder_volume)" ] ; then docker volume create --label builder printf "${GRN}Created docker volume ${BLU}$(builder_volume)${GRN} for caching${END}\n" fi if [ -z "$(builder_network)" ]; then docker network create "${BUILDER_DOCKER_NETWORK}" > /dev/null printf "${GRN}Created docker network ${BLU}${BUILDER_DOCKER_NETWORK}${END}\n" else printf "${GRN}Connecting to existing network ${BLU}${BUILDER_DOCKER_NETWORK}${GRN}${END}\n" fi if [ -z "$(builder)" ] ; then printf "${CYN}==> ${GRN}Bootstrapping builder base image${END}\n" build_builder_base printf "${CYN}==> ${GRN}Bootstrapping build image${END}\n" ${DBUILD} --build-arg envoy="${ENVOY_DOCKER_TAG}" --build-arg builderbase="${builder_base_image}" --target builder ${DIR} -t builder if [ "$(uname -s)" == Darwin ]; then DOCKER_GID=$(stat -f "%g" /var/run/docker.sock) else DOCKER_GID=$(stat -c "%g" /var/run/docker.sock) fi if [ -z "${DOCKER_GID}" ]; then echo "Unable to determine docker group-id" exit 1 fi echo_on $BUILDER_DOCKER_RUN \ --name="$BUILDER_CONT_NAME" \ --network="${BUILDER_DOCKER_NETWORK}" \ --network-alias="builder" \ --group-add="${DOCKER_GID}" \ --detach \ --rm \ --volume=/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ --volume="$(builder_volume):/home/dw" \ ${BUILDER_MOUNTS} \ --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \ --label=builder \ --label="${BUILDER_NAME}" \ --label="${BUILDER_NAME}" \ ${BUILDER_PORTMAPS} \ ${BUILDER_DOCKER_EXTRA} \ --env=BUILDER_NAME="${BUILDER_NAME}" \ --entrypoint=tail builder -f /dev/null > /dev/null echo_off printf "${GRN}Started build container ${BLU}$(builder)${END}\n" fi dcopy ${DIR}/ $(builder):/buildroot dcopy ${DIR}/builder_bash_rc $(builder):/home/dw/.bashrc } module_version() { echo MODULE="\"$1\"" echo GIT_BRANCH="\"$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)\"" # The short git commit hash echo GIT_COMMIT="\"$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)\"" # Whether `git add . && git commit` would commit anything (empty=false, nonempty=true) if [ -n "$(git status --porcelain)" ]; then echo GIT_DIRTY="\"dirty\"" dirty="yes" else echo GIT_DIRTY="\"\"" dirty="" fi # The _previous_ tag, plus a git delta, like 0.36.0-436-g8b8c5d3 echo GIT_DESCRIPTION="\"$(git describe --tags)\"" # We're going to post-process RELEASE_VERSION below. But for now # what you need to know is: This block is just going to set it to # the git tag. # # The reason that we give precedence to `CIRCLE_TAG` over `git # describe` is that if there are multiple tags pointing at the # same commit, then it is non-deterministic which tag `git # describe` will choose. We want to know which one of those tags # actually triggered this CI run, so we give precedence to # CircleCI, since it has information that isn't actually stored in # Git. for VAR in "${CIRCLE_TAG}" "$(git describe --tags --always)"; do if [ -n "${VAR}" ]; then RELEASE_VERSION="${VAR}" break fi done # RELEASE_VERSION is an X.Y.Z[-prerelease] (semver) string that we # will upload/release the image as. It does NOT include a leading 'v' # (trimming the 'v' from the git tag is what the 'patsubst' is for). # If this is an RC or EA, then it includes the '-rc.N' or '-ea.N' # suffix. # # BUILD_VERSION is of the same format, but is the version number that # we build into the image. Because an image built as a "release # candidate" will ideally get promoted to be the GA image, we trim off # the '-rc.N' suffix. if [[ ${RELEASE_VERSION} =~ ^v[0-9]+.*$ ]]; then RELEASE_VERSION=${RELEASE_VERSION:1} fi if [ -n "${dirty}" ]; then RELEASE_VERSION="${RELEASE_VERSION}-dirty" fi echo RELEASE_VERSION="\"${RELEASE_VERSION}\"" echo BUILD_VERSION="\"$(echo "${RELEASE_VERSION}" | sed 's/-rc\.[0-9]*$//')\"" } sync() { name=$1 sourcedir=$2 container=$3 real=$(cd ${sourcedir}; pwd) dexec mkdir -p /buildroot/${name} if [[ $name == apro ]]; then # Don't let 'deleting ambassador' cause the sync to be marked dirty dexec sh -c 'rm -rf apro/ambassador' fi dsync $DSYNC_EXTRA --exclude-from=${DIR}/sync-excludes.txt --delete ${real}/ ${container}:/buildroot/${name} summarize-sync $name "${dsynced[@]}" if [[ $name == apro ]]; then # BusyBox `ln` 1.30.1's `-T` flag is broken, and doesn't have a `-t` flag. dexec sh -c 'if ! test -L apro/ambassador; then rm -rf apro/ambassador && ln -s ../ambassador apro; fi' fi (cd ${sourcedir} && module_version ${name} ) | dexec sh -c "cat > /buildroot/${name}.version && cp ${name}.version ambassador/python/" } summarize-sync() { name=$1 shift lines=("$@") if [ "${#lines[@]}" != 0 ]; then dexec touch ${name}.dirty image.dirty fi for line in "${lines[@]}"; do if [[ $line = *.go ]]; then dexec touch go.dirty break fi done printf "${GRN}Synced ${#lines[@]} ${BLU}${name}${GRN} source files${END}\n" PARTIAL="yes" for i in {0..9}; do if [ "$i" = "${#lines[@]}" ]; then PARTIAL="" break fi line="${lines[$i]}" printf " ${CYN}%s${END}\n" "$line" done if [ -n "${PARTIAL}" ]; then printf " ${CYN}...${END}\n" fi } clean() { cid=$(builder) if [ -n "${cid}" ] ; then printf "${GRN}Killing build container ${BLU}${cid}${END}\n" docker kill ${cid} > /dev/null 2>&1 docker wait ${cid} > /dev/null 2>&1 || true fi nid=$(builder_network) if [ -n "${nid}" ] ; then printf "${GRN}Removing docker network ${BLU}${BUILDER_DOCKER_NETWORK} (${nid})${END}\n" # This will fail if the network has some other endpoints alive: silence any errors docker network rm ${nid} 2>&1 >/dev/null || true fi } push-image() { LOCAL="$1" REMOTE="$2" if ! ( dexec test -e /buildroot/pushed.log && dexec fgrep -q "${REMOTE}" /buildroot/pushed.log ); then printf "${CYN}==> ${GRN}Pushing ${BLU}${LOCAL}${GRN}->${BLU}${REMOTE}${END}\n" docker tag ${LOCAL} ${REMOTE} docker push ${REMOTE} echo ${REMOTE} | dexec sh -c "cat >> /buildroot/pushed.log" else printf "${CYN}==> ${GRN}Already pushed ${BLU}${LOCAL}${GRN}->${BLU}${REMOTE}${END}\n" fi } find-modules () { find /buildroot -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \! -name bin | sort } cmd="$1" case "${cmd}" in clean) clean ;; clobber) clean vid=$(builder_volume) if [ -n "${vid}" ] ; then printf "${GRN}Killing cache volume ${BLU}${vid}${END}\n" if ! docker volume rm ${vid} > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then \ printf "${RED}Could not kill cache volume; are other builders still running?${END}\n" fi fi ;; bootstrap) bootstrap echo $(builder) ;; builder|"") echo $(builder) ;; sync) shift bootstrap sync $1 $2 $(builder) ;; release-type) shift RELVER="$1" if [ -z "${RELVER}" ]; then source <(module_version ${BUILDER_NAME}) RELVER="${RELEASE_VERSION}" fi if [[ "${RELVER}" =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo release elif [[ "${RELVER}" =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+-rc\.[0-9]*$ ]]; then echo rc else echo other fi ;; release-version) shift source <(module_version ${BUILDER_NAME}) echo "${RELEASE_VERSION}" ;; version) shift source <(module_version ${BUILDER_NAME}) echo "${BUILD_VERSION}" ;; compile) shift bootstrap dexec /buildroot/ compile-internal ;; compile-internal) # This runs inside the builder image if [[ $(find-modules) != /buildroot/ambassador* ]]; then echo "Error: ambassador must be the first module to build things correctly" echo "Modules are: $(find-modules)" exit 1 fi for MODDIR in $(find-modules); do module=$(basename ${MODDIR}) eval "$(grep BUILD_VERSION apro.version 2>/dev/null)" # this will `eval ''` for OSS-only builds, leaving BUILD_VERSION unset; dont embed the version-number in OSS Go binaries if [ -e ${module}.dirty ] || ([ "$module" != ambassador ] && [ -e go.dirty ]) ; then if [ -e "${MODDIR}/go.mod" ]; then printf "${CYN}==> ${GRN}Building ${BLU}${module}${GRN} go code${END}\n" echo_on mkdir -p /buildroot/bin (cd ${MODDIR} && go build -trimpath ${BUILD_VERSION:+ -ldflags "-X main.Version=$BUILD_VERSION" } -o /buildroot/bin ./cmd/...) || exit 1 if [ -e ${MODDIR}/ ]; then (cd ${MODDIR} && bash; fi echo_off fi fi if [ -e ${module}.dirty ]; then if [ -e "${MODDIR}/python" ]; then if ! [ -e ${MODDIR}/python/*.egg-info ]; then printf "${CYN}==> ${GRN}Setting up ${BLU}${module}${GRN} python code${END}\n" echo_on sudo pip install --no-deps -e ${MODDIR}/python || exit 1 echo_off fi chmod a+x ${MODDIR}/python/*.py fi rm ${module}.dirty else printf "${CYN}==> ${GRN}Already built ${BLU}${module}${GRN}${END}\n" fi done rm -f go.dirty # Do this after _all_ the Go code is built ;; mypy-internal) # This runs inside the builder image shift op="$1" # This runs inside the builder image if [[ $(find-modules) != /buildroot/ambassador* ]]; then echo "Error: ambassador must be the first module to build things correctly" echo "Modules are: $(find-modules)" exit 1 fi for MODDIR in $(find-modules); do module=$(basename ${MODDIR}) if [ -e "${MODDIR}/python" ]; then cd "${MODDIR}" case "$op" in start) if ! dmypy status >/dev/null; then dmypy start -- --use-fine-grained-cache --follow-imports=skip --ignore-missing-imports printf "${CYN}==> ${GRN}Started mypy server for ${BLU}$module${GRN} Python code${END}\n" else printf "${CYN}==> ${GRN}mypy server already running for ${BLU}$module${GRN} Python code${END}\n" fi ;; stop) printf "${CYN}==> ${GRN}Stopping mypy server for ${BLU}$module${GRN} Python code${END}" dmypy stop ;; check) printf "${CYN}==> ${GRN}Running mypy over ${BLU}$module${GRN} Python code${END}\n" time dmypy check python ;; esac fi done ;; pip-compile) build_builder_base --stage1-only printf "${GRN}Running pip-compile to update ${BLU}requirements.txt${END}\n" docker run --rm -i "$builder_base_image" sh -c 'tar xf - && pip-compile --allow-unsafe -q >&2 && cat requirements.txt' \ < <(cd "$DIR" && tar cf - requirements.txt) \ > "$DIR/requirements.txt.tmp" mv -f "$DIR/requirements.txt.tmp" "$DIR/requirements.txt" ;; pytest-internal) # This runs inside the builder image fail="" for MODDIR in $(find-modules); do if [ -e "${MODDIR}/python" ]; then if ! (cd ${MODDIR} && pytest --tb=short -ra "${pytest_args[@]}") then fail="yes" fi fi done if [ "${fail}" = yes ]; then exit 1 fi ;; gotest-internal) # This runs inside the builder image fail="" for MODDIR in $(find-modules); do if [ -e "${MODDIR}/go.mod" ]; then pkgs=$(cd ${MODDIR} && go list -f='{{ if or (gt (len .TestGoFiles) 0) (gt (len .XTestGoFiles) 0) }}{{ .ImportPath }}{{ end }}' ${GOTEST_PKGS}) if [ -n "${pkgs}" ]; then if ! (cd ${MODDIR} && go test ${pkgs} ${GOTEST_ARGS}) then fail="yes" fi fi fi done if [ "${fail}" = yes ]; then exit 1 fi ;; commit) shift name=$1 if [ -z "${name}" ]; then echo "usage: ./ commit <image-name>" exit 1 fi if dexec test -e /buildroot/image.dirty; then printf "${CYN}==> ${GRN}Snapshotting ${BLU}builder${GRN} image${END}\n" build_builder_base docker rmi -f "${name}" &> /dev/null docker commit -c 'ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/bash" ]' $(builder) "${name}" printf "${CYN}==> ${GRN}Building ${BLU}${BUILDER_NAME}${END}\n" ${DBUILD} ${DIR} --build-arg artifacts=${name} --build-arg envoy="${ENVOY_DOCKER_TAG}" --build-arg builderbase="${builder_base_image}" --target ambassador -t ${BUILDER_NAME} printf "${CYN}==> ${GRN}Building ${BLU}kat-client${END}\n" ${DBUILD} ${DIR} --build-arg artifacts=${name} --build-arg envoy="${ENVOY_DOCKER_TAG}" --build-arg builderbase="${builder_base_image}" --target kat-client -t kat-client printf "${CYN}==> ${GRN}Building ${BLU}kat-server${END}\n" ${DBUILD} ${DIR} --build-arg artifacts=${name} --build-arg envoy="${ENVOY_DOCKER_TAG}" --build-arg builderbase="${builder_base_image}" --target kat-server -t kat-server fi dexec rm -f /buildroot/image.dirty ;; push) shift push-image ${BUILDER_NAME} "$1" push-image kat-client "$2" push-image kat-server "$3" ;; shell) bootstrap printf "\n" docker exec -it "$(builder)" /bin/bash ;; *) echo "usage: [bootstrap|builder|clean|clobber|compile|commit|shell]" exit 1 ;; esac
#!/bin/bash header_paths=( "/usr/include" \ "/usr/local/include" \ "/usr/local/opt/" \ "/opt/include" \ "/opt/local/include" \ "/usr/include/$(uname -m)-linux-gnu" \ "/usr/local/include/$(uname -m)-linux-gnu" \ "/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu" \ "/usr/local/include/i386-linux-gnu" \ "/mingw32/include/" # -- Add more locations here -- ) missing_depends=() function check_header { for place in ${header_paths[@]}; do for name in ${@:2}; do [ -f "$place/$name" ] && return 0 done done missing_depends+=($1); return 1 } function check_header_nosys { for place in ${header_paths[@]}; do if [ "${place:0:12}" != "/usr/include" ]; then for name in ${@:2}; do [ -f "$place/$name" ] && return 0 done fi done missing_depends+=($1); return 1 } function check_program { binary=${2:-$1} for place in ${PATH//:/ }; do [ -x "$place/$binary" ] || [ -x "$place/$binary.exe" ] && return 0 done missing_depends+=($1); return 1 } OSVER=$(uname) # macOS catalina does not ship headers in default directory anymore if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then header_paths+=("`xcrun --show-sdk-path`/usr/include") fi check_program git check_program patch check_program autoconf check_program automake # Disabled pacman for windows if [ "${OSVER:0:5}" != MINGW ]; then check_program python3 check_program pip3 check_program gpgme-config check_header openssl openssl/crypto.h openssl/include/openssl/crypto.h check_header libarchive archive.h libarchive/include/archive.h fi check_program make check_program cmake check_program gcc check_program g++ check_program libtoolize if [ ${#missing_depends[@]} -ne 0 ]; then echo "Couldn't find dependencies:" for dep in "${missing_depends[@]}"; do echo " - $dep" done exit 1 fi
#!/bin/bash rqworker node1 &> log/node1_rqworker.log & rqworker node2 &> log/node2_rqworker.log & rqworker node3 &> log/node3_rqworker.log & rqworker node4 &> log/node4_rqworker.log & rqworker node5 &> log/node5_rqworker.log & rqworker topic &> log/topic_rqworker.log & rqworker tester &> log/tester_rqworker.log & rqworker failed &> log/failed1_rqworker.log & rqworker failed &> log/failed2_rqworker.log & rqworker failed &> log/failed3_rqworker.log & rqworker failed &> log/failed4_rqworker.log & rqworker failed &> log/failed5_rqworker.log & rqworker failed &> log/failed6_rqworker.log & echo "Start rqworker,Finished!"
#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2012 Cloudera Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Incrementally compiles the BE. set -euo pipefail trap 'echo Error in $0 at line $LINENO: $(cd "'$PWD'" && awk "NR == $LINENO" $0)' ERR : ${IMPALA_TOOLCHAIN=} BUILD_TESTS=1 CLEAN=0 TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=${TARGET_BUILD_TYPE:-""} BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=${BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:-""} # parse command line options for ARG in $* do case "$ARG" in -notests) BUILD_TESTS=0 ;; -clean) CLEAN=1 ;; -build_type=*) TARGET_BUILD_TYPE="${ARG#*=}" ;; -build_shared_libs) BUILD_SHARED_LIBS="ON" ;; -build_static_libs) BUILD_SHARED_LIBS="OFF" ;; -help) echo " [-build_type=<build type> -notests -clean]" echo "[-build_type] : Target build type. Examples: Debug, Release, Address_sanitizer." echo " If omitted, the last build target is built incrementally" echo "[-build_shared_libs] : Link all executables dynamically" echo "[-build_static_libs] : Link all executables statically (the default)" echo "[-notests] : Omits building the tests." echo "[-clean] : Cleans previous build artifacts." echo "" echo "If either -build_type or -build_*_libs is set, cmake will be re-run for the " echo "project. Otherwise the last cmake configuration will continue to take effect." exit ;; esac done echo "********************************************************************************" echo " Building Impala " if [ "x${TARGET_BUILD_TYPE}" != "x" ]; then echo " Build type: ${TARGET_BUILD_TYPE} " if [ "x${BUILD_SHARED_LIBS}" == "x" ] then echo " Impala libraries will be STATICALLY linked" fi fi if [ "x${BUILD_SHARED_LIBS}" == "xOFF" ] then echo " Impala libraries will be STATICALLY linked" fi if [ "x${BUILD_SHARED_LIBS}" == "xON" ] then echo " Impala libraries will be DYNAMICALLY linked" fi echo "********************************************************************************" cd ${IMPALA_HOME} if [ "x${TARGET_BUILD_TYPE}" != "x" ] || [ "x${BUILD_SHARED_LIBS}" != "x" ] then rm -f ./CMakeCache.txt CMAKE_ARGS=() if [ "x${TARGET_BUILD_TYPE}" != "x" ]; then CMAKE_ARGS+=(-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${TARGET_BUILD_TYPE}) fi if [ "x${BUILD_SHARED_LIBS}" != "x" ]; then CMAKE_ARGS+=(-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=${BUILD_SHARED_LIBS}) fi if [[ ! -z $IMPALA_TOOLCHAIN ]]; then if [[ "$TARGET_BUILD_TYPE" == "ADDRESS_SANITIZER" ]]; then CMAKE_ARGS+=(-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$IMPALA_HOME/cmake_modules/asan_toolchain.cmake) else CMAKE_ARGS+=(-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$IMPALA_HOME/cmake_modules/toolchain.cmake) fi fi cmake . ${CMAKE_ARGS[@]} fi if [ $CLEAN -eq 1 ] then make clean fi $IMPALA_HOME/bin/ --noclean cd $IMPALA_HOME/common/function-registry make cd $IMPALA_HOME # With parallelism, make doesn't always make statestored and catalogd correctly if you # write make -jX impalad statestored catalogd. So we keep them separate and after impalad, # which they link to. make -j${IMPALA_BUILD_THREADS:-4} impalad make statestored make catalogd if [ $BUILD_TESTS -eq 1 ] then make -j${IMPALA_BUILD_THREADS:-4} else make -j${IMPALA_BUILD_THREADS:-4} fesupport loggingsupport ImpalaUdf fi
#!/bin/bash set -xe cat >> .env << EOF # This is a comment # We can use equal or colon notation DIR: root FLAVOUR: none INSIDE_FOLDER=false EOF
#!/bin/sh -e # # Install kustomize packages. # BASE_DIR=${BASE_DIR:-$(cd "$(dirname "$0")/../../.." || exit; pwd -P)} cd "$(dirname "$0")" || exit 1 . "../../dotfiles/lib/" . "../../dotfiles/lib/" . "../../dotfiles/lib/" KUSTOMIZE_VERSION=4.4.0 _preflight() { if ! command -v asdf >/dev/null; then printe_info "asdf is not installed, skipping kustomize..." return 1 fi } _run() { printe_h2 "Installing kustomize..." _install_kustomize } _install_kustomize() { asdf_plugin kustomize asdf_install kustomize "$KUSTOMIZE_VERSION" global } run_with_flavors "$@"
cd ../../../../gofrontend/ # Run translator echo "**************************************" echo "Running the translator (Go -> Parallely)." echo "**************************************" python -m translator.translator -f ../benchmarks/golang/src/pagerank/pagerank.go -o ../benchmarks/golang/src/pagerank/out.par cd - > /dev/null # Run sequentializer echo "**************************************" echo "Running the sequentializer" echo "**************************************" python ../../../../parser/ -f out.par -o out.seq # Run translator cd ../../../../gofrontend/ echo "**************************************" echo "Generating executable code by renaming function calls with types (Go -> Go)." python -m translator.typedGoGenerator -f ../benchmarks/golang/src/pagerank/pagerank.go -o ../benchmarks/golang/src/pagerank/pagerank.exec.go echo "Use 'go run pagerank.exec.go' to run the generated program" echo "**************************************"
#!/bin/bash UNAME=`uname` if [ "$UNAME" == "Darwin" ]; then dsymutil $1 exit 0; fi OBJCOPY=objcopy function usage { echo "$0 /path/to/input/file [-o /path/to/output/file ]" echo "" } if [ $# == 0 ]; then usage exit 2 fi if [ $(basename $1) == $1 ]; then INFILEDIR=$PWD else INFILEDIR=$(cd ${1%/*} && echo $PWD) fi INFILE=$(basename $1) OUTFILEDIR=$INFILEDIR OUTFILE=$INFILE.dbg while getopts "o:" opt; do case $opt in o) OUTFILEDIR=$(cd ${OPTARG%/*} && echo $PWD) OUTFILE=$(basename $OPTARG) ;; esac done if [ "$OUTFILEDIR" != "$INFILEDIR" ]; then INFILE=${INFILEDIR}/${INFILE} OUTFILE=${OUTFILEDIR}/${OUTFILE} fi pushd "$INFILEDIR" $OBJCOPY "$INFILE" "$OUTFILE" $OBJCOPY --add-gnu-debuglink="$OUTFILE" "$INFILE" popd
#!/bin/sh set -e UNSIGNED=$1 SIGNATURE=$2 ARCH=x86_64 ROOTDIR=dist BUNDLE=${ROOTDIR}/ TEMPDIR=signed.temp OUTDIR=signed-app if [ -z "$UNSIGNED" ]; then echo "usage: $0 <unsigned app> <signature>" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$SIGNATURE" ]; then echo "usage: $0 <unsigned app> <signature>" exit 1 fi rm -rf ${TEMPDIR} && mkdir -p ${TEMPDIR} tar -C ${TEMPDIR} -xf ${UNSIGNED} tar -C ${TEMPDIR} -xf ${SIGNATURE} if [ -z "${PAGESTUFF}" ]; then PAGESTUFF=${TEMPDIR}/pagestuff fi if [ -z "${CODESIGN_ALLOCATE}" ]; then CODESIGN_ALLOCATE=${TEMPDIR}/codesign_allocate fi for i in `find ${TEMPDIR} -name "*.sign"`; do SIZE=`stat -c %s ${i}` TARGET_FILE=`echo ${i} | sed 's/\.sign$//'` echo "Allocating space for the signature of size ${SIZE} in ${TARGET_FILE}" ${CODESIGN_ALLOCATE} -i ${TARGET_FILE} -a ${ARCH} ${SIZE} -o ${i}.tmp OFFSET=`${PAGESTUFF} ${i}.tmp -p | tail -2 | grep offset | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g'` if [ -z ${QUIET} ]; then echo "Attaching signature at offset ${OFFSET}" fi dd if=$i of=${i}.tmp bs=1 seek=${OFFSET} count=${SIZE} 2>/dev/null mv ${i}.tmp ${TARGET_FILE} rm ${i} echo "Success." done mv ${TEMPDIR}/${ROOTDIR} ${OUTDIR} rm -rf ${TEMPDIR} echo "Signed: ${OUTDIR}"
#!/bin/bash ../bin/pth -cp ../rt-classes:../classes:../lib/polyglot.jar:../lib/accrue.jar:../lib/accrue-infoflow.jar:../lib/JSON-java.jar:../lib/pth.jar pthScript $@
#!/bin/zsh script_dir=$(dirname ${0:A}) projectfolder=$(dirname $script_dir) source ${projectfolder}/ CISLevel="1" audit="2.4.3 Ensure Screen Sharing Is Disabled (Automated)" orgScore="OrgScore2_4_3" emptyVariables # Verify organizational score runAudit # If organizational score is 1 or true, check status of client if [[ "${auditResult}" == "1" ]]; then method="Script" remediate="Script > sudo launchctl disable system/" screenSharing=$(launchctl print-disabled system | grep -c '"" => true') if [[ "$screenSharing" == "1" ]]; then result="Passed" comment="Screen Sharing: Disabled" else result="Failed" comment="Screen Sharing: Enabled" # Remediation if [[ "${remediateResult}" == "enabled" ]]; then sudo launchctl disable system/ # re-check screenSharing=$(launchctl print-disabled system | grep -c '"" => true') if [[ "$screenSharing" == "1" ]]; then result="Passed After Remediation" comment="Screen Sharing: Disabled" else result="Failed After Remediation" fi fi fi fi printReport