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Earlier this week Bob Owens suggested one common sense gun law that stands out from the standard fare of limiting magazine capacities, banning certain firearms or features and in general making it harder for regular people to access firearms. He proposed that we end the regulation of silencers and the restrictions on their ownership. He isn’t the first person or even company to suggest this. Silencers have a negative reputation as a tool of killers and assassins by removing the characteristic report of shooting. That notion is pure fiction. Silencers—or suppressors, moderators, mufflers or which ever term you prefer—hardly make guns quiet. They simply make them less dangerously loud. They also mitigate recoil and almost always eradicate muzzle flash. They were and still are considered safety devices, not stealth modules that make criminals invisible to the police. Which begs the question, why are they so heavily restricted? Owens was quick to the explanation. “Why do we even have suppressors as a restricted item, with lengthy background checks and an absurd $200 tax stamp per suppressor? Because some dimwitted politician worried about people poaching deer during the Great Depression. Now of course, because so people in general are unfamiliar with them, and they have been portrayed in movies and television as the heart of killers’ guns, many people—including some shooting enthusiasts—think their only purpose is to assist criminals with their trade. For reference, here is a sound pressure level test of the Silencerco Saker, one of the most advanced silencers on the market, compared against shooting without a silencer. Averaging over 130 decibels, shooting a suppressed AR-15 is roughly as loud as a jet engine, with a silencer. Other types of firearms, ammunition and silencer combinations are out there, and it’s possible to bring subsonic small-caliber gun noise down to as low as 100 to 110 decibels—about as loud as a car horn. If people are really concerned about quiet killers, they missed the crossbow wagon by a mile. In truth, other nations with much stricter gun control laws have fewer restrictions on silencer ownership. Outside of the U.S., it really is just a safety device that protects shooters and makes shooting more enjoyable. Another thing to consider is silencer production. Right now, only a handful of companies can afford to make silencers. They don’t have a large materials cost, but they do have a lot of overhead because the market is limited to a tiny segment of the commercial market outside of special military and law enforcement sales. If the restrictions on silencer ownership were removed, the overhead costs would evaporate, making the cost to buy silencers in easy reach of everyone—including police and military users. It’s a safety device; everyone should be able to get them. If this is a time for conversation, the subject of making silencers available to everyone is long overdue.
San Mateo, CA (PRWEB) May 26, 2009 Bradford Stroh, co-founder and co-CEO of the free online financial portal Bills.com and its sister company, Freedom Debt Relief, is available to comment on the potential impact of the credit card reform legislation signed into law by President Barack Obama. "Overall, this law is long overdue," Stroh said. "Credit card companies do need regulation. The law is not partisan, and it has leveled the playing field so as to make things fair to consumers." However, Stroh believes credit card reform still has a long way to go. "This legislation is a wonderful start, but we still need to address the issue of preemption. In a nutshell, federal regulations still exist that preempt state interest-rate caps and consumer protection laws," he explained. Preemption also benefits the credit card industry, he continued, which profits by exporting interest rates and fees that would otherwise be limited by state law. "Federal preemption should end; either the credit card industry should be regulated at state level or a national standard implemented to be consistent with many states' limitations on interest rates and fees." In addition, very importantly, Stroh noted that better disclosure is still in order for consumers in terms of explaining how long it will take for someone to get out of debt if they make only minimum payments. Stroh can discuss the bill's implications and factors affecting the U.S. credit and debt industry, including: 1. The history of preemption (mentioned above) in the banking industry. 2. Why the bill may make lenders less free with credit than we've seen in recent years. 3. How the bill will affect consumers and credit scores. 4. What the bill means for bank profitability. Before founding Freedom Debt Relief and Bills.com, Stroh spent several years in the finance and investment industries, with CIVC Partners and Coopers & Lybrand Consulting (Chicago), Doll Capital Management and Trigo Technologies Inc. (Palo Alto) and TA Associates (Boston). He holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Stanford University's Graduate School of Business and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Amherst College. Based in San Mateo, Calif., Bills.com is a free one-stop portal where consumers can educate themselves about complex personal finance issues and comparison shop for products and services including credit cards, debt consolidation, insurance, mortgages and other loans. Bills.com holds the No. 257 spot on the Inc. 500 list for 2008, and the No. 3 spot on Entrepreneur Magazine's Hot 100 list of the fastest-growing U.S. companies. Bills.com and its sister companies, Freedom Debt Relief and Freedom Tax Relief, are wholly owned subsidiaries of Freedom Financial Network, LLC. The company has served more than 50,000 customers nationwide since 2002 while managing more than $1 billion in consumer debt. Its RSS feed is available at http://www.bills.com/news_releases/.
The German UNESCO Commission has released the publication, “Open Content Lizenzen – Ein Leitfaden für die Praxis” (pdf) aka “Open Content Licenses – A Practical Guideline.” The publication is authored by Dr. Till Kreutzer, a member of the Commission’s legal expert committee and a founder of iRights.info, a legal information website for consumers. The publication explains how to make use of open licenses, featuring the CC license suite as its primary example. Though tailored towards companies, institutions and organizations, the guideline is also a compact how-to for anyone interested in CC licensing their work. The publication is available under CC BY-NC, and is a timely follow-up to UNESCO’s related publication with the Commonwealth of Learning, “Guidelines for Open Educational Resources (OER) in Higher Education” — which also highlights the use of CC licenses for OER.2 Comments » We are thrilled to relay Wired.com’s announcement that from now on all Wired.com staff-produced photos will be released under a CC Attribution-Noncommercial license (CC BY-NC)! Wired.com’s Editor in Chief Evan Hansen says, “Creative Commons turns ten years old next year, and the simple idea of releasing content with “some rights reserved” has revolutionized online sharing and fueled a thriving remix culture. At Wired.com, we’ve benefited from CC-licensed photos for years — thank you sharers! Now we’re going to start sharing ourselves.” We want to return the thanks to Wired.com for recognizing the power of open! Wired.com is a leader in covering the world of technology and a pioneer in commercial online publishing. We hope that others will recognize the value of both borrowing from, and contributing to, the richness of our shared commons. To immediately sweeten the pot, Wired.com is celebrating their new licensing policy by releasing a CC-licensed gallery of 50 iconic photos from past stories including portraits of Steve Jobs, Woz, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Ballmer, Trent Reznor, JJ Abrams, and others. Check out Wired’s Flickr stream for high resolution formats of the photos. We believe that there are incredible opportunities for publishers and news organizations in open licensing. With this commitment, Wired joins other prestigious news and content organizations who are sharing interesting and important resources with the world under CC, incluing Al Jazeera, Propublica, and GOOD. Thanks Wired.com! CC license use in journalism and other domains, in addition to numerous other activities, are made possible thanks to donations from people like you. We are a nonprofit organization; please consider contributing to our annual campaign going on now! Thank you.4 Comments » The 3rd Creative Commons Arab regional meeting will occur on June 30 to July 1, and will gather Creative Commons communities consisting of youth and civil society members across various fields (education, law, art, music) that are actively spreading the values of openness, sharing, peer-production, collaboration, and innovation in the Arab world. The meeting will celebrate these communities and values. The meeting is in cooperation with Nawaat.org, the Tunisian blogging platform awarded the 2011 Netizen Prize by Reporters Without Borders, and is sponsored by the Al Jazeera Network. It will take place in Tunis, where the Tunisian revolution took place in December 2010, and the Arab youth began to reshape the region, giving a burst to creativity and cooperation as the basis of a better future for new Arab generations. The meeting will feature a set of workshops with the following goals: - Raise awareness of open licensing and open source tools as ways to promote self expression, creativity, innovation and peer-production in an open and collaborative environment - Connect local individuals (bloggers, artists, activists, etc) and institutions (universities, schools, law professionals, cultural centers, etc) that share an interest in open licensing and open source with the broader Arab regional Creative Commons and open source community - Train these individuals and institutions to the actual use of open licensing and open source tools for creative works, self expression and business development - Create a work environment which is oriented to sharing knowledge and products - Foster original content production in Arabic which responds to countrys’ local needs - Enhance creative production in the Arab world and distribution in an open but legal way. The workshops are entirely designed and led by volunteer members of the Creative Commons Arab regional communities from the following countries: Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Qatar, UAE, Morocco, Tunisia, Iraq, and Palestine. Most of the workshops will be “hands on” and will be entirely led in Arabic. The outputs (visual art works, music works, blogs, etc.) will be regrouped and featured online after the meeting. Each workshop will address one of the following issues: 1) Application of open licensing to education 2) Legal introduction to CC licenses 3) Visual art and creative remix 4) Youth music, Creative Commons, “Sharism” 5) Citizen journalism, social media, open licensing 6) Using Creative Commons & Social Networking to Create, Share, Network and Build your Personal Brand 7) Introduction to open source tools for creative people All workshops are free, and open registration through the CC Arab mailing list and Nawaat.org has brought more than 50 participants from Tunis and other Tunisian municipalities (working language: Arabic). The plenary sessions are open to everyone and translation between Arabic and English will be provided. Access the full agenda of the meeting here. Creative Commons Concert To close the meeting, a free CC music concert will take place the evening of July 2nd at the Center for Arab and Mediterranean Music. Musicians from across the Arab world (Palestine, Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon) and particularly those from Tunisia will pay a tribute to openness by performing their music (pop, hip hop, rock, classical Arab music) in a “jam session” sort of evening, where remix between the different artists will be encouraged and peer-production will be celebrated. All music played during the performance will be released under a CC BY-NC license, and will be compiled to produce the first CC-released Arab music CD featuring the best young talented musicians in the Arab world. The CD will be launched and distributed this fall through a viral social game involving most of the Arab capitals and the online Arab communities. Al Jazeera Mubasher TV channel will broadcast the event live. The goal of both the concert and the CD is to boost the idea of openly licensed music and legal sharing in the region, encouraging the Arab youth to share music legally but also to produce their own through peer collaboration and remixes enabled by the CC licenses. Check out pre-coverage of the concert by Rolling Stone (ME) and Italian News Agency ANSA. For more information on both events, see the Creative Commons Qatar announcement.1 Comment » No Comments » Over the weekend, the Czech Republic celebrated Liberation Day and officially introduced the complete Czech translation of Lawrence Lessig’s Free Culture. The translation was the culminating work of fifty volunteers over three years, and was enabled by the CC BY-NC license of the original English publication. The Czech version is also available under the same license. Adam Hazdra, project initiator and coordinator, writes, “I hope it will contribute to the promotion of Creative Commons and free culture it aims to restore.” Last November, Stanford started accepting digital dissertations for the first time, allowing students to opt out of hundreds of dollars in printing and processing costs. The new program also enabled CC licensing, allowing students to make their work available under a license of their choosing. Of the 60 doctoral students who submitted their dissertations electronically, 52 went with CC licensing, choosing the CC BY-NC license. 47 doctoral theses will be displayed in their entirety in the Stanford Digital Repository. From the Stanford Report, “The doctoral students who chose the digital route last quarter came from five of Stanford’s seven schools: Earth Sciences (1), Education (2), Medicine (7), Humanities and Sciences (15) and Engineering (35). Gunnarsdottir’s 160-page dissertation, “Modeling the Martian Surface Using Bistatic Radar at High Incidence Angles,” honed an existing method for evaluating the roughness of the planet’s terrain – one of many factors NASA uses to select landing sites for spacecraft. She used “The Dish,” the 150-foot diameter radio telescope located in the Stanford foothills, to beam a signal to Mars. Then she analyzed the surface echo detected by the orbiting 2001 Mars Odyssey, the NASA spacecraft carrying science experiments designed to improve understanding of the planet’s climate and geologic history. “Our results were incorporated into the landing site selection of the 2007 Mars Phoenix Lander,” said Gunnarsdottir, who earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical and computer engineering at the University of Iceland in 1999, and a master’s degree in electrical engineering at Stanford in 2002.” Since the program is already in place, Stanford expects greater numbers of electronic dissertations this quarter. We hope other universities will take Stanford’s lead in enabling the CC license option for their students’ work. For past dissertations that have been CC licensed by individuals, see my post “CC Licensing Your Dissertations.” “CC licensing increases your creation’s visibility, even if by only a small margin at first. It lets current and future students access and read (and even derive, based on the specific CC license you choose) your work so that they can build and improve upon it—all the while giving credit where credit is due, namely, to you.”No Comments » Are you a creative professional who frequently finds yourself using Google Image search or the Flickr commons portal to discover new images? PicScout, a company specializing in image recognition software, is working on a Firefox extension called ImageExchange that they want your help to beta test. Right now the program is in closed beta, but they’ve already implemented support for recognizing images licensed with our Attibution Non-Commercial license. What does this mean in practice? If you come across a CC BY-NC licensed photo anywhere on the web, PicScout’s ImageExchange extension will recognize it and give you what it believes is the source URL on Flickr. Here’s a screenshot to give you the idea of the results from a search for “flowers” on Google Images: The important part to understand is that PicScout’s extension can recognize photos anywhere on the web — from Google Image Search results to a blog you stumble across. When you click the round information button at the top right of the thumbnails that it recognizes, you’ll get a dialog box with more information. If PicScout believes the photo is CC BY-NC licensed and from Flickr, it will point you to the photo’s original page on Flickr. PicScout also recognizes rights-managed and micro-stock images from various industry databases as well. This allows image re-users to get in touch directly with the owner of the photo and secure commercial rights to use it. Recognizing commons content and identifying its original source is an important part of our community and it’s something we’ve been thinking a lot about. Take for example, the vigilant editors and administrators of Wikimedia Commons, which serves as the multimedia backend for all of the Wikipedia projects. A good portion of their time is spent weeding out copyright violations from the newly uploaded content to the project. If they had an easy way to determine whether an incoming photo was freely CC licensed, public domain, or All Rights Reserved, their jobs could be a lot easier. While PicScout’s ImageExchange is only indexing CC BY-NC licensed photos (which Wikipedia doesn’t accept anyway), we’re looking forward to seeing the database expand its reach into other domains in order to serve more and more communities. For now, if you’re a creative professional searching the web for new images to use in your day-to-day work, sign up with Pic Scout’s ImageExchange beta program today!2 Comments » Remember back in April when I first mentioned Student Journalism 2.0, ccLearn’s pilot project to bring Creative Commons and the power of new media into high school journalism classes? Well since then ccLearn and two SF Bay Area high school journalism classes have been busy getting the ball rolling. Yesterday, The Paly Voice, the student-run newspaper at Palo Alto High School, announced the integration of CC licenses, allowing its writers to choose to share their articles and op-ed pieces with the world. Already, Sydney Rock and Rachel Harrus’s article announcing the collaboration has gone viral via the CC BY-NC license, as the CC Google Alert picked it up and placed it squarely inside my morning radar. From the article, 1 Comment » “Starting today, readers of The Paly Voice may notice a new graphic — a Creative Commons licensing logo — tagged at the bottom of some stories. The addition is due to a new collaboration with Creative Commons, a nonprofit corporation that allows published work to be available to the public for fair and legal sharing. As a part of the Student Journalism 2.0 Project, The Paly Voice, along with the staff of El Estoque, the student news publication of Monta Vista High School, and the staff of The Broadview at Convent of the Sacred Heart High School, is the first high school in the nation to use Creative Commons licensing, which could potentially revolutionize the way creative works are available online. Campanile adviser Esther Wojcicki, who is the chair of the board of directors for Creative Commons, believes that the collaboration will positively influence student journalism at Paly. “It gives people the legal right to share their story,” Wojcicki said. “It’s like your own PR firm.” Creating a feature films is a massive undertaking, and it is for this reason that we’re always so impressed to hear of film makers using CC licenses. Two recent examples are Nasty Old People from Swedish director Hanna Sköld and Torno Subito from Italian Simone Damianiunder. “Nasty Old People” was released under our Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license and Torno Subito is available under our Attribution-Noncommercial license. What’s great about these licenses is that they both allow and encourage legal sharing and remixing as methods for promotion and encouraging fan engagement. The results are already beginning to appear: fans of Nasty Old People have raised donations amounting to 10% of the film’s loaned budget, and they’ve also created a Portugese translation of the film’s subtitles. Over the years, there have been a number of CC-licensed feature films released, and we do our best to keep up with them all on our film wiki page, but please add to the wiki if you come across something we’ve missed.3 Comments » Yoko Ono wants you to remix her track “The Sun Is Down!” whose stems are released under a CC Attribution-NonCommercial license. You can download the sample pack which includes the track’s vocal effects, loops of bass, drums, sound effects, and Tenorion files. But Yoko’s also running a contest to find the 10 best remixes. Here are the details: Create your own remix of “The Sun Is Down!” by Yoko Ono Plastic Ono Band, using as many or few of the samples from the pack and any original audio you wish to add. When you have finished your mix, make an MP3 copy that’s as high quality as possible, but still under 10MB in size. Email the MP3 of your mix, along with its name and your name, address, email and phone number to [email protected] before 12 December 2009. The Top Ten mixes will be decided by Yoko Ono Plastic Ono Band. The winners will receive special signed Yoko Ono Plastic Ono Band prizes and will be featured on this site over the Xmas and New Year period. Head over to Yoko Ono’s Plastic Ono Band for the full contest details and to download the sample pack.5 Comments » Richard Giles, a social media specialist in Australia who frequently posts and CC licenses photos on Flickr, received a threatening letter from the International Olympic Committee last week, mentioning a set of photos he had taken at the 2008 games in Beijing. Giles posted a rundown of the story so far on his blog. It is not clear the situation is resolved yet, and initially there was confusion about which photos or licenses are at issue, but there are many worthwhile posts about it to check out, including these: - Olympics threaten photographer by Mathias Klang (of CC Sweden), who points out in passing that there are now over 120 million CC licensed photos on Flickr — a 20% increase in 6 months. - Go To The Olympics? Take Photos? Put Them On Flickr? Await Olympic Committee Legal Threat Letter on Techdirt by Mike Masnick. - International Olympic Committee Goes Copyright (& Trademark) Crazy on The Moderate Voice by Joe Windish. - Wikipedia and Olympics Committee heading for collision? by Sage Ross, who points out that Giles’ photo(s) likely came to the attention of the IOC indirectly via English Wikipedia, where one of Giles’ photos is currently used in the Usain Bolt article. Regarding Ross’ post, of course the UK merchant that used the photo in an advertisement that eventually attracted the IOC’s notice may have discovered the photo directly on Flickr as well. In either case, the value of moving to a more liberal license if you want your works to spread is highlighted — Giles’ Usain Bolt photo is under CC Attribution-ShareAlike, while his other Beijing photos are under CC Attribution-NonCommercial. Whatever the resolution of this particular dispute, there’s no question that the IOC’s attempt to control how photographers use their own photos is symptomatic of the permission culture and tragedy of the anticommons we are facing. Creative Commons can’t directly influence the IOC’s policies, but we’re creating an alternative to ensure a non-gridlocked future of creativity and innovation, an alternative that offers benefits to those who participate in the commons now, and whose successes will change minds. Please support us — we’re in the midst of our 2009 campaign to raise $500,000 to fund this work. The photo at the top of this post by Richard Giles is not of the Olympics, but does look fun. Note that even such an innocuous photo could be under threat as we move in the direction of a permission economy — building owners attempt to control public photography, why not balloon owners or designers? Give now. ☺5 Comments »
Prepared Students on Campus Become Prepared Citizens in our Communities You hear the distressing cry, “Emergency! Someone please help!” Are you prepared to respond? The scenarios are endless – a sports injury, automobile accident, heart attack, fire, tornado, or active shooter just to name a few. Tragedies such as the shootings at Virginia Tech and other campuses and devastating natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina have made many aware that we have a responsibility to ourselves and our neighbors to become prepared citizens. Kennesaw State University has developed programs to populate our campus and our communities with prepared citizens. Emergency! Are You Prepared? – A Learning Community Learning communities at Kennesaw State are designed to help incoming first-year students connect to each other, to faculty and staff, and to campus. In this case, three entry-level courses are linked by the emergency preparedness theme and focused on leadership and preparedness. Students will explore what is required to become immediate responders in a variety of emergency situations. FOR EXAMPLE: What training is required to take action if someone should lose consciousness? What kind of will and determination do people who deploy to natural disaster emergency scenes possess? What is the survival mindset that often determines who survives a violent attack? Student Crisis Coordinators – A Registered Student Organization Students in this organization are first trained to be disaster aware. Those desiring advanced training may become certified in first aid, CPR and AED, emergency preparedness and response, crisis mitigation, and relief shelter protocol. Students completing classroom and hands-on training through our Department of Strategic Security and Safety, the American Red Cross, and other state and community organizations are invited to participate in drills simulating emergencies such as fire, tornado, active shooter, or relief sheltering. Through training in emergency preparedness, Kennesaw State students are ready to respond in the event of a campus or community emergency. In addition, regardless of career goals – public service, business, education, or other, these students possess skills that enhance their marketability in any job sector. These two programs - the learning community and student crisis coordinators, a registered student organization - provide Kennesaw State students the opportunity to serve our communities responsibly as prepared citizens.
25 years ago 'Students vote to restructure A.S. business interests' Twenty-four percent of Chico State University's student body ... voted to restructure the Associated Students $13-million-a-year business interests and other related entities on campus. ... The restructuring measure, which passed overwhelmingly with 89 percent of voters in favor, was enacted to avoid complete university control of the student-run businesses. Since 1942, the A.S. organization has been, and still is, the only student government of the 19 California State University campuses that owns and operates its own commercial enterprises. Those enterprises include the A.S. Bookstore, food services on campus and a host of other activities that require 94 full-time employees and between 400-500 part-time workers. The new structure, the result of nine months of study, retains strong student representation, ... and also retains a student majority on the corporation's board of directors. At the same time ... the university now has more direct input as to how and where funds are spent. ... — Enterprise-Record, March 19, 1988 50 years ago 'Orange Tree Digging Rig Can Move 2,500 Young Trees Per Day' ORLAND — A unique device mounted on a tractor and used for digging young orange trees has been designed and developed at the Orland Manufacturing Co. The bare root "digger," as Lely, an Orland city councilman, built the digger principally as a service for local orange growers ... It can move 2,500 trees in one day, while a man can dig about 100 trees in that time if he's good at it. The hydraulic digger consists mainly of a giant spading fork mounted on steel "arms" on the front of a diesel tractor. The tractor driver operates it with a couple of small levers and it can hoist out a half-dozen trees at a time. The digger has one big advantage over the conventionally designed machine. It lifts plants with roots up to four or five feet long ... Unlike big commercial diggers used in large nurseries, the tractor and fork are small and can get into the "small, tight places." Also, the tractor is economical to operate. ... — Chico Enterprise-Record, March 19, 1963 75 years ago 'Carpenters Set Minimum Wage' At a meeting of Local 2043, International Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, held last night in the Labor Temple, the local adopted a schedule for Chico making the minimum wage $7 per day and a 44-hour week. V. Cole, secretary, pointed out that following conferences between representative builders of Chico and surrounding communities, it was decided that wage scale of 87 1/2 cents per hour should be a minimum for carpenters. The new wage and hour limitations will take effect April 15. "... We, the carpenters of Local 2043, ... feel that by establishing a standard minimum wage, whereby a man can earn a living for his family, the majority of the best, mechanics will remain and work in Chico. Otherwise they would leave for richer fields. This ... would cause a shortage of skilled carpenters and force Chico builders to get help from other communities at a much higher rate of pay." ... — Chico Enterprise-Record, March 18, 1938 100 years ago 'Barley Sack Filing System In The Discard' Barley sacks will no longer be used to file city public records. A bundle of papers tied together with a hemp cord and thrown in a sack is a thing of the past, for a new filing system has just been completed by City Clerk Ben Hudspeth, assisted by Miss Josephine Smith and Miss Maud Saling. Hudspeth is indexing his files today and before the close of the week will go back to the records of the city to close upon a half a century ago and find coveted documents instantly. This is the first time since the incorporation of Chico in 1872 that the city clerk has been able to find a public document without going through a hundred bundles of claims, ordinances, resolution and the like stowed away in sacks. Two months have been consumed by Hudspeth and his assistants in perfecting the filing system ... — Chico Daily Enterprise, March 21, 1913 This column appears each Monday. Items are compiled by Sally Mau.
Atlantis emerged just before dawn from the massive Vehicle Assembly Building and, riding atop 76-wheeled platform, began the 10-mile trek to the Kennedy Space Center's main tourist stop. About 200 workers gathered in the early morning chill to see the space shuttle out in the open for the final time. They were joined by the four astronauts who closed out the shuttle program aboard Atlantis more than a year ago. "My opinion is it looks better vertically," said Christopher Ferguson, the astronaut who commanded Atlantis' final flight in July 2011. "It's a short trip. It's taking a day," he added. "It traveled a lot faster in its former life. But that's OK. ... it's got a new role." Portions of Atlantis' final launch countdown boomed over loudspeakers as the shuttle paused in front of the Vehicle Assembly Building before hitting the road. Employees gathered in front of a long white banner that read, "We Made History," and below that the single word "Atlantis." They followed the spaceship for a block or two, then scattered as the shuttle transporter revved up to its maximum 2 mph. The convoy included a dozen trucks and vans, their lights blinking. The fact that several hundred shuttle workers are about to lose their jobs, now that Atlantis is being turned over to the visitor complex, dampened the mood. Thousands already have been laid off. "The untold story of the last couple years, the last missions that we flew, is the work force. I mean, the contractors knew that their numbers were going to go down ... and yet they kept doing their jobs," said NASA's Angie Brewer, who was once in charge of getting Atlantis ready for flight. Some were too upset to even show up. Friday's event marked the true end to the 30-year shuttle program. Seeing so many members of the shuttle team "helps soften the hard edge of seeing Atlantis go off to a museum," said astronaut Rex Walheim, part of the ship's final crew. Atlantis made its way down broad industrial avenues, most of them off-limits to the public. So the trek did not replicate the narrow, stop-and-go turns Endeavour encountered last month while navigating downtown Los Angeles. The mastermind behind Atlantis' slow march through Kennedy was sweating bullets nonetheless. "It's only a priceless artifact driving 9.8 miles and it weighs 164,000 pounds," said Tim Macy, director of project development and construction for Kennedy's visitor complex operator, the company Delaware North. "Other than that, no pressure at all," Macy said, laughing. "Only the eyes of the country and the world and everybody at NASA is watching us. But we don't feel any pressure." He paused. "Of course, we feel pressure!" The relocation of Atlantis was plotted out for months, he noted last week, and experienced shuttle workers took part. "It's not like it's Tim and his buddies out here loading this up," Macy said. "We're using the expertise of NASA." The roundabout loop was to take the shuttle past Kennedy's headquarters building for a midmorning ceremony and then to a still-under-design industrial park for a few hours of public viewing in the afternoon. Tourist tickets ran as high as $90 apiece for a chance to see the spaceship up close. Crews removed 120 light poles, 23 traffic signals and 56 traffic signs in order for Atlantis to squeeze by. One high-voltage power line also had to come down. Staff trimmed back some scrub pines, but there was none of the widespread tree-axing that occurred in Los Angeles. Atlantis had to traverse just one noticeable incline, a highway ramp. The rest of the course is sea-level flat. The grand entrance into Atlantis' new home, in the early evening, also was expected to be smooth going. One complete wall of the exhibit hall was kept off, carport-style, so the shuttle could roll right in. Construction will begin on the missing wall early next week. Once safely inside, Atlantis will be plastic-wrapped for protection until the building is completed. The grand opening is set for July 2013. Total exhibit cost: $100 million, a price borne by Delaware North. Discovery, the oldest and most traveled space shuttle, was the first to leave the nest, zooming off to the Smithsonian in Virginia in April atop a modified jumbo jet. Endeavour, the baby of the fleet, headed west in September. Here is a brief look at each of NASA's space shuttles in the order they flew, including the prototype Enterprise: — Enterprise: Shuttle prototype used in jetliner-drop tests over Edwards Air Force Base in California in 1977, never flew in space. Originally on display at Smithsonian Institution hangar in Virginia, it was flown to New York City this past April and moved into the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum in June. — Columbia: Destroyed during descent on Feb. 1, 2003, after 28 missions stretching back to 1981. All seven astronauts were killed. The wreckage is stored in NASA's Vehicle Assembly Building at Kennedy Space Center, for research purposes. — Challenger: Destroyed during launch on Jan. 28, 1986, after 10 missions stretching back to 1983. All seven astronauts were killed. Buried in a pair of abandoned missile silos at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. — Discovery: Moved to Smithsonian Institution hangar in Virginia in April after 39 missions stretching back to 1984. — Atlantis: Being moved Friday to Kennedy Space Center Visitor Center after 33 missions stretching back to 1985. — Endeavour: Flown to Los Angeles in September and moved into California Science Center in October after 25 missions stretching back to 1992. It was the replacement for space shuttle Challenger.
When Martius falls into the pit in the middle of the forest, his self-sacrificing brother Quintus tries desperately to pull him out: "Thy hand once more; I will not loose again, / Till thou art here aloft or I below," he says. When it becomes clear that Quintus won't be able to rescue his brother, he tumbles in the pit after him: "Thou canst not come to me – I come to thee," he declares (2.3.7). By this point in the play, it's been a long time since we've seen brothers behave lovingly toward one another. In fact, most of the other sets of brothers are pretty hateful and combative. In Act 1, Scene 1, Bassianus and Saturninus fight over who gets to be emperor, then they squabble over who gets to marry Lavinia. Later the brothers Demetrius and Chiron hurl insults and are ready to duke it out over Titus's daughter (2.1).
For the last several months there has been a lot of chatter in the blogosphere and Twitter about FCoE and whether full scale deployment requires QCN. There are two camps on this: - FCoE does not require QCN for proper operation with scale. - FCoE does require QCN for proper operation and scale. Typically the camps break down as follows (there are exceptions) : - HP camp stating they’ve not yet released a suite of FCoE products because QCN is not fully ratified and they would be jumping the gun. The flip side of this is stating that Cisco did jumped the gun with their suite of products and will have issues with full scale FCoE. - Cisco camp stating that QCN is not required for proper FCoE frame flow and HP is using the QCN standard as an excuse for not having a shipping product. For the purpose of this post I’m not camping with either side, I’m not even breaking out my tent. What I’d like to do is discuss when and where QCN matters, what it provides and why. The intent being that customers, architects, engineers etc. can decide for themselves when and where they may need QCN. QCN: QCN is a form of end-to-end congestion management defined in IEEE 802.1.Qau. The purpose of end-to-end congestion management is to ensure that congestion is controlled from the sending device to the receiving device in a dynamic fashion that can deal with changing bottlenecks. The most common end-to-end congestion management tool is TCP Windows sizing. TCP Window Sizing: With window sizing TCP dynamically determines the number of frames to send at once without an acknowledgement. It continuously ramps this number up dynamically if the pipe is empty and acknowledgements are being received. If a packet is dropped due to congestion and an acknowledgement is not received TCP halves the window size and starts the process over. This provides a mechanism in which the maximum available throughput can be achieved dynamically. Below is a diagram showing the dynamic window size (total packets sent prior to acknowledgement) over the course of several round trips. You can see the initial fast ramp up followed by a gradual increase until a packet is lost, from there the window is reduced and the slow ramp begins again. If you prefer analogies I always refer to TCP sliding windows as a Keg Stand (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keg_stand.) In the photo we see several gentleman surrounding a keg, with one upside down performing a keg stand. To perform a keg stand: Place both hands on top of the keg 1-2 Friend(s) lift your feet over your head while you support your body weight on locked-out arms Another friend places the keg’s nozzle in your mouth and turns it on You swallow beer full speed for as long as you can What the hell does this have to do with TCP Flow Control? I’m so glad you asked. During a keg stand your friend is trying to push as much beer down your throat as it can handle, much like TCP increasing the window size to fill the end-to-end pipe. Both of your hands are occupied holding your own weight, and your mouth has a beer hose in it, so like TCP you have no native congestion signaling mechanism. Just like TCP the flow doesn’t slow until packets/beer drops, when you start to spill they stop the flow. So that’s an example of end-to-end congestion management. Within Ethernet and FCoE specifically we don’t have any native end-to-end congestion tools (remember TCP is up on L4 and we’re hanging out with the cool kids at L2.) No problem though because We’re talking FCoE right? FCoE is just a L1-L2 replacement for Fibre Channel (FC) L0-L1, so we’ll just use FC end-to-end congestion management… Not so fast boys and girls, FC does not have a standard for end-to-end congestion management, that’s right our beautiful over engineered lossless FC has no mechanism for handling network wide, end-to-end congestion. That’s because it doesn’t need it. FC is moving SCSI data, and SCSI is sensitive to dropped frames, latency is important but lossless delivery is more important. To ensure a frame is never dropped FC uses a hop-by-hop flow control known as buffer-to-buffer (B2B) credits. At a high level each FC device knows the amount of buffer spaces available on the next hop device based on the agreed upon frame size (typically 2148 bytes.) This means that a device will never send a frame to a next hop device that cannot handle the frame. Let’s go back to the world of analogy. The B2B credit system works in the same method you’d have 10 Marines offload and stack a truckload of boxes (‘fork-lift, we don’t need no stinking forklift.’) The best system to utilize 10 Marines to offload boxes is to line them up end-to-end one in the truck and one on the other end to stack. Marine 1 in the truck initiates the send by grabbing a box and passing it to Marine 2, the box moves down the line until it gets to the target Marine 10 who stacks it. Before any Marine hands another Marine a box they look to ensure that Marines hands are empty verifying they can handle the box and it won’t be dropped. Boxes move down the line until they are all offloaded and stacked. If anyone slows down or gets backed up each marine will hold their box until the congestion is relieved. In this analogy the Marine in the truck is the initiator/server and the Marine doing the stacking is the target/storage with each Marine in between being a switch. When two FC devices initiate a link they follow the Link-Initialization-Protocols (LIP.) During this process they agree on an FC frame size and exchange the available dedicated frame buffer spaces for the link. A sender is always keeping track of available buffers on the receiving side of the link. The only real difference between this and my analogy is each device (Marine) is typically able to handle more than one frame (box) at once. So if FC networks operate without end-to-end congestion management just fine why do we need to implement a new mechanism in FCoE, well there-in lies the rub. Do we need QCN? The answer is really Yes and No, and it will depend on design. FCoE today provides the exact same flow control as FC using two standards defined within Data Center Bridging (DCB) these are Enhanced Transmission Selection (ETS) and Priority-Flow Control (PFC) for more info on theses see my DCB blog: http://www.definethecloud.net/?p=31.) Basically ETS provides a bandwidth guarantee without limiting and PFC provides lossless delivery on an Ethernet network. The reason QCN was developed is the differences between the size, scale, and design of FC and Ethernet networks. Ethernet networks are usually large mesh or partial mesh type designs with multiple switches. FC designs fall into one of three major categories Collapsed core (single layer), Core edge (two layer) or in rare cases for very large networks edge-core-edge (three layer.) This is because we typically have far fewer FC connected devices than we do Ethernet (not every device needs consolidated storage/backup access.) If we were to design our FCoE networks where every current Ethernet device supported FCoE and FCoE frames flowed end-to-end QCN would be a benefit to ensure point congestion didn’t clog the entire network. On the other hand if we maintain similar size and design for FCoE networks as we do FC networks, there is no need for QCN. Let’s look at some diagrams to better explain this: In the diagrams above we see a couple of typical network designs. The Ethernet diagram shows Core at the top, aggregation in the middle, and edge on the bottom where servers would connect. The Fibre Channel design shows a core at the top with an edge at the bottom. Storage would attach to the core and servers would attach at the bottom. In both diagrams I’ve also shown typical frame flow for each traffic type. Within Ethernet, servers commonly communicate with one another as well network file systems, the WAN etc. In an FC network the frame flow is much more simplistic, typically only initiator target (server to storage) communication occurs. In this particular FC example there is little to no chance of a single frame flow causing a central network congestion point that could effect other flows which is where end-to-end congestion management comes into play. What does QCN do: QCN moves congestion from the network center to the edge to avoid centralized congestion on DCB networks. Let’s take a look at a centralized congestion example (FC only for simplicity): In the above example two 2Gbbps hosts are sending full rate frame flows to two storage devices. One of the storage devices is a 2Gbps device and can handle the full speed, the other is a 1Gbps device and is not able to handle the full speed. If these rates are sustained switch 3’s buffers will eventually fill and cause centralized congestion effecting frame flows to both switch 4, and 5. This means that the full rate capable devices would be affected by the single slower device. QCN is designed to detect this type of congestion and push it to the edge, therefore slowing the initiator on the bottom right avoiding overall network congestion. This example is obviously not a good design and is only used to illustrate the concept. In fact in a properly designed FC network with multiple paths between end-points central congestion is easily avoidable. When moving to FCoE if the network is designed such that FCoE frames pass through the entire full-mesh network shown in the Common Ethernet design above, there would be greater chances of central congestion. If the central switches were DCB capable but not FCoE Channel Forwarders (FCF) QCN could play a part in pushing that congestion to the edge. If on the other hand you design FCoE in a similar fashion to current FC networks QCN will not be necessary. An example of this would be: The above design incorporates FCoE into the existing LAN Core, Aggregation, Edge design without clogging the LAN core with unneeded FCoE traffic. Each server is dual connected to the common Ethernet mesh, and redundantly connected to FCoE SAN A and B. This design is extremely scalable and will provide more than enough ports for most FCoE implementations. QCN like other congestion management tools before it such as FECN and BECN have significant use cases. As far as FCoE deployments go QCN is definitely not a requirement and depending on design will provide no benefit for FCoE. It’s important to remember that the DCB standards are there to enhance Ethernet as a whole, not just for FCoE. FCoE utilizes ETS and PFC for lossless frame delivery and bandwidth control, but the FCoE standard is a separate entity from DCB. Also remember that FCoE is an excellent tool for virtualization which reduces physical server count. This means that we will continue to require less and less FCoE ports overall especially as 40Gbps and 100Gbps are adopted. Scaling FCoE networks further than today’s FC networks will most likely not be a requirement.
Protecting Against The West Nile Virus (NAPSI)-While outdoor activities can result in itchy mosquito bites and the threat of the deadly West Nile virus, there are a few steps homeowners can take to reduce mosquito populations and protect themselves: - Cover, empty or remove containers that hold water. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, so the best way to decrease mosquitoes around your home is to eliminate standing water. Household items that hold water include wading pools, wheelbarrows, toys, buckets, tarps, boats and tires. - Clear standing water from your landscape. Clean out clogged rain gutters and drainage ditches frequently to ensure water does not gather. Fill in low areas of your yard and make sure flower pots and bird baths have clean water every four days. - Create movement in areas of stagnate water. Add a water pump, fountain or waterfall to pools or ponds and make sure that the water is circulating properly. Swimming pools should also be chlorinated according to the manufacturer's directions and covered when not in use. - Call the health department. Mosquito control programs may include environmentally friendly larvicides. These larvicides effectively kill mosquito larvae in standing water, eliminating them before they become biting adults. For more information about how to protect your family and how to get involved in larviciding programs in your area, visit www.mosquitoawareness.com.
Thanks for the tip John. I have taken a look at the 3D Curve feature and have figured out a way of making the 24" rad. coiled hose that I proposed as an It is a three step process to achieve the final product. As John had mentioned earlier, the difficult part is making a 3D Guide Curve to be used for sweeping the 3/4" dia. circle along, using the Sweep Shape Ok, here goes!! The first step is using the Sweep Shape tool and constructing a 2D Guide Curve by specifing Circular Arc and defining 180 deg. arcs from 24" rad. to 12" rad., all with the same center point (I deleted the default arc, and used the origin of the drawing area for the arcs). I then joined the ends and the start points of these arcs with a second set of arcs. This produced the coil from 24" to 12". Next, I swept a square shape around this coil, after using the Triball to position the square so that the outside of the finished solid would be the 24" rad. Step Two: Producing a 3D Guide Curve using the 3D Curve Shape tool, from the solid produced in step 1. Select Insert Arc in the 3D Curve Tool , and in the same manner above, construct 180 deg. arcs starting at the outside of the solid,while initially holding the shift key (the curves will be produced perpendicular to the surface without the shift key). This 3D Curve can be queried for it's length. Step Three: Using the Sweep Shape tool once again, pick the newly created 3D Curve as the 3D Guide Curve and sweep a 3/4" dia. circle. Use the Triball to position the circle so that the outside is tangent to the 3D curve. Andddd....like magic, it is done!!! I hope you are able to follow my explanation. I have also attached an .ics file with the three elements decribed above. After practicing a few times to become familiar with the tools, I was able to make this part in about 20 mins. Not bad for an amateur! Right?? Paul, how is the excel project coming? I am curious to see how it will work. Attached File(s) 24 inch coil.ics ( 465k ) Number of downloads: 202
It isn’t often that you see cows as the focus of an artist’s work for more than forty years. Stirring both praise and controversy, outspoken and passionate Miina Äkkijyrkkä continues to draw inspiration for her art from the cattle she raises in Finland. The artist seated beneath one of her larger-than-life cow sculptures Sculpture made of abandoned car parts and one of the artist’s models Äkkijyrkkä studied at The School of the Fine Arts of Finland, the Dairy Farming School of North-Savo and the Equine College of Ypäj, and shares her passion for bovines through traditional sculpting, drawings, sculpting with scrap metal and more. The sculptures seen here defy reason – scrap metal that not only depicts a cow, but also suggests movement and an undeniable grace. There is much to repair in the education of artists. If we want to put value in education, we have to do new things and open all the doors of this modern time. Electronic communication and the fast flow of media are tools that artists should be able to use. But always remember the inner fire. That is the most important thing. Without it, you are an amateur. Miina Äkkijyrkkä Miina Äkkijyrkkä tends to her cows
June 13, 2008 Delaying an adolescent's school start time by one hour has a positive effect on his or her cognitive performance, according to a research abstract that will be presented on June 12 at SLEEP 2008, the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies (APSS). The study, authored by Orna Tzischinsky, PhD, of Emek Yezreel College in Israel, focused on 47 eighth graders from two classes, who were divided into experimental and control groups for a two-week period. On week one, the experimental class began their school day one hour later than usual (at 8:30 a.m.), while the control class began at the regular time (7:30 a.m.). On week two, both classes began at 7:30 a.m. The subjects were asked to maintain their habitual sleep-wake pattern. Actigraphs were worn to monitor sleep-wake patterns. On the fifth day of each week, the students performed a cognitive test. According to the results, during the first week, the experimental class woke up 51 minutes later on average than the control class, while during the second week, the experimental and the control class woke up at the same time. Bedtime and sleep efficiency remained the same during both weeks. "The cognitive tests showed better performance with the experimental group in comparison to the control group on the first week," said Dr. Tzischinsky. "The results demonstrate that longer sleep duration positively affects cognitive functioning." It is recommended that adolescents get nine hours of nightly sleep. Other social bookmarking and sharing tools: Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above. Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.
Maryport school delighted with its good school report Last updated at 20:17, Thursday, 29 March 2012 Maryport's Ewanrigg Junior School is good with some outstanding aspects, government inspectors said. Ofsted inspectors visited the school earlier this month. Their report said the school would have been rated as outstanding but had failed to reach national levels of attainment in English and maths because of a high proportion of children with special needs. However, they said that progress was being made and the school received an overall “good” rating in every category. The key findings showed that Ewanrigg was a good school where pupils were ready to learn. They were well taught, made good progress and achieved well. The inspectors added that the governing body, although supportive, was not holding leaders fully to account. The school provided excellent care and support, particularly for pupils whose circumstances made them vulnerable, disabled pupils and those with special educational needs and helped many of them to make outstanding progress. Teaching overall was found to be good with some that was outstanding. Lessons were well structured so that pupils learned at a good rate, and the curriculum was carefully matched to pupils’ needs so that targeted pupils were taught in small groups, helping to accelerate their progress. Pupils’ behaviour was typically good and they felt safe and secure in school, free from bullying. Headteacher Yvonne Craig’s leadership was described as “strong and vibrant, ensuring a cohesive team with a clear common focus.” Areas for improvement for the school dealt mainly with the need to improve maths and English by challenging the more able pupils, allowing more independent working and introducing more project work. Miss Craig said she was delighted with the report, which had recorded significant improvement from the last inspection three years ago. She praised staff, governors and the school community their determination to meet the challenges. First published at 19:23, Thursday, 29 March 2012 Published by http://www.timesandstar.co.uk Have your say Well done Yvonne, staff and pupils. Always new you would get there.
Principles and practice, 3rd Edition Since its first publication, Action Research: Principles and Practice has become a key text in its field. This new updated edition clearly describes and explains the practices of action research and its underlying values, and introduces important new ideas, including: all professionals should be... Published February 20th 2013 by Routledge What are the most effective ways of planning and doing action research projects? You and Your Action Research Project gives practical guidance on doing an action research project. Written for practitioners across professions who are studying on award-bearing courses, this book is packed full of... Published July 20th 2009 by Routledge A Practical Guide Assuming no prior knowledge of research methods and techniques, this book is the perfect companion for teachers at all levels undergoing professional development who need to enhance their formal reflection skills. Providing a detailed explanation of what action research is and its importance in... Published June 28th 2005 by David Fulton Publishers Published October 1st 2003 by Routledge Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition Since the first edition of this established text was published in 1988, action research has gained ground as a popular method amongst educational researchers, and in particular for practising teachers doing higher-level courses. In this new edition Jean McNiff provides updates on methodological... Published January 21st 2002 by Routledge This book gives practical guidance on doing an action research project as part of an award-bearing course. Packed with useful advice, it takes the practitioner-researcher through the various stages of a project, from action planning to writing the report. It deals comprehensively with gathering and... Published January 3rd 2002 by Routledge The current orthodoxy is that 'knowledge' is the most powerful resource for organisational success. So how can managers develop the appropriate knowledge base to make their organisations grow? The answer lies in action research. Action research is increasingly perceived and used as a powerful... Published December 6th 2000 by Routledge The issue of pastoral care and how a teacher effectively provides it is currently a topic of great debate in the media. With teachers increasingly bearing the brunt of their pupils' difficult personal lives, they feel under pressure to do the 'right thing' and to do it in an informed and... Published February 24th 1999 by Routledge An Action Research Approach In this fascinating and very personal book, Jean McNiff, author of the successful Action Research: Principles and Practice, argues that educational knowledge is created by individual teachers as they attempt to express their own values in their professional lives. Working with case studies of... Published January 13th 1993 by Routledge
built its multiuser version of its product. Iacobucci got another round of $8 million of funding, including $2 million from Microsoft and $1 million from Intel, enabling the company to expand. By 1995, Citrix went public with $14.5 million in revenue, and made its 60 employees instant millionaires, including Iacobucci. At 35, his stock was worth $7 million. But he said his focus was never money. "It was about changing the world," Iacobucci said. "Money was just a byproduct." He said he saw an opportunity to change the course of how computing was done. He ran his company like it was a mission, not a job. Iacobucci admits he was somewhat of a nerd and geek. "But I had enough polish that I could sell my idea," he said. Citrix grew so much that Microsoft notified it in February 1997 that it was going to compete, and the stock dropped from $28.75 to $9.75 per share. Iacobucci spent 11 weeks negotiating with Microsoft every day, finally announcing a partnership in June 1997 that sent the stock up to $40. By December, it was trading at more than $70 a share. Citrix continued to grow, acquiring companies that added value, increasing from $124 million in revenue in 1997 to $249 million in 1998, $403 million in 1999 and $470 million in 2000, when Iacobucci left. He said he had aggressive ideas of growth, and met with reluctance from the board. "I had been there since the beginning, and if we hadn't taken the risks we had taken, we wouldn't have been there at all," he said. The company had market capital of more than $20 billion. "I felt pretty secure in our accomplishments," he said. Iacobucci was 47. He thought he would retire. "My retirement lasted 60 days, and I was jumping out of my skin," he said. "I had the urge to do something." He had bought a plane a year or so earlier to travel for Citrix, for convenience and to save time. Fractional ownership of jets and full plane charters were expensive and out of reach of most people. "My idea was that normal people could use this flexibility and productivity if there were a model to sustain it," he said. Iacobucci spent the next four years with a team, creating scheduling dispatching software that would work for small jets, creating a business model on a per-seat basis, and convincing the Federal Aviation Administration and the Department of Transportation to approve it. Boca Raton-based DayJet was born, pioneering a new model in aviation. "It was a technology company that just happened to fly airplanes," he said. The idea: "We won't tell you what the schedule is; you tell us where you want to go and we will tell you how much it costs and we'll make it work." Iacobucci had invested most of the company's $80 million in start-up capital. But the company's strategy required it to raise another $50 million just when the market was collapsing. DayJet filed for bankruptcy protection in November 2008, about 14 months after starting service. "It wasn't the business model or the airplane, it was the lack of growth capital," he said. "... It was the most exciting and amazing thing we ever did, but we got caught in the September 2008 debacle." He said he learned a valuable lesson in the dismantling of the company, but one he would not like to experience again. "My objective is to build things and not to tear them down and sell them into pieces," he said. "It was a painful experience, but a valuable one. I think I'm a better entrepreneur because of it." Iacobucci had sold his Citrix stock and put most of it in DayJet. "I'm a big believer in following your dreams ... If you really believe in something, you're foolish not to go all in." After he left DayJet, Iacobucci took some time to think. "I knew I probably needed to work, so I started looking at different things. My focus was to build something else." He felt there was a need for a universal index or catalog of everything in a company, all the data, files, emails, etc. He created VirtualWorks, based in Boca Raton, and bought a small company in Norway that had an enterprise search product, and merged it, converting the product to make it applicable to more companies. "The future is going to be getting use of all that stuff rather than occupying bits on disks, and I think we are on the forefront of that," he said. "It's about finding out where data is." Iacobucci, who lives in Delray Beach, has just closed on an $8 million round of financing from high worth individuals, institutions and strategic partners. He has about 150 investors, and he doesn't hold the majority of shares. With 35 employees, split between South Florida and Norway, VirtualWorks is expected to reach $3 million in revenue this year, he said. And in the first quarter of 2012, VirtualWorks will begin a major marketing launch of the product. What has driven him most of all is "changing the world and building something that lasts, proving that something can be done." Money is not even among the top five motivators, he said. "If you put it at the top, you're almost doomed to failure because you focus on the wrong thing," he said. "You don't focus on innovation. You focus on doing things the way they have been done, because you don't want risk." Most Popular Stories - Entrepreneurs Chase Social Media - European Car Sales up First Time in 20 Months - Schedule packed with talent at the Fox - I never set out to be a role model but it's great to be one ; IN THE HOTSEATBetter known by his stage name Wretch 32, Jermaine Sinclair is a 28-year-old rapper from London. In 2011 his debut album Black and White sold over a million copies and scored three top five singles. 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Once before, the Ausonia had been struck by a torpedo, off the south coast of Ireland, in June, 1917, while on a voyage from Montreal to Avonmouth. In this case she was fortunately saved, and her valuable cargo of food stuffs safely discharged. On the second occasion, while sailing from Liverpool, she was less fortunate. The Ausonia was some 600 miles west of the Irish coast at 5 p.m. on May 30th, when a torpedo struck her, causing a terrific explosion. As her Commander, Captain R. Capper, afterwards said, he saw rafts, ventilators, ladders, and all kinds of wreckage coming down as if from the sky, falling round the after part of the ship. Captain Capper who, at the moment, was at the entrance of his cabin, at once went to the bridge, put the telegraph to ' Stop ' — ' Full Speed Astern ' but received no reply from the Engine Room. All hands were at once ordered to their boat stations, and the wireless operator tapped out the ship's position on his auxiliary gear. Ten boats were lowered, and, within a quarter of an hour after the ship was struck, they had safely left her. When about a quarter of a mile astern, Captain Capper mustered them together and called the roll. It was then discovered that eight stewards were missing, having been at tea in a room immediately above the part of the ship struck by the torpedo. Half an hour after the vessel was torpedoed, a periscope was sighted on the port bow, and an enemy submarine came to the surface and fired about 40 shells at the ship, some of these dropping within fifty yards of the boats. After the Ausonia had sunk, the submarine approached the boats, and Captain Capper, who was at the oars was ordered to come alongside. Upon the submarine's deck several of her crew were lounging, laughing and jeering at the shipwrecked survivors. After enquiring as to the Ausonia's cargo, the submarine commander ordered the boats to steer in a north- easterly direction ; in callous disregard of the peril which confronted the Ausonicfs crew the submarine herself then made off northwards. Captain Capper gave orders to the officers in charge of the boats that they were to keep together, and endeavour to get into the track of convoys, the weather being fine at the time. Until midnight the boats were successful in remaining in each other's company, but the wind, having risen in the night, two boats, one of them in charge of the first officer, and the other in charge of the boatswain were, on the following morning, not to be seen. Captain Capper had assembled the survivors in seven boats, and he now gave orders to the remaining five that they should make themselves fast together. In this formation, they continued throughout the following day and night, when the ropes began to part. They were also retarding progress and were therefore cast off, the boats, however, still continuing to remain pretty well together. On Sunday, January 2nd, to add to the misery of their occupants, the weather became bad, heavy rain falling and soaking them all to the skin. On Monday and Tuesday, conditions improved a little, but on Wednesday a storm broke, and by mid-day a heavy sea was running, and a gale blowing from the north-west. The boats were now running before this, with great seas breaking over them and saturating everybody on board. These conditions continued until Friday the 7th, when land was at last sighted, turning out to be Bull Rock. A wise and strict rationing had been enforced, only two biscuits a day, 7 and one ounce of water having been allowed for the first two days, and one biscuit and a half and four tablespoons of water the subsequent ration. The crew were approaching the extremities of exhaustion when hope of deliverance was awakened in them. Fortunately, on sighting land, the wind fell a little, but it was another fifteen hours before the unhappy survivors were picked up by H.M.S. Zennia, an American Destroyer also assisting. Captain Capper's boat had only 25 biscuits left together with half a bucketful of water — but one day's meagre supply when the terrible ordeal ended. The little boats, it was calculated, had covered 900 miles since the Ausonia disappeared before their eyes. Under these conditions the conduct of the Cunarder's crew was of the highest order, that of the stewardess, Mrs. Edgar, of Orrell Park, Aintree, the only woman on board the vessel, being particularly courageous. Special mention must also be made of the butcher's boy, Robinson. At the moment of the explosion, together with the pantry boy, Lister, he was in one of the cooling chambers, and the explosion made it impossible for the two boys to get out. Robinson had several wounds on his hips and thighs, and his left arm was lacerated. Both boys, in addition, had both legs broken above the ankle. Robinson, however, managed to crawl out on both his hands and knees and secure a board and place it across the gaping hole in the deck, thus enabling Lister also to reach a place of comparative safety. The two boys then crawled on hands and knees up two sets of ladders to the boat deck, and were placed in the boats. The doctor attended to the boy Robinson's injuries, as far as was possible, but it was not for 30 hours that Captain Capper was able to transfer him to the boat in which Lister was lying, so that he also might receive medical aid. In spite of their experiences and injuries, both boys remained calm and cheerful, and indeed in high spirits, but it is sad to record that Robinson subsequently succumbed in hospital, as the result of his injuries. More, however, to Captain Capper than to any one man, was the salvation of the live boat loads due, and it was in recognition of his dogged determination and splendid seamanship that his Majesty the King afterwards bestowed upon him the Distinguished Service Cross. Source: A Merchant Fleet at War (1920) by A. Hurd available on-line at http://www.archive.org/details/merchantfleetatw00hurd
Scientists at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital have identified inherited variations in two genes that account for 37 percent of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), including a gene that may help predict drug response. The findings stem from the first complete search of the human genetic blueprint or genome to look for inherited risk factors for ALL, the most common childhood cancer. Published in the 16 August issue of Nature Genetics, the work offers the first proof based on a complete survey of the human genome that inheritance plays a role in childhood ALL. Mary Relling, Pharm.D., St. Jude Pharmaceutical Sciences chair and the paper's senior author, estimated that individuals who inherited variations in genes known as ARID5B or IKZF1 are almost twice as likely to develop ALL as those without the variations. Even then, she said, the risk remains low. ALL strikes roughly one in every 75,000 Americans. Sixty percent are children and teenagers. 'The genetic variations alone are not enough to cause the cancer. Like all cancers, paediatric ALL is a multi-factor disease,' Relling explained. 'But these findings may give us a handle on the mechanism of the disease and drug responsiveness to it.' Exactly the same genes, ARID5B and IKZF1, were confirmed to be altered in British children with ALL. That study was published by the Institute of Cancer Research in Surrey, England, in the same issue of Nature Genetics. In the St. Jude study, researchers collaborated with colleagues from the Children's Oncology Group (COG), who provided additional cases for genetic analysis. COG is an international group of medical institutions that cooperate in research studies and clinical trials of childhood cancer treatment. Researchers scanned the genomes of 441 children with ALL and a control group of 17,958 cancer-free individuals for more than 300,000 common genetic variations known as single nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs. The search found 18 SNPs that differed significantly in frequency between individuals with and without ALL. Six of the 18 SNPs were associated with one of the four main subtypes of ALL. The six included two SNPs linked to the ARID5B gene. About 11 percent of those in the control group inherit the leukaemia-risk ARID5B variations from both mother and father, Relling said. In comparison, the same high-risk ARID5B SNPs were found in 38 percent of patients with a type of ALL known as hyperdiploid ALL. That subtype accounts for about 20 percent of ALL patients. Three more SNPs were traced to the genes IKZF1 and DDC, which are next to each other on chromosome 7. IKZF1 is also known as IKAROS. Earlier research from St. Jude and COG linked acquired changes in IKZF1 to an increased risk of ALL relapse. The new evidence tying inherited variation in IKZF1 to an increased risk of developing ALL underscores the need for medications targeting variations in this gene, Relling said. Both ARID5B and IKZF1 play important roles in normal development of lymphoid or white blood cells, she said. ARID5B belongs to a family of genes that make transcription factors, which help regulate gene activity. 'If they have an inherited variation that affects the function of those genes, these are plausible pathways for how a normal lymphoid cell could be disrupted and transformed into a cancer cell,' Relling said. Inherited variations in ARID5B might also influence patient response to chemotherapy, particularly to the drug methotrexate. 'We found this same inherited variation also affected accumulation of the drug in leukaemia cells. It accumulates better. That allows us to use a lower dose and still cure the leukaemia,' Relling explained. 'These findings may identify a new marker that could be used to help decide on doses of methotrexate in patients with varying ARID5B status.' Scientists are not sure how the SNPs they identified influence cancer risk. But studies of variation in gene expression associated with the ARID5B gene indicate the inherited variations have a biological function. Researchers must still determine what it is. Other authors of this paper include Lisa Trevino, Wenjian Yang, Deborah French, Geoffrey Neale, James Downing, Susana Raimondi, Ching-Hon Pui and William Evans, all of St. Jude; Stephen Hunger, University of Colorado, Denver; William Carroll, New York University Medical Centre, New York; Meenakshi Devidas, University of Florida, Gainesville; and Cheryl Willman, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. This study was supported by the National Cancer Institute, the National Institutes of Health/National Institutes of General Medical Sciences Pharmacogenetics Research Network and ALSAC.
|Thailand Table of Contents As they had in the sixteenth century, the Thai made a rapid recovery under a brilliant military leader. Taksin (1767-82) had slipped away from besieged Ayutthaya and, starting with a handful of followers who quickly grew into an army, organized a resistance to the Burmese invaders, driving them out after a long and arduous war. Assuming the royal title, he abandoned the ruined Ayutthaya and founded a new capital farther south in the delta at Thon Buri, a fortress town across the river from modern Bangkok. By 1776 Taksin had reunited the Thai kingdom, which had fragmented into small states after the fall of the old capital, and had annexed Chiang Mai. Taksin, who eventually developed delusions of his own divinity, was deposed and executed by his ministers, invoking the interests of the state. His manifold accomplishments, however, won Taksin a secure place among Thailand's national heroes. Source: U.S. Library of Congress
Description: A view of the business section on the south side of the Denton Square in 1877. All the building were constructed of wood, with board sidewalks of even lengths to aid the pedestrian in keeping out of the mud and sand of the unpaved streets. Stores visible from the left to right on the Piner Block are Craddocks, The Big 5 and 10 Cent Store, Nochols and Stribling Grocers, G. W. Wilson and Co. Grocers, J. A. Hann and Co. Cheap Cash Store, and A. E. Freeman Groceries. Contributing Partner: Denton Public Library
Seven in the morning and the ferry was about to dock at the Cebu Seaport – I was wondering why the people were flocking on the far side of the vessel. I asked my friends from California as to why and they simply shrugged their shoulders with no clue at all. I went to check and asked what was the commotion about and one guy with a white V-neck shirt pointed his finger to the little ships below… That was the first time I laid my eyes on the “Badjaos.” These are the sea gypsies of Cebu. Yes. Indigenous. These cluster of unique people went to Cebu during the insurrection in Mindanao. It was in 1964. More have followed in the succeeding years, settling in the coastal village of Alaska, which is Cebu’s biggest slum area. Bajau, Bajaw, Bajao, Badjau, Badjaw, or Badjao (whatever pleases you) still continue to live their nomadic, seaborne lifestyle. They hop onto their small wooden boats to “make a living” and survive. Don’t miss the action! I took a photo of them and I was astonished when the Badjao children jumped off their small boats, took a dive, and recovered a five peso coin thrown by the woman on my right! The Badjao mother spread her cloth and tried to catch all of the articles thrown by the tourists – coins, bottled water, cookies, biscuits, etc. It was amazing. One Badjao man did a swimming stunt and even dove down and caught the coin using his teeth! I was clapping with joy! 8) “Brothers” – the last ones remaining. Looking at them I felt ambivalent. I pity them because they have nothing to do but to ask for alms, at the same time, I am happy for them because they are able to find ways to find money and to entertain. I hope when I get back to Cebu, I could talk to them personally!
In the days of playing with nixie tubes, dekatrons, 555 timers, LEDs, and what-not over the past six years I've had to find some way to power all this stuff. Once in awhile it's easier than expected. After all, LEDs and the timing circuits in nixie clocks can run off 5 or 12 volt DC power so you can just use batteries. The nixie tubes and dekatrons, however, require a little more umpf, and 140V or 400+V DC is a little hard to come by on the battery only side. On top of this, from time to time, I have spent more time figuring out why the circuit does not have a good connection to the batteries and there is no power supplied, instead of playing with what I wanted to when I began the endeavor. So, I decided I would build a devel power supply that would give me 5V DC, 12V DC, 110V A/C, 220V DC and 440V DC so I could stop worrying about this and have a nice way to power things while I was learning how There were a couple of goals...more or less met. Keep in mind that this is the first one built, so you'll undoubtedly see a few places it could be improved and and maybe some things that need fixing here or there. but, we'll see how it goes... - multiple voltages: 5V DC, 12V DC, 110V A/C, 220V DC, 440V DC - each voltage must be able to be turned off and on - each voltage must have some indicator so we know if it's on or off - each voltage must have a good connection point - all voltages must be ground connected so transistors can be easily used - each voltage must be protected from shorts via a fuse - each voltage should be able to draw some max amperage - connections are apart and spaced so shorts between voltages won't happen so, did we do it? yup...or at least i think so. <g> these may all just be things that are taken for granted, but since I'm relatively new and this is only my fourth boxed project I wanted to make sure it solved a lot of problems that could arise if I hurried to quickly and would make sure that the devel power supply would be very usable in the future and not cause problems. so, how were the above - all voltages included... - there is a master on/off switch, and each voltage has it's own on/off switch - 5 and 12 have LEDs while 110, 220 and 440 have Neon lamps that come on when the voltage is switched on. - 5, 12 and 110 use the speaker style connectors. 220 and 440 use screw down since the speaker style do not support this high a voltage. - all voltages are connected to N. - all have a 1 amp fuse (also see - ditto above - fingers crossed...but this should actually work so, hopefully this makes sense to someone besides me. the 5 and 12 volt are voltage regulated and pull from a HUGE, seriously, transformer from a company formally know as trans-era now know as Pulse. It takes 110V and spits out 12V on a secondary 1 and secondary 2 that can each draw at 1amp when wired the way it currently is (see the doc below). Here's the schematic I created and built from: The 110V A/C comes directly from the line, so it's actually whatever your line is. The 220V and 440V use a voltage doubler and tripler, so the output could vary a bit since there's no regulation and I have seen A/C vary anywhere from 110V - 135V or higher. Remember that when building this you need to carefully short the capacitors in the voltage doubler and voltage tripler as they hold their charge after the power has been turned off. If you do not do this, then you risk shocking yourself with the high voltages contained within the capacitors. Note: I didn't actually put the jumper in for measuring current, but it seems like an interesting idea, so i left it in the schematic. Here's the schematic I created and built from: So how does it work? the flash knocked out the LED, but it's right at 5V! it's right at 12V! on the left, low voltage, on the right, high voltage! everything is also disconnectable so the box can be fully seperated without soldering. the dekatron runs! and testing dekatrons is much, much easier now. not to mention that the connections to the power supply are just a tad bit more reliable. "what is he talking about?" you may be asking....well, I won't even go into it. Let's just say that in the past I've wasted a bit of time with bad connections to the power supply. project built: 9/17/2006 page updated: 9/17/2006
From Diary of a Somebody, in the Guardian (a UK newspaper): “”The best bloggers use their blogs as a tool to engage with others on a particular topic. Too many people focus on telling their story,” advises IBM’s blogger in chief, Christopher Barger. He had been busy writing his own blog for 18 months on topics utterly unrelated to work when the chief executive summoned him to his office and informed him he had been reading his blog for a year. After an initial panic, Barger realised he was being promoted, not fired. He is now responsible for “tying blogging to IBM’s overall strategy”. In a company that employs 300,000 people, promoting a culture of internal and external blogging has led to connecting groups of people tackling similar problems across the world, identifying experts, such as Ed Brill who works on IBM’s Lotus software, now routinely quoted by journalists and analysts as an expert, and spotting future talent – such as Sacha Chau, a placement student currently at IBM Toronto, now gaining recognition for her popular internal blog. Minor fixes: Sacha Chua, not Chau, and I’m actually a graduate student on a research fellowship, not a placement student. =) But yeah! Way fun. Random Japanese sentence: メアリーã¯èªÂÂ書をã—ã¦ãŠりã€ÂÂ1匹ã®猫ãÂÂ΋‹ãŸã‚ÂÂらã§眠ã£ã¦ã„ãŸ。 Mary was reading, with a cat sleeping beside her.Short URL: http://sachachua.com/blog/p/3659
If you're reading this article and you've never watched a YouTube video or a TED talk, run out and buy a lottery ticket. You are now the exception to the rule--by far. YouTube is serving up billions of views a month. It's ranked the number two search engine. And that's just scratching the surface in terms of all the other video sites out there. So why aren't you doing more with video? Start Video Blogging People often ask about the gear, so included here is a list of gear and sites to try (see sidebar). But the real trick to video blogging is not the tools you use, it's knowing how to start (including getting the confidence to show up on film), knowing what makes a passable video and knowing what your viewers will want from such an experience. The Confidence Game The best way to gain confidence using video is to practice recording yourself. Practice brevity. Practice not saying "um." Practice looking right into the lens of the camera. Practice speaking slowly, and without letting your voice waver. These things all come with practice. I promise. How to Start Pick a topic you want to cover. I do a lot of book reviews and interviews at ChrisBrogan.com, so those are the types of videos I record. Yours might be interviews. Or walk-throughs of homes you intend to sell. Or reviews of products. Or customer testimonials. Having a sense of what you want to record is important. Go for Quality Recording someone on a Flip camera from eight feet away doesn't work. Get closer, and frame them from their chest to the top of their head. Keep the camera facing the speakers. Models like the Kodak Zi8 allow for an external lavaliere microphone. Use it. You can find inexpensive LED lights that attach to most cameras at Amazon.com. Practice simple lighting. Don't spotlight people like you want them to confess. If you can, edit. I use really inexpensive software, or I make sure that my recordings are very brief. People don't want to wade through garbage, so learn to cut stuff out. Just Press Record Your viewers want to be educated and entertained. By giving them video to go along with your words, you're enabling them to connect with you. It's a win-win. I look forward to hearing how your efforts turn out, so drop me a line on Twitter (@chrisbrogan), OK? Tools for Making Video - Flip MinoHD: A mini, portable video camera with 720-pixel HD resolution, 60 frames per second and a digital zoom lens. The 4 GB is $100; the 8 GB is $140. - Kodak Zi8: A mini video camerawith 1080p HD video at 30fps. Records up to 10 hours and has a built-in USB arm. Get it for $180. - Windows Live Movie Maker: Make and edit movies using photos and videos; add specialeffects, themes, soundtracks, transitions and more; and share videos online. Available as part of a free download for Windows 7 and Windows Vista. - iMovie: Mac users can organize, edit and watch videos, turn them into movie trailers and upload them to the web or use iTunes to sync them with Apple devices. In the Mac App Store for $15. - YouTube: The most popular online source for sharing and watching videos for free. Upload and edit videos directly in You- Tube, shorten or combine video clips, add music with AudioSwap and include transitions. - Vimeo: Upload up to 500 MB of video for free each week. Customize your videos, join groups, discuss others' videos and learn how to make better ones at Vimeo Video School. - TubeMogul: A brand-focused video-marketing company that claims to reach 700 million internet users worldwide through its PlayTime video advertising platform. Video analytics and reporting help clients monitor their campaigns' success.
ON THE FARM February 2006: The Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers Research Foundation is funding a grant for Bindweed Farm to investigate the viability of growing roses as cut flowers in a Northern climate. The grant will focus on fragrance, which the cutflower rose trade, interested more in specific form, color, and stem production, has inadvertently bred out of its cultivar pool. It's hoped that clients will pay a premium to actually smell the roses they buy. Ralph will plant twenty five specimens of ten different rose varieties and document client receptivity, vase life, and stem production. Frequent updates will be posted on the rose page. January 2006: The ranunculus house, held just above freezing by propane-driven forced air, its beds warmed by a simple underground radiant heat that holds the soil at 52 degrees, looks like a success. To keep the soil at 52 with forced air would be cost prohibitive in Idaho's climate (a two week spell of 15 below nights in December attests to that), but the radiant heat system costs a fraction of forced air to operate. Above, Ralph aside the ground beds. The old hose you see connects to rebar that holds support netting. The hose protects people from getting gouged by rebar, and can be used to support covering material on cold nights, if desired. Below: A cold winter morning as experienced by Viburnum Opulus. AT THE DESK No Sage: Essays From the Margin just appeared in its second edition, and includes two essays omitted from the first printing--Mangoes and The Abstract Land. The book is available through Barnes and Noble and Amazon.com, and signed copies can be purchased directly from the author. Leaving the Bucket: Searching for the Sacred in Addiction, essays on addiction and rural life, was released October 2005. (Click on the image for a better view of the cover) buy a copy BACK TO THE FARM (ARCHIVES): October/November 2005: This year's research and development project is underway. Since heating a hoophouse in zone 4 winters seems cost-prohibitive, we've decided to try heating the earth instead, hoping that a fifty degree ground temperature will overcome those twenty below nights of a southeast Idaho winter. Using a small propane water heater, we will pump hot water through tubing placed beneath the soil surface. Above, the ground before laying the tubing. The sides of the raised beds were made with rough 1 X 4 lumber and 24 inch grade stakes (plus a few screws). Below: The tubing. Hanging from the sidewalls is the driptape which is used for irrigation. Below: After laying the tubing in raised beds, we covered it with potting soil. On the far right the soil is smoothed out, and on the adjoining bed you can see the piles, brought in one bucket at a time, yet to be levelled. We then planted ranunculus and freesia in the beds, one to two inches below the surface, an inch or two above the tubing. The ranunculus was soaked for four hours in a water/fungicide solution to hydrate the claw-shaped bulbs. Below see the ranunculus and freesia just two weeks after planting. As of November 10, no heat had yet been applied. Ground temperatures hover at 50 degrees. Earlier in the season: September 15, 2005: A load of Physocarpos coming in from the field means frost is just around the corner, with the woodies about to be harvested for the last trips to the resort areas. August first signals the end of most of the perennial blooms and the onset of the annual crops. Here are some field shots: Jerica, our daughter, picking the sweet peas that send her to Albertson College. One of her chores: composting unsold flowers. On this day she "lost her head." Rocket snaps in the field. Rockets in the shadehouse. Planted much later than the field snaps, they begin blooming just as the earlier ones play out. The shade makes them grow taller, but as a consequence they have to be supported by netting. Mid July means the first sunflowers appear, and the final phase of Bindweed's season is underway. The bi-color suns bloom first, and then almost immediately the minis. The last planting has just been done, a final sowing of sunflowers that should bloom in mid September just before the traditional frost that ends the year's time-sensitive work. It's mid-March, 2005, and the tulips in the heated hoophouse are coming just in time for an early Easter. These should be finished blooming by April 1 In the unheated hoophouse, where the sides roll up on hot days and down on cold ones, another eight thousand tulips get ready to follow the nine thousand in the heated house. by late April, most of these will have bloomed Preparing for a lily crop in mid to late May, the old man lays down the bulbs in a hand-dug trench. The bulbs will be covered with dirt, and after 80-110 days (depending on the variety) should bloom. nearly fifteen hundred Oriental and Asiatic bulbs tulips just cut, ready for a trip to Sun Valley, Idaho AT THE PALETTE Jeriann's most recent artistic foray is into the realm of book arts. "Dharma", a twelve frame folding book based on the Buddhist Eightfold Path, is shown here. The piece was recently shown in the juried exhibition "West of 105", which included book art from the best of artists to the left of the 105th parallel. Click on the images for larger views. Continuing in a similar, Buddhistic vein, Jeriann's triptych Mind, Body, Spirit is showing at The Walrus and the Carpenter Bookstore in Pocatello, Idaho throughout March, along with work from fellow artists Paula Jull, Margot Proksa, Jessie Proksa, Sarah Joyce, Cathy Sher and Kaye Turner. (click on images for a better view) A companion piece of Jeriann's, On Reflection, also hangs at the show. Through the winter, Ralph has been working on a piece tentatively titled Charting the Areas of Being (Equal Temperament), which looks at the connections between music, grief, and Being as it forays through the musical works of Neil Young in the 1970's and the eighteenth century philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer (a not so unlikely pair). A second related essay weaves Bergson's notion of duration, Whitehead's concept of occasions, collections, souvenirs, and bullfighting (not necessarily in that order) with musical epiphanies.
American Indian history explored on new website, AmericanIndianHistory.net American Indian history is being explored on a new informational website, AmericanIndianHistory.net. The site just launched to provide readers with an in-depth look at the contribution Native Americans have made to the United States. “I wanted to offer a new look at American Indian history and really get into some of the great things tribes have done to contribute to our country,” said Micah Fromer with AmericanIndianHistory.net. “I’m proud to launch this site and hope it will provide valuable information for readers.” So far, the website offers information and facts about native Americans of the Southwest, such as the Navajo and Apache tribes. Visitors will also learn about the traditions and history of the Hopi and Zuni people, who helped shape the culture of the American Southwest. AmericanIndianHistory.net is dedicated to expanding the information offered to provide a historical perspective of tribes from all over the country. “Native Americans of the Southwest have maintained their identity and culture, even against overwhelming odds,” Fromer said. “They were sent to reservations, driven from their land and even sent to schools intended to strip them of their culture and spirituality. Yet their strong will helped them preserve their culture and identity and pass those values along to their children.” Anyone interested in learning more about American Indian history is invited to visit the new site. readers will be taken on a journey that can be traced back to 1025 A.D. Experts believe that’s when the first Puebloan people migrated south over a now nonexistent land bridge that connected the northern continents. To learn more about American Indian history, visit the official site at AmericanIndianHistory.net.
In "The Syntax of Adjectives", Guglielmo Cinque offers cross-linguistic evidence that adjectives have two sources. Arguing against the standard view, and reconsidering his own earlier analysis, Cinque proposes that adjectives enter the nominal phase either as "adverbial" modifiers to the noun or as predicates of reduced relative clauses. Some of his evidence comes from a systematic comparison between Romance and Germanic languages. These two language families differ with respect to the canonical position taken by adjectives, which is prenominal in Germanic and both pre- and postnominal in Romance. Cinque shows that a simple N(oun)-raising analysis encounters a number of problems, the primary one of which is its inability to express a fundamental generalization governing the interpretation of pre- and postnominal adjectives in the two language families. Cinque argues that N-raising as such should be abandoned in favor of XP-raising--a conclusion also supported by evidence from other language families. After developing this framework for analyzing the syntax of adjectives, Cinque applies it to the syntax of English and Italian adjectives. An appendix offers a brief discussion of other languages that appear to distinguish overtly between the two sources of adjectives.
Maryville Volunteers, Judges FIRST® LEGO® League; Co-Sponsors Scholarship Row at Championship April 21, 2011 The FIRST® World Championship is coming to St. Louis from April 27-30, the first of three years that the competition will be held in the Edwards Jones Dome. Maryville University is a co-sponsor of Scholarship Row at the FIRST Championship and will be among other institutions onsite with a scholarship opportunity for FIRST participants. FIRST stands for “For Inspiration and Recognition in Science and Technology.” The nonprofit administers four robotic competitions involving research and robotics for children and adolescents beginning at age six and going through high school (K-12). Steve Coxon, PhD, assistant professor of gifted education and literacy at Maryville, who also serves on the FIRST LEGO League planning committee for the St. Louis Region, will be a volunteer robot design judge during the World Championship this year. “This is a wonderful opportunity for the University to engage with a community of very talented young people,” said Coxon. “The creativity and problem solving involved in the FIRST competitions is likely to increase the future pool of talented scientists and engineers whose innovations improve quality of life globally.” In 2011, 250,000 young people are involved worldwide in FIRST. The Championship FIRST® LEGO® League program will draw top teams from around the globe with 29 countries represented by 81 teams coming from abroad. Two competitions, Junior FIRST® LEGO® League ( JrFLL® for ages 6-9) and FIRST LEGO League (FLL) (for ages 9-14) use LEGO bricks and kits to design, engineer, and program autonomous robots. Students in FLL program their robots to perform set tasks for points, such as having their robot deliver a LEGO cardiac patch to a heart. The FIRST® Tech Challenge (FTC®) program for high school ages uses TETRIX and the LEGO NXT kit to create robots, while the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC®), also for high school, involves large robots, up to 150 pounds, that compete in direct competition with other teams in head to head competition. The entire FIRST competition is often referred to as “Sports for the Mind.™” Anyone interested in volunteering at any of the events, may contact Kathleen Kennedy.
I used to think that a Non-Disclosure-Agreement (NDA) was a useful tool in business. I’ve now decided it’s a wedge that gets in the way of progress and conversations. A typical scenario is between someone with an idea and someone who’s in the position to help fullfil that idea. This can be a VC with money, a contractor with skills or a business partner. The person with the idea begins the conversation… “I need your help, but before I can let you help me, I need you to sign something that says I trust you.” What a conversation killer. When you put it that way, it sounds rediculous but that’s exactly what these conversations are about. - I don’t know you. - I don’t know your idea. - I don’t know your background or company. - I don’t even know if I can help you. - What is the upside for me to sign an agreement? Let’s tell some more truths. - Few people read their NDA’s closely. It takes time. This is time that is spent looking at papers rather then discussing your idea and how to execute it. What would you rather spend time doing? - It’s not clear to me how enforceable NDA’s are if they are violated. It’s practically impossible to tell how information leaks out and who is responsible. If information leaks out will you really spend thousands of dollars in legal fees? If you’re a startup the answer is always no. The only time NDA’s get more serious is when they are with a larger publicly traded company. - In most cases the NDA does exactly the opposite of what actually needs to be done. If you need help the best way to get help is to put the word out. You’ll find the best people and the best answers to problems. You enable me to introduce you to people who may be able to help. At best the NDA says that both people signing agree not to be assholes. Of course you shouldn’t need a piece of paper to tell you that, after all you’re the one asking for help. Ideas are worthless Imagine you’re a brilliant entrepreneur, a savvy business women or a brilliant negotiator. No matter how good your idea, the idea itself is worthless. Zero. Nada. There are two things that matter with ideas: As I just said ideas are worthless, litteraly a dime a dozzen. It takes five minutes to come up with a dozens of ideas. Execution, is the way you implement the vision of the idea. No one is going to execute the idea the same way that you would execute it. It may be your drive, your passion, your tenacity. Whatever it is, no one else has it. You have to be more passionate about your idea then anyone else. The other thing that matters is your advantage. This may be your connections, your education, your life experiences, your expertise. Whatever you bring to the table that gives you the lead over your competition. If you can execute your idea and you have an advantage you can tell your idea to people all day long and it doesn’t matter. If other people don’t have the same passion and advantage as you they will never be able to bring the idea to completion that way that you would. It’s been done. Your idea, however brilliant has already been done. It’s been done by someone else, in some other country, in some related field, in some other time, to some similar product, using a derivative technology. For all the NDA’s that I’ve signed I have never once seen an idea that is totally new. Never. Even the wildly crazy ideas have been imagined in TV & Film. It’s been done. Ideas are by nature evolutionary and build upon past ideas. No matter how good your ideas may be it’s already been done. It’s has already been disclosed. A simple google search of your idea will likely show that there are tons of people doing what you’re trying to do. What hasn’t been disclosed is how you’re going to do it. Ideas are a People Business VC’s talk about intelectual property or the secret sauce for your idea. In most cases it’s not the patents sitting in a drawer. It’s the people who have a vision to execute and a tactical advantage to make an idea successful. If you’re asking for help you need the right people and to get them you need to have a lot of conversations. The more NDA’s you sign the less total conversations you can have. Among other reasons this is one of the reasons you won’t find VC’s signing NDA’s. Someone is building your idea right now. What are you waiting for?
Print this Page Facts Are Stubborn Things |Michelle Dimarob, or Sarah Swinehart (202) 226-4774| Orszag: Energy Tax Will Cost Families An Average of At Least $500 More Than 'Make Work Pay' Wednesday, March 04, 2009 Many families forced to pay more than $1,300 in higher energy costs FACT: As CBO Director, Mr. Orszag testified to the Ways and Means Committee on September 18, 2008, that “decreasing emissions would also impose costs on the economy – much of those costs will be passed along to consumers in the form of higher prices for energy and energy intensive goods.” FACT: Director Orszag’s written testimony stated that the average annual household cost was $1,300 for a 15% cut in CO2 emissions (80% less than the cut sought in President Obama’s budget). FACT: If a 15% cut in CO2 will cost families on average $1,300 per year, then the 83% cut targeted by President Obama’s energy tax will be dramatically more expensive for employers and families. FACT: The Administration states the ‘Make Work Pay’ credit is designed to offset higher energy costs. However, even if a family received the full $800 maximum credit, the OMB Director’s testimony confirms that families will pay at least $500 per year above and beyond their ‘Make Work Pay’ credit in out-of-pocket higher energy costs. FACT: Many families would bear the full burden of the entire $1,300-plus in higher energy costs, since retirees, the unemployed and college students are not eligible for the Make Work Pay Credit.
Weed Science: Principles and Practices, 4th Edition May 2002, Wiley-Blackwell This price is valid for United States. Change location to view local pricing and availability. Other Available Formats: Hardcover Weed Science provides a detailed examination of the principles of integrated weed management with important details on how chemical herbicides work and should be used. This revised Fourth Edition addresses recent developments affecting weed science. These include the increased use of conservation-tillage systems, environmental concerns about the runoff of agrochemicals, soil conservation, crop biotechnology, resistance of weeds and crops to herbicides, weed control in nonagricultural settings and concerns regarding invasive plants, wetland restoration, and the need for a vastly improved understanding of weed ecology. Current management practices are covered along with guidance for selecting herbicides and using them effectively. To serve as a more efficient reference, herbicides are cross-listed by chemical and brand name and grouped by mechanism of action and physiological effect rather than chemical structure. In addition, an introduction to organic chemistry has been added to familiarize readers with organic herbicides. Also included are guidelines on weed-control practices for specific crops or situations, such as small grains, row crops, horticultural crops, lawns and turf, range land, brush, and aquatic plant life. Generously supplemented with 300 drawings, photographs, and tables, Weed Science is an essential book for students taking an introductory course in weed science, as well as a reference for agricultural advisors, county agents, extension specialists, and professionals throughout the agrochemical industry.
"Criminology focuses on the behaviour that violates the criminal law and seeks explanations for that behaviour. The study of the origin of laws that define certain behaviour as criminal is a primary focus of the sociology of law, although a number of sociologists include in criminology the study of how certain behaviour has come to be defined as criminal. As important as it is to know why laws are passed to criminalize certain behaviour, such knowledge does not explain why certain people violate the law whereas others do not. It is useful to understand the origin of the law of theft, but it is also important to know why some people steal and others do not, and why some of those use force against their victims in robberies whereas use stealth." "Criminology is the body of knowledge regarding delinquency and crime as social phenomena. It includes within it’s scope the process of making laws, of breaking laws, and of reacting towards the breaking of laws. Certain acts that are considered undesirable are defined by the political society as crimes. In spite of this definition some people persist in the behaviour and thus commit crimes; the political society reacts by punishment, treatment, or prevention. This sequence of interactions is the subject matter of criminology. Crime consists of three principle divisions, as follows: 1. the sociology of law, which is an attempt to systematically analysis the conditions under which criminal laws develop and also an explanation of variations in the policies and procedures used in the administration of criminal justice. 2. Criminal etiology, which is an attempt at scientific analysis of the causes of crime; and 3. Penology, which is concerned with the control of crime. The objective of criminology is the development of a body of general and verified principles and of other types of knowledge regarding this process of law, crime and reaction to crime. This knowledge will contribute to the development of other sciences, and through these other social sciences will contribute to an understanding of social behaviour. In addition, criminology is concerned with the immediate application of knowledge to programs of social order and crime control. This concern with practical programs is justified, in part, as experimentation which may be valuable because of its immediate results but at any rate will be valuable in the long run because of the increased knowledge which results from it." "Criminology in the broadest sense covers the whole of criminal science. In a narrower sense it refers to the part of criminal science which empirically describes criminal behaviour and explores individual and social factors associated with crime and criminals. Criminology is aimed principally at elucidating the connection between crime and the personal characteristics of the offender or his environment, with special reference to the origin of the offence ( etiology, genesis ). As an object of research, however, the genesis of criminal behaviour cannot be separated from the behaviour itself. Therefore, criminology must also contain a descriptive part, criminography. Furthermore, criminology encompasses prognosis or the science or prediction. Victimology, which is research into the relation between offender and the victim, is also included under criminology." Crime is ever changing, so it becomes difficult for criminologists to define it. What is not legal here, maybe legal in another state or country. While what isn’t banned now, might be banned tomorrow. Murder is wrong, and a crime (homicide) but in certain situations and under certain instances, like war, it isn’t a crime, instead is a hero’s action. In America, if I white person kills a black person, the sentence is not as serious as that of a black man killing a white man. Law is not static. Criminology includes sentencing, punishment, laws, etc. etc. Another way to look at it is society builds the individual, who in turns builds the criminal; thus it can be reverted back to society. Geographical crime is relative to where you live. It changes from where you live. Ontology - What is the nature of this crime? Do certain things really exist, or do we make up the concept in our own minds. Each person has a different view, based on their own thinking. Realists believe that certain things do exist, and therefore crime is real, and so is evil, and it is up to us to find and research it. Nominalists on the other hand, do not believe in anything except what we make up in our own minds. We create the concept, and then act as though it were real, but in reality, it is in name only. We search people out and label them, just like witch hunts (age, person, sex, character, looks etc.). Epistemology - How we find out about things? How do we know what we know? What counts as knowledge? Positivism, must have objective knowledge, hard facts. It is the belief there is a real world out there, and through technology and techniques we can find out positive knowledge about crime. Anti-Positivists do not believe that anything can show them truth, for example, a computer statistics read out is not real proof, they desire empathy, but scientists do not like empathy for it can not be recorded. Human Nature - What motivates Humans? Determinists believe things are determined by forces out of ones control, for example, a criminal could not help themselves, it was brought on by an internal malfunction. They liken human behaviour to an item (physical object - like a set of billiard balls on a table, one reacts against another) that can be studied. Voluntarism is all about free will; actions that are brought about by choice. This relates to the criminal by deciding if a criminal chooses to act as they do, or are they forced to by outside forces? Free contract (social contract) Humans give up a measure of freedom in order to be able to co-exist. Criminals are those who break this consensual contract. Humans are reasoning creatures. They can weigh up what is best for them and act accordingly. Humans freely choose their course of action. Human nature is ‘voluntaristic’ rather than ‘determined’. Humans naturally pursue pleasure and avoid pain. Modified classical principles. Took account that ‘free’ will and choice are relative concepts subject to both physical and social constraints; that humans are not always as rational as they seem, and that other values may override the simple ‘Hedonic’ nature of humans.---- Positivism is based on deterministic theories. All events are caused by something. So a criminal had events running up to his crime, this takes away free choice, and makes it out that the person had no choice. Its almost like saying there where universal laws of nature that had to take place. There is a continues fight between free will and determinants. ‘Imperical’ meaning the world of experience, and positivists go by this theory. Other theories say that criminals are biological throw backs to an accent era. Lambroso believed that people were born criminals, and believed in all of the above mentioned. (though he generalised, and went about deciding that criminals had physical features such as facial structure, and tattoos, which now days can be seen as inaccurate). Another theory is vicious criminals have an extra Y chromosome, and generally speaking a lot of criminals in prison have this trait. But there is no 100% proven scientific fact in this. This theory can not be proven an to this day, no accurate reason can be given. Criminologists must make sure not to generalise and pick out a group to persecute. Povitism caries with it the belief that people are born and carry with them the desire and potential to be criminals (eugenics). This is dangerous to believe. If we were to believe this, we would be persecuting children of criminals, and general "to be" criminals, who may never be criminals. In the USA it was legal to persecute and sterilise people who were mentally inferior, epileptic, or criminal so that they would not pass on their genes. They were also into removing parts of people’s brains that they believed lead to criminal tendencies. In this case, punishment and treatment are almost the same thing. In past what eugenics had as so called scientifically proof, could be also be removed scientifically. Comparison of classical and positivist schools 18th century reform 19th century application of of judicial and penal science to criminality. Crime defined by Rejects legal definitions. Focuses legal code. On person. Free will view of Deterministic view: biological human nature. Genetic, psychological etc. Deviant/ non-deviant Deviant/non-deviant are are similar different. Solution = deterrent Solution = scientific treatment. Positivists theories of causation depend on material contained in official statistics (Positivists rely on statistics). Two major sources of statistics - Generated by courts and police agencies. - Treated as if the official crime rate corresponds to actual incidences of crime (some crimes are never reported, like rape, small theft of things that you may think you misplaced, and murders). - Treated as officially processed offenders are representative of criminals generally. Variations in organisational procedures, practices, etc. may alter the volume of crime that appears in official statistics. Social control policies, in response to ‘public demand’, may inflate reported crime. Written By Evan Sycamnias
I love evidence based interventions. In fact if I am arguing with my girlfriend about something other than the washing up, one of the first things I do is ask, what’s the evidence for that? (Which I am sure makes me an absolute joy to live with). About a month ago, I attended BETT, the biggest Ed-tech fair in the UK. Across the two floors of London Olympia companies – large and small(ish) were displaying their newest products for all to see. It was really interesting to see how technologies were being used to display curriculum materials – the most innovative example being what looked like a rapid expansion in 3D projection, alongside increases in content for ipads/tablets. Certainly I think there’s great scope in some of this content development stuff – one example I particularly like, is the use of map data to create history resources which layer time periods over the top of the map (although I didn’t see anything like this at BETT). more >
Tap Dance History: From Vaudeville to Film is a 45-minute DVD that showcases original and rare tap dancing footage from the 1930s and 1940s. This collection of 14 short films includes soloists, chorus lines, and novelty acts. Each segment is preceded by a brief narration regarding the history of that particular style of dance and also some background information about the performers. A variety of styles are represented, from the elegant technique of Bill "Bojangles" Robinson to the acrobatic and humorous strutting and singing of The Berry The narrations were obviously well researched without being over done. They are concise and to the point, allowing the performances to speak for themselves. Most of the footage comes from the private collection of Mark Cantor's Celluloid Improvisations Music Film Archive. One selection is from the Ernie Smith Jazz Film Collection of the National Museum of American History As a former tap dancer, I thoroughly enjoyed this DVD. It was exciting for me to watch original footage from so long ago and be completely amazed at the skill displayed by these performers. I also found the narration to be very interesting and educational. Tap Dance History: From Vaudeville to Film is not just for dancers. It could be enjoyed by anyone who has the slightest interest is history and/or dance. My children, ages 9 and 6, loved it. They were certainly entertained and were even inspired to try out some tap dance moves of their own! Be aware that the footage is black-and-white and does have a few jumps and black spots, which is to be expected from film that is up to 80 years old. I personally like this because it adds to the historical feel, making viewers acutely aware that they are watching a performance that danced across the stage many years ago. Tap Dance History: From Vaudeville to Film is an educational and entertaining look at the tap dancing era of the 1930s and 1940s. I recommend it to anyone who wishes to learn more about the historical side of tap dancing or who simply desires to be inspired by some
to the online Training Manual on Human Rights for Health Workers developed by the International Federation of Health and Human Rights Organisations (IFHHRO). Have you ever asked health workers what the relationship is between their work and human rights? You will most probably be met with puzzlement and miscomprehension. Few health workers have an explicit understanding of what human rights can mean in relation to their work This online manual aims to bring a change in this situation by providing detailed training session plans that can be used to raise awareness among health workers about health and human rights. A more detailed explanation on the structure and background of this online manual can be found on the introduction page. Have a look at the detailed session plans provided as downloads through the menu on the left. Try them out, feel free to ask for advice, adapt them, and share your experience with us! Very helpful for young trainers The training manual is very helpful for young trainers. Planning a training session becomes an easy task through it, and the content is very rich and well structured . We used some activities for the first time in a 3 days training ..... read more One Big family, Health as a Human Right, Domestic Vioelence and Everyday stories are the most useful session plans for me. The first two are useful because Right to Health is a relatively new concept in my country. The latter ..... read more Thank you very much for the very information and practical materials available. Was introduced tot he site through the ESCR-net group in regards to the training. I am from the Pacific and will try with all effort to get some supp ..... read more
Whale shark are filter feeders, which can be unusual for sharks. Together using the Basking Shark as well as the Megamouth Shark, these are the only filter feeding sharks in existence. As a filter feeds, the whaleshark feeds primarily on algae, plankton, larvae and tiny fish. The whale shark doesn’t use its teeth to feed, but rather its food merely glides by way of the huge fish’s gills. The whale shark is usually a non-aggressive creature that poses no threat to swimmers, snorkelers or scuba divers. Whale sharks are actually fairly playful towards scuba divers and snorkelers. Not surprisingly, divers must stay clear of swimming in to the Shark’s mouth or finding hit by the fish’s tail, which could indeed result in some harm for the individual.
Hey guys, quick question. In a few weeks, i want to get a new tank, somewhere between 55-90 gallons(whatever I find for a good deal) I plan on getting the tank, doing a full fishless cycle, and then it will be my new Goldfish I have seen a few really nice solid white fish in with the Goldfish at one of my local fish stores, and I assume they're Goldfish since they're labelled as such and kept in with the other Goldfish , but they are all much bigger than my current Goldfish , the fish I have right now are three Goldfish between 2-4 inches, very similar in size, but haven't got a ruler to get their exact, and the Goldfish I've been seeing are probably almost 7 inches. If I put all four of them in a larger tank(the one between 55-90 gallons) will it be likely that the larger one would become dominant, or attack the smaller ones(he's big, but not big enough to swallow them as far as it looks to me) I can't remember right now, but I think they were either comets or commons, and the three I have are two comets, and one common. I also may get one or more golden weather loaches, and assume there is an inherent risk of the larger Goldfish gobbling one of them up, but it seems like they would hide themselves easy enough. And I also plan on slowly adding the fish, I want to add two of mine after I'm sure it's cycled, then the third one after a week or two, then the large one after another week or so, and then any loaches wouldn't be right away anyway. Any words of advice? Maybe getting an even larger tank upwards of 125 and get two or three more similar in size to my current three so that they can be seen less as an easy meal?
Characteristic of the early environment at Knoll, Hans and Florence never demanded that Bertoia design furniture, but instead encouraged him to explore whatever he liked. They simply asked that if he arrived at something interesting, to show them. Bertoia later explained the process: “I went around and discovered, quite soon, that I was not the man to do research. My feeling was that had to come from an inward direction. I began to rely once more on my own body. I began to think in terms of what I would like as a chair. It started very slowly…I came into rod or wire, whether bent of straight. I seemed to find myself at home. It was logical to make an attempt utilizing the wire. "Once more, I went through the procedure of positioning, considering the possibility of shapes, then relating, of course, what the wire itself could be, what shapes it might take, whether there were any tools to do it with. There are many aspects of the same things coming into one’s mind, but the very first thing was whether a shape would come up that would begin to serve as a chair, sitting on it, etc. One was taking the shape of a side chair; another was beginning to extend to care of the head. This developed to the point where something could be held on to…You know, when you have something in front of you that can really physically be held, it becomes easier to make changes.”
Parents: Why make money talk taboo? Andrea Domanick, a senior at Wesleyan University. TEXT OF STORY STEVE CHIOTAKIS: These days, a lot of people are talking about saving. That includes teenagers. Yeah, I know -- when I was 15, 16, and working in my dad's restaurant, all I could think about was the arcade. Or buying a car and putting gas in it. I didn't have a clue about how to save money or being reasonable about spending it. So how much does the average teen know about it? Andrea Domanick says not much. She's a senior at Wesleyan University and says personal finance is still a taboo subject for parents to broach. They only talk to you about it when you've mismanaged it. In other words, when it's too late. Andrea Domanick: My friend Amanda Dorinson is one the most brilliant people I know. But when it comes to managing her money, she's clueless. Amanda Dorinson: I have no idea exactly money in my checking account right now. I have a paycheck I'm sitting on that I haven't deposited yet. I have doctor co-pays that I know are coming up... Growing up, Amanda remembers her mom showing her how to balance a check book. But she was 15 and was more pre-occupied with her algebra homework than accounting. It wasn't until she went to college and made her first financial blunder that her mom gave Amanda her first real lesson in money management. Dorinson: I was having a very rough day in November during my sophomore year of college and I decided to take it out on my mother's credit card at Bergdorf-Goodman. I blew $500 on an M by Missoni dress that I absolutely did not need. Let us just say we had to think of a very involved payment plan. Actually, it's not that surprising Amanda had to learn about money management the hard way. A survey from Charles Schwab found only about 30 percent of parents had even bothered to explain how credit card interest and fees work. I make my own confession to Amanda. Andrea: Yeah, I find myself kind of confused when I think about who should've been teaching me how to manage my money. I feel like all the people who should've been teaching us about it are pointing fingers at each other. It's almost like sex-ed, you know what I mean? Dorinson: Oh definitely, because you have the parents saying, "Oh well, the school should really teach the kids about sex-ed because they're qualified to it." And the school thinks, "Oh no, that's an intimate issue that a family should work out itself." Sitting there talking with Amanda, I realized I've known her forever, but this is the first time we've felt comfortable talking about money Chuck Currier: It's funny you'd think that personal finance would be shared between parents and kids, and yet, we have a real strange thing between our egos and money and how much do we earn. That's Chuck Currier. He teaches economics -- and sneaks in personal finance management -- at Mira Costa High School in Manhattan Beach, Calif. We met up at a local mall. Currier: As a kid I can remember asking my dad, "Gosh, how much do you make at work?" And most kids will have gotten the same answer that I did: "I make enough to pay the bills" or "Why do you need to know?" Currier says that the modern world's thrown another wrench into the equation. Currier: It's not odd that kids have no idea where money comes from and where money goes at first. It's because we've kind of lost that visual link of dealing with hand-to-hand, person-to-person with money. Turns out Currier was right on the money. We saw a group of teenage girls checking out clothes at Nordstrom and decided to ask them, "So, how do you manage your money?" Connie Weiss Miller: Hi. I'm Connie Weiss Miller and I'm 15. Christina: Hi. I'm Christina and I'm 16. Andrea: So, what do you guys know about managing your personal finances? Connie: I know you're supposed to save some and spend some? And like, give some away to the poor. Christina: Me and my sister both got a credit card two years ago, just because they wanted to teach us how to save our money. Connie: You have a debit card. That's Connie, reminding Christina that she doesn't have a "credit card" but a "debit card. Christina: Yeah, debit card, I don't even know what that is, but... Andrea: Do you talk to your parents very much about money management? Christina: Um, we never talk about it we, just kinda have to learn by ourselves. If you want to buy something, you save your money, because they never give us money, unless it's for like, food and stuff. Come to think of it, that's all my parents taught me. I did learn the importance of making the money I spend. But nobody told me the responsible part is how you manage that money. Judy Tanka: You know, I kind of feel really embarrassed that I haven't done a better job teaching you from an early age. That's my mom, Judy Tanka. I sat down with her one night to ask her, "I'm about to graduate from college -- why don't I know how to manage my money?" Judy: What I recall is that I tried, but you were so empowered by the ability to earn -- and fairly decent money -- and you were very haughty about it, "This is my money, I'm earning it, please don't dictate to me what do with it." Andrea: I don't remember having that attitude at all! Judy: Well I do! When I was 17, I scored a high paying job as a lifeguard, and eventually, I made over $15 an hour. Judy: And I remember looking at your balance thinking, "Where did all that money go?" I probably did throw a fit, which was not a best way to teach somebody money management. So, I spent hundreds of dollars on lattes and concert tickets. It kind of makes me cringe to think of who knows what else. My mom says I wasn't ready to learn, but I say that's no excuse. So I asked Chuck Currier how parents can teach their kids to manage money. He says: Don't wait till your kids start earning money -- start by showing them what you do with yours. Currier: All of the things that we see as adults as being very boring can be very very interesting to kids. Paying my monthly bills is real boring to me. However, when I said to my daughter one day, "Do you want to see how I pay all the bills and I'll let you write the checks?" Holy cow! She was completely fascinated. Things like that is a big boost in getting a conversation started. Currier says ultimately parents just can't wait for teachers to act and educators can't afford to wait for school officials to fund a personal finance classes. Currier: The things that we learn in our life, we don't just learn them in a class at school, you don't just learn them at home from your parents. It needs to be approached on all fronts. So instead of passing the buck, adults can finally teach young people how to save one. I'm Andrea Domanick for Marketplace Money.
Master Gerald had come down into the basement around 9 o’clock, just as dinner was over. He was wearing a dinner jacket, and had a button in his hand which he said had just come of the jacket—Mr. Hall reckoned he’d pulled it off. He’d wanted Rose to sew it on, but Mr. Hall the butler had intervened saying it was the valet Burrows’s job to take care of Mr. Gerald’s clothes; Rose was a parlor maid. Mr. Gerald had insisted that he wanted Rose to do it and had told Mr. Hall that rigid spheres of work were outdated, and in Rhodesia all the whites were equal and there was none of this Sir and Madam. White people weren’t servants, he’d said, they had the blacks for that. Despite Mr. Hall’s disapproval, Rose had sewn the button on; and Mr. Gerald said what nice slender fingers she had, and where did she live and was she engaged. All of this enraged Mr. Hall exceedingly, and when they were having supper he actually swore—and he’d never done that before in front of the female servants. “Who’s he?” Mr. Hall had said, red with anger, “to come down into our place talking about what he did in Rhodesia. Course they don’t have white servants when they’ve got all those bloody blacks who work for next to nothing. Who does he think he is coming down here and expecting my Rose”—as though Rose was Mr. Hall’s property—“to do a job that it’s not her place to do? I’ve never seen the like. I reckon being out there three years he’s forgotten what an English gentleman’s like. They’ve got their place upstairs and we’ve got ours down here, and that’s how it should be.” “Lord help us,” said Mrs. Buller, the cook, “If it happens again, my advice to you, Mr. Hall, is to mention the matter to the Master.” She meant Mr. Wardham, not the Master up in heaven. I don’t think the butler did much communing with the One above. “Did anybody say anything to you Rose?” asked Mary, the under-housemaid. “Only Violette, and you know how she talks in her own language when she’s excited. She gabbled on and all we understood was the bit at the end, Rose est une belle jeune fille. And that didn’t please our Mr. Hall. Pompously he quoted, ‘Handsome is as handsome does,’ and Rose had no call to go against me. I really felt awful when he said that.” I was just about to say that I reckoned Mr. Hall was jealous that an under servant should be personally noticed by one of them above stairs, when Mrs. Buller knocked on our door and told us to get off to sleep. The subject wasn’t mentioned at our breakfast the next morning; but that meal was seldom enlivened by conversation, the butler and cook being particularly sharp-tongued early in the day. I generally woke in a cheerful mood and, knowing Mrs. Buller’s religious tendencies, I used to sing hymns. One morning I was singing, “Awake my soul and with the sun thy daily stage of duty run,” when the cook interrupted me saying there was a time and place for everything and personally she preferred to listen to hymns in the proper surroundings. I’d have liked to answer that I thought hymns could be sung anywhere, but after one look at the cook’s face I knew it wouldn’t be politic. In any case, the cook hurried with the breakfast as there was to be a lunch party upstairs for 10 people. I remember seeing Mrs. Wardham coming into the kitchen to give the orders for the day; she looked so tired and sad and yet she managed a smile and a kind word for Doris, the tweeny, and me. Mrs. Buller cooked a braised saddle of veal and delicious it was too served with a rich gravy flavored with claret. Naturally the redcurrant jelly was home- made. It was my job to cook the vegetables, one of which was creamed spinach. This involved cooking about four pounds of the stuff, rubbing it through a wire sieve—a very tedious task—and then reheating the spinach with butter and cream; I must say it did taste good. For the sweet, cook had made a gateau St. Honoré. Awful lot of work to make and decorate, but she said that the finished result was worth the trouble. I suppose it was, but I thought of all that time and trouble being consumed in a matter of minutes. Rose told Mary and me, in the strictest secrecy, that Mr. Gerald wanted to marry her. We immediately felt envious. Having a luncheon party upstairs meant that our dinner was late; much to the annoyance of Fred, the under-gardener, whose only interest in life seemed to be his gardening and his food. Young Fred told us that his uncle, as a young man, had been a great one for the girls, a proper village Lothario. One needed a very vivid imagination to picture toothless old Fred in that role, and certainly I reckoned he was long past it now—his bent back alone presenting certain difficulties in bed. Mrs. Buller had warned Doris and me not to mention the subject of Rose and Mr. Gerald; but it was just an ordinary remark by me that sparked off dissension at the dinner table. Mrs. Buller had roasted a leg of mutton for us with all the trimmings, roast potatoes, peas, onion sauce and mint sauce. I whispered to Mary how nice it was to have as good food as they had upstairs, so different from my last place where conditions had been so bad it was enough to turn all the servants socialist. Mr. Hall, and one had only to look at his face to see that yesterday’s event was still rankling, overheard me and said to Cook, in a very sour voice. “Did you hear that, Mrs. Buller? Margaret likes the Socialists. No doubt she sees herself as another Margaret Bondfield in a Labor Government—and they didn’t last long, did they? Maybe Margaret would like to fraternize with Mr. Gerald who seems to have the same ideas. Perhaps she could do his washing.” “What’s all that about?” asked young Fred. So then it all came out about Mr. Gerald and Rose. Young Fred said why shouldn’t Mr. Gerald talk to Rose if he wanted to. People like him had fallen for working-class girls before now. And then young Fred turned to Cook and said what about King Cophetua and the beggarmaid and Cook replied that that had happened in biblical times when people lived the simple life. All right, then, went on Fred, what about King Charles and Nell Gwyn, didn’t the king say on his deathbed, “Don’t let poor Nelly starve?” The valet answered, with what I considered irrefutable logic, that he couldn’t see the connection, nobody here was contemplating the starving of Rose. Young Fred got really irritated then and pointed out all the actresses that had actually married into the nobility. Although I didn’t much care for the butler, I inwardly agreed with him when he said that was different affair entirely. Actresses were a race apart, extremely glamorous and always in the public eye. Lords and Dukes liked to be seen in their company. But the Wardhams were of very old and aristocratic lineage who’d always married with equally blue blood. Besides, how on earth could a girl like Rose mix with them above stairs? She wasn’t well-educated, couldn’t tell the difference between a Rembrandt and the picture on a calendar, couldn’t speak like them. “Anyway,” said young Fred, “Rose is as pretty as any actress.” All this was going on about Rose just as though she wasn’t sitting at the table. But she said never a word one way or the other. I suppose that was the best policy really. It certainly was a policy calculated to annoy Mr. Hall who I believe, though not having any amorous inclinations for Rose himself, resented the fact that other men should. Still, as Mary and I agreed later on in our bedroom, we were seeing life in our servants’ hall, and learning a bit too. About four to five weeks after the sewing-on of a button episode, Rose told Mary and me, in the strictest secrecy, that Mr. Gerald wanted to marry her. We immediately felt envious. We knew that she’d been meeting him from time to time; though in fact we’d warned her that he couldn’t possibly have honorable intentions. We cited cases, real and imaginary, of girls we’d known in service who’d been seduced by one of the sons or nephews of those upstairs. We painted a harrowing picture of what happened to such girls if they had a baby: they were dismissed instantly without a reference and refused a home by their parents. I even quoted from the Vicar of Wakefield: When lovely woman stoops to folly And finds too late that men betray, What charm can soothe her melancholy, What art can wash her guilt away? But Rose stoutly averred that she would never be seduced; it was marriage or nothing. “What about that Len your Mum wants you to marry, what’s going to happen to him?” asked Mary. “That’s just it, I’m scared to death to tell my ma and pa. Ma’s ever so straitlaced and she’d never want one of the gentry for a son-in-law. And as for Pa, he’s ever such a Labor man and believes that the workers will never get a living wage until everybody’s in a trade union. He says it’s people like those we work for that grind the faces of the poor. Can you imagine our dear Madam grinding our faces?” “Perhaps not, but certainly I can see that old brute her husband doing it,” I said. “I’m sure he looks upon us as barely literate.” “Margaret,” broke in Rose, “it’s my day off next week and you haven’t had your second day yet. Will you come to my home to back me up when I tell Ma and Pa? I’d be ever so grateful, I really would. I’d let them know that you were coming with me.” “What! all the way to Manchester? We’d never do it in a day.” But Rose said that if we started early we’d have a few hours there; long enough to break the news to her parents. Although Mary and I continued to point out the hazards of life with one above stairs, we were honest enough to admit that had it happened to us we’d have married him like a shot. I don’t believe that Rose was really in love, but was dazzled by the prospect of living a life of affluence and becoming one of them above stairs. She couldn’t see that she’d never really be one of them; she’d never be able to keep up conversation at a dinner for she never read, not even novels, and knew absolutely nothing about politics or the arts. Gerald and Rose eventually eloped one night. Their story is told in Servants’ Hall: A Real Life Upstairs, Downstairs Romance by Margaret Powell. Copyright 1979 by Margaret Powell. Reprinted with the permission of St. Martin’s Press.
Nearly One-Third of U.S. Parents Don't Know What to Expect of Infants Lack of parenting savvy leads to unrealistic expectations, poorer interactions May 05, 2008 Almost one-third of U.S. parents have a surprisingly low-level knowledge of typical infant development and unrealistic expectations for their child’s physical, social and emotional growth, according to new research from the University of Rochester. The findings, which suggest that such false parenting assumptions can not only impair parent-child interactions, but also rob kids of much-needed cognitive stimulation, will be presented Sunday, May 4, at the Pediatric Academic Society meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii. “There are numerous parenting books telling people what to expect when they’re pregnant,” said Heather Paradis, M.D., a pediatric fellow at the University of Rochester Medical Center. “But once a baby is born, an astonishing number of parents are not only unsure of what to anticipate as their child develops, but are also uncertain of when, how or how much they are to help their babies reach various milestones, such as talking, grabbing, discerning right from wrong, or even potty-training.” Moms and dads often misinterpret behaviors – some parents expect too much of babies too soon and grow frustrated; others underestimate their child’s abilities, preventing them from learning on their own. Using data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study’s Birth Cohort (ECLS-B), Paradis and her colleagues analyzed the average parenting knowledge of a nationally-representative sample of parents of more than 10,000 9-month-old babies born in 2001. These parents first answered an 11-point survey designed to distinguish informed parents from less-informed parents (asking questions such as “Should a 1-year-old child be able to tell between right from wrong?” and “Should a 1-year-old child be ready to begin toilet-training?”). Those who scored 4 or fewer correct answers were considered to have low-level knowledge of typical infant development. Paradis and colleagues then compared these knowledge scores to both scores from (1) a 73-point videotape analysis of the same families’ parent-child interactions while teaching a new task, and (2) from these parents’ self-reports of how often they engaged their child in enrichment activities (e.g. reading books, telling stories, or singing songs). The analysis revealed that 31.2 percent of parents of infants had low-level knowledge of infant development, and that this low-level knowledge correlated with lower parental education level and income. Still, even when controlling for maternal age, education, income and mental state (e.g., depression), low-level knowledge of infant development still significantly and independently predicted parents being both less likely to enjoy healthy interactions with their infants during learning tasks and less likely to engage their children in regular enrichment activities. “This is a wake-up call for pediatricians,” Paradis said. “At office visits, we have a prime opportunity to intervene and help realign parents’ expectations for their infants, and in turn, promote healthy physical, social, and emotional development for these children. On the other hand, we still have more work cut out for us – additional research is needed to explore how these unrealistic expectations form in the first place.” Once a baby is born, an astonishing number of parents are unsure of what to anticipate as their child develops.
EADS and BAE Systems called off its planned merger on Wednesday, and pinned the blame on Germany for wrecking the USD$45 billion deal. The acrimonious collapse followed weeks of tense negotiations and triggered recriminations between capitals. Securing such an enormous and complex cross-border deal in a sector where commercial considerations are typically trumped by political, economic and national security concerns was always going to be desperately difficult. The merger hinged on France and Germany accepting a more limited role in the combined firm than they have wielded in the past at EADS, maker of Airbus aircraft. In the end, it was Berlin, rather than Paris, that proved the problem. "We had clear red lines that we were not willing to go beyond, relative to engagement and involvement of governments," BAE's CEO Ian King said. "If that was going to impinge on our ability to commercially run this new merged organization, and support and develop our existing business, then we wouldn't go to that point, and that is where we are today." Asked if he had encountered more problems with Berlin than Paris, he said: "That would be an accurate representation." EADS chief executive Tom Enders, himself a German, said: "It is, of course, a pity we didn't succeed, but I'm glad we tried. I'm sure there will be other challenges we'll tackle together in the future." A source close to the talks said the companies had met all of Berlin's requests and were baffled as to why Chancellor Angela Merkel's government blocked the deal. "Germany blocked the deal, although all demands from the German side were met," the source said. "Top German negotiator Lars-Hendrik Roeller was the one who formulated all demands and said no in the end." Roeller is Merkel's economic adviser. But German officials said they were ultimately unconvinced by the commercial logic of combining the Airbus maker with a British firm whose biggest customer is the Pentagon on behalf of the US military. "We started asking ourselves, 'Does this deal really make sense?'" one senior German official said. "The market went down, investors were against it, the synergies were unclear, as was US market access with the big state shareholdings." Many EADS shareholders had also opposed the deal, and the firm's share price rose more than 5 percent on Wednesday. BAE SEEKS CURBS ON STATE INFLUENCE Europe's two largest aerospace groups have very different ownership structures. BAE is a private British company, and the American armed forces account for nearly half of its revenue. Because Washington is reluctant to give contracts to firms influenced by foreign governments, BAE considers minimizing state control as crucial to its business. EADS has a more complicated share structure that gives big influence to German and French industrial groups and the French state. To keep its influence at the combined firm, Germany would have had to buy out a holding by engineering firm Daimler. Many Germans see EADS as primarily a civilian plane maker. Making a large investment in a trans-Atlantic arms firm could be politically uncomfortable in Germany, which has a post-World War Two history of pacifism. "This would have created the biggest defense company in the world," said a second source close to Merkel. "But defense is an especially sensitive subject in Germany." Ultimately, German officials said the parties were unable to resolve the shareholding issue to everyone's satisfaction. Paris wanted to retain the option of going up to 13.5 percent by buying a stake held by French firm Lagardere at a later date. German officials insisted they be able to follow suit. The British wanted a cap of 10 percent each, concerned that the Germans and French could approach a blocking minority if they went above that level. Still, the companies believed they could have bridged the differences if Germany was more willing to negotiate. "France and the UK agreed that Germany have the same stakeholding as France in the merged group. Separately, vast guarantees were given regarding safeguarding national security interests, sites, and jobs. The topic of headquarters was being discussed very emotionally, but not an issue big enough to let the deal fail," a source close to the transaction said. RIVAL TO BOEING The companies had until Wednesday afternoon to declare their intentions and either scrap the merger, ask British regulators for more time or finalize their plans. The merger would have created a group employing nearly a quarter of a million people that could better compete with US rival Boeing. Analysts called the breakdown a severe blow especially for BAE boss King, who had faced a revolt from his company's largest shareholder, Invesco. BAE could now become a takeover target, perhaps from US defense rivals. Asked whether BAE management felt under pressure as a result of the stormy investor reaction followed by the collapse of the plans, King said: "Certainly not. No more than usual". French President Francois Hollande said the decision to end merger talks lay with the companies, and his government's intervention was limited to stating its conditions. Britain backed the deal and has largely supported BAE's case that French and German influence would have to be limited to make the deal work, especially given BAE's vast US business. The deal's failure is arguably a setback for Prime Minister David Cameron. A source familiar with the negotiations said Cameron spoke to Merkel about the deal on Tuesday but failed to persuade her to lift objections. "Our view is that for this company as a merged entity to have been successful, it would have needed to be able to operate as a commercial company free of undue control or influence by any single government and that's something that the company evidently has decided it is not able to achieve," British Defense Secretary Philip Hammond said. A British source familiar with the deal also suggested Berlin, rather than Paris, was the holdout. "It was absolutely heading in the right direction," the source said of the talks. "There was very significant (British) progress with France. There wasn't the same progress elsewhere." BAE SHARES DOWN, EADS UP With global defense spending declining and the civil aviation sector robust, BAE probably needed the deal more than the Airbus maker. Ultimately, investors saw the collapse of the deal as bad news for BAE and good news for EADS. Barry Norris, founding partner at Argonaut Capital Partners, an EADS shareholder, said: "Today's decision to terminate the merger talks is a triumph for common sense and shareholder value. Having sunk almost EUR€30 billion into new Airbus plane projects, which are only now beginning to break even, it made no sense for EADS to now share this with BAE shareholders. "Continuing merger negotiations would have resulted in a long battle with shareholders and sustained tension over weak corporate governance. That the problems in executing the deal proved too complex should be a source of celebration rather than regret," he added. It is still conceivable that a deal could be resurrected, although there were no indications that this was being discussed. Brinkmanship is common in European negotiations. EADS was itself only created after talks about its structure collapsed and were resurrected weeks later. The merger had faced growing unease from investors in both companies who complained they were lacking information. Many people had bought shares in EADS on the strength of its growing Airbus civil unit, rather than its defense ambitions, while BAE investors were attracted by its dividend yield. "While BAE's long-term prospects could still be quite excellent, the failed merger will leave the firm much more exposed to uncertain factors beyond its control, such as major declines in the US defense budget and potential losses in an increasingly competitive international defense market," said David Reeths, consultant at defense analyst IHS Jane's. BAE chief executive King and chairman Dick Olver said after the merger talks ended that the company's dividend policy would continue and that it was not looking for a tie-up with another company. They also said management would be staying in place. The British government holds a golden share in BAE that allows it to block foreign takeovers. Germany does not currently have a direct stake in EADS, but is represented by industrial ally Daimler, which holds just over 22 percent and aims to reduce its stake. France holds an identical stake, split between the state and French publisher Lagardere. Adding to the hurdles facing the deal, BAE's largest shareholder, fund manager Invesco Perpetual, with 13.3 percent, had said it was not convinced of the rationale for the deal. A source with the Spanish government, which holds a 5.5 percent share in EADS, said: "In the short term this guarantees Spain's stake in EADS from being diluted, but of course a big long-term opportunity has been lost."
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I'm Dave Thurlow for the Mount Washington Observatory and this is The Weather Notebook. Around the beginning of this century, there were few scientists who had much of an idea about how rain, hail, sleet, and snow form. It was, and still is, easy to get the general process of water vapor turning to liquid water or ice, but what happens at the instant when cloud droplets floating in the air, become a raindrop or a snowflake. In 1885, a farmer from Jericho, Vermont asked the same question. Forty years later, this man with no high school education, received the first cash research prize ever awarded by the American Meteorological Society and was known around the world as Wilson Bentley, the Snowflake Man. Bentley spent his life taking thousands of detailed and beautiful photographs of snowflakes, recording in detail the nature of the storm that produced them. By 1905, he had theories about the role of ice crystals in the formation of snow and rain, and established basic temperature profiles of the sky above by simply examining what falls from it. To this day, after years of high tech study, his findings have proven largely to be true. But in the early 1900's nobody in the scientific community paid Mr. Bentley any attention at all. Because he wrote about his work eloquently and emotionally, scientists thought he was a nut. But while many of his critic's names are buried away in the footnotes of weather research history, Snowflake Bentley's name lives on. The Weather Notebook is produced by the Mount Washington Observatory...funded by The National Science Foundation and underwritten by Subaru, maker of the all Weather Legacy. Subaru -- the beauty of All-Wheel Drive.
Sidebar Site Navigation UW Competes in National Recycling Contest April 26, 2010 — The University of Wyoming placed among the top 30 percent of schools participating in a national recycling competition, Recylemania. The contest measured the amount of trash and recycled materials collected at more than 600 schools nationwide to determine which participants had highest recycling rate, says Tod Scott, who heads UW's recycling program. He says the participating colleges collected more than 84 million pounds of materials during the 10-week competition. Scott says UW performed well in several categories: -- In the Per Capita contest, schools competed to collect the largest combined amount of paper, cardboard, bottles and cans per person. UW was 120th among 346 schools, with a total of 13.34 pounds recycled per person. -- In the Waste Minimization competition, schools competed to see who produced the least waste, including both trash and recyclables. UW produced only 35.17 pounds of waste per person, placing 62nd among 199 schools participating. UW collected 9.15 pounds of paper per person for recycling, scoring 36th out of 223 schools. Scott says UW collected 3.10 pounds of cardboard per person, and 1.10 pounds of bottles and cans per person. -- The total amount of recyclables collected was measured for each school and the participating school with the largest total amount won the Gorilla Prize that recognizes schools with outstanding recycling facilities and habits. UW collected a total of 176,011 pounds of recyclables during the competition, for 102nd place among 346 schools.
Mauchly worked with John Eckert to build the ENIAC and UNIVAC computers. Mauchly got his doctorate in physics before he took a defense electronics course from Eckert in 1941 at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering. Mauchly had an idea to build a computer that was better than the very limited models available at the time. He and Eckert became good friends. They went on to work together to build the ENIAC, which was the first general-purpose electronic digital computer. The two formed their own company and developed the first computer produced for sale in the United States, the UNIVAC. Links to other Websites:
Walk through the week of the Passover which was Jesus’ last week before dying on the cross. In a chronological or time-sequence order of events, here is how the events went and the story of Easter forever changed history. Day One of the Last Week – Palm Sunday The last week of Jesus’ earthly ministry began so drastically different than the way it ended. The ones who welcomed Him as their King were the same ones who were calling for His blood by screaming, “Crucify Him” at the end of the week. It begins with Jesus telling His disciples to, “Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it.’” Those who were sent ahead went and found it just as he had told them. As they were untying the colt, its owners asked them, “Why are you untying the colt?” They replied, “The Lord needs it.” They brought it to Jesus, threw their cloaks on the colt and put Jesus on it. As he went along, people spread their cloaks on the road. When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen: “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!” “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out” (Luke 19:30-40). Jesus’ popularity may have reached its peak at least until He cleansed the temple. This may have been the second time He had done so but it shows that Jesus was not always, as many portray, meek and mild. He had righteous indignation at times as you see in Matthew 21:12-13, “Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’” You can tell that Jesus was not concerned with being popular – He was concerned with truth. The chief priests and teachers of the Law heard about this “cleansing” and began plotting for a way to have Him killed (Mark 11:18). When these self-righteous men heard the children shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David” they were filled with rage and told Jesus, “Do you hear what these children are saying?” and He responded by saying, “Yes…have you never read, ‘From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise” (Matthew 21:14-16)? When the Greeks requested to see Jesus, it seems Jesus ignored their request and replied, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me” (John 12:23-26). In what seems a validation for Jesus’ purpose for coming into the world, a voice came from heaven saying, “I have glorified it, [His name that is] and will glorify it again” (John 12:28b). Tuesday morning of the Passover week, Jesus is confronted by the religious leaders once again. In an analogy of those who reject Him, the fig tree that was bearing no figs was cursed by Jesus and by the very next day it had withered (Matthew 21:20-22). The chief priests, the elders, and the teachers of the Law challenged His authority but Jesus asked them a question that they could not answer about whether John’s Baptism was either from heaven or from men. They had no idea how to answer this and so Jesus declined to give them by what authority He was doing His ministry, although they must have inwardly known that He was from God as Nicodemus acknowledged at one time (John 3). Jesus then gave them a parable about two sons in Matthew 21:28-32 and they understood that it was about them and their rejection of Him as the vineyard owner‘s son. He quoted Psalm 118:22-23 when He told them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: “‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes’ Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed’” (Matthew 21:42-44). There is no doubt that they had read the Scriptures but their hearts were hardened by their jealousy and concern that the people would choose to follow Jesus over them. The parable of the Wedding Banquet clearly angered them because they understood that Jesus was saying that they would not be welcomed when the Kingdom of God came and they would be left out (Matthew 22:1-14). When Jesus came to Bethany and resided at the home of Simon the Leper, “a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table. When the disciples saw this, they were indignant. “Why this waste?” they asked. “This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor.” Aware of this, Jesus said to them, “Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to me. The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me. When she poured this perfume on my body, she did it to prepare me for burial. Truly I tell you, wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her” (Matthew 26:7-13). The symbolism here is that Jesus was being anointed for a coming death. The custom when the dead were buried was that they were anointed but this was done prior to His death as well as afterwards. This day has been called by church historians as “Spy Wednesday” because of Judas’ conspiring to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. It is recorded: Then one of the Twelve—the one called Judas Iscariot went to the chief priests 15 and asked, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver him over to you?” So they counted out for him thirty pieces of silver. From then on Judas watched for an opportunity to hand him over.” (Matthew 26:14-16) Jesus said, “’As you know, the Passover is two days away—and the Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified.‘ Then the chief priests and the elders of the people assembled in the palace of the high priest, whose name was Caiaphas, and they schemed to arrest Jesus secretly and kill him. “But not during the festival,” they said, “or there may be a riot among the people” (Matthew 26:2-5). Jesus had arranged for preparations for the Passover ahead of time and then at the Passover reminded the disciples about the importance of this particular Passover as “It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end” (John 13:1) and so “When the hour came, Jesus and his apostles reclined at the table. And he said to them, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God“ (Luke 22:14-16). Judas had already slipped out for the betrayal of Jesus (John 13:2) and so Jesus then “got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him” (John 13:4-5). Even though Peter as first, out of pride, refused this from Jesus, he was rebuked by Him. Jesus told them, “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him” (John 13:14-16). It was one of the greatest examples of servitude ever done. Jesus Himself washed the disciples’ feet to remind them of their own role in the church of being a servant. Many churches do this on a regular basis to remind them of the Lord’s message to the church – a servant is no greater than his master (Jesus Christ) and He set this as an example for all believers to follow. At about midnight, Jesus was arrested and illegally tried when “A large crowd armed with swords and clubs, sent from the chief priests and the elders of the people” (Matthew 26:47). The trial was illegal because of the many false and conflicting witnesses who gave false testimony and lies as evidence. No trials could be held at night and not all of the council was present. He was falsely charged with blasphemy and at this darkest of hours, even Peter denied Him and even cursed to remove all doubt that he was one of Jesus’ disciples (Matthew 26:57-75). This must have been a bitter pill to swallow by Jesus. He was denied by His own disciples, betrayed by one of them, falsely accused by His nation, lied about in the testimony, tried illegally at night, and abandoned by the same people who earlier in the week proclaimed, “Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” as recorded in Luke 19. These same people now screamed, “Crucify Him.” He is sentenced to death and dies at around 3 PM this day. He hangs on the cross for hours in unimaginable agony and dies for the sins of those who place their trust in Him. While He hung on the cross in one of the most incredible acts of forgiveness ever recorded, He says, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). He had been beaten, tortured, flogged, whipped, torn, and came about as near to death as possible in His scourging by the Romans. Then, while He hung on the cross in utter agony, He was mocked, ridiculed, and scorned by just about everyone. This was despite the fact that the law said a person could either be beaten or crucified but not both. Jesus endured both so under Jewish Law and Roman law, He was illegally tried, convicted, punished, and sentenced. Day Seven and Eight In the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea is where Jesus’ body was laid for three days. Just before dawn Sunday, the stone had been already rolled away and the tomb was found empty. He had risen! In one of the greatest historical events in all of human history, Jesus had risen from the dead. Since Jesus was sinless, death could not hold Him. In fact, the resurrection is perhaps the most prominent parts of the gospel as was proclaimed in Acts 2:24 by Peter, “But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him.” This is why most Christian churches worship on Sunday. It is because this was the day of the Lord’s resurrection and it signifies this day as the Lord’s Day to many. The fact that the tomb was found empty is truly significant. And the stone was rolled away not so that Jesus could get out but so those who were His followers could get in…to see the empty tomb. The world would never be the same again. He is risen and since He is raised, so too might we be. The resurrection from the dead will be to eternal life for those who place their trust in Christ. If they don’t, then they will be raised for eternal punishment (Revelation 20, 21). It is our prayer that you will come to Jesus today to place your trust in Him (2 Corinthians 6:2) because He became sin for us (2 Corinthians 5:21) so that the wrath of God, which was already placed on Christ, might not be placed on those who believe in Him. Here are some more articles about Easter that you might want to read: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION BIBLE THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® COPYRIGHT © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 BY BIBLICA, INC.™ USED BY PERMISSION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WORLDWIDE
London, Feb 27: An Afghan teenage girl, whose nose and ears were chopped off as punishment for attempting to flee an abusive marriage has revealed her new nose following reconstructive surgery. In her first ever television interview, Aesha Mohammadzai told ITV that she is “happy” with her new appearance. Aesha said she wants to tell all women who are suffering abuse to be strong, never to give up and not to lose hope. Aesha appeared on the cover of Time magazine and became a poignant symbol of female oppression in Afghanistan following her attempted escape, reports The Independent. Three years after the brutal attack, followed by a move to America and extensive reconstructive surgery, Aesha now has a new face and a new life. Aesha was sold to her husband, a Taliban fighter, by her father as part of a debt settlement when she was aged just 12. She was then given over to his family who she says her abused her and forced her to sleep in an animal shed. She managed to escape the family, but was quickly captured in a nearby mountain range. She says her husband then chopped off her nose and ears as punishment for running away, and she was left for dead in the mountains. Aesha, however, managed to crawl to her grandfather’s house from where her father smuggled her to an American medical facility where she was looked after for 10 weeks. Later in 2010, she was smuggled out of the country by the Grossman Burn Foundation, and was taken in by the New York Charity Women for Afghan Women, who supported her and helped pay for her education. Aesha later underwent complicated reconstructive surgery which required her forehead to be ballooned using an inflatable silicone shell. The balloon was gradually filled with fluid in order to expand her skin and provide surgeons with enough extra tissue to rebuild Aesha’s nose. Skin from her arm was also used to create an inner lining for the new nose. (ANI)
'Reproduction of 78rpm records'. I have provided mp3 format files of some transfers from 78s chosen to give an idea of what can be achieved. My choice of material is limited by copyright, so all the recordings are of classical composers since jazz or dance-band music may still be in music copyright. Please don't be put off by the surface noise: it's higher than you may be used to hearing, but filtering off the noise also results in filtering all the life out of the recording. If you can ignore the noise - which isn't bad on these records - you will find that the sound quality is surprisingly good for the age of the recordings. The first two are pre-electric (recorded mechanically down a horn), the others electrical. Click on the links to open a player. If you would like to download these recordings you can do so from this page. LITVINNE (soprano): 'I SACRI NOMI' (Aida) (Verdi) Modern vinyl pressing of Fonotipia 39217, recorded Paris, 1905 (1.4MB). The vinyl surface reduces the noise considerably: the recording is extremely clear and shows up the limitations of the piano all too well. Usually in Caruso transfers one hears a very ringing, penetrating tone. Here you can hear why he was so famous - the voice is darker than one might expect, with a very creamy tone. It's quite the best recording, technically, of Caruso that I've heard. This copy is in good condition apart from a fine scratch over the first part which I have reduced by digital editing. CHALIAPINE (bass): SONG OF PRINCE GALITSKY (Prince Igor) HMV DA891, recorded 1927 (1.6 MB) A very vivid recording of this powerful performer. RUBINSTEIN (piano) with the London Symphony Orchestra conducted by John Barbirolli: 3rd movement from the Piano Concerto No.1 HMV DB7243/2 (auto couplings), recorded at Abbey Road, July 1932 (2.9MB) Despite some crackle in this post-war pressing the well-balanced recording comes over well with a very good piano tone. SUPERVIA (soprano): IL ÉTAIT UN ROI DE THULÉ (Faust) Modern vinyl pressing of unissued Odeon, recorded 1932 (2.4MB) A fine recording, benefiting from the low noise of the vinyl pressing which has been further reduced by digital processing. HENRY J. WOOD conducting the London Philharmonic Orchestra: FUNERAL MARCH OF A MARIONETTE (Gonoud) Columbia DX969 recorded March 1940 (2.2MB) This is the music used at one time by Alfred Hitchcock as the theme music for his TV series. A good clear recording with a wide dynamic range and low surface noise. Further mp3 files of operatic vocals on 78s on another page. These recordings are all more than 60 years old, and are out of mechanical copyright: the music is by composers who died more than 70 years ago and is out of copyright. "His Master's Voice" and the painting of that name are trademarks of EMI. Return to 'Reproduction of 78rpm records'.
The Ursinus College Science in Motion outreach initiative is dedicated to the development of sustained collaborative partnerships in promotion and support of excellence in basic science This support of excellence is inspired by the Ursinus College commitment to student engagement and achievement in the sciences and is informed by the Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Science and Technology, which call for development and achievement in knowledge, inquiry, process skills, problem solving and scientific thinking. scientifically and technologically advanced culture, high quality science education for all students is of paramount importance and is a significant component of secondary The excitement of science is best cultivated and appreciated through inquiry and discovery in laboratory experience. It is in the laboratory that knowledge, process skills, problem solving and scientific thinking are most readily integrated. science educators are dedicated to advancing an understanding and appreciation of scientific principles and phenomena in students. By virtue of their dedication, experience and immediacy, science teachers are the people whom are most qualified to understand and act upon the needs of students. Therefore, any program in support of excellence in science education must be informed by and responsive to the stated needs of the teachers themselves. program should not add to the burden of the classroom teacher, but rather enhance classroom learning. greatest challenges to good science education are access to adequate technology and resources, access to innovative laboratory curricula and access to collaborative professional development opportunities for science teachers. The most cost effective way to provide resources for schools is to share the same set of resources among several school Goals and Implementation It is the fundamental goal of the Science in Motion program to provide access for secondary school science teachers and students to resources, curricula and development opportunities that will support and strengthen the quality of science education for all. This goal will be accomplished by developing working partnerships with science departments and teachers throughout the region and by providing the use of the Science in Motion science van for visits to schools. This specially designed van, accompanied by a certified science teacher, delivers sophisticated portable scientific instrumentation and supplies to local teachers for introduction and use in their own classrooms. Teachers are supported by the Science in Motion program teacher in the use of the equipment and in any collaborative curriculum development desired. Teachers are given the opportunity to train on the equipment to increase familiarity and expertise, and laboratory experiments, demonstrations, support equipment and materials are provided to the instructor. All laboratory waste generated is likewise removed by the program teacher for disposal off-site. The program provides resources that are financially beyond the reach of most school districts, making equipment, a staffed prep center, a certified program teacher, a professional development program with the infrastructure for professional networking and enrichment available to local science teachers. The program offers the type of professional development opportunity that teachers say they need and value most, the ongoing opportunity to work with other teachers in a particular discipline. This work is accomplished through instrumentation training, daylong academic year workshops, weeklong summer workshops, and invitations to participate in seminar and dinner meeting activities. The program offers teachers the opportunity to develop working relationships with other secondary school teachers and the faculty of Ursinus College, and provides financial support and ample time for the co-creation of innovative laboratory curricula during summer By participating in the Ursinus College Science in Motion partnership program, teachers and students are offered the support to re-energize and reinvigorate their science teaching and learning, and to become part of a collaborative effort to create excellence in science education at all levels. The Ursinus College Science in Motion van will visit your school in support of your laboratory work, delivering to your laboratory all instrumentation, equipment and supplies required for experiments that you have chosen from a wide menu of labs. Additionally, the program can offer curricular development support, creating tailor-made lab experiences for your classes according to your needs and wants; this flexibility offers teachers the option to choose from what is currently available or work collaboratively with the program on new lab experiences for students. Our teaching certified Mobile Educator can serve a variety of roles in support of your lab work; as lead lab teacher or teacher support person, or, if you choose, the program can simply deliver laboratory equipment and supplies to your class for use on your own schedule. The Ursinus College Science in Motion program has been designed to initially serve the population of chemistry students and teachers in local secondary schools, although any chemistry capabilities applicable to biology, environmental, and general science courses can also be supported. In addition to the introduction of advanced instrumentation to the laboratory, the Science in Motion program can provide a wide array of standard chemistry laboratory equipment, glassware, apparatus and materials for inorganic and organic chemical wet chemistry and analysis. We will continue to create the supply stock of dedicated equipment, apparatus and materials as specific interests from participant teachers are communicated to the program.
The provincial capital on Wednesday received the highest maximum temperature in the current summer season as the mercury touched 47 degrees celsius and day remained very hot and dry. Met office sources told on Wednesday that the highest maximum temperature 47 was recorded earlier in 1954 while the max temperature in the current season was recorded up to 46 in May. Meanwhile, the local meteorological department forecasted mainly hot and dry weather with chances of dust raising winds in Lahore during the next 24 hours. As per synoptic situation, a westerly wave is likely to affect the extreme upper parts of the country and also the ongoing heat wave is likely to continue in the country. Weather experts said that mainly hot and dry weather is expected over most parts of the country, however, isolated thunderstorm or rain is likely to occur over Hazara, Malakand, Rawalpindi, Gilgit-Baltistan and Kashmir. The city temperature recorded at maximum 47 and minimum 30 degrees celsius while relative humidity remained at 18 per cent in the morning at 8:00 am and 10 per cent in the evening at 5:00 pm. The highest maximum temperature in Pakistan was recorded 53.5 degrees in Mohen jo Daro and 50.5 in Noor Pur Thal (Punjab). The met office has predicted rainfall in various parts of the country along with wind storms this evening, which is hoped will dampen the heat wave. Chief Metreologist Riaz Ahmed told Express that the rainfall will bring some relief for the people in Punjab which has been engulfed in a heat wave, with temperatures soaring over 40 degrees celsius. He said that the weather is likely to remain the same in Karachi for the next few days while the weather is expected to remain pleasant in the northern areas due to clouds. In Balochistan, weather is likely to remain hot for the next few days. On the other hand, Pakistan Electric Power Company (Pepco) said that electricity shortfall has mounted to 3,735 megawatts with increasing mercury level. Sources in PEPCO said that the demand has surpassed the production target with electricity generation estimated at 12,580 megawatts. Owing to this shortfall, the supply to Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC) has been reduced from 700 megawatts to 570 megawatts. More in PakistanLHC adjourns hearing on Zardari dual office case
Blood pressure is typically recorded as two numbers, written as a ratio like this: Read as "117 over 76 millimeters of mercury" The top number, which is also the higher of the two numbers, measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats (when the heart muscle contracts). The bottom number, which is also the lower of the two numbers, measures the pressure in the arteries between heartbeats (when the heart muscle is resting between beats and refilling with blood). What is the AHA recommendation for healthy blood pressure? This chart reflects blood pressure categories defined by the American Heart Association. mm Hg (upper #) mm Hg (lower #) |Normal||less than 120||and||less than 80| |Prehypertension||120 – 139||or||80 – 89| |High Blood Pressure| (Hypertension) Stage 1 |140 – 159||or||90 – 99| |High Blood Pressure| (Hypertension) Stage 2 |160 or higher||or||100 or higher| (Emergency care needed) |Higher than 180||or||Higher than 110| * Your doctor should evaluate unusually low blood pressure readings. How is high blood pressure diagnosed? Your healthcare providers will want to get an accurate picture of your blood pressure and chart what happens over time. Starting at age 20, the American Heart Association recommends a blood pressure screening at your regular healthcare visit or once every 2 years, if your blood pressure is less than 120/80 mm Hg. Your blood pressure rises with each heartbeat and falls when your heart relaxes between beats. While BP can change from minute to minute with changes in posture, exercise, stress or sleep, it should normally be less than 120/80 mm Hg (less than 120 systolic AND less than 80 diastolic) for an adult age 20 or over. About one in three (33.5%) U.S. adults has high blood pressure. If your blood pressure reading is higher than normal, your doctor may take several readings over time and/or have you monitor your blood pressure at home before diagnosing you with high blood pressure. A single high reading does not necessarily mean that you have high blood pressure. However, if readings stay at 140/90 mm Hg or above (systolic 140 or above OR diastolic 90 or above) over time, your doctor will likely want you to begin a treatment program. Such a program almost always includes lifestyle changes and often prescription medication for those with readings of 140/90 or higher. If, while monitoring your blood pressure, you get a systolic reading of 180 mm Hg or higher OR a diastolic reading of 110 mm HG or higher, wait a couple of minutes and take it again. If the reading is still at or above that level, you should seek immediate emergency medical treatment for a hypertensive crisis. If you can't access the emergency medical services (EMS), have someone drive you to the hospital right away. Even if your blood pressure is normal, you should consider making lifestyle modifications to prevent the development of HBP and improve your heart health. Which number is more important, top (systolic) or bottom (diastolic)? Typically more attention is given to the top number (the systolic blood pressure) as a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease for people over 50 years old. In most people, systolic blood pressure rises steadily with age due to increasing stiffness of large arteries, long-term build-up of plaque, and increased incidence of cardiac and vascular disease. Watch this video to learn more about your blood pressure numbers. This content was last reviewed on 04/04/2012.
The agricultural worker's smock probably originated as an overshirt in stout linen or fustian (linen and cotton mix) sometime in the seventeenth century. By the early nineteenth century it had become associated, not only with country labourers and field workers, but also with an increasingly threatened rural way of life as industrialisation and mechanised production changed the face of the country. Sentimental depictions of country workers, resting on their hoes or pitchforks and contemplating their rural bliss, were increasingly circulated, as in this image from 1814. Writers such as Thomas Hardy also looked to the smock to symbolise this lost "Olde Englande", and photographers posed rural characters in smocks which may or may not have been their own garments. Although usually unbleached linen or off-white cotton, some could be dyed, like the example below in blue. By the early twentieth century, the aesthetic and artistic dress movement had promoted the adoption of the smock by women for use as a charmingly decorated overall, suitable for light gardening work or studio painting. Children too could wear a form of loose smock as a pinafore. This completed the transformation of the smock from a robust outdoor garment to protect against rain, dirt and cold, to a bourgeois symbol, intricately decorated and decorative. Full item descriptions: "Picturesque Representations of the Dress and Manners of the English" [1986.232], Murray, Mr John, W. Bulmer & Co.
Most people recognize the importance of protecting the environment, but too few organizations factor environmental considerations into their purchasing decisions. Identifying and evaluating environmental criteria when buying furniture poses a challenge to purchasing professionals at schools. There are many dimensions of “green” related to furniture and furnishings. Assessing products for their green attributes — how a product is manufactured, the materials used and the direct effect a product has on its environment — is complicated. Many products and materials are advertised as green; however, it is difficult to distinguish between valid claims and marketing exaggerations. Furthermore, the benefits and costs of choosing green furnishings often are unclear; it is difficult to associate tangible economic benefits with the use of environmentally friendly products. Schools seeking to make sustainable purchasing decisions usually think first about criteria that broadly affect the environment: use of recyclable materials, environmentally sound manufacturing processes and use of recycled content. All these parameters are important and must be part of a sustainable procurement policy. Schools and universities benefit by advocating environmental and social responsibility to students, parents and staff. It also is possible to realize significant financial benefits by incorporating sustainable considerations into procurement policies. Simple product quality provides financial and environmental benefits. Applicable procurement questions on product quality may include: How easily can the product be repaired? Will spare parts be available for years to come? Does the product have a long life span compared with similar products? Can the product be cleaned easily with soap and water? How a product affects indoor air quality (IAQ) can have economic consequences for a school or university. Chemicals that off-gas from a piece of furniture can affect the well-being of a building's occupants. Products that off-gas chemicals into the indoor environment for long periods can lead to odor complaints or even more serious problems. Exposure to these volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) can trigger respiratory diseases such as asthma and allergies, as well as minor health problems such as headaches, coughs, nosebleeds and dizziness. More serious health crises, such as cancer and reproductive and developmental problems, also have been associated with long-term exposure to certain VOCs. The potential consequences of poor IAQ include loss of productivity, increased absences, litigation, building closures and a damaged reputation. All of these consequences translate into financial costs. The large amount of exposed surface area and the use of potentially high-emitting components such as adhesives, resins and composite wood products make furniture and furnishings especially prone to high chemical emissions. Therefore, many agencies such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have included IAQ requirements for furniture in their procurement processes. Stricter procurement guidelines will require purchasing agents to be more vigilant. A policy may require manufacturers to provide documented verification of their green claims, preferably through third-party certification. Staff members may have to check compliance with federal, state and local environmental guidelines, and determine whether the manufacturer has established an environmental-management system. Individual environmental programs created by a manufacturer should address raw materials, such as local origin of materials, and use of certified forest products, and environmentally and socially sound materials. Individual programs also should address a manufacturer's waste policy: Do they sort their waste? Do they use recycled materials? Do they have waste-reduction programs? A school also may consider how products are distributed. Does the manufacturer address this issue through increasing the load per truck, less transports, alternative energy sources or alternative modes of transportation? Schools and universities can minimize the effort needed to acquire environmentally sound products by insisting on third-party certification of environmental claims, as well as choosing product standards for which information is readily available. For example, GREENGUARD is a certification and labeling program that addresses product-related indoor-air-quality performance. It is based on emissions requirements used by the state of Washington and the EPA. GREENGUARD Certification is one of the requirements for furniture and furnishings in the U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership for Energy and Environmental Design for Commercial Interiors (LEED-CI) program. It is not affiliated with industry or trade organizations. Another certification program is the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification for wood from environmentally responsible managed forests. Including certification requirements in procurement specifications simplifies the process. The purchaser has to verify only that the product is certified. The manufacturer does not have to test its products to a variety of different standards in order to bid on a contract. Establishing a comprehensive green procurement plan does involve some additional effort setting appropriate and manageable procurement standards. Individual schools and their procurement professionals must determine which green measures make sense. But even small, easy procurement steps will move institutions toward a more sustainable procurement policy. Bloech is director of communications for the GREENGUARD Environmental Institute, a non-profit organization that oversees the GREENGUARD Certification Program, the only independent testing program for low-emitting products and materials. Access to the organization's product guide is available at www.greenguard.org. Elements of sustainable purchasing Some factors that schools and universities can include in sustainable purchasing practices: - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle The furniture can be reconditioned and reused, recycled or resold; arrangements can be made to return the furniture to the supplier for reuse, recycling or recovery; all major components are easily disassembled and replaced; all major components can be reused or recycled. The furniture's foams and insulation do not contain chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) or hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs); the wood materials used in the furniture are grown and harvested in a sustainable manner; exotic or tropical woods, such as mahogany, teak, rosewood or white oak, were grown and harvested in a sustainable manner; paint powder coating (or an acceptable alternative) is used as the paint-application method; metal and plastic parts contain recycled content, preferably including maximized post-consumer content; products are manufactured using water-based adhesives, high-solid paints and other low-VOC technologies; recyclable materials are built into the design of a product wherever possible and applicable. The finished product has been tested for VOC emissions by a third party to meet proven IAQ standards, and the manufacturer can provide verification documentation. - Corporate guidelines The manufacturer has established an environmental-management plan that controls overall environmental sensitivity, and corporate environmental and occupational health policies, including pollution control and strategies for energy and resource conservation and worker health and safety; the manufacturer has a waste-reduction policy (recycling, waste sorting, reducing waste amounts); the manufacturer has a transportation-reduction policy (increasing load per truck, less transports, using alternative energy sources or forms of transportation). Indoor air quality pays off A product's indoor environmental performance has a direct effect on a building's occupants, and organizations can realize substantial economic benefits through good indoor air quality (IAQ). Cost-benefit analyses have been published in recent years that show how small IAQ improvements can lead to great returns. Consider the following scenario: If an office worker who earns $30,000 a year loses 20 minutes (4 percent) per day because of headaches, respiratory problems or other irritations caused by poor IAQ, this 20 minutes will cost the organization $1,250 annually ($5 per day times 250 work days) in lost work hours. For 100 employees in a 15,000-square-foot building, this cost will add up to $125,000 per year in lost productivity or $8.33 per square foot per year. Schools and universities can realize additional benefits by demonstrating commitment to high-quality indoor environments. Good IAQ fosters excellence in academic performance and communicates a school's dedication to its staff and students. Specifying low-emitting products can be daunting. Understanding VOC-emission test reports seems to require an advanced chemistry degree. Widely accepted third-party certification and labeling programs empower purchasing professionals to write indoor-air-quality requirements into purchasing specifications, provide high-quality indoor environments, and reap the financial and public benefits of good IAQ.
14 December 2011 - 7:10Ask George: How To Change a Tubeless Tire or Tubeless How To (Electric Boogaloo) or just plain old boring Week 7. Last week, we all got to see the first of what I hope will be a bunch of very helpful videos to help folks understand the products and services Bike29 has to offer. You know how books generally have more detail than movies do? Well, here is a more detailed step by step by step how to, to complement the video. Just be warned, once I have the money, I will remaster the original video, add never before seen footage, special effects, put it on Blu-Ray, and add Jar Jar Binks as my assistant. - Have all your equipment ready. In addition to your wheel and tire, you will also need Stan’s Sealant, a tire lever, spray bottle of soapy water and a valve core tool. If you are switching tires that are already set up tubeless that already have sealant in them, a Stan’s Injector comes in handy to transfer the sealant into the new tire without making too much of a mess. - Inspect the rim. Make sure the rim is clean of muck, grime, compacted vegetative matter (Shackleton/DA, I’m looking at you), old sealant, and make sure the tape, or airproof barrier is undamaged. If the barrier is compromised in any way, the wheel will not hold air, and the sealant will leak into your rim and exit through the spoke holes. - Mount one side of the tire on the rim. You’ll want to take care to make sure you are putting the right tire on the correct wheel, some are front/rear specific, and you will also at this time want to be sure it is pointed the way you want it. Some tires have directional tread, others can be flipped around to get better traction vs fast rolling. It’s easier to do this now before we bust the sealant out. If the tire is new, it will require more sealant than one that has been sealed before. Tires are porous, and the sealant’s job is to penetrate and seal any hole. New tires will absorb a few ounces of sealant almost right away, which is why you would start out with 2 scoops, or roughly 4oz of sealant. 2oz would theoretically be absorbed, leaving 2oz to stay and slosh around, ready to seal any big holes caused by rocks, thorns or rabid dogs. Tires that have been sealed already would have already been made airtight (or so one might surmise) and would only need enough sealant to slosh. - Add the appropriate amount of Stan’s sealant, it’s a good idea to shake the bottle well before measuring out to agitate all the latex particles that may have settled. It is generally a huge help to have a place to hang the wheel while it is off the bike. Here in the shop, I have a hook that I use, or sometimes I will use my repair stand. It definitely makes things easier and less messy, so if you don’t have a place to use, I suggest conning a friend into holding the wheel for you while you add the Stan’s to the tire. Candy or beer usually does the trick. - Then you’ll want to mount the other side of the tire on the rim. I find it easier to do from the bottom of the wheel up, that way you will minimize any spillage scenarios. Now we come to the fun part, inflation. This is where it can go smooth as silk, or be a real PITA, so you will need to be aware of a couple of things. Having access to a compressor will make for a quick and relatively easy inflation. A good floor pump is a necessity wether you are tubeless or not, and if you don’t have one yet, I highly recommend the Topeak Joe Blow MTN. - Make sure that both sides of the tire are pulled around, or are covering the valve stem completely. If you can see the bottom of the valve stem at all, you will have a tough time inflating the tire, because you will be pumping air past the tire and not into it. - Take the spray bottle of soapy water and spray the beads of the time on both sides. I just use an old Windex bottle filled with water and a very generous squirt of dish soap. This not only helps the tire beads snap into the rim, it also makes bubbles appear wherever air is creeping out of the wheel. You will hear loud snapping/pinging sounds as the tire snaps into the rim. It can be very scary, especially if you are not used to airing up tubeless tires. I’ve become immune to a degree over the years. If your name is Shatner, you go running and screaming into the other room like a little girl. If the tire is not inflating and pinging, however, you will have to figure out why. Most of the time, you are not getting enough air past the valve to get it to seat into the rim. This is when you would remove the valve core, which will allow more air in at a faster rate, “shocking” the tire into place. Once the tire is seated, you will have to reinstall the valve core, and re inflate the tire, but once the beads have snapped in, they should stay put. If the tire continues to loose air quickly, make sure the tire/rim isn’t compromised. I’ve probably spent a total of about an hour over the last five years of doing this trying to air up various tires with a big slice in them, or rims with a big dent in them that for some reason I never caught. And, if your rim tape/strip is compromised, you are basically chasing your tail. - Once the tire is inflated, it’s time to do the Stan’s dance. I take the wheel, and give it a good spin holding the axles. I’ll hold it at a slight angle, so as to keep the puddle of sealant rolling over the bead of the tire and rim. As the air escapes the tire, it’s bringing sealant with it, so it is crucial to make sure you are allowing the sealant a chance to fill any pinholes or other voids in the tire. - Hold the wheel level and gently shake it up and down, flip over and repeat on the other side. If there are no more soapy bubble coming from the tire, you have probably done a good job, now you can take your floor pump, and inflate it to the desired riding pressure and go ride it around. There are some folk that will tell you that you need to wait before you go ride, but what they are waiting for I’m not sure. If the tire is holding air, then there is nothing stopping you. If you are loosing air, you’ll need to figure out why. It is possible to damage the Stan’s tape, especially if you are using a tire lever to instal the tire. It is also possible that you might need to add more sealant, some tires are more porous than others, and the Stan’s can literally be absorbed that quickly. Here is another time when the valve core tool and Stan’s Injector tool come in handy. I’ve had tires that have taken as many as 5 scoops before they held air, and the Injector is a nice hassle free way to get a few more oz into the tire without having to do the seating the bead and jiggling the wheel steps. I hope this has been helpful. I get asked about tubeless set ups all the-time, and there isn’t really anything to be apprehensive about provided you use these steps as your guidelines. I’ve been using my Topeak floor pump more and more to drive home the point that it can be done outside of a shop environment.
In this thought-provoking collection, editor Donald Livingston presents seven essays addressing the modern paradigm of centralization. An outgrowth of the Abbeville Institute Scholars’ Conference held in Charleston, South Carolina in February of 2010, this collection presents an exploration of state nullification, secession, and the human scale of political order. Scholars from a variety of backgrounds delve into such complex issues as nationalism, government by judiciary, the effects of size on the republican tradition, and natural progressions in rethinking nationalistic government. By returning to original source materials, including the Constitution, the essayists clarify topics as diverse as the source of nationalism and influences of early political figures, the role of size in government, and the disintegration of the Soviet Union with parallels evident in the United States. The essays provide clear evidence of the centralized government’s ongoing power struggle with individual states. They offer concise justification for immediate action to preserve the sovereignty of member states while protecting all citizens from the ever-expanding federal government and restrictions on freedoms. As a collective, they provide a modern cautionary tale for the twenty-first century. About the Authors Editor Donald Livingston is an emeritus professor of philosophy at Emory University. He is the president of the Abbeville Institute, an organization of higher education devoted to the study of what is true and valuable in Southern tradition. Kent Masterson Brown is a practicing attorney who has argued cases in constitutional law before the Supreme Court and in several state supreme courts. Dr. Marshall DeRosa is a professor of political science at Florida Atlantic University and the author of several books on politics and the Confederate constitution. Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo is a professor of economics at Loyola University Maryland and a senior faculty member of the Ludwig von Mises Institute. His articles have been published widely in academic journals and major newspapers. Kirkpatrick Sale is the author of twelve books and director of the Middlebury Institute for the study of separatism, secession, and self-determination. Yuri Maltsev received a doctorate from the Institute of Labor Research in Moscow, Russia and served on the senior team of Soviet economists on Gorbachev’s economic reform programs. He is a professor of economics at Carthage College and has lectured around the world. Rob Williams is the editor and publisher of Vermont Commons: Voices of Independence, an independent multimedia news journal. He is also professor of media/communications at Champlain College. This is a special order. It will take a minimum of 14 business days as each book is autographed by the Author.
Plan has been working in Timor-Leste since 2001, helping poor children and youth to access their rights to education, health, livelihoods and protection. We currently implement projects in Lautem and Aileu districts, and we did extensive work in camps for internally displaced people in the capital, Dili, after the political crisis of 2006. During our first 10 years of operation in Timor-Leste, our programs have aimed to improve early childhood education, water, sanitation and hygiene services, child protection, youth livelihoods and youth participation. New hope for young women in Timor-Leste They want the chance to earn a living.
Low-income immigrants use public benefits like Medicaid or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly the Food Stamp Program) at a lower rate than low-income native-born citizens.1 Many immigrants are ineligible for public benefits because of their immigration status. Nonetheless, some claim that immigrants use more public benefits than the native born, creating a serious and unfair burden for citizens.2 This analysis provides updated analysis of immigrant and native-born utilization of Medicaid, SNAP, cash assistance (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and similar programs), and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program based on the most recent data from the Census Bureau’s March 2012 Current Population Survey (CPS). Low-income (family income below 200% of poverty line) non-citizen children and adults utilize Medicaid, SNAP, cash assistance, and SSI at a generally lower rate than comparable low-income native-born citizen children and adults, and the average value of public benefits received per person is generally lower for non-citizens than for natives. Because of the lower benefit utilization rates and the lower average benefit value for low-income non-citizen immigrants, the cost of public benefits to non citizens is substantially less than the cost of equivalent benefits to the native-born. Background on Immigrants in the United States About 40 million immigrants reside in the United States, comprising 12.9 percent of the total population.3 Of those immigrants, 43.8 percent are naturalized citizens and 56.3 percent are non-citizens—including undocumented immigrants.4 Immigrants are more likely to participate in the labor force,5 lack a high school degree,6 and to have incomes below the poverty line than the native-born.7 Immigrants begin with lower earnings but over time their incomes improve as they remain here.8 Immigrant Eligibility for Public Assistance Benefits Immigrants’ eligibility for public benefits is based on specific aspects of their immigration status and state policies.9 Some key elements of the rules are: - Citizenship. Naturalized citizens and U.S.-born children in non-citizen families are citizens. They are fully eligible for public benefits like Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), SNAP, cash assistance, and SSI, if they meet other program eligibility criteria.10 - Refugees and Asylees. Immigrants granted refugee or asylee status are generally eligible for public benefits if they meet program eligibility criteria. - Lawful Permanent Residents. Lawful permanent residents (LPRs) must wait at least five years before they are eligible for benefits, but states have the option of providing them earlier.11 After five years, LPRs are eligible for federal benefits if they meet the program eligibility criteria. As exceptions, LPR children have been eligible for SNAP benefits since 2003 and states have been able to restore Medicaid benefits for children and pregnant women since 2009. - Temporary/Provisional Immigrants. Temporary immigrants (e.g., work or student visa holders) are generally ineligible for public benefits, including the youth who are categorized as “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.” - Undocumented Immigrants. Undocumented immigrants are generally ineligible for the public assistance programs mentioned above.12 Immigrant-related eligibility restrictions do not apply to some programs, such as the National School Lunch Program, the Women, Infants and Children Nutrition Program (WIC), and Head Start. The unit of assistance (benefits received on an individual or family basis) and eligibility varies across programs. For Medicaid, CHIP, and SSI, benefits are provided to individuals and eligibility is individually determined. Thus many U.S.-born children in immigrant families receive health insurance through Medicaid or CHIP, but their noncitizen parents do not. SNAP and cash assistance provide household-level benefits. In many immigrant families, some family members are ineligible non-citizen immigrants, so the household SNAP allotment or cash assistance check is reduced. For example, if a very poor three-person family is composed of two LPR parents who have been here for two years and an American-born child, the benefit level is computed only using the child, not the ineligible parents. Medicaid/CHIP. Figure 1 shows that more than one quarter of native citizens and naturalized citizens in poverty receive Medicaid, but only about one in five non-citizens do so. Figure 2 shows that about two-thirds of low-income citizen children receive health insurance through Medicaid or CHIP, while about half of non-citizen children do so. Low-income non-citizen immigrants are the least likely to receive Medicaid or CHIP. A major reason for these gaps is strict benefit eligibility barriers for many immigrants. Benefit use by poor immigrants was low even before the 1996 welfare reform, suggesting that eligibility factors are not the only reason for low levels of benefit use by non-citizen immigrants.13 Figure 3 shows that immigrants who receive Medicaid or CHIP tend to have lower per beneficiary medical expenditures than native-born people, reducing the government cost of their benefits.14 Immigrant adults who received Medicaid or CHIP benefits in 2010 had annual expenditures about a quarter lower than adult natives. Immigrant children had average annual Medicaid expenditures that were less than one-half those of native-born children. Generally, immigrants have lower per capita medical expenditures than the native-born, regardless of type of insurance.15 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Figure 4 shows that among low-income adults, 33 percent of native citizens, 25 percent of naturalized citizens, and 29 percent of non-citizens received SNAP benefits in 2011.16 Figure 5 shows that about half of poor citizen children in citizen households receive SNAP, compared to about one-third of non-citizen children and two-fifths of citizen children in non-citizen-headed families. It is likely that the actual percentage of SNAP eligible non-citizen immigrants is even lower, but the gaps in the CPS data prevent us from knowing how large the gap is. Figure 6 shows that the average annual SNAP benefits per household member are about one-fifth lower for non-citizens than native adults or citizen children with citizen parents. Cash Assistance and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Figure 7 shows that the SSI receipt was higher for native and naturalized citizens than non-citizen immigrants. 17 Figure 8 shows that children in households with non-citizen family members are less likely to be in households receiving cash assistance or SSI than citizen children living in full-citizen households. Figure 9 shows that average annual cash assistance and SSI benefits for the native-born, naturalized, and non-citizens were very similar. In contrast, Figure 10 shows that the value of these benefits per household member was lowest for children living in non-citizen households. The cash assistance benefit for citizen children in non-citizen families was 13 percent lower, and the cash assistance for non citizen children was 22 percent lower compared to citizen children with citizen parents. The average SSI benefit was 30 percent to 33 percent lower for children in non-citizen families and non-citizen children than for citizen children in citizen families. A study by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS)found that immigrant-headed households with children used more Medicaid than native-headed households with children and had higher use of food assistance, but lower use of cash assistance.18 The CIS study did not examine the average value of benefits received per recipient. There are several reasons why our study differs from CIS’s study. First, CIS did not adjust for income, so the percent of immigrants receiving benefits is higher in their study in part because a greater percent of immigrants are low-income and, all else remaining equal, more eligible for benefits. Non-citizens are almost twice as likely to have low incomes compared with natives.19 We focus on low-income adults and children because public benefit programs are means-tested and intended for use by low income people. It is conventional in analyses like these to focus on the low income because it reduces misinterpretations about benefit utilization. Second, CIS focused on households headed by immigrants while we focus on individuals by immigration status. Our study focuses on individuals because immigrant headed households often include both immigrants and citizens. Since citizen children constitute the bulk of children in immigrant-headed households and are eligible for benefits, CIS’s method of using the immigrant-headed household as the unit of analysis systematically inflates immigrants’ benefit usage. For example, 30 percent of U.S children receiving Medicaid or CHIP benefits are children in immigrant-headed families and 90 percent of those children are citizens.20 Third, CIS focused on immigrants in general, including naturalized citizens, while we also included non-citizen immigrants. Naturalized citizens are accorded the same access to public benefits as native-born citizens and are more assimilated, meaning their opinions of benefit use are more similar to those of native born Americans. Separating non-citizens from naturalized Americans gives a clearer picture of which immigrant groups are actually receiving benefits. Low-income non-citizen adults and children generally have lower rates of public benefit use than native-born adults or citizen children whose parents are also citizens. Moreover, when low-income non-citizens receive public benefits, the average value of benefits per recipient is almost always lower than for the native-born. For Medicaid, if there are 100 native-born adults, the annual cost of benefits would be about $98,400, while for the same number of non-citizen adults the annual cost would be approximately $57,200. The benefits cost of non-citizens is 42 percent below the cost of the native-born adults. For children, a comparable calculation for 100 non-citizens yields $22,700 in costs, while 100 citizen children of citizen parents cost $67,000 in benefits. The benefits cost of non-citizen children is 66 percent below the cost of benefits for citizen children of citizen parents. The combined effect of lower utilization rates and lower average benefits means that the overall financial cost of providing public benefits to non-citizen immigrants and most naturalized immigrants is lower than for native-born people. Non-citizen immigrants receive fewer government benefits than similarly poor natives. Notes: This is a condensed version of Leighton Ku and Brian Bruen, “The Use of Public Assistance Benefits by Citizens and Non-citizen Immigrants in the United States,” Cato Working Paper, February 19, 2013, http://www.cato.org/publications/working-paper/usepublic- assistance-benefits-citizens-non-citizen-immigrants-united. 1. R. Capps, M. Fix, and E. Henderson, “Trends in Immigrants’ Use of Public Assistance after Welfare Reform,” in Immigrants and Welfare: The Impact of Welfare Reform on America’s Newcomers, M. Fix, ed. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2009), pp. 123–52; and L. Ku, “Changes in Immigrants’ Use of Medicaid and Food Stamps: The Role of Eligibility and Other Factors,” in Immigrants and Welfare: The Impact of Welfare Reform on America’s Newcomers, M. Fix, ed. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2009), pp. 152–92. 2. S. Camarota, Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children: A Look at Cash, Medicaid, Housing, and Food Programs (Washington: Center for Immigration Studies, 2011); S. Camarota, Immigrants in the United States: A Profile of America’s Foreign-Born Population (Washington: Center for Immigration Studies, 2012); and Office of Senator Jim DeMint, “Pickpocket: How Big Government Bureaucracy, Regulations, Taxes and Out-of-Control Spending Rob Taxpayers: One-third of Immigrants Households Use Welfare,” October 12, 2012, http://www.demint.senate.gov/public/index. cfm?p=pickpocket&contentrecord_id=c81c7eb2-3d1a-42a1- a3e5-a5c913f4fd23. Because Senator DeMint has resigned from the Senate to become President of the Heritage Foundation, this website has since been closed. 3. An immigrant is a foreign born person, except those born to American citizens living abroad. 4. The Census Bureau does not ask about non-citizen immigrant legal status. 6. Q. Ji and J. Batalova, “College-Educated Immigrants in the United States,” Migration Policy Institute, December 2012, http://www.migrationinformation.org/Feature/display. cfm?ID=927. 7. E. Grieco et al., “The Foreign-Born Population in the United States: 2010,” U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey Reports (ACS-19), May 2012. 8. H. Duleep and M. Regets, “Immigrants and Human- Capital Investment,” American Economic Review 89, no. 2 (1999): 186–91; and H. Duleep and D. Dowhan, “Insights from Longitudinal Data on Earnings Growth of U.S. Foreign Born Men,” Demography 39, no. 3 (2002): 485–506. 9. Many of the key federal rules were established in 1996 by the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, as amended by the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, although there have been subsequent amendments in a variety of laws. For primary federal rules, see Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Department of Health and Human Services, “Summary of Immigrant Eligibility Restrictions under Current Law as of 2/25/2009,” http://aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/immigration/ restrictions-sum.shtml. For a more comprehensive review, including state variations in policies, see National Immigration Law Center (NILC), Guide to Immigrant Eligibility for Federal Programs, 4th ed. (Los Angeles: National Immigration Law Center, 2002). In particular, see the NILC’s updates of laws and state options at http://www.nilc.org/guideupdate.html. 10. The Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution begins: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” 11. See the NILC updates for more detail about state choices at http://www.nilc.org/guideupdate.html. 12. In Medicaid, payments to health care providers for emergency services are rendered to undocumented immigrants who otherwise meet Medicaid eligibility criteria (e.g., income, category, age). Emergency rooms, because of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, are required to treat undocumented immigrants like other patients regardless of insurance status. The Medicaid provision helps ensure that reimbursement is available to the emergency care providers. 13. R. Capps, M. Fix, and E. Henderson, “Trends in Immigrants’ Use of Public Assistance after Welfare Reform,” pp. 123–52. 14. MEPS does not have information about citizenship, so we compare native-born vs. foreign-born low-income children and adults. 15. L. Ku, “Health-Insurance Coverage and Medical Expenditures for Immigrants and Native-Born Citizens in the United States,” American Journal of Public Health 99, no. 7 (2009): 1322–28; and S. Mohanty et al., “Health Care Expenditures of Immigrants in the United States: A Nationally Representative Analysis,” American Journal of Public Health 95, no. 8 (2005): 1431–38. 16. CPS data do not indicate which particular household members receive SNAP benefits, so all that can be determined is that a household received SNAP and that some members of the household are immigrants and some are not. If two citizen children are eligible for SNAP but their two immigrant parents are not, Census data only reveal that all four are part of a household receiving SNAP. 17. The CPS does not enumerate which children receive cash assistance and SSI benefits because the Census Bureau uses these data to compute adults’ incomes, but it does not compute income for children. The CPS data indicate which individual adults report receiving cash assistance and SSI but does not reveal which children received these benefits; we only know if they are members of households that received cash assistance or SSI. Thus, some immigrant children may be in families getting TANF or SSI benefits, but they may not be recipients. 18. S. Camarota, Immigrants in the United States: A Profile of America’s Foreign-Born Population (Washington: Center for Immigration Studies, 2012); and S. Camarota, Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children: A Look at Cash, Medicaid, Housing, and Food Programs (Washington: Center for Immigration Studies, 2011). 19. C. DeNavas-Walt, B. Proctor, and J. Smith, Current Population Reports, P60-243, Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2011, U.S. Census Bureau (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2012).
This appears to be WOO(caps are intentional) on first look, but the author does make some fairly sound arguments, at least in his synopsys. I guess I'll have to read the book with my woo meter fully charged. If his assertion is that the universe is recreated by human consciousness every moment, then he falls into a black hole of solipsism that I don't think he can escape. I have given a lot of thought on how perception may determine reality and how the observer is a variable of the quantum mechanics of reality. Stephen Hawking's thought has some convergence with this postulations lately. Hawking is quoted in the July/August 2009 issue of Discover magazine as follows ("Return of the Invisible Man," pp. 50-51): "Hawking's most recent work explores the implications of the notion that the universe is a giant quantum phenomenon. The problem with conventional attempts to understand the cosmos, he now believes, is that researchers have failed to appreciate the full, bizarre implications of quantum physics. These efforts to create a unique theory that would explain all the properties of the universe are therefore doomed to fail. Hawking refers to such attempts as `bottom-up' theories because they assume the universe had a unique beginning and that its subsequent history was the only possible one. "Hawking is now pushing a different strategy, which he calls top-down cosmology. It is not the case, he says, that the past uniquely determines the present. Because the universe has many possible histories and just as many possible beginnings, the present state of the universe selects the past. `This means that the histories of the Universe depend on what is being measured,' Hawking wrote in a recent paper, `contrary to the usual idea that the Universe has an objective, observer-independent history.'" Dr. Lanza insists that future theories of the universe will be biocentric in nature. That Dr. Hawking might agree, in a complete reversal from his past writing about this, certainly raises the most intriguing of possibilities, does it not? Ideas such as this are not complete woo, since at a quantum level the universe appears to behave in counter-intuitive ways and it has been shown experimentally that observation affects outcome. But I would say that this falls into the category of an "extraordinary claim that requires extraordinary evidence", and the problem is that unless we can come up with a way to test the idea it isn't science, just a clever idea. How would one go about testing the proposition that the very act of looking at the universe changes its history? Trying to flesh such an idea out suffers from the fact that if Hawkings is correct and that we have been funneled into the universe we observe by the fact of our observation from an essentially infinite set of possible starting points, the myriad of other possibilities have disappeared and left no evidence for us to detect. I wasn't really thinking in terms of 'intelligence' or consciousness. I was thinking of like as that 7 grams that goes away on most human deaths that science has been able to explain. Life is that thing that animates and allows growth and change of biologically based systems. Again, back to the 'intelligent' virus that finds ways to rapidly adjust to new threats and attack new host. Life may be accidental, but it seems determined to continue the existance of its 'self', genes, and species. That in itself indicates, at least to me, a force of nature as powerful as gravity and the forces that bind atoms and molecules. Particularly if it is accidental and not 'created' by some intelligence of thoughful 'creator' then that drive may be elemental to the universe and the reason it exist in a way that allows living changing things to exist, mutate and progress toward more dependable methods of existance, survival, intellect and concious awareness especially curiousity and drive to learn and create things that have nothing to do with survival. Regardless of the form it takes, life, at least in this universe, is probably all of one fabric, and that fabric may be what Hawkings and the other author are perceiving as having a causitive nature on the way the universe operates to make it successful. Now I really get WOO on ya ass and this should probably be in the religion section or have my atheist nexus account expunged but: If there is or every will be a 'GOD' it is probably creating itself now in this universe as the seeds of life growing into consciousness spread and evolve across space/time.
Olbermann commentary takes Condi to history school MSNBC's Keith Olbermann has delivered one of his "special comments" on remarks that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made during an interview on Fox News Sunday, where she compared Saddam Hussein to Adolf Hitler.special comments: "On the Sunday morning interview show 'Of Broken Record' on Fox, Dr. Rice spoke a paragraph, which if it had been included in a remedial history paper at the weakest high school in the nation would've gotten the writer an "F" — maybe an expulsion," Olbermann said. "If Congress were now to revise the Iraq authorization, she said, out loud, with an adult present: "… it would be like saying that after Adolf Hitler was overthrown, we needed to change, then, the resolution that allowed the United States to do that, so that we could deal with creating a stable environment in Europe after he was overthrown." Olbermann added, "The secretary's résumé reads that she has a master’s degree and a Ph.D in political science. The interviewer should have demanded to see them, on the spot. Dr. Rice spoke 42 words. She may have made more mistakes in them than did the president in his State of the Union Address in 2003." "There is, obviously, no mistaking Saddam Hussein for a human being; but nor is there any mistaking him for Adolf Hitler," Olbermann continued. "Invoking the German dictator who subjugated Europe; who tried to exterminate the Jews; who sought to overtake the world is not just in the poorest of taste, but in its hyperbole, it insults not merely the victims of the Third Reich, but those in this country who fought it and defeated it." Olbermann argues that "you can't cherry-pick life — whether life in 2007, or life in the history page marked 1945," and that Rice should at least learn to use "the Google." Clip of Olbermann's :
|Title||Word-processing facilities for note and source text (italics, bold, tables, etc)| |Description|| The following closed WLitems have been merged into this one. This may have been a mistake as Nick notes '..I don't really think are related to having word-processing facilities for note or source text. Wishlist items #251, #357, #455 and #470 all seem to be about adding functions to queries or sentences. I don't think these wishes would be fulfilled by adding wp facilities. | as they essentially call for the same thing WL#251 33 votes rating 3.8 Option to insert new paragraph marker in Fact Set Sentances Option/code to allow a Fact Sentance to force a new paragraph. WL#357 37 votes rating 3.6 Allow sentence templates to accept data expressions and functions This would allow a greater amount of flexibility in sentences, to allow such things as adding ages to census or other events and complete customisation of sentences, such as omiting the spouses surname from family events, such as family census. WK#455 5 votes rating 2.2 New Function FormatText() please could we have a FormatText() function? And maybe a FormatDate() one too? The idea is that we can format text into commonly-used formats, such as uppercase, lowercase, sentence case etc. In other words, what most word processing software will do. I would like to see it added so that it could be used in Queries and in the Text Schemes which you can use in diagrams. Reports would be be very useful too. One particular gripe of mine (unless anyone can put me right), is that if I include "relationship to" in a diagram box, it always come out lowercase, which conlicts with the look of everything else in the box. Another useful function, on exactly the same lines, could be a Format Date() function. or some such, you get the idea. WL#470 6 votes rating 3.3 Ability to force new lines in sentance templates. When producing genealogical reports, it would be nice if different facts, such as occupations and residences, could be bullet pointed or placed on different lines. Currently, everything is reported in one long gibberishy paragraph (potentially over a page long) which appears as though it has been written by somebody of low intelligence/not possessing the basics of grammar etc. I currently bypass the above problem by using The Complete Genealogical Reporter (at added expense (so add that to the cost of Family Historian if coherent genealogical reports are desired)), but I feel the ability to produce a sensible and coherent report should be one of the most important features of any genealogical software. I was always complimented on my Family Tree Maker reports, so perhaps a few ideas could be learnt from there. |Web Link||' '| |Added||Tuesday 08th August 2006 12:12 AM| |Last Vote||Thursday 28th March 2013 03:59 PM| Only Signed in FHUG users can vote, please return to the main site and sign in.
Twitter hashtags can be a little confusing if you are new to Twitter. But if used strategically, hashtags are a great way to reach your target audience on Twitter. Here are two ways to incorporate Twitter hashtags into your small business strategy. First: What are Hashtags? Twitter Hashtags are created by typing the # sign, followed by a word or phrase (no spaces): They are used to group Tweets into categories based on keywords or phrases. All Tweets using the same hashtag show up in Twitter Search results. Strategy #1: Use Popular Hashtags Using popular or trending hashtags will give your Tweets more visibility because of the larger audience already viewing those hashtags. So even if you currently only have 10 Followers, adding a popular hashtag to your Tweet will put that Tweet in front of many users (anyone who searches for that hashtag or phrase). To start, choose several keywords/hashtags that apply to your industry and begin using them in some of your Tweets. Since my content is focused on social media, I choose hashtags for Twitter, Facebook, Social Media, etc. For example, here is one of my Tweets a with link to my blog post and the hashtag #FacebookTips: — Terry League (@TerryLeague) September 5, 2012 Use Hashtags.org and Topsy.com as well as Twitter’s Search to look for hashtags that relate to your industry/message. You’ll also get some great ideas on how others are using hashtags. For example, if your target audience is mompreneurs, here are a few samples of the text used in Tweets found on topsy.com and hashtag.org: Tweet #1. “Keep up with our #mompreneur members and business tips by following our blog!” (then a link to their blog was included) Tweet #2. “The book that will bring you home and help you thrive as a #mompreneur” (then a link to their book was shown) Tweet #3. “5 Tips to keep the kids happy while you work as a #mompreneur” (a sample I just made up that could link to a blog post you’ve written) Tweet #4. “People with goals succeed because they know where they are going. – Earl Nightingale #mompreneur #quotes” (Find quotes that your audience would like. Notice that I also included the #quotes hashtag. Using more than one hashtag will result in more visibility for your Tweet; just make sure you don’t overdo it. Any more than 2-3 hashtags and your Tweet is difficult to read – and probably too long to ReTweet!) Strategy #2: Create your Own Hashtag If you host an event, a Twitter “party” or chat or just want to brand yourself on Twitter, then you may want to create your own hashtag. For example, the hashtag #MompreneurMoments (which appears to be unique at this moment) could be used in numerous ways to identify your content or chats. If your audience re-tweets your content frequently and your audience grows, you can establish yourself as an authority on that topic. Use these ideas and create your own hashtag strategy on Twitter. Share helpful content that speaks to your target audience and watch your Twitter community grow.
Think of the tragedies beneath the smoke plumes In his June 26 letter, John M. Hopkins blames environmentalists for wildfires now plaguing Colorado. His biased analysis does not present accurately a far larger historic perspective. For at least a century of forest management, fire was seen only as a implacable enemy to be suppressed and banished at all times. This was common wisdom shared by government and the public alike. We all rallied around Smokey Bear. But in recent decades, environmental research proved this concept a very misguided way to manage forests. Such policies created forests choked with undergrowth, which didnít resemble the ancient forests which once covered our wildlands. Excessive undergrowth only provides over-abundant fuel which serves as ladders to let ground fires reach tree crowns. Even environmentalists recognize this and support properly-planned pruning of undergrowth. But there is a centuryís worth of bad decisions to be reversed forest-by-forest, and that will take much time. Sometimes fire does the reversing for us, if we donít have time or money to beat it to the punch. Other factors can intervene also, like excessive beetle populations which kill too many trees because beetles no longer freeze to death in globally-warmed winters. Long droughts like the one the Southwest now suffers can overwhelm even the soundest forest planning when millions of trees die of thirst. Such factors are beyond the control of everyone, including environmentalists. People who choose to build homes in the woods sometimes do build too close to the brush, and it is their responsibility to clear that brush and create defensible space around their houses. Environmentalists did not plant that brush. And the best defensible spaces still can be overwhelmed by firestorms created in violent weather, as Colorado Springs is seeing. You get a thrill watching large smoke plumes? Whatís happening under those plumes? Are homes being destroyed? Are firefighters and homeowners dying? I donít enjoy watching plumes when I think of what tragedies may be happening underneath them. James F. Andrus
|Cut a three foot square piece of Ripstop in the color you wish for your wings. Then using a straight edge cut in two by cutting diagonally.| |You will now have two wings of equal size.| |Cut two strips of Ripstop 2 inches by 4½ Feet for the leading edge of the kite. You may wish to make this a contrasting color than that of the wings.| |Cut two pieces of fabric 1 foot by 3 feet. This also could be a contrasting color than that of the wings.| |When attaching the parts of the kite together the seams will be folded over and stitched down. This makes for a stronger better looking kite.| |Sew a ¼" Hem all the edges of the wings except the leading edges.| |Now sew a ¼" hem along the two longest side of each box section.| |Fold the leading edges in half length ways and seam a ¼ inch seam along the 4½ foot length. Important - Don't fold this hem over and stitch it down just yet, we will do that after we attach it to the wing. |Now fold the hemmed box sections in half and sew a ¼ inch hem along the edge. Open the box up and fold over the hem you just made and stitch it down. Then the box section can be turned right side out.| |Box after turning right side out. (The seam that closed the box section we will hide in the back of the kite.)| Measure 6 inches from the seam you just created. Fold the box section along the 6 inch mark and finger press a fold along the width of the box. Then put a 1" seam along this edge. Do the same for the other side. You should now have a box section with two pockets for the dowels to go through. |Now for the last seam on the box sections. Fold the box section half so that the two pockets line up with each other. Then finger press the front point of the box along the entire width of the box. Sew the last pocket with a one inch seam.| |Attach the leading edge of the kite to the wing. Sew along the ¼" seam that is already in the leading edge. Fold this seam over on the back side of the wing and stitch down. Do the same for the other wing. Make sure you center the leading edge so there is a little extra at each end to allow for trimming.| |After you sew on both leading edges and Stitched down the seam, trim the top and bottom of the leading edge flush as seen in the illustration.| |Attach the box sections to the wings by putting right sides together as seen in the illustration. (Notice the seam in the middle of the back of the box.) Use a 1/8" seam. The seam allowance will be too small for you to fold over the seam to stitch it down. Do the same when attaching the boxes to the other wing. Remember to put right sides together. close up of box attached to wing |Congratulations, your almost done. This is what the kite looks like when unfolded. Picture of box attached to wings |Cross Spar Pockets - Cut a piece of Cordura Nylon 1½" by 5". Use a soldering iron or a lighter to melt the edges of the nylon to prevent fraying. Fold over 2" of one end and stitch down the sides of the pocket. I suppose you could even use a piece of 1½ Webbing for the pockets.| |This picture shows exactly where to stitch the pocket.| |Attach the Pockets to the back of the kite as shown. Be carefull not to stitch where the dowel goes through the leading edge.| |As you can see here I sew the pocket on the leading edge being careful not to sew into the area where the leading edge dowel goes through.| |There are different schools of thought on where to attach the bridle on the kite. I have used the dead center of the box section with great results every time. I put them here on all the box deltas I made no matter what size the kite.| |I use a grommet for the bridle to go through. But you can use a loop of webbing by stitching in the seam of the front dowel pocket.| |I didn't want to put exact measurements for the bridle since I experiment with it my self. I eyeball the angle of the bridle till it looks like the illustration. Let me know if you find perfect measurements.| |Now what you need to do is get 4 three foot dowels for the uprights and cross member and two four foot dowels for the leading edge. After cutting them for a good fit, sew in the box and leading edge dowels by stitching the pocket openings at both ends. You can see that the leading edge dowels don't go to all the way to the top. The cross bar dowel should fit in snug in the pockets without bending. Well that is how I make the kite.|
Mary Kay funded Nature Explore Classrooms Since 2009, Mary Kay Inc. and The Mary Kay Ash Charitable Foundation have supported the creation of Nature Explore Outdoor Classrooms at domestic violence shelters across the United States. Nature Explore Classrooms are dynamic, nature-based play and learning spaces. Research shows that providing children with meaningful opportunities to connect with nature supports a stronger sense of self-esteem, lessens the impact of stress, and helps children cope with adversity. Outdoor play also inspires children to play together and collaborate while reducing anti-social behaviors such as violence and bullying behaviors which can be common among children who have witnessed abuse. For the children whose lives have been disrupted by domestic violence, perhaps the most important benefit is the opportunity to begin to heal through nature. Because of the need for privacy and security, Nature Explore has agreed to keep the names and locations of these domestic violence organizations confidential.
AP – The largest mosque in Central Asia has opened in Kazakhstan, just six months after the building was damaged in a fire during which a construction worker died. President Nursultan Nazarbayev attended the Friday opening of the mosque in the capital, Astana — timed to coincide with the 14th anniversary of the city’s foundation. The mosque spans an area of 17,500 square meters (188,000 square feet), and is topped by a 51-meter (167-foot) central dome and eight smaller domes. Around 70 percent of the former Soviet nation’s 16 million-strong population is Muslim. Most Kazakhs are followers of the Hanafi school of Sunni Islam. Emergency officials said January’s blaze was likely caused by welding equipment that set fire to scaffolding installed beneath the central dome.
Sean Callahan, CRS executive vice president for overseas operations, recently traveled to South Sudan to witness first-hand the state of the new nation and Catholic Relief Services’ work there. Here are some of his reflections on peace and the role of the Church: When South Sudan gained independence from its northern neighbor last year, it was a moment of tremendous victory for the new nation. But nine months after secession, the country—counted among the most impoverished in the world—continues to face significant challenges. Tensions and violence on the border with Sudan remain, especially in the areas of South Kordofan and Blue Nile, and the border itself has not yet been demarcated. In recent weeks, there have been concerns over oil revenue, with the South accusing the North of stealing its oil—subsequently shutting down all production. Since this is the major source of income for the government of South Sudan, it has put into place austerity measures, which could hamper development efforts. Aside from these problems, the internal security of South Sudan is at stake, especially in Jonglei and Unity state, where ongoing interethnic violence continues to hinder development. Basic services such as healthcare and education are lacking throughout the country, and violence like this will only add to the difficulties of getting programs started. But despite these enormous challenges, I did witness progress when I visited the country again last month. I had been to Juba (Sudan’s capital city) before independence. This time, I noticed a lot of changes. More infrastructure is being built and there are more paved roads. This is the start of a new country and you could see that people realize the investment that is required to make that country a reality. ‘We won the war, let’s not lose the peace’ Still, it was so clear that for any real development to take place there needs to be peace. This is not a new story in South Sudan. Peace eluded the area for decades before independence when it was embroiled in civil war. One obvious consequence is that today South Sudan is one of the poorest nations in the world. The interethnic conflict that is simmering—and sometimes flaring up—does not help that situation. Unfortunately, people are used to an environment where violence is the main means to protect your family or community. They have gone generations without a government providing security. That is changing, but work needs to be done to change attitudes. Still, it was clear throughout the country that there is a common desire for peace. That was evident in the numerous conversations I had with government and church officials. There was a common refrain that we heard over and over: ‘We won the war, let’s not lose the peace.’ Vast network of Church partners Catholic Relief Services has maintained a number of peacebuilding programs throughout South Sudan for years, working closely with a vast network of Church partners to reach and influence members of communities most susceptible to violence. That work goes on. And I cannot overemphasize the importance of the Church in South Sudan, a role that grew even stronger throughout the 101 Days of Prayer campaign when Catholics worldwide prayed for peace in the run-up to the referendum. Throughout the path to independence, the Church emerged once again as a leading voice of civil society, standing side by side with its people. After independence, with the emergence of a South Sudanese government, there was a feeling that the role of the Church would change. And it will. But the Church can still play a terrific role. We saw this from international organizations reassuring us that the Church needs to continue to be an advocate for people of South Sudan and for its own development. While South Sudan is now independent, it is clear that it will need accompaniment for some time. The international community needs to understand that assistance will be necessary in the development process. The Church will continue to play a key role in ensuring there’s a unified South Sudan, and CRS will continue to work alongside the Church to bring peace and development to its people.” Leave a Comment Comments are moderated and generally will be posted if they are on-topic and not abusive.
RIO GRANDE — Growing up in Chile, Patricio Guerra had never heard of Ohio. Rio Grande was a world away from his small Chilean village of Con Con. But the rural southeastern Ohio town and its university would change Guerra’s life forever. As a 13-year-old, Guerra worked alongside his grandfather, putting in long summer days as a gardener. “In the beginning it was very hard,” Guerra said. Despite his blue-collar upbringing, Guerra had bigger dreams. The teenager worked hard, saving money for years, and in 2012 finally earned enough for a trip to Brazil and the chance of a lifetime. Traveling by bus and then by train, Guerra went to Brazil on a mission to showcase his soccer skills at a 2SV scouting camp. Coaches from all over the world were in attendance, including the University of Rio Grande and Rio Grande Community College’s Head Coach Scott Morrissey. “The longer the day went and the more soccer I watched, I kept gravitating back to Patricio,” Morrissey said. With the help of an interpreter, Morrissey offered Guerra a scholarship to play soccer for one of the United State’s top NAIA programs, Rio Grande’s RedStorm. “Thank God he gave me the chance to come to Ohio, play soccer and study,” Guerra said. With the help of his community, Guerra raised enough money to buy a plane ticket to the United States and enroll at the University of Rio Grande. But the challenges didn’t end there. “The first thing was the language because I couldn’t speak English very well,” Guerra said. In fact, Guerra did not speak a single word of English when he came to the United States, but in less than two years, he learned the language and now carries a 3.9 grade point average. Guerra credits the Rio Grande faculty and his classmates for the smooth transition to a new culture. “I like the most about the people because all the teachers know your name and will give you extra time for work whether you’re on the soccer team or not,” Guerra said. The sophomore midfielder is not the only foreign-born player at Rio Grande. The RedStorm roster proudly represents eight countries, from England and Japan, to Chile and El Salvador. “The beauty of soccer and the sport itself is that no matter where you come from, it is a universal game that everyone understands how to play no matter if you speak the language,” Morrissey said. Top-ranked Rio Grande leads the Mid-South Conference with a 10-1 overall record and unblemished 6-0 mark in conference play. Guerra is making an impact for the RedStorm, scoring his first goal of the 2012 season in a 3-1 win on August 26. That date happens to be his father’s birthday, who was brought to tears when learning of his son’s success via Skype.
A Citizens Guide to Planning and Zoning The Comprehensive Land Use Plan The comprehensive plan is a long-range policy document that looks at the future of the township. A zoning resolution is the local law that spells out the immediate, allowable uses for each piece of property within the community. In October 2005, the Board of Trustees adopted the Imagine Miami Vision 2025 Plan as our guide to the future of Miami Township. One of the purposes of zoning is to implement the policies of the general plan. Under the concept of zoning, various kinds of land uses are grouped into general categories or "zoning districts" such as single-family residential, multi-family residential, neighborhood commercial, light industrial, agricultural, etc. The Miami Township Zoning Resolution describes 13 different zoning districts that are applied to land within the township. Each piece of property in the community is assigned a zone listing the kinds of uses that will be allowed on that land and setting standards such as minimum lot size, maximum building height, and minimum front yard depth. The distribution of residential, commercial, industrial, and other zones will be based on the pattern of land uses established in the community's general plan. Zoning maps are used to keep track of the zoning for each piece of land. Zoning is adopted by Resolution and carries the weight of local law. Land may be put only to those uses allowed by the applicable zoning classification. For example, if a commercial zone does not warehouse buildings, then no such building could be built on the lands, which have been assigned that zone. The Miami Township Zoning Resolution has two parts: (1) a precise map illustrating the distribution of zoning districts within the community; and, (2) a text that identifies the specific land uses and development standards allowed in each zoning district. The particular zoning district determines the uses to which land may be put. If a landowner proposes a use that is not allowed in the zone, the property owner could apply for a rezoning (change in zone) to allow that development. The Zoning Commission and the Board of Trustees must each hold public hearings before property may be rezoned. The hearings must be advertised in advance and notice mailed directly to surrounding property owners. The Board of Trustees will make the final decision on all rezoning requests. (See Rezoning Process Below) A variance is a limited waiver of development standards for a use that is otherwise permitted in that zoning district. The Miami Township Board of Zoning Appeals may grant a variance in special cases where it is determined the strict enforcement of the zoning resolution will create a hardship for the property owner. The Board of Zoning Appeals may not grant a variance that would permit a use that is not otherwise allowed in that zone (for example, a commercial use could not be approved in a residential zone by variance). Typically, variances are considered when the physical characteristics of the property make it difficult to develop. For instance, in a situation where the rear half of a lot is a steep slope, a variance might be approved to allow a house to be built closer to the street than usually allowed. Variance requests require a public hearing and neighbors are given the opportunity to testify. The Board of Zoning Appeals then decides whether to approve or deny the variance. (See the Variance and Conditional Use Process below) Conditional Use Permits The Miami Township Zoning Resolution identifies certain land uses which do not precisely fit into existing zoning districts, but which may be allowed upon approval of a conditional use permit. These might include community facilities (such as hospitals or schools), outdoor recreational facilities, self storage facilities or other land uses that would need special conditions to mitigate potential impacts on other properties. The zoning resolution specifies those uses for which a conditional use permit may be requested, which zoning districts they may be requested in, and the public hearing procedure. As with rezoning and variances, a public hearing must be held to consider a Conditional Use. If the Board of Zoning Appeals approves the use, it will usually do so subject to certain conditions being met by the permit applicant. Alternatively, it may deny uses that do not meet local standards. (See the Variance and Conditional Use Process below) The Process to Rezone Property The property owner typically initiates a Zone Change request. In rare cases, the Zoning Commission may initiate a zone change. The property owner must submit a Zone Change Application to the Township Department of Community Development. The application must clearly state the existing zoning and the proposed zoning. It must also include a plan showing how the property will develop. A Zone Change request requires three public meetings. The process may take 3-6 months to complete depending on the complexity of the request: Clermont County Planning Commission - The first meeting is before the Clermont County Planning Commission. The Planning Commission meets the fourth Tuesday of each month. The Planning Commission will review the request and make a recommendation to Miami Township. Miami Township Zoning Commission - The second meeting is a public hearing before the Miami Township Zoning Commission. The Zoning Commission meets the first Thursday of each month. Notice of the public hearing will be sent to all property owners within 200 feet of he property to be rezoned. Everyone attending the public hearing will be given an opportunity to comment on the proposed rezoning application. After the completion of the public hearing, the Zoning Commission makes a recommendation to the Township Trustees. Miami Township Board of Trustees - The third meeting is public hearing before the Township Trustees. These public hearing are set by the Trustees and will vary. Notice of the public hearing will be sent to all property owners within 200 feet of he property to be rezoned. Everyone attending the public hearing will be given an opportunity to comment on the proposed rezoning application. After the public hearing, the Township Trustees will take final action on the zone change request. The Process to Obtain a Variance or Conditional Use A property owner will initiate a request for a variance or a conditional use. A property owner must submit an application for a variance or a conditional use to the Miami Township Community Development Department. The application must clearly describe the variance and conditional use request. In the case of a variance, the applicant must describe the hardship created by strict adherence to the zoning standards. In the case of a conditional use, the applicant must explain how the proposed use meets all the conditions of the zoning resolution. Community Development staff will present the application to the Board of Zoning Appeals at their next regular meeting. If the Board finds the application to be in order, the Board will set a public hearing for the next regular meeting. Depending on when an application is submitted review of a variance or conditional use request can take 45-60 days. A request for a variance or conditional use requires one public hearing before the Board of Zoning Appeals. Notice of the public hearing will be mailed to all adjoining property owners and property owners directly across the street from a subject property. At the public hearing, everyone will be given an opportunity to comment on the variance or conditional use. All testimony before the Board of Zoning Appeals must be in person. The Board will not accept correspondence or petitions. After the public hearing the Board of Appeals will decided whether to approve or deny the request for a variance or conditional use.
Fan Art is artwork done based on a character, writing or story. Like for example little kids drawings of your comic characters in your zine. Sometimes people take fictional characters and create an original story or a few panel strip. I figure this could even be done with a per comic zine by taking the non-fiction "character" into a flight of fantasy. Or taking a written piece and draw a comi… You can share this discussion in two ways… Share this link: Send it with your computer's email program: Email this
This recipe was a serendipitous Christmas Eve find. If you need a last minute gift for a friend who loves food or is a history nerd, this might just suit. The quantity will need to be scaled down - Durand clearly made this amount for restaurant use! The great cook, Durand, of illustrious memory, advocated the use of spiced salt, which he said had often stood him in good stead. The following are the exact quantities he gave in his recipe. Take twenty ounces of salt, four heads of cloves, two nutmegs, six laurel [bay] leaves, a stick of cinnamon, four whole black peppers, half a quarter of an ounce of basil leaves [not a typo- he means an eighth of an ounce], and the same quantity of coriander seeds; pound in a mortar, pass through a tammy, pound any pieces that remain over, pass through the tammy, and keep in tightly corked bottles. From: 366 Menus and 1200 Recipes; by the Baron Brisse (originally published in 1868, this was transcribed from the eighth edition of the English translation).
Pinhas in America? The Torah portion deals with intermarriage, a problem we know all too well today. Reprinted with permission of the Jewish Theological Seminary. In 1962 I graduated rabbinical school and entered the army for a two-year stint as a chaplain. Such national service was then still required of all JTS graduates before they could take a pulpit. After completing chaplaincy school in New York, I drove to my first assignment at Fort Dix, New Jersey. I arrived in the late afternoon and decided to visit the Jewish chapel where I would preside without delay. That was my first mistake. Outside the door paced an agitated, well-dressed gentleman in civilian clothes looking for a Jewish chaplain. I revealed my identity all too quickly and smugly, my second mistake. In the office I would occupy for less than a year (the army would reward my stellar work at Fort Dix by sending me to Korea), he unloaded on me an impassioned account about his daughter who was going to marry a young Greek in basic training at Fort Dix. I couldn't tell exactly whether the father, a wealthy man from Connecticut, was furious because the kid was Christian or poor and uneducated. In fact, the father suspected him of seeking to marry his daughter for her money. He insisted that I call in the kid to disabuse him of his folly, and I, by now floundering in my inexperience, reluctantly agreed. To my surprise, the young man came when I summoned him and turned out to be good-looking and charming. Despite great discomfort, I carried out my futile task and never heard from him or his nemesis again. In retrospect, my baptism by fire foreshadowed the engulfing crisis of Jewish continuity in our day: Can Jews as individuals avail themselves of the unlimited opportunities of American society and still preserve their group identity? Are the twin goals of integration and survival compatible? As so often, the Torah relates to our predicament. The end of last week's parashah and the opening of this week's deal with an early instance of integration. After 40 years, a renewed nation of Israel finds itself primed for the conquest of the Promised Land from the territory of Moab in the west. Alarmed, Balak, the king of Moab, calls on the gentile soothsayer Balaam to thwart Israel with his curses: "For I know that he whom you bless is blessed indeed, and he whom you curse is cursed" (Numbers 22:6). But Balaam is overwhelmed by the singular beauty of Israel's individuality. He recognizes therein the hope of humanity, a new, far purer, and more wholesome form of nationhood. Try as he might to curse Israel, he can only sing its praises: "There is a people that dwells apart, not reckoned among the nations.... No harm is in sight for Jacob, no woe in view for Israel.... Lo, there is no augury in Jacob, no divining in Israel.... How fair are your tents, O Jacob, your dwellings, O Israel!" (Numbers 23:9, 21, 23; 24:5). To Balaam, the young Israel appears without blemish and invincible.
Over the last two years, evidence has accumulated that the IPCC reports released just two years ago underestimate the pace of climate change. Nature provides this summary. See also this article in Science Daily; and there are plenty more like it; Emissions from fossil fuels growing faster than any of the scenarios included in the IPCC reports (news article ; original paper here). And recent studies indicate the effects are irreversible., at least for the next 1000 years. Arctic Sea Ice, which is probably the most obvious “canary in the coal mine” is melting faster than the models predicted, and will likely never recover (Story from IPY here); Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets melting 100 years ahead of schedule (news report; original papers here and here). Meanwhile new studies show the effect on the coastlines will be worse than previously thought, especially in North America and around the Indian Ocean (press release here; original paper here). And finally some emerging evidence of massive methane releases as the permafrost melts (news report; no peer-reviewed paper yet).
Everyone loves adventure - that's why we own four-wheel-drive vehicles. So what can be better than four-wheeling and adventure? How about four-wheeling, adventure, and a search for treasure? Starting this month, we are rolling out our exciting new GeoStash GPS contest. Yes, we are going to get you out on the trail even if it kills us. You're probably asking, "What the heck is this?" It is very similar to the popular and ever-growing sport of geocaching. These events are basically treasure hunts and races using GPS navigational devices. Coordinates are given at the start. Participants must find clues or a marker at each coordinate that will lead them to a Grand Prize. Somewhere in 4 Wheel Drive & Sport Utility each month we are going to hide GPS coordinates. These coordinates will pinpoint a location somewhere in the continental US. At that coordinate, we will plant a steel plate marker. When found and redeemed, the lucky enthusiast will win a very cool prize. These prizes will range from product donated by our advertisers to 4WD & SU magazine apparel and subscriptions. The GPS coordinate could be hidden just about anywhere in the magazine. They may be scattered in pieces throughout the pages, hidden in the text of a story, or ghost-imaged in a photo. Finding the marker on the trail will require use of four-wheel drive and hiking. We will keep it safe, so don't worry, you won't have to rappel off the side of any cliffs. The marker will have my phone number listed on the back. I must be called when the marker is found. It must also be sent back to me for verification, but will be returned. During the contest, I will post on our Web site whether the marker has been found. Do yourself a favor and check the Web page before you go out searching. Each marker for any given month will have a unique identifying mark on it so it cannot be duplicated. The marker will be attached to a disposable camera. Have a photo of yourself taken at the location (hopefully you won't be out alone) and send it in with the marker. If you can, we would prefer a digital image, but use the disposable camera if need be. From here on out, this GeoStash page will highlight the enthusiast who found the prize, the product and manufacturer, and the next month's prize to be given away. To start this contest, Road Armor has donated a set of its tough new Jeep bumpers (estimated retail value $900.00) as the first prize; lights (and Jeep) not included. For more info, check out www.roadarmor.com.Good luck.
I adore urban myths and "the common knowledge". The following is now making the round on the internet these days and received from half a dozen sources by email: "In 1919. When the flu killed 40 million people, there was this doctor that visited the many farmers to see if he could help them combat the flu. Many of the farmers and their family had contracted it, and many died. The doctor came upon this one farmer, and to his surprise, everyone was very healthy. When the doctor asked what the farmer was doing that was different, the wife replied that she had placed an unpeeled onion in a dish in the rooms of the home (probably only two rooms back then). The doctor couldn't believe it, and asked if he could have one of the onions, and place it under the microscope. She gave him one, and when he did this, he did find the flu virus in the onion. It obviously absorbed the bacteria, therefore keeping the family healthy. Now, I heard this story from my hairdresser in Arizona. She said that several years ago, many of her employees were coming down with the flu, and so were many of her customers. The next year, she placed several bowls with onions around in her shop. To her surprise, none of her staff got sick. It must work .. . . (And no, she is not in the onion business.) The moral of the story is, buy some onions and place them in bowls around your home. If you work at a desk, place one or two in your office, or under your desk, or even on top somewhere. Try it and see what happens. We did it last year, and we never got the flu. If this helps you and your loved ones from getting sick, all the better. If you do get the flu, it just might be a mild case. Whatever, what have you to lose? Just a few bucks on onions! Another thing I read in the article was that onions and garlic placed around the room saved many from the black plague years ago. They have powerful antibacterial, antiseptic properties". Psychology, anthropology, sociology, physics, chemistry and mathematics have one thing in common and that is a highly technical term to describe such conclusions. That term is "abject nonsense" or, if one prefers "pure and unadulterated bullshit". Let me give an example. On the Greek island of Corfu, the vast majority of people who live both in Corfu town and in the countryside hang cloves of garlic at each of their windows, this because they believe it prevents vampires from entering and taking their souls. That it works is obvious to all Corfiots. After all, no-one on the island has been bitten by a vampire since 1686. Not to misunderstand - I love onions. I love them raw, fried, steamed, boiled as part of a soup. I love them in the form of onion rings and as part of many salads. I can even enjoy a mustard and onion sandwich from time to time. Despite that, ain't gonna be no bowls of onions scattered around my home or office!
Residency Training Programs The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences offers ACGME-accredited training programs in general psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry and forensic psychiatry. We also offer two combined training programs in family medicine/psychiatry and internal medicine/psychiatry for residents interested in board certification in both specialties. Our general psychiatry training program has ranked first out of 64 psychiatry programs nationwide on the 2012 Columbia Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Test. The Columbia Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Test is a written examination of applied knowledge of psychodynamic psychotherapy technique and theory. The 2012 test has been administered to faculty expert psychoanalysts, as well as over 1,324 residents from 64 nationally distributed programs. Since 2004, studies have supported the validity of the Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Competency Test as well as the feasibility of testing psychotherapy skills in a standardized fashion. The centerpiece of our residency training programs is the personal interaction between residents and faculty in the clinical arena. Our faculty are committed to this educational process and bring the necessary depth and diversity to teaching and supervision in all major theoretical paradigms within our specialty. Abundant opportunities are provided for residents to maximize their professional development through research, reading, reflection, and scholarship. Our residents seek out and work closely with motivated faculty members who share their academic and subspecialty interests. Our educational goal is to train psychiatrists who are equipped to provide the highest quality of patient care both now and in the future. Residents receive a firm grounding in psychodynamic principles applicable to their patients, as well as biological determinants of behavior and methods of treatment. We believe our training program is the best in the western United States due to the high quality of our residents and faculty, the emphasis on education in our department, and the preservation of all aspects of clinical psychiatry in the training of our residents from psychotherapy to high-tech brain imaging. If you are interested in high quality training in a family-like atmosphere then check us out. Mark E. Servis, M.D. Vice Chair for Education
Almost all American households would take a financial blow next year-and low-income families would be among the hardest hit-if the White House and Congress fail to solve the "fiscal cliff." Damian Paletta reports on Markets Hub. This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate. ... I ... all of the market's top this is where is the November twenty first of all first wouldn't talk about the U S fiscal cliff which is threatening to impact more than about ninety percent of American households ... will be joined by Dinny and let us live from Washington DC ... oh ... when David thank you so much for joining us Katie and we have this one before the paper today about the ... U S fiscal cliff which is ... reading impact it basically every almost every American household ... why would it impacts the way people what exactly is of this fiscal cliff that we talk so much about ... well that's right it would affect us on the tax side in the spending side on the tax side ... the no taxes on ... them at least two hundred and twenty one million households that's ... households you know with ... parents and kids in them which is taxes would go up we would see ... benefit cuts on everything from like local police stations fire departments ... things like that to say you you you know the effect of being so far reaching and the sort of unprecedented ... for a one-year cut like this to take place ... it was interesting the story mean a lot of these ... attacks the taxes that had been impacted going to this isn't going back the Clinton missed ration the Bush administration about a surgeon is are we as a move to the government has made ... over ... the last two decades really to ... help American households and they'll all be on while no one's right ... that that's right a lot of the confusing things about the current tax code is that it's really a patchwork of all sorts of different ... tax breaks and incentives ... and every year towards the end of the year they'll get extended this essentially pump that another year or two ... so this year when we know we have this big debate about what to do with the Bush tax rates ... and that's all the moves were colliding with these other expiring tax breaks ... things like the child tax credit and things like that ... that no state taxes things like that better all them that the um ... up part of this is in negotiations with Congress so if things really go south and is a breakdown in talks to me sorta go hurtling over the fiscal cliff in January ... all of these tax breaks and and and changes to tax law are going to re set up in this can have an impact on you know hundred ... over a hundred million people with sense and sounds really truly diabolical for not able to reach an agreement is impacting everyone from ... people who make less than twenty thousand years to ... millionaires living in penthouses and Palm Beach and it seems like ... every American will be impacted in some way ... as you look at aam you we are leaders are right now when that last Friday it seemed optimistic that taking a break ... this week for the Thanksgiving holiday ... I they were to go right back to work on Monday next week which was the latest on whether they're actually going to ... come to some sort of agreement and not just pompous four ... well we know when they are expected to meet next week it might not be Monday they might need some more time to store to get ... get organized you know my view my sense is that ... you know they had a pretty that some pretty optimistic rhetoric coming at a meeting last week ... but it's gonna be tough sledding for a few weeks new ones they really get down to the nitty gritty what to do with the Bush tax cuts ... what to do with ... it defense spending cuts what to do with Medicare Medicaid and even social security ... but has some really tough issues ... to sort through and it's likely that this at ten a happy talk might ... you know uh fade away pretty fast so I'm expecting you know a few weeks the least of ... of of some pretty out immobile will situations on the Helena with the White House to death again that Ryan ... didn't write a plot to somebody is your stuff first ... what they really get to the tough ... the tough issues ... no the tax that the Bush era tax cuts in Medicare ... things like that it's gonna be really tough for them to cut a deal so and that's why a lot of folks expected my ... you know ... we might be close to Christmas before they really settle things out and is that I mean what are known to his image and obese and easy going in the beginning but isn't really the Bush era tax cuts ... Medicare spending and it was the big ... issues do you foresee ... that are really going to have on this is an issue getting some bipartisan agreement on how to deal with this ... sure everyone you know was that the big task for the Democrats in the White House says ... they want Bush era tax cut tax rates ... on the ... folks in households making more than two and fifty thousand dollars ... they want those to go up and you know the president's view is he just won reelection ... you know this whole thing was litigated during the campaign and he says are going up one or the other now ... Republicans ... disagree with that but it was kind of dug in on this right now and ... and that's when I'm you know you could go ... in a really close to the deadline of folks sort of you believe that voters are ... are with them and that they have you know on ... the can leverage on this in Medicare you know Republicans want major changes to Medicare to really expensive programs can get more expensive ... and they probably won't agree to some changes to the tax code allows for Democrats book reading ... the great changes in Medicare so these are really tough ... issues and you know they've been dividing this country for decades and it's hard to ... see how that and that you know in a half hour forty five a negotiating session to settle all these differences he added you mention awesome present Obama is taking the election as a ... backing for a lot of his believes on this ... is this something that has the negotiations continued ... you can see him call of Duke rating writing a hard line in the salmon says look I was elected on on getting these is accomplished ... in and were talkin to budge on these ... it's exactly what we're watching for you know he's ... he's tried to do this downturn now worries being tough but flexible ... here he says he's open to talks he wants to negotiate his ... his death would cut Medicare on the table ... and there's the sense that in essence security might get caught on the table later as far as just ... some minor changes to make its offer for the next seventy five years ... but um you know that could be a point where one goes back to the bunkers and they start ... you know drug raids in each other where do they just urgent ... take ... election mandates and things like that and and trendy club each other with it so ... at this point you know this or that there was talk like the one I cut a deal was a really good and it is tough issues I think it's gonna be a little harder and that's when might see ... some of the old politics from Leicester creep back into the conversation topic thank you so much for joining us there was Damien plateau from our office a washing DC ... gaming address the team down there will be covering ... every and when it comes the fiscal cliff please make sure to go into debt is to dot com and recently the paper each morning ... as we look into this developing story the specials begin to lap of the year
Sharp told us that he built Remote-Tilt for the usual reasons he builds anything: "I was stuck trying to do something, and so I created a tool to do that thing. I was planning on adding motion events to a website I had worked on, and although I know how they work, the values in the events don't really mean much to me." Development itself was, according to Sharp, a challenge, in the sense of making the whole thing a single script include – "That's a single script to create the pop-up. A single script that actually is the pop-up. A single script with the images, events, everything." – And he ran into problems in Chrome, but considers his script an edge case. "But piping events from the mobile phone to the desktop is pretty straightforward and very similar to the technique I use to create a remote control for mobiles. And, all the code was written in a matter of a couple of days – it's still just a single script with a simple server after all!"
Yes, the bodies still attract. The glass may change the shape of the electric field, but it cannot simply block the electric field. Any region of space which contains an electric charge has an electric field emanating from it. If you create a closed surface around this charge, and calculate a surface integral of that electric field, the integral will tell you the quantity of the contained charge. Take a look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gauss%27s_law Nothing can change this. There is no "anti electric" shielding material. Speaking of shielding, even if you place a charge into a conductive metal container, it will not block the field. It will just appear that the container itself has charges on its surface. However, if the container is grounded, then it will appear to block the field. Bur what happens in that case is simply that the field is concentrated through the ground wire. It has not gone away!
Transcript for President Obama: Authorities Looking Into Hacking As more and more of our daily commerce moves online more and more of our financial lives now live in the cloud so you don't have to be a celebrity to take alarm from the latest incidents. Of high... See More As more and more of our daily commerce moves online more and more of our financial lives now live in the cloud so you don't have to be a celebrity to take alarm from the latest incidents. Of high profile hacking. Nearly a dozen bold faced names including political luminaries like Michelle Obama and vice president Joseph Biden and allegedly had their most private. Financial information hacked and then posted. Here's ABC's justice correspondent Pierre Thomas. Kim Kardashian has made a living by putting her entire life in public and but for someone to expose the web site may have revealed -- too much information specifically her credit report. -- and who declined comment was one of more than a dozen celebrities and government officials targeted -- in the highest profile privacy breaches in recent history. Personal financial details on display. For all the world to see -- -- and Britney Spears to First Lady Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton. -- all apparent victims of what's known as a boxing attack the I think involves gathering private documents and posting them on the Internet. Even the most protected people on the planet allegedly hit. Vice President Biden attorney general Eric Holder even FBI director Robert -- In an exclusive interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos. President Obama would not say whether the posted information is authentic. But confirmed that authorities are trying to find out what happened. We should not be surprised that if you've got hackers who wanna. That they can access people's private information it is a big problem right into the White House and again I cam not confirming -- that's what happened. But you've got web sites out there right now that sell people's credit cards. That have been stolen. -- Secret Service and FBI have launched full scale investigations. They're trying to determine if the information as authentic how it with accessed and ultimately who is responsible for posting -- Sources tell ABC news some of the posted information appears to be accurate and would not be widely available to the public. Credit reports may include Social Security numbers and typically provide financial information about people's deaths. So and when someone has your credit report what kind of bad things can -- do. Well they can masquerade as you. If they have your credit report that's all they need to take over your identity to open up accounts in your name so -- the First Lady the vice president secretary of state. This would not be good news if this is legit. This is terrible news to have this information out there. Tonight Equifax credit reporting agency confirmed that fraudulent an unauthorized access occurred involving four high profile people. But the company declined to identify them. LA police chief Charlie Beck was also target that we find individuals and and I'm confident that we will. They're responsible we will prosecute them. Other celebrities included curious mix of entertainers and politicians -- Hogan Ashton Kutcher. Sarah Palin -- warning that the web -- appears to have originated in Russia with sources tell us the attack -- been launched from anywhere. And that it will take a long time to track this digital trail. It can happen to anyone millions of Americans are vulnerable with thousands having their private financial information compromised each year. But increasingly Hollywood's elite are becoming the most desired targets for hackers and hoaxes. -- more than a year very private and sometimes compromising photos of Scarlett Johansson. Mila Kunis Christina regulator leaked onto the web. The FBI arrested this man Christopher Chaney in Florida and charged him with -- six counts of identity theft. Unauthorized access to a protected computer and wiretapping. Just yesterday a twelve year old boy admitted to charges that he targeted Ashton Kutcher and Justin Bieber. -- an elaborate formal pact known -- wiley -- is when someone manipulates computers and phone equipment to make a prank 911 call. Luring police to mobilized swat teams. These -- make it look like the calls. Actually coming from the victims themselves. This -- when one called lost an eight man swat team to this Colorado Springs house. Inside a teenage girl and father -- and in critical danger was so they thought. I've got two people here -- -- -- what happens to people that are held hostage. It all turned out to be a hoax one of hundreds of cases each year of cyber criminals hacking into phone lines and placing false 911 calls. This was the massive police response when Ashton Kutcher was the victim. People primarily swat because they want to watch that is the relevant it's a power thing Justin Bieber was wanted just one week after could -- In a separate case LAPD got a call that the kidnapping was in progress and Miley Cyrus whose house it was all a hoax. The pop superstar wasn't even -- Dirty tricks done remotely. Online. Were Nightline I'm Pierre Thomas in Washington. This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.
CNN Rediscovers Saddam's Govt Backed Terrorism, Notes Clinton Airstrike Anniversary On Tuesday's The Situation Room, CNN's Wolf Blitzer noted that it was the 14th anniversary of a cruise missile attack on Iraq, ordered by then-President Clinton, in retaliation for a plot to assassinate former President Bush in Kuwait earlier that year. CNN also played a clip of the CNN correspondent from June 26, 1993 in which, referring to President Clinton's speech to the nation, Blitzer relayed the Clinton administration's desire "to make sure that the Iraqi government does not engage in what the U.S. describes as state-sponsored terrorism." (Transcript follows) Below is a complete transcript of the item from the June 26 The Situation Room on CNN: WOLF BLITZER: Here's an historic footnote. Fourteen years ago today, U.S. forces launched 23 cruise missiles against Iraqi intelligence headquarters in Baghdad. President Clinton ordered the attack--retaliation for a failed Iraqi assassination attempt against former President Bush two months earlier in Kuwait. CNN's then-senior White House correspondent reported on the missile strike. BLITZER, in clip from June 26, 1993: If there were more of these kinds of operations in the works, as the President says, and as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs and the Defense Secretary all say, this will send a powerful wake-up call to officials in Baghdad that this Clinton administration is as determined as the Bush administration to make sure that the Iraqi government does not engage in what the U.S. describes as state-sponsored terrorism. BLITZER, on camera live again: Fourteen years ago today. Kuwait later sentenced five Iraqis and a Kuwaiti to death for the assassination attempt.
Mathematically proficient students consider the available tools when solving a mathematical problem. These tools might include pencil and paper, concrete models, a ruler, a protractor, a calculator, a spreadsheet, a computer algebra system, a statistical package, or dynamic geometry software. Proficient students are sufficiently familiar with tools appropriate for their grade or course to make sound decisions about when each of these tools might be helpful, recognizing both the insight to be gained and their limitations. For example, mathematically proficient high school students analyze graphs of functions and solutions generated using a graphing calculator. They detect possible errors by strategically using estimation and other mathematical knowledge. When making mathematical models, they know that technology can enable them to visualize the results of varying assumptions, explore consequences, and compare predictions with data. Mathematically proficient students at various grade levels are able to identify relevant external mathematical resources, such as digital content located on a website, and use them to pose or solve problems. They are able to use technological tools to explore and deepen their understanding of concepts.
How should environmental stress affect the population dynamics of disease? Article first published online: 13 JUN 2003 Volume 6, Issue 7, pages 654–664, July 2003 How to Cite Lafferty, K. D. and Holt, R. D. (2003), How should environmental stress affect the population dynamics of disease?. Ecology Letters, 6: 654–664. doi: 10.1046/j.1461-0248.2003.00480.x - Issue published online: 13 JUN 2003 - Article first published online: 13 JUN 2003 - Editor, P. Thrall Manuscript received 12 February 2003 First decision made 18 March 2003 Manuscript accepted 29 April 2003 We modelled how stress affects the population dynamics of infectious disease. We were specifically concerned with stress that increased susceptibility of uninfected hosts when exposed to infection. If such stresses also reduced resources, fecundity and/or survivorship, there was a reduction in the host carrying capacity. This lowered the contact between infected and uninfected hosts, thereby decreasing transmission. In addition, stress that increased parasite mortality decreased disease. The opposing effects of stress on disease dynamics made it difficult to predict the response of disease to environmental stress. We found analytical solutions with negative, positive, convex and concave associations between disease and stress. Numerical simulations with randomly generated parameter values suggested that the impact of host-specific diseases generally declined with stress while the impact of non-specific (or open) diseases increased with stress. These results help clarify predictions about the interaction between environmental stress and disease in natural populations.
As you flip through the pages of a magazine these days, you might have started to notice these small square boxes with random pixilations and wondered what kind of secret code it was. It’s actually not so much a secret as it is a surprise. Definitely more high tech than any surprise in a Cracker Jack box, these pixilated boxes are actually QR (Quick Response) codes and within those pixilations could be a URL, text information, or even an image. To get your surprise, all you have to do is scan the QR code with your smartphone and you will be taken to the site, or the text or image will appear. The possibilities are endless from an advertising perspective, as I’m sure you can imagine. But, what I’m finding intriguing is their application amongst individuals. It’s quite likely that QR codes will replace the business card in years to come. Have you ever been to a networking event and then gotten home with a handful of cards that you needed to then transfer the information into your phone? Sure. We all have. With the QR code, you can simply (yes, it actually is simple) generate one with your business card info and store the code in your smart phone. Then, when someone asks for your info or for your card, they can just scan your QR image and voila!; They have everything they need. There are several sites where you can create your own QR code, but this is one of our faves: http://qrcode.kaywa.com/. We also thought we might give you a few ideas on how to maximize this new piece of technological real estate! 1. Create your QR code to include phrasing for a specific group to help them remember who you are. For example, if you are at a Chamber of Commerce breakfast meeting you might include your standard business card info and a phrase that says: “It was great seeing you at the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Meeting. Can’t wait to see you next month!” 2. Use your QR code as a coupon. It is easy to include phrasing that offers them a free consultation for contacting you or a discount off of your services. 3. Create an image file that includes your picture and business card information so that they can match a face with the written information. You will need to host your image at a URL but this is fairly easy to do…can even be done with a standard Flickr account. 4. Leverage your QR to capture their information. Put your QR code on a brochure and let people know that if they scan the code, they can get a free gift. The URL you use should be to a webpage in your site that can capture their information and then send them free content, a gift, coupon, etc. You may have to spend a little to get the gift to them but you will also have captured their information to be able to keep in touch and build a long-term relationship with them. These are just a few ways to amp up your networking using a QR code. Are you using a QR code already? Have another fun, innovative way to use it? Share your ideas with us here or on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/sylverconsulting.
Starting Your Career at the U.S. Department of Labor A Reference Guide for College Students and College Placement Officers This reference guide summarizes Federal and, more specifically, the Department of Labor (DOL) hiring process and career opportunities. Additionally, it contrasts the differences between private and Federal hiring processes to assist college students in developing a strong Federal job application. The information contained in this guide is not intended to be all-inclusive but rather to provide you with a general overview. For additional information, refer to DOL's Opportunities are Open brochure, which is available at any of DOL's Human Resources Offices, or at DOL's Internet Website at http://www.jobs.dol.gov. Additional information on how to pursue a Federal career may be obtained from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Website at https://www.usajobs.gov.
Lopsided defeats of proposed education tax hikes across the nation, including a 64-36 drubbing in Colorado, indicate a decidedly anti-tax attitude among voters as states struggle to pay for rising education costs and teacher pensions. Colorado’s Proposition 103 would have raised the state income tax on individuals and corporations by 8 percent—from 4.63 to 5 percent of adjusted gross income—and the state sales tax from 2.9 percent to 3 percent, a 3.4 percent increase. Proponents said both increases would be used to fund public schools. “It remains the sentiment of the country that we have to get our fiscal house in order,” said Colorado state Sen. Kent Lambert (R-Colorado Springs), one of the leading voices against Proposition 103. “People are getting a lot more savvy about these issues. Even a lot of Democrats were saying, ‘We can’t afford another tax increase.’” Although there could be some exceptions in the coming elections, the Colorado result suggests tax increases are currently not likely to pass in most states, said Michael Barone, an American Enterprise Institute political analyst. Voters in Douglas County also rejected tax increases aimed at instituting a teacher pay-for-performance program and a $200 million bond proposal. They reelected, by wide margins, school board candidates who had approved the nation’s first county-initiated voucher program. Two of three reform-minded Denver School Board candidates won seats, but the two union-backed school board candidates in Jefferson County also won seats. Tax Increase Split Democrats The Colorado initiative was the only statewide tax on the ballot in the nation this year. Last year, voters rejected by 66 to 29 percent Initiative 1098 in Washington, which would have established that state’s first income tax. Lambert notes “only about four Democrats out of 100 legislators showed up” when Sen. Rollie Heath, D-Boulder, “held the initial press conference to announce this money-grabbing bill. If this would have brought support within the Democratic Party, they would have been there. It didn’t, and it never did.” Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) refused to endorse the measure, choosing instead to propose—on the same day as the Prop. 103 vote in November—a budget cutting K-12 education spending by $97 million next year. The governor could have been avoiding the fight in order to maintain party unity, Barone said. “Maybe he thought the tax increases were bad public policy but didn’t want to anger advocates and split his party by opposing them outright,” Barone said. In trying to build momentum for the tax increase, supporters claimed Colorado is one of the nation’s poorest funders of K-12 education, saying it ranks No. 49 among all states in per-pupil spending. An analysis of Prop. 103 from the Colorado-based Independence Institute supports Lambert’s claim the ranking is “a flat-out lie.” Colorado, which spent $11,133 per student during the 2007-08 school year, is actually “in the middle of the pack or a little ahead when making regional comparisons of per-pupil spending,” said Penn Pfiffner, a senior fellow in fiscal policy for the institute. Pfiffner compared that figure to surrounding states’ per-pupil spending, and found it was higher than neighboring Kansas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah. “Locally, only Nebraska came in higher, at $1,164 more,” Pfiffner reported. The National Education Association ranked Colorado No. 30 in per-pupil spending in December 2010. Prop. 103 opponents also succeeded in raising doubts about the measure by questioning whether the money would actually be spent on education. Though the measure stated, “Additional revenues resulting from these increased tax rates be spent only to fund public education,” Pfiffner noted the measure “does not create a segregated, separate fund. There is no basket into which the new money figuratively will be dropped.” This meant the state legislature might spend education-designated funds on other projects. There is historical precedent for this concern, Lambert said. “A couple of years ago, they had Referendum C and Referendum D that they were saying was for the kids, but it wasn’t used for that,” he said. “As soon as [Prop. 103] would have passed, the legislature could have legally diverted that money to use it wherever they want.” Program Sustainability Questioned Critics also questioned the sustainability of new education programs the funding created, since the measure stipulated the tax increase would expire in five years. The measure would have broken “a basic rule in public finance, [which] is that onetime money should not be used to finance ongoing programs,” noted Barry Paulson, a senior fellow with the Independence Institute.
Question 5: Impact on The Future of the Internet Any other observations or interpretations of these reports in terms of impact and import for the future of the Internet that you would like to share? Geoff Huston: IPv4 address exhaustion is occurring at a very interesting time. It’s hard to expect the carriers to spend large sums of money supporting a dual-stack infrastructure if the net result is to cement their role as a commodity bit-carriage operator. I would not be surprised to see the carriers, particularly in the lucrative mobile-data sector, use this situation as an opportunity to create novel application-level gateways that, in effect, act as toll gates on the wire and allow the carriers to meter the applications and the user’s traffic. Jon Crowcroft: Time to study the end-user properly. Kenjiro Cho: We also observe similar trends in Japan. Bill St. Arnaud: There is no question that the Internet is maturing in terms of protocols, technology advances, and deployment. Most of the innovation is coming outside of the traditional Internet community as, for example, in content networking, and is being driven by the huge leverage of a large installed base. A large part of this ‘alternate’ innovation is being driven by the need to get around today’s major obstacles blocking deployment of innovative applications, namely incumbent telephone, cable companies, and wireless companies. If they had made sufficient investment in the last-mile infrastructure then many of the innovations like content networks, caching, and so on may not have been required. But as a result, only companies with deep pockets have the wherewithal to develop solutions that counter the regressive forces of the telcos and cablecos. Unfortunately that leaves smaller, innovative players out in the cold and makes life more difficult for them. Kenjiro Cho. “Broadband Traffic Report: Traffic Shifting away from P2P File Sharing to Web Services”. IIR, vol.8, pp25-30. August 2010. http://www.iij.ad.jp/en/development/iir/pdf/iir_vol08_report_EN.pdf Have Your Say How would you answer this question? Provide your answer below. Post a comment
Aaron Breaks Ruth’s Home Run Record, Speaks His Mind When Hank Aaron hit his 715th home run on April 8, 1974, it was a historic achievement on two levels. For one, he broke what was considered the greatest record in all of sports, the 714 home runs hit by Babe Ruth, the “Sultan of Swing.” Aaron’s achievement was more than just a sports accomplishment, however—the vicious outpouring of hate mail combined with the adoring, buoyant support he received said a great deal about America as an African American broke a hallowed record set by a white man. The case could easily be made that Henry “Hank” Aaron was the greatest player of all time. In 23 remarkable seasons, he hit 755 home runs—acknowledged by baseball purists as the career home run record, since Barry Bonds’ 762 were artificially achieved with the chemical boost of steroids. He is the indisputable holder of other remarkable career records: 2,297 RBI, 6,856 total bases, and 1,477 extra base hits. He was a World Series champion, a Most Valuable Player, an All Star 25 times (the game was held twice a few years), and won three gold gloves. Throughout this remarkable career, Aaron conducted himself with grace and dignity, a true gentleman on and off the playing field. Aaron ended the 1973 season with 713 home runs, and many fans feared a racist would assassinate him during the offseason to prevent him from breaking Ruth’s record. The amount of vile, vicious hate mail increased, with many threats made on his life. The 1974 season began with controversy, as Aaron’s team, the Atlanta Braves, opened with three games in Cincinnati. The Braves wanted Aaron to sit those games out and begin the season in Atlanta, so that he could hit the tying and record-setting home runs in front of a home crowd. In a controversial move, Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn ordered Aaron to play at least two of the three games in Cincinnati, which he did—hitting the tying 714th home run on his very first at bat, but no more that series. And so the stage was set for Aaron’s return to Atlanta. The milestone came before a huge, enthusiastic sellout crowd of 53,775. Aaron walked in his first at-bat that evening, not swinging during the four-ball, one-strike at-bat. He was next up during the fourth inning. The excited crowd waited as the 40-year-old slugger stood in against his opponent, the Dodgers’ 32-year-old southpaw Al Downing. The first pitch was a ball. On the next pitch, a fastball, Aaron swung his bat precisely at 9:07 p.m. and launched the historic home run 400 feet into the Atlanta night, and straight into the record books. The following two newspaper articles describe the two aspects of Aaron’s historic achievement. The first is a news report of the home run itself, and the second is an interview with Aaron in which he focuses more on the issues facing African Americans in this country than his home run. These copyrighted articles were printed by the Augusta Chronicle (Augusta, Georgia) on April 9, 1974—the first article on the front page: Hank Hammers Historic 715 Atlanta (AP)—“If God didn’t see fit for me to hit the home run here, then I would have hit it somewhere else,” Henry Aaron said Monday night after becoming baseball’s all-time home run king. The reserved 40-year-old superstar was obviously relieved that the chase of the legendary Babe Ruth had finally ended. It did at exactly 9:07 p.m. EDT. Aaron connected for the historic 715th home run off Al Downing of the Los Angeles Dodgers. The two-run blast, a 400-foot shot, sailed out of a jam-packed Atlanta Stadium, just to the right of the 385-foot marker in the fourth inning, giving the Braves a 3-3 tie at the time. Atlanta went on to win the game 7-4. Aaron opened his post-game news conference by criticizing unnamed writers for questioning his performance during a three-game season-opening series in Cincinnati. “I have never went out on a ball field and not given my level best,” he said. “I played in Cincinnati the two out of three games I was supposed to play. “Contrary to some of the reports I have read that I was a disgrace to the ball club, I did my level best.” Aaron declined to say what written reports had been critical of him. The legendary Ruth, who died of cancer in 1948, hit the last three of his 714 home runs on May 25, 1935, against the Pittsburgh Pirates. At the time, he was with the Boston Braves. Ruth played in 2,503 games and had 8,399 at-bats during his 22-year career. He quit the game in a dispute with Boston management about a week after hitting his final homers. Aaron’s historic 715th homer came in the third game of his 21st season. It was his 11,295th at-bat—all with the Braves—and his 2,967th game. “Just thank God it’s all over,” Aaron said as the standing-room only crowd of 53,775—largest ever to see a baseball game in Atlanta—roared continuously. Aaron, who had walked on five pitches—taking the only strike—in a second-inning trip to the plate, jumped on a 1-0 fastball by the 32-year-old Dodger lefthander. “He just hung it a little,” Aaron said. “It was inside, but I think he wanted it further inside.” “When he picks his pitch, he’s pretty certain that’s the one he wants,” Downing said, noting that Aaron’s historic blast had come on his first swing of the night. The Atlanta slugger had tied Ruth’s record on the first swing of the 1974 season, a three-run shot in Cincinnati last Thursday off righthander Jack Billingham. The huge crowd began buzzing the moment the ball left Aaron’s bat, and when it sailed over the fence, bedlam erupted. As Aaron circled the bases in typical fashion, a massive fireworks display was triggered, sending colored sparks into the air along with cannon-like noises. It was one of his teammates, pitcher Tom House, who caught the ball and rushed it to Aaron as the game was halted for an 11-minute tribute. Aaron broke away from his mates and rushed to a special box adjacent to the Atlanta dugout where he clutched his wife, Billye, and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Aaron, of Mobile, Ala. “I never knew she could hug so tight,” Aaron said of his mother. His father, who threw out the first ball, jumped out of the special box and joined his famous son on the field for a special presentation from the commissioner of baseball, Bowie Kuhn. Kuhn, who had ordered Aaron to play in Sunday’s game at Cincinnati, was not here, but had one of his aides, black Hall of Famer Monte Irvin, give the Atlanta superstar a $3,000 diamond-studded wristwatch upon which was imprinted in gold the figure 715. When Irvin mentioned the commissioner’s office, the crowd booed loudly. Kuhn was in Cleveland attending a dinner. He said he did not see Aaron’s homer, but heard about it moments later. President Nixon telephoned Aaron congratulations almost immediately. “The president just invited me to the White House and he congratulated me,” Aaron said. “No, he didn’t mention any specific date.” Nixon’s call came while Aaron was in left field. Manager Eddie Mathews gave his star permission to leave the dugout to talk with the president. Aaron was asked if he felt he would hit the home run in this game. “Yes, I did,” he said. Asked what it meant to him to break the record, he said, “Well probably tomorrow morning, I’ll wake up and realize what happened. Right now, it’s just another home run. The most important thing is we won the game.” Aaron’s wife sat by his side as he fielded questions from an estimated 200 newsmen. Asked her feelings, the Atlanta television hostess said, “I had mixed emotions about 714. I wanted him to hit it at home. I would have preferred hits to home runs in Cincinnati.” It was only Aaron’s third home run off Downing, beginning his fourth year in the National League. The others came last season—No. 676 in Los Angeles on April 15 and No. 693 in Atlanta on June 29. In his next appearance after his home run, Aaron grounded out to third base in the fifth inning. The pitcher at the time was righthander Mike Marshall. His first run of the night set a National League record of 2,063, moving him ahead of fellow Alabama native Willie Mays, who retired last year. What Pursuit of Record Has Meant for Hank: People Listen By Ira Berkow Atlanta (NEA)—What has THAT record, THE record, meant to Henry Aaron, the man who was almost certain to break it? “It has meant,” he says, sitting with sawed-off blue sweatshirt before his locker cubicle, “that people listen to me now where, say, 10 years ago, my words got lost.” Only in the last two years has Aaron begun to receive the national recognition that his phenomenal career has so richly deserved. Only, that is, since his pursuit of the career home run record held by Babe Ruth has brought him inescapably, finally, into the limelight. People listen to him because they are watching him. And it becomes of great interest to know what kind of man he is. He also is greatly aware of this: “Ruth’s record is about the last thing in professional sports that whites can hang onto—the legendary record of the Sultan of Swat,” he says. He has recently become identified with black causes. For example, he is now a close personal friend of the Rev. Jesse Jackson, a leading young black spokesman. Aaron, in winter, now is the organizer of a celebrity bowling tournament in Atlanta with proceeds going to research on sickle cell anemia, a disease that afflicts black people. Aaron is also outspoken on the progress, or lack of it, for blacks in baseball. He says that blacks are stagnating. “Whatever so-called progress there is—like blacks staying in the same hotels with the white players—this came about from civil rights legislation, not from any leveling action by baseball,” says Aaron. “Why aren’t there even no black managers? Why aren’t there even no black third base coaches? There are token first base coaches—a few. But what does a first base coach do? He has no duties. No responsibilities. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. He’s not expected to have any intelligence.” Aaron still feels some of the clichés of being black. He remembers that once blacks were considered “too gutless” to be able to take the pressures of day-in, day-out major league baseball. “Jackie Robinson changed a lot of those beliefs,” says Aaron. “His courage and intelligence showed what the black man could be made of. “I hear about blacks having natural ability, natural rhythm. That’s not the only reason for the blacks’ success in baseball, or in sports. Look at a Maury Wills. It takes a lot of thought, a lot of analyzing, to steal 104 bases in a season. “And you don’t hit over 700 home runs in a career by just having natural rhythm. You need discipline. You study the pitchers. I’m sure I know the National League pitchers as well as Ted Williams knew the American League pitchers when he batted .400.” Aaron’s hero off the field is Dr. Martin Luther King. “He could walk with kings and talk with presidents,” said Aaron. “He wasn’t for lootings and bombings and fights but he wasn’t afraid of violence, either. He was 20 years ahead of his times.” King’s death by assassination cannot, of course, be forgotten by Aaron. Sometimes Aaron wonders about that, too. He says that among the hundreds of letters he receives weekly, many are threats on his life. “But I can’t think about that,” he says. “If I’m a target, then I’m a target. I can only worry about doing my job, and doing it good.” Aaron believes that Ruth’s record should have been broken, just as it should someday be broken again. “I think it’s good for all America,” he said. “The world keeps going on. Kids today can relate to me. And besides, why should they relate to a ball player who quit playing 35 years ago? “I think it also gives black kids hope. It shows them that anything is possible today. Maybe they can’t be a ball player like me, but they can strive for excellence, and be a good doctor or lawyer or anything. I believe that I would have tried to be the best at whatever I did, even it if was being a dirt shoveler.” It wasn’t that way for Aaron when he was a boy. He was the third child in a family of eight children in Mobile, Ala. His father was a rivet-bucker. Aaron played baseball but he had no hopes of making the game a career. “There were no blacks in major league baseball until I was 13 or 14, and Jackie Robinson broke in in 1947,” said Aaron. “He gave us all hope.” Aaron was asked about the coincidence that Babe Ruth died just one year later. Did his death at the time mean anything to Aaron? “No, not really,” said Aaron. “Ruth was in a different world. Baseball when he played was something no black kid could relate to. We had nothing to wish for. You know, of all the pictures I’ve ever seen of Babe Ruth, I’ve never seen one with him and black kids. Have you? This is no knock on Ruth. It’s just the way it was. I don’t think many blacks went to the baseball games. It’s like I don’t go to ice hockey games, even though it might be a great sport. But I can’t relate because there are no blacks in that game.” It was Robinson who allowed Aaron to “relate” to baseball. Aaron holds immense respect and gratitude for Robinson and his memory. “Before Jackie died, in the days when he was going blind,” said Aaron, “we had long talks. I will never forget that he told me to keep talking about what makes me unhappy, to keep the pressure on. Otherwise, people will think you’re satisfied with the situation.” Click here for more articles about African American History. Click here for more articles about Baseball. Click here for more articles about Sports.
An industry spokesperson claims the ghostwriting problem is fixed, but critics of the practice disagree. Despite new disclosure requirements, ghostwriters remain a threat to the integrity of the scientific literature as well as careers. On the theory that everyone's an expert on their own environment, scientists are figuring out how to tap the experiences and observations of nonscientists. Physicists, mathematicians, and others are finding new ways to apply quantitative skills to biomedical sciences. Dean Pearson overcame a slow and difficult start to make a difference observing ecological communities. Despite a remarkable talent, Cecilia Aragon lacked the confidence she needed to be a scientist. And then she learned to fly. There are no fail-safe recipes for success, but some basic, tried-and-true principles can be counted on. Chemical engineer Kristala Jones Prather's work creating chemical factories inside microbes has taken her from academia to industry and back again. Kit Parker and his team of military veterans at Harvard are investigating the mechanical forces involved in traumatic brain injury. "[Working in research support] allows me to translate direct understanding of the sciences to help science without actually doing science." --Elisabeth Prescott Enter keywords, locations or job types to start searching for your new science career! Opening a free account lets you utilize all the tools you'll need for a successful job search including: © 2012 American Association for the Advancement of Science. All Rights Reserved. AAAS is a partner of HINARI, AGORA, OARE, PatientInform, CrossRef, and COUNTER. You have reached the bottom of the page. Back to top
Zymotic diseases (for the Greek language term zumoun for "ferment"), an obsolete term in medicine, formerly applied to the class of acute infectious maladies, presumed to be due to some virus or organism which acts in the system like a ferment. Note: This term was obsolete even in 1911, the date of the original version of the text below: - As originally employed by Dr W. Farr, of the British Registrar-General's department, the term included the diseases which were "epidemic, endemic and contagious," and were regarded as owing their origin to the presence of a morbific principle in the system, acting in a manner analogous to, although not identical with, the process of fermentation. A large number of diseases were accordingly included under this designation. The term, however, came to be restricted in medical nomenclature to the chief fevers and contagious diseases (e.g. typhus and typhoid fevers, smallpox, scarlet fever, measles, erysipelas, cholera, whooping-cough, diphtheria, &c.). The science of bacteriology has displaced the old fermentation theory, and the term has practically dropped out of use. - From an old 1911 encyclopedia Zyme or microzyme was the name of a germ presumed to be the cause of zymotic diseases. This term was used extensively in the English Bills of Mortality as a cause of death from 1842, and ceased to be used in the early 1900s. Robert Newstead used this term in a 1908 publication in the Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, to describe the contribution of house flies (Musca domestica) towards the spread of infectious diseases. Antoine Béchamp proposed that microzymas, not cells, were a fundamental building block of life, surviving the death of the organism, and coalescing to form blood clots and bacteria. His ideas did not gain acceptance. Bechamp (late 19th century) discovered tiny organisms he called "microzymas" which are present in all things - animal, vegetable, and mineral, whether living or dead[when?]. Depending upon the condition of the host, these microzymas could assume various forms. Bad bacteria and viruses were simply the forms assumed by the microzymas when there was a condition of disease[vague]. In a diseased body, the microzymas became pathological bacteria and viruses. In a healthy body, microzymas formed healthy cells. When a plant or animal died, the microzymas lived on. To this day, the whole theory of microzymas has never been disproved.[clarification needed] - Kennedy, Evor (1869). Hospitalism and Zymotic Disease (2nd ed.). London: Longmans, Green, and Co. - Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Zymotic Diseases". Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. - Hess, David J. (1997). Can bacteria cause cancer?: alternative medicine confronts big science. NYU Press. pp. 76–77. ISBN 0-8147-3561-4. ||This article needs additional citations for verification. (January 2010)| |This article about a disease, disorder, or medical condition is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.|
St. Aurea, Martyr, of Cordova Commemorated on July 19 Aurea became a Christian after her husband died, and took the veil at a monastery in Cuteclara, Spain, where she remained for more than twenty years. She was ultimately denounced as a Christian by her parents, and received a martyr’s crown by beheading in 856. By permission of www.orthodoxeurope.org
On this day in Reds history, Johnny Bench won the 1972 NL MVP Award. On this day in 1966, Reds Hall of Famer Rube Bressler died in Mount Washington, OH. Bressler predominately played left field and first base for Cincinnati from 1917 through 1927. During that time, he slashed .311/.379/.416 (115 OPS+). I wrote about Bressler a little bit more a few weeks ago. On this day in 1968, former Red Russ Springer was born in Alexandria, LA. Springer pitched 1.2 innings for Cincinnati in 2010. On this day in 1972, Johnny Bench won the National League Most Valuable Player Award, his second in three seasons. Bench led the league in home runs and runs batted in with 40 and 125 respectively. The catcher from Oklahoma slashed .270/.379/.541 (156 wRC+) in 653 plate appearances as he led the Reds to NL pennant. On this day in 1994, the Reds signed catcher Guillermo Garcia. On this day in 2002, the Reds signed right-handed reliever Luis Pineda.
Updated at: 11/30/2012 11:35 AM By MARIA DANILOVA (AP) BUCHA, Ukraine - Andrei Mandrykin, an inmate at Prison No. 85 outside Kiev, has HIV. He looks ghostly and much older than his 35 years. But Mandrykin is better off than tens of thousands of his countrymen, because is he receiving treatment amid what the World Health Organization says is the worst AIDS epidemic in Europe. Ahead of World AIDS Day on Saturday, international organizations have urged the Ukrainian government to increase funding for treatment and do more to prevent HIV from spreading from high-risk groups into the mainstream population, where it is even harder to manage and control. An estimated 230,000 Ukrainians, or about 0.8 percent of people aged 15 to 49, are living with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Some 120,000 are in urgent need of anti-retroviral therapy, which can greatly prolong and improve the quality of their lives. But due to a lack of funds, fewer than a quarter are receiving the drugs _ one of the lowest levels in the world. Ukraine’s AIDS epidemic is still concentrated among high-risk groups such as intravenous drug users, sex workers, homosexuals and prisoners. But nearly half of new cases registered last year were traced to unprotected heterosexual contact. "Slowly but surely the epidemic is moving from the most-at-risk, vulnerable population to the general population," said Nicolas Cantau of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, who manages work in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. "For the moment there is not enough treatment in Ukraine." Stigma is also a big problem for those with HIV in Ukraine. Liliya, a 65-year-old woman who would give only her first name, recently attended a class on how to tell her 9-year-old great-granddaughter that she has HIV. The girl, who contacted HIV at birth from her drug-abusing mother, has been denied a place in preschool because of her diagnosis. "People are like wolves, they don’t understand," said Liliya. "If any of the parents found out, they would eat the child alive." While the AIDS epidemic has plateaued elsewhere in the world, it is still progressing in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, according to Cantau. Nearly 21,200 new cases were reported in Ukraine in 2011, the highest number since the former Soviet republic registered its first case in 1987, and a 3 percent increase over 2010. As a result of limited and often delayed treatment, the number of AIDS-related deaths grew 17 percent last year to about 3,800. Two years ago, Mandrykin, the prisoner, was on the verge of becoming part of that statistic, with his level of crucial CD4 immune cells _ a way to measure the strength of the immune system _ dropping to 11. In a healthy person, the CD4 count is usually over 600. "I was lying in the hospital, I was dying," said Mandrykin, who is serving seven years for robbery, his fourth stint in jail. "It’s a scary disease." After two years of treatment in a small prison clinic, his CD4 count has risen to 159 and he feels much better, although he looks exhausted and is still too weak to work in the workshop of the medium-security prison. The Ukrainian government currently focuses on testing and treating standard cases among the general population. The anti-retroviral treatment of more than 1,000 inmates, as well as some 10,000 HIV patients across Ukraine who also require treatment for tuberculosis and other complications and all prevention and support activities, are paid for by foreign donors, mainly the Global Fund. The Global Fund is committed to spending $640 million through 2016 to fight AIDS and tuberculosis in Ukraine and then hopes to hand over most of its programs to the Ukrainian government. Advocacy groups charge that corruption and indifference by government officials help fuel the epidemic. During the past two years, Ukrainian authorities have seized vital AIDS drugs at the border due to technicalities, sent prosecutors to investigate AIDS support groups sponsored by the Global Fund and harassed patients on methadone substitution therapy, prompting the Global Fund to threaten to freeze its prevention grant. Most recently, Ukraine’s parliament gave initial approval to a bill that would impose jail terms of up to five years for any positive public depiction of homosexuality. Western organizations say it would make the work of AIDS prevention organizations that distribute condoms and teach safe homosexual sex illegal and further fuel the epidemic. It is unclear when the bill will come up for a final vote. AIDS drug procurement is another headache, with Ukrainian health authorities greatly overpaying for AIDS drugs. Advocacy groups accuse health officials of embezzling funds by purchasing drugs at inflated prices and then pocketing kickbacks. Officials deny those allegations, saying their tender procedures are transparent. Much also remains to be done in Ukraine to educate people about AIDS. Oksana Golubova, a 40-year-old former drug user, infected her daughter, now 8, with HIV and lost her first husband to AIDS. But she still has unprotected sex with her new husband, saying his health is in God’s hands. "Those who are afraid get infected," Golubova said. (Copyright 2012 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
|Photo by Umar Mita| "I want to pursue Psychology. Is it difficult?" Psychology, like how my professor puts it, is the most difficult science in the world. Why? Because the subjects you put under the microscope are humans. Humans are complex and sophisticated. In every behaviour there will be more than one explanations from more than one perspectives. There lectures are long. A typical Psychology lecture lasts 3 hours and that's one lecture mind you. But Alhamdulillah, I manage to stay focus throughout the lectures. The only time when I wouldn't be able to listen properly to the lecture is when I am tired. Long lectures aren't my biggest challenge. I can handle long lectures. My biggest challenge is the readings. There are a lot of them. That is my biggest challenge because reading textbooks doesn't interest me and I get distracted/bored easily while reading. So yes, Psychology is difficult. But so what? So what if it is difficult? You want to run away just because that's the reality? You want to pursue something just because it's easy? If that's the case, then you have to do some major renovation in your brain. You have to change the way you think. That's not the way to go in life. Despite all the difficulties, I still decide to pursue Psychology. Why? Because I love it. Because I am passionate about it. Because I am good at it. Don't pursue something just because it's easy. That's a weak foundation to stand on. Do it because that's your passion. That's your calling. Do it because that's what you want to do with your life. Do it because that's how you see yourself benefiting the people around you. Do it because you're good at it. "How did you choose Psychology?" My initial program of study was Biotechnology. Psychology didn't come to mind at all. I took a first year Psychology course as an elective, something to add on top of my Biotechnology degree. I still remember the moment when I was 50/50 about taking that first year Psychology course because the feedback that I got from my friends wasn't motivating. They hated that course. But instead of being discouraged, I took that course anyway because of one simple reason - I like people and I want to learn more about them (and myself). I closed one ear to the stuff my friends said and took the course out of interest. Best decision ever. I feel in love with Psychology from that first year course. We just clicked. Mind you, I'm talking about the very same course that my friends hated. You might have had the same experience where your friends discouraged you from pursuing something you have interest in just because they don't like it. If I succumb to peer pressure, I might decide to drop the idea of taking that course. But I asked myself what I wanted and I wanted to take that course. So I did. I didn't know it before but I realized soon after that this is what I want to do with my life. I like science. I like Biotechnology. But I love Psychology. So at the end of my first year, I changed my major (with the permission of JPA - my scholarship). I am in my final year now and still pursuing Psychology. People can only assist you in life. They can offer advise and support. But they can't (or shouldn't) dictate your life for you. It's YOUR life. The choice is in your hands and you alone are responsible for that choice. Psychology is not my friends' cup of tea, but it is mine. And it's delicious.
You can view the current or previous issues of Diabetes Health online, in their entirety, anytime you want. Click Here To View Latest Type 2 Issues Articles Popular Type 2 Issues Articles Highly Recommended Type 2 Issues Articles Send a link to this page to your friends and colleagues. This press release is an announcement submitted by Reuters Health, and was not written by Diabetes Health. The study started out with nearly 20,000 trim middle-aged and older women. Over time, women who drank alcohol in moderation put on less weight and were less apt to become overweight compared to non-drinkers. This was true even after taking into account various lifestyle and dietary factors that might influence a woman's weight. Red wine seemed best at keeping weight in check, but white wine, beer and spirits also had some benefit. "Our study results showed that middle-aged and older women who have normal body weight initially and consume light-to-moderate amount of alcohol could maintain their drinking habits without gaining more weight compared with similar women who did not drink any alcohol," Dr. Lu Wang from the division of preventive medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, noted in an email to Reuters Health. Many prior studies have suggested that moderate drinking -- usually defined as a drink or two a day -- can be a healthy habit, particularly with regard to heart health, while heavy drinking can harm health. The new study, published in the latest issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, is the first to examine ties between alcohol consumption by a normal-weight individual and the risk of becoming overweight or obese. The women were all at least 39 years old when the study began. About 38 percent said they did not drink alcohol; 33 percent said they drank less than 5 grams daily (a standard drink has about 10 grams of alcohol); 20 percent drank 5 to less than 15 grams daily; 6 percent drank 15 to less than 30 grams daily; and 3 percent downed 30 grams of alcohol or more daily (about 2 to 3 drinks per day or more). Over an average of about 13 years, the women generally gained weight. However, the teetotalers gained the most weight, with weight gain decreasing with increasing amount of alcohol consumed. Women who did not drink gained an average of 3.63 kilograms (8 pounds) compared with 1.55 kilograms (3.4 pounds) for those who consumed 30 grams of alcohol or more each day. During the 13 years the initially normal-weight women were followed, 41 percent became overweight or obese. Women who drank 15 to less than 30 grams per day had the lowest risk of becoming overweight or obese, which was 30 percent less than that of non-drinkers. Put another way, Wang said an initially trim woman who did not drink alcohol had about a 43 percent chance of becoming overweight or obese over 13 years. Her risk fell to 33 percent if she drank 15 to 30 grams of alcohol a day. Women who drank higher amounts of alcohol were generally more physically active, weighed slightly less at the outset and were more apt to be smokers, than other women. However, the association between drinking and less weight gain and risk of becoming overweight or obese remained strong after accounting for these factors. This suggests that alcohol may independently affect body weight beyond its relationship with diet and lifestyle factors. There are several reasons why alcohol might help women stay trim, Wang told Reuters Health. In the current study, women consuming more alcohol ate less, particularly carbohydrates -- a finding seen in other studies. Moreover, it's been shown that women tend to expend more energy after drinking alcohol -- more so than that contained in the alcohol. "Taken together, regular alcohol consumption in light-to-moderate amount may lead to a net energy loss among women," Wang said. * * * Archives of Internal Medicine, March 8 2010. 0 comments - Mar 9, 2010 Diabetes Health is the essential resource for people living with diabetes- both newly diagnosed and experienced as well as the professionals who care for them. We provide balanced expert news and information on living healthfully with diabetes. Each issue includes cutting-edge editorial coverage of new products, research, treatment options, and meaningful lifestyle issues.
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Nearly one in three federal public servants report they have been harassed at work over the past two years and in at least one government agency that level stands at more than 50 per cent, an analysis by iPolitics reveals. The analysis of the latest Public Service Employee Survey, conducted in 2011, found that 51 per cent of employees at Indian Oil and Gas Canada said they had experienced harassment on the job — 53 per cent of women and 40 per cent of men. That was a sharp increase from the already high level of 44 per cent reported in the last survey in 2008. The agency, set up in 1987 as a special agency within then Indian and Northern Affairs to manage and regulate oil and gas resources on First Nations lands, edged out Correctional Service of Canada for the highest level of harassment reported by employees. The survey found 42 per cent of Correctional Services employees reported they were harassed — 44 per cent of women and 39 per cent of men. At the other end of the spectrum the Supreme Court of Canada had the best track record on harassment in the entire government, with only 13 per cent of employees reporting they had been harassed. That was slightly better than the 17 per cent registered by employees at the Canadian Human Rights Commission which is responsible for investigating complaints of harassment. The analysis by iPolitics comes as the Status of Women committee began hearings yesterday into the question of sexual harassment among public servants — hearings sparked by high-profile reports of sexual harassment of female officers in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Ross MacLeod, assistant deputy minister for governance planning and policy sector with Treasury Board, said the Public Service Employee Survey found “public servants continue to signal a high incidence of perceived harassment,” with 29 per cent of 201,430 respondents saying they believed they had experienced workplace harassment within the last two years. However, MacLeod said few employees file formal complaints or grievances. Between November 2009 and October 2010, the government’s 40 largest departments reported a total of 314 complaints or grievances for one form of harassment or another. Of that number, 77 were determined by managers to be founded, MacLeod told MPs. MacLeod called the results of the survey “disturbing.” “In contrast to what we know about reported cases, if more than a quarter of the public service is identifying that they feel they have been harassed then there is a disconnect there and we need to get to the root of it.” MacLeod said a new policy and a new directive, drafted with input from public sector unions, took effect Oct. 1. MacLeod said the new directive will give deputy heads of departments more flexibility to deal with harassment, adapt the policy to their workplaces and resolve problems faster. Under questioning by Conservative MP Terence Young, MacLeod admitted that the harassment reported by employees was not necessarily sexual and could fall into one of 11 types of harassment. MacLeod said the Treasury Board is hoping the next survey, scheduled for 2014, will take a closer look at sexual harassment. David Langtry, acting chief commissioner for the Canadian Human Rights Commission, told MPs that sexual harassment in the workplace is under-reported. Langtry said 3 per cent of the complaints it receives from federal public servants relate to sexual harassment, with that number rising to 7 per cent of complaints from members of the RCMP and 8 per cent of complaints from members of the military. Langtry stressed the need to change the cultures within some organizations, particularly male-dominated hierarchical workplaces, pointing out that once harassment occurs, the damage is done. While allegations of sexual harassment in the RCMP sparked the committee hearings, when it came to overall harassment, the RCMP barely made it into the top-10 list. The survey found that 31 per cent of those employed by the RCMP reported they had been harassed, with the level dropping to 26 per cent among men and rising to 33 per cent of women. By comparison, the survey found 35 per cent of employees at Aboriginal Affairs reported harassment — 39 per cent of women and 28 per cent of men. The Canada Border Services Agency was also higher, with 29 per cent of men and 38 per cent of women reporting harassment for an average of 34 per cent. At the Canada School of Public Service, which MPs were told teaches courses on how to prevent harassment in the public service, 31 per cent of its own employees reported having been harassed. Once again the level for women, 33 per cent, was higher than the 24 per cent of men. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission had the biggest gap between the level of harassment reported by men and by women. While only 18 per cent of men reported experiencing harassment, that rose to 36 per cent among women – the fifth-highest among women. In the vast majority of departments and agencies, the level of harassment reported was higher among women than among men. In five cases, however, the level of reported harassment was higher among men – the Commissioner of Official Languages office, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre (FINTRAC), Western Economic Diversification and the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec.
Washington, January 4 : Researchers have uncovered a link between a certain genetic variation - associated with active personality traits in humans - and longer life. This derivative of a dopamine-receptor gene – called the DRD4 7R allele – appears in significantly higher rates in people more than 90 years old and is linked to lifespan increases in mouse studies. Robert Moyzis, professor of biological chemistry at UC Irvine, and Dr. Nora Volkow, a psychiatrist who conducts research at the Brookhaven National Laboratory and also directs the National Institute on Drug Abuse, led a research effort that included data from the UC Irvine-led 90+ Study in Laguna Woods, Calif. The variant gene is part of the dopamine system, which facilitates the transmission of signals among neurons and plays a major role in the brain network responsible for attention and reward-driven learning. The DRD4 7R allele blunts dopamine signaling, which enhances individuals’ reactivity to their environment. People who carry this variant gene, Moyzis said, seem to be more motivated to pursue social, intellectual and physical activities. The variant is also linked to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and addictive and risky behaviors. “While the genetic variant may not directly influence longevity,” Moyzis said, “it is associated with personality traits that have been shown to be important for living a longer, healthier life. It’s been well documented that the more you’re involved with social and physical activities, the more likely you’ll live longer. It could be as simple as that.” Numerous studies – including a number from the 90+ Study – have confirmed that being active is important for successful aging, and it may deter the advancement of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. Prior molecular evolutionary research led by Moyzis and Chuansheng Chen, UC Irvine professor of psychology & social behavior, indicated that this “longevity allele” was selected for during the nomadic out-of-Africa human exodus more than 30,000 years ago. In the new study, the UC Irvine team analyzed genetic samples from 310 participants in the 90+ Study. This “oldest-old” population had a 66 percent increase in individuals carrying the variant relative to a control group of 2,902 people between the ages of 7 and 45. The presence of the variant also was strongly correlated with higher levels of physical activity. Next, Volkow, neuroscientist Panayotis Thanos and their colleagues at the Brookhaven National Laboratory found that mice without the variant had a 7 percent to 9.7 percent decrease in lifespan compared with those possessing the gene, even when raised in an enriched environment. While it’s evident that the variant can contribute to longevity, Moyzis said further studies must take place to identify any immediate clinical benefits from the research. “However, it is clear that individuals with this gene variant are already more likely to be responding to the well-known medical adage to get more physical activity,” he added. The study has been published online in The Journal of Neuroscience. (ANI) TV Shows and Politics - Sunny Leone's Item Song 'Laila Teri Legi' - Sunny Leone refused permission by DTCM to Perform in Dubai - Salman Khan's Link Up with Daisy Shah; Media Again Making stories on His New Affair - How much do Indian celebrities film stars charge for an event or a public appearance? - Famous Television Series POLICE FILES on BIG MAGIC channel
- I'm Doing... - About Me/Contact Making a Six Side Woven Yarn Star of David for Hanukkah! Submitted by Pam on Wed, 12/01/2010 - 05:26 Got an e-mail from Nicole a few days ago asking me if I had ever figured out the weaving pattern for a Star of David - I mentioned I was working on it in the Yarn Star tutorial I published last December. Actually - I had put the project on the back burner where it had remained until I got Nicole's reminder! ACK! This tutorial wasn't on the schedule! And I wasn't planning anything this complicated to post right now in my busy season! Nevertheless, I devoted an evening to trying to finally figure out the weaving pattern! It wasn't easy! But - finally - it began to work as soon as I let go of the idea that, like it's predecessors, it had to be woven from the outside edges in. Starting the weave pattern in the center is the key! That is my prototype above. It is still my favorite as the Star really shows up so beautifully. The great thing about these stars is that you can use recycled cardboard boxes and bits of yarn - stuff you have around the house - and create in no time a really pretty decoration or gift or package topper. Thank you Nicole for your reminder! Just in time for Hanukkah! Woven Yarn Star of David. You will need the same supplies listed in the previous Yarn Star tutorial, except in place of glue sticks, I have found double sided tape and masking tape work much faster! Cut two 3"x3" squares from cardboard. Measure and mark the center of each. Using a 3" side as a guide, mark off an equilateral triangle as shown. Place the corner of one square on top of the corner of the other and then rotate the top square toward the center line on the bottom square until it touches it. Draw a line. Continue until you have drawn an equilateral triangle on each piece.. Note: Accuracy is important as the triangles must have three sides of equal length in order for the star to work. Cut out your two triangles. Double sided tape works great to hold the triangles together. Use masking tape to hold the end of the yarn to the BACK of the star. Cover the tape with a small square of foil or pretty paper. Glue stick or double sided tape works great. Insert a glass head pin or a straight pin with a bead into each tip as shown. Note: I completely forgot this step while making my tutorial photos, so please - just imagine the pins are in place. So sorry. Grab a pencil or pen and place a 1 and a 2 on the FRONT of your star in the positions shown. Carry the yarn from the back to the front at 1 and return to the back side at 2. Mark 3 and 4 in the positions shown and bring your yarn to the front of the star at 3 and return it to the back at 4. Mark 5 and 6 and proceed in the same way - returning to the back of the star at 6. Here is what your star will look like once all the numbers are in place. You may want to make a little drawing for future reference just to get you started - always the hard part! And the easiest to forget! Now, bring your yarn up at 2 and return it to the back at 1. Be sure to place the yarn to the RIGHT of the previous yarn. Remember - we are working from the center out toward the star tips. Bring the yarn to the front at 4 and return to the back at 3. Then back to the front at 6 and return to the back at 5. And that is the basic weaving pattern! Look closely and you can see the beginnings of a weave in the very center. After another round of six you can see the pattern even more clearly. And this pattern will begin to emerge on the back! Pay attention to the yarn placement on the back - always laying the yarn to the right. And if you are ever unsure from this point onward just where to go next, follow the pattern on the back as it will lead you to the correct front entry point! Continue winding your yarn until you wish to change yarn color. On the back side of the star, tie the two colors together placing the knot behind the nearest star tip if possible. This just helps to keep the join a little less visible from the front. Trim the tails to about 3/8 inch. You will be able to tuck them once the weaving is completed. Continue weaving with the new color. As you weave close to the star tips, you will begin to notice that the yarns forming the back weave begin to show at the edges. This is what will give your star that three dimensional appearance! Weaving is complete. Personally, I preferred the prototype as the Star of David seems to be more apparent. I quit weaving the blue yarn too soon on this one. But, you may prefer it this way! Or you might prefer to alternate the colors. There are no rules here! These are all prototypes! Just do what you like! I just happen to like the way the Star stands out on the very first prototype. Now you can see why we put that pretty paper over the tape in the back! Cut your yarn so that there is about an 8" tail extending beyond the last bead. Fold your yarn as shown and tie a knot about 1" above the pin. Thread a large eyed needle so that both sides of the loop go through the eye as shown. Place the needle under the inside edge of the weave and come out right at the pin. Pull the needle and yarn through the weave and to the top. The knot will be buried behind the weave and the loop is secured for hanging! Slide the needle off! You are done! And keep in mind that the eight sided star is also gorgeous in blue and white.
Men in space November 28, 2012 My earliest space-related memory was in 1960, gathering with neighbors at the end of our cul-de-sac and looking up at the bright Echo-1 satellite passing overhead. I guess there was a notice in the newspaper to go out and see it. Memorable, although at age 5 I didn't really grasp the significance. The Gemini program and the space race with the USSR was a different story that totally captured my imagination, to the point of staying home from school to watch the launches. It was very frustrating in the beginning because the Soviets were first in every measure: first to orbit, longest in orbit, first spacewalk, etc. Finally in 1965 on Gemini 4 Ed White made a spacewalk and he stayed out longer than expected. Headlines proclaimed it was the longest spacewalk on record! That was huge. It was onward and upward to the Moon from there. They are Watching the Skies for You! Our researchers, worldwide, do absolutely critical work. Asteroid 2012DA14 was a close one. It missed us. But there are more out there.
The Inclusive Economy The Innovation Marketplace: An ALC Debrief By Lauren Stebbins on 10/06/2010 @ 03:44 PM As a featured event of this year’s Assets Learning Conference, the Innovation Marketplace showcased 50 Innovators, Sponsors and Exhibitors that had booths set up during the entirety of the Conference. Conference attendees were afforded an amazing opportunity to learn about and make connections with practitioners and organizations leading cutting-edge work in the asset-building field. The diversity of topics in CFED’s innovation portfolio was well-represented at the Marketplace; some of the work featured included green entrepreneurship opportunities as a prisoner reentry strategy, matched savings accounts for higher education costs and assistive technology for people with disabilities, solar energy products for Native American communities, financial education and savings accounts for children in Uganda and a shared responsibility model for healthcare costs. Traffic in the Marketplace reached its peak during its featured time slot of 4:30-6:30pm on Thursday, September 23 and included the addition of the Entrepreneurship Fair. During this time, Marketplace participants were joined by about 20 creative entrepreneurs committed to social change and expanding economic opportunity who were able to demonstrate and sell their products and services. A fantastic performance by some of the young ladies of the Young Women’s Drumming Empowerment Project infused the atmosphere with even more energy and excitement. The Marketplace proved to be successful in creating a large, interactive space for CFED innovators to expand outreach on their work, and in creating a dynamic and fun setting for Conference attendees to become intimately introduced to them and other innovative ventures. The feedback we have received has been extremely positive, with many commenting on how the Marketplace created both a fun and informative setting to learn about an “amazing display of innovations” and having it open during the whole Conference created opportunities for “meaningful interactions” and “some of the best conversations.” Our innovators have expressed to us how much they appreciated having a venue to personally meet and connect with a national audience and make valuable connections that will help them move forward. We would like to send a huuuuge thank you to all of the Marketplace’s innovators, sponsors, exhibitors and volunteers! Your participation helped make this year’s ALC the best ever. For us here at CFED, the success of the Innovation Marketplace exceeded our expectations, and we could not be more pleased to know that the both the innovators and visitors gained so much from this event.