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200 | 1 | 37 | 713 | 127 | Lentement, ce qui se passait à l'aube sur Sarah. Elle s'est rendue compte qu'elle était sérieusement désavantagée ici. Il n'y avait pas d'eau en vue, et elle était sûre qu'elle ne pourrait pas l'extraire du système de plomberie sans l'arracher.
Elle a essayé de garder son cool comme plus d'étudiants se sont joints à eux pour regarder le prochain match. Aucun des enseignants n'avait indiqué qu'ils savaient qu'elle était arrivée. Elle se demandait s'ils avaient pu l'associer à n'importe qui. Une vague soudaine d'espoir l'a traversée. Elle a pris une autre respiration profonde et a essayé de se concentrer sur le spectacle devant elle. | Name: Sarah James
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Powers: Water
Sarah can control water, but only when she’s near a source. This means she knows when she’s near water, or the general direction she should look in, but she cannot trace the plumbing in the walls, so to speak.
Sarah has some control over her powers, and has even begun training herself. She cannot keep this up very long, and has problems focusing her attention. She also loses her shit when she gets angry.
Personality: Sarah is anything but shy. She is a rowdy girl who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She doesn’t seek the spotlight, but somehow it usually finds her. Sarah is fun loving and intelligent. She uses humor as a shield, but once you get through this you’ll never find a more loyal friend.
Background: Sarah grew up in a lighthouse on a small island off the coast. She loved living near the sea, though it was an isolated area. She is an only child, and her parents home schooled her. Not because they were overprotective, but simply because it was easier than making the trip to the mainland every day. She was enrolled in the local High School as an online student, and most teachers were very accommodating.
The family found out about her powers the one time Sarah was really upset. Sarah was 12 and always stressed. Something about the sea made her restless, but her parents attributed it to puberty and tried to move on with normal life. Sarah wanted to move away from the water and its constant pull, wanted to go to school, but simultaneously feared the other children. During this stressful time, her father was in a serious accident, and Sarah did not know how to deal with her emotions. He was in the hospital, and she was on her little island. In a flurry of frustration, fear, feelings and tears, she blew up the plumbing. Water came pouring out of the walls, the shower and toilet were destroyed and during the long minutes it took her mother to shut off the main water supply, the house seemed to cry along with Sarah. Thankfully, her father recovered, and the cottage was rebuilt.
These days, there’s no running water in the house itself. Behind the cottage, there’s a small fenced off area with a structure in the centre. This structure houses the shower, toilet and laundry room. A small tunnel underground connects both buildings.
Sarah’s parents researched the whole thing online, and discovered that Sarah is one of many children who face similar challenges. This discovery did not change their love for their daughter, and the family remains close and loving.
After intensive training with her mother, Sarah now heads away from the house, towards the sea, when she loses control. She now understands her connection to the water, and the way it calls to her, and being near water calms her. And she can let go of her emotions and mess with the waters around the island without hurting anyone.
That’s why her parents built the “washhouse” on the other end of their property. Sarah spends most of her time studying for school, or working on controlling her powers and emotions. She has never lost control like that again, at least, not in the house…
Trying to guide and teach her daughter as best she could, Sarah’s mother spent hours and hours online, looking for ways to help her daughter. When the Safe Haven academy came up for the 6th time that day, she clicked the link and read with increasing awe. Later that night, after Sarah had gone to bed, she discussed things with Sarah’s father.
The next day, they suggested it to Sarah. The thought of leaving left her conflicted. Being around people and unseen water all the time scares her. But her wish to understand and control her powers more fully won out in the end, and here she is.
Sarah did not arrive with the other students, because a storm made it impossible for her to leave the lighthouse island for several days. Her parents had their suspicions, but Sarah assured them she had nothing to do with it. Reports from the mainland confirmed her story. This storm was way bigger than anything Sarah had manifested before. Gradually, the storm died down and Sarah’s new adventure stretched out before her.
Sarah takes comfort in the idea that even the sea was sad to see her go, and is eager to return home as often as she can. She misses her parents and her home, but is determined to make the best of the situation. |
201 | 1 | 38 | 1,211 | 348 | Kaze
Kaze s'est un peu étendu alors qu'il s'éloignait de l'arène, en écoutant les noms des prochains partenaires épargnants. Il s'est tourné vers Eira quand elle a parlé avant de donner un faible chanfrein. "Je suis à une constante cent cinquante degrés de sorte que vos pouvoirs prennent un peu plus de temps pour m'affecter. Si je me baignais, je culminais à deux cents." Il a expliqué qu'ils se déplaçaient aux sièges de l'arène. Elle a mentionné le faire encore une fois, ce qui lui a valu une augmentation. "Peut-être, mais nous aurions besoin de Mme Jade pour la surveiller pour qu'aucun de nous ne soit blessé. Je n'ai pas arrêté de me précipiter vers toi." Il a dit en lui donnant un regard sérieux.
Elle avait vu comment il s'était battu et comment il avait réagi à sa stratégie. S'il avait vraiment essayé de lui faire du mal, ou de la tuer, il l'aurait probablement fait dans la première ruée. C'est pour ça qu'il n'avait pas réagi à son galop quand elle est entrée dans l'arène. Elle pouvait encore éloigner ses flammes pour qu'elles ne blessent personne, il était toujours physiquement capable de blesser les gens puisqu'il était ses pouvoirs. | Name: Kaze
Age: 18
Kaze is a tall being, standing at eight feet tall. Everything about him says 'intimidation', from the claws on his fingers to the teeth in his mouth. His body is covered in black scales while his chin to the tip of his tail are royal purple colored plates. His eyes, which glow the slightest bit, are a deep crimson while his horns and claws are pure white.
Power: Dragon's Blood
Enhanced Strength: His degree of strength is exceptionally high, able to flip or throw vehicles.
Enhanced Senses: Being bestial his sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Taste and touch are reduced while sight remains largely untouched.
Armored Body: The scales and plates lining his body are exceptionally tough, up there with steel but still able to be damaged.
Heat Resistance: Being a reptile he enjoys the heat, sometimes even just curling up in flames.
Heavy: While he does have wings, he's simply to heavy to actually fly unless he's dropped from a really high point.
Cold Weakness: He despises the cold. It either makes him hibernate, or if he's exposed long enough it will kill him.
Permanent: Unfortunately he has yet to 'turn it off'. So he can't even hide what he is like most other people.
Kaze honestly doesn't remember much of his past. Doesn't remember any family, what he looked like before his abilities showed, nor his homeland. There was just a tag on his wrist with a name on it while he wandered around the wilderness aimlessly. Word got out about some giant beast wandering some forest somewhere and he was eventually confronted by some of the people who worked at the Safe Haven. He reluctantly went with them, mostly because he understood his differences from others and that someone overzealous would probably shoot him. Figures he remembers what guns are but not anything deemed important by normal society. While learning in the school he had hoped to find a way to control his ability to actually 'turn it off'. So far he either hasn't found the trick or simply can't. |
202 | 1 | 39 | 687 | 325 | Eira s'est penchée sur le problème de la masse de Kaze. Eh bien, elle s'était retenue aussi. WHILE elle était à la limite de ses pouvoirs étant stable, Eira aurait pu facilement doubler la quantité de flammes qu'elle utilisait. Revenant vers le dragon alors qu'ils montaient les escaliers du stade, elle parla.
-- Eh bien, Scales, nous allons devoir voir, n'est-ce pas? Un sourire connu, facile à manier, se répandit sur ses lèvres alors qu'elle se tournait vers le dragon. Cependant, le sourire s'est drainé de son visage comme un léger rougissement s'en est emparé. Eira, étonnamment, remarquait que le dragon était à moitié nu pour la première fois. Quand elle s'est détournée, elle s'est entachée de ses mots : "Mettons une putain de chemise, espèce de béhémoth."
En s'éloignant, Eira a choisi un siège à mi-chemin du stade. Elle a regardé vers le bas dans le stade en attendant le prochain spectacle. | Name: Eira Luters
Age: 17
Appearance (pictures accepted):
Eira is usaully wearing a pitch black, close-fitting hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. Black, fingerless gloves adorn her hands as well.
Eira's power is control over a special type of flame. Her flames are pitch black, darker than night. They soak up, no devour, light and are colder than liquid nitrogen.
This is Eira's first day at the Haven, and she is a bit of a punk. Having grown up on the streets of New York, Eira was disowned by her parents after an 'accident' that she refuses to talk about. Actually, Eira refuses to talk about her past at all. She is cold to people she doesn't know, preferring to burn them rather than to make friends. Her biggest weakness is her lack of control, usually letting her volatile ability consume her when she loses her temper. |
203 | 1 | 40 | 1,211 | 348 | Kaze
Kaze a fait un rire plutôt chaleureux quand elle a rougi et s'est emparé de ses mots suivants. "ils n'ont pas un grand et géant. Plus les ailes." Il a dit avec un sourire. Oh, il s'en foutait un peu avec elle. -- En outre, êtes-vous sûr que vous voulez que tout cela soit caché à la vue? Il lui demanda, tout en lui assouplissant de façon assourdissante. Sa masse déjà impressionnante a été arrachée du mouvement alors qu'ils se resserraient sous ses écailles. En dessous de tout ce qu'il portait, c'était une jupe, rouge avec une bordure dorée. Un peu comme s'il avait à moitié un kimono.
Il l'a suivie jusqu'à l'escalier et s'est placé sur les gradins de telle manière qu'il serait à l'aise et ne s'effondrerait pas en fait l'aluminium sous lui. « Alors une fille timide et l'émerveillement silencieux sont levés... » Il a dit, il n'a jamais pris leurs noms jusqu'à ce que M. Jacob l'ait dit et le garçon n'avait parlé qu'aux enseignants. Qu'il était au courant de toute façon. Il n'a pas remarqué mais d'autres ont probablement pensé que c'était étrange qu'il s'asseyât près de la fille qui avait été si grincheuse et clairement violente. Ça ne sert à rien de l'exclure puisqu'elle n'était pas une mauvaise personne, et il aimait être grand à côté d'elle. | Name: Kaze
Age: 18
Kaze is a tall being, standing at eight feet tall. Everything about him says 'intimidation', from the claws on his fingers to the teeth in his mouth. His body is covered in black scales while his chin to the tip of his tail are royal purple colored plates. His eyes, which glow the slightest bit, are a deep crimson while his horns and claws are pure white.
Power: Dragon's Blood
Enhanced Strength: His degree of strength is exceptionally high, able to flip or throw vehicles.
Enhanced Senses: Being bestial his sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Taste and touch are reduced while sight remains largely untouched.
Armored Body: The scales and plates lining his body are exceptionally tough, up there with steel but still able to be damaged.
Heat Resistance: Being a reptile he enjoys the heat, sometimes even just curling up in flames.
Heavy: While he does have wings, he's simply to heavy to actually fly unless he's dropped from a really high point.
Cold Weakness: He despises the cold. It either makes him hibernate, or if he's exposed long enough it will kill him.
Permanent: Unfortunately he has yet to 'turn it off'. So he can't even hide what he is like most other people.
Kaze honestly doesn't remember much of his past. Doesn't remember any family, what he looked like before his abilities showed, nor his homeland. There was just a tag on his wrist with a name on it while he wandered around the wilderness aimlessly. Word got out about some giant beast wandering some forest somewhere and he was eventually confronted by some of the people who worked at the Safe Haven. He reluctantly went with them, mostly because he understood his differences from others and that someone overzealous would probably shoot him. Figures he remembers what guns are but not anything deemed important by normal society. While learning in the school he had hoped to find a way to control his ability to actually 'turn it off'. So far he either hasn't found the trick or simply can't. |
204 | 1 | 41 | 687 | 325 | Les yeux d'Eira se rétrécissaient alors qu'elle murmurait sur les bras et les reptiles fléchissants. Tirant ses genoux jusqu'au menton, le capot d'Eira est tombé sur sa tête encore plus qu'auparavant. "Qui a été appelé? C'est mon premier jour ici pour que je ne connaisse personne." Eira était curieuse des deux qui descendaient à l'arène proprement dite. Elle a par accident choisi une bagarre avec quelqu'un qui s'est avéré être un bon match pour elle, alors elle s'est demandé à quel point un match ces deux-là seraient bon.
Puis, se tournant vers Scales, elle a reparlé. -- Eh bien, s'ils ne viennent pas dans grand et géant, alors où diable avez-vous trouvé la jupe? Les yeux brun foncé d'Eira se rétrécissaient encore plus au dragon, tandis que des écluses de cheveux blancs flottaient dans le vent. Ses flammes noires tournaient autour de son corps replié tandis que la musique continuait à briller de ses écouteurs. C'était une merveille qu'elle puisse tout entendre. | Name: Eira Luters
Age: 17
Appearance (pictures accepted):
Eira is usaully wearing a pitch black, close-fitting hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. Black, fingerless gloves adorn her hands as well.
Eira's power is control over a special type of flame. Her flames are pitch black, darker than night. They soak up, no devour, light and are colder than liquid nitrogen.
This is Eira's first day at the Haven, and she is a bit of a punk. Having grown up on the streets of New York, Eira was disowned by her parents after an 'accident' that she refuses to talk about. Actually, Eira refuses to talk about her past at all. She is cold to people she doesn't know, preferring to burn them rather than to make friends. Her biggest weakness is her lack of control, usually letting her volatile ability consume her when she loses her temper. |
205 | 1 | 42 | 1,211 | 348 | Kaze
Kaze a pointé vers Elaine et Cole. « Ces deux-là, les deux équipes de différents types. Mais ils ont le droit de revenir à la normale." Il a dit, un peu amer vers la fin. Il était difficile d'embrasser ce que vous étiez si vous ne pouviez même pas être normal comme la plupart des autres mutants. Il serait aussi considéré comme un décaleur, mais le sien ne semblait être qu'une seule façon et c'était plus draconien. Quand elle se tourna et regarda le sien, il se haussa les épaules.
"Si quelqu'un qui était meilleur avec le tissu que je suis transformer un sumo lutteurs kimono en ceci. Il bat la longe en cuir que je portais avant." Il a dit, évidemment pas perturbé ou honte de quoi que ce soit lié à la nudité ou à l'habillement. Il était à moitié nu tout le temps. S'il n'était pas illégal, il courrait sans doute nus! Sans parler d'où pourrait-il mettre un portefeuille? | Name: Kaze
Age: 18
Kaze is a tall being, standing at eight feet tall. Everything about him says 'intimidation', from the claws on his fingers to the teeth in his mouth. His body is covered in black scales while his chin to the tip of his tail are royal purple colored plates. His eyes, which glow the slightest bit, are a deep crimson while his horns and claws are pure white.
Power: Dragon's Blood
Enhanced Strength: His degree of strength is exceptionally high, able to flip or throw vehicles.
Enhanced Senses: Being bestial his sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Taste and touch are reduced while sight remains largely untouched.
Armored Body: The scales and plates lining his body are exceptionally tough, up there with steel but still able to be damaged.
Heat Resistance: Being a reptile he enjoys the heat, sometimes even just curling up in flames.
Heavy: While he does have wings, he's simply to heavy to actually fly unless he's dropped from a really high point.
Cold Weakness: He despises the cold. It either makes him hibernate, or if he's exposed long enough it will kill him.
Permanent: Unfortunately he has yet to 'turn it off'. So he can't even hide what he is like most other people.
Kaze honestly doesn't remember much of his past. Doesn't remember any family, what he looked like before his abilities showed, nor his homeland. There was just a tag on his wrist with a name on it while he wandered around the wilderness aimlessly. Word got out about some giant beast wandering some forest somewhere and he was eventually confronted by some of the people who worked at the Safe Haven. He reluctantly went with them, mostly because he understood his differences from others and that someone overzealous would probably shoot him. Figures he remembers what guns are but not anything deemed important by normal society. While learning in the school he had hoped to find a way to control his ability to actually 'turn it off'. So far he either hasn't found the trick or simply can't. |
206 | 1 | 43 | 153 | 802 | En mettant une cigrette, Mathias a donné un gémissement de son perchoir sur le toit. Le talon de sa main frottant le sommeil de ses yeux, il a tiré son téléphone.
"Qu'est-ce que c'est que moi?" En lisant l'écran, le jeune homme gémit à haute voix. Il était en retard... ce qu'il obtient pour avoir pris une fumée directement hors du lit. Ah bien... il avait besoin de dormir dedans de toute façon.
Escaladant à un rythme lent, l'élève le plus âgé de refuge gémit, en hissant le trottoir avec un twod. Il s'étirait, ses muscles s'étiraient alors qu'il roulait ses articulations. Il a donné un remorqueur à sa chemise, essayant d'obtenir l'odeur de fumée pour diminuer au moins. Les profs vont encore être sur lui pour avoir fumé, mais baisez-les. Il va prendre un coup de main avant qu'ils ne prennent ses fumées.
Il a revérifié son téléphone, il a soupiré. Pourquoi le temps semble - t - il ralentir pendant des jours aussi ennuyeux? Il dormait dedans et c'était encore comme si ça allait lentement... ah bien. Essaie de faire en classe au moins...
Mathias s'empresse de courir une main dans ses cheveux sales et d'ajuster son manteau. "Gon're un long, pour dire..." il a grondé, glissant à l'intérieur de l'immeuble | Name
Luxianne "Lucky" Soles
credit for picture, the awe-worthy Loish
Lucky is 5'9'' in height and 145lbs, with a lithe build gained from many years of yoga and martial arts. Her eyes, as well as her tattoo on her cheek, change color depending on her mood, and they always appear to have an inner glow about them.
Her body (her blood, saliva, hair, etc.) is capable of producing regenerative and curative powers. She draws the energy for her powers from UV-rays (i.e sunlight, or artificial light) and is able to store it in her body. This is the reason for the color of her hair, eyes, teeth, nails, and blood. If she is required to use her powers a lot, eventually she'll run out of her stored energy and start using her own, which will quickly cause her to go unconscious.
Her curative powers are just that, the ability to fight sickness, disease, and, it is speculated, with enough practice, perhaps combat cancer, cure blindness, as well as the more deadly afflictions. She isn't quite at this level yet, and is afraid to begin delving more into it (more in the Background section). All of this healing is done with the willingness of the subject in mind, she will not force her powers on others.
In addition to being able to heal, she can reinforce parts of her body to toughen up to the durability of dense stone. Breakable, but not easily done. She has prehensile manipulation over her hair (and, more rarely done, her nails), and she can grow her hair and nails out at will.
Lucky grew up in a privileged lifestyle, her parents being specialized surgeons, as well as very affluent in their fields. She was the youngest of five children, raised mostly by her family's butler and had very little interaction with her parents due to their demanding lifestyles. Lucky didn't hate them for it, but instead held adoration for them being so dedicated to the craft. She dreamt of growing up to be a surgeon like her parents, helping to save lives and do good in the world.
However, when she was handed the powers that could help her achieve her dreams, it was anything but what she imagined.
She was ten years old, and it was a rare weekend that her parents and siblings had time to take off from their jobs to be together. It was a blissful event that turned quickly into a horrific nightmare for them when an enraged man broke in and accused Lucky's mother of killing his daughter. In his revenge, he lashed out and grabbed the nearest person, which happened to be Lucky, and stabbed her several times in the stomach before he was apprehended.
Her family didn't even have time to begin to mourn their loss, when all of the sudden Lucky's hair began to change color quickly into bio-luminescent green and wrap her up in a dense protective cocoon. She stayed this way for nearly a month. When she finally emerged, she was poked and prodded by doctors and scientists, especially by those specializing in the supernatural phenomena taking place in children. It was quickly ascertained that she held astounding regenerative powers, and, more astonishingly, the ability to cure sicknesses. Nearly all of the methods used to test her powers were borderline torture, and her parents began to have less and less say in their daughter's well being.
Lucky was forced to undergo painful procedures, as well as to heal patients for nearly a year before her parents were able to extract her from her unwelcome prison. They immediately sought out the Safe Haven and brought their daughter there, believing it the best place for Lucky's safety (as well as their own). She has been at the Haven for nearly five years now.
She typically stays away from using her powers due to her unpleasant past, and has had markedly horrible power progression during her time at the Haven. Despite all of this, Lucky is a rather outgoing girl who is quick to smile and easy to talk to. |
207 | 1 | 44 | 752 | 2,253 | Eric a regardé les allers-retours entre Dragon-Dude et Ice Queen continuer pendant un moment, tous les deux n'ayant jamais vraiment l'air d'avoir une jambe sur l'autre. Il a été tenté d'appeler cela le combat du siècle, mais il avait vu quelques bons. "Allez dragon-du-dragon." Il cria, levant le poing en l'air dans une démonstration de solidarité. Mais hélas le match s'est terminé avec ce qu'on ne pouvait appeler qu'un tirage au sort, il a soupiré et a regardé Cole et Elaine, se demandant comment ils allaient faire sur leur duel.
Mais il n'a pas eu le temps de tout traiter avant l'arrivée d'une nouvelle fille, et l'homme a dû apprendre à connaître cette fille. Il se tint, et s'assit à côté de la nouvelle fille. "Hé, s'appelle Eric. Quel est le tien?" Il demanda à sourire, quand Luck offrit à la fille un mélange de trail qu'il colla la main dans le sac et en sauta une partie du contenu dans sa bouche. "C'est gentil à vous, merci." Il a donné une demi-onde à Lucky et s'est tourné vers l'arène lorsque les challengers ont pris leur place. "Vous avez ça, bonne chance à vous deux." Il a dit, il était heureux qu'il n'ait pas encore à se battre. Mais il regardait les deux filles encore dans les tribunes, s'il devait combattre l'une d'entre elles, il doutait qu'il serait capable de gagner. Ils avaient probablement de vrais pouvoirs, quelque chose qui pouvait le mettre en danger dans un battement de cœur, ou lui briser l'esprit. Quoi qu'il en soit, il n'avait pas hâte de se battre. | Name:Eric J Keller
Power:Photographic Reflexes, You ever wish that you could do something just by watching someone do it? Eric can, he can watch someone and pick up on their fighting style almost instantly, he could wield a sword like a master in a matter of weeks, he can become a top shot just by watching someone, and sports has never been a problem.
Background:Eric was born in a poor neighborhood, his family was happy to have him. But when he started to demonstrate his powers he ran away, not wanting to get his family involved. But due to the nature of his powers Eric isn't as targeted as other powered individuals, which he used to his advantage of course.
He used his power to earn money for himself on the streets, but as things tend to do, life changed. He got caught, so he ran, he had heard tell of Haven, so he fled there. Hoping that they would take him in, hoping that he could forget his life there. |
208 | 1 | 45 | 713 | 127 | Sarah a sauté un peu quand un garçon a soudainement chuté à côté d'elle, s'est présenté et a plongé dans le trailmix.
Elle a souri à la fille et a dit "Merci, je suis sûr que ça viendra à portée de main plus tard!" Avant qu'Eric ne prenne une autre poignée, elle s'est mise dans le sac et a accepté quelques goodies. Je suis Sarah au fait. Ces combats ont l'air intenses! Heureusement que les profs sont là pour s'assurer qu'on ne s'énerve pas trop les premiers jours, non? Elle savait qu'elle avait l'air nerveuse, mais Sarah n'était pas du genre à prétendre être quelque chose qu'elle n'était pas. Elle était excitée d'être ici, mais nerveuse en même temps parce qu'elle n'était pas sûre de ce à quoi elle devait s'attendre.
Sarah a jeté un coup d'œil aux deux enfants qui venaient de se battre pour la première fois alors qu'ils munchaient sur son trailmix. Ils n'ont pas l'air beaucoup plus mauvais pour l'usure, ce qui lui a fait se sentir un peu mieux. Se battre ici allait être dur, mais au moins elle survivrait. Dans une vague soudaine de compréhension et de sympathie, elle a appelé "Allez les gars! C'est bon!" au prochain couple qui avait été appelé dans l'arène. Elle sourit à Eric, et la fille aux cheveux frais, et ajouta d'une voix plus douce : « C'est bon, merci. » Elle a soudain réalisé qu'elle ne connaissait toujours pas le nom de la fille et a ajouté "Quel est votre nom? Je ne peux pas continuer à parler de toi comme de "la fille aux cheveux cools" pour toujours, n'est-ce pas?" Elle rougissait et décidait de mettre encore quelques morceaux de trailmix dans sa bouche pour l'empêcher de pousser des trucs plus stupides. | Name: Sarah James
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Powers: Water
Sarah can control water, but only when she’s near a source. This means she knows when she’s near water, or the general direction she should look in, but she cannot trace the plumbing in the walls, so to speak.
Sarah has some control over her powers, and has even begun training herself. She cannot keep this up very long, and has problems focusing her attention. She also loses her shit when she gets angry.
Personality: Sarah is anything but shy. She is a rowdy girl who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She doesn’t seek the spotlight, but somehow it usually finds her. Sarah is fun loving and intelligent. She uses humor as a shield, but once you get through this you’ll never find a more loyal friend.
Background: Sarah grew up in a lighthouse on a small island off the coast. She loved living near the sea, though it was an isolated area. She is an only child, and her parents home schooled her. Not because they were overprotective, but simply because it was easier than making the trip to the mainland every day. She was enrolled in the local High School as an online student, and most teachers were very accommodating.
The family found out about her powers the one time Sarah was really upset. Sarah was 12 and always stressed. Something about the sea made her restless, but her parents attributed it to puberty and tried to move on with normal life. Sarah wanted to move away from the water and its constant pull, wanted to go to school, but simultaneously feared the other children. During this stressful time, her father was in a serious accident, and Sarah did not know how to deal with her emotions. He was in the hospital, and she was on her little island. In a flurry of frustration, fear, feelings and tears, she blew up the plumbing. Water came pouring out of the walls, the shower and toilet were destroyed and during the long minutes it took her mother to shut off the main water supply, the house seemed to cry along with Sarah. Thankfully, her father recovered, and the cottage was rebuilt.
These days, there’s no running water in the house itself. Behind the cottage, there’s a small fenced off area with a structure in the centre. This structure houses the shower, toilet and laundry room. A small tunnel underground connects both buildings.
Sarah’s parents researched the whole thing online, and discovered that Sarah is one of many children who face similar challenges. This discovery did not change their love for their daughter, and the family remains close and loving.
After intensive training with her mother, Sarah now heads away from the house, towards the sea, when she loses control. She now understands her connection to the water, and the way it calls to her, and being near water calms her. And she can let go of her emotions and mess with the waters around the island without hurting anyone.
That’s why her parents built the “washhouse” on the other end of their property. Sarah spends most of her time studying for school, or working on controlling her powers and emotions. She has never lost control like that again, at least, not in the house…
Trying to guide and teach her daughter as best she could, Sarah’s mother spent hours and hours online, looking for ways to help her daughter. When the Safe Haven academy came up for the 6th time that day, she clicked the link and read with increasing awe. Later that night, after Sarah had gone to bed, she discussed things with Sarah’s father.
The next day, they suggested it to Sarah. The thought of leaving left her conflicted. Being around people and unseen water all the time scares her. But her wish to understand and control her powers more fully won out in the end, and here she is.
Sarah did not arrive with the other students, because a storm made it impossible for her to leave the lighthouse island for several days. Her parents had their suspicions, but Sarah assured them she had nothing to do with it. Reports from the mainland confirmed her story. This storm was way bigger than anything Sarah had manifested before. Gradually, the storm died down and Sarah’s new adventure stretched out before her.
Sarah takes comfort in the idea that even the sea was sad to see her go, and is eager to return home as often as she can. She misses her parents and her home, but is determined to make the best of the situation. |
209 | 1 | 46 | 687 | 325 | "Ils reviennent à la normale..." Eira ne se souvenait pas d'un moment où ses pouvoirs ne s'étaient pas manifestés. Ils étaient toujours là, du moins depuis longtemps, elle s'inquiétait.
"Ce serait bien. Pour être normal et ne pas avoir une température corporelle de 0 degrés celsius." Le visage d'Eira est devenu sifflant alors qu'elle regardait Kaze. Cependant, un sourire de plaisanterie apparut bientôt.
"À quoi pensez-vous que vous ressembleriez si vous deveniez une personne normale?" | Name: Eira Luters
Age: 17
Appearance (pictures accepted):
Eira is usaully wearing a pitch black, close-fitting hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. Black, fingerless gloves adorn her hands as well.
Eira's power is control over a special type of flame. Her flames are pitch black, darker than night. They soak up, no devour, light and are colder than liquid nitrogen.
This is Eira's first day at the Haven, and she is a bit of a punk. Having grown up on the streets of New York, Eira was disowned by her parents after an 'accident' that she refuses to talk about. Actually, Eira refuses to talk about her past at all. She is cold to people she doesn't know, preferring to burn them rather than to make friends. Her biggest weakness is her lack of control, usually letting her volatile ability consume her when she loses her temper. |
210 | 1 | 47 | 1,211 | 348 | Kaze
Kaze a regardé Eira quand elle a fait écho à quelque chose qu'il a dit. "Soyez heureux que vous ne puissiez pas vraiment sentir le froid. Pourrait sortir en hiver dans un bikini." Il a plaisanté avec elle. Il pensait que son corps était toujours sur une basse température puisque ses flammes noires n'affectaient pas ses vêtements. Mais elle l'a confirmé et a ensuite obtenu un sourire de plaisanterie de son propre qui l'a fait lever un sourcil. Ce n'était pas que le sourire glacé ou l'arnaque qu'elle avait tendance à faire du sport.
À quoi pensait-il qu'il ressemblerait s'il était normal. "Probablement au moins six pieds de haut. La barbe la plus malliée dans tout le pays. Je me souviens que mes cheveux étaient brun foncé. Évidemment pas aussi musclé que je le suis actuellement, mais tout de même assez chaviré." Il a dit tout en s'étrangleant le menton, faisant semblant de coiffer une barbe mythique impressionnante. Vu sa nature reptilienne, il n'avait aucun poil et il était au-dessus de mettre une perruque. | Name: Kaze
Age: 18
Kaze is a tall being, standing at eight feet tall. Everything about him says 'intimidation', from the claws on his fingers to the teeth in his mouth. His body is covered in black scales while his chin to the tip of his tail are royal purple colored plates. His eyes, which glow the slightest bit, are a deep crimson while his horns and claws are pure white.
Power: Dragon's Blood
Enhanced Strength: His degree of strength is exceptionally high, able to flip or throw vehicles.
Enhanced Senses: Being bestial his sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Taste and touch are reduced while sight remains largely untouched.
Armored Body: The scales and plates lining his body are exceptionally tough, up there with steel but still able to be damaged.
Heat Resistance: Being a reptile he enjoys the heat, sometimes even just curling up in flames.
Heavy: While he does have wings, he's simply to heavy to actually fly unless he's dropped from a really high point.
Cold Weakness: He despises the cold. It either makes him hibernate, or if he's exposed long enough it will kill him.
Permanent: Unfortunately he has yet to 'turn it off'. So he can't even hide what he is like most other people.
Kaze honestly doesn't remember much of his past. Doesn't remember any family, what he looked like before his abilities showed, nor his homeland. There was just a tag on his wrist with a name on it while he wandered around the wilderness aimlessly. Word got out about some giant beast wandering some forest somewhere and he was eventually confronted by some of the people who worked at the Safe Haven. He reluctantly went with them, mostly because he understood his differences from others and that someone overzealous would probably shoot him. Figures he remembers what guns are but not anything deemed important by normal society. While learning in the school he had hoped to find a way to control his ability to actually 'turn it off'. So far he either hasn't found the trick or simply can't. |
211 | 1 | 48 | 1,931 | 362 | Cole regardait dans l'amusement que la paire qui venait de terminer leur bataille allait s'asseoir ensemble. Comment étaient-ils soudain amis après avoir essayé de se battre à la pulpe? Surtout quand ils avaient l'air de se détester l'un l'autre il y a quelques minutes. Honnêtement, certaines personnes se sont liées aux choses les plus étranges. Sa tête tourna alors autour pour regarder le professeur Jacob quand il entendit son nom être appelé. Il ne savait pas quand s'attendre à son tour, mais cela devait arriver un jour. Il s'est levé calmement de son siège et a fait son chemin en passant devant les étudiants qui semblaient apprécier le spectacle. D'après ce qui s'était passé lors du premier combat, les enseignants semblaient compétents pour garder les élèves en vie. Avec ce fait à l'esprit, il a décidé de faire de son mieux.
Il était également curieux de la mention qu'il y avait une raison pour les appariements choisis, et a commencé à s'interroger sur l'ensemble de compétences de ce 'Lain', considérant le sien. Elle s'est avérée être une fille qu'il n'avait pas remarquée auparavant, et n'a mis un visage au nom que lorsque la fille aux cheveux verts, maintenant tenant une collation, lui a offert quelques mots d'encouragement. Il a hurlé comme un geste de remerciement aux deux étudiants qui avaient souhaité la chance à tous les deux et les a encouragés avant d'entrer dans l'arène. | Name: Cole Ryder
Age: 16
Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form.
Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark.
Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form.
Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities. |
212 | 1 | 49 | 1,931 | 362 | Elaine a levé la main de son siège en disant "Lady Jade, je ne me sens pas très bien, je vais devoir quitter la classe. Je suis désolé", après cela, elle a quitté l'immeuble en cours d'exécution.
"Eh bien... ce n'était pas prévu." Lady Jade a dit qu'elle arrêtait un peu. Sarah, tu seras l'adversaire de Cole. Vos pouvoirs ne sont pas si semblables, mais je suis sûr que ce sera un combat intéressant » après qu'elle eut fini de parler, elle s'est approchée de l'arène, a appuyé sur quelques boutons sur le côté de l'arène et à chaque coin de l'arène flaques d'eau formé. | Name: Cole Ryder
Age: 16
Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form.
Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark.
Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form.
Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities. |
213 | 1 | 50 | 713 | 127 | Sarah a entendu le professeur appeler son nom, et elle a paniqué. Comment était-elle censée... attendre, qu'est-ce qu'elle fait? Elle a senti l'eau avant de la voir. Bien sûr.
Sarah a laissé un soupir profond et s'est calmée. Elle aurait dû savoir que les professeurs s'en occuperaient. N'avait-elle pas vu jusqu'où ils allaient pour s'assurer que les étudiants pouvaient se battre en toute sécurité et tester leurs capacités au maximum?
Soudain, Sarah sourit. Elle devait tester l'étendue de ses pouvoirs sans avoir à s'inquiéter de blesser qui que ce soit. Sentant l'appel de l'eau libre, elle sauta de son siège et s'enfonça pratiquement jusqu'à l'arène. Elle était encore vaguement consciente de l'eau dans les tuyaux derrière les murs, mais l'appel de l'eau libre était tellement plus fort! Elle a pris sa place dans son coin de l'arène, a enlevé ses chaussures a marché dans l'une des flaques. Elle a ri à haute voix, s'est tournée vers Cole et a dit : « Je m'appelle Sarah, heureuse de vous rencontrer. Ça va être amusant! » Soudainement sérieux, Sarah tourna son attention vers l'une des flaques. L'eau s'est agitée et a bouillie jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit agréable et boueuse. Contente des résultats, elle sourit à nouveau, fit monter l'eau boueuse et en jeta le lot sans cérémonie sur Cole, l'attrayant.
Gigotant au résultat, elle a attendu le garçon boueux et ensorcelant pour faire son premier geste.
(Édité quand j'ai réalisé qu'elle s'était en fait levée deux fois, lol) | Name: Sarah James
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Powers: Water
Sarah can control water, but only when she’s near a source. This means she knows when she’s near water, or the general direction she should look in, but she cannot trace the plumbing in the walls, so to speak.
Sarah has some control over her powers, and has even begun training herself. She cannot keep this up very long, and has problems focusing her attention. She also loses her shit when she gets angry.
Personality: Sarah is anything but shy. She is a rowdy girl who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She doesn’t seek the spotlight, but somehow it usually finds her. Sarah is fun loving and intelligent. She uses humor as a shield, but once you get through this you’ll never find a more loyal friend.
Background: Sarah grew up in a lighthouse on a small island off the coast. She loved living near the sea, though it was an isolated area. She is an only child, and her parents home schooled her. Not because they were overprotective, but simply because it was easier than making the trip to the mainland every day. She was enrolled in the local High School as an online student, and most teachers were very accommodating.
The family found out about her powers the one time Sarah was really upset. Sarah was 12 and always stressed. Something about the sea made her restless, but her parents attributed it to puberty and tried to move on with normal life. Sarah wanted to move away from the water and its constant pull, wanted to go to school, but simultaneously feared the other children. During this stressful time, her father was in a serious accident, and Sarah did not know how to deal with her emotions. He was in the hospital, and she was on her little island. In a flurry of frustration, fear, feelings and tears, she blew up the plumbing. Water came pouring out of the walls, the shower and toilet were destroyed and during the long minutes it took her mother to shut off the main water supply, the house seemed to cry along with Sarah. Thankfully, her father recovered, and the cottage was rebuilt.
These days, there’s no running water in the house itself. Behind the cottage, there’s a small fenced off area with a structure in the centre. This structure houses the shower, toilet and laundry room. A small tunnel underground connects both buildings.
Sarah’s parents researched the whole thing online, and discovered that Sarah is one of many children who face similar challenges. This discovery did not change their love for their daughter, and the family remains close and loving.
After intensive training with her mother, Sarah now heads away from the house, towards the sea, when she loses control. She now understands her connection to the water, and the way it calls to her, and being near water calms her. And she can let go of her emotions and mess with the waters around the island without hurting anyone.
That’s why her parents built the “washhouse” on the other end of their property. Sarah spends most of her time studying for school, or working on controlling her powers and emotions. She has never lost control like that again, at least, not in the house…
Trying to guide and teach her daughter as best she could, Sarah’s mother spent hours and hours online, looking for ways to help her daughter. When the Safe Haven academy came up for the 6th time that day, she clicked the link and read with increasing awe. Later that night, after Sarah had gone to bed, she discussed things with Sarah’s father.
The next day, they suggested it to Sarah. The thought of leaving left her conflicted. Being around people and unseen water all the time scares her. But her wish to understand and control her powers more fully won out in the end, and here she is.
Sarah did not arrive with the other students, because a storm made it impossible for her to leave the lighthouse island for several days. Her parents had their suspicions, but Sarah assured them she had nothing to do with it. Reports from the mainland confirmed her story. This storm was way bigger than anything Sarah had manifested before. Gradually, the storm died down and Sarah’s new adventure stretched out before her.
Sarah takes comfort in the idea that even the sea was sad to see her go, and is eager to return home as often as she can. She misses her parents and her home, but is determined to make the best of the situation. |
214 | 1 | 51 | 1,931 | 362 | Il a fallu une seconde à Cole pour traiter ce qui venait de se passer. Oh non, elle n'a pas... Il s'est moqué des boues qui l'ont couvert avant de secouer quelques gouttes des serrures blondes boiteuses qui lui pendaient les yeux. Il a ensuite tiré un éclat à l'hydrokinétique bulleux, cependant, un sourire léger et malicieux a lentement traversé son visage juste après comme un doux grognement a échappé à sa gorge. Sa transformation fut rapide et très soudaine, et en un clin d'œil, l'adolescent fut remplacé par une créature qui semblait être sortie d'une légende urbaine.
Le monstre complètement transformé a laissé sortir un sang-gris et chargé vers Sarah à quatre pattes à une vitesse à couper le souffle. Cole était évidemment toujours en contrôle, et a gardé une oreille dehors pour tout bruit de mouvement de l'eau autour de lui afin qu'il puisse éviter toute tentative d'attaques de l'arrière ou des côtés, aussi bien qu'au-dessus ou au-dessous. Quand il était assez proche, il a fait un saut géant, se propulsant droit sur elle. Ses mâchoires étaient largement ouvertes avec des dents rasées, menaçant de déchirer tout ce qu'elles pouvaient mettre en croûte. Bien sûr, les griffes géantes qui s'étendaient de ses doigts posaient autant de danger. | Name: Cole Ryder
Age: 16
Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form.
Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark.
Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form.
Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities. |
215 | 1 | 52 | 713 | 127 | Sarah a encore glissé en voyant Cole passer par les étapes de la réalisation et de l'acceptation de ce qu'elle avait fait.
Elle a vu le sourire malicieux et savait que quelque chose allait arriver, alors elle s'est accoutumée. "Ce que..." Soudain, tout ce qu'elle pouvait voir, c'était cet énorme monstre qui sautait sur elle. Elle n'a même pas eu le temps de penser à une autre attaque, tout ce qu'elle a pu penser, c'était de s'éloigner du chemin.
Sans y penser, elle a réagi. En un clin d'œil, elle a disparu et a réapparu dans un autre endroit. Une petite flaque d'eau trompeur remplit maintenant l'endroit où ses pieds venaient de partir. "Au moins, il sera à nouveau propre" "Attends, comment j'ai fait ça?" Des pensées de joie et de choc éclataient à travers elle. Elle n'avait jamais pensé à essayer ça avant. Elle tourna son attention vers la flaque, et sentit à quel point elle était profonde. Prête à transformer tout ça en un monstre rempli de tornade mouillée, elle a attendu l'éclaboussure. | Name: Sarah James
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Powers: Water
Sarah can control water, but only when she’s near a source. This means she knows when she’s near water, or the general direction she should look in, but she cannot trace the plumbing in the walls, so to speak.
Sarah has some control over her powers, and has even begun training herself. She cannot keep this up very long, and has problems focusing her attention. She also loses her shit when she gets angry.
Personality: Sarah is anything but shy. She is a rowdy girl who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She doesn’t seek the spotlight, but somehow it usually finds her. Sarah is fun loving and intelligent. She uses humor as a shield, but once you get through this you’ll never find a more loyal friend.
Background: Sarah grew up in a lighthouse on a small island off the coast. She loved living near the sea, though it was an isolated area. She is an only child, and her parents home schooled her. Not because they were overprotective, but simply because it was easier than making the trip to the mainland every day. She was enrolled in the local High School as an online student, and most teachers were very accommodating.
The family found out about her powers the one time Sarah was really upset. Sarah was 12 and always stressed. Something about the sea made her restless, but her parents attributed it to puberty and tried to move on with normal life. Sarah wanted to move away from the water and its constant pull, wanted to go to school, but simultaneously feared the other children. During this stressful time, her father was in a serious accident, and Sarah did not know how to deal with her emotions. He was in the hospital, and she was on her little island. In a flurry of frustration, fear, feelings and tears, she blew up the plumbing. Water came pouring out of the walls, the shower and toilet were destroyed and during the long minutes it took her mother to shut off the main water supply, the house seemed to cry along with Sarah. Thankfully, her father recovered, and the cottage was rebuilt.
These days, there’s no running water in the house itself. Behind the cottage, there’s a small fenced off area with a structure in the centre. This structure houses the shower, toilet and laundry room. A small tunnel underground connects both buildings.
Sarah’s parents researched the whole thing online, and discovered that Sarah is one of many children who face similar challenges. This discovery did not change their love for their daughter, and the family remains close and loving.
After intensive training with her mother, Sarah now heads away from the house, towards the sea, when she loses control. She now understands her connection to the water, and the way it calls to her, and being near water calms her. And she can let go of her emotions and mess with the waters around the island without hurting anyone.
That’s why her parents built the “washhouse” on the other end of their property. Sarah spends most of her time studying for school, or working on controlling her powers and emotions. She has never lost control like that again, at least, not in the house…
Trying to guide and teach her daughter as best she could, Sarah’s mother spent hours and hours online, looking for ways to help her daughter. When the Safe Haven academy came up for the 6th time that day, she clicked the link and read with increasing awe. Later that night, after Sarah had gone to bed, she discussed things with Sarah’s father.
The next day, they suggested it to Sarah. The thought of leaving left her conflicted. Being around people and unseen water all the time scares her. But her wish to understand and control her powers more fully won out in the end, and here she is.
Sarah did not arrive with the other students, because a storm made it impossible for her to leave the lighthouse island for several days. Her parents had their suspicions, but Sarah assured them she had nothing to do with it. Reports from the mainland confirmed her story. This storm was way bigger than anything Sarah had manifested before. Gradually, the storm died down and Sarah’s new adventure stretched out before her.
Sarah takes comfort in the idea that even the sea was sad to see her go, and is eager to return home as often as she can. She misses her parents and her home, but is determined to make the best of the situation. |
216 | 1 | 53 | 1,931 | 362 | Cole a atterri au moment où Sarah a disparu, dérapant à un arrêt tout comme il a touché le mur de l'arène. Bien sûr, à cette vitesse, il s'attendait à ce qu'elle laisse tomber toutes les idées pour tout mouvement offensif et se concentre simplement sur la sortie du chemin, mais il n'imaginait pas qu'elle se transformerait littéralement en eau, ou du moins c'était ce qu'il pensait qu'il venait de se passer. Cependant, il n'a pas eu beaucoup de temps pour y réfléchir, car la flaque d'eau dans laquelle l'un de ses pieds avait atterri s'était transformée de façon inattendue en un tourbillon qui a commencé à l'attirer rapidement.
Vous plaisantez, il a conduit un ensemble de ses griffes dans le sol, qui a foulé la terre pendant une seconde avant que ça ne l'arrête juste à temps d'aller sous le sol. En utilisant les deux mains, il a réussi à sortir de l'eau filante. Pourrait-elle vraiment former des tourbillons où qu'elle le veuille sur le terrain? Ce ne serait pas un problème s'il continuait d'être en mouvement à la vitesse qu'il allait, mais après avoir vu ce qu'elle pouvait faire, il a décidé d'aller de l'avant différemment.
Elle ne peut sûrement rien faire sortir de cette surface solide. Il pensait, comme ses griffes faisaient des tirets dans le mur pour qu'il s'éloigne du sol. Il avait prévu de tout sortir avec ses attaques à grande vitesse, espérant ne pas lui donner le temps d'aller offenser, mais il était peut-être temps de rester pour voir ce qu'elle avait d'autre dans sa manche, alors qu'il pouvait encore. Après tout, c'était ce qu'elle avait fait, et elle a réussi à contrer son attaque assez habilement. Il l'a repérée à une certaine distance et l'a regardée de près alors qu'il marchait prudemment à travers le mur, prêt à esquiver tout ce qu'elle lui lancerait. | Name: Cole Ryder
Age: 16
Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form.
Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark.
Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form.
Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities. |
217 | 1 | 54 | 713 | 127 | Sarah a été impressionnée par la façon dont Cole faisait passer ce qu'elle lui jetait dessus. Elle l'a regardé sortir du trou et s'est jetée sur le mur. Elle a pris ce temps pour se repositionner près d'une autre flaque, une grosse cette fois. "jetant" Sarah savait soudain quoi faire. Alors que Cole traversait le mur, Sarah souleva le tourbillon d'eau au-dessus de la piscine et le concentra dans un faisceau d'eau. Pour une bonne mesure, elle a ajouté l'eau boueuse qu'elle avait jetée sur lui plus tôt à la poutre. Elle a pris un moment pour mesurer sa vitesse. "Il est rapide" a clignoté dans son esprit. Elle divisa l'énorme faisceau d'eau en faisceaux plus petits, et les tira dans la direction de Cole à grande vitesse. Elle s'est assurée de viser non seulement Cole, mais aussi derrière et devant lui. Sarah espérait le frapper, et peut-être l'abattre du mur, avec au moins un coup de feu.
En même temps, elle se concentra, prête à regrouper le reste de l'eau dans la grande flaque près de ses pieds. Elle était sûre qu'elle aurait besoin de quelque chose pour se protéger.
édité à des fins stylistiques. (a oublié la couleur) | Name: Sarah James
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Powers: Water
Sarah can control water, but only when she’s near a source. This means she knows when she’s near water, or the general direction she should look in, but she cannot trace the plumbing in the walls, so to speak.
Sarah has some control over her powers, and has even begun training herself. She cannot keep this up very long, and has problems focusing her attention. She also loses her shit when she gets angry.
Personality: Sarah is anything but shy. She is a rowdy girl who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She doesn’t seek the spotlight, but somehow it usually finds her. Sarah is fun loving and intelligent. She uses humor as a shield, but once you get through this you’ll never find a more loyal friend.
Background: Sarah grew up in a lighthouse on a small island off the coast. She loved living near the sea, though it was an isolated area. She is an only child, and her parents home schooled her. Not because they were overprotective, but simply because it was easier than making the trip to the mainland every day. She was enrolled in the local High School as an online student, and most teachers were very accommodating.
The family found out about her powers the one time Sarah was really upset. Sarah was 12 and always stressed. Something about the sea made her restless, but her parents attributed it to puberty and tried to move on with normal life. Sarah wanted to move away from the water and its constant pull, wanted to go to school, but simultaneously feared the other children. During this stressful time, her father was in a serious accident, and Sarah did not know how to deal with her emotions. He was in the hospital, and she was on her little island. In a flurry of frustration, fear, feelings and tears, she blew up the plumbing. Water came pouring out of the walls, the shower and toilet were destroyed and during the long minutes it took her mother to shut off the main water supply, the house seemed to cry along with Sarah. Thankfully, her father recovered, and the cottage was rebuilt.
These days, there’s no running water in the house itself. Behind the cottage, there’s a small fenced off area with a structure in the centre. This structure houses the shower, toilet and laundry room. A small tunnel underground connects both buildings.
Sarah’s parents researched the whole thing online, and discovered that Sarah is one of many children who face similar challenges. This discovery did not change their love for their daughter, and the family remains close and loving.
After intensive training with her mother, Sarah now heads away from the house, towards the sea, when she loses control. She now understands her connection to the water, and the way it calls to her, and being near water calms her. And she can let go of her emotions and mess with the waters around the island without hurting anyone.
That’s why her parents built the “washhouse” on the other end of their property. Sarah spends most of her time studying for school, or working on controlling her powers and emotions. She has never lost control like that again, at least, not in the house…
Trying to guide and teach her daughter as best she could, Sarah’s mother spent hours and hours online, looking for ways to help her daughter. When the Safe Haven academy came up for the 6th time that day, she clicked the link and read with increasing awe. Later that night, after Sarah had gone to bed, she discussed things with Sarah’s father.
The next day, they suggested it to Sarah. The thought of leaving left her conflicted. Being around people and unseen water all the time scares her. But her wish to understand and control her powers more fully won out in the end, and here she is.
Sarah did not arrive with the other students, because a storm made it impossible for her to leave the lighthouse island for several days. Her parents had their suspicions, but Sarah assured them she had nothing to do with it. Reports from the mainland confirmed her story. This storm was way bigger than anything Sarah had manifested before. Gradually, the storm died down and Sarah’s new adventure stretched out before her.
Sarah takes comfort in the idea that even the sea was sad to see her go, and is eager to return home as often as she can. She misses her parents and her home, but is determined to make the best of the situation. |
218 | 1 | 55 | 687 | 325 | Eira s'est effondrée un moment quand l'un des concurrents s'est changé. Sarah était son nom, et apparemment l'eau était son amie. Eira riait, d'une manière sarcastique. Son sourire n'était que cambriolage de sang. "Damn, j'aurais aimé être contre elle. Elle n'aurait pas duré une demi-seconde."
Elle a regardé le garçon, Cole, changer. Merde, il était rapide. C'est nettement plus rapide que Kaze. Cependant, Eira a deviné qu'il avait une température corporelle plus basse, ce qui le rendrait plus sensible à ses flammes. Quoi qu'il en soit, Eira aurait pu essuyer le terrain avec l'un ou l'autre de ces concurrents. | Name: Eira Luters
Age: 17
Appearance (pictures accepted):
Eira is usaully wearing a pitch black, close-fitting hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. Black, fingerless gloves adorn her hands as well.
Eira's power is control over a special type of flame. Her flames are pitch black, darker than night. They soak up, no devour, light and are colder than liquid nitrogen.
This is Eira's first day at the Haven, and she is a bit of a punk. Having grown up on the streets of New York, Eira was disowned by her parents after an 'accident' that she refuses to talk about. Actually, Eira refuses to talk about her past at all. She is cold to people she doesn't know, preferring to burn them rather than to make friends. Her biggest weakness is her lack of control, usually letting her volatile ability consume her when she loses her temper. |
219 | 1 | 56 | 1,931 | 362 | Cole vit l'eau se lever, et imagina qu'elle avait l'intention d'avoir toute la colonne de liquide en lui. Il s'est avéré qu'il avait en partie raison. Le grand ruisseau qui se divise en ruisseaux plus petits est venu comme une petite surprise, mais il était confiant dans la gestion sans beaucoup de problème. Il s'est lancé dans l'action, se liant à travers le mur alors qu'il s'éloignait rapidement des petits jets d'eau.
Cependant, un en particulier est arrivé légèrement trop près pour le confort, interrompant sa concentration. Il perdit son emprise sur le mur, mais atterrit habilement à quatre pattes alors qu'un autre jet se dirigeait tout droit vers lui. À l'aide de ses griffes effilées, il a détourné la plupart de ses griffes pour tirer de part et d'autre de lui, réduisant considérablement son impact. Compte tenu du fait qu'il était de retour au sol, il était presque immédiatement en mouvement à nouveau à la vitesse maximale.
Voyant que Sarah se concentrait sur une flaque à proximité, il s'est dirigé vers l'arène et lui a chargé directement du dos d'une griffe levée, en ayant l'intention de livrer une grève avant qu'elle ne puisse redevenir liquide, ou d'établir toute forme de défense. | Name: Cole Ryder
Age: 16
Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form.
Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark.
Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form.
Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities. |
220 | 1 | 57 | 1,211 | 348 | Kaze a juste pété Eira sur la tête avec quelques doigts. Chaque toucher a été annoncé avec un sifflement doux du froid rencontrant la chaleur. "Maintenant, ce n'est pas une compétition." Il a dit avant de lui faire un sourire. "En plus, vous pouvez congeler l'eau... mais c'est encore de l'eau. Juste solide. Donc vous lui donneriez des cudgels au lieu de fouets." Il a déclaré, essayant d'atténuer l'ego des filles. "Le garçon pourrait probablement se déplacer plus vite que vous ne pouvez réagir en dehors du revêtement de la zone dans votre feu glacial. Je suis passé et je suis plus lent." Il a continué pendant qu'il regardait l'eau et le bestiole se battre. Aucun d'entre eux n'a eu de succès pour l'instant.
Ce n'est qu'à la fin de leur combat qu'Eira et lui-même se sont touchés. Mais ils s'étaient probablement retenu tous les deux. | Name: Kaze
Age: 18
Kaze is a tall being, standing at eight feet tall. Everything about him says 'intimidation', from the claws on his fingers to the teeth in his mouth. His body is covered in black scales while his chin to the tip of his tail are royal purple colored plates. His eyes, which glow the slightest bit, are a deep crimson while his horns and claws are pure white.
Power: Dragon's Blood
Enhanced Strength: His degree of strength is exceptionally high, able to flip or throw vehicles.
Enhanced Senses: Being bestial his sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Taste and touch are reduced while sight remains largely untouched.
Armored Body: The scales and plates lining his body are exceptionally tough, up there with steel but still able to be damaged.
Heat Resistance: Being a reptile he enjoys the heat, sometimes even just curling up in flames.
Heavy: While he does have wings, he's simply to heavy to actually fly unless he's dropped from a really high point.
Cold Weakness: He despises the cold. It either makes him hibernate, or if he's exposed long enough it will kill him.
Permanent: Unfortunately he has yet to 'turn it off'. So he can't even hide what he is like most other people.
Kaze honestly doesn't remember much of his past. Doesn't remember any family, what he looked like before his abilities showed, nor his homeland. There was just a tag on his wrist with a name on it while he wandered around the wilderness aimlessly. Word got out about some giant beast wandering some forest somewhere and he was eventually confronted by some of the people who worked at the Safe Haven. He reluctantly went with them, mostly because he understood his differences from others and that someone overzealous would probably shoot him. Figures he remembers what guns are but not anything deemed important by normal society. While learning in the school he had hoped to find a way to control his ability to actually 'turn it off'. So far he either hasn't found the trick or simply can't. |
221 | 1 | 58 | 153 | 802 | Les yeux de Lucky suivirent Lain tandis que la fille nerveuse fuyait la confrontation. Elle n'a pas été surprise, cependant, elle a été plutôt déçue à la place. Lucky a compris ne pas vouloir utiliser vos pouvoirs, surtout pas dans un cadre comme celui-ci. ] Elle s'aperçoit que la bataille entre Cole et Sarah s'est rapidement déclenchée. Sarah avait lancé le combat avec un mouvement effronté.
"Fais chier!" Lucky cussed quand elle a réalisé qu'elle n'avait pas son enregistrement téléphonique et frapper la pièce juste après Cole a commencé sa première charge à Sarah. Elle l'a mis en place à la hâte, puis a regardé Eric. "Comment pensez-vous que ces deux-là vont faire?" Elle a demandé. Elle a pris une poignée de trail-mix et sans cérémonie tout entassés dans sa bouche à la fois. Ses joues soufflaient sur les côtés comme un écureuil pendant qu'elle s'y amusait, et elle secouait le sac dans la direction d'Eric pour qu'il en prenne plus s'il le voulait. | Name
Luxianne "Lucky" Soles
credit for picture, the awe-worthy Loish
Lucky is 5'9'' in height and 145lbs, with a lithe build gained from many years of yoga and martial arts. Her eyes, as well as her tattoo on her cheek, change color depending on her mood, and they always appear to have an inner glow about them.
Her body (her blood, saliva, hair, etc.) is capable of producing regenerative and curative powers. She draws the energy for her powers from UV-rays (i.e sunlight, or artificial light) and is able to store it in her body. This is the reason for the color of her hair, eyes, teeth, nails, and blood. If she is required to use her powers a lot, eventually she'll run out of her stored energy and start using her own, which will quickly cause her to go unconscious.
Her curative powers are just that, the ability to fight sickness, disease, and, it is speculated, with enough practice, perhaps combat cancer, cure blindness, as well as the more deadly afflictions. She isn't quite at this level yet, and is afraid to begin delving more into it (more in the Background section). All of this healing is done with the willingness of the subject in mind, she will not force her powers on others.
In addition to being able to heal, she can reinforce parts of her body to toughen up to the durability of dense stone. Breakable, but not easily done. She has prehensile manipulation over her hair (and, more rarely done, her nails), and she can grow her hair and nails out at will.
Lucky grew up in a privileged lifestyle, her parents being specialized surgeons, as well as very affluent in their fields. She was the youngest of five children, raised mostly by her family's butler and had very little interaction with her parents due to their demanding lifestyles. Lucky didn't hate them for it, but instead held adoration for them being so dedicated to the craft. She dreamt of growing up to be a surgeon like her parents, helping to save lives and do good in the world.
However, when she was handed the powers that could help her achieve her dreams, it was anything but what she imagined.
She was ten years old, and it was a rare weekend that her parents and siblings had time to take off from their jobs to be together. It was a blissful event that turned quickly into a horrific nightmare for them when an enraged man broke in and accused Lucky's mother of killing his daughter. In his revenge, he lashed out and grabbed the nearest person, which happened to be Lucky, and stabbed her several times in the stomach before he was apprehended.
Her family didn't even have time to begin to mourn their loss, when all of the sudden Lucky's hair began to change color quickly into bio-luminescent green and wrap her up in a dense protective cocoon. She stayed this way for nearly a month. When she finally emerged, she was poked and prodded by doctors and scientists, especially by those specializing in the supernatural phenomena taking place in children. It was quickly ascertained that she held astounding regenerative powers, and, more astonishingly, the ability to cure sicknesses. Nearly all of the methods used to test her powers were borderline torture, and her parents began to have less and less say in their daughter's well being.
Lucky was forced to undergo painful procedures, as well as to heal patients for nearly a year before her parents were able to extract her from her unwelcome prison. They immediately sought out the Safe Haven and brought their daughter there, believing it the best place for Lucky's safety (as well as their own). She has been at the Haven for nearly five years now.
She typically stays away from using her powers due to her unpleasant past, and has had markedly horrible power progression during her time at the Haven. Despite all of this, Lucky is a rather outgoing girl who is quick to smile and easy to talk to. |
222 | 1 | 59 | 752 | 2,253 | L'autre fille Elaine s'est enfuie, Eric a regardé quand elle a quitté l'arène, mais comme les professeurs ont appelé l'autre fille vers le bas. L'attention d'Eric s'est détournée d'Elaine vers Sarah, il a été pompé pour regarder ce combat. "Bonne chance!" Il cria après elle alors qu'elle descendait. Mais à l'intérieur, il se demandait comment elle allait faire, ces combats avaient été faits avec certaines paires à l'esprit et maintenant c'était une variable aléatoire, mais il s'est ébranlé et s'est assis en arrière.
Tandis que les combattants se présentaient, il a remarqué la capacité de Sarah à contrôler l'eau, car ils avaient l'arène formant de petites flaques d'eau. Elle a jeté de l'eau boueuse sur son adversaire qui a sollicité un rire de lui. Mais alors qu'ils ont commencé leur combat, il a vu toute l'étendue des capacités de Cole. Et puis ils y sont allés, le combat était intense et comme il regardait, il se sentait de moins en moins sûr de lui-même et de sa capacité à s'intégrer ici. Il ne pouvait rien faire, il s'est probablement dégonflé. Peut-être même se faire virer, qui sait qu'il ne l'a pas fait. Cela montrait clairement sur son visage, et sur la façon dont il saisit le banc ses doigts blancs, son sourire habituel une frénésie d'inquiétude. "Je n'y arriverai pas." Il a dit dans un murmure brouillé, il a enlevé ses yeux du combat et à ses pieds. Je regarde dans l'espace.
C'est Lucky qui l'a ramené, c'était une question innocente sur le combat. "Quoi? Oh, je pense que tous les deux sont de grands combattants. Ça va probablement être très proche." Il a dit, sa voix semblait nerveuse mais il a forcé un sourire sur son visage, mais a refusé l'offre de Lucky d'une collation. Il l'a regardée et a pensé à ce qu'elle pouvait faire, il s'est demandé s'il durerait cinq secondes contre elle s'ils se battaient dans l'arène. | Name:Eric J Keller
Power:Photographic Reflexes, You ever wish that you could do something just by watching someone do it? Eric can, he can watch someone and pick up on their fighting style almost instantly, he could wield a sword like a master in a matter of weeks, he can become a top shot just by watching someone, and sports has never been a problem.
Background:Eric was born in a poor neighborhood, his family was happy to have him. But when he started to demonstrate his powers he ran away, not wanting to get his family involved. But due to the nature of his powers Eric isn't as targeted as other powered individuals, which he used to his advantage of course.
He used his power to earn money for himself on the streets, but as things tend to do, life changed. He got caught, so he ran, he had heard tell of Haven, so he fled there. Hoping that they would take him in, hoping that he could forget his life there. |
223 | 1 | 60 | 713 | 127 | Cole a fait exactement ce que Sarah attendait, il a essayé d'utiliser sa vitesse et son agilité pour éviter les jets d'eau. En fait, il a réussi à esquiver un certain nombre d'entre eux avant que l'un d'eux ne l'oblige à quitter le mur.
Elle a été impressionnée par la façon dont il a réussi à griffer son chemin à travers l'eau, et l'a vu venir à nouveau à elle, en essayant de l'attaquer de derrière.
Immédiatement, elle souleva le contenu de l'énorme flaque à ses pieds. Elle n'a pas essayé d'attaquer Cole avec, mais s'est entourée avec elle à la place. L'eau formait une bulle autour de Sarah. Afin de le garder ensemble, elle l'a fait couler autour d'elle dans des cercles solides et forts.
L'attaque de la griffe de Cole l'a frappée, mais pas avec la force qu'il voulait. Cependant, à cause des courants en mouvement rapide dans la bulle d'eau, Sarah sentit les clous courir tout le long du dos, laissant un motif diagonal atteignant de son épaule droite à juste au-dessus de sa hanche gauche.
"Ne refaisons pas ça" et "C'était ma chemise préférée" a clignoté dans l'esprit de Sarah. Elle a échangé des places avec Cole, qui était maintenant coincée dans sa bulle d'eau. Gagner à la piqûre sur son dos, Sarah a utilisé l'eau d'une petite flaque à proximité pour refroidir ses blessures. Puis elle s'est préparée pour le prochain déménagement de Cole. | Name: Sarah James
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Powers: Water
Sarah can control water, but only when she’s near a source. This means she knows when she’s near water, or the general direction she should look in, but she cannot trace the plumbing in the walls, so to speak.
Sarah has some control over her powers, and has even begun training herself. She cannot keep this up very long, and has problems focusing her attention. She also loses her shit when she gets angry.
Personality: Sarah is anything but shy. She is a rowdy girl who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She doesn’t seek the spotlight, but somehow it usually finds her. Sarah is fun loving and intelligent. She uses humor as a shield, but once you get through this you’ll never find a more loyal friend.
Background: Sarah grew up in a lighthouse on a small island off the coast. She loved living near the sea, though it was an isolated area. She is an only child, and her parents home schooled her. Not because they were overprotective, but simply because it was easier than making the trip to the mainland every day. She was enrolled in the local High School as an online student, and most teachers were very accommodating.
The family found out about her powers the one time Sarah was really upset. Sarah was 12 and always stressed. Something about the sea made her restless, but her parents attributed it to puberty and tried to move on with normal life. Sarah wanted to move away from the water and its constant pull, wanted to go to school, but simultaneously feared the other children. During this stressful time, her father was in a serious accident, and Sarah did not know how to deal with her emotions. He was in the hospital, and she was on her little island. In a flurry of frustration, fear, feelings and tears, she blew up the plumbing. Water came pouring out of the walls, the shower and toilet were destroyed and during the long minutes it took her mother to shut off the main water supply, the house seemed to cry along with Sarah. Thankfully, her father recovered, and the cottage was rebuilt.
These days, there’s no running water in the house itself. Behind the cottage, there’s a small fenced off area with a structure in the centre. This structure houses the shower, toilet and laundry room. A small tunnel underground connects both buildings.
Sarah’s parents researched the whole thing online, and discovered that Sarah is one of many children who face similar challenges. This discovery did not change their love for their daughter, and the family remains close and loving.
After intensive training with her mother, Sarah now heads away from the house, towards the sea, when she loses control. She now understands her connection to the water, and the way it calls to her, and being near water calms her. And she can let go of her emotions and mess with the waters around the island without hurting anyone.
That’s why her parents built the “washhouse” on the other end of their property. Sarah spends most of her time studying for school, or working on controlling her powers and emotions. She has never lost control like that again, at least, not in the house…
Trying to guide and teach her daughter as best she could, Sarah’s mother spent hours and hours online, looking for ways to help her daughter. When the Safe Haven academy came up for the 6th time that day, she clicked the link and read with increasing awe. Later that night, after Sarah had gone to bed, she discussed things with Sarah’s father.
The next day, they suggested it to Sarah. The thought of leaving left her conflicted. Being around people and unseen water all the time scares her. But her wish to understand and control her powers more fully won out in the end, and here she is.
Sarah did not arrive with the other students, because a storm made it impossible for her to leave the lighthouse island for several days. Her parents had their suspicions, but Sarah assured them she had nothing to do with it. Reports from the mainland confirmed her story. This storm was way bigger than anything Sarah had manifested before. Gradually, the storm died down and Sarah’s new adventure stretched out before her.
Sarah takes comfort in the idea that even the sea was sad to see her go, and is eager to return home as often as she can. She misses her parents and her home, but is determined to make the best of the situation. |
224 | 1 | 61 | 687 | 325 | Alors que Kaze lui tapait la tête, Eira s'est cognée dessus. Un piège était sur son visage pendant qu'elle parlait. « C'est toujours une compétition. QUAND c'est ici ou dans les rues de New York, c'est toujours une compétition." En retournant au combat, Eira regarda le garçon Cole se faire frapper du mur. "Je sais qu'il est rapide, mais sa température corporelle doit être celle d'un humain normal, ce qui signifierait qu'une touche de mes flammes et qu'il serait en baisse pour le compte." Respirant profondément, quelque chose s'est claqué dans son esprit.
Tout d'un coup, une image de Kaze comme il aurait regardé s'il était humain. Un grand homme à la peau claire, aux longs cheveux bruns et au chaume rugueux, a inondé son esprit. Il portait toujours la jupe autour de ses hanches musculaires. Ses muscles ont été définis et facilement perceptibles. La bouche d'Eira, contre son gré, commença à droler. Scowling en réponse, la jeune fille s'est entachée de Kaze, un épais blush se montant sur sa propre peau pâle.
"Damnit Kaze. Tu n'as aucune idée de ce que je peux faire. On ne savait pas qu'on pouvait tout sortir. En tant que tel, je pense que tu te retenais, comme ce que je faisais. " Espérant changer ses pensées, Eira se battait avec elle-même, et elle perdait misérablement. | Name: Eira Luters
Age: 17
Appearance (pictures accepted):
Eira is usaully wearing a pitch black, close-fitting hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. Black, fingerless gloves adorn her hands as well.
Eira's power is control over a special type of flame. Her flames are pitch black, darker than night. They soak up, no devour, light and are colder than liquid nitrogen.
This is Eira's first day at the Haven, and she is a bit of a punk. Having grown up on the streets of New York, Eira was disowned by her parents after an 'accident' that she refuses to talk about. Actually, Eira refuses to talk about her past at all. She is cold to people she doesn't know, preferring to burn them rather than to make friends. Her biggest weakness is her lack of control, usually letting her volatile ability consume her when she loses her temper. |
225 | 1 | 62 | 1,931 | 362 | Le bouclier d'eau de Sarah n'a pas surpris Cole autant que le piège qui a suivi. Se trouvant soudain immergé dans l'eau, il a immédiatement creusé les griffes d'une main dans le sol pour s'ancrer, tout en utilisant celles de l'autre pour trancher à travers le fort flux d'eau qui tournait autour de lui. Des jets d'eau ont tiré dans plusieurs directions alors qu'il traversait la surface, cependant, il lui a fallu encore quelques secondes pour se déchirer complètement de la sphère d'eau. Il s'est alors rapidement refermé sur le mur à temps pour attraper Sarah qui s'occupait de la blessure qu'il lui avait infligée.
La voir saigner était étrangement... satisfaisant. Il voulait le refaire, la couper davantage, puiser plus de ce sang dans sa chair, qu'il voulait simplement déchirer. Non! Qu'est-ce que tu penses?! Poignez-vous! Sa pensée rationnelle l'a laissé se concentrer une fois de plus. Depuis combien de temps la bataille a-t-elle commencé? Il pouvait sentir l'instinct sauvage qui viendrait toujours avec sa forme de bête commencer à s'infiltrer. Ce n'était pas bon. Consciemment l'effacant, il se pencha lentement vers elle, dans l'intention de frapper à nouveau rapidement dès qu'elle tenta quelque chose d'autre. | Name: Cole Ryder
Age: 16
Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form.
Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark.
Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form.
Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities. |
226 | 1 | 63 | 1,211 | 348 | Kaze vient de se serrer la tête. « Ce n'est pas toujours une compétition. Nous sommes censés apprendre, soit comment contrôler, soit mieux utiliser les pouvoirs." Il a dit, maintenant obtenir un peu de backstory sur la fille. Elle venait de New York et des rues... et ça pourrait vouloir dire n'importe quoi. Est-ce qu'elle a été renié? Fuyez-vous? Juste jeté dehors? Elle lui faisait savoir quand elle était prête et qu'elle le voulait. "La température corporelle augmente aussi avec le travail. En dehors des vêtements isolés, les gens transpirent au milieu de l'hiver." Il a continué tout en se reposant et en regardant le combat.
Ses oreilles pivotèrent lorsqu'il entendit le bruit de l'eau qui n'était pas dans l'anneau. Il l'a regardée, il a remarqué qu'elle brouillait, ce qui lui a fait rire. Sa férocité a été un peu ruinée par ce visage engloutissant le blush qu'elle était sportive. Il avait une grosse merde qui mangeait du sourire sur le visage même pendant qu'elle lui parlait. "Je savais qu'on pouvait tout sortir. Je ne voulais pas fatiguer le professeur en détruisant l'arène." Il a dit avant de laisser ce sourire s'effacer. "Je n'ai jamais vraiment testé ma force, le plus que j'ai fait est de jeter une voiture, mais même cette sensation de lumière." Il a dit. Il avait fait trembler le sol dans l'arène en le frappant, il était évidemment une puissance et se retenait par crainte de causer trop de dommages. | Name: Kaze
Age: 18
Kaze is a tall being, standing at eight feet tall. Everything about him says 'intimidation', from the claws on his fingers to the teeth in his mouth. His body is covered in black scales while his chin to the tip of his tail are royal purple colored plates. His eyes, which glow the slightest bit, are a deep crimson while his horns and claws are pure white.
Power: Dragon's Blood
Enhanced Strength: His degree of strength is exceptionally high, able to flip or throw vehicles.
Enhanced Senses: Being bestial his sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Taste and touch are reduced while sight remains largely untouched.
Armored Body: The scales and plates lining his body are exceptionally tough, up there with steel but still able to be damaged.
Heat Resistance: Being a reptile he enjoys the heat, sometimes even just curling up in flames.
Heavy: While he does have wings, he's simply to heavy to actually fly unless he's dropped from a really high point.
Cold Weakness: He despises the cold. It either makes him hibernate, or if he's exposed long enough it will kill him.
Permanent: Unfortunately he has yet to 'turn it off'. So he can't even hide what he is like most other people.
Kaze honestly doesn't remember much of his past. Doesn't remember any family, what he looked like before his abilities showed, nor his homeland. There was just a tag on his wrist with a name on it while he wandered around the wilderness aimlessly. Word got out about some giant beast wandering some forest somewhere and he was eventually confronted by some of the people who worked at the Safe Haven. He reluctantly went with them, mostly because he understood his differences from others and that someone overzealous would probably shoot him. Figures he remembers what guns are but not anything deemed important by normal society. While learning in the school he had hoped to find a way to control his ability to actually 'turn it off'. So far he either hasn't found the trick or simply can't. |
227 | 1 | 64 | 713 | 127 | Sarah commençait à s'énerver. Elle était blessée et fatiguée. Et ce salopard n'avait aucune égratignure sur lui. Le voilà, de retour sur le mur!
Séparant l'eau dans la bulle massive, Sarah en ramena la moitié vers le sol près du mur. L'eau semblait disparaître dans le sol, qui semblait maintenant aussi sèche qu'auparavant. Sous la couche maintenant mince de terre et de sable sec, une piscine de sable mouvant se formait. Sarah a regardé Cole pendant une seconde et s'est rendu compte qu'il semblait distrait. Elle a tiré un jet d'eau rapide vers lui, et l'a frappé du mur, directement dans le sable. Cole avait l'air d'être aspiré. Voyons-le sortir de celui-ci qu'elle s'est pensé, alors qu'elle a ajouté plus d'eau à la bulle qu'elle tenait encore à flot derrière elle, et a approfondi la piscine de sables mouvants pour une bonne mesure.
(modifié pour assurer la continuité) | Name: Sarah James
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Powers: Water
Sarah can control water, but only when she’s near a source. This means she knows when she’s near water, or the general direction she should look in, but she cannot trace the plumbing in the walls, so to speak.
Sarah has some control over her powers, and has even begun training herself. She cannot keep this up very long, and has problems focusing her attention. She also loses her shit when she gets angry.
Personality: Sarah is anything but shy. She is a rowdy girl who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She doesn’t seek the spotlight, but somehow it usually finds her. Sarah is fun loving and intelligent. She uses humor as a shield, but once you get through this you’ll never find a more loyal friend.
Background: Sarah grew up in a lighthouse on a small island off the coast. She loved living near the sea, though it was an isolated area. She is an only child, and her parents home schooled her. Not because they were overprotective, but simply because it was easier than making the trip to the mainland every day. She was enrolled in the local High School as an online student, and most teachers were very accommodating.
The family found out about her powers the one time Sarah was really upset. Sarah was 12 and always stressed. Something about the sea made her restless, but her parents attributed it to puberty and tried to move on with normal life. Sarah wanted to move away from the water and its constant pull, wanted to go to school, but simultaneously feared the other children. During this stressful time, her father was in a serious accident, and Sarah did not know how to deal with her emotions. He was in the hospital, and she was on her little island. In a flurry of frustration, fear, feelings and tears, she blew up the plumbing. Water came pouring out of the walls, the shower and toilet were destroyed and during the long minutes it took her mother to shut off the main water supply, the house seemed to cry along with Sarah. Thankfully, her father recovered, and the cottage was rebuilt.
These days, there’s no running water in the house itself. Behind the cottage, there’s a small fenced off area with a structure in the centre. This structure houses the shower, toilet and laundry room. A small tunnel underground connects both buildings.
Sarah’s parents researched the whole thing online, and discovered that Sarah is one of many children who face similar challenges. This discovery did not change their love for their daughter, and the family remains close and loving.
After intensive training with her mother, Sarah now heads away from the house, towards the sea, when she loses control. She now understands her connection to the water, and the way it calls to her, and being near water calms her. And she can let go of her emotions and mess with the waters around the island without hurting anyone.
That’s why her parents built the “washhouse” on the other end of their property. Sarah spends most of her time studying for school, or working on controlling her powers and emotions. She has never lost control like that again, at least, not in the house…
Trying to guide and teach her daughter as best she could, Sarah’s mother spent hours and hours online, looking for ways to help her daughter. When the Safe Haven academy came up for the 6th time that day, she clicked the link and read with increasing awe. Later that night, after Sarah had gone to bed, she discussed things with Sarah’s father.
The next day, they suggested it to Sarah. The thought of leaving left her conflicted. Being around people and unseen water all the time scares her. But her wish to understand and control her powers more fully won out in the end, and here she is.
Sarah did not arrive with the other students, because a storm made it impossible for her to leave the lighthouse island for several days. Her parents had their suspicions, but Sarah assured them she had nothing to do with it. Reports from the mainland confirmed her story. This storm was way bigger than anything Sarah had manifested before. Gradually, the storm died down and Sarah’s new adventure stretched out before her.
Sarah takes comfort in the idea that even the sea was sad to see her go, and is eager to return home as often as she can. She misses her parents and her home, but is determined to make the best of the situation. |
228 | 1 | 65 | 1,931 | 362 | Le prochain mouvement de Sarah a confondu Cole. Quel était le but de tirer de l'eau dans le sol juste en dessous de lui? Il s'attendait à ce que quelque chose sorte de cet endroit même, et il s'est préparé pour ce que cela pourrait être. Cependant, tout en se concentrant sur cette zone, il a été complètement pris au dépourvu par un jet d'eau qui lui est venu d'une autre direction, le faisant sombrer dans le point d'intérêt qu'il a immédiatement réalisé que c'était ce qui pouvait être comparé au sable mouvant. Le sol le traînait rapidement, et il devait faire quelque chose, vite. Ses griffes ont réussi à saisir une terre solide, qu'il a supposée être le côté de la fosse, tout comme sa tête a disparu sous la surface sablonneuse. Il avait cessé de couler, mais la force de traction du sable mouvant était beaucoup trop forte pour qu'il en sorte simplement.
Toute l'expérience a été de déchirer les nerfs. Cole a essayé de rester calme et de penser à une sortie, cependant, ce n'était pas facile. Il était sur le point d'étouffer, et le monstre dans sa tête se battait pour le contrôle. Il était sous tout ce sable depuis un certain temps. Les professeurs n'étaient-ils pas censés intervenir? Peut-être s'attendaient-ils à ce qu'il puisse faire quelque chose au sujet de sa situation actuelle. Il n'y avait aucun doute qu'il pouvait vraiment, mais ça voudrait dire... Ils avaient vraiment l'intention de le conduire jusqu'à ce point? Il s'est rendu compte qu'il n'avait pas le choix. Il était piégé, et il n'y avait pas d'autre moyen. Bien, juste pour cette fois, sauvez-moi...
La créature s'est soudainement arrachée du sable comme si une poussée d'adrénaline avait été gagnée. Il a dérapé à travers le sol jusqu'à un arrêt et a laissé sortir un cri sauvage et animaliste avant de faire une charge tête haute à la force motrice derrière toutes les attaques à base d'eau et les pièges. Il a bougé aussi vite qu'avant, mais cette fois, de manière significativement plus sauvage et frénétique. La plupart du temps entraînée par le sang, elle avait l'intention de déchirer la fille en morceaux. Il était évident que "Cole" n'était plus tout là, s'il était encore là du tout. | Name: Cole Ryder
Age: 16
Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form.
Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark.
Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form.
Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities. |
229 | 1 | 66 | 1,931 | 362 | Au moment où la bête montre des signes pour être en contrôle, les enseignants étaient prêts. Le professeur Jacob était prêt, en un clin d'œil, le ne regardait plus le combat, le Cole s'était retenu du dos en tenant ses bras derrière lui. "Contrôlez-le, retenez-vous, vous êtes la bête que vous avez sur elle, vous et la bête êtes une, et peu importe si vous PENSEZ que vous ne pouvez pas le contrôler au bout de 10 minutes. Essayez-le et repoussez-le jusqu'à ce qu'il soit trou."
En même temps Jacob bougea, Lady Jade gela l'eau, pas la glace gelée, elle était encore liquide, mais elle ne bougea pas. "C'est au-dessus de la fille de l'eau, relâchez l'eau et quittez l'arène. Maintenant Cole doit se battre lui-même."
Mention: | Name: Cole Ryder
Age: 16
Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form.
Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark.
Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form.
Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities. |
230 | 1 | 67 | 713 | 127 | Qu'est-ce qui vient de se passer?
Pendant la bataille, Sarah n'avait jamais douté que Cole avait pris le contrôle, même sous sa forme modifiée. Il était évident que ce n'était plus le cas. Les mots de l'enseignante ont sonné dans son esprit. Est-ce que ça n'a vraiment été que 10 minutes? Sarah était effrayée, blessée et fatiguée, mais tout d'un coup elle s'attaquait à Cole.
Elle se dirige rapidement vers le bord de l'arène, prête à rejoindre les autres. Avant de sortir, elle a regardé en arrière et a dit "Venez sur Cole, n'abandonnez pas maintenant. C'est bon, mon pote." Sans vérifier s'il l'avait entendue, elle s'est assise près des autres et a fermé les yeux. | Name: Sarah James
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Powers: Water
Sarah can control water, but only when she’s near a source. This means she knows when she’s near water, or the general direction she should look in, but she cannot trace the plumbing in the walls, so to speak.
Sarah has some control over her powers, and has even begun training herself. She cannot keep this up very long, and has problems focusing her attention. She also loses her shit when she gets angry.
Personality: Sarah is anything but shy. She is a rowdy girl who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She doesn’t seek the spotlight, but somehow it usually finds her. Sarah is fun loving and intelligent. She uses humor as a shield, but once you get through this you’ll never find a more loyal friend.
Background: Sarah grew up in a lighthouse on a small island off the coast. She loved living near the sea, though it was an isolated area. She is an only child, and her parents home schooled her. Not because they were overprotective, but simply because it was easier than making the trip to the mainland every day. She was enrolled in the local High School as an online student, and most teachers were very accommodating.
The family found out about her powers the one time Sarah was really upset. Sarah was 12 and always stressed. Something about the sea made her restless, but her parents attributed it to puberty and tried to move on with normal life. Sarah wanted to move away from the water and its constant pull, wanted to go to school, but simultaneously feared the other children. During this stressful time, her father was in a serious accident, and Sarah did not know how to deal with her emotions. He was in the hospital, and she was on her little island. In a flurry of frustration, fear, feelings and tears, she blew up the plumbing. Water came pouring out of the walls, the shower and toilet were destroyed and during the long minutes it took her mother to shut off the main water supply, the house seemed to cry along with Sarah. Thankfully, her father recovered, and the cottage was rebuilt.
These days, there’s no running water in the house itself. Behind the cottage, there’s a small fenced off area with a structure in the centre. This structure houses the shower, toilet and laundry room. A small tunnel underground connects both buildings.
Sarah’s parents researched the whole thing online, and discovered that Sarah is one of many children who face similar challenges. This discovery did not change their love for their daughter, and the family remains close and loving.
After intensive training with her mother, Sarah now heads away from the house, towards the sea, when she loses control. She now understands her connection to the water, and the way it calls to her, and being near water calms her. And she can let go of her emotions and mess with the waters around the island without hurting anyone.
That’s why her parents built the “washhouse” on the other end of their property. Sarah spends most of her time studying for school, or working on controlling her powers and emotions. She has never lost control like that again, at least, not in the house…
Trying to guide and teach her daughter as best she could, Sarah’s mother spent hours and hours online, looking for ways to help her daughter. When the Safe Haven academy came up for the 6th time that day, she clicked the link and read with increasing awe. Later that night, after Sarah had gone to bed, she discussed things with Sarah’s father.
The next day, they suggested it to Sarah. The thought of leaving left her conflicted. Being around people and unseen water all the time scares her. But her wish to understand and control her powers more fully won out in the end, and here she is.
Sarah did not arrive with the other students, because a storm made it impossible for her to leave the lighthouse island for several days. Her parents had their suspicions, but Sarah assured them she had nothing to do with it. Reports from the mainland confirmed her story. This storm was way bigger than anything Sarah had manifested before. Gradually, the storm died down and Sarah’s new adventure stretched out before her.
Sarah takes comfort in the idea that even the sea was sad to see her go, and is eager to return home as often as she can. She misses her parents and her home, but is determined to make the best of the situation. |
231 | 1 | 68 | 1,931 | 362 | Quelque chose s'était emparé de la bête, l'arrêtant avant qu'il ne cause de graves dommages. Il a eu du mal à se libérer, à se concentrer sur celui qui est responsable et à ne rien désirer de plus que de lui mordre la tête de l'enseignant. Cependant, le professeur Jacob était fort, et... était-il en train de lui parler? Peu importe le peu qui restait de la conscience de Cole a réussi à comprendre certaines de ses paroles.
"Tu es la bête que tu as sur elle, toi et la bête êtes une."
Vous ne comprenez pas... Je veux... Je dois te tuer, mais... ce n'est pas moi. Ça n'a jamais été moi... ça ne peut pas être...
Il y avait alors une autre voix, qui l'appelait par son nom. "Allez Cole, n'abandonnez pas maintenant. C'est bon, mon pote."
C'était vraiment sur lui? C'est ce qui l'a effrayé. Il semblait facile de tenir la sauvagerie du monstre responsable chaque fois qu'il n'était pas en contrôle. Cela l'avait aidé à faire face à ce qu'il avait fait la première fois qu'il avait découvert ses capacités et s'était déplacé involontairement. Ce n'est pas lui qui l'a fait, il ne pouvait pas le contrôler quand l'envie était trop forte, c'est ce qu'il s'était dit. Même maintenant, alors que la bête continuait de s'étonner, il souhaitait que le professeur Jacob le frappe simplement dans la tête afin qu'il puisse éviter tout cela, mais l'enseignant ne le permettait pas.
Avec la bête encore la plupart du temps en contrôle, même ce petit peu de rationalisation le drainait mentalement. Il n'a pas pu continuer. Il a dû se concentrer sur la reprise du contrôle. Il craignait ce que le résultat pouvait signifier, mais il devait accepter que cela puisse être fait, du moins pour le moment. Une partie de lui ne voulait pas essayer, mais il devait, il avait besoin de réponses!
J'ai le contrôle... Je n'ai plus besoin de toi. Je ne te laisserai blesser personne. Sors de ma tête!
Il a fallu toute sa volonté et toute sa concentration pour jeter la bête dehors, ce qui lui a permis de finir par revenir à sa forme humaine. Le garçon est devenu boiteux dans l'emprise de l'enseignant, pantant de l'épuisement physique et mental. Il secouait légèrement du traumatisme, et il lui a fallu un moment pour se calmer.
-- Qu'est-ce que vous dites, monsieur? Il a brouillé entre des respirations profondes. "Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire? Ça n'aurait pas pu être moi. Comment est-ce possible? Est-ce que ça veut dire que tout le temps, je pourrais avoir... Je ne me souviens même pas beaucoup de ce qu'il avait fait..." | Name: Cole Ryder
Age: 16
Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form.
Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark.
Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form.
Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities. |
232 | 1 | 69 | 1,931 | 362 | Alors que le garçon retournait à sa forme humaine et perdait sa force, Jacob le souleva et le retena avec les deux bras qui lui parlaient doucement. "Il est normal de perdre le contrôle quand nous avons nos premières surtensions, quand il m'est arrivé la première fois que je me suis évanoui avant de pouvoir ralentir. Et la meilleure attente pour commencer à s'emparer de nos pouvoirs est de nous pousser hors de notre zone de confort." Il a continué à s'adresser à toute la classe, « et c'est notre objectif dans cette première classe, nous voulons que vous vous poussiez, que vous quittiez votre zone de confort et que vous vous amélioriez. La meilleure façon de contrôler vos pouvoirs est de comprendre comment ils fonctionnent et quelles limites vous pouvez atteindre et rompre. »
Avec un sourire dans le visage, il a quitté l'arène encore tenant Cole, "Si petit, voulez-vous que je vous emmène dans votre chambre pour vous reposer ou voulez-vous regarder le reste des combats?"
Quand Jacob a quitté l'arène avec Cole Lady Jade s'est adressé à la classe. « Comme tout le monde pouvait le voir une fois de plus, nous voulons que vous repoussiez vos limites sans vous soucier de nuire ou de se blesser, le prochain duo peut entrer dans l'arène, Luxianne et Eric. » Elle marcha vers le panneau de contrôle de l'arène, poussa quelques boutons et l'eau s'assèche en même temps que le plafond s'ouvrait laissant entrer les rayons du soleil de l'extérieur.
Mention: | Name: Cole Ryder
Age: 16
Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form.
Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark.
Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form.
Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities. |
233 | 1 | 70 | 687 | 325 | Eira tremblait. Elle tremblait mal. La fille ne savait pas qu'elle pouvait s'en sortir, mais maintenant elle le sait. Un sourire féral a été plâtré sur son visage alors que ses yeux bruns et sauvages balayaient le champ. Ce dernier combat, entre bestial et aqua, était exaltant. Merde, pourquoi elle n'a pas pu remonter.
Les flammes d'Eira étaient des lances tranchantes et déchiquetées qui dansaient autour de sa forme alors qu'elle griffait la rampe devant elle. Le métal s'est lentement gelé dans son adhérence, se brisant finalement du froid extrême. Une brume lourde échappa à ses lèvres lorsqu'elle expira.
"Hé, Kaze," Sa voix tordue, plus sombre que tout ce que le dragon pouvait se rappeler d'entendre, sortit de sa gorge. "Tu veux une revanche?" Ses yeux sauvages et sauvages se sont tournés vers Kaze. Les cheveux blancs d'Eira coulèrent sur son visage tandis que sa tête s'inclinait vers l'arrière. Ses flammes noires, exsudant le froid et l'obscurité, dansaient autour d'elle dans une frénésie sanglante. S'il y avait quelqu'un qui a incarné l'Arctique dans les morts de sa nuit éternelle, alors c'était Eira. | Name: Eira Luters
Age: 17
Appearance (pictures accepted):
Eira is usaully wearing a pitch black, close-fitting hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. Black, fingerless gloves adorn her hands as well.
Eira's power is control over a special type of flame. Her flames are pitch black, darker than night. They soak up, no devour, light and are colder than liquid nitrogen.
This is Eira's first day at the Haven, and she is a bit of a punk. Having grown up on the streets of New York, Eira was disowned by her parents after an 'accident' that she refuses to talk about. Actually, Eira refuses to talk about her past at all. She is cold to people she doesn't know, preferring to burn them rather than to make friends. Her biggest weakness is her lack of control, usually letting her volatile ability consume her when she loses her temper. |
234 | 1 | 71 | 1,211 | 348 | Kaze a regardé comment Eira semblait changer pendant les combats, secouant d'abord, puis ses pouvoirs devenant un peu plus hors de contrôle. Il se méfiait naturellement d'elle à ce stade, principalement parce qu'elle tenait sa faiblesse. Mais aussi parce qu'elle semblait un peu folle. Pourquoi les mignons sont toujours fous? Il pensait grognon avant qu'elle ne brise le métal dans sa poignée frigide. Quand elle se tourna pour le regarder, il fut surpris qu'elle ait dit son nom, elle avait continué à l'appeler Balances même après qu'ils se soient battus.
Il a tourné toute son attention vers elle. "Nous sommes là pour apprendre à nous contrôler, Eira." Il a déclaré, sa voix ferme. "Je ne sais pas si même Lady Jade peut ramener les morts avec ses capacités temporelles. C'est pourquoi je me retiens, et je ne t'ai pas combattue au maximum." Il a dit avant de se serrer la tête. "Sérieusement, il n'a pas fallu beaucoup de force pour faire trembler le sol quand je t'ai trébuché." Kaze lui a expliqué, lui faisant connaître la gravité de ce qu'elle semblait vouloir.
Quand Kaze était arrivé à l'école, il n'avait pas de limiteurs et il avait cassé beaucoup de choses. Le contrôle de l'apprentissage lui avait permis un semblant de normalité malgré son apparence. Il voudrait que les professeurs et les directeurs aient la permission de sortir avant même de vraiment penser sérieusement à laisser le contrôle s'en aller. | Name: Kaze
Age: 18
Kaze is a tall being, standing at eight feet tall. Everything about him says 'intimidation', from the claws on his fingers to the teeth in his mouth. His body is covered in black scales while his chin to the tip of his tail are royal purple colored plates. His eyes, which glow the slightest bit, are a deep crimson while his horns and claws are pure white.
Power: Dragon's Blood
Enhanced Strength: His degree of strength is exceptionally high, able to flip or throw vehicles.
Enhanced Senses: Being bestial his sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Taste and touch are reduced while sight remains largely untouched.
Armored Body: The scales and plates lining his body are exceptionally tough, up there with steel but still able to be damaged.
Heat Resistance: Being a reptile he enjoys the heat, sometimes even just curling up in flames.
Heavy: While he does have wings, he's simply to heavy to actually fly unless he's dropped from a really high point.
Cold Weakness: He despises the cold. It either makes him hibernate, or if he's exposed long enough it will kill him.
Permanent: Unfortunately he has yet to 'turn it off'. So he can't even hide what he is like most other people.
Kaze honestly doesn't remember much of his past. Doesn't remember any family, what he looked like before his abilities showed, nor his homeland. There was just a tag on his wrist with a name on it while he wandered around the wilderness aimlessly. Word got out about some giant beast wandering some forest somewhere and he was eventually confronted by some of the people who worked at the Safe Haven. He reluctantly went with them, mostly because he understood his differences from others and that someone overzealous would probably shoot him. Figures he remembers what guns are but not anything deemed important by normal society. While learning in the school he had hoped to find a way to control his ability to actually 'turn it off'. So far he either hasn't found the trick or simply can't. |
235 | 1 | 72 | 752 | 2,253 | Eric a regardé les deux combattants aller et retour, le combat a été intense. Sarah semblait avoir le dessus avec ses pouvoirs d'eau, faisant des pièges pour Cole. Elle était certainement intelligente sur la façon dont elle se battait, elle a réussi à le piéger dans des sables mouvants. Mais ça a réussi à être une erreur, c'est là que les choses sont devenues folles Cole semblait perdre le contrôle. Les enseignants sont intervenus, et Sarah est revenue à son siège.
"Hé, tu as fait du bon travail. Ne te tabasse pas." Il a dit, et a hurlé aux enseignants lui disant de descendre à l'arène. Son cœur sonnait comme un tambour, et il semblait être plus fort qu'il ne le faisait pas.
C'était comme une vie pour lui d'atteindre le terrain lui-même, alors qu'il se tenait debout, il a hurlé à Cole toujours en étant soutenu par l'enseignant. "C'était génial, un bon boulot qui le contrôlait." Il a donné un petit sourire, et un pouce vers le haut. Avant de prendre sa position, attendant Lucky. | Name:Eric J Keller
Power:Photographic Reflexes, You ever wish that you could do something just by watching someone do it? Eric can, he can watch someone and pick up on their fighting style almost instantly, he could wield a sword like a master in a matter of weeks, he can become a top shot just by watching someone, and sports has never been a problem.
Background:Eric was born in a poor neighborhood, his family was happy to have him. But when he started to demonstrate his powers he ran away, not wanting to get his family involved. But due to the nature of his powers Eric isn't as targeted as other powered individuals, which he used to his advantage of course.
He used his power to earn money for himself on the streets, but as things tend to do, life changed. He got caught, so he ran, he had heard tell of Haven, so he fled there. Hoping that they would take him in, hoping that he could forget his life there. |
236 | 1 | 73 | 713 | 127 | Sarah avait encore ouvert les yeux et vu Cole reprendre le contrôle. Il lui fallut la plus grande partie de sa force, et Sara regarda avec anxiété le fait que Jacob conduisit Cole hors de l'arène. Elle voulait se lever et les suivre, mais n'était pas sûre si ça allait aller.
Quand Lady Jade a annoncé le prochain combat, Sarah a vu Eric et Lucky se lever et entrer dans l'arène. "Allez-y, les gars!" Sarah s'est levée et a marché au bord de l'arène. Elle n'a pas pu s'en empêcher. "Il va s'en sortir, n'est-ce pas?" Elle chuchotait à Lady Jade. | Name: Sarah James
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Powers: Water
Sarah can control water, but only when she’s near a source. This means she knows when she’s near water, or the general direction she should look in, but she cannot trace the plumbing in the walls, so to speak.
Sarah has some control over her powers, and has even begun training herself. She cannot keep this up very long, and has problems focusing her attention. She also loses her shit when she gets angry.
Personality: Sarah is anything but shy. She is a rowdy girl who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She doesn’t seek the spotlight, but somehow it usually finds her. Sarah is fun loving and intelligent. She uses humor as a shield, but once you get through this you’ll never find a more loyal friend.
Background: Sarah grew up in a lighthouse on a small island off the coast. She loved living near the sea, though it was an isolated area. She is an only child, and her parents home schooled her. Not because they were overprotective, but simply because it was easier than making the trip to the mainland every day. She was enrolled in the local High School as an online student, and most teachers were very accommodating.
The family found out about her powers the one time Sarah was really upset. Sarah was 12 and always stressed. Something about the sea made her restless, but her parents attributed it to puberty and tried to move on with normal life. Sarah wanted to move away from the water and its constant pull, wanted to go to school, but simultaneously feared the other children. During this stressful time, her father was in a serious accident, and Sarah did not know how to deal with her emotions. He was in the hospital, and she was on her little island. In a flurry of frustration, fear, feelings and tears, she blew up the plumbing. Water came pouring out of the walls, the shower and toilet were destroyed and during the long minutes it took her mother to shut off the main water supply, the house seemed to cry along with Sarah. Thankfully, her father recovered, and the cottage was rebuilt.
These days, there’s no running water in the house itself. Behind the cottage, there’s a small fenced off area with a structure in the centre. This structure houses the shower, toilet and laundry room. A small tunnel underground connects both buildings.
Sarah’s parents researched the whole thing online, and discovered that Sarah is one of many children who face similar challenges. This discovery did not change their love for their daughter, and the family remains close and loving.
After intensive training with her mother, Sarah now heads away from the house, towards the sea, when she loses control. She now understands her connection to the water, and the way it calls to her, and being near water calms her. And she can let go of her emotions and mess with the waters around the island without hurting anyone.
That’s why her parents built the “washhouse” on the other end of their property. Sarah spends most of her time studying for school, or working on controlling her powers and emotions. She has never lost control like that again, at least, not in the house…
Trying to guide and teach her daughter as best she could, Sarah’s mother spent hours and hours online, looking for ways to help her daughter. When the Safe Haven academy came up for the 6th time that day, she clicked the link and read with increasing awe. Later that night, after Sarah had gone to bed, she discussed things with Sarah’s father.
The next day, they suggested it to Sarah. The thought of leaving left her conflicted. Being around people and unseen water all the time scares her. But her wish to understand and control her powers more fully won out in the end, and here she is.
Sarah did not arrive with the other students, because a storm made it impossible for her to leave the lighthouse island for several days. Her parents had their suspicions, but Sarah assured them she had nothing to do with it. Reports from the mainland confirmed her story. This storm was way bigger than anything Sarah had manifested before. Gradually, the storm died down and Sarah’s new adventure stretched out before her.
Sarah takes comfort in the idea that even the sea was sad to see her go, and is eager to return home as often as she can. She misses her parents and her home, but is determined to make the best of the situation. |
237 | 1 | 74 | 153 | 802 | Lucky avait regardé le combat entre Sarah et Cole avec un souffle appâté. Les moments où Cole était pris au piège dans le sable mouvant se sentaient comme une éternité, et quand il est finalement apparu comme un monstre induit par la perte de sang, Lucky savait que ses soupçons de plus tôt étaient corrects. Elle comprendrait ce qu'est le partage de son corps. Elle ne pouvait pas croire que c'était juste lui qui perdait le contrôle. Et si c'était le cas, c'était honnêtement plus effrayant.
Quand les enseignants sont intervenus, elle s'est enfin souvenue de respirer. Elle regarda vers le bas ses mains, qui se balançaient dans des poings serrés et tremblaient légèrement avec de l'adrénaline. Elle s'est serré les mains pour arrêter les tremblements et a pris une profonde, longue respiration pour se stabiliser. Elle n'avait pas peur du duel à venir, mais son corps se battait pour la bataille sans son consentement.
Elle a levé les yeux quand elle et Eric ont été annoncés pour le prochain duel. Le soleil béni a rempli l'arène et ses cheveux et ses yeux ont commencé à briller beaucoup plus clair. La lumière était avidement aspirée dans son corps, alimentant ses pouvoirs et faisant vibrer son corps avec l'afflux d'énergie. Elle n'a pas perdu de temps à prendre sa place en face d'Eric au milieu de l'arène. Elle a tapé son pied à temps avec la musique maintenant en train de s'évanouir des écouteurs accrochés autour de son cou. Ses cheveux ont commencé à réagir comme si sur l'instinct, poussant jusqu'à ce qu'il éclate derrière elle dans des sections séparées, apparemment sensibles, qui étaient prêtes à s'éteindre à toute menace potentielle. À ce stade, Lucky ressemblait de près à un kumiho de la mythologie coréenne.
"Allez doucement avec moi mon pote." Lucky a dit à Eric avec un sourire féroce. | Name
Luxianne "Lucky" Soles
credit for picture, the awe-worthy Loish
Lucky is 5'9'' in height and 145lbs, with a lithe build gained from many years of yoga and martial arts. Her eyes, as well as her tattoo on her cheek, change color depending on her mood, and they always appear to have an inner glow about them.
Her body (her blood, saliva, hair, etc.) is capable of producing regenerative and curative powers. She draws the energy for her powers from UV-rays (i.e sunlight, or artificial light) and is able to store it in her body. This is the reason for the color of her hair, eyes, teeth, nails, and blood. If she is required to use her powers a lot, eventually she'll run out of her stored energy and start using her own, which will quickly cause her to go unconscious.
Her curative powers are just that, the ability to fight sickness, disease, and, it is speculated, with enough practice, perhaps combat cancer, cure blindness, as well as the more deadly afflictions. She isn't quite at this level yet, and is afraid to begin delving more into it (more in the Background section). All of this healing is done with the willingness of the subject in mind, she will not force her powers on others.
In addition to being able to heal, she can reinforce parts of her body to toughen up to the durability of dense stone. Breakable, but not easily done. She has prehensile manipulation over her hair (and, more rarely done, her nails), and she can grow her hair and nails out at will.
Lucky grew up in a privileged lifestyle, her parents being specialized surgeons, as well as very affluent in their fields. She was the youngest of five children, raised mostly by her family's butler and had very little interaction with her parents due to their demanding lifestyles. Lucky didn't hate them for it, but instead held adoration for them being so dedicated to the craft. She dreamt of growing up to be a surgeon like her parents, helping to save lives and do good in the world.
However, when she was handed the powers that could help her achieve her dreams, it was anything but what she imagined.
She was ten years old, and it was a rare weekend that her parents and siblings had time to take off from their jobs to be together. It was a blissful event that turned quickly into a horrific nightmare for them when an enraged man broke in and accused Lucky's mother of killing his daughter. In his revenge, he lashed out and grabbed the nearest person, which happened to be Lucky, and stabbed her several times in the stomach before he was apprehended.
Her family didn't even have time to begin to mourn their loss, when all of the sudden Lucky's hair began to change color quickly into bio-luminescent green and wrap her up in a dense protective cocoon. She stayed this way for nearly a month. When she finally emerged, she was poked and prodded by doctors and scientists, especially by those specializing in the supernatural phenomena taking place in children. It was quickly ascertained that she held astounding regenerative powers, and, more astonishingly, the ability to cure sicknesses. Nearly all of the methods used to test her powers were borderline torture, and her parents began to have less and less say in their daughter's well being.
Lucky was forced to undergo painful procedures, as well as to heal patients for nearly a year before her parents were able to extract her from her unwelcome prison. They immediately sought out the Safe Haven and brought their daughter there, believing it the best place for Lucky's safety (as well as their own). She has been at the Haven for nearly five years now.
She typically stays away from using her powers due to her unpleasant past, and has had markedly horrible power progression during her time at the Haven. Despite all of this, Lucky is a rather outgoing girl who is quick to smile and easy to talk to. |
238 | 1 | 75 | 1,931 | 362 | Il est normal de perdre le contrôle... Cole répété d'une manière réfléchie, mais ensuite continué assez amèrement. "Bien que, pas tant pour tuer un couple de personnes tout en le faisant, n'est-ce pas?"
Il n'a rien dit d'autre, car le professeur Jacob l'a aidé à sortir de l'arène, à peine attraper les noms des deux étudiants qui étaient le plus près. L'un d'eux, le garçon que Cole pensait être "Eric", les passa alors qu'il se dirigeait vers le bas. Cole a géré un « Merci », en réponse à ses paroles encourageantes, cependant, il ne pouvait pas s'empêcher d'être troublé par ce qu'il pensait.
L'enseignant lui a alors donné le choix de rester ou de se retirer dans sa chambre. Ses souvenirs de cette nuit fatidique revenaient à lui à cause de l'épreuve précédente, et il savait qu'il ne se reposerait pas, mais continuerait plutôt à couver sur ce qui avait eu lieu alors, s'il était seul dans sa chambre. S'il restait, il y avait au moins des choses qui pouvaient le distraire de telles pensées. De plus, le spectacle passif pendant que les autres élèves s'éparpillaient serait probablement un bon moyen de se détendre l'esprit.
Il s'est tourné vers la blonde plus âgée. "Il n'y a pas besoin de vous déranger, monsieur. Je peux me reposer ici. Merci beaucoup, pour tout."
Cole a pris le siège le plus proche et s'y est installé. Alors que la prochaine paire d'étudiants a pris leur place dans l'arène, il a repéré Sarah en parlant à Lady Jade. Elle avait été une adversaire formidable, de ce dont il pouvait se souvenir, de toute façon. Quand on lui a donné la chance, il a dû la remercier aussi, pour le combat, ainsi que pour sa compréhension et son soutien, pour cette autre voix qu'il avait entendue alors qu'il était encore un monstre avait été à elle. | Name: Cole Ryder
Age: 16
Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form.
Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark.
Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form.
Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities. |
239 | 2 | 0 | 163 | 270 | Chapitre 01: Nouvelle ville de Bark
"Vents d'un nouveau départ"
Les vents d'un nouveau départ en effet! New Bark Town marque le premier pas vers ce qui, espérons-le, fera un voyage fructueux et réussi à travers l'emblématique région de Johto! C'est tout à fait la journée ensoleillée en ville avec un ensemble de nuages accentuant le ciel. Certains pourraient même le considérer cliché si ce n'était pas pour la brise qui a soufflé à travers de temps en temps... mais assez sur le temps! Vous avez l'esprit fixé sur des questions qui sont plus importantes qu'une brise stupide. Vous êtes ici pour réclamer votre tout premier Pokemon!
Vers l'ouest de la ville est l'endroit où votre destination attend et il est nul autre que le laboratoire du professeur Junipers! C'est un bâtiment assez grand qui tient un peu dehors dans ce pittoresque paradis suburbain. Le professeur est une femme vivante avec une passion pour Pokemon qui brûle de l'intérieur profond. Elle est grande, professionnelle, et a un grand ensemble de jambes! Elle attend aussi avec impatience votre arrivée, alors qu'attendez-vous? Que vous soyez déjà en ville, toujours en voyage à travers le pays, ou juste en arrivant, il est dans votre meilleur intérêt de ne pas être en retard. Le professeur est une femme très occupée après tout.
Vous devez :
Obtenez votre entrée de la professeure Juniper et de son équipe de chercheurs avec votre propre Pokedex!
Écrivez au moins un article de ce chapitre.
ÉVÉNEMENTS!Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?
Dans les lettres que j'ai envoyées, il peut y avoir mention d'un train qui traverse Johto. N'hésitez pas à interagir avec d'autres passagers ou simplement à reconnaître leur existence.
La première ville de chaque nouveau voyage est aussi traditionnellement la plus ennuyeuse. Testez vos compétences d'écriture en réussissant à étendre la longueur de ce chapitre sur 3 poteaux copieux. | Name: Maria Conway
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Starter: Hoppip
Nickname: Dandy
Gender: Boy
Ability: Chlorophyll
(The envelope that the introductory letter was sent in was bigger than the others and thicker. This is because several photographs have been sent along with the letter.)
Greetings Professor Juniper,
My name is Maria Conway, age 15. I'm currently, living in Fuschia City in Kanto, my grandfather owns the safari zone here and I am willing to travel to Johto for this opportunity. (The first photo of the bunch is a picture of Maria). I don't have any experience as a trainer, but I do have some experience with tracking and finding pokemon. My dream is to become a professional field photographer and I think becoming a pokemon trainer will help with that. I've already taken several photos around my city and even in the local safari zone. (Many of the rest of the photos are of pokemon from the safari zone and a few pokemon and people from in the town itself.) But I hope through my travels as a trainer, not only will I get to find pokemon in their natural habitat but also get to capture real magic between pokemon and humans. There's a lot of amazing things out there to see; places, battles, people and pokemon in general, and I want to not only see it but show them to the world. (The last photo is of a battle between Koga and another trainer, captured right before Koga's Venamoth collides with the trainer's pikachu.)
Besides which, there's a lot of useful things I could learn by becoming a trainer! I already mentioned finding pokemon, which would surely help in filling the pokedex, but also participating in battles and getting my pokemon stronger will help in case I run into any troubles later on! Not to mention if I'm known as a fairly good battler, it may very well open up opportunities later on. Also actually going out into the world to travel will teach my how to traverse all kinds of different terrain! And...well there's quite a bit more, but I'm sure you have more letters to look through and read so I'll end off here. Just know that this will mean the world to me if I am picked, and thank you kindly for taking the time to read this letter.
Sincerely, Maria |
240 | 2 | 1 | 1,359 | 333 | Elliot Forrester
Au cours de ses treize années, Elliot n'avait voyagé qu'une seule fois à l'extérieur d'Olivine City et c'était à Goldenrod City. Sa mère l'a pris quelques jours quand il avait dix ans et il en aimait chaque minute. Elliot n'avait jamais été aussi heureux quand il a reçu la lettre du professeur Juniper, sa mère de l'autre côté ne voulait pas qu'il parte en pensant qu'il était trop jeune pour voyager seul. Mais elle ne pouvait pas le convaincre autrement, son esprit était mis à devenir un entraîneur Pokemon.
Elliot était assis à la gare depuis environ une demi-heure sur sa propre fouille dans son sac, en s'assurant qu'il s'était souvenu de tout. Mais la seule chose dont il avait vraiment besoin, c'était le billet de train, qu'il n'avait pas laissé partir depuis deux heures. Alors que le train s'approchait de la gare, Elliot s'installa au bord de la plate-forme avec un gros sourire sur le visage.
Il a sauté dans le train dès que les portes se sont ouvertes, ne pas pouvoir se contrôler. Il ne s'était jamais senti aussi aventureux toute sa vie. À chaque minute, Elliot finit par errer dans le train sans pouvoir rester immobile. Le premier arrêt du voyage en train était Ecruteak City, il a lu qu'il y avait deux tours ici et que certaines personnes croyaient que le légendaire Pokemon y vivait. Beaucoup de personnes sont montées dans le train alors qu'Elliot se déplaçait à explorer, il a remarqué que quelqu'un de seulement quelques années de plus qu'il n'était monté dans le train lui-même aussi. Elliot avait trop peur de lui dire quoi que ce soit de toute façon et a décidé de continuer à errer. Plus tard, quand Elliot passa encore l'adolescence, il dormait. | Name: BRIAR
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: 17
Nickname: Spica
Gender: Female
Ability: Intimidate
Addressed to: Professor Juniper
This letter should have arrived at your doorstep courtesy of my personal assistant, and so the need to introduce myself should be deemed unnecessary.
Then again, even without that simpering fool right there with you, I doubt my name has fled your mind ever since you've seen me on television or heard me on the radio. That's right, Professor. Be honoured, for the one and only BRIAR has chosen you to be the recepient of a handwritten letter. My hordes of fans would kill to be in your position, so do not squander the sensation by letting fools like my assistant and what other sad excuses for applicants you have outshine my words.
Oh? My assistant just informed me that Perdy has also sent you a letter. How quaint. That talentless sap got into the industry due to pure luck. I would bet one of my many, many expensive vehicles that he even had some relatives within. Nepotism is a curse. Unlike me, the great BRIAR whose life is as dramatic and brilliant as a movie. Several, in fact, have been produced detailing my rise to glory. I'm sure you've watched them. Such masterpieces, don't you think? But I digress. I meant to tell you about my rise to glory, which I assume you already know through my aforementioned films. Either way, I grew up at an orphanage, abandoned by foolish, idiotic parents who failed to see the gift thrust upon them by the cosmos. The plebians I shared that roof with were of the nastiest sort and I was determined to rid myself of their grime as soon as possible. At the wee age of three, I began to join singing competitions around Unova, all of which I won. Of course, I did.
Following my eight trophy, I was five then, someone who finally understood I was a star chained to the earth decided to liberate me. I'm sure you know of him. He's my producer, the magnificent Shou Prism. He brought me to the spotlight at the age of seven, after numerous workshops that I didn't really need as I was already flawless. Still, I blew the crowd away, and the rest, as they say, is history. I now have three platinum albums under my belt, four films where I am the lead actress, more awards that I can count, and wealth to rival any in all the regions.
Now, I'm sure you must already be jumping to the opportunity I'm presenting you, but allow me to explain just exactly how I can be of use to you. You seek to inspire people to become Trainers again, yes? Here you have in front of you a very talented, insanely popular, and undoubtedly magnificent woman prepared to offer her services. Give me a Pokemon, let me wander around your region with a camera to show my fans the wonder and joys and whatever of having a Pokemon, and before you know it, you'll have thousands scampering to rid your little laboratory of your critters.
I know what you must be thinking. Oh great BRIAR, how lucky are we that you're willing to do this for us. And for free too. Well, let me just say that I love my fans, and I am willing to sacrifice my designer boots in order to show them what they're missing. |
241 | 2 | 2 | 163 | 270 | Maria Conway
C'est un grand monde dehors.
Le départ de Maria était doux d'amertume pour elle. Pas parce qu'elle n'avait jamais voyagé auparavant. Elle avait été autour de Kanto et dans beaucoup d'autres régions avec son grand-père pour de courts voyages. Mais sur ceux-là, elle savait qu'elle ne serait pas partie pendant longtemps, qu'elle retournerait bientôt chez elle. Mais maintenant, elle n'était pas en voyage, mais en voyage réel. Elle n'avait aucune idée de quand elle reverrait la maison. Elle ne savait même pas si elle ferait du bien dans son voyage. Mais elle avait foi en elle-même. Sa vie allait changer quand elle a marché dans la ville de New Bark, et même si le chemin qu'elle allait prendre ne l'emmenait pas à l'avenir qu'elle voyait pour elle-même, elle sortirait toujours et y ferait face.
"Je suis sur ce bateau depuis trop longtemps..." Maria soupira alors qu'elle se penchait contre la rampe alors qu'elle essayait de sortir de sa tête les pensées d'un "avenir incertain". Se tenant de la région juste à côté de Johto, mais étant plus proche de l'océan que du métro, Maria a fini par obtenir un billet de bateau pour New Bark ville, et donc, a eu un voyage plus long que la plupart. C'était déjà le deuxième jour qu'elle était sur le bateau, mais heureusement elle était presque à sa destination. Le voyage n'avait pas été mauvais, peut-être un peu ennuyeux mais pas mauvais. Sa partie préférée était de voir les îles Seafoam et Cinnabar Island pendant que le navire les passait. Maria a eu quelques photos d'eux, beaucoup d'entre eux plutôt bien. Elle venait de finir de regarder celles qu'elle avait décidé de garder après les avoir téléchargées sur son ordinateur portable. Elle avait apporté son ordinateur portable, son appareil photo, les quelques fournitures essentielles que la plupart des entraîneurs transportaient dans leurs sacs... et un peu de pokecandy de la zone Safari. Elle savait exactement ce qu'elle commençait à obtenir et alors qu'elle savait que Hoppip serait bon pour certains tirs aériens, un Hoppip ne serait pas très bon quand il s'agissait de combattre, du moins pas au début. Son seul espoir était qu'elle pouvait obtenir un bon pokémon de combat avant qu'elle n'ait plus de bonbons ou en colère un trop avec une pierre.
Mais ces préoccupations étaient à l'arrière de son esprit alors que le navire a finalement fait quai. Maria a été l'une des premières à quitter le navire et à regarder autour de la petite ville. Maria pouvait même sentir les vents de son nouveau départ souffler autour d'elle... jusqu'à ce qu'elle se rende compte que c'était en fait un hélicoptère qui laissait certaines personnes s'envoler. C'était l'un des autres entraîneurs... elle avait l'impression d'avoir vu un de ces gens avant, mais elle ne pouvait pas le placer. Ça n'avait pas d'importance pour elle en ce moment. Son premier ordre d'affaires était simple. Elle a demandé à un local de prendre une photo d'elle à côté du panneau de la ville. Sa première photo à Johto, la première de beaucoup, et elle voulait que ce soit de cela pour qu'elle puisse la renvoyer à son grand-père.
C'est ainsi que Maria s'est rapidement rendue au laboratoire de Juniper (après avoir demandé des directives), prête à rencontrer son premier partenaire dans son voyage. | Name: Maria Conway
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Starter: Hoppip
Nickname: Dandy
Gender: Boy
Ability: Chlorophyll
(The envelope that the introductory letter was sent in was bigger than the others and thicker. This is because several photographs have been sent along with the letter.)
Greetings Professor Juniper,
My name is Maria Conway, age 15. I'm currently, living in Fuschia City in Kanto, my grandfather owns the safari zone here and I am willing to travel to Johto for this opportunity. (The first photo of the bunch is a picture of Maria). I don't have any experience as a trainer, but I do have some experience with tracking and finding pokemon. My dream is to become a professional field photographer and I think becoming a pokemon trainer will help with that. I've already taken several photos around my city and even in the local safari zone. (Many of the rest of the photos are of pokemon from the safari zone and a few pokemon and people from in the town itself.) But I hope through my travels as a trainer, not only will I get to find pokemon in their natural habitat but also get to capture real magic between pokemon and humans. There's a lot of amazing things out there to see; places, battles, people and pokemon in general, and I want to not only see it but show them to the world. (The last photo is of a battle between Koga and another trainer, captured right before Koga's Venamoth collides with the trainer's pikachu.)
Besides which, there's a lot of useful things I could learn by becoming a trainer! I already mentioned finding pokemon, which would surely help in filling the pokedex, but also participating in battles and getting my pokemon stronger will help in case I run into any troubles later on! Not to mention if I'm known as a fairly good battler, it may very well open up opportunities later on. Also actually going out into the world to travel will teach my how to traverse all kinds of different terrain! And...well there's quite a bit more, but I'm sure you have more letters to look through and read so I'll end off here. Just know that this will mean the world to me if I am picked, and thank you kindly for taking the time to read this letter.
Sincerely, Maria |
242 | 2 | 3 | 1,359 | 333 | Elliot Forrester
Les trente dernières minutes du voyage, Elliot a réussi à s'asseoir, mais n'a pas pu s'empêcher de fidgeting. Son pied tremblait d'un côté à l'autre et il se tapait la jambe de la main alors qu'il regardait par la fenêtre. Les nerfs ont commencé à s'installer pour Elliot alors que le voyage en train continuait. Toutes les choses qui pouvaient mal tourner, il était un peu en seconde devinant sa décision de venir en fait. Mais non, il ne pouvait pas penser comme ça, il devait penser positif. Pour montrer qu'il peut être l'un des plus grands formateurs de Pokemon au monde.
Alors que le train s'est approché de la gare de New Bark Town, Elliot a commencé à sourire, les nerfs ont lentement commencé à disparaître. Il a attendu quelques secondes avant de se lever et de descendre du train. Les quelques personnes qui descendaient du train se précipitaient déjà dans leur propre entreprise alors qu'Elliot montait à la gare. Elliot a attendu une minute et a pris son chapeau laineux en laine de son sac et s'est ensuite promené pour chercher le Pokemon Lab. Il a seulement fallu une minute pour qu'Elliot le repère cependant, ce n'était pas vraiment difficile cependant, C'était massif par rapport à tous les autres bâtiments de la ville.
Elliot a regardé les grandes portes pendant une minute en respirant profondément. Un pas à la fois, Elliot se pensa à lui-même alors qu'il entrait dans le laboratoire. Le labo était comme rien qu'il n'avait jamais vu, sauf quelque chose à la télé. Elliot regarda lentement autour de lui, la bouche ouverte. Comme Elliot s'émerveillait devant l'endroit, il n'a pas vraiment remarqué deux personnes le regardant. Quand il les a finalement remarqués, il s'est arrêté dans ses traces, "Salut... Je suis... Je suis Elliot Forrester." | Name: BRIAR
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: 17
Nickname: Spica
Gender: Female
Ability: Intimidate
Addressed to: Professor Juniper
This letter should have arrived at your doorstep courtesy of my personal assistant, and so the need to introduce myself should be deemed unnecessary.
Then again, even without that simpering fool right there with you, I doubt my name has fled your mind ever since you've seen me on television or heard me on the radio. That's right, Professor. Be honoured, for the one and only BRIAR has chosen you to be the recepient of a handwritten letter. My hordes of fans would kill to be in your position, so do not squander the sensation by letting fools like my assistant and what other sad excuses for applicants you have outshine my words.
Oh? My assistant just informed me that Perdy has also sent you a letter. How quaint. That talentless sap got into the industry due to pure luck. I would bet one of my many, many expensive vehicles that he even had some relatives within. Nepotism is a curse. Unlike me, the great BRIAR whose life is as dramatic and brilliant as a movie. Several, in fact, have been produced detailing my rise to glory. I'm sure you've watched them. Such masterpieces, don't you think? But I digress. I meant to tell you about my rise to glory, which I assume you already know through my aforementioned films. Either way, I grew up at an orphanage, abandoned by foolish, idiotic parents who failed to see the gift thrust upon them by the cosmos. The plebians I shared that roof with were of the nastiest sort and I was determined to rid myself of their grime as soon as possible. At the wee age of three, I began to join singing competitions around Unova, all of which I won. Of course, I did.
Following my eight trophy, I was five then, someone who finally understood I was a star chained to the earth decided to liberate me. I'm sure you know of him. He's my producer, the magnificent Shou Prism. He brought me to the spotlight at the age of seven, after numerous workshops that I didn't really need as I was already flawless. Still, I blew the crowd away, and the rest, as they say, is history. I now have three platinum albums under my belt, four films where I am the lead actress, more awards that I can count, and wealth to rival any in all the regions.
Now, I'm sure you must already be jumping to the opportunity I'm presenting you, but allow me to explain just exactly how I can be of use to you. You seek to inspire people to become Trainers again, yes? Here you have in front of you a very talented, insanely popular, and undoubtedly magnificent woman prepared to offer her services. Give me a Pokemon, let me wander around your region with a camera to show my fans the wonder and joys and whatever of having a Pokemon, and before you know it, you'll have thousands scampering to rid your little laboratory of your critters.
I know what you must be thinking. Oh great BRIAR, how lucky are we that you're willing to do this for us. And for free too. Well, let me just say that I love my fans, and I am willing to sacrifice my designer boots in order to show them what they're missing. |
243 | 2 | 4 | 1,359 | 333 | Maria Conway
Le laboratoire
Il n'a pas fallu trop de temps pour trouver le labo du professeur Juniper. Même si elle n'avait pas eu d'itinéraires, Maria aurait probablement pu le choisir dans tous les autres bâtiments grâce au fait que ça ressemblait à ce que vous attendiez d'un laboratoire de Pokemon. Plus grand que le reste des bâtiments et avait un sentiment plus important pour lui, ou peut-être que c'était parce que c'était plus important pour elle que tous les autres bâtiments de la ville. De toute façon, c'était la destination de Maria et il était temps d'y aller et enfin de rencontrer le gentil professeur qui lui donnait cette merveilleuse opportunité. Elle a donc saisi la poignée de porte et l'a retournée, ouvrant la porte et entrant.
"Bonjour, je suis là!" Maria a dit avec un sourire en entrant dans le labo. Une assistante est venue la voir et lui a dit que tout le monde était déjà à l'arrière. Oh, ma chérie! Elle était en retard? Maria s'est rapidement rendue à l'arrière du labo où il y en avait d'autres. On aurait dit qu'il y en avait trois (quatre?) d'autres formateurs, ainsi que le professeur Juniper qui y attend. Maria ne savait pas combien de personnes avaient été acceptées dans le programme, elle pensait qu'il devait y avoir plus de quatre ou cinq personnes, ce qui signifiait qu'elle n'avait pas fait attendre tout le monde. En fait, ils semblaient tous se présenter. "Bonjour, professeur Juniper, d'autres seront bientôt formateurs. Je suis Maria Conway et... Maria s'est arrêtée quand ses yeux sont tombés sur Briar. "Oh mon Dieu!" Elle a dit qu'en allant vers eux, elle était un peu excitée. "C'est un Moltres xa20!" Elle a dit qu'elle regardait la caméra que Briar tenait. "C'est une très bonne chose! Je ne pensais pas qu'il y aurait quelqu'un comme moi ici. Bien que je suppose que vous êtes dans la cinématographie que la photographie." En fait, ils ressemblaient plus à ce qu'ils s'attendaient à être devant la caméra. Mais c'est eux qui tenaient la caméra.
"Tu devras partager tes images avec moi un jour! Mais pour l'instant..." Maria se retourna vers le professeur Juniper et sortit la photo du Hoppip qu'elle lui avait envoyée. "J'aimerais vraiment voir si le petit gars correspond à la photo!" | Name: BRIAR
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: 17
Nickname: Spica
Gender: Female
Ability: Intimidate
Addressed to: Professor Juniper
This letter should have arrived at your doorstep courtesy of my personal assistant, and so the need to introduce myself should be deemed unnecessary.
Then again, even without that simpering fool right there with you, I doubt my name has fled your mind ever since you've seen me on television or heard me on the radio. That's right, Professor. Be honoured, for the one and only BRIAR has chosen you to be the recepient of a handwritten letter. My hordes of fans would kill to be in your position, so do not squander the sensation by letting fools like my assistant and what other sad excuses for applicants you have outshine my words.
Oh? My assistant just informed me that Perdy has also sent you a letter. How quaint. That talentless sap got into the industry due to pure luck. I would bet one of my many, many expensive vehicles that he even had some relatives within. Nepotism is a curse. Unlike me, the great BRIAR whose life is as dramatic and brilliant as a movie. Several, in fact, have been produced detailing my rise to glory. I'm sure you've watched them. Such masterpieces, don't you think? But I digress. I meant to tell you about my rise to glory, which I assume you already know through my aforementioned films. Either way, I grew up at an orphanage, abandoned by foolish, idiotic parents who failed to see the gift thrust upon them by the cosmos. The plebians I shared that roof with were of the nastiest sort and I was determined to rid myself of their grime as soon as possible. At the wee age of three, I began to join singing competitions around Unova, all of which I won. Of course, I did.
Following my eight trophy, I was five then, someone who finally understood I was a star chained to the earth decided to liberate me. I'm sure you know of him. He's my producer, the magnificent Shou Prism. He brought me to the spotlight at the age of seven, after numerous workshops that I didn't really need as I was already flawless. Still, I blew the crowd away, and the rest, as they say, is history. I now have three platinum albums under my belt, four films where I am the lead actress, more awards that I can count, and wealth to rival any in all the regions.
Now, I'm sure you must already be jumping to the opportunity I'm presenting you, but allow me to explain just exactly how I can be of use to you. You seek to inspire people to become Trainers again, yes? Here you have in front of you a very talented, insanely popular, and undoubtedly magnificent woman prepared to offer her services. Give me a Pokemon, let me wander around your region with a camera to show my fans the wonder and joys and whatever of having a Pokemon, and before you know it, you'll have thousands scampering to rid your little laboratory of your critters.
I know what you must be thinking. Oh great BRIAR, how lucky are we that you're willing to do this for us. And for free too. Well, let me just say that I love my fans, and I am willing to sacrifice my designer boots in order to show them what they're missing. |
244 | 2 | 5 | 1,359 | 333 | L'énergie que cette jeune foule a apportée au labo était presque écrasante. C'était un beau changement de rythme alors que les choses commençaient à devenir plutôt monotones. Maintenant, tout de suite. Je suis sûr que vous êtes tous impatients de commencer votre voyage, donc je ne vous ai pas fait attendre beaucoup plus longtemps, a dit le professeur. En regardant vers l'un de ses associés et en lui signalant de sortir, l'assistant lanky a apporté un plateau avec plusieurs Pokeballs dedans. Aller de l'avant et choisir celui qui vous plaît, a expliqué le professeur. Sur votre chemin, assurez-vous de prendre un Pokedex aussi bien! C'est ce que vous allez utiliser comme passe d'accès à Pokecenters et Pokemarts autour de la région! ► En scannant la foule une dernière fois, elle a pris une profonde respiration en les éclairant tous un sourire. "Maintenant shoo! Dépêchez-vous! Ces Pokemon ne vont pas s'entraîner eux-mêmes! | Name: BRIAR
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: 17
Nickname: Spica
Gender: Female
Ability: Intimidate
Addressed to: Professor Juniper
This letter should have arrived at your doorstep courtesy of my personal assistant, and so the need to introduce myself should be deemed unnecessary.
Then again, even without that simpering fool right there with you, I doubt my name has fled your mind ever since you've seen me on television or heard me on the radio. That's right, Professor. Be honoured, for the one and only BRIAR has chosen you to be the recepient of a handwritten letter. My hordes of fans would kill to be in your position, so do not squander the sensation by letting fools like my assistant and what other sad excuses for applicants you have outshine my words.
Oh? My assistant just informed me that Perdy has also sent you a letter. How quaint. That talentless sap got into the industry due to pure luck. I would bet one of my many, many expensive vehicles that he even had some relatives within. Nepotism is a curse. Unlike me, the great BRIAR whose life is as dramatic and brilliant as a movie. Several, in fact, have been produced detailing my rise to glory. I'm sure you've watched them. Such masterpieces, don't you think? But I digress. I meant to tell you about my rise to glory, which I assume you already know through my aforementioned films. Either way, I grew up at an orphanage, abandoned by foolish, idiotic parents who failed to see the gift thrust upon them by the cosmos. The plebians I shared that roof with were of the nastiest sort and I was determined to rid myself of their grime as soon as possible. At the wee age of three, I began to join singing competitions around Unova, all of which I won. Of course, I did.
Following my eight trophy, I was five then, someone who finally understood I was a star chained to the earth decided to liberate me. I'm sure you know of him. He's my producer, the magnificent Shou Prism. He brought me to the spotlight at the age of seven, after numerous workshops that I didn't really need as I was already flawless. Still, I blew the crowd away, and the rest, as they say, is history. I now have three platinum albums under my belt, four films where I am the lead actress, more awards that I can count, and wealth to rival any in all the regions.
Now, I'm sure you must already be jumping to the opportunity I'm presenting you, but allow me to explain just exactly how I can be of use to you. You seek to inspire people to become Trainers again, yes? Here you have in front of you a very talented, insanely popular, and undoubtedly magnificent woman prepared to offer her services. Give me a Pokemon, let me wander around your region with a camera to show my fans the wonder and joys and whatever of having a Pokemon, and before you know it, you'll have thousands scampering to rid your little laboratory of your critters.
I know what you must be thinking. Oh great BRIAR, how lucky are we that you're willing to do this for us. And for free too. Well, let me just say that I love my fans, and I am willing to sacrifice my designer boots in order to show them what they're missing. |
245 | 3 | 0 | 63 | 64 | (Démarrer)
Le projet Freelancer est en cours depuis trois ans, mais qu'en est-il des autres équipes. Prenez l'équipe Beta par exemple composée d'un petit groupe de 7 membres. Ken, ou l'agent Nevada était capitaine de l'équipe. Elle a passé des heures dans la salle d'entraînement, ou dans le salon à boire du café où elle était en ce moment. Ses pieds remontaient dans la table, une tasse à café à la main. | Agent State: Nevada
Agent Name: Ken Cristy
Age: 23
Picture/Appearance: 5'9, Red head, Pixie cut, Grey/Blue eyes, Wears locus class armour with the main colour as Dark Blue with real accents. Usually sports a grid all shirt and black shorts. Has a scar across her torso from an old battle.
Bio: Her mother died in the Great War, her father was a business man so she rarely saw anyone, she spent her time in school and her summers training at boot camps. At the age of 18 she unlisted for the army, originally she wanted to be an ODST but because of her high skills she was recruited for Freelancer.
Weapons: Sticks with Blade and her assault rifle which is painted Yellow and Blue.
notes (anything about your character you want to mention): Tends to have a short temper though always means well. Ken likes to avoid conflict between her teammates though finds her self in it often. |
246 | 3 | 1 | 60 | 67 | Ark bâillait après avoir pris un long jogging autour des couloirs de leur installation. Elle aimait passer ses camarades de temps en temps. Pourquoi pas un peu d'exercice avec une certaine socialisation. Elle est finalement arrivée dans le salon où elle savait que Ken serait, elle et son café. Elle s'est assise à peu près sur une chaise et a essayé de se recroquer sur le siège, elle était épuisée. "Hé Ken, qu'est-ce qu'il y a?" Ark a demandé. | Agent state: Arkansas
Agent name: Liz Scott
Age: 18
Picture: (Profile picture) 5'2 ginger pixie cut with bangs flipped to the side, green eyes ad very pale. She usually wears hoodies and leggings.
Bio: Ark grew up in a simple town, she was raised by her aunt because her mom and dad were in the military. She didn't see them very much but she heard a lot about them. One day she was at school when she was 15, she heard that her parents were both killed in action by a certain rebel group. Ark became quiet and dark. She worked for 3 years within the military to avenge her parents. Because of her progress and status, Ark was asked to join the freelancers and that is where she is today.
Weapons: TEC-9, Blow darts and throwing knives
Notes: Since Liz is so young she is shy and tends to get frustrated. She does stupid things to impress people sometimes. |
247 | 3 | 2 | 63 | 64 | Hé Ark, tu sais, comme d'habitude. Elle a hurlé sur sa tasse à café. "Comment s'est passé le travail?" Elle s'est interrogée sur le fait qu'elle aussi devrait probablement courir. Elle a déplacé ses jambes pour qu'elles se croisent, les pieds toujours sur la table. | Agent State: Nevada
Agent Name: Ken Cristy
Age: 23
Picture/Appearance: 5'9, Red head, Pixie cut, Grey/Blue eyes, Wears locus class armour with the main colour as Dark Blue with real accents. Usually sports a grid all shirt and black shorts. Has a scar across her torso from an old battle.
Bio: Her mother died in the Great War, her father was a business man so she rarely saw anyone, she spent her time in school and her summers training at boot camps. At the age of 18 she unlisted for the army, originally she wanted to be an ODST but because of her high skills she was recruited for Freelancer.
Weapons: Sticks with Blade and her assault rifle which is painted Yellow and Blue.
notes (anything about your character you want to mention): Tends to have a short temper though always means well. Ken likes to avoid conflict between her teammates though finds her self in it often. |
248 | 3 | 3 | 60 | 67 | Tu connais l'habitude. Affreux, horrible et maintenant j'ai faim Ark a dit pendant qu'elle cherchait de la nourriture. "Je dois vérifier mes 6 paquets de beignets" Elle a plaisanté. "Je m'ennuie vraiment maintenant cependant, quelqu'un a-t-il des nouvelles du directeur?". | Agent state: Arkansas
Agent name: Liz Scott
Age: 18
Picture: (Profile picture) 5'2 ginger pixie cut with bangs flipped to the side, green eyes ad very pale. She usually wears hoodies and leggings.
Bio: Ark grew up in a simple town, she was raised by her aunt because her mom and dad were in the military. She didn't see them very much but she heard a lot about them. One day she was at school when she was 15, she heard that her parents were both killed in action by a certain rebel group. Ark became quiet and dark. She worked for 3 years within the military to avenge her parents. Because of her progress and status, Ark was asked to join the freelancers and that is where she is today.
Weapons: TEC-9, Blow darts and throwing knives
Notes: Since Liz is so young she is shy and tends to get frustrated. She does stupid things to impress people sometimes. |
249 | 3 | 4 | 63 | 64 | Ken a attrapé la boîte de beignets et les a glissés à Ark. "Pas récemment, nous devrions probablement obtenir quelque chose à faire aujourd'hui." Ken ne se souciait pas vraiment du réalisateur, elle était heureuse de travailler et de manger des beignets. | Agent State: Nevada
Agent Name: Ken Cristy
Age: 23
Picture/Appearance: 5'9, Red head, Pixie cut, Grey/Blue eyes, Wears locus class armour with the main colour as Dark Blue with real accents. Usually sports a grid all shirt and black shorts. Has a scar across her torso from an old battle.
Bio: Her mother died in the Great War, her father was a business man so she rarely saw anyone, she spent her time in school and her summers training at boot camps. At the age of 18 she unlisted for the army, originally she wanted to be an ODST but because of her high skills she was recruited for Freelancer.
Weapons: Sticks with Blade and her assault rifle which is painted Yellow and Blue.
notes (anything about your character you want to mention): Tends to have a short temper though always means well. Ken likes to avoid conflict between her teammates though finds her self in it often. |
250 | 3 | 5 | 60 | 67 | Ark a attrapé la boîte de beignets et les a mis sur ses genoux. "Merci Ken" Ark sourit et commença à dévorer les pâtisseries. "Je veux juste sortir, on a l'impression d'être sur ce vaisseau depuis toujours" "Je me demande si un jour on rencontrera l'équipe Alpha" Ark aimait rencontrer des gens mais c'était pour les amener à aimer que tu partes avec qui elle a eu du mal. Il y avait toujours des nouvelles de l'équipe Alpha surtout quand il s'agissait du nouveau projet AI. | Agent state: Arkansas
Agent name: Liz Scott
Age: 18
Picture: (Profile picture) 5'2 ginger pixie cut with bangs flipped to the side, green eyes ad very pale. She usually wears hoodies and leggings.
Bio: Ark grew up in a simple town, she was raised by her aunt because her mom and dad were in the military. She didn't see them very much but she heard a lot about them. One day she was at school when she was 15, she heard that her parents were both killed in action by a certain rebel group. Ark became quiet and dark. She worked for 3 years within the military to avenge her parents. Because of her progress and status, Ark was asked to join the freelancers and that is where she is today.
Weapons: TEC-9, Blow darts and throwing knives
Notes: Since Liz is so young she is shy and tends to get frustrated. She does stupid things to impress people sometimes. |
251 | 3 | 6 | 63 | 64 | Oui. Ken était calme, elle n'aimait pas vraiment rencontrer de nouvelles personnes, au moins des gens qui sont là où le mec de joie mieux qu'elle. "Je suis excitée pour les cuties." Elle s'est branlée et s'est tapé la langue. | Agent State: Nevada
Agent Name: Ken Cristy
Age: 23
Picture/Appearance: 5'9, Red head, Pixie cut, Grey/Blue eyes, Wears locus class armour with the main colour as Dark Blue with real accents. Usually sports a grid all shirt and black shorts. Has a scar across her torso from an old battle.
Bio: Her mother died in the Great War, her father was a business man so she rarely saw anyone, she spent her time in school and her summers training at boot camps. At the age of 18 she unlisted for the army, originally she wanted to be an ODST but because of her high skills she was recruited for Freelancer.
Weapons: Sticks with Blade and her assault rifle which is painted Yellow and Blue.
notes (anything about your character you want to mention): Tends to have a short temper though always means well. Ken likes to avoid conflict between her teammates though finds her self in it often. |
252 | 3 | 7 | 60 | 67 | Ark roula les yeux et sourit "Tu le ferais" Ark dit à travers un rire. "Tu ne veux pas avoir des coqs, n'est-ce pas?" Elle a dit dans un ton sarcastique dégoûté. "Eh bien, je vais demander au Michigan si nous avons quelque chose à faire aujourd'hui parce que si nous ne sommes pas d'entraînement ou de sommeil" Ark a dit en se levant. | Agent state: Arkansas
Agent name: Liz Scott
Age: 18
Picture: (Profile picture) 5'2 ginger pixie cut with bangs flipped to the side, green eyes ad very pale. She usually wears hoodies and leggings.
Bio: Ark grew up in a simple town, she was raised by her aunt because her mom and dad were in the military. She didn't see them very much but she heard a lot about them. One day she was at school when she was 15, she heard that her parents were both killed in action by a certain rebel group. Ark became quiet and dark. She worked for 3 years within the military to avenge her parents. Because of her progress and status, Ark was asked to join the freelancers and that is where she is today.
Weapons: TEC-9, Blow darts and throwing knives
Notes: Since Liz is so young she is shy and tends to get frustrated. She does stupid things to impress people sometimes. |
253 | 3 | 8 | 63 | 64 | Oh! C'est pas vrai! J'arrive! Ken s'est levé, en versant plus de café je sa tasse puis en y ajoutant la moitié de l'ami du café aussi bien. "Allons-y!" Elle est partie à la porte, la tenant ouverte pour laisser passer Ark. | Agent State: Nevada
Agent Name: Ken Cristy
Age: 23
Picture/Appearance: 5'9, Red head, Pixie cut, Grey/Blue eyes, Wears locus class armour with the main colour as Dark Blue with real accents. Usually sports a grid all shirt and black shorts. Has a scar across her torso from an old battle.
Bio: Her mother died in the Great War, her father was a business man so she rarely saw anyone, she spent her time in school and her summers training at boot camps. At the age of 18 she unlisted for the army, originally she wanted to be an ODST but because of her high skills she was recruited for Freelancer.
Weapons: Sticks with Blade and her assault rifle which is painted Yellow and Blue.
notes (anything about your character you want to mention): Tends to have a short temper though always means well. Ken likes to avoid conflict between her teammates though finds her self in it often. |
254 | 3 | 9 | 60 | 67 | Ark a hurlé à Ken alors qu'elle marchait à travers la porte. Michigan était cool, c'est lui qui a assuré toute la surveillance et les communications sur notre vaisseau. Il était toujours occupé donc il ne socialisait pas beaucoup mais nous ne serions pas beaucoup d'une équipe si ce n'était pas pour lui. "Alors, monstre du café, faites quelque chose d'intéressant dernièrement?" Ark a demandé. | Agent state: Arkansas
Agent name: Liz Scott
Age: 18
Picture: (Profile picture) 5'2 ginger pixie cut with bangs flipped to the side, green eyes ad very pale. She usually wears hoodies and leggings.
Bio: Ark grew up in a simple town, she was raised by her aunt because her mom and dad were in the military. She didn't see them very much but she heard a lot about them. One day she was at school when she was 15, she heard that her parents were both killed in action by a certain rebel group. Ark became quiet and dark. She worked for 3 years within the military to avenge her parents. Because of her progress and status, Ark was asked to join the freelancers and that is where she is today.
Weapons: TEC-9, Blow darts and throwing knives
Notes: Since Liz is so young she is shy and tends to get frustrated. She does stupid things to impress people sometimes. |
255 | 3 | 10 | 63 | 64 | Doc m'a dit qu'on allait bientôt avoir de l'intelligence artificielle. Ken a dit de façon décontractée, puis s'est arrêté, "Je n'étais pas censé te dire ça." Puis elle s'est serrée et a continué à marcher. | Agent State: Nevada
Agent Name: Ken Cristy
Age: 23
Picture/Appearance: 5'9, Red head, Pixie cut, Grey/Blue eyes, Wears locus class armour with the main colour as Dark Blue with real accents. Usually sports a grid all shirt and black shorts. Has a scar across her torso from an old battle.
Bio: Her mother died in the Great War, her father was a business man so she rarely saw anyone, she spent her time in school and her summers training at boot camps. At the age of 18 she unlisted for the army, originally she wanted to be an ODST but because of her high skills she was recruited for Freelancer.
Weapons: Sticks with Blade and her assault rifle which is painted Yellow and Blue.
notes (anything about your character you want to mention): Tends to have a short temper though always means well. Ken likes to avoid conflict between her teammates though finds her self in it often. |
256 | 3 | 11 | 60 | 67 | Ark s'est arrêtée morte dans ses traces, essayant de traiter ce qui vient d'être dit. -- Vraiment? Ark a demandé avec enthousiasme. Elle avait beaucoup entendu parler d'eux, mais elle n'avait jamais pensé qu'ils seraient dans l'établissement. "Attendez, pourquoi on n'est pas censés savoir?" | Agent state: Arkansas
Agent name: Liz Scott
Age: 18
Picture: (Profile picture) 5'2 ginger pixie cut with bangs flipped to the side, green eyes ad very pale. She usually wears hoodies and leggings.
Bio: Ark grew up in a simple town, she was raised by her aunt because her mom and dad were in the military. She didn't see them very much but she heard a lot about them. One day she was at school when she was 15, she heard that her parents were both killed in action by a certain rebel group. Ark became quiet and dark. She worked for 3 years within the military to avenge her parents. Because of her progress and status, Ark was asked to join the freelancers and that is where she is today.
Weapons: TEC-9, Blow darts and throwing knives
Notes: Since Liz is so young she is shy and tends to get frustrated. She does stupid things to impress people sometimes. |
257 | 3 | 12 | 63 | 64 | Je ne sais pas, des trucs secrets, c'est seulement quelques membres sélectionnés de l'équipe qui devraient les recevoir. Elle a siroté son café. Elle s'est arrêtée à la salle des communications avant d'ouvrir la porte, "Ne le dites à personne." Ken a fait un clin d'œil. | Agent State: Nevada
Agent Name: Ken Cristy
Age: 23
Picture/Appearance: 5'9, Red head, Pixie cut, Grey/Blue eyes, Wears locus class armour with the main colour as Dark Blue with real accents. Usually sports a grid all shirt and black shorts. Has a scar across her torso from an old battle.
Bio: Her mother died in the Great War, her father was a business man so she rarely saw anyone, she spent her time in school and her summers training at boot camps. At the age of 18 she unlisted for the army, originally she wanted to be an ODST but because of her high skills she was recruited for Freelancer.
Weapons: Sticks with Blade and her assault rifle which is painted Yellow and Blue.
notes (anything about your character you want to mention): Tends to have a short temper though always means well. Ken likes to avoid conflict between her teammates though finds her self in it often. |
258 | 3 | 13 | 60 | 67 | Ok, j'ai compris qu'Ark a dit d'essayer de cacher son enthousiasme. "Tout le monde penserait que je plaisantais de toute façon". Ark a ouvert la porte pour trouver le Michigan regardant ses bureaux d'ordinateurs. "Hey Michigan, un mot du directeur?" Ark a demandé avec espoir alors qu'elle se penchait sur la rampe. Il s'est retourné pour voir les deux agents, "Oh hey les gars, et oui en fait j'allais appeler tout le monde" Il a dit. | Agent state: Arkansas
Agent name: Liz Scott
Age: 18
Picture: (Profile picture) 5'2 ginger pixie cut with bangs flipped to the side, green eyes ad very pale. She usually wears hoodies and leggings.
Bio: Ark grew up in a simple town, she was raised by her aunt because her mom and dad were in the military. She didn't see them very much but she heard a lot about them. One day she was at school when she was 15, she heard that her parents were both killed in action by a certain rebel group. Ark became quiet and dark. She worked for 3 years within the military to avenge her parents. Because of her progress and status, Ark was asked to join the freelancers and that is where she is today.
Weapons: TEC-9, Blow darts and throwing knives
Notes: Since Liz is so young she is shy and tends to get frustrated. She does stupid things to impress people sometimes. |
259 | 3 | 14 | 63 | 64 | Génial, nous et parce que nous sommes manifestement médiums. Ken s'est faufilée et a posé ses mains sur ses hanches. Elle regardait autour de la chambre noire, la seule lumière venant des écrans. -- Devrions-nous aller au salon pour le découvrir ou appeler tout le monde ici? | Agent State: Nevada
Agent Name: Ken Cristy
Age: 23
Picture/Appearance: 5'9, Red head, Pixie cut, Grey/Blue eyes, Wears locus class armour with the main colour as Dark Blue with real accents. Usually sports a grid all shirt and black shorts. Has a scar across her torso from an old battle.
Bio: Her mother died in the Great War, her father was a business man so she rarely saw anyone, she spent her time in school and her summers training at boot camps. At the age of 18 she unlisted for the army, originally she wanted to be an ODST but because of her high skills she was recruited for Freelancer.
Weapons: Sticks with Blade and her assault rifle which is painted Yellow and Blue.
notes (anything about your character you want to mention): Tends to have a short temper though always means well. Ken likes to avoid conflict between her teammates though finds her self in it often. |
260 | 3 | 15 | 60 | 67 | Vous pouvez retourner au salon et peut-être aller chercher des gens sur votre chemin suggéré par Michigan. "Bien sûr, je te vois dans un peu" Ark a dit et avec cela ils ont commencé leur trek de retour. « Cela fait un petit moment que notre dernière mission, j'aime regarder nos missions comme celles qui sont difficiles pour l'équipe alpha, cela aide avec ma confiance en moi » Ark a gâché. | Agent state: Arkansas
Agent name: Liz Scott
Age: 18
Picture: (Profile picture) 5'2 ginger pixie cut with bangs flipped to the side, green eyes ad very pale. She usually wears hoodies and leggings.
Bio: Ark grew up in a simple town, she was raised by her aunt because her mom and dad were in the military. She didn't see them very much but she heard a lot about them. One day she was at school when she was 15, she heard that her parents were both killed in action by a certain rebel group. Ark became quiet and dark. She worked for 3 years within the military to avenge her parents. Because of her progress and status, Ark was asked to join the freelancers and that is where she is today.
Weapons: TEC-9, Blow darts and throwing knives
Notes: Since Liz is so young she is shy and tends to get frustrated. She does stupid things to impress people sometimes. |
261 | 4 | 0 | 1,106 | 327 | Bienvenue, jeune pirate, dans le monde d'une pièce!
Si vous vous trouvez même dans la célèbre ville de Loguetown, assurez-vous de prendre un moment pour regarder le lever du soleil. Les gens du monde entier jurent que c'est la meilleure vue que vous aurez jamais d'un lever de soleil dans l'Est Bleu. Tu regardes les yeux vigilants quand les petites heures du matin passent. L'obscurité se transforme lentement en rouge et orange. Les nuages s'allument. Et puis le soleil se lève sur l'horizon, renversant ses couleurs à travers l'océan comme un œuf fissuré. Et comme il baigne toute la ville dans sa lueur chaude, un sentiment de promesse et de nouveaux débuts semble s'imprégner dans vos os.
C'est précisément pour cette raison que la ville accueille un si grand nombre de visiteurs. Il y a quelque chose à ce sujet qui entre vraiment dans la tête des peuples. Ça leur donne la force d'essayer quelque chose de nouveau. Beaucoup croient que l'endroit a de la chance, et aiment visiter avant de faire un grand changement. Les gens l'appellent avec amour la ville des commencements. Et pour les pirates, le nom est encore plus approprié. Pour un pirate, Loguetown était bien plus qu'une belle vue et une superstition agréable. C'est presque sacré. C'est la terre sainte sur laquelle le roi pirate a été exécuté. L'endroit même où l'âge d'or de la piraterie a commencé. L'air même est épais avec l'histoire. Tous les magnifiques pirates célèbres qui aspirent aux nouveaux? Ils ont tous visité cet endroit aussi. Ils se tenaient ici, respirant dans le même air, regardant le même soleil. Pour un pirate, il n'y avait pas de meilleur endroit pour commencer votre voyage.
Et ainsi, alors que le soleil se levait sur une autre belle journée à Loguetown, de nombreux jeunes pirates aspirants regardaient sans aucun doute le canon de leur futur avec des clins d'œil prometteurs. Même s'ils n'avaient pas regardé le lever du soleil, ils ressentiraient cette excitation. C'était dans l'air, et c'était infectieux. Parce que le jour était enfin venu. Le jour où ils attendaient. Le jour où ils ont choisi de devenir un pirate. Le jour où tout allait commencer.
OOC: Écrivez un message rapide et n'oubliez pas de mentionner où vous êtes et ce que vous faites. Peu importe si vous êtes dispersé autour de la ville ou situé au même endroit; peu importe ce qui flotte votre bateau. Tu peux faire ce que tu veux. Je vais commencer notre petit jeu dans un moment. Bonne chance! | REGARDING CHARACTER SHEETS
For Scabbard, I fixed the coding a bit. Also, gave him Strength and Endurance traits. I think it fits his backstory and fighting style. Given his massive burns, I would want to suggest a weakness; being unable to fight prolonged battles. He could continue, but the fatigue and stress on his body would be more than usual.Name: Scabbard
Age: 18(??)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6'1, 171 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Perpetually sleepy and groggy, as the pain of his burns often gives him trouble sleeping. Rarely raises his voice, if ever. Often laid-back and kind of lazy, but quietly focused when things get heavy. Has a strong, personal sense of justice, which he rarely talks about, but often puts into action when he can. He desires information about his past more than anything.
History: Scabbard's life is a complete blank slate to him. Waking up in a dingy Loguetown alley one day without a memory in his head, even a name. The only thing he had was a large sword, chained in its sheathe with a mysterious lock without a key, and a hideous body covered in painful burn scars. With no connections, or Beli to his name, he turned to petty crime to earn a living, taking the name of the first thing he saw: The scabbard of the locked-away blade. While life as a small-time crook gave him food to eat, he longed to learn who he really was, and saw the free life of a pirate as the ideal way to find out. Now his dream is to travel the seas, and one day find both his lost identity, and the key to the lock that seals his mysterious sword.
Abilities:Swordsmanship: Scabbard fights with the locked-up blade he awoke with. Since the blade is locked in its sheath, it serves as a blunt weapon.
Techniques: ---
Great Sword - A large and mysterious two-handed sword that has apparently been locked up in chains.
For TJ, since he already has his cooking-based ability, I just wanted to give him some thick-skinned hands for boxing and whatnot. Feel free to rename the trait.Name: Teodore Jay “TJ” Dugrass
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6’5’’, 200 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: TJ is a boisterous man that just as boisterously claims himself to be a gentleman. As such, he strives at all hours of the day to perfect his gentlemanly manners and abides by the gentleman’s code of conduct. There are times, however, that he must painfully lay down his morals for the sake of achieving his dream. Such as when it comes to money. TJ is a shrewd businessman that sells his services for a high price. He may dislike having to negotiate in an ungentlemanly manner, but he tries not to let it bother him.
History: TJ was born and raised in Loguetown. He greatly admired the fry cook industry and worked himself up from a humble dishwasher to an ace cook over the course of several years. As a child, he was told stories of a fabled island filled with legendary and exquisite creatures no man had ever laid their tongue on. As he grew into an adult, he aspired to one day find this island- not just for discovery’s sake, but to contribute to his larger goal of opening the greatest food service chain on the Grand Line. Originally he planned on working to save up more travel money, but the restaurant he worked in for most of his life recently bombed. Literally it blew up and left him jobless. Seeing it as a sign to get started, he has decided to become a pirate as a means for adventure.
Abilities: Boxing: As a gentleman, TJ is well versed in the basics of fisticuffs.
Exquisite Grilled Cuisine: Being a former fry cook in a busy restaurant, TJ knows and is more than capable of making a variety of grill-related dishes on the fly.
Techniques: ---
Traits: Thick-Skinned Fists - TJ's fists are, for a lack of a better word, meaty. They are thick and though, allowing him to block and punch without damaging his precious hands. At least most of the time.
Inventory: A stainless steel spatula and a copy of “The Gentleman’s Book of Etiquette.”
Edited the coding a bit. Made her Improved Perception from her DF into a trait instead. Not sure how profecient she is with that rod, but I edited her fighting style; just wanted to categorize it. But if she just hits people with it without any real techqniue, we could just remove it from the CS; you don't need it to be an ability if its just that. Anyway, since she's experienced in sailing, I gave her a navigation ability. Combined with her DF, that could make for some unique weather predictions. Not sure if that was the path you were going for. Also, if you noticed, I intended some of your techniques; this way, it'll be easier to understand that those technique have basic version where they were derived from. A good example of this would be Zoro's Lion Song which later on after the timeskip became Lion Song of Death.Name: Claribel Donner
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5'4'', 100 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Claribel is about as carefree as they come. When it comes to people, she is generally pretty dismissive of most, often right to their faces. Her rudeness doesn't stop there, as her honesty often comes to mouth before anything resembling restraint. She is also stubborn and single-minded: when she sets herself to something she's probably not stopping until it's done. She can be quite clever when she has the care for it: combat, for instance. She also tends to take some things for granted, as her upbringing wasn't exactly the most normal. One thing she cannot stand is the mundane, thought not because she dislikes it, but because it doesn't stick in her brain at all. She seeks interesting people and situations, sometimes to the point of recklessness. One might even say that's what she lives for. She certainly has a bit of rebellious, teenage spirit, as she occasionally does things if she thinks something interesting will come out of it.
History: Claribel has been familiar with the modern sea of pirates for a long time, as she came into this world on the vessel of what would become a pirate ship. At first, it had been the vessel of a lucrative business as an upscale passenger liner, but it was no stranger to pirates, as it weathered numerous scuffles in the East Blue Seas thanks to the strength and wit of Flors Donner. However, as it so often does, tragedy struck, in a form. After a journey that took place while Claribel was at the tender age of 3, a passenger who had been wounded in a pirate attack sought to press charges against Flors Donner and his estate, the legal avenues proving successful, the hefty fees damaging the company beyond repair. Though he was required to turn over his ship to account for bankruptcy, he denied this, running off with his ship, daughter, wife, and trusted crew. Now he was at an impasse: having fought pirates for such a length, he had no desire to enter their ranks, let alone with a woman and child on board, but the Government had scorned him, so he was now technically an outlaw. As he struggled with his options, the answer came to his from the mouth of his wife, Isabel, who said something he'd never have considered with the safety of his wife and daughter to consider.
Flors Donner became a pirate. But with a wife and child he could not afford to take a bounty, so while he flew the black flag symbolizing freedom, he never pillaged or killed. No, he targeted those who'd plagued his business for years on end, aiming at pirates. Not at first, of course: while he was one of the strongest men he'd known, his crew tough and loyal, if small, and Isabel was getting better with a rifle for those worst case scenarios, he wasn't convinced they were safe. So Flors turned to the newspaper, following the paths of pirates, arriving like a bountiful wind in their ashy wake. He went from town to town to find those who had been left behind by the Marines, and relighting their fire, giving them purpose. And so the Inferno Pirates sailed to the day where the sight of their flag would strike fear in the hearts of pirates and hope in the heart of the common man.
As for the toddler on board, Claribel's childhood was spent among the sailors, learning their names and their stories, picking up some useful seafaring knowledge and skills to boot. After a while, that was: not because she was young when she was taught. When it came to combat she learned much quicker. But while the crew initially believe it to be a matter of interest, or talent, the truth would be learned later. Isabel had become stricken with grief upon learning of the death of her parents, news of which was relayed to Claribel. And yet, some hours later, Claribel was upset, not sure of why her mother was sad. After being told once more, she was satisfied, until the next morning, when Claribel was once more confused about her mother's mood. The young girl had known that her mother was sad, but she couldn't remember why.
After she'd forgotten the death of her grandparents yet again, Flors was getting concerned, and began to seek out some medical advice. Claribel had always been a bit absent minded, but this was a bit much. After some study, there was a hypothesis that seemed to fit what Flors knew of his daughter: Claribel had a memory disorder. She could only remember things that were interesting to her the first time. Otherwise, she would need to be told repeatedly. Even then, however, she still risked forgetting again after a while.
Claribel certainly didn't forget that. She even got a bit worried: what kind of things had she forgotten? If something became boring to her, would she forget about it one day? She couldn't just decide what was genuinely interesting to her or not either. After some thinking, she finally concluded that if she was going to have problems remembering things, then she should just get as many interesting memories as she could.
Through her teenage years, Claribel would finally start helping a bit more out on the ship, mostly aiding in the sailing until age fifteen, where her father allowed her to start fighting alongside the rest of the crew, where she showed that she did have a good deal of strength. But once the novelty of that wore off, she was starting to get bored: she'd been on the boat for her entire life, after all. She had to come up with something.
Then, almost two years later, opportunity knocked. After a battle with pirates, the crew looted a Devil Fruit, and Flors sent the quartermaster to work on getting a buyer. Claribel wasn't having any of that though. In the dead of night, she went to where the Fruit was kept and ate as much as she could stomach (less than half) before leaving the rest and leaving the boat in the middle of the night, only leaving a note explaining that she'd left. Chances are they were going to be pissed, but Claribel was happy. Not that she was now free: she always had been. But now all the adventures and stories she'd had with them were good memories, and would probably never become boring, so she'd never forget them. Now she had to contend with the day to day: figuring out how to get along alone while also working out the kinks of her tricky Fruit. But six months after striking out, three of them on the legendary Loguetown, she's starting to get a bit bored of her locale, wondering when she's going to get to start the interesting life she'd been looking for.... It can't start in a boring way, after all!
Abilities:Echo Echo Fruit (Eko Eko no Mi)A paramecia-type Devil Fruit that bestows Claribel with the ability to create echoes where there otherwise wouldn't have been any. The only requirement is that she must be near the origin of the noise within the last minute. Then, with her hands, she can manipulate the air to recreate the sound, one of her hands emitting pulses of faint white light as she does so. It doesn't need to be identical, however, as she can also manipulate where it goes, though some applications of her ability are unbeknownst to her: she can make a sound pass back and forth over a person, making them hear one thing several times, or she can redirect the whole wave at once onto a single point, creating a much louder resonance in a small area, attacking the eardrums. However, every time she makes a sound repeat, it steadily decreases in volume, like any echo. Deaf opponents or any with ear protection are more resistant to her abilities, as they can't hear her misdirection. It's worth noting that her control of sound is limited to the medium of gases. Liquids aren't workable (such as water, the bane of Fruit users) and solids more so, meaning she can't redirect or copy sounds she can feel from the ground or hear while underwater (though if the sound is loud enough it enters the air, however muffled, that's another story).
Rod Fu - Claribel is tough enough to hold her own, using a sturdy iron rod as a bludgeoning instrument.
Navigation - CLaribel's time at sea has made her into a reliable navigator as well as a talented cartographer. She is not only knowledgeable regarding weather and world events, but is also well capable of using tools such as maps, compasses and sea charts.
Techniques: Claribel doesn't yell out her technique names in the middle of battle, but that doesn't mean they can't be named!
Echo – Claribel takes a sound or phrase just emitted and repeats it. She can change the location it comes from as long as it's fairly close by. The volume is decreased slightly, however.
Echo Pop – A natural extension of her Echo. Claribel takes a sound, usually a very loud one like a gunshot or the bang of her rod hitting something hard (like a skull!), and repeats it numerous times in quick succession, usually right by someone's head. The result is a sudden burst of disorienting sound that often leaves the target venerable to further attack. It's tricky to pull off, since it requires more precision, so Claribel isn't capable of it yet!
Shoosh – Claribel redirects the voice of a person away from their intended target. If someone is trying to yell for help, then Claribel can redirect the sound so that it travels backwards, for instance. This doesn't affect the volume of the sound though, and she has trouble catching the further echoes. A yell in a narrow hallway will carry both ways no matter what she does, but someone yelling from a boat in the ocean to a nearby shore is out of luck if Claribel wants them to keep quiet.
A-pu-pup! Shoosh – A more precise version of the standard technique, Claribel 'grabs' a sound, effectively quieting it down, redirecting it in the same bubble, so to speak, without letting the sound bounce off another surface and echo naturally. Imagine a sound as a superball, bouncing madly, each bounce making the noise that reverberates and become audible. Were Claribel to grab that sound midair, redirecting it back and forth until it naturally petered out, she would create a silence from a sound, in effect. Like Echo Pop, this technique is beyond her current ability due to the focus and precision required.
Traits:Improved Perception: She has an easier time hearing the echos and reverberations left by other things, and has better hearing for it. However, it's dependent on conditions: it a crowded street, there's so much noise it's hard to focus on any particular sound unless it stands out, but in silent room, she can probably hear the fast heartbeat of a hiding person. Aside from mere perception, she can't do much with it. Being able to tell if someone is lying or not based on their heartbeat would be to difficult even in ideal conditions for instance. Focus is also important: in the heat of battle, differentiating sounds is certainly trickier.
Inventory:Iron Rod: Sturdy enough to trade blows and noisy on the right surfaces. It's straight, cylindrical, and a bit less than a meter long.
Tone Dials (TDs): Claribel almost always has a pair around her neck or over her ears.
You're character's pretty balanced. The only thing I can offer would be another ability. I guess you coul take the engineering or inventor one now?
Not really sure what to give you guys. Based on what I have on you, you seem to not need any. Any suggestions?
You may add Enhanced Agility and Master of Anatomy as traits. |
262 | 4 | 1 | 1,774 | 401 | Les yeux fermés au monde, Claribel s'inclinait comme un rayon de soleil tissé à travers les toits et les cheminées du bâtiment pour la frapper au visage. "Hnn?" Elle gémit alors qu'elle levait la tête, clignotant ses yeux bleus. Partir ses longs cheveux roses, ça n'a pas fait grand-chose pour bloquer la lumière du soleil.
Toujours pas tout à fait éveillée, Claribel lâcha la tête vers le bas, la jetant contre le bois, avant de se laisser dériver dans cet état à moitié éveillé alors que le soleil grimpait un peu plus. Après quelques minutes, une voix cria : "Claribel? Que fais-tu ici?"
Soulevant sa tête de la porte de son lieu de travail, Claribel a trébuché à un pas, avant de bâiller, « W-work ».
Son employeur mustachié a déménagé pour déverrouiller la porte, en disant, "Vous êtes dehors aujourd'hui, n'est-ce pas?"
Les yeux s'ouvrent, Claribel s'évanouit, "Eh!? C'est pas possible!" Poussant un peu, elle a admis, "J'ai oublié..."
"C'est normal, du moins pour toi. Pourtant, je ne peux pas me plaindre : au moins tu oublies que tu n'as pas besoin de venir travailler au lieu de l'inverse », a dit le patron en emménageant dans le magasin.
Claribel suivit, levant habituellement les stores par-dessus la fenêtre, qui était plâtré d'affiches faisant la publicité de certains groupes musicaux: largement locaux, mais beaucoup qui avaient obtenu East Blue ou renommée mondiale. En regardant autour de lui, elle a vu les murs recouverts de crochets, de nombreux ensembles de casques TD, étiquetés avec des prix, un bon nombre d'entre eux vides et ayant besoin de restockage. Il y avait aussi quelques étagères et un espace au sol dédié aux plus grands et aux autres musiciens. Pendant que le patron est allé à l'arrière de la pièce, Claribel a crié : « Je ne veux pas rentrer chez moi, alors je vais en emprunter un! »
"Encore? Notez au moins celui que vous avez pris, donc... en fait, nous avons reçu une nouvelle cargaison hier soir." Quelques instants plus tard, le patron est sorti avec un casque TD jaune et argenté. Pour le jeter, Claribel l'a pris comme il l'a suggéré, "Nouveau 'Shin Grasp'. Vous êtes doué pour faire des recommandations, alors écoutez-les avant de venir demain. »
En la jetant sur ses oreilles avec un sourire, Claribel a glissé, "Got it!" Un rebond dans son pas, elle est sortie par la porte, dans la ville. Alors qu'elle sortait, elle leva la main, sur le point de commencer la musique, mais quelque chose lui est venu dans la tête...
Elle avait oublié d'aller travailler avant, mais maintenant elle ne l'oubliait pas? Pourquoi? Est-ce que ça a à voir avec les raisons pour lesquelles elle est venue? C'était le seul et unique Loguetown après tout.
Tout comme elle avait commencé à s'y attarder, son doigt a tapé le bouton sur sa TD, musique éblouissant ses soucis au clair du jour. | Name: Claribel Donner
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5'4'', 100 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Claribel is about as carefree as they come. When it comes to people, she is generally pretty dismissive of most, often right to their faces. Her rudeness doesn't stop there, as her honesty often comes to mouth before anything resembling restraint. She is also stubborn and single-minded: when she sets herself to something she's probably not stopping until it's done. She can be quite clever when she has the care for it: combat, for instance. She also tends to take some things for granted, as her upbringing wasn't exactly the most normal. One thing she cannot stand is the mundane, thought not because she dislikes it, but because it doesn't stick in her brain at all. She seeks interesting people and situations, sometimes to the point of recklessness. One might even say that's what she lives for. She certainly has a bit of rebellious, teenage spirit, as she occasionally does things if she thinks something interesting will come out of it.
History: Claribel has been familiar with the modern sea of pirates for a long time, as she came into this world on the vessel of what would become a pirate ship. At first, it had been the vessel of a lucrative business as an upscale passenger liner, but it was no stranger to pirates, as it weathered numerous scuffles in the East Blue Seas thanks to the strength and wit of Flors Donner. However, as it so often does, tragedy struck, in a form. After a journey that took place while Claribel was at the tender age of 3, a passenger who had been wounded in a pirate attack sought to press charges against Flors Donner and his estate, the legal avenues proving successful, the hefty fees damaging the company beyond repair. Though he was required to turn over his ship to account for bankruptcy, he denied this, running off with his ship, daughter, wife, and trusted crew. Now he was at an impasse: having fought pirates for such a length, he had no desire to enter their ranks, let alone with a woman and child on board, but the Government had scorned him, so he was now technically an outlaw. As he struggled with his options, the answer came to his from the mouth of his wife, Isabel, who said something he'd never have considered with the safety of his wife and daughter to consider.
Flors Donner became a pirate. But with a wife and child he could not afford to take a bounty, so while he flew the black flag symbolizing freedom, he never pillaged or killed. No, he targeted those who'd plagued his business for years on end, aiming at pirates. Not at first, of course: while he was one of the strongest men he'd known, his crew tough and loyal, if small, and Isabel was getting better with a rifle for those worst case scenarios, he wasn't convinced they were safe. So Flors turned to the newspaper, following the paths of pirates, arriving like a bountiful wind in their ashy wake. He went from town to town to find those who had been left behind by the Marines, and relighting their fire, giving them purpose. And so the Inferno Pirates sailed to the day where the sight of their flag would strike fear in the hearts of pirates and hope in the heart of the common man.
As for the toddler on board, Claribel's childhood was spent among the sailors, learning their names and their stories, picking up some useful seafaring knowledge and skills to boot. After a while, that was: not because she was young when she was taught. When it came to combat she learned much quicker. But while the crew initially believe it to be a matter of interest, or talent, the truth would be learned later. Isabel had become stricken with grief upon learning of the death of her parents, news of which was relayed to Claribel. And yet, some hours later, Claribel was upset, not sure of why her mother was sad. After being told once more, she was satisfied, until the next morning, when Claribel was once more confused about her mother's mood. The young girl had known that her mother was sad, but she couldn't remember why.
After she'd forgotten the death of her grandparents yet again, Flors was getting concerned, and began to seek out some medical advice. Claribel had always been a bit absent minded, but this was a bit much. After some study, there was a hypothesis that seemed to fit what Flors knew of his daughter: Claribel had a memory disorder. She could only remember things that were interesting to her the first time. Otherwise, she would need to be told repeatedly. Even then, however, she still risked forgetting again after a while.
Claribel certainly didn't forget that. She even got a bit worried: what kind of things had she forgotten? If something became boring to her, would she forget about it one day? She couldn't just decide what was genuinely interesting to her or not either. After some thinking, she finally concluded that if she was going to have problems remembering things, then she should just get as many interesting memories as she could.
Through her teenage years, Claribel would finally start helping a bit more out on the ship, mostly aiding in the sailing until age fifteen, where her father allowed her to start fighting alongside the rest of the crew, where she showed that she did have a good deal of strength. But once the novelty of that wore off, she was starting to get bored: she'd been on the boat for her entire life, after all. She had to come up with something.
Then, almost two years later, opportunity knocked. After a battle with pirates, the crew looted a Devil Fruit, and Flors sent the quartermaster to work on getting a buyer. Claribel wasn't having any of that though. In the dead of night, she went to where the Fruit was kept and ate as much as she could stomach (less than half) before leaving the rest and leaving the boat in the middle of the night, only leaving a note explaining that she'd left. Chances are they were going to be pissed, but Claribel was happy. Not that she was now free: she always had been. But now all the adventures and stories she'd had with them were good memories, and would probably never become boring, so she'd never forget them. Now she had to contend with the day to day: figuring out how to get along alone while also working out the kinks of her tricky Fruit. But six months after striking out, three of them on the legendary Loguetown, she's starting to get a bit bored of her locale, wondering when she's going to get to start the interesting life she'd been looking for.... It can't start in a boring way, after all!
Abilities:Echo Echo Fruit (Eko Eko no Mi)A paramecia-type Devil Fruit that bestows Claribel with the ability to create echoes where there otherwise wouldn't have been any. The only requirement is that she must be near the origin of the noise within the last minute. Then, with her hands, she can manipulate the air to recreate the sound, one of her hands emitting pulses of faint white light as she does so. It doesn't need to be identical, however, as she can also manipulate where it goes, though some applications of her ability are unbeknownst to her: she can make a sound pass back and forth over a person, making them hear one thing several times, or she can redirect the whole wave at once onto a single point, creating a much louder resonance in a small area, attacking the eardrums. However, every time she makes a sound repeat, it steadily decreases in volume, like any echo. Deaf opponents or any with ear protection are more resistant to her abilities, as they can't hear her misdirection. It's worth noting that her control of sound is limited to the medium of gases. Liquids aren't workable (such as water, the bane of Fruit users) and solids more so, meaning she can't redirect or copy sounds she can feel from the ground or hear while underwater (though if the sound is loud enough it enters the air, however muffled, that's another story).
Rod Fu - Claribel is tough enough to hold her own, using a sturdy iron rod as a bludgeoning instrument.
Navigation - Claribel's time at sea has made her into a reliable navigator as well as a talented cartographer. She is not only knowledgeable regarding weather and world events, but is also well capable of using tools such as maps, compasses and sea charts.
Techniques: Claribel doesn't yell out her technique names in the middle of battle, but that doesn't mean they can't be named!
Echo – Claribel takes a sound or phrase just emitted and repeats it. She can change the location it comes from as long as it's fairly close by. The volume is decreased slightly, however.
Echo Pop – A natural extension of her Echo. Claribel takes a sound, usually a very loud one like a gunshot or the bang of her rod hitting something hard (like a skull!), and repeats it numerous times in quick succession, usually right by someone's head. The result is a sudden burst of disorienting sound that often leaves the target venerable to further attack. It's tricky to pull off, since it requires more precision, so Claribel isn't capable of it yet!
Shoosh – Claribel redirects the voice of a person away from their intended target. If someone is trying to yell for help, then Claribel can redirect the sound so that it travels backwards, for instance. This doesn't affect the volume of the sound though, and she has trouble catching the further echoes. A yell in a narrow hallway will carry both ways no matter what she does, but someone yelling from a boat in the ocean to a nearby shore is out of luck if Claribel wants them to keep quiet.
A-pu-pup! Shoosh – A more precise version of the standard technique, Claribel 'grabs' a sound, effectively quieting it down, redirecting it in the same bubble, so to speak, without letting the sound bounce off another surface and echo naturally. Imagine a sound as a superball, bouncing madly, each bounce making the noise that reverberates and become audible. Were Claribel to grab that sound midair, redirecting it back and forth until it naturally petered out, she would create a silence from a sound, in effect. Like Echo Pop, this technique is beyond her current ability due to the focus and precision required.
Traits:Improved Perception: She has an easier time hearing the echos and reverberations left by other things, and has better hearing for it. However, it's dependent on conditions: it a crowded street, there's so much noise it's hard to focus on any particular sound unless it stands out, but in silent room, she can probably hear the fast heartbeat of a hiding person. Aside from mere perception, she can't do much with it. Being able to tell if someone is lying or not based on their heartbeat would be to difficult even in ideal conditions for instance. Focus is also important: in the heat of battle, differentiating sounds is certainly trickier.
Inventory:Iron Rod: Sturdy enough to trade blows and noisy on the right surfaces. It's straight, cylindrical, and a bit less than a meter long.
Tone Dials (TDs): Claribel almost always has a pair around her neck or over her ears. |
263 | 4 | 2 | 1,471 | 121 | Alors que le soleil annonçait l'arrivée d'un nouveau jour, dans certains endroits, le travail de la nuit restait inachevé...
L'homme qui avait l'air d'un voyou a claqué sa main sur le bureau, son anneau nasal important tremblant comme il l'a fait. Il fixa des poignards sur le vieil homme terrifié devant lui avec un sourire moqueur sur le visage. Ses cohortes tout aussi barbares derrière lui se moquaient de l'élan du vieux commerçant en réponse.
"Allez, Grand-père, tu sais comment ce jeu est joué..." Nez Ring dit avec un sifflement. "Vous obtenez un prêt des Spice Boys, les Spice Boys s'attendent à être remboursés. Comment pouvez-vous vous qualifier d'entreprise de bonne réputation si vous ne tenez pas votre part du marché?...»
Le vieil homme a étouffé alors qu'il a eu assez de courage pour parler en retour. "B-Mais... cet intérêt dont vous parlez est déraisonnable! J'ai demandé soixante mille Beli et tu t'attends à ce que je te rende six cent mille.
Le nez de l'anneau s'est encore claqué la main sur le bureau pour faire taire le vieil homme. "C'est de ta faute si tu as accepté le marché, vieux! Et on sait tous les deux que vous ne pouvez pas révéler aux Marines que vous avez affaire à des gangs de rue. Maintenant... j'ai perdu patience. Vous pouvez soit nous donner ce qu'on nous doit, soit notre muscle va avoir une conversation plus personnelle avec vous......"
Les yeux de la commerçante se déplaçaient à la figure debout sur le côté, derrière le Nez Ring. Une forme de gant d'homme, dissimulée par une épaisse cape, la longue cachette d'une épée massive se tenait alarmément dans l'une de ses mains comme la lame traînée sur le sol. Sous le manteau, la figure a fait des bruits gorgés, grogneurs, comme une bête...
"...mais... je ne peux pas..."
Sonnerie de nez a laissé sortir un ronflement malveillant. "Répondez mal." Il a pris quelques pas en arrière, et plié ses bras. "Prenez soin de lui, Scab."
Le vieil homme est tombé de sa chaise et s'est appuyé contre le mur, paniquant.
"Non! Non, s'il te plaît!"
Le chiffre n'a pas bougé.
Il y avait un silence dans la pièce, alors que le Nez Ring répétait son ordre.
"...Prenez soin de lui, Scab."
Le chiffre n'a pas bougé.
Pas de mouvement.
"C'est ça!"
C'est Nada.
"Scab, qu'est-ce que tu fais?" Nez Ring a dit avec colère qu'il s'était tourné et qu'il s'était emparé du manteau de la silhouette, l'enfilant.
Peut-être aurait-il été préférable que le manteau reste, comme la vue sans elle était pire: Hideusement brûlée, chair cicatrice, happyly cousu ensemble dans une tentative shoddy de reconstruction. Une veste noire sale et à l'air effilée et un cheveu de cheveux sauvages, tout aussi noirs. Il ressemblait plus à un zombie d'une histoire d'horreur qu'à un homme; une vue vraiment terrifiante.
...ou, ce serait, s'il n'était pas si clairement endormi sur ses pieds, les bruits de la gutturale avant d'être ses ronfles.
Un silence maladroit a rempli la pièce un moment, avant que le Nez Ring commence à gifler son "muscle" endormi.
"How the hell you sleep!" Il cria de façon pétulante et agressive le jeune homme brûlé de son sommeil. Il regarda le Nez Anneau à travers les yeux lugubres, clignotant quelques fois avant de tendrement frotter son visage écarlate.
Le jeune homme a parlé d'une voix calme et douce et d'un bâillement, il n'a pas beaucoup dormi ce soir, trop de démangeaisons. Mon mauvais..."
"Nous travaillons ici, Scab!" Nez Anneau cria : « Quel genre de mercenaire fait une sieste au milieu d'un JOB!? »
-- Hé, mec, regarde, répondit paresseusement Scab, ponctué par un autre bâilleur. "Je vous l'ai dit, le nom est Scabbrd... Scab-bard... Comme sur une épée, vous savez? Scab est comme... un nom bien plus dégueulasse."
"Je me fiche de ton nom!" Nez Ring a dit alors qu'il frottait ses temples dans l'exaspération. "Allez faire votre travail et battez le vieil homme!"
Scabbrd a regardé à blanc sur le Nez Ring avant de regarder l'atelier de cowering. Il se rapprocha de lui, une main dans une poche, l'autre traînant fort son énorme épée derrière lui. Il regarda, curieusement, avant de regarder en arrière le Nez Ring et de pointer vers le magasinage.
"...ce vieux mec?"
-- Oui.
"...qu'est-ce qu'il a encore fait?"
"Il nous fait de l'argent!"
"Oh! D'accord, d'accord......" Scabbrd regarda en arrière le commerçant terrifié (et maintenant légèrement confus) alors qu'il marchait vers lui, le faisant tomber dans la terreur. Scabard s'accroupit au niveau des yeux avec le vieil homme, et lui donna une fouille dans l'épaule.
"..Uhh... Prends ça." Il a dit en triomphant à demi-coeur.
Le Nez Ring fixa Scab dans l'incrédulité alors qu'il se levait aux pieds. Qu'est-ce que c'était que ça?
" l'ai frappé!"
"C'était BARELY UNE HEURE! Servez-vous de votre sabre, peut-être!?"
Scab a regardé groggely à la chose massive. "... Quoi, ça? Mec, je ne vais pas frapper le vieux avec ça... Il est... vieux et merdique. Il se ferait écraser..."
-- Alors, MAIS-LUI avec ça!
"...Ah, non, je ne peux pas faire ça. C'est pas clair."
"C'est dans son fourreau! Enlevez-le!"
Je ne peux pas faire ça. S'est bloqué, et je n'ai pas la clé."
" pourrais peut-être frapper une chaise?"
On aurait dit qu'il était prêt à faire sauter un joint. Puis il a fait sauter un joint.
"C'est ça! C'est parti! Sors d'ici, et tu peux oublier ton salaire!"
"Hé, attendez, genre, peut-être que je pourrais..."
Scabbrd a été collectivement poussé hors du magasin et dans l'allée à l'extérieur par Nose Ring et ses compatriotes restants, la porte derrière lui claquant fermé. Il clignait quelques fois, regardant la porte tout en traitant ce qui vient de se passer, puis soupirait lourdement comme il claquait dans sa tête. C'était la troisième fois en un mois qu'il avait été viré d'un emploi qu'il avait été embauché pour faire, par trois gangs différents, pas moins. À ce rythme, son représentant le rendrait inemployable. Il s'est griffé le bras dans une ennuie tranquille. La pensée stressante a toujours irrité sa peau... en fait, beaucoup de choses l'ont irrité. Presque tout a irrité sa peau sèche, démangeantelée, brûlée. Mon Dieu, le truc c'est qu'il ferait pour une bouteille de lotion en ce moment, ou un plongeon dans une source chaude...
Tandis que son esprit errait endormiment, ses yeux ont eu un coup inattendu de soleil, et il cligne. Blindant ses yeux, il regarda le ciel chaud orange de l'allée du dingey. Le soleil était enfin levé, c'était un nouveau jour.
Avec un autre bâillement, Scabbrd sortit de la ruelle dans les rues animées de Lougetown, son épée reposa sur ses épaules. La vie d'escroc de l'allée arrière commençait à devenir inviable. Peut-être qu'il était temps de commencer à penser à l'avenir plus, de commencer à comprendre les choses... | Name: Scabbard
Age: 18(??)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6'1, 171 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Perpetually sleepy and groggy, as the pain of his burns often gives him trouble sleeping. Rarely raises his voice, if ever. Often laid-back and kind of lazy, but quietly focused when things get heavy. Has a strong, personal sense of justice, which he rarely talks about, but often puts into action when he can. He desires information about his past more than anything.
History: Scabbard's life is a complete blank slate to him. Waking up in a dingy Loguetown alley one day without a memory in his head, even a name. The only thing he had was a large sword, chained in its sheathe with a mysterious lock without a key, and a hideous body covered in painful burn scars. With no connections, or Beli to his name, he turned to petty crime to earn a living, taking the name of the first thing he saw: The scabbard of the locked-away blade. While life as a small-time crook gave him food to eat, he longed to learn who he really was, and saw the free life of a pirate as the ideal way to find out. Now his dream is to travel the seas, and one day find both his lost identity, and the key to the lock that seals his mysterious sword.
Abilities: Swordsmanship: Scabbard fights with the locked-up blade he awoke with. Since the blade is locked in its sheath, it serves as a blunt weapon.
Inventory: Large, Two-Handed Locked-Up Sword |
264 | 4 | 3 | 2,786 | 800 | Le pêcheur donna un autre remorqueur, et sortit le filet de l'océan pendant que le sel de mer lui jeta les yeux. En essuyant les larmes d'une seule main bronzée par le soleil, il a jeté un coup d'oeil vers le rivage, maintenant seulement un saut-skip-et-un-jump loin. Le chalutier avait été dehors toute la nuit, et était revenu avec un beau transport. Maintenant, il pourrait enfin rentrer chez lui, prendre une bonne douche, un repas chaud, et un peu de repos nécessaire.
Il s'est retourné, quelqu'un l'a appelé? Qui pourrait-il être, ici sur l'eau à une heure si tôt? Un autre pêcheur de nuit qui arrive?
C'est pas vrai. C'était un garçon, dans un dinghy. Un... très rapide dinghy. Un dinghy très rapide qui s'approchait de plus en plus rapidement, même si le garçon n'avait pas de rames, et en fait s'accrochait au bateau et se penchait en arrière, ses jambes rigides devant lui comme un lugeur qui essayait désespérément de mettre ses talons dans la neige. Un sourire nerveux lui a enduit le visage.
"Savez-vous comment faire pour gagner du temps?"
"Reverser quoi?" l'homme cria, juste avant qu'il ne s'enfuie sous l'auvent près de la cabine de son navire. Le dinghy tiré par une balle, les cris du jeune homme doppler dans le lointain. Le pêcheur pourrait avoir l'épée qu'il a vu un... grand trou d'une sorte, lancer des tirs de roquettes, sortir du dos de la jeunesse!
Zehst Messerschmitt est donc venu à Loguetown, mais pas du tout comme on aurait pu l'imaginer. La fusée a propulsé le dinghy sur le sable et a continué, sa coque évacuant les bois alors qu'il s'est envolé d'une dune et a navigué dans les airs. Zehst regarda dans l'admiration à toutes les maisons - les villages de retour sur les îles Gecko n'étaient pas près de ce grand - alors se souvenait-il qu'il tombait du ciel à quelque chose comme cent vingt miles à l'heure.
Il avait enfin trouvé comment faire sortir les fusées où et quand il voulait. Maintenant, il a dû trouver comment mettre les freins. Il pensait qu'il pouvait toujours... les éteindre?
Bien sûr, au moment où il en est arrivé à cette conclusion, ayant croisé les jambes et mis une main sur son menton, en honçant sagement, il avait déjà labouré à travers une ligne de linge, un chat extrêmement alarmé, et une charrette de choux d'un pauvre vieil homme. Avec des morceaux de légumes et un chat en colère qui s'accroche au visage, il a regardé avec un sourire et s'est cassé les doigts. La fusée a été aspirée dans sa chair avec un son "shwoop", et le bateau a commencé à ralentir progressivement. Bien sûr, à ce moment-là, il n'en restait plus grand-chose, sauf le siège sur lequel Zehst était assis. Alors que l'élan commençait à mourir, le garçon s'est retrouvé en tournant en rond, puis ricochetant d'un pavé inégal pour s'écraser à travers le mur de la boutique de quelqu'un.
"Aha-toux! Ça a marché, ça a marché! Zehst mon homme, vous êtes deux pour deux aujourd'hui!"
Alors que la poussière et les copeaux de bois s'éteignaient, Zehst se levait avec le chat d'avant maintenant tenu dans ses bras tendus et plusieurs nouveaux, apparemment inaperçus, scratchmarks transformant son visage en écloserie sanglante. Il a regardé autour du lieu de l'accident et a repéré plusieurs personnes et un vieil homme. Un des gros gars avait un anneau de nez.
"Hé, euh... Je suppose que vous ne savez pas où je pourrais trouver un nouveau bateau, n'est-ce pas?" Il a demandé, jetant nerveusement le chat sur son épaule. Au loin, il y avait le bruit que les ordures de quelqu'un étaient éparpillées et que le verre se brisait. | Name: Zehst Messerschmitt
Age: 18
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5' 10", 140 pounds (63.5 kg)
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Zehst is energetic and hardly ever takes things seriously. He makes friends easily and brushes off hostility up to a point. His primary want in life is freedom--absolute freedom, the ability to do anything and everything that he wants. However, this is where he begins to toe the line of eccentricity. He doesn't believe in laws, seeing them as oppressive, but agrees that freedom has to naturally come with consequences. He also rarely imposes on anyone else's "freedoms" as he sees them--such as the freedom of a thief to steal something. Yet a person who stops a thief also has the freedom to do that if they want to. All in all it's an extremely hypocritical way of looking at the world, and speaks to his inexperience as a person...but perhaps this is why he wants to be free in the first place.
History: Zehst was born to a wealthy family on the Gecko Islands archipelago, who made their fortune by designing weapons for the World Government. Knowing their inventions were tools of violence, destruction, and oppression, they always kept their son in the dark about the true nature of their careers. Zehst's childhood was extremely restricted and sheltered, to keep him from learning how cruel the world really was. But they could only keep this up for so long. As Zehst got older, he had soon read all the books they could give him and learned all his tutors had to teach him, and soon his fun-loving attitude could no longer be curbed and he could no longer simply be sent to his room. With nothing more to distract him, he began to escape time and time again. Until, one night, he witnessed an engagement between the World Government and a pirate ship that was targeting the Gecko Islands.
The Pirate Ship was coming close to the shore, almost close enough to begin assaulting the island. Though in doing so they were putting the lives of islanders who lived on the shore in peril, the captain of the Marines gave the order to launch a particular missile that had been designed by Zehst's parents. The missile was a direct hit, but the explosion that followed was so enormous that not only were the pirates completely eradicated, but so were the homes of several villagers on the cliffs overlooking the shoreline. Zehst couldn't help but think that even pirates didn't deserve to be destroyed so thoroughly as he watched the carnage subside. What was more, the people of the village blamed his family. For the first time Zehst saw the true nature of what his parents had done to build their fortune.
Over the next few weeks, he confronted them. There was a family shouting match that grew so intense Zehst punched his own father. Though he wasn't punished afterwards, this actually made it worse for him. His parents loved him, they truly did, but for various reasons they couldn't just suddenly stop making weapons. Unable to see their point of view, Zehst secretely stole an object his father had obtained for experimentation--a Devil Fruit. Using the fruit's powers to leave his home behind, Zehst started a new life, searching for the freedom he had never had.
Abilities: Roke-Roke no Mi - The Rocket Fruit, its name taken from the Japanese pronunciation "roketto." It is a paramecium fruit that turns the user into a Rocket Human, and allows them to produce various types of rocket thrusters and jets through the surfaces of their body.
Cruise Knuckle - A rocket thruster appears on Zehst's elbow, greatly increasing the speed and force of a punch.
Stinger Strike - A thruster appears on the back of Zehst's shoulder and elbow as he darts forward, and performs a piercing elbow strike with the opposite arm. It resembles an elbow thrust from the martial art known as Bajiquan.
Homing Kick - A roundhouse kick that uses thrusters on the back of Zehst's calves and heel to increase power, speed, and spin--he'll be able to chase an opponent to an extent, continuing to spin and fly after them. However, after several rotations he'll become dizzy and crash.
ICBM - A flying kick that sprouts thrusters over various parts of Zhest, making this his most powerful attack. However, it hits so hard that it damages him as well, and uses up a great deal of energy.
Inventor - Having inherited his parents' knack for learning, designing, and application of science, Zehst makes a fairly good inventor. However, at the moment he lacks the experience or tools to make much use of it. Perhaps if he were to set foot on a ship, he could learn its workings and be a decent shipwright...
Inventory: A burlap duffel sack containing all his supplies, including clothes, food and water, a compass, a map, and not much else. |
265 | 4 | 4 | 2,481 | 9 | Lucretia lui a souillé les yeux, regardant le soleil se lever lentement sur le bord bleu de l'océan. C'était, certainement, le plus tôt qu'elle ait jamais réveillé dans sa vie. Elle avait choisi de se réveiller si tôt pour voir le lever du soleil, comme une sorte de charme de chance pour son prochain... effort? Son aventure? Elle n'avait toujours pas décidé comment l'appeler -- peu importe ce que c'était, ça allait être quelque chose de grand.
...ce soleil était vraiment lumineux, n'est-ce pas? Peut-être qu'elle aurait pu dormir dans une heure ou deux, après tout. Pas le temps de regretter! C'était plus le temps d'agir! Maintenant était aussi, peut-être plus pressant, le temps de s'enfuir avant que ses parents (ou sa sœur...) se réveillent. Elle s'est relevée les jambes, debout sur le bord du toit du manoir de Savaronitelle. Pour une dernière fois, elle a arpenté le terrain, en appréciant le sentiment de supériorité que lui donnait le fait de se tenir debout sur un grand objet.
- Je vous en prie. La Lucrétie? Qu'est-ce que tu fais là-haut?
... Oh, ma chère. Leur majordome l'avait vue. Lucretia a crié. Juste sa chance... Quelles sont vos affaires? C'est la propriété de mes parents, je peux aller où je veux!
Le vieil homme a griffé sa barbe. Bien sûr, madame, a-t-il dit, mais ce n'est pas comme si vous étiez debout si tôt. Quelque chose ne va pas?
Lucretia Schowl s'est effondré, remplacé par une certaine hésitation. Elle s'est arrêtée un moment. Comment saviez-vous que j'étais ici? Je faisais de mon mieux pour être caché...
Le majordome a pointé une main gantée sur l'échelle étendue que Lucretia avait dressée contre le mur du manoir.
"Oh," Lucretia a dit.
Soupirant un peu, elle descendit l'échelle, se tournant pour regarder le majordome. Alors? Ce n'est pas un crime d'être sorti si tôt, n'est-ce pas?
Non, mais...
Lucretia sourit, sentant qu'elle avait l'avantage. Retourne à l'intérieur. Je déteste les interruptions comme ça - vous gâchez mon lever de soleil!
Le majordome, hurlé, sentant que son travail pourrait être sur la ligne ici, et se précipita de retour à l'intérieur sans un mot plus loin. Lucretia l'a regardé entrer, avant de regarder le manoir. Elle avait pensé avant qu'elle puisse se sentir mal au pays - mais elle ne l'a pas fait. La seule chose qu'elle ressentait en ce moment, c'était une résolution sidérurgique.
Quand je reviendrai ici, tu verras.
Sans un autre mot, elle se détourna, sortant de la porte d'entrée de leur demeure. Elle n'a pas regardé en arrière... si seulement parce qu'elle était distrait par la vue étrange d'un dinghy propulsé par fusée volant à travers les airs à Loguetown proprement dit.
Et s'écraser. Dans un immeuble.
C'est quoi, ça?
Ne perdant pas de temps, Lucretia partit, courant à fond percuta la colline et se dirigea vers Loguetown - beeline droite pour le site de l'écrasement. | Name: Savaronitelle Lucretia
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5’1”, 117 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Lucretia is very haughty, but at the same time she treats most things with a sort of casual irreverence. She dislikes most people who she considers above her, and disregards most people that she thinks are below her. Secretly self-conscious about her height - after all, she ought to be the one looking down upon everyone, not the other way around. She always seems to have something to prove. As of late, she’s developed an odd, mantis-esque personal quirk - namely, she has a bizarre tendency to come up with weird food-related nicknames for men she meets.
History: Lucretia is the less-favored second child of a prominent wealthy family. Her sister, a charming and kind socialite, always seemed to upstage her at every turn. Not realizing that this was mostly because she wasn’t charming or kind, Lucretia decided to make a name for herself on the open sea - after all, if she became Queen Of The Pirates, then surely her family would see how much better she was than her mean old sister!
Mushi Mushi no Mi, Model: Mantis
After eating the Bug-Bug Fruit, Lucretia has developed the uncanny ability to turn into a giant mantis, as well as a hybrid form where she takes on a human-mantis form. In both forms, her strength and speed are enhanced dramatically, and she gains wicked mantis-claws to slice at her enemies with. She is loathe to use her full mantis form however, considering it to be absolutely uncouth and disgusting. As a side-note, Lucretia does not actually know what Devil Fruits are - she accidentally ordered the Bug-Bug Fruit at a fancy dinner party and didn’t want to show weakness in front of her sister by ordering something else.
Techniques: ---
Traits: ---
Inventory: --- |
266 | 4 | 5 | 1,471 | 121 | Les patrons de la boutique ont tous regardé flabbergasted à leur nouvelle arrivée, certains regardant en arrière dans l'incrédulité au trou où autrefois se tenait mur solide.
Le Nez Ring, cependant, était rapidement passé de stupéfait à à à côté de lui-même. Il s'est emparé de Zehst et l'a poussé de force avec un long doigt osseux.
"D'où sortez-vous, interrompant nos affaires?" Il a dit haut et fort, prodiguant Zehst avec son doigt à chaque énonciation. "C'est la deuxième ligne de conneries que j'ai eu à gérer au cours des cinq dernières minutes! Un gars ne peut pas secouer un vieil homme en PAIX!?"
Pendant ce temps, le long de sa promenade dans les rues de la ville, Scabbrd avait rencontré l'emplacement du terrible meurtre d'une pauvre charrette de choux.
"...Woah, quoi?"
Il s'approcha lentement d'un chou voisin sur le sol et le ramena, le regardant avec des yeux fatigués et tristes.
Il s'est tranquillement moqué de lui-même pendant qu'il en prenait une bouchée. "Qui a une vendetta végétarienne?" | Name: Scabbard
Age: 18(??)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6'1, 171 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Perpetually sleepy and groggy, as the pain of his burns often gives him trouble sleeping. Rarely raises his voice, if ever. Often laid-back and kind of lazy, but quietly focused when things get heavy. Has a strong, personal sense of justice, which he rarely talks about, but often puts into action when he can. He desires information about his past more than anything.
History: Scabbard's life is a complete blank slate to him. Waking up in a dingy Loguetown alley one day without a memory in his head, even a name. The only thing he had was a large sword, chained in its sheathe with a mysterious lock without a key, and a hideous body covered in painful burn scars. With no connections, or Beli to his name, he turned to petty crime to earn a living, taking the name of the first thing he saw: The scabbard of the locked-away blade. While life as a small-time crook gave him food to eat, he longed to learn who he really was, and saw the free life of a pirate as the ideal way to find out. Now his dream is to travel the seas, and one day find both his lost identity, and the key to the lock that seals his mysterious sword.
Abilities: Swordsmanship: Scabbard fights with the locked-up blade he awoke with. Since the blade is locked in its sheath, it serves as a blunt weapon.
Inventory: Large, Two-Handed Locked-Up Sword |
267 | 4 | 6 | 931 | 246 | Un grand homme chauve, avec une moustache bouclée et un intestin aussi rond qu'un cochon, a laissé sortir un soupir lourd alors qu'il regardait le soleil se lever au-dessus de la ville. Il avait les bras croisés et était assis sur une caisse de choux allant par l'étiquette sur le côté arrière de celle-ci. Il y a eu une longue pause réfléchie après cela, et il a laissé le soleil se lever sur son visage avant de finalement parler. Comme il se tournait vers sa droite, son expression adoucit un peu comme il l'a dit, Je pense que c'est aussi un signe, Teej.
Teodore Jay Dugrass était assis au sommet d'un tonneau vide, son physique le plus lourd et son aspect plus jeune contrastant avec celui de l'homme plus âgé. Son expression s'éclairait alors que le vieil homme exprimait son approbation. N'est-ce pas?Il s'est envolé du baril et a regardé son ancien patron avec un sourire, ça doit être un signe si ça arrive quand j'envisage de partir!
Le "this" en question se réfère aux restes carbonisés d'un restaurant qui se trouve derrière les deux. Quelques heures auparavant, le restaurant autrefois fier de l'époque, "Homme Gros" a subi une explosion des mains d'un nouvel employé. Comment exactement ils l'ont fait bousculé l'esprit de tout le monde, mais contenir l'incendie résultant et sauver la plus grande partie du bâtiment que possible était alors plus important. Malheureusement, le feu était si sévère, les seules choses qui pouvaient être sauvées étaient l'argent fait ce jour-là, une caisse et un tonneau.
Retournant au présent, l'homme bâbord laissa sortir un gémissement alors qu'il se déplaçait dans son siège. Dans tous les cas, c'est aussi bon pour moi aussi. Je suis presque sûr que courir ce restaurant était ce qui a fait tomber tous mes cheveux.
C'est vrai. Une honte qu'il ait dû finir comme cela, cependant,, TJ sullenly répondu alors qu'il regardait en arrière aux décombres.
"Bah. Nous savons tous les deux que vous seriez parti à moins que je ferme mon magasin moi-même.
C'est vrai. Pour ma défense, ce serait malvenu d'un gentleman si je partais tout simplement au sommet de vos affaires.
C'est vrai! Tu continues à te le dire, Teej.. L'homme maléfique a décroché sa caisse et l'a hissé avec un gémissement. Je trouverai ce qu'il faut faire d'ici. Peut-être que je peux enfin encaisser une assurance. Obtenez-moi un peu d'argent de retraite facile.=Il a rechuté et a regardé en arrière à TJ, lui donnant un sourire confiant,==Vous devriez rentrer à la maison maintenant. Je parie que tu as des trucs à régler avant de partir. Bonne chance sur la mer, Teodore. Sur cette note, il s'est finalement retourné sur la route et a commencé à s'en aller.
TJ n'allait pas simplement laisser son patron de sept ans s'en aller sans lui dire un mot, si reconnaissantment il s'inclina la tête et cria fermement, Merci beaucoup, Monsieur Pierre!
Et ainsi arriva la fin d'un chapitre de la vie de TJ...
Je ne perds pas de temps, TJ a commencé à rentrer chez lui. Il a décidé de laisser le baril là où il était, en se demandant s'il en avait besoin pour quelque raison qu'il puisse toujours revenir à lui. Pour l'instant, cependant, il a dû faire ses valises! Il fallait qu'il se prépare! Il aurait probablement dû demander un prêt à M. Pierre, maintenant qu'il y pensait, mais ce qui a été fait est fait.
En sortant d'une ruelle, il entendit le bruit de quelque chose qui naviguait dans le ciel. En regardant sur le côté, il a vu quelque chose qui s'approchait rapidement au loin. C'était... un dinghy? Et... quelqu'un dessus? Il a remarqué que c'était un dinghy atrocement dingé plus il s'en rapprochait. Cette pensée ne pouvait cependant pas être diverti longtemps, et TJ lâchait tout à fait l'un (gentle) manly yelp alors qu'il reculait dans l'allée, tout en évitant d'obtenir la pleine force par ce qui restait de la coque.
"Ça m'a presque fait une crise cardiaque!" Il a réfléchi. Il lui a fallu quelques secondes pour reprendre son souffle, mais quand il l'a fait, il a regardé de l'allée. Le dinghy était parti, mais il a remarqué qu'il a apparemment balancé à travers une charrette de chou dans son sillage. En sortant de l'allée, il s'en alla jusqu'aux restes et soupira. Quel gâchis... Il a remarqué.
Notant que quelqu'un d'autre inspectait aussi l'épave, TJ se tourna vers eux. Il a espionné avec son petit œil quelque chose de noir! Quelque chose avec une énorme épée! Quelque chose d'horrifiable et d'horrible. Voyant Scabbrard vers le haut de près tout d'un coup a provoqué son deuxième non (gentle) homme de l'halpe du jour. | Name: Teodore Jay “TJ” Dugrass
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6’5’’, 200 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: TJ is a boisterous man that just as boisterously claims himself to be a gentleman. As such, he strives at all hours of the day to perfect his gentlemanly manners and abides by the gentleman’s code of conduct. There are times, however, that he must painfully lay down his morals for the sake of achieving his dream. Such as when it comes to money. TJ is a shrewd businessman that sells his services for a high price. He may dislike having to negotiate in an ungentlemanly manner, but he tries not to let it bother him.
History: TJ was born and raised in Loguetown. He greatly admired the fry cook industry and worked himself up from a humble dishwasher to an ace cook over the course of several years. As a child, he was told stories of a fabled island filled with legendary and exquisite creatures no man had ever laid their tongue on. As he grew into an adult, he aspired to one day find this island- not just for discovery’s sake, but to contribute to his larger goal of opening the greatest food service chain on the Grand Line. Originally he planned on working to save up more travel money, but the restaurant he worked in for most of his life recently bombed. Literally it blew up and left him jobless. Seeing it as a sign to get started, he has decided to become a pirate as a means for adventure.
-Boxing: As a gentleman, TJ is well versed in the basics of fisticuffs.
-Exquisite Grilled Cuisine: Being a former fry cook in a busy restaurant, TJ knows and is more than capable of making a variety of grill-related dishes on the fly.
Techniques: ---
Traits:Big Meaty Claws - TJ's fists are, for a lack of a better word, meaty. They are thick and tough, allowing him to block and punch without damaging his precious hands. At least most of the time.
Inventory: A stainless steel spatula and a copy of “The Gentleman’s Book of Etiquette.” |
268 | 4 | 7 | 2,795 | 294 | Alors, c'est Loguetown?
Giko a ombré ses yeux et squinté, regardant sur la ville. À partir des crashes, des bangs et de la foule qui s'est rapidement formée, il semblait que certaines sortes d'escroqueries commencèrent une bagarre près du quartier commerçant. Golly, elle ne voulait pas faire partie de ça. Plus important encore, c'était l'heure du déjeuner, et cela voulait dire que Giko a dû réfléchir à l'heure du déjeuner! On ne pouvait pas se faire d'amis à l'estomac vide, après tout. Quelque part bon à manger, cependant... Le quartier commerçant rampait avec des cols caoutchoutés, donc c'était sorti. Même si elle passait, tous les endroits seraient probablement fermés jusqu'à ce que ces hooligans se calment. Peut-être qu'elle devrait demander à un local?
Elle se faufila autour de la place, accaparant les passants qui, pour leur part, lui donnèrent une large couchette et refusèrent d'avoir un contact visuel, au lieu de regarder quelque chose derrière elle et murmurant quelque chose à propos d'un pervers. Giko a essayé de se retourner, mais elle ne voyait rien hors de l'ordinaire. C'était ses vêtements? Quelque chose sur son visage? Ou peut-être...
Peut-être qu'elle avait un harceleur.
Un harceleur extrêmement sournois qui était directement derrière elle en tout temps.
C'était tout à fait logique. Une jeune fille fragile comme elle, clairement nouvelle et instable dans un pays inconnu, pourquoi, bien sûr, elle aurait un harceleur. C'était évident. Tellement évidente qu'elle se demandait maintenant pourquoi elle n'y avait pas pensé avant, même. Elle a dû en informer immédiatement les autorités locales. Des preuves, cependant... Ce serait difficile de faire un croquis si elle ne savait même pas à quoi il ressemblait. Giko avait besoin, sinon d'un ami, d'un allié.
Giko s'est déplacée à côté d'une fille portant une sorte de coquillages sur ses oreilles... des modes bizarres, ces locaux... et a essayé d'attirer son attention.
"Psst!", elle sifflait.
"Psst! Hé, vous! Avec les cheveux roses!"
Pas de réponse. De toute évidence, ces coquilles à la mode ont dû étouffer son ouïe. Giko devrait attirer l'attention de la fille d'une autre façon.
Une main en bois embellie sur l'épaule de Claribel, suivie peu de temps après d'un visage artificiel sans vie qui s'infiltre dans la vue, bien trop près pour le confort. Si c'était une personne ordinaire, cette méthode d'approche aurait été étrange. Fait par une marionnette, c'était carrément surréaliste.
"Heeeeeeeey theeeeeeere~", Giko murmura, donnant à la fille un clin d'œil. | Name: Giko G. Gearbox
Age: Claims to be 19
Gender: Claims to be female
Race: Claims to be human
Height and Weight: Claims to be 165 cm. Refuses to give a weight.
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Absolutely insistent on staying in-character as a teenage girl and will refuse to acknowledge anything that conflicts with this. Giko's character is that of a gutsy, cheerful girl in her late teens. She tends to brush off insults to herself as a matter of course, but can't tolerate ones aimed at her friends.
History: A mysterious middle-aged man who operates a life-size teenage girl puppet, he refuses to acknowledge his own existence, instead insisting that he is an ordinary 19-year-old girl named Giko, who states that her goal is to find her father, apparently a famous dollmaker who left on a journey to the Black Drum Kingdom and never returned. Her other motivation seems to be loneliness, as she has resolved to make a friend on every island of the Grand Line. Things haven't been working out very well on the latter; people seem like they'd rather call her "pervert" and "old man", but she's sure that'll change once she reaches the Grand Line proper.
Master Puppeteer - Giko's operator is a ridiculously skilled puppeteer and ventriloquist capable of operating Giko in a lifelike manner resembling a teenage girl. If it wasn't for the creepy guy sticking his hand up the back of her shirt, you'd hardly know the difference.
Craftsman - Giko's operator seems to have a high level of engineering skill, considering that he apparently built Giko and is capable of repairing her from scrap material.
Giko Punch: Giko can fire her fist via a large spring embedded in her forearm. It's then reeled back in using a cable that connects the fist and stump.
Giko Hurricane: Giko's mouth contains a small breath dial filled with corrosive gas, which can be used to eat through metal.
Giko Mortar: A small, sturdy mortar capable of firing explosive shells, located in Giko's left leg.
Inventory: Life-sized teenage girl puppet named Giko with a number of concealed weapons. |
269 | 4 | 8 | 2,786 | 800 | L'expression de Zehst est passée d'un sourire frénétique à un regard quizical, alors que le Nez Ring s'est emparé de lui et a exigé de savoir pourquoi il les avait interrompus. Mais avant que Zehst ne puisse répondre, l'homme ne l'a frappé, pas trop doucement, avec chaque mot crié. Au début, il repoussa la main de l'homme.
"Arrête ça." Il m'a dit de vomir. Ça chatouille. Le prochain poke était plus dur, et les yeux de Zehst se rétrécissaient. "Stoppit." Il a légèrement giflé la main de Nez Ring. C'est plus dur. "STAHP." Avec l'exclamation enfantine, il a saisi la main du Nez Ring et l'a en fait repoussée. Mais là, il est revenu, un autre doigt pointant vers sa poitrine...
"J'ai besoin d'un ami!"
Avec un son "caoutchouc", un cylindre en métal vient soudainement de sortir du coude du jeune homme, sous un angle du reste de son bras lorsqu'il l'a tiré en arrière. Alors que son poing s'est serré, la fusée s'est évanouie, brouillant juste une fois avant de germer une flamme orange-blanc éclatante de son extrémité.
À grande vitesse et avec une force considérable derrière elle, le punch alimenté par la fusée s'est dirigé vers l'intestin de Nose Ring. Zehst était même penché dedans, mettant toute son épaule et le poids du corps dans le coup. Ce ne serait certainement pas une croisière, mais alors il a été nommé pour le missile croiseur, pas le transport de vacances populaire. | Name: Zehst Messerschmitt
Age: 18
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5' 10", 140 pounds (63.5 kg)
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Zehst is energetic and hardly ever takes things seriously. He makes friends easily and brushes off hostility up to a point. His primary want in life is freedom--absolute freedom, the ability to do anything and everything that he wants. However, this is where he begins to toe the line of eccentricity. He doesn't believe in laws, seeing them as oppressive, but agrees that freedom has to naturally come with consequences. He also rarely imposes on anyone else's "freedoms" as he sees them--such as the freedom of a thief to steal something. Yet a person who stops a thief also has the freedom to do that if they want to. All in all it's an extremely hypocritical way of looking at the world, and speaks to his inexperience as a person...but perhaps this is why he wants to be free in the first place.
History: Zehst was born to a wealthy family on the Gecko Islands archipelago, who made their fortune by designing weapons for the World Government. Knowing their inventions were tools of violence, destruction, and oppression, they always kept their son in the dark about the true nature of their careers. Zehst's childhood was extremely restricted and sheltered, to keep him from learning how cruel the world really was. But they could only keep this up for so long. As Zehst got older, he had soon read all the books they could give him and learned all his tutors had to teach him, and soon his fun-loving attitude could no longer be curbed and he could no longer simply be sent to his room. With nothing more to distract him, he began to escape time and time again. Until, one night, he witnessed an engagement between the World Government and a pirate ship that was targeting the Gecko Islands.
The Pirate Ship was coming close to the shore, almost close enough to begin assaulting the island. Though in doing so they were putting the lives of islanders who lived on the shore in peril, the captain of the Marines gave the order to launch a particular missile that had been designed by Zehst's parents. The missile was a direct hit, but the explosion that followed was so enormous that not only were the pirates completely eradicated, but so were the homes of several villagers on the cliffs overlooking the shoreline. Zehst couldn't help but think that even pirates didn't deserve to be destroyed so thoroughly as he watched the carnage subside. What was more, the people of the village blamed his family. For the first time Zehst saw the true nature of what his parents had done to build their fortune.
Over the next few weeks, he confronted them. There was a family shouting match that grew so intense Zehst punched his own father. Though he wasn't punished afterwards, this actually made it worse for him. His parents loved him, they truly did, but for various reasons they couldn't just suddenly stop making weapons. Unable to see their point of view, Zehst secretely stole an object his father had obtained for experimentation--a Devil Fruit. Using the fruit's powers to leave his home behind, Zehst started a new life, searching for the freedom he had never had.
Abilities: Roke-Roke no Mi - The Rocket Fruit, its name taken from the Japanese pronunciation "roketto." It is a paramecium fruit that turns the user into a Rocket Human, and allows them to produce various types of rocket thrusters and jets through the surfaces of their body.
Cruise Knuckle - A rocket thruster appears on Zehst's elbow, greatly increasing the speed and force of a punch.
Stinger Strike - A thruster appears on the back of Zehst's shoulder and elbow as he darts forward, and performs a piercing elbow strike with the opposite arm. It resembles an elbow thrust from the martial art known as Bajiquan.
Homing Kick - A roundhouse kick that uses thrusters on the back of Zehst's calves and heel to increase power, speed, and spin--he'll be able to chase an opponent to an extent, continuing to spin and fly after them. However, after several rotations he'll become dizzy and crash.
ICBM - A flying kick that sprouts thrusters over various parts of Zhest, making this his most powerful attack. However, it hits so hard that it damages him as well, and uses up a great deal of energy.
Inventor - Having inherited his parents' knack for learning, designing, and application of science, Zehst makes a fairly good inventor. However, at the moment he lacks the experience or tools to make much use of it. Perhaps if he were to set foot on a ship, he could learn its workings and be a decent shipwright...
Inventory: A burlap duffel sack containing all his supplies, including clothes, food and water, a compass, a map, and not much else. |
270 | 4 | 9 | 1,834 | 91 | De tous les magasins de Loguetown, celui de l'ancien commerçant qui se vantait probablement le plus d'action en ce moment; gangsters, plus de gangsters, et un jeune roquetteur qui s'est écrasé dans un bâtiment en utilisant un dinghy, demandant où il pouvait acheter un nouveau bateau.
La question marquerait l'arrivée d'une autre personne.
"Je connais un magasin qui vend des bateaux." Une voix inconnue a dit. Même si quelqu'un pouvait voir, la voix n'avait pas de propriétaire.
"Je pense que ça s'appelle "Sink ou Sail" ou quelque chose comme ça."
Au fur et à mesure que la voix continuait à parler, elle devenait de plus en plus claire d'où elle venait. À ce moment, l'un des couvercles de l'une des rares caisses parsemées autour du magasin s'ouvre, révélant un jeune adolescent aux cheveux brun foncé et portant une robe ninja bleue et exotique. Il s'agissait de Tenmon Tamashi, la ninja adolescente bizarre et énigmatique qui s'était affirmée à Loguetown il y a quelques mois à peine. Son apparition de la caisse soulève plusieurs questions : Comment est-il entré là-dedans? Combien de temps est-il resté là-dedans? Pourquoi était-il là-dedans? Pourquoi a-t-il décidé de sortir maintenant, de toutes les fois possibles? De plus, il n'a même pas semblé évaluer correctement ce qui se passait exactement dans le magasin en ce moment, en se concentrant sur l'explication où le magasin de bateaux était à l'homme qui s'était écrasé dans le bâtiment et a cassé son dinghy (tee-hee) plutôt que la bagarre qui se déroule maintenant devant lui.
"C'est à l'ouest d'ici, après la plate-forme d'exécution cassée et à côté de l'ancienne Arms Shop." Le garçon a dit, pointant à peu près dans la direction de l'endroit où était le magasin.
Au moins ses instructions étaient exactes. | Name:
Tenmon Tamashi
Height and Weight:
168 cm (5'6")
66 kg (145 lb)
0 Beli
In contrast to most other ninja of the Wano Country, Tenmon seems to be quite casual about being a ninja, and often demonstrates his skill and agility in front of people while declaring himself to be one. Whereas most ninjas would be geared to solitary operations, Tenmon doesn't seem to mind working independently or in a group. He appears to carry a fairly level-headed aura, rarely becoming agitated or worried about matters. This casual nature seems to also extend to combat, where Tenmon assesses his enemies with a cool approach, while also acting quite respectfully to his opponents most of the time.
Despite this overall casual nature, Tenmon is more than willing to adopt a more serious persona for the sake of victory, becoming significantly more formidable and dangerous. In these situations, he may also adopt a more cold-blooded mentality, becoming willing to kill as a last resort, if he deems it to be necessary.
Unsurprisingly, Tenmon isn't one to talk about his history. Unless someone actively tries to pry into it, Tenmon will often play his past off as something "unimportant".
The eccentricity of his father has influenced him a bit, although it is often belied by his casual side. Tenmon is sometimes fond of jokes and nonsensical actions at inappropriate or tense moments - cheering on his comrades in a fight when he could be actually helping them by joining in, for example.
He's also got a tendency to "disappear" and "appear" in places without being noticed. That's just a part of being a ninja.
A trained assassin and sole user of the Burst Technique™, Tenmon seeks to become the ultimate ninja (whatever that entails).
The Tamashi Clan was once a recognized force within the Wano Country, a centuries-old clan of ninjas that had been known for their mercenary work throughout the nation, which allowed them to become a wealthy organization over the course of years. Their desire for an even greater profit led them to eventually abandon Wano, settling on one of the many "remote" islands within Paradise with the intention of expanding their potential clientèle - by taking mercenary work from various islands as opposed to a single nation.
The only son of the Tamashi Clan's Grandmaster, Tenmon supposedly consumed a Devil Fruit at a very early age, being uneducated about their existence. The Bomu Bomu no Mi proved to be a dangerous power to wield whilst growing up, leading some of the members being afraid of touching Tenmon for fear of him blowing up. Tenmon's father - the eccentric Grandmaster Soju - saw it as a grand opportunity to cultivate and incorporate Tenmon's power into his ninja training. This was the beginning of the development of the Burst Technique™, and a majority of Tenmon's childhood was spent developing it. Many of Tenmon's training sessions were done within the forest, alone. His Devil Fruit power was "too risky" to practice around other people after all. Charred grass and ashen trees were a good way to show he was making progress, anyway.
During his training, the mercenary work of the clan flourished, with many different islands and people requesting various jobs. This would eventually prove to be the undoing of the clan when the clan undertook a job that involved, well, killing a World Noble. Being from the Wano Country, the Tamashi Clan was unaffliated with the World Government and therefore held no sense of value or knowledge about the World Nobles. The consequences were catastrophic, with Marines besieging and destroying the Tamashi Clan in its near entirety.
Tenmon returned to what was essentially ruins; a severely damaged temple littered with bodies. His isolated training was the only reason he had survived, and yet he felt a deep sense of regret and despair for not being there to defend the clan its time of need. There was no way for him to enact vengeance, either; the Marines had already departed. The event sparked in him a hatred of the World Government, particularly the World Nobles, and the Admiral that launched the attack on his temple. That was only four years ago.
Now, Tenmon searches for that same Admiral. Although his search was set back by arriving in Loguetown a few months ago: He had stowed away on one too many ships, and ended up being taken in the wrong direction - out of the Grand Line. Tenmon has since used Loguetown to gather whatever resources he can, and intends to set out upon a journey to become a powerful ninja, and challenge the Admiral that destroyed his clan.
But even so, Tenmon questions his motive of revenge every now and again, feeling that it wouldn't be the clan's will for him to seek it.
As ninja from Wano Country, Tenmon is able to perform various ninja arts, in addition to being unnaturally agile and dexterous. His abilities combine atypical weaponry with the power of his Devil Fruit, giving him a high amount of versatility in combat.
Devil Fruit: Bomu Bomu no Mi
The Bomu Bomu no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to make any part of his or her body explode, making the user a Bomb Human.
Eating this Devil Fruit at an early age, Tenmon has been raised to develop it into a fighting style, creating the Burst Technique™; a combination of unarmed ninjutsu and his explosive power. The fighting style allows Tenmon to deal agile explosive blows, in addition to multi-hit attacks for more - albeit significantly weaker - explosions. While powerful, the fighting style is kind of a double-edged sword: the collateral damage followed by the explosions is generally very undesirable (shipwrights HATE him) - especially if allies are nearby. Tenmon generally holds off on the Burst Technique™ as a result.
At the moment, the explosions created by Tenmon's named moves are - at most - strong enough to leave medium-large holes in brick walls, but do not quite have the fire-power to destroy much beyond that.
Ninjutsu Techniques
Ninja Arts: Sweeping Dusk Blade
Tenmon kneels and dashes forward, cleaving the air with his sword as he passes by. Used to attack a single target quickly, but can also hit multiple enemies, although Tenmon has to hit them each individually - a difficult feat that becomes increasingly harder to accomplish the more targets there are.
Ninja Arts: Crescent Strike
Tenmon performs a front flip, and kicks using the momentum of the flip to deal more damage.
Ninja Arts: Half-Moon Strike
An attack to be used directly after its crescent counterpart. Tenmon vaults off of an enemy he's kicked, jumping behind them to kick again.
Ninja Arts: Flash Step
Tenmon quickly dashes in order to avoid an attack, or get into a more favourable position. Doesn't seem to be as fast as Soru, as the moves do not share the same technique: Soru requires kicking off the ground at least 10 times, whereas Ninja Arts: Flash Step is just a very swift dash.
Ninja Arts: Throw
Tenmon throws a miscellaneous item at an enemy. Not really a Ninja Art, but he calls it one anyway.
Burst Techniques
Ninja Arts: Smoke Burst
Tenmon obscures himself in an explosion of smoke, allowing him to move to a different location quickly, or attack enemies while the smokescreen persists.
Ninja Arts: Chi Burst
Tenmon thrusts his palm outward creates an explosion in the hand. In comparison to his other moves, this one has slightly more range, and doesn't rely on his hand making contact with the target. However, it's a fairly simple move to the point of being almost awkward to use.
Ninja Arts: Burst Bomb
Tenmon throws a punch and detonates his fist upon contact, resulting in a high amount of damage from both the punch and the following explosion.
Ninja Arts: Burst Crescent
Similarly to Ninja Arts: Crescent Strike, Tenmon performs a front flip and kicks. Tenmon detonates his leg on impact, offering a high amount of destructive power.
Ninja Arts: Spiral Dragon Burst
Tenmon jumps into the air and spins while upside down, delivering a kick while detonating his leg.
A simple weapon bestowed to Tenmon by the Tamashi Clan. Fundamentally, Yugure is a normal ninjatō which features a blue handle and silver guard. The sheath is entirely blue, but also has circular designs embedded on the length of the sheath. As one can imagine, the blade of the weapon is particularly thick and short in comparison to longer swords such as a katana, being around 50cm in length. It's small size makes it fairly simple for Tenmon to wield and also allows for faster attacks.
A single kunai to be employed as a dagger secondary to Yugure, allowing for more consecutive attacks and accurate critical strikes (he goes for the eyes).
Picture of Tenmon's Father
RIP Grandmaster Soju |
271 | 4 | 10 | 1,471 | 121 | Je suis un...
Est-ce que tout le Nez Ring a pu dire avant qu'il ne soit rapidement silencieux en état de choc à la vue du bras du garçon qui se transforme en fusée. Ses yeux le trompaient-ils? C'était...
"...le légendaire diable frui-!?!"
Était tout ce qu'il a pu dire avant que le Cruise Knuckle n'ait touché sa section centrale avec une force incroyable. Il laissa sortir un cri d'agonie gorgé et grinçant comme le poing rencontrait l'intestin, avant d'être lancé juste à travers un autre mur, ses jambes se penchant au-dessus du fond du trou alors qu'il était couché sur le sol à l'extérieur, ensanglanté et aux yeux blancs.
Les autres membres du gang, qui n'étaient pas au bon angle pour voir le bras de Zehst se transformer, étaient à la fois choqués et en colère.
"Oi! Ce gamin n'est pas une blague!! Qui est-ce? »
"C'est peut-être un tueur envoyé par les Sugar Boys!"
"NOMBY met Peppa à travers un mur comme ça 'cept sa maman! Vous demandez la PAIN, tueur à gages! »
Tous les hommes tirèrent leurs armes sur Zehst, prêts et prêts à les utiliser. Cependant, la tension a rapidement cédé la place à un silence maladroit puisqu'ils ont tous vu Tenmon Tamashi s'élever furtivement de sa caisse.
L'un des voyous se penchait vers l'autre.
"C'est encore ce ninja bizarre..."
"Quoi! Vous aussi, vous cherchez à vous battre? » Un des voyous a dit qu'il tournait son épée de Zehst à Tenmon Tanashi.
Pendant ce temps, de retour à la charrette de chou détruite, Scabbrd a levé les yeux de son petit déjeuner de chou à l'homme déchiré qui a juste laissé sortir un très peu (gentle) manly yelp juste à côté de lui. Il le fixa incrédulement, soulevant un mince sourcil noir.
Est-ce que ça vient de sortir de toi? | Name: Scabbard
Age: 18(??)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6'1, 171 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Perpetually sleepy and groggy, as the pain of his burns often gives him trouble sleeping. Rarely raises his voice, if ever. Often laid-back and kind of lazy, but quietly focused when things get heavy. Has a strong, personal sense of justice, which he rarely talks about, but often puts into action when he can. He desires information about his past more than anything.
History: Scabbard's life is a complete blank slate to him. Waking up in a dingy Loguetown alley one day without a memory in his head, even a name. The only thing he had was a large sword, chained in its sheathe with a mysterious lock without a key, and a hideous body covered in painful burn scars. With no connections, or Beli to his name, he turned to petty crime to earn a living, taking the name of the first thing he saw: The scabbard of the locked-away blade. While life as a small-time crook gave him food to eat, he longed to learn who he really was, and saw the free life of a pirate as the ideal way to find out. Now his dream is to travel the seas, and one day find both his lost identity, and the key to the lock that seals his mysterious sword.
Abilities: Swordsmanship: Scabbard fights with the locked-up blade he awoke with. Since the blade is locked in its sheath, it serves as a blunt weapon.
Inventory: Large, Two-Handed Locked-Up Sword |
272 | 4 | 11 | 1,774 | 401 | La tête bombant légèrement à la musique, Claribel était complètement encombrée, ses pieds s'accroupissant sans beaucoup de rimes ou de raison à son approche.Pendant une accalmie entre les chansons, elle laissait un rire : elle devait garder celle-ci. Désolé, patron.
Sentant quelque chose sur son épaule, elle s'est rendue compte à quel point elle était enveloppée. Un peu groggy, elle a levé un côté des TD, se tournant pour regarder son appel.
"Heeeeeeeey theeeeeeere~" la voix du visage ferme s'éteignait, un obturateur en bois se fermait sur l'un des yeux.
"GUHEEEE!" Claribel cria comme un rongeur, très effrayé, en rebondissant à quelques pas. L'atterrissage sur ses pieds, ses yeux étaient larges alors qu'elle regardait la marionnette de la fille et... euh... un mec.
En appuyant sur le bouton sur ses TD, en les arrêtant, son expression était vacante alors qu'elle clignait, regardant au-dessus de la paire. C'était une sorte de spectacle? Il n'y avait vraiment personne d'autre autour : Claribel s'est coincé dans des zones plus calmes en écoutant de la musique, que ce soit exprès ou non.
Levant la main, elle a salué, "G-Bonjour?" En fait, Claribel avait-il déjà mangé? Elle allait juste voler le déjeuner de son patron, mais ce n'était pas le cas aujourd'hui... | Name: Claribel Donner
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5'4'', 100 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Claribel is about as carefree as they come. When it comes to people, she is generally pretty dismissive of most, often right to their faces. Her rudeness doesn't stop there, as her honesty often comes to mouth before anything resembling restraint. She is also stubborn and single-minded: when she sets herself to something she's probably not stopping until it's done. She can be quite clever when she has the care for it: combat, for instance. She also tends to take some things for granted, as her upbringing wasn't exactly the most normal. One thing she cannot stand is the mundane, thought not because she dislikes it, but because it doesn't stick in her brain at all. She seeks interesting people and situations, sometimes to the point of recklessness. One might even say that's what she lives for. She certainly has a bit of rebellious, teenage spirit, as she occasionally does things if she thinks something interesting will come out of it.
History: Claribel has been familiar with the modern sea of pirates for a long time, as she came into this world on the vessel of what would become a pirate ship. At first, it had been the vessel of a lucrative business as an upscale passenger liner, but it was no stranger to pirates, as it weathered numerous scuffles in the East Blue Seas thanks to the strength and wit of Flors Donner. However, as it so often does, tragedy struck, in a form. After a journey that took place while Claribel was at the tender age of 3, a passenger who had been wounded in a pirate attack sought to press charges against Flors Donner and his estate, the legal avenues proving successful, the hefty fees damaging the company beyond repair. Though he was required to turn over his ship to account for bankruptcy, he denied this, running off with his ship, daughter, wife, and trusted crew. Now he was at an impasse: having fought pirates for such a length, he had no desire to enter their ranks, let alone with a woman and child on board, but the Government had scorned him, so he was now technically an outlaw. As he struggled with his options, the answer came to his from the mouth of his wife, Isabel, who said something he'd never have considered with the safety of his wife and daughter to consider.
Flors Donner became a pirate. But with a wife and child he could not afford to take a bounty, so while he flew the black flag symbolizing freedom, he never pillaged or killed. No, he targeted those who'd plagued his business for years on end, aiming at pirates. Not at first, of course: while he was one of the strongest men he'd known, his crew tough and loyal, if small, and Isabel was getting better with a rifle for those worst case scenarios, he wasn't convinced they were safe. So Flors turned to the newspaper, following the paths of pirates, arriving like a bountiful wind in their ashy wake. He went from town to town to find those who had been left behind by the Marines, and relighting their fire, giving them purpose. And so the Inferno Pirates sailed to the day where the sight of their flag would strike fear in the hearts of pirates and hope in the heart of the common man.
As for the toddler on board, Claribel's childhood was spent among the sailors, learning their names and their stories, picking up some useful seafaring knowledge and skills to boot. After a while, that was: not because she was young when she was taught. When it came to combat she learned much quicker. But while the crew initially believe it to be a matter of interest, or talent, the truth would be learned later. Isabel had become stricken with grief upon learning of the death of her parents, news of which was relayed to Claribel. And yet, some hours later, Claribel was upset, not sure of why her mother was sad. After being told once more, she was satisfied, until the next morning, when Claribel was once more confused about her mother's mood. The young girl had known that her mother was sad, but she couldn't remember why.
After she'd forgotten the death of her grandparents yet again, Flors was getting concerned, and began to seek out some medical advice. Claribel had always been a bit absent minded, but this was a bit much. After some study, there was a hypothesis that seemed to fit what Flors knew of his daughter: Claribel had a memory disorder. She could only remember things that were interesting to her the first time. Otherwise, she would need to be told repeatedly. Even then, however, she still risked forgetting again after a while.
Claribel certainly didn't forget that. She even got a bit worried: what kind of things had she forgotten? If something became boring to her, would she forget about it one day? She couldn't just decide what was genuinely interesting to her or not either. After some thinking, she finally concluded that if she was going to have problems remembering things, then she should just get as many interesting memories as she could.
Through her teenage years, Claribel would finally start helping a bit more out on the ship, mostly aiding in the sailing until age fifteen, where her father allowed her to start fighting alongside the rest of the crew, where she showed that she did have a good deal of strength. But once the novelty of that wore off, she was starting to get bored: she'd been on the boat for her entire life, after all. She had to come up with something.
Then, almost two years later, opportunity knocked. After a battle with pirates, the crew looted a Devil Fruit, and Flors sent the quartermaster to work on getting a buyer. Claribel wasn't having any of that though. In the dead of night, she went to where the Fruit was kept and ate as much as she could stomach (less than half) before leaving the rest and leaving the boat in the middle of the night, only leaving a note explaining that she'd left. Chances are they were going to be pissed, but Claribel was happy. Not that she was now free: she always had been. But now all the adventures and stories she'd had with them were good memories, and would probably never become boring, so she'd never forget them. Now she had to contend with the day to day: figuring out how to get along alone while also working out the kinks of her tricky Fruit. But six months after striking out, three of them on the legendary Loguetown, she's starting to get a bit bored of her locale, wondering when she's going to get to start the interesting life she'd been looking for.... It can't start in a boring way, after all!
Abilities:Echo Echo Fruit (Eko Eko no Mi)A paramecia-type Devil Fruit that bestows Claribel with the ability to create echoes where there otherwise wouldn't have been any. The only requirement is that she must be near the origin of the noise within the last minute. Then, with her hands, she can manipulate the air to recreate the sound, one of her hands emitting pulses of faint white light as she does so. It doesn't need to be identical, however, as she can also manipulate where it goes, though some applications of her ability are unbeknownst to her: she can make a sound pass back and forth over a person, making them hear one thing several times, or she can redirect the whole wave at once onto a single point, creating a much louder resonance in a small area, attacking the eardrums. However, every time she makes a sound repeat, it steadily decreases in volume, like any echo. Deaf opponents or any with ear protection are more resistant to her abilities, as they can't hear her misdirection. It's worth noting that her control of sound is limited to the medium of gases. Liquids aren't workable (such as water, the bane of Fruit users) and solids more so, meaning she can't redirect or copy sounds she can feel from the ground or hear while underwater (though if the sound is loud enough it enters the air, however muffled, that's another story).
Rod Fu - Claribel is tough enough to hold her own, using a sturdy iron rod as a bludgeoning instrument.
Navigation - Claribel's time at sea has made her into a reliable navigator as well as a talented cartographer. She is not only knowledgeable regarding weather and world events, but is also well capable of using tools such as maps, compasses and sea charts.
Techniques: Claribel doesn't yell out her technique names in the middle of battle, but that doesn't mean they can't be named!
Echo – Claribel takes a sound or phrase just emitted and repeats it. She can change the location it comes from as long as it's fairly close by. The volume is decreased slightly, however.
Echo Pop – A natural extension of her Echo. Claribel takes a sound, usually a very loud one like a gunshot or the bang of her rod hitting something hard (like a skull!), and repeats it numerous times in quick succession, usually right by someone's head. The result is a sudden burst of disorienting sound that often leaves the target venerable to further attack. It's tricky to pull off, since it requires more precision, so Claribel isn't capable of it yet!
Shoosh – Claribel redirects the voice of a person away from their intended target. If someone is trying to yell for help, then Claribel can redirect the sound so that it travels backwards, for instance. This doesn't affect the volume of the sound though, and she has trouble catching the further echoes. A yell in a narrow hallway will carry both ways no matter what she does, but someone yelling from a boat in the ocean to a nearby shore is out of luck if Claribel wants them to keep quiet.
A-pu-pup! Shoosh – A more precise version of the standard technique, Claribel 'grabs' a sound, effectively quieting it down, redirecting it in the same bubble, so to speak, without letting the sound bounce off another surface and echo naturally. Imagine a sound as a superball, bouncing madly, each bounce making the noise that reverberates and become audible. Were Claribel to grab that sound midair, redirecting it back and forth until it naturally petered out, she would create a silence from a sound, in effect. Like Echo Pop, this technique is beyond her current ability due to the focus and precision required.
Traits:Improved Perception: She has an easier time hearing the echos and reverberations left by other things, and has better hearing for it. However, it's dependent on conditions: it a crowded street, there's so much noise it's hard to focus on any particular sound unless it stands out, but in silent room, she can probably hear the fast heartbeat of a hiding person. Aside from mere perception, she can't do much with it. Being able to tell if someone is lying or not based on their heartbeat would be to difficult even in ideal conditions for instance. Focus is also important: in the heat of battle, differentiating sounds is certainly trickier.
Inventory:Iron Rod: Sturdy enough to trade blows and noisy on the right surfaces. It's straight, cylindrical, and a bit less than a meter long.
Tone Dials (TDs): Claribel almost always has a pair around her neck or over her ears. |
273 | 4 | 12 | 2,795 | 294 | Ce shriek l'a confirmé. Giko avait certainement une sorte de pervers qui se cachait juste en dehors de son cône de vision. C'est terriblement intelligent! Les déviants de Loguetown étaient vraiment quelque chose d'autre!
"Shh, ne réagis pas! Nous ne voulons pas le provoquer.", a-t-elle chuchoté, "J'ai besoin de te demander quelque chose. Agissez. "Natural."
Elle a mis son autre main sur la première pour stabiliser la fille aux cheveux roses. De son comportement, il était clair: Ce harceleur n'était pas seulement n'importe quel harceleur quotidien, mais une sorte de superstalker hautement avancé qui terrifiait même les témoins dans le silence. Certainement pas quelqu'un avec qui être triflé. Elle devrait naviguer dans ce scénario avec une extrême prudence. Giko a retiré un sketchpad et un crayon de menuisier d'un sac suspendu à sa hanche, se préparant à dessiner.
"Décrivez la personne qui se tient derrière moi. Son visage, surtout.", elle chuchotait lentement, "-Pouvez-vous faire cela?" | Name: Giko G. Gearbox
Age: Claims to be 19
Gender: Claims to be female
Race: Claims to be human
Height and Weight: Claims to be 165 cm. Refuses to give a weight.
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Absolutely insistent on staying in-character as a teenage girl and will refuse to acknowledge anything that conflicts with this. Giko's character is that of a gutsy, cheerful girl in her late teens. She tends to brush off insults to herself as a matter of course, but can't tolerate ones aimed at her friends.
History: A mysterious middle-aged man who operates a life-size teenage girl puppet, he refuses to acknowledge his own existence, instead insisting that he is an ordinary 19-year-old girl named Giko, who states that her goal is to find her father, apparently a famous dollmaker who left on a journey to the Black Drum Kingdom and never returned. Her other motivation seems to be loneliness, as she has resolved to make a friend on every island of the Grand Line. Things haven't been working out very well on the latter; people seem like they'd rather call her "pervert" and "old man", but she's sure that'll change once she reaches the Grand Line proper.
Master Puppeteer - Giko's operator is a ridiculously skilled puppeteer and ventriloquist capable of operating Giko in a lifelike manner resembling a teenage girl. If it wasn't for the creepy guy sticking his hand up the back of her shirt, you'd hardly know the difference.
Craftsman - Giko's operator seems to have a high level of engineering skill, considering that he apparently built Giko and is capable of repairing her from scrap material.
Giko Punch: Giko can fire her fist via a large spring embedded in her forearm. It's then reeled back in using a cable that connects the fist and stump.
Giko Hurricane: Giko's mouth contains a small breath dial filled with corrosive gas, which can be used to eat through metal.
Giko Mortar: A small, sturdy mortar capable of firing explosive shells, located in Giko's left leg.
Inventory: Life-sized teenage girl puppet named Giko with a number of concealed weapons. |
274 | 4 | 13 | 1,027 | 2,970 | Nom: Chambre R. Wesson
Lieu: Ville de Logue - À l'extérieur du magasin
Les environs de la boutique ont été attaqués par un bruit, un bruit musical qui semblait joyeux et émouvant, et en même temps étrange pour quelqu'un était...yodeling. Le yodeler est apparu à l'extérieur du trou où le chef de gang connu sous le nom d'Anneau Nose a posé dans une stupeur inconsciente. L'homme portait un long manteau noir sur une chemise tunique blanche. Dans sa main droite, il portait un long mousquet et dans sa gauche, il tenait une affiche. Ses dents s'assemblèrent dans un sourire brillant quand son yodèle cessa. Ses yeux bleus ont examiné la gravure sur l'affiche et l'homme à ses pieds.
Eh bien, que savez-vous, les travaux tout fait pour moi, a dit les hommes armés. Il a touché le nez massif qui a étiré les narines des ordures. Qu'est-ce que c'était? Pourquoi sacrifier la beauté pour une bague de taureaux? Il ne l'a pas compris – sans dire que le gars était beau pour commencer.
Chambre redressée et peered à l'intérieur du magasin pour voir plusieurs de Nose Ring, des hommes de main possibles autour de deux autres individus. Il leva une main à la tête, ses doigts atteignant sous son chapeau de colon pour se gratter les cheveux bleus. Est-ce qu'il voulait s'impliquer?
- C'est quoi, ça?
Grinning et agiter les individus dans le magasin, Chamber rapidement male: Merci pour le freebie!
Snagging Nez Ring par l'anneau de son nez, il a rapidement commencé à le traîner loin pour rendre son gros cul dedans. | Photo depicts the loot he sometimes gets from hunting pirates.
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5’10” and 165 lbs.
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Chamber Remington Wesson is mostly a friendly guy, but he takes his business seriously. He takes pride in his abilities as a marksman, a gunmith, and his ability to…yodel. Yodeling is normally how he makes his entrance when he isn’t executing a target from a great distance. Not only is he proud, but he is also arrogant. When you’re as good as him with guns…well…you have every right to be if you can back it up, and Chamber takes gunslinging to a whole new level. He believes he is the fastest and deadliest shot in the World, and will defend his self-proclaimed title.
Chamber is under the blind impression that people not only like his yodeling but his handsome looks. He will try to impress cute and beautiful girls—one of his goals being to find a wife so he can pass down his amazing genes. Truly, his eyes were a gift from God.
When he isn’t hunting bounties, he is tinkering with his rifle, cleaning his guns, and training. There is always room for improvement and if he wants to truly be the best, then he has to work at it. Hunting bounties allows him to encounter new and unique foes that bring him fresh and interesting encounters. He chose the life of a bounty hunter to polish his skills even despite…well…being a wanted man himself.
History:Chamber hails from St. Poplar, an island town in Paradise connected to Water 7 and Enies Lobby by Sea Train. He lived the dream of most boys, wanting to grow up to be a Marine and he worked hard to achieve that dream. His father, Marine Captain Smith Wesson, was his role model. He was strong, proud, and an excellent shot with a gun. When his father returned home from R&R, they would practice and Chamber’s hawkeye gift was noticed early on. When Chamber came of age, he left his mother Annabelle to follow his father into the employment of the World Government. He and his father traveled all over and there were many instances where Chamber got to test his gunslinging skills for real. It was when Chamber began to modify the musket that he had been issued that he became aware of the World Government’s restrictions. He wasn’t allowed to modify government equipment even if it was to improve its performance. Officers tended to be the only individuals to allow special gear and equipment, and Chamber thought that policy was ridiculous. His skills were underappreciated. The officers on the ship tried to keep him in their shadows. He constantly butted-heads with a lieutenant named Bass Cooley who was under his father and who he noticed seemed…awfully close. It was as though his father had found himself a new son while he was out to sea for so long and he treated Chamber like all the other Marines. A fierce rivalry formed between him and Cooley, and no matter how much Bass disliked him he knew that Chamber was the better shot. He had to get rid of the kid if was to stay in Captain Wesson’s good graces. He was up for promotion!
On a mission to apprehend Sugar Ray pirates off the coast of the Conomi Islands, there was a heated battle between the two vessels and a violent exchange of cannon fire. In the middle of the battle, Lieutenant Cooley forced Chamber overboard. He was caught between the ships and their fire and in order to survive, he had to dive and swim as far out of the way of the two ships. He was left stranded in the ocean and exhaustion eventually took him. He washed ashore Cocoyasi Village and was rescued by a fisherman named Gil. Gil gave him a place to stay until he could get in contact with his unit, and when he managed to he learned that he was KIA. He had a decision to make then. He could either return to his pathetic life under the foot of every officer on the ship, or he could make his own life and live unrestrained. Chamber chose to do the latter and while he stayed with Gil in Cocoyasi, he modified his musket and other weapons the way he had always wanted to. He continued to go after criminals in his own way as a feared bounty hunter.
So his mother didn’t worry over the possibility of his death in combat, Chamber sent his mother a letter and news traveled to Captain Wesson that his son was still alive. Lieutenant Cooley labeled him as a deserter for having not returned to the Marines, and he has since become an outlaw.
His bounty journey has taken him to Logue Town, a popular trade center where he knows he’s going to collect some loot.
Extraordinary Marksman – Chamber is a gifted man. “Son of Gun” would be true. The way he handles his guns is completely unorthodox and it’s a sight to behold. His eyes are sharp, his reaction time even sharper, and his depth perception so keen that he could shoot the wings off a fly’s back. He has designed all of his weapons around his style of combat, and a lot of his designs are hidden within his long coat.
Tae Kwon Gun – It is Chamber’s martial art style. It is similar to Tae Kwon Do with his flurry of kicks except that each of his strikes trigger mechanisms that he calls Sliders and they are strapped to his forearms and shins. They not only act as guards against bladed weaponry but they carry magazines of rounds. For each thrust and of his legs and fists, the slider moves back, loading a round into the chamber, and then slides forward releasing the round. So while combating his foes, he can also fill them full of lead.
Burdened Fighter – If only one knew how many weapons he has concealed on his person. It makes him heavier than he really is and his muscles have been conditioned to bear the burden. So if he seems quick while burdened, wait until he takes it all off. He becomes even faster and his techniques even fiercer.
Ricochet – A gun trick where Chamber will shoot a round off a deflective surface and the round with change directory to hit the enemy where he or she didn’t see it coming. He has also used this technique to knock enemy rounds off course of their intended target. He can also perform this technique with his musket.
Quick Draw – The hand is quicker than the eye and Chamber is quick if not the quickest.
Gun Jam – Using his Quick Draw technique, Chamber can jam another weapon by lodging a bullet down the enemy’s barrel.
Traits: ---
Sliders – 4 – 8 round capacity.
Pistols – 4 – 8 round capacity.
Derringer -2- 1 round each.
Musket – 1 – single round reload capacity. Attachments: Bayonet and Scope. |
275 | 4 | 14 | 1,106 | 327 | Lieu: Lougetown - À l'extérieur du magasin
Ce qui était censé être un shakedown typique, s'était transformé en assez de la commosion en quelques minutes. Bien qu'apparemment sauvé, le propriétaire du magasin n'avait pas l'air d'avoir l'air d'être renié. En fait, il semblait un peu plus anxieux qu'avant. Ses yeux tenaient frénétiquement compte des individus dans son magasin avec les curieux spectateurs qui se rassemblaient à l'extérieur.
Ce n'est pas bon, pas bon du tout.Le vieil homme pensait à lui-même alors qu'il commençait à transpirer abondamment. Un gallon de sueur froide s'est soudainement abattu sur tout son corps. Ça t'a fait réfléchir, qu'est-ce qui l'inquiétait tant?
Tremblant et dans une panique, le propriétaire du magasin s'est précipité vers Chambers. Plus vite. Il a dit qu'il n'arrêtait pas de repousser les tireurs.
Il a même mouvementé le reste des Spice Boys pour sortir de la porte. Le jour était censé être simple; il se faisait tabasser et perdait de l'argent, c'était le pire scénario auquel il avait pensé. Malheureusement, il s'est manifestement trompé.
Avec la série d'événements qui s'étaient produits, le Nez Anneau inconscient ainsi que ses laquais ont été laissés stupéfiés pendant quelques instants. Le mercenaire qu'ils ont engagé était nul, leur patron a été piqué à travers un mur, des enfants aléatoires continuent de sortir de nulle part, et maintenant le vieil homme qu'ils étaient sur le point de battre les a ordonnés de sortir du magasin.
Un poing serré s'est soudainement écrasé dans le visage de l'ancien, le forçant à terre avec son nez ensanglanté et cassé. Tout ce qu'il pouvait faire, c'était crier dans la douleur.
Je ne sais pas ce que j'essaie de faire ici, mais on va quand même être takiny yo money, gramps!
Avec leur patron temporairement hors de la photo, il semble que les grognements étaient devenus proactifs. Leur travail était pourtant simple, obtenir l'argent et battre celui qui se met en travers de votre chemin. L'atmosphère s'améliorait et le fait qu'un plus grand nombre de gonzes entrent dans le magasin n'a pas rendu les choses moins gênantes.
"Ne t'inquiète pas pour les gamins. Après qu'on en ait fini avec lui, vous êtes les prochains. Tu vas voir ce qui se passe quand tu déconnes avec les Spice Boys.
Des rires et des chanfreins simultanés remplissaient le magasin comme divers types d'armes étaient sortis; des chaînes, des épées, des tuyaux, des chanfreins en laiton, des poignards, vous l'appelez. Bien qu'ils soient musclés, ces mascarades signifient de l'embouteillage.
"Frappe l'endroit!"
OOC: Comme il s'agit d'une petite mise à jour, j'ai l'intention de taper plus dès que les gens commencent à poster. Je sais que c'est un peu ennuyeux maintenant, mais on finira par arriver aux trucs juteux. Quoi qu'il en soit, il y a une quantité illimitée de fourrage que vous pouvez sortir si vous voulez. Ou tu veux peut-être aider le vieux? Ou peut-être juste s'enfuir de l'endroit si vous ne voulez pas vous impliquer dans un combat aussi tôt dans l'histoire. À toi de voir. Amusez-vous bien! | REGARDING CHARACTER SHEETS
For Scabbard, I fixed the coding a bit. Also, gave him Strength and Endurance traits. I think it fits his backstory and fighting style. Given his massive burns, I would want to suggest a weakness; being unable to fight prolonged battles. He could continue, but the fatigue and stress on his body would be more than usual.Name: Scabbard
Age: 18(??)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6'1, 171 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Perpetually sleepy and groggy, as the pain of his burns often gives him trouble sleeping. Rarely raises his voice, if ever. Often laid-back and kind of lazy, but quietly focused when things get heavy. Has a strong, personal sense of justice, which he rarely talks about, but often puts into action when he can. He desires information about his past more than anything.
History: Scabbard's life is a complete blank slate to him. Waking up in a dingy Loguetown alley one day without a memory in his head, even a name. The only thing he had was a large sword, chained in its sheathe with a mysterious lock without a key, and a hideous body covered in painful burn scars. With no connections, or Beli to his name, he turned to petty crime to earn a living, taking the name of the first thing he saw: The scabbard of the locked-away blade. While life as a small-time crook gave him food to eat, he longed to learn who he really was, and saw the free life of a pirate as the ideal way to find out. Now his dream is to travel the seas, and one day find both his lost identity, and the key to the lock that seals his mysterious sword.
Abilities:Swordsmanship: Scabbard fights with the locked-up blade he awoke with. Since the blade is locked in its sheath, it serves as a blunt weapon.
Techniques: ---
Great Sword - A large and mysterious two-handed sword that has apparently been locked up in chains.
For TJ, since he already has his cooking-based ability, I just wanted to give him some thick-skinned hands for boxing and whatnot. Feel free to rename the trait.Name: Teodore Jay “TJ” Dugrass
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6’5’’, 200 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: TJ is a boisterous man that just as boisterously claims himself to be a gentleman. As such, he strives at all hours of the day to perfect his gentlemanly manners and abides by the gentleman’s code of conduct. There are times, however, that he must painfully lay down his morals for the sake of achieving his dream. Such as when it comes to money. TJ is a shrewd businessman that sells his services for a high price. He may dislike having to negotiate in an ungentlemanly manner, but he tries not to let it bother him.
History: TJ was born and raised in Loguetown. He greatly admired the fry cook industry and worked himself up from a humble dishwasher to an ace cook over the course of several years. As a child, he was told stories of a fabled island filled with legendary and exquisite creatures no man had ever laid their tongue on. As he grew into an adult, he aspired to one day find this island- not just for discovery’s sake, but to contribute to his larger goal of opening the greatest food service chain on the Grand Line. Originally he planned on working to save up more travel money, but the restaurant he worked in for most of his life recently bombed. Literally it blew up and left him jobless. Seeing it as a sign to get started, he has decided to become a pirate as a means for adventure.
Abilities: Boxing: As a gentleman, TJ is well versed in the basics of fisticuffs.
Exquisite Grilled Cuisine: Being a former fry cook in a busy restaurant, TJ knows and is more than capable of making a variety of grill-related dishes on the fly.
Techniques: ---
Traits: Thick-Skinned Fists - TJ's fists are, for a lack of a better word, meaty. They are thick and though, allowing him to block and punch without damaging his precious hands. At least most of the time.
Inventory: A stainless steel spatula and a copy of “The Gentleman’s Book of Etiquette.”
Edited the coding a bit. Made her Improved Perception from her DF into a trait instead. Not sure how profecient she is with that rod, but I edited her fighting style; just wanted to categorize it. But if she just hits people with it without any real techqniue, we could just remove it from the CS; you don't need it to be an ability if its just that. Anyway, since she's experienced in sailing, I gave her a navigation ability. Combined with her DF, that could make for some unique weather predictions. Not sure if that was the path you were going for. Also, if you noticed, I intended some of your techniques; this way, it'll be easier to understand that those technique have basic version where they were derived from. A good example of this would be Zoro's Lion Song which later on after the timeskip became Lion Song of Death.Name: Claribel Donner
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5'4'', 100 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Claribel is about as carefree as they come. When it comes to people, she is generally pretty dismissive of most, often right to their faces. Her rudeness doesn't stop there, as her honesty often comes to mouth before anything resembling restraint. She is also stubborn and single-minded: when she sets herself to something she's probably not stopping until it's done. She can be quite clever when she has the care for it: combat, for instance. She also tends to take some things for granted, as her upbringing wasn't exactly the most normal. One thing she cannot stand is the mundane, thought not because she dislikes it, but because it doesn't stick in her brain at all. She seeks interesting people and situations, sometimes to the point of recklessness. One might even say that's what she lives for. She certainly has a bit of rebellious, teenage spirit, as she occasionally does things if she thinks something interesting will come out of it.
History: Claribel has been familiar with the modern sea of pirates for a long time, as she came into this world on the vessel of what would become a pirate ship. At first, it had been the vessel of a lucrative business as an upscale passenger liner, but it was no stranger to pirates, as it weathered numerous scuffles in the East Blue Seas thanks to the strength and wit of Flors Donner. However, as it so often does, tragedy struck, in a form. After a journey that took place while Claribel was at the tender age of 3, a passenger who had been wounded in a pirate attack sought to press charges against Flors Donner and his estate, the legal avenues proving successful, the hefty fees damaging the company beyond repair. Though he was required to turn over his ship to account for bankruptcy, he denied this, running off with his ship, daughter, wife, and trusted crew. Now he was at an impasse: having fought pirates for such a length, he had no desire to enter their ranks, let alone with a woman and child on board, but the Government had scorned him, so he was now technically an outlaw. As he struggled with his options, the answer came to his from the mouth of his wife, Isabel, who said something he'd never have considered with the safety of his wife and daughter to consider.
Flors Donner became a pirate. But with a wife and child he could not afford to take a bounty, so while he flew the black flag symbolizing freedom, he never pillaged or killed. No, he targeted those who'd plagued his business for years on end, aiming at pirates. Not at first, of course: while he was one of the strongest men he'd known, his crew tough and loyal, if small, and Isabel was getting better with a rifle for those worst case scenarios, he wasn't convinced they were safe. So Flors turned to the newspaper, following the paths of pirates, arriving like a bountiful wind in their ashy wake. He went from town to town to find those who had been left behind by the Marines, and relighting their fire, giving them purpose. And so the Inferno Pirates sailed to the day where the sight of their flag would strike fear in the hearts of pirates and hope in the heart of the common man.
As for the toddler on board, Claribel's childhood was spent among the sailors, learning their names and their stories, picking up some useful seafaring knowledge and skills to boot. After a while, that was: not because she was young when she was taught. When it came to combat she learned much quicker. But while the crew initially believe it to be a matter of interest, or talent, the truth would be learned later. Isabel had become stricken with grief upon learning of the death of her parents, news of which was relayed to Claribel. And yet, some hours later, Claribel was upset, not sure of why her mother was sad. After being told once more, she was satisfied, until the next morning, when Claribel was once more confused about her mother's mood. The young girl had known that her mother was sad, but she couldn't remember why.
After she'd forgotten the death of her grandparents yet again, Flors was getting concerned, and began to seek out some medical advice. Claribel had always been a bit absent minded, but this was a bit much. After some study, there was a hypothesis that seemed to fit what Flors knew of his daughter: Claribel had a memory disorder. She could only remember things that were interesting to her the first time. Otherwise, she would need to be told repeatedly. Even then, however, she still risked forgetting again after a while.
Claribel certainly didn't forget that. She even got a bit worried: what kind of things had she forgotten? If something became boring to her, would she forget about it one day? She couldn't just decide what was genuinely interesting to her or not either. After some thinking, she finally concluded that if she was going to have problems remembering things, then she should just get as many interesting memories as she could.
Through her teenage years, Claribel would finally start helping a bit more out on the ship, mostly aiding in the sailing until age fifteen, where her father allowed her to start fighting alongside the rest of the crew, where she showed that she did have a good deal of strength. But once the novelty of that wore off, she was starting to get bored: she'd been on the boat for her entire life, after all. She had to come up with something.
Then, almost two years later, opportunity knocked. After a battle with pirates, the crew looted a Devil Fruit, and Flors sent the quartermaster to work on getting a buyer. Claribel wasn't having any of that though. In the dead of night, she went to where the Fruit was kept and ate as much as she could stomach (less than half) before leaving the rest and leaving the boat in the middle of the night, only leaving a note explaining that she'd left. Chances are they were going to be pissed, but Claribel was happy. Not that she was now free: she always had been. But now all the adventures and stories she'd had with them were good memories, and would probably never become boring, so she'd never forget them. Now she had to contend with the day to day: figuring out how to get along alone while also working out the kinks of her tricky Fruit. But six months after striking out, three of them on the legendary Loguetown, she's starting to get a bit bored of her locale, wondering when she's going to get to start the interesting life she'd been looking for.... It can't start in a boring way, after all!
Abilities:Echo Echo Fruit (Eko Eko no Mi)A paramecia-type Devil Fruit that bestows Claribel with the ability to create echoes where there otherwise wouldn't have been any. The only requirement is that she must be near the origin of the noise within the last minute. Then, with her hands, she can manipulate the air to recreate the sound, one of her hands emitting pulses of faint white light as she does so. It doesn't need to be identical, however, as she can also manipulate where it goes, though some applications of her ability are unbeknownst to her: she can make a sound pass back and forth over a person, making them hear one thing several times, or she can redirect the whole wave at once onto a single point, creating a much louder resonance in a small area, attacking the eardrums. However, every time she makes a sound repeat, it steadily decreases in volume, like any echo. Deaf opponents or any with ear protection are more resistant to her abilities, as they can't hear her misdirection. It's worth noting that her control of sound is limited to the medium of gases. Liquids aren't workable (such as water, the bane of Fruit users) and solids more so, meaning she can't redirect or copy sounds she can feel from the ground or hear while underwater (though if the sound is loud enough it enters the air, however muffled, that's another story).
Rod Fu - Claribel is tough enough to hold her own, using a sturdy iron rod as a bludgeoning instrument.
Navigation - CLaribel's time at sea has made her into a reliable navigator as well as a talented cartographer. She is not only knowledgeable regarding weather and world events, but is also well capable of using tools such as maps, compasses and sea charts.
Techniques: Claribel doesn't yell out her technique names in the middle of battle, but that doesn't mean they can't be named!
Echo – Claribel takes a sound or phrase just emitted and repeats it. She can change the location it comes from as long as it's fairly close by. The volume is decreased slightly, however.
Echo Pop – A natural extension of her Echo. Claribel takes a sound, usually a very loud one like a gunshot or the bang of her rod hitting something hard (like a skull!), and repeats it numerous times in quick succession, usually right by someone's head. The result is a sudden burst of disorienting sound that often leaves the target venerable to further attack. It's tricky to pull off, since it requires more precision, so Claribel isn't capable of it yet!
Shoosh – Claribel redirects the voice of a person away from their intended target. If someone is trying to yell for help, then Claribel can redirect the sound so that it travels backwards, for instance. This doesn't affect the volume of the sound though, and she has trouble catching the further echoes. A yell in a narrow hallway will carry both ways no matter what she does, but someone yelling from a boat in the ocean to a nearby shore is out of luck if Claribel wants them to keep quiet.
A-pu-pup! Shoosh – A more precise version of the standard technique, Claribel 'grabs' a sound, effectively quieting it down, redirecting it in the same bubble, so to speak, without letting the sound bounce off another surface and echo naturally. Imagine a sound as a superball, bouncing madly, each bounce making the noise that reverberates and become audible. Were Claribel to grab that sound midair, redirecting it back and forth until it naturally petered out, she would create a silence from a sound, in effect. Like Echo Pop, this technique is beyond her current ability due to the focus and precision required.
Traits:Improved Perception: She has an easier time hearing the echos and reverberations left by other things, and has better hearing for it. However, it's dependent on conditions: it a crowded street, there's so much noise it's hard to focus on any particular sound unless it stands out, but in silent room, she can probably hear the fast heartbeat of a hiding person. Aside from mere perception, she can't do much with it. Being able to tell if someone is lying or not based on their heartbeat would be to difficult even in ideal conditions for instance. Focus is also important: in the heat of battle, differentiating sounds is certainly trickier.
Inventory:Iron Rod: Sturdy enough to trade blows and noisy on the right surfaces. It's straight, cylindrical, and a bit less than a meter long.
Tone Dials (TDs): Claribel almost always has a pair around her neck or over her ears.
You're character's pretty balanced. The only thing I can offer would be another ability. I guess you coul take the engineering or inventor one now?
Not really sure what to give you guys. Based on what I have on you, you seem to not need any. Any suggestions?
You may add Enhanced Agility and Master of Anatomy as traits. |
276 | 4 | 15 | 1,834 | 91 | D'une manière ou d'une autre, les choses avaient très mal tourné en quelques minutes; le commerçant a été frappé, les gangsters étaient devenus agités, et plus d'entre eux entraient dans le magasin dès la seconde. A ce rythme, les Marines prendraient note et transformeraient le combat en une guerre totale.
"Huh. Les choses sont devenues intéressantes." Tenmon a dit, esquivant étroitement une balançoire d'épée de l'un des gangsters.
"Merde, enfoiré!"
Le goon Spice Boy a pris une autre balançoire à Tenmon. Le jeune ninja a sauté sur la lame et le gangster, ses pieds se plantant sur le comptoir du magasin. Il réfléchit brièvement à l'utilisation de ses pouvoirs juste là et puis, mais secoua la tête alors qu'il rejetait l'idée; cela allait simplement détruire le magasin du vieil homme encore plus. Tenmon devait sortir avant de commencer à utiliser sa Burst TechniqueTM.
"Ninja Arts : Étape éclair!"
Tenmon a pris une position basse et s'est fléché en avant, marchant systématiquement sur les épaules et la tête des divers goélands alors qu'il faisait un mouvement pour la porte, évitant avec ardeur la série d'armes qui ont été balayées au fur et à mesure que la bagarre se poursuivait. Dashing à travers la sortie, il aurait pu jurer qu'il a accidentellement marché sur quelqu'un qui n'était pas un fou là-bas... Bah, oublie ça - ils seraient bien.
Tenmon s'est évanoui. Il était dehors maintenant. Il pourrait tout sortir. Certains des voyous de Nose Ring étaient déjà dehors, et plus d'entre eux avaient suivi Tenmon de l'intérieur du magasin aussi. Un groupe de voyous a couru vers Tenmon avec leurs armes tirées, visant à le battre à la pulpe.
"Ninja Arts : Chi Burst!"
Tenmon poussa ses deux mains vers la foule, libérant deux explosions de ses paumes qui enveloppaient les gangsters et les envoyèrent en spirale vers l'arrière, avec des corps brûlés et des yeux blancs parlant de la masse K.O. de l'adolescent. Le bruit des explosions a percuté et secoué une partie de la ville, alertant les voisins que quelque chose se passait dans le quartier commerçant.
Le garçon se tourna pour affronter le reste des gangsters autour de lui, dessinant son ninjatō et prenant une autre position basse qui prédirait son prochain mouvement. | Name:
Tenmon Tamashi
Height and Weight:
168 cm (5'6")
66 kg (145 lb)
0 Beli
In contrast to most other ninja of the Wano Country, Tenmon seems to be quite casual about being a ninja, and often demonstrates his skill and agility in front of people while declaring himself to be one. Whereas most ninjas would be geared to solitary operations, Tenmon doesn't seem to mind working independently or in a group. He appears to carry a fairly level-headed aura, rarely becoming agitated or worried about matters. This casual nature seems to also extend to combat, where Tenmon assesses his enemies with a cool approach, while also acting quite respectfully to his opponents most of the time.
Despite this overall casual nature, Tenmon is more than willing to adopt a more serious persona for the sake of victory, becoming significantly more formidable and dangerous. In these situations, he may also adopt a more cold-blooded mentality, becoming willing to kill as a last resort, if he deems it to be necessary.
Unsurprisingly, Tenmon isn't one to talk about his history. Unless someone actively tries to pry into it, Tenmon will often play his past off as something "unimportant".
The eccentricity of his father has influenced him a bit, although it is often belied by his casual side. Tenmon is sometimes fond of jokes and nonsensical actions at inappropriate or tense moments - cheering on his comrades in a fight when he could be actually helping them by joining in, for example.
He's also got a tendency to "disappear" and "appear" in places without being noticed. That's just a part of being a ninja.
A trained assassin and sole user of the Burst Technique™, Tenmon seeks to become the ultimate ninja (whatever that entails).
The Tamashi Clan was once a recognized force within the Wano Country, a centuries-old clan of ninjas that had been known for their mercenary work throughout the nation, which allowed them to become a wealthy organization over the course of years. Their desire for an even greater profit led them to eventually abandon Wano, settling on one of the many "remote" islands within Paradise with the intention of expanding their potential clientèle - by taking mercenary work from various islands as opposed to a single nation.
The only son of the Tamashi Clan's Grandmaster, Tenmon supposedly consumed a Devil Fruit at a very early age, being uneducated about their existence. The Bomu Bomu no Mi proved to be a dangerous power to wield whilst growing up, leading some of the members being afraid of touching Tenmon for fear of him blowing up. Tenmon's father - the eccentric Grandmaster Soju - saw it as a grand opportunity to cultivate and incorporate Tenmon's power into his ninja training. This was the beginning of the development of the Burst Technique™, and a majority of Tenmon's childhood was spent developing it. Many of Tenmon's training sessions were done within the forest, alone. His Devil Fruit power was "too risky" to practice around other people after all. Charred grass and ashen trees were a good way to show he was making progress, anyway.
During his training, the mercenary work of the clan flourished, with many different islands and people requesting various jobs. This would eventually prove to be the undoing of the clan when the clan undertook a job that involved, well, killing a World Noble. Being from the Wano Country, the Tamashi Clan was unaffliated with the World Government and therefore held no sense of value or knowledge about the World Nobles. The consequences were catastrophic, with Marines besieging and destroying the Tamashi Clan in its near entirety.
Tenmon returned to what was essentially ruins; a severely damaged temple littered with bodies. His isolated training was the only reason he had survived, and yet he felt a deep sense of regret and despair for not being there to defend the clan its time of need. There was no way for him to enact vengeance, either; the Marines had already departed. The event sparked in him a hatred of the World Government, particularly the World Nobles, and the Admiral that launched the attack on his temple. That was only four years ago.
Now, Tenmon searches for that same Admiral. Although his search was set back by arriving in Loguetown a few months ago: He had stowed away on one too many ships, and ended up being taken in the wrong direction - out of the Grand Line. Tenmon has since used Loguetown to gather whatever resources he can, and intends to set out upon a journey to become a powerful ninja, and challenge the Admiral that destroyed his clan.
But even so, Tenmon questions his motive of revenge every now and again, feeling that it wouldn't be the clan's will for him to seek it.
As ninja from Wano Country, Tenmon is able to perform various ninja arts, in addition to being unnaturally agile and dexterous. His abilities combine atypical weaponry with the power of his Devil Fruit, giving him a high amount of versatility in combat.
Devil Fruit: Bomu Bomu no Mi
The Bomu Bomu no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to make any part of his or her body explode, making the user a Bomb Human.
Eating this Devil Fruit at an early age, Tenmon has been raised to develop it into a fighting style, creating the Burst Technique™; a combination of unarmed ninjutsu and his explosive power. The fighting style allows Tenmon to deal agile explosive blows, in addition to multi-hit attacks for more - albeit significantly weaker - explosions. While powerful, the fighting style is kind of a double-edged sword: the collateral damage followed by the explosions is generally very undesirable (shipwrights HATE him) - especially if allies are nearby. Tenmon generally holds off on the Burst Technique™ as a result.
At the moment, the explosions created by Tenmon's named moves are - at most - strong enough to leave medium-large holes in brick walls, but do not quite have the fire-power to destroy much beyond that.
Ninjutsu Techniques
Ninja Arts: Sweeping Dusk Blade
Tenmon kneels and dashes forward, cleaving the air with his sword as he passes by. Used to attack a single target quickly, but can also hit multiple enemies, although Tenmon has to hit them each individually - a difficult feat that becomes increasingly harder to accomplish the more targets there are.
Ninja Arts: Crescent Strike
Tenmon performs a front flip, and kicks using the momentum of the flip to deal more damage.
Ninja Arts: Half-Moon Strike
An attack to be used directly after its crescent counterpart. Tenmon vaults off of an enemy he's kicked, jumping behind them to kick again.
Ninja Arts: Flash Step
Tenmon quickly dashes in order to avoid an attack, or get into a more favourable position. Doesn't seem to be as fast as Soru, as the moves do not share the same technique: Soru requires kicking off the ground at least 10 times, whereas Ninja Arts: Flash Step is just a very swift dash.
Ninja Arts: Throw
Tenmon throws a miscellaneous item at an enemy. Not really a Ninja Art, but he calls it one anyway.
Burst Techniques
Ninja Arts: Smoke Burst
Tenmon obscures himself in an explosion of smoke, allowing him to move to a different location quickly, or attack enemies while the smokescreen persists.
Ninja Arts: Chi Burst
Tenmon thrusts his palm outward creates an explosion in the hand. In comparison to his other moves, this one has slightly more range, and doesn't rely on his hand making contact with the target. However, it's a fairly simple move to the point of being almost awkward to use.
Ninja Arts: Burst Bomb
Tenmon throws a punch and detonates his fist upon contact, resulting in a high amount of damage from both the punch and the following explosion.
Ninja Arts: Burst Crescent
Similarly to Ninja Arts: Crescent Strike, Tenmon performs a front flip and kicks. Tenmon detonates his leg on impact, offering a high amount of destructive power.
Ninja Arts: Spiral Dragon Burst
Tenmon jumps into the air and spins while upside down, delivering a kick while detonating his leg.
A simple weapon bestowed to Tenmon by the Tamashi Clan. Fundamentally, Yugure is a normal ninjatō which features a blue handle and silver guard. The sheath is entirely blue, but also has circular designs embedded on the length of the sheath. As one can imagine, the blade of the weapon is particularly thick and short in comparison to longer swords such as a katana, being around 50cm in length. It's small size makes it fairly simple for Tenmon to wield and also allows for faster attacks.
A single kunai to be employed as a dagger secondary to Yugure, allowing for more consecutive attacks and accurate critical strikes (he goes for the eyes).
Picture of Tenmon's Father
RIP Grandmaster Soju |
277 | 4 | 16 | 2,786 | 800 | Zehst sourit alors qu'il frappait le gars avec l'anneau du nez à travers le mur. Ça lui apprendrait à être une personne bizarre. Le jeune homme écoutait les exclamations des deux hommes de main avec un sourcil surélevé. Hitman? Qu'est-ce que c'était? Eh bien, il avait frappé le gars... et il était définitivement un homme, la dernière fois qu'il a vérifié... Zehst s'est fait signe. C'était sûrement un tueur! Puis la caisse à côté de lui éclata, comme une voix mystérieuse l'a dit à Zehst où il pouvait trouver un nouveau bateau. Qui était cet individu mystérieux, qui a apporté la bonne nouvelle de nouveaux dinghies à ceux qui n'avaient plus de dinghies?! C'était... c'était...
Zehst n'avait aucune idée de qui c'était, mais sa tenue avait l'air soignée.
Les voyous n'ont pas dû le penser, cependant, parce qu'ils ont tourné leurs armes sur le nouveau gars aussi. Zehst a froncé. Il n'avait aucune idée de l'emplacement du magasin d'armes ou de la plate-forme d'exécution, de sorte qu'il aurait probablement à demander des directives. Mais il ne pouvait pas faire ça si ces gars utilisaient leurs armes sur le nouveau pour le couper! Il devrait...
"Qu'est-ce que c'est que ce bruit de Dieu?" Soudain, le roquetteur cria, applaudissant les mains au-dessus de ses oreilles. Quelqu'un marchait vers le magasin, quelqu'un qui... émettait une sorte d'arme sonique de sa bouche! Les yeux de Zehst sont sortis de sa tête. Qui était capable d'une telle destruction?! Même les armes que ses parents ont inventées n'avaient pas été si...
C'est ennuyant!
Le type a attrapé le Nez Ring par... l'anneau de nez... et a dit quelque chose, mais Zehst ne l'a pas entendu parce qu'il avait encore ses mains sur ses oreilles. Quand il a remarqué que les étranges réverbérations menaçant de briser son cerveau s'étaient arrêtées, cependant, il a laissé ses mains retomber sur ses côtés. Soudain, il y a eu beaucoup de remous comme le vieil homme leur a dit de quitter le magasin, mais les autres gars n'en avaient pas. En fait, plus d'entre eux sont venus, et les choses commençaient à devenir vraiment violentes.
-- Eh bien, ça a l'air amusant! C'est ce qu'il a dit. Le gars de la tenue fraîche semblait être d'accord, et proclamait rapidement ses arts Ninja avant de sauter dans les airs. Il a marché sur la tête de Zehst, provoquant un oof! de l'homme de fusée avant qu'il répète le processus avec plusieurs autres têtes, sautant hors du magasin.
"Hé, vous--" Zehst a commencé. Puis il y a eu un grand boom. Alors que Zehst se tenait là, une expression horrifiée qui grandissait sur son visage, une lumière blanche semblait envelopper tout autour de lui, réduisant son environnement à des lignes noires comme elles étaient dans un manga ou quelque chose comme ça. Quelques secondes plus tard, toute la couleur est revenue, mais l'explosion avait effacé plusieurs des Spice Boys.
"Frappe d'aiguillon!"
Avec le son désormais familier, une forme d'entonnoir métallique s'épanouit de l'épaule gauche de Zehst comme un bourgeon de fleurs, et à l'intérieur un feu s'épanouit avant qu'il ne soit propulsé hors de la boutique, ses pieds glissant sur le sol alors que son bras droit pointait son coude sur sa cible. Il ressemblait beaucoup à une sorte de grève des arts martiaux, mais vraiment Zehst avait tout naturellement senti que c'était le meilleur mouvement pour ce qu'il avait l'intention de faire quand il a d'abord pratiqué ce mouvement.
Il s'est envolé, attaquant, pas les Spice Boys, mais le mystérieux homme!
"Quelle arme avez-vous utilisée tout à l'heure?" Il a demandé. "Qui l'a conçu?" | Name: Zehst Messerschmitt
Age: 18
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5' 10", 140 pounds (63.5 kg)
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Zehst is energetic and hardly ever takes things seriously. He makes friends easily and brushes off hostility up to a point. His primary want in life is freedom--absolute freedom, the ability to do anything and everything that he wants. However, this is where he begins to toe the line of eccentricity. He doesn't believe in laws, seeing them as oppressive, but agrees that freedom has to naturally come with consequences. He also rarely imposes on anyone else's "freedoms" as he sees them--such as the freedom of a thief to steal something. Yet a person who stops a thief also has the freedom to do that if they want to. All in all it's an extremely hypocritical way of looking at the world, and speaks to his inexperience as a person...but perhaps this is why he wants to be free in the first place.
History: Zehst was born to a wealthy family on the Gecko Islands archipelago, who made their fortune by designing weapons for the World Government. Knowing their inventions were tools of violence, destruction, and oppression, they always kept their son in the dark about the true nature of their careers. Zehst's childhood was extremely restricted and sheltered, to keep him from learning how cruel the world really was. But they could only keep this up for so long. As Zehst got older, he had soon read all the books they could give him and learned all his tutors had to teach him, and soon his fun-loving attitude could no longer be curbed and he could no longer simply be sent to his room. With nothing more to distract him, he began to escape time and time again. Until, one night, he witnessed an engagement between the World Government and a pirate ship that was targeting the Gecko Islands.
The Pirate Ship was coming close to the shore, almost close enough to begin assaulting the island. Though in doing so they were putting the lives of islanders who lived on the shore in peril, the captain of the Marines gave the order to launch a particular missile that had been designed by Zehst's parents. The missile was a direct hit, but the explosion that followed was so enormous that not only were the pirates completely eradicated, but so were the homes of several villagers on the cliffs overlooking the shoreline. Zehst couldn't help but think that even pirates didn't deserve to be destroyed so thoroughly as he watched the carnage subside. What was more, the people of the village blamed his family. For the first time Zehst saw the true nature of what his parents had done to build their fortune.
Over the next few weeks, he confronted them. There was a family shouting match that grew so intense Zehst punched his own father. Though he wasn't punished afterwards, this actually made it worse for him. His parents loved him, they truly did, but for various reasons they couldn't just suddenly stop making weapons. Unable to see their point of view, Zehst secretely stole an object his father had obtained for experimentation--a Devil Fruit. Using the fruit's powers to leave his home behind, Zehst started a new life, searching for the freedom he had never had.
Abilities: Roke-Roke no Mi - The Rocket Fruit, its name taken from the Japanese pronunciation "roketto." It is a paramecium fruit that turns the user into a Rocket Human, and allows them to produce various types of rocket thrusters and jets through the surfaces of their body.
Cruise Knuckle - A rocket thruster appears on Zehst's elbow, greatly increasing the speed and force of a punch.
Stinger Strike - A thruster appears on the back of Zehst's shoulder and elbow as he darts forward, and performs a piercing elbow strike with the opposite arm. It resembles an elbow thrust from the martial art known as Bajiquan.
Homing Kick - A roundhouse kick that uses thrusters on the back of Zehst's calves and heel to increase power, speed, and spin--he'll be able to chase an opponent to an extent, continuing to spin and fly after them. However, after several rotations he'll become dizzy and crash.
ICBM - A flying kick that sprouts thrusters over various parts of Zhest, making this his most powerful attack. However, it hits so hard that it damages him as well, and uses up a great deal of energy.
Inventor - Having inherited his parents' knack for learning, designing, and application of science, Zehst makes a fairly good inventor. However, at the moment he lacks the experience or tools to make much use of it. Perhaps if he were to set foot on a ship, he could learn its workings and be a decent shipwright...
Inventory: A burlap duffel sack containing all his supplies, including clothes, food and water, a compass, a map, and not much else. |
278 | 4 | 17 | 1,774 | 401 | Naturel?
Claribel réfléchit à cela comme la marionnette tenait un croquis. Il n'y avait pas beaucoup de naturel dans toute cette scène en premier lieu, donc si elle était supposée agir comme si c'était naturel... hey, ça devenait intéressant. Passant de l'avant, Claribel regarda de plus près le gars : il avait un peu de poils du visage, et ses vêtements étaient du côté muet, mais l'un de ses bras était définitivement à l'intérieur de la marionnette.
Claribel gigogne, agitant son bras devant son propre visage, "Eh? Il n'y a personne derrière toi! Tu m'as juste fait peur." Se rapprochant, elle regarda la paire, avant de sourire, s'emparant de la marionnette par l'un de ses bras. Les étoiles commencent à briller dans ses yeux, elle brille, commençant par : "De toute façon, quel est votre nom? Que faites-vous dans la partie tranquille de la ville?" Comme elle l'a demandé, elle a cru entendre des échos rambunctieux de plus près de la mer quelque part ailleurs en ville. Probablement rien.
Excitation en obtenant le meilleur d'elle, l'estomac de Claribel a laissé sortir un grondement. Claribel s'est branlé les lèvres, avant de se retourner, en se déplaçant pour la tirer. "On va prendre à manger!" | Name: Claribel Donner
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5'4'', 100 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Claribel is about as carefree as they come. When it comes to people, she is generally pretty dismissive of most, often right to their faces. Her rudeness doesn't stop there, as her honesty often comes to mouth before anything resembling restraint. She is also stubborn and single-minded: when she sets herself to something she's probably not stopping until it's done. She can be quite clever when she has the care for it: combat, for instance. She also tends to take some things for granted, as her upbringing wasn't exactly the most normal. One thing she cannot stand is the mundane, thought not because she dislikes it, but because it doesn't stick in her brain at all. She seeks interesting people and situations, sometimes to the point of recklessness. One might even say that's what she lives for. She certainly has a bit of rebellious, teenage spirit, as she occasionally does things if she thinks something interesting will come out of it.
History: Claribel has been familiar with the modern sea of pirates for a long time, as she came into this world on the vessel of what would become a pirate ship. At first, it had been the vessel of a lucrative business as an upscale passenger liner, but it was no stranger to pirates, as it weathered numerous scuffles in the East Blue Seas thanks to the strength and wit of Flors Donner. However, as it so often does, tragedy struck, in a form. After a journey that took place while Claribel was at the tender age of 3, a passenger who had been wounded in a pirate attack sought to press charges against Flors Donner and his estate, the legal avenues proving successful, the hefty fees damaging the company beyond repair. Though he was required to turn over his ship to account for bankruptcy, he denied this, running off with his ship, daughter, wife, and trusted crew. Now he was at an impasse: having fought pirates for such a length, he had no desire to enter their ranks, let alone with a woman and child on board, but the Government had scorned him, so he was now technically an outlaw. As he struggled with his options, the answer came to his from the mouth of his wife, Isabel, who said something he'd never have considered with the safety of his wife and daughter to consider.
Flors Donner became a pirate. But with a wife and child he could not afford to take a bounty, so while he flew the black flag symbolizing freedom, he never pillaged or killed. No, he targeted those who'd plagued his business for years on end, aiming at pirates. Not at first, of course: while he was one of the strongest men he'd known, his crew tough and loyal, if small, and Isabel was getting better with a rifle for those worst case scenarios, he wasn't convinced they were safe. So Flors turned to the newspaper, following the paths of pirates, arriving like a bountiful wind in their ashy wake. He went from town to town to find those who had been left behind by the Marines, and relighting their fire, giving them purpose. And so the Inferno Pirates sailed to the day where the sight of their flag would strike fear in the hearts of pirates and hope in the heart of the common man.
As for the toddler on board, Claribel's childhood was spent among the sailors, learning their names and their stories, picking up some useful seafaring knowledge and skills to boot. After a while, that was: not because she was young when she was taught. When it came to combat she learned much quicker. But while the crew initially believe it to be a matter of interest, or talent, the truth would be learned later. Isabel had become stricken with grief upon learning of the death of her parents, news of which was relayed to Claribel. And yet, some hours later, Claribel was upset, not sure of why her mother was sad. After being told once more, she was satisfied, until the next morning, when Claribel was once more confused about her mother's mood. The young girl had known that her mother was sad, but she couldn't remember why.
After she'd forgotten the death of her grandparents yet again, Flors was getting concerned, and began to seek out some medical advice. Claribel had always been a bit absent minded, but this was a bit much. After some study, there was a hypothesis that seemed to fit what Flors knew of his daughter: Claribel had a memory disorder. She could only remember things that were interesting to her the first time. Otherwise, she would need to be told repeatedly. Even then, however, she still risked forgetting again after a while.
Claribel certainly didn't forget that. She even got a bit worried: what kind of things had she forgotten? If something became boring to her, would she forget about it one day? She couldn't just decide what was genuinely interesting to her or not either. After some thinking, she finally concluded that if she was going to have problems remembering things, then she should just get as many interesting memories as she could.
Through her teenage years, Claribel would finally start helping a bit more out on the ship, mostly aiding in the sailing until age fifteen, where her father allowed her to start fighting alongside the rest of the crew, where she showed that she did have a good deal of strength. But once the novelty of that wore off, she was starting to get bored: she'd been on the boat for her entire life, after all. She had to come up with something.
Then, almost two years later, opportunity knocked. After a battle with pirates, the crew looted a Devil Fruit, and Flors sent the quartermaster to work on getting a buyer. Claribel wasn't having any of that though. In the dead of night, she went to where the Fruit was kept and ate as much as she could stomach (less than half) before leaving the rest and leaving the boat in the middle of the night, only leaving a note explaining that she'd left. Chances are they were going to be pissed, but Claribel was happy. Not that she was now free: she always had been. But now all the adventures and stories she'd had with them were good memories, and would probably never become boring, so she'd never forget them. Now she had to contend with the day to day: figuring out how to get along alone while also working out the kinks of her tricky Fruit. But six months after striking out, three of them on the legendary Loguetown, she's starting to get a bit bored of her locale, wondering when she's going to get to start the interesting life she'd been looking for.... It can't start in a boring way, after all!
Abilities:Echo Echo Fruit (Eko Eko no Mi)A paramecia-type Devil Fruit that bestows Claribel with the ability to create echoes where there otherwise wouldn't have been any. The only requirement is that she must be near the origin of the noise within the last minute. Then, with her hands, she can manipulate the air to recreate the sound, one of her hands emitting pulses of faint white light as she does so. It doesn't need to be identical, however, as she can also manipulate where it goes, though some applications of her ability are unbeknownst to her: she can make a sound pass back and forth over a person, making them hear one thing several times, or she can redirect the whole wave at once onto a single point, creating a much louder resonance in a small area, attacking the eardrums. However, every time she makes a sound repeat, it steadily decreases in volume, like any echo. Deaf opponents or any with ear protection are more resistant to her abilities, as they can't hear her misdirection. It's worth noting that her control of sound is limited to the medium of gases. Liquids aren't workable (such as water, the bane of Fruit users) and solids more so, meaning she can't redirect or copy sounds she can feel from the ground or hear while underwater (though if the sound is loud enough it enters the air, however muffled, that's another story).
Rod Fu - Claribel is tough enough to hold her own, using a sturdy iron rod as a bludgeoning instrument.
Navigation - Claribel's time at sea has made her into a reliable navigator as well as a talented cartographer. She is not only knowledgeable regarding weather and world events, but is also well capable of using tools such as maps, compasses and sea charts.
Techniques: Claribel doesn't yell out her technique names in the middle of battle, but that doesn't mean they can't be named!
Echo – Claribel takes a sound or phrase just emitted and repeats it. She can change the location it comes from as long as it's fairly close by. The volume is decreased slightly, however.
Echo Pop – A natural extension of her Echo. Claribel takes a sound, usually a very loud one like a gunshot or the bang of her rod hitting something hard (like a skull!), and repeats it numerous times in quick succession, usually right by someone's head. The result is a sudden burst of disorienting sound that often leaves the target venerable to further attack. It's tricky to pull off, since it requires more precision, so Claribel isn't capable of it yet!
Shoosh – Claribel redirects the voice of a person away from their intended target. If someone is trying to yell for help, then Claribel can redirect the sound so that it travels backwards, for instance. This doesn't affect the volume of the sound though, and she has trouble catching the further echoes. A yell in a narrow hallway will carry both ways no matter what she does, but someone yelling from a boat in the ocean to a nearby shore is out of luck if Claribel wants them to keep quiet.
A-pu-pup! Shoosh – A more precise version of the standard technique, Claribel 'grabs' a sound, effectively quieting it down, redirecting it in the same bubble, so to speak, without letting the sound bounce off another surface and echo naturally. Imagine a sound as a superball, bouncing madly, each bounce making the noise that reverberates and become audible. Were Claribel to grab that sound midair, redirecting it back and forth until it naturally petered out, she would create a silence from a sound, in effect. Like Echo Pop, this technique is beyond her current ability due to the focus and precision required.
Traits:Improved Perception: She has an easier time hearing the echos and reverberations left by other things, and has better hearing for it. However, it's dependent on conditions: it a crowded street, there's so much noise it's hard to focus on any particular sound unless it stands out, but in silent room, she can probably hear the fast heartbeat of a hiding person. Aside from mere perception, she can't do much with it. Being able to tell if someone is lying or not based on their heartbeat would be to difficult even in ideal conditions for instance. Focus is also important: in the heat of battle, differentiating sounds is certainly trickier.
Inventory:Iron Rod: Sturdy enough to trade blows and noisy on the right surfaces. It's straight, cylindrical, and a bit less than a meter long.
Tone Dials (TDs): Claribel almost always has a pair around her neck or over her ears. |
279 | 4 | 18 | 2,481 | 9 | "Haaah... Haaah..."
Lucretia a balancé vers le magasin, hors d'haleine. Elle s'est arrêtée près d'un mur, regardant les nouveaux gangsters dans le magasin.
Oh... oh, ma chère. Il y a vraiment beaucoup d'entre eux, "elle s'est bourdonnée à elle-même. Peut-être que ce n'était pas un tel...
Elle s'est arrêtée. Ce ninja... c'était lui sur le bateau volant? Il devait avoir été, ce n'était certainement pas un de ces voyous là-bas... qui a mis une clé dans ses plans. Comment était-elle supposée le recruter dans son équipe de Pirate très propre s'il était occupé à battre un gang de rue sale? Il n'y avait qu'une seule solution qu'elle pouvait voir ici...
Son train de pensée a été plus ou moins interrompu par les explosions massives. Elle s'est évanouie. Cette figure mystérieuse... il avait aussi une sorte de pouvoir spécial! Ça a réglé les choses. Si elle voulait l'avoir dans son équipage, alors elle aurait certainement dû...
Lucretia's scheming a été une fois de plus interrompu - cette fois, par une sorte d'"homme à moteur de fusée" attaquant le ninja de l'intérieur de la boutique! C'est peut-être lui qui était sur le bateau depuis le début? Lucretia secoua la tête dédaigneusement. Son premier jour en tant que pirate était déjà beaucoup plus chaotique qu'elle ne s'y attendait. Mais, bien sûr, cela signifiait seulement qu'il était temps de rétablir l'ordre -- n'est-ce pas?
Elle s'est cognée. En ce qui concerne les pouvoirs spéciaux, elle a vraiment obtenu le bout court du bâton - pourquoi ne pourrait-elle pas se transformer en quelque chose de gentil, comme un chat ou une girafe? Oh, et bien. Elle s'est concentrée, de plus en plus grande et - bien, plus verte. À la fin, elle se tenait près de huit pieds de haut, avec des yeux bizarres, un ensemble d'antennes, et deux griffes démesurées, ressemblant à des lames, qui sortaient de ses bras. Sans plus attendre, Lucretia se précipita vers Zehst et Tenmon, faisant le bowling sur tous les gangsters qui se trouvaient sur son chemin.
Tous les deux, quoi que vous soyez en train de vous battre, elle a crié, arrête tout de suite! J'ai une proposition d'affaires pour vous deux! | Name: Savaronitelle Lucretia
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5’1”, 117 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Lucretia is very haughty, but at the same time she treats most things with a sort of casual irreverence. She dislikes most people who she considers above her, and disregards most people that she thinks are below her. Secretly self-conscious about her height - after all, she ought to be the one looking down upon everyone, not the other way around. She always seems to have something to prove. As of late, she’s developed an odd, mantis-esque personal quirk - namely, she has a bizarre tendency to come up with weird food-related nicknames for men she meets.
History: Lucretia is the less-favored second child of a prominent wealthy family. Her sister, a charming and kind socialite, always seemed to upstage her at every turn. Not realizing that this was mostly because she wasn’t charming or kind, Lucretia decided to make a name for herself on the open sea - after all, if she became Queen Of The Pirates, then surely her family would see how much better she was than her mean old sister!
Mushi Mushi no Mi, Model: Mantis
After eating the Bug-Bug Fruit, Lucretia has developed the uncanny ability to turn into a giant mantis, as well as a hybrid form where she takes on a human-mantis form. In both forms, her strength and speed are enhanced dramatically, and she gains wicked mantis-claws to slice at her enemies with. She is loathe to use her full mantis form however, considering it to be absolutely uncouth and disgusting. As a side-note, Lucretia does not actually know what Devil Fruits are - she accidentally ordered the Bug-Bug Fruit at a fancy dinner party and didn’t want to show weakness in front of her sister by ordering something else.
Techniques: ---
Traits: ---
Inventory: --- |
280 | 4 | 19 | 1,834 | 91 | Alors que Tenmon se préparait à s'effacer à travers les nombreux gangsters devant lui, il fut interrompu par les cris d'un autre.
"Ninja Arts: Sweepi—"
"Quelle arme avez-vous utilisée tout à l'heure? Qui l'a conçu? »
C'était encore le roquetteur, mais il... chargeait? Sur lui? Tenmon le savait : il a marché sur quelqu'un qui n'était pas un fou! Le jeune ninja a tapé sa paume d'un poing alors qu'il faisait la réalisation. À ce moment-là, un autre non-goon est arrivé. C'était une... mante géante? Une mante géante parlante? Ils étaient originaires de Loguetown? Étaient-ils natifs du Bleu de l'Est? Une série de questions se précipitèrent dans l'esprit de Tenmon au point où il traitait à peine ce que disait la mante - quelque chose à propos de la lutte? Il n'a pas eu le temps de parler de se battre, il se battait!
"Hang en parlant de mantis, je dois vaincre ces gangsters—BLEUGH!"
Au milieu de l'agitation des gangsters et des insectes géants, Tenmon avait oublié qu'il devait éviter l'attaque du roquetteeur. La poussée du coude a frappé Tenmon au visage, l'envoyant en spirale dans l'air — sérieusement, il a dû filer 10 fois pendant ce temps d'antenne de 2 secondes. Mais c'était bien, Tenmon pouvait facilement stabiliser son atterrissage; c'était un ninja après tout. Il aurait facilement stabilisé son atterrissage s'il n'avait pas été frappé directement dans les gangsters de Nose Ring. Bien sûr, le jeune ninja s'est jeté droit dans les voyous, incitant une autre explosion à se produire alors qu'il entrait en collision avec eux. La couleur a été enlevée de la zone une fois de plus à mesure que la lumière et la fumée soufflaient du lieu de l'impact, obscurcissant à la fois Tenmon et les gangsters dans lesquels il avait été abattu.
La fumée commença à se dissiper, révélant une pile de gangsters et de Tenmon, qui était posé au sommet de la pile - encore conscient. Il s'est assis presque immédiatement, en colère à juste titre qu'il ait été attaqué par le même gars à qui il a donné des directives.
"Hé, Rocket Man! Pourquoi tu m'attaques? Tenmon a crié en sautant de la pile de gangsters comme il l'a fait. | Name:
Tenmon Tamashi
Height and Weight:
168 cm (5'6")
66 kg (145 lb)
0 Beli
In contrast to most other ninja of the Wano Country, Tenmon seems to be quite casual about being a ninja, and often demonstrates his skill and agility in front of people while declaring himself to be one. Whereas most ninjas would be geared to solitary operations, Tenmon doesn't seem to mind working independently or in a group. He appears to carry a fairly level-headed aura, rarely becoming agitated or worried about matters. This casual nature seems to also extend to combat, where Tenmon assesses his enemies with a cool approach, while also acting quite respectfully to his opponents most of the time.
Despite this overall casual nature, Tenmon is more than willing to adopt a more serious persona for the sake of victory, becoming significantly more formidable and dangerous. In these situations, he may also adopt a more cold-blooded mentality, becoming willing to kill as a last resort, if he deems it to be necessary.
Unsurprisingly, Tenmon isn't one to talk about his history. Unless someone actively tries to pry into it, Tenmon will often play his past off as something "unimportant".
The eccentricity of his father has influenced him a bit, although it is often belied by his casual side. Tenmon is sometimes fond of jokes and nonsensical actions at inappropriate or tense moments - cheering on his comrades in a fight when he could be actually helping them by joining in, for example.
He's also got a tendency to "disappear" and "appear" in places without being noticed. That's just a part of being a ninja.
A trained assassin and sole user of the Burst Technique™, Tenmon seeks to become the ultimate ninja (whatever that entails).
The Tamashi Clan was once a recognized force within the Wano Country, a centuries-old clan of ninjas that had been known for their mercenary work throughout the nation, which allowed them to become a wealthy organization over the course of years. Their desire for an even greater profit led them to eventually abandon Wano, settling on one of the many "remote" islands within Paradise with the intention of expanding their potential clientèle - by taking mercenary work from various islands as opposed to a single nation.
The only son of the Tamashi Clan's Grandmaster, Tenmon supposedly consumed a Devil Fruit at a very early age, being uneducated about their existence. The Bomu Bomu no Mi proved to be a dangerous power to wield whilst growing up, leading some of the members being afraid of touching Tenmon for fear of him blowing up. Tenmon's father - the eccentric Grandmaster Soju - saw it as a grand opportunity to cultivate and incorporate Tenmon's power into his ninja training. This was the beginning of the development of the Burst Technique™, and a majority of Tenmon's childhood was spent developing it. Many of Tenmon's training sessions were done within the forest, alone. His Devil Fruit power was "too risky" to practice around other people after all. Charred grass and ashen trees were a good way to show he was making progress, anyway.
During his training, the mercenary work of the clan flourished, with many different islands and people requesting various jobs. This would eventually prove to be the undoing of the clan when the clan undertook a job that involved, well, killing a World Noble. Being from the Wano Country, the Tamashi Clan was unaffliated with the World Government and therefore held no sense of value or knowledge about the World Nobles. The consequences were catastrophic, with Marines besieging and destroying the Tamashi Clan in its near entirety.
Tenmon returned to what was essentially ruins; a severely damaged temple littered with bodies. His isolated training was the only reason he had survived, and yet he felt a deep sense of regret and despair for not being there to defend the clan its time of need. There was no way for him to enact vengeance, either; the Marines had already departed. The event sparked in him a hatred of the World Government, particularly the World Nobles, and the Admiral that launched the attack on his temple. That was only four years ago.
Now, Tenmon searches for that same Admiral. Although his search was set back by arriving in Loguetown a few months ago: He had stowed away on one too many ships, and ended up being taken in the wrong direction - out of the Grand Line. Tenmon has since used Loguetown to gather whatever resources he can, and intends to set out upon a journey to become a powerful ninja, and challenge the Admiral that destroyed his clan.
But even so, Tenmon questions his motive of revenge every now and again, feeling that it wouldn't be the clan's will for him to seek it.
As ninja from Wano Country, Tenmon is able to perform various ninja arts, in addition to being unnaturally agile and dexterous. His abilities combine atypical weaponry with the power of his Devil Fruit, giving him a high amount of versatility in combat.
Devil Fruit: Bomu Bomu no Mi
The Bomu Bomu no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to make any part of his or her body explode, making the user a Bomb Human.
Eating this Devil Fruit at an early age, Tenmon has been raised to develop it into a fighting style, creating the Burst Technique™; a combination of unarmed ninjutsu and his explosive power. The fighting style allows Tenmon to deal agile explosive blows, in addition to multi-hit attacks for more - albeit significantly weaker - explosions. While powerful, the fighting style is kind of a double-edged sword: the collateral damage followed by the explosions is generally very undesirable (shipwrights HATE him) - especially if allies are nearby. Tenmon generally holds off on the Burst Technique™ as a result.
At the moment, the explosions created by Tenmon's named moves are - at most - strong enough to leave medium-large holes in brick walls, but do not quite have the fire-power to destroy much beyond that.
Ninjutsu Techniques
Ninja Arts: Sweeping Dusk Blade
Tenmon kneels and dashes forward, cleaving the air with his sword as he passes by. Used to attack a single target quickly, but can also hit multiple enemies, although Tenmon has to hit them each individually - a difficult feat that becomes increasingly harder to accomplish the more targets there are.
Ninja Arts: Crescent Strike
Tenmon performs a front flip, and kicks using the momentum of the flip to deal more damage.
Ninja Arts: Half-Moon Strike
An attack to be used directly after its crescent counterpart. Tenmon vaults off of an enemy he's kicked, jumping behind them to kick again.
Ninja Arts: Flash Step
Tenmon quickly dashes in order to avoid an attack, or get into a more favourable position. Doesn't seem to be as fast as Soru, as the moves do not share the same technique: Soru requires kicking off the ground at least 10 times, whereas Ninja Arts: Flash Step is just a very swift dash.
Ninja Arts: Throw
Tenmon throws a miscellaneous item at an enemy. Not really a Ninja Art, but he calls it one anyway.
Burst Techniques
Ninja Arts: Smoke Burst
Tenmon obscures himself in an explosion of smoke, allowing him to move to a different location quickly, or attack enemies while the smokescreen persists.
Ninja Arts: Chi Burst
Tenmon thrusts his palm outward creates an explosion in the hand. In comparison to his other moves, this one has slightly more range, and doesn't rely on his hand making contact with the target. However, it's a fairly simple move to the point of being almost awkward to use.
Ninja Arts: Burst Bomb
Tenmon throws a punch and detonates his fist upon contact, resulting in a high amount of damage from both the punch and the following explosion.
Ninja Arts: Burst Crescent
Similarly to Ninja Arts: Crescent Strike, Tenmon performs a front flip and kicks. Tenmon detonates his leg on impact, offering a high amount of destructive power.
Ninja Arts: Spiral Dragon Burst
Tenmon jumps into the air and spins while upside down, delivering a kick while detonating his leg.
A simple weapon bestowed to Tenmon by the Tamashi Clan. Fundamentally, Yugure is a normal ninjatō which features a blue handle and silver guard. The sheath is entirely blue, but also has circular designs embedded on the length of the sheath. As one can imagine, the blade of the weapon is particularly thick and short in comparison to longer swords such as a katana, being around 50cm in length. It's small size makes it fairly simple for Tenmon to wield and also allows for faster attacks.
A single kunai to be employed as a dagger secondary to Yugure, allowing for more consecutive attacks and accurate critical strikes (he goes for the eyes).
Picture of Tenmon's Father
RIP Grandmaster Soju |
281 | 4 | 20 | 931 | 246 | "Ah!" TJ a fort nettoyé sa gorge, son visage brûlant d'embarras en réalisant le genre de cris qu'il vient de faire. J'ai dû avoir quelque chose coincé dans ma gorge à ce moment-là! Oui, oui... Il a regardé de côté pour s'assurer que personne d'autre n'était là pour assister à son exposition embarrassante. C'était déconcertant qu'un gentleman se plaigne d'être si impitoyable.
"Ah, de toute façon, tu as vu ça tout à l'heure? La chose qui s'est barrée par ici? » TJ a demandé alors qu'il regardait plus en bas de la route, en notant ce qui semblait être un trou dans un bâtiment à la fin de celui-ci. | Name: Teodore Jay “TJ” Dugrass
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6’5’’, 200 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: TJ is a boisterous man that just as boisterously claims himself to be a gentleman. As such, he strives at all hours of the day to perfect his gentlemanly manners and abides by the gentleman’s code of conduct. There are times, however, that he must painfully lay down his morals for the sake of achieving his dream. Such as when it comes to money. TJ is a shrewd businessman that sells his services for a high price. He may dislike having to negotiate in an ungentlemanly manner, but he tries not to let it bother him.
History: TJ was born and raised in Loguetown. He greatly admired the fry cook industry and worked himself up from a humble dishwasher to an ace cook over the course of several years. As a child, he was told stories of a fabled island filled with legendary and exquisite creatures no man had ever laid their tongue on. As he grew into an adult, he aspired to one day find this island- not just for discovery’s sake, but to contribute to his larger goal of opening the greatest food service chain on the Grand Line. Originally he planned on working to save up more travel money, but the restaurant he worked in for most of his life recently bombed. Literally it blew up and left him jobless. Seeing it as a sign to get started, he has decided to become a pirate as a means for adventure.
-Boxing: As a gentleman, TJ is well versed in the basics of fisticuffs.
-Exquisite Grilled Cuisine: Being a former fry cook in a busy restaurant, TJ knows and is more than capable of making a variety of grill-related dishes on the fly.
Techniques: ---
Traits:Big Meaty Claws - TJ's fists are, for a lack of a better word, meaty. They are thick and tough, allowing him to block and punch without damaging his precious hands. At least most of the time.
Inventory: A stainless steel spatula and a copy of “The Gentleman’s Book of Etiquette.” |
282 | 4 | 21 | 1,471 | 121 | Scabbrd regardait à blanc l'homme comme il parlait, en prenant la morsure occasionnelle du chou qu'il tenait. Il était difficile de dire s'il prêtait vraiment attention ou non : Avec ses yeux lugubres, bâillonnés et son expression neutre, il ressemblait à sa tête vérifiée hors de la conversation avant qu'elle ne commence.
"...Barreled?...Ah, mec, nah..." Il a finalement répondu avec sa voix douce. "Je n'ai rien vu... C'était juste en chemin pour manger un morceau pour le petit déjeuner dans ce restaurant que j'aime... Ils ont eu ces petits beignets qu'ils ont mis du sucre en poudre sur n'importe quoi, vous avez déjà été là? C'est un bel endroit......"
Une pause.
Je n'ai pas d'argent...
Encore une pause. Une bouchée de chou.
Dans tous les cas, où est allé ce tueur de veg? | Name: Scabbard
Age: 18(??)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6'1, 171 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Perpetually sleepy and groggy, as the pain of his burns often gives him trouble sleeping. Rarely raises his voice, if ever. Often laid-back and kind of lazy, but quietly focused when things get heavy. Has a strong, personal sense of justice, which he rarely talks about, but often puts into action when he can. He desires information about his past more than anything.
History: Scabbard's life is a complete blank slate to him. Waking up in a dingy Loguetown alley one day without a memory in his head, even a name. The only thing he had was a large sword, chained in its sheathe with a mysterious lock without a key, and a hideous body covered in painful burn scars. With no connections, or Beli to his name, he turned to petty crime to earn a living, taking the name of the first thing he saw: The scabbard of the locked-away blade. While life as a small-time crook gave him food to eat, he longed to learn who he really was, and saw the free life of a pirate as the ideal way to find out. Now his dream is to travel the seas, and one day find both his lost identity, and the key to the lock that seals his mysterious sword.
Abilities: Swordsmanship: Scabbard fights with the locked-up blade he awoke with. Since the blade is locked in its sheath, it serves as a blunt weapon.
Inventory: Large, Two-Handed Locked-Up Sword |
283 | 4 | 22 | 1,027 | 2,970 | Nom: Chambre R. Wesson
Lieu: Ville de Logue - Poste de garde - Headed to the Gun Shop
Mention: Anneau de nez
Tourner le Nez Ring dans le poste de garde avait été trop facile, et il aurait pu ne pas croire que ce soit aussi simple jusqu'à ce que le Post Steward ait fini de compter sa prime. En entendant chaque pièce dans le sac de monnaie, j'avais mis un sourire sur le visage de Chambers.
Je m'attendais à devoir me battre dans une pièce pleine de voyous pour aller voir ce type. C'est une bonne chose qu'il y ait eu des diversions dans la région, le fusilier s'est amusé.
Là, 50 000 béli, le Post Steward est arrivé. Il a glissé la grosse bourse d'argent à travers le comptoir et Chambre l'a arraché, appuyant le sac sur sa joue alors qu'il l'a drogué comme un chaton. Ne dépensez pas tout en un seul endroit.
Avec son fusil, Chamber a donné le plus faux et le plus héroïque des rires.
Je sais où je vais dépenser ça. Ne t'inquiète pas pour le vieil homme.
La chambre quitta le poste avec une gaie allure dans sa marche et la tête comme s'il avait un air joyeux dans sa tête: Guns, grog, et wenches; canons, grog, et wenches; canons, grog, et wenches—WHAT! Les armes grognent, et les seiches—OK!
Ça ressemblait à une chanson de rap moderne. Il n'a pas fallu beaucoup pour en faire un maintenant par jours. Il se dirigeait droit vers le magasin d'armes. Il a toujours fait plus d'argent échangeant ses vieux projets pour de nouveaux matériaux et pièces. Être un chasseur de primes les portait rapidement et donc il était sur le marché de l'équipement plus robuste. | Photo depicts the loot he sometimes gets from hunting pirates.
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5’10” and 165 lbs.
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Chamber Remington Wesson is mostly a friendly guy, but he takes his business seriously. He takes pride in his abilities as a marksman, a gunmith, and his ability to…yodel. Yodeling is normally how he makes his entrance when he isn’t executing a target from a great distance. Not only is he proud, but he is also arrogant. When you’re as good as him with guns…well…you have every right to be if you can back it up, and Chamber takes gunslinging to a whole new level. He believes he is the fastest and deadliest shot in the World, and will defend his self-proclaimed title.
Chamber is under the blind impression that people not only like his yodeling but his handsome looks. He will try to impress cute and beautiful girls—one of his goals being to find a wife so he can pass down his amazing genes. Truly, his eyes were a gift from God.
When he isn’t hunting bounties, he is tinkering with his rifle, cleaning his guns, and training. There is always room for improvement and if he wants to truly be the best, then he has to work at it. Hunting bounties allows him to encounter new and unique foes that bring him fresh and interesting encounters. He chose the life of a bounty hunter to polish his skills even despite…well…being a wanted man himself.
History:Chamber hails from St. Poplar, an island town in Paradise connected to Water 7 and Enies Lobby by Sea Train. He lived the dream of most boys, wanting to grow up to be a Marine and he worked hard to achieve that dream. His father, Marine Captain Smith Wesson, was his role model. He was strong, proud, and an excellent shot with a gun. When his father returned home from R&R, they would practice and Chamber’s hawkeye gift was noticed early on. When Chamber came of age, he left his mother Annabelle to follow his father into the employment of the World Government. He and his father traveled all over and there were many instances where Chamber got to test his gunslinging skills for real. It was when Chamber began to modify the musket that he had been issued that he became aware of the World Government’s restrictions. He wasn’t allowed to modify government equipment even if it was to improve its performance. Officers tended to be the only individuals to allow special gear and equipment, and Chamber thought that policy was ridiculous. His skills were underappreciated. The officers on the ship tried to keep him in their shadows. He constantly butted-heads with a lieutenant named Bass Cooley who was under his father and who he noticed seemed…awfully close. It was as though his father had found himself a new son while he was out to sea for so long and he treated Chamber like all the other Marines. A fierce rivalry formed between him and Cooley, and no matter how much Bass disliked him he knew that Chamber was the better shot. He had to get rid of the kid if was to stay in Captain Wesson’s good graces. He was up for promotion!
On a mission to apprehend Sugar Ray pirates off the coast of the Conomi Islands, there was a heated battle between the two vessels and a violent exchange of cannon fire. In the middle of the battle, Lieutenant Cooley forced Chamber overboard. He was caught between the ships and their fire and in order to survive, he had to dive and swim as far out of the way of the two ships. He was left stranded in the ocean and exhaustion eventually took him. He washed ashore Cocoyasi Village and was rescued by a fisherman named Gil. Gil gave him a place to stay until he could get in contact with his unit, and when he managed to he learned that he was KIA. He had a decision to make then. He could either return to his pathetic life under the foot of every officer on the ship, or he could make his own life and live unrestrained. Chamber chose to do the latter and while he stayed with Gil in Cocoyasi, he modified his musket and other weapons the way he had always wanted to. He continued to go after criminals in his own way as a feared bounty hunter.
So his mother didn’t worry over the possibility of his death in combat, Chamber sent his mother a letter and news traveled to Captain Wesson that his son was still alive. Lieutenant Cooley labeled him as a deserter for having not returned to the Marines, and he has since become an outlaw.
His bounty journey has taken him to Logue Town, a popular trade center where he knows he’s going to collect some loot.
Extraordinary Marksman – Chamber is a gifted man. “Son of Gun” would be true. The way he handles his guns is completely unorthodox and it’s a sight to behold. His eyes are sharp, his reaction time even sharper, and his depth perception so keen that he could shoot the wings off a fly’s back. He has designed all of his weapons around his style of combat, and a lot of his designs are hidden within his long coat.
Tae Kwon Gun – It is Chamber’s martial art style. It is similar to Tae Kwon Do with his flurry of kicks except that each of his strikes trigger mechanisms that he calls Sliders and they are strapped to his forearms and shins. They not only act as guards against bladed weaponry but they carry magazines of rounds. For each thrust and of his legs and fists, the slider moves back, loading a round into the chamber, and then slides forward releasing the round. So while combating his foes, he can also fill them full of lead.
Burdened Fighter – If only one knew how many weapons he has concealed on his person. It makes him heavier than he really is and his muscles have been conditioned to bear the burden. So if he seems quick while burdened, wait until he takes it all off. He becomes even faster and his techniques even fiercer.
Ricochet – A gun trick where Chamber will shoot a round off a deflective surface and the round with change directory to hit the enemy where he or she didn’t see it coming. He has also used this technique to knock enemy rounds off course of their intended target. He can also perform this technique with his musket.
Quick Draw – The hand is quicker than the eye and Chamber is quick if not the quickest.
Gun Jam – Using his Quick Draw technique, Chamber can jam another weapon by lodging a bullet down the enemy’s barrel.
Traits: ---
Sliders – 4 – 8 round capacity.
Pistols – 4 – 8 round capacity.
Derringer -2- 1 round each.
Musket – 1 – single round reload capacity. Attachments: Bayonet and Scope. |
284 | 4 | 23 | 2,795 | 294 | Quoi, pour de vrai?
Giko s'est cogné la tête et a griffé son temple en pensant. Elle pouvait jurer que ces gens avaient cherché derrière elle. Son harceleur s'est-il enfui? Ou peut-être que c'était juste son imagination? Quoi que ce soit, il serait impossible pour quelqu'un de faire un pas sur Giko aussi longtemps qu'elle était avec quelqu'un d'autre. Elle a remplacé son croquis dans son sac, avec le crayon. L'autre fille s'est emparée du bras et l'a invitée.
"Si vous le dites... Mais mon visage est-il vraiment si effrayant?"
Elle s'est tapé la joue maladroitement. Sa peau ne s'est pas sentie dérangée, mais après avoir navigué autour de toi, tu n'as jamais pu... Hé, tiens bon, cette fille a-t-elle invité Giko à faire quelque chose? Si ses yeux n'étaient pas faits de verre inanimé et vide, ils seraient étincelants. Une personne qui voulait lui parler. Personne n'a jamais voulu parler à Giko! Peut-être qu'elle voulait même être amie! Giko a repris toutes les mauvaises choses qu'elle avait pensé à Loguetown... cet endroit n'était pas effrayant du tout!
"Je m'appelle Giko G. Boîte de vitesses!", a-t-elle dit au sujet des coups et des crashs distants du quartier commerçant, trébuchant un peu, mais plus ou moins réussi à suivre le rythme de Claribel, "Quel est le vôtre?" | Name: Giko G. Gearbox
Age: Claims to be 19
Gender: Claims to be female
Race: Claims to be human
Height and Weight: Claims to be 165 cm. Refuses to give a weight.
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Absolutely insistent on staying in-character as a teenage girl and will refuse to acknowledge anything that conflicts with this. Giko's character is that of a gutsy, cheerful girl in her late teens. She tends to brush off insults to herself as a matter of course, but can't tolerate ones aimed at her friends.
History: A mysterious middle-aged man who operates a life-size teenage girl puppet, he refuses to acknowledge his own existence, instead insisting that he is an ordinary 19-year-old girl named Giko, who states that her goal is to find her father, apparently a famous dollmaker who left on a journey to the Black Drum Kingdom and never returned. Her other motivation seems to be loneliness, as she has resolved to make a friend on every island of the Grand Line. Things haven't been working out very well on the latter; people seem like they'd rather call her "pervert" and "old man", but she's sure that'll change once she reaches the Grand Line proper.
Master Puppeteer - Giko's operator is a ridiculously skilled puppeteer and ventriloquist capable of operating Giko in a lifelike manner resembling a teenage girl. If it wasn't for the creepy guy sticking his hand up the back of her shirt, you'd hardly know the difference.
Craftsman - Giko's operator seems to have a high level of engineering skill, considering that he apparently built Giko and is capable of repairing her from scrap material.
Giko Punch: Giko can fire her fist via a large spring embedded in her forearm. It's then reeled back in using a cable that connects the fist and stump.
Giko Hurricane: Giko's mouth contains a small breath dial filled with corrosive gas, which can be used to eat through metal.
Giko Mortar: A small, sturdy mortar capable of firing explosive shells, located in Giko's left leg.
Inventory: Life-sized teenage girl puppet named Giko with a number of concealed weapons. |
285 | 4 | 24 | 1,829 | 56 | Nom: Gold Dorado Jr.
Lieu: Ville de Logue - Clinique Ad Hoc
"Comment quelqu'un se casse la mâchoire en mangeant trop..."
Malgré les grognements, l'orateur était un homme heureux. Bien qu'étant un homme bien voyagé, Gold n'avait jamais marché sur le pied dans la ville proche-légendaire de Logue, et à ce rythme, il était peu probable qu'il parte. Les affaires étaient bonnes, et les visiteurs plus criminalisés ne semblaient pas trop s'en soucier si leur médecin n'avait pas de doctorat. Tout ce qu'ils voulaient c'était être réparé d'une manière ou d'une autre, et ils ont payé assez bien pour l'effort Gold mis dedans. A ce rythme, il aurait payé ses dettes en...
L'or apporta une main à son menton étroit alors qu'il commença à considérer les dettes, les lèvres portées dans la contemplation. Revenu moyen par an si le travail était cohérent, par rapport au total (estimé) grand qu'il avait parmi divers casinos, prêteurs d'argent et d'autres institutions de ce genre, compte tenu des dettes supplémentaires qu'il est susceptible d'accumuler avec ses mauvaises habitudes conduit à...
"Trois vies." Il a conclu dans un gémissement. À moins qu'il ne se fasse immortel, Logue Town n'allait pas le couper et ce n'était qu'une question de mois avant que Sharks et les briseurs de genou ne se pointent. Non pas qu'il s'agissait nécessairement d'un problème, mais d'une nuisance qui rendait la vie injoyable. Pour un homme qui a apprécié sa bonne vie, rester dans un endroit et penser à ses problèmes n'était pas une vie qu'il voulait vivre. Donc la question de l'emplacement suivant m'est venue à l'esprit. Où aller ensuite? Il a choisi de se promener avec lui, de sortir du dingy, de courir dans une petite pièce qu'il avait transformée en chirurgie et en clinique, en fumée de cigarette et en odeur de moisissure qui pendait dans une pièce mal éclairée. Les clients ne s'intéressaient pas aux conditions. Ils ne se plaignaient pas, il n'allait pas dépenser l'argent pour réparer l'endroit.
En prenant son manteau de fourrure très cher (qu'il a acheté sur une impulsion d'un an ou plus) et en l'enfilant sur son épaule, il a embrassé l'air salé avec une profonde respiration, roulant ses épaules.
Il est entré dans le pétrin, apparemment. Un gâchis à fusées. La vue d'un bug-lady, d'un wano-enthousiaste, d'un roquette-homme et d'une collection de voyous fait pour une étrange façon de commencer l'après-midi, mais si quoi que ce soit c'était juste un autre jour à Logue Town. Une chose s'est cependant distinguée par Gold, au-dessus des autres bizarreries évidentes. Ils avaient l'air d'avoir quinze ans. Oh d'être encore une adolescente, d'aller de ville en ville, gaspiller les jours et... s'endetter. Les erreurs étaient plus faciles à faire quand vous étiez jeune, pas à dire qu'il n'avait pas eu d'ennuis maintenant, mais il aurait moins de problèmes maintenant s'il avait le même état d'esprit qu'il avait maintenant. Ces enfants pauvres, qui n'avaient pas plus de douze ans à l'époque et qui n'avaient pas la surveillance d'un adulte, étaient - ils susceptibles de subir des sorts semblables? Regrettant leurs choix dans les années à venir?
Le bon Samaritain d'Or a trouvé ses pieds et l'a poussé à agir. Il s'est approché de la collection colorée avec une démarche confiante, concernant les trois avec un sourire simple et un geste apaisant de la main.
"Les épées, les membres explosifs et l'antenne loin, si vous êtes si gentil. Je ne voudrais pas attirer les Marines, nous aurions tous des ennuis! » Il l'a jouée avec un chanfrein de bonne nature, espérant désamorcer tout ce qui s'était passé entre eux. Si la poussée venait à pousser, il pourrait les mettre sur le pas coquin et espérer que les Marines n'ont pas repris sur l'histoire. | Name: Gold Dorado Jr.
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6'1, 169lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Life is meant to be lived, conveniences are meant to be used, and money is there to be spent. Gold takes the "live fast die hard" route to life, a character unbecoming of his lofty position as a man of medicine. Still, there credit should be given where it is due, it'd be difficult to call Gold miserable man of any sort, often viewing situations through a positive lens despite how hopeless the situation may be (even if he was the one to make that situation hopeless, like with say... loan sharks). Nor is he an unfriendly man, if only a tad crude and tactless at times. His debt-riddled lifestyle lead to him travelling quite a bit, making him a worldly young man who has already stepped foot in the Grand Line.
History: How a family of ancient medicine men and doctors managed to become habitual gamblers and eternal debtors is anyone's guess. Gold Jr. is just another one in the line, taking up the debts of his father alongside his brother, Silver Dorado. The difference between the two being that while Gold chose to indulge in life much like his father, Silver eventually took the straight and narrow path, driving a wedge between the two as they turned out to be very, very different people. Eventually their father passed from his poor life style, and the two brothers were rather suddenly left to their own devices. Rather than resolve to simply go their separate ways, there was a confrontation over which path they should both take together, employing their Old World Acupuncture as a weapon against one another. It did eventually lead to them both going their own ways, Silver to the Marines and Gold deeper into the gamblers lifestyle. This does not mean that Gold has no ambition, not at all - he is a doctor after all, and he ultimately hopes to help others. Were it up to him, he'd have found the Panacea by now.
Old World Acupuncture
What differentiates Old World Acupuncture from what an elder on any number of islands may know how to do? Well, for starters it works. Gold is not one to go into the details out of want of not wanting to sound absurd, but Old World Acupuncture involves manipulation of the bodies energy to hasten healing processes, and in some cases do the healing for the bodies. As such, Gold has intimate knowledge of the 'meridian system' in humans and fishmen (although there is a gap in his knowledge when it comes to the longarm and longleg tribes), and how to enhance and/or reduce the effectiveness of their bodies. It's essentially a medical martial art, especially with how Gold applies it. There is a form of it which exists without needles, using instead contact through the fingers and a burst of 'life energies' to instead replicate the effects of needles, although that is substantially more risky to use on an individual due to its far more aggressive nature.
Techniques: ---
Enhanced Agility - You'd not expect a doctor, especially not one versed in 'acupuncture', to be capable of moving at the speeds that Dorado is capable of, but Old World Acpuncture is no standard medical practice. In practice, Gold's speed can be considered 'deceptive', flowing movements suddenly followed up by crashing and precise blows.
Master of Anatomy - A given, for the most part. Although lacking any actual medical qualification, Gold is one of the better doctors out there.
Inventory: Log Pose, acupuncture needles |
286 | 4 | 25 | 2,786 | 800 | A cause de cette arme! Zehst grogne, secouant le poing sur le ninja. Son attitude heureuse et chanceuse avait changé en apparemment un clin d'œil, une fois qu'il avait vu les explosions. À personne d'autre, son esprit est immédiatement retourné à ce jour-là sur la plage. Le jour où tant de gens avaient perdu leur maison, et leur vie, à cause de quelque chose que ses parents avaient créé. Et maintenant, il y avait quelqu'un qui utilisait quelque chose d'aussi dangereux avec un abandon imprudent. "Si cela a été conçu par Messerschmitt Industries, vous feriez mieux de me le dire tout de suite! Sinon, je vais... Je vais...
Zehst s'arrêta au milieu de la menace de tourner la tête, toujours si lentement, pour prendre dans la mante de prière géante se profilant maintenant sur les deux d'entre eux.
"Qui..." dit-il, juste avant que ses yeux ne s'illuminent. L'heureuse chance semblait être de retour. Puis il a pointé le ninja avec une expression sérieuse. "Oui! Si vous avez un filet que nous pouvons utiliser pour attraper ce truc d'un énorme bug cool, je vous pardonnerai d'avoir abusé de cette arme juste cette fois! »
Puis quelqu'un d'autre est entré dans la mêlée, dans l'intention de calmer plutôt que d'amplifier le chaos. Il a encouragé tout le monde à cesser de se battre, afin d'empêcher les Marines de venir.
"Les Marines!" Zehst a crié, avant de regarder le ninja. "Tu ferais mieux de ne pas travailler pour les marins, cool-outfit-guy! Ils ne devraient pas non plus avoir ces armes!" Puis il a soudainement pointé sur l'homme dans le manteau de fourrure avec une expression tout aussi grave. "Et tu ferais mieux de ne pas juste essayer de nous faire partir pour que tu puisses voler l'énorme bestiole pour toi!" | Name: Zehst Messerschmitt
Age: 18
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5' 10", 140 pounds (63.5 kg)
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Zehst is energetic and hardly ever takes things seriously. He makes friends easily and brushes off hostility up to a point. His primary want in life is freedom--absolute freedom, the ability to do anything and everything that he wants. However, this is where he begins to toe the line of eccentricity. He doesn't believe in laws, seeing them as oppressive, but agrees that freedom has to naturally come with consequences. He also rarely imposes on anyone else's "freedoms" as he sees them--such as the freedom of a thief to steal something. Yet a person who stops a thief also has the freedom to do that if they want to. All in all it's an extremely hypocritical way of looking at the world, and speaks to his inexperience as a person...but perhaps this is why he wants to be free in the first place.
History: Zehst was born to a wealthy family on the Gecko Islands archipelago, who made their fortune by designing weapons for the World Government. Knowing their inventions were tools of violence, destruction, and oppression, they always kept their son in the dark about the true nature of their careers. Zehst's childhood was extremely restricted and sheltered, to keep him from learning how cruel the world really was. But they could only keep this up for so long. As Zehst got older, he had soon read all the books they could give him and learned all his tutors had to teach him, and soon his fun-loving attitude could no longer be curbed and he could no longer simply be sent to his room. With nothing more to distract him, he began to escape time and time again. Until, one night, he witnessed an engagement between the World Government and a pirate ship that was targeting the Gecko Islands.
The Pirate Ship was coming close to the shore, almost close enough to begin assaulting the island. Though in doing so they were putting the lives of islanders who lived on the shore in peril, the captain of the Marines gave the order to launch a particular missile that had been designed by Zehst's parents. The missile was a direct hit, but the explosion that followed was so enormous that not only were the pirates completely eradicated, but so were the homes of several villagers on the cliffs overlooking the shoreline. Zehst couldn't help but think that even pirates didn't deserve to be destroyed so thoroughly as he watched the carnage subside. What was more, the people of the village blamed his family. For the first time Zehst saw the true nature of what his parents had done to build their fortune.
Over the next few weeks, he confronted them. There was a family shouting match that grew so intense Zehst punched his own father. Though he wasn't punished afterwards, this actually made it worse for him. His parents loved him, they truly did, but for various reasons they couldn't just suddenly stop making weapons. Unable to see their point of view, Zehst secretely stole an object his father had obtained for experimentation--a Devil Fruit. Using the fruit's powers to leave his home behind, Zehst started a new life, searching for the freedom he had never had.
Abilities: Roke-Roke no Mi - The Rocket Fruit, its name taken from the Japanese pronunciation "roketto." It is a paramecium fruit that turns the user into a Rocket Human, and allows them to produce various types of rocket thrusters and jets through the surfaces of their body.
Cruise Knuckle - A rocket thruster appears on Zehst's elbow, greatly increasing the speed and force of a punch.
Stinger Strike - A thruster appears on the back of Zehst's shoulder and elbow as he darts forward, and performs a piercing elbow strike with the opposite arm. It resembles an elbow thrust from the martial art known as Bajiquan.
Homing Kick - A roundhouse kick that uses thrusters on the back of Zehst's calves and heel to increase power, speed, and spin--he'll be able to chase an opponent to an extent, continuing to spin and fly after them. However, after several rotations he'll become dizzy and crash.
ICBM - A flying kick that sprouts thrusters over various parts of Zhest, making this his most powerful attack. However, it hits so hard that it damages him as well, and uses up a great deal of energy.
Inventor - Having inherited his parents' knack for learning, designing, and application of science, Zehst makes a fairly good inventor. However, at the moment he lacks the experience or tools to make much use of it. Perhaps if he were to set foot on a ship, he could learn its workings and be a decent shipwright...
Inventory: A burlap duffel sack containing all his supplies, including clothes, food and water, a compass, a map, and not much else. |
287 | 4 | 26 | 931 | 246 | Ah, oui! Je sais ce que tu veux dire, TJ a hurlé à Scab, "Je n'ai pas encore mangé le petit déjeuner, bien que..." Il a donné à Scab un autre regard sur, un acajou... repoussé par son apparence, mais si l'homme a prétendu n'avoir pas d'argent qui était- un gentleman qui avait de l'argent- pour ne pas offrir d'aide?
"Laissez votre chou par terre, mon brave homme, je vous traiterai!" Il a déclaré haut et fort. Il avait l'air très sincère à ce sujet aussi, mais il ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de regarder vers le bas jusqu'à la fin de la route à nouveau. "...à moins, bien sûr, que vous vouliez chercher où se trouve notre Tueur de Chabages Croqués?" | Name: Teodore Jay “TJ” Dugrass
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6’5’’, 200 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: TJ is a boisterous man that just as boisterously claims himself to be a gentleman. As such, he strives at all hours of the day to perfect his gentlemanly manners and abides by the gentleman’s code of conduct. There are times, however, that he must painfully lay down his morals for the sake of achieving his dream. Such as when it comes to money. TJ is a shrewd businessman that sells his services for a high price. He may dislike having to negotiate in an ungentlemanly manner, but he tries not to let it bother him.
History: TJ was born and raised in Loguetown. He greatly admired the fry cook industry and worked himself up from a humble dishwasher to an ace cook over the course of several years. As a child, he was told stories of a fabled island filled with legendary and exquisite creatures no man had ever laid their tongue on. As he grew into an adult, he aspired to one day find this island- not just for discovery’s sake, but to contribute to his larger goal of opening the greatest food service chain on the Grand Line. Originally he planned on working to save up more travel money, but the restaurant he worked in for most of his life recently bombed. Literally it blew up and left him jobless. Seeing it as a sign to get started, he has decided to become a pirate as a means for adventure.
-Boxing: As a gentleman, TJ is well versed in the basics of fisticuffs.
-Exquisite Grilled Cuisine: Being a former fry cook in a busy restaurant, TJ knows and is more than capable of making a variety of grill-related dishes on the fly.
Techniques: ---
Traits:Big Meaty Claws - TJ's fists are, for a lack of a better word, meaty. They are thick and tough, allowing him to block and punch without damaging his precious hands. At least most of the time.
Inventory: A stainless steel spatula and a copy of “The Gentleman’s Book of Etiquette.” |
288 | 4 | 27 | 1,471 | 121 | Scabbrd clignait quelques fois, regardant l'homme, avant de se rendre compte qu'on lui avait offert de la nourriture. Il se griffa le dos de la tête, flatté. Il n'avait jamais été traité à la nourriture avant, il a toujours dû le glisser tranquillement quand tout le monde regardait ailleurs.
"... j'aimerais bien!" Il a dit, avec empressement, avant de s'arrêter un moment pour repenser sa réponse. "Mais... on devrait aller chercher le Chabage Guy, oui... mais j'ai assez faim... mais si on l'attrape, on aura de l'argent à dépenser en nourriture... mais je pourrais avoir à manger maintenant... mais alors le Chabage Dude pourrait s'en aller...
Et donc il a mis une main à son menton et a pensé.
Et réfléchi.
...... pensa Aaaaand.
Il regardait mal rien, murmurant à lui-même sur quelle option choisir, pour ce qui se sentait comme l'âge. Il semble que la décision finirait par tomber sur les épaules du monsieur... | Name: Scabbard
Age: 18(??)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6'1, 171 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Perpetually sleepy and groggy, as the pain of his burns often gives him trouble sleeping. Rarely raises his voice, if ever. Often laid-back and kind of lazy, but quietly focused when things get heavy. Has a strong, personal sense of justice, which he rarely talks about, but often puts into action when he can. He desires information about his past more than anything.
History: Scabbard's life is a complete blank slate to him. Waking up in a dingy Loguetown alley one day without a memory in his head, even a name. The only thing he had was a large sword, chained in its sheathe with a mysterious lock without a key, and a hideous body covered in painful burn scars. With no connections, or Beli to his name, he turned to petty crime to earn a living, taking the name of the first thing he saw: The scabbard of the locked-away blade. While life as a small-time crook gave him food to eat, he longed to learn who he really was, and saw the free life of a pirate as the ideal way to find out. Now his dream is to travel the seas, and one day find both his lost identity, and the key to the lock that seals his mysterious sword.
Abilities: Swordsmanship: Scabbard fights with the locked-up blade he awoke with. Since the blade is locked in its sheath, it serves as a blunt weapon.
Inventory: Large, Two-Handed Locked-Up Sword |
289 | 4 | 28 | 1,774 | 401 | Claribel a cooed, "Ce n'est pas ton visage qui fait peur!" Sous son souffle, elle chuchotait, "Kinda". Elle a insisté, "Tout peut être effrayant si vous ne savez pas que ça vient comme RIGHTNOW AH!" Claribel s'est hissé vers Giko soudainement, mais les deux étaient à peu près de la même hauteur, et l'échelle de Claribel s'est penchée jusqu'à mignon par rapport à flippant, donc il n'a pas eu beaucoup d'impact.
Après avoir soutenu, Claribel a insisté, "Hmm, celui-là n'a pas fonctionné, mais il aurait pu! Quoi qu'il en soit, je suis Claribel!"
En regardant autour de lui, il y avait quelque chose qu'elle avait juste besoin de... aha! Courant dans un certain restaurant ouvert, elle a offert un peu d'argent, en obtenant des petits beignets fraîchement cuits, enrobés de sucre, dans deux petits sacs, un pour chacun d'eux. En prenant celui de Giko, elle a lancé l'un d'eux avec un cure-dent, le tenant jusqu'à elle. Les yeux de Claribel ont suscité un vif intérêt à regarder Giko manger. | Name: Claribel Donner
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5'4'', 100 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Claribel is about as carefree as they come. When it comes to people, she is generally pretty dismissive of most, often right to their faces. Her rudeness doesn't stop there, as her honesty often comes to mouth before anything resembling restraint. She is also stubborn and single-minded: when she sets herself to something she's probably not stopping until it's done. She can be quite clever when she has the care for it: combat, for instance. She also tends to take some things for granted, as her upbringing wasn't exactly the most normal. One thing she cannot stand is the mundane, thought not because she dislikes it, but because it doesn't stick in her brain at all. She seeks interesting people and situations, sometimes to the point of recklessness. One might even say that's what she lives for. She certainly has a bit of rebellious, teenage spirit, as she occasionally does things if she thinks something interesting will come out of it.
History: Claribel has been familiar with the modern sea of pirates for a long time, as she came into this world on the vessel of what would become a pirate ship. At first, it had been the vessel of a lucrative business as an upscale passenger liner, but it was no stranger to pirates, as it weathered numerous scuffles in the East Blue Seas thanks to the strength and wit of Flors Donner. However, as it so often does, tragedy struck, in a form. After a journey that took place while Claribel was at the tender age of 3, a passenger who had been wounded in a pirate attack sought to press charges against Flors Donner and his estate, the legal avenues proving successful, the hefty fees damaging the company beyond repair. Though he was required to turn over his ship to account for bankruptcy, he denied this, running off with his ship, daughter, wife, and trusted crew. Now he was at an impasse: having fought pirates for such a length, he had no desire to enter their ranks, let alone with a woman and child on board, but the Government had scorned him, so he was now technically an outlaw. As he struggled with his options, the answer came to his from the mouth of his wife, Isabel, who said something he'd never have considered with the safety of his wife and daughter to consider.
Flors Donner became a pirate. But with a wife and child he could not afford to take a bounty, so while he flew the black flag symbolizing freedom, he never pillaged or killed. No, he targeted those who'd plagued his business for years on end, aiming at pirates. Not at first, of course: while he was one of the strongest men he'd known, his crew tough and loyal, if small, and Isabel was getting better with a rifle for those worst case scenarios, he wasn't convinced they were safe. So Flors turned to the newspaper, following the paths of pirates, arriving like a bountiful wind in their ashy wake. He went from town to town to find those who had been left behind by the Marines, and relighting their fire, giving them purpose. And so the Inferno Pirates sailed to the day where the sight of their flag would strike fear in the hearts of pirates and hope in the heart of the common man.
As for the toddler on board, Claribel's childhood was spent among the sailors, learning their names and their stories, picking up some useful seafaring knowledge and skills to boot. After a while, that was: not because she was young when she was taught. When it came to combat she learned much quicker. But while the crew initially believe it to be a matter of interest, or talent, the truth would be learned later. Isabel had become stricken with grief upon learning of the death of her parents, news of which was relayed to Claribel. And yet, some hours later, Claribel was upset, not sure of why her mother was sad. After being told once more, she was satisfied, until the next morning, when Claribel was once more confused about her mother's mood. The young girl had known that her mother was sad, but she couldn't remember why.
After she'd forgotten the death of her grandparents yet again, Flors was getting concerned, and began to seek out some medical advice. Claribel had always been a bit absent minded, but this was a bit much. After some study, there was a hypothesis that seemed to fit what Flors knew of his daughter: Claribel had a memory disorder. She could only remember things that were interesting to her the first time. Otherwise, she would need to be told repeatedly. Even then, however, she still risked forgetting again after a while.
Claribel certainly didn't forget that. She even got a bit worried: what kind of things had she forgotten? If something became boring to her, would she forget about it one day? She couldn't just decide what was genuinely interesting to her or not either. After some thinking, she finally concluded that if she was going to have problems remembering things, then she should just get as many interesting memories as she could.
Through her teenage years, Claribel would finally start helping a bit more out on the ship, mostly aiding in the sailing until age fifteen, where her father allowed her to start fighting alongside the rest of the crew, where she showed that she did have a good deal of strength. But once the novelty of that wore off, she was starting to get bored: she'd been on the boat for her entire life, after all. She had to come up with something.
Then, almost two years later, opportunity knocked. After a battle with pirates, the crew looted a Devil Fruit, and Flors sent the quartermaster to work on getting a buyer. Claribel wasn't having any of that though. In the dead of night, she went to where the Fruit was kept and ate as much as she could stomach (less than half) before leaving the rest and leaving the boat in the middle of the night, only leaving a note explaining that she'd left. Chances are they were going to be pissed, but Claribel was happy. Not that she was now free: she always had been. But now all the adventures and stories she'd had with them were good memories, and would probably never become boring, so she'd never forget them. Now she had to contend with the day to day: figuring out how to get along alone while also working out the kinks of her tricky Fruit. But six months after striking out, three of them on the legendary Loguetown, she's starting to get a bit bored of her locale, wondering when she's going to get to start the interesting life she'd been looking for.... It can't start in a boring way, after all!
Abilities:Echo Echo Fruit (Eko Eko no Mi)A paramecia-type Devil Fruit that bestows Claribel with the ability to create echoes where there otherwise wouldn't have been any. The only requirement is that she must be near the origin of the noise within the last minute. Then, with her hands, she can manipulate the air to recreate the sound, one of her hands emitting pulses of faint white light as she does so. It doesn't need to be identical, however, as she can also manipulate where it goes, though some applications of her ability are unbeknownst to her: she can make a sound pass back and forth over a person, making them hear one thing several times, or she can redirect the whole wave at once onto a single point, creating a much louder resonance in a small area, attacking the eardrums. However, every time she makes a sound repeat, it steadily decreases in volume, like any echo. Deaf opponents or any with ear protection are more resistant to her abilities, as they can't hear her misdirection. It's worth noting that her control of sound is limited to the medium of gases. Liquids aren't workable (such as water, the bane of Fruit users) and solids more so, meaning she can't redirect or copy sounds she can feel from the ground or hear while underwater (though if the sound is loud enough it enters the air, however muffled, that's another story).
Rod Fu - Claribel is tough enough to hold her own, using a sturdy iron rod as a bludgeoning instrument.
Navigation - Claribel's time at sea has made her into a reliable navigator as well as a talented cartographer. She is not only knowledgeable regarding weather and world events, but is also well capable of using tools such as maps, compasses and sea charts.
Techniques: Claribel doesn't yell out her technique names in the middle of battle, but that doesn't mean they can't be named!
Echo – Claribel takes a sound or phrase just emitted and repeats it. She can change the location it comes from as long as it's fairly close by. The volume is decreased slightly, however.
Echo Pop – A natural extension of her Echo. Claribel takes a sound, usually a very loud one like a gunshot or the bang of her rod hitting something hard (like a skull!), and repeats it numerous times in quick succession, usually right by someone's head. The result is a sudden burst of disorienting sound that often leaves the target venerable to further attack. It's tricky to pull off, since it requires more precision, so Claribel isn't capable of it yet!
Shoosh – Claribel redirects the voice of a person away from their intended target. If someone is trying to yell for help, then Claribel can redirect the sound so that it travels backwards, for instance. This doesn't affect the volume of the sound though, and she has trouble catching the further echoes. A yell in a narrow hallway will carry both ways no matter what she does, but someone yelling from a boat in the ocean to a nearby shore is out of luck if Claribel wants them to keep quiet.
A-pu-pup! Shoosh – A more precise version of the standard technique, Claribel 'grabs' a sound, effectively quieting it down, redirecting it in the same bubble, so to speak, without letting the sound bounce off another surface and echo naturally. Imagine a sound as a superball, bouncing madly, each bounce making the noise that reverberates and become audible. Were Claribel to grab that sound midair, redirecting it back and forth until it naturally petered out, she would create a silence from a sound, in effect. Like Echo Pop, this technique is beyond her current ability due to the focus and precision required.
Traits:Improved Perception: She has an easier time hearing the echos and reverberations left by other things, and has better hearing for it. However, it's dependent on conditions: it a crowded street, there's so much noise it's hard to focus on any particular sound unless it stands out, but in silent room, she can probably hear the fast heartbeat of a hiding person. Aside from mere perception, she can't do much with it. Being able to tell if someone is lying or not based on their heartbeat would be to difficult even in ideal conditions for instance. Focus is also important: in the heat of battle, differentiating sounds is certainly trickier.
Inventory:Iron Rod: Sturdy enough to trade blows and noisy on the right surfaces. It's straight, cylindrical, and a bit less than a meter long.
Tone Dials (TDs): Claribel almost always has a pair around her neck or over her ears. |
290 | 4 | 29 | 931 | 246 | TJ pouvait sentir passer une brise alors qu'il regardait son compagnon défiguré tomber dans un cycle de pensée. Peut-être qu'il choisirait maintenant? Non... maintenant? Noooooow? Il devenait de plus en plus évident pour TJ qu'il n'arriverait pas à une conclusion par lui-même à tout moment. Mais il ne pouvait pas lui imposer sa propre volonté! Ce serait à peine gentleman!
Son fer s'effondrera alors que son ami trop cuit entre dans un autre cycle d'indécision. S'éclaircissant la gorge, sa voix s'est coupée dans son train de pensée comme un cerf marchant sur une route occupée. Abrupte. Mon brave homme! Je dis qu'on capture ce Chabage Felon d'abord! S'il est vraiment voulu, je ne vois aucun mal à prendre un détour des beignets si cela signifie remplir nos poches pour les fonds de nourriture de rechange!
Il s'arrêta, se rendant compte que sa proposition nécessitait un travail d'équipe. Et avec quel genre d'équipe n'avait pas de noms pour s'adresser les uns aux autres? Si nous devons aller de l'avant avec cela, nous ne pouvons pas simplement rester des énigmes les uns pour les autres, c'est exact? Teodore Jay Dugrass! TJ pour court! Ravi de vous rencontrer! | Name: Teodore Jay “TJ” Dugrass
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6’5’’, 200 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: TJ is a boisterous man that just as boisterously claims himself to be a gentleman. As such, he strives at all hours of the day to perfect his gentlemanly manners and abides by the gentleman’s code of conduct. There are times, however, that he must painfully lay down his morals for the sake of achieving his dream. Such as when it comes to money. TJ is a shrewd businessman that sells his services for a high price. He may dislike having to negotiate in an ungentlemanly manner, but he tries not to let it bother him.
History: TJ was born and raised in Loguetown. He greatly admired the fry cook industry and worked himself up from a humble dishwasher to an ace cook over the course of several years. As a child, he was told stories of a fabled island filled with legendary and exquisite creatures no man had ever laid their tongue on. As he grew into an adult, he aspired to one day find this island- not just for discovery’s sake, but to contribute to his larger goal of opening the greatest food service chain on the Grand Line. Originally he planned on working to save up more travel money, but the restaurant he worked in for most of his life recently bombed. Literally it blew up and left him jobless. Seeing it as a sign to get started, he has decided to become a pirate as a means for adventure.
-Boxing: As a gentleman, TJ is well versed in the basics of fisticuffs.
-Exquisite Grilled Cuisine: Being a former fry cook in a busy restaurant, TJ knows and is more than capable of making a variety of grill-related dishes on the fly.
Techniques: ---
Traits:Big Meaty Claws - TJ's fists are, for a lack of a better word, meaty. They are thick and tough, allowing him to block and punch without damaging his precious hands. At least most of the time.
Inventory: A stainless steel spatula and a copy of “The Gentleman’s Book of Etiquette.” |
291 | 4 | 30 | 1,834 | 91 | En entendant le raisonnement de l'homme de la fusée avait réussi à identifier Tenmon dans ce qu'il voulait dire.
De toute évidence, il craignait l'incroyable puissance de coupe de Yugre - le ninjatō de haute qualité du clan Tamashi. Alors qu'il était vrai que Yugre était une arme capable de grands exploits dans les mains de Tenmon, ce n'était pas si dangereux qu'il avait besoin d'être coude dans le visage de peur qu'il l'utilise. Pas du tout; Tenmon éclaircirait ce malentendu avec précipitation - c'est ce que font les ninjas, après tout.
"Cette arme a été conçue par mon clan, pas par une industrie." Tenmon a expliqué qu'il se dépoussiérait.
"Tu n'as pas besoin de t'inquiéter, je n'allais pas les tuer. Je suis un ninja, un arrière—" Son élaboration a été coupée par les bruits d'excitation de son agresseur.
"Oui! Si vous avez un filet que nous pouvons utiliser pour attraper ce truc d'un énorme bug cool, je vous pardonnerai d'avoir abusé de cette arme juste cette fois! »
Vous avez mal utilisé l'arme? Tenmon n'a même pas eu l'occasion d'utiliser l'arme, et encore moins de l'utiliser à mauvais escient. Il n'était pas du genre à abuser des armes de toute façon, surtout pas Yugu...
"Les Marines!? Tu ferais mieux de ne pas travailler pour les marines, cool-outfit-guy! Ils ne devraient pas non plus avoir ces armes!"
"Quoi? Les Marines ne manient pas d'armes comme les miennes." Tenmon a répondu, faisant une série de slashs démonstratifs avant d'avoir l'intention de prendre l'arme.
Mais avant même qu'il n'ait commencé à s'emparer de Yugre, l'homme à la roquette avait déjà commencé à crier à parler à quelqu'un d'autre. Le sujet intense qui se déplaçait ici était un peu trop rapide pour que Tenmon s'ennuie à suivre - surtout compte tenu du fait qu'il y avait encore quelques gangsters à l'intérieur du magasin qui devaient être traités, même si certains étaient juste debout là, sous le choc des nombreuses figures différentes qui étaient apparues au cours de leur raid.
Entouré de gens de toutes sortes, Tenmon a attendu : beaucoup de choses s'étaient passées à l'époque, et il serait plus logique pour lui d'entendre la mante-femme avant qu'il ne fasse autre chose, en plus de se préparer à toute attaque impromptue de ce type de fusée à nouveau. | Name:
Tenmon Tamashi
Height and Weight:
168 cm (5'6")
66 kg (145 lb)
0 Beli
In contrast to most other ninja of the Wano Country, Tenmon seems to be quite casual about being a ninja, and often demonstrates his skill and agility in front of people while declaring himself to be one. Whereas most ninjas would be geared to solitary operations, Tenmon doesn't seem to mind working independently or in a group. He appears to carry a fairly level-headed aura, rarely becoming agitated or worried about matters. This casual nature seems to also extend to combat, where Tenmon assesses his enemies with a cool approach, while also acting quite respectfully to his opponents most of the time.
Despite this overall casual nature, Tenmon is more than willing to adopt a more serious persona for the sake of victory, becoming significantly more formidable and dangerous. In these situations, he may also adopt a more cold-blooded mentality, becoming willing to kill as a last resort, if he deems it to be necessary.
Unsurprisingly, Tenmon isn't one to talk about his history. Unless someone actively tries to pry into it, Tenmon will often play his past off as something "unimportant".
The eccentricity of his father has influenced him a bit, although it is often belied by his casual side. Tenmon is sometimes fond of jokes and nonsensical actions at inappropriate or tense moments - cheering on his comrades in a fight when he could be actually helping them by joining in, for example.
He's also got a tendency to "disappear" and "appear" in places without being noticed. That's just a part of being a ninja.
A trained assassin and sole user of the Burst Technique™, Tenmon seeks to become the ultimate ninja (whatever that entails).
The Tamashi Clan was once a recognized force within the Wano Country, a centuries-old clan of ninjas that had been known for their mercenary work throughout the nation, which allowed them to become a wealthy organization over the course of years. Their desire for an even greater profit led them to eventually abandon Wano, settling on one of the many "remote" islands within Paradise with the intention of expanding their potential clientèle - by taking mercenary work from various islands as opposed to a single nation.
The only son of the Tamashi Clan's Grandmaster, Tenmon supposedly consumed a Devil Fruit at a very early age, being uneducated about their existence. The Bomu Bomu no Mi proved to be a dangerous power to wield whilst growing up, leading some of the members being afraid of touching Tenmon for fear of him blowing up. Tenmon's father - the eccentric Grandmaster Soju - saw it as a grand opportunity to cultivate and incorporate Tenmon's power into his ninja training. This was the beginning of the development of the Burst Technique™, and a majority of Tenmon's childhood was spent developing it. Many of Tenmon's training sessions were done within the forest, alone. His Devil Fruit power was "too risky" to practice around other people after all. Charred grass and ashen trees were a good way to show he was making progress, anyway.
During his training, the mercenary work of the clan flourished, with many different islands and people requesting various jobs. This would eventually prove to be the undoing of the clan when the clan undertook a job that involved, well, killing a World Noble. Being from the Wano Country, the Tamashi Clan was unaffliated with the World Government and therefore held no sense of value or knowledge about the World Nobles. The consequences were catastrophic, with Marines besieging and destroying the Tamashi Clan in its near entirety.
Tenmon returned to what was essentially ruins; a severely damaged temple littered with bodies. His isolated training was the only reason he had survived, and yet he felt a deep sense of regret and despair for not being there to defend the clan its time of need. There was no way for him to enact vengeance, either; the Marines had already departed. The event sparked in him a hatred of the World Government, particularly the World Nobles, and the Admiral that launched the attack on his temple. That was only four years ago.
Now, Tenmon searches for that same Admiral. Although his search was set back by arriving in Loguetown a few months ago: He had stowed away on one too many ships, and ended up being taken in the wrong direction - out of the Grand Line. Tenmon has since used Loguetown to gather whatever resources he can, and intends to set out upon a journey to become a powerful ninja, and challenge the Admiral that destroyed his clan.
But even so, Tenmon questions his motive of revenge every now and again, feeling that it wouldn't be the clan's will for him to seek it.
As ninja from Wano Country, Tenmon is able to perform various ninja arts, in addition to being unnaturally agile and dexterous. His abilities combine atypical weaponry with the power of his Devil Fruit, giving him a high amount of versatility in combat.
Devil Fruit: Bomu Bomu no Mi
The Bomu Bomu no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to make any part of his or her body explode, making the user a Bomb Human.
Eating this Devil Fruit at an early age, Tenmon has been raised to develop it into a fighting style, creating the Burst Technique™; a combination of unarmed ninjutsu and his explosive power. The fighting style allows Tenmon to deal agile explosive blows, in addition to multi-hit attacks for more - albeit significantly weaker - explosions. While powerful, the fighting style is kind of a double-edged sword: the collateral damage followed by the explosions is generally very undesirable (shipwrights HATE him) - especially if allies are nearby. Tenmon generally holds off on the Burst Technique™ as a result.
At the moment, the explosions created by Tenmon's named moves are - at most - strong enough to leave medium-large holes in brick walls, but do not quite have the fire-power to destroy much beyond that.
Ninjutsu Techniques
Ninja Arts: Sweeping Dusk Blade
Tenmon kneels and dashes forward, cleaving the air with his sword as he passes by. Used to attack a single target quickly, but can also hit multiple enemies, although Tenmon has to hit them each individually - a difficult feat that becomes increasingly harder to accomplish the more targets there are.
Ninja Arts: Crescent Strike
Tenmon performs a front flip, and kicks using the momentum of the flip to deal more damage.
Ninja Arts: Half-Moon Strike
An attack to be used directly after its crescent counterpart. Tenmon vaults off of an enemy he's kicked, jumping behind them to kick again.
Ninja Arts: Flash Step
Tenmon quickly dashes in order to avoid an attack, or get into a more favourable position. Doesn't seem to be as fast as Soru, as the moves do not share the same technique: Soru requires kicking off the ground at least 10 times, whereas Ninja Arts: Flash Step is just a very swift dash.
Ninja Arts: Throw
Tenmon throws a miscellaneous item at an enemy. Not really a Ninja Art, but he calls it one anyway.
Burst Techniques
Ninja Arts: Smoke Burst
Tenmon obscures himself in an explosion of smoke, allowing him to move to a different location quickly, or attack enemies while the smokescreen persists.
Ninja Arts: Chi Burst
Tenmon thrusts his palm outward creates an explosion in the hand. In comparison to his other moves, this one has slightly more range, and doesn't rely on his hand making contact with the target. However, it's a fairly simple move to the point of being almost awkward to use.
Ninja Arts: Burst Bomb
Tenmon throws a punch and detonates his fist upon contact, resulting in a high amount of damage from both the punch and the following explosion.
Ninja Arts: Burst Crescent
Similarly to Ninja Arts: Crescent Strike, Tenmon performs a front flip and kicks. Tenmon detonates his leg on impact, offering a high amount of destructive power.
Ninja Arts: Spiral Dragon Burst
Tenmon jumps into the air and spins while upside down, delivering a kick while detonating his leg.
A simple weapon bestowed to Tenmon by the Tamashi Clan. Fundamentally, Yugure is a normal ninjatō which features a blue handle and silver guard. The sheath is entirely blue, but also has circular designs embedded on the length of the sheath. As one can imagine, the blade of the weapon is particularly thick and short in comparison to longer swords such as a katana, being around 50cm in length. It's small size makes it fairly simple for Tenmon to wield and also allows for faster attacks.
A single kunai to be employed as a dagger secondary to Yugure, allowing for more consecutive attacks and accurate critical strikes (he goes for the eyes).
Picture of Tenmon's Father
RIP Grandmaster Soju |
292 | 4 | 31 | 1,471 | 121 | Le train de pensée de Scab a frappé le cerf métaphorique de Dugrass à pleine vitesse, survolant les rails et s'envolant vers l'espace. Il clignait alors qu'il regardait en arrière le monsieur, en entendant sa suggestion....Allez après le Tueur de Cabbage, ou bien bien sûr! Pourquoi n'y a-t-il pas pensé?
Il sourit un sourire paresseux à Dugrass et accepta volontiers la poignée de main, levant sa main libre et prenant le gentleman. Sa peau était troublante au toucher : grincée et nouée comme du bœuf moulu, mais grossière et rugueuse comme du papier de sable.
"Appele-moi Scabbrd, homme..." répondit-il. "Comme, euh... tu sais, une épée. Comme celui que j'ai eu. Pas comme, euh... Pas comme 'Scab', comme, euh... comme cette chose qui se fait quand on devient comme une coupure? Ce truc dégueulasse... les gens font parfois cette erreur, et c'est un peu embarrassant, tu sais? Comme... qui veut être appelé quelque chose de dégueulasse comme ça...
Au fur et à mesure qu'il gronde, quelque chose devient de plus en plus apparent : malgré son comportement étrange et maladroit, sa poignée de main était assez ferme! Très ferme. Vraiment très ferme oh DIEU son GRIP. | Name: Scabbard
Age: 18(??)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6'1, 171 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Perpetually sleepy and groggy, as the pain of his burns often gives him trouble sleeping. Rarely raises his voice, if ever. Often laid-back and kind of lazy, but quietly focused when things get heavy. Has a strong, personal sense of justice, which he rarely talks about, but often puts into action when he can. He desires information about his past more than anything.
History: Scabbard's life is a complete blank slate to him. Waking up in a dingy Loguetown alley one day without a memory in his head, even a name. The only thing he had was a large sword, chained in its sheathe with a mysterious lock without a key, and a hideous body covered in painful burn scars. With no connections, or Beli to his name, he turned to petty crime to earn a living, taking the name of the first thing he saw: The scabbard of the locked-away blade. While life as a small-time crook gave him food to eat, he longed to learn who he really was, and saw the free life of a pirate as the ideal way to find out. Now his dream is to travel the seas, and one day find both his lost identity, and the key to the lock that seals his mysterious sword.
Abilities: Swordsmanship: Scabbard fights with the locked-up blade he awoke with. Since the blade is locked in its sheath, it serves as a blunt weapon.
Inventory: Large, Two-Handed Locked-Up Sword |
293 | 4 | 32 | 1,106 | 327 | Lieu: Lougetown - À l'extérieur du magasin
Là, 50 000 béli, le Post Steward est arrivé. Il a glissé la grosse bourse d'argent à travers le comptoir et Chambre l'a arraché, appuyant le sac sur sa joue alors qu'il l'a drogué comme un chaton. Ne dépensez pas tout en un seul endroit.
Avec son fusil, Chamber a donné le plus faux et le plus héroïque des rires. Je sais où je vais dépenser ça. Ne t'inquiète pas pour le vieil homme.
Avec un côté joyeux dans sa foulée et la tête comme s'il avait un air joyeux dans sa tête, Chambers a quitté le poste, espérant probablement dépenser l'argent qu'il avait gagné.
Les fenêtres du poste étaient fermées et les portes étaient immédiatement verrouillées par le gardien. L'intendant se tourna ensuite vers l'anneau de nez inconscient et lui offrit un verre d'eau.
Ça va, patron?
Ses yeux s'ouvrirent soudain en giflant le verre d'eau. Assis, il a craché une quantité abondante de sang avec une dent. Ce punk m'a fait du bien, hein?
Ceux qui étaient dans le poste étaient tendus et se tenaient en silence, craignant l'homme devant eux. Quoi qu'il en soit, nous traiterons avec ces enfants plus tard. Pour l'instant, quelqu'un peut-il m'acheter une cigarette?
[En anglais seulement] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
La colère et la frustration des Spice Boys étaient apparemment désapprouvées car la plupart d'entre eux étaient maintenant inconscients et à plat sur leur visage pendant que les autres avaient fui les vus. Leur défaite totale avait écrasé leurs esprits et le fait qu'ils s'occupaient de simples enfants ne les aidait pas à se sentir mieux. Pour être juste, ils avaient des explosions et des roquettes de leur côté.
"J'ai gâché ne prendre tome ol mahn daun." Mumbled l'un des fous abattus alors qu'il a fait de son mieux pour garder ses pleurs inaperçus.
"Pipe down." Dit son compagnon mook qui était apparemment empilé sur lui. Ils pourraient revenir pour nous et finir le travail.
Garder le silence était une tâche difficile donnant le flot d'émotions qui le remplissaient; mais comme il était Spice Boy, il devait faire ce qu'on lui avait dit; mordre sa lèvre inférieure était la seule chose à laquelle il pouvait penser pour diminuer son snivelling. "Tory, j'étais dus tinkin o wa appen to da boss."
Un autre laquais qui était allongé sur le dessus des deux précédents a soudainement parlé. Un chasseur de primes l'a pris, mais ne t'inquiète pas. Puisque c'est un mardi, nous avons obtenu le poste couvert."
[En anglais seulement] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Le beau lever de soleil le plus recherché était déjà passé comme le soleil était presque à son regard. Le temps a certainement volé et il était évident qui parmi les participants a eu le moins de plaisir. La ramification s'étant soudainement abattue, le gardien de magasin s'est précipité vers l'extérieur avec un souffle batté, espérant calmer tout ce qui restait de la bagarre qui avait commencé à l'intérieur de son magasin.
Maintenant, tout de suite. Laissez-nous arrêter tous ces combats! » a dit le vieil homme comme il a saisi les bras de Tenmon et de Zehst.« Nous ne voulons certainement pas que ces marines remarquent ce petit grondement, maintenant sommes-nous?.
Il se tourna ensuite vers Gold et Lucretia, n'étant pas gradué par l'apparition de la grande mante à côté de lui. Je ne sais pas comment vous deux vous êtes impliqués dans tout cela, mais merci d'intervenir.Le sourire qu'il a projeté a fait sentir à tout le monde à quel point sa reconnaissance était sincère pour leur aide. L'important, c'est que tout soit fini maintenant.
Il a finalement pu laisser un soupir de soulagement. Maintenant, je ne peux pas offrir beaucoup, mais permets-tu à ce vieil homme de te donner à manger? | REGARDING CHARACTER SHEETS
For Scabbard, I fixed the coding a bit. Also, gave him Strength and Endurance traits. I think it fits his backstory and fighting style. Given his massive burns, I would want to suggest a weakness; being unable to fight prolonged battles. He could continue, but the fatigue and stress on his body would be more than usual.Name: Scabbard
Age: 18(??)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6'1, 171 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Perpetually sleepy and groggy, as the pain of his burns often gives him trouble sleeping. Rarely raises his voice, if ever. Often laid-back and kind of lazy, but quietly focused when things get heavy. Has a strong, personal sense of justice, which he rarely talks about, but often puts into action when he can. He desires information about his past more than anything.
History: Scabbard's life is a complete blank slate to him. Waking up in a dingy Loguetown alley one day without a memory in his head, even a name. The only thing he had was a large sword, chained in its sheathe with a mysterious lock without a key, and a hideous body covered in painful burn scars. With no connections, or Beli to his name, he turned to petty crime to earn a living, taking the name of the first thing he saw: The scabbard of the locked-away blade. While life as a small-time crook gave him food to eat, he longed to learn who he really was, and saw the free life of a pirate as the ideal way to find out. Now his dream is to travel the seas, and one day find both his lost identity, and the key to the lock that seals his mysterious sword.
Abilities:Swordsmanship: Scabbard fights with the locked-up blade he awoke with. Since the blade is locked in its sheath, it serves as a blunt weapon.
Techniques: ---
Great Sword - A large and mysterious two-handed sword that has apparently been locked up in chains.
For TJ, since he already has his cooking-based ability, I just wanted to give him some thick-skinned hands for boxing and whatnot. Feel free to rename the trait.Name: Teodore Jay “TJ” Dugrass
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 6’5’’, 200 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: TJ is a boisterous man that just as boisterously claims himself to be a gentleman. As such, he strives at all hours of the day to perfect his gentlemanly manners and abides by the gentleman’s code of conduct. There are times, however, that he must painfully lay down his morals for the sake of achieving his dream. Such as when it comes to money. TJ is a shrewd businessman that sells his services for a high price. He may dislike having to negotiate in an ungentlemanly manner, but he tries not to let it bother him.
History: TJ was born and raised in Loguetown. He greatly admired the fry cook industry and worked himself up from a humble dishwasher to an ace cook over the course of several years. As a child, he was told stories of a fabled island filled with legendary and exquisite creatures no man had ever laid their tongue on. As he grew into an adult, he aspired to one day find this island- not just for discovery’s sake, but to contribute to his larger goal of opening the greatest food service chain on the Grand Line. Originally he planned on working to save up more travel money, but the restaurant he worked in for most of his life recently bombed. Literally it blew up and left him jobless. Seeing it as a sign to get started, he has decided to become a pirate as a means for adventure.
Abilities: Boxing: As a gentleman, TJ is well versed in the basics of fisticuffs.
Exquisite Grilled Cuisine: Being a former fry cook in a busy restaurant, TJ knows and is more than capable of making a variety of grill-related dishes on the fly.
Techniques: ---
Traits: Thick-Skinned Fists - TJ's fists are, for a lack of a better word, meaty. They are thick and though, allowing him to block and punch without damaging his precious hands. At least most of the time.
Inventory: A stainless steel spatula and a copy of “The Gentleman’s Book of Etiquette.”
Edited the coding a bit. Made her Improved Perception from her DF into a trait instead. Not sure how profecient she is with that rod, but I edited her fighting style; just wanted to categorize it. But if she just hits people with it without any real techqniue, we could just remove it from the CS; you don't need it to be an ability if its just that. Anyway, since she's experienced in sailing, I gave her a navigation ability. Combined with her DF, that could make for some unique weather predictions. Not sure if that was the path you were going for. Also, if you noticed, I intended some of your techniques; this way, it'll be easier to understand that those technique have basic version where they were derived from. A good example of this would be Zoro's Lion Song which later on after the timeskip became Lion Song of Death.Name: Claribel Donner
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5'4'', 100 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Claribel is about as carefree as they come. When it comes to people, she is generally pretty dismissive of most, often right to their faces. Her rudeness doesn't stop there, as her honesty often comes to mouth before anything resembling restraint. She is also stubborn and single-minded: when she sets herself to something she's probably not stopping until it's done. She can be quite clever when she has the care for it: combat, for instance. She also tends to take some things for granted, as her upbringing wasn't exactly the most normal. One thing she cannot stand is the mundane, thought not because she dislikes it, but because it doesn't stick in her brain at all. She seeks interesting people and situations, sometimes to the point of recklessness. One might even say that's what she lives for. She certainly has a bit of rebellious, teenage spirit, as she occasionally does things if she thinks something interesting will come out of it.
History: Claribel has been familiar with the modern sea of pirates for a long time, as she came into this world on the vessel of what would become a pirate ship. At first, it had been the vessel of a lucrative business as an upscale passenger liner, but it was no stranger to pirates, as it weathered numerous scuffles in the East Blue Seas thanks to the strength and wit of Flors Donner. However, as it so often does, tragedy struck, in a form. After a journey that took place while Claribel was at the tender age of 3, a passenger who had been wounded in a pirate attack sought to press charges against Flors Donner and his estate, the legal avenues proving successful, the hefty fees damaging the company beyond repair. Though he was required to turn over his ship to account for bankruptcy, he denied this, running off with his ship, daughter, wife, and trusted crew. Now he was at an impasse: having fought pirates for such a length, he had no desire to enter their ranks, let alone with a woman and child on board, but the Government had scorned him, so he was now technically an outlaw. As he struggled with his options, the answer came to his from the mouth of his wife, Isabel, who said something he'd never have considered with the safety of his wife and daughter to consider.
Flors Donner became a pirate. But with a wife and child he could not afford to take a bounty, so while he flew the black flag symbolizing freedom, he never pillaged or killed. No, he targeted those who'd plagued his business for years on end, aiming at pirates. Not at first, of course: while he was one of the strongest men he'd known, his crew tough and loyal, if small, and Isabel was getting better with a rifle for those worst case scenarios, he wasn't convinced they were safe. So Flors turned to the newspaper, following the paths of pirates, arriving like a bountiful wind in their ashy wake. He went from town to town to find those who had been left behind by the Marines, and relighting their fire, giving them purpose. And so the Inferno Pirates sailed to the day where the sight of their flag would strike fear in the hearts of pirates and hope in the heart of the common man.
As for the toddler on board, Claribel's childhood was spent among the sailors, learning their names and their stories, picking up some useful seafaring knowledge and skills to boot. After a while, that was: not because she was young when she was taught. When it came to combat she learned much quicker. But while the crew initially believe it to be a matter of interest, or talent, the truth would be learned later. Isabel had become stricken with grief upon learning of the death of her parents, news of which was relayed to Claribel. And yet, some hours later, Claribel was upset, not sure of why her mother was sad. After being told once more, she was satisfied, until the next morning, when Claribel was once more confused about her mother's mood. The young girl had known that her mother was sad, but she couldn't remember why.
After she'd forgotten the death of her grandparents yet again, Flors was getting concerned, and began to seek out some medical advice. Claribel had always been a bit absent minded, but this was a bit much. After some study, there was a hypothesis that seemed to fit what Flors knew of his daughter: Claribel had a memory disorder. She could only remember things that were interesting to her the first time. Otherwise, she would need to be told repeatedly. Even then, however, she still risked forgetting again after a while.
Claribel certainly didn't forget that. She even got a bit worried: what kind of things had she forgotten? If something became boring to her, would she forget about it one day? She couldn't just decide what was genuinely interesting to her or not either. After some thinking, she finally concluded that if she was going to have problems remembering things, then she should just get as many interesting memories as she could.
Through her teenage years, Claribel would finally start helping a bit more out on the ship, mostly aiding in the sailing until age fifteen, where her father allowed her to start fighting alongside the rest of the crew, where she showed that she did have a good deal of strength. But once the novelty of that wore off, she was starting to get bored: she'd been on the boat for her entire life, after all. She had to come up with something.
Then, almost two years later, opportunity knocked. After a battle with pirates, the crew looted a Devil Fruit, and Flors sent the quartermaster to work on getting a buyer. Claribel wasn't having any of that though. In the dead of night, she went to where the Fruit was kept and ate as much as she could stomach (less than half) before leaving the rest and leaving the boat in the middle of the night, only leaving a note explaining that she'd left. Chances are they were going to be pissed, but Claribel was happy. Not that she was now free: she always had been. But now all the adventures and stories she'd had with them were good memories, and would probably never become boring, so she'd never forget them. Now she had to contend with the day to day: figuring out how to get along alone while also working out the kinks of her tricky Fruit. But six months after striking out, three of them on the legendary Loguetown, she's starting to get a bit bored of her locale, wondering when she's going to get to start the interesting life she'd been looking for.... It can't start in a boring way, after all!
Abilities:Echo Echo Fruit (Eko Eko no Mi)A paramecia-type Devil Fruit that bestows Claribel with the ability to create echoes where there otherwise wouldn't have been any. The only requirement is that she must be near the origin of the noise within the last minute. Then, with her hands, she can manipulate the air to recreate the sound, one of her hands emitting pulses of faint white light as she does so. It doesn't need to be identical, however, as she can also manipulate where it goes, though some applications of her ability are unbeknownst to her: she can make a sound pass back and forth over a person, making them hear one thing several times, or she can redirect the whole wave at once onto a single point, creating a much louder resonance in a small area, attacking the eardrums. However, every time she makes a sound repeat, it steadily decreases in volume, like any echo. Deaf opponents or any with ear protection are more resistant to her abilities, as they can't hear her misdirection. It's worth noting that her control of sound is limited to the medium of gases. Liquids aren't workable (such as water, the bane of Fruit users) and solids more so, meaning she can't redirect or copy sounds she can feel from the ground or hear while underwater (though if the sound is loud enough it enters the air, however muffled, that's another story).
Rod Fu - Claribel is tough enough to hold her own, using a sturdy iron rod as a bludgeoning instrument.
Navigation - CLaribel's time at sea has made her into a reliable navigator as well as a talented cartographer. She is not only knowledgeable regarding weather and world events, but is also well capable of using tools such as maps, compasses and sea charts.
Techniques: Claribel doesn't yell out her technique names in the middle of battle, but that doesn't mean they can't be named!
Echo – Claribel takes a sound or phrase just emitted and repeats it. She can change the location it comes from as long as it's fairly close by. The volume is decreased slightly, however.
Echo Pop – A natural extension of her Echo. Claribel takes a sound, usually a very loud one like a gunshot or the bang of her rod hitting something hard (like a skull!), and repeats it numerous times in quick succession, usually right by someone's head. The result is a sudden burst of disorienting sound that often leaves the target venerable to further attack. It's tricky to pull off, since it requires more precision, so Claribel isn't capable of it yet!
Shoosh – Claribel redirects the voice of a person away from their intended target. If someone is trying to yell for help, then Claribel can redirect the sound so that it travels backwards, for instance. This doesn't affect the volume of the sound though, and she has trouble catching the further echoes. A yell in a narrow hallway will carry both ways no matter what she does, but someone yelling from a boat in the ocean to a nearby shore is out of luck if Claribel wants them to keep quiet.
A-pu-pup! Shoosh – A more precise version of the standard technique, Claribel 'grabs' a sound, effectively quieting it down, redirecting it in the same bubble, so to speak, without letting the sound bounce off another surface and echo naturally. Imagine a sound as a superball, bouncing madly, each bounce making the noise that reverberates and become audible. Were Claribel to grab that sound midair, redirecting it back and forth until it naturally petered out, she would create a silence from a sound, in effect. Like Echo Pop, this technique is beyond her current ability due to the focus and precision required.
Traits:Improved Perception: She has an easier time hearing the echos and reverberations left by other things, and has better hearing for it. However, it's dependent on conditions: it a crowded street, there's so much noise it's hard to focus on any particular sound unless it stands out, but in silent room, she can probably hear the fast heartbeat of a hiding person. Aside from mere perception, she can't do much with it. Being able to tell if someone is lying or not based on their heartbeat would be to difficult even in ideal conditions for instance. Focus is also important: in the heat of battle, differentiating sounds is certainly trickier.
Inventory:Iron Rod: Sturdy enough to trade blows and noisy on the right surfaces. It's straight, cylindrical, and a bit less than a meter long.
Tone Dials (TDs): Claribel almost always has a pair around her neck or over her ears.
You're character's pretty balanced. The only thing I can offer would be another ability. I guess you coul take the engineering or inventor one now?
Not really sure what to give you guys. Based on what I have on you, you seem to not need any. Any suggestions?
You may add Enhanced Agility and Master of Anatomy as traits. |
294 | 4 | 33 | 2,795 | 294 | Ravi de vous rencontrer, Claribel- et merci pour le déjeuner! Ou je suppose que c'est plus un brunch, vraiment.
Elle a arraché le beignet du cure-dent et l'a entaché dans sa bouche. Donc c'est comme ça qu'on déjeune avec quelqu'un. C'était sympa, même si l'autre fille était un peu bizarre, et avait crié à Giko sans raison particulière tout d'un coup, mais Giko était sûr que Claribel avait ses raisons. Elle s'est penchée contre un poteau de lampe, de l'autre côté de la rue. Il était petit, laid, et un arôme unique de cuisson-huile-et-poudre d'eau persistait dans l'air autour de l'endroit. Les trois quarts du visage de la stalle étaient dominés par un comptoir et un long banc en bois. Le quatrième restant a été repris par un atelier, au-dessus duquel a accroché un signe.
Un petit homme comme Pete aurait travaillé derrière lui, nettoyant frustrement un revolver poivré et murmurant quelque chose à propos de "ces damnés jouets marins newfangled" comme il l'a fait. Giko l'observait sans esprit pendant qu'elle mangeait des bouts de purée, de pâte grasse qui tombait de sa bouche sans vie pendant qu'elle marchait de haut en bas. Le marionnettiste, pour sa part, a juste regardé les beignets avec une faim évidente, essuyant un peu de rouille sur le dos de sa manche. Il semblait se contenter de les sentir. Giko regarda en arrière à Claribel, la moitié inférieure de son visage couverte de miettes et de sucre en poudre.
"Alors qu'est-ce qu'il y a, euh-", Giko a tapé sur le côté de sa tête, "-Les coquilles? Sont-ils un peu mode autour de ces parties?" | Name: Giko G. Gearbox
Age: Claims to be 19
Gender: Claims to be female
Race: Claims to be human
Height and Weight: Claims to be 165 cm. Refuses to give a weight.
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Absolutely insistent on staying in-character as a teenage girl and will refuse to acknowledge anything that conflicts with this. Giko's character is that of a gutsy, cheerful girl in her late teens. She tends to brush off insults to herself as a matter of course, but can't tolerate ones aimed at her friends.
History: A mysterious middle-aged man who operates a life-size teenage girl puppet, he refuses to acknowledge his own existence, instead insisting that he is an ordinary 19-year-old girl named Giko, who states that her goal is to find her father, apparently a famous dollmaker who left on a journey to the Black Drum Kingdom and never returned. Her other motivation seems to be loneliness, as she has resolved to make a friend on every island of the Grand Line. Things haven't been working out very well on the latter; people seem like they'd rather call her "pervert" and "old man", but she's sure that'll change once she reaches the Grand Line proper.
Master Puppeteer - Giko's operator is a ridiculously skilled puppeteer and ventriloquist capable of operating Giko in a lifelike manner resembling a teenage girl. If it wasn't for the creepy guy sticking his hand up the back of her shirt, you'd hardly know the difference.
Craftsman - Giko's operator seems to have a high level of engineering skill, considering that he apparently built Giko and is capable of repairing her from scrap material.
Giko Punch: Giko can fire her fist via a large spring embedded in her forearm. It's then reeled back in using a cable that connects the fist and stump.
Giko Hurricane: Giko's mouth contains a small breath dial filled with corrosive gas, which can be used to eat through metal.
Giko Mortar: A small, sturdy mortar capable of firing explosive shells, located in Giko's left leg.
Inventory: Life-sized teenage girl puppet named Giko with a number of concealed weapons. |
295 | 4 | 34 | 2,481 | 9 | Lucretia a cligné ses yeux grossiers et composés en surprise à... eh bien, tout! Ça n'allait pas du tout comme elle l'avait prévu, mais... eh bien, ils ne se battaient pas maintenant, ou complotant pour l'attraper plus? Du moins, si elle les a bien compris, mais qui peut le dire aux pirates? Bientôt des pirates, au moins... dont elle était certaine.
Son estomac s'est effondré. C'est la chose malheureuse de fuir la maison à temps pour le lever du soleil - pourquoi, il n'y a tout simplement pas le temps du tout de manger le petit déjeuner! Et, d'ailleurs... elle pourrait à peine dire non si c'était sur le centime du vieil homme!
Je serais très obligé, mon bon homme! Laissez-moi me transformer en quelque chose d'un peu moins effrayant et peut-être aussi moins impressionnant...
Lucretia s'est épanouie avec une florissante pratique, en reculant et en perdant ses traits bizarres et mantish jusqu'à ce qu'elle ne ressemble à rien de plus qu'une jeune femme noble dans une robe ostentatoire. Elle s'est moquée, en regardant le reste du groupe.
"Je ne pourrais pas encore avoir un nom pour cette capacité," dit-elle, "Mais c'est positif grand, n'est-ce pas? Retenez vos applaudissements -- ce n'est rien pour moi, la grande Lucretia Savaronitelle! | Name: Savaronitelle Lucretia
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5’1”, 117 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Lucretia is very haughty, but at the same time she treats most things with a sort of casual irreverence. She dislikes most people who she considers above her, and disregards most people that she thinks are below her. Secretly self-conscious about her height - after all, she ought to be the one looking down upon everyone, not the other way around. She always seems to have something to prove. As of late, she’s developed an odd, mantis-esque personal quirk - namely, she has a bizarre tendency to come up with weird food-related nicknames for men she meets.
History: Lucretia is the less-favored second child of a prominent wealthy family. Her sister, a charming and kind socialite, always seemed to upstage her at every turn. Not realizing that this was mostly because she wasn’t charming or kind, Lucretia decided to make a name for herself on the open sea - after all, if she became Queen Of The Pirates, then surely her family would see how much better she was than her mean old sister!
Mushi Mushi no Mi, Model: Mantis
After eating the Bug-Bug Fruit, Lucretia has developed the uncanny ability to turn into a giant mantis, as well as a hybrid form where she takes on a human-mantis form. In both forms, her strength and speed are enhanced dramatically, and she gains wicked mantis-claws to slice at her enemies with. She is loathe to use her full mantis form however, considering it to be absolutely uncouth and disgusting. As a side-note, Lucretia does not actually know what Devil Fruits are - she accidentally ordered the Bug-Bug Fruit at a fancy dinner party and didn’t want to show weakness in front of her sister by ordering something else.
Techniques: ---
Traits: ---
Inventory: --- |
296 | 4 | 35 | 1,774 | 401 | En regardant Giko manger, Claribel a dû mettre une bouchée de sa propre nourriture dans sa bouche pour éviter de rire. Elle l'a vraiment mangé! Ça lui faisait la journée. Qu'est-ce que Giko ferait d'autre?
L'oreille de Claribel secoua la remarque de la commerçante, et elle s'arrêta avant de prendre une autre bouchée. Elle a encore regardé Giko... Naaaw. Un truc de marine? C'est pas vrai! Claribel a passé la portion de Giko... était-ce que le marionnettiste l'observait? Peu importe.
"Alors qu'est-ce qu'il y a, euh, les coquillages? Sont-ils un peu mode autour de ces parties?"
Claribel cligne des yeux, s'inclinant la tête pendant qu'elle murmurait, "Eh?" Les yeux s'élargissent, elle s'évanouit, "Eh!? Est-ce que vous plaisantez? En croisant ses bras sur sa poitrine, elle a commencé par : « Ce sont des TD! Les tonalités. Ce n'est que la meilleure invention de tous les temps! Quand le roi de l'âme devenait vraiment, vraiment énorme, ils ont commencé à les rendre pour que les gens puissent écouter de la musique plus facile! Et maintenant des tonnes de groupes les mettent dehors pour que je puisse faire de la musique sans avoir à regarder quelqu'un jouer! Ici!"
Retirant sa paire argentée de ses oreilles, elle les jeta sur celle de Giko, en riant : « C'est un nouveau. Essaie!" Claribel a appuyé sur le bouton sur le côté, le laissant jouer pour la marionnette. En regardant Giko... attends... elle portait... bleu et blanc? Claribel a un regard indiscutable sur le marionnettiste... | Name: Claribel Donner
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5'4'', 100 lbs
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Claribel is about as carefree as they come. When it comes to people, she is generally pretty dismissive of most, often right to their faces. Her rudeness doesn't stop there, as her honesty often comes to mouth before anything resembling restraint. She is also stubborn and single-minded: when she sets herself to something she's probably not stopping until it's done. She can be quite clever when she has the care for it: combat, for instance. She also tends to take some things for granted, as her upbringing wasn't exactly the most normal. One thing she cannot stand is the mundane, thought not because she dislikes it, but because it doesn't stick in her brain at all. She seeks interesting people and situations, sometimes to the point of recklessness. One might even say that's what she lives for. She certainly has a bit of rebellious, teenage spirit, as she occasionally does things if she thinks something interesting will come out of it.
History: Claribel has been familiar with the modern sea of pirates for a long time, as she came into this world on the vessel of what would become a pirate ship. At first, it had been the vessel of a lucrative business as an upscale passenger liner, but it was no stranger to pirates, as it weathered numerous scuffles in the East Blue Seas thanks to the strength and wit of Flors Donner. However, as it so often does, tragedy struck, in a form. After a journey that took place while Claribel was at the tender age of 3, a passenger who had been wounded in a pirate attack sought to press charges against Flors Donner and his estate, the legal avenues proving successful, the hefty fees damaging the company beyond repair. Though he was required to turn over his ship to account for bankruptcy, he denied this, running off with his ship, daughter, wife, and trusted crew. Now he was at an impasse: having fought pirates for such a length, he had no desire to enter their ranks, let alone with a woman and child on board, but the Government had scorned him, so he was now technically an outlaw. As he struggled with his options, the answer came to his from the mouth of his wife, Isabel, who said something he'd never have considered with the safety of his wife and daughter to consider.
Flors Donner became a pirate. But with a wife and child he could not afford to take a bounty, so while he flew the black flag symbolizing freedom, he never pillaged or killed. No, he targeted those who'd plagued his business for years on end, aiming at pirates. Not at first, of course: while he was one of the strongest men he'd known, his crew tough and loyal, if small, and Isabel was getting better with a rifle for those worst case scenarios, he wasn't convinced they were safe. So Flors turned to the newspaper, following the paths of pirates, arriving like a bountiful wind in their ashy wake. He went from town to town to find those who had been left behind by the Marines, and relighting their fire, giving them purpose. And so the Inferno Pirates sailed to the day where the sight of their flag would strike fear in the hearts of pirates and hope in the heart of the common man.
As for the toddler on board, Claribel's childhood was spent among the sailors, learning their names and their stories, picking up some useful seafaring knowledge and skills to boot. After a while, that was: not because she was young when she was taught. When it came to combat she learned much quicker. But while the crew initially believe it to be a matter of interest, or talent, the truth would be learned later. Isabel had become stricken with grief upon learning of the death of her parents, news of which was relayed to Claribel. And yet, some hours later, Claribel was upset, not sure of why her mother was sad. After being told once more, she was satisfied, until the next morning, when Claribel was once more confused about her mother's mood. The young girl had known that her mother was sad, but she couldn't remember why.
After she'd forgotten the death of her grandparents yet again, Flors was getting concerned, and began to seek out some medical advice. Claribel had always been a bit absent minded, but this was a bit much. After some study, there was a hypothesis that seemed to fit what Flors knew of his daughter: Claribel had a memory disorder. She could only remember things that were interesting to her the first time. Otherwise, she would need to be told repeatedly. Even then, however, she still risked forgetting again after a while.
Claribel certainly didn't forget that. She even got a bit worried: what kind of things had she forgotten? If something became boring to her, would she forget about it one day? She couldn't just decide what was genuinely interesting to her or not either. After some thinking, she finally concluded that if she was going to have problems remembering things, then she should just get as many interesting memories as she could.
Through her teenage years, Claribel would finally start helping a bit more out on the ship, mostly aiding in the sailing until age fifteen, where her father allowed her to start fighting alongside the rest of the crew, where she showed that she did have a good deal of strength. But once the novelty of that wore off, she was starting to get bored: she'd been on the boat for her entire life, after all. She had to come up with something.
Then, almost two years later, opportunity knocked. After a battle with pirates, the crew looted a Devil Fruit, and Flors sent the quartermaster to work on getting a buyer. Claribel wasn't having any of that though. In the dead of night, she went to where the Fruit was kept and ate as much as she could stomach (less than half) before leaving the rest and leaving the boat in the middle of the night, only leaving a note explaining that she'd left. Chances are they were going to be pissed, but Claribel was happy. Not that she was now free: she always had been. But now all the adventures and stories she'd had with them were good memories, and would probably never become boring, so she'd never forget them. Now she had to contend with the day to day: figuring out how to get along alone while also working out the kinks of her tricky Fruit. But six months after striking out, three of them on the legendary Loguetown, she's starting to get a bit bored of her locale, wondering when she's going to get to start the interesting life she'd been looking for.... It can't start in a boring way, after all!
Abilities:Echo Echo Fruit (Eko Eko no Mi)A paramecia-type Devil Fruit that bestows Claribel with the ability to create echoes where there otherwise wouldn't have been any. The only requirement is that she must be near the origin of the noise within the last minute. Then, with her hands, she can manipulate the air to recreate the sound, one of her hands emitting pulses of faint white light as she does so. It doesn't need to be identical, however, as she can also manipulate where it goes, though some applications of her ability are unbeknownst to her: she can make a sound pass back and forth over a person, making them hear one thing several times, or she can redirect the whole wave at once onto a single point, creating a much louder resonance in a small area, attacking the eardrums. However, every time she makes a sound repeat, it steadily decreases in volume, like any echo. Deaf opponents or any with ear protection are more resistant to her abilities, as they can't hear her misdirection. It's worth noting that her control of sound is limited to the medium of gases. Liquids aren't workable (such as water, the bane of Fruit users) and solids more so, meaning she can't redirect or copy sounds she can feel from the ground or hear while underwater (though if the sound is loud enough it enters the air, however muffled, that's another story).
Rod Fu - Claribel is tough enough to hold her own, using a sturdy iron rod as a bludgeoning instrument.
Navigation - Claribel's time at sea has made her into a reliable navigator as well as a talented cartographer. She is not only knowledgeable regarding weather and world events, but is also well capable of using tools such as maps, compasses and sea charts.
Techniques: Claribel doesn't yell out her technique names in the middle of battle, but that doesn't mean they can't be named!
Echo – Claribel takes a sound or phrase just emitted and repeats it. She can change the location it comes from as long as it's fairly close by. The volume is decreased slightly, however.
Echo Pop – A natural extension of her Echo. Claribel takes a sound, usually a very loud one like a gunshot or the bang of her rod hitting something hard (like a skull!), and repeats it numerous times in quick succession, usually right by someone's head. The result is a sudden burst of disorienting sound that often leaves the target venerable to further attack. It's tricky to pull off, since it requires more precision, so Claribel isn't capable of it yet!
Shoosh – Claribel redirects the voice of a person away from their intended target. If someone is trying to yell for help, then Claribel can redirect the sound so that it travels backwards, for instance. This doesn't affect the volume of the sound though, and she has trouble catching the further echoes. A yell in a narrow hallway will carry both ways no matter what she does, but someone yelling from a boat in the ocean to a nearby shore is out of luck if Claribel wants them to keep quiet.
A-pu-pup! Shoosh – A more precise version of the standard technique, Claribel 'grabs' a sound, effectively quieting it down, redirecting it in the same bubble, so to speak, without letting the sound bounce off another surface and echo naturally. Imagine a sound as a superball, bouncing madly, each bounce making the noise that reverberates and become audible. Were Claribel to grab that sound midair, redirecting it back and forth until it naturally petered out, she would create a silence from a sound, in effect. Like Echo Pop, this technique is beyond her current ability due to the focus and precision required.
Traits:Improved Perception: She has an easier time hearing the echos and reverberations left by other things, and has better hearing for it. However, it's dependent on conditions: it a crowded street, there's so much noise it's hard to focus on any particular sound unless it stands out, but in silent room, she can probably hear the fast heartbeat of a hiding person. Aside from mere perception, she can't do much with it. Being able to tell if someone is lying or not based on their heartbeat would be to difficult even in ideal conditions for instance. Focus is also important: in the heat of battle, differentiating sounds is certainly trickier.
Inventory:Iron Rod: Sturdy enough to trade blows and noisy on the right surfaces. It's straight, cylindrical, and a bit less than a meter long.
Tone Dials (TDs): Claribel almost always has a pair around her neck or over her ears. |
297 | 4 | 36 | 1,027 | 2,970 | Nom: Chambre R. Wesson
Lieu: Ville de Logue - Guns & Donuts!
En se promenant dans la rue, le fusilier est tombé sur un panneau qui disait : Black Powder Petes Powder Doughnuts and Armes à feu...
La publicité avait suffi pour arrêter l'homme sur ses traces.
Quoi? Les armes à feu et les beignets?- La Chambre s'est exclamée. Il sourit ensuite. Je dois aller rencontrer le génie derrière cette stratégie d'affaires.
Il voulait dire pas de sarcasme. Des noisettes et des fusils, c'était ingénieux! Le propriétaire a dû faire plus de mille béli par jour. Alors que Chamber s'approchait du magasin, ses yeux bleus s'éloignaient de deux jeunes femmes qui écoutaient de façon décontractée de la musique. Le carabine ralentit le rythme jusqu'à ce qu'il s'arrête et les fixe. Une teinte rosée s'épanouit sur les joues alors que ses yeux se mirent à scintiller avec...................
Lèvres s'étendant sur une ligne ferme de détermination, Chambre marcha vers la femme de ses rêves, se balançant le poing avec un but comme un soldat jouet. Il s'est arrêté juste derrière Claribel, envahissant son espace personnel. Ses yeux la regardaient tenduement. Elle était dans la voie!
La Chambre s'est excusée. Il a ensuite marché autour de Claribel pour faire face à Giko alors qu'elle était absorbé dans la musique de Claribel. Il prit sa main en bois dans la sienne, qu'il vit comme étant aussi réelle que n'importe quel bébé fait de chair, et prit un genou devant elle. En la regardant de la position de la proposition, il a froncé et déclaré : « J'ai été aveuglé par votre beauté. Vous... nous... sommes destinés à être ensemble. J'ai trouvé mon vrai amour. | Photo depicts the loot he sometimes gets from hunting pirates.
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5’10” and 165 lbs.
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Chamber Remington Wesson is mostly a friendly guy, but he takes his business seriously. He takes pride in his abilities as a marksman, a gunmith, and his ability to…yodel. Yodeling is normally how he makes his entrance when he isn’t executing a target from a great distance. Not only is he proud, but he is also arrogant. When you’re as good as him with guns…well…you have every right to be if you can back it up, and Chamber takes gunslinging to a whole new level. He believes he is the fastest and deadliest shot in the World, and will defend his self-proclaimed title.
Chamber is under the blind impression that people not only like his yodeling but his handsome looks. He will try to impress cute and beautiful girls—one of his goals being to find a wife so he can pass down his amazing genes. Truly, his eyes were a gift from God.
When he isn’t hunting bounties, he is tinkering with his rifle, cleaning his guns, and training. There is always room for improvement and if he wants to truly be the best, then he has to work at it. Hunting bounties allows him to encounter new and unique foes that bring him fresh and interesting encounters. He chose the life of a bounty hunter to polish his skills even despite…well…being a wanted man himself.
History:Chamber hails from St. Poplar, an island town in Paradise connected to Water 7 and Enies Lobby by Sea Train. He lived the dream of most boys, wanting to grow up to be a Marine and he worked hard to achieve that dream. His father, Marine Captain Smith Wesson, was his role model. He was strong, proud, and an excellent shot with a gun. When his father returned home from R&R, they would practice and Chamber’s hawkeye gift was noticed early on. When Chamber came of age, he left his mother Annabelle to follow his father into the employment of the World Government. He and his father traveled all over and there were many instances where Chamber got to test his gunslinging skills for real. It was when Chamber began to modify the musket that he had been issued that he became aware of the World Government’s restrictions. He wasn’t allowed to modify government equipment even if it was to improve its performance. Officers tended to be the only individuals to allow special gear and equipment, and Chamber thought that policy was ridiculous. His skills were underappreciated. The officers on the ship tried to keep him in their shadows. He constantly butted-heads with a lieutenant named Bass Cooley who was under his father and who he noticed seemed…awfully close. It was as though his father had found himself a new son while he was out to sea for so long and he treated Chamber like all the other Marines. A fierce rivalry formed between him and Cooley, and no matter how much Bass disliked him he knew that Chamber was the better shot. He had to get rid of the kid if was to stay in Captain Wesson’s good graces. He was up for promotion!
On a mission to apprehend Sugar Ray pirates off the coast of the Conomi Islands, there was a heated battle between the two vessels and a violent exchange of cannon fire. In the middle of the battle, Lieutenant Cooley forced Chamber overboard. He was caught between the ships and their fire and in order to survive, he had to dive and swim as far out of the way of the two ships. He was left stranded in the ocean and exhaustion eventually took him. He washed ashore Cocoyasi Village and was rescued by a fisherman named Gil. Gil gave him a place to stay until he could get in contact with his unit, and when he managed to he learned that he was KIA. He had a decision to make then. He could either return to his pathetic life under the foot of every officer on the ship, or he could make his own life and live unrestrained. Chamber chose to do the latter and while he stayed with Gil in Cocoyasi, he modified his musket and other weapons the way he had always wanted to. He continued to go after criminals in his own way as a feared bounty hunter.
So his mother didn’t worry over the possibility of his death in combat, Chamber sent his mother a letter and news traveled to Captain Wesson that his son was still alive. Lieutenant Cooley labeled him as a deserter for having not returned to the Marines, and he has since become an outlaw.
His bounty journey has taken him to Logue Town, a popular trade center where he knows he’s going to collect some loot.
Extraordinary Marksman – Chamber is a gifted man. “Son of Gun” would be true. The way he handles his guns is completely unorthodox and it’s a sight to behold. His eyes are sharp, his reaction time even sharper, and his depth perception so keen that he could shoot the wings off a fly’s back. He has designed all of his weapons around his style of combat, and a lot of his designs are hidden within his long coat.
Tae Kwon Gun – It is Chamber’s martial art style. It is similar to Tae Kwon Do with his flurry of kicks except that each of his strikes trigger mechanisms that he calls Sliders and they are strapped to his forearms and shins. They not only act as guards against bladed weaponry but they carry magazines of rounds. For each thrust and of his legs and fists, the slider moves back, loading a round into the chamber, and then slides forward releasing the round. So while combating his foes, he can also fill them full of lead.
Burdened Fighter – If only one knew how many weapons he has concealed on his person. It makes him heavier than he really is and his muscles have been conditioned to bear the burden. So if he seems quick while burdened, wait until he takes it all off. He becomes even faster and his techniques even fiercer.
Ricochet – A gun trick where Chamber will shoot a round off a deflective surface and the round with change directory to hit the enemy where he or she didn’t see it coming. He has also used this technique to knock enemy rounds off course of their intended target. He can also perform this technique with his musket.
Quick Draw – The hand is quicker than the eye and Chamber is quick if not the quickest.
Gun Jam – Using his Quick Draw technique, Chamber can jam another weapon by lodging a bullet down the enemy’s barrel.
Traits: ---
Sliders – 4 – 8 round capacity.
Pistols – 4 – 8 round capacity.
Derringer -2- 1 round each.
Musket – 1 – single round reload capacity. Attachments: Bayonet and Scope. |
298 | 4 | 37 | 2,786 | 800 | Comme le ninja s'est expliqué, et a déclaré qu'il n'avait pas l'intention de tuer les voyous, Zehst semblait finalement se détendre à nouveau complètement. Certes, les explosions n'avaient pas été super énormes... et elles semblaient être surtout légères et montrer, si la force derrière elles n'était que suffisante pour abattre les méchants.
"Si mes parents ne l'ont pas fait, et que tu es prudent sur la façon dont tu l'utilises, alors je suppose que c'est ta liberté, hein?" Il a dit, avant de se hanter. "Désolé de te frapper, alors. J'ai juste... quelque chose à propos des armes de destruction massive." Il s'est frotté le dos du cou et a souri avec brio. "Je suis Zehst, Zehst Messerschmitt, au fait. J'ai mangé le Roke-Roke Fruit, alors maintenant je suis un Rocket Man!" Un petit ensemble de turbines s'ouvrit dans les creux de ses oreilles, crachant la flamme pour souligner son point, avant de se retirer avec un "shwoop".
Le vieil homme qu'ils avaient par inadvertance aidé a offert de les nourrir, où l'estomac de Zehst s'est bourdonné comme un jet B52. Il a hurlé de cœur au geezer, mais puis la mante géante cool a dit, d'une voix étonnamment girly, qu'elle devait d'abord changer. La mante a filé et scintille, les mandibules et les bras-blades disparaissent à mesure que le chitin devient peau, et à sa place se tenait bientôt une charmante jeune femme, qui s'est présentée par son nom. Zehst pointait, sa mâchoire tombait et les yeux s'évanouissaient.
"Ah, cool-outfit-guy! La mante géante peut devenir une jolie fille! Comment on est censés l'attraper maintenant? Je ne suis pas bon avec les filles!" il a dit, sa voix montant une octave plus haut. Parce qu'il avait été enfermé dans sa maison avec seulement ses parents et ses tuteurs et une baby-sitter pour la compagnie, il n'avait jamais vraiment interagi avec des enfants de son âge. Maintenant, il était plus âgé, certainement, mais il n'avait toujours pas acquis l'expérience nécessaire pour une bonne interaction sociale. Surtout pas avec les filles, qui étaient destinées à être une énigme pour même les plus expérimentés des autres. | Name: Zehst Messerschmitt
Age: 18
Race: Human
Height and Weight: 5' 10", 140 pounds (63.5 kg)
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Zehst is energetic and hardly ever takes things seriously. He makes friends easily and brushes off hostility up to a point. His primary want in life is freedom--absolute freedom, the ability to do anything and everything that he wants. However, this is where he begins to toe the line of eccentricity. He doesn't believe in laws, seeing them as oppressive, but agrees that freedom has to naturally come with consequences. He also rarely imposes on anyone else's "freedoms" as he sees them--such as the freedom of a thief to steal something. Yet a person who stops a thief also has the freedom to do that if they want to. All in all it's an extremely hypocritical way of looking at the world, and speaks to his inexperience as a person...but perhaps this is why he wants to be free in the first place.
History: Zehst was born to a wealthy family on the Gecko Islands archipelago, who made their fortune by designing weapons for the World Government. Knowing their inventions were tools of violence, destruction, and oppression, they always kept their son in the dark about the true nature of their careers. Zehst's childhood was extremely restricted and sheltered, to keep him from learning how cruel the world really was. But they could only keep this up for so long. As Zehst got older, he had soon read all the books they could give him and learned all his tutors had to teach him, and soon his fun-loving attitude could no longer be curbed and he could no longer simply be sent to his room. With nothing more to distract him, he began to escape time and time again. Until, one night, he witnessed an engagement between the World Government and a pirate ship that was targeting the Gecko Islands.
The Pirate Ship was coming close to the shore, almost close enough to begin assaulting the island. Though in doing so they were putting the lives of islanders who lived on the shore in peril, the captain of the Marines gave the order to launch a particular missile that had been designed by Zehst's parents. The missile was a direct hit, but the explosion that followed was so enormous that not only were the pirates completely eradicated, but so were the homes of several villagers on the cliffs overlooking the shoreline. Zehst couldn't help but think that even pirates didn't deserve to be destroyed so thoroughly as he watched the carnage subside. What was more, the people of the village blamed his family. For the first time Zehst saw the true nature of what his parents had done to build their fortune.
Over the next few weeks, he confronted them. There was a family shouting match that grew so intense Zehst punched his own father. Though he wasn't punished afterwards, this actually made it worse for him. His parents loved him, they truly did, but for various reasons they couldn't just suddenly stop making weapons. Unable to see their point of view, Zehst secretely stole an object his father had obtained for experimentation--a Devil Fruit. Using the fruit's powers to leave his home behind, Zehst started a new life, searching for the freedom he had never had.
Abilities: Roke-Roke no Mi - The Rocket Fruit, its name taken from the Japanese pronunciation "roketto." It is a paramecium fruit that turns the user into a Rocket Human, and allows them to produce various types of rocket thrusters and jets through the surfaces of their body.
Cruise Knuckle - A rocket thruster appears on Zehst's elbow, greatly increasing the speed and force of a punch.
Stinger Strike - A thruster appears on the back of Zehst's shoulder and elbow as he darts forward, and performs a piercing elbow strike with the opposite arm. It resembles an elbow thrust from the martial art known as Bajiquan.
Homing Kick - A roundhouse kick that uses thrusters on the back of Zehst's calves and heel to increase power, speed, and spin--he'll be able to chase an opponent to an extent, continuing to spin and fly after them. However, after several rotations he'll become dizzy and crash.
ICBM - A flying kick that sprouts thrusters over various parts of Zhest, making this his most powerful attack. However, it hits so hard that it damages him as well, and uses up a great deal of energy.
Inventor - Having inherited his parents' knack for learning, designing, and application of science, Zehst makes a fairly good inventor. However, at the moment he lacks the experience or tools to make much use of it. Perhaps if he were to set foot on a ship, he could learn its workings and be a decent shipwright...
Inventory: A burlap duffel sack containing all his supplies, including clothes, food and water, a compass, a map, and not much else. |
299 | 4 | 38 | 2,795 | 294 | Oh, ils sont étonnamment confortables!, pipe Giko comme Claribel a placé la TD set sur sa tête, "Alors comment font-ils OH WOW C'est vraiment cher."
Giko a continué ses tentatives de manger, une petite foule de goélands se réunissant autour pour ramasser les morceaux de nourriture en morceaux de purée alors qu'ils revenaient de sa bouche. Le marionnettiste semblait fermement concentré sur le sac de beignets à l'exclusion de tous les autres événements qui se produisent actuellement, mais cela ne semblait pas empêcher Giko d'interagir dans le moindre.
"Saisi, tellement CLARIBEL.", Giko a crié, apparemment odieux de savoir à quel point elle était bruyante, "c'est bien que je te regarde, tu es joliement mignon! Qu'est-ce que tu utilises pour ton brasseur? Mais j'ai pensé qu'il fallait que je m'en aille. Désolé, mec, je ne t'ai pas vu là-bas!"
Apparemment, pendant qu'elle parlait, un type aux cheveux bleus dans un poussoir et une sorte de tunique s'était levé et s'était emparé de la main. Il disait quelque chose, mais c'était trop calme pour s'en sortir.
"Quoi?", répondit Giko, "Sorry, pouvez-vous dire cela encore? Je ne peux pas lire les lèvres ou l'augughah"
Elle a balancé sa main de la main de Chamber, braquant aveuglément sur une mouette particulièrement opportuniste qui s'était fait loger dans sa bouche. | Name: Giko G. Gearbox
Age: Claims to be 19
Gender: Claims to be female
Race: Claims to be human
Height and Weight: Claims to be 165 cm. Refuses to give a weight.
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Absolutely insistent on staying in-character as a teenage girl and will refuse to acknowledge anything that conflicts with this. Giko's character is that of a gutsy, cheerful girl in her late teens. She tends to brush off insults to herself as a matter of course, but can't tolerate ones aimed at her friends.
History: A mysterious middle-aged man who operates a life-size teenage girl puppet, he refuses to acknowledge his own existence, instead insisting that he is an ordinary 19-year-old girl named Giko, who states that her goal is to find her father, apparently a famous dollmaker who left on a journey to the Black Drum Kingdom and never returned. Her other motivation seems to be loneliness, as she has resolved to make a friend on every island of the Grand Line. Things haven't been working out very well on the latter; people seem like they'd rather call her "pervert" and "old man", but she's sure that'll change once she reaches the Grand Line proper.
Master Puppeteer - Giko's operator is a ridiculously skilled puppeteer and ventriloquist capable of operating Giko in a lifelike manner resembling a teenage girl. If it wasn't for the creepy guy sticking his hand up the back of her shirt, you'd hardly know the difference.
Craftsman - Giko's operator seems to have a high level of engineering skill, considering that he apparently built Giko and is capable of repairing her from scrap material.
Giko Punch: Giko can fire her fist via a large spring embedded in her forearm. It's then reeled back in using a cable that connects the fist and stump.
Giko Hurricane: Giko's mouth contains a small breath dial filled with corrosive gas, which can be used to eat through metal.
Giko Mortar: A small, sturdy mortar capable of firing explosive shells, located in Giko's left leg.
Inventory: Life-sized teenage girl puppet named Giko with a number of concealed weapons. |
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