audioduration (s)
Um um MA FA FAVOURITE things um is my, my brother HE’S HE'S N NICE, I like him A L A LOT but S SOMETIMES he gets on my nerves and um sometimes I get on his nerves and I L L LIKE my dad. He's, he's V VERY nice to me and when I had slides in my MA MA MA MOUTH he said just close your mouth and S SWALLOW. and it W W WOORKED and I like my friends Bashir, Mike M MANARD, Sharmad, Segam Abdil, those are the people who normally play with me and Y YOUSEF and Naja and N N NOT Michael and L LUCAS and I R REALLY L L LIKE my friends but. Um there's this thing I R R REALLY LA LA LIKE. it is my penguin K K KEYRING which is really beautiful it's like, like lumpy circle with some like W W W W W WATER in it.
On KRRRRRRRRIS MAS D- um Eve's u night, we MMMMMMMIME and my SI{x15}STER C{block}COULDN’T sleep all night. Mmm, then U AT TH{x12}OO o’ clock WEE{x14} told our MMMMMU UUUUUUM and dad THTHTH THTHTH THAT TH{x10}A THAT TH{x9}THTHTH THAT we CCCCCCCCC COULDN’T sleep. Um e S{x22} SO my dad um said YYYYY YYYYYYY YYYYYOU can DU{block}- YYYYYYYYYYOU can go into the L{x16}I LIV LIVING R{x25}OOM and open um one PR{x12}E RRRRRESANT. So we WU W ENT into the L{x15}IVING room, and we LLLLLLLLLOOKED at all the P{block}RESANTS that S{x24} ZZ ZZ ANTA’S brought, A AND then we W{x13}OPENED um A{block}A present which was um a S{x17}IBER pet. And KLLLLLLLLLAUDIE G{block}OT A A A P PINK one, THE WITH A P P PURPLE um screen BBBBB BBB W{x12}ATER and I got a P{block}PURPLE won W{x10}ith the green um screen BB WATER. Then u when we GU GU GGGOT up at S{x15}U SSSSS SSS SSEVAN o’ clock, CLLLLLLLL LAUDIE’S one WWWWWWWU W{x14}U WW{block}AS unwell, B B BUT mine was still okay. Theb on Christmas day {block}U I FFFFFFFFFORGOT that W{x14}E still had {block}T{x14} TTTTTO go T T T T{x13}O church. So as we were RRRRRREADY um FFFFFFI F{x10}- about FFFFFFFFFIFTEEN minutes BEFORE{x18} we left. Then B{block}- but before WWWWE went, um {block}ERCLLLLLLLLLLLAUDIE opened ANUNNNNNNNANANANOTHER PPPP PRU PRRRR RESENT. Um WWWWE um CHCH CHOSE the RRRRRRRRR RIGGEST one WWWIWIW{x10}I WWW WWWWWWHICH was F{x9}RRRROM my dad, which had a K K K KKKK KKK KKKKKKKKKK KEYBOARD in it. Erm W{x8}HICH had um six MMMMMUMEMORIES, {block}A drum SSSU UM THET, um {block}A hundred R(x48)HYTHMS, and TWOHHHHHUNDRED tunes, which YYYYYYYY YOU could also have in the tunes it had S{x11}ISISYNTH TONE, um A{x9} drum set, and Y{x14}USERS’ tone.
Um, U I go to Trinthoe School, and I like doing football, art, design, technology, maths and, lots of other subjects. My best hobby is football, I scored 18 goals um er last year, and. Er. (Interviewer): Tell me about your friends at schools, your teachers, things you like to do at school. Yeah. {Interviewer}. My best friend’s XXXX XXXXXX. Um. Went round to his house, um, {block}about two days ago. Um. Er We wernt out on our bikes, Um. M. (Interviewer). (S): Lost World. Um. Lost World is my best film. Um, {block}IT was quite scary, um. About dinosaurs. (I): What happened? (S): U it’s sequel to Jrassic Park ANNNNN, there some dinosaurs escaped and, well actually came back. Um. (I): What were they trying to do? (S): Well they trying to catch them and, and going put them back um in the right place. (I): How do they, what, how do they discover? (S): They walking through the forest and they SSSS{block}- heard noises and saw them. (I): Right, OK, that's great.
Um, really, last holiday I went to America to see my auntie and uncle. And um, she has a cat and three dogs, it SSSOAwiming pool. And we went to the ice-cream parlour a lot and um but it was so hot over there um the ice-cream M{x6} MA MELTED. But my F FAVOUROTE part is when we went to this um, water park and there was this big wave machine and one wave came every er one second, er I mean, I mean every five M M MINUTES and it was a big tidal wave and it went over my dad's head, so it was really tall. Um, I, there was once when I was taking Laddy, a dog, out for a walk and we, and then we saw this big hornet, well it wasn't a hornet, it was CH TWICE as big as a hornet. And it landed right in F F FRONT of LLLADDY, the dog, and we um, I just ran up the hill and LL LADDY just sat there puzzled. Um, when I got to the car park I realised I hadn't had L LADDY with me and he was still down there with that thing. So I had to WALK WALK bravely down there and get him again. Um, we also SSAwam in the lake.
Erm, for Christmas I got that bear AND AND also got a small cat bear that’s um black and white. Er, I didn't get that many books this year but um, but I did get a few computer games and a computer CONS{x9}OLE, which was a PLAY PLAYSTATION two. Um, and that's quite good to play on. Erm, I got a marbling kit, so you can do your ouwn marbling things. Um, and I got other small bits and pieces. For my cats I bought them THISSSSSS THIS thing that L LOOKS like a slice of cheese, with H HOA HOLES in, and you put balls in it, AND UM AND they're meant to put their paws in and um play with that. And they quite like that, THEY THEY’VE been playing with it quite a lot. Um, we went out for a meal on Christmas Day, to this pub place which was quite good, AND AND food tasted nice. Um. Um. Then we came back from that, and we had a S MALL tea, and on Boxing Day WE MY MUM cooked A A meal then. So she didn't have to cook a meal twice. Um.
AND AND AA AND A got into “WWWWIGXton DI { blocks} DH DH DH DH DHIS THIS year. And I want to be a FFFFFFOOGX {blocks}FFFFFOO{ blocks}A’baller WE WHEN I grow up. And um um, and if I ain't a FOOGX{block}FOOT{block}BOO baller rather be a gambler, a RESHstler or, what was that other one? UM, DA DA A A computer person. And UM I K ER ER I ER I ER UM UM U my house is in IE{block}IEgeware. And um. And I've got three friends at WWWWWWeston, ONE’S ONE is called James Elgar, one is called Joe Thatcher and the other one's called Lee Reeford. Lee REE Lee REE Reeford was in my clas s at Wer{block}pole primary, AND J A AND :ames EL{block}gar LEF C LEF{block}left Werpole in year four. Now he's going to Witton. Lee REE Reeford HAD {block}HAD a football FA {block}team there, and SO SO he WENT WEN {block} E-ENT off WA off with them. So I WAS WAS alone until I saw JAI JAI James Elgar, and Joe Thatcher. And Joe FAAT {block}AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA cher’s BRU {block} brother GOA goes there
um I have six cousins on my er DA DAD'S er side of the family. But on my mum's side of the family I have none. So when my um W um aunty was taken pregnant two weeks ago I couldn't I was S SPEECHLESS when I um, w um knew that that I had a baby C COUSIN and she said w’m going to have it in uh N NINE months and I'm really L LOOKING F FORWARD to it. Um my aunty W W um used to have two dogs and a cat but then she uh WW A ADOPTED a W um a dog with three legs and she had to T TA TAKE it in a hotel with her that W WASN'T allowed and then she hid it in the bag so when she went up in the elevator with other people it SA SA STARTED to bark so she SHE HA SO she had to cough to sad up the barking. and um she's a um I’m N NOT sure if this true or not a guide dog and N animal worker vet person and that why she has L LOTS of animals. Um L LADDIE this um one dog that she has I IT'S a L LASSIE breed and um W WE got quite attached and um he used to um S SIT on M MY lap and L LICK my feet.
Last week, last week we got to play football. It was really nice, and then our team lost. Uhm, I think it was five-seven. And then, and then uhm do you see the other the next, uhm, the first day we were trying for our greens, I got my green, but the most hardest is to get your red, but, uhm, you see my sister, they said that I can't get my green, I will never get my green and then I did, I showed them that I did. And then uhm, and then I was, I was trying trying to get my blue, we were having a test to get a blue, but I failed, I failed, but, but uhm, I didn't mind, anyway, I didn't mind, because I got my green. And, uhm, and that's it. ({T2} Tell me about your school). School. Uhm, you see our school, you see now, at our school I'm in year six, and uhm, um I like to play football at school, and basketball, and uhm, you see you see our foot you see our footballers playing against the year five, year six versus year five, and then, and then, and then, the score was 2-1, we beat them, and I um must ?. When people are lining out I’ll have to tell them to stop talking and jump, yeah, and uhm you see literacy is more better than maths. I like literacy better than maths.
Right, I'm going to talk about fencing for a bit. Um I started fencing a couple of years ago. There are three W{blocks}W W W WEAPONS foil, epee and sabre. I started off on foil, um, and that was ok um but I didn’t feel it WUZSSSSSSSSS um as interesting as some of the others, so I started doing a bit of epee after a while. And I IN epee you've got to hit your opponent with the end of the swords absolutely anywhere, basically. Um, and I ITS all done with um C C{blocks}OMPUTERS and um YYYYYOU all wired up to stuff, WHICHCHCHCHCHCH um C{blocks}AN tell if you’ve hit the other person or not. And um {block}THERE’S a metal foil often, which means that light doesn't come up if you hit the floor. And um, I've entered a few competitions, I did quite well, um about a year ago when I came SSSSSSEVENTH in Surrey, um which wasn't bad. Um, I've not been doing it so much recently though, but I have done a bit of sabre, um most of our school fencing competitions are sabre rather than epee, erm which is a bit of a pain because it's mostly loads of inexperienced people WHO JUST WILL WHO JUST hit you, and I would always wake up the next day with all these bruises, um and bleeding a bit. Erm I’ve entered a couple of sabre competitions as well, um I'm not generally very good at sabre because I don't really practise it, but once I got to the last sixteen of the public school fencing competitions, which I thougth wasn’t bad. Um, dee dum dee dum. Erm, I don't think I'm realistically going to be able to keep fencing up at University, BECAUSSSSS there's other things that I probably want to do instead, I'm not sure I'll have the time, but I’ll probably enter the public schools again this year
And um, and I also got um, some R RRRRRR RA ROA R{block}RRRRRRRRRROLLERBLADES, W WIJ I WHICH I I’S u dying TO TO um get. Um, I also got a CU C{block}UM COMPUTER game for the um C{block}OMPUTER, called RRRRRRRU RU RRRRRRE RED Alert. Um, but MA MA MY best present um AR AR I got WWWWWWW- um WOZ probably for my birthday last year, WWWWW WHICH um WU WWWWWW WWWWWW WO WAS in fact U A cat, g um HHHOO I've called Amber, because her eyes are amber coloured. Erm, and she's fat and won't STO STOP eating. Erm AND{block}AND she's extremely naughty, um, and always tries to eat something, and SSSSS TEALS um food from all over the place. Um, and also JU{block}JUST is a pain really. Um, I've got WWWWW WU WUN DI DI D D{block}DIFFERENT um RRRRR RRRRR REE{block}REEM REEMU MU MOAT controlled car called the Dirt Thrasher, which AR I um raced WU WUTH WITH the car U U I I I GOG I G GOT GOT GOT for um CR C CR CRI CRRRRRRISTMAS. Erm, this goes much much faster, WI WICH is FFFFFFFOUR FOUR WI WU WEE WHEEL drive, and um, and it's also got oil dampened S{x18}U S{x46}USPEN{blocks}- SS SSSSSSU SUSPENSION, um, so it's extremely SSSSSSMOOTH when it does JUMPSSSSS from THUM THE THE steps O{block}OF um my garden AND AND goes in the garden and ALL TH TH ALL sorts of stuff.
POO poo put the ball in, e, and then UM, the, TEE tried to get the ball UM, the ball went out and out and out. Then HHH TEE tried to get the ball, TO TTT TO just went in, the hole. ER TT TTTT TTTT {blocks}T TE then he went in A eating E E SSSSSomething THEN THEN he TTTTTT TTT too saw T TA TT T T Bugs Bunny, and Daffy Duck, and Tazmania. Then UM, {blocks} EE HE TEE{blocks} SAA SAY {blocks} SSSS {blocks} THE THE bugs B {blocks}BU bunny said UM EM Michael Jordan could you help us to beat EM AI T TAI small UM M M M M Monsters, they were small, and they come big. THEN THEN um the M M M M M M BIE-U JA J J J JA Jordan said, ok, EM TE will help you. Then DI D UM T M M M Michael CH CH CH CH Jordan EM E B saw D {block} the big M M M M monsters, E TTT {blocks} then he say, they're really big, and W {blocks}en UM THEY THEY just P {blocks}acticing they WEE{blocks}WEE{blocks}with them big M {blocks}monsters, E T and THEY THEY DE start try and trying, then the big M M M M M monsters all hit them and hit them.
MAA PLI, I got my playstation in the summer holidays, yeah AA AND W when you open it, IT TAKES CD IT TAKES CD games. And I've got one game which is a karate game. And it's got twenty players in it and they give you ten. And, you have to get the other twenty, and um you have to get the other ten. And I've got nineteen of them so I need one more, but he's really hard to get. SA and DI is got, um, it's got lots, I think it's got five different stages, THERE’S THERE’S time attack, there's survival, there's practice mode, there's um freeze mode, there's um option mode and there's arcade mode, there's six. And um, I'm looking forward to this game in about a month, and it's called Batman and Robin. Um, I think it's a two player game. And um and, um, I'm looking forward to that and after that I'm getting A A different game, it's called ASHOAW ASOAWGX and I it's, you call it, IT’S A K IT’S A shooting game I think it's two player. Yeah, when I get it yeah I'm going to be playing with it a lot. Uh and M my uncle he got a Nintendo 64 which, and he's got four games. He's got Super Mario Land 64, he's got Star Wars, he's got Lilac Wars and he's got, I can't riMEM, he's got BRAAraid Racer.
SS about these four turtles, yeah, and THEY were in their house, AND then April came and she had stuff for the turtles and splinter. And she gave all of them THEIR presents, then then she said she FOUND this, it's like this egg timer and it was from Japan, and it was like an antique, and then SH SH SH and then er she blew it ,THEN, we saw into Japan, and then it W but it was a long time ago, and THEN, er the baddy’s son found it and um she, ‘CAUSE, you know on the egg timer there was some writing, and if you said it you would, THE person who had the other one would go in the past, and THE one in the past come to the future and then, BUT their clothes STOOD there yeah, and then the the turtles had to GO back into the past and and get April back, but but er you know when they got there, THEY were having a battle, and then Michelangelo he got on his horse the wrong way, and then he went into the B into the forrest.
Um a few D DAYS ago MIN M MY nan went to Toys r us and we walked around the aisles T TRYING to B BUY something for my birthday and then as we turned the aisle WHERE WHERE we noticed a section that had a G GAMEBOY sign on it. We err wum went to it and then I asked could we buy the Pokemon G GAMEBOY and err um H SH SHE said but look over here THERE'S THE THERE'S a sign saying B BUY two save ten pounds so we bought two and we paid to the shop assistant and we walked round the bend and then we got these slips of P PAPER and these red disc and this B BLUE disc. After that we W WALKED out and I found a card in this W BOOK in this trolley and then we ran back home and then after hour at home WE WE went T TO see the a movie. The pokemon movie. And then I I got a free card in it. The movie was great but not W WHAT I E ES EXPECTED. um, af T TER that we W WENT home and watched another film called Godzilla and then but my baby S SISTER couldn't watch it because it was too scary
South Park, the Simpsons, Friends, Eastenders, and, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And {block}MY favourite hobbies are skating, {block}WHAT I mean by skating is ramps and, things like that. And I play football, skateboarding, em cricket, hockey, swimming, basketball, and a lot of other sports. I have got a playstation, and I've got five games. Spiro The Dragon, Heart Of Darkness, Tackle Two Touring Cars, A AND Aduad World Abe’s Exodus, and Cool Boarder Three. I have a pet dog, called Buddy, and two pet goldfish called jaws and um and Flannel, or something like that, I I can't remember. Erm. I HAVE A HA HAVE A HAVE A large bedroom, WI WITH a hi-fi, a drum kit, and I play the viola, and drums as well. I used to play the piano, grade one, and then I stopped after grade one, ‘cause IT IT WAS getting a bit tedious. Erm. I HA HAVE a bike.
Um, I came up on the train to here. Er we got on the train at Sutton, and it took us ages, ‘cause we got on the slow train to um to Victoria. Then er we got on the underground train to um to Warren Street, and we got off the train at Warren Street yeah, um. Erm, then we walked from Warren Street no we didn't, um. WE GOT ON WE GOT ON the Northern Line, and we got on the train to Goodge Street. ANDSSSSSS UM AND we got the train there AND WE AND WE walked all the way to City University. And er. Now I'm doing this speech recording. Um. And I yesterday I went in to Oxford Street on the bus. Erm, did some Christmas shopping, and then came MU- AFTER HAVING MCDONALDS CAME HOME. Er. It was fun. Um. After this I'm going to do some more shopping. Because I’VE I’VE been given 10 pounds to get a Christmas present with myself, by um I think it's an uncle and auntie. And, I don't know what I'm gonna get, and er, and then we're gonna go home. ‘Cause our dog’s at home and HE WILL BE HE WILL getting lonely. Home um, and, and u, and so we have to go and feed my other two before used to go er {unintelligible}. I don’t want to do that. Because have to clean it up. And that’s, it’s not very nice.
TODAY at school um we went to the computer room and we had to do um some spread SHEETS stuff. WHAT flavour no what um eye colour have you got and WHAT WHAT colour hair, HOW many pets have you got. And some people um have about two pets and some of them had one and some of them had none so we just put zero in the sheets. {block} Then today at school too I played football too and we was playing versus 5H and it was a draw the match it was three-three. AND I scored one goal and then um someone else scored again. And today um I watched POKEMON on TV AND it was about this boy Ash and um this one girl Misty and Rock. They was going in this adventure to find um there's one hundred and fifty Pokemons they have to find found. SO they went to this um white house. AND you see when they went inside it they saw this animal um I think it's uh it's a it's a beetle I CAN’T I CAN’T remember and um and it could talk but it wasn't a real beetle it was a boy inside this costume
{T1} FAVOURITE er COMPUTER game is called TOTAN TOTAL ANILATION. Basically IT IS IS a BLO BLOW em up and um BUILD it up strategy game. You start off with BASIC YOUR BASIC boss man and then you have to use him to build YOUR extractor to get your resources so you can build your uh FACILITIES like cable lab and tank bases. Cable means it's a BASICALLY it's another word for basic foot solider. There are different levels OF TECHNOLOGY, level three being the highest. Your commander can only build a CERTAIN amount of structures but every construction structure like cablelab and tank bases can build a construction cable construction vehicle and then they can build the advanced plant and then the advanced plant can make level two cables and level two tanks and then advanced construction cable or tank. And they can build level three BUILDINGS.As well as that THERE ARE THERE ARE THERE ARE er two teams and there aretwo modes: skirmish which can be four players. You and three computer players. You can have ALLIES and then the other type is a campaign AN AND there are fifty missions in all. Twenty five missions for each side. there are also two ADDITIONAL add on cd's called total anhiliation battle tactics which contains battle tactics missions for both sides and a special mission FOR THE ARM FOR THE ARM which is like the rebel side called {U ?}
I like to play football for fun, and because I like to play for fun, I normally BE on the football team and one thing I like to be on the football team, because you have to LISTEN and hear what the coach is going to tell you er I don't know what to say! Er er my favourite SPORT is TO um SWIM because when you swim, you get more ENERGY in you and after you swim you have to TAKE a SHOWER and rinse off the that thing in the water. {Prompted by interviewer} er er er I don't know what to say about computer games! {Prompted by interviewer} I don't have a football team, I like any team! {Prompted by interviewer} My best place I ever been, was to er LEGOLAND. After we WENT there, the next holiday we went to CHESSINGTON and then the Easter holidays we went to Thorpe Park in the MORNING and we CAME back something to nine in the afternoon. And the rides was fun. My favourite ride was the scary ride, where you have to go ON this ride and you have to go upside down.
FFFFF{blocks}OR FFFFFFFFFFFF OR Christmas I WANT UM I WANT SUMMMMMMM new games FOR MY NEW FAW MY UM NIN{block} FOR MIE NIN NIN{block}NIN{block}TENDO sixty four, and also I want some NEW NEW UM NEW um B{block}OOKS TO UM TO UM H{block}ELP me WU WITH MY UM WITH MY W{block}ORK at school, and I also WANTTTTTTTTTT A NEW A NEW um um personal S{x65}EEDEE player. And, also I want a few NEW UM NEW UM um B B OOKS T TTTTT TO read at home. {block}I'VE also hoping to get, WHICH WE’VE WHICH WE’VE already, is a new um B{block}ADMINTON R R{block}AQUET, a um SSSSSSSSSSSSKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSGWOSH racquets, AND AND SOME AND SOME AND SOME new SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS GWOSH SH{x26}OES as well. Um {block}DOWN at school in Dorset, um what we do is we have THIS UM THIS UM TH{x41}ING, W{block}ICH we do on W{block}EDNESDAY afternoons which is called THE UM THE UM S{x36} S{x46} S{x18} EE SEE EF, um which is LIKE THE LIKE V{block}ERY low down um F ATING of like the armed forces. Um W{block}OT we
{T1} and yjeu went off. I seen um IN I IN it um they had animation and, um computer work. Um it was quite FU FUNNY. {T2} Tell me about the story. {T1} Um, it was about this um girl WHO WHO was a PRI PRINCESS but then got SSSSSSPLIT up with her FA FAMILY, and. And she was trying to um get BA CK to them. Um. {T2} How did she get split up from her family? {T1} Um someone had um u u um she didn't quite make it to um the train. And she um FE FELL OFFFFFFFF the train. Um and she went to ANNNNNNN ORPHANA GE. Um. Where she um LIVVVVVVED. Um. {T2} Then what happened? {T1} Then she was thrown out of the um ORFFFFFFFANA GE. Um. And she um had to MAKE UM MAKE do with her OWN OWN life. Um.
OK. Erm I'm at SS SS AINT SAINT John’s now, erm doing my AI E AI E{blocks} ES {block}LEVELS. Erm I'm doing FFFFOUR, which is a CH CH CHANGE ‘cause it’s normally three. Erm I'm doing Maths, IT Art F{x18}I{block} PHYSICS, all of which I can't stand except Art, but that’s still got loads of work that I’ve got to have done by the start of term, which is a bit worrying. Erm Physics IS ISN’T that bad, but we've got this teacher who’s so boring. He could ah you just are sort of SSSSSSSEMI-sleeping during every single class, because you honestly can't stay awake. Erm, so you do sort of APROACHCHCH death most of the time, with your heart slowing down and everything, JJJUEST loose conciousness. Erm er MM MATHS is getting quite HAR HARD, cos I mean last year it was all fine, but now we are learning loads of NNNNNN{block} NEW stuff, E EVERY day, and the work load is huge, at the moment, so that's quite W{block} W W W WORRYING, seeing as we’ve got exams coming up. Erm Arts’s quite fun though, ‘cause it's not really that intense, so erm it's quite good, although I’ve still got to do quite a bit on that, certainly. Erm IT that's, up and down, it C CAN be OK, but it can be really dull, talking about sort of sounds from erm inputs and U OUTPUTS of computers and everything. That bit’s a bit too technical really. Erm, other than that ss I I IT’S fine. Erm.
um, I like Dragonball Z Z because it's like a IT IT’S a M MANGA it was one of the first M MANGA cartoons that came out and I like it because it has martial arts and stuff and it has um S SOUNDS F FOR attacks like aahhmaya or EXTRUCT or DUS engage. I and I saws anything in half and my favourite episode was W W WHEN Goku this sayen and a sayen is somebody who can, WHO WHOSE WHO CAN do all stuff like the keoking attack which is a special move that sayens can do. And, and goku WHO WHO is a sayen, he WA and HE HE wasn't a super sayen SE AND AND this is quite strange. His his eyes turned, his eyes turned, what's the colour again? oh yeah, his eyes turned green TH HIS eyelid. Um his eyebrows turn Y YELLOW so does his hair and his, and his M M MUSSES M MUSCLES get stronger and AND AND he can do M MORE attacks THAN THAN a just a sayen and
A U U AND I'll B BE talking about er what is the difference BETWEEN BETWEEN er cricket and football. A AND West Indies were in dire straits yesterday, and they had thirty one for six wickets. And for the last few years, the West Indies er team HHHHHAS been declining in form, like for instance they’ve beaten by Pakistan three nil, beaten by England, er beaten by England in the last test match, but they still won it, we still won the test, three two. THEY GOT B- THEY BEATEN by South Africa three nil, and they got beaten by who else, er I'm not sure now. Oh, u um, um, I’m back to football now. Er, I support Wimbledon, er A AND Wimbledon u u yeah a bit more money, and er, we're only tenth and the worst position was fifteenth, {block}LAST season, and but er for the last few SEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEROUT we’ve been selling some good players like Vinnie Jones, but, u WE WE wanted to sell for years, er for SSSSSSSSIXSHU- SIXHUNDREDANDFIFTY thousand, er WE WE sold er u I see, Homesworth, two million to Bolton, and for the last few years, er so it was probably last week, {block}I just heard that West Indies were beaten five nil, BY BY Arsenal last season. This season were beaten by the bottom four, all three were beaten by er NNNOTTINGHAM Forest, three one, Blackburn three one, Southampton two nil, and Charlton three one.
{T1} Most of the programming I do is in visual basic um, which is in windows. Um, at my school they've got visual basic, and I sometimes spend some time writing in there, in our I.T. lessons, information technology. Um um there were few samples, um supplied from visual basic and, I picked up some the techniques from that, with all the add-ons and everything, it's really a very U USER friendly language and easy to use. Um, at home I've actually got a higher version of visual basic than at school, um but the computer sometimes crashes when it runs that, I think it's because of memory problems. Um, yeah. And I've made some EXE versions of some of my games, um but I'm keeping those to myself F FOR the time, I might sell them later when I'm older. Um. {T2} what sort of games have you written? {T1} Usually a strategy games, um, I've written a program where you’ve got to fill in some magic squares, and I've got a program to actually make a magic square any size you want. Once I made one twentynine by twentynine, took ages fill it. {T2} magic square, that's the one where you move the {T1} no, um that’s when where all the horizontals and verticals and diagonals add up to the same. {T2} right {T1} Um, one twenty nine by twenty nine looks impossible but in fact it's based on one simple technique, um make it any size as long as the dimension is an odd number, haven't tried it with an even number yet. Um, oh yes visual basic. Um, M M MOST of my friends at school who are in yearsSSSSSSS higher than me, sometimes write programs in visual basic in their lunch breaks. Um some of them are a bit annoying but I I I get used to that. Try to push me off computers and everything. Um. {T2}. {T1} Yeah. Um, my account on the computers is a normal one, you can get {block}manager accounts above that, A AND they can go into anyone else's below them.
{T1} and I normally bat number FIVE to seven yeah, and the next thing in, think it's on Saturday no Saturday or Sunday is the (?). And er I do German at school it's not very good, but it's hard and we're doing like THINGS about conversations in German and like yeah and like where to go like and like left or third left opposite the bank and stuff . Yeah and uh um my holiday so far has been okay so far, yeah its been a little bit boring all I've been doing is like just like err (what you laughing at?) like watching TV, playing computer games, music and stuff, seeing that. I’ve been, I’ve been bowling and I’ve er got a friend's birthday on Tuesday, yeah, so I'm hoping to go down bowling, and then go Nando’s to have a bit of something to eat. Yeah, and er what else do I do? At school, my favourite subject's probably PE at the moment and my PE teacher er he he's leaving this year, so we should have a new PE teacher, yeah and I don't like my science teacher - because he's always shouting and stuff , things like that, I don't like him. His name his name’s Mr Scantlebury, don't like him. And I had Parents evening a couple of weeks ago he was OK but Geography was a bit bad as well, Geography was a bit bad. I missed out a couple of homework, my Mum wasn't very pleased but. Oh like and my Dad really likes cricket yeah, so and he got me into cricket yeah and he joined me up to Hornsea think it’s sometime last month, yeah, I just go, I just go to training in the morning yeah, indoors. We do indoor, and outdoor yeah, and like use like the PROPER ball use a ball yeah, and got some cricket stuff upstairs in my shelf yeah, (?) yeah and last time I played for the school, yeah, WE beat er Northumberland Park yeah, ({T2} How much?) er I thinks it’s 75 to 110. Yeah we beat them badly yeah well. We beat White Hart Lane as well er, they’re shabby.
I PLAY FOR A, I PLAY FOR A FA A F A FA FAW A FA AI FF football KLA club called Springfield FC. And we had a tournament J J J JER J J JER JA just two days ago, AA AND AND WEE DIN WI unfortunately WE WE didn't GO GO through TER TO THE TO THE quarter finals. BUT THEN WA AR BUT THEN {blocks} OTHER {blocks} THE OTHER team, WHICH IS WHICH IS team b, W {blocks} W WA WA went through, and they won the finals. Um, now let's talk about K K KRER KA R K cricket. Um THE THE THE LAST THE THE LAST TEI T TEI T TEI TEI TEI test between um England and New Zealand, I I I I I I IIIngland won with um two hundred and FAW FFFAW forty one runs a to ER one I think. And er, and DH THE first game N New Zealand won. Um, what else can we talk about now? M hobbies. Um, my hobbies are, I've told you that already but I'll say it again. Um, swimming, wrestling, um playing F F F F F F F F F F F football and playing KR cricket. Um, are two minutes over yet? Alright, m, my family, um right, my dad HHHHHe is FAW FA forty four AND AND he works as an E he works AA AAZ as an accountant.
AR{block}AR AR{block}AR{block}AR{block}ARTS E{block}A um thing that U AR I’LL um take in WWW WWWWW WWWW WU{block}ONE YYY YY YY YY YEAR’S T TU T TIE TIME for J J JI J J J J J J JEE J J J J JEE {block}J JEE J J J JEE J J J J J J JEE J J{block}J J J J J J J in JU JEE JEE J J J J J JEE{block}J J JU J J J J J J J JEE{block}JEE SEE E ES EE. Erm it's N NOT J JU JUST paint OR OR um U OA OA{block}OA{block}OA{block}ONLY um ums CH CHALK, /I I{block}ITS DU DONE in sort of LLLLLOTS of erm S S SU SERPARATE WWWWWWWWWAYS like, pencil and all of that. Um {block}IT’S been round for LLLLLLLLLLLOTS U O O O OF um YYYYYYYYYYEARS, AND UM {block}I{block}I{block} AND WI, AND UM F{block}, AND it G GO GOT GO GO made T TO um sort of TE TELL erm sort of W{x36}OTS um G GOA GOA GOA{block}GOA {block}GOA{block}G GOA GOA GOA GU GOING U ON.
I've supported Aston VILLA VILLA for eight years. I supported them in 1990, when my uncle died. When I was going through his house, I found a couple of badges with Aston Villa on, and some memorabilia. Since then, I've supported them, er, I've supported them through thick and thin, last couple of seasons have been bad, this season doing really well. We’ve bought in England stars, WE’VVVVVVVVVV got tHen players from England, in our squad, or first team mainly are foreigners, Mark Bosnich who’s going to go. Um. AT THE AT THE moment at school I'm doing my GCSEs, I chose Business Studies, Geography, double science, English Maths, er French, English Literature and language, erm, I'm doing all high papers in everything. Er so far, I've had my Geography, that went really well, found that really easy. Er, my RE er didn't do too well in that, because couldn't really learn nothing. My MATHSSSSSSS that was really hard, all the things I studied on didn't turn up, didn’t come up. And then on my Technology I learned everything, that was really hard, I didn't really understand all of it. And tomorrow I have Maths, and Science again, SAME SAME day as I had on Friday, had Maths and Science then. Science I found that really easy, all multiple choices. So hopefully I'll do well and just get good mock results.
I like um quite a lot of sports most sports really but my favourite is tennis. I play quite a lot in the week, and all the time on the weekends. At school they don't really do much tennis, but (ER) at school they do um wide variety of sports, such as football, rugby, athletics, an cricket. I'm in all those teams, apart from athletics which I don't really like. In rugby I play inside centre, which is um really kind of (ER) forward, but erm helps at the back as well, midfield if you're talking football wise. In football I'm a defender, and I play for the school team as well. In cricket I'm not really er a bowler, but I can bowl quite well, quite accurately, I'm more of a batter, and my favourite bat is the v sixhundred by Slazenger. Hu at school my favourite SSSSUBJECT is science, and I like that because you get to find out a wide variety of things. I I I like maths um quite a lot as well, I don't know why I just like it. And um my worst subject is probably English or Latin. I don't like Latin ‘cause very hard, and English I'm just not very good at. Um, at home, I like to play on the computer a lot. I have a playstation, and an n64 my favourite’s the playstation, which I have lots of games on. I like playing on the pc, especially on the internet. I’ve my own e-mail addresses, and I'm hoping to get my er new website done, um, later this year. On the playstation my favourite game is DU DU DU DU DU WWF smackdown which is a wrestling game, which is quite a recent one. Mum {block}W W ONE my favourite games is resident evil three, it is very gory and has lots of blood. On the n64 my favourite game is James Bond G GO GAR GOLDENEYE, which IZ{block}IZ based on the film erm with Pierce Brosnan starring as James Bond.
I’ve chosen to talk about my erm electric guitar, A An I've been playing it since LARSSSSSST November, about that. And um, yeah well, I've been playing it for JJJJJJ JUST over a year now. An um uh, HU I did have a tutor, erm but in about, H AROUND September um he just {blocks}um SSS STOPPED coming, didn't turn up for some reason, and WO W WU we found out A A couple of months ago his wife's got cancer, so um so HEE HE’S going to stop for a bit. And um, well HI I HA A ASN’T been as fun um playing since he hasn't been teaching me, because when I learn songs by myself it takes a bit longer, and isn’t quite as fun. And um, well, M MOST of the SO SONGS I play is like rock, and hard rock, and um my favourite band are { blocks}HU U OBABLY QUEEN QUEEN, and um, HI HIXEPT that I find most of their songs QUITE QUITE hard to play. Huh, my teacher said I should start off with SU ZOMETHING would be a bit more simple, AND HA AND we had just started moving ON ON to Queen, but he um stopped. And erm, Y EAH, and AH like playing U ALMOST any um RRRROCK bands, like Aerosmith and, and people like that. And um, I play in a band as well, except um, A A don't play the LEAD G {block}LEED GUITAR in my band I play the bass, and we practice about WW WWWW ONCE a week, round um one of our friend's house. And um, yeah OUR OUR FFFFFRIEND plays the drums and we have a lead guitarist, {block}A AND a rhythm, which I was doing, and HA HA WE’VE only been playing for about a month now, and um, well there U U two other {block}GUITARISTS, who in the band also have the same tutor um U UZ me, and, erm. exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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