Najib’s administration paid RM1.15m to Trump’s hotel from 2017-2020, US Democrats allege
[ [ "I think it's not much over 3 years.\nAssuming 8 rooms for the entourage , 10 days per visit and total of 6 visits throughout 3 years. Room price 600 usd.", "It said Najib stayed in the hotel’s presidential suite, which was billed at US$10,000 per night.", "Fuck me.\nSeriously, putting up \"appearances\" is stupid as fuck when everyone can Google's Malaysia's average wages.", "rinduzamanNajib", "malu aper boskur:26554:", "Bossku tak tau malu", "I believe it should be only for one year, as Najib administration is until may 2018. So its 1.15mil for those 17 months" ], [ "(possible) unpopular opinion: I'm fine with this as long as it's a net benefit to the country.\nTrump is a piece of shit, but it's not our job to deal with him. Realpolitik dictates that our leaders ought to look for our best interest. Plus it's not like the US is some small, weak country that could be harmed by us.", "But thats the thing, he isn’t there for the country, He is there to lobby Trump and the justice Dept to drop charges against 1mdb and indirectly him. If i remember he promise that MAS and other GLCs will be buying products and new planes from Boeing and stuff. Thats not to the beneficial of us Malaysians", "Duit kopi for police, net positive.\nPolice good job get awarded instantly, great motivation.\nI get punished too by paying, just a slightly lesser amount.\nHassle less.\nYou are either delusional or paid-troll-farm, the rationalized-tweak is kinda convincing.", "Quiz time!\nHere's what I said: \"I'm fine with this as long as it's a net benefit to the country.\"\nIf it does not benefit the country, what do you think I would think of the whole thing, then?\nI swear, some of y'all type faster than you think.", "i ve been on reddit long enough to know some people read what they want to read and omit what was actually written.\nmy self included. but usually i back down if i realize i over reacted.\nyour statement is similar to\ni dont mind paying money to a gangster if he actually protects my neighbourhood from outsiders who are up to no good\nbut people read it is, i support gangsters trolololol", "i dont mind paying money to a gangster if he actually protects my neighbourhood from outsiders who are up to no good\nTo be fair, this is what international politics is like. I have no love for the United States, but I'll happily call them \"taiko\" if that means they'll keep the Chinese Navy off our waters.", "it reflects in the mentality of people with politics.\nsupport anwar then when hes forced to get in bed with BN they call him corrupt.\nthey take everything at face value.", "Both of them know each other's shits (they are being in the circle where nobody is innocent), there will be no good since the beginning, other than sugarcoat.\nIt is worse than selling the soul to the devil. Instead, it is the deal in between 2 devils.\nThe Corruptions that are hard to overcome is not the money. Corrupted Mental, Culture and Unawareness are the real deals, rotten to the core." ] ]
Looking for Gynaecology Oncology in Kuala Lumpur
[ "Science/ Technology" ]
Hello everyone, sorry if it's not the right place to ask. I'm looking for Gynaecology Oncology reference in Kuala Lumpur for my mother. We are currently in Penang but doctor can't take any action due to water shortage until 15th January. I don't think we could wait that long due to the growth of the cancer. Really appreciate any response. Thank you very much
[ [ "Pantai hospital, Gleneagels, Prince court, you can try these." ] ]
PM visits Hadi in IJN
[ [ "“Oi pundek, belum mati ke?“", "LOL.", "\"Why you don't like me ar?" ], [ "I was hoping so bad the headline would be \"PM visits Hadi funeral\" lmao" ], [ "I might not like PN.\nBut it's nice to see a politician using our local hospitals instead of going overseas for treatment, shows there's trust in our medical infrastructure." ], [ "Visit ada makna tu.." ], [ "\"Klu dap xde kite blh join\"" ] ]
Negeri Sembilan laksana Jadual Waktu Bekerja Fleksibel bermula 15 Januari ini
PETRONAS’ dividend all used up to pay for subsidies
[ [ "this is one of the major reasons why our economy is what it is\nour subsidy schemes are not very good and people are addicted to it", "Exactly, we like it cheap and so long it benefits us today. Then we talk about wah.. Norway got oil do it much better. But when our gov tries to gradually to be better.. we gigi sakit, bodoh punya gov and etc.\nIt's time for rakyat to also grow and change. We can change the gov as many times we want but if we resist change ourselves what's the use.", "Honestly, I think the first link in the chain of responsibility is the government. Don't get me wrong, I agree that many Malaysians have unreasonable expectations, but only because they've been conditioned by populist politicians. That being said, everyone needs to stop being dumbasses.", "True.. but no gov is super efficient at expenditure. If there is one, citizen just don't know where it's spent. Save here blow it some where else. Just like us at personal level. Super tight then what's the use of all those money which seems to be diminishing in value even it's in USD.\nUrban folks need to understand meaning of live and etc is different in rural areas and some of these concepts are not easily understood. Yea spot on ..\"populist politicians\".", "I believe we have to start with the eggs (The Rakyat) to change the policy, mindset, and better economic strategy. But you know, the loudest minority is actually Political Oligarch that control the economy.", "think the first link in the chain of responsibility is the government\nIn a democracy how does the government get power?\nThe first link is the people voting them in.", "As it stands currently though, voters have been conditioned. The government needs to abandon their populist way of functioning, but as I said, the blame goes both ways.", "And like opium, the addicts will end up paying for it.\n20% of Malaysia gomen revenue comes from Petronas. Perronas keeps issuing USD bonds that is subject to currency risk and gomen keeps issuing MYR bonds that are 98% purchased by our very own pension and sovereign funds. One hand in another hand out. You end up paying for that subsidies by being poorer because the country is poorer.", "there is a lot that goes with it\npetrol subsidies can be used to fund public transport and inter-state logistics, can you imagine KL-PG ETS being developed in the 90s lol" ], [ "A good example of a resource curse ya, sometimes a country without any natural resources is better than plenty because this forces its citizen to develop their human resources", "tell me Singapore, without saying Singapore", "Not only Singapore but South Korea, Taiwan, Luxembourg etc all have no major natural resources so they had to invest in their human resources or risk being a poor shithole", "The little Israel of Asia.", "Casually ignoring the USA and its vast natural resources", "Also Norway and Australia with their oil", "Such a curse ah", "There are no poor resource rich countries. Malaysia needs to curb spending and reduce waste/corruption." ], [ "The longer this keeps up the more the populace becomes dependent on subsidies. And guess what happens when the tap runs dry.", "or if oil prices drop back to $50" ], [ "No leader with balls big enough to say ‘no more subsidies, if u cant pay it, maybe u cant afford car and need to drive motorbike/public transport’\nWhoever does this, he would lose next elections immediately, because opposition would take this again them. Its a vicious circle impossible to break\nExtra money can and should be used to improve life overall and not for short term benefit." ], [ "remove the subsidies, force competition, invest in solar/wind/EVs... should have started 10+ years ago, when Proton still belong to us" ], [ "negara kaya, tapi banyak perompak elit" ], [ "most subsidies end up in the hands of people who can afford to pay more. that's the whole reason for shifting towards targeted subsidies.\nalso, freeing up petronas money might mean we'd be able to fund more trains and that damned hsr that i hate but everyone else likes.", "most subsidies end up in the hands of people who can afford to pay more\nThe people who need subsidi most are already riding kapchais, the people who need subsidi least are driving SUV.", "yup. if targeted subsidies work well, it should free up govt resources to invest in public transport and whatever other shit. hopefully more of it end up in medical/health sector cos MoH is chronically underfunded." ], [ "Unfortunately we still need to reduce our subsidies as its going to be unsustainable to support the current subsidy scheme and relying on Petronas to fund it. I rather suck it up with a slightly higher cost of living rather than having my country going bankrupt like Venezuela and have subsidies targeted to the B40 and golongan asnaf only." ], [ "Cancel all subsidies. But no government will have the balls to do that.", "Healthcare cannot cancel." ], [ "too much subsidy and even worse, get used to it.. it's slowly killing our economy without you even noticing." ], [ "That's like every socialist wet dream (that we are living in). Having a national resource being 100% used for the people instead of funding war, genocide, corruption and yacht full of coke and underage hookers.\nWait what was the argument again? I am sorry, just lamenting in my cheap healthcare and subsidized food & gas. Try to take that away and YOU will be fucking sorry.", "Petronas money is not forever. Plus we're spending it on consumption, not on building our own food supplies, r&d etc.\nWorst case scenario, an economic crisis hits Petronas and we're out out money and also the resources. Everyone that depend on the subsidies will collapse.", "Good news, everyone!\nhttps://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2023/03/894080/msia-has-15yrs-petroleum-reserves-left-can-last-40-right-tech-investment", "It looks like bad news for anyone who knows about our country's competency.", "We didn't vote for competency.\nWe voted for who can polish our arses the best for that instant grtification on our ego.", "agree. and it makes the country too vulnerable to oil prices dropping. everytime oil prices drop $10 our exports and economy takes a hit", "so… what happens when we run out of this magical \"national resource\" ?", "Thoughts & prayers I guess?", "<image>", "Everyone will be dead by then. 🤷‍♂️", "Luckily it's not running out of oil in 14 years or something.\n<image>", "So between 15 to 40 given no new reserves are discovered.. so at least 15 more years minimum to fix the problem. What's the big deal? Probably have viable synthetic efuels like the stuff being developed by VAG or hydrogen by then. 🤷‍♂️", "That's a sizeable revenue base lost in the shadow of a looming retirement crisis. You're talking about hypothetical revenue sources replacing existing revenue sources.", "More like suffering while staying in a shit hole for those who are alive.", "You're assuming there willl no one left in Malaysia in the future?", "Everyone currently alive..", "aye, just like Venezuela... oh wait...", "Subsidies are inefficient though, and for things like gas incentivise the wrong kind of behaviour. Would the guy sitting in his car idling for several hours do it if he was paying the full cost of the gas? Last year gas subsidies cost 1360 rm per person (45 billion rm/33 millon). Better to give transfers to those genuinely at need and let them decide how best to spend it, than subsidise the price of goods for everyone and encourage overconsumption that everyone ends up paying for. Only difference is when the government wants to incentivise the consumption of goods, e.g. healthcare because we don't want people dying in the streets, or public transport for environmental reasons/because it's cheaper than having to build new roads.", "Aren't businesses also get to enjoy subsidized fuel?", "Yes.. the business owners in Malaysia take advantage of it. They maximize profit without taking the full blown market price of utility cost and fuel cost.\nMany businesses are not ready for full blown no subsidy policy. They stuck in old ways. Just see how the keep resisting basic salary increase.", ":(\nIndiscriminate subsidy will continue to hurt low income population.", "why not be like Norway. keep the capital, invest it worldwide, and use the returns for subsidies instead.", "The system is only maintainable if our population and local consumption remains the same. But with our population, local consumption growing include with global inflation and geopolitical instability. All it take is just 1 fuck up from Petronas and our economy will be heavily damaged.", "I don't mind the subsidy as long as it's not something people in T10 and above get to enjoy\nPeople always forget the main objective of subsidies, which is to be a safety net for poor and middle class people", "See Resource curse", "we got these n some extra. but well..... money is money. everyone wants it", "I think what hes trying to convey is:\n\"Targeted subsidies\" not to remove all kinds of subsidies.\nIdk who that dude is or which party hes coming from but theres a tiny bit of truth in his words. Maybe it's to cover up some other bullshit outside of the context of this video.", "That johari abdul ghani and he from umno MP Titiwangsa" ], [ "what about the 1mdbs and other leakages? can’t push the all the blame on subsidies lo\nedit: don’t get me wrong, subsidies have to go eventually.", "Subsidies alone are worth RM81 billion. They exceed the dividend payment by about RM30 billion." ], [ "Macam mana tak habis, people at higher place who got petrol allowance also use the subsidies for b40" ], [ "Time to end free handouts and make Malaysia great again!" ], [ "Encourage more foreign companies to setup in malaysia, more high skilled immigrants - give them lower tax to boost the income level.\nMore realignment courses for graduates so they can jump into higher value jobs.", "Also imagine what Singapore can do with those wealth...\nThe previous generation leaders made Petronas like their own personal ATM." ], [ "First thing first, rakyat needs to have an overhaul in mindset. Most of us dislike paying taxes, dislike contributing to the country and yet we want everything cheap, fast and good. Just look at the case with GST.\nYes, our median wage is low compared to those developed countries but if we don’t start now, it may be too late when the tap starts to run dry. Heck, even the upper middle and elites earners dislike paying taxes." ], [ "Stating the obvious lmao.\nRemov the tongkats from a certain bangsa. Negara maju macam S.Korea. Those lazy one left to rot." ], [ "this is why we need PADU and move away from blanket subsidies. People (including those on this sub) like to say we need to move away from our third world mentality.\nWell being super reliant on subsidies is an incredibly 3d world mentality.\n\"Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country\"\nSo grow, up, fill up your PADU form and ween off subsidies...", "Everybody is pro subsidy removal until it hits their wallet", "Padu is a short term answer to a long term problem. If your rakyat don't go up the value chain, subsidy will be needed FOREVER" ], [ "Subsidi sampai ke targeted tak apa. Yang subsidi kena ambil dgn PATI tu jadi issue. Sekarang ni ada tangan tangan yang sedang bela orang mcm ni. Kena buat satu undang2 pasal pembela pati ni dikira pembelot negara." ], [ "This is not sustainable at all.\nThe majority of the population, like how desperately they cling to their Bumiputra rights, will refuse to change to a needs-based system because they're afraid that any changes would result in them not receiving anything at all.\nSo they won't care. They would rather the preestablished norms go on.\nThey won't care about sustainability. It's just about milking the cow until it dries up. It's just like how some certain state governments that rely so much on logging and oil to generate revenue but they won't have a fig of what to do after the trees are gone and the oil is finished.\nBut people won't change. They just refuse to. Just like how they wish things to be back in the good old days, stubbornly unwilling to accept that the world is moving on whether they like it or not.\nThis is why we need a balance between theocracy and secularism. One side to preserve traditions and culture, the other side to maintain order and drive economic growth and stability." ], [ "T20: Mana boleh?! Kami pun rakyat juga mahu subsidi! /s", "I mean the numbers don’t lie : https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/amp/category/nation/2023/05/30/t20-contributed-85-of-personal-income-tax-last-year-says-lhdn/", "There are the Top earner for a reason. Reverse it to income gained and the numbers are probably the same or higher." ], [ "Subsidi untuk rakyat nak bising buat apa? Daripada habiskan duit bayar gaji menteri. Kerja lompat parti je, bukan buat kerja pun. Puih" ], [ "The last thing an unstsble govt wants is to screw up the people, not a bad policy to reduce subsidy, but definitely wrong timing. Pak lah tried to do that in 2008 eventually ousted next yr" ], [ "Time to remove subsidies and expand our pocket … that what it means …." ], [ "We all know what kind of mentality this country has. Religion will save us lol" ], [ "Tutup kedai lah" ], [ "As a Rakyat, I doubt the government is an efficient capital allocataors, so I prefer subsidy/grant which benifited the people directly. Unless the gov spell out exactly how are they going to utilize the fund (and keep the promise), I actually prefer subsidy/grant." ], [ "What a stupid argument. Blaming on subsidies for their incompetencies.", "No, the subsidies aren't sustainable and forever. The music will stop eventually.", "You know that Sabah and Sarawak are already angry that West Malaysia is \"stealing their oil\" right? If they ever decide to walk away, those subsidies are going to just vanish.", "Correct, that's why we have our own state oil agency. (PETROS)", "I blame the British lol.\nBut seriously, I blame the British.\nThey set up a system that is a copy of what they see a country \"should be like\" and totally made one that does not fit the conditions, namely the tax system. All the money goes into the Federal Government and the states are left with nothing because that was the \"system\" put into place by the British. If the system evolved naturally, I suspect something like the US system would have evolved where you have State taxes and Federal taxes where the States can use their local taxes to improve their own infrastructure while Federal taxes are for countrywide projects.\nSabah and Sarawak has it the worst but the other states are not unaffected too." ], [ "Boo fucking Hoo" ], [ "And that is why I only fill up my gas tank at Petronas only, not other gas stations" ], [ "HAHA! I laughed at all the vocal about Bumiputera and Tongkat thing. But the NonBumiTongkat are the largest leveraging those things in particular.\nWould u ever proof urself to not leveraging all those Bumi and Tongkat people gets? No u won't!\nWhat a joke la u guys." ], [ "No point removing subsidies without reducing taxes. This so-called savings is just another pool to be stolen by politicians. I'd rather take my chances with a spoilt populace with not much sovereign funds than an imaginary sovereign fund that's been siphoned out dry.\nNever forget that under ph1.0 debt grew by massive amounts AFTER they sold many crown jewel assets left and right. If you sell your house to pay your debt, shouldn't debt go down?\nTo expect any different would be sheer stupidity" ], [ "I rather they give direct cash aids" ], [ "Bapa Subsidi" ], [ "r/sarawak petroleum fields go brrrr" ], [ "If you don’t give it as subsidies; this asshole will cook up a rent seeking scheme to pocket the money🤣🤣.\nBetter regular people get some of it as a subsidy than these MF’er whack it all for themselves." ] ]
Standing Against Divisive Remarks: A Defiant Response To Racial Insensitivity | TRP
Gentari buys into Hai Long offshore wind project in Taiwan, targets 40 GW in renewable energy by 2030 - paultan.org
[ "Science/ Technology" ]
[ [ "Pandai betul depa ni. Pilih tempat yang surely takkan jadik geopolitical flashpoint. That investment surely secured in the next 30 years takda orang kacau.", "War annalist predict China going to invade Taiwan in 2025-2030 some more, that investment going to hangus before getting any return. Who win that war doesn't matter, that investment still will kena." ] ]
Swiss pharma giant Roche picks Malaysia for FIH clinical trial
[ "Science/ Technology" ]
Firm under probe over RM9.6m in missing zakat collections
[ "Religion" ]
Federal police say the company was appointed by the Perak Islamic council but failed to deposit the zakat it collected between March and September last year.
[ [ "\"Cina paling kuat rasuah di Malaysia !\" Or so they said" ] ]
One dies, another injured in Banting landslide | New Straits Times
Thoughts on studying actuarial sciences?
[ "Education" ]
Is this degree capable of acquiring good job opportunities? How is entry level pay? I heard it’s a very challenging field but rewarding if you work hard. Can you branch out into other fields if you don’t enjoy actuarial work? Any actuaries can advise on the journey in Malaysia?
[ [ "Yes as long as you can get the degree from a reputable uni (local also can) and can communicate decently, you’re assured of a decent job/career. Most actuarial science graduates end up working in other fields (business, banking, finance, strategy, risk management etc). Where the actuarial science degree is valuable is because it shows prospective would be hirers that you’re comfortable dealing with numbers and would have a decently capable analytical mind." ] ]
Perodua Denies Ignoring Complaint Of Bezza Breaking Down After 8 Hours | TRP
[ [ "I wonder if it’s because neighbors or family members “dengki”. Like wouldn’t employees be checked for hazardous materials before allowed into the production line? No way sugar would end up in the car engine just like that.", "Even so, sugar is not enough to damage the engine. Unless they put it directly into the engine", "i mentioned this in FB, and i got blasted to hell as a P2 fanboi. Malaysians just love to witch hunt big corporations.", "if follow your logic, may be another Perodua sales person want to sabotage their colleague and put the sugar inside the engine." ], [ "I read through the Lowyat thread yesterday and I got to say it's an interesting one. Working in retail it is not so uncommon for you to get a lemon unit despite the factory's and the seller's best effort. It's not easy to trust either party who is to blame. Is it negligence? Is it accidental? Is it sabotage? Nobody except a higher being would know what happened.\nI think 8 hours is too short amount of time for even sabotaging it with foreign substance unless it was very obvious and intentional. I'd say just forget about the blaming game and just make it right. Perodua has a lot more to lose in this situation and all for a Bezza.\nAt least from the lady's side of the story all she wanted is just black and white assurance instead of sweet words. Take out a second loan with no paperwork from Perodua like what? Replacing a car is too much trouble as it involve the bank some more. 3 months and they could have done the proper repair and testing already and people would forgive and forget.\nOverall, terrible way of handling this issue d Malaysia really needs a proper law protecting the consumers from lemon units." ], [ "I look at this case with a lot of skeptical. Many people brought Perodua car and no one have issue like this.\nHow can sugar get inside engine? I suspect someone actually pour sugar into her tank and it flow to engine.\nAs car manufacturer, this case sure blow. It is definitely not their fault, but they cannot blame consumer. They can't really swallow the entire cost for nothing. Later other consumer follows this pattern, play some prank and then ask for refund/new car.", "Sugar doesn't dissolve in petrol. So it would've been caught by the paper filter on the fuel pump assy or the in-line fuel filter.\nSo other ways to get sugar into the engine are by pouring it through the engine oil filler or by removing the spark plug and pour it directly inside the cylinder.", "Might be. If someone tempered with the engine i.e put sugar in engine oil, they must have open the front bonnet and the owner would be noticed this.\nThe statement is the engine is the one that broke because there is sugar in them. If only in the tank, they can just drain the tank and remove the sugar since sugar won't pass the oil filter." ] ]
Five ways cybercriminals can hack Malaysia's central database hub
[ "Science/ Technology" ]
What are the reasons you didn’t pursue your dream career?
I’ve noticed that a lot of people I know never really pursued their dream careers/ambitions that they were passionate about back in school. I never got around to ask them why that was the case so I’d like to hear from you guys Is it because that career option is not feasible in Malaysia? High entry requirements? Financial hurdles? Do let me know, I’m quite curious especially since Gen Z is already entering the workforce and we are one of the most ambitious and expressive groups of people
[ [ "Money money money. People who have freedom to explore and fail (biz, influencer etc) or not worry about money (low salary) can pursue any damn career they want bro.\nYou must be young. But it’s alright, you’ll learn along the way. Just observe." ], [ "Bipolar disorder. Millennial who still struggle to even earn decent life. But at some point I already make peace with it" ], [ "Just another millenial stucked with decent life. Salary comes with a fair share of commitment as well, so i chose a moderate one where i still have the flexibility and time on my own despite having a below average pay. With the time, i can do what i like." ], [ "Im 28 and this year I'm going to pursue my dream from being a cooker in hotels/restaurants to become a great filmmaker. Wish me luck fellas" ] ]
Does anyone know the name of the gold coins and/or tin ingots used by the Sultanate of Malacca?
Sorry if non-Malaysians are not supposed to post-I had a question I was hoping to answer and I couldn’t find a Malaysian history subreddit, so I was hoping it would be acceptable if I asked here (sorry if this isn’t the right place). I’ve been looking at the history of Malacca, and saw that it used tin pitis and tin ingots as currency, as well as gold coins, but I couldn’t find a name for the ingots or for the gold coins. Is anyone aware of what either of these units were called during the period of the Sultanate? Thanks 🙏🏽
[ [ "I dont know Malacca but Kedah sultanate used “Kupang” back then" ], [ "It's called Keping or Pitis" ] ]
Who are some of the best ministers this country has ever had and why?
[ "Politics" ]
The title says it all and it's not about PMs, but about those ministers under the PMs. Today's youth would probably point to Anthony Loke for his great work so far in transport. People during Mahathirs time may point to Anwar himself as Finance minister. But was just curious if there are any others during any era who deserves a mention?
[ [ "Whoever that took charge of the Health Ministry all those years ago.\nWe now have a very affordable healthcare system.\nNot a federal minister but the late Lim Chong Eu. He contributed massively into Penang’s success as an electronics manufacturing hub.\nOne from my very own state, the late Adenan Satem. A short stint of 3 years but his governance kickstarted a lot of development and investment. SUPP had him to thank for their turnaround in fortune, after successfully bringing back some Chinese votes.", "I'm a bit on the young side but it's fascinating to see how Gerakan was respected once.\nBasically Lim Chong Eu turned Penang into a silicon valley per se?", "Yep, he identified the electronic industry to fulfil Penang workforce, he convinced fed gov to set up free trade zones in Bayan Lepas after the state lost free port status", "And look at the supply chain now. We have successfully created our own local companies in the semiconductor field — Inari, Vitrox and Pentamaster, to name a few really successful ones.", "Hey, I am pretty young too but you just need to dig a little here and there.\nI respect DAP but up until now, they haven’t done any meaningful visionary projects. All we have been hearing is “waste money” and “bankrupt”.", "Ngl I haven't even heard of Lim Chong Eu until now, hence why I asked.\nSo I don't get what's your comment trying to say? 🤔", "Yup but his successor for Penang CM ruined Gerakan" ], [ "Does Gobind Singh qualify?", "Definitely.\nIn addition, that PH 1.0 had some underrated ones like Yeo Bee Yin too - single-handedly took on 3 portfolios and bossed it." ], [ "Tun Dr. Ismail , he sacrificed and died for the country and Tun Hussein Onn who did not want to continue staying in office amid all the dirty politicking in Umno.", "Agreed. Also want to add Tun Ghafar Baba. He always remembered his life as a poor orphan and did much good to help others. And he never wanted titles and was only conferred Tun after being asked/begged twice.\nOne more! Adenan Satem. It's a pity we only had him for a short while as CM. He is the people's leader and gave significant changes in Sarawakian's lives. When he died, the whole Sarawak wept. Even non Muslims visited his (very public) grave. One more thing, no one but him has the chutzpah to call the then PM Najib anak Razak and made fun of Najib while he is in attendance using Bahasa Iban/Sarawak. Oooohaaaa!" ], [ "Daim was actually very good, but he is not friendly or interested in doing things for others. He likes the thrills and challenge of turning things around and making profit, but he need stakes to be kept higher and higher." ], [ "Faizal azumu", "lmao", "He is best at mediocrity.. You can deny that" ], [ "Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah - Petronas" ], [ "Lim Guan Eng. He saved us RM8 billion. See who can top that.", "LGE is doing the same thing Penang(under him as MB) was doing all this while\nSell government assets here, cut government spending there.. then claim surplus.", "ask federal to pay restructure penang water debt and pay for the dam upgrade\nalmost never mention it again after a formality speech and blogpost\nhe ( & his supporter) tell everyone how good he was managing money and diss people that help manage their debt at every opportunity\nin retrospect i wonder if najib should pay to solve kelantan problem instead back then:26554:", "Penny wise, pound foolish.\nHis constant “bankrupt” statements did no good. Every time he spoke, Bursa went red.\nBehaved like an opposition the entire time as the FM. Safe to say, he took the bait.", "I'm a DAP fanboy but I felt the those cuts were quite detrimental in the long run though 🤔 especially those that involve transport like MRT & LRT\nI could be wrong", "watch this podcast between tony pua and ong kian ming\nListen to tony pua explain on the LRT and MRT. I used to think lim guan eng was probably a lousy FM. After i watch this podcast i have a slight different opinion. Just slight.", "The thing about Tony Pua is that he makes his arguments solely on the topic of money and money only which is not the only thing important in nation building.\nThe latest episode talking about HSR is a good example. He justifies it being bad by saying the costs to run the thing itself is so high that its better to just give everyone free flights because he used the permutation that if the HSR is run at full capacity x (theoretical cost of ticket), the total revenue is about the same as the total yearly revenue for KL-SG flights. So to him its better to just not spend 100 billion to build the thing and spend 3 billion a year giving everyone free flights.\nBut its so much more than that, there's also spillover development and more importantly to change people's way of life from being totally car dependant to one that is PT oriented\nHe always spoke more like an accountant than a lawmaker imo", "Tony Pua lol.. I lost my trust in him when he used United States to justify SST over GST. He said something like this in Parliament, “Ekonomi no.1, Amerika Syarikat, tak de GST.”\nUSA has the ability to print money and adjust monetary policies with the Fed Funds rate. Not to mention a whole stack of local council tax, state income tax and federal income tax.\nIf Malaysia has any of these, imagine the scenes in Putrajaya.", "I didnt fan boy. Lol. I just want to explain to OP regarding the LRT and MRT.", "Yea I know, just putting my counter argument out cause its kinda easy for anyone to fully believe what Tony says as gospel since he is very articulate", "Accountants (which LGE is also not even) cannot run countries." ], [ "najib razak: finance:26554:\njohari abdul ghani: deputy finance\nkj: health", "Najib Razak (First term) is the best PM we ever had\nNajib Razak (Second Term) is also the worst PM we ever had.", "Genuinely did an Erik ten Hag 😅", "KJ ? The man didn’t do anything, overspent and literally had no insight. He just came after the battle and took a bow.", "The government was crambling and buying whatever vaccines was available (that the Rakyat was screaming for) , being able to use over 90% of the supply is praiseworthy IMO.\nI mean... Did anyone really expect 100% utilisation?(the only way this could happen is if we underbought, and then people will die)" ], [ "Me as the Minister of Sex" ], [ "Me, otw", "Good luck man! See you in parliament one day too 😅" ], [ "Najib Razak" ] ]
TIL there are more skyscrapers in Klang Valley than the entire continent of Europe, including Russia
[ "Mildly interesting" ]
[ [ "Spamming skyscrapers without proper urban planning while remaining car-centric. Recipe for disaster. 😭", "So true, KL with all the tall skyscrapers while the ground level is an absolute cluster fuck.", "The Lumpur below cannot take it anymore.. All will sink", "it's okay, we can move our capital to Borneo too", "Abang Jo: Inserts yeeboi meme", "If you want to see poor urban planning go to Los Angeles or even just Bangkok. KL is a bastion of forward thinking in comparison.", "LA is bad indeed, epitome of urban sprawl.\nBut no, Bangkok actually is better than KL from an urban planning perspective from all aspects.", "How on earth would Bangkok be better? It takes literally almost an hour to go 2km. The sidewalks are narrow minefields. There are zero cross streets in most areas funneling all traffic onto one gridlocked 2 lane street.\nZero last mile transport options like the beam scooters because they simply can’t work in Bangkok. There are literal parts falling off their public transport. The air quality is atrocious and walking outside will burn your lungs and skin in short order.\nI like Bangkok but getting around was about as stressful and tedious as it gets.", "Such is the thinking of Malaysian Planner in general. Simplistic, Car-centric.\nIt is more than just traffic flow, but also walkability, place-making, planning of commercial, touristic, heritage nodes etc. Bangkok also is at least making conscious effort to plan for wider sidewalk and roads if it is any consolation.\nAt least it isn't a dickfest comparing how tall one can go 😂, building without planning.", "As someone that is from both places, I push back on the notion that LA is worse than KL on many fronts. While LA is very car centric, it also has a very large portion of the city with traditional urban patterns more similar to Northeastern or European cities. Even in the parts that were developed in more car-centric periods have strong grids that make public transit possible. The LA area has a lot of highways, but KL has an even higher density of highways and I find the first-last mile problem in KL even worse.", "If European cities were largely comprised of vacant parking lots and strip malls surrounded by homeless tents that would be accurate", "I am talking about the urban layout smartass. Parking lots and strip malls can and are being redeveloped.", "Lol at “urban layout”. Bro what are you even on about? Are we talking about LA or some fantasy land modded gta game you played" ], [ "I would say it is down to the difference in planning and culture. In most places in Europe they work very hard to preserve their traditional skyline with strict zoning laws and height restrictions.\nThe Eiffel Tower in France, when it was completed, was thoroughly hated by the French cause they deem it a steel monstrosity. The same goes for the shard in the UK.", "Like world heritage Penang", "YAAA, omg i totally overlooked that. Thanks for pointing it out." ], [ "build more please.\nI rather have a lot of high rise but all of them in between we save some land for parks, better than low-rise building with zero parks in between.", "Yeah, make something like the NYC central park. That one looks awesome.", "But without the dark history that was involved with it right?Right?", "We can have a little bit of dark history as a treat.", "dark history month!", "How can we appreciate the light without darkness", "In urban planning we learn that that’s really not a good idea. Lots of planning like that ends up turning into ghettos", "ghettoes are almost always are a result of disinvestments. you don't see Mont Kiara or Setapak which has a bajillion condos considered as ghettoes. why? lots of new investment in the area\ncompare that with Taman Medan or western Klang, which has seen negligible investments." ], [ "<image>\nStop moving us towards kiamat pls /s", "This is Dubai, tops KL on this aspect" ], [ "Europe got nothing to prove whereas…", "Europe got nothing to prove whereas…\nMore like Europe has lower corruption level and less government control of the economy.\nIn his 2012 report, Barclays' Andrew Lawrence and his team wrote that this is because \"the world’s tallest buildings are simply the edifice of a broader skyscraper building boom, reflecting a widespread misallocation of capital and an impending economic correction.\"\nHere's a look at the Skyscraper Index from Barclays (click the image to enlarge it). Basically, what you see is a series of famous skyscrapers associated with subsequent busts. The most recent one is Dubai's Burg Khalifa. Another notable recent one is Malaysia's Petronas Towers, which presaged the Asian economic crisis of the late '90s.", "<image>\nhere it comes", "Spamming skyscrapers without any notion of urban planning is nothing to be proud of. Just a dickfest among the rich and powerful (and corrupted). Peasants suffer on ground level with horrendous traffic and disamenities.", "On that note, we are on slightly below average iykyk", "Ah yes.. The micrp*is syndrome... I must show my forefathers my huge reach to the sky..", "I mean Malaysia has to shout out…Malaysia Boleh ! to get noticed.", "If you look at the number of skyscrapers of other major cities in Asia - Hong Kong, Bangkok, Singapore, Saigon, Tokyo… you get the idea, you’ll see that they all have a vast number of skyscrapers\nThis city model isn’t a Malaysia problem, these are observations that will pop up when you compare two different continents and consider the cultural developments that led them to this point in time\nStill, your point still applies on a certain level, we citizens can relate most" ], [ "Skyscrapers are illegal in most sections of European cities to preserve the old architecture. Still a cool statistic." ], [ "It goes to show that supertall skyscrapers are not a valid indicator of a country's economy. It's a dick-measuring contest encouraged by some politicians to distract the people of more pressing problems in the country with the \"wow\" factor of shiny ridiculously tall skyscrapers (esp those above >350m), and some actually do fall for it." ], [ "what....seriously" ], [ "Property agents : Oh yes pls" ], [ "Kl & Selangor town planning failed and it's a joke. All of them minum kopi only" ], [ "Naahh as someone who knows PJ, I can confirm PJ has way more than 10 skyscrapers. The PJ skyline has quite a number of skyscrapers, around 20-30", "Isn't PJ located in Klang Valley?", "Look at the sheet. They're saying the sheet has a lower stated value" ], [ "I’m not sure if you are boasting or what. The UK (much like Malaysia) has plenty of empty space, no need to build tower blocks. The majority prefer landed properties in the countryside and towns, rather than high rise in the city." ], [ "coz it is costly to build skyscrapper. we hav cheap material+manpower. and it is very costly to build skyscrapper that is earthquake-proof" ], [ "Malaysians do love their ivory tower", "You mean KL people" ], [ "High-rises built on the backbones of the underclass. Nice." ], [ "What an achievement" ], [ "Got hardware, no software.", "Got kopi" ], [ "ass a malaysian, we should be proud! <— generic malay political leader respond" ], [ "How did you calculate this OP? Super interesting.", "using the data from CTBUH. It's THE organization for determining what is a skyscraper" ] ]
International School v. National School Poll
This goes out to those of you who have children or who don't have children yet and who are planning for their education in Malaysia. Assuming that money is not an issue to you, do you prefer that your children attend a national school or an international school? Or does it not matter to you? Why? Thanks in advance :) View Poll
[ [ "I will make my Children like every crown prince of Johor, by sending them to national school at primary level. Then send them to international school in secondary level so My children can brag about their hardships to my grandchildren. /s", "Lollll", "This is actually a great idea." ], [ "I’d like to give my child the experience of identity crisis by sending them to Lycée Français de Kuala Lumpur.", "Have cousins that went there, the identity crisis is real" ], [ "As a product of national school, you're really rolling the dice on whether the teachers are competent or not. Chances are a few of them aren't and you'll need to top-up with tuitions.\nI'm just going to assume international school = the teachers at least know their subject even if they don't know how to teach." ], [ "If money is not a problem; the child education path would be like international school --> overseas Canada/UK/ US university degree + masters --> more job options internationally.", "Have your child be smart enough and money won’t be an object because scholarships will arrive :)" ], [ "A child's upbringing is very crucial. If they experience trauma from cases of bullying or other bad things, their psychological development may be scarred or somewhat impaired. Not everyone have what it takes to bite the storm and rise up to be a stronger person. If there are cases of bullying and abuse, the child may not be able to take it and commit suicide. Not everyone is born with \"7 killer\" bazi profile that can handle the heat and become a fighter. Most will just quit. To be safe, if I have a child, I will send him/her to international school.\nOr better still, if there is enough resource, I may even give him home school, teaching him only the most vital skills and knowledge for excellence, competitiveness, and survival." ], [ "If I have a child, I would try my best to enroll them in school with the following priority (1 - most prioritised) :\n1) international school\n2) missionary school (e.g. Convent schools, Free schools etc)\n3) SK/SMK Kluster Kecemerlangan\n4) boarding school - (if possible, no because I don't like the concept of sending kids to live at schools. I prefer kids to have balanced interactions with friends and family. Plus, I don't think the environment at boarding schools nowadays is healthy for kids psychologically)\n5) regular SK/SMK - (God forbid if I have to send my kids here)\nNever: religious school - I would rather not having children than having children only to send them here..", "Nice. Why in this order?" ], [ "Lets just say , ofc its better when it cost more , otherwise its a scam ." ], [ "If given a choice, I would choose to homeschool my kid. Otherwise it doesnt matter what I pick, school only teach children to be modern slave.", "Oh interesting. So in your view and totally up to you whether to respond or not, what’s the best way to teach a child, with a detailed breakdown from year to year, how to not be a slave?", "Unfortunately, I don't have the best way, every child builds differently, and that is no one-size-fits-all solution.\nBut I do question what school today has raised, so many students learn this and that but do not learn how to live. How everyone is measured by a limited standard similar to a monkey and a fish being tested for their ability to climb a tree. At the end of the day, students are sent to respectively slave pit with the illusion of them being successful slaves. It does not matter if they earn a lot compared to those at the bottom, in the end, they are still a slave who works for some illusion of happiness created by those on top using currency that is just a bunch of figures.\nSo even if they earn 10k or even 100k a month, they are still slave who need to keep working just to sustain their lifestyle, it is nothing more similar to slaves in old age where they worked for their life. Slaves in the past were chained by shackles while modern slaves are chained by currency no differences. Schools are there to teach students by telling them to look at how those slaves are happy and that they should be one of them, by limiting their ability to grow.\nAs I observed, how many people are stuck with student loans before entering the adult world, and continue with car/house/marriage and finally by the time their child grows up, they already getting old. And the cycle continues with their child. How years of doing something only at x age make students unable to act on their own, how schools put the thought of obeying the teacher(superior) and discourage students that dare fight the authority.\nBack to the question of how to not be a slave, I don't know, living in such a society, I guess it is unavoidable, but how to not continue being a slave is a more important question to ask. Although the reply made me look anti-school, I do appreciate the education, just hate the string attached. :29091: So if I were to teach a child, I would not care much about the academics, but more about whether the child can learn how to live a life which unfortunately schools aren't great at." ], [ "I'm happy enough with private Chinese schools." ] ]
Cute Cambodian girls singing Malaysia Truly Asia, remember this not at Tumpat Kelantan ;)))
[ "Entertainment" ]
Govt to appoint religious leaders to counter distorted Islamic views, says Fahmi
[ "Religion" ]
The communications minister says the ‘asatizah’ will travel around the country to promote a more nuanced understanding of Islam among the different communities
[ [ "I thought we already had a specific department of it ?\nWhy create a redundancy ? Whats is the point of Menteri Perpaduan then ?\nWhy just Islam ?. Why cant call religion leaders from others to promote unity , respect and celebrate differences ? . Im a Muslim and this is way better than what this current government is trying to do.", "I thought we already had a specific department of it ?\nWhy create a redundancy ? Whats is the point of Menteri Perpaduan then ?\nWe are pumping out hordes of Mediocre Muslim Males whose education background is basically the tahfiz/ sekolah agama pipeline to some religious studies/ dakwah university course that isn't recognised anywhere else and has limited utility in working life. Gotta create employment opportunities for them.", "We are pumping out hordes of Mediocre Muslim Males whose education background is basically the tahfiz/ sekolah agama pipeline to some religious studies/ dakwah university course that isn't recognised anywhere else and has limited utility in working life. Gotta create employment opportunities for them.\nThere are good tahfiz / sekolah agama and some of them even offer normal education ie SPM/STPM etc on top of tahfiz / religion program.\nTo call it them all the same is not right. But the fact the point that you mentioned remain true.", "The way to weaker your enemy is to create distraction within them.", "Want one that follows orders, not an independent" ], [ "Oh, look.. PH brings out their own religious stooges... it gives \"penunggang agama\" a whole new meaning.", "Inb4 Mazhab Madani is born" ], [ "took you long enough. Tapi ini isu Islam. Non jgn main campur! /s\nNvm that Christianity went thru a similar 100 yrs of growing up and can actually advise see Inter-Faith councils. But you're not ready for that :26559:", "Yup. The religion needs a reformation of sorts", "Inquisition not reformation" ], [ "this is literally AoE4 shit. you hire a muslim priest and wololo." ], [ "Pas: Ayyy Yo WTF?!" ], [ "Its no different when mahathir established jakim." ], [ "Poor translation by FMT. \"Asatizah\" means \"religious teachers\", not \"religious leaders\".", "doesnt matter. dumb poople here like to read the title and rage about it.\nnonetheless, i do not agree with this shit. why need asatizah when you have muslims around you. EDUCATE THEM!" ], [ "When you need to hired someone to windows-dressing your religion, something must be wrong ya" ], [ "Hire UAI and insert some horny jokes." ], [ "" ] ]
Does booking.com property owners need to own Pos Terminal Machine?
Hi. I have few questions here and in need of your advice: I listed my property in booking.com recently and turned on VCC, then only I know I need a pos terminal system to claim the payment from booking. For small business like mine, rm2000/yr fees charged by maybank seems over the budget. Plus some banks require us to maintain certain amount of sale monthly. I saw few adv on shopee and facebook selling those machine but reluctant to proceed just in case they are scammers. Others like ipay88 and etc charges monthly/yearly and the rate also quite high, plus they take percentages on every transaction. Even if I deactivate me VCC, i think i still need pos terminal to charge guest after cancellation period or in case guest not showing up. Had few guests did that and booking.com told me there's nothing I can do about it. So here's the questions: 1) what did you do if you dont own a pos terminal and guest didn't show up /cancel last minute? Or do you ask them to pay first by bank transfer? 2) does anyone have that machine? Where do you get it and how much you are paying monthly/yearly? Any other hidden charges? 3) does any pos terminal can make payment even when card not present? Thank you in advance.
[ [ "By POS terminal machine, you actually mean the whole hardware setup that you see at a retail store cashier there? Correct me if I'm wrong, I assume from your post that you are renting out your property for short term stays on booking.com?\nSo if I understand from your post, you plan to set up a POS machine at your property there so people who arrive at the property for their stay will pay you cash/credit card for the stay?\nTrying to understand how a POS machine to accept payment fits into this situation. Isn't it that customers pay online on the booking.com portal first, confirm the booking then show up at the property?", "Yup, i'm renting out my house for short term stays.\nActually, i'm a bit confused too as i refer this matter to maybank and they use the term pos terminal machine. But i don't really mean the whole cashier thing, just the small device you tap your credit card.\nFor your second para, that too is corect. I don't mind if genuine guest just want make online transfer but for some guests that MIA, I can't find any way to charge them. Booking cant charge them on behalf of me eventhough credit card detail was already provided.\nThere a few options owner can provide and guest can opt:\n1) guest pay at property : booking.com will not charge them, just card details needed to secure the reservation. Guest will pay at counter (if hotels, this will not be an issue coz they can still charge guest in case of not showing up)\n2) guest pay thru booking.com : booking.com collect the payment and then will then provide temporary credit card details for us owners to claim it.\n3) guest can provide credit card details on booking and property owner can charge them directly.\nSo for option 2 & 3, i need that credit card device to receive the money.", "Not sure why they call it pos terminal system. Public bank told me it's called credit card terminal. We don't have to pay extra to them too, as they charge according to each transaction.\nGeneral booking.com brings in more customer, but sucks at collecting payment. Offering free cancellation is a norm, as people who book might give wrong cc detail too. If you don't want worry so much about it, use agoda instead. Commission alot higher, but each booking is secured and confirm can get payment. Booking rate is not bad too.\nWorkabout for me: have a booking clause that all booking must call owner to double confirm. Failing to do so before 5pm means we will release the room, foc. We will collect payment that way. Of course you'll get complain from customers who don't read.\nBooking.com can't collect payment from guest. That is the sole reason why you are having this problem. What happened is that guest will give them cc detail, and they pass that to us. And guest can give invalid numbers.\nTldr: get the credit card terminal or just go with agoda instead.", "POS Terminal is the industry standard name.", "So you were saying, agoda allows property owner to cancel guest's reservation, am i right? Bcs booking.com wont let us do that. Besides lately i've been receiving a lot of bookings from number 02035640799 under different names but same address from thailand. not reachable, invalid phone number, message in extranet not received. All not showed up. no payment was made and no credit card detail was provided. I dont know whats wrong with these people.\nI see. I'll try contact public bank first, if not working then seems like i have to migrate to agoda too.\nBtw thanks a lot 🫡", "Both don't allow you to cancel guest's order. But agoda will collect the money and you collect from them, while booking will NOT collect from customer and you need to collect them yourself. That vcc booking gave you is not their vcc, but customer's cc detail, and they absolutely can and have fake it. That's why even if you have that terminal, you might not be able to collect the money from those booking. It helps though as you can charge before hand and cancel if the card is invalid. Agoda 100% can collect. Customer don't go also nvm.", "Wah this one sounds more promising for owners. I'll look into it later. Thank you so much for your advice 🤝 i really appreciate it" ], [ "Just approach payment gateway providers. Nobody uses bank terminals nowadays.", "I already compared a few. Ipay88 seems affordable but when i contacted them, they were quite clueless about it. They told me their service more to payment gateway in websites and they don't see how their service could help my situation.\nCan you suggest any gateway that you probably have used before?", "That’s news to me. The agent servicing probably only handles online payment gateway services.\nYou should ask for their terminal team.\nOther providers are like GHL, Razer, Qashier, etc. Even Digi", "Alright, i'm taking note rn. Didnt know digi also provide this kind of service. Thanks a lot. I'll reach them out first thing tomorrow 🫡", "Yeah but those are payment gateway terminals though, not too sure if you can input credit card numbers as per your use case.", "Try MOBI. They have EZYMOTO that allows you to charge VCC.", "Googled it and found this : \"An easy point of sale software directly on your mobile device for both apple and android users\" no device needed?! Wah. This looks interesting. Gonna check this out too later. Thank you so much for helping 🤝", "Also I’ve found the best practice to minimise having to try and charge cancellation fees is to prioritise upfront payment and have a clear cancellation policy." ], [ "Your iPhone can be used to accept payments if setup right. Basically reverse of Apple Pay - they tap the card on the back of your phone.", "But it will only works when the card is present right? In case i only have their 16 digits number, name, exp date and cvv number, can i just put in those details and get the money?", "If you just enter everything manually - you have 0 chargeback protection.", "I see, not very familiar with apple pay as i myself is an android user haha. But don't worry, i'll look into it and if it really helps, i might as well buy one apple device for this 😆 thanks alot ya for this sharing", "I don’t think this feature is enabled in Malaysia (Tap to Pay)?" ] ]
Wan Junaidi: Malaysia committed to materialise UN’s Sustainable Development Goals objectives, achieve Paris Agreement 2015
[ "Environment" ]
[ [ "Nice" ], [ "It's going to be hard to achieve in 7 years by end 2030" ] ]
Mixed reactions as Malaysia’s shoppers pay new sales tax on overseas goods bought online
[ [ "Summary from article is burden consumer and help business." ], [ "Wondering how the govt is going to enforce it. The time/effort far is outweighted by the additional tax collections.", "It’s unlikely that the purpose was to collect tax. Rather it seems that the intent was to give local businesses an edge over outsiders.", "They already enforcimg it, they now just need to include almost everything instead of anything that is above 100USD." ], [ "ABC GST. I bet some of these people are the ones who bising about GST.\nNah, pay lor this sales tax, sugar tax, digital tax and whatever tax PH enforced.", "Thank you Nobita!!" ], [ "I bought something only for around RM1,000 one day then I have to pay around RM80 for tax." ] ]
Mudah.my for car rental - is it reliable?
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
Hello - I am looking to travel to Malaysia for a whole month next month, coming from the US. I've been looking around for car rentals and unfortunately, (1) Avis ran out of cars and (2) other car sites like hertz, etc. are pretty expensive compared to some postings I've seen on Mudah.my. Some of the people I've engaged with on Mudah.my via WhatsApp have been pretty friendly. Some asked for copies of passport, to which I said no and they were okay with just international driver's license. Some asked for bank transfer, to which I also said no and they said they were okay with credit card. My biggest concern is the reliability of these vendors. I just don't want to (1) end up getting scammed and (2) end up with no transportation rolling around like 6-8 luggages lol. Thanks for any help! Btw, I am looking for car sizes similar to an x70 at RM4-4.5K for the month, for reference.
[ [ "It’s actually not legal for private individuals to rent out their cars to others for commercial purposes in Malaysia.\nThere are peer to peer platforms that I know are licensed by the relevant ministry to carry out car sharing activities but I’ll recommend sticking with named brands like Hertz for reliability tbh.", "Some of them seem to have like business titles and also is mine considered commercial? I’m using it more for just travel purposes.\nThe issue with hertz is that when converted back to USD, they cost 2x what you normally pay for in mudah", "The act of renting out the car is a commercial activity itself. Unless the person providing the renting service has a license it’s quite risky when things doesnt go as planned.", "Got it! Thanks! So is it fair to assume that most vendors on mudah are not properly licensed? So far, most of the ones I've visited seem to have a pretty legit business name but then again....I don't know much either :(", "Mudah is known for having many scammers. It can be unreliable if you don't do proper research. Always countercheck businesses with other apps. E.g. Facebook or Lowyat forum or even their official website to see if they have online presence and reviews.\nSome car rental agencies are also tour companies. Those should be more reliable.", "I see...yeah, I've been doing a lot of digging into the vendors I've spoken to. So far, most of them looked pretty legit - strong social media presence, reviews, etc. I'm only so skeptical because some of them are asking for bank transfer for deposit and I'm a little iffy about that :/", "Have you thought about renting the legal ones for 1 week first. Check-in to your residence and then look for cheaper ones for the rest of the stay. You can also book with the various car rental companies booth at the airport at the exit.", "Oh...that is not a bad idea...but we're going straight to Ipoh upon arrival though. Hmm..maybe I can take the train to Ipoh and then find something there?" ], [ "If you’re a tourist, i wouldn’t recommend Mudah.\nTry searching for socar,trevo or kayak instead.", "Unfortunately, socar doesn't allow you to explore or sign in without having a proper Malaysian phone number :(. And as for Kayak, the prices are literally 2-2.5x :(", "You get what you pay for mate", "I would suggest renting a car with Hertz for the first week you are here. Before the end of the week, you could already get a malaysian number (prepaid sims are cheap) and you could check out Socar as an alternative. The only thing to note is that Socar has a limit on how many kms you do per rental and that their rentals are usually tied to one city - meaning that if you plan to travel from KL to say Penang, Socar isnt the option for you.\nHertz or similar rental services will give you the most ease of mind in case anything happens. The ones listed at mudah usually are registered businesses but arent licensed to rent out cars. Unfortunally there isn't an easy way to check this.", "A more reliable car rental the first week or few days - not a bad idea. Thanks!!" ], [ "I wouldn't use mudah for car rentals unless it is from a registered business", "Most of the ones I have talked to are registered businesses...or at least I think they are. How exactly do you check?", "Think of mudah as craigslist. Sure, there might be legit businesses there, but why would you take the risk? Just a few days ago a young kid posted here, freaking out about crashing a rental car and having to pay an exorbitant amount for repairs, on top of daily rental use for every day the car is in the shop. Just don’t do it.", "Oh no...yeah so the insurance part is also another piece of it. I'm sure these rental cars don't provide any insurance packages but then again, if they're not that legit then how are they going to chase after me for my money when I leave Malaysia?" ], [ "I have a good experience with Trevo, you could rent a car from orix the rent a car japan company from this platform which is reliable. To get a local number you can get one from one of the convenience store and activate it. I think they also provide one in the airport at the arrival counter.", "That's a good idea - renting from a legit place for a few days and then try out Trevo or Socar.." ] ]
McDonald’s Malaysia targets 750 restaurants by 2030
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
Alibaba's Lazada initiates substantial layoffs across Southeast Asia
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
[ [ "Lazada Malaysia buang 20 peratus pekerja\nhttps://www.bharian.com.my/bisnes/korporat/2024/01/1196614/lazada-malaysia-buang-20-peratus-pekerja" ] ]
‘Agents’ touting to smuggle duty-free alcohol, cigarettes out of Malaysia’s Forest City: Report
Weak Malay support, ‘Dubai Move’ rumours continue to plague Malaysia’s Anwar
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "Screencap\n<image>" ] ]
Ads in MRT Station
Today is Friday, 5th January 2024.
[ [ "This is mean static ads no demands. Usually the company will leave old ada stay if there is no new ads on board. Waste money just to remove, so if there is new ads on board then the cost for remove+paste new one can combine.", "There's one billboard I pass by all the time that has had something like the Imperium's logo on it since forever", "It might be previous customer ads, or some generic logo by the service provider. Certain unpopular spot really got no demand one.", "Yeah. I know. I was adding how long these things can stay up as long as there's nothing new", "Until they fall down? Whoever put this one up did a good job 😀", "I mean that's not that old. So I'm not surprised. This should be industry standard.", "And it’s also in a relatively safe environment (indoors, air conditioned) compared to billboards outside that get rained and blazed on on a daily basis so it should hold up a lot longer", "So now you know where to put ads is more worth 😂", "Oh okay.", "damn so malaysia ads cost is 1 time fee!", "Mulan movie paid RMXX for eg 1month. After 1month there is no other customer to take up the space. Mulan ada will stay there all the way. This happen in many outdoor static billboard, what outdoor ads can do is, not turn spotlight at night after the ads validity, but in day time it still can be seen.\nI guess so, if you put your services and product ads at the train station (mulan spot) high chance you pay 1 time off and your ads will stay there for a longer time which you not require to pay for the excess period 🫣\nSo if you notice many small local brand like to put their ads at high way which lagi no demand, and their face will stay there very long until color faded 😅 but they already untung, i bet you even can remember some of the ads 😂", "What's the cost of stripping an ad from an elevator door? Is it a difficult task?", "I not sure. That most probably need to appoint vendors. Is cost maybe around 1k. We wont understand if we not in their position. Sure they have their considerations or SOP.", "So... lazy but smart move...? 😆", "Thia is the correct and real reason." ], [ "The station manager does not give a fuck.", "Nah they just have a nostalgic manager", "At least be nostalgic about a film that's actually good rather than dogshit", "You should check out his office wall because the framed head of state is queen victoria...", "Or it could be Winnie the Pooh" ], [ "Not just the outside. Within the cars you can also find ads for UPM registration for 2022, movie premiers for 2022, and in a case of aging like milk, Aman Palestin, including QR code for donations." ], [ "Woah … 3 years back", "Maybe we'll need to arrange some kind of celebrations there if it hits 5th anniversary...? 🤷" ], [ "If you drive through old klang road ramp to federal, there's a huge banner ad for History Channel Convention 2017 in maeps Serdang. Still in pristine condition because it's under the flyover so shielded from rain and sun" ], [ "If you look closely, the middle one has a hole in his left eye.", "Damn, I didn't notice...\nPoor Donnie... 🥲", "How tf did u even notice this ? Amazing" ], [ "<image>\nAlam Sentral mall has this motorolla ad on the escalators since mid 2000 probably. Still up there i think" ], [ "There is still a No Way Home ad at Bukit Bintang MRT" ], [ "It's the half-ass attitude that stops our country from going places. Not just the authority, but also the general public.", "Country bad when no change movie posters" ], [ "Leave it there for another 20 years like a time capsule!" ], [ "Because this station gas too little foot traffic. Nobody bother to advertise here. See pasar seni instead." ], [ "That's typical Malaysian working speed and attitude" ], [ "I thought it was the promotion of Disney+ ads. I was way too wrong" ], [ "Member malas nak tukar" ], [ "This is literally the definition of Malaysia: Under maintained." ], [ "Disney is still paying them" ], [ "This reminds me of this road between Manjung and Teluk Intan. After crossing the bridge before teluk intan, there used to be an ad space. Throughout my time using the road to go back and forth between Manjung and KL, there was a Star Wars Episode 3 ad that's been there for a few years." ], [ "MRT Merdeka is it? Til now????", "Yep, Merdeka station." ], [ "Lol, till now? wow." ], [ "Finally happy mrt" ], [ "today is friday ... in carlifornia", "Hah?!" ], [ "Propaganda PRC..... /s" ], [ "What a coincidence to see this after just seeing a video on YouTube (link) review this movie... and also the... uh, real world funk surrounding it." ], [ "Disney: Worth it" ], [ "It should be Wuhan." ], [ "“Not my job to remove posters”" ], [ "" ], [ "Wait, m nasir is in Mulan?" ], [ "Anyone remember the damn spiderman one in bukit Bintang" ] ]
Johor moots Iskandar Malaysia for special economic zone with S’pore
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
WoW design of bookshelf at BookXcess RexKL
[ "Education" ]
/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for 06 January 2024
This is r/malaysia's official daily random discussion and quick questions thread. Don't be shy! Share your joys, frustrations, random thoughts and questions. Anything and everything is welcome. Apa tanda si pinang kelat, Bila dimakan terasa malan, Apa tanda orang beradat, Bila Monyets berdebat dengan sopan. Dad joke: My wife says if I don't stop using reddit, she will smash my head into the keyboard. I think she is just jokinc bvfucnj b cnjfbnc
[ [ "Minor announcements:\nmonyet.cc: Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! (why?)\nSPM Megathread: Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more!\nMental health wiki: A list of mental health services in Malaysia\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ], [ "Guess who cant sleep thinking of her rm50 gift card that she misplaced? ——> this 🤡\nAnyhow come morning I’m gonna try make tong sui. Which one? That would depend if i can find the ingredients first. I might sleep instead.", "This suck but eventually it is better to let if go since time is money." ], [ "I have been sleeping earlier and earlier because being conscious and thinking about reality is exhausting. Yay. 🙂 It's okay, life is short, I don't have to do this for too long.\nAnyway, on not so important stuff to distract me from the harsh reality that my life is fucked,\nRosemary, clove, fenugreek, ginger, moringa leaf, pandan. Those are the ingredients that I plan to include in my homemade hair oil. I want my hair to be thick. Like Dora the Explorer.\nI want my hair to be so thick that people will struggle to wrap it when preparing my jenazah for burial." ] ]
Cleaner - Bangsar South
Hi all, Just relocated to Bangsar South, anyone know who or where can I locate a cleaner to help clean my house? How much would it cost?
Nasi Lemak mentioned
[ "Entertainment" ]
[ [ "That don't look like a nasi lemak at all", "Yea, to be fair I didn't said nasi lemak was spotted" ], [ "WTF is she holding some kind of adult toy?\nTF is Hangry?\nMahal babi nasi lemak 160 ringgit\nTHAT IS NOT NASI LEMAK.", "She's a cashier holding a bar code scanner. You filthy minded.\nAngry/ irritated while hungry.\nBukan ringgit malaysia itu.\nThat's kinda part of the joke. When things and their name don't match. In this case, putting a wrong name on a poster for another food", "Can this be r/ whoooosh?", "Sure", "Thanks! 🫶🏾" ], [ "Manga?", "Correct that's not nasi lemak, but buah mangga potong 😁" ], [ "mane ikan bilis" ] ]
How to withdraw money from Moneygram
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
I talked to every bank and non of them provide service for moneygram. (Maybank has said in their website of moneygram but they dont it now). I have looked at the moneygram agents in Malaysia using moneygram site and google and it shows up random place where there are no office and not even a phone number. I tried https://moneygram.my/en/en-locator and 3 results show up with non working phone numbers. I went to the location and there was nothing. Used Google but to no avail MoneyGram Money Transfer - Funds Transfer | Maybank Malaysia (maybank2u.com.my) This also dont work, I called Maybank and they said they dont do this anymore. So, My question is, is it possible to withdraw money from moneygram in Malaysia ( Kubang kerian, Kota Bharu) ?
[ [ "u/katabana02" ] ]
Govt denies existence of cartel controlling rice production
[ "Food" ]
Who to contact for aggressive stray dogs
There are several stray dogs in my apartment, been living here for almost a year, usually no problems but sometimes they aggressively growl, bark and approach close to me. It hasn't been a problem until today, one of them came super close and growled at me, thought it was gonna bite me for sure. Who can I contact to remove these stray dogs?
[ [ "Talk to the owner of the dog.\nIf they don’t take action 👆🏾 Try this 👇🏾\nTry to get JMB / Building Management attention towards this issue.\nIf they don’t take action 👆🏾 Try this 👇🏾\nLocal Mayor is the best yet.\nIf they don’t take action 👆🏾 Try this 👇🏾\nPolice Report\nIf they don’t take action 👆🏾 Try this 👇🏾\nLawsuit\nIf they don’t take action 👆🏾 Try this 👇🏾\nJust pindah jelah." ], [ "Call the local council." ] ]
Questions around buying a house in Malaysia, from a UK-based Malaysian…
This is my situation: I'm planning on purchasing a condo in Georgetown in August or September this year when I go home. While I am a Malaysian citizen, I have been living and working in the UK since 2009, shortly after I graduated from secondary school. As of now, I don't have a bank account, credit card, or established credit history in Malaysia. However, I co-own a property in Kedah with my two brothers. Given my plan to make a purchase quite soon and my unfamiliarity with the property buying process in Malaysia, I have a few questions: How significant is a credit profile or score when it comes to securing a mortgage in Malaysia? Would lenders accept my credit history or score from the UK? How long of a credit history do lenders typically look for in loan applications? Also, I’m considering taking another trip home in late-February to sort out a bank account and credit card, ahead of making a purchase later in the year. But, of course, it’s an added expense and the journey isn’t exactly quick, so I would rather avoid it if at all possible. So yeah, that’s the predicament I’m in in a nutshell, and any help is appreciated! Terima kasih!
[ [ "As a Malaysian living overseas and purchased a home in Malaysia\nHow significant is a credit profile or score when it comes to securing a mortgage in Malaysia?\nImportant - like any other country\nWould lenders accept my credit history or score from the UK?\nYes. I was requested my 3-months payslip and bank statement from abroad. Loan was approved within a few days from multiple bank. Everything was done in advance and by the time I flew back home I just visited the branch to sign off the paperwork.\nHow long of a credit history do lenders typically look for in loan applications?\nI can't answer that but looking at your payslip and bank statements they can make some judgement\nI don't know how much liquid you hold now but plan into opening a bank account with the bank you're planning to take the loan from; and start dumping money into an FD/savings account. That will make paying off your loan easier later on.", "Thanks for sharing your experience!\nOne question: Did you handle all the paperwork yourself or did you instruct a solicitor in Malaysia to help you sort out the loan application, etc.?", "I bought a house through one of the big developers and they had all the contacts. I worked with the sales agent intially and after I've gone through the paces he shared with me contact details for the bank agents (for loans) and the solicitors/legal team for SPA etc.\nI still had to fill some of the forms initially - but it was mostly personal details to get things going. I suggest if you're trying to do everything \"remotely\" at first try to be back in person to sign everything in a month - unfortunately they were not quite willing to post everything internationally (the actual SPA form etc) and part of it I think they had to legally be in person to view the forms being signed.\nI had plans to return for a while so that helped a lot." ], [ "The quickest advice I can give you is - find a way to get introduced to a premier banker in one major bank in Georgetown. If not, just call the branch, ask to speak to one. Explain everything you want to do. Your options. Your financial background. They will assist you, it sounds like you would be a high value customer. And they will give you all the answers and steps immediately.\nFor example, in your case you might need to park some cash as FD to first build up your history with the bank.\nSource: Myself when I came back from abroad. Although my contact was my mother’s banker but they helped me out with everything and explained everything I needed to do clearly.", "Thanks for the pointers! I plan on getting in touch with a couple of banks in the next few days. 🙌🏼" ], [ "I dare say, talk to a bank in UK that had a branch in Malaysia like Standard Chartered and ask them whether can they share your credit information to the their branch in Malaysia." ] ]
Askar Wataniah - Taking Leave
Salam guys, I need some advice on taking leave due to army reservist training. I know for gomen servants you guys get CTR (Cuti Tanpa Rekod) but how do anyone from private sector go about with this? Do you take annual leave or unpaid leave? Edit: Also, employer cannot block you from joining the training (Per the Armed Forces Act), but has this ever discouraged employers from blocking employees who need to leave for training? I heard it's quite rare for the act to be enforced.
[ [ "You should ask your company HR honestly, it differs from private to even GLC." ] ]
Malaysia Airlines rolls out holiday fares - TTR Weekly
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
[ Removed by Reddit ]
[ "Mildly interesting" ]
[ Removed by Reddit on account of violating the content policy. ]
[ [ "Have been added a few times like this, and have reported and blocked each time.", "I did this too. I blocked all of the group's admin members then reported each one.", "Same, happened to me twice :26554:" ], [ "The one who joined by invite link are probably fooled by spammy \"click here\" button in Web pages etc. Those who are invited were probably added by the scammer using automated tools that adds as much number as possible to their contacts, filtered out those that does not have whatsapp, and sent the invite. When I was added to a group like this I noticed some number neighbours.", "For the cases I've encountered, I can say with some confidence the ones that joined by invite links are the same scammers acting as separate actors.\nReason being, couple of times when these scammers forgot to check their targets and added me simultaneously into separate groups and I quickly found that these \"invited members\" post the exact same dialogue text in both groups albeit with different contact numbers. Some of them even used the same stock photos for their profile. The plan is to create a situation as if there are \"legitimate interested others\" that \"did what they told\" and \"got paid for it\" to bait you to do the same.", "Yup. At first they will question if this is a scam then moments later they will do u turn and claim they received the money and it's legit.\nThe idea is to create fomo and convince gullible bystanders in the group." ], [ "Send gore video to the group", "Or send porn.", "Someone actually did that. I got added to a scam whatsapp group like this with many others. One guy non stop placed porn sticker for over 10 minutes. Maybe he uses a bot or something. Funniest shit man." ], [ "Well i usually scam them rm10 and when they ask me to pay more i just block them. Have been invited in a few groups and manage to get rm50 from them. Good business", "A friend did the same yesterday. I usually just post a link of what type of scam it is and wonder how fast I’ll get kicked.", "Well this type of scams usually they'll give you rm 10 in the start for completing the task so I'll keep the rm10 and leave the group and another time i get this I'll do it again and again cause it's easy to just like or comment on anything so free rm 10 but the second task will be you have to deposit rm 200+. That's the time you block them" ], [ "We’re gonna get a lot of these posts after PADU. Not because the info is from PADU but because people think the info is from PADU.\nThese things have been going on before PADU and will continue to go on after. Too many sources of data leaks now." ], [ "Settings > Privacy > Groups > etc.\nStopped nonsense groups for me" ], [ "Normally what i love to do, is copy paste scam as many times as possible befote the admins can remove me. They ll try to remove my messages aftwrwords but it ll take a lot of effort", "Jokes on you.. you are the only target in the \"group\", the rest are bots to help you believe...", "Dang, that’s sad." ], [ "If I had a nickel for every time I got invited into these types of recruitment, I’d had two nickel, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird it happened twice", "Brother, Malaysia tak pakai nickel la. Cuba pakai matawang yang betul.", "Don’t be serious bro, it’s a meme", "r/whoosh", "Malaysia pakai nickel. Copper pun banyak pakai jugak...", "No copper here, we use Kupang" ], [ "This is a scam. It's pretty common. I would receive Whatsapp group call too and I just block that number. Ask you to make fake review will reward you. For last review, you'll have to purchase a product and tells you that you will receive a commission including a reimbursement for the money spent to purchase the product. It's just a scheme to get you purchase the product and never sending you money back. By the time you report or whatsoever, money is already gone by then." ], [ "That one fella who started asking about how they supposed to continue with this going to have a rude awakening 😭😭", "Don't assume everyone who got invited are targets. Multiple scammers can gang up to try and trick one person." ], [ "Spam \"HELLO SCAMMER NICE TO MEET YOU\" \"HELO SCAMMER TAK SELAMAT SEJAHTERA\" 60 times in the group until they kick you out" ], [ "I sent a BBC and left" ], [ "I wait until they type a few messages, respond \"Reported\", report the group, and leave it. Too lazy to layan these scammers." ], [ "Got added to one, I wrote \"spam, beware\" and got kicked within 10 seconds lmao" ], [ "how y'all getting invited by randoms in ws? last time my ws received last year\n<image>\nif I remember, these 3 numbers call you longer on 1st attempt then on 2nd and 3rd not even 5 seconds hang up already" ], [ "Yesterday a group video called me or voice call idk. 20 numbers in the group call wtf. Annoying af" ], [ "Received this a lot during the peak of the crypto boom" ], [ "Post cats or flower pics. :26554:" ], [ "cuba cakap melayu kat dalam, tgk reply macam mana" ], [ "I think mine got leaked by either the property agent or the condo management / developer. Once property I bought was completed I get so many calls and WhatsApp messages from property agents and then I was added to random groups. Our numbers are probably being extracted from these grps too." ], [ "How much before they start scamming the money? I was thinking we can just do 2-3 times when they will pay us the profit. That will make them lose money." ], [ "I think they just randomly insert a phone number and it gets to yours. Like its quite easy to get a random malaysian number that uses whatsapp. Just type random numbers 013-xxx xxxx and try to chat on WS, if exist then add to scam group." ], [ "received this but through telegram instead, weird", "Why weird? Scammers are on every platform.", "true that" ], [ "I previously worked for a Chinese (mainland China) company that opened their office in Malaysia (job was shit but pay was good). At the office they need the marketing guys to contact individuals for marketing of course and I was surprised of the list they have with names and phone numbers like wth…\nI asked the staff and they said that the company bought those list from another party which obviously is selling our private information.\nThe operation has shut down after I quit so I’m not sure what happened afterwards." ], [ "Have you signed up for PADU? 😂" ], [ "Small tech tip..on WhatsApp you can go to Settings > Privacy > Groups and change it only contacts so that no random number can add you into groups\nAdditional info: also can be done on Telegram" ], [ "Scammers are smarter now. They won't ask u to click any 'invite' link. They just post a random story/reels with links now. Even shopee affliate links are extremely sussy in this day and age." ], [ "Try upload hentai and see what happen 🤔", "They will ask for more." ], [ "PAAAADUUUUUUUU!", "I swear by this cuz i never received any spam messages up until i updated padu 3days ago. Now it’s like a daily occurrence to me. SMFH government websites with their lame duck data protekshun", "Govt may sell our data, they need money ya know. More like current PM need the money. I dont trust PADU haha. LHDN, CTOS, MySejahtera, Grab apps, Foods apps, all of them sell our data actually. Govt introduce new apps with our latest info to sell." ], [ "I got reebonz group" ], [ "Adding random numbers into a group is easy, whats hard is when they know your ACTUAL personal info like names, i heard people in telco used sell data to bank employees, then theres customer database in those leak forums.\nI got ppl try scamming me on my new sim, so im convinced actually" ], [ "PADU? Or mysejahtera?", "More like Perkeso/Maybank if we see recent data breaches" ], [ "U never know who leaked the phone numbers, in fact i feel like we will receive even more this kind of group invite after PADU." ], [ "By any chance, have you contacted any property agents? I have received such a WhatsApp message, too. However, I have never clicked or registered for anything other than contacting property agents to enquire about property listings. Apparently, I used to get calls after calls from random property agents and started getting scam calls a lot, too. That is why I suspect if it could be because you have contacted any property agent in the past?" ], [ "Seems like someone really wanna try their luck 😨" ], [ "I've got invited into a few of these too, and most of the time most ppl invited are also victims.\nSo what I'd do is when I see the notification that I've been invited, I just spam \"lmao nice scam guys\" until they block me and just deleted the whole group." ], [ "Lots of ways, your phone no and emails are being sold on a regular basis\nJust block and ignore" ], [ "Okay. How to do it?" ], [ "Do you install TikTok apps or even have account in it?\nThat could be the reason.\nFew months ago, I got job offer from ByteDance (TikTok owner), through my Whatsapp. And I've never apply any job from them, nor I have TT account or install the apps in my phone.\nI just ignore the message and blocked the number. Dunno how they got my contact info." ], [ "shopee lah leak who else" ] ]
Perodua Finally Agrees To Buy Back "Sugar-ed" Perodua Bezza With Compensation
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
Posted by the affected customer on her Facebook profile
[ [ "Mirrors / Content Summaries (context)\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ], [ "Finally" ] ]
PAS ready for change of govt through democratic means, says Hadi
[ "Politics" ]
The PAS president says all parties want to be in government, not the opposition.
[ [ "Every time I see Hadi's face, all the anger towards PMX, Rafizi and Fahmi Fadzil seems to disappear. Well maybe not Fahmi Fadzil.\nMuka orang beriman buat hati sejuk dipandang orang :26554::26554::26554::26554::26554::26554::26554::26554:" ], [ "In other words they want UMNO MPs that don't align with Zahid to resign and trigger by-elections in their areas." ], [ "Cause ya'll got caught red-handed" ], [ "HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHadI" ] ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread for 05 January 2024
[ "Geopolitical Megathread" ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread This thread is for all news and discussion on Malaysian geopolitics - primarily the current Israel-Palestine conflict. Please post links and discussion posts as root level comments below! Ground rules: To keep things civil, personal attacks, flaming and/or bigotry will result in a ban. Also, throwaways are not welcome: you must be >3 months old and have >30 karma to participate. Rationale: Why we have set this up This thread is sorted by New, and will be refreshed every day!
Learning Cantonese
Hi guys, I recently moved to PJ and noticed Cantonese is pretty widely spoken in the Community. Growing up, I was not exposed to Canto and can only speak BM, English and Mandarin, but am really eager to learn Canto. Is there anyone who successfully learned Canto in their adulthood? What’s the most effective way to learn and how long did it took you to speak fluent Canto? Thank you
[ [ "watch more hongkong 90's movie...you will learn and having fun while watching", "That advice may work for a child growing up but for an adult, a more structured approach is required. Cantonese doesn't really have a lot of learning resources either compared to Mandarin.", "for a mandarin speaker though, canto wouldn't be too hard to pick up. bar words and phrases that are different between the two, most words are the exact same.\nthe key is to learn the basics and roughly how a certain word translates to cantonese, and be familiar with some general rules. then you just trial and error until you get a good word bank.", "My sifu is Steven Chow. My Cantonese colleagues were pretty taken aback when I spoke without knowing some words were rude.", "Chan Ho Nam!" ], [ "Problem now is that these Cantonese speaking states or cities younger generation don’t speak Cantonese anymore. They’ll speak in mandarin and they can’t switch to Cantonese in Ipoh, and KL\nTried to speak to them in canto and they don’t understand hence trying to speak mandarin back to me.\nI’m from Ipoh and whenever I go back to Ipoh, it’s very sad to see Cantonese is slowly dying out", "True", "I feel like Hokkien is also dying out in Penang. Most of the hawkers speak in Mandarin now. ☹️", "It annoys me when they don’t speak local dialect.\nYes mandarin is the main language but ya get what I mean" ], [ "Watch TVB dramas, 90s HK movies, immerse yourself by trying to actively speak the language in your daily life\nSure some people will laugh at first, but I think all of us non-native Canto speakers (ie my mother tongue is Hokkien) all got laughed at a bit when we first started learning." ], [ "Malaysian Cantonese is a mixture of several different languages into one chaplang version.\nIf you want to learn original Cantonese then go watch news media or live show from Hong Kong, and slowly take note of their wordings and terms.\nIf you learn Malaysian Cantonese, then you may speak something like, \"Mou kem chou, sala ker wor.\" What is \"sala\"?\n\"Semua tou hai kem.\" What is \"semua\"? \"Semua\" is Cantonese meh?\n\"Ching chong, bing bong\". Can't help myself.", "So funny, actually Malaysian Tamil is the same, campur aduk Malay words in there. My elderly relatives went to Tamil Nadu, confused the shit out of people there, pandai je campak words like kosong and tapau. LMAO" ], [ "Refold Cantonese discord. a lot of adult learners there." ], [ "Tvb gor B ah\nB zai gor zai ah\nZai loi gor loi ah", "Loi Dai Sap Bat Bin ge Bin ah" ], [ "Stephen Chow movies 🤣🤣🤣", "I did that One word have multiple meaning :26554::26554::26554:", "", "This scene to learn cantonese Hou Hou Yeh... XD" ], [ "Watch TVB", "This is possibly the most common method in the past for people outside of Cantonese majority communities back when they're aired at 6pm on TV2 (not sure about today).", "Still got plenty on Astro OnDemand nowadays" ], [ "My family speaks Cantonese but they didn't really speak it to me during my younger years. When I developed an interest in it, I mainly learnt through television and music. Some people might not recommend music due to pronunciation issues but dramas are a solid way as it contains conversational terms used in your day to day life.\nTvb dramas haven't been super good these few years but there's definitely a few still worth watching. A lot of great stuff from the past decade though. If you have astro, it comes with a tvbanywhere subscription which has basically any tvb drama you can think of (not sure which astro package) Also take a look at movies from the recent years, my personal favourites are \"Table For Six\" and \"A Guilty Conscience\"\nIf you need any music recommendations, let me know. Wishing you success in your learning journey :D" ], [ "Please try this channel, if you want to learn cantonese.\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzYUjc6jUlU&t=62s\nhttps://www.youtube.com/@yinogo1/videos" ], [ "Like others have said, watch HK content, listen to songs and some youtube channels from HK will help also.\nI\"m a banana by most counts can't read chinese, can't speak mandarin and my fluency in cantonese is mostly from consuming HK content." ], [ "Beyond, Eason Chan, Leon Lai etc if youre into music" ], [ "Due to work I have to deal with a lot of older people so I just campur canton with mandarin or canton with english. Sometimes I ask, sometimes they laugh at my bad canton. 5 years later I am almost fluent with canton. I speak canton to people at least 5 minutes on average per day." ], [ "Just speak it out. If your circle talks cantonese just join in with your broken cantonese, don't be shy (although I'd say it's ljke 5x worse to be teased in cantonese)", "cantonese does have very sarcastic tease." ], [ "All from tvb drama , i live at klang where hokkiens are the majority and learned that way. Too bad tvb is now dead af" ], [ "Good luck mastering the tone. Mandarin had 4 tone while cantonese had 9.\nSame word different tone= different meaning. 咩呀↑咩↓咩←咩→咩↖咩↗咩↙咩↘咩\nCanton also known as sheep city." ], [ "Wtf Redditor of malaysia\nKl, selangor , ipoh , kampar = cantonese\nKlang , penang, johor = mainly hokkien but cantonese if necessary\nIf u want learn cantonese , listen Cantonese pop, speak more and listen more . Your vowel and pronunciation must not have any mistake .\nSmh malaysia\nFun fact : long time ago pendatang chinese British speak cantonese so those not from british was speaking other language as hakka hokkien . Later penang and johor start to speak hokkien for some reason and klang follow after that , penang use to speak cantonese before the hokkien meta come in\nAgain smh malaysian chinese", "penang use to speak cantonese before the hokkien meta come in\nSource ?", "You want to see fox ass meh? Better don't \"check\" the source too closely.", "If i may say so, im extremely open minded and rational on my thinking (though my actual behaviors and acts often dont reflect my thoughts). Im very open to new knowledge and i would love to take a look at the legitimate source of the claim, if there's any." ], [ "Don’t Cantonese swear a lot ? Or is that Teochew ?" ], [ "im penangite, came to PJ to settle and work. i can speak pretty much fluent canto nowadays. but i came from the era of watching TVB dramas" ], [ "force myself to speak broken canton to my colleagues, who cares." ], [ "watch more shows, converse with more speaker. don't be afraid to make mistake, and you'll find yourself speaking like it's your mother tongue before you even realise.\nsource: my banana husband" ], [ "U r lucky Chinese new year is around the corner. Can binge watch Stephen chow shows that are Cantonese with mandarin subtitles" ], [ "Cantonese is difficult to blow water with as there are many cool phrases that come from movies." ], [ "If you already speak Mandarin you won't find it too hard to learn Canto, just need a bit more exposure to Canto media and canto speaking people and constant practice" ], [ "whats the different between cantonese, mandarin, hokkien etc? What language do malaysia chinese use?", "If comparing malay, it was like difference between kelantanese malay or indonesia malay. If english, similar to us and england english different.\nThe base will be mandarin, but cantonese and hokkien had their own pronunciation and sometime their own slang/idiom etc even word.\nStandard one was mandarin, but dialect such as hokkien cantonese hainanese hakka are useful if the community around are using it.", "So, asking for a friend, if I'm going to tackle a malaysian amoi, which language and dialect should I learn? Should I start with basic mandarin class or was is useless?", "You can go with mandarin (default chinese language), unless the chinese is banana which didnt speak mandarin. Dialect depends on her family usually." ], [ "Many from the other states such as Johor move to KL and pick up just from the environment. I will state though, that their cantonese is never perfect because getting it 100% is so difficult. but its absolutely fine for communication day to day.\nIf you can read Chinese already, maybe look online for courses that teach cantonese for mandarin speakers (probably from mainland Chinese sites). I think that will be a good base to start from and understand the extra tones in cantonese, good pronunciation and slight grammar differences (although Malaysian mandarin already seems to follow cantonese grammar more than standard China mandarin).\nIf you go to the big Chinese bookstores like Eslite they will have a language section and there may be books on cantonese in Chinese which may be a good reference as well. I didnt learn Cantonese this way, but Taiwanese Hokkien, through books and online sources." ], [ "I'm Cantonese, but I studied in Klang where majority are Hokkiens, yet a lot of the younger ones can still speak Cantonese pretty well despite not speaking them at home, mostly due to the amount of HK dramas and movies they watched since young. I honestly think immersing yourself in those movies can help a lot, and since you already speak Mandarin, it shouldn't be too big of an adjustment. Just make sure to speak it daily to build up confidence!" ], [ "What's your current canto proficiency?\nWatch some shows with subtitle assuming you can read Chinese - because you can picture the context with actual scenes.\nMove on to Canto podcast (with or w/o subs)\nConverse with ppl in RL. Go pasar Malam/hawker stall. Don't worry about having a broken tone, honestly good amount of Malaysian speak broken Cantonese.\nYou can slowly pick it up from there. Some Cantonese pronunciation can be difficult to master especially the -eung/euk tone. Native mandarin speak tend to pronounce 张 as jiong instead of Cheung. 雀 as jiok instead of jeuk.\nHave fun!" ], [ "Listen to cantonese tutorial podcasts on spotify or youtube. There are podcasts for different levels, i used to listen to them while working. I started with Learn Cantonese Daily cause they have a lot of short episodes. You can listen to each episode a few times until you memorise a new phrase or write down the chinese characters with the cantonese pronunciation if you can write in chinese. Learn through podcasts, practice through speaking basic sentences and watching hk movies." ], [ "Find someone to speak with and watch TVB drama" ], [ "I always think for adults to learn new language, find someone to converse with you everyday." ], [ "Work part time for Cantonese hawker" ], [ "Dunno, only fluent in Kanto region. The prof there let me pick between 3 pets. Nice guy" ], [ "what worked for me, is to watch more stephen chow, and just repeat everything that is said\nand learn canto songs" ], [ "Im Malay and I grew up watching mostly TVB and Stephen Chow movies, but I still can’t speak Canto 😂 it’s damn hard yo" ], [ "Talking about ‘Learning Cantonese’.\nTwo years ago i met this ‘maybe’ a Chinese Girl. I don’t know at that time. I introduced myself and all… blah blah blah… So after that she open about herself talking about what ethnicity she is… Basically mix kadazan, iban… somewhere around there lah… so she can speak in mandarin & cantonese, so in my curiosity i want to learn Mandarin maybe Cantonese also… so time past.\nAfter two years i still don’t understand Chinese or Cantonese, now she’s my girlfriend.\nEdit: she told me the only source of learning cantonese for her is Hong Kong movies… i wish that checks out." ], [ "For cantonese you can also use an Google Chrome Ext. called \"Reactor\" which shows your selected native language and your target language and it breaks it done for you.\nAlso Duolingo is free and they offer Cantonese for Mandarin speakers.\nI could recommend some books but I think they would be way to expensive to ship to Malaysia. I course I like is Colloquial but their new courses run about $60-90 USD in the United States. But you should be able to find some order versions for it that comes with casettes for about $10 USD online. (Maaf, I know this isn't a good anwser just throwing out some ideas.\nBTW: May I ask you Malays. I am currently studing Malay but some of the courses I have to use are in Indoesian. I want to sound like a native Malay and is there a risk of me getting mixed up and start sounded like I am dumb ass?\nAlso anyone on here who speak Kadazan?", "Memrise and Anki. as well" ] ]
Who are the best tech reviewers in Malaysia? ex. Pendakwah Teknologi
[ "Entertainment" ]
Who are the best tech-review YouTubers in Malaysia? All the tech reviewers I found are mobile phone reviewers, not much on PC-focused. I speak on English, so English speaking would be nice. Thank you!
[ [ "Adam Lobo is fairly entertaining" ] ]
How's online dating for the average man here compared to the average woman? What about Penang vs KL vs Johor vs Sabah & Sarawak?
I was talking to a female colleague about how much harder the men have it dating online here, but maybe it changes depending on the city? How are you guys doing on Tinder, Bumble, Tantan? Happy Friday, my friends.
[ [ "Hah, OP nak dating lah tu.\nOnline dating tarak sihat punya la." ], [ "Ime horrible even now im dating someone from SG not muslim and im malay but who knows my experience is biased", "Did you meet the Singaporean online?", "Yeah", "So, it sounded like it worked :-)", "And the weird part is that it worked because i put weird stuff i like and do on the profile and that usually never work" ], [ "Tantan KL experience.\nIf they arent trying to scam me or sex for money, they all speak Chinese...I'm a banana" ], [ "Cmb. Met a local Chinese girl. Not the goddess type but with their kind of wish.\nDinner and drink, chao." ], [ "It's either your Hot Stuff or you're Not Stuff" ] ]
MET MALAYSIA - Laporan Cuaca 5 Januari 2024 (pagi)
[ "Environment" ]
Want to ask opinion for my career
So I have experience as a junior java for about 4 years and I am more focused on the front end(thymeleaf, Javascript, Java,Spring MVC). I feel like I dont growth much in current company not learn anything much because only do maintanance for the existing system like bug fixing. Kinda bored working on the same system its really draining me. So I have looking for new job since 2022 without success. I think because of I dont have knowledge with backend like spring boot, hibernate stuff like that. They expect me to know that since I am java developer. I dont know what to do anymore I feel so helpless crying of frustration, I dont wanna stuck with this dead end job forever, i want to learn new things☹️. if i want to apply for front-end role they looking for someone with angular,reactjs,nodejs. I dont do this in my current role too ☹️. What am I supposed to do now please help me. Im not sure if this is the right subreddit to post.
[ [ "if you don't know, learn it. If you're already experienced with java, spring boot would only take you a dedicated weekend to learn, and 2-3 weeks of doing projects to refine.\nDon't give up just because you don't know something. In tech you always have to keep up. Good luck bro🫶", "I already work on some personal project with spring boot. But is not enough, companies only want someone that actually have years of working experience with it and I couldnt find junior role for backend in malaysia. Im sis not bro", "sorry for calling you bro, I call everyone bro regardless of gender (there's a backstory to it, but its not the place to talk about it)\ndid you graduate with a computer science degree? It might be because of your education, considering you're going into jobs that need java spring boot with no work experience to prove it. It might be the reason to why you aren't getting those jobs.\nMaybe try entry-level jobs, you might find success there. And because front end development is actually really simple, there's understandably a lack of jobs for it.\nAnyways, keep trying your luck. It might not be easy, but after a couple hundred applications and dozens of interviews you might get one. Good luck💪" ], [ "AI will take this type of job over in the future", "Only the idiots who aren't in software will think this." ], [ "It's been a while since I lived in Malaysia so I don't know the local job market there that well, but I know LinkedIn is popular there.\nI would look on there for people who have made a similar transition to get their advice. Get feedback on your resume and your projects and keep improving them.\nWhether you decide to focus on upskilling frontend or backend or both, if you're persistent enough it will work out!" ], [ "Are you willing to learn react and all those kind of stuff?", "Yes I will if I get a chance", "Can I pm you?", "Suree :)" ], [ "Java is just a core coding language. Those mentioned are Framework to construct out application. Don't give up easily, those frameworks have many online tutorial to learn up. When I was in college, I didn't learn those as well, all picked up along the way.\nSometimes, your seniors will be glady to help you as well, as they know a capable person is a person who is able to help out on their work.", "In my current job, i dont get a chance to do spring boot, I dont learn much here. That is why I am looking for new job but I only get rejection after rejection is really frustrating eventually I become very depressed, I dont know what kind of job I can apply ☹️. How can I pick up along the way if i not given a chance?", "Make personal projects. Build a portfolio. Doesnt have to be 10 apps. One really good app showcasing some interesting features is enough.\nYou dont have to build the next big thing. Thats not what a “good” app means. Build something thats actually challenging like a from scratch e commerce website with intergrated payment gateways or an end to end encryption chat web app.\nYes, all these things have been built before but the question is can YOU build it. If you can and learn how to. That’s good on your resume already.\nIf you really want a change in your career, you can downgrade your pay in exchange for a better work environment.\nThats what I did, I told the company that I cant grow at my current one and that im willing to take a pay cut in exchange for a better work environment (career progression wise)\nOf course, you do this ONLY if you fan afford a pay cut. Dont dig yourself into a hole.", "Yeah of course" ], [ "If you have access to the backend source repo, have you tried to study and analyze the system's design and implementation, including the knowledge of how and why it was designed/implemented into its current shape, what are alternatives and cons and pros, etc.?" ] ]
Foreigner here. Why do many Malaysians seem to troll their country? I find Malaysia awesome.
[ [ "which country are you from? and everyone trolls their own country." ], [ "Trolling? Not really. I see it as more of a kind of “mengejek” or teasing we learnt from our elders who would do so when we would make foolish, un-self-aware mistakes as a child. It’s a cultural heritage if you will. And as adults we do the same to our country, seeing the same foolish, un-self-aware mistakes made time after time, year after year.\nAt least some of us still care enough to mengejek. But you know, the food’s good enough to keep our mouths shut for now." ], [ "That’s just our coping mechanisms." ], [ "In Reddit? I find more constructive criticism here then trolling so maybe a different forum?" ], [ "the grass is always greener from the other side:26554:" ] ]
Discussion of the day: Dishonest Property Agent vs Victim
[ "Mildly interesting" ]
Just an interesting story I found on social media. A client from China had paid deposit of RM15k for an atas residence. However, agent named Sunnie Ho said landlord wanted to raise the rate to RM16k. When they met to sign documents, rare was raised again to RM17k. Agent promised victim a 10% commission if he can try to convince the Chinese client to sign. But after that, agent only paid victim RM4k rather than the 10% promised. Victim posted his story on Facebook. Proerty agent went and report to the police, removing all her face photos on Facebook and instagram profile at the same time. Which side do you all buy? Fun fact: Agent is from Miri
[ [ "License, registered company, valid contract, company bank account, COD, double verification call/ visit the physical office etc.\nNever transfer a huge amount of money into a random personal account." ], [ "400, not 4k", "Oops" ] ]
Student sues teacher over alleged sexual harassment, grooming
[ "Education" ]
[ [ "Malaysian society places so much respect and importance on authority figures. Also systemic coercion of young females into uncomfortable settings is normalised. When minor females speak out they will get slut shamed and gaslighted into retracting their statements because they will use the reverse uno card and say the minor female is delusional or the one that instigated inappropriate action against the innocent male adult. All Malaysian girls know this. No matter how bad it gets- say nothing or they will blame you. Everytime I read about something like this- I know there is some truth in it because of our society- in a few months this case will be closed and likely nothing of consequence will happen.", "Even by their own family, that is the worst. I have too many real-life experiences, so i believe this poor student.\nWhen i was in a school camp, the freaking 40 year old married facilitator was bringing a few girls out of the camp with his friends!!!\nWe asked those that went. What did you guys do? 'Ala makan makan je, makan benda favourite kita, lepas tu ambik gambar (hands around their shoulders type), lepak'. How is this not child grooming??!\nSo many just choose to stay quiet and deal with the trauma later. It's easier that way...", "One of the things about growing up in Malaysia especially in this day and age you realise some of the teachers are straight up psychopaths. They abuse you physically and mentally, being objectively racist and play favouritsm, encouraging some unhinged politics with religions even tho they claim to never like politics being mentioned on school ground, and some male teachers behave inappropriately with female students. The fact that the entire Gen Z has at least one story where the teachers are abusing their powers are insane" ], [ "Editor’s note: The parties’ names have been omitted as the alleged incident involves a minor.\nA student of a district boarding school in Selangor has hauled to court a hockey teacher who allegedly sexually harassed the then 13-year-old four years ago.\nThe plaintiff, who is now 17, filed the originating summons against the 38-year-old Bahasa Malaysia language teacher at the Shah Alam High Court in November 2022.\nAccording to the statement of claim sighted by Malaysiakini, she said that the teacher harassed her on two occasions in 2019.\nThe first alleged incident occurred around 9am one morning in November 2019. The teen claimed the teacher called her into the school’s sports room purportedly to discuss her performance in hockey.\nShe claimed that while initially he was discussing the sport, he then suddenly used his smartphone to snap photos of her, using the excuse that she was the hockey captain.\nThe teen alleged that the teacher then directed her to pose in multiple positions while he snapped the photos, including for her to face him and repeatedly open and close her eyes and mouth.\nShe claimed that she felt compelled to abide by his photo-snapping directives, which she never consented to, including having her back towards him while bending forward and resting her hand on a cabinet.\nThe plaintiff claimed that the second incident took place at 9.30pm in December of the same year during the school holiday when the teacher allegedly texted her on WhatsApp while she was at home and directed her to snap several photos of herself.\nThe student alleged that the defendant directed her to snap photos of her in various positions and poses, including of her crawling and repeatedly opening and closing her eyes and mouth while lying down.\nShe claimed that this went on until about 3am, with the teacher allegedly repeatedly messaging her to snap the photos and send him the pictures until he was satisfied.\nShe said that she then felt compelled to abide by his directives to delete all the WhatsApp messages as well as photos she snapped on her mobile phone.\nOthers harassed as well\nAlongside her mother and older brother, who are co-plaintiffs, the girl contended that the teacher’s sexually charged directives amounted to attempts to normalise these incidents and groom her.\nShe alleged that immediately after the two purported incidents in 2019, she found out that certain members of her hockey team had also received similar directives from the teacher.\nShe claimed that around January 2020, the teacher had again messaged her on WhatsApp while she was at home sick and asked for her to snap photos of herself with the excuse of trying to ascertain her condition.\nShe declined, resulting in the teacher deleting the said messages.\nThe teen recalled that later in February of the same year, a female student of the same school had lodged a report over alleged sexual harassment by the same teacher.\nShe claimed, however, that it took her until December 2021 before she burst into tears in front of her older brother while they both were walking from their home to a convenience store, where she told him what happened.\nThe student explained that her family then repeatedly had several meetings with multiple members of the school faculty, who allegedly admitted the teacher’s sexual harassment acts but failed to take appropriate action against him.\nMental trauma\nShe claimed that following the incident, she suffered emotional distress and nervous shock, which included insomnia, self-blame, low self-esteem, a change in appetite for meals, loss of interest in daily activities, and a tendency to become aggressive over trivial matters.\nThrough the lawsuit, she seeks general, special, aggravated and exemplary damages from not only the teacher but also 10 other defendants.\nThese 10 other defendants are the school principal, five members of the school faculty, the Selangor state education director, the education minister, and the ministry, as well as the federal government.\nMeanwhile, in his statement of defence, the teacher denied the student’s sexual harassment claims, pointing out that he has an alibi witness to attest he never called her into the school’s sports room.\nHe also denied ever having sent any WhatsApp messages to the girl that amounted to sexual harassment.\nLaw firm Faizal Rahman & Co is acting for the girl and her family.\nLaw firm Khairul Anan & Partners represents the teacher, while the Attorney-General’s Chambers represents the rest of the defendants." ], [ "I reaally hope this doesnt end up like ain's case back in 2021, at least her name is kept anonymous", "Speaking of Ain's case, is she still being targeted by those kinda people? Haven't been on Twitter for a long time now.", "Last time i heard about her she got dragged into some controversy cuz her bf's ex dropped some false sexual harassment allegations on him and calling her (ain) an enabler cuz she was late replying to her (the ex gf) dms and made it public on twitter", "This one memang open and shut case. Openly snap minor photo doing suggestive poses.", "In Ain's case, she's the one who take this matter to social media so she's basically exposes herself to whatever that come afterwards. Either her move is good or not its up for opinion, the responses are expected alr as she made her name known by herself with that move.\nThis case directly goes to legal channel, so less risk of concealing identities esp for being a minor (there's laws about this matter act, but not sure if it affect civil cases)." ], [ "Bruh taking photos of a 13 year old girl damn this guy's sick" ] ]
Scalpers re-selling the free madani helmet thats for the people, as a collectable.
[ [ "Helmet Madani:\n+5 speed\n+10 cop and JPJ evasion\n+0.5 respect\n- free pass to government premises" ], [ "What do u expect from this human scumbags lmao." ], [ "LJ\n<image>\nFight with my xdot #keluarga malaysia helm..." ], [ "Scalpers: Madani...(clenches fist)... For everyone." ], [ "Damn just for 60? I bought mine for 90, what a waste" ], [ "Damn. I would buy tbh. Huh." ] ]
Perodua in public battle with customer: Can it redeem itself?
[ [ "I doubt it matters as customers would still consider them to be the best cars at that price — one incident is not going to wipe away years of being the first choice for many customers.", "Definitely. The target audience of cars such as the Bezza likely don't have much in the way of choice or financial capability to opt for other vehicles unless they're looking at the used market.\nA single incident such as this probably isn't even going to put a dent in Perodua's sales\nNontheless brand image, reputation and sentiment factor highly for most corporations. Perodua also takes the effort to enter awards to boost their brand rankings and this incident is sure to have an impact", "Nah them having that lax attitude could lead to their downfall. Customers are fickle little creatures. They believe more in word of mouth than actual numbers. All you need is one friend of friend to start not recommending Perodua and the domino tumbles." ], [ "Unfortunately people will still buy the damn car coz they’re the affordable one." ], [ "Horrible PR but at the end, the people who complain online are still going to buy it because its cheap.", "Not because they are cheap, it just other foreign brand are made expensive in malaysia.", "Doesn't that just means they're cheap after all", "Most nyet had to take a loan to own one." ], [ "Putting the lousy PR handling aside, the investigation revealed sugar in the engine... sounds like a possible sabotage to me." ], [ "Its cheap. 30% import duty on imported cars means Perodua and Proton got unfair advantage. Only can compete in Malaysia and nowhere else." ], [ "also this one in a thousand (?) cases where its not a recurring problem." ], [ "No one is going to remember this in a month." ], [ "Sad reality of Malaysians. Stuck in a shit loop used handown china tech and Japanese left overs for a car." ], [ "lmao you think people would stop buying bezza and axia?" ], [ "Ckd cars build in Malaysia also have different safety standards, ASEAN NCAP is quite lean in certain tests than international tests, at least the case a few years ago." ], [ "Give it three months and some promo that comes along with free gift. The support will be back.\nWe Malaysians mudah lupa and very forgiving." ] ]
Draw up succession plan before GE16, PKR told
[ [ "Nurul Izzah??? The failed in her constitution Nurul Izzah???????!!!!", "Now she can bring her experience to a national level!!!", "Nepotism at its finest , c'mon lar tak kan takde orang lain????", "Politics is really family business in Malaysia" ], [ "Rafizi" ], [ "Hassan suggested that Nurul Izzah Anwar should be the one to eventually succeed Anwar Ibrahim as party president, calling her “capable” and “experienced.\nAnwar will be almost 80 by the time he finishes his term (end 2027). The party needs rejuvenation, and the recent election results are proof of this\nbukak bertanding la kerusi presiden. succession plan ape bende? dah 25 tahun laki bini jadi presiden xkan nak bagi dekat anak :26554:\nBut Wong said the succession plan is less about the “who” and more about “how” an heir apparent is chosen.\nHe said PKR could take a leaf from DAP and impose term limits on the top position instead of cherry-picking a successor.\nthats my boi, the astro awani favorite political commentator", "All of the younger people in pkr lack the charisma and the track record. Think fahmi, nasution, Nik nazmi, fadhila. Thekr best candidate is probably amiruddin but I doubt he has the political clout to become PM." ], [ "Which prominent members can take Anwar’s place?", "the real problem is Anwar actively suppress any potential successors", "I feel disgusted to say this at this point of time but Azmin Ali felt like a viable Prime Minister material before all the Sheraton move.", "N9 MB or Rafizi.\nWould be interesting if we can get a PM from Amanah though. Dr Dzul as PM doesn't sound too bad.", "What about Selangor MB Amirudin?", "Not fond of him. His governing of Selangor is nothing too amazing either", "And how is he when compared to N9?", "5/10. Not great, but not terrible. Everything seems autopilot. Selangor itself has been a rich state, the key is how to have a breakthrough ?" ], [ "Anwar is basically PKR. Yes, wan azzizah led the party while he was in prison and was even very good at it but everyone knew she was keeping the seat warm for him.", "Incorrect. As a matter of fact, it was Tian Chua, Azmin and Zuraida who built up the party." ], [ "Azmin Ali was the best choice as successor.\nToo bad, someone didn’t like the amount of spotlight he was getting." ] ]
Malaysian official: semiconductor talent shortage stems from low salary, not lack of talent
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
[ [ "Businesses and parents pushing young people to take on huge amounts of debt before even entering workforce.\nYoung people were sold this dream whereby they can happily afford a normal life after finishing their studies.\nIf a company can’t survive without paying their employees dignified salaries then they should reevaluate the business model’s viability and sustainability.\nCutting costs is not always the solution. Malaysian businesses should be more involved in innovating and avoid sub-contracting so much of their work.\nDiploma/Degree mills popping up like mushrooms is a setback to a society’s proper economic future.\nSure, the government can claim we got lots of talents but are they really up for the task? Are they given a fair opportunity to succeed in life?" ], [ "> semiconductor talent shortage stems from low salary, not lack of talent\nThis Malaysian official is stupid. There isn't enough talent in Malaysia, period.\nIt isn't about the money. This dummy official thinks that if, say, Intel offers US$10,000 salary, there would be a line of SUITABLE candidates outside their fab fighting for the job.\nThe fuck head is equating \"supply\" of stupid candidates as there isn't a shortage. Dumb facking ass in government, I tell ya.", "I mean, it could also because low salary just pushes talented people away from Malaysia. I know enough people that went overseas because they're overqualified and sitting in Malaysia means they're not taking salary of at least 3 times over." ], [ "Not sure about that. I think i saw >10k USD job in penang for a software engineer specialises on devices - i think it is semiconductor manufacturing/ testing devices.\nAs for hardware, recently I saw job post for Radio Engineer from Square aka Block for their hardware. They are a very big POS/ fintech company in US. The founder was co-founder of Twitter.\nMany more stories from some people I know in Penang eg. wife/ sister-in-law work for semicon company. Work from home and get paid in 5 digits." ] ]
Drama Comic Fiesta (CF) 2023:
#comicfiesta2023 #CF2023 #comicfiesta . 1. recite yasin for nanami (ni bangang level) https://www.facebook.com/sharkomi/posts/pfbid0JbQj9pVW2fBsf1yLZgM8fJ1LJwP8XSURq6AdvYSBskekmMWE8PtZYqpFP7x4C3Yul . +++++ . 2. lynet & lyney cosplayer romen dalam toilet hall 5 a) UPDATE : doksli deleted https://www.facebook.com/tatsuri15/posts/pfbid02VxGqaXYmHu2cxzjpfchqgSA5WJDnWmVdtEknNn6cm5WDuWawou4kjbrGVwMFa3zjl . b) UPDATE - IT'S A FAKE UPDATE : doksli deleted https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1575345853285909&set=a.613791899441314 . c) MEME as a memorial for Toilet Hall 5 https://www.facebook.com/sohkaiE/posts/pfbid02KY1nXAbkdCBDacfRMdKARSnKo2LkdxZfZtfrH2N3k8Sqyib9NXrmopAkFuqg4FzQl . https://www.facebook.com/yuuki.mushiro.5/posts/pfbid0zQSUfJ8eEDnnGUE825Dki8p2DEvnwGm6GKceR2nFYZEHj5FS918YE1GSKSv41CdLl . https://www.facebook.com/groups/1327562151329398/posts/1530471967705081/ . https://www.facebook.com/zed.buddy.3/posts/pfbid0372CkNFNX5wn9zTz2cnXmcvE6YXW7mdT8oGtWaD5j1absAqtNBWw7Yg1eqpSPgC5wl . Cr : Ustad CF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w64Gq20io5w&lc=Ugyx9E28FoPLxYzkq9p4AaABAg . +++++ . 3. paksa byr 1.2k untuk booth https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02XAc2foxXKcHuA2ZamRMEwn2LrJpKpYyeoXxXBCVGKGFjQfyjGiXFyARpUu9gXUifl&id=100066846383780 . +++++ . 4. mia competition https://www.facebook.com/yuan.cross/posts/pfbid0tqWEqY6sMsQ8kSaGcQPsJUka7fKqy5QMn7AnKBUnSCkiHHkaWmRDHfY2eCU8uow3l . +++++ . 5. duit palsu rm100 https://www.facebook.com/fwfoooo/posts/pfbid02z6XZYNBEs8pdXdHDbjofNdDiDDSsj2eScJktisyny2U59tkDJ9bjTpQFoCYKsV2Al . +++++ . 6. larikan budak a) DOKSLI DELETED - https://www.facebook.com/tatsuri15/posts/pfbid02Lm7Lj6w2zNYmGfATjVrqu27UosBmjJSdRBfmvqCRk6XFLCCgR3o1zRdaUr3YjZu4l . b) https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02T5jBNDwMgvNnfcG6PZWr3wu2nZpRdReTytNs5KoKydCtJTEbzM7zqRjvBabiGi7Jl&id=100069287536965 . c) UPDATE https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02QqYrVsw6uqK5nsHpuHad4UofuQ5XLH6zRGBfHUneiDZaQK9X2hPDaBNiwmxLaKhnl&id=100006109064711 . +++++ . 7. airbnb cancellation (paip bocor) (private group) a) https://www.facebook.com/groups/CFCosplayGroup/permalink/7087293751316832/?mibextid=UyTHkb&paipv=0&eav=Afa-WjWdcvp6AmaOBCpD-EEjiyFSJriJ3SL_u0i_UOt_FRDsyPrRxKO7ec2r09cJX6A&_rdr . b) Compilation :https://www.facebook.com/yuganasenshiuon/posts/pfbid02FypsDmJMhfoCDQTMtZ11CWaLUopwjCwwEVmjjUAx5QB17RgdJ6Pz24pyc7zQFJ1Fl . +++++ . 8. ada tahi dekat dlm event (akiba street) https://www.facebook.com/muhammad932/posts/pfbid02CPtYveeNFEGqNLmQnan32UVL7ooehJXvfiEp8BVCrsSUDcZDzw6dtvqPRxuATdpXl?comment_id=322463767356598 . +++++ . 9. Comic Fiesta 2023 Covid Cluster (maybe) .
[ [ "What happen to the hall 5 again?", "u/skatech1 is a hoax" ], [ "item number 6 is basically sound like trafficking right. Am i right? This CF organizer must have some clout with political people to be able to continue when lesser safer event can get ban just for minor stuff", "IMO, if it was an actual case of human trafickking then the girl would not have been returned to her family and we wouldn’t be hearing from either of them. It reads more like a series of bad decision (and some influence from a certain anime/manga/light novel series involving a runaway teen) than anything else.", "u/kevpipefox u/f4ern iicr they doesn't impose \"age restriction\"...", "tu kes budak lari dari rumah je, seems like the kid wanted to go CF but didnt get parents's permission cuz they know their parents wont let them. Pastu lari dari rumah, cakap mak ada masalah jiwa ke apa. It's just a case of teenager rebelling and overprotective parents I guess." ], [ "I'm glad to wear a mask the entire time. And saw a lot of people being masked too. Definitely a concern but I haven't got sick at all so yay.", "u/aoibhealfae glad you're okay and healthy" ], [ "another drama i heard (link below)\nsome male sponsor their cosplayer USING FAMILY MONEY\n.\nlater that family demand to return back all their money\nlol\n.\nhttps://www.facebook.com/nagato.yuki.161009/posts/pfbid02Fk52mpErxoFsmxNaxfu8YJGuxfSSRSfSnHgYidbChBAjVdmUBj4VCT9szper6MGRl\n<image>" ], [ ":26563:" ], [ "Thanks, was waiting for cf gone wrong this year. Every year seems to have something wrong.", "thank you for your appreciation" ], [ "who cares lol" ], [ "I missed this year.", "u/Dreamerlax .... and i didn't because of covid19" ], [ "These are not Islamic" ] ]
To whoever wrote this on my car in Shell Cyberjaya, I know... I'm sorry (swipe)
Locked my keys in my car when I was filling up air in my tyres, was having a bad day to begin with and this was the cherry on top.
[ [ "Better a note than a scratch IMO. Healthier way to express frustration than shouting match or property damage. U never know who you going to meet.", "", "Take my angry upvote", "No la, that’s the leather seat stitching. Can look closer", "It's a pun lol, cos you can see his key left inside the car through the window, haha", "Tbh i did think the keys looked like it actually has been keyed", "I swear to god" ], [ "I remember a similar incident happened to me once. My car’s carburettor broke down in the middle of traffic. Alternator broke means no electric at all. Means no hazard light, no power steering, no nothing. It was a busy road especially during peak hour, which unfortunately is at that time.\nManaged to switch gear to N but unfortunately the traffic got worse. No one wants to offer any help. So I decided pull down my hand break and let the car cruise backwards slowly towards the side of the road. I’m on a hill so gravity would help me. But rush hour traffics means the road is full of asshole drivers. They won’t allow me to move away.\nThus, I’m stuck there for about an hour trying to move slowly, but still remain in the middle of the road. Every time the wave of traffic move, I tried to move as quickly as I could but incoming traffic would always move as fast as they can and block my path towards the side of the road.\nEvery wave of trafffic would scream at me and ask me why I didn’t move. Told them my cad broke and I can’t move. They yelled back and told me to turn on hazard. Yelled back that my alternator broke and no light would turn on. Then they would just go “Oh” and roll up their window. This literally happens every traffic wave for 1 hour straight. I can only move until rush hour traffic slowed down.", "That sucks. I had my car alternator spoiled twice in a span of 3 months. First one was luckily it happened in a basement carpark. 2nd time it happened I just left airport and on the highway, luckily from experience I notice it straight away my alternator having problem and cruise it to the road shoulder. Alternator problem is not fun", "Yeah alternator problem definitely sucks. One time, the alternator on my mom's car started dying right as she was going up to the 1U car park and she was losing power right as she got to the top. Luckily managed to get past the gate and park somewhere before the engine finally turned off. The cause of the alternator dying was from an oil leak dripping right onto the alternator tho.", "What car? What year? So that i can avoid buying that car in the future no matter how cheap it gets.", "It's a Suzuki swift. 12 years at that time. Lol so I guess it's about time", "Lol alternators wear out bro it can happen to any car. I've had it happen to two cars from different brands", "Worked on my old civic enough to know alternator problems my belt slipped off battery light turned on headlights got dim i was maybe 1.5 miles from my house down shifted started smashing to get home i wasent gonna pay for a tow for a mile smh" ], [ "Could have been a worse day. Thankfully it is locked key and not a child inside. Thankfully you have your phone with you. Thankfully your friend has a spare key. Thankfully, no one is hurt.\nLife is still good bro. If you choose to see it", "Someone was hurt hence why it was a bad day", "This is the malaysian attitude I love. So many things can and will always go wrong everyday. But we get to decide if it will get under our skin or not.", "The Ways to Peace 101:\nSee the good in every bad situation , or listen to this guy , has a name like balance , and does seem to actually have a pretty balanced life .", "At least at that point it’s justifiable to just smash the window in. If it’s just for your keys though…" ], [ "Ouch. Wish you luck my friend." ], [ "The Petronas Cyberjaya Tyre Pumps are way nicer IMO. Bigger space.", "Petronas in general has the better tire pumps compared to Shell.", "Only the newer ones. The older Petronas have those old analog pumps that are always broken.", "The ones at Jinjang tend to have clogged drainage that breed mosquitoes and the workers there seem to be unable to be arsed to unclog them." ], [ "Ouch. I hope you're okay now 🥺❤", "Been 2 hours, still waiting by my car. My friend who has my spare key coincidentally happened to be really far away today. He's on his way.", "Do you need a pat meow", "You can pat me woof", "<image>", "Pretty sure shes a human. Not a cat.", "I know. I am the cat 🥺", "Offer accepted", "How are you able to give your car keys to a friend? I could never even trust my friend to ride my bike...(not a rempit, my bike is standard from the factory)", "Use Setel app la. Got unlock car feature assistance" ], [ "translation : Ini bukan tempat letak kenderaan, anda lubang punggung", "Tuan/Puan yang tidak dihormati, saya ingin menyatakan bahawasanya kawasan yang anda telah meletakkan sebuah kenderaan ini adalah merupakan bukan petak kawasan yang sesuai untuk meletakkan sebuah kenderaan, oleh itu saya telah mengambil kesempatan yang ada ini untuk menzahirkan rasa kecewa dengan menggelarkan anda sebagai sebiji lubang dubur", "tibe a korang ni😂", "susah kalau ada 🤓 ni", "dh salah yng parking tiba2 luah kan journey dia", "aowkwkkwk lmao", "I know you're trying to sound fancy, but there's just too many grammatical errors that it really defeats the purpose.", "that's the purpose lol 🤓 ❗❗❗✅", "Pusingan plot : OP menulis nota itu sendiri dan menyiarkannya di sini untuk karma" ], [ "\"You can't park there sir\"", "I get the reference" ], [ "Update: After sitting next to/ on top of my car for about 3 hours profusely apologizing to anyone who wanted to pump air, my friend came to the rescue. Mad respect for him as he dropped a family outing, went home to get the spare keys then came all the way to me. All is ok now, considering supergluing my keys to my buttcheeks now lol", "You have a really nice friend 😊", "W friend. How about keeping your keys in your front pockets tho? I never use the back pockets anymore after my phone falling out of them after a few times while sitting.", "Keys didn't fall out. I straight up forgot to take my keys, I also do, the one time I didn't, it autolocked.", "Ohh I see. Really bad luck tbh. Sometimes safety features really do cause more inconvenience than safety haha. Anyways, hope tomorrow will get better than today! Wish you all the best man!", "er... don't do that", "jeez\nnow I got that image in my head already\nsomebody trying to unlock car with a$$" ], [ "take it as it is - just a bad day. learn the lesson and move on. such is life; you take it one day at a time.", "I've always, always, been conscious to keep my keys on me at all times. Before this happened I was already having a bad day and my mind wasn't focused. First and last mistake I'll make." ], [ "It’s ok just move on …. Everyone having bad day sometime" ], [ "I'm the person who wrote that. F**k you a$$hole why u park there!? That's why I locked your key inside", "Damn bro :'(", "I can confirm that he was the one who wrote that bro. I was the Airpump. Trust me bro. Anyways, hope that gives you a chuckle", "Thank you my guy. I'm still waiting, I've resorted to just sitting by my car instead of waiting inside the Kedai Mesra" ], [ "In fairness, the writer wouldn't have written the note had they known about your predicament. Honest mistake." ], [ "Pretty sure u can call any locksmith to unlock ur car", "I have a friend with a spare key, he is on his way" ], [ "Oh F, that's gonna suck man\nOr, u can actually use tapes on your windows to make a 中 shape n start pulling downwards, you can open your windows this way.\nBe careful though, your force direction must be down not 45 degree." ], [ "It's been a rough day. You must be so tired.\nYou deserve a nice hot dinner, a sweet hot drink and to curl up with a comforting YouTube or Netflix video.\nIt's going to be okay tomorrow, just be nice to yourself now.", "Thank you my guy" ], [ "Is that a Waja?", "Gen 2", "Ah I see, well may Allah bless you" ], [ "Ok, here is my curiosity. How the hell did you locked you car while the key is out of ignition?", "Autolock", "Ok. Not on you but what a useless feature IMHO. Sorry that you have to went through all this today. May you u have a much better tomorrow. But may i asked which car is that? I'm curious which car have this feature or maybe your car is faulty for some reason?" ], [ "You had to be parking in a non parking spot before you got locked out of your car. So, description still valid. Hope you manage to open your car door by now." ], [ "I live in Cyberjaya and I can assure you it wasn't me." ], [ "Fs in the chat" ], [ "aiya those kind of people are the holier than thou types lah, semua benda mau post in FB, criticize other people for little annoyances cos they got nothing else to do cos their life sucks.\ncakap depan lah jangan tinggal note", "Maybe he wasnt there to say it in face…", "I've seen a similar note before. It was something like \"learn to park better, stupid!\". On a one-way road where literally every other car also squeezed to park at the side of the road because of poor town planning (commercial district with no proper parking area). My car was the same - squeezed into the side, but other people could still pass, it wasn't blocking the road.\nPissed me off a little, but my friends and I just joked about it and moved on. Probably the driver memandu kereta besar and think s/he's a hot shot. My bet is on a (spoiled) college kid riding a car bought with mommy/daddy's money, and doesn't know how to navigate tight spaces.\nActual functioning working adults have no time to stop and write unnecessary stupid notes. These kind of people with too much free time always want to cari pasal. One day they're going to leave a note like this on a gangster's car just when they're returning, and learn a lesson in manners.", "yup, when the toilet is too far to berak, so everyone just berak on the roadside, since everyone berak on the roadside, might as well I'll just ikut je, right? nothing wrong with it, right?", "Lol, found the holier-than-thou guy. If you actually lived in the surrounding area you would understand exactly what I mean, since literally everyone has to do that because of terrible town planning.\nBut hey, keep armchair judging, no sweat off my back ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯" ], [ "Sorry dude. This is why I always contemplate leaving notes to people. You never know what happened to the person/ what day that person is having.\nOne day, I almost left a note and ultimately decided against it because it’s just a minor inconvenience for me that I’ll get over at the end of the day.\nHope you are feeling better and your car situation is sorted out!" ], [ "Last time this happened to me was very very long ago, with a decade old first gen Kancil. Luckily it was right in front of my house, so I just grabbed a hanger, removed the rubber at the window, and dug in to hook and unlock. I don't think this can work with modern, newer cars now.\nIt may feel like a bad day today, but the sun will still rise again tomorrow and it'll be a day with clean slate for you." ], [ "Hoping tomorrow is better for you 💗💗 sending love & luck!", "Thank you so much 🫶", "Of course!! Sometimes lady luck just really isn't on our side, haha, but there will be days where she is!!! Fingers crossed you find a random RM 50 on the street tomorrow or a winning toto card hahaha 😆", "🥹🥹❤️❤️" ], [ "today got makcik slam her car door and hit my car. till paint terkopek and see the metal layer inside. she buat dunno. go in her car and turunkan seat. her husband buat tak tau." ], [ "yk its better than getting scratch on car", "That would be like adding salt and chilli flakes to the wound :')" ], [ "This is a reason I either leave one door or window open when pumping air", "Not a good idea as well given how many car robbery had happened at petrol stations", "I usually pump early morning around 7am", "Yea, criminals don't wake up early /s", "robberies def not happening in the wee hours ehem ehem" ], [ "Thanks for your post. Actually goes to show there are always two sides. Most of us assume other drivers are inconsiderate when genuinely they may have no choice in the matter. Hope you're ok my friend, better days ahead ❤️" ], [ "Bersangka baik...tengok what have you done?! Sama macam parking OKU luar nampak tak cacat...mana korang tahu si parkir baru jer operasi tulang belakang lepas seminggu...secara fizikal nampak okay tapi memang tak larat nak jalan wei." ], [ "I cannot be the only stupid ass confused by the 2nd photo and thinks OP left his key there so people can move his car out of the way if necessary??" ], [ "you're lucky you got scratched with a reason" ], [ "Oh wait not bahasa melayu ?" ], [ "Serve you better padan muka. But some people who know well you can't park on certain place still park there because they are egoistic.", "Did you read the post or swipe at all?", "seems like he didnt", "I see only 1 paragraphs." ], [ "oh no i’m so sorry this happened to u :(" ], [ "Do car insurance offer a service to open locked car? I really dont know but i saw in some videos they just call their insurance number if they locked their keys in their cars and someone will come to break in without damage. Is it a thing in Malaysia?", "Good for you. Im just asking in case of it happened to me. It happened to my coworker last month huhu" ], [ "Ouch that's harsh :(" ], [ "What rare thing to see , especially here in Malaysia. I would be delighted tbh." ], [ "Oof, last time when I locked the keys in the car I had to hire a lockpick for like hundred ringgit", "last time all I need is a foot long plastic ruler to open the lock for my dad's first gen Saga\ncost me 50cents only, luckily no body called the popo on me that time" ], [ "Wait how that happened? Like how you get out of the car if you lock the door?", "Might be auto-lock", "I thought normally Autolock wont lock if the key is inside the car?\nMy car gives me hell if i even try.", "Old car+ third party alarm system+ random features on said third party alarm system such as \"autolock\"", "Ohh. My mom's alza will unlock the door lock if I activate the door lock and closes it if the engine is off", "Homeboy left keys on the seat." ], [ "So, are u ok now? 🥲" ], [ "Oooof gawddamn, what a shit day." ], [ "That's rough, budsy. Hope you're alright" ], [ "Lesson for the future - keep a spare copy in your wallet. You don't need the transponder. Been there, done that." ], [ "Ooof. I've design a card, printed in business card size with a snarky remarks for the same reason 😅. Hopefully you're okay now. I heard a swim is good to relax." ], [ "Aiyo.. Mau keluar wang lg.." ], [ "He has a pen or paper...well lucky you...\nI was once in a similar situation like you, and they broke both my headlights lol." ], [ "Happened to me once. But there was one kind staff helping me to inform the customers who wanted to use the air pump station, I had to apologise and let them know about my keys being locked inside the car.\nAlways put your keys in your pockets." ], [ "NGL but I'm surprised locking yourself out of your car is still a thing. Don't many cars nowadays have functions to prevent that? My car (Proton Iris) is over 8 years old and it has that function. I quite literally cannot lock my car without the key being outside.", "Old car+ third party alarm system 🙃" ], [ "buy 12V pump, no need to pump at gas station anymore." ], [ "Shell is better than Petronas Fight me" ], [ "Well at least you didn't mean it, so you're not an AH" ], [ "NTA. Hope everything's OK now ya" ] ]
Meanwhile KFC and Starbucks didn't make a fuss about the boycott.
[ "Mildly interesting" ]
[ [ "I think rival coffee chains are a bigger threat than the boycott for Starbucks.", "Man zus is like a gift from god for me. I mean fucking hell. They're fast and cheapish compared to the alternative rival.", "Yes, they have cheaper coffees. Not need to be fancy. I just want coffee, not pumpkin spice whatever.", "And their Hot Chocolate is pretty good.", "And they taste infinitely better than whatever the fuck Starbucks is putting out", "Both are pretty bad when it comes to the sugar laden drinks like frappes and syrup concoctions.\nIf its black coffee or latte, Starbucks is still the superior product, but imo not worth the extra rm5 per cup", "Well that's good because I don't care for fraps, I find the normal lattes, mochas are better for zus.", "True. Zus latte is cheap and good. Cant ever go back to overpriced starbucks", "I usually buy from the Pak Kopi franchise, nicely done at 5.50 for iced kopi susu" ], [ "think of who owns the mcd malaysia franchise and who owns the starbucks franchise and you’ll have the answer lmao. not gonna weigh in on KFC", "If I want fast food chicken nowadays I switch to Borenos Chicken.", "Shinlin, or Four Fingers", "actual Fast food fr", "You mean Shihlin?", "No, he meant Shaolin chicken", "I guess I do yes, sorry", "Kat mana restaurant tu ? X pernah dgr pun", "Local franchise kat KK Sabah.", "Who owns the Starbucks and kfc franchise?", "Berjaya Group", "starbucks is berjaya, kfc is qsr brand holdings", "Yes, that might be dangerous" ], [ "only time will tell if it was the right move or not. Starbucks, aka Berjaya foods did make a fuss, it was in their annual report on loss earnings", "That kind of make a fuss doesn't negatively impact their image to Muslims tho. And it does buy sympathy points from the investors.\nMcD on the other hand is just giving a gold-plated excuse for the boycott. On a silver platter.", "They have tried everything else. Keeping quiet, donations, press statements etc. guess they got tired of being kicked around", "They haven't played the 'Ice cream cone is now RM1' card", "They tried the “2 pcs ayam goreng + fries + ice lemon tea is now back to RM13.95!” card and seems like it didn’t really work lol", "Going after those NGOs only makes them martyrs tho.\nAnd Fanatics really love martyrs." ], [ "With the ongoing boycott, just bring back beers to Mcd menu.. Will get bigger crowd", "Getting news reports about bar fights in a McDonald’s would be kinda funny though.", "Bar fight in McDonalds, man kicked in the McNuggets. Rival gangs say it's a setup, claims that the whole incident was McFishy. Polis Big Mac says suspects were brought to station and grilled.", "Good job", "Thank you. Had a hard time trying to remember the Mc menu though, don't eat there very often.", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VF6YBV5RR5o", "Brutal.", "Hell yeah. McBeer and McBabi lunch set", "Mcharam", "What about bring pork to the menu?\nProsperity pork burger anyone?", "If they introduce any pork burgers that can be found on overseas McDonalds, I'll make a return to McDonalds instantly.", "German Mcdonalds has Mcbeer its brilliant that Mcdonalds manage to integrate their menu into local menu tho\nNasi Lemak McD for one" ], [ "I believe Malaysia McD’s PR team (and Legal team) screwed it up big time up the ass on this one. They should just fire all of them and get capable help.", "I really think McD team lost their temper lol. This court case doesnt make sense when they could just wait it out like previous boycott and like everyone else right now.\nRepeat same facts about being unrelated to Israel, after 1-2 years people either get convinced or forget or no longer care. Entice them with promo.", "Hmm, you mean employ by merit?" ], [ "Official link: https://bdsmovement.net/Boycott-McDonalds\nNot only that, now that the Global BDS is listing McDonald's as their target, this will affect McDonald's everywhere else as well.\nOne McDonald's Israel's action has tarnished their brand by however much it has.\nNow, McDonald's Malaysia's action basically confirms it to the pro-Palestine public that McDonald's is against the Palestinian cause (at least, from the public's POV).\nWe will see how this plays out.", "Not Malaysian, just saw this on my home page and i clicked on the link you provided.\nThey want Mc Donald’s to revoke the franchise license to israeli franchise owners? That’s not gonna happen. Maybe they’re just living in a bubble so they don’t realize this, but most citizens in other countries are indifferent. Even in europe. Those pro palestine protesters are but a very vocal minority. Same as in the States. There’s even a large number of people who are pro israel. In the US, i’d say there are about the same number of people who are pro israel as those who are pro palestine. majority of the population though don’t really care about what’s happening.\nNot gonna argue about which stance is wrong or right. Bottomline is, this is only gonna happen when there’s an almost universal rejection worldwide of what israel has been doing. This isn’t like what happened back when Russia invaded Ukraine.", "Oh then McDonald's Corp has nothing to be worried about then. All is good.", "Crazy that Gerbang Alaf is the straw that broke the camels back in this and McD is now being boycotted globally by BDS. The parent company will be pissed and I think McD will drop their case very quickly and apologise.", "Idiotic move. I'd fire the PR team if they okay'ed that move (or in corporate lingo, I'll place them on an indeterminate length of leave of absence).", "I find it very hard to believe a PR person okayed this. More likely some c-suite needed to blame something for the poor performance and so this was their hail mary solution and the PR team just went into damage limitation.", "I kept saying on posts here that even if they won't this lawsuit and got the money, people are gonna be more pissed off than ever. They ain't getting those folks back.", "You may be right.. its such a sensitive topic and also a legal court case affecting their brand name. I think their Board or biggest boss had to be involved to approve it. I guess that would be the Saudi owner fellow" ], [ "Kinda agree with you.\nThe Malaysian public (or any country's, for that matter) has short memories. Give us four weeks tops and we'll forget about the current boycott, and look for the next new thing. Just keep your head down and be quiet and business would be as usual after a while.\nThat said, if there's a drop of customers in McDs I think it's more due to the price and wait times rather than boycotts. I certainly stopped going there and now make my own fries.", "It has been more than 4 weeks", "What dude meant probably 4 weeks after the current war ended.", "so they need to wait forever until bankrupt? war will not end in the near future, Palestine vs Israel is a forever issues", "McD brought attention back to it themselves.", "It's been over 2 fucking months already since that conflict began.", "You sounded like my boss.\n\"Ramadan won't affect our business, our customers are mostly Chinese and Indians\"\n:26554::26554::26554::26554:", "So.. how was the business?", "Oops …. I terlupa ingat ini Texas Chicken\n<image>", "I didnt know this one car represented absolutely everyone", "it need another big event to take over, like the Ukrainie vs Russia thing, last time everyone been busy posting \"pray for Ukraine\", but as soon as the Palestine event start, everyone switch to \"Free Palestine\"", "\"pray for Ukraine\"\nDid we do this? I thought your average Malaysian wouldn't be able to point at Ukraine at a map. Including me :p", "Majority of Malays support Russia. They were spamming the “Uraaaa” chant on social media during the early days of the war.\nWhen asked why support Russia when they downed our plane? They were like “tu lah kau percaya sangat dengan media barat ni. Mereka sengaja nak memburukkan nama Rusia”", "\"everyone\"" ], [ "Ate at kfc and my stomach is still empty. They reap what they sow by lowering the quality and hiking the price.", "dem bro what did u order, two buns? maybe it's the kfc in my place, but their chickens are quite big. a pair is more than enough to make me feel full. though i do not eat there regularly.", "Where do you live? KL's KFC truly sucks. The best one I had was on Kundasang. It was fresh hot and delicious. Even my KL friends in Zuckerbook disagree when I post about it.", "silly u, the point is that u said \"ate at kfc and stomach still empty\". so i thought u ordered a typical meal, and still couldn't feel full... nvm. different people need different amount of food to consume. i guess the food quality is just too bad, u didn't have to eat them so that's why ehehe :D" ], [ "A company getting angry because there's a campaign that falsely accuses them of human rights abuse and everyone isn't buying their stuff because of that campaign and it makes them lose lot of money? How dare they defend themselves!", "", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect:\nDon’t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation.\nDon't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged.\nDon’t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us.\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.", "Yeah but bds wasn’t responsible for that" ], [ "Mekdi mahal la sekarang ni, dah boycott since they up the price of Spicy Chicken 2 pcs meal from RM10 to whatever the price now 😫" ], [ "Some people are just boycotting out of spite now because of that move. They were neutral about the boycott before now it just seems petty 🤷🏻‍♀️", "That's me. Honestly didn't really care because I feel one franchisees shouldn't pay for the stupidity of another franchisee. But they got petty so it became very easy to not have some mcFlurry." ], [ "YB gembira is being a dumbass and victim-blaming McDonald's\nMcD threatened to sue BDS Malaysia BECAUSE BDS Malaysia is affiliated with the larger BDS movements\nIt's not the fault of McD for protecting their business from the mindless call for boycott of its products", "And that same logics apply to McD. McD directly provides meals to IDF soldiers.\nMcD could probably proceed doing business in a month or two. But no, they have to pull stupid stunts multiple times thats just make it worse.", "that is MCD ISREAL, whom the OWNER is born of Israel, its natural they help their own soldiers, if Malaysia happened something like this, MCD MALAYSIA will contribute something, not MCD US, MCD PALESTINE OE MCD INDIA, because OWNER of MCD MALAYSIA (or the branches), is citizens of MALAYSIA" ], [ "Texas Chicken on top. Mexicana burger and wrap is so good bru. with unlimited refill drinks fuhh" ], [ "The only idiocy that McD does is they underestimate the idiocy of the boycotters.\nI'm betting there's a huge amount of idiots going \"tengok? Siapa kata boycott tak berjaya\" and being full of themselves while not impacting a single Israeli cent", "Someone told me it's the thought that counts. Ignoring the employees getting laid off or getting hours cut. Truly cutting nose off to spite the face.", "Haven't heard that term in a long long while, my father used to love saying it.", "Something something you can't erase competition. Even if McD collapses, it will get filled as soon as possible because that's how competition works.", "It’s like how people think how life works , either living or dead , never the middle part where they are suffering excruciating pain. Oh wait it’s not the one suffering says that of course.", "saw multiple posts about this already, they even think the MCD is sue the boycotter (them), initially stupid (regarding boycott), and forever stupid" ], [ "I’ll never stop eating McNuggets . It’s like meat candy stuffed with cocaine" ], [ "McD sucks but if BDS wants to play with the big boys time to be hold accountable." ], [ "See if they win the RM6 mil or not.\nIf win, then it is a good move. Boycott or not, doesn't matter" ], [ "Became they're pussies. Good on McDonald's" ], [ "poor starving corporation 😔" ], [ "Honestly, I just wanna eat McDonalds.", "I mean no one's stopping you", "lol free publicity." ], [ "I have no skin in the boycott game, but McD is really losing whatever goodwill that some may still have for them. First one is when they insisted that the royalty fee paid to the McD parent group is somehow magically purified/segregated from other revenues.\nBut suing for defamation takes the cake. Should've just sailed the sea for a while and waited for the storm to end.", "But I can see some reason to protest. If we look at European history, remember Marie Antonitte? She got accused of cheating the French government, people keep spreading that lie, she never defend herself, got head chopped off. So guess it can go both ways, you can hope the noise dies down and that your head don't get chopped if you keep quiet, or you can protest and hope the immediate response does not get your head chopped off.", "no? Marie was always hated, first for being the face of the royalty, and second for being a foreigner. any good things that she has made is basically overshadowed by how much the royalty is hated by the peasants.", "Multi-factoral. Don't forget that the \"Let them eat cake\" that made her famous was also made up by her enemies.", "Also, she and her husband aren't supposed to be executed. The political parties at the time are still mulling their choices and many favors them to become a symbolic figurehead like england, but their attempt to escape france to austria gives the more radical figureheads option to simply execute them both.", "First one is when they insisted that the royalty fee paid to the McD parent group is somehow magically purified/segregated from other revenues.\nHaha! This. My first thought when McD MY said they are locally owned. Did they think people are clueless on how franchises work?", "but it is true, it is locally owned , yes franchise need to pay some royalties, but its not directly go to what people being feed on (Israel), read mcd corp annual report, also if you want to make fuss about where the money goes, then every single thing in our daily life, the money will back to the source (not local), even the smallest things like nuts, skrew, wired,. electronics, chipset, etc" ], [ "There are No KFCs in Israel, there used to but they couldn't do business well so they resort to opening in Palestine.", "There hasn't been a Starbucks in Israel ever since the 2000s too\nDoesn't stop the boycotters", "One of the founders of Starbucks is Jewish. For some, especially those that like to label anyone they don't like as Zionist, that alone is an inexcusable fault and the company deserves to be boycotted into oblivion.", "The title of this post includes listing Starbucks not making a fuss, so don't talk to me about it", "Not making public fuss,just some fuss to shareholders and some employees,which is understandable IMO." ], [ "The irony is all these boycotts ultimately harm the Muslim community the most and for what? Virtue signalling and not even the correct target for boycotting anyway 🤷" ], [ "Hey man, its not Malaysian enough if youre not stupid" ], [ "KFC and Starbucks are too big to fold under 2-3 months of boycott. Why would they care ?", "Because KFC and starbucks in malaysia are owned by Malaysian. So they know how to pave ways amidst the boycott.\nKfc have that vibes for family in which works very well in rural areas. And do note that KFC chicken in rural areas are usually way bigger in urban areas. Thats factor help a lot for them.\nAnd starbucks, their frequent customers don’t bother as much what society thinks about them." ], [ "People need to learn that you CANNOT win against the crowd, even if you are right and they are wrong they will just ignore it and act like nothing happens. Every single defence and responses would be used against you", "also with the era of social media, easily to influence people" ], [ "all the stupid retards boycotting not knowing local workforce worst hit and suffering due to layoffs." ], [ "so stupid to sue like this lmao. Im on the fence re mc-d all this while but this lawsuit just make it firm fuck off with this company.\nIf in doubt support the smaller guys not the billionaires. Same case here or some if those vivi yusof bullshit throughout the years" ], [ "McDonald's are being assholes instead of pragmatic", "Assholes for standing up against bullies?", "Boycotts tend to fizzle out. There are lots going on. Most companies stay quiet and let it take it's course. When you, a multi billion corporation, start suing a bunch of rag rag activists, then you become the bully and asshole.", "then whatever lies activities said, just let it be?" ], [ "Good lar more discount but now the burger smaller" ], [ "Israel supports Gaza genocide\nThen how does Palestine's population (Gaza, East Jerusalem and West Bank combined) is able to get from 3.2 million in 2001 to 5.8 million in 2023? (Source: Google). Basic maths showed us that an increase in population invalidates the whole definition of \"genocide\" and \"ethnic cleansing\"\nAlthough I agreed on McD's reaction on the boycott is a knee jerk reaction. But Pro-Palestine Malaysians calling Israel's siege on Gaza (Intent to wipe Hamas off for good) a 'genocide' is just plain stupid.\nOk, since some of us are Pro-Palestine and some are just straight up Anti-Israel, let me ask you this? What else have you done to help? Other than calling Israel a 'genocidal monster' and calling US a 'genocide supporter' and boycotting stuffs that sides with Israel?\nFreaking hypocrites", "What do you suggest the Pro Palestinian crowd to do so they are not hypocrites?" ], [ "Sarawak has other option for fast food. It’s called Sugarbun.", "Its also available here in KV" ], [ "The other night went to Marrybrown. The food there quite good n the ambience is just like American fast food chains." ], [ "Maybe they realise they aren’t taking that big hit as they initially thought, and then figured it is fair to teach these mathafakas a lesson." ], [ "😂🤣. Tulah, nak bijak sangat" ], [ "BDS Malaysia (BDSM)" ], [ "Nak kena daulat boleh lah boikot KFC Malaysia..." ] ]
Should tourist need to buy touch and go card to travel in Malaysia
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
So I'm planning a trip to Malaysia in March and i heard about TNG card, is it nessecary and where to buy it .is it available in airport or we can travel by cash itself
[ [ "Need? No.\nShould? Yes. It'll be more convenient." ], [ "If you are driving (parking & toll) or taking public transportation (metro or buses only), it's a must." ], [ "Will you be renting a car? If yes, then I'd say it's mandatory for tolls.", "Where do you buy one + one of those little fly swatted extension sticks?", "I never needed one. But there are loads on Shopee and Lazada." ], [ "It depends on your mode of travel. I can only speak for Kuala Lumpur/Selangor (aka Klang Valley) area.\nIf you’re traveling by car, then yes it’s mandatory. All tolls are cashless now. Some do allow for debit/credit card use but not all. TNG card can be used for all tolls. As for parking, a lot of places are cashless but you may use debit/credit cards for that. You may also use TNG card but many places have a minimum amount required in the card. Some up to RM20 iirc.\nIf you’re travelling by public transport:\nRapidKL/MRT buses only accept TNG cards right now. Make sure there’s a minimum balance of RM3.00 when you enter the bus. The system will deduct the maximum fare when you tag in but will charge you accordingly when you tag out.\nLRT/MRT/Monorail/BRT (train): There are machines where you may purchase a single use travel tokens. So you can pay by cash there. But as someone has said, TNG card will be more convenient. You will need a minimum balance of RM5.00 to travel. You can reload at the station itself.\nKTM (train): I haven’t travelled using this in a long time but from what I read, they don’t have single use tickets/tokens anymore. You would have to use TNG or their own card system. Apparently you can use credit cards but I can’t say for sure.\nE-hailing services: No, you don’t need TNG card.\nAs for getting the card at the airport. You can likely go to the information counter to find out where you can purchase your card. Apparently, there are self-service kiosks at KLIA and KLIA2 where you may make that purchase, if there’s where you’re landing." ], [ "TnG ewallet is much more recommended", "Can you tag in at lrt station with ewallet? Genuinely curious, been out of the loop of public transport travelling for a while now.", "No, you can't.", "You can still use cash or you can buy a touch n go card with certain amount of cash.\nSome tng card and transfer credit though tng Ewallet itself", "TnG is a Najib kroni scam, people should boikot.\nEvery other country uses bank cards for all this stuff.", "I use ewallet to paid all my electrical, water, Internet & even most of my food these days. All by instant is much easier for coworker life me so why should I boykot the things that's benefits my life?", "You can't do that with a bank card?", "I can but the process is much difficult and taking way more time to do so.\nExample I can paid all these within 10min meanwhile bank card may took me within an hour.\nAnd the record system us much easier to track", "I literally click the payment field and it populates my card straight away.\nTakes me 20 seconds all up, no QR, no pressing buttons on my phone, nothing like that.\nTnG make money because you give them money. In the bank I get that money instead. Can pay with both.", "Hi sir. Would you care to explain why it’s a scam" ], [ "I would say only if you’re driving. We’ve lived here for 3 years and only use our TNG card for parking and tolls. I’ve never run into a reason to need it otherwise (or a reason that can’t be taken care of with cash or my foreign credit card that I use for daily spending). I know you cannot get them at the Penang Airport, I don’t know about KLIA." ], [ "If you're not driving, there's no need for it.\nAs someone has stated here, the only time you'd use the tng card is for parking and highway tolls.\nI don't know about other places, but in Penang, most parking spots accepts credit/debit cards. So....\nDownload Grab app before coming here.", "Klang Valley has a lot of public transport options, all of which accept TnG. So it is very helpful there (even if not required) when you aren't driving." ], [ "Zero need for it. Cash and credit card is accepted everywhere. if you want to use TnG, just use the app", "Toll? North south highway still can’t accept credit card I think…", "nor RapidKL or KTM. Meanwhile you can use Touch n Go for most car/transit-related.", "KTMB just enabled credit/debit cards recently though, so its only RapidKL which is pretty restrictive." ], [ "Most of the public transportation in Kuala Lumpur uses TnG." ], [ "If you are planning to use public transport in Greater KL area, TNG card is a nice to have, and slightly cheaper than token ticket." ], [ "It's like the Oyster card in the UK but you won't be able to cash it out when when you leave. So keep the amount the minimum." ] ]
‘Don’t underestimate our intelligence,’ says Anthony Loke on potential price manipulation by airlines
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
[ [ "the prices are being monitored by Mavcom (Malaysian Aviation Commission)\nlmao just like that we know airasia will walk away free:26554:" ], [ "It’s a private business, they have no right to interfere like this", "Unfortunately people want it that way" ], [ "This is text book how Chinese people work\n“We will have more revenue from some other sources which I will have a special press conference to announce that. We did not have additional allocation, if you check the Budget 2024, there is no specific allocation for this initiative, but we found a creative way to do it, that we have the funds to support this initiative and it will be sustainable,” he said.\nYou reduce your cost and whatever savings you use it to grow your business or department not spend it silly nilly like a new building or office or award yourself.", "What?" ] ]
Does every job needs 'cable' now?
[ "Culture" ]
I'm seeing people around me getting jobs in big companies because they knew someone who works there. My coworker who doesn't have ANY experience in HR nor internship, and only has Diploma in Information Technology just got accepted to work as a permanent Admin Clerk in a big factory company. You might wonder how, well you see, her boyfriend who she only dated for 3 months recommended her to his friend who works at the factory. Considering it's a big company, I assume there must be lots of qualified candidates that have applied for that position. It doesn't only happen to her, my bf who's an electrician got a job with SESCO without any related experience because his uncle works there. My bf's father is a project manager, so my bf pretty much can jump in and out of the job his father gave him. I don't want to be a hater, but it looks like the rest of us are hopeless without these 'cables'. All of those empty positions in big companies? Oh whoopsies, they're all reserved for their family members. I'm just wondering how are people going to survive in the job market even if they're qualified enough when this culture continues.
[ [ "I’m not sure since my entire career was built on myself with no cables, however I’ve spoken to MnC managers who hire references (cables) because moreso that they know the guy can do the job based on the reference. If not, probation finish they just throw him out. So networking is important especially as you climb higher. The companies that are paying 10-20k salary a month wants someone who is at least backed up by somebody who knows how to do the job. Rather than risk it on a nobody who only has glowing resume.", "Some resumes glow because the applicant is radioactive.", "Just the piece of paper that's radioactive perhaps", "I agree. Networking is important. It increase your chance to have a slot for interview and chance to get hired.", "Dumb as it May sound but how does networking work? Its all from events? Just chatting up people at events?", "Not really from events. Personally, it’s through being friendly/friends to my colleagues and subordinates with whom I work with throughout projects and etc. They then will leave in the future to other companies, and you will too, and keep repeating. Then, there will come a time where you can hit them up if their new company has an open position or if you’re close enough, they might hit you up saying they have an open position.", "Most networking is formed while you're at the workplace. Be friendly with all your colleagues, clients, stakeholders. Your coworkers at one point will leave the company to seek greener pastures and there may be vacancies at their new workplace. And if you gave a good impression while working with them in the past, they might remember you and recommend you to their boss at their new workplace.\nGeneral rule, don't make enemies at your workplace, no matter how shitty the job or the environment is. You'll never know which one of them may give you a better opportunity for your career in the future." ], [ "It's about connections. Managers have faced employees with issues even though they looked good on paper.\nSo a lot of managers rely on recommendations from trustworthy friends/colleagues." ], [ "Let me break it down for you. Firstly it is called references. 'Cable' as you call it depends on the job and the hiring manager.\nAt lower ranks I don't think cables play a significant role. As you head into more managerial and leadership roles, yes.\nPersonally , I hire people based on their capability. I review their CV and do the interview. Unfortunately there is only so much you can get out a CV or 30 minute interview. This is where I start calling the references or my industry peers.\nAn example, I wanted to hire this lady for a role just on her CV/interview merit alone. I saw she did some work at a bank my ex-boss worked at. I called my ex-boss and she said this person is good? She says she was and basically the decision was made. It's a form of risk mitigation. I trust certain people I've worked with in the past. If someone doesn't do this when the opportunity is there, that person is a shit hiring manager.\nWould I hire someone who doesn't fit the role even though references are good? LOL of course not.", "if everyone hire based on your evaluqtion.. its different anow in the country", "everyone would have an opportunity if only he is everyone's HR", "yes sir" ], [ "Yes, apparently. Nothing wrong being recommended if a colleague is your friend (however, those tend to be from similar fields). But in recent times, I happen to see siblings/children of employees who manage to secure places in my company. I'm like eh, why's this surname and resemblance so familiar? And this isn't an SME.\nSpeaking of HR/admin, you don't really need the qualifications to work in those fields despite courses being offered for those. The SOP/policies are smthg you can learn on the job. I know a few who got in with unrelated diplomas or are overqualified (like yours truly). One former HR colleague didn't have tertiary education, but times were different in the 80s/90s!", "the only part is if that vuy can perform. if cant perform.. then another set of question will raise" ], [ "To answer your question, no. Most entry level jobs don’t need cable, you just need to be impressive in the interview (also the right skills and qualifications lah). So yeah not every job needs cable.\nHowever, I think you need to be mindful of the term “cables”. Not all examples you gave above are cables, like your coworker just happened to be recommended by another network, and since the job is Admin Clerk, it’s pretty much open for any qualification for a big factory company. She might be impressive in the interview and perhaps excelled in her studies, and therefore be given the job.\n“Cable” is technically when people are just given a job without even applying or trying. If they did, then having strong network would of course increase their chance of getting the job. Start working on building your network now." ], [ "Welcome to reality. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.", "I had a friend who's also a clerk at a small company, got her job because she's close with the owners. It's literally terrible, she would ask me basic math questions (like multiplications from primary school) that she can't figure out at her job and asked me to translate basic Malay to English. I can't stand these people.", "Wait till when you see promotion time. It’s not who work the hardest or who delivers the best results but it’s who that makes the boss happy", "Yeah, my coworker who slack off 4 times a week, 20 minutes late to work gets all the juices because she entertains our lonely and grumpy boss with stories like some type of joker entertaining the king in medieval castles (literally).", "Sounds like the jester role is still relevant in modern times", "Stand up comedians and late night shows are basically that.", "Oh, then this is a legit case of nepotism.", "Of course, some people still deny this culture exists and is rampant these days.", "Who the fuck denies this culture exists? It seems like if there's anyone who is in denial it's you from your replies.", "Someone's bitter she's not as good at networking as others.", "starts with blow ends with job", "As you said yourself there are hundreds even thousands of applicants to tgat same job in big company. How can anyone guarantee any of the candidates are good enough? What you described are simple jobs that usually anyone can do. HR gained favor by hiring a recommend candidate", "It's ok, Malaysia is a very cutthroat working environment, eventually she will be kicked out also.", "You forget /s", "I was not being sarcastic. This is the cold hard truth in Malaysia", "also not only about who you know, but also who knows you." ], [ "It’s called a reference" ], [ "IMO, employers that engage in these type of practices have poor/no corporate governance structures in thier systems. It also depends on which profession you’re in - the MNC I’m employed at has policies dealing specifically with cables (i.e., we can refer candidates, but it needs to be disclosed and we cannot play a role in the process, otherwise we’ll kena terminated. Referee candidate will need to go through the processas usual.)", "Some companies have referral programs which encourage employees to recommend people that would fit. That gets the candidate in the door; they still have to go through interviews and such.\nYou could, to some extent, consider these things as “cable”.", "Yeah, sounds fair. My company does that too. Entry depends on their interview impressions.\nCuz when I was recommended for a job by a church friend years ago, I didn't get past the IV stage! So, cable doesn't and should not always work." ], [ "I feel like people who uses the word \"cable\" usually already has a very negative perception on their career and are the ones who like to blame how life is unfair. It’s how the world works, there’s no right or wrong to it. You meet people, network, prove yourself, form that relationship, and get references to help you get to where you want to be. People aren't stupid, no one would be helping you if you're not good to begin with, they will only put themselves in trouble. So give yourself some credit for the capabilities that you own and how you show that to others along with confidence, don't put so much focus on \"cable\" or blame how life is unfair. Many of the successful people work very hard to get to where they are with or without help. Big companies have hiring policies stricter than you imagine. Don’t compare yourself to family businesses, of course nepotism happens but that is a very small percentage, so ask yourself, are you maybe choosing to look at the wrong things?" ], [ "I once hired based on friends recommendation. The staff was useless lazy piece of shit." ], [ "No need cable. But most of the job openings are not advertised online. So knowing alot of people help alot." ], [ "That’s why we build our own “cables”. In other words, networking.\nKeep a good relationship with your uni/college mates, you never know who will be in a position to help you, especially if you’ve helped them before.\nOnce you got a job, be nice and respectful to everyone, even if they’re from another department, even after they’ve left the company. Maintain good relationships with your customers and suppliers. Attend conferences and get to know more people. It doesn’t have to be “lepak every week” kind of relationship, but once in a while just drop a text to say hi. Don’t burn bridges, don’t involve yourself in gossips." ], [ "Every job me and my wife , we have gotten tru direct application or head hunter...no cables. Over 10+ positions combined" ], [ "I disagree. This is but a victim mindset.", "You can see the way OP replies to other comments, they only want validation that getting a job is hopeless without cable despite many others pointing out otherwise from their own experiences.\nPersonally I got my job through normal hiring process, sending dozens of cvs out when I was a fresh grad and busted my ass making connections and showing people that I can handle projects and basically get shit done. Things got easier as I had more years of relevant experience in my resume and many connections with people in the same industry in my linkedin. I landed one of my jobs after my ex boss put in a good word for me with the new HOD.\nNo one is denying that nepotism exist, rather people are disagreeing with the statement that everything is hopeless unless you have cable but OP is too blindsided by their bias to even see this.", "What victim mindset? Lmao. This is the type of bs people say when you try to stand up against something ridiculous.", "Also because of the superlative “every”.", "Indeed. Such close mindedness and pessimistic mind serve no good in the long run. OP should learn to spot opportunities, not dwell on things beyond our respective range of control.", "What sort of experience do you expect for an Admin Clerk? Management probably just asked around for recommendations from their existing staff. Cables do exist but this is a poor example la", "Taking your statement at face value, a \"cable\" does not guarantee a job.\nSaying that \"the rest of us\" are hopeless without cable is a victim justification.\nSince you said Sesco, I can only assume you are like me, from Sarawak.\nI graduated and went through normal interview process and climbed my way to join one of the biggest companies in malaysia through credit and qualification, not cable. Focus on working on yourself, not what you perceive the world to be.", "a \"cable\" does not guarantee a job\nSource: Trust me bro", "it looks like the rest of us are hopeless without these 'cables'. All of those empty positions in big companies? Oh whoopsies, they're all reserved for their family members.\nSource: Trust me bro", "Go on and try before you talk. I'm surprised people still deny this stuff as if it's the 2000s.", "While I don't deny that there might be nepotism at play in companies with no enforcement of the proper regulations, the fact is that the way you phrase your statement is downright insulting to people who worked our way to where are are today.\nDo you know how stringent it is to be employed in an MNC? I am in one of the 5 largest MNC in Malaysia, so I am definitely qualified to speak on this. We have to disclose who our references are, whether our friends or family is within the company, whether our parents' or siblings' companies are related to the role/job scope that I am doing.\nBased on this, you may be denied the job even after signing the offer letter.\nThere is also the interview process which is often multi level interview processes which require approval by every level of the interviewers involved. You'd probably get the \"cable\" play if you know the director of the company, but are you saying that all 6,000 of us know the director personally?", "No one is denying “cable” culture exists, it’s just that the generalisations you made in your post don’t really have a footing in reality across all industries. Having solid references and connections is not the same as being parachuted in via the good graces of nepotism and cronyism, but it appears to many of us here that you have lumped the two different scenarios together", "yeah I was kinda on your side at first but after seeing your comments I can tell you won't make it far in life OP", "sorry to say but i agree with him that this is really victim mindset\nyes got cable makes life easier but not 100% necessary, i seen a lot of examples that people on their own and make it far\ngood luck and strive harder my friend", "Yea. Cable gets your foot in the door, but you still gotta walk through it.", "Could be sampling bias. You see what's around you... He/she sees what's around them. No need to diss each other's observation, they're all valid...\nCable, \"references\", favouritism, cronyms.. no large organizations are immune. Smart people can figure out how to work within/outside of rules..." ], [ "Yes, they use cable. In my company, one of my coworkers keeps offering his friend from university to join, and their job is not related to what we currently do. Now I see a hopeless company turning to cronies, and I've made the decision to look for new opportunities" ], [ "No lah. My father is a CEO of a GLC and I’m still having hard time finding a job😂", "I'll send you my CV shortly. Thank you.", "Bruh I’m looking for a job not hiring lmaoo", "At least he's proactive. Lol", "You must be an embarrassment that he himself dont want to advertise you within his company ☠️", "Conflict of interests", "Never stopped kronis before.", "I wish he’s one. I’d be loaded asf" ], [ "Not really. At least based on my own personal anecdotal experience.\nI got a manager position at a large corporation without any cable." ], [ "Not denying “cable” culture exists but I think it depends on your industry too. In mine, if you can’t actually do the work (or at least for my role specifically), they’ll find out real quick and you won’t be around for long regardless of connections. When you deal with material meant for public readership, it is imperative to know what can get the company sued, or worse, get you charged with something like criminal defamation 😖 Other than things inherent to the job like the level of language proficiency needed, knowing what’s newsworthy and such" ], [ "Think about it this way,\nHumans are dumb at screening the inner values, they are only good at looking for familiar faces." ], [ "I got my current job at an MNC with no cables whatsoever." ], [ "Most high level/paying jobs need cable now.", "Well, their pay isn't close to RM2500. Idk." ], [ "We got menteri kabel besar, Zafrul. Pipit following helang je" ], [ "I'm out of the loop, since when people use the word \"cable\" to discribe this phenomenon?" ], [ "There's a difference between referral hires and straight up unqualified-cable-hire.\nThe first one competes with everybody else who applied normally, and also go through the same process. Only difference is probably onboarding speed and as someone from the company vouched for the person - more reliable than strangers on papers.\nThe second one is the real problem. Unqualified, incompetent people in high places is never good for anything but especially to the normal applicants. This is the one that gets a lot of hate. Understandably so.\nConclusion? Make more friends! If you're lucky, you might get the second option. If you're not, no harm in having more friends ey." ], [ "Malaysia. The motto, kita jaga kita, is bodo." ], [ "I got myself an intern job via \"cable\" , and I will never ever accept any job again via cable again, learn it the hard way but luckily not too late. WORST FKING EXPERIENCE EVER.\nI said rather take your time to find a job that is at least somewhat suitable for yourselves instead of doing it for the sake of it." ], [ "Networking and connection aren't necessarily \"cable\".\nIf I'm looking for an engineer to join my team, you bet my first line of choices would be anyone I personally have worked with or recommended by trusted connections, which I absolutely know that they are competent and are able to do the job well.\nThis is much better than interviewing random people who might or might not be competent.\nCable is choosing the inferior candidate just because of the connection." ], [ "My cable is USB C. We are not the same" ], [ "Why u only know now ? It been debated last few year and yes , otherwise they boo you as noob dont know network kekwtop" ], [ "Just like the malaysia government and government contracts" ], [ "Now? What do do you \"Now\"?" ], [ "For some industries yes and it's not wrong. If you're the boss, sometimes we need someone who is on our side, someone who we can trust, someone that will keep company dirty secret. Although that person skills level or experience is on lower side." ], [ "um yeah...\nin other news water is wet" ], [ "Wdym now?" ], [ "I don't want to admit it but the truth is yaa.." ], [ "SESCO? As in Sarawak Energy?" ], [ "If anything I think it's the present where you're more likely to land on job through cold call. Before the advent of Internet and mnc and all, the only way you'll land in any job is literally dependent on your contacts" ], [ "thats how reality works. Cant or can work is another story. Tried to pull string with the hope i can get perm but turns out i am still a contract worker until company decide to layoff people due to poor sales." ], [ "I actually thought this guy was talking something about having internet cables lmao !" ], [ "Reference is a thing.\nUsually they will go through the same process as other candidate. But if all candidate is equal, the one with reference will most likely get the job.\nAnd by reference it means the candidate get to know the job opening first hand. Also you know the candidate has some level of people skill to get referenced.\nPulling \"Cable\" on another hand is a shit show waiting to happen usually." ], [ "Sadly thats how life is nowadays." ], [ "masuk sesco nice la…can i be friend with ur bf?" ], [ "Tak ada cable mana dapat tarik barang? /s" ], [ "you can build youre own cable... its a combination of effort and luck to be honest. ive pmed and friended a ton of recruiters in linked in and also send a dm every now and then to check on available position" ], [ "> Does every job needs 'cable' now?\nThat's why it is called networking." ], [ "in most top companies, cable only gets you to the door of a job interview. technical merit still holds." ], [ "you don't, but it helps to have ... immensely" ], [ "My first job was with cable. Miserably. Low Pay, overworked. I decided to search for a job on my own the second time, higher pay, lesser workload." ], [ "mestilah ada cable..malaysia mah we don't use merits here that's why the country is in shambles" ], [ "If you are chinese, even worse bro.. you cannot even go into a proper job even with a better academy background." ], [ "Yes and No.\nI have two sisters. One has only a diploma but is rich in experience and possesses a beautiful resume. She obtained all her jobs independently, working at each company for a significant period. Her most recent job was secured through her own application, which was her second attempt at the same company. The first attempt was two years ago. Naturally, for her second application at the same company, her salary expectations have increased.\nAnother sister also applied to a company twice. During her first attempt, she didn't succeed. After a two to three year gap, the company reopened its hiring process, this time she gets it through friend's connection. But she does possess qualifications from both local and overseas institutions and the necessary skills for the job.\nAt times, individuals can be highly educated and skilled but still not find the opportunity to work in a particular company.\nPR remains essential regardless of where we go." ], [ "No, but it's a definite advantage.\nYour first example is job reference. This is why references on resumes can be important.\nYour second example is nepotism. Lots of MNCs frown on this, but rampant in old-school companies.\nI have had my references being accepted, and also being rejected. I have been hired without reference, and also hired via reference.\nI feel like it's pretty normal for a reference to be an advantage. Here is someone already inside the company who vouches for your ability, your character, and your suitability. Unless the person who recommended you has a bad reputation, the hiring person will obviously be more partial to you over some random individual nobody knows. Remember that it's not just qualifications - it's also character and attitude. Someone with a good resume may end having a personality that is not a good fit for the company for example.\nAs a side note, if you've had bad experiences with being rejected for job openings. You can try reaching out to the various HR and ask for feedback on why you got rejected. Some might be kind enough to explain their reasons." ], [ "> The rest of us are hopeless without these 'cables'\nIf you dig through all your friends, family and relatives connection, up to 2nd degree or 3rd degree connections, and I am sure you can find someone who work in the company/industry which you are interested, and could help you make a recommendations. Make sure you are worthwhile/trustworthy for them to help you." ], [ "I'm the reverse.\nI'm 34 and just recently got a clerical job for a state government. Turns out all the otais were from my late father's batch during his stint.\nNow I was jokingly accused of having 'cable'." ], [ "Also depends on the strength of the cable, I've been trying to get a spot as a Change Manager in one of the big one, however, my cable loses out to his superior, even when I checked all the boxes + experience. Still goes to a fresh graduate! It is insane really." ], [ "I think it's part of the reason people enroll into big name unis" ], [ "Most hires from companies I hv worked in is through job recruiter or JobStreet. Of course we can refer someone in but still need go through the interview." ], [ "can somebody give tips on how to networking?", "Adopt a “pay it forward” mindset: think about how you can provide value for others first." ] ]
Man arrested after back-seat bid to enter MB’s home | Free Malaysia Today (FMT)
[ "Politics" ]
3 alleged PN supporters try to langkah masuk rumah MB Selangor
[ [ "Langkah apa pulak ni, lain macam", "Langkah failed" ], [ "A+ for effort" ], [ "Interesting tactic, I must say…" ] ]
Cover illustration of "The Yankee Rajah; or, the Fate of the Black Shereef - A Tale of the Malay Seas" by C. Dunning Clark. This is an American 'dime novel' that was published in Beadle’s Half-Dime Library No. 230 in 1881.
[ "History" ]
https://preview.redd.it/… PDF Link Source
[ [ "Turns out the \"yankee rajah\" is a real title.\nCol. Joseph William Torrey, Rajah of Ambong and Marudu, (April 22, 1828, in Bath, Maine; – June 22, 1885, in Boston) was an American merchant, president of the American Trading Company of Borneo and co-founder of the American colony \"Ellena\" (in present-day Kimanis) together with Thomas Bradley Harris on the island of Borneo. He was known as \"Yankee Rajah\" and served as a U.S. vice-consul to Siam.\nhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_William_Torrey\nSo far i've only known 3 other novel where the setting is set in old malaya.\nA Yellow Sleuth: Being the Autobiography of “Nor Nalla” (Detective-Sergeant Federated Malay States Police).\nFatal Shadows (1933)\nDeath over Her Shoulder (1939)", "TIL there used to be an American colony in Sabah." ], [ "malay pirates led by a feared pirate chief called the Black Shereef.\nsarip hitam lmao:26554:" ] ]
Angry fruit
[ "Wholesome" ]
Melaka to patent Lohan Guava (Jambu Melaka) as the state’s iconic fruit product, says state exco
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
[ [ "How is Lohan Guava different from other guava ?" ], [ "Actually Jambu Melaka was brought by the Minangkabau people from Indonesia. So Melaka doesn't have the rights as it's originally from Indonesia.\n/s" ] ]
Book launch by US-academic cancelled after ‘pressure from conservatives’
[ "Religion" ]
Author Ahmet T Kuru of the San Diego State University says he does not feel safe to make a presentation of his book in Malaysia
[ [ "someone dm me a link?" ] ]
Searching for work for someone in the pension/retiring age
Hello fellow ppl, based on the title, I'm helping my non-tech-savvy parents to look for jobs they could do since they are still keen of working but something with lesser physical demand. Any ideas where can I look? Any places or platforms with a list of vacancies? I definitely know that I can search on Google but I'm asking so that I could narrow down to the suggestions and resources that work best. Thank you!
[ [ "Call up the local adun. Some aduns do projects for old people to make money. If your adun is a functional rep la. If only show face once every 4 years, then I dont know.", "great advice!" ], [ "Recommend the eldercare industry. Either centre-based (typically run by a NGO or charity group) or, if your parents are still fit, home-based services or medical escort (both can also freelance). Don't have to travel far if your area has such social-service setup or network." ], [ "So when my mom was ill, there was this elderly couple, wife was a nurse, husband was a driver. They worked for an ambulance company who would send them out for minor emergencies like switching out oxygen tanks, refitting certain tubes. The wife said she only got a month or so of training to get some certificates.\nSomething you could look into." ] ]
Any bars/clubs that play just R&B, soul or alternative rock music in Malaysia?
[ "Entertainment" ]
Not too disco-ish or noisy type, just wanna chill and hang out with friends. Any recommendations?
Company that promised 171 Bangladeshi workers non-existent jobs is blacklisted
[ [ "Nail the director for the following:\nPromised wages and worker relocation costs.\nAdministration and logistics fees the goverment incurred.\nCharged them for people smuggling and breaking visa conditions.\nMake them an example should any employer try to do this.", "We all know that won't happen...at the very least he will get some low fine and can move on with his life." ], [ "Companies can open and close, they should blacklist the directors.", "is it not obvious that this is a token action? those directors are probably somebody connected.", "Those may be directors on paper who are probably just staff employee, the true directors are actually not on paper.\nSo if the company closes down or goes bankrupt, it will be staff employees acting as directors that get their credit black listed. The true directors will just set up another company with fake directors and restart like nothing happened." ], [ "blacklisted only means they will go incorporate another company and do it again.\nthese companies have been around and this is not their first rodeo.", "That's true which is sad to see at least the MP has issued this problem." ], [ "powerless to nail the owners & directors huh? the more madani / things change, the more they stay the same.. wheee" ], [ "This is very good work by Home Minister, was upset they got detained originally, these workers do jobs that we won't do, it is not fair to treat them like this, they were promised work and moved to another country that turned out to be a scam. We get angry about it happening to Malaysians but don't seem to care much when it happens to other people in our own country(?)\nTime to get tough on migration agents who do this to desperate people and throw them in jail. These Bangladeshis wouldn't protest unless it was real bad for them. I understand why the government shut it down, but they are the victims here, not the criminals." ] ]
Already 2024 and Malaysian prepaid user struggle to get cheap 5G plan
[ [ "Those prices look reasonable to me. Sure they capped the speed at 100Mbps but it's better this way than uncapped 5G speed because full 5G speed is super fast and the data is limited. I still very much prefer unlimited everything but 80GB per month for less than RM50 is cheap in my opinion.", "I tell you what, 4G speed can easily get over 100Mbps and also the reason why I'm making the post to point out that we still have this non 5G ready prepaid plan. Most telco still not giving a monthly 5G plan and just got weekly.", "Digi had the 5G prepaid 45 last year and Hotlink was Hotlink 45 with 5G. This year they both removed all 5G from their plan for prepaid unless you pay additional at the side.\nJump ship to Maxis cos way more stable at my place and even if no 5G, my 4G is super stable. Digi 4G also damn unstable at my place. Kept on disconnecting." ], [ "what should the pricing looks like then?", "Try compare other neighbour country prepaid 5G plan and you will able to see it. Even in India, its cheaper to have fast 5G plan.\nNot to mention this DiGi prepaid 5G plan have capped 100Mbps speed." ] ]
Airasia is offering fixed price promo tickets for Chinese New Year as low as RM 298 one way
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
After ‘Dubai Move’ exposed, Bersatu MP claims eight more Perikatan reps set to declare Anwar support
[ "Politics" ]
A scale that stand there almost for 25 years.
This is a public weight scale in Plaza Angsana Johor Bahru. Like the title suggest it had been standing there for almost 25 years or more. I do curious to know if any state in Malaysia still have this scale?
[ [ "a relic from a far simpler time.\nAlso the Greek god that you put your hand inside.", "The one with the warning that says careful in case your hand gets trapped in the mouth and tells fortunes?", "It's called the Bocca della Verità (or Mouth of Truth). It's based on a real sculpture, and you can see the fortune teller machine in the gallery.", "Indeed everytime I see this my head play a lot of memory from childhood. Insert Memory Reboot here.", "7yo me back then legit thought that if I put my hand inside, that machine gonna suck my blood.\nI watched The Mummy movies plenty of times it gave me that thought lmao", "I feel I've seen that one. But my memory can't find it." ], [ "I’m trying to think but I never realised a lot of them got changed out and are missing now.", "This one never change. Ironically the floor it standing on have already change a lot." ], [ "Hah....that scale reminds me of those creepy electronic booths that tell \"fortune\". Normally found in shopping centre so many years ago.", "I have a vague memory of it" ], [ "I also wanna know the store that is that displaying all those fine glass on the right", "It's a camera store. It's too been there for almost 25 years" ], [ "Wish this thing was a time machine I could step on and it'll bring me back to the better times when it was first introduced in malls", "One can wish bro" ], [ "Back when there were jawbreaker machines", "Frfr.\nI remember one with a very scary moon with a face. Don't remember what it do but it is a great machine.", "It's a fortune telling machine for fun.\nhttps://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/service:pnp:highsm:31000:31009/full/pct:25/0/default.jpg\nLike this one?", "Yes that one" ], [ "Central market?", "Plaza Angsana JB" ], [ "2000 was almost 25 years ago. Just saying", "Close" ], [ "So, does it use old 20sen coin or new one?😅", "Both that sign was there during the introduction of new Malaysian ringgit look" ], [ ":26557:" ], [ "It probably works acurately compared to my unreliable, not cheap, digital scale" ], [ "Mines broke when your mama sit on it" ], [ "still have one from a local supermarket in sarawak, dont have a pic tho since i just went to get groceries but its still there\ni love the fact that they cant accept the new 10 sen syiling, opting for the older ones (with the congkak board on the back), makes me just a lil bit older, even tho im not even out of schoolies yet", "Is it Elektra?" ], [ "If I'm not mistaken, there used to be a gumball (and later bouncy ball) machine next to that scale", "Yeah never buy from it though" ], [ "25? Try 55.\nhttps://auctions.herman.ie/lots/view/1-7IY8SW/1962-avery-pharmacist-weighing-scales", "I was born 1997. The same years Plaza Angsana first open. So yeah it could be as old as me." ] ]
Guess Merdeka 118 is ready to welcome patrons soon👀
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
Captured on 🗓️6th Jan 2024.
Malaysia needs to recognise own shortcomings to escape middle-income trap, says economist
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
[ [ "Juncker’s Dilemma.", "I genuinely looked up for this. Is this real or bs reference?" ] ]
Do nyets close the door after using airplane toilets?
[ "Culture" ]
I just came back from travelling and I noticed that people from a specific country don’t close the toilet doors after using them. IMO, that’s nasty as fuck Now before you come and say I’m generalising, it happened with 95% of people from this said country on a single flight and there were A LOT of them using the toilet At this point I’m just confused if it’s a culture thing or they just didn’t give a fuck View Poll
[ [ "At least they use the toilet. Be positive XD" ], [ "Is the country C or I? A speculation based on population.", "Surprisingly not both of them. You’d be surprised which country is in question :26554:", "White?", "Nope", "Is it like your flair... plus uh, one letter?\nHaha.", "Nope, but very warm", "Damn, are we playing a guessing game, eih...\nHow many chances I got?", "3 chances. Your guess begins now", "Does the group speak ENG?", "Any of I, A, B or P?", "I have no idea what any of these letters mean but no they don’t start with the country I’m talking about", "I was also thinking C or I, but other than that I can’t figure which other country…\nBut anyways, why would someone NOT close the lavatory door after using them? Its akin to not washing their hands after flushing." ], [ "I know some people (regardless of their race and religion) who will not touch the toilet door knob!\nGerms and shit." ], [ "Take a deep breathe of my 💩", "*snorts the air*" ], [ "best korea rite", "My lawyer advised me not to say anything without him around" ] ]
In leaked video, Guan Eng takes water chief to task
Mighty Car Mods's The real story behind Australia’s first K-Car Global Race Team (At Sepang)
[ [ "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1x-kZ6nWIRk" ] ]
Private housing developers in Sarawak no longer obligated to construct affordable homes, instead pay compensation to the state’s housing trust fund
PSA: Beware of this scammer claiming to be from Omnicom Media Group
Some of you might already know this song and dance: easy job, freelance, part-time, just have to like things on social media. Usually the scam’s next step involves one of two steps: - buying X item, not through an official web store but pay via direct deposit, which they will then return your payment with a small percentage topped up - to continue getting new tasks, you need to pay a deposit for some bullshit fee This is the first time I’ve seen a scammer use a doctored poster/website screenshot from the company they claim to be from. That’s a nice touch that would be believable to anyone who’s never been approached before. Also for search engine optimisation to anyone out there: Omnicom Media Group scam, Instagram, Telegram, freelance.
[ [ "Thank you for the heads up\nI got a message from the same company too!" ], [ "'HR dept gave me your no. nilly willy to contact you for a scam job' Whether legit or not, this sort of action would get them fired instead since you leaked candidate's info.\nAlso, if influencers needed followers, they could either buy bots or that lifestyle simply isn't cut out for them!", "Haha. Yeah, weak approach. Probably to safeguard themselves from any background check, they can just claim to be third party.\nRegardless, educating about the process would help raise awareness." ], [ "Hahaha I received the message from Omnicom this morning and left them on read" ], [ "The trick is what ever early task that they gave you just do it for a quick bucks, and once they ask for payment/purchase first, block em.\nedit: did some before, gain like hundred something, just use your alternate social accounts." ], [ "As a youngster I was scammed before but thankfully it was only RM200. Odds are good that I’ve been marked as a vulnerable target on some list.\nI know that I can run off with some small pocket money but I don’t do that because I want to be approached by these people. If I can get some insight on what new techniques they employ, I can share and warn others.", "it is the same like this one, they will give you easy \"tasks\" to complete https://vulcanpost.com/826866/telegram-task-scams-malaysia-experience-opinion/" ], [ "“Hi this is my fake full name to gain your trust, and i definitely work at this company in Malaysia, don’t worry about my credentials”\nWorst opening line ever" ], [ "Wish the govt can do something about this. These scammers likely are targeting countries like ours and SG rather than western \"first world\" countries cause the youtubers there did many things to bring the issue to light and even fight it head on the past years" ], [ "Sometimes I wish we have a scammer payback versi Malaysia running here." ] ]
Sarawak exempts developers from building affordable homes
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
[ [ "Forest city not example enough? Houses should be for people to live in, not investment leverage.", "Property price go up= state gov get more money from cukai tanah, cukai taksiran.\nSo, reality is, gov dont give a flying shit about locals cant afford to buy them. As long as it is sold, regardless to whom or for what purpose. What matters is cha ching." ] ]
Visa for family of four coming for 1-2 years
Hi all, we are a family of four hoping to spend a year or two living in Malaysia. I am 50 (M, from NZ), my wife is Japanese (48), and we have two boys, aged 6 and 8. We are all bilingual in English and Japanese. I work as a freelance translator and have over 20 years experience. We would love to spend some time in Malaysia but are unsure about which visa would be best. I have been reading up on the de rantau visa, but it appears to be more closely aligned with the IT industry (as per the official website: "Who can apply? Digital freelancer, independent contractor, and remote worker whom are IT & digital professionals in various domains i.e. software engineers, backend engineers, UX, UI, cloud, cybersecurity, blockchain, AI (Artificial Intelligence), machine learning, data-related etc.), digital marketing, digital creative content, digital content development etc."). I wonder if there is any point applying for this visa as an online translator with vast experience and over US$100k in income per year. I am technically a digital freelancer, but is this limited to IT? Am I better to look into another visa? I was also looking at the MMH2 requirements, but needing to deposit RM1 million into a Malaysian bank account was off-putting. If the de rantau is a no-go, can someone please give me an alternative visa-wise? As background, I intend to continue working through my Japanese companies while in Malaysia, and I plan to put my kids in an international school. I am sure I have left out some vital information, so please let me know and I will edit to include. Many thanks in advance!
[ [ "Try googling malaysia digital nomad visa. I'm not familiar with it, but i've heard of it." ] ]
MBO Cinemas opens new location in Pearl Point this year
[ "Entertainment" ]
Puad’s praise of Loke won’t sit well with Chinese voters, says analyst
[ "Politics" ]
James Chin believes the Umno Supreme Council member has been complimentary because the DAP secretary-general will not stand up to the Malay nationalist party.
[ [ "" ] ]
Thought we would be much higher tbh
[ [ "In this economy?", "Yes", "Actually according to statistics even if you make a lot of money chances are you probably won't be having more children." ], [ "No shit. We will be dealing with aging population like Singapore and Japan by 2030, in 6 year's time.\nSource: https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2022/07/812583/life-expectancy-malaysia-rises-12-years-ageing-population-2030" ], [ "No lah, generation changed already.\nEven typical Muslim Malay also don't see it as sustainable to have many kids, everything in Malaysia is not supportive of families who want kids.", "most Malays definition of ‘many kids’ has changed from ‘more than 5’ to ‘more than 3’ over the years.\nregardless it is still more than what most Chinese define as ‘many kids’ which is still ‘more than 1’.", "1 is already too many", "Malays nowadays measures kids from their car capacity, if they afford only basic car got 3, if can afford bigger cars they aim to have more.\nMany of the familes with Islamic style always have more children, and they happen to have MPVs or 6-seaters or even vans as well. Definitely planned well, I guess lol.", "What if they can afford a bus", "I never understood chinese children economics.. when they grow old all the burden will rest on their 1 kid... that's depressing", "Not like more kids equals having them caring for their parents", "why cant the parents have their own retirement financials planned and executed, instead of outsourcing that responsibility to their kid(s) leh?\ni'm a parent and i intend for my kids to be in the \"un-sandwiched\" generation. Life is already getting challenging with the speed of change getting exponentially faster.", "It’s one of the big problems they’re going to have to deal with as economic output drops from less working population. America and other countries with low birth rates simply import more people to keep more stable levels working age levels (but still dropping due to massive numbers of boomers retiring).", "No , it depends on area, this is a general stats ,rural area will have more children", "Especially in urban area, this is true." ], [ "All races birthrate dropping in Malaysia. Cina and indian is below replacement rate already", "Behold the year of Dragon, the Chinese already starts f**king since last year in hope to have a Dragon baby.", "But the kid will carry 2023A birth year for life. How does it work though", "nah... dragon>3a", "Power of dragon yo!", "Malaysian draagoonnnn.... From the J to the A, then K & E. Im the mackdaddy of the KLC, ya heard", "Omg memories…still rewatch it sometimes.", "Younger gens slowly stop caring about the bloody animals.", "So much truth in this though. All of a sudden I have so many friends who announced their pregnancy recently. Even those who have held off having kids for years. I’m expecting too but due a few days before cny so no dragon for me.", "replacement rate\nI love how dehumanizing this term is. Sounds like spare parts of a car." ], [ "New gen parents prefer 1 or max 2. My friends and I who all have 2 or less baby always complaint about older generations keep asking us when to have another child.", "then ask the older generation to fuck n have their own...talk very easy but who is the one that has to go out to earn money n feed the kids", "No lah. No need to be rude to the makciks and pakciks. I just told them the price we paid for our daycare and ask if they want to sponsor until the baby is old enough to go to school. They would stop talking about that immediately.", "well ur way works too...hahaha...sometimes im just a bit aggressive towards older generation regarding stuff like kids, marriage, earnings", "I thought myself to put these people in my shoes whenever they put any unreasonable expectation on me. Whatever that is reasonable for them are no longer reasonable to us and they simply don’t know that.\nBest thing is, they got concerned over us and ask us about our financial situation and how we managed. They just don’t know how hard it is for us now. They just thought that younger generations just know how to complain.\nThere’s a reason why the top richest people are fill with boomers and hardly competed by the younger generations." ], [ "Among my own circles it’s increasingly rare to see my peers have more than 1 kid (millennials) . Most urban boomers probably had 2, 3 max , whilst their parents probably had plus minus half a dozen to 8-10 .\nMeanwhile I’m enjoying the double income no kid life. It’s awesome .", "The recently married family members I know say they're happy with just 1 child. Maybe 2 max but that's it." ], [ "Do u have kids? Try have two then u will know why Malaysians mostly stop at 2 kids. It's blardy expensive that is why. Claims from LHDN not helping much too.\nI have 3 kids total age 3, 7, 10. I'd have stop at 2 if I knew things are gonna be this expensive in a few years time. Yet pay remain stagnant." ], [ "For people who are looking for the position, it's 126." ], [ "Wah malaysia only 2? Most people i know at least has 3.", "Most I know have one or don't even have kid. Are we from the same Malaysia?", "Maybe you are young, I am in middle adulthood, peak of narried life.", "im in middle adulthood as well...most i know only have one or dont even have one", "Well, its an anecdotal statement after all, not to be taken seriously, probably I am surrounded by traditional family men and community.", "I am 30s. Most people i know in several workplaces and online have 2 kids.", "Plot twist: u/ExpZer0 is still in secondary school.", "Same. Max 2.", "Tell me you are Malay without telling me heheheheh", "I am a malay but the statistics are in congruent with world wide muslim population. If you can't propagate, procreate" ], [ "Yeah , it's normal to hear people with 4 or more uncle and aunt , but their siblings only have 3 max children. People are not having as many kids." ], [ "Alr hear me out... One of the Malaysia Vet (1956) by the day he was born there is a record 9k+ baby born that day\nMy parents (1970-1980) have a record of 5k+ born that day\nMe a Gen Z? Only 1.7k+ born that day\nDo you guys know how crazy fast the birth rate drop year by year?" ], [ "What happened to the 0.2 of the baby?😱 Do people eat their baby?😭" ], [ "Still worse than North Korea :26554:" ], [ "Not planning to have a kid unless I migrate. The country is becoming more and more dangerous, where they start mongering you with their religious beliefs, parents from this or previous generations spoiling their children beyond fubar. Plus, gaji still like from 2010, but houses minimum 400k...nuh uh" ], [ "Bro , take rohingya into count , instantly become top 20", "Curb your xenophobia la", "Yeah i should expect something like this in this sub , maybe you should come live in my area and pay for the vehicle they have crushed , the nahtokong shrine that crushed , illegal driving without license that has cause multiple accidents , constantly fighting between them , their kids lurking around on the main road on 12 am , constanting shouting and fighting in their house and all the aedes mosquito they breed by collecting all the junk into their house and more and more worse crimes they have commited. You can't slap a \"phobia\" on everything and think you won the moral high ground and leave others to deal the shit you encouraged, you have empathy for uneducated illegal immigrant but not for your local countrymen that worked and paid tax to build their country up , it doesn't make you a better person.", "There are literally Rohingya working where I live. I even talk to them sometimes and once sent one guy to a clinic when he was ill. I'm sorry for your bad experience and I hope the situation will improve for you but I'm not responsible for causing it to happen. Perhaps i shouldn't make assumptions about you and you shouldn't about me either. Happy new year", "Of course this people dont know, they lived in bangsar and upper class areas and never seen first hand.", "or worse, they want cheap labour , illegal immigrants are best source of it.", "In psychology, it's called triangulation. Hating on Rohingjans shifts the focus away from our racial disharmony." ], [ "Puerto Rico, New Caledonia, Macao, Turks and Caicos islands, Isle of man, the channel islands, the US and British virgin islands are not countries." ], [ "I think it’s good if we join sk,japan,and china.. but I know it’s kinda impossible.. the rural area prolly got lot of babies", "Population decline was never a good thing so was overpopulation, I just wish our country maintain the same number of population in the future, 2 child per family kind of decent number", "Iirc there used to be \"Population Policy\" which state that Malaysia aims to have 70 mil in population come 2070 something, which they state as an optimum population for this country. Know them from the Geography textbook tho.\nIt could make sense only if the economy chances is spread around the country and not just selected WC Peninsular cities only.", "In which aspect tho? Population is certainly not.\nWith less people, state benefits gonna be less, tax gonna be more, then you'll have Japan where people cant have kids because they are overworked and the cycle continues.." ], [ "cant believe we're that low" ], [ "You cant expect religious people to pick up your slack." ], [ "What number Malaysia??", "126", "We are higher than usa lol", "60" ], [ "Is it common to adopt in Malaysia ?" ], [ "Singapore is following PRC in regards of conceiving a child.\nThis phrase might sound cynical but do Chinese people would prefer having children on certain zodiac?" ], [ "I think 2 is the maximum children an average family will have. My well off middle class relatives/extended family already stopped at 2 children so I guess we will see lower birthrate as a trend in the coming decade. It's just too expensive. Young people will have to do a lot of overtime at work while helping be the breadwinner for 2 aging parents.. sorta like China or Japan.\nLooking at our industries lack of automation we're definitely not ready for this situation at all" ], [ "I can see labour agents and related statutory bodies salivating at certain quick solutions..." ], [ "Yeah that tracks. Most of my married friends stopped at 1 or 2. Kids are expensive if you want to provide them with provate schools, enrichment classes, books, personal rooms, etc." ], [ "We are kinda trapped in middle income economy. We clearly have the lifestyle of a high income country but with money exchange of a low income country. Who wants to raise many kids in this economy." ], [ "My sister only got pregnant with her 2nd just so that her daughter would have a sibling." ] ]
Hello Malaysia. Feed back on Gold Coast at morib beach.
We’re staying at the water park with our 3yo in March. I think the accommodation looks ok and not expecting too much for the price. However my partner is concerned regarding places to eat. Local and western food are both fine by us. Any other tips would help. Thank you
What is the cheapest 5G postpaid plan in Malaysia?
[ "Science/ Technology" ]
Long time lurker, full time Malaysian. lol. As per the title, what are the cheapest 5G postpaid plan in Malaysia? Tried searching for some comparison articles online, either by Soyacincau or similar sites, but none of it are recent articles. What are the plans you guys are using for 5G?
[ [ "+1 asking for prepaid as well", "Yoodo, currently a promo, buy 40gb, they free u 25gb and RM1 for the 5G upgrade. For RM46.\nI think it’s RM40 , and then RM 5 for 100min call, and RM 1 for the 5G upgrade" ] ]
Fahmi: Government to appoint religious leaders (asatizah) as spokespersons to counter distorted views on Islam
[ [ "Same story as this one yesterday: https://np.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/18yxk8k/govt_to_appoint_religious_leaders_to_counter/\nAnd as I've written yesterday, this is a mistranslation. \"Asatizah\" means \"religious teachers\", not \"religious leaders\".", "from the same root word as ‘ustaz’ yeah I know but I tried not to change the headline too much." ], [ "repost" ] ]
Fahmi Fadzil: PADU data won’t be mined for political use
[ [ "Last person I wanna hear that from :26554::26554::26554:" ], [ "Yeaaaaaa.... righhhtttt....", "No one: …\nFahmi, out of nowhere: Jangan risau, jangan takut! Data anda tidak akan disalahguna! Data anda selamat! Jangan takut!" ], [ "KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 6): Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil today reiterated that information gathered in the Central Database Hub (Padu) will not be used to drive campaigning for the 16th general election.\nOddly specific explanation, what about other election/event?" ], [ "" ], [ "LOL.. boleh percaya ke?" ], [ "How can we know that? Krik krik krik" ], [ "Sure just like no bc corruption ever." ], [ "The whole PADU thing is a complete failure and joke since its launch...with numerous individuals calling out the clear flaws.\nIf you ask me the whole thing is just a way to collect as much information as possible and probe those who are easy to probe...especially the middle income to high income earners doing things legitimately....and then get them to pay this tax and that tax.\nGiven how rubbish our currency is performing and the stagnation of the country...even after the 'saviour' DSAI took the helm is giving us no more hope.\nI say they will get irritated of low sign up and soon make it a law for everyone to sign up to PADU." ] ]
Shipping parcel to UK
Hey good people, I’m planning on shipping a parcel containing some local snacks and items to a friend in London (from Sarawak) Has anyone had experience with the best courier company to do so? Have done some research and my choices are basically EMS(Poslaju) , Citylink and DHL/ FedEx. I am pretty reluctant with DHL express as the cost is extremely high based on quotes estimates. Thank you in advance for any assistance or advice.
[ [ "Done so with EMS to Australia, pretty good. Basically solids are fine, but no liquids/ pastes." ] ]
Why is Hotlink still charging for 5G?
[ [ "Coz they are greedy af" ], [ "According to recent news, telco shouldn’t charge for 5G as the infrastructure was funded by public. Celcom already removed theirs, but maxis still charging them to this day.\n‘Don’t charge extra for 5G’ https://www.thestar.com.my/tech/tech-news/2023/12/19/fahmi-says-govt-may-take-action-against-telcos-charging-extra-fees-for-5g", "only for the new 5g plans. the new plans are expensive AF. so price of 5g already included.\nold plans still have \"5g booster\". for example those xpax postpaid" ], [ "because Fahmi is stupid\nHe say cannot charge 5G\nbut Telco will find loophole by offering 50GB plan with 5G at RM50, 40GB plan without 5G at RM40. In the end you got upsell to 5G plan pulak.\nTelco can say that 10GB is what cost RM10 extra...5G is free. :26554:\nThe only way to stop this is to mandate all kind of telco service must have 5G.", "Fahmi is weak and no balls. Been months yet no resolution to this issue.", "Just include those as charging for 5G", "How to force all 5g? Not all location has 5g. They're mostly in highly populated areas only. Also people not on 5g phones want cheaper options, they are not interested in 5g, they just wanna WhatsApp and Facebook only, some is kancil, some use myvi, some use BMW, you can't force everybody to use Ron 97, some rather use Ron 95 and demand a discount from the usual price. If you say everybody pays rm50 and everybody gets 5g, there are many people who will demand for rm30, they don't want 5g cause WhatsApp and Facebook makes no difference in 5g anyway." ], [ "Is there a plan without 5G? Do you have a screenshot?", "They’re inconsistent throughout the offered packages. Some comes with 5G, some are not.\nhttps://imgur.com/a/p9rg1dV/" ], [ "U mobile jer" ], [ "OP, those passes are like subscriptions if you want daily, weekly or monthly internet access. after paying for it, user have to go to the 'others' to 'unlock' 5g access which costs rm 0. if you skipped this step, the current line is 4G. idk why we have to do extra steps but that's basically the step to get 5g in hotlink." ], [ "It's just their way to make you pay for 5G by locking it behind an internet subscription\n<image>", "Moved out of Digi cos my old Rm40 plan has no 5G and only 30GB data and line super bad at my area. If I were to pay additional Rm20 just for 5G but same amount of data, I'd be stupid. Tho their new postpaid plan now cheapest is Rm70 comes with 90GB data with 5G, I went with Maxis 79 with 160GB data with 5G. Additional Rm9 for even more data which will come in handy for my studies." ], [ "Maxis …. Why I’m Not surprise\n<image>", "Do you still have to pay for 5G? Can't do anything myself because I don't control the plan..." ], [ "Real question is why still use Hotlink, OP?" ], [ "Last year Hotlink 45 came with free 5G and 75GB data iirc. This year no more dy." ], [ "Digi charge me RM10/m for 5G. Without paying wont get 5G signal." ], [ "Im using prepaid Hotlink (On a much much older plan mind you. They have also been calling me up trying to convince me to change plans..kinda sus)\nAnyways on my current plan..I use the app and opt for the 5G add on thing..for no additional cost at all...RM 0..." ], [ "Because Fahmi don't scare them." ], [ "Somebody has to make money. If not how:26554:" ], [ "Im using Hotlink as well, and yes I got charge extra rm10, can anyone recommend a better telco service perhaps? Thinking of switching here" ], [ "Digi charges extra for 5G too" ] ]
MET MALAYSIA - Laporan Cuaca 6 Januari 2024 (pagi)
[ "Environment" ]
/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for 07 January 2024
This is r/malaysia's official daily random discussion and quick questions thread. Don't be shy! Share your joys, frustrations, random thoughts and questions. Anything and everything is welcome. Apa tanda si pinang kelat, Bila dimakan terasa malan, Apa tanda orang beradat, Bila Monyets berdebat dengan sopan. Dad joke: My daughter broke up with this amazing guy because he lost both his arms she says he is not handsome any more
[ [ "Minor announcements:\nmonyet.cc: Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! (why?)\nSPM Megathread: Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more!\nMental health wiki: A list of mental health services in Malaysia\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ] ]
Cute design of Genting Skyworld Hotel's Lobby
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
Understanding Provisional Accreditation of Online Master's Programs in Malaysia and Its International Implications
Can anyone advise me whether an online master's program that is provisionally accredited in Malaysia is also internationally accredited? I am considering an online doctoral program at APU, and as someone who is not from Malaysia, I am particularly interested due to the low cost and online opportunities. However, I am not familiar with how MQA accreditation works. Can anyone with expertise in this field provide better insight? Does provisional accreditation often lead to full accreditation?
One Afternoon / Night In KL - What To Do?
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
Hi, As the title says, my girlfriend and I have one afternoon / night in KL on layover from Vietnam to London. We land at 2pm and we fly out at 10am the next day. Obviously it’s not much time but we’d like to see a bit of the place. Can you give us some suggestions on where to stay and ideas of what we should do for an afternoon / night? Thanks
[ [ "Find a locker to keep your luggage.\nTravel to KL bukit bintang via erl train to kl sentral. Then mrt train from kl sentral to bukit bintang station. Grab is also an option from kl sentral.\nShop/ walk around pavillion / bukit bintang area.\nHere onwards you have 2 options.\nOption 1: Book for dinner at one of those high floor restaurants that has a direct view of klcc twin towers. Google should reveal a few locations.\nHead back to airport just before midnight by train or grab. Please check for the last train.\nStay overnight at the airport hotel.\nOption 2: Grab early dinner at lot 10’s hutong (food court packed with famous local street cuisines). This is also at bukit bintang / pavillion area.\nOption 2 is cheaper and you get to leave for the airport earlier, assuming you need more time to work out where you going to sleepover.\nThe airport is quite a distance away from KL city. So it’s best to stay as close as possible to the airport.", "Thanks. That’s really helpful. Do you know what the cost is likely to be for a taxi from the airport into the City?", "According to Grab it starts from rm51. https://www.grab.com/my/fare-check/\nI think it is cheaper to skip the train and just take Grab. I am not sure for taxi." ], [ "If KLCC is your main objective then I recommend taking Grab from the airport to KLCC. Once you're done at KLCC, you can walk over to Bukit Bintang through the connecting bridge.\nOnce in Bukit Bintang, you can visit several malls such as Pavilion, Star Hill, Lot 10 and Sungei Wang.\nI recommend you to checkout Hutong, a food court at Lot 10, for some local flavours.\nIf you still have a little more time then perhaps you can visit Changkat and Jalan Alor where you can get some food and drinks.\nP/s: Since you're inbound from Vietnam, I assume you know about Grab. If you don't, you can download the riding app from the Play Store or Apple Store." ], [ "I should have said, I’d like to see the Petronas Towers" ], [ "If possible, take an earlier flight and just not waste time!", "Disappointingly, that’s all we’ve got…" ] ]
What are some of the most underrated and overrated jobs in Malaysia?
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
I'll start Underrated: cleaners and teachers Overrated: footballers and politicians It's crazy to think that a footballer can be paid hundreds of thousands or even millions a year while a teacher gets about 2-3k per month on average. Not to say that teachers have to be paid millions, but I think they deserve better than their current pay considering that they shoulder great responsibilities in shaping the future generations. Even the same thing goes to a cleaner, without them I guess we will see piles of rubbish across the streets and shits smothered everywhere around the toilet. Just have a look at the streets in KL after the New Year countdown, it's such a shame.
[ [ "Teachers may be underrated but there are so many of them that don't deserve to be teachers.\nPay them better with more benefits. But also vet them harder.\nEdit. Also I seriously doubt our footballers are earning millions", "When an industry is paid well, you will attract better 'quality' teacher.\nSadly this sector is politicized from the top-down and there's a whole other sector of tuition centers that earns millions.\nColor me surprised if some of these same lowly paid teachers also happens to own said tuition centers.", "sadly true. they are \" incentivized\" to not teach well at public schools and then do their best outside simply because it's more lucrative. but what about those who can't afford to pay for the tuition? They lag behind? :(", "they are \" incentivized\" to not teach well at public schools and then do their best outside simply because it's more lucrative.\nI doubt this happens in real life... It's not like you'll trust an unqualified school teacher to be a good tuition teacher, anyhow. To say nothing that I doubt individual teachers are really expecting to lower the level of schools enough on their own to lift tuition centers up.\nIt would be like a fireman doing a poor job in the hope of increasing his fire extinguisher side-business: the odds that YOUR actions will directly benefit YOUR business is... close to 0%.", "Actually these do happen. Also its not that they're doing bad at their day job or unqualified, but that they do the bare minimum.\nNot that i dont understand when sidejobs can totally net them more money.\nMy mom did teach and her experience with her colleagues do attest to the existence of these teachers teaching and earning better outside of school.", "I echo the other commenters - I grew up in a neighbourhood with quite a number of teachers around. The best tuition teachers, while at school they're normal/mediocre, at tuition they seem to deliver results for the students and even more parents send them there. The parents are quite aware of the discrepancy, and gain a sense of comfort their child are at one of their 'bootcamps', rather than not.", "I probably thinking the teacher would get brainwashed by government before graduating. I have tiny bit of hope about Teachers teaching in school if they got brainwashed both by gov and tiktok.", "Agree on the footballers. Our footballers arent being paid like those europeans. Some of our footballers didnt even get paid because of management issues lmao.\nBut i still think those europeans are not being overpaid if you look at how much revenue those clubs made.", "+1" ], [ "Underated : Farmer", "That's my thought too. Farmers can earn a lot of money (but with hard work, of course) depending on what they're farming and how they market them.\nI think OP is confusing between underrated and under-appreciated jobs." ], [ "Most of our footballers aren’t even rich. Can’t compare them go international stars.\nThe top footballers are paid millions because they bring in even more money to the team. A lot of companies sponsor football players and teams because of how many people watch football. So don’t blame footballers for being rich, blame the people watching football.\nIt’s never about how important someone’s job is for society. It’s always about it how much money can you generate, and how hard is it to replace you. Cleaners and teachers are important, but if one person quits, it’s not hard to find another person to do it.\nBut yes, for teachers, I do feel we should offer more to attract better, smarter people to be teachers. Currently the bar is set too low.", "Some of our Local footballer rich enough that they get ten plus thousands just to play like 2-3 a month but that comes with a lot of hard resistance training, strict diets. Its worth it", "That said the average player dont get paid much matter of fact many will be having a second job to support his career", "We need teachers with industry backed experience esp in public edu sectors and not just churned from IPG.", "Yup its the amount of people that they can influence.\nWhy else do top influencer get money like its raining? It's all because of their reach and advertisers want to utilise that reach." ], [ "Over rated: Degree holder. Under rated: Babi farmer", "Babi farmer make 7 figure?", "Per month? Yes", "Depends on how many Babi banyak", "Depends on your work ethic, drive and passion for Babi", "I chuckled", "Geez... ok how do I start?\nI buy some babi and wait for them to netflix and chill?\nI heard babi eats anything right. How hard can it be?", "I know of someone who's a babi farmer. He did admit that his business is extremely lucrative but it's very difficult to run. One ASF infection can wipe out hundreds of pigs if uncontrolled and he had to start out doing everything the old and physical way before he accumulated enough capital to automate certain things.", "degree holder is not a job. It's just a square of paper that allows you to pas through HR filters.\nThat being said, if you go with an open mind and are passionate about your field, your degree in a mediocre uni can be worth more the degree you get in a fancy uni.\n(recently, I was asked to grade MBA essays as an \"industry expert\" and honestly, you can quickly see who learned by heart without understanding the material, and who truly got the \"juice\" of the principles discussed and how they interact. I could only see the originating uni but not the individual name of course.)", "Yea degree is overrated.", "Degree for certain profession is extremely required like doctor, engineer.\nYes for course like linguistic, history & arts that maybe an exception. Don't need degree to learn English.", "Stupid comparison, degree holders also comprised of Doctors, Engineers, Architects, & Professors.\nYou want local ah bengs to design your next house instead of educated architect & engineer?", "Don't forget the ACCA,although it is possible to do the ACCA without a degree in Accounting,although you'll need to do foundation first." ], [ "Footballers in malaysia probably not getting as much money as you thought OP, some were not even getting paid. Our sports scenes are not like in the western", "If they're Super League players. They're paid enough. Don't know about the second division", "Even in super league there are many unpaid/late salary cases." ], [ "Overated: Fund Managers\nThey get paid RM20k to RM50k per month to cosplay as expert when in fact they are losing you money vs a simple ETF. Worst some just outright buy exactly the same as benchmark stocks", "Yes, all those financial analysts are basically glorified fortune tellers or feng shui masters. They make all kinds of bold predictions about stock and economic trends but in fact are no more accurate than your typical fortune teller.", "Kek... you guys needs to get off /r/investing...\nIt's great to believe in the ETF as a once-size-fits-all (and it is for most people with liquidities worth below RM500K), but some people want a certain amount of risk, a certain amount of tax/loss/property/FP management, passing wealth down to descendants etcetc. A strategic loss of 50k can qualify you for a 2mill subsidy.\nHow will your ETF get you that?\nWhat you're basically saying is \"nutritionists are useless, you just need to count calories\"... Great but....What about diabetics or anemics? Sometimes you need a personal touch.\n(The bonuses tend to make the monthly salary higher than 50k, if your fund is reaching its stated objectives. That objective is not always a %age ROI.)", "found the fund manager", "Well, first thing is that I'm not on r/investing as I also put them in the same category as amateur fortune teller or astrologer.\nSo, let me clarify a bit about why I'd equate market analysis to fortune telling and that is totally different from your example on nutritionist.\nA certified nutritionist gives recommendations based on scientific studies with peer reviewed and reproducible results. Two nutritionists giving consultations to 2 patients with similar health conditions will almost always give similar results.\nThe stock market is a different system that is fundamentally unpredictable no matter how much you try to analyse it. It is even worse than climate scientists trying to predict the weather. The stock market is never predictable beyond very short term in the future. It is basically a random system that goes up and down based on human emotions which itself is basically unpredictable. Anytime any events will totally upset the system like war, COVID, and earthquake or even when a CEO falls sick. All those financial analysis and calculation like EPS, dividend ratio, moving average, chart line, etc are all basically like feng shui masters making calculation based on star and moon position. Just trying to look for signs when it fundamentally doesn't even work. You give 10 different financial analysts the same job and they will all give wildly different or similar predictions but none of them are really any accurate and definitely not reproducible results.\nCompare that to many other professions like engineer. We make sure our product will work more than 99% of the time. We even give a few years of warranty for that or we will repair or give you a new one. Would you buy a car that will only have about chance 50% of bring you to your destination and have a huge disclaimer during purchase agreement that there is absolutely no guarantee that the car will work. That is exactly what happens when we buy a fund with bold promised but absolutely no guarantee that it will even stay positive.\nDon't get me wrong. I still invest in funds with fund managers. I consider them as a way to outsource my investment efforts because I work over 60 hours per week. But I don't put too much faith in the way they are set up to work and that they can't really do much more than just following the market trends." ], [ "Used to have such thoughts but after working for 15yrs and seeing most walks of life, there shouldn't be any rating for any jobs. All jobs have their ups and downs, just whether what you want to be." ], [ "Are you talking about govt teachers? They earn pretty comfortable salaries, not to mention (as with other govt servants), a huge part of their benefits are actually their deferred payments in the form of pensions. Imagine getting 50% of your last drawn salary for another 20-30 years, after you retire. Plus, so many earn additional income at tuition teachers", "you make me think, overrated and underrated: kerja kerajaan 😂", "Govt teachers are overloaded with admin work, after school activities, frequent changes in curriculum and the emotional burden of parents’ expectations. I still think they’re underpaid.", "That's a fair point, but I think it applies only to good teachers.\nI would say the rest are paid adequately, considering their quality. And if all of them were overworked, they wouldn't have these sketchy side hustles like giving tuition classes.\nPlus what you're describing is standard for most private sector jobs (replace curricula with restructuring, and parents with bosses)", "Can confirm,had an Ustaz who drove a Volkswagon Golf in SK,and a BM teacher who owns a Masserati and at the time new BMW sports car,to this day I don't know how he got that much money." ], [ "Yeah, unfortunately many jobs that do not directly generate revenue are often underappreciated. Teachers, social workers, nurses, cleaners, guards, childcare, etc are jobs that provide important service to the society but do not directly generate revenue. So in a capitalistic economy, we will usually try to minimize their cost. Meanwhile jobs that directly make money like sales people, insurance agents, remisier are jobs that don't really do much but make a lot of money by just being the middle person in a transaction.\nFootballers make a lot of money mainly because of their ability to get important sponsorship money for the team.\nPoliticians are somewhat arguable. Underpaid politicians might be tempted to receive corruption money. Singapore for example has some of the world's most well paid ministers and seems to be able to control their corruption level. Of course, I'm not a fan of overpaying the many moronic politicians that we have but we need to think of a way to attract actually smart people to lead the country with a proper compensation package." ], [ "Certain jobs in the heavy industry that require very specific government-issued certificates, are under rated. The certs cost a few hundred RM plus a few weeks of training, and you get hourly rates higher than degree holders. The jobs are not cushy to be sure, but can be fun if you're into it.\nElectrician/chargeman. Responsible for setting up, operating, and monitoring electrical equipment, particular the big diesel generators at work sites.\nWater jetters. You get to shoot water jets, super fun and cool.\nCrane operators. Live out your childhood fantasy, and get paid for it.", "Electrician and chargeman are people I salute. Everytime someone has to close a UHV Breaker, they risk their lives 🫡\nYes remote relay is a thing but I still see people closing circuit physically. I personally have to go offshore. I had seen such operations in place. Really makes me proud to be a ugga dugga", "Certain jobs in the heavy industry that require very specific government-issued certificates, are under rated\nLike what?", "I gave three examples there in the following paragraphs." ], [ "underrated: teacher\noverrated: the one you parents want you to work as, like doctor engineer scientist" ], [ "Overrated: Celebrities and influencers." ], [ "Overrated: IT/software jobs", "Yeah say this next time u need your password reset or laptop does not work or u cannot map a drive because you don't have the necessary credentials to access that drive and need IT to give you access to it.", "Please elaborate on this. Curious why you would think it's overrated.", "You are probably confused with the difference between tech buzzwords such as NFT, Crypto, blockchain etc etc and actual IT operations.\nYou can’t live without IT. In fact nowadays world wars are through IT. Countries hacking each other with state sponsored APT. It’s never overrated.", "Why? Most of these jobs are the backbone of countless of apps and solutions.", "I think a lot of people underestimate how much of today's world is run by software especially those that are not visible to end users. For example, a modern car can easily contain 20 - 50 computers or microcontrollers that run on software to control everything from engine, transmission, brakes, air bags, air cond, alarm, lights, wipers and even the power window.\nThe stock market and the world financial system are basically big software systems to control the prices of thousands of stocks and probably millions of transactions daily.\nAirlines flight routes, trains, courier and logistic services are all run by complex software systems.\nEven your fridge, microwave oven, rice cooker and air cond are run by software.\nAs the famous quotes from Marc Andreessen since 2011: software is eating the world", "Totally right.", "Care to explain? I don't think Software jobs are overrated, if anything it's fairly rated. Just a shame we get paid peanuts compared to our counterparts in Singapore.", "Companies need someone to update their SharePoint", "BUT WAIT! First of all, you need to have a Microsoft cert and Information management cert" ], [ "underrated - handjobs\noverrated - blowjobs\nedit: sounds funny but I am serious", "Undersized: r/lalat_1881 penis", "How can you rate something people always get as underrated? Self-service still counts as handjobs if you think about it 😆" ], [ "Underated : Teachers, Farmers, Cleaners, Doctors, Abang Lori Sampah", "Doctors are underrated in what sense?" ], [ "Underrated: Buruh, Nelayan dan juga Petani" ], [ "Ohh dont get me started\nSoftware developer, web dev etc is bad now" ], [ "Weird comparison tbh. How many footballers did we have and how many teachers did we have in our country?? Most of footballers are not even rich, and it's not like they're going to be a footballers till they're 55 and got pension too." ], [ "Underrated: teachers, operations, events (the ones who talk and gives facts and studies when suggesting things)\nOverrated: CEO, PR, Sales. (the ones who NATO and gives a fondle on your balls to get you easy)" ], [ "It's crazy to think that a footballer can be paid hundreds of thousands or even millions a year while a teacher gets about 2-3k per month on average.\ni hate this argument....it all depends on the revenue they bring in", "How much revenue do you think teachers bring for the human capital? Much more than any footballer, or politician. The value might not be immediately apparent, but it undeniably yields substantial long-term benefits.", "they dont directly bring in revenue", "There’s a very strong correlation between human capital and economic growth.", "still not directly isnt it?", "I can see your point", "But they are a lot of teachers, collectively they get paid a lot…" ], [ "Underrated: 4D\nOverrated: Bitcoin", "I am in both and can confirm. Need to get into shitcoins instead of the orange boomer coin." ], [ "Overrated: The rulers 📏in Malaysia. RM 36 million a year. Being born with a gold spoon in the mouth is just another level of lottery", "You do know they don't earn money from being rulers? They earn money from all the other businesses they own (which is a lot and frankly, the reason why they're rulers to begin with).", "Yes, most of them own business. You do know they’re in the civil list right? And they actually do receive money from being ruler. The government ought to pay roughly RM4.78 million a year from our taxes and gains to Agong, Queen and their household. That’s not including money they earn from businesses" ], [ "I think except JDT players and maybe Selangor, local footballers are not getting paid in T20 levels and definitely not millions for all of them yearly" ], [ "I find it bizzare that a dishwasher can earn more than a fresh grad these days... what's the point of getting a tertiary education now??? *" ], [ "Underrated : truck driver, welder, electrician Overrated : engineer, IT related position" ], [ "You mean overpaid and underpaid? Because as much as I think footballers are overpaid, generally our society doesn’t hold the career in high regard." ], [ "Imo overall in Malaysia more on low to mid tier jobs. Need a salary boost . Now local and foreigner basic is the same at 1.5k. I think local should be paid higher.", "Salary should be based on skillet and effort, not nationality.\nI know Bangladeshis that could do things no Malaysian would be willing to do, and make over RM8-12k a month average. They're very hardworking." ], [ "Overrated : GLC Ceo\nUnderrated : The rest of the jobs under those CEOs" ], [ "Underrated: Plumber, Electrician & Farmer\nOverrated: Politician & Scientist" ], [ "Logistics industry is pretty big and profitable actually. The beauty of this industry is there's really no need for formal higher education for most of the well paying job. Learn to operate crane, reach truck, drive a 40' container truck, or arrange for vessel, manage warehouse. A lot of these have SPM background but are paid well with experience.\nDownside is a lot of this job are in Port cities like Port Klang." ], [ "Doctors are severely oversupplied in Msia, lots of new doctors are having trouble getting jobs as fresh grads\nThe real demand starts if you’re a specialist, GPs are everywhere" ] ]
What exactly is the minimum salary for fresh Master in Malaysia?
I am sorry if this sounds dumb. To begin with, I have worked many part-time jobs during my years on my degree, and I am quite active at university. I have just graduated for a degree in 2022 and work as the HR protégé in GLC with a 2.6k salary. Then I further study in Master 2022 and at this moment I am doing a thesis for my last semester. I am 27 now. Thinking about having a job, but unfortunately I don’t really have experience for exec role, most of it are actually 2 internship & 1 protege I’ve mentioned earlier. After 56 applications for the job I’ve made since last Wednesday. Only 3 company responded to invitation interviews and only two of them offering me the job. 1st company offered me RM3200 for HRBP(Junior), Cyberjaya (local comp) 2nd company RM3100 for Talent Acquisition Specialist (Contract 1 year) , Ampang (MNC) ps:/even the manager tells me it’s actually too high to ask for RM3200 🥲 My mom keeps telling me not to be rushed and saying I am worth getting more than that. Dia bila mak2 cakap ni, aku tak boleh tau, so I trusted her. So I am still waiting for other responses from 53 other companies I’ve applied to. What is your best advice for me? Should I demand more? Is 4k is an absurd number for me to come up with? If no, how can I sell myself. Any tips? Somehow I regretted the decision I’ve made for furthering study, what’s thw point of studying then if I can’t demand…..
[ [ "56 holy shit", "Yeah I keep the list in excel." ], [ "Most companies would value relevant experience over a masters unless the it is actually relevant and needed for the role (eg masters to be a lecturer, PhD for researchers). So I’m not sure a masters alone gives the necessary ‘booster’ for a salary increment for roles in HR.\nIf TA is an acceptable position, perhaps you could consider a recruiter role in agencies - at least there are commissions to boost base pay.\nIn any case there is no harm to state your expected salary, but you can say that this would be negotiable so you have room to discuss; and then perhaps after a few interviews you will be better able to gauge your market value and accept a figure accordingly.\nAll the best in your job search!", "Thank you for kind words stranger. Going for TA, 🤔 wow good recommendations about the boost pay & I understand your point ah thank you!" ], [ "Hi there, looks like you made the same decision I did but I did tht in 2009. I did my masters not really because I wanted higher salary but mainly because I wanted more knowledge for the job I wanted to get into. When I left my job to do my masters, my salary was RM2,200 (in Sep 2009) and my first salary after my master was RM2,400 (in Jan 2011). So if you ask me, dang you've done well. Having said that it's not entirely you asking for an absurd number but it's more the job market now has many graduates. What I did instead was continue to hone my skills, ikat perut wherever I can then do some investments. And after 13 years, I am now working in HK (having spent stints in Singapore, New Zealand and UK). Hope that helps.", "Hi Mckay that’s so nice of you. Understandable. Thanks ever so much for your suggestions & your encouragement. Given that, I think I will try join more courses, and just accept whatever it is." ] ]
This would be an absolute money maker in MY. If they allow personal vehicles, it'll keep rempits off the streets.
[ [ "The point of rempiting on the streets is exactly that, its on the streets.\nThey need the thrill of getting chased by police, the thrill of getting splattered on the side of the road. They need the admiration of the peers for having the biggest balls, doing it safely is absolutely not on the menu." ], [ "Haha. No." ], [ "not the same thrill as being on the streets. and also money lol. rempits won't be paying by the hour for this come on. and the best races are at night, which well, of course this place will not be open at 3am.\nsource: I used to ride a motorbike but not a rempit." ] ]