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Step 1. click on <a <span store> <span Polaris Fashion Place Mall. Step 2. type "90028" into a text field.
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Step 1. click on <a <span store> <span Polaris Fashion Place Mall. Step 2. type "90028" into a text field. Step 3. click on <button submit Search>.
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Step 1. type "the price is right" into a text field. Step 2. click on <li option <div The Price Is Right>>.
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Step 1. type "the price is right" into a text field. Step 2. click on <li option <div The Price Is Right>>. Step 3. click on the task-related element.
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Step 1. click on <button button <span Location> <div Anywhere>>. Step 2. click on <input query search destinations>.
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Step 1. click on <button button <span Location> <div Anywhere>>. Step 2. click on <input query search destinations>. Step 3. type "New York" into a text field.
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Step 1. click on <button button <span Location> <div Anywhere>>. Step 2. click on <input query search destinations>. Step 3. type "New York" into a text field. Step 4. click on <div option <div New York City, NY>>.
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Step 1. click on <input query search destinations>. Step 2. type "New York" into a text field. Step 3. click on <div option <div New York City, NY>>. Step 4. click on <td button 1, saturday, april 2023. available. <div 1.
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Step 1. type "New York" into a text field. Step 2. click on <div option <div New York City, NY>>. Step 3. click on <td button 1, saturday, april 2023. available. <div 1. Step 4. click on <td button 2, sunday, april 2023. available. <div 2.
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Step 1. click on <div option <div New York City, NY>>. Step 2. click on <td button 1, saturday, april 2023. available. <div 1. Step 3. click on <td button 2, sunday, april 2023. available. <div 2. Step 4. click on <div button <div <div Who> <div Add guests.
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Step 1. click on <td button 1, saturday, april 2023. available. <div 1. Step 2. click on <td button 2, sunday, april 2023. available. <div 2. Step 3. click on <div button <div <div Who> <div Add guests. Step 4. click on the task-related element.
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Step 1. click on <td button 2, sunday, april 2023. available. <div 2. Step 2. click on <div button <div <div Who> <div Add guests. Step 3. click on the task-related element. Step 4. click on the task-related element.
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Step 1. click on <div button <div <div Who> <div Add guests. Step 2. click on the task-related element. Step 3. click on the task-related element. Step 4. click on <button button <div Search>>.
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Step 1. click on <a Planned Work>.
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Step 1. type "Central park" into a text field. Step 2. click on <li central park, new york, ny, Central Park, New. Step 3. click on <input search address, station, landmark>. Step 4. type "JFK" into a text field.
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Step 1. click on <li jfk airport <jfk>, queens, ny, JFK Airport <JFK>,. Step 2. click on <a button Leave <span now> <span Change Time. Step 3. click on <input radio leave_arr true>. Step 4. click on <a button>.
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Step 1. click on <a button Leave <span now> <span Change Time. Step 2. click on <input radio leave_arr true>. Step 3. click on <a button>. Step 4. click on <td 12, wednesday april 2023 <span 12>>.
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Step 1. type "The Whale" into a text field. Step 2. click on <li option the whale The Whale>.
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Step 1. type "The Whale" into a text field. Step 2. click on <li option the whale The Whale>. Step 3. click on <button select to rent on demand <div <span Rent.
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Step 1. click on <button button <div <span Search for events> <input. Step 2. type "fishing" into a text field.
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Step 1. click on <button button <div <span Search for events> <input. Step 2. type "fishing" into a text field. Step 3. press Enter.
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Step 1. click on <button button <div <span Search for events> <input. Step 2. type "fishing" into a text field. Step 3. press Enter. Step 4. click on the task-related element.
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Step 1. type "fishing" into a text field. Step 2. press Enter. Step 3. click on the task-related element. Step 4. click on the task-related element.
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Step 1. press Enter. Step 2. click on the task-related element. Step 3. click on the task-related element. Step 4. click on <input combobox text locationpicker columbus>.
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Step 1. click on the task-related element. Step 2. click on the task-related element. Step 3. click on <input combobox text locationpicker columbus>. Step 4. type "chicago" into a text field.
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Step 1. click on <a hotels.>.
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Step 1. click on <a hotels.>. Step 2. click on <input text checkin 03/18/2023>.
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Step 1. click on <a hotels.>. Step 2. click on <input text checkin 03/18/2023>. Step 3. click on <a 17>.
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Step 1. click on <a hotels.>. Step 2. click on <input text checkin 03/18/2023>. Step 3. click on <a 17>. Step 4. click on <input text checkout 03/19/2023>.
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Step 1. click on <input text checkin 03/18/2023>. Step 2. click on <a 17>. Step 3. click on <input text checkout 03/19/2023>. Step 4. click on <a 20>.
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Step 1. click on <a 17>. Step 2. click on <input text checkout 03/19/2023>. Step 3. click on <a 20>. Step 4. select the option "1 Room" in the menu.
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Step 1. click on <input text checkout 03/19/2023>. Step 2. click on <a 20>. Step 3. select the option "1 Room" in the menu. Step 4. select the option "2 Adults" in the menu.
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Step 1. click on <a 20>. Step 2. select the option "1 Room" in the menu. Step 3. select the option "2 Adults" in the menu. Step 4. click on the task-related element.
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Step 1. select the option "1 Room" in the menu. Step 2. select the option "2 Adults" in the menu. Step 3. click on the task-related element. Step 4. click on <input radio pricerange 200>.
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Step 1. type "SALT LAKE CITY" into a text field. Step 2. type "PARIS" into a text field.
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Step 1. type "PARIS" into a text field. Step 2. click on <li option <div <strong Paris> - Charles de. Step 3. click on the task-related element. Step 4. click on the task-related element.
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Step 1. click on <button button <div <div Chester> <div UK>. Step 2. click on <a see more popular in chester <span See more. Step 3. click on the task-related element. Step 4. click on <button button <span View more>>.
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Step 1. click on <a tab <svg img <title trip planner>.
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Step 1. click on <a tab <svg img <title trip planner>. Step 2. type "Boston Logan Airport" into a text field.
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Step 1. click on <a tab <svg img <title trip planner>. Step 2. type "Boston Logan Airport" into a text field. Step 3. click on <a <span <em Boston> <em Logan> Int'l.
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Step 1. click on <a tab <svg img <title trip planner>. Step 2. type "Boston Logan Airport" into a text field. Step 3. click on <a <span <em Boston> <em Logan> Int'l. Step 4. type "south station" into a text field.
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Step 1. type "Boston Logan Airport" into a text field. Step 2. click on <a <span <em Boston> <em Logan> Int'l. Step 3. type "south station" into a text field. Step 4. click on <a <svg img <title T>> <span.