Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
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Step 1. click on <a <svg img> <span Shop by Category>. Step 2. hover over <a Women>.
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Step 1. click on <a <svg img> <span Shop by Category>. Step 2. hover over <a Women>. Step 3. click on <a Loungewear>.
{ "action_uid": "e3a87f8b-b913-43a0-b007-2b70f1376b83", "bbox": { "height": 21, "width": 71, "x": 20, "y": 328.96875 }, "normalized_bbox": [ 0.015625, 0.4569010416666667, 0.07109375, 0.48606770833333335 ], "operation": { "op": "CLICK", "original_op": "CLICK", "value": "" }, "pos_candidates": [ { "attributes": "{\"backend_node_id\": \"91505\", \"bounding_box_rect\": \"20,890.96875,71,21\", \"title\": \"3XL - Selecting this item will reload the page with filtered results.\", \"class\": \"ce-ajax facet facet_hover\", \"is_clickable\": \"true\", \"data_pw_testid_buckeye_candidate\": \"1\"}", "backend_node_id": "91505", "choice": "(a id=44 3xl - selecting this item (span 3XL )", "is_original_target": false, "is_top_level_target": true, "rank": 10, "score": 0.9510987401008606, "tag": "a" } ] }
Step 1. click on <a <svg img> <span Shop by Category>. Step 2. hover over <a Women>. Step 3. click on <a Loungewear>. Step 4. click on <div <span Size> <a button size.
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Step 1. hover over <a Women>. Step 2. click on <a Loungewear>. Step 3. click on <div <span Size> <a button size. Step 4. click on <a 3xl - selecting this item <span 3XL>.
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Step 1. click on <a Loungewear>. Step 2. click on <div <span Size> <a button size. Step 3. click on <a 3xl - selecting this item <span 3XL>. Step 4. click on <a Featured <span undefined>>.
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Step 1. click on <div <span Size> <a button size. Step 2. click on <a 3xl - selecting this item <span 3XL>. Step 3. click on <a Featured <span undefined>>. Step 4. click on <a Price Low-High <span undefined>>.
{ "action_uid": "8efc281a-28cb-4021-9682-9402c981bf0a", "bbox": { "height": 21, "width": 123, "x": 20, "y": 312 }, "normalized_bbox": [ 0.015625, 0.43333333333333335, 0.11171875, 0.4625 ], "operation": { "op": "CLICK", "original_op": "CLICK", "value": "" }, "pos_candidates": [ { "attributes": "{\"backend_node_id\": \"143350\", \"bounding_box_rect\": \"20,2955,123,21\", \"title\": \"Brown - Selecting this item will reload the page with filtered results.\", \"class\": \"ce-ajax facet facet_hover\", \"is_clickable\": \"true\", \"data_pw_testid_buckeye_candidate\": \"1\"}", "backend_node_id": "143350", "choice": "(a id=46 brown - selecting this item (span Brown )", "is_original_target": false, "is_top_level_target": true, "rank": 7, "score": 0.9212374091148376, "tag": "a" } ] }
Step 1. click on <a 3xl - selecting this item <span 3XL>. Step 2. click on <a Featured <span undefined>>. Step 3. click on <a Price Low-High <span undefined>>. Step 4. click on <div <span Color> <a button color.
{ "action_uid": "73e0e7ed-d784-4b7a-a06c-48324e44ce7b", "bbox": { "height": 22, "width": 151, "x": 534, "y": 45 }, "normalized_bbox": [ 0.4171875, 0.0625, 0.53515625, 0.09305555555555556 ], "operation": { "op": "CLICK", "original_op": "HOVER", "value": "" }, "pos_candidates": [ { "attributes": "{\"backend_node_id\": \"128\", \"bounding_box_rect\": \"534,45,151,22\", \"class\": \"dropdown-toggle\", \"role\": \"button\", \"data_pw_testid_buckeye_candidate\": \"1\"}", "backend_node_id": "128", "choice": "(a id=1 button Reservations )", "is_original_target": true, "is_top_level_target": true, "rank": 3, "score": 0.8675452470779419, "tag": "a" } ] }
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Step 1. hover over <a button Reservations>.
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Step 1. hover over <a button Reservations>. Step 2. click on <a Budget Truck>.
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Step 1. hover over <a button Reservations>. Step 2. click on <a Budget Truck>. Step 3. type "08817" into a text field.
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Step 1. hover over <a button Reservations>. Step 2. click on <a Budget Truck>. Step 3. type "08817" into a text field. Step 4. click on <input text mm/dd/yyyy>.
{ "action_uid": "43809daf-0eb6-40ab-96df-0c2bf143e25c", "bbox": { "height": 32, "width": 345, "x": 105, "y": 346 }, "normalized_bbox": [ 0.08203125, 0.48055555555555557, 0.3515625, 0.525 ], "operation": { "op": "SELECT", "original_op": "SELECT", "value": "02 30 PM" }, "pos_candidates": [ { "attributes": "{\"backend_node_id\": \"47746\", \"bounding_box_rect\": \"105,346,345,32\", \"name\": \"dnn$ctr12812$View$HPP$ddlPickupTimes\", \"id\": \"ddlPickupTimes\", \"class\": \"form-control\", \"data_pw_testid_buckeye_candidate\": \"1\"}", "backend_node_id": "47746", "choice": "(select id=19 (option 00:00 am Select Pick-up Time ) (option", "is_original_target": true, "is_top_level_target": true, "rank": 0, "score": 0.9033940434455872, "tag": "select" } ] }
Step 1. click on <a Budget Truck>. Step 2. type "08817" into a text field. Step 3. click on <input text mm/dd/yyyy>. Step 4. click on <a 12>.
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Step 1. type "08817" into a text field. Step 2. click on <input text mm/dd/yyyy>. Step 3. click on <a 12>. Step 4. select the option "02 30 PM" in the menu.
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Step 1. click on <input text mm/dd/yyyy>. Step 2. click on <a 12>. Step 3. select the option "02 30 PM" in the menu. Step 4. click on <input radio one-way-radio lo>.
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Step 1. click on <a 12>. Step 2. select the option "02 30 PM" in the menu. Step 3. click on <input radio one-way-radio lo>. Step 4. click on <input button find your truck>.
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Step 1. select the option "02 30 PM" in the menu. Step 2. click on <input radio one-way-radio lo>. Step 3. click on <input button find your truck>. Step 4. click on <button Select Truck>.
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Step 1. click on <input radio one-way-radio lo>. Step 2. click on <input button find your truck>. Step 3. click on <button Select Truck>. Step 4. type "100" into a text field.
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Step 1. click on <input button find your truck>. Step 2. click on <button Select Truck>. Step 3. type "100" into a text field. Step 4. click on <button Continue to Location>.
{ "action_uid": "f425232b-adc6-4047-b3ac-d56d8909b7df", "bbox": { "height": 32, "width": 312.65625, "x": 103, "y": 460.15625 }, "normalized_bbox": [ 0.08046875, 0.6391059027777778, 0.3247314453125, 0.6835503472222222 ], "operation": { "op": "TYPE", "original_op": "TYPE", "value": "2" }, "pos_candidates": [ { "attributes": "{\"backend_node_id\": \"117942\", \"bounding_box_rect\": \"103,460.15625,312.65625,32\", \"type\": \"text\", \"class\": \"form-control bt-control-addnu\", \"placeholder\": \"0\", \"id\": \"cntrl0\", \"value\": \"0\", \"input_value\": \"0\", \"is_clickable\": \"true\", \"data_pw_testid_buckeye_candidate\": \"1\"}", "backend_node_id": "117942", "choice": "(input id=10 text 0 )", "is_original_target": true, "is_top_level_target": true, "rank": 6, "score": 0.8858002424240112, "tag": "input" } ] }
Step 1. click on <button Select Truck>. Step 2. type "100" into a text field. Step 3. click on <button Continue to Location>. Step 4. click on <button button Select Pick-up Location>.
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Step 1. type "100" into a text field. Step 2. click on <button Continue to Location>. Step 3. click on <button button Select Pick-up Location>. Step 4. type "2" into a text field.
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Step 1. type "Truck" into a text field.
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Step 1. type "Truck" into a text field. Step 2. click on <a <div Pickup Trucks>>.
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Step 1. type "Truck" into a text field. Step 2. click on <a <div Pickup Trucks>>. Step 3. click on <button button distance & shipping <h4 Distance & Shipping.
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Step 1. type "Truck" into a text field. Step 2. click on <a <div Pickup Trucks>>. Step 3. click on <button button distance & shipping <h4 Distance & Shipping. Step 4. click on <button button change location Change store>.
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Step 1. click on <a <div Pickup Trucks>>. Step 2. click on <button button distance & shipping <h4 Distance & Shipping. Step 3. click on <button button change location Change store>. Step 4. type "fremont" into a text field.
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Step 1. click on <button button distance & shipping <h4 Distance & Shipping. Step 2. click on <button button change location Change store>. Step 3. type "fremont" into a text field. Step 4. click on the task-related element.
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Step 1. click on <button button change location Change store>. Step 2. type "fremont" into a text field. Step 3. click on the task-related element. Step 4. click on <button button set store Set as my store>.
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Step 1. type "fremont" into a text field. Step 2. click on the task-related element. Step 3. click on <button button set store Set as my store>. Step 4. click on <button button fuel type <h4 Fuel Type>>.
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Step 1. click on the task-related element. Step 2. click on <button button set store Set as my store>. Step 3. click on <button button fuel type <h4 Fuel Type>>. Step 4. click on <li <input checkbox gas <1,751> on> <span.
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Step 1. click on <button button set store Set as my store>. Step 2. click on <button button fuel type <h4 Fuel Type>>. Step 3. click on <li <input checkbox gas <1,751> on> <span. Step 4. click on the task-related element.
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Step 1. click on <button button fuel type <h4 Fuel Type>>. Step 2. click on <li <input checkbox gas <1,751> on> <span. Step 3. click on the task-related element. Step 4. click on <button button year <h4 Year>>.
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Step 1. click on <li <input checkbox gas <1,751> on> <span. Step 2. click on the task-related element. Step 3. click on <button button year <h4 Year>>. Step 4. click on <button button <span 2023>>.
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Step 1. click on the task-related element. Step 2. click on <button button year <h4 Year>>. Step 3. click on <button button <span 2023>>. Step 4. click on <button menuitem button 2017 2017>.
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Step 1. click on <button button year <h4 Year>>. Step 2. click on <button button <span 2023>>. Step 3. click on <button menuitem button 2017 2017>. Step 4. click on <button button <span 2010>>.
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Step 1. click on <button button <span 2023>>. Step 2. click on <button menuitem button 2017 2017>. Step 3. click on <button button <span 2010>>. Step 4. click on <button menuitem button 2010 2010>.
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Step 1. click on <button menuitem button 2017 2017>. Step 2. click on <button button <span 2010>>. Step 3. click on <button menuitem button 2010 2010>. Step 4. click on the task-related element.
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Step 1. click on <button button <span 2010>>. Step 2. click on <button menuitem button 2010 2010>. Step 3. click on the task-related element. Step 4. click on <button button mileage <h4 Mileage>>.
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Step 1. click on <button menuitem button 2010 2010>. Step 2. click on the task-related element. Step 3. click on <button button mileage <h4 Mileage>>. Step 4. type "80000" into a text field.
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Step 1. click on <a tab MY TRIPS>.
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Step 1. click on <a tab MY TRIPS>. Step 2. click on <span combobox <span Confirmation Number>>.
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Step 1. click on <span combobox <span Confirmation Number>>. Step 2. click on <li option Confirmation Number>. Step 3. type "SFTBAO" into a text field. Step 4. type "Joe" into a text field.
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Step 1. click on <a tab FLIGHT STATUS>. Step 2. click on <div button <span <span Search by date required selected. Step 3. click on <a 25 march 2023, saturday 25>. Step 4. click on <button button done done>.
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Step 1. click on <a 25 march 2023, saturday 25>. Step 2. click on <button button done done>. Step 3. click on <a <span Depart City required> <span From>. Step 4. type "New York" into a text field.
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Step 1. click on <button button done done>. Step 2. click on <a <span Depart City required> <span From>. Step 3. type "New York" into a text field. Step 4. click on <a <span NYC> <span New York City Area.
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Step 1. type "New York" into a text field. Step 2. click on <a <span NYC> <span New York City Area. Step 3. click on <a <span Arrival City required> <span To>. Step 4. type "Columbus" into a text field.
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Step 1. click on <a <span NYC> <span New York City Area. Step 2. click on <a <span Arrival City required> <span To>. Step 3. type "Columbus" into a text field. Step 4. click on <li <a <span CMH> <span Columbus, OH.
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Step 1. type "Wicked" into a text field. Step 2. click on <a option <strong Wicked>>.
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Step 1. click on <a option <strong Wicked>>. Step 2. click on <button all dates>. Step 3. click on <input select date range>. Step 4. click on <i.
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Step 1. click on <button all dates>. Step 2. click on <input select date range>. Step 3. click on <i. Step 4. click on <i.
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Step 1. click on <input select date range>. Step 2. click on <i. Step 3. click on <i. Step 4. click on the task-related element.
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Step 1. click on <i. Step 2. click on <i. Step 3. click on the task-related element. Step 4. click on <td 1>.
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Step 1. click on <i. Step 2. click on the task-related element. Step 3. click on <td 1>. Step 4. click on <td 24>.
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Step 1. click on the task-related element. Step 2. click on <td 1>. Step 3. click on <td 24>. Step 4. click on <input text 10/24/23>.
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Step 1. click on <td 1>. Step 2. click on <td 24>. Step 3. click on <input text 10/24/23>. Step 4. type "10/5/23" into a text field.
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Step 1. click on <button <div Browse the Parks Below>>.
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Step 1. click on <button <div Browse the Parks Below>>. Step 2. click on <a option <div <span Great Escape> <small Lake.
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Step 1. click on <button <div Browse the Parks Below>>. Step 2. click on <a option <div <span Great Escape> <small Lake. Step 3. click on <button Go!>.
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio exists but content is empty.
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