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Albert Camus was the youngest person who won the Nobel Prize in literature after the Second World War. He won Nobel Prize in 1957 at the age of 44 in 1960, and the second youngest person who won Nobel Prize in literature. He died in an accident His Early Life Albert Camus has born in 1913 in France. He also lost his father in same year. His teacher helped him to attend the high school with the scholarship to know his talents. He used to do part-time job for studies and did his study very seriously to achieve his goals. Encounter with literature He met to a high school teacher named Jean Gournier and inspired by his book (The Isolated Island and Andre de Richeau). Then he continued to interacting with Jean Gournier, even after when his graduation had completed. Then he joined the college (in 1932) and in 1934 he married to the daughter of his ophthalmologist. His married life was not long lasting but he lived it happily. He graduated from college in 1936 and published an essay collection (back and front) in 1937 then he worked on data reduction at Meteorological and Geophysical Research Institute of Algiers. Later, he wrote on Gentiles, Caligula, Myths and Sisyphus with absurd pattern. He never changed the way he writes. Part of his life when he got Nobel Prize At the age of 44 he was awarded with Nobel Prize in literature in 1957 for what he gave to literature. It made him proud as he was the second youngest person for Nobel Prize in literature, and if we talk about the time period of world war then he was the first youngest person after Second World War. He lived in a countryside in France after all of these. How Albert Camus Dead? He enjoyed the trip to Paris, but it was not good for him as he lost his life in that trip by an accident. At the time of accident, he was working on his novel and it is still incomplete manuscript. His last and incomplete manuscript was The First Man. Camus was the second youngest person who won the Nobel Prize in literature. The life of Albert Camus was full of mountains, but he overcame to all and at last, he died in an accident while writing his last novel, The First Man.
Do I Really Need a Root Canal? A root canal may be a necessary procedure if you suffer from tooth pain that isn’t going away. In addition to relieving pain and discomfort, the procedure can prevent bacteria from expanding from the tooth into the rest of your mouth. A tooth infection can cause serious health problems. The symptoms of the effects of a root canal Intense pain is one of the first signs that you have a root canal. The pain will be worse if you chew on your tooth or apply pressure to it. The tooth can also become sensitive to temperature changes. The affected tooth could also appear yellowed or brown, in addition to the pain. If you’ve experienced any of these symptoms, it’s recommended to consult your dentist as soon as you can. Cracked or chipped teeth are another indication. These are common contact sports and when you eat foods that are hard. In addition, bacteria could cause infection, which results in pain and swelling. In certain cases the infection can be serious. If it is not treated, symptoms could even be spread to the jaw or face. Root canal symptoms can vary from person to however, many are similar and should prompt you to visit your dentist. If you think you require a root-canal, it is essential to have an appointment with your dentist to avoid any further issues. Root canal therapy can save your tooth from further decay and infection. A root canal could be required if there’s swelling around the tooth. Abscess is the term used to describe a condition where the infection spreads to the gums. A root canal can help clear the abscess. There is a possibility of a painful toothache or sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, or gum swelling. If you’re experiencing pain in your teeth, you should see your dentist as soon as possible. The dentist may employ endodontic techniques to eliminate the infection. Sometimes, your dentist may have to remove the tooth. It doesn’t matter which method you use in the process, you will need to undergo a painful recovery. It is imperative that you visit a dentist as soon as you can if you suspect that you may have an infection in your root canal. Root canals may be successful, but they can also fail. Sometimes, the initial treatment fails to completely clear the infection. The infection can recur, creating symptoms that persist for months. The signs of a failing root canal are tooth discoloration, swelling or pimples on the gum. In extreme cases, the infection can be spread to other teeth, making saving the tooth more difficult. Time to recover The recovery time following the root canal is short, and symptoms generally disappear within several days. Typically, mild soreness can last 24 to 48 hours, however, this is typically treated with over-the-counter pain relievers. Most people can return to their normal lives right away. Consult your dentist if there is pain after the procedure to ensure that you don’t develop an infection. Although the pain associated with the procedure is usually minimal, it is important to keep in mind that you’re healing. Due to the swelling and inflammation of the tooth tissue you may experience some discomfort. However, over-the-counter pain relievers can help ease this discomfort and allow you to move around and take food. After the root canal procedure, you will be in a state of numbness for a few hours. Avoid chewing on a hard surface for several days. You should also avoid drinking hot beverages, since this could make your tooth more susceptible to injury. However, once the numbness goes away, you can begin to eat soft foods again. As your improvement in comfort, you can gradually introduce foods that are solid. Root canals can save your tooth. The procedure may involve numerous visits to the dentist. It is a regular procedure. It is possible to recover from a root-canal by paying attention to your body’s signals. Based on the severity of your issue, you may experience some swelling and discomfort. In most cases, the recovery time following a root canal can be as short as several days. However, some patients experience complications following the procedure and could require a number of days to fully recover. The time required for a root canal is contingent on how severe the infection is, the complexity of the treatment, and your overall health. It is recommended to discuss this with your dentist and follow his instructions to avoid complications. Root canals require less time to heal than tooth extractions. If you feel pain following the procedure, it is vital to visit your dentist immediately. Your dentist will likely be capable of treating the issue right away, but you may need to wear a mouth guard for some time. There are a variety of ways to alleviate pain when you have an open root canal. Applying a cold or ice compress to the affected area may help reduce swelling and relieve the pain. The ability to keep the tooth elevated can help reduce pain. You can perform this several times per day. In addition applying cold compresses to the affected area You can also apply an ice-cold bag of vegetables for a home remedy. The majority of root canal pain will disappear within a few days. However, if you are experiencing persistent pain it’s best to see a dentist or endodontist. Root canals are typically outpatient procedures that can be carried out by an endodontist under local anesthesia. The healing process is swift. The procedure is painless and only 3 to 6 percent of patients will feel severe discomfort. To lessen discomfort and prevent infection, it’s essential to follow the directions of your dentist as soon as possible. Anti-inflammatory drugs can also help with pain after the root canal. The most popular pain relievers that are available over the counter include Motrin IB, Advil, and Tylenol. However, you should always discuss the use of any prescription medication or supplement with your dentist. Also, avoid chewing on hard foods after a root canal. This could cause discomfort and can increase pain. Root canals are a common procedure that helps restore natural teeth. The dentist will administer anesthetic to the patient and then remove the infected pulp and the bacteria. The tooth is then sealed using a non-toxic material. While root canals can be painful, the majority of patients don’t experience any extreme pain following the procedure. Some patients may experience a slight sensitivity, but this will disappear within a few hours. Patients shouldn’t only have a root canal performed and then keep their mouths clean to minimize discomfort. While the pain will ease within a few days, it is best to avoid grinding your teeth. Relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation can be beneficial for certain patients. It doesn’t matter if you need an appointment for a root canal Root canals are a straightforward procedure that can alleviate discomfort and preserve the integrity a tooth. It is usually performed after an accident or cavity has caused damage to the tooth and has resulted in a serious infection. The infection may affect the nerve within the tooth, which is the reason root canal therapy is needed. A few signs that you may require a root canal include sensitive gums or teeth that are discolored. It could be a simple tooth stain, or more serious infection. Abscesses are a type of pus that develops around the tooth infected. If you notice any of these signs, you should visit a dentist right away. If the abscess is serious it could lead to a bad taste in your mouth or cause problems with breathing. The symptoms of a root canal can be different according to the type and severity of the infection. Visit your dentist is the only way of knowing whether you’re required a root canal. It’s a good idea if you have had a recent injury or an unpleasant bite in the past, to see your dentist immediately. Even a small chip could let bacteria into your tooth and cause serious infections. In addition, to the treatment for cavities, a root canal is another method of saving a tooth. The procedure involves filling the tooth with an amalgam material and taking out decay. The root canal can remove the entire tooth’s structure. Root canal therapy is required when bacteria have infected or exposed the pulp. It is the center of the tooth’s vital structure. If not treated, bacteria can spread to the pulp and cause tooth loss. Furthermore, an infection in the pulp may spread to the bloodstream, leading to serious illnesses. A root canal may cause a dull ache or sharp pain. The pain can be caused by sensitization to cold and hot liquids. Tooth discoloration is also caused by an infection in the root canal. A tooth can become greyish-black or completely discolored because of an infection in its pulp.
Code of Academic Freedom The constitution guarantees academia an autonomous space within which it is free to pursue academic practices according to its own criteria. This guarantee of freedom, which is provided for in Section 5 subsection 3 of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic Germany (Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, GG), therefore at the same time sets normative boundaries for interventions and hindrances of any kind, which are, however, not always respected in practice. Academics instead find themselves facing demands—from both inside and outside their institutions—that they believe have no place in academia. They are exposed to the pressure of expectations that they cannot and do not wish to accept, and are drawn into conflicts that are not appropriate by academic standards. These areas of conflict are neither new nor surprising. After all, academia is guaranteed its freedom to produce new knowledge. Whether it is sufficiently underpinned or not, new knowledge often makes difficult demands on existing perspectives, attitudes, and practices. For this reason, acceptance at all times and across the board cannot be expected. In this respect, conflicts are neither unusual nor a threat, but rather form part of a differentiated society with multiple perspectives, in which demands for justification are also made of academia. It is also not uncommon for academia to be confronted with academic criticism, for example with questions of the risk assessment for new technologies. This is legitimate in a democratic society. As such, not every conflict presents the threat to academic freedom that it is at times framed to be. There are nonetheless good reasons for delineating a few fundamental tenets, in order to ensure the unrestricted exercise of academic endeavors. Indeed, there are more than enough occasions to which such fundamental tenets may apply. Examples include the disruption of controversial lectures or seminars, refusal to engage in an academic debate for political or religious reasons, exertion of politically motivated pressure on academics, delegitimization of academic topics or subjects, unwillingness to engage with ideas and content perceived as inconvenient or threatening, and other structural, sometimes subtle and informal influences. From a non-academic perspective, such practices may promise success in the short term, however in the long term they threaten the production of new knowledge, which is indispensable for modern societies. With its 11 core principles and their explanations, this code aims to clarify the indispensable basic tenets for research and teaching in the face of increasingly frequent debates on the subject of academia and academic freedom. It aims to clarify the framework within which academic freedom is to be exercised. The guarantee of autonomy comprises both an opportunity and a responsibility to shape said autonomy through productive cooperation between all members of the University, in line with Universität Hamburg’s guiding principle. I. Academic freedom as an individual and institutional right I. Core Principle Individual and institutional academic freedom are guaranteed by law. Academia is an area of autonomous responsibility that is fundamentally protected from external control. This autonomy is founded in the notion that an academia free from social utilitarianism and political expediency ultimately serves the state and society best. The legal guarantee safeguards the freedom of academics without constitutional reservation to choose the subjects of their research, apply the methods they consider appropriate, and communicate their research topics and results. It also applies to the freedom of teaching with regard to the content, methods, and organization. The safeguarding of academic communication and activities also extends to the freedom and integrity of academic institutions. Here, academic freedom encompasses the obligation of state authorities and management bodies of academic institutions to protect these freedoms, including from inadmissible social interference. The University is a secular institution for research, teaching, and education that is committed to academic and ideological plurality and bound by the methods and standards of academic research and teaching. Section 5 subsection 3 GG forms the basis: “Arts and sciences, research and teaching shall be free.” The Basic Law grants university teachers, research associates, and—under certain conditions—students an individual right to freedom from interference by the state in the choice of research subject and in the process of acquiring and disseminating academic findings. The University itself can also invoke the Basic Law with regard to the institutional guarantee of self-governance. The state institutions are obliged to protect and foster academic freedom and to organize the institution of higher education in such a way that ensures its functioning while safeguarding individuals’ claim to freedom. Academic freedom may only be limited by other constitutionally protected legal interests. II. A free space for academia II. Core Principle The University is committed to the pursuit of academic knowledge as an open process and must therefore be a free space for the development and investigation of new hypotheses, their consolidation, or their refutation in academic discourse. Academic positions are not bound to prevailing notions, nor are they to be interpreted prematurely. Rather, freedom is also (and especially) granted to those who develop and express divergent academic positions. Academic progress would otherwise be impossible. Academic discourse may and must therefore always be open to questioning familiar notions and challenging them with new ones. Every attempt to limit the protected space of academia to the pursuit of the familiar or to specific religious, political, or ethical positions narrows the academic discourse inadmissibly and threatens to preclude creativity and innovation. The attempt to banish controversial positions in research and teaching from the academic discourse by means of pressure from positions of power or by disrupting, preventing, or scandalizing events is inimical to the inherent logic of academic discourse. Its openness must also (and especially) apply to innovative positions and to positions that diverge from the familiar. The fundamental openness to divergent positions should not be confused with a lack of criticism (see Principle VI). III. The boundaries of freedom III. Core Principle Inherent in every legal guarantee of freedom are the boundaries of that freedom—not least because it must be reconciled with other freedoms. These freedoms and boundaries apply within the institution of the University as well as with regard to the rights of external third parties. For academia, the boundaries lie where the fundamental rights of other members of the University or third parties are directly affected by academic activities and the rights of academics must therefore be coordinated with them. The situation may present itself differently in research and in teaching. Encroachments may arise from research activities per se as well as within the framework of communicating academic findings in research and teaching. The nature and extent of encroachments may well vary and must therefore be justified in a differentiated manner. The guarantee of academic freedom does not take precedence over other fundamental rights, such as the right to physical integrity pursuant to Section 2 subsection 2 GG. Constitutional duties of the state to protect life and health as well as other legal interests can of course justify a restriction of academic freedom. The extent of the restriction depends on the extent and specificity of the hindrance to other legal interests. Academic debates on specific content are an exercise in academic freedom, not a restriction thereof. Where restrictions are required due to conflicting fundamental rights, appropriate strategies are needed for conflict resolution. In the case of conflicts between members of the University, an attempt should first be made to reconcile the conflicting freedoms through internal discussions in order to reach an understanding. Since the willingness to engage in discourse is entrenched in the University’s constitution, it must also constitute the primary means for reconciling conflicting positions and resolving conflicts. Where internal conflict resolution proves unsuccessful or is not even sought, the conflicting fundamental rights are to be reconciled by the appropriate management bodies by means of suitable procedures. All members and their groups are subject to the legitimate expectations, claims, and rights of the other members, especially students. Indeed, the University’s responsibility is not only to its teaching staff and early career researchers. Students are also independent participants in university-related decisions and events, and those in more advanced stages of their studies are participants in the academic discourse. Therein lies an important educational goal of the University. Regardless of whether students have a right pursuant to Section 5 subsection 3 or Section 12 subsection 1 GG, their right to active participation is bound to the principle and the mission of the University, as laid out in the Guidelines for University Teaching. How and to what extent conflicting expectations, for example with regard to the freedom of debate, need to be reconciled depends on the state of education and, in teaching, also on the concept for the respective event. The freedom of teaching extends to freedom in its design. The discussion of different academic positions is not limited to the classroom or lecture hall. It may also take place in other venues that are organized by students under their own authority and responsibility and that are open to the university public. Restrictions on academic freedom in favor of other legal interests may result from the respect of the rights of third parties outside of the University, which are many in number. Given the importance of academia to society and the unconditional guarantee of academic freedom, restrictions must always be limited to the absolutely necessary. The extent depends on the type and degree of potential harm to others. The mere supposition of possible danger does not justify a restriction. IV. Responsibility for one's own actions IV. Core Principle Academic freedom goes hand in hand with responsibility for one’s own actions and requires reflection thereupon. It does not grant exemption from the obligation of justifying one’s position, but it does ensure that this personal responsibility can be exercised freely and independently. Academic freedom does not release researchers from the ethical duty of accounting for the consequences of their actions. Research often has as its goal the critical questioning of social circumstances and seeks opportunities to change them. Yet even basic research always has the potential to trigger processes of change that have profound social implications. Reflection on the potential or acute consequences of one’s actions as an academic is an ethical duty and includes the duty to ask oneself critical questions. The demand that a position be justified does not constitute an attack on academic freedom. Rather, it is an integral element of the discourse and prompts academics to take responsibility. It must always involve a process of autonomous reflection on one’s responsibility; attempts at a heteronomous determination of “appropriate” responsibility by authorities or external bodies can, in contrast, always turn into an acute threat to academic freedom (see Principle V). V. Misuse of research results V. Core Principle Knowledge can be used for a variety of purposes and these are often unpredictable. The possibility of misuse by third parties of the knowledge gained by research does not justify a restriction of academic freedom. This is based on the conviction that new knowledge does no harm. As such, the debates that accompany new findings are also not a reason to restrict them. The demand for reflection on the possible consequences of academic activity must not lead to the limitation of research subjects and findings. Any control through the establishment of approval procedures should be categorically rejected. Such procedures can only be legitimate when they are implemented in order to protect third parties from a tangible threat. A legal restriction of freedom cannot be justified exclusively with ethical considerations. This also applies to more indirect influences and to control via resource allocations. The misuse of research results cannot be ruled out. All new findings can potentially be used for harm. This eventuality does not, however, justify the preemptive restriction of freedom of research. It is common knowledge that research results can also have a disruptive effect. An associated debate can itself be the subject of research, though this should primarily be achieved by engaging society and not by limiting research. A discussion of the Civil Clause or of security-relevant research as determined by ad hoc commissions t must be viewed critically with regard to academic freedom. If the primary aim of a Civil Clause is to prompt self-reflection among academics in order to sensitize them to the responsible handling of new findings and the appropriate supervision of their implementation, then it is legitimate. However, should it be the cause of particular research subjects being ruled out altogether, then this type of voluntary control defeats its own purpose. The example of mathematical research can be taken by way of illustration: Given that mathematics is the language in which technical or scientific problems can most efficiently be expressed and solved, it is almost always relevant to security. An atomic bomb cannot be constructed without mathematical methods. Nevertheless, no one would describe mathematics per se as security-relevant research. Ultimately, the boundaries can only be drawn through self-reflection by academics and not through externally imposed norms. VI. Openness and inclusiveness of academia VI. Core Principle The openness and inclusiveness of academic discourse is a fundamental element of the guarantee of freedom. It also includes the openness to criticism and to the rejection or refutation of one’s positions. We may speak of a “guarantee of freedom,” as actions that threaten to prevent that freedom can be averted using legal means. The “openness” of academic discourse includes the right to question past results, to use academic means to critically examine them, and to bring new findings and justifications to the fore. “Inclusiveness” means that all claims to knowledge are subject to scrutiny and to the methodological generation of knowledge, and that they can thus in turn become the subject of academic criticism. Academic work is based on the continual critical consideration of claims to validity and insight, and thrives on the casting of doubt on the status quo and on the disruption of routines that escape scrutiny under the mantle of being self-evident. It is for this reason that an openness to criticism is necessary in those situations where one’s perspective, world view, or subjective judgment is scrutinized. Falsification, contradiction, and refutation are means of gaining knowledge. The relationship between academia and freedom is tested the most when they do not come easily in the mode of permanent self-correction and the research results and objections of others contradict one’s own convictions. The University therefore also keeps the space for critical debate open where the democratic public, faced with the questioning of long-standing convictions, responds with aggression or even belligerence. Criteria that are inadmissible in academic discourse are a lack of self-criticism, nonchalance for the relevant state of the debate, or assertions without justification, but not the demystification of the self-evident. VII. Research as a subject of social debate VII. Core Principle Academia is always a participant in the social discourse. Academics are drawn into social debates or participate in these of their own accord. The logic of academic communication and the logic of media attention are not necessarily compatible. Hence academic assessments do not always have to meet with the sympathetic understanding of other social stakeholders. When academics experience criticism, it must be endured as an essential element of academia, even if it does not meet the requirements of objectivity that apply in academic discourse. Either way, the criticism is to be accepted as long as its actual goal is not to compromise personal integrity or other legal interests. Academia must be involved in social discourses—not least because many academic questions have their origins in past societal problems, but also because of the foreseeable or potential consequences all research has for society. If certain consequences that are problematic—or are perceived as such—become apparent to society, the result will necessarily be critical questions or debates. Academia is not oblivious to these discourses, nor should it attempt to close itself off from them. While academia at times proactively intervenes in social debates, at others it is also drawn into such debates by third parties. Researchers must then confront the debate, which by no means represents a threat to academic freedom. That being said, the logic of academic communication diverges greatly from that of public debate in the media, which can alienate or unsettle academics who are not familiar with media attention. There is no escaping this tension. Academics must also confront the impositions of public debates staged by the media, not least because of the necessity of justifying their positions to the public. The basic conditions for constructive criticism in the interest of the knowledge process may not always be maintained, and researchers must reckon with forms of subjective and one-sided, distorted criticism. Academia must endure these forms of public criticism. The demands of knowledge-based communication cannot be applied to public debates; researchers must learn to deal with this tension. Academic freedom is only threatened when one-sided, biased criticism, exploited by positions of power in society, threatens to restrict the intrinsic autonomy of research or when researchers are personally attacked for their positions and their personal integrity is compromised. VIII. Institutional protection of individuals VIII. Core Principle Academics can confidently counter debates and attacks individually or together with their professional communities. Where those affected or their institutions can reckon with serious hindrances or face exclusion or threats of personal disadvantage, they need the solidarity of their institutions. Academics must be able to rely on support and protection, regardless of their academic position. Academic freedom requires reliable protection from anti-academic and non-academic interference. Academics must be able to rely on the University as an institution that fulfills its duty to resolutely protect their academic freedom, which is constitutionally guaranteed and morally well-founded. This protection must apply as a matter of principle and may not depend on status, the type of employment, or political expediency. Academics must be able to trust that their immediate colleagues and superiors as well as University management will support them in their exercising of the legally guaranteed freedom of teaching and research and defend them against attacks. In cases of physical violence, disparagement, insults, intimidation, bullying, etc., collegial support for those affected must be a given and not something they first have to fight for. Especially for academics in the qualification phase, who have not yet established their position in the academic system, personal attacks with the threat of professional consequences can pose a major threat to the autonomy of research and thus to academic freedom. In such cases, the academic institution must defend its members. Collegial support also means defending against secondary effects: academics who are attacked should not have to fear being shunned as academic partners for discussion and cooperation. IX. Space for exploring new hypotheses IX. Core Principle Attacks on the freedom of academics from within the University must also be prevented. The state’s and the presidium’s, rectorate’s, and dean’s duty to protect also applies in this situation. They must work to ensure that the University remains an open space for exploring preliminary and diverging hypotheses. This openness is greatly hindered when events or research formats are disrupted or blocked. Hindrances also exist when people are defamed because of their position or the discourse space is constricted by a climate of moral or sociopolitical condemnation. The reference to ensuring the necessary space for exploring hypotheses must take into account the fact that teaching also contributes to the academic pursuit of knowledge. Academic findings must be communicated; whether these are comprehensible is only apparent in the addressees’ reaction. It must be possible for academics to test the comprehensibility of their findings. Communications can vary depending on whether they are aimed at students at the start or end of their studies or at other experts. The university can only fulfill its tasks in a space where a non-violent, rational academic exchange that meets academic standards is possible. This is incompatible with all forms of intimidation by individuals or groups. Practices such as the public dissemination of preliminary hypotheses under the guise of substantiated ones, the distortion of hypotheses, allegedly verbatim quotations, or more or less deliberate misrepresentation are also likely to seriously damage an academic’s reputation. Such actions also indirectly exert pressure, which can in turn be detrimental to spontaneity and the willingness to take risks in the debate. All those involved in the academic process bear a responsibility not to disrupt this protected space unnecessarily. This also includes maintaining the confidentiality of consultations and decision-making processes. X. Significance of resource allocation decisions X. Core Principle Academic freedom reaches practical limitations when research questions cannot be pursued at all or only to a limited extent due to a lack of or insufficient funding. Regardless of the unavoidable setting of priorities in the financing of research and teaching, the thematic and institutional diversity of financing and funding options is an important condition for academic freedom. The availability of resources directly influences whether, in which way, and to what extent academic freedom in research and teaching can actually be exercised. Resources must be allocated in a manner that upholds academic freedom. Safeguarded areas must remain for basic research, in the same way that the necessary diversity of academic disciplines must be guaranteed. Research control, priority setting, and the earmarking of funding or conditions for use as these are permitted and required by academic freedom are legitimate; they can reflect important societal needs and requirements. However, such decisions must be made in a transparent manner adapted to the respective decision-making level using appropriate participation procedures and take the resulting opportunities for freedom into account. XI. Responsibility of academic self-governance XI. Core Principle Within academic self-governance, the members of the University and its bodies are required to oppose non-academic considerations in their decision-making processes as well as non-academic procedures and strategies of quality assurance. Similarly, they are tasked with preventing the abuse or accumulation of power by individuals or certain academic currents in decision-making bodies through appropriate structural measures. The autonomy of academia granted by Section 5 subsection 3 GG establishes a responsibility of academic self-governance to protect and foster this autonomy. This responsibility applies particularly with regard to non-academic influences on research and teaching. The plurality of persons and positions is as important for autonomy as the preservation and fostering of different approaches to research. As such, sustainability also means diversity. New momentum for research and teaching does not arise from the standardization of academia, but rather from the fruitful tension between different approaches and notions. This diversity should also be emphasized vis-à-vis the procedures of quality assurance, which are by all means important but which can exacerbate unjustified standardization through inadequate criteria. The emergence of focus areas is undoubtedly important, however it is equally important to ensure structural openness, for example through risk funds for the development of new lines of research. This also applies to the institutions’ own decision-making processes. As helpful and unavoidable as standardization by the administration may be, the specifics must be continuously reviewed. Departmental traditions are justified and their well-founded logic should be acknowledged. The procedures to safeguard against academic misconduct make clear that unfair practices and abuses of power are a problem in academia and can affect and destroy the careers of young academics as well as damage the reputation of institutions and undermine the trust in academia. It is the task of all academics and also the responsible management bodies on all levels at the University to confidently counter such misconduct and to maintain the institution’s openness. The procedures foreseen for this purpose must be strengthened and their independence safeguarded. Marion Albers, Jörn Behrens, Matthew Braham, Dagmar Felix, Andreas Guse, Florian Lucks (Koord.), Eileen Lübcke, Ute Lübke, Michael Moxter, Stefan Oeter, Daniela Rastetter, Birgit Recki, Hans-Heinrich Trute (Vors.), Olaf Walther.
Last Updated on November 12, 2023 by Otuebo Harrison We frequently focus on motivation when it comes to exercising—both finding and maintaining drive. While it may appear that motivation is the most important factor in making exercise a regular habit, this isn’t always the case. Any exerciser will likely answer “no” when asked if they are truly motivated to get up at 5 a.m in the morning to go to the gym. Is there really anyone who wants to work out first thing in the morning? No chance. The secret is to make exercise a habit. What Is a Habit? A behavioural pattern we engage in repeatedly and persistently is called a habit. There are probably hundreds of them, ranging from the way you fold your laundry to how you get dressed in the morning. Habits frequently occur naturally, and the more we engage in them, the more deeply ingrained they become in our minds. Our routines and habits are controlled by a particular region of the brain called the basal ganglia. It’s what takes over when you’re performing an action without giving it much thought, such as loading the dishwasher or driving a vehicle. It is unnecessary to consider how to pick up a dish, place it in the dishwasher, and how to open the dishwasher. Furthermore, you don’t need to think about the numerous actions required to drive a car, such as getting the keys, opening the door, sitting down, fastening your seatbelt, etc. Because of the automation, you can complete these tasks without having to think about them, freeing up mental resources for more significant tasks. But in order to make these actions automatic, you must repeatedly engage in them. Only then will you stop having to think about them. How to Form a Habit that Sticks The author of “The Power of Habit,” Charles Duhigg, contends that developing habits involves three key components. A cue, a behaviour, and a reward are required. A cue may be something like leaving your gym attire next to the bed. As soon as you stand up, you notice the clothes, which serves as a cue for you to put them on in order to get ready for your workout. Exercise completion is the behaviour, and feeling good about yourself or taking a long, hot shower with your preferred items could be the reward. In addition, Duhigg claims that you need to have a desire for the reward and confidence in your ability to carry out the exercise you’ve scheduled in order for the habit to take hold, particularly when it comes to exercise. How to Establish a New Exercise Habit There are many tiny behaviors that go into working out. It can seem like a lot when added together. The payoff could seem insignificant in relation to the amount of work you’ll have to do until you realize how challenging the procedure is. This is particularly true if your objective is to lose weight, which is typically a very sluggish process. Even though we desire to be healthy and/or lose weight, this is just one reason why many of us struggle to maintain an exercise habit. What is your process then? Plan Your Cues Consider a cue as something that prompts your mind to say, “This is the right time to exercise.” This could be: - Scheduling your workouts on your calendar. Pick times and days you know you can squeeze in exercise, even if it’s just 5 minutes. Plan to walk after lunch every day or take a walk after dinner. - Putting on your workout clothes as soon as you wake up or right when you get home from work. - Doing some other healthy behavior before your workout. Drink a glass of water, take some deep breaths, go for a quick walk, or do some stretches. Sometimes, taking one simple action can put you in the mindset of exercise. - Write down your workout plan and put it next to the bed so it’s the first thing you see when you wake up. While you’re doing this, take a look at any other cues you may have been following that cause you to feel compelled to skip your workout. Perhaps you choose to hit the snooze button rather than getting out of bed and exercising, or perhaps you choose to relax on the couch after work rather than going to the gym. You can develop a new habit of working out in place of your current one of lazing on the couch. Make a Workout Plan The behaviour component is the most important aspect and frequently the one where we err the most. We frequently overextend ourselves during our workouts because we are so eager to lose weight and make up for lost time. You can try to resume an exercise regimen you could manage or design your routines based on what you believe is appropriate. Your choice of how frequently to exercise, what kind of exercise to do, and how much weight to lift can be influenced by this. The issue with this strategy is that you will probably become extremely sore, possibly sustain an injury, and wonder why someone would intentionally harm themselves. However, the only approach to truly develop the habit of exercising is to make your routines so simple and attainable that skipping them seems ridiculous. The self-efficacy—also referred to as self-belief—belief that you can effectively develop an exercise habit is one of the essential components for making this happen. Create a routine that you are confident in, even if it deviates significantly from the recommended exercises. Sample Workout Options Forget working out for an hour or doing hardcore cardio training and think more about workouts you can do no matter what. Consider routines you can complete even when you’re tired, stressed, or low on motivation. Here are a few options to consider: - 5-minute walk: Set a goal for just five minutes every day. Chances are you’ll keep going a little longer than that. - Quick and easy core workout: This workout includes seven simple exercises that focus on building a strong core. - Beginner ball workout: This easy-to-follow workout has simple, feel-good exercises that are perfect for introducing your body to exercise. It’s also good for balance and stability. - Body weight exercises: Another way to keep things simple is to choose a few exercises that don’t require any equipment. Try a squat, pushup, lunge, crunches, and back extensions. Do each exercise for a single set ranging from 10 to 16 reps. Do continue to increase your set count as you get stronger. Plan Your Rewards Exercise has some inherent benefits. Even just finishing a workout can feel nice, and if you stick with it over time, you’ll start to crave that sensation. You can even design your own incentives, like: - A guilt-free hour of TV - A glass of wine with dinner - Paying yourself (give yourself $5 for every workout you complete, for example, and plan what you’ll get with that money at the end of the month) - Taking a hot bath - Reading a new book - Downloading new songs to your workout playlist - Downloading a new app (Charity Miles allows you to earn money for charity while you walk, run, bike, or do any kind of activity) The idea is to give yourself a treat every time you exercise so that you develop a craving for it. Additional Advice to Help You Stick to Your Exercise Habit You can also do a few additional things to strengthen your brand-new exercise habit. These consist of: - Do your workouts at the same time every day, if at all possible. - Create a ritual around your workout. Put on your workout clothes first thing in the morning or, if you’re leaving from the office, put your gym bag in the seat next to you so seeing it will remind you of your goals. - Log your workouts. Keep a calendar and put an ‘X’ on every day you exercise. - Do something you like. You don’t have to love exercise, but it should be an activity you enjoy as well as being one you know you can do without too much pain or discomfort. - Focus on the habit first, then the results. Too often, we’re so focused on losing weight that we end up quitting when it doesn’t happen soon enough. Instead, focus on doing the workouts versus paying so much attention to the results. Making it as simple as possible to complete your workouts is the key to developing an exercise habit. Pick accessible activities that you enjoy, keep your workouts straightforward, and concentrate on simply turning up. Starting is frequently the most difficult step, so the simpler you can make it, the more successful you’ll be. You’ll quickly develop a habit that comes effortlessly if you coordinate your cue, behaviour, and reward.
High blood sugar can affect your nerves and circulatory system. It can damage your nerves, and you may experience some conditions that can make it hard for you to move around or do physical activities. High blood sugar is also the cause of diabetes. If your nerves are damaged and have a high blood sugar level, the risk of developing diabetic neuropathy, DVT, or edema is higher. People with diabetes, especially people that have circulatory problems and nerve damage, need to take care of their legs, feet, and ankles, and they need to check on it every day. Diabetic patients benefit a lot from wearing diabetic socks because they are not just regular socks. They make diabetes, especially neuropathy, more manageable. What’s the purpose of Diabetic socks? Diabetic socks play a big part in helping diabetic patients control their diabetes and to keep their feet protected. The main purpose of diabetic socks is to improve blood flow. That is why it is especially important for people who have diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy is where the nerves in your feet or legs are damaged; different nerve damage can cause different symptoms and different levels of pain. If you want to control the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy and to prevent other nerve and circulatory problems from occurring, it may be best for you to wear diabetic socks. Diabetic socks keep your feet dry to prevent ulcers and blisters from developing. Diabetic socks are made with a moisture-wicking material. Diabetic socks also provide a cushion in the soles or toes to prevent your feet from getting hurt and to make your feet feel more comfortable. Other purposes of diabetic socks are to protect your feet from cuts or injuries. That is also why some diabetic socks offer extra cushions. Some people with diabetes often develop a symptom where their feet feel numb, and it is harder to notice cuts or injuries. When your feet are exposed, your cuts or injuries can be exposed to bacteria that can affect its healing. Diabetic socks also keep fungal infections off your feet. Benefits of diabetic socks Here are the benefits of wearing diabetic socks that will help you understand them better and why you should consider wearing them. - Cushions feet from friction to prevent ulcers and blisters from developing. - They provide mild compression for people with circulatory problems to promote better blood circulation. - They are lightweight and breathable, which makes them more comfortable for the person who wears them. The fabric that is used for diabetic socks is designed for comfort. - They do not constrict the feet. When your feet are constricted, you can’t breathe properly, and the circulation of blood will be harder. - They protect sensitive pressure points in your feet. - Most diabetic socks are made with lightweight fabric and white material so that you can easily see if your foot is injured. - It has moisture-wicking material that doesn’t make your feet sweaty and will prevent foot odor. - Wearing them will prevent amputation.
In today’s fast-paced world, mental strength is often seen as a crucial aspect of overall well-being and success. Mental strength refers to the ability to effectively cope with challenges, persevere through difficult situations, and maintain a positive attitude in the face of adversity. Although it might seem elusive, the good news is that mental strength can be cultivated and enhanced over time. This essay will delve into the nuances of mental strength, strategies for development, common challenges, and techniques to maintain and enhance it in the long run. Understanding Mental Strength Mental strength, often referred to as mental toughness or resilience, is the ability to effectively navigate challenges, stresses, and setbacks in life. It involves the capacity to manage thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in ways that promote personal growth and success. Understanding mental strength is essential for overcoming obstacles in daily life, improving overall mental health, and achieving personal and professional goals. Common Misconceptions about Mental Strength - Mental strength means being stoic or emotionless: This is far from the truth as having mental strength involves managing emotions effectively and accepting them, rather than suppressing them. Emotionally strong individuals are aware of their emotions but act in spite of them. - Mental strength is innate: While some people might have a natural tendency to be mentally stronger, it is a skill that can be developed with practice and consistency. Anyone can learn to be more mentally strong through intentional effort and by adopting certain habits. - Mentally strong individuals never experience self-doubt or failure: Mental strength does not mean never experiencing doubt or failure, but rather, overcoming these challenges by maintaining a positive mindset and learning from past experiences. Mental Strength vs. Mental Health vs. Resilience - Mental strength: This refers to the ability to manage thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in order to achieve desired outcomes. It involves self-discipline, motivation, focus, and adaptability. Mental strength is a skill that can be cultivated and practiced over time. - Mental health: This refers to a person’s overall mental and emotional well-being, encompassing factors like emotional stability, self-esteem, and the ability to forge healthy relationships. Mental health may be influenced by genetics, life experiences, and external stressors. Good mental health is essential for maintaining mental strength; however, being mentally strong does not guarantee mental health. - Resilience: This is a specific aspect of mental strength, involving the ability to bounce back from adversity, setbacks, and challenges. Resilient people exhibit adaptability, flexibility, and perseverance in the face of difficult circumstances. Developing Mental Strength - Establishing clear goals and developing an action plan for achieving them: building motivation and focus. - Practicing mindfulness, meditation, and other forms of stress-reduction techniques: on a regular basis. - Embracing challenges and change: viewing them as opportunities for growth rather than threats. - Cultivating a growth mindset: in which setbacks and failures are seen as opportunities for learning and personal growth. - Building self-awareness: by reflecting on thoughts, emotions, and actions, learning to identify and question unhelpful thinking patterns and beliefs. - Seeking support: from friends, family, or professional therapists, if needed, to improve coping strategies and overall mental well-being. Understanding Mental Strength Mental strength is essential for managing thoughts, emotions, and actions productively and positively, especially when faced with life’s challenges and adversities. Building mental strength is an ongoing process that requires dedication, effort, and consistency. By debunking common misconceptions and adopting strategies to improve mental strength, individuals can overcome obstacles and achieve their personal and professional goals. Furthermore, enhancing mental strength can lead to improved overall mental health and resilience, allowing people to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and success. Developing Mental Strength Importance of Mental Strength Developing mental strength is crucial for harnessing one’s mental and emotional resources effectively, which directly impacts the ability to reach goals and maintain overall well-being. When faced with difficult situations or setbacks, mental strength dictates how well an individual can manage their thoughts and emotions. With a strong mental foundation, it becomes easier to stay composed, think clearly, and make sound decisions. Ultimately, mental strength is vital for personal growth and success, empowering people to take control of their lives and persevere through challenges. Cultivating a Positive Mindset One of the first steps in developing mental strength is cultivating a positive mindset. This means learning to view challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. Adopting positive self-talk strategies and maintaining optimism despite adversity can help to boost mental resilience. Make a conscious effort to replace negative thoughts with more positive and empowering ones. Also, surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people can help to reinforce your positive mindset. Building Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to identify, understand, and manage emotions effectively, both in yourself and in others. Developing emotional intelligence is essential for mental strength, as it helps you to navigate through emotions healthily. This includes practicing self-awareness, empathy, and emotional regulation. Work on understanding your emotional triggers and experiment with various coping mechanisms to manage your emotions better. Additionally, investing time and effort in nurturing relationships, expressing gratitude, and cultivating empathy with others can contribute to improving your emotional intelligence. Setting and Maintaining Personal Boundaries To develop mental strength, it’s necessary to establish and maintain personal boundaries in relationships, work, and other areas of life. Personal boundaries help protect your mental and emotional well-being by ensuring that you maintain a healthy balance between your needs and the needs of others. It’s essential to be assertive in communicating your boundaries with others and to learn how to say ‘no’ when necessary. Keep track of how you feel in certain situations and evaluate whether your boundaries have been crossed. This continuous self-assessment will allow you to refine your boundaries and ensure that you maintain mental strength. Engaging in Mindful Practices Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, yoga, or deep-breathing exercises, can help strengthen your mental resilience by encouraging a greater sense of presence and awareness. Incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine can help you develop the ability to observe your thoughts and emotions without judgment, which is essential in managing stress and cultivating emotional intelligence. By doing so, you can train your brain to process emotions and situations more effectively, ultimately improving your mental strength. Committing to Personal Growth Continuously working on personal growth is a crucial aspect of developing mental strength. This includes setting goals for yourself, challenging your limits, and engaging in activities that promote self-improvement, such as learning new skills, pursuing hobbies, or seeking professional development. Adopting a growth mindset allows you to approach challenges with a hunger to learn and improve, ultimately contributing to stronger mental fortitude. Developing mental strength involves a continuous process of conscious effort and practice. By adopting a positive mindset, enhancing emotional intelligence, setting and maintaining personal boundaries, engaging in mindful practices, and committing to personal growth, you can improve your ability to navigate life’s challenges and hardships, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and resilient life. Challenges to Mental Strength Mental strength refers to the capacity to regulate your emotions, manage your thoughts, and exhibit positive behaviors, regardless of your circumstances. Building mental strength is crucial for both personal and professional success and involves overcoming a variety of obstacles. Common challenges in the journey toward mental strength include stress, loss, criticism, and self-doubt. This section will delve into these challenges and offer valuable tips and techniques for overcoming them, facilitating your progress toward greater mental strength. Stress can take a toll on our mental strength. It can lead to depression, anxiety, and a host of other health issues. To overcome stress and build mental strength, it’s essential to implement stress management techniques in your daily life. Effective stress management techniques include: - Regular exercise - Deep breathing exercises - Practicing mindfulness Also, setting realistic goals, prioritizing tasks, and developing a healthy work-life balance can reduce stress and help build mental resilience. Coping with Loss Experiencing loss, be it the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or the loss of a job, can challenge our mental strength. It’s essential to give yourself permission to grieve and process the emotions that come with loss. Avoiding or suppressing your emotions can hinder your ability to grow mentally stronger. Reach out to support groups or a mental health professional to help you navigate through the grieving process. Practicing gratitude daily can also help shift your focus and boost your mental strength in the face of loss. Criticism can be tough to process, especially if it is aimed at our self-worth. To build mental strength, it’s crucial to learn how to accept criticism and use it as a tool for personal growth. Identify whether the criticism is constructive or destructive and filter out the latter, as it serves no purpose in your personal development. Adopt a growth mindset by viewing setbacks as learning opportunities and implementing the feedback provided through constructive criticism. Self-doubt can be a significant barrier to mental strength. It can make us feel unworthy and incapable of success. To overcome self-doubt, start by building self-awareness to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Recognize and challenge negative thought patterns and beliefs that contribute to your self-doubt. Surround yourself with positive people who support and encourage your growth. Moreover, regularly set and achieve small goals to build self-confidence and prove to yourself that you are capable of overcoming obstacles. Mental strength plays a vital role in an individual’s overall well-being and greatly impacts everyday functioning, relationships, and overall life satisfaction. Just like physical strength, mental strength can be cultivated, refined, and enhanced over time through various activities and practices. In this article, we will discuss different approaches to maintaining and boosting mental strength, such as seeking professional guidance, joining support groups, and consistently learning and practicing mental strength-building techniques. Maintaining and Enhancing Mental Strength Ultimately, building mental strength is an ongoing journey that demands continuous effort and a readiness to face challenges. By effectively managing stress, coping with loss, handling criticism, and overcoming self-doubt, you can develop the resilience and mental strength necessary to excel in various aspects of your life. It’s essential to remember that setbacks and obstacles are inevitable; it’s how you respond to and grow from these experiences that define your mental strength. Seeking Professional Guidance One effective way to maintain and enhance mental strength is to seek the support of a mental health professional, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or counselor. These trained professionals can provide valuable insight, guidance, and tools to help individuals navigate the challenges they may face on their journey towards greater mental strength. Working with a mental health professional can also help individuals identify any underlying conditions, such as anxiety or depression, that may be hindering their progress and develop targeted strategies to address these issues. Joining Support Groups In addition to working with a professional, joining a support group can be an invaluable resource for those looking to build mental strength. These groups provide a safe and supportive environment where individuals can share their experiences, challenges, and successes with others who are facing similar struggles. Support groups can be found in a variety of settings, such as in-person meetings, online forums, or through social media platforms. The benefits of joining a support group include increased feelings of connectedness, reduced feelings of isolation, and the opportunity to learn from the experiences of others. Continuous Learning and Practicing Mental Strength-Building Techniques Just as physical fitness requires regular exercise to maintain and improve, mental strength requires consistent practice and effort. There are numerous techniques that can be used to build mental strength, and individuals should explore different strategies to find what works best for them. Some popular mental strength-building techniques include: - Mindfulness and meditation: Practicing mindfulness and meditation can help individuals become more aware of their thoughts and feelings, allowing them to better regulate emotions and reduce stress. - Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques: Learning and practicing CBT techniques can help individuals identify and change negative thought patterns that may be contributing to their mental struggles. - Goal setting and visualization: Setting achievable goals and visualizing the outcome can help foster motivation and a sense of accomplishment, building mental strength over time. - Physical exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity has been shown to have numerous mental health benefits, including increased mental strength, improved mood, and reduced stress levels. - Adequate sleep and nutrition: Ensuring proper sleep and a healthy diet can contribute to overall mental well-being and improve mental strength. Maintaining and enhancing mental strength is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort, practice, and support. Seeking professional guidance, joining support groups, and continuously learning and practicing mental strength-building techniques are all valuable strategies for individuals looking to improve their mental resilience and overall well-being. By focusing on these approaches, individuals can better equip themselves to face life’s challenges and setbacks, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and enjoyable life experience. Ultimately, the journey to mental strength is a lifelong process that requires continuous effort, dedication, and self-reflection. By better understanding its importance and complexity, implementing effective strategies for development, overcoming challenges, and maintaining a commitment to growth, individuals can reap the benefits of enhanced mental strength in their daily lives. With increased mental strength comes improved emotional resilience, clearer decision-making, and the ability to navigate the inevitable challenges of life with grace and poise. The journey may be challenging, but the rewards are priceless.
02 July 2019 Scientists from the University of Portsmouth are using Zantiks units to help aid our understanding of drug and alcohol addiction in humans and the impact of drug pollution on wildlife. Professor Alex Ford, one of the scientists from the University’s Institute of Marine Sciences involved in the collaboration said, “The effects of pollution on behaviour is currently a growing area of concern amongst environmental scientists, especially as we are starting to discover prescribed and illicit drugs accumulated in our wildlife. Some of these drugs were explicitly designed to alter behaviour in humans so it is important that we develop the methods to understand there impacts on our ecosystems. “Working with the companies that develop the technologies enables us to have input into the bespoke design of this equipment which we hope one day might safeguard the quality of our ecosystems.” One of the other scientists involved is Dr Matt Parker, a behavioural neuroscientist from the School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Science, with 10 years’ experience of studying drug and alcohol addiction. He said: “Drug and alcohol addiction are a major health concern worldwide, and notoriously difficult to treat. Several research groups, including my own, have been studying the biology of addiction using laboratory animals, in particular, zebrafish, to understand the underlying processes. Being able to effectively monitor the fish in a controlled environment allows us to track their responses to drugs, and map this to brain regions that we think are altered in addicted people. “It has been extremely useful to work with Zantiks on the development of their behavioural monitoring equipment, and has transformed our ability to study addiction in fish. Moving forward, we are confident that this enhanced capability will expedite the day when we understand why people get addicted to drugs and alcohol, and find effective cures and interventions to help them.” The director of Zantiks, Dr Bill Budenberg said: “We are excited by this opportunity for Zantiks to work with Professor Alex Ford and Dr Matt Parker, from the University of Portsmouth, whose knowledge and expertise will help us ensure our products are optimised to enable the scientific community gain better insight into the effects of drugs and pollution on behaviour.”
The importance of recycling has never been greater. Recycling helps our planet by sustaining our natural resources and helps our economy by lowering the cost of raw materials and reducing the energy costs to process them. Aluminum has positive sustainability benefits due to its recyclability. Although the production of primary aluminum is an energy-intensive process, aluminum recycling uses just 5% to 8% of the energy required to produce primary aluminum. This makes aluminum scrap recycling even more impactful. - Over 1 billion tons of primary aluminum has been produced since 1888, when the production of aluminum began; 75% of all that aluminum ever produced is still in productive use today! - In North America, the industry recycles approximately 5 million tons of aluminum each year. - The aluminum industry is working constantly to reduce its carbon impact. In fact, over the past 30 years, the North American aluminum industry has cut its carbon footprint by more than half.
16,000 people a year are diagnosed with a brain tumour, 6,400 (40%) of which are primary tumours originating in the brain while the remaining are secondary tumours which have spread to the brain from primary tumours at other sites of the body. Indeed around 25% of all cancers spread to the brain. The prognosis for children diagnosed with a brain tumour is poor, with only 20% surviving beyond five years. Adults and children who do survive are left with side effects which affect them for the rest of their lives. There is a limited capture of statistics to truly understand the extent of this disease The many sources of information demonstrate inconsistencies Official statistics are often two years out of date and are therefore not highlighting the increasing trends regarding what is happening now! We rely on statistics to be captured by health professionals and groups such as the UK Children's Cancer Study Group, this does not necessarily capture all cases Many Brain Tumour patients have other causes registered on their death certificate, which are secondary and as a result of the brain tumour's debilitating effect on the body and immune system 25% of Cancer patients, particularly adults, present with a secondary tumour in the brain Some 100 children a year die as a result of a brain tumour Since the 1960's cure rates for other childhood cancers have improved dramatically Indications now suggest that brain tumours have overtaken leukaemia as the biggest killer of children under the age of 15 Ali's Dream needs your help in the fight against childhood brain tumors by way of donation. If you would like to help us in this fight, please click on the button below and donate using Just Giving. It only takes a minute and will help us more than you can imagine in our battle against this dreadful illness. Everyone working for Ali's Dream is voluntary, therefore every penny donated goes directly towards research into finding a cure. Please click on the button below.
The teachers all know the diagnosis your child has been given from the admission forms you filled out, but most teachers do not have an extensive education about either cerebral palsy or brachial plexus injury. To many, CP is a generic diagnosis and what they see is what they think is the limit of the child’s capability. It is the same for BPI where they think the child’s preference for using the unaffected side is caused by a permanent injury, not a wired-in habit. Yet parents and the readers of this blog know that Habit Hides Recovery in all early acquired injuries to the brain, spinal cord or peripheral nerve. By the time the children have reached school age, the initial injury has recovered to whatever extent it can and the child has a more mature brain….while most of their motor movements represent early habits. As they grow and mature, the children are capable of performing higher level skills…skills that are rarely seen in the classroom. How do you know what is habit and what is recovery? You sit down and list your child’s “usual” performance on any task and then the occasional “best” performance. Usual represents the habit; Best represents the extent of recovery. For example, if a child with a speech problem speaks more clearly when at home, rested and not stressed, the teacher should know that these factors contribute to the child’s speech issues. If it is thought to be the result of permanent damage, they will not take steps to help the child relax and speak clearly. I have had children diagnosed with ADHD or other learning problems who can happily play a video game for hours or attack the construction of a complicated Lego set with no sign of restless behavior or acting out. They are bored or under challenged, not hyperactive. I have seen children who demand help at school that they do not need or get at home and visa versa. In my experience, children with an early neurological problem have a range of behaviors in just about every activity of daily living. It is our responsibility to let the schools know what they are currently capable of and then to hold them to their best performance. “Whatever you do, you learn to do better”
Here, you will find short summaries, notes, textbook solutions, answers, extras, pdf of English which is a part of the syllabus of NBSE Class 11 students (Nagaland Board of School Education NBSE). These solutions, however, should be only treated as references and can be modified/changed. NBSE Class 11 English Chapter 1: Thank You, M’am Short summary of the story Thank You, M’am: Thank You, M’am is the story of a 15-year-old boy named Roger who is poor and gets into the habit of stealing things to fulfill his needs and wants. One day he tries to snatch the purse of a woman named Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones on the street, but he could not bear the weight of the bag as it is too heavy and gets caught. Mrs. Washington gets visibly angry in the start, but as she hears the story of the boy, she takes him to her home instead of handing him over to the police. There, she feeds him and treats him kindly. Finally, she hands him a 10 dollar bill and let him go, thereby changing the life of the boy and instilling in him the values of honesty and kindness. NBSE Class 11 English Chapter 2: No Men are Foreign Short summary: of the poem No men are Foreign: Through the poem “No Men are Foreign” the poet James Kirkup tried to make the people of the world, irrespective of nation, race, ethnicity etc. to understand that despite the differences, all of us are at the end the same. We feel the same emotions and breath the same air. We live in the same world and when we die, we are buried in the same soil. But most often than not we don’t understand or rather focus on the aspects that connect us and instead concentrate on our insignificant differences, creating enmity. This enmity eventually leads to the defilement of the Earth. NBSE Class 11 English Chapter 3: The Malefactor Introduction to the story the Malefactor:The Malefactor by Anton Chekhov tells the story of a poor, sickly and simple peasant named Denis Grigoryev who is thrown into prison for a crime that he doesn’t understand. In the story, he is caught by a rail watchman when he tries to remove a nut from the rail track. Grigoryev is then produced to an unfriendly magistrate and he is asked to explain his actions. Being a simple man, Grigoryev doesn’t think much and admits the crime and he is accused of causing the derailing of a train. Grigoryev, who has no clue why he is thrown into prison till the end tries to understand his crime. For him, his entire village removes the nuts all the time as it can be a perfect weight to catch fish and doesn’t see how it can be a crime. NBSE Class 11 English Chapter 4: If Introduction to the the poem If: Through his poem, the poet imparts an inspirational perspective for people to stay humble, soft, and tender, shun the extremes, and take advantage of any chance they may ever receive in life. Keeping humility and living with pride are crucial. It is important for an individual to live with his head up when he/she wins even when others are losing. When losing causes those who are unable to keep their heads up to blame us as the cause of their loss, it’s very important to remain calm and cool. A person should cultivate patience as well as learn to wait in life since patience is the key to success. The poet talks about a number of qualities in the poem which would make a person a proper man that he/she ought to be. Download Report NBSE Class 11 English Chapter 5: The Diamond Maker Introduction to the story the Diamond Maker: The story is about a man who, according to the story narrated to the writer by himself, makes plenty of sacrifices to perfect the process of making a diamond in which he eventually finds success. In order to keep his knowledge a secret so that he can make a fortune by selling his diamonds, he does everything in his power to keep his intentions and his experiments only to himself. However, though he is successful, he finds it difficult to sell his diamonds as people don’t believe in him or his diamonds because he looks like a vagabond. NBSE Class 11 English Chapter 6: Why can’t a Woman be More Like a Man Introduction to the story Why can’t a Woman be More Like a Man: In the story, a person named Prof Higgins asks another person named Colonel Pickering why a woman cannot be more like a man and rants that women are annoyingly different compared to man and through his questions mock womenfolk while at the same time showering praises on men. We learn that the reason behind his misogyny is that he was treated wrongly by a woman which led him to generalise women and develop hatred towards them, but the tone of the story is such that we understand that the writer is indeed making a mockery of Prof Higgins. NBSE Class 11 English Chapter 7: The Verger Introduction to the story the Verger: The Verger tells the story of Albert Edward Foreman who had given 16 years of his life working as a verger in a church named St. Peter’s Neville Square but with the arrival of a new vicar in the church, he was asked to either learn to read and write within a few months or leave the church. Foreman was illiterate but intelligent and disciplined. He decided to leave the job because he was too old now to learn to read and write. While going home he got the urge to smoke but the street he was walking on had no tobacconist. He saw an opportunity and opened a tobacco shop there as well as working as a newsagent. Soon, he earned enough to open more shops. He also started investing in stocks and became a rich person, all because he wasn’t educated to continue as a verger. NBSE Class 11 English Chapter 8: A Hunger for Books Introduction to the story A Hunger for Books: A Hunger for Books is actually a speech delivered by author Doris Lessing while accepting the Nobel Prize for literature. In her speech, Lessing gives the world a peek into the lives of Zimbabweans and their love for books. She tells that the love for books that they have are not the results of their government but of the colonial era and the government has done nothing to quench the people’s trust for books. She says that the schools in the country lack even the basic amenities and the popularity of any book there depends on its availability. NBSE Class 11 English Chapter 9: Kelhoukevira Introduction to the poem Kelhoukevira: Kelhoukevira, roughly translates as “life in a better place” in Angami language, is a poem written by Easterine Kire, who is a popular writer and has written many books. It is arguably one of the most famous poems in Naga literature. This poem tells about a time in the history of the Nagas when the land was marred with killings and people were so aggrieved by the conflicts that they would not even care to reap the harvest. Many, in search of an alliance, left the land while many warriors laid down their lives without saying a word. Though the times seemed to be against the Nagas, they continue to talk about Kelhoukevira. NBSE Class 11 English Chapter 10: The Importance of Being Earnest Introduction to the play The Importance of Being Earnest: Oscar Wilde’splay The Importance of Being Earnest revolves around two central figures Jack and his friend Algernon. Jack was adopted as a baby and his adopted parents made him the guardian of their granddaughter Cecily. Jack didn’t always like to be the guardian and often would leave the country assuming the name “Ernest”. Jack was planning to marry Gwendolen, the cousin of Algernon, but before he could propose to her, Algernon forced Jack to reveal his real identity. Jack revealed to him that Jack and Ernest were one person. While Jack proposed to Gwendolen and she accepted the proposal, the guardian of Gwendolen Lady Bracknell wasn’t impressed by Jack because of his unknown parentage. However, towards the end, we learn that Jack was indeed the lost nephew of Lady Bracknell and was the brother of Algernon. NBSE Class 11 English Chapter 11: Swami and Friends Introduction to the Novel Swami and Friends: Swami and Friends written by RK Narayan and set in the fictional town of Malgudi is about the time when the British still used to rule the Indian sub-continent. It tells the story of Swami and his four friends, who meet a new guy named Rajam, the son of a new police officer who was assigned to the area. At first, none of the friends accepted Rajam, but soon two of them took him on, upsetting the others. During this time, Swami joined a nationalist mob that was protesting the British and was caught by Rajam’s father. A cricket team was formed by Rajam, but Swami’s new school refused to let Rajam leave early for the practices, which upset Rajam. Subsequently, Swami tried to flee from the school and Malgudi, but would eventually return to the town. However, Rajam eventually departed Malgudi for another place despite Swami trying to convince him not to. Get notes of other boards, classes, and subjects
|Other Egyptian Gods In Egyptian mythology, Sekhmet ("the powerful one") was a war and disease goddess. The center of her cult was in Memphis. Her husband was Ptah (later, as Ptah-Seker) and their son, Nefertem. Ra, the sun god, sent Sekhmet (herein a possible malevolent aspect of Hathor—Het-Hert) to destroy mortals who conspired against him; she grew very enthusiastic about this task and killed almost all of humanity. Re tricked her into drinking beer which he had colored like blood. She became so drunk that she was no longer able to continue the slaughter. In spite of being a cause of disease, she was also prayed to for help in healing diseases. She was also associated with lionesses. This goddess’ name literally translated means “Mighty One,” or “Powerful One.” Her name is derived from the Egyptian word “sekhem,” which means “power” or “might.” Some of Sekhmet’s titles were “Powerful of Heart,” “The Scarlet Lady,” “Avenger of Wrongs,” “Lady of Flame,” “The One Before Whom Evil Trembles,” “Eye of Ra,” and “Lady of Slaughter.” Hot desert winds were believed to be this goddess’s breath, and her body was said to take on the bright glare of the midday sun. A very important goddess, it has been estimated that over seven hundred statues of Sekhmet once stood in the funerary temple of Amenhotep III, on the west bank of the Nile. Each statue was dedicated to a particular day of the year. The lion head hieroglyphic symbol was used in words such as “power” and “strength.” Sekhmet was believed to protect the pharaoh in battle and destroy his enemies with arrows of fire. The King at war was described as being terrible and unvanquishable like Sekhmet in her fury. Often pictured as a savage lioness stalking the land, to this goddess death and destruction was “balm for my heart.” The patron of surgeons and bonesetters, Sekhmet was thought to send the Seven Demons of Plague, and to protect people from them. The priests of Sekhmet were specialists in the field of medicine, arts linked to ritual and magic. They were also trained surgeons of remarkable caliber. During the Festival of Sekhmet, men and women “freed themselves of all unpleasant feelings, resentment, and repressed, angry passion” by drinking great quantities of wine. The white wine of Lower Egypt was the Wine of Bast; the more potent blood-red wine of Upper Egypt was called the Wine of Sekhmet. Similar festivals of Sekhmet were celebrated at the end of battle, in order to pacify the Goddess of War, so that there would be no more destruction. On such occasions, people danced and played music to soothe the wildness of the Goddess. Sekhmet was the goddess of divine retribution, justice, vengeance, and war. The “Hymn of Sekhmet” says: “Mine is a heart of carnelian, crimson as murder on a holy day. / Mine is a heart of corneal, the gnarled roots of a dogwood and the bursting of flowers. / I am the broken wax seal on my lover's letters. / I am the phoenix, the fiery sun, consuming and resuming myself. / I will what I will. / Mine is a heart of carnelian, blood red as the crest of a phoenix.” Sekhmet was pictured as a lioness, a serpent, or as a woman with the head of a lioness, dressed in red. Sometimes the dress she wears exhibits a rosetta pattern over each nipple, an ancient leonine motif that can be traced to observation of the shoulder-knot hairs on lions. Tame lions were kept in temples dedicated to Sekhmet. Sekhmet was thought to be the daughter of Geb and Nut, the sister-wife of Ptah, the sister of Bast, and the mother of Nefertem. She was sometimes thought to be the daughter of Atum and Mut or Ra, and the mother of Maahes and Khons. An ancient Greek historian called Aelian said: “In Egypt, they worship lions, and there is a city called after them ... the lions have temples and numerous spaces in which to roam; the flesh of oxen is supplied to them daily ... and the lions eat to the accompaniment of song in the Egyptian language.” - Wikipedia. (2005). Sekhmet (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sekhmet). Retrieved on 03/01/2005.
. Prior to the passage of the CMIA, many states often deployed federal funds before they were spent, resulting in a decline in federal government interest revenues. Conversely, states often did not have federal funds, which led states to set aside their own resources for federal purposes and lose interest income. CMIA`s intention is for the programmes to be as neutral as possible on interest rates, with the result that neither the federal nor the governments of the Länder gain or lose interest. Major Federal Assistance Program – Grant programs that exceed the dollar threshold set by OSRAP based on the thresholds set in 31 CFR 205 or using the OMB Circular A-133. Payment – This term means debiting a state bank account for payment purposes. This involves not only the issuance of a cheque, but also the effective clearing of the state`s bank account. Fiscal year – Unless otherwise specified, the fiscal year of a State ending in the calendar year indicated. Program – A program is the range of activities that are included and classified in the Federal Domestic Assistance Number (CFDA#) catalog. It may consist of one or more grants. . .
The Language Construction Kit This set of webpages (what’s a set of webpages? a webchapter?) is intended for anyone who wants to create artificial languages— for a fantasy or an alien world, as a hobby, as an interlanguage. The above is a sample of an artificial language of my own, Verdurian. How about a suite of webpages? Before I could write this little inscription I had to: Decide on the sounds of the language Create the lexicon Create the grammar Design an alphabet Decide how the alphabet is modified for cursive handwriting Translate the desired text You may have two reactions to this: The order of the steps above is significant. Let’s get going! The rest of the kit is organized into three files: If you’d like to read the whole thing as an e-book, it’s available on Amazon for a paltry 99¢. Where do I go from here? There’s a list of web resources here. And for plenty more information, check out the print version! Once you’re ready to create entire worlds, check out the Planet Construction Kit. Related: A Radical View of Chinese Characters
International Earth Day last Wednesday inspired people all across the globe to partake in a whole lot of eco-friendly, earth saving activities. US President Barrack Obama was snapped helping former US President Bill Clinton planting a tree. One activity I thought was brilliant came from students in Peru who blew up balloons containing the seeds of trees. The seeds were released when the balloons burst during the "Rain of seeds for our ground" ceremony - all done to celebrate Earth Day. My only question is what happens to the balloons once they burst. I did a little research and discovered that most balloons are actually made from natural latex tapped from rubber trees. Unfortunately, though derived from a natural source, latex balloons can still pose a serious threat to marine animals because they retain their elasticity for at least a year when exposed to seawater. Latex balloons are biodegradable; in fact they start degrading this minute you begin blowing them up. It's what's attached to them that often does the most damage. Strings and plastic ties are a no no. You need to hand tie them and, if essential, use a natural string like rafia. If seed spreading via balloons is not quite your enviro bag, perhaps you could follow in the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) footsteps. In aid of their Earth Month campaign the EPA are encouraging us to "Pick 5 for the Environment." That is find five actions that align with your personal capacity to protect the environment. The 10 actions are: 1. Use less water. 2. Commute without polluting. 3. Save electricity. 4. Reduce, reuse and recycle. 5. Test your home for radon. 6. Check your local air quality. 7. Use chemicals safely. 8. Reuse and recycle electronics. 9. Enjoy the outdoors safely. 10. Spread the word to family and friends. Visit the EPA website to pledge the five you picked.
In the next sections, we will explain what are the “cookies” and the types of “cookies” used by upto25 on your website: 1. What are “cookies”? A cookie is a file that Web sites send to the user’s computer or other device connected to the Internet in order to uniquely identify your browser or to store information or settings in it. These files allow the storage of amounts of data ranging from a few kilobytes to several Megabytes on the user’s terminal. “Cookies” are only associated with your device and do not provide personal data. In addition, in no case they can cause any damage to your device and allow us to identify and resolve possible errors. These files allow the website to remember information about your visit, such as the language and any taste and/or preferences, which may facilitate your next visit and make this website more useful when personalizing its content. Cookies play a very important role in improving the experience of using this website. 1.1. Types of “cookies” according to the entity that manages them According to who is the entity that manages the equipment or domain where the cookies are sent from and who treats the data that are obtained, we can distinguish: - “Own cookies”: there are those that are sent to the equipment of the user from a computer or domain managed by the publisher and from which the service requested by the user is provided. - “Third party cookies”: there are those that are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by the publisher, but by another entity that treats the data obtained through cookies. In case that the cookies are installed from a computer or domain managed by the publisher itself but the information collected by them is managed by a third party, they cannot be considered as their own cookies. 1.2. 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These cookies store information on the behaviour of the users obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits, which allows the development of a specific profile to show advertising. 2. “Cookies” used by upto25 According with the definitions of the types of “cookies” expressed in the previous section, upto25 informs you that, in this website, the following types of cookies used are: - “Own Cookies” - “Session cookies” - “Analysis Cookies” 3. Acceptance of the upto25 “cookies” policy We show the possibility of accessing the information of our policy of “cookies” in any of the pages of this website, that is, access to this information is part of its static content. In addition, a notification on the use of “cookies” on this website is displayed at each login, through which you can also access the content of our policy in this matter and accept it with a single click. 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Discovering the Best Schools for Neuroscience Choosing the right school for your neuroscience studies is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. The school you attend can significantly influence your future career opportunities, as certain institutions are known for producing leading professionals in the field. This guide aims to introduce you to the best schools for neuroscience education, both nationally and internationally. Understanding the Field of Neuroscience Before you embark on the journey of choosing a neuroscience school, it’s critical to comprehend the nature and scope of neuroscience. This scientific field focuses on the study of the nervous system in all its complexities and intricacies. From understanding neural networks to exploring the biological basis of cognition, behavior, and learning, neuroscience has a broad spectrum of interests. Neuroscience is a fascinating field that delves into the inner workings of the brain and nervous system. By studying the nervous system, scientists and researchers aim to unravel the mysteries of how we perceive the world, think, and behave. The field encompasses various disciplines, each contributing to our understanding of the brain and its functions. Key Disciplines in Neuroscience The field of neuroscience has a multi-disciplinary nature. It encompasses a variety of sub-disciplines, each with its unique focus. Neurobiology, for example, delves deep into the biological and molecular mechanisms underlying neuronal functions. By studying the intricate workings of individual neurons and their interactions, neurobiologists strive to uncover the fundamental principles that govern brain function. Cognitive neuroscience, on the other hand, examines how the neural circuits manifest into cognition and behavior. By combining insights from psychology, neuroscience, and computer science, cognitive neuroscientists aim to understand the neural basis of human thought processes, decision-making, and emotion. Another significant branch is clinical neuroscience, which seeks to understand, prevent, and treat neurological disorders. Neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and epilepsy, can have a profound impact on individuals and society as a whole. Clinical neuroscientists work on developing new therapies and interventions to improve the lives of those affected by these conditions. The Importance of a Strong Neuroscience Program A robust neuroscience program equips students with a multifaceted knowledge base and skill set. Theoretical understanding paired with practical experience are the bedrocks of a strong neuroscience program. Students in neuroscience programs have the opportunity to learn about the latest research findings and breakthroughs in the field, as well as gain hands-on experience through laboratory work and internships. With fast-paced advances in this domain, it’s also critical for the curriculum to stay updated and include emerging trends and discoveries. Neuroscience programs that prioritize staying at the forefront of the field ensure that students are well-prepared to tackle the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Furthermore, a strong neuroscience program fosters a collaborative and supportive learning environment. Students have the opportunity to work closely with faculty members and fellow students who share their passion for understanding the brain. This collaborative atmosphere encourages the exchange of ideas and promotes intellectual growth. Ultimately, a strong neuroscience program provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to make meaningful contributions to the field. Whether they choose to pursue careers in research, medicine, or other related fields, graduates of neuroscience programs are well-equipped to tackle the complex questions and challenges that arise in the study of the brain and nervous system. Criteria for Choosing a Neuroscience School Selecting the right neuroscience school isn’t a choice to be taken lightly; it’s a significant investment of your time and resources. A number of factors should be considered when making this crucial decision. When it comes to choosing a neuroscience school, there are several important criteria to keep in mind. One of the first things to consider is accreditation and reputation. Accreditation is a testament to a school’s educational quality and its adherence to specific standards. It ensures that the school meets certain criteria and provides a high standard of education. Additionally, considering the reputation of the school is crucial. This can be gauged by its ranking, alumni success, and recognition in relevant fields. A school with a strong reputation will not only provide you with a quality education but also open doors to various opportunities in the future. Another important criterion to consider is the expertise of the faculty. The faculty’s knowledge and experience in neuroscience can make a significant difference in your learning experience. Esteemed faculty members are often recognized for their contributions to the field and can provide invaluable insights and mentorship throughout your studies. Having access to experienced and knowledgeable professors can greatly enhance your understanding of complex concepts and help you develop the necessary skills for a successful career in neuroscience. Research opportunities are also a crucial aspect to consider when choosing a neuroscience school. Neuroscience is a research-intensive field, and being able to actively participate in research can greatly enhance your learning experience. Look for schools that provide substantive research opportunities, whether it be working in labs, conducting experiments, or contributing to scholarly articles. These experiences not only broaden your knowledge but also enhance your professional profile, making you a more competitive candidate in the job market or when applying for advanced degrees. Furthermore, it’s important to consider the resources and facilities available at the school. Neuroscience requires access to state-of-the-art equipment, laboratories, and research facilities. Make sure the school you choose has the necessary resources to support your education and research endeavors. This includes well-equipped labs, access to cutting-edge technology, and a supportive research environment. Lastly, don’t forget to consider the location and campus culture. Neuroscience programs can vary greatly depending on the school and its location. Some schools may have strong connections to nearby research institutions or hospitals, providing you with additional networking and internship opportunities. Additionally, consider the campus culture and whether it aligns with your personal and academic goals. Look for a supportive and collaborative environment that fosters intellectual growth and encourages interdisciplinary collaboration. Top Neuroscience Schools in the United States The United States is home to several premier neuroscience institutions. Let’s explore some of the distinguished leaders in this domain. Neuroscience is a rapidly growing field that seeks to understand the complexities of the human brain and nervous system. It encompasses various disciplines, including biology, psychology, and computer science, to unravel the mysteries of the mind. Overview of Leading Institutions Stanford University, Harvard University, and Johns Hopkins University are often hailed as the best for neuroscience studies. Known for their cutting-edge research projects and distinguished faculty, these institutions stand apart in the world of neuroscience. Stanford University, located in the heart of Silicon Valley, offers a vibrant and innovative environment for neuroscience research. With its close proximity to leading technology companies, Stanford students have unique opportunities to collaborate with industry experts and apply their knowledge to real-world problems. The university’s state-of-the-art facilities, such as the Stanford Neurosciences Institute, provide students with access to advanced technologies and equipment. Harvard University, situated in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is renowned for its interdisciplinary approach to neuroscience. The university’s Program in Neuroscience exposes students to a wide array of neurological disciplines, including neurobiology, cognitive neuroscience, and computational neuroscience. This comprehensive curriculum allows students to gain a holistic understanding of the brain and its functions. Harvard’s vast network of research centers and laboratories provides students with ample opportunities to engage in groundbreaking research projects. Johns Hopkins University, located in Baltimore, Maryland, is known for its strong emphasis on clinical experiences in neuroscience. The university’s close association with the esteemed Johns Hopkins Hospital allows students to work alongside world-class physicians and gain hands-on experience in diagnosing and treating neurological disorders. This unique clinical exposure sets Johns Hopkins apart from other institutions and prepares students for careers in both research and clinical practice. Unique Features of Each School Each of these prestigious institutions offers distinctive features that attract aspiring neuroscientists from around the world. Harvard, for instance, boasts an interdisciplinary neuroscience program that exposes students to a wide array of neurological disciplines. This multidisciplinary approach allows students to explore the brain from different perspectives, fostering a comprehensive understanding of its complexities. Students at Harvard also have access to cutting-edge research facilities, such as the Center for Brain Science, which houses state-of-the-art equipment for studying the brain at various levels of analysis. Stanford University, on the other hand, is renowned for its highly collaborative research atmosphere. The university encourages interdisciplinary collaboration among faculty and students, fostering a rich intellectual environment where ideas can flourish. This collaborative spirit extends beyond the university’s campus, as Stanford actively collaborates with other leading institutions and industry partners to tackle some of the most pressing challenges in neuroscience. At Johns Hopkins, students benefit from outstanding clinical experiences due to its association with the esteemed Johns Hopkins Hospital. The university’s close proximity to the hospital allows students to observe and participate in real-world clinical settings, gaining valuable insights into the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders. This hands-on experience sets Johns Hopkins apart from other institutions and equips students with the practical skills necessary for a successful career in neuroscience. In conclusion, Stanford University, Harvard University, and Johns Hopkins University are among the top neuroscience schools in the United States. Each institution offers unique features and opportunities for aspiring neuroscientists, making them highly sought-after destinations for those passionate about unraveling the mysteries of the human brain. International Leaders in Neuroscience Education If studying abroad appeals to you, there are many exquisite neuroscience schools outside the United States as well. Exploring neuroscience programs internationally can open up a world of opportunities and provide a unique educational experience. When it comes to renowned neuroscience programs abroad, the United Kingdom stands out with its prestigious universities. Some of the world’s top neuroscience programs are found at the University of Oxford, University College London, and the University of Cambridge. These British universities not only offer a world-class education but also provide an immersive experience in a country known for its rich history and traditions. Studying neuroscience at the University of Oxford, for example, allows you to delve into the subject while being surrounded by the architectural marvels of the city. You can explore the Bodleian Library, one of the oldest libraries in Europe, and attend lectures in historic buildings that have witnessed centuries of intellectual pursuit. University College London, on the other hand, offers a vibrant and diverse environment for neuroscience students. The city of London itself is a melting pot of cultures, providing an enriching experience both inside and outside the classroom. You can immerse yourself in the bustling streets of Camden Town or visit the iconic British Museum during your study breaks. Meanwhile, the University of Cambridge, with its picturesque campuses and world-renowned faculty, offers a unique blend of academic excellence and natural beauty. Imagine studying neuroscience while punting along the River Cam or exploring the historic King’s College Chapel. One of the major benefits of studying neuroscience internationally is gaining a global perspective on the field. By immersing yourself in a different educational system and culture, you can broaden your understanding of neuroscience and gain insights from diverse perspectives. This global perspective can be invaluable in an increasingly interconnected world. Moreover, studying neuroscience abroad provides the opportunity to engage in unique research projects and collaborations. Different countries may have distinct research focuses or access to specialized facilities, allowing you to explore new areas of neuroscience and contribute to cutting-edge discoveries. Another advantage of studying neuroscience internationally is the chance to build a diverse professional network. Interacting with students and faculty from around the world can expand your horizons and create connections that may benefit your future career. These connections can lead to collaborations, job opportunities, and a deeper understanding of neuroscience on a global scale. So, if you’re considering a career in neuroscience and have a thirst for exploration, studying abroad can be a transformative experience. Whether you choose to pursue your studies at the University of Oxford, University College London, the University of Cambridge, or any other renowned neuroscience institution abroad, you’ll be embarking on a journey that combines academic excellence with cultural immersion. Pursuing a Career in Neuroscience A degree in neuroscience paves the way for numerous career prospects, ranging from academia and research to healthcare and industry jobs. Job Prospects for Neuroscience Graduates Graduates often embark on careers as neuroscientists, research scientists, and professors, whilst a fair number branch into clinical roles such as neurologists and neuropsychologists. Careers in fields like pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and artificial intelligence are also not uncommon. Further Study Options in Neuroscience Besides entering the workforce immediately, neuroscience graduates also have the option of pursuing further studies. Advanced degrees, like a Master’s or a Ph.D. in Neuroscience, open doors to more specialized roles and often lead to more substantial roles and better remuneration. The journey through neuroscience education is challenging yet enriching, leading to multiple avenues of professional growth. As you consider your options, remember to choose a school that aligns with your aspirations and helps facilitate your success in this fascinating domain.
For the majority of businesses starting up, market research is a cost effective method that can help produce a business plan. Market research gathers information about consumers, competitors and distributors within a firm’s target market. It is a way of identifying consumers’ buying habits and attitudes to current and future product/services. Market research data can be numerical (“What proportion of 16-24 year olds buy the Sun newspaper?”) or psychological (“Why do they buy the Sun?”). The starting point is to discover the marketing fundamentals: how big is the market you are thinking about (market size), what is its future potential and what are the market shares of the existing companies and brands? Market size means the value of the sales made annually by all the firms within a market. Market potential can be measured by the annual rate of growth. When looking at a completely new market, these statistics will not be available. So research may be needed into other indicators. Market shares are also crucial importance when investigating a market, as they indicate the relative strength of the firms within the market. In 2007, 27% of the yoghurt market was held by Muller, making it the leading brand by far. A benefit it received for its strong market share was a distribution level almost 100% – nearly every grocery store stocked Muller. If on firm dominated, it may be very difficult to break into the market. So how can firms find out this type of information? The starting point is secondary research: unearthing data that already exists. Methods of Secondary Research These days most people start by ‘Googling’ the topic. This can provide invaluable information, though online providers of market research information will want to charge for the service. With luck, Google will identify a relevant article that can provide useful information. Every major market is served by one or more magazines written for people who work within the trade. Spending £1.75 on an issue of The Grocer (magazine on the yoghurt market) provides lots of statistical and other information. Many trade magazines are available for reference in bigger public libraries. The government-funding National Statistics produces valuable reports, such as the Annual Abstract of Statistics and Economics Trends. These provide data on population trends and forecasts (e.g. for someone starting a hair and beauty salon, to find how many 16-20-year-old women there will be in 2012). Having obtained background data, further research is likely to be tailored specifically to the company’s needs, such as carrying a survey among 16-20-year-old women about their favourite haircare brands. This type of first-hand research gathers primary data. Methods of Primary Research The process of gathering information directly from people within your target market is known as primary research (or field research. When carried out by market research companies it is expensive, but there is much firms can do for themselves. For a company that is already up and running, a regular survey of customer satisfaction is an important way of measuring the quality of customer service. When investigating a new market, there are various measures that can be taken by a small firm with a limited budget. here are some examples: The people closest to a market are those who serve customers directly – the retailers. They are likely to know the up-and-coming brands, the degree of brand royalty, the importance of price and packaging – all crucial information. When starting up a service business in which location is an all-important factor, it is invaluable to measure the rate of pedestrian (and possibly traffic) flow past your potential site compared to that of rivals. A sweet shop or a dry cleaners near a busy bus stop may generate twice the sales of a rival 50 yards down the road.
The Biliteracy Series provides various sessions to support Kindergarten through 2nd grade students as they develop biliteracy skills. The sessions will provide an opportunity for participants to explore all four language domains with a focus on reading and writing instruction that is designed specifically for students in a bilingual classroom. Participants will also build a deeper understanding for making metalinguistic connections and integrating sociocultural competence that is necessary for success in the bilingual classroom. In this session, participants will: explore the metalinguistic development in the primary grades review grade appropriate metalinguistic activities review the phonetic principles and concepts of the Spanish language Please note that this course is presented in Spanish.
Hey there brainiacs! Ever find yourself standing in the kitchen, staring at the fridge, wondering what magic foods can give your brain a boost? Well, wonder no more! We’ve compiled a tasty list of 8 foods that are not just good for your taste buds but also for your brain health and memory. Let’s dive into the delicious world of brain-boosting goodness! 1. Avocado: The Green Brain Fuel Avocados, the creamy green wonders, are packed with monounsaturated fats, which promote healthy blood flow. Improved blood circulation means a well-nourished brain, keeping those cognitive functions sharp. Slice it on toast, toss it in a salad, or blend it into a smoothie – your brain will thank you! 2. Blueberries: Tiny Powerhouse of Antioxidants These little blue gems are not just sweet treats; they’re loaded with antioxidants that protect the brain from oxidative stress. Research suggests that regular consumption of blueberries can improve memory and cognitive performance. Snack on them, toss them in your yogurt, or blend them into a refreshing smoothie. 3. Fatty Fish: Omega-3s for Brain Brilliance Salmon, mackerel, and trout, oh my! Fatty fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, essential for brain health. These healthy fats build brain cell membranes, and studies indicate that a diet high in omega-3s may reduce the risk of cognitive decline. So, reel in the benefits and make fish a regular on your plate. 4. Dark Chocolate: Indulge for Improved Memory Yes, you read that right – dark chocolate is on the brain-boosting menu! Packed with flavonoids, caffeine, and antioxidants, dark chocolate enhances memory and provides a quick energy boost. Indulge in moderation, and let your sweet tooth contribute to your cognitive prowess. 5. Broccoli: Your Brain’s Veggie Ally This green cruciferous hero is rich in antioxidants and vitamin K, essential for forming sphingolipids – a type of fat densely packed into brain cells. Make broccoli a regular on your dinner plate, and your brain will be doing a happy dance in no time. 6. Eggs: The Breakfast Brain Boost Eggs are not just a breakfast staple; they’re a brain-boosting powerhouse. Packed with choline, a nutrient that helps produce acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter essential for mood and memory regulation. Scramble them, boil them, or whip up an omelet to kickstart your day with a brain-friendly feast. 7. Pumpkin Seeds: The Crunchy Brain Snack Don’t underestimate the power of these tiny seeds! Pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, and copper – all vital for brain function. Snack on them raw or roasted for a deliciously crunchy way to support your cognitive health. 8. Spinach: Popeye’s Pick for Brain Power Popeye’s favorite leafy green isn’t just good for your muscles; it’s a brain booster too. Packed with folate, vitamin E, and vitamin K, spinach helps slow down cognitive decline. Whether in a salad, smoothie, or sautéed as a side, make spinach a regular part of your meals. There you have it, folks – a scrumptious journey through foods that not only tantalize your taste buds but also give your brain a high-five. Remember, it’s not just about what you feed your stomach but what you feed your brain that counts. So, load up your plate with these brain-loving foods and let the feast begin! FAQs: Satisfying Your Curiosity Q1: Can I get the same benefits from any type of chocolate? A1: While dark chocolate is the star for brain health, aim for varieties with at least 70% cocoa content for maximum benefits. Q2: Can supplements replace these foods for brain health? A2: Whole foods provide a spectrum of nutrients that work together. While supplements can help, it’s best to focus on a well-balanced diet. Q3: How much fish should I eat to reap the brain-boosting benefits? A3: Aim for at least two servings of fatty fish per week to ensure an adequate intake of omega-3 fatty acids. Q4: Can I cook these brain-boosting foods in any way, or is one method better than others? A4: These foods are versatile! Whether raw, steamed, sautéed, or roasted, the key is to enjoy them regularly in various preparations. Q5: Are there other lifestyle changes that complement the benefits of these foods for brain health? A5: Absolutely! Regular exercise, quality sleep, and stress management play crucial roles in overall brain health. Combining these lifestyle factors can amplify the benefits of brain-boosting foods.
Valentine’s Day is often associated with romantic love, but it’s also a wonderful opportunity to celebrate love in all its forms, including the love shared within families and friendships. Teaching children the importance of expressing care and love not only on Valentine’s Day but every day fosters empathy, kindness, and strong interpersonal relationships. In this article, we will explore meaningful ways children can show love and affection, creating a foundation for a compassionate and loving environment. Handmade Cards and Crafts Encourage children to channel their creativity into making handmade cards and crafts. The effort and thoughtfulness put into creating a personalized card or craft convey a deep sense of care. Provide art supplies, and let their imagination run wild as they express their feelings through drawings, paintings, or heartfelt messages. Acts of Kindness Teach children the power of kindness through simple acts that demonstrate care for others. Acts of kindness can include helping a friend with schoolwork, sharing toys, or offering a comforting word to someone who may be feeling down. These small gestures create a positive ripple effect, fostering a caring community. Instill the habit of expressing gratitude in children. Encourage them to say “thank you” not only when receiving a gift but also for everyday gestures of kindness. Gratitude helps children appreciate the efforts of others and reinforces a positive and appreciative mindset. While gifts can be a part of expressing love, emphasize the thought behind the gift rather than its material value. Encourage children to choose or create gifts that reflect the recipient’s interests and preferences. This thoughtful approach transforms the act of gift-giving into a meaningful expression of love. In our fast-paced world, the gift of time holds immense value. Encourage children to spend quality time with their loved ones. This could involve playing games, reading together, or engaging in activities that foster connection. Quality time builds strong bonds and creates lasting memories. Listening and Understanding Teach children the importance of active listening and understanding. When a friend or family member shares their thoughts or feelings, encourage children to listen attentively, ask questions, and show empathy. This fosters a sense of emotional connection and demonstrates genuine care for others. Random Acts of Love Spontaneous acts of love can be particularly heartwarming. Encourage children to surprise a family member or friend with a spontaneous gesture, such as leaving a kind note, preparing a simple treat, or offering to help with chores. These unexpected acts of love create a sense of joy and warmth. Promote an inclusive understanding of love that embraces and celebrates differences. Teach children to appreciate and respect diversity, fostering an environment where everyone feels valued and loved. This can be achieved through discussions, books, and activities that highlight the beauty of diversity. Empathy and Compassion Cultivate empathy and compassion in children by helping them understand and connect with the feelings of others. Encourage them to consider how their actions impact those around them and teach them the value of offering support to friends or family members facing challenges. Acts of Service Introduce the concept of love through acts of service. Whether it’s helping with household chores, assisting a friend in need, or participating in community service, these actions teach children that love is not only expressed through words or gifts but also through selfless acts that contribute to the well-being of others. Valentine’s Day serves as a beautiful reminder to express love, but the essence of caring and affection extends far beyond a single day. By instilling these values in children, we equip them with the tools to create a positive and loving environment not only on Valentine’s Day but throughout their lives. These heartfelt gestures, grounded in empathy, kindness, and understanding, contribute to the development of compassionate individuals who understand the profound impact of love in fostering strong and meaningful connections. Kids can learn more about being compassionate towards others with videos from Bubbles and Friends– click here to learn more!
In this article we will look into Bigchain database or BigchainDB. Blockchain And Databases We can call a traditional Blockchain system a database because it offers a storage mechanism. However, if we measure the Bitcoin Blockchain by the criteria of a traditional database, it is terrible, to say the least. The throughput hovers around a few transactions per second (tps). Also, the latency before a single confirmed transaction is 10 minutes, while the capacity is only a few dozen gigabytes. To make matters worse, adding nodes lead to more problems because doubling nodes means that network traffic will quadruple. The change does not lead to an improvement in throughput, latency, or even capacity. Also, it doesn't have any querying ability at all. Meanwhile, a modern distributed database (DB) has the potential to have a throughout that is more than 1 million tps. It can have a capacity of Petabytes (1,000Terabyte) or more, the latency of a fraction of a second. The throughput and capacity of a modern distributed database increases as nodes are added. Current Blockchain technologies like Bitcoin do not provide so many throughputs. That’s the reason it cannot be implemented in the market mainstream use cases. Overview Of Bigchain Database Bigchain database or BigchainDB is a scalable Blockchain database that has both Blockchain and database properties. Bigchain database permits the deployment of large-scale applications in use cases and industries such as intellectual property and identity, supply chain, IoT, and artificial intelligence. It offers developers, startups, and enterprises unique solutions to develop their concepts, platforms, and applications successfully. If you plan on deploying decentralized or distributed systems in a corporate environment, the Bigchain database is a technology worth knowing. It is an open-source distributed storage system. It combines traditional databases' main benefits with the benefits of Blockchain technology. One of the main benefits of the Bigchain database is its ability to deploy a Blockchain-like decentralized system using production-ready technologies. The fact that people are already deploying NoSQL databases in their current systems makes the Bigchain database really appealing for deployment. Bigchain database has the design to merge the "traditional" distributed database world and the "traditional" Blockchain world. Bigchain started with a traditional distributed database characterized by the scale and query ability. "Scale" includes throughput, capacity, and low latency. Then the Blockchain characteristics such as decentralization, immutability, and assets were engineered into it. By decentralization it means that no single entity owns or controls it. On the other hand, immutable means the system is tamper-resistant. Bigchain database supports private and public deployments and "writes" take less than a second because validation is carried out by federation of voting nodes. Nodes are connecting points inside the Bigchain network, and they constantly exchange data with each other to stay up to date. As a decentralized database, the Bigchain database is complementary to decentralized processing technologies like Ethereum Virtual Machines. It is also complementary to decentralized file systems like IPFS. You can also use it within decentralized computing platforms like BlockApps-Stratos or Eris-Tendermint. The rest of this post gives you some background on Blockchains and databases. It further provides an in-depth description of the Bigchain database. Blockchain Database: Where Blockchain Meets Big Data The introduction of the Bigchain database was meant for database-style decentralized storage: a Blockchain database. Bigchain database is built on top of an enterprise-grade distributed database from which it inherits its high throughput, high capacity, a full-featured NoSQL query language, efficient querying, and permissioning. Also, nodes can be added to the database to increase the throughput and capacity. As mentioned earlier, this database's decentralized control is through a federation of nodes with voting permissions. The voting process happens at a layer above the database's built-in consensus. Its tamper-resistance achieve through an ordered sequence of blocks where each block holds an ordered sequence of transactions. Meanwhile, any entity that has asset-issuance permissions can issue an asset. Also, any entity-with asset-transfer permissions and the asset's private key may transfer the asset. The implication is that hackers o compromised system admins cannot arbitrarily change data. One more interesting thing is that there is no single point of failure. The Blockchain database's scalability implies that legally binding contracts and certificates may be stored directly in the Blockchain database. The permissioning system allows configurations ranging from private enterprises' Blockchain databases to open, public Blockchain databases. The Use Cases Of Bigchain database As a Blockchain database It can be used for industry consortia to create new private Blockchains to take advantage of Blockchain capabilities at scale. Bigchain database also supports binding contracts that generate automatically and stored directly in a readable format by both humans and computers. These binding contracts are electronic but legal agreement between two or more parties. Bigchain database as a service This is for developers who desire the benefits of Blockchains without the stress of setting up private networks. Cloud providers who want scalable Blockchain as part of their service can also leverage Bigchain database. How To Try Bigchain Database If you want to try the Bigchain database, all you need is a Bigchain database network to connect to. You can also deploy your network, or you could use the Bigchain database Testnet. The Testnet is a live Bigchain database network that operates by the Bigchain database development team. If you visit the "Get Started" page on the Bigchain database website, you can enter some text and click "Off you go". There is an in-page JavaScrip app that will build a Bigchain database transaction and forward it to the Bigchain database Testet. The constructed transaction is clear for you to see and check if it was stored. Bigchain database has both Blockchain properties and database properties. This combination makes it very useful for various use cases such as supply chain, Intellectual Property Rights Management, digital twins, and the Internet of Things (IoT). It also includes the integration of Tendermint for inter-node networking and Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) consensus. For more information, you can visit the Bigchain database website or use our comment section below for your questions. Xord is a Blockchain development company providing Blockchain solutions to your business processes. Connect with us for your projects and free Blockchain consultation at https://blockapexlabs.com/contact/
Both government recommendations and private standards now acknowledge what a minority of experts have known for a while: indoor air quality (IAQ) management requires ventilation, filtration, and air cleaning. Below, we summarize why these 3 factors must work together to achieve your organization’s indoor air quality goals. Ventilation vs. Filtration vs. Air Cleaning ASHRAE defines ventilation as “the process of supplying outdoor air to or removing indoor air from a dwelling by natural or mechanical means.” Natural ventilation occurs via doors and windows (or cracks around said doors and windows) due to wind, pressure, and density differences. Mechanical ventilation is brought about by equipment such as fans and blowers. However, the terms “filtration” and “air cleaning” appear to lack official industry definitions or consistent usage. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, filtration was often (inaccurately) presented as the only viable air-cleaning technology. Since the pandemic, filtration and air cleaning have often been discussed as distinct concepts. Technically, both these understandings are incorrect. The term filtration refers to the mechanical capture of contaminants via a fibrous — or occasionally electrostatic/adsorbent — media (i.e., filters.) On the other hand, air cleaning refers to any technology designed to capture, remove, inactivate, or otherwise neutralize airborne contaminants. Therefore, filtration is just one of many air-cleaning technologies. |Filter-Based Air Cleaning |Non-Filter Based Air Cleaning Ventilation Alone Is Not Enough Ventilation is an essential and effective solution for carbon dioxide build-up; however, when it comes to many other contaminants, ventilation needs assistance for the following reasons: Ventilation can’t completely flush contaminants. Ventilation is often measured in air changes per hour (ACH.) ACH is a measure of how many times per hour a room’s worth of new air is brought into the room, but that doesn’t mean all the old air is forced out. Instead, new air and old air mix, diluting the contamination rather than removing it. Thus, air filters/cleaners can assist ventilation by removing or neutralizing contaminants to industry standards. Contaminated air may be inhaled before it moves outside. Per a study by scientists at the National Institute of Health, “the most important contributing factor to contaminant transmission in [an] enclosed and mechanically ventilated environment is the path between the contaminant source and the exhaust, not the air changes per hour.” In fact, one study by a U.S. Department of Energy lab found that “increasing the air change rate removes [SARS-CoV-2] from the source room faster but also increases the rate of exposure in connected rooms.” This goes to show that active air cleaning is necessary when treating air out in the room while it is being ventilated. Ventilation may involve renovation. Per the EPA, “Most residential forced air-heating systems and air-conditioning systems do not bring outdoor air into the house mechanically, and infiltration and natural ventilation are relied upon to bring outdoor air into the home.” In other words, not every building has an HVAC system that brings in outdoor air. What should you do if natural ventilation is insufficient? You could blow your budget on installing or overhauling an HVAC system. Or you could invest in sufficient portable air cleaning to make up the difference. Outdoor air isn’t contaminant-free. The only way to replace indoor air is with outdoor air. Even demand control ventilation (DCV,) which moves air between rooms, must eventually cycle in new air from outside. While outdoor air is usually free of active viruses, it has high concentrations of pollution and pollen. In fact, outdoor air is so polluted across the globe that 90% of nations breathe air that doesn’t meet WHO guidelines. This means that outdoor air needs to be treated by filtration before it enters the building. Filtration Alone Is Not Enough Filtration is the solution to several of ventilation’s shortcomings — especially indoor and outdoor particle pollution. However, filtration has its own shortcomings: The most effective filters can’t be used in an HVAC system. Fibrous filters have MERV ratings based on how effective they are at filtering different sized particles. However, the higher the MERV rating, the more power is needed to push air through that filter. When high-grade filters are installed in an HVAC system, this increased power demand and air pressure can damage the system. This is especially true for HEPA filters. Per ASHRAE’s page on filtration and disinfection, “It is usually not feasible to retrofit existing HVAC systems with HEPA filters due to high pressure drops and the likelihood that systems will need new filter racks to allow sufficient sealing to prevent filter bypass.” Fortunately, there are many supplementary alternatives — from induct air cleaners that don’t strain the system to portable devices, which combine both filtration and active air purification. Filters are always passive. No matter how good a filter is, it can’t filter the air it doesn’t come in contact with. If occupants inhale contaminated air before it reaches the filter, the filter might as well not exist as it provides no value. Therefore, passive filtration is best supplemented by active air cleaning technology. Air Cleaning Alone Is Not Enough Because ActivePure is an air purification company, you may expect us to claim that non-filter-based air cleaning is devoid of shortcomings. On the contrary, air cleaning is designed to work in tandem with other tools and technology for the following reasons: Most air cleaners don’t address carbon dioxide. Devices called “carbon dioxide scrubbers” can be used to remove carbon dioxide from the air in spaceships and submarines, but they are not yet practical for offices or homes. Ventilation remains the best method for diluting CO2 on a day-to-day basis. Air cleaners specialize. Most air purification technologies target a specific set of contaminants. In ActivePure’s case, our technology targets airborne viruses, bacteria, mold spores, and VOC gases. When a wider spectrum of cleaning is needed, we supplement our technology with HEPA filters to catch non-living particles and activated carbon filters to aid with odors. The Future of Indoor Air Quality Standards No air quality method is designed to work alone. The best air quality plans involve a combination of ventilation, passive filtration, and active air cleaning (as well as source control.) Each tool supplements the others to create the closest possible equivalent to (unpolluted) outdoor air. Both government and private organizations are currently attempting to develop IAQ standards that universally address infectious aerosols. Below, you can read ActivePure’s IAQ-related guidance for infection risk mitigation in a post-pandemic world.
By Angela C Torrence, ASU Nutrition Student When I was a kid, broccoli and cauliflower were my enemies at the dinner table. I remember throwing my broccoli behind the radiator when no one was looking just so I wouldn’t have to endure another bite. This type of behavior may be all too familiar with you and your kids. If you are having a hard time getting your kids to eat their veggies, you are not alone. In fact, adults are missing the mark too! A study has recently been put out by the CDC which found that an alarming numbers of Americans just aren’t hitting their recommended fruits and vegetables intake with less than 14% of adults eating the recommended amount of fruits and less than 9% of adults eating the recommended amount of vegetables. There are several things that might be contributing to these poor eating behaviors; namely the fact that we crave processed convenience foods, fat, sugar and salt. Including more fruits and vegetables might feel like a juggling act when life has so many other activities that we want to enjoy, but those types of foods have been shown to reduce the risk for many diseases including heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. Enjoying life now shouldn’t mean we sacrifice the health of our future. As adults, we have an obligation to the younger generations who look up to us to set an example in what we eat. It should be no surprise that most of our food choices are based off of how we were raised. But as they say, it takes a village to raise a child, and so with or without children of our own, we are all in a similar circumstance to be the example of how we should eat. If we don’t turn the tide of how to eat, future generations will follow in our footsteps and inherit all of the health problems that we have incurred. The most updated Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend adults have about 2 cups of fruit and 2.5 to 3 cups of vegetables daily. One of the ways I love to incorporate fruits and veggies into my diet is to simply add extra vegetables into the recipe. Let me give a few examples: - Add carrots, mushrooms, or lima beans into a green bean casserole - Add cooked peppers, spinach, and/or onions into Hamburger Helper-type meals - Add sliced bananas or berries to cereal (tip: simply cut the banana with your spoon) - Add cooked onion, peppers, garlic, mushrooms, and/or fresh basil to pasta sauce - Add finely diced peppers, parsley, and scallions to burger patties I have discovered that no meal should be void of either fruits or vegetables. Another way it is helpful to get servings of veggies is to use recipes which “hide” the veggies. This can be a great way get your kids to eat more vegetables too! Here are some recipes with hidden veggies: - Red Beet Pancakes - Black Bean Brownies - Macaroni and cheese with butternut squash - Veggies in Disguise Muffins - Creamy Butternut Squash Linguini with Fried Sage - Sweet Potato and Black Bean Veggie Burgers –Let the kids help with this one. When they help, they want to eat it!! By incorporating more of the good stuff into your diet, you will have less room for the bad. Eating the recommended fruit and vegetable amounts shouldn’t mean you have to revamp your entire diet; just modify your meals and make them work for you instead! About Angela C Torrence: Cooking is one of my passions that I love to share. Nutrition Communications major at Arizona State University and registered dental hygienist, I am motivated to help people reach optimal oral health and overall body health. Nutrition enthusiast and promoter of a plant-based diet, I bring the research to you, helping break the science down into bite-sized pieces.
Are you one of those people who think they were absent the day they were handing out creativity? If so, we need to talk. I want to tell you that I used to think the same, but with time I’ve come to realize that I was wrong; anybody and everybody can develop their creative thinking. Yes, that means you too, even if you think you can’t. Creative thinking is much more useful than it may seem. And it’s not just for people who work in artistic fields. Creativity is the foundation of methodologies such as Design Thinking, and Creative Problem Solving (CPS). As well as being essential for solving problems, developing your creativity boosts your self-esteem, strengthens your capacity to face challenges and, in summary, improves your quality of life. Let’s look at where creative people come from and some tips to enhance your creativity. Are you born creative or can you learn it? There’s a common belief that creativity is an innate gift that some are born with. Either you’ve got it or you don’t. Many think that creative people are simply struck by blinding flashes of inspiration or that a muse whispers ideas in their ear and they just sit back and let the creativity flow… Ha! That would be nice, of course, but that’s not exactly what happens. All people are born with identical possibilities for developing creativity. We can’t say whether someone is born with or without creativity because it’s not something that’s tangible. It’s not like physical characteristics; ‘I have curly hair and big eyes and small creativity’. Nope. Creativity is like a way of thinking. It’s defined as the ability to generate new ideas or make new associations between existing ideas, giving rise to original solutions. In my opinion, one of the phrases that best defines creativity is this: ‘Creativity is just connecting things.’Steve Jobs So, how do we get it? Developing our creative thinking has a lot to do with the education we receive as children, and the freedom we’re given to express how we think and feel. It’s related to curiosity, critical thinking, and nonconformity. And although these characteristics may not necessarily describe you, it doesn’t mean you can’t develop your creativity. Of course you can! But you’ll never get there if you don’t try. It’s like anything in life: the more time you dedicate to it, the better the results will be. There are lots of theories about the creative process, the methods, approaches, and stages to follow, but we don’t want to bore you. The idea is to get you to awaken your creative thinking and let it develop smoothly. Leave those beliefs that limit you far behind; forget all that ‘I’m not a creative person’ stuff. If you want to, you can start strengthening your creative thinking today. How about beginning with these tips? 3 tips for developing your creative thinking 1. Break your daily routine a bit It’s a good idea to do things a little differently from time to time; like at least twice a week. I’m not saying you have to sign up for ballroom dancing (which would also be cool), but rather do much simpler things like shop at a different supermarket, turn off the TV for a while to do something different, or take a different route home from work. This tip may be tricky at first because our routines are convenient and comfortable and make us feel safe. But it’s also true that routines limit us; if you never do anything new, it’ll be very hard for you to have new ideas. Flexibility helps you to see things from different angles, which is one of the key elements of creative thinking. 2. Make a daily date with your creative side We might all feel short on time, but try to dedicate some, even 20 minutes a day, to stimulating your creativity. It’s important to be aware that you won’t achieve anything major in those 20 minutes. But even so, don’t think you’re wasting time! The benefit lies in just spending the time, and precisely in letting yourself do nothing. In order for inspiration to flow, you need to leave aside any expectations of producing anything and give yourself permission to ‘waste time’ as such. Something that works very well is creating a little creative routine. Hang on, which is it? Didn’t we already decide routines stifled creativity? Well, doing the same thing day in and day out does, yes. But we can also harness the power of a routine by doing little acts that you associate with the preparation of your creative process and that will help you get into the mind frame. And it should be something nice. For example, light some incense, have a cookie, or use a special pen. Whatever it is that you choose, use it only for your creative moment and for nothing else. Why? Because that little routine will help you enter into the situation, and unlock your creativity. As the days pass, you’ll develop the creative habit and notice that it gets easier each time. 3. Try some ‘think outside the box’ tactics If you have no idea what I’m talking about, try this: any time you have a problem or everyday kind of setback, try to think of absurd solutions. Give yourself the freedom to think of things that make no sense for a while. For example, the sole of one of your boots is coming off. The obvious solution would be to take the boots to a shoemaker to get them fixed, right? Well, forget it. Sit down with a pencil and paper and start writing down possible solutions. Practice freewriting; writing without thinking and without stopping to check spelling or punctuation, just letting ideas flow freely. Write down the first thing that comes to your mind, no matter how absurd. You might write that you’re going to swap out the broken sole for a leaf of lettuce. Whatever! The key is to disregard any attempt at criticizing yourself at any moment. It may be that in this case you don’t come up with any valid solutions (probably don’t go with the lettuce leaf idea), but you’ll be practicing creative thinking. The more you practice, the easier it’ll get to apply it, and soon enough you’ll actually be coming up with viable solutions to your daily problems. If you follow this advice, you’ll be applying 2 creativity techniques: a kind of individual brainstorming, and free writing. There are plenty of other exercises you can try, like creating a mind map, or an Ishikawa diagram. Maybe this template will inspire you: Experiment! Trying new things will help you train your brain and develop your creative thinking. Feel like sharing your tips for unleashing your creativity? We’d love to read them in the comments.
Soft Skills in the Workplace: Nurturing a Distinct Advantage 89% of new hire failures were due to poor soft skills, not technical shortcomings. Apart from hard skills, demonstrating soft skills in the workplace has become equally beneficial for employees today, regardless of their career stage. Soft skills like interpersonal, human, and people skills allow employees to navigate social workplace dynamics effectively - which is why they are very critical. This blog aims to explore the concept of soft skills and their relevance in the workplace. It will clarify the meaning of soft skills and their significance within professional settings. Additionally, it will provide a brief overview of 17 crucial soft skills that HR professionals should cultivate and guide employees in developing. What are Soft Skills? Soft skills encompass abilities linked to communication, personality traits, social awareness, and behavioral habits. They reflect how individuals interact and collaborate with others. While hard skills like learning HTML code are acquired, soft skills are more intrinsic. Like emotions or a sharp perception, soft skills are inherent qualities individuals possess. Refining these skills enhances a person's ability to understand people better. Hard skills are crucial for job proficiency. However, strong, soft skills bring positive qualities to the work environment. That contributes to effective interpersonal dynamics. Soft Skills in the Workplace In the workplace, soft skills encompass qualities that contribute to: - successful collaboration, - communication, and - task management. These skills include effective communication, problem-solving, time management, leadership, adaptability, and more. Only 37% of employers believe their entry-level employees possess the essential soft skills. Why are Soft Skills Important in the Workplace? Soft skills matter significantly in the workplace because they are the glue that holds a team together. Imagine a sports team – each player needs technical skills and the ability to communicate and coordinate on the field. Similarly, in a workplace, you might be a brilliant data analyst. But, if you can't explain your findings to your team, the full potential of your skills may not be realized. Imagine having a graphic designer on your team who creates stunning visuals (hard skills). But at the same time, wouldn’t you require them: - To collaborate with clients seamlessly? - To easily understand their needs? - To simplify complex ideas? - To make communication smooth? That means it's the soft skills that truly shine. These interpersonal skills elevate them beyond a skilled professional. In the long run, it makes them valuable assets for the entire creative process. Thus, soft skills in the workplace are the secret sauce. That secret sauce transforms individual talents into collaborative success stories. Ninety-three percent of employers say soft skills play a critical role in their decision about whom they want to hire. — Ian Siegel, co-founder and CEO of ZipRecruiter, in a 2022 job outlook report. In the following section, we look at: - 17 soft skills in the workplace, - highlight their importance and - outline strategies for HR leaders to develop these skills in their workforce. 17 Soft Skills in the Workplace HRs Mustn’t Ignore 1. Communication skills This encompasses the ability to articulate thoughts and actively listen to others. Good communication is crucial for collaboration and understanding in the workplace. HR can enhance this by: - organizing workshops focused on effective speaking and listening skills, - promoting a feedback culture and - introducing communication tools that facilitate open and consistent dialogue. Related article: Looking Ahead: The Future of Business Communication Tools in 2024 2. Teamwork and Collaboration Teamwork involves working cohesively with others to achieve common goals. Effective teamwork leads to improved productivity and morale. HR can foster this by: - arranging team-building activities, - encouraging collaborative projects and - recognizing team achievements to reinforce the value of collective effort. 3. Problem-solving and Critical Thinking This involves analyzing issues, thinking creatively, and making logical decisions. It's vital for innovation and dealing with workplace challenges. HR can support this by: - providing problem-solving workshops, - encouraging a culture that doesn't shy away from challenges and - allowing employees to tackle real-life problems in safe, simulated environments. Leadership skills are not just for managers. They are crucial at all levels for guiding teams and inspiring others. HR can nurture leadership qualities by: - offering development programs, - setting up mentorship opportunities and - identifying and nurturing potential leaders. 5. Adaptability and Flexibility In the fast-changing workplace, adaptability and flexibility are key to success. HR can promote this by: - providing training on managing change, - exposing employees to different types of work and - encouraging an open-minded approach to new ideas and methods. Read our blog on: Flexibility In The Workplace - What Employees Look Forward To In 2024 6. Time Management and Organizational Skills Efficient time management and organization are critical for productivity. HR can aid this by: - offering workshops on time management, - introducing organizational tools, - and promoting strategies for effective prioritization. 7. Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence in the workplace includes understanding and managing one's emotions and those of others. It leads to better teamwork and leadership. HR can develop this by: - offering training on emotional awareness, - stress management and - fostering an empathetic work environment. This refers to conducting oneself with responsibility, integrity, accountability, and excellence. It's important for maintaining a positive workplace culture. HR can emphasize professionalism through: - orientation programs, - creating a code of conduct and - setting clear expectations around workplace behavior. 9. Digital Literacy Proficiency in digital tools and technologies is increasingly important in today’s workplace. HR can promote digital literacy by: - providing regular technology training, - updating staff on new tools and - encouraging digital collaboration. 10. Negotiation and Persuasion These skills are essential for achieving mutually beneficial outcomes. HR can enhance these by: - organizing negotiation skills workshops, - providing real-world negotiation scenarios for practice and - teaching persuasive communication techniques. Recovering from setbacks is crucial for long-term success. HR can support resilience by: - offering training focusing on coping strategies, - creating a supportive work environment and - recognizing employees who show resilience. 12. Attention to Detail This skill ensures the accuracy and quality of work. HR can foster this by: - incorporating detail-oriented practices in training, - providing feedback on work and - celebrating when employees show exceptional attention to detail. 13. Networking and Customer Service Orientation Networking involves building professional relationships. Again, customer service orientation is about understanding and meeting client needs. HR can develop these skills by: - organizing networking events, - offering customer service training and - encouraging relationship-building activities. Creativity is about thinking out of the box and innovating. HR can encourage this by: - setting up brainstorming sessions, - supporting cross-functional collaborations and - recognizing creative contributions. Read our blog on: 10 Moves To Unleash Creativity At Work For Better Output 15. Conflict Management This involves addressing and resolving workplace disputes decisively. HR can aid in developing these skills by: - offering conflict management training, - providing mediation services and - establishing clear protocols for conflict resolution. 16. Presentation and Advisory Skills Effective presentation and advisory skills are key for sharing information and expertise. HR can enhance these skills through: - public speaking workshops, - mentorship programs, and - opportunities for employees to present their work and provide advice. 17. Recognizing Skills Recognizing skills involves identifying and appreciating team members' diverse abilities and strengths. Recognizing the unique skills of individuals contributes to more effective team dynamics and enhances employee morale. HR can develop this skill by training managers and team leaders in talent recognition techniques. - conducting workshops on identifying and leveraging individual strengths within teams, - implementing regular employee skills assessments and - empowering your workforce with a peer-to-peer recognition. By doing so, HR can ensure that each employee’s unique capabilities are acknowledged and utilized effectively. It is sure to contribute to a more dynamic and productive workplace environment. Your team members can now easily recognize their colleagues through various badges, spot awards, monetary incentives, and more — all with a simple click. Explore further by clicking here. LinkedIn's 2019 Global Talent Trends report indicated that: 92% of talent professionals and hiring managers view soft skills as equally or more important than hard skills. Additionally, a study by the Society for Human Resource Management found that: Employers care more about soft skills such as integrity, reliability, and teamwork than technical abilities. However, measuring soft skills in the workplace can be challenging due to their subjective nature. But some effective methods include: - 360-degree feedback, - performance reviews focusing on soft skill competencies and - behavior observation in various work scenarios. Overall, continuous learning and development are key to perfecting these skills. This can be facilitated through workshops, mentorship programs, and regular feedback sessions. Encouraging a culture of open communication and reflection also helps employees continually assess and improve their soft skills.
by Mike Godsey Cut-Off Lows form when a counter-clockwise spinning low pressure pinches off from passing upper troughs at around 18K feet. The winds at about 18K feet on the average are important in moving weather from west to east around the world. Once you have a Cut-Off Low to your west the weather does not change much until the Cut-Off Low finally gets sucked up by a passing upper trough. Since the Cut-Off Low itself is detached from the stream of weather going from west to east it is is extremely difficult for the models to forecast. But so far all the models have this Cut-Off Low only wobbling a bit west of the Pacific Northwest. Cut-Off Lows anywhere west of California are bad news for Southern California since they tend to push the marine layer far inland cooling the inland valleys and weakening the pressure gradient. This leaves all the strong wind focused in the inland valleys and passes. For the Bay Area a Cut-Off Low just west of the Bay Area pushes the North Pacific High and it’s Nw winds to the south killing the coast wind and makes the Peninsula unreliable while it enhances the winds in the East Bay and Sherman Island. But this Cut-Off Low is west of Pacific Northwest. In that position the North Pacific High’s surface NW winds do not full retreat so we have some NW wind along the coast and Peninsula. The marine layer does push way inland in the AM but the NW wind scours it out of the bay except near the Golden Gate. And the SW flow enhances the East Bay and Sherman Island winds in the PM. This video shows what our current Cut-Off Low looks over the last 12 hours. Remember that all the clouds you see moving are above 10K feet. Far below all these clouds are the marine layer clouds and the North Pacific High’s surface NW winds.
From the abstract of "Health and temperaments of cloned working dogs," a study published in the journal J Vet Sci: Only about half of all trained dogs may qualify as working dogs through conventional breeding management because proper temperament and health are needed in addition to their innate scent detection ability. To overcome this low efficiency of breeding qualified working dogs, and to reduce the enormous costs of maintaining unqualified dogs, somatic cell nuclear transfer has been applied in the propagation of working dogs. As the paper continues, the authors point to some specifics—dogs trained to work with military and armed forces, for example, as well as guide dogs. Using data exclusively from dog cloning experiments in South Korea, they demonstrate that more than 90% of trained working dog clones retained the necessary qualities — health, temperament, et cetera — to make them successful candidates for the same work. In other words, it's twice as easy (and almost a surefire success) to train a cloned guide dog or bomb-sniffing dog than it is to train a bred dog for the same work. It's worth reiterating that this study is based on a small sample size of dogs that were cloned in South Korea. The authors also acknowledge that are x-factors and other complications in the cloning process that could affect their results as well. "There have been concerns about the health of cloned animals ever since the beginning of mammalian cloning," they concede, adding: Normal and healthy cardiovascular function is important to working dogs, but there have been reports about abnormal cardiovascular function in other cloned animals, such as pulmonary hypertension and right-sided heart failure in cloned calves and sheep, and left- and right-sided heart abnormalities in cloned piglets. However, until now, there have been no reports on cardiovascular analyses of working dogs, although echocardiographic parameters of seven cloned beagles were within normal reference ranges, indicating normal anatomy and cardiac function. The slightly higher birth weights of cloned working dogs […] compared to those of dogs produced naturally might be due to the lower average litter size in pregnancies derived by transfer of cloned embryos compared to pregnancies produced by artificial insemination; regardless, the cloned dogs showed normal growth patterns. There are always ethical complications and concerns when it comes to both dog breeding, and cloning in general. Add some eugenics into the mix, and yeah, there's a lot going on here. Health and temperaments of cloned working dogs [Min Jung Kim, Hyun Ju Oh, Sun Young Hwang, Tai Young Hur, Byeong Chun Lee / J Vet Sci]
Braille Translation: Bridging The Information Gap The Braille system is much like the English alphabet system except for the fact that it is physical. It is used by blind people. They touch the text written or printed in Braille to read and understand it. Each Braille character consists of six dots, and one or some or all of those dots are embossed. These characters represent a letter from the English alphabet. They can be felt with the fingers when touched. - Braille Translation, You can now buy any textbook and easily produce a version of it that can be "read" by a visually impaired person. - How does Braille Translation work? Braille translation works in a simple way: you go to this online Braille translator and then you can output the Braille translation into a special printer called a Braille embosser. This way you can transcribe books and make them useful for the blind. - How has it helped the blind? Before the coming of tools like the online Braille translator, blind people didn’t have access to books which were available to others. Modern means of Braille translation has bridged the gap of information between those who are visually impaired and those who are not.
Mathematics is such a subject that is necessary for all people across the globe throughout their life like when they travel, they work, keep an account of money, etc. It is a skill, a subject, which is taught in school from class 1 to 10. Generally, Mathematics requires analytical and logical thinking and a lot of regular practice to master it. Unfortunately, a lot of students feel stressed out and face feeling anxiety when they have to deal with the subject. The angst of mathematics can affect a student’s ability to interpret the subject and also can affect his adulthood. In other words math anxiety can make students bad at math. Often students face a common problem when they Discuss Mathematics. The students often complain that when the teachers make them understand concepts and show various examples at school they understand them, but it is different when they sit back at home and complete their homework or practice it. Students tell that they had understood the concepts back at school but afterward they either skip some part of the understanding part, they forget one or two-step of what was taught or they complete don’t understand. So this struggle to perceive the subject means that a student is bad at mathematics? No it is not. Students shall not be conveyed that they are not good at math. Actually, it is just that some students have less thinking and analytical skills that are necessary to become an Excellent Student in Math. And a student can improve his/her performance with regular practice and hard work. Fear can always be overrun. You need to be determined towards your goal and try can overcome your uneasiness. There are many factors that contribute to the development of anxiety and nervousness for mathematics among students. Let’s discuss them: - LACK OF POSITIVE ATTITUDE A major factor that contributes towards the development of Mathematics Phobia is the attitude by which the student is taught. A positive attitude by the teachers towards the subject, enthusiasm and love for the subject develops a similar feeling in the students and they also start liking the subject. Whereas, if the teacher is less enthusiastic and creates a sense of Negativity in Students for the subject then this would lead to the development of math anxiety and fear in them. They would start disliking the subject. - LACK OF VALUING MISTAKES Mostly, students don’t value their mistakes done in solving problems and questions rather they get demotivated and doubt takes place in their mind that they won’t be able to master them. This math anxiety and discomfort shall be surpassed there and then only and students shall focus on the kind of mistake done by the students. Analysis grows the brain. Students shall take the help of their teachers and friends to do the evaluation of their mistakes and ultimately solve the problem. - INAPPROPRIATE METHOD OF TEACHING Sometimes the method of teaching is such that students are not able to comprehend easily. And that is the starting point of fear. If a student is not able to get the concepts, methods and techniques properly he/she would not be able to perform properly the questions and problems and as a result lose confidence and mathematics fear will take over him. So teachers shall teach students with such methods which are easy to grasp and memorize. - LACK OF CONNECTION BETWEEN THE STUDENT AND SUBJECT At times, math anxiety and fear are a result of a Lack of connection between the Student and the subject. Students are unable to build up a positive connection between themselves and mathematics. They treat math as something very difficult and scary. This also affects their learning ability and understanding of the concepts of the subject. Students tend to ignore the subject and avoid it and which makes the learning and grasping of the concepts more difficult for them and as a result they are scared whenever the thought of subject comes to their mind. - LACK OF HANDLING THE PRESSURE One of the common reasons why students are Scared for Mathematics and why they fail in the subject is because of the peer pressure which they are not able to handle. They have self-doubt on their abilities and are unable to cope with the pressure of performance at school and other levels. Once a student starts doubting his abilities he is not able to recover from it without Proper Guidance and this hampers his Performance in the Subject. - LACK OF ATTENTION Any subject whether it is easy or complicated requires the individual attention of students. No subject can be learned or mastered until and unless students are serious about it and give it proper attention. Some students have a casual attitude towards study and they don’t pay attention in classes or they fail to pay attention for a long span. And this becomes the reason for their fear of the subject. If the students try to be more attentive towards the subject and take it more seriously, they would surely overcome the Fear of Mathematics. - LOW IQ Many may not agree but the IQ level of a student plays an Important Role in Learning the Subject. This factor shall not be overlooked but still there are parents who don’t accept that the IQ level of their child is low. There are students, who are not very good at numbers, learning theorems and formula’s and have problems in commanding arithmetic, geometry and mathematics. Such students have a phobia for the subject as their learning graphs are affected due to low IQ. But still, for such students regular practice and consistency in grasping the concepts can be helpful. - LACK OF UNDERSTANDING OF SIGNS AND SYMBOLS Mathematics is a subject which involves a lot of signs, symbols and formula’s and it becomes tricky for many students to retain and memorize. Many students who are Average in Studies become confused due to so many signs and symbols that are a part of mathematics. They are unable to use them properly to solve problems and equations and as a result get low marks in the subject. This gives birth to a sense of fear in the student that he will not get good marks and will not be able to perform well. This as a result escalates Mathematics Phobia among the students. - NOT SO GOOD MATHEMATICS TEACHERS Not all mathematics teachers are good and not all are capable of teaching their students in such a way that they are able to understand easily. When the methods of teachers or their ways are such that students are not able to comprehend the subject easily then the students develop a distance from the subject. A student becomes less interested in it and only a fear develops in his mind. The above are the reasons through which the fear of Mathematics Accelerates in Students. Whenever the thought of studying Mathematics comes in the mind of these students, they are surrounded by mathematics fear and anxiety. But are there any ways by which the fear of mathematics be conquered? Are there any means and methods through which this fear can be minimized? The performance of a student directly affects his Phobia for Maths. Lower the performance in the subject more will be the phobia. But if students work on a daily basis to improve their performance and to reduce their fear they can definitely do so. Following are some ways through which maths fear can be reduced: - DEVELOPMENT OF CONFIDENCE Confidence is such a factor that can play a very important role in the development or reduction of Mathematics Anxiety or fear. Parents and teachers should help the students who are scared of mathematics in boosting their confidence and motivating them that they can perform well in the subject. Parents and teachers shall try and imbibe the feeling of confidence and shall make students understand that they can perform well in the maths. - STRENGTHENING THE BASIC SKILLS It is always said that a strong foundation leads to a strong building. Similarly if the work is done on the building and strengthening the basics of Mathematics Skills in a student then, the probability of development of fear for math will reduce. So if students become fluent in basic concepts and skills of the subject and revise them on a regular basis then they will be able to adapt to the higher-level concepts easily and the fear for math will not haunt the students. - APPROPRIATE GUIDANCE Appropriate guidance by the parents plays a great role in the education of a child. Whenever a child is stuck in some problem or in studies they seek help from their parents and proper guidance by them will improve the learning abilities of a child and his performance as well. Parents shall be positive in approach and shall guide their children in such a manner that the children change their perspective and aptitude for mathematics. Parents shall guide the children that a regular practice on a daily basis on the concepts of the subject and working constantly on the weak points can help them to a great extent. - DIFFERENT METHODS AND APPROACH Sometimes some methods are such which students don’t understand or they might understand a topic or concept through a different mode or approach. Students may invent their own arithmetic symbols or pictures or their own concepts through which they understand the topics. Usage of such tricks and approach by students are perfectly fine as the ultimate aim is to get oneself versed with the concept. - MAKING MATH EXCITING AND CREATIVE Although, math is known as one of the difficult subjects among the students if the subject is made exciting and creative for the children, they would tend to learn more and fearless. The Basis of Mathematics doesn’t change and it remains same always, it is just that we have to learn the most exciting and creative ways to solve problems and questions in such a manner that the concepts and methods last in our memory for a longer time and we fearless from the subject. - FIND REASONS TO STUDY THE SUBJECT Students will give in their all to learn, and explore mathematics if they understand the reasons why they should learn and study math. The students shall know that Basic Mathematics Topics such as fractions, decimals, measuring skills, area, percentage, statistics, etc are required by them in daily life and that all shall be done by the students in getting themselves clarity in all these concepts. Topics such as mensuration, trigonometry, calculus, arithmetic, algebra, etc are required for higher studies in fields like science, electronics, commerce, physics, etc. Youngsters studying in class 9 to 12 require mathematics after school in any stream they go and therefore, they should be motivated that they need to work hard for understanding the subject rather than fearing from it. - ENCOURAGING STUDENTS TO MAKE THEIR OWN NOTES Students shall be encouraged to make their own summary notes which the students can revise easily during the examination time and also they can easily memorize them also. Many students get stressed out during the examination time and so through these notes they will know how and what to study and will prove to be helpful for the Preparation of the Exam. Students see Mathematics as one of the toughest subjects and most students are very scared of it. But if students see it with a positive approach and their teachers and parents guide them in different ways, then the students can overcome this math fear. Then the students will be able to learn its concepts and theories with ease and comfort. Students can struggle with the subject all-time and just drag themselves just for passing marks or they can work hard in the correct direction and pull out themselves from this Fear of Mathematics. The choice lies with the student!!
The first recorded lotteries in the Americas were held in 1616 by the Virginia Company of London to raise money for King Charles’s colonial venture. Ultimately, these lotteries helped establish Jamestown, Virginia. In addition to helping to support the colonial cause, the proceeds from these lotteries also funded schools, churches, canals, bridges, and public works. In addition to these uses, lotteries helped to establish Harvard University, Columbia University, Dartmouth College, and several other institutions in the American colonies. The game of togel dates back to the ancient Chinese. It was played to finance important government projects and was often held during dinner parties. In the Roman Empire, Emperor Augustus organized the first commercial togel in 27 BC to raise funds to repair the City of Rome. This game of chance is still popular today, despite its ancient origins. It has been played in every major world civilization from ancient times until the present. Throughout history, lottery games have been a popular form of entertainment for people and corporations, and today, you can play them online. Although most U.S. lotteries deduct twenty-four percent of the winnings from the prize money, the amount will be lower if you were to win the jackpot. However, even millions of dollars would still be subject to taxation. In that case, you would be left with less than half of your winnings after federal, state, and local taxes. And it’s not just the rich who benefit from lotteries. People with less income and higher hopes are more likely to play. The hope of winning a large sum of money also increases lottery revenues. As the lottery increases in popularity, so does the temptation to buy tickets. The thrill of winning the lottery is unmatched by any other source of entertainment. However, the price of purchasing a ticket is far higher than the expected gain. If the prize is higher, the disutility of losing money is outweighed by the combined expected utility of the monetary and non-monetary gains. Therefore, lottery tickets are not an excellent way to maximize one’s expected utility. The American Revolution was a time when lotteries were used to raise funds for the Colonial Army. Alexander Hamilton, the first president of the United States, wrote that people would rather risk a small amount for a high chance of winning a substantial prize. In the seventeenth century, a group of eleven officemates played a lottery where they each chipped in three dollars a week. They won $4.9 million. There are several other historic examples of lotteries, which were used to fund public projects and raise tax revenue. Some states have joined forces to create multi-state lotteries. The aim is to produce lottery games that have large odds of winning, but at the same time a high payout. A popular example of such a game is the Mega Millions, which involves selecting five numbers from one to seventy and one Easy Pick number between one and twenty-five. While there were some weeks where no winner was found in the Mega Millions lottery, the odds of winning were a staggering one in thirty-two million!
The ‘Symphony of the Stones’ in Armenia Looks Like a Giant Organ With Countless Pipes Natural treasures of all forms and sizes abound on the planet. Massive mountains extend high into the sky, almost touching the clouds. These magnificent peaks conceal valleys, woods, rivers, and streams formed by millions of years of erosion and weathering. The stones and boulders that have produced unique and dramatic formations are some of the most spectacular characteristics of the area. big rocks lie precariously on top of each other, as if a big child had spent decades building with blocks. Jagged cliffs protrude from mountain sides, enticing skilled rock climbers to attempt scaling their perilous heights and uncovering panoramas that have been unspoiled for millennia. Deep within the earth, precious gemstones and minerals can be found.Within the Earth’s crust, created over enormous geological time periods by intense heat and pressure. When these natural jewels are discovered, they glitter with bright hues and textures that stun anybody lucky enough to gaze upon them, discovering beauty that has been concealed beneath layers of rock for years. The stones and rocks around us have intriguing stories to tell about the Earth’s past history and the enormous forces that have created our environment over the centuries. They stand as timeless monuments of nature’s strength and a sobering reminder of how insignificant we are in relation to the forces that have created such natural wonders over enormous periods of time, a history carved in stone and kept for our discovery. TheMountains and stones instill awe, humility, connectedness, and reverence in those who come into contact with them. The stones and rocks that blanket our globe are genuinely extraordinary features that merit our utmost admiration, appreciation, and respect, despite the fact that others may regard them as ordinary and unimpressive. They have withstood the test of time and will continue to stand as sentinels of the Earth for millions of years to come, silently protecting our world’s secrets and seeing the rise and fall of civilizations as well as the gradual, steady alteration of the globe itself. The everlasting is beautiful. The eternal, ageless aspect of the stones and mountains gives us a tremendous sense of tranquility. They have survived when civilizations have crumbled into dust, a reminder that the Earth continues on its steady course, oblivious to the upheavals of human affairs. We can find solace in their immortality, solace in their stoic stillness, and inspiration in their everlasting majesty. These natural treasures deserve our respect and protection, as they serve as reminders of the deep beauty that surrounds us every day.
- Heat stress is a combination of temperature and relative humidity. Increasing global temperatures due to climate change will make heat stress more common with serious implications for our health and environment. - All climate models project an increase in heat stress across Australia. The amount varies between models. - Regional downscaled models do not add certainty to local estimates of future heat stress but help by adding a range of possible futures. What do climate models tell us about future heat stress in Australia? One of the most dangerous effects of extremely hot temperatures is heat stress. This has led to a growing interest in how hotter climates impact public health. Here we look at what global and regional climate models can tell us about future projections of heat stress over Australia. Kovats, R.S. and Hajat, S., 2008. Heat stress and 5. public health: a critical review. Annu. Rev. Public Health, 29, pp.41-55 https://10.1146/annurev.publhealth.29.020907.090843 Knutson, T.R., Ploshay, J.J. Detection of anthropogenic influence on a summertime heat stress index. Climatic Change 138, 25–39 (2016) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-016-1708-z Russo, S., Sillmann, J. and Sterl, A., 2017. Humid heat waves at different warming levels. Scientific reports, 7(1), p.7477 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-07536-7 What is heat stress? As the Earth’s climate warms, our exposure to extreme heat is increasing. Warming is likely to increase the frequency and intensity of heatwaves and therefore heat stress. Heat stress occurs when the body cannot get rid of excess heat. Heat stress is influenced by both temperature and relative humidity. Our bodies regulate heat by sweating to lose excess heat which helps to maintain an internal body temperature of 37°C. In hot and humid environments, sweating becomes less efficient, posing a threat even at moderate temperatures. (See also: Workplace heat stress, health and productivity – an increasing challenge for low and middle-income countries during climate change). Relative humidity and our daily comfort Relative humidity is a measure of how much moisture or water vapour is present in the air compared to the maximum amount of moisture the air can hold at a given temperature. It is expressed as a percentage, with 100% relative humidity meaning the air is holding the maximum amount of moisture possible at that temperature, and lower percentages indicate that the air is not holding as much moisture. Relative humidity tells us how comfortable we feel in different weather conditions. High relative humidity can make hot weather feel even more uncomfortable. Heat stress plays an important role in agriculture, weather forecasting, and indoor comfort. Heat stress kills. The heatwaves, preceding the Black Summer fires of 2019/2020, killed an estimated 417 individuals in Australia while in the European summer of 2022, heatwaves were associated with over 60,000 excess deaths. Heat stress affects the more vulnerable – particularly the elderly, young children, those with underlying medical conditions and people living in low socio-economic urban communities. The health impacts can be severe including in death, heat stroke, heat exhaustion, dehydration and cardiovascular diseases. Physiological impacts from heat stress have flow-on effects on productivity, especially for those who work outdoors including in construction and farming. This can have negative consequences for both individuals and the economy. One way to measure heat stress is the wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT). The Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) uses a simplified wet bulb globe temperature. This is calculated using temperature and relative humidity which are both commonly measured and modelled properties. What do climate models tell us about heat stress? Climate models allow us to see what heat stress might look like in the future. These powerful tools can be used to explore what our climate might be like under different emissions of greenhouse gases in the future e.g., 2050 or 2090. We looked at global and regional climate models to compare what they can tell us about future heat stress in Australia. Using multiple climate models allows us to see where models agree and disagree and helps to improve our understanding. We can be more confident about the results where models consistently agree, and we understand why they agree. Where models don’t agree we need to investigate the process more. Using multiple lines of evidence such as, observations and historical studies (data from ice cores or tree rings), can increase our confidence in climate projections from models. Global Climate Models and Regional Climate Models Global Climate Models (GCMs) are large-scale models that simulate large-scale climate patterns and changes on a global scale. Due to computational limitations, GCMs use a low spatial resolution, typically each pixel represents around 150 kilometres. As a result, they cannot capture small-scale regional climate features accurately. The GCMs described here are part of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) which is a globally coordinated collaboration that allows scientists to understand climate change. Climate models are constantly being updated by research groups around the world as their understanding of the complex climate system improves. Regional Climate Models (RCMs) cover a smaller area and have a higher spatial resolution or a fine scale, typically 1-50 km. RCMs can simulate regional climatic influences, such as changes in land surface, land cover and coastlines. The RCMs described here are part of the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) which is an international initiative for downscaling climate models to finer spatial detail. Downscaling is a process where the low resolution outputs of GCMs are converted into higher resolution climate information. GCMs provide the large-scale climate patterns, while downscaled models use information from those models to simulate a region. Downscaling helps provide more detail for specific regions, but uncertainties can arise from the range of GCMs used and approximations in the GCMs and RCMs. It is important to interpret and utilise model projections carefully. Policymakers can make more informed decisions for climate adaptation and mitigation by recognising the strengths, potential limitations and uncertainties of climate models. Model set up to investigate future heat stress in Australia The following model set up was used to explore future heat stress projections: - Greenhouse gas emission scenario: A representative concentration pathway (RCP) of 4.5 represents a future climate scenario with moderate greenhouse gas emissions. - Time period: Two time periods were investigated. The near future is a 20 year period from 2040 to 2060 and the far future is a 30 year period from 2070 to 2100. - Global climate models (red boxes, Figure 3): A total of 6 global climate models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) were used. The Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator (ACCESS1) model is the Australian model. - Regional climate models used (pink, purple and orange boxes, Figure 3): A total of 9 downscaled simulations from regional climate models were used. Three downscaled simulations of the ACCESS model, and six other models which are part of the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) project. A selection of simulations from the models in Figure 3 were investigated to demonstrate how different climate models project heat stress for 2040-2060 and 2070-2100 time periods. What do global climate models tell us about heat stress in the future? We first looked at what global climate models tell us about heat stress. All 6 global climate models in Figure 3 showed that heat stress will get worse, under RCP4.5 by 2050. Figure 4a highlights the result from the Australian model ACCESS1 GCM, showing large increases in the number of days of extreme heat stress in the north of Australia (more than 80 extra days a year) with a smaller increase to the southwest of the country of 15 extra days of extreme heat stress per year. What do regional climate models tell us? Data from the global climate model ACCESS1 can be used to downscale three RCMs which are shown in Figures 4b, 4c and 4d. - All three RCMs agree that heat stress will increase virtually everywhere in Australia. Different downscaling methods applied to the same global climate model agree that heat stress will become worse. All agree that the largest increase occurs in the north of Australia and the least in the far south of the country. - The number of extra heat stress days varies by location and magnitude. The downscaled RCM simulation of Figure 4b suggests a more widespread area of heat stress increase than Figure 4c. The model used in Figure 4d suggests a generally smaller increase in extreme heat stress days. Overall, all models used point in the same direction and we therefore have confidence that heat stress will get worse in the future across Australia because the models give us no evidence to suggest otherwise. What do global climate models tell us about relative humidity? The global climate model ACCESS1 (Figure 5a) indicates an increase in relative humidity over most of eastern Australia. An increase in humidity makes heat stress worse. What do regional climate models tell us about relative humidity? Downscaled models shown in Figure 5b and 5c differ sharply from the global climate model and both show changes in the area where relative humidity increases – the area of increase becomes very localised over Victoria (light blue patches). Some inland areas and the western areas decrease in relative humidity (brown patches, Figure 5b, 5c). The Figure 5d model shows a widespread decline in relative humidity across the southern parts of South Australia and Western Australia, but little change over Victoria. This pattern is very different from the global climate model used, or the alternative regional climate models used. If we look back at the heat stress downscaled model in Figure 4d, we can see heat stress is less severe in some regions towards the west of the country. This is because we can see that relative humidity is decreasing in the model shown in Figure 5d and heat stress is influenced by both temperature and relative humidity. What do model simulations tell us about relative humidity? - Using a diverse set of models in climate research captures complexities, enhancing our understanding of projection uncertainties. - There is no right or wrong model, either at the global or regional climate model scale. - A larger set of GCMs and RCMs is likely to be inconclusive for relative humidity changes. This is because relative humidity is influenced by factors such as rainfall, which can be challenging to predict accurately. - Using larger numbers of GCMs or RCMs may introduce more variability and different model behaviours. This makes it hard to see patterns for changes in relative humidity. What do model simulations tell us about heat stress? This demonstration shows that as temperatures increase strongly under future global warming, heat stress will increase but the changes in humidity are mostly quite small. The main factor driving heat stress is temperature. There is another important implication of this result. A warmer atmosphere will tend to be thirstier for moisture as the atmosphere can hold more water under higher temperatures. This will tend to increase evaporation, and as a consequence landscapes are likely to be generally drier unless rainfall increases to compensate. This implies less water available for irrigation, human consumption or the environment even where there is no decline in rainfall. Comparing different models and different scenarios Figure 6 takes an in depth look at the changes in heat stress from multiple GCMs (green boxes) and RCMs (purple boxes) over 2040-2060 and 2070-2100 for Canberra, using a box and whisker plot. For Canberra for a 20-year period from 2040-2060, the global climate model estimates the range of additional extreme heat stress days is between 14 days and 27 extra days (green box). Using the regional climate model it is 6-12 extra days (purple box). - For Canberra for a 30-year period from 2070-2100, the global climate model estimates the range of additional extreme heat stress days is between 15 and 38 extra days (green box). Using the regional climate model, it is 11 and 20 extra days (purple box). - The length of the boxes plus whiskers represents the full range of projections except for outlier data points. - For the 2070-2100 scenario, the RCMs have a result which projects 32 extra days shown as the outlier data point in Figure 6. Climate scientists tend to discount outliers of this kind, but incorporating outliers in risk management may be important. It is certainly risky to only use the median. The type of diagram used in Figure 6 is called box and whisker plot and is a useful way to compare different sets of data on one graph. Given all global and all regional climate models show that additional heat stress days will occur in the future for Canberra, and no models show a reduction in heat stress days, concluding that there is a very high risk of additional heat stress days in the future is a robust conclusion from climate projections. Future heat stress projections for Australian state and territory capitals When we look at projections from climate models, we are looking for consistency to show that models are capturing climate processes well. We can look at the projections from a diverse set of downscaled products for heat stress and see where they are consistent. When we looked at a selection of Australian cities (Figure 7), we found that for whichever GCM, RCM or city shown, heat stress gets worse in the future. All figures show additional heat stress days occurring in the future. Projections of temperature for Australian state and territory capitals We looked at the same cities and projections for temperature. Every model simulates the future getting hotter. This is simulated consistently by the models for every city. Extreme heat stress is strongly influenced by increasing temperatures. Projections of relative humidity for Australian state and territory capitals When we looked at the same cities’ projections for relative humidity, the models showed a mixed picture. Some models simulated an increase in relative humidity, amplifying the impact of temperature, while some helped offset the increase in temperature by decreasing relative humidity. Interpreting the projections can be complex. For each city, sometimes the RCMs predict a smaller increase in extreme heat, sometimes they predict a larger increase. Sometimes the RCMs are more consistent than the CMIP5 models, sometimes they are less consistent. This is the nature of the science of climate projection. As you approach finer scales for variables other than temperature the direction of the change often becomes highly uncertain, particularly as you become focussed on extremes. What can a Regional Climate Model projection tell us? RCMs bring an important additional capability to assessing future climate change. A heat stress single value from a GCM covering 100 x 100 km may only give you one output value for a huge area which is not very useful for local scale information. However, if you use an RCM with a spatial resolution of a few km over a city, the actual changes simulated for the city as a whole might not be reliable, but the patterns might be. An RCM might differentiate between types of urban form, greenspace, distance from the ocean for instance. These can have a large impact on the detailed patterns of heat and heat stress across a city. Therefore, although there may be limited confidence in the accuracy of the values from a RCM over a city, you may be able to tell which parts of a city might be most vulnerable to heat stress. Heat stress in Australia will get worse In Australia, heat stress will almost certainly get worse in the future. We can be confident about this because temperature is simulated well by our models, and temperature is increasing due to human emissions of greenhouse gases. However, the magnitude of heat stress increase remains uncertain because it is difficult to predict the detailed regional changes in relative humidity. Implications for adaptation - This example has demonstrated that extreme heat stress will get worse. Since this is unlikely to change as new climate models or downscaling techniques emerge, it is important to act now on this information. - Regional downscaling adds to the range of projections: RCMs can add insight into possible patterns of change in heat stress and just as useful as global climate models. - Use multiple lines of evidence: this includes multiple global models and multiple regional models. The existence of one, or the other, does not negate the value of using all available lines of evidence. Multiple lines of evidence allow us to be more confident in the outcomes produced when there is strong agreement. - There is no “right” or “wrong” downscaling method or global climate model: regional downscaling can change the sign of some variables (e.g., relative humidity). They provide “different” additional information. Decision-makers can use climate models for adaptation strategies and policies. A collaborative approach between scientists, policymakers and public health officials allows for more effective and sustainable solutions to be achieved. The ongoing investigations by the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes and from 2024, the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Weather of the 21st Century play a critical role in improving our models. Models are providing a better understanding of how heat stress will evolve in Australia. However as temperatures continue to rise, there is no need to wait before you act. Briefing note created by Dr Charuni Pathmeswaran and Professor Andy Pitman. Reference list and author bios available in the PDF version below.
This page presents high-level information for Costa Rica's climate zones and its seasonal cycle for mean temperature and precipitation for the latest climatology, 1991-2020. Climate zone classifications are derived from the Köppen-Geiger climate classification system, which divides climates into five main climate groups divided based on seasonal precipitation and temperature patterns. The five main groups are A (tropical), B (dry), C (temperate), D (continental), and E (polar). All climates except for those in the E group are assigned a seasonal precipitation sub-group (second letter). Climate classifications are identified by hovering your mouse over the legend. A narrative overview of Costa Rica's country context and climate is provided following the visualizations. Situated between Nicaragua and Panama in Central America, Costa Rica occupies an area of 51,100 square kilometers (km2) and is bordered by both the Caribbean Sea in the north-east and the North Pacific Ocean in the southwest. The country’s topography is varied and includes coastal plains separated by rugged mountains, including over 100 volcanic cones. Even though Costa Rica constitutes only 0.034% of the total Earth surface, its habitats represent around 5% of the planet’s biodiversity. Costa Rica is known worldwide for its conservation efforts and is a hot spot for eco-tourism, with more than 26% of its land under protection. Due to a combination of geographic variations and economic factors, Costa Rica is highly vulnerable to extreme climate events and natural hazards. Part of this vulnerability is due to the presence of populations in vulnerable areas as well as the country’s severe risk to sea level rise (primary at-risk areas include Puerto Limón, Jaco and Puntarenas). Costa Rica is classified by the World Bank as an upper-middle-income country and the country’s approximately 5 million people enjoy the highest standard of living in Central America, with a per capita GDP of approximately US $12,076 and an unemployment rate of around 11.5% in 2019. 80% of Costa Rica’s population resides in urban areas. Population projections for 2030 point to an additional 468,000 people living in the country, 85.8% residing in urban areas, while in 2050, the country’s estimated population will top 5.773 million inhabitants, of which 90.1% will reside in urban areas. Costa Rica submitted its Nationally-Determined Contributions (NDC) to the UNFCCC in 2016, in support of the country’s efforts to realize its development goals and increase its resilience to climate change by enhancing mitigation and adaptation implementation efforts. De-carbonization is a priority for the country as indicated in the country’s decarbonization plan of 2019. Adaptation efforts, particularly in the water supply and agriculture sectors are high priorities and reflected in Costa Rica’s NDC. In support of adaptation efforts, Costa Rica aims to strengthen capacities and promote a high degree of coordination and teamwork between different government and civil society entities. The country also aims to support inter-ministerial coordination efforts, which are important in guaranteeing synergies between entities and to increase national research budgets on climate change. Climate change adaptation in Costa Rica is also strongly linked with components of the National Disaster Risk Management Policy, through capacity building for resilience and technology transfer. Costa Rica completed its Third National Communication (NC3) to the UNFCCC in 2014.
American consumers have shown about as much appetite for the $1 coin as kids do their spinach. They may not know what's best for them either. Congressional auditors say doing away with dollar bills entirely and replacing them with dollar coins could save taxpayers some $4.4 billion over the next 30 years. Vending machine operators have long championed the use of $1 coins because they don't jam the machines, cutting down on repair costs and lost sales. But most people don't seem to like carrying them. In the past five years, the U.S. Mint has produced 2.4 billion Presidential $1 coins. Most are stored by the Federal Reserve, and production was suspended about a year ago. The latest projection from the Government Accountability Office on the potential savings from switching to dollar coins entirely comes as lawmakers begin exploring new ways for the government to save money by changing the money itself. The Mint is preparing a report for Congress showing how changes in the metal content of coins could save money. The last time the government made major metallurgical changes in U.S. coins was nearly 50 years ago when Congress directed the Mint to remove silver from dimes and quarters and to reduce its content in half dollar coins. Now, Congress is looking at new changes in response to rising prices for copper and nickel. At a House subcommittee hearing Thursday, the focus was on two approaches: —Moving to less expensive combinations of metals like steel, aluminum and zinc. —Gradually taking dollar bills out the economy and replacing them with coins. The GAO's Lorelei St. James told the House Financial Services panel it would take several years for the benefits of switching from paper bills to dollar coins to catch up with the cost of making the change. Equipment would have to be bought or overhauled and more coins would have to be produced upfront to replace bills as they are taken out of circulation. But over the years, the savings would begin to accrue, she said, largely because a $1 coin could stay in circulation for 30 years while paper bills have to be replaced every four or five years on average. "We continue to believe that replacing the note with a coin is likely to provide a financial benefit to the government," said St. James, who added that such a change would work only if the note was completely eliminated and the public educated about the benefits of the switch. Even the $1 coin's most ardent supporters recognize that they haven't been popular. Philip Diehl, former director of the Mint, said there was a huge demand for the Sacagawea dollar coin when production began in 2001, but as time wore on, people stayed with what they knew best. "We've never bitten the bullet to remove the $1 bill as every other Western economy has done," Diehl said. "If you did, it would have the same success the Canadians have had." Beverly Lepine, chief operating officer of the Royal Canadian Mint, said her country loves its "Loonie," the nickname for the $1 coin that includes an image of a loon on the back. The switch went over so well that the country also went to a $2 coin called the "Toonie." Rep. Bill Huizenga, R-Mich., affirmed that Canadians have embraced their dollar coins. "I don't know anyone who would go back to the $1 and $2 bills," he said. That sentiment was not shared by some of his fellow subcommittee members when it comes to the U.S. version. Rep. Lacy Clay, D-Mo., said men don't like carrying a bunch of coins around in their pocket or in their suits. And Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., said the $1 coins have proved too hard to distinguish from quarters. "If the people don't want it and they don't want to use it," she said, "why in the world are we even talking about changing it?" "It's really a matter of just getting used to it," said Diehl, the former Mint director. Several lawmakers were more intrigued with the idea of using different metal combinations in producing coins. Rep. Steve Stivers, R-Ohio, said a penny costs more than 2 cents to make and a nickel costs more than 11 cents to make. Moving to multiplated steel for coins would save the government nearly $200 million a year, he said. The Mint's report, which is due in mid-December, will detail the results of nearly 18 months of work exploring a variety of new metal compositions and evaluating test coins for attributes as hardness, resistance to wear, availability of raw materials and costs. Richard Peterson, the Mint's acting director, declined to give lawmakers a summary of what will be in the report, but he said "several promising alternatives" were found. © Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Typical camera optics consist of a system of individual elements that are designed to compensate for the aberrations of a single lens. Recent computational cameras shift some of this correction task from the optics to post-capture processing, reducing the imaging optics to only a few optical elements. However, these systems only achieve reasonable image quality by limiting the field of view (FOV) to a few degrees - effectively ignoring severe off-axis aberrations with blur sizes of multiple hundred pixels. In this paper, we propose a lens design and learned reconstruction architecture that lift this limitation and provide an order of magnitude increase in field of view using only a single thin-plate lens element. Specifically, we design a lens to produce spatially shift-invariant point spread functions, over the full FOV, that are tailored to the proposed reconstruction architecture. We achieve this with a mixture PSF, consisting of a peak and and a low-pass component, which provides residual contrast instead of a small spot size as in traditional lens designs. To perform the reconstruction, we train a deep network on captured data from a display lab setup, eliminating the need for manual acquisition of training data in the field. We assess the proposed method in simulation and experimentally with a prototype camera system. We compare our system against existing single-element designs, including an aspherical lens and a pinhole, and we compare against a complex multielement lens, validating high-quality large field-of-view (i.e. 53°) imaging performance using only a single thin-plate element. All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes - Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design - Computational camera - Deep network - Image deblurring - Thin optics
Energy is the commodity that fuels the economy. The EU's prosperity and security depend on a stable and affordable energy supply. EU energy policy has driven significant change in recent years, with a considerable drop in the most polluting fuels, as consumption has moved more towards natural gas and renewables. While EU production of renewables has grown substantially in recent years, gas production has declined, leading to a greater reliance on gas imports. The surge in energy prices and high volatility seen since last autumn already triggered calls last year for reducing our dependence on energy imports. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has taken this debate further and prompted strategic EU policy changes. Security of supply Ever since the gas disruptions that hit some eastern EU countries in the winters of 2006 and 2009, the EU has worked on a common energy policy to strengthen its energy security and the internal energy market. By investing in infrastructure, in particular cross-border connections, the EU has reduced the number of EU countries exclusively dependent on one single supplier. The EU’s growing energy demand and diminishing domestic production of gas have made it indispensable to have measures to secure gas supply in the EU. The Security of Supply Regulation ((EU) 2017/1938), updating the original 2010 regulation, establishes a common framework where the security of supply is a shared responsibility of natural gas undertakings, EU countries and the Commission. One of its main objectives is to enhance EU emergency preparedness and resilience to gas disruptions. This includes an early warning system to identify potential problems ahead, and a standing advisory group – the Gas Coordination Group, comprised of experts from the Commission, EU countries authorities and leading stakeholders – to assess and discuss security of supply issues. REPower EU to cut dependence on Russian gas imports In 2021, the EU imported more than 40% of its total gas consumption, 27% of oil imports and 46% of coal imports from Russia. Energy represented 62% of EU total imports from Russia, and cost €99 billion. Although it represents a significant drop in comparison with 2011, when energy represented almost 77% of EU imports from Russia (equivalent to €148 billion), the EU is taking further measures to cut its dependence on Russian energy imports. On March 8, the Commission published its REPowerEU plan, outlining measures to drastically reduce Russian gas imports from its 2021 level of 155 bcm before the end of this year – and reach complete independence from Russian fossil fuels well before the end of the decade. The key elements in this plan are diversifying supplies, reducing demand and ramping up the production of green energy in the EU. Diversification of gas supply can particularly contribute to increasing the resilience of the EU’s energy system and strengthening its international partnerships with key energy gas suppliers. In 2021, 43.5% of the EU’s natural gas imports came from Russia, but there were also significant volumes that came from Norway (23.6%), Algeria (12.6%) and the US (6.6%). Most of these imports came through pipelines, but a growing share has come in liquid form, notably from the US, whose LNG exports to the EU have substantially increased since its first shipment in April 2016. Liquefied natural gas Liquefied natural gas (LNG), which is natural gas converted to liquid form for ease of storage or transport, can contribute to enhancing the diversification of gas supply and accelerating the decarbonisation of gas markets. Over the last decade, the EU has invested significant amounts in LNG infrastructure, with more than 20 large-scale terminals now in operation and connected to the grid, and more under construction. Further accelerating the upgrade and extension of LNG infrastructure and diversifying sources and routes of pipeline gas are therefore a priority to make the EU energy system more resilient. The EU is prioritising the assessment of measures and investments that might be needed to overcome bottlenecks to the full use of the EU’s LNG capacity. Two weeks after the Commission outlined the REPower EU concept, the US committed to increasing its LNG export volumes for the EU market with an additional 15 bcm this year, and up to 50 bcm annually by 2030. The EU is also closely working with energy partners such as Norway, Japan, South Korea and Qatar to address the current challenges on energy markets worldwide, and to further develop their cooperation on LNG. Gas storage facilities are another instrumental element to EU security of supply as they provide back-up volumes in case of strong demand or supply disruptions. They account for between 25% and 30% of the gas consumed in winter. In short, storage reduces the need to import additional gas during the heating season. Following Russian’s invasion of Ukraine, the Gas Coordination Group estimated that the biggest threat to security of supply would come from the failure to restock gas storage facilities ahead of next winter. To address this, the Commission proposed on 23 March an amendment to the Security of Gas Supply Regulation ((EU) 2017/1938) to include measures to deal with the market imbalances for energy, ensure well-filled gas storage in the EU and enhance the resilience of the EU’s energy system. This proposal includes a requirement for EU countries to ensure that the storage infrastructures in their territories are filled up to at least 90% of their capacity by 1 November each year, and to 80% this year. A further initiative in this respect is the concept of establishing joint purchases of gas. In this context, the Commission has already established a platform to optimise infrastructure and bargaining power without distorting competition rules. Accelerating the European Green Deal The other two priorities to reduce dependence on imports identified under the RePower EU concept are already the two central pillars of EU energy policy: ramping up renewables and boosting energy efficiency. The existing rules, agreed in 2018 and 2019, set targets for renewables and energy efficiency by 2030 that will deliver an overall 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, in line with EU commitments under the Paris Agreement. However, in 2021 the Commission tabled proposals to go further and faster in the coming decade, with a view to achieving a 55% reduction in emissions by 2030. The RePower EU plan also identified the potential for moving considerably faster on wind and solar power. Based on an analysis of the state of play of solar energy across the EU, the Commission will present in May a solar strategy proposing a European Solar Rooftops Initiative to reap the benefits of rooftop solar energy. The plan also refers to the important role that biomethane can play (providing an additional 18bcm by 2030). Renewable hydrogen is also seen as a major new alternative supply source, with the potential to reach 10bcm by 2030, with scope for an additional 10bcm through imports. The Commission is aware of the need to address the different bottlenecks that hinder the roll out of renewable energy projects. To address this issue, it will publish in May a recommendation on fast permitting for renewable energy projects, which aims to support the use of all flexibilities already granted by EU legislation and to remove remaining obstacles. Power purchase agreements is another identified area where guidelines at EU level would potentially accelerate change and ensure the most efficient development. Citizens can also play a key role to reduce the EU’s overall energy consumption and make energy savings. Turning off the lights, using lids on saucepans, lowering the room temperature and taking public transport are just some examples of the many different things that can be done as individuals or collectively. The Commission is working with the International Energy Agency, consumer organisations and other stakeholders to look at ways in which citizens can further reduce their energy consumption. Building upon the outlined REPowerEU concept, guidelines, legislative proposals and budgetary support to further reduce the EU’s dependence on imports of Russian fossil fuels are expected in the near future. These will also take into consideration broader issues to tackle energy prices hikes and their impact on consumers and businesses. - Publication date - 20 April 2022
What is cryptocurrency? Cryptocurrency is digital currency. The digital nature of it, gives it several advantages over ‘regular money’ (known as ‘fiat money’). Cryptocurrencies aren’t bound to any country or its government, so their value isn’t tied to how well a country performs economically or otherwise. Another important feature is that cryptocurrencies are decentralized. This means that no one has control over the money like banks have. Individual people can simply trade with each other or send one another money, without any help or middleman. Bitcoin is the most well known example because it’s the very first and the biggest cryptocurrency. By now, many other currencies (‘altcoins’) have been created, and this happened for a reason: each cryptocoin brings a technological feature or other advancement to the table… or at least, in theory. There’s a cryptocurrency that’s directly tied to the price of the Dollar, there’s a coin that guarantees full anonymity for the user, and there are even so called ‘joke coins’ (one of which is fairly populair). Whenever someone or a group of developers think they can offer some technological advancement or feature, they can create their own cryptocurrency and launch it. Like fiat money, it’s up to the market to either have faith in the product or not. And in the end, only a select few of the coins have features that proof to be of value in the long term. What are some the possible functions of cryptocurrency? Being ‘digital money’, there are pro’s and cons to each cryptocurrency. Bitcoin is the first and most famous coin, mostly because it was the first one. A downside to Bitcoin is the limited amount of transactions per minute it can register compared to newer coins like Litecoin or Ethereum; so when you transfer money via Bitcoin, there’s a good chance the waiting period is longer than it would’ve been had you transferred another currency. The upside of bitcoin however are ecurity and decentralisation. Another function is privacy: the coin Monero offers full anonymity for its users, making it interesting for those who value financial privacy the most. The actual breadth in functions and possibilities, lie within the technology behind cryptocurrencies. To read more about this, skip ahead to ‘blockchain’. What should I watch for? Not sure whether a cryptocurrency is trustworthy or reliable? Or are you looking to invest in a coin for a gain in value? In order to succeed, you’ll have to do research, apply critical thinking, and have some luck. That doesn’t mean we can’t help you at all. One tip we can give is to know what technology supports the currency; what purpose does it serve and will it remain relevant for a longer period? Also important: the people behind the currency. Are these well known and reliable developers with a history of delivering what they promise? Or are they an unknown factor? While you can invest in a currency that’s backed by (what you deem) a good product or service, you can also recognize a brief increase because of some short term hype surrounding a coin. Being able to spot these moments allows you to invest in a coin, sell when (you believe) it reaches a peak, and leave with a profit. If you can find the time in your daily schedule, you can even look at daily fluctuations and make a profit through ‘day trading’; it’s up to you. But no matter which method you prefer, know that the crypto-economy is very volatile. There can be enormous upticks and downfalls, which could mean that your current investment either halves or doubles within a matter of hours. The cryptocurrency economy is very much uncertain and unpredictable, let alone the danger of scammers and hackers. Whatever you do, do your research and verify legitimacy first. How does cryptocurrency work? Cryptocurrencies are actually a layer of software on top of a certain technology called ‘blockchain’. All currencies use this principle as their foundation, much like all car manufacturers use the combustion engine and other common technologies, but they apply these in unique ways to create different cars. In the same manner, cryptocurrencies all use blockchain technology.
From an early age, we’re taught that vitamins and minerals are essential to our well-being. If you already eat a well-balanced diet or take a multivitamin, you may assume that you’ve got the vitals covered. But if you truly want to focus on your health, it pays to get acquainted with nutrients that are often missing from the typical everyday diet. Vitamin C, aka ascorbic acid, is essential for forming healthy bodily tissue, from muscles to cartilage. Yet, many people lack sufficient dietary vitamin C. Is it possible that you have a vitamin C deficiency? In this short guide, we’ll go over potential signs of vitamin C anemia and the steps you can take, aside from eating foods high in Vitamin C, to reach a healthy vitamin C level. Vitamin C Deficiency and Mood Do you wake up in the morning feeling off or suffer from the common cold often? The following can be symptoms of severe vitamin C deficiency: - Fatigue – If you’re exhausted every morning, you might assume that that’s the norm. Lots of people need several cups of coffee to get going—right? However, there’s a chance that your fatigue isn’t a result of insufficient caffeine intake or sleep. Fatigue is often the first warning sign of scurvy (vitamin C deficiency). It’s also referred to as vitamin C fatigue. - Stress – It’s normal to feel nervous from time to time. If you have a presentation at work or a big social event to attend, you might find your palms getting sweaty and your heart rate speeding up. But if you’ve been feeling more stressed out than usual without a clear reason, it’s also possible that a lack of vitamin C is playing a role. In fact, a lack of vitamin C can be tied to a whole range of negative feelings, from sadness to irritability and beyond. Does vitamin C give you energy? Commonly found in energy support supplements. Many people find that this substance is just what they need to boost focus and enthusiasm. While it’s important to develop coping strategies for your mental health, increasing your vitamin C intake could help uplift your mood so that you can greet each day with more energy. Physical Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency While early warning signs of insufficient vitamin C often take the form of emotional and psychological symptoms, a chronic lack of vitamin C will start to manifest physically. Why? As we’ve briefly noted, vitamin C helps form tissue. Vitamin C is essential in collagen formation. - Collagen is a significant component of skin, muscles, cartilage, blood cell membranes, and other bodily tissues. - Without sufficient vitamin C, our connective tissues lack collagen, making them weaker and less elastic. Next, we’ll look at some specific signs to look out for. Vitamin C and Skin Health Collagen makes our skin look youthful and plump. As we age, we naturally lose collagen and skin elasticity. As a result, we can develop signs of aging include: - Sagging skin - Sunken cheeks - Fine lines from repeated facial expressions While wrinkles and loss of skin volume are inevitable for most of us, a lack of vitamin C can speed up the signs of aging. Beyond ensuring healthy collagen production, vitamin C plays other roles in preserving youthful-looking skin. - Oxidative stress occurs when UV rays, smoke, environmental pollution, and other harmful substances come in contact with our skin. Over time, this can lead to signs of aging. Antioxidant vitamin C can serve a protective function, helping the skin cope with oxidative stress. This is why vitamin C serums are a popular skincare product. - A severe lack of vitamin C can also result in bumpy, uneven skin texture, aka “goose flesh.” To improve your skin’s appearance and texture, make sure you’re getting plenty of vitamin C or try a liposomal vitamin C serum if you prefer vitamin supplementation. Issues With Bruising and Skin Healing You probably know that sailors used to get scurvy—but what, exactly, is this old-timey disease? As we’ve already covered, vitamin C is essential to healthy tissue formation. Without it, the following can occur: - Bleeding gums - The reopening of old wounds - Slow wound healing While the above symptoms may seem dramatic, a milder vitamin C deficiency could still result in unpleasant symptoms like easily bruised skin. Beyond more visible symptoms, vitamin C deficiency could also lead to daily aches and irritations. Elbows, knees, and other joints are padded with joint cartilage. As we age, thinning cartilage can lead to discomfort. If your body isn’t producing enough collagen to form healthy cartilage, your joints may feel stiff, swollen, or sore. Other Physical Signs Other obvious, external signs of a potential vitamin C deficiency include: - Red, irritated hair follicles - Curly body hair - Curled, concave fingernails - Thin and brittle hair and nails Vitamin C and Immunity Beyond the symptoms we’ve already discussed, insufficient vitamin C may make you more prone to colds and other illnesses. Here’s why this makes perfect sense: - Vitamin C deficiency can weaken key parts of the immune system, from the skin barrier to red blood cells. - As your body spends extra energy trying to heal wounds and repair tissue without sufficient vitamin C, there may be fewer resources to combat infection. Vitamin C supplements are frequently administered to people fighting off infections in clinical settings, hence the popularity of health aids like Emergen-C used as an immune defense supplement. As an added defense, Cymbiotika’s Coated Silver stimulates the immune system and may help protect you from airborne viruses and bacteria. How Much Vitamin C Do You Need? So how much vitamin C is enough? According to the Mayo Clinic, the recommended dietary allowance adults need is 95 mg of vitamin C per day. In many cases, it’s usually beneficial to consume even more than the minimum daily recommended amount, especially if you have a nutritional deficiency. When it comes to vitamin C pros and cons, there are mostly pros! - Doses of up to 500 mg per day have been used in clinical trials with few adverse effects. - But, note that one can have too much vitamin C. You should generally not consume more than 2,000 mg per day. - Negative side effects of excessive vitamin C could include digestive discomfort. Where to Get Vitamin C How can you get at least 95 mg of vitamin C? Some fruits and vegetables are naturally high in this essential substance. Oranges are perhaps the most famous source of this vitamin. Each has about 70mg. Other vitamin C rich foods include: - Red bell pepper – 95 mg in ½ cup - Kiwi – 70 mg per cup - Tomato – 20 mg per cup Ready to incorporate more vitamin C into your routine? One option is eating more of these fruits and vegetables. Another is making or buying vitamin C-rich juices. Let’s be honest—not everyone has the energy to keep up a steady supply of fresh fruits and vegetables, much less come up with the recipes to put them to use. In these cases, another option is vitamin C supplementation. However, not all vitamin C supplements are created equal. - In clinical settings, vitamin C is supplied intravenously, i.e., directly into blood vessels. - At home, there are no intravenous options. - When you ingest vitamin C, it may not be 100% bioavailable (able to be absorbed). What happens to unabsorbed ascorbic acid? The excess vitamin C will be eliminated in your urine, which means you won’t enjoy its potential skin-healing and immune-boosting benefits. Some supplements are more bioavailable than others—meaning that our bodies are able to absorb a greater percentage of their vitamin C. Liposomal Vitamin C Liposomal encapsulated vitamin C contains ascorbic acid, which has been encapsulated in liposomes. What is a liposome? It is a spherical vessel with at least one layer of fat. These substances mimic the shape and size of human blood cells and are an efficient mechanism for the delivery of drugs and supplements. Studies show that liposomal vitamin C is more readily absorbed than other forms, such as: - Gelatin-encapsulated powder How Long Will it Take to Increase Vitamin C Levels? If you’re experiencing a vitamin C deficiency, transforming your routine could have fast effects. Once you start consuming adequate vitamin C, you can expect the following results: - Improved symptoms within one or two days - Significant improvement after one week - Full recovery from your deficiency after one month However, keep in mind that this timeline assumes you’re consuming and absorbing between 300 mg to 1000 mg of vitamin C each day. Make sure to buy a high-quality supplement with plenty of bioavailable ascorbic acid. What happens after a month? As with all health habits, it’s important to keep up with your new routine. If you abruptly stop taking vitamin C and fail to make long-term changes to your diet, you may find yourself back in the same position in short order and you may even suffer a severe deficiency. But there’s absolutely no harm in keeping up your new vitamin C-rich routine. On the contrary, vitamin C supplement benefits can include the following: - Improve skin texture and reduced signs of aging - Experience less joint discomfort - Support your immune system and your holistic health Cymbiotika: The Secret Ingredient to Your Vitamin C Intake When it comes to your vitamin C supplement, adequate intake and quality are key. Cymbiotika’s Synergy Liposomal Vitamin C contains nanoparticle serum vitamin C encapsulated in liposomes with bioavailability similar to intravenous delivery. Specially formulated to enhance skin health and boost immunity, our liposomal vitamin C blend also contains superfood ingredients including silica, another vital substance for collagen synthesis. Like all of Cymbiotika’s products, Synergy Liposomal Vitamin C is organic, vegan, and naturally derived. If your wellness goals include improving your mood, getting glowing skin, and feeling better each day, consider adding vitamin C or other organic beauty supplements to your daily nutrient intake routine and experience the difference for yourself. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. Adult Scurvy. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10570371/ Cutis. Keratosis pilaris, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18856156/ Healthline. Vitamin C Deficiency Symptoms. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/vitamin-c-deficiency-symptoms#TOC_TITLE_HDR_15 The Mayo Clinic. Can vitamin C improve your mood?https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/vitamin-c/faq-20058030#:~:text=For%20adults%2C%20the%20recommended%20daily,Nausea The Mayo Clinic. Is it possible to take too much vitamin C? https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/benefits-vitamin-c/faq-20058271#:~:text=The%20link%20between%20vitamin%20C,after%20they%20received%20vitamin%20C. WebMD. Vitamin C Sources. https://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/ss/slideshow-vitamin-c-sources Medical News. Vitamin C Therapeutic Uses. https://www.news-medical.net/health/Vitamin-C-Therapeutic-Uses.aspx The University of Rochester. Vitamin C. https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?contenttypeid=19&contentid=vitaminc#:~:text=In%20adults%2C%20the%20treatment%20is,C%20deficiency%20with%20no%20symptoms.
The National Institute of Food and Agriculture awarded University of Maryland researchers almost $600,000 to study the health effects and food safety of stressed leafy greens. Researchers decided to develop the project to understand what chemicals change in plants under stress and whether the stress could be controlled, said Shirley Micallef, an associate professor in the plant science and landscape architecture department. Micallef is taking the lead on the research project. With the grant, Micallef and her team will use stress factors and chemicals to study how to produce more nutritional leafy greens — such as kale and lettuce — and how to increase the shelf life of the produce. The research will look at how stress treatments could affect naturally produced bacteria and other microorganisms to ensure the produce doesn’t go bad as quickly. Because leafy greens are highly susceptible to foodborne illnesses, researchers will also look at levels of bacteria such as salmonella, Micallef said. To simulate stressful conditions, they will put the plants in special chambers, varying how much light and water they get or exposing them to high temperatures, Micallef said. “We can retrieve the bacteria back and see whether they’ve changed,” she said. “That’s one way, for example, to look at the levels of salmonella and how they might be impacted by these treatments. John Erwin, professor and chair of the plant science and landscape architecture department, has worked on similar projects in the past. He’s researched how the increasing temperature in Maryland affects crop yields and how heat affects trees in urban communities. Erwin will manage settings in the growth chambers for the plants in the project. The chambers will functions as control rooms for producing light intensity or temperature, which causes different stressors for the plants. “We can just vary one specific environmental variable and then look at what impact that has on the nutritional value and also the safety of some of these crops,” he said. Erwin said from past research, researchers noticed stressed plants would produce oils associated with their flavor. The plants produced the oils in response to water and light stress. They also produce them under herbivory stress, such as when animals are eating them. He added that in some cases, UV light affected the nutritional value of plants and how safe they are to eat. Past research using produce such as tomatoes, showed color, intensity and light temperature can impact the production of substances such as lycopene, the pigment that gives tomatoes their color and helps protect their cells from damage. Xingchen Liu, a doctoral student in the plant science and landscape architecture department, helped Micallef with preliminary data for the grant’s research. Liu has experience with chemical analysis and suggested using similar systems with different plants because they originally had data for tomatoes. She said it was challenging but also exciting because they were trying something new. “I believe we’re the pioneers in this research field where we look at the chemicals or compounds from plants that can make plants more resistant to foodborne pathogens,” she said.
In B2B, a business that manufactures products, services, or software sells to another business that can use them as raw materials. Retailers selling to wholesalers are one of the business-to-business examples. A company that produces and sells automobile parts is also part of business-to-business sale What Is Business-to-Business (B2B)? Business-to-business (B2B), also called B-to-B, is a form of transaction between businesses, such as one involving a manufacturer and wholesaler, or a wholesaler and a retailer. Business-to-business refers to business that is conducted between companies, rather than between a company and individual consumer. Business-to-business stands in contrast to business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-government (B2G) transactions. - Business-to-business (B2B) is a transaction or business conducted between one business and another, such as a wholesaler and retailer. - B2B transactions tend to happen in the supply chain, where one company will purchase raw materials from another to be used in the manufacturing process. - B2B transactions are also commonplace for auto industry companies, as well as property management, housekeeping, and industrial cleanup companies. - Meanwhile, business-to-consumer transactions (B2C) are those made between a company and individual consumers. Research & Development Develop your custom circuit and software for your own business. Advanced new technology for growing up world Advanced Nanotechnology for Build custom products Nanotechnology can increase the surface area of a material. This allows more atoms to interact with other materials. An increased surface area is one of the chief reasons nanometer-scale materials can be stronger, more durable, and more conductive than their larger-scale (called bulk) counterparts. Nanotechnology is not microscopy. “Nanotechnology is not simply working at ever smaller dimensions,” the National Nanotechnology Initiative says. “Rather, working at the nanoscale enables scientists to utilize the unique physical, chemical, mechanical, and optical properties of materials that naturally occur at that scale.”
Teaching Material Based on Metacognitive Strategies to Improve Student's Critical Thinking Ability - 10.2991/aes-18.2019.103How to use a DOI? - critical thinking ability; teaching material; metacognitive strategies This research was a development research that aimed to produce teaching material based on metacognitive strategies which valid, practical, and effective to improve students' critical thinking skills. The subjects of this research were Year 8 students at one of Junior High School in Bandar Lampung Academic Year 2017/2018 with purposive sampling techniques. Teaching material based on metacognitive strategies developed by using Research and Development method which referred to the development model. Data analysis techniques to get data of critical thinking skills in this study was quantitative data based on the results of critical thinking ability tests using Mann Whitney U test to determine differences in average learning outcomes and normalized N-gain to determine the effectiveness of metacognitive-based teaching material before and after learning. The results of the preliminary study indicated the need for the development of teaching material based on metacognitive strategies. The results of the validation of teaching material indicated that teaching materials was in the valid or feasible category. The results of the trial materials showed that the teaching material was included in the practical category. The effectiveness test results show that learning using teaching material based on metacognitive strategies is more effective to improve students' critical thinking skills compared to learning without using teaching material based on metacognitive strategies. - © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. - Open Access - This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). Cite this article TY - CONF AU - Indah Damayanti AU - Caswita Caswita AU - Sri Hastuti Noer PY - 2019/04 DA - 2019/04 TI - Teaching Material Based on Metacognitive Strategies to Improve Student's Critical Thinking Ability BT - Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Education Symposium (AES 2018) PB - Atlantis Press SP - 458 EP - 462 SN - 2352-5398 UR - https://doi.org/10.2991/aes-18.2019.103 DO - 10.2991/aes-18.2019.103 ID - Damayanti2019/04 ER -
13 Apr The Secret to Resolving Muscle and Joint Pain Syndromes By Dr. Matt Fontaine This is the first in a series of articles that will detail a new paradigm in dealing with musculoskeletal injuries. The first of which will deal with assessing human movement, and highlight the Functional Movement Screen™ and the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA), developed by Gray Cook and Lee Burton. The Functional Movement Screen™ is an innovative system used to evaluate movement pattern quality for clients or athletes. “It has also been recognized that the dysfunctions of muscles and joints are so closely related, the two should be considered a single, inseparable functional unit” Dr. Vladimir Janda Our nervous system generates normal movement by integrating and orchestrating groups of muscles to produce fundamental movement patterns with an adequate balance of mobility and stability to meet the demands of the task at hand. The human system will compensate normal patterns of movement in response to pain or in the presence of weakness, tightness, or structural abnormality. Over time, pain alters normal movement patterns, often causing compensation such as limping or guarding to protective injured joints or muscles. The pain associated with movement often results in as decreased ROM, muscle length changes, and decreased strength. Gray Cook has said that a limp is visual representation of the body giving up it’s core stability in order to prevent the loading of a painful joint. Sometimes the body compensates in a less dramatic fashion and the altered movement patterns are more subtle. The traditional sports medicine model is to look to the pain. Typical RICE(rest, ice, compression, and elevation) is helpful to control inflammation. However, using an isolated or regional approach to either evaluation or treatment will not accurately detect the issues that caused the pain, nor restore function. Gray Cook has said repeatedly that functional restoration requires a map of dysfunctional patterns and a working knowledge of functional patterns to gain clinical perspective and design an effective treatment strategy. Pain-free functional movement for participation in occupation and lifestyle activities is desirable. In order for our body to create proper pain-free functional movements during sport or activities requires adequate posture, full unimpeded range of motion, proper muscle and fascial gliding between soft tissue structures, motor control, and balance reactions. Impairments in any of these areas can alter functional movement resulting in or as a consequence of pain. Utilising the Functional Movement Screen™ and the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) allows healthcare professionals to assess key functional movement patterns the body performs and allows the detection of faulty movement, muscle imbalances, and lack of joint mobility and stability. This information is essential to identify dysfunctional movement. Traditional muscle length, strength, and special tests can be used to help the clinician identify the impairments, which are associated with dysfunctional movement. By using the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) as an approach designed to complement existing exam the practitioner can better detect faulty movement patterns and be much more specific in devising a program therapeutic exercise to help correct the problem or issues. The Functional Movement Screen™ and the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) serve as a model to efficiently integrate the concepts of posture, muscle balance and the fundamental patterns of the movement system into musculoskeletal practice. It should also serve as a feedback system for the effectiveness of the therapeutic exercise program, which should target the dysfunctional movement pattern as well as the impairments that have been identified. Part two will address the approach that should be utilized to properly evaluate and manage muscle and joint pain syndromes.
In order to ensure the long-term and trouble-free lifetime of the seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) process and its enabling technology, it is essential to utilize the most advanced and reliable materials of construction. One of the more advanced and unique materials currently in use in SWRO desalination applications is high purity (>99%) aluminum oxide (alumina) ceramics. Due to its hardness, self-lubricating properties, high compressive strength and chemical resistance, alumina ceramics create an ideal fluid bearing for the rigors of seawater applications, which perform in conditions that combine corrosive and potentially two-phase (solid/fluid) environments. High purity alumina ceramics developed and manufactured by Energy Recovery are particularly unique because of the innovative design of the company’s PX devices and the intense conditions of SWRO plants in which they operate. When in use, the ceramic-based devices are supported by a seawater fluid bearing while rotating and being pressure-cycled millions of times per year. The durability of ceramics in high-pressure, corrosive seawater environments is fundamental to the success of these devices and is quantified and categorized throughout this paper. The enhancement of ERI material science and technological improvements has shown to improve the overall durability of the product and significantly reduce sound levels to below 81 decibels. Technical data shows that at peak rates, Energy Recovery ceramics inside the PX device wear at less than 3 microns per year (.003 inches over 25 years). The findings identify wear and prove that ERI alumina ceramics can last longer than 25 years in a seawater desalination reverse osmosis plant. More than 15,000 PX units have been installed worldwide. Some units have been in operation for as long as 12 years. With zero failure as a result of PX technology designed ceramics, research indicates that PX devices will continue operating well into the future.
Published January 12, 2022 George Weigel’s weekly column The Catholic Difference A common misconception holds that early “modernity” invented the “individual”: the idea that everyone is a someone with a unique identity independent of family, tribe, racial group, or nation. And from that idea of individuality, it’s argued, came the most distinctive civilizational accomplishments of the West. Those accomplishments (it’s further argued) are now threatened by progressive and conservative forms of collectivism that threaten individual prerogative and initiative. It’s hard not to agree that modernity, or post-modernity, or whatever-you-choose-to-call-our-present-moment, is a mess. Fixing that mess, however, requires opening the aperture of our historical understanding and recognizing that the Western civilizational project has deeper roots than those nurtured in fourteenth- and fifteenth-century Florence and other northern Italian city-states. We can learn a lot about those deeper roots from British intellectual historian Larry Siedentop, whose 2014 book Inventing the Individual makes a persuasive case that many of the ideas we now associate with “the individual” began to take form in the first six centuries of the first Christian millennium, long before the Italian Renaissance. Before Christianity, immortality was a family concept: One lived on in one’s family. The Resurrection of Jesus and the promise of a “resurrection like his” (Rom. 6:5) changed all that, as the individual human being became the locus of immortality—and thus the bearer of a unique, personal, “individual” dignity. Before Christianity, the fixed, unchangeable givenness of human inequality set the bottom line of all social relationships. Galatians 3:28 challenged that when St. Paul taught that “there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for all are one in Christ Jesus.” This Pauline dictum not only underwrote a new appreciation of fundamental human equality; it also laid the basis for a new understanding that justice ought to reflect the moral equality of all, rather than bowing to inequalities in wealth, social status, and power. There would be no “individual” and no Western civilization at its finest if Christianity had not redefined the concept of a hero. Heroism in pre-Christian antiquity was the preserve of wily, wealthy aristocrats (think of Odysseus). Christianity democratized heroism through the witness of the martyrs, whose number included ordinary folk, women, and slaves. Moreover, that witness embodied a new form of self-respect that is crucial to a proper understanding of the “individual” as a moral agent who can recognize obligations and freely choose to fulfill them, even at personal cost. The Benedictine monasteries of the misnamed Dark Ages brought the West a first experience of what we now call “voluntary associations” and a new model of authority: leadership chosen by universal suffrage within a responsible community capable of grasping its needs and arranging its affairs. Benedictine monasticism also gave a new depth of meaning to work, which was previously considered servile and demeaning. By contrast, the sons and daughters of Benedict and Scholastica learned and taught the dignity of labor, linked it to prayer (thus the Benedictine motto, Ora et Labora, “Pray and Work”), and laid the foundations of a work ethic that has vastly enriched humanity’s material well-being. Then there is the towering figure of St. Augustine. How can anyone who has read the Confessions, the first true autobiography, not find there one source of the modern concept of the individual—not to mention a wellspring of the habits of self-examination and self-criticism essential to science and democracy? To these points made by Professor Siedentop, let me add one of my own: Could there be any concept of the “individual” as a bearer of “unalienable” (that is, built-in) rights if Christianity had not cut the state down to size by refusing to worship state authority? True, there is a long road from the Lord’s differentiation (in Matt. 22:15–21) between what is owed Caesar and what is owed God to the modern Western concept of limited government by the consent of responsible individuals. But a crucial step on that journey was taken when Jesus, avoiding a trap set by his adversaries, sharply distinguished between state power and God’s supreme authority. If there are things of God’s that Caesar may not claim, then Caesar is not God; and if Caesar is not God, Caesar’s power is, by definition, limited. By desacralizing state power, Christianity helped make possible the idea of the limited state, which was not an immaculate conception sprung from the mind of John Locke. Reconnecting with these deep roots of Western civilization would seem an important step toward fixing what ails us, as a culture and a society, these days. George Weigel is Distinguished Senior Fellow of Washington, D.C.’s Ethics and Public Policy Center, where he holds the William E. Simon Chair in Catholic Studies. George Weigel, Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, is a Catholic theologian and one of America’s leading public intellectuals. He holds EPPC’s William E. Simon Chair in Catholic Studies.
Hey there, ESL teachers! Are you ready to take your students on an exciting journey into the world of birds? Well, get ready because today we are going to talk about a game that has captured the hearts of people all around the globe – Angry Birds! Yes, you heard it right. Those adorable, yet somewhat furious-feathered creatures have become a phenomenon in the gaming world. But why stop there? We’re going to explore how Angry Birds can also be a fantastic educational tool to engage your ESL students in the classroom. So, gather your slingshots and let’s dive into the world of Angry Birds and how it can bring fun and learning together! ESL Speaking Questions About Angry Birds Beginner ESL Questions about Angry Birds - 1. Have you played Angry Birds before? - 2. Do you like Angry Birds? Why or why not? - 3. Who is your favorite Angry Birds character? - 4. What colors are the Angry Birds? - 5. How do the Angry Birds feel in the game? - 6. Can you describe the different types of birds in Angry Birds? - 7. What do the Angry Birds do to the green pigs? - 8. What is the main goal in Angry Birds? - 9. Do you think Angry Birds is fun? Why or why not? - 10. Have you ever completed all the levels in Angry Birds? - 11. What are some of the obstacles in Angry Birds? - 12. Does Angry Birds have different themes or backgrounds? - 13. Have you ever used any power-ups in Angry Birds? - 14. Can you describe the sounds the Angry Birds make? - 15. What do you like most about playing Angry Birds? - 16. Are there any special features or abilities of the Angry Birds? - 17. Have you ever played Angry Birds with your friends? - 18. Do you think Angry Birds is an easy or difficult game? - 19. How often do you play Angry Birds? - 20. Have you ever won any achievements or awards in Angry Birds? - Have you ever played Angry Birds? What do you think of the game? - What is the objective of Angry Birds? Can you explain it? - Which is your favorite Angry Birds character? Why? - Do you know any of the names of the birds in Angry Birds? - Do you find Angry Birds addictive? Why or why not? - What skills do you think you need to be good at Angry Birds? - Have you ever completed all the levels in an Angry Birds game? - How does Angry Birds make you feel? Does it frustrate you, entertain you, or something else? - Have you ever played Angry Birds with friends or family? - If you could create a new Angry Birds character, what would it look like and what special power would it have? - Do you think Angry Birds has had a positive impact on the gaming industry? Why or why not? - Have you ever watched the Angry Birds movies? What did you think of them? - Do you think Angry Birds is more popular among children or adults? Why? - How much time do you spend playing Angry Birds in a typical week? - Would you recommend Angry Birds to a friend? Why or why not? - What strategies do you use to beat difficult levels in Angry Birds? - Are there any other games similar to Angry Birds that you enjoy playing? - Do you think Angry Birds helps improve hand-eye coordination? Why or why not? - What do you think is the appeal of Angry Birds? Why do people enjoy playing it? - Do you think Angry Birds will still be popular in the future? Why or why not? - What is your favorite Angry Birds game and why? - Do you think the Angry Birds franchise has had a positive impact on the gaming industry? Why or why not? - Have you ever competed with your friends to achieve a higher score in an Angry Birds game? How did it go? - Can you describe a level or gameplay feature in Angry Birds that you find particularly challenging? - Do you think Angry Birds is more enjoyable to play on a mobile device or on a computer? Why? - Which Angry Birds character do you think is the most interesting or unique? Why? - If you were in charge of creating a new Angry Birds game, what kind of new features or levels would you include? - Have you ever played any educational versions of Angry Birds? If so, what did you think of them? - What strategies do you use to aim the birds accurately and achieve high scores in Angry Birds? - Do you think Angry Birds is a good game for improving problem-solving skills? Why or why not? - Have you ever felt frustrated while playing Angry Birds? How did you handle it? - Do you think it’s important for game developers to create enjoyable and challenging games like Angry Birds? Why or why not? - Have you ever introduced Angry Birds to someone who had never heard of it before? How did they react? - What is your opinion on the various spin-off games that Angry Birds has released? Do you think they add value to the franchise? - Can you think of any ways the Angry Birds franchise can continue to evolve and stay relevant in the future? - Have you ever played Angry Birds with friends or family members? How does playing together differ from playing alone? - What skills do you think Angry Birds can help develop, aside from hand-eye coordination? - Do you prefer games like Angry Birds that have predetermined levels or open-ended games where you can create your own challenges? - How do you feel about the various merchandise and products that have been created based on the Angry Birds franchise? - If you could meet the creators of Angry Birds, what questions would you ask them? Intermediate ESL Questions about Angry Birds Advanced ESL Questions about Angry Birds ESL Reading Activities About Angry Birds Beginner ESL Activities About Angry Birds Angry Birds is a popular video game that many people enjoy playing on their phones or computers. In the game, you control a group of birds who are angry because the green pigs have stolen their eggs. The goal is to use a slingshot to launch the birds at the pigs and destroy their structures. The birds in Angry Birds have different abilities. For example, the red bird is the basic bird that you start with. It doesn’t have any special powers, but it is very good at breaking through glass. The yellow bird, on the other hand, can be tapped while in the air to accelerate and cause more damage. There are also blue birds that can split into three smaller birds, black birds that explode, and big birds that can cause a lot of destruction. To play Angry Birds, you need to aim the birds by pulling back on the slingshot and then releasing. You can change the angle of the shot by moving your finger up or down. The goal is to hit the pigs and destroy their structures before running out of birds. Each level gets more challenging, as there are more pigs to defeat and different structures to destroy. Playing Angry Birds can be a fun way to practice your aiming skills and strategy. It also requires some patience, as you may need to try multiple times to pass a level. The game is not only entertaining, but it can also help improve your hand-eye coordination and problem-solving abilities. a game played on a computer or a gaming console to be in charge of something to take something that doesn’t belong to you a device used to launch objects by pulling back and releasing to speed up or go faster buildings or objects made of different materials to win against someone or something difficult or requiring a lot of effort trying to hit a target a plan to achieve a goal Intermediate ESL Activities About Angry Birds Angry Birds is a popular video game that was first released in 2009. In the game, players use a slingshot to launch different kinds of birds at structures where pigs are hiding. The goal is to defeat the pigs and progress to the next level. The main character in the game is a red bird, often called the “Angry Bird.” This bird is particularly angry because the pigs have stolen its eggs. The angry bird is small, round, and red with a feathery tuft on its head. It has white eyes, thick eyebrows, and a constantly furrowed brow. The various birds in the game have unique abilities that players can use to their advantage. For example, some birds explode like a bomb, while others multiply or speed up. These special powers help players strategically break down the structures and defeat the pigs. As players progress through the game, they encounter different kinds of pigs. Each type of pig has its own characteristics and weaknesses. Some pigs wear helmets, making them harder to defeat. Others are larger and require more hits to be defeated. Angry Birds has become a cultural phenomenon, with merchandise, television shows, and even a movie. The game has been praised for its addictive gameplay and challenging levels. a Y-shaped device used to shoot objects arrangements of parts forming a whole to move forward or advance to overcome or conquer covered in feathers a small cluster of feathers continuously or persistently with careful planning or tactics something that is remarkable or extraordinary causing a strong desire or dependence Advanced ESL Activities About Angry Birds Angry Birds is a popular mobile game that was created by a Finnish company called Rovio Entertainment. The game was first released in 2009, and it quickly became a global phenomenon. In the game, players take control of a group of birds who are angry because some mischievous pigs have stolen their eggs. The objective of the game is to launch the birds from a slingshot and destroy the pigs’ structures in order to retrieve the eggs. The game features a variety of different bird characters, each with its own unique abilities. For example, the red bird is the most basic and can be used to smash through wooden structures, while the yellow bird can be tapped in midair to increase its speed and cause more damage. There are also birds that can split into multiple smaller birds, birds that can cause explosions, and even birds that can drop bombs from the sky. The levels in the game are divided into different themes, such as a grassy landscape, a desert, or a winter wonderland. Each level presents new challenges and requires strategic thinking and precise aim in order to complete. The game has many intricacies and hidden features that can be discovered as players progress. What makes Angry Birds so addictive is its simple yet challenging gameplay. The physics-based mechanics of the game make it feel realistic and satisfying when the structures collapse. Players need to carefully calculate the trajectory and power of each shot to achieve the desired results. The game also offers a sense of accomplishment when a difficult level is finally completed. Angry Birds has had a huge impact on popular culture. It has spawned numerous sequels, spin-offs, and even a movie. The characters have become iconic, and their image can be seen on merchandise, clothing, and even birthday cakes. The success of Angry Birds has inspired many other mobile games, and its influence can still be felt in the gaming industry today. an extraordinary or remarkable person, thing, or event to regain possession or control of something complex details or aspects of something the path followed by an object moving through space or air the ability or capacity to do something providing fulfillment, gratification, or pleasure subsequent events, stories, or games that continue or extend the original derivatives or products that are derived from an existing work widely recognized and well-established as a symbol or representation the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something ESL Writing Activities About Angry Birds Beginner ESL Writing Questions about Angry Birds 1. Describe your favorite Angry Birds character and explain why you like it. 2. How does playing Angry Birds make you feel? Why? 3. Write a short story about a group of Angry Birds saving their eggs from the evil pigs. 4. Do you think Angry Birds is a fun game? Why or why not? 5. Imagine you are an Angry Bird. Describe a challenging level you would have to complete. Intermediate ESL Writing Questions about Angry Birds 1. Analyze the different types of birds in Angry Birds. How are they different from each other and how do their abilities affect gameplay? 2. In your opinion, what makes Angry Birds a popular game? Give reasons and examples to support your answer. 3. Describe a strategy you would use to defeat the King Pig in Angry Birds. Explain the steps and tools you would use. 4. What do you think the message or moral of Angry Birds is? Discuss how the game teaches values or lessons. 5. Imagine you are a game designer. How would you improve Angry Birds to make it more challenging or engaging? Advanced ESL Writing Questions about Angry Birds 1. Research the history and development of Angry Birds. Write a detailed report on how the game came to be, including any significant milestones or controversies. 2. Analyze the impact of Angry Birds on the mobile gaming industry. Discuss how it influenced game design, revenue models, and player behavior. 3. Compare and contrast Angry Birds with other popular mobile games. What makes Angry Birds unique and how does it stand out from its competitors? 4. Debate the pros and cons of incorporating in-app purchases in Angry Birds. Discuss both the financial benefits and potential ethical concerns. 5. Imagine you are a game critic. Write a review of Angry Birds, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses, and recommending whether or not it’s worth playing. ESL Roleplay Activities About Angry Birds 1. Angry Birds Character Interview: In this roleplay activity, students can take on the role of different Angry Birds characters such as Red, Chuck, or Bomb. The class can have a mock interview session where one student acts as the interviewer and asks questions to the Angry Birds characters. Students can practice answering questions and speaking in character using English vocabulary and phrases related to Angry Birds. 2. Angry Birds Rescue Mission: In this roleplay activity, students can pretend to be a team of Angry Birds on a mission to rescue their captured companions from the evil pigs. Each student can be assigned a different role, such as the leader, the strategist, the navigator, or the warrior. They can work together to plan their rescue mission and practice using English language skills to communicate and cooperate effectively. 3. Angry Birds Courtroom Drama: In this roleplay activity, students can participate in a courtroom drama where they play the roles of lawyers, judges, witnesses, and even the Angry Birds and the Pigs. The class can come up with a scenario where the Angry Birds are suing the Pigs for stealing their eggs. Students can practice using English legal vocabulary and phrases while presenting their arguments, cross-examining witnesses, and making objections. 4. Angry Birds News Report: In this roleplay activity, students can imagine themselves as news reporters covering a breaking story about the Angry Birds’ latest adventure or victory. They can work in teams to write and deliver news reports using appropriate English grammar, vocabulary, and intonation. Students can also create visuals or props to enhance their news reports and make them more engaging. 5. Angry Birds Classroom Debate: In this roleplay activity, students can engage in a classroom debate about the ethics of the Angry Birds’ actions towards the Pigs. Divide the class into two teams – one supporting the Angry Birds and the other supporting the Pigs. Each team can research and prepare arguments to defend their position. Students can practice expressing their opinions, providing evidence, and debating in English, using persuasive language and communication skills.
Ivan Honchar was a famous Ukrainian artist. During his many field expeditions to Ukrainian villages in the 1950s, he gathered a large collection of ethnographic materials and works of folk art, which surpassed the collections of many museums of the time. In 1959, he opened the first private museum in Ukraine, based in his own house in Kyiv. Visited by intellectual dissidents and high-ranking foreign guests, it came under the eye of the totalitarian Soviet authorities, who often persecuted and harassed the museum’s visitors. The artist didn’t give up, and with the independence of Ukraine, the process began in 1991 to turn the collection into a state museum, shortly before the artist’s death in 1993. In 2022, Russia’s invasion posed an immediate risk to the collections, but EU support from the House of Europe has helped to save this unique cultural heritage. “Our cultural heritage has become a significant element in this war. On the one hand, it is for this heritage, history, and culture that we are fighting. On the other hand, in this fire a new Ukrainian identity is being formed, based on history and culture,” says Myroslava Vertiuk, Deputy Director for Intangible Cultural Heritage and Public Relations at the Ivan Honchar Museum in Kyiv. She talks with pride about her museum, an important centre of folk culture in Ukraine. It currently houses over 27,000 objects – clothes, fabrics, ceramics, icons, Easter eggs, folk music instruments, archive photos, wood carvings, fine art and other items – representing Ukrainian folk culture from the 16th to the early 20th centuries. “Back in 1959 it started as a private ethnographic collection of the Ukrainian artist Ivan Honchar,” says Myroslava. The blurring borders between the nations in the USSR, the loss of their identity spurred the artist to gather artefacts, to record the culture and to convey to future generations the idea of Ukrainians as a distinct nation, with its own culture and lifestyle. His collection was a tool to bring this idea to life. In 1991, the collection was donated to the state and became a state museum. “It is very important for us that, as a state museum, we preserve the trust of Ivan Honchar and the image of a public museum, open to society, that can develop the foundation as a state institution,” Myroslava insists. With the aim of highlighting and preserving Ukrainian traditional culture, the Ivan Honchar Museum conducts ethnological research and field expeditions, organises scientific conferences, and cultural and artistic events such as Nights of Traditional Dance, the ‘Oreli’ Children’s Folklore Festival, and numerous fairs to promote traditional Ukrainian art and folk artists. Since the pandemic, the museum has been closed for reconstruction. However, it continues to be in touch with the community. “Last year, we did a number of international projects and held several exhibitions abroad,” explains Myroslava. “We had photo exhibitions from the archives in Poland, Austria and Switzerland; we implemented song projects; we discovered various formats to showcase Ukrainian culture to foreigners and support the Ukrainian community abroad, which loses touch with its culture after being away for a long time. In 2023, there has been a strong demand for our activities inside Ukraine, and we’ve been working hard on the ground.” The museum remains open for the community through its online resources: in 2021, the museum prepared and launched on its website an online exhibition which displays a part of its collection. Rescuing a precious heritage In February 2022, the war hit hard, striking not only the Ukrainian people but their culture and identity. Ever since, bombs and shelling have been a constant threat to the museum’s collections. Though prohibited under international law, destroying the cultural heritage of a country as a weapon to undermine its people has long been a tactic of war. In 2017, the International Committee of the Red Cross declared that, “Attacking a country’s culture is to attack its humanity. Historic monuments, works of art and archaeological sites – known as cultural property – are protected by the rules of war.” Yet heritage has not been spared in this conflict: as of 10 January 2024, UNESCO has verified damage to 337 sites in Ukraine since 24 February 2022 – 126 religious sites, 148 buildings of historical and/or artistic interest, 30 museums, 19 monuments, 13 libraries, and 1 archive. With Russian forces bearing down on Kyiv in the early days of the war, staff at the museum knew they had to act quickly, but the evacuation was challenging due to the lack of resources – both financial and human. “We had no packing materials, no boxes, no methodology, and not enough people with access to the collection to quickly start the process of packing and preparing for evacuation,”recalls the museum’s Deputy Director.“After the invasion started, we lost the scientific potential of the young people who moved abroad fleeing from the war, although before the war they had planned to work in the museum. They were part of our core team.” Despite everything, the museum staff did not lose heart. “We quickly calculated what we needed exactly, the quantity and the types of boxes needed, but we knew that we could not cover the expenses ourselves.” says Myroslava. This spurred the staff to organise a fundraising campaign among the museum community, and in a very short time they managed to raise over a million UAH for the preservation of the collection items. The fundraising campaign helped to manufacture special fireproof boxes, to purchase packaging materials and to install video surveillance in the museum. In parallel to the fundraising campaign, the museum applied for EU financial support. The EU-funded House of Europe programme is investing in the Ukrainian culture and creative industries. After Russia’s invasion, it redirected financing to emergency support, part of which targeted the collections of 25 Ukrainian museums. The EU sub-grant allowed the Ivan Honchar museum to purchase part of the required boxes and crates. Viktoriia Kutsuruk, the museum’s Head Conservator, remembers: “We had to decide whether to pack the collection for long-term safekeeping or for transportation to a different location. We had to choose between synthetic materials for transportation or organic materials for long-term storage. We considered different scenarios. It was important at that moment to receive the necessary professional equipment for the evacuation.” Despite the challenging circumstances, the staff made extraordinary efforts, receiving an immediate response and support from the community. However, there is more work ahead. “There is no funding for one of the main areas – digitisation, but we feel a great need for it, especially during the war. We use sponsor funds, but we would like to have more sustained funding opportunities. Ukrainian heritage is facing very high risks now, so we should hasten to preserve it in digital formats to support Ukraine’s cultural voice in the world. Victory is possible through a joint effort, and cultural institutions have to make a significant contribution to it,” says Myroslava Vertiuk. Author: Volha Prokharava More campaign pages: Interested in the latest news and opportunities? This website is managed by the EU-funded Regional Communication Programme for the Eastern Neighbourhood ('EU NEIGHBOURS east’), which complements and supports the communication of the Delegations of the European Union in the Eastern partner countries, and works under the guidance of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, and the European External Action Service. EU NEIGHBOURS east is implemented by a GOPA PACE-led consortium. It is part of the larger Neighbourhood Communication Programme (2020-2024) for the EU's Eastern and Southern Neighbourhood, which also includes 'EU NEIGHBOURS south’ project that runs the EU Neighbours portal.
If you are a person who is deaf or hard of hearing and are having trouble communicating via voice calls, RTT (real-time text) might be a great solution for you. This feature allows you to type out messages during a call and have them read to you instantly. This feature is built into iOS and macOS and requires no extra hardware. In addition, it can also maintain transcripts of previous conversations for later review. What is RTT? RTT stands for real-time text, and it is a great accessibility feature on iPhones that allows hearing or speech impaired people to send text messages in real time while on a phone call. It’s similar to the way Teletype (TTY) is used in older phones. But it is different in that it doesn’t require specialized hardware. Instead, it works with network transmission protocols to transfer the text over IP networks and is more reliable than TTY. RTT calls are a great option for people who have hearing and speech impairments, especially if they need to communicate urgently or in a noisy environment where it may be difficult to make a voice call. This is one of the reasons why Apple incorporates this great accessibility feature on their smartphones. When you turn on RTT on an iPhone, it automatically defaults to the RTT protocol whenever your carrier supports it. This is helpful because it makes communication faster for the person on the other end of the call. You can set up RTT on an iPhone in the Accessibility menu, which is accessible from Settings. There are a few steps you need to follow to get this feature enabled. Firstly, you need to enable Software RTT and TTY in the Accessibility menu. This is done by tapping on the toggle for both. Once you have this set up, all calls will be answered as RTT instead of voice calls. Next, you need to choose a line on your iPhone that you’d like to use for RTT calls. If you’re using a Dual SIM, select the preferred SIM in this step as well. Once this has been done, you can then place an RTT call. If your carrier supports it, the person on the other end will hear the text you typed in the message field and be able to read it when they answer the call. If you don’t want to use this feature, you can disable it with a few clicks on your iPhone. To do this, go to Settings > General and choose Accessibility. How does RTT work? RTT (real-time text) is an accessibility standard that allows users to communicate in literal real-time. This feature is especially useful for people who are deaf or hard of hearing and have speech-related impairments. RTT works by transmitting text directly as it is being typed. It is more reliable than TTY over IP networks, and it supports a full international character set, including symbols, emojis and other language characters. Using RTT on your iPhone is easy, and there are no extra devices required to use it. Simply enable Software RTT/TTY from the Phone app, and a phone-like symbol will appear at the top of your screen during calls. With Software RTT/TTY enabled, you can make and receive TTY relay calls on your iPhone with a person who has an RTT or teletypewriter device. To make an RTT call, you simply select a contact, tap their number, and then tap RTT/TTY Call or RTT/TTY Relay Call when asked. To send a message, enter it in the text field on the call screen and then tap Send. Your recipient can see all of the characters as you type, or they can choose to view them individually by tapping the arrow symbol in the message window. You can also mute your microphone while sending RTT messages, or switch to a text-only mode at any time. If your recipient isn’t using RTT, a banner with “RTT mode requested” will appear while they’re waiting for a response. Enabling RTT also allows you to access your iPhone’s transcript of all previous RTT calls. You can use the transcript to upgrade a TTY call from a hardware TTY device or to answer TTY calls from another device. RTT vs. TTY RTT, or real-time text, is a new way to send texts over phone calls. It works much like TTY, but offers a lot more benefits for hearing and speech impaired users. It also allows the sender and recipient to communicate in a more interactive way. Unlike regular text messaging, which sends the message once you’ve finished typing it, RTT lets the recipient see what you type as soon as you type it out, giving the conversation that “face-to-face” feel. Apple introduced RTT on the iPhone 6 and later, but it’s only available in certain regions and carriers. It requires iOS 10 or later, and standard voice call rates apply. If your carrier supports RTT, the feature is built into the Phone app, so no extra hardware is needed. It can be enabled in Settings > Accessibility. To use RTT, launch the Phone app on your iPhone and select a contact you want to call. Tap their phone number, and then choose either RTT/TTY Call or RTT/TTY Relay Call. Alternatively, you can connect to an external TTY device, using the iPhone TTY Adapter (may be sold separately). If Software TTY is turned on, incoming calls default to Hardware TTY. When your recipient answers the call, they’ll be greeted by a phone-like symbol that will show up at the top of their screen until you click it away. From there, they can select the appropriate button to send their message. RTT is a great accessibility feature that’s easy to use, and it gives hearing and speech impaired people the ability to participate in conversations as much as anyone else. It’s one of the many ways that Apple is helping make iPhones more accessible for all users. If you have trouble hearing or speaking during a call, you can use RTT on your iPhone to send a text during the call instead of talking. It’s an accessibility feature that can help you stay connected with friends, family, or colleagues. If you’re not sure whether RTT is supported by your carrier, check the support page for your service or the support center of your network provider. You may need to contact customer support to get the RTT option enabled on your iPhone. RTT vs. Text-to-Speech If you’ve been using an iPhone 6 or later, you know that you can make and receive RTT calls. This is great news for people who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, or have a speech-related disability. It is important for these individuals to be able to communicate with someone in an emergency situation, and RTT technology makes this possible. This technology, which is a type of text-to-speech, lets you send and receive messages in real time. It also means that you can send and receive information that is more accurate than traditional texting, which requires characters to be sent out one at a time. In addition, RTT calls are faster than TTY ones because they transmit text over an IP network, which means there’s less drop-off and garbling. That’s especially beneficial for users who are in noisy environments and need to pass information quickly. Since most mobile devices have RTT capabilities built in, it’s a quick and easy process to turn on RTT. You just have to enable it in the settings of your phone, and then you’ll see the RTT symbol at the top of your screen when making or receiving a call.
In the Early Years Foundation Stage there are 7 areas of learning; 3 of which are deemed the Prime Areas and the other 4 Specific Areas. Each area is split into their separate Early Learning Goals, which is what your child will be working towards, and assessed against, at the end of Reception. |Communication and Language |Listening, Attention and Understanding Children at the expected level of development will: Listen attentively and respond to what they hear with relevant questions, comments and actions when being read to and during whole class discussions and small group interactions; Make comments about what they have heard and ask questions to clarify their understanding; Hold conversation when engaged in back-and-forth exchanges with their teacher and peers. Children at the expected level of development will: Participate in small group, class and one-to-one discussions, offering their own ideas, using recently introduced vocabulary; Offer explanations for why things might happen, making use of recently introduced vocabulary from stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems when appropriate; Express their ideas and feelings about their experiences using full sentences, including use of past, present and future tenses and making use of conjunctions, with modelling and support from their teacher. |Personal, Social and Emotional Development Children at the expected level of development will: Show an understanding of their own feelings and those of others, and begin to regulate their behaviour accordingly; Set and work towards simple goals, being able to wait for what they want and control their immediate impulses when appropriate; Give focused attention to what the teacher says, responding appropriately even when engaged in activity, and show an ability to follow instructions involving several ideas or actions. Children at the expected level of development will: Be confident to try new activities and show independence, resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge; Explain the reasons for rules, know right from wrong and try to behave accordingly; Manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs, including dressing, going to the toilet and understanding the importance of healthy food choices. |Gross Motor Skills Children at the expected level of development will: Children at the expected level of development will: Negotiate space and obstacles safely, with consideration for themselves and others; Demonstrate strength, balance and coordination when playing; Move energetically, such as running, jumping, dancing, hopping, skipping and climbing. Fine Motor Skills Children at the expected level of development will: Hold a pencil effectively in preparation for fluent writing – using the tripod grip in almost all cases; Use a range of small tools, including scissors, paint brushes and cutlery; Begin to show accuracy and care when drawing. Children at the expected level of development will: Demonstrate understanding of what has been read to them by retelling stories and narratives using their own words and recently introduced vocabulary; Anticipate – where appropriate – key events in stories; Use and understand recently introduced vocabulary during discussions about stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems and during role-play. Children at the expected level of development will: Have a deep understanding of number to 10, including the composition of each number; Subitise (recognise quantities without counting) up to 5; Automatically recall (without reference to rhymes, counting or other aids) number bonds up to 5 (including subtraction facts) and some number bonds to 10, including double facts. Children at the expected level of development will: Verbally count beyond 20, recognising the pattern of the counting system; Compare quantities up to 10 in different contexts, recognising when one quantity is greater than, less than or the same as the other quantity; Explore and represent patterns within numbers up to 10, including evens and odds, double facts and how quantities can be distributed equally |Understanding the World |Past and Present Children at the expected level of development will: Talk about the lives of the people around them and their roles in society; Know some similarities and differences between things in the past and now, drawing on their experiences and what has been read in class; Understand the past through settings, characters and events encountered in books read in class and storytelling. People, Culture and Communities The Natural World |Expressive Arts and Design |Creating with Materials Children at the expected level of development will: Safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function; Share their creations, explaining the process they have used; Make use of props and materials when role playing characters in narratives and stories. Being Imaginative and Expressive Within Reception we will also focus on developing the Characteristics of Effective Learning within your child. These three characteristics focus on how children learn; therefore they run through and underpin all seven areas of learning and development. As enduring characteristics, pertaining to lifelong learning, they need to be continuously observed and fostered but cannot be described in a developmental sequence. |CHARACTERISITICS OF EFFECTIVE LEARNING |Playing and exploring |Children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’ |Children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements |Creating and thinking critically |Children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things
Are you ready to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, January 18? Frisco Public Library has put together book lists and activities to help you learn about Martin Luther King, Jr., find out more about social activism, and plan ways to celebrate MLK Day with activities at home. Book Lists: Read up on Martin Luther King, Jr., the history of Civil Rights in America, and how to be an agent of change in your community. Activities at Home: Caring Cards, opens a new window - One of my favorite ways to celebrate MLK Day is through acts of service! Acts of service can be big or small. For this activity you can create cards to mail to members of your community to brighten their day. One Page Zine, opens a new window - Create your own zine following these simple instructions. Write and draw about what you would change if you could change one thing in the world or write about how you can make a difference in your community. Dream Clouds, opens a new window - What dreams do you have for the world around you? Draw inspiration from Martin Luther King, Jr’s work and write down your own dreams. Word Search, opens a new window - Complete this Martin Luther King, Jr. word search to see if you can find the entire list of words related to MLK Day. Dream Catcher Craft, opens a new window - This fun craft allows children to get creative while thinking about Martin Luther King, Jr., our community, and how to inspire others. Looking for even more fun activities? Check out this Martin Luther King Jr. Choice Board, opens a new window created by a member of Just One Thing. Take a look at all of the fun activities and choose which ones you want to do!
Bulbs and perennials are two different plants that require very specific conditions to thrive. For both of them, however, it is helpful to plant them together because they will help each other out in the process. Here’s how you can do so successfully: Firstly, prepare your garden bed by putting down a layer of organic material such as compost or manure; then loosely scatter about 10 bulbs (including the type for which you want flowers) around 2-3 inches deep with 4-6 inches between each bulb; finally place 3 or more perennial stems at random intervals on top of those bulbs. In order to plant spring bulbs and perennials together, you must first know what type of bulb or perennial you are planting. For example, daffodils require a cool-temperate climate while tulips need a mild-cool climate. Can I plant perennials over spring bulbs? A: Yes, you can plant perennials over spring bulbs. However, this will not give the bulbs enough time to grow before the perennials die back in the fall. It is best to wait until next year and plant your perennials then. Should you soak bulbs before planting? A: No, you should not soak bulbs before planting. This is because the soil around the bulb will be too wet and the bulb will rot. Instead, you should plant your bulbs in a well-drained area where they can get enough oxygen to grow. How many perennials can be planted together? A: The number of perennials that can be planted together depends on the type of plant. Some plants, like roses, are able to grow in large groups without any issues. Other plants, like trees, need more space and cannot be planted in close proximity to each other. Planting bulbs at different depths is a great way to provide your garden with more variety. There are many types of bulbs that can be planted together, but there are some that should not be planted at the same time. Reference: planting bulbs at different depths. Watch This Video: - can you plant bulbs and wildflowers together - perennials to interplant with bulbs - flowering bulbs by month - perennials to hide bulb foliage - how many bulbs to plant together
EXHIBITION REVIEW: Holbein at the Tudor Court Considered one of the greatest portraitists of the 16th century, Hans Holbein was born in Augsburg, Germany. Initially, he carved out a career in Basel, the centre of Renaissance publishing, but it’s his time in England that is most intriguing and the focus of the Royal Collection’s exhibition. Holbein’s time in the Tudor Court can be split into two clearly defined periods: - His first period runs from 1526 to 1528 and is centralised around Thomas More and his humanist circle; and - His second takes him from 1532 and 1540 and is connected to Anne Boleyn and Thomas Cromwell. The More Period After painting his portrait of Desiderius Erasmus in 1523, Holbein became an international artist. He first attempted to seek work in France, but Erasmus recommended him to his friend Thomas More in England instead. Holbein made it to England in 1526 and was immediately welcomed into More’s humanist circle. For them, he created an incredible array of portraits: “Your painter, my dearest Erasmus, is a wonderful artist.”Thomas More to Desiderius Erasmus Holbein’s portraits included: - William Warham, the Archbishop of Canterbury; - Nicholas Kratzer, a Bavarian astronomer and mathematician who tutored the More children; and - Sir Henry Guildford, serving as Master of the Horse to the Field of the Cloth of Gold. He also painted a Noli me Tangere, and a panorama of the siege of Thérouanne for the visit of French ambassadors. In 1528, Holbein returned to Basel for a period of four years. In the time he had been away, Basel had become turbulent, and iconoclasm had banned imagery in churches. Some of Holbein’s religious art was likely destroyed, but items such as the organ shutters he had designed for the Basel Minister were saved. The chaos in Basel and the shift in perspective about religious imagery likely reduced the levels of patronage, prompting Holbein’s return to England. The Boleyn-Cromwell Period While Holbein was struggling in Basel, More had climbed the hierarchical ladder. When Holbein returned to England in 1532, More was the Lord High Chancellor of England. More quickly fell from Henry VIII’s grace, however, and Holbein distanced himself from the humanist and his circle. After a fifteen-minute trial on 6th July 1535, More was executed for his refusal to acknowledge King Henry VIII as the head of the Church of England, proclaiming himself “the King’s good servant, but God’s first.” Holbein was now under the patronage of Thomas Cromwell – the King’s secretary from 1534, who had helped engineer the annulment of Henry VIII’s marriage to Catherine of Aragon – and Anne Boleyn. For Anne Boleyn’s coronation, Holbein was commissioned to paint a street tableau of Mount Parnassus. None of his portraits of the Queen, herself, survive, however, as her presence was purged following her execution for treason, incest, and adultery. There are preparatory drawings which survive, however. By 1535, the year of More’s execution, Holbein was the King’s Painter, producing portraits and festive decorations, designs for jewellery and plates and other precious objects. It was in this period he also painted his most famous work, the Ambassadors. Later, he also created the Whitehall Palace mural – which depicted Jane Seymour and Elizabeth of York. While the mural itself was destroyed in a fire in 1698, the engravings still exist, and a copy is shared in the exhibition. The Apelles of our Time Hans Holbein survived the downfall of Thomas More and Anne Boleyn, but the arrest and execution of Cromwell, under charges of heresy and treason, damaged the artist’s career. Though he retained his position as King’s Painter, no patron could fill the shoes of their predecessors. Holbein, instead, occupied himself with private commissions, including pieces for Charles and Henry Brandon, the sons of the King’s friend, Charles Brandon, first Duke of Suffolk. Holbein died between October and November 1543, likely from plague or other infection. Nicholas Bourbon, a French court poet and preceptor, dubbed him: “The Apelles of our time.” Over one hundred works have been brought together by the Queen’s Gallery to celebrate this extraordinary artist – the largest collection of Holbein works in thirty years. Drawings, paintings, miniatures, book illustrations, even Henry VIII’s armour, positioned to mirror the portrait by Holbein, making you immediately feel as though the King is watching you intently. There’s a tenderness in Holbein’s portraits, with their gentle lines and soft colours. They are, by far, some of the most beautiful sketches I ever seen. For more information and to book your ticket to the exhibition, click here. Holbein at the Tudor Court ends on Sunday 14th April. Be sure to check it out, then get in touch and let me know what you think!
Calculating the yield at any time is based on the assumption that the bonds are held until their maturity date, and that all coupons (plus the face value) are received on the maturity date. If the bond is sold prior to its maturity date, however, the bondholder will not receive the face value, but only the price received for the bond on the stock exchange. As indicated above, this price can be higher or lower than the face value. There is therefore no guarantee that the listed yield (or “the guaranteed yield”) as calculated on the day the bond has been purchased will be received. A larger amount will be received in some cases, and a lesser amount in others depending on the market price of the bond on the sale date. Definition of Yield and Yield to Maturity The term “yield” is used mostly for bonds with durations up to one year, and for bank deposits. The term “yield to maturity” is customarily used for bonds with durations of more than one year. Theoretical Graph of a Bond This theoretical graph is designed for purposes of explanation and study. A theoretical graph is the graph that could normally be expected whenever the economic data remains unchanged over the life of the bond. For any bond other than T-bills and Treasury Strips, the price on the issue date in the theoretical graph is $1,000.
Students work in groups to read and discuss a book, keeping track of their feelings and opinions about the book, as well as facts and quotations, as they read. Students then decide which parts of their review they wish to annotate, with each student in the group responsible for one topic. Each student writes about his or her topic, including bibliographic information. This teacher's guide for The Boy on the Wooden Box by Leon Leyson with Marilyn J. Harran and Elisabeth B. Leyson contains discussion questions and activities for reading comprehension, learning about craft and structure, integrating information, and writing practice. Students examine books, selected from the American Library Association Challenged/Banned Books list, and write persuasive pieces expressing their views about what should be done with the books at their school. This three week lesson provides instruction in the basic elements of literature by reading Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Students are also provided the opportunity to understand how their choices can change their attitudes and behavior through a reading of the novel and a series of writing assignments. As the narrator sends her son Laurie off to kindergarten, she fears that her sweet child may be thrown out of school. In this CCSS lesson, students will explore this story through text dependent questions, academic vocabulary, and writing assignments. This lesson uses several strategies for scaffolding learning after reading a novel. The students work collaboratively to create Facebook profiles, Instagram profiles, plot diagrams and many other activities to evaluate their comprehension and analysis of a novel. This lesson gives students the opportunity to take charge of their learning by giving them choice. An absentee father takes his daughter on a hunting trip. The experience leads them to discover that that they are not strangers after all. They both learn that as you get to know someone you learn about yourself as well. In this CCSS lesson, students will explore this story through text dependent questions, academic vocabulary, and writing assignments. This curriculum guide covers six works of Laurie Halse Anderson (Chains, Forge, Ashes, Fever 1793, Independent Dames: What You Never Knew About the Women and Girls of the American Revolution, and Thank You, Sarah: The Woman Who Saved Thanksgiving), and contains discussion prompts, key vocabulary terms, and ideas for assignments and activities related to each book. Students will view a reality television episode and read a news article related to reality television. Then students will complete a graphic organizer to create an argument for or against children participating in reality television. Students will apply supportive details for writing a persuasive paragraph. This teacher's guide for The Dark Side of Nowhere by Neal Shusterman contains a summary of the text, discussion questions, activities, and research assignments. The story's narrator notices one morning that his nine-year-old son is ill. The boy reveals that while at school in France he heard that a person cannot live with a temperature over 44. The father explains the difference between the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales and tells his son that he is not going to die. In this CCSS lesson, students will explore this story through text dependent questions, academic vocabulary, and writing assignments. The following unit incorporates multimedia and classroom activities to encourage students to explore and interact with poetry by first writing letters to important historical poets as practice for writing letters to the Academy of American Poets Board of Chancellors, a group that represents poetry in America at its best. E-book readers, or digital readers, are devices that can host thousands of electronic books and allows readers to interact with digital texts through the use of e-book tools and features. In this lesson, students will read e-books and use digital tools (dictionaries and notes) to support their development of vocabulary. Specifically, students will assume roles of “word detectives” as they look up words in digital dictionaries and use other strategies to identify the meaning of vocabulary words. Students will become engaged learners through this unit that prepares students for studying ancient Greece with digital storytelling skills. First students develop a list of questions to research Greek gods, heroes, and creatures. Then with a partner, they choose the topic of their research and divide the questions between themselves. After conducting research, the partners write scripts for their digital story using the online tool PowToon. Double-Entry Journaling improves students' comprehension, vocabulary, and content retention. This interactive strategy activates prior knowledge and present feelings, and promotes collaborative learning. It fosters the connection between reading and writing as students are able to "reply" to the author or speaker as they write their responses. The technique offers flexibility in that teachers can use any form of written text, read alouds, or listenings that are assigned in class. Students will read the story, Tar Beach by Faith Ringgold and compare thier own lives with that of a girl in a tenement builidng in New York City. Through reading the story, students will better understand the hopes and dreams of the less fortunate. Student will predict ideas or events that may take place in the text, give rationale for predictions, confirm and discuss predictions as the story progresses. Students will be taught the "drill skill and kill" method to be used on grammar concepts within an argumentative paper.
It’s easy to see how confidence and extroversion go hand in hand. When someone has the guts to speak so comfortably to strangers, it makes others believe even more that extroverts are confident, while introverts are not. But this isn’t always true; introverts can be confident too. Being an introvert doesn’t automatically mean being shy; it’s a common misconception. Introverts can be confident in who they are and what they have to say – that is, when they need to speak. The truly confident introverts don’t waste their time on becoming an extrovert; they tend to focus more on becoming comfortable with themselves. Here are 15 more things confident introverts would never do (so you shouldn’t, either). 1. Copying What Extroverts Do If someone is an introvert that wants to be more confident, you might think it’s as easy as copying what extroverts do. So one might start opening up to strangers more and adopting new fashion styles to fit with the trends and be with the crowd. But what tends to happen with that is that the introvert starts becoming someone they know they aren’t. What makes confident introverts confident is that they are sure of themselves; they know who they are and, most especially, who they are not. Copying extroverts is a waste of time for them because it’s not something they know they would do. Instead, they might start leaning more towards the things they know they love, such as sharing their written works or art. 2. Letting Their Feelings Overcome Them Since introverts tend to be more introspective, they tend to have a better grasp on their emotions than others. This allows them to have the confidence to do something despite their feelings going against it. If they’re afraid of speaking up, but they know that they’re passionate about doing the right thing, they’ll go for it. Introverts might feel uncomfortable when they’re in a social situation, but they don’t allow their feelings to consume them. They might regularly try to escape the situation, but being confident means they’ll stay. 3. Worrying About What Others Think of Them Other people tend to feel awkward when they go out alone by themselves. They might feel as if they’re broadcasting to the public that they’re lonely or have no friends, when in reality they do. Confident introverts have close friends and family, but don’t think twice about going out in public alone. One of the defining traits of an introvert is being comfortable with being alone. That’s why confident introverts have no problem with asking for a table for one at a restaurant or buying a ticket for a movie screening. They enjoy their own company and don’t waste time worrying about how others see them. 4. Remaining in Their Comfort Zone While confident introverts may not always be the most outspoken individuals, if they’re given the chance, they would make the most out of it. Even though, say, giving a toast at dinner, delivering a speech, or performing music onstage, is something they might not normally do in their daily lives, they understand that it’s an opportunity for them to grow as people. Confident introverts aren’t the type to stay within the confines of their comfort zone for very long. They can always go out and try new things to grow as a person. 5. Not Give Themselves Time to Think About and Reflect Being alone is not always about watching Netflix or playing your favorite video game. Sometimes it’s just about giving your mind time to decompress and reflect. Confident introverts understand that they do their best thinking alone. This is why they always make sure they spend enough time by themselves. When you’re with other people, it can sometimes feel like your brain is overloaded with information. But in solitude, you can reflect and structure information in your head. You tend to be more creative and have deeper insights when you’re alone. 6. Confuse Introversion With Shyness Introverts tend to find themselves in the middle of a big crowd and think, “Oh god, I’m so nervous, I can’t do anything.” But the main holdup that many introverts have is that they’ve associated their introversion with shyness. Here’s the life hack – just because you’re an introvert doesn’t mean you’re also shy. Introversion is a part of who you are, but shyness is something you can work on, every single day. Confident introverts know that. You can still be the introvert you love being, without letting your fear of everything around you hold you back. 7. Setting Small Goals They’re confident for a reason. If they’re musicians, they aren’t the type to settle for just a record deal and some album sales. They shoot for the moon: they imagine themselves winning the Grammy. Others might already say that they’re a success already because they’re confident in who they are and they know themselves well. Confident introverts don’t set a ceiling on what they can achieve. They do this by understanding the big picture and then setting smalls over a period of time to achieve that picture. This allows them to keep going and avoid being stuck in a rut. I learned about this from Life Journal, created by the highly-successful life coach and teacher Jeanette Brown. You see, willpower only takes us so far…the key to transforming your life into something you’re passionate and enthusiastic about takes a shift in mindset about what your real purpose is, and effective goal setting. And while this might sound like a mighty task to undertake, thanks to Jeanette’s guidance, it’s been easier to do than I could have ever imagined. Now, you may wonder what makes Jeanette’s course different from all the other personal development programs out there. It all comes down to one thing: Jeanette isn’t interested in being your life coach. Instead, she wants YOU to take the reins in creating the life you’ve always dreamt of having. So if you’re ready to stop dreaming and start living your best life, a life created on your terms, one which fulfills and satisfies you, don’t hesitate to check out Life Journal. 8. Forcing Themselves to be Someone They Aren’t When they’re in a social setting, they might feel pressure from those around them to act in a certain way. Maybe they see that others tell jokes, so they try it – even if they’re bad at it. They might try to act as if they love the hip-hop music that’s playing, despite not knowing a single rapper. Confident introverts aren’t shy to stand out from the crowd. They don’t try to mold themselves into people they know they aren’t. They might even be more comfortable with themselves than some extroverts. 9. Taking Things Too Seriously For other introverts, being by themselves in public could feel like an anxiety-ridden situation. They might be too lost since they barely know anyone there. They might panic and see the world crumble beneath their feet. But a confident introvert might not actually see this situation as something to worry about. It might instead be something to laugh about. Confident introverts tend to not take situations very seriously. They have a sense of humor about themselves, so they’re able to laugh off awkward situations such as a weird handshake or a small miscommunication. They can laugh it off because they can learn from it. It isn’t something that’ll kill them, but instead make them stronger. 10. Thinking They’re Experts at Something Confident introverts tend to enjoy learning. But they don’t fall for a common mistake for most learners. When someone begins to learn something, and they learn more and more, they might mistake their rapid progress for expertise. They become overconfident when really their skill level still isn’t that high. Psychologists call this the Dunning-Kruger effect. Confident introverts aren’t overconfident introverts. They know their intellectual limit for something and are always open to learning more to become better at something. 11. Looking for External Validation Confident introverts aren’t the type to do something just to please others. They don’t buy trendy clothes just to fish for compliments and let others tell them how stylish or nice they are. They wear what they want to wear because they want to be comfortable or because they simply like it. They aren’t looking to please others. 12. Joining Drama and Spreading Gossip Others tend to spread the news about what they heard through the grapevine because they have nothing much else to focus on in their lives. They rely on two of their friends fighting to keep them entertained in a way. Or they’re always looking for couples who are about to break up and get nosy about what they think might happen next. Confident introverts don’t waste their time with these shallow matters. They tend to favor focusing their energies on doing things that are important to them, such as caring for themselves or devoting time to their hobbies. Joining drama won’t solve any of their problems; it might just create new stresses. 13. Ignoring Their Emotions Since introverts tend to spend most of their time in their own minds, their mental health is very important. While other people look for things to distract them from feeling sad or regretful, such as alcohol or art, confident introverts are able to confront their emotions. Research has shown that those that bottle up, ignore, and avoid properly expressing them increase their chances of getting diagnosed with cancer or even a premature death. So when confident introverts feel sad, they might try to feel it as much as they can, let it pass, then let it go. 14. Being with Others Introverts tend to do their best thinking when they’re alone. If there’s something important they have to do, they aren’t going to hang around people just so that they don’t miss out on anything (which they really aren’t). They don’t try to join group discussions if they know that what they really need is space and quiet. So they go off into their own corner and try to come up with better solutions and answers to the problem the group is tackling. They don’t mind if people call them weird or different. They know what they’re doing. 15. Spending Too Much on Material Things Since confident introverts are more introspective and understand themselves more, they tend to be more aware of what is essential in life. For some people, money is the center of their universe. But for confident introverts, it might be something else; they don’t waste their time hustling for something that doesn’t ultimately matter to them. An example might be that it’s about spending time with friends. It doesn’t matter how expensive or cheap their clothes are, or how fancy their restaurant is. As long as they get the chance to share some good laughs with their friends, talk about shared memories and make new ones together, they would be content. Becoming a Confident Introvert Like all things worthwhile, it’s going to take time to become more confident as an introvert. You can’t expect yourself to become an entirely different person, one that’s stronger, braver, and more sure of themselves, tomorrow. It takes time and consistent effort. But if you want to become more confident, then the key is to overcome your feelings of insecurity. So how can you overcome this insecurity that’s been nagging you? The most effective way is to tap into your personal power. You see, we all have an incredible amount of power and potential within us, but most of us never tap into it. We become bogged down in self-doubt and limiting beliefs. We stop doing what brings us true happiness. I learned this from the shaman Rudá Iandê. He’s helped thousands of people align work, family, spirituality, and love so they can unlock the door to their personal power. He has a unique approach that combines traditional ancient shamanic techniques with a modern-day twist. It’s an approach that uses nothing but your own inner strength – no gimmicks or fake claims of empowerment. Because true empowerment needs to come from within. In his excellent free video, Rudá explains how you can create the life you’ve always dreamed of and increase attraction in your partners, and it’s easier than you might think. So if you’re tired of living in frustration, dreaming but never achieving, and of living in self-doubt, you need to check out his life-changing advice. Click here to watch the free video. Lost Your Sense of Purpose? In this age of information overload and pressure to meet others’ expectations, many struggle to connect with their core purpose and values. It’s easy to lose your inner compass. Jeanette Brown created this free values discovery PDF to help clarify your deepest motivations and beliefs. As an experienced life coach and self-improvement teacher, Jeanette guides people through major transitions by realigning them with their principles. Her uniquely insightful values exercises will illuminate what inspires you, what you stand for, and how you aim to operate. This serves as a refreshing filter to tune out societal noise so you can make choices rooted in what matters most to you. With your values clearly anchored, you’ll gain direction, motivation and the compass to navigate decisions from your best self – rather than fleeting emotion or outside influences. Stop drifting without purpose. Rediscover what makes you come alive with Jeanette Brown’s values clarity guide. Did you like my article? Like me on Facebook to see more articles like this in your feed.
Large study reports results comparing two CPR methods used by EMS providers following sudden cardiac arrest In a study published online today in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers found that cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) administered by emergency medical services (EMS) providers following sudden cardiac arrest that combines chest compressions with interruptions for ventilation resulted in longer survival times and shorter hospital stays than CPR that uses continuous chest compressions. Although compressions with pauses for ventilation lead to more hospital-free days within 30 days of the cardiac arrest, both methods achieved similar overall survival to hospital discharge, the study noted. The compressions with interruptions consisted of 30 compressions then pauses for two ventilations. The continuous chest compressions consisted of 100 compressions per minute with simultaneous ventilations at 10 per minute. In both groups, emergency medical services (EMS) providers gave ventilations using a bag and mask. The study, funded in part by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), is the largest of its kind to date to evaluate CPR practices among firefighters and paramedics and suggests the importance of ventilation in CPR by EMS providers, the investigators say. The study was presented at the American Heart Association 2015 Scientific Sessions in Orlando. “Current CPR guidelines permit use of either continuous chest compressions or interrupted chest compressions with ventilations by EMS providers. Our trial shows that both types of CPR achieve good outcomes, but that compressions with pauses for ventilations appears to be a bit better,” said principal author Graham Nichol, M.D., director of the University of Washington-Harborview Center for Prehospital Emergency Care in Seattle. Sudden cardiac arrest, or loss of mechanical activity of the heart, can be caused by a heart attack. More than 300,000 individuals are treated for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest each year, with the vast majority occurring at home, according to the American Heart Association. Studies show that only about 10 percent of people who suffer cardiac arrest outside the hospital survive. But effective treatment by CPR can greatly increase a victim's chance of survival. Standard CPR performed by EMS providers involves chest compressions with interruptions for ventilation using a bag and mask. However, recent studies in animal models suggest that continuous chest compressions (CCC) may be just as good as standard CPR. To date, firefighters and paramedics have not had clear evidence-based guidance on which treatment method is optimal. As a result, treatment often varies from one community to another That variation in treatment could soon become a thing of the past, researchers suggest. An international multi-center research team compared survival rates among 23,709 adults with cardiac arrest who were treated by EMS crews at 114 agencies from June 2011 to May 2015. Approximately half had received continuous compressions with simultaneous ventilations, while the other half received standard CPR with pauses for ventilations. The study was conducted by the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC), which includes clinical sites in the United States and Canada. For a list of ROC participating sites, visit the following website: https://roc.uwctc.org/tiki/participating-sites Overall, survival to discharge was not significantly different between the continuous chest compressions group and the standard CPR group. A total of 8.9 percent (about 1,126 patients) from the continuous compressions group survived to reach hospital discharge, while 9.7 percent (about 1,073 patients) of the standard CPR group reached hospital discharge. The proportion of patients able to carry out all usual activities or requiring some help but able to walk unassisted, was also similar between treatment groups. However, the standard CPR group had significantly more days alive and out of hospital during the first 30 days following cardiac arrest. The researchers believe that the benefits of compressions with pauses for ventilation are due to improved blood flow and oxygenation. They are continuing to analyze the data to gain additional insight into the study results. “This is the first randomized trial to show a significant difference in outcomes after hospital admission among patients treated for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest,” Dr. Nichol added. “We can improve outcomes for this common health condition. We believe that this study is a significant step in that direction.” Funding for this study was provided by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute in partnership with the U.S. Army Medical Research & Material Command, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, and the American Heart Association. Part of the National Institutes of Health, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) plans, conducts, and supports research related to the causes, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of heart, blood vessel, lung, and blood diseases; and sleep disorders. The Institute also administers national health education campaigns on women and heart disease, healthy weight for children, and other topics. NHLBI press releases and other materials are available online at http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov. About the National Institutes of Health (NIH): NIH, the nation's medical research agency, includes 27 Institutes and Centers and is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NIH is the primary federal agency conducting and supporting basic, clinical, and translational medical research, and is investigating the causes, treatments, and cures for both common and rare diseases. For more information about NIH and its programs, visit www.nih.gov.
On Friday a report entitled 'Flash Reliability in Production: The Expected and the Unexpected' was published. The authors of the paper include Professor Bianca Schroeder of the University of Toronto, and Raghav Lagisetty and Arif Merchant of Google Inc. According to the authors this is among the first studies of the reliability characteristics of flash based storage in datacentres. What is more, some of the findings and conclusions might be surprising. As mentioned in the abstract of the new paper, there has been a large amount of data published about the durability and reliability of flash chips, taken from lab experiments. Friday's report, published after the FAST 16 USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies in Santa Clara, is based upon a large scale field study. Google's datacentres, no less, were the source of the data presented. Included in the study were ten different drive models, varying flash technologies (MLC, eMLC, SLC), plus over 6 years of production use in Google's datacentres. SLC and MLC drives are equally reliable From analysing the data, the researchers came to a number of surprising conclusions in comparing flash-based drives to each other, and in comparing them against traditional spinning disc hard drives. I've compiled a bullet point list of some of the key findings below: - SLC drives, which are targeted at the enterprise market and considered to be higher end, are not more reliable than the lower end MLC drives. - Age, rather than usage amount correlates to higher error rates. So flash memory wearing out isn't really a problem with the SSD designs we have now. - Between 20 and 63 per cent of drives experience at least one uncorrectable error during their first four years in the field. - Between 30 and 80 per cent of drives develop at least one bad block and 2 to 7 per cent develop at least one bad chip during the first four years in the field. - RBER (raw bit error rate), the standard metric for drive reliability, is not a good predictor of those failure modes that are the major concern in practice. - RBER and the number of uncorrectable errors grow with PE cycles in a linear fashion. - UBER (uncorrectable bit error rate), the standard metric to measure uncorrectable errors, is not very meaningful. - While flash drives offer lower field replacement rates than hard disk drives, they have a significantly higher rate of problems that can impact the user, such as uncorrectable errors. - Drives tend to either have less than a handful of bad blocks, or a large number of them, suggesting that impending chip failure could be predicted based on prior number of bad blocks. The above are rather interesting and perhaps surprising conclusions. Quite a few of the surprises are pleasant. However the way that flash-based drives tend to fail should encourage users to be even more regular with their backup regimes. You can download the full report here (PDF).
Why did Ireland not become Protestant? Irish resistance against English dominion went part and parcel with resistance against the new religion. The parts of Ireland that became Protestant were only converted due to the removal of native Irish and the in migration of English and Scottish. Why is Orange offensive to the Irish? While the Irish Catholic tradition is associated with the color green, Protestants associate with the color orange because of William of Orange, the Protestant king who overthrew Roman Catholic King James the second in the Glorious Revolution. … Part of Northern Ireland is Protestant. Are Protestants Irish? Protestants who are born in the Republic of Ireland are Irish. … Often Northern Irish Protestants are also referred to as Northern Irish. In 2006, Protestants made up a little over 5% of the state’s population. Is Liverpool a Protestant club? You refer to Liverpool FC as the Catholic team and Everton FC as protestant. … Today the sectarian divide between the teams no longer exists except as a memory. But when it did exist Everton was always seen as the catholic team and Liverpool as the protestant team. Why Ireland is mostly Catholic? Many Irish accept the authority of the priesthood and the Roman Catholic Church, which is led by the Pope. According to legend, St. Patrick brought Christianity to the country in 432 CE. … Indeed, Catholicism continues to play a notable role in Irish society and Irish national identity.
By: Lisa Johnson, Horticulture Outreach Specialist In this video, learn how to protect susceptible plants from snow and cold damage. This video includes how to protect woody plants and provides recommendations for proper mulching and watering that will help your plants through the fall and survive the winter. To help your landscape plants survive the […] By: Paul Koch, Associate Professor, Department of Plant Pathology Fall is a good time of year to give your lawn some TLC. In this video, learn about lawn fertilizer requirements and recommendations for this time of year, aeration and overseeding, and the basics of weed control. Fall is the best time of year to work […] By: Lisa Johnson, Horticulture Outreach Specialist Proper watering of your plants can help them grow well and prevent problems. In this video, you will learn about the water requirements for most plants, how proper watering practices can prevent plant diseases, and different ways to conserve water for your yards and gardens. How much water plants […] By: Darrin Kimbler, Agriculture Educator, Iron County To bring your outdoor plants inside for the winter, there are some things you should know and do first. In this video, you will learn about which plants can come indoors, the requirements for growing plants indoors after they have been outside all summer, and how to properly […] Home gardens with only a few trees make limiting pesticide use feasible while still producing a great crop of apples. This publication outlines basic principles of pest management for home-grown apples. Codling moth is an insect pest of apple, pear, and walnut crops in Wisconsin. Larval feeding can render fruit unmarketable, potentially causing severe economic loss. Learn how to identify, monitor, and deter this insect pest. Plum curculio is one of the most common and detrimental pests of apple and other fruits in Wisconsin. Learn about the life cycle, damage patterns, and control options to effectively manage plum curculio. Find out which fruit cultivars are recommended for your area of Northern Wisconsin in this fact sheet. Includes tree fruits, stone fruits and small fruits, and describes flavor, ripening date, hardiness and more. Find out which fruit cultivars are recommended for Southern Wisconsin. This publication describes flavor, ripening date, winter hardiness, and more, and includes tree fruits, stone fruits and small fruits. This fact sheet provided a list of 10 relatively easy to identify plant diseases. Producing apples in home gardens can be challenging due to damage by insects and fungal diseases. One effective organic solution is placing developing fruit in bags. This factsheet describes the process. If you’ve noticed masses or writhing, dark green “caterpillars” on your pine trees this spring, you likely have an infestation of European pine sawfly. To learn more about this pest, read this article…
Welcome to Unit 7 AP Physics C: Mechanics Multiple Choice Questions ! Grab some paper and a pencil 📄 to record your answers as you go. You can see how you did on the Unit 7 Practice Questions Answers and Review sheet once you're done. Don't worry, we have tons of resources available if you get stumped 😕 on a question. And if solo study is not your thing, join a group in Hours ! Not ready to take a quiz yet? Take a look at the Intro to Unit 7 Image courtesy of Pixabay Facts about the test: The AP Physics C: Mechanics exam has 35 multiple choice questions and you will be given 45 minutes to complete the section. That means it should take you around 15 minutes to complete 12 questions. The following questions were not written by College Board and, although they cover information outlined in the AP Physics C: Mechanics Course and Exam Description, the formatting on the exam may be different. 1. A planet has the same mass, but double the radius, of the Earth. What is the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of this planet as a function of g? 2. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. The ratio of the squares of the periods of two planets is equal to the ratio of the cubes of their semi-major axes. B. If you were to draw a line from the sun to the object in orbit, the object would sweep equal areas along the ellipse in equal amounts of time. C. The orbits of planetary bodies are circular orbits; therefore, they following the rules of uniform circular motion. D. The orbits of planetary bodies are ellipses with the sun at one of the two foci of the ellipse. 3. A planet has an elliptical orbit around the Sun. Within the orbit, Position A is 5 times closer to the Sun than Position B. What is the ratio of the speed of the comet at Position A to the speed at Position B? 4. A moon orbits a planet with an elliptical orbit. At what point in the orbit is the kinetic energy of the moon the smallest? A. At the point closest to the planet B. At the point furthest away from the planet. C. At the two points halfway between the nearest and furthest points. D. There's not enough information to tell. 5. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the escape velocity of an object? A. Escape velocity is the minimum speed needed for an object to escape from the gravitational force of a massive object. B. When an object has escaped gravity’s influence, the total energy must equal zero. C. When an object has escaped gravity’s influence, the gravitational potential energy must equal zero. D. When an object has escaped gravity’s influence, the kinetic energy must be negative. 6. A satellite is orbiting the Earth a distance equal to the radius of the Earth above its surface. What is the acceleration due to gravity in this orbit? A. 2.5 m/s^2 B. 5 m/s^2 C. 10 m/s^2 D. 20 m/s^2 7. Which of the following statements are true about satellites in a circular orbit around the Earth? A. The only force acting on the satellite is the gravitational force of the Earth. B. The velocity of the satellite is directly proportional to its mass. C. The period of the orbit is determined by the mass of the satellite. D. The gravitational potential energy of the satellite is directly proportional to its height. 8. A comet follows an elliptical orbit around the Sun. At what point in its orbit does the comet sweep through the greatest area in a constant time t? A. The comet sweeps through the same amounts of area in equal time only as it moves further from the Sun. B. The comet sweeps through the same amount of area in equal time when it is furthest from the Sun. C. The comet sweeps through the same amount of area in equal time when it is closest to the Sun. D. The comet sweeps through the same amount of area in equal time anywhere in the orbit. 9. A satellite with mass m orbits the Earth (mass = M) in a circular orbit. Which of the following is a correct expression of the kinetic energy of the satellite? 10. Why do astronauts appear to be weightless when on the International Space Station, which is currently orbiting the Earth? A. The astronauts are not accelerating. B. The astronauts have no mass when in space. C. The astronauts are in a constant state of freefall D. The astronauts are too far away to feel the effects of the Earth's gravity, 11. A satellite orbits a planet with a radius R. If a second satellite is set into orbit with the same period, but a radius 2R, what is true about the relationship between the tangential velocities of the satellites? A. The tangential velocity of the second satellite is smaller than the first satellite. B. The tangential velocity of the second satellite is larger than the first satellite. C. The tangential velocity of the second satellite is equal to the first satellite. D. There's not enough information to tell. 12. In which of the following scenarios is the gravitational force the largest? A. A 2 kg mass and a 3 kg mass are held 1 meter apart. B. A 2 kg mass and a 10 kg mass are held 1 meter apart. C. A 2 kg mass and a 10 kg mass are held 2 meters apart. D. Two 4 kg masses are held 2 meters apart. 13. A satellite traveling at a speed v orbits a planet with mass M. If the planet had twice as much mass, what would be the orbital speed of the satellite? Assume that it says at the same distance from the center of mass of the planet. 14. A satellite of mass M moves in a circular orbit of radius R. Which of the following statements is NOT true of the satellite? A. The centripetal acceleration of the satellite depends on the value of R. B. The angular velocity of the satellite depends on the value of R. C. The magnitude of the centripetal force on the satellite is constant. D. The satellite's tangential velocity is constant. 15. A 700 kg satellite with mass m is orbiting the Earth (mass = Me) a distance equal to the radius of the Earth above its surface. Which of the following is a correct expression for the satellite's gravitational potential energy at this distance? A. -GmMe / 2Re B. -GmMe / 4Re^2 C. -2GmMe / Re D. -4GmMe / Re^2 What can we help you do now? 🤝Connect with other students studying AP Environmental Science with Hours
Are Toothpaste Tubes Recyclable? Tips, Facts & FAQ Every household buys toothpaste, right? Of course, they do! Oral health is an important part of our everyday lives. Your family’s favorite brand of toothpaste is often on your shopping list when you head out to the grocery or department store. Considering how much toothpaste we buy, how often, and for how many people, just imagine how many empty toothpaste tubes we’ve thrown away over the years. It’s a lot. Have you ever wondered, are toothpaste tubes recyclable? In the past, the answer to that question would have been no. Most toothpaste tubes were made with plastics and aluminum that local recycling centers wouldn’t want you bringing since they can’t separate the materials. Nowadays, however, things are changing and specialized recycling centers will accept toothpaste tubes. A few toothpaste companies are even changing the materials they use to more eco-friendly designs. Let’s learn more about toothpaste tube recycling and how to properly dispose of them. Toothpaste Tubes and Recycling As we’ve already mentioned, most toothpaste tubes are made of a plastic and aluminum mixture. While plastics that aren’t disposed of properly take years to break down, they can also find their way into our local waterways and ecosystems. This can be especially hazardous to our wildlife. When thrown away in our household garbage, they find their way to the local landfill where they sit for years breaking down. This takes up tons of space in landfills where other items that can’t be recycled could remain. As times change, so does recycling. There are now specialized recycling centers where toothpaste tubes can be sent or dropped off to keep them out of landfills. These centers go through special processes to ensure the toothpaste tube is properly prepared so it can be recycled with other plastics. Here are the steps these recycling centers follow to recycle your toothpaste tubes. What You Can Do at Home If you’re wanting to start recycling all those toothpaste tubes you’ll inevitably use around the house, there are a few things you can do to make life easier for yourself and those at the recycling centers. Of course, the first step is to find a local center that is willing to accept toothpaste tubes. Once that’s handled, you can follow these suggestions to help things move smoother at the recycling center. You can also contact Colgate to make use of their partnership with a recycling program called TerraCycle. Once you’ve followed the above steps, they will send you shipping labels so you can mail in toothpaste tubes, caps, cartons, toothbrushes, packaging, and other things associated with your dental care that can be recycled. While your first instinct may be to toss your finished toothpaste tube in the trash, you now have other options. With more and more recycling centers allowing toothpaste tubes to be included with your recycling, you can easily avoid adding to the pounds of plastics rotting away in our landfills. If your center doesn’t accept toothpaste tubes, contacting Colgate to send your waste to TerraCycle is your best option. Either method you choose will help you lower your carbon footprint and do your part to make the world a cleaner place. Featured Image Credit: Opal, Pixabay
Michael Richards, SAT - Rural Education for Sustainable Development, Stakeholder Forum Sustain(Ed): Education for Our Common Future newsletter, Issue 3 WSSD, August 2002, p. 8-9. SAT - Rural Education for Sustainable Development SAT project manager for BASED-UK Presented at the seminar on Education and Values for Sustainable Development 1 September 2002 6th Annual Conference of the International Environment Forum A series of parallel events at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, South Africa, 27 August-3 September 2002) These papers are as presented at the conference and have not been subject to editorial review by the IEF Download powerpoint presentation (590 K) One definition of the objective of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is "the promotion of values and ethics through education at different levels in order to make an impact on people's lifestyles and behaviour and help to build a sustainable future" (www.unesco.org/education/esd). Another is the development of "skills in critical thinking, negotiations, scientific understanding and openness to the views of others" (Living Earth). Each definition reflects a necessary but not sufficient condition for ESD. In fact they represent two complementary aspects of human development - on the one hand the development of intellectual capacities, and on the other of human qualities or virtues. One without the other is like a bird with one wing: intellectual development without values leads to inequitable development and ignores the importance of human motivation. But without skills and knowledge relevant to local conditions, development will continue to depend on the priorities of outsiders. The 'System of Tutorial Learning'- SAT (Sistema de Aprendizaje Tutorial) for short - is a programme of non-formal rural secondary education developed since the early 1970s in Colombia by an NGO called FUNDAEC, and more recently in Honduras and other Latin American countries. The instigators of SAT saw education as the key to more self-reliant community development; that for the majority of rural children, education does not go beyond primary school - usually because families cannot afford to keep them at school; and that the formal education system suffers from 'urban bias' and a materialistic value system which encourages the young to migrate to the cities. The basic aim of SAT is to encourage and equip young people to help their communities engage in sustainable development processes. It therefore provides the necessary skills, knowledge and attitudes or values to form community leaders or agents of change. SAT graduates are called Bachilleres of Rural Well-being. It has been so successful in Colombia, that SAT has become an official Ministry of Education programme involving about 50 organisations (including 35 civil society organisations) and at any one time forty to fifty thousand students in over a third of rural Colombia. The SAT curriculum involves about six years of study and includes sciences, maths, service to the community (in health, literacy and community organisation), agriculture, social studies, language and other subjects. SAT is particularly oriented to helping students develop their capacity for conceptual thinking and critical analysis, as well as developing an attitude of service to the community (this is integrated into all the courses and activities). Each student has a set of interactive workbooks, which they have to pay for. Study takes where they live and at times decided by them. This allows them to continue family livelihood activities. The tutors are also from the community: initially someone with a higher education qualification is given an intensive training, but when SAT is well-established, the SAT graduates become tutors. Much of the education involves practical 'learning by doing' activities, for example, participatory agricultural research. Various rural development activities are promoted by the SAT groups like improved crop and livestock production, micro-enterprise development, pre-school education support, and eventually a village cooperative marketing system. The SAT group itself becomes an important community institution capable of attracting external support. Since 1996, SAT has been implemented in Honduras by an NGO called Bayan Association for Indigenous Social and Economic Development, with funding mainly from the UK DFID and Canadian CIDA. The DFID grant has been managed by the Bahá'í Agency for Social and Economic Development (BASED-UK). Bayan started SAT with 10 indigenous communities in the Honduran Mosquitia. In spite of major logistical and support problems of working in a remote area, and disruption caused by Hurricane Mitch in 1998, the regional and national education authorities gradually saw the value of SAT as a relatively high quality education system for rural areas. There was also a strong grass-roots demand for the expansion of SAT, as people were able to observe its fruits. In 2001, Bayan entered into agreements with three regional Departments in which the government started paying for SAT tutors and coordinators - by April 2002 there were 48 SAT groups and 930 students. Throughout the project, Bayan has maintained close links with the Ministry of Education, since a vital goal has been to obtain official recognition of SAT as equivalent to the state 'bachiller' or secondary school level. This was achieved in April 2002, at the time of the final evaluation of the DFID project. The Ministry of Education participant in the evaluation wrote that SAT was "the alternative for developing the rural communities of the country." Bayan has been asked by the Ministry of Education to present a national expansion plan focusing initially on high poverty areas, although Bayan's plan is to consolidate SAT in northern Honduras before embarking on a more organic growth process as happened in Colombia. The World Development Report 2000/01 of the World Bank identifies education as the "most important factor in improving rural welfare." While recognising that education alone is insufficient for sustainable development, we believe that by integrating the development of values, skills and knowledge, SAT has great potential for improving rural welfare in a poor country like Honduras. Published in the Stakeholder Forum Sustain(Ed): Education for Our Common Future newsletter, Issue 3 WSSD, August 2002, p. 8-9. Return to Papers List Last updated 1 January 2003
For those who have never heard the word, Iaido is a Japanese martial art which trains you, in both body and mind, how to properly use a Katana for self-defense. Despite the world-wide popularity of the iconic Japanese sword, Iaido is one of the lesser known Japanese martial arts, often lumped together with Kendo or even misheard as Aikido by unfamiliar listeners (yes, even in Japan). To better understand the martial art, its practitioners, and the future of Iaido, I visited the Kenshinkan Dojo in Okayama city. What I learned was a story of a martial art that has faced near extinction multiple times but has survived thanks to groups of forward-thinking, adaptive practitioners. Tsutomu Yamamoto, the head teacher of the Kenshinkan Dojo, has been practicing Iaido for over 60 years. He offered a number of fascinating insights on the history and current standing of the martial art in Japan. It is deeply rooted in Iaijutsu (sword techniques) dating back to Japan’s warring 16th century. However, the name “Iaido” was only recently recognized by the the Dai Nippon Butoku Kai (DNBK) in 1932, a bit less than 90 years ago. To provide a bit more history, by the end of the 19th century, many Japanese martial arts were in danger of being erased from society. Martial arts were no longer being taught in schools and Iaijutsu was considered obsolete on the battlefield and in law enforcement. In order to preserve the priceless cultural and philosophical values of these martial arts, they were renamed and adapted to modern times. The addition of the suffix “-do” to “iai” helped establish it, as well as other martial arts, as a national artform that was to be taught. Various public demonstrations and tournaments at the turn of the 20th century helped revive public interest and pride in Japanese martial arts. In the 1930’s, due to military nationalism, Judo and Kendo were reintroduced to the Japanese education system and became more widespread than ever. However, after the end of World War II, all forms of Japanese martial arts were banned by occupying forces. Official Kendo tournaments were not held again until 1949, albeit under the category of sports. Since then, various Japanese martial arts groups have established themselves as sports or recreational organizations, in order to ensure the survival of their core beliefs and traditions. When I asked Yamamoto Sensei about how he sees the future of Iaido, he replied, “It’s quite dark.” The number of new applicants to Iaido dojo across Japan have apparently been decreasing for the past decade. Japan’s decreasing population is likely one culprit for this decline in participants. Another major problem is exposure. The amount of public exposure to Iaido is very limited compared to other major martial arts or sports, such as Karate or soccer. There are also factors, such as injury and cost, that impact participation. Due to the inherent danger of wielding a sword, the martial art is only practiced in private dojo, unlike Kendo or Judo, which are included in the compulsory Japanese education system. The primary tool of Iaido, the Katana, is expensive, with prices ranging from $7,000-$15,000 a sword, limiting the pool of potential practitioners to the truly devoted or resourceful few. Despite the logistical hurdles, however, the future of iaido is not necessarily a dark one worldwide. There are now dojo around the world, with international competitions held in Europe every year (arranged by the European Kendo Federation since 2000). Traditionalists (and nationalists) may cringe at the idea of a Japanese martial art no longer becoming exclusively Japanese, but these individuals may want to consider the history of Japanese martial arts and how they have survived this long. Rather than needlessly letting Iaijutsu die with the last of the Samurai, determined practitioners of the martial art adapted their traditions to a new environment and ensured the survival of their philosophies. Current practitioners should look past their visible horizons and welcome in a whole world of willing participants. Now, thanks to the internet, there are more people who have been introduced to Iaido than ever before. Non-Japanese practitioners with some of the highest ranks in martial arts are now returning to their home countries to teach the skills and principles that they learned in Japan. They may be instructing in their native language and incorporating new ideas, but that is a part of how societies adapt and improve themselves. Before leaving the Kenshinkan Dojo Yamamoto Sensei told me, “I would like more foreign people to learn about Iaido, because I believe that it is one of Japan’s truly precious cultural traditions.” That heartfelt statement from Yamamoto Sensei, along with what I have learned about the history of Japanese martial arts, give me hope that their treasured cultural traditions will continue to evolve for hundreds of years to come.
Calendar learning for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners The calendar is an incredible learning tool. Calendars help young children learn the basics of the days of the week, the months, and the year. This fun calendar offers opportunities for other learning as well. With the introduction of a calendar, your little ones can begin to learn sequencing with yesterday, today, and tomorrow. And the days of the month allow for a great opportunity to reinforce their counting skills. Members can use this calendar to keep track of birthdays, special days, and even their favorite holidays. Create birthday reminders! Encourage your child to mark special birthdays on the calendar. This can include siblings, grandparents, and even teachers! When a special birthday is coming up, seeing the reminder can prompt your child to create a special birthday card for that person. Mark your favorite holidays! You can add holidays to the calendar, so your little one can see when it is coming up. Add your own specials and messages! Dance recitals, sporting events, anniversaries can all be added to this calendar with either the slider icons, or by adding a special message to the calendar.
CBD or Cannabidiol oil has been derived from hemp. However, most people would confuse hemp with marijuana. It would be pertinent to mention here that hemp has been a relatively different plant. Hemp and Marijuana might share the same scientific name – Cannabis Sativa, but they are not the same in any way. Marijuana has been cultivated primarily for its psychoactive cannabinoid. The chemical compound tetrahydrocannabinol or THC would be used for medicinal and recreational use. Marijuana comprises both CBD and THC. CBD health benefits The cannabis plant would comprise more than 100 cannabinoids. It would be pertinent to mention here that these compounds resemble the human endocannabinoids. CBD is the main cannabinoid in hemp and THC in marijuana. Saving Grace CBD does not bind to the cannabinoid receptors. Moreover, it would not stimulate the activity of both CB1 and CB2 receptors without directly tapping into them. It would be pertinent to mention here that CBD causes the body to release more endocannabinoids, especially 2-AG. Moreover, CBD inhibits the degradation of anandamide. Some of the CBD health benefits have been listed below. Among the several health benefits offered by CBD, you could make the most of the drug in treating childhood epilepsy conditions, namely Dravet syndrome (DS) and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS). CBD has been able to reduce the number of seizures and in some cases; it has been able to stop it completely. CBS would help treat different kinds of chronic pain. The application of CBD oil directly on the problem area would help lower the inflammation and pain. CBD has been popular for working by impacting cannabinoid receptor activity in the body, interacting with neurotransmitters, and reducing inflammation. As the subjects did not build up a tolerance to the effects of CBD, there was no need to increase dosage continually. Unlike a few pain medications, CBD has not been deemed addictive. It does not have an intoxicating effect. CBD would offer relief for people having chronic pain. Anxiety and depression It would be pertinent to mention here that both CBD and marijuana might be effective in reducing different forms of anxiety. It would be inclusive of generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Various cancer patients treated with CBD and THC have been known to experience a considerable reduction in pain. It reduced the side effects associated with cancer treatments such as vomiting, nausea, and loss of appetite.
Climate change, now more than ever, is an incredibly pressing, stressful issue for the future of humanity. Recent surveys demonstrate this. 96% of Americans ages 27-45 reported worrying about the end of the quality of living as affected by climate change, and 60% experienced significant concerns about having children due to fears of climate catastrophe (Climatic change). However, while these levels of fear and anxiety can be debilitating, it can also serve as a catalyst for innovation and positive change when properly utilized to create a search for solutions. One particular new industry which has emerged due to this search for solutions has been the variety of products that are created utilizing captured carbon emissions, the undisputed leading cause of atmospheric warming. If you’re looking to expand your ethical consumption as a consumer, or to invest in the future of carbon-negative production, here are 10 products that can be made or are currently being made using captured carbon.’ Why Does CO2 Matter? Rising temperatures are melting the earth’s ice sheets and inadvertently causing natural disasters. The Earth’s ecosystems and atmosphere are very precariously balanced. With every bit of atmospheric warming, the balance is thrown off a little more. It’s like a domino effect. The warming air also increases evaporation, making droughts worse. As drought increases, fires are more likely to start in dry forests and fields. Additionally, water vapor in the atmosphere has increased due to global warming, which means heavier rain and snow. Finally, the combination of extra warmth and moisture in the atmosphere over the oceans makes hurricanes stronger. Sea levels are rising, rainfall is increasing, flooding is more likely… You get the picture. To give you an idea of the CO2 issue, in 2019 the Earth’s atmospheric carbon dioxide was at 409.8ppm globally. That’s the highest it has been in the last 800,000 years. Even with ice ages and warm spikes, atmospheric carbon dioxide had not been higher than 300ppm – until now. The most recent time in history when atmospheric CO2 was this high was around 3 million years ago. At that time, the sea levels were 12 to 25 meters higher than they are today. Most worryingly, if we continue to meet the growing global energy demand with fossil fuels, our atmospheric carbon dioxide could exceed 900ppm by the end of the century. Although it’s really important for us to shift to using renewable energy and reducing emissions, there are a few reasons why removing excess CO2 from the atmosphere is also crucial. When CO2 is added to the atmosphere, it stays there for centuries. So even if we were to reach zero emissions tomorrow, the extra CO2 we already put in the atmosphere would continue to cause warming and climate change. The effects of added CO2 also don’t occur instantly, so we haven’t even seen the full effects of all the CO2 currently in the atmosphere. Also, we unfortunately aren’t currently on track to reach zero emission climate goals within the next few decades, and climate change isn’t something we should gamble with. Zero emissions means zero, and reaching that will entail a complete overhaul of pretty much every industry on Earth in record time. We can’t take our chances. Plus, I personally think that using captured carbon in products is a really neat example of circular design! 8 Amazing Products Made From Captured Carbon Dioxide! Products made from CO2 are actively reversing climate change. They address the problem by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it. Instead of that CO2 hanging out in our atmosphere, it’s now given a second life to do something positive. Air Company: Alcohol Air Company is making vodka from three ingredients: captured carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight! They’ve created technology that removes atmospheric carbon dioxide by mimicking the way plants take in CO2 via the process of photosynthesis. Air Company’s process is more efficient and faster than photosynthesis. Every liter of alcohol that they produce cleans the equivalent of 8 trees worth of CO2 from the air. The alcohol they produce can be used to make spirits, sanitizers, fragrances, and even carbon-negative fuel. For now, they sell vodka and sanitizer made from the alcohol, as well as a few trinkets like keychains, t-shirts, and hats. Their process begins by capturing carbon dioxide with absorption-based technology. They use solar power to turn sunlight into electricity, which powers their conversion system. That system breaks down the CO2 with water and then reforms it to make alcohol. Within that process, they use proprietary catalysts. The only byproduct of the process is oxygen. The result of the entire process is a net-negative carbon emission – one and a half kilograms of CO2 are removed from the atmosphere per kilogram of alcohol produced. Check out Air Company Aether makes diamonds that are just as real as mined diamonds – meaning they’re chemically and anatomically the same as naturally occurring diamonds. However, for each 1 carat diamond that Aether produces, 20 tons of CO2 is removed from our atmosphere. That’s enough CO2 to offset one American’s carbon footprint for over a year (1.25 to be exact.) Aether is currently working to become a fully carbon-negative operation by 2023, with the goal of pulling 100 million tons of CO2 from the atmosphere within ten years. On top of all those positives, purchasing an Aether diamond means you avoid the social, ecological, and environmental damage of regular diamonds. The process of creating an Aether diamond begins with atmospheric collectors pulling air in and capturing the CO2 in a special filter. That CO2 is synthesized into hydrocarbon raw material. The material is then placed into reactors which create the perfect environment for diamond growing – one atom at a time, for about three to four weeks. The raw diamond is then sent to craftspeople to be cut, polished, and set into gold and silver jewelry. It’s important to note that other lab-grown diamonds aren’t so pure. They use carbon sourced from fossil fuels, using drilling and fracking. Plus, the energy used to make Aether diamonds come from sustainable, clean sources. Check out Aether Restore Foodware: Straws and Cutlery Restore Foodware is making straws and cutlery from PHB. PHB is a natural material that microorganisms in the ocean make every day with saltwater and carbon that dissolves into the water. After 10 years of research, Restore has found a way to mimic this process, using those same microorganisms in a saltwater tank to produce AirCarbon – their version of PHB. That product is purified info powder, formed into pellets, and then melted into straws and cutlery. The energy used for the process is all renewable power. Since it’s made of a naturally occurring material, the straws and forks can biodegrade in the ocean or in compost. They also never get soggy, unlike paper replacements for straws. Most importantly, the products are all carbon-negative since they’re made from the carbon in our atmosphere. Check out Restore Foodware Clean O2: Soap Clean O2 was the first company to create a carbon capture unit that could fit into a commercial building. They call that unit the Carbin-X, which can absorb the equivalent of 300 trees. That’s 6 to 8 tons of carbon every year. To do this, the Carbin-X contains a reaction chamber that uses waste flue gas to recover CO2. Then, carbonate is created by combining the gas with a carbon-reduction chemical. The heat created by the machine is then used to heat the water that enters the building’s water tanks, so nothing goes to waste. With this captured carbon, Clean O2 makes soap. They convert the carbon into Potassium Carbonate (also known as Pearl Ash) – a common, safe chemical that’s found in most soaps. The soaps are locally handmade, biodegradable, and 100% safe. Check out Clean O2 Covalent produces sunglasses, tote bags, handbags, and wallets made from AirCarbon. That’s the same carbon source as Restore Foodware, but instead channeled into making accessories. They use methane trapped from an abandoned coal mine to create their AirCarbon. While their accessories are carbon-captured products, AirCarbon is not the only material used in the process. Their products also contain natural rubber and 15% or less synthetic materials. This means that they are not biodegradable. However, they do offer a recycling program, creating a closed loop. Covalent will accept products that have reached the end of their lifestyle and give them a second life. Check out Covalent The Carbon Marketplace: Carbon Watch The Carbon Marketplace is an online store where you can purchase products made from CO2. The marketplace is actually from a company called Sky Baron, a collaborative platform for brands creating captured carbon products. You will find that they, too, sell the vodka and soap mentioned above. They also sell a carbon watch which is allowing us to “turn back the clock on climate change,” as they smartly point out. They’ve used Carbon Upcycling Technologies’ carbon material along with designing and manufacturing from 22 Design Studio to create this watch. In total, it’s made from carbon-infused fly ash, a stainless steel case, high-density concrete, glass, a leather strap, and Miyota movement. The watch itself is made in Taiwan, though the carbon comes from Calgary, Canada. In addition to the watch, they have a couple of exciting products listed as coming soon. Their carbon pen is made from the same carbon-infused fly ash made in Canada and combined with high-density concrete and stainless steel. The color and shape of the pen actually adapt to your hand as you use it, so it will truly be your pen. Lastly, they will soon offer carbon coaster sets made from carbon-infused fly ash, concrete, and cork. The ridges in the design of the coasters ensure that your drink stays put without sticking. The coasters are designed in Houston, TX. Check out The Carbon Marketplace “There’s a better way forward. One that pushes the boundaries of what we thought possible and builds a sustainable relationship between our food and our planet. It’s meat made from air”. So reads the website of Air Protein, as founded by Drs. Lisa Dyson and John Reed. Officially launched in 2019 but having been researched since 2008, they seek to usher in a new era of sustainable meat consumption by creating artificial meat using Co2 and other chemicals, along with water and other minerals. The raw materials are collected, fermented to create a protein, dried to provide texture and extruded to provide taste. This product, by utilizing co2, reduces the greenhouse gas effect, which could significantly minimize the environmental burden of agriculture, currently composing 24% of global emissions. In addition to being carbon negative due to the captured emissions to produce it, it is also expected to significantly reduce the water intensity of meat production, with Air Protein requiring 0.8 liters per kilogram, compared to 15,000 liters per for traditional beef. This is currently in the testing and scaling stage, but they are hoping to move to market within the next couple years. Sometimes, all it takes is a simple change to have a massive impact. Today, liquid fuels — gasoline, diesel, and other variants that power our homes, cars, etc. — are made by refining hydrocarbons drilled from underground. They can be made with carbon from the air instead. In the former method, the carbon comes from fossil fuels, and is harvested via the steam reforming of natural gas. However, utilizing ambient air, renewable energy, and electrolysis, which pulls hydrogen directly out of water, fuel can be produced for a vastly smaller carbon footprint. While most climate researchers say that, in the long term, many of these transportation vehicles will need to be replaced with electric alternatives, this synthetic fuel alternative could offer an opportunity to create carbon-neutral or carbon-negative fuel while manufacturers, corporations and governments make the transition to electric alternatives. Several startups have arisen in recent years seeking to pioneer this technology, while car companies such as Porsche have invested $75,000,000 in a Chilean company seeking to create such a fuel. Cooperation on this issue expands innovation, and it will soon be seen if the collaboration on the creation of this product will enable for its expanded development. Disclosure: Every product is carefully selected by our editors. Things you buy through our links may earn us a commission.
On this day in 1920, the American Civil Liberties Union was founded in New York City. For 103 years, the ACLU has lobbied and litigated for the fair and equal application (to all people) of the rights and liberties guaranteed by the American Constitution. The organization takes direct legal action in some cases and it also advises and supports the legal actions of other civil rights advocates. The ACLU weighs-in with amicus briefs, when appropriate, and communicates with lawmakers as to the constitutionality (or not) of their proposed legislation. Some people believe that the ACLU is a liberal organization, however, its history proves otherwise. The ACLU has long advocated for free speech rights, even for right wing organizations like the Ku Klux Klan and and Neo-Nazis. The National Rifle Association has sought ACLU help in the past (although the ACLU only supports the original interpretation of gun possession—that is, within a well-regulated militia). And conservative icons like Rush Limbaugh, Henry Ford, George Wallace and Oliver North have all received support from the ACLU, even (and especially) when their First Amendment-protected utterances have caused great pain and suffering to many. The foundation of the ACLU's work—indeed, the entire American Experiment—is the Constitution itself. And the Constitution is The Law. And it is through The Law that individual liberties (and democracy) are preserved. Thank you, ACLU. The bookends above, made by Bradley & Hubbard in the Twenties, depict the Classical Greek structure, The Temple of Concordia, whose remnants are to be found in Sicily. Greek Revival architecture and decor has long been associated with The Law and all matters legal. Perhaps your favorite lawyer (or judge) would enjoy these bookends on her bookshelf, desk or credenza. Click on the photo above to learn more about these handsome temples. Though our Greenwich Village store is now permanently closed, LEO Design is still alive and well! Please visit our on-line store where we continue to sell Handsome Gifts (www.LEOdesignNYC.com). We also can be found in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania at The Antique Center of Strabane (www.antiquecenterofstrabane.com). Or call to arrange to visit our Pittsburgh showroom (by private appointment only). 917-446-4248
Androgynous refers to the act of simultaneously having or showing qualities that are associated with both femininity and masculinity. It can involve behaviors, presentations, and roles which were/are typically culturally associated with being a man and being a woman. Androgynous individuals may also have qualities associated with neutrality. Androgynous can be used as a description of one's gender, one's gender presentation, or both. As a gender presentation, androgynous describes a presentation that incorporates some features that are indicative of men and some features that are indicative of women. For example, having facial hair and wearing make-up at the same time. Not everyone with an androgynous gender will present androgynously, and not everyone who presents androgynously will have an androgynous gender. One can present androgynously regardless of gender or sexual orientation. The exact traits and qualities associated with androgyny depend on the culture and time period. Another definition is showing traits that can be associated with either binary gender. For example, wearing unisex clothes. This form of presentation can also be described as gender neutral. Neutral is often confused with androgynous due to the terms being used interchangeably in society; however, in some cases it is useful to distinguish between the two. Neutral is a term describing something that is not strongly masculine nor strongly feminine, whereas androgynous describes something that is both masculine and feminine at the same time, which can include neutrality but is not defined by it. The androgynous flag was designed by Mod arco-pluris through the Tumblr blog Beyond MOGAI Pride Flags on January 30, 2019. The flag is based on the feminine and masculine flags by imoga-pride on Tumblr. This flag has no confirmed color meanings. It uses purple, as it is a combination of blue (masculine) and pink (feminine) and is the most common color associated with androgyny. An alternate androgynous flag was designed by FANDOM user kirbirb on January 7, 2021. This flag has no confirmed color meanings. It uses purple, as it is a combination of blue (masculine) and pink (feminine) and is the most common color associated with androgyny. An alternate androgynous flag was designed by Discord user emsydacat on August 1, 2021. It is made to resemble an alternate androgyne flag by the same creator. It is a striped gradient of purple that is made up of a mix between the three colors of the androgyne flag (pink, purple, blue), representing how androgynous individuals present with a mixture of features associated with femininity, masculinity, and sometimes neutrality in varying intensity. - [https://web.archive.org/web/https://beyond-mogai-pride-flags.tumblr.com/post/182437170455/androgynous-pride-flag beyond-mogai-pride-flags on Tumblr: Androgynous Pride Flag ] - [https://web.archive.org/web/https://imoga-pride.tumblr.com/post/181198815416/mascfem-flags imoga-pride on Tumblr: Masc/Fem Flags ] ([https://web.archive.org/web/https://web.archive.org/web/20210708060502/https://imoga-pride.tumblr.com/post/181198815416/mascfem-flags Archive ]) - Androgynous Alternate Flag File
Resources on literary genres 30 Multicultural Books Every Teen Should Know This list was compiled by the Cooperative Children’s Book Center at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. It introduces 30 essential writers and a range of authors for teens. Best Fantasy YA Books An exhaustive list of books, comics, anime, movies, and games. Best Science Fiction Books for Young Adults A sister site to Best Fantasy Books, this is one of the most comprehensive young adult science fiction sites on the web. Great Graphic Novels for Teens Great Graphic Novels for Teens is a list of recommended graphic novels and illustrated nonfiction for those ages 12-18, prepared yearly by YALSA. Kelly Jensen's Young Adult Book Lists This mega list created by two librarians categorizes titles under various genres. Multicultural Literature for Young Adults This list created by librarians at CSU, Fullerton, showcases multicultural literature for middle grades and high school teens. Nonfiction Books from NPR Provides author interviews, news, and reviews of nonfiction books for young adults Nonfiction Young Adult Literature - change to goodreads from csulib Contains over 1,000 popular young adult non-fiction titles. Poetry for Teens -Poetry.org Contains a selection of poems, essays, recommended reading lists, must-have anthologies, interviews, and advice for teens. Short Stories for High School Students The stories on this list are recommended for high school students based on their significance and to depend student appreciation for the short story genre. Short Stories for Middle School Students The short stories in this list are intended to inspire meaningful classroom discussions, build critical analysis skills, and are fun to read. Suggested Biographies for Teens This is a list of adult biographies which may be of interest to teens. Young Adult Literature "We Need Diverse Books" from California State University Library, Long Beach. Young Adult Science Fiction from Goodreads Lists popular books and new reads. Features recommendations, discussions, quotes, and ask the author sections. Young Adult Historical Novels - historical novels.info Excellent site where you can browse historical novels by century beginning with the prehistoric times and stretching to the early twentieth century.
Anxiety is a response to a perceived threat. Without the anxiety, or stress, response, we would not survive. We need to be able to react to stressful events such as a child running in front of a car. Most people experience feelings of anxiety before an important event such as an exam, or giving a presentation. Anxiety disorders, however, are illnesses that cause people to feel frightened, distressed, and uneasy for no apparent reason. Left untreated, these disorders can dramatically and significantly diminish an individual’s quality of life. Recognised specific anxiety disorders include… Panic attacks are repeated episodes of intense fear that strike often and without warning. Physical symptoms include chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, abdominal distress, feelings of unreality, and fear of dying. They can often escalate until the sufferer develops a fear of the panic attack, which results in avoidance of situations where attacks are more likely to occur. This may eventually lead to conditions such as agoraphobia. GAD, sometimes known as ‘free-floating anxiety’, may be defined as a disorder in which the sufferer feels in a constant state of high anxiety. The anxiety experienced is not as a result of any specific trigger, but those with this condition feel that they are on edge all the time for no specific reason. GAD may be accompanied by physical symptoms, such as fatigue, trembling, muscle tension, headache, or nausea. OCD can be viewed in two parts; obsessions – repetitive, obtrusive unwanted thoughts that are experienced and result in unreasonable fears, and compulsions – acts or rituals carried out in response to fears generated by obsessions. The classic OCD condition is that of compulsive hand washing in response to an irrational fear of contamination. Sufferers of this disorder feel less anxious once they have carried out a compulsion. It is possible to experience obsessive thoughts only and not have the desire to carry out a compulsion. Examples of compulsions are excessive cleaning, counting, checking, measuring, and repeating tasks or actions. Examples of obsessions are worrying excessively about death, germs, illness – usually AIDS, cancer, etc. (this can also be classified as an ‘Illness phobia’,) having undesirable sexual thoughts, fearing causing harm to others. A phobia is an irrational fear of an object/situation etc. that would not normally trouble most people. For example, fear of spiders, fear of thunderstorms, fear of heights. Almost ANYTHING can result in a phobic response, although some phobias are easier to live with than others are. For example, a fear of snakes may not seriously affect an individuals life, even if severe. However, social anxiety can create major problems. We all suffer from mild social phobia at times – stage fright and public speaking, for example. A social phobic, however, may avoid ANY social occasion and gradually withdraw from normal life. PTSD may develop following exposure to a traumatic event that involves actual or threatened death, or serious injury such as rape or other criminal assault, war, abuse, natural disasters or road traffic accidents. The event may be witnessed rather than directly experienced, and even learning about it may be sufficient if the persons involved are family members or close friends. Sufferers may experience flashbacks, panic attacks Nightmares, numbing of emotions, depression and feeling angry. Nicknamed ‘Imagined Ugliness Syndrome’ for sufferers of the condition have an irrational preoccupation with a perceived body defect, either present in themselves or in others; the latter being dysmorphophobia by proxy. BDD sufferers cannot accept that their fears of their perceived body defect are out of all proportion, and frequently seek plastic surgery/other measures in an attempt to rectify the perceived problem. Often classified under the general umbrella of OCD (see above). Social anxiety is reported to be one of the most common forms of anxiety. You may find it difficult working in groups, attending parties or other social gatherings or perhaps you feel embarrassed in public doing 'normal' things like eating or going about your daily business at work. Perhaps you have a fear of crowds. Whatever your fear, if you feel that it is controlling your life and stopping you from doing things then we can help. The recommended treatment for anxiety disorders is medication if severe, plus self-help or talking therapies. Our own treatment encompasses anxiety management techniques such as thought stopping and EFT – emotional freedom technique, structured problem solving and CBT – cognitive behavioural therapy and a variety of relaxation techniques, such as hypnotherapy, relaxation and autogenics. For more information please see our Therapy Information page typesoftherapy.php
Stickers and labels are ubiquitous in our daily lives. From food packaging to office equipment, we see them everywhere. They serve a variety of purposes, from providing important information about a product to promoting a brand. Graphic design plays a critical role in the creation of stickers and labels. In this blog post, we will explore the art of graphic design for stickers and labels, including best practices, design tips, and more. Understanding the Purpose of Stickers and Labels Before we dive into the world of graphic design, it’s important to understand the purpose of stickers and labels. These small but mighty design elements serve several functions, including: - Identification: Labels help identify products, brands, and packaging. - Information: Stickers often contain important information about a product, such as ingredients or usage instructions. - Branding: Stickers can also serve as a branding tool, helping to promote a brand’s message and identity. - Promotion: Stickers are often used for promotional purposes, such as advertising a sale or event. - Decoration: Stickers and labels can add aesthetic value to a product, such as adding a logo or design element. With these functions in mind, let’s take a closer look at how graphic design can help achieve them. Designing for Purpose The first step in designing stickers and labels is to understand the purpose of the design. Whether you’re creating a label for a food product or a sticker for a laptop, the design should serve a specific purpose. Here are a few things to keep in mind when designing for purpose: - Clear communication: The design should communicate the purpose of the sticker or label clearly and effectively. This means that important information should be easy to read and understand. - Consistency: The design should be consistent with the product or brand it represents. This means that colors, fonts, and other design elements should align with the overall brand identity. - Hierarchy: If the sticker or label contains multiple pieces of information, it’s important to establish a hierarchy. This means that the most important information should be prominent, while less important information can be smaller or less prominent. Design Tips for Stickers and Labels Now that we’ve covered the basics of designing for purpose, let’s dive into some specific design tips for stickers and labels. 01. Keep it simple. One of the most important design tips for stickers and labels is to keep it simple. When it comes to design, less is often more. A simple design with clear typography and a limited color palette can be more effective than a busy design with too much going on. Why is simplicity so important in sticker and label design? There are a few reasons: - Clarity: The purpose of a sticker or label is to communicate important information to the viewer. If the design is too busy or cluttered, the information may be harder to read and understand. A simple design ensures that the information is easy to digest and comprehend. - Aesthetic appeal: A simple design can be aesthetically pleasing, especially when it aligns with the overall brand identity. Minimalism is a popular design trend in many industries, and it can be applied to sticker and label design as well. - Cost-effective: Keeping the design simple can also be cost-effective, especially if the design will be printed in large quantities. Complex designs with multiple colors or images can be more expensive to print, while a simple design with fewer colors and elements may be more affordable. So, how can you create a simple design for a sticker or label? Here are a few tips: - Use clear typography: Choose a font that is easy to read and aligns with the overall brand identity. Avoid using multiple fonts or font styles, as this can create visual clutter. - Limit the color palette: Choose a limited color palette that aligns with the brand or product. Use color strategically to highlight important information or create visual interest. - Use whitespace: Whitespace is the space around and between design elements. It can help create a sense of balance and make the design feel less cluttered. - Prioritize information: Establish a hierarchy of information and prioritize the most important information. Make sure that the most important information is prominent and easy to read. By following these tips, you can create a simple and effective design for a sticker or label. Remember that the design should serve a specific purpose and communicate important information clearly and effectively. A simple design can help achieve that goal. 02. Use high-quality images. Another key aspect of creating effective stickers and labels is using high-quality images. High-quality images can enhance the overall design and help convey the message you want to communicate to your audience. Images can be used in many ways in sticker and label design. For example, an image of the product can be used to show the customer what they are buying. Alternatively, an image can be used to create visual interest and draw the viewer’s eye to the sticker or label. In both cases, using a high-quality image can help make the sticker or label more effective. Here are a few tips for using high-quality images in sticker and label design: - Choose high-resolution images: Make sure that the images you use are high-resolution, which means they are sharp and clear when printed. Low-resolution images can appear blurry or pixelated, which can make the design look unprofessional. - Use images that align with the brand or product: Choose images that align with the overall brand or product. For example, if the product is natural and organic, use images that reflect that, such as images of plants or natural landscapes. - Use images strategically: Use images strategically to enhance the overall design and help convey the message you want to communicate. Avoid using too many images or images that are not relevant to the product or message. - Consider the placement of the image: Consider the placement of the image in relation to the text and other design elements. The image should enhance the design and help draw the viewer’s eye to the most important information. - Edit the image if necessary: If the image needs to be edited to fit the design, make sure to do so carefully and with attention to detail. For example, if the image needs to be resized or cropped, make sure that it still looks clear and high-quality after the edits. In conclusion, using high-quality images in sticker and label design can help enhance the overall design and convey the message you want to communicate to your audience. By following these tips, you can use images effectively in your sticker and label designs. 03. Consider the material. Another important aspect of creating effective stickers and labels is considering the material they will be printed on. The material can affect the design, durability, and effectiveness of the sticker or label. It’s essential to choose the right material that will best serve the intended purpose of the sticker or label. Here are a few factors to consider when choosing the material for your sticker or label: - Adhesive properties: The adhesive properties of the material will determine how well the sticker or label will stick to the surface it’s applied to. Some materials have strong adhesive properties that are designed to adhere to various surfaces, while others have weaker adhesive properties and may not work for certain surfaces. It’s essential to choose the material that will work best for the intended use. - Durability: The durability of the material is another important consideration. Stickers and labels that will be exposed to outdoor elements or heavy use may require a more durable material that can withstand wear and tear. For example, vinyl or polyester materials are more durable and long-lasting than paper materials. - Printability: The material’s printability is another crucial factor to consider. Some materials are more suitable for certain types of printing processes, such as digital or offset printing. It’s important to choose a material that can be printed on with the desired printing method to achieve the best results. - Appearance: The appearance of the material can also affect the overall design of the sticker or label. Some materials have a glossy finish, while others have a matte finish. The material’s appearance can affect the way the design looks and the way it reflects light. - Cost: Finally, the cost of the material is an important consideration. Some materials may be more expensive than others, and it’s essential to choose a material that fits within the budget without sacrificing quality or effectiveness. 04. Use color wisely. Color can be a powerful tool in graphic design, but it can also be overwhelming if not used wisely. Consider the purpose of the sticker or label and use color to support that purpose. For example, a food label may use earthy tones to communicate the natural ingredients, while a promotional sticker may use bright colors to catch the eye. A color is a powerful tool in sticker and label design, and it can have a significant impact on how effective the design is in conveying the intended message. The use of color can influence the viewer’s emotions, convey meaning, and create visual interest. Here are a few tips for using color wisely in sticker and label design: - Choose a color scheme: Selecting a color scheme is an essential step in creating a cohesive and effective design. Consider the brand or product’s colors, as well as the emotions and meanings associated with different colors, when selecting a color scheme. - Use color to create contrast: Contrast can help draw the viewer’s eye to important information on the sticker or label. Using contrasting colors, such as black and white or complementary colors, can create visual interest and help the most critical information stand out. - Consider color psychology: The use of color can affect the viewer’s emotions and perceptions. For example, blue is associated with trust and stability, while red is associated with energy and excitement. Consider the intended message of the sticker or label and the emotions you want to evoke when choosing colors. - Use color sparingly: While color can be a powerful tool in design, it’s essential to use it sparingly to avoid overwhelming the viewer. Use color to highlight key information or create visual interest but avoid using too many colors or making the design too busy. - Test the design in different lighting conditions: The appearance of colors can change depending on the lighting conditions. It’s important to test the design in different lighting conditions, such as natural light or fluorescent lighting, to ensure that the colors appear as intended. 05. Test the design. Before sending the design off for printing, test it out. Print a sample and apply it to the product or packaging.
Did you know that owning a dog could help you lose weight? This is especially true if the canine is a large breed. Of course dog ownership regardless of size is not the primary cause in assisting people with weight loss, but rather a motivating factor. A study conducted by researchers at Liverpool University studying why some pets are exercised more than others found that owners of large breeds are more motivated to walk their dog than smaller breed owners. Although some canine breeds require more exercise than others, the size of the dog really does not matter with some smaller breeds requiring just as much exercise as their larger counterparts. The Liverpool University researchers polled more than 600 dog owners regarding what inspired them to exercise. A total of 66% responded that owning a dog encouraged them to walk more. This phenomenon has been called the “Lassie effect.” Liverpool University researcher and population health expert Dr. Carri Westgarth said the health-boosting aspect of the dog-human relationship has been dubbed the Lassie effect “due to the iconic television character’s ability to perform life-saving acts.” Interestingly, large breeds were walked more often than smaller breeds, and more often than dogs that were sick or overweight. The study also revealed that owners who believed their dog enjoyed exercise were more likely to take their dog out as were owners very attached to their animal. According to the journal BMC Public Health, owners that felt exercise would keep their dog healthy or would stop it from barking were more likely to take their dog for a walk. “There appears to be something special in the way owning a pet dog makes people feel motivated or obliged to go for a walk compared to other factors that can encourage us to exercise,” said Dr. Westgarth. The researchers also point out that approximately 40% of people living with a dog do not walk their pets and that many could walk them more regularly. Per Dr. Westgarth, “[The] team’s findings could be used to encourage more people to walk their dogs…by changing perceptions of the amount of exercise older and smaller dogs require.” This article was adapted from an October 4, 2016 story in the IOL Property Lifestyle section titled “Big dogs can help you lose weight.” The cancer usually develops on the ears, face, eyelids, bridge of the nose and sometimes toes, although it can occur anywhere on the body. The lesions appear as ulcers (with or without scabs) or as nodules with a rough surface similar to a wart. Ordinarily these kinds of lesions grow slowly. Early detection of solar-induced carcinomas is vital because a range of treatment options is available early on. “The problem is that early lesions can look like a simple scratch or scab that may even heal before the lesion again declares itself,” says Dr. Balkman. The exceptional ability of cats to hide signs of serious disease complicates the identification process. That is why these tumors are often diagnosed in their advanced stages. The initial step in diagnosis is typically a biopsy preceded by a work-up procedure that includes routine blood work prior to sedation. A veterinarian administers the amount of anesthesia needed to obtain an adequate enough biopsy to confirm the presence and degree of invasiveness of SCC. Lymph node biopsies can also be performed to determine if the tumor has spread. Additionally, x-rays and computed tomography (CT) scans can provide more information. The initial diagnostic workup can cost from $1200 to $1500. The biopsy can cost between $250 and $500. Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy have been the mainstays of cancer treatment. Radiation and chemotherapy however, destroy both normal healthy cells and cancer cells. This is where more targeted treatments can be beneficial. Standard chemotherapy destroys rapidly dividing cells that include both normal and cancerous cells. In one type of targeted treatment, drugs are utilized that block the growth and spread of cancer by interfering with specific molecules expressed by the cancer cells. According to Dr. Balkman, toceranib phosphate (Palladia) is a targeted anti-cancer drug being investigated for use in cats. Palladia is a small molecule inhibitor approved for use in dogs with mast cell tumors that has shown to be effective with other types of tumors. The drug targets a number of molecules involved in cancer cell growth and survival by disrupting molecular signaling pathways that in turn stop the cells from growing and lead to death of the cancer cell. Although more studies are needed to determine the drug’s efficacy in cats with SCC, the preliminary data on the use of toceranib phosphate in cats shows it is well tolerated and safe. Oral tumor surgery requiring partial jaw removal can cost between $2500 and $3500, contingent on the size of the tumor and duration of the surgery. Radiation therapy is also commonly used in the treatment of oral squamous cell carcinoma either separately or in conjunction with surgery. When oral tumors become invasive, however, surgery alone is rarely successful, with treatment also including radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
Introduction of kidney support vitamins: A kidney is a pair of bean-shaped organs located on either side of the spine. They are responsible for filtering waste products from our blood, maintaining our body fluids, and producing hormones that regulate blood pressure, red blood cell production, and bone health. When our kidneys don’t function correctly, it can lead to several health issues, including chronic kidney disease, kidney stones, and urinary tract infections. Kidney support supplements are designed to support optimal kidney function and prevent kidney-related health issues. They contain a blend of natural ingredients that have been shown to improve kidney function, reduce inflammation, and protect against kidney damage. As we age, our body undergoes several changes, including a decline in kidney function. Kidneys are vital organs that filter waste products from our blood, balance our body fluids, and maintain our overall health. When our kidneys don’t function correctly, it can lead to various health problems. Fortunately, kidney support supplements can help maintain optimal kidney function and prevent kidney-related health issues. In this article, we’ll discuss kidney support supplements, their benefits, and how they work. Are you undergoing kidney problems or want to maintain optimal kidney function? Read on to find out how kidney support supplement can help. What are Kidney Support Supplements? Kidney support supplements are dietary supplements that contain a blend of natural ingredients designed to support optimal kidney function. These supplements are commonly used by individuals who have experienced kidney problems, such as chronic kidney disease, or those who want to maintain their kidney health. How Do Kidney Support Supplements Work? Kidney support supplements work by improving kidney function and reducing inflammation. The ingredients in these supplements help to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, which are two key factors that contribute to kidney damage. Many kidney support supplements contain ingredients like vitamin D, which helps to regulate calcium levels in the body and prevent the formation of kidney stones. Other common ingredients include magnesium, which helps to regulate blood pressure and reduce inflammation, and N-acetylcysteine, which helps to protect against kidney damage caused by oxidative stress. Benefits of Kidney Support Supplements - Improves Kidney Function: Kidney support supplements contain a blend of natural ingredients that have been shown to improve kidney function and reduce the risk of kidney-related health issues. - Decreases Inflammation: Kidney support supplements contain ingredients that help to reduce inflammation in the body, which can help to protect against kidney damage. - Prevents Kidney Stones: Many kidney support supplements have ingredients like vitamin D, which help to regulate calcium levels in the body and prevent the formation of kidney stones. - Protects Against Kidney Damage: Kidney support supplements contain antioxidants that help to protect against kidney damage caused by oxidative stress. Kidney support supplements are a safe and effective way to maintain optimal kidney function and prevent kidney-related health issues. These supplements contain a blend of natural ingredients that have been shown to improve kidney function, decrease inflammation, and protect against kidney damage. If you’re experiencing kidney problems or want to maintain your kidney health, talk to your healthcare provider to see if kidney support supplements are right for you. Multivitamin tablets for diabetic patients in india are generally safe to use, but it is essential to follow the recommended dosage and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen. Some vitamins and minerals can interact with certain medications or medical conditions, so it is crucial to discuss any concerns with a doctor or pharmacist. In conclusion, multivitamin tablets for diabetics can be a useful tool for managing diabetes and maintaining good health. They contain essential vitamins and minerals that are often lacking in the diets of people with diabetes, and they can help reduce the risk of developing diabetic complications. However, it is essential to use them appropriately and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen. Liver detox tablets are dietary accessories that are marketed as products that can help support liver health and promote the reduction of toxins from the body. These tablets generally contain a blend of vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts that are believed to have detoxifying properties. Some typical elements in liver detox tablets include milk thistle, dandelion root, turmeric, and artichoke extract. While some people may find these supplements helpful, it’s essential to note that the liver is a complicated organ that performs many important functions, and no single supplement or product can replace a healthy diet and lifestyle for supporting overall liver health. Additionally, if you have a liver condition or are taking medication, it’s important to speak with your doctor before accepting any fresh supplements, including liver detox tablets. Looking for relief from your cough and cold? cough and cold syrup can be your savior! Learn everything you must to know about this treatment, including its advantages, ingredients, dosage, and side effects.
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Brain tumor surgery treatment is required when no other line of treatment works for the patient. Your neurosurgeon will make you undergo medications, exercise, diet plans etc., first whenever a brain tumor is detected. To diagnose and confirm the tumorous growth, a biopsy will done on you. A small piece of the tumor is surgically removed during a biopsy. A pathologist then examines the sample under a microscope to identify the tumor kind. The surgery to remove the tumor may include a biopsy, or it may be done separately. Types of Brain Tumor Removal Surgery: This is the most frequent procedure for brain tumor removal treatment in India. The procedure for a craniotomy often involves general anesthesia, making you partially or completely unconscious. The neurosurgeon removes a section of bone from your skull during a craniotomy to get a window of the brain. Then, with an ultrasonic device, the tumor will be broken down, and the debris be sucked by a suction device. Awake craniotomy is performed when you may have a tumor close to a part of the brain that controls speech, movement, or feeling. You may often find the surgeon making you talk, speak, or even play a guitar. It is just to be sure that the surgery is going in the right way, without hampering your activities. The anesthesia is given locally to numb the pain in and around the surgical region. You may also get mild general anesthesia. This may partially awake you and some of you may not even remember that you had surgery. Also known as keyhole brain surgery, in neuroendoscopy, the surgeon makes a small hole in your skull and drains out the fluid filled in and around the tumor. Sometimes, the tumor is also stimulated, and broken down with the help of the endoscope. Then, via an ultrasonic aspirator, the leftover tumor is sucked out. This method of brain tumor removal is often successful as it is minimally invasive and does not require complete exposure of the brain. Recovery chances are high and you may stand back on your feet within weeks of surgery. Sometimes the surgeons may use wafers or small tablet-like devices to place near or on the brain tumor. The wafers slowly disintegrate into the brain, thereby shrinking the size of the tumor. This is one of the safest methods, as the brain tumor gets directly invaded via chemicals and there is minimal requirement of breaking or cutting the skull. Where to get Brain Tumor Surgery in India? India is known to offer affordable and qualitative brain tumor removal surgery treatment. It has been trusted by many patients from all over the world. Medserg, the best medical tourism company in India offers a very reasonable package for patients, who are in urgent need of brain tumor surgery. It has tie-ups with well-known NABH-accredited 5-star hospitals all over India and has been working with the best neurologists in India. You must connect them and leave your visa assistance, travel, hotel booking, etc. all on them and visit India for hassle-free treatment.
Moko,Guardians or Enemies? “Moko” in the Rapanui language means lizard, a small reptile which, oddly, causes panic among the Rapanui. Even the most fearless of men will ask the wife to change the light bulb on the door step for fear of finding a moko there. Many women can’t sleep if they hear the crickling sound that the lizards make as they are courting. Surely this reaction must come from conditioning with some terrorific associations. Let us see what can be found in Polynesian mythology. Lizards and tuataras of New Zealand are often considered the guardians of caves or funerary chambers where they are to watch over the dead. According to the tales collected by Dr. Stephen Chauvet…”to keep the ‘Aku Aku’ (malignant spirits) from the caves or funerary chambers, the Easter Islanders buried a carved wooden lizard on either side of the entrance.” They also hung them from their necks during special ceremonies. The Maori (of New Zealand) use stone carvings of lizards as a base for their talismans that are supposed to protect the health and vitality of a tree or a forest. Sometimes they have been buried underneath the main pilar of a Hare Whananga (a house for aprentices) or other important constructions. “All creatures feathered, scaled or hairy must be of dragon origin.” Lin An Huai Zi (c. 120 B.C.)” “Ngarara” is the Maori word for reptiles like the tuataras, lizards, iguanas and dragons in some legends. They believed that reptiles were the descendants of Punga, son of Tangaroa, the god of the sea. Punga and his descendants were ugly and replusive and the Maori feared them, considering them joined with Whiro or Hiro, the god of the dark, evil and death. One of their legends tells of a giant reptile called Te Whakaruaki who obliged a woman to marry him. Her family trapped him inside a house and burned him, but his tail separated and became the father of Mokopapa, the Pacific lizard. Another story tells that a tuatara had a discussion with his brother, the shark, about whether they should live on the land or in the sea. The shark remained with the sea, while the tuatara moved onto the land to frighten the people with his horrible appearance. Yet another tale speaks of a woman who ran away with her lover, a warrior from Rotorua, but later begged forgiveness from the elders. They challenged the warrior and sentenced him to swallow a lizard. He died and was known from then as “Ngarara Nui” (great reptile). Further legends tell of Tu Tangata Kino who took the form of a reptile and created insects, spiders and lizards. The Maori believed that he was the spirit of a reptile which would crawl into the mouth of a person while he was sleeping and eat away at his stomach, causing stomach aches and malaise. The only Rapanui legend related to lizards is that of a man called Raraku, who captured a great “Heke”, (squid) in the sea near Tongariki and ate it. The result was that he went crazy and was chased away by the people. Raraku made a wooden garrote, carved like a lizard, and rampaged over the northern and western coasts killing all he encountered. (Werner Wolf, 1847). That might be sufficient reason to fear the “Moko”.
What is Beer? What is beer? There are many alcoholic drinks on the planet, from whiskey and gin to rum and brandy, but there’s nothing quite like a nice cold beer. Beer is a time-honored beverage that is crafted from just four ingredients: water, malted barley, hop flowers and yeast. These ingredients come together to create a magical brew that can be enjoyed any way you please. The exact recipe will vary depending on the style of beer being made, but a few essentials remain the same. All beers contain water, malt (a grain that can provide sweetness and texture) and hops. Yeast is responsible for turning the sugars in the malt into alcohol, and hops give beer its bitterness and aroma. The type of grain used can also impact the flavor and color of beer, for example roasted barley gives a deep brown ale with a nutty, coffee-like taste, while wheat beers have a more crisp, light taste. There are many different styles of beer, and each has its own unique characteristics that set it apart from the others. Pale ales, for instance, are known for their fruity, copper hue and hoppy flavor, while India Pale Ales are known for a higher hop content that can impart citrusy or floral notes. Then there are stouts and porters, which are darker, maltier beers with notes of chocolate and espresso. The difference between these beers is largely in how they are brewed: Lagers are brewed using slow temperatures and ferment from the bottom up, while ales are brewed at warmer temperatures and ferment from the top down.
Are dub and dubstep the same? Dub is a genre that evolved from early reggae, which was more instrumental, stripped down, and rhythm focused. Dubstep is literally UK Garage (aka 2-Step) but sampling from Dub instead of the more common RnB/Disco/Soul that was more common from the earlier Garage House days. What is the difference between dub and reggae? Dub music: Dub music is reggae without the original lead vocals—for example, a track by the Wailers without Bob Marley singing. Dub mixes tend to emphasize bass and drums, and they may also add sound effects. As a dub record spins on the turntable, a live rapper called a toaster may add impromptu vocals atop the mix. Is dub short for dubstep? is that dubstep is a genre of electronic music descended from 2-step garage, characterised by its dark mood, sparse, half-step and two-step rhythms, an average bpm of 140 and an emphasis on sub-bass while dub is (music) a mostly instrumental remix with all or part of the vocals removed or dub can be (uk|dialect) a pool … What does dub in dubstep mean? The original term of “dub” basically means to make a copy (dubbing a tape) but has expanded in the DJ world for a couple different meanings. First, Dub is sort of a sub-genre to reggae music pioneered by artists like Lee “Scratch” Perry, King Tubby, and others. Who is the best dubstep artist? - SKRILLEX. 62,531 followers. Dubstep. Trap. Bass. - DIPLO. 16,152 followers. Dubstep. Trap. Bass. - MAJOR LAZER. 9,469 followers. Dubstep. Electro House. Live. - DJ SNAKE. 6,225 followers. Dubstep. Hip-Hop. EDM/Pop. - ZEDS DEAD. 9,562 followers. Dubstep. EDM/Pop. What is dub short for? Dub has many meanings in English. It can variously mean “to nickname” and “to voice a film in a different language.” It can be short for double and the letter W. It can be slang for a marijuana “joint”, or $20 worth of drugs. What is dub slang for? “Dub” has also been criminals’ slang for a key, “especially one used for picking locks,” the OED says, and American slang for “One who is inexperienced or unskilful at anything; a duffer, fool.” It’s also been a marijuana or tobacco cigarette stub, or a car wheel rim, according the Concise New Partridge Dictionary of … What is Dub short for? Does dubstep still exist? In conclusion — no, dubstep is not dead. The more accurate assumption is that dubstep in its trendiest form (brostep) is no longer the “cool” or “hip” style it once was, and has been replaced by other trending styles. What’s the difference between dub music and dubstep? Related Questions More Answers Below. Dub is generally Jamaican music remixed in a studio on a mixing desk with reverb and delays. The engineer would move the volume faders to bring instruments or vocals in or out of the mix. Dubstep is an electronic music genre which originally had a similar vibe as dub, being a similar tempo and beat,… What’s the difference between dubstep and 2 step garage? Dubstep is a relatively new genre of dance music that is a combination of two other electronic music subgenres: “dub” music and “2-step” garage. What’s the difference between techno, dubstep, and house? House, techno, and dubstep are all electronic. Techno is typically faster, with a kick on the downbeat and a hat on the upbeat. You can usually tell if something is dubstep if there is a snare on beat 3. The drops are variable, with melodic dubstep drops being very different from Skrillex-type. How many beats per minute do you dance dubstep? In this tutorial we’re going to be breakin’ down the common themes you see across people that dance dubstep. Dubstep music is often 140 beats per minute. It includes some common sections, such as a build up, a kick and a snare, a drop, a beat down, and other sorts of noises and mechanical and robotic movements.
Human neural stem cells are capable of helping people regain learning and memory abilities lost due to radiation treatment for brain tumors, a UC Irvine study suggests. Research with rats found that stem cells transplanted two days after cranial irradiation restored cognitive function, as measured in one- and four-month assessments. In contrast, irradiated rats not treated with stem cells showed no cognitive improvement. “Our findings provide solid evidence that such cells can be used to reverse radiation-induced damage of healthy tissue in the brain,” said Charles Limoli, a UCI radiation oncology professor. Study results appear in the July 15 issue of Cancer Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. Radiotherapy for brain tumors is limited by how well the surrounding tissue tolerates it. Patients receiving radiation at effective levels suffer varying degrees of learning and memory loss that can adversely affect their quality of life. “In almost every instance, people experience severe cognitive impairment that’s progressive and debilitating,” Limoli said. “Pediatric cancer patients can experience a drop of up to three IQ points per year.” For the UCI study, multipotent human neural stem cells were transplanted into the brains of rats that had undergone radiation treatment. They migrated throughout the hippocampus — a region known for the growth of new neurons — and developed into brain cells. Researchers assessed the rats one month and four months after transplantation, noting enhanced learning and memory abilities at both intervals. Additionally, they found that transplanting as few as 100,000 human neural stem cells was sufficient to improve cognition after cranial irradiation. Of cells surviving the process, about 15 percent turned into new neurons, while another 45 percent became astrocytes and oligodendrocytes — cells that support cerebral neurons. Most notably, Limoli said, he and his colleagues discovered that about 11 percent of the engrafted cells expressed a behaviorally induced marker of learning, indicating the functional integration of those cells into memory circuits in the hippocampus. “This research suggests that stem cell therapies may one day be implemented in the clinic to provide relief to patients suffering from cognitive impairments incurred as a result of their cancer treatments,” Limoli said. “While much work remains, a clinical trial analyzing the safety of such approaches may be possible within a few years, most likely with patients afflicted with glioblastoma multiforme, a particularly aggressive and deadly form of brain cancer.” Munjal Acharya, Lori-Ann Christie, Mary Lan and Erich Giedzinski of UCI and John Fike and Susanna Rosi of UC San Francisco contributed to the study, which was funded by the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Department of Energy. About the University of California, Irvine: Founded in 1965, UCI is a top-ranked university dedicated to research, scholarship and community service. Led by Chancellor Michael Drake since 2005, UCI is among the most dynamic campuses in the University of California system, with nearly 28,000 undergraduate and graduate students, 1,100 faculty and 9,000 staff. Orange County’s largest employer, UCI contributes an annual economic impact of $4.2 billion. For more UCI news, visit www.today.uci.edu. News Radio: UCI maintains on campus an ISDN line for conducting interviews with its faculty and experts. Use of this line is available for a fee to radio news programs/stations that wish to interview UCI faculty and experts. Use of the ISDN line is subject to availability and approval by the university.
#9 Geography vs. Geometry December 20, 2020 The way of riding the NY subway (and around the world) has changed. The classic and iconic map known by everyone was redesigned, now traveling in the Big Apple promises to be easier. Great excuse to talk about maps and their design. The most important maps of the modern era are not maps. Maps and blueprints are fundamental tools to understand our environment. One day they stopped being geographic depictions to become something else. They went from being geographic to being ruled by geometry, they became diagrams, and designs. An exhibition at MoMA is currently dedicated to the greatest exponent or culprit, depending on how you look at it, of the designer and legend Massimo Vignelli. Geometry vs geography. The real depiction of the city's geography vs a minimalist rendering to make the information more clear where the geography was sometimes altered. “Of course, I know the park is green and not gray,” Mr. Vignelli said in an interview with The New York Times in 2006. “Who cares? You want to go from Point A to Point B, period. The only thing you are interested in is the spaghetti.” For a while, three different construction companies were working on the subway system, and each of them had its own layout of trains and stations. These three layouts coexisted for some time until in 1972, Massimo Vignelli designed the current layout with the aim of unifying the system. Design attempts, among many other things, to clarify communication. Undoubtedly, redesigning one of the most complex and extensive subway system map is a major design challenge. The map and signage of the NYC subway system became an app that features live updates on the status of trains when the next train will arrive, schedules, delays, and much other important information. But above all, it settles the debate between geography and geometry of the 60s. Geography: More information and less clarity vs. Geometry: More clarity and less information. In this new project, as we zoom in, the map becomes more detailed, and more information is displayed, and when we zoom out, the map is simplified, resembling Massimo's design. "The Map" is a documentary by Gary Hustwit (Helvetica, Rams, Objectified, Workplace) and Work & Co, the design agency behind the live map. Let's end with the beginning. 112 years ago this whole mess started. In 1908 the London subway network expanded and became more complex. Many stations, connections, and a true subway system. The map they had until then, geographical, showed streets, parks, the whole layout of the city, and over it, the complex subway system. Impossible to read or understand. Harry Beck, a 29-year-old engineer, had an idea. Leaving aside the geographical aspect, the map became a diagram, with 3 types of lines; horizontal, vertical, and diagonal at 45 degrees and with equal distance between each station. Thanks for reading! See you next time Juan & Martina
Risk Management refers to the practices and processes put in place by companies to identify, assess, and mitigate the various risks that they could face. This includes the following: - financial risks such as fraud and chargebacks - operational risks such as system failures - compliance risks such as breaches of data security standards Financial risks are particularly high in the payment processing industry due to the high volume of transactions and the sensitive nature of the data involved. Companies employ various strategies to manage these risks, such as implementing advanced fraud detection algorithms, using secure communication protocols, and adhering to strict data protection standards. Additionally, they may also have contingency plans in place to handle unforeseen events such as system outages or natural disasters. Compliance risks are also significant in the payment processing industry, as companies must adhere to a myriad of laws, regulations, and industry standards. This includes compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), which sets the requirements for secure handling of cardholder data. Regular audits and assessments are often required to ensure ongoing compliance. Overall, effective risk management is crucial for the success and sustainability of companies in the payment processing industry.
Message from Teacher: We know a lot of families are worried about going to the dentist and the risk of exposure to Covid. Here is a resource to help you stay fully informed about going to the dentist and staying safe. It is important that your child get regular oral health care. Before going to a dental office, talk with the dental team about changes they have made to lower the risk of spreading the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) to patients and parents. As the caregiver to your child you have to do what is best for your child and your family and whatever your choose, we will support you. If you have any additional questions please talk about it with your child’s teacher on your next home visit call. For more things dentist offices are doing to keep patients safe please see this handout: Suggested Home Learning Activities For This Week: What is Missing Memory Game – Boosting memory skills boosts other skills like concentration and attention. Gather any toys you have at home or even school supplies (toy cars, duck puppet, robots, shapes, etc). Line up 3 to 6 items on the floor and allow your child to study the items. Once you give them some time to remember what is in front of them, have them turn around or close their eyes while you take one toy away. Once they turn back around or open their eyes, have them guess which item is missing! You can take turns with your child on playing this fun game. Math / Science Shoe Hunt: Math Game – Invite your child to go on a shoe hunt. Count the number of shoes each family member has. Count how many different types of shoes are in your house. How many have laces? How many have Velcro or buckles? Do you wear them indoors or outdoors? Do you slip them on? Count how many pairs of shoes Teach your child how to count by twos. Line the shoes up from biggest to smallest. Get out a tape measure or ruler and measure the shoes. Language / Literacy Clean up Song – In school, it was very important that the kiddos always clean up after themselves once they are done playing with toys, eating, or doing any activity. This song teaches the topic of cleaning up, helping children understand that at the end of every activity, it is necessary to put everything in its place once they are done. Play this song so they know it is time to clean up and put everything where they belong! Movement / Play Movement/Exercise Activity: Bowling – I hope my friends have heard of bowling! This activity is a fun activity to do with minimal materials. Set up a mini bowling alley in the hallway or anywhere in your home by using plastic cups as bowling pins. Use the traditional triangle setup or create a stacked pyramid. Then roll any soft ball you have at home to knock them down. The goal is to try to knock all the pins down in one try! Encourage your child to count items that have been knocked over and count the cups as you set them up again. Movement / Play Toss – Find a large container your child can use to throw items into (a box would work great). You can encourage your child to throw small soft toys like stuffed animals, small balls or clothing items like socks/shirts. Show your child how to throw the first item in the box and tell them to copy you. When they throw it into the box, cheer them on. Your child will like this game better if you and other family members are also throwing items in the box.
I understand Jessica Montell’s point that the word “occupation” is legally a correct term to use in reference to the current situation. (“West Bank is under occupation, that’s a fact,” April 17). She also writes that the territory is the “biblical heartland of the Jewish people” and there has been a Jewish presence since at least 1500 BCE, thus providing justification for Jews to live in the West When the term “occupation” is mentioned, invariably the root cause is omitted. How did this occupation happen to occur in the year 1967? It happened because neighboring countries invaded Israel with the intent to destroy the nation. If they had been successful, there would have been no Israel and much of the world would have rejoiced. Since they failed, Israel has to be compensated for the declaration of war by those seeking its demise. The best way to do this is for Israel to have some additional territory for both security purposes and to enable it to expand beyond its narrow borders. Doing anything less is a terrible injustice.
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Download ncert solutions 202021 and offline apps for new session 20202021. National council of educational research and training home. Ncert history class 10 history chapter 4 topprnotes. Ncert solutions for class 10 social science history nationalism in india chapter 3 are available in pdf format for free download. It also includes solved exercises that will help the students to learn the chapters properly and practice well for their exams. Ncert books for class 10 history india and the contemporary world ii all chapters in english medium are given below to download in pdf form. Ncert history book class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 pdf download. Ncert class 10 history books pdf download ncert books. You can also check video solutions of ncert books as well. Just click on the link of the book which you would like to download. From class 6th to class 10th you will have ncert books of mathematics, social science, science, english, hindi, and sanskrit. Books of all the subjects for classes 1 to 12 are available for download. In unit ii we would learn about how livelihoods have evolved over time in the course of history. This chapter discusses the emergence of novels, its impact on india, and novels in the colonial world. Ncert books for class 10 history, pdf free to download. For your convenience, we have curated direct link to ncert book class 10 history so that you need not keep the search for it. We consider countries as the same as nations, and use the two terms as synonyms. Ncert solutions for class 10 social science history. Ncert books for class 10 all subjects in englishhindi. We have organised all ncert books in hindi for class 10 which can be downloaded in the pdf format. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation guidelines. Download ncert books and ncert exemplar in pdf or ebook epub free. Ncert history book class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 pdf free. 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History text book bharatiya itihaas ke kuchh vishay3 hindi ebook for class 12, cbse, ncert chemistry text book exemplar problem hindi ebook for class 11 cbse, ncert, hindi medium. Ncert books in hindi on history for class 6 to 12 free and trusted pdf download download history ncert text books and cbse books in hindi. We are providing the list of ncert history book for 6th class to 12th class along with the download link of the free free ncert ebooks. Ncert has a good image when it comes to publishing the study. Notification for national talent search examination 20192020. Ncert solutions for class 10 history social science. Science, math, socialscience, hindi, english and sanskrit books are here to download it free of cost. Class 10 history books helps to build strong foundation on all the. Ncert book for class 8 social science history chapter 10 indian after independence is available for reading or download on this page. Download ncert books for class 10 in hindi and english medium of all subjects of class 10 from here. The solution to all the classes is given at ias paper and our team has given the best effort to compile the best solution of ncert books. Ncert books for class 10 history are designed by subject experts who have a deep knowledge of the subject. Ncert published books for cbse class 6 to class 12 in english medium and hindi medium textbooks. Trusted source for free download of hindi cbse ncert books for history. Download entire book or each chapter in pdf, click on the below links to access books for history class 10 based on syllabus and guidelines issued by cbse and ncert. All schools affiliated to central board of secondary education follow the same class 10. Social science india and the contemporary world ii. Ncert history books 2020 for 6th class to 12th class pdf download link available in this article. Ncert book class 10 social science history chapter 1 the. Ncert books for class 10 all subjects free pdf download. The books here are as per the current academic year ready to the syllabus of cbse. Ncertcbse class 10 socialscience book arthikvikaskisamajh asrihindustanurdu. The books can be downloaded in pdf format for class 10 history. History text book themes in world history ebook for. Digital ncert books class 10 history india and the contemporary world ii pdf are always handy to use when you do not have access to the. Ncert books free download cbse class 1st 12th get here books. Ncert solutions for class 10 social science india and the. Ncert books for class 10 history covers all the important topics and concepts that are prescribed in ncert curriculum and cbse class 10 history syllabus. Kings, farmers and towns early states and economies c. History text book vishv itihas ke kuch vishya hindi ebook for class 11, cbse, ncert. Ncert history book for class 6 to class 12 are published by the officials of ncert national council of educational research and training, new delhi. The ncert class 10th history textbooks are well known for its updated and thoroughly revised syllabus. We see people as belonging to nations and having a nationality, and we assume that this sense of belonging has existed from time immemorial. History ncert class 10 chapter 1 rise of nationalism in. Copies of these textbooks may be downloaded and used as textbooks or for reference. Ace your exam by referring to ncert books for class 10 history provided in this article in chapterwise pdf format. Chapter 4 of the ncert history book for class 10 is the first chapter of unit ii. Ncert 10th class books 2020 all subject pdf download. Ncert solutions for class 7 social science history chapter 10. 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Thinkers, beliefs and buildings cultural developments c. The ncert books for class 10 are designed as per the syllabus followed national council of educational research and training provides an eye to eye detailed, and a stepbystep solutions to all the questions relating to the ncert textbooks. Ncert book class 7 social science history chapter 10. Class 10 ncert history book class 10 ncert books we live in a world where the existence of nations is taken for granted. Ncert books download for class 6,7,8,9,10,11,12 pdf hindi. The national council of educational research and training ncert publishes history textbooks for class 10. Ncert book class 10 social science history chapter 1 the rise. Ncert class 6 history download pdf ncert class 7 history download pdf ncert class 8 history download pdf ncert class 9 history download pdf ncert class 10 history download pdf ncert class 11 history download pdf ncert class 12 history. The ncert history books are based on the latest exam pattern and cbse syllabus. Students are advised to follow their prescribed textbooks. We have designed the easy table method to download ncert books for class 10. Old ncert world history class 9 pdf the story of civilization volume 1 pdf old ncert books history class 10 the story of civilization vol 2. Ncert books in hindi for class 10 has been organised in subject wise form for pdf download. For any other queries about ncert book, you can leave your queries below in the comment box. Ncert textbook solutions are considered extremely helpful when preparing for your cbse class 10 history board exams. Ncert book for class 7 history chapter 10 eighteenthcentury political formationss is available for reading or download on this page. Read on to know further about free ncert books from. Students who are in class 7 or preparing for any exam which is based on class 7 history can refer ncert history book for their preparation. 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Select the following link if you would like to recover a report that has been previously deleted. An electric motor operates in a simple and reliable manner, and this can sometimes lead to overlooking the day-to-day maintenance. An electric motor that is well cared for will last for years and provide you with ongoing reliability. The key to reliable operation of motors is having a checklist in place in the form of a preventive maintenance program. A checklist will make it possible for your employees to know exactly what needs to be examined, corrected or replaced, if need be. Additionally, a checklist will consist of maintenance that will cover tasks such as cleaning, lubrication, inspections, and testing in order to ensure the motor is in good working condition at all times. The brushes and commutators of an electric motor are prone to wear and tear and, therefore, it is important for your workforce to inspect them for excessive wear. If these two elements are excessively worn, they will not work properly and should be changed immediately. During the maintenance process, the operator must check the type, hardness, conductivity, and spring pressure of the brushes. A commutator in good condition is expected to have a smooth appearance with no scratches or grooves. Brush sparking usually causes the commutator to be blackened and rough. Moreover, your employees should inspect the motor mount, rotor, stator, and the belts. The checklist should also cover inspection of bearings. One of the most common causes of electric motor failures is bearing failure. Typical bearing problems include insufficient lubrication, worn bearings, hot motor, excessive loading, harsh external environments, or replacement with the wrong bearing type. Maintenance tasks will depend on the type of bearings used, motor application and operating environment. On motors that are heavily used, it is imperative to check the bearings daily using an infrared scanner or a stethoscope. Check the temperature of the bearing housing or surface using a thermometer or an electronic temperature sensing device. Make a comparison between the temperature of normally operating bearings and hot bearings. If the bearing is too hot to the touch, that might be an indication that it is malfunctioning, which, if left unattended, can halt the operation of the motor. Your electric motor should be lubricated on a regular basis according to manufacturer’s instructions. Ensure that the oil is changed at least once a month if your motor is operated in poor environments. Be careful to never over-lubricate since excessive lubricants deteriorate insulation. Only use the grease or oil that’s specified for the machine to ensure the proper functioning. Excessive vibrations are difficult to detect by hand, but can significantly shorten the life of your electric motor. This is because it can lead to failure of windings or metal fatigue of parts. Excessive vibration can be a result of a defective sleeve, improper balance, misalignments, or excessive belt tension. Additionally, if one of the rotating parts is unbalanced, it can create excessive vibration. In order to test the motor and determine the level of vibration, the load should be uncoupled and belts removed before running the motor. Anyone dealing with the maintenance of electric motors should be very careful given the hazardous nature of electricity. In fact, someone who doesn’t have the proper training in handling electrical components must never carry out maintenance practices. If the parts are incorrectly assembled or disassembled, it could result in explosions or fires that could threaten human life and property. Unqualified personnel should never be allowed to enter the room or operate the equipment. Moreover, the necessary protective gear should be worn including dielectric tested gloves and approved electrical test devices. Your employees should be able to carry out daily do-it-yourself maintenance practices on electric motors. This may include practices such as keeping the motor free of dirt, checking for signs of excess wear and ensuring the belts and pulleys are aligned correctly at all times. They should also assess the level and type of noise, carry out lubrication checks, and ensure there are no loose electrical terminals. Are you interested in teaching your employees how to maintain and troubleshoot common problems associated with the operation of electric motors? Well, now is the time to bring in accredited educators and you can get that at NTT Training. Don’t wait, connect with NTT today for more information. "Deliver solutions to our clients (and their global workforce) designed for safety, productivity and profitability.” NTT Training Inc. has been accredited by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET). ACCET accreditation serves the interests of companies, agencies, and the public through the establishment of standards, policies, and procedures in conjunction with an objective third-party professional evaluation designed to identify and inspire sound education and training practices. Better Business Bureau A Training Division of ECPI University
As it walks in its marshy habitat, its ungainly stride makes it look as if the bird is limping, hence the common name of Limpkin. Aramus, the genus name, comes from the Greek meaning sword and the species name guarauna from a Tupi (Brazilian) language and meaning marsh bird. And indeed the Limpkin is a marsh bird with a beak like a sword. The only species in its family, Aramidae, the Limpkin is found in southern Georgia and Florida, Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean. Limpkins are closely related to the Rallidae (rails, coots, and moorhens) and Gruidae (cranes) families, the two otherrfamilies making up the order Gruiiformes – Limpkins do look a bit like small cranes. Inhabiting lakes, swamps, and marshes, the Limpkin stands over two feet tall with its long legs, resembling an immature heron. It is brown with white spots and streaks. The Limpkin is a nocturnal hunter with a large part of its diet being made up of apple snails, but it also eats frogs, tadpoles, and insects. Its long, pointed bill is slightly curved and is yellow with a black tip. The bird’s bill is well adapted to capture and eat apple snails. When the Limpkin’s bill is closed, there is a gap just behind the tip that helps the bird use its bill like tweezers to remove snails from their shells. In some limpkins the tip of the bill is also curved to the right just a bit to make it even easier for the limpkin to slide its bill into the shell of the apple snail. Foraging is done by walking in shallow water, visually identifying food items as it walks. Limpkins will also probe in mud and below water. Upon locating a snail, they will typically move to dry land before extracting the snail from its shell. In the early 20th century Limpkins were hunted for food, almost to the point of extinction. They recovered thanks to conservation efforts and legal protection, but habitat loss remains a threat. And, as the freshwater wetlands the limpkin relies upon are highly vulnerable to sea level rise and saltwater encroachment, climate change is also of great concern. Recently Limpkins have been found in Louisiana and populations of the bird have drastically increased in Florida. Most likely, the increase in numbers of Limpkins is due to the invasion of the island apple snail, one of four non-native apple snails in the state. The native snail is 2-3 inches in length but the island species can reach five inches! Lots of food for snail eaters like the Snail Kite, Rostrhamus sociabilis. Snail kites are locally endangered in Florida but higher numbers have been seen recently. They prefer the same type of environment and diet as limpkins and are also eating the invasive island apple snails. The limpkin is also known as the crying bird because of its call. In fact, the screeching cry of the hippogriff in the movie Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is actually the cry of the Limpkin.
Emily is a 10-year-old girl who was diagnosed at birth with a congenital heart defect. Her parents were informed soon after birth she had Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. The Paediatric Cardiology Team were involved in Emily’s care upon diagnosis. Emily was not suitable for a heart transplant according to the national criteria. Emily had numerous reconstructive surgical procedures until the age of nine when Emily’s condition deteriorated and further surgical procedures were not possible. Emily lives with her parents and younger siblings on a cattle property in rural Australia. Emily’s parents work on the property and Emily’s mother has recently obtained work in the nearest town to assist the family financially. - Identify the stressors that Emily’s parents might currently be dealing with: - What are Emily’s current physical concerns? - Identify the additional concerns for children with a life-limiting illness and their families who live in rural and remote areas.
Eye Inflammation (Anterior Uveitis) in Cats WHAT IS ANTERIOR UVEITIS IN CATS? Uveitis is one of the most common eye disorders in cats and can be extremely serious. Without medical attention, your cat’s eyesight is at great risk. Uveitis is inflammation of the uvea, which is the dark tissue at the front of the eye that contains the blood vessels. This includes the iris (the colored layer around the pupil), ciliary body, and choroid (see diagram below). When the uvea becomes inflamed, the condition is referred to as anterior uveitis (inflammation of the front of the eye). WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF ANTERIOR UVEITIS? Uveitis can have many clinical signs. The most common symptom of uveitis is a color change to the eye(s) that may be cloudy or red. Other symptoms may include: - Pawing at the eye - Sensitivity to light - Redness in the white part of the eye - Excessive tearing - Watery discharge - Abnormal size or uneven shape of pupil - Swollen eyeball - Cloudiness or dullness of the front of the eye - The colour of the iris may be different than normal or uneven - Redness or protrusion of the third eyelid WHAT ARE THE CAUSE OF ANTERIOR UVEITIS? The cause can often be challenging to identify, even with extensive diagnostic tests. Common causes of anterior uveitis in cats include: - Autoimmune diseases - Metabolic diseases - Lens protein entering into the eye fluid - Trauma or injury - Infections: Fungi; Bacteria; Parasites; Rickettsia (a parasitic disease found in many ticks, fleas and lice) WHAT IS THE TREATMENT FOR ANTERIOR UVEITIS? Treatment will depend on the underlying cause. It generally consists of prescribed drops or ointments to put in the cat’s eye, as well as oral medications to reduce any pain or inflammation. If an infection is found, an antibiotic topical drug will be prescribed. If the underlying cause is a fungus, anti-fungal drugs will be prescribed. In some situations for example, if there is a tumor, the veterinarian may recommend surgery to remove the eye. Luckily, there is treatment that brings pain relief.
There are several chemicals in our body and brain, including hormones and neurotransmitters, that make up the neurochemical feeling of love. There are two primary parts to love, which are attraction and attachment. Each of these involves a different “chemical cocktail.” Certain areas of the brain light up when you are experiencing love in various stages. The brain is split into a left and right hemispheres, each having different functions. The right hemisphere is accountable for feelings, creativity, imagination and holistic thinking. The left hemisphere is accountable for logic, reasoning, planning and analytic thought. It is asserted within science that the right hemisphere is the area of love. We know from brain-imaging studies that two main areas of the brain become active when someone experiences romantic love. The first are the foci in the media insula (also associated with instinct), and the other is the anterior cingulate cortex which produces euphoric feelings. Together, these brain areas are responsible for making the feeling of being in love a very happy and natural thing. In the earlier stages of love, other brain areas such as the caudate nucleus and the ventral tegmental areas become active. These areas are flooded with dopamine which is what makes love feel like being “high.” Dopamine is also referred to as the “love drug” as it can seem addictive. What brain chemicals are involved in attraction? The early stages of love are filled with infatuation, lust, and desire. Lust is regulated by our primary sex hormones, estrogen and testosterone. Desire involved our entire bodies as it contains a rush of adrenaline (epinephrine), the same chemicals involved in the fight or flee response. A similar physiological reaction takes place that increases the heart rate and alertness, dilates the pupils and stimulates the sweat glands. When experiencing romantic love, there is an increase in three central neurotransmitters: serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Serotonin surges, influencing feelings of infatuation. Dopamine is released as well. This influences the integration of emotion and thinking. It also stimulates the hypothalamus into releasing sex hormones. Dopamine is also triggered by excitement, novelty and risk-taking. Dopamine and norepinephrine together also produces euphoric and addictive feelings. What brain chemicals are involved in attachment? After the initial “falling in love” stage, people start to feel more relaxed and comfortable in the presence of their partner. When the relationship has more stability, other brain chemicals such as oxytocin and vasopressin, begin to take over. Oxytocin, also named the “cuddle hormone,” is released after sex and physical affection. It is involved in feelings of closeness and intimacy. Oxytocin is released through touch such as kissing, stroking, and hugging as well. It is also released through talking to our partners which is why communication is critical to the long term success of a relationship. In fact, oxytocin is fundamental to sustaining lifelong romantic attachments. Vasopressin, also known as the “monogamy hormone,” influences couples to be faithful to one another. Animal studies have demonstrated that inhibiting vasopressin causes couples to become less devoted to one another. There is no doubt that love is a biologically driven emotion. The concoction of these different chemicals varies depending on which relationship phase someone is currently experiencing. The feel-good chemical like serotonin and dopamine dominates the earlier stages. The later stages of deeper love within a relationship are characterized by bonding, intimacy and often monogamy. In this stage, the brain releases oxytocin and vasopressin. We can conclude from science that love is not a mystery after all and we have a lot of information about how long-lasting and deeply loving relationships are sustained over the long term.
What is it? Menopause is the time at which menstruation ceases. The last menses occurs at an average age of 50, but it can range from as early as 37 to as late as 55 years of age. Symptoms: Menses may stop abruptly or gradually become less frequent and less heavy over a period of months. - Hot flushes in the upper chest which spread to the face and neck. - Night sweats, Palpitations, Depression, Fatigue, Vaginal dryness, Insomnia - A sensation of an ice cold feeling along the entire length of the spine Causes: The ageing process. Menopause is a natural stage of life and it does not signify and disease or disorder. Possible complications: Psychological and/or physical changes which may require medical attention. Treatment in the home: Since ovulation may still occur in the transition period to menopause, contraception should be practiced until menses has ceased completely for 12 to 18 months. If overweight, reduce to your ideal weight. Have regular blood pressure, breast and pelvic examinations. Exercise regularly and eat a well-balanced diet. The latter should include an adequate intake of calcium. When to consult a doctor: If symptoms are severe, prolonged bleeding, if spotting blood appears between menses. If menses returns more than six months after it has stopped. What the doctor may do: Take a clinical history and do a physical examination, example the nature and causes of menopause, discuss the benefits and risks of hormone replacement therapy, prescribe hormone replacement therapy in the form of tables to be taken daily; or skin patches to be applied twice weekly; or injections every few months. If you have not had a hysterectomy, prescribe a combination of two hormones (oestrogen and progesterone).This means that menses will continue, or if it has already ceased, it may return. Ask you to return for regular check-ups to assess the efficacy of the treatment and to detect any complications that may occur.
Studies in Post-Colonialism: North America The field of postcolonial studies critically examines the historical and ongoing entanglements of European nations and the societies/nations that they colonized in the modern era. Emerging in the 1970s and 80s with the publication of such texts as Edward Said’s Orientalism (1978) and the edited collection The Empire Writes Back (1989), the field attends to the cultural, political, epistemological, and economic impact of colonization on both the colonized and the colonizers. It also considers strategies of resistance to colonial control, the possibilities and challenges of decolonization, and the emergence of new forms of imperialism in the former colonies. Many of the questions and ideas at the centre of postcolonial inquiry have been predominantly shaped by an emphasis on the histories, concerns, and experiences of non-settler nations (e.g. India, Jamaica, Nigeria, Sri Lanka). This course, then, offers a “slantwise” approach to the field of post-colonial studies by taking settler colonialism as its point of departure. We approach the study of colonialisms by attending to the histories of encounter that have shaped the post-1492 Atlantic world; the raced, gendered and sexualized “conquests” that underwrite Canada and the U.S. as settler nations; and the ongoing decolonizing and social justice projects of Indigenous peoples and people of colour in the Americas. With an emphasis on close reading and historicizing skills, this course asks students to “unmap” the spaces in which we’re living, studying, and working—and, in so doing, to begin to envision more just futures on this land. I always play music at the beginning of my lectures. Here’s another of my favourites for this class:
Monogenean parasites are important ectoparasites of fish, and are responsible for severe economic impacts in the aquaculture industry. They are usually treated with chemicals, but the chemicals can have harmful side effects in the fish and may pose threats to human health. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a common medicinal herb, with antimicrobial and antitumor properties. Here, we examined the anthelmintic activity of rosemary extract against the monogenean (Dactylogyrus minutus) in vitro and in vivo using bath treatment and oral administration. The in vitro experiments showed that parasite survival was affected by both rosemary extract concentration and the solvent (water and ethanol). Parasites were dead at 61.8±5.6 and 7.8±1.4min when exposed to 100 and 200g aqueous rosemary extract solution/L of water respectively. It took 166.7±48.2 and 5.4±1.01min to kill the parasites when exposed to 1 and 32g ethanol rosemary extract solution/L of water respectively. Moreover, pure component of rosemary extract obtained commercially used in in vitro experiments showed that 1,8-Cineole was the most toxic component of the main components tested. Parasite intensity and prevalence in fish exposed to 50 and 100g aqueous rosemary solution/L water for 30min were significantly lower than they were in controls (p<0.05). In oral treatment experiments, diets of Cyprinus carpio were supplemented with eight different concentrations of aqueous rosemary extract. The intensity of parasites was significantly less in fish fed for 30days with feed containing 60, 80 and 100ml aqueous extract/100g feed than in control (p<0.05). Together these results indicate that rosemary is a promising candidate for prevention and control of monogenean infection. Keywords: Aquaculture; Dactylogyrus minutus; Disease management; Monogenea; Natural treatments; Rosmarinus officinalis. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Brand new Car In India, so many vehicles run on the roads with different engine types, fuel types and even different number plates. Did you know, the different types of number plates carry distinctive meanings depending on the type of vehicle. In India, a number plate or vehicle registration plate is issued by the Regional Transport Office or the RTO of the respective state. Every vehicle needs to attach it to the front and rear portion of the vehicle with clear visibility. The international code for Indian number plates is IND. Let’s take a deeper look at what the different number plates in India mean and how their usage affects them. The Different types of number plates for Indian vehicles include; White number plates come with black lettering and are the most common type of vehicle registration plate for vehicles in India. The vehicles with white number plates are personal cars or vehicles used for private purposes. These cannot be used for commercial purposes or transporting goods and passengers. Such number plates get used on vehicles driven by common citizens. The latest technology has helped bring in the option of eco-friendly vehicles in the form of electric automobiles. These are non-fuel vehicles and have a green number plate. These can be employed for both personal and commercial usage. Such number plates get used on vehicles driven by electric vehicle owners. The yellow number plates with a black text pattern are used for commercial purposes only. These are vehicles that have permits to transport goods across the country. Such number plates get used on vehicles driven by commercial drivers. Vehicles with black number plates are generally associated with luxury hotel transport. Moreover, these can also be used as commercial vehicles. Such number plates get used on vehicles driven by rental vehicle drivers. The red number plate on a vehicle indicates it is a brand new car and represents a temporary vehicle registration plate waiting to get a permanent plate to be issued by the RTO. Though some states do not allow temporary registration vehicles to drive on roads there are temporary vehicles which come with a registration validity of one month. Red coloured number plates with white alpha-numerals that are used on brand-new cars usually stay with the vehicle manufacturer or dealer only. The number plates with upward-pointing arrows belong to the military vehicle - registered under the Ministry of Defence. The upward-pointing arrows of such types of license plates are known as Broad Arrows which have been used in many parts of the British Commonwealth. This number plate also indicates the year of military vehicle procurement year, base code, serial number and even the class of the vehicle. Such number plates get used on vehicles driven by military officials. Many temporary registered vehicles come with the emblem of India branded in golden colour. Such number plates get used on vehicles driven by the President of India or the Governors of respective states. Blue-coloured number plates with white letters apply to vehicles reserved for foreign diplomats. Such number plates have indications such as DC - Diplomatic Corps, CC - Consular Corps or UN - United Nations. Such license plates do not bear any state code but instead come with the country code of the diplomat. Blue-coloured number plates get used on vehicles driven by foreign delegates or ambassadors. You may have noticed; every vehicle has a number plate consisting of a combination of alphanumeric characters. However, it is not easy to decipher it unless you know the components and their meaning. Let’s take an example to understand better. Say the vehicle registration number is DL01AB4567. So, the first part of a number plate is the first two letters, which here is 'DL'. It denotes the state or union territory in which the vehicle is registered like DL means Delhi. The next part of a licence plate denotes the state or union territory code which here is 01. It is the RTO code of the place where the vehicle is registered. To know the RTO codes of different states you can visit the RTO website and verify. The third part of the number plate is a unique code, an alphanumeric code which every vehicle has. The combination can vary. It typically comprises four digits and two alphabets. Like here it is AB4567. A number plate also reflects an IND logo which denotes the international registration code for India. Such a logo is usually found on all High-Security Registration Plates. To understand what a vehicle number plate is, its meaning and its classification, let’s take a brief look at the main rules and regulations that need to be followed relating to number plates on vehicles in India. The process of procuring a number plate for a vehicle involves certain steps which need to be followed. When a new vehicle is purchased, the dealer generally takes care of the vehicle registration and number plate procurement process. However, there is an option to register a new vehicle yourself as well. Let’s look at the steps in the process for procurement of vehicle number plate; Step 1: Visit the RTO with your newly purchased vehicle Step 2: Make sure to submit all the forms and documents duly filed Step 3: The RTO official shall then verify all the forms and documents submitted Step 4: Next make payment of the road tax and the registration fee Step 5: The vehicle and documents shall be verified by an inspecting officer Step 6: After successful completion of the inspection, the RTO will issue the registration number as well as give the receipt Now, we all know that all motorised vehicles running on Indian roads need to have a valid RTO registration and license number plate. We are also clear on the different types of number plates as per the colour. So, now make sure you apply for your vehicle registration number plate with all the knowledge and can also make out any vehicle number plate with ease. Remember, any vehicle running on Indian roads without a number plate shall incur a penalty in terms of a hefty fine. Let's take a look at some frequent queries on Number Plates in India: Types and Usages; Alphabets O and I are excluded from the RTO series to avoid confusion as they may look similar to numbers like 0 and 1. As per rules and regulations of number plates for vehicles, the usage of fancy fonts, stickers, regional language, stickers or art is not allowed. Hence, it is not allowed to customise number plates for any vehicles. Only High-Security Number Plate – HSRPis mandatory as per the Central Motor Vehicles Rule, 1989 across the country
According to the text, what do vertical lines in interior architecture evoke? How are diagonal lines described in the text? What is the primary purpose of form in interior architecture? What is the significance of curve lines in architectural interiors? What do vertical lines in architectural interiors add to the space according to the text? Which element of design represents the volume of a structure and the parts of the building we move through and experience? What do diagonal lines suggest in architectural interiors, according to the text? What illusion do vertical lines create in interior spaces, as mentioned in the text? Which element of architectural interiors is filled with restless, uncontrollable energy, and might suggest rising or sinking, according to the text? What is the primary purpose of form in interior architecture, as per the text? Test your knowledge of architectural interiors with this quiz, covering detailed planning and design of indoor areas in buildings or structures. Learn about the use of vertical lines, doorways, and windows to create a sense of calm, peacefulness, and strength in interior spaces. Make Your Own Quiz Transform your notes into a shareable quiz, with AI.Get started for free
Xanax (alprazolam) is a prescription medication that belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines (commonly referred to as benzos) which are most often used to treat anxiety, panic disorder, and insomnia. Benzos have a high potential for dependency, meaning that cessation of use can result in the following Xanax withdrawal symptoms: - Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea - Excessive perspiration - Drowsiness and fatigue - Confusion or paranoia - Anxiety and panic attacks - Irritability or agitation - Tremors or shaking - Memory loss - Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia) - Difficulty concentrating - Convulsions or seizures - Sore, stiff muscles - Muscle spasms or twitches - Weight loss or weight gain - Insomnia or restless sleep - Heart palpitations (tachycardia) Dependency is caused by the brain’s propensity to adjust to the presence of certain drugs and become less able to function per usual without them. Xanax dependency is characterized by its depressive effects, and when a user attempts to quit or cut back, this often results in an overreaction of the central nervous system (Xanax withdrawal symptoms) including feelings of nervousness, anxiety, and insomnia. How Does Xanax Work? Benzos work by boosting the effect of a brain neurochemical gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA’s mechanism of action is to mitigate activity in the central nervous system, resulting in relaxation and a reduction of anxiety. Like many prescription drugs, Xanax use can result in a host of adverse effects, which include but are not limited to the following: - Drowsiness and lethargy - Sleep disturbances - Memory problems - Poor balance or coordination - Slurred speech - Difficulty concentrating - Diarrhea or Constipation - Increased perspiration - Nausea and vomiting - Blurred vision - Appetite or weight changes - Swelling in hands or feet - Muscle weakness - Dry mouth - Stuffy nose - A decrease in libido (reduced interest in sex) - Dependence and addiction What is Tolerance? Tolerance is a condition that occurs over time after the continued use of a substance. Moreover, the brain tends to reduce the response of a drug, simply described as “repeated exposure = diminished response.” When response decreases, the user feels compelled to consume more of the drug in an effort to achieve the desired effects he or she previously enjoyed. Benzodiazepines are not easy to fatally overdose on in of themselves, but can easily prove deadly when used with other psychoactive substances, particularly other depressant drugs or alcohol. This is known as combined drug intoxication (CDI). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2016, there were more than 63,000 drug overdose deaths in the United States, and more than 10,000 of these (about 1 in 6) involved the use of a benzodiazepine such as Xanax. Most fatalities related to benzos also included the use of some opioid, either prescription (e.g., oxycodone) or illicit (e.g., heroin or fentanyl.) Overdoses of Xanax can range from mild to severe depending on the amount consumed and if other drugs are taken in combination. Overdose symptoms due to Xanax abuse or CDI may include the following: - Confusion and disorientation - Dizziness and fainting - Shallow breathing (hypoventilation) - Cyanosis – bluish or purple fingernails and lips - Blurred or double vision - Uncoordinated muscle movements and weakness - Impaired motor functions, balance, and reflexes - Noticeably altered mental status - Low blood pressure (hypotension) - Profound central nervous system depression - Extreme drowsiness - Respiratory arrest An overdose due to CDI, which may or may not include benzos such as Xanax, is a medical emergency. If you or someone you know is experiencing the aforementioned symptoms, please call 911 immediately. Treatment for Addiction to Xanax Treatment for Xanax abuse or addiction typically begins with a medically-assisted detox, a process in which the patient is supervised 24/7 for several days until withdrawal symptoms subside and the risk of serious complications has diminished. In some cases, patients are put on a tapering or weaning schedule that continues for some time – a strategy used to minimize withdrawal effects when cessation does occur. Following detox, patients are encouraged to participate in a residential treatment program of 30 days or longer in our center. During an inpatient stay, persons are treated using comprehensive, evidence-based approaches such as individual and group therapy, family counseling, 12-step programs and holistic activities such as yoga and music and art therapy. After residential treatment, many patients choose to participate in intensive outpatient treatment (IOP), which offers many of the same services as residential, but patients are allowed to live off-side of the center while they continue to engage in therapy and counseling sessions several times per week. The goal of IOP is to ensure that patients receiving ongoing treatment and support while transitioning back to the outside world. Following intensive treatment, patients can benefit from our aftercare planning services, receive referrals to sober living facilities, and participate in alumni activities that offer long-term peer support throughout recovery. Want to learn more about about getting help for substance abuse? We are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Contact us today.
Hepatorenal syndrome: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management. Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS), the extreme manifestation of renal impairment in patients with cirrhosis, is characterized by reduction in renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate. Hepatorenal syndrome is diagnosed when kidney function is reduced but evidence of intrinsic kidney disease, such as hematuria, proteinuria, or abnormal kidney ultrasonography, is absent. Unlike other causes of acute kidney injury (AKI), hepatorenal syndrome results from functional changes in the renal circulation and is potentially reversible with liver transplantation or vasoconstrictor drugs. Two forms of hepatorenal syndrome are recognized depending on the acuity and progression of kidney injury. The first represents an acute impairment of kidney function, HRS-AKI, whereas the second represents a more chronic kidney dysfunction, HRS-CKD (chronic kidney disease). In this review, we provide critical insight into the definition, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of hepatorenal syndrome. All material on this website is protected by copyright, Copyright © 1994-2024 by WebMD LLC. This website also contains material copyrighted by 3rd parties. Your Privacy Choices
The first chapter of Luke’s Gospel begins and ends with telling us about two great saints, Zacharias, a priest, and his wife Elizabeth. Luke tells us that Zacharias and Elizabeth live in the hills of Judea, about a two-hour walk from Jerusalem. They live most of their life without having children. In their culture, as Jews, to not have children is to face shame. The Bible says children are a blessing from God. Their relatives and neighbors see them as forsaken by God. Their situation does not keep them from serving God with gladness. God is pleased with them. They are righteous in the sight of God, living blamelessly by fulfilling all the commandments and requirements of the Lord. Zacharias’ life changes dramatically during his time of service at the temple in Jerusalem. Miraculously, the angel Gabriel appears to Zacharias as he attends to the temple incense. Gabriel is an angel who stands before God. He tells Zacharias that his prayers are answered and he will have a son, and he is to name him John. Many people will rejoice at his birth. John will be great in the sight of the Lord. His son will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even while in his mother’s womb. Gabriel tells Zacharias that John will be born in the spirit and power of Elijah, fulfilling the prophecy of Malachi. John is the forerunner to the long-awaited Messiah. Zacharias doesn’t believe Gabriel, so God makes Zacharias mute. He remains unable to speak until the fulfillment of Gabriel’s words. The time of fulfillment has come. Elizabeth gives birth to John. The Lord grants mercy toward Elizabeth, and she and Zacharias now have a baby boy. Just as Gabriel says, there is great rejoicing at his birth. The people of the surrounding hill country of Judea celebrate. Neighbors and relatives gather to rejoice over the baby. According to the law, Zacharias and Elizabeth bring their son to be circumcised on the child’s eighth day. Everyone heads down to the local synagogue for the circumcision. It’s exciting because the child becomes part of the nation of Israel. He is recognized as an official child of Abraham. As part of the ceremony, the child is to be given a name. Whoever is leading the ceremony presumes Zacharias and Elizabeth will name the child, “Zacharias Junior,” after his father. But, Elizabeth says no, his name is John. John is not a name of one of their relatives. It is a name that is out of place. They are incredulous. Everyone thinks that Elizabeth doesn’t know what she is saying. So, the people motion to Zacharias and asks what he wants to name his son. Obviously, Elizabeth makes an error. Zacharias gets a tablet and writes, “His name is John.” Everyone is astonished! It shows us how much people expect tradition to continue. It is almost outlandish! Zacharias is fulfilling God’s word to him. God tells Zacharias to name his son John, and so he does. Everything that Gabriel says will happen now comes to pass. God’s promise is complete. Immediately upon writing the name John, the word of God is fulfilled. Zacharias can speak. His tongue is loosened, and he praises God. Imagine the scene. An older couple beyond childbearing years have a baby. They name him John, which is unusual. Then, the father, who was mute for around ten months, begins to speak. Everyone is amazed. The question on their mind is, “Who is this child?” The hills are alive with the sounds of people talking about John. The circumstances point to the truth that John is a work of God. God is fulfilling a special purpose with his birth. The work of God is taking place before their eyes. The hill country is in a stir. Word spreads. Zacharias is visited by an angel while serving in the temple, Elizabeth has a baby, and they name him John. It’s quite a story. The forerunner to the Messiah is born. The Messiah will come into power within the lifetime of the baby, John. Word travels and God is greatly feared. Who is this child? Listen carefully, Zacharias is about to let us know. Not only can Zacharias speak, but he is filled with the Holy Spirit, and pours forth prophesy about the Messiah, and John the forerunner. Until Zacharias speaks, there is no prophecy in Israel. The last prophet to speak is Malachi, 400 years earlier. He is the last of the Old Testament prophets. The time between Malachi and Jesus is called the 400 silent years. There are no words from God to His people. Even more interesting is that the last sentence words of Malachi speak about John the Baptist. In one sense, Zacharias being silent in between the time of being told about his son John, and the birth of John, mirrors the time of prophetic silence. God doesn’t speak between the time of the prophecy of Malachi and the birth of John the Baptist, the fulfillment of the prophecy. In the same way, Zacharias experiences a time of silence between being told of the birth of his son, and the actual birth. (This is just an observation and an interesting note. I wouldn’t draw any conclusions from this observation.) Zacharias prophecies about the ministry of the Messiah, and of John, the forerunner to the Messiah. Zacharias’ prophecy brings more clarity to Mary’s. Both talk about God being faithful to fulfill His promises of old. They both proclaim God is fulling the promise He made to Abraham dating all the way back to the book of Genesis. They differ in that Mary speaks of God raising the humble and setting down the proud, while the focus of Zacharias’ prophecy is that of redemption. Redemption is a word speaking of liberation. Redemption requires an exchange. A price is paid to purchase those who are redeemed from slavery. Zacharias speaks of God’s people being captive and how God will raise up a Savior to redeem the captive from slavery. The ministry of the Messiah is to redeem God’s people from their enemies. Zacharias says the Messiah is from the house of David and will visit us to redeem us from our enemies. The Messiah’s ministry is foretold by the prophets of old. His ministry is the fulfillment of the covenant God promises Abraham. In observing Zacharias’ prophecy, we see that the Messiah’s primary objective is to glorify God. God is behind it all. God visits us (v.68), God accomplishes redemption (v.68), God raises up a horn of salvation (v.69), God speaks to us by His prophets (v.70), God rescues us from our enemies (v.71), God shows mercy (v.72), God remembers His covenant with Abraham (v.72-73). Everything is a work of God. The Messiah’s ministry proves that God is good. Jesus’ ministry brings glory to God. Jesus proves God’s word may be trusted. Jesus shows God is faithful to fulfill His promises. All of God’s promises find their fulfillment in Jesus. Jesus’ ministry proves it is good to worship and love God. Isn’t it great to know that our Creator, the God who makes all we see, the God who watches over and directs the universe, is good? Zacharias reveals to us the reason for our salvation. We are granted the ability to serve God as perfect servants. There are three ways we are enabled to serve God without hindrance. First, is that God rescues us from our enemies. There is nobody standing in the way of our service to God. We are set free to serve Him and not serve our enemies. Second, to serve God, we need holiness. God requires purity. Our acts of serving must be pure. Imagine trying to serve God, but doing so in an impure manner. We are granted holiness, so we may serve God without sin. Third, imagine being unable to serve God in a way that is right. There is no joy in serving God wrongly. Serving God without righteousness is full of frustration and failure unless we are given righteousness. When we receive the righteousness of God, He removes our failures and grants us the ability to serve Him rightly. Salvation makes it so that we may serve God with joy and complete success! God sends the Messiah for the purpose of granting us the ability to serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness all of our days. The prophecy of Zacharias turns from the ministry of the Messiah to the ministry of his son, John. Zacharias repeats what Gabriel the angel tells him months earlier in the temple. John is a fulfillment of the prophet Malachi. The Holy Spirit speaks through Zacharias and confirms that John is the fulfillment of Malachi’s prophecy of the forerunner. We can picture Zacharias, holding John in his hands, and declaring his son to be a prophet of God. Imagine the joy in Zacharias and Elizabeth’s heart. Their son John is born to prepare the way of the Messiah (Luke 1:76), by giving people the knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of sins (Luke 1:77). Zacharias tells us the reason for our salvation is rooted in the tender mercy of God. God is the Judge of the universe. God determines what is evil and what is good. All people will stand before God, the Judge. Our salvation is not deserved. We receive salvation because God grants mercy. God looks at our condition and shows us mercy. Tender mercy! He sends Jesus to visit us. Zacharias’ prophecy speaks of the Messiah as being the “Sunrise from on high” visiting us. Sunrise seems an unusual name for Jesus. Zacharias is using the name Sunrise because it refers to the prophecy in Malachi. It is not hard to imagine Zacharias studying the prophecy of Malachi after seeing Gabriel. Two verses before the prophecy of the forerunner coming in the spirit of Elijah, Malachi writes: “the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings (Malachi 4:2). Zacharias appears to combine the prophecy of Malachi with Isaiah. Isaiah says, “The people who walk in darkness will see a great light; those who live in a dark land, the light will shine on them (Isaiah 9:2).” Isaiah also says that the Messiah will open blind eyes and to set free prisoners who dwell in a dungeon of darkness (Isaiah 42:7). The only cure for darkness is light. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world; whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness. They will have the light of life” (John 8:12). He also says, “I have come as Light into the world so that everyone who believes in Me will not remain in darkness” (John 12:46). The Bible is full of light and darkness imagery. 2 Corinthians 4:6 For God, who said, “Light shall shine out of darkness,” is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. When we are saved, Christ rescues us from the domain of darkness (Colossians 1:13). He becomes the lamp unto our feet and the light unto our path. We are to no longer walk in darkness, but we are to live our lives in the kingdom of light, as children of the light (Ephesians 5:8). The light is a guide to our feet so we may find peace. Just as people do not live in the light, but live in darkness, people do not live in peace but live in stress, war, uproar, turmoil, confusion, and instability. The only way to have peace in this world is to have the peace Jesus brings. The indictment against all humans is “the path of peace they have not known (Romans 3:17). Mankind continually cries for peace. It is a cry heard since the beginning of time. Our greatest need is to have peace with God. When we receive salvation by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1). Those who share the salvation in Christ wear the gospel of peace upon their feet (Ephesians 6:15). The mind that is set on the Spirit is life and peace (Romans 8:6). The kingdom of God is righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 16:20). The Bible instructs us to let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts (Colossians 3:15). As we pray, we are to pray the Lord of peace will continually grant us peace in every circumstance. How do we see serving? How do we imagine heaven? Do we imagine heaven as the angels serving us as we put our feet up? On earth, we all imagine our greatest joy is found in being served by others. How delightful does spending eternity serving sound to our ears? Jesus said to the thief on the cross that he would be in paradise. The paradise Jesus describes is where we are serving God. The thief on the cross enters eternal life finding great joy in serving. He realizes serving is good. He discovers joy because he fulfills his purpose and calling in life. The Bible says when we hear about salvation from God it should cause us to leap for joy, we should be willing to drop everything in life, even be willing to lay down our life, so we may obtain the salvation God is offering. Salvation is the pearl of great price which we sell all other pearls to obtain the salvation peal. Salvation is the treasure in a field that we sell everything we have so we may buy the field. Salvation is of such great value that we are willing to leave our houses, land, farms, and families so we may have salvation. Does God granting us being rescued from our enemies so may serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness in His presence stir up in us such great desire that we love our Savior so much, that in comparison, we hate our mother and father? Are we willing to die so we may spend eternity serving God in holiness and righteousness? We ought to be. But we hesitate. The reason is because of difficult serving experiences. Let’s be honest. Wouldn’t we rather spend eternity being served rather than serving? My experience finds serving is often painful. Serving in this world is filled with fighting, arguing, bitterness, name-calling, anger, and selfishness. The reason I don’t look forward to serving is because of my experiences of serving sinful people. Some have demeaning attitudes. I’ve had a boss who lords authority. I've been forced to serve alongside coworkers who are lazy, do poor work, and have poor attitudes. As I serve customers, some try to cheat me. There are vendors who don’t fulfill commitments making serving difficult. Serving in this world is unpleasant because it is filled with deceit, dishonesty, underhandedness, and corruption. We need to realize serving God is different. God puts the good into serving. Serving a God of love and holiness gives serving an entirely different perspective. God is not condescending. He is not demanding. God is a good master. He equips us for service. We will love serving God because God is good. Serving Him is a blessing. It is a joy to serve God when the environment is righteous and holy. Everything is beautiful, music is harmonious, laughter is quick to find, and there is never any hunger or thirst. It is a joy to serve God in holiness and righteousness. At His right hand are pleasures forevermore. Salvation makes serving good and right. Salvation makes serving a joy. We need not wait to serve God in heaven. We can serve Him now. Pray and ask God how you may serve Him. The chapter comes to a close. This is the last we will hear about Zacharias and Elizabeth. But, it is not the last we will hear of their son, John. Luke tells us that John continues to grow and to become strong in spirit. John lives in seclusion the deserts until the day of his public appearance to Israel. God is preparing John and John is serving God. Let’s go from here, remembering God’s purpose and plan. John the Baptist is the forerunner to Jesus, the Messiah. God’s purpose for John the Baptist is that we will know for certain that Jesus is the Messiah. We know because the prophecy of the forerunner finds fulfillment in Christ. Our salvation finds validation in the exact truth of God’s word. Rejoice, knowing we are saved so we may serve God in holiness and righteousness all of our days.
When you establish smoke-free housing, you’re protecting your home from possible damage while improving the chances of a higher home appraisal. Smoking inside a house creates secondhand smoke (SHS), which can seep through air ducts and cracks, or travel through a shared ventilation system into another person’s living space. Don’t spoil your chances of preserving your home in the best condition possible. The best way to prevent damage to your property is by going smoke-free. Better Health/Better Housing The choice to smoke indoors doesn’t only harm the smoker. It affects everyone. The home is the central location where many children and adults breathe in secondhand smoke. SHS can contribute to a variety of health problems, including several types of cancers; increase the risk for heart attack and stroke; exacerbate asthma; increase the incidence of illness in children; and much more. There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Although some residents have adopted voluntary smoke-free home rules, they may still be exposed to SHS. Recent studies estimated that over 28 million residents who live in multiunit housing are exposed to secondhand smoke in their homes or apartment. While these nonsmokers choose to live smoke-free, smoke can still waft in from elsewhere in their building, like a nearby apartment. Adopting smoke-free policies as a homeowner in multiunit housing helps protect everyone from being exposed to SHS. At present, the only means of effectively eliminating the health risks associated with indoor exposure is to ban smoking activity. There is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke. The Preferred Choice Did you know that an overwhelming majority of Utahns looking to buy or rent prefer smoke-free housing? Research shows that more than 91% of Utahns prefer living in a smoke-free environment. As parents take a closer look at the dangers of secondhand smoke, smoke-free housing is steadily becoming a higher priority for many. Since 2001, the overall number of children exposed to SHS in Utah has decreased by 53%. In addition, the percentage of children exposed to SHS in rented homes decreased from 12.6% in 2001 to 5.1% in 2005. Smoke-free policies can help property managers and owners protect their residents’ health and their real estate investment. Property owners, managers and residents can all benefit from a smoke-free policy. Much like smoke-free policies in workplaces and other sites with public access, establishing a smoke-free policy does not ban someone who smokes from living there. It just requires that all residents abide by the policy while on the property. Thinking about adopting smoke-free living for your residents? Learn what you can do as a property manager and find more reasons to go smoke-free here.
The implicit association test (IAT) measures bias towards often controversial topics (e.g., race, religion), while newspapers typically take strong positive/negative stances on such issues. In a pre-registered study, we developed and administered an immigration IAT to readers of the Daily Mail (a typically anti-immigration publication) and the Guardian (a typically pro-immigration publication) newspapers. IAT materials were constructed based on co-occurrence frequencies from each newspapers’ website for immigration-related terms (migrant/immigrant) and positive/negative attributes (skilled/unskilled). Target stimuli showed stronger negative associations with immigration concepts in the Daily Mail compared to the Guardian, and stronger positive associations in the Guardian corpus compared to the Daily Mail corpus. Consistent with these linguistic distributional differences, Daily Mail readers exhibited a larger IAT bias, revealing stronger negative associations to immigration concepts compared to Guardian readers. This difference in overall bias was not fully explained by other variables, and raises the possibility that exposure to biased language contributes to biased implicit attitudes. - implicit attitudes - implicit association test
A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is a digital organization that is run by a set of rules encoded as smart contracts on a blockchain network. DAOs are decentralized because they are not controlled by a single entity, and autonomous because they operate based on the rules encoded in their smart contracts. Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that uses cryptography to secure transactions. In a blockchain network, multiple computers, called nodes, maintain a copy of the ledger and use consensus mechanisms to ensure that all copies are in agreement. This makes it difficult for any single entity to tamper with the ledger and allows for secure and transparent transactions. Together, DAOs and blockchain technology provides a fresh approach to running businesses in the future. DAOs can eliminate the need for middlemen in a variety of financial and decision-making transactions by employing smart contracts on a blockchain network. This allows them to function more effectively and openly than conventional businesses. Token holders in a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) have a say in organizational matters. Because of this, all token holders can have a voice in the decision-making process, making it more democratic and decentralized. And it’s a huge improvement in terms of governance because it allows for a new level of community ownership and engagement. The use of blockchain technology in a DAO also paves the way for the development of DeFi platforms and applications, such as decentralized exchanges, lending, and borrowing platforms, that can function independently of any central authority, giving their users greater financial independence and convenience. In conclusion, DAOs and blockchain technology together offer a new way for companies to function by making them more effective, open, democratic, and welcoming to all stakeholders. From the financial sector to the government and beyond, this could have far-reaching effects. Smart contracts play a crucial role in DAOs and blockchain governance, as they are the foundation upon which the organization’s rules and decision-making process are built. Smart contracts are self-executing code that is stored on the blockchain and can automatically enforce the rules and conditions that have been set by the organization. In a DAO, smart contracts are used to manage the issuance and distribution of tokens, as well as to facilitate voting and decision-making. Token holders can use their tokens to vote on proposals and make decisions about the direction of the organization. Smart contracts also ensure that the rules of the organization are followed and that decisions are executed automatically and transparently. Smart contracts also play a key role in blockchain governance, as they can be used to create decentralized autonomous communities (DACs) that can govern themselves without intermediaries. Smart contracts can be used to encode the rules and decision-making process of the community, allowing for decentralized governance and decision-making. In summary, smart contracts are the backbone of DAOs and blockchain governance, allowing for the automation of processes, transparent decision-making, and decentralized control. Their use in these fields has the potential to reshape the way organizations and communities operate, and to provide more transparency, security, and efficiency. DAOs use smart contracts to automate voting and decision-making, a feature of blockchain technology that enables decentralized decision-making. Tokens representing ownership in the organization are generated via smart contracts and then used to cast votes. Voting on proposals, such as changes to the organization’s bylaws or the allocation of funding, can be done with tokens held by token holders. An immutable record of the voting results is stored in the blockchain, making the process open and fair to all. Using smart contracts for voting has many benefits, one of which is the increased speed and efficiency with which decisions can be made thanks to automation. Furthermore, smart contracts ensure that the organization’s rules are respected and that the results of the vote are implemented without human intervention. This ensures that decisions are made in an open and honest manner, without the need for any middlemen. In addition, DAOs may use blockchain-based governance and decision-making tools like Aragon, DAOstack, and MolochDAO, all of which are intended to make it easier for decentralized organizations to make decisions and govern themselves. Voting, proposal management, and token-based governance are just a few examples of how these tools facilitate democratic decision-making and open bookkeeping for businesses. In conclusion, DAOs are employing blockchain technology to achieve decentralized decision-making by automating the voting and decision-making process through the use of smart contracts and blockchain-based governance tools. DAOs may now make decisions in a more independent, decentralized, and democratic fashion thanks to these tools. DAOs and blockchain technology have the potential to significantly impact the future of fundraising and investment by providing new ways for companies and projects to raise funds and for investors to participate in these opportunities. One of the most significant impacts is the ability of DAOs to raise funds through initial coin offerings (ICOs) or initial token offerings (ITOs) which are similar to initial public offerings (IPOs) in the traditional financial system. In an ICO or ITO, a company or project issues tokens on a blockchain and sells them to investors in exchange for funding. This allows companies and projects to raise funds in a decentralized and transparent way, without the need for intermediaries such as venture capitalists or investment banks. Additionally, DAOs can also leverage decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms and protocols to raise funds and provide new investment opportunities. For example, DAOs can issue tokens that can be used as collateral in lending and borrowing platforms or issue tokens that provide access to a share of the organization’s revenue or profits. This allows investors to participate in new and innovative investment opportunities and to benefit from the growth of the organization. Furthermore, DAOs and blockchain technology also enable new forms of community ownership and participation which can provide new investment opportunities for individuals who want to support a project or organization that aligns with their values and beliefs. In summary, DAOs and blockchain technology have the potential to significantly impact the future of fundraising and investment by providing new ways for companies and projects to raise funds and new investment opportunities for individuals. This has the potential to democratize access to funding and investment opportunities and to provide more transparency and efficiency in the fundraising and investment process. The most popular blockchain platforms for decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) are Ethereum and EOS. Ethereum is the first blockchain platform that introduced the concept of smart contracts and has been the most popular platform for DAOs since the launch of the first decentralized autonomous organization, The DAO, in 2016. Ethereum’s solidity programming language makes it easy for developers to create and deploy smart contracts, and its large developer community provides a wealth of resources and support. Additionally, Ethereum’s decentralized nature makes it well-suited for creating decentralized organizations, as it allows for transparent and secure execution of smart contracts and decentralized decision-making. EOS is another popular blockchain platform for DAOs, which is known for its high throughput and scalability. It offers a more flexible and efficient smart contract development environment and its consensus mechanism is based on a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) which allows for faster and more efficient execution of smart contracts. EOS also has a large and active developer community and offers a range of tools and resources for building decentralized applications. It’s worth noting that the choice of blockchain platform depends on the specific use case and requirements of the DAO, and it’s important to consider factors such as scalability, security, and developer support when choosing a platform. How decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) implement blockchain technology to foster community ownership and decision-making is an example of decentralized governance in action. With the help of smart contracts, blockchain technology is used extensively in DAOs. Coding that can execute itself, known as “smart contracts,” can be added to the blockchain and used to automatically monitor and enforce compliance with predetermined terms and conditions. Token distribution, voting, and other democratic functions in a DAO are all handled through the use of smart contracts. Voting on proposals, such as changes to the organization’s bylaws or the allocation of funding, can be done with tokens held by token holders. An immutable record of the voting results is stored in the blockchain, making the process open and fair to all. DAOs also utilize blockchain technology in the form of decentralized governance and decision-making tools like Aragon, DAOstack, and MolochDAO. These tools are meant to facilitate decentralized decision-making and governance in DAOs. Voting, proposal management, and token-based governance are just a few examples of how these tools facilitate democratic decision-making and open bookkeeping for businesses. Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) can use decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms and protocols to open up new investment spaces and generate revenue. Tokens issued by DAOs may be used as collateral on lending and borrowing platforms or may grant token holders a stake in the organization’s revenue or earnings. Investors are able to take part in the development of the company and gain from novel investment opportunities thanks to this. In conclusion, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) employ blockchain technology via smart contracts to automate the voting and decision-making process. As a result of introducing novel mechanisms for decision-making and resource management, DAOs and blockchain technology have the potential to radically alter the landscape of governance. The democratization of decision-making is a major way in which DAOs and blockchain technology are redefining the game of governance. Without the need for middlemen, community members can jointly vote on proposals and make decisions using smart contracts and decentralized governance tools. This could lead to more people feeling like their voices are being heard during the decision-making process, as well as greater openness and accountability from those in power. The introduction of novel models of community ownership and involvement is just another manner in which DAOs and blockchain technology are altering the traditional rules of governance. Tokens and smart contracts built on the blockchain make it possible for individuals to have a direct financial stake in the success of a project or organization. This could bring people together and provide them with new reasons to get involved in the community. With the advent of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and the spread of blockchain technology, the traditional rules of fundraising and investing could be rewritten. Investment and fundraising methods have been shaken up by initial coin offerings (ICOs) and decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms and protocols, which have made it easier for more people to get in on the action. In conclusion, DAOs and blockchain technology have the potential to revolutionize governance by facilitating novel approaches to decision-making and resource management, fostering novel models of community ownership and participation, and broadening people’s access to fundraising and investment opportunities. Even while DAOs and blockchain technology are still in their infancy and have yet to reach their full potential, it is already apparent that they have the ability to revolutionize the way in which society is structured and governed. Robofi is a Defi platform that envisions a marketplace for revolutionary Dao crypto trading bots. Through its IBO (Initial Bot Offering) system, community members can maximize their earnings in an easy, simple, and secure way. We create a safe and transparent environment based on blockchain technologies that help developers bring crypto trading bot platforms to the market. In addition, individuals will have easy access to these bot applications, thereby generating more earning opportunities. RoboFi ecosystem is fueled by the VICS token. VICS token has a distinctive and enticing concept. VICS is the BEP-20 token, built on the Binance smart chain. It is a core utility token in the RoboFi ecosystem, the reliable crypto trading bot marketplace. One important utility is to own the governance token of DABots and participate in an IBO (Initial Bot Offering) to receive additional incentives. VICS is available on major exchanges for trading. I'm Carina, a passionate crypto trader, analyst, and enthusiast. With years of experience in the thrilling world of cryptocurrency, I have dedicated my time to understanding the complexities and trends of this ever-evolving industry. Through my expertise, I strive to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate the exciting realm of digital assets. Whether you're a seasoned investor or a curious beginner, I'm here to share valuable insights, practical tips, and comprehensive analyses to help you make informed decisions in the crypto space.