Mr. and Mrs. Lenzia Bonarigo, of Expedit, announce the birth of a son, Francis, on February 1. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Gillin, of West Point, East Taylor Township, announce the birth of a son, Chalmer Charles, on January 29. Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Pardoe, of 512 Sherman street, South Side, announce the birth of a son this morning. Mrs. Pardoe was formerly Miss Frieda Viering. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Vickers, of 332 Cooper avenue, announce the birth of a daughter, Catherine, on February 4. Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Hoffman, of 149 Baumer street, announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Kathryn, on January 29. Mr. and Mrs. Jeno DeRosa, of 108 Catherine street, announce the birth of a son in Memorial Maternity Hospital on February 5. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Kissell, of 815 Von Lunen road, announce the birth of a daughter in Memorial Maternal Hospital on February 6. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Roche, of Detroit, Mich., announce the birth of a daughter of February 5. Mrs. Roche was formerly Miss Helene Schry, a local school teacher and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Schry, of 216 Dibert street. B. & O. RAILROAD SUED BY R. L. YOST. Ebensburg, April 6. -- Suit has been entered here by Robert L. Yost against the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. to recovery $2,807.17 damaged alleged to have been done to his automobile when it was struck by a locomotive of the railroad company at a grade crossing along the highway near Hooversville, Somerset County. The accident occurred July 5, 1924, the complaint states, and it is alleged that the train rounded a curve near the grade corssing at an excessing rate of speed and without any warning sounded. The plaintiff does not allege personal injuries. Miss Anna Dunmyer, of 310 Wood street, Seventh Ward, who underwent an operation recently at the Windber Hospital for appendicitis, is reported to be recovering nicely at the institution. MRS. R. GRIFFITH TENDERED A SURPRISE. Mrs. John R. Griffith was tendered a surprise party at her home in Stonycreek Township last evening, the gathering being made up of about 50 relatives and friends. Among the numerous remembrances Mrs. Griffith received were two large birthday cakes, one the present of her son, John B. Griffith, containing 50 candles. The other was the gift of her two nieces and had her age inscribed across the top. Musical selections by Mrs. J. Herman Morrow and an octet were the high lights of the affair. The members of the octet were George W. Hershberger, W. Dorsey Walker, Arthur Grambling, Mr. McCracken, Wallace Walker, Elmer Strayer, Thomas Walker and John R. Griffith, with Mrs. Dorsey Walker as painist. Among those in attendance were the following: Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Marsh and son, Jimmy, Pearl Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. William ahlburn and daughter, Betty; Mr. and Mrs. William C. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. J. Irvin Blough, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Blough and family; Mr. and Mrs. J. Herman Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. Moorse S. Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dorsey Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walker, Mrs. J. J. Kaufman, Misses Gertrude Griffith, Cora Blough and Betty Griffith, George W. Hershberger, Mrs. John H. Blough and Mr. and Mrs. John R. Griffith and son, John B. Griffith. Miss Jane Weimer, daughter of District Attorney and Mrs. D. P. Weimer, of Station street, Ferndale Borough, has as her guests Misses Evelyn Hoke, of Hanover, and Floss Chadwich, of Brownsville, Pa. The girls are former students at Irving College, Mechanicsburg, Pa. The Cover Hill Fire Company will hold its third annual corn roast and social at the Cover Hill church this evening. The proceeds will go to the building fund. A new building for the truck is to be erected in the near future, with money collected through several socials and suppers. NO CHANGE IN DALE SCHOOL ENROLLMENT. Completion of the enrollment figures of the Dale Borough Grade and High Schools reveals that the number of students on the roster of both institutions for the full semester is comparatively the same as last fall. The High School student body comprises 125 youths, while a total of 552 students registered to pursue the grade studies, giving the borough schools a total of 677 pupils, according to Supervising Principal J. T. Ruhl. The various phases of supplemental school activities are being organized at present, and will include athletics, dramatics, and musical organizations in the High School. Date Created: 7 Mar 2014.
U-I-260/04 ECLI:SI:USRS:2007:U.I.260.04 Interest on bonds which entitled persons receive as compensation for damage in accordance with the Denationalization Act, is not a part of the compensation for nationalized property to which the persons entitled to denationalization are entitled under this Act, but is income which is paid to persons entitled to denationalization by means of bonds as securities. Therefore, the taxation of such interest does not entail an interference with the property of persons entitled to denationalization. Due to the fact that according to the Constitution taxes are a constituent part of the content of a property right, the taxation of an income does not in itself entail an interference with the constitutionally protected right to property. The legislature had an objective reason, justified in the prevailing public interest, to regulate taxation which was not determined by the regulation previously in force, and therefore its interference with the principle of the protection of trust in the law, as one of the principles of a state governed by the rule of law determined in Article 2 of the Constitution, was constitutionally admissible. The taxation of interest on bonds which the entitled persons receive as compensation from denationalization, does not have retroactive effect as it only applies to interest which was (or will be) calculated after the commencement of the application of the challenged regulation (i.e. after 1 January 2005). Regarding the fact that interest on bonds which the entitled persons receive as compensation in accordance with the Denationalization Act, is income from property, the legal position of the holders of such bonds as regards the taxation of interest from such bonds does not differ from the legal position of holders of other debt securities. Therefore, the legislature did not act contrary to the second paragraph of Article 14 of the Constitution as it determined the payment of a personal income tax also on interest on bonds received from denationalization. Regarding the fact that interest on bonds which the entitled persons receive as compensation in accordance with the Denationalization Act has the nature of income from property, it cannot be compared to default interest on damages awarded for damage to personal property determined by a judicial decision, and also not to damages for the inability to use property in the period from the entry into force of the Denationalization Act until the return of property in accordance with the Denationalization Act to which the persons entitled to denationalization to whom property was returned in kind are entitled. Petitioners do not have legal interest if they do not demonstrate that the possible granting of a petition would lead to an improvement of their legal position. establishment – it is not inconsistent with the Constitution/statute establishment – it is not inconsistent with the Constitution/statute rejection
Associations between adult height and type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies Sarita Shrestha Center for Clinical Research and Prevention, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, The Capital Region, Copenhagen, Denmark PubMed articlesGoogle scholar articles Sara H Rasmussen Center for Clinical Research and Prevention, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, The Capital Region, Copenhagen, Denmark PubMed articlesGoogle scholar articles Anton Pottegård Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Department of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark PubMed articlesGoogle scholar articles Lars H Ängquist Center for Clinical Research and Prevention, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, The Capital Region, Copenhagen, Denmark PubMed articlesGoogle scholar articles Tine Jess Center for Clinical Research and Prevention, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, The Capital Region, Copenhagen, Denmark PubMed articlesGoogle scholar articles Kristine H Allin Center for Clinical Research and Prevention, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, The Capital Region, Copenhagen, Denmark Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research, Human Genomics and Metagenomics in Metabolism, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark PubMed articlesGoogle scholar articles Lise G Bjerregaard Center for Clinical Research and Prevention, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, The Capital Region, Copenhagen, Denmark PubMed articlesGoogle scholar articles Jennifer L Baker Center for Clinical Research and Prevention, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, The Capital Region, Copenhagen, Denmark Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research, Human Genomics and Metagenomics in Metabolism, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark PubMed articlesGoogle scholar articles Correspondence to Dr Jennifer L Baker, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, The Capital Region, Center for Clinical Research and Prevention, Copenhagen, Denmark; jennifer.lyn.baker{at}regionh.dk Shrestha S, Rasmussen SH, Pottegård A, et al J Epidemiol Community Health 2019;73:681-688. First published April 8, 2019. Previous version (8 April 2019). © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2019. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.
Q: raspberry boost lib serial port read asynchronously I tried to implement the serial with the library boost. The problem is that the first time, and only the first time, when I try to read asynchronously the program remains blocked. I have seen several examples, but could not find the problem. If I open the serial port, then close it and then reopen it all goes at first time. Why? I use boost 1.50, g++ 4.7 and this is the function code class SIM900 { boost::asio::io_service io; boost::asio::serial_port port; boost::asio::deadline_timer timer; size_t read_timeout; // Timeout lettura in ms bool read_error; void init_module(); void read_complete(const boost::system::error_code& error, size_t bytes_transferred); void time_out(const boost::system::error_code& error); public: SIM900(std::string port_name="/dev/ttyAMA0", unsigned int speed=115200, size_t timeout=500); SIM900(const SIM900& p) = delete; SIM900(const SIM900&& p) = delete; SIM900& operator=(const SIM900& p) = delete; SIM900& operator=(const SIM900&& p) = delete; //std::string read(); bool read(std::string &cmd); void write(const std::string text); void sendcommand(std::string text); ~SIM900(); }; void SIM900::read_complete(const boost::system::error_code& error, size_t bytes_transferred) { read_error = (error || bytes_transferred == 0); timer.cancel(); } void SIM900::time_out(const boost::system::error_code& error) { //o timeout if(error) { return; } // In caso di timeout cancello la lettura port.cancel(); } bool SIM900::read(std::string &cmd) { char c; cmd = ""; // Reset port port.get_io_service().reset(); for(;;) { timer.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(read_timeout)); timer.async_wait(boost::bind(&SIM900::time_out, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error)); boost::asio::async_read(port, boost::asio::buffer(&c, 1), boost::bind(&SIM900::read_complete, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred)); // Leggo port.get_io_service().run(); if(read_error) { cmd = ""; return false; } switch(c) { case '\r': break; case '\n': return true; default: cmd+=c; } } return true; }
A Yakuza War Is Brewing in Japan — And the Police Are Taking Sides Japan's largest organized crime group, the Yamaguchi-gumi, has officially split, creating the potential for a gang war on a scale unseen in Japan for decades. by Jake Adelstein Sep 22 2015, 8:50pm Photo par Franck Robichon/EPA Earlier this month, Japan's National Police Agency held an emergency meeting to discuss what they believed was a looming crisis. The country's largest organized crime group, the 24,000-member Yamaguchi-gumi, had just split apart. And police feared the kind of violence that might follow. "There has never been a gang war with drones available to drop bombs into the offices of rivals," a detective with the Hyogo Police Department told VICE News on condition of anonymity. "In recent years, there have been successfully made 3D guns that are capable of doing lethal damage. So even if a gang has no weapons on hand, they just need the right equipment. Print, kill, melt the gun. Those new guns will be hard to trace…. Escalation could be very fast and very bloody." Thirty years ago, a power struggle in the Yamaguchi-gumi led the group's second-in-command to form a new organization called the Ichiwa-kai. After a gunman for the splinter group killed the leader of the Yamaguchi-gumi at his lover's apartment, a war erupted during which gang members were arrested in Hawaii for attempting to buy handguns, machine guns — and rocket launchers. Related: Japan's Biggest Organized Crime Syndicate Now Has Its Own Web Site and Theme Song The Ichiwa-kai dissolved and the war ended in 1989 after the Yamaguchi-gumi began luring Ichiwa-kai members back — with, in part, a generous pension plan. Today, a top-level boss can reportedly retire with half a million dollars. Financial considerations may be the only thing preventing the yakuza from starting a war. Under civil law in Japan, a yakuza boss can be held financially responsible for the crimes of his underlings. In 2012, former boss Tadamasa Goto settled with the family of a real estate agent his men killed by giving the family $1.2 million. To the yakuza, money is more important than blood. But even money may not be able to erase the decades of bad blood among the Yamaguchi-gumi. Twenty-one different organizations make up Japan's yakuza, but the Yamaguchi-gumi was the gang whose power the police most feared. More than half of the organized crime in Japan was directly or indirectly under the group's control. The organization was founded as a labor brokerage in Kobe in 1915 by a group of dockworkers, but it quickly expanded into criminal activity. In 1946, Kazuo Taoka formally took over the group and rapidly expanded it. What had been a 30-member organization grew nationwide, absorbing other syndicates and eventually setting up its own talent agency, construction companies, and other fronts. Taoka famously instructed his gangsters, "You all need to have a legitimate job." The yakuza are regulated and monitored — the organizations themselves are not illegal. The addresses of their headquarters are listed on the National Police Agency website, the top bosses have business cards with corporate logos, and there are two monthly fanzines dedicated to the yakuza in addition to comic books and video games. The yakuza claim to be humanitarian groups promoting traditional Japanese values, and in times of need, they're typically quick to provide supplies and aid. However, most of the members derive their income from blackmail, extortion, racketeering, trafficking, gambling, and fraud. 'It is only a matter of time before the good and bad of those who have mistaken their way is corrected.' After the war ended in 1989, Yoshinori Watanabe of the Yamaguchi-gumi's Yamaken-gumi faction became the organization's leader. The faction, which currently has 2,000 members, remained the most powerful until 2005, when Tsukasa Shinobu of the Kodo-kai faction took over from Watanabe. The Kodo-kai proceeded to do what they could to weaken the Yamaken-gumi. The rule of the Kodo-kai has not been good for the other 71 factions in the sprawling organization, especially the Yamaken-gumi. There have long been complaints of having to pay high association dues, and former bosses say that lower-ranking yakuza groups have been forced to buy supplies from headquarters at extremely high prices. This was one way the Yamaguchi-gumi was able to effectively launder money and shore up its accounts. The US is also no fan of the Kodo-kai, having singled the group out for special sanctions last April. It was the Yamaken-gumi faction that led the rebellion, creating a new organization called the Kobe Yamaguchi in late August with 12 other factions. The spark appears to have been a rumor that Tsukasa was going to retire this year and turn the organization over to another Kodo-kai leader. The Yamaguchi-gumi called an emergency meeting on August 27 and summarily expelled the 13 bosses and their factions from the group. The depth of their anger became clear this week when they issued a statement via their web-page, condemning the rebellion. "It is only a matter of time," the statement read, "before the good and bad of those who have mistaken their way is corrected." The majority of Japanese police are tacitly supporting the breakaway Kobe Yamaguchi, police sources and those close to the new group tell VICE News. In fact, the rebels delivered a notice to the Hyogo Police Department before breaking away from the Yamaguchi-gumi, and cops began guarding their headquarters before the split was even formalized. Police have been trying to destroy the Kodo-kai since 2009, when the head of the National Police Agency openly declared war on the faction, stating, "We will obliterate them from public society." The Kodo-kai has been a notably anti-authoritarian faction of the Yamaguchi-gumi, actively challenging both the police and the Japanese government while implementing a set of rules known as the "three no's": No members should confess to crimes. No cops can visit the offices. No cooperation with police is allowed. This may not sound like unusual gang behavior, but in Japan it is. Organized crime detectives would often visit the offices of the yakuza groups they were monitoring to drink tea, chat, and keep up to date. The exchanges were cordial. If there was gang violence, the yakuza would offer up someone for arrest. Before police raided yakuza offices, they often made an appointment. In turn, the yakuza made sure there were documents to be carried out in boxes so that reporters outside photographing the raid had something to shoot. The Kodo-kai rejected that system. There are a large number of Korean-Japanese members in the faction, and much of Japan, including the police, maintains a thinly veiled anti-Korean sentiment. In a rare interview with Sankei Shimbun in 2011, Tsukasa explained that, "We provide refuge for those marginalized by Japanese society — the outcasts, the Korean-Japanese, those from broken families who face discrimination. We make them strong and keep them from bothering ordinary people." The Kodo-kai have also been vocal critics of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, accusing him of pushing the nation toward fascism. However, behind closed doors, the Yamaguchi-gumi and the Abe administration maintain some strange ties. One yakuza associate who helped fund the Kodo-kai's successful sex shop empire also founded a political support group for Hakubun Shimomura, Japan's minister of education and science. Earlier this year, it was revealed that Shimomura had received political donations from a Yamaguchi-gumi front company, and that he was closely connected to a mob financier. Shimomura is best known in Japan for promoting "moral education." The Yamaguchi-gumi split could become a major headache for the Abe administration. When gangsters feel it's to their advantage, they've been known to rat out their political allies. Though the Kodo-kai appear to have friends in the Abe administration, the Kodo-kai are reviled by police. So the breakaway factions and the police are working together. In an article published earlier this month in Nikkan Gendai, a member of the rebel group claims that there will be no bloodshed because police will attack the Kodo-kai for them. Their weapon of choice? Charges of tax evasion. And authorities may be able to obtain the evidence they need to prosecute the Kodo-kai from the rebel factions. Among the 13 groups that split from the Yamaguchi-gumi is the Takumi-gumi, headed by Tadashi Irie. For years, he was the Yamaguchi-gumi's chief of headquarters — the No. 3 man in the organization, and the one who controlled the money. A Yamaguchi-gumi insider told Nikkan Gendai, "We have the banker on our side. He knows where all the money comes from and goes. We give the police the information, and they get to destroy the Kodo-kai. They'll bust Tsukasa for tax evasion — the end." A senior member of the National Police Agency who was not authorized to speak on the record would tell VICE News only that, "We don't play favorites or make deals. We didn't encourage the split, but obviously we consider the Kodo-kai the most troublesome faction of the Yamaguchi-gumi. This is an opportunity to take them out." In Japan, the police aren't unified in their thinking. While the National Police Agency considers the Kodo-kai a problem, the Osaka Police have a long-standing dislike for the Yamaken-gumi, the breakaway faction that heads the rebels. Police searched the Kobe headquarters of the Yamaken-gumi on September 9 on charges of fraud — the first police raid since the group was founded. Related: This May Be the Most Dangerous — and Most Costly — Photo in Japan The raid allowed the police to gain information on the new group, and also served as a reminder to the world that the rebels are hardly the noble outlaws they claim to be. Still, the Hyogo Police are maintaining cordial relations with the rebels — a chance to seriously weaken the Yamaguchi-gumi is too good to pass up. There is, however, one problem with the idea that the police can go after the Kodo-kai for tax evasion. Irie, the man who once controlled the Yamaguchi-gumi's finances, is planning to retire, according to some sources. He is well known for being a relatively honorable and loyal mobster in a world of double-dealing thugs. So Irie is unlikely to talk — which would make proving tax evasion difficult. And if the police can't dissolve the Kodo-kai with criminal charges, then the rebel factions may attempt to do it with violence. Follow Jake Adelstein on Twitter: @jakeadelstein crime & drugs Yamaguchi gumi Yamaken-gumi
Cloud 109 - The Ninth Instalment Well it's Wednesday and the one day of the week when my Blog subject is pre-ordained as it's time to catch up with the doings of Gina, Cary and Rabby, who have been subject to a series of weird and dangerous happenings within the portals of the cyber world of Cloud 109 where they spend so much of their time. Cary has informed the rest of the trio, that the source of the grief is a virus that has affected the whole of the Cloud 109 site. So here's page 8 as an aide memoire and hard upon it's heels is page 9 where they re-enter the Cloud 109 cyber lounge and listen to site controller Madge Crumb's reassurances, is this woman on the level? The earlier pages are at weekly intervals throughout this blog - hope you enjoy today's page. I was working over the weekend on one of three pages currently in production and as is my wont as this page is particularly dark, I was hoovering up various bits of reference for creepy lighting efx and bizarre references to add into the background. In particular if you note the grinning head down at the bottom of my work page, I recalled the thrill of horror I experienced when as a callow youth leafing through a copy of Forrest J. Ackerman's "Famous Monsters of Filmland", I stumbled over a photograph of Conrad Veidt in the title role of "The Man Who Laughs". The film concerns the story of a man who as a child is subject to a weird mutilation whereby a hideous grin is carved onto his face. The story is one of those masterpieces of silent cinema and Veidt who was a truly brilliant actor, conveys much of the passion and angst of his role through his eyes hiding the lower part of his face with a cloak. The moments when he does reveal his disfigurement are truly chilling, much in the way that Lon Chaney's unmasking in "The Phantom of the Opera" does. So thinking about both Veidt and Chaney, I reflected on the lengths to which these guys would go to not only psych themselves up for the roles they undertook but also inflict pain and discomfort on themselves to add that little bit extra to their performance. In the case of Veidt's portrayal of Gwynplaine in "The Man Who Laughs', he wore a set of false teeth that were so constructed that they forced his cheeks back into a truly hideous rictus grin. The results were so unsettling that cinema audiences experienced that delicious mix of repulsion yet fascination and it evidently seems to have been a source of inspiration for the young comic creators Bob Kane and Bill Finger some ten years later. Dave Morris 2 December 2009 at 12:48 Peter, that's another fascinating post. So *that* was where the idea for the Joker came from! I too used to feed my childhood imagination on the heady brew of FMOF (Forry Ackerman RIP). Talking of the lengths Chaney Sr would go to, in one film (The Penalty) he strapped his legs back at the knee to play a crippled war veteran using an army of beggars to take over the criminal underworld. Chaney would apparently stay strapped up like that throughout filming, moving around the set by swinging on ropes and bannisters to get into character as this insane evil genius. Makes my knees creak just to think of it :) Peter Richardson 2 December 2009 at 13:20 I remember one issue of FMOF where there was a page of photos of Chaney senior in all his different guises - totally amazing. He used to use tape to stretch and distort his face, egg whites to make his eyes opaque and in "London After Midnight"he devised a pair of wire monocles that literally stretched his eyes open creating a truly ghastly apparition. Sadly "London After Midnight"is one of those lost treasures of the silent cinema the last known surviving copy disappearing in a studio fire in 1965. Although there have been recent rumours of it's discovery under the alias of "The Hypnotist", whether this is yet another wind up and whether if it isn't it actually lives up to the hype is debatable. I remember old Forry used to put really cheesy one liners under a lot of the photos they ran in FMOF, when he ran a pictures feature from the film concerned he titled it "Some pictures showing you what Lon done after Midnight". Ackerman did actually appear on Jonathan Ross - The Last Resort when Ross was still working at Channel 4 and his show was really entertaining and very diverse and he could indulge some of his passions such as comic collecting and trash esoterica. Tyler 2 December 2009 at 17:25 whoaa...this is very awesome Thanks for the kind words Tyler, just checked out your blog and I'd definitely return the compliment - awesome verging on "the other". Definite feeling of David Lynch meets Francis Bacon to your latest posting. james corcoran 2 December 2009 at 18:24 Lovely pages really nice to see your process, I lack the patience and precision for multiple layers and photo ref. I know James, there's times I wish my work process was a bit more pragmatic. There was a time some fifteen years ago when I was doing a strip for IPC which was a comic adaptation of a game called "Streets of Rage" and I used to aim to get 5 full colour pages done a week. I might take my courage in both hands and post some of them here - very different style wise. Five. Full. Colour. Pages??! Wow. I was reading Pat Mills in the latest Charley's War book and he figured 3 pages of b&w art were pretty good going. If you do feel like showing off some of those old pages, Peter, I for one would be very interested. Oh Lordy! I'll have a think about it Dave... Cloud 109 - In 3-D!!! A Quick Guide to Making 3-D ... 3-D-Mentia!!! Gesture Drawing (Revisited) Web of Horror Cloud 109 - The Eleventh Instalment Dracula, Fumetti and James Warren Cloud 109 - The Tenth Instalment Planet of the Knobheads Complete Control More of the Lost Treasure Lost and Found - The Incredible Art of Giorgio De ...
module BitBucket class Client::Users < API require_all 'bitbucket_rest_api/client/users', 'account' @version = '1.0' namespace :account end # Client end # BitBucket
Our business and culture are changing, and changing quickly. Over the last few years, we've seen great growth, but we've also been burdened with a lot of growth restriction. In order to evolve, we've made changes to the way we operate, how we get things done and how quickly we do it. We have a clear vision for the future, but we every Zapponian to help us figure out how to get there. To understand Holacracy – we have to start in the beginning. The multidivisional form of companies was first realized by General Motors in 1920. In this model you divide labor into functions and specialties. As you continue to divide an organization in this way you increase efficiency, but as a side effect you disconnect people form each other and from the overall purpose of the business. What happens when there are layers and layers of management hierarchy? This person has an idea on how to solve a problem at Zappos in their role – they happen to be out to beers with their friend, who happened to be a manager two levels above him. He shares his idea, and comes up with ways to start changing things. When they get back to work on Monday, the direct manager finds out and is miffed that this person went over their head to address a problem on the team. He makes his way up the chain discrediting the person, and all of a sudden the conversation is more about how to share ideas, and less about the actual idea. This is something that happens at Zappos. Cool – so Holacracy sounds great …what is it? Not only does a traditional management hierarchy cause problems - these structures are 50- 100 years old. If we were using computers that were that old they would look like this. Why are we using organizational technology that hasn't changed in nearly a century? To kick things off, this is our guideline for protecting our culture. Our motto is slow to hire and quick to fire. Usually companies do it the other way around. So what does this mean for us? We didn't always hire for culture. In 1999…. If you get the culture right, everything else will naturally follow. In order to get the right culture, you need the right people. Culture comes from every Zapponian and must live, drive, nurture it. In fact, culture fit trumps skills fit! So what is a culture fit? Someone who isn't afraid to be themselves, doesn't take themselves too seriously, and is constantly looking to improve both personally and professionally. You can fake a full day of interviews, but can you fake 4 weeks of 7am-4pm M-F? So that's a bit about how we hire for culture and now we are going to dive in to our Insider Program. From beginning to end, a candidates visit onsite is filled with opportunities for our shuttle drivers, tour guides, front desk admin, etc. all have to provide feedback on their experience with this candidate. (CV#10: Be Humble, CV#6: Positive Team and Family Spirit) We've ended the day early based on candidate's behavior. 2 way street – you are selecting us and we are selecting you – will you enjoy being part of the Zappos family? Does anyone follow @InsideZappos on Social Media? One of the major changes that came with the Insider program was the way that we approached the relationships that we had with Insiders and Candidates. We wanted to build a two way communication system that would allow us to get to know the people behind the resumes and them to get to know us. This sparked our social push. We realized that social media was a very valuable resource in recruiting and gave us an opportunity to pull back the curtains on the Zappos culture to show Insiders what life as a Zapponian is all about. As part of our social strategy, we set up a Social VIP program where each member of the recruiting team takes the reigns and becomes the voice of @InsideZappos for that week. Everyone on the team rotates full control, with no review or preapproval of content. They share updates on Twitter, Facebook and other social channels and engage with fans and Insiders at least twice per day. On behalf of Kiersten and Myself, thanks for spending the time with us today. I'd encourage you take a look at your companies values and see how you can really incorporate screening for those values in to your companies process. And I challenge you to think about innovative ways that you can tackle recruiting. 10. Comfort with ambiguity Sense of curiosity Self- management Evolutionary purpose Wholeness Be adventurous, creative and open minded Be passionate and determined Pursue growth and learning Create fun and a little weirdness Do we need to change our values? 12. Day @ Zappos CoreValue Assessment CoreValue #1 DELIVERWOWTHROUGH SERVICE Sample Questions: • What does amazing customer service mean to you? • What is the best work related compliment you've received? • Tell me a time when you delivered great service. • And now, tell me about a time you failed to deliver great service. 15. New Hire Training The interview doesn't stop when you get hired.
Although baraminic distance correlation (BDC) has been used to define more holobaramins than any other method, the technique remains largely untested. One method of testing the reliability of BDC conclusions is bootstrapping. A bootstrapping procedure has been added to the software package BDISTMDS (http://www.bryancore.org) that randomly resamples the data matrix 100 times and which calculates baraminic distances, correlations, and probabilities for all taxon pairs in each resampled dataset. Applied to BDC, bootstrapping can reveal which correlations between taxa are robust to random perturbations in the character data and which are dependent on the particular character states of the native dataset. Bootstrap values were calculated for ten previously-published BDC analyses. Results indicate very good bootstrap values for the majority of taxon pairs (median 100%; 70.2% of taxon pairs had bootstrap values >90%). Bootstrap values are proportional to the number of taxa in the dataset but are not correlated with baraminic distances. As a method for evaluating the robustness of baraminic inferences from BDC, bootstrapping should be used in future baraminology research.
class VmMigrateTask < MiqRequestTask alias_attribute :vm, :source validate :validate_request_type, :validate_state default_value_for :request_type, "vm_migrate" AUTOMATE_DRIVES = true def self.base_model VmMigrateTask end def self.get_description(req_obj) name = nil if req_obj.source.nil? # Single source has not been selected yet if req_obj.options[:src_ids].length == 1 v = Vm.find_by(:id => req_obj.options[:src_ids].first) name = v.nil? ? "" : v.name else name = "Multiple VMs" end else name = req_obj.source.name end new_settings = [] host_name = req_obj.get_option_last(:placement_host_name) new_settings << "Host: #{host_name}" unless host_name.blank? respool_name = req_obj.get_option_last(:placement_rp_name) new_settings << "Resource Pool: #{respool_name}" unless respool_name.blank? folder_name = req_obj.get_option_last(:placement_folder_name) new_settings << "Folder: #{folder_name}" if folder_name.present? storage = req_obj.get_option_last(:placement_ds_name) new_settings << "Storage: #{storage}" unless storage.blank? "#{request_class::TASK_DESCRIPTION} for: #{name} - #{new_settings.join(", ")}" end def after_request_task_create update_attribute(:description, get_description) end def do_request host_id = get_option(:placement_host_name) host = Host.find_by(:id => host_id) respool_id = get_option(:placement_rp_name) respool = ResourcePool.find_by(:id => respool_id) folder_id = get_option(:placement_folder_name) folder = EmsFolder.find_by(:id => folder_id) datastore_id = get_option(:placement_ds_name) datastore = Storage.find_by(:id => datastore_id) disk_transform = case get_option(:disk_format) when 'thin' then VimString.new('sparse', "VirtualMachineRelocateTransformation") when 'thick' then VimString.new('flat', "VirtualMachineRelocateTransformation") end # Determine if we call migrate for relocate vc_method = if datastore || disk_transform :relocate elsif respool && host.nil? :relocate elsif host :migrate end _log.warn("Calling VM #{vc_method} for #{vm.id}:#{vm.name}") begin case vc_method when :migrate then vm.migrate(host, respool) when :relocate then vm.relocate(host, respool, datastore, nil, disk_transform) end vm.move_into_folder(folder) if folder.present? rescue => err update_and_notify_parent(:state => 'finished', :status => 'Error', :message => "Failed. Reason[#{err.message}]") return end if AUTOMATE_DRIVES update_and_notify_parent(:state => 'migrated', :message => "Finished #{request_class::TASK_DESCRIPTION}", :status => 'Ok') else update_and_notify_parent(:state => 'finished', :message => "#{request_class::TASK_DESCRIPTION} complete", :status => 'Ok') end end end
Q: Stop button from getting smaller How do I stop a button from getting smaller when I press it? This is the code for a button (both for the lightning:button & button): <lightning:button label="{!v.loginButtonLabel}" variant="brand" class="sfdc_button" onclick="{!c.handleLogin}" /> <button class= "slds-button" onclick="{!c.onClickStep2}"> Forgot your password? </button> Edit: More specific, does someone has example css to stop a button to shrink when you press it. A: If the issue does not persists you can try using <ui:button> which has same functionality with same attributes your using in lightning button
THE TRAIN HAS UNEXPECTED BREAKDOWNS PERIODICALLY AS IT IS THE OLDEST STEAM LOCOMOTIVE IN BORNEO. In the event that the train ride is cancelled due to technical maintenance, our sales representative will communicate with you regarding an alternative tour or refund. Please check with us on the latest status updates of the train health - Email Us ! Pick up will be from your hotel lobby, where you will be whisked away for a real feel of the bygone era. Upon arrival at Tanjung Aru Train Station, hop on the board on a journey filled with historical grandeur of once upon a time Borneo. The railway track ushering you through scenic landscapes is the only railway track in Sabah since 1896 which runs a 134km line length, coursing down south from Kota Kinabalu to Tenom (Pangi Station). The railway track was primarily for the transport of tobacco from the interior to the coast for export, today it serves as reliable public transportation for the locals in the outskirt of town. Enjoy a light breakfast in a nostalgic ambience as the steam locomotive takes you through lush country-side vitas leading to the first stop, Kinarut Town to visit the Tien Shi Temple that is well renowned for fine statues. Next stop, Papar. Mingle with the locals at the wet market and the vintage shop houses that lace the charming small town of Papar. Relish in a tiffin style lunch of colonial and continental cuisines served on board the train. It comes with a panoramic display of paddy fields, rivers and villagers along the way. After a dandy day on the train tracks, you will return to the Tanjung Aru Train Station and transferred back to our hotels. Notes: We will pick you up from your hotel and transfer directly to Tanjung Aru Train Station (Seat-in-coach).
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\section{Introduction} Hajnal and Juh\'asz, in 1969 (see \cite{HajJuh67}) proved that if $X$ is a $T_1$-space, then $|X|\le 2^{s(X)\psi(X)}$, and if $X$ is a Hausdorff space, then $|X|\le 2^{c(X)\chi(X)}$ and $|X|\le 2^{2^{s(X)}}$. Later Schr\"oder in \cite{Sch93} proved that if $X$ is a Hausdorff space, then the first inequality could be sharpened to $|X|\le 2^{Us(X)\psi_c(X)}$, and if $X$ is a Urysohn space, then the second estimation could be improved to $|X|\le 2^{Uc(X)\chi(X)}$. In \cite[Theorem 12]{Sch93} the author also claimed that if $X$ is a Urysohn space, then the third inequality could be improved to $|X|\le 2^{2^{Us(X)}}$. The proof of his Theorem 12 is based on \cite[Lemma 11]{Sch93} which states that if $X$ is a Urysohn space, then $\psi_c(X)\le 2^{Us(X)}$. Unfortunately, there is a gap in the proof of that Lemma 11 and therefore the validity of the last two claims are unknown. We were able to prove both claims only when $X$ is an $S(3)$-space (see Corollaries \ref{CIG1} and \ref{CIG2}). Let $n$ be a positive integer. In this paper, for some spaces $X$, we define the cardinal functions $\chi_n(X)$, $\psi_n(X)$, $s_n(X)$, and $c_n(X)$ called respectively $S(n)$-character, $S(n)$-pseudocharacter, $S(n)$-spread, and $S(n)$-cellularity and using them we extend the above-mentioned inequalities to the class of $S(n)$-spaces (see Definition \ref{D1}). In particular, we show that if $X$ is an $S(n)$-space, then $\left| X\right| \leq 2^{c_{n}(X)\chi_{n}(X)}$ (Theorems \ref{ThGHJ2} and \ref{ThGSc2}). When $n=1$ we obtain Hajnal and Juh\'asz' inequality $|X|\le 2^{c(X)\chi(X)}$ for Hausdorff spaces $X$ and the case $n=2$ is the second part of Alas and Ko\v{c}inac' Theorem 2 in \cite{AlaKoc00}, which sharpens Schr\"oder's inequality $|X|\le 2^{Uc(X)\chi(X)}$ for Urysohn spaces $X$ (see Corollary \ref{CIGSch}). Our Theorems \ref{THJIG} and \ref{TScIG} contain the generalizations to the class of $S(n)$-spaces of the corresponding inequalities of Hajnal and Juh\'asz and Schr\"oder mentioned above: Let $k$ be a positive integer. If $X$ is an $S(k-1)$-space, then $\left| X\right|\leq 2^{s_{2k-1}(X)\psi_{2k-1}(X)}$ and if $X$ is an $S(k)$-space, then $\left| X\right|\leq 2^{s_{2k}(X)\psi_{2k}(X)}$. At the end of the paper we generalize Hajnal and Juh\'asz' inequality that if $X$ is a Hausdorff space, then $|X|\le 2^{2^{s(X)}}$. For that end we find upper bounds for the cardinality of the $S(n)$-pseudocharacter of a space, where $n$ is any positive integer. In Lemmas \ref{LHJIG} and \ref{LIG} we show that if $n$ is a positive integer and $X$ is an $S(n)$-space, then $\psi(X)\le 2^{s_n(X)}$ and, as a consequence, in Theorem \ref{TISG} we show that $\left| X\right|\leq 2^{s(X)\cdot 2^{s_{n}(X)}}$. In addition, we show that for every positive integer $k$, the following are true: (a) If $X$ is an $S(3k)$-space, then $\psi_{2k}\le 2^{s_{2k}(X)}$ (Lemma \ref{LIG2G1}) and $\left| X\right|\leq 2^{2^{s_{2k}(X)}}$ (Theorem \ref{TIG2G1}); (b) If $X$ is an $S(3k-2)$-space, then $\psi_{2k-1}(X)\leq 2^{s_{2k-1}(X)}$ (Lemma \ref{LIG2G2}) and $\left| X\right|\leq 2^{2^{s_{2k-1}(X)}}$ (Theorem \ref{TIG2G2}); (c) If $X$ is an $S(3k-1)$-space, then $\psi_{2k-1}(X)\leq 2^{s_{2k}(X)}$ and $\psi_{2k}(X)\leq 2^{s_{2k-1}(X)}$ (Lemma \ref{LIG2G3} and Lemma \ref{LIG2G4}) and $\left| X\right|\leq 2^{s_{2k-1}(X)\cdot2^{s_{2k}(X)}}$, hence $\left| X\right|\leq 2^{2^{s_{2k-1}(X)}}$ (Theorem \ref{TIG2G3}). More results about the cardinality of $S(n)$-spaces involving the cardinal functions $d_n(X)$, $t_n(X)$ and $bt_n(X)$, called respectively $S(n)$-density, $S(n)$-tightness and $S(n)$-bitightness, are contained in our paper \cite{GotKoc18}. \section{Preliminaries} Notations and terminology in this paper are standard as in \cite{Eng89}, \cite{Juh80}, and \cite{Hod84}. Unless otherwise indicated, all spaces are assumed to be at least $T_1$ and infinite. $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\gamma$, and $\delta$ are ordinal numbers, while $\kappa$ denotes infinite cardinal; $\kappa^{+}$ is the successor cardinal of $\kappa$. As usual, cardinals are assumed to be initial ordinals, $\mathbb{N}^{+}$ denotes the set of all positive integers and $\mathbb{N}=\{0\}\cup \mathbb{N}^{+}$. If $X$ is a set, then $\mathfrak{P}(X)$ and $\left[ X\right] ^{\leq \kappa}$ denote the power set of $X$ and the collection of all subsets of $X$ having cardinality $\leq \kappa$, respectively. \begin{definition}\label{D1} Let $X$ be a topological space, $A\subset X$ and $n\in \mathbb{N}^{+}.$ A point $x\in X$ is \emph{$S(n)$-separated from} $A$ if there exist open sets $U_{i}$, $i=1,2,...,n$ such that $x\in U_{1}$, $\overline{U}_{i}\subset U_{i+1}$ for $i=1,2,...,n-1$ and $\overline{U}_{n}\cap A=\varnothing $; $x$ is $S(0)$-separated from $A$ if $x\notin \overline{A}.$ $X$ is an \emph{$S(n)$-space} \cite{Vig69} if every two distinct points in $X$ are $S(n)$-separated. Now, let $n\in \mathbb{N}$. The set $\cl_{\theta ^{n}}A=\{x\in X$ : $x$ is not $S(n)$-separated from $A\}$ is called $\theta ^{n}$\emph{-closure} of $A$ \cite{DikGiu88}. $A$ is $\theta ^{n}$\emph{-closed} \cite{PorVot73a} if $\cl_{\theta ^{n}}(A)=A$; $U\subset X$ is $\theta ^{n}$-\emph{open} if $X\backslash U$ is $\theta ^{n}$-closed; and $A$ is \emph{$\theta ^{n}$-dense} in $X$ if $\cl_{\theta ^{n}}(A)=X$. \end{definition} It follows directly from Definition \ref{D1} that $S(1)$ is the class of Hausdorff spaces and $S(2)$ is the class of Urysohn spaces. Since we are going to consider here only $T_1$-spaces, $S(0)$-spaces will be exactly the $T_1$-spaces. Also, $\cl_{\theta ^{0}}(A)=\overline{A}$ and $\cl_{\theta ^{1}}(A)=\cl_{\theta }(A)$ - the so called \emph{$\theta $-closure of $A$} \cite{Vel66}. We want to emphasize here that in general, when $n \in \bN^+$, the $\theta^n$-closure operator is not idempotent, hence it is not a Kuratowski closure operator. In particular $\cl_\theta(\cl_\theta(A))\ne\cl_{\theta^2}(A)$. Finally, we note that if $X$ is a space and $n \in \bN^+$, then $\cl_{\theta^n}(U)=\cl_{\theta^{n-1}}(\overline{U})$ whenever $U$ is an open subset of $X$ (see \cite[Lemma 1.4(c)]{DikGiu88}). In this paper it will be more convenient for us to think about $S(n)$-spaces in more 'symmetric' way similar to the way how $S(n)$-spaces are defined in \cite{DikTho95}, \cite{DikWat95} or \cite{PorVot73a} but here we are going to use different terminology and notation. \begin{definition}\label{SnIG} Let $X$ be a topological space, $U\subseteq X$, $x\in U$ and $k\in\bN^+$. We will say that $U$ is an \emph{$S(2k-1)$-neighborhood of $x$} if there exist open sets $U_{i}$, $i=1,2,...,k$, such that $x\in U_{1}$, $\overline{U}_{i}\subset U_{i+1}$, for $i=1,2,...,k-1$, and $U_{k}\subseteq U$. We will say that $U$ is an \emph{$S(2k)$-neighborhood of $x$} if there exist open sets $U_{i}$, $i=1,2,...,k$, such that $x\in U_{1}$, $\overline{U}_{i}\subset U_{i+1}$, for $i=1,2,...,k-1$, and $\overline{U}_{k}\subseteq U$. Let $n\in\bN^+$. When a set $U$ is an $S(n)$-neighborhood of a point $x$ and it is an open (closed) set in $X$, we will refer to it as open (closed) \emph{$S(n)$-neighborhood of $x$}. A set $U$ will be called $S(n)$-open ($S(n)$-closed) if $U$ is open (closed) and there exists at least one point $x$ such that $U$ is an open (closed) $S(n)$-neighborhood of $x$. \end{definition} \begin{remark} We note that in what follows every $S(2k-1)$-open set $U$ in a space $X$, where $k\in\bN^+$, will be considered as a fixed chain of $k$ nonempty sets $U_{i}$, $i=1,2,...,k$, such that $\overline{U}_{i}\subset U_{i+1}$, for $i=1,2,...,k-1$, and $U_{k}\subseteq U$. (In fact, most of the time we will assume that $U_k=U$). Sometimes, when we need to refer to the first set $U_1$ in that chain we will use the notation $U(k)$, i.e. by definition $U(k)=U_1$. \end{remark} Now, using the terminology and notation introduced in Definition \ref{SnIG} it is easy to see that the following propositions are true. \begin{proposition}\label{P1} Let $X$ be a topological space, $x\in X$ and $k\in\bN^+$. {\rm (a)} Every closed $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood of $x$ is a closed $S(2k)$-neighborhood of $x$. {\rm (b)} Every $S(2k)$-neighborhood of $x$ contains a closed $S(2k)$-neighborhood of $x$; hence it contains a closed (and therefore an open) $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood of $x$. Thus, every $S(2k)$-neighborhood of $x$ is an $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood of $x$. {\rm (c)} Every $S(2k+1)$-neighborhood of $x$ contains an open $S(2k+1)$-neighborhood of $x$; hence it contains an open (and therefore a closed) $S(2k)$-neighborhood of $x$. Thus, every $S(2k+1)$-neighborhood of $x$ is an $S(2k)$-neighborhood of $x$. \end{proposition} \begin{proposition}\label{P2} Let $X$ be a topological space and $k\in\bN^+$. {\rm (a)} $X$ is an $S(2k-1)$-space if and only if every two distinct points of $X$ can be separated by disjoint (open) $S(2k-1)$-neighborhoods. {\rm (b)} $X$ is an $S(2k)$-space if and only if every two distinct points of $X$ can be separated by disjoint closed $S(2k-1)$-neighborhoods. {\rm (c)} $X$ is an $S(2k)$-space if and only if every two distinct points of $X$ can be separated by disjoint (closed) $S(2k)$-neighborhoods. {\rm (d)} $X$ is an $S(2k+1)$-space if and only if every two distinct points of $X$ can be separated by disjoint open $S(2k)$-neighborhoods. \end{proposition} \begin{definition}\label{SnClIG} Let $X$ be a topological space, $A\subseteq X$ and $k\in\bN^+$. We will say that a point $x$ is in the $S(2k-1)$-closure of $A$ if and only if every (open) $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood of $x$ intersects $A$ and we will say that a point $x$ is in the $S(2k)$-closure of $A$ if and only if every (closed) $S(2k)$-neighborhood (or equivalently, every closed $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood) of $x$ intersects $A$. For $n\in\bN^+$, the $S(n)$-closure of $A$ will be denoted by $\theta_n(A)$. $A$ is $\theta_{n}$\emph{-closed} if $\theta_{n}(A)=A$ and $U\subset X$ is $\theta_{n}$-\emph{open} if $X\setminus U$ is $\theta_{n}$-closed, or equivalently, $U\subset X$ is $\theta_{n}$-\emph{open} if $U$ is an $S(n)$-neighborhood of every $x\in U$. Finally, $A$ is $\theta_n$-dense in $X$ if $\theta_n(A)=X$. \end{definition} Clearly, for every $n\in\bN^+$, every $\theta_n$-open set is open and every set of the form $\theta_n(A)$, where $A\subseteq X$, is a closed set. Also, it follows directly from Definition \ref{SnClIG} that $\theta_1(A)=\cl(A)=\overline{A}$ is the usual closure operator in $X$ and $\theta_2(A)=\cl_\theta(A)$ is the $\theta$-closure operator introduced by Veli\v{c}ko \cite{Vel66}. We also note that, except for the case $n=1$, for many $A\subset X$ we may have $\theta_n(\theta_n(A))\ne\theta_n(A)$, or in other words, the $\theta_n$-closure operator is not idempotent. More information about the closure operator $\theta_n$ is contained in \cite{DikGiu88}, \cite{DikTho95} and \cite{DikWat95}. \begin{definition}\label{DPsi} Let $k\in \bN^+$ and $X$ be a topological space. \emph{(a)} A family $\{U_\alpha :\alpha < \kappa\}$ of open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhoods of a point $x\in X$ will be called \emph{an open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood base at the point $x$} if for every open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood $U$ of $x$ there is $\alpha<\kappa$ such that $U_\alpha\subseteq U$. \emph{(b)} An $S(2k-1)$-space $X$ is of \emph{$S(2k-1)$-character} $\kappa$, denoted by $\chi_{2k-1}(X)$, if $\kappa$ is the smallest infinite cardinal such that for each point $x\in X$ there exists an open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood base at $x$ with cardinality at most $\kappa$. In the case $k=1$ the $S(1)$-character $\chi_1(X)$ coincides with the usual character $\chi(X)$. \emph{(c)} An $S(2k)$-space $X$ is of \emph{$S(2k)$-character} $\kappa$, denoted by $\chi_{2k}(X)$, if $\kappa$ is the smallest infinite cardinal such that for each point $x\in X$ there exists a family $\sV_x$ of closed $S(2k-1)$-neighborhoods of $x$ such that $|\sV_x|\le\kappa$ and if $W$ is an open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood of $x$, then $\overline{W}$ contains a member of $\mathcal{V}_x$. In the case $k=1$ the $S(2)$-character $\chi_2(X)$ coincides with the cardinal function $k(X)$ defined in \cite{AlaKoc00}. \emph{(d)} An $S(k-1)$-space $X$ is of \emph{$S(2k-1)$-pseudocharacter} $\kappa$, denoted by $\psi_{2k-1}(X)$, if $\kappa$ is the smallest infinite cardinal such that for each point $x\in X$ there exists a family $\{U_\alpha :\alpha < \kappa\}$ of $S(2k-1)$-open neighborhoods of $x$ such that $\{x\}=\bigcap \{U_\alpha :\alpha < \kappa \}.$ In the case $k=1$ the pseudocharacter $\psi_1(X)$ coincides with the usual pseudocharacter $\psi(X)$. \emph{(e)} An $S(k)$-space $X$ is of \emph{$S(2k)$-pseudocharacter} $\kappa$, denoted by $\psi_{2k}(X)$, if $\kappa$ is the smallest infinite cardinal such that for each point $x\in X$ there exists a family $\{U_\alpha :\alpha < \kappa \}$ of $S(2k-1)$-open neighborhoods of $x$ such that $\{x\}=\bigcap \{\overline{U}_\alpha :\alpha < \kappa\}.$ In the case $k=1$ the pseudocharacter $\psi_2(X)$ coincides with the closed pseudocharacter $\psi_{c}(X)$. \end{definition} In relation to Definition \ref{DPsi}(c) we recall that for a topological space $X$, $k(X)$ is the smallest infinite cardinal $\kappa$ such that for each point $x\in X$, there is a collection $\mathcal{V}_x$ of closed neighborhoods of $x$ such that $|\mathcal{V}_x|\le \kappa$ and if $W$ is a neighborhood of $x$, then $\overline{W}$ contains a member of $\mathcal{V}_x$ \cite{AlaKoc00}. Clearly, $k(X)\le\chi(X)$. As it was noted in \cite{AlaKoc00}, $k(X)$ is equal to the character of the semiregularization of $X$. We also note that if $k\in\bN^+$, then $\psi_{2k-1}(X)\le\psi_{2k}(X)\le\psi_{2k+1}(X)\le\psi_{2k+2}(X)$ and $\chi_{2k}(X)\le\chi_{2k-1}(X)$, whenever they are defined. \begin{remark}\label{RemPsi} Since the $\theta$-closure operator is not idempotent, for each positive integer $n$, a different type of pseudocharacter could be defined by requiring each point $x\in X$ to have a family of open neighborhoods $\{U_\alpha :\alpha < \kappa\}$ such that $\{x\}=\bigcap\{\cl_\theta(\cl_\theta(\ldots\cl_\theta(U_\alpha)\ldots)):\alpha < \kappa\},$ where the $\theta$-closure operator is repeated $n$ times. We used the notation $\psi_{\theta^n}(X)$ in \cite{GotUnp3} to denote that pseudocharacter and it is not difficult to see that $\psi_{\theta^n}(X)$ and the pseudocharacter $\psi_n(X)$ defined in Definition \ref{DPsi} are different. \end{remark} \begin{definition}\label{D6} Let $k\in \bN^+$ and $X$ be a topological space. \emph{(a)} We shall call a subset $D$ of $X$ \emph{$S(2k-1)$-discrete} if for every $x\in D$, there is an open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood $U$ of $x$ such that $U\cap D=\{x\}$, and we define the \emph{$S(2k-1)$-spread} of $X$, denoted by $s_{2k-1}(X)$, to be $\sup \{\left| D\right| :D$ is $S(2k-1)$-discrete subset of $X\}+\aleph_0$. \emph{(b)} We shall call a subset $D$ of $X$ \emph{$S(2k)$-discrete} if for every $x\in D$, there is an open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood $U$ of $x$ such that $\overline{U}\cap D=\{x\}$, and we define the \emph{$S(2k)$-spread} of $X$, denoted by $s_{2k}(X)$, to be $\sup \{\left| D\right| :D$ is $S(2k)$-discrete subset of $X\}+\aleph_0$. \end{definition} It follows immediately from Definition \ref{D6} that a set $D$ in a topological space $X$ is discrete if and only if $D$ is $S(1)$-discrete and a set $D$ is Urysohn-discrete if and only if $D$ is $S(2)$-discrete. Therefore $s_1(X)$ is the usual spread $s(X)$ and $s_2(X)$ is the Urysohn spread $Us(X)$ defined in \cite{Sch93}. \begin{definition}\label{DCelIG} Let $X$ be a topological space and $k\in \bN^+$. \emph{(a)} We shall call a family $\sU$ of pairwise disjoint non-empty $S(2k-1)$-open subsets of $X$ \emph{$S(2k-1)$-cellular} and we define the \emph{$S(2k-1)$-cellularity} of $X$, denoted by $c_{2k-1}(X)$, to be $\sup \{\left| \mathcal{U}\right| :\mathcal{U}$ is an $S(2k-1)$-cellular family in $X\}+\aleph_0$. \emph{(b)} We shall call a family $\sU$ of non-empty $S(2k-1)$-open subsets of $X$ \emph{$S(2k)$-cellular} if for every distinct $U_1,U_2\in\sU$ we have $\overline{U}_1\cap\overline{U}_2=\emptyset$ and we define the \emph{$S(2k)$-cellularity} of a space $X$, denoted by $c_{2k}(X)$, to be $\sup \{\left| \mathcal{U}\right| :\mathcal{U}$ is an $S(2k)$-cellular family in $X\}+\aleph_0$. \end{definition} \begin{remark} Let $X$ be a topological space. \emph{(a)} $c_1(X)$ coincides with the usual cellularity $c(X)$ of the space $X$; \emph{(b)} $c_2(X)$ coincides with the Urysohn cellularity $Uc(X)$ of $X$ introduced in \cite{Sch92}; \emph{(c)} If $n, m\in\bN^+$ and $n<m$, then $c_n(X)\ge c_m(X)$. For example of a space $X$ such that $c_1(X)>c_2(X)$ see \cite[Example 4]{Sch92}. \emph{(d)} If in Definition \ref{DCelIG}(b) we require $\sU$ to be a family of pairwise disjoint non-empty $S(2k)$-open subsets of $X$ (similar to \ref{DCelIG}(a)), then, according to Proposition \ref{P1}, we would get the definitions of $S(2k+1)$-cellular family and $S(2k+1)$-cellularity defined in \ref{DCelIG}(a). \end{remark} \section{Cardinal inequalities for $S(n)$-spaces} Hajnal and Juh\'asz proved that if $X$ is a $T_1$-space, then $|X|\le 2^{s(X)\psi(X)}$, and if $X$ is a Hausdorff space, then $|X|\le 2^{c(X)\chi(X)}$ and $|X|\le 2^{2^{s(X)}}$ (see \cite{HajJuh67}, \cite{Juh80} or \cite{Hod84}). Schr\"oder in \cite{Sch93} sharpened the first two estimations by showing that if $X$ is a Hausdorff space, then $|X|\le 2^{Us(X)\psi_c(X)}$, and if $X$ is a Urysohn space, then $|X|\le 2^{Uc(X)\chi(X)}$, or, in our notation, $\left|X\right| \leq 2^{s_2(X)\psi_2(X)}$ and $\left| X\right| \leq 2^{c_2(X)\chi (X)}$. Below we formulate and prove the counterpart of the above inequalities for $S(n)$-spaces, where $n$ is any positive integer. We begin with extending the two inequalities $\left| X\right| \leq 2^{c(X)\chi (X)}$ and $\left| X\right| \leq 2^{c_2(X)\chi (X)}$ to $S(n)$-spaces. The following lemma for $k=1$ was proved by Charlesworth (see \cite[Theorem 3.2]{Cha77} or \cite[Proposition 3.4]{Hod84}). \begin{lemma}\label{LChIG} Let $k\in \bN^+$, $X$ be a topological space and $\kappa=c_{2k-1}(X)$. If $\sU$ is a family of $S(2k-1)$-open subsets of $X$, then there exists a subfamily $\sV$ of $\sU$ such that $|\sV|\le\kappa$ and $\bigcup\{U(k):U\in \sU\}\subseteq \theta_{2k-1}(\bigcup\{V:V\in \sV\})$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Let $\sW=\{W:W\ne\emptyset\text{ is $S(2k-1)$-open}, W\subseteq U, U\in \sU\}$. Using Zorn's lemma we can find a maximal $S(2k-1)$-cellular family $\sW'\subseteq\sW$. Then $|\sW'|\le\kappa$. For each $W\in\sW'$ we fix $U_W\in \sU$ such that $W\subseteq U_W$ and let $\sV=\{U_W:W\in\sW'\}$. Then $|\sV|\le\kappa$. Now, suppose that $\bigcup\{U(k):U\in \sU\}\subsetneq \theta_{2k-1}(\bigcup\{V:V\in \sV\})$. Then it is not difficult to see that there exist $U\in \sU$, $x\in U(k)\setminus \theta_{2k-1}(\bigcup\{V:V\in \sV\})$ and an $S(2k-1)$-open set $U_x$ such that $x\in U_x(k)\subset U(k)$, $U_x\subseteq U$ and $U_x\cap \bigcup\{V:V\in \sV\}=\emptyset$. Clearly, $U_x\in\sW$. Hence, $\{U_x\}\cup\sW'$ is an $S(2k-1)$-cellular family that properly contains $\sW'$ and therefore $\sW'$ is not maximal -- contradiction. \end{proof} The next lemma for $k=1$ was proved by Schr\"oder (see \cite[Lemma 7]{Sch92}). \begin{lemma}\label{LScIG} Let $k\in \bN^+$, $X$ be a topological space and $\kappa=c_{2k}(X)$. If $\sU$ is a family of $S(2k-1)$-open subsets of $X$, then there exists a subfamily $\sV$ of $\sU$ such that $|\sV|\le\kappa$ and $\bigcup\{U(k):U\in\sU\}\subseteq\theta_{2k}(\bigcup\{\overline{V}:V\in \sV\})$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Let $\sW=\{W:W\ne\emptyset\text{ is $S(2k-1)$-open}, W\subseteq U, U\in \sU\}$. Using Zorn's lemma we can find a maximal $S(2k)$-cellular family $\sW'\subseteq\sW$. Then $|\sW'|\le\kappa$. For each $W\in\sW'$ we fix $U_W\in \sU$ such that $W\subseteq U_W$ and let $\sV=\{U_W:W\in\sW'\}$. Then $|\sV|\le\kappa$. Now, suppose that $\bigcup\{U(k):U\in\sU\}\subsetneq \theta_{2k}(\bigcup\{\overline{V}:V\in \sV\})$. Then it is not difficult to see that there exist $U\in \sU$, $x\in U(k)\setminus \theta_{2k}(\bigcup\{\overline{V}:V\in \sV\})$ and an $S(2k-1)$-open set $U_x$ such that $x\in U_x(k)\subseteq U(k)$, $U_x\subseteq U$, and $\overline{U}_x\cap \bigcup\{\overline{V}:V\in \sV\}=\emptyset$. Clearly, $U_x\in\sW$. Hence, $\{U_x\}\cup\sW'$ is an $S(2k)$-cellular family that properly contains $\sW'$ and therefore $\sW'$ is not maximal -- contradiction. \end{proof} The following two theorems, which proof is based on Lemma \ref{LChIG} and Lemma \ref{LScIG}, give an upper bound for the cardinality of an $S(n)$-space, where $n\in\bN^+$, as a function of the $S(n)$-cellularity and the character of the space. The inequality for Hausdorff spaces (the case $k=1$ in Theorem \ref{ThGHJ2}) was proved by Hajnal and Juh\'asz (see \cite{HajJuh67}, \cite[Theorem 2.15(b)]{Juh80} or \cite[Theorem 2]{Pol74}) and for Urysohn spaces (the case $k=1$ in Theorem \ref{ThGSc2}) was proved by Schr\"oder (see \cite[Theorem 9]{Sch93}). \begin{theorem}\label{ThGHJ2} Let $k\in \bN^+$. If $X$ is an $S(2k-1)$-space, then $\left| X\right| \leq 2^{c_{2k-1}(X)\chi_{2k-1}(X)}$. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} Let $k\in \bN^+$, $\kappa=c_{2k-1}(X)\chi_{2k-1}(X)$ and for every $x\in X$ let $\sB(x)$ be an open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood base at $x$ such that $|\sB(x)|\le\kappa$. By transfinite recursion we construct an increasing sequence $(A_\alpha)_{\alpha<\kappa^+}$ of subsets of $X$ and a sequence of families of open sets $(\sU_\alpha)_{\alpha<\kappa^+}$ as follows: \begin{itemize} \item[(a)] $\sU_0=\emptyset$ and $A_0=\{x_0\}$, where $x_0$ is an arbitrary point of $X$; \item[(b)] $|A_\alpha|\le\ 2^\kappa$ for every $\alpha<\kappa^+$; \item[(c)] $\sU_\alpha=\bigcup\{\sB(x):x\in\bigcup_{\beta < \alpha}A_\beta\}$, for every $0<\alpha<\kappa^+$; \item[(e)] For $0<\alpha<\kappa^+$, if $\sW=\{\sV_\gamma:\gamma<\kappa\}$ is a family of subsets of $X$ such that each $\sV_\gamma$ is the union of at most $\kappa$ many elements of $\sU_\alpha$ and $\bigcup_{\gamma<\kappa}\theta_{2k-1}(\sV_\gamma)\ne X$, then we pick a point $x_\sW\in X\setminus\bigcup_{\gamma<\kappa}\theta_{2k-1}(\sV_\gamma)$. Let $E$ be the set of all such points $x_\sW$. Then we set $A_{\alpha}=E\cup\bigcup_{\beta<\alpha}A_\beta$. Since $|\bigcup_{\beta<\alpha}A_\beta|\le 2^\kappa$, we have $|\sU_\alpha|\le 2^\kappa$ and therefore $|E|\le ((2^\kappa)^\kappa)^\kappa=2^\kappa$. Thus $|A_\alpha|\le 2^\kappa$ and therefore (b) is satisfied. \end{itemize} Now, let $A=\bigcup_{\alpha<\kappa^+}A_\alpha$. Since $|A|\le\kappa^+\cdot 2^\kappa=2^\kappa$, to finish the proof it is sufficient to show that $X=A$. Suppose that there exists a point $y\in X\setminus A$ and let $\sB(y)=\{B_\delta:\delta<\kappa\}$. For each $\delta<\kappa$ let $\sV_\delta=\{V:V\in \sB(x), x\in A, B_\delta\cap V=\emptyset\}$. Since $X$ is an $S(2k-1)$-space and $\sB(x)$, for each $x\in X$, is an open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood base at $x$, $A\subseteq\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\bigcup\{V(k):V\in\sV_\delta\}$. It follows from Lemma \ref{LChIG} that for every $\delta<\kappa$ we can find a subfamily $\sW_\delta$ of $\sV_\delta$ such that $|\sW_\delta|\le\kappa$ and $\bigcup\{V(k):V\in\sV_\delta\}\subseteq\theta_{2k-1}(\bigcup\sW_\delta)$. Using the fact that $|\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\sW_\delta|\le\kappa$ and that $\kappa^+$ is a regular cardinal we can find $\alpha<\kappa^+$ such that $\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\sW_\delta\subseteq \sU_\alpha$. Since for each $\delta<\kappa$ we have $B_\delta\cap\bigcup\{W:W\in\sW_\delta\}=\emptyset$, $y\notin\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\theta_{2k-1}(\bigcup\sW_\delta)$. Then it follows from the construction of the set $A_\alpha$ that there exists $x\in A_\alpha\cap \left(X\setminus \bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\theta_{2k-1}(\bigcup\sW_\delta)\right)$. Thus $x\in A_\alpha\subseteq A\subseteq\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\bigcup\{V(k):V\in\sV_\delta\}\subseteq\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\theta_{2k-1}(\bigcup\sW_\delta)$ -- contradiction. \end{proof} \begin{theorem}\label{ThGSc2} Let $k\in \bN^+$. If $X$ is an $S(2k)$-space, then $\left| X\right| \leq 2^{c_{2k}(X)\chi_{2k}(X)}$. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} Let $n\in \mathbb{N}$, $\kappa=c_{\theta ^n}(X)\chi_{2k}(X)$ and for every $x\in X$ let $\sB(x)$ be a family of open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhoods of $x$ witnessing the fact that $\chi_{2k}(X)\le\kappa$ (hence, $|\sB(x)|\le\kappa$). By transfinite recursion we construct an increasing sequence $(A_\alpha)_{\alpha<\kappa^+}$ of subsets of $X$ and a sequence of families of open sets $(\sU_\alpha)_{\alpha<\kappa^+}$ as follows: \begin{itemize} \item[(a)] $\sU_0=\emptyset$ and $A_0=\{x_0\}$, where $x_0$ is an arbitrary point of $X$; \item[(b)] $|A_\alpha|\le\ 2^\kappa$ for every $\alpha<\kappa^+$; \item[(c)] $\sU_\alpha=\bigcup\{\sB(x):x\in\bigcup_{\beta < \alpha}A_\beta\}$, for every $0<\alpha<\kappa^+$; \item[(e)] For $0<\alpha<\kappa^+$, if $\sW=\{\sV_\gamma:\gamma<\kappa\}$ is a family of subsets of $X$ such that each $\sV_\gamma$ is the union of the closures of at most $\kappa$ many elements of $\sU_\alpha$ and $\bigcup_{\gamma<\kappa}\theta_{2k}(\sV_\gamma)\ne X$, then we pick a point $x_\sW\in X\setminus\bigcup_{\gamma<\kappa}\theta_{2k}(\sV_\gamma)$. Let $E$ be the set of all such points $x_\sW$. Then we set $A_{\alpha}=E\cup\bigcup_{\beta<\alpha}A_\beta$. Since $|\bigcup_{\beta<\alpha}A_\beta|\le 2^\kappa$, we have $|\sU_\alpha|\le 2^\kappa$ and therefore $|E|\le ((2^\kappa)^\kappa)^\kappa=2^\kappa$. Thus $|A_\alpha|\le 2^\kappa$ and therefore (b) is satisfied. \end{itemize} Now, let $A=\bigcup_{\alpha<\kappa^+}A_\alpha$. Since $|A|\le\kappa^+\cdot 2^\kappa=2^\kappa$, to finish the proof it is sufficient to show that $X=A$. Suppose that there exists a point $y\in X\setminus A$ and let $\sB(y)=\{B_\delta:\delta<\kappa\}$. For each $\delta<\kappa$ let $\sV_\delta=\{V:V\in \sB(x), x\in A, \overline{B}_\delta\cap\overline{V}=\emptyset\}$. Since $X$ is an $S(2k)$-space and $\sB(x)$, for each $x\in X$, is a closed $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood base at $x$, $A\subseteq\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\bigcup\{V(k):V\in\sV_\delta\}$. It follows from Lemma \ref{LScIG} that for every $\delta<\kappa$ we can find a subfamily $\sW_\delta$ of $\sV_\delta$ such that $|\sW_\delta|\le\kappa$ and $\bigcup\{V(k):V\in\sV_\delta\}\subseteq\theta_{2k}\left(\bigcup\{\overline{W}:W\in\sW_\delta\}\right)$. Using the fact that $|\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\sW_\delta|\le\kappa$ and that $\kappa^+$ is a regular cardinal we can find $\alpha<\kappa^+$ such that $\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\sW_\delta\subseteq \sU_\alpha$. Since for each $\delta<\kappa$ we have $\overline{B}_\delta\cap\bigcup\{\overline{W}:W\in\sW_\delta\}=\emptyset$, $y\notin\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\theta_{2k}\left(\bigcup\{\overline{W}:W\in\sW_\delta\}\right)$. Then it follows from the construction of the set $A_\alpha$ that there exists $x\in A_\alpha\cap \left(X\setminus \bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\theta_{2k}\left(\bigcup\{\overline{W}:W\in\sW_\delta\}\right)\right)$. Thus $x\in A_\alpha\subseteq A\subseteq\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\bigcup\{V(k):V\in\sV_\delta\}\subseteq\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\theta_{2k}\left(\bigcup\{\overline{W}:W\in\sW_\delta\}\right)$ -- contradiction. \end{proof} The case $k=1$ in the above theorem improves Schr\"oder's inequality \cite[Theorem 9]{Sch92} and is the second part of Theorem 2 given in \cite{AlaKoc00} without a proof. We write it below with more familiar notation. \begin{corollary}\label{CIGSch} If $X$ is a Urysohn space, then $\left| X\right| \leq 2^{Uc(X)k(X)}$. \end{corollary} Now, we are going to formulate and prove the counterpart of the two inequalities $\left| X\right| \leq 2^{s(X)\psi (X)}$ and $\left| X\right| \leq 2^{s_2(X)\psi_2 (X)}$ for $S(n)$-spaces. The following lemma for the case $k=1$ was proved by \v{S}apirovski\v{i} (see \cite[Proposition 4.8]{Hod84}). \begin{lemma}\label{LSapIG} Let $k\in \mathbb{N}^{+}$, $X$ be a topological space, $\kappa=s_{2k-1}(X)$ and $C\subseteq X$. For each $x\in C$ let $U^x$ be an open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood of $x$ and let $\mathcal{U}=\{U^x:x\in C\}$. Then there exist an $S(2k-1)$-discrete subset $A$ of $C$ such that $\left| A\right| \leq \kappa$ and $C\subseteq\theta_{2k-1}(A)\cup \bigcup \left\{U^x:x\in A\right\}$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Let $\{U_\alpha:\alpha<\beta\}$ be a well-ordering of the elements of $\sU$ and let $x_0\in C\cap U_0(k)$. Suppose that the points $\{x_{\alpha_\gamma}:\gamma<\delta\}$ have already been chosen. Let $\alpha_\delta$ be the first ordinal greater than $\alpha_\gamma$, for each $\gamma<\delta$, such that there exists $x_{\alpha_\delta}\in (C\cap U_{\alpha_\delta}(k))\setminus\left[\left(\bigcup_{\gamma<\delta}U_{\alpha_\gamma}\right)\cup\theta_{2k-1}(\{x_{\alpha_\gamma}:\gamma<\delta\})\right]$. We finish this selection when such a point $x_{\alpha_\delta}$ does not exist, i.e. when $C\subseteq \left(\bigcup_{\gamma<\delta}U_{\alpha_\gamma}\right)\cup\theta_{2k-1}(\{x_{\alpha_\gamma}:\gamma<\delta\})$. Therefore if $A$ is the set of selected points, then $C\subseteq\theta_{2k-1}(A)\cup \bigcup \left\{U^x:x\in A\right\}$. To finish the proof we need to show that $A$ is an $S(2k-1)$-discrete set in $X$ and therefore $|A|\le \kappa$. Let $x_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}\in A$. Then $x_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}\notin \theta_{2k-1}(\{x_{\alpha_\gamma}:\gamma<\gamma_0\})$. Hence, there exists an open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood $V_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}$ of $x_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}$ such that $V_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}\cap\{x_{\alpha_\gamma}:\gamma<\gamma_0\}=\emptyset$. Now, suppose that there exists $\gamma_1$ such that $x_{\alpha_{\gamma_1}}\in A\cap V_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}\cap U_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}$. Since $x_{\alpha_{\gamma_1}}\in V_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}$, we have $\gamma_1\ge \gamma_0$. From $x_{\alpha_{\gamma_1}}\in U_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}$ and $x_{\alpha_{\gamma_1}}\in U_{\alpha_{\gamma_1}}(k)\setminus\left[\left(\bigcup_{\gamma<\gamma_1}U_{\alpha_\gamma}\right)\cup\theta_{2k-1}(\{x_{\alpha_\gamma}:\gamma<\gamma_1\})\right]$ we conclude that $U_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}\subsetneq \bigcup_{\gamma<\gamma_1}U_{\alpha_\gamma}$, thus $\gamma_0\ge\gamma_1$. Hence $\gamma_1=\gamma_0$ and therefore $\{x_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}\}= A\cap V_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}\cap U_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}$ i.e. $A$ is an $S(2k-1)$-discrete set in $X$. \end{proof} The next lemma for the case $n=1$ was proved by Schr\"oder (see \cite[Lemma 6]{Sch93}). \begin{lemma}\label{LSchIG} Let $k\in \mathbb{N}^{+}$, $X$ be a topological space, $\kappa=s_{2k}(X)$ and $C\subseteq X$. For each $x\in C$ let $U^x$ be an open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood of $x$ and let $\mathcal{U}=\{U^x:x\in C\}$. Then there exist an $S(2k)$-discrete subset $A$ of $C$ such that $\left| A\right| \leq \kappa $ and $C\subseteq\theta_{2k}(A)\cup \bigcup \left\{\overline{U}^x:x\in A\right\}$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Let $\{U_\alpha:\alpha<\beta\}$ be a well-ordering of the elements of $\sU$ and let $x_0\in C\cap U_0(k)$. Suppose that the points $\{x_{\alpha_\gamma}:\gamma<\delta\}$ have already been chosen. Let $\alpha_\delta$ be the first ordinal greater than $\alpha_\gamma$, for each $\gamma<\delta$, such that there exists $x_{\alpha_\delta}\in (C\cap U_{\alpha_\delta}(k))\setminus\left[\left(\bigcup_{\gamma<\delta}\overline{U}_{\alpha_\gamma}\right)\cup\theta_{2k}(\{x_{\alpha_\gamma}:\gamma<\delta\})\right]$. We finish this selection when such a point $x_{\alpha_\delta}$ does not exist, i.e. when $C\subseteq \left(\bigcup_{\gamma<\delta}\overline{U}_{\alpha_\gamma}\right)\cup\theta_{2k}(\{x_{\alpha_\gamma}:\gamma<\delta\})$. Therefore if $A$ is the set of selected points, then $C\subseteq\theta_{2k}(A)\cup \bigcup \left\{\overline{U}^x:x\in A\right\}$. To finish the proof we need to show that $A$ is an $S(2k)$-discrete set in $X$ and therefore $|A|\le \kappa$. Let $x_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}\in A$. Then $x_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}\notin \theta_{2k}(\{x_{\alpha_\gamma}:\gamma<\gamma_0\})$. Hence, there exists an open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood $V_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}$ of $x_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}$ such that $\overline{V}_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}\cap\{x_{\alpha_\gamma}:\gamma<\gamma_0\}=\emptyset$. Now, suppose that there exists $\gamma_1$ such that $x_{\alpha_{\gamma_1}}\in A\cap \overline{V}_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}\cap \overline{U}_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}$. Since $x_{\alpha_{\gamma_1}}\in \overline{V}_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}$, we have $\gamma_1\ge \gamma_0$. From $x_{\alpha_{\gamma_1}}\in \overline{U}_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}$ and $x_{\alpha_{\gamma_1}}\in U_{\alpha_{\gamma_1}}(k)\setminus\left[\left(\bigcup_{\gamma<\gamma_1}\overline{U}_{\alpha_\gamma}\right)\cup\theta_{2k}(\{x_{\alpha_\gamma}:\gamma<\gamma_1\})\right]$ we conclude that $\overline{U}_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}\subsetneq \bigcup_{\gamma<\gamma_1}\overline{U}_{\alpha_\gamma}$, thus $\gamma_0\ge\gamma_1$. Hence $\gamma_1=\gamma_0$ and therefore $\{x_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}\}= A\cap \overline{V}_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}\cap \overline{U}_{\alpha_{\gamma_0}}$ i.e. $A$ is an $S(2k)$-discrete set in $X$. \end{proof} The following theorem for the case $k=1$ was proved by Hajnal and Juh\'asz \cite{HajJuh67}. \begin{theorem}\label{THJIG} Let $k\in \mathbb{N}^{+}$. If $X$ is an $S(k-1)$-space, then $\left| X\right|\leq 2^{s_{2k-1}(X)\psi_{2k-1}(X)}$. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} Let $k\in \mathbb{N}^+$, $\kappa=s_{2k-1}(X)\psi_{2k-1}(X)$ and for every $x\in X$ let $\sB(x)=\{B_\alpha^x:\alpha<\kappa\}$ be a family of open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhoods of $x$ such that $\{x\}=\bigcap\{B_\alpha^x:\alpha<\kappa\}$. By transfinite recursion we construct an increasing sequence $(A_\alpha)_{\alpha<\kappa^+}$ of subsets of $X$ and a sequence of families of $S(2k-1)$-open sets $(\sU_\alpha)_{\alpha<\kappa^+}$ as follows: \begin{itemize} \item[(a)] $\sU_0=\emptyset$ and $A_0=\{x_0\}$, where $x_0$ is an arbitrary point of $X$; \item[(b)] $|A_\alpha|\le\ 2^\kappa$ for every $\alpha<\kappa^+$; \item[(c)] $\sU_\alpha=\bigcup\{\sB(x):x\in\bigcup_{\beta < \alpha}A_\beta\}$, for every $0<\alpha<\kappa^+$; \item[(e)] For $0<\alpha<\kappa^+$, if $W$ is the union of at most $\kappa$ many elements of $\sU_\alpha$ and $\{F_\gamma:\gamma<\kappa\}$ is a family of subsets of $\bigcup_{\beta < \alpha}A_\beta$ such that $|F_\gamma|\le\kappa$ for every $\gamma<\kappa$, and $W\cup\bigcup_{\gamma<\kappa}\theta_{2k-1}(F_\gamma)\ne X$, then we pick a point $x_W\in X\setminus\left(W\cup\bigcup_{\gamma<\kappa}\theta_{2k-1}(F_\gamma)\right)$. Let $E$ be the set of all such points $x_W$. Then we set $A_{\alpha}=E\cup\bigcup_{\beta<\alpha}A_\beta$. Since $|\bigcup_{\beta<\alpha}A_\beta|\le 2^\kappa$, we have $|\sU_\alpha|\le 2^\kappa$ and therefore $|E|\le (2^\kappa)^\kappa=2^\kappa$. Thus $|A_\alpha|\le 2^\kappa$ and therefore (b) is satisfied. \end{itemize} Now, let $A=\bigcup_{\alpha<\kappa^+}A_\alpha$. Since $|A|\le\kappa^+\cdot 2^\kappa=2^\kappa$, to finish the proof it is sufficient to show that $X=A$. Suppose that there exists a point $y\in X\setminus A$ and let $\sB(y)=\{B_\delta^y:\delta<\kappa\}$. Then $X\setminus\{y\}=\bigcup\{C_\delta:\delta<\kappa\}$, where $C_\delta=X\setminus B_\delta^y$ whenever $\delta<\kappa$, and $y\notin\theta_{2k-1}(C_\delta)$ for each $\delta<\kappa$. For each $\delta<\kappa$ let $D_\delta=A\cap C_\delta$ and for each $x\in D_\delta$ let $B^x\in\sB(x)$ be such that $y\notin B^x$. Now, we can apply Lemma \ref{LSapIG} to each $D_\delta$ and the family $\{B^x:x\in D_\delta\}$ to obtain a subset $G_\delta$ of $D_\delta$ such that $|G_\delta|\le\kappa$ and $D_\delta\subseteq \theta_{2k-1}(G_\delta)\cup\bigcup \left\{B^x:x\in G_\delta\right\}$. Let $W=\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\bigcup\left\{B^x:x\in G_\delta\right\}$. Then $A\subseteq W\cup(\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\theta_{2k-1}(G_\delta))$ and $y\notin W\cup(\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\theta_{2k-1}(G_\delta))$. Using the fact that $|\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}G_\delta|\le\kappa$ and that $\kappa^+$ is a regular cardinal we can find $\alpha<\kappa^+$ such that $\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}G_\delta\subseteq \sU_\alpha$. Then it follows from the construction of the set $A_\alpha$ that there exists $x\in A_\alpha\cap \left(X\setminus \left(W\cup\left(\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\theta_{2k-1}(G_\delta)\right)\right)\right)$. Thus $x\in A_\alpha\subseteq A\subseteq W\cup(\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\theta_{2k-1}(G_\delta))$ -- contradiction. \end{proof} The next result for the case $k=1$ was proved by Schr\"oder (see \cite[Theorem 8]{Sch93}). \begin{theorem}\label{TScIG} Let $k\in \mathbb{N}^{+}$. If $X$ is an $S(k)$-space, then $\left| X\right|\leq 2^{s_{2k}(X)\psi_{2k}(X)}$. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} Let $k\in \mathbb{N}^+$, $\kappa=s_{2k}(X)\psi_{2k}(X)$ and for every $x\in X$ let $\sB(x)=\{B_\alpha^x:\alpha<\kappa\}$ be a family of open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhoods of $x$ such that $\{x\}=\bigcap\{\overline{B}_\alpha^x:\alpha<\kappa\}$. By transfinite recursion we construct an increasing sequence $(A_\alpha)_{\alpha<\kappa^+}$ of subsets of $X$ and a sequence of families of $S(2k-1)$-open sets $(\sU_\alpha)_{\alpha<\kappa^+}$ as follows: \begin{itemize} \item[(a)] $\sU_0=\emptyset$ and $A_0=\{x_0\}$, where $x_0$ is an arbitrary point of $X$; \item[(b)] $|A_\alpha|\le\ 2^\kappa$ for every $\alpha<\kappa^+$; \item[(c)] $\sU_\alpha=\bigcup\{\sB(x):x\in\bigcup_{\beta < \alpha}A_\beta\}$, for every $0<\alpha<\kappa^+$; \item[(e)] For $0<\alpha<\kappa^+$, if $W$ is the union of the closures of at most $\kappa$ many elements of $\sU_\alpha$ and $\{F_\gamma:\gamma<\kappa\}$ is a family of subsets of $\bigcup_{\beta < \alpha}A_\beta$ such that $|F_\gamma|\le\kappa$ for every $\gamma<\kappa$, and $W\cup\bigcup_{\gamma<\kappa}\theta_{2k}(F_\gamma)\ne X$, then we pick a point $x_W\in X\setminus\left(W\cup\bigcup_{\gamma<\kappa}\theta_{2k}(F_\gamma)\right)$. Let $E$ be the set of all such points $x_W$. Then we set $A_{\alpha}=E\cup\bigcup_{\beta<\alpha}A_\beta$. Since $|\bigcup_{\beta<\alpha}A_\beta|\le 2^\kappa$, we have $|\sU_\alpha|\le 2^\kappa$ and therefore $|E|\le (2^\kappa)^\kappa=2^\kappa$. Thus $|A_\alpha|\le 2^\kappa$ and therefore (b) is satisfied. \end{itemize} Now, let $A=\bigcup_{\alpha<\kappa^+}A_\alpha$. Since $|A|\le\kappa^+\cdot 2^\kappa=2^\kappa$, to finish the proof it is sufficient to show that $X=A$. Suppose that there exists a point $y\in X\setminus A$ and let $\sB(y)=\{B_\delta^y:\delta<\kappa\}$. Then $X\setminus\{y\}=\bigcup\{C_\delta:\delta<\kappa\}$, where $C_\delta=X\setminus \overline{B}_\delta^y$ whenever $\delta<\kappa$, and $y\notin\theta_{2k}(C_\delta)$ for each $\delta<\kappa$. For each $\delta<\kappa$ let $D_\delta=A\cap C_\delta$ and for each $x\in D_\delta$ let $B^x\in\sB(x)$ be such that $y\notin \overline{B}^x$. Now, we can apply Lemma \ref{LSchIG} to each $D_\delta$ and the family $\{B^x:x\in D_\delta\}$ to obtain a subset $G_\delta$ of $D_\delta$ such that $|G_\delta|\le\kappa$ and $D_\delta\subseteq \theta_{2k}(G_\delta)\cup\bigcup \left\{\overline{B^x}:x\in G_\delta\right\}$. Let $W=\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\bigcup\left\{\overline{B}^x:x\in G_\delta\right\}$. Then $A\subseteq W\cup(\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\theta_{2k}(G_\delta))$ and $y\notin W\cup(\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\theta_{2k}(G_\delta))$. Using the fact that $|\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}G_\delta|\le\kappa$ and that $\kappa^+$ is a regular cardinal we can find $\alpha<\kappa^+$ such that $\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}G_\delta\subseteq \sU_\alpha$. Then it follows from the construction of the set $A_\alpha$ that there exists $x\in A_\alpha\cap \left(X\setminus \left(W\cup\left(\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\theta_{2k}(G_\delta)\right)\right)\right)$. Thus $x\in A_\alpha\subseteq A\subseteq W\cup(\bigcup_{\delta<\kappa}\theta_{2k}(G_\delta))$ -- contradiction. \end{proof} Now we are going to formulate and prove the counterpart of the inequality $\left| X\right| \leq 2^{2^{s(X)}}$ for $S(n)$-spaces. For that end we need to formulate and prove for $S(n)$-spaces the counterpart of the inequality $\psi(X)\leq 2^{s(X)}$, which is valid for every Hausdorff space $X$ \cite{Hod84}. For the case $k=1$ of the following lemma see \cite[Proposition 4.11]{Hod84}. \begin{lemma}\label{LHJIG} Let $k\in \bN^{+}$. For every $S(2k-1)$-space $X$, $\psi(X)\leq 2^{s_{2k-1}(X)}$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Let $\kappa=s_{2k-1}(X)$ and $x\in X$. For each $y\in X\setminus\{x\}$ let $U_x^y$ and $U_y$ be open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhoods of $x$ and $y$, respectively, such that $U_x^y\cap U_y=\emptyset$. Then for the set $C=X\setminus\{x\}$ and the family $\sU=\{U_y:y\in C\}$ we can use Lemma \ref{LSchIG} to find an $S(2k-1)$-discrete subset $A$ of $C$ such that $|A|\le\kappa$ and $C\subseteq \theta_{2k-1}(A)\cup\bigcup \left\{U_y:y\in A\right\}$. For each $z\in \theta_{2k-1}(A)$ and for each open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood $U$ of $z$ we can choose a point $z_U\in U\cap U_z\cap A$ and let us denote by $F_z$ the resulting set. Then $F_z\subseteq A$, $z\in\theta_{2k-1}(F_z)\subseteq \theta_{2k-1}(\overline{U}_z)$ and since $U_x^z\cap \overline{U}_z=\emptyset$ we have $x\notin \theta_{2k-1}(\overline{U}_z)$. Thus $x\notin \theta_{2k-1}(F_z)$. Let $\sF=\{F:F\subseteq A, x\notin\theta_{2k-1}(F)\}$ and for each $F\in\sF$ let $U_F^x=X\setminus\theta_{2k-1}(F)$. Then $|\sF|\le 2^\kappa$ and $\theta_{2k-1}(A)\subseteq\bigcup\{\theta_{2k-1}(F):F\in\sF\}$. Therefore $\{X\setminus\overline{U}_y:y\in A\}\cup\{U_F^x:F\in\sF\}$ is an open pseudobase of $x$ with cardinality $\le 2^\kappa$. \end{proof} \begin{lemma}\label{LIG} Let $k\in \bN^{+}$. For every $S(2k)$-space $X$, $\psi(X)\leq 2^{s_{2k}(X)}$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Let $\kappa=s_{2k}(X)$ and $x\in X$. For each $y\in X\setminus\{x\}$ let $U_x^y$ and $U_y$ be open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhoods of $x$ and $y$, respectively, such that $\overline{U}_x^y\cap\overline{U}_y=\emptyset$. Then for the set $C=X\setminus\{x\}$ and the family $\sU=\{U_y:y\in C\}$ we can use Lemma \ref{LSchIG} to find an $S(2k)$-discrete subset $A$ of $C$ such that $|A|\le\kappa$ and $C\subseteq \theta_{2k}(A)\cup\bigcup \left\{\overline{U}_y:y\in A\right\}$. For each $z\in \theta_{2k}(A)$ and for each open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood $U$ of $z$ we can choose a point $z_U\in \overline{U}\cap \overline{U}_z\cap A$ and let us denote by $F_z$ the resulting set. Then $F_z\subseteq A$, $z\in\theta_{2k}(F_z)\subseteq \theta_{2k}(\overline{U}_z)$ and since $\overline{U}_x^z\cap \overline{U}_z=\emptyset$ we have $x\notin \theta_{2k}(\overline{U}_z)$. Thus $x\notin \theta_{2k}(F_z)$. Let $\sF=\{F:F\subseteq A, x\notin\theta_{2k}(F)\}$ and for each $F\in\sF$ let $U_F^x=X\setminus\theta_{2k}(F)$. Then $|\sF|\le 2^\kappa$ and $\theta_{2k}(A)\subseteq\bigcup\{\theta_{2k}(F):F\in\sF\}$. Therefore $\{X\setminus\overline{U}_y:y\in A\}\cup\{U_F^x:F\in\sF\}$ is an open pseudobase of $x$ with cardinality $\le 2^\kappa$. \end{proof} As a corollary of the previous two lemmas we obtain the following theorem: \begin{theorem}\label{TISG} Let $n\in \mathbb{N}^{+}$. If $X$ is an $S(n)$-space, then $\left| X\right|\leq 2^{s(X)\cdot 2^{s_{n}(X)}}$. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} The claim follows directly from the fact that every $S(n)$-space is a $T_1$-space, Hajnal and Juh\'asz theorem (Theorem \ref{THJIG} for $k=1$), Lemma \ref{LHJIG} for $n$-odd and Lemma \ref{LIG} for $n$-even. \end{proof} When $n=1$ in Theorem \ref{TISG} we obtain Hajnal and Juh\'asz theorem that if $X$ is a Hausdorff space, then $|X|\le 2^{2^{s(X)}}$ and when $n=2$, Theorem \ref{TISG} states that if $X$ is a Urysohn space, then $|X|\le 2^{s(X)\cdot 2^{Us(X)}}$. We note that in \cite[Lemma 11]{Sch93} the author claims that if $X$ is a Urysohn space, then $\psi_c(X)\le 2^{Us(X)}$, or in our notation, $\psi_2(X)\le 2^{s_2(X)}$. Based on that lemma the author concluded that for every Urysohn space $X$ we have $|X|\le 2^{2^{Us(X)}}$. Unfortunately, there is a gap in the proof of Lemma 11 in \cite{Sch93} and therefore the question whether or not either one of both of these claims is true is open. What we can prove in that relation, in addition to the case $n=2$ of Theorem \ref{TISG}, is the case $k=1$ of Lemma \ref{LIG2G1} and Theorem \ref{TIG2G1} (see Corollaries \ref{CIG1} and \ref{CIG2}). \begin{lemma}\label{LIG2G1} Let $k\in \bN^{+}$. For every $S(3k)$-space $X$, $\psi_{2k}(X)\leq 2^{s_{2k}(X)}$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Let $\kappa=s_{2k}(X)$ and $x\in X$. Since $X$ is an $S(3k)$-space, for each $y\in X\setminus\{x\}$ let $U_1^y(x),\ldots,U_{k}^y(x)$, $U_1(y),\ldots,U_{2k}(y)$ be open sets in $X$ such that $x\in U_1^y(x)\subseteq\overline{U}_1^y(x)\subseteq\ldots\subseteq U_{k}^y(x)$, $y\in U_1(y)\subseteq\overline{U}_1(y)\subseteq\ldots\subseteq U_{2k}(y)$ and $\overline{U}_{k}^y(x)\cap \overline{U}_{2k}(y)=\emptyset$. Then for each $y\in C$, ${U}_{k}(y)$ is an open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood of $y$. Therefore for the set $C=X\setminus\{x\}$ and the family $\sU=\{U_{k}(y):y\in C\}$ we can use Lemma \ref{LSchIG} to find an $S(2k)$-discrete subset $A$ of $C$ such that $|A|\le\kappa$ and $C\subseteq \theta_{2k}(A)\cup\bigcup \left\{\overline{U}_{k}(y):y\in A\right\}$. For each $z\in \theta_{2k}(A)$ and for each open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood $U$ of $z$ we can choose a point $z_U\in \overline{U}\cap \overline{U}_k(z)\cap A$ and let us denote by $F_z$ the resulting set. Then $F_z\subseteq A$, $z\in\theta_{2k}(F_z)\subseteq \theta_{2k}(\overline{U}_k(z))\subseteq\overline{U}_{2k}(z)$ and since $\overline{U}_{k}^z(x)\cap \overline{U}_{2k}(z)=\emptyset$ we have $x\notin \theta_{2k}(\overline{U}_{2k}(z))$, hence $x\notin \theta_{2k}(F_z)$ and clearly, $\overline{U}_{k}^z(x)\cap\theta_{2k}(F_z)=\emptyset$. Let $\sF=\{F:F\subseteq A, x\notin\theta_{2k}(F)\}$ and for each $F\in\sF$ let $U_F^x$ be an open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood of $x$ such that $\overline{U}_F^x\cap\theta_{2k}(F)=\emptyset$. Then $|\sF|\le 2^\kappa$ and $\theta_{2k}(A)\subseteq\bigcup\{\theta_{2k}(F):F\in\sF\}$. Therefore the existence of the family $\{\overline{U}_k^y(x):y\in A\}\cup\{\overline{U}_F^x:F\in\sF\}$ shows that the $S(2k)$-pseudocharacter at $x$ has cardinality $\le 2^\kappa$. \end{proof} \begin{corollary}\label{CIG1} For every $S(3)$-space $X$, $\psi_2(X)\leq 2^{s_{2}(X)}$. \end{corollary} For the case $k=1$ of the following lemma see \cite[Proposition 4.11]{Hod84}. \begin{lemma}\label{LIG2G2} Let $k\in \bN^{+}$. For every $S(3k-2)$-space $X$, $\psi_{2k-1}(X)\leq 2^{s_{2k-1}(X)}$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Let $\kappa=s_{2k-1}(X)$ and $x\in X$. Since $X$ is an $S(3k-2)$-space, for each $y\in X\setminus\{x\}$ let $U_1^y(x),\ldots,U_{k}^y(x)$, $U_1(y),\ldots,U_{2k-1}(y)$ be open sets in $X$ such that $x\in U_1^y(x)\subseteq\overline{U}_1^y(x)\subseteq\ldots\subseteq U_{k}^y(x)$, $y\in U_1(y)\subseteq\overline{U}_1(y)\subseteq\ldots\subseteq U_{2k-1}(y)$ and ${U}_{k}^y(x)\cap \overline{U}_{2k-1}(y)=\emptyset$. Then for each $y\in C$, ${U}_{k}(y)$ is an open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood of $y$. Therefore for the set $C=X\setminus\{x\}$ and the family $\sU=\{U_{k}(y):y\in C\}$ we can use Lemma \ref{LSapIG} to find an $S(2k-1)$-discrete subset $A$ of $C$ such that $|A|\le\kappa$ and $C\subseteq \theta_{2k-1}(A)\cup\bigcup \left\{{U}_{k}(y):y\in A\right\}$. For each $z\in \theta_{2k-1}(A)$ and for each open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood $U$ of $z$ we can choose a point $z_U\in {U}\cap {U}_k(z)\cap A$ and let us denote by $F_z$ the resulting set. Then $F_z\subseteq A$, $z\in\theta_{2k-1}(F_z)\subseteq \theta_{2k-1}(\overline{U}_k(z))\subseteq\overline{U}_{2k-1}(z)$ and since ${U}_{k}^z(x)\cap \overline{U}_{2k-1}(z)=\emptyset$ we have $x\notin \theta_{2k-1}(\overline{U}_{2k-1}(z))$, hence $x\notin \theta_{2k-1}(F_z)$ and clearly, ${U}_{k}^z(x)\cap\theta_{2k-1}(F_z)=\emptyset$. Let $\sF=\{F:F\subseteq A, x\notin\theta_{2k-1}(F)\}$ and for each $F\in\sF$ let $U_F^x$ be an open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood of $x$ such that ${U}_F^x\cap\theta_{2k-1}(F)=\emptyset$. Then $|\sF|\le 2^\kappa$ and $\theta_{2k-1}(A)\subseteq\bigcup\{\theta_{2k-1}(F):F\in\sF\}$. Therefore the existence of the family $\{{U}_k^y(x):y\in A\}\cup\{{U}_F^x:F\in\sF\}$ shows that the $S(2k-1)$-pseudocharacter at $x$ has cardinality $\le 2^\kappa$. \end{proof} Similarly, for the case $3k-1$, $k\in \bN^{+}$, one can prove the following: \begin{lemma}\label{LIG2G3} Let $k\in \bN^{+}$. For every $S(3k-1)$-space $X$, $\psi_{2k-1}(X)\leq 2^{s_{2k}(X)}$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Let $\kappa=s_{2k}(X)$ and $x\in X$. Since $X$ is an $S(3k-1)$-space, for each $y\in X\setminus\{x\}$ let $U_1^y(x),\ldots,U_{k}^y(x)$, $U_1(y),\ldots,U_{2k}(y)$ be open sets in $X$ such that $x\in U_1^y(x)\subseteq\overline{U}_1^y(x)\subseteq\ldots\subseteq U_{k}^y(x)$, $y\in U_1(y)\subseteq\overline{U}_1(y)\subseteq\ldots\subseteq U_{2k}(y)$ and ${U}_{k}^y(x)\cap \overline{U}_{2k}(y)=\emptyset$. Then for each $y\in C$, ${U}_{k}(y)$ is an open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood of $y$. Therefore for the set $C=X\setminus\{x\}$ and the family $\sU=\{U_{k}(y):y\in C\}$ we can use Lemma \ref{LSchIG} to find an $S(2k)$-discrete subset $A$ of $C$ such that $|A|\le\kappa$ and $C\subseteq \theta_{2k}(A)\cup\bigcup \left\{\overline{U}_{k}(y):y\in A\right\}$. For each $z\in \theta_{2k}(A)$ and for each open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood $U$ of $z$ we can choose a point $z_U\in \overline{U}\cap \overline{U}_k(z)\cap A$ and let us denote by $F_z$ the resulting set. Then $F_z\subseteq A$, $z\in\theta_{2k}(F_z)\subseteq \theta_{2k}(\overline{U}_k(z))\subseteq\overline{U}_{2k}(z)$ and since ${U}_{k}^z(x)\cap \overline{U}_{2k}(z)=\emptyset$ we have $x\notin \theta_{2k-1}(\overline{U}_{2k}(z))$, hence $x\notin \theta_{2k-1}(F_z)$ and clearly, ${U}_{k}^z(x)\cap\theta_{2k}(F_z)=\emptyset$. Let $\sF=\{F:F\subseteq A, x\notin\theta_{2k-1}(F)\}$ and for each $F\in\sF$ let $U_F^x$ be an open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood of $x$ such that ${U}_F^x\cap\theta_{2k}(F)=\emptyset$. Then $|\sF|\le 2^\kappa$ and $\theta_{2k}(A)\subseteq\bigcup\{\theta_{2k}(F):F\in\sF\}$. Therefore the existence of the family $\{{U}_k^y(x):y\in A\}\cup\{{U}_F^x:F\in\sF\}$ shows that the $S(2k-1)$-pseudocharacter at $x$ has cardinality $\le 2^\kappa$. \end{proof} \begin{lemma}\label{LIG2G4} Let $k\in \bN^{+}$. For every $S(3k-1)$-space $X$, $\psi_{2k}(X)\leq 2^{s_{2k-1}(X)}$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Let $\kappa=s_{2k-1}(X)$ and $x\in X$. Since $X$ is an $S(3k-1)$-space, for each $y\in X\setminus\{x\}$ let $U_1^y(x),\ldots,U_{k}^y(x)$, $U_1(y),\ldots,U_{2k}(y)$ be open sets in $X$ such that $x\in U_1^y(x)\subseteq\overline{U}_1^y(x)\subseteq\ldots\subseteq U_{k}^y(x)$, $y\in U_1(y)\subseteq\overline{U}_1(y)\subseteq\ldots\subseteq U_{2k}(y)$ and $\overline{U}_{k}^y(x)\cap {U}_{2k}(y)=\emptyset$. Then for each $y\in C$, ${U}_{k}(y)$ is an open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood of $y$. Therefore for the set $C=X\setminus\{x\}$ and the family $\sU=\{U_{k}(y):y\in C\}$ we can use Lemma \ref{LSapIG} to find an $S(2k-1)$-discrete subset $A$ of $C$ such that $|A|\le\kappa$ and $C\subseteq \theta_{2k-1}(A)\cup\bigcup \left\{{U}_{k}(y):y\in A\right\}$. For each $z\in \theta_{2k-1}(A)$ and for each open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood $U$ of $z$ we can choose a point $z_U\in {U}\cap {U}_k(z)\cap A$ and let us denote by $F_z$ the resulting set. Then $F_z\subseteq A$, $z\in\theta_{2k-1}(F_z)\subseteq \theta_{2k-1}({U}_k(z))\subseteq \overline{U}_{2k-1}(z)$ and since $\overline{U}_{k}^z(x)\cap {U}_{2k}(z)=\emptyset$ we have $x\notin \theta_{2k}({U}_{2k}(z))$, hence $x\notin \theta_{2k-1}(F_z)$ and clearly, $\overline{U}_{k}^z(x)\cap\theta_{2k-1}(F_z)=\emptyset$. Let $\sF=\{F:F\subseteq A, x\notin\theta_{2k-1}(F)\}$ and for each $F\in\sF$ let $U_F^x$ be an open $S(2k-1)$-neighborhood of $x$ such that $\overline{U}_F^x\cap\theta_{2k-1}(F)=\emptyset$. Then $|\sF|\le 2^\kappa$ and $\theta_{2k-1}(A)\subseteq\bigcup\{\theta_{2k-1}(F):F\in\sF\}$. Therefore the existence of the family $\{\overline{U}_k^y(x):y\in A\}\cup\{\overline{U}_F^x:F\in\sF\}$ shows that the $S(2k)$-pseudocharacter at $x$ has cardinality $\le 2^\kappa$. \end{proof} Now, as corollaries of the previous four lemmas we obtain the following results: \begin{theorem}\label{TIG2G1} Let $k\in \bN^{+}$. If $X$ is an $S(3k)$-space, then $\left| X\right|\leq 2^{2^{s_{2k}(X)}}$. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} The claim follows directly from the fact that every $S(3k)$-space is an $S(k)$-space, Theorem \ref{TScIG}, and Lemma \ref{LIG2G1}. \end{proof} \begin{corollary}\label{CIG2} If $X$ is an $S(3)$-space, then $\left| X\right|\leq 2^{2^{s_{2}(X)}}$. \end{corollary} \begin{theorem}\label{TIG2G2} Let $k\in \bN^{+}$. If $X$ is an $S(3k-2)$-space, then $\left| X\right|\leq 2^{2^{s_{2k-1}(X)}}$. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} The claim follows directly from the fact that every $S(3k-2)$-space is an $S(k-1)$-space, Theorem \ref{THJIG}, and Lemma \ref{LIG2G2}. \end{proof} When $n=1$ in Theorem \ref{TIG2G2} we obtain again Hajnal and Juh\'asz theorem that if $X$ is a Hausdorff space, then $|X|\le 2^{2^{s(X)}}$. \begin{theorem}\label{TIG2G3} Let $k\in \bN^{+}$. If $X$ is an $S(3k-1)$-space, then $\left| X\right|\leq 2^{s_{2k-1}(X)\cdot2^{s_{2k}(X)}}$ and $\left| X\right|\leq 2^{2^{s_{2k-1}(X)}}$. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} The claim follows directly from the fact that every $S(3k-1)$-space is an $S(k-1)$ and $S(k)$-space, Theorem \ref{THJIG}, Theorem \ref{TScIG}, Lemma \ref{LIG2G3}, Lemma \ref{LIG2G4} and the fact that $s_{2k}(X)\le s_{2k-1}(X)$ for every $k\in \bN^{+}$. \end{proof}
Regeneration Tour 2013 lineup set, dates coming. Written by admin on March 9, 2013 The lineup for Regeneration Tour 2013 is now set. Organizers Red Entertainment announced today the artists who will perform during the August concert series. This year's tour will feature four acts: Information Society, whose hits include "Walking Away" and "What's On Your Mind (Pure Energy)," the latter of which sampled Leonard Nimoy for an interesting hook. Erasure's Andy Bell, one-half of the noted synth-pop duo who who crowded the world's dance floors with "Oh, L'amour," "Chains of Love" and "A Little Respect," In recent years, Bell has released several solo tracks, including some under the name "Mimo." The Human League, which has seen a major resurgence since playing Regeneration Tour 2008. They continue to perform to capacity crowds as they have done very well on the road since their RT2008 appearance. Howard Jones, who recently made available a box set of his first two albums, Human's Lib and Dream Into Action, last year performed a series of concerts where he performed both of those creations in order and exactly as there were recorded in the 80s. Jones discusses that in an appearance on Revenge of the 80s Radio. Red Entertainment says Regeneration Tour 2013 will run in August; the official schedule will be unveiled at a later date. At the time of this post, only two shows have been confirmed: August 7 at the Chastain Park Amphitheater in Atlanta and August 30 at The Greek Theater in Los Angeles. U.S.-based Regeneration Tours were held in 2008 and 2009. Past participants included A Flock of Seagulls, Naked Eyes, ABC, Berlin and Wang Chung. Tagged as andy bell august 2013 erasure Howard Jones human league information society red entertainment Regeneration Tour
"Bangladesh Population and Housing Census 2011: Socio-economic and Demographic Report," 2011, http://www.bbs.gov.bd/PageSecureReport.aspx. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), "Standard Operating Procedure for an In Vitro Bioaccessibility Assay for Lead in Soil," 2012, http://www.epa.gov/superfund/bioavailability/pdfs/EPA_Pb_IVBA_SOP_040412_FINAL_SRC.pdf. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Guidance for Evaluating the Oral Bioavailability of Metals in Soils for Use in Human Health Risk Assessment, OSWER 9285.7-80, 2007, http://www.epa.gov/superfund/bioavailability/bio_guidance.pdf. Fahman Enterprises Inc, Recalls Pran Brand Turmeric Powder due to Elevated Levels of Lead, http://www.fda.gov/Safety/Recalls/ucm371206.htm.
Donald Getty (person) by Palpz Mon Aug 20 2001 at 7:29:24 Don Getty was the Province of Alberta's Eleventh Premier. He was born in Quebec in 1933, and received his post secondary education at the University of Western Ontario in London. While there he played basketball and football, and became a member of the Kappa Alpha Fraternity. He got a degree in Business Administration while there. That same year he also married his wife Margaret. They went on to have four sons, Dale, David, Darin, and Derek. I don't know what it is with them and D names.<\p> They moved to Edmonton Alberta, where Don played football for the Eskimos of the Canadian Football League. While playing for them, they won two Grey Cups, once as Quarterback. He also worked for Imperial Oil until '64, when he started his own oil company, Baldonnel Oil and Gas.<\p> In '65 Peter Lougheed, the leader of the Provincial Progressive Conservative Party asked Don to consider entering provincial politics, and Don agreed, and was then elected to the Provincial Legislature in the '67 election. The PC's won the election in '71, and Don was appointed the Minister of Federal and Intergovernmental Affairs. After the '75 election, he was then appointed Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, a fairly important position in Alberta.<\p> He decided not to run for re-election in '79, and went back to the private sector, working for a whole bevy of companies that I won't list here, including the Royal Bank and Nova Corp.<\p> In 85' he decided to re-enter the fray, and was in that year voted leader of the PC party, and was for some reason officially appointed Premier almost a month and a half before he was elected as a member of the Legislative Assembly in a by-election.<\p> He then went on to lead the PC's to victory in two elections, in '86 and '89, although he lost his own seat in the '89 election, and had to go win a by-election for the seat of a lackey who resigned so he could get a plum appointment from the Premier. He served as Premier until '92.<\p> Currently living in Edmonton, he is a Director of the Edmonton Eskimos Football Club, and Governor of the Edmonton Petroleum Club. Source: www.gov.ab.ca<\p> Empty spoons Sarah Grimké chin up By-election premier plum provincial Canadian Football League Grey Cup province Alberta Edmonton The principles of nuclear weapon safety and meeting girls are remarkably similar OK, so I'm a fuckup, and it's Tuesday Chess Openings Parent's Day Antarctic hygiene
Category: phishing Home - phishing phishingBusinessCybersecurity 5 ways businesses can avoid phishing scams online The concept of phishing is gaining immense popularity during the Covid-19 pandemic. People, by and large, are becoming victims of such fraudulent activities. Therefore, we have come up with 5 ways businesses can avoid getting trapped with emails that are meant to deteriorate their online identity. Based on recent Phishing records, almost 90 percent of companies have encountered spear phishing attacks... Datingphishingsocial media 5 Signs You're Being Catfished on Tinder 5 Signs You're Being Catfished on Tinder – What You Need to Know and What You Can Do About it Thanks to advancing technology, the use of dating apps has made it possible to meet the love of your life. In fact, it's more common than you think, with 1 in 5 relationships now beginning with an online encounter. Unfortunately, the Internet has also made it possible to meet someone who can also ruin your life. As if we don't have enough to worry about with stalking, catfishing has been happening more often than some may like to admit. Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links, meaning we may earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase... CybersecurityphishingSecurity Website or hacker trap? Here's how to tell How to know if the website is a hack According to defectors, North Korea's cyber army has about 7,000 hackers. Their job is to wreak havoc on the country's enemies. Recently, North Korean hackers targeted cybersecurity researchers in the U.S. North Korean hackers set up a fake cybersecurity company called SecuriElite. They also created fake social media accounts on Twitter and LinkedIn. Their goal was to trick cybersecurity experts into visiting the fake company website. The website was booby-trapped with malware that exploited the victim's browser. The website claims the company is an offensive security company located in Turkey. The hackers created a blog and profiles on websites to build trust with their targets. Their goal was to attack... phishingKnowledgePrevention A Can of Phish Bait: from Surveys to Rule Changes to Your Boss's Boss Employees need to continue being wary of phishing scams as they begin to return to the office, according to Roger Kay at INKY. Kay describes several phishing templates that INKY has intercepted in recent months, including one that informed recipients that they needed to fill out a compliance form related to COVID-19 risks. "Reasonably well written, this email, apparently from the human resources department at the target company, actually came from phishers located in the United Kingdom," Kay writes. "There are elements that might strike the recipient as strange. For example, the phrase 'recuperating favorably' is a bit off. Noncompliance is spelled 'non-compliance.' And 'these guide and policies' has an agreement-of-number problem. But otherwise, it's a pretty good fake,... Spoofing Tailored to Financial Departments Researchers at Area 1 Security have warned of a large spear phishing campaign targeting financial departments and C-suite employees with spoofed Microsoft 365 login pages. The researchers say that in some cases the attackers "specifically targeted newly-selected CEOs during critical transitionary periods." Additionally, the attackers went after executives' assistants. "Beyond financial departments, the attackers also targeted C-suite and executive assistants," Area 1 says. "Targeting high-level assistants is an often overlooked method of initial entry, despite these employees having access to highly sensitive information and an overall greater level of privileges. In a few instances, the attackers even attempted to bait newly-selected CEOs of two major companies before any public announcements of this significant senior executive changeover were made." The... phishingCybersecurityKnowledge Why Should You Be Using DMARC? 3 Billion Spoofed Emails are Being Sent Everyday In a recent report from TechRadar, email is still the most popular form of malware distribution. Billions of emails that are spoofed are being sent everyday. Even though email is still the oldest form of online communication, it is still the go-to platform for cybercriminals to attempt to infiltrate. According to the report by Vailmail, "80% of all email inbox providers do DMARC check on inbound emails". And with the pandemic, COVID-19 has been the key target for recent malicious email activity. Especially since your organization is still working remote. Since the increase enforcing of Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC), a report from Vailmail found that there is still an influx of spoofed email messages. Despite this... CybersecurityKnowledgephishing Think Your Cyber Insurance is Going to Cover that $6 Million attack in Cyber Fraud? Think Again. The latest tale of an organization falling victim to a business email compromise cyber attack on their credit card processor highlights how very specific the scenario needs to be to see a payout. In 2018, RealPage, a Texas-based service provider for property owners and property management companies was the victim of a cyber attack that took the company for $6 million. RealPage processed their credit card transactions through a third-party processor, Stripe. Stripe fell victim to an impersonation attack where cybercriminals gained control over a RealPage user's credentials and convinced Stripe to modify the disbursement instructions to point to a bad guy-controlled bank account. In total, $10 million was sent to the fraudulent account, with $4 million recovered. In... PreventionCybersecurityKnowledge 1 in 4 Business Email Compromise Attacks Use Lookalike Domains to Trick Victims The latest Data on BEC scams shows how the bad guys are using a mix of Gmail accounts, increases in stolen wire transfers, and a shift to payroll diversions to trick you out of your money from email attacks.... Phishing Attacks Continue to Impersonate Trusted Brands to Deceive Potential Victims The use of impersonation in phishing attacks helps to establish credibility and a sense of ease. New data shows exactly how the bad guys are using this tactic to their advantage. We've covered impersonation scams before where cybercriminals pretend to be your CEO, hospital personnel, or even the government. New data from cybersecurity vendor Agari highlights the impersonation trends they found by looking at email throughout the second half of 2020. 63% percent of phishing emails impersonate trusted brands (with Microsoft continuing to top the list). This breaks down in the following manner: Brand display impersonation (62.6%)– where the display name looks to be UPS, Microsoft, Amazon, etc. Individual display name impersonation (22.1%) – where the display name represents... Vendor Email Compromise is Officially A Big (Seven-Figure) Problem While the Solarwinds "sunburst" attack brought to light the compromising of a vendor, Vendor Email Compromise has been around for some time and now seems to be going mainstream. We first mentioned Vendor Email Compromise (VEC) back in late 2019. This method of compromising an email account at one company purposely to use it to attack a second company has been quietly evolving over the last 14 months. New data from Abnormal Security's report, The Rising Threat of Vendor Email Compromise in a Post-SolarWinds Era sheds light on just how prevalent this attack method is becoming. According to the report: Your chance of getting hit with a VEC attack during any given week increased 82% between Q3 of last... phishingKnowledgeProtection Phishing Scammers Send a Fake "Private Shared Document" as the Initial Attack Vector for Stealing LinkedIn Credentials A new social engineering scam demonstrates how cybercriminals are both evolving their tactics while still using tried and true methods that just work to attain their goals. I've covered scams impersonating Office 365 I don't know how many times. But it's not very often you hear about a scam that uses LinkedIn as both its distribution medium and its' credential target. Last month, victim LinkedIn users received a message from one of their connections (which proved to have been compromised) that contained a link to a third-party website containing a "LinkedInSecureMessage" (which there is no such thing). Victims are taken to a page displaying the following very official-looking page: After pressing the "view document" button, they are presented with... Most Phishing Emails Are After Credentials Most Phishing Emails Are After Credentials 57% of phishing emails in 2020 were designed for stealing credentials, according to Cofense's most recent Annual State of Phishing Report. Meanwhile, just 12% of phishing attacks last year were used for delivering malware. Cofense believes this is because credential phishing emails are better at bypassing email security filters than emails with malicious attachments or download links. Likewise, conversational phishing attacks, like business email compromise (BEC), have grown more popular. "The vast majority of phishing campaigns are credential theft or conversational," Cofense says. "While malicious attachments still play a role in phishing, the frequency of this has dramatically declined over the years. In fact, most phish attachments these days are not even malware, but... MicrosoftHackphishing Microsoft Dominates as the Most Impersonated Brand in Phishing Attacks Microsoft Dominates as the Most Impersonated Brand in Phishing Attacks... Securityphishing Security admins checklist: 10 tasks to perform every year Here is a checklist of 10 important tasks security administrators should perform to keep devices protected and secure. Security administrators oversee the secured processes in place, safeguarding the day-to-day operations of an organization. While it is easy for users to focus solely on protecting computers and their devices, security admins are tasked with managing the overall landscape–including LAN/WAN, services, the devices used to access those services, and the most unpredictable factor of them all: The end user. Below is a checklist list of 10 items that should be performed to ensure that devices and networks remain secured throughout the year. 1. Update your company's policies Corporate policies governing computing systems, networks, and acceptable-use should be updated regularly to ensure they...
Heath v. United States Parole Commission and Robert Henderson GEORGE HEATH, PLAINTIFF-APPELLANT, UNITED STATES PAROLE COMMISSION AND ROBERT HENDERSON, SUPERINTENDENT OF AUBURN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY, DEFENDANTS-APPELLEES George Heath, pro se, appeals from a judgment entered in the United States District Court for the Northern District of New York (Munson, C.J.) that denied his petition for a writ of habeas corpus and requests assignment of counsel). The application for assignment of counsel is denied. Affirmed. Before: LUMBARD, CARDAMONE and WINTER, Circuit Judges. CARDAMONE, Circuit Judge: George Heath, pro se, appeals from a judgment entered May 7, 1985 in the United States District Court for the Northern District of New York (Munson, C.J.), denying his petition for a writ of habeas corpus pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2241 (1982), and seeks assignment of counsel. This case illustrates the unreliability of the proverb "where there's smoke, there's fire." Cf. Lyly, Euphues (1579). What makes the proverb so untrustworthy, of course, is its false premise that all suspicions are warranted. On first impression, appellant's claim that he did not receive timely review of parole violations charges against him suggests cause for concern. That concern disappears like a shadow under the light of a careful second inquiry when Heath's arguments are subjected to a searching examination, which reveals them to be without merit. We therefore deny the application for assignment of counsel and affirm the district court's denial of habeas relief. I Facts and Proceedings Below While on parole from a federal sentence, appellant was arrested on June 24, 1981 in New York State and charged with robbery and illegal use of a firearm. The United States Parole Commission (Commission) issued a parole violation warrant against him on July 28, 1981 based on the state charges and his unauthorized absence from the district of supervision. Apparently the warrant was never executed, but it was lodged against Heath as a detainer warrant, see 18 U.S.C. § 4214(b)(1) (1982), on a date not specified in the record. Several months later--on November 2, 1981, prior to the disposition of the state charges-- he filed a habeas petition in district court seeking reinstatement of his parole on the grounds that the Commission had deprived him of due process by failing to provide a timely revocation hearing. In denying relief, the court stated that Heath had no right to such a hearing until the parole violation warrant was executed, and no due process right to compel execution of the warrant. Heath v. United States Parole Commission, 526 F. Supp. 584, 585-86 (W.D.N.Y. 1981) (Curtin, C.J.); see 18 U.S.C. § 4213(b) and 28 C.F.R. § 2.44(b) (1985) (authorizing the Commission to withhold or to hold a warrant in abeyance until disposition of state charges). On April 5, 1982 appellant was convicted of the state charges and he was sentenced on June 1 to a term of 11 to 22 years to run concurrently with his federal sentence. The Commission notified Heath on September 30, 1982 of the pending dispositional review of the detainer, as required by 28 C.F.R. § 2.47(a)(2), and informed him on April 1, 1983 that the detainer would remain in effect until a dispositional revocation hearing was scheduled. On May 31 the Commission advised him that a dispositional revocation hearing would be held. Along with this notice the Commission sent forms that appellant was requested to complete and return within 30 days. The forms were not received within that time and a Commission officer later met with Heath on July 15 to assist him in completing them. The magistrate to whom Heath's petition was referred concluded that "any delay in holding the required hearing seems to be attributable to petitioner's refusal to complete the forms as requested." Heath filed another petition for habeas relief on July 25, 1983 again asserting that the Commission had not provided a timely revocation hearing. He requested the district court to vacate the detainer--that he claimed hindered his eligibility for rehabilitative and educational programs within state prison--and to reinstate parole, or to transfer him to federal prison. On August 29, 1983 the Commission conducted a dispositional revocation hearing at which appointed counsel represented appellant. Following the hearing, the Commission revoked appellant's parole, ordered that the time spent on parole be forfeited and that the unexpired term of his federal sentence begin to run upon his release from state custody. According to Heath, the Commission also decided to "let stand the parole detainer which will be satisfied in 1988 by way of the superseding state sentence of 11 to 22 years." Appellant then moved for summary judgment in district court adding the following claims against the Commission to those already advanced in his July 1983 habeas petition: (1) untimely revocation hearing prejudiced his ability to present an insanity defense at his state trial; (2) improper disposition of the parole violation charges; (3) improper exclusive reliance on state conviction in revoking parole and failure to consider mitigating evidence; (4) tolling the unexpired term of his federal sentence frustrated the state court's intent to have him serve concurrent terms. Heath's habeas petition was referred to a magistrate who concluded that the notice to Heath and the revocation hearing--calculated either from the date of Heath's state conviction (April 5, 1982) or the date of his sentencing (June 1, 1982)--had been timely. In the magistrate's view, any delay in holding the required hearing was attributable to petitioner's refusal to complete the forms as requested. Moreover, the magistrate found that Heath could not prevail on the issue of delay even if the notice time were calculated from the date the warrant was issued (July 21, 1981), because he had failed to show that the delay was both unreasonable and prejudicial. Finally, the magistrate rejected appellant's challenge to the Commission's disposition of the parole violation charges because the Commission is authorized both by statute and regulation to order forfeiture of the time spent on parole and the tolling of the federal sentence. See 18 U.S.C. § 4210(b)(2); 28 C.F.R. §§ 2.47(d)(2), 2.52(c)(2). The district court adopted the magistrate's report and denied Heath's habeas petition. From this denial the present appeal in which appellant requests assignment of counsel is taken.*fn1 II Right to Assignment of Counsel We begin by discussing the right to assignment of counsel on appeal. Every defendant unable to obtain counsel "shall be entitled to have counsel assigned to represent him at every state of the proceedings from his initial appearance before the federal magistrate or the court through appeal, unless he waives such appointment." Fed. R. Crim. P. 44(a). The Criminal Justice Act similarly provides for counsel through appeal. 18 U.S.C. § 3006A(c). This right is derived from the Sixth Amendment's guarantee that every criminal defendant "shall enjoy the right [to] . . . the assistance of counsel for his defense." On a direct appeal from a conviction the absolute right to counsel is assured every defendant. But appointment of counsel on an appeal involving a collateral attack on a conviction is a matter that rests within the discretion of the appeals court. Miranda v. United States, 455 F.2d 402, 404-05 (per curiam), supplemented, 458 F.2d 1179 (2d Cir.) (per curiam), cert. denied, 409 U.S. 874, 93 S. Ct. 207, 34 L. Ed. 2d 126 (1972). Any person, according to 18 U.S.C. § 3006A(g), "seeking relief under section 2241, 2254, or 2255 of title 28 or section 4245 of title 18 may be furnished representation . . . whenever . . . the interests of justice so require and such person is financially unable to obtain representation." Thus, this appeal from an adverse decision in an action under 28 U.S.C. § 2241 against the Commission is one in which we must determine in the exercise of our discretion whether assignment of counsel is in the interests of justice. Appellant's argument regarding the timeliness of the Parole Commission's procedures as they affect him seems persuasive at first glance. But a second look reveals it to be without substance. Heath's claims lack merit because it is not the timeliness of the procedures that is adversely impacting him, but his commission of a felony while on parole. Further, even were the action taken by the Commission to be held untimely--and they were not--the remedy is not habeas corpus reinstating his federal parole status (and complete release from incarceration upon state parole), but mandamus to compel the Commission to act within statutory time limitations, with ...
Canadian women getting controversial surgery to mimic virginity Tamara Baluja (Canwest News Service) VANCOUVER — Everything was at stake — her future marriage, her place in her conservative community, her life. The 23-year-old Muslim woman from the Middle East desperately wanted to appear to be a virgin. She went to Dr. "Sam" with an unusual request. She wanted a hymenoplasty — surgical restoration of the hymen, often done specifically for cosmetic reasons to mimic virginity. "It's a surgery for fooling a person, a lie that the woman is still a virgin, even though she had had sex," said Dr. Faizal Sahukhan, a Burnaby, B.C.-based sex therapist. He has counselled several South Asian women against seeking the procedure. The procedure is so controversial that most doctors contacted refused to speak about it. Dr. "Sam," a doctor in British Columbia's Lower Mainland, only spoke on the condition that his identity be protected for his safety. "There are some people who would not look at this surgery rationally," said Sam, who is concerned about retaliation from potentially duped husbands. "The fact is that most of my patients are Muslim . . . and I'm Jewish and a male." Sam said he performs the surgery on average twice a month for about $3,500 per procedure, usually on women of Middle Eastern background. One of his clients was preparing for an "arranged marriage" in Oman in the Middle East when she approached him, he said. "She told me that there is a community doctor who checks to see if the hymen is intact before the marriage," Sam said. In other Middle Eastern communities, in-laws will check the bride's bedsheets for traces of blood the night after the marriage was consummated, he said. With such a premium laid on a woman's virginity, Sahukhan said women are under tremendous pressure to remain "untouched" until their wedding night. Alia Hogben of the Canadian Council for Muslim Women called it "sexism, rooted in having a patriarchal society. It's not surprising that these women feel compelled to do this surgery," she said. "Of course, there is no expectation that men also be virgins (before marriage), even though that is preferable." Only a small number of clinics in Vancouver offer hymenoplasties and none of them advertise it on their websites, but both Sahukhan and Sam say they have seen a noticeable rise in requests over the past few years. Sahukhan recounted the experience of a very upset Punjabi Sikh woman considering hymenoplasty. "She said, 'If my parents find out about (my past), all hell will break loose,'" Sahukhan said. Sahukhan said most of his female patients have had premarital sex outside their ethnic community, but consider the surgery when planning a traditional "arranged marriage." These women fear they will be shunned by their families, served divorce papers or worse: subjected to physical abuse if their sexual history becomes known, he said. He called the correlation between a woman's virginity and her family's honour a "tremendously heavy burden" — especially since a hymen can be broken in a number of ways outside of sex, including vigorous exercise, use of tampons or a fall. Anjelina Rai, a young South Asian host a Vancouver Bollywood radio station, said she was "completely flabbergasted" on learning about hymenoplasty. "It's just impossible to think anyone in my generation would feel the need to have this surgery," she said, adding the South Asian community is "more open these days to western ideas like premarital sex." Manpreet Grewal of Abbotsford Community Services added that even if hymenoplasty was widespread in the South Asian community, the stigma runs so deep that women would not openly talk about it for fear of being ostracized. To avoid the gossip mills, some Punjabi parents take their sexually active daughters back to India to undergo hymenoplasty ahead of an impending marriage, the South Asian Post reported recently. Dr. Miqdad Ukaye of Royal Medical Tours in Bombay, India, said his agency gets 400 calls annually from medical tourists seeking hymenoplasty. "It's a social taboo to talk about it, which is why the numbers are limited," he said, "But it is gaining popularity." Sam said he offers the surgery so that his female patients feel secure going into the marriage. "I feel like I'm doing good here," he said. "If it gives the woman some confidence, then what is the harm in it?" Although he does not promise bleeding to any of his clients — about 30 per cent of women do not bleed during their first sexual intercourse — Sam said he has had no complaints. The procedure usually takes an hour, with a recommended one-month break from sexual intercourse for recovery. As for Sahukhan's clients, none of them actually went ahead with the hymenoplasty surgery after he counselled them against the procedure. "You really cannot hide your sexual past with a quick-fix, Band-Aid solution like hymenoplasty," Sahukhan said. He encourages his patients to tell the truth, and said none of them suffered any dire circumstances after following his advice. "Better to find out the man's reaction before you get married and have kids," he said. Vancouver Province [email protected]
It was an absolute pleasure to work with editor Julie on my first novel. Julie opened my eyes and taught me so much about strong pacing and how to de-clutter a scene so the suspense ricochets off the page. She also helped me strengthen the sensual tension between my hero and heroine, making their relationship more believable and exciting. When the next book in the series was finished, I couldn't wait for Julie to get her hands on it. I knew that her suggestions would take my manuscript to a whole new level. Julie Sturgeon is thorough, professional, and just a delight to work with. I highly recommend her.
A 28 year-old married father of two on his way to provide physical therapy at the home of a client calls his wife from his cell phone while parked at a convenience store stating that his, "truck was running hot." With the couple's 2 and 4 year-old boys both sick, the wife asks her father-in-law to pick up his son. The father cannot find his son when he arrives at the truck's location. In fact, the son is not discovered for another three weeks, less than a mile from his truck lying face down wearing only a pair of black boxer shorts, one sock and a pair of shoes. He's missing some teeth, an ear, his tongue, and both eyes. His throat is cut. The official autopsy, as well as the County Sheriff, ruled the death an accident. 1. Combined drug intoxication, including cocaine, methamphetamine and amphetamine. 2. Shallow puncture wounds to the abdomen, left thigh, left lower leg and palm of the left hand. 4. No evidence of severe trauma. However, the family obtained an independent autopsy from Houston forensic pathologist Dr. Lee Ann Grossberg once the County released Alfred's body. Still awaiting additional information from the County, Dr. Grossberg issued only a preliminary opinion but suspects homicide, "based on the circumstances surrounding his death, where his body was found, and the findings of my examination." As she said in a press conference, "I have a high index of suspicion that this is a homicide." Particularly, she rejected the first autopsy's finding that Wright did not evidence severe trauma, finding evidence of homicidal violence in her own examination. According to numerous sources, Wright did not use any drugs. And though he faced some legal trouble, an embezzlement charge emanating from a job he held while attending College in Tennessee before marriage and kids, no facts indicate a connection of this matter with his death. 1. Have the Texas Rangers interviewed Sheriff Tom Maddox concerning the relationship between Alfred and members of the Sheriff's family? 2. Why was Texas Ranger Danny Young not taken off the case due to his close personal relationship with Sheriff Maddox? 3. Why was Ranger Young on the scene before being officially requested by the Sabine County Sheriff's Department? 4. Have the Texas Rangers investigated the relationship between the CL&M store and the Sabine County Sheriff's Department? 5. Where is the missing video footage from CL&M? 6. When did the supposed drugs enter Alfred's body? Namely, before or after his disappearance? A couple of theories have been advanced as to why Alfred would have been murdered. The first was that he was dating the Sherriff's white daughter. And the second that he walked in on a drug transaction and was kidnapped, tortured and placed back in the woods at some point after the search concluded. As the family lost faith in the investigation, it turned to others for assistance, including US Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, who helped have the matter turned over to the US Department of Justice. At present, both the US Attorney in Beaumont as well as the FBI are investigating the matter. In the meantime, one more tortured black man lies dead in Jasper.
Gizmo Envy All your gadget news and reviews in one place SlashGear TechBeat Home / TechCrunch / Groupon Reports Mixed Q1 Earnings: $601.4 Million In Revenue, $0.01 GAAP Loss Per Share, $4M Net Loss In TechCrunch / 1 January 1970 / 0 comments Groupon just reported its earnings for its first financial quarter of 2013. The company, which is still looking for a new CEO after the ouster of Andrew Mason in February, posted a $0.01 loss per share but says its non-GAAP EPS excluding stock compensations was $0.03. Its revenue was higher than expected with $601.4 million in sales, compared to $0.02 earnings per share (EPS) on $559.3 million of revenue in the year-ago quarter. The expectation among financial analysts was that the company would report an year-over-year sales growth of 5.3% and an EPS of $0.03 on revenue of $588.92 million for this quarter (with a high very optimistic high estimate of $618.5). Last quarter, Groupon reported $638.8 million revenue, buoyed by a strong holiday season, but the company still posted an operating loss of $19.9 million and a loss per share of $0.12. "We are encouraged by our results, as our local revenues accelerated and our margins improved over the prior quarter," said Eric Lefkofsky, Chairman and co-CEO of Groupon. "We had record mobile performance as 45% of our North American transactions came from mobile in March, and more than 7 million people downloaded our apps in the quarter." One of the main indicators for Groupon's health has long been gross billings – a reflections of how much money the company has collected from its customers for Groupons it has sold. Last quarter, gross billings increased 24% to $1.52 billion. Gross billing for this quarter was $1.41 billion. In the last quarter, Groupon also reported that it had 41 million active customers, up 22% quarter-over-quarter and that it was handling about 37,000 active deals at any given time. Groupon has obviously been through a somewhat tumultuous time recently. The company's ouster of CEO Andrew Mason after a number of disappointing quarters, however, seems to have brought some stability back to the company. Its share price remains low, though it's up from its all-time low of $2.60. Currently, the stock is trading at around $5.60. After Mason's exit, executive chairman Eric Lefkofsky and vice chairman Ted Loensis were appointed to the company's newly created Office of the Chief Executive as interim CEOs. The company has yet to announce a permanent replacement for Mason. Groupon's Q1 Results: Beats With $601.4 Million In Revenue, But $0.01 GAAP Loss Per Share, $4M Net Loss Groupon Reports $638.3M In Q4 Revenue, But Worse-Than-Expected 12 Cent Loss Per Share Groupon Puts Co-CEOs Lefkofsky And Leonsis On Combined Salary Of $410K; Holden Gets $500K Bonus For 2014 & '15 AOL Confirms Ned Brody Has Resigned As Head Of AOL Networks, CEO Armstrong Takes Over In The Interim Salesforce 4Q Revenues Up 32% With $3.05B For The Fiscal Year Tesla Shares Drop 9.7% As It Reports Another Quarterly Loss AMD releases first quarter 2013 financial data Groupon Skyrockets After Hours On Q4 Beat With Revenue Of $768.4M, EPS Of $0.04 [Update: Following Enthusiasm, Investors Turn Sour] Yelp Beats Street Estimates In Q2 With Revenue Of $55M, EPS Loss Of $0.01 Twitter Crushes With Q4 Revenue Of $242.7M, But Shows Slow User Growth To 241M Actives Tags: Andrew Mason, earnings per share, Eric Lefkofsky, Groupon Console Envy Enjoy video games? Get all your gaming news and reviews in one place at consoleenvy.com Gmail experiment shows promotional messages as image-heavy cards 26th March 2014 / 0 comments Apple Pledges To Make iOS Emojis More Racially Diverse Oculus founders: Facebook lets us bring the best VR experience to a billion people Daily Roundup: new HTC One review, Facebook acquires Oculus VR and more! Missing tweets? It's a bug that Twitter is investigating YC-Backed CareMessage Is On A Mission To Improve Health Literacy By Bringing Mobile Healthcare To The Underserved Y Combinator Winter 2014, Batches 3 And 4: Meet Kimono Labs, TwoTap, Abacus And More Candy Crush Maker King Prices Shares At $22.50, Puts Valuation At $7B UK's EE to launch own-brand LTE smartphone for just £100 off-contract Copyright © 2014 Gizmo Envy. All Rights Reserved.
The 11 Best Treasury Bond ETFs (4 From Vanguard) Last Updated: October 4, 2021 4 Comments – 4 min. read Treasury bonds are the best tool for downside protection and volatility reduction in a diversified investment portfolio. Here we'll look at the best treasury bond ETFs. Introduction – Why Treasury Bonds? BIL – SPDR Barclays 1-3 Month T-Bill ETF SHV – iShares Short Treasury Bond ETF SHY – iShares 1-3 Year Treasury Bond ETF VGSH – Vanguard Short-Term Treasury ETF VGIT – Vanguard Intermediate-Term Treasury ETF IEF – iShares 7-10 Year Treasury Bond ETF GOVT – iShares U.S. Treasury Bond ETF TLH – iShares 10-20 Year Treasury Bond ETF VGLT – Vanguard Long-Term Treasury ETF TLT – iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF EDV – Vanguard Extended Duration Treasury ETF Where To Buy These Treasury Bond ETFs The federal government issue bonds to investors to pay for operating costs in running the country. Because they're guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, treasury bonds are considered to be the "safest" investment, and are thus popular among retirees and risk-averse investors. More importantly, treasury bonds offer the lowest correlation to stocks of any asset class, providing a superior diversification benefit compared to corporate bonds. Treasury bonds should be the first diversifier of choice alongside stocks. Treasury bond behavior differs between different maturity lengths. Ultra-short-term treasury bonds with a maturity of less than 1 year are called "T Bills." They are considered to be a "cash equivalent" because of their nearly nonexistent exposure to interest rate risk. This safety also comes with the lowest expected returns. On the flip side are "long bonds" with maturities greater than 20 years. In between those are "intermediate term" bonds with maturities of 5 years, 7 years, 10 years, etc. Various funds offer baskets of bonds of specific maturities. Long-term bonds offer more risk with the potential for more reward, having the most exposure to interest rate risk. Longer-term bonds also tend to be less correlated to stocks than shorter-term bonds. As the names suggest, long-term bonds are more appropriate for investors with a long time horizon, and short-term bonds are more appropriate for retirees with a short-time horizon. I'm of the mind that bond duration should roughly match investing horizon, especially for those with an aggressive asset allocation that only allocates a small amount of the portfolio to bonds. Below we'll look at the best treasury bond ETFs. Below are the 11 best treasury bond ETFs, sorted by shortest to longest duration. The SPDR Barclays 1-3 Month T-Bill ETF (BIL) is the shortest-term T-Bill ETF available, and is thus the closest you can get to a true "cash equivalent." The fund seeks to track the Barclays Capital U.S. 1-3 Month Treasury Bill Index, T-Bills with maturities between 1 month and 3 months. This ETF has a weighted average maturity of 1.08 months and an expense ratio of 0.14%. Slightly longer than BIL above is the iShares Short Treasury Bond ETF (SHV), holding bonds with maturities of 1 year or less. Its average weighted maturity is 4.7 months. This ETF is one of the most popular for T-Bills, with over $20 billion in assets. The fund seeks to track the Barclays Capital U.S. Short Treasury Bond Index and has an expense ratio of 0.15%. The most popular treasury bond ETF out there is the iShares 1-3 Year Treasury Bond ETF (SHY), with over $21 billion in assets. This fund allows investors to access short-term treasury bonds via the Barclays Capital U.S. 1-3 Year Treasury Bond Index. This ETF has a weighted average maturity of 1.9 years and an expense ratio of 0.15%. A more affordable way to track the same index as SHY above is with the Vanguard Short-Term Treasury ETF (VGSH). It has an expense ratio of only 0.05%, and its weighted average maturity is slightly longer at 2.0 years. VGSH is less popular than SHY, with $13 billion in assets. The Vanguard Intermediate-Term Treasury ETF (VGIT) is an affordable way to access intermediate-term treasury bonds. This ETF seeks to track the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Treasury 3–10 Year Bond Index. This fund has a weighted average maturity of 5.7 years and an expense ratio of 0.05%. Still in the intermediate space but slightly longer than VGIT above is the iShares 7-10 Year Treasury Bond ETF (IEF), which seeks to track the ICE U.S. Treasury 7-10 Year Bond Index. The fund has a weighted average maturity of 8.4 years and an expense ratio of 0.15% Those seeking broader exposure – or those who don't want to pick a bond maturity – may simply want to buy the entire U.S. treasury market, which can be done with the iShares U.S. Treasury Bond ETF (GOVT). The fund matches the weighted average maturity of the whole U.S. treasury bond market at 8.5 years. The fund tracks the ICE U.S. Treasury Core Bond Index, holding bonds with maturities between 1 year and 30 years. This ETF has over $14 billion in assets and an expense ratio of 0.05%. Investors seeking specific exposure to maturities between "intermediate" and "long" can use the iShares 10-20 Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLH). This fund is less popular than others on the list, with assets of only a little over $1 billion. The ETF seeks to track the ICE U.S. Treasury 10-20 Year Bond Index and has an expense ratio of 0.15%. The Vanguard Long-Term Treasury ETF (VGLT) is a popular, affordable way to access long-term treasury bonds. Bonds in this fund have a weighted average maturity of 25.1 years. The fund seeks to track the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Long Treasury Bond Index and has an expense ratio of 0.05%. Slightly longer than VGLT above is the iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT), with a weighted average maturity of 26.0 years. TLT can be considered more liquid than VGLT but has a higher expense ratio at 0.15%. The fund seeks to track the ICE U.S. Treasury 20+ Year Bond Index. STRIPS are long-dated treasury bonds with the coupon payment "stripped," or removed. The fund seeks to track the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Treasury STRIPS 20–30 Year Equal Par Bond Index and has a weighted average maturity of 25.3 years but also has an average duration – the measure of sensitivity to interest rate changes – of 24.6 years. EDV has an expense ratio of 0.07%. All the above treasury bond ETFs are available at M1 Finance. M1 has zero trade commissions and zero account fees, and offers fractional shares, dynamic rebalancing, intuitive pie visualization, and a sleek, user-friendly interface and mobile app. I wrote a comprehensive review of M1 Finance here. Investors outside the U.S. can find these ETFs on eToro. The 2 Best Emerging Markets Value ETFs for 2022 How to Invest in Water Stocks – 4 Popular ETFs The 3 Best Low Volatility ETFs To Mitigate Stock Risk 5 Marijuana ETFs To Bet on Cannabis / Weed / CBD in 2022 The 7 Best Gold ETFs To Diversify With Shiny Metal in 2022 Erick C says I have a question regarding what you mean by your bond maturity should match your investment horizon. Say my current investment horizon is 25 years from now and I select VGLT as a result. Does this mean I hold VGLT forever or should I adjust and begin to hold VGIT as that horizon approaches, then VGSH and so on? Thank you for putting up all this information! It is a valued resource for me. Decrease duration as the horizon shortens, while increasing bond allocation. Estevan Rangel says I really worry about gold especially for retirees. Now if you buy when it dips it can work but still gold can crash for 20 years and retirees do not have the luxury of time like an twenty year old does. What are your thoughts on this? Who said anything about gold?
Q: How to bind data in WPF DataGrid in code? I have following code in an extended DataGrid to check or uncheck the CheckBoxColumn: if (this.Columns[c] is DataGridCheckBoxColumn) { CheckBox cb = this.GetCellCtrl<CheckBox>(this.Columns[fromCol], topRow); for (int r = fromRow + 1; r <= toRow; r++) { CheckBox tt = this.GetCellCtrl<CheckBox>(this.Columns[fromCol], this.GetRow(r)); if (tt != null) tt.IsChecked = cb.IsChecked; } } The problem is that the checkboxes are checked (or unchecked), but the underlying data are not updated. If I mouse-clicking the checkbox, it works. So, what's the difference between my code and mouse-clicking? How to solve my problem? A: Setting a value locally will remove the binding that couples your CheckBox to your data. Is there any reason why you are updating the state of your data via the UI? Why not use your same loop logic on the data? If you really must do it this way, you should look into UI Automation: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms747327.aspx
Leila Medium Calvert Leather crossbody bag in Black is neat, tidy and zip-up secure. It's a handy crossbody that has plenty of space inside for brolly, purse and water. With an adjustable, removable, Italian leather bridle strap for easy and long lasting use.
First, second, and third prize winners will be awarded. The first prize winner will receive a Lego Robotics Mindstorm kit for use in their classroom. Each of the winning classrooms will also receive $500 to put toward technology or other upgrades for the classroom. The 2016 Kids Code Mississippi contest is sponsored by Oxford-based FinTech company FNC, Inc., and powered by Fast Forward Mississippi and Maris, West & Baker Advertising.
Q: Read Windows file digital signature time stamp in Ubuntu I am trying to automate downloading the monthly Microsoft cab file for windows updates via my ubuntu server. I would like to verify the digital signature before marking it as good (last few months MS has been screwing it up. Windows has a tool called signtool. Is there an equivalent tool or another process? (I am currently running Ubuntu 15.04) A: You can use osslsigncode for this. It's not available in your version of Ubuntu, only in 16.10 and later; but it's easy to build. To verify a signature, run it as osslsigncode verify filetoverify
Adorable one-story home in hot South Austin, just 12 miles from downtown. This 3/2 home features easy to care for native Texas landscaping in the front yard; relaxing covered back patio; large master bathroom with separate shower and garden tub; granite counters and tile backsplash in the kitchen; easy to maintain tile and laminate flooring throughout the main living spaces; and plenty of storage in the oversized 2.5 car garage. Exterior is freshly painted and all appliances convey. Property Summary: This 3 bed and 2.00 bath listing in Austin, TX was built in 2008 and is offered at $265,000. I was searching for a Property and found this listing (MLS® #2936520). Please send me more information regarding 12029 Eruzione Dr, Austin, TX, 78748. Thank you! I'd like to request a showing of 12029 Eruzione Dr, Austin, TX, 78748 (MLS® #2936520). Thank you!
Arthur's Pass National Park contains the most northern of the Glaciers in the South Island. The Rolleston Glacier on the southern flanks of Mt Phillistine is the most northern. The permanent snowfield on Mt Franklin is not a glacier. THE LEGACY OF GLACIERS Throughout long periods of the last 1.5 million years, average temperatures have been up to 6� Celsius lower than they are today. This caused large glaciers to form along the length of the Southern Alps, resulting in huge rivers of ice laden with a mass of abrasive debris grinding slowly out of the main valleys in the park. At their maximum advance they extended to near Springfield in the east and Kumara in the west. Only the peaks, and highest of the ridges would have been visible above the sheets of ice. Much of the basic shape of the parks land today is a direct legacy of the last major ice age, shown in deep straight U-shaped valleys (Edwards Valley), high cirque basins (Lake Mavis, Sally & Anna), narrow rocky ridges (Philistine - Rolleston), horn shaped peaks (Mt Franklin), ice smoothed bedrock (White Valley), hummocky moraines, and flights of terraces (Craigieburn Forest Park). OUR GLACIERS Most of our glaciers are either retreating (melting faster than they form), or static in size. Most would be termed "hanging glaciers", which means they are situated on the faces of mountains, or in high valleys that terminate in high cliffs, dropping into a "U-shaped" glacial valley. Most of our glaciers are small in area, the largest being the Marmaduke Dixon Glacier (2.25 sq.km) on the side of Mt Wakeman in the southern part of the park. The closest and most accessible glacier to Arthur's Pass Village is the Crow Glacier, situated on the southern face of Mt Rolleston. It is easily viewed from the summit of Avalanche Peak. PARTS OF A GLACIER A glacier is for all intensive purposes a "river of ice". It flows just like a river, however its flow-rate is extremely slow. The fastest of glaciers in New Zealand is the massive Franz Josef, it flows at a rate of 2 metres per day. Our glaciers are somewhat slower, with the Goldney Glacier moving at only 2-3cm a day. A glacier may be made up of several distinct features... NEVE .. This is the very top end of the glacier. It receives the heaviest of snowfalls, and provides the material & pressure required to make the glacier "flow". BERGSCHRUNDS .. The NEVE of a glacier is usually encircled by rocky cliffs. Where the ice flows away from these cliffs, the gap that forms is known as a BERGSCHRUND. These can be extremely deep, some penetrating to the very base of the glacier (this can be 100's of metres). CREVASSES .. These cracks in the surface of the ice form when the glacier flows over convex rock strata in the valley floor. As the ice-pack flows on they eventually close, a new crevasse will always form in near enough the same location. Most crevasses are no deeper than 30-50 metres. In winter they are bridged by new snow, making their detective difficult and travel on glaciers somewhat hazardous, especially in early Winter & late Spring. ICEFALLS .. Where the glacier flows over a bulge in the underlying valley floor, or over a cliff, the ice folds and cracks, forming SERACS (pinnacles of ice) which eventually collapse and fall. This is the most dangerous part of a glacier because of its unpredictibility. TERMINAL .. This is the nose or snout of the glacier (the bottom end), in some cases it is an icefall (as above), or it can form massive lakes. Invariably this is the point where the glacier has met its climatic match. If it is melting faster than it can flow it is said to be RETREATING, however if the flow is great enough to overcome the melt, the glacier is forging its way onwards and is said to be ADVANCING. A stream or river generally flows from the terminal face of ice. MORAINES .. As the glacier flows down a valley, the sheer weight of ice / snow is enough to grind the bedrock into a pulp, this mixes with the ice and is transported down the glacier. The mountains and ridges that flank a glacier are always being eroded by weather, and with this huge amounts of loose rock & debris finds its way onto the surface of the glacier. The glacier in this case acts as a huge conveyer belt, shipping all this debris to the terminal. Seasonal advances and retreats of the glacial ice bulldozes this debris into terraces and high lateral ridges. Occasional huge rocks transported by the glacier are dumped in precarious positions, and are termed ERRATICS.
Many investigators believe that Cooper had to have been killed by the combination of the weather conditions and the impact of his fall. بسیاری از کارآگاهان معتقدند کوپر باید با ترکیب شرایط آب و هوا و ضربه‌ی سقوطش کشته شده باشد. If this is true, though, why have none of the man's remains ever been discovered? Is more information known about this case than has been released? Have knowledgeable people been prevented from discussing the case? Is Cooper's body lost in some inaccessible part of the wilderness area into which he jumped, or is he living a luxurious life under an alias in some unknown location and driving a Rolls-Royce? Did he have the $5800 buried by an accomplice in order to throw authorities off the track? Or did he bury it himself? In Arielle, the small town near where he might have landed, Cooper has become a legend. در اریل، شهر کوچکی که ممکن است او کنار آن فرود آمده باشد، کوپر یک اسطوره شده است. His story has been depicted in books and articles and even a movie. داستان او در کتاب‌ها و مقالات و حتی یک فیلم به تصویر کشیده شده است. Patrons of a tavern in Ariel still celebrate the anniversary of the hijacking every year. مشتریان یک میخانه در اریل هنوز هر سال سالگرد هواپیماربایی را جشن می‌گیرند. Jerry Thomas, a retired soldier who has been working independently on the case, thinks Cooper didn't survive the fall and that eventually his body will be found. جری توماس، یک نظامی بازنشسته که به صورت مستقل روی موضوع کار می‌کند، فکر می‌کند کوپر جان سالم از سقوط به در نبرد و بالاخره جسد او پیدا خواهد شد. متأسفانه این ترم امکانش نیست.
Learn how to brew beer in the name of survival! you'll need to invest in a heavy-duty stainless steel kettle. in contact with your wort. #5: Six gallon Glass Carboy (secondary fermentation). after you do your primary fermentation. Bottles: Amber bottles are best for long term storage. with labels and caps, 1 sugar measure, and 1 thermometer. glasses and a baseball cap. 6. Drink and share (if you're the sharing type)! 16 times between October 4, 2013 and February 17, 2018.This helps protect our copyright.
What Coronavirus-Stricken Schools Want From the Feds Next: Online Learning Help By Andrew Ujifusa — March 30, 2020 5 min read See Education Week's complete coverage of the coronavirus here. There have been three coronavirus aid packages signed by President Donald Trump so far, and two of them have important effects on issues like like child nutrition and schools' cash flow. So if there's a fourth aid package—and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has said another is necessary—what will education groups push hard for? We already know at least one answer: They want more resources and freedom to help students connect to the internet and learn online. The lobbying on that front has been underway for a couple of weeks now, yet so far it's mostly come up short, even as schools have scrambled to connect their students with some kind of learning experience. So what are education groups looking for on this front? Let's divide up the answer into two tracks: On March 23, a coalition of education groups weighed in to support a $2 billion Emergency Connectivity Fund in House coronavirus legislation that would have funded Wi-Fi hotspots to help students connect away from school, internet-connected devices for students and staff, and mobile broadband internet access. Citing the millions of students without home internet access and the inability of most districts to provide "loaner" hotspots, the groups told Congress, "This is making it impossible for too many students to continue their school year while their connected peers move forward with their studies." Other groups pressured Congress on this front through different avenues. The House bill turned out to be useful for Democrats in large part as political leverage, although not on this particular front; Congress passed a Senate coronvirus aid bill instead on March 27, which Trump signed the same dadoes not contain such a connectivity fund. See: Education Week's Map of Coronavirus and School Closures Here's one important caveat: Schools got $13.5 billion in the latest coronavirus package, and they're allowed to spend it on helping students connect online to learn remotely. But that's an allowable use of the money; there's no dedicated aid for that purpose in the bill for what the groups above want. And scoring dedicated aid for a particular issue or program is a crown jewel of federal lobbying. In addition, as state and local budgets start to struggle due to the pandemic's economic disruption, the pressures on how to use that $13.5 billion will grow intense. Also check out this letter to the Senate from AASA, the School Superintendents Association, anticipating another round of coronavirus aid, on this issue. Three days before that letter, the State Education Technology Directors Association wrote to the FCC asking it to help schools respond to the virus. A few of those requests include: "Clarifying that schools may allow their Wi-Fi networks to be used by the community without losing E-rate funding." "Making emergency funding available from the Universal Service Fund for hot spot lending programs operated by schools, libraries and other community organizations in areas where schools and libraries close." "Opening a window for rural schools and education organizations to obtain rural EBS [Educational Broadband Services] licenses." "Providing supplemental funding for Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISPs) to deploy wireless broadband in unserved areas where schools are closed, if the WISP can demonstrate that it can do so within a few days' or weeks' time and more quickly than any other provider." "Extending all compulsory E-Rate deadline" for various items. The FCC has acted on the first and last bullet points, but it hasn't granted the significant flexibility—and additional funding—many schools say they desperately need at the moment. Other groups have joined SETDA in similar efforts with respect to the FCC. "We will continue to advocate for funding in the next round of aid and to the FCC to consider flexibility in the program and funding for access," Christine Fox, a spokeswoman for SETDA, said on Monday. It's important to point out here here that the E-Rate program that helps schools and students connect to the internet does not get money from Congress through the standard appropriations process. 'Fight Like Hell' So what happens next? Reg Leichty, a founder and partner at Foresight Law + Policy, said education groups should take two steps. First, what education groups should do in the next few weeks, he said, is focus on the FCC in order to try to get some additional regulatory relief; they don't need to wait for lawmakers to return to Capitol Hill to do that, he noted. Then, he said, as Congress starts to ramp back up, education advocates who want more backing for online learning should also "continue to fight like hell to get some additional emergency resources out of Congress." Based on the House bill, he said, there are important lawmakers in that chamber, at least, who could help educators' cause. And Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., was asking the FCC to help schools with respect to the coronavirus nearly a month ago. But timing matters here: The House and the Senate will be out until April 20. If that schedule holds, it's almost certainly going to be several weeks before Capitol Hill crafts, debates, and (possibly) passes another coronavirus aid bill. Even if money for student connectivity makes it into the bill, when would the cash actually reach districts and other relevant organizations? Mid-May? Early June? How much of the school year would be left by that time for the schools that are still in session at all? Would that money still help a lot? Leichty said that even if the resources might not help some students who are stranded right now at home without good or any access to the internet, it is still worth getting money from Congress. "K-12 leaders have been calling on Congress to address these problems for years. Low-income students are at a disadvantage if they don't have broadband at home," Leichty said. "The public has awoken to this issue all of a sudden because it's not just poor kids, it's all kids." Photo: Anna Louisa, 18, receives her school laptop for home study at the Lower East Side Preparatory School after New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo tightened health and safety rules in the state. --John Minchillo/APKirby Lee/AP
Raychel is using Smore newsletters to spread the word online. Christmas is just around the corner, so come make a nice gift for a loved one. Valorie will be hosting a gift-making session to help you make beverage coasters out of ceramic tiles! Supplies will be provided, so bring your AT and join the fun!
import pkg from "../package.json"; beforeAll(() => { const script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/@sajari/[email protected]/dist/index.js"; Object.defineProperty(document, "currentScript", { value: script, }); }); it("Should return the UA string that includes '(via cdnjs.cloudflare.com)'", () => { const { USER_AGENT } = require("../src/user-agent"); expect(USER_AGENT).toBe( `sajari-sdk-js/${pkg.version} (via cdnjs.cloudflare.com)` ); });
Acting FDA chief calls CBD regulations a 'stalemate' The acting commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration says she's "not sure" how to resolve a "stalemate" over calls for the agency to regulate over-the-counter CBD. Dr. Janet Woodcock was asked about CBD regulations last week at the Consumer Healthcare Products Association's conference in Maryland. "In my reading," she said, "the law is fairly clear about this, and so it puts us in a stalemate position. "We also need additional data on the safety of lower doses and how that might be controlled, say, in the supplement market. How could you manage exposure of consumers?" Woodcock told the CHPA that the prescription CBD drug approved in 2018, Epidiolex, "has some toxicities, but again it's used at a certain level to control serious disease, so that tradeoff is acceptable." "That kind of tradeoff may not be acceptable for your average consumers taking it for other reasons." Woodcock has been FDA's acting commissioner since January. A permanent FDA chief hasn't been nominated by President Joe Biden. Natural Products Insider first reported Woodcock's CBD remarks. Categories: Briefs, CBD Products & CBD Business News, Infused Products & Extraction, Maryland Hemp Business & Legal News, Regulatory
Location: 13.698937 Lon. 41.24529 Lat. We are looking for ....Photos, Morning Reports, After Action Reports and other documents including those of units that may have been near the coordinates LON: 13.698937, LAT: 41.24529 on the approximated dates of death - .
\section{Introduction} Suppose $S_{g,n}$ is a surface of genus $g$ with $n$ punctures such that its Euler characteristic $\chi(S_{g,n})<0$. Consider the Teichmuller space $\TT=Teich(S_{g,n})$ of $S_{g,n}$, there is a smooth fiber bundle $\SSS\to\TT$ over $\TT$, whose fiber $\SSS_\sigma$ over $\sigma\in\TT$ is $S_{g,n}$ with metric $\sigma$. Let $\HH$ be the universal cover of $\SSS$, then the universal covering $\HH\to\SSS$ defines a smooth fiber bundle $\HH\to\TT$ whose fiber $\HH_\sigma$ over $\sigma\in\TT$ is isometric to the hyperbolic plane ${\mathbb{H}}^2$. The purpose of this note is to prove that for a $\BB$-cobounded, Lipschitz path $\gamma:I\to\TT$, where $\BB$ is a compact subset of $\TT$, if the pull back bundle $\mathcal H_{\gamma}$ over $I$ is a strongly relatively hyperbolic metric space then there exists a geodesic $\xi$ in $\TT$ such that the Hausdorff distance between $\gamma(I)$ and $\xi$ is bounded. This is a straightforward generalization of a result due to Mosher, Theorem 1.1 of \cite{mos}, where the statement was proven for closed surfaces admitting hyperbolic metrics with the assumption that $\HH_{\gamma}$ is a hyperbolic metric space. \section{Relative Hyperbolicity} Let $X$ be a path metric space. A collection of closed subsets $\DD = \{ D_\alpha\}$ of $X$ will be said to be {\bf uniformly separated} if there exists $\epsilon > 0$ such that $d(D_1, D_2) \geq \epsilon$ for all distinct $D_1, D_2 \in \DD$. \begin{defn} (Farb \cite{farb}) The {\bf electric space} (or coned-off space) $\EE(X,\DD)$ corresponding to the pair $(X,\DD )$ is a metric space which consists of $X$ and a collection of vertices $v_\alpha$ (one for each $D_\alpha \in \DD$) such that each point of $D_\alpha$ is joined to (coned off at) $v_\alpha$ by an edge of length $\half$. $X$ is said to be {\bf weakly hyperbolic} relative to the collection $\DD$ if $\EE(X,\DD)$ is a hyperbolic metric space. \label{el-space} \end{defn} For a path $\gamma \subset X$, there is an induced path $\hhat{\gamma}$ in $\EE(X,\DD)$ obtained by coning the portions of $\gamma$ lying in sets $D\in\DD$. If $\hhat{\gamma}$ is a geodesic (resp. $P$-quasigeodesic) in $\EE(X,\DD)$, $\gamma$ is called a {\em relative geodesic} (resp. {\em relative $P$-quasigeodesic}). \begin{defn}\cite{farb-relhyp} Relative geodesics (resp. $P$-quasigeodesics) in $(X,\DD )$ are said to satisfy {\bf bounded region penetration properties} if there exists $K = K(P )>0$ such that for any two relative geodesics (resp. $P$-quasigeodesics without backtracking) $\beta$, $\gamma$ joining $x, y \in X$ following two properties are satisfied:\\ (1) if precisely one of $\{ \beta , \gamma \}$ meets a set $D_\alpha$, then the length (measured in the intrinsic path-metric on $D_\alpha$ ) from the first (entry) point to the last (exit) point (of the relevant path) is at most $K$, \\ (2) if both $\{ \beta , \gamma \}$ meet some $D_\alpha $ then the length (measured in the intrinsic path-metric on $D_\alpha$ ) from the entry point of $\beta$ to that of $\gamma$ is at most $K$; similarly for exit points. \\ \end{defn} \begin{defn} (Farb \cite{farb-relhyp} ) $X$ is said to be hyperbolic relative to the uniformly separated collection $\DD$ if $X$ is weakly hyperbolic relative to $\DD$ and relative $P$ quasigeodesics without backtracking satisfy the bounded region penetration properties. \\ \end{defn} \noindent {\underline{Gromov's definition of relative hyperbolicity }:}\\ \begin{defn}\cite{pal} For any geodesic metric space $(D,d)$, the {\em hyperbolic cone} (analog of a horoball) $D^h$ is the metric space $D\times [0,\infty) = D^h$ equipped with the path metric $d_h$ obtained from two pieces of data \\ 1) $d_{h,t}((x,t),(y,t)) = 2^{-t}d_D(x,y)$, where $d_{h,t}$ is the induced path metric on $D_t=D\times \{t\}$. Paths joining $(x,t),(y,t)$ and lying on $D_t=D\times \{t\}$ are called {\em horizontal paths}. \\ 2) $d_h((x,t),(x,s))=\vert t-s \vert$ for all $x\in D$ and for all $t,s\in [0,\infty)$, and the corresponding paths are called {\em vertical paths}. \\ 3) for all $x,y \in D^h$, $d_h(x,y)$ is the path metric induced by the collection of horizontal and vertical paths. \\ \end{defn} \begin{defn}\label{gro}\cite{pal} Let $\delta\geq 0$. Let $X$ be a geodesic metric space and $\DD$ be a collection of mutually disjoint uniformly separated subsets of $X$. $X$ is said to be $\delta$-hyperbolic relative to $\DD$ in the sense of Gromov, if the quotient space $\GG(X,\DD)$, obtained by attaching the hyperbolic cones $ D^h$ to $D \in \DD$ via the identification $(x,0)\sim x$ for all $x\in D$, is a $\delta$-hyperbolic metric space. $X$ is said to be hyperbolic relative to $\DD$ in the sense of Gromov if $\GG(X,\DD)$ is a $\delta$-hyperbolic metric space for some $\delta\geq 0$. \end{defn} \begin{thm} (Bowditch \cite{bow}) Let $X$ be a geodesic metric space and $\DD$ be a collection of mutually disjoint uniformly separated subsets of $X$. $X$ is hyperbolic relative to the collection $\DD$ of uniformly separated subsets of $X$ in the sense of Farb if and only if $X$ is hyperbolic relative to the collection $\DD$ of uniformly separated subsets of $X$ in the sense of Gromov. \end{thm} \section{Main Theorem} Suppose $p_1,...,p_n$ are the punctures of $S_{g,n}$, then each Teichmuller metric $\sigma$ on $S_{g,n}$ corresponds to collections $\DD_{\sigma}(p_1),...,\DD_{\sigma}(p_n)$ of horodisks in the fiber $\HH_\sigma$ of the bundle $\HH\to\TT$ satisfying the following properties: \begin{enumerate} \item let $\DD_{\sigma}(p_i)=\{D_\sigma(p_i,\alpha):\alpha\in\Lambda\}$, then for each $i$ and $\alpha$ there exists a sub-bundle $\DD(p_i,\alpha)\to\TT$ such that the fiber over $\sigma\in\TT$ is $D_\sigma(p_i,\alpha)$. \item each $\DD_{\sigma}(p_i)$ is invariant under the action of $\pi_1(S_{g,n})$, \item elements of $\DD_\sigma(p_1)\cup...\cup\DD_\sigma(p_n)$ are disjoint with each other, \end{enumerate} For each path $\gamma:I\to\TT$, $1\leq i\leq n$ and $\alpha\in\Lambda$, there exists a pull back bundle $\DD_\gamma(p_i,\alpha)\to I$ such that the fiber over $t\in I$ is $D_{\gamma(t)}(p_i,\alpha)$. Let $\DD_\gamma$ denote the collection $\{\DD_\gamma(p_i,\alpha):1\leq i\leq n,\alpha\in\Lambda\}$. Consider a subset $\BB$ of the modulli space $\MM=\TT/MCG(S_{g,n})$, a path $\gamma:I\to\TT$ is said to be $\BB$-\textit{cobounded}, if the image of $\gamma$ under the projection $\TT\to\MM$ lies in $\BB$. We prove the following theorem: \begin{thm}\label{main} Let $I$ be a closed, connected interval of $\mathbb R$. For a compact subset $\BB$ of the moduli space $\MM=\TT/MCG(S_{g,n})$ and for every $\rho\geq 1,\delta\geq 0$ there exists $P\geq 0$ such that the following holds:\\ If $\gamma:I\to\TT$ is $\BB$-cobounded and $\rho$-Lipschitz path, and if $\HH_\gamma$ is strongly $\delta$-hyperbolic relative to the collection $\DD_\gamma$, then there exists a geodesic $\xi:I\to\TT$ joining end points of $\gamma$ such that the Hausdorff distance between $\gamma(I)$ and $\xi(I)$ is at most $P$. \end{thm} Note that the fibers $\HH_\sigma={\mathbb H}^2\times\sigma$ of $\HH\to\TT$ are (uniformly) strongly hyperbolic relative to the collections $\DD_\sigma=\{D_\sigma(p_i,\alpha):1\leq i\leq n, \alpha\in\Lambda\}$ of horodisks. Hence the coned-off spaces $\EE(\HH_\sigma,\DD_\sigma)$, $\sigma\in\TT$, are (uniformly) hyperbolic metric spaces. Thus for a path $\gamma:I\to\TT$, there exists a bundle $\PP\HH_\gamma\to I$ of coned-off hyperbolic metric spaces with fiber $\EE(\HH_{\gamma(t)},\DD_{\gamma(t)})$. $\PP\HH_\gamma$ is also obtained by partially electrocuting each element $\DD_\gamma(p_i,\alpha)$ of $\DD_\gamma$ to a hyperbolic space $\LL_\gamma(p_i,\alpha)$, where $\LL_\gamma(p_i,\alpha)$ is the locus of cone points obtained by coning $D_{\gamma(t)}(p_i,\alpha)$ for all $t\in I$. By Lemma 2.8 of \cite{comb}, if $\HH_\gamma$ is strongly hyperbolic relative to the collection $\DD_\gamma$ then $\PP\HH_\gamma$ is a hyperbolic metric space. \begin{defn} Given $\kappa>1$, a natural number $n$, $A\geq 0$, a sequence of positive numbers $\{r_j:j\in J\}$, where $J$ is a subinterval of set of integers $\mathbb Z$, is said to satisfy $(\kappa,n,A)$-flaring property if $j-n,j+n\in J$ and if $r_j>A$ then $\max\{r_{j-n},r_{j+n}\}\geq\kappa r_j$. \end{defn} A path $\alpha:J\to \PP\HH_\gamma$, where $J\subset I$, is said to be $\lambda$-\textit{quasivertical} if it is $\lambda$-Lipschitz and also a section. Let $d_{\hhat\sigma}$ denote the metric of the coned-off space $\EE(\HH_\sigma,\DD_\sigma)$. Since $\PP\HH_\gamma$ is a hyperbolic space, so we have the following flaring properties:\\ \begin{prop}\label{flare}(Theorem 4.7 of \cite{comb}) With the notations as above, given $\lambda\geq 1$ there exist $\kappa>1$, an integer $n\geq 1$ and a number $A>0$ such that the following holds: \\ Let $\alpha,\beta:J\to\PP\HH_\gamma$ be two $\lambda$-quasivertical paths, then the sequence $s_j=d_{\hhat{(\gamma(j))}}(\alpha(j),\beta(j))$, where $j\in J\cap\mathbb Z$, satisfies $(\kappa,n,A)$-flaring property. \end{prop} We refer to \cite{mcg} for the definitions of measured foliation $\MM\FF$ and measured geodesic lamination $\MM\GG\LL$ of general hyperbolic surfaces. For each $\mu\in\MM\FF$, let $\mu_t$ denote the measured geodesic lamination on the hyperbolic surface $\SSS_{\gamma(t)}=\HH_{\gamma(t)}/\pi_1(S_{g,n})$. Let $\SSS^b_{\gamma(t)}$ denote the `thick part' of $\SSS_{\gamma(t)}$ i.e. $\SSS^b_{\gamma(t)}$ is obtained from $\SSS_{\gamma(t)}$ by deleting the images of interior of horodisks under the projection $\HH_{\gamma(t)}\to\SSS_{\gamma(t)}$. Now each $\mu\in\MM\FF$ induce a geodesic lamination $\mu^b_t (\subset\mu_t)$ on $\SSS^b_{\gamma(t)}$. A connection path of the sub-bundle $\SSS^b_{\gamma}\to I$ is a piecewise smooth section of the projection map which is everywhere tangent to the connection on the bundle $\SSS^b_{\gamma}\to I$. The connection map $h_{st}:\SSS^b_{\gamma(s)}\to\SSS^b_{\gamma(t)}$ ($s\leq t$) is defined by moving points of $\SSS_{\gamma(s)}$ to $\SSS_{\gamma(t)}$ along connection paths. In \cite{farb}, it was proved that connection maps $h_{st}$ are bilipschitz maps. For $\mu\in\MM\FF$ and $\sigma\in\TT$, the length of $\mu$ with respect to $\sigma$ is defined by $len_\sigma(\mu)=\int d\mu$. From proposition \ref{flare}, it follows that for any leaf segment $l_s$ of $\mu_s$, the sequence of lengths $len_{s+i}(h_{s,s+i}(l_s))$ satisfies the flaring property. As a consequence, we have the following theorem : \begin{thm}\label{len flare}(Lemma 3.6 of \cite{mos}) For a compact subset $\BB$ of the moduli space $\MM$ and for every $\rho\geq 1$, there exist constants $L\geq 1,\kappa>1, n\in\mathbb Z_+$ such that the following holds: Let $\gamma:I\to\TT$ be a $\BB$-cobounded and $\rho$-Lipschitz path, for any $\mu\in\MM$, the sequence $i\to len_{\gamma(i)}(\mu^b),~(i\in I\cap\mathbb Z)$, satisfies the $L$-Lipschitz, $(\kappa,n,0)$-flaring property. \end{thm} For $\mu\in\MM\FF$, we say $\mu$ is \textit{realized} at $p$, where $p$ is a finite number or $p\in\{-\infty,+\infty\}$, if $len_{\gamma(i)}(\mu)$ achieves minimum at $p$. \begin{prop}\label{realize}(Proposition 3.12 of \cite{mos}) For each $k\in I\cap\mathbb Z$, there exists $\mu\in\MM\FF$ which is finitely realized. If $I$ is infinite, for each infinite end $\pm\infty$ of $I$ there exists $\mu_{\pm}\in\MM\FF$ which is realized at $\pm\infty$ respectively. \end{prop} Now for a compact subset $\BB\subset\MM$, numbers $\rho\geq 1,\delta\geq 0,\eta>0$, consider $\Gamma_{\beta,\rho,\delta,\eta}$ to be the set of all triples $(\gamma,\mu_-,\mu_+)$ with the following properties (see \cite{mos}): \begin{enumerate} \item $\gamma:I\to\TT$ is $\BB$-cobounded, $\rho$-Lipschitz path, such that $\HH_\gamma$ is $\delta$-hyperbolic relative to $\DD_\gamma$, \item $0\in I$, and each $\mu_{\pm}\in\MM\FF$ is normalized to have length $1$ in the hyperbolic structure $\gamma(0)$, \item the lamination $\mu_+$ is realized in $\SSS_{\gamma}$ near the right end in the following way:\\ (a) If $I$ is right infinite, then $\mu_+$ is realized at $+\infty$,\\ (b) If $I$ is right finite, with right end point $M$, then there exists a minimum of length sequence $len_{\gamma(i)}(\mu_+)$ lying in the interval $[M-\eta,M]$.\\ The lamination $\mu_-$ is realized similarly in $\SSS_{\gamma}$ near the left end. \end{enumerate} Let $\AAA\subset\TT$ be a compact set such that each $(\gamma,\mu_-,\mu_+)\in \Gamma_{\beta,\rho,\delta,\eta}$, may be translated by the action of $MCG(S_{g,n})$ so that $\gamma(0)\in\AAA$. If $\gamma_i$ converges to $\gamma$, then in the Gromov-Hausdorff topology, $\HH_{\gamma_i}$ converges to $\HH_{\gamma}$ and $\DD_{\gamma_i}$ converges to $\DD_{\gamma}$. Hence, $\GG(\HH_{\gamma_i},\DD_{\gamma_i})$ converges to $\GG(\HH_\gamma,\DD_\gamma)$ in the Gromov-Hausdorff topology. The Gromov-Hausdorff limit of a sequence of $\delta$-hyperbolic spaces is $\delta$-hyperbolic (\cite{gro}). Therefore, if $\HH_{\gamma_i}$ are $\delta$-hyperbolic relative to $\DD_{\gamma_i}$ for all $i$, then $\HH_{\gamma}$ is also $\delta$-hyperbolic relative to $\DD_{\gamma}$. This justifies the set $\AAA_{\beta,\rho,\delta,\eta}=\{(\gamma,\mu_-,\mu_+)\in\Gamma_{\beta,\rho,\delta,\eta}:\gamma(0)\in\AAA\}$ is compact. \begin{prop}\label{cocpt}\cite{mos} The action of $MCG(S_{g,n})$ on $\Gamma_{\beta,\rho,\delta,\eta}$ is cocompact. \end{prop} \noindent{\textbf{Proof of Theorem \ref{main}}}\\ For $(\gamma,\mu_-,\mu_+)\in\Gamma_{\beta,\rho,\delta,\eta}$, let $a_-(t)=\frac{1}{len_{\gamma(t)}(\mu_-)}$ and $a_+(t)=\frac{1}{len_{\gamma(t)}(\mu_+)}$. $\mu_-,\mu_+$ fills $S_{g,n}$ (See \cite{mos}), therefore $\mu_-,\mu_+$ defines a conformal structure $\sigma(\mu_-,\mu_+)$ on $S_{g,n}$. Consider the map $\xi(t)=\sigma(a_-(t)\mu_-,a_+(t)\mu_+)$, $t\in I$, then the image of the map $\xi:I\to\TT$ is a geodesic in $\TT$ joining $\mu_-$ and $\mu_+$. For $i\in I\cap\mathbb Z$, define $\gamma'(s)=\gamma(s+i)$, then the triple $(\gamma',a_-(t)\mu_-,a_+(t)\mu_+)$ lies in a translate of the compact set $\AAA_{\beta,\rho,\delta,\eta}$ by an element of $MCG(S_{g,n})$. The map taking $(\alpha,\lambda_-,\lambda_+)\in\Gamma_{\beta,\rho,\delta,\eta}$ to $(\alpha(0),\sigma(\lambda_-,\lambda_+))\in\TT\times\TT$ is $MCG(S_{g,n})$ equivariant and continuous and hence has $MCG(S_{g,n})$ cocompact image. Therefore, the Teichmuller distance $d_{\TT}$ between $\gamma(i)$ and $\sigma(a_-(i)\mu_-,a_+(i)\mu_+))=\xi(i)$ is bounded. Now for $t\in I$, there exists $i\in I\cap\mathbb Z$ such that $|t-i|\leq 1$. As $\gamma$ is $\rho$-Lipschitz, therefore $d_{\TT}(\gamma(t),\gamma(i))\leq\rho$. Also, there exists $L>0$ such that $d_{\TT}(\xi(t),\xi(i))\leq L$ (See \cite{mos}). Thus, there exists $P>0$ such that the Hausdorff distance between $\gamma$ and $\xi$ is at most $P$. \qed \section{Application} Consider the following short exact sequence of pair of finitely generated groups:\\ $$1\to (\pi_1(S_{g,1}),K_1)\to (G,N_G(K_1))\to (Q,Q)\to 1,$$ where $K_1$ is peripheral subgroup of $\pi_1(S_{g,1})$, $G$ is strongly hyperbolic relative to $N_G(K_1)$ and $Q$ is a subgroup of $MCG(S_{g,1})$. Let $\Phi: Q\to \TT$ denote the orbit map, then for any geodesic $\gamma':I\to Q$, $\gamma=\Phi\circ\gamma ': I\to\TT$ is a cobounded and Lipschitz path. Since $G$ is strongly hyperbolic relative to $N_G(K_1)$, the bundle $\EE(G,K_1)$ over $Q$ is hyperbolic. Hence, $\EE(G,K_1)\to Q$ satisfies flaring property. In particular, the sub-bundle $\PP\HH_{\gamma}\to I$ satisfies the flaring property. Therefore, by the converse of strong combination theorem in \cite{comb}, $\HH_{\gamma}$ is strongly hyperbolic relative to $\DD_{\gamma}$. Hence, as an application of Theorem \ref{main}, $Q$ is a convex cocompact subgroup of $MCG(S_{g,1})$. The converse of this result is also true (see \cite{mj}). So, we have the following theorem : \begin{thm}\cite{mj} Consider the following short exact sequence of pair of finitely generated groups $$1\to (\pi_1(S_{g,1}),K_1)\to (G,N_G(K_1))\to (Q,Q)\to 1,$$ where $\pi_1(S_{g,1})$ is strongly hyperbolic relative to $K_1$. $G$ is strongly hyperbolic relative to $N_G(K_1)$ if and only if $Q$ is a convex cocompact subgroup of $MCG(S_{g,1})$ \end{thm}
Geoffrey Owens has accepted at least 2 job offers since that photo of him at Trader Joe's By Anna Swartz Former Cosby Show actor Geoffrey Owens, who was jolted back into the spotlight recently when a photo of him working at Trader Joe's went viral, has already accepted at least two job offers that came his way as a result of that photo. The whole thing started back in August, when a customer at a New Jersey Trader Joe's spotted Owens working the checkout line. The photo spurred a series of job-shamey posts from places like the Daily Mail and Fox News, "reporting" on the fact that Owens was working a retail job. After those articles though, support came flooding in for Owens. Actors like Terry Crews and Blair Underwood came to Owens' defense on Twitter. Crews tweeted, "I swept floors AFTER the @NFL. If need be, I'd do it again. Good honest work is nothing to be ashamed of." Owens himself landed a series of interviews, including an appearance on Good Morning America, during which he told host Robin Roberts, "There is no job that's better than another job. It might pay better, it might have better benefits, it might look better on a resume and on paper. But actually, it's not better. Every job is worthwhile and valuable." He added, "No one should feel sorry for me. ... I've had a great life. I've had a great career. I've had a career that most actors would die for. So no one has to feel sorry for me. I'm doing fine!" And now things are only looking up for Owens. Mega-creator Tyler Perry tweeted a job offer at Owens earlier in September, telling him, "I'm about to start shootings OWN's number one drama next week! Come join us!!! I have so much respect for people who hustle between gigs. The measure of a true artist." As ABC News reported on Wednesday, Owens accepted that offer, taking a recurring role for 10 episodes in season six of Perry's drama The Haves and the Have Nots. But that's not Owens' only new role — ABC News also reported that he landed a guest appearance on NCIS: New Orleans, playing the character of Commander Adams. "For Commander Adams, we needed someone with compassion, competence and heart. … That's Geoffrey in a nutshell," NCIS: New Orleans executive producer Christopher Silber said of the new role, according to Deadline. "An accomplished actor who seemed like the perfect fit to add to our extended repertory company. We're lucky to have him on the show."
NAS: heirs according to promise. KJV: and heirs according to the promise. KJV: and the church which is in his house. KJV: [made] of sins every year. KJV: Greet the friends by name. KJV: sinners have spoken against him.
Connecticut's complex justice issues, unpacked Posted inData, Justice Inmate GEDs drop off after test goes online by Jake Kara December 28, 2017 @ 5:00 am Updated March 4, 2022 @ 11:20 pm The number of GEDs awarded in state prisons in 2015-16 dropped to about a tenth of what it was the previous year. Illustration by Jake Kara / CT Mirror Moving high school equivalency tests online put them out of reach for much of Connecticut's prison population in 2015. In 2015-16, just 68 prisoners earned a GED, a high school equivalency diploma, down from 781 the year before, according to annual performance reports by Unified District 1, which runs education programs in Connecticut correctional facilities. The numbers have started to recover– but slowly. District officials said 165 students earned GEDs in 2016-17. The 2015-16 drop was caused in part by moving the test from pen-and-paper to online-only, according to that year's annual report. The test was moved online in 2014, but Unified School District 1 got a one-year extension from test company Pearson VUE to keep doing the paper-and-pencil tests. However, it took the district until July of this year to get all of the facilities online with GED testing. "We anticipated a drop in the number of GEDs for our population while we transitioned to the computer-based required testing," said Karen Martucci, a spokesperson for the school district. "As you can imagine," she said, "our students work in a very different environment from those in our community schools. Our first challenge was identifying space to dedicate to the computer testing areas. Once this was accomplished we moved forward with installing computers and wiring the system. In addition to the infrastructure challenges, we had to get the offender population familiar with the general rules of engagement with a computer system since for some [this] was a new challenge in itself." USD 1 officials expect the GED numbers to go back up, but they can't say by how much because they said the fluctuating nature of the prison population makes reliable projections difficult. Other factors could be contributing to the decline, Martucci and Acting USD 1 Superintendent Maria Pirro said. The tests were made more difficult when they were moved online and changed to align with the Common Core standards, and the scoring got more strict. Test takers now need passing scores on each of the four sections, while in the past they could pass based on a combined score. When those changes were made and the test was moved online in the same year, Pirro said the district decided to limit GED testing to only enrolled students, which could further impact the numbers. More STORIES IN JUSTICE CT lawmakers unite behind State Police raises, not accountability law Willard facility slated to close as prison population declines Education in prison is considered a key part of reducing recidivism. A widely cited 2013 Rand Corporation report found inmates who participated in education programs were 43 percent less likely to commit new crimes after release and were 13 percent more likely to be employed. "We know making educational options available in the prisons is a way to reduce crime by reducing recidivism," said Mike Lawlor, Connecticut's under secretary for criminal justice policy and planning. According to the 2015-16 USD1 report, 55 percent of Connecticut Department of Correction inmates don't have a high school diploma or GED, and "the average skill level of students upon entry into a school program is between the fourth and fifth grade." GED class enrollment has been gradually declining, but it didn't drop off the way the number of GEDs awarded did in 2015-16. There were 2,064 students taking GED courses in 2014-15, compared with 1,971 in 2015-16. Connecticut isn't alone in having had challenges providing online testing to inmates, according to Sean Addie of the U.S. Department of Education's Correctional Education office. "Because this is so relatively new, there hasn't been really any research on this," Addie said. "Anecdotally, yes, this has been happening across the country just because it is harder to get education online." Addie said, "The move to online-only [testing] has made it really hard for correctional facilities because they do not have Internet access or they have very limited Internet access that is controlled." Technology and Internet access in prisons generally lags far behind the outside world, Addie said. In a 2013 survey of 42 state corrections departments described in a 2015 policy brief by the U.S. Department of Education, only 14 percent said students at one or more of their facilities was allowed to have restricted access to the Internet. Security concerns are the most commonly cited reason for denying Internet access. Jake Kara [email protected] Jake was Data Editor at CT Mirror. He is a former managing editor of The Ridgefield Press, a Hersam Acorn newspaper. He worked for the community newspaper chain as a reporter and editor for five years before joining the Mirror staff. He studied professional writing at Western Connecticut State University and is a graduate student in software engineering at Harvard Extension School. More by Jake Kara
Biografia Considerato da molti uno dei padri del genere pop folk Sardo dal secondo dopoguerra, nacque nel paese di Capoterra il 3 Settembre 1930. Sin dalla giovane età iniziò ad appassionarsi al mondo della poesia e del canto, in particolare alla forma di improvvisazione poetica e canora chiamata, Is Cantadoris de Muttetu. Iniziò così ad imparare ed eseguire questo canto dal vivo, pensando però che quel genere di musica attraesse persone oramai non più giovanissime. Successivamente si dovette ricredere. Fu allora che si rese conto che questo tipo di canto tradizionale poteva essere tramandato in quanto fonte di ricchezza della cultura popolare Sarda. A diciotto anni lasciò il suo paese natio per arruolarsi nelle forze armate, dove in seguito, conseguii un brevetto di specializzazione meccanica. Fu proprio nel luogo in cui prestava servizio che, grazie alla sua passione per il canto e avendo a disposizione un teatro all'interno della caserma, iniziò ad organizzare eventi canori. Dopo alcuni anni a causa di alcuni problemi di salute, dovette congedarsi dal servizio, senza però mai lasciare da parte la passione per la musica ed i testi poetici. Carriera Il debutto dal vivo fuori dalla Sardegna Nel 1955 vinse a Napoli un concorso canoro per voci nuove presentato da Corrado Mantoni e Franca Marzi. In seguito debuttò al Salone Margherita di Napoli con il nome d'arte Tony Sardo. Questa esibizione gli permise di ricevere le prime offerte da parte di case discografiche e organizzazioni di manifestazioni canore. In queste occasioni fece conoscenza di varie personalità dello spettacolo fra le quali, compositori come i maestri, Franco Acampora, Gorni Kramer, Ennio Morricone, direttori d'orchestra come Giuseppe Anepeta, Berto Pisano e Franco Pisano, direttori artistici, musicisti e cantanti come Claudio Villa, Achille Togliani, Teddy Reno, Gino Latilla e Roberto Murolo. Nel 1957 venne richiamato in Sardegna per partecipare a una serie di spettacoli per l'inaugurazione delle prime trasmissioni televisive della RAI a diffusione regionale trasmesse dal Cinema Aurora del suo paese natio Capoterra. La passione per il folklore sardo Intanto a Capoterra, a metà degli anni 50 contribuì a formare il primo gruppo di ballo folkloristico con il nome da Santa Barbara. In quel periodo, tantissimi giovani del paese si avvicinarono entusiasti al ballo sardo grazie al quale nacquero i primi corsi. Nel contempo si esibiva in varie feste paesane, sagre, manifestazioni e spettacoli, non solo nel suo paese Capoterra, ma anche in altre località dell'isola. In quel periodo iniziarono le prime trasmissioni RAI in Sardegna; nel 1957 Tony Piaceri fu uno dei primi ospiti in Sardegna a partecipare alle trasmissioni radiofoniche in lingua sarda. I Volponi In tutte queste manifestazioni, Tony Piaceri veniva accompagnato dal suo gruppo musicale I Volponi, composto da cinque suoi amici musicisti: Nanni Serra, Raimondo Casti, Gianni Pilia, Emilio Bianchi, Giampaolo Pagliero. Il 13 Giugno 1963 a Napoli, Tony Piaceri canta insieme ad artisti famosi del panorama Italiano tra cui Mario Merola, Nunzio Gallo, Mario Abate, Mario Trevi, Eduardo de Crescenzo, in occasione dei solenni festeggiamenti in onore di Sant'Antonio di Padova. Il trio Tony Piaceri, Francesco Sanna, Rossano Puddu Negli anni 70 nasce la collaborazione con i musicisti di Capoterra il fisarmonicista Rossano Puddu ed il chitarristail Maestro Nanni Serra con i quali Tony Piaceri pubblica con l'etichetta TIRSU un LP 33 giri dal titolo "Tony Piaceri Vo.2". Il successo con Partu Sordau Partu Sordau è il titolo del 45 giri proveniente dall'omonimo 33 giri registrato con il complesso di Lino Girau e pubblicato nel 1963 con la casa discografica RCA italiana, noto come il singolo più conosciuto del cantante. All'interno dello stesso 45 giri è inoltre presente il brano Muttettos de Amore. Successivamente all'uscita del 45 giri, Tony Piaceri incise un 33 giri, con la casa discografica Tirsu, con particolare rilievo alla tradizione sarda. Partu Sordau è un album che esplora diverse sonorità e generi musicali, dallo swing al pop-folk isolano come in, Canta Pasquali, senza tralasciare la presenza di testi e musiche tradizionali sarde in chiave ironica note in Sardegna conosciute come "Is Canzonis a divertimenu" (Le Canzoni Divertenti) come in Su Bistiri e Divertimentu in dommu de Anita, ma è anche un album che mette il risalto lo stile poetico dell'artista come in Noemi, sicuramente influenzato dall'esperienza di cantante nella città di Napoli. Nel disco sono inseriti brani interpretati in lingua logudorese e campidanese come, Muttettos de Amore, Pizzinna Pizzinna, Foresta Burgos. Il successo discografico oltre la Sardegna Successivamente, in collaborazione con i famosi autori musicali Alfonso e Gianni Mazzucchi, nel 1963 incide un LP dal titolo I Miserabili, libero adattamento dal romanzo di Victor Hugo, che ottenne un buon successo sia in Italia che all'estero. Sempre per la RCA, negli anni successivi, incise cinque brani corali, in italiano come, O dell'arco pietosa regina, in napoletano e in calabrese dal titolo: il Santo Glorioso, San Francesco da Paola, La Madonna di Montevergine, Mira il tuo popolo bella signora, tutti diretti dal Maestro Teo Usuelli con l'Orchestra della RCA Italiana e con il coro di Nora Orlandi. Colonna sonora Tra i brani da lui interpretati abbiamo "Mira il tuo popolo bella signora" e altri. Contribuì anche alla colonna sonora del film Una Storia Moderna - L'ape regina, avente come protagonisti Ugo Tognazzi e Marina Vlady che, presentato al 16º Festival di Cannes, ricevette il nastro d'argento. Il festival di Napoli Fu in quel periodo che il nome d'arte Tony Sardo venne sostituito con Tony Piaceri. Nello stesso anno il suo direttore artistico, Enrico Micucci, lo chiamò a Roma per invitarlo a partecipare al Festival di Napoli con un brano edito dalla RCA Italiana in lingua napoletana. L'amore per la musica sarda In seguito, la stessa RCA Italiana gli propose di incidere altri brani da lui scritti e composti, accompagnato dal complesso dei Volponi, per decantare, attraverso i testi, la bellezza della sua isola. Tra i più significativi, il 45 giri contenente i due singoli coro dei pastori di Burgos, e Trallallera. Così, stimolato dall'evento, continuò nella sua opera scrivendo e componendo dei brani contenuti in una serie album incisi con la casa discografica di Decimomannu Tirsu, tra i quali si ricordano i Vol.2 e Vol.3 di Tony Piaceri. Sole nuraghi e vernaccia è il titolo di un progetto musicale interamente scritto ed ideato da Tony Piaceri, accompagnato dal complesso dei Volponi, nel quale vede come interprete principale la cantante cagliaritana, Adriana Barri, voce femminile presente anche in alcuni brani dell'album, Partu Sordau. Nel maggio del 1964, si esibì con il suo quartetto a Cagliari, nella Sagra in onore di Sant'Efisio. Nel 1969 tornò definitivamente in Sardegna. Nel 1972 fui inviato, per lavoro, al poligono interforze di Perdasdefogu ma, negli anni successivi, fu trasferito presso il Comando Aeronautica Militare 30º Stormo di Cagliari Elmas, anni durante i quali, scrisse i testi e la musica di altri album. Il ritiro definitivo dalla scena musicale Nel 1986 ad un anno dall'uscita dei dischi Sua Santità Giovanni Paolo II e Suor Maria Gabriella Sagheddu di Dorgali, e a seguito di alcuni problemi di salute, Tony Piaceri decise di chiudere definitivamente la sua carriera artistico-musicale per dedicarsi completamente alla famiglia. La scomparsa Salvatore Porcu si spegne improvvisamente nella sua casa di Capoterra il 24 agosto 2014, all'età di 84 anni. La sua salma riposa nel cimitero comunale di Capoterra. Vita privata Tony Piaceri era sposato con Rollini Maria Rosaria, conosciuta in occasione di un viaggio a Napoli, dalla quale ha avuto quattro figli, Loredana, Giuseppe, Monica, Fabio. La passione per i mutettu e le poesie Nell'anno 2005, abbandonato completamente il canto, Tony Piaceri decide di riprendere l'attività di composizione di muttettu e poesie. Da qui in poi iniziò a scrivere di suo pugno versi poetici, utilizzando le metriche dellottava de su mutettu, dei sonetti e delle quartine. Da ricordare la partecipazione come ospite alla prima edizione del premio letterario Città di Capoterra, Tziu Boicu Pianu e Tziu Firei Lai per il quale arrivarono partecipanti da tutta la Sardegna. Riconoscimenti alla carriera Il 28 aprile 1997, in occasione della festa Sa die de sa Sardigna, venne premiato nella sala consiliare del Comune di Capoterra dall'amministrazione comunale. Nel 2003 la Pro loco di Capoterra organizzò una serata in suo onore. Tony Piaceri, si esibì con il suo canto e le sue canzoni, alla presenza di tanti suoi concittadini ed estimatori, l'allora Pro loco lo onorò del Tributo all'artista, autore e compositore. Nel 2006, in occasione della giornata dedicata allo spettacolo e alla musica, l'amministrazione comunale di Capoterra gli conferì un riconoscimento e un ringraziamento speciale per l'impegno svolto nel corso della sua vita in campo artistico e musicale, impegno che ha contribuito a dare ampia rilevanza alla comunità e al nome di Capoterra in Italia e nel mondo. Nel 2020 l'Amministrazione Comunale di Capoterra ha commissionato la realizzazione di un murale presso la Piazza Santa Croce. L'immagine è stata tratta dalla copertina dell'album di Tony Piaceri VOL. II. Il 10 luglio 2021, in occasione della manifestazione Lollas e Pratzas Antigas, manifestazione organizzata dall'Amministrazione Comunale di Capoterra insieme all'Associazione Enti Locali, presso la Casa Melis è stata allestita una mostra dedicata agli artisti di Capoterra denominata Catadoris de Caputerra; mostra all'interno della quale sono stati esposti diversi cimeli dell'artista tra i quali la sua autobiografia, la discografia in vinile, foto, ecc. Nella stessa occasione sono state realizzate due gigantografie ritraenti l'artista e la sua band I Volponi. Discografia Singoli Adious Maria Anninnia anninnia Asculta amori Festa in campidanu Oppu Su tangu de Efisinedda Su testamentu Ziu GianniAntoni A Casteddu a si biri sa partira Sa prus bella rosa Discoteca Anninnia Graziella Lecca lecca S'americanu in Sardegna Bella stimmara Carburan petrogliu Consolla Trallalaralla Canta Pasquali Divertimentu in dommu de anita (Parte 1) Divertimentu in dommu de anita (Parte 2) Foresta de Burgos Muttettos de Amore Noemi Partu sordau Pizzinna pizzinna Sa sposina Su bistiri parte I Su bistiri parte II Trallallera Su barralliccu I Miserabili Evviva Giovanni Paolo II Madonna di Bonaria Ave Suor Maria Gabriella Mira il tuo popolo A Maria Santissima di Montevergine A S. Francesco di Paola O dell'arco pietosa Regina Al Santo Glorioso Amori gioia e dolori con Adriana Barri Cagliari la mia città con Adriana Barri S'itinerario con Adriana Barri Sa famiglia scumbinada con Adriana Barri Sole nuraghi e vernaccia con Adriana Barri Su tangu de chichinu con Adriana Barri Tradimentu con Adriana Barri Su barraliccu interpretata da Sabrina Album I Miserabili di Victor Hugo Tony Piaceri Volume 2 Tony Piaceri Volume 3 A Suor Maria Gabriella Sagheddu di Dogali Evviva il Papa Giovanni Paolo II Sole Nuraghi e Vernaccia Raccolte A Sant'Arega Andeus Sardegna Antica e Nuova Cavalcata Sarda Ricordo della Sardegna Note Voci correlate Capoterra Rossano Puddu Altri progetti Collegamenti esterni Cantanti di musica sarda Gruppi e musicisti della Sardegna Musicisti di musica sarda Cantadores Gruppi e musicisti della RCA Italiana Cantanti folk italiani
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Donald Cerrone hints at tactics ahead of Conor McGregor fight at UFC 246 Cerrone had been tipped to take the fight to the canvas in Las Vegas - but he insists he wants to fight McGregor on his feet Martin Domin Donald Cerrone has hinted he has no plans to take his fight with Conor McGregor to the canvas. The 50-fight veteran is expected to struggle against the southpaw McGregor as long as their clash on Saturday remains standing. All but two of McGregor's victories in the UFC have come by knockout - but his two defeats have come by submission. And pundits had predicted Cerrone would look to wrestle his way to victory. But he said: "You'd be stupid to think this man doesn't have a wresting defence or a grappling defence, So for me to just walk in and think I can just submit him, we've got to go out there and fight. "I'm going to go in there and give it all we got. I am going five rounds with this dude, and I cannot wait until Saturday." (Image: Zuffa LLC via Getty Images) PETA call on Conor McGregor and Donald Cerrone to stop wearing clothes made with exotic animals skin There was no animosity from McGregor during Thursday's press conference as he refrained from trash talk. "He's earned my respect through his activity," McGregor said. "It's hard not to respect Donald. "There will be blood spilled on Saturday, but it won't be bad blood. We're focusing on the skills here and that's going to be exciting for the fans. "There's going to be lots of drama in there and we're eager to get going." How much does Conor McGregor v Donald Cerrone UFC 246 fight cost to watch in Ireland? Cerrone responded: "He did everything he said he was gonna do, didn't he. "He's f****** great man and I'm honored to share the thing with him." McGregor has not fought since he was choked out by Khabib Nurmagomedov 15 months ago and endured a troubled year during which he was fined for punching a man in a Dublin pub. One thing remained the same, however; his penchant for a prediction. "I've got a solid opponent in front of me, a veteran of the game, and I'm just in a good spot," he said. "I will win by KO." European Champions CupUlster v Bath score recap from the Champions Cup clashUlster sit second in Pool 3 and know a win will secure a quarter-final berth FacebookUlster qualify for Heineken Champions Cup quarter-finals with win over BathIt was all level at half-time, before Ulster turned the screw in the second period to seal a 22-15 victory Cheltenham FestivalThurles betting tips: Peter O'Hehir's selections for Sunday's horse racing actionThere are seven races on the card at the Tipperary venue CrimeTaoiseach Leo Varadkar insists Ireland is a 'safe' country after week of murder and violenceThe upcoming General Election has seen a renewed focus on crime after the murder of 17-year-old Keane Mulready-Woods
El Campeonato Mundial "B" hockey sobre patines fue una competencia oficial de hockey patín organizada por la Federación Internacional de Patinaje (FIRS) y el Comité Internacional de Hockey sobre Patines (CIRH), entre los años 1984 y 2014. Historia El Campeonato Mundial B de hockey se empezó a disputar cada 2 años desde 1984 con inscripción libre para los seleccionados que no disputan el Campeonato Mundial A. Los 3 primeros clasificados disputan el siguiente Campeonato A. En las 2 primeras ediciones participan 9 selecciones y en la tercera participan 12, registrándose en esta época los debuts de Macao, Costa Rica, Taiwán y Ecuador. El Hockey sobre Patines adquiere por primera vez la condición de Deporte Olímpico al ser incluido como deporte de exhibición en los Juegos Olímpicos de 1992 de Barcelona, en los que compiten los 12 participantes del Campeonato Mundial A de 1991. Esto implica que los 3 primeros clasificados en la 4.ª edición del Campeonato Mundial B (1990) quedan clasificados automáticamente para dichos Juegos Olímpicos. Esta circunstancia despierta el interés de muchas federaciones, junto con la voluntad de la FIRS de presentar un nutrido grupo de selecciones como participantes en sus competiciones. De este modo, la edición de 1990 tiene un récord de participación de 22 equipos, y el ciclo de campeonatos mundiales 1990-1991 alcanza un récord de partición no superado hasta hoy (2019) con 31 selecciones distintas entre ambos campeonatos. En 1990 debutaron 7 nuevas selecciones: Pakistán, China, Corea del Sur, Cuba y Hong Kong, junto a Andorra y Austria, los primeros países europeos que se incorporan desde Yugoslavia en 1955. En las posteriores ediciones el número de participantes se reduce nuevamente, oscilando entre 10 y 19. Se incorporan Sudáfrica, Israel, Corea del Norte y Bangladés. En la edición de 2004 la FIRS admite provisionalmente a la selección de Cataluña, proclamándose campeona del Campeonato Mundial B. No obstante, como la legislación española prohíbe la participación de selecciones regionales en las mismas competiciones en las que participe la selección de España, la admisión definitiva de Cataluña no tiene lugar y deja de participar en campeonatos oficiales. El Campeonato Mundial B nunca ha alcanzado excesiva relevancia mediática ni de público. Por ello, en 2011 la FIRS plantea la posibilidad de reunificar ambos Campeonatos Mundiales y así propiciar el crecimiento de las selecciones más débiles. Sin embargo, en el congreso celebrado tras la disputa del Campeonato Mundial A se acuerda que el Campeonato Mundial B se dispute en 2012, designando como sede a la ciudad de Canelones, en Uruguay, postponiendo la decisión de unificación. Dicho torneo se disputa del 24 de noviembre al 1º de diciembre, logrando retornar al Mundial A los seleccionados de Sudáfrica e Inglaterra y alcanzando por primera vez la máxima categoría el de Austria. Tras la disputa del Campeonato Mundial B 2012 en Canelones, la FIRS ofrece la organización del siguiente mundial a Países Bajos, cuya selección no había logrado el ascenso. La Federación Neerlandesa en un principio se muestra favorable a aceptar la propuesta, pero finalmente declina. En 2013 se debate nuevamente la posibilidad de suprimir el Mundial B y permitir que el Campeonato mundial A de hockey patines masculino de 2015 tuviera la participación abierta a todas las selecciones que desearan inscribirse. Finalmente se desecha esta idea y en julio de 2014 se decide conceder nuevamente la organización a la ciudad uruguaya de Canelones, a la vista de la buena organización y el éxito de público que se había experimentado en la edición 2012. En 2017 la FIRS y la ICRH deciden dejar de realizar el Campeonato Mundial B, reorganizando el anterior campeonato A como una sola competencia con tres grandes grupos: Copa Mundial, Copa FIRS y Copa Confederaciones, todo ello dentro de los Juegos Mundiales de Patinaje. Historial del Campeonato Mundial B Palmarés del Campeonato Mundial B Participantes en los Campeonatos Mundiales Un total de 46 selecciones han participado en alguna de las 42 ediciones disputadas del Campeonato mundial; 17 pertenecen a Europa (incluyendo a Israel), 13 a América, 10 a Asia, 4 a África y 2 a Oceanía. Únicamente Portugal e Italia han participado en todas las ediciones. Resumen de participaciones: Otros ocho países han conformado alguna vez selecciones nacionales para participar en campeonatos continentales, pero nunca se han inscrito en un campeonato mundial: Puerto Rico (1979), Alemania Oriental (1990), Rusia (1994), Eslovenia (1994), Hungría (1994), Suecia (1998), Escocia (2001) y Paraguay (2013). Referencias B Campeonatos de hockey sobre patines entre selecciones
Manchester Ice Rink will return to First Street in November 2019. Manchester Ice Rink at First Street will return in November. Monday – Friday :- 3:00pm – Last Skate Session ends 9:00pm . Student Tickets are only available at the rink from Monday to Thursday up to December 21st. ID must be shown. We will open from 10am on Friday 21st. Booking Online – Tickets can be purchased Online and tickets can be purchased in advance to guarantee the session you want. A donation from each online ticket sale will go to the charity Global's Make Some Noise, helping youngsters and their families living with illness, disability or lack of opportunity.
Being a responsible Skipper and showing good seamanship (here´s an article on that particular topic) doesn´t just mean to have the sailing skills but also (and much more) to be responsible for all onboard. Especially taking responsibility for all those who just want to have a pleasant time onboard – the non-sailors – and of course the smallest passengers: Children. As being a sailing dad by myself child´s security is an utmost concern. Because children do need special care, onboard a sailing vessel as well as at home. I´ve recently had the pleasure to have a chat with Head Physician of Children´s Hospital Itzehoe near Hamburg and passionate skipper Dr. Hillebrand on first aid-measures and lifesaving procedures for children (here´s the article) and now I took my chance to talk to the leading manufacturer of life-jackets, SECUMAR. I was interested in the whole topic and had prepared a ton of questions. I was very keen on having them answered. When asking for an interview it took not more than two days to get a response and a warm invitation to meet the safety-guys at the SECUMAR headquarter: What an exciting day with deep insights behind the scenes. A Hamburg Veteran next Door. Germany´s "Gate to the World" – that´s Hamburg indeed and one of the busiest and biggest ports of Europe. It´s a very old Hanseatic city and was and still is headquarter for numerous big and small corporations, shipping companies and yards which had it in past times and still have it: A worldwide respected and wellknown brand. SECUMAR is one of them. In need of much more space than ever this firm went from Hamburg´s waterfront to the more rural outskirts of the city: A small village called Holm, near Pinneberg. There I am meeting Olivier Christen, French born Sales-Manager Sport with whom I was going to have the interview. Very personal stuff is moving me to puch for a date here at SECUMAR: Last summer, when taking my King´s Cruiser 33 from the Baltic Sea via Kiel Canal to Hamburg (read the full story here) I do witness a small boy not older than 2 years taking a wrong step and falling into the cold waters. Thank God he was wearing a life-jacket. But coming back to surface the boy wouldn't turn into dorsal position. Most dramatic seconds which seem never ending. Like taking hours. In the end everything is fine, the boy is rescued very fast and safely and no injuries will remain. But a sadden feeling remains. Having my own children as passengers sailing with our SY OLIVIA I want them to be protected the best possible way. It´s a good thing that SECUMAR is just a 20 minutes drive from where my yacht is in winter storage to meet Olivier Christen. The big meeting room makes me wonder: Next to Olivier another person enters the room. Benjamin Bernhardt, CEO of SECUMAR. "The Senior will join us soon as well", he says and we spend some minutes chatting about this and that. Then the second CEO arrives: Being a Bernhardt himself as well: Jan-Ulrich. The father. Again I have to wonder. I didn´t knew that SECUMAR was and still is a family business – not that big faceless manager-run giant, ruled by invisible hands and the wills of shareholders in a brutal global business I had it expected to be. They do run it in fourth generation now and both Bernhardts as well as Olivier are going to spend some five hours with me. Very sympathetic: I am allowed to ask every question I want, can speak openly and have a look in every corner I want. This is what makes a children´s life-jacket outstanding. "Diapers are a big problem. As well as high-tech Gore-Tex clothing", Benjamin Bernhardt adds: "Diapers take in water very slowly and thus create huge uplift. In this case bad buoyancy. This is during the first minutes at a very, very unfortunate spot: Down at the body. If this child is then wearing watertight clothing, an air bubble can form underneath the jacket creating an air bladder and adding buoyancy where it´s not needed … no chance here." I do begin to understand the problem: Obstacles to have a child´s body lifted in an upright position in the water are plenty: "Solid foam life-jackets do produce lift indeed, but there can never be a guarantee to have the child in the right positon. It´s just impossible to have a 100 per cent safety here. To flip something a lever is needed. With a child, that must be a very strong leverage arm." I see – children´s life-jackets are some kind of the supreme discipline in that business. A business in which SECUMAR seems to be leading. Grand Grandfather Karl Bernhardt founded his "Bernhardt Apparatebau" back in 1926 constructing and building underwater breathing machines. His son, Grandfather Jost is seen as the "father of the life jacket" because he was the one who started to seriously research into security devices for marine application. "My father was not a member of the Kriegsmarine during World War 2", says Jan-Ulrich, Senior Manager of SECUMAR, "But he had to go through horrific things during that time. He was always talking of the lifesavers of those days as being "drowning devices", because they did not really save lives. They were useless in his eyes." Jan-Ulrich explains a man over board would have to struggle actively to stay afloat above water: "If a person would become unconscious, it was his sentence of death. Simply as it is: Nothing would work for him keeping his head above the waves. He would simply slip below water and drown." The loss of the sailing vessel PAMIR in 1957 with 80 mostly young cadets (out of a crew of 86) drowing was the final trigger for Jost to actively starting research. "It was crystal clear for him that the key to a safer device would be the safety against unconsciousness.", Benjamin adds. Staying in business of selling the old school devices Jost was working hard on his idea: "He wanted to skip the dogma of the life vest concentrating buoyancy around the waist, which was counterproductive in his eyes – he was favoring an idea to relocate buoyance further to the top. Just like a collar." So stability would be added by having a counterpart as center of mass down below, at the toes, like a keel of a yacht: "This is what he constructed and tested thoroughly.", Jan-Ulrich adds proudly and shows an original print of "Man´s Behavior in the Water Medium". As so often in our times it was the military showing interest in his research. The then freshly founded new Bundesmarine was one of the first clients of Jost Bernhardt´s new product. I pause for a moment and think it though: So it was SECUMAR inventing the modern-day life jacket? Both give me a nod and smile. Though there have been concurrent efforts within the United States military and in the UK to work with self-inflating life-jackets, partially utilizing captured Nazi-knowledge, but the general finding of a solid foam device being utterly inappropriate for life saving on the one hand and having the first fully functional inflating life jackets propelled by CO2 – not very dissimilar to nowaday´s vests – was a feature promoted by Jost Bernhardt at first hand. Instantly I am a bit more proud of my City of Hamburg. But, let´s move back to children´s life jackets. Newton, Body Weight, Height … which Standards for Life Jackets do exist? What is that? Different parts of the human body are made up of different materials with a different thickness of layers of muscles (heavy), fat (light), the brain (very heavy) or bones (also heavy). "Our limbs for example do have a higher specific weight in the water than the torso. Looking at a child´s body the high portion of baby fat will turn the whole equation upside down again." Both try to explain the problem with a picture: What will sink faster: One kilogram of lead or one kilogram of straw? "Both are weighing exactly the same but their different specific weights will cause the straw to sink much slower. If you add buoyant diapers or watertight and air-encasing clothing it gets very, very complex here." So, with all those obstacles and uncertainties isn´t it impossible to develop and test safe and reliable life jackets for children at all? Introducing Bambi: Or, how a Child´s Life Jacket is tested. We leave the meeting room to proceed into the laboratories of the R&D department at SECUMAR one story down. A big pool. Some 10 feet of depth, plexiglass windows at the sides, greenish water. It´s cold in here. In front of it the dummy is sitting, wearing a SECUMAR MINI life jacket, waiting for his bath. "There are only a few of these dummies worldwide.", Benjamin explains. SECUMAR owns two of them. Bambi´s measurements, the specific weight of the different body parts and his behavior under water is an exact imitation of a child´s body of some 2-3 years of age. "These puppets are very expensive. That's why there are only a few of available." Oliver counts to three, Bambi splashes into the water and immediately sinks down like a stone. Just a wink later the life jacket is inflated, Bambi turns under water and returns to the surface in a matter of seconds. "Conscious people will unwillingly take their arms to the surface." I understand: That will falsify the test: "Adults as well as children would swear they didn´t do anything with their arms, but the opposite is the case. You can hardly simulate unconsciousness with conscious people." Anyway, Benjamin says, it was and still is the tradition at SECUMAR that every son of the family has to test the latest children´s life jacket. "But my father did throw me with an inflated jacket into the water – just as we do it during the official tests today, which is another factor." Testing life jackets with real children are a reasonable thing but the outcome is to be taken with a pinch of salt. Self inflating vs. solid foam life jacket? Nothing speaks in disfavor to put on a self inflating life jacket to toddler: "The lever arm of such a life jacket works very effectively – the buoyancy it creates is situated at the top, like the mentioned collar. These types of life saving devices are much more effective. In addition to that, the jackets do bear a D-Ring or harness, if you like to call it, to have them safely connected with a lifebelt. Besides, we do have the daily experience that children seem to accept those life jackets better and faster that the sturdy solid life vests." Nevertheless, Benjamin warns, inflatable life jackets have to be maintained regularly and do not get along well with bramble fruit bushes. And they are not able to grow bigger along with its bearer: "An inflatable life jacket must always have a perfect fit – which is also valid for adults – and parents shouldn´t buy such a jacket for their children to grow into the jacket." When buying, parents should have a fitting of the jackets both with and without clothing. I do memorize: My children will put on their solid foam vests when entering the harbor and switch to inflatable when leaving it. Which Children´s Products can be bought? "At SECUMAR the share of children´s products of the overall sales volume is tiny.", Benjamin admits. "It´s more that we feel a certain responsibility to have safe products for childrens´ security onboard as a part of our product range. Also because a lot of other manufacturers simply do not offer these products or just have solid vests." For example, in the United States the utilization of inflatable live jackets is opposed by the official authorities up until the age of 16, grandfather Jan-Ulrich adds. Legal Standards and Seals of Approval: This is how a Skipper hedges his best. But how can a skipper identify a safe and high quality life jacket out of the broad range of diverse products available? "Europe and Germany in particular have very strict rules and guidelines concerning the production of SOLAS-equipment: It is called the PSA-Guideline 89/686/EWG for example, an ISO-certification which is in our case the ISO 12402 production on a state-of-the-art level. This is one thing a customer can have a look at when deciding which product to choose.", says Jan-Ulrich Bernhardt. In Germany there are additionally very strict official design-tests and a permanent regulatory monitoring of the ongoing production, as it is done by the DGUV. "These high standards do only apply to products Made in Germany", Benjamin adds. Inspired by Customer´s Feedback: SECUMAR Duo Protect. What´s about product research and development? Or to specify: Feedback generally, I want to know. All three of my conversational partners do nod, because feedback is gladly welcomed and desperately needed: "We do welcome every single report we receive when people use our products. Have to use our products, one must say, but this helps a lot to continually improve our products.", Benjamin agrees. He tells a certain story of a Danish sailor. His feedback let to the breakthrough in developing a safer children´s life jacket: "He was sending back the life jacket of his son twice. Every time the device had several punctures in the floating body and he was accusing us having course the damage. But that was just was impossible: Our quality management is a multi-step 100 per cent check of every single product. But it was this particular incident inspiring our engineers to a truly revolutionary invention.", Olivier Christen says. Looking at the costly production and quality procedures it´s no wonder that SECUMAR life saving devices are the only life jackets which have got the approval by the strict regulatory measures of the German Water- and Shipping Agency. German military has its safety-equipment produced at SECUMAR exclusively: "Out of all staff-members we have every tenth colleague working directly for quality control, another 10 per cent are engaged in R&D.", Olivier Christen finishes his tour through the halls of SECUMAR. High invest, an extremely dense safety-net, local (hand crafted) manufacturing: That all will deposit in the overall price of the product. SECUMAR life jackets are no cheap articles at all. In the end I am sure: My kids will receive an inflatable life jacket of the latest generation when SY OLIVIA will finally set her sails to cast off for her voyages. When reaching the marinas, I can keep the old solid foam vests – and a watchful eye on them. I know now which things to look at when choosing between the products available and above all: Not a single Cent will be spared for the sake of my children´s safety onboard. Many thanks to Jan-Ulrich and Benjamin Bernhardt as well as to Olivier Christen for the open, diverting and very sympathetic hours at SECUMAR, answering all my questions. Thanks to Bambi for jumping into the cold waters demonstrating the function of a toddler´s life jacket. If you, dear reader, have some time to spare in Hamburg, don´t hesitate to take a tour through SECUMARs museum – it´s worth a visit. Previous Post How to get a clean & dry Bilge. And NOT to do it.
International Business Times UK AQA to give more points to less fortunate students September 27, 2011 10:35 BST Oxford will have to discriminate against private school students. Reuters The largest exam board in England will be changing the way A-Level rankings are determined, by taking into consideration the type of education received. AQA - the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance - will be introducing a points based system, whereby the type of education your child receives is as important as their grades. The system is a bid for equality, it will encourage universities to discriminate against paid education. It would also mean a pupil from a comprehensive with the same grades as a student from a private school would receive higher points. AQA responded to the widespread criticism: "It's just a concept at the moment, but it could be a useful tool for universities. "The idea is to set a level-playing field for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds by standardising ranks according to points and schools. "It could work alongside the UCAS point system, but this idea would factor in other elements besides results." The new systems which is to be put forward today at the Labour party conference is designed to allow universities to offer places to students from poorer backgrounds if they showed potential, but didn't fulfil it in examinations. There have already been discrimination rows steadily rising on the internet about "discriminating against our best and brightest". One Telegraph reader writes "A failing state education system which is turning out teenagers unable to read and write, so what do they do come up with a system which discriminates against our best and brightest all in the name of a level playing field AKA education to the lowest common denominator. I thought we voted in a mainly conservative government, seems we have just more of Labours social engineering." YOU MIGHT LIKE THISSponsored Content by Taboola About IBT
Unclassified NIE on Iraq Key Judgments Laura Rozen An early copy of the unclassified key judgments from the new National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq, "Prospects for Iraq's Stability: Some Security Progress but Political Reconciliation Elusive," prepared by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and available to the masses in a few hours. Hot off the presses (.pdf) and below the fold. Analysis to come. Key Judgments There have been measurable but uneven improvements in Iraq's security situation since our last National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq in January 2007. The steep escalation of rates of violence has been checked for now, and overall attack levels across Iraq have fallen during seven of the last nine weeks. Coalition forces, working with Iraqi forces, tribal elements, and some Sunni insurgents, have reduced al-Qa'ida in Iraq's (AQI) capabilities, restricted its freedom of movement, and denied it grassroots support in some areas. However, the level of overall violence, including attacks on and casualties among civilians, remains high; Iraq's sectarian groups remain unreconciled; AQI retains the ability to conduct high-profile attacks; and to date, Iraqi political leaders remain unable to govern effectively. There have been modest improvements in economic output, budget execution, and government finances but fundamental structural problems continue to prevent sustained progress in economic growth and living conditions. We assess, to the extent that Coalition forces continue to conduct robust counterinsurgency operations and mentor and support the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF), that Iraq's security will continue to improve modestly during the next six to 12 months but that levels of insurgent and sectarian violence will remain high and the Iraqi Government will continue to struggle to achieve national-level political reconciliation and improved governance. Broadly accepted political compromises required for sustained security, long-term political progress, and economic development are unlikely to emerge unless there is a fundamental shift in the factors driving Iraqi political and security developments. Political and security trajectories in Iraq continue to be driven primarily by Shia insecurity about retaining political dominance, widespread Sunni unwillingness to accept a diminished political status, factional rivalries within the sectarian communities resulting in armed conflict, and the actions of extremists such as AQI and elements of the Sadrist Jaysh al-Mahdi (JAM) militia that try to fuel sectarian violence. Two new drivers have emerged since the January Estimate: expanded Sunni opposition to AQI and Iraqi expectation of a Coalition drawdown. Perceptions that the Coalition is withdrawing probably will encourage factions anticipating a power vacuum to seek local security solutions that could intensify sectarian violence and intra-sectarian competition. At the same time, fearing a Coalition withdrawal, some tribal elements and Sunni groups probably will continue to seek accommodation with the Coalition to strengthen themselves for a post-Coalition security environment. • Sunni Arab resistance to AQI has expanded in the last six to nine months but has not yet translated into broad Sunni Arab support for the Iraqi Government or widespread willingness to work with the Shia. The Iraqi Government's Shia leaders fear these groups will ultimately side with armed opponents of the government, but the Iraqi Government has supported some initiatives to incorporate those rejecting AQI into Interior Ministry and Defense Ministry elements. • Intra-Shia conflict involving factions competing for power and resources probably will intensify as Iraqis assume control of provincial security. In Basrah, violence has escalated with the drawdown of Coalition forces there. Local militias show few signs of reducing their competition for control of valuable oil resources and territory. • The Sunni Arab community remains politically fragmented, and we see no prospective leaders that might engage in meaningful dialogue and deliver on national agreements. • Kurdish leaders remain focused on protecting the autonomy of the Kurdish region and reluctant to compromise on key issues. The IC assesses that the emergence of "bottom-up" security initiatives, principally among Sunni Arabs and focused on combating AQI, represent the best prospect for improved security over the next six to 12 months, but we judge these initiatives will only translate into widespread political accommodation and enduring stability if the Iraqi Government accepts and supports them. A multi-stage process involving the Iraqi Government providing support and legitimacy for such initiatives could foster over the longer term political reconciliation between the participating Sunni Arabs and the national government. We also assess that under some conditions "bottom-up initiatives" could pose risks to the Iraqi Government. • We judge such initiatives are most likely to succeed in predominantly Sunni Arab areas, where the presence of AQI elements has been significant, tribal networks and identities are strong, the local government is weak, sectarian conflict is low, and the ISF tolerate Sunni initiatives, as illustrated by Al Anbar Province. • Sunni Arab resistance to AQI has expanded, and neighborhood security groups, occasionally consisting of mixed Shia-Sunni units, have proliferated in the past several months. These trends, combined with increased Coalition operations, have eroded AQI's operational presence and capabilities in some areas. • Such initiatives, if not fully exploited by the Iraqi Government, could over time also shift greater power to the regions, undermine efforts to impose central authority, and reinvigorate armed opposition to the Baghdad government. • Coalition military operations focused on improving population security, both in and outside of Baghdad, will remain critical to the success of local and regional efforts until sectarian fears are diminished enough to enable the Shia-led Iraqi Government to fully support the efforts of local Sunni groups. Iraqi Security Forces involved in combined operations with Coalition forces have performed adequately, and some units have demonstrated increasing professional competence. However, we judge that the ISF have not improved enough to conduct major operations independent of the Coalition on a sustained basis in multiple locations and that the ISF remain reliant on the Coalition for important aspects of logistics and combat support. • The deployment of ISF units from throughout Iraq to Baghdad in support of security operations known as Operation Fardh al-Qanun marks significant progress since last year when large groups of soldiers deserted rather than depart their home areas, but Coalition and Iraqi Government support remains critical. • Recently, the Iraqi military planned and conducted two joint Army and police large-scale security operations in Baghdad, demonstrating an improving capacity for operational command and control. • Militia and insurgent influences continue to undermine the reliability of some ISF units, and political interference in security operations continues to undermine Coalition and ISF • The Maliki government is implementing plans to expand the Iraqi Army and to increase its overall personnel strength to address critical gaps, but we judge that significant security gains from those programs will take at least six to 12 months, and probably longer, to materialize. The IC assesses that the Iraqi Government will become more precarious over the next six to 12 months because of criticism by other members of the major Shia coalition (the Unified Iraqi Alliance, UIA), Grand Ayatollah Sistani, and other Sunni and Kurdish parties. Divisions between Maliki and the Sadrists have increased, and Shia factions have explored alternative coalitions aimed at constraining Maliki. • The strains of the security situation and absence of key leaders have stalled internal political debates, slowed national decisionmaking, and increased Maliki's vulnerability to alternative coalitions. • We judge that Maliki will continue to benefit from recognition among Shia leaders that searching for a replacement could paralyze the government. Population displacement resulting from sectarian violence continues, imposing burdens on provincial governments and some neighboring states and increasing the danger of destabilizing influences spreading across Iraq's borders over the next six to 12 months. The polarization of communities is most evident in Baghdad, where the Shia are a clear majority in more than half of all neighborhoods and Sunni areas have become surrounded by predominately Shia districts. Where population displacements have led to significant sectarian separation, conflict levels have diminished to some extent because warring communities find it more difficult to penetrate communal enclaves. The IC assesses that Iraq's neighbors will continue to focus on improving their leverage in Iraq in anticipation of a Coalition drawdown. Assistance to armed groups, especially from Iran, exacerbates the violence inside Iraq, and the reluctance of the Sunni states that are generally supportive of US regional goals to offer support to the Iraqi Government probably bolsters Iraqi Sunni Arabs' rejection of the government's legitimacy. • Over the next year Tehran, concerned about a Sunni reemergence in Iraq and US efforts to limit Iranian influence, will continue to provide funding, weaponry, and training to Iraqi Shia militants. Iran has been intensifying aspects of its lethal support for select groups of Iraqi Shia militants, particularly the JAM, since at least the beginning of 2006. Explosively formed penetrator (EFP) attacks have risen dramatically. • Syria has cracked down on some Sunni extremist groups attempting to infiltrate fighters into Iraq through Syria because of threats they pose to Syrian stability, but the IC now assesses that Damascus is providing support to non-AQI groups inside Iraq in a bid to increase Syrian influence. • Turkey probably would use a range of measures to protect what it perceives as its interests in Iraq. The risk of cross-border operations against the People's Congress of Kurdistan (KG) terrorist group based in northern Iraq remains. We assess that changing the mission of Coalition forces from a primarily counterinsurgency and stabilization role to a primary combat support role for Iraqi forces and counterterrorist operations to prevent AQI from establishing a safehaven would erode security gains achieved thus far. The impact of a change in mission on Iraq's political and security environment and throughout the region probably would vary in intensity and suddenness of onset in relation to the rate and scale of a Coalition redeployment. Developments within the Iraqi communities themselves will be decisive in determining political and security trajectories. • Recent security improvements in Iraq, including success against AQI, have depended significantly on the close synchronization of conventional counterinsurgency and counterterrorism operations. A change of mission that interrupts that synchronization would place security improvements at risk.
Cities and Municipalities THE TASTES OF POSAVINA'S FRONTIER Ethnic tourism ETNO ECO VILLAGE STARA KAPELA Matin i Anin stan Salaš Savus Imanje Kereković Seosko domaćinstvo Opođe Kuća Dida Tunje Ranč Ramarin Paljevine Tvrđava Brod Franjevački samostan Slavonski Brod Franjevački samostan Cernik Kulmerov dvorac Zaštićena prirodna područja Gajna Bara Dvorina Ribnjaci Jelas Pašnjak Iva Prašuma Prašnik Muški bunar Petnja SRC Poloj Ljeskove vode Šuma Striborova Popovićeva šumica Pljuskara Strmac Mlaka Park skulptura Pavletić Zoo vrt Ruščica Splavarska ulica Aquaturizam Bazeni Vijuš Bazeni Selna Sportski objekti Slavonski Brod Sportski objekti Nova Gradiška Paintball klub Bunker Hipodrom Ruščica Ergela Olanović Wellness hotela Art wellness Eko Garten Memorijalni turizam Okučani - akcija Bljesak Sikirevačka čipka Rural households Tvrđava Brod (Festung) BROD FORTRESS The Brod Fortress is undoubtedly the most important historic building in the Slavonski Brod-Posavina County. Although located in the very centre of today's Slavonski Brod, its monumental size makes it look almost unreal. The Fortress, whose construction began in 1751, took almost sixty years to build. It was built upon impetus of Prince Eugene of Savoy as part of a system of fortifications in the north-eastern part of Croatia. Dating back to the same period are fortresses in Osijek, Stara Gradiška, Rača, and Petrovaradin. The Brod Fortress is unique in that it was used exclusively for accommodating military troops, while other fortresses in the region were used for fortifying civilian settlements. For this reason, its size is all the more impressive. The Fortress was designed for accommodating 5.000 soldiers, but it rarely housed more than two thousand. Huge moats, bastions, curtains, hornwork, the "Cavalier", and accompanying buildings stretched over an area of two square kilometres, far surpassing in size the town of Brod which was spreading to the east of the fortress. The soldiers in the Fortress had complete autonomy, which means that they did not depend on their surroundings for anything and the fortress' supplies were kept up to the level needed to withstand a forty-five-day siege. Despite this, the Fortress never sustained any attacks and its soldiers never conducted an attack against the neighbouring Bosnia or the Ottoman Empire. Nevertheless, during the 18th and the 19th centuries, the Fortress played a significant role in everyday life of the adjacent civilian settlement. Since the beginning of construction, the citizens of Brod came to feel all the hardships associated with constructing a fortress. Namely, the western part of the town had to be severed for the purpose of constructing the hornwork, and the citizens were not allowed to build on the land surrounding the Fortress. Apart from this, the citizens of Brod had to bear the heavy burden of construction work together with other inhabitants of the Slavonian Military Border. Though the chronicles of the time record only the names of architects and engineers involved in the construction of the Fortress, the whole project would never have been possible without the Slavonian and Syrmian peasants and soldiers. Excavation works, brick burning, procuring of timber and firewood was the so-called "fortress labour" non-paying work to which all men living in the wider surroundings of the fortress were obligated. To build the Fortress, entire forests had to be cut down, not only in the immediate vicinity of the Fortress, but in more remote parts of the Military Border. Furthermore, the Fortress Construction Board had a decisive impact on the building of houses and the entire urban layout of the town of Brod. The citizens and the town government had to obey three principal limitations set by the Construction Board for erection of houses: firstly, the houses had to be built vertical to the fortress, secondly, all houses had to be ground-floor houses, and thirdly, the houses within the fire (or cannon) range had to be made of wood. These three conditions were explained by the need for maximum effectiveness of artillery in the event of an attack. The aim of the vertical layout of houses was to prevent the attacking troops to take shelter in the streets from which to target the Fortress. At the same time, such layout provided an excellent view over the town activity from the fortress bastions. Having been located on the border of this 600-meter line from the Fortress, The Franciscan monastery was the first building in Brod that was allowed to rise higher that the ground-floor houses. The threatening power of the Fortress was never tested in practice, and today it serves a whole new purpose of a cultural venue. Today the Brod Fortress houses the town government, a school of music, a grammar school, traditional craft shops, and the Ružić Art Gallery, the second most important contemporary art gallery in Croatia. Petra Krešimira IV. 1 35 000 Slavonski Brod E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.tzbpz.hr Giro account: HR24 2340009 1110038988 PIN: 66751825925 Person responsible: Ružica Vidaković, univ. spec. oec director of the Tourist office Culture and historical tourism © 2020 Turistička zajednica Brodsko-posavske županije: Sva prava pridržana. Design by Princeps
In Farbe (English: In Color) is the third studio album by German band Revolverheld. Released by Sony BMG on 12 March 2010 in German-speaking Europe, it peaked at number six on the German Albums Chart and was eventually certified gold by the Bundesverband Musikindustrie (BVMI). In Farbe produced three singles, including top ten hit "Halt dich an mir fest" featuring Die Happy singer Marta Jandová. Track listing Charts Certifications References 2010 albums German-language albums Revolverheld albums
PIE viaduct collapse: Project staff did not stop works despite finding cracks, says prosecution Wan Ting Koh Yahoo News Singapore 1 August 2019 Yee and Wong, along with their employer Or Kim Peow Contractors (OKPC), are contesting the charges laid against them under the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Act and the Building Control (BC) Act. (PHOTO: SCDF) SINGAPORE — Two men working on a segment of the Pan Island Expressway (PIE) viaduct in Changi that collapsed in 2017 had allowed work on the project to continue despite spotting cracks in two key load-bearing structures more than 30 minutes before the incident. This was revealed in the prosecution's opening statement on Thursday (1 August), the first day of trial for Yee Chee Keong, 49, and Wong Kiew Hai, 31. Despite discussing and taking photographs of the cracks, Yee, who was project director, and Wong, a project engineer, did not put a stop to works being done. In doing so, they also ignored the advice given by a Land Transport Authority (LTA) site supervisor. Yee and Wong, along with their employer Or Kim Peow Contractors (OKPC), are contesting the charges laid against them under the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Act. OKPC is accused of failing to look after the safety and health of its employees, while Wong and Yee are each accused of recklessly endangering the safety of others by failing to call a stop to the works after the cracks were found. The two men are also contesting one charge each of intentionally obstructing the course of justice by deleting a shared WhatsApp conversation that may have contained material relevant to the case. Also on trial is Robert Arianto Tjandra, a consultant tasked with supervising the viaduct project and making plans for the building works. He faces one charge under the WSH Act and four under the Building Control Act. OKPC's executive director, Daniel Or Lay Huat is representing the firm for the trial. Cracks found a month before collapse All parties currently on trial were involved in the project for the design, construction and completion of a 1.8km-long viaduct from the Tampines Expressway to the Pan-Island Expressway and Upper Changi Road East. Part of structure collapsed at about 3.30am on 14 July 2017, killing one work and injuring 10 workers. Deputy Public Prosecutor Kristy Tan said on Thursday that OKPC had been awarded the viaduct contract by the Land Transport Authority on 23 November 2015. She noted that the prosecution would be calling witnesses to testify that on 16 June 2017, OKPC's employees discovered cracks on the face of a corbel – a type of concrete weight-bearing structure. Yee had also been aware of the cracks and OKPC's technical director Yeung Chun Keung will be testifying that he assessed the cracks on site, said the prosecution. However, OKPC did not inform Tjandra of the cracks at the time they were found. On 30 June 2017, another OKPC employee found cracks on a different corbel and immediately reported them to Yee. Yeung again assessed the cracks on site and told Yee to get Tjandra to check on their adequacy. Design flaws not communicated On 3 July, Tjandra instructed his company's design engineers to check on the adequacy of the design of the corbels for the project. According to the prosecution, they discovered that wrong measurement had been used in the corbels' design. As a result of the error, the team found that the existing corbels were not suited for bearing the loads they were meant to support. While Tjandra initially been unaware of the design error, he also failed to tell OKPC of the flaw when he discovered it in early July. Instead, Tjandra sent Yee a revised schedule for casting works on part of the viaduct section that eventually collapsed. Workers could have been saved if work stopped On the night of 14 July, OKPC proceeded with the scheduled casting works, starting at 1.30am. At about 2.53am, cracks on one side of the section's corbels were spotted by workers onsite, including Wong. "These cracks were clearly serious enough to (cause) alarm. The sight of them prompted Wong to have telephone conversations with Yee, who was off-site, about the cracks. Wong also sent photographs of the cracks to Yee via WhatsApp," said the prosecution. However, neither Yee nor Wong halted the works, despite the urgings from an LTA supervisor at the site. "Had the works been promptly halted, the workers could have been out of danger as soon as they crossed over to the adjacent (section)," added the prosecution. At around 3.25am to 3.30am, the cracked corbels gave way, resulting in the structure's collapse. Chinese national Chen Yinchuan, 31, was pronounced dead at the scene at 4.35am. The other 10 workers suffered injuries ranging from abrasions to lacerations and fractures. "Tellingly, Wong and Yee deleted the WhatsApp conversation between them shortly after the collapse. They did so in haste to bury their responsibility, in the knowledge that their dilatory conduct had had grave consequences," said the prosecution. DPP Tan said it will also call on expert witnesses to testify that the cracked corbels were not designed to bear the weight that they were placed under at the time of the collapse. Yeung will be the trial's first prosecution witness. The current tranche of the trial is set to continue until 8 August. On Wednesday, all three charges against OKPC's group managing director Or Toh Wat, were withdrawn. The company was also fined $10,000 on Tuesday over a separate charge of carrying out unauthorised strengthening works on the viaduct's permanent corbels. 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Home » Info » Islands » 6 islands around Ireland you never knew existed (but people live on) 6 islands around Ireland you never knew existed (but people live on) March 3, 2020 March 2, 2020 by Ryan McCarthy Believe it or not, there are multiple Islands around Ireland you never knew existed, and people even live on them. Ireland itself is an island with a population of around 6.4 million people. The country of Ireland also includes some other islands around it, such as Achill Island, Inishmore, Gormuna, and the Aran Islands, all of which most Irish people would be familiar with. These islands have populations of hundreds of people and are even tourist attractions, but alongside these islands on the Irish coast, there are other smaller islands around Ireland that you never knew existed, but people live on. Here are our top six. 6. Inishgort – the only inhabited place is the lighthouse Credit: @western_explorer / Instagram The island of Inishgort is located in Clew Bay, County Mayo. Inishgort is one of the last few inhabited small islands in Clew Bay. The population of Inishgort peaked in 1871 at 35 people and has steadily declined since with only one person living there now. The lone person living on Inishgort operates the lighthouse that has been there since 1806. We hope that Inishgort can return to its former glory and one day be home to two people just like it was back in 1996. This is definitely one of the inhabited islands around Ireland that you never knew existed. 5. Inishlyre – going strong with a population of four Credit: @sket49 / Instagram Alongside Inishgort situated in Clew Bay, we also have the island of Inishlyre. As of 2011, Inishlyre had a remaining population of four people. This is a significant fall from grace from the population of 122 and the 17 houses recorded in Inishlyre in 1851. After one hundred years in the year 1951, the population was down to 14, and we hope that one hundred years after this in the year 2051, Inishlyre will still be inhabited and thriving. Originally in the 19th century, there were two pubs on Inishlyre that had to receive their cargo from sea merchants as there was no deep-sea harbour in Westport. 4. Inishbarra – take the causeway to this picturesque island The Irish island of Inishbarra is located in Lettermore, County Galway. The island is accessible at very low tide by an artificial causeway connecting it to the mainland. The population of Inishbarra peaked in 1841 at 205 people. The population has been up and down ever since and even went to zero in 2002. Thankfully, since then the island has been inhabited again and is now populated by one person. 3. Rutland Island – home to holiday-makers Credit: Instagram / @r_alitza Rutland Island is located in County Donegal in the Atlantic Ocean. The island, which is also known as Inishmadadurn, lies between Burtonport and Arranmore Island. Rutland Island does not currently have any permanent inhabitants and is not officially served by a ferry; however, the island does contain holiday homes and has up to 13 people living there in the summer. The population of Rutland Island plummeted to zero in 1979 and stayed that way until the early 2000's when holiday homes began to spring up on the island. The highest population recorded on Rutland Island was 125 in the year 1841. Even though Rutland Island may no longer be home to any permanent residents, it is still hosting a large amount of fauna, particularly badgers and foxes. 2. Horse Island – yours if you've got €6 million Credit: privateislandsonline.com Horse Island is a small privately-owned island in Roaringwater Bay, County Cork. The island was offered for sale for €6,750,000 in 2018. The highest recorded population on the island is 137 people in the year 1841. At this time there was a copper mine on the island that employed about 100 of these people. As of 2016, the recorded population of Horse Island is one person. There is no ferry service operating from Horse Island, but there is a jetty. In recent times there was an attempt to establish an Irish whiskey distillery on the island, but Cork County Council rejected the planning permission, so the island is left with its central infrastructure being its single road. 1. Gola Island – home to many animal inhabitants Credit: @herrlengl / Instagram Gola Island is a small island located about one kilometre off the coast of Gweedore, County Donegal. The population fluctuated up and down until, finally in 1971, there were zero inhabitants recorded on the island. Since the early 2000s, a lot of the abandoned houses have been renovated into holiday homes, and in 2011 there was a population of 15 recorded on the island. The island is definitely behind the times and only received mains electricity in 2005. Although not all of the house dwellers remain on Gola Island all-year-round, you can always find sheep, goats, and birds along the cliffs. Gola Island is the birthplace of Irish writer Seán 'Ac Fhionnlaoich and also plays a feature in the traditional children's song Báidín Fheilimí. Gola is probably one of the islands around Ireland you never knew existed, but it is packed with Irish history. Categories Info Inspiration Islands Top 5 St Patrick's Day events in Ireland this year Why are there no snakes in Ireland? The legend and the science Ryan McCarthy Ryan McCarthy is a writer and content creator from Laois. He loves exploring new places and documenting his journey. As much as he gets excited about travelling to new places, he gets equally as excited when he thinks about coming home to Ireland and exploring more of this beautiful country. He is most likely found behind a laptop, in the gym, or watching football.
Inverse Codex Everything you need to know about GTA Online: The Contract DLC Franklin returns with a famous friend. Christopher Groux 12.8.2021 3:30 PM Grand Theft Auto Online: The Contract has just been announced by Rockstar Games, and it just might be the multiplayer platform's biggest expansion to date. Below, we outline all you need to know about the new addition to the game including its confirmed release date, plot details, trailer information, and more. If you've been waiting for more single-player content set in the GTA V universe, it's possible this might be the closest thing fans see for quite some time. Dr. Dre is here, and so is Franklin! When is the GTA Online: The Contract release date? Announced by Rockstar Games on December 5, GTA Online: The Contract is set to launch on December 15 on all platforms GTA Online is available. Provided it follows the same release schedule of other significant GTA Online expansions, fans can expect to download it between 4 a.m. and 5 a.m. Eastern on the day of release. Is there a GTA Online: The Contract trailer? Yes! Rockstar released a minute-long trailer for the DLC that you can watch below. The official trailer for GTA Online: The Contract What is the GTA Online: The Contract story? As indicated by an official press release, GTA Online: The Contract follows campaign character Franklin Clinton in the years after the events of the main game. He's moved on from the Union Depository and now runs a "celebrity solutions agency" called F. Clinton and Partner. The group is designed to help Vinewood's wealthiest residents solve their high-society problems. Franklin has a new business venture, but he needs a high-profile client to make it happen. Rockstar Games To start his business Franklin needs two things: a partner, and a big client worthy of advertising his brand in a positive light. That's where Dr. Dre comes in. While on his way to Cayo Perico, Dre's phone makes its way into the wrong hands. Worse yet, said phone features a wide assortment of unreleased tracks not yet meant for public consumption. With his fledgling business venture in mind, Franklin sets his sights on solving Dre's problem. This contract will reportedly take Franklin from his old neighborhood to the hottest parties in the city, and even to the offices of the FBI. What's included in GTA Online: The Contract DLC? We don't know much beyond the above-listed plot, which we assume will factor into the main heist included with the expansion. GTA Online just wrapped up its Heist Month festivities, so what better way to continue the platform's legacy than to add onto it with a totally new quest? A first look at one of the new weapons coming in the expansion. Rockstar Games The expansion is also said to feature several character cameos including Imani, Chop the Dog, and more, so we'll see how those additions might contribute to additional missions and content included with the DLC. Rockstar has said players will be able to purchase and steal new weapons and vehicles too. What music will be featured in GTA Online: The Contract? Dre has new music debuting exclusively in GTA Online. Rockstar Games While Rockstar has yet to announce a full list of tracks, the publisher has said the Contract will feature a new radio station with "exciting special guest hosts" as well as huge updates to existing radio stations. Among those updates, the game will add new and exclusive tracks from Dr. Dre. Haven't we heard something about Dr. Dre in GTA before? Yup! Dre was already featured in last year's Cayo Perico Heist, and Take-Two's registration of the rapponator.com domain led some "insiders" to believe the iconic rapper might somehow be involved with GTA 6. Back in October, Rolling Stone exclusively reported that Dre was working on new music for Grand Theft Auto. Given what we now know, this is presumably the music he was working on.
Edmonton airport sees doubling of passengers between 2021 and 2022: preliminary report By Stephanie Swensrude 630CHED Posted January 25, 2023 12:39 pm A traveller carrying luggage into the Edmonton International Airport on Thursday, Dec. 2, 2021. Passenger numbers doubled at YEG between 2021 and 2022. Jason Franson, The Canadian Press There was a big jump in passenger numbers at Edmonton International Airport (YEG) last year compared with 2021. A preliminary report shows that in 2022, more than 5.8 million passengers arrived at or departed from the airport, up from nearly 2.8 million in 2021. Despite the big increase, it's not quite up to the record-setting 8.1 million passengers reported in 2019. The category with the largest increase was flights between the U.S. and Canada — those numbers are up 775 per cent. Fewer than 50,000 passengers travelled between the two countries through YEG in 2021, while in 2022 almost 430,000 did. Read more: Guten Tag! New direct flight between Edmonton and Frankfurt coming in 2023 International flights are also up, with nearly 275,000 passengers arriving or departing from the airport in 2022, an increase of more than 350 per cent. Domestic flights saw a relatively modest doubling between the two years, with 2.2 million flights in 2021 and 4.7 million in 2022. This all happened, of course, as border restrictions and travel mandates gradually dropped throughout 2022. Also, international flights through YEG were only allowed in the last five months of 2021, which helps explain the leap. New flights coming to YEG this year include a non-stop flight to Frankfurt, Germany, operated by Condor, and a new Toronto-Edmonton route through "high-value economy" airline Porter. A YEG spokesperson told Global News the airport hopes to release a final report with officially confirmed numbers in the near future. Read more: Porter looks to attract a new customer base with countrywide route expansion TravelEdmonton International AirportyegInternational Travelcovid-19 travel restrictionsEdmonton travelyeg passenger numbers
«Angelita Huenumán» es una canción compuesta en 1969 por el cantautor chileno Víctor Jara. Historia Durante el verano austral de 1969, la familia Jara (Víctor, Joan y sus hijas Manuela y Amanda) decidieron ir de vacaciones a la provincia de Arauco. Durante una excursión en la localidad de Pocuno conocieron a la tejedora mapuche autodidacta Angelita Huenumán (1923-1987), conocida en la zona por sus frazadas, mantas y alfombras. Víctor Jara se quedó impresionado por el trabajo artesanal de la tejedora por lo que decidió dedicarle una canción que publicó en 1970 en su cuarto disco, Canto Libre, grabado junto a Inti-Illimani y al guitarrista Patricio Castillo. En 1972 Jara se reencontró con la tejedora, a quien según relata Joan, le gustó el homenaje lírico. Composición «Angelita Huenumán» es una canción de siete estrofas, sin estribillo, que describe la vida y el entorno natural de la tejedora mapuche y su oficio. Referencias Bibliografía Enlaces externos Letra de la canción Canciones de 1970 Canciones de Víctor Jara Canciones en español Canciones sobre mujeres Canciones de Chile
Home > Television > Stream & Chill > Netflix The End of a YA Movie Era: 'The Kissing Booth 3' Is the Final Film in the Franchise By Shannon Raphael Aug. 10 2021, Published 2:40 p.m. ET Spoiler Alert: This article contains spoilers for The Kissing Booth and The Kissing Booth 2. When The Kissing Booth premiered in 2018, fans flocked to watch the Netflix romcom in droves. The Young Adult flick became the most re-watched movie on the streamer that year — so whether you cringed the whole way through, or you genuinely fell for the love story, there was no denying that the film was buzzworthy. Based on a Wattpad novel by Beth Reekles, the first film follows Elle Evans (Joey King), who has long had a crush on Noah Flynn (Jacob Elordi), the brother of her best friend, Lee Flynn (Joel Courtney). The two embark on a relationship, but the film concludes with a level of uncertainty because Noah is going away to his freshman year of college. In The Kissing Booth 2, the couple initially drifts apart while Elle bonds with classmate Marco Peña (Taylor Zakhar Perez). However, Noah and Elle ultimately decide to stay together. Though Noah and Elle have dedicated themselves to one another over and over again, they are still facing issues in their relationship in the final installment of the series, The Kissing Booth 3. While many are concerned about if the franchise will conclude with Elle picking Noah (again), or if she will instead be choosing a relationship with Marco, others simply want to know why the lighthearted romance movie series is ending. Why is 'The Kissing Booth' movie series ending? As lead actress Joey King was promoting The Kissing Booth 2 in a livestream event back in the summer of 2020, she revealed that there would be a third film in the franchise. Joel Courtney then confirmed that both the second and the third movies had been shot back-to-back in South Africa. The cast's big reveal marked the first time that there was confirmation for a third movie in The Kissing Booth series. While Netflix, the cast, and the crew have not publicly shared why the franchise is ending, there are a few factors that could have played a part in the decision. The tandem shooting schedule could indicate that there were concerns about future scheduling conflicts, as many of the actors are busy with other projects. Jacob Elordi also stars on HBO's Euphoria, while Joey King is currently filming Uglies for Netflix. The Act alum also just signed an exclusive first-look deal with the streamer. Another reason could be because the book series by Beth Reekles is concluding as well. The last novel in the trilogy, The Kissing Booth 3: One Last Time, will be released after the movie (so the ending of the screen edition won't be spoiled). Without material from a book to lead the film script, The Kissing Booth can end in a natural place, and without the plot getting too stale. Netflix also does have a track record of wrapping up hit Young Adult franchises with three movies. The popular To All the Boys series wrapped in early 2021 with three films as well, which were all based on already-published novels by Jenny Han. What is 'The Kissing Booth 3' about? The third installment picks up right after the conclusion of The Kissing Booth 2. It's the summer after Elle and Lee's senior year of high school, and the protagonist still isn't sure where she will attend college. After she was waitlisted at Harvard in the second movie, Elle set her sights on U.C. Berkeley. However, on her graduation day, she found out that she had been accepted off of the waitlist, and that she could potentially go to school with Noah. Because Elle and Lee have had a lifelong pact to go to the same college, Elle feels pulled in two directions. In The Kissing Booth 3, the teen must decide if she sticks with her best friend, or with her boyfriend. Plus, she has a summer bucket list to complete with Lee, and Marco is also around to further complicate matters. Viewers can find out what Elle chooses in The Kissing Booth 3, which will be available to stream on Netflix starting on Aug. 11 at 3 a.m. ET. Kaia Gerber Was Recently Spotted With Jacob Elordi Joey King Has Moved on From Her 'Kissing Booth 2' Co-Star Jacob Elordi How Does the 'Kissing Booth 3' Book End? Elle Will be Forced to Make a Big Decision! Latest Netflix News and Updates
Mitch Kupchak: Lakers Won't Draft Player 'Because He Can Play With Kobe' If Kevin Love Isn't Available, Lakers Should Pursue Tobias Harris In Free Agency With the NBA Draft less than two weeks away, there continues to be a lot of questions as to who the Los Angeles Lakers will select with the second overall pick. Duke big man Jahlil Okafor has been tabbed as the most likely choice, but there are numerous other options for the team. — Have you seen the 'Lakers Nation' phone case? — Regardless of who the Lakers take, general manager Mitch Kupchak has made it clear that the team will take the best player available, and that prospect's fit with Kobe Bryant will not be a factor at all via Mark Medina of the Los Angeles Daily News: We're not going to pick a player because he can play with Kobe, likes Kobe or dislikes Kobe. We're going to pick the player that can have the longest and best career." Though Okafor, Karl-Anthony Towns, and D'Angelo Russell have all spoken about playing with Bryant, Kupchak is right in thinking like this. Kobe, by all accounts, is likely playing in his final season so it would be foolish to worry about who fits next to him. It has also been proven that teams should never draft for need that high in the draft and are much better off taking the best player available. As was said before, Okafor remains the favorite to be taken by the Lakers and the team is supposedly 'locked' on him. Guards D'Angelo Russell and Emmanuel Mudiay will also be strongly considered as will Latvian big man Kristaps Porzingis who reportedly gave the Lakers 'something to ponder' after his open workout last Friday. Kevin Durant Teams Up With Kobe Bryant Joining Kobe Bryant and John Wall, the NBA's reigning scoring champion, Kevin… Michael Goldsholl Lakers News: Michael Jordan Highlighted Kobe Bryant's Aggressiveness During 1998 NBA All-Star Game The 1998 NBA All-Star Game was a big moment for a young Kobe Bryant. The 19-year-old was voted in as a… Byron Scott: Lakers 'Don't Trust Each Other On The Court' Ever since the Los Angeles Lakers were dominated by the Golden State… Lakers News, Rumors, and Recap: Injuries Plague the Lakers Just as Kobe returns to play from a shin injury, two more… Arielle Moyal
It's no delay, no eq, no compressor, no filter, and no pitch shifter. But it does all that, on a per wave cycle basis. Don't try to grasp that intellectually, play it. Fire up some of the most boring, overused, outdated drums you have and relectro them into something completely different. Don't beleive it, do it. Output section with HP and LP filters and chorus. Two wheels for dry/wet blending and morphing. MIDI learn. Settings can be saved / restored.
Project acronym cis-CONTROL Project Decoding and controlling cell-state switching: A bottom-up approach based on enhancer logic Researcher (PI) Stein Luc AERTS Host Institution (HI) VIB Summary Cell-state switching in cancer allows cells to transition from a proliferative to an invasive and drug-resistant phenotype. This plasticity plays an important role in cancer progression and tumour heterogeneity. We have made a striking observation that cancer cells of different origin can switch to a common survival state. During this epigenomic reprogramming, cancer cells re-activate genomic enhancers from specific regulatory programs, such as wound repair and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. The goal of my project is to decipher the enhancer logic underlying this canalization effect towards a common survival state. We will then employ this new understanding of enhancer logic to engineer synthetic enhancers that are able to monitor and manipulate cell-state switching in real time. Furthermore, we will use enhancer models to identify cis-regulatory mutations that have an impact on cell-state switching and drug resistance. Such applications are currently hampered because there is a significant gap in our understanding of how enhancers work. To tackle this problem we will use a combination of in vivo massively parallel enhancer-reporter assays, single-cell genomics on microfluidic devices, computational modelling, and synthetic enhancer design. Using these approaches we will pursue the following aims: (1) to identify functional enhancers regulating cell-state switching by performing in vivo genetic screens in mice; (2) to elucidate the dynamic trajectories whereby cells of different cancer types switch to a common survival cell-state, at single-cell resolution; (3) to create synthetic enhancer circuits that specifically kill cancer cells undergoing cell-state switching. Our findings will have an impact on genome research, characterizing how cellular decision making is implemented by the cis-regulatory code; and on cancer research, employing enhancer logic in the context of cancer therapy. Cell-state switching in cancer allows cells to transition from a proliferative to an invasive and drug-resistant phenotype. This plasticity plays an important role in cancer progression and tumour heterogeneity. We have made a striking observation that cancer cells of different origin can switch to a common survival state. During this epigenomic reprogramming, cancer cells re-activate genomic enhancers from specific regulatory programs, such as wound repair and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. The goal of my project is to decipher the enhancer logic underlying this canalization effect towards a common survival state. We will then employ this new understanding of enhancer logic to engineer synthetic enhancers that are able to monitor and manipulate cell-state switching in real time. Furthermore, we will use enhancer models to identify cis-regulatory mutations that have an impact on cell-state switching and drug resistance. Such applications are currently hampered because there is a significant gap in our understanding of how enhancers work. To tackle this problem we will use a combination of in vivo massively parallel enhancer-reporter assays, single-cell genomics on microfluidic devices, computational modelling, and synthetic enhancer design. Using these approaches we will pursue the following aims: (1) to identify functional enhancers regulating cell-state switching by performing in vivo genetic screens in mice; (2) to elucidate the dynamic trajectories whereby cells of different cancer types switch to a common survival cell-state, at single-cell resolution; (3) to create synthetic enhancer circuits that specifically kill cancer cells undergoing cell-state switching. Our findings will have an impact on genome research, characterizing how cellular decision making is implemented by the cis-regulatory code; and on cancer research, employing enhancer logic in the context of cancer therapy. Project acronym DRY-2-DRY Project Do droughts self-propagate and self-intensify? Researcher (PI) Diego González Miralles Summary Droughts cause agricultural loss, forest mortality and drinking water scarcity. Their predicted increase in recurrence and intensity poses serious threats to future global food security. Several historically unprecedented droughts have already occurred over the last decade in Europe, Australia and the USA. The cost of the ongoing Californian drought is estimated to be about US$3 billion. Still today, the knowledge of how droughts start and evolve remains limited, and so does the understanding of how climate change may affect them. Positive feedbacks from land have been suggested as critical for the occurrence of recent droughts: as rainfall deficits dry out soil and vegetation, the evaporation of land water is reduced, then the local air becomes too dry to yield rainfall, which further enhances drought conditions. Importantly, this is not just a 'local' feedback, as remote regions may rely on evaporated water transported by winds from the drought-affected region. Following this rationale, droughts self-propagate and self-intensify. However, a global capacity to observe these processes is lacking. Furthermore, climate and forecast models are immature when it comes to representing the influences of land on rainfall. Do climate models underestimate this land feedback? If so, future drought aggravation will be greater than currently expected. At the moment, this remains largely speculative, given the limited number of studies of these processes. I propose to use novel in situ and satellite records of soil moisture, evaporation and precipitation, in combination with new mechanistic models that can map water vapour trajectories and explore multi-dimensional feedbacks. DRY-2-DRY will not only advance our fundamental knowledge of the mechanisms triggering droughts, it will also provide independent evidence of the extent to which managing land cover can help 'dampen' drought events, and enable progress towards more accurate short-term and long-term drought forecasts. Droughts cause agricultural loss, forest mortality and drinking water scarcity. Their predicted increase in recurrence and intensity poses serious threats to future global food security. Several historically unprecedented droughts have already occurred over the last decade in Europe, Australia and the USA. The cost of the ongoing Californian drought is estimated to be about US$3 billion. Still today, the knowledge of how droughts start and evolve remains limited, and so does the understanding of how climate change may affect them. Positive feedbacks from land have been suggested as critical for the occurrence of recent droughts: as rainfall deficits dry out soil and vegetation, the evaporation of land water is reduced, then the local air becomes too dry to yield rainfall, which further enhances drought conditions. Importantly, this is not just a 'local' feedback, as remote regions may rely on evaporated water transported by winds from the drought-affected region. Following this rationale, droughts self-propagate and self-intensify. However, a global capacity to observe these processes is lacking. Furthermore, climate and forecast models are immature when it comes to representing the influences of land on rainfall. Do climate models underestimate this land feedback? If so, future drought aggravation will be greater than currently expected. At the moment, this remains largely speculative, given the limited number of studies of these processes. I propose to use novel in situ and satellite records of soil moisture, evaporation and precipitation, in combination with new mechanistic models that can map water vapour trajectories and explore multi-dimensional feedbacks. DRY-2-DRY will not only advance our fundamental knowledge of the mechanisms triggering droughts, it will also provide independent evidence of the extent to which managing land cover can help 'dampen' drought events, and enable progress towards more accurate short-term and long-term drought forecasts. Project acronym GENOMIS Project Illuminating GENome Organization through integrated MIcroscopy and Sequencing Researcher (PI) Marzena Magda BIENKO Host Institution (HI) KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET Summary In human cells, two meters of DNA sequence are compressed into a nucleus whose linear size is five orders of magnitude smaller. Deciphering how this amazing structural organization is achieved and how DNA functions can ensue in the environment of a cell's nucleus represent central questions for contemporary biology. Here, I embrace this challenge by establishing a comprehensive framework of microscopy and sequencing technologies coupled with advanced analytical approaches, aimed at addressing three fundamental highly-interconnected questions: 1) What are the design principles that govern DNA compaction? 2) How does genome structure vary between different cell types as well as among cells of the same type? 3) What is the link between genome structure and function? In preliminary experiments, we have devised a powerful method for Genomic loci Positioning by Sequencing (GPSeq) in fixed cells with optimally preserved nuclear morphology. In parallel, we are developing high-end microscopy tools for simultaneous localization of dozens of genomic locations at high resolution in thousands of single cells. We will obtain first-ever genome-wide maps of radial positioning of DNA loci in the nucleus, and combine them with available DNA contact probability maps in order to build 3D models of the human genome structure in different cell types. Using microscopy, we will visualize chromosomal shapes at unprecedented resolution, and use these rich datasets to discover general DNA folding principles. Finally, by combining high-resolution chromosome visualization with gene expression profiling in single cells, we will explore the link between DNA structure and function. Our study shall illuminate the design principles that dictate how genetic information is packed and read in the human nucleus, while providing a comprehensive repertoire of tools for studying genome organization. In human cells, two meters of DNA sequence are compressed into a nucleus whose linear size is five orders of magnitude smaller. Deciphering how this amazing structural organization is achieved and how DNA functions can ensue in the environment of a cell's nucleus represent central questions for contemporary biology. Here, I embrace this challenge by establishing a comprehensive framework of microscopy and sequencing technologies coupled with advanced analytical approaches, aimed at addressing three fundamental highly-interconnected questions: 1) What are the design principles that govern DNA compaction? 2) How does genome structure vary between different cell types as well as among cells of the same type? 3) What is the link between genome structure and function? In preliminary experiments, we have devised a powerful method for Genomic loci Positioning by Sequencing (GPSeq) in fixed cells with optimally preserved nuclear morphology. In parallel, we are developing high-end microscopy tools for simultaneous localization of dozens of genomic locations at high resolution in thousands of single cells. We will obtain first-ever genome-wide maps of radial positioning of DNA loci in the nucleus, and combine them with available DNA contact probability maps in order to build 3D models of the human genome structure in different cell types. Using microscopy, we will visualize chromosomal shapes at unprecedented resolution, and use these rich datasets to discover general DNA folding principles. Finally, by combining high-resolution chromosome visualization with gene expression profiling in single cells, we will explore the link between DNA structure and function. Our study shall illuminate the design principles that dictate how genetic information is packed and read in the human nucleus, while providing a comprehensive repertoire of tools for studying genome organization. Project acronym HOM Project Homo Mimeticus: Theory and Criticism Researcher (PI) Nidesh LAWTOO Summary Mimesis is one of the most influential concepts in Western thought. Originally invoked to define humans as the "most imitative" creatures in classical antiquity, mimesis (imitation) has recently been at the centre of theoretical debates in the humanities, social sciences, and the neurosciences concerning the role of "mimicry," "identification," "contagion," and "mirror neurons" in the formation of subjectivity. And yet, despite the growing confirmations that imitation is constitutive of human behaviour, mimesis still tends to be confined to the sphere of realistic representation. The HOM project combines approaches that are usually split in different areas of disciplinary specialization to provide a correction to this tendency. Conceived as a trilogy situated at the crossroads between literary criticism, cinema studies, and critical theory, HOM's outcomes will result in two monographs and accompanying articles that explore the aesthetic, affective, and conceptual implications of the mimetic faculty. The first, radically reframes a major proponent of anti-mimetic aesthetics in modern literature, Oscar Wilde, by looking back to the classical foundations of theatrical mimesis that inform his corpus; the second considers the material effects of virtual simulation by looking ahead to new digital media via contemporary science-fiction films; and the third establishes an interdisciplinary dialogue between philosophical accounts of mimesis and recent discoveries in the neurosciences. Together, these new perspectives on homo mimeticus reconsider the aesthetic foundations of a major literary author, open up a new line of inquiry in film studies, and steer philosophical debates on mimesis in new interdisciplinary directions. Mimesis is one of the most influential concepts in Western thought. Originally invoked to define humans as the "most imitative" creatures in classical antiquity, mimesis (imitation) has recently been at the centre of theoretical debates in the humanities, social sciences, and the neurosciences concerning the role of "mimicry," "identification," "contagion," and "mirror neurons" in the formation of subjectivity. And yet, despite the growing confirmations that imitation is constitutive of human behaviour, mimesis still tends to be confined to the sphere of realistic representation. The HOM project combines approaches that are usually split in different areas of disciplinary specialization to provide a correction to this tendency. Conceived as a trilogy situated at the crossroads between literary criticism, cinema studies, and critical theory, HOM's outcomes will result in two monographs and accompanying articles that explore the aesthetic, affective, and conceptual implications of the mimetic faculty. The first, radically reframes a major proponent of anti-mimetic aesthetics in modern literature, Oscar Wilde, by looking back to the classical foundations of theatrical mimesis that inform his corpus; the second considers the material effects of virtual simulation by looking ahead to new digital media via contemporary science-fiction films; and the third establishes an interdisciplinary dialogue between philosophical accounts of mimesis and recent discoveries in the neurosciences. Together, these new perspectives on homo mimeticus reconsider the aesthetic foundations of a major literary author, open up a new line of inquiry in film studies, and steer philosophical debates on mimesis in new interdisciplinary directions. Project acronym MAGNETIC-SPEED-LIMIT Project Understanding the speed limits of magnetism Researcher (PI) Stefano BONETTI Host Institution (HI) STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET Summary While the origin of magnetic order in condensed matter is in the exchange and spin-orbit interactions, with time scales in the subpicosecond ranges, it has been long believed that magnetism could only be manipulated at nanosecond rates, exploiting dipolar interactions with external magnetic fields. However, in the past decade researchers have been able to observe ultrafast magnetic dynamics at its intrinsic time scales without the need for magnetic fields, thus revolutionising the view on the speed limits of magnetism. Despite many achievements in ultrafast magnetism, the understanding of the fundamental physics that allows for the ultrafast dissipation of angular momentum is still only partial, hampered by the lack of experimental techniques suited to fully explore these phenomena. However, the recent appearance of two new types of coherent radiation, single-cycle THz pulses and x-rays generated at free electron lasers (FELs), has provided researchers access to a whole new set of capabilities to tackle this challenge. This proposal suggests using these techniques to achieve an encompassing view of ultrafast magnetic dynamics in metallic ferromagnets, via the following three research objectives: (a) to reveal ultrafast dynamics driven by strong THz radiation in several magnetic systems using table-top femtosecond lasers; (b) to unravel the contribution of lattice dynamics to ultrafast demagnetization in different magnetic materials using the x-rays produced at FELs and (c) to directly image ultrafast spin currents by creating femtosecond movies with nanometre resolution. The proposed experiments are challenging and explore unchartered territories, but if successful, they will advance the understanding of the speed limits of magnetism, at the time scales of the exchange and spin-orbit interactions. They will also open up for future investigations of ultrafast magnetic phenomena in materials with large electronic correlations or spin-orbit coupling. While the origin of magnetic order in condensed matter is in the exchange and spin-orbit interactions, with time scales in the subpicosecond ranges, it has been long believed that magnetism could only be manipulated at nanosecond rates, exploiting dipolar interactions with external magnetic fields. However, in the past decade researchers have been able to observe ultrafast magnetic dynamics at its intrinsic time scales without the need for magnetic fields, thus revolutionising the view on the speed limits of magnetism. Despite many achievements in ultrafast magnetism, the understanding of the fundamental physics that allows for the ultrafast dissipation of angular momentum is still only partial, hampered by the lack of experimental techniques suited to fully explore these phenomena. However, the recent appearance of two new types of coherent radiation, single-cycle THz pulses and x-rays generated at free electron lasers (FELs), has provided researchers access to a whole new set of capabilities to tackle this challenge. This proposal suggests using these techniques to achieve an encompassing view of ultrafast magnetic dynamics in metallic ferromagnets, via the following three research objectives: (a) to reveal ultrafast dynamics driven by strong THz radiation in several magnetic systems using table-top femtosecond lasers; (b) to unravel the contribution of lattice dynamics to ultrafast demagnetization in different magnetic materials using the x-rays produced at FELs and (c) to directly image ultrafast spin currents by creating femtosecond movies with nanometre resolution. The proposed experiments are challenging and explore unchartered territories, but if successful, they will advance the understanding of the speed limits of magnetism, at the time scales of the exchange and spin-orbit interactions. They will also open up for future investigations of ultrafast magnetic phenomena in materials with large electronic correlations or spin-orbit coupling. Project acronym METLAKE Project Predicting future methane fluxes from Northern lakes Researcher (PI) DAVID TORBJORN EMANUEL BASTVIKEN Host Institution (HI) LINKOPINGS UNIVERSITET Summary The new global temperature goal calls for reliable quantification of present and future greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, including climate feedbacks. Non-CO2 GHGs, with methane (CH4) being the most important, represent a large but highly uncertain component in global GHG budget. Lakes are among the largest natural sources of CH4 but our understanding of lake CH4 fluxes is rudimentary. Lake emissions are not yet routinely monitored, and coherent, spatially representative, long-term datasets are rare which hamper accurate flux estimates and predictions. METLAKE aims to improve our ability to quantify and predict lake CH4 emissions. Major goals include: (1) the development of robust validated predictive models suitable for use at the lake rich northern latitudes where large climate changes are anticipated in the near future, (2) the testing of the idea that appropriate consideration of spatiotemporal scaling can greatly facilitate generation of accurate yet simple predictive models, (3) to reveal and quantify detailed flux regulation patterns including spatiotemporal interactions and response times to environmental change, and (4) to pioneer novel use of sensor networks and near ground remote sensing with a new hyperspectral CH4 camera suitable for large-scale high resolution CH4 measurements. Extensive field work based on optimized state-of-the-art approaches will generate multi-scale and multi-system data, supplemented by experiments, and evaluated by data analyses and modelling approaches targeting effects of scaling on model performance. Altogether, METLAKE will advance our understanding of one of the largest natural CH4 sources, and provide us with systematic tools to predict future lake emissions. Such quantification of feedbacks on natural GHG emissions is required to move beyond state-of-the-art regarding global GHG budgets and to estimate the mitigation efforts needed to reach global climate goals. The new global temperature goal calls for reliable quantification of present and future greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, including climate feedbacks. Non-CO2 GHGs, with methane (CH4) being the most important, represent a large but highly uncertain component in global GHG budget. Lakes are among the largest natural sources of CH4 but our understanding of lake CH4 fluxes is rudimentary. Lake emissions are not yet routinely monitored, and coherent, spatially representative, long-term datasets are rare which hamper accurate flux estimates and predictions. METLAKE aims to improve our ability to quantify and predict lake CH4 emissions. Major goals include: (1) the development of robust validated predictive models suitable for use at the lake rich northern latitudes where large climate changes are anticipated in the near future, (2) the testing of the idea that appropriate consideration of spatiotemporal scaling can greatly facilitate generation of accurate yet simple predictive models, (3) to reveal and quantify detailed flux regulation patterns including spatiotemporal interactions and response times to environmental change, and (4) to pioneer novel use of sensor networks and near ground remote sensing with a new hyperspectral CH4 camera suitable for large-scale high resolution CH4 measurements. Extensive field work based on optimized state-of-the-art approaches will generate multi-scale and multi-system data, supplemented by experiments, and evaluated by data analyses and modelling approaches targeting effects of scaling on model performance. Altogether, METLAKE will advance our understanding of one of the largest natural CH4 sources, and provide us with systematic tools to predict future lake emissions. Such quantification of feedbacks on natural GHG emissions is required to move beyond state-of-the-art regarding global GHG budgets and to estimate the mitigation efforts needed to reach global climate goals. Project acronym NARMESH Project Narrating the Mesh: Ecology and the Non-Human in Contemporary Fiction and Oral Storytelling Researcher (PI) Marco CARACCIOLO Summary Today's ecological crisis prompts us to rethink our attitude towards physical and natural realities that have traditionally been seen as opposed to human subjectivity and agency. What emerges from this "non-human turn" is a sense of our interdependence on things like the bacteria in our intestines or the carbon atoms supporting life on Earth. Ecological theorist Timothy Morton uses the metaphor of the "mesh" to express this idea of human/non-human interconnectedness. This project will map the formal and thematic strategies through which contemporary narrative practices engage with the non-human and envisage this interconnectedness. Storytelling is an indispensable tool for making sense of experience by establishing temporal and causal relations. But it is also biased towards the human-scale realities of action and social interaction. How can narrative overcome this bias? How does it convey phenomena that challenge our belief in the ontological and material self-sufficiency of the human? Comparing fictional narratives in print (novels and short stories) and conversational storytelling, we will systematically explore the ways in which narrative can forge connections across levels of reality, weaving together the human and the non-human into a single plot. The assumption is that narrative is a field where fictional practices are in constant dialogue with the stories told in everyday conversation—and with the culture-wide beliefs and concerns those stories reflect. Through its three sub-projects, the proposed research charts this complex dialogue while greatly advancing our understanding of how stories can be used to heighten people's awareness of the mesh and its significance. The project builds on a combination of methods (close readings of novels, qualitative analysis of interviews), aiming to open up a new field of study at the intersection of literary scholarship and the social sciences—with narrative theory serving as a catalyst for the interdisciplinary exchange. Today's ecological crisis prompts us to rethink our attitude towards physical and natural realities that have traditionally been seen as opposed to human subjectivity and agency. What emerges from this "non-human turn" is a sense of our interdependence on things like the bacteria in our intestines or the carbon atoms supporting life on Earth. Ecological theorist Timothy Morton uses the metaphor of the "mesh" to express this idea of human/non-human interconnectedness. This project will map the formal and thematic strategies through which contemporary narrative practices engage with the non-human and envisage this interconnectedness. Storytelling is an indispensable tool for making sense of experience by establishing temporal and causal relations. But it is also biased towards the human-scale realities of action and social interaction. How can narrative overcome this bias? How does it convey phenomena that challenge our belief in the ontological and material self-sufficiency of the human? Comparing fictional narratives in print (novels and short stories) and conversational storytelling, we will systematically explore the ways in which narrative can forge connections across levels of reality, weaving together the human and the non-human into a single plot. The assumption is that narrative is a field where fictional practices are in constant dialogue with the stories told in everyday conversation—and with the culture-wide beliefs and concerns those stories reflect. Through its three sub-projects, the proposed research charts this complex dialogue while greatly advancing our understanding of how stories can be used to heighten people's awareness of the mesh and its significance. The project builds on a combination of methods (close readings of novels, qualitative analysis of interviews), aiming to open up a new field of study at the intersection of literary scholarship and the social sciences—with narrative theory serving as a catalyst for the interdisciplinary exchange. Project acronym PhilAnd Project The origin and early development of philosophy in tenth-century al-Andalus: the impact of ill-defined materials and channels of transmission. Researcher (PI) Godefroid DE CALLATAŸ Summary The objective of PhilAnd is to conduct a large-scale exploration of how, and under which form, philosophy appeared for the first time in al-Andalus. This issue is pivotal to understanding the history of sciences and ideas, and the role of the Arab-Muslim world in this transfer to Medieval Europe. Its relevance today also lies in the fact that it addresses questions of cultural and religious identities, since the formative stage of philosophy in al-Andalus proved decisive in shaping the intellectual background of many later authors from the Peninsula, whether Muslims, Jews, or Christians. At the crossroads of major lines of enquiries in scholarship and in line with recent discoveries having important chronological implications, PhilAnd focuses on the 10th century, a period usually disregarded by historians on the assumption that philosophy as such was not cultivated in the Iberian Peninsula before the 11th-12th centuries. Its originality is also to put emphasis on 'ill-defined' materials and channels of transmission, a field which remains largely unexplored. This project consists of five topics designed for highly-specialised scholars, and of another three transversal types of exploration conducted in the form of conferences convened with leading experts in the world. The final objectives are to test the hypothesis: 1) that the emergence of philosophy in al-Andalus significantly predates the currently accepted time; and 2) that the impact of this formative stage was considerably wider than commonly acknowledged. This project also seeks to provide a better evaluation of the originality of the first Andalusī philosophers with respect to their Oriental forerunners. This cutting-edge investigation is likely to stimulate major changes in our perception of how this primeval stage of philosophy in al-Andalus determined the subsequent developments of rational speculation among the three monotheistic communities of the Peninsula and the intellectual formation of Europe. The objective of PhilAnd is to conduct a large-scale exploration of how, and under which form, philosophy appeared for the first time in al-Andalus. This issue is pivotal to understanding the history of sciences and ideas, and the role of the Arab-Muslim world in this transfer to Medieval Europe. Its relevance today also lies in the fact that it addresses questions of cultural and religious identities, since the formative stage of philosophy in al-Andalus proved decisive in shaping the intellectual background of many later authors from the Peninsula, whether Muslims, Jews, or Christians. At the crossroads of major lines of enquiries in scholarship and in line with recent discoveries having important chronological implications, PhilAnd focuses on the 10th century, a period usually disregarded by historians on the assumption that philosophy as such was not cultivated in the Iberian Peninsula before the 11th-12th centuries. Its originality is also to put emphasis on 'ill-defined' materials and channels of transmission, a field which remains largely unexplored. This project consists of five topics designed for highly-specialised scholars, and of another three transversal types of exploration conducted in the form of conferences convened with leading experts in the world. The final objectives are to test the hypothesis: 1) that the emergence of philosophy in al-Andalus significantly predates the currently accepted time; and 2) that the impact of this formative stage was considerably wider than commonly acknowledged. This project also seeks to provide a better evaluation of the originality of the first Andalusī philosophers with respect to their Oriental forerunners. This cutting-edge investigation is likely to stimulate major changes in our perception of how this primeval stage of philosophy in al-Andalus determined the subsequent developments of rational speculation among the three monotheistic communities of the Peninsula and the intellectual formation of Europe. Project acronym WeThaw Project Mineral Weathering in Thawing Permafrost: Causes and Consequences Researcher (PI) Sophie OPFERGELT Summary Enhanced thawing of the permafrost in response to warming of the Earth's high latitude regions exposes previously frozen soil organic carbon (SOC) to microbial decomposition, liberating carbon to the atmosphere and creating a dangerous positive feedback on climate warming. Thawing the permafrost may also unlock a cascade of mineral weathering reactions. These will be accompanied by mineral nutrient release and generation of reactive surfaces which will influence plant growth, microbial SOC degradation and SOC stabilisation. Arguably, weathering is an important but hitherto neglected component for correctly assessing and predicting the permafrost carbon feedback. The goal of WeThaw is to provide the first comprehensive assessment of the mineral weathering response in permafrost regions subject to thawing. By addressing this crucial knowledge gap, WeThaw will significantly augment our capacity to develop models that can accurately predict the permafrost carbon feedback. Specifically, I will provide the first estimate of the permafrost's mineral element reservoir which is susceptible to rapidly respond to enhanced thawing, and I will assess the impact of thawing on the soil nutrient storage capacity. To determine the impact of increased mineral weathering on mineral nutrient availability in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in permafrost regions, the abiotic and biotic sources and processes controlling their uptake and release will be unraveled by combining novel geochemical techniques, involving the non-traditional silicon, magnesium and lithium stable isotopes, with soil mineral and physico-chemical characterisations. I posit that this groundbreaking approach has the potential to deliver unprecedented insights into mineral weathering dynamics in warming permafrost regions. This frontier research which crosses disciplinary boundaries is a mandatory step for being able to robustly explain the role of mineral weathering in modulating the permafrost carbon feedback. Enhanced thawing of the permafrost in response to warming of the Earth's high latitude regions exposes previously frozen soil organic carbon (SOC) to microbial decomposition, liberating carbon to the atmosphere and creating a dangerous positive feedback on climate warming. Thawing the permafrost may also unlock a cascade of mineral weathering reactions. These will be accompanied by mineral nutrient release and generation of reactive surfaces which will influence plant growth, microbial SOC degradation and SOC stabilisation. Arguably, weathering is an important but hitherto neglected component for correctly assessing and predicting the permafrost carbon feedback. The goal of WeThaw is to provide the first comprehensive assessment of the mineral weathering response in permafrost regions subject to thawing. By addressing this crucial knowledge gap, WeThaw will significantly augment our capacity to develop models that can accurately predict the permafrost carbon feedback. Specifically, I will provide the first estimate of the permafrost's mineral element reservoir which is susceptible to rapidly respond to enhanced thawing, and I will assess the impact of thawing on the soil nutrient storage capacity. To determine the impact of increased mineral weathering on mineral nutrient availability in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in permafrost regions, the abiotic and biotic sources and processes controlling their uptake and release will be unraveled by combining novel geochemical techniques, involving the non-traditional silicon, magnesium and lithium stable isotopes, with soil mineral and physico-chemical characterisations. I posit that this groundbreaking approach has the potential to deliver unprecedented insights into mineral weathering dynamics in warming permafrost regions. This frontier research which crosses disciplinary boundaries is a mandatory step for being able to robustly explain the role of mineral weathering in modulating the permafrost carbon feedback.
The University of Minnesota Human Rights Center has developed this Library with generous support from the Ford Foundation, Samuel Heins, the JEHT Foundation, the John Merck Fund, the Joyce Mertz-Gilmore Foundation, the Open Society Institute, the Sigrid Rausing Trust, the U.S. Institute of Peace, the University of Minnesota Law School (including the University of Minnesota Law Library), the Weyerhaeuser Family Foundation, the West Group, and other contributors. In-kind advertising support has been provided through a Google Grant award. The Library also commemorates the pioneering work of Diana Vincent- Daviss.
Based on a comparison of 16 countries in 2016, Poland ranked the highest in subsidies on industrial crops with EUR 149 mil followed by France and Spain. On the other end of the scale was Denmark with EUR 0.010 mil, Luxembourg with EUR 0.140 mil and Portugal with EUR 0.510 mil. Buy Subsidies on Industrial Crops (EUR) data for all countries.
Valentine's Tapas for Two! Join us this Valentine's Day for a tapas feast designed to share with the one you love. For those of you busy on the 14th, our Valentine's Tapas for Two menu will also be available on February 15th and 16th. Menu details to follow.
What's up with these weird blue patches on Mars? The blue patches in question. Image: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin By Miriam Kramer 2015-06-01 23:32:26 UTC The red planet seems like it's turning blue. A European probe in orbit around Mars just photographed two deep blue patches on the Martian surface, but while they might look like lakes to the untrained eye, don't be deceived. The spots are actually layers of dark, volcanic rock that appear blue in the photo taken by the European Space Agency's Mars Express spacecraft. See also: Short film tells the stories of three people who want to die on Mars From possible blue auroras to a blue sunset, this photo is just the latest in a series of "blue" images of the red planet. Winds on Mars blew dark sediment to the areas of the planet. The blue coloring is actually an "optical illusion caused by the image processing," ESA said in a statement. "The blue-hued patches lying within the ragged craters are actually dark sediments that have built up over time," ESA added. This photo taken by Mars Express shows the Arabia Terra region of the red planet. Craters of various sizes dot the surface of this region — and much of the red planet. But those surface features can become eroded over time. Winds on Mars can reach up to 100 km/h, or about 62 mph, creating dust storms that can last for days or weeks, according to ESA. Those heavy winds can wear away features on the surface of the planet over the course of millions of years, depositing material on other parts of Mars. While these image may not show proof of liquid water on Mars, earlier discoveries from NASA's Curiosity Mars rover showed that Mars was once a wet world that could have been habitable for microbial life sometime in the planet's ancient past. Topics: Space, mars craters, mars express, mars rock, red planet, U.S., World
Editorials » Business Resources » Money Management » Barcelona Economy By: Kirsty Connell Situated on a plain between the Llobregat and Besos rivers and lying between mountains and the sea, Barcelona is the second largest city of Spain, its largest port, and its chief commercial and industrial center. Barcelona has served as a crossroads of manufacturing - a vital centre of trading and shipping - since before Christopher Columbus set sail for the Americas. Its strategic location, on the Mediterranean Sea and near the border with France, has made its emergence as the principal industrial and commercial centre of Spain inevitable. The mainstay of the Barcelona community's economic life is based on cultural commitment to manufacturing. Barcelona's reputation as a world centre for art, architecture and design is growing yearly with a plethora of cultural activities on offer. Besides highly developed economy and rich culture Barcelona also has high quality education. It is also the seat of two universities and many other educational institutions. Barcelona is Spain's foremost center of industry, both heavy (iron, steel, copper) and light (especially textiles). Spanish publishing houses are concentrated there. Traditional industries range from shipbuilding to skilled handicrafts. Textiles, machinery, automobiles, locomotives, airplanes, and electrical equipment are the chief manufactures. International banking and finance are also important. Tourism first became important in the late 1950s. Barcelona is today a very popular destination. So popular that it is getting really hard to find to stay during official vacations or international fairs. But because of such boom, a lot of have been built and they offer comfort, quality and great value for the money, ideal for leisure and business travelers. Barcelona as the capital of the autonomous region of Catalonia accounts for more than a quarter of Spain's GDP. The growth of the economy has been the driving force behind Barcelona's physical expansion and the region benefits from a large local market of some four million people. The economy is particularly strong in the motor vehicle industry, electrical engineering, publishing, wine production and consumer goods. Barcelona has a highly diversified economic structure, in contrast with other major cities that are heavily reliant on one or two sub-sectors. One of the major economic features of Barcelona is the high relative weight of its industrial base, which greatly exceeds the average of other European metropolitan areas. Barcelona built its industrial might on its centuries-old status as one of Europe's most important ports, a status it maintains today, with container traffic hitting record levels in recent years. Madrid might be the political and financial capital of Spain, but Barcelona holds sway as its most culturally and industrially vibrant city. Barcelona has highly specialized industrial sectors that are competitive and focused on exports, including the automotive, consumer electronics, chemical and pharmaceutical, food and energy industries. Also Barcelona aims to create a free trade area between the EU and its Mediterranean neighbors by 2010. The further development of economic relations not only Barcelona, but all Europe with the Arab world, especially in the vital area of foreign direct investment, depends on the successful restructuring of internal markets and significant improvements in the business environment, as well as the implementation of trade liberalization policies. • Enjoy modest house price inflation in April • Make Money Leasing Farmland • Money Maturity Techniques • Saving Money in Lean Times • Money Saving Tips • Money Problems Solutions • Tips To Get Grant Money For Your Small Business • How To Budget Your Slim Monthly Paycheck • This Crazy Little Thing Called Life Causes Cash Problems • Casino Cash Boni - Winning Profit Blueprint • Tips To Getting A Cash Advance Today • Seeing Saving And Earning As A Small Business • Adult Billing Solutions • Insulation Can Reduce Heating Bills For Years • The Role of Fear in This Faltering Economy • Teach Kids to be Thrifty Spenders • Fast Money for Your Urgent Needs • Make More Money without ESP • Five Time-saving Ways to Reduce Winter Heating Costs • How to Have More Money by Organizing Yourself » More on Most Popular Money Management Articles » Living On A Budget » How To Budget Your Money » How To Create A Budget » How To Do A Budget » What Is Budget Importance of money Performance and Motivation in 'mcdonalds' Insurance Companies Play Hardball With Minor Car Accident Claims Apartment Building Investment Strategy Job Interview Questions? 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BEACHES OF SOUTH WALES BEACHES FOR DOGS FACTS OF WALES St Davids & St Justinians St Davids is the smallest city in Britain. Most visitors come to see the Cathedral set in beautiful surroundings. The cathedral was built on the site of a 6th century monastery. The nave is the oldest part dating from the 12th century. The "city" of St Davids has some nice little shops, and for the children there is an oceanarium which has a 80,000 gallon tank displaying hundreds of marine creatures from sharks to starfish. The oceanarium is open all year 7 days a week. The area around St Davids is famous for its rich and beautiful landscape with its many coves and unspoilt bays such as Caerfai Bay Also not to be missed are the boat trips which can be booked at the entrance to the cathedral, these range from a short trip to Ramsey island or for the more adventurous a voyage of discovery that explores caves and a rough white water ride across "The Bitches" a section of rough water between Ramsey Island and the main land. The Bishops palace which is to the left of the cathedral, even now in ruins is unequalled in any other part of Wales. It was largely the work of Henry de Gower the then Bishop (1328~1347) it has two staterooms and is richly embellished with stone carvings.. " The City centre " St Davids.. St Justinians. St Justinians has a lifeboat station and lovely views of the Pembrokeshire coast line. It is a haven for visitors who like total peace and tranquility, the only noise you will hear is the sea and birds. There are no facilities except toilet cubicles in the car park. If you want more than that. forget it......... Sailings to Ramsey Island Bird Sanctuary (only 40 visitors per day allowed) depart from the lifeboat station at 10am and 1pm and return at 1-15pm and 4pm (bookings can be made at St Davids) Car parking is in a field close to the lifeboat station BEACHES IN WALES.. HOME MY WELSH CHILDHOOD BEACHES FACTS OF WALES SLIDESHOW CASTLES THE GOWER PLACES TO VISIT LINKS PARKS / GARDENS PHOTO BY PHILLIP GRONOW Photo by kind permission of Phillip Gronow
Eulogy & Celebrations Life Passages & Celebrations about Bobbie Ellis Bobbie Ellis, Ordained Minster and Officiant Bobbie has spent more then half her life committed to exploring inquiry, embodied practices and meaningful ways to celebrate and commemorate life's most sacred passages. In 1998 she was ordained as an interfaith minister and a minister of ancient ways at The New Mexico Theological Seminary. She has helped many people in creating weddings, baby blessings, memorial services, eulogies, and many other ceremonies that have personal meaning, spiritual connection, and presence for the way in which they want to reach for what will be meaningful in their own lives. In creating "Meaningful Ceremonies", Bobbie is committed to offering guidance, creativity and honoring personal style, religious connection, and a spiritual environment that fits with anyone's taste, beliefs and preferences. With 31 years of experience as a yoga teacher, movement therapist, creative and embodied coach and bodyworker, Bobbie has a depth of skill in working with creating an environment for any one of life's most important passages. Bobbie has been the owner and director of Soma Center - Resources for Embodied Living in Highland Park, NJ for 19 years. With many years of experience in teaching classes, workshops and training programs at Soma Center, Kripalu Yoga Center in Lenox MA, Esalen Institute in Big Sur CA, and many more locations, Bobbie has a long history in creating a sacred space. She is married and has a grown son. If you would like information about Soma Center, go to www.somactr.com Email: [email protected] Home . Weddings & Commitments . Baby Blessings . Eulogy & Celebrations of Life . Life Passages & Celebrations . Gallery . Testimonials . Contact & About © 2019 Meaningful Ceremonies all rights reserved
18/04/2014 · The company says "Location History helps us know when it makes the msot sense to notify you (for example, by making sure we don't send you a notification every time a Facebook …... Logging on to Facebook will allow the company to know your location. If you have a Facebook mobile app installed, the company knows your GPS coordinates and what you are visiting. (Because of how the application estimates your location, a certain amount of information is sent to Google servers, and if you have privacy concerns, then you can turn the My Location feature off in your maps application.... Want to creep out your friends with a map of their recent whereabouts? Well, if they have ever used Facebook Messenger and have left the location tracking within their phone on, you're in luck. So if you know the names of, say, 20 specific people you want your ad to be shown to, then you can go find each user's Facebook ID, add them all to your custom audience, and then pay to serve your …... Now, only you can broadcast your location. You can also choose who can see your check-ins. Click the "Places I check in" pulldown under the Things I Share category. The default is "friends only." Typically, your browser uses information about the Wi-Fi access points around you to estimate your location. If no Wi-Fi access points are in range, or your computer doesn't have Wi-Fi, it may resort to using your computer's IP address to get an approximate location. The website is ad supported and knowing your location would help them display location based ads. Knowing your location would help the website with the data on its readers/visitors based on a geographical location.
Heard the one about how it's a shame that the Community Centre isn't used more? Well, this weekend we have a party for 400+ on tonight (Friday), then a very quick tidy-up before karate in the Reynolds Room 10am Saturday morning and again 2.30pm to 4.00. Hardly will the karate class be out before a party sets up in the Reynolds Room and bar for Saturday evening. Then all that has to be tidied up and a quick clean through done Sunday morning in time for the Knighton YFC to set up for a panto show on Sunday afternoon. By Sunday night hundreds of local people, including lots of children, will have been through the doors to enjoy themselves or take part in a leisure activity. And it's 2 or 3 volunteers and our cleaners who will turn it all around - and will then set to and make the whole centre ready to open its doors on Monday morning bright and early for another Community Support working week, plus art classes from 10am Monday in the Reynolds Room. It is a massive undertaking to keep the centre open, sometimes with words of support from members of the local community, sometimes with less helpful comments. It's about to become even more massive as the small group of volunteers who run the centre on the local community's behalf confront the problems and issues involved with a planned Big Lottery-funded refurbishment.
Q: Python: pandas.DataFrame.insert ValueError: Buffer has wrong number of dimensions In a DataFrame, I want to extract an integer (0-9) from a string which always comes after a specific word, and add it as a new column at a specific position (not the end). In the simplified example below I want to extract the integer which comes after the word 'number'. DataFrame: testDf = ['Number1', 'number2', 'aNumber8', 'Number6b'] df = pd.DataFrame(testDf, columns=['Tagname']) Tagname Number1 number2 aNumber8 Number6b The code below works, but since it adds the column at the end of the dataframe, I have to move the column. df['Number'] = df['Tagname'].str.extract(r'number*(\d)', re.IGNORECASE) Tagname Number Number1 1 number2 2 aNumber8 8 Number6b 6 insertNum = df['Number'] df.drop(labels=['Number'], axis=1, inplace = True) df.insert(0, 'Number', insertNum) Number Tagname 1 Number1 2 number2 8 aNumber8 6 Number6b What I hoped I could do is to use .insert(), but this raises the ValueError shown below. df.insert(0, 'Number', df['Tagname'].str.extract(r'number*(\d)', re.IGNORECASE)) ValueError: Buffer has wrong number of dimensions (expected 1, got 2) Is it possible to use .insert() this way? A: Use expand=False for Series from Series.str.extract, if omit it get one or more column DataFrame, because default parameter is expand=True: Details: print (df['Tagname'].str.extract(r'number*(\d)', re.IGNORECASE)) 0 0 1 1 2 2 8 3 6 print (df['Tagname'].str.extract(r'number*(\d)', re.IGNORECASE, expand=False)) 0 1 1 2 2 8 3 6 Name: Tagname, dtype: object df.insert(0,'Number',df['Tagname'].str.extract(r'number*(\d)', re.IGNORECASE, expand=False)) print (df) Number Tagname 0 1 Number1 1 2 number2 2 8 aNumber8 3 6 Number6b
Jill Morton Shattering a Colorblind View of the Past Color is always doing something. Sometimes color screams out a message, sometimes it casts a subliminal spell. So, what's happening in the world of color today? Yesterday? Tomorrow? What are the facts, what are the myths? 2 minutes reading time (376 words) For nearly two centuries, scholars have been arguing that beige and white were not the true colors of antiquity. The Parthenon in Athens and the Forum in Rome might have been almost gaudy. Unfortunately, such ideas have never influenced Hollywood or many experts. For example, in "Gladiator," when Russell Crowe strides down the streets of ancient Rome, circa A.D. 180, he's backed up by the proper complement of white marble. In almost every view of the past, textbooks included, the ancient world comes off as monochrome. A flood of recent exhibitions has put color back into the vocabulary of antiquity. Last year, "Gods in Color" in Boston and "The Color of Life" exhibition at the Getty featured multi-colored sculptural masterpieces from the Greek and Roman eras. However, not all scholars are pleased. Of note, Fabio Barry, an art historian at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, is not overly fond of the Prima Porta sculpture's colored reconstruction. "Can you imagine the family-values, back-to-basics, republican emperor Augustus . . . represented by something that looks like a cross-dresser trying to hail a taxi?" raves Barry, an expert on the history of marble. He insists that the Romans cherished the whiteness of fine marble as an important symbol of light and purity. On the other hand, Getty Curator Kenneth Lapatin "For the Greeks it was all about mimesis," says, using the Greek word for realistic imitation. Beauty depended on it. A week ago, scientists revealed something else that shatters our preconceived notions about the drab and dinghy colors of an even more distant past. A team of British and Chinese scientists found evidence that a dinosaur that lived about 125 million years ago had a feathered mohawk with orange-brown bristly feathers around its tail. By examining and comparing tiny structures (melanins) in the feathers, they found the color associated with red-brown. Source While this colorful development in the lost world of dinosaurs is quite exciting, it will still be left up to our imaginations to create the colors of popular dinosaurs, like Tyrannosaurus rex - at least for now. As for antiquity, we also need help visualizing and accepting a colored world of architecture and sculpture. Perhaps this century will colorize the past in amazing ways. Color antiquity history dinosaur Symbolism There's More Than Love at the Heart of Red Color Karma for the Next Decade Subscribe to updates from author Unsubscribe to updates from author Jill Morton Jill is the author and designer of the Color Matters website. She's a color consultant who focuses on color psychology and brand identity. See "Who Is Color Matters" at this web site and www.colorcom.com for more information. Monday, 25 January 2021 Designers that changed everything - and why color matters Monday, 03 August 2020 Languages without words: Colors and emojis Friday, 18 October 2019 The Colors of the Year 2020 Designers that changed everything - and why color matters Languages without words: Colors and emojis The Colors of the Year 2020 Test your color imagination The Most Expensive Color in the World
-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation) (Greek > Latin: a suffix; action, act, process, state, or condition; or result of doing something) Although there are over 1,450 word entries ending with -ation or -ization listed in this unit, there are certainly many more which exist in the English language. At any rate, this unit provides a significant number of -ation and -ization examples for you to see. 1. The process of covering the earth with glaciers or masses of ice. 2. The condition or result of being glaciated. glacierization The covering of a land area by glacier ice. This term was coined by G. Taylor in the Antarctic and introduced by Wright and Priestly (1922) to distinguish the act of glacial inundation from its geologic consequences (glaciation). It is growing in use in Great Britain but it still is considered unnecessary by some American geologists, who use the term "glacier covering". —Wright, Sir C. E., and Priestley, Sir R. E., Glaciology, British (Terra Nova) Antarctic Expedition, 1910–1913; Harrison and Sons Ltd, London; 1922. glandulation globalization (U.S.), globalisation (British) 1. To make global or worldwide in scope or application. 2. A modern term used to describe the changes in societies and the world economy that result from dramatically increased international trade and cultural exchange. It describes the increase of trade and investing due to the falling of barriers and the interdependence of countries. 3. The tendency over time for the nations and citizens of the world to become more closely interconnected, as a result of factors; such as, increased trade and travel, higher rates of immigration, and the spread of mass media including film and television. 4. Any specific instance of the trend; that is, the globalization of the internet from its beginning as a small network in the United States. glomeration 1. The act of forming or gathering into a ball or round mass; the state of being gathered into a ball; conglomeration. 2. That which is formed into a ball; a ball; a glomerate mass. gloriation 1. A boast. 2. A triumphing. 1. A glorified or more splendid form of something. 2. The act of glorifying. 3. The state of being glorified. 4. Exaltation to the glory of heaven. glycoregulation, glycoregulatory The control of the processes associated with the metabolism or biotransformation of sugar. gradation gratification (s) (noun), gratifications (pl) gustation 1. The action of tasting or the sense of taste. 2. The act of tasting, the sense of taste, or the gustatory function (the performance of the sense of taste). guttation The exudation of water from leaves. gyration (s) (noun), gyrations (pl) The act of doing circular or spiral motions; a rotation; a whirling. Showing page 46 out of 96 pages of 1436 main-word entries or main-word-entry groups.
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The structure of a PhD Program in Information Assurance and Security is similar to that of any other PhD program: typically somewhere between three to six years, with two distinct components—doctoral coursework, and the doctoral dissertation—separated by a comprehensive General Exam designed to rigorously test students' knowledge and retention of the concepts, data, and skills studied and acquired in class and through research. Coursework undertaken during the first component prepares students to protect the operational security of organizations by designing and implementing systems, procedures, and protocols that align with legal regulations and policies. They work to introduce and emphasize technical controls, as well as relationships between the law, company policy, and human psychology, so that together all those factors may direct the outcome of security strategems. Students will also be honing their research interests and skills as they learn, in anticipation of their dissertation, the second major component of a doctoral degree. After they have passed the General Exam, students will propose their dissertation thesis to a committee, and, pending approval from that committee, will begin to plan, research, and compose their dissertation, finally defending it in public forum. A dissertation usually takes two to three years to complete, and is commonly between 250 and 300 pages; it represents for most students the longest, most arduous sustained academic endeavor of their entire career. As compared to conventional programs, the substantive features of online PhD programs in Information Assurance and Security are similar in quality, requirement, and structure—it is only logistically that online doctorate programs in Information Assurance and Security dramatically depart from campus-based programs. The majority of instruction, assignment submission, and communication with professors or other students in online Information Assurance and Security programs is done online from a student's personal computer, on the student's schedule. Online PhD Information Assurance and Security programs are split into the same two phases as traditional programs (coursework and dissertation). The coursework for an online doctorate in Information Assurance and Security also has the same focus on problem-solving techniques and theoretical discussion of security, with the same ultimate goal of imparting on students a working knowledge of threat and intrusion prevention, as well as organizational system integrity protection. Classes facilitate their understanding of concepts such information confidentiality, intellectual property, and data preservation so that students are well able to thwart security threats and to strengthen technological vulnerabilities to avoid exploitation of perceived weaknesses. Fundamentals of Computer Networking. A complete analysis of network protocols, focusing on modeling, architecture, performance evaluation, and flow control schemes; introduces a number of key concepts and technical tools, techniques, and protocols. Network Security. An introductory study of the theory and practice of computer security, with a focus on multi-user systems and the internet; covers several categories of threats to security, as well as tools to prevent intrusions. Students will learn basic cryptography, and discuss security protocols for mobile networks. Cryptography and Communications Security. A thorough explanation and history of cryptography studying its design and use, as well as its strengths and weaknesses, its mathematical basis, and the most common forms of attack against it. Local Area Networks and Interworking. Leads students through the origins and development of local area networks, and the later introduction of internetworking, including current advancements in LAN technology, and presents basic programming algorithms and protocols. Security Risk Management and Assessment. Creates the opportunity for competency in the development of information security policies and plans including controls for physical, software, and networks. Discusses different malicious attacks, such as viruses and Trojan horses, detection strategies, countermeasures, damage assessment, and control. Covers information system risk analysis and management, audits, and log files. Uses case studies, site visits, and works with commercial products. Organizations Corporate Computer and Network Security. This course explores the security threats and security management issues in corporations, including access control, site security and disaster response. Students also study how hackers attack organizations and strategies for preventing intrusion. Fundamentals of Computer Network Auditing. Candidates for online doctorate degrees in information assurance and security study the foundation of information technology audit and control, as well as the control of new and existing systems. They also assess security and privacy matters. Information Security and Outsourcing Computer Systems. Individuals evaluate the risks of information technology outsourcing to understand how best to recognize and to manage such dangers. This course heightens awareness of the various issues that organizations must identify, quantify and analyze to make informed outsourcing decisions that are cost efficient from tangible and intangible perspectives. Disaster Recovery and Contingency Planning for the Security Professional. This course provides instruction in disaster prevention and recovery capabilities within organizations. Students learn the principles of disaster recovery planning for physical security consideration, host applications and network security measures. As part of the online PhD Information Assurance and Security coursework, students will participate in several residencies, which will help in the preparation for General Exams. Following the General Exam, students will propose their dissertation topic, and then continue their original research in information assurance and security. Once the dissertation has been successfully defended, students will walk away with online doctoral degrees in Information Assurance and Security. As graduates of online doctoral programs in information assurance and security, individuals implement risk management strategies to ensure the defense of computers, technological systems and corporate governance. Not simply a computer science discipline, the field has far-reaching impact across an array of industries, e.g., finance, criminal justice, government and communications. As front-line respondents to complexities that arise in data privacy, business continuity and compliance issues, individuals who possess an online PhD in information assurance and security help to safeguard organizations from threats against safety breaches that would otherwise impair, if not disable, their productivity and efficiency. While some online PhD programs are still eyed suspiciously by employers, online PhD degrees in Information Assurance and Security are one of the few degrees potentially strengthened by the format of the program. Working, learning, and communicating within a sophisticated information network provides students the opportunity to fully experience the challenges of networks and network security, and the nature of the work they do while in school is directly in line with professional work, which could be an excellent selling point for graduates seeking employment. Most online PhD programs in Information Assurance and Security require a master's degree in a similar field, such as information assurance, information technology management, or computer science, for admission, as well as relevant work experience, e.g. in either administrative, scientific research, or computer science related positions, to demonstrate acumen in the field and an understanding of the subject matter that will be covered in the program. Additionally, students will fill out an application and submit supporting materials, usually including transcripts, test scores where necessary (GRE or GMAT), at least three letters of recommendation from academic or professional colleagues or supervisors, a resume, and a statement of purpose explaining students' goals in and reasons for pursuing online doctorate degrees in Information Assurance and Security. The best online PhD programs in information assurance and security prepare individuals for a range of careers that rely heavily on the skills that they acquire through their coursework and dissertation research. Those who earn an online information assurance and security doctorate are able to assume leadership roles within professions in business, research, academia, and government agencies like the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Computer Software Engineer—Applications These professionals develop and refine computer applications software in accordance with user needs. They implement software solutions to ensure operational security and efficiency, and they may also design databases within an application area. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual income for applications computer software engineers is $90,170. Computer Software Engineer—Systems Software Individuals who hold an online doctorate in information assurance and security can research, design and launch operating systems-level software and network distribution software for an array of industries, e.g., aerospace, military, business and general computing purposes, to ensure data protection with limited risk. This career pays an average of $96,620. Computer and Information Scientist Professionals in this career act as theorists, designers and inventors to solve hardware and software challenges, including vulnerabilities that may create exposure to technological threats. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual income for computer and information scientists is $105,370 with states in the nation's beltway—Virginia, Maryland and Washington, DC—among the top five with the highest concentration of professionals in this field. Computer and Information Systems Manager These professionals coordinate activities in fields such as data processing and computer programming that help to develop and to sustain technological integrity. On average, individuals in this career earn $120,640 annually. College/University Professor Graduates may decide to teach information assurance and security courses as professors who also engage in field-related research. On average, professors of computer science/technology earn $75,860 annually. The best information assurance and security PhD online programs equip graduates to play a pivotal in a field that continues to rapidly evolve as people and communications become increasingly more global, thereby necessitating measures that will protect data. An online doctorate in information assurance and security allows individuals to understand and to mitigate the technological risks that organizations encounter so that threats are proactively addressed and safety measures are appropriately enacted. Information Systems Audit and Control Association Information Systems Audit and Control Association is a nonprofit organization that recognizes the critical importance of information systems and participates in the development, advocation, and use of information systems worldwide. Information Systems Security Association The Information Systems Security Association is a global community of information security professionals and practitioners that educates the public about and provides peer interaction and development opportunities in the information security field. International Association of Information Assurance Professionals The International Association of Information Assurance Professionals is a certification organization dedicated to training the best information assurance and security personnel and connecting them with employers. Center for Information Assurance and Security The Center for Information Assurance and Security, housed in Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas, is a leading research, educational, and practice facility in information assurance and security. Their efforts expand the knowledge and application of security systems and threats everywhere, and their programs trains highly skilled professionals to better protect valuable information. Generally there are two types of funding available to students pursuing an online PhD Information Assurance and Security degree: scholarships and grants. Scholarships are usually need- or merit-based, and can be highly competitive. Grants can take a number of forms depending on the source of the funds—the two most common are government grants, given to students with demonstrated financial need and/or outstanding educational history; and research grants, awarded after a proposal has been submitted to a government department, a corporation, a business, or sometimes an individual, promising to research a submitted topic and return with data and conclusions about it. Tuition costs for one semester or quarter vary from school to school, but to give a preliminary picture of what total expenses for an online Information Assurance and Security PhD will be, here are the tuition prices of two online universities: 1) Capella University—$4,485 per quarter, with a limit of three courses per quarter (except dissertation quarters, which are $3,945), and 2) Northcentral University—$2,200 per course. That puts total cost for Capella University somewhere between $43,644 and $51,768, and around $22,000 for Northcentral University. ISSA Scholarship. The Information Systems Security Association offers two $1,000 scholarships for students pursuing campus-based or online doctoral degrees in Information Assurance and Security. Departmen of Defense IAS Scholarship. The U.S. Department of Defense awards scholarships to deserving, outstanding students pursuing an education in Information Assurance and Security. Tuition is paid for in full by the Department of Defense in exchange for a service commitment by the student. (ISC)2 Grant. The International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium, Inc. offers a $3,000 grant to one qualified doctoral student pursuing a degree in Information Assurance and Security, to aid in her research. Even with an impressive master's GPA, solely academic preparation for an online PhD in Information Assurance and Security may not be sufficient for admission, or for successful completion of online doctoral programs in Information Assurance and Security. Consider working in the industry for two or three years before applying to Information Assurance and Security PhD programs online, in order to find out more concretely what the field is like before committing another several years and more funds to an education in it. Research schools thoroughly when applying. Not all Information Assurance and Security doctorate degrees online are created equal; in fact, some programs online are diploma mills that award valueless degrees, degrees that would not have any substance in the professional world. Be wary of any school that will confer a higher degree or higher honors if more money is paid. Worthwhile programs are accredited regionally and will have more demanding admission or graduation requirements than merely paying or paying more. Make sure your foundation in computer science and networking are sound and current. The Information Assurance and Security is a rapidly changing and constantly evolving field, with new threats developed every day, so a solid foundation in the basics is critical, as is a willingness to absorb and adopt new protocols.
Stream it now via OVO Sound Radio. After announcing last month that he would be scrapping his new album, MC4, over a botched release, French Montana has officially changed his mind and dropped the LP, this time as a free mixtape. It will reportedly appear on iTunes, DatPiff, and Spotify later tonight. The album drop took place on tonight's OVO Sound Radio. "It's been a long wait, but you already know what it is," Montana said. Listen now on Beats 1 radio on Apple.
Ultra Convenient & Charming 2 Bedroom Semi! Discover this immaculately presented 2 bedroom semi-detached house located on a lovely quiet tree lined street within a short stroll to all of Strathfield's amenities including transportation, restaurants and dining, shopping, schools and parklands. Features include: 2 large bedrooms, living room, separate dining room opening out to a lovely paved courtyard perfect for alfresco entertaining, wooden cottage style electric kitchen with plenty of storage space, main bathroom with shower, spare wash closet for guests, internal laundry, hard wood timber floors throughout, high ceilings, Air- Conditioning, charming original features and a secure LUG with rear lane access. Parking: LUG with rear lane access.
N O R T H A M E R I C A N B I R D S 160 Steve N. G. Howell, Corey Lange, Rob Larson, Gerardo Marrón, Robert B. McNab, Luis F. Mendoza, Ricardo Olachea Guzmán, Eduardo Palacios, Miguel Ángel Rodriguez Durán, Kerry Ross, Gorgonio Ruiz-Campos, Rachel Smith, Eduardo Soto Montoyo, Justyn T. Stahl, Gary J. Strachan, Mark Stratton, Rick Taylor, Jona - than Vargas, Enrique D. Zamora-Hernández. Records submitted to and accessed from aVer - Aves/eBird were essential in the compilation of this report. n –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Richard A. Erickson, LSA Associates, 20 Executive Park, Suite 200, Irvine, California 92614, ([email protected]) Roberto Carmona, Departamento de Biología Marina, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur, Apartado Postal 19-B, La Paz, Baja California Sur, México, ([email protected]) Gorgonio Ruiz-Campos, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Km. 103 Carretera Tijuana-Ensenada, Ensenada, Baja California, 22800, México U. S. MAILING ADDRESS: PMB 064, P.O. Box 189003, Coronado, California 92178-9003, ([email protected]) 9 Oct (GF, MF). Eight Summer Tanagers were seen in Baja California, 3 in Baja California Sur, and the lone Scarlet Tanager was at El Rosario 8 Oct (MJB, RAE). Other thick-billed migrants of note included a Rose-breasted Grosbeak on the road to San Antonio de la Sierra 9 Nov (ph. JC et al.); a Painted Bunting at Bahía Asunción 20 Oct (ph. SNGH); and Dickcissels at El Rosa - rio 8 Oct (MJB, RAE), Rancho El Descanso 22 Oct (ph. RAE, ph. RAH, ph. SNGH), Santiago 5 Nov (ph. RAE), and La Paz 6 Nov (CL). Responding to a dramatic decline in num - bers, the California Fish and Game Commis- sion in Dec 2014 approved emergency listing of the Tricolored Blackbird under the Califor - nia Endangered Species Act. The species is de facto Endangered in Mexico as well. The only ones reported this season were one at La Salina 6 Oct (RAE) and 20 at El Rosario 8 Oct (MJB, RAE). Rarity of another kind was demonstrated by the Rusty Blackbird at La Misión 1 Nov (ph. EDZH et al.), establishing only the fourth Regional record. In this poor season for eastern vagrants, two oriole species held their own: 4 Orchard Orioles and 2 Baltimore Orioles were found at El Rosario in Oct (MJB, ph. RAE, SNGH), and another Baltimore Oriole was at Rancho San José de Castro 21 Oct (RAH, GM). A good Purple Finch season was on the way, and the frst was at El Rosario 8 Oct (MJB, RAE). The distinctive fight call of a Lawrence's Goldfnch was heard in s. Baja California Sur at Todos Santos 10 Nov (MG et al.), but the bird was not seen. Contributors: Nallely Arce, Víctor Ayala- Pérez, Mark J. Billings, Thomas A. Black - man, Jay Carlisle, Roberto Carmona, Ken Chamberlain, Nadine de Jong, Richard A. Erickson, George Flicker, Mary Flick - er, José Emer García, Kimball L. Garrett, Mary Gustafson, Tom Haglund, Robert A. Hamilton, Adriana Hernández Alvarez, the observers had seen since 1991 on nearly annual autum trips to the n. half of the penin - sula. In Baja California, 3 Red-throated Pipits at Villa Jesús María 19 Oct were at a traditional location, but 2 at a seasonal lagoon s. of Jara - guay 19 Oct and one at Ybarra on Mesa de San Jacinto 18 Oct (all SNGH, RAH, RAE) were at new sites for the species. The warbler season was slightly better than in 2013 but still well below average. Multiples were seen of Tennessee Warbler (5 in Baja Cali - fornia), Lucy's Warbler (Santo Tomás 12 Oct, KC; El Centenario 7 Nov, CL, RAE), and Palm Warbler (one in Baja California, 9 in Baja Cali - fornia Sur), but only singles were seen of some of the other more regular species: Ovenbird (Real del Mar 6 Oct; RAE), Blackburnian War - bler (El Sauzal 7 Oct; MJB, RAE), and Blackpoll Warbler (El Sauzal 17 Oct; SNGH, RAE, RAH). Least expected were a Virginia's Warbler at El Zacatal, near La Paz 29 Nov (†JV), and in cen. Baja California on 23 Oct a Yellow-throated Warbler on the San Quintín Plain and a Black- throated Green Warbler at El Rosario (both ph. RAH, ph. SNGH, RAE). Oregon Junco is a rare visitor to the Viz - caíno Desert; one was at Bahía de los Ángeles B A J A C A L I F O R N I A P E N I N S U L A SA With concern for the endemic Belding's Yellowthroat in the wake of powerful Hur- ricane Odile, we asked Gerardo Marrón to provide the following summary of poten- tial efects on that Endangered species. "Given the geography and infrastructure of Baja California Sur, it is difcult to measure the impact of a hurricane in the state. This is especially true when roads are closed and towns are inaccessible for days or even weeks, as happened with Odile. The hurricane brought great changes in the landscape. Sediment was deposited in some oases, seawater intruded some coastal oases, palm trees were blown down, and emergent vegetation was fattened in many areas, reducing the height of plants like reed and cattail. With these changes there was a reduction of habitat for Belding's Yellowthroat, and a short-term decrease in numbers was observed at traditional oases. However, hurricanes are recurrent in the state, and these en - vironments have the ability to recover quickly, so in most of the oases returned to normal within a matter of weeks. Only where there are constant impacts by humans have conditions not returned to normal, as at Estero San José and La Poza in Todos Santos. As of mid-2015, most oases have recovered, and the number of yellowthroats is normal." This immature male Black-throated Green Warbler at El Rosario 23 October 2014 was the frst to be found in Baja California since 2006. Photograph by Steve N. G. Howell. This Yellow-throated Warbler on the San Quintín Plain 23 October 2014 was the sixth ever found in Baja California but only the third in fall. Photograph by Robert A. Hamilton. This Rusty Blackbird was at La Misión, Baja California 1 November 2014. Like three of the four previous records from the Baja California Peninsula, this one was on the coast within approximately 50 kilometers of the California border. Photograph by Enrique D. Zamora-Hernández.
"After the training it seems easier to make my dreams come trues" – says participant of our project. Second International Training "Advocacy for Wildlife Conservation" which was held in Georgia (Bakuriani). Main topic for Training was nature conservation, protection, lobbying and advocacy. Training was under the project "Youth-led "Advocacy for Wildlife Conservation" where 24 participant from Georgia, Bulgaria and Turkey participated. www.ylawc.ge provides beneficiaries of the Erasmus+: Youth in Action and of the Youth in Action Programmes with the possibility to produce Youthpass certificates. Responsible for this website is JUGEND für Europa/SALTO Training and Cooperation Resource Centre. Youthpass is a tool to document and recognise learning outcomes from youth work activities. It is available for projects funded by Erasmus+: Youth in Action and Youth in Action programmes.
Student of the Year Tara Sutaria, reminds us of a 70's bollywood star. googlevirals 2 months ago No Comments We all know Tara Sutaria from her debut in Bollywood with Student of the Year 2, Produced by Karan Johar. Well, her mesmerizing beauty and charm has become the talk of the town but did anyone notice that she looks alike a heroin of the 70's. Our expectations are always high when it comes to a Karan Johar Film. With Student of the year franchise beautiful and handsome actors are expected on screen. Tiger Shroff , Ananya Pandey and Tara Sutaria have joined this years batch of Saint Teresa. Tiger Shroff is no doubt a complete package like his father Jackie Shroff and Ananya Pandey is making us nostalgic with her smile inherited from her handsome father, Chunky Pandey. Tara Sutaria on the other had is not a celebrity child but has glimpse of a famous heroine of the 70's. Have you guessed the name till now? The sensational actress gave us head turning performances in movies like Bobby – 1973, Saagar-1985 ,Rudaali-1993 and more. Yes Dimple Kapadia! Well Tara's looks are been compared to Dimple Kapadia. If you do not believe, just look at the images below. Are you convinced? Well, Tara Sutaria looks amazing in the trailers of Student of the Year 2, Did you know that she is a trained dancer as well as a singer? She is trained in classical ballet, modern dance and Latin American dances at the School of Classical Ballet and Western Dance, Royal Academy of Dance, United Kingdom and the Imperial Society for Teachers of Dancing, United Kingdom. She has been a professional singer since she was seven years old, having sung in operas and competitions since then. She started her career as a video jockey in 2010 with Disney India's Big Bada Boom and went on to star in the Disney India sitcoms The Suite Life of Karan & Kabir and Oye Jassie. Tara Sutaria was born on 19 November 1995 and also has a twin sister named Pia. She has Marjaavaan slated for a 2019 release as well. Vinod Khanna Forever in Heart Top B-school- IIM Ahemdabad to take up Bahuballi-2 as a full time Case Study googlevirals February 3, 2018 Kangana Ranaut looks a Beautiful Santa Claus in a Red Dress
Fuel Leak and Confirmation Bias (OGHFA SE) Category: Human Factors Human Factors Aspects Confirmation Bias, Decision Making, Stress, Unexpected Events, Organizational Aspects Climb, Cruise, Descent Operator's Guide to Human Factors in Aviation Situational Example Fuel Leak and Confirmation Bias The Incident as a Situational example Your twin-engine passenger airplane departs from a European airport for a short scheduled flight. It has previously been assigned as reserve for an aircraft on a longer flight which ended up taking place normally, and thus is loaded with 8.5 tons (17,000 lb) of fuel. This quantity is more than enough for the short 50-minute flight, which requires only 4.7 tons (9,400 lb). Therefore you do not request a top-up. The takeoff is uneventful and 12 minutes into the flight, on reaching cruise altitude, your attention is drawn to a fuel warning: the left wing tank is lighter than its counterpart on the right wing by 1.5 tons (3.000lb). All engine parameters are nominal. What's your next move? You consult the airplane quick reference handbook (QRH) and follow the appropriate procedure to re-establish balance between the two wing tanks. The cross-feed valve between the tanks is opened, and the left pumps are switched off. Once balance is re-established, the cross-feed valve is closed, the pumps turned on and you start to analyze the situation. You note an inconsistency between the initial fuel on board (FOB) reading on the left instrument and that on the right in relation to the totals (fuel used and fuel remaining). This confirms there is an anomaly somewhere. What's your diagnosis of the situation at this moment? At this stage, you have four possible reasons for the anomaly: A left tank fuel leak The initial fuel on board prior to departure was less than the stated 8.5 tons (17,000 lb). The airplane was left unattended the afternoon prior to the flight waiting for a call to serve as a reserve. You found the airplane in a different ramp location than the one you were given. This created some doubt about what happened in the intervening period and about possible left engine tests by maintenance personnel. When you took over the airplane on the ramp, the refueling hose was connected to the left wing tank. Since no fuel was supposed to have been loaded, it is possible that fuel was removed inadvertently. A fuel quantity indicator (FQI) malfunction. You are aware that this equipment has been causing problems for some time. In order to check these hypotheses, you ask another captain flying as a passenger to help you. Rated on the airplane, he twice observes the left wing, dimming all the interior cabin lights and using a flashlight. No sign of any fuel leak is seen given the poor visual conditions. During this observation from the cabin, you recheck the fuel levels twice and note the FOB is falling rapidly. You conclude the problem results either from a fuel leak or from an FQI malfunction. The possibility of a fuel leak remains unconfirmed because nothing else confirms it — fuel flow and fuel used are nominal. There are no outside traces of a possible leak, especially considering its apparent volume. All these facts, in addition to the doubts associated with the FQI, contribute to leaving a large degree of uncertainty as to the causes. So what's your decision? You ask the other pilot returning from the wing inspection to remain on the flight deck to monitor the fuel status. The balance between the tanks is reached, and the system is reconfigured into the initial state with the cross-feed valve closed. After 34 min of flight, the left tank low-level fuel flag comes up, indicating that there are only 750 Kg (1,650 lb) remaining. The cross-feed valve is opened. The airplane is on descent around 40 nm from the destination airport. Because you are close to the end of the flight, you continue toward your destination after briefly considering a diversion. One-and-a-half minutes later, following an additional fuel check showing the fuel level constantly decreasing at a high rate, you realize that there is a risk of emptying both tanks through the leak using the cross-feed valve. Do you confirm your preceding diagnosis? You decide to close the valve. You are certain now there is a significant leak. Thirty nine minutes into the flight, descending on approach through 6,400 ft, the left engine shuts down. You follow the procedures for engine failure and engine shutdown, except for the cross-feed valve, and you make an emergency call to ATC. You continue the approach on one engine, deliberately above the glide path in case the right engine stops too. The rest of the approach and the landing are uneventful. There are only 800 Kg (1,760 lb) remaining in the right wing tank when the airplane stops at the ramp. Data, Discussion and Human Factors The flight crew encountered a situation in which the fuel flow and the fuel-used values seemed correct and the fuel remaining on board was out of range. They could not determine the origin of the abnormal evolution in the fuel level. Twelve minutes into the flight, a first message attracted the crew's attention to a 1,500-Kg (3,300 lb) imbalance between the right and left wing tanks, without any particular procedure to follow. The crew applied the balance procedure in the QRH and opened the cross-feed valve and switched off the left pumps. No other checks were required and none were performed. The crew then discussed briefly the possible origins of this imbalance. The two main options were a fuel leak and a failure of the FQI. Because such a large fuel leak, if it was indeed the origin of the problem, is quite a rare event, because they could not see evidence of such a leak, even after an inspection of the left wing by a pilot, and because the history of problems with the FQI was known, the crew tended to believe the problem was an FQI malfunction. The pilots believed the information on the imbalance was untrue since in their mind it originated from a faulty sensor. In that case, they should have stopped the procedure they started following from the QRH since it logically would have led to an imbalance on the opposite side. This is further evidence of the uncertainties the crew were facing. The pilots chose the explanation that used the least resources. This behaviour is characteristic of confirmation bias often encountered by those under stress when the situation calls for a lot of energy. Without knowing the exact cause of the problem, they tended to believe that indications were erroneous because they were coming from a faulty indicator. Right from the beginning, this ambiguity in the decision-making process, plus the fact that the QRH was not explicit enough as far as the steps to follow after the first advisory message, distorted the crew's analysis of the situation until the left engine shut down. Perhaps because the crew started with an inappropriate analysis from the onset, and perhaps because the QRH proposed a simple action in response to the advisory message, the crew did not fully use the other information available to confirm the fuel leak. This other information included the FOB value confirming the total fuel in the various tanks and the slight airplane inclination to the right. Also, nothing else, such as an excessive fuel consumption alarm or warning, was pushing the crew to undertake a systematic failure-mode analysis. If the crew had suspected a leak from the onset of the problem, the on-board documentation would have confirmed the hypothesis. On the contrary, the imbalance procedures did not provide the crew with an "attention grabber" in case of imbalance due to a fuel leak. The application of standard procedures in fact aggravated the imbalance. The fact that the airplane was loaded with more fuel than required for the short flight contributed to giving the crew a false sense of security. If the airplane had been loaded with the correct amount of fuel, the outcome of the situation would have been very different and much more dramatic. When the warning on the low fuel in the left tank came on, the display provided the crew with the procedure to be followed. The crew applied it immediately, without any additional checks, in accordance with airline directives. The cross-feed valve was opened, contributing to an increase in the flow to the leak. According to the flight manual, the procedure is preceded by a warning against opening the cross-feed valve if a leak is suspected. The crew was not required to consult this manual in flight but would have had time. However, this warning was not indicated on the displays the crew was using. The low fuel display was coming from another source than the suspected FQI. This was another cue to confirm the fuel leak. It was the intervention of the third pilot, who remained on the flight deck, that led to the closure of the cross-feed valve, which saved fuel for the remainder of the flight. The pilots rapidly became aware of the imbalance between the wing tanks when they were still near the departure airport. Then they were faced with a situation they could hardly explain, considering the bias they had started with. As we have seen, they never really determined the true nature of the problem until late into the flight. It should also be noted that the captain did not contact the airline dispatch center to help him analyze the situation. This was probably because on such a short flight, the workload was already high, and calling someone else would have increased it, due to the additional communication involved and possible interference with on-board procedures. The decision by the captain to call on additional resources, such as the other pilot present in the cabin, was a key decision. His presence allowed them to complete the analysis of the situation and his comments and advice, helped the captain to make more appropriate decisions. Organizational and Design Aspects A 1,500-Kg (3,300 lb) fuel imbalance on a short 50-minute flight for a mid-size airplane is a significant anomaly. Presenting this situation as merely "advisory" is inappropriate since such a message could mean it was only a minor issue. Additionally, the advisory nature of the alert did not increase the crew's awareness of the risks associated with the fuel leak, and the on-board documentation was not very explicit. The documentation did not warn the crew of the risks. The documentation contained no procedure relating to the solving the problem of imbalance. It was considered to be so basic and obvious that it was not included. After the flight, the airplane was inspected and the source of the leak was found. Four of the six integrated bolts on the cover of the high-pressure fuel pump filter were damaged. Maintenance had replaced the filters the morning of the flight. The damage was due to excessive torque force on the bolts because the operation was done without a torque meter. Had the simple prevention strategies and lines of defense discussed below been followed to avoid the initial bias, decision making would have been improved and the incident could have been avoided. Prevention Strategies and Lines of Defense Although the pilots were all experienced they did not identify the imbalance as a fuel leak, likely for the following reasons: None of them had ever experienced such a large fuel leak There was no information in operations and training manuals on the symptoms of tank imbalance Current training did not provide this knowledge. Few resources were available to crews to aid in the quick identification of fuel leaks. There was very limited training for positive recognition and correct identification of such a failure. Improve crew fuel system knowledge and training on identifying fuel leaks as well as awareness of the associated risks. Specifically related to this incident, the crew needed to ask important questions before taking any action to balance the fuel tanks. What was the reason behind the imbalance and how long would the rebalancing take? The cause needed to be clearly understood, and tank rebalancing monitored constantly. Fuel-tank balancing is a significant operation. It must be clearly understood before acting. For the sake of completeness, and aside from actions in human factors, the airline and the manufacturer have taken steps to improve procedures since the incident: The QRH was amended the day after the incident to include a warning concerning fuel leaks Explicit fuel imbalance procedures, including the monitoring of balancing action, were introduced Exercises concerning fuel leaks were added to training Maintenance procedures on the engine were amended to warn mechanics of the torque limitations for filter cover bolts. The high-pressure pump fuel filter cover fasteners on the airline's entire fleet were inspected. It resulted in 17 percent of parts being changed. Summary of Key Points This incident was preventable if the pilots had recognized they had a large fuel leak. A human factors analysis of this situation concentrated on the following: A large fuel leak may remain invisible An unconfirmed fuel leak is difficult to analyse and diagnose. A large amount of time can be wasted exploring options. Time is critical when dealing with non-replaceable resources such as fuel Time is the critical factor when a fuel leak is suspected. Do not delay planning for contingencies Manage pressures, stress and distractions due to unexpected events Be aware of confirmation bias and actively search for cues challenging the current understanding of the situation. Additional OGHFA Material Briefing Notes: Organizational Threat Management Threat Management Training Visuals: Checklist: Decide - Checklist Retrieved from "https://www.skybrary.aero/index.php?title=Fuel_Leak_and_Confirmation_Bias_(OGHFA_SE)&oldid=78823"
require 'helper' class TestProxy < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_proxy proxy = RetryingProxy::Proxy.new(Foo.new(1)) proxy.proxy_method :foo proxy(proxy.target).foo.times(1) assert_raise(RuntimeError){ proxy.foo } proxy(proxy.target).foo.times(1) assert_equal "foo", proxy.foo end def test_retry proxy = RetryingProxy::Proxy.new(Foo.new(1)) proxy.retry_method :foo proxy(proxy.target).foo.times(2) assert_equal "foo", proxy.foo end def test_retry_with_times proxy = RetryingProxy::Proxy.new(Foo.new(2)) proxy.retry_method :foo, :times => 2 proxy(proxy.target).foo.times(3) assert_equal "foo", proxy.foo end def test_retry_with_exceptions proxy = RetryingProxy::Proxy.new(Foo.new(1, ArgumentError)) proxy.retry_method :foo, :exceptions => RuntimeError proxy(proxy.target).foo.times(1) assert_raise(ArgumentError){ proxy.foo } proxy = RetryingProxy::Proxy.new(Foo.new(1, ArgumentError)) proxy.retry_method :foo, :exceptions => ArgumentError proxy(proxy.target).foo.times(2) assert_equal "foo", proxy.foo end def test_retry_with_delay proxy = RetryingProxy::Proxy.new(Foo.new(1)) proxy.retry_method :foo, :delay => 0.23 proxy(proxy.target).foo.times(2) mock(proxy).sleep(0.23) assert_equal "foo", proxy.foo end def test_retry_with_predicate proxy = RetryingProxy::Proxy.new(Foo.new) proxy.retry_method :bar, :baz, :predicate => Proc.new{ |value| value =~ /r$/ } proxy(proxy.target).bar.times(2) assert_equal "bar", proxy.bar proxy(proxy.target).baz.times(1) assert_equal "baz", proxy.baz end def test_retries_resets_between_method_calls proxy = RetryingProxy::Proxy.new(Foo.new(1)) proxy.retry_method :bar, :predicate => Proc.new{ |value| value =~ /^b/ } proxy(proxy.target).bar.times(2) assert_equal "bar", proxy.bar proxy(proxy.target).bar.times(2) assert_equal "bar", proxy.bar end def test_method_missing proxy = RetryingProxy::Proxy.new(Foo.new(2)) proxy.retry_method :fu, :times => 2 proxy(proxy.target).fu.times(3) assert_equal "foo", proxy.fu end def test_private_and_protected_methods klass = Class.new do private def foo; "foo"; end protected def bar; "bar"; end end object = klass.new proxy = RetryingProxy::Proxy.new(object) proxy.retry_method :foo proxy(proxy.target).foo.times(1) assert_equal "foo", proxy.foo proxy.proxy_method :bar proxy(proxy.target).bar.times(1) assert_equal "bar", proxy.bar end end
I recently saw a news story about the history of Park Ro-She, an old swimming pool in my hometown. When I grew up in the sixties, my parents bought summer swim passes for us around Memorial Day and we spent every day at the Park Ro-She swimming pool until school started again at the end of August. Every day we hopped on our bikes, pedaled down Main Street to the pool, and stayed all day long. Our only rule was to be home before dark. Thanks to Ronny Yrigoyen for sharing this photo on Facebook. I spent many summer days playing Follow-the-Leader off the high dive and trying to master the back flip on the low dive. I also desperately hoped that my freckles would someday merge and give me the illusion of a tan. I spent the summers looking permanently pink with my sunburned, freckled, fair skin. I remember the summer my little brother almost drowned. Our neighbor was sitting on the side of the pool combing her curly hair and saw him struggling just in front of her in the pool. She started screaming to my older brother who was at the opposite end of the pool, to save him. "Kelly, Kelly, your brother is drowning," she yelled. Oh well then, let the kid drown. We all have priorities, right? That's been a family joke ever since. If you're combing you hair at the swimming pool, you can't really be expected to save a drowning child, can you? The story about the history of this town icon also reminded me that around the summer of sixth grade, one of my friends held a boy-girl party – the first party I'd attended where boys and girls paired up as couples. I was not very interested in boys at the time — or for many years after that actually. Since I didn't have a boy I wanted to invite, my well-meaning friends found one for me. They helpfully arranged for me to meet this boy at the corner by my friend's house on the day of the party. I tried to think of every excuse not to go to the party, but somehow let myself be coerced into it. When I got to the designated corner and met this boy, the first thing he said was, "Here." Then he handed me a ring and grabbed hold of my hand. I managed to wriggle my hand away, and looked at the ring repulsed, wondering where he got the idea that walking with me to a party meant I would wear his ring and hold his hand. When we walked into the party, it was clear that no parents were there because all these middle-school aged couples were draped all over each other in the living room. The first thing on the party agenda was to play the boxed version of The Newlywed Game. Remember, we were 11 years old. My boy and I lost because we didn't know anything about each other and all the questions were designed for married people. After enduring a few rounds of the game, I told my assigned boy I was sick and had to go home. For some reason, I took his ring with me, and then worried myself sick about how I was going to get out of my contrived romance with a boy I didn't know and didn't particularly like. So, the next day, I took that ring with me to the swimming pool, planning to conveniently lose it. The first thing I did was jump off the high dive, swim to the bottom of the deep end of the pool and drop the ring. I happily watched it sink to the bottom of the deep end of the pool. I was relieved to be free of the burden of a boyfriend I never wanted in the first place. Unfortunately, a misguided friend found it and brought it back to me. "I don't want that dumb ring. I'm trying to break up with him," I said. "You can't break up with him by just losing his ring," she said. "You have to give it back and tell him you are not going out with him anymore," she said. Thankfully, she did and my first relationship ended less than 24 hours after it started. All of this is proof that the tans and even the sunburns fade, but the memories last forever. I connect d with this on so many levels! Loved reading this. You have such a wonderful gift with words Laurie, thank you for sharing in and stirring my memories. Laughing out loud!! Love this! Next time I see you I want to know who the boy was!!
Attendance: Donna Campbell, Melanie Dawson, Myrto Drizou, Anna Girling, Sharon Kim, Paul Ohler. Melanie Dawson called the meeting at 12:25 pm and thanked everyone for their work for the EWS. She emphasized the importance of encouraging our membership to vote for Executive Board nominees. Membership report: Myrto Drizou informed the Board that the Society has 132 active individual members, which amounts to an increase since May 2018 when EWS had 114 members. Institutional memberships are now handled by Penn State UP. During 2018, the EWS raised $220 in donations. Since Myrto is now serving as the EWS secretary, she asked the Board to consider nominating and voting for a new membership coordinator. She suggested revisiting the question of multi-year memberships, which might help sustain a robust membership, especially in view of the 2020 EWS conference. The Board also considered automatic membership renewals, following the example of the F. Scott Fitzgerald Society. Finally, Donna Campbell graciously offered to continue setting up PayPal for the EWS, as she has been doing over the years. Sharon suggested looking in to moving the Society's funds to a bank that would yield higher interest. Depending on which bank is chosen, the additional interest could be above $500, which would help fund the EWS awards. Melanie also suggested sending a fund raising for these awards and adding a donation button on PayPal. Further, the Society considered the need for an Associate Treasurer, who could help with the upcoming EWS conference. Edith Wharton Review report: Paul Ohler, the journal's editor, informed the Board that Patrick Alexander of Penn State UP is very happy with the journal's institutional subscriptions and its JSTOR visibility. He thanked the EWS associate co-editors and book review editor and emphasized the need to keep submission rates strong, especially until the 2020 conference. The EWR will run a special issue on The Age of Innocence in Fall 2020 and will hopefully have a surge in submissions after the conference. In terms of future directions for the journal, Paul stressed that the editorial team is proposing to broaden the range of submissions (possible clusters or topics could be 'Wharton and Oscar Wilde'; Wharton and Queer Studies, among others). He asked everyone to be proactive in soliciting submissions. Finally, Melanie offered a report for the EWS 2020 conference on behalf of the conference co-directors, Margaret Jay Jessee and Margaret Toth. The organizers are currently exploring options regarding affordable, on-site places on the Hudson River. They are also planning to organize a day tour in Manhattan at the end of the conference. The Board discussed the need to avoid any timing conflicts with the ALA and suggested asking for a registration deposit before putting participants on the program. The CFP for the conference will go out soon and Melanie asked the Board members to help with evaluating proposals.
The Lucid Woodturners mobile app provides special features for this organization. Lucid Woodturners members can download the app and use it to chat with other members, meet other members using location services, register for events, view a membership directory, and participate in polls. This app is not intended for public use, and is specifically designed for members of the Lucid Woodturners only. The mobile app is built around "channels", which can be created in multiple ways based on other modules and features within Lucid Woodturners, including, for example, member interest groups, committees, and chapters, districts, or regions. The app also provides full access to Lucid Woodturners website, the member profile, payment screen, and other functions. This app does not directly access any paid content or services, but users are required to have a membership and valid login. This application provides access to the membership directory, chat feature, member calendar events, polls and surveys, membership card, and website content.
Prawn Drumstick Curry, how to prepare prawn drumstick curry using tamarind and coconut as based. This is a Tamilnadu style curry made using clay pot. I have used medium sized prawns but small prawns taste better. The tangy taste of tamarind suits very well with prawns. Serve this curry with rice or idli. The curry tastes more delicious when served the next day. Since we have used coconut, it's better to finish it up on the same day. Some of the fish curry recipes shared in my blog, Salem Style Fish Curry, Viral Meen Kuzhambu, Meen Maanga Mochai Kuzhambu, Fish Kofta Curry and Ayala Meen Kuzhambu. If you try any of my recipes, then do share your feedback with us. Grind chopped coconut along with enough water to smooth paste. Keep it aside. Heat oil in a clay pot. Temper mustard seeds and curry leaves. Add chopped onions and sauté a while. Now add chopped tomatoes and mash the pulp. Add ginger garlic paste and stir well. Now add prawns, chopped drumstick, sambar powder, coriander powder, pepper powder, cumin powder and tamarind extract. Stir well everything. Add 1 cup water and cook for 5-8 minutes. Now add coconut paste and salt to taste. Add more water if needed and cook for 10-15 minutes. Serve warm with idli or rice.
Vocalist Imelda Papin, who was born in a remote fishing village in the Philippines, will perform on a Las Vegas stage this weekend with one of her idols, Grammy-winning vocalist Melissa Manchester. Papin says she's overjoyed to be singing with one of her idols. She and Manchester will sing a duet as well as perform solo at the Orleans shows. Papin began singing as a child. Because of her talent, her father moved the family to Manila, where she studied music and eventually sang in local clubs. "Manila is our entertainment center, like Vegas," she says. Her career began in earnest in 1979. She was booked into Hyatt hotels in Asia, had a television program in Hong Kong and then returned home to begin her recording career. She became one of the most popular singers in the Philippines and started touring in the United States in 1980. Papin has always been concerned about her native country, frequently heading up fund drives for a variety of causes, including feeding children. In the late '90s she served as the first female vice governor for the province of Camarines Sur. She set up the Imelda A. Papin Foundation, which uses a portion of her concert and record proceeds to support Filipinos in need. Recently, Papin held a fundraising concert with boxing champ Manny Pacquiao for the purchase of dialysis machines for the free treatment of indigent patients in the Philippines. Papin's hits include "We Could Have It All," "Katarungan" and "Bawal." She has performed frequently in Atlantic City and Las Vegas, usually at the Orleans. Papin, whose latest recording is "Voice of the Heart," hosts "The Imelda Papin Voice of the Heart Radio Show" from 2 to 4 p.m. Sundays on KLAV 1230-AM. She also hosts a TV talk show in Los Angeles two Saturdays a month.
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Domitius Alexander L. Domitius Domitianus Laelius Licinius Lucius Junius Brutus Lucullus Marcus Brutus Martinianus Maximianus Herculius Maximinius Daia Nepotian Pelagius Petronius Philip the Arab Poppaea Sabina Propertius Quintus Sertorius Sallust Scipio Africanus Sejanus Stilicho Theodosius Tibullus Titus Quinctius Flaminius Tullus Hostilius Varro January 17 Scripture More Bible History People - Ancient Rome: Quintus Sertorius Quintus Sertorius (123 BC-72 BC) was a Roman statesman and general. Quintus Sertorius in Wikipedia Quintus Sertorius (123 BC-72 BC) was a Roman statesman and general, born in Nursia, in Sabine territory, around 124 BC. His family, the gens Sertoria, was probably of Sabine origin, and was previously undistinguished.[1] Early Political Career - After acquiring some reputation in Rome as a jurist and an orator, he began a military career. His first recorded campaign was under Quintus Servilius Caepio at the Battle of Arausio, where he showed unusual courage. Serving under Gaius Marius in 102 BC, Sertorius succeeded in spying on the wandering German tribes that had defeated Caepio. After this success, he fought at the great Battle of Aquae Sextiae (now Aix-en-Provence, France) in which the Teutones were decisively defeated. In 97 BC, he served in Hispania (the Iberian Peninsula, comprising modern Spain and Portugal) as a military tribune under Titus Didius, winning the Grass Crown. In 91 he was quaestor in Cisalpine Gaul, where he was in charge of recruiting and training legions for the Social War. During this time he sustained a wound that cost him the use of one of his eyes. Upon his return to Rome he ran for tribune, but Lucius Cornelius Sulla thwarted his efforts (for reasons unknown), causing Sertorius to oppose him. After Sulla forced Marius into exile, and Sulla left Rome to fight Mithridates, violence erupted between the Optimates, led by the consul Gnaeus Octavius, and the Populares, led by the consul Lucius Cornelius Cinna. Sertorius now declared for Cinna and the Populares. Though he had a very bad opinion of Marius, he consented to Marius' return upon understanding that Marius came at Cinna's request and not of his own accord. After Octavius surrendered Rome to the forces of Marius, Cinna, and Sertorius in 87, Sertorius abstained from the proscriptions his fellow commanders engaged in. Sertorius went so far as to rebuke Marius, and move Cinna to moderation, while annihilating Marius' slave army that had partaken in his atrocities. Proconsul in Hispania - On Sulla's return from the East in 83, and following the subsequent collapse of the Populares power, Sertorius retreated to Hispania as proconsul, representing the Populares. The Roman officials in Hispania did not recognize his authority, but Sertorius assumed control as he had an army. Sertorius sought to hold Hispania by sending an army, under Julius Salinator, to fortify the pass through the Pyrenees; however, Sulla's forces, under the command of Gaius Annius, broke through after Salinator was killed by treachery. Having been obliged to withdraw to North Africa, he carried on a campaign in Mauretania, in which he defeated one of Sulla's generals and captured Tingis (Tangier). Sertorian War - The North Africa success won him the fame and admiration of the people of Hispania, particularly that of the Lusitanians in the west (in modern Portugal), whom Roman generals and proconsuls of Sulla's party had plundered and oppressed. The Lusitanians then offered Sertorius to be their general, and when arriving to their lands, bringing additional forces from Africa, he held supreme authority and started invading neighbouring territory. Brave, noble, and gifted with eloquence, Sertorius was just the man to impress them favourably, and the native warriors, whom he organized, spoke of him as the "new Hannibal." His skill as a general was extraordinary, as he repeatedly defeated forces many times his own size. Many Roman refugees and deserters joined him, and with these and his Hispanian volunteers he completely defeated several of Sulla's generals (Fufidius, Lucius Domitius and Thoranius) and drove Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius, who had been specifically sent against him from Rome, out of Lusitania, or Hispania Ulterior as the Romans called it at the time. Sertorius owed some of his success to his prodigious ability as a statesman. His goal was to build a stable government in Hispania with the consent and co-operation of the people, whom he wished to civilize along the lines of the Roman model. He established a senate of 300 members, drawn from Roman emigrants (probably including some from the highest nobles of Hispania) and kept a Hispanian bodyguard. For the children of the chief native families he provided a school at Osca (Huesca), where they received a Roman education and even adopted the dress and education of Roman youths, following the Roman practice of taking hostages. Late in his campaign, a revolt of the native people arose and Sertorius killed several of the children that he had sent to school at Osca, and sold many others into slavery.[3] Although he was strict and severe with his soldiers, he was particularly considerate to the people in general, and made their burdens as light as possible. It seems clear that he had a peculiar gift for evoking the enthusiasm of the native tribes, and we can understand well how he was able to use the famous white fawn, a present from one of the natives that was supposed to communicate to him the advice of the goddess Diana, to his advantage. For six years he held sway over Hispania. In 77 he was joined by Marcus Perpenna Vento from Rome, with a following of Roman nobles and a sizeable Roman army. Also that year, Pompey was sent to help Metellus conquer Hispania and finish Sertorius off. Contemptuously calling Pompey Sulla's pupil, Sertorius proved himself more than a match for his adversaries: he razed Lauron, a city allied to Rome, after a battle in which Pompey's forces were ambushed and defeated; he nearly captured Pompey at the battle of Sucro when Pompey decided to fight Sertorius without waiting for Metellus Pius; and Sertorius utterly defeated the united forces of Metellus and Pompey on one occasion near Saguntum. Pompey wrote to Rome for reinforcements, without which, he said, he and Metellus Pius would be driven out of Hispania. Sertorius was in league with the Cilician pirates, who had bases all across the Mediterranean, was negotiating with the formidable Mithridates VI of Pontus, and was in communication with the insurgent slaves in Italy. But due to jealousies among the Roman officers who served under him and the Hispanians of higher rank who began to weaken his influence with the Lusitani tribes, and though he won victories to the last, he was assassinated at a banquet at Perpenna Vento's instigation in 72 BC. Appian notes Sulla's consistent elimination of enemy commanders by means of treachery. At the time of his death, he was on the verge of successfully establishing an independent Roman republic in Hispania, which crumbled with the renewed onslaught of Pompey and Metellus, who crushed Perpenna's army and eliminated the remaining opposition. See Plutarch's lives of Sertorius and Pompey; Appian, Bell. civ. and Hispanica; the fragments of Sallust; Dio Cassius xxxvi. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quintus_Sertorius If you notice a broken link or any error PLEASE report it by clicking HERE © 1995-2019 Bible History Online Biblical Archaeology - Significant Discoveries from Ancient Empires. Ancient Jerusalem - Interactive Study of Jerusalem with Map. Picture Study Bible - StudyBible with Pictures and Maps. First Century Israel Map - Large Map of Israel in the First Century - Click around on the Cities. Illustrated Bible History - Illustrations, photos, and images of the ancient world of the Bible. Roman Empire Map - Large Map of the Roman Empire in the Early First Century - Click around on the Places. The History of Rome - Brief Overview Of Roman History from Her Dawn to the First Punic War. The Tabernacle of Ancient Israel - Brief Overview of the Tabernacle of Moses in the Wilderness and the Ark of the Covenant. The Babylonians - Learn about ancient Babylon and the people who lived there. Old Testament Overview - General survey of the Old Testament. New Testament Overview - General survey of the New Testament. A Harmony of the Life of Jesus - Four gospel accounts in harmony. Lost Laughs - Ancient Humor. Original Bible History Online - Visit the original site 1999-2016. Copyright © 2019 Bible History Online
Q: how to import MS access database table in sql server 2005 in vb.net code I am developing a vb.net application in SQL server 2005 ,now i would like to import MS access database tables from a network into sql server 2005 database, using stored procedure or vb.net code without using SQL server 2005 Wizard . please find a sollution thanks a lot. A: 1. put your MS Access database in "App_Data" file in your vb.net . now, suppose that your MS Access database table name is 'customer' and you have id ,name and address. 2. in your pageName.aspx for example: TextBox: txtid Button: Find AccessDataSource: AccessDataSource1 GridView: GridView1 a) in AccessDataSource1 press the arrow > then press "Configure Data Source..." . press on Browse ,select your MS Access database from the "App_Data" file and click Next. Select "Specify a custom SQL statment or stored procedure" and click Next. Put this in SQL statment box SELECT ID, Name, address FROM customer WHERE (ID = ?) and click next. Select 'Control' in 'Parameter Source:', txtid in 'ControlID' and click Next. Press Finish. b) in GridView1 press the arrow > then select 'AccessDataSource1' in 'Choose Data Source:'. b)double click on find to put the vb code: Imports System.Data Partial Class pageName Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click AccessDataSource1.DataSourceMode = SqlDataSourceMode.DataReader Dim reader As IDataReader = CType(AccessDataSource1.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), IDataReader) Dim flag As Integer flag = 0 If reader.Read Then txtid.Text = reader("id") txtname.Text = reader("name") txtaddress.Text = reader("address") flag = 1 End If If flag = 0 Then MsgBox("invalid customer id ... !") End If End Sub End Class
Winnellie, Northern Territory Suburb of Darwin, the Northern Territory, Australia Winnellie Darwin, Northern Territory 208 (2016 census)[1] 36.5/km2 (94.5/sq mi) 8.3 km (5 mi) from Darwin City of Darwin Territory electorate(s) Fong Lim Suburbs around Winnellie: The Narrows Eaton Eaton Parap Winnellie Berrimah Bayview Charles Darwin Hidden Valley Winnellie is a northern suburb of Darwin, Northern Territory, in the Northern Territory of Australia. Winnellie is an industrial suburb to the south of Darwin International Airport. The name came from the 'Winnellie Camp' formed there by the Army in 1941. Recently there has been some newer residential areas in the suburb. ^ Australian Bureau of Statistics (27 June 2017). "Winnellie (State Suburb)". 2016 Census QuickStats. Retrieved 28 June 2017. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Winnellie, Northern Territory. http://www.nt.gov.au/lands/lis/placenames/origins/greaterdarwin.shtml#w City of Darwin Community Profiles Suburbs of the City of Darwin by ward, Darwin, Northern Territory Chan Ward Jingili Millner Moil Lyons Ward Charles Darwin (part) Darwin City (part) Hidden Valley (part) Larrakeyah with Bagot Stuart Park The Narrows Woolner Richardson Ward Alawa Brinkin Leanyer Lee Point Muirhead Nakara Wagaman Wanguri Waters Ward with Sanderson Berrimah (part) Marrara with Northlakes Wulagi Coordinates: 12°25′44″S 130°52′11″E / 12.42889°S 130.86972°E / -12.42889; 130.86972 Retrieved from "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Winnellie,_Northern_Territory&oldid=1004434636" Suburbs of Darwin, Northern Territory Use Australian English from August 2019 This page was last edited on 2 February 2021, at 15:53 (UTC).
Historical fiction - my favorite genre! But connected to Ernest Hemingway - one of my least favorite authors? The verdict - a very enjoyable read. I didn't realize until I was setting up this page that the author, Paula McClain, also wrote "Circling the Sun" which my book club has also read. Now I can see the similarities between the two books, especially chronicling the party set from the perspective of a strong woman, but, of the two, I much prefer "The Paris Wife". Maybe it was too much eye strain trying to stay awake when I read "The Sun Also Rises" or the much worse "The Old Man and the Sea" AND Thor Heyerdahl's "Kon Tiki", but in the interest of future eye conservation for the 100+ books I still want to read, I often choose the Large Print version of a book when it is convenient. All page references below are for the LP version - I think they are supposed to be the same as regular print but I mention it and often refer to Chapter locations just in case there is a difference. On a scale of 1 - 5 (5 being a lot of examples/instances): Traditional: 3 Sex - pre-marital (end Ch. 8) descriptive but not graphic. Early Ch. 16, p. 163 - very mild. Minimal extra-marital affair while Ernest is on a field assignment. Ch. 23, p. 209 - minor, spousal. An extra-marital affair happens behind closed doors except one time when it is in the same room as the wife! (end Ch. 41, p. 426) Religion - p. 211 - Keeping track of a woman's cycle as well as pharmaceutical birth control. Gruesome - Suspense - some suspense regarding what Ernest would decide to do regarding his relationship with Hadley at various points throughout the novel. The lost valise was suspenseful in Chapter 21. (Also a situation with confirmation on the internet.) I was very curious to see who would end up with whom. Morality - while on a difficult field assignment Ernest hooks up with a girl and then possibly feels remorse about it. There is a reference to Ezra Pound being fired from an Indiana college for inappropriate behavior. (Ch. 20, p. 193) An internet search confirms the situation. Hemingway and his set were like a pre-cursor to the Hollywood brat pack - bad behavior was a way of life. In this book it is known and mentioned but not dwelled on or glorified. Traditional - there are marriages, children, affairs, divorces - probably reasonably in proportion to real life. There is at least one same-sex couple. Chapter 9 is the first chapter entirely in italics. At first I thought it was a dream but then realized it was Ernest's viewpoint but he is referred to in the third person. There are a few other italicized chapters throughout the book. The book begins with two quotes. Discuss how the quotes apply to the novel. "It is not what France gave you but what it did not take from you that was important." - Gertrude Stein "There's no one thing that's true. It's all true." - Ernest Hemingway At the end of Chapter Eight, Hadley forecasts what would become "the hardest lesson of [her] marriage". (p. 97) What was yours? In Chapter Eleven (p. 111) Hadley wonders if everyone has a bit of suicidal tendencies in them. If so, do we survive them "by chance alone"? In Chapter Forty, Ernest has his own musings about suicide. Consider discussing an aspect of suicide with your book club. (I do not say this lightly, but with some position of experience, as I am a "survivor" of suicide - that is to say, in 2000 my spouse committed suicide and left me and our two children behind to survive. Even so, I would not have any problem discussing the topic but others, for whom the wound is more raw, may find it difficult.) Ernest thought art "[distilled] places and people and objects to their essential qualities". (Ch. 12, p. 123) What do you think? Dorothy (Ezra Pound's wife) quoted Shakespeare, "The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity." (Ch. 13, p. 133) Do you agree or disagree? Discuss. Pound and Stein advise Ernest to write simply. "Don't tell the readers what to think. Let the action speak for itself." and let a hawk be a hawk - no symbolism. (end Ch. 13, p. 140) Did Hemingway ultimately stay true to this advice? As a reader, do you want to be told or do you prefer to make your own assumptions? Ernest thought writing should be true to the action and not include his feelings. He tried not to think about himself and only focus on what really happened. (Ch. 25, p. 245) Did he maintain this style? Describe a time when you re-visited somewhere and found a great discrepancy between your memory and reality. (Ch. 15) "It's one of the things war does to you. Everything you see works to replace moments and people from your life before, until you can't remember why any of it mattered." (p. 183) Discuss personal experiences that refute or support this idea. Does the war justify Ernest's actions with the girl in Chapter 18? In the second part of Chapter 23 (p. 221) Hadley makes observations and conjectures about marriage. Are there some types, like artists, for whom monogamy really isn't possible? Ernest said he wanted to write what he really knew "in [his] bones and in [his] gut". (p. 267) Hadley said for he that would be Ernest and Bumby. What would it be for you? When Don walks Hadley home he says he misses "good old-fashioned honorable people, just trying to make something of life. Simply, without hurting anyone else." (Ch.31, p. 321) Does this seem to be a pattern throughout history? For example, people today watch shows like "Andy Griffith" and long for simpler times. Serve Sauternes or brandy and seltzer like Ernest drank after a good day of writing. (p. 11) Hadley and Ernest's first dinner out was Greek: roasted lamb and a cucumber salad with lemon and olives. Serve Pernod with water and sugar and coq au vin like they got at the cafe when they went out a few days before Christmas to beat home sickness. (Ch. 12, p. 120) Serve tea and cakes like Gertrude Stein did the first time the Hemingway's went over. (Ch. 13, p. 137) Serve the foods of Hadley's cravings at the beginning of Ch. 25 (p. 244): muskmelons (cantaloupe), really nice cheese, coffee, good jam, and waffles. Serve "very nice champagne...teacake, dried fruit, and sugared almonds" like at the Christening. (Ch. 27, p. 265) Chopin or Rachmaninoff like Hadley enjoyed playing on the piano.
Q: Adding Ads to App - Accounting For Past Customers I'm about to implement ads into an app that was previously a paid app. I wouldn't want any of my past customers who purchased the app to have to see ads. Is there a way programmatically that I can check to see if they already have the app installed, and if they do, exclude them from the ads? A: It is an interesting problem. I'd release a version of the app that is just like the version in the field and have those users write out a value to a plist. Wait a month. Then release the ad version. This isn't perfect, if a paid customer deletes the app and re-installs it they see the ads. Will the new version have a paid upgrade to eliminate ads? If so, I think there is a way to gift the paid version. However I also believe that that is limited to a small number of installs. And of course the real answer is here: Change paid app to free but know if user previously purchased it That is iOS7 only though, but it is the best way.
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Emancipation Producer Joey McFarland Criticized for Attending Premiere with Photo That Inspired Film Charmaine Patterson December 2, 2022, 12:16 AM ·4 min read LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - NOVEMBER 30: (L-R) Guest and Joey McFarland attend Apple Original Films' "Emancipation" Los Angeles premiere at Regency Village Theatre on November 30, 2022 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images) Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Emancipation film producer Joey McFarland had many questioning why he walked the red carpet at the film's premiere with the gripping image that inspired the movie. Out Dec. 9, Emancipation is inspired by "the 1863 photos of 'Whipped Peter,' taken during a Union Army medical examination, that first appeared in Harper's Weekly," the film's synopsis reads. Will Smith, 54, stars as Peter, a man whose escape from slavery forces him to rely "on his wits, unwavering faith and deep love for his family" as he runs from slave hunters and through Louisiana on his journey toward freedom. On Wednesday, McFarland, 50, appeared at the event holding the photo the film is based on, he told a reporter with Variety. "I have the photo, this is the original photograph from 1863," McFarland told the outlet. "I wanted a piece of Peter to be here tonight." RELATED: Will Smith's 'Emancipation' Costar Charmaine Bingwa Praises 'Marvelous' Actor: 'The Whole World Loves Him' He added, "It's [sad] to say so many artifacts and photographs have not been preserved or curated or respected. And I took it upon myself to curate and build a collection for future generations." McFarland said he's a longtime collector and plans on donating the images "for educational purposes" after he dies. "My love of history, my love of truth, my love of larger-than-life individuals that had an impact on not just some people's lives but the world, it's worth fighting for, it's worth preserving, it's worth seeking out and protecting, and that's what I sought to do," he said. RELATED: Will Smith Plays a Man Fighting for His Freedom in Intense 'Emancipation' Trailer He added that Emancipation goes beyond "entertainment" and "cinema" and serves as "a lesson." "It is a conversation that is needed, it needs to start and continue and keep growing and evolving. We just need to come together," he said. "We need to reckon with the past so future generations don't make the same mistake." McFarland, who carried the image in a small plastic case, said he collects these images that date back to the 1800s, per The Hollywood Reporter. Included in the set of photos was one called "The Scourged Back," which McFarland credited as the most impactful, THR reported. It shows Peter's wounded back after a severe whipping from his enslavers — a photograph that "ultimately contributed to growing public opposition to slavery," according to the film's synopsis. RELATED VIDEO: Tiffany Haddish Attends 'Emancipation' Premiere After Supporting Will Smith Post–Oscars Slap Never miss a story — sign up for PEOPLE's free daily newsletter to stay up-to-date on the best of what PEOPLE has to offer, from juicy celebrity news to compelling human interest stories. Still, he received criticism as some questioned why he owns the original photo. The Black List founder Franklin Leonard shared his thoughts via Twitter and asked the producer, "Why do you own the photograph?" He continued, "Why did you bring it to a movie premiere if the intent is to preserve it respectfully? You wanted 'a piece of Peter' here? You collect slave memorabilia that will be donated upon your death? What do you do with it in the meantime? So many questions." Responding to a fan who compared McFarland's conduct to "trading a Pokémon card," Leonard added, "Let's assume with great generosity that you do, in fact, have the goal of protecting and enshrining these images in the American consciousness respectfully. How do you carry it in your pocket, share it like this, and then return it to your metaphorical pocket until your death?" #OscarsSoWhite creator April Reign also said she was disturbed after researching McFarland's collection on Instagram. "Based on @franklinleonard's thread above, I went to IG. Imagine my disgust in finding that @JoeyMcFarland, #Emancipation producer, has branded his newly acquired photos of enslaved people as the #McFarlandCollection, & started posting right after @Emancipation wrapped filming," she wrote. Another Twitter user said McFarland having the photos is "beyond disgusting" and urged him to do some "self reflection" after returning it. "I genuinely hope @JoeyMcFarland realizes how utterly inappropriate this is," another wrote. "I won't hold my breath but wtf are you doing with this picture in your pocket? Please make better life choices." McFarland did not immediately respond to PEOPLE's request for comment. PoliticsTime SportsYahoo Sports
Soak the Chana dal for 30 mins. Pressure cook them until they turn soft , mash it and keep it aside. In a pan, dry roast the grated coconut slightly and keep it aside. In a heavy bottomed vessel, add jaggery along with a cup of water , when the jaggery gets dissolved filter to remove the impurities from it. Add the filtered jaggery to the same pan, add the mashed chana dal along with coconut and cardamom powder and allow it to cook until it thickens. Filling for preparing suzhiyan is ready. In a bowl , mix maida with salt and add sufficient water , make a slightly thick batter. Now take small balls from the filling , dip in this batter and deep fry them. Remove the suzhiyans from oil and keep them in kitchen towel. Cant imagine deepavali without suzhiyan, beautiful clicks. This was not a favourite earlier but now, this makes one drool! Wish you and your family a very happy and safe diwali! suzhiyam looks very tempting...nice clicks. mmm... Perfect for diwali. Very tempting too. Looks absolutely great. Wishing you and your family a very Happy Diwali. looks so delicious. HAPPY DIWALI. Your pictures makes me want some.. especially the last one..
In very few western countries are the armed forces used to promote the nation to the outside world. For decades, Israel has promoted its "citizen's army" as emblematic of Israeli democracy. However, this hasn't been true of the IDF for many years. 30% of eligible males do not serve (many ultra-Orthodox receive yeshiva exemptions and it doesn't even summon Israeli Palestinians for military service). Less than 50% of women serve. By 2020, the IDF estimates that 60% of those eligible overall will receive exemptions or otherwise dodge service. Citizen's Army? Not so much. Lately, Israel has taken to touting the diversity of its armed forces with Brand Israel-type social media campaigns. I wrote about one such example meant to promote the notion that nursing moms proudly serve. I called it "mommy-washing." This bit of fluff was timed to Mother's Day, which isn't even a holiday celebrated in Israel. If you believe this brand marketing, take a look at the Facebook comments, which are replete with references to "homos" and suggests that they keep their private lives to themselves instead of flaunting it in people's faces. An settler-affiliated media outlet reports that an Orthodox rabbi is offended by this Facebook post, saying that "marriage and family are one of the most ancient of institutions, and don't consider the bond between two men as "marriage." Bibiton notes that the picture of the two married Israeli gay men has "aroused a firestorm." Gay tolerance? Not so much. The IAF proudly notes that "Capt. Adir and Dean" are married. It doesn't note that they can't marry in Israel due to the Orthodox stranglehold over civil issues like marriage and divorce. Israel will never have gay marriage until the Orthodox monopoly is broken (if it ever is). All of which means that the Israel Lobby pinkwashing campaign is fundamentally flawed. Behind the couple is a sign that says: "Here we live happily: Family Day 2017." But unfortunately, this omits the thousands of Palestinian families who've been left bereft by IAF bombs and missiles which have slaughtered their loved ones. "Happiness?" Not so much. Another IAF Facebook post features the smiling faces of a loving Ethiopian family and says it snapped their pic just before they moved the coffee table so they can all sing songs in Amharic and perform traditional dances. How absolutely enlightened of the Air Force to embrace all cultures and ethnicities! Except for the fact that an IDF soldier likely murdered Black Hebrew soldier, Toveet Radcliffe, at her IAF base; then covered it up and refused to investigate or find her assailant. Verdict: suicide. Cultural diversity? Not so much. Then there's Master Sgt. Hikmet Cheir's smiling face as he describes the moment his wife told him they would be having their first child: "You're going to be an abba!" The post then describes their dreams of building their own home in their Druze village when he leaves active duty. Problem: many Druze leave military service without any notable skills to transfer into civilian life. Some resort to crimes like drug-dealing or lapse into poverty. They derive little post-service benefit. If they lived in an Israeli Palestinian village they couldn't get a building permit to build that home since the government refuses to issue them. If you're wondering, my post title is a reference to this wonderful John Hiatt album of the 1980s, Bring the Family.
Hi to all, who using this awesome framework! Working on website, that orientied to be – online-store (online-shop). Using ajax, to bring life in catalogue page. When user clicks on category, or chosing another page, ajax do, what it should. But, when user goes from one presenter to another and then going back, using browser's back-button, there it goes – oops… and user is seeing only snippets content, that was sended by server to browser. Sometimes this happening, sometimes not. Im using jquery.nette.js in my project. This script was retrieved from examples of Nette. (Fiften example). I think, that you can't help me with solving this problem (maybe I'm wrong), people, can someone give me articles about using ajax in this framework? Thanks to all, who even read this! Can you try this other script for AJAX? It's a bit complex but give it a try. See docs on history handling. Try turning on Console and Network panes in Firebug to see if there's anything fishy about the AJAX requests. Will report in any cases.
A Kingdom of Faithfulness Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord. (Matthew 25:21) In the previous parable (see A Kingdom for the Prepared), Jesus cautioned us to be prepared for His return. In this parable, He tells us how. The kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey. (Matthew 25:14-15) Notice that each servant was given an amount "according to his own ability." Nobody was given what he could not handle. But whatever the amount given, the master expected it to be put to use. Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents. And likewise he who had received two gained two more also. But he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his lord's money. (Matthew 25:16-18) The first two servants put their talents to use. When the master returned he found that they had both doubled his money. Perhaps they each developed a business which was very profitable. Or perhaps they simply put it out at interest. Six to eight per cent was a common rate in those days, and they would have easily been able to double their money in nine to twelve years. Maybe that is how long the master had been gone. The third servant, however, simply buried his talent in the ground. He had the ability to do more, and the opportunity to double his master's money just as the others did, but he did nothing. After a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them. So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, "Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them." His lord said to him, "Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord." He also who had received two talents came and said, "Lord, you delivered to me two talents; look, I have gained two more talents besides them." His lord said to him, "Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord." (Matthew 25:19-23) Notice what the issue here is: faithfulness. Remember that each servant had been given funds to manage according to his ability. Competency was not an issue — all were competent, but not all were faithful. The Greek word for "faithful" is pistos, which is the same word for "faith." Today we often think of faithfulness as loyalty and trustworthiness. But at its core, there is a very important element of faith. These first two servants were both faithful because they had faith in their master, his words and his purpose. They were trustworthy because they trusted. The master sees a very important correlation concerning faithfulness: Those who are faithful in a few things will be faithful in many things. Then he who had received the one talent came and said, "Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed. And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours." But his lord answered and said to him, "You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed. So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest. Therefore take the talent from him, and give it to him who has ten talents. For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away. And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." The problem with the third servant is that he did not trust his master. He saw him as hard, stingy and oppressive, someone who exploited the labor of others. Because he had no faith, he was full of fear: "I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground." It is like the answer Adam gave after he sinned, and God asked him, "Where are you?" Adam said, "I was afraid … and I hid" (Genesis 3:9-10). The servant did not really know his master, but the master had his servant pretty well pegged — wicked and lazy! The master took on his servant's argument, though he did not agree with it. "So if you thought I was oppressive, and an exploiter"—that was the sense of is his words — "then you should have put my money with the bankers so that I would at least have a little return on my investment." Taking the money to the Exchange really would have taken no more effort than to bury it in the ground. It would have been just as safe, if not safer, and would have gathered interest — sweat free. How lazy does a person have to be to pass that one up? But the servant not only lacked faith, he was paralyzed with fear. Now consider the consequences. The first two servants, because they were faithful in little things, were made rulers over great things, while the fearful servant lost even the one talent he had; it was given to the one who now had ten talents. Faithful diligence brings abundance, but those who are lazy and fearful will lose all they have. The kingdom of Heaven on Earth is all about the rule and reign of God. He is looking for who will trust Him completely and obey Him diligently, even in little things, so that He may make them rulers over great things. The reward is both now and forever. Dreams a Thousand Generations Long Taking Time with God Those Who Inherit the Kingdom
Ajmer (Hindi: , ) ist eine Großstadt (Municipal Corporation) mit etwa 540.000 Einwohnern im indischen Bundesstaat Rajasthan. Sie Verwaltungssitz des gleichnamigen Distrikts. Besondere Bedeutung hat Ajmer als heiliger Ort der Muslime, da sich hier das Grab von Khwaja Muin-ud-din Chishti, einem als heilig verehrten Sufi, befindet. Lage Ajmer liegt in einem von ca. 800 m hohen Bergen umschlossenen Talkessel des Aravalligebirges in Zentralrajasthan etwa 130 km südwestlich der Hauptstadt Jaipur in einer Höhe von ca. . Die Stadt markiert nach Westen in etwa die Grenze zur Wüste Thar. Ca. 15 km nordwestlich liegt die heilige Stadt Pushkar. Klima Das Klima ist warm bis heiß; Regen fällt eigentlich nur in den sommerlichen Monsunmonaten. Die Klimakrise hat in weiten Teilen Indiens zu einer drastischen Verknappung des Trinkwassers geführt. Dies ist in besonderem Maße in Ajmer spürbar. So gehört die Stadt zu jenen 21 bedeutenden indischen Städten, deren Grundwasserreserven nach Berechnungen der Regierungsagentur NITI Aayog im Jahr 2020 vollständig aufgezehrt sein werden. Bevölkerung Offizielle Bevölkerungsstatistiken werden erst seit 1991 geführt und veröffentlicht. Gut 83,5 % der Einwohner sind Hindus, gut 11,5 % sind Moslems, ca. 2,5 % sind Jains und gut 1 % sind Christen; Angehörige anderer Religionen wie Sikhs, Buddhisten etc. spielen kaum eine Rolle. Wie im Norden Indiens üblich, ist der männliche Bevölkerungsanteil um etwa 5 % höher als der weibliche. Wirtschaft Im Umland von Ajmer wird Landwirtschaft und Viehzucht – zum Teil noch zur Selbstversorgung – betrieben. In der Stadt haben sich Beamte, Handwerker, Händler und Dienstleister aller Art angesiedelt. Auch das Pilgerwesen bringt viele Einnahmen. Geschichte Ajmer wurde im späten 10. Jahrhundert von dem Chauhan-Raja Ajay gegründet. Im Jahr 1019 eroberte und verwüstete Mahmud von Ghazni weite Teile Nordindiens. Seiner strategischen Lage wegen wurde die Stadt im Jahr 1193 von Mohammed von Ghori bzw. seinem General Qutb ud-Din Aibak, dem späteren Gründer des Sultanats von Delhi, erobert; dabei wurden viele Hindu- und Jaintempel zerstört, deren Säulen bzw. Pfeiler als Spolien beim Bau der Adhai-din-ka-Jhonpra-Moschee wiederverwendet wurden. Im Jahr 1559 fiel die Stadt an den Mogulherrscher Akbar I. und blieb lange ein wichtiger Platz der Moguln im weiterhin vom Hinduismus dominierten Rajasthan. Nach dem Tod des letzten großen Mogulherrschers Aurangzeb versuchten die Marathen sich im Norden Indiens zu etablieren; im Jahr 1770 fiel Ajmer in ihr Hände. Im Jahr 1818 wurde Ajmer als einer der wenigen Orte in Rajputana direkt der britischen Kontrolle unterstellt; die meisten anderen blieben zumindest nominell unabhängige Fürstenstaaten. Am 1. November 1956 kam die Provinz Ajmer-Merwara zum Bundesstaat Rajasthan. Sehenswürdigkeiten Das Taragarh-Fort stammt noch aus der Chauhan-Zeit; es wurde später jedoch wiederholt verändert. Die Adhai-din-ka-Jhonpra-Moschee ist eine der ältesten Moscheen Indiens. Das Grab des Sufi Khwaja Muin-ud-din Chishti (Dargah Sharif) ist eine der heiligsten muslimischen Stätten im Norden Indiens. Der Akbar Palace wurde 1570 vom indischen Großmogul Akbar I. für seine Aufenthalte in der Stadt und für dessen Sohn Jahangir errichtet. Der stark befestigte Palast dient seit 1908 als Museum. Das Badshahi-Haveli ist ein Wohn- und Lagerhaus aus der Zeit Akbars. Das Innere des Nasiyan-Jain-Tempels (auch red temple genannt) ist überreich geschmückt; besonders hervorzuheben ist das Modell eines mit Blattgold überzogenen "Himmlischen Palastes". Der Ana Sagar ist ein künstlicher See, an dessen Südufer sich der Khobra Behroon-Tempel befindet. Das Maya-College ist ein imposantes Gebäude aus der Kolonialzeit. Umgebung Lohnenswert ist ein Ausflug zur 15 km entfernten Stadt Pushkar. Etwa 12 km östlich der Stadt befinden sich der Komplex der Nareli-Jain-Temples. Persönlichkeiten Daniyal Mirza (1572–1605), der dritte Sohn des Mogulherrschers Akbar I. Basu Chatterjee (1930–2020), Filmregisseur und Drehbuchautor Manvendra Singh Gohil (* 1964), Prinz der hinduistischen Fürstenfamilie von Rajpipla Parag Agrawal (* 1984), Softwareingenieur Siehe auch Urs-Fest in Ajmer Weblinks Ajmer, Sehenswürdigkeiten (Wikipedia, englisch) Ajmer, Sehenswürdigkeiten – Fotos + Infos (englisch) Ajmer, Badshahi-Haveli – Fotos + Kurzinfos (ASI, englisch) Einzelnachweise Municipal Corporation in Rajasthan Mogulreich Ort in Rajasthan
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Printed from https://ideas.repec.org/p/nbr/nberwo/7493.html Identification through Heteroskedasticity: Measuring "Contagion: betweenArgentinean and Mexican Sovereign Bonds Roberto Rigobon In this paper, I develop a new identification method to solve the problem of simultaneous equations, based on heteroskedasticity of the structural shocks. I show that if the heteroskedasticity can be described as a two-regime process, then the system is just identified under relatively weak conditions. Identification is also discussed under more than two regimes, when the residuals exhibit ARCH behavior, and when there are aggregate shocks. This methodology is applied to measure contagion across sovereign bonds between Argentina and Mexico. The estimates of the simultaneous parameters are relatively to different definitions of the regimes. Roberto Rigobon, 2000. "Identification through Heteroskedasticity: Measuring "Contagion: betweenArgentinean and Mexican Sovereign Bonds," NBER Working Papers 7493, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. Handle: RePEc:nbr:nberwo:7493 Note: IFM File URL: http://www.nber.org/papers/w7493.pdf Blanchard, Olivier Jean & Quah, Danny, 1989. "The Dynamic Effects of Aggregate Demand and Supply Disturbances," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 79(4), pages 655-673, September. Olivier Jean Blanchard & Danny Quah, 1988. "The Dynamic Effects of Aggregate Demand and Supply Disturbance," Working papers 497, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Department of Economics. Olivier Jean Blanchard & Danny Quah, 1988. "The Dynamic Effects of Aggregate Demand and Supply Disturbances," NBER Working Papers 2737, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. Hausman, Jerry, 2015. 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