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This is the content of an email: Hi Mark, I don't know what these folks are up to. In fact, I didn't know that Scott Laidlaw was involved. When I spoke with EECC I told them that they needed to get direction from you, someone from Mike Coleman's group, or an ENA developer. Any word from the Co Op/PB team? I have jury duty in just a little while, so I'll be out of touch for a short while. Kay
What was the subject line for this email? | Co-op City - Term Sheet | aeslc_10templates | 100 | Detta är innehållet i ett e-postmeddelande: Hej Mark, Jag vet inte vad dessa människor håller på med. Jag visste inte att Scott Laidlaw var inblandad. När jag pratade med EECC sa jag att de behövde få vägledning från dig, någon från Mike Colemans grupp, eller en ENA-utvecklare. Hört nåt från polisteamet? Jag har jurytjänst om ett litet tag, så jag kommer att vara ur kontakt ett kort tag. Kay Vad var ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is the content of an email: Hey Mark, I don't know what these people are doing. I didn't know Scott Laidlaw was involved. When I talked to the EECC, I said they needed guidance from you, someone from Mike Coleman's group, or an ENA developer. Any word from the police team? I'll be on jury duty in a little while, so I'll be out of touch for a short while. Kay What was the subject of this email? | Co-op City - Termsblad | Co-op City - Term sheets |
Write an email with the following subject:
Steve's Staff Meeting - Holiday Change | Due to the President's Day Holiday on next Monday, February 18, Steve will hold his staff meeting on Tuesday, February 19, same time, same location. As a courtesy to all attendees, Steve is asking, once again, that all participants arrive by 2:30 pm allowing for a prompt start time and for discussions to flow in an effective manner. Your contributions to the discussions are crucial and deserve to be heard by all concerned. Achieving this objective is why we ask your cooperation. Because our attendee list has grown significantly in the past few months, arrangements have been made with facilities to have a standing order of chairs available for your convenience. Please call if you have any concerns or questions. adr | aeslc_10templates | 101 | Skriv ett mail med följande ämne: Steves personalmöte - Semesterbyte | Write an email with the following subject: Steve's staff meeting - Vacation change | På grund av presidentens daglov nästa måndag den 18 februari kommer Steve att hålla sitt personalmöte tisdagen den 19 februari samma tid, samma plats. Som en artighet till alla deltagare, Steve ber, än en gång, att alla deltagare anländer med 14:30 e.m. vilket möjliggör en snabb starttid och för diskussioner att flöda på ett effektivt sätt. Era bidrag till diskussionerna är avgörande och förtjänar att höras av alla berörda parter. Att uppnå detta mål är anledningen till att vi ber om ert samarbete. Eftersom vår deltagarlista har vuxit avsevärt under de senaste månaderna, har man ordnat med faciliteter för att ha en stående ordning av stolar tillgängliga för din bekvämlighet. Ring gärna om du har några frågor eller funderingar. adr | Due to the President's day break next Monday, February 18, Steve will be holding his staff meeting on Tuesday, February 19, same time, the same place. As a courtesy to all participants, Steve asks, once again, that all participants arrive by 14:30 p.m. allowing for a quick start time and for discussions to flow effectively. Your contributions to the discussions are crucial and deserve to be heard by all interested parties. To achieve this objective is why we are asking for your cooperation. As our roster has grown considerably over the past few months, facilities have been arranged to have a standing order of chairs available for your convenience. Please call if you have any questions or concerns. adr |
This is an email
A Conference call to discuss any comments we may want to make on the CPUC's Proposed Decision in the GIR Proceeding has been scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2001 at 11:00 AM Houston/Omaha time and 9:00 AM California time. The dial-in # is 1-877-795-3687 code: 350955. In Houston, Conf. Rm. 1336 has been reserved for the call.
What is the subject of this email? | GIR Conf. Call | aeslc_10templates | 102 | Detta är ett e-postmeddelande En konferens samtal för att diskutera eventuella kommentarer vi kan vilja göra om CPUC: s föreslagna beslut i GIR Fortsättning har planerats till onsdag, 17 oktober 2001 kl 11:00 Houston/Omaha tid och 9:00 Kalifornien tid. Den uppringda # är 1-877-795-3687 kod: 350955. I Houston, Conf. Rm. 1336 har reserverats för samtalet. Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an email A conference call to discuss any comments we may wish to make about the CPUC's proposed decision in GIR Continuing has been scheduled for Wednesday, October 17, 2001 at 11:00 Houston/Omaha time and 9:00 California time. The dialed # is 1-877-795-3687 code: 350955. In Houston, Conf. Rm. 1336 has been reserved for the call. What is the subject of this email? | GIR Conf. Anrop | GIR Conf. Call |
Write an email with the subject line "Ammonia/Urea Update Overview". | All, Attached is an overview of our progress and next steps - FYI. Our goal remains to be able to participate in the market no later than the end of the year. Thanks for your continued efforts and assistance. | aeslc_10templates | 103 | Skriv ett mail med ämnesraden "Ammonia/Urea Update Overview". | Write an email with the subject line "Ammonia/Urea Update Overview". | Allt, Attached är en översikt över våra framsteg och nästa steg - FYI. Vårt mål är att kunna delta på marknaden senast i slutet av året. Tack för dina fortsatta ansträngningar och hjälp. | Everything, Attached is an overview of our progress and the next steps - FYI. Our goal is to be able to participate in the market by the end of the year. Thank you for your continued efforts and help. |
Write an email with the subject line "MEETING VERIFICATION re: Discussion of Rod Wright Meeting in LA". | Harry: Seems like a good idea for you to participate to ensure that EES is in the loop. Assemblyman Rod Wright's trying to find a solution that the whole industry can embrace, which he'd then foist on the Governor. Sandi, Parquet and Day attended the first meeting last week. I'll forward to you Parquet's notes from the meeting. We'll be setting up a call in number first thing Monday morning. Best, | aeslc_10templates | 104 | Skriv ett e-postmeddelande med ämnesraden "MÖTE VERIFICERING re: Diskussion av Rod Wright Meeting in LA". | Write an e-mail with the subject line "MEET VERIFICATION re: Discussion of Rod Wright Meeting in LA". | Harry: Verkar vara en bra idé för dig att delta för att se till att EES är i slingan. Assemblyman Rod Wright försöker hitta en lösning som hela branschen kan anamma, som han sedan skulle pracka på guvernören. Sandi, Parquet och Day deltog i det första mötet förra veckan. Jag ska vidarebefordra Parquets anteckningar från mötet. Vi ordnar ett samtal på måndag morgon. Bäst. | Harry: Seems like a good idea for you to participate to make sure EEA is in the loop. Assemblyman Rod Wright is trying to find a solution that the entire industry can embrace, which he would then push at the governor. Sandi, Parquet and Day attended the first meeting last week. I'll pass Parquet's notes on from the meeting. We'll arrange a call on Monday morning. Best. |
What is the subject line for this email?
Gentlemen: As a result of changes at ERCOT we will have to revise the Position manager and QSE MOS to incorporate the new ercot zones. If the ESCA team can come up with an implementation plan that would be great. Also, we have not heard a thing about testing for daylight savings time. Are we ready for the switch? The ERCOT Board approved the congestion zones for next year, 2001. The ERCOT Board accepted the 3 CSC 4 CM Zone model for use in commercial congestion management for 2002. Effective date is January 1, 2002. The three CSC's are Graham-Parker 345 kV DCKT, Sandow-Temple 345 kV DCKT and STP-DOW 345 kV DCKT. The four CM Zones are West02, North02, South02 and Houston02. A power point presentation along with a map is available at | New Zones | aeslc_10templates | 105 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Mina herrar: Som ett resultat av förändringar på ERCOT kommer vi att behöva revidera positionschefen och QSE MOS för att införliva de nya ercotzonerna. Om ESCA-gruppen kan komma med en genomförandeplan skulle det vara bra. Vi har inte heller hört något om att testa för att spara tid på dagsljus. Är vi redo för omkopplaren? ERCOT:s styrelse godkände trängselområdena för nästa år, 2001. ERCOT:s styrelse godkände modellen 3 CSC 4 CM Zone för användning i kommersiell hantering av överbelastning för 2002. Den 1 januari 2002 träder i kraft. De tre CSC:erna är Graham-Parker 345 kV DCKT, Sandow-Temple 345 kV DCKT och STP-DOW 345 kV DCKT. De fyra CM-zonerna är West02, North02, South02 och Houston02. En power point-presentation tillsammans med en karta finns på | What is the subject of this email? Gentlemen, as a result of changes at the ERCOT, we will need to revise the position manager and QSE MOS to incorporate the new ercot zones. If the ESCA Group could come up with an implementation plan, that would be a good thing. Nor have we heard anything about testing to save time for daylight. Are we ready for the switch? The ERCOT Board approved the congestion areas for next year, 2001. The ERCOT Board approved the model 3 CSC 4 CM Zone for use in commercial congestion management for 2002. 1 January 2002 will enter into force. The three CSCs are Graham-Parker 345 kV DCKT, Sandow-Temple 345 kV DCKT and STP-DOW 345 kV DCKT. The four CM zones are West02, North02, South02 and Houston02. A power point presentation along with a map can be found at | Nya zoner | New zones |
Write an email with the subject line "Negotiated Rates". | Attached is the report I mentioned, in printed form it shows each discount for each path for each contract. I will mention this to the TW team now, but go over the report in further detail on the first day of invoicing so each can see the discounts for their own shippers. Hopefully this will reduce future PPA's. Thanks, | aeslc_10templates | 106 | Skriv ett e-postmeddelande med ämnesraden "Negotiated Rates". | Write an email with the subject line "Negotiated Rates". | Bifogat är den rapport jag nämnde, i tryckt form visar det varje rabatt för varje sökväg för varje kontrakt. Jag kommer att nämna detta för TW-gruppen nu, men gå igenom betänkandet i detalj den första faktureringsdagen så att var och en kan se rabatterna för sina egna avsändare. Förhoppningsvis kommer detta att minska framtida energiköpsavtal. Tack. | Attached is the report I mentioned, in printed form it shows every discount for each path for each contract. I will mention this to the TW Group now, but look at the report in detail on the first day of invoicing so that everyone can see the discounts for their own senders. Hopefully this will reduce future PPAs. Thank you. |
Karen- Wanted to say thanks for the gifts you gave me the other day for xmas. I know I often appear ungrateful but that's what happens when you have 2 thousand things on your mind. The pen and leather "thing" for notes are great- I'll use both in my annual attempt to get organised. Rick
Generate a subject line for this email. | Thank You Note | aeslc_10templates | 107 | Karen ville säga tack för presenterna du gav mig häromdagen för jul. Jag vet att jag ofta verkar otacksam, men det är vad som händer när du har 2 000 saker på hjärtat. Pennan och läder "sak" för anteckningar är bra-jag kommer att använda både i mitt årliga försök att få ordna. Rick Skapa en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Karen wanted to say thank you for the gifts you gave me the other day for Christmas. I know I often seem ungrateful, but that's what happens when you have 2,000 things on your mind. The pen and leather "thing" for notes is good-I will use both in my annual attempt to arrange. Rick Create a subject line for this email. | Tack så mycket | Thank you. |
This is the content of an email: As a result of the reorg announcement a couple of weeks ago, this report should now go to Philippe Bibi (or his assistant, Peggy McCurley). Louise is now in the office of the chair of Enron Americas. Philippe has assumed the role as chairman of Enron Net Works. Since this report is a Net Works report, please remove Louise from the distribution list and add Philippe and Peggy effective immediately. Also, I would like to review and perhaps edit the principal projects/deals section each week before distribution. What would be the most efficient way to get this done and into your hands in a timely way? --Sally
What was the subject line for this email? | Global Risk Management Operations Weekly Operating Report | aeslc_10templates | 108 | Detta är innehållet i ett e-postmeddelande: Som ett resultat av reorg tillkännagivandet för ett par veckor sedan, bör denna rapport nu gå till Philippe Bibi (eller hans assistent, Peggy McCurley). Louise sitter nu på Enron Americas stol. Philippe har antagit rollen som ordförande för Enron Net Works. Eftersom denna rapport är en Net Works rapport, vänligen ta bort Louise från distributionslistan och lägga till Philippe och Peggy med omedelbar verkan. Jag skulle också vilja gå igenom och kanske redigera huvudprojekten/dealerna varje vecka före distributionen. Vilket skulle vara det effektivaste sättet att få detta gjort och i dina händer på ett lägligt sätt? --Sally Vad var ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is the content of an email: As a result of the reorg announcement a few weeks ago, this report should now go to Philippe Bibi (or his assistant, Peggy McCurley). Louise is now sitting on Enron America's chair. Philippe has assumed the role of chairman of Enron Net Works. Since this report is a Net Works report, please remove Louise from the distribution list and add Philippe and Peggy with immediate effect. I would also like to go through and perhaps edit the main projects/deals every week before distribution. What would be the most effective way to get this done and into your hands in a timely way? --Sally What was the subject line of this email? | Verksamhetsberättelse för global riskhantering veckovis | Activity Report for Global Risk Management weekly |
Write an email with the subject line "Monthly Update". | Jeff - Please review the following report and let me know if their are any recent developments that I should be aware of while preparing Jim's November report. Perhaps you can update me on the negative CTC claim. Thanks so much for your help, Bryan | aeslc_10templates | 109 | Skriv ett e-postmeddelande med ämnesraden "Månadsuppdatering". | Write an email with the subject line "Month update". | Jeff - Vänligen granska följande rapport och låt mig veta om deras är någon ny utveckling som jag bör vara medveten om när du förbereder Jims november rapport. Du kanske kan uppdatera mig om det negativa CTC påståendet. Tack så mycket för hjälpen, Bryan. | Jeff - Please review the following report and let me know if their is any new development that I should be aware of as you prepare Jim's November report. Maybe you can update me on the negative CTC claim. Thank you very much for your help, Bryan. |
To: All Enron Houston Users Subject: New Dialing Instructions Ref: Tie Line Access Code Changes - Enron Building Phone System Effective Saturday, August 18, the access code for remote locations will be modified within the Enron Building phone system to reflect a standard utilized by all Enron phone systems. The modification will change the first digit dialed when accessing the tie lines by using the Alternative Routing feature from 7 to 8. As all other Enron phone systems currently access the tie lines with the digit 8, the change from 7 to 8 will only affect users who reside in the Enron Building. All other Enron phone system users should note that several digits of the tie lines to London, Calgary, and Portland have changed. What This Change Means To You Effective Saturday, August 18, you must replace the first digit 7 with an 8 when accessing the tie lines. Additionally, several of the digits to the London, Calgary, and Portland tie lines have changed. All other digits of existing access codes will remain the same. For your reference, a list of the new dial strings for remote locations is identified at the bottom of this message. Please Note: This change also means that any Auto-Dial buttons you use to call associates at remote locations will now have to be re-programmed. Such buttons may be programmed on conference room phones and FAX machines in your area. To re-program an Auto-Dial button: ? Press the Menu button on your soft keys ? Press the Program button on your soft keys ? Press the Auto-Dial button you wish to program ? Dial the new Dial String (as identified below) ? Press the # key REVISED DIAL STRINGS FOR ENRON TIE LINE NETWORK Users must dial 8 digits to call via Tie Lines
Write a subject line for this email. | New Dialing Instructions | aeslc_10templates | 110 | Till: Alla Enron Houston Användare Ämne: Ny uppringning Instruktioner Ref: Tie Line Åtkomst Kod Ändringar - Enron Building Phone System Från och med lördag, 18 Augusti, åtkomstkoden för avlägsna platser kommer att ändras inom Enron Building telefonsystem för att återspegla en standard som används av alla Enron telefonsystem. Ändringen kommer att ändra den första siffran som upprings när du kommer åt slipslinjerna genom att använda funktionen Alternativ Routing från 7 till 8. Som alla andra Enron telefonsystem för närvarande tillgång till tie linjer med siffran 8, förändringen från 7 till 8 kommer bara att påverka användare som bor i Enron Building. Alla andra Enron telefonsystem användare bör notera att flera siffror i slips linjer till London, Calgary, och Portland har förändrats. Vad denna förändring innebär för dig Effektiv lördag den 18 augusti, måste du ersätta den första siffran 7 med en 8 när du kommer åt slips linjer. Dessutom har flera av siffrorna till London, Calgary och Portland slipslinjer ändrats. Alla andra siffror i befintliga åtkomstkoder kommer att förbli desamma. För din referens, en lista över de nya strängar för fjärrplatser identifieras längst ner i detta meddelande. Observera: Denna ändring innebär också att alla Auto-Dial knappar du använder för att ringa medarbetare på avlägsna platser nu måste omprogrammeras. Sådana knappar kan programmeras på konferensrumstelefoner och FAX-maskiner i ditt område. För att programmera om en knappen Auto-Dial: ? Tryck på menyknappen på dina mjuka tangenter ? Tryck på knappen Program på dina mjuka tangenter ? Tryck på knappen Auto-Dial du vill programmera ? Ringa den nya Dial String (som anges nedan) ? Tryck på #-tangenten REVIDERADE DIALSTRINGAR FÖR ENRON TIE LINE NÄTVERK Användare måste slå 8 siffror för att ringa via Tie Lines Skriv en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | To: All Enron Houston Users Subject: New dialing Instructions Ref: Tie Line Access Code Changes - Enron Building Phone System As of Saturday, August 18, the access code for remote locations will be changed within Enron Building phone systems to reflect a standard used by all Enron phone systems. The change will change the first digit dialed when you access the tie lines by using the Alternative Routing function from 7 to 8. Like all other Enron phone systems currently access to tie lines with the number 8, the change from 7 to 8 will only affect users living in the Enron Building. All other Enron phone systems users should note that several numbers in tie lines to London, Calgary, and Portland have changed. What this change means for you Effective Saturday, August 18, you have to replace the first digit 7 with an 8 when you access the tie lines. In addition, several of the numbers to London, Calgary and Portland tie lines have been changed. All other numbers in existing access codes will remain the same. For your reference, a list of the new strings for remote locations is identified at the bottom of this message. Note: This change also means that all Auto-Dial buttons you use to call employees in remote locations now need to be reprogrammed. Such buttons can be programmed on conference room phones and FAX machines in your area. To reprogram a Auto-Dial button: ? Press the menu button on your soft keys ? Press the Application button on your soft keys ? Press the Auto-Dial button you want to program ? Call the new Dial String (as listed below) ? Press the # key REVISED DISTRIBUTIONS FOR ENRON TIE LINE NETWORK Users must dial 8 digits to dial via Tie Lines Type a subject line for this email. | Nya uppringningsinstruktioner | New dialing instructions |
Here is an email: After returning home and reviewing the material handed out at the PGE business review, there are two areas that I think I need to understand better. The first is PGE's energy positions going forward and the financial exposures to changing prices. The second is the rate case. I would be happy to return to Portland to get a more in depth review with a much smaller cast of players. I am open to suggestions from you. Given the status of the divestiture process, Jeff wants to make sure he (and subsequently I) have a good handle on these two important issues. Thanks!
What is a potential subject line for this email? | Business Review | aeslc_10templates | 111 | Här är ett mail: Efter hemkomsten och genomgången av materialet som delades ut vid PGE:s företagsgranskning finns det två områden som jag tror jag behöver förstå bättre. Den första är PGE:s energipositioner framöver och de finansiella exponeringarna mot ändrade priser. Det andra är räntefallet. Jag skulle gärna återvända till Portland för att få en mer djupgående granskning med en mycket mindre uppsättning spelare. Jag är öppen för förslag från er. Med tanke på statusen på avyttringsprocessen vill Jeff se till att han (och senare jag) har ett bra grepp om dessa två viktiga frågor. Tack! Vad är en potentiell ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Here is an email: After the return and review of the material that was distributed at PGE's company review, there are two areas that I think I need to understand better. The first is PGE’s future energy positions and the financial exposures at changed prices. The second is the interest rate fall. I would like to return to Portland to get a more in-depth review with a much smaller set of players. I am open to suggestions from you. Given the status of the divestment process, Jeff wants to make sure that he (and later I) has a good grasp of these two important issues. Thank you. What is a potential subject line for this email? | Översyn av verksamheten | Review of activities |
Anne, After NX1 going forward, I would like to load my final positions in the LIQBasis tab in NCD. The positions will include basis, physindex and gd index positions. We can then run settlement index scenarios to see what my risk will be to index postings. This will be a huge benefit. Gracias, Mike
Propose a subject line for this email? | LIQBAsis tab | aeslc_10templates | 112 | Anne, Efter NX1 framåt, vill jag ladda mina slutpositioner i fliken LIQBasis i NCD. Positionerna kommer att omfatta bas-, physindex- och gd-indexpositioner. Vi kan sedan köra avvecklingsindexscenarier för att se vilken risk jag kommer att ha för att indexera inlägg. Detta kommer att bli en stor fördel. Gracias, Mike Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Anne, After NX1 forward, I want to load my final positions in the LiqBasis tab of NCD. Positions will include base, phys index and gd index positions. We can then run settlement index scenarios to see what risk I will have to index posts. This will be a great advantage. Gracias, Mike Suggest a subject line for this email? | Fliken LIQBAsis | LIQBAsis tab |
Write an email with the following subject:
ENRONONLINE- GAS PHYSICAL GTC CHANGE | Due to the sale of HPL we will be modifying the General Terms and Conditions ("GTC") governing all North American physical natural gas transactions on EnronOnline, on Nov 5th. This will require all Counterparties' not having a Master Agreement governing Physicals to accept the revised GTC in order to continue transacting in these Physicals. In order to ensure minimal disruption to trading we are taking the following steps. There will be a pop-up announcement to this effect on EnronOnline on Monday Oct 29th There will be a ticker with the same information all week , next week on EnronOnline. The modified version of the GTC will be available on EnronOnline all week, next week for any customers wishing to have their legal departments review it before they accept it. The EnronOnline marketing group will be contacting customers who had previously accepted the GTC to make sure they are comfortable with the changes. If you need more information or have any questions please call me at X 31787 Savita | aeslc_10templates | 113 | Skriv ett e-postmeddelande med följande ämne: ENRONONLINE- GAS FYSISKA GTC-FÖRÄNDRING | Write an email with the following subject: ENRONONNLINE-GAS PHYSICAL GTC CHANGE | På grund av försäljningen av HPL kommer vi att ändra de allmänna villkoren ("GTC") för alla nordamerikanska fysiska naturgastransaktioner på EnronOnline, den 5 november. Detta kommer att kräva att alla Motparter inte har ett Masteravtal som styr fysiska personer att acceptera det reviderade GTC för att kunna fortsätta att agera i dessa Fysikaler. För att säkerställa minimala störningar i handeln vidtar vi följande åtgärder. Det kommer att finnas en pop-up meddelande till denna effekt på EnronOnline på måndag okt 29th Det kommer att finnas en ticker med samma information hela veckan, nästa vecka på EnronOnline. Den modifierade versionen av GTC kommer att finnas tillgänglig på EnronOnline hela veckan, nästa vecka för alla kunder som vill ha sina juridiska avdelningar granska det innan de accepterar det. EnronOnline marknadsföringsgruppen kommer att kontakta kunder som tidigare hade accepterat GTC för att se till att de är bekväma med förändringarna. Om du behöver mer information eller har några frågor, ring mig på X 31787 Savita | Due to the sale of HPL, we will change the general terms ("GTC") for all North American physical natural gas transactions on EnronOnline, November 5. This will require that not all Counterparties have a Master Agreement that directs natural persons to accept the revised GTC in order to continue to act in these Physicals. In order to ensure minimal disruption of trade, we take the following measures. There will be a pop-up message to this effect on EnronOnline on Monday Oct 29th There will be a ticker with the same information all week, next week on EnronOnline. The modified version of GTC will be available on EnronOnline all week, next week for all customers who want their legal departments review it before they accept it. EnronOnline marketing team will contact customers who had previously accepted GTC to make sure they are comfortable with the changes. If you need more information or have any questions, call me on X 31787 Savita |
Good Afternoon, Although Real Time is forced to live in a quasi-communal way, I would ask that you please do not treat the prescheduler desks as part of the commune. Lisa, Stacy, and Susie all have their own labled chairs, and items on their desk. If you need to logon to their computers, we ask that you please respect that these are their permanent desks and refrain from the following: Failing to log off the computer when you leave. Failing to clean up spilled food and used beverage items. Adjusting chairs. Removing the name stickers on chairs. Removing items from desks without consent. All of these issues have been a problem in the past, and I hope will not continue to be a problem in the future. If you have questions or comments regarding this, please feel free to talk with me. Cara
Generate a subject line for this email. | Please respect the space and belongings of others on this row | aeslc_10templates | 114 | God Eftermiddag, Även om Real Time tvingas leva på ett kvasikommunalt sätt, vill jag be er att inte behandla preschedulerdiskarna som en del av kommunen. Lisa, Stacy och Susie har alla sina egna stolar och saker på sitt skrivbord. Om du behöver logga in på deras datorer ber vi dig att respektera att det är deras permanenta skrivbord och avstå från följande: Underlåter att logga av datorn när du lämnar. Underlåta att städa upp spilld mat och använda dryckesvaror. Justerar stolar. Tar bort namnklistermärkena på stolar. Ta bort objekt från skrivbord utan samtycke. Alla dessa frågor har tidigare varit ett problem, och jag hoppas att det inte kommer att fortsätta att vara ett problem i framtiden. Om du har frågor eller kommentarer om detta, är du välkommen att prata med mig. Cara Skapa en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Good Afternoon, Although Real Time is forced to live in a quasi-communal way, I would ask you not to treat the Preschedules as part of the municipality. Lisa, Stacy and Susie all have their own chairs and things on their desk. If you need to log on to their computers, please respect that it is their permanent desktop and refrain from the following: Failing to log off the computer when leaving. Failing to clean up spilled food and use drinking goods. Adjusting chairs. Removes the name stickers on chairs. Remove items from desktop without consent. All these issues have been a problem in the past, and I hope that will not continue to be a problem in the future. If you have questions or comments about this, you are welcome to talk to me. Cara Create a subject line for this email. | Respektera andras utrymme och tillhörigheter på denna rad | Respect the space and belongings of others on this line |
What is the subject line for this email?
This is a notice to inform you that the server where your Outlook mailbox resides is scheduled for an outage tonight. Your mailbox will be temporarily unavailable starting anytime after 11pm and may continue to be unavailable until 1 a.m., when all server maintenance work have been completed. Outlook Web Access (OWA) will also be unavailable during this time. Blackberry users: Message delivery may be delayed for a few minutes. If you have any questions, please call the Resolution Center at x31411. | CORRECTION: Outlook Outage - Friday, December 28, 2001 | aeslc_10templates | 115 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Detta är ett meddelande för att informera dig om att servern där din Outlook brevlåda bor är planerad för ett avbrott ikväll. Din brevlåda kommer att vara tillfälligt otillgänglig när som helst efter kl. 23.00 och kan fortsätta att vara otillgänglig till kl. 01.00, när allt underhållsarbete på servern har slutförts. Outlook Web Access (OWA) kommer också att vara otillgänglig under denna tid. Blackberry användare: Meddelande leverans kan försenas för några minuter. Om du har några frågor, ring resolutionscentralen på x31411. | What is the subject of this email? This is a message to inform you that the server where your Outlook mailbox resides is scheduled for an interruption tonight. Your mailbox will be temporarily unavailable at any time after 11 p.m. and may continue to be unavailable until 01.00 a.m., when all maintenance work on the server has been completed. Outlook Web Access (OWA) will also be unavailable during this time. Blackberry users: Message delivery can be delayed for a few minutes. If you have any questions, call the resolution center on x31411. | KORRIGERING: Utsiktsavbrott - fredag den 28 december 2001 | CORRECTION: Out of view - Friday 28 December 2001 |
This is an email
I have a phone number on a post it note on my cabinet, just to the right of where my computer would be if I was there. It is a lawyers name (which of course I can't remember), male, with a 212 or 202 phone number. It may be David something or other. Could you email me that name and number? Do you know if there is a way for me to save my emails that I have in folders? Bet the weather is better than this in San Fran. Kay
What is the subject of this email? | phone number | aeslc_10templates | 116 | Detta är ett mejl Jag har ett telefonnummer på ett inlägg det anteckning på mitt skåp, precis till höger om var min dator skulle vara om jag var där. Det är ett advokatnamn (vilket jag naturligtvis inte minns), manligt, med ett 212 eller 202 telefonnummer. Det kan vara David, eller nåt. Kan du mejla mig det där namnet och numret? Vet du om det finns ett sätt för mig att spara mina e-postmeddelanden som jag har i mappar? Vädret är bättre än det här i San Fran. Kay Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an email I have a phone number on a post that note on my locker, just to the right of where my computer would be if I were there. It's a lawyer's name (which, of course, I don't remember), male, with a 212 or 202 phone number. It could be David or something. Can you e-mail me that name and number? Do you know if there is a way for me to save my emails that I have in folders? The weather is better than this in San Fran. Kay What is the subject of this email? | telefonnummer | telephone number |
This is an email
The annual pollution prevention plans were completed and submitted to the State of Arizona. These plans are requried for the three large quantity generators of hazardous waste in Arizona. Annual hazardous waste fees were paid and submitted to the State of New Mexico for four facilities in New Mexico. A conference call was held with Houston Legal and Environmetnal Affairs to discuss the alleged NOV issued for the P-1 C/S which involved a turbine like for like replacement activity. Data has begun to be collected to substantiate Transwestern's position concerning the proposed action by the State of New Mexico. A field trip was made to the Air Quality Bureau to copy all files relevant to the P-1 C/S and will be delivered to the contract attorney who will be assisting Transwestern with this issue. Copies of the New Mexico EOTT air permits were received. Comparisons will be made with the nearly completed EOTT tank database spreadsheet to determine status of permit compliance with each air permit.
What is the subject of this email? | Weekly Environmental Acitivity Report Roswell ARea | aeslc_10templates | 117 | Det här är ett mejl De årliga planerna för att förebygga föroreningar färdigställdes och lämnades in till delstaten Arizona. Dessa planer är aktuella för de tre stora mängdgeneratorerna av farligt avfall i Arizona. Årliga avgifter för farligt avfall betalades och överlämnades till staten New Mexico för fyra anläggningar i New Mexico. Ett konferenssamtal hölls med Houston Legal och Environmetnal Affairs för att diskutera den påstådda NOV som utfärdats för P-1 C/S som involverade en turbin som för liknande ersättningsaktivitet. Uppgifter har börjat samlas in för att styrka Transwesterns ståndpunkt om den föreslagna åtgärden från staten New Mexico. En studieresa gjordes till Air Quality Bureau för att kopiera alla filer som är relevanta för P-1 C/S och kommer att levereras till kontraktsadvokaten som kommer att hjälpa Transwestern med denna fråga. Kopior av flygtillstånden från New Mexico EOTT mottogs. Jämförelser kommer att göras med det nästan ifyllda kalkylbladet för EOTT-tankdatabasen för att fastställa statusen för tillståndsöverensstämmelse med varje flygtillstånd. Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an email The annual pollution prevention plans were completed and submitted to the state of Arizona. These plans are up to date for the three large quantities of hazardous waste generators in Arizona. Annual fees for hazardous waste were paid and handed over to the State of New Mexico for four facilities in New Mexico. A conference call was held with Houston Legal and Environmetal Affairs to discuss the alleged NOV issued for P-1 C/S involving a turbine as for similar replacement activity. Data have begun to be collected to substantiate Transwestern's position on the proposed measure by the State of New Mexico. A study trip was made to the Air Quality Bureau to copy all files relevant to P-1 C/S and will be delivered to the contract attorney who will help Transwestern with this issue. Copies of the New Mexico EOTT air permits were received. Comparisons will be made with the almost completed spreadsheet of the EOTT tank database to determine the status of permit compliance with each permit to fly. What is the subject of this email? | Veckans miljönyttorapport Roswell ARea | This week’s Environmental Benefits Report Roswell ARea |
What is the subject line for this email?
Congratulations to you both! Your designation as V.Ps. is richly deserved! Just among us "constrained technical" people, however, couldn't they have come up with a better description of our category? It makes us sound like we are deficient in something other than just career choice! See you soon--beers are on me! DF | The Memo | aeslc_10templates | 118 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Grattis till er båda! Din beteckning som V.P. är rikt förtjänt! Bara bland oss "begränsade tekniska" människor, men kunde de inte ha kommit på en bättre beskrivning av vår kategori? Det får oss att låta som om vi är bristfälliga i något annat än bara karriärval! Vi ses snart. Jag bjuder på öl! DF | What is the subject of this email? Congratulations to both of you! Your designation as V.P. is richly deserved! Only among us "limited technical" people, but couldn't they have come up with a better description of our category? It makes us sound like we're flawed in something other than career choices! I'll buy you a beer. DF | Memomet | Memo |
This is an email
Current Notes User: To ensure that you experience a successful migration from Notes to Outlook, it is necessary to gather individual user information prior to your date of migration. Please take a few minutes to completely fill out the following survey. When you finish, simply click on the 'Reply' button then hit 'Send' Your survey will automatically be sent to the Outlook 2000 Migration Mailbox. Thank you.
What is the subject of this email? | 2- SURVEY/INFORMATION EMAIL | aeslc_10templates | 119 | Detta är ett e-postmeddelande Aktuella anteckningar Användare: För att säkerställa att du upplever en lyckad migration från Notes till Outlook, är det nödvändigt att samla in individuell användarinformation innan ditt datum för migration. Vänligen ta några minuter att helt fylla i följande undersökning. När du är klar klickar du bara på knappen Svara och trycker på Skicka Din enkät skickas automatiskt till Outlook 2000 Migration Mailbox. Tack. Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an email Current Notes Users: To ensure that you experience a successful migration from Notes to Outlook, it is necessary to collect individual user information before your date of migration. Please take a few minutes to complete the following examination. When you are done, just click the Reply button and press Send Your survey will be sent automatically to Outlook 2000 Migration Mailbox. Thank you. What is the subject of this email? | 2 – UNDERSÖKNING/INFORMATIONSUTBYTE | 2 — EXCHANGE OF INQUIRY/INFORMATION |
Tana, If at all possible, could you please approve Sabic Americas this morning. I am trying to get this customer an ID by this evening as I will be meeting with him at a conference tommorow. Thanks,
Propose a subject line for this email? | URGENT Sabic Americas | aeslc_10templates | 120 | Tana, om det alls är möjligt, kan du vara snäll och godkänna Sabic Americas i morse. Jag försöker att få denna kund ett ID i kväll eftersom jag kommer att träffa honom på en konferens i morgon. Tack, Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Tana, if at all possible, please approve Sabic Americas this morning. I'm trying to get this customer an ID tonight because I'm going to meet him at a conference tomorrow. Thank you, Suggest a topic line for this email? | URGENT Sabic Americas | URGENT Sabic Americas |
Overview Since many of you can not attend every meeting at FERC regarding Generator Interconnection, we would like to provide you with a few highlights of the past two weeks. Interestingly, generators are finding that the Transmission Owning (TOs) entities and ISOs have been less-combative than one may have thought. This is largely due to Daniel Larcamp's, Director of OMTR at FERC, statement to the TOs that they can not hide behind the excuse that prior practice and their Open Access Transmission Tariffs (OATT) prevent them from granting many of the reasonable requests of the generators. Larcamp said in no uncertain terms that the current OATTs are not hard- and-fast anymore, instead, they are most likely going to be subject to revisions per recent FERC orders. The generator group is working very well together. We, the Alliance of Energy Suppliers, are present and very involved in all of the generator strategy sessions and industry meetings, in addition to having Chuck Linderman of our Alliance on the "process group". This process group develops the issue lists for discussions and decides on logistics and procedures for the upcoming meetings. The Alliance has also sponsored lunch for the generator group and continues to offer our offices and conference rooms to any generators that may need office space amenities during their extended visits here in Washington. Procedural Schedule for Interconnection Meetings 9:00AM Llarger industry session convenes to receive direction from FERC staff on the day's topics and process 9:15-9:30- Break into sector caucuses, i.e. Generators, Transmission Owners (TO), RTOs/ISOs, Transmission Dependent Utilities (TDU), and Others. 10:30-12PM- All caucus groups come together to express desired outcomes on certain issues and topics 12:00-1:30- Caucus Group Working Lunches 1:30-3:30- Larger groups convene to discuss individual caucus groups' concerns and issues and attempt consensus 3:45-4:45- Individual caucus groups meet again to discuss positions and find compromise or consensus on issues 5:-5:30PM- Plenary session to chart out next steps and topics for next meeting. Positive Meeting Developments Scope of Service Generators were very successful in negotiating to receive an option for generators to have three product levels of Interconnection Service. Optionality was a paramount issue for generators. TOs conceded to offer the following services: (1) Energy Resource- based on the PJM study process model (2) Network Resource- transmisison rights will be firm and comparable to TOs network resources (3) "Simple interconnection" which allows for several options to be chosen, but basic interconnection of the directly assigned facility is the minimum. Queuing TOs recognized that the queue positioning issues were generator v. generator issues, so suggested that we offer suggestions to them as to how to structure and administer the queue. Generators agreed and developed the rights and timing it wished. Functions of the Queues (1) identify order of studies (2) identifies timing of projects for developers (3) identifies and allocates costs responsibility Limited Consensus TOs suggested, as generators had articulated that Best practices #4 of te ANOPR be adopted as the minimum and build fro those principles. So in essence (1) queue position for all interconnection requests be based on the date the TP receives the request; ( (2) the Generator must meet reasonable milestones to retain position in the queue; (3) if a generator misses stipulated milestones, it will be able to have a time period which to "cure" the deficiency. But if after the reasonably agreeable time frame is exhausted, if not cured, the generator may be at risk for losing its place in the queue; (4) queue position may be at risk, if a generator makes substantial "material change". ( material changes must be further defined by the generators) Scope of Studies and Interceonnection Agreement and Procedures Outstanding Questions and Issues to be addressed in Later Session (1) when is a generator included in the "base case" study or modeling (2) when is a generator on the hook for costs (3) time line for when a generator receives a feasibility study and that all developers should receives a feasibility study, unlike the current practice where that is not the norm (4) if a generator cancels a project that had been allocated costs for upgrades associated with its facilities, who pays for the necessary upgrades if the generator drops out and does not complete the project? Milestones Generators requested that milestones be tied into the progression of a construction project. These milestones will include time lines and schedules. The milestones will begin when a generator applies for interconnection. Note: TOs asked if generators could develop the milestones since they viewed them as a generator-to-generator issue. As a result, a group of generators joined a group of transmission owners to help develop the milestone language. Drafting Team A drafting team was formed that contains representatives from each participatory group at the Interconnection meetings. This group will draft consensus language for the final Interconnection document submittal. This group takes day-by-day issues and attempts to fashion language that represents broad consensus on these issues. The language proposals are then vetted back through the individual caucus groups and voted on for later approval by the entire industry group. (FERC distributed a voting guide that helps categorize what is consensus and what is not) Next Meetings Thanksgiving week- Nov 19-23. NO MEETINGS There will be no FERC Interconnection meetings for this week. However, the generators will have a caucus conference call on Monday Nov., 19 at 11AM to prepare for the following week's meetings. If you would like that call in number please e-mail Chuck Linderman at [email protected] - Tonja Wicks.vcf
Generate a subject line for this email. | Update on FERC Interconnection Meetings | aeslc_10templates | 121 | Översikt Eftersom många av er inte kan delta i varje möte på FERC angående Generator Sammankoppling, vill vi ge er några höjdpunkter under de senaste två veckorna. Intressant är att generatorerna finner att Transmission Owning (TOs)-enheter och ISO:er har varit mindre kämpiga än man kan ha trott. Detta beror till stor del på Daniel Larcamps, direktör för OMTR på FERC, uttalande till TOs att de inte kan gömma sig bakom ursäkten att tidigare praxis och deras Open Access Transmission Tariffs (OAT) hindrar dem från att bevilja många av de rimliga kraven från generatorerna. Larcamp sade i inga osäkra termer att de nuvarande OATT:erna inte är hårda- och-snabba längre, istället är de med största sannolikhet kommer att bli föremål för revideringar per senaste FERC order. Generatorgruppen fungerar mycket bra tillsammans. Vi, Alliansen av energileverantörer, är närvarande och mycket involverade i alla generatorstrategi sessioner och branschmöten, förutom att ha Chuck Linderman av vår Allians på "processgruppen". Denna processgrupp utvecklar frågelistorna för diskussioner och beslutar om logistik och rutiner inför kommande möten. Alliansen har också sponsrat lunch för generatorgruppen och fortsätter att erbjuda våra kontor och konferensrum till alla generatorer som kan behöva kontorsutrymme bekvämligheter under sina förlängda besök här i Washington. Procedurschema för sammanlänkningsmöten 9:00AM Större industrisession sammankallas för att få vägledning från FERC:s personal om dagens ämnen och process 9:15-9:30- Bryta sig in i sektor kaukasus, dvs. Generatorer, Transmission Owners (TO), RTOs/ISOs, Transmission Dependent Utilities (TDU) med flera. 10:30-12PM- Alla caucus-grupper samlas för att uttrycka önskade resultat i vissa frågor och ämnen 12:00-1:30- Caucus-gruppen Arbetsluncher 1:30-3:30- Större grupper samlas för att diskutera enskilda caucus-gruppers oro och frågor och försöka nå samförstånd 3:45-4:45- Enskilda caucus-grupper möts igen för att diskutera ståndpunkter och hitta kompromisser eller samförstånd i frågor 5:-5:30PM- Plenarsession för att kartlägga nästa steg och ämnen för nästa möte. Positiva mötesutvecklingar Omfattningen av Service Generators var mycket framgångsrika i att förhandla om att få en möjlighet för generatorer att ha tre produktnivåer av Interconnection Service. Valmöjligheten var en avgörande fråga för generatorerna. De TO:er som tillåts erbjuda följande tjänster: 1) Energiresurs-baserat på PJM-studieprocessens modell (2) Rättigheter till överföring av nätresurser kommer att vara fasta och jämförbara med TOS-nätresurser (3) "Enkel sammanlänkning" som gör det möjligt att välja flera alternativ, men grundläggande sammankoppling av den direkt tilldelade anläggningen är det minsta. Köande TOs insåg att kön positionering frågor var generator v. generator frågor, så föreslog att vi erbjuder förslag till dem om hur man strukturerar och administrera kön. Generatorerna kom överens om och utvecklade de rättigheter och den tidsplan som de önskade. Köernas funktioner (1) identifiera studieordning (2) identifierar tidpunkt för projekt för utvecklare (3) identifierar och fördelar kostnadsansvar Begränsat samförstånd TOS föreslog, eftersom generatorer hade formulerat att bästa praxis # 4 av te ANOPR antas som ett minimum och bygga upp dessa principer. Så i huvudsak (1) kö position för alla samtrafik förfrågningar baseras på det datum TP får begäran; ( (2) Generatorn måste uppfylla rimliga milstolpar för att behålla position i kön; (3) Om en generator missar föreskrivna milstolpar, kommer det att kunna ha en tidsperiod som "bota" bristen. Men om generatorn efter att den någorlunda angenäma tidsramen är uttömd, om den inte botas, kan vara i riskzonen för att förlora sin plats i kön; (4) köläge kan vara i riskzonen, om en generator gör betydande "materiell förändring". (Materialändringar måste definieras ytterligare av generatorerna) Omfattning av studier och interceonnection avtal och förfaranden Utestående frågor och frågor som ska tas upp i Senare session (1) när är en generator som ingår i "basfallet" studie eller modellering (2) när är en generator på kroken för kostnader (3) tidslinje för när en generator får en genomförbarhetsstudie och att alla utvecklare bör få en genomförbarhetsstudie, till skillnad från den nuvarande praxis där det inte är norm (4) om en generator avbryter ett projekt som hade tilldelats kostnader för uppgraderingar i samband med dess anläggningar, som betalar för nödvändiga uppgraderingar om generatorn hoppar av och inte slutför projektet? Milstolpar Generators begärde att milstolpar skulle knytas till utvecklingen av ett byggprojekt. Dessa milstolpar kommer att omfatta tidslinjer och tidtabeller. Milstolparna börjar när en generator ansöker om sammankoppling. Obs: TOS frågade om generatorer kunde utveckla milstolpar eftersom de betraktade dem som en generator-till-generator fråga. Detta ledde till att en grupp generatorer anslöt sig till en grupp sändningsägare för att hjälpa till att utveckla milstolparnas språk. Beredningsgrupp En beredningsgrupp bildades som består av representanter från varje deltagande grupp vid sammanlänkningsmötena. Denna grupp kommer att utarbeta ett samförståndsspråk för det slutliga dokumentet om samtrafik som lämnas in. Denna grupp tar dag för dag frågor och försök att mode språk som representerar bred enighet i dessa frågor. Språkförslagen granskas sedan tillbaka genom de enskilda caucusgrupperna och röstas vidare för senare godkännande av hela branschgruppen. (FERC delade ut en röstguide som hjälper till att kategorisera vad som är konsensus och vad som inte är) Nästa Möten Thanksgiving vecka- 19-23. Inga möten Det kommer inte att hållas några FERC-sammankopplingsmöten för denna vecka. Dock kommer generatorerna att ha ett caucuskonferenssamtal måndagen den 19 nov., kl. 11.00 för att förbereda sig för veckans nästa möten. Om du vill ha det samtalet i nummer, vänligen maila Chuck Linderman på [email protected] - Tonja Wicks.vcf Generera en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Overview Since many of you are unable to attend every meeting at FERC regarding Generator Interconnection, we would like to give you some highlights over the past two weeks. Interestingly, the generators find that Transmission Owning (TOs) devices and ISOs have been less struggling than might have been thought. This is largely due to Daniel Larcamps, Director of OMTR at FERC, statement to TOs that they cannot hide behind the excuse that past practices and their Open Access Transmission Tariffs (OATs) prevent them from granting many of the reasonable demands of the generators. Larcamp said in no uncertain terms that the current OATTS are not hard- and-fast anymore, instead they are most likely to be subject to revisions per recent FERC orders. The generator group works very well together. We, the Alliance of Energy Suppliers, are present and very involved in all generator strategy sessions and industry meetings, in addition to having Chuck Linderman of our Alliance on the "process group". This process group develops the list of questions for discussions and decides on logistics and procedures for upcoming meetings. The alliance has also sponsored lunch for the generator group and continues to offer our offices and conference rooms to any generators who may need office space amenities during their extended visits here in Washington. Procedure schedule for interconnection meetings 9:00 AM Major industrial session convened to receive guidance from FERC staff on today's topics and process 9:15-9:30- Breaking into sector caucasus, i.e. Generators, Transmission Owners (TO), RTOs/ISOs, Transmission Dependent Utilities (TDU) and others. 10:30-12PM- All caucus groups gather to express desired results on certain issues and topics 12:00-1:30- Caucus group Working lunches 1:30-3:30- Major groups gather to discuss the concerns and issues of individual caucus groups and try to reach consensus 3:45-4:45- Individual caucus groups meet again to discuss positions and find compromises or consensus on issues 5:-5:30PM- Plenary session to map out the next steps and topics for the next meeting. Positive meeting developments The scope of Service Generators was very successful in negotiating to have an opportunity for generators to have three product levels of Interconnection Service. The choice was a crucial issue for the generators. The TOs allowed to offer the following services: 1) Energy resource-based on the model of the PJM study process (2) Rights to transmission of network resources will be fixed and comparable to TOS network resources (3) "Simple interconnection" allowing multiple options to be chosen, but basic interconnection of the directly allocated facility is the smallest. Queuing TOs realized that gender positioning issues were generator v. generator issues, so suggested that we offer suggestions to them on how to structure and administer gender. The generators agreed and developed the rights and timetable they desired. Queue functions (1) identifying study order (2) identifying the timing of projects for developers (3) identifying and allocating cost liability Limited consensus TOS suggested, as generators had formulated that best practice #4 of te ANOPR is adopted as a minimum and building up these principles. So essentially (1) queue position for all interconnection requests is based on the date TP receives request; ( (2) The generator must meet reasonable milestones to maintain position in the queue; (3) If a generator misses prescribed milestones, it will be able to have a time period that "cure" the flaw. However, if after the reasonably pleasant time frame is exhausted, if not cured, the generator may be at risk of losing its place in the queue; (4) queue mode may be at risk, if a generator makes significant "material change". (Material changes must be further defined by the generators) Scope of studies and intervention agreements and procedures Outstanding issues and issues to be addressed in Later Session (1) when is a generator included in the "base case" study or modeling (2) when is a generator on the hook for costs (3) timeline for when a generator receives a feasibility study and that all developers should receive a feasibility study, unlike the current practice where it is not norm (4) if a generator interrupts a project that had been allocated costs for upgrades in connection with its facilities, which pay for necessary upgrades if the generator drops off and does not complete the project? Milestone Generators requested that milestones be linked to the development of a construction project. These milestones will include timelines and timetables. Milestones start when a generator applies for interconnection. Note: TOS asked if generators could develop milestones because they viewed them as a generator-to-generator issue. As a result, a group of generators joined a group of broadcast owners to help develop the language of the milestones. Review panel A review panel was formed consisting of representatives from each participating group at the interconnection meetings. This group will prepare a consensus language for the final document on interconnection submitted. This group takes day by day questions and attempts to fashion languages representing broad unity on these issues. The language proposals are then examined back through the individual caucus groups and voted on for subsequent approval by the entire industry group. (FERC presented a voice guide that helps categorize what is consensus and what is not) Next Meetings Thanksgiving week- 19-23. No meetings There will be no FERC interconnection meetings for this week. However, the generators will have a caucus conference call on Monday 19 Nov., 11 a.m. to prepare for the next meetings of the week. If you want to have that call in numbers, please email Chuck Linderman at [email protected] - Tonja Wicks.vcf Generate a subject line for this email. | Uppdatering av FERC-sammankopplingsmöten | Update of FERC interconnection meetings |
This is an email
Where did he rank against other folks at the super saturday? I would argue that if he was in the top 30%, we should accomodate his need. regards
What is the subject of this email? | ENA Associate Candidate Question | aeslc_10templates | 122 | Det här är ett mejl Var rankades han mot andra på superlördagen? Jag skulle hävda att om han var bland de 30 procent bästa borde vi tillgodose hans behov. vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an e-mail Where did he rank against others on SuperSaturday? I would argue that if he were among the 30% best, we should meet his needs. what is the subject of this email? | ENA-associerad kandidatfråga | ENA-associated candidate question |
Here is an email: Hi Guys, Is the 501D in storage? If not, when will it be delivered? I'm asking in connection with information to be provided in the CPCN process. Thanks,
What is a potential subject line for this email? | 501D for Edgecombe Energy Project | aeslc_10templates | 123 | Här är ett mail: Hej killar, Är 501D i lager? Om inte, när kommer den att levereras? Jag ber om information i samband med CCN-processen. Tack, Vad är en potentiell ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Here's an email: Hey guys, is 501D in stock? If not, when will it be delivered? I'm asking for information in connection with the CCN process. Thank you, what is a potential subject line for this email? | 501D för energiprojektet Edgecombe | 501D for the Edgecombe energy project |
Good Morning Ducky! Check this out and tell me what you think. It is a guide as to how the 1st Ministry of Prayer Open House (if you will) might be.
Propose a subject line for this email? | Ministry of Prayer | aeslc_10templates | 124 | God morgon, Ducky! Kolla in det här och berätta vad du tycker. Det är en guide om hur det 1: a böneministeriet Open House (om du vill) kan vara. Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Morning, Ducky! Check this out and tell me what you think. It is a guide to how the 1st Ministry of Prayer Open House (if you want) can be. Suggest a subject line for this email? | Bönetjänst | Prayer Service |
Write an email with the following subject:
PGA TOUR CHAMPIONSHIP | The PGA Tour Championship will be held at the Champions Golf Club on October 29 - November 4, 2001. This year, EES and EWS have joined together to provide a unique customer entertainment option at this event. Instead of the normal hospitality tent at the course, we have obtained a house that overlooks the 18th fairway and 17th tee box. Food, beverages and shuttle service will be provided daily. Due to security issues, no personal cars will be allowed to park at the house. Attached is the preliminary program agenda and shuttle service information. EWS has access to 25 tickets daily. To order tickets, please send an E-Mail Request to Laura Pena including the following information: Name, title and location of requestor Company name Department name Number of tickets (No charge will be allocated to individual cost centers) | aeslc_10templates | 125 | Skriv ett mail med följande ämne: PGA TURCHAMPIONSHIP | Write an email with the following subject: PGA TURCHAMPIONSHIP | PGA Tour Championship kommer att hållas på Champions Golf Club 29 oktober - 4 november 2001. I år har EES och EWS gått samman för att erbjuda en unik kundunderhållning alternativ på detta evenemang. I stället för det normala gästtältet på banan har vi skaffat oss ett hus som har utsikt över den 18: e farleden och 17: e tee boxen. Mat, dryck och transferservice erbjuds dagligen. På grund av säkerhetsproblem kommer inga personbilar att få parkera vid huset. Bifogad är den preliminära programagendan och transfer service information. EWS har tillgång till 25 biljetter dagligen. För att beställa biljetter, skicka en e-postbegäran till Laura Pena inklusive följande information: Namn, titel och plats för begäran eller företagsnamn Avdelningsnamn Antal biljetter (Ingen avgift kommer att tilldelas enskilda kostnadscenter) | The PGA Tour Championship will be held at Champions Golf Club October 29 - November 4, 2001. This year, the EEA and EWS have merged to offer a unique customer entertainment option at this event. Instead of the normal guest tent on the track, we have obtained a house overlooking the 18th fairway and the 17th tee box. Food, drink and shuttle service are provided daily. Due to safety concerns, no passenger cars will be allowed to park at the house. Attached is the preliminary program agenda and transfer service information. EWS has access to 25 tickets daily. To order tickets, send an email request to Laura Pena including the following information: Name, title and location of request or company name Department name Number of tickets (No fee will be allocated to individual cost centers) |
This is the content of an email: Pat, I have reviewed this agreement and provided my comments under a separate email. I would appreciate your review of Section 4.14 in particular, given your familiarity with the compensation plans and benefit plans. In terms of timing, your comments probably can go into the next draft, but if you have a chance to look at 4.14 today, it would be great! Thanks a lot!
What was the subject line for this email? | Project Triple Lutz | aeslc_10templates | 126 | Detta är innehållet i ett e-postmeddelande: Pat, Jag har granskat detta avtal och lämnat mina kommentarer under en separat e-post. Jag skulle uppskatta er granskning av avsnitt 4.14 i synnerhet, med tanke på er kännedom om kompensationsplanerna och förmånsplanerna. När det gäller tidpunkten kan förmodligen era kommentarer gå in på nästa utkast, men om ni har en chans att titta på 4,14 idag, skulle det vara bra! Tack så mycket! Vad var ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is the content of an email: Pat, I have reviewed this agreement and submitted my comments under a separate email. I would appreciate your examination of Section 4.14 in particular, given your knowledge of the compensation plans and the benefit plans. As for the timing, your comments can probably go into the next draft, but if you have a chance to look at 4.14 today, that would be good! Thank you very much! What was the subject of this email? | Projekt Triple Lutz | Project Triple Lutz |
John: Here is a summary of the 2 Snyder Agreements. As we discussed last week, there is one trade (a basis swap that will expire in August 2004) that they want to remain under the 1194 Master. Let me know what you want to do. !. 1994 Agreement cross default threshold - $10,000,000 for Snyder and $25,000,000 for us automatic termination if bankruptcy occurs setoff includes affiliates collateral is LC's only collateral threshold - credit rating matrix Below BB- - 0 BB- $2,500,000 BB $5,000,000 BB+ $6,000,000 BBB- to BBB+ $10,000,000 A- and above $15,000,000 $15,000,000 Enron Guaranty 2. 1996 ISDA Agreement cross default threshold - $50,000,00 for us and $25,000,000 for them no automatic termination upon bankruptcy setoff includes affiliates collateral includes LC's and cash collateral threshold - $10,000,000 for both parties MAC trigger is below BBB- for us and BB- or below for them no Enron Guaranty Carol
Write a subject line for this email. | Snyder | aeslc_10templates | 127 | John: Här är en sammanfattning av de 2 Snyder Avtalen. Som vi diskuterade förra veckan finns det en handel (en grundswapp som löper ut i augusti 2004) som de vill förbli under 1194 års mästare. Säg vad du vill göra. !. 1994 Avtal korsar standardtröskeln - $10.000.000 för Snyder och $25.000.000 för oss automatisk uppsägning om konkurs uppstår kvittning inkluderar dotterbolag säkerhet är LC: s enda säkerhetströskel - kreditbetyg matris Nedan BB- - 0 BB- $2,500.000 BB $5.000.000 BB+ $6.000.000 BBB- till BBB+ $10.000.000 A- och över $15.000.000 $15.000.000 Enron Guaranty 2. 1996 ISDA Agreement korsar standardtröskeln - $ 500,000,00 för oss och $ 25.000.000 för dem ingen automatisk uppsägning vid konkurs kvittning inkluderar dotterbolag säkerhet inkluderar LC: s och kontanter säkerhet tröskel - $ 10.000.000 för båda parter MAC trigger är under BBB- för oss och BB- eller nedan för dem ingen Enron Guaranty Carol Skriv en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | John: Here is a summary of the 2 Snyder Agreements. As we discussed last week, there is a trade (a basic swap that expires in August 2004) that they want to remain under the 1194 champions. Tell me what you want to do. !. 1994 Agreement crosses the standard threshold - $10,000,000 for Snyder and $25,000,000 for us automatic termination if bankruptcy occurs set-off includes subsidiary security is LC's only security threshold - rating matrix Below BB- - 0 BB- $2,500,000 BB $5,000,000 BB+ $6,000,000 BBB- to BBB+ $10,000,000 A- and over $15,000,000 $15,000,000 Enron Guaranty 2. 1996 ISDA Agreement crosses the standard threshold - $5000.00 for us and $25,000,000 for them no automatic termination upon bankruptcy set-off includes subsidiary security including LC's and cash security threshold - $10,000,000 for both parties MAC trigger is below BBB- for us and BB- or below for them no Enron Guaranty Carol Write a subject line for this email. | Snyder | Snyder |
Write an email with the subject line "Baltimore Gas & Electric". | We received their payment today. It included Dec01 through Mar02 invoices, some of which were new due ENA, other net due BG&E, with the sum of all amounts being owed to ENA. It appears that they netted accordingly. We can discuss whether they is allowable or not. (This is the same scenario as with Merced.) Susan: Please note in the DLL that payment was received 3/21/02 and that they netted post-petition invoices. Thanks | aeslc_10templates | 128 | Skriv ett mail med ämnesraden "Baltimore Gas & Electric". | Write an email with the subject line "Baltimore Gas & Electric". | Vi fick deras betalning idag. Den omfattade fakturor från dec01 till Mar02, varav några var nya förfallna till ENA, andra nettoskulder BG&E, med summan av alla belopp som ENA var skyldigt. Det verkar som om de nätade i enlighet därmed. Vi kan diskutera om de är tillåtna eller inte. (Detta är samma scenario som med Merced.) Susan: Observera i DLL att betalningen mottogs 2002-03-21 och att de nätade fakturor efter petition. Tack. | We got their payment today. It included invoices from Dec01 to Mar02, some of which were new due to ENA, other net liabilities BG&E, with the sum of all amounts owed by ENA. It seems that they netted accordingly. We can discuss whether they are allowed or not. (This is the same scenario as with Merced.) Susan: Note in DLL that the payment was received 2002-03-21 and that they netted invoices after petition. Thank you. |
What is the subject line for this email?
Please see attached the July first of the month prices corresponding to the deal list you provided me. Sorry for the delay, but I.T. ran into a major snag when they tried to pull these. Thanks, | July Das Daily Prices | aeslc_10templates | 129 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Vänligen se bifogat den första juli månad priser som motsvarar den affär lista du gav mig. Ursäkta förseningen, men IT. Jag stötte på en stor hake när de försökte dra i dessa. Tack. | What is the subject of this email? Please see attached the first month of July prices corresponding to the deal list you gave me. I'm sorry for the delay, but IT. I ran into a big catch trying to pull these. Thank you. | Juli Das Dagliga priser | July Das Daily Prices |
This is the content of an email: I am forwarding the resume of Wendell Licon who works for Enron in the HR department (executive compensation). He used to be an FX trader. I am thinking about moving him to research when his current boss is ready to release him. I think, however, that you should take a look at him as well and see if he fits your needs. Vince
What was the subject line for this email? | Resume of a former FX trader | aeslc_10templates | 130 | Detta är innehållet i ett e-postmeddelande: Jag vidarebefordrar meritförteckningen för Wendell Licon som arbetar för Enron på HR-avdelningen (verkställande ersättning). Han var FX-handlare. Jag funderar på att få honom att forska när hans nuvarande chef är redo att släppa honom. Jag tycker dock att ni också bör ta en titt på honom och se om han passar era behov. Vince Vad var ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is the content of an e-mail: I forward the CV of Wendell Licon working for Enron in the HR department (executive remuneration). He was an FX dealer. I'm thinking of getting him to do research when his current boss is ready to release him. However, I think you should also take a look at him and see if he suits your needs. Vince What was the subject of this email? | Återuppta en tidigare FX-handlare | Resume a former FX dealer |
Hi Sally, I hope this message finds you well. Just a short note to let you know that I have settled into my workspace at EB 3089F. I am very excited about my summer internship with Enron, and when you have a free moment, let me know; I would like to stop by and say "hi". Feel free to contact me at (713) 853-4750 or at [email protected] with any questions. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Have a great day, Michelle
Write a subject line for this email. | Summer Contact Information for M. Yee | aeslc_10templates | 131 | Hej Sally, jag hoppas att det här meddelandet är bra. Bara en kort lapp så att du vet att jag har slagit mig ner på min arbetsplats på EB 3089F. Jag är mycket glad över min sommarpraktik hos Enron, och när du har en ledig stund, låt mig veta; Jag skulle vilja titta förbi och säga "hej". Kontakta mig gärna på (713) 853-4750 eller på [email protected] med eventuella frågor. Jag ser fram emot att höra från dig snart. Ha en bra dag, Michelle Skriv en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Hey Sally, I hope this message is good. Just a short note so you know I've settled down at my workplace at EB 3089F. I'm very happy about my summer practice at Enron's, and when you have a free time, let me know; I'd like to stop by and say "hi". Please contact me at (713) 853-4750 or at [email protected] with any questions. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Have a good day, Michelle Write a subject line for this email. | Sommar Kontaktinformation för M. Yee | Summer Contact information for M. Yee |
Rob: I received the documents and Susan Flynn will get them executed along with the Enron Guaranty and the other certificates and get them back to you next week. My question for you is when you consider the agreement to be effective for trading purposes? I'm assuming you want to wait for the Enron Guaranty and that any trades done before the Guaranty is sent to you would not be confirmed under the Master. Please let me know your thoughts on this. I have asked Enron's counsel to process the Guaranty ASAP. Thanks. Carol
Generate a subject line for this email. | ISDA Master | aeslc_10templates | 132 | Rob: Jag fick dokumenten och Susan Flynn kommer att få dem avrättade tillsammans med Enron Guaranty och de andra certifikaten och få dem tillbaka till dig nästa vecka. Min fråga till er är när ni anser att avtalet är effektivt för handelsändamål? Jag antar att ni vill vänta på Enron Guaranti och att alla byten som görs innan Guarantien skickas till er inte skulle bekräftas under Mästaren. Låt mig få veta dina tankar om detta. Jag har bett Enrons ombud att behandla Guarantien så fort som möjligt. Tack. Carol Skapa en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Rob: I got the documents and Susan Flynn will have them executed along with Enron Guaranty and the other certificates and get them back to you next week. My question to you is when do you consider the agreement to be effective for trade purposes? I suppose you want to wait for Enron Guaranti and that all the spoils made before the Guaranti is sent to you would not be confirmed under the Master. Let me know your thoughts on this. I've asked Enron's counsel to treat Guarantia as soon as possible. Thank you. Carol Create a subject line for this email. | ISDA-mästare | ISDA Champion |
Following is info on BPS, Pipeline Segment and EC meetings in April / May. FYI - On the Triage call this afternoon, Kim announced the following BPS schedule for dealing with the recall order: ** Wed 4/3 conference call 8:30 - 12:30 central - agenda - only to identify the issues and not to work on any of the issues at this point ** Wed/Thurs 4/10 - 4/11 face to face @ Con Ed in NYC ** Wed 4/24 conference call 8:30 - 12:30 central ** Tues/Wed 4/30-5/1 face to face in Houston - probably @ CMS Kim indicated that on the 4/24 call we'd know better what additional meetings might be needed. I suggested that since the Technical and IR are meetings are in Houston Mon May 13 (Tech) and Tues/Wed May 14-15 (IR), that if there needs to be another face to face about that time, that we could possibly have it that Thursday and Friday (May 16-17) in Houston. Stay tuned on any dates after the May 1 meeting. Kim is going to try to have the NAESB office post this schedule this afternoon. ** Kim also asked me to remind everyone about the Pipeline Segment meeting to prepare for the BPS meetings (see her e-mail of 3/15/02)
Write a subject line for this email. | Order RM96-1-019 (Partial Day Recalls) - BPS Schedule is Official & Pipeline Segment Meeting | aeslc_10templates | 133 | Här följer information om BPS, Pipeline Segment och EC möten i april / maj. FYI - På Triage samtal i eftermiddag, Kim meddelade följande BPS schema för att hantera återkallande ordning: ** ons 4/3 konferens samtal 8:30 - 12:30 central - agenda - bara för att identifiera frågorna och inte arbeta med någon av de frågor på denna punkt ** ons/Thurs 4/10 - 4/11 ansikte mot ansikte @ Con Ed i NYC ** ons 4/24 konferens samtal 8:30 - 12:30 central ** tis/ons 4/30-5/1 ansikte mot ansikte i Houston - förmodligen @ CMS Kim indikerade att på 4-24 samtal skulle vi veta bättre vad ytterligare möten kan behövas. Jag föreslog att eftersom Technical och IR är möten är i Houston Mon 13 maj (Tech) och tis/ons 14-15 maj (IR), att om det behöver finnas en annan ansikte mot ansikte om den tiden, att vi möjligen kan ha det att torsdag och fredag (16-17 maj) i Houston. Håll ögonen öppna på alla datum efter mötet den 1 maj. Kim kommer att försöka få NAESB-kontorets post i eftermiddag. ** Kim bad mig också att påminna alla om Pipeline Segment mötet för att förbereda sig för BPS möten (se hennes e-post av 3/15/02) Skriv en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Here is information about BPS, Pipeline Segment and EC meetings in April/May. FYI - On Triage calls this afternoon, Kim announced the following BPS schedule to handle recall order: ** Wed 4/3 conference calls 8:30 - 12:30 central - agenda - only to identify the issues and not work on any of the issues at this point ** Wed/Thurs 4/10 - 4/11 face to face @ Con Ed in NYC ** Wed 4/24 conference calls 8:30 - 12:30 central ** Tues/ons 4/30-5/1 face to face in Houston - probably @ CMS Kim indicated that on 4-24 calls we would know better what further meetings may be needed. I suggested that since Technical and IR are meetings are in Houston Mon May 13 (Tech) and Tue/on May 14-15 (IR), that if there needs to be another face-to-face about that time, that we may possibly have it that Thursday and Friday (May 16-17) in Houston. Keep your eyes open on all dates after the meeting on May 1. Kim will be trying to get the NAESB office post this afternoon. ** Kim also asked me to remind everyone about the Pipeline Segment meeting to prepare for BPS meetings (see her email of 3/15/02) Write a subject line for this email. | Beställ RM96-1-019 (Partial Day Recalls) - BPS Schedule is Official & Pipeline Segment Meeting | Order RM96-1-019 (Partial Day Recalls) - BPS Schedule is Official & Pipeline Segment Meeting |
Here is an email: I will be on vacation from Monday the 19th through Monday the 26th (returning to the office on Tuesday the 27th). My cell phone and pager will not work either at sea or in the countries I will be visiting. I can be reached via Maritime Communications Network at (877)225-7447 - you will need to give my name and the name of the ship - Celebration. Since the rates are around $10 per minute, I don't plan to check my voicemail as often as usual but will call in when in port.
What is a potential subject line for this email? | Vacation Memo | aeslc_10templates | 134 | Här är ett mail: Jag kommer att vara på semester från måndag den 19: e till måndag den 26: e (återvänder till kontoret på tisdag den 27: e). Min mobiltelefon och personsökare kommer inte att fungera vare sig till sjöss eller i de länder jag kommer att besöka. Jag kan nås via Maritime Communications Network på (877)225-7447 - du måste ange mitt namn och namnet på fartyget - Firande. Eftersom priserna är runt $ 10 per minut, Jag planerar inte att kolla min röstbrevlåda så ofta som vanligt men kommer att ringa in när i port. Vad är en potentiell ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Here is an email: I will be on vacation from Monday the 19th to Monday the 26th (returning to the office on Tuesday the 27th). My mobile phone and pager will not work either at sea or in the countries I will visit. I can be accessed via Maritime Communications Network on (877)225-7447 - you must enter my name and the name of the ship - Celebration. Since prices are around $10 per minute, I don't plan to check my voicemail as often as usual but will call in when in port. What is a potential subject line for this email? | Semester memo | Holiday memo |
Write an email with the subject line "Missing Transmission Deals". | Don: There are Oasis requests for Ameren with your name on them for which deals are missing in Enpower - nothing in the Hourly P&L. There are also a couple of requests under "Punit Rawal" - if you know anything about these, please let me know. Check it out and get let me know what the deal numbers are. Since this is the last week of the month we need to get these fixed asap. If you need help or have questions, please let me know. 09/16 HE 1 & 2 @ 102 MW Oasis #'s 977165 & 977173 HE 23 & 24 @ 204 MW Oasis #'s 977607 & 977641 | aeslc_10templates | 135 | Skriv ett mail med ämnesraden "Missing Transmission Deals". | Write an email with the subject line "Missing Transmission Deals". | Don: Det finns Oasis önskemål om Ameren med ditt namn på dem för vilka affärer saknas i Enpower - ingenting i Timmarens P&L. Det finns också ett par förfrågningar under "Punit Rawal" - om du vet något om dessa, snälla låt mig veta. Kolla upp det och låt mig veta vad deal nummer är. Eftersom det här är den sista veckan i månaden måste vi fixa det här så snabbt som möjligt. Säg till om du behöver hjälp eller har frågor. 09/16 HE 1 & 2 @ 102 MW Oasis #:s 977165 & 977173 HE 23 & 24 @ 204 MW Oasis #:s 977607 & 977641 | Don: There is Oasis' wish for Ameren with your name on those for whom business is missing in Enpower - nothing in the Hours P&L. There are also a couple of requests under "Punit Rawal" - if you know anything about these, please let me know. Check it out and let me know what deal number is. Since this is the last week of the month, we need to fix this as quickly as possible. Let me know if you need help or have questions. 09/16 HE 1 & 2 @ 102 MW Oasis #'s 977165 & 977173 HE 23 & 24 @ 204 MW Oasis #'s 977607 & 977641 |
This is the content of an email: Charlotte, Please explain what you are referring to when you state that Article 12.7 was omitted by accident. My copy of the signed agreement has 12.7. I am attaching the proposed Amendment for your review and comments. I added the Gas Daily Midpoint Price to be used as a default index when a index was not specified and for online transactions. Please review and let me have your comments, if okay, please start the execution process and forward 2 to me for signature by ENA.
What was the subject line for this email? | PG&E/Enron Agreement Amendment | aeslc_10templates | 136 | Detta är innehållet i ett e-postmeddelande: Charlotte, Förklara vad du syftar på när du uppger att artikel 12.7 utelämnades av en olyckshändelse. Min kopia av det undertecknade avtalet har 12,7. Jag bifogar det föreslagna ändringsförslaget till er granskning och era kommentarer. Jag lade till Gas Daily Midpoint Price som ska användas som standardindex när ett index inte var specificerat och för online-transaktioner. Vänligen granska och låt mig få dina kommentarer, om okej, starta avrättningsprocessen och vidarebefordra 2 till mig för underskrift av ENA. Vad var ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is the content of an email: Charlotte, Explain what you are referring to when you state that Article 12(7) was omitted by accident. My copy of the signed agreement has 12.7. I would like to add the proposed amendment to your examination and comments. I added Gas Daily Midpoint Price to be used as the standard index when an index was not specified and for online transactions. Please review and let me get your comments, if okay, start the execution process and forward 2 to me for signature by ENA. What was the subject of this email? | Ändring av PG&E/Enron-avtalet | Amendment of the PG&E/Enron Agreement |
This is an email
Confidential Work Material - Attorney Client Privilege Attached for review is a draft of the letter to be sent to Wildhorse concerning the Gathering Agreement under which the Entrada and Dakota production is committed. Please review and provide comments. To summarize activities to date concerning this Gathering Agreement: 1. Conducted a conference call with Brett Frie on Wednesday. Brett also forwarded some correspondence between Enogex and Wildhorse. The correspondence contained a summary of meeting minutes for two meetings conducted between Enogex and Wildhorse. No demands were made by Enogex and no claims of unprofitability were made by Wildhorse. Brett stated that the Entrada and to some extent the Dakota gas were shut in or curtailed because the downstream carriers starting enforcing their tighter gas specifications. Enogex took Wildhorse's word for that and never checked with Northwest or Questar. I asked Brett why he thought Wildhorse would straight away release the gas. He responded that he thought they would do so only if Crescendo negotiated an alternative arrangement with Wildhorse. 2. I received more correspondence on Friday from Ken Krisa. Nothing really useful. There was a letter from Wildhorse to another producer in the area called Lone Mountain Production Company which stated that Wildhorse thought these assets were in a state of economic viability decline. Unfortunately this letter was not directed to Enogex. However, the draft letter takes that position with Wildhorse. 3. I am securing local consul out of Denver. I want someone intimately familiar with Utah and Colorado law from a litigation and timing perspective to be involved. We may need to seek a declaratory order. We have run into to conflicts with law firm that have represented either KN or Tom Brown. Should have this resolved on Monday. 4. Agreed to language on Friday with Ken Krisa and Jim Osborne and the declaration by Crescendo giving power to ENA to negotiate with Wildhorse. This draft does state our desire to pursue a release of the gas. However, to reiterate, based on the current facts we do not have a black and white right to deem this gas as released under the Gathering Agreement. The fact that the Entrada Gas is not in spec. with the downstream pipelines for inerts, allows Wildhorse to suspend their receipt of this gas without being in default.
What is the subject of this email? | Wildhorse Letter | aeslc_10templates | 137 | Detta är ett e-postmeddelande Confidential Work Material - Attorney Client Privilege Bifogas för granskning är ett utkast till det brev som ska skickas till Wildhorse angående samlingsavtalet enligt vilket Entrada och Dakota produktionen begås. Se över och lämna synpunkter. Sammanfatta de åtgärder som hittills vidtagits i fråga om detta samlingsavtal: 1. Genomförde ett konferenssamtal med Brett Frie på onsdag. Brett vidarebefordrade även viss korrespondens mellan Enogex och Wildhorse. Brevväxlingen innehöll en sammanfattning av mötesprotokoll för två möten som genomfördes mellan Enogex och Wildhorse. Inga krav ställdes av Enogex och inga anspråk på olönsamhet framfördes av Wildhorse. Brett uppgav att Entrada-gasen och i viss mån Dakota-gasen stängdes in eller inskränktes eftersom de efterföljande transportföretagen började tillämpa sina strängare gasspecifikationer. Enogex tog Wildhorses ord för det och kollade aldrig med Northwest eller Questar. Jag frågade Brett varför han trodde att Wildhorse skulle släppa ut gasen. Han svarade att han trodde att de skulle göra det endast om Crescendo förhandlade fram ett alternativt arrangemang med Wildhorse. 2. Jag fick mer korrespondens på fredag från Ken Krisa. Inget användbart. Det fanns ett brev från Wildhorse till en annan producent i området som hette Lone Mountain Production Company som uppgav att Wildhorse ansåg att dessa tillgångar var i ett tillstånd av ekonomisk lönsamhetsnedgång. Tyvärr var detta brev inte riktat till Enogex. Utkastet till brev intar dock den positionen med Wildhorse. 3. Jag säkrar lokalkonsuln från Denver. Jag vill att någon som är intimt bekant med Utahs och Colorados lag ur ett rätts- och tidsperspektiv ska vara inblandad. Vi kan behöva söka en förklaringsorder. Vi har stött på konflikter med advokatbyrån som har representerat antingen KN eller Tom Brown. Jag borde ha löst det här på måndag. 4. Överenskom på fredag med Ken Krisa och Jim Osborne och Crescendos deklaration som gav ENA makt att förhandla med Wildhorse. Detta förslag visar att vi vill fortsätta att släppa ut gasen. Men för att upprepa, utifrån de aktuella fakta har vi inte en svartvit rätt att betrakta denna gas som utsläppt enligt samlingsavtalet. Det faktum att Entradagasen inte är i spec. Med ledningarna i efterföljande led för inerta rör gör det möjligt för Wildhorse att avbryta mottagandet av denna gas utan att vara försumlig. Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an email Confidential Work Material - Attorney Client Privilege Attached for review is a draft of the letter to be sent to Wildhorse regarding the collection agreement under which Entrada and Dakota production are committed. Review and comment. Summarise the measures taken so far in relation to this collective agreement: 1. Conducted a conference call with Brett Frie on Wednesday. Brett also forwarded some correspondence between Enogex and Wildhorse. The correspondence included a summary of meeting minutes for two meetings conducted between Enogex and Wildhorse. No demands were made by Enogex and no claims of unprofitability were made by Wildhorse. Brett stated that the Entrada gas and to some extent the Dakota gas were shut in or restricted as the subsequent transport companies began to apply their stricter gas specifications. Enogex took Wildhorse's word for it and never checked with Northwest or Questar. I asked Brett why he thought Wildhorse would release the gas. He responded that he thought they would do so only if Crescendo negotiated an alternative arrangement with Wildhorse. 2. I got more correspondence on Friday from Ken Krisa. Nothing useful. There was a letter from Wildhorse to another producer in the area called the Lone Mountain Production Company stating that Wildhorse considered these assets to be in a state of economic profitability decline. Unfortunately, this letter was not addressed to Enogex. However, the draft letter takes that position with Wildhorse. 3. I'll secure the local consul from Denver. I want someone intimately familiar with Utah and Colorado's law from a legal and time perspective to be involved. We may need to seek an explanation order. We've encountered conflicts with the law firm that has represented either KN or Tom Brown. I should have solved this on Monday. 4. Agreed on Friday with Ken Krisa and Jim Osborne and Crescendo's declaration giving ENA the power to negotiate with Wildhorse. This proposal shows that we want to continue to emit the gas. However, to reiterate, on the basis of the current facts, we do not have a black and white right to regard this gas as being released under the collective agreement. The fact that the Entradagas is not in spec. With the downstream pipes for inert pipes, Wildhorse allows to interrupt receipt of this gas without being negligent. What is the subject of this email? | Wildhorse Letter | Wildhorse Letter |
Write an email with the subject line "CNG Fuel Waivers". | Hey Z, would you show Beavy how to request the CNG Fuel waivers for July? I want Beavy to do it for a couple of months so she will be aware of our operational flexibility. Remember, you need to keep track of all of this on your 2000 accomplishments for your year end review. Thanks. | aeslc_10templates | 138 | Skriv ett mail med ämnesraden "CNG Fuel Waivers". | Write an email with the subject line "CNG Fuel Waivers". | Z, kan du visa Beavy hur man begär CNG bränsle undantag för juli? Jag vill att Beavy gör det i några månader så att hon blir medveten om vår flexibilitet. Kom ihåg, du måste hålla reda på allt detta på dina 2000 prestationer för din årsslut granskning. Tack. | Z, can you show Beavy how to request CNG fuel exemption for July? I want Beavy to do that for a few months so that she becomes aware of our flexibility. Remember, you have to keep track of all this on your 2000 achievements for your year-end review. Thank you. |
This is an email
John: Sara and I would like to hold another lunch with your group on Friday, May 5th to go through in detail how the ISDA and CSA Masters and Schedules work. Could you please take a look at this list and let me know of any additions or deletions? Thanks. Carol Bill Bradford Debbie Brackett Tanya Rohauer Rod Nelson Russell Diamond Veronica Espinoza Tracy Ngo Brant Reves Kevin Radous Tom Moran Christopher Smith Lesli Campbell Cathy Tudon Nidia Martinez Molly Harris Thanks.
What is the subject of this email? | Credit Group Lunch | aeslc_10templates | 139 | Detta är ett mail John: Sara och jag skulle vilja hålla en lunch med din grupp på fredag den 5 maj för att gå igenom i detalj hur ISDA och CSA Masters and Schedules fungerar. Kan ni ta en titt på denna lista och meddela mig om eventuella tillägg eller raderingar? Tack. Carol Bill Bradford Debbie Brackett Tanya Rohauer Rod Nelson Russell Diamond Veronica Espinoza Tracy Ngo Brant Reves Kevin Radous Tom Moran Christopher Smith Lesli Campbell Cathy Tudon Nidia Martinez Molly Harris Tack. Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an email John: Sara and I would like to hold a lunch with your group on Friday 5 May to review in detail how ISDA and CSA Masters and Schedules work. Can you take a look at this list and notify me of any additions or deletions? Thank you. Carol Bill Bradford Debbie Brackett Tanya Rohauer Rod Nelson Russell Diamond Veronica Espinoza Tracy Ngo Brant Reves Kevin Radous Tom Moran Christopher Smith Lesli Campbell Cathy Tudon Nidia Martinez Molly Harris Thank you. What is the subject of this email? | Kreditgrupp Lunch | Credit Group Lunch |
What is the subject line for this email?
Apologies for the SPAM, but kind of fun send out one final one to everyone! New contact info: Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Website: Happy holidays and see you guys in May! Cheers, | SPAM: Contact info and website | aeslc_10templates | 140 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Ursäkta för SPAM, men lite kul skicka ut en sista till alla! Ny kontaktinfo: E-post: [email protected] eller [email protected] Webbplats: Trevlig semester och vi ses i maj! Skål. | What is the subject of this email? I'm sorry about SPAM, but a little fun sending out one last one to everyone! New contact info: E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Website: Nice holiday and see you in May! Cheers. | SPAM: Kontaktinformation och hemsida | SPAM: Contact information and website |
This is an email
Read about how PGE is making methane out of manure in this issue of eBiz. Also in this issue: Enron's first quarter earnings overview Online energy trading will reach $3.6 trillion by 2005 Tom White becomes U.S. Secretary of the Army A U.K. offshore wind farm The PGE sale terminates How a fuel cell works A little bit of poetry It's all in the latest eBiz. Go to, click Publications, then click eBiz, and "eBiz April 27, 2001."
What is the subject of this email? | "Take This Job and Shovel It" | aeslc_10templates | 141 | Detta är ett mail Läs om hur PGE tillverkar metan av gödsel i detta nummer av eBiz. Också i detta nummer: Enrons första kvartal resultat översikt Online energihandel kommer att nå $3.6 biljoner 2005 Tom White blir USA: s armésekreterare A Storbritannien offshore vindkraftpark PGE försäljningen avslutar Hur en bränslecell fungerar Lite poesi Det är allt i den senaste eBiz. Gå till, klicka på Publikationer, klicka sedan på eBiz, och "eBiz 27 april 2001." Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an email Read about how PGE manufactures methane from manure in this issue of eBiz. Also in this issue: Enron's first quarter results overview Online energy trading will reach $3.6 trillion in 2005 Tom White becomes U.S. Army Secretary A UK offshore wind farm PGE sale ends How a fuel cell works Some poetry That's all in the latest eBiz. Go to, click Publications, then click on eBiz, and "eBiz 27 April 2001." What is the subject of this email? | "Ta det här jobbet och kasta det" | "Take this job and throw it away." |
Write an email with the subject line "Canadian Transfer". | The transfer of your securities and mutual funds is in process. There are a few Canadian items that will not transfer. You mentioned that you would like to sell the Canadian securities and transfer the cash. Can you please call Dale Onrait at 250-712-2195 and have him liquidate the Canadian positions and tell him you would like the proceeds and the Candian cash to be converted to US dollars and transfered to RBC Dain Rauscher. This instruction must come from you. If you have any questions, please give me a call. | aeslc_10templates | 142 | Skriv ett e-postmeddelande med ämnesraden "Kanadensisk överföring". | Write an email with the subject line "Canadian Transfer". | Överföringen av era värdepapper och gemensamma fonder pågår. Det finns några kanadensiska objekt som inte kommer att överföra. Du nämnde att du vill sälja de kanadensiska värdepapperen och överföra pengarna. Ring Dale Onrait på 250-712-2195 och se till att han likviderar de kanadensiska positionerna och säg att du vill att intäkterna och de kandiska kontanterna omvandlas till amerikanska dollar och överförs till RBC Dain Rauscher. Denna instruktion måste komma från dig. Om du har några frågor, ring mig. | The transfer of your securities and mutual funds is ongoing. There are some Canadian objects that will not transfer. You mentioned that you want to sell the Canadian securities and transfer the money. Call Dale Onrait at 250-712-2195 and make sure he liquidates the Canadian positions and say you want the proceeds and the Canadian cash converted into US dollars and transferred to RBC Dain Rauscher. This instruction must come from you. If you have any questions, call me. |
Here is an email: Ben, Check this out: 1. Go to MS word and type Q33 NY (the number of the first plane that crashed into the WTC) 2. Increase the font to 65 3. Change the font to Wingdings Look at what you have!!! Megan
What is a potential subject line for this email? | weird thing!! | aeslc_10templates | 143 | Här är ett mail: Ben, Kolla in det här: 1. Gå till MS ord och typ Q33 NY (numret på det första planet som kraschade in i WTC) 2. Öka teckensnittet till 65 3. Ändra teckensnittet till Wingdings Titta på vad du har!!! Megan Vad är en potentiell ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Here's an email: Ben, check this out: 1. Go to MS words and type Q33 NY (the number on the first plane that crashed into WTC) 2. Increase the font to 653. Change the font to Wingdings Look at what you have!!! Megan What is a potential subject line for this email? | Konstigt! ! | Strange! ! |
Write an email with the following subject:
New Email address for us | Please use the following address to contact us. Cathy: [email protected] and Larry: [email protected] Please change your addressbooks, we'd hate to miss an email from you. Larry & Cathy | aeslc_10templates | 144 | Skriv ett e-postmeddelande med följande ämne: Ny e-postadress för oss | Write an email with the following subject: New email address for us | Vänligen använd följande adress för att kontakta oss. Cathy: [email protected] och Larry: [email protected] Vänligen ändra dina adressböcker, vi skulle hata att missa ett mail från dig. Larry & Cathy | Please use the following address to contact us. Cathy: [email protected] and Larry: [email protected] Please change your address books, we would hate to miss an email from you. Larry & Cathy |
What is the subject line for this email?
Hi, "Economics of Strategy" by Besanko is available in the Evening MBA Office. You may already have the book if you took Leonard's Microeconomics course last Fall. Thanks! | E210 Besanko textbook has arrived | aeslc_10templates | 145 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Hej, "Economics of Strategy" av Besanko finns på Afton MBA Office. Du kanske redan har boken om du gick Leonards Mikroekonomi kurs förra hösten. Tack! | What is the subject of this email? Hey, the Economics of Strategy by Besanko is at the Evening MBA Office. You may already have the book if you attended Leonard's Microeconomics course last fall. Thank you. | E210 Besanko läroboken har anlänt | E210 Besanko textbook has arrived |
What is the subject line for this email?
Mr. Lay We have had personal correspondence over the last 12 years or so and I have admired you for taking the time to write back to me even though I was just an employee and you were CEO. Even after all this stuff that is going on, I still believe that you are honest and trustworthy. I don't understand all that has gone on and probably never will, I just know that after 17 years and being "stupid", I had all my retirement in Enron. I am probably dumb again, but I just used some of my own money to buy Enron stock. I feel that the way to bring the stock back up is to invest and work harder. My father who has Enron stock that came from my deceased grandfather who retired as a NNG superintendent, has also just bought more stock. We are trying and I know you are too. I know that you are going through a lot and I am praying for you and your family. Cecil Stinemetz | Trust | aeslc_10templates | 146 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Mr Lay Vi har haft personlig korrespondens de senaste 12 åren och jag har beundrat dig för att du tog dig tid att skriva tillbaka till mig trots att jag bara var anställd och du var VD. Även efter allt som pågår tror jag fortfarande att du är ärlig och pålitlig. Jag förstår inte allt som har pågått och förmodligen aldrig kommer att hända, jag vet bara att efter 17 år och att vara "dum", hade jag all min pensionering i Enron. Jag är förmodligen dum igen, men jag använde bara en del av mina egna pengar för att köpa Enron aktier. Jag känner att sättet att få upp aktien igen är att investera och arbeta hårdare. Min far som har Enron lager som kom från min avlidna farfar som pensionerat som en NNG superintendent, har också just köpt mer aktier. Vi försöker och jag vet att du också gör det. Jag vet att du går igenom mycket och jag ber för dig och din familj. Cecil Stinemetz | What is the subject of this email? Mr. Lay We've had personal correspondence for the past 12 years and I've admired you for taking the time to write back to me even though I was only employed and you were CEO. Even after everything that's going on, I still think you're honest and trustworthy. I don't understand everything that's been going on and probably never will happen, I just know that after 17 years and being "dumb", I had all my retirement in Enron. I'm probably stupid again, but I only used part of my own money to buy Enron shares. I feel that the way to get the stock back up is to invest and work harder. My father who has Enron stock that came from my deceased grandfather who retired as an NNG superintendent, has also just bought more shares. We're trying, and I know you are too. I know you're going through a lot, and I'm praying for you and your family. Cecil Stinemetz | Tillit | Trust |
Mary, Do you have an Enron North America Corp. bank account I can use for Goldman Sachs. The hedge book is in a grouping of accounts under ENA. In the past, we have wired to ECT Investments Inc.'s Citibank account but this is probably not a good idea at this time. The amount is $985,614.39. Please advise. Sheila
Write a subject line for this email. | ENA Wire instructions | aeslc_10templates | 147 | Mary, har du ett Enron North America Corp. bankkonto jag kan använda för Goldman Sachs. Häckningsboken finns i en gruppering av konton under ENA. Tidigare har vi kopplat in oss på ECT Investments Inc:s Citibank-konto, men detta är förmodligen ingen bra idé just nu. Beloppet är $985.614,39. Var snäll och meddela mig. Sheila Skriv en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Mary, do you have an Enron North America Corp. bank account I can use for Goldman Sachs. The hedge book is in a grouping of accounts under ENA. In the past, we have plugged into ECT Investments Inc's Citibank account, but this is probably not a good idea at the moment. The amount is $985,614.39. Please let me know. Sheila Write a subject line for this email. | ENA Wire-instruktioner | EN Wire Instructions |
Here is an email: Brad and John: We have not sent out the ISDA draft on energen because I need calrification on the following points: 1. Is the $75MM Guaranty cap meant to cover both physical and financial combined or are we doing separate Guarantys each with a $75MM cap amount? 2. How does the $50MM collateral threshold work? I noticed in the physical master that it appears as if we subtract from the $50MM threshold our exposure under the ISDA to arrive at the Counterparty's threshold, although the language in the physical says "the exposure" and it is not clear whose exposure they are talking about. Is that how it is suppposed to work? Carol
What is a potential subject line for this email? | Energen | aeslc_10templates | 148 | Här är ett e-postmeddelande: Brad och John: Vi har inte skickat ut ISDA-utkastet på energen eftersom jag behöver kölvatten på följande punkter: 1. Är den 75MM Guaranty cap tänkt att täcka både fysiska och finansiella tillsammans eller gör vi separata Guarantys var och en med en $ 75MM takbelopp? 2. Hur fungerar säkerhetströskeln för 50MM? Jag märkte i den fysiska master att det verkar som om vi subtraherar från $ 50MM tröskeln vår exponering under ISDA för att komma fram till motpartens tröskel, även om språket i den fysiska säger "exponeringen" och det är inte klart vems exponering de talar om. Är det så det antas fungera? Carol Vad är en potentiell ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Here's an e-mail: Brad and John: We haven't sent out the ISDA draft on the energy because I need to wake up on the following points: 1. Is the 75MM Guaranty cap supposed to cover both physical and financial together or do we separate Guaranty's each with a $75MM cap amount? 2. How does the 50MM safety threshold work? I noticed in the physical master that it appears that we subtract from the $50MM threshold our exposure under ISDA to arrive at the counterparty's threshold, although the language of the physical says "exposure" and it is not clear whose exposure they are talking about. Is that how it's supposed to work? Carol What is a potential subject line for this email? | Energen | Energen |
Justin - are the EnBank contracts physical or financial? It seems to me we should use the same customer profiles - that is if the contracts are physical, then any counterparty which can trade physical UK gas should have access. If the contracts are financial, then any counterparty that can trade UK derivatives should have access. Mark
Generate a subject line for this email. | Counterparty access to EnBank | aeslc_10templates | 149 | Justin - är EnBanks kontrakt fysiska eller finansiella? Det förefaller mig som om vi bör använda samma kundprofiler - det vill säga om avtalen är fysiska, då bör varje motpart som kan handla med fysisk brittisk gas ha tillgång. Om avtalen är finansiella bör alla motparter som kan handla med brittiska derivat ha tillgång till dem. Markera Skapa en ämnesrad för det här brevet. | Justin - is EnBank's contract physical or financial? It seems to me that we should use the same customer profiles - that is, if the contracts are physical, then any counterparty that can trade in physical British gas should have access. If the agreements are financial, all counterparties able to trade in UK derivatives should have access to them. Select Create a subject line for this message. | Motpartens tillgång till EnBank | Counterparty access to EnBank |
Here is an email: Mr. Brown: At Laird's request, I am forwarding to you a draft if the ISDA and CSA Schedules. We need more information from you concerning our counterparty such as exact legal name, type of entity, state/country of incorporation etc. as apparently we could not tell from the financials what type of entity it is. This may require some changes to the enclosed drafts, but nothing major. We look forward to hearing from you after you have had a chance to review the enclosed drafts.
What is a potential subject line for this email? | ISDA and CSA Schedules | aeslc_10templates | 150 | Här är ett mail: Mr Brown: På Lairds begäran vidarebefordrar jag ett utkast om ISDA och CSA scheman. Vi behöver mer information från dig om vår motpart såsom exakt juridisk namn, typ av enhet, stat/land för bolagiseringen etc. Som vi tydligen inte kunde se av finansvärlden vilken typ av enhet det är. Detta kan kräva vissa ändringar i de bifogade utkasten, men inget större. Vi ser fram emot att höra från er efter att ni har haft tillfälle att se över de bifogade utkasten. Vad är en potentiell ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Here's an email: Mr. Brown: At Laird's request, I forward a draft on ISDA and CSA schedules. We need more information from you about our counterparty such as exact legal name, type of entity, state/country of incorporation etc. As we obviously could not see by the financial world what kind of unity it is. This may require some changes to the attached drafts, but nothing major. We look forward to hearing from you after you have had the opportunity to review the attached drafts. What is a potential subject line for this email? | ISDA- och CSA-scheman | ISDA and CSA schedules |
This is the content of an email: Here is something close to the note I wrote for Cindy in the meeting. I think we can advocate consistency as an employee advocacy issue. If we think the HR department can make this happen without a note, great. TO: Management Committee As you know, we have announced broadly that restructuring activities are imminent. At this sensitive time, it is fair and right to employees to communicate consistently across the company in a coordinated fashion. Therefore, please ask your management teams to refrain from speculating about specific reductions or communicating preliminary information to their people. This creates a situation where there are have's and have not's -- those with information (preliminary at best), and those who are left anxious and wondering why they've heard nothing.
What was the subject line for this email? | DRAFT | aeslc_10templates | 151 | Detta är innehållet i ett mail: Här är något nära lappen jag skrev för Cindy i mötet. Jag tror att vi kan förespråka konsekvens som en fråga för anställda. Om vi tror att HR-avdelningen kan göra det här utan en lapp, bra. TO: Förvaltningskommittén Som ni vet har vi i stort sett meddelat att omstruktureringsverksamheten är nära förestående. Vid denna känsliga tidpunkt är det rättvist och rätt för medarbetare att kommunicera konsekvent över hela företaget på ett samordnat sätt. Be därför dina ledningsgrupper att avstå från att spekulera om specifika minskningar eller att meddela sina medarbetare preliminär information. Detta skapar en situation där det finns har och inte har -- de med information (preliminär i bästa fall), och de som lämnas oroliga och undrar varför de inte har hört någonting. Vad var ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is the content of an email: Here is something close to the note I wrote for Cindy in the meeting. I think we can advocate consistency as an issue for employees. If we think HR can do this without a note, fine. As you know, we have largely announced that restructuring is imminent. At this delicate time, it is fair and right for employees to communicate consistently across the company in a coordinated manner. Therefore, ask your management teams to refrain from speculating about specific reductions or to notify their employees of preliminary information. This creates a situation where there is has and does not have -- those with information (preliminary at best), and those who are left worried and wonder why they have not heard anything. What was the subject of this email? | UTKAST TILL | DRAFT |
Jeff: Per my voice mail, please let me know if Friday, May 12 is an acceptable date for your group. This works fine for Settlements. Thanks. Sara
Generate a subject line for this email. | Confirmation/Settlements lunch | aeslc_10templates | 152 | Jeff: Per min röstbrevlåda, låt mig veta om fredag den 12 maj är ett acceptabelt datum för er grupp. Det här fungerar bra för Settlements. Tack. Sara Skapa en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Jeff: Per my voicemail, let me know if Friday, May 12, is an acceptable date for your group. This works well for the Settlements. Thank you. Sara Create a subject line for this email. | Bekräftelse/Installationslunch | Confirmation/Installation lunch |
Meeting covered Market Power and Market Monitoring issues. First presenter was David Patton, from Potomac Economics. This firm has been jointly hired to provide technical support to SPP, MISO and Alliance. Many initial questions on what is market power, how can you define a well functioning market, etc. David envisions a market monitoring organization. If a problem emerges, it has to work with the RTO. IMM should not recommend power mitigation measures, but it should report any problems to FERC. It (has to go via FERC). General feeling is that Market Monitoring should be much more than market power, but to make sure that the market as a whole is functioning. It seems to me that the proposal is aligned with what Christi has advocated as part of the Southeast Mitigation. Multiple questions on how power market should be handled for must run, out of merit (constrained on and contrained off plants) and inflexible plants (e.g. hydro or take or pay gas contracts). Proposals to establish price caps were not accepted. Instead a proposal to deal with one or more generators with potential mkt power: they should have caps on bid prices. David proposed some market rules to deal with specific circumstances. It was generally accepted that demand side response should be used to mitigate market power. Other questions on how demand side bidding shold be operationalized (Mike: are there rules for DSB as part of the MISO Market Rules compendium?) Second Presenter - from WPPI. He raised serious concerns about potential market power in the region (Michigan Peninsula). Should utilities have approval to sell at market based rates? How should ATC be calculate to take into account counterflows? Issue is more pertinent until RTO enter into day 2 phase. Presenter's proposal, which faced a lot of resistance, was to assume that all Gs have market power, unless they prove otherwise (except must run agreements for reliability purposes). Roberto disagreed: this goes beyond MISO's authority. RTO has to work with IMM if market power is suspected. Dynegy requested David to further explore the situation of must run plants. David asked whether or not we had filed our position on MM for MISO. Mike: you may want to send him a copy, just as a courtesy. LM
Generate a subject line for this email. | MISO Meeting last week | aeslc_10templates | 153 | Mötet omfattade frågor om marknadsinflytande och marknadsövervakning. Den förste presentatören var David Patton, från Potomac Economics. Företaget har gemensamt anlitats för att ge teknisk support till SPP, MISO och Alliance. Många inledande frågor om vad som är marknadsinflytande, hur kan man definiera en väl fungerande marknad, etc. David föreställer sig en organisation för marknadsövervakning. Om ett problem uppstår måste det fungera med RTO. IMM bör inte rekommendera effektbegränsande åtgärder, men bör rapportera eventuella problem till FERC. Det (måste gå via FERC). Generellt sett bör marknadsövervakningen vara mycket mer än marknadsinflytandet, men för att se till att marknaden som helhet fungerar. Det förefaller mig som om förslaget är i linje med vad Christi har förespråkat som en del av Southeast Mitigation. Flera frågor om hur kraftmarknaden ska hanteras måste löpa, av meriter (förhindrade på och förträngda av anläggningar) och oflexibla anläggningar (t.ex. Vatten eller ta eller betala gasavtal). Förslag om att fastställa pristak godtogs inte. Istället ett förslag om att hantera en eller flera producenter med potentiell mkt-kraft: de bör ha tak på anbudspriserna. David föreslog några marknadsregler för att hantera specifika omständigheter. Det var allmänt accepterat att efterfrågesidan skulle användas för att minska marknadsinflytandet. Andra frågor om hur efterfrågesidans budgivningssholding fungerar (Mike: finns det regler för DSB som en del av MISO Market Rules compendium?) Second Presenter - från WPPI. Han uttryckte allvarlig oro över den potentiella marknadsmakten i regionen (Michiganhalvön). Bör allmännyttiga företag ha godkännande att sälja till marknadsbaserade priser? Hur bör ATC beräknas för att ta hänsyn till motflöden? Frågan är mer relevant tills RTO går in i dag 2-fasen. Presentatörens förslag, som mötte mycket motstånd, var att anta att alla G:n har marknadsinflytande, om de inte bevisar något annat (utom måste driva avtal i tillförlitlighetssyfte). Roberto höll inte med: detta går bortom MISO:s auktoritet. RTO måste arbeta med IMM om marknadsinflytande misstänks. Dynegy bad David att ytterligare undersöka situationen för must run växter. David frågade om vi hade lämnat in vår ståndpunkt om MM för MISO. Mike: du kanske vill skicka honom en kopia, precis som en artighet. LM Skapa en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | The meeting covered issues of market power and market surveillance. The first presenter was David Patton, from Potomac Economics. The company has been jointly hired to provide technical support to SPP, MISO and Alliance. Many initial questions about what is market power, how can a well functioning market be defined, etc. David imagines a market surveillance organisation. If a problem arises, it must work with RTO. IMM should not recommend efficacy mitigation measures, but should report any problems to FERC. It (must go via FERC). In general, market surveillance should be much more than market power, but to ensure the functioning of the market as a whole. It seems to me that the proposal is in line with what Christi has advocated as part of the Southeast Mitigation. Several questions about how to manage the power market must run, of merit (prevented and repressed by installations) and inflexible facilities (e.g. Water or take or pay gas contracts). Proposals to set price caps were not accepted. Instead, a proposal to deal with one or more producers with potential power: they should have a ceiling on bid prices. David proposed some market rules to deal with specific circumstances. It was generally accepted that the demand side should be used to reduce market power. Other questions about how demand side bidding is working (Mike: are there rules for DSB as part of MISO Market Rules compendium?) Second Presents - from WPPI. He expressed serious concern about the potential market power in the region (Michigan Peninsula). Should utilities be authorised to sell at market-based prices? How should ATC be calculated to take account of counterflows? The issue is more relevant until the RTO enters the phase 2 of day 2. The presenter's proposal, which met with much resistance, was to assume that all Gs have market power, unless they prove otherwise (except having to operate contracts for reliability purposes). Roberto disagreed: this goes beyond MISO's authority. RTO must work with IMM if market power is suspected. Dynegy asked David to further examine the situation of must run plants. David asked if we had submitted our position on MM for MISO. Mike: you might want to send him a copy, just like a courtesy. LM Create a subject line for this email. | MISO-möte förra veckan | MISO meeting last week |
What is the subject line for this email?
Joe, Here's the Letter Agreement. Remember that the Letter Agreement was drafted with February 28,2002 Purchase Date so we need a dollar figure for the post-bankruptcy storage fees. For now I have left it blank. Any chance that Centana will accept the $308,000 fee due for 2/28 because they were the ones dragging their feet on the deal? Shemin <<92260_5.DOC>> | Draft of Centana Letter Agreement | aeslc_10templates | 154 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Joe, här är brevavtalet. Kom ihåg att Brevavtalet utarbetades med 28 februari 2002 Inköpsdatum så vi behöver en dollarsiffra för lagringsavgifter efter konkurs. För tillfället har jag lämnat det tomt. Kan Centana ta emot 308 000 dollar för 2/28 för att det var de som släpade sig fram? Shemin °92260_5.DOCØØó | What is the subject of this email? Joe, here's the letter deal. Remember that the Letter Agreement was drafted with February 28, 2002 Purchase date so we need a dollar figure for storage fees after bankruptcy. For now, I've left it empty. Can Centana accept $380,000 for $2/28 because it was they who dragged their way? Shemin 92260_5.DOC<unk> | Utkast till Centana-skrivelseavtal | Draft Centana Letter Agreement |
Write a subject line for this message:
Craig, Did you ever follow up with Kim Ward and the desk on the contract language for the deal or deals you did with CA endusers? We need to make certian that the customers are signed to the correct contract for balancing, etc. Please get with me to discuss. Mike Grigsby | CA endusers | aeslc_10templates | 155 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: Craig, Har du någonsin följt upp med Kim Ward och skrivbordet på kontraktsspråket för affären du gjorde med CA slutanvändare? Vi måste göra intyg om att kunderna är undertecknade till rätt avtal för balansering, etc. Snälla, få med mig att diskutera. Mike Grigsby | Write a subject line for this message: Craig, have you ever followed up with Kim Ward and the desktop in the contract language for the deal you made with CA end users? We must certify that customers are signed to the right balancing agreement, etc. Please, get me to discuss. Mike Grigsby | Slutanvändare av certifikatutfärdare | End user of CA |
Trena, I have received your message. Please, send the model for review to Zimin Lu. Maureen Raymond and myself will work with Zimin to review the model. Vince
Write a subject line for this email. | Model Validation | aeslc_10templates | 156 | Trena, jag har fått ditt meddelande. Skicka modellen till Zimin Lu. Maureen Raymond och jag kommer att arbeta med Zimin för att granska modellen. Vince Skriv en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Trena, I got your message. Send the model to Zimin Lu. Maureen Raymond and I will work with Zimin to review the model. Vince Write a subject line for this email. | Förlaga till validering | Model validation |
This is an email
I will be working in the London office Monday through Thursday, January 15 - 18 and will be be flying back to Houston on Friday, January 19. My assistant, Patti Thompson (x39106), has a contact numbers for me in London. I will be checking voice mail and e:mail regularly while I am there. Key contacts in Houston next week will be: DPR and MPR Shona Wilson x39123 Gas Operations Jeff Gossett x37306 (in Chicago office Jan. 16 & 17) Bob Hall x36956 Power Operations Stacey White x31870 Leslie Reeves x37962
What is the subject of this email? | In London Office - January 15-19 | aeslc_10templates | 157 | Detta är ett mejl jag kommer att arbeta på London kontoret måndag till torsdag, 15 - 18 januari och kommer att flyga tillbaka till Houston fredagen den 19 januari. Min assistent Patti Thompson (x39106) har ett kontaktnummer till mig i London. Jag kommer att kontrollera röstbrevlåda och e-post regelbundet medan jag är där. Viktiga kontakter i Houston nästa vecka kommer att vara: DPR och MPR Shona Wilson x39123 Gas Operations Jeff Gossett x37306 (i Chicago kontor jan. 16 & 17) Bob Hall x36956 Power Operations Stacey White x31870 Leslie Reeves x37962 Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an email I will be working at the London office Monday through Thursday, January 15 - 18 and will fly back to Houston on Friday, January 19. My assistant Patti Thompson (x39106) has a contact number for me in London. I will check voicemail and emails regularly while I am there. Important contacts in Houston next week will be: DPR and MPR Shona Wilson x39123 Gas Operations Jeff Gossett x37306 (in Chicago office Jan. 16 & 17) Bob Hall x36956 Power Operations Stacey White x31870 Leslie Reeves x37962 What is the subject of this email? | I London Office - 15-19 januari | In the London Office - January 15-19 |
Write a subject line for this message:
John: I spoke with Kevin Meredith this morning. 1) Trade Date was 9/11. EOL system generated confirm 9/12. All fax attempts failed until 9/26 when fax went through. 2) EOL daily volume excessively heavy (approx. 1400 confirms per day). Duke volume extremely heavy as well. All Duke faxing unsuccessful. 3) Duke called Kevin and said "haven't received any confirms since 9/14." Kevin hand faxes all confirms since 9/14. Duke makes no mention of confirms prior to 9/14. Confirm desk runs a "fax failed" report on 9/25 and picks up the missing confirm. 4) When Duke receives EOL 415670, John Miller (who seems to be the TRADING SUPERVISOR) calls Kevin (who signed confirm as agent) several times. Miller says that he has spoken with the traders and no one did this deal. However, this deal shows up on the "back office user." Let me know if you need anything further. Kevin's number is 39555. Sara | EOL Duke Deal - commercial resolution FOLLOWUP | aeslc_10templates | 158 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: John: Jag talade med Kevin Meredith i morse. 1) Handelsdatum var 9/11. EOL-systemet genererat bekräftar 9/12. Alla faxförsök misslyckades fram till 9/26 då fax gick igenom. 2) EOL daglig volym alltför tung (ca. 1400 bekräftar per dag). Duke volym extremt tung också. Alla Duke faxade utan framgång. 3) Duke ringde Kevin och sade "har inte fått några bekräftelser sedan 9/14." Kevin handfaxar alla bekräftar sedan 9/14. Duke nämner inga bekräftelser före 9/14. Bekräfta skrivbord kör en "fax misslyckades" rapport på 9/25 och plockar upp den saknade bekräftelsen. 4) När Duke tar emot EOL 415670 ringer John Miller (som verkar vara TRADING SUPERVISOR) Kevin (som skrivit på bekräfta som agent) flera gånger. Miller säger att han har talat med handlarna och ingen gjorde denna affär. Denna affär dyker dock upp på "back office-användaren". Säg till om du behöver nåt mer. Kevins nummer är 39555. Sara | Write a subject line for this message: John: I spoke to Kevin Meredith this morning. 1) The trading date was 9/11. EOL system generated confirms 9/12. All fax attempts failed until 9/26 when fax went through. 2) EOL daily volume too heavy (approx. 1400 confirms per day). Duke volume extremely heavy too. All Duke faxed without success. 3) Duke called Kevin and said "have not received any confirmations since 9/14." Kevin handscuffs everyone since 9/14. Duke does not mention any confirmations before 9/14. Confirm desktop runs a "fax failed" report at 9/25 and picks up the missing confirmation. 4) When Duke receives EOL 415670, John Miller (who appears to be TRADING SUPERVISOR) calls Kevin (who signed confirm as an agent) several times. Miller says he's been talking to the traders and nobody made this deal. However, this deal appears on the "back office user". Let me know if you need anything else. Kevin's number is 39555. Sara | EOL Duke Deal - kommersiell upplösning UPPFÖLJNING | EOL Duke Deal - Commercial Resolution FOLLOW-UP |
Write an email with the subject line "Famous Dad". | You are in the New York Times today, page C6. Can't tell if it's good or bad cuz I don't understand business jargon. I'm about to go for a little run. It's beautiful out. Met a new professor today, Russian but nice. Ready for summer vacation already! At least we have a three day weekend. Hope you're having a good day. Cheers, | aeslc_10templates | 159 | Skriv ett mail med ämnesraden "Famous Dad". | Write an email with the subject line "Famous Dad". | Du är i New York Times idag, sidan C6. Jag kan inte säga om det är bra eller dåligt för jag förstår inte affärsjargong. Jag är på väg att ta en liten runda. Det är vackert ute. Träffade en ny professor idag, rysk men trevlig. Redo för sommarsemester redan! Vi har i alla fall en tredagarshelg. Hoppas du har en bra dag. Skål. | You're in the New York Times today, page C6. I can't tell if it's good or bad because I don't understand business jargon. I'm about to take a little walk. It's beautiful out there. Met a new professor today, Russian but nice. Ready for summer vacation already! At least we have a three-day weekend. I hope you have a good day. Cheers. |
What is the subject line for this email?
Hi Greg, I just wanted to mention that if we are going to bust the percentage rule on the option payment, there is no incremental damage in having the option payment credited to the purchase price of the land. As for officers of the development company, I would use Dave Duran. Ben holds a power of attorney, but isn't an officer. Hope you get email! Kay | Options | aeslc_10templates | 160 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Hej Greg, jag ville bara nämna att om vi ska bryta procentregeln om alternativ betalning, det finns ingen extra skada i att få optionsbetalningen krediterad till inköpspriset på marken. Vad gäller officerare på utvecklingsföretaget, skulle jag använda Dave Duran. Ben har fullmakt, men är inte officer. Hoppas du får e-post! Kay Ordförande | What is the subject of this email? Hey Greg, I just wanted to mention that if we're going to break the percentage rule about alternative payment, there's no extra damage in getting the option payment credited at the purchase price on the land. As for officers at the development company, I would use Dave Duran. Ben has a warrant, but he's not an officer. I hope you get an e-mail! Kay | Väljare | Options |
This is an email
Good Morning, For those interested, there is a replay available of our Power Generation Conference Call which took place yesterday. The replay number is: 402/220-0140 Pin Number: 7493 The called featured Judah Rose with ICF Consulting. Topics discussed included: 1. Our private market valuation analysis for the IPPs; 2. Recent trends in the US power market; 3. Their impact on the generation supply chain; 4. The relationship between power demand and GDP. Please email us if you would like a copy of the slides that go along with Judah's presentation. Regards,
What is the subject of this email? | Replay Available for Power Generation Conference Call | aeslc_10templates | 161 | Detta är ett mail Good Morning, För de som är intresserade, finns en repris tillgänglig av vår Power Generation Conference Call som ägde rum igår. Reprisnumret är: 402/220-0140 Stift nummer: 7493 Den kallade presenterade Judah Rose med ICF Consulting. Ämnen som diskuterades inkluderade: 1. Vår privata marknadsvärderingsanalys för IPP; 2. Den senaste utvecklingen på den amerikanska kraftmarknaden; 3. Deras inverkan på produktionskedjan; 4. Förhållandet mellan efterfrågan på el och BNP. Vänligen maila oss om du vill ha en kopia av bilderna som går tillsammans med Judah presentation. Hälsningar, Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an email Good Morning, For those interested, a replay is available by our Power Generation Conference Call that took place yesterday. The replay number is: 402/220-0140 Pin number: 7493 The called featured Judah Rose with ICF Consulting. Topics discussed included: 1. Our private market valuation analysis for IPP; 2. Recent developments in the US power market; 3. Their impact on the production chain; 4. the ratio of demand for electricity to GDP; Please email us if you want a copy of the pictures that go along with the Judah presentation. Greetings, What is the subject of this email? | Repris tillgänglig för Power Generation Conference Call | Replay available for Power Generation Conference Call |
Write a subject line for this message:
Attached is a revised Credit Watch listing for the week of 5/14/01. If there are any personnel in your group that were not included in this distribution, please insure that they receive a copy of this report. To add additional people to this distribution, or if this report has been sent to you in error, please contact Veronica Espinoza at x6-6002. For other questions, please contact Jason R. Williams at x5-3923, Russell Diamond at x5-7095, or Veronica Espinoza at x6-6002. | Credit Watch List--Week of 5/14/01 | aeslc_10templates | 162 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: Bifogad är en reviderad Credit Watch lista för veckan 5/14/01. Om det finns någon personal i er grupp som inte ingick i denna distribution, försäkra er om att de får en kopia av denna rapport. För att lägga till ytterligare personer till denna distribution, eller om denna rapport har skickats till dig av misstag, vänligen kontakta Veronica Espinoza på x6-6002. För andra frågor, kontakta Jason R. Williams på x5-3923, Russell Diamond på x5-7095, eller Veronica Espinoza på x6-6002. | Type a subject line for this message: Attached is a revised Credit Watch list for the week 5/14/01. If there are any staff in your group who were not part of this distribution, make sure they get a copy of this report. To add additional people to this distribution, or if this report has been sent to you accidentally, please contact Veronica Espinoza on x6-6002. For other questions, contact Jason R. Williams on x5-3923, Russell Diamond on x5-7095, or Veronica Espinoza on x6-6002. | Credit Watch List - Vecka av 5/14/01 | Credit Watch List - Week of 5/14/01 |
Hi Jeffrey: My name is Pat Brandt and I am the Vice President of our E-Training Group here at the Legal Research Center ("LRC"). As you may know, we are the nation's leading provider of outsourced legal research and writing services. In fact, LRC was recently named the 2nd best-performing small public company in Minnesota. In addition to legal research and writing services, we also offer industry-leading, online compliance training - training that could help your organization in the event of a DOJ prosecution. You can view our compliance modules at work or home, as long as you have access to the internet and a personal access code. To receive an access code or more information, please call (800-776-9377) or send me a reply email. Thank you for your time and have a great day! Sincerely,
Propose a subject line for this email? | Online Compliance Training | aeslc_10templates | 163 | Hej Jeffrey: Jag heter Pat Brandt och jag är vice ordförande för vår E-utbildningsgrupp här på Legal Research Center ("LRC"). Som ni kanske vet är vi landets ledande leverantör av utkontrakterad juridisk forskning och skrivtjänster. Faktum är att LRC nyligen utsågs till den 2: a bäst presterande lilla offentliga företag i Minnesota. Utöver juridiska forskningstjänster och skrivtjänster erbjuder vi även branschledande utbildning i regelefterlevnad online - utbildning som kan hjälpa din organisation i händelse av ett DOJ åtal. Du kan se våra compliancemoduler på jobbet eller hemma, så länge du har tillgång till internet och en personlig accesskod. För att få en åtkomstkod eller mer information, ring (800-776-9377) eller skicka mig ett svar e-post. Tack för din tid och ha en bra dag! Uppriktigt, Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Hi Jeffrey: I'm Pat Brandt and I'm the vice-president of our E-education group here at the Legal Research Center ("LRC"). As you may know, we are the country's leading supplier of outsourced legal research and writing services. In fact, the LRC was recently named the 2nd best performing small public company in Minnesota. In addition to legal research services and writing services, we also offer industry-leading training in compliance online - training that can help your organization in the event of a DOJ prosecution. You can see our compliance modules at work or at home, as long as you have access to the internet and a personal access code. To get an access code or more information, call (800-776-9377) or send me an answer email. Thank you for your time and have a good day! Frankly, propose a subject line for this email? | Utbildning om överensstämmelse på nätet | Online conformity training |
Tim, Please forward this to the appropriate person. Scott Berkman with Bruggers Bagels is looking to buy gas delivered to their chain of stores. He mentioned locations in Minn, Iowa, Detroit, Pitt, Cleveland, Boston, and Albany. His phone number is 802-660-4020 ext. 264. I would apprectiate it if someone would contact him regarding this supply. Thanks.
Write a subject line for this email. | Bruggers Bagels | aeslc_10templates | 164 | Tim, var snäll och vidarebefordra det här till rätt person. Scott Berkman med Bruggers Bagels är ute efter att köpa gas som levereras till deras butikskedja. Han nämnde platser i Minn, Iowa, Detroit, Pitt, Cleveland, Boston och Albany. Hans telefonnummer är 802-660-4020. 264. Jag skulle uppskatta om någon kontaktade honom angående detta förråd. Tack. Skriv en ämnesrad för det här e-postmeddelandet. | Tim, please pass this on to the right person. Scott Berkman with Bruggers Bagels is looking to buy gas delivered to their retail chain. He mentioned locations in Minn, Iowa, Detroit, Pitt, Cleveland, Boston, and Albany. His phone number is 802-660-4020. 264. I'd appreciate it if someone contacted him about this supply. Thank you. Write a subject line for this email. | Bruggers Bagels | Bruggers Bagels |
Russell: Based on my review of the 6/23 draft of ISDA Schedule here are my credit questions: 1. There is no Credit Support Provider for Equitable. Should there be? 2. What should the cross default thresholds be and who should they apply to? 3. Are you satisfied with the Additional Termination Event? I'm assuming that in clause (i) of the definition of Debt Coverage Amount, it makes sense to take "future" revenues from the preceding year and subtract from it asset sales made during the current year? How will we know what assets sales are made? Will the future net revenue calculation be shown on the reserve report that we receive annually? When will this calculation be done? Are you satisfied with their definition of Internal and External debt? 4. In Part 3(a), looks like we would only receive an annual reserve report. Is that sufficient? When should we get it? Alos, whose financials do you want to receive? 5. In Part 5(c) - Setoff, I'll just note that this only applies to amounts due and owing between the parties and does not include "affiliates". 6. In Part 5(f)- Assignment, we need to decide what conditions precedent we want to apply to the limited partnership entity that they assign it to given the fact that once assigned, we will have no recourse to the partners, even the GP. For example, should the LP have a minimum asset value at the time of the transfer? It is not clear to me what assets this LP would own at the time of the transfer and I'm assuming that we would want it to meet some minimum credit criteria prior to such transfer. In addition, are you satisfied with the debt and asset sale limitations? On asset sales, I think that they need an annual limit as it is not clear to me how the $2,000,000 limit currently works. Alos, I think that all of these limitations in Section (f) should either be additional Events of Default or Additional termination Events. Please call when ready to discuss. Carol
Generate a subject line for this email. | Equitable Credit Issues | aeslc_10templates | 165 | Russell: Baserat på min granskning av 6/23 utkastet till ISDA schema här är mina kredit frågor: 1. Det finns ingen kreditsupportleverantör för Equitable. Borde det vara det? 2. Vilka tröskelvärden bör vara och vem bör de tillämpas på? 3. Är du nöjd med den extra uppsägningen? Jag utgår från att det i klausul (i) om definitionen av skuldtäckningsbelopp är meningsfullt att ta "framtida" intäkter från föregående år och dra ifrån den försäljning av tillgångar som gjorts under innevarande år? Hur vet vi vilka tillgångar som säljs? Kommer den framtida nettoinkomstberäkningen att visas i den reservrapport som vi får årligen? När kommer denna beräkning att göras? Är ni nöjda med deras definition av interna och externa skulder? 4. I del 3 a ser det ut som om vi bara skulle få en årlig reservrapport. Räcker det? När ska vi få det? Alos, vems ekonomi vill du ha? 5. I del 5 c - Kvittning, ska jag bara notera att detta endast gäller belopp som förfaller till betalning mellan parterna och inte inkluderar "anslutna". 6. I del 5 f- Uppdrag, måste vi bestämma vilka villkor prejudikat vi vill tillämpa på den kommanditbolagsenhet som de tilldela det till med tanke på att vi när de väl tilldelats, kommer att ha ingen användning av partnerna, inte ens GP. Bör till exempel LP:n ha ett lägsta tillgångsvärde vid tidpunkten för överföringen? Det är inte klart för mig vilka tillgångar denna LP skulle äga vid tidpunkten för överföringen och jag antar att vi skulle vilja att det uppfyller några minimikreditkriterier innan en sådan överföring. Är du dessutom nöjd med begränsningarna för skuld- och tillgångsförsäljning? När det gäller försäljning av tillgångar tror jag att de behöver en årlig gräns eftersom det inte är klart för mig hur $ 2.000.000 gränsen för närvarande fungerar. Alos, jag tycker att alla dessa begränsningar i avsnitt f bör antingen vara ytterligare händelser av standard eller ytterligare uppsägning Händelser. Ring när du är redo att diskutera. Carol Skapa en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Russell: Based on my review of 6/23 draft ISDA schedule here are my credit questions: 1. There is no credit support provider for Equitable. Should it be? 2. To what thresholds should they be and to whom should they be applied? 3. Are you satisfied with the additional dismissal? I assume that clause (i) on the definition of the amount of debt coverage makes sense to take "future" income from the previous year and deduct the sales of assets made in the current year? How do we know what assets are being sold? Will the future net income estimate be shown in the reserve report we receive annually? When will this calculation be made? Are you satisfied with their definition of internal and external liabilities? 4. In Part 3(a), it looks as if we would only receive an annual reserve report. Is that enough? When are we gonna get it? Alos, whose finances do you want? 5. In Part 5(c) - Verification, I shall only note that this applies only to amounts due between the parties and does not include "affiliated". 6. In Part 5 f- Assignments, we must set the conditions we want to apply to the limited partnership entity to which they assign it, given that once assigned, we will have no use of the partners, not even the GP. For example, should the LP have a minimum asset value at the time of the transfer? It is not clear to me what assets this LP would own at the time of the transfer and I suppose we would like it to meet some minimum credit criteria before such a transfer. In addition, are you satisfied with the restrictions on debt and asset sales? As for the sale of assets, I think they need an annual limit because it is not clear to me how the $2,000,000 limit currently works. Alos, I think all these limitations in section f should either be additional events of standard or additional termination Events. Call me when you're ready to discuss. Carol Create a subject line for this email. | Equitable Credit Equities | Equitable Credit Equities |
Write a subject line for this message:
I have attached a draft of the letter to be sent to Mr. Esses. Please give me any comments you may have by 4:00 p.m. today. Thanks. | Euell Energy Resources | aeslc_10templates | 166 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: Jag har bifogat ett utkast till det brev, som skall sändas till herr Esses. Ge mig alla kommentarer ni kan ha senast kl. 16.00 i dag. Tack. | Write a subject line for this message: I have attached a draft to the letter to be sent to Mr. Esses. Give me all the comments you can make by 4:00 today. Thank you. | Energiresurser från Euell | Energy resources from Euell |
This is an email
I am not sure if it is premature and there is an obvious business interest on their part, but Blakes has called a number of times to see if they can be involved in any Canadian matters involving the merger process and approvals. In fairness, Blakes is the firm that understands and represents our Canadian business the best, and a number of regulatory approvals may be required. They apparently have cleared all conflicts. Peter.
What is the subject of this email? | Dynegy Merger - Canadian Counsel | aeslc_10templates | 167 | Detta är ett e-postmeddelande jag är inte säker på om det är för tidigt och det finns ett uppenbart affärsintresse från deras sida, men Blakes har ringt ett antal gånger för att se om de kan vara inblandade i några kanadensiska frågor som rör fusionsprocessen och godkännanden. I rättvisans namn är Blakes det företag som förstår och representerar vår kanadensiska verksamhet bäst, och ett antal regulatoriska godkännanden kan krävas. De har tydligen rensat alla konflikter. Peter. Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an email I'm not sure if it's too early and there's an obvious business interest on their part, but Blake's has called a number of times to see if they might be involved in any Canadian issues related to the merger process and approvals. In fairness, Blakes is the company that understands and represents our Canadian operations best, and a number of regulatory approvals may be required. Apparently, they've cleared all the conflicts. Peter. What is the subject of this email? | Dynegy fusion - Kanadensisk rådgivare | Dynegy merger - Canadian adviser |
In September, ENA agreed to purchase capacity from New Power on Transco. The total demand charge should have been $9,000.00 on contract 4.0159. New Power released the capacity volumetrically and I didn't catch it. The actual demand charge billed was $270,000.00. New Power agreed to reimburse ENA for the difference of $261,000.00. ENA will pay the pipeline the billed demand charge of $270,000.00 and bill New Power $261,000.00 on deal 1110019.
Propose a subject line for this email? | Trco/New Power capacity for Sept 2001 | aeslc_10templates | 168 | I september gick ENA med på att köpa kapacitet från New Power på Transco. Den totala efterfrågan avgift bör ha varit $9,000.00 på kontrakt 4.0159. New Power släppte kapaciteten volymmässigt och jag fångade den inte. Den faktiska efterfrågan debiteras var $ 270.000.00. New Power gick med på att betala tillbaka ENA för skillnaden på $ 261000.00. ENA kommer att betala rörledningen den fakturerade efterfrågan avgift på $ 270.000.00 och räkning New Power $ 261000.00 på affären 1110019. Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | In September, ENA agreed to buy capacity from New Power at Transco. The total demand charge should have been $9.000.00 on contract 4.0159. New Power dropped the capacity volume-wise and I didn't catch it. The actual demand charged was $270,000. New Power agreed to pay back ENA for the difference of $261,000. ENA will pay the pipeline the billed demand fee of $270,000.00 and bill New Power $261000.00 on the deal 1110019. Suggest a subject line for this email? | Trco/ny effektkapacitet för sept 2001 | Trco/new power capacity for Sept 2001 |
Write an email with the subject line "Bomba's Full Moon Party". | Bruce - I just had another thought (they come so rarely I feel a need to pass them along as soon as it happens). The Full Moon party we discussed before is on Nov. 23. Unfortunately it is in the BVI. If your lawyer can get the permit by Monday and Fed Ex it to us, we could still get over there (Bomba's Shack is on the western end of Tortola - reasonably close to the USVI). The boat will have a cell phone but we won't have a number till Sunday at the earliest. Be sure to bring the lawyer's number so we can call him Monday. Mark P.S. - My sympathies on your day at Federal Plaza. My imagination isn't up to the task of conjuring how miserable that must have been. | aeslc_10templates | 169 | Skriv ett mail med ämnesraden "Bombas Fullmånefest". | Write an email with the subject line "Bombas Full Moonfest". | Bruce - Jag hade bara en annan tanke (de kommer så sällan att jag känner ett behov av att skicka dem vidare så fort det händer). Fullmånefesten vi diskuterade tidigare är den 23 november. Tyvärr finns den i BVI. Om din advokat kan få tillstånd till måndag och Fed Ex det till oss, kan vi fortfarande komma över dit (Bombas Shack är på västra änden av Tortola - någorlunda nära USVI). Båten kommer att ha en mobiltelefon men vi kommer inte att ha ett nummer förrän på söndag tidigast. Ta med advokatens nummer så vi kan ringa honom på måndag. Mark P.S. - Mina sympatier på din dag på Federal Plaza. Min fantasi klarar inte uppgiften att trolla fram hur eländigt det måste ha varit. | Bruce - I just had another thought (they come so rarely that I feel the need to pass them on as soon as it happens). The full moon party we discussed earlier is November 23. Unfortunately, it's in the BVI. If your lawyer can get permission until Monday and Fed Ex it to us, we can still get over there (Bombas Shack is on the west end of Tortola - reasonably near USVI). The boat will have a cell phone but we won't have a number until Sunday at the earliest. Bring the lawyer's number so we can call him on Monday. Mark P.S. My sympathies on your day at Federal Plaza. My imagination can't handle the task of conjuring up how miserable it must have been. |
Write a subject line for this message:
Yan, The merged reports look great. I believe the only orientation changes are to "unmerge" the following six reports: 31 Keystone Receipts 15 Questar Pipeline 40 Rockies Production 22 West_2 23 West_3 25 CIG_WIC The orientation of the individual reports should be correct. Thanks. Mat PS. Just a reminder to add the "*" by the title of calculated points. | Report Formats | aeslc_10templates | 170 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: Yan, De sammanslagna rapporterna ser bra ut. Jag tror att de enda orienteringsändringarna är att "sammanföra" följande sex rapporter: 31 Keystone Kvitto 15 Questar Pipeline 40 Rockies Production 22 West_2 23 West_3 25 CIG_WIC Orienteringen av de enskilda rapporterna bör vara korrekt. Tack. Mat PS. Bara en påminnelse om att lägga till "*" med titeln på beräknade punkter. | Write a subject line for this message: Yan, The merged reports look good. I think the only orientation changes are to "bring together" the following six reports: 31 Keystone Receipt 15 Questar Pipeline 40 Rockies Production 22 West_2 23 West_3 25 CIG_WIC The orientation of the individual reports should be correct. Thank you. Food PS. Just a reminder to add "*" with the title of calculated points. | Rapportformat | Report Format |
Attorney Work Product/Not Discoverable Top Legal Risks 1. Power Forms - Trading contracts in the power industry are very weak. Typical problems include, trading under multiple masters, no liquidated damages for non-delivery, no events of default or calculation of termination damages, broad performance outs. 2. Agency - Several of our major trading partners operate through an agent acting on behalf of several operating companies. This creates uncertainty as to which entity is liable for which trades. 3. Municipalities - Difficult authorization issues associated municipalities. 4.Complexity of transactions - Power transactions can be very complex as a result, in part, of difficult delivery mechanics and volatile pricing. 5.Timing of transactions - Power transactions typically must be completed on a very tight time schedule. 6. Lawyer Training - Difficult, time consuming process to train lawyers on how to document transactions involving power. 7.Process for approval of transactions - Uncertain procedures for making sure everybody understands risks associated with transactions. Documentation Projects 1. EEI - cont'd work to make EEI the trading contract for power/lessen reliance on WSPP. 2. One-off Power Form - creation of contract to be used for individual transactions that are not part of a master. 3. Product Definition - cont'd work on creating/building acceptance for power product definitions. 4. Platform Trading - Encourage use of EEI as trading platform for all e-trading. 5. Single master contract for all physical commodities/financial trading - work with ISDA to develop single contract for physical trading and then roll that into single contract for physical and financial trading
Write a subject line for this email. | Quarterly Legal Review -Power | aeslc_10templates | 171 | Attorney Work Produkt / inte upptäckas Topp juridiska risker 1. Power Forms - Handelskontrakt inom kraftindustrin är mycket svaga. Typiska problem är, handel under flera masters, inga likviderade skador för utebliven leverans, inga händelser av fallissemang eller beräkning av uppsägning skador, breda prestanda outs. 2. Agency - Flera av våra stora handelspartner verkar genom en agent som agerar på uppdrag av flera operativa företag. Detta skapar osäkerhet om vilken enhet som är ansvarig för vilken handel. 3. Kommuner - Svåra tillståndsfrågor associerade kommuner. 4.Klarhet i transaktioner - Krafttransaktioner kan vara mycket komplexa till följd, delvis, av svåra leveransmekanik och volatila priser. 5.Timing av transaktioner - Krafttransaktioner måste normalt slutföras på en mycket snäv tidsplan. 6. Advokatutbildning - Svår, tidskrävande process för att utbilda advokater i hur man dokumenterar transaktioner som involverar makt. 7.Process för godkännande av transaktioner - Osäkra förfaranden för att se till att alla förstår risker i samband med transaktioner. Dokumentationsprojekt 1. EEI - cont'd arbete för att göra EEI handelskontrakt för kraft / minska beroende av WSPP. 2. Engångs Power Form - skapande av kontrakt som ska användas för enskilda transaktioner som inte ingår i en master. 3. Produktdefinition - fortsätta arbetet med att skapa/bygga acceptans för energiproduktdefinitioner. 4. Plattformshandel - Uppmuntra användning av EEI som handelsplattform för all e-handel. 5. Ett enda ramavtal för alla fysiska råvaror/finansiella handel - arbeta med ISDA för att utveckla ett enda kontrakt för fysisk handel och sedan rulla det till ett enda kontrakt för fysisk och finansiell handel Skriv en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Attorney Work Product / Not Discovered Top Legal Risks 1. Power Forms - Trade contracts in the power industry are very weak. Typical problems are, trading over multiple masters, no liquidated damage for non-delivery, no events of default or calculation of termination damages, wide performance outs. 2. Agency - Several of our major trading partners operate through an agent acting on behalf of several operational companies. This creates uncertainty as to which entity is responsible for which trade. 3. Municipalities - Difficult permit issues associated municipalities. 4.Clarity of transactions - Power transactions can be very complex as a result, in part, of difficult delivery mechanics and volatile prices. 5.Time of transactions - Power transactions normally have to be completed on a very tight timetable. 6. Law training - Difficult, time-consuming process for training lawyers in how to document transactions involving power. 7.Process for the approval of transactions - Insecure procedures to ensure that all understand the risks associated with transactions. Documentation Project 1. EEI - cont'd work to make EEI trading contracts for power/reduce dependence on WSPP. 2. One-time Power Form - creation of contracts to be used for individual transactions not included in a master. 3. Product definition - continue work to create/build acceptance for energy product definitions. 4. Platform trading - Encourage the use of EEI as a trading platform for all e-commerce. 5. A single framework agreement for all physical commodities/financial trading - work with ISDA to develop a single contract for physical trading and then roll it into a single contract for physical and financial trading Write a subject line for this email. | Kvartalsvis rättslig granskning -Power | Quarterly judicial review -Power |
Pursuant to Lora Kinner's request, I am attaching our form master netting agreement. The lawyer who will be working with you is Anne Koehler (713/853-3448; [email protected]). She is out of the office at a seminar and will be returning on Thursday, November 29. Please let me know if you have any questions or need anything else.
Propose a subject line for this email? | Master Netting Agreement | aeslc_10templates | 172 | Enligt Lora Kinners begäran, bifogar jag vårt ramavtal. Advokaten som kommer att arbeta med dig är Anne Koehler (713/853-3448; [email protected]). Hon är ute från kontoret på ett seminarium och återvänder torsdagen den 29 november. Säg till om du har några frågor eller behöver något annat. Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | According to Lora Kinner's request, I'm attaching our framework agreement. The lawyer who will work with you is Anne Koehler (713/853-3448; [email protected]). She is out of the office at a seminar and returns on Thursday, November 29. Let me know if you have any questions or need anything else. Suggest a subject line for this email? | Huvudavtal om nettoöverföring | Main net transfer contracts |
What is the subject line for this email?
Group, Our deal with EES has changed. As Ryan indicated in his email we are now charging $3 for EES up to 100 mws, above 100 mws to 200 mws we are charging $4, above 200 mws per hour we are charging $5. However, when we have transacted with EES for a peaker product or day-ahead schedule we will not integrate our fee into their price for that quanity of mws. I will indicate in an email to you when this occurs. This is a bit complex but if you have questions just let me know. Also, EnMax has recently been buying energy from us at the BC Border. This turned out to be a "Canadian" firm purchase on the part of Enmax. Please do not fill any sale to EnMax with MPC energy. We need to treat EnMax just like ECC. We should buy an option or a call and then exercise that option. MPC does not have this capability and should not be used in this manner. Finally, the NW evening peak has arrived. The NW has been extremely tight through morning and evening peaks, often over $30 to pick up... Any questions, just let me know. Thanks, | Changing Deals and Counterparties-- | aeslc_10templates | 173 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Group, Vårt avtal med EES har förändrats. Som Ryan angav i sitt e-postmeddelande vi nu laddar $3 för EES upp till 100 mws, över 100 mws till 200 mws vi laddar $4, över 200 mws per timme vi laddar $5. Men när vi har arbetat med EES för en toppprodukt eller ett schema för dagen före kommer vi inte att integrera vår avgift i deras pris för denna kvantitet av mws. Jag kommer att ange i ett e-postmeddelande till dig när detta inträffar. Det här är lite komplicerat, men om du har frågor, säg bara till. EnMax har också nyligen köpt energi från oss vid BC-gränsen. Detta visade sig vara ett "kanadensiskt" firmaköp från Enmax del. Fyll inte någon försäljning till EnMax med MPC energi. Vi måste behandla EnMax precis som ECC. Vi bör köpa en option eller ett samtal och sedan utnyttja den möjligheten. MPC har inte denna kapacitet och bör inte användas på detta sätt. Äntligen har NW:s kvällstopp kommit. NW har varit extremt hårt genom morgon och kväll toppar, ofta över $ 30 för att plocka upp ... några frågor, bara låt mig veta. Tack. | What is the subject of this email? Group, Our agreement with the EEA has changed. As Ryan stated in his email we now load $3 for EEA up to 100 mws, over 100 mws to 200 mws we load $4, over 200 mws per hour we load $5. However, once we have worked with the EEA for a top product or schedule for the day before, we will not integrate our fee into their price for this quantity of mws. I will enter in an email to you when this occurs. This is a little complicated, but if you have any questions, just let me know. EnMax has also recently bought energy from us at the BC border. This turned out to be a "Canadian" firm purchase from Enmax part. Do not fill any sales to EnMax with MPC energy. We need to treat EnMax just like the ECC. We should buy an option or call and then take advantage of that opportunity. The MPC does not have this capacity and should not be used in this way. Finally, the evening stop of the NW has arrived. NW has been extremely hard through morning and evening peaks, often over $30 to pick up... some questions, just let me know. Thank you. | Byta avtal och motparter... | Switching deals and counterparties... |
Write an email with the subject line "VEPCO". | Hi Nancy, It seems we may be scheduling a meeting with VEPCO to discuss the PPA. July 20th is the current date being discussed. I don't know how we want to staff the meeting yet, but I do want to check your availability. How does that date look for you? Thanks, | aeslc_10templates | 174 | Skriv ett e-postmeddelande med ämnesraden "VEPCO". | Write an email with the subject line "VEPCO". | Hej Nancy, det verkar som om vi planerar ett möte med VEPCO för att diskutera PPA. 20 juli är det aktuella datumet som diskuteras. Jag vet inte hur vi vill bemanna mötet än, men jag vill kolla er tillgänglighet. Hur ser dejten ut för dig? Tack. | Hey, Nancy, it looks like we're planning a meeting with VEPCO to discuss PPA. 20 July is the current date being discussed. I don't know how we want to staff the meeting yet, but I'd like to check your availability. What's the date like for you? Thank you. |
Here is an email: COLUMBIA GULF TRANSMISSION COMPANY NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES JUNE 21, 2002 Re: East Lateral Line 300 - Line Lowering Project Notice ID: 3839 5 - NO RESPONSE REQUIRED Columbia Gulf Transmission (CGT) will be performing a line lowering project on a portion of its East Lateral Line 300 beginning on June 24, 2002. This project is expected to take seven days to complete. The only location to be impacted by this project is 4119 - AEP/Equitable Storage. This location is impacted because it is solely connected to Line 300. While this work is being performed, CGT will be unable to accept nominations for delivery to or receipt from this location. A revised notice will be posted once the work has been completed and CGT is able to resume accepting nominations for this location.
What is a potential subject line for this email? | Critical,CAPACITY CONSTRAINT,20020624,COLUMBIA GULF,007854581,East Lateral Line 300 - Line Lowering Project | aeslc_10templates | 175 | Här är ett e-postmeddelande: COLUMBIA GULF TRANSMISSIONSFÖRETAG MEDDELANDEN TILL ALLA BERÖRDA PARTER 21 juni 2002 Re: East Lateral Line 300 - Line Lowering Project Notice ID: 3839 5 - INGEN RESPONSE KRÄVS Columbia Gulf Transmission (CGT) kommer att utföra ett linjesänkningsprojekt på en del av sin East Lateral Line 300 med början den 24 juni 2002. Detta projekt förväntas ta sju dagar att slutföra. Den enda platsen som påverkas av detta projekt är 4119 - AEP/Equitable Storage. Denna plats påverkas eftersom den är enbart ansluten till Linje 300. Medan detta arbete utförs, kommer CGT inte att kunna acceptera nomineringar för leverans till eller mottagande från denna plats. Ett reviderat meddelande kommer att publiceras när arbetet är slutfört och CGT kan återuppta att acceptera nomineringar för denna plats. Vad är en potentiell ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Here's an email: COLUMBIA GULF TRANSMISSION COMPANY NOTICES TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES June 21, 2002 Re: East Lateral Line 300 - Line Lowering Project Notice ID: 3839 5 - NO RESPONSE REQUIRED Columbia Gulf Transmission (CGT) will perform a line sinking project on part of its East Lateral Line 300 beginning June 24, 2002. This project is expected to take seven days to complete. The only place affected by this project is 4119 - AEP/Equitable Storage. This site is affected because it is only connected to Line 300. While this work is being carried out, CGT will not be able to accept nominations for delivery to or receipt from this location. A revised notice will be published once the work is completed and CGT can resume accepting nominations for this location. What is a potential subject line for this email? | Critical,CAPACITY CONSTRAINT,20020624,COLUMBIA GULF,007854581,Östra Laterallinjen 300 - Linjesänkningsprojekt | Critical,CAPACITY CONSTRAINT,20020624,COLUMBIA GULF,007854581,East Lateral Line 300 - Line sinking project |
Write an email with the subject line "Noram Rigs". | Richard Sanders has asked me to set up a meeting regarding the above referenced. The following participants are: Lisa Mellencamp Mark Peterson John Hopley John Enerson Richard Sanders It looks as though, this Friday, Aug. 13. at 2:00 will be a good time for everyone. Please let me know if this time is convenient for you. The location will be 38C1. (I tried to contact you by phone today, but your extension 31406 was forwarded to a non working number). My extension is 39402, if you wish to call me. Thanks | aeslc_10templates | 176 | Skriv ett mail med ämnesraden "Noram Rigs". | Write an email with the subject line "Noram Rigs". | Richard Sanders har bett mig att ordna ett möte angående ovanstående. Följande deltagare är: Lisa Mellencamp Mark Peterson John Hopley John Enerson Richard Sanders Det ser ut som om, i fredags, aug. 13. kl 2:00 kommer att vara en bra tid för alla. Säg till om det passar er. Platsen blir 38C1. (Jag försökte kontakta dig via telefon idag, men din förlängning 31406 vidarebefordrades till ett icke fungerande nummer). Min förlängning är 39402, om du vill ringa mig. Tack. | Richard Sanders has asked me to arrange a meeting on the above. The following participants are: Lisa Mellencamp Mark Peterson John Hopley John Enerson Richard Sanders It looks like, on Friday, Aug. 13. at 2:00 will be a good time for everyone. Let me know if it suits you. The site will be 38C1. (I tried to contact you by phone today, but your extension 31406 was forwarded to a malfunctioning number). My extension is 39402, if you want to call me. Thank you. |
Write an email with the following subject:
Shoes | Hello family and friends, I am in charge of collecting shoes for the needy (C.C.S.C.) via Nicholas' class at River Oaks Baptist School. These shoes can be children's, men's, women's. These shoes can be slippers, tennis shoes, boots, dress shoes or good ole fashion walking shoes. I am more than happy to do a pick up so that you do not have to go out of your way. One pair or many pairs, I'll take what I can get to help out people that NEED shoes. Let me know if you have any and when it is convenient for me to pick them up. The annual shoe drive ends on October 4th so please clean out your closets before then and give away what you are not going to use. Thank you and God Bless, | aeslc_10templates | 177 | Skriv ett mail med följande ämne: Skor | Write an email with the following subject: Shoes | Hej familj och vänner, Jag är ansvarig för att samla skor för behövande (C.C.S.C.) via Nicholas klass på River Oaks Baptist School. Dessa skor kan vara barns, mäns, kvinnors. Dessa skor kan vara tofflor, tennisskor, stövlar, klädskor eller bra ole mode promenadskor. Jag är mer än glad att göra en raggning så att du inte behöver gå ur din väg. Ett par eller många par, jag tar vad jag kan få för att hjälpa folk som behöver skor. Säg till om du har några och när det är lämpligt för mig att hämta dem. Den årliga skodriften avslutas den 4 oktober så var snäll och städa ur dina garderober innan dess och ge bort vad du inte kommer att använda. Tack och Gud välsigne, | Hello family and friends, I am responsible for collecting shoes for needy people (C.C.S.C.) via Nicholas class at River Oaks Baptist School. These shoes could be children's, men's, women's. These shoes can be slippers, tennis shoes, boots, clothes shoes or good ole fashion walking shoes. I'm more than happy to do a pick-up so you don't have to get out of your way. A couple or a lot of couples, I'll take what I can get to help people who need shoes. Let me know if you have any and when it's appropriate for me to pick them up. The annual shoe drive ends on October 4th so please clean out your wardrobes before then and give away what you will not use. Thank you and God bless, |
This is the content of an email: I've located the Gas Nomination information that was prepared for Dec. 01 and updated to include Jan. 02 business. The Dec.01 numbers differ slightly from the initial numbers generated by James Centilli at TW as well as the numbers that Stephanie Miller conveyed in her Dec. 18th memo. These values are based on the nomination worksheets & actual power bills from he respective utilities. Thanks
What was the subject line for this email? | Dec 01 and Jan 02 Gas Nominations for ECS with TW | aeslc_10templates | 178 | Detta är innehållet i ett e-postmeddelande: Jag har lokaliserat informationen om Gas Nominering som förbereddes för 01 december och uppdaterades för att inkludera 02 januari. Dec.01-talen skiljer sig något från de initiala tal som James Centilli genererade vid TW samt de siffror som Stephanie Miller förmedlade i sitt 18 dec memo. Dessa värden är baserade på nominering kalkylblad & faktiska elräkningar från han respektive verktyg. Tack Vad var ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is the content of an email: I have located the information about Gas Nomination prepared for December 01 and updated to include January 02. The Dec.01s are slightly different from the initial numbers generated by James Centilli at TW as well as the numbers conveyed by Stephanie Miller in his 18 Dec memo. These values are based on nomination spreadsheets & actual electricity bills from he respective tools. Thank you What was the subject line of this email? | 01 dec och 02 jan Gas Nomineringar för ECS med TW | 01 Dec and 02 Jan Gas Nominations for ECS with TW |
Write an email with the subject line "Summer Intern". | We can hire the person as a summer intern directly (outside the A&A pool). Shirley, please arrange a phone interview as in the case of other candidates Osman found. Vince | aeslc_10templates | 179 | Skriv ett mail med ämnesraden "Sommarpraktik". | Write an email with the subject line "Summer Practice". | Vi kan anställa personen som sommarpraktikant direkt (utanför A&A-poolen). Shirley, ordna en telefonintervju som i fallet med andra kandidater som Osman hittade. Vince | We can hire the person as a summer intern directly (outside the A&A pool). Shirley, set up a phone interview like in the case of other candidates Osman found. Vince |
Write a subject line for this message:
Dear Ken, I am a friend of your daugther Elizabeth while she was in Argentina and I am applying for a job with Eli Lilly in Indianapolis as a Latin American Development Manager. I would like to know if there is a posibility to have a recomendation letter from you since I know you are from the Board of Directos from Lilly. I have worked for Enron South America in Argentina and Brazil and currently runing mu own company. If you believe this is possible just let me know. I am attaching my cv to you. Many thanks Ken. Sincerely, | Pablo Acevedo's references | aeslc_10templates | 180 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: Kära Ken, jag är en vän till din dotter Elizabeth medan hon var i Argentina och jag söker ett jobb hos Eli Lilly i Indianapolis som Latinamerikansk utvecklingschef. Jag skulle vilja veta om det finns en möjlighet att få ett brev från er eftersom jag vet att ni är från Directos styrelse från Lilly. Jag har arbetat för Enron Sydamerika i Argentina och Brasilien och för närvarande driver mu eget företag. Om du tror att det är möjligt, säg bara till. Jag fäster min cv vid dig. Tack så mycket, Ken. Uppriktigt sagt, | Write a subject line for this message: Dear Ken, I'm a friend of your daughter Elizabeth while she was in Argentina and I'm looking for a job with Eli Lilly in Indianapolis as Latin American Development Director. I would like to know if there is an opportunity to receive a letter from you because I know you are from the Board of Directors of Directo from Lilly. I have worked for Enron South America in Argentina and Brazil and currently run mu own company. If you think it's possible, just let me know. I'll attach my CV to you. Thank you very much, Ken. Frankly, | Pablo Acevedos referenser | Pablo Acevedo's references |
We should probably start thinking about an agenda for this meeting if only so that we can determine appropriate attendees and get it on their calendars. Do you have anything in particular in mind? Were you thinking legal/regulatory/operations/business/marketing? Hope you're having a fun weekend!
Generate a subject line for this email. | October 2nd London Meeting | aeslc_10templates | 181 | Vi borde förmodligen börja fundera på en dagordning för detta möte om inte annat så att vi kan bestämma lämpliga deltagare och få upp den på deras kalendrar. Har du något särskilt i åtanke? Tänkte du på juridik/lagstiftning/verksamhet/företag/marknadsföring? Hoppas att du har en rolig helg! Skapa en ämnesrad för det här brevet. | We should probably start thinking about an agenda for this meeting if only otherwise so that we can decide the appropriate participants and get it on their calendars. Do you have anything special in mind? Did you think of law/law/activity/company/marketing? I hope you have a fun weekend! Create a subject line for this message. | 2 oktober Londonmötet | 2 October London meeting |
Joe - I have attached a copy of the Assignement Agreement that Chris forwarded to Bob and noted my comments. Please review at your convenience and let me know your thoughts. Thanks.
Write a subject line for this email. | Assignment Agreement | aeslc_10templates | 182 | Joe - Jag har bifogat en kopia av avtalet om tillsättning som Chris vidarebefordrade till Bob och noterade mina kommentarer. Var snäll och gå igenom det när det passar er och låt mig få veta era tankar. Tack. Skriv en ämnesrad för det här e-postmeddelandet. | Joe - I have attached a copy of the appointment agreement that Chris forwarded to Bob and took note of my comments. Please go through it when it suits you and let me know your thoughts. Thank you. Write a subject line for this email. | Överlåtelseavtal | Transfer agreements |
Karen- please circulate to all RAC worldwide. Tx Rick It is with great sorrow that I must announce the passing of Andy Knight, manager in the Market Risk Group. Andy succumbed to cancer on Feb. 22, 2001 and will have funeral services in Florida. There may be a memorial service here in Houston arranged through his church but details have not been announced. Please contact Veronica Valdez for details. Andy was with RAC and Enron only briefly before being diagnosed, but made a real impact especially on those that worked closely with him. Andy had a warm and personable style, which along with his technical capability, made him a real asset to the group. He will be missed.
Propose a subject line for this email? | Andy Knight | aeslc_10templates | 183 | Karen, var snäll och cirkulera till alla RAC världen över. Tx Rick Det är med stor sorg som jag måste meddela att Andy Knight, chef i marknadsriskgruppen, avlidit. Andy dukade under för cancer den 22 februari 2001 och kommer att ha begravningsgudstjänster i Florida. Det kan finnas en minnesgudstjänst här i Houston arrangerad genom hans kyrka men detaljer har inte tillkännagivits. Kontakta Veronica Valdez för mer information. Andy var med RAC och Enron bara kort innan diagnosen, men gjorde en verklig inverkan särskilt på dem som arbetade nära med honom. Andy hade en varm och personlig stil, vilket tillsammans med hans tekniska förmåga gjorde honom till en verklig tillgång för gruppen. Han kommer att bli saknad. Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Karen, please circulate to all RACs worldwide. Tx Rick It is with great sadness that I must announce that Andy Knight, head of the market risk group, has died. Andy succumbed to cancer on February 22, 2001 and will have funeral services in Florida. There may be a memorial service here in Houston arranged through his church but details have not been announced. Contact Veronica Valdez for more information. Andy was with RAC and Enron just shortly before the diagnosis, but made a real impact especially on those who worked closely with him. Andy had a warm and personal style, which, along with his technical ability, made him a real asset for the group. He'll be missed. Suggest a subject line for this email? | Andy Knight | Andy Knight |
Here is an email: I think most of you know that we gave Jeff a gift certificate for Forno's, which came with a free night of babysitting, by me. We also gave trophies to the assistant coaches. I know some of you have reimbursed me. If you have not and would like to do so, (naturally, it is purely voluntary), please send $10 to: Beth Hurst 502 Regentview Dr. Houston, TX 77079-6909 Thanks, Beth
What is a potential subject line for this email? | Coaches Gifts | aeslc_10templates | 184 | Här är ett mejl: Jag tror att de flesta av er vet att vi gav Jeff ett presentkort för Forno's, som kom med en gratis kväll som barnvakt, av mig. Vi gav också troféer till de assisterande tränarna. Jag vet att några av er har betalat tillbaka mig. Om du inte har och vill göra det, (naturligtvis är det helt frivilligt), skicka $10 till: Beth Hurst 502 Regentview Dr Houston, TX 77079-6909 Tack, Beth Vad är en potentiell ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Here's an email: I think most of you know that we gave Jeff a gift card for Forno's, who came with a free night babysitting, by me. We also gave trophies to the assistant coaches. I know some of you have paid me back. If you don't have and want to do it, (of course it's entirely voluntary), send $10 to: Beth Hurst 502 Regentview Dr. Houston, TX 77079-6909 Thank you, Beth What's a potential subject line for this email? | Tränare gåvor | Coach Gifts |
Per our discussion when I was in London, we ordered you a box of blue files and sent them to you (for your original deal files since you said you couldn't get those types of files in England). One of our assistants got a call from what I guess must be Meagan and she (Meagan) said she was sending the files back because it wasn't what she wanted. So if you do want the blue files you might want to intervene with Meagan before the files cross the Atlantic again. We would, of course, be able to use the files here, so no big deal.
Generate a subject line for this email. | Blue Files | aeslc_10templates | 185 | Enligt vår diskussion när jag var i London, beställde vi en låda med blå filer och skickade dem till dig (för dina ursprungliga deal filer eftersom du sa att du inte kunde få dessa typer av filer i England). En av våra assistenter fick ett samtal från vad jag antar är Meagan och hon (Meagan) sa att hon skickade tillbaka filerna eftersom det inte var vad hon ville. Så om du vill ha de blå filerna kanske du vill ingripa med Meagan innan filerna korsar Atlanten igen. Vi skulle naturligtvis kunna använda filerna här, så det är ingen stor sak. Skapa en ämnesrad för det här brevet. | According to our discussion when I was in London, we ordered a box of blue files and sent them to you (for your original deal files because you said you couldn't get these types of files in England). One of our assistants got a call from what I guess is Meagan and she (Meagan) said she sent the files back because that's not what she wanted. So if you want the blue files, you might want to intervene with Meagan before the files cross the Atlantic again. Of course, we could use the files here, so it's not a big deal. Create a subject line for this message. | Blå filer | Blue Files |
What is the subject line for this email?
Tana: As we discussed, here is my list of amendments that are according to my records in various stages of negotiation: 1. Allegheny energy - Patricia Clark sent to Frank Davis her comments on June 15th by e-mail. I responded on June 19th and have never heard back from her. Most of her comments we could not accept. None of her comments have been run by Dave. 2. Imperial Oil - Grant Oh was handling this. They had 3 comments. most of which we could not accept. I spoke with Grant about this around June 6th and have never heard back from him. None of their proposed changes have been run by Dave. 3. Kennecott Coal Sales Company - A draft amendment letter which Dave F. has approved was sent to them on May 15th. My contact there is Jim Sobule Wayne Gresham is alos involved in this. I have never heard back from Jim. 4. Arco - We received by e-mail comments from David Dyck at Arco in March. Tori Kuykendall and Grant Oh are involved from the Enron side. I responded to David Dyck by e-mail on March 10th and have never heard anything further on this. None of their comments or my response has been reviewed by Dave. 5. Chevron - Canada - I received a letter from Bruce Borwick on January 31st which I responded to and have never heard anything further from them. Dave has not reviewed their comments or my response. 6. Cargill - I sent to Mike Pederson a form of amendment letter which I don't think has been signed. They wanted a minor change to the confidentiality language. Dave has not seen this but in the event that Cargill comes back to life, i doubt that he will have a problem with it. 7. Cinergy - I sent a draft amendment letter which dave approved to John Dirheimer on May 15th. To my knowledge it has not been signed. 8. Duke Energy - I sent a draft amendment letter to John Puett on May 15th which Dave approved. To my knowledge, it has not been signed. 9. Talisman - we have been exchanging drafts of a revised ETA for months. My contact there is Ann Love. We are close to reaching agreement with them and mark has been involved in some of the early discussions. I am sending to Dave a mark-up of the revised agreement for his approval. All of the ETA amendment letters and the Talisman revised ETA are in my directory under specproj/online. Carol | Status of Online Amendments | aeslc_10templates | 186 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Tana: Som vi diskuterade, här är min lista över ändringsförslag som är enligt mina register i olika skeden av förhandlingarna: 1. Allegheny energi - Patricia Clark skickade till Frank Davis sina kommentarer den 15 juni via e-post. Jag svarade den 19 juni och har aldrig hört av henne. De flesta av hennes kommentarer kunde vi inte acceptera. Inga av hennes kommentarer har drivits av Dave. 2. Imperial Oil - Grant Oh hanterade detta. De hade tre synpunkter. de flesta av dem kunde vi inte acceptera. Jag pratade med Grant om det här runt den 6 juni och har aldrig hört av honom. Ingen av deras föreslagna ändringar har drivits av Dave. 3. Kennecott Coal Sales Company - Ett förslag till ändringsbrev som Dave F. har godkänt skickades till dem den 15 maj. Jim Sobule Wayne Gresham är inblandad i det här. Jag har aldrig hört av Jim. 4. Arco - Vi fick via e-post kommentarer från David Dyck på Arco i mars. Tori Kuykendall och Grant Oh är inblandade från Enronsidan. Jag svarade David Dyck via e-post den 10 mars och har aldrig hört något mer om detta. Dave har inte granskat deras kommentarer eller mitt svar. 5. Sparre - Kanada - Jag fick ett brev från Bruce Borwick den 31 januari som jag svarade på och har aldrig hört något mer från dem. Dave har inte granskat deras kommentarer eller mitt svar. 6. Cargill - Jag skickade Mike Pederson ett ändringsförslagsbrev som jag inte tror har undertecknats. De ville ha en mindre ändring av sekretessspråket. Dave har inte sett detta men i händelse av att Cargill kommer tillbaka till livet, tvivlar jag på att han kommer att ha ett problem med det. 7. Cinergy - Jag skickade ett förslag till ändringsskrivelse som David godkände till John Dirheimer den 15 maj. Såvitt jag vet har det inte undertecknats. 8. Duke Energy - Jag skickade ett förslag till ändringsskrivelse till John Puett den 15 maj som Dave godkände. Såvitt jag vet har det inte undertecknats. 9. Talisman - vi har utväxlat utkast till en reviderad ETA i månader. Min kontakt där är Ann Love. Vi är nära att nå en överenskommelse med dem och Mark har varit inblandad i några av de tidiga diskussionerna. Jag skickar ett meddelande till Dave om det reviderade avtalet för hans godkännande. Alla ETA:s ändringsbrev och Talismanens reviderade ETA finns i min katalog under specproj/online. Carol | What is the subject of this email? Tana: As we discussed, here's my list of amendments that are according to my records at various stages of the negotiations: 1. Allegheny energy - Patricia Clark sent to Frank Davis his comments on June 15 via email. I answered her on June 19th and never heard from her. Most of her comments we could not accept. None of her comments have been driven by Dave. 2. Imperial Oil - Grant Oh handled this. They had three comments. Most of them we could not accept. I talked to Grant about this around June 6th and I've never heard from him. None of their proposed changes have been driven by Dave. 3. Kennecott Coal Sales Company - A draft letter of amendment approved by Dave F. was sent to them on May 15. Jim Sobule Wayne Gresham is involved in this. I've never heard from Jim. 4. Arco - We received by email comments from David Dyck at Arco in March. Tori Kuykendall and Grant Oh are involved from the Enron side. I answered David Dyck by email on March 10 and have never heard anything more about this. Dave hasn't reviewed their comments or my answer. 5. Chevron - Canada - I received a letter from Bruce Borwick on 31 January to which I replied and have never heard anything more from them. Dave hasn't reviewed their comments or my answer. 6. Cargill - I sent Mr Pederson an amendment letter which I do not believe has been signed. They wanted a minor change in the confidentiality language. Dave hasn't seen this but in the event that Cargill comes back to life, I doubt he'll have a problem with it. 7. Cinergy - I sent a proposal for a letter of amendment that David approved to John Dirheimer on 15 May. As far as I know, it has not been signed. 8. Duke Energy - I sent a proposal for a letter of amendment to John Puett on May 15 that Dave approved. As far as I know, it has not been signed. 9. Talisman - we've been exchanging drafts for a revised ETA for months. My contact there is Ann Love. We are close to reaching an agreement with them and Mark has been involved in some of the early discussions. I'm sending Dave a message about the revised agreement for his approval. All ETA change letters and Talisman's revised ETA are in my catalogue under specproj/online. Carol | Status för ändringar på nätet | Status of changes online |
Write an email with the following subject:
Puget Sound Energy | ENA can confirm the transaction on our "omnibus confirmation" with one or two minor changes (Joe: please call me). Also, ENA sent a draft ISDA Master Agreement to Puget Sound Energy on 3/9/99. If you anticipate more financial trading, please let me know as we should pursue execution of the ISDA Master Agreement. Thanks. Sara | aeslc_10templates | 187 | Skriv ett mail med följande ämne: Puget Sound Energy | Write an email with the following subject: Puget Sound Energy | ENA kan bekräfta transaktionen på vår "omnibus bekräftelse" med en eller två mindre ändringar (Joe: ring mig). Dessutom skickade ENA ett utkast till ISDA-masteravtal till Puget Sound Energy den 3 september 1999. Om ni förväntar er mer finansiell handel, låt mig veta eftersom vi bör fullfölja genomförandet av ISDA:s ramavtal. Tack. Sara | ENA can confirm the transaction on our "omnibus confirmation" with one or two minor changes (Joe: call me). In addition, ENA sent a draft ISDA master agreement to Puget Sound Energy on 3 September 1999. If you expect more financial trade, let me know because we should pursue the implementation of the ISDA Framework Agreement. Thank you. Sara |
Hi Jamey, Would you please let us know when the database (ERMTP) will be back up? It's already 10AM. Vladi needs access to the database asap. Please let us know. Thanks
Propose a subject line for this email? | ERMTP status | aeslc_10templates | 188 | Hej Jamey, Kan du vara snäll och meddela oss när databasen (ERMTP) kommer att vara tillbaka? Klockan är redan 10. Vladi behöver tillgång till databasen. Snälla, säg till. Tack Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Hey Jamey, would you please let us know when the database (ERMTP) will be back? It's already 10:00. Vladi needs access to the database. Please, let me know. Thank you Suggest a topic line for this email? | ERMTP-status | ERMTP status |
Attached is a spreadsheet of customers attending the TW Customer Update meeting in November please verify that names and company are correct. Marketing your customers are highlighted in RED. Please make necessary changes and return to me. Thanks,
Generate a subject line for this email. | TW Customer Update | aeslc_10templates | 189 | Bifogat är ett kalkylblad med kunder som deltar i TW Customer Update mötet i november kontrollera att namn och företag är korrekta. Marknadsföring av dina kunder lyfts fram i RED. Gör nödvändiga förändringar och återvänd till mig. Tack, Skapa en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Attached is a spreadsheet with customers participating in the TW Customer Update meeting in November check that names and companies are correct. Marketing of your customers is highlighted in RED. Make the necessary changes and return to me. Thank you, Create a topic line for this email. | TW Kunduppdatering | TW Customer update |
Write an email with the subject line "List of questions". | Hi guys, Here's a list of questions as I'm working through MDEA. Actually, some are questions, some are reminders of things you were going to send me: Receipt Point - need def'n RR Load info - I was going to plug in something, or we were going to have an exhibit to describe. RR Off peak defn - RR transmission - we've added transmission services, but it isn't defnd. Any suggestions? scheduling equipment - do we want to refer to the list? term - previously I was instructed to take out the evergreen renewal, now is it back in? If so, is the mechanism in the first draft ok? contracted resources - I've added in a def'n - we need a schedule. Name, date, subject matter of contract. More questions to come, but I wanted to get this to you asap. Reagan, you might want to look through the comments you gave me for more open items. Thanks! | aeslc_10templates | 190 | Skriv ett mail med ämnesraden "Lista över frågor". | Write an email with the subject line "List of questions". | Hej killar, här är en lista med frågor när jag arbetar genom MDEA. Faktiskt, några är frågor, några är påminnelser om saker du tänkte skicka mig: Kvittopunkt - behöver def'n RR Ladda info - Jag tänkte koppla in något, eller så skulle vi ha en utställning att beskriva. RR Off top defn - RR-sändning - vi har lagt till överföringstjänster, men det är inte defend. Några förslag? Schemaläggningsutrustning - vill vi hänvisa till listan? Term - tidigare fick jag i uppdrag att ta ut den vintergröna förnyelsen, nu är den tillbaka i? Om så är fallet, är mekanismen i det första utkastet ok? Vi behöver ett schema. Namn, datum, kontraktsföremål. Fler frågor, men jag ville ge dig det här så fort som möjligt. Reagan, du kanske vill titta igenom kommentarerna du gav mig för mer öppna punkter. Tack! | Hey guys, here's a list of questions when I work through MDEA. Actually, some are questions, some are reminders of things you were going to send me: Receipt point - needs def'n RR Load info - I was going to plug something in, or we would have an exhibition to describe. RR Off top defn - RR broadcast - we have added transmission services, but it is not defense. Any suggestions? Schedule equipment - would we like to refer to the list? Term - earlier I was commissioned to take out the evergreen renewal, now it's back in? If so, is the mechanism of the first draft OK? We need a schedule. Name, date, subject matter of the contract. More questions, but I wanted to give you this as soon as possible. Reagan, you might want to look through the comments you gave me for more open points. Thank you. |
Here is an email: Kelly: ENA is opening a margin line with Bank One to facilitate NYMEX trading through the Bank One broker. Has Enron Corp. ever signed a standard Master Note with Bank One? I'd like to see what's been previously negotiated. Thanks. Sara
What is a potential subject line for this email? | Bank One, NA | aeslc_10templates | 191 | Här är ett mail: Kelly: ENA öppnar en marginallinje med Bank One för att underlätta NYMEX handel genom Bank One mäklaren. Har Enron Corp. någonsin undertecknat en standard Master Note med Bank One? Jag skulle vilja se vad som har förhandlats fram tidigare. Tack. Sara Vad är en potentiell ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Here's an email: Kelly: ENA opens a margin line with Bank One to facilitate NYMEX trading through Bank One broker. Has Enron Corp. ever signed a standard Master Note with Bank One? I would like to see what has been negotiated before. Thank you. Sara What is a potential subject line for this email? | Bank 1, NA | Bank 1, NA |
Here is an email: There's a rumor going around that you are signing up people for the pilot= =20 program. If true, I would love to volunteer, as I work at home frequently. Thanks,
What is a potential subject line for this email? | A Computer and Internet Connection for You and Your Family | aeslc_10templates | 192 | Här är ett mail: Det går ett rykte om att du registrerar dig för pilot= =20 programmet. Om det är sant, skulle jag gärna vilja vara frivillig, eftersom jag ofta arbetar hemma. Tack, Vad är en potentiell ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Here is an email: There is a rumour that you register for the pilot= =20 program. If that is true, I would like to volunteer, because I often work at home. Thank you, what is a potential subject line for this email? | En dator och Internetanslutning för dig och din familj | A computer and Internet connection for you and your family |
Here is an email: If you do not have access yet to the Financial Trading Agreement Database, this link should get you access. Hopefully when you open up your computer tomorrow you will now have an icon to get in. Credit people, if you do not have edit capability let me know and I will get you access. Link -->
What is a potential subject line for this email? | Financial Trading Agreement Database Link | aeslc_10templates | 193 | Här är ett e-postmeddelande: Om du inte har tillgång ännu till Financial Trading Agreement Database, denna länk bör få dig tillgång. Förhoppningsvis när du öppnar din dator i morgon kommer du nu att ha en ikon att komma in. Om ni inte har redigeringsförmåga, så får ni tillgång. Länk – > Vad är en potentiell ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Here is an email: If you do not yet have access to the Financial Trading Agreement Database, this link should get you access. Hopefully when you open your computer tomorrow you will now have an icon to enter. If you don't have the ability to edit, you'll have access. Link – > What is a potential subject line for this email? | Databas över avtal om handel med finansiella instrument | Database of Financial Instruments Trading Agreements |
What is the subject line for this email?
Enron Transportation Services has 2115 outstanding invoices totaling nearly $8.5 million, which need coding and/or approval in the iPayit system. Although a company-wide task force is working to improve the entire process, ETS employees need to do their part to ensure accurate and timely payment to our vendors. If you purchase items that generate an invoice (including cell phones, pagers, etc.) or if you are responsible for coding and/or approving invoices, after you receive your e-mail notification, please log on to iPayit and take the appropriate action to process the invoice (s) . Because the invoice (s) cannot be processed for payment while it is in your iPayit inbox, it's important to code/approve invoices within five (5) days of e-mail notification. I expect ETS to stay current on payment of ALL vendor invoices. I have approved invoices in the system and it's very to use. We will continue to monitor the status of our accounts payable, and we expect to see significant improvement by the end of September. If you need assistance processing outstanding invoices, please contact Carolyn Centilli at 713-345-8496. Password questions should be directed to the ISC help desk, 713-345-4727. Thank you for your commitment to improving our accounts payable process and for paying our vendors on time. Rod | Outstanding Invoices | aeslc_10templates | 194 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Enron Transportation Services har 2115 utestående fakturor som uppgår till nästan $8,5 miljoner, som behöver kodning och / eller godkännande i iPayit systemet. Även om en arbetsgrupp för hela företaget arbetar för att förbättra hela processen, måste ETS anställda göra sin del för att säkerställa korrekt och snabb betalning till våra leverantörer. Om du köper objekt som genererar en faktura (inklusive mobiltelefoner, personsökare, etc.) eller om du är ansvarig för att koda och/eller godkänna fakturor, efter att du fått ditt e-postmeddelande, logga in på iPayit och vidta lämpliga åtgärder för att behandla fakturan/fakturan. Eftersom fakturan (fakturorna) inte kan behandlas mot betalning medan den finns i din iPayit-inkorg är det viktigt att koda/godkänna fakturor inom fem (5) dagar efter e-postmeddelandet. Jag förväntar mig att ETS kommer att hålla sig uppdaterad när det gäller betalning av alla fakturor. Jag har godkänt fakturor i systemet och det är väldigt att använda. Vi kommer att fortsätta att övervaka statusen för våra skulder, och vi förväntar oss att se en betydande förbättring i slutet av september. Om du behöver hjälp med att hantera utestående fakturor, vänligen kontakta Carolyn Centilli på 713-345-8496. Lösenordsfrågor ska riktas till ISC:s hjälpcentral, 713-345-4727. Tack för ditt engagemang för att förbättra vår betalningsprocess och för att betala våra leverantörer i tid. Rod | What is the subject of this email? Enron Transportation Services has 2115 outstanding invoices amounting to nearly $8.5 million, which need encoding and/or approval in the iPayit system. Even if a team for the entire company is working to improve the entire process, ETS employees must do their part to ensure accurate and timely payment to our suppliers. If you purchase items that generate an invoice (including mobile phones, pagers, etc.) or if you are responsible for encoding and/or approving invoices, after receiving your email, log into iPayit and take appropriate steps to process the invoice/invoice. Since the invoice (invoices) cannot be processed for payment while it is in your iPayit inbox, it is important to encode/accept invoices within five (5) days of the email. I expect the ETS to keep up to date on the payment of all invoices. I've approved invoices in the system and that's very useful. We will continue to monitor the status of our debts, and we expect to see a significant improvement by the end of September. If you need help handling outstanding invoices, please contact Carolyn Centilli at 713-345-8496. Password questions should be directed to the ISC Help Centre, 713-345-4727. Thank you for your commitment to improve our payment process and to pay our suppliers on time. Rod | Utestående fakturor | Outstanding invoices |
This is an email
We have received the executed First Amendment to ISDA Master Agreement dated as of December 1, 1999. This amendment adds the British Columbia Securities Act representation to the master. Copies will be distributed. Confirmation Desk: you can stop adding the rep to the confirms now.
What is the subject of this email? | BC Gas Utility Ltd./ECC | aeslc_10templates | 195 | Detta är ett e-postmeddelande Vi har fått det utförda Första tillägget till ISDA Master Agreement daterat den 1 december 1999. Genom detta ändringsförslag läggs British Columbia Securities Acts representation till mastern. Kopior kommer att distribueras. Bekräftelse Desk: du kan sluta lägga till rep till bekräftelsen nu. Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an email We have received the completed First Amendment to the ISDA Master Agreement dated 1 December 1999. This amendment adds the representation of British Columbia Securities Acts to the master. Copies will be distributed. Confirmation Desk: you can stop adding rope to the confirmation now. What is the subject of this email? | BC Gas Utility Ltd./ECC | BC Gas Utility Ltd./ECC |
I have taken a stab at a Legal & Privacy Statement for the Broker version of EnronOnline. Please take a look and let me know what you think. Justin - I don't know if or when they expect to launch something like this in Europe but I expect it won't be long. Mark G. has been working on the Broker version of the ETA (the "BETA") and a Fee Agreement which we can send along.
Write a subject line for this email. | Broker Legal & Privacy Statement | aeslc_10templates | 196 | Jag har tagit ett hugg på en Legal & Privacy Statement för Broker version av EnronOnline. Snälla, ta en titt och låt mig veta vad du tycker. Justin - Jag vet inte om eller när de förväntar sig att lansera något liknande i Europa men jag förväntar mig att det inte dröjer länge. Mark G. har arbetat på Broker-versionen av ETA ("BETA") och ett avgiftsavtal som vi kan skicka med. Skriv en ämnesrad för det här e-postmeddelandet. | I have taken a stab at a Legal & Privacy Statement for Broker version of EnronOnline. Please take a look and let me know what you think. Justin - I don't know if or when they expect to launch something similar in Europe but I expect it won't be long. Mark G. has worked on the Broker version of ETA ("BETA") and a fee agreement that we can send with. Write a subject line for this email. | Mäklare Legal & Integritetspolicy | Broker Legal & Privacy Policy |
Write a subject line for this message:
CGLF I created deal 530445 (purchase from New Power at CGLF + $.06) to bookout with deal 380571. CGAS I created deal 503451 (sale to New Power at CGLF + $.06 + Variable from CGLF M/L to Leach). Volume = 1,278 Deal 380492 is a sale to New Power, price = NX1 + .28, Volume = 2,683 day Please bookout the 2 sale deals with deal 503453 (purchase from New Power at CGAS IF + $.0125). Volume = 3,961 day. Let me know if you have any questions. Chris | New Power Bookouts on CGLF and CGAS | aeslc_10templates | 197 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: CGLF Jag skapade affären 530445 (köp från New Power på CGLF + $.06) till bookout med affären 380571. CGAS I skapade affären 503451 (försäljning till New Power på CGLF + $.06 + Variabel från CGLF M/L till Leach). Volym = 1,278 Deal 380492 är en försäljning till New Power, pris = NX1 + .28, Volym = 2,683 dag Vänligen boka ut de 2 rea erbjudandena med affären 503453 (köp från New Power på CGAS IF + $.0125). Volym = 3,961 dygn. Säg till om du har några frågor. Chris | Write a subject line for this message: CGLF I created the deal 530445 (buy from New Power at CGLF + $06) to bookout with the deal 380571. CGAS I created the deal 503451 (sale to New Power at CGLF + $.06 + Variable from CGLF M/L to Leach). Volume = 1,278 Deal 380492 is a sale to New Power, price = NX1 + .28, Volume = 2,683 day Please book out the 2 sale deals with the deal 503453 (buy from New Power at CGAS IF + $.0125). Volume = 3,961 days. Let me know if you have any questions. Chris | Nya Power Bookouts på CGLF och CGAS | New Power Bookouts at CGLF and CGAS |
Write an email with the subject line "Media Coverage of Enron". | While it has been discouraging to see an endless stream of negative news coverage about Enron, we want you to know about some positive news that is starting to emerge. ABC News was at Enron today because they want to do a story about Enron's future, our business going forward and the tremendous work being performed by the remaining 20,000 employees worldwide. The segment is scheduled to appear on both Good Morning America and on ABC World News Tonight with Peter Jennings on Wednesday, Feb. 20. The Good Morning America piece will be kicked off with a live feed from the Enron Building tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. CST. Check local listings for the air time of World News Tonight. While there is no guarantee that these stories will be glowing pieces about Enron, the interest by ABC in running a positive story is encouraging. We wanted to let you know about these stories before they air. Additionally, two articles featuring interviews with Interim CEO Steve Cooper ran yesterday in USA Today and the Los Angeles Times. We are forwarding them to you for your information. Thank you for your support as we work to turn the tide of media coverage and public perception of Enron and its employees. MONEY New Enron CEO turns company focus to future ; While workers cope with loss and uncertainty Noelle Knox 02/18/2002 USA Today FINAL B.03 (Copyright 2002) HOUSTON -- Inside Enron headquarters, employees walk by stacks of moving boxes as they scrounge for pens and Post-it Notes from the empty desks of their laid-off co-workers. On one desk, an employee finds a note that reads: "I'm not gone, don't take my stuff!" | aeslc_10templates | 198 | Skriv ett mail med ämnesraden "Media Coverage of Enron". | Write an email with the subject line "Media Coverage of Enron". | Medan det har varit nedslående att se en ändlös ström av negativ nyhetsbevakning om Enron, vi vill att ni ska veta om några positiva nyheter som börjar komma fram. ABC News var på Enron idag eftersom de vill göra en historia om Enrons framtid, vår verksamhet framåt och det enorma arbete som utförs av de återstående 20 000 anställda över hela världen. Segmentet är planerat att visas på både Good Morning America och på ABC World News Tonight med Peter Jennings på onsdagen den 20 feb. Good Morning America-biten kommer att startas med en direktsändning från Enron Building imorgon bitti klockan 7 på morgonen CST. Kolla lokala listor för sändningstid World News Tonight. Medan det finns ingen garanti för att dessa berättelser kommer att vara glödande bitar om Enron, är intresset av ABC att köra en positiv historia uppmuntrande. Vi ville berätta om de här historierna innan de sänds. Dessutom körde två artiklar med intervjuer med interims VD Steve Cooper igår i USA Today och Los Angeles Times. Vi vidarebefordrar dem till er för er information. Tack för ert stöd när vi arbetar för att vända strömmen av mediebevakning och allmänhetens uppfattning av Enron och dess anställda. MONEY New Enron VD vänder företagets fokus till framtiden ; Medan arbetare klarar av förlust och osäkerhet Noelle Knox 02/18/2002 USA Today FINAL B.03 (Copyright 2002) HOUSTON -- Inne i Enron huvudkontor, anställda går genom stackar av rörliga lådor som de skrönor för pennor och Post-it Notes från tomma skrivbord av sina friställda medarbetare. På ett skrivbord hittar en anställd en lapp som lyder: "Jag är inte borta, ta inte mina grejer!" | While it has been disappointing to see an endless stream of negative news coverage about Enron, we want you to know about some positive news that is beginning to come forth. ABC News was at Enron today because they want to make a story about Enron's future, our business ahead and the huge work being done by the remaining 20,000 employees worldwide. The segment is scheduled to appear on both Good Morning America and on ABC World News Tonight with Peter Jennings on Wednesday, Feb. 20. The Good Morning America piece will be started with a live broadcast from the Enron Building tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. CST. Check local airtime lists World News Tonight. While there is no guarantee that these stories will be glowing pieces about Enron, the interest of ABC in running a positive story is encouraging. We wanted to tell you about these stories before they were broadcast. In addition, two articles with interviews with interim CEO Steve Cooper ran yesterday in USA Today and the Los Angeles Times. We will pass them on to you for your information. Thank you for your support as we work to reverse the stream of media coverage and public perception of Enron and its employees. MONEY New Enron CEO turns the company's focus to the future ; While workers cope with loss and uncertainty Noelle Knox 02/18/02 USA Today FINAL B.03 (Copyright 2002) HOUSTON -- Inside Enron headquarters, employees go through stacks of moving boxes such as they boast for pens and Post-it Notes from empty desks of their laid-off employees. On a desk, an employee finds a note saying, "I'm not gone, don't take my stuff!" |
Write an email with the following subject:
Executing Broker Agreements | Jason: I still cannot access your voice mail (isn't your extension 34454?) If I'm right, please have your assistant look into this. Can we put these two brokerage agreements (below) at the top of your list? | aeslc_10templates | 199 | Skriv ett e-postmeddelande med följande ämne: Utföra mäklareavtal | Write an e-mail with the following subject: Performing brokerage agreements | Jason: Jag kan fortfarande inte komma åt din röstbrevlåda (är inte din förlängning 34454?) Om jag har rätt, be din assistent undersöka det här. Kan vi sätta dessa två mäklaravtal (nedan) högst upp på din lista? | Jason: I still can't access your voicemail (isn't your extension 34454?) If I'm right, ask your assistant to look into this. Can we put these two brokerage agreements (below) at the top of your list? |
Subsets and Splits