Unnamed: 0
[2, 12]
This is a very open-ended game, in that there isn't any quests to go on...or any real goals (other than collecting fish and bugs) or any real character development...or story. You simply wind up in this town filled with a bunch of talking animals that you can interact with. You can also expand your house and customize your outfit- but why? It doesn't effect anything in the game.Also, it throws a hissy fit every time you have to cut the game short for some reason. When you start back up, you have to listen to this long in-game lecture about how you're supposed to save at your house first, so that you don't undue anything that might have happened in the course of playing. I can see the logic in that, since it involves online play, but still, it's annoying. I don't need scolded by my own game.Then there's the online play. Online play is just about the only way to make this game interesting. It allows you to connect with other players and visit their towns, ect. But the problem is, you can't go online unless you already know someone's 'friend code.' And how exactly can you find out someone's friend code, if you can't go online an meet them? No one else I know owns this game (which says something in itself,) so I guess I'm out of luck.This game is going in my 'resell' pile, that's all there is to it. Maybe other Animal Crossing games are better.
Boring, unless...
04 1, 2007
T. Miller
[72, 102]
My young child enjoys this game very much. There is no real plot or quest to the game. You simply spend your time collecting objects, completing tasks, or going fishing. It is relaxing, non-frustrating, and entertaining. A word of caution, though, if your young child is sensitive to criticism - if you do not save the game exactly the way described, or if your system is accidentally turned off without saving, when you play next you are confronted by a mole-like character that serves no purpose but to hurl insults at the player, calling them stupid for not saving properly. To me this is over the line and very nearly ruins the game in my opinion. Children today have enough to worry about without having to deal with the anxiety induced by a video-game bully. Older children, of course, will merely laugh off this character's insults, but for very young children I give this one three stars. A shame, it could have easily been five. I have no idea what the developers of this game were thinking.
A Good Game . . . With a Major Flaw
05 26, 2008
[5, 5]
I got this game for Hanukkah from my Aunt. I thought it would be fun, but not as great as it is. First off, for those who think it is like the Sims for kids, your wrong. I own both games, and animal crossing is much better for several reasons. First off, unlike in the sims, your character does not need to run to the bathroom every 3 seconds. Or eat or fall on the floor of exhaustion. This game is basically just your life in town. And, unlike some people say, this is not a kids game. First off, the animals aren't always friendly. For example, when I go to Static's (Who I think is a squirrel...) house, and he is not there, his away message is : "I'm out right now. Deal." When citizens ask what you want (Literally, that is what they say), you can respond with things like "I'm killing time."The citizens of your town all come with unique personalities. For example Maple, the bear is very nice and gentle. Nibbles the squirrel freaks out all the time. Static and Rasher (Who is some purple pig with scars all over his face) are mean. Frobbert the frog has issues. He never leaves his house, and whenever I talk to him he goes "Get MEDICINE...NOW!". After a few days, I realized that he wasn't going to get better, so I forked over 400 bells (Dumbass frog wasted all my cash) to Tom Nook for some Medicine. I gave it to Frobbert. He was happy with me for a day, and now is back to saying "Get MEDICINE...NOW!". Whatever.So anyways, as I was saying, this game is basically about your life with your towns people (Or should I say animals?) who you will learn to love and at times, hate (*cough*Frobbert*cough*). It always seems like there is something new to do, and I find that I can play it everyday without getting bored. Great game.
Animal Crosssing comes to DS!!!
01 30, 2006
Traci "Traci"
[1, 1]
I wasn't sure whether or not this would be a game that I'd really enjoy playing but I decided that it looked fun enough and purchased it anyway. The idea is simple, you move into a town full of animals and you can create friendships while doing simple tasks such as fishing, digging up fossils, gardening and generally having a fun time in the town that you create.You start off the game riding in a taxi on your way to your new home town. The driver of the taxi asks you a lot of questions and the way you answer those questions determines what you will look like. Once you arrive at your town, you are given a home and are greeted by Tom Nook, the guy that owns the town shop. He is allowing you to move into a home while you pay it off slowly over time offering several upgrades if you are willing to pay for them.You can earn your money by catching fish, bugs or by shaking trees and selling the fruit from those trees. You can also sell items like gyroids and fossils that you dig up from the ground. The money you earn can either be used to pay off your loan to Tom Nook or it can be used to furnish your house and buy gifts for your villagers.Overall, this is a rather fun, relaxing game. Because there really is no aim, you do not need to feel stressed over not completing goals. You can go at your own pace and are never pressured. You can spend your time talking to villagers and getting to know them so you can get their pictures (a sometimes hard feat) or just to be friendly. However you never know when a villager may decide to move and bring in a new villager to befriend.The only thing that really annoys me about this game is how some characters tend to repeat themselves. You cannot push a button and skip what they say so you have to sit and wait until they are finished. The lack of actual, real life holidays and not something made up is also another minus. However it's still a great game and even funner if you can invite friends over!
Great way to relax
01 25, 2009
[1, 1]
Animal Crossing is one of those games that you binge on. When you first get it you will play it for hours and hours, days and days. You'll be at school or at work thinking about it. After a lot of playing though it gets really old, and pretty sudden. I remember still being in my craze one day and then the next, looking at the game and putting it away. Didn't play for a month after that, and then started playing like crazy again. I don't play it very much now though because once you've done everything, that's about it.What I like the most about this game is that it's just a nice, laid back, cute experience. There are no epic battles to fight, no long lists of items to sort through, no stacks of armor to make... you just run around and make friends, collect furniture for you house, buy clothes for yourself, find bugs / fossils / etc for the museum and more things along those lines. And believe me, it's a LOT funner then it sounds
Very fun game
03 27, 2008
tyler higgason
[0, 1]
i ordered this game when i was deployed for the millitary was in great condition and a great time killer
02 7, 2013
[0, 0]
I bought this game after I seen all the amazing reviews this game had.I was slightly disappointed,as I found it more like Sims then what I expected.My 12 year old daughter is hooked on it and has helped me learn to play a lil bit,but she's already buying clothes ,designing clothes,and all kinds of other things with the game.It's just too time consuming for me and I don't see where the incredible fun ev eryone finds in it comes from,that being said I have only owned it 3 days so I don't want to be unfair.Maybe I'm missing something.I want to experience that highly addictive fun play everyon e speaks of so I can get the best outta my Wild World Game.
Animal Crossing
05 24, 2008
Xeokym "xeokym"
[0, 0]
I loved Animal Crossing on Gamecube and I played it to DEATH, so I was hoping the handheld version would be very similar. It is! It's just like the GC version only better, with more stuff to collect and lots more places you can go. And it also has the WiFi connection so you can participate in fishing contents, trade/sell/buy items, etc. You don't NEED WiFi to play, it just enhances it (like WiFi does for Pokémon). Just like the GC version, the storyline is basic and minimal, and you have plenty of time to work on customizing your home, planting/digging up trees, running errands for neighbors, etc. There are timed events, but you are free to roam around & do anything you want at your own pace. I like to be slow & thorough rather than try to blast through games to the end as fast as possible, so Animal Crossing is just one big virtual playground, to me. If you enjoyed AC on the 'cube, you will not be disappointed with it on the NDS. Everything you know & love is there, plus a whole lot more.
Awesome Game!!
07 13, 2013
Aaron L. Shaw "Casual Reviewer"
[27, 30]
Wow what a beautiful game. I am very impressed by the graphics on this one. But what about the gameplay. It is very unique. Most of the game you are a human running around in first person shooter mode. This is pretty cool. Sometimes you will have to look around in the environment to find things to use. An example would be finding a spearlike object to hurl at a t-rex. THis sounds like it would be tough, but it really isn't. While you cock the spear with one hand, your other hand points to where you will throw the spear. THis brings up a very unique aspect of the game. There is no health meter, no reticle for shooting, no ammo readout. NO nothing. You are IN the game just as a real person would be. This helps with the immersion in the game. But what about the Kong Levels? They are way fun and way short. they are probably only about %25 of the game. They are fun though. A little clumsy on the controls, but fun. All in all this is a good game. Not great, but pretty good. You might wait a month and get it half priced used on ebay. Whatever the case, you will be pretty happy with your purchase.
11 30, 2005
[4, 6]
Peter Jackson's King Kong has to be the best adaption of a game from a movie I've ever seen. Combining the best parts of Ico, Turok, as well as a few other signature games; Kong is an absolute thrill ride you shouldn't miss. Michel Ancel(of 'Rayman' fame) worked closely with Peter Jackson(whom we all know directed the 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy) to produce a game that gives justice to the movie. For the most part, you play as Jack Driscoll who is a young screenwriter hired by Carl Denham to make a movie on Skull Island. You play in first-person as Jack using weapons, traps, and your team wisely to survive. And, survive you must. Then, there are levels where you play as Kong..which are absolutely awesome as you break jaws, slam enemies, and throw massive objects as Kong in Third-person Perspective. Over the course of the game, from the very first level to the last, this game builds a certain tension that will make you continue playing just to see what happends next. Alot of that tension comes from having no health bar..when you're hit, you constantly wonder "Is this the end?". Course, you'll know when the end comes. I'm simply amazed at how simple this game is but is so much fun to play. Not putting down Turok but this is how Turok should've been done. Lots of prehistoric monsters coming after you, things to figure out, and whatnot. I absolutely love this game.If I had any gripes with the game, it would be that it isn't long enough and the levels you play as Kong are few and far between. Though, we can't expect a game to last forever-now, can we? Too, the levels in which you play as Kong were pretty good, especially on the last level.At any rate, Peter Jackson's King Kong is a game based on a movie that all other developers ought to aspire to. By keeping things simple yet refreshing, they made a game that could just be 'the Eighth Wonder of the World'. I can't wait to see how the Playstation Portable turns out...so I can play through it all again.
Peter Jackson's King Kong.....Now-this is the way movie games ought to be done...
12 4, 2005
Coffee Addicted Writer's Reviews "Billy"
[1, 1]
Most games based on movies are a bore, but King Kong has great graphics and an intriguing storyline. Sure there are a few glitches, but the game is just pure fun to play.
King Kong
10 12, 2012
creature king
[1, 3]
This video game is awsome some of it was Kinda hard it took me a couple of days to beat it but it was worth it.Heres some of the bad things in the game1 when you cant see as jack you can get killed very easy2 Hayes is so stupid.If you get enough points you get to unlock the alternative ending where kong survives and goes back to his home.
An awsome video game
02 10, 2006
David Smith
[2, 5]
wow, this game is bad, and i mean BAD. the graphics are "decent" - the PC king kong graphics are far better. at first it seems like the game may be going somewhere, because the script seems pretty cool, but you quickly find out the shooting is very boring (if you want a good ps2 shooting game, try timesplitters: future perfect). nonetheless i was determined to give this game a fair shot...too bad it wouldn't let me. i kept going forward and got literally stuck by an invisible wall glitch. the woman said "follow me!" and so i did.. and i couldn't go any further through the invisible wall. oh no! my terribly subpar gaming experience was ruined by a BUG! oh well. king kong for the ps2 is a terrible game, with or without game-ruining bugs.the PC version is another story. it's a lot more involving and has far superior graphics.
not even worth a rental.
05 4, 2007
[2, 4]
This is the best Video games i have played am i am a girl.The Movie is Pretty Neat too!They have great Color and cool soundeffects like cars and stuff it almost sounds like you are in the game playing the movie is cool i say if you buy this game get the movie because i said lol joking
01 3, 2006
[3, 7]
This is a good fps and it has a lot of intense moments both as Jack and Kong. It looks great and plays well. But it is short and the tasks you do in the game get old fast. You end up fighting with spears for the most part and the gun selection is minimal. Playing as kong is pretty cool but it's nothing fantastic. But something to check out as a rental.
An intense game but not enough to warrent buying
12 15, 2005
Ian Royak #19 "Jaguars 'fanatic"
[2, 2]
01 2, 2006
just me "me"
[1, 1]
I personally enjoyed a lot this game. I especially liked fighting the V-Rexes as Kong. I liked the many creatures and environments that were portrayed. My only complaint its that it is either to easy or to short. I was able to finish the whole game in a week although I need to unlock a few extras with an online code that I do not know. Enjoyed this game and hope somebody who knows those codes to reply back.
Good, Just to short
05 23, 2008
Mark Groessler
[11, 13]
i was very surprised how good this game is. the grachics are brillant, very well done, the characters look like the actors in the movie (example; jack black). half of the game is a shooter the other half u play kong, cool, huh? the dinosaurs, king kong, the enviroment, the giant insects are all very cool, except for the flying bat creatures, (the idea is good) i just thought they looked kind of stupid , maybe they should have been pterodactyls instead. everything else is done very well, the story, the voice acting (in which it should be), the pace of the game. excellent, a nice mix of different things to do. in the shooter part of the game, (which is the most part, so far, i haven't finished it yet!) resources are not plenty (bullets, guns) but there are alot of spears laying around. hopefully the movie will be as good as the game.
forget godzilla
11 23, 2005
MM TAUHIDUR RASHID "Tauhidur Rashid"
[1, 2]
I got this gam last week and it blows my mind away. As Jack you have to brave all these vicious dinosaurs with nothing nut a gun with limited ammo and spears that go tenderly into those beast's flesh, I usually blame my team mates like this one time I blamed Carl Denham for leaving me as bait for the T.Rex while he and Haze were opening the gate. As kong this is even better, you get to break the dinosaur's necks as if they are sausages. But it does get a little frustrating at some parts. If you like Monsters,Adventure, and the thrill of action then this is the game for you!!!!
THE MONSTER IS UNLEASHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02 11, 2006
Mojo Jojo
[3, 8]
Boy, Peter Jackson's King Kong keeps proving to be a disappointment. First, there's the movie: about one hour too long and unredeemably boring for a monster ape movie. Now, there's the game.Maybe it's a fun game, but I played it for an hour and kept dying at the same spot. This was partly due to the handicaps that come with a first person perspective. With no peripheral vision, I often got killed by something just to my right / left that I couldn't see coming in time. Another weak spot was the lack of ammunition. Perhaps that's realistic, but it's annoying to be killed by monsters when I have a gun, but I've burned all the bullets. You can use spears, but they're hardly effective, especially when you fight five or six monsters. Plus, you don't have a health meter, so after two or three hits, you just "die" unless you can get to someplace safe and recover. Very irritating.Even worse, I didn't get to a single Kong stage before I got too bored and frustrated to play any more. Just like the film, Kong is relegated to a secondary role in his own game.Maybe if I'd stuck with it a little longer, I would've liked it. But a game shouldn't make you work that hard to like it. It should be entertaining, not annoying. And you shouldn't get stuck on the first level. Especially when you're an experienced gamer.There's a lot of annoying voice acting, too. It's not the acting itself that's bad, but the sheer repetition of it. Anne must say "Oh my God," at least once a minute.Highly recommend you skip this and find an old copy of "War of the Monsters" instead.
Way too frustrating
02 6, 2006
N. Durham "Big Evil"
[3, 3]
Unlike Peter Jackson's magical remake of the classic ape romp, King Kong the video game is sadly disappointing. Combining two gameplay elements, a first person shooter and a third person adventure, King Kong provides a good amount of fun gameplay and actually has some great looking graphics for being a PS2 game, but in the long run the game is too short and too linear, which is a big disappointment for something that could have been something really special. As you've heard by now, you play as Jack in the first person shooter elements dodging dinosaurs and other monsters on Skull Island; all the while following Jack Black around. This element is fun for a while, but it becomes repetitive after a while as well. The game really kicks into high gear when you are able to play as the big ape himself in a slam bang third person beat 'em up as you swing around, go toe to toe with T-rexes, and beat your chest a lot. As the game winds up, you are Kong again in New York, leading up to it's inevitable conclusion. The sad part is, it doesn't take long to finish the game, and when playing as Kong, how linear the game really is can be seen. It's sad that King Kong is so disappointing in terms of it's length and overall delivery. However, King Kong isn't a bad game at all, and it's definitely worth a rental at least for those looking for a good action game, it's just a shame that it could have been so much more.
Could have been so much more
04 2, 2006
[4, 4]
Basically, if you liked the movie, then you'll love the game. I thought the graphics were good, the gameplay was good, and well, I couldn't really find many problems with the game. My favorite thing about it is that it's first person and there is no health bar or ammo meters on the screen which kinda makes the game more realistic. It's the first game I've ever played that's like that. Another great aspect to the game is that there are some levels where you play as Kong, and no matter how good the gameplay is, if you can play as Kong, THAT'S AWSOME!!!
Kong is awsome
01 6, 2006
Shaunna L. Stevens "lookatthiskid"
[0, 0]
First Off I would like to say I have never actually seen the King Kong movie. I found this game at a garage sale for $2.00. The game layed around the house for the better part of a year before I got really bored one day and decided to try it out.To sum it all up quickly. Its a very good kid's- early teen game. The graphics are nice and the storyline keeps you intrested. I beat the game in less than 7 hours and felt satisfied. Its not to long or to short. I would reccomend this game to anyone looking for some cheap Playstation 2 titles for kids.Thanks for reading
Good Game
06 26, 2009
Sonya Kitchens
[1, 1]
This game is the best one ive played in a while. But, Its impossible to go thru the game with out cheat codes. Youll have to go on google and look for some. Im still on the island. You play as Jack most of the time and you can be King Kong. I would not recommend this game for beginner gamers because, it may be to hard for them. If youve seen the movie youll love the game!!
12 29, 2005
Sylvia E. Soto "ravenhawk"
[1, 1]
short and simple:best game loved it buy it
SUPER GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12 30, 2005
Tommy Sixx Morais
[0, 1]
King kong the video game doesnt follow the movie step by step not at all its a different storyline and a great visual quality make this game look like the movie and for a movie inspired video game its very impressive!The characters you play are jack and kong they both have different style of gamings despite being in the same game.While playing with jack you will be playing a first-person type of game as you have guns and the game will be harder as the missions are tougher.Now while playing with kong you will play a more destructive kind of game thats more exiting as you battle with many t-rex at the same time.You can jump tree branchs and climb.The missions with kong arent a big percentage of the game maybe 25% but they are the best missions.You will need to help the girl like in the movie.COOL THINGS;-You can use internet cheats to unlock weapons-The game has two kind of playability,first person shooter with jack,and the destructive(as i call it)mode with king kong-The graphics are awesome it really looks like in the movie and the enviroments looks like the movie-There is an alterning ending-King kong missions are greatNOT COOL THINGS;-When your in danger of dying the screen flashes red and you cant see wich killed me many times.-The game is pretty short wich does the game bad,would it have killed to have more kong missions,or more missions.What i liked is the alternate ending that is longer than the original and that kong survives instead of dying.The extras are cool with prewiews of the movies and the art gallery.APRECIATION;The game offers something quite individual ,great graphics and a different storyline.The missions with the giant ape are the best part of the game even if they arent half of the game.The game despite being quite good is way too short but if not for that the game would be so much better.Very recomended
Impressive movie inspired video game
01 28, 2006
Aaron L. Shaw "Casual Reviewer"
[5, 5]
Wow what a beautiful game. I am very impressed by the graphics on this one. But what about the gameplay. It is very unique. Most of the game you are a human running around in first person shooter mode. This is pretty cool. Sometimes you will have to look around in the environment to find things to use. An example would be finding a spearlike object to hurl at a t-rex. THis sounds like it would be tough, but it really isn't. While you cock the spear with one hand, your other hand points to where you will throw the spear. THis brings up a very unique aspect of the game. There is no health meter, no reticle for shooting, no ammo readout. NO nothing. You are IN the game just as a real person would be. This helps with the immersion in the game. But what about the Kong Levels? They are way fun and way short. they are probably only about %25 of the game. They are fun though. A little clumsy on the controls, but fun. All in all this is a good game. Not great, but pretty good. (...) Whatever the case, you will be pretty happy with your purchase.
11 30, 2005
GameraRocks "captpicardfan"
[1, 2]
Jack is the main character you play, and in first person, which makes the game extra cool since you get to see scenery from the movie first hand. The detail put into everything is amazing, from the island and city to the dinosaurs on Skull Island. The T-Rex especially is scary and makes me sweat with fear when it chases me every time, because it is so big and I am so small. The levels of Kong are also fun to play, especially swinging in the jungle. Too bad that you don't get to be Kong longer, but it is still fun. Overall, I say that you need this game if you don't have it already. I've had it since the year it was released and I'm still not bored. It is fun, definitely if you love the movie
You Mostly Play Jack, But The Game is Great!
03 31, 2007
hehe "ggg"
[1, 4]
that akadude who left a bad review just mad cause he sucks. What he is right is do not waste your money buying it but rent it instead. You can beat it in an long sitting and you constantly kill the same things the hole game. More weapons should have been added into the game and although fun you constantly throw spears and light bushes on fire. You get to play as kong which as fun as it would seem its not, its more fun to play as the human guy and the controls on kong stink. The graphics are good and it keeps you playing and playing. You wont be regreting spening 50 bucks or how ever much until your finished with it in a matter of hours so i am telling you now do not buy just rent it, it may seem fun and entertaining and worth 50 bucks untill your finished with story because thats all it has to offer.
great game
12 19, 2005
Moose Master
[0, 3]
This game is farily good, but has some warts. I mean, why are there so many doors that are missing levers? And why are the levers always in bushes? I mean, is Ubisoft trying to make me write a bad review? But, the beasts you encounter as Jack Driscoll are purely imaginative. But, after awhile, the creatures start to repeat. But, all the problems melt away when you play as the ginormus ape himself. There, you can kill giant t-rexs and bats. But, there is no point when you know he's going to die. But, there is analternative ending where Jack saves Kong. So I guess you don't feel so bad. But, the voice acting is terrible, and Jack Black looks absolutely disgusting. There, I said it. Deal with it.
Yet another gmae based on a movie.
06 26, 2006
Aaron L. Shaw "Casual Reviewer"
[14, 14]
Wow what a beautiful game. I am very impressed by the graphics on this one. But what about the gameplay. It is very unique. Most of the game you are a human running around in first person shooter mode. This is pretty cool. Sometimes you will have to look around in the environment to find things to use. An example would be finding a spearlike object to hurl at a t-rex. THis sounds like it would be tough, but it really isn't. While you cock the spear with one hand, your other hand points to where you will throw the spear. THis brings up a very unique aspect of the game. There is no health meter, no reticle for shooting, no ammo readout. NO nothing. You are IN the game just as a real person would be. This helps with the immersion in the game. But what about the Kong Levels? They are way fun and way short. they are probably only about %25 of the game. They are fun though. A little clumsy on the controls, but fun. All in all this is a good game. Not great, but pretty good. (...). Whatever the case, you will be pretty happy with your purchase.
11 30, 2005
Allen Rosenberg "TenThumb"
[0, 0]
I read intreguing reviews but the game is dull and over sensitive and ultimate it defeated my interest in playing.
Not Good
03 5, 2013
Bonnie X
[0, 0]
Kid just not in to this game very much . I don't know why . It looks good with the grafics .
Just ok
04 4, 2014
J. Vasco "KingLeon"
[0, 0]
Amazing, Impressive game! This may be the best GameCube game ever of all time,and i've played them all! Ten times better than what i expected! if you buy only one GC game, this is the ONE!.... Worth every cent...
King Kong Indeed.
12 28, 2009
[2, 4]
Hopefully that headline speaks for itself. The first person (Doom) style gameplay is excellent and stunning. The scenarios where you actually play as King Kong are really bad. Bad control, horrible camera switches/angles. It's truly like 2 different games! If the King Kong portions of this were released with no first person gameplay as Jack, I think this would have had the worst reviews since Shaq Fu. BUT, because the first person stuff is so visually stunning and controls perfectly, the game is good. It's strange that Peter Jackson even approved the Kong portions, but I guess he felt that's what fans wanted. There isn't a lot of freedom (like in Medal Of Honor) to explore in any direction. The pathways are narrow and the creatures have basic attack patterns, but it works overall. The jungle graphics are GEORGEOUS as is the sound design.....Worth a look.
Great first person missions....HORRIBLE Kong controls....
01 1, 2006
zsetters "zsetters"
[0, 0]
04 2, 2006
Aaron L. Shaw "Casual Reviewer"
[8, 13]
Are you crazy? This is not like playing the movie. It is way fun. But it is not like playing the movie. THe garphics on the XBOX 360 are incredible. It is incredibly realistic. But you can certainly tell this is a video game and not film. I think the previous reviewer was a little excited. Anyway. The game is fun. There are plenty of things to do. THe Kong levels are way fun, but do not think they are half or more of thge game. They are only about 20 percent of the game. Too Bad because they are way fun. The human levels are great too though. This game is from the creators of Beyond Good and Evil and it shows. Both games are great.Bottom Line: If you love the movie get the game. If you want a great first person shooter get perfect dark or call of duty.
Like playing the movie?
11 23, 2005
Adam B
[1, 1]
This game was so good. There was never a part during the game that I became bored. It really kept me wanting more. For a launch title, this game had really great graphics. I thought that even though the game was pretty short, it still holds up as a great action/adventure game. I personally loved this game and definitely recommend it to all xbox 360 owners. When you play as Kong, you truly get a sense of power. You can pretty much take anything down in you path and the enjoyment from this is awesome. Another thing I really liked about this game was the detail that the game goes into. Some parts of the game truly blew me away with its graphics. One thing that wasn't the best on this game was the way the achievments worked in the game. There was only 9 of them, and basically if you complete the game, you will unlock all of them while doing so and get the 1000 pts. This just seemed way to easy and with Microsoft saying how great these achievements are for games, these were not that great. Overall, I really loved this game and thought it was great!PresentationThe menu is a little blah. Not great, not horrible, it's just kinda there. It in no means takes away from the greatness of the game, but it certainly doens't add to it.9.0 GraphicsFor a launch title this game is pretty incredible in terms of graphics. The first couple chapters of the game don't look as good as the rest (like 5% of the game). I don't know why, it just does.9.5 SoundThe sound of the game is amazing and really adds to a realistic gaming experience. Things sound like they're are right in the room next to you. It really adds to the mood of the game.8.0 GameplayThe gameplay of this game is great, don't get me wrong, but it is pretty short. This is my only real gripe of this game. There is so much more the game could have had. It was great as is however.7.5 Lasting AppealThis game doesn't scream lasting appeal. It's a great game, don't get me wrong, but it lacks certain things that could make it last longer. No mulitplayer, no Live aspects (except achievments), etc.8.5 Overall
This game was great!
03 30, 2006
BronsonC "Bronson"
[0, 1]
The acheivements for this game was very easy. Basically you just play the game one time through and every acheivement gets unlocked. The acheivements can be all obtained in 1 day. The game was kinda fun and followed the story line of the movie.
Easy Acheivements.
02 13, 2009
C. C. Peterson
[1, 2]
This has got too be one of the funnest games made for 360. In my opinion, it would be in the top 10, but there are so many flaws. For example, you have to turn your 360 off and then back on every once in a while, because the AI wont interact with you properly. It gets sooooo annoying! But anyway, I would reccomend it! Maybe they will come out with a patch soon...
Great game really fun...way too many flaws!
11 23, 2007
dan boon "dan"
[2, 16]
This game let me down prety bad , i didnt expect it to be nearly as good as call o duty 2 which is an amazing game and lived up to all the hype, but this game did look realy good and the grahpics looked amazing and they are , and thats about wher it ends nothing else impressed me with simple shooting and puzzles so simple any 4 year old could figure them out. I jus didnt have any fun with this game besides the grahpics looking amazing there isnt anything else to see , you just fight the same dum ass looking enemies including big spiders ,crabs and scorpions that all look quarny as hell . And thats about it you dont even get 2 use kong much its prety much all fps and shooting the same old enemies and only bein able 2 hold one gun at a time with little amo. Yep this game jus isnt fun its prety lame and DEFINATLY not worth 60$. My opinion rent it or wait til its cheaper.
not 2 great
11 26, 2005
[0, 0]
this says it's for the 360 but the game I received was formatted only to play on the original xbox
wrong format
07 6, 2013
[3, 3]
King Kong game wasn't really a great game or a terrible one, hence the 3 star rating. The most impressive aspect of this game was how gorgeous gaming enviroment was. The rocks and grass were almost touchable through the tv screen! The only draw back about the graphics were how the actual humans were rendered. They were not was "realistic" as the enviroment that the game was.Comparing human graphics between two games, the humans in Condemned: Criminal Origins were more realistic, smoother, and less choppy. The game play wasn't too bad, and the game wasn't that hard to complete. Sometimes, things would get a bit repetitive but that's how the game goes. Playing the game in 5.1 surround sound is a plus, you can hear the rain from all directions and when a character talks to you'll hear their voice coming out from a particular speaker from their direction.Overall, the game is not worth the high price of $59.99. However, if you're bored it is a game to take a shot at renting for a couple days or so. Long lives the king....
King of the Jungle...but not of the game
01 28, 2006
[2, 2]
The first thing that you will notice is that the graphics and sound are amazing. The next thing you will notice is the game play is slow at least to my preferences. Now the game is better than the movie the movie looked great it just was too corny. Man was it corny I fell asleep. The game provided some mild entertainment but not enough for the hard core gamer. I suggest renting or a purchase for a child under 16.
O.K. game
04 3, 2006
K. Robertson
[2, 9]
I could not play this game for even 5 minutes. The graphics gave me motion sickness and I had to lay down for 30 minutes. This has never happened to me before with any other game.
This game made me sick, literally!!!
05 3, 2010
[3, 3]
The game is both a First Person Adventure and a Third Person Action. You play as a human in the first person adventure sequences, and as Kong himself in the third person sections. Both modes are merged together within the storyline, flowing from one to the other. The story line determines which one you will be playing at any given time.While playing as the human, you will have to overcome various obstacles and solve puzzles throughout the game. Many of the puzzles include finding handles to turn in order to open doors, or finding fire to burn some bushes blocking your path. While playing as man, it gives you a deep feeling of the `survival' element because ammo is scarce and you will often have to pick up and throw sharp bones or spears at enemies, in order to conserve your resources.Graphically, this game is amazing. I was truly impressed with the level of detail all throughout this game. The hair on Kong is jaw-dropping and will keep you wondering how in the world the console can generate that amount of detail. The environments are lush and well designed.While playing as Kong, you will mainly have some platform jumping, which is really easy to do, and mainly fight off dinosaurs and the human savages of the island, destroying their villages as you pass through. Kong's adventure is shorter than man's.In both modes whenever you are badly injured, the screen turns read, all you have to do is stop or avoid taking damage and you health will recharge itself. There are no health packs in this game. Saving can be done at anywhere in the game however you will sometimes start at the beginning of the chapter of somewhere in the middle. The chapters for each mode aren't long to complete. Some of them are as short as ten minutes or as long as half an hour. Luckily whenever you die, you start not to far from where you were killed off..Although Kong may lack the depth of game play desired by more advanced gamers, it is a truly unique gaming experience.
Long live the Kong
05 19, 2006
Ronald D. Bruner Jr. "Ronnie Bruner"
[2, 2]
Most of you who are looking to play this game are looking for the super easy 1000 Xbox live gamer points.. That's what brought me to this game too, however I was not expecting a mildly entertaining game. I was pleased to find this game was okay to play... Decent graphics, amazing sound, great voice acting. It's a nice little time filler. Give it a try!
Easy achievements
09 6, 2012
Ronald Grant
[2, 4]
Takes the movie adventures to a new level. The game is full of gigantic creatures and of course Kong. Pretty good with amazing graphics.
Just got it!
01 9, 2006
[0, 0]
I don't usually like games that come from movies. The same thing goes with books becoming movies. They tend to leave some small but yet significant details out at times. But this game is great. The Story fits amazingly well. It goes along pretty well with the movie. You are going to want to rent it and get your points before you buy it. I was at a friend's house one Saturday and we went through and beat the whole game in like 6 hours. It was pretty easy and king Kong was a BEAST. Very fun for the length though.First of all, The graphics are amazing for a launch title. But you can't expect much from launch titles because they aren't always the best. But this is great in the graphics departments. It is cool but not 100% real which is impossible not in the movies. But you never know with the technology that we have today. it is getting amazingly great. Plus, the sound is great. I like to put that sucker on full boar and the subwoofer all the way up and it is sick. Pretty awesome stuff. It is cool that you walk around as a normal human for most of the game but there are few scenes were you can be king Kong and Kick some but. It is cool that they don't just give you the health and ammo that you have. You can talk to your friends in the game to see how they are doing.Although the game is straight forward it is too short. There are no ways to check out other things. You do your levels and it is it. Although I do not own this game I have played the whole game over at a friends house and it is amazing. You should definitely get it. You don't have to buy. Just go out and rent it and beat it. But, you will have a lot of fun when you play.
Kong - Amazing sound for an amzing game.
05 17, 2006
Semschy "Gamer"
[2, 2]
If I were simply rating this as the quickest way to get 1000 gamer points (just finish the game) it would be a 5 star review. However that's about all King Kong is good for.Pros:-Great voice acting: if you're a fan of Jack Black you will enjoy his comments throughout-New take on shooters: rather than a display showing how much ammo you have left you click B and your character says how many clips you have left. (You can also go into options to have your remaining ammo displayed)-Also when you run out of ammo there are plenty of spears to throw at enemies-Great graphics: Obviously the graphics are now eclipsed by this year's giants, but they are much better than old Xbox games.-Taking on T-Rexes and V-Rexes as King Kong is a blast!Cons:-Very short: you can beat it in one weekend.-Puzzles are too easy: for every puzzle you light a stick on fire and burn thorn bushes, the only hard part, sometimes, is finding the fire-Too dark: There are many places where you can't figure out where you're going because you can't see.-Very linear: The whole time you're in a corridor and all you do is move forward.I can only recommend this game if you're either a huge Jack Black and King Kong fan or if you want a quick 1000 gamer points. If you're a fan then you've already got this game. If you want easy points you can't beat that price!
Fastest Xbox Live Achievements Around
02 26, 2008
[1, 1]
This was the second game I bought on the 360 about four years ago now. I thought it would be cool to play as King Kong and believe me it is. What other game do you get to play as a giant monkey? The graphics are nothing to write home about, but it is a first person shooter when you play as Jack, but its third person when you play as Kong. It can be fun, but I was also disappointed to find out it was only single player. The back of my box states its a two player game...so unless I haven't unlocked something, the case lists the wrong information...Play as Kong...its worth it for a discounted price now.
Its fun to play as Kong
11 4, 2009
Hildely Rodriguez
[0, 0]
I will be short. This game si superior far away, in graphics, animation, story, puzzles, I really looooove this game. I would rank this as the number one in the saga, The Sands of Time as number two, and the Warrior Within as number 3.
10 3, 2007
Jenessnica "Jessica Wilding"
[0, 0]
this is the best prince of persia game in the entire series i love the story and the whole duality of the souls thing
11 25, 2013
John R. Hooper
[0, 0]
This is the first Prince of Persia that I have played or ever seen. I bought this for my son He loves the Prince of Persia games. He has played a few of them including one on the PS3 but he hadnt played this. Anyway he really likes it and hasnt complained.
PS2 Game
11 19, 2010
Justin J. Larson
[0, 7]
I sold this game quick and in a hurry. It was the first prince of Persia game Id ever played so I wasn't real sure what was going on in the first place. And after falling off walls to my deaths over and over and over again I started getting soooo annoyed! This game is horrible! Dont buy it!
Couldn't stand it.
01 12, 2007
M. Preston
[0, 0]
This video game is long, and yet it is worth it for the adventure. It is the third and final game in the Sands of Time Trilogy. The Prince is horrified to discover that his kingdom is burning and ravaged by war.After fighting his way through the city, he dicovers that his efforts on the Isle of Time never actually happened. As soon as the Prince finds Kaileena at the the palace, the Vizer kills Kaileena, and the Sands of Time are released. But, after stealing the Dagger of Time, and a delayed reaction to the Sands of Time, the Prince gains two split personalites. One is the Prince, who wants to save the kingdom and a evil anti-hero called the "Dark Prince" who wants to enslave the kingdom. The game is for PS2, and gets a 9 out of 10.
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
05 3, 2007
Sylvia E. Soto "ravenhawk"
[2, 4]
i really enjoyed this game but its only fun to pass it like two times.i passed it for the first time in like ten hours!!!!i was very dissapointed how short this game was the second prince of persia game was much MUCH longer.Now the pros of this game:it is really fun to play as the dark prince and the new stealth kills really puts something new for the game and the chariot racing was amazing but there are alot more cons.the cons:the graphics seemed to get worse and the game looks alot worse,it was a short game,the final boss was very easy and you cant choose which prince gets to suceed(you know what i mean if you own the game)i really dont know why the game is mature because there isnt intense violence not alot of blood and no nudity!!!!overall the game is good stuff but you should wait till is a lower price
it was good but it could have been better
12 19, 2005
007 "cmyth007"
[0, 4]
This game could have been--should have been--great. The single-player campaign is pretty solid--nice graphics and good gameplay. But then there is the highly touted co-op campaign that they hyped and talked about--they didn't deliver. It is an embarrassment that they thought it was worthy of inclusion. Four levels that are so lame its not even funny.GIVE US FULL CO-OP Campaigns! What is the problem with that? Give us a split-screen option, or linked play or online, not just some of them. This game could have been so good but they ruined the co-op campaign. If they would have made it even halfway decent i would be giving this game a better review. You guys blew it bad.
Close but no cigar
03 15, 2006
A. Espinoza "sokily.usmc44"
[2, 2]
This is a great game. yeah it is hard and you need to use strategy to accomplish the missions, but why should that upset you? i always agreed that the harder the game the better it is. Well not to hard where you hate the world. but this game is great.
Great game
02 8, 2008
Aging Gamer "MJimenez05"
[1, 1]
I purchased Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter about 4 months ago. I believe this is the the best game so far produced for the XBOX 360 console. The quality and realism goes far beyond any video game I have ever played. Confidentially to Lenice Carol Kelly-moynihan of Clarksville,MD., I don't know what game you were playing; you gave GRAW 1 star..you must have been tripping. The on-line play is where GRAW shines. Playing in teams or solo; it's truly an incredible experience. One downer though: there is a lot of trash talk and graphic language by some players but there is a system where you can report offenders. Some minor gliches online; sometimes sessions lock up and you have to restart.Pick up this game..trust me..you're gonna love it!
UBISOFT re-invents the video game experience
09 8, 2006
Albert Cruz "acruz 173"
[1, 1]
Graw will blow you away the graphics the 5.1 surround sound the online the campaign mode all worth taking a look at. see you on line!
GRAW is hd at its best
01 11, 2007
B. Anderson
[1, 1]
I'm not going to cover all the gameplay, as there are a ton of reviews already posted that do an excellent job at that. I love the single player gameplay for GRAW, but I'm pretty let down by the multiplayer, specifically the co-op. I was expecting to be able to play through the game in co-op mode (a la Gears of War), but the closest thing you can get is a lightweight "campaign" mode in multiplayer that doesn't allow much of the same gameplay that's in the single player mode.If you're not worried about the multiplayer aspects of the game, it's an insanely cool single player game.
great single player
01 20, 2007
Brian & Randy "Two Brothers"
[2, 5]
Ghost Recon 3 is a combat game with amazing graphics and sound. Both are so real it's almost like you're there. The character movements are smooth and realistic. This is one game you need to listen to in stereo and view on a good quality TV.Single player campaigning is a ton of fun. Multiplayer is even better than single player, and the multiplayer maps are extensive from jungles to cities to beaches.
Ghost Recon 3
05 16, 2006
Brightside "Brightside"
[1, 1]
Now I knew this game way back when it launched in 2006, remembered how amazing the graphics looked, the awesome music, but the only thing that really held me back was the IGN review of "Dieing Alot" and that I didn't have an Xbox 360.Just last year though I got the game for dirt cheap with the hopes of if IGN's review still stood, and it pretty much did.The game is still in my opinion a graphical masterpiece, and the music is still awesome...BUT to the point of the biggest issue that kept me from the last time...DIEING ALOT. The game's realistic nature of a few hits and the enemy is dead...You're just in the same death field as them buddy. As advertised, tactics is everything...one bad move and you're whole squad is pretty much dead, leaving you with sometimes the agony of several retries before figuring out the right(and sometimes quirky) tactic or staying alive from "Dumb AI Luck" where you're AI actually pull off something fancy. The game is not without it's blood-pumping "chaotic" moments where your in a chopper just mowing down the enemy from below...sort of "Fly-and-gun" moments.You'll also come across areas with heavily-Nightvision-demanding sections...and you might be forced to use Nightvision even in the daytime if your stuck at sunset or daybreak with still no real sun.Going on to the fun parts, well...Any funfactor in this game is bittersweet due to the fact of either you winning because of figuring out the enemy positions after dieing 20 times, or you're actually on a really good roll of pwning the opposition. That and the few and far between section of being able to command a Tank, Bradly, or Apache when the game finally notices you're in a pickle.All in all the game is fun is short...very short spirts as trying to play too many missions at a time can result in humiliation and insulting your AI squad.What do I think?8.0
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter: REVIEW
04 5, 2011
dan boon "dan"
[3, 3]
dont realy like wiriting reviews but i had to after is saw 2 ppl give this game a 1 WTF? this gamy is amazing one of the best games iv ever played and the best 360 game out. Just when i thought 360 was slowin down with good games they come out with this its amazing and breath taking. graphics,story,online play, and everything about this game is jus about flawless. i never even liked the other ghost recon games they seemed boring and graphics were weak but this one is completly oposite. BUY IT NOW!!!
G.R.A.W. is G.R.E.A.T.
03 12, 2006
David Stone
[0, 0]
I liked Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, and since this game was reasonably priced I bought it to understand the references to it in the second game. A fun shooter but there are a few glitches. At times you protect VIPs and they do some strange stuff, like push you from behind cover and exit cover themselves to get killed and fail your mission. For the price, it is worth adding to your collection, just be prepared to put up with the glitches.
good game but a little glitchy
07 30, 2010
Duane Sparks "Duane"
[0, 0]
I tried this first and gave up. I found it too difficult for my skill levels, always ending up dead, dead, dead. I gave to a young man who is quite skilled in video games such as Call of Duty and he adored the game. He went through it with no trouble and has continued to play it with different skill level settings.
Too hard for me, but loved by a true gamer.
05 19, 2014
E.I.E.I. Owen
[2, 3]
Although I feel the graphics are good and the game-play is solid I noticed a lot of technical glitches in the game. I noticed characters being able to walk through each other, your character being stuck in a kneeling position when he should be walking upright, and a humorous side effect of when your character is lying down and by moving the left stick his body would rise up as if the scruff of the neck was carrying him through the air. Put the stick back in center position and he lies down again. I also noticed it caused my XBOX 360 to lock up a couple of times. Maybe I got a bum disc but I feel the glitches and the locking up are related to the software. Jut a warning. I recently got GRAW 2 but have not played it yet so I will see what happens.
Too many glitches for a next-gen game
04 5, 2007
Eoin "A-Ron"
[1, 1]
This game is a must-have for Xbox 360! The graphics are perfect, the gameplay is great, and the storyline is spectacular! You shouldn't have any glitches unless you have a used or scratched one. People unfamiliar with the Ghost Recon series may have problems with staying alive in some levels. The controls are pretty good and the HUD feature is great! It helps you by locating enemies, locating objective areas, and showing where other people or things are even if you are nowhere near it. Some modes in this game, like co-op, are not that good. I think other modes make up for it, like campaign. Many people beginning to play military games WILL like this game. There is a sequel coming out in March. Buy this game!
Greatest military game I have ever played!
02 7, 2007
[0, 0]
Tom Clancy games have a reputation for being both realistic and not overly easy. That holds true to Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter. This is not a game that allows players to simply charge in, guns blazing. That approach will most certainly get you killed. Rather, you are tasked with strategically staging attacks on the enemy. This includes utilization of UAVs (drones), air support, etc. as well as your squadmates. You are the team commander. You can give your team commands such as "go to", "follow", "recon mode" and "weapons free". Your AI controlled mates, however, are not so smart for being in such an elite squad. I mean, they tend to get a fair amount of kills, which is good. They tend to obey your commands as they should, which is good. However, they seem to lack the brainpower to stay in cover when it's necessary and, as a result, usually end up lying on the ground waiting for you to heal them. The enemy is not forgiving, either. You can only absorb a couple of shots at best until you are dead. There is no "easy" level on this game. Only "normal" and "hard". Thus, if you're not the type that enjoys a bit of a challenge, look elsewhere. The story is forgettable, but the voice acting is strong. The controls are tight and work well. And this game is very pretty. The visuals are very good for a game released early into the next gen consoles lives. The sequel to this game, GRAW2 out does the first installment in almost every way, so if you enjoy this one, you'll love it's sequel. Don't let that detract you from starting with GRAW, however...you won't be sorry for picking this game up. Especially at such a low price point.PROS- Great visuals- Good voice acting- Tight controls- Nice challengeCONS- Friendly AI is not so battle savvy
Nice Title
08 21, 2012
Flmarlinsrule "Marlinsfan13"
[0, 2]
This NOT one of the best Ghost Recon games. The story is OK, but not great. The multiplayer gets boring. Rent it, if you really like it, then buy it. Try it B4 you buy it.
Not a good game.
01 6, 2007
[2, 4]
(NOTE: This is a review of the PC version) I'm a FPS veteran and have been playing tactical shooters since the first Rainbow Six. This game is great fun, I'll give you that, but in the first mission you get the impression that the designers peppered enemies in random spots just to make the game harder. Enemies have scripted movements, but don't move much beyond that. If you find one it will sit in its place and not move, often-times not even seeing you. It's the ones you don't find that become frustrating because they're around every corner and they're all expert marksmen, have eyes like a hawk and ungodly reaction times. The other frustrating factor is that your men die because they don't follow instructions correctly and stay put. You tell them to stop and they'll move around anyway. You try to place them in the correct location but often times they move somewhere else or don't move at all. I've also found that ghost #1 is the worst at movement for some reason. Enemy are positioned in such a way that you can't move from one building to the next without being drawn into a trap of fire from multiple directions. You end up playing missions dozens of times to find the easiest path. By that time you learn where most of the enemy locations are, but even then if you make one mistake you're taking a dirt nap. Poor AI and what I like to call the enemy cheese factor really hurt this game. It could've been so much better. There's no rhyme or reason half the time for one enemy to be located behind a building, crouched and waiting. It only serves to annoy and frustrate. Couple all of this with the fact that you have long stretches of gameplay between save points and you'll be yanking your hair out by the roots in frustration. Aside from these gripes the game is fun and addictive. The graphics look great, except for the occasional car or other object that is stuck in the sky after an explosion. The heat wave effects are cool. Hopefully the second game (due out soon) will be better than this one. Not having a save anywhere option makes you frequently stop playing out of frustration.
Frustrating beyond belief, but fun
03 6, 2007
Gabriel Ruiz
[0, 0]
The game itself is pretty good but some levels are a little complicated because the radar does give great directions
Liked but levels are complicated.
05 19, 2013
Geoff Oldham
[1, 1]
As a former military officer, I know a thing or two about infantry tactics and combined arms operations. This is one of the first games to get it right and keep it as exciting as being on the ground. Wrapped around a plausible story, this title along with its sequel redefines the genre of real time combat, first person shooters be damned.
What combat is really like
06 6, 2007
goldentoaster "goldentoaster"
[0, 2]
This game is a little difficult to reccomend to everybody, because it is not for everyone. It is a shooter, but do not expect something like Halo, because if you are aggressive in this game, you will die. It is a smarter game that requires more waiting and thinking. The controls are more difficult and the bullets are more deadly. It is also a squad-based game, but unfortunately, you will find some artificial intelligence issues with your other squad mambers. They too often kill themselves by not hiding or shooting, and unless you are constantly on top of their actions, which is undesireable, you run the risk of having them killed.The first thing you will notice whie playing this game is that the graphics are absolutely beautiful. The graphics make this game very impressive, but unfortunatly, gameplay isn't as impressive. Sure, gameplay is good, but single player gameplay will not keep you coming back for more than one or two times.Multiplayer on the other hand is great. That is, if you dont run into problems. There are many glitches that you will find online, and getting into a game session is painful, especially when you wait for over 10 mins to enter a game just to be thrown out after 10 seconds. This happened to me way too many times for me to over-look it. Also, offline miltiplayer is boring, uninteresting, and not fun.So if you can over-look dificult controls, not-so-perfect gameplay, and a problem filled multiplayer feature, then you will find a game that has stunning graphics, and gameplay that will still bring you joy. And now that you can find this game for under $39, it is a good buy. thats why i give it a 4/5.
Not as good as advertised...
12 19, 2006
G. Rhodes "whst1969"
[0, 0]
This is a good game with the exception of it not having co-op for the entire campaign. I know everyone wants to play online but for those of us who like to play single player or with a friend offline (because of want or no access to the internet) it isnt that great. Graphics are decent as is the rest but still just not quite done. I do like the original the best, before they turned it into the Rainbow six clone. Somehow I don't think the mission ends in real life when the leader gets killed.
Could've been big
07 18, 2006
[0, 0]
great game, my son likes it a lot so, I am happy with it, great graphics, no further comments on it
great game
02 23, 2014
[0, 13]
I Bought this game with the intention of seeing amazing graphics and spectatular next gen action, and well, that isnt what i got. I play on A Panasonic HDTV and this game does not match up to Next Gen HD graphics, its just like Ghost recon 2, This game is not worth the buy
Not Next-Gen
03 20, 2006
[2, 2]
This review is based on my personal expierience with G.R.A.W. If you are into war games or shooters This is best release for your xbox 360 yet. Oh you say "What about call of duty 2?" Well call of duty is still great just not this great. Before you get mad I would like you to read why I says this. The graphics for this game are just breath taking and so real looking, from shadows to facial textures everything is sweet. The invironment is wide open you can go any where besides inside some of the houses and buildings. Guns blazing, explsions bursting, blood and bodies flying,whoa!... After a few months of playing I will need some help. Any way it all looks and feels great no question. <><><><><><> Game play:Picking up the controlls mite be alittle hard for new players but once you do it will become instinct.(If you have trouble with control just play to have and you will pick up fine.) For all of the vets you will appreciate the new inovations and sharp controlled response between on screen action and what buttons on the controller you press.<><><><><> Online play is the best. There is 1,000 different game variations, you can have upto 18 players in co-op mode and 30+ in death match. I belive they are setting a new multi-player standard.(I'm addicted to playing co-op with more than 2 or three people or more, we had ten players once and it was all out war man) So over all G.R.A.W. has it all good graphis great sound awsome action. Pick it up if you can. Rent it if you want to be mad you wasted $7.00 that you could have applied to the $60.00 it takes to purchase.
This IS My Rifle there Are MANY like it but this one is mine alone its useless but in my hands we are the definition of Power
03 9, 2006
Isiah F Walker
[3, 3]
Ok, first of all let me say that at first I wasn't a big fan of this game when it first came out but, after playing the multiplayer mode with friends over XboxLive it made me want to try the single player mode and it took a little to grow on me but, after 2 missions I was hooked. Now let me be clear, the single player mode is fun, you control a team of operatives that are out to stop the terrorists plot (SIMPLE RIGHT?) Not, imagine the show 24 if Bauer was in charge of a tactical squad in the middle of a 3 day ground war (HOTNESS)Now the multiplayer mode is where I get get my most joy of this game. The more than a dozen modes to choose from and the fact that you can compete or cooperate with 16 players around the world is awesome. I love to play co op campaign with my buddies, everyone picks there fav weapon and try to accomplish the goals whatever they may be together or break up into small two man teams to complete the objectives. I love the sniper rifle myself. But seriously you have to play smart in this game because like in real life 1-2 bullets is enough to drop you for good in this game. Some call it cheap but, I call it keep your head down and pick your shots because this is not the game to go all HALO (IE guns Blazing) You will be dead in 1 min if you do that. GRAW is a game that demands patience and a clear head when fighting it out with the enemies. Hands down one of the best games on the 360 GRAW gets a hard fought 9.5 out of 11 RECOMENDED
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter review by IXXY
09 6, 2008
Jason Contreras "Pcspriggan"
[0, 0]
this game has great graphics and sounds. if youve played ghost recon before you know that gr has always been more of a strategy shooter, where your only goal is to keep youself and your team alive and get the job done at all cost, so with graw the overall purpose of the game has not changed, but allot has been added to it that allows for a whole new feel of the game, for example: you can now use drones to locate your enemies before you go in ...making it easier to plan ahead from where you will attack, you can also call in air support and order your team to get in position, mark enemies for your air support or ground support (allied tanks,apcs,etc) to fire at...and all this while taking heavy enemy fire yourself thanks to the new hug a wall for cover feature, also the movement of your charecter has been greatly improved for more realism...you can now slide quickly insto the crouch position to return fire to an enemy, or quickly go from running to throwing yourself flat on the floor to avoid getting shot, i did notice however that your ai team sometimes tend to get lost if you leave them somewhere far from you and order them to regroup, allot of times each team mate will run in a diffrent direction to try and get back to you....but this is only when your far from your team...which you shouldnt be, being a sqaud game and not a one man army fps...so as long as you use your sqaud the right way you wont have a problem with this anywayz.great fun best shooter for xbox 360 so far.
as good as it gets?
03 10, 2006
J. Carter
[3, 4]
I got this game together with my Xbox 360 in March, 2006, and have played a lot of other games since then, but so far nothing compares to the love affair this game has inspired. Though the single-player campaign is well worth the purchase alone, it's the incredibly addictive multiplayer that keeps this disc returning to the tray month after month. Online play is fast, fun and (suprisingly?) friendly with strangers (especially in co-op). Make it the first 360 game you purchase - you see what all the "next-gen" hype was about.
Still Playing After 7 Months
09 28, 2006
J. McWhirter
[1, 1]
This is a fantastic game! The tactical experience you will have playing this game, is very close to what it takes to actually run a squad. Very true to form!In addition, online play is second to none! I have been playing online now with several games...and this is the game I keep coming back to for online play.Very realistic and very fun! Graphics could use a little improvement though...probably 8 out of ten...but that doesn't make it any less of a game!
Best tactical game ever!
01 16, 2007
Jose G. Rivera "Chester"
[0, 0]
This game has so much potential to offer to gamers, real life like grafics, the sound is perfect, and the story never let you down... for every war game shooter lover, this is a game that has to be in your collection, I have all tom Clancy's Ghost recon games and never get tired of them... really if you want a heck of a lot of tactical shooting and blowing up, GRAW is up for the grab!!!!
The best!
10 24, 2007
K. Lack
[1, 1]
G.R.A.W. is an amazing game. The sounds are extremely realistic and that paired up with the awesome graphics put you into the middle of war. The weapons are very well done and detailed as well as the numerous environments you will fight in. I haven't played multiplayer yet, but I know that campaign is a load of fun. The objectives are clear and the mission briefings are easy to understand. You'll get used to the controls in a day, very easy to use. G.R.A.W. 2 will be amazing because the first game in the sequence has surprised me a lot. I highly recommend this game to anyone who wants a fun, futuristic war game.Another nice feature is the ability to put in cheat codes and still be able to unlock achievements. It's great if you're stuck or just want to breeze through single player:***CHEAT CODES - YOU WILL STILL BE ABLE TO UNLOCK ACHIEVEMENTS IN CAMPAIGN!***For all codes you must first pause the game and hold Left Trigger, Right Trigger, and the Back button. You must keep these buttons help down as you enter the following codes:Invincibility - Y,Y,X,RB,X,LBTeam Invincibility - X,X,Y,RB,Y,LBInfinite Ammo - RB,RB,LB,X,LB,Y
Well-Rounded, Amazing Game!
02 19, 2007
[0, 0]
Rage rocks, and so does this game. But it conflicts you. You want to live and the only way you do it is by shooting the people that are shooting at you. This is the first Ghost Recon game I have played. This is a sweet game that combines real time graphics with ultimate risk and strategy. The only problem I have come across in this game is that you can not shoot while the video communication is running. That means that a hostile can be shooting at you and you can't shoot back. Overall it is my favorite game for the 360
Mexico City. I bet Rage is rolling in their Split.
03 25, 2006
Lisa Shea "be the change you wish to see in t...
[91, 94]
If you're looking for a combat game with amazing graphics for your XBox 360, then definitely go buy Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter. The game is fun in single, co-op and online mode!First, the graphics, because they are just so gorgeous in high definition. The character movements are smooth and realistic. Characters tumble down stairs. Smoke billows. Leaves wave. The different types of area - beach, city, snow - all have their own look and feel.We mostly play games single player or XBox Live - but it so happens that when we first took this game home there were 2 gamers who both wanted to play. We played the side by side co-op. It was amazingly fun! There was plenty of screen for both players and with the huge maps, there was great opportunity to flank your opponents and catch them in the crossfire.The sound is fantastic. The ambient noise around you really adds to the feeling that you are there - from people talking, to wind noises, to the various noises made by the weaponry used. If you don't have your XBox 360 going through a good stereo yet, now is really the time to hook that up.I found the on screen status alerts to be both easy to read and unobtrusive. They were there for quick reference, but didn't get in the way of actual gameplay.The regular single player campaign is a ton of fun, involving, and very fun to play through. The real challenge, of course, is going Live and facing off against other real players. If you don't have Live yet, then this is a game that might entice you to take that step. It really does make this game one you could play for years and still have fun.I've had non-war-gamers come over and pick up the basics of gameplay within minutes. It's not super-challenging or technical in that sense. It does take patience, though. This isn't a game about plowing Rambo-like into the middle of a pack of enemies and blasting away. It requires you to look over the situation, find the angle that gives you the best protection and to pick away at the enemies while staying safe. You're not a super-human here. You are a well equipped soldier who can stay alive with a combination of weaponry skill and strategic intelligence.Highly recommended!
Great graphics, great sound, great gameplay
03 18, 2006
Live Player "GAMERFIDE"
[2, 2]
Lets get the bad out the way seeing as there isnt much. Your squad like to run in front of you while your lighting it up, and they really dont help much, the fact that they put a new downloadable pack that costs almost 20 bones for more missions and maps is outrageous considering extension packs for pcs are either free or cheap. But all that aside this is a well made game the multiplayer is awesome the fact that you can communicte with your online squad while movin and brusin is great, add a little chance to talk smack after a round is great, big boos for the upgrade cause a lot have purchased this which meen you have a harder time finding a match online cause you dont have the upgrade version. Graphics are great as well as the movment and realistic physics of the game, a grenade causes damage with a healthy radius just like real life. A nice assortment of weapons including the camera gun adds to the variety. A couple blackhawk missions where you door gun some baddies is a nice change of pace, throw in a fairly long and challenging campaign mode rounds out the game into a must have category foe 360 owners.
Great Shooter
07 25, 2006
M. Allen
[2, 4]
The graphics are sick, the game is great. That's all there is to it. Other than Fight Night, these graphics are the best. It makes me proud to own an X360, and it makes me wonder just how good the games will be 6 months to a year from now. We've only scratched the surface of what the 360 can do, only the surface.
What can I say
05 8, 2006
marc "iLL ."
[0, 0]
this game falls inline with the rest of the Ghost series. its kind of Exactly like Ghost Recon 2 for the original xbox. if you liked that game then you should like this one as well. im not much for the Campaign mode, i play online...and THATS a blast to play as well rather your competing with other players or on a team with them doing a Co-op. rather THIS or any of them are better than the Very First Ghost Recon...i cant say lol theyre all pretty much the same...and tend to get alittle boring like every other game..but still great fun while it lasts..iLL .
The Legacy Continues..
12 31, 2008
mark twain
[1, 10]
super FPS. the graphics are amazing, the gameplay is great. can't wait for GRAW 2!
great 360 game...
08 8, 2006
[0, 0]
04 12, 2008
[0, 5]
playing this was the worst time in my life as a gamer.. i got a little stupid for playing this dumb lame as ass game an dont plan to buy or play another ghost recon game.. save your money an brain cells on this game..its up to you
for tom clancy it sucks
08 13, 2013
Michael J. Lentini
[0, 9]
This is the best freakin shooter game yet from what i heard. I do not have this game yet but im going to get it. I have watched videos and this game looks like it will be awesome. I also heard that this game is so realistic that if you shoot the wall pieces of rock will fall off the building and onto the ground, not shure if its true but this game is going to be awesome. I have heard it is hard so all you gamers that beat games in 2-4 days this is the game to get.
05 6, 2006
Micheal James Mcginnis
[0, 7]
I picked this game up on day 1. I was like a lot of other 360 owners and I was getting pretty bored with my collection of games. The first thing that I noticed when I started up my game is that there are two black bars on the top and bottom of my screen. I'm not to the point where I want to buy a HDTV yet so I'm on a 32in Sony Trinitron. A very nice, regular tv. I got past the opening movie and I was expecting to see the black bars disappear but they didn't. After 20 minutes of playing they still hadn't disappeared. So I restarted my 360 and checked my display settings. Yup I had everything setup correctly, so WTF is up with the stupid widescreen perspective? Well after searching on the internet and talking to ubisoft, there isn't anything I can do about it except go spend a grand or two on a HDTV. Some people don't mind the black bars but I friggin HATE them. So I'm buying a dell 2005FPW monitor and hooking the 360 up to that. But it is something to keep in mind since I haven't seen anything else that warns you about this if you have a regular tv. Other than the black bars, I really enjoy the game. It really makes you feel like you're in the middle of the action. One of the surprise explosions almost gave me a heart attack. It was awesome to get that immersed in a game like this.Oh and just a special note to the moron that reviewed the game and gave it one star stating "bang bang kill a mexican, bang bang kill me...etc..." If you don't like military games then don't bother reviewing the game, you are obviously not going to like it. It wouldn't matter if it was the greatest military game that has ever been created, you still wouldn't like it. I love the bang bang thing. MORON! oh and you suggested chess or reading a book? So an accurate review for those activities would be?... Slide slide Check. Slide slide checkmate. or maybe i want to read a book. flip flip turn the page, flip flip turn the page. You are a complete TOOL!
Great Game! But WTF is up with the widescreen?
03 13, 2006
Mr. A. O'rourke
[1, 4]
When i first played this game i found it to be a very impressive showcase for what my X-box 360 is capable of. Well i was half right, you see the game does look good, the graphics ain't the problem it's the horrible bugs and awful framerate that are the biggest problems with this squad based shooter. I had to restart the game three times during one session because of bugs, i mean it's just not on. Another problem is the AI of your squad, you give them an order (The few orders there is) and they just start running around like headless chickens. The enemy AI is also bad, they start firing at you before they even see you and there appears to be no jump which can be exteamly annoying. It's not all bad it can be a very engaging experience but you have to be prepared to put up with some very annoying bugs and glitches. If your a fan of the Ghost Recon games then you'll more than likely look past the bug's and just get on with it but if your new to the series then i suggest you buy Call Of Duty 2 or wait for Splinter Cell: Double Agent instead.
Good game let down by flaws
03 22, 2006
R. Awbrey "cbandico"
[2, 2]
In a word...WOW! GRAW is probably the best game I've played for XB306 yet. The graphics are ultra realistic. The weaponary is cool as all get out. The AI is freakin' creepy!When you're leading a small assault team into a fortified compound, setting up sniper positions, control Bradley tank assaults, and calling in an Apache strike all at the same time you realize how unbelievable awesome this game it. That sounds pretty complicated but GRAW makes it so easy. You can almost be in five places at once.My only criticism is the same I've had with the previos GR & RS games, the AI of your teams could still be a lot better. You have to be careful they do go running into the line of fire or come between you and a target in tight quarters.Despite that, all in all a very fulfilling gaming experience.
Holy crap! Here they come!
09 28, 2006
Rene S. Hoepelman Jr.
[1, 1]
I prefer gears of war but ghost recon not too far behind. Game play is alot more complicated then it needs to be but you get the hang of it after a while. I have not played online yet.
9 out of 10
04 8, 2007
R. Morris "Rob & Matt Morris"
[3, 4]
Ghost Recon has been a very succesful franchise for Ubisoft. Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter is probably the best one yet. The game does take a little while to get into the flow of things, but after a while the intensity really picks up. The AI is very good, and the graphics are amazing. GRAW was one of the first smash hits for the 360 as well.If you're a Tom Clancy game fan, I highly recommened this game. After all, it is Ghost Recon.
Ghost Recon is one of those must have games
11 1, 2006
Romezarelli "ROMEZARELLI"
[0, 0]
This game tried my patience so many times. Pow! One to the head. Where the hell that came from?! Battling a tank at a strip-mall? Wth?! Guys sniping from sky-scrapers?! Oh lord! Then I saw that the issue was more me than GRAW. I had to learn to be patient and plan. That made the difference. It was still tough. But In a good way. Classic.
Hard as heck for me............................... until I figured it out.
04 15, 2013