The outer or most laterally placed column of the erector spinae muscles is the iliocostalis, which is associated with the costal elements and passes from the common tendon of origin to multiple insertions into the angles of the ribs and the transverse processes of the lower cervical vertebrae.
The middle or intermediate column is the longissimus, which is the largest of the erector spinae subdivision extending from the common tendon of origin to the base of the skull. Throughout this vast expanse, the lateral positioning of the longissimus muscle is in the area of the transverse processes of the various vertebrae.
The most medial muscle column is the spinalis, which is the smallest of the subdivisions and interconnects the spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae. The spinalis is most constant in the thoracic region and is generally absent in the cervical region. It is associated with a deeper muscle (the semispinalis capitis) as the erector spinae group approaches the skull.
The muscles in the erector spinae group are the primary extensors of the vertebral column and head. Acting bilaterally, they straighten the back, returning it to the upright position from a flexed position, and pull the head posteriorly. They also participate in controlling vertebral column flexion by contracting and relaxing in a coordinated fashion. Acting unilaterally, they bend the vertebral column laterally. In addition, unilateral contractions of muscles attached to the head turn the head to the actively contracting side.
The transversospinales muscles run obliquely upward and medially from transverse processes to spinous processes, filling the groove between these two vertebral projections (Fig. 2.51 and Table 2.5). They are deep to the erector spinae and consist of three major subgroups—the semispinalis, multifidus, and rotatores muscles.
The semispinalis muscles are the most superficial collection of muscle fibers in the transversospinales group. These muscles begin in the lower thoracic region and end by attaching to the skull, crossing between four and six vertebrae from their point of origin to point of attachment. Semispinalis muscles are found in the thoracic and cervical regions, and attach to the occipital bone at the base of the skull.
Deep to the semispinalis is the second group of muscles, the multifidus. Muscles in this group span the length of the vertebral column, passing from a lateral point of origin upward and medially to attach to spinous processes and spanning between two and four vertebrae. The multifidus muscles are present throughout the length of the vertebral column but are best developed in the lumbar region.
The small rotatores muscles are the deepest of the transversospinales group. They are present throughout the length of the vertebral column but are best developed in the thoracic region. Their fibers pass upward and medially from transverse processes to spinous processes crossing two vertebrae (long rotators) or attaching to an adjacent vertebra (short rotators).
When muscles in the transversospinales group contract bilaterally, they extend the vertebral column, an action similar to that of the erector spinae group. However, when muscles on only one side contract, they pull the spinous processes toward the transverse processes on that side, causing the trunk to turn or rotate in the opposite direction.
One muscle in the transversospinales group, the semispinalis capitis, has a unique action because it attaches to the skull. Contracting bilaterally, this muscle pulls the head posteriorly, whereas unilateral contraction pulls the head posteriorly and turns it, causing the chin to move superiorly and turn toward the side of the contracting muscle. These actions are similar to those of the upper erector spinae.
The two groups of segmental muscles (Fig. 2.51 and Table 2.6) are deeply placed in the back and innervated by posterior rami of spinal nerves.
The first group of segmental muscles are the levatores costarum muscles, which arise from the transverse processes of vertebrae CVII and TI to TXI. They have an oblique lateral and downward direction and insert into the rib below the vertebra of origin in the area of the tubercle. Contraction elevates the ribs.
The second group of segmental muscles are the true segmental muscles of the back—the interspinales, which pass between adjacent spinous processes, and the intertransversarii, which pass between adjacent transverse processes. These postural muscles stabilize adjoining vertebrae during movements of the vertebral column to allow more effective action of the large muscle groups.
A small group of deep muscles in the upper cervical region at the base of the occipital bone move the head. They connect vertebra CI (the atlas) to vertebra CII (the axis) and connect both vertebrae to the base of the skull. Because of their location they are sometimes referred to as suboccipital muscles (Figs. 2.51 and 2.52 and Table 2.7). They include, on each side: rectus capitis posterior major, rectus capitis posterior minor, obliquus capitis inferior, and obliquus capitis superior.
Contraction of the suboccipital muscles extends and rotates the head at the atlanto-occipital and atlanto-axial joints, respectively.
The suboccipital muscles are innervated by the posterior ramus of the first cervical nerve, which enters the area between the vertebral artery and the posterior arch of the atlas (Fig. 2.52). The vascular supply to the muscles in this area is from branches of the vertebral and occipital arteries.
The suboccipital muscles form the boundaries of the suboccipital triangle, an area that contains several important structures (Fig. 2.52):
The rectus capitis posterior major muscle forms the medial border of the triangle.
The obliquus capitis superior muscle forms the lateral border.The obliquus capitis inferior muscle forms the inferior border.The contents of the suboccipital triangle include: posterior ramus of CI, vertebral artery, and veins
The spinal cord extends from the foramen magnum to approximately the level of the disc between vertebrae LI and LII in adults, although it can end as high as vertebra TXII or as low as the disc between vertebrae LII and LIII (Fig. 2.53). In neonates, the spinal cord extends approximately to vertebra LIII but can reach as low as vertebra LIV. The distal end of the cord (the conus medullaris) is cone shaped. A fine filament of connective tissue (the pial part of the filum terminale) continues inferiorly from the apex of the conus medullaris.
The spinal cord is not uniform in diameter along its length. It has two major swellings or enlargements in regions associated with the origin of spinal nerves that innervate the upper and lower limbs. A cervical enlargement occurs in the region associated with the origins of spinal nerves C5 to T1, which innervate the upper limbs. A lumbosacral enlargement occurs in the region associated with the origins of spinal nerves L1 to S3, which innervate the lower limbs.
The external surface of the spinal cord is marked by a number of fissures and sulci (Fig. 2.54):
The anterior median fissure extends the length of the anterior surface.
The posterior median sulcus extends along the posterior surface.The posterolateral sulcus on each side of the posterior surface marks where the posterior rootlets of spinal nerves enter the cord.
Internally, the cord has a small central canal surrounded by gray and white matter:
The gray matter is rich in nerve cell bodies, which form longitudinal columns along the cord, and in cross section these columns form a characteristic H-shaped appearance in the central regions of the cord.
The white matter surrounds the gray matter and is rich in nerve cell processes, which form large bundles or tracts that ascend and descend in the cord to other spinal cord levels or carry information to and from the brain.
The arterial supply to the spinal cord comes from two sources (Fig. 2.55). It consists of: longitudinally oriented vessels, arising superior to the cervical portion of the cord, which descend on the surface of the cord; and feeder arteries that enter the vertebral canal through the intervertebral foramina at every level; these feeder vessels, or segmental spinal arteries, arise predominantly from the vertebral and deep cervical arteries in the neck, the posterior intercostal arteries in the thorax, and the lumbar arteries in the abdomen.
After entering an intervertebral foramen, the segmental spinal arteries give rise to anterior and posterior radicular arteries (Fig. 2.55). This occurs at every vertebral level. The radicular arteries follow, and supply, the anterior and posterior roots. At various vertebral levels, the segmental spinal arteries also give off segmental medullary arteries (Fig. 2.55). These vessels pass directly to the longitudinally oriented vessels, reinforcing these.
The longitudinal vessels consist of: a single anterior spinal artery, which originates within the cranial cavity as the union of two vessels that arise from the vertebral arteries—the resulting single anterior spinal artery passes inferiorly, approximately parallel to the anterior median fissure, along the surface of the spinal cord; and two posterior spinal arteries, which also originate in the cranial cavity, usually arising directly from a terminal branch of each vertebral artery (the posterior inferior cerebellar artery)—the right and left posterior spinal arteries descend along the spinal cord, each as two branches that bracket the posterolateral sulcus and the connection of posterior roots with the spinal cord.
The anterior and posterior spinal arteries are reinforced along their length by eight to ten segmental medullary arteries (Fig. 2.55). The largest of these is the arteria radicularis magna or the artery of Adamkiewicz (Fig. 2.55). This vessel arises in the lower thoracic or upper lumbar region, usually on the left side, and reinforces the arterial supply to the lower portion of the spinal cord, including the lumbar enlargement.
Veins that drain the spinal cord form a number of longitudinal channels (Fig. 2.56):
Two pairs of veins on each side bracket the connections of the posterior and anterior roots to the cord.
One midline channel parallels the anterior median fissure.One midline channel passes along the posterior median sulcus.These longitudinal channels drain into an extensive internal vertebral plexus in the extradural (epidural) space of the vertebral canal, which then drains into segmentally arranged vessels that connect with major systemic veins, such as the azygos system in the thorax. The internal vertebral plexus also communicates with intracranial veins.
The spinal dura mater is the outermost meningeal membrane and is separated from the bones forming the vertebral canal by an extradural space (Fig. 2.59). Superiorly, it is continuous with the inner meningeal layer of cranial dura mater at the foramen magnum of the skull. Inferiorly, the dural sac dramatically narrows at the level of the lower border of vertebra SII and forms an investing sheath for the pial part of the filum terminale of the spinal cord. This terminal cord-like extension of dura mater (the dural part of the filum terminale) attaches to the posterior surface of the vertebral bodies of the coccyx.
As spinal nerves and their roots pass laterally, they are surrounded by tubular sleeves of dura mater, which merge with and become part of the outer covering (epineurium) of the nerves.
The arachnoid mater is a thin delicate membrane against, but not adherent to, the deep surface of the dura mater (Fig. 2.59). It is separated from the pia mater by the subarachnoid space. The arachnoid mater ends at the level of vertebra SII (see Fig. 2.53).
The subarachnoid space between the arachnoid and pia mater contains CSF (Fig. 2.59). The subarachnoid space around the spinal cord is continuous at the foramen magnum with the subarachnoid space surrounding the brain. Inferiorly, the subarachnoid space terminates at approximately the level of the lower border of vertebra SII (see Fig. 2.53).
Delicate strands of tissue (arachnoid trabeculae) are continuous with the arachnoid mater on one side and the pia mater on the other; they span the subarachnoid space and interconnect the two adjacent membranes. Large blood vessels are suspended in the subarachnoid space by similar strands of material, which expand over the vessels to form a continuous external coat.
The subarachnoid space extends farther inferiorly than the spinal cord. The spinal cord ends at approximately the disc between vertebrae LI and LII, whereas the subarachnoid space extends to approximately the lower border of vertebra SII (see Fig. 2.53). The subarachnoid space is largest in the region inferior to the terminal end of the spinal cord, where it surrounds the cauda equina. As a consequence, CSF can be withdrawn from the subarachnoid space in the lower lumbar region without endangering the spinal cord.
The spinal pia mater is a vascular membrane that firmly adheres to the surface of the spinal cord (Fig. 2.59). It extends into the anterior median fissure and reflects as sleeve-like coatings onto posterior and anterior rootlets and roots as they cross the subarachnoid space. As the roots exit the space, the sleeve-like coatings reflect onto the arachnoid mater.
On each side of the spinal cord, a longitudinally oriented sheet of pia mater (the denticulate ligament) extends laterally from the cord toward the arachnoid and dura mater (Fig. 2.59).
Medially, each denticulate ligament is attached to the spinal cord in a plane that lies between the origins of the posterior and anterior rootlets.
Laterally, each denticulate ligament forms a series of triangular extensions along its free border, with the apex of each extension being anchored through the arachnoid mater to the dura mater.
The lateral attachments of the denticulate ligaments generally occur between the exit points of adjacent posterior and anterior rootlets. The ligaments function to position the spinal cord in the center of the subarachnoid space.
Arrangement of structures in the vertebral canalThe vertebral canal is bordered: anteriorly by the bodies of the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, and posterior longitudinal ligament (Fig. 2.60); laterally, on each side by the pedicles and intervertebral foramina; and posteriorly by the laminae and ligamenta flava, and in the median plane the roots of the interspinous ligaments and vertebral spinous processes.
Between the walls of the vertebral canal and the dural sac is an extradural space containing a vertebral plexus of veins embedded in fatty connective tissue.
The vertebral spinous processes can be palpated through the skin in the midline in thoracic and lumbar regions of the back. Between the skin and spinous processes is a layer of superficial fascia. In lumbar regions, the adjacent spinous processes and the associated laminae on either side of the midline do not overlap, resulting in gaps between adjacent vertebral arches.
When carrying out a lumbar puncture (spinal tap), the needle passes between adjacent vertebral spinous processes, through the supraspinous and interspinous ligaments, and enters the extradural space. The needle continues through the dura and arachnoid mater and enters the subarachnoid space, which contains CSF.
Each spinal nerve is connected to the spinal cord by posterior and anterior roots (Fig. 2.61):
The posterior root contains the processes of sensory neurons carrying information to the CNS—the cell bodies of the sensory neurons, which are derived embryologically from neural crest cells, are clustered in a spinal ganglion at the distal end of the posterior root, usually in the intervertebral foramen.
The anterior root contains motor nerve fibers, which carry signals away from the CNS—the cell bodies of the primary motor neurons are in anterior regions of the spinal cord.
Medially, the posterior and anterior roots divide into rootlets, which attach to the spinal cord.
A spinal segment is the area of the spinal cord that gives rise to the posterior and anterior rootlets, which will form a single pair of spinal nerves. Laterally, the posterior and anterior roots on each side join to form a spinal nerve.
Each spinal nerve divides, as it emerges from an intervertebral foramen, into two major branches: a small posterior ramus and a much larger anterior ramus (Fig. 2.61):
The posterior rami innervate only intrinsic back muscles (the epaxial muscles) and an associated narrow strip of skin on the back.
The anterior rami innervate most other skeletal muscles (the hypaxial muscles) of the body, including those of the limbs and trunk, and most remaining areas of the skin, except for certain regions of the head.
Near the point of division into anterior and posterior rami, each spinal nerve gives rise to two to four small recurrent meningeal (sinuvertebral) nerves (see Fig. 2.59). These nerves reenter the intervertebral foramen to supply dura, ligaments, intervertebral discs, and blood vessels.
All major somatic plexuses (cervical, brachial, lumbar, and sacral) are formed by anterior rami.
Because the spinal cord is much shorter than the vertebral column, the roots of spinal nerves become longer and pass more obliquely from the cervical to coccygeal regions of the vertebral canal (Fig. 2.62).
In adults, the spinal cord terminates at a level approximately between vertebrae LI and LII, but this can range between vertebra TXII and the disc between vertebrae LII and LIII. Consequently, posterior and anterior roots forming spinal nerves emerging between vertebrae in the lower regions of the vertebral column are connected to the spinal cord at higher vertebral levels.
Below the end of the spinal cord, the posterior and anterior roots of lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal nerves pass inferiorly to reach their exit points from the vertebral canal. This terminal cluster of roots is the cauda equina.
Nomenclature of spinal nervesThere are approximately 31 pairs of spinal nerves (Fig. 2.62), named according to their position with respect to associated vertebrae: eight cervical nerves—C1 to C8, twelve thoracic nerves—T1 to T12, five lumbar nerves—L1 to L5, five sacral nerves—S1 to S5, one coccygeal nerve—Co.
The first cervical nerve (C1) emerges from the vertebral canal between the skull and vertebra CI (Fig. 2.63). Therefore cervical nerves C2 to C7 also emerge from the vertebral canal above their respective vertebrae. Because there are only seven cervical vertebrae, C8 emerges between vertebrae CVII and TI. As a consequence, all remaining spinal nerves, beginning with T1, emerge from the vertebral canal below their respective vertebrae.
Surface features of the back are used to locate muscle groups for testing peripheral nerves, to determine regions of the vertebral column, and to estimate the approximate position of the inferior end of the spinal cord. They are also used to locate organs that occur posteriorly in the thorax and abdomen.
Absence of lateral curvaturesWhen viewed from behind, the normal vertebral column has no lateral curvatures. The vertical skin furrow between muscle masses on either side of the midline is straight (Fig. 2.64).
in the sagittal planeWhen viewed from the side, the normal vertebral column has primary curvatures in the thoracic and sacral/coccygeal regions and secondary curvatures in the cervical and lumbar regions (Fig. 2.65). The primary curvatures are concave anteriorly. The secondary curvatures are concave posteriorly.
A number of readily palpable bony features provide useful landmarks for defining muscles and for locating structures associated with the vertebral column. Among these features are the external occipital protuberance, the scapula, and the iliac crest (Fig. 2.66).
The external occipital protuberance is palpable in the midline at the back of the head just superior to the hairline.
The spine, medial border, and inferior angle of the scapula are often visible and are easily palpable.
The iliac crest is palpable along its entire length, from the anterior superior iliac spine at the lower lateral margin of the anterior abdominal wall to the posterior superior iliac spine near the base of the back. The position of the posterior superior iliac spine is often visible as a “sacral dimple” just lateral to the midline.
How to identify specific vertebralIdentification of vertebral spinous processes (Fig. 2.67A) can be used to differentiate between regions of the vertebral column and facilitate visualizing the position of deeper structures, such as the inferior ends of the spinal cord and subarachnoid space.
The spinous process of vertebra CII can be identified through deep palpation as the most superior bony protuberance in the midline inferior to the skull.
Most of the other spinous processes, except for that of vertebra CVII, are not readily palpable because they are obscured by soft tissue.
The spinous process of CVII is usually visible as a prominent eminence in the midline at the base of the neck (Fig. 2.67B), particularly when the neck is flexed.
Extending between CVII and the external occipital protuberance of the skull is the ligamentum nuchae, which is readily apparent as a longitudinal ridge when the neck is flexed (Fig. 2.67C).
Inferior to the spinous process of CVII is the spinous process of TI, which is also usually visible as a midline protuberance. Often it is more prominent than the spinous process of CVII (Fig. 2.67A,B).
The root of the spine of the scapula is at the same level as the spinous process of vertebra TIII, and the inferior angle of the scapula is level with the spinous process of vertebra TVII (Fig. 2.67A).
The spinous process of vertebra TXII is level with the midpoint of a vertical line between the inferior angle of the scapula and the iliac crest (Fig. 2.67A).
A horizontal line between the highest point of the iliac crest on each side crosses through the spinous process of vertebra LIV. The LIII and LV vertebral spinous processes can be palpated above and below the LIV spinous process, respectively (Fig. 2.67A).
The sacral dimples that mark the position of the posterior superior iliac spine are level with the SII vertebral spinous process (Fig. 2.67A).
The tip of the coccyx is palpable at the base of the vertebral column between the gluteal masses (Fig. 2.67A).
The tips of the vertebral spinous processes do not always lie in the same horizontal plane as their corresponding vertebral bodies. In thoracic regions, the spinous processes are long and sharply sloped downward so that their tips lie at the level of the vertebral body below. In other words, the tip of the TIII vertebral spinous process lies at vertebral level TIV.
In lumbar and sacral regions, the spinous processes are generally shorter and less sloped than in thoracic regions, and their palpable tips more closely reflect the position of their corresponding vertebral bodies. As a consequence, the palpable end of the spinous process of vertebra LIV lies at approximately the LIV vertebral level.
Visualizing the inferior ends of the spinal cord and subarachnoid space
The spinal cord does not occupy the entire length of the vertebral canal. Normally in adults, it terminates at the level of the disc between vertebrae LI and LII; however, it may end as high as TXII or as low as the disc between vertebrae LII and LIII. The subarachnoid space ends at approximately the level of vertebra SII (Fig. 2.68A).
Because the subarachnoid space can be accessed in the lower lumbar region without endangering the spinal cord, it is important to be able to identify the position of the lumbar vertebral spinous processes. The LIV vertebral spinous process is level with a horizontal line between the highest points on the iliac crests. In the lumbar region, the palpable ends of the vertebral spinous processes lie opposite their corresponding vertebral bodies. The subarachnoid space can be accessed between vertebral levels LIII and LIV and between LIV and LV without endangering the spinal cord (Fig. 2.68B). The subarachnoid space ends at vertebral level SII, which is level with the sacral dimples marking the posterior superior iliac spines.
A number of intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the back can readily be observed and palpated. The largest of these are the trapezius and latissimus dorsi muscles (Fig. 2.69A and 2.69B). Retracting the scapulae toward the midline can accentuate the rhomboid muscles (Fig. 2.69C), which lie deep to the trapezius muscle. The erector spinae muscles are visible as two longitudinal columns separated by a furrow in the midline (Fig. 2.69A).
Fig. 2.1 Skeletal framework of the back.Fig. 2.2 Curvatures of the vertebral column.Cervical curvature(secondary curvature)Thoracic curvature(primary curvature)Lumbar curvature(secondary curvature)Sacral/coccygeal curvature(primary curvature)Gravity lineConcave primarycurvature of backEarly embryoAdultSomites
Fig. 2.3 Back movements.Fig. 2.4 Nervous system.Fig. 2.5 Vertebrae.Fig. 2.6 A typical vertebra. A. Superior view. B. Lateral view.
Fig. 2.7 Back muscles. A. Extrinsic muscles. B. Intrinsic muscles.
Deep groupSerratus posteriorinferiorSerratus posteriorsuperiorSuboccipitalLevator scapulaeSpleniusRhomboid minorSuperficial groupABIntermediate groupIntrinsic musclesTrue back muscles innervated by posterior rami of spinal nervesRhomboid majorSpinalisIliocostalisErector spinaeLongissimusLatissimusdorsiTrapeziusExtrinsic musclesInnervated by anterior rami of spinal nerves or cranial nerve XI (trapezius)
Fig. 2.8 Vertebral canal.Spinal cordPia materSubarachnoid spaceDura materArachnoid materAnterior ramusPosterior ramusPosition of spinal ganglionTransverseprocessSpinousprocessPosterior longitudinalligamentAnterior internal vertebralvenous plexusIntervertebral discExtradural spaceExtradural fatVertebral body
Fig. 2.9 Spinal nerves (transverse section).Fig. 2.10 Relationships of the back to other regions.Cervical region• supports and moves head• transmits spinal cord and vertebral arteries between head and neck Thoracic region• support for thoraxLumbar region• support for abdomenSacral region• transmits weight to lower limbs through pelvic bones• framework for posterior aspect of pelvisVertebral arteries travelin transverse processes ofC6-C1, then pass throughforamen magnum
Fig. 2.11 Vertebral canal, spinal cord, and spinal nerves.1121110112233445595678412345678123C8T1T2T3T4T5T6T7T8T9T10T11T12L1L2L3L4L5S1S2S3S4S5CoC7C6C5C4Cervicalenlargement(of spinal cord)C2C3C1SubarachnoidspaceLumbosacralenlargement(of spinal cord)Arachnoid materEnd of spinalcord at LI–LIIvertebraeEnd ofsubarachnoidspace–sacralvertebra IIDura materPedicles ofvertebraeSpinalganglion
Fig. 2.12 Intervertebral foramina.Fig. 2.13 Dermatomes innervated by posterior rami of spinal nerves.
C2C3C4T2T3T4T5T6T7T8T9L5S1S2S4S3S5, Co*The dorsal rami of L4 and L5 may not have cutaneousbranches and may therefore not be represented asdermatomes on the backL4L3L2L1T11T12T10
Fig. 2.14 Vertebrae.Fig. 2.15 Radiograph of cervical region of vertebral column. A. Anteroposterior view. B. Lateral view.
ARib IICIISpinous process of CVIIVertebralbody of CIIILocation ofintervertebral discVertebra prominens(spinous process of CVII)Posterior tubercleof CI (atlas)B
Fig. 2.16 Radiograph of thoracic region of vertebral column. A. Anteroposterior view. B. Lateral view.