Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE InvoiceNo. Dated 90,SHRI RAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, 22 24-Aug-22 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, DeliveryNote Mode/Terms ofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV Reference No.& Date. Other References State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail: [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16SAHAJANANDTRADE CENTER Delivery NoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATES,PRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 StateName : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. DUSTCOVER 42021290 51 PCS 75.00PCS 3,825.00 Big 2 CARRYBAG 42021290 25PCS 205.00PCS 5,125.00 Small 3 CARRY BAG 42021290 25 PCS 220.00PCS 5,500.00 Big 14,450.00 CGST 9% 9% 1,300.50 SGST9% 9% 1,300.50 Total 101PCS 17,051.00 Amount Chargeable(inwords) E.&O.E INRSeventeenThousandFiftyOneOnly HSN/SAC Taxable CentralTax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 42021290 14,450.00 9% 1,300.50 9% 1,300.50 2,601.00 Total 14,450.00 1,300.50 1,300.50 2,601.00 TaxAmount(in words):INRTwoThousand SixHundred One Only Company's Bank Details A/cHolder'sName:TANVI ENTERPRISSE BankName :UNION BANK OF INDIA A/c No. :483301010036880 Branch&IFSCode:ODHAVBRANCH&UBIN0548332 Declaration for TANVI ENTERPRISE We declare that thisinvoiceshows the actual priceof the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "22", "InvoiceDate": "24-Aug-22", "InvoiceDueDate" : "" }, "SellerDetails":{ "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRI RAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails":{ "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATES, PRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails":[ { "Description": "DUST COVER Big", "Qty": "51 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "75.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "3,825.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Small", "Qty": "25 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "205.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "5,125.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Big", "Qty": "25 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "220.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "5,500.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "483301010036880", "IFSC": "UBIN0548332" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "14,450.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "2,601.00", "FinalTotal": "17,051.00" } }
COOLTRIPCONSULTANT, 29/13, VANCHINATHN STREET PERAMBUR CHENNAI - 600 011,Tel : 04448586276, Email: [email protected], GSTIN:33AALFC5202H1ZU, DOM. SALES [Original for Recipient] To M/S : UX REACTOR INDIA PVT LTD Doc. No : DS19/220 Date : 19 Jul 2019 Reference: Narration : Mobile No. : Handled By : Emp Code : ProjectCode: GSTIN:36AABCU9451H1Z3 [PLACE OF SUPPLY:TELANGANA] Airline : INDIGO Page No : 1of1 Ticket No./ Passenger Name SAC/ Sector Flight Details BasicFare Taxes& Tot Amount Chrgs 6EGYND6LSUBHRANTAMISHRAMR 998559 2852.00 2006.00 4858.00 PNQ/HYD 6E 587 04Aug2019 6EGYND6L1LUISAFERNANDACASTILLO 998559 2852.00 2006.00 4858.00 HENAOMS PNQ/HYD 6E 587 04Aug2019 6EGYND6L2 SARAHKHALID MS 998559 2852.00 2006.00 4858.00 PNQ/HYD 6E58704Aug2019 Sub Total : 8556.00 6018.00 14574.00 Add: PROCESSING CHARGES(D)1:300.00 Add : IGST CLIENT ON (300.00 @ 18.00%) : 54.00 INR Fourteen Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty Eight only TOTAL: 14928.00 TermsandConditionsE.&O.E ForCOOLTRIPCONSULTANT 1. Payment to be made to the cashier & printed Oofficial Receipt must be obtained. 2.All cheques/demand drafts in payment of billsmust be crossed'A/cPayee Only' and drawn in favour of COOLTRIP CONSULTANT 3.Interest @24%perannum will be chargedon all outstanding billsafter due date. 4. Kindly check all details carefully to avoid un-necessary complications. 5. Subject To CHENNAI Jurisdiction Receiver's Signature Administrator
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "DS19/220", "InvoiceDate": "19 Jul 2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "COOLTRIP CONSULTANT", "SellerAddress": "29/13, VANCHINATHN STREET, PERAMBUR, CHENNAI - 600 011", "SellerTaxNumber": "33AALFC5202H1ZU", "SellerContactNumber": "04448586276", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UX REACTOR INDIA PVT LTD", "ClientAddress": "", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "6E GYND6L SUBHRANTA MISHRA MR", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2852.00", "Tax": "2006.00", "Total_for_each_item": "4858.00" }, { "Description": "6E GYND6L1 LUISA FERNANDA CASTILLO HENAO MS", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2852.00", "Tax": "2006.00", "Total_for_each_item": "4858.00" }, { "Description": "6E GYND6L2 SARAH KHALID MS", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2852.00", "Tax": "2006.00", "Total_for_each_item": "4858.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "14574.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "6018.00", "FinalTotal": "14928.00" } }
Tax Invoice CHNOUOGIES GCTReg #:001-800-086 Suite# 1, 29 Lady Musgrave Road Kingston 10, Jamaica e-mail:[email protected] Date Invoice # Bill To 1/11/2022 6015 GuardsmanSecurityLimited Attn:MrKenton Roberts 2-6South CampRoad Kingston CSO P.O. No. Terms Due Date Rep Ship Date Ship Via Due on receipt 1/11/2022 1/11/2022 Item Qty Description U/M Rate Amount COMDELLAT5.. 1 Dell Latitude 5430 Notebook-Intel Core i5 ea 174,235.00 174,235.00T 15-1235U,8GBMHzDDR4SDRAM,256GB NVM Express(NVMe),Class 35HardDrive, 14inchWidescreenLEDDisplay(1366x768), Windows10Pro,Gigabit Ethernet,Wireless 802.11ac,Bluetooth 5.0,Integrated HD WebCam/Mic,3YearWarranty ACCDELBK-E.. DellEssentialBackpack15-forLaptopsupto ea 5,750.00 5,750.00T 15"(Black) MOULOGM11... Logitech M110 Optical Mouse - 3 buttons, USB ea 1,375.00 1,375.00T (black) MOUKLPKMP... KlipX Gel Mouse Pad-Black(KMP-100B) ea 1,275.00 1,275.00T SBengamn 15/11/2022 Thank you for your business. Subtotal JMD182,635.00 Banking Details: GCT (15.0%) JMD 27,395.25 Bank:First Global Bank Branch:NewKingston (99075) Total JMD 210,030.25 JA$ ChequingA/C#:1026590 US$SavingsA/C#:2406510SwiftCode:FILBJMKN, Payments/Credits JMD0.00 ForInternationaltransfers: Correspondent Bank:Citibank N.A.,Swift:CITIUS33,ABA#:021000089 Balance Due JMD210,030.25
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "6015", "InvoiceDate": "1/11/2022", "InvoiceDueDate": "1/11/2022" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "AVALON TECHNOGIES", "SellerAddress": "Suite# 1, 29 Lady Musgrave Road, Kingston 10, Jamaica", "SellerTaxNumber": "001-800-086", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Guardsman Security Limited", "ClientAddress": "Attn: Mr Kenton Roberts, 2-6 South Camp Road, Kingston CSO", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Dell Latitude 5430 Notebook-Intel Core i5 15-1235U,8GB MHz DDR4 SDRAM, 256GB NVM Express (NVMe), Class 35 Hard Drive, 14 inch Wide screen LED Display (1366x768), Windows 10 Pro, Gigabit Ethernet, Wireless 802.11ac, Bluetooth 5.0, Integrated HD WebCam/Mic 3 Year Warranty", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "ea", "NetPrice": "174,235.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "174,235.00T" }, { "Description": "Dell Essential Backpack 15-for Laptops up to 15" (Black)", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "ea", "NetPrice": "5,750.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "5,750.00T" }, { "Description": "Logitech M110 Optical Mouse - 3 buttons, USB (black)", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "ea", "NetPrice": "1,375.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "1,375.00T" }, { "Description": "KlipX Gel Mouse Pad - Black (KMP-100B)", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "ea", "NetPrice": "1,275.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "1,275.00T" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "1026590", "IFSC": "FILBJMKN" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "JMD182,635.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JMD 27,395.25", "FinalTotal": "JMD 210,030.25" } }
ctum Consul ing VISAS-IMMIGRATION-TRAVEL LEGALNAME SANCTUMBUSINESCONSULTINGPRIVATELIMTED PRE-INVOICE GSTIN 36AAUCS9953R1ZU APPLICANTNAME SUBENDRA AND CHANDRAKANTH INVOICENO SANJUN26-01 UXReactorIndiaPvt Ltd. CLIENT GSTNO. CLIENTCOMPANYNAME: 36AABCU9451H1Z3 1012ti COMPANYADDRESS: KukatpallyHyderabad,500072.Telangana EMAILID [email protected] MOBILENUMBER 7702897596 COUNTRY USA VISACATEGORY BUSINESS LOCATION HYDERABAD CONSULTANTNAME SUDEESH INVOICEDATE 6/26/2019 PAYMENTMODE PARTICULARS NOOFAPPLICANTS CHARGES AMOUNT SANCTUM SERVICECHARGES 2 INR2,800 INR5,600 VISAFEE 0 INRO MISCEXPENSE INRO SUBTOTAL INR5,600 SGST@9%on SanctumServices andMiscExpense INR504 CGST @9% on Sanctum Services and Misc Expense INR504 IGST @18% on Sanctum Services and Misc Expense TOTAL INR6,608 BALANCEDUE INR6,608 TOWIRETRANSFERPLEASEFOLLOWTHEINSTRUCTIONBELOW SANCTUM BUSINESSCONSULTING PRIVATELIMITED ULTIMATEBENEFICIARY CURRENTA/CNO: 914020051940843 IFSCCODE UTIB0000553 BANKNAME AXIS BANK THEBELOWITEMSAREAPPLICABLEPOSTPAYMENT/PROCESSINITIATION. ThefolnmndcndiiontandexclusgreIinaandiscse "CLIENT") forthe Service described inVisaCategory and CountryApplying for part of this invoice(hereinafter called "Service). SANCTUM hereby acknowledges that the terms and conditions herein contandalnifiontn beweenUawhsndioaianolwisigdbtnharfa entirely esthicesn attract additional charges. It would be customers responsibility to get a the documents within the mentioned timeline faling to which the process has to be re-initiated paying additional charges. If ustmflpnds thpiwtindafheviaatawlldndwdeipthaie dfasaydtisleadin andSANCTUMdoesnot benefifromnoris i responsible in any wayfortheseauxliay costs, HoweverthesamewouldbementinedundertheSanctumChargesandwould not bementoned separatly exceptVdalitwataxea Temswilintiaethprocessevaluaionftcaedouent preparatonuorecepffulpayentfthtotalivoiceamounteexlimen entionedininvoiceaspayablein instalmhaifntistandgdnlayltwla phehreayttqutdinthisvictEVCinitentytttaninthoutftpThprinfhaef documentatonasistaneis nonrefundableand no ransferable. hisinvoicefortheService.SANCTUMservicefeeisNon-Refundableevenif theCLIENThasnotavailedanyoftheservice.ChangeinCircumstanceintheapplicationIf theCLIENTchangesthe Cirmstaflisnantaladi incurred. vxgldainsid of invoice is liabletopaytheSANCTUMentireservicefeeanddiferencevisafee[ifany] Passport Collection:The Clients are excepted to collect the passport within 4 days'time from the date its been intimated via Email/Phone that its ready to be picked from our office.Post 4 days Sanctum would charge INR20 foreachday for lockercharges foreachpassport. CourewdifuailfnathrgifnwldCurfthaifay originaldttgrafthrryrilitheanoreirsanral Guarantees:Sanctumoritsconsultantswouldnotguaranteeanyvisaapprovalsnorwouldhaveanyinfuenceonanyconsulatesforanyvisaorotherprocessrelateddecisions.Clientassumestotal reibirfiii availalea flte unterued and eror-fre Generalhinfngazdillrisruthi pevainfflfl venraltwnwia hwevetniltuatetftfthftaeanyreestalaiCltartthsndarld original invoice and copy of ID proof.By accepting this invoice,the CLIENT has read the terms and has accepted the same. 11thFloorMlangowrsPatriaNaarMahauHyrabadangan Phone:040-40141022,40126633,+9190-300-300-88|[email protected]
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "SANJUN26-01", "InvoiceDate": "6/26/2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "SANCTUM BUSINESS CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMTED", "SellerAddress": "11th Floor Mlange Towers Patrika Nagar, Madhapur Hyrabad Telangan- 500081", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AAUCS9953R1ZU", "SellerContactNumber": "040-40141022, 40126633, +9190-300-300-88", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXReactor India Pvt Ltd.", "ClientAddress": "", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "7702897596", "ClientEmail": "[email protected]" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "SANCTUM SERVICECHARGES", "Qty": "2", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,800", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "5,600" }, { "Description": "VISA FEE", "Qty": "0", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "0", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "0" }, { "Description": "MISC EXPENSE", "Qty": "0", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "0", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "0" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "914020051940843", "IFSC": "UTIB0000553" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "5,600", "TotalTaxesAmount": "1,128", "FinalTotal": "6,608" } }
Tax Invoice (TRIPLICATEFORSUPPLIER) FAIZANBAGCENTRE Invoice No. Dated V-4,LATHI BAZAAR,NR.HIGHGRADE MARBLE F-145 2-Sep-21 KANCH NI MASJID JAMALPUR DeliveryNote Mode/Terms of Payment AHMEDABAD GSTIN/UIN: 24ANXPS7768M1ZN Dispatch Doc No. Delivery Note Date State Name:Gujarat, Code:24 Contact:9586480298,9898006192 Dispatched through Destination E-Mail:[email protected] Self Terms of Delivery Buyer (Bill to) TANVIENTERPRISE(Odhav) SHRI RAKHAIL DHANLAXMI CO SOC, 90,OPP C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAV ROAD, Ahmedabad GSTIN/UIN : 24EPJPP1511K1ZV StateName : Gujarat, Code : 24 SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount 1NarrowWovenFabric(5806)C 58063200 93.830KGS 200.00 KGS 18,766.35 SGST 469.16 CGST 469.16 ROUND OFF 0.33 Total 93.830KGS 19,705.00 Amount Chargeable(in words) E.&O.E INRNineteenThousandSevenHundredFiveOnly HSN/SAC Taxable Central Tax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 58063200 18,766.35 2.50% 469.162.50% 469.16 938.32 Total 18,766.35 469.16 469.16 938.32 Tax Amount(in words): INRNine Hundred Thirty Eight and Thirty Two paise Only Company's Bank Details BankName :HDFCBANK A/c No. :50200015832439 Company's PAN :ANXPS7768M Branch&IFS Code:JALARAM MANDIR(PALDI) & HDFC0004227 Declaration for FAIZAN BAG CENTRE We declare that this invoice shows the actual price of the goods described and that all particulars are true and Authorised Signatory SUBJECT TO AHMEDABAD JURISDICTION This is a Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "F-145", "InvoiceDate": "2-Sep-21", "InvoiceDueDate" : "" }, "SellerDetails":{ "SellerName": "FAIZAN BAG CENTRE", "SellerAddress": "V-4, LATHI BAZAAR, NR.HIGHGRADE MARBLE KANCH NI MASJID JAMALPUR AHMEDABAD", "SellerTaxNumber": "24ANXPS7768M1ZN", "SellerContactNumber": "9586480298, 9898006192", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails":{ "ClientName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE (Odhav)", "ClientAddress": "SHRI RAKHAIL DHANLAXMI CO SOC, 90, OPP C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, Ahmedabad", "ClientTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails":[ { "Description": "Narrow Woven Fabric (5806)C", "Qty": "93.830 KGS", "UnitOfMeasure": "KGS", "NetPrice": "200.00", "Tax": "2.50%", "Total_for_each_item": "18,766.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "50200015832439", "IFSC": "JALARAM MANDIR(PALDI) & HDFC0004227" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "18,766.35", "TotalTaxesAmount": "938.32", "FinalTotal": "19,705.00" } }
HYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPRIVATELIMITED ORIGINALFORRECIPIENT HYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPRIVATELIMITED Invoice : HFL-20/2019-20 #1012to #1014,10th floor,Manjeera Trinity Corporate Date : 27/Aug/19 Survey No.1050, Phone 040-23264083 Kukatpally, E-mail [email protected] Hyderabad - 500 072. GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1Z0 Name UXREACTORINDIAPRIVATELIMITED Address #1012to#1014,10thfloor,ManjeeraTrinityCorporate,SurveyNo.1050,Kukatpally City Hyderabad 500072 Contact Phone GSTIN 36AABCU9451H1Z3 Placeof Telangana Supply S.No HSN/SAC Description TOTAL(RS.) 997221 CAM-SFT for the period from 1.09.2019 to 30.09.2019 54,825 SubTotal 54,825 Add: CGST @ 9% 4,934 SGST @ 9% 4,934 Total Tax 9,869 Total 64,694 RupeesSixtyFourThousandSixHundredNinetyFouronly PaymentDetails Bank Details PANNO: AABCH9108G Axis Bank,INDIA Beneficiary Name: HYPERFACTORYIT SERVICESINDIA PRIVATELIMITED Srinagar Colony,Hyderabad GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1Z0 A/cNo:425010200010788 IFS Code:UTIB0000425 ForHYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPRIVATELIMITED Authorised Signatory #1012#0410thFloor,Manjeerarinitorprate,urveyNo1050,Kukaally,Hydrabad500072.langana.
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "HFL-20/2019-20", "InvoiceDate": "27/Aug/19", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "HYPERFACTORY IT SERVICES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "SellerAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th floor, Manjeera Trinity Corporate, Survey No. 1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500 072.", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AABCH9108G1ZO", "SellerContactNumber": "040-23264083", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXREACTOR INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th floor, Manjeera Trinity Corporate, Survey No. 1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500 072", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CAM-SFT for the period from 1.09.2019 to 30.09.2019", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "54,825", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "54,825" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "425010200010788", "IFSC": "UTIB0000425" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "54,825", "TotalTaxesAmount": "9,869", "FinalTotal": "64,694" } }
HYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPRIVATELIMITED ORIGINALFORRECIPIENT HYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPRIVATELIMITED Invoice : HFL-019/2019-20 #1012to #1014,10th floor,Manjeera Trinity Corporate Date : 27/Aug/19 Survey No.1050, Phone 040-23264083 Kukatpally, E-mail [email protected] Hyderabad - 500 072. GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1Z0 Name UXREACTORINDIAPRIVATELIMITED Address #1012to#1014,10thfloor,ManjeeraTrinityCorporate,SurveyNo.1050,Kukatpally City Hyderabad 500072 Contact Phone GSTIN 36AABCU9451H1Z3 Placeof Telangana Supply S.No HSN/SAC Description TOTAL(RS.) 997221 RentalChargesfor theperiodfrom1.09.2019to30.09.2019 4,67,438 SubTotal 4,67,438 Add: CGST @ 9% 42,069 SGST @ 9% 42,069 Total Tax 84,139 Total 5,51,577 RupeesFive lakhFifty OneThousandFiveHundredSeventySevenonly Payment Details BankDetails PANNO: AABCH9108G Axis Bank,INDIA Beneficiary Name: HYPERFACTORYIT SERVICES INDIA PRIVATELIMITED Srinagar Colony,Hyderabad GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1Z0 A/cNo:425010200010788 IFS Code:UTIB0000425 Authorised Signatory #1012t#101410thloor,ManjraTrinityorporatSurveyo1050,ukatally,Hyerabad00072langana
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "HFL-019/2019-20", "InvoiceDate": "27/Aug/19", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "HYPERFACTORY IT SERVICES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "SellerAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th floor, Manjeera Trinity Corporate, Survey No.1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500 072.", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AABCH9108G1Z0", "SellerContactNumber": "040-23264083", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXREACTOR INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th floor, Manjeera Trinity Corporate, Survey No.1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad 500 072", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Rental Charges for the period from 1.09.2019 to 30.09.2019", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "4,67,438", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "4,67,438" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "425010200010788", "IFSC": "UTIB0000425" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "4,67,438", "TotalTaxesAmount": "84,139", "FinalTotal": "5,51,577" } }
***HISTORICAL* Invoice SGAS-IV-000001279 IGLLimited Date 06/02/2021 593-595 Spanish Town Road Page 1 P.O.Box 224 Kingston 11 876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107OLDHOPEROAD 107 OLDHOPE ROAD KINGSTON6 KINGSTON6 Purchase Order No. CustomerID SalespersonID Shipping Method PaymentTerms ReqShipDate Master No. SOG012-000 AREA5-STANN-SABA/R - PICKUP 30DAYS 06/02/2021 1,910,300 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext.Price 1.00 1.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 3,410.00 3,410.00 IGLLimited Subtotal JA$3,410.00 Misc JA$O.00 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Tax JA$O.00 Freight JA$O.00 DELIVERY SLIP#218980 Trade Discount JA$0.00 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$3,410.00
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "SGAS-IV-000001279", "InvoiceDate": "06/02/2021", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGL Limited", "SellerAddress": "593-595 Spanish Town Road, P.O.Box 224, Kingston 11 876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 OLD HOPE ROAD, KINGSTON 6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "3,410.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "3,410.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "JA$3,410.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JA$0.00", "FinalTotal": "JA$3,410.00" } }
COOLTRIP CONSULTANT, 299/92, PAPER MILLS ROAD PERAMBUR,CHENNAI CHENNAI - 600 011,Tel : 04448586276, Email: [email protected], GSTIN:33AALFC5202H1ZU, DOM. SALES [Original for Recipient] To M/S : UX REACTOR INDIA PVT LTD Invoice No : DS19/382 Date : 18 Sep 2019 Reference: Narration : Mobile No. : Handled By : Emp Code : ProjectCode: GSTIN:36AABCU9451H1Z3 [PLACE OFSUPPLY:TELANGANA] Airline : SPICEJET Page No : 1of1 Ticket No./ Passenger Name SAC/ Sector Flight Details Basic Fare Taxes& Tot Amount Chrgs SGBF4FNKKIRANVENKATAKRISHNA 998559 1879.00 1188.00 3067.00 BASAVARAJU MR HYD/TIR SG104723Sep2019 SGBF4FNK1RAJESHKUMAR CHEKKA MR 998559 1879.00 1188.00 3067.00 HYD/TIR SG 1047 23Sep2019 SG BF4FNK2KEERTHI DIRISINAMS 998559 1879.00 1188.00 3067.00 HYD/TIR SG 104723Sep2019 SGBF4FNK3MAITEILIRANIPANDAMS 998559 1879.00 1188.00 3067.00 HYD/TIR SG 1047 23Sep2019 Sub Total : 7516.00 4752.00 12268.00 Add:PROCESSING CHARGES(D)1:400.00 Add : IGST CLIENT ON (400.00 @ 18.00%) : 72.00 INR Twelve Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty only TOTAL: 12740.00 TermsandConditionsE.&O.E ForCOOLTRIPCONSULTANT 1. Payment to be made to the cashier & printed Oofficial Receipt must be obtained. 2.All cheques/demand drafts in payment of billsmust be crossed'A/cPayee Only' and drawn in favour of COOLTRIP CONSULTANT 3.Interest @24%perannum will be chargedon all outstanding billsafter due date. 4. Kindly check all details carefully to avoid un-necessary complications. 5. Subject To CHENNAI Jurisdiction Receiver's Signature LAKSHMI
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "DS19/382", "InvoiceDate": "18 Sep 2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "COOLTRIP CONSULTANT", "SellerAddress": "299/92, PAPER MILLS ROAD PERAMBUR, CHENNAI CHENNAI - 600 011", "SellerTaxNumber": "33AALFC5202H1ZU", "SellerContactNumber": "04448586276", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UX REACTOR INDIA PVT LTD", "ClientAddress": "", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "SG BF4FNK KIRAN VENKATA KRISHNA BASAVARAJU MR", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1879.00", "Tax": "1188.00", "Total_for_each_item": "3067.00" }, { "Description": "SG BF4FNK1 RAJESHKUMAR CHEKKA MR", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1879.00", "Tax": "1188.00", "Total_for_each_item": "3067.00" }, { "Description": "SG BF4FNK2 KEERTHI DIRISINAMS", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1879.00", "Tax": "1188.00", "Total_for_each_item": "3067.00" }, { "Description": "SG BF4FNK3 MAITEILI RANI PANDA MS", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1879.00", "Tax": "1188.00", "Total_for_each_item": "3067.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "12268.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "4752.00", "FinalTotal": "12740.00" } }
Tax Invoice NBOS TechnologiesPvtLtd Invoice No. Dated Plot No7, Jubilee Enclave, 006/2019-20 1-Apr-2019 OPPHitechCityEntrance Mode/Terms of Payment Madhapur,Hyderabad Telangana, 500081 Supplier's Ref. Other Reference(s) GSTIN/UIN: 36AABCV0878K1ZY OfficeRent-Apr State Name:Telangana,Code:36 Buyer's Order No. Dated Buyer UXReactor India Pvt Ltd Terms of Delivery Plot No.7,Jubilee Enclave Hitech City, Hyderabad GSTIN/UIN :36AABCU9451H1Z3 State Name :Telangana,Code :36 SI Description of HSN/SAC Rate per Amount No. Services Office Rents 997212 2,47,665.60 T SGST Output Tax 2 22,289.90 3 CGST Output Tax 22,289.90 Round Off (-)0.40 4 ess: Total 2,92,245.00 Amount Chargeable (in words) E.&O.E INRTwoLakhNinetyTwoThousandTwoHundredFortyFiveOnly Taxable Central Tax State Tax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount Tax Amount 2,47,665.60 9% 22,289.90 9% 22,289.90 44,579.80 Total: 2,47,665.60 22,289.90 22,289.90 44,579.80 Tax Amount (in words) : INRFortyFourThousand Five Hundred SeventyNine and EightypaiseOnly Company's Bank Details Bank Name :AxisBankC/A Remarks: A/c No. :912020058374856 Being invoice raised (4320*57.33) for Apr-19 Branch&IFS Code :Jubilee Hills&UTIB0000030 Declaration for NBOS Technologies Pvt Ltd We declare that thisinvoiceshows theactual priceof thegoodsdescribed and that allparticularsare true and correct. Authorised Signatory SUBJECT TO HYDERABAD JURISDICTION This isa Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "006/2019-20", "InvoiceDate": "1-Apr-2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "NBOS TechnologiesPvtLtd", "SellerAddress": "Plot No7, Jubilee Enclave, OPPHitechCityEntrance, Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500081", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AABCV0878K1ZY", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXReactor India Pvt Ltd", "ClientAddress": "Plot No.7, Jubilee Enclave, Hitech City, Hyderabad", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Office Rents", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,47,665.60", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "2,92,245.00" }, { "Description": "SGST Output Tax", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "22,289.90", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "" }, { "Description": "CGST Output Tax", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "22,289.90", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "" }, ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "912020058374856", "IFSC": "UTIB0000030" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "2,47,665.60", "TotalTaxesAmount": "44,579.80", "FinalTotal": "2,92,245.00" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE InvoiceNo. Dated 90,SHRI RAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, 48 24-Jan-23 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, Delivery Note Mode/Terms ofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV Reference No.& Date. Other References State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail: [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16SAHAJANANDTRADE CENTER Delivery NoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATES,PRITAMNAGAR PALDI,AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 StateName : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. CARRYBAG 42021290 12PCS 215.00PCS 2,580.00 Small SadaYamaha 2 DUST COVER 42021290 20PCS 80.00PCS 1,600.00 Big 3 GitarBelt 20 PCS 40.00PCS 800.00 4,980.00 CGST 9% 9% 448.20 SGST 9% 9% 448.20 Less : ROUNDING OFF (-)0.40 Total 52 PCS 5,876.00 Amount Chargeable (in words) E.&O.E INR Five Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Six Only HSN/SAC Taxable CentralTax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 42021290 4,180.00 9% 376.20 9% 376.20 752.40 800.00 9% 72.00 9% 72.00 144.00 Total 4,980.00 448.20 448.20 896.40 Tax Amount (in words) : INR Eight Hundred Ninety Six and Forty paise Only Company's Bank Details A/cHolder'sName:TANVI ENTERPRISSE BankName :UNION BANK OF INDIA A/c No. :483301010036880 Branch&IFSCode:ODHAVBRANCH&UBIN0548332 Declaration for TANVI ENTERPRISE Wedeclare that thisinvoiceshows the actual priceof the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a ComputerGenerated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "48", "InvoiceDate": "24-Jan-23", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRI RAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATES, PRITAM NAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CARRY BAG Small Sada Yamaha", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "215.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "2,580.00" }, { "Description": "DUST COVER Big", "Qty": "20 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "80.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "1,600.00" }, { "Description": "Gitar Belt", "Qty": "20 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "40.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "800.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "483301010036880", "IFSC": "UBIN0548332" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "4,980.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "896.40", "FinalTotal": "5,876.00" } }
***HISTORICAL*** Invoice STR-INV-000526304 IGLLimited Date 3/9/2019 593-595SpanishTownRoad Page 1 P.O.Box 224 Kingston 11 876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107 OLDHOPE ROAD KENNETHBENJAMIN/VALERIEBROWN KINGSTON6 107OLDHOPEROAD KIRKWILLIAMS-927-8544876-928-2246 KINGSTON6 KIRKWILLIAMS-927-8544 Purchase OrderNo. CustomerID Salesperson ID Shipping Method PaymentTerms ReqShipDate Master No. WOG42-000 AREA1-KGN06 A/R-PICKUP 30DAYS 3/9/2019 1,578,815 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext.Price 6.00 6.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 2,630.00 15,780.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 2,740.00 2,740.00 IGLLimited Subtotal JA$18,520.00 Misc JA$O.00 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Tax JA$O.00 Freight JA$O.00 Dealer(BluePower) Trade Discount JA$0.00 Serial#15648,15757,15785,15758,15716,15773,15679 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$18.520.00
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "STR-INV-000526304", "InvoiceDate": "3/9/2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGL Limited", "SellerAddress": "593-595 Spanish Town Road, P.O. Box 224, Kingston 11 876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 OLD HOPE ROAD, KINGSTON 6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "927-8544", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "6.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,630.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "15,780.00" }, { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,740.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2,740.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "JA$18,520.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JA$0.00", "FinalTotal": "JA$18,520.00" } }
Invoice Page 1 of 1 MBJ Airports Limited REMITTO: Invoice # SIA-162377 MBJ Airports Limited Invoice Date 10/31/2022 IslandMailboxesP.O.Box4000 Agreement # 001513 Montego Bay,Jamaica Contract # MARL3 GCT Tax Reg # 001-705-873, JM Company # 00000378 Total Amount $43,962.58 Mr.Francis Amair Marksman Limited *INTERESTWILLBECHARGEDONALL Lot 1219 Providence Way OVERDUEANDUNPAIDBALANCESON lronshore ACCOUNT. St. James, JM SangsterInternationalAirport Line Description Amount Service Charge PAM Charge $6,816.34 37,146.242 @ $0.1835 $J 2 Variable Utility Fees ($JM)- Recovery -Water & Sewage $37,146.24 Meter #18-15030024 32.2 @ $1,153.61 per M3 (10/01/2022-10/31/2022) Total Amount Due $43,962.58 Invoice #SIA-162377 10/31/2022 Company #00000378 OCTOBER2022
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "SIA-162377", "InvoiceDate": "10/31/2022", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "MBJ Airports Limited", "SellerAddress": "Island Mailboxes P.O.Box 4000, Montego Bay, Jamaica", "SellerTaxNumber": "001-705-873", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Mr. Francis Amair", "ClientAddress": "Marksman Limited, Lot 1219 Providence Way, Ironshore, St. James, JM", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Service Charge PAM Charge", "Qty": "37,146.242", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "$0.1835", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "$6,816.34" }, { "Description": "Variable Utility Fees ($JM) - Recovery - Water & Sewage Meter #18-15030024", "Qty": "32.2", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "$1,153.61", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "$37,146.24" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "$43,962.58", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "$43,962.58" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE InvoiceNo. Dated 90,SHRI RAKHIALDHANLAXMI SOCIETY, 28 30-Sep-22 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, DeliveryNote Mode/TermsofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV ReferenceNo.&Date. Other References State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail:[email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER Delivery NoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATESPRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 State Name : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. CARRYBAG 42021290 12PCS 220.00PCS 2,640.00 2 CARRYBAG 42021290 2PCS 450.00PCS 900.00 HavyBig 3 CARRYBAG 42021290 1 PCS 400.00PCS 400.00 Havy Small DUST COVER 42021290 12 PCS 75.00PCS 900.00 Big 4,840.00 CGST 9% 9% 435.60 SGST 9% 9% 435.60 Less: ROUNDINGOFF (-)0.20 Total 27PCS 5,711.00 Amount Chargeable(in words) E.&O.E INR Five Thousand Seven Hundred Eleven Only HSN/SAC Taxable CentralTax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 42021290 4,840.00 9% 435.60 9% 435.60 871.20 Total 4,840.00 435.60 435.60 871.20 Tax Amount (in words) : INR Eight Hundred Seventy One and Twenty paise Only Company's Bank Details A/c Holder'sName:TANVI ENTERPRISSE BankName : UNION BANK OF INDIA A/c No. :483301010036880 Branch&IFSCode:ODHAV BRANCH&UBIN0548332 Declaration for TANVIENTERPRISE We declare that this invoice shows the actual price of the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "28", "InvoiceDate": "30-Sep-22", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRI RAKHIALDHANLAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATS, PRITAM NAGAR, PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CARRY BAG", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "220.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "2,640.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Havy Big", "Qty": "2 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "450.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "900.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Havy Small", "Qty": "1 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "400.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "400.00" }, { "Description": "DUST COVER Big", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "75.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "900.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "483301010036880", "IFSC": "UBIN0548332" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "4,840.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "871.20", "FinalTotal": "5,711.00" } }
Invoice Page 1 of 1 MBJ Airports Limited REMITTO: Invoice # SIA-162155 MBJ Airports Limited Invoice Date 10/31/2022 Island MailboxesP.O.Box 4000 Agreement # 000393 Montego Bay,Jamaica Contract # GUAR GCT Tax Reg # 001-705-873, JM Company # 00000228 Total Amount $19,890.00 Mr.Sunil Bunsee Guardsman Ltd. *INTEREST WILL BE CHARGED ON ALL Lot 1219 OVERDUEANDUNPAIDBALANCESON Ironshore Industrial Estate ACCOUNT. Montego Bay, JM Sangster International Airport Line Description Amount 1 Clips (Period OCTOBER) $1,200.00 12@ $100.00 $JM 2 3-MonthsID (Period OCTOBER) $7,650.00 17 @ $450.00 $JM 3 One Day ID (Period OCTOBER) $1,840.00 8@ $230.00 $JM 4 PERM ID (Period OCTOBER) $9,200.00 8@ $1,150.00 $JM TotalAmountDue $19,890.00 Invoice #SIA-162155 10/31/2022 Company #00000228 OCTOBER2022
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "SIA-162155", "InvoiceDate": "10/31/2022", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "MBJ Airports Limited", "SellerAddress": "Island Mailboxes P.O.Box 4000 Montego Bay, Jamaica", "SellerTaxNumber": "001-705-873", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Guardsman Ltd.", "ClientAddress": "Lot 1219 Ironshore Industrial Estate Montego Bay, JM", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Clips (Period OCTOBER)", "Qty": "12", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "$100.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "$1,200.00" }, { "Description": "3-MonthsID (Period OCTOBER)", "Qty": "17", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "$450.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "$7,650.00" }, { "Description": "One Day ID (Period OCTOBER)", "Qty": "8", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "$230.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "$1,840.00" }, { "Description": "PERM ID (Period OCTOBER)", "Qty": "8", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "$1,150.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "$9,200.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "$19,890.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "$19,890.00" } }
INVOICE #ASPL2021-21/07/2021 UNPAID AddonSolutionsPvtLtd. Bill To 92SarovarComplex,B/HSamudraAnnexure,C.G.Road Aspire SoftServ Pvt. Ltd. Navarangpura 202,2nd Floor,Parishram Complex, Ahmedabad Gujarat Mithakhali SixRoads, India380009 Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380009 GST No.24AAGCA7161H1ZS Ahmedabad Gujarat IN380009 VAT Number:24AAQCA1169D1ZU Invoice Date: 2021-07-14 Due Date: 2021-07-17 Item Qty Rate Tax Amount Software Consulting 160 852.00 SGST9% 136,320.00 Dedicated Developer June 2021 9.00% Hours: 160 C GST 9% Rate:$12USDPerHour/INR(12*71=852) 9.00% Sub Total 136,320.00 S GST 9% (9.00%) 12,268.80 C GST 9% (9.00%) 12,268.80 Total 160,857.60 OfflinePayment Kotak Bank Addon Solutions Pvt Ltd. BankAccount Name:AddonSolutionsPvt.Ltd Bank Account Number:0111221271 SWIFT CODE:KKBKINBB IFSC:KKBK0000812 BankName:KotakMahindraBankLtd. Bank Address : Grnd. Floor, Chandan House, Opp. Abhijeet Ill, Near Mithakali Six Roads, Navarangpura, Ahmedabad-380009,India
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "#ASPL2021-21/07/2021", "InvoiceDate": "2021-07-14", "InvoiceDueDate": "2021-07-17" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "Addon Solutions Pvt Ltd.", "SellerAddress": "92 Sarovar Complex, B/H Samudra Annexure, C.G.Road Navrangpura, Ahmedabad Gujarat India 380009", "SellerTaxNumber": "24AAGCA7161H1ZS", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Aspire SoftServ Pvt. Ltd.", "ClientAddress": "202, 2nd Floor, Parishram Complex, Mithakhali SixRoads, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380009", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Software Consulting", "Qty": 160, "UnitOfMeasure": "Hours", "NetPrice": 852.00, "Tax": "S GST 9%", "Total_for_each_item": 136,320.00 } "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "0111221271", "IFSC": "KKBK0000812" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "136,320.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "24,537.60", "FinalTotal": "160,857.60" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE InvoiceNo. Dated 90,SHRI RAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, 40 7-Dec-22 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, DeliveryNote Mode/Terms ofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV Reference No.& Date. Other References State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail: [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16SAHAJANANDTRADECENTER Delivery NoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATES,PRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 State Name : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. CARRYBAG 42021290 12 PCS 230.00PCS 2,760.00 BigSadaCasio 2 DUST COVER 42021290 35PCS 80.00PCS 2,800.00 Big 5,560.00 CGST 9% 9% 500.40 SGST 9% 9% 500.40 ROUNDINGOFF 0.20 Total 47PCS 6,561.00 Amount Chargeable(inwords) E.&O.E INR Six Thousand Five Hundred Sixty One Only HSN/SAC Taxable CentralTax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 42021290 5,560.00 9% 500.40 9% 500.40 1,000.80 Total 5,560.00 500.40 500.40 1,000.80 Tax Amount (in words) : INR One Thousand and Eighty paise Only Company's Bank Details A/cHolder'sName:TANVI ENTERPRISSE BankName :UNION BANK OF INDIA A/c No. :483301010036880 Branch&IFSCode:ODHAVBRANCH&UBIN0548332 Declaration for TANVI ENTERPRISE We declare that this invoice shows the actual price of the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "#ASPL2021-21/07/2021", "InvoiceDate": "2021-07-14", "InvoiceDueDate": "2021-07-17" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "Addon Solutions Pvt Ltd.", "SellerAddress": "92 Sarovar Complex, B/H Samudra Annexure, C.G.Road Navrangpura, Ahmedabad Gujarat India 380009", "SellerTaxNumber": "24AAGCA7161H1ZS", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Aspire SoftServ Pvt. Ltd.", "ClientAddress": "202, 2nd Floor, Parishram Complex, Mithakhali SixRoads, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380009", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Software Consulting", "Qty": 160, "UnitOfMeasure": "Hours", "NetPrice": 852.00, "Tax": "S GST 9%", "Total_for_each_item": 136,320.00 } "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "0111221271", "IFSC": "KKBK0000812" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "136,320.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "24,537.60", "FinalTotal": "160,857.60" } }
DIGITALINFORMATICS B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD Pin Code:380007 Phone No.:, Website:[email protected] Invoice GSTIN Number :24ACXPS7063A1ZB Transportation Mode TaxIsPayableOnReverse Charge : NO Veh.No InvoiceSerial Number :GST/000200 Date & Time Of Supply : 03/02/2021 InvoiceDate :03/02/2021 Place Of Supply Details Of Receiver (Billed To) Details Of Consignee (Shipped To) Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Address :202,2ND FLOOR,PARISHRAM,5BRASMI Address : 202, 2ND FLOOR, PARISHRAM, 5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, City-State : AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT State :GUJARAT State Code : 24 StateCode : 24 GSTIN Number :24AAQCA1169D1ZU GSTIN Number : 24AAQCA1169D1ZU Sr. Description HSN Qty UOM Rate Total Discount Taxable CGST SGST IGST No ofGoods ISAC Value Code Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount LAPTOP REPAIRING 998713 1.00|NUMBER 5593.22 5593.22 0.00 5593.22 9.00 503.39 9.00 503.39 0.00 PNY 240 GB SSD 8523 1.00|NUMBER 2711.86 2711.86 0.00 2711.86 9.00 244.07 9.00 244.07 0.00 8305.08 0.00 8305.08 747.46 747.46 0.00 Taxable CGST SGST IGST Total TaxableAmount 8305.08 Value Tax Amount Tax Amount Tax Amount Total GST 1494.92 8305.08 9.00 % 747.46 9.00 % 747.46 0.00 % 0.00 Total 747.46 747.46 0.00 GrossAmount 9800.00 Round Off 0.00 RUPEES NINE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED ONLY Net Amount 9800.00 Today OutStanding: 2250.00 Current Bill Amount: 9800.00 Total OutStanding: 12050.00 Term&Condition Electronic Reference Number 1.PAYMENTBYA/CPAYEESCHEQUE 2. PAYMENT MADE AFTER DUE DATE WILL BEAR 18% INTEREST PER ANNUM. DIGITALINFORMATICS 3. ALL TRANSACTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO AHMEDABAD JURISDICTION. 4. MATERIAL ONCE SOLD WILL NOT BE TAKEN BACK. Signature: 5.SUPPLIESCOMPUTERPARTSONLY.NOSOFTWARESERVICE CONTEMPTED. Authorised Signature Name 6. WARRANTYAS PER SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER/ DISTRIBUTORS. Designation 7.HDFCBANK-VEJALPURBRANCH-A/CNO:00482560005602IFSC:HDFC0000048 ASPIRESOFTSERVE PRIVATELIMITED RegisterAddress: B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI, Receiver Signatory AHMEDABAD-380007Phone No.:9227172900,9825154848
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "GST/000200", "InvoiceDate": "03/02/2021", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "DIGITALINFORMATICS", "SellerAddress": "B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD", "SellerTaxNumber": "24ACXPS7063A1ZB", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "202,2ND FLOOR,PARISHRAM,5BRASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI,AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LAPTOP REPAIRING", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "5593.22", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "5593.22" }, { "Description": "PNY 240 GB SSD", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "2711.86", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2711.86" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "8305.08", "TotalTaxesAmount": "747.46", "FinalTotal": "9800.00" } }
365 Admin Support 83231/B/86 ADMIN Sri Krishna Nagar, Yosufguda SUPPORT Hyderabad,Telangana-500045India TAX INVOICE GSTIN36AWOPT5755F1ZW +919849028683 E-mail [email protected] :INV-104 Place Of Supply : Telangana (36) InvoiceDate :15/05/2019 Terms :NET0 DueDate :15/05/2019 Bill To Ship To UXREACTORINDIAPRIVATELIMITED UXREACTORINDIA PRIVATELIMITED Opp.Hitex Entrance, Laxmi Cyber City, 7, Hitech CityRd,Jubilee Enclave, HITEC City, Hyderabad, Telangana 500081 GSTIN-36AABCU9451H1Z3 +919849028683 CGST SGST # Item & Description Qty Rate % Amt % Amt Amount TP-Link Wireless AC1750 DB Gig 2.00 6,300.00 9% 1,134.00 9% 1,134.00 12,600.00 Router SubTotal 12,600.00 Total InWords CGST9 (9%) 1,134.00 Rupeesfourteen thousand eight hundred sixty-eight SGST9 (9%) 1,134.00 Total 14,868.00 Dear Sir,we thank you forenquiryforsupply of Goods andServices.We Balance Due 14,868.00 trust you willfind ourquotation in line to meet yourrequirement and look forward to receive orders on us for prompt compliance. BankDetails Naveen Sales And services A/cNo:000663300002469 IFC CODE:YESB0000006 Branch:SOMAJIGUDA Authorized Signature Terms&Conditions TERMS&CONDITIONS 01. Warranty: 02. Validity:10 days 03. Payment:75%Advance and total balance should be cleared after the Delivery. 04. Delivery:Ex-stock 05. Taxes :GSTInclusive
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "INV-104", "InvoiceDate": "15/05/2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "15/05/2019" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "365 Admin Support", "SellerAddress": "Sri Krishna Nagar, Yosufguda Hyderabad, Telangana-500045 India", "SellerTaxNumber": "GSTIN36AWOPT5755F1ZW", "SellerContactNumber": "+919849028683", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXREACTOR INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "Opp.Hitex Entrance, Laxmi Cyber City, 7, Hitech CityRd, Jubilee Enclave, HITEC City, Hyderabad, Telangana 500081", "ClientTaxNumber": "GSTIN-36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "TP-Link Wireless AC1750 DB Gig Router", "Qty": "2.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "6,300.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "12,600.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "000663300002469", "IFSC": "YESB0000006" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "12,600.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "2,268.00", "FinalTotal": "14,868.00" } }
Tax Invoice NBOSTechnologiesPvtLtd Invoice No. Dated Plot No7, Jubilee Enclave, 094/2018-19 1-Feb-2019 OPP Hitech City Entrance Delivery Note Mode/Terms of Payment Madhapur, Hyderabad Telangana, 500081 Telangana -500081, India Despatch Document No. Delivery NoteDate GSTIN/UIN:36AABCV0878K1ZY State Name:Telangana,Code:36 Despatched through Destination Buyer UXReactor India Pvt Ltd Terms of Delivery Plot No. 7, Jubilee Enclave Hitech City,Hyderabad Telangana-,India GSTIN/UIN : 36AABCU9451H1Z3 State Name : Telangana, Code : 36 Particulars HSN/SAC GST Amount Rate Lift AMC 0 % 10,461.00 SGST Output Tax 941.49 CGST Output Tax 941.49 Round Off 0% 0.02 Total 12,344.00 Amount Chargeable (in words) E.&O.E INRTwelveThousandThreeHundred FortyFourOnly HSN/SAC Taxable Central Tax State Tax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 10,461.00 0% 0% Total 10,461.00 Tax Amount (in words) : NIL Remarks: Being invoice raised (4320*41.89) for Feb-19 for NBOS Technologies Pvt Ltd Authorised Signatory SUBJECT TO HYDERABAD JURISDICTION This isa Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "094/2018-19", "InvoiceDate": "1-Feb-2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "NBOS Technologies Pvt Ltd", "SellerAddress": "Plot No7, Jubilee Enclave, OPP Hitech City Entrance, Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500081", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AABCV0878K1ZY", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXReactor India Pvt Ltd", "ClientAddress": "Plot No. 7, Jubilee Enclave, Hitech City, Hyderabad, Telangana-, India", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Lift AMC", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "10,461.00", "Tax": "0%", "Total_for_each_item": "10,461.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "10,461.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "1,882.98", "FinalTotal": "12,344.00" } }
DIGITALINFORMATICS B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD Pin Code:380007 Phone No.:, Website:[email protected] Invoice GSTIN Number :24ACXPS7063A1ZB Transportation Mode TaxIsPayable On Reverse Charge : NO Veh.No InvoiceSerial Number :GST/000015 Date &Time Of Supply : 17/05/2021 InvoiceDate :17/05/2021 Place Of Supply Details Of Receiver (Billed To) Details Of Consignee (Shipped To) Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Address :202,2ND FLOOR,PARISHRAM,5BRASMI Address :202,2ND FLOOR,PARISHRAM,5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, City-State : AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT State :GUJARAT State Code : 24 StateCode : 24 GSTIN Number :24AAQCA1169D1ZU GSTIN Number : 24AAQCA1169D1ZU Sr. Description HSN Qty UOM Rate Total Discount Taxable CGST SGST IGST No ofGoods ISAC Value Code Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount ADATA 240GB SSD 8523 1.00|NUMBER 2669.49 2669.49 0.00 2669.49 9.00 240.25 9.00 240.25 0.00 DRIVE LAPTOP 8473 1.00|NUMBER 381.36 381.36 0.00 381.36 9.00 34.32 9.00 34.32 0.00 ACCESSORIES-8473 3050.85 0.00 3050.85 274.57 274.57 0.00 Taxable CGST SGST IGST TotalTaxableAmount 3050.85 Value Tax Amount Tax Amount Tax Amount Total GST 549.14 3050.85 9.00 % 274.57 9.00 % 274.57 0.00 % 0.00 Total 274.57 274.57 0.00 Gross Amount 3599.99 Round Off 0.01 RUPEES THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED ONLY Net Amount 3600.00 Term&Condition Electronic Reference Number 1.PAYMENTBYA/CPAYEESCHEQUE. 2. PAYMENT MADE AFTER DUE DATE WILL BEAR 18% INTEREST PER ANNUM. DIGITALINFORMATICS 3. ALL TRANSACTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO AHMEDABAD JURISDICTION. 4. MATERIAL ONCE SOLD WILL NOT BE TAKEN BACK. Signature: 5.SUPPLIES COMPUTER PARTS ONLY.NO SOFTWARESERVICE CONTEMPTED. AuthorisedSignatureName 6.WARRANTYASPERSPECIFIEDBYMANUFACTURER/ DISTRIBUTORS. Designation 7.HDFCBANK-VEJALPURBRANCH-A/CNO:00482560005602IFSC:HDFC0000048 ASPIRESOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED RegisterAddress: B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI, Receiver Signatory AHMEDABAD-380007 Phone No.:9227172900,9825154848
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "GST/000015", "InvoiceDate": "17/05/2021", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "DIGITALINFORMATICS", "SellerAddress": "B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD", "SellerTaxNumber": "24ACXPS7063A1ZB", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "202,2ND FLOOR,PARISHRAM,5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "ADATA 240GB SSD DRIVE", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "2669.49", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2669.49" }, { "Description": "LAPTOP ACCESSORIES-8473", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "381.36", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "381.36" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "3050.85", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "3600.00" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE InvoiceNo. Dated 90,SHRI RAKHIALDHANLAXMI SOCIETY, 32 20-Oct-22 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, DeliveryNote Mode/Terms of Payment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV Reference No.&Date. Other References State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail: [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER DeliveryNoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATES,PRITAMNAGAR PALDI , AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 StateName : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. CARRYBAG 42021290 12 PCS 205.00PCS 2,460.00 Small 2 CARRYBAG 42021290 12PCS 270.00PCS 3,240.00 Gitar 5,700.00 CGST9% 9% 513.00 SGST 9% 9% 513.00 Total 24PCS 6,726.00 AmountChargeable(inwords) E.&O.E INRSixThousandSevenHundredTwentySixOnly HSN/SAC Taxable CentralTax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 42021290 5,700.00 9% 513.00 9% 513.00 1,026.00 Total 5,700.00 513.00 513.00 1,026.00 Tax Amount (in words) : INR One Thousand Twenty Six Only Company's Bank Details A/cHolder'sName:TANVI ENTERPRISSE BankName : UNION BANK OF INDIA A/c No. :483301010036880 Branch&IFS Code:ODHAV BRANCH&UBIN0548332 Declaration for TANVI ENTERPRISE We declare that this invoice shows the actual price of the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "32", "InvoiceDate": "20-Oct-22", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRI RAKHIALDHANLAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAVROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATES, PRITAMNAGAR, PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CARRY BAG Small", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "205.00", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "2,460.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Gitar", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "270.00", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "3,240.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "483301010036880", "IFSC": "UBIN0548332" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "5,700.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "1,026.00", "FinalTotal": "6,726.00" } }
***HISTORICAL* Invoice SGAS-INV-60506 IGLLimited Date 04/25/2020 593-595 Spanish Town Road Page 1 P.O.Box 224 Kingston 11 876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107 OLDHOPEROAD 107 OLDHOPE ROAD KINGSTON6 KINGSTON6 Purchase OrderNo. CustomerID SalespersonID Shipping Method PaymentTerms ReqShipDate Master No. SOG012-000 AREA5-STANN-SABA/R - PICKUP 30DAYS 04/25/2020 1,700,745 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext. Price 1.00 1.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 2,785.00 2,785.00 IGLLimited Subtotal JA$2,785.00 Misc JA$O.00 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Tax JA$O.00 Freight JA$O.00 Trade Discount JA$0.00 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$2,785.00
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "SGAS-INV-60506", "InvoiceDate": "04/25/2020", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGL Limited", "SellerAddress": "593-595 Spanish Town Road, P.O. Box 224, Kingston 11 876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 OLDHOPE ROAD, KINGSTON 6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,785.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2,785.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "JA$2,785.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JA$O.00", "FinalTotal": "JA$2,785.00" } }
TAXINVOICE-SALES (ORIGINALFORRECIPIENT) SRI SATYA TECHNOLOGIES Invoice No Dated Flat355C-Block,ChenoyTradeCentr SST/19-20/1753 Parklane,SECUNDERBAD-50003 16-Sep-2019 040-66812999,66813999,66900555 DeliveryNote Mode/Terms of Payment 66904665,9849055569,9849055596 GSTIN/UIN:36AFKPD6156R1ZT State Name : Telangana, Code:36 Supplier's Ref. Other Reference(s) E-Mail:[email protected] Buyer Buyer's Order No. Dated Ux Reactor INDIA P LTD #1012,to #1014,10th Floor,Manjeera Trinity Despatch Document No. Delivery Note Date SurveyNo:1050,Kukatpally,Hyderabad-500072 089156983 Despatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN 36AABCU9451H1Z3 State Name :Telangana,Code:36 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC GST Quantity Rate per Amount No. Rate Brother Drum Unit DR-2365 84439959 18% 2,950.00NOS 1.0NOS 2,950.00 CGST 265.50 SGST 265.50 Total 1.0NOS Amount Chargeable (in words) 3,481.00 INR Three Thousand Four Hundred Eighty One Only E.&O.E HSN/SAC Taxable Central Tax State Tax Total 84439959 Value Rate Amount RateAmount TaxAmount 2,950.00 265.50 9% 9% 265.50 531.00 Total 2,950.00 265.50 265.50 531.00 Tax Amount (in words):INR Five Hundred Thirty One Only Company's Bank Details Bank Name Company's PAN Dena Bank :AFKPD6156R A/cNo. 015913023758 Declaration Branch & IFS Code:M.G.Road Secunderabad DN0610159 1) we declare that in this invoice,the details given are true & correct2) warraty from the manufacturing company only.3)goods once sold will not be taken back are exchanged 4)24%intrest per anuam will be charged beyond the payment due date.5) loss or damge of goods in transport is at partys risk.6)customers are requested to declare correct GST numbers at the time of sale.7) s450idtqltmy OGIES ignatory SUBJECT TO HYDERBAD JURISDICTION This is a Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "SST/19-20/1753", "InvoiceDate": "16-Sep-2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "SRI SATYA TECHNOLOGIES", "SellerAddress": "Flat 355C-Block, Chenoy Trade Center, Parklane, SECUNDERBAD-50003", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AFKPD6156R1ZT", "SellerContactNumber": "040-66812999, 66813999, 66900555, 66904665, 9849055569, 9849055596", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Ux Reactor INDIA P LTD", "ClientAddress": "#1012, to #1014, 10th Floor, Manjeera Trinity, Survey No: 1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500072", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "089156983", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Brother Drum Unit DR-2365", "Qty": "1.0 NOS", "UnitOfMeasure": "NOS", "NetPrice": "2,950.00", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "2,950.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "015913023758", "IFSC": "DN0610159" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "2,950.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "531.00", "FinalTotal": "3,481.00" } }
DAYAKARELECTRICAI Engineers&Contractors Licenced'A'GradeElectrical Govt.Approved PlatNo.1-42/PE/21/A,BachpanSchool Lane,PragathiEnclave,Miyapur,Hyderabad. Ph:9848160130,83418899351E-mail:[email protected] DAYAKARELECTRICAL TAXINVOICE Original for Recipient InvoiceNo: 67 Date: 28.06.2019 InvoiceFrom: Invoiceto: DAYAKARELECTRICAL, UXReactor, H.NO.1-42/PE/21/A,BachpanSchool Lane, Hyderabad. Pragathi Enclave,Miyaur, Hyderabad. GSTIN:36AQMPA8198F2ZH GSTIN:36AABCU9451H1Z3. PAN:AQMPA8198F State:TELANGANA State:Telangana StateCode:36 StateCode:36 S.No. Description SACCode Qnty Rate Amount (INR) Bill forAMCworks 995416 4,500 CGST@9% 405 SGST @ 9% 405 Total InvoiceValue 5,310 InWords: Fivethousand threehundred andtenrupeesonly PLEASENOTEOURBANKDETAILSFORELECTRONICTRANSFERS Beneficiary'sName :DAYAKARELECTRICAL BankName :KARUR VYSYA BANK AccountNumber :1484135000003784 IFSCCode :KVBL0001484 Branch&Address :MIYAPUR.
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "67", "InvoiceDate": "28.06.2019", "InvoiceDueDate" : "" }, "SellerDetails":{ "SellerName": "DAYAKAR ELECTRICAL", "SellerAddress": "H.NO.1-42/PE/21/A, Bachpan School Lane, Pragathi Enclave, Miyapur, Hyderabad.", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AQMPA8198F2ZH", "SellerContactNumber": "9848160130,83418899351", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails":{ "ClientName": "UXReactor", "ClientAddress": "Hyderabad.", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3.", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails":[ { "Description": "Bill for AMC works", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "4,500", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "1484135000003784", "IFSC": "KVBL0001484" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "4,500", "TotalTaxesAmount": "810", "FinalTotal": "5,310" } }
TAXINVOICE-SALES (DUPLICATEFOR TRANSPORTER) SRI SATYA TECHNOLOGIES Invoice No. Dated Flat355C-Block,ChenoyTrade Center SST/18-19/1268 Parklane,SECUNDERBAD-50003 30-Aug-2018 040-66812999,66813999,66900555 Delivery Note Mode/TermsofPayment 66904665,9849055569,9849055596 GSTIN/UIN:36AFKPD6156R1ZT Supplier's Ref. State Name: Telangana,Code:36 Other Reference(s) E-Mail:[email protected] Buyer Buyer's Order No. Dated Ux Reactor INDIA P LTD PLOTNO:7JUBLIEEENCLAVE,OPPHITECHMADHAPUR Despatch Document No. Delivery Note Date HYDERABAD-500081 GSTIN/UIN :36AABCU9451H1Z3 Despatched through State Name Destination :Telangana,Code:36 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC GST Quantity Rate No. per Amount Rate BROTHER TONER CARTRIDGE TN-261 84439959 18 % CYAN (TN-261 CYAN) 1.0NO 3,389.83 NO 3,389.83 BROTHER TONER CARTIDGE TN-261 84439959 18% 1.0NO 3,389.83 MEGENTA(TN-261 MEGENTA) NO 3,389.83 6,779.66 SGST CGST 610.16 ROUNDED OFF TO(Plus Or Minus) 610.16 0.02 Total 2.0NO Amount Chargeable (in words) 8,000.00 INR Eight Thousand Only E.&O.E HSN/SAC Taxable Central Tax StateTax Total Value 84439959 Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 6,779.66 9% 610.16 9% 610.16 1,220.32 Total 6,779.66 610.16 610.16 Tax Amount (in words):INR One Thousand Two Hundred Twenty and Thirty Two paise Only 1,220.32 Company's Bank Details Bank Name :Dena Bank Company's PAN A/cNo. :AFKPD6156R 015913023758 : Branch &IFS Code:M.G.Road Secunderabad &BKDN0610159 Declaration We declare that this invoice shows the aetual price of the forSRI SATYA TECHNOLOGIES goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a Computer Generated lnvoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "SST/18-19/1268", "InvoiceDate": "30-Aug-2018", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "SRI SATYA TECHNOLOGIES", "SellerAddress": "Flat 355C-Block, Chenoy Trade Center, Parklane, SECUNDERBAD-50003", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AFKPD6156R1ZT", "SellerContactNumber": "040-66812999, 66813999, 66900555, 66904665, 9849055569, 9849055596", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Ux Reactor INDIA P LTD", "ClientAddress": "PLOT NO: 7 JUBLIEE ENCLAVE, OPPHITECH MADHAPUR, HYDERABAD-500081", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "BROTHER TONER CARTRIDGE TN-261 CYAN (TN-261 CYAN)", "Qty": "1.0 NO", "UnitOfMeasure": "NO", "NetPrice": "3,389.83", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "3,389.83" }, { "Description": "BROTHER TONER CARTIDGE TN-261 MEGENTA (TN-261 MEGENTA)", "Qty": "1.0 NO", "UnitOfMeasure": "NO", "NetPrice": "3,389.83", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "3,389.83" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "015913023758", "IFSC": "BKDN0610159" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "6,779.66", "TotalTaxesAmount": "1,220.32", "FinalTotal": "8,000.00" } }
D DAYAIARELECTRICAI F Engineers& Contractors Licenced'A'Grade Electrical Govt.Approved Plat No.1-42/PE/21/A,BachpanSchoolLane,PragathiEnclave,Miyapur,Hyderabad Ph:9848160130,83418899351E-mail:[email protected] DAYAKARELECTRICAL TAXINVOICE Original for Recipient Invoice No: 76 Date: 25.07.2019 Invoice From: Invoice to: DAYAKARELECTRICAL, UXReactor, H.NO.1-42/PE/21/A,Bachpan School Lane, Hyderabad. Pragathi Enclave,Miyapu, Hyderabad. GSTIN:36AQMPA8198F2ZH GSTIN:36AABCU9451H1Z3. PAN:AQMPA8198F State:TELANGANA State:Telangana State Code:36 StateCode:36 S.No. Description SACCode Qnty Rate Amount (INR) 995416 Bill forAMCworks 4,500 CGST @9% 405 SGST@9% 405 TotalInvoiceValue 5,310 InWords: Five thousand threehundred and tenrupees only PLEASENOTEOURBANKDETAILSFORELECTRONICTRANSFERS Beneficiary'sName :DAYAKARELECTRICAL BankName :KARURVYSYA BANK AccountNumber :1484135000003784 IFSCCode :KVBL0001484 Branch&Address :MIYAPUR.
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "76", "InvoiceDate": "25.07.2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "DAYAKAR ELECTRICAL", "SellerAddress": "H.NO.1-42/PE/21/A, Bachpan School Lane, Pragathi Enclave, Miyapur, Hyderabad", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AQMPA8198F2ZH", "SellerContactNumber": "9848160130,8341889935", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXReactor", "ClientAddress": "Hyderabad", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Bill for AMC works", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "4,500", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "4,500" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "1484135000003784", "IFSC": "KVBL0001484" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "4,500", "TotalTaxesAmount": "810", "FinalTotal": "5,310" } }
***HISTORICAL*** Invoice STR-INV-000526304 IGLLimited Date 3/9/2019 593-595SpanishTownRoad Page 1 P.O.Box 224 Kingston 11 876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107 OLDHOPE ROAD KENNETHBENJAMIN/VALERIEBROWN KINGSTON6 107OLDHOPEROAD KIRKWILLIAMS-927-8544876-928-2246 KINGSTON6 KIRKWILLIAMS-927-8544 Purchase OrderNo. CustomerID Salesperson ID Shipping Method PaymentTerms ReqShipDate Master No. WOG42-000 AREA1-KGN06 A/R-PICKUP 30DAYS 3/9/2019 1,578,815 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext.Price 6.00 6.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 2,630.00 15,780.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 2,740.00 2,740.00 IGLLimited Subtotal JA$18,520.00 Misc JA$O.00 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Tax JA$O.00 Freight JA$O.00 Dealer(BluePower) Trade Discount JA$0.00 Serial#15648,15757,15785,15758,15716,15773,15679 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$18.520.00
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "STR-INV-000526304", "InvoiceDate": "3/9/2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGL Limited", "SellerAddress": "593-595 Spanish Town Road, P.O. Box 224, Kingston 11 876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 OLD HOPE ROAD, KINGSTON 6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "927-8544 876-928-2246", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "6.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,630.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "15,780.00" }, { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,740.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2,740.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "JA$18,520.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JA$O.00", "FinalTotal": "JA$18,520.00" } }
Debit Memo II A ZII Original A TOZTRADING&SALESAGENCIES CHAINSLIDER,PPTAPE&ROWMATERIALS AtoZ 532 KANSARA POLE, NR KALUPUR POLICE STATION,AHMEDABAD.380001 Contact No.:9979932872 TAX INVOICE GST N0.:24APCPB8475R1ZD M/s. TANVI ENTERPRISE Fin. Year 2022-23 ODHAVROADAHMEDABAD, AHMEDABAD. Gujarat. Invoice No. AAA / 128 Date 16/05/2022 GSTIN 24EPJPP1511K1ZV Contact No.:0 StateCode 24 /PAN Sr. Particulars HSN / Unit Taxable GST Total Amount Qty. Rate No. SAC Amount (%) ZIP SLIDER (000295) 96072000 5,538 PCS 3.16 17500.08 12.00 19600.09 Total 5538 17500.08 19600.10 Note: Checked By: TaxableAmount 17500.08 Rs. Ninteen Thousand Six Hundred Only Lr No. : +CGST 1050.01 Transport:SELF +SGST 1050.01 Total Dagina:1 Agent:SELF +IGST 0.00 BOI:201320110000187 IFS Code:BKID0002013 +/-other Charges 0.00 Terms & Conditions: 06:52:42PM RoundOff + -0.09 1.SubjecttoAhmedabadJurisdiction Only. Grand Total 19,600.00 2. No Return & No Exchange of goods. 3. E. & O.E. For,ATOZTRADING&SALESAGENCIES 4. Payment within 15 Days... Thanks...Visit Again..!! AuthorisedSignatory Page 1 of 1
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "AAA / 128", "InvoiceDate": "16/05/2022", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "A TO Z TRADING & SALES AGENCIES", "SellerAddress": "532 KANSARA POLE, NR KALUPUR POLICE STATION, AHMEDABAD.380001", "SellerTaxNumber": "24APCPB8475R1ZD", "SellerContactNumber": "9979932872", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "M/s. TANVI ENTERPRISE", "ClientAddress": "ODHAV ROAD AHMEDABAD, AHMEDABAD. Gujarat.", "ClientTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "ClientContactNumber": "0", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "ZIP SLIDER (000295)", "Qty": "5538", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "3.16", "Tax": "12.00", "Total_for_each_item": "19600.10" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "201320110000187", "IFSC": "BKID0002013" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "17500.08", "TotalTaxesAmount": "2100", "FinalTotal": "19,600.00" } }
DIGITALINFORMATICS B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD Pin Code:380007 Phone No.:, Website:[email protected] Invoice GSTIN Number :24ACXPS7063A1ZB Transportation Mode TaxIsPayable OnReverse Charge : NO Veh.No InvoiceSerial Number :GST/000122 Date & Time Of Supply : 07/10/2021 InvoiceDate :07/10/2021 Place Of Supply Details Of Receiver(Billed To) Details Of Consignee (Shipped To) Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Address :202,2ND FLOOR,PARISHRAM,5B RASMI Address : 202, 2ND FLOOR, PARISHRAM,5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, City-State : AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT State :GUJARAT State Code : 24 StateCode : 24 GSTIN Number :24AAQCA1169D1ZU GSTIN Number :24AAQCA1169D1ZU Sr. Description HSN Qty UOM Rate Total Discount Taxable CGST SGST IGST No ofGoods ISAC Value Code Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount FINGER H500 8518 2.00|NUMBER 296.61 593.22 0.00 593.22 9.00 53.39 9.00 53.39 0.00 HEADPHONES FINGER H527 8518 2.00|NUMBER 296.61 593.22 0.00 593.22 9.00 53.39 9.00 53.39 0.00 HEADPHONE ZEBRONICSUSB 8471 3.00|NUMBER 148.31 444.93 0.00 444.93 9.00 40.04 9.00 40.04 0.00 MOUSE 1631.37 0.00 1631.37 146.82 146.82 0.00 Taxable CGST SGST IGST TotalTaxableAmount 1631.37 Value Tax Amount Tax Amount Tax Amount Total GST 293.64 1631.37 9.00 % 146.82 9.00 % 146.82 0.00 % 0.00 Total 146.82 146.82 0.00 Gross Amount 1925.01 Round Off -0.01 RUPEESONETHOUSANDNINEHUNDREDTWENTYFIVEONLY Net Amount 1925.00 Term&Condition ElectronicReferenceNumber 1.PAYMENT BYA/CPAYEES CHEQUE. 2. PAYMENT MADE AFTER DUE DATE WILL BEAR 18% INTEREST PER ANNUM. DIGITALINFORMATICS 3. ALL TRANSACTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO AHMEDABAD JURISDICTION. 4. MATERIAL ONCE SOLD WILL NOT BE TAKEN BACK. Signature: 5.SUPPLIES COMPUTER PARTS ONLY.NO SOFTWARE SERVICE CONTEMPTED. Authorised Signature Name 6.WARRANTYASPERSPECIFIEDBYMANUFACTURER/ DISTRIBUTORS. Designation 7.HDFCBANK-VEJALPURBRANCH-A/CNO:00482560005602IFSC:HDFC0000048 ASPIRESOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Register Address: B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI, Receiver Signatory AHMEDABAD-380007 Phone No.:9227172900,9825154848
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "GST/000122", "InvoiceDate": "07/10/2021", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "DIGITALINFORMATICS", "SellerAddress": "B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD", "SellerTaxNumber": "24ACXPS7063A1ZB", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "202,2ND FLOOR,PARISHRAM,5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI,AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "FINGER H500", "Qty": "2.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "296.61", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "593.22" }, { "Description": "FINGER H527", "Qty": "2.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "296.61", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "593.22" }, { "Description": "ZEBRONICS USB", "Qty": "3.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "148.31", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "444.93" }, { "Description": "", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "1631.37", "TotalTaxesAmount": "146.82", "FinalTotal": "1925.00" } }
INVOICE GUARDSMAN 6 Carvalho DriveKgn 10 8769296847,9264825 [email protected] InvoiceNumber0203232 GCT Reg. No. 000-953-008 SaleDate 31/10/2022 Customer No. GCL0001441 Due Date 31/10/2022 PO No. PRV.# GUAR2014 Bill To Service Address GUARDSMAN LIMITED (Head Office) GUARDSMAN LIMITED- ID ACCOUNT 2-6 Emmaville Crescent Kingston C.S.O, Description Qty Price Net GCT Total ABSCards/WhiteFL.PPGQ 1 J$300.00 J$300.00 J$45.00 J$345.00 ABS Cards/ White FL.PP GQ HorizontalBadgeHolderW/Slot&ChainHoles 1 J$200.00 J$200.00 J$30.00 J$230.00 Horizontal Badge HolderW/Slot& ChainHoles ABSCards/WhiteFL.PPGQ 1 J$300.00 J$300.00 J$45.00 J$345.00 ABS Cards/ White FL.PP GQ :TOTALS J$800.00 J$120.00 J$920.00 :Pleasequoteinvoicenumber(s)whenmakingpayment :Please make cheques payable toGuardsman CommunicationsLtd. Payments can be made by using BillExpress,JNBS Money Services,Paymaster OR :By visitingourSecuredPaymentPortalat TOSUPPLYIDCARDANDACCESSORY,31.10.2022 REQUESTEDBYNATALEEJOHNSON-WATSON,SENTTOSAME. KAMAUBROWN(HUMANRESOURCEASSOCIATE) ThankyouforyourBusiness Na Page 1
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "0203232", "InvoiceDate": "31/10/2022", "InvoiceDueDate": "31/10/2022" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "GUARDSMAN", "SellerAddress": "6 Carvalho DriveKgn 10", "SellerTaxNumber": "000-953-008", "SellerContactNumber": "8769296847,9264825", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN LIMITED (Head Office)", "ClientAddress": "2-6 Emmaville Crescent Kingston C.S.O", "ClientTaxNumber": "GCL0001441", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "ABS Cards/ White FL.PP GQ", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "J$300.00", "Tax": "J$45.00", "Total_for_each_item": "J$345.00" }, { "Description": "Horizontal Badge Holder W/Slot & Chain Holes", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "J$200.00", "Tax": "J$30.00", "Total_for_each_item": "J$230.00" }, { "Description": "ABS Cards/ White FL.PP GQ", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "J$300.00", "Tax": "J$45.00", "Total_for_each_item": "J$345.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "J$800.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "J$120.00", "FinalTotal": "J$920.00" } }
Tax Invoice NBOS TechnologiesPvt Ltd Invoice No. Dated Plot No7, Jubilee Enclave, 012/2019-20 1-May-2019 OPPHitechCityEntrance Mode/Terms of Payment Madhapur,Hyderabad Telangana, 500081 Supplier's Ref. Other Reference(s) GSTIN/UIN: 36AABCV0878K1ZY OfficeRent-May StateName:Telangana,Code:36 Buyer's Order No. Dated Buyer UXReactorIndiaPvt Ltd Terms of Delivery Plot No. 7, Jubilee Enclave Hitech City, Hyderabad GSTIN/UIN :36AABCU9451H1Z3 State Name :Telangana,Code:36 SI Description of HSN/SAC Rate per Amount No. Services Office Rents 997212 90,810.72 T SGST Output Tax 2 8,172.96 CGST Output Tax 8,172.96 Round Off 4 0.36 Total 1,07,157.00 Amount Chargeable (in words) E.&O.E INROneLakhSevenThousandOneHundredFiftySevenOnly Taxable Central Tax State Tax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount Tax Amount 90,810.72 9% 8,172.96 9% 8,172.96 16,345.92 Total: 90,810.72 8,172.96 8,172.96 16,345.92 Tax Amount (in words) : INRSixteen Thousand ThreeHundred FortyFiveand NinetyTwopaiseOnly Company's Bank Details Bank Name :AxisBankC/A Remarks: A/c No. :912020058374856 Being invoice raised (4320*57.33) for May-19 Branch&IFS Code :Jubilee Hills&UTIB0000030 Declaration for NBOS TechnologiesPvt Ltd We declare that this invoice shows the actual price of the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory SUBJECT TO HYDERABAD JURISDICTION This isa Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "012/2019-20", "InvoiceDate": "1-May-2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "NBOS Technologies Pvt Ltd", "SellerAddress": "Plot No7, Jubilee Enclave, OPP Hitech City Entrance, Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500081", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AABCV0878K1ZY", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXReactor India Pvt Ltd", "ClientAddress": "Plot No. 7, Jubilee Enclave, Hitech City, Hyderabad", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Office Rents", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "90,810.72", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "90,810.72" }, { "Description": "SGST Output Tax", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "8,172.96", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "8,172.96" }, { "Description": "CGST Output Tax", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "8,172.96", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "8,172.96" }, { "Description": "Round Off", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "0.36", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "0.36" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "912020058374856", "IFSC": "UTIB0000030" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "90,810.72", "TotalTaxesAmount": "16,345.92", "FinalTotal": "1,07,157.00" } }
TAXINVOICE-SALES (ORIGINALFORRECIPIENT) SRI SATYA TECHNOLOGIES isa Invoice No. Dated Flat 355,C-Block,ChenoyTrade Center SST/19-20/689 Parklane,SECUNDERBAD-50003 12-Jun-2019 Delivery Note 040-66812999,66813999,66900555 Mode/Terms of Payment 66904665,9849055569,9849055596 GSTIN/UIN:36AFKPD6156R1ZT Supplier's Ref. State Name: Telangana, Code:36 Other Reference(s) E-Mail:[email protected] Buyer Buyer's Order No. Dated UxReactor INDIA P LTD #1012,to#1014,10thFloor,ManjeeraTrinity Despatch Document No. Delivery Note Date SurveyNo:1050,Kukatpally,Hyderabad-500072 089156983 Despatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN 36AABCU9451H1Z3 State Name Telangana,Code:36 Termsof Delivery Si Description of Goods HSN/SAC GST Quantity Rate No. per Amount Rate Brother Toner Powder Packet 8443 18% 2.0NO BrotherToner CarrdigeTn-2365Refill 450.00 NO 900.00 Charges SGST 81.00 CGST 81.00 Total 2.0NO 1,062.00 Amount Chargeable (in words) E.&O.E INR One Thousand Sixty Two Only HSN/SAC Taxable Central Tax State Tax Total Value Rate Amount Rate 8443 Amount TaxAmount 900.00 9% 81.00 9% 81.00 162.00 Total 900.00 81.00 81.00 162.00 Tax Amount (in words):INR One Hundred Sixty Two Only Compary'sPAN :AFKPD6156R Declaration 1) we declare that in this invoice,the details given are true & Cornpany's Bank Details correct2) warraty from the manufacturing company only.3) Bank Name :Dena Bank Sri goods once sold will not be taken back are exchanged 4)24 A/cNo. 015913023758 %intrest per anuam will be charged beyond the payment due Branch&iFS Code: M.G.Road Secunderabad&BKDN0610159 date.5) loss or damge of goods in transport is at pariys risk.6) for SRI SATYA TECHNOLOGIES customers are requested to declare correct GsT numbers at the time of sale.7) rs 450=00 will be charged per transaction onchequebounce )[email protected] doingpayment. Authorised Signatory SUBJECT TO HYDERABAD JURISDICTION This is a Computer Generated invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "SST/19-20/689", "InvoiceDate": "12-Jun-2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "SRI SATYA TECHNOLOGIES", "SellerAddress": "Flat 355, C-Block, Chenoy Trade Center, Parklane, SECUNDERBAD-50003", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AFKPD6156R1ZT", "SellerContactNumber": "040-66812999, 66813999, 66900555, 66904665, 9849055569, 9849055596", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UxReactor INDIA P LTD", "ClientAddress": "#1012, to #1014, 10th Floor, Manjeera Trinity, Survey No: 1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500072", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "089156983", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Brother Toner Powder Packet Brother Toner Cartridge Tn-2365 Refill Charges", "Qty": "2.0 NO", "UnitOfMeasure": "NO", "NetPrice": "450.00", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "900.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "015913023758", "IFSC": "BKDN0610159" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "900.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "162.00", "FinalTotal": "1062.00" } }
***HISTORICAL*** Invoice ABAY-INV-00108675 IGLLimited Date 01/17/2020 593-595SpanishTownRoad Page 1 P.O.Box 224 Kingston 11 876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107 OLDHOPR ROAD 107OLDHOPR ROAD KINGSTON6 KINGSTON6 Purchase OrderNo. CustomerID Salesperson ID Shipping Method PaymentTerms ReqShipDate Master No. AG0024-000 AREA5-STMAR A/R-PICKUP 7DAYS 01/17/2020 1,646,545 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext.Price 1.00 1.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 2,475.00 2,475.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 2,885.00 11,540.00 IGLLimited Subtotal JA$14,015.00 Misc JA$O.00 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Tax JA$O.00 Freight JA$O.00 1X11+4X14KG CYLRFLBELL Trade Discount JA$0.00 15995,15964,15956,15974,15918 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$14,015.00
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "ABAY-INV-00108675", "InvoiceDate": "01/17/2020", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGL Limited", "SellerAddress": "593-595 Spanish Town Road, P.O. Box 224, Kingston 11 876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 OLDHOPR ROAD, KINGSTON 6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,475.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2,475.00" }, { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "4.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,885.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "11,540.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "JA$14,015.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JA$0.00", "FinalTotal": "JA$14,015.00" } }
***HISTORICAL** Invoice STR-INV-000550164 IGLLimited Date 04/25/2020 593-595SpanishTownRoad Page 1 P.O.Box 224 Kingston 11 876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107OLDHOPEROAD KENNETHBENJAMIN/VALRIEBROWN KINGSTON6 107OLDHOPEROAD KINGSTON6 Purchase OrderNo. CustomerID Salesperson ID Shipping Method PaymentTerms ReqShipDate Master No. 1969G-000 AREA1-KGN06 A/R-PICKUP 30DAYS 04/25/2020 1,701,219 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext.Price 1.00 1.00 0.00 999-01-0015 LPG SUPERGAS-1 0.00 2,570.00 2,570.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 801-01-0002 SEAL20MM TAMPERPROOF FOR11KG&141 0.00 0.00 0.00 IGLLimited Subtotal JA$2,570.00 Misc JA$O.00 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Tax JA$O.00 Freight JA$O.00 voucher#017985 TradeDiscount JA$0.00 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$2,570.00
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "STR-INV-000550164", "InvoiceDate": "04/25/2020", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGL Limited", "SellerAddress": "593-595 Spanish Town Road, P.O. Box 224, Kingston 11 876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 OLD HOPE ROAD, KINGSTON 6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS-1", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,570.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2,570.00" }, { "Description": "SEAL 20MM TAMPER PROOF FOR 11KG & 141", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "0.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "0.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "JA$2,570.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JA$0.00", "FinalTotal": "JA$2,570.00" } }
Tax Invoice NBOS TechnologiesPvt Ltd Invoice No. Dated Plot No7, Jubilee Enclave, 011/2019-20 1-May-2019 OPPHitechCityEntrance Mode/Terms of Payment Madhapur,Hyderabad Telangana, 500081 Supplier's Ref. Other Reference(s) GSTIN/UIN: 36AABCV0878K1ZY Maintainence-May StateName:Telangana,Code:36 Buyer's Order No. Dated Buyer UXReactorIndiaPvt Ltd Terms of Delivery Plot No. 7, Jubilee Enclave Hitech City, Hyderabad GSTIN/UIN :36AABCU9451H1Z3 State Name :Telangana,Code:36 SI Description of HSN/SAC Rate per Amount No. Services Maintainence Charges 998533 11,088.00 T Cafeteria Charges 2 998533 1,833.33 SGST Output Tax 3 1,162.92 CGST Output Tax 4 1,162.92 5 Less: Round Off (-)0.17 Total 15,247.00 Amount Chargeable (in words) E.&O.E INRFifteenThousandTwoHundredFortySevenOnly Taxable Central Tax State Tax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 12,921.33 9% 1,162.92 9% 1,162.92 2,325.84 Total: 12,921.33 1,162.92 1,162.92 2,325.84 Tax Amount (in words) : INRTwoThousandThreeHundredTwentyFiveand EightyFourpaiseOnly Company's Bank Details Remarks: Bank Name :Axis Bank C/A Maintainence Charges and Cafeteria Charges For the A/c No. :912020058374856 month of (4320*7 Rs) May-19 for 11 Days only Branch&IFS Code :JubileeHills&UTIB0000030 Declaration for NBOS TechnologiesPvt Ltd Wedeclare that thisinvoiceshowsthe actual priceof the goods described and that allparticulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory SUBJECT TO HYDERABAD JURISDICTION This isa Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "011/2019-20", "InvoiceDate": "1-May-2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "NBOS Technologies Pvt Ltd", "SellerAddress": "Plot No7, Jubilee Enclave, OPP Hitech City Entrance, Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500081", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AABCV0878K1ZY", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXReactorIndiaPvt Ltd", "ClientAddress": "Plot No. 7, Jubilee Enclave, Hitech City, Hyderabad", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Maintainence Charges", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "11,088.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "11,088.00" }, { "Description": "Cafeteria Charges", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1,833.33", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "1,833.33" }, { "Description": "SGST Output Tax", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1,162.92", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "1,162.92" }, { "Description": "CGST Output Tax", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1,162.92", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "1,162.92" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "912020058374856", "IFSC": "UTIB0000030" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "12,921.33", "TotalTaxesAmount": "2,325.84", "FinalTotal": "15,247.00" } }
DataVizz Tax Invoice DV- DataV A 405 OneWorld Capital, Rajpath 1221-1158 Club Road Synergizing your data Gujarat IN +91 9909031418 [email protected] GSTIN:24AAPFD2680Q1ZT PANNo.AAPFD2680Q BILL TO Mr Purav Gandhi DATE PLEASE PAY DUE DATE AspireSoftservPrivateLimited 01/12/2021 INR0.00 16/12/2021 202.Parishram,5 Rashmi Society, Nr. LG Showroom, Mithakhali SixRoads, Navrangpura Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380009 India State Code:24 GSTIN:24AAQCA1169D1ZU PLACE OF SUPPLY 24-Gujarat NO HSN/SAC DATE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY TAX RATE AMOUNT 1 01/12/2021 Services Sr.Python 1 18.0% 1,70,000.00 1,70,000.00 Resource(1st GST Nov-30th Nov) 2 01/12/2021 Services Python 18.0% 1,00,000.00 1,00,000.00 Resource(1st GST Nov-30th Nov) 3 01/12/2021 Services System 18.0% 40,000.00 40,000.00 Engineer(15th GST Nov-30th Nov) 4 01/12/2021 Hours Additional 8 18.0% 2,500.00 20,000.00 Python GST Resource(Per Day)
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "DV-1221-1158", "InvoiceDate": "01/12/2021", "InvoiceDueDate": "16/12/2021" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "DataVizz", "SellerAddress": "A 405 OneWorld Capital, Rajpath Club Road, Gujarat IN", "SellerTaxNumber": "24AAPFD2680Q1ZT", "SellerContactNumber": "+91 9909031418", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Mr Purav Gandhi", "ClientAddress": "Aspire Softserv Private Limited 202.Parishram, 5 Rashmi Society, Nr. LG Showroom, Mithakhali Six Roads, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380009, India", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Sr.Python Resource(1st Nov-30th Nov)", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1,70,000.00", "Tax": "18.0%", "Total_for_each_item": "1,70,000.00" }, { "Description": "Python Resource(1st Nov-30th Nov)", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1,00,000.00", "Tax": "18.0%", "Total_for_each_item": "1,00,000.00" }, { "Description": "System Engineer(15th Nov-30th Nov)", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "40,000.00", "Tax": "18.0%", "Total_for_each_item": "40,000.00" }, { "Description": "Additional Python Resource(Per Day)", "Qty": "8", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,500.00", "Tax": "18.0%", "Total_for_each_item": "20,000.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "2,30,000.00" } }
Tax Invoice NBOS Technologies Pvt Ltd Invoice No. Dated Plot No7, Jubilee Enclave, 075/2018-19 1-Dec-2018 OPP Hitech City Entrance Delivery Note Mode/Terms of Payment Madhapur, Hyderabad Telangana, 500081 Telangana -500081, India Despatch Document No. Delivery NoteDate GSTIN/UIN:36AABCV0878K1ZY State Name:Telangana,Code:36 Despatched through Destination Buyer UXReactor India Pvt Ltd Terms of Delivery Plot No.7,Jubilee Enclave Hitech City,Hyderabad Telangana-,India GSTIN/UIN :36AABCU9451H1Z3 State Name : Telangana, Code : 36 Particulars HSN/SAC GST Amount Rate Maintainence Charges 998533 18% 30,240.00 Cafeteria Charges 998533 18 % 5,000.00 SGST Output Tax 3,171.60 CGST Output Tax 3,171.60 Less:Round Off (-)0.20 Total 41,583.00 Amount Chargeable (in words) E.&O.E INRFortyOneThousandFiveHundred EightyThreeOnly HSN/SAC Taxable Central Tax State Tax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 998533 35,240.00 9% 3,171.60 9% 3,171.60 6,343.20 Total 35,240.00 3,171.60 3,171.60 6,343.20 Tax Amount (in words) : INRSixThousand ThreeHundred FortyThreeandTwentypaiseOnly Company's Bank Details Remarks: Bank Name :Axis Bank C/A Maintainence Charges and Cafeteria ChargesFor the A/c No. :912020058374856 month of (4320*7 Rs) Dec-18 Branch&IFS Code :JubileeHills&UTIB0000030 for NBOS Technologies Pvt Ltd Authorised Signatory SUBJECT TO HYDERABAD JURISDICTION This isa Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "075/2018-19", "InvoiceDate": "1-Dec-2018", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "NBOS Technologies Pvt Ltd", "SellerAddress": "Plot No7, Jubilee Enclave, OPP Hitech City Entrance, Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500081", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AABCV0878K1ZY", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXReactor India Pvt Ltd", "ClientAddress": "Plot No.7, Jubilee Enclave, Hitech City, Hyderabad, Telangana, India", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Maintainence Charges", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "30,240.00", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "30,240.00" }, { "Description": "Cafeteria Charges", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "5,000.00", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "5,000.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "912020058374856", "IFSC": "UTIB0000030" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "35,240.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "6,343.20", "FinalTotal": "41,583.00" } }
DIGITALINFORMATICS B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD Pin Code:380007 Phone No.:, Website:[email protected] Invoice GSTIN Number :24ACXPS7063A1ZB Transportation Mode TaxIsPayable On Reverse Charge : NO Veh.No InvoiceSerial Number :GST/000072 Date& Time Of Supply :22/07/2021 InvoiceDate :22/07/2021 Place Of Supply Details Of Receiver(Billed To) Details Of Consignee (Shipped To) Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Address :202,2ND FLOOR,PARISHRAM,5BRASMI Address :202,2ND FLOOR,PARISHRAM,5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, City-State : AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT State :GUJARAT State Code : 24 StateCode : 24 GSTIN Number :24AAQCA1169D1ZU GSTIN Number :24AAQCA1169D1ZU Sr. Description HSN Qty UOM Rate Total Discount Taxable CGST SGST IGST No ofGoods ISAC Value Code Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount ZEBRONICS USB 8471 5.00|NUMBER 169.49 847.45 0.00 847.45 9.00 76.27 9.00 76.27 0.00 MOUSE 2 INTEX TANGO 450W 8504 2.00|NUMBER 500.00 1000.00 0.00 1000.00 9.00 90.00 9.00 90.00 0.00 SMPS 4 GB DDR3 RAM 8473 1.00|NUMBER 1228.81 1228.81 0.00 1228.81 9.00 110.59 9.00 110.59 0.00 3076.26 0.00 3076.26 276.86 276.86 0.00 Taxable CGST SGST IGST Total TaxableAmount 3076.26 Value Tax Amount Tax Amount Tax Amount Total GST 553.72 3076.26 9.00 % 276.86 9.00 % 276.86 0.00 % 0.00 Total 276.86 276.86 0.00 Gross Amount 3629.98 Round Off 0.02 RUPEESTHREETHOUSANDSIXHUNDREDTHIRTYONLY Net Amount 3630.00 Today OutStanding: 3450.00 Current Bill Amount: 3630.00 Total OutStanding: 7080.00 Term&Condition ElectronicReferenceNumber 1.PAYMENTBYA/CPAYEESCHEQUE 2. PAYMENT MADE AFTER DUE DATE WILL BEAR 18% INTEREST PER ANNUM. DIGITALINFORMATICS 3. ALL TRANSACTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO AHMEDABAD JURISDICTION. 4. MATERIAL ONCE SOLD WILL NOT BE TAKEN BACK. Signature: 5.SUPPLIES COMPUTER PARTS ONLY.NO SOFTWARESERVICE CONTEMPTED. Authorised Signature Name 6.WARRANTYASPERSPECIFIEDBYMANUFACTURER/ DISTRIBUTORS. Designation 7.HDFCBANK-VEJALPURBRANCH-A/CNO:00482560005602IFSC:HDFC0000048 ASPIRESOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED RegisterAddress: B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI, Receiver Signatory AHMEDABAD-380007 Phone No.:9227172900,9825154848
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "GST/000072", "InvoiceDate": "22/07/2021", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "DIGITALINFORMATICS", "SellerAddress": "B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD", "SellerTaxNumber": "24ACXPS7063A1ZB", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "202,2ND FLOOR,PARISHRAM,5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI,AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "ZEBRONICS USB", "Qty": "5.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "169.49", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "847.45" }, { "Description": "INTEX TANGO 450W", "Qty": "2.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "500.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "1000.00" }, { "Description": "4 GB DDR3 RAM", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "1228.81", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "1228.81" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "3076.26", "TotalTaxesAmount": "553.72", "FinalTotal": "3630.00" } }
***HISTORICAL* Invoice ABAY-INV-00107483 IGLLimited Date 11/04/2019 593-595SpanishTownRoad Page 1 P.O.Box 224 Kingston 11 876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107OLDHOPRROAD 107 OLDHOPRROAD KINGSTON6 KINGSTON6 Purchase Order No. CustomerID SalespersonID Shipping Method PaymentTerms ReqShipDate Master No. AG0024-000 AREA5-STMAR A/R-PICKUP 7DAYS 11/04/2019 1,608,387 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext.Price 1.00 1.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 2,805.00 2,805.00 IGLLimited Subtotal JA$2,805.00 Misc JA$O.00 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Tax JA$O.00 Freight JA$O.00 1x14 kg cyl rfl HIRICH 16054 Trade Discount JA$0.00 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$2,805.00
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "ABAY-INV-00107483", "InvoiceDate": "11/04/2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGL Limited", "SellerAddress": "593-595 Spanish Town Road, P.O. Box 224, Kingston 11 876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 OLD HOPR ROAD, KINGSTON 6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,805.00", "Tax": "0.00", "Total_for_each_item": "2,805.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "JA$2,805.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JA$0.00", "FinalTotal": "JA$2,805.00" } }
Retail Invoice CHAMUNDA Airconditioning MITSUBISHI O GENERAL AirConditioner&WaterCoolerService&Mainatenance Shop-1,Vishavanandini Shopping Center, Panasonic Opp.Devpath Flat,Nava Vadaj, Ahmedabad-380013. VDAIKIN M.:9426062178,9427805949 Email:[email protected] INVOICENO. DATE:15/6/2020 004/20-21 M/s./ShreeASPIRESOFTSERVPVT.LTD AHMEDABAD DESCRIPTION QTY. RATE. No. AMOUNT per unit 1,200 SERVICEINGCHARGEOFAIRCONDITION GRAND TOTAL 1,200 NetAmountPayable Onethousandtwohundredonly Rupees in words 12% Interest will be charged on bills if not paid within 30 days. SubjecttoAhmedabadJurisdiction For,ChamundaAirconditioning
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "004/20-21", "InvoiceDate": "15/6/2020", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "CHAMUNDA", "SellerAddress": "Shop-1, Vishavanandini Shopping Center, Opp. Devpath Flat, Nava Vadaj, Ahmedabad-380013.", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "9426062178,9427805949", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "ASPIRE SOFTSERV PVT. LTD", "ClientAddress": "AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "SERVICEING CHARGE OF AIR CONDITION", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1,200", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "1,200" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "1,200" } }
COOLTRIPCONSULTANT, 29/13, VANCHINATHN STREET PERAMBUR CHENNAI - 600 011,Tel : 04448586276, Email: [email protected], GSTIN:33AALFC5202H1ZU, INVOICE (AIR TICKETS) [Original for Recipient] To M/S : UX REACTOR INDIA PVT LTD Doc. No : IS19/211 Date : 06 Jul 2019 Reference: Narration : Mobile No. : Handled By : Emp Code : ProjectCode: GSTIN:36AABCU9451H1Z3 Airline:SAUDI ARABIAN AIRLINES [PLACEOFSUPPLY:TELANGANA] Page No: 1of1 CORP. Ticket No./ Passenger Name SAC/ Sector BasicFare Airline Tax Flight Details Tot Amount SV3433931519MATEOMARINHENAOMR 998559 33000.00 11500.00 44500.00 HYD/JED SV 755 18Jul2019 JED/MAD SV227 19Jul2019 MAD/JED SV 226 20Aug2019 JED/HYD SV75421Aug2019 Sub Total : 33000.00 11500.00 44500.00 Add : PROCESSING CHARGES(I) 1 : 500.00 Add:IGSTCLIENT ON([email protected]%):90.00 INR Forty Five Thousand and Ninety only TOTAL: 45090.00 Terms and Conditions E. & O.E ForCOOLTRIPCONSULTANT 1. Payment to be made to the cashier & printed Oofficial Receipt must be obtained. 2.All cheques/demand drafts in payment of billsmust be crossed'A/cPayee Only' and drawn in favour of COOLTRIP CONSULTANT 3.Interest @24%perannum will be chargedon all outstanding billsafter due date. 4. Kindly check all details carefully to avoid un-necessary complications. 5. Subject To CHENNAI Jurisdiction Receiver's Signature Administrator
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "IS19/211", "InvoiceDate": "06 Jul 2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "COOLTRIP CONSULTANT", "SellerAddress": "29/13, VANCHINATHN STREET PERAMBUR CHENNAI - 600 011", "SellerTaxNumber": "33AALFC5202H1ZU", "SellerContactNumber": "04448586276", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UX REACTOR INDIA PVT LTD", "ClientAddress": "", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "SV 3433931519 MATEO MARIN HENAO MR", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "33000.00", "Tax": "11500.00", "Total_for_each_item": "44500.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "44500.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "11500.00", "FinalTotal": "45090.00" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE Invoice No. Dated 90,SHRI RAKHIALDHANLAXMI SOCIETY, 29 6-Oct-22 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, DeliveryNote Mode/TermsofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV Reference No.& Date. OtherReferences State Name: Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail: [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER DeliveryNoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATESPRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 StateName : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. CARRYBAG 42021290 12PCS 220.00PCS 2,640.00 Big 2 CARRYBAG 42021290 10PCS 205.00PCS 2,050.00 Small Yamaha 3 CARRYBAG 42021290 10 PCS 270.00PCS 2,700.00 GitarYamaha 4 DUST COVER 42021290 51PCS 75.00PCS 3,825.00 Big CARRY BAG 42021290 16 PCS 250.00PCS 4,000.00 PyanoPrint Big 6 CARRYBAG 42021290 10PCS 205.00PCS 2,050.00 SmallYamaha CARRY BAG 42021290 12 PCS 270.00PCS 3,240.00 GitarYamaha continued... This is a ComputerGenerated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "29", "InvoiceDate": "6-Oct-22", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRI RAKHIALDHAN LAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATES, PRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CARRY BAG Big", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "220.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2,640.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Small", "Qty": "10P CS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "205.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2,050.00" }, { "Description": "Gitar Yamaha", "Qty": "10 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "270.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2,700.00" }, { "Description": "DUST COVER Big", "Qty": "51 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "75.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "3,825.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Pyano Print Big", "Qty": "16 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "250.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "4,000.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Small Yamaha", "Qty": "10 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "205.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2,050.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Gitar Yamaha", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "270.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "3,240.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE InvoiceNo. Dated 90,SHRI RAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, 23 29-Aug-22 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, DeliveryNote Mode/TermsofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV ReferenceNo.&Date. OtherReferences State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail: [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16SAHAJANANDTRADE CENTER Delivery NoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATES,PRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 State Name : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. DUSTCOVER 42021290 30 PCS 70.00PCS 2,100.00 Small CARRYBAG 42021290 26PCS 270.00PCS 7,020.00 GitarCover 9,120.00 CGST 9% 9% 820.80 SGST9% 9% 820.80 ROUNDINGOFF 0.40 Total 56PCS 10,762.00 Amount Chargeable(in words) E.&O.E INR Ten Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty Two Only HSN/SAC Taxable CentralTax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 42021290 9,120.00 9% 820.80 9% 820.80 1,641.60 Total 9,120.00 820.80 820.80 1,641.60 Tax Amount (in words) : INR One Thousand Six Hundred Forty One and Sixty paise Only Company's Bank Details A/cHolder'sName:TANVI ENTERPRISSE BankName : UNION BANK OF INDIA A/c No. :483301010036880 Branch&IFSCode:ODHAVBRANCH&UBIN0548332 Declaration for TANVI ENTERPRISE Wedeclare that thisinvoiceshows the actual priceof the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a ComputerGenerated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "23", "InvoiceDate": "29-Aug-22", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRI RAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16, SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATS, PRITAMNAGAR, PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "DUST COVER small", "Qty": "30 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "70.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "2,100.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Guitar Cover", "Qty": "26 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "270.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "7,020.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "483301010036880", "IFSC": "UBIN0548332" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "9,120.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "1,641.60", "FinalTotal": "10,762.00" } }
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "6959A", "InvoiceDate": "Nov 10, 2022", "InvoiceDueDate": "12/10/22" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "MERRILS BEACH RESORTS 2021-2022", "SellerAddress": "NORMAN MANLEY BLVD PO BOX 75", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP TRAINING CENTRE", "ClientAddress": "2C WEST IVY GREEN CRESCENT", "ClientTaxNumber": "001-539-469", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "ALEXANDER THOMPSON SGL BED&BREAKFAST 13.11.22 - 30.11.22", "Qty": "17.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "11,054.55", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "187,927.35" }, { "Description": "ROOM TAX", "Qty": "17.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "304.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "5,168.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "193,095.35", "TotalTaxesAmount": "18,792.74", "FinalTotal": "211,888.09" } }
TaxInvoice (ORIGINALFORRECIPIENT) MahavirMobile InvoiceNo e-Way BilNo.Dated 14,15ParkAvnueComplex, 661 26-Jan-2021 Opp.Parimal Garden, Supplier's Ref. Other Reference(s) AMBAWADI GSTIN/UIN:24AAYFM0536D1ZB State Name: Gujarat,Code:24 E-Mail:[email protected] Buyer ASPIRESOFTSERVPVTLTD 2022NDFLOORPARISHRAMCOMPLEXMITHAKHLISIXRODA NAVRANGPURA AHMEDABAD GSTIN/UIN 24AAQCA1169D1ZU StateName Gujarat,Code:24 SI DescriptionofGoods HSN/SAC HSN CodeQuantity Rate per Disc.% Amount No. 1SAMSUNGS21ULTRA 85171290 1NOS.89,829.66NOS 89,829.66 355987190205251 CGST 8,084.67 SGST 8,084.67 Total 1NOS. 1,05,999.00 Amount Chargeable (in words) E.&O.E IndianRupeesOneLakhFiveThousandNine HundredNinetyNineOnly HSN/SAC Taxable Central Tax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 85171290 89,829.66 9% 8,084.67 9% 8,084.67 16,169.34 Total 89,829.66 8,084.67 8,084.67 16,169.34 TaxAmount (in words):Indian Rupees Sixteen Thousand One Hundred Sixty Nine and ThirtyFourpaise Only Company'sBankDetails BankName THEKALUPURCOMMERCIALCO-OPERATIVEBANKLIMITED A/cNo. 01320104181 Company's PAN AAYFM0536D Branch&IFS Code:PANCHVATI BRANCH&KCCBOPCV013 Declaration forMahavirMobile Wedeclarethat thisinvoiceshowstheactualpriceof the goods described and that allparticulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory SUBJECTTOAHMEDABADJURISDICTION ThisisaComputerGeneratedInvoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "661", "InvoiceDate": "26-Jan-2021", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "Mahavir Mobile", "SellerAddress": "14,15 Park Avnue Complex, Opp.Parimal Garden, AMBAWADI", "SellerTaxNumber": "24AAYFM0536D1ZB", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "ASPIRESOFTSERVPVTLTD", "ClientAddress": "202 2ND FLOOR PARISHRAM COMPLEX MITHAKHLI SIX RODA NAVRANGPURA AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "SAMSUNGS 21 ULTRA", "Qty": "1NOS.", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "89,829.66", "Tax": "16,169.34", "Total_for_each_item": "1,05,999.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "01320104181", "IFSC": "PANCHVATI BRANCH&KCCBOPCV013" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "89,829.66", "TotalTaxesAmount": "16,169.34", "FinalTotal": "1,05,999.00" } }
Tax Invoice (ORIGINALFORRECIPIENT) FAIZANBAGCENTRE Invoice No. Dated V-4,LATHI BAZAAR,NR.HIGHGRADE MARBLE F-145 2-Sep-21 KANCH NI MASJID JAMALPUR DeliveryNote Mode/Terms of Payment AHMEDABAD GSTIN/UIN: 24ANXPS7768M1ZN Dispatch Doc No. Delivery Note Date State Name:Gujarat, Code:24 Contact:9586480298,9898006192 Dispatched through Destination E-Mail:[email protected] Self Terms of Delivery Buyer (Bill to) TANVIENTERPRISE(Odhav) SHRI RAKHAIL DHANLAXMI CO SOC, 90,OPP C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAV ROAD, Ahmedabad GSTIN/UIN : 24EPJPP1511K1ZV StateName : Gujarat, Code : 24 SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount 1NarrowWovenFabric(5806)C 58063200 93.830KGS 200.00 KGS 18,766.35 SGST 469.16 CGST 469.16 ROUND OFF 0.33 Total 93.830KGS 19,705.00 Amount Chargeable(in words) E.&O.E INRNineteenThousandSevenHundredFiveOnly HSN/SAC Taxable Central Tax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 58063200 18,766.35 2.50% 469.162.50% 469.16 938.32 Total 18,766.35 469.16 469.16 938.32 Tax Amount(in words): INRNine Hundred Thirty Eight and Thirty Two paise Only Company's Bank Details BankName :HDFCBANK A/c No. :50200015832439 Company's PAN :ANXPS7768M Branch&IFS Code:JALARAM MANDIR(PALDI) & HDFC0004227 Declaration for FAIZAN BAG CENTRE We declare that this invoice shows the actual price of the goods described and that all particulars are true and Authorised Signatory SUBJECT TO AHMEDABAD JURISDICTION This is a Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "F-145", "InvoiceDate": "2-Sep-21", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "FAIZAN BAG CENTRE", "SellerAddress": "V-4, LATHI BAZAAR, NR. HIGHGRADE MARBLE, KANCH NI MASJID JAMALPUR, AHMEDABAD", "SellerTaxNumber": "24ANXPS7768M1ZN", "SellerContactNumber": "9586480298,9898006192", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE (Odhav)", "ClientAddress": "SHRI RAKHAIL DHANLAXMI CO SOC, 90, OPP C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, Ahmedabad", "ClientTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Narrow Woven Fabric (5806)C", "Qty": "93.830 KGS", "UnitOfMeasure": "KGS", "NetPrice": "200.00", "Tax": "2.50%", "Total_for_each_item": "18,766.35" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "50200015832439", "IFSC": "HDFC0004227" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "18,766.35", "TotalTaxesAmount": "938.32", "FinalTotal": "19,705.00" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE InvoiceNo. Dated 90,SHRIRAKHIALDHANLAXMISOCIETY, 33 23-Oct-22 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, DeliveryNote Mode/TermsofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV Reference No.&Date. Other References State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail: [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16SAHAJANANDTRADE CENTER Delivery NoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATES,PRITAMNAGAR PALDI , AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 State Name : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. CARRYBAG 42021290 21 PCS 470.00PCS 9,870.00 Havy Big 2 CARRYBAG 42021290 20PCS 420.00PCS 8,400.00 Havy Small 3 CARRYBAG 42021290 6 PCS 610.00PCS 3,660.00 Zambo 88 K 21,930.00 CGST 9% 9% 1,973.70 SGST9% 9% 1,973.70 Less : ROUNDINGOFF (-)0.40 Total 47PCS 25,877.00 Amount Chargeable(in words) E.&O.E INRTwentyFiveThousandEightHundredSeventySevenOnly HSN/SAC Taxable Central Tax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 42021290 21,930.00 9% 1,973.70 9% 1,973.70 3,947.40 Total 21,930.00 1,973.70 1,973.70 3,947.40 Tax Amount (in words) : INR Three Thousand Nine Hundred Forty Seven and Forty paise Only Company's Bank Details A/c Holder'sName:TANVI ENTERPRISSE BankName : UNION BANK OF INDIA A/c No. :483301010036880 Branch&IFSCode:ODHAVBRANCH&UBIN0548332 Declaration for TANVIENTERPRISE Wedeclarethat thisinvoiceshowstheactualpriceof the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a ComputerGenerated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "33", "InvoiceDate": "23-Oct-22", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRIRAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATES, PRITAM NAGAR, PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CARRY BAG Havy Big", "Qty": "21 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "470.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "9,870.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Havy Small", "Qty": "20 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "420.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "8,400.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Zambo 88 K", "Qty": "6 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "610.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "3,660.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "483301010036880", "IFSC": "UBIN0548332" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "21,930.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "3,947.40", "FinalTotal": "25,877.00" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE InvoiceNo. Dated 90,SHRIRAKHIALDHANLAXMISOCIETY, 3 1-Jun-23 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, DeliveryNote Mode/TermsofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV Reference No.& Date. Other References State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail : [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16SAHAJANANDTRADE CENTER Delivery NoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATES,PRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 StateName : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. DUSTCOVER 42021290 51 PCS 80.00PCS 4,080.00 Big CARRY BAG 42021290 24PCS 290.00PCS 6,960.00 GitarYamaha 3 CARRYBAG 42021290 12 PCS 260.00PCS 3,120.00 SmallYamahaPyanoPrint 14,160.00 CGST 9% 9% 1,274.40 SGST9% 9% 1,274.40 ROUNDINGOFF 0.20 Total 87PCS 16,709.00 Amount Chargeable(in words) E.&O.E INRSixteenThousandSevenHundredNineOnly HSN/SAC Taxable CentralTax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 42021290 14,160.00 9% 1,274.40 9% 1,274.40 2,548.80 Total 14,160.00 1,274.40 1,274.40 2,548.80 Tax Amount (in words) : INR Two Thousand Five Hundred Forty Eight and Eighty paise Only Company's Bank Details A/c Holder'sName:TANVI ENTERPRISSE BankName : UNION BANK OF INDIA A/c No. :483301010036880 Branch&IFSCode:ODHAVBRANCH&UBIN0548332 Declaration for TANVI ENTERPRISE Wedeclare that thisinvoiceshows the actual priceof the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a ComputerGenerated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "3", "InvoiceDate": "1-Jun-23", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRIRAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATES, PRITAM NAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "DUST COVER Big", "Qty": "51 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "80.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "4,080.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Gitar Yamaha", "Qty": "24 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "290.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "6,960.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Small Yamaha Pyano Print", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "260.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "3,120.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "483301010036880", "IFSC": "UBIN0548332" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "14,160.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "2,548.80", "FinalTotal": "16,709.00" } }
INVOICE GUARDSMAN 6 Carvalho DriveKgn 10 8769296847,9264825 [email protected] InvoiceNumber0203724 GCT Reg. No. 000-953-008 SaleDate 24/11/2022 Customer No. GCL0001441 Due Date 24/11/2022 PO No. PRV.# GUAR2014 Bill To Service Address GUARDSMAN LIMITED (Head Office) GUARDSMAN LIMITED-IDACCOUNT 2-6 Emmaville Crescent Kingston C.S.O, Description Qty Price Net GCT Total ABSCards/WhiteFL.PPGQ 78 J$300.00 J$23,400.00 J$3,510.00 J$26,910.00 ABS Cards/ White FL.PP GQ HorizontalBadgeHolderW/Slot&ChainHoles 78 J$200.00 J$15,600.00 J$2,340.00 J$17,940.00 Horizontal Badge Holder W/Slot & Chain Holes Bulldog Clip With Vinyl 78 J$150.00 J$11,700.00 J$1,755.00 J$13,455.00 Bulldog Clip With Vinyl : TOTALS J$50,700.00 J$7,605.00 J$58,305.00 :Pleasequoteinvoicenumber(s)whenmakingpayment :Pleasemakechequespayable toGuardsman CommunicationsLtd. Payments can be made by using Bil Express,JNBS Money Services,Paymaster OR :By visiting ourSecured PaymentPortal at Page 1
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "0203724", "InvoiceDate": "24/11/2022", "InvoiceDueDate": "24/11/2022" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "GUARDSMAN", "SellerAddress": "6 Carvalho DriveKgn 10", "SellerTaxNumber": "000-953-008", "SellerContactNumber": "8769296847,9264825", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN LIMITED (Head Office)", "ClientAddress": "2-6 Emmaville Crescent\nKingston C.S.O", "ClientTaxNumber": "GCL0001441", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "ABSCards/ White FL.PP GQ", "Qty": "78", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "J$300.00", "Tax": "J$3,510.00", "Total_for_each_item": "J$23,910.00" }, { "Description": "Horizontal BadgeHolder W/Slot & Chain Holes", "Qty": "78", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "J$200.00", "Tax": "J$2,340.00", "Total_for_each_item": "J$17,940.00" }, { "Description": "Bulldog Clip With Vinyl", "Qty": "78", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "J$150.00", "Tax": "J$1,755.00", "Total_for_each_item": "J$13,455.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "J$50,700.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "J$7,605.00", "FinalTotal": "J$58,305.00" } }
Invoice GSTIN Number :24ACXPS7063A1ZB Transportation Mode TaxIsPayableOnReverse Charge : NO Veh.No : Invoice Serial Number : GST/000016 Date & Time Of Supply :27/04/2022 InvoiceDate :27/04/2022 Place Of Supply Details Of Receiver (Billed To) Details Of Consignee (Shipped To) Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED Address :202,2ND FLOOR,PARISHRAM,5BRASMI Address :202,2ND FLOOR,PARISHRAM,5BRASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM, MITHAKHALI, City-State :AHMEDABAD-GUJARAT State :GUJARAT State Code : 24 StateCode : 24 GSTIN Number :24AAQCA1169D1ZU GSTIN Number :24AAQCA1169D1ZU Sr. Description HSN Qty UOM Rate Total Discount Taxable CGST SGST IGST No ofGoods ISAC Value Code Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount INTEX1707 8473 3.00|NUMBER 1525.42 4576.26 0.00 4576.26 9.00 411.86 9.00 411.86 0.00 CABINET WITH SMPS LOGITECH MK-200 8471 3.00NUMBER 762.71 2288.13 0.00 2288.13 9.00 205.93 9.00 205.93 0.00 KBD + MOUSE 107288.13 0.00 107288.13 9655.93 9655.93 0.00 Taxable CGST SGST IGST TotalTaxableAmount 107288.13 Value Tax Amount Tax Amount Tax Amount Total GST 19311.86 107288.13 9.00 % 9655.93 9.00 % 9655.93 0.00 % 0.00 Total 9655.93 9655.93 0.00 Gross Amount 126599.99 Round Off 0.01 RUPEESONELACTWENTYSIXTHOUSANDSIXHUNDREDONLY Net Amount 126600.00 Term&Condition ElectronicReferenceNumber 1.PAYMENTBYA/CPAYEESCHEQUE 2. PAYMENT MADE AFTER DUE DATE WILL BEAR 18% INTEREST PER ANNUM. DIGITALINFORMATICS 3.ALL TRANSACTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO AHMEDABAD JURISDICTION. 4. MATERIAL ONCE SOLD WILL NOT BE TAKEN BACK. Signature: 5.SUPPLIES COMPUTER PARTS ONLY.NO SOFTWARESERVICE CONTEMPTED. Authorised Signature Name : 6.WARRANTYASPERSPECIFIEDBYMANUFACTURER/DISTRIBUTORS Designation 7.HDFCBANK-VEJALPURBRANCH-A/CNO:00482560005602IFSC:HDFC0000048 ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED Register Address: B-4,NAVRATNA CENTER,ABOVE BANK OF BARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI, Receiver Signatory AHMEDABAD-380007Phone No.:9227172900,9825154848
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "GST/000016", "InvoiceDate": "27/04/2022", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "DIGITAL INFORMATICS", "SellerAddress": "B-4, NAVRATNA CENTER, ABOVE BANK OF BARODA, FATEHPURA, PALDI, AHMEDABAD-380007", "SellerTaxNumber": "24ACXPS7063A1ZB", "SellerContactNumber": "9227172900, 9825154848", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "202, 2ND FLOOR, PARISHRAM, 5BRASMI SOCIETY, NR.L.G.SHOWROOM, MITHAKHALI, AHMEDABAD-GUJARAT", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "INTEX 1707 CABINET WITH SMPS", "Qty": "3.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "1525.42", "Tax": "9.00%", "Total_for_each_item": "4576.26" }, { "Description": "LOGITECH MK-200 KBD + MOUSE", "Qty": "3.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "762.71", "Tax": "9.00%", "Total_for_each_item": "2288.13" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "00482560005602", "IFSC": "HDFC0000048" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "107288.13", "TotalTaxesAmount": "19331.86", "FinalTotal": "126600.00" } }
Invoice Page 1 of 1 MBJ Airports Limited REMITTO: Invoice # SIA-162607 MBJ Airports Limited Invoice Date 12/01/2022 Island MailboxesP.O.Box 4000 Agreement # 000720 Montego Bay, Jamaica Contract # MARL2 GCT Tax Reg # 001-705-873, JM Company # 00000378 Total Amount $1,195.66 Mr.Francis Amair Marksman Limited *INTERESTWILLBECHARGEDONALL Lot 1219ProvidenceWay OVERDUEANDUNPAIDBALANCESON lronshore ACCOUNT. St. James, JM Sangster International Airport Line Description Amount 1 SpaceFeesper Sq.Ft($US)SpaceFees Offices $954.04 NewDomesticTerminal 537.12 Sq Ft @ ($21.3146/12) sqft/yr 2 Space Fees per Sq. Ft ($US) Space Fees - Improved Land $85.66 Marksman Trailer 326.15 Sq Ft @ ($3.1518/12) sqft/yr 3 GCT on Space Fees ($US) GCT Output Tax - 15% $155.96 1,039.70479 @ $0.15 $US Total AmountDue $1,195.66 Invoice #SIA-162607 12/01/2022 Company #00000378 DECEMBER2022
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "SIA-162607", "InvoiceDate": "12/01/2022", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "MBJ Airports Limited", "SellerAddress": "Island Mailboxes P.O. Box 4000, Montego Bay, Jamaica", "SellerTaxNumber": "001-705-873", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Mr. Francis Amair", "ClientAddress": "Marksman Limited Lot 1219 Providence Way, St. James, JM", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Space Fees per Sq.Ft($US) - Space Fees Offices New Domestic Terminal", "Qty": "537.12", "UnitOfMeasure": "sqft/yr", "NetPrice": "$21.3146/12", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "$954.04" }, { "Description": "Space Fees per Sq. Ft ($US) - Space Fees - Improved Land", "Qty": "326.15", "UnitOfMeasure": "sqft/yr", "NetPrice": "$3.1518/12", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "$85.66" }, { "Description": "GCT on Space Fees ($US) - GCT Output Tax - 15%", "Qty": "1,039.70479", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "$0.15", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "$155.96" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "$1,195.66" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE Invoice No. Dated 90,SHRI RAKHIALDHANLAXMI SOCIETY, 24 5-Sep-22 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAV ROAD, Delivery Note Mode/Terms of Payment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV Reference No.& Date. OtherReferences State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail : [email protected] Buyer's Order No. Dated Buyer (Billto) MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER Delivery NoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATESPRITAMNAGAR PALDI , AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 StateName : Gujarat, Code : 24 TermsofDelivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. CARRYBAG 42021290 12PCS 205.00PCS 2,460.00 SmallSada 2 CARRYBAG 42021290 25PCS 250.00PCS 6,250.00 BigPyanoPrint 3 CARRYBAG 42021290 12 PCS 130.00PCS 1,560.00 CasioSmall CARRY BAG 42021290 12 PCS 135.00PCS 1,620.00 CasioMidiam 5 CARRY BAG 42021290 12 PCS 460.00PCS 5,520.00 JamboYamaha 17,410.00 CGST9% 9% 1,566.90 SGST 9% 9 % 1,566.90 continued ... ThisisaComputerGenerated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "24", "InvoiceDate": "5-Sep-22", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRI RAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1Z1", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATES, PRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CARRY BAG Small Sada", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "205.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "2,460.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Big Pyano Print", "Qty": "25 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "250.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "6,250.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Casio Small", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "130.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "1,560.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Casio Midiam", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "135.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "1,620.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Jambo Yamaha", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "460.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "5,520.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "17,410.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "3,133.80", "FinalTotal": "" } }
COOLTRIPCONSULTANT, 29/13, VANCHINATHN STREET PERAMBUR CHENNAI - 600 011,Tel : 04448586276, Email: [email protected], GSTIN:33AALFC5202H1ZU, DOM. SALES [Original for Recipient] To M/S : UX REACTOR INDIA PVT LTD Doc. No : DS19/221 Date : 19 Jul 2019 Reference: Narration : Mobile No. : Handled By : Emp Code : ProjectCode: GSTIN:36AABCU9451H1Z3 Airline : AIR INDIA [PLACE OF SUPPLY:TELANGANA] Page No : 1of1 Ticket No./ Passenger Name SAC/ Sector Flight Details BasicFare Taxes& Tot Amount Chrgs AI7HXQ4S MISHRA/SUBHRANTA MR 998559 1233.00 3625.00 4858.00 HYD/PNQ AI956128Jul2019 AI7HXQ4S1 998559 1233.00 3625.00 4858.00 CASTILLOHENAO/LUISAFERNANDAMS HYD/PNQ Al9561 28Jul2019 AI7HXQ4S2KHALID/SARAHMS 998559 1233.00 3625.00 4858.00 HYD/PNQ AI9561 28Jul2019 Sub Total :3699.00 10875.00 14574.00 Add: PROCESSING CHARGES(D)1:300.00 Add : IGST CLIENT ON (300.00 @ 18.00%) : 54.00 INR Fourteen Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty Eight only TOTAL: 14928.00 TermsandConditionsE.&O.E ForCOOLTRIPCONSULTANT 1. Payment to be made to the cashier & printed Oofficial Receipt must be obtained. 2.All cheques/demand drafts in payment of billsmust be crossed'A/cPayee Only' and drawn 口 in favour of COOLTRIP CONSULTANT 3.Interest @24%perannum will be chargedon all outstanding billsafter due date. 4. Kindly check all details carefully to avoid un-necessary complications. 5. Subject To CHENNAI Jurisdiction Receiver's Signature Administrator
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "DS19/221", "InvoiceDate": "19 Jul 2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "COOLTRIP CONSULTANT", "SellerAddress": "29/13, VANCHINATHN STREET PERAMBUR CHENNAI - 600 011", "SellerTaxNumber": "33AALFC5202H1ZU", "SellerContactNumber": "04448586276", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UX REACTOR INDIA PVT LTD", "ClientAddress": "", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "AI 7HXQ4S MISHRA/SUBHRANTA MR", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1233.00", "Tax": "3625.00", "Total_for_each_item": "4858.00" }, { "Description": "AI 7HXQ4S1 CASTILLOHENAO/LUISAFERNANDA MS", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1233.00", "Tax": "3625.00", "Total_for_each_item": "4858.00" }, { "Description": "AI 7HXQ4S2 KHALID/SARAH MS", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1233.00", "Tax": "3625.00", "Total_for_each_item": "4858.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "14574.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "10875.00", "FinalTotal": "14928.00" } }
DIGITALINFORMATICS B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD Pin Code:380007 Phone No.:, Website:[email protected] Invoice GSTIN Number :24ACXPS7063A1ZB Transportation Mode TaxIsPayable OnReverse Charge : NO Veh.No InvoiceSerial Number :GST/000124 Date & Time Of Supply :13/10/2020 InvoiceDate :13/10/2020 Place Of Supply Details Of Receiver(Billed To) Details Of Consignee (Shipped To) Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Address :202,2ND FLOOR,PARISHRAM,5B RASMI Address : 202, 2ND FLOOR, PARISHRAM,5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, City-State : AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT State :GUJARAT State Code : 24 StateCode : 24 GSTIN Number :24AAQCA1169D1ZU GSTIN Number :24AAQCA1169D1ZU Sr. Description HSN Qty UOM Rate Total Discount Taxable CGST SGST IGST No ofGoods ISAC Value Code Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount LAPTOPBATTERY 850780 1.00|NUMBER 1567.80 1567.80 0.00 1567.80 9.00 141.10 9.00 141.10 0.00 00 2 REPAIRING 998713 1.00|NUMBER 700.00 700.00 0.00 700.00 9.00 63.00 9.00 63.00 0.00 CHARGES 2267.80 0.00 2267.80 204.10 204.10 0.00 Taxable CGST SGST IGST Total TaxableAmount 2267.80 Value Tax Amount Tax Amount Tax Amount Total GST 408.20 2267.80 9.00 % 204.10 9.00 % 204.10 0.00 % 0.00 Total 204.10 204.10 0.00 GrossAmount 2676.00 Round Off 0.00 RUPEESTWOTHOUSANDSIXHUNDREDSEVENTYSIXONLY Net Amount 2676.00 Today OutStanding: 3100.00 Current Bill Amount: 2676.00 Total OutStanding: 5776.00 Term&Condition ElectronicReferenceNumber 1.PAYMENTBYA/CPAYEESCHEQUE 2. PAYMENT MADE AFTER DUE DATE WILL BEAR 18% INTEREST PER ANNUM. DIGITALINFORMATICS 3. ALL TRANSACTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO AHMEDABAD JURISDICTION. 4. MATERIAL ONCE SOLD WILL NOT BE TAKEN BACK. Signature: 5.SUPPLIES COMPUTER PARTS ONLY.NO SOFTWARE SERVICE CONTEMPTED. Authorised Signature Name 6.WARRANTYASPERSPECIFIEDBYMANUFACTURER/ DISTRIBUTORS. Designation 7.HDFCBANK-VEJALPURBRANCH-A/CNO:00482560005602IFSC:HDFC0000048 ASPIRESOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Register Address: B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI, Receiver Signatory AHMEDABAD-380007 Phone No.:9227172900,9825154848
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "GST/000124", "InvoiceDate": "13/10/2020", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "DIGITALINFORMATICS", "SellerAddress": "B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD", "SellerTaxNumber": "24ACXPS7063A1ZB", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "202,2ND FLOOR,PARISHRAM,5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LAPTOP BATTERY", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "1567.80", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "1567.80" }, { "Description": "REPAIRING CHARGES", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "700.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "700.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "00482560005602", "IFSC": "HDFC0000048" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "2267.80", "TotalTaxesAmount": "204.10", "FinalTotal": "2676.00" } }
DIGITALINFORMATICS B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD Pin Code:380007 Phone No.:, Website:[email protected] Invoice GSTIN Number :24ACXPS7063A1ZB Transportation Mode Tax IsPayable On Reverse Charge : NO Veh.No InvoiceSerial Number :GST/000193 Date &Time Of Supply : 23/03/2022 InvoiceDate :23/03/2022 Place Of Supply Details Of Receiver(Billed To) Details Of Consignee (Shipped To) Name :ASPIRESOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Address :202,2NDFLOOR,PARISHRAM,5BRASMI Address : 202, 2ND FLOOR, PARISHRAM, 5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, City-State :AHMEDABAD-GUJARAT State :GUJARAT State Code : 24 StateCode : 24 GSTIN Number :24AAQCA1169D1ZU GSTIN Number : 24AAQCA1169D1ZU Sr. Description HSN Qty UOM Rate Total Discount Taxable CGST SGST IGST No ofGoods ISAC Value Code Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount DLINK DES 1024C - 8517 1.00|NUMBER 3050.85 3050.85 0.00 3050.85 9.00 274.58 9.00 274.58 0.00 24PORT 10/100 SWITCH SPONTANE 240GB 8523 1.00NUMBER 2415.25 2415.25 0.00 2415.25 9.00 217.37 9.00 217.37 0.00 SSD KINGSTONE8GB 8473 2.00|NUMBER 2351.69 4703.38 0.00 4703.38 9.00 423.30 9.00 423.30 0.00 DDR3 1600 MHZ RAM 10169.48 0.00 10169.48 915.25 915.25 0.00 Taxable CGST SGST IGST TotalTaxableAmount 10169.48 Value Tax Amount Tax Amount Tax Amount Total GST 1830.50 10169.48 9.00 % 915.25 9.00 % 915.25 0.00 % 0.00 Total 915.25 915.25 0.00 Gross Amount 11999.98 Round Off 0.02 RUPEES TWELVE THOUSAND ONLY Net Amount 12000.00 Term&Condition ElectronicReference Number 1.PAYMENTBYA/CPAYEESCHEQUE 2. PAYMENT MADE AFTER DUE DATE WILL BEAR 18% INTEREST PER ANNUM. DIGITALINFORMATICS 3. ALL TRANSACTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO AHMEDABAD JURISDICTION. 4. MATERIAL ONCE SOLD WILL NOT BE TAKEN BACK. Signature: 5.SUPPLIESCOMPUTERPARTSONLY.NOSOFTWARESERVICE CONTEMPTED. Authorised Signature Name 6.WARRANTYAS PER SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER/ DISTRIBUTORS. Designation 7.HDFCBANK-VEJALPURBRANCH-A/CNO:00482560005602IFSC:HDFC0000048 ASPIRESOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Register Address: B-4,NAVRATNA CENTER,ABOVE BANK OF BARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI, Receiver Signatory AHMEDABAD-380007Phone No.:9227172900,9825154848
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "GST/000193", "InvoiceDate": "23/03/2022", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "DIGITALINFORMATICS", "SellerAddress": "B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD", "SellerTaxNumber": "24ACXPS7063A1ZB", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "202,2NDFLOOR,PARISHRAM,5BRASMI, NR.L.G.SHOWROOM, MITHAKHALI, AHMEDABAD-GUJARAT", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "DLINK DES 1024C - 24PORT 10/100 SWITCH", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "3050.85", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "3050.85" }, { "Description": "SPONTANE 240GB SSD", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "2415.25", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2415.25" }, { "Description": "KINGSTONE8GB DDR3 1600 MHZ RAM", "Qty": "2.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "2351.69", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "4703.38" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "10169.48", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "12000.00" } }
First Advantage ax nvo Net Due in 30 Days ASymphony Technology Group Company First Advantage Private Limited Interface, Building No.7 ORIGINAL FOR RECIPIENT 1st Floor,Link Road,Mumbai-400064 State:Maharashtra & State Code:27 GSTIN:27AAACQ0706E1ZX Pan No:AAACQ0706E Bill To: AccountNumber: 552-VD2128 Name: UXReactor IndiaPvt Ltd Invoice Number: MH-INVA19-13218 Address: #1012-1014,10th Floor InvoiceDate: 31-Oct-2019 Manjeera Trinity Corporate InvoiceAmount: INR613.60 JNTU to Hitech CityRoad Please Pay By: 30-Nov-2019 Kukkatpally PO#: Hyderabad,Telangana-500072-IN Kind Attn: Keerthi Dirsina State: Telangana State Code: 36 GSTIN: 36AABCU9451H1Z3 Pan No: AABCU9451H Place of Supply:Telangana(36) Amount dueThisBill HSN Taxable CGST SGST IGST Total Value Description of Service Total Code Discount Value Rate Amt. Rate Amt. Rate Amt. INR SalesVerifyDirect-MH 998519 520.00 520.00 18% 93.60 613.60 Total 613.60 Total InvoiceValue(InWords) IndianRupeeSixhundred thirteenandsixtyPaisasOnly Amount of Tax subject to Reverse Charges:-No ContactCustomerServicewithbillingquestions Tel:+91-22-40697000Fax:+91-22-40697249,Email:[email protected] Please reviewyour invoice for proper billing.Amounts not disputed within7 days of receipt of the invoice are presumed to bevalid. For and on behalf of First Advantage Private Limited SignatureNotVerified LINESHVISHNUBAWANT SigningDate:05.1.201914:24 Linesh Sawant Manager Payment Terms: Pleasemakepayment of outstanding amount inclusiveof Bank Charges&all Taxes as per payment instructions. Payment must be received by the above stated payment due date Payment Instructions: PaymentByTelegraphicTransfer,BankTransferorDemandDraft BeneficiaryName:FirstAdvantagePrivate Limited BankName:TheHongkong andShanghai Banking CorporationLimited.BankAcct No:073316564001 MICR Code:560039002Swift Code:HSBCINBB IFSC Code:HSBC0560002 BankAddress:No:7,M.GRoad,Bangalore-560001 To Pay By Cheque: Mail to:FirstAdvantagePrivateLimited,Interface,BuildingNo.7,1stFloor,linkRoad,Malad(W),Mumbai-400064. *Be sure to include your invoice number on all payments. Cheque / Draft should be made in favor of "First Advantage Private Limited". Remittance Details: Pleasesendremittance details including invoice number(s)to Email:[email protected] This is a computer generated invoice and does not requiremanual signatures. We areregisteredunderMediumEnterprisesDevelopment(MSMED)Act,2006 Regdffice:trface,BuildingNo.7st floor,LinkRoadMalad West),Mumbai40064,Maarashtranda Phone:+912240697000Fax:+912240697249Corporate Identity No.U85110MH2001PTC132569
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "MH-INVA19-13218", "InvoiceDate": "31-Oct-2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "30-Nov-2019" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "First Advantage Private Limited", "SellerAddress": "Interface, Building No.7, 1st Floor, Link Road, Mumbai-400064", "SellerTaxNumber": "27AAACQ0706E1ZX", "SellerContactNumber": "+91-22-40697000", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXReactor India Pvt Ltd", "ClientAddress": "#1012-1014, 10th Floor, Manjeera Trinity Corporate, JNTU to Hitech City Road, Kukkatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana-500072-IN", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Sales Verify Direct-MH", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "520.00", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "613.60" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "073316564001", "IFSC": "HSBC0560002" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "520.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "93.60", "FinalTotal": "613.60" } }
TANQAA PAYROLL PRIVATE LIMITED No10GrdFloor,2ndAMainRoad,10thCrossExtn Green ParkLayout(OMBR),D Banaswadi Bangalore560043 GSTIN/UIN:29AADCT0003C1Z1 E-Mail : [email protected] TAX INVOICE ORIGINAL FOR RECIPIENT To Invoice No:033/19-20Bglr UX Reactor Hyderabad 500 Date GST No36AABCU9451H1Z3 :25-Apr-2019 HYDERABAD-500034 SI.No Particulars Amount Towards Fee for Annual Activities-ITProof Validations&Form 16 Issue(Equivalent to 1 5,000.00 Mar'18 Billing) 2 Output IGST 18% 900.00 Total 5,900.00 Amount Chargeable(in words) E.&O.E INR Five Thousand Nine Hundred Only Category :Payroll Services Company's GSTIN No.:29AADCT0003C1Z1 Company's PAN :AADCT0003C Company's CIN No :U72900TN2008PTC068698 SAC Code :998223 for TANQAA PAYROLL PRWATELIMNED alore VHi
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "033/19-20Bglr", "InvoiceDate": "25-Apr-2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANQAA PAYROLL PRIVATE LIMITED", "SellerAddress": "No 10 Grd Floor, 2nd A Main Road, 10th Cross Extn Green Park Layout (OMBR), D Banaswadi Bangalore 560043", "SellerTaxNumber": "29AADCT0003C1Z1", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UX Reactor", "ClientAddress": "Hyderabad 500", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Towards Fee for Annual Activities-IT Proof Validations & Form 16 Issue (Equivalent to Mar'18 Billing)", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "5,000.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "5,000.00" }, { "Description": "Output IGST 18%", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "900.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "900.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "5,900.00" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE InvoiceNo. Dated 90,SHRIRAKHIALDHANLAXMISOCIETY, 42 15-Dec-22 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, DeliveryNote Mode/TermsofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV Reference No.& Date. Other References State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail : [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16SAHAJANANDTRADE CENTER Delivery NoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATES,PRITAMNAGAR PALDI , AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 StateName : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. CARRYBAG 42021290 21 PCS 260.00PCS 5,460.00 Pyno Print mm Big 2 CARRYBAG 42021290 6 PCS 215.00PCS 1,290.00 Yamaha SadaSmall 3 CARRYBAG 42021290 6 PCS 215.00PCS 1,290.00 Casio Sada Small 8,040.00 CGST 9% 9% 723.60 SGST 9% 9% 723.60 Less : ROUNDINGOFF (-)0.20 Total 33PCS 9,487.00 Amount Chargeable(in words) E.&O.E INRNineThousandFourHundredEightySevenOnly HSN/SAC Taxable CentralTax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 42021290 8,040.00 9% 723.60 9% 723.60 1,447.20 Total 8,040.00 723.60 723.60 1,447.20 Tax Amount (in words) : INR One Thousand Four Hundred Forty Seven and Twenty paise Only Company's Bank Details A/c Holder'sName:TANVI ENTERPRISSE BankName : UNION BANK OF INDIA A/c No. :483301010036880 Branch&IFSCode:ODHAVBRANCH&UBIN0548332 Declaration for TANVIENTERPRISE Wedeclare that thisinvoiceshows the actual priceof the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a ComputerGenerated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "42", "InvoiceDate": "15-Dec-22", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRIRAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATES, PRITAM NAGAR, PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CARRY BAG Pyno Print mm Big", "Qty": "21 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "260.00PCS", "NetPrice": "5,460.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "5,460.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Yamaha Sada Small", "Qty": "6 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "215.00PCS", "NetPrice": "1,290.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "1,290.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Casio Sada Small", "Qty": "6 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "215.00PCS", "NetPrice": "1,290.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "1,290.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "483301010036880", "IFSC": "UBIN0548332" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "8,040.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "1,447.20", "FinalTotal": "9,487.00" } }
HYPERFACTORY IT SERVICES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED ORIGINALFOR RECIPIENT Invoice HFL-008/2019-20 HYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPRIVATELIMITED Date 25-un-19 #1012 to #1014,10th floor,Manjeera Trinity Corporate . Phone 040-23264083 Survey No.1050, E-mail [email protected] Kukatpally, : Hyderabad -500 072. GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1Z0 Name UXREACTORINDIAPRIVATELIMITED Address #1012to#1014,10thfloorManjeeraTrinityCorporateSurveyNo.1050,Kukatpally City Hyderabad500072 Contact Phone GSTIN 36AABCU9451H1Z3 Placeof Telangana Supply TOTAL(RS.) S.No HSN/SAC Description 4,65,284 997221 Rental Charges for the period from 1.07.2019 to 31.07.2019 SubTotal 4,65,284 Add: CGST @ 9% 41,876 41,876 SGST @ 9% 83,751 TotalTax Total 5,49,035 Rupees Five lakhForty Nine Thousand Thirty Five only Bank Details Payment Detalls PANNO: AABCH9108G Axls Bank,INDIA BeneficiaryName: HYPERFACTORYIT SERVICESINDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Srlnagar Colony,Hyderabad GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1Z0 Ac No:425010200010788 IFS Code:UTIB0000425 For HYPERFACTORYIT SERVICES INDIAP MITED Authorised Signatory 1012tthlrMntktll,abad0007 Scanned by CamScanner
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "HFL-008/2019-20", "InvoiceDate": "25-un-19", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "HYPERFACTORY IT SERVICES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "SellerAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th floor, Manjeera Trinity Corporate, Survey No.1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad -500 072.", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AABCH9108G1Z0", "SellerContactNumber": "040-23264083", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXREACTOR INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th floor, Manjeera Trinity Corporate, Survey No.1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad 500072", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Rental Charges for the period from 1.07.2019 to 31.07.2019", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "4,65,284", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "4,65,284" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "425010200010788", "IFSC": "UTIB0000425" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "4,65,284", "TotalTaxesAmount": 83,751, "FinalTotal": "5,49,035" } }
INVOICETO, Payment Instructions Aspire SoftServ Pvt. Ltd. Wire Information: SUREKHATECHNOLOGIES 202, 2nd Floor, HDFC BANKLTD,MUMBAI CaringFor client's success Parishram Complex, HDFC SWIFTID:HDFCINBB Mithakhali Six Roads, Name of Beneficiary:Surekha Navrangpura, Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad-380009 AccountNo.50200024298988with GSTNO:24AAQCA1169D1ZU Shyamal Branch GSTNO:24AAYCS3053Q1ZI INVOICE: Reference Number 202109021 InvoiceDate 03-Oct-2021 INV/STPL/2021/10/007 Total Payable 4,13,132.76 INR Resource Description HSN Hourly Charged Amount Code Rate Hours (INR) Rajan SimplrOps:Invoice amount from 1stSep to30thSep 998313 625.00 168.50 1,05,312.50 Dhinoja 2021 for Full Stack Application Development Deep KGP Galazy : Invoice amount from 1st Sep to 30th 998313 840.00 147.00 1,23,840.00 Thakkar Sep2021forLiferayDevelopment Pritesh SimplrOps:Invoiceamountfrom1stSepto30thSep 998313 840.00 144.00 1,20,960.00 Desai 2021 forFullStackApplicationDevelopment Untaxed Amount 3,50,112.50 CGST 31,510.13 SGST 31,510.13 Total Invoice Amount 4,13,132.76 HSN Code Details 998313 Information Technology (IT) Consulting And Support Services THANKYOUFORBUSINESSWITHUS! GAURAVSHAH CEO D/3,5thFloor,VijayTower,AnkurShoppingCenter, Tel: + 9179 40050848 (IN) [email protected] Naranpur, Ahmedabad, India -13
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "INV/STPL/2021/10/007", "InvoiceDate": "03-Oct-2021", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "Surekha Technologies Pvt. Ltd.", "SellerAddress": "202, 2nd Floor, Parishram Complex, Mithakhali Six Roads, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380009", "SellerTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Aspire SoftServ Pvt. Ltd.", "ClientAddress": "Parishram Complex, Mithakhali Six Roads, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380009", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAYCS3053Q1ZI", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "SimplrOps: Invoice amount from 1st Sep to 30th Sep 2021 for Full Stack Application Development", "Qty": "168.50", "UnitOfMeasure": "Hourly", "NetPrice": "625.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "1,05,312.50" }, { "Description": "KGP Galazy : Invoice amount from 1st Sep to 30th Sep 2021 for Liferay Development", "Qty": "147.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "Hourly", "NetPrice": "840.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "1,23,840.00" }, { "Description": "SimplrOps: Invoice amount from 1st Sep to 30th Sep 2021 for Full Stack Application Development", "Qty": "144.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "Hourly", "NetPrice": "840.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "1,20,960.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "50200024298988", "IFSC": "HDFC SWIFTID:HDFCINBB" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "3,50,112.50", "TotalTaxesAmount": "63,020.26", "FinalTotal": "4,13,132.76" } }
365 Admin Support (Naveen Sales and Services) ADMIN 83 231 / B/86, SriKrishna Nagar, Yosufguda SUPPORT Hyderabad,Telangana-500045 India TAXINVOICE GSTIN36AWOPT5755F1ZW +919849028683 E-mail [email protected] :INV-121 Place Of Supply : Telangana (36) InvoiceDate :09/08/2019 Terms :NET0 DueDate :09/08/2019 Bill To Ship To UXREACTORINDIAPRIVATELIMITED UXREACTORINDIAPRIVATELIMITED #1012 to #1014,10th floor, Manjeera trinity corporate, Survey no.1050, Plot no:S2, JNTU -Hitec city road, KPHB Phase 3,Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500072. GSTIN-36AABCU9451H1Z3 +919849028683 HSN CGST SGST Item & Description /SAC Qty Rate % Amt % Amt Amount # ComputerAMC+Advance 995461 1.00 11,998.00 9% 1,079.82 9% 1,079.82 11,998.00 1 Support 40-50Systems/Laptops Non-Comprehensive For the month of August 2019 NetworkAMC 1.00 1.00 9% 0.09 9% 2 0.09 1.00 WirelessRouter 1 Configurations,Internal Network Connectivity, 2ISPMonitoring reports and alertsfrom365Admin Support. 3 ADD-OnAMC 1.00 1.00 9% 0.09 9% 0.09 1.00 Bio-Metric ESSL X990, (Software and Hardware) CCTV Sub Total 12,000.00 TotalInWords CGST9 (9%) 1,080.00 Rupeesfourteen thousand onehundredsixty SGST9 (9%) 1,080.00 Total 14,160.00 Dear Sir, we thank you for enquiry for supply of Goods and Services.We Balance Due 14,160.00 trust you willfind ourquotation in line tomeet yourrequirement and lookforward toreceiveorders on usforpromptcompliance. BankDetails Naveen Sales And services A/cNo:000663300002469 IFC CODE:YESB0000006 Branch:SOMAJIGUDA Authorized Signature Terms&Conditions TERMS&CONDITIONS 01. Warranty: 02. Validity:10days 03. Payment :100%Advance and total balance should be cleared after the Delivery. 04. Delivery:Ex-stock 05. Taxes :GSTInclusive 06.TATTime :4-24Hours 07.Remote Support:10 per month
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "INV-121", "InvoiceDate": "09/08/2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "09/08/2019" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "365 Admin Support (Naveen Sales and Services)", "SellerAddress": "83 231 / B/86, SriKrishna Nagar, Yosufguda, Hyderabad, Telangana-500045, India", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AWOPT5755F1ZW", "SellerContactNumber": "+91 9849028683", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXREACTOR INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th floor, Manjeera trinity corporate, Survey no.1050, Plot no:S2, JNTU -Hitec city road, KPHB Phase 3, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500072.", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Computer AMC + Advance Support 40-50 Systems/Laptops Non-Comprehensive", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "11,998.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "11,998.00" }, { "Description": "Network AMC Wireless Router Configurations, Internal Network Connectivity, ISP Monitoring reports and alerts from 365Admin Support.", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "1.00" }, { "Description": "ADD-On AMC Bio-Metric ESSL X990, (Software and Hardware) CCTV", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "1.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "000663300002469", "IFSC": "YESB0000006" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "12,000.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "2,160.00", "FinalTotal": "14,160.00" } }
HYPERFACTORY ITSERVICESINDIA PRIVATE LIMITED ORIGINALFORRECIPIENT HYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPRIVATELIMITED Invoice HFL-018/2019-20 #1012 to #1014,10th floor,ManjeeraTrinityCorporate Date : 20-Aug-19 Survey No.1050, Phone : 040-23264083 Kukatpally, E-mail [email protected] : Hyderabad-500072. GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1Z0 Name UXREACTORINDIA PRIVATELIMITED Address #1012#014oanjeranityrauvy00kally City Hyderabad 500072 Contact Phone GSTIN 36AABCU9451H1Z3 Placeof Telangana Supply S.No HSN/SAC Description TOTAL (Rs.) Buliding Acesss cards for the period from 1.08.2019 to 31.08.2019 997221 5,400 SubTotal 5,400 Add:CGST@9% 486 SGST @9% 486 Total Tax 972 Total 6,372 RupeesSixThousandThree Hundred SeventyTwo only Payment Details Bank Details PANNO: AABCH9108G AxisBank,INDIA BeneficiaryName: HYPERFACTORYIT SERVICES INDIAPRIVATELIMITED Srinagar Colony,Hyderabad GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1Z0 A/e No:425010200010788 IFS Code:UTIB0000425 ForHYPERFACTORYITSERVICESIND Authorised Signatory #1012to#1014,10thFloo
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "HFL-018/2019-20", "InvoiceDate": "20-Aug-19", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "HYPERFACTORY IT SERVICES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "SellerAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th floor, Manjeera Trinity Corporate, Survey No. 1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500072.", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AABCH9108G1Z0", "SellerContactNumber": "040-23264083", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXREACTOR INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th floor, Manjeera Trinity Corporate, Survey No. 1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500072", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Buliding Acesss cards for the period from 1.08.2019 to 31.08.2019", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "5,400", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "5,400" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "425010200010788", "IFSC": "UTIB0000425" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "5,400", "TotalTaxesAmount": "972", "FinalTotal": "6,372" } }
TAXINVOICE (ORIGINALFORRECIPIENT) MAXIPLETRADELINKS Invoice No. Dated SURVEYNO.00008/1/8/2/8/7, B-4239 18-Jan-23 LATI BAZAR NR.MUNCIPAL Delivery Note SLOTTER HOUSE JAMALPUR, AHMEDABAD Reference No.&Date. Other References GSTIN/UIN:24ABJFM4716H1ZA State Name : Gujarat, Code : 24 Buyer's Order No. Dated Contact :9898006192,9512393795 Dispatch Doc No. DeliveryNoteDate E-Mail : [email protected] Buyer (Bill to) Dispatched through Destination THEICONCREATION 1, TRIMURTI ESTATE, NATIONAL HIGHWAY No.8, ASLALI, AHMEDABAD. GSTIN/UIN :24AAOFT0941P1ZO Place of Supply : Gujarat SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. 1NarrowWovenFabrics(5806)C 58063200 47.200KGS 194.99 KGS 9,203.36 SGST 230.08 CGST 230.08 ROUNDOFF 0.48 Total 47.200KGS 9,664.00 Amount Chargeable (in words) E.&O.E INRNineThousandSixHundredSixtyFourOnly HSN/SAC Taxable Central Tax State Tax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount Tax Amount 58063200 9,203.362.50% 230.082.50% 230.08 460.16 Total 9,203.36 230.08 230.08 460.16 Tax Amount (in words) :Il INR Four Hundred Sixty and Sixteen paise Only Company's PAN : ABJFM4716H Declaration We declare that this invoice shows the actual price of the goods described and that allparticulars are true and Company's Bank Details correct. TERMS&CONDITIONS: BankName :HDFCBANK A/c No. :50200034273538 1. Goods once sold will not taken Back. Branch&IFS Code :JALARAM MANDIR(PALDI)&HDFC0004227 2. We are not responsible for damage in transit. 3. Interest @24% p.a. willbe charged if payment is not for MAXIPLE TRADELINKS received within Due date. 4.Rs.500 will charged for return cheq Authorised Signatory SUBJECT TO AHMEDABAD JURISDICTION This is a Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "B-4239", "InvoiceDate": "18-Jan-23", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "MAXIPLE TRADELINKS", "SellerAddress": "LATI BAZAR NR. MUNCIPAL SLOTTER HOUSE JAMALPUR, AHMEDABAD", "SellerTaxNumber": "24ABJFM4716H1ZA", "SellerContactNumber": "9898006192,9512393795", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "THE ICON CREATION", "ClientAddress": "1, TRIMURTI ESTATE, NATIONAL HIGHWAY No.8, ASLALI, AHMEDABAD.", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAOFT0941P1ZO", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Narrow Woven Fabrics (5806) C", "Qty": "47.200 KGS", "UnitOfMeasure": "KGS", "NetPrice": "194.99", "Tax": "2.50%", "Total_for_each_item": "9,664.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "50200034273538", "IFSC": "HDFC0004227" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "9,203.36", "TotalTaxesAmount": "460.16", "FinalTotal": "9,664.00" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE InvoiceNo. Dated 90,SHRIRAKHIALDHANLAXMISOCIETY, 1 19-Apr-23 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, DeliveryNote Mode/TermsofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV Reference No.& Date. OtherReferences State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail : [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16SAHAJANANDTRADE CENTER Delivery NoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATES,PRITAMNAGAR PALDI , AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 StateName : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. DUSTCOVER 42021290 51 PCS 80.00PCS 4,080.00 Big 2 CARRY BAG 42021290 12PCS 290.00PCS 3,480.00 GitarYamaha 3 CARRYBAG 42021290 17 PCS 230.00PCS 3,910.00 Big SadaYamaha 11,470.00 CGST 9% 9% 1,032.30 SGST9% 9% 1,032.30 ROUNDINGOFF 0.40 Total 80PCS 13,535.00 Amount Chargeable(in words) E.&O.E INRThirteenThousandFiveHundredThirtyFiveOnly HSN/SAC Taxable CentralTax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 42021290 11,470.00 9% 1,032.30 9% 1,032.30 2,064.60 Total 11,470.00 1,032.30 1,032.30 2,064.60 Tax Amount (in words) : INR Two Thousand Sixty Four and Sixty paise Only Company's Bank Details A/c Holder'sName:TANVI ENTERPRISSE BankName : UNION BANK OF INDIA A/c No. :483301010036880 Branch&IFSCode:ODHAVBRANCH&UBIN0548332 Declaration for TANVIENTERPRISE We declare that thisinvoiceshows the actual priceof the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a ComputerGenerated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "1", "InvoiceDate": "19-Apr-23", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRIRAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATES, PRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "DUST COVER Big", "Qty": "51 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "80.00", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "4,080.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Gitar Yamaha", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "290.00", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "3,480.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Big Sada Yamaha", "Qty": "17", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "230.00", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "3,910.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "483301010036880", "IFSC": "UBIN0548332" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "11,470.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "2,064.60", "FinalTotal": "13,535.00" } }
INVOICETO, Payment Instructions Aspire SoftServ Pvt. Ltd. Wire Information: SUREKHA TECHNOLOGIES 202,2nd Floor, HDFC BANK LTD,MUMBAI CaringFor client's success Parishram Complex, HDFC SWIFTID:HDFCINBB Mithakhali Six Roads, Name of Beneficiary:Surekha Navrangpura, Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad-380009 AccountNo.50200024298988with GSTNO:24AAQCA1169D1ZU Shyamal Branch GST NO :24AAYCS3053Q1ZI INVOICE: Reference Number 202109003 InvoiceDate 13-Sep-2021 INV/STPL/2021/09/008 Total Payable 2,78,848.74 INR Resource Description HSN Hourly Charged Amount Code Rate Hours (INR) Rajan SimplrOps: Invoice amount from 1st Aug to 31st Aug 998313 625.00 176.50 1,26,000.00 Dhinoja 2021 for Full Stack Application Development Deep KGP Galazy:Invoice amount from1stAug to31st 998313 840.00 150.00 1,10,312.00 Thakkar Aug2021forLiferayDevelopment Untaxed Amount 2,36,312.50 CGST 21,268.12 SGST 21,268.12 Total Invoice Amount 2,78,848.74 HSN Code Details 998313 Information Technology (IT) Consulting And Support Services THANKYOUFORBUSINESSWITHUS! GAURAV SHAH CEO D/3,5thFloor,VijayTower,AnkurShopping Center, Tel: + 9179 40050848 (IN) [email protected] Naranpur, Ahmedabad, India - 13
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "INV/STPL/2021/09/008", "InvoiceDate": "13-Sep-2021", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "Surekha Technologies Pvt. Ltd.", "SellerAddress": "D/3, 5th Floor, Vijay Tower, Ankur Shopping Center,Naranpur, Ahmedabad, India - 13", "SellerTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "SellerContactNumber": "+ 9179 40050848 (IN)", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Aspire SoftServ Pvt. Ltd.", "ClientAddress": "202, 2nd Floor, Parishram Complex, Mithakhali Six Roads, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380009", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAYCS3053Q1ZI", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "SimplrOps: Invoice amount from 1st Aug to 31st Aug 2021 for Full Stack Application Development", "Qty": "176.50", "UnitOfMeasure": "Hourly", "NetPrice": "625.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "1,68,536.24" }, { "Description": "KGP Galazy: Invoice amount from 1st Aug to 31st Aug 2021 for Liferay Development", "Qty": "150.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "Hourly", "NetPrice": "840.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "1,47,624.50" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "50200024298988", "IFSC": "HDFC0000411" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "2,36,312.50", "TotalTaxesAmount": "78,536.24", "FinalTotal": "2,78,848.74" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE Invoice No. Dated 90,SHRI RAKHIALDHANLAXMI SOCIETY, 38 22-Nov-22 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAV ROAD, Delivery Note Mode/TermsofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV Reference No.& Date. OtherReferences State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail: [email protected] Buyer's Order No. Dated Buyer (Billto) MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER DeliveryNoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATESPRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 StateName : Gujarat, Code : 24 TermsofDelivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. DUSTCOVER 42021290 54PCS 75.00PCS 4,050.00 Small 2 Gitar Belt 8PCS 40.00PCS 320.00 3 CARRYBAG 42021290 12PCS 215.00PCS 2,580.00 Small Casio 4 CARRY BAG 42021290 12 PCS 440.00PCS 5,280.00 RedHavySmall 5 CARRYBAG 42021290 12PCS 490.00PCS 5,880.00 Red HavyBig 18,110.00 CGST9% 9% 1,629.90 SGST9% 9% 1,629.90 continued ... This is a Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "38", "InvoiceDate": "22-Nov-22", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRI RAKHIALDHANLAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP.KOTHAWALA FLATES PRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "DUST COVER Small", "Qty": "54 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "75.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "4,050.00" }, { "Description": "Gitar Belt", "Qty": "8 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "40.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "320.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Small Casio", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "215.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "2,580.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Red Havy Small", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "440.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "5,280.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Red Havy Big", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "490.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "5,880.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "18,110.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "3,259.80", "FinalTotal": "21,369.80" } }
Alacrity Limited. Number: RC000001190 Alacrity 107 Old Hope Road Page: Limited Kingston6 Date: 11/1/2022 GCT Reg.No.-00-1563831 Sold Guardsman Limited Ship 2-6 Emmaville Crescent To: 2-6 Emmaville Crescent To: Kingston C.S.O. Kingston C.S.O. Jamaica Jamaica Attn:Nardia Thomas&Karl Lambert Attn:Nardia Thomas&Karl Lambert Reference-P.O.No. CustomerNo. Salesperson ShipVia TermsCode GUARD COD Description/Comments Amount Premises Rental -Ironshore 900,000.00 Premises Maintenance-Ironshore 250,000.00 Due Date Amount Due Disc. Date Disc|Amount 11/1/2022 1,322,500.00 0.00 Remit To: Subtotal before taxes 1,150,000.00 GCT 172,500.00 Total taxes 172,500.00 Total amount 1,322,500.00 Payment received 0.00 Discounttaken 0.00 Amountdue 1,322,500.00 Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "RC000001190", "InvoiceDate": "11/1/2022", "InvoiceDueDate": "11/1/2022" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "Alacrity Limited.", "SellerAddress": "107 Old Hope Road, Kingston 6", "SellerTaxNumber": "00-1563831", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Guardsman Limited", "ClientAddress": "2-6 Emmaville Crescent, Kingston C.S.O., Jamaica", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Premises Rental -Ironshore", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "900,000.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "900,000.00" }, { "Description": "Premises Maintenance -Ironshore", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "250,000.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "250,000.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "1,150,000.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "172,500.00", "FinalTotal": "1,322,500.00" } }
HYPERFACTORYIT SERVICESINDIA PRIVATE LIMITED ORIGINAL FOR RECIPIENT HYPERFACTORYIT SERVICESINDIA PRIVATELIMITED Invoice : HFL-014/2019-20 #1012 to #101410th loor,ManjeeraTrinity Corporate Date 25-Jul-19 Survey No.1050, Phone 040-23264083 Kukatpally, E-mail [email protected] Hyderabad -500 072. GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1Z0 Name UXREACTORINDIAPRIVATELIMITED Address #10120rnyrauly City Hyderabad 500072 Contact Phone GSTIN 36AABCU9451H1Z3 Placeof Telangana Supply S.No HSN/SAC Description TOTAL (RS.) 997221 CAM-SFTforthe period from 1.08.2019 to 31.08.2019 54,825 SubTotal 54,825 Add:CGST@9% 4,934 SGST@9% 4,934 Total Tax 9,869 Total 64,694 Rupees SixtyFourThousand Six Hundred NinetyFour only Payment Details BankDetails PANNO: AABCH9108G Axis Bank,INDIA Beneficiary Name: HYPERFACTORYIT SERVICES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED SrinagaColonyHyerabad GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1Z0 A/cNo:425010200010788 IFS Code:UTIB0000425 For HYPERFACTORYIT SERVICES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Authorised Signatory
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "HFL-014/2019-20", "InvoiceDate": "25-Jul-19", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "HYPERFACTORY IT SERVICES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "SellerAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th Floor, Manjeera Trinity Corporate, Survey No.1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad -500 072.", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AABCH9108G1Z0", "SellerContactNumber": "040-23264083", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXREACTOR INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th Floor, Manjeera Trinity Corporate, Survey No.1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad -500 072", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CAM-SFT for the period from 1.08.2019 to 31.08.2019", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "54,825", "Tax": "9,869", "Total_for_each_item": "54,825" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "425010200010788", "IFSC": "UTIB0000425" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "54,825", "TotalTaxesAmount": "9,869", "FinalTotal": "64,694" } }
Tax Invoice NBOS TechnologiesPvtLtd Invoice No. Dated Plot No7, Jubilee Enclave, 076/2018-19 1-Dec-2018 OPP Hitech City Entrance Delivery Note Mode/Terms of Payment Madhapur, Hyderabad Telangana, 500081 Telangana -500081, India Despatch Document No. Delivery NoteDate GSTIN/UIN:36AABCV0878K1ZY State Name:Telangana,Code:36 Despatched through Destination Buyer UXReactor India Pvt Ltd Terms of Delivery Plot No. 7, Jubilee Enclave Hitech City,Hyderabad Telangana-,India GSTIN/UIN : 36AABCU9451H1Z3 State Name : Telangana, Code : 36 Particulars HSN/SAC GST Amount Rate Office Rents 997312 18% 2,47,665.60 SGST Output Tax 22,289.90 CGST Output Tax 22,289.90 Less:Round Off (-)0.40 Total 2,92,245.00 Amount Chargeable (in words) E.&O.E INRTwoLakhNinetyTwoThousandTwoHundredFortyFiveOnly HSN/SAC Taxable Central Tax State Tax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount Tax Amount 997312 2,47,665.60 9% 22,289.90 9% 22,289.90 44,579.80 Total 2,47,665.60 22,289.90 22,289.90 44,579.80 Tax Amount (in words) : INR FortyFourThousand Five Hundred SeventyNine and Eightypaise Only Company's Bank Details Bank Name :AxisBankC/A Remarks: A/c No. :912020058374856 Being invoice raised (4320*57.33) for Dec-18 Branch&IFS Code e:JubileeHills&UTIB0000030 for NBOS Technologies Pvt Ltd Authorised Signatory SUBJECT TO HYDERABAD JURISDICTION This isa Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "076/2018-19", "InvoiceDate": "1-Dec-2018", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "NBOS TechnologiesPvtLtd", "SellerAddress": "Plot No7, Jubilee Enclave, OPP Hitech City Entrance, Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500081", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AABCV0878K1ZY", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXReactor India Pvt Ltd", "ClientAddress": "Plot No. 7, Jubilee Enclave, Hitech City, Hyderabad, Telangana-, India", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Office Rents", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,47,665.60", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "2,47,665.60" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "912020058374856", "IFSC": "UTIB0000030" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "2,47,665.60", "TotalTaxesAmount": "44,579.80", "FinalTotal": "2,92,245.00" } }
***HISTORICAL* Invoice ABAY-INV-00108241 IGLLimited Date 12/23/2019 593-595 Spanish Town Road Page 1 P.O.Box 224 Kingston 11 876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107OLDHOPRROAD 107 OLDHOPRROAD KINGSTON6 KINGSTON6 Purchase Order No. CustomerID SalespersonID Shipping Method PaymentTerms ReqShipDate Master No. AG0024-000 AREA5-STMAR A/R-PICKUP 7DAYS 12/23/2019 1,634,266 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext.Price 3.00 3.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 2,805.00 8,415.00 IGLLimited Subtotal JA$8,415.00 Misc JA$O.00 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Tax JA$O.00 Freight JA$O.00 3x14kg cyl rfl 15960 15952 015937 Trade Discount JA$0.00 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$8,415.00
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "ABAY-INV-00108241", "InvoiceDate": "12/23/2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGL Limited", "SellerAddress": "593-595 Spanish Town Road, P.O. Box 224, Kingston 11 876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 OLD HOPR ROAD, KINGSTON 6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "3.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,805.00", "Tax": "0.00", "Total_for_each_item": "8,415.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "JA$8,415.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JA$0.00", "FinalTotal": "JA$8,415.00" } }
Tax Invoice InvoiceNo. Dated TANVIENTERPRISE 90,SHRIRAKHIALDHANLAXMISOCIETY, 45 30-Dec-22 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, DeliveryNote Mode/TermsofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV ReferenceNo.&Date. Other References State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail: [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16SAHAJANANDTRADE CENTER Delivery NoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATES,PRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 State Name : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. CARRYBAG 42021290 6PCS 660.00PCS 3,960.00 Zambo88KYamaha 2 CARRYBAG 42021290 6 PCS 660.00PCS 3,960.00 Zambo88K mm 3 DUST COVER 42021290 51 PCS 80.00PCS 4,080.00 Big 4 GitarBelt 22 PCS 40.00PCS 880.00 12,880.00 CGST 9% 9% 1,159.20 SGST9% 9% 1,159.20 Less: ROUNDINGOFF (-)0.40 Total 85PCS 15,198.00 Amount Chargeable (in words) E.&O.E INR Fifteen Thousand One Hundred Ninety Eight Only HSN/SAC Taxable Central Tax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 42021290 12,000.00 9% 1,080.00 9% 1,080.00 2,160.00 880.00 9% 79.20 9% 79.20 158.40 Total 12,880.00 1,159.20 1,159.20 2,318.40 Tax Amount (in words) : INR Two Thousand Three Hundred Eighteen and Forty paise Only Company's Bank Details A/c Holder'sName:TANVI ENTERPRISSE BankName : UNION BANK OF INDIA A/c No. :483301010036880 Branch&IFSCode:ODHAVBRANCH&UBIN0548332 Declaration forTANVIENTERPRISE Wedeclarethat thisinvoiceshowstheactualpriceof the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a ComputerGenerated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "45", "InvoiceDate": "30-Dec-22", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRI RAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAVROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATES, PRITAMNAGAR, PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CARRY BAG Zamboo 88 K Yamaha", "Qty": "6 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "660.00", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "3,960.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Zamboo 88 K mm", "Qty": "6 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "660.00", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "3,960.00" }, { "Description": "DUST COVER Big", "Qty": "51 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "80.00", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "4,080.00" }, { "Description": "Guitar Belt", "Qty": "22 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "40.00", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "880.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "483301010036880", "IFSC": "UBIN0548332" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "12,880.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "2,318.40", "FinalTotal": "15,198.00" } }
DIGITALINFORMATICS B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD Pin Code:380007 Phone No.:, Website:[email protected] Invoice GSTIN Number :24ACXPS7063A1ZB Transportation Mode TaxIsPayableOnReverse Charge : NO Veh.No InvoiceSerial Number :GST/000200 Date & Time Of Supply : 03/02/2021 InvoiceDate :03/02/2021 Place Of Supply Details Of Receiver (Billed To) Details Of Consignee (Shipped To) Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Address :202,2ND FLOOR,PARISHRAM,5BRASMI Address : 202, 2ND FLOOR, PARISHRAM, 5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, City-State : AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT State :GUJARAT State Code : 24 StateCode : 24 GSTIN Number :24AAQCA1169D1ZU GSTIN Number : 24AAQCA1169D1ZU Sr. Description HSN Qty UOM Rate Total Discount Taxable CGST SGST IGST No ofGoods ISAC Value Code Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount LAPTOP REPAIRING 998713 1.00|NUMBER 5593.22 5593.22 0.00 5593.22 9.00 503.39 9.00 503.39 0.00 PNY 240 GB SSD 8523 1.00|NUMBER 2711.86 2711.86 0.00 2711.86 9.00 244.07 9.00 244.07 0.00 8305.08 0.00 8305.08 747.46 747.46 0.00 Taxable CGST SGST IGST Total TaxableAmount 8305.08 Value Tax Amount Tax Amount Tax Amount Total GST 1494.92 8305.08 9.00 % 747.46 9.00 % 747.46 0.00 % 0.00 Total 747.46 747.46 0.00 GrossAmount 9800.00 Round Off 0.00 RUPEES NINE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED ONLY Net Amount 9800.00 Today OutStanding: 2250.00 Current Bill Amount: 9800.00 Total OutStanding: 12050.00 Term&Condition Electronic Reference Number 1.PAYMENTBYA/CPAYEESCHEQUE 2. PAYMENT MADE AFTER DUE DATE WILL BEAR 18% INTEREST PER ANNUM. DIGITALINFORMATICS 3. ALL TRANSACTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO AHMEDABAD JURISDICTION. 4. MATERIAL ONCE SOLD WILL NOT BE TAKEN BACK. Signature: 5.SUPPLIESCOMPUTERPARTSONLY.NOSOFTWARESERVICE CONTEMPTED. Authorised Signature Name 6. WARRANTYAS PER SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER/ DISTRIBUTORS. Designation 7.HDFCBANK-VEJALPURBRANCH-A/CNO:00482560005602IFSC:HDFC0000048 ASPIRESOFTSERVE PRIVATELIMITED RegisterAddress: B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI, Receiver Signatory AHMEDABAD-380007Phone No.:9227172900,9825154848
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "GST/000200", "InvoiceDate": "03/02/2021", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "DIGITALINFORMATICS", "SellerAddress": "B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD", "SellerTaxNumber": "24ACXPS7063A1ZB", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "202, 2ND FLOOR, PARISHRAM,5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LAPTOP REPAIRING", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "5593.22", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "5593.22" }, { "Description": "PNY 240 GB SSD", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "2711.86", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2711.86" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "8305.08", "TotalTaxesAmount": "1494.92", "FinalTotal": "9800.00" } }
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "822007", "InvoiceDate": "8/11/22", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TRANSACTIONS E-PINS LIMITED", "SellerAddress": "JAMAICA", "SellerTaxNumber": "001-888-889", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "ONE SOURCE SOLUTIONS", "ClientAddress": "107 Old hope Road, KINGSTON 6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "MULTICARRIER P2P", "Qty": "7,620.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "EA", "NetPrice": "1.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "7,620.00" }, { "Description": "FLOW VARIABLE", "Qty": "5,300.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "EA", "NetPrice": "1.00", "Tax": ".00", "Total_for_each_item": "5,300.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "" } }
***HISTORICAL*** Invoice ABAY-INV-00108675 IGLLimited Date 01/17/2020 593-595SpanishTownRoad Page 1 P.O.Box 224 Kingston 11 876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107 OLDHOPR ROAD 107OLDHOPR ROAD KINGSTON6 KINGSTON6 Purchase OrderNo. CustomerID Salesperson ID Shipping Method PaymentTerms ReqShipDate Master No. AG0024-000 AREA5-STMAR A/R-PICKUP 7DAYS 01/17/2020 1,646,545 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext.Price 1.00 1.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 2,475.00 2,475.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 2,885.00 11,540.00 IGLLimited Subtotal JA$14,015.00 Misc JA$O.00 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Tax JA$O.00 Freight JA$O.00 1X11+4X14KG CYLRFLBELL Trade Discount JA$0.00 15995,15964,15956,15974,15918 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$14,015.00
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "ABAY-INV-00108675", "InvoiceDate": "01/17/2020", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGL Limited", "SellerAddress": "593-595 Spanish Town Road P.O. Box 224 Kingston 11 876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 OLDHOPR ROAD KINGSTON 6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,475.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2,475.00" }, { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "4.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,885.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "11,540.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "JA$14,015.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JA$O.00", "FinalTotal": "JA$14,015.00" } }
Tax Invoice DARSHAN HOMEFURNITURE Invoice No. Dated AMBALAL ESTATE, OPP.ROYAL 17 24-Feb-2020 LAKE VIEW FLAT, VANDEMATRAM Delivery Note Mode/TermsofPayment RAILWAYCROSSINGROAD,GOTA GSTIN/UIN:24AQHPS1524J1ZT Supplier's Ref. Other Reference(s) State Name:Gujarat, Code :24 17 Buyer's Order No. Dated Buyer Cash Despatch Document No. DeliveryNoteDate State Name : Gujarat, Code : 24 Despatched through Destination Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount NO. 1SOFASET 9401 3SET 6,000.00SET 18,000.00 SGST 9 % 1,620.00 CGST 9 % 1,620.00 Total 3SET 21,240.00 Amount Chargeable (in words) E.&O.E Indian Rupees Twenty One Thousand Two Hundred Forty Only HSN/SAC Taxable Central Tax State Tax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount Tax Amount 9401 18,000.00 9% 1,620.00 9% 1,620.00 3,240.00 Total 18,000.00 1,620.00 1,620.00 3,240.00 Tax Amount (in words) : IndianRupeesThreeThousandTwoHundred FortyOnly Company'sBankDetails BankName :South Indian Bank A/c No. :0794073000000123 Branch&IFSCode:GOTA&SIBL0000794 Declaration for DARSHAN HOME FURNITURE We declare that thisinvoice shows theactual price of the goodsdescribed and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory SUBJECTTOAHMEDABADJURISDICTION This is a Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "17", "InvoiceDate": "24-Feb-2020", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "DARSHAN HOMEFURNITURE", "SellerAddress": "AMBALAL ESTATE, OPP. ROYAL LAKE VIEW FLAT, VANDEMATRAM RAILWAY CROSSING ROAD, GOTA", "SellerTaxNumber": "24AQHPS1524J1ZT", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "", "ClientAddress": "", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "SOFASET", "Qty": "3 SET", "UnitOfMeasure": "SET", "NetPrice": "6,000.00", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "21,240.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "0794073000000123", "IFSC": "SIBL0000794" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "18,000.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "3,240.00", "FinalTotal": "21,240.00" } }
***HISTORICAL** Invoice STR-INV-000537020 IGLLimited Date 9/12/2019 593-595SpanishTownRoad Page 1 P.O.Box 224 Kingston 11 876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107OLDHOPEROAD KENNETHBENJAMIN/VALERIEBROWN KINGSTON6 107OLDHOPEROAD KIRKWILLIAMS-927-8544876-928-2246 KINGSTON6 KIRKWILLIAMS-927-8544 Purchase OrderNo. CustomerID Salesperson ID Shipping Method Payment Terms ReqShipDate Master No. WOG42-000 AREA1-KGN06 A/R-PICKUP 30DAYS 9/12/2019 1,628,940 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext.Price 1.00 1.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 9,552.00 9,552.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 801-01-0001 SEAL100#BLUETAMPERPROOF-45KG CYL 0.00 0.00 0.00 IGLLimited Subtotal JA$9,552.00 Misc JA$O.00 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Tax JA$O.00 Freight JA$O.00 TradeDiscount JA$0.00 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$9,552.00
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "STR-INV-000537020", "InvoiceDate": "9/12/2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGL Limited", "SellerAddress": "593-595 SpanishTownRoad P.O. Box 224 Kingston 11 876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 OLD HOPE ROAD KINGSTON 6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "9,552.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "9,552.00" }, { "Description": "SEAL 100# BLUE TAMPER PROOF - 45KG CYL", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "0.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "0.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "JA$9,552.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JA$0.00", "FinalTotal": "JA$9,552.00" } }
Tax Invoice NBOS Technologies Pvt Ltd Invoice No. Dated Plot No7, Jubilee Enclave, 090/2018-19 1-Feb-2019 OPP Hitech City Entrance Delivery Note Mode/Terms of Payment Madhapur, Hyderabad Telangana,500081 Telangana -500081, India Despatch Document No. Delivery NoteDate GSTIN/UIN:36AABCV0878K1ZY State Name:Telangana,Code:36 Despatched through Destination Buyer UXReactor India Pvt Ltd Terms of Delivery Plot No. 7, Jubilee Enclave Hitech City,Hyderabad Telangana-,India GSTIN/UIN :36AABCU9451H1Z3 State Name : Telangana, Code : 36 Particulars HSN/SAC GST Amount Rate Maintainence Charges 998533 18 % 30,240.00 Cafeteria Charges 998533 18 % 5,000.00 SGST Output Tax 3,171.60 CGST Output Tax 3,171.60 Less:Round Off (-)0.20 Total 41,583.00 Amount Chargeable (in words) E.&O.E INR Forty One Thousand FiveHundred Eighty Three Only HSN/SAC Taxable Central Tax State Tax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 998533 35,240.00 9% 3,171.60 9% 3,171.60 6,343.20 Total 35,240.00 3,171.60 3,171.60 6,343.20 Tax Amount (in words) : INRSixThousand ThreeHundred FortyThreeandTwentypaiseOnly Remarks: MaintainenceCharges and Cafeteria ChargesForthe month of (4320*7 Rs) Feb-19 for NBOS Technologies Pvt Ltd Authorised Signatory SUBJECT TO HYDERABAD JURISDICTION This isa Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "090/2018-19", "InvoiceDate": "1-Feb-2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "NBOS Technologies Pvt Ltd", "SellerAddress": "Plot No7, Jubilee Enclave, OPP Hitech City Entrance, Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500081, India", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AABCV0878K1ZY", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXReactor India Pvt Ltd", "ClientAddress": "Plot No. 7, Jubilee Enclave, Hitech City, Hyderabad, Telangana, India", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Maintainence Charges", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "30,240.00", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "30,240.00" }, { "Description": "Cafeteria Charges", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "5,000.00", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "5,000.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "35,240.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "6,343.20", "FinalTotal": "41,583.00" } }
TaxInvoice DARSHANHOMEFURNITURE InvoiceNo. e-Way Bill No.Dated AMBALALESTATE,OPP.ROYAL 15 29-Jan-2020 LAKEVIEWFLAT,VANDEMATRAM DeliveryNote Mode/TermsofPayment RAILWAYCROSSINGROAD,GOTA GSTIN/UIN:24AQHPS1524J1ZT Supplier's Ref. Other Reference(s) State Name:Gujarat,Code:24 15 Buyer Buyer's Order No. Dated O'NINE DESIGNS A/35,MELDIESTATE,GOTA Despatch Document No. Delivery Note Date AHMEDABAD GSTIN/UIN :24AACFO1755E1ZM Despatched through Destination State Name : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. SOFASET 9401 15SET 13,000.00SET 1,95,000.00 3SEATERSOFA SGST 9 % 17,550.00 CGST 9 % 17,550.00 Total 15SET 2,30,100.00 Amount Chargeable(in words) E.&O.E IndianRupeesTwoLakhThirtyThousandOneHundredOnly HSN/SAC Taxable CentralTax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Amount TaxAmount 9401 1,95,000.00 9% 17,550.00 9% 17,550.00 35,100.00 Total1,95,000.00 17,550.00 17,550.00 35,100.00 TaxAmount(in words):IndianRupeesThirtyFiveThousand OneHundred Only Company's Bank Details BankName :South Indian Bank A/c No. :0794073000000123 Branch&IFSCode:GOTA&SIBL0000794 Declaration forDARSHAN HOMEFURNITURE Wedeclarethat thisinvoiceshowstheactualpriceof the goodsdescribedandthatallparticularsaretrueand correct. Authorised Signatory SUBJECTTOAHMEDABADJURISDICTION ThisisaComputerGenerated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "15", "InvoiceDate": "29-Jan-2020", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "DARSHAN HOME FURNITURE", "SellerAddress": "AMBALAL ESTATE, OPP. ROYAL LAKE VIEW FLAT, VANDEMATRAM RAILWAY CROSSING ROAD, GOTA", "SellerTaxNumber": "24AQHPS1524J1ZT", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "O'NINE DESIGNS", "ClientAddress": "A/35, MELDIESTATE, GOTA AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AACFO1755E1ZM", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "SOFASET 3 SEATER SOFA", "Qty": "15 SET", "UnitOfMeasure": "SET", "NetPrice": "13,000.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "1,95,000.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "0794073000000123", "IFSC": "SIBL0000794" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "1,95,000.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "35,100.00", "FinalTotal": "2,30,100.00" } }
365 Admin Support 83231/B/86 ADMIN Sri Krishna Nagar, Yosufguda SUPPORT Hyderabad,Telangana-500045 India TAXINVOICE GSTIN36AWOPT5755F1ZW +91 9849028683 E-mail [email protected] :INV-105 Place Of Supply : Telangana (36) InvoiceDate :15/05/2019 Terms :NET0 DueDate :15/05/2019 Bill To Ship To UXREACTORINDIAPRIVATELIMITED UXREACTORINDIAPRIVATELIMITED Opp.Hitex Entrance, Laxmi Cyber City, 7, Hitech CityRd,Jubilee Enclave, HITEC City, Hyderabad, Telangana 500081 GSTIN-36AABCU9451H1Z3 +919849028683 CGST SGST # Item & Description Qty Rate % Amt % Amt Amount NETWORKAUDIT AND 1.00 28,000.00 9% 2,016.00 9% 2,016.00 28,000.00 INSTALLATION Audditing and installation SubTotal 28,000.00 Total InWords Discount(20.00%) (-) 5,600.00 Rupeestwenty-sixthousandfourhundredthirty-two CGST9 (9%) 2,016.00 SGST9 (9%) 2,016.00 Dear Sir,we thank you forenquiryforsupply of Goods andServices.We Total 26,432.00 trust you will find our quotation in line to meet your requirement and look forward to receive orders on us for prompt compliance. Balance Due 26,432.00 BankDetails NaveenSalesAnd services A/cNo:000663300002469 IFC CODE:YESB0000006 Branch:SOMAJIGUDA Authorized Signature Terms&Conditions TERMS&CONDITIONS 01. Warranty: 02. Validity:10 days 03. Payment:75%Advance and total balance should be cleared after the Delivery. 04. Delivery:Ex-stock 05. Taxes :GSTInclusive
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "INV-105", "InvoiceDate": "15/05/2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "15/05/2019" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "365 Admin Support", "SellerAddress": "Sri Krishna Nagar, Yosufguda, Hyderabad, Telangana-500045 India", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AWOPT5755F1ZW", "SellerContactNumber": "+91 9849028683", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXREACTOR INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "Opp. Hitex Entrance, Laxmi Cyber City, 7, Hitech CityRd, Jubilee Enclave, HITEC City, Hyderabad, Telangana 500081", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "NETWORK AUDIT AND INSTALLATION Audditing and installation", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "28,000.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "28,000.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "000663300002469", "IFSC": "YESB0000006" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "28,000.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "4,032.00", "FinalTotal": "26,432.00" } }
Alacrity Limited. Number: RC000001190 Alacrity 107 Old Hope Road Page: Limited Kingston6 Date: 11/1/2022 GCT Reg.No.-00-1563831 Sold Guardsman Limited Ship 2-6 Emmaville Crescent To: 2-6 Emmaville Crescent To: Kingston C.S.O. Kingston C.S.O. Jamaica Jamaica Attn:Nardia Thomas&Karl Lambert Attn:Nardia Thomas&Karl Lambert Reference-P.O.No. CustomerNo. Salesperson ShipVia TermsCode GUARD COD Description/Comments Amount Premises Rental -Ironshore 900,000.00 Premises Maintenance-Ironshore 250,000.00 Due Date Amount Due Disc. Date Disc|Amount 11/1/2022 1,322,500.00 0.00 Remit To: Subtotal before taxes 1,150,000.00 GCT 172,500.00 Total taxes 172,500.00 Total amount 1,322,500.00 Payment received 0.00 Discounttaken 0.00 Amountdue 1,322,500.00 Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "RC000001190", "InvoiceDate": "11/1/2022", "InvoiceDueDate": "11/1/2022" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "Alacrity Limited.", "SellerAddress": "107 Old Hope Road, Kingston 6", "SellerTaxNumber": "00-1563831", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Guardsman Limited", "ClientAddress": "2-6 Emmaville Crescent, Kingston C.S.O., Jamaica", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Premises Rental -Ironshore", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "900,000.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "900,000.00" }, { "Description": "Premises Maintenance-Ironshore", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "250,000.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "250,000.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "1,150,000.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "172,500.00", "FinalTotal": "1,322,500.00" } }
TAXINVOICE-SALES (ORIGINALFORRECIPIENT) SRI SATYA TECHNOLOGIES Sri Satye Invoice No. Dated Flat355C-Block,Chenoy Trade Cente SST/19-20/1712 11-Sep-2019 Parklane,SECUNDERBAD-50003 040-66812999,66813999,66900555 Delivery Note Mode/Terms ofPayment 66904665.9849055569,9849055596 GSTIN/UIN:36AFKPD6156R1ZT Supplier's Ref. State Name: Telangana, Code:36 Other Reference(s) E-Mail:[email protected] Buyer Buyer's Order No. Dated Ux Reactor INDIA P LTD #1012,to#1014,10thFloor,ManjeeraTrinity Despatch Document No. Delivery Note Date SurveyNo:1050,Kukatpally,Hyderabad500072 089156983 Despatched through GSTIN/UIN Destination :36AABCU9451H1Z3 State Name :Telangana,Code:36 TermsofDelivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC GST Quantity Rate No. per Amount Rate Brother Drum Unit DR-261CL 84439959 18% 1.0NOS 9,576.27NOS TOUSEWTHMFC-9140CDN&HL-3150CDN 9,576.27 CGST 861.86 SGST ROUNDED OFFTO(Plus OrMinus) 861.86 0.01 Total Amount Chargeable (in words) 1.0 NOS 11,300.00 INR Eleven Thousand Three Hundred Only E.&O.E HSN/SAC Taxable Central Tax State Tax Total 84439959 Value RateAmountRate Amount TaxAmount 9,576.27 9% 861.86 9% 861.86 1,723.72 Total 9,576.27 861.86 Tax Amount in words) INR One Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Three and Seventy Two paise Only 861.86 1,723.72 Company's Bank Details Bank Name Company's PAN :AFKPD6156R :Dena Bank A/cNo. 015913023758 Declaration Branch & IFS Code:M.G.Road Secunderaba 1) we declare that in this invoice,the details given are true & correct2) warraty from the manufacturing company only.3)goods once sold will not be taken back are exchanged 4)24%intrest per anuam will be charged beyond the payment due date.5) loss or damge of goods in transport is at partys risk.6)customers are requested to declare correct GsT numbers at the time of sale.7) rs450=oowil becargedperansationon [email protected] dingpayment NOLOGIES edSignatory SUBJECT TO HYDERBAD JURISDICTION This is a Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "SST/19-20/1712", "InvoiceDate": "11-Sep-2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "SRI SATYA TECHNOLOGIES", "SellerAddress": "Flat 355,C-Block,Chenoy Trade Center, Parklane, SECUNDERBAD-50003", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AFKPD6156R1ZT", "SellerContactNumber": "040-66812999,66813999,66900555", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Ux Reactor INDIA P LTD", "ClientAddress": "#1012,to #1014, 10th Floor, Manjeera Trinity, SurveyNo:1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad 500072", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "089156983", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Brother Drum Unit DR-261CL TO USE WTH MFC-9140CDN &HL-3150CDN", "Qty": "1.0 NOS", "UnitOfMeasure": "NOS", "NetPrice": "9,576.27", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "9,576.27" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "015913023758", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "9,576.27", "TotalTaxesAmount": "1,723.72", "FinalTotal": "11,300.00" } }
***HISTORICAL*** Invoice STR-INV-000541571 IGLLimited Date 02/01/2020 593-595SpanishTownRoad Page 1 P.O. Box 224 Kingston 11876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107OLDHOPEROAD KENNETHBENJAMIN/VALERIEBROWN KINGSTON6 107OLDHOPEROAD KIRKWILLIAMS-927-8544876-928-2246 KINGSTON6 KIRKWILLIAMS-927-8544 Purchase Order No. CustomerID Salesperson ID Shipping Method PaymentTerms Req Ship Date MasterNo. WOG42-000 AREA1-KGN06 A/R-PICKUP 30DAYS 02/01/2020 1,654,089 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext.Price 10.00 10.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 2,450.00 24,500.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 2,840.00 11,360.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 999-01-0031 TRANSPORT CHARGE (IND/LPG TR)- 11KG 0.00 30.00 300.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 999-01-0041 TRANSPORT CHARGE(IND/LPGTR)-14KG 0.00 32.00 128.00 14.00 14.00 0.00 801-01-0002 SEAL20MMTAMPERPROOFFOR11KG&14H 0.00 9.00 126.00 IGLLimited Subtotal JA$36,414.00 Misc JA$O.00 Tax JA$91.41 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Freight JA$0.00 BLUE POWER Trade Discount JA$0.00 SERIAL#s:18041,16307,16334,16361,16390,16451,17713 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer 17722,16397,16489,17732,18029,18035,16489. Total JA$36.505.41
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "STR-INV-000541571", "InvoiceDate": "02/01/2020", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGL Limited", "SellerAddress": "593-595 Spanish TownRoad P.O. Box 224 Kingston 11876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 OLD HOPE ROAD KINGSTON6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "KIRKWILLIAMS-927-8544", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "10.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,450.00", "Tax": "0.00", "Total_for_each_item": "24,500.00" }, { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "4.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,840.00", "Tax": "0.00", "Total_for_each_item": "11,360.00" }, { "Description": "TRANSPORT CHARGE (IND/LPG TR)- 11KG", "Qty": "10.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "30.00", "Tax": "0.00", "Total_for_each_item": "300.00" }, { "Description": "TRANSPORT CHARGE(IND/LPGTR)-14KG", "Qty": "4.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "32.00", "Tax": "0.00", "Total_for_each_item": "128.00" }, { "Description": "SEAL 20MM TAMPER PROOF FOR 11KG & 14H", "Qty": "14.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "9.00", "Tax": "0.00", "Total_for_each_item": "126.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "JA$36,414.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JA$91.41", "FinalTotal": "JA$36,505.41" } }
TANQAAPAYROLLPRIVATELIMITED No10GrdFloor,2ndAMainRoad,10thCrossExtn GreenParkLayout(OMBR),DBanaswadi Bangalore560043 GSTIN/UIN:29AADCT0003C1Z1 CIN:U72900TN2008PTC068698 E-Mail:[email protected] ORIGINAL FOR RECIPIENT TAX INVOICE To InvoiceNo:300/19-20Bglr UX Reactor Hyderabad500 Date GSTNo36AABCU9451H1Z3 :31-Oct-2019 HYDERABAD-500034 Place of Supply-Hyderabad SI.No Particulars Amount 1 TowardsPayroll Processing FeeforOct2019 5,000.00 (33Employee Records @Rs.50/-Per Record /Minimum Commitment) 2 Output Igst 18% 900.00 3 TowardsReimbursementof ETDSFilingCharges 100.00 Total 6,000.00 Amount Chargeable (in words) E.&O.E INR Six Thousand Only Category :Payroll Services Company's GSTIN No.:29AADCT0003C1Z1 Company's PAN :AADCT0003C Company's CIN No :U72900TN2008PTC068698 SAC Code :998223 forTANQAA PAYROLLPRIVATEPMITED Bangalore Aethorised Signatary
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "300/19-20Bglr", "InvoiceDate": "31-Oct-2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANQAA PAYROLL PRIVATE LIMITED", "SellerAddress": "No 10 Grd Floor, 2nd A Main Road, 10th Cross Extn Green Park Layout (OMBR),D Banaswadi Bangalore560043", "SellerTaxNumber": "29AADCT0003C1Z1", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UX Reactor", "ClientAddress": "Hyderabad500", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Towards Payroll Processing Fee for Oct 2019 (33Employee Records @Rs.50/-Per Record /Minimum Commitment)", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "5,000.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "5,000.00" }, { "Description": "Output Igst 18%", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "900.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "900.00" }, { "Description": "Towards Reimbursement of ETDS Filing Charges", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "100.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "100.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "6,000.00" } }
DIGITALINFORMATICS B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD Pin Code:380007 Phone No.:, Website:[email protected] Invoice GSTIN Number :24ACXPS7063A1ZB Transportation Mode Tax IsPayable On Reverse Charge : NO Veh.No InvoiceSerial Number :GST/000118 Date &Time Of Supply : 30/09/2021 InvoiceDate :30/09/2021 Place Of Supply Details Of Receiver(Billed To) Details Of Consignee (Shipped To) Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Address :202,2NDFLOOR,PARISHRAM,5BRASMI Address : 202, 2ND FLOOR, PARISHRAM,5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, City-State :AHMEDABAD-GUJARAT State :GUJARAT State Code : 24 StateCode : 24 GSTIN Number :24AAQCA1169D1ZU GSTIN Number : 24AAQCA1169D1ZU Sr. Description HSN Qty UOM Rate Total Discount Taxable CGST SGST IGST No ofGoods ISAC Value Code Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount EVM H61 8473 1.00|NUMBER 3050.85 3050.85 0.00 3050.85 9.00 274.58 9.00 274.58 0.00 MOTHERBOARD CPUFAN 8414 1.00|NUMBER 254.24 254.24 0.00 254.24 9.00 22.88 9.00 22.88 0.00 LAPTOP BAG 4202 1.00|NUMBER 847.46 847.46 0.00 847.46 9.00 76.27 9.00 76.27 0.00 HP LAPTOP 8471 1.00|NUMBER 48644.07 48644.07 0.00 48644.07 9.00 4377.97 9.00 4377.97 0.00 15S-FQ2071TU[CI5 11TH/8GB/512 M.2/ 32GB OPTANE/ WIN10 + MSO HS/ 15.6/1YR] 52796.62 0.00 52796.62 4751.70 4751.70 0.00 Taxable CGST SGST IGST TotalTaxableAmount 52796.62 Value Tax Amount Tax Amount Tax Amount Total GST 9503.40 52796.62 9.00 % 4751.70 9.00 % 4751.70 0.00 % 0.00 Total 4751.70 4751.70 0.00 Gross Amount 62300.02 Round Off -0.02 RUPEES SIXTY TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED ONLY Net Amount 62300.00 Term&Condition ElectronicReference Number 1.PAYMENTBYA/CPAYEESCHEQUE. 2. PAYMENT MADE AFTER DUE DATE WILL BEAR 18% INTEREST PER ANNUM. DIGITALINFORMATICS 3. ALL TRANSACTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO AHMEDABAD JURISDICTION. 4. MATERIAL ONCE SOLD WILL NOT BE TAKEN BACK. Signature: 5.SUPPLIESCOMPUTERPARTSONLY.NOSOFTWARESERVICE CONTEMPTED. Authorised Signature Name 6.WARRANTYAS PER SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER/ DISTRIBUTORS. Designation 7.HDFCBANK-VEJALPURBRANCH-A/CNO:00482560005602IFSC:HDFC0000048 ASPIRESOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Register Address: B-4,NAVRATNA CENTER,ABOVE BANK OF BARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI, Receiver Signatory AHMEDABAD-380007Phone No.:9227172900,9825154848
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "GST/000118", "InvoiceDate": "30/09/2021", "InvoiceDueDate" : "" }, "SellerDetails":{ "SellerName": "DIGITALINFORMATICS", "SellerAddress": "B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD", "SellerTaxNumber": "24ACXPS7063A1ZB", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails":{ "ClientName": "ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "202, 2ND FLOOR, PARISHRAM,5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, AHMEDABAD-GUJARAT", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails":[ { "Description": "EVM H61 MOTHERBOARD", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "3050.85", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "3050.85" }, { "Description": "CPUFAN", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "254.24", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "254.24" }, { "Description": "LAPTOP BAG", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "847.46", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "847.46" }, { "Description": "HP LAPTOP", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "48644.07", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "48644.07" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "00482560005602", "IFSC": "HDFC0000048" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "52796.62", "TotalTaxesAmount": "4751.70", "FinalTotal": "62300.02" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE InvoiceNo. Dated 90,SHRI RAKHIALDHANLAXMI SOCIETY, 43 19-Dec-22 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, DeliveryNote Mode/TermsofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV ReferenceNo.&Date. Other References State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail : [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16SAHAJANANDTRADE CENTER Delivery NoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATESPRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 State Name : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. CARRYBAG 42021290 12PCS 230.00PCS 2,760.00 YamahaBigSada 2 CARRYBAG 42021290 12PCS 230.00PCS 2,760.00 Casio Big Sada 3 CARRYBAG 42021290 12 PCS 215.00PCS 2,580.00 Casio Small Sada CARRYBAG 42021290 6 PCS 215.00PCS 1,290.00 YamahaSmall Sada 9,390.00 CGST 9% 9% 845.10 SGST9% 9% 845.10 Less: ROUNDINGOFF (-)0.20 Total 42PCS 11,080.00 Amount Chargeable (in words) E.&O.E INR Eleven Thousand Eighty Only HSN/SAC Taxable CentralTax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 42021290 9,390.00 9% 845.10 9% 845.10 1,690.20 Total 9,390.00 845.10 845.10 1,690.20 Tax Amount in words) : INR One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety and Twenty paise Only Company's Bank Details A/c Holder'sName:TANVI ENTERPRISSE BankName : UNION BANK OF INDIA A/c No. :483301010036880 Branch&IFSCode:ODHAV BRANCH&UBIN0548332 Declaration for TANVIENTERPRISE We declare that this invoice shows the actual price of the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "43", "InvoiceDate": "19-Dec-22", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRI RAKHIALDHAN LAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16, SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP.KOTHAWALA FLATS, PRITAM NAGAR, PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CARRY BAG Yamaha Big Sada", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "230.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "2,760.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Casio Big Sada", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "230.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "2,760.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Casio Small Sada", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "215.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "2,580.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Yamaha Small Sada", "Qty": "6 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "215.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "1,290.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "483301010036880", "IFSC": "UBIN0548332" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "9,390.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "1,690.20", "FinalTotal": "11,080.00" } }
365 Admin Support 83 231/B/86 ADMIN Sri Krishna Nagar, Yosufguda SUPPORT Hyderabad,Telangana-500045India TAX INVOICE GSTIN36AWOPT5755F1ZW +919849028683 E-mail [email protected] :INV-108 PlaceOfSupply : Telangana (36) InvoiceDate :12/06/2019 Terms :NET0 DueDate :12/06/2019 Bill To Ship To UXREACTORINDIAPRIVATELIMITED UXREACTORINDIA PRIVATELIMITED Opp. Hitex Entrance, Laxmi Cyber City, 7, Hitech CityRd,Jubilee Enclave, HITEC City, Hyderabad, Telangana 500081 GSTIN-36AABCU9451H1Z3 +919849028683 HSN CGST SGST /SAC % # Item & Description Qty Rate % Amt Amt Amount Computer AMC+Advance 995461 1.00 11,998.00 9% 1,079.82 9% 1,079.82 11,998.00 Support 40-50Systems/Laptops Non-Comprehensive For themonth of June 2019 2 NetworkAMC 1.00 1.00 9% 0.09 9% 0.09 1.00 Wireless Router 1 Configurations,Internal Network Connectivity, 2ISPMonitoring reports and alertsfrom365Admin Support. ADD-OnAMC 1.00 1.00 9% 0.09 9% 0.09 1.00 Bio-Metric ESSL X990, (Software and Hardware) CCTV Sub Total 12,000.00 TotalInWords CGST9 (9%) 1,080.00 Rupeesfourteen thousandonehundredsixty SGST9 (9%) 1,080.00 Total 14,160.00 Dear Sir, we thank you forenquiry for supply of Goods and Services.We Balance Due 14,160.00 trustyou will find ourquotation in linetomeetyourrequirementand lookforward toreceive ordersonusforpromptcompliance. BankDetails Naveen Sales And services A/cNo:000663300002469 IFCCODE:YESB0000006 Branch:SOMAJIGUDA Authorized Signature Terms&Conditions TERMS&CONDITIONS 01. Warranty: 02. Validity: 10 days 03. Payment:100% Advance and total balance should be cleared after theDelivery. 04. Delivery:Ex-stock 05. Taxes :GSTInclusive 06.TATTime :4-24Hours 07.Remote Support:10 per month
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "INV-108", "InvoiceDate": "12/06/2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "12/06/2019" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "365 Admin Support", "SellerAddress": "83 231/B/86, Sri Krishna Nagar, Yosufguda, Hyderabad, Telangana-500045 India", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AWOPT5755F1ZW", "SellerContactNumber": "+919849028683", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXREACTOR INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "Opp. Hitex Entrance, Laxmi Cyber City, 7, Hitech CityRd, Jubilee Enclave, HITEC City, Hyderabad, Telangana 500081", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Computer AMC+Advance Support 40-50Systems/Laptops Non-Comprehensive For the month of June 2019", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "11,998.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "11,998.00" }, { "Description": "Network AMC 1.00 Wireless Router Configurations,Internal Network Connectivity, ISPMonitoring reports and alerts from 365 Admin Support.", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "1.00" }, { "Description": "ADD-On AMC 1.00 Bio-Metric ESSL X990, (Software and Hardware) CCTV", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "1.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "000663300002469", "IFSC": "YESB0000006" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "12,000.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "2,160.00", "FinalTotal": "14,160.00" } }
***HISTORICAL* Invoice ABAY-INV-00109372 IGLLimited Date 02/24/2020 593-595SpanishTownRoad Page 1 P.O.Box 224 Kingston 11 876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107OLDHOPRROAD 107 OLDHOPRROAD KINGSTON6 KINGSTON6 Purchase OrderNo. CustomerID SalespersonID Shipping Method PaymentTerms ReqShipDate Master No. AG0024-000 AREA5-STMAR A/R-PICKUP 7DAYS 02/24/2020 1,666,336 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext.Price 1.00 1.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 2,990.00 2,990.00 IGLLimited Subtotal JA$2,990.00 Misc JA$O.00 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Tax JA$O.00 Freight JA$O.00 1x14kg cyl rf 018625 Trade Discount JA$0.00 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$2,990.00
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "ABAY-INV-00109372", "InvoiceDate": "02/24/2020", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGL Limited", "SellerAddress": "593-595 Spanish Town Road P.O. Box 224 Kingston 11 876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 OLDHOPR ROAD KINGSTON 6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,990.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2,990.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "JA$2,990.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JA$0.00", "FinalTotal": "JA$2,990.00" } }
***HISTORICAL*** Invoice STR-INV-000537549 IGLLimited Date 19/12/2019 593-595SpanishTown Road Page 1 P.O.Box 224 Kingston 11 876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107OLDHOPEROAD KENNETHBENJAMIN/VALRIEBROWN KINGSTON6 107OLDHOPEROAD KINGSTON6 Purchase Order No. CustomerID Salesperson ID Shipping Method PaymentTerms ReqShipDate Master No. 1969G-000 AREA1-KGN06 A/R-PICKUP 30DAYS 19/12/2019 1,631,782 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext.Price 1.00 1.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 2,925.00 2,925.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 801-01-0002 SEAL20MMTAMPERPROOFFOR11KG&14H 0.00 0.00 0.00 KRISTOSSDAVIS IGLLimited Subtotal JA$2,925.00 54 LYNHURST ROAD KINGSTON5 Misc JA$O.00 876-313-6281 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Tax JA$O.00 Freight JA$O.00 Trade Discount JA$0.00 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$2,925.00
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "STR-INV-000537549", "InvoiceDate": "19/12/2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGL Limited", "SellerAddress": "593-595 Spanish Town Road, P.O. Box 224, Kingston 11 876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 OLD HOPE ROAD, KINGSTON 6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,925.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2,925.00" }, { "Description": "SEAL 20MM TAMPER PROOF FOR 11KG & 14H", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "0.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "0.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "JA$2,925.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JA$0.00", "FinalTotal": "JA$2,925.00" } }
INVOICETO, Payment Instructions Aspire SoftServ Pvt. Ltd. Wire Information: SUREKHATECHNOLOGIES 202,2nd Floor, HDFC BANK LTD,MUMBAI Caring For client's success Parishram Complex, HDFCSWIFTID:HDFCINBB Mithakhali Six Roads, Name of Beneficiary:Surekha Navrangpura, Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad-380009 Account No.50200024298988with GSTNO:24AAQCA1169D1ZU Shyamal Branch GSTNO:24AAYCS3053Q1ZI INVOICE: Reference Number 202201009 InvoiceDate 04-Jan-2022 INV/STPL/2022/01/007 Total Payable 8,17,150.00 INR Resource Description HSN Hourly Charged Amount Code Rate Hours (INR) Rajan SimplrOps: Invoice amount for Dec-2021 forFull 998313 625.00 184.00 1,15,000.00 Dhinoja Stack Application Development Bharat LMD:Invoice amountforDec-2021forLiferay 998313 840.00 184.00 1,54,560.00 Chaudhari Development Darsh RiskSmart:Invoice amount forDec-2021for Full 998313 840.00 160.00 1,34,400.00 Vasoya StackApplicationDevelopment Preyansh LMD:Invoice amountforDec-2021forLiferay 998313 840.00 159.50 1,33,980.00 Prajapati Development Riddhi LMD: Invoice amount for Dec-2021for Liferay 998313 840.00 184.00 1,54,560.00 Pethanii Development Untaxed Amount 6,92,500.00 CGST 62,325.00 SGST 62,325.00 Total Invoice Amount 8,17,150.00 D/3,5thFloor,VijayTower,Ankur Shopping Center, Tel: + 9179 40050848 (IN) [email protected] Naranpur, Ahmedabad, India - 13
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "INV/STPL/2022/01/007", "InvoiceDate": "04-Jan-2022", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "Surekha Technologies Pvt. Ltd.", "SellerAddress": "D/3, 5th Floor, Vijay Tower, Ankur Shopping Center, Naranpur, Ahmedabad, India - 13", "SellerTaxNumber": "GSTNO:24AAYCS3053Q1ZI", "SellerContactNumber": "+917940050848 (IN)", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Aspire SoftServ Pvt. Ltd.", "ClientAddress": "202, 2nd Floor, Parishram Complex, Mithakhali Six Roads, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380009", "ClientTaxNumber": "GSTNO:24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "SimplrOps: Invoice amount for Dec-2021 for Full", "Qty": "184.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "Hourly", "NetPrice": "625.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "1,15,000.00" }, { "Description": "Stack Application Development", "Qty": "184.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "Hourly", "NetPrice": "840.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "1,54,560.00" }, { "Description": "RiskSmart: Invoice amount for Dec-2021 for Full", "Qty": "160.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "Hourly", "NetPrice": "840.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "1,34,400.00" }, { "Description": "LMD: Invoice amount for Dec-2021 for Liferay", "Qty": "159.50", "UnitOfMeasure": "Hourly", "NetPrice": "840.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "1,33,980.00" }, { "Description": "LMD: Invoice amount for Dec-2021 for Liferay", "Qty": "184.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "Hourly", "NetPrice": "840.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "1,54,560.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "50200024298988", "IFSC": "HDFC0000240" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "6,92,500.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "1,24,650.00", "FinalTotal": "8,17,150.00" } }
365 Admin Support (Naveen Sales and Services) ADMIN 83 231 / B/86, SriKrishna Nagar, Yosufguda SUPPORT Hyderabad,Telangana-500045 India TAXINVOICE GSTIN36AWOPT5755F1ZW +919849028683 E-mail [email protected] :INV-125 Place Of Supply : Telangana (36) InvoiceDate :09/09/2019 Terms :NET0 DueDate :09/09/2019 Bill To Ship To UXREACTORINDIAPRIVATELIMITED UXREACTORINDIAPRIVATELIMITED #1012 to #1014,10th floor, Manjeera trinity corporate, Survey no.1050, Plot no:S2, JNTU -Hitec city road, KPHB Phase 3, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500072. GSTIN-36AABCU9451H1Z3 +919849028683 HSN CGST SGST Item & Description /SAC Qty Rate % Amt % Amt Amount # ComputerAMC+Advance 995461 1.00 11,998.00 9% 1,079.82 9% 1,079.82 11,998.00 1 Support 40-50Systems/Laptops Non-Comprehensive For themonth of September 2019 NetworkAMC 1.00 1.00 9% 0.09 9% 2 0.09 1.00 WirelessRouter 1 Configurations,Internal Network Connectivity, 2ISPMonitoringreports and alertsfrom365Admin Support. 3 ADD-OnAMC 1.00 1.00 9% 0.09 9% 0.09 1.00 Bio-Metric ESSL X990, (Software and Hardware) CCTV Sub Total 12,000.00 TotalInWords CGST9 (9%) 1,080.00 Rupeesfourteen thousand onehundredsixty SGST9 (9%) 1,080.00 Total 14,160.00 Dear Sir, we thank you for enquiry for supply of Goods and Services.We Balance Due 14,160.00 trust you willfind ourquotation in line tomeet yourrequirement and lookforward toreceiveorders on usforpromptcompliance. BankDetails Naveen Sales And services A/cNo:000663300002469 IFC CODE:YESB0000006 Branch:SOMAJIGUDA Authorized Signature Terms&Conditions TERMS&CONDITIONS 01. Warranty: 02. Validity:10days 03. Payment :100%Advance and total balance should be cleared after the Delivery. 04. Delivery:Ex-stock 05. Taxes :GSTInclusive 06.TATTime :4-24Hours 07.Remote Support:10 per month
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "INV-125", "InvoiceDate": "09/09/2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "09/09/2019" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "365 Admin Support (Naveen Sales and Services)", "SellerAddress": "83 231 / B/86, SriKrishna Nagar, Yosufguda Hyderabad, Telangana-500045 India", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AWOPT5755F1ZW", "SellerContactNumber": "+919849028683", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXREACTOR INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th floor, Manjeera trinity corporate, Survey no.1050, Plot no:S2, JNTU -Hitec city road, KPHB Phase 3, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500072.", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "+919849028683", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Computer AMC+Advance Support 40-50 Systems/Laptops Non-Comprehensive", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "11,998.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "11,998.00" }, { "Description": "Network AMC Wireless Router Configurations,Internal Network Connectivity, 2 ISP Monitoring reports and alerts from 365 Admin Support.", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "0.09" }, { "Description": "ADD-On AMC Bio-Metric ESSL X990, (Software and Hardware) CCTV", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "0.09" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "000663300002469", "IFSC": "YESB0000006" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "12,000.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "2,160.00", "FinalTotal": "14,160.00" } }
IVORYTECHNOLABPVTLTD 202, SATYAMEW EMINANCE, NEAR CIMS HOSPITAL, SOLAROAD, SCIENCE CITY, Ahmedabad Gujarat 380060 echnolab India GSTIN 24AAFCI0320M1ZV TAX INVOICE :INV-0040 Place Of Supply 开 :Gujarat (24) Invoice Date : 01/12/2021 Terms :Due on Receipt Due Date :01/12/2021 Bill To Ship To ASPIRESOFTSERVPVTLTD GSTIN 24AAQCA1169D1ZU 202, Parishram Complex,Mithakhali Six Roads, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380007 Ahmedabad 380007 India GSTIN24AAQCA1169D1ZU HSN Rateper CGST SGST 开 Item & Description /SAC Qty hour % Amt % Amt Amount Software development job 998314 1.00 1,01,250.0 9% 9,112.50 9% 9,112.50 1,01,250.00 Dedicated Developer:Abhijeet person 0 Contract Start Date:10th Nov 2021 Nov total working days: 20 worked days: 20 Monthly rate: 135000/- Softwaredevelopment job 998314 1.00 61,750.00 9% 5,557.50 9% 5,557.50 2 61,750.00 Dedicated Developer: Keyur person Contract Start Date:16 Nov 2021 Nov total working days: 20 worked days: 9.5 Monthly rate:130000/- Sub Total 1,63,000.00 Total In Words CGST9 (9%) 14,670.00 Indian RupeeOneLakhNinety-TwoThousandThreeHundredForty Only SGST9 (9%) 14,670.00 Total 1,92,340.00 BalanceDue 1,92,340.00 Thanks for your business. Sunny Panchal Terms & Conditions GST:-24AAFCI0320M1ZV PAN:-AAFCI0320M TAN:-AHMI02936D LUT/ARN:AD240321038410T SAC:-998313 Bank Details Bank Name:- KOTAK MAHINDRA BANK Account Name: IVORY TECHNOLAB PRIVATE LIMITED Authorized Signature INRA/cNo.6045949588 USD A/c No.6045949595 IFSC Code: KKBK0002599 SwiftCode:KKBKINBB (" Xxx " if you need 11 digits then you will use three-time) MICR Number: 380485046 Bank branch: Kotak Mahindra Science City Branch Bank Address:- Ground Floor Shop No 13 And 14 Maurya Times Square Science City Road Sola Ahmedabad 380 064 Bank Name:- ICICI BANK AccountName:IVORYTECHNOLABPRIVATELIMITED Account Number:006405501020 IFSC Code: ICIC0000064
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "INV-0040", "InvoiceDate": "01/12/2021", "InvoiceDueDate": "01/12/2021" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IVORY TECHNOLAB PVT LTD", "SellerAddress": "202, SATYAMEW EMINANCE, NEAR CIMS HOSPITAL, SOLAROAD, SCIENCE CITY, Ahmedabad Gujarat 380060", "SellerTaxNumber": "24AAFCI0320M1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "ASPIRE SOFTWARE PVT LTD", "ClientAddress": "202, Parishram Complex, Mithakhali Six Roads, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380007", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Software development job Dedicated Developer: Abhijeet Contract Start Date: 10th Nov 2021", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "hour", "NetPrice": "1,01,250.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "1,01,250.00" }, { "Description": "Software development job Dedicated Developer: Keyur Contract Start Date: 16th Nov 2021", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "person", "NetPrice": "61,750.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "61,750.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "6045949588", "IFSC": "KKBK0002599" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "1,63,000.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "29,340.00", "FinalTotal": "1,92,340.00" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE InvoiceNo. Dated 90,SHRI RAKHIALDHANLAXMI SOCIETY, 32 20-Oct-22 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, DeliveryNote Mode/Terms of Payment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV Reference No.&Date. Other References State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail: [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER DeliveryNoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATES,PRITAMNAGAR PALDI , AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 StateName : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. CARRYBAG 42021290 12 PCS 205.00PCS 2,460.00 Small 2 CARRYBAG 42021290 12PCS 270.00PCS 3,240.00 Gitar 5,700.00 CGST9% 9% 513.00 SGST 9% 9% 513.00 Total 24PCS 6,726.00 AmountChargeable(inwords) E.&O.E INRSixThousandSevenHundredTwentySixOnly HSN/SAC Taxable CentralTax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 42021290 5,700.00 9% 513.00 9% 513.00 1,026.00 Total 5,700.00 513.00 513.00 1,026.00 Tax Amount (in words) : INR One Thousand Twenty Six Only Company's Bank Details A/cHolder'sName:TANVI ENTERPRISSE BankName : UNION BANK OF INDIA A/c No. :483301010036880 Branch&IFS Code:ODHAV BRANCH&UBIN0548332 Declaration for TANVI ENTERPRISE We declare that this invoice shows the actual price of the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "32", "InvoiceDate": "20-Oct-22", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRI RAKHIALDHAN LAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATS, PRITAMNAGAR, PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CARRY BAG Small", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "205.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "2,460.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Gitar", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "270.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "3,240.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "483301010036880", "IFSC": "UBIN0548332" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "5,700.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "1,026.00", "FinalTotal": "6,726.00" } }
GUARDSMAN GROUP LTD. Number: RC000004009 107 Old Hope Road Page: Kingston 6 Date: 11/1/2022 Tel:978-5760 GCTReg.No.-58696 Sold Guardsman Communications (Regular A/R) Ship 5 Carvalho Drive To: 5CarvalhoDrive To: Kingston 10 Kingston 10 Reference-P.O.No. CustomerNo. Salesperson ShipVia TermsCode CCLAR 30DAYS Description/Comments Amount Management Fees-Communications 1,708,333.33 DueDate AmountDueDisc.Date Disc. Amount 12/1/2022 1,964,583.33 0.00 Remit To: GCT 56,250.00 Subtotal before taxes 1,708,333.33 Guardsman Group Total taxes 256,250.00 107 Old Hope Road Total amount 1,964,583.33 Kingston6 Payment received 0.00 Discount taken 0.00 Amountdue 1,964,583.33 Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "RC000004009", "InvoiceDate": "11/1/2022", "InvoiceDueDate": "12/1/2022" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LTD.", "SellerAddress": "107 Old Hope Road, Kingston 6", "SellerTaxNumber": "58696", "SellerContactNumber": "978-5760", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Guardsman Communications (Regular A/R)", "ClientAddress": "5 Carvalho Drive, Kingston 10", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Management Fees - Communications", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1,708,333.33", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "1,708,333.33" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "1,708,333.33", "TotalTaxesAmount": "256,250.00", "FinalTotal": "1,964,583.33" } }
HYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPRIVATELIMITED ORIGINALFORRECIPIENT HYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPRIVATELIMITED Invoice : HFL-027/2019-20 #1012 to #1014,10th floor,Manjeera Trinity Corporate Date : 23-Oct-19 Survey No. 1050, Phone : 040-23264083 Kukatpally, E-mail [email protected] Hyderabad - 500 072. GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1Z0 Name UXREACTORINDIAPRIVATELIMITED Address #1012to#101410thfloorManjeraTrinityCororatSurvyo.1050Kukaally City Hyderabad 500072 Contact Phone GSTIN 36AABCU9451H1Z3 Placeof Telangana Supply S.No HSN/SAC Description TOTAL(RS.) 997221 WaterCharges forthe period from 21.08.2019 to 20.09.2019 1 No.of.units Rate per unit 3.2 140.0000 448 SubTotal 448 Add: CGST @ 9% 40 SGST@9% 40 Total Tax 81 Total 529 Rupees Five Hundred Twenty Nine only PaymentDetails BankDetails PAN NO: AABCH9108G Axis Bank,INDIA BeneficiaryName: HYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPRIVATELIMITED SrinagarColony,Hyderabad GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1ZO A/cNo:425010200010788 IFS Code:UTIB0000425 For HYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPRIVATELIMITED Authoris Meter Reading Details Meter NoBill Item Pr.Reading Cur.Reading Units Total units 1014 WaterCharges 27.2 30.4 3.2 3.2 Total 3.2 #1012to#1014,10thFloor,ManjeeraTrinityCorpor rate,uvy1050,ukatally,Hyrabad72.angan
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "HFL-027/2019-20", "InvoiceDate": "23-Oct-19", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "HYPERFACTORY IT SERVICES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "SellerAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th floor, Manjeera Trinity Corporate, Survey No. 1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500 072.", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AABCH9108G1Z0", "SellerContactNumber": "040-23264083", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXREACTOR INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th floor, Manjeera Trinity Corporate, Survey No. 1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad 500072", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "WaterCharges for the period from 21.08.2019 to 20.09.2019", "Qty": "3.2", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "140.0000", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "448" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "425010200010788", "IFSC": "UTIB0000425" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "448", "TotalTaxesAmount": "81", "FinalTotal": "529" } }
***HISTORICAL* Invoice ABAY-INV-00108241 IGLLimited Date 12/23/2019 593-595 Spanish Town Road Page 1 P.O.Box 224 Kingston 11 876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107OLDHOPRROAD 107 OLDHOPRROAD KINGSTON6 KINGSTON6 Purchase Order No. CustomerID SalespersonID Shipping Method PaymentTerms ReqShipDate Master No. AG0024-000 AREA5-STMAR A/R-PICKUP 7DAYS 12/23/2019 1,634,266 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext.Price 3.00 3.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 2,805.00 8,415.00 IGLLimited Subtotal JA$8,415.00 Misc JA$O.00 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Tax JA$O.00 Freight JA$O.00 3x14kg cyl rfl 15960 15952 015937 Trade Discount JA$0.00 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$8,415.00
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "ABAY-INV-00108241", "InvoiceDate": "12/23/2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGL Limited", "SellerAddress": "593-595 Spanish Town Road, P.O. Box 224, Kingston 11 876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 OLDHOPRROAD, KINGSTON6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "3.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,805.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "8,415.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "JA$8,415.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JA$O.00", "FinalTotal": "JA$8,415.00" } }
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "822710", "InvoiceDate": "15/11/22", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TRANSACTIONS E-PINS LIMITED", "SellerAddress": "JAMAICA", "SellerTaxNumber": "001-888-889", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "ONE SOURCE SOLUTIONS", "ClientAddress": "107 Old hope Road, KINGSTON 6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "MULTICARRIER P2P", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "EA", "NetPrice": "6,650.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "6,650.00" }, { "Description": "FLOW VARIABLE", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "EA", "NetPrice": "6,400.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "6,400.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "" } }
amazo Tax Invoice/Bill of Supply/Cash Memo (Original for Recipient) Sold By: Billing Address : TIGERPUGCOMMERCEPRIVATELIMITED ASPIRESOFTSERVPRIVATELIMITED Prathamesh Complex, Building No. H, Opp. Purav Gandhi Vatika Restaurant, Mumbai - Nasik Highway No. 3, Dharmkrupa Bunglow,Bhatta,Paldi Bhiwandi By-pass Road AHMEDABAD,GUJARAT,380007 Bhiwandi, Maharashtra,421302 IN IN GSTRegistrationNo:24AAQCA1169D1ZU State/UT Code: 24 PANNo:AACCN8253B GST RegistrationNo:27AACCN8253B1ZM Shipping Address : ASPIRESOFTSERVPRIVATELIMITED Purav Gandhi Dharmkrupa Bunglow, Bhatta, Paldi AHMEDABAD,GUJARAT,380007 IN State/UTCode:24 GST Registration No:24AAQCA1169D1ZU Place of supply: GUJARAT Place of delivery: GUJARAT Order Number:408-1922449-0369143 Invoice Number : IN-BOM1-82181 Order Date: 27.01.2021 InvoiceDetails:MH-BOM1-817549015-2021 InvoiceDate:27.01.2021 SI. Unit Net Tax Tax Tax Total No Description Price ESR Camera LensProtector CompatiblewithSamsung Galaxy S21 Ultra (2021), Scratch-Resistant Ultra-Thin R507.63 0.00 507.6318%IGST 91.37 TemperedGlass,Black-2Pack|B08QJ2Q3B4( 599.00 sams21ultra_jtm_2pack_intpg) Shipping Charges 33.90 -Z33.90 0.00 18%IGST 30.00 30.00 TOTAL: R91.37599.00 Amount in Words: Five Hundred Ninety-nine only ForTIGERPUGCOMMERCEPRIVATELIMITED: Authorized Signatory Whether tax ispayableunderreverse charge-No Page 1 of 1
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "IN-BOM1-82181", "InvoiceDate": "27.01.2021", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TIGER PUG COMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED", "SellerAddress": "Prathamesh Complex, Building No. H, Opp. Vatika Restaurant, Mumbai - Nasik Highway No. 3, Dharmkrupa Bunglow, Bhatta, Paldi, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, 380007", "SellerTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "ASPIRE SOFTSERV PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "Purav Gandhi, Dharmkrupa Bunglow, Bhatta, Paldi, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, 380007", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "ESR Camera LensProtector CompatiblewithSamsung Galaxy S21 Ultra (2021), Scratch-Resistant Ultra-Thin TemperedGlass,Black-2Pack|B08QJ2Q3B4(sams21ultra_jtm_2pack_intpg)", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "507.63", "Tax": "91.37", "Total_for_each_item": "599.00" }, { "Description": "Shipping Charges", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "-33.90", "Tax": "18%IGST", "Total_for_each_item": "30.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "507.63", "TotalTaxesAmount": "91.37", "FinalTotal": "599.00" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE InvoiceNo. Dated 90,SHRI RAKHIALDHANLAXMI SOCIETY, 30 12-Oct-22 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, DeliveryNote Mode/TermsofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV Reference No.& Date. Other References State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail : [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER Delivery NoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATESPRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 State Name : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. CARRYBAG 42021290 12 PCS 220.00PCS 2,640.00 BigYamaya 2 CARRYBAG 42021290 22PCS 270.00PCS 5,940.00 Gitar 3 CARRYBAG 42021290 12 PCS 205.00PCS 2,460.00 SmallYamaha 11,040.00 CGST 9% 9% 993.60 SGST9% 9% 993.60 Less: ROUNDINGOFF (-)0.20 Total 46PCS 13,027.00 Amount Chargeable(in words) E.&O.E INR Thirteen Thousand Twenty Seven Only HSN/SAC Taxable CentralTax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 42021290 11,040.00 9% 993.60 9% 993.60 1,987.20 Total 11,040.00 993.60 993.60 1,987.20 Tax Amount (in words) : INR One Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty Seven and Twenty paise Only Company's Bank Details A/c Holder'sName:TANVI ENTERPRISSE BankName : UNION BANK OF INDIA A/c No. :483301010036880 Branch&IFSCode:ODHAV BRANCH&UBIN0548332 Declaration for TANVIENTERPRISE We declare that this invoice shows the actual price of the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "30", "InvoiceDate": "12-Oct-22", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRI RAKHIALDHANLAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C.FACTORY, ODHAVROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATES PRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CARRY BAG Big Yamaya", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "220.00", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "2,640.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Gitar", "Qty": "22 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "270.00", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "5,940.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Small yamaha", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "205.00", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "2,460.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "483301010036880", "IFSC": "UBIN0548332" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "11,040.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "1,987.20", "FinalTotal": "13,027.00" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE InvoiceNo. Dated 90,SHRI RAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, 40 7-Dec-22 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, DeliveryNote Mode/Terms ofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV Reference No.& Date. Other References State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail: [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16SAHAJANANDTRADECENTER Delivery NoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATES,PRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 State Name : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. CARRYBAG 42021290 12 PCS 230.00PCS 2,760.00 BigSadaCasio 2 DUST COVER 42021290 35PCS 80.00PCS 2,800.00 Big 5,560.00 CGST 9% 9% 500.40 SGST 9% 9% 500.40 ROUNDINGOFF 0.20 Total 47PCS 6,561.00 Amount Chargeable(inwords) E.&O.E INR Six Thousand Five Hundred Sixty One Only HSN/SAC Taxable CentralTax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 42021290 5,560.00 9% 500.40 9% 500.40 1,000.80 Total 5,560.00 500.40 500.40 1,000.80 Tax Amount (in words) : INR One Thousand and Eighty paise Only Company's Bank Details A/cHolder'sName:TANVI ENTERPRISSE BankName :UNION BANK OF INDIA A/c No. :483301010036880 Branch&IFSCode:ODHAVBRANCH&UBIN0548332 Declaration for TANVI ENTERPRISE We declare that this invoice shows the actual price of the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "40", "InvoiceDate": "7-Dec-22", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRI RAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATES, PRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CARRY BAG Big Sada Casio", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "230.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "2,760.00" }, { "Description": "DUST COVER Big", "Qty": "35 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "80.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "2,800.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "483301010036880", "IFSC": "UBIN0548332" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "5,560.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "1,000.80", "FinalTotal": "6,561.00" } }