23 values
Web Development Project 3: Wordpress Variety Pack
In this project, I use Wordpress for the first time to create a commerce site and content site. Project Date: Spring 2023 Project Overview: The main goal of this project was to become familiar with Wordpress and WooCommerce. We did this by developing both a commerce and content site of……HUkdFHqqh7Xw.png
Web Development Project 3: Wordpress Variety Pack In this project, I use Wordpress for the first time to create a commerce site and content site. Project Date: Spring 2023 Project Overview: The main goal of this project was to become familiar with Wordpress and WooCommerce. We did this by developing both a commerce and content site of… web-development
Web Development Project 3 Wordpress Variety Pack project use Wordpress first time create commerce site content site Project Date Spring 2023 Project Overview main goal project become familiar Wordpress WooCommerce developing commerce content site of… webdevelopment
Optimizing Images in React Native for Improved Performance
Introduction Images are an integral part of mobile applications, but they can also be one of the main contributors to slow performance and long loading times. Optimizing images by compressing and resizing them can significantly improve your app’s performance. ……8AAQAzxrYsnw.png
Optimizing Images in React Native for Improved Performance Introduction Images are an integral part of mobile applications, but they can also be one of the main contributors to slow performance and long loading times. Optimizing images by compressing and resizing them can significantly improve your app’s performance. … web-development
Optimizing Images React Native Improved Performance Introduction Images integral part mobile application also one main contributor slow performance long loading time Optimizing image compressing resizing significantly improve app’s performance … webdevelopment
Performance Recipes: React-Window, React-Virtualized, and React-Virtuoso
Comparing popular React windowing libraries for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data — Performance is defined as how efficiently a software can accomplish its tasks. In web development, performance is measured by how fast the initial webpage is loaded, and how fast it reacts to a user action. A large list or tabular data may take long time to render all content. Windowing…*LvXBNsnvN41iVlGb
Performance Recipes: React-Window, React-Virtualized, and React-Virtuoso Comparing popular React windowing libraries for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data — Performance is defined as how efficiently a software can accomplish its tasks. In web development, performance is measured by how fast the initial webpage is loaded, and how fast it reacts to a user action. A large list or tabular data may take long time to render all content. Windowing… web-development
Performance Recipes ReactWindow ReactVirtualized ReactVirtuoso Comparing popular React windowing library efficiently rendering large list tabular data — Performance defined efficiently software accomplish task web development performance measured fast initial webpage loaded fast reacts user action large list tabular data may take long time render content Windowing… webdevelopment
Threads of Execution in Python
The purpose of this article is to familiarize you with working with threads and synchronization objects in Python. For these, you need the knowledge of Python syntax presented in lab 1 and work with classes presented in this lab. — Python Course for Beginners (2023) Python is a dynamic, interpreted (bytecode-compiled) What is a thread? Modern computing systems are capable of performing multiple operations at the same time. It is the operating system that allows multiple applications to run simultaneously, but this idea can also extend to an application level.…EB0OBc-09TDz.jpg
Threads of Execution in Python The purpose of this article is to familiarize you with working with threads and synchronization objects in Python. For these, you need the knowledge of Python syntax presented in lab 1 and work with classes presented in this lab. — Python Course for Beginners (2023) Python is a dynamic, interpreted (bytecode-compiled) What is a thread? Modern computing systems are capable of performing multiple operations at the same time. It is the operating system that allows multiple applications to run simultaneously, but this idea can also extend to an application level. web-development
Threads Execution Python purpose article familiarize working thread synchronization object Python need knowledge Python syntax presented lab 1 work class presented lab — Python Course Beginners 2023 Python dynamic interpreted bytecodecompiled languagemediumcom thread Modern computing system capable performing multiple operation time operating system allows multiple application run simultaneously idea also extend application level webdevelopment
7 VsCode Extensions Every Developer Needs in 2023!
VsCode is one of the most popular IDE in the world. It is created by Microsoft and is used by millions of developers every single day. VS Code is a great coding editor on its own, but it becomes even better when you use its extensions. Extensions are like add-ons……sTOY9vS5xV8A.png
7 VsCode Extensions Every Developer Needs in 2023! VsCode is one of the most popular IDE in the world. It is created by Microsoft and is used by millions of developers every single day. VS Code is a great coding editor on its own, but it becomes even better when you use its extensions. Extensions are like add-ons… web-development
7 VsCode Extensions Every Developer Needs 2023 VsCode one popular IDE world created Microsoft used million developer every single day VS Code great coding editor becomes even better use extension Extensions like addons… webdevelopment
High Performance on a Budget
For a long time, I’ve been developing commerce systems in a very traditional way. Back in the days before e-commerce as we now see it existed, we had a VB3 based Windows ERP system, running on a JET (aka Access) database. ……OLjWn2EeUhQ.jpeg
High Performance on a Budget For a long time, I’ve been developing commerce systems in a very traditional way. Back in the days before e-commerce as we now see it existed, we had a VB3 based Windows ERP system, running on a JET (aka Access) database. … web-development
High Performance Budget long time I’ve developing commerce system traditional way Back day ecommerce see existed VB3 based Windows ERP system running JET aka Access database … webdevelopment
12 Easy and Useful JavaScript Snippets for Beginners.
Maintaining a list of useful yet simple JavaScript code snippets can save a good amount of time. You can always revisit the list when you are working on a complex JavaScript app and don’t want to spend too much of time building a logic for simple tasks. ……OLjWn2EeUhQ.jpeg
12 Easy and Useful JavaScript Snippets for Beginners. Maintaining a list of useful yet simple JavaScript code snippets can save a good amount of time. You can always revisit the list when you are working on a complex JavaScript app and don’t want to spend too much of time building a logic for simple tasks. … web-development
12 Easy Useful JavaScript Snippets Beginners Maintaining list useful yet simple JavaScript code snippet save good amount time always revisit list working complex JavaScript app don’t want spend much time building logic simple task … webdevelopment
Internet Protocols : What They Are and How They Work?
Internet Protocols : What They Are and How They Work? The Internet is a vast network of interconnected devices that allows people and machines to communicate with each other. But how do these devices communicate? The answer lies in the use of Internet Protocols. Internet Protocols are a set of rules and standards that define how data is transmitted over……LyGAeAnrNAQ.jpeg
Internet Protocols : What They Are and How They Work? Internet Protocols : What They Are and How They Work? The Internet is a vast network of interconnected devices that allows people and machines to communicate with each other. But how do these devices communicate? The answer lies in the use of Internet Protocols. Internet Protocols are a set of rules and standards that define how data is transmitted over… web-development
Internet Protocols Work Internet Protocols Work Internet vast network interconnected device allows people machine communicate device communicate answer lie use Internet Protocols Internet Protocols set rule standard define data transmitted over… webdevelopment
How to Create an HTML Table Using JavaScript
Sometimes, we want to create an HTML table with JavaScript. In this article, we’ll look at how to create an HTML table with JavaScript. Create an HTML Table Using JavaScript We can create an HTML table with the document.createElement method. For instance, if we have the following HTML: <div> </div> Then we can create the table…*hQRRGPzobNGDcUzh
How to Create an HTML Table Using JavaScript Sometimes, we want to create an HTML table with JavaScript. In this article, we’ll look at how to create an HTML table with JavaScript. Create an HTML Table Using JavaScript We can create an HTML table with the document.createElement method. For instance, if we have the following HTML: <div> </div> Then we can create the table… web-development
Create HTML Table Using JavaScript Sometimes want create HTML table JavaScript article we’ll look create HTML table JavaScript Create HTML Table Using JavaScript create HTML table documentcreateElement method instance following HTML div div create table… webdevelopment
What is an API?
APIs: What They Are and How They Work? If you’re a software developer or someone who works with technology, you’ve probably heard the term “API” thrown around quite a bit. But what exactly is an API, and how does it work? API stands for “Application Programming Interface,” and it’s a……9RAZ7I-doqA.jpeg
What is an API? APIs: What They Are and How They Work? If you’re a software developer or someone who works with technology, you’ve probably heard the term “API” thrown around quite a bit. But what exactly is an API, and how does it work? API stands for “Application Programming Interface,” and it’s a… web-development
API APIs Work you’re software developer someone work technology you’ve probably heard term “API” thrown around quite bit exactly API work API stand “Application Programming Interface” it’s a… webdevelopment
How to Keep Your Angular Providers from Ending Up in the Wrong Injector
In Angular, registering dependency injection providers using plain functions is a common practice. However, when creating such functions, it’s important to consider their intended usage. For instance, Angular provides several functions like provideHttpClient(), provideRouter(), and withDomHydration() that register providers under the hood. These functions are designed to be used in……BxvvbU_K_uxA.png
How to Keep Your Angular Providers from Ending Up in the Wrong Injector In Angular, registering dependency injection providers using plain functions is a common practice. However, when creating such functions, it’s important to consider their intended usage. For instance, Angular provides several functions like provideHttpClient(), provideRouter(), and withDomHydration() that register providers under the hood. These functions are designed to be used in… web-development
Keep Angular Providers Ending Wrong Injector Angular registering dependency injection provider using plain function common practice However creating function it’s important consider intended usage instance Angular provides several function like provideHttpClient provideRouter withDomHydration register provider hood function designed used in… webdevelopment
Column Pinning: The Efficient Way to Organize Columns in the Blazor DataGrid
Syncfusion Blazor DataGrid is a feature-rich component that displays data in tabular format. Its column-pinning feature provides a flexible and intuitive way to keep significant columns in view while scrolling horizontally. ……FlUbfUlSdFD1.png
Column Pinning: The Efficient Way to Organize Columns in the Blazor DataGrid Syncfusion Blazor DataGrid is a feature-rich component that displays data in tabular format. Its column-pinning feature provides a flexible and intuitive way to keep significant columns in view while scrolling horizontally. … web-development
Column Pinning Efficient Way Organize Columns Blazor DataGrid Syncfusion Blazor DataGrid featurerich component display data tabular format columnpinning feature provides flexible intuitive way keep significant column view scrolling horizontally … webdevelopment
Day 4 of #100DaysOfCode: Integrating Front-End and Back-End
Today, I worked on integrating the front-end and back-end of my application. My current project is to create an application that spans from the back-end to the front-end. ……yWnM6YmJkLrg.png
Day 4 of #100DaysOfCode: Integrating Front-End and Back-End Today, I worked on integrating the front-end and back-end of my application. My current project is to create an application that spans from the back-end to the front-end. … web-development
Day 4 100DaysOfCode Integrating FrontEnd BackEnd Today worked integrating frontend backend application current project create application span backend frontend … webdevelopment
Who are you talking to?
Study Web Development in Vancouver? Why not? Who are you talking to? Hey folks, I’m new here, my name is Rafael Massimo de Almeida, I was born in Brazil, but I grew up in Turin, a city in northern Italy living with my mom. In Italy, I studied cuisine arts……5Qzcgzcs9dA.jpeg
Who are you talking to? Study Web Development in Vancouver? Why not? Who are you talking to? Hey folks, I’m new here, my name is Rafael Massimo de Almeida, I was born in Brazil, but I grew up in Turin, a city in northern Italy living with my mom. In Italy, I studied cuisine arts… web-development
talking Study Web Development Vancouver talking Hey folk I’m new name Rafael Massimo de Almeida born Brazil grew Turin city northern Italy living mom Italy studied cuisine arts… webdevelopment
10 Best HTML Tags That You Probably Didn’t Know About
HTML is the foundation of web pages, and it’s what allows us to create structured, meaningful content. While there are some HTML tags that are used more frequently than others, there are also many lesser-known tags that can be incredibly useful. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best……FIcf6ceRP4Q.jpeg
10 Best HTML Tags That You Probably Didn’t Know About HTML is the foundation of web pages, and it’s what allows us to create structured, meaningful content. While there are some HTML tags that are used more frequently than others, there are also many lesser-known tags that can be incredibly useful. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best… web-development
10 Best HTML Tags Probably Didn’t Know HTML foundation web page it’s allows u create structured meaningful content HTML tag used frequently others also many lesserknown tag incredibly useful article we’ll explore best… webdevelopment
The Essential React Testing Guide: Boost Your Productivity and Confidence (with Jest and RTL)
Writing tests in React is crucial to ensure that applications work as expected, catching bugs early in the development cycle and reducing the overall cost of fixing issues. Tests also provide confidence in the quality of the codebase, making it easier to maintain and refactor. By testing code, developers can……ho00dzH6bQfg.png
The Essential React Testing Guide: Boost Your Productivity and Confidence (with Jest and RTL) Writing tests in React is crucial to ensure that applications work as expected, catching bugs early in the development cycle and reducing the overall cost of fixing issues. Tests also provide confidence in the quality of the codebase, making it easier to maintain and refactor. By testing code, developers can… web-development
Essential React Testing Guide Boost Productivity Confidence Jest RTL Writing test React crucial ensure application work expected catching bug early development cycle reducing overall cost fixing issue Tests also provide confidence quality codebase making easier maintain refactor testing code developer can… webdevelopment
What is a WebSocket?
Think about this: you’re designing a website or an application and want it to maintain constant, two-way communication with another system. Instead of just sending messages when something happens, like webhooks, you want a live, ongoing conversation. That’s where WebSockets come in! WebSockets are like conversationalists that allow two systems……1Z9j8zOtws-Q.png
What is a WebSocket? Think about this: you’re designing a website or an application and want it to maintain constant, two-way communication with another system. Instead of just sending messages when something happens, like webhooks, you want a live, ongoing conversation. That’s where WebSockets come in! WebSockets are like conversationalists that allow two systems… web-development
WebSocket Think you’re designing website application want maintain constant twoway communication another system Instead sending message something happens like webhooks want live ongoing conversation That’s WebSockets come WebSockets like conversationalist allow two systems… webdevelopment
How do I start a WordPress Blog 2023?
Own Blog open’s so much potential to grow! — Starting a WordPress blog can seem hardworking, but it's actually very easy.. Here are my 6 personal tips you can follow to get started: 1. Choose a domain name and web hosting Your domain name is the address of your blog and your web hosting provides space for your website files and makes them accessible for the visitors. 2. Install WordPress ……fn2fggQM3WKg.png
How do I start a WordPress Blog 2023? Own Blog open’s so much potential to grow! — Starting a WordPress blog can seem hardworking, but it's actually very easy.. Here are my 6 personal tips you can follow to get started: 1. Choose a domain name and web hosting Your domain name is the address of your blog and your web hosting provides space for your website files and makes them accessible for the visitors. 2. Install WordPress … web-development
start WordPress Blog 2023 Blog open’s much potential grow — Starting WordPress blog seem hardworking actually easy 6 personal tip follow get started 1 Choose domain name web hosting domain name address blog web hosting provides space website file make accessible visitor 2 Install WordPress … webdevelopment
Revolutionize Your Web Scraping Experience with Bright Data’s Scraping Browser
Solve complex scraping challenges with ease, and improve your data extraction efficiency with a comprehensive, highly scalable low-infra solution. — Introduction Web scraping has become an essential tool for businesses and developers in a variety of industries. It allows them to extract valuable data from websites and gain insights into consumer behavior, market trends, and other relevant information. ……nlHiFnbgNGw.jpeg
Revolutionize Your Web Scraping Experience with Bright Data’s Scraping Browser Solve complex scraping challenges with ease, and improve your data extraction efficiency with a comprehensive, highly scalable low-infra solution. — Introduction Web scraping has become an essential tool for businesses and developers in a variety of industries. It allows them to extract valuable data from websites and gain insights into consumer behavior, market trends, and other relevant information. … web-development
Revolutionize Web Scraping Experience Bright Data’s Scraping Browser Solve complex scraping challenge ease improve data extraction efficiency comprehensive highly scalable lowinfra solution — Introduction Web scraping become essential tool business developer variety industry allows extract valuable data website gain insight consumer behavior market trend relevant information … webdevelopment
3 Minimalist Marketing Tools That Drastically Changed My Life
Effortless marketing tools for people who enjoy the seamless life. — Marketing online is like being a chef in a busy restaurant. You need to be able to whip up delicious dishes that will entice your customers and keep them coming back for more. But imagine trying to do that without any tools or appliances in your kitchen. …*a6tOOBzUT04Y3fmW
3 Minimalist Marketing Tools That Drastically Changed My Life Effortless marketing tools for people who enjoy the seamless life. — Marketing online is like being a chef in a busy restaurant. You need to be able to whip up delicious dishes that will entice your customers and keep them coming back for more. But imagine trying to do that without any tools or appliances in your kitchen. … web-development
3 Minimalist Marketing Tools Drastically Changed Life Effortless marketing tool people enjoy seamless life — Marketing online like chef busy restaurant need able whip delicious dish entice customer keep coming back imagine trying without tool appliance kitchen … webdevelopment
Master Multilingual With Next.js: A Comprehensive Guide to Internationalizing Your Site
Are you ready to expand your website’s audience and capture users from around the globe? In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through the process of setting up a Next.js site with internationalization support for both English and German languages. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a fully functional……TyOsdNF_QgoA.png
Master Multilingual With Next.js: A Comprehensive Guide to Internationalizing Your Site Are you ready to expand your website’s audience and capture users from around the globe? In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through the process of setting up a Next.js site with internationalization support for both English and German languages. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a fully functional… web-development
Master Multilingual Nextjs Comprehensive Guide Internationalizing Site ready expand website’s audience capture user around globe tutorial I’ll walk process setting Nextjs site internationalization support English German language end tutorial you’ll fully functional… webdevelopment
I built a disaster response pipeline and how did I build it
— —A data engineering project inspired by Udacity Data Scientist Nanodegree Program Overview Following a disaster, disaster response organizations receive a large volume of messages from people, often via social media. In such scenarios, it is critical to filter and prioritize the most important messages, categorize them, and distribute them to……LkJIu46zTjeA.png
I built a disaster response pipeline and how did I build it — —A data engineering project inspired by Udacity Data Scientist Nanodegree Program Overview Following a disaster, disaster response organizations receive a large volume of messages from people, often via social media. In such scenarios, it is critical to filter and prioritize the most important messages, categorize them, and distribute them to… web-development
built disaster response pipeline build — —A data engineering project inspired Udacity Data Scientist Nanodegree Program Overview Following disaster disaster response organization receive large volume message people often via social medium scenario critical filter prioritize important message categorize distribute to… webdevelopment
Predicting sunsets with the weather
I recently shipped Horizon, a webapp that forecasts sunset quality based on weather data. I thought I’d share my development process from working on this project for the past few months. Problem Last summer, my friends and I would often try to make it to vantage points in our hometown to……dsoLAQq02j8A.png
Predicting sunsets with the weather I recently shipped Horizon, a webapp that forecasts sunset quality based on weather data. I thought I’d share my development process from working on this project for the past few months. Problem Last summer, my friends and I would often try to make it to vantage points in our hometown to… web-development
Predicting sunset weather recently shipped Horizon webapp forecast sunset quality based weather data thought I’d share development process working project past month Problem Last summer friend would often try make vantage point hometown to… webdevelopment
5 in-demand skills for freelancers that companies are looking for now—one pays up to $250 an hour
5 in-demand skills for freelancers that companies are looking for now—one pays up to $250 an hour An increasing number of individuals looking for work are contemplating the prospect of becoming freelancers. ……81uf8GRzpMwQ.png
5 in-demand skills for freelancers that companies are looking for now—one pays up to $250 an hour 5 in-demand skills for freelancers that companies are looking for now—one pays up to $250 an hour An increasing number of individuals looking for work are contemplating the prospect of becoming freelancers. … web-development
5 indemand skill freelancer company looking now—one pay 250 hour 5 indemand skill freelancer company looking now—one pay 250 hour increasing number individual looking work contemplating prospect becoming freelancer … webdevelopment
How does the web works?
How does the web works? From Domain name surface (DNS), IP address, port to website itself, the internet had gone through several stages before it present in front of us. Today, I will show you how it works and present an simple example to implement it. IP address An IP……nAHRPPcycag.jpeg
How does the web works? How does the web works? From Domain name surface (DNS), IP address, port to website itself, the internet had gone through several stages before it present in front of us. Today, I will show you how it works and present an simple example to implement it. IP address An IP… web-development
web work web work Domain name surface DNS IP address port website internet gone several stage present front u Today show work present simple example implement IP address IP… webdevelopment
Maximizing Your Web Development Efficiency: A Deep Dive into Chrome DevTools’ Elements Section
Introduction Hola developers and learners 👋👋!! We are going to start a new blog series on Chrome Developer Tools. As a web developer, you know that having the right tools can make all the difference when it comes to building high-quality, efficient websites. But fear not! ……g9UvHt8woKw.jpeg
Maximizing Your Web Development Efficiency: A Deep Dive into Chrome DevTools’ Elements Section Introduction Hola developers and learners 👋👋!! We are going to start a new blog series on Chrome Developer Tools. As a web developer, you know that having the right tools can make all the difference when it comes to building high-quality, efficient websites. But fear not! … web-development
Maximizing Web Development Efficiency Deep Dive Chrome DevTools’ Elements Section Introduction Hola developer learner 👋👋 going start new blog series Chrome Developer Tools web developer know right tool make difference come building highquality efficient website fear … webdevelopment
How To Add an AI Assistant to Your Workflow Automation
Leverage OpenAI’s API to automatically identify the next task — I have tried to add an AI assistant (OpenAI GPT model) to the workflow automation engine to leverage AI reasoning for task determination and execution to achieve a goal set for the flow. It works! Where To Place the AI Assistant…Fxfsgob0VTqA.png
How To Add an AI Assistant to Your Workflow Automation Leverage OpenAI’s API to automatically identify the next task — I have tried to add an AI assistant (OpenAI GPT model) to the workflow automation engine to leverage AI reasoning for task determination and execution to achieve a goal set for the flow. It works! Where To Place the AI Assistant web-development
Add AI Assistant Workflow Automation Leverage OpenAI’s API automatically identify next task — tried add AI assistant OpenAI GPT model workflow automation engine leverage AI reasoning task determination execution achieve goal set flow work Place AI Assistant webdevelopment
Mastering Microservices Architecture with Laravel: Best Practices, Benefits, and Tips for Developers
Introduction 📖 In recent years, microservices architecture has gained popularity as a way to build scalable and flexible applications. Laravel, a popular PHP web application framework, provides a rich set of features and tools for building microservices-based applications. In this article, we will explore the benefits of microservices architecture for Laravel developers……fAth6NBVAWQ.jpeg
Mastering Microservices Architecture with Laravel: Best Practices, Benefits, and Tips for Developers Introduction 📖 In recent years, microservices architecture has gained popularity as a way to build scalable and flexible applications. Laravel, a popular PHP web application framework, provides a rich set of features and tools for building microservices-based applications. In this article, we will explore the benefits of microservices architecture for Laravel developers… web-development
Mastering Microservices Architecture Laravel Best Practices Benefits Tips Developers Introduction 📖 recent year microservices architecture gained popularity way build scalable flexible application Laravel popular PHP web application framework provides rich set feature tool building microservicesbased application article explore benefit microservices architecture Laravel developers… webdevelopment
Top most viral keywords of 2023 to use for boosting your blogs SEO and traffic to your websites…
Top most viral keywords of 2023 to use for boosting your blogs SEO and traffic to your websites , hope it would help many readers. Meteor Shower Time-lapse Video: A stunning time-lapse video of a meteor shower captured by an amateur photographer went viral, showcasing the beauty of the night……Epzd852uJ0YQ.png
Top most viral keywords of 2023 to use for boosting your blogs SEO and traffic to your websites… Top most viral keywords of 2023 to use for boosting your blogs SEO and traffic to your websites , hope it would help many readers. Meteor Shower Time-lapse Video: A stunning time-lapse video of a meteor shower captured by an amateur photographer went viral, showcasing the beauty of the night… web-development
Top viral keywords 2023 use boosting blog SEO traffic websites… Top viral keywords 2023 use boosting blog SEO traffic website hope would help many reader Meteor Shower Timelapse Video stunning timelapse video meteor shower captured amateur photographer went viral showcasing beauty night… webdevelopment
I’m not a Robot!!
Most of the websites now have the “I’m not a Robot” checkbox. What happens when you tick the checkbox? Is it even safe to tick that box? The basic process is to determine that is the user human or not. This is how the process works: 1. The website server…*dJfB5-7isn3lj79v
I’m not a Robot!! Most of the websites now have the “I’m not a Robot” checkbox. What happens when you tick the checkbox? Is it even safe to tick that box? The basic process is to determine that is the user human or not. This is how the process works: 1. The website server… web-development
I’m Robot website “I’m Robot” checkbox happens tick checkbox even safe tick box basic process determine user human process work 1 website server… webdevelopment
Case Study: Taqueria Tsunami Bootstrap Website
Nicole Allario — Spring 2023 The title of the project I am covering for my Wed Development is Project Two. This website was made during our introduction to the Bootstrap unit. The site showcases three different versions of the restaurant chain, Taqueria Tsunami, and how over time my skills evolve. My Role I constructed this……0JaIpZOpeDSA.png
Case Study: Taqueria Tsunami Bootstrap Website Nicole Allario — Spring 2023 The title of the project I am covering for my Wed Development is Project Two. This website was made during our introduction to the Bootstrap unit. The site showcases three different versions of the restaurant chain, Taqueria Tsunami, and how over time my skills evolve. My Role I constructed this… web-development
Case Study Taqueria Tsunami Bootstrap Website Nicole Allario — Spring 2023 title project covering Wed Development Project Two website made introduction Bootstrap unit site showcase three different version restaurant chain Taqueria Tsunami time skill evolve Role constructed this… webdevelopment
JavaScript DOM (Document Object Model): Simply Explained
Introduction Hello everyone. Welcome to my blog. In today’s tutorial, we’ll be learning and understanding the concept of the Document Object Model in JavaScript. It is one of the most important and fundamental concepts of JavaScript which sets the base for JS developers. So, if you’re aspiring to become a good……NbFelKszWliQ.png
JavaScript DOM (Document Object Model): Simply Explained Introduction Hello everyone. Welcome to my blog. In today’s tutorial, we’ll be learning and understanding the concept of the Document Object Model in JavaScript. It is one of the most important and fundamental concepts of JavaScript which sets the base for JS developers. So, if you’re aspiring to become a good… web-development
JavaScript DOM Document Object Model Simply Explained Introduction Hello everyone Welcome blog today’s tutorial we’ll learning understanding concept Document Object Model JavaScript one important fundamental concept JavaScript set base JS developer you’re aspiring become good… webdevelopment
The Browser’s Load Event and DomContentLoaded
When building web applications with JavaScript, it’s important to understand the order in which the browser’s load event and DOMContentLoaded event are fired. …*9nnMyhLkBms1T346
The Browser’s Load Event and DomContentLoaded When building web applications with JavaScript, it’s important to understand the order in which the browser’s load event and DOMContentLoaded event are fired. … web-development
Browser’s Load Event DomContentLoaded building web application JavaScript it’s important understand order browser’s load event DOMContentLoaded event fired … webdevelopment
Kiss v2.0: The Comprehensive Java-Based Full-Stack Web Development Framework
Introduction The web development landscape is filled with numerous frameworks and libraries that aim to simplify the development process and offer various features to aid developers in creating robust and efficient web applications. Kiss v2.0 is a comprehensive, Java-based, open-source, full-stack web development framework that provides an even more seamless out-of-the-box……psGNroUEk0DA.png
Kiss v2.0: The Comprehensive Java-Based Full-Stack Web Development Framework Introduction The web development landscape is filled with numerous frameworks and libraries that aim to simplify the development process and offer various features to aid developers in creating robust and efficient web applications. Kiss v2.0 is a comprehensive, Java-based, open-source, full-stack web development framework that provides an even more seamless out-of-the-box… web-development
Kiss v20 Comprehensive JavaBased FullStack Web Development Framework Introduction web development landscape filled numerous framework library aim simplify development process offer various feature aid developer creating robust efficient web application Kiss v20 comprehensive Javabased opensource fullstack web development framework provides even seamless outofthebox… webdevelopment
Time Management Techniques For A Web Developer
Time management techniques help you prioritize and focus on what matters most to increase productivity dramatically. — When prioritizing tasks, it is crucial to understand the difference between importance and urgency. Importance refers to the long-term value of a task and how much it contributes to achieving your overall goals and objectives. Important tasks often contribute to the overall success of a project or your professional growth……6uKUjjsESSDA.png
Time Management Techniques For A Web Developer Time management techniques help you prioritize and focus on what matters most to increase productivity dramatically. — When prioritizing tasks, it is crucial to understand the difference between importance and urgency. Importance refers to the long-term value of a task and how much it contributes to achieving your overall goals and objectives. Important tasks often contribute to the overall success of a project or your professional growth… web-development
Time Management Techniques Web Developer Time management technique help prioritize focus matter increase productivity dramatically — prioritizing task crucial understand difference importance urgency Importance refers longterm value task much contributes achieving overall goal objective Important task often contribute overall success project professional growth… webdevelopment
How to Create a Responsive Website : A Beginner’s Guide
As more and more people use mobile devices to access the internet, it’s becoming increasingly important to create websites that are mobile-friendly and responsive. A responsive website adjusts its layout and content to fit the screen size and resolution of the device being used, providing a seamless and optimized browsing…*nfUBJSJpfGTalNtr
How to Create a Responsive Website : A Beginner’s Guide As more and more people use mobile devices to access the internet, it’s becoming increasingly important to create websites that are mobile-friendly and responsive. A responsive website adjusts its layout and content to fit the screen size and resolution of the device being used, providing a seamless and optimized browsing… web-development
Create Responsive Website Beginner’s Guide people use mobile device access internet it’s becoming increasingly important create website mobilefriendly responsive responsive website adjusts layout content fit screen size resolution device used providing seamless optimized browsing… webdevelopment
Fewer pipettes: Reflections on a web dev learning AI
I’ve spent the past few weeks digging deep into AI. It’s not the ChatGPTs and bots that I’m interested in — it’s understanding how the technology works and what it takes for the rest of us to integrate machine learning into our products. We’ve been told for decades that AI……OLjWn2EeUhQ.jpeg
Fewer pipettes: Reflections on a web dev learning AI I’ve spent the past few weeks digging deep into AI. It’s not the ChatGPTs and bots that I’m interested in — it’s understanding how the technology works and what it takes for the rest of us to integrate machine learning into our products. We’ve been told for decades that AI… web-development
Fewer pipette Reflections web dev learning AI I’ve spent past week digging deep AI It’s ChatGPTs bot I’m interested — it’s understanding technology work take rest u integrate machine learning product We’ve told decade AI… webdevelopment
Using Turso to serve a Server-side Rendered Astro blog’s content
Here is how you can use Turso as the data API for your Server-side rendered Astro blog. — Astro is a ui-agnostic, edge-ready, all-in-one web framework for building fast, content-focused websites that comes with the new component islands architecture useful for building faster websites. In this tutorial, we are going to create a Server Side Rendered blog using Astro that obtains its data from Turso, the open-source edge……wK1OonMM4CMA.png
Using Turso to serve a Server-side Rendered Astro blog’s content Here is how you can use Turso as the data API for your Server-side rendered Astro blog. — Astro is a ui-agnostic, edge-ready, all-in-one web framework for building fast, content-focused websites that comes with the new component islands architecture useful for building faster websites. In this tutorial, we are going to create a Server Side Rendered blog using Astro that obtains its data from Turso, the open-source edge… web-development
Using Turso serve Serverside Rendered Astro blog’s content use Turso data API Serverside rendered Astro blog — Astro uiagnostic edgeready allinone web framework building fast contentfocused website come new component island architecture useful building faster website tutorial going create Server Side Rendered blog using Astro obtains data Turso opensource edge… webdevelopment
The Digital Archive in the age of AI and beyond
In this new era, digital archives will become increasingly crucial as a means of preserving and accessing our cultural and historical information. However, the traditional approach to constructing and cataloging these archives may no longer be sufficient to keep pace with the rapidly evolving technological landscape. To fully leverage the…*lAt3mHnrpPSsu-sx
The Digital Archive in the age of AI and beyond In this new era, digital archives will become increasingly crucial as a means of preserving and accessing our cultural and historical information. However, the traditional approach to constructing and cataloging these archives may no longer be sufficient to keep pace with the rapidly evolving technological landscape. To fully leverage the… web-development
Digital Archive age AI beyond new era digital archive become increasingly crucial mean preserving accessing cultural historical information However traditional approach constructing cataloging archive may longer sufficient keep pace rapidly evolving technological landscape fully leverage the… webdevelopment
Node.js: Replace your .env file with this awesome tool at scale
When developing applications, handling sensitive information like API keys, database credentials, and configuration settings is crucial. Ensuring these environment variables are managed securely, efficiently, and in sync across the development lifecycle is a common challenge and let’s face it, .env files don’t cut it anymore, well, for many reasons. In……gCV2HXtCbdcQ.png
Node.js: Replace your .env file with this awesome tool at scale When developing applications, handling sensitive information like API keys, database credentials, and configuration settings is crucial. Ensuring these environment variables are managed securely, efficiently, and in sync across the development lifecycle is a common challenge and let’s face it, .env files don’t cut it anymore, well, for many reasons. In… web-development
Nodejs Replace env file awesome tool scale developing application handling sensitive information like API key database credential configuration setting crucial Ensuring environment variable managed securely efficiently sync across development lifecycle common challenge let’s face env file don’t cut anymore well many reason In… webdevelopment
How “Not invented here” kills innovation and 5 rules to avoid it
In an age of fast technological development in a connected world, trying to reinvent and build everything yourself is a ridiculous notion. Still, many companies do just that instead of leveraging the ingenuity of a lively developer community. ……nSweXsvk_uDX.jpg
How “Not invented here” kills innovation and 5 rules to avoid it In an age of fast technological development in a connected world, trying to reinvent and build everything yourself is a ridiculous notion. Still, many companies do just that instead of leveraging the ingenuity of a lively developer community. … web-development
“Not invented here” kill innovation 5 rule avoid age fast technological development connected world trying reinvent build everything ridiculous notion Still many company instead leveraging ingenuity lively developer community … webdevelopment
How to Use JavaScript for Front-end Web Development
Jumpstart Your Site’s Design with JavaScript for Front-end — JavaScript is a popular, versatile, and powerful scripting language used primarily for front-end web development. It allows developers to create interactive and dynamic web pages, enhancing the user experience. Importance of JavaScript in Web Development JavaScript has become an essential tool for modern web development. …*I02JWWuAQ32qIMBh
How to Use JavaScript for Front-end Web Development Jumpstart Your Site’s Design with JavaScript for Front-end — JavaScript is a popular, versatile, and powerful scripting language used primarily for front-end web development. It allows developers to create interactive and dynamic web pages, enhancing the user experience. Importance of JavaScript in Web Development JavaScript has become an essential tool for modern web development. … web-development
Use JavaScript Frontend Web Development Jumpstart Site’s Design JavaScript Frontend — JavaScript popular versatile powerful scripting language used primarily frontend web development allows developer create interactive dynamic web page enhancing user experience Importance JavaScript Web Development JavaScript become essential tool modern web development … webdevelopment
JavaScript Closures: Understanding Private Variables, Callbacks, and Memoization for Efficient Code
JavaScript Closures: Understanding Private Variables, Callbacks, and Memoization for Efficient Code JavaScript is a powerful programming language that is used to create interactive websites and web applications. One of the most important concepts in JavaScript is closures. Closures can be a little tricky to understand at first, but once you……v9dFBhZvsOGw.png
JavaScript Closures: Understanding Private Variables, Callbacks, and Memoization for Efficient Code JavaScript Closures: Understanding Private Variables, Callbacks, and Memoization for Efficient Code JavaScript is a powerful programming language that is used to create interactive websites and web applications. One of the most important concepts in JavaScript is closures. Closures can be a little tricky to understand at first, but once you… web-development
JavaScript Closures Understanding Private Variables Callbacks Memoization Efficient Code JavaScript Closures Understanding Private Variables Callbacks Memoization Efficient Code JavaScript powerful programming language used create interactive website web application One important concept JavaScript closure Closures little tricky understand first you… webdevelopment
Getting Started with the Angular Kanban Component
Learn how easily you can create an Angular app and add the Syncfusion Kanban component to it. In this video, you will learn how to add the Syncfusion Angular Kanban component to an Angular application. You will see how to bind local and remote data sources; add and customize a……hb6MQpOKnKSw.png
Getting Started with the Angular Kanban Component Learn how easily you can create an Angular app and add the Syncfusion Kanban component to it. In this video, you will learn how to add the Syncfusion Angular Kanban component to an Angular application. You will see how to bind local and remote data sources; add and customize a… web-development
Getting Started Angular Kanban Component Learn easily create Angular app add Syncfusion Kanban component video learn add Syncfusion Angular Kanban component Angular application see bind local remote data source add customize a… webdevelopment
Get Access to 55 Top Learning Sites for Enhancing Your UX Design Abilities and Multiple Skills
Save resources on UX and share them with your fellow developers, web designers, and programmers. — Online learning has opened up new opportunities for professional growth and the developing of various skills. For those looking for new tools to learn UX design, programming languages and access to related knowledge, and for those who want to have a list of valuable resources always at their fingertips, I’ve…*XgP2U5WE3vW-0Pmd
Get Access to 55 Top Learning Sites for Enhancing Your UX Design Abilities and Multiple Skills Save resources on UX and share them with your fellow developers, web designers, and programmers. — Online learning has opened up new opportunities for professional growth and the developing of various skills. For those looking for new tools to learn UX design, programming languages and access to related knowledge, and for those who want to have a list of valuable resources always at their fingertips, I’ve… web-development
Get Access 55 Top Learning Sites Enhancing UX Design Abilities Multiple Skills Save resource UX share fellow developer web designer programmer — Online learning opened new opportunity professional growth developing various skill looking new tool learn UX design programming language access related knowledge want list valuable resource always fingertip I’ve… webdevelopment
Fetch Static JSON Data in Angular 14
Three ways to fetch static JSON data inside an Angular 14 application — Sometimes, Angular application requires big amount of static (fake) data in order to build some user interface. …*Xkzc7yRWGOoV6m7Z
Fetch Static JSON Data in Angular 14 Three ways to fetch static JSON data inside an Angular 14 application — Sometimes, Angular application requires big amount of static (fake) data in order to build some user interface. … web-development
Fetch Static JSON Data Angular 14 Three way fetch static JSON data inside Angular 14 application — Sometimes Angular application requires big amount static fake data order build user interface … webdevelopment
2–8 NestJS Hunter: Slaying Complexity in Node.js with TypeScript.
Let’s continue exploring more advanced use cases of TypeORM and NestJS. This time, we will focus on using transactions and event listeners for better data consistency and handling. Transactions ensure that a series of database operations are executed in an atomic way, meaning either all operations are successful, or none are. TypeORM provides a convenient way to manage transactions using the queryRunner:…OLjWn2EeUhQ.jpeg
2–8 NestJS Hunter: Slaying Complexity in Node.js with TypeScript. Let’s continue exploring more advanced use cases of TypeORM and NestJS. This time, we will focus on using transactions and event listeners for better data consistency and handling. Transactions ensure that a series of database operations are executed in an atomic way, meaning either all operations are successful, or none are. TypeORM provides a convenient way to manage transactions using the queryRunner: web-development
2–8 NestJS Hunter Slaying Complexity Nodejs TypeScript Let’s continue exploring advanced use case TypeORM NestJS time focus using transaction event listener better data consistency handling Transactions ensure series database operation executed atomic way meaning either operation successful none TypeORM provides convenient way manage transaction using queryRunner webdevelopment
Angular and pure HTML dialogs
No libraries required — Have you heard about pure HTML dialogs? While working on the Tauri + Angular app that lead to my article about CSS Dark mode, I noticed that one of the requirements was having a couple of dialog screens, opened over the main app. ……s4oPyFani3Bw.png
Angular and pure HTML dialogs No libraries required — Have you heard about pure HTML dialogs? While working on the Tauri + Angular app that lead to my article about CSS Dark mode, I noticed that one of the requirements was having a couple of dialog screens, opened over the main app. … web-development
Angular pure HTML dialog library required — heard pure HTML dialog working Tauri Angular app lead article CSS Dark mode noticed one requirement couple dialog screen opened main app … webdevelopment
JavaScript Easy-to-Use One-Line Codes
Array Generate array When you need to generate an array of 0–99 Solution 1 const createArr = (n) => Array.from(new Array(n), (v, i) => i) const arr = createArr(100) // 0 - 99 array Scenario 2 const createArr = (n) => new Array(n).fill(0).map((v, i) => i) createArr(100) // 0 - 99 array Shuffle the array When…*Ht0yWraF7s-GuvIg
JavaScript Easy-to-Use One-Line Codes Array Generate array When you need to generate an array of 0–99 Solution 1 const createArr = (n) => Array.from(new Array(n), (v, i) => i) const arr = createArr(100) // 0 - 99 array Scenario 2 const createArr = (n) => new Array(n).fill(0).map((v, i) => i) createArr(100) // 0 - 99 array Shuffle the array When… web-development
JavaScript EasytoUse OneLine Codes Array Generate array need generate array 0–99 Solution 1 const createArr n Arrayfromnew Arrayn v const arr createArr100 0 99 array Scenario 2 const createArr n new Arraynfill0mapv createArr100 0 99 array Shuffle array When… webdevelopment
Performance-Driven Styling in React Native: Tips and Tricks for Optimized UI Rendering
Delve into performance-driven styling in React Native, focusing on how to optimize UI rendering by following best practices and avoiding common pitfalls. Introduction: Hello, React Native enthusiasts! Are you ready to spruce up your app’s performance while keeping it looking fabulous? In today’s blog post, we’ll delve into performance-driven styling……NdkMUIaUPPDA.png
Performance-Driven Styling in React Native: Tips and Tricks for Optimized UI Rendering Delve into performance-driven styling in React Native, focusing on how to optimize UI rendering by following best practices and avoiding common pitfalls. Introduction: Hello, React Native enthusiasts! Are you ready to spruce up your app’s performance while keeping it looking fabulous? In today’s blog post, we’ll delve into performance-driven styling… web-development
PerformanceDriven Styling React Native Tips Tricks Optimized UI Rendering Delve performancedriven styling React Native focusing optimize UI rendering following best practice avoiding common pitfall Introduction Hello React Native enthusiast ready spruce app’s performance keeping looking fabulous today’s blog post we’ll delve performancedriven styling… webdevelopment
Guide to managing environment variables with Infisical + Node.js
In software development, managing environment variables like API keys, credentials, and other sensitive information is crucial. Infisical is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted platform that can help you manage environment variables at scale. In this tutorial, we demonstrate how to use Infisical to manage environment variables for your Node stack, from……TXNmum9s6XWg.png
Guide to managing environment variables with Infisical + Node.js In software development, managing environment variables like API keys, credentials, and other sensitive information is crucial. Infisical is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted platform that can help you manage environment variables at scale. In this tutorial, we demonstrate how to use Infisical to manage environment variables for your Node stack, from… web-development
Guide managing environment variable Infisical Nodejs software development managing environment variable like API key credential sensitive information crucial Infisical opensource endtoend encrypted platform help manage environment variable scale tutorial demonstrate use Infisical manage environment variable Node stack from… webdevelopment
WordPress Variety Pack: Commerce and News Website
The creation of two websites, “Capitalism’s Best” and “Blog of Atlanta,” showcasing front-end development skills learned in Web Development. Project Date: Spring 2024 Project Overview: The WordPress variety pack project tested our abilities to use plug-ins such as WooCommerce to create a fully functional e-commerce site and other interactive add-ons……xJsLVneIbOlg.png
WordPress Variety Pack: Commerce and News Website The creation of two websites, “Capitalism’s Best” and “Blog of Atlanta,” showcasing front-end development skills learned in Web Development. Project Date: Spring 2024 Project Overview: The WordPress variety pack project tested our abilities to use plug-ins such as WooCommerce to create a fully functional e-commerce site and other interactive add-ons… web-development
WordPress Variety Pack Commerce News Website creation two website “Capitalism’s Best” “Blog Atlanta” showcasing frontend development skill learned Web Development Project Date Spring 2024 Project Overview WordPress variety pack project tested ability use plugins WooCommerce create fully functional ecommerce site interactive addons… webdevelopment
Thank you for your help!
The results from the week-long survey are in… — A new book is in the works! My mission is to help software developers build fulfilling careers & live rich lives. To that end, I’m in the early planning stages of writing another book on the job of software development & how you can improve your career. Recently, I’ve been……9aawwWG26HaA.png
Thank you for your help! The results from the week-long survey are in… — A new book is in the works! My mission is to help software developers build fulfilling careers & live rich lives. To that end, I’m in the early planning stages of writing another book on the job of software development & how you can improve your career. Recently, I’ve been… web-development
Thank help result weeklong survey in… — new book work mission help software developer build fulfilling career live rich life end I’m early planning stage writing another book job software development improve career Recently I’ve been… webdevelopment
Styling Options for your Streamlit Application: Enhancing Visual Appeal with CSS
In this article, we will explore how to style your Streamlit application using CSS. We will start by styling the background with a cheerful yellow color and gradually extend the code structure to organize the styling in an assets folder. ……pw4tYSrAClOw.gif
Styling Options for your Streamlit Application: Enhancing Visual Appeal with CSS In this article, we will explore how to style your Streamlit application using CSS. We will start by styling the background with a cheerful yellow color and gradually extend the code structure to organize the styling in an assets folder. … web-development
Styling Options Streamlit Application Enhancing Visual Appeal CSS article explore style Streamlit application using CSS start styling background cheerful yellow color gradually extend code structure organize styling asset folder … webdevelopment
How to show images of the model in Django Admin?
In this tutorial, you will learn how to show an image of a Django model on the Django admin site. Suppose we have a model Image on our Django website. # class Image(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=250) image = models.ImageField(upload_to='images/') def __str__(self): return And we want that both fields……8W9EYfpIERw.jpeg
How to show images of the model in Django Admin? In this tutorial, you will learn how to show an image of a Django model on the Django admin site. Suppose we have a model Image on our Django website. # class Image(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=250) image = models.ImageField(upload_to='images/') def __str__(self): return And we want that both fields… web-development
show image model Django Admin tutorial learn show image Django model Django admin site Suppose model Image Django website modelspy class ImagemodelsModel name modelsCharFieldmaxlength250 image modelsImageFielduploadtoimages def strself return selfname want fields… webdevelopment
“Top Frontend Interview Questions : (Part 2) — Boost Your Knowledge and Ace Your Next Job Interview!”
Welcome back! In our previous article, we covered some common frontend interview questions that can help you prepare for your next job interview. In this article, we will continue our discussion and dive into some additional interview questions that you might encounter during your interview process. 1. How many types of scope are there in JavaScript? : Scope is a term……iWt0PHuU4Pg.jpeg
“Top Frontend Interview Questions : (Part 2) — Boost Your Knowledge and Ace Your Next Job Interview!” Welcome back! In our previous article, we covered some common frontend interview questions that can help you prepare for your next job interview. In this article, we will continue our discussion and dive into some additional interview questions that you might encounter during your interview process. 1. How many types of scope are there in JavaScript? : Scope is a term… web-development
“Top Frontend Interview Questions Part 2 — Boost Knowledge Ace Next Job Interview” Welcome back previous article covered common frontend interview question help prepare next job interview article continue discussion dive additional interview question might encounter interview process 1 many type scope JavaScript Scope term… webdevelopment
SEO: The Power of Content Delivery Networks
A content delivery network (CDN) is a network of servers that are distributed across the globe. When a user visits a website served by a CDN, the server closest to the user will be used to deliver the content. …*lftnty0Hamzq1GHd
SEO: The Power of Content Delivery Networks A content delivery network (CDN) is a network of servers that are distributed across the globe. When a user visits a website served by a CDN, the server closest to the user will be used to deliver the content. … web-development
SEO Power Content Delivery Networks content delivery network CDN network server distributed across globe user visit website served CDN server closest user used deliver content … webdevelopment
Memoization in JavaScript
Memoization is a powerful optimization technique used in computer programming to speed up the execution of functions by caching their results. It is particularly useful when dealing with computationally expensive or frequently called functions. JavaScript, being a dynamic and flexible language, provides various ways to implement memoization. In this article……wF7PA15bKvg.jpeg
Memoization in JavaScript Memoization is a powerful optimization technique used in computer programming to speed up the execution of functions by caching their results. It is particularly useful when dealing with computationally expensive or frequently called functions. JavaScript, being a dynamic and flexible language, provides various ways to implement memoization. In this article… web-development
Memoization JavaScript Memoization powerful optimization technique used computer programming speed execution function caching result particularly useful dealing computationally expensive frequently called function JavaScript dynamic flexible language provides various way implement memoization article… webdevelopment
Frontend Weekly Digest #309 (1–7 May 2023)
Web-development • Web Components 2023 Spring Update • Step by step: embedding PDFs in HTML pages • I want to talk about WebGPU • Using the Web Vitals extension to debug Core Web Vitals issues Performance • Optimizing Web Performance with Advanced Techniques • CDNs: Speed Up Performance by Reducing Latency ……gqJJ560fIog.jpeg
Frontend Weekly Digest #309 (1–7 May 2023) Web-development • Web Components 2023 Spring Update • Step by step: embedding PDFs in HTML pages • I want to talk about WebGPU • Using the Web Vitals extension to debug Core Web Vitals issues Performance • Optimizing Web Performance with Advanced Techniques • CDNs: Speed Up Performance by Reducing Latency … web-development
Frontend Weekly Digest 309 1–7 May 2023 Webdevelopment • Web Components 2023 Spring Update • Step step embedding PDFs HTML page • want talk WebGPU • Using Web Vitals extension debug Core Web Vitals issue Performance • Optimizing Web Performance Advanced Techniques • CDNs Speed Performance Reducing Latency … webdevelopment
console.log(3<10>1) ?
The expression 3<10>1 evaluates to false because the comparison operators are evaluated from left to right, and 3<10 is true, but true>1 is false. Explanation The expression 3<10>1 uses two comparison operators, < and >, to compare three numbers: 3, 10, and 1. The comparison operators have left-to-right associativity, which means that they are evaluated from left to right. So, the expression is evaluated as (3<10)>1.…Ik-e3sWSEjSw.png
console.log(3<10>1) ? The expression 3<10>1 evaluates to false because the comparison operators are evaluated from left to right, and 3<10 is true, but true>1 is false. Explanation The expression 3<10>1 uses two comparison operators, < and >, to compare three numbers: 3, 10, and 1. The comparison operators have left-to-right associativity, which means that they are evaluated from left to right. So, the expression is evaluated as (3<10)>1. web-development
consolelog3101 expression 3101 evaluates false comparison operator evaluated left right 310 true true1 false Explanation expression 3101 us two comparison operator compare three number 3 10 1 comparison operator lefttoright associativity mean evaluated left right expression evaluated 3101 webdevelopment
Beginner to Pro: 6 Surprising Ways to Learn a Skill Without Sweating!
In today’s fast-paced world, it has become increasingly important to be proficient in digital skills. You may have tried before to learn something, where you found yourself watching tutorials without getting into practice at all😩. Or perhaps you’ve always wanted to create stunning designs or build websites for extra…*EvpyAadjSBkr1ZDa
Beginner to Pro: 6 Surprising Ways to Learn a Skill Without Sweating! In today’s fast-paced world, it has become increasingly important to be proficient in digital skills. You may have tried before to learn something, where you found yourself watching tutorials without getting into practice at all😩. Or perhaps you’ve always wanted to create stunning designs or build websites for extra… web-development
Beginner Pro 6 Surprising Ways Learn Skill Without Sweating today’s fastpaced world become increasingly important proficient digital skill may tried learn something found watching tutorial without getting practice all😩 perhaps you’ve always wanted create stunning design build website extra… webdevelopment
“The code works. Don’t touch it.”
Crashing production is easy! — There’s an old saying in software development. I’ve heard it many times in my career… If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. You can get yourself into trouble optimizing old code. But you also should clean up old code when you can! How do you decide — leave it or…*y88a2uRXsxxhTiq0
“The code works. Don’t touch it.” Crashing production is easy! — There’s an old saying in software development. I’ve heard it many times in my career… If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. You can get yourself into trouble optimizing old code. But you also should clean up old code when you can! How do you decide — leave it or… web-development
“The code work Don’t touch it” Crashing production easy — There’s old saying software development I’ve heard many time career… ain’t broke don’t fix get trouble optimizing old code also clean old code decide — leave or… webdevelopment
Introducing Qwik — A Superfast JavaScript Framework
An overview of Qwik’s key features and architecture — As you may be aware, numerous JavaScript frameworks have emerged rapidly in the past few years. But this one brings an entirely new rendering paradigm to the table. It’s none other than Qwik. Qwik is as it sounds, super quick. It claims the fastest front-end framework right now. It offers……7WTOwbzDipAA.png
Introducing Qwik — A Superfast JavaScript Framework An overview of Qwik’s key features and architecture — As you may be aware, numerous JavaScript frameworks have emerged rapidly in the past few years. But this one brings an entirely new rendering paradigm to the table. It’s none other than Qwik. Qwik is as it sounds, super quick. It claims the fastest front-end framework right now. It offers… web-development
Introducing Qwik — Superfast JavaScript Framework overview Qwik’s key feature architecture — may aware numerous JavaScript framework emerged rapidly past year one brings entirely new rendering paradigm table It’s none Qwik Qwik sound super quick claim fastest frontend framework right offers… webdevelopment
A Beginner’s Guide to Cypress Testing Framework with a Weather Application
Cypress is a popular JavaScript testing framework for end-to-end testing of web applications. If you have some experience with unit testing using React Testing Library, you may wonder how to test your app’s interaction with the browser in a real-world scenario. Cypress provides a solution by allowing you to write…*hKvrIS2z_K5Fk7U5
A Beginner’s Guide to Cypress Testing Framework with a Weather Application Cypress is a popular JavaScript testing framework for end-to-end testing of web applications. If you have some experience with unit testing using React Testing Library, you may wonder how to test your app’s interaction with the browser in a real-world scenario. Cypress provides a solution by allowing you to write… web-development
Beginner’s Guide Cypress Testing Framework Weather Application Cypress popular JavaScript testing framework endtoend testing web application experience unit testing using React Testing Library may wonder test app’s interaction browser realworld scenario Cypress provides solution allowing write… webdevelopment
How To Use Awaited in TypeScript
Unraveling the magic of Promise handling with TypeScript’s Awaited utility type — Hello there, fellow TypeScript savants! 🎩🐇 In this article, we’re going to unpack the Awaited utility type introduced in TypeScript 4.5. As the name suggests, Awaited helps us handle Promises in TypeScript, specifically mimicking the await keyword’s ability to recursively unwrap Promises. …*RAPyHzu8Rc19f3m0
How To Use Awaited in TypeScript Unraveling the magic of Promise handling with TypeScript’s Awaited utility type — Hello there, fellow TypeScript savants! 🎩🐇 In this article, we’re going to unpack the Awaited utility type introduced in TypeScript 4.5. As the name suggests, Awaited helps us handle Promises in TypeScript, specifically mimicking the await keyword’s ability to recursively unwrap Promises. … web-development
Use Awaited TypeScript Unraveling magic Promise handling TypeScript’s Awaited utility type — Hello fellow TypeScript savant 🎩🐇 article we’re going unpack Awaited utility type introduced TypeScript 45 name suggests Awaited help u handle Promises TypeScript specifically mimicking await keyword’s ability recursively unwrap Promises … webdevelopment
Angular Hydration? WTF is it and why does it matter?
How thirsty is your app for better performance? — Angular hydration. At some point, someone might have mentioned it to you in your journey down the long windy road of Angular mastery. In a nutshell, this process restores a server-side rendered application on the client, and improves performance by avoiding extra work to re-create DOM nodes. However, while Angular……3zIhsB-gEQA.jpeg
Angular Hydration? WTF is it and why does it matter? How thirsty is your app for better performance? — Angular hydration. At some point, someone might have mentioned it to you in your journey down the long windy road of Angular mastery. In a nutshell, this process restores a server-side rendered application on the client, and improves performance by avoiding extra work to re-create DOM nodes. However, while Angular… web-development
Angular Hydration WTF matter thirsty app better performance — Angular hydration point someone might mentioned journey long windy road Angular mastery nutshell process restores serverside rendered application client improves performance avoiding extra work recreate DOM node However Angular… webdevelopment
How to easily build a website with VILT (Vue Inertia Laravel Tailwind) Stack — Part 1 (Installation)
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. A web framework provides a structure and starting point for creating your application, allowing you to focus on creating something amazing while we sweat the details. ( With Laravel we can make a website easily and quickly because of embedded……UFiRCyMwHus4.png
How to easily build a website with VILT (Vue Inertia Laravel Tailwind) Stack — Part 1 (Installation) Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. A web framework provides a structure and starting point for creating your application, allowing you to focus on creating something amazing while we sweat the details. ( With Laravel we can make a website easily and quickly because of embedded… web-development
easily build website VILT Vue Inertia Laravel Tailwind Stack — Part 1 Installation Laravel web application framework expressive elegant syntax web framework provides structure starting point creating application allowing focus creating something amazing sweat detail Laravelcom Laravel make website easily quickly embedded… webdevelopment