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The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] this is the first day of root canal, after coming back from doctors clinic once the initial sensation started i have unbearable pain , i have taken Katrol DT and dic+paracetamol tab together but no releif kindly suggest its 2 AM night and i dont know what to do
[|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query...the pain could be because of the tooth infection.the analgesics you are taking is enough for the pain to come down, but you have to take a course of antibiotic like penicillin and metronidazole...if the pain is unbearable then you can take intramuscular injection of an analgesic. I hope injection is not required.just take the analgesics what you are taking and consult your dentist in the morning... I hope my answer will help you.take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] I have a pain in my palms and shoulders from some days,I sit on the computer to do my work after sometime i get pain in my hands and palm.Are these symptoms relate to carpel tunnel syndrome
[|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. As you describe, it is the pain after exertion. It may be the arthritis, in carpal tunnel syn Chat Doctor. I advise you to consult an orthopedic surgeon for diagnosis and treatment. You may need to have a C.T. scan for confirmation. I usually prescribe to my patient with such symptoms neurotrophic injections for 10 consecutive days, and then periodically, calcium supplements, and painkillers. Avoid taking potato, other tubers, tomato,egg, chicken, and and seafoods. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Age 76, 511, 175# diabetic, in control, coronary artery disease. Getting head and chest cold with extreme coughing. Cant stop coughing. Gave vitamin C, home made chicken soup. Hot toddy, vicks on back, face and chest, throat.sucking on lemon. Nothing helping. Robitussin DM sugar free, sugar free cough drops. Cant stop. Anything else I can do?
[|AI|] It seems you have severe bronchitis, Take acetaminophen with anti-allergic and decongestant combination, Steam inhalation, warm saline gargle, bronchi dilator like albuterol or albuterol puffs if not available may be oral and(I do not know which part of world you belong to, but your area is bacterial infection prone you must start with a broad spectrum anti-biotic) As such you are diabetic though under control you are more prone to infections which may have serious complications. See your doctor as soon as possible to avoid complications. Good Luck.
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[|AI|] Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of you. A thorough systemic assessment is advised. As due to diabetes the body is little slower than expected. The medication taken by you are to control the blood glucose levels in the blood there will be slowness in the metabolism. Which may lead to make you feel such heaviness. Usually there is nothing wrong with you except the slow metabolism. As time passes everything will be fine. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] Hello, I have a two year old daughter who was born with Spinal Bifida and for the last past year she has been in and out of the hospital every other month with bad UTI s, high fevers up to 105.6 and her heart rate ends up going up to 220. about a month ago we were told that she has spinal tethering and fluid on the bottom of her brain pushing on her spinal cord and that she needed to have surgery soon. first they said within a couple weeks now they say they want to wait till the end of next month. well now she is in the hospital again with another UTI and High fever of 103-105 and her heart rate went way up to 220 and had hard time getting fever and heart rate down. We also had to start last month doing a cathider on her every four hours because her reflex doesn t work right and her urine flushes back into her kidneys. My big concern is can them waiting to do the surgery hurt her more or could her keep having these high heart rates and high fevers damage her brain and heart more? should I be worried and go get a second opinion?
[|AI|] Hi sir, thanks for contacting us...first, plz don't be sad... I can understand what stress you would be going's not easy to see our loved ones in so much trouble, n worrying s a part of it... 1. Your baby has spine problems which would be the primary reason for UTI, coz that causes abnormal bladder reflexes, leading to recurrent Otis..... (vicious cycle) actually 2. When ever there is fever, heart rate goes up and It's directly proportional.... Fever of 105 worries me, but jam not so worried the high heart rate next time if you feel your baby is febrile (> 101 *f) I want u to do supportive measures like tepid sponging and paracetamol suppository (per rectal) 200 mg every 8 hrs and aim to KP fever down(high fever can affect the brain and trigger febrile fits, though not affect the heart usually)3. Uti here needs to be treated and so the doctors are right to wait, bcoz these are elective surgeries usually when it presents in this age and a month or so should be ok to wait. 4. High heart rates are worrisome if the child has a primary high rate problems without other associated issues like fever, infection etc.....we call it SVT (supra ventricular tachycardia) because that's the commonest, but your child has fever leading to high heart rate, so there is nothing to worry..., continue your care with same doctor and any further queries get back to us. Regards, Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] I broke my ankle last year had surgery and physical therapy. But now I am having a problem with putting my feet flat on the ground. When I sit in a chair, my toes or heels are up. I have specially made shoes I wear all the time. My feet don t hurt. But I am worried they will start if I don t get this straightened out. What do I do?
[|AI|] Hi! I am Chat Doctor and I will help you with your health issues as regarding your feet. The problem that you are facing post surgery is due to incisions made on the fascia and the tendons of your feet. There is an element of normal post surgical healing in which there is a centripetal contracture and this is called as the third phase of won healing. I would ask you to kindly feel relaxed and take Serratiopeptidase 50 mg three times a day to reduce the inflammatory response to surgery. I assure you that your feet will not begin to pain and even if they do so, they can be handled with NSAID painkillers and topical diclofenac or diclofenac gel. Furthermore, I wish you all the best, and you are free to ask me any private questions at Chat Doctor. Have a great day.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] i just started having a huge bad sore throat last night right before i hopped into bed like a pain just shot through it hurts to swallow ANYTHING food drinks and i cant pull my head back to gargle my parents have to work so i cant go to the doctors until 4pm tomorrow and i just dont know whats wrong with me my parents asked me to look online and all i found was that i have some symptoms for the need to get my tonsils taken out i have either i muscle pain or spasm in my upper left arm where people usually call biceps it hurts to swallow so i dont have the urge to eat i have off an on headaches that turn into sharp pains and makes me dizzy when i get up my mom said i have bad breathe and i have one symptom of strep throat when i looked at the back of my throat i see redness and white spots and some bumps i dont know what to do i dont wanna take anything cause it hurts and im only 13 i dont know what to do!! HELP!?!?
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for posting in Chat Doctor. I have read your description and understand your concern. The symptoms what you have been describing appears that you are having upper respiratory tract infection. Kindly do the following to overcome them. 1. Do salt water gargling with warm water thrice a day. 2. Use steam inhalation to liquefy the mucous for easy Chat Doctor. 3. Take mucolytic-decongestant medications in the form of syrup containing Ambrosia/Bromine, Guaifenesin and Chlorpheniramine male ate as ingredients. 4. You can take analgesic medication like Ibuprofen after food in case of pain in the throat. 5. Take medicated lozenges for throat smoothening effect when necessary. You need to strictly avoid consumption of cold items like cold
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[|Human|] hello .. i recently applied for visa to work in saduia arabia .. i had my medical check up .. nd the x-ray report came wth scar mark on my lungs .. nd the medcal center just gave me the conclusion that i am unfit for the job my question is .. is there any way i can b abel to remove these scar marks ?? plz help
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. No, there is no way to remove Scar marks from lungs. Actually Scar marks are old, healed, inactive lesions. They are basically dead tissue. So no treatment is required hence available for these scars. You should get done CT thorax and bronchoscopy. If both these are negative for active infections, you can't argue with visa authorities. So consult pulmonologist and discuss all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] i fell yesterday flat on my right knee. I was able to get up and walk to my gate board plane and my knee later started showing discoloration over patella. Tenderness as well. I could still walk. It is bruised and tender. I can do leg raises flex and straighten. Possible fracture?
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for your query. From description, it seems to be soft tissue injury. You need an x-ray to rule out any bony injury. I suggest you to consult an orthopaedician nearby for a detailed examination. You may get the X-ray of the area affected under his/her guidance. Beside icing and elevating it, you can take anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care
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[|Human|] Hi,This gopi i am facing few years expectoration(flum) in my chest and Having flum heavily and i want to split every time it is different to normal flum it look in white color and when i take treatment it giving temporary relief not permanently. please advise to my problem.
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. We need to first find out the cause for your symptoms. So that appropriate treatment can be started. Bronchitis, chronic lung infection like tuberculosis, fungal infection etc. and bronchiectasis can cause similar symptoms. So better to get done 1. Clinical examination of respiratory system 2. Chest x-ray and CT scan of thorax to rule out pneumonia and bronchiectasis. 3. Sputum examination for AFB for tuberculosis. 4. PUT (Pulmonary Function Test) for the diagnosis of bronchitis. Treatment of all these conditions are different, so we need to first diagnose and then start appropriate, effective treatment. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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[|Human|] Hi, a few days ago, i popped what i thought was a deep under the skin ingrown hair on my vagina. I squeezed it really hard until i heard something pop underneath the skin. since then, that area is swollen and theres a lump. Should i be concerned? How do i get rid of the swelling and lump? And what do u think it is that i popped, because Im almost certain now its not an ingrown hair??? Thanks!
[|AI|] Hi.based from your description, yes, it could be folliculitis. This usually occurs after shaving or when a hair is accidentally pulled out, and it gets infected. It could also be a cyst, or an inflammatory reaction which is starting to form an abscess. A consult with your gynecologist is best for clinical evaluation. Medical and/or surgical management will be directed accordingly. Hope this helps. Good day!!~ Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] im 23 i have been recently experiencing pain in my stomach with diaherria and it hurts when i walk and cough right now i have a small cold with runny nose and sneezing . But the pain in my syomach seems to get worse after i eat. When i move the pain is almost unbearable. The pain is in the middle of my stomach until i cough and its right below my belly button can u help me?
[|AI|] Dear Jessica, hello. Pain in stomach along with diarrhea may be due to intestinal infection that you are having. You should take antibiotic, antiamoebic along with antiemetic and antacids for your intestinal infection. You should take antihistamines for your cold and sneezing. It is advisable that you take the medicines only under medical supervision after getting yourself examined and investigated. I hope this is helpful to you. Thanks and take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Hey, I have been doing ab workout since 4-5 days..and today I pushed it hard like leg raises while laying down...n my lower abdomen is feeling pain n when I checked out I found that my testicles are feeling the same...what can it be?? Is it normal??
[|AI|] Hello, It seems that you have developed an abdominal muscle strain. It may have been caused because of excessive strain on the abdominal muscles due to the planks you have performed. I would advise you to apply ice pack on the affected area to reduce the inflammation. Also, alternate it with applying heat to help in muscle relaxation. Take an over the counter painkiller like Advil or Naproxen Chat Doctor. After you recover from the pain you can perform abdominal muscle strengthening exercises like curl-ups and pelvic tilts which are good muscle therapies. If the pain is not relieved or increases in severity, get yourself checked by a physician. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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[|Human|] Hello doctor , I have pco problem my age 23 and i am taking treatment for pragnancy. my follicles size 24&19 in left ovary and thicknes 9 but no pod fluid in cd 15 report. doctor said not yet ovulated & ask test on cd 17. can chance for ovulate? Thanks for reply
[|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor ovulation usually in midcycle period the ovum size is good and may rupture precisely if ovulation occurs and no pregnancy the period will start on 14th day from ovulation you keep your record and may approximately know the time when you ovulate if you can get ovulation detection kit you can get it tested at home for pregnancy to occur you need ovulation and patent tubes along with normal semen in your tract around ovulationpcos should be treated till you get the result
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[|Human|] My 20 year old son has a hard lump about three inches up from tthe hair line at the back of the neck the size of small marble. Three years ago he had an xray and it showed it was bone nothing to worry about . This weekend he has worn a full face helmet which was tight and rubbed the lump. It looks a little bigger or swollen and he said tender .Today our doctor sent him for another xray just to check , But thinks its proberly the ill fitting helmet has cause it to swell slightly. Is this normal am a worried mum .
[|AI|] Hello rearward welcome to Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your query thoroughly. Hope this clears your doubt . Wishing you fine recovery. Welcome for any further assistance. Regards take care. Hello rearward welcome to Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your query for your son in details .* The lump over back of scalp with this description seems to be sebaceous cyst most likely, needs confirmation with clinical examination. Hope this will help you for sure . Wishing him fine recovery. Welcome for any further guidance. Regards .
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[|Human|] I have a 15 year old daughter who is having some issues for the last 2 and a half months now. it started with 1 lump on the side of her neck, which they gave her 2 rounds of amoxicilian, then went back to gp and he sent us for chest x ray and ct scan. Ct scan showed reactive lymph nodes, went to the ent, ent ordered steroids because the swollen lymph noid is pressing against her shoulder nerve. Went back to ent 1 week later for pain and 2 more lumps next to that one. He said it must be viral sent us backc to GP. Gp ordered more steroids and antiviral medication along with long list of blood work to be done. Blood work came back all good except alt/sgpt levels at 51 (normal below 35 they said). Now she has a lump on her spine right below her neck and severe pain with moving neck and arm. They have no idea what this is, any suggestions????
[|AI|] Hi, Good Evening. Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. I studied it in depth and I understood your health concerns.-Causes -for lumps and pain in neck and arm-1- Mostly it appears to be -Lymphadenitis with pharyngitis of viral origin?of infectious mono?or TB hyperplasia? Lymphoma?2-For to fix the causes I would advise you to show to Physician who would rule out the causes. I would advise Grant detect latent or pre-existing TB .3-FNAC Biopsy by a Surgeon would fix lymphoma ? Or other causes.4-Thus a Team of Physician and Surgeon would fix the causes of the lumps with pain in arm and neck, which mostly could be infective? H-lymphoma.Don't get scared and uneasy, but be cautious and act fast. Hope this would help you a lot to relieve you. Wish you fast recovery-and healthy life. Wellcome to Chat Doctor with more queries till you are satisfied. Have a Good Day...!! Chat Doctor. N.M.S.GENL-CVTS, Super specialist and Senior Consultant-and Expert in Non-Curable-Disease therapy for Cancer, Asthma,etc., Rejuvenation therapy and Tissue failure -reversal therapies.
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[|Human|] I have chest pain in my sternum when I walk briskly; if I keep on walking it goes away; should I be worried? I take aspirin, and half a hypertension pill and have a nitroglycerine spray. Which I just got today but have never used. Sometimes when I bend over the tub to turn on the taps the pains comes again.
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Possibility of musculoskeletal pain is more in your case, but better to first rule out heart diseases. You are already having hypertension and taking aspirin tablet, so we should first rule out cardiac diseases for your chest pain. So get done ECG, 2d echo and stress test (trade mill test). If all these are normal then no need to worry about heart diseases. Possibility of musculoskeletal pain is more. So take painkiller and muscle relaxant Chat Doctor. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. Avoid movements causing pain. Apply warm water pad on affected areas. Don't worry, you will be alright, but better to rule out cardiac diseases first. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] tonight my 21 month old son was playing and all of a sudden stopped and started crying so i went over and picked him up and he just stopped and put his head on my chest then wouldnt move or look at me it was like he couldnt hold his head up or concentrate and i noticed he had his tounge pressed tightly againt the roof of his mouth. this lasted a few minutes before i got him to drink some water then he just came back into it and started playing again and seemed fine. he did almost the same thing about a month ago and i didnt think too much of it because he was sick and tired but tonight i cant understand why this happened again, any ideas? i plan to call his pediatrician first thing in the morning but would like some insight as to why this happened?? - Tiffany
[|AI|] Hi.... by what you say I feel that your son has gone through a brief episode of complex partial seizures. the staring look and the pressing of tongue to the mouth are suggestive of this. But as this is a single episode and the first episode I do not think that you should worry and start on antiepileptic Chat Doctor. But definitely your son will require evaluation. I suggest you consult your pediatrician regarding this. Regards -
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[|Human|] Having chest pain and shortness of breath. I am 28 yrs old. I went to Urgent Care. xray showed a spot on the lung. Practioner said take no more Tylenol for pain so as not to mask symptoms. suggested either pneumonia or blood clot. I am not coughing. rx d Azithromycin for 24 hrs. If no relief go to the emer room. What do you think. I am a normally healthy non smoker.
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, you should consult pulmonologist and get done CT thorax with Contrast. Because spot on chest x-ray can be due to pneumonia, cyst, fibrosis, blood clot or early malignancy. CT thorax will give you exact idea about size, shape, margins and content of the spot. And all these characteristics are important in the diagnosis. So better to first diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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[|Human|] Ok. I am still waiting on autopsy reports of my moms death on August 4th. Still nothing. & it s killing me All i know is that they said there was foam type stuff and blood coming from her mouth and nose. On her shirt she died in there is white stuff on her shirt as well as a few drops of blood. any idea what the white stuff and blood could be?
[|AI|] Hello, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I understand your health concern, if I am your doctor I suggest you that white foam and tinge of blood from mouth is all suggestive of respiratory cooking. So most probably death is caused by respiratory choking. But other important parameter is also necessary to some up all the things together. I will be happy to answer all your future concern. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious disease specialist. Wish you the best health at Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] My husbands BP rises when he doesnt have good bowel movement. He eats cereal and apples daily, drinks lots of water, walks and watches his diet. But he still gets constipated sometimes. Hes 54. He also gets anxious before going to a doctor, so his BP reading is never right and the doctor ends up giving him more meds. When his bowel movement is good, his BP goes down low, sometimes even under 120/80. He thinks he can cut som meds or at least cu dosage. Have you heard about or met any patient like ths? What do you advvise him t do?
[|AI|] Hello and thank you for using Chat Doctor. I carefully read your question and I understand your concern. I will try to explain you something and give you my opinion. You should know that we talk about hypertension if we have mean value that exceeds 140 / 90 mmHg. A person might have high value during emotional and physicals trees so It's mandatory to judge on mean values. We deal every day with persons with resistant hypertension or with persons that get emotional high value during medical visits. This is a quite known issue in medicine, we call it white coat hypertension. This means high pressure values during medical contact because of high emotions. Gastro intestinal problems might affect pressure values. If a person experience pains it is normal ti have high values. So, if I was your treating doctor, to decide the correct treatment I would recommend some examination like a cardiac echo to evaluate heart function and walls, a full blood analyze to check renal function, electrolyte and the most important in this case a holder pressure monitoring to evaluate blood pressure values during day and night. Only after this we can better judge of mean values, exclude emotional component and have a full view how to treat hypertension. Hope I was helpful. Best regards, Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] hi, im 21 and trying to conceive. I have normal periods, I ovulate every month(confirmed through temping my bbt), and I feel like i ve been trying close to a year. I have always been pretty healthy. No, we have not actually had a pre conception check up so I really don t know how good of a sperm count my fiance has yet. but my question is, I check my cervical position and have noticed in the passed that I have tiny bumps on my cervix. I googled it and it said cervical polyps. I heard it can hurt chances of conceiving, and I m just wondering if there are any home remedies I can do to get rid of them. Like I said, I don t always have them. Just feel them every now and then.
[|AI|] Hello, and I hope I can help you today. The bumps you likely are feeling on your cervix are most likely Nathan cysts rather than polyps. Polyps are fleshy soft growths that are just out pouching of the normal glands that line the canal of the cervix. It would be difficult to feel them, and they usually cause irregular bleeding or bleeding after sex. They do not cause infertility (uterine polyps can, but those are not the same and are not possible to feel because they are inside your uterus. Nabothian cysts are just blocked mucus glands that can feel like knobby bumps on the cervix. They also are not harmful and do not interfere with fertility. Both of these findings on your cervix can be seen on a spectrum exam, so a GUN doctor would be able to tell you what you are feeling if they looked inside you. Also, regarding the position of your cervix, this also has no bearing on fertility and does not change from month to month, so you do not need to check your cervix regularly especially if you have a yearly gynecologic checkup. Regarding BBT charting for conception, your temperature goes up AFTER you ovulate, so I recommend not checking it anymore if you know around when you ovulate in your cycle and just have sex every other day from the time your period finishes until you feel premenstrual symptoms. Some women only have sex after their temperature goes up, and they miss the actual time of ovulation. So there is no reason to suspect you will have problems conceiving, and you do not need to be treated for this because it is a normal finding in many women. 80 percent of couples will conceive within a year. If you have been having sex at the right time and it's almost a year, it might be wise to have a GUN exam and a hormonal evaluation, and also have your fiancé get his sperm count checked, as 50 percent of the time it can be a male factor. I hope I was able to answer your question and that my advice was helpful. Best wishes and good luck with your pregnancy plans,
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[|Human|] 2 weeks ago this Monday, I had one lower wisdom tooth taken and both lower 2nd molars taken. Clots formed just fine without much pain. The white film has came off both extraction sites and they look like craters (excuse the crude term). Mild pain where wisdom tooth was, just feels irritated/sore from eating. Is it normal for the white clot to come off? Im paranoid that Ill develop a dry socket. I rinse often especially after eating. Am I far enough along now that I wont develop one?
[|AI|] Hiaccording to the details which you have given me looks like Chat Doctor. When the healing in under process, there will be a soft tissue covering over the extraction socket. After the extraction there is formation of blood clot-then there is white color film- pink color tissue and finally the gum formation. Home care instruction:Avoid spicy food, it leads to irritationAvoid alcoholic and tobacco for a week not suck anything, like ice cubes, etc, it leads to dislodgement of the coracoid having food from the extracted site for2-3 days lukewarm saline mouth rinse 3-4/daily
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[|Human|] I just had a CT and it said tMild scarring is ween at both lung bases with interstitial prominence. This is more prominent of the right middle lobe. Mild biannual pleural thickening with interstitial prominence is noted. I also have a 3 mm pulmonary nodule in the right lower lobe that they want to watch for one year. I think i am more frightened about what is the interstitial prominence than the nodule at this time.
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Your CT picture is more suggestive of early interstitial lung disease (OLD). Better to first get done PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) to know if any restrictive lung defect present or not. Treatment for OLD is as follows. 1. Avoidance of smoking if you are smoker. 2. Avoidance of chemicals, fumes, dust at work place if you have this exposure. 3. Start bucolic, expectorant and antioxidants Chat Doctor. 4. Start anti-fibrotic
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[|Human|] Hi i had white discharge coming out of my pennis and pee frequently and litle caind of hot burning sensation when pee. 3 weeks ago i went to STD clinic they test me for cifilis clamidia gonorrea and came negative, they gave me a shot for gonorrea and two pills of Azidhromycin and i was ok for to weeks after treatment then i have sex whit the same person again my girlfrien and everiting came back againg white discharges pee frequently hot sensation when pee and pee very frequently what can it be?
[|AI|] helloThanks for query. Getting repeated discharge after having sex with same female partner is strongly suggestive of she's having vaginal infection. Please get your routine urine test, urine culture and culture of urethral discharge done to find out the organisms causing this infection and antibiotics to which they are sensitive to. Please take broad spectrum antibiotics like Definite along with urinary antiseptic like Nitrofurantoin twice daily and urine alkalizer thrice daily. Later on switch on to appropriate antibiotics as per culture report. Ask your female partner to get examined by a qualified Gynecologist and take necessary treatment. Get the prescription of medicines from your family Physician. Ensure to Chat Doctor. To keep your urine dilute This will help to control dysuria.
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[|Human|] Hello about one month ago I felt a lump in my left breast. I felt it about a week or so before my period so I thought maybe its because of my period. After my period it decreaed a little but its still there. I shoyld also let you know that about a year ago my right breast was hurting terrible and hurts whenever I m closed to my period. I visited my doctor and after doing various test he said that I had benign breast cancer but not to worry about it. I do drink a lot of green tead because I noticed whenever I drink it the pain in my right breast seem to disappear after a while. I will however like you to tell me what you think about the lump in my left breast. Added to that the partition where my left breast separates from my right hurts a litttle whever I pass my figures there. Can u please help me Thank you very much
[|AI|] Hi.1. What you are having (I would not use the term suffering from) is called benign modularity. This is a common problem having a hormonal basis and there is nothing to worry about. 2. Now I will tell you the way to feel your own breasts to confirm benign modularity. If you pick up the breast between the fingers, you will feel a big firm mass (even normally). And if you feel the breast with the flat surface of pulp of your fingers with gentle rotating movements, you will not feel that firm mass which you felt earlier; instead you will perceive a granular feel (similar to the feel of a gunny bag filled with grains like rice for example). The granular feel suggests benign modularity. 3. Remember while feeling the breast with the flat surface of pulp of your fingers if you feel a firm or a hard mass (irrespective of its size), then it is a cause for concern, and you must consult a surgeon at the earliest. 4. Regarding pain overlying the breast-bone, well, it has nothing to do with the breasts. Such pain is usually self-limiting though it may take some time (maybe months) to disappear. Try some simple symptomatic treatment like local application of a little Index (or any other similar ointment) followed by hot fomentation. In short, at present, you have nothing to worry about. Thanks.
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[|Human|] Im suffering from post traumatic stress disorder and my doctor has prescribe me ativan sublingual at half a dose-im very sensitive to medication- it worked for a couple days, but Im continuing to have panic attacks particularly at night. They vary in severity the last two nights were god-awful I thought I was going to faint. A family friend of ours who is a doctor said the most I should take is 2 before bedtime. I got a bit of sleep but woke up with a panic attack took another pill it didnt do anything so here I am writing to you
[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. PTSD is a stress disorder. Prolonged stress or stress related to trauma made some alterations in your neural schema and the new alterations became a habit for your body. You need to cultivate new positive schemas to overcome the old habits. Psychotherapy helps in streamlining mental function and balance. Meditation and yoga helps you in thought engineering. Consult a psychotherapist for more. In any case, recovery should take at least 6 months. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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[|Human|] My Albumin level is 4.8 according to lab tests. I ve been taking Crestor for several years, does this have anything to do with this? What effect does Albumin have on Kidneys and liver? I also have a high Potassium level (5.3) Are the two connected?
[|AI|] Hi thanks for posting in Chat Doctor I have understood your concern 1.albumin level of 4.8, is normal.2.albumin is produced from the case of kidney diseases like nephrotic and nephritic syn Chat Doctor. 4.creator prevents the loss of albumin in urine along with control of BP.5.high potassium is a side effect of creator but in the case it is in acceptable level. If it is increasing you have to change that tablet. I can suggest you to get done 1. Serum creatinine2. Serum potassium monthly once3.urine protein creatinine ratio 4.USG abdomen hope this helps you any further questions please let me know thanks
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[|Human|] sexual problemdear sir, i have a problem that when ever i am attract towards my girl friend while romance some stiky fuild come out of my penis continuosly n when i am going to do sex as i put my penis on oval before inserting sperms gets out n i am anable to do sex properly n nearly about aa month ever two three night i am having night fall
[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. The sticky fluid you are referring to is pre-cum or pre-seminal fluid, which acts as a lubricant during sexual intercourse. That is normal and natural. Nothing to worry. Premature ejaculation could be due to anxiety or stress or while having sex for the first time. You may have to consult a psychologist for counseling. Nocturnal emission is a normal act of body and you don't have any control over it. There is nothing to worry about that too. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. Take care.
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[|Human|] I have a patient here at my facility, 18 y/o male, pre exsisting dx of bi polar disorder and adhd. He has not been on his medications in over 3 weeks. He could not tell us what he was taking before then. He admitted to smoking an unknown amount of the synthetic k2 that was homemade by some friends of his. He said he didnt know what was in it or what it would do to him. We have him on an emergency detention order until a crisis center has an available bed. He has progressivly gotten worse over the last 24 hours. Today we obtained orders for Haldol 10 mg, 100mg benadryl (initial dose), and 0.5mg ativan. This did not phase him in the slightest. He became very aggresive and ended up having less leathal force used against him. After he had calmed down from that incident we obtained orders for 2mg Ativan IM, this has slightly calmed his aggression, however he is still in full blown psycosis. I have been monitoring his behavior since the injection, and he is having very brief moments of clarity, then right back to the delusions. Is there anything else that you suggest we try?
[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for using healtcaremagic. From the available description it seems to me that he is currently in delirium probably due to some medical illness or due to smoking some unknown substance. I will prefer him to continue on the low dose of haloperidol and request you to obtain a EEG report as soon as possible. Rather than over medicating using the lowest possible dose will be in better interest of the patient. I hope I am able to answer your query. If you have any questions feel free to write back to me. Thanks
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[|Human|] I thought I was pregnant because my menstruation came late but now its on and I have orange colored blood but I noticed mucus mingled with it but prior to my menstruation coming on I have been discharging a lot but it has no odor and its clear could I be pregnant with my menstrual cycle on because thats really the only time I discharge alot
[|AI|] Hallow Dear, Probably you are suspecting bleeding due to abortion. It is likely. Heavy bleeding after delayed menses may be due to process of abortion - it may be threatened abortion or incomplete abortion. Please get your ultrasonography done. If there are any products of conception visualized in the uterine cavity, you are in process of abortion. If the cervical opening is closed and complete baby is seen in the uterine cavity, you are having threatened abortion. If there is no pain in abdomen, it can be managed by bed rest and some Progestational preparation like Austen. If the products are partly seen and/or the cervical opening is open, you are either having inevitable abortion or incomplete abortion. Then the uterine cavity will have to be evacuated. If you are not pregnant at all, the bleeding could be due to hormonal imbalance. Blood examination for FSH, LH, Estrogen, Progesterone, T3, T4 and TSH will throw some light on the cause of such bleeding. Please report to your Gynecologist.
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[|Human|] I have noticed unexplained bruising on my thighs (currently a total of 5 bruises). I have tested with a positive ANA (low positive) and have suffered from muscle pain and fatigue for the past 5 years, with no firm diagnosis. I also have had unexplained blood in my urine, but have had a full work up on my bladder (CT and cystoscopy), with no material findings (my mother also has this). A full CBC run just a few months ago was normal, except for the ANA. I have also tested postive for the Smith antibody and am positive for MTHFR. Is this bruising possibly related to an auto immune condition? Does the MTHFR have an impact? I am not on any medication, but do take a B12 and folic acid daily. I also took a very small dosage for predisone about 4 weeks ago, to help relieve inflammation from a back injury (twisted too much in yoga). Not sure if the predisone could cause bruising so much later?
[|AI|] Hello.thanks for using Chat Doctor .autoimmune condition can cause bruising by platelet destruction. But since you had one episode of blood in urine, i will recommend you to consult hematologist. He may advise you to go for complete coagulation assay.since you are positive for MTHFR you should take active form of folic acid like l-methyl is less likely that steroid causes bruising so lately...hope I have answered your quarries satisfactorily.have a nice day ahead.
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[|Human|] I am 48 years old,. I feel severe pain some time at ribs joint when breath in and out deeply. I am HLA B27 positive. I also feel pain back bone. I am residing at Ambala Haryana India. Please advise me how can I get the best and cheap treatment and which doctor should be consulted.
[|AI|] Hi, HLA B27 positive with pain over the backbone and on respiration is suggestive of an autoimmune disease called Ankylosing spondylitis. It is characterized by restriction in movement of ribs and backbones. The treatment is best given by a rheumatologist or a medical physician as well if you do not have access to a rheumatologist. The treatment is started once the diagnosis is confirmed based on a medical checkup and blood investigations and the medications have to be taken lifelong. It is important to take medications to prevent later complications like arthritis of the joint and to increase life expectancy. So better to start treatment for this early. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] Hi my friend had a PTB 7 years ago but already had taken his medication. When he had his x-ray AP view , 2 weeks ago,, theres a fibrous something on his right upper lobe. The impression said its PTB. Could he still have PTB or it was just a scar? Thank you!
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Since your friend had tuberculosis in the past, possibility of scar tissue on recent x-ray is more. Tb lesion heals by either fibrosis or calcification. And it appears as scar tissue on chest x-ray. This lesion appears as it is for lifelong. So possibility of scar lesion is more in his case. But at the same time, tuberculosis can reactivate and cause active tuberculosis in the same lesion. So if your friend is symptomatic (fever, cough, weight loss) than better to get done sputum examination for AFB and CT thorax. If both these are normal for active tb lesion than no need to worry about tuberculosis at present and his x-ray is showing scar tissue only. Hope I have solved your query. Wishing good health to your friend. Thanks.
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[|Human|] I ve had a cough and shortness of breath for over a month. I ve taken antibiotics, cough medicine and also Neb treatments, nothing seems to be working for me. The Dr s I ve been seeing keep telling me it will go away, but I don t seem to be getting any better.
[|AI|] Hi thanks for asking question. Do you have done your chest x-ray??? Do you have smoking history??? If you are smoking then bronchitis or emphysema like condition has to be ruled out. Chest x-ray and pulmonary function test useful for it.Sometimes you can have allergic bronchitis like condition to particular substances. Blood may show eosinophilic. Allergen test can be done. If you are working in some high risk occupation like textile industry or coal mines then chances of asbestoses like condition ruled out. Chest x-ray useful for it. Examine your sputum if weight loss present, to rule out tuberculosis. Chest x-ray also useful. Rule out cardiac problems if suspected as cardiac failure or pulmonary hypertension like condition can lead such problem. ECG or ECHO.useful for it.Finally, if x-ray showing interstitial lung disease like suspicion then pulmonary function test done. Also rule out atypical pneumonia by chlamydia or cytoplasm like organism by x-ray and other investigations. Osha root, peppermint oil, oregano are good herbal remedy. I hope my suggestion will be helpful to you. Take care
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[|Human|] Hi. I got married before an period has been delayed for 10 days. We both have planned for kid only after an year. Am I pregnant? If i have lots of papaya and pineapple, is there an chance to get my period regular? please help. I really don t want to get conceived now.
[|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor Have you been having irregular cycles. Delayed periods could be due to many reasons like stress, hormonal disorders as well. Anyway get a Pregnancy test to rule out pregnancy. If the test is negative for pregnancy you need to get yourself evaluated by Gynecologist for hormonal disorders. Usually for such hormonal disorders, you would be out on oral contraceptive pills to regularize your cycles, but this is not the treatment for every case as specific management is warranted in certain conditions. Try to do relaxation exercises like Yoga, Panama. Avoid stress at work or home, try to relax more. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables. Chat Doctor. Exercise every day to keep fit and for good stress relief.
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[|Human|] The top of my right hand has been swollen for 4 weeks now. 3 weeks ago it was x-rayed to make sure it was not broken. Since then I have been on Naproxen and Codeine with a splint on my hand. It has not changed and now my thumb tip is numb. I do have Parkinson s could this be a symptom?
[|AI|] Hello, Parkinsons disease is not commonly related to swelling of the hand. The swelling is related to accumulation of the liquids, usually due to an infection. I suggest doing a complete blood count for further evaluation to detect an infection in the system. Meanwhile, I suggest using anti-inflammatory medications such as Naproxen to relieve the inflammation. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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[|Human|] Hi My Name is James. I am a SE. I was weighing normal during my childhood day, until my 10th Grade , where i started gaining lot of weight. And now, i am 27 yrs weighing about 145 Kgs. I seriously need some sort of assistance to help me reduce my weight. My Hands and neck are same as a normal being. But by chest , tummy and thighs are way too abnormal. My body fat is like a water bed :-). I try to do walking on a manual treadmill , but i cannot do more than 5 min on it. I have slight breathings problems. I user the inhalers to suppress the problem. I was so frustrated that i will need to go in for a surgery . But i also know that , something not normal is always a problem in the future. Can you pls guide? Thanks James
[|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor, Is that sudden weight gain? Please do the thyroid tests and take treatment for that, try to do breathing exercise (consults physiotherapist), avoid all junk food, chocolate, ice cream, fried food. Include Salads, fruits, raw vegetables like carrot, cucumber, whole grain products. And you can go for liposuction, but before that collect all information about side effect of liposuction then you can do the surgery.
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[|Human|] hi i am a single mother of for youngest six months old and still breastfeeding, i suffer from asthma i am on a purple and a blue inhaler. Now 12 days ago i was helping the kids school by looking after the chickens , on the Monday i started coughing and have done ever since i am finding that i am getting out of breath very fast with the least little thing i do and i am exhausted after every fit of cough i get into, I am finding that tacking my inhalers are not helping and i was wondering if there was anything i could do to help myself get any better
[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for the query to H. C.M. Forum. Since you are an established case of asthma, so you have to increase your stamina, so that you can overcome your disease. As inhalers not working, so after consultation with a physician, take antihistamine + bronchodilator. I usually prescribe Montelukast + albuterol to my patients and results are very nice. Rope jumping is the best exercise for you for stamina enhancement. If stamina increases, lung capacity will increase, and you will be able to face an asthmatic attack with ease. Hope I have answered your question. If further any question I will help. Get well soon.
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[|Human|] I fell down hard wooden stairs--could have been worse; but my whole left side is bruised and achy..I one abrasion on my left arm. Dull pain on left ribs when I breathe and sneeze.. Difficult to lean down on left side. Should I see a doctor? Should I be resting or moving (yoga, for example)?Thank you!Sandy
[|AI|] Hello Thanks for writing to us, I have studied your case with diligence. Rib contusion is not always visible on X-ray. You may need to do MRI or HRCT to see details of injury. I will advise consulting to orthopedic surgeon. Medication like muscle relaxant and analgesic will reduce pain along with it use rib support belt. You may consult physiotherapist for pain management. He may start TENS, or ultrasound which is helpful in your case. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. If you find this answer helpful do not forget to give rating at end of discussion. Wishing you good health. Take disregards Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] I am having more and more frequent episodes of a creepy crawling tingling sensation all over my body. Some of these episodes last a month at a time. There is also a numbness feeling in my arms and legs. These episodes are debilitating. My family phycision will not even run a blood test on me. I am looking for a new doctor. Should I look for an internal med specialist. I am really scared.
[|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. It appears that your symptoms are probably due to the fibromyalgia, or poly arthritis. I advise you to consult an orthopedic surgeon for diagnosis and treatment. I usually prescribe to my patient with such symptoms neurotrophic injections for 10 consecutive days, and then periodically along with pain medication. Avoid taking potato, other tubers, tomato, egg, chicken, and seafoods till the pains are completely controlled. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Thank you.
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[|Human|] My daughter hit front of her leg really hard 2 weeks on the table doing a cartwheel inside. It left a bad bruise and a knot. The bruise is almost gone but the knot is still there and seems to be the same size as it was when she hit it. What s caused the knot not to go away? Do I need to take her to the dr?
[|AI|] Hi, Thank you for asking question on Chat Doctor. Bruise occurs due bleeding under the skin, and it gradually disappears. The n knot will take some more time or may remain very long time though reduced in size. Hope this answer will serve your purpose. Nothing to worry about it. Please feel free to ask any more queries if requiredTake care Chat Doctor. V. Subrahmanyam MD;Disassociate professor of pediatrics
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[|Human|] I have costochondritis and was prescribed a strong ibuprofen that made me very dizzy and triggered vertigo. it is very painful what can I take that will help the pain. Is it o.k. to rub something like bengay on my chest, and since this is inflammation related will drinking a lot of water also help?
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, you can definitely apply Bengal on chest. It is safe for external use so no need to worry. Also apply warm water pad on affected areas for better symptomatic relief. You can also Chat Doctor. In painkiller, you can take tramadol. It is safe and gives higher pain relief. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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[|Human|] I have an anxiety disorder that I take xanax (generic) for. The last ten months I have had a terrible feeling of dread and severe anxiety that last for 10 to 12 hours consistently. It has now started to include irratation and crying. I had a hysterectomy when I was 39 and I am now 53..I still have 1 ovary. I also have depression that I am taking Wellbutrin (generic) for and this terrible dread started around the same time I started taking Wellbutrin. My best friend said it happened to her and her doctor just upped the dosage to 450 instead of 300 and the anxiety and iratation went away. Can you help me?
[|AI|] Hi madam have gone through your question and understand your concerns. Based on history provided by you, I feel that your actually suffering from depressive disorder with associated anxiety symptoms. If I were your treating psychiatrist, I would advise you to stop alprazolam(Xanax) completely as it got high addictive potential if used for greater than one month. Regarding tablet Wellbutrin, recommend dose is 300 mg and maximum dose is 450 mg. But, going to maximize dose may arise new side effects like seizures. So, rather than increasing dose of Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] I have a lump on the lower left side of my head. It hurts a little and the tenderness is now moving up behind my ear. It is also a little numb where it is tender. I was sick for about a week and a half and my cold is now almost gone. Should I be worried?
[|AI|] Hello! Thank you for the query. If this lump has appeared during the sickness, most probably it is a lymph node. Please note that lymph nodes get enlarged due to infection as a part of autoimmune response. Such node is usually movable and rounded. It should not be a reason to concern. Such lump can be also an abscess caused by sebaceous cyst infection. This condition appears in the area where there was a lump before. Redness, pain and swelling of this area should be present. In case of abscess you need to consult a surgeon and have it incised. If it's a lymph node you may wait and see how it will be acting. Hope this will help. Regards.
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[|Human|] About six months ago i got a ball to the face, the doctor said it was a concussion, i have been getting headaches ever since. I woke up 2 days ago with a very bad headache and two very bloodshot eyes,Im having a very hard time focusing on anything. I know the redness is not pink eye. Could this be related to my concussion? Im 16
[|AI|] HI, Dear,Thanks for the query regarding your daughter. I studied your query and understood your health concerns. Remedy-You seem to have raised Intro Cranial Tensions with ? SOL-Space Occupying Lesion, which may be post-trauma by ball on face 6 myths back. Consult your ER Surgeon, who would check and do what is necessary treatment after investigations with Neurosurgeon. MRI of the brain would fix your problem. So Don't worry and act fast as suggested. Welcome for any query to Chat Doctor and me in this regard. Have a Good Day. Chat Doctor. N.
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[|Human|] I am scheduled in a few weeks to follow up with my pulmonologist but I m scared. I had an abnormal chest CT about 8 months ago and it showed a few Bullae on my upper right lung. He said beginnings of emphysyma. Also, my left lower lung shows scarring/nodule (granuloma) from histoplasmosis. I used to live in Ohio Valley when I was young. Doctor thought everything was benign and not to worry and to have another CT in 6 months to compare. Since that time he retired and I m going to another doctor in a few weeks to follow up. My regular doctor had to order CT and I had that done about 3 weeks ago and am awaiting definitive results. They would only tell me that scarring appears the same but they mentioned in right lung opacities. Is that the emphsyma or something else entirely like cancer? I am really worried and no one will help me any sooner with diagnosis until info in a few weeks. They didn t give me any specifics about opacities. Any info you can help me with would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. I m 45 years old by the way, female, and history of smoking and Im trying to quit.
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. Opacity on chest x-ray can be due to pneumonia, nodule, cyst or malignant mass. But opacity word is not used for ballad. You are having opacity in resent CT at the same site where ballad were seen in previous scan. You are a active smoker. And so risk of development of malignant mass at the site of ballad is very high. So, you need to wait for the CT report and if this is mass than you need biopsy and histopathological examination to rule out malignancy. Quit smoking as soon as possible. It is not good habit. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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[|Human|] Hi, I have regular cold/cough? After taking medicine it goes away for some time but again comes back in couple of week. Lots of mucus also comes out. Some time its very dark color. Some time due to lots of coughing even little blood comes in muscus. What should I do?
[|AI|] Hi thanks for asking question. First long term repeated cough might be due to irritation by acid reflux simply. So if you have acid reflux or acidity history then omeprazole can be taken with preventive measures. Second you have mucus in cough so chronic bronchitis or bronchiectasis like condition has to be ruled out. Chest x-ray and spirometry useful for it. Third if prolonged cough with fever and difficult breathing present then pneumonia or Tb should be ruled out by chest x-ray or sputum examination respectively. Wish you good health. Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] hhello my na is danny. well over a year i had a root canal and crownplaced. since then iget excruciatimg pain inmy upper right mouth. my dentist of course swears nothing is wrong. mpst dentists wont pull if they think nothing is wrong. what do i do for pain? im at wits ends.
[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor Read your query as you have pain in tooth after root canal treatment and crown placement don't worry this pain can be due to infection at apex of root or due to periodontal problem. I will suggest you to consult dentist and go for Iowa X-ray of tooth and go for treatment accordingly. In meantime do warm saline gargle two - three times a day, and you can take medicine like AXL OR Novato lb by consulting with you local doctor. Hope this will help you.
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[|Human|] hello sir,I have consulted a phsycologist. I didnt say more about the masterbation habit but,, the problems i am facing i discussed,, Insomani, OCD, Shaking of hands, tension, nervness, palpitation, anxiety. When irritated with family stab my neck 20 to 30minute, lot of blood came out. He has suggested me to take Selfit ( sertonin). first 10days 50mg and gradually increased to 100mg now.
[|AI|] Dear, We understand your concerns went through your details. I do understand. Serotonin supplements (Selfie) increase serotonin levels helping depression and other brain-related disorders. Your case is anxiety disorder. I see you also has suicidal ideation. Anxiety disorders are a category of mental disorders characterized by feelings of anxiety and fear, where anxiety is a worry about future events and fear is a reaction to current events. When a person fears about something now (which may or may not happen in the future) and if he does it repeatedly, it is called anxiety disorder. These fear provoking feelings are called anxiety, and it may cause variety of physical symptoms, such as a racing heart, restlessness, helplessness and shakiness. Treatment consists of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, lifestyle changes, relaxation therapy and meditation. Once you learn how to manage your anxiety yourself with the help of the above treatment methods, You will be cured. The process is a bit lengthy and could take any period between one year to 2 years according to the depth of the anxiety problem and the circumstances at which the patient lives. Keep the period of treatment in mind, prepare yourself to take up the treatment and consult a psychologist online or in person. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute detail possible. Hope this answers your query. Further clarifications are welcome. Good luck. Take care.
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[|Human|] I was high on marijuana and when i took a 500mg glucosamine sulfate tablet for my bulging disc, it went down pretty rough. It became very difficult to swallow and i had slight chest discomfort. I was scared so i started breathing fast. Its been almost 2 days now and i havent had any breathing problems. Im scared the pill is in my lung and it will cause future problems. I went to the ER and took an xray but i feel like xrays dont pick up capsules. Should i be worried? I feel like the doctor may have overlooked the seriousness of this problem and i feel as if theres something in my left bronchus. Or it could just be anxiety. Please help thank you.
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can u understand your situation and problem. In my opinion it is mostly due to anxiety. But since you are having high heart rate and breathlessness, we should rule out aspiration of foreign body (pill) in the bronchus. So consult pulmonologist and get done bronchoscopic evaluation to rule out foreign body aspiration. If this is normal than no need to worry about aspiration. It is mostly anxiety related symptoms. So avoid stress and tension. Be relax and calm. Consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working on it.Don't worry much, you will be alright.
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[|Human|] I experience respiratory distress symptoms (SOB, decreased O2, voice changes) when I am exposed to perfumes and a few other strong oders and flying dust/dirt. What could this be a symptoms of?I am 37 years old, weigh 145, and have no hx of asthma or any other respiratory issues.
[|AI|] Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor... Noted when you exposed to particular substance like dust or perfume feeling some resp problems.... You might have allergic inflammation to that allergen.... Try to avoid contact with allergen like dust, perfume etc. .. Take antihistamines Chat Doctor. . If needed prophylactically fexofenedine and montelukast can be taken.... Get your CBC done look for eosinophilic. You can investigate with pulmonary function test to rule out asthma.... Take care.
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[|Human|] Hi, i am anjali Mahindru. my age is 27. I got married 10 months before. after my marriage i am frequently suffering from stomachache in lower part. I got all my test i.e, ultrasound , urine & culture test but every time pus cells comes 20-25 and sterile after 48 hrs incubation at 37c.
[|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query. This must be due to recurrent UTI- urinary tract infections. This is common after marriage and usually starts as honeymoon- myelitis, meaning occurring after marriage. Since the length of urethra in females is very short, they can get infections frequently and easily. If the pus cells are present, but the culture is negative, one can think about tuberculosis as the commonest cause. . Both of you-meaning your husband also has to take medicines. Go for MVP and further investigations to rule out any other problem like obstruction in the urine out-flow. Visit a Urologist for a second opinion.
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[|Human|] I ve had a stomach ache for 4 days, i ve recently got off pristiq, I had diarrhea for the first two days, and the last 2 days I havent been able to go, i ve had a horrible headache, blurry vision, a watery mouth, dizziness, and tingly feelings in my toes.
[|AI|] Hello, I read carefully your query and understand your concern. Your symptoms seem to be related to side effects of Pristine. All the medications have its side effects. In some cases the system get used to the medication and the side effects go away gradually. If the side effects persists or if you have breathing difficulties, I suggest stopping the medication and consult your doctor about an alternative treatment. Hope my answer was helpful. If you have further queries feel free to contact me again. Kind regards! Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] I am having wrist joint pain in the morning I can hardly move this just started about a week ago I can not hardly move my fingers hands and one wrist is swollen at the joint it s also in my shoulder and kness I did not have any of this until about a week ago it s worse I think he morning if I can keep moving its better my lower back gets so sore when I m on my feet to long at one time also please help answer this
[|AI|] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have sudden wrist pain and swelling. Well there can be many reasons for symptoms you mention in query like trauma, arthritis, carpal tunnel syn Chat Doctor. Allergic reaction or local infection can also cause pain and swelling in wrist. You can also put your wrist in hot water tub for 15 minutes daily and take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for pain. Do not lift heavy object with arm and give proper rest to your arm. I would suggest you to consult orthopedic surgeon for proper examination. Doctor may order CT scan, MRI along with physical examination, urine test. Doctor may recommend surgical removal or may prescribe antibiotics, allopurinol along with anti-inflammatory. Doctor may also recommend physical therapy. Doctor may fix the abnormality by plaster, splint, bandage in case of fracture OR may recommend surgery in case of fracture and hematoma. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,
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[|Human|] I have swelling above waist on right side, not left...a little roll of fat? Not painful but but sensitive to pressing. ?? Also have gall bladder symptoms, got hida scan this a.m, sonogram recently showed no abnormality of gall bladder.....have family doctor who ordered swelling connected?
[|AI|] Hi! The right sided lower abdominal swelling is not related to gall bladder at all! As per your description, the swelling is flat, mobile, soft or fatty to feel, painless, but sensitive to pressure or tender.... Whenever I see this kind of lump, as per needle biopsy experience, I get following diagnoses:1. Lipoma2. Neurofibroma3. Hernia4. hemangiomaTherefore, this is not a thing for worries but should be checked by your physician!regards,
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[|Human|] Hi, I am a 30 year old female with a relatively clean health history and excellent blood pressure, other than a past history of depression. About 10 days ago I got out of bed with sudden dizziness that I couldn t stand straight, after that I started experiencing nonstop dizzy spells throughout the day with change of head positions. I have never experienced dizziness before this. Few days later my tongue started feeling fat and stiff, when I talk feel like I have to spend extra effort in pronouncing the words. Then last night when I was about to fall back asleep after getting up, I felt a sudden pain inside my right ear as if someone had kicked inside my head. The pain quickly went away then I turned to my body to sleep on my other side, seconds later I felt another strong kick inside my right ear. When I got up thus morning the pain on my left ear has almost disappeared, but I feel a persistent dull, sometimes tingly pain on the entire right side of my face radiating from the ear. I m now dizzy, talking funny, and has a hurting face. Please let me know what I should do?
[|AI|] Hello! Thank you for your question. I understand your concern. I recommend you see a doctor, have a good physical examination, followed by a head CT Scan. In my opinion all the symptoms you describe may be related to a disorder in your right ear or the right cerebellum poutine angle. Something is wrong with your cranial nerves located there. It may be an infection inside your ear causing these problems. Herpes virus infection can also cause similar problems. But it may also be stroked a tumor, although less probable, by your history. Hope to have been helpful. Thank you for using Chat Doctor!
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[|Human|] I have had two large hard knots pop up overnight on my head and then last night two smaller ones pop up behind my ear where the bone is. These are not moveable or painful but are eraser sized to quarter size knots. Not sebaceous cysts. What can they be? I am caucasion, 43 years old, 147lbs and in good health.
[|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some enlarged lymph node. It can be due to reactive hyperplasia most likely. It can be some soft tissue mass or some cyst like lesion. You should take a course of antibiotics. If it does not respond to treatment then biopsy diagnosis is advisable. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at Chat Doctor. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
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[|Human|] So I am an 18 year old male, and I masturbate (surprise surprise) anyways, Today when I was finished i noticed that on the shaft of my penis a little lower than half way (so towards the scrotum) there was a red bump. I dont know if it is from friction or maybe a pimple or what. It is red, it doesnt hurt unless i pinch like popping a pimple but even then it doesnt really even hurt much or at all. It is on the right side of my penis. I masturbate with my right hand my hand makes contact with where the bump is. The part of the hand it touches is the palm right where the thumb starts to branch off the hand. There is only one bump and I have felt it and there is nothing hard underneath it, and there does not appear to be any puss on top. However I am scared because, 3 days ago my girlfriend of 3 months came over and we were naked and hugging each other and getting physical and are genitals touched but there was nothing more no insertion of any kind, and I just want to make its not an STD and just something from friction. It is on the top of the penis so her genitalia never, or should not have even touched there. Let me know if you need any more information.
[|AI|] Thanks for contacting Chat Doctor with your health care concerns. You eye experiencing a lump on your penis at the base that is not very painful and does not appear to be infected. From your description this is probably a sebaceous cyst which are very common on the penis shaft and scrotum. This is basically an oil gland that is under the skin and can be irritated from rubbing or squeezing. I recommend that you lay off the masturbation for a while and this area should reduce in size. It may become irritated again with masturbation. You also have no need to concern over an STD because you did not engage in sexual intercourse. I hope this answers your question. Please contact Chat Doctor again with any of your health care concerns
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[|Human|] hv addicted to do masturbation for long my left leg getting leaning and reducing muscles also left arm.after i do basturbation starting to paining from inside left arm also left knee getting time im loosing memmorry living with stress now.please help me to over come from this.thanks
[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. Please understand, masturbation is natural and healthy if done in moderation. Let me clarify. Up to the age of 18 masturbation one per day is OK. After that thrice or four times a week is healthy. Masturbation cannot harm your health in any way. All these problems you are mentioning here could be due to the anxiety and obsession created by wrong and improper knowledge base about masturbation and sex. Please consult a psychologist for masturbation and sex related counseling. Take care. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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[|Human|] I am type 2 diabetic can pee but cannot poop. their is a burning pain in my stomach as well. I am also a female but I had Urinary tract infections before this does not feel like one. But constipation is an ongoing thing and when I do go it is really huge and black. I am belching too. What can it be?
[|AI|] Hello, Long standing uncontrolled diabetes may lead to Gastroparesis where intestinal motility is decreased leads to constipation, however in your case stomach with black stools suggestive of Upper Gastrointestinal bleed probably peptic ulcer disease. Kindly get evaluated for the same with the physician or a gastroenterologist. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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[|Human|] My wife, 35, is currently having sharp pains in her lower right abdomen . She said the initial pain started around 11:30 at night and has progressed ever since. The pain seems to come and go with stabbing like sensations during the most severe times. It does not appear to be sensitive to touch. She cannot get comfortable and says the pain appears to go across the middle of her abdomen when she sits up. She had an ovarian cyst removed 5 or 6 years ago, but has not had any issues since. Thanks for your time.
[|AI|] Hello, Greetings from Chat Doctor .com I have gone through the case scenario of your wife and I do believe we need to rule out gall bladder pathology primarily for her though any pathology from intestine, liver, pancreas and heart may present in this fashion. I do believe she has to undergo an ultrasonography of the upper abdomen (please take a note-- the interpretation of the exam will depend exclusively on her preparation) to see if there is gall stones, sludge or muscle of gall bladder. Women in late thirties who are over weight and sometimes who are not over weight too can land up at the Emergency with pain in right abdomen either radiating to upper abdomen or the lower abdomen due to gall stones. Surgery is the treatment of choice for gall stones. Long term patients with gall stone may suffer from gall bladder carcinoma, so please do get an appointment with her physician at the earliest. Hope my information is useful to you. Take Care.
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[|Human|] Hello. I had unprotected sex on April 13 and took plan b on April 15. I had withdrawal bleeding for about three days starting on April 20. My last period was started on April 3 and last around 5-6 days. I haven t gotten my period yet and I m a little worried. My periods are usually 28-30 days apart. Does this bleeding mean it worked?
[|AI|] Hello, I have gone through your query and understood the concern. The occurrence of with Chat Doctor. The high hormone content in the pill disrupts the hormone milieu and therefore delays the next natural period by a week or two. Please see a specialist for further evaluation if you become overdue by ten days. You will need a sonogram of the pelvis preferably in the trans-vaginal route to clarify the situation and induction of a period is done to restore hormone balance. Hope this helps.
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[|Human|] I started out with a sinus infection on 1/2 was on amoxacillion for 6 days then minute clinic switched me to augmentin due to no improvement, after 10 days on augmentin i still was feeling bad so i took the remainder of my amox, went back to see my regular physician on wed 1/25, she put me on prednisone and the zpac, I am not noticing my chest is red, not a rash just red as if i were sunburned, other symtems include cough, headaches and still a lot of phlem, any ideas of wht this is?
[|AI|] Hello greetings I were your treating doctor I would treat your problem as upper respiratory tract infection (including sinus infection). I would prescribe you a course of penicillin group of antibiotics for a week and cough medicine. That you are already having I would like these details to help you furthermost all lab investigation was carried out?? Please consult your doctor for the investigations and an X-Ray paranasal sinuses, continue with the medicines as advised to you, it will take some time to heal you adequately do some steam inhalation and deep breathing excercisesHope I have answered your question. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help wish you good health regards
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[|Human|] i used to work between 2012 - 2014 when i think that i may have hurt my heel, i ordered a pair of work shoes from my workplace. within months, i noticed that my feet hurt, mostly my right foot. i continued to wear them, they were non slip rubber work clogs with a low heel. ever since, my right heel has been in pain and i am starting to limp and walk very slowly, i am afraid to step down on my right foot. there is a small lump on the back part of my right heel that is tender to the touch. it is getting harder to walk about.
[|AI|] Hello, As per your symptoms, there is possibility of calcaneal spur along with plantar fasciitis. It is advisable to wear low heel shoe to maintain center of gravity of whole body. You may need an x-ray heel to see bony overgrowth. Start plantar exercises consulting physiotherapist. Use soft insole in shoes and take calcium supplement with vitamin D. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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[|Human|] Hi I went to urgent care today, haven t been feelin well. Extreme nausia, loose stools and headaches . A few months ago I had What I believed to be gallstones, the pain was severe but after an hour or two pain subsided so I never sought treatment, now I get dull pains upper right abdominal under rib, but not as painful as I had experienced before, I also had some blood in my stool for 2 days which has currently stopped. But I had a UA done about a month ago that came back with abnormal WBC when culture and sensitivity was done it came back negative. At urgent care today my Bloodwork came back fine but my UA showed 500 count leukocytes. I m going to have ct done of gallbladder . I am a 20 year old female , any idea what could be wrong
[|AI|] Hi young lady, you do have both gastrointestinal and urinary problems from the information provided. The CT scan will give us some information about how your kidneys and gallbladder look. Are you having any white discharge per vagina which is contaminating the urine? Infection of the urinary tract is the most common cause of pus cells in the urine. Repeat the culture. If repeated cultures are negative and there is no kidney stone on CT scan, you will need tests to look for causes of Sterile Syria. Blood in stools is not due to gallstones nor urine infection - it needs further assessment. Most commonly it is due to hemorrhoids (piles), but a doctor (surgeon/ GP) should examine you to confirm or negate this.
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[|Human|] hi, my boyfriend dislocated his knee 4 weeks ago, and found out today he has also damaged all of his ligmaments, they took the cast off but his knee is in a brace for the next 7 weeks .. we fly to turkey for a cruise in 8 weeks .. can u fly with torn ligaments ?
[|AI|] Hello, If the ligaments are torn completely than a reconstruction of the same will be needed based on the MRI scan. Due to immobilization of the knee, there will be a reduced range of motion of the knee and needs to achieve the complete range of motion with the help of the CPM machine or the Physiotherapist. He can fly anywhere he wishes to without any much trouble but then as you mentioned that all ligaments are torn than I will advise taking an MRI and see what ligaments can be repaired or needs surgery to repair. Once his ROM is full and enough strength he can fly without much pain. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] Hello, I just had fibroid emolbilization surgery about a week ago. I am having a lot of pain in the leg they put the device in to do the procedure. The nurse is saying everything if fine since she checked for a pulse throughout that leg. However, I do not feel fine. It s been 10 days and I cannot not walk over 25 feet before the pain is almost unbarable in that leg. please let me know what I should do. I feel like there is something wrong with a nerve.
[|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and understand your concern. You can take analgesic such as ibuprofen for pain relief. For condition of arteries of lower limb you are advised to do your color Doppler study of both lower limbs. You can discuss with your doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you. Wishing you a good health. Take care.
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[|Human|] Hlw, I m 19(unmarried). Normally,I have this problem of likoria(no itch in the area) but for last three days ,I m observing thick white yellowish likoria.I have anemia ,taking medicine.l also have vitiligo slightly in my face ,I m taking medicines for that.I have a habit of drinking less I have any infection / do I need to go to doctor for this problem(likoria)
[|AI|] Hi welcome to ChatDoctorI have gone through your query regarding anemia and vitiligo. Dear, all your problems are outcome of increase in the levels of toxins in the body and poor eating habits. In other words , your low immunity is the root cause of all your problems. Anemia occurs because your body doesn't make enough red blood cells due to poor eating habits and faulty lifestyle. Bleeding causes you to lose red blood cells more quickly than they can be replacedYour body destroys red blood cells causing you anemia and anemia causing vitiligo, leuchorrhoea and others. Vitiligo is a disease in which the pigment cells of the skin, melanocytes, are destroyed in certain areas. Is also a lifestyle disease. Leuchorrhoea also known as vaginal discharge, is a very common condition that has been experienced by most women of all ages, at some time or the other. It is thick white yellowish color most of the time. Is mainly experienced during puberty, when sexual organs are developing in a woman. It can be very irritating and damaging if left untreated This is because the female genitals are highly prone to infections because they are moist and covered at most times. Moreover, women do tend to sweat a lot in that area, which increases the chances of infections and inflammation. Some of the most common causes are Anemia and Hormonal disturbances and increase in the levels of toxins in the body and poor eating habits. Modification in your lifestyle and food habits -including regular exercise, yoga, Panama and meditation for proper blood circulation and balanced diet having essential nutrients - fiber, Vitamins, minerals antioxidants in natural form - lemon juice, turmeric powder, honey, aloe vera juice, AMLA regular intake will help gain health in 6 months. All the best
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[|Human|] I have a sharp pain in my lower left lung, around what seems to be the perimeter of the lung. It worsens when I lay down on my left side and I cant exhale without pain erupting. Last fall I was diagnosed with Pericardial Catch Syndrome. But now I think it may be something more.
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. By your history and description, possibility of pleurisy is more. Pleurisy is inflammation of pleura. And it is seen mostly with lung infection. So we need to first rule out lung infection in your case. So get done clinical examination of respiratory system and chest x-ray. You may need antibiotics, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Application of warm water pad on affected areas is also helpful. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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[|Human|] hi 3 days ago I had a hair drug test off my chest .its been about four to six months I have a kidney stone they gave me morphine I didn t say anything to the doctor about going in for kidney you think this will cause me a problem or should I call Monday to find out I need to do.I forgot all about it.I do not do any drugs at all.I think I ll be ok ?
[|AI|] HelloThanks for query. You have severe pain in abdomen due to kidney stone, and you were given In morphine. Since already there is long period of 6 months after giving Morphine It has been eliminated completely from your body and can not be detected in Chat Doctor. As regards stone in kidney it will be traced out in Ultrasound Scanning of the abdomen if it is still present there in kidney.However, this can be ground for making you unfit in the test.
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[|Human|] I am a student doing my engineering at Bhubaneswar, Odisha.One week back I found that I am suffering from Hepatitis-B .Some of my friends are also suffering from it now.I have under gone blood examination & my blood sample report is.Serum total bilirubin-5.50, Direct bilirubin-4.18,Indirect bilirubin-1.32 ,SGOT(AST)-466 ANDSGPT(ALT)-262.Pl. suggent me the medines and the Diet.Thanks
[|AI|] Hello, I had gone through your question carefully and I will try my best to resolve it. In most cases of acute hepatitis, no treatment is required. Just take enough rest, proper diet and fluid, glucose water, avoid alcohol and let your bodies immune system to fight with the infection. Repeat your SGPT levels and if it's on the decreasing side, then you are recovering and wait for few more days. In case you are diagnosed with chronic hepatitis, then you require few medications to avoid liver injury and transmission of infection to others. You require antiviral medicines like lamivudine. You can also have interferon to fight the infection. As all these are prescription medicines, you need to consult your doctor and let him decide which is better treatment for you. Hope this will help you and feel free to ask any of your follow-up questions, I will be happy to guide you in right direction.
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[|Human|] i hit my wrist on something I think my dogs paw she was welcoming me home. The area around the vein swelled up. I am doing the cold compress 15 on 15 off but should I be concerned about anything else. The swelling has gone down but the touch is sore to the touch
[|AI|] Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of you. As you have this doubt about the mechanism of injury as the paw of the dog I feel this should be a muscular injury which led to swelling. Also depending upon how the paw was, and the pressure things can be understood better. Even if there are any tooth marks or such needs an examination. Swelling will be a protective mechanism and things should be fine in 3-7 days of time. Regards Jay In Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] I was diagnosed with systemic lupus that effects my blood. I am prone to blood clots and my platlets drop when I am flaring. I am currently taking Benlysta infusions at 120mg 1x per month. In fact today I go in for my infusion. I am also taking plaquinil 200 mg 2x daily and doxycycline 1x daily(night). **I was sitting at my desk and suddenly, I got dizzy, extreme cold sweating(dripping) all over, nausiated and very shakey. I placed my head between my legs because my eyes felt like they were sinking in the back of my head. I eat every 2 to 3 hours and I doudbt it was for low blood sugar , but I guess it could have been. I am freezing right now, because all my clothing is damp. I ate a candy bar and I feel better now, though still shakey and cold.
[|AI|] Hello, It is possible that you have an occult source if infection, usually a urinary tract infection that can cause these symptoms. So please get a urine dipstick done and ask them to send for culture sensitivity studies as you are on immunosuppressants. Normally if the urine dipstick was borderline abnormal, they won't send but ensure this is done due to the medications you take for lupus.Also, a thyroid function, complete hologram, CRP, Uses must be done at the same time. Best Wishes.
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[|Human|] i found 5-6 bites on the side of my torso and they were very very painful. I felt a constant sensation on the side of my body like numbness but my skin was very sensitive to touch. At one point I had severe pain in my arm and some pain in the side of my breast . It eventually went away though I have dark areas where the bites were. All the symptoms disappeared after several weeks. Just 2-3 days ago I felt a painful itching sensation on the inside of arm in the wrist area. I thought it might be exzema flaring up on that arm. It turned out to be another bite. The bite began swelling , was very painful, discharge is clear. The skin around the bite looks as though several layers were destroyed as there is a round slightly sunken area. In the middle of this area is a bulge and is the source of the weeping. The area around the center is very angry and red. I found 5-6 hairs/splinters/something and I pulled them off and after that the pain lessened considerably and the skin began to dry out and looked like it might be healing . Now I think I might have a red streak on my arm. Help.
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. The symptoms that you have described are suggestive of a poisonous insect, tick or bug bite. This needs to be treated with the following:a. You would need a course of oral antibiotics to prevent and treat the super added infection (if any)b. Chat Doctor. Analgesics would help with the pain The red streak in the arm suggests that an inflammation of the lymphatics. I would suggest you see a physician for the same. Hope this helpsRegards
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[|Human|] Please can you tell me if mouth ulcers and pimples are a side effect of Giardia. I was diagnosed with Guiardia about 3 months ago. I was treated with Flagyl. 6 weeks ago I had a second outbreak, but milder. I now have white pimples inside my upper lip and ulcers in several places. My throat is also inflammed and there are a few spots on the back of my throat as well.
[|AI|] Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. No, pimple is not caused by the Guardian at all. But mouth ulcer can be caused by it. Giardia stick to the intestine lumen and suck the nutrition particularly fat and vitamins related to it. So ulcer can occur because of nutritional deficiency. You should take the complete treatment for the Guardian. Otherwise, it will recur and cause infection again and again. It is transmitted by Eco oral route means either the food or water is contaminated with such parasite is consumed by you causing the infection to you. I advise you should maintain hygiene in the future otherwise contaminated food causes infection again. In order to combat such effect you should take multivitamin particularly the vitamin A and others. This will help to treat the ulcer. I will be happy to answer your further concern on Chat Doctor. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist, ChatDoctor.
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[|Human|] I have had an epidural injection in my lower back it seemed to only hlp the numbness and tingle sensation going down my left leg for a very short time and the pain is back I just recieve te same inctions on my neck that seems to be helping my arm right now, I am tring to figuire out if the pain will stay gone what are the chances. I am a 45 year old female who was hurt in a boat accident and have several problems I have had a total of 6 epidurals and cortison shots I am worried about having more if they do not last fro more than a couple weeks.
[|AI|] Hello, I have studied your case. You can't take so many shots of epidural. You need permanent solution now. Usually nerve compression can't be seen on x-ray you may need MRI for this. If there is any nerve compression then that may need specific treatment. I will advise you to do MRI instill time, avoid lifting weights, Sit with support to back. You can consult physiotherapist for help. Physiotherapy like ultrasound and inferential therapy will give quick relief. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care.
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[|Human|] There are purple veins and yellowness in the back of my mouth. They dont, it just freaks me out. I have sores forming on the bottom of my gums on my lower teeth. They hurt a lot. I dont smoke because Im only 14, but Im around it a lot. What could it be?
[|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The purple veins in the back of the mouth can be a dilated sub lingual veins, nothing to be panic, it is harmless. Regarding the soreness in the gums, it can be because of the gingivitis or periodontitis(gum infection) secondary to the deposits over the teeth. Consult an oral physician and get the teeth cleaned. Meanwhile do saline gargling or use mouth each. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
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[|Human|] I just had a small stromal Tumor removed from my fundus area of my stomach. In the procedure the wall of my stomach was punctured, the doctor put staple in the area to seal it back up. I went home immediately after the procedure, what should I do or not do to recover?
[|AI|] Hi ! Good afternoon. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. If I were your doctor, I would have admitted you for 24 hours for observation, with IV fluids, and nil orally for complete rest to the GI tract for proper healing. Further management would get influenced by your recovery in the first 24 hours. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] good afternoon doc.may ask a question regarding to my condition,i have a kidney stone both left and right measuring 0.5x0.4 while the other one is 0.5x0.5 wthe best remedy for my health problem i cant afford to have a long time medication even operation can you give me tips on how to cure my illness without taking medicine?thank you so much !
[|AI|] Macrotyloma uniform is a legume and is widely used across Indian subcontinent. Its popularly called Multi or horse gram. If you boil it with or without rice in semi liquid form and eat, it helps to dissolve renal stones. Its decoction can also be Chat Doctor. You can also mix Pomegranates seeds crush and holy basil leaves extract or crush Tributes (Gothic) powder in this decoction for better results. A lot of water to be
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[|Human|] I have a very ichy, stinging, rash on my butt crack. It bleeds a lot if I do scratch it and I have had this problem for going on 4 years, I ve been to doctors several times and nothing works! It s so painful sometimes that I cannot even sit down normally! Please help me it really bothers me at night!
[|AI|] Hi, Thank you for your query. I can understand your concerns. You seem to have atomic eczema/ atomic dermatitis in crack of your buttock. Eczema is recurring skin rashes, characterized by redness, skin edema (swelling), itching and Chat Doctor. A corticosteroid ointments, creams or lotions e.g.clobetasol application will help. It will reduce the chronic inflammation. Once the lesion has healed up .keep the skin moisturized to prevent its recurrences. Regards
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[|Human|] My name is rison and i am 47 years old. now my creatine level is 1.6 and all other lab reports normal. ultra sound scan my kidney size is 9.8*3.5and 9.9*4.1. . my bp is 130/90 and no diabatic background. sir, wht will be my life span in this stage of ckd ? and can i stop the progression?
[|AI|] Hello, your kidney sizes are pretty much in normal range. S creatinine is borderline raised. You have not mentioned whether you have been diagnosed with having CKD or you are saying it yourself. If you're all other lab reports are normal and this are the 2 reports I would say you are doing pretty well. You mentioned you don't have diabetes and have only hypertension. For now only thing for you to do is keep control on hypertension by taking medications properly. Avoid excess salt and oily diet. Exercise regularly. And i don't see any problem for you with at least your kidney point of view. Just keep regular follow up with you doctor. Take care.
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[|Human|] My baby is 2 months old and having cough and cold I consulted pediatrician who gave kufril, sinarest as medicine now when the cough has gone he is passing watery stools every 4 hours... why is it so? Em asked to give him Isomil instead of Milk for 2 days and renitol syrup... is it diarrhoea?
[|AI|] Hi Read your questions W month old baby may pass 10 to 12 stools daily with small to moderates quantity and yellow color which is normal. If it baby playful and taking soil and tolerated, and also he is gaining weight then u have to not worry Your baby is passing watery stool for I have to ask few questions 1 your baby stool is yellow color?2 stool I'd foul smelling ?3 is it watery with some semisolid yellow? If not foul smelling with some semisolid with watery then it's not diarrhea U have to give him regular feeding If u have some about the shoe your baby to pediatrician
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[|Human|] i ahve used 60 mg, 40, 20,10,5 omanacortil pills at different courses from last septemeber for a skinn allergy as prescribed by a doctor. Now i ahve agained about 4-5 kg and face become large now. i would like to know how long it will take to diminish the side affects
[|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, As you a tapered the dose of steroid over a period of time, it will not cause any a Chat Doctor. The facial edema and weight gain will come down in 1-2 months, if it is not coming down you need to test your blood. The steroids will only reduce the symptoms of allergy, but it will not cure the condition. I would suggest you to find out the allergen causing these symptoms by Skin prick test (SPT) and try to avoid the allergen causing these symptoms. You can choose immunotherapy for treatment in longer run. Thank you.
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[|Human|] I am having pain in my sight side more towards my back when I lay down I don t notice it as much when I am sitting or walking but at night it really bothers me I usually lay on my right side stomach and I have not been able to do that for about a week.
[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for your query. After going through your query I came to know that you are suffering from muscular pain in your back towards right side. Treatment of it is rest and analgesics (diclofenac three times a day after meals). Muscle relaxant such as thiocolchicoside can be taken. Vitamin B-complex and vitamin C supplementation can be used to promote healing. Omeprazole decreases acidity due to analgesics. You can discuss with your treating Doctor about it. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care.
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[|Human|] I had Cystitis on Christmas Day and could not get anti biotics until later in the week. I took a course but because of the timing my sample was not sent to the hospital and the cystitis came back and was really bad. I took a second course of antibiotics and the Cystitis has gone but I have tenderness across my abdomen.
[|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. Yes, such tenderness may be sign of prolonged cystitis, and it should be better within 4 weeks of treatment. If not then it would be good to do cystoscopy and pelvic Ct scan since some other issues may persist such as ovarian cyst or MoMA of the uterus. In every case it should be treated with fluids intake raspberry tea and antibiotics. I hope I have answered you query. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health.
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[|Human|] hi,i want to know that is there any chance of my wife getting pregnant bcoz sheis getting delayed in her periods regularly upto 3-4 days.we have done pregnancy test negative and our doctor prescribed ovacet twice daily,i want to know is this medicines have any side effects and is this correct.
[|AI|] Hallow Dear, It seems from the medicines that have been prescribed to your wife that she is having Polycystic Ovarian Syn Chat Doctor. In this condition, the eggs from the ovary are trapped within the ovary and they're not released; hence any cysts are formed. This leads to irregularly delayed heavy menses with infertility. This condition also is characterized by high insulin and high male hormone levels. Due to this, there is obesity, hair on unwanted areas like face, chest, abdomen, legs, etc. Medicines like Metformin and/or MYO inositol help reduce the levels of these hormones. For achieving pregnancy in such cases, some medicines have to be given for releasing eggs from ovary (induction of ovulation). To start with, usually Camphene citrate is used. This medicine can be used for maximum 6 cycles. If it fails to give desired results, BMG/Chat Doctor combination may be tried. Concomitant use of Metformin and/or MYO inositol give better results to Camphene citrate. Valet Tablet contains L-Methylfolate, Myo-Inositol, and Vitamin D3 as active ingredients. Therefore, it helps to achieve ovulation by Camphene citrate and usually does not have any ill side effects. However, this medicine should be given along with Camphene citrate. In addition to the medicines, please pay attention to her weight and BMI. Please maintain her BMI under 23.9. I am sure this will clarify your concepts about the treatment she is receiving and the ideal treatment for such condition.
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[|Human|] I have fungal Infection on my gruin from last 10 days. I have been applying Betnovate-10. It though has reduced but has not gone completley. I feel that I need to take some antifungal tablet. Also, I need some ant-icthing tablet, since at night I coudnt contro itching. Pls hepl
[|AI|] HIT hanks for posting your query to Chat Doctor. If it is very much sure that it is fungal infection then renovate will not help. You need to use Candid-B cream twice a day for 2 weeks. It will take care of Itching also. The best would be to consult a Physician or a dermatologist and confirm that it is really a Fungal infection. Hope this information was useful to you. Any clarifications feel free to ask.
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[|Human|] I have a small lump under my chin. I did not notice it until I a few hours after I screamed as hard as I could a couple of days ago. It doesn t really hurt unless I push on it and then it feels like a bruise. I m wandering if this could be some kind of muscle strain?
[|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have submandibular lymph node enlargement, or you may have inflammation of submandibular gland. You should take a course of antibiotics. If it doesn't respond to treatment then go for biopsy. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. Don't forget to click, thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] I have been having lower back pain that comes and goes. It feels bruised when I touch it, but there isn t anything visibly. I have not had any trauma. 5 feet 6 inches, 160 lbs and moderately active. I work in the dental field and am on my feet slot at work. I gave birth to twins via cesarean 16 months ago and have noticed an increase in intermittent back pain since.
[|AI|] Dear patient Intermittent back pain for last one year and not relieved with Chat Doctor. This needs to be investigated with X-ray of lumbosacral spine anteroposterior and lateral views to rule out bony abnormalities. MRI of lumbosacral spine anteroposterior and lateral views is also required as it gives detail information about disc and nerves and even bones. Visit radiology center nearby you and get it done. You need to consult expert orthopedic surgeon with report. Meanwhile, start tab diclofenac plus thiocolchicoside combination twice a day for pain relief. All the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] I feel like theres a bubble in my heart sometimes and Ive been out of breathe a lot lately. I had to stop going to the gym bc my heart rate was too high and now anytime I simply get up to walk to a class, my heart races and I get light headed. Im only 21, whats wrong with me?
[|AI|] Hello and thank you for using Chat Doctor. I carefully read your question and I understand your concern. I will try to explain you something and give you my opinion. You should know that this bubbling sensation has to do with a rhythm issue. There are some electrical impulses that generates in some part of the heart different from normal sinus rhythm. They cause a premature heart contraction that it's not a normal one. It might be just an extra systolic beat or a chaotic arrhythmia. In these cases you might experience palpitation, flattering or bubble sensation, anxiety, difficulties in breathing deeply, dizziness etc. There might be different causes of this rhythm issue like simple stress, coffee and alcohol consumption or pathologies like anemia, hyperthyroidism or electrolyte imbalance. So, if I was your treating doctor I will recommend some examination like an electrocardiogram, a cardiac echo to evaluate heart function and walls, a full blood analyze to exclude anemia, hyperthyroidism and of course a holder rhythm monitoring to evaluate your rhythm tendency. Only after this we can better understand what we are dealing with and how to treat it. Hope I was helpful. Best regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] my son is suffering from nasal drips and running nose, has a fever and cough. He is taking medications alre ady, but i have noticed he has a loose stool with little threadlike bloods. He has a history of amoebiasis when he was 3 months..he is now 1 year old and 5 months.Could it be that he is suffering again fron amoebiasis or just because of his running nose?
[|AI|] Thanks for asking on Chat Doctor. Generally the conditions are caused due to certain viruses and are self-correcting unless associated with bloody diarrhea. If the stool is blood stained, it is more likely to be caused due to invasive bacteria like Shell and certain variety of E.cold. Amoebas is a condition caused by certain parasites like Amoeba or Guardian. These are less frequent. In fact, viral causes are more frequent but are unlikely to be associated with steaks of blood as in this case. It is unlikely that unless backed up with definite investigation that the previous cause was amoebic (since other causes are more likely). Even in case it really was, chances of it being due to the same cause is very low. Runny nose, fever and cough are likely to be unrelated to the cause of blood streaks in stool. It is generally due to certain viruses. Runny nose would not cause bloody stools.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] I work for a hospital and get EKGs annually. I am 48 and a little over weight. Not taking any meds or OTC drugs except for Prilosec. The last couple of nights I have had MAJOR heart pulps, flip flops etc. Last night was the worst...lasted about 20-30 minutes without easing. I was finally able to fall asleep. This morning I woke up and my chest was sore (stiff feeling). I had my GP order a EKG and this time it showed some PVC. My doctor does not seem concerned. Told me to continue the Prilsec and start taking an asprin a day. This is not normal for me and starting to get worried I may have another night tonight like last night. What are your thoughts.
[|AI|] HelloWelcome to Chat Doctor. By Heart pulps, flip-flops etc. I suppose you are talking about palpitations. Palpitations can be caused by extra beats or PCs. It can also be caused by thyroid abnormalities and anxiety. These are the three most important causes of palpitations. Other causes are also there but are not considered here. As you have described your ECG shows PCs or extra beats. PCs are usually incidental findings in many subjects and usually require no treatment. However, if you are having symptoms like fainting, dizziness, breathlessness then they should be evaluated. Since you have not mentioned any of the above symptoms, I suppose they don't trouble you. Therefore, I recommend you a thyroid profile. If you still have persistent nagging flip-flops or palpitations, then a 24 HR Holder monitoring can be done. In this test a device and some wires are attached to your body (below your clothing) and you are sent home. The device constantly records your ECG while you do your normal day-to-day activities. After 24 hrs, the readings are checked. It will document the number of PVC's you have, their character, morphology and whether they are life-threatening or can cause complications. Please do a thyroid profile and a Holder monitoring (only if persistent symptoms) and revert with results. Wishing you good health. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] I am 49 years old. I have been getting pains shooting in different areas of my body (arms, legs, back) for year 1/2. all blood work fine, rhematologist checked for Rhematoid Artritus and Lupus was negative. a few months ago, i started getting pains in my shoulder blades and rib cage under the breast area, especially on the right. Had ultrasound of abdomen done and no gallstones, everything looked fine. could this be from my hormones and or pms? Pains in shoulders get worse when ovulating...pain all over body becomes less while ovulating!
[|AI|] Hello, I have studied your case. I will advise you to do PET SCAN so that activity and reaction around bone can be identified. PET scan will differentiate between simple or with metastatic lesion if any. Many of my patients of get improvement in morbidity by yoga Panama so you can also do that. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Hi,4 7may I an sweyr yoeuar rhesal th queroiles ridght now ? Please type your query father is 47 years old and he is suffering from jaundice which is mild now but he is feeling weakness too much nowdays. which kind of food should i give to him?
[|AI|] Hi & Welcome to Chat Doctor. Incomplete data like the lab tests, the cause of jaundice (hepatitis A, B, C, or E)??? I appreciate your concern for your beloved father. Assuming that he is suffering from Hepatitis Virus type A or E infection (confirmed by serological tests), I would suggest the following:1. Complete bed rest till the liver function test come to normal2. High carboy Chat Doctor. 3. Clean and boiled water for
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] My little boy is 8.5 months old and for the last 3 days his stool has been like mush, kind of green, and smells very acidic. When you first smell it you would think it was vomit. We have yet to experience this and are not sure what might be the cause?
[|AI|] Hi...this looks like viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious need not worry. There is no need to use antibiotics unless there is blood in the motion. Antibiotics might worsen if unnecessarily used causing antibiotic associated diarrhea. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] I had lower spinal fusion surgery about ten tears ago. a couple of weeks ago my back started getting painful in the area of the operation. it has become progressively worse each day tot the point that it takes a half hour to feet out of bed and I m able to walk with great pain.I don t know what kind of doctor I should consult. I don t want more surgery
[|AI|] See acute back pain can be of due to many reasons, it may or may not be related to your previous surgery. But pain is severe and also radiating to your legs or thigh, you might need some investigations for that you can again consult to orthopedics surgeon. Check your lifestyle too-daily bike or car Chat Doctor. Don't be afraid, but just visit the nearby hospital so that your doubt gets cleared by some investigations.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Hi, a month ago I had tonsillitis and was given antibiotics. I then got a funny taste and white tongue, Dr said suspected oral thrush but treatment did not work, even fluconazole. My tongue is still white will not brush off and is sore, I seem to be getting a lot of mouth ulcers (I do get these sometimes but this is more often) and inside my lips and cheeks sometimes looks red or almost stings. What could this be? Swab that Dr did for thrush I think came back negative
[|AI|] Hello, Welcome to ChatDoctorIf the KOH smear for fungus was negative, and the lesions did not respond to Fluconazole, then it is not oral thrush. When you are on antibiotics, it also destroys the friendly bacteria which are involved in maintaining the health of the mouth. The fissure of the angles of the mouth is suggestive of Riboflavin (a B vitamin) deficiency. Please take B complex vitamins and a multivitamin for other subclinical deficiencies and your oral health ought to improve. Take Care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Dear Mr.Malpani, I have been married for 1.9 years and me and my wife are trying for children from last 1 year. I am just concerned about my sperm count as its around 26 Million and it varies from 24 to 28 million all the time. I have been taking medicines like Fertyl M, Oligocare, Folvite and Zincovit. I was also advised to take Aquaurinon injection weekly once. After continuing the above treatment for 4 months my count has been still the same. Our family doctor says that i need to have atleast 40 to 60 million count to conceive. She feels there might be some hormonal problem that she has to check. Following are the details of my semen test report: Quantity - 4 CCColour - WhiteAppearence - HybridViscosity - NormalReaction - AlkalineTotal Count - 24 Mil CCActivity Motice - 50%Non Motive - 30% Do you think there is something wrong in me ? My wife has a proper menstural cycle and the egg also releases properly. Earlier our doc said 20 Million is sufficient but now she says i have to increase it to 40 to 60 million for IVF or any other thing to go on. So kindly suggest me what to be done, thank you. Regards, Farooq
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for posting in Chat Doctor. I have read your description and understand your concern. Based on the semen analysis report, the following things can be concluded. 1. Physical characteristics like color, appearance, quantity and reaction are normal. 2. Total sperm count is slightly towards the lower side than normal, but acceptable. 3. Sperm motility of 50% actively motile seems to be less than normal. Hence, the fertility index seems to be less than normal. However, what medications have been given is right, and it would certainly aid in improving the features of sperm quality and quantity. It can be known after a repeat semen analysis after taking the medications for a month or more. In case you are planning for Invited fertilization (IVF) procedure, sperm count does not seem to matter much but only requires sperms to be of good quality. In case you are planning for Intrauterine insemination (GUI) procedure, both quality and quantity of sperms matters. You can plan for the procedure according to your needs on consultation with your treating doctor. Hope the information provided would be helpful. All the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] I had severe pain in my left side back area last week. Lasted approx 5 hrs. My husband thought I had a kidney stone. I drank over a gallan of water and finally the pain subsided. MOnday I called my dr and she decided to have me get a CT. Today the diagnosisi so far is 1 swelled lymph node, she is order CT of abdomen, pelvis and some blood work. Other that that 1 evening of pain. I feel fine. However now I am so scared. Have you heard of a swelled lymph node from a passed kidney stone?
[|AI|] Hello dear, Such a pain usually results from a UTI or renal/ureteric calculi. But these conditions usually will not cause lymph node swelling.a urine examination and USG usually clinch the diagnosis. The significance of your lymph node enlargement and its association with your pain is to be determined with detailed clinical and radiological assessment. Your doctor will guide you. Hope my answer will be helpful. Thank you.
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