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[|Human|] My husband and i have an unprotected sex.. i was expecting my menstruation last june 15 ..but doesnt come.. i have been feeling a bit nauseated.. and now i am experiencing spotting and some cramps.. i have taken pregnancy test three days ago, and the result was negative.. my menstruation was irregular.. i am really confused.. should i take another urine base pregnancy tesy to be sure?
[|AI|] Hello dairy understand your concerning pregnancy test will give true positive result 7 days after the delay in the period. It has 98% sensitivity. So if you did not perform test after 7 days of delayed period, then go for repeat test. Better to go for blood Chat Doctor test as it is more accurate test and give positive result even 10 days after the sexual intercourse. Spotting, nausea could be due to hormonal imbalance, premenstrual symptoms, implantation bleeding/pregnancy. So you can repeat the test if you had did test 7 days before the expected period date. But I would suggest going for blood Chat Doctor test as your period is irregular.Meanwhile, avoid stress, take healthy diet, Chat Doctor. Hope this may help you Best regards
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[|Human|] hi there. i really hope you could have an answer for me...i live in South Africa. im a 21 year old women.since i was only 2 months old, my parents said i bump my head on my pillow while sleeping. well its still going on and sometimes getting worse.some nights i wake myself up by bumping my head on my pillow, wheter im lying on my tummy, back or sides.some doctors believes its because of me being a twim but my mothers body rejected the other one with birth, others say its because im hiper active that my brain doesnt really go asleep. i went for all the test for epilipsy, and its not that is uncomfortable and i cant take it any you havew any theories on what it might be and what might help me? regards alida reesberg
[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. I can understand the emotional situation you are in. your doctors told you different possible reasons but none of them cured it. Nobody gave satisfactory reply. Across the world, you may not get a satisfactory reply to this. Therefore, be sportive, live with it and ignore it. You may overcome it if you learn to ignore it. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] I am recovering from a respiritory infection and am currently taking Zestim. Yesterday I began experiencing a fluttering of my heart. The intensity seems to vary. Could this be related to testosterone supplemental therapy? I did not experience this before the bug had started.
[|AI|] Hi Dear !! Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Read and reviewed your query and health concerns. IN the given situation of Yours, seem to suffer from-Testosterone induced ? Atrial fibrillation. With high levels the Chat Doctor. Try to avoid excessive indulgence in tobacco, alcohol,tea, coffee. Second opinion from Physician and EKG, would resolve this issue. This plan would reduce your dilemma with testosterone. Hope this would help you to plan further of this complex illness of yours. If need be, update any health issue 24 x 7 by a direct question to ME, at following Chat Doctor link-Dear, if satisfied, Dont forget to close this query with YOUR pleasing feedback comments to rate this reply and service, to boost the morale of incoming Emergency patients like YOU, at Chat Doctor services. If you want to update more details and ask more update queries, You are most Welcome herewith !! Good Day!! Wishing Good Healthy Life in time to come!!
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[|Human|] 1. Hepatomegaly with abnormal echotexture compatible with fibrous and/or fatty change. 2. Prior cholecystectomy 3. Borderline large spleen 4. Incomplete imaging of pancreas, aorta and IVC due to bowel gas 5. 2.5 cm likely partially septated cyst in the right lobe of the liver. These are results of an ultrasound. What is the difference in a simple cyst and septated cyst, and is a septated cyst dangerous?
[|AI|] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor A septated cyst has walls or septa within the cyst itself whereas a simple cyst has a smooth outer wall and no inner structures. In most persons the cysts are not associated with significant problems. Some possible symptoms are fullness or pain. Your doctor may want to remove or take a portion of the wall of the cyst to send it for analysis, it may be of no significance, but they may want to ensure this by lab review. The ultrasound also shows fatty change in the liver which is also of concern because fatty liver is one of the most common causes of liver disease at present. If it is at an early stage a change in diet, increase activity and the use of medications such as statins that are normally used for high cholesterol, may be helpful hope this helps
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[|Human|] hi i have had bad lower abdominal pain on n off 4 about a yr n half.. i urinate every 10 mins i also have lower back pain about 6 months ago i got diagnosed with clymidia i had a follow up check n was clear but i am in more pain than ever now and my periods r cripling me n loosing clots .i am waiting 4 a scan but am so worried i feel as though somthing is pressing down on my bladder n am soo bloated . do i have a ulcer,tumor cysts or cancer
[|AI|] Hello, There is very low chance of cancer. Your symptoms are suggestive of pelvic infection. Please undergo ultrasound scan abdomen and pelvis, to rule out uterine fibroid or mass in pelvic cavity. Also ask for urinalysis and microscopy to rule out urinary tract infection. Pelvic infection and fibroid are associated with low backache. Once you are diagnosed, you can plan talk to your doctor about further course of action. Maintain healthy lifestyle, be careful while using washroom outside of home as it is most common to get infected at public places. Hope I have answered your query. If you have any further questions I will be happy to hellish you good health.
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[|Human|] I have RRMS and have had it for 10 years this year. I have been on Tecfidera for 9 months as of July 10th of this year. I just noticed yesterday that I am experiencing some chest pain which almost feels like anxiety. I had it yesterday, however, it went away. It came back today at 2:30 p.m. It is only located in the center and I have no pain anywher else.
[|AI|] I am sorry about the problems you are experiencing. Having lived with an MS diagnosis for 10 years I suppose you understand that it's a chronic condition. While there are unfortunately no treatments to extinguish the disease these days there are many available treatments to slow down its progression and disability. Some of them have been available for more than a decade like Interferons, but there are many new therapies which have come out in the last few years, Decider being one of them. Since it's a disease with a course of many years, to reach a conclusion about the efficacy of this or other new Chat Doctor. The same applies to its long term side effects. The most common side effects known till now are flushing and gastrointestinal problems, mostly in the first month. So it shouldn't be the cause of your chest pain. As I said with time new side effects may be reported, but in this
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[|Human|] Hi. Im 17, 5 feet and 8 inches, and I weigh 120 pounds. I get stomach aches and nausea every night. Is this normal? I also get sick very easily (Im sick right now). My medical history is nothing crazy. My grandpa died of a heart attack, he had diabetes. And my grandma died of cancer. I am also paranoid that I might have breast cancer, but I am too scared to get it checked out. Ive felt my breasts before, but I cant tell if I have lumps or if thats just how my breasts are, because Ive had one lump in each breast since Ive developed them. One time before I went to shower, a little bit of puss came out of my left nipple, it made me worried but I dont want to go tell my mom this. Anything suspicious? Any advice?
[|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. Is is not at all normal to get the stomach ache and nausea every night. This indicates that you have a problem of acidity and HERD. You are giving a history of being paranoid yourself, you can not have breast cancer at the age of 17. One lump each breast has to be investigated by getting physical examination, mammography and if the diagnosis is of a fibroadenoma or fibroadenomas, get the lump removed and get histopathological examination done to make sure that you do not have a cancer. There are many reasons of having pus from the nipples. Get investigated, get the pus culture and sensitivity done, and tell your Mother and the Doctor about this.
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[|Human|] Sir, I have a baby of 15 months who has got some white patches on Right hand skin and the region around the chin since birth. Right now, I am applying Mometasone Furoate Cream on a doctors prescription. What can be the possible causes and where can I get her treated? Your reply is deeply awaited.Thanks in Advance!
[|AI|] Hi, I had gone through your question and understand your concerns. You should be worried but not too much. It seems she has allergic dermatitis. It usually caused by symbiosis of intestine, incomplete digestion, hereditary. I suggest you-stool culture to exclude pathogenic flora;- stool analysis;- blood test;- stool for cyst and ova;- Antihistamines-Cetirizine for 10 days-Enzymes syrup for 14 days- Darla 1 capsule daily-for 1 month- Hypoallergenic diet:avoid chocolate, nuts, strawberries,market juices, etc. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. Wishing you and baby good health.
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[|Human|] there are changes related to prior surgical resection in the left side of tongue .An ill-defined enhancing area is noted in the left side of the floor of the mouth and left mylohyoid and left belly of digastric. this could represent post surgical / post radiotherapy change or a residual / recurrent disease. a short term imaging follow up is recommended.
[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for posting your query in Chat Doctor forum. Usually post-surgical area will gradually reverts to normal. Antibiotics can enhance wound healing. The ill-defined area may recover once the overgrowth of flap has got removed. The area has to be irrigated using providing iodine and HY Chat Doctor. Rinse your mouth after every meal. Maintain good oral x-ray of soft tissue examination will help to diagnose any anomaly underlying. Take care.
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[|Human|] My sister was small for her age and as she grew her hands and feet were disproporiately large. She was not overweight at first but became heavier as she was near puberty and except for a about a year continued to be heavy and was very strong. At age of about 50 she was diagnosed with Parkinson s and can no longer control the shaking. She is about 68 now. Is there a link between Cushings and Parkinsons? My granddaughter is now 13 and many for the same things are starting: very large hands and feet, her anger level in high as was my sister s, many other similarities are there. If such similarities exist is she also liable for Parkinson s?
[|AI|] I read your question carefully, and I understand your concern. Regarding the concern of a connection between Cushing and Parkinson's disease the answer is no, there is no known relation between the two conditions, the presence of both in your sister is a coincidence. She has developed Parkinson sat a pretty young age (usually after 65) and in these young onset cases there is thought to be a genetic predisposition, so the predisposition may be higher than in the common population. As for the remaining issues, the larger hands and feet, anger issues, even if not related to Parkinson's she should see a doctor for the possibility of a pituitary adenoid. I hope to have been of help.
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[|Human|] my daughter went to the dr today for sharp pain in her left side of her stomach and under her breast. It goes to her spine she says and at times into her left shoulder. they took blood and urine samples but didn t offer anything for the pain except tylenol. she has come home and is really tired and as I look back the last couple weeks she has been more tired than normal. She came out and said she has pain that goes through her left chest. I am not sure how long I should wait for her to be seen again.
[|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and understand your concern. Your daughter may be having acidity. She can take omeprazole empty stomach for it. She is also having weakness and easy fatigue. Furthermore, she may be having vitamin D3 deficiency. If found low you can take vitamin D3. You can get her thyroid function test and hemoglobin to look for the cause and treatment accordingly. You can discuss with your doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you. Wishing you a good health. Take care.
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[|Human|] My 2 year old son is waking at night saying his bottom hurts. There is no obvious rash. He is not constipated and has lots of wet nappies. I was wondering if he could be confusing hurting with itching.Could he have worms? Can i treat him for it if i am not sure?
[|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, The symptoms and history of your son suggests me that he may be having fungal infection or the worm infestations. As there is plenty of wet diapers it may favor the growth of the fungus and produce all these symptoms. I would suggest you to keep that area Chat Doctor. You can apply newsprint powder over that area after each wet diapers. As he is two years old you can give spy albendazole to your son in the night so that it will combat the worm infestations also. Thank you.
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[|Human|] Hi Dr. XXXXXX,I want to tell you that i got married since 2 years still i have not blessed with baby. just 2 days ago, i have done my check up and i found that My motility (a) Immediate is 50 %, Non motile 40 %, Motility Index 1.9 %, pus cells 6 to 7/hpf and autoaggliutination is present. so please assist me... thanks...Regards,
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor. After reading your report I conclude your sperm motility is little less and mild infection is there. Rest all parameters are normal. For infection, I suggest taking ciprofloxacin for 5 days after consulting your doctor. For low motility I suggest you to start Chat Doctor. It takes long time to show results. So minimum 3 months you have to take and get repeat test done. Since you are near borderline chances of good response is more. I would suggest that you rule out varicocele in you by a doctor. If it is there, get it operated. And do some lifestyle modifications like -- Reduce weight, do exercise.- Stop smoking and alcohol. - Avoid caffeine.- Ware loose undergarments.- Healthy diet with multivitamin and zinc.- Avoid trauma to testis. Hope I have been helpful. Regards
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[|Human|] I was told to Talk to an acupuncturist about this if you are interested in using piercing as a treatment. I have suffered from migraines all my life and recently heard and have heard of several people that swear by bridge piercings as a form of migraine treatment. I understand why this would be so, But i was wondering what the major cons would be in doing this. Has anyone else heared of this? Has it helped you?
[|AI|] **1. Before opting for alternate system of medicine, make sure to consult a Neurologist, since headache may sometimes be a warning sign of a more serious medical condition, and if the neurological examination comes normal your head pain can be seen by an acupuncturist for preventive treatment.PS. Acupuncture helps alleviate symptoms associated with migraines and may have lasting effects, according to a new study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, also British researchers found that acupuncture improves the quality of life for people with chronic headaches at a small additional cost. 2. regarding cons and helping a sufferer: In any type of treatment, there is the expectation of result and will vary by the individual, and also check in advance whether your Insurance company will reimburse the expenditure or not.PS. Acupuncture is safe and often effective and should be considered as part of a multidisciplinary approach for chronic pain.3. Apart from prophylactic aspect of acupuncture one must follow preventive measures like:. Avoid factors which precipitate the attacks. e.g. sleeping late, tension, starvation, chocolates, cheese, alcohol, Chat Doctor. . During acute attack: lie down in a dark and quiet room and give ice bag over the head. Ayurveda medicines for Migraine i.e. "ARDHAVBHEDAK" contains plasma and Ra's [mercury] but in purified form, so contact with your local/ experienced Ayurveda Doctor regarding their dosage since adverse affect can be given to the herbs concerned. Prescription medicines which are usually practiced is/are: that vast chintamani RAS, thalami villas RAS, god anti plasma, dashmoolarisht, shading tail, cephagraine tablets/
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[|Human|] My wife just had a very serious bout from low pottassium in hospital for 4 days.want to know what the long term effects from this can be.She still gets tire very easy and recently been having erratic heart beats.Could this be from her bout from low pottasium and is there a cure for this problem or a specialist that you could recommend,thanks
[|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, Low potassium results from various causes like vomiting, diarrhea, or any other cause of loos of fluids from body.First the cause for loss of potassium from body has to be found out. You need to consult your primary healthcare provider or your physician for clinical assessment and to find the cause of potassium loss from the body. Low potassium is known to have a deleterious effect on the heart thus, erratic heart beats that your wife is experiencing is probably due to low potassium levels. Correction of blood potassium levels will correct the potassium levels. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] Chronic Lower Back Pain -Vicodin (2+ years) Mood Disorder - Lithium (2+ months) Anxiety - Valium - (2+ years) Am having occasional involuntary hand tremor-more like a jerking motion. Sometimes right hand/arm sometimes both hands/arm. Began about 6 months ago. What may be happening?
[|AI|] Hi, The hand tremors may be essential tremors, that is those without any known cause. They may also be due to anxiety and in that case, would be manifest only when you are anxious. Lithium can also cause tremors, but you mention that the tremors started before you were put on lithium. If no cause can be found, I expect your doctor would treat these on the lines of essential tremors by prescribing beta blockers like propranolol. Best wishes.
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[|Human|] Hi, may Ib aneswear yoturs he alth oquuetri es orfigh tmy now ? Pleae tye your query heart beats out of my chest everynow and then but its been happening pretty frequently it lasted less than a minute but I pause and I get scared when it does
[|AI|] Hi Charts advisable that you should consult a cardiologist personally and get yourself evaluated properly with general examination, basic blood tests and an EKG. If it turns out be just a SINUS TACHYCARDIA you can discuss your options regarding starting you on a low DOSE BETA BLOCKERS. If your blood reports show low HBO or some thyroid dysfunction that's probably causing the fast heart rate then it could be treated accordingly. I wish you Good Health
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[|Human|] I dont drink any alcohol but my Gamma GT cam back high. It came in at 52 and is suppose to be under 31. My Cholesterol is also 6.08, LDL 4.06, HDL is 4.40. Everything I read about Gamma GT has to do with people drinking alcohol but I dont drink any. The reason why my doctor sent me in for testing is I am tired, nauseous and through up multiple times per week over the last few weeks, and my abdomen has always been sore when examined most drs would just say its IBS or admit they dont know why. I will mention I have no problems with going to the washroom or having any camps.
[|AI|] Hi, Your GGT level is not too high. In fact, your GGT level would be considered within normal range as per usually accepted standards. Even if it is high, alcohol is not the sole reason. Liver damage by any means can cause a raised GGT level. Even smoking causes the GGT level to rise. Many commonly used medicines can also be responsible. You can go through the US National Institutes of Health website for patients and their families, produced by the US National Library of Medicine, for more information ( Best wishes.
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[|Human|] I have pain in my upper chest, kinda under my clavicle and it is really sharp especially when I take a deep breath. It came out of nowhere! It hurts when I move certain ways and take deep breaths and only a dull ache when I am just sitting. Any idea what it could be?
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, you are mostly having musculoskeletal pain. Your pain is associated with movements. This is characteristic of musculoskeletal pain. So better to apply warm water pad on affected areas. Take painkiller and muscle relaxant Chat Doctor. Avoid movements causing pain. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. Avoid bad postures in sleep. Don't worry, you will mostly improve in 1 week with all these. If not improving then get done chest x-ray to rule out lung related causes like pneumonia or pleurisy (inflammation of pleura). Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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[|Human|] I have a 6 week old daughter and her pediatrician tested her positive for microscopic blood in her stools. Her growth and weight are fine and the pediatrician said her stool looks fine as well. She wouldn t have even tested it had I not mentioned a green tint in her stool which at the time of mentioned was corrected after I did a little research and changed my breastfeeding methods so that my baby gets more hindmilk. Her pediatrician thinks it might be a food allergy but after a week of restricting my diet there is still microscopic blood in her stools. Could this be something else or nothing to worry about at all since she otherwise seems very healthy? I should mention she also has what the pediatrician thinks is thrush and a diaper rash but the pediatrician doesn t think the blood is coming from the diaper rash.
[|AI|] The most common cause of bloody stool in the newborn is cows milk protein allergy, It's very uncommon to have it in exclusive breastfed infant, restricting the diet of you by removing diary products can help with this but not all the time, unless there is frank blood, poor weight gain or anemia you should not worry about it. The less common causes are : -Anal fissure from constipation , which is common after the 3rd week of life.-vitamin K difference which is common in exclusive breastfed babies unless given a shot of vitamin K shortly after birth which is standard.-less common causes like Michele's diverticulum and necrotizing enterocolitis are very unlikely in your babies case Remember always to check your nipple for cracks, because if the baby socks blood, it will appear in here stool. I hope this helps
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[|Human|] I am 27 weeks pregnant now. My hemoglobin level is 7.8. Prenatal and iron supplements make me to vomit and I tried a lot to take them. But no use, still I vomit. I want to increase my iron without pills and am not interested in blood transfusion . Please suggest something else to increase it faster. Am taking spinach , dates, raisins, and green vegetables.
[|AI|] Hi Swath.sakthisivam. Thanks for your question. That is really a problem for lot of ladies. You are suffering from anemia in pregnancy as your HE level below 9. In pregnancy anemia is due to reduced iron storage, so iron supplementation is the only treatment but a majority of the patient 20-30% have oral iron intolerance due to gastric irritation. Next the best option is blood transfusion which can increases the HE level very fast, but you also try to avoid but anyway you have to increases the HE as if anemia persist there is a lot of complication in baby and mother. So the next choice for you to either take iron syrup as it causes less gastric irritation and the next option is to TAKE INJECTABLE IRON PREPARATION CALLED IRON SORBITOL CITRIC ACID COMPLEX AS DEEP INTRAMUSCULAR INJECTION but take the injection from expert hand as it should be given by Z technique otherwise chance of iron staining and abscess formation can take place. Consult your obstetrician in this regard. Best wishes, Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] For the last 3 months I have awoken about 4 or 5 times with my heart beating so strongly that it feels like it is going to jump out of my chest. My husband has put his hand on there and could feel it. It wakes me up out of a sound sleep. I have a typical sleep position that I have when this happens and it hasn t happened during the day. Also the last 6 weeks my left eye twiches almost daily. I have been under a lot of stress lately, but I also have high blood pressure. I am on a b/p med, beta blocker and calcium channel blocker. Should I see my primary about this? Could it just be stress and anxiety? I am 42, 250, and have a father with heart disease.
[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for using our platform. With such presentations in my clinic, I would first rule out serious heart conditions that can cause these symptoms with ECG and ECHO tests because of the history of hypertension and family history of heart diseases. In the absence of abnormal test results, I will think of the possibility of "Benign palpitations", these can be caused by stress, hormonal changes etc. I advise you always get enough sleep 6-7 hours a day, avoid caffeine or smoking and eat healthily. If you do not get relieved in a week you should consult your physician to evaluate you. Best regards
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[|Human|] I m 14 years old and my back has been hurting really bad.. It s almost as if it needs to be stretched but I have Ben doing stretches for a few weeks and it still hurts and is really uncomfortable... I don t know what it will be and if it is something what is the cure... A back brace? Ice? Heat? Medication?
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for your query. After going through your query I came to know that you are suffering from chronic backache. It may be due to vitamin and trace element deficiencies specially vitamin D and vitamin B 12. You need to do MRI to rule out other causes. Back exercises, neurotrophic such as mecobalamine and analgesics (DICLOFENAC 100 MG SLOW RELEASE TABLETS) give relief. Sometimes vitamin D deficiency can aggravate this so serum vitamin D test is advised if it is lower than vitamin D supplementation will be required. Avoid long continuous standing. Sit in a straight posture. Eat milk, fruits and green leafy vegetables daily. You can discuss with your treating Doctor about it. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care.
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[|Human|] So, I m an 18 year old female and I would occasionally take an aspirin when I m about to have a panic attack because I would think I m dying of a heart attack . I haven t done it anymore because I noticed that when I went to pee there was pink blood on my tissue . After I had orgasm from masturbating( I m not sexually active) I would go use the bathroom and wipe and there would be pink blood on my tissue. I thought is was spotting. But, at the same time my stomach would hurt but not where it hurts when I m on my period. It hurts and is very uncomfortable up where my breasts are like I m having an ulcer. I m not sure what this is. I ve been looking up ulcers and bleeding ulcers and I m very scared if I have one. I don t know what I should do.
[|AI|] Hi, Nothing to worry. Please stop taking Aspirin as it doesn't help in Acute heart attack. You may get Stomach ulcers due to Aspirin. But, if there is bleeding from Ulcer in the stomach, it comes as black, tarry stools. Most common cause of pink blood on your tissue is due to trauma caused by Masturbation. If your stools are normal colored, then bleeding is excluded from the Stomach due to Aspirin. Just go for an Endoscopy test to exclude Ulcers/Bleeding ulcers. All the best.
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[|Human|] Hallo Doctor, what does the family do when their Mother is so drunk most of the time, has ceasures, becomes incontinent, drives to the nearest shop, five times over the limit, to buy her alcohol, will cut up the husband s clothes and feed him with bleach. She is now in hospital having fallen with a ceasure and broken her hip. She is 55 years of age.
[|AI|] Hii understand your concern. Usually in dementia there is increase in burden over family members. You should require strict observation over her.1st treatment of dementia is must.2nd cut down of alcohol is essential.3rd you can place her in old age or rehab. Center nearby.4th Proper psychological evaluation of her behavior is must. After recovering from fracture you should consult psychiatrist or neurologist for treatment and get further help. Still have a query then feel free to ask. Thank you. Take care.
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[|Human|] My nose severally blocks when weather doctor prescribe xylomist nasal drop with lorfast anti alergic tablets,with romilust l10 .But the problem is after taking those medicine i improve for few days ,after that same thing happens.And to continue my work i have to take xylomist drop in a day till now for some relief from nose what will i do?
[|AI|] You are having chronic sinusitis You can see ENT specialist After Getting X-ray PNS Water View need full treatment of sinuses and allergies temporary measure You can take Fexofenadine !20 mg once a day morning and singular once a day evening can continue off and on till you go ahead for treatment Don't use soloist too much Can apply newsprint H eye ointment in nose twice a Dayan put Seawater Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] helloiam male and 35 year old, last month i fell i have littlebit pain in my right nipple, and last night i have seen my right nipple itis changed in size, about twice bigger than my left nipple. iam really care about that it can may be a cancer? i fill little pain only when i tuch it, but lt it is not bleeding and no real color change, only on the top of the nipple, i think itis little bet white.the most important think, is that could be a cancer? thank youali
[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. The pain and swelling seems to be some sort of inflammation or skin related problem. Still you should consult a physician for confirmation. If you still need my assistance in this regard, please use this link. Please remember to describe the whole problem with full detail. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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[|Human|] I have a small bump on my face below my eye that has a slight dark pigment to it and seems to hurt every time I touch it. The area around it is red, but only now has it started hurting. Before it was only a bump on my face that was slightly pigmented. Ive been meaning to go to a dermatologist but Ive been pushing it back, is it something serious?
[|AI|] Hi ! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor, a general surgeon answering your query. If I were your treating doctor, I would have advised you for an excision biopsy of the swelling specially because of the dark pigment to it. Instead of delaying the process, I would suggest you to see your doctor at your earliest convenient opportunity. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor forum for your health query. Good luck.
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[|Human|] Hi, I got small pores (group like a patch) like on my hands(upper side). and sometimes they itch a little and become slightly big in size only for few minutes i will have itching sensation..later on they will slowly disappear. I will get the itching suddenly.what is this actually? I went to doctor and he suggested me Cosvate - G
[|AI|] Hi!! According to your history it seems to be a case of hand eczema which can be endogenous due to internal sensitivity of the individual or due to external factors. You should try to find out whether you are allergic to any chemical or vegetable material and if yes avoid it. You should avoid frequent washing of hands, avoid harsh soaps and detergents, keep your hands moisturized, avoid washing clothes and utensils and if required wear gloves. Furthermore, you can apply cognate G prescribed to you but also use good quality moisturizing cream like Venusian max on your hands frequently and liberally. Also take tablet levocetrizine at night for few days till itching subsides. Hope for your speedy recovery.
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[|Human|] my doctor said that i had some plaque build up in my widow maker artery. they put me through arigorus series of tests including a stress test that included some form of dye or radium injected while the test was done. the cardiologist said i did not have a blocage and said everything was flowing fine. how con cerned should i be. thanks bii troy
[|AI|] Hello, i have gone through your question, Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Well if your stress imaging was normal then you should not be worried about the widow making artery... As such I need exact reports of your ECG, stress test and radionuclide test to give you proper guidance. But I presume that you may have some atypical symptoms and borderline ECG findings that might have led to suspicion of blocks, but since you have undergone more definitive test which has ruled out possibility of major block. So don't worry and follow healthy life style best wishes Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] My dad was recently seen by a physician for dizziness, intense abdominal pain (for 2-3 minutes), then sweating and feeling he was going to fall. Dr. took x-rays of some sort, saw calcification along his spine and sent him to his cardiologist for testing. They have discovered his right carotid artery is completely blocked (don t know whether internal or external) and are going to do a CT scan today to determine the percentage of blockage in other arteries. Why would a blocked carotid artery cause abdominal pain? Should we be looking for something else (abdominal aneurysm , etc.)?
[|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Thanks for calling Chat Doctor. F. Your father consulted the doctor for dizziness, abdominal pain, and sweating. Hi is diagnosed with calcification along his spine, and cardiologist diagnosed blocked carotid artery, and ordered for C.T.scan for looking for the block of other arteries. He may need to have a color dolor for exact diagnosis of blocks of other arteries. If necessary your cardiologist may order latter. If there is a block of the abdominal arteries, one may get abdominal pain, due to ischemia of the abdominal tissues. Wishing for a quick recovery. Best regards.
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[|Human|] The past week or two Ive been experiencing a very slight heaviness in my chest when I lay down. I also feel ever so slightly SOB like Im breathing to shallow and need to take a deep breath or yawn...but sometimes its a little difficult to yawn or breath deeply
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion we should rule out bronchitis in your case. Because bronchitis cause similar symptoms like heaviness information chest with breathing difficulty. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test). PFT is must for the diagnosis of bronchitis. It will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment of bronchitis is based on severity only. You my need inhaled bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroid (ICS). Don't worry, you will be alright. First diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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[|Human|] My daughter is 12 and runs cross-country. She runs approx 5 miles per day 5 days a week. An MRI shows she has posterior tibial tendinitis caused by an ill fitting pair of running shoes. But it also shows that every bone in her foot is bruised. Obviously it is bilateral. A few questions: 1. Is this common in youth runners? 2. Does bruising foot bones result in shorter stature? 3. How long can a kid run with bruised feet before it adversely affects her height. She is hitting a growth spurt now. She has grown over an inch in 2 months.
[|AI|] Hello, It will not affect the height and stature of the kid. It is just a transient condition and will settle by itself. As of now, you can use analgesics/anti-inflammatory combination like diclofenac/serratiopeptidase for symptomatic relief. Apply ice packs for faster recovery. Keep in mind that strict bed rest is the treatment of choice for this benign condition. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] My Ultra Sound and Hida Scan revealed cysts within my gallbladder. My symptoms up to this point have been chills, fatigue and moderate loss of appetite. No consitant pain except for flare ups about once a year. Doc suggests surgery to remove gallbladder but I want to be 100% sure this is a good solution and will stopy my symptoms.
[|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor Thanks for the query. Cysts or polyps may because of your symptoms and I would suggest cholecystectomy too. This is routine and simple procedure today. Of course, your symptoms may not be related to gallbladder especially if these are small cysts, so it is possible that surgery won't be helpful at all, but it will definitely prevent further issues which could be caused by gallbladder stones. Wish you good health. Regards
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[|Human|] Hello. Right, my anal area has been itchy for a quite some time (but not limited to that area. Also the area my genitals and anus. Most recently I ve felt a bit constipated and I ve noticed a brown-ish gooey substance also exiting my anus...I suspect hemorrhoids? Or perhaps a bacterial infection? I have a condition known as achalasia, this may be related to it (lack of nutrients?)
[|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, The history and symptoms suggests me that you are having a fungal infection, but it should be confirmed by physical examination. Don't be embarrassed to show and confirm the diagnosis. The fungus is the normal commensalism of this area which will be kept under control by the helpful organisms, whenever there is a change in environment because of multiple reason this fungus will multiply and produces the symptoms. I would suggest you to follow1. Keep the area Chat Doctor. 2. Topical antifungal cream should be applied.3. Tab Rifleman, 150 mg single dose will help to control the symptoms.4. For itching, you can take anti histamines. Thank you.
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[|Human|] I was just told today that my mother who has been sick and in a rehab/nursing home facility and in and out of the hospital , that she has MRSA ( spelling ?) I have been in the rooms with her on several occasions and have kissed her forehead. I was told that she had a colony in her nose. I babysit our 8 month old grandson every weekend , should I be afraid to be around him ?
[|AI|] Hello, I understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor, infectious diseases specialist, answering your query. In my opinion MRSA is contagious. You should not contact your child Chat Doctor. Avoid sharing of personal care equipment like napkins, towels, bedsheets etc. Mupirocin is the antibiotic used to clear all the MRSA from the body. Its colonization sites are nasal cavity, umbilicus, groins etc. So cleaning and
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[|Human|] I am 73 y.o. Male.I have been having pain in my lower back, started on the left side now the pain is in both sides, and this is very severe when I wake up in the morning. It is very very difficult for me to get up from the bed in the morning. I have been taking pain medication between Advil and Aleve once daily, of course after meal, although the Aleve gives me better pain control for the whole day. I have been to my internist and she wants me to go for PT, and I have also been going to a chiropractor (2x since). Should I pursue any other doctor to look into my back, what kind of a doctor? I haven t had any imaging yet.
[|AI|] Thanks for asking ChatDoctorI understand your pain and is my advice to go for CT SCAN your back along with the following lab test. CBC, SR.CALCIUM, SR. VITAMIN D3 to rule out causes other than osteoporosis. Please see some or tho doctor and discuss these test result with him. Please start calcium and vitamin D3 supplement if you are already not taking this medication. I hope I was able to ad Chat Doctor. Thanks.
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[|Human|] I am a 26 year old female and I have 3 children all natural births. I had a partial hysterectomy in july 2010, I have been having lower right side pain since dec 2012 and now is increasingly getting worse iv been to the er and dr and they cant find anything wrong!! its a sharp pain around my right ovary and in my groin area is consistently hurting w/ a dull achy pain and shoots down my upper theigh area. Last fall I did have a cyst on that ovary that was filled with blood and busted . I also have had my gallbladder removed and a hematoma in my stomach and I also have endometriosis. Can you help me get to the bottom of this miserable pain?
[|AI|] Hi! Thank you for your question. I have had patients before whom, after undergoing abdominal surgery, also developed pain in the same area or nearby. The most common explanation for your pain, if not due to anything else, is adhesions. Adhesions are tough fibrous tissue that develop as a result to the trauma of surgery. You can consider them as scar tissue that form between organs and tissues, causing them to stick together or be pulled from their normal positions. This will, of course, cause some discomfort or pain like in your case. Take care!
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[|Human|] Hello doctor My husband has pain in his chest & upper part of the body randomly. We had done ECG, ECHO & TMT Test. All these tests say that he is normal.. His heart beat is 74/min bit fast since his childhood. If everthing is normal why he is having pain in chest. Can you please help me out. We met cardiologist & he has prescribed restyl 0.25mg, Cardivas CR 10 & HIFENAC-MR. Is everthing fine with him. He is 30yrs old.
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. No need to worry about heart diseases because his extensive cardiac work up is normal. In my opinion, he is mostly having stress and anxiety related chest pain. So better to consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Try to identify stressor in his life and start working on its solution. He may need anxiolytic Chat Doctor. Counselling along with anxiolytic
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[|Human|] My mom had a lump and she went to the doc , and the doc recommended a biopsy, It showed that it was malignant, and hence the doc recomended a surgery ..after the surgery .in the pathology report it showed a clear bone scan and as 0 lymph nodes were affected..still the doc recommends a it absolutely neccessary
[|AI|] HI, Dear,Welcome to Chat Doctor. Based on the facts and data of your query, chemotherapy advised by your doctor, even with no nodes/ and homeopath report showed clear bone scan, needs to be followed, as it has the basis of homeopath report of bone specimen, which is not known to you. It shows that though removed locally, the systemic spread was indicated from Homeopath study, which needs to be treated by Chemotherapy. Hope this reply would help you to resolve your sever anxiety. Welcome for any further query in this regard Will appreciate writing your feedback review comments, to help the needy patients like you at Chat Doctor. Good Day!! Chat Doctor. S. Genl-CVTS
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[|Human|] HiWhen I need to go to the toilet either to urinate or open my bowels Im in constant pain-it even wakes me up at night. The pain varies from stabbing like back ache on both sides to really dull ache which feels like its inside my hip. My bowel habits have changed dramatically-I used to go probably every 3 days but now its twice a day and is like diarrhoea, sometimes mucus is present and a little blood. When I need to go, I have to go immediately. I have in the past had a deep throbbing pain which feels its inside my bum but havent had this for a few weeks. I never feel like Ive completely emptied by bladder or bowels. I have got a kidney stone which is sat at the bottom of my kidney and has been there for a few years. Im in pain when I stand up from sitting down (lower back pain). Im always tired despite having 8 hrs sleep. I have a pain every day On my right side of abdomen just below my rib. I currently take sertraline and diazepam. Please help!
[|AI|] Hi, from history it seems that you might be having gastrointestinal infection either bacterial or protozoal. At the same time you might be having renal colic giving this problem as there is h/o kidney stone. This stone might migrate from kidney to ureter. Go for one course of Ofloxacilin, tinidazole combination medicine course for 5 days. Go for ultrasound kidney to find position of stone. Take plenty of water. Avoid jolting movement as it might aggravate your pain. Take antispasmodic like Metal spas or Cyclops as needed. Ok and take care.
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[|Human|] Hello, So for a while now I have been experiencing this pain. Whenever I wake up from sleeping I urinate but I assumed from holding it too long thats why i have the bloating abd sharp pain in my lower abdomen and mid-back. After a while the bloating will go away but the pain will last for hours and then i will frequently use the restroom throughout the day. I have had a uti/kidney infection before but im not sure if that is related.
[|AI|] Well, your history is suggestive of urinary tract infection. If this is a recurrent problem, you have to get investigated. I would advise the following:: Blood-complete blood picture, kidney functions tests, blood sugar fasting and post-lunch, Urine-routine, microscopy, culture and sensitivity (before start of antibiotic)Ultrasonography of abdomen. CT scan and intravenous paleography may be need if there is doubt about -Tuberculosis, Cancer or other diseases related to the urinary system.
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[|Human|] What do these results of a MRI mean? minimal opacification of the mastoid air cells, right greater than left. Mucosal thickening within the ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses. Small size and abnormal T2 signal involving the right hippocampus, representing probable medial temporal sclerosis.
[|AI|] Hi, I had gone through your question and understand your concerns. Thickening of mucosa of sinuses means there is an inflammation(sinusitis). About hippocampal sclerosis it means there is neural cell loss and gloss in the hippocampus. There are two conditions related with hippocampal sclerosis: Dementia (Alzheimer's) and temporal lobe epilepsy. So I suggest you to consult a Neurologist to discuss MRI findings and any concerns you have. Sinusitis could be treated by your primary care Doctor, if it is in an active state. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions.
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[|Human|] hi, i have a ball ache in my right ball, and have had on and off head aches for the last couple of weeks! Could there be any relation? The ball ache has increased in the last couple of days! I have queried photos of std but cannot find anything similarities so far thankfully?
[|AI|] Hello, Both are may be different conditions. No correlation between the both. For testicular pain get it done ultrasound scrotum to know the cause. For headache you may use tablet tramadol with paracetamol twice a day for five days. If symptoms not improved please consult with your physician he will examine and treat you accordingly. Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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[|Human|] Im a 25 year old female and just had my gallbladder removed 2 weeks ago, since the surgery I have been in constant pain and discomfort. 2 CAT scans have revealed a (roughly) 8.8x2.5x7.4 cm hematoma in the gallbladder fossa. How common is this and how does the body re absorb something like this? What if my body does not reabsorb it? Im afraid that I will feel like this forever. I cant stand or walk and the surgeon doesnt want to do anything about it
[|AI|] Hi thanks for asking question. Noted you have removed your gall bladder. After surgery, you have hematoma in gall bladder fossa from bleeding. Hematoma is collection of blood ... It is not tumor .so no need for extra worry. Hematoma gradually will be resolved... Close follow up needed. Avoid excess work load and straining. If it is not resolved then Chat Doctor. But just now close follow up need. Take care.
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[|Human|] I ve a friend whose had severe muscle cramping in his hands and forearms since early childhood. At age 54 now it apparently has become worse and he has to take muscle relaxers to the point of anebreation. He has never been a drinker or a druggie, has a thin build, and eats a healthy diet. What might be the problem?
[|AI|] Hello, What I feel is the history you provided isn't sufficient for us to judge what could be the issue. Usually people with Hyperhi Chat Doctor. Also, if your friend having High BP or diabetic issue at this age what you mentioned? Because that can help us to come to a conclusion that what could be the cause. As you mentioned it is from childhood then I feel she has the issue of losing sodium more out of the body and which is the reason she gets cramps sometimes. You need to check out the past medical history and provide us with some more inputs by which we help better. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Jay In
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[|Human|] I am a type2 diabetic.I have copd,left bundle branch block,irregular heartrate,and other issues.I get an allergy shot at every season change.This time I got my shot on Nov 3rd 2011.My arm is still sore bigtime.Also my stomach has been upset for a month and I have lost 12lbs.I like the weight loss but wonder about any underlying problem.I did call my doctors office about the sore arm and they said that because I am diabetic it would take longer for me to heal.And I totally understand that but it has been a month.I am 57yrs young and well past the child bearing days so I know that is not the problem.I had a hysterectomy in 1994.Also had gall bladder surgery in 2007. Should I be concerned or just let things run its course.Help
[|AI|] Hello, I read carefully your query and understand your concern. The symptoms seem to be related to the allergy shot. I agree with your doctor about the fact that I. diabetic patients the healing process is slower. So, I suggest to use anti-inflammatory medications such as Acetaminophen to relieve the soreness. I also suggest using cold compresses for local application. Hope my answer was helpful. If you have further queries feel free to contact me again. Kind regards! Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] Hi there :) about 2 or 3 weeks ago I had a grand mal seizure. I went to a neurologist and was told to get an EEG and MRI done, however, I was heading off to college and the appointment was never actually made in all the chaos. Anyhow, I ve been feeling extremely dizzy and lightheaded on and off for awhile since then. Could they be related? And am I just being paranoid or is it potentially important.
[|AI|] Hi, I had gone through your question and understand your concerns. It is not clear if it was your first seizure or had others before. While headache is common after a seizure it is not common to persist two weeks after. I highly recommend you to do as soon as possible a cranial MRI, proceeded possibly by an EEG. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. Wishing you good health.
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[|Human|] Hello, I have been looking on the internet for a couple years for an answer but have not yet found one. I am a 40 year old male who has developed fluttering, spasms, twitching specifically in one area: the left side of the chest, right by the nipple. I have it about 3 times a week. It started about 6 or 7 years ago and has become progressively more intense. I have visited doctors and have done research about it and have tried many different treatments and none so far have had any long-lasting effect. Doctors have told me that it is anxiety and that caffeine and smoking can exacerbate the symptoms but cutting down on smoking has not improved my condition and I dont consume beverages with caffeine. I have tried magnesium which is supposed to calm the nervous system but have not noticed any difference. The only correlation I can come up with is with sleep. It seems that if I sleep poorly in the night, chances are the twitching will start with accompanying heaviness during the day. The only causes I can think of at the time when it started were being very overweight and exercising constantly which led to a quick loss of 60 lbs. I also had a tooth infection at the time which I didnt treat and subsequently became abscessed. And lastly I had received 1 session of ECT therapy for depression about 11 years ago, after which I did feel strange numb sensations. Any help would me much appreciated.
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, possibility of anxiety and depression related symptoms is more. But better to rule out arrhythmia (rhythm disturbances in heart) first because this can cause similar Fluttering and spasm in chest. So get done ECG, 2d echo and Holder monitoring (24 hour continuous monitoring of ECG). If all these are normal then no need to worry about arrhythmia or other heart diseases. Better to consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working on its solution. You may need anxiolytic and anti-depressant Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Rule of arrhythmia first. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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[|Human|] Hello, I am 35 yrs old female, I m having hard time to get going, I feel tingles in my face, my both hands, arms and my back. Also having squeeze in chest area, mainly where heterial hernia. also feels dry mouth requires drinking lot fluids. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
[|AI|] Hello! Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Your symptoms could be related to an electrolyte imbalance, diabetes or any other metabolic disorder. That is why I would recommend consulting with your GP for a physical exam and some tests (complete blood count, PCR, ESR, iron levels, fasting glucose, kidney and liver function tests, blood electrolytes, vitamin D levels). You should discuss with your doctor on these tests. Meanwhile, I recommend taking plenty of fluids. Kind regards,
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[|Human|] Hi i want to know whats happening as i have a friend who got cancer now in the hospital in agony, he said as if someone stabbing him near his kidney but he got all tbe tests and the doctor says all ok cant find any problem. He is asking for morphine every hour and he is in severe pain. He finished his chemo and just finished radiation but he is in agony.Is there any chance for him to survive?
[|AI|] It is very difficult based on your description to tell the chances of his survival. It would have helped if you had mentioned which part of the body has cancer, what is the stage and the has undergone surgery. Pain, in a cancer patient can be due to a number of reasons like disease involving nerves, side effects of surgery/chemotherapy/radiotherapy. Most of these pains can be relieved by painkillers. If not then you can proceed to stronger painkillers like morphine. There is fentanyl 25/50mcg patch available that needs to be stuck on any non-hairy part of his skin, and it will relieve his pain for 3 days.
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[|Human|] yes, ive just been diagnosed withearly stage cirrosis of liver and I have inflammation(fluid retention) in stomach & thights/ about 5lbs to 10?). Is the product (Livercare) safe to start with my condition? And any thing more you can suggest to get rid of fluid retention in abdominal area and thighs? And get my liver funcioning again. Thank you, Carol
[|AI|] Dear Friend. Hi, I am Chat Doctor, I have read your query in detail, I understand your concern. These medications can be used as multivitamin supplements. If you could share the composition of you tablet we can guide you better. You need to get Upper GI Endoscopy to see for Varices and if present you need treatment. Important is to find the cause of Cirrhosis - Alcohol / Viral Hepatitis B/C are most common. You require a diuretic therapy and albumin treatment based on your Kidney and Liver Function tests to get relief in swelling. Share with us you're all reports for a better guidance. This is my personal opinion based on details available here. If you want to discuss your issues further, you may please ask stay Healthy. Chat Doctor, MD
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[|Human|] For years now, every time I lay on my back or sleep on my back, my stomach hurts a lot. Usually is really bad if I have been on my back all night. And if I try to push my stomach out the pain increases.... If I lay on my side or stomach it doesnt do this , only if Im on my back. Whats going on and what can be done, Im tired of it and its very unpleasant feeling. To make the pain go away I just have to get up out of bed and move around.
[|AI|] Hello dear, The symptoms as mentioned in your post is attributed to accumulation of gas secondary to increased acid production in the stomach. Symptomatic relief can be obtained with intake of Pantoprazole preparation (to be taken twice a day before meals) & antacid gel (to be taken after meals). They prevent formation of excess acid in the stomach & provide symptomatic relief. Anti-spasmodic preparations like Dicyclomine can also be used for symptomatic relief. And it is also needed that you take certain precautions regarding your diet & lifestyle, such as:1. Take soft, plain, non-spicy foods2. Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] I have a lump in my throat that comes and goes. sometimes its hard to swallow (no sore throat) and it also feels like my tongue is swollen in the back (also comes and goes, i have had my tonsills removed). my neck near my shoulders has been stiff for a week. what could be going on? am i sick, is it my GERD?
[|AI|] Hi! Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor! After going through your description of the problem of dysphagia, I feel, if I were your treating doctor, I would like to consider following possibilities:1. Globus hysterics: just an annoying sense of throat lump without any anatomical abnormality 80% possibility2. HERD as you mentioned 15% possibility3. Esophageal candidiasis 5% possibilityTherefore, you must see a gastroenterologist for a close detailed examination, endoscopy if necessary and necessary treatment. Hope this helps you.
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[|Human|] hi my son is 11 months old. Last December he had got cold, that time doctors has recommended Sinarest syrup (2.5 ml - thrice a day for three days) and Azee 100(15ml). Now He has cold and I have given only Sinarest syrup for 3 days. But still his nose is running and he is coughing. shall i continue with Sinarest and start with Azee now?RegardsVaishali
[|AI|] Hello Vishal, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your sons history and would like to make suggestions as follows:1. Cough and colds are common at this age, and they are mostly due to viral infections or allergies. So if he does not have fever, I would not suggest you to give him AEE (Azithromycin - an antibiotic, used ONLY for bacterial infections)2. Minaret contains paracetamol, which is useful for fever. It also contains decongestant, which is useful for blocked nose. As your son does not have fever or nose obstruction at present, I would even not suggest him Minaret syrup as two of the three ingredients within it are unnecessary for him at present.3. I would suggest him only an expectorant type of cough syrup containing an antihistamine like chlorpheniramine, terbutaline and guanphesin. 4. Please allow your son liquids and assure sleep and rest which will help recovery. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Thank you & Regards.
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[|Human|] Hi, I had a miscarriage almost 3months ago I had a hemorrage that s the reason i lost my baby. Well my husband and I had sex yesturday during my fertile days. Usually we wear a condom but this time we didn t, he came on my vulva close to my vagina. Can I still get pregnant?
[|AI|] Hello dairy understand your concerned sperm or pre-cum come contact with the vaginal opening near to vulva then it can cause pregnancy. But it also depends on how much amount of sperm can enter in to the vagina. Sperm near the vaginal opening can enter into the vagina and meet the ovum release during ovulation and fertilization will occur. But if there is no pre-cum and ejaculation then no chance of the pregnancy. So there is some chance of the pregnancy. If you do not want pregnancy, You can take I pill with in 72 hours of sex to prevent the pregnancy. If 72 hours has been crossed then wait for the period to come. IF period will delay by the 8-10 days then go for urine pregnancy test and or blood Chat Doctor test to confirm the pregnancy. If you will be pregnant then still you can terminate intrauterine pregnancy by the abortion pill under the advice of gynecologist.
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[|Human|] Doing well Now 6 weeks on Ceritinib for stage IV NSCLC with some bone and marrow involvment. dx 2/15/14 alk pos.previous tx crizotinib 22month before progression, I am chemo; radiation naive; had total hyst for adenocarcinoma 1 year after dx 9/1011 T1A ... Labs from 8/4/14 liver enzymes starting to rise..ast 72, alt 78, Alk phos this last month immature granulocyte .90 absolute .10. neuts 77.8 lymps 11.5, absolute neuts 8.8 absolutes monocytes 0.7. labs taken at tail end of a week long virus..fever 101, cough resolved. Cerritinib is more toxic but doing well in general...ca125 860 six weeks ago now 44. WBC 11.2 should I be concerned for any underlying other issues? thanks CJD
[|AI|] Hi, GOT and SGPT are sensitive indicators of liver damage or injury from different types of diseases or conditions, and collectively they are termed liver tests or liver blood tests. So the next step is to look for certain liver damage and most common case is fatty liver disease. It should be confirmed by ultrasound. Other causes are viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, medications, alcohol intake or autoimmune diseases. To verify exact cause, US, bilirubin levels and tumor markers should be additionally done Then appropriate treatment can be started. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] I rolled my ankle stepping into a hidden hole. It knocked the wind out of me and I went down. Now almost 72 hours later, my foot is still swollen, tender, bruised, tingles and is numb in some spots. I have been wearing a walking boot when getting around and keeping it elevated above my heart most of the time while icing it for about 15-20 min hourly (except while sleeping). What more could I do to help the swelling? I can t afford to go to the doctors and I am doing everything they had me do in the past.
[|AI|] Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of you. A thorough musculoskeletal assessment is advised along with X-ray. Since the swelling is not coming down than taking an x-ray is advised as 72 hours is a good time for swelling to come down. Also, if it is a fracture one cannot suspect from outside much, so radiology has to be used up. Besides, using a create bandage or an android will be of help to reduce the swelling and also to control the mobility of the joint. In case the fracture is big and not healed properly it may lead to million and lead to frequent ankle pain and aches in the future. As I said, using an android or a create bandage will be worth to get rid of the swelling. Avoid applying weight on the feet, and I am sure you will be fine. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] Lump on left collar bone close to middle of neck. Dr did cat scan and blood work the area is not soft tissue and the blood work showed no cancer in thyroid. Doctor is not sure what it is running more blood work. He wants me to see my orthopedic. There is a pulling pain from the collar bone down. It feels as though it is on fire.
[|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, A swelling arising from the collar bone is most likely due to bone growth. Bone growth can be due to benign or malignant bone tumor. A X-ray of the neck is required to assess the bony swelling. In case the swelling is arising from the collar bone, a biopsy may be required to know the exact nature of the lesion and thus plan further management. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] Hi, I am a 15 year old female and 2 days ago i have been feeling pain in my left wrist. It usually hurts the worst if i bend it any way and when i do bend it i hear popping noise, do you know what my problem is? Some people said it could be my Carpal that true?
[|AI|] Hello, As carpal tunnel Syn Chat Doctor. But since you have only pain in the wrist and some popping noise I feel x-ray of the wrist will be better. As these sounds are due to the movement of the carpal bones which happens due to the weakness of the ligaments and also the flexor retinaculum tightness. Do hot water fermentation, gentle massage over the flexor retinaculum which is located at the wrist level, do simple strengthening exercises for hand, fingers and forearm muscles. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Jay In
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[|Human|] will this cost me any money? Hope not. Every so often, lately, I have been getting dizzy spells. They do not last long, so I grab a chair, or whatever is available. What is causing this? Is it low blood pressure----my pluse is regular. Just curious.
[|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor .com I am Chat Doctor. Mariano Into Bruno Mascaras, and I am here to help you. I have read your question with care and understand your concerns. Dizziness can be due to a number of causes1. Since your Pulse is Regular, the next thing to be checked is your Blood Pressure 2. If that too is normal, we have to Rule out Anemia. You need to do a Blood Hemoglobin Test3. If that too is normal, we have to rule out Cervical Spondylosis. You have to do an X-Ray Cervical Spine AP Lateral and MRI Cervical Spine 4. If that too is normal, we have to do an MRI Brain This is the management Plan Hope you found the answer helpful. If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. Best Wishes for Speedy Recovery Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care.
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[|Human|] Hello,I have had a sore throat and cold for two weeks now. Everything seemed to be healing just fine until yesterday. After I had dinner I started feeling this pinching in my throat on the right side. I thought maybe I swallowed a chicken bone but I didnt geel anything weird going down and was fine during dinner. Now every once in awhile when I swallow I feel pinching in my throat. What could it be?
[|AI|] HiT hanks for asking ChatDoctorI do understand your pain and discomfort. Feeling of pinching or obstructing something may relate to tonsillitis or URI. Please meet your family physician to rule out. Adding antibiotics and anti-inflammatory could solve your problem. Meanwhile have hot water, soup. Tea, coffee and avoid having cold stuff. Take steam inhalation twice a day. I hope I was able to ad Chat Doctor. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] my daugther is eleven years old, indecember she had acute sinusitis. she was treated with Naxonex and azitromycin 200mg. Last week she started with a sore throat and they put her in Naxonex again and in azitrommycin again. They did a deep trath culture that came negative. Yesterday she startde complaining about troath pain a her nose is very congested. she gets some relief with Naxones. No fever today but last time she reached 102 F. What coul be happenning with this repetitive situation?
[|AI|] Hello, I can understand your problem. Repeated infections are may be because of the decreased immunity along with repeated exposure to infection which may be at home or from outside. Give antibiotics if she had fever. Give nebulization twice a day. You can use NUCLEAR nasal Chat Doctor. Continue with decongestants after pediatrician consultation. I think this is helpful to you. Review back. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] I have been told that from an ultrasound I had looking at my gallbladder that the gallbladder checked out fine but that there is a shadow at the tip of my pancreas. I have been told that I need a berium CT scan follow up. Is this something that is serious. I am a 30 year old male with no other medical conditions.
[|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have gone through ultrasound for gall bladder. Your gall bladder is normal, but there is shadow at tip of pancreas. It can be pancreatic cyst or some mass in pancreas. So to diagnose the cause CT scan is required. So go for it. It can be benign lesion or can be malignant. But investigations are required. So consult your doctor and plan accordingly. Hope I have answered your question. If you have any doubts then feel free to ask me. I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
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[|Human|] What are the criteria used to determine abnormality and possible malignancy in an ultrasound of an axiliary lymph node? When a scan leads to a biopsy, what factors typically were observed in the scan to suggest further testing? Should a doctor consider how long the lymphadenopathy has occured when considering if a scan or biopsy should be done? For example, if a person has lived with frequent episodes swollen nodes for the last 17 years and has no health issues other than the node soreness, would this fact eliminate the suspicion that the current episode of inflammation is due to malignancy? Do doctors regard client reported information such as length of occurance as irrelevant hearsay? How can a normal node have an adjacent blood vessel or be vascular if these traits are indicitive of malignancy? What causes vascularity in a non cancerous node? Do do doctors err on the side of unnecessary biopsy to protect themselves against litigation? Can one tell from an ultrasound what type of cancer might be present in a lymph node? For example does metastasized cancer appear different from lymphoma, etc? Would breast implant related ALCL typically be present in nearby lymph nodes? Should a late onset seroma cause chronic (lasting 17 years)lymphadenopathy to be suspect for malignancy? If a person had a late onset seroma that resolved spontaneously after 4 weeks should a dr be less suspicious of ALCL in a subsequent seroma? Can sports activity related irritation in an implant capsule cause lymph node inflamation?
[|AI|] Lymphadenopathy is best evaluated with a biopsy when can be due malignancy, histiocytoses, granulators disorders, and storage diseases. Specific infections can be diagnosed if tissues are appropriately stained. Ultrasound features can be distinguishable for benign and malignant nodes but It's not always accurate. Vascularity can occur in benign and malignant nodes but the features and pattern of vascularity varies. Complex nodes like central necrosis or cystic regions are highly suspicious but again not 100% for malignant. Most chronic inflammatory condition increase the risk of malignancy. Breast implants and related irritation of tissues leads to lemonades. But again ruling out malignancy is essential as missing out on the suspicion can be life-threatening later on. Ultrasound cannot differentiate cancers lymphomas etc. they only guide the doctor for s biopsy or further imaging modalities. They help in making decisions.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Dear DoctorI am 25 years old living in Bangladesh. From the past three days I have been suffering from fever between 100 and 102 and painful headaches. The headache comes first and then the fever subsequently. Once during the afternoon and once at night.
[|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for posting your query. I can understand your concern. Fever with headache can be due to many reasons like viral fever, malaria to name a few. I would suggest you take Tab Paracetamol 650 mg - twice daily X 5 days. This will relieve you of fever and headache. I would also suggest you to go for blood tests for dengue, malaria and a total blood count including total platelet count. Do not worry much. Post any other query. We will be happy to help. Have a nice day. Regards.
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[|Human|] Ill be having my remaining 16 teeth removed soon and will switch to dentures. The bottom teeth were small to begin with but now some are worn or broken to the gum line. Do the roots really have to be removed? I should add that I have a history of osteo radio necrosis (sp?) after 2 upper teeth were taken out following head/neck radiation.
[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for your query. If a tooth is fractured down to the gum line and needs to be removed dentists have special ultrathin instruments that can be used like a lever to loosen and remove the remaining root. If the tooth is fractured deep into the bone special Piero instrumentation can gently remove bone around the tooth using ultravibration energy allowing access to push out the remaining piece of tooth. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care
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[|Human|] hi i have a daughter who is 18 who had a kidney infection about 12 days ago and was constantly sick they thought that was due to the penicillin so they gave her a new prescption and an anti sickness injection last friday. she wasnt sick again until thursday night and is now back to being sick at least once or twice a day.but has no pain in her stomach or back any ideas what this could be as we are starting to worry alot now.
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. If your daughter had a kidney infection 12 days back then it was a recent event. Kidney infections take time for recovery and cause symptoms like pain in the lower back, burning urination, pain and bleeding in urine and lower abdominal pain with fever. However, every symptom is not found in each patient, and it is important to know what are the symptoms your daughter is having regularly. Kidney infections are caused by bacteria and sometimes a bacterium cannot be controlled with an antibiotic. This is to be clarified with her tests and if required then a change of antibiotics will treat the infection completely. If in doubt, you can request your doctor to repeat the kidney function tests at regular intervals. Imaging investigations like ultrasound scan or CT scan abdomen can help if the symptoms persist after treatment changes. Please do not worry.
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[|Human|] I have been treated by my dentist for 4 weeks now for an extremely sore palate . She tells me taht she sees my palatal rugae are inflamed but that there is no sign of specific ulceration/ broken skin but has treated me unsuccessfully for bacterial/ then fungal and finally steroid lozenges to no avail!! Nothing is working. She has also cured my gingival bleeding condition and instilled me with better oral hygiene measures - using interdental brushes and corsodyl but my palate is still agony. She thinks it might eb an allergy but what do you think. Its soooo painful!!!
[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for writing to us. Soreness on palate can be due to-1. Denture dermatitis caused due to dentures or appliances inserted.2.abscess developed due to spread of infection into periapical area through deep caries or periodontal infection. I would suggest you to get a thorough clinical evaluation done. Discontinue use of appliances or dentures causing allergy. Pus if present has to be Chat Doctor. Take care.
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[|Human|] Hi, I seem to have what appears to me to be a skin tag on the inside of my cheek. It looks kind of like a pimple, but the reason it seems like a tag is because I can lift up part of it with my tongue. Part of it is has a flap that I can lift. What bothers me is that its been there for at least a doesnt change size but it doesnt go away either. Do you have any suggestions? I am seeing the dentist soon. Thank you
[|AI|] Hello, The best for you to do is bring this to the attention of your dentist on your visit. My initial question is how does it compare to the other side of your mouth? Your description could indicate the duct to the salivary gland. If this is irritated or blocked, it can appear large. Take a look on the opposite side of your mouth to see if you can locate a duct on both sides. Rinsing advised with warm salt water and avoid trauma to area. Trauma such as biting your cheek can cause something like this. This can reoccur because it is bulky and gets in your way again. A tag that does not go away can be removed, and your dentist can advise you on the various methods if needed. If you grind your teeth at night, you may damage the cheek and not be aware of cheek damage. If you chew tobacco this can happen as well. Tobacco has a known relation to cancer and any abnormal areas should be checked. A cyst or tumor can occur. This is of greater concern if it seems to be getting larger, painful and changes color or texture. Please be sure to complete your dental visit and monitor for any increase in symptoms. I hope this is helpful. Thank you for your inquiry.
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[|Human|] i have had psoriasis since birth i am 40years old and it is affecting my life everyday ihave 2 small children .t is very painful to walk and all other things i have to do everyday even bending down to pick something up i have big patches which are allways oozing and bleedind even after putting creams on everyday which just calms it down for afew hours but the patches are allways there and they will never go there is no treatment for this my doctor is not supportive at all she says you have to live with it and there is no point going to see her agaian and only get repeat prescriptions i have no choice but to suffer in silence because this is affecteing all my movements cooking looking after my kids icant even take them out because i am suffering so much afriend advised me to claim dla which i had never heard of before i made a claim and they have refuse what should i do please advise me i am in a lot of pain every day and my 2 kids are affectet by this
[|AI|] Hi, As you said you suffer from psoriasis vulgarism. It is an autoimmune skin disease. Your kids are also suffering from same disease. There is genetic tendency. Certain factors might exacerbate the disease. Stress, anxiety, Chat Doctor. .etc. might increase the severity. You consult dermatologist for firm diagnosis and treatment. Methotrexate 15 mg in a week in decided doses for long time may improve the disease. Antihistamines might reduce the itching. Moisturizing cream like liq.paraffin or urea application in the morning and steroid with salicylic acid point at night would be helpful. For kids, hydrocortisone cream may be applied. I hope you got my answer. Thanks.
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[|Human|] I m a 39 year old male who either works out or plays basketball 4 days a week. Over the last 7 days I ve experienced shortness of breath at times but now it s happening more frequently than in the beginning. Now I start to feel head pressure, a little fatigue and I have trouble doing a full yawn. What is wrong with me ?
[|AI|] Hello dear, thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you should consult pulmonologist and get done1. Chest x ray2. PUT (Pulmonary function test)3. ECG. There are few possibilities in your case.1. Lung infection2. Bronchitis3. Cardiac cause. So get done chest x-ray to rule out lung infection.PFT is needed to rule out bronchitis. And ECG is needed to rule out cardiac cause. Breathlessness and head pressure is seen in all of the above causes. So first diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment.Don't worry, you will be alright.
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[|Human|] I am taking tenoretic for 8 years and want to know if I can live a altitude of 4,500 ft above sea level. I visited that altitude recently and was told to rest for about a week until body becomes accustomed to the altitude. Will I have heart problems at that altitude? I take no other medications...just some herbal
[|AI|] Hello! Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, I would explain that a certain period of time is needed for your body to get used to the new altitude and atmospheric pressure. You may feel some chest discomfort or shortness of breath during the first days. For this reason, I would recommend reducing the dose of theoretic to half the dose, in order to avoid breathing troubles. Hope to have been helpful! Kind regards,
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[|Human|] I am 30 years old and I have had a cough for over 2 months now.I have taken syrups which have not done anything. I later turned onto antibiotics and nothing worked ! My cough is largely dry but sometimes there is thin salty spittle coming out. Please help!
[|AI|] Hello rearward welcome to Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your query in details .* The cough since 2 months not responding to antibiotics need evaluation with basic lab tests, x-ray chest with or without further detailed work up ( CT scan, pulmonary function test) depending upon the primary evaluation.* Without precise cause evaluation, empiric syrups or antibiotics are strongly not recommended in this case. Hope this clears your query. Wishing you fine recovery. Feel free to ask any further doubts. Regards .
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[|Human|] My 11month old baby got a fever last night. I gave her tylenol for the fever and bathe her to bring the fever down. This morning she has chills. She was recently taken to the doctor last week for cough no fever. She was prescribed cough medicine and amoxicillin.
[|AI|] Giving an infant a bath to reduce the temperature rarely has a lasting effect. It might be a better idea to sponge the child continuously with lukewarm water, till the core temperature comes back to normal, or at least subsides to a safe level. To check if the core temp. Has decreased, just check the warmth inside the children mouth. The chills are probably related to the underlying cause of the fever. You need to show her to the pediatrician as soon as possible. Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] I just recently learned that I have a large lesion on my thyroid gland which will be biopsied next week. I had a spinal decompression treatment and it appears to have relieve the pain that I was experiencing in the thyroid glad area of my neck, is this possible?
[|AI|] Here you need to understand if there is a problem at spinal disc level then there will be pain at your neck level and there could be radiating pain to your hands. When you go for spinal decompression surgery it will relieve your pain which is at neck level to your hands. There might be a possibility of light relief of pain even at your thyroid gland, but you should understand one more thing if you have any lesion or lump or a swelling at thyroid gland then you need to get it evaluate properly and do the treatment according to that for this I suggest you should consult a doctor and go for testing. And do the treatment as per the report as well what ever the specialist advise. Remember Early detection and the treatment is much better than the cure. Thank you
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[|Human|] My dental surgeon says i need 2 wisdom teeth removed as the xray shows bone around the teeth is missing about 2mm. There is no pain at all my regular dentist looked at the xray and said he would not have the teeth removed after looking at the xrays as without swelling or pain it is likely this was caused by a previous event although i dont recall having a problem. Can an abscess exist with no pain? Or is the surgeon just being cautious of is he seeing his new yacht in my mouth?
[|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Abscess can occur underneath tooth even without causing toothache. If there is severe bone loss around tooth and tooth cannot be saved, get it extracted. If tooth can be saved, bone grafting as well as Chat Doctor. Take augmenting along with metronidazole tablets and analgesics. Meanwhile, maintain oral hygiene well. Swish with lukewarm saline frequently. Please do visit an oral surgeon for further reference. Hope this helps.
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[|Human|] I was playing in a softball tournament this past weekend and slid into home plate. It resulted in a skin abrasion on the left side of my left legs shin bone. It s about 10 inches long and 3 inches wide. I also have a 3 inch scrap about an inch wide on the inside of my right knee. Both abrasions were really soar after it happened but I was able to finish the rest of the game and walk with a small limp the rest of the day. Sunday night was restless when it came to sleep but, nothing compared to Monday night. I had a relentless leg throb in both legs all night long. I slept a total of 45 mins. Last night I actually slept through the night while keeping the larger of the two abrasions outside out the blanket while I slept. They have both had a lot of heat coming off them ranging at a 7-8 on a 1 to 10 scale. They have both been oozing a clear to diluted yellow puss. My skin is hard and tight around the larger of the two abrasions and it s tender to the touch. I ve also had a fever on and off since this has happened Sunday afternoon. The most pain I feel from all of this though is when I attempt to walk. I ve been out of work all week because It s too painful to walk on my legs. I ve been on bed rest keeping my legs elevated on pillows. The only time I get off the bed is to use the restroom and shower. The moment I shift my legs to the edge of the bed and proceed to put my weight down on them to walk to the bathroom I feel an intolerable heart throb in my legs. I walk on my toes on my left leg and i brace myself on my right leg with a hop between leg shifts. I cry every time I shower and use the restroom because the pain is so intense. If I can hold onto something to keep a lot of the weight off of my legs It doesn t hurt as bad so, needless to say I ve been using a lot upper body strength to get around. I don t feel any pain when I lay in bed with my legs elevated but the pain grows intensely when I attempt to walk. I ve been taking Tylenol extra strength 500mg (1) before I got to sleep every night. The abrasions are developing scabs around the outsides but, the center is still a foggy yellow colored scab. What is the best pain killer to ingest? What is the best abrasion dressing to use? What is the best ointments for abrasions? I m a 23 year old female. Please help.
[|AI|] 1) Tylenol is enough for abrasions, or you can take NSAIDs like Ibuprofen for pain relief2)As the wound is big it is bound to take some time to heal completely. The foggy part in the center is exudate and antibody collection that will help in healing. 3) Abrasions are best left uncovered for faster healing. I would suggest and antibiotic ointment like Tobramycin to prevent wound infection4) I would also like to suggest getting an X-ray done if not already done. Thank you. Stay fit and happy recovery.
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[|Human|] I am 32 weeks pregnant, was just seen at the doctor yesterday. I had a slightly high BP. I am having regular, timed, BH contractions. I forgot to ask the doctor this question, when I am having the contraction I am getting dizzy and short of breath. They are lasting about 45 seconds, and non painful.
[|AI|] Hallow Dear, If you are a patient of high blood pressure, and now you are suffering for the dizziness and breathlessness, you are not a suitable candidate for birth control pills. The hormones in the pills can cause these side effects. Moreover, they may get the worst due to this hormones threatening your health. So please switch over to some other safe birth control method like condom or intrauterine birth control device (without any hormones in it). I hope this helps you.
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[|Human|] i m a 33 years old virgin. i had my first oral sex 2 weeks ago. since then my vaginal secretions have increased tremendously. and when i looked by z mirror. i can see a hole. i can see clearly my vaginal opening. did my hymen break ? i had no bleeding or pain. but i m too worried now. we had some massage with my bf penis. can i get pregnant by the pre- cum ?? or external ejaculation ?
[|AI|] Hello, I would be happy to help you with your question.First, the increase in vaginal secretions is probably normal related to increased "sexual" activity. But if there is any itching, burning or odor, you need to get checked out for common infections. Second, the hymen is not necessarily "closed" and it is normal to see an opening through the hymen. If you are worried, this also can be ascertained on an exam. Finally, you cannot get pregnant from oral sex or ejaculate anywhere outside the vagina. I hope that this helps and good luck!
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[|Human|] Hello doctor, I was suffering from severe dust allergy for several years- with running nose daily. Now for the last one month I am taking Levosiz 5 1 tablet in the night as per the instruction of a doctor and now I stopped the running nose problem and feel very comfortable. Is it necessary to repeat to stop the allergy problem ? If so for how many days? Is it Safe? Any side effects?
[|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, The allergic reaction means when you are exposed to the triggering factor like dust to which your allergic, there will be release of mediators of allergy like histamines which will produce all the symptoms of allergic reaction. As you are known case of dust allergy, you will have symptoms like running nose, when these symptoms occur it will make you exhausted and tired. If you test your blood for absolute eosinophil count during the allergic reaction there will be increase in the count. The medicine like Deposit will help you to control the symptoms, but it is not going to prevent further occurrence of allergic symptoms, and you need to take it for longer period of time. This is a Chat Doctor. So I would suggest you to undergo skin prick test for the most prevalent allergens and identify the dust allergen causing all these symptoms and then try to avoid the allergen, or you can go for immunotherapy. Thank you.
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[|Human|] Hi, I was wondering if i can go for some medication which will improve/enhance my memory . From Last few years, i can feel and realize that my memory is getting worse over time. Please advice me what i should do ? I takes me long time to remember peoples name, any movie name and many more things. While talking about other people, in case i want to mention their name in conversation, i have to really stress my mind to get the names and similar things. Please advise Thanks in advance.
[|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. First, you should undergo an evaluation by a neurologist to ascertain whether you have memory loss and also to assess the degree or severity of memory loss. Secondly, we need to find out the underlying reasons for memory loss. It could range from simple stress & lack of concentration to vitamin B 12 deficiencies, blood clots or infection of the brain. Your neurologist would be able to establish the cause of memory loss. Lastly, medications would be required depending on the cause of your symptoms. Best wishes, Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] Hello, so me and my girlfriend had intercourse a couple of days ago but my penis did not go inside her vagina. I was just rubbing my penis against her outer vagina but I didn t have a condom on. Could she get pregnant with pre ejaculation being around her vagina, but not fully inside of it?
[|AI|] Hi, I guess your concern is about getting pregnant of your girlfriend from pre-ejaculatory liquid near vagina. So my straight forward answer is, YES. There are chances but It's VERY, VERY LESS to getting her pregnant. Usually chances of getting pregnant is more when ejaculation occurs when penis is inside the vagina. But in your case as you told that your penis did not go inside the vagina, and you were just rubbing it against her outer vagina. So there is very, very less chance of getting pregnant. So DON'T WORRY, RELAX. You also told that u didn't have condom on that time. And there is pre-ejaculation occurs around her vagina. So there is little chances having for getting pregnant. For that you do not need to take tension because your girlfriend can use emergency contraceptive pill (i-pill) within 72 hrs of unprotected intercourse. As told by you that you people had intercourse 2 days ago. So there is sufficient time to take emergency contraception. This is usually available your nearby medical store at affordable prices. With this above discussion you can try out my suggestions-1. Don't waste time and get the i-pill as early as possible. Ask your girlfriend to take it. Wait till her next menses. If she gets menses on her expected or delay date, she will not be pregnant. 2. You can do urinary pregnancy test after 5-6 days of her missed period. It is available at affordable prices your nearby medical store. Buy it and ask your girlfriend to do it by herself. If it is negative, she's not pregnant. If it is positive visit to nearby gynecologist for further help. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] Hi I have had a rash upper inner thighs and abdomen,upper and lower it is starting to show up on my upper abdomen area again. It starts with small circles and clusters light brown to reddish , not itchy at all. It looks like little circle patches. Almost like bruises?
[|AI|] Hello. Thanks for writing to us at Chat Doctor I will keep a possibility of Tina corporal/fungal infection. For confirmatory diagnosis of fungal infection a KOH preparation can be made from the scale to look for fungal elements (hype) under the microscope. Fungal infections usually present as annular or round, red, scaly patches. Itching is subjective in individuals. Upper inner thighs and abdomen are common sites which can be affected with fungal infection. Topically you may try an OTC antifungal e.g. clotrimazole 1% cream, twice daily for a duration of 2-4 weeks. However, extensive involvement such as in your case would respond better to Oral antifungals in addition to the topical antifungals. Oral antifungals are prescription Chat Doctor. If this rash doesn't respond as expected to topical antifungals alone you may visit a dermatologist for a review as well as appropriate prescription. Regards
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[|Human|] After tilt table testing I was diagnosed w neuromediated hypotension w vaso vagel response and left bundle branch block. Basically I ve always fainted with dental or medical procedures or when under extreme stress. Also sudden fear causes my hands to go numb and tingly. If I have 1-2 drinks w alcohol I get the same sensation of numbness and to tingling in my hands. The other day I had a syncope episode after getting lidocane injections for back pain. After the syncope episode the doctors were monitoring my blood pressure bc it was very low and I was having the numbness in my hands for about 2O minutes. What causes the numbness and tingling sensation in these instances. Is it anything to worry about or a sign of underlying condition?
[|AI|] Hi, I am Chat Doctor. I have read your question with care and understand your concerns. Let me try to help you Question : What causes numbness and tingling sensation in hands when under stress? Answer : 1. Stress causes Reduced Blood Flow to Peripheral Organs2. Because of this reduced Blood Flow to Peripheral Organs, Less Oxygen is delivered to Hands3. Because of less oxygen, the normal functions of nerves are affected 4. Because the normal function of nerves are affected, there is tingling sensation // Is it anything to worry about or a sign of underlying condition?//This is mostly due to the "neuromodulated hypotension w vast bagel response and left bundle branch block" and not a problem of hands. So If you take proper treatment for this problem, your tingling sensation will be solved Hope you found the answer helpful. If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care.
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[|Human|] I am 20 years old 5 foot 5 and 123 pounds. I been suffering from seizures since I was a baby and was born with a heart murmur and minor cerebral atropy. When I wa five my seizures stopped and everything seemed to be going normal, but in the past 8 months I have had 5 seizures. I have had test run on me like mri, eeg, blood work, but everything comes back saying there is nothing there causing my seizures. I was wondering that if it was possible that since I had cerebral atrophy when I was a baby could I still have it and could it be becoming worse and it dosent show up on my mri? Could this be causing my seizures?
[|AI|] Hello, I would explain that sometimes the cause of seizures is not found on the brain MRI, as it is related to microscopic changes, not visible on the MRI. For this reason, it is important taking AED therapy and regulate your lifestyle (a good sleeping hygiene, avoid alcohol or caffeine, avoid smoking, avoid straining physical activity, avoiding staying under the sun in hot weather, etc.). Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Wish you good health.
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[|Human|] I have been experiencing back pain in the middle of my back and up between my shoulder blades for a few weeks. I went to see my dr a week and a half ago and he prescribed an anti-inflammatory and a muscle relaxer to take once a day. Im still having back pain and now am experiencing frequent urination (at times dark and other times with little to no color). Why????
[|AI|] You could be having a urinary infection. I suggest you get a urinalysis done, and if there are plenty of pus cells, may be even a urine culture and sensitivity as well. An ultrasound scan of your kidneys and bladder may also be of help if the pain is severe. You can try improving your water intake to flush out any infection, but most likely you will be required to take medication as well depending on the results of your tests.
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[|Human|] hi, im 22 female my weight is 45, height 54 my kidney is enlarge(big) on two side of the kidney the symptoms i have is feeling likevomitting, breast pain, itching in kidney and have some disturbance in urinating and my body is restless i did not met any doctor this problem was happen last week and i dont know how it happens i was feared and tensed of this problem im very scared to see the doctor please help me doctorsuggest me the solution
[|AI|] Hii have understood your concern. As the history given by you, you have1.HY Chat Doctor. Uremic symptoms probabilities of your problems are1.urinary tact infection with spread to both kidneys2.urethral stricture with back pressure on kidneys3.bilateral stones you needs to be evaluated definitely.I can suggest you to get1.urine routine and culture2.USG of abdomen and KUB3.serum creatinine and serum electolytestreatment Lanol ER 650 mg twice daily tab.Balzac 0.5 mg once a day depending upon reports you need further treatment. Get beck to me with reports. Hope this helps you thanks.
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[|Human|] Hello sir/Madam, One of my friend is having blood cancer and the doctors advised to undergo stem cell transpantation. Is there any alternative way to do it. She is from a very poor family and hence they cannot spend money for her treatment please let me know is there any alternatives. Also i heard that Imitinef Mercilet is a medicine which cures blood cancer.Is there any use of taking this medicine??
[|AI|] Hi, Imatinib is used to treat CML (a type of blood Cancer). There are different kinds of blood cancer which can be diagnosed with investigation. Your friends treating doctor may have diagnosed it and advised her for stem cell transplantation. She should approach her doctor for alternative treatments if any and should discuss the course of treatment, as you have not mentioned the type of blood cancer. Wishes for her good Health.
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[|Human|] My 7 year old son has had a fever (the highest was 102.4) on and off again for the last 4 days. He also had a head ache, tummy ache and sore throat. He was swabbed for streep yesterday with a negative result. I am assumeing it is some sort of virus, just wondering if and or when I should take him back to the Dr. He currently has a low grade fever of 100.4. Thanks in advance
[|AI|] Welcome to the ChatDoctorI understand your concerns but don't worry. The most likely reason for sucChatDoctorplaints in kids are self limiting viral infections. They just need symptomatic management. It takes a few days for them to completely improve. I would recommend you to start him on acetaminophen for fever episodes and throat pain. Also, start an antihistamine and decongestant such as Chlorpheniramine or fexofenadine. Keep a room humidifier while sleeping if the weather is Chat Doctor. Hopefully this will help him. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] I have had stomach pain off and on for a couple of years and have found no answer. The pain is on the lower right between my pelvis and belly button. and it comes and goes. sometimes I will go weeks without any pain. I have been dropped to my knees in pain, and I have been woken up with pain on many occassions. Everytime the dr. tells me they didnt find any reason for the pain.
[|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query, read and understood your problems... You have pain in the right lower side of abdomen which is on and off. When it comes it can be severe enough to make you Chat Doctor. During these many years you must have undergone many tests. If not get the following tests done:CT scan of the abdomen with intravenous paleography to see for the ureteric structures, stones in the urinary system and so on. This will help to rule out appendicitis, nephritis and so on. Another additional option is to go for diagnostic Laparoscopy and to see the interior of the abdomen and decide. Arterial angiography of the abdomen to rule out any vascular problems. The treatment will depend upon the findings.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Hi,i recently bought a trampoline and and only used it for about 10 minutes and the next morning withi woke up with bad lower back pain which subsided about 2 days late. I then used the trampolin again for about 10 minutes and woke the next morning with severe lower back pain which lasted 5 days. Is there any reason for this?
[|AI|] Hi. Thanks for asking the question. There are a few things that I would have liked to know more. What is your age and sex. Your occupation means more of sitting or physical work. The pain you developed is most probably due to the muscle sprain. It can occur with sudden non-accustomed physical activity, which your back muscles are non used to. For this you need to strengthen your abdominal and back muscles once your present pain gets better. Other remote possibilities can be a degenerated disc, or a spondylosis, depending on your age. If your pain comes back, it is advisable to visit your doctor, who will then order an x-ray/MRI and will be able to tell you more details. You can contact me again if you still have some queries. Otherwise, accept my answer. Bye. Wish you best of health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] I had mirena put in 2 weeks ago. About a week ago I started having constant diarrhea stomach pains and complete loss of appetite. I had mirena remove earlier today about 8 hour ago an still I have the stomach pains an diarrhea. I dont know whats wrong with me and am starting to freak out. I have lost 10 lbs in a week. Can you tell me what may be going on?
[|AI|] Hi, Hormones can effect several systems and can cause gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, vomiting etc. Cramping is also a common finding. Yet, in the current scenario, you should also rule out any infection of the gastrointestinal system. Please see a physician for further appraisal of the situation and appropriate management. Liver function should also be assessed. Blood counts, stool test, urinalysis and a sonogram of the abdomen and the pelvis are needed. Hope you find this information useful. Wish you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Yesterday I went in for a colonoscopy but the Doctor had to stop as he could not get the scope thru. He said I have a twisted colon. A few years ago I had my postrate removed due to cancer and had radiation. He said it could be from the radiation or from being so thin. He then sent me down to have a c-scan with air to see if I had any polopys. If I do have polopys how would they be removed.. Is this twisted colon something I should be worried about. The Doctor didnt seemed concerened.
[|AI|] HIT hank for choosing ChatDoctorI am in need of exact medical term of this twisted colon, in fact it is not the proper term, so I can give you right advise more over you did not describe the chief complain of yours for what the doctor advised you for colonoscopy, (Most of the patients on this form does not describe the main complains which very, very important, so we can correlate the clinical condition with investigation done)please be in touch with Chat Doctor Have nice day.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] I had Dengue about 5 months back. During the period I had severe myalgia. Now I played cricket after about 5 months and I had similar kind of pain in the muscles which has lasted for about 7 days now. The pain reminded me of Dengue muscle pain. Does it happen like that
[|AI|] Hello and welcome to ChatDoctorI have read and understood your query hope this will help you. Dengue fever is caused by DENGUE VIRUS transmitted through bite of mosquito ANDES EGYPT. July to Oct are the months in which the disease has peak incidence. The virus has got 3 subtypes. Once affected by a typical subtype of the virus causes lifelong immunity in our bodies.but infection with a second strain causes most severe form of the disease called dengue hemorrhagic you previously had the disease you will be knowing that disease accompanies high grade fever. At the moment from the history provided by you, I don't think that's the case. I think you should consult your local doctor. As any febrile illness can cause muscular pains especially viral illnesses. I don't think that you are having a second attack of dengue fever. I would advise you to have a temperature record of yourself and meanwhile consult your GP get a full blood count investigation advised and proceed accordingly.Meanwhile tab paracetamol 1 tab 3 times day will be helpful for you. I hope I answered your query can contact me any time for more questions. Thanks Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Hi, I am a teacher of 6 year olds. One of my students was hospitalized last week with viral meningitis and returned to school today. What are the chances of me or other students in class getting meningitis? How contagious was she 3-5 days prior to being diagnosed/hospitalized. My sister has a 3 month old, I am concerned about getting her sick.
[|AI|] Hello, THX to contact us. I understand your concern. If I am your doctor I advise you that it is not much contagious. To get entry into the central nervous system virus must enter into the body first. So no need to worry, if one host is compromised than and then virus will attack into central nervous system of the body. So no point of worry for your 3-month-old baby. I will be happy to answer more of your concerns, kindly know me, Wish you a very good health at Chat Doctor. Chat Doctor. Infectious Disease.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] my baby have dark spots over his face and body he been having this problem for 4 years since he been in the world i takes him to see his doctor about his skin they give me all types of cream it dosnt work and the reason why he have these dark spots is because some type bumps that appears on his skin the bumps start off small then the bumps have some type of clear fluid that comes out then after a few days they appear to dry up in little sores then leave dark spots all over his body mostly on his face legs and arms what can this be and what can i do about the dark spots on my son body
[|AI|] Hi. You haven't mentioned any symptoms associated with the bumps?. According to you, they first appear as small lesions, then they become fluid filled and rupture subsequently and leave behind pigmentation. Are they itchy? Yes /No? Possible diagnosis of recurrent fluid filled lesions appearing on face, arms and legs in a child and resolving with pigmentation is Bulbous pemphigoid or Chronic bulbous disease of childhood or bulbous impetigo. I would advise a skin biopsy from a fresh lesion. That could lead to the correct diagnosis.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] I have feelings of tingling sensation in my arms and legs and face . I get hot flashes and sweaty palms. I have extreme joint pain and swelling in my hands and feet .i feel pressure in my head. Please tell me what s wrong with me . By the way I am 42
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for your query. The abnormal sensations that you have such as burning, tingling are termed peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral Neuropathy is a condition caused by damage to the peripheral nervous system [most commonly seen in diabetic patients]. Another possibility could be nerve compression in spine due to disc bulge. Vitamin B12 is important in the maintenance of health and normal functioning of the nerve tissue and deficiency of it can lead to numbness. You can increase B12 level by taking meat and fish, or you can take tab methylcobalamine. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] My one and a half year has fallen a couple of times on a hardwood floor on his forehead and it happened again a few minutes ago .....he seems fine...and i am putting a cold face cloth on it..... but my question is why doesnt the other bumps go away...does it mean he has brain damage?
[|AI|] Hi. Thanks for contacting us. Ur child had fallen twice, and your query is why the previous bump not going away and want to know whether it indicates brain damage. Madam what your child has is hematoma skin and subcutaneous tissue which will get reduced in a weeks time. Y our cold sponging should help. I hope he should not have an internal injury brain and if it happens child will be more irritable, can have vomiting, can throw fits and might have difficulty in moving limbs. Incase he has any of these get an in person opinion from a doctor. Take care Madam
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] my name is sumit and my mother is suffering from minor salivary gland maligant he was given didnt gave chemotherapy for that..what was that for ??and now today it is almost two months and two weeks already and ..from around ten days she has again more pain on her inner mouth..m so worried about..plz help me out. could i talk with u or chat with u..thanx u..
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. The palate is the most common site of minor salivary gland tumors. A minor salivary gland cancer requires treatment as per protocol. The radiation therapy was given to shrink the tumor mass and reduce it in size. Since these cancers might be slow growing as compared to other aggressive cancers, it is treated such that the chances of recurrence is less. The details and staging of minor salivary gland cancer in your mother is not mentioned, and therefore it is possible that the treating doctor wants to reduce the tumor with radiotherapy. Since she is having pain in her inner mouth, it will help to get the oral cavity examined in detail to look for any post radiotherapy residual changes which are causing the symptoms. Some patients might develop mild dental infections after radiation therapy and this is treated with antibiotics should there be infection and pain relievers. Please do not worry.
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