Fix admin page permitted user logic
<?php namespace Devlabs\SportifyBundle\Controller; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller; use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route; use Devlabs\SportifyBundle\Entity\Tournament; class AdminController extends Controller { /** * @Route("/admin", name="admin_index") */ public function indexAction() { // if user is not logged in, redirect to login page $securityContext = $this->container->get('security.authorization_checker'); if (!$securityContext->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')) { return $this->redirectToRoute('fos_user_security_login'); } // Load the data for the current user into an object $user = $this->getUser(); // continue only if user has Admin access, else redirect to Home if ($user->getEmail() !== '[email protected]') { return $this->redirectToRoute('home'); } // Get an instance of the Entity Manager $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); $tournament = $em->getRepository('DevlabsSportifyBundle:Tournament') ->findOneById(12); $dataUpdatesManager = $this->get('app.data_updates.manager'); $dataUpdatesManager->setEntityManager($em); $dataUpdatesManager->updateTeamsByTournament($tournament); // $dataUpdatesManager->updateFixtures(); return $this->redirectToRoute('home'); } }
<?php namespace Devlabs\SportifyBundle\Controller; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller; use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route; use Devlabs\SportifyBundle\Entity\Tournament; class AdminController extends Controller { /** * @Route("/admin", name="admin_index") */ public function indexAction() { // if user is not logged in, redirect to login page $securityContext = $this->container->get('security.authorization_checker'); if (!$securityContext->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')) { return $this->redirectToRoute('fos_user_security_login'); } // Load the data for the current user into an object $user = $this->getUser(); if (!($user->getEmail() !== '[email protected]')) { return $this->redirectToRoute('home'); } // Get an instance of the Entity Manager $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); $tournament = $em->getRepository('DevlabsSportifyBundle:Tournament') ->findOneById(12); $dataUpdatesManager = $this->get('app.data_updates.manager'); $dataUpdatesManager->setEntityManager($em); $dataUpdatesManager->updateTeamsByTournament($tournament); // $dataUpdatesManager->updateFixtures(); return $this->redirectToRoute('home'); } }
Replace double quotes with single quotes
/*jslint browser: true, undef: true *//*global Ext*/ Ext.define('SlateAdmin.model.course.SectionTermData', { extend: 'Ext.data.Model', requires: [ 'SlateAdmin.proxy.Records', 'Ext.data.identifier.Negative' ], // model config idProperty: 'ID', identifier: 'negative', fields: [ { name: 'ID', type: 'int', allowNull: true }, { name: 'Class', type: 'string', defaultValue: 'Slate\\Courses\\SectionTermData' }, { name: 'Created', type: 'date', dateFormat: 'timestamp', allowNull: true }, { name: 'CreatorID', type: 'int', allowNull: true }, { name: 'RevisionID', type: 'int', allowNull: true }, { name: 'Modified', type: 'date', dateFormat: 'timestamp', allowNull: true }, { name: 'ModifierID', type: 'int', allowNull: true }, { name: 'SectionID', type: 'int' }, { name: 'TermID', type: 'int' }, { name: 'TermReportNotes', type: 'string', allowNull: true }, { name: 'InterimReportNotes', type: 'string', allowNull: true } ], proxy: { type: 'slaterecords', url: '/section-data' } });
/*jslint browser: true, undef: true *//*global Ext*/ Ext.define('SlateAdmin.model.course.SectionTermData', { extend: 'Ext.data.Model', requires: [ 'SlateAdmin.proxy.Records', 'Ext.data.identifier.Negative' ], // model config idProperty: 'ID', identifier: 'negative', fields: [ { name: "ID", type: "int", allowNull: true }, { name: "Class", type: "string", defaultValue: "Slate\\Courses\\SectionTermData" }, { name: "Created", type: "date", dateFormat: "timestamp", allowNull: true }, { name: "CreatorID", type: "int", allowNull: true }, { name: "RevisionID", type: "int", allowNull: true }, { name: "Modified", type: "date", dateFormat: "timestamp", allowNull: true }, { name: "ModifierID", type: "int", allowNull: true }, { name: "SectionID", type: "int" }, { name: "TermID", type: "int" }, { name: "TermReportNotes", type: "string", allowNull: true }, { name: "InterimReportNotes", type: "string", allowNull: true } ], proxy: { type: 'slaterecords', url: '/section-data' } });
Use anchorscroll to hopefully make sure modals appear within view on mobile.
/** * Copyright 2015 Ian Davies * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ define([], function() { return ['$compile', '$location', '$anchorScroll', function($compile, $location, $anchorScroll) { return { restrict: 'A', link: function(scope, element, attrs) { var rawClone = element.clone(); scope.modals = scope.modals || {}; scope.modals[attrs.isaacModal] = { show: function() { $("#isaacModal").empty().append($compile(rawClone)(scope)); $("#isaacModal").foundation("reveal", "open"); var windowHeight = $(window).height(), modalHeight = $("#isaacModal").height(), modalPosition = (33/100*windowHeight) - (modalHeight/2); $("#isaacModal").css("top", modalPosition > 0 ? modalPosition+'px' : 0); // make sure the top of the modal is in view. $location.hash('isaacModal'); $anchorScroll(); }, hide: function() { $("#isaacModal").foundation("reveal", "close"); }, } } } }]; });
/** * Copyright 2015 Ian Davies * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ define([], function() { return ['$compile', function($compile) { return { restrict: 'A', link: function(scope, element, attrs) { var rawClone = element.clone(); scope.modals = scope.modals || {}; scope.modals[attrs.isaacModal] = { show: function() { $("#isaacModal").empty().append($compile(rawClone)(scope)); $("#isaacModal").foundation("reveal", "open"); var windowHeight = $(window).height(), modalHeight = $("#isaacModal").height(), modalPosition = (33/100*windowHeight) - (modalHeight/2); $("#isaacModal").css("top", modalPosition > 0 ? modalPosition+'px' : 0); }, hide: function() { $("#isaacModal").foundation("reveal", "close"); }, } } } }]; });
chore(ipc): Add extra debug and read DoForcePingTimeout in the constructor Signed-off-by: Francisco Miguel Biete <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
<?php class PingTrackingRedis extends InterProcessRedis { const TTL = 3600; private $key; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->key = "ZP-PING|" . Request::GetDeviceID() . '|' . Request::GetAuthUser() . '|' . Request::GetAuthDomain(); $this->DoForcePingTimeout(); } /** * Checks if there are newer ping requests for the same device & user so * the current process could be terminated * * @access public * @return boolean true if the current process is obsolete */ public function DoForcePingTimeout() { while (true) { self::$redis->watch($this->key); $savedtime = self::$redis->get($this->key); if ($savedtime === false || $savedtime < $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) { $res = self::$redis->multi()->setex($this->key,self::TTL, $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'])->exec(); if ($res === false) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "DoForcePingTimeout(): set just failed, retrying"); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "DoForcePingTimeout() key: ".$this->key); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "DoForcePingTimeout() reqtime: ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "DoForcePingTimeout() last: ".self::$redis->getLastError()); continue; } else { return false; } } if ($savedtime === $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) { self::$redis->unwatch(); return false; } if ($savedtime > $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) { self::$redis->unwatch(); return true; } } } }
<?php class PingTrackingRedis extends InterProcessRedis { const TTL = 3600; private $key; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->key = "ZP-PING|" . Request::GetDeviceID() . '|' . Request::GetAuthUser() . '|' . Request::GetAuthDomain(); } /** * Checks if there are newer ping requests for the same device & user so * the current process could be terminated * * @access public * @return boolean true if the current process is obsolete */ public function DoForcePingTimeout() { while (true) { self::$redis->watch($this->key); $savedtime = self::$redis->get($this->key); if ($savedtime === false || $savedtime < $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) { $res = self::$redis->multi()->setex($this->key,self::TTL, $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'])->exec(); if ($res === false) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "DoForcePingTimeout(): set just failed, retrying"); continue; } else { return false; } } if ($savedtime === $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) { self::$redis->unwatch(); return false; } if ($savedtime > $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) { self::$redis->unwatch(); return true; } } } }
Replace array access to slims's container with a call to 'get'.
<?php /** * PHP version 7.0 * * This source file is subject to the license that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE. */ namespace Ewallet\Slim\Providers; use Pimple\{Container, ServiceProviderInterface}; use Slim\App; use Slim\Http\{Request, Response}; class EwalletControllerProvider implements ServiceProviderInterface { /** @var App */ private $app; /** * @param App $app */ public function __construct(App $app) { $this->app = $app; } /** * @param Container $container */ public function register(Container $container) { $router = $this->app->getContainer()->get('router'); $this->app->get( '/', function (Request $request, Response $response) use ($router) { return $response->withRedirect($request->getUri()->withPath( $router->pathFor('transfer_form') )); } )->setName('ewallet_home'); $this->app->get( '/transfer-form', 'ewallet.transfer_form_controller:enterTransferInformation' )->setName('transfer_form'); $this->app->post( '/transfer-funds', 'ewallet.transfer_funds_controller:transfer' )->setName('transfer_funds'); } }
<?php /** * PHP version 7.0 * * This source file is subject to the license that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE. */ namespace Ewallet\Slim\Providers; use Pimple\{Container, ServiceProviderInterface}; use Slim\App; use Slim\Http\{Request, Response}; class EwalletControllerProvider implements ServiceProviderInterface { /** @var App */ private $app; /** * @param App $app */ public function __construct(App $app) { $this->app = $app; } /** * @param Container $container */ public function register(Container $container) { $router = $this->app->getContainer()['router']; $this->app->get( '/', function (Request $request, Response $response) use ($router) { return $response->withRedirect($request->getUri()->withPath( $router->pathFor('transfer_form') )); } )->setName('ewallet_home'); $this->app->get( '/transfer-form', 'ewallet.transfer_form_controller:enterTransferInformation' )->setName('transfer_form'); $this->app->post( '/transfer-funds', 'ewallet.transfer_funds_controller:transfer' )->setName('transfer_funds'); } }
Set default state property values to `null`
/* eslint-disable */ // export default function detailReducer(state = {}, action) { /* istanbul ignore next */ window.reducers = window.reducers || {}; window.reducers.detailReducer = (state = {}, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'FETCH_DETAIL': return { ...state, dataSelection: null, detail: { endpoint: action.payload, reload: Boolean(state.detail && state.detail.endpoint === action.payload), isLoading: true, isFullscreen: action.payload && action.payload.includes('catalogus/api') }, layerSelection: { ...state.layerSelection, isEnabled: false }, map: { ...state.map, isFullscreen: false, isLoading: true }, page: { ...state.page, name: null, type: null }, search: null, straatbeeld: null }; case 'SHOW_DETAIL': return { ...state, detail: { ...state.detail, display: action.payload.display, geometry: action.payload.geometry, isFullscreen: action.payload.isFullscreen, isLoading: false, reload: false }, map: { ...state.map, isLoading: false } }; default: return state; } };
/* eslint-disable */ // export default function detailReducer(state = {}, action) { /* istanbul ignore next */ window.reducers = window.reducers || {}; window.reducers.detailReducer = (state = {}, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'FETCH_DETAIL': return { ...state, dataSelection: null, detail: { endpoint: action.payload, reload: Boolean(state.detail && state.detail.endpoint === action.payload), isLoading: true, isFullscreen: action.payload && action.payload.includes('catalogus/api') }, layerSelection: { ...state.layerSelection, isEnabled: false }, map: { ...state.map, isFullscreen: false, isLoading: true }, page: { ...state.page, name: '', type: '' }, search: null, straatbeeld: null }; case 'SHOW_DETAIL': return { ...state, detail: { ...state.detail, display: action.payload.display, geometry: action.payload.geometry, isFullscreen: action.payload.isFullscreen, isLoading: false, reload: false }, map: { ...state.map, isLoading: false } }; default: return state; } };
Remove self.debug as LoggerMixin was removed from new versions of rapidsms.
import pprint import logging import datetime from twilio.rest import TwilioRestClient from rapidsms.backends.base import BackendBase logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TwilioBackend(BackendBase): """A RapidSMS backend for Twilio (http://www.twilio.com/).""" def configure(self, config=None, **kwargs): self.config = config self.client = TwilioRestClient(self.config['account_sid'], self.config['auth_token']) def prepare_message(self, id_, text, identities, context): encoding = self.config.get('encoding', 'ascii') encoding_errors = self.config.get('encoding_errors', 'ignore') data = { 'from_': self.config['number'], 'body': text.encode(encoding, encoding_errors), } if 'callback' in self.config: data['status_callback'] = self.config['callback'] return data def send(self, id_, text, identities, context={}): logger.debug('Sending message: %s' % text) data = self.prepare_message(id_, text, identities, context) for identity in identities: data['to'] = identity logger.debug('POST data: %s' % pprint.pformat(data)) try: self.client.sms.messages.create(**data) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed to create Twilio message") raise
import pprint import logging import datetime from twilio.rest import TwilioRestClient from rapidsms.backends.base import BackendBase logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TwilioBackend(BackendBase): """A RapidSMS backend for Twilio (http://www.twilio.com/).""" def configure(self, config=None, **kwargs): self.config = config self.client = TwilioRestClient(self.config['account_sid'], self.config['auth_token']) def prepare_message(self, id_, text, identities, context): encoding = self.config.get('encoding', 'ascii') encoding_errors = self.config.get('encoding_errors', 'ignore') data = { 'from_': self.config['number'], 'body': text.encode(encoding, encoding_errors), } if 'callback' in self.config: data['status_callback'] = self.config['callback'] return data def send(self, id_, text, identities, context={}): logger.debug('Sending message: %s' % text) data = self.prepare_message(id_, text, identities, context) for identity in identities: data['to'] = identity self.debug('POST data: %s' % pprint.pformat(data)) try: self.client.sms.messages.create(**data) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed to create Twilio message") raise
Add setDateTime(DateTime) and setPriority(Priority) methods
package tars.testutil; import tars.model.task.*; import tars.model.tag.UniqueTagList; /** * A mutable task object. For testing only. */ public class TestTask implements ReadOnlyTask { private Name name; private UniqueTagList tags; private DateTime dateTime; private Status status; private Priority priority; public TestTask() { tags = new UniqueTagList(); } public void setName(Name name) { this.name = name; } public void setDateTime(DateTime dateTime) { this.dateTime = dateTime; } public void setPriority(Priority priority) { this.priority = priority; } @Override public Name getName() { return name; } @Override public DateTime getDateTime() { return dateTime; } @Override public Status getStatus() { return status; } @Override public Priority getPriority() { return priority; } @Override public UniqueTagList getTags() { return tags; } @Override public String toString() { return getAsText(); } public String getAddCommand() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("add " + this.getName().taskName + " "); sb.append("-dt " + this.getDateTime().toString() + " "); sb.append("-p " + this.getPriority().toString() + " "); this.getTags().getInternalList().stream().forEach(s -> sb.append("t/" + s.tagName + " ")); return sb.toString(); } }
package tars.testutil; import tars.model.task.*; import tars.model.tag.UniqueTagList; /** * A mutable task object. For testing only. */ public class TestTask implements ReadOnlyTask { private Name name; private UniqueTagList tags; private DateTime dateTime; private Status status; private Priority priority; public TestTask() { tags = new UniqueTagList(); } public void setName(Name name) { this.name = name; } @Override public Name getName() { return name; } @Override public DateTime getDateTime() { return dateTime; } @Override public Status getStatus() { return status; } @Override public Priority getPriority() { return priority; } @Override public UniqueTagList getTags() { return tags; } @Override public String toString() { return getAsText(); } public String getAddCommand() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("add " + this.getName().taskName + " "); sb.append("-dt " + this.getDateTime().toString() + " "); sb.append("-p " + this.getPriority().toString() + " "); this.getTags().getInternalList().stream().forEach(s -> sb.append("t/" + s.tagName + " ")); return sb.toString(); } }
Remove dependency on unicodecsv module
# I started here: https://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/renderers/#example import csv import io import logging from rest_framework import renderers logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SimpleCSVRenderer(renderers.BaseRenderer): """Renders simple 1-level-deep data as csv""" media_type = "text/plain" # should we use text/csv instead? format = "csv" def render(self, data, media_type=None, renderer_context={}): if "results" not in data: logger.warning(f"no results in data: {str(data)}") # Is this the right thing to do? detail = data.get("detail", "unexpected error") return detail table_data = self.to_table(data["results"]) csv_buffer = io.StringIO() writer = csv.writer(csv_buffer) for row in table_data: writer.writerow(row) return csv_buffer.getvalue().encode("utf-8") def to_table(self, data, fields=None): """Generator to stream the data as a series of rows""" if data: if fields is None: fields = data[0].keys() yield fields for item in data: row = [item.get(key, None) for key in fields] yield row
# I started here: https://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/renderers/#example from rest_framework import renderers import unicodecsv as csv import io import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SimpleCSVRenderer(renderers.BaseRenderer): """Renders simple 1-level-deep data as csv""" media_type = "text/plain" # should we use text/csv instead? format = "csv" def render(self, data, media_type=None, renderer_context={}): if "results" not in data: logger.warning(f"no results in data: {str(data)}") # Is this the right thing to do? detail = data.get("detail", "unexpected error") return detail table_data = self.to_table(data["results"]) csv_buffer = io.BytesIO() writer = csv.writer(csv_buffer) for row in table_data: writer.writerow(row) return csv_buffer.getvalue() def to_table(self, data, fields=None): """Generator to stream the data as a series of rows""" if data: if fields is None: fields = data[0].keys() yield fields for item in data: row = [item.get(key, None) for key in fields] yield row
Change timeout type, increase to 2s
<?php namespace App; use Exception; use GuzzleHttp\Client; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class Node extends Model { function online() { try { $client = new Client(['exceptions' => false]); $res = $client->request('GET', $this->url.'/ping', ['timeout' => 2, 'headers' => ['X-AllCall-Key' => $this->key] ]); if ($res->getStatusCode() == 200) return true; } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } function status() { try { $client = new Client(['exceptions' => false]); $res = $client->request('GET', $this->url.'/status', ['timeout' => 2, 'headers' => ['X-AllCall-Key' => $this->key] ]); if ($res->getStatusCode() == 200) return json_decode($res->getBody())->response; if ($res->getStatusCode() == 401) return "Invalid Key"; else return false; } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } }
<?php namespace App; use Exception; use GuzzleHttp\Client; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class Node extends Model { function online() { try { $client = new Client(['exceptions' => false]); $res = $client->request('GET', $this->url.'/ping', ['connect_timeout' => 1, 'headers' => ['X-AllCall-Key' => $this->key] ]); if ($res->getStatusCode() == 200) return true; } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } function status() { try { $client = new Client(['exceptions' => false]); $res = $client->request('GET', $this->url.'/status', ['connect_timeout' => 1, 'headers' => ['X-AllCall-Key' => $this->key] ]); if ($res->getStatusCode() == 200) return json_decode($res->getBody())->response; if ($res->getStatusCode() == 401) return "Invalid Key"; else return false; } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } }
Update onEvents schema to allow array of signal/scale listeners.
export default { "defs": { "listener": { "oneOf": [ {"$ref": "#/refs/signal"}, { "type": "object", "properties": { "scale": {"type": "string"} }, "required": ["scale"] }, {"$ref": "#/defs/stream"} ] }, "onEvents": { "type": "array", "items": { "allOf": [ { "type": "object", "properties": { "events": { "oneOf": [ {"$ref": "#/refs/selector"}, {"$ref": "#/defs/listener"}, { "type": "array", "minItems": 1, "items": {"$ref": "#/defs/listener"} } ] }, "force": {"type": "boolean"} }, "required": ["events"] }, { "oneOf": [ { "type": "object", "properties": { "encode": {"type": "string"} }, "required": ["encode"] }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "update": { "oneOf": [ {"$ref": "#/refs/exprString"}, {"$ref": "#/refs/expr"}, {"$ref": "#/refs/signal"}, { "type": "object", "properties": {"value": {}}, "required": ["value"] } ] } }, "required": ["update"] } ] } ] } } } };
export default { "defs": { "onEvents": { "type": "array", "items": { "allOf": [ { "type": "object", "properties": { "events": { "oneOf": [ {"$ref": "#/refs/selector"}, {"$ref": "#/refs/signal"}, { "type": "object", "properties": { "scale": {"type": "string"} }, "required": ["scale"] }, {"$ref": "#/defs/stream"}, { "type": "array", "minItems": 1, "items": {"$ref": "#/defs/stream"} } ] }, "force": {"type": "boolean"} }, "required": ["events"] }, { "oneOf": [ { "type": "object", "properties": { "encode": {"type": "string"} }, "required": ["encode"] }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "update": { "oneOf": [ {"$ref": "#/refs/exprString"}, {"$ref": "#/refs/expr"}, {"$ref": "#/refs/signal"}, { "type": "object", "properties": {"value": {}}, "required": ["value"] } ] } }, "required": ["update"] } ] } ] } } } };
Fix checking of limit parameter
from twisted.words.protocols import irc from txircd.modbase import Mode class LimitMode(Mode): def checkSet(self, user, target, param): try: intParam = int(param) except ValueError: return [False, param] if str(intParam) != param: return [False, param] return [(intParam > 0), param] def checkPermission(self, user, cmd, data): if cmd != "JOIN": return data targetChannels = data["targetchan"] keys = data["keys"] removeChannels = [] for channel in targetChannels: if "l" in channel.mode and len(channel.users) >= int(channel.mode["l"]): user.sendMessage(irc.ERR_CHANNELISFULL, channel.name, ":Cannot join channel (Channel is full)") removeChannels.append(channel) for channel in removeChannels: index = targetChannels.index(channel) targetChannels.pop(index) keys.pop(index) data["targetchan"] = targetChannels data["keys"] = keys return data class Spawner(object): def __init__(self, ircd): self.ircd = ircd def spawn(self): return { "modes": { "cpl": LimitMode() }, "common": True } def cleanup(self): self.ircd.removeMode("cpl")
from twisted.words.protocols import irc from txircd.modbase import Mode class LimitMode(Mode): def checkSet(self, user, target, param): intParam = int(param) if str(intParam) != param: return [False, param] return [(intParam >= 0), param] def checkPermission(self, user, cmd, data): if cmd != "JOIN": return data targetChannels = data["targetchan"] keys = data["keys"] removeChannels = [] for channel in targetChannels: if "l" in channel.mode and len(channel.users) >= int(channel.mode["l"]): user.sendMessage(irc.ERR_CHANNELISFULL, channel.name, ":Cannot join channel (Channel is full)") removeChannels.append(channel) for channel in removeChannels: index = targetChannels.index(channel) targetChannels.pop(index) keys.pop(index) data["targetchan"] = targetChannels data["keys"] = keys return data class Spawner(object): def __init__(self, ircd): self.ircd = ircd def spawn(self): return { "modes": { "cpl": LimitMode() }, "common": True } def cleanup(self): self.ircd.removeMode("cpl")
Rename „lint“ mode to „validate“
const minimist = require('minimist'); // prepare CLI arguments const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { boolean: ["dev", "debug", "d", "v", "validate", "help", "version"], string: ["init"], }); const cwd = process.cwd(); module.exports = { runnerPath: `${cwd}/kabafile.js`, modulePath: `${cwd}/node_modules/kaba`, app: getAppEnvironment(argv), verbose: argv.v, arguments: argv._, init: argv.init || null, version: argv.version, help: argv.help, }; /** * * @param {{dev: boolean, debug: boolean, d: boolean, v: boolean, validate: boolean}} argv * * @return {KabaAppEnvironment} */ function getAppEnvironment (argv) { const env = { debug: false, lint: false, watch: false, verbose: false, mode: "compile", cliVersion: null, }; if (argv.d || argv.dev) { env.debug = true; env.lint = true; env.watch = true; } if (argv.debug) { env.debug = true; } if (argv.v) { env.verbose = true; } if (argv.validate) { env.lint = true; env.mode = "validate"; } if (argv.debug) { env.debug = true; } return env; }
const minimist = require('minimist'); // prepare CLI arguments const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { boolean: ["dev", "debug", "d", "v", "lint", "help", "version"], string: ["init"], }); const cwd = process.cwd(); module.exports = { runnerPath: `${cwd}/kabafile.js`, modulePath: `${cwd}/node_modules/kaba`, app: getAppEnvironment(argv), verbose: argv.v, arguments: argv._, init: argv.init || null, version: argv.version, help: argv.help, }; /** * * @param {{dev: boolean, debug: boolean, d: boolean, v: boolean, lint: boolean}} argv * * @return {KabaAppEnvironment} */ function getAppEnvironment (argv) { const env = { debug: false, lint: false, watch: false, verbose: false, mode: "compile", cliVersion: null, }; if (argv.d || argv.dev) { env.debug = true; env.lint = true; env.watch = true; } if (argv.debug) { env.debug = true; } if (argv.v) { env.verbose = true; } if (argv.lint) { env.lint = true; env.mode = "lint"; } if (argv.debug) { env.debug = true; } return env; }
Use style loader instead of raw loader for css and get rid of html-raw loader
const path = require('path'); var webpack = require('webpack'); const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { devtool: 'source-map', entry: { 'main': './main.ts' }, module: { loaders: [ {test: /\.ts$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: 'ts-loader'}, {test: /\.css$/, loader: 'style-loader!css-loader'}, {test: /\.woff($|\?)|\.woff2($|\?)|\.ttf($|\?)|\.eot($|\?)|\.svg($|\?)/, loader: 'url-loader'} ] }, output: { path: './dist', filename: 'bundle.js' }, plugins: [ new CopyWebpackPlugin( [ { from: './index.html', to: 'index.html' } ] ), new webpack.ProvidePlugin( { jQuery: 'jquery', $: 'jquery', jquery: 'jquery' } ) ], resolve: { extensions: ['.ts', '.js'] } };
const path = require('path'); var webpack = require('webpack'); const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { devtool: 'source-map', entry: { 'main': './main.ts' }, module: { loaders: [ {test: /\.css$/, loader: 'raw-loader'}, {test: /\.html$/, loader: 'raw-loader'}, {test: /\.ts$/, loader: 'ts-loader'}, {test: /\.woff($|\?)|\.woff2($|\?)|\.ttf($|\?)|\.eot($|\?)|\.svg($|\?)/, loader: 'url-loader'} ] }, output: { path: './dist', filename: 'bundle.js' }, plugins: [ new CopyWebpackPlugin( [ { from: './index.html', to: 'index.html' } ] ), new webpack.ProvidePlugin( { jQuery: 'jquery', $: 'jquery', jquery: 'jquery' } ) ], resolve: { extensions: ['.ts', '.js'] } };
Fix typo in dependency-injected property name.
<?php namespace Northstar\Http\Controllers; use Northstar\Services\AWS; use Northstar\Models\User; use Illuminate\Http\Request; class AvatarController extends Controller { /** * Amazon Web Services API wrapper. * @var AWS */ protected $aws; public function __construct(AWS $aws) { $this->aws = $aws; $this->middleware('key:user'); $this->middleware('auth'); } /** * Store a new avatar for a user. * POST /users/:id/avatar * * @param Request $request * @param $id - User ID * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request, $id) { if ($request->file('photo')) { $file = $request->file('photo'); } else { $file = $request->photo; } $this->validate($request, [ 'photo' => 'required', ]); $filename = $this->aws->storeImage('avatars', $id, $file); // Save filename to User model $user = User::where('_id', $id)->first(); $user->photo = $filename; $user->save(); // Respond to user with success and photo URL return $this->respond($user); } }
<?php namespace Northstar\Http\Controllers; use Northstar\Services\AWS; use Northstar\Models\User; use Illuminate\Http\Request; class AvatarController extends Controller { /** * Amazon Web Services API wrapper. * @var AWS */ protected $phoenix; public function __construct(AWS $aws) { $this->aws = $aws; $this->middleware('key:user'); $this->middleware('auth'); } /** * Store a new avatar for a user. * POST /users/:id/avatar * * @param Request $request * @param $id - User ID * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request, $id) { if ($request->file('photo')) { $file = $request->file('photo'); } else { $file = $request->photo; } $this->validate($request, [ 'photo' => 'required', ]); $filename = $this->aws->storeImage('avatars', $id, $file); // Save filename to User model $user = User::where('_id', $id)->first(); $user->photo = $filename; $user->save(); // Respond to user with success and photo URL return $this->respond($user); } }
Add now navigates to Lists page
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux'; import { addNewList } from '../actions'; class ListEdit extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = {listName: ''}; } saveClickHandler(e) { e.preventDefault(); console.log("saveClickHandler", this); this.props.addNewList(this.state.listName); this.props.history.push('/'); } cancelClickHandler(e) { e.preventDefault(); console.log("cancelClickHandler"); } render() { //console.log('edit List', props); let screenTitle = this.props.params.listId ? "Edit List" : "Add new List"; return ( <div> <h3>{screenTitle}</h3> <input type="text" placeholder="Name of List" onChange={event => this.setState({listName: event.target.value})} /> <div className="footer"> <a onClick={this.cancelClickHandler.bind(this)} href="#">Cancel</a> &nbsp; <a onClick={this.saveClickHandler.bind(this)} href="#">Save</a> </div> </div> ) } } function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { "use strict"; return bindActionCreators({addNewList}, dispatch); } export default connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(ListEdit);
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux'; import { addNewList } from '../actions'; class ListEdit extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = {listName: ''}; } saveClickHandler(e) { e.preventDefault(); console.log("saveClickHandler", this); this.props.addNewList(this.state.listName); } cancelClickHandler(e) { e.preventDefault(); console.log("cancelClickHandler"); } render() { //console.log('edit List', props); let screenTitle = this.props.params.listId ? "Edit List" : "Add new List"; return ( <div> <h3>{screenTitle}</h3> <input type="text" placeholder="Name of List" onChange={event => this.setState({listName: event.target.value})} /> <div className="footer"> <a onClick={this.cancelClickHandler.bind(this)} href="#">Cancel</a> &nbsp; <a onClick={this.saveClickHandler.bind(this)} href="#">Save</a> </div> </div> ) } } function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { "use strict"; return bindActionCreators({addNewList}, dispatch); } export default connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(ListEdit);
Return user after oauth login
<?php namespace Facilis\Users\OAuth2; use League\OAuth2\Client\Exception\IDPException; use League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\ProviderInterface; use Nette\Object; class LoginService extends Object { /** * @var IStateStorage */ private $stateStorage; function __construct(IStateStorage $stateStorage) { $this->stateStorage = $stateStorage; } public function login(ProviderInterface $provider, $code, $state, IOAuthAccountManager $manager) { if ($code === null) { // If we don't have an authorization code then get one $authUrl = $provider->getAuthorizationUrl(); $this->stateStorage->storeState($provider->state); header('Location: ' . $authUrl); // Check given state against previously stored one to mitigate CSRF attack } elseif ($state === null || ($state !== $this->stateStorage->loadState())) { $this->stateStorage->storeState(null); throw new InvalidStateException(); } else { // Try to get an access token (using the authorization code grant) $token = $provider->getAccessToken('authorization_code', [ 'code' => $code ]); // Optional: Now you have a token you can look up a users profile data try { // We got an access token, let's now get the user's details $userDetails = $provider->getUserDetails($token); return $manager->persistOAuthAccount(get_class($provider), $token, $userDetails); } catch (IDPException $e) { throw new AuthenticationException; } } } }
<?php namespace Facilis\Users\OAuth2; use League\OAuth2\Client\Exception\IDPException; use League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\ProviderInterface; use Nette\Object; class LoginService extends Object { /** * @var IStateStorage */ private $stateStorage; function __construct(IStateStorage $stateStorage) { $this->stateStorage = $stateStorage; } public function login(ProviderInterface $provider, $code, $state, IOAuthAccountManager $manager) { if ($code === null) { // If we don't have an authorization code then get one $authUrl = $provider->getAuthorizationUrl(); $this->stateStorage->storeState($provider->state); header('Location: ' . $authUrl); // Check given state against previously stored one to mitigate CSRF attack } elseif ($state === null || ($state !== $this->stateStorage->loadState())) { $this->stateStorage->storeState(null); throw new InvalidStateException(); } else { // Try to get an access token (using the authorization code grant) $token = $provider->getAccessToken('authorization_code', [ 'code' => $code ]); // Optional: Now you have a token you can look up a users profile data try { // We got an access token, let's now get the user's details $userDetails = $provider->getUserDetails($token); $manager->persistOAuthAccount(get_class($provider), $token, $userDetails); } catch (IDPException $e) { throw new AuthenticationException; } } } }
Upgrade nose to 1.3.1 for Travis
#!/usr/bin/env python2 import os from setuptools import setup, find_packages from plugins import __version__ repo_directory = os.path.dirname(__file__) try: long_description = open(os.path.join(repo_directory, 'README.rst')).read() except: long_description = None setup( name='gds-nagios-plugins', version=__version__, packages=find_packages(exclude=['test*']), author='Tom Booth', author_email='[email protected]', maintainer='Government Digital Service', url='https://github.com/alphagov/nagios-plugins', description='nagios-plugins: a set of useful nagios plugins', long_description=long_description, license='MIT', keywords='', setup_requires=['setuptools-pep8'], install_requires=[ "nagioscheck==0.1.6" ], tests_require=[ "nose==1.3.1", "freezegun==0.1.11" ], test_suite='nose.collector', entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'check_apt_security_updates=' 'plugins.command.check_apt_security_updates:main', 'check_reboot_required=plugins.command.check_reboot_required:main', 'check_elasticsearch=plugins.command.check_elasticsearch:main' ] } )
#!/usr/bin/env python2 import os from setuptools import setup, find_packages from plugins import __version__ repo_directory = os.path.dirname(__file__) try: long_description = open(os.path.join(repo_directory, 'README.rst')).read() except: long_description = None setup( name='gds-nagios-plugins', version=__version__, packages=find_packages(exclude=['test*']), author='Tom Booth', author_email='[email protected]', maintainer='Government Digital Service', url='https://github.com/alphagov/nagios-plugins', description='nagios-plugins: a set of useful nagios plugins', long_description=long_description, license='MIT', keywords='', setup_requires=['setuptools-pep8'], install_requires=[ "nagioscheck==0.1.6" ], tests_require=[ "nose==1.3.0", "freezegun==0.1.11" ], test_suite='nose.collector', entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'check_apt_security_updates=' 'plugins.command.check_apt_security_updates:main', 'check_reboot_required=plugins.command.check_reboot_required:main', 'check_elasticsearch=plugins.command.check_elasticsearch:main' ] } )
Fix "bin/cm migration add" again
<?php class CM_Migration_Manager implements CM_Service_ManagerAwareInterface { use CM_Service_ManagerAwareTrait; /** @var string[] */ private $_modules; /** * @param CM_Service_Manager $serviceManager * @param string[] $modules */ public function __construct(CM_Service_Manager $serviceManager, array $modules) { $this->setServiceManager($serviceManager); $this->_modules = $modules; } /** * @return CM_Migration_Loader */ public function getLoader() { return new CM_Migration_Loader($this->getServiceManager(), $this->_getMigrationPaths()); } /** * @return array */ protected function _getMigrationPaths() { $paths = [ self::getMigrationPathByModule(), ]; foreach ($this->_modules as $moduleName) { $paths[] = self::getMigrationPathByModule($moduleName); } return $paths; } /** * @param string|null $moduleName * @return string */ public static function getMigrationPathByModule($moduleName = null) { $modulePath = null !== $moduleName ? CM_Util::getModulePath((string) $moduleName) : DIR_ROOT; return join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$modulePath, 'resources', 'migration']); } }
<?php class CM_Migration_Manager implements CM_Service_ManagerAwareInterface { use CM_Service_ManagerAwareTrait; /** @var string[] */ private $_modules; /** * @param CM_Service_Manager $serviceManager * @param string[] $modules */ public function __construct(CM_Service_Manager $serviceManager, array $modules) { $this->setServiceManager($serviceManager); $this->_modules = $modules; } /** * @return CM_Migration_Loader */ public function getLoader() { return new CM_Migration_Loader($this->getServiceManager(), $this->_getMigrationPaths()); } /** * @return array */ protected function _getMigrationPaths() { $paths = [ $this->_getMigrationPathByModule(), ]; foreach ($this->_modules as $moduleName) { $paths[] = self::getMigrationPathByModule($moduleName); } return $paths; } /** * @param string|null $moduleName * @return string */ public static function getMigrationPathByModule($moduleName = null) { $modulePath = null !== $moduleName ? CM_Util::getModulePath((string) $moduleName) : DIR_ROOT; return join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$modulePath, 'resources', 'migration']); } }
Allow PHP response to send MultipleHeaders safely - Detect MultipleHeaderDescription - when found, pass boolean false as second argument to header()
<?php namespace Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment; use Zend\Http\Header\MultipleHeaderDescription, Zend\Http\Response as HttpResponse, Zend\Stdlib\Parameters; class Response extends HttpResponse { protected $headersSent = false; protected $contentSent = false; public function __construct() { } public function headersSent() { return $this->headersSent; } public function contentSent() { return $this->contentSent; } public function sendHeaders() { if ($this->headersSent()) { return; } $version = $this->getVersion(); $code = $this->getStatusCode(); $message = $this->getReasonPhrase(); $status = sprintf('HTTP/%s %d %s', $version, $code, $message); header($status); foreach ($this->headers() as $header) { if ($header instanceof MultipleHeaderDescription) { header($header->toString(), false); continue; } header($header->toString()); } $this->headersSent = true; return $this; } public function sendContent() { if ($this->contentSent()) { return; } echo $this->getContent(); $this->contentSent = true; return $this; } public function send() { $this->sendHeaders() ->sendContent(); return $this; } }
<?php namespace Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment; use Zend\Http\Response as HttpResponse, Zend\Stdlib\Parameters; class Response extends HttpResponse { protected $headersSent = false; protected $contentSent = false; public function __construct() { } public function headersSent() { return $this->headersSent; } public function contentSent() { return $this->contentSent; } public function sendHeaders() { if ($this->headersSent()) { return; } $version = $this->getVersion(); $code = $this->getStatusCode(); $message = $this->getReasonPhrase(); $status = sprintf('HTTP/%s %d %s', $version, $code, $message); header($status); foreach ($this->headers() as $header) { header($header->toString()); } $this->headersSent = true; return $this; } public function sendContent() { if ($this->contentSent()) { return; } echo $this->getContent(); $this->contentSent = true; return $this; } public function send() { $this->sendHeaders() ->sendContent(); return $this; } }
Fix the gift certificate module so that an invalid code won't throw an exception.
""" GiftCertificate processor """ from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from l10n.utils import moneyfmt from models import GiftCertificate from payment.modules.base import BasePaymentProcessor, ProcessorResult, NOTSET class PaymentProcessor(BasePaymentProcessor): def __init__(self, settings): super(PaymentProcessor, self).__init__('giftcertificate', settings) def capture_payment(self, testing=False, order=None, amount=NOTSET): """ Process the transaction and return a ProcessorResponse """ if not order: order = self.order if amount==NOTSET: amount = order.balance payment = None valid_gc = False if self.order.paid_in_full: success = True reason_code = "0" response_text = _("No balance to pay") else: try: gc = GiftCertificate.objects.from_order(self.order) valid_gc = gc.valid except GiftCertificate.DoesNotExist: success = False reason_code="1" response_text = _("No such Gift Certificate") if not valid_gc: success = False reason_code="2" response_text = _("Bad Gift Certificate") else: gc.apply_to_order(self.order) payment = gc.orderpayment reason_code = "0" response_text = _("Success") success = True if not self.order.paid_in_full: response_text = _("%s balance remains after gift certificate was applied") % moneyfmt(self.order.balance) return ProcessorResult(self.key, success, response_text, payment=payment)
""" GiftCertificate processor """ from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from l10n.utils import moneyfmt from models import GiftCertificate from payment.modules.base import BasePaymentProcessor, ProcessorResult, NOTSET class PaymentProcessor(BasePaymentProcessor): def __init__(self, settings): super(PaymentProcessor, self).__init__('giftcertificate', settings) def capture_payment(self, testing=False, order=None, amount=NOTSET): """ Process the transaction and return a ProcessorResponse """ if not order: order = self.order if amount==NOTSET: amount = order.balance payment = None if self.order.paid_in_full: success = True reason_code = "0" response_text = _("No balance to pay") else: try: gc = GiftCertificate.objects.from_order(self.order) except GiftCertificate.DoesNotExist: success = False reason_code="1" response_text = _("No such Gift Certificate") if not gc.valid: success = False reason_code="2" response_text = _("Bad Gift Certificate") else: gc.apply_to_order(self.order) payment = gc.orderpayment reason_code = "0" response_text = _("Success") success = True if not self.order.paid_in_full: response_text = _("%s balance remains after gift certificate was applied") % moneyfmt(self.order.balance) return ProcessorResult(self.key, success, response_text, payment=payment)
Add guard for orphaned references
<?php namespace TeiEditionBundle\Entity; /** * * */ trait ArticleReferencesTrait { /* Currently simple sort by article title */ protected function sortArticleReferences($articleReferences) { usort($articleReferences, function ($a, $b) { return strcmp(mb_strtolower($a->getArticle()->getName(), 'UTF-8'), mb_strtolower($b->getArticle()->getName(), 'UTF-8')); }); return $articleReferences; } public function getArticleReferences($lang = null, $ignoreArticles = null) { if (is_null($this->articleReferences)) { return []; } if (is_null($lang)) { return $this->articleReferences->toArray(); } $langCode3 = \TeiEditionBundle\Utils\Iso639::code1to3($lang); $ignoreArticleIds = []; if (!is_null($ignoreArticles)) { foreach ($ignoreArticles as $article) { $ignoreArticleIds[] = $article->getId(); } } return $this->sortArticleReferences($this->articleReferences->filter( function ($entity) use ($langCode3, $ignoreArticleIds) { if (is_null($entity->getArticle())) { // orphaned references, should only happen on manual delete return false; } if (in_array($entity->getArticle()->getId(), $ignoreArticleIds)) { return false; } return 1 == $entity->getArticle()->getStatus() && $entity->getArticle()->getLanguage() == $langCode3; } )->toArray()); } }
<?php namespace TeiEditionBundle\Entity; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; /** * * */ trait ArticleReferencesTrait { /* Currently simple sort by article title */ protected function sortArticleReferences($articleReferences) { usort($articleReferences, function ($a, $b) { return strcmp(mb_strtolower($a->getArticle()->getName(), 'UTF-8'), mb_strtolower($b->getArticle()->getName(), 'UTF-8')); }); return $articleReferences; } public function getArticleReferences($lang = null, $ignoreArticles = null) { if (is_null($this->articleReferences)) { return []; } if (is_null($lang)) { return $this->articleReferences->toArray(); } $langCode3 = \TeiEditionBundle\Utils\Iso639::code1to3($lang); $ignoreArticleIds = []; if (!is_null($ignoreArticles)) { foreach ($ignoreArticles as $article) { $ignoreArticleIds[] = $article->getId(); } } return $this->sortArticleReferences($this->articleReferences->filter( function ($entity) use ($langCode3, $ignoreArticleIds) { if (in_array($entity->getArticle()->getId(), $ignoreArticleIds)) { return false; } return 1 == $entity->getArticle()->getStatus() && $entity->getArticle()->getLanguage() == $langCode3; } )->toArray()); } }
Call parent with last set to True This way we get __parent__.site set to a valid site, or it raises an error. We may want to change this in the future...
import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) from uuid import UUID from pyramid.compat import string_types from .... import models as m class Entries(object): """Entries Traversal object for a site ID """ __name__ = None __parent__ = None def __init__(self): self.__name__ = 'entries' log.debug("Entries!") def __getitem__(self, key): """Check to see if we can traverse this ...""" next_ctx = None if next_ctx is None: raise KeyError else: next_ctx.__parent__ = self return next_ctx def finalise(self, last=True): """Attempts to find all entries for a certain site :last: If this is the last context in the tree. :returns: None """ if self.__parent__ is not None: # Finalise the parent first self.__parent__.finalise(last=True) # Get the entries variable from the parent self.site = self.__parent__.site self.entries = m.DBSession.query(m.Entry).filter(m.Entry.site == self.site) else: # We need a parent ... raise ValueError
import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) from uuid import UUID from pyramid.compat import string_types from .... import models as m class Entries(object): """Entries Traversal object for a site ID """ __name__ = None __parent__ = None def __init__(self): self.__name__ = 'entries' log.debug("Entries!") def __getitem__(self, key): """Check to see if we can traverse this ...""" next_ctx = None if next_ctx is None: raise KeyError else: next_ctx.__parent__ = self return next_ctx def finalise(self, last=True): """Attempts to find all entries for a certain site :last: If this is the last context in the tree. :returns: None """ if self.__parent__ is not None: # Finalise the parent first self.__parent__.finalise(last=False) # Get the entries variable from the parent self.site = self.__parent__.site self.site = self.site.first() if not self.site: raise ValueError('Unable to get validate site ID') self.entries = m.DBSession.query(m.Entry).filter(m.Entry.site == self.site) else: # We need a parent ... raise ValueError
Adjust --dump-config color theme for better readability Add jinja highlighting to --dump-config
from argparse import SUPPRESS import yaml from loguru import logger from rich.syntax import Syntax from flexget import options, plugin from flexget.event import event from flexget.terminal import console logger = logger.bind(name='dump_config') class OutputDumpConfig: """ Dumps task config in STDOUT in yaml at exit or abort event. """ @plugin.priority(plugin.PRIORITY_LAST) def on_task_start(self, task, config): if task.options.dump_config: console.rule(f'config from task: {task.name}') syntax = Syntax(yaml.safe_dump(task.config).strip(), 'yaml+jinja', theme='native') console(syntax) console.rule() task.abort(silent=True) if task.options.dump_config_python: console(task.config) task.abort(silent=True) @event('plugin.register') def register_plugin(): plugin.register(OutputDumpConfig, 'dump_config', debug=True, builtin=True, api_ver=2) @event('options.register') def register_parser_arguments(): exec_parser = options.get_parser('execute') exec_parser.add_argument( '--dump-config', action='store_true', dest='dump_config', default=False, help='display the config of each feed after template merging/config generation occurs', ) exec_parser.add_argument( '--dump-config-python', action='store_true', dest='dump_config_python', default=False, help=SUPPRESS, )
from argparse import SUPPRESS from loguru import logger from rich.syntax import Syntax from flexget import options, plugin from flexget.event import event from flexget.terminal import console logger = logger.bind(name='dump_config') class OutputDumpConfig: """ Dumps task config in STDOUT in yaml at exit or abort event. """ @plugin.priority(plugin.PRIORITY_LAST) def on_task_start(self, task, config): if task.options.dump_config: import yaml console.rule(f'config from task: {task.name}') syntax = Syntax(yaml.safe_dump(task.config).strip(), 'yaml') console(syntax) console.rule() task.abort(silent=True) if task.options.dump_config_python: console(task.config) task.abort(silent=True) @event('plugin.register') def register_plugin(): plugin.register(OutputDumpConfig, 'dump_config', debug=True, builtin=True, api_ver=2) @event('options.register') def register_parser_arguments(): exec_parser = options.get_parser('execute') exec_parser.add_argument( '--dump-config', action='store_true', dest='dump_config', default=False, help='display the config of each feed after template merging/config generation occurs', ) exec_parser.add_argument( '--dump-config-python', action='store_true', dest='dump_config_python', default=False, help=SUPPRESS, )
Fix typo in DataStore test
'use strict'; var test = require('tape'); var DataStore = require('../../lib/data-store/data-store'); test('----- DataStore', function(t) { t.plan(3); t.test('Registers/Retrieves modules', function(st){ st.plan(1); var name = 'test:module'; var tag = 'HEAD'; var definition = {a: 1}; DataStore.registerModule(name, tag, definition); var retrievedModule = DataStore.getModule(name, tag); st.ok(retrievedModule.a === definition.a, 'registers and retrieves modules'); }); t.test('Saves/Retrieves executed components', function(st){ st.plan(1); var component = {}; DataStore.saveExecutedComponent('body', component); var retrievedComponent = DataStore.getExecutedComponent('body'); st.ok(component === retrievedComponent, 'saved & retrieved component are equal'); }); t.test('Registers components', function(st) { st.plan(2); var component = {}; var uid = 'uid'; DataStore.registerComponent(uid, component); var retrievedComponent = DataStore.getComponent(uid); st.ok(component === retrievedComponent, 'saved & retrieved component are equal'); var component2 = {}; try { DataStore.registerComponent(uid, component2); } catch (e) { st.pass('Does not save component w/ already registered UID'); } }); });
'use strict'; var test = require('tape'); var DataStore = require('../../lib/data-store/data-store'); test('----- DataStore', function(t) { t.plan(3); t.test('Saves/Retrieves modules', function(st){ st.plan(1); var name = 'test:module'; var tag = 'HEAD'; var definition = {a: 1}; var retrievedModule = DataStore.getModule(name, tag); st.ok(retrievedModule.a === definition.a, 'saves and retrieves modules'); }); t.test('Saves/Retrieves executed components', function(st){ st.plan(1); var component = {}; DataStore.saveExecutedComponent('body', component); var retrievedComponent = DataStore.getExecutedComponent('body'); st.ok(component === retrievedComponent, 'saved & retrieved component are equal'); }); t.test('Registers components', function(st) { st.plan(2); var component = {}; var uid = 'uid'; DataStore.registerComponent(uid, component); var retrievedComponent = DataStore.getComponent(uid); st.ok(component === retrievedComponent, 'saved & retrieved component are equal'); var component2 = {}; try { DataStore.registerComponent(uid, component2); } catch (e) { st.pass('Does not save component w/ already registered UID'); } }); });
Fix a bug when the list name was not visible
import _ from 'lodash' import { COMPANY_LISTS__LISTS_LOADED, COMPANY_LISTS__SELECT, COMPANY_LISTS__COMPANIES_LOADED, COMPANY_LISTS__FILTER, COMPANY_LISTS__ORDER, } from '../../actions' import { RECENT } from './Filters' const initialState = { orderBy: RECENT, } export default ( state = initialState, { type, id, result, payload, query, orderBy } ) => { switch (type) { case COMPANY_LISTS__LISTS_LOADED: return { ...state, lists: _.mapValues(result, (name) => ({ name })), selectedId: Object.keys(result)[0], } case COMPANY_LISTS__COMPANIES_LOADED: return { ...state, lists: { ...state.lists, [payload]: { ...state.lists[payload], companies: result, }, }, } case COMPANY_LISTS__SELECT: return { ...state, selectedId: id, query: '', } case COMPANY_LISTS__FILTER: return { ...state, query } case COMPANY_LISTS__ORDER: return { ...state, orderBy } default: return state } }
import _ from 'lodash' import { COMPANY_LISTS__LISTS_LOADED, COMPANY_LISTS__SELECT, COMPANY_LISTS__COMPANIES_LOADED, COMPANY_LISTS__FILTER, COMPANY_LISTS__ORDER, } from '../../actions' import { RECENT } from './Filters' const initialState = { orderBy: RECENT, } export default ( state = initialState, { type, id, result, payload, query, orderBy } ) => { switch (type) { case COMPANY_LISTS__LISTS_LOADED: return { ...state, lists: _.mapValues(result, (title) => ({ title })), selectedId: Object.keys(result)[0], } case COMPANY_LISTS__COMPANIES_LOADED: return { ...state, lists: { ...state.lists, [payload]: { ...state.lists[payload], companies: result, }, }, } case COMPANY_LISTS__SELECT: return { ...state, selectedId: id, query: '', } case COMPANY_LISTS__FILTER: return { ...state, query } case COMPANY_LISTS__ORDER: return { ...state, orderBy } default: return state } }
Convert to base 64 using standard library
// Copyright 2018 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.container.handler; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.Base64; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes; public class LogReader { long earliestLogThreshold; long latestLogThreshold; protected JSONObject readLogs(String logDirectory, long earliestLogThreshold, long latestLogThreshold) throws IOException, JSONException { this.earliestLogThreshold = earliestLogThreshold; this.latestLogThreshold = latestLogThreshold; JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); File root = new File(logDirectory); traverse_folder(root, json, ""); return json; } private void traverse_folder(File root, JSONObject json, String filename) throws IOException, JSONException { File[] files = root.listFiles(); for(File child : files) { long logTime = Files.readAttributes(child.toPath(), BasicFileAttributes.class).creationTime().toMillis(); if(child.isFile() && earliestLogThreshold < logTime && logTime < latestLogThreshold) { json.put(filename + child.getName(), Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(Files.readAllBytes(child.toPath()))); } else if (!child.isFile()){ traverse_folder(child, json, filename + child.getName() + "-"); } } } }
// Copyright 2018 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.container.handler; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes; public class LogReader { long earliestLogThreshold; long latestLogThreshold; protected JSONObject readLogs(String logDirectory, long earliestLogThreshold, long latestLogThreshold) throws IOException, JSONException { this.earliestLogThreshold = earliestLogThreshold; this.latestLogThreshold = latestLogThreshold; JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); File root = new File(logDirectory); traverse_folder(root, json, ""); return json; } private void traverse_folder(File root, JSONObject json, String filename) throws IOException, JSONException { File[] files = root.listFiles(); for(File child : files) { long logTime = Files.readAttributes(child.toPath(), BasicFileAttributes.class).creationTime().toMillis(); if(child.isFile() && earliestLogThreshold < logTime && logTime < latestLogThreshold) { json.put(filename + child.getName(), DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(Files.readAllBytes(child.toPath()))); } else if (!child.isFile()){ traverse_folder(child, json, filename + child.getName() + "-"); } } } }
Clean up input tables class and instance declarations
from utils import write_csv_rows, read_csv_rows class input_table: def __init__(self, filename, name, headers, content=[]): self.filename = filename self.name = name self.headers = headers self.content = content connect_filename = 'connectivity.csv' connect_name = ['Connectivity Table'] connect_headers = ['x1','y1','x2','y2','E','A'] connect_tbl = input_table(connect_filename, connect_name, connect_headers) force_filename = 'forces.csv' force_name = ['Force Table'] force_headers = ['x','y','Fx','Fy'] force_tbl = input_table(force_filename, force_name, force_headers) bc_filename = 'boundary_conditions.csv' bc_name = ['Boundary Conditions'] bc_headers = ['x','y','Constrained Dimension','Displacement'] bc_tbl = input_table(bc_filename, bc_name, bc_headers) sim_filename = 'simulation_parameters.csv' sim_name = ['Simulation Parameters'] sim_headers = ['Numerical Soln Multiplier','Degrees of Freedom'] sim_content = ['1e9'] sim_tbl = input_table(sim_filename, sim_name, sim_headers, sim_content) input_files = [connect_tbl,force_tbl,bc_tbl,sim_tbl] for i in range(0,len(input_files)): tbl_list = [input_files[i].name, input_files[i].headers, input_files[i].content] write_csv_rows(input_files[i].filename,tbl_list) print(input_files[i].name[0] + ' written to ' +\ input_files[i].filename)
from utils import write_csv_rows, read_csv_rows class input_table: def __init__(self, filename, content): self.filename = filename self.content = content connect_tbl=input_table('connectivity.csv', [['Connectivity Table'], ['x1','y1','x2','y2','E','A']]) force_tbl=input_table('forces.csv', [['Force Table'], ['x','y','Fx','Fy']]) bc_tbl=input_table('boundary_conditions.csv', [['Boundary Conditions'], ['x','y','Constrained Dimension','Displacement']]) sim_tbl=input_table('simulation_parameters.csv', [['Simulation Parameters'], ['Numerical Soln Multiplier','Degrees of Freedom'], ['1e9']]) input_files=[connect_tbl,force_tbl,bc_tbl,sim_tbl] for i in range(0,len(input_files)): write_csv_rows(input_files[i].filename,input_files[i].content) print(input_files[i].content[0][0] + ' written to ' + input_files[i].filename)
feature: Allow use of snap-opt-* attrs for opts
angular.module('snap') .directive('snapContent', ['SnapConstructor', 'snapRemote', function (SnapConstructor, snapRemote) { 'use strict'; return { restrict: 'AE', link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) { element.addClass('snap-content'); var snapOptions = angular.extend({}, snapRemote.globalOptions); // Get `snapOpt*` attrs, for now there is no *binding* going on here. // We're just providing a more declarative way to set initial values. angular.forEach(attrs, function(val, attr) { if(attr.indexOf('snapOpt') === 0) { attr = attr.substring(7); if(attr.length) { attr = attr[0].toLowerCase() + attr.substring(1); snapOptions[attr] = scope.$eval(val); } } }); // Always force the snap element to be the one this directive is // attached to. snapOptions.element = element[0]; var snapId = attrs.snapId; if(!!snapId) { snapId = scope.$eval(attrs.snapId); } // override snap options if some provided in snap-options attribute if(angular.isDefined(attrs.snapOptions) && attrs.snapOptions) { angular.extend(snapOptions, scope.$eval(attrs.snapOptions)); } snapRemote.register(new SnapConstructor(snapOptions), snapId); // watch snapOptions for updates if(angular.isDefined(attrs.snapOptions) && attrs.snapOptions) { scope.$watch(attrs.snapOptions, function(newSnapOptions) { snapRemote.getSnapper(snapId).then(function(snapper) { snapper.settings(newSnapOptions); }); }, true); } scope.$on('$destroy', function() { snapRemote.unregister(snapId); }); } }; }]);
angular.module('snap') .directive('snapContent', ['SnapConstructor', 'snapRemote', function (SnapConstructor, snapRemote) { 'use strict'; return { restrict: 'AE', link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) { element.addClass('snap-content'); var snapOptions = { element: element[0] }; angular.extend(snapOptions, snapRemote.globalOptions); var snapId = attrs.snapId; if(!!snapId) { snapId = scope.$eval(attrs.snapId); } // override snap options if some provided in snap-options attribute if(angular.isDefined(attrs.snapOptions) && attrs.snapOptions) { angular.extend(snapOptions, scope.$eval(attrs.snapOptions)); } snapRemote.register(new SnapConstructor(snapOptions), snapId); // watch snapOptions for updates if(angular.isDefined(attrs.snapOptions) && attrs.snapOptions) { scope.$watch(attrs.snapOptions, function(newSnapOptions) { snapRemote.getSnapper(snapId).then(function(snapper) { snapper.settings(newSnapOptions); }); }, true); } scope.$on('$destroy', function() { snapRemote.unregister(snapId); }); } }; }]);
Add current pot and cards to client table representation
//J- package com.whippy.poker.common.beans; import java.util.List; public class ClientTable { private ClientSeat[] seats; private int id; private TableState state; private int dealerPosition; private int currentPot; private List<Card> currentCards; public ClientTable(ClientSeat[] seats, int id, TableState state, int dealerPosition, int currentPot, List<Card> currentCards) { this.seats = seats; this.id = id; this.state = state; this.dealerPosition = dealerPosition; this.setCurrentPot(currentPot); this.currentCards = currentCards; } public void setSeats(ClientSeat[] seats) { this.seats = seats; } public void setId(int id) { this.id = id; } public void setState(TableState state) { this.state = state; } public void setDealerPosition(int dealerPosition) { this.dealerPosition = dealerPosition; } public ClientTable(){ } public ClientSeat[] getSeats() { return seats; } public int getId() { return id; } public TableState getState() { return state; } public int getDealerPosition() { return dealerPosition; } public int getCurrentPot() { return currentPot; } public void setCurrentPot(int currentPot) { this.currentPot = currentPot; } public List<Card> getCurrentCards() { return currentCards; } public void setCurrentCards(List<Card> currentCards) { this.currentCards = currentCards; } } //J+
//J- package com.whippy.poker.common.beans; public class ClientTable { private ClientSeat[] seats; private int id; private TableState state; private int dealerPosition; private int currentPot; public ClientTable(ClientSeat[] seats, int id, TableState state, int dealerPosition, int currentPot) { this.seats = seats; this.id = id; this.state = state; this.dealerPosition = dealerPosition; this.currentPot = currentPot; } public void setSeats(ClientSeat[] seats) { this.seats = seats; } public void setId(int id) { this.id = id; } public void setState(TableState state) { this.state = state; } public void setDealerPosition(int dealerPosition) { this.dealerPosition = dealerPosition; } public ClientTable(){ } public ClientSeat[] getSeats() { return seats; } public int getId() { return id; } public TableState getState() { return state; } public int getDealerPosition() { return dealerPosition; } } //J+
Fix query for chat messages
/* @flow */ import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react'; import Connect from '../../../modules/store/Connect'; import ChatMessages from '../views/ChatMessages'; import type { SubscriptionRange } from '../../../modules/store/ConnectTypes'; export default class ChatMessagesContainer extends Component<void, any, SubscriptionRange> { state: SubscriptionRange = { start: Infinity, before: 20, after: 0, }; _loadMore: Function = (count: number) => { this.setState({ before: count + 20, }); }; render() { const { start, before, after } = this.state; return ( <Connect mapSubscriptionToProps={{ user: { key: { type: 'state', path: 'user' }, }, texts: { key: { slice: { type: 'text', filter: { parent_cts: [ this.props.thread ] }, order: 'createTime' }, range: { start, before, after } }, } }} passProps={{ ...this.props, loadMore: this._loadMore }} component={ChatMessages} /> ); } } ChatMessagesContainer.propTypes = { thread: PropTypes.string.isRequired };
/* @flow */ import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react'; import Connect from '../../../modules/store/Connect'; import ChatMessages from '../views/ChatMessages'; import type { SubscriptionRange } from '../../../modules/store/ConnectTypes'; export default class ChatMessagesContainer extends Component<void, any, SubscriptionRange> { state: SubscriptionRange = { start: Infinity, before: 20, after: 0, }; _loadMore: Function = (count: number) => { this.setState({ before: count + 20, }); }; render() { const { start, before, after } = this.state; return ( <Connect mapSubscriptionToProps={{ user: { key: { type: 'state', path: 'user' }, }, texts: { key: { slice: { type: 'text', filter: { thread: this.props.thread }, order: 'createTime' }, range: { start, before, after } }, } }} passProps={{ ...this.props, loadMore: this._loadMore }} component={ChatMessages} /> ); } } ChatMessagesContainer.propTypes = { thread: PropTypes.string.isRequired };
[Core] Implement twig function for variants prices map
<?php /* * This file is part of the Sylius package. * * (c) Paweł Jędrzejewski * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Sylius\Component\Core\Provider; use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\ProductInterface; use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\ProductVariantInterface; use Sylius\Component\Product\Model\ProductOptionValueInterface; /** * @author Mateusz Zalewski <[email protected]> */ final class ProductVariantsPricesProvider implements ProductVariantsPricesProviderInterface { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function provideVariantsPrices(ProductInterface $product) { $variantsPrices = []; /** @var ProductVariantInterface $variant */ foreach ($product->getVariants() as $variant) { $variantsPrices[] = $this->constructOptionsMap($variant); } return $variantsPrices; } /** * @param ProductVariantInterface $variant * * @return array */ private function constructOptionsMap(ProductVariantInterface $variant) { $optionMap = []; /** @var ProductOptionValueInterface $option */ foreach ($variant->getOptions() as $option) { $optionMap[$option->getOption()->getCode()] = $option->getValue(); } $optionMap['value'] = $variant->getPrice(); return $optionMap; } }
<?php /* * This file is part of the Sylius package. * * (c) Paweł Jędrzejewski * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Sylius\Component\Core\Provider; use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\ProductInterface; use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\ProductVariantInterface; use Sylius\Component\Product\Model\OptionValueInterface; /** * @author Mateusz Zalewski <[email protected]> */ final class ProductVariantsPricesProvider implements ProductVariantsPricesProviderInterface { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function provideVariantsPrices(ProductInterface $product) { $variantsPrices = []; /** @var ProductVariantInterface $variant */ foreach ($product->getVariants() as $variant) { $variantsPrices[] = $this->constructOptionsMap($variant); } return $variantsPrices; } /** * @param ProductVariantInterface $variant * * @return array */ private function constructOptionsMap(ProductVariantInterface $variant) { $optionMap = []; /** @var OptionValueInterface $option */ foreach ($variant->getOptions() as $option) { $optionMap[$option->getOption()->getCode()] = $option->getValue(); } $optionMap['value'] = $variant->getPrice(); return $optionMap; } }
Remove php 5.4 array tags
<?php namespace Payum\Core\Tests\Mocks\Model; use Payum\Core\Exception\LogicException; class Propel2ModelQuery { const MODEL_CLASS = "Payum\\Core\\Tests\\Mocks\\Model\\Propel2Model"; protected $filters = array(); protected $modelReflection; public function __construct() { $this->modelReflection = new \ReflectionClass(static::MODEL_CLASS); } public function filterBy($column, $value) { if (!$this->modelReflection->hasProperty($column)) { throw new LogicException(sprintf( "The model doesn't have the column '%s'", $column )); } $this->filters[] = array($column, $value); return $this; } public function findOne() { $model = new Propel2Model(); $this->applyFilters($model); return $model; } public function findPk($id) { $model = new Propel2Model(); $model->setId($id); return $model; } protected function applyFilters(Propel2Model $model) { foreach ($this->filters as $filter) { $propriety = new \ReflectionProperty(static::MODEL_CLASS, $filter[0]); $propriety->setAccessible(true); $propriety->setValue($model, $filter[1]); } } }
<?php namespace Payum\Core\Tests\Mocks\Model; use Payum\Core\Exception\LogicException; class Propel2ModelQuery { const MODEL_CLASS = "Payum\\Core\\Tests\\Mocks\\Model\\Propel2Model"; protected $filters = array(); protected $modelReflection; public function __construct() { $this->modelReflection = new \ReflectionClass(static::MODEL_CLASS); } public function filterBy($column, $value) { if (!$this->modelReflection->hasProperty($column)) { throw new LogicException(sprintf( "The model doesn't have the column '%s'", $column )); } $this->filters[] = [$column, $value]; return $this; } public function findOne() { $model = new Propel2Model(); $this->applyFilters($model); return $model; } public function findPk($id) { $model = new Propel2Model(); $model->setId($id); return $model; } protected function applyFilters(Propel2Model $model) { foreach ($this->filters as $filter) { $propriety = new \ReflectionProperty(static::MODEL_CLASS, $filter[0]); $propriety->setAccessible(true); $propriety->setValue($model, $filter[1]); } } }
Fix return code when running unittests.
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Test runner for sqlparse.""" import optparse import os import sys import unittest test_mod = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../')) if test_mod not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(1, test_mod) parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('-P', '--profile', help='Create hotshot profile.', action='store_true', default=False) def main(args): """Create a TestSuite and run it.""" loader = unittest.TestLoader() suite = unittest.TestSuite() fnames = [os.path.split(f)[-1] for f in args] for fname in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)): if (not fname.startswith('test_') or not fname.endswith('.py') or (fnames and fname not in fnames)): continue modname = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] mod = __import__(os.path.splitext(fname)[0]) suite.addTests(loader.loadTestsFromModule(mod)) return unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite) if __name__ == '__main__': opts, args = parser.parse_args() if opts.profile: import hotshot prof = hotshot.Profile("sqlparse.prof") prof.runcall(main, args) prof.close() else: result = main(args) if not result.wasSuccessful(): return_code = 1 else: return_code = 0 sys.exit(return_code)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Test runner for sqlparse.""" import optparse import os import sys import unittest test_mod = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../')) if test_mod not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(1, test_mod) parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('-P', '--profile', help='Create hotshot profile.', action='store_true', default=False) def main(args): """Create a TestSuite and run it.""" loader = unittest.TestLoader() suite = unittest.TestSuite() fnames = [os.path.split(f)[-1] for f in args] for fname in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)): if (not fname.startswith('test_') or not fname.endswith('.py') or (fnames and fname not in fnames)): continue modname = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] mod = __import__(os.path.splitext(fname)[0]) suite.addTests(loader.loadTestsFromModule(mod)) unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite) if __name__ == '__main__': opts, args = parser.parse_args() if opts.profile: import hotshot prof = hotshot.Profile("sqlparse.prof") prof.runcall(main, args) prof.close() else: main(args)
Change display of returned time
var Reader = (function () { /* * Gets an DOM element and anaylzes it's textual reading content. * Returns the estimated time to read in seconds. */ function calculateTimeToRead(element) { var content = jQuery(element).text(), sentences = content.split('. '), i, time = 0; for (i = 0; i < sentences.length; i++) { // Each sentence assumed to be read in 7 seconds. Basic calc. time += 7; } return time; } var self = { /* * Estimates time to read the text inside given DOM elements selector. * Returns time in minutes. */ estimate: function estimate(selector) { var elements = jQuery(selector), i, totalTime = 0; for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var currentEl = elements[i], time = calculateTimeToRead(currentEl); totalTime += time; } // Turn into minutes totalTime /= 60; return totalTime > 1 ? totalTime : Math.round(totalTime); } }; return self; })();
var Reader = (function () { /* * Gets an DOM element and anaylzes it's textual reading content. * Returns the estimated time to read in seconds. */ function calculateTimeToRead(element) { var content = jQuery(element).text(), sentences = content.split('. '), i, time = 0; for (i = 0; i < sentences.length; i++) { // Each sentence assumed to be read in 7 seconds. Basic calc. time += 7; } return time; } var self = { /* * Estimates time to read the text inside given DOM elements selector. * Returns time in minutes. */ estimate: function estimate(selector) { var elements = jQuery(selector), i, totalTime = 0; for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var currentEl = elements[i], time = calculateTimeToRead(currentEl); totalTime += time; } return totalTime / 60; } }; return self; })();
Add utf decode for reading data
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import json import threading import websocket from polyaxon_client.logger import logger from polyaxon_client.workers.socket_worker import SocketWorker class SocketTransportMixin(object): """Socket operations transport.""" def socket(self, url, message_handler, headers=None): webs = websocket.WebSocketApp( url, on_message=lambda ws, message: self._on_message(message_handler, message), on_error=self._on_error, on_close=self._on_close, header=self._get_headers(headers) ) return webs def stream(self, url, message_handler, headers=None): webs = self.socket(url=url, message_handler=message_handler, headers=headers) webs.run_forever(ping_interval=30, ping_timeout=10) def _on_message(self, message_handler, message): if message_handler and message: message_handler(json.loads(message).decode('utf-8')) @staticmethod def _on_error(ws, error): if isinstance(error, (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit)): logger.info('Quitting... The session will be running in the background.') else: logger.debug('Termination cause: %s', error) logger.debug('Session disconnected.') @staticmethod def _on_close(ws): logger.info('Session ended')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import json import websocket from polyaxon_client.logger import logger class SocketTransportMixin(object): """Socket operations transport.""" def socket(self, url, message_handler, headers=None): webs = websocket.WebSocketApp( url, on_message=lambda ws, message: self._on_message(message_handler, message), on_error=self._on_error, on_close=self._on_close, header=self._get_headers(headers) ) return webs def stream(self, url, message_handler, headers=None): webs = self.socket(url=url, message_handler=message_handler, headers=headers) webs.run_forever(ping_interval=30, ping_timeout=10) def _on_message(self, message_handler, message): if message_handler and message: message_handler(json.loads(message)) @staticmethod def _on_error(ws, error): if isinstance(error, (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit)): logger.info('Quitting... The session will be running in the background.') else: logger.debug('Termination cause: %s', error) logger.debug('Session disconnected.') @staticmethod def _on_close(ws): logger.info('Session ended')
Change "Unread messages." to "Jump to first unread message." Also get rid of the "up" arrow so as not to indiciate direction. This is important because in future the RM will not be based on what has been paginated into the client (but instead RM will be handled server-side) and thus we cannot assert any kind of direction on it relative to the events in the viewport.
/* Copyright 2016 OpenMarket Ltd Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ 'use strict'; var React = require('react'); var sdk = require('../../../index'); module.exports = React.createClass({ displayName: 'TopUnreadMessagesBar', propTypes: { onScrollUpClick: React.PropTypes.func, onCloseClick: React.PropTypes.func, }, render: function() { return ( <div className="mx_TopUnreadMessagesBar"> <div className="mx_TopUnreadMessagesBar_scrollUp" onClick={this.props.onScrollUpClick}> Jump to first unread message. <span style={{ textDecoration: 'underline' }} onClick={this.props.onCloseClick}>Mark all read</span> </div> <img className="mx_TopUnreadMessagesBar_close" src="img/cancel.svg" width="18" height="18" alt="Close" title="Close" onClick={this.props.onCloseClick} /> </div> ); }, });
/* Copyright 2016 OpenMarket Ltd Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ 'use strict'; var React = require('react'); var sdk = require('../../../index'); module.exports = React.createClass({ displayName: 'TopUnreadMessagesBar', propTypes: { onScrollUpClick: React.PropTypes.func, onCloseClick: React.PropTypes.func, }, render: function() { return ( <div className="mx_TopUnreadMessagesBar"> <div className="mx_TopUnreadMessagesBar_scrollUp" onClick={this.props.onScrollUpClick}> <img src="img/scrollup.svg" width="24" height="24" alt="Scroll to unread messages" title="Scroll to unread messages"/> Unread messages. <span style={{ textDecoration: 'underline' }} onClick={this.props.onCloseClick}>Mark all read</span> </div> <img className="mx_TopUnreadMessagesBar_close" src="img/cancel.svg" width="18" height="18" alt="Close" title="Close" onClick={this.props.onCloseClick} /> </div> ); }, });
Extend mocking to run validation
from django.conf import settings from mock import Mock, patch from unittest2 import TestCase settings.configure() # Need to import this after configure() from django.db.models import ForeignKey class TestPreference(object): _meta = Mock(fields=[ForeignKey('user', name='user')]) objects = Mock() def __init__(self, name, value, user=None): self.name = name self.value = value self.user = user def __eq__(self, other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __repr__(self): return '<{name}:{value}:{user}>'.format(**self.__dict__) def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.name, other.name) class TestUser(object): @property def preferences(self): return Mock(all=Mock(return_value=self._preferences)) @preferences.setter def preferences(self, value): self._preferences = [ TestPreference(k, v) for k, v in value.iteritems()] class SerializerTestCase(TestCase): def patch_from_native(self): def from_native(self, data, files): self._errors = {} if data: self.perform_validation(data) return TestPreference(data['name'], data['value'], data.get('user')) patcher = patch( 'madprops.serializers.ModelSerializer.from_native', new=from_native) self.patched_from_native = patcher.start() self.addCleanup(patcher.stop) # get_fields inspects the model's _meta, deeply patcher = patch( 'madprops.serializers.ModelSerializer.get_fields', new=lambda self: {}) self.patched_get_fields = patcher.start() self.addCleanup(patcher.stop)
from django.conf import settings from mock import Mock, patch from unittest2 import TestCase settings.configure() # Need to import this after configure() from django.db.models import ForeignKey class TestPreference(object): _meta = Mock(fields=[ForeignKey('user', name='user')]) objects = Mock() def __init__(self, name, value, user=None): self.name = name self.value = value self.user = user def __eq__(self, other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __repr__(self): return '<{name}:{value}:{user}>'.format(**self.__dict__) def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.name, other.name) class TestUser(object): @property def preferences(self): return Mock(all=Mock(return_value=self._preferences)) @preferences.setter def preferences(self, value): self._preferences = [ TestPreference(k, v) for k, v in value.iteritems()] class SerializerTestCase(TestCase): def patch_from_native(self): patcher = patch( 'madprops.serializers.ModelSerializer.from_native', new=lambda self, data, files: TestPreference( data['name'], data['value'], data.get('user')) ) self.patched_from_native = patcher.start() self.addCleanup(patcher.stop)
Use secure url for cloudinary
var path = require('path'), config; config = { production: { url: process.env.BASE_URL || 'http://blog.ertrzyiks.pl/', mail: {}, database: { client: 'postgres', connection: process.env.DATABASE_URL, pool: { min: 0, max: 5 } }, server: { host: '', port: process.env.PORT }, storage: { active: 'ghost-cloudinary-store', 'ghost-cloudinary-store': { cloud_name: process.env.CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME, api_key: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_KEY, api_secret: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET, secure: true } }, paths:{ contentPath: path.join(__dirname, '/content/') } }, development: { url: 'http://localhost:2368', mail: {}, fileStorage: true, database: { client: 'sqlite3', connection: { filename: path.join(__dirname, '/content/data/ghost-dev.db') }, debug: false }, server: { host: '', port: '2368' }, paths: { contentPath: path.join(__dirname, '/content/') } } }; module.exports = config;
var path = require('path'), config; config = { production: { url: process.env.BASE_URL || 'http://blog.ertrzyiks.pl/', mail: {}, database: { client: 'postgres', connection: process.env.DATABASE_URL, pool: { min: 0, max: 5 } }, server: { host: '', port: process.env.PORT }, storage: { active: 'ghost-cloudinary-store', 'ghost-cloudinary-store': { cloud_name: process.env.CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME, api_key: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_KEY, api_secret: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET } }, paths:{ contentPath: path.join(__dirname, '/content/') } }, development: { url: 'http://localhost:2368', mail: {}, fileStorage: true, database: { client: 'sqlite3', connection: { filename: path.join(__dirname, '/content/data/ghost-dev.db') }, debug: false }, server: { host: '', port: '2368' }, paths: { contentPath: path.join(__dirname, '/content/') } } }; module.exports = config;
Fix plural form of todo when there are no todos
import React from 'react'; import TodoItem from './TodoItem'; export default class extends React.Component { render() { return ( <div> <button onClick={this.props.onAddTodo}>Add Todo</button> <ul> <For each="item" of={this.props.todos}> <TodoItem key={item.id} id={item.id} value={item.value} completed={item.completed} onEdit={this.props.onEditTodo} onDelete={this.props.onDeleteTodo} onSubmit={this.props.onAddTodo} /> </For> </ul> <span> {this.props.todos.length}{' '} todo{this.props.todos.length === 1 ? '' : 's'} </span> <style jsx>{` ul { list-style: none; padding-left: 0; } `}</style> </div> ); } }
import React from 'react'; import TodoItem from './TodoItem'; export default class extends React.Component { render() { return ( <div> <button onClick={this.props.onAddTodo}>Add Todo</button> <ul> <For each="item" of={this.props.todos}> <TodoItem key={item.id} id={item.id} value={item.value} completed={item.completed} onEdit={this.props.onEditTodo} onDelete={this.props.onDeleteTodo} onSubmit={this.props.onAddTodo} /> </For> </ul> <span> {this.props.todos.length}{' '} todo{this.props.todos.length > 1 ? 's' : ''} </span> <style jsx>{` ul { list-style: none; padding-left: 0; } `}</style> </div> ); } }
Handle None axis_labels in ToBytes.
"""Commonly-used default transformers.""" from fuel.transformers import ScaleAndShift, Cast, SourcewiseTransformer from fuel.transformers.image import ImagesFromBytes def uint8_pixels_to_floatX(which_sources): return ( (ScaleAndShift, [1 / 255.0, 0], {'which_sources': which_sources}), (Cast, ['floatX'], {'which_sources': which_sources})) class ToBytes(SourcewiseTransformer): """Transform a stream of ndarray examples to bytes. Notes ----- Used for retrieving variable-length byte data stored as, e.g. a uint8 ragged array. """ def __init__(self, stream, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('produces_examples', stream.produces_examples) axis_labels = (stream.axis_labels if stream.axis_labels is not None else {}) for source in kwargs.get('which_sources', stream.sources): axis_labels[source] = (('batch', 'bytes') if 'batch' in axis_labels.get(source, ()) else ('bytes',)) kwargs.setdefault('axis_labels', axis_labels) super(ToBytes, self).__init__(stream, **kwargs) def transform_source_example(self, example, _): return example.tostring() def transform_source_batch(self, batch, _): return [example.tostring() for example in batch] def rgb_images_from_encoded_bytes(which_sources): return ((ToBytes, [], {'which_sources': ('encoded_images',)}), (ImagesFromBytes, [], {'which_sources': ('encoded_images',)}))
"""Commonly-used default transformers.""" from fuel.transformers import ScaleAndShift, Cast, SourcewiseTransformer from fuel.transformers.image import ImagesFromBytes def uint8_pixels_to_floatX(which_sources): return ( (ScaleAndShift, [1 / 255.0, 0], {'which_sources': which_sources}), (Cast, ['floatX'], {'which_sources': which_sources})) class ToBytes(SourcewiseTransformer): """Transform a stream of ndarray examples to bytes. Notes ----- Used for retrieving variable-length byte data stored as, e.g. a uint8 ragged array. """ def __init__(self, stream, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('produces_examples', stream.produces_examples) axis_labels = stream.axis_labels for source in kwargs.get('which_sources', stream.sources): axis_labels[source] = (('batch', 'bytes') if 'batch' in axis_labels.get(source, ()) else ('bytes',)) kwargs.setdefault('axis_labels', axis_labels) super(ToBytes, self).__init__(stream, **kwargs) def transform_source_example(self, example, _): return example.tostring() def transform_source_batch(self, batch, _): return [example.tostring() for example in batch] def rgb_images_from_encoded_bytes(which_sources): return ((ToBytes, [], {'which_sources': ('encoded_images',)}), (ImagesFromBytes, [], {'which_sources': ('encoded_images',)}))
Fix OpenFlow packets getting stuffed with \0 bytes.
package eu.netide.lib.netip; import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer; import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffers; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFMessage; /** * Class representing a message of type OPENFLOW. * Note that this only serves as a convenience class - if the MessageType is manipulated, the class will not recognize that. */ public class OpenFlowMessage extends Message { private OFMessage ofMessage; /** * Instantiates a new Open flow message. */ public OpenFlowMessage() { super(new MessageHeader(), new byte[0]); header.setMessageType(MessageType.OPENFLOW); } /** * Gets of message. * * @return the of message */ public OFMessage getOfMessage() { return ofMessage; } /** * Sets of message. * * @param ofMessage the of message */ public void setOfMessage(OFMessage ofMessage) { this.ofMessage = ofMessage; } @Override public byte[] getPayload() { ChannelBuffer dcb = ChannelBuffers.dynamicBuffer(); ofMessage.writeTo(dcb); this.payload = new byte[dcb.readableBytes()]; dcb.readBytes(this.payload, 0, this.payload.length); return this.payload; } @Override public String toString() { return "OpenFlowMessage [Header=" + header.toString() + ",Type=" + ofMessage.getType().toString() + ",OFMessage=" + ofMessage.toString() + "]"; } }
package eu.netide.lib.netip; import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer; import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffers; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFMessage; /** * Class representing a message of type OPENFLOW. * Note that this only serves as a convenience class - if the MessageType is manipulated, the class will not recognize that. */ public class OpenFlowMessage extends Message { private OFMessage ofMessage; /** * Instantiates a new Open flow message. */ public OpenFlowMessage() { super(new MessageHeader(), new byte[0]); header.setMessageType(MessageType.OPENFLOW); } /** * Gets of message. * * @return the of message */ public OFMessage getOfMessage() { return ofMessage; } /** * Sets of message. * * @param ofMessage the of message */ public void setOfMessage(OFMessage ofMessage) { this.ofMessage = ofMessage; } @Override public byte[] getPayload() { ChannelBuffer dcb = ChannelBuffers.dynamicBuffer(); ofMessage.writeTo(dcb); this.payload = dcb.array(); return this.payload; } @Override public String toString() { return "OpenFlowMessage [Header=" + header.toString() + ",Type=" + ofMessage.getType().toString() + ",OFMessage=" + ofMessage.toString() + "]"; } }
Update phpdoc constructor parameter can't be null
<?php namespace SumoCoders\FrameworkMultiUserBundle\Security; use SumoCoders\FrameworkMultiUserBundle\Exception\InvalidPasswordResetTokenException; use SumoCoders\FrameworkMultiUserBundle\User\UserInterface; class PasswordResetToken { /** * @var string */ private $token; /** * PasswordResetToken constructor. * * @param string $token */ public function __construct($token) { $this->token = $token; } /** * @return string */ public function getToken() { return $this->token; } /** * @param UserInterface $user * @param $token * * @throws InvalidPasswordResetTokenException * * @return bool */ public static function validateToken(UserInterface $user, PasswordResetToken $token) { if ($user->getPasswordResetToken()->equals($token)) { return true; } throw new InvalidPasswordResetTokenException('The given token is not valid.'); } /** * Generates a PasswordToken * * @return PasswordResetToken */ public static function generate() { $token = time() . base64_encode(random_bytes(10)); return new self($token); } /** * Check if a token is equal to a different token. * * @param PasswordResetToken $token * * @return bool */ public function equals(PasswordResetToken $token) { return $token->token === $this->token; } }
<?php namespace SumoCoders\FrameworkMultiUserBundle\Security; use SumoCoders\FrameworkMultiUserBundle\Exception\InvalidPasswordResetTokenException; use SumoCoders\FrameworkMultiUserBundle\User\UserInterface; class PasswordResetToken { /** * @var string */ private $token; /** * PasswordResetToken constructor. * * @param string|null $token */ public function __construct($token) { $this->token = $token; } /** * @return string */ public function getToken() { return $this->token; } /** * @param UserInterface $user * @param $token * * @throws InvalidPasswordResetTokenException * * @return bool */ public static function validateToken(UserInterface $user, PasswordResetToken $token) { if ($user->getPasswordResetToken()->equals($token)) { return true; } throw new InvalidPasswordResetTokenException('The given token is not valid.'); } /** * Generates a PasswordToken * * @return PasswordResetToken */ public static function generate() { $token = time() . base64_encode(random_bytes(10)); return new self($token); } /** * Check if a token is equal to a different token. * * @param PasswordResetToken $token * * @return bool */ public function equals(PasswordResetToken $token) { return $token->token === $this->token; } }
Add some detail text to assertion.
import argparse import logging from . import init_logging class BaseCLI(object): def __init__(self, description, epilog, version=None): assert version, "A valid version string is required" self.version = version self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilog) self.parser.add_argument( '--version', action='version', version=self.version, help="Print version and exit.") self.parser.add_argument( '--quiet', action="store_true", help="Suppress logging output.") self.parser.add_argument( '--debug', action="store_true", help="Enable debug logging output.") self.parser.add_argument( '--host', metavar='<fqhn>', help="Optional fully qualified host name to connect to.") self.parser.add_argument( '--config-file', metavar='<file>', help="Optional path to a configuration file.") self.parser.add_argument( '--credential-file', metavar='<file>', help="Optional path to a credential file.") def remove_options(self, options): for option in options: for action in self.parser._actions: if vars(action)['option_strings'][0] == option: self.parser._handle_conflict_resolve(None, [(option, action)]) break def parse_cli(self): args = self.parser.parse_args() init_logging(level=logging.ERROR if args.quiet else (logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO)) return args
import argparse import logging from . import init_logging class BaseCLI(object): def __init__(self, description, epilog, version=None): assert version self.version = version self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilog) self.parser.add_argument( '--version', action='version', version=self.version, help="Print version and exit.") self.parser.add_argument( '--quiet', action="store_true", help="Suppress logging output.") self.parser.add_argument( '--debug', action="store_true", help="Enable debug logging output.") self.parser.add_argument( '--host', metavar='<fqhn>', help="Optional fully qualified host name to connect to.") self.parser.add_argument( '--config-file', metavar='<file>', help="Optional path to a configuration file.") self.parser.add_argument( '--credential-file', metavar='<file>', help="Optional path to a credential file.") def remove_options(self, options): for option in options: for action in self.parser._actions: if vars(action)['option_strings'][0] == option: self.parser._handle_conflict_resolve(None, [(option, action)]) break def parse_cli(self): args = self.parser.parse_args() init_logging(level=logging.ERROR if args.quiet else (logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO)) return args
Add error callback to geoloc
class HomeCtrl { constructor(AppConstants, NetworkRequests, $localStorage, $timeout) { 'ngInject'; this._NetworkRequests = NetworkRequests; this._storage = $localStorage; this.appName = AppConstants.appName; // Detect recommended browsers let isChrome = /Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Google Inc/.test(navigator.vendor); let isSafari = /Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Apple Computer/.test(navigator.vendor); let isFirefox = /Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent); // If no recommended browser used, open modal if(!isChrome && !isSafari && !isFirefox) { $('#noSupportModal').modal({ backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false }); } // Get position and closest nodes if no mainnet node in local storage if (navigator.geolocation && !this._storage.selectedMainnetNode) { // Get position navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((res) => { // Get the closest nodes this._NetworkRequests.getNearestNodes(res.coords).then((res) => { // Pick a random node in the array let node = res.data[Math.floor(Math.random()*res.data.length)]; // Set the node in local storage this._storage.selectedMainnetNode = 'http://'+node.ip+':7778'; }, (err) => { // If error it will use default node console.log(err) }); }, (err) => { // If error it will use default node console.log(err) }); } } } export default HomeCtrl;
class HomeCtrl { constructor(AppConstants, NetworkRequests, $localStorage) { 'ngInject'; this._NetworkRequests = NetworkRequests; this._storage = $localStorage; this.appName = AppConstants.appName; // Detect recommended browsers let isChrome = /Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Google Inc/.test(navigator.vendor); let isSafari = /Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Apple Computer/.test(navigator.vendor); let isFirefox = /Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent); // If no recommended browser used, open modal if(!isChrome && !isSafari && !isFirefox) { $('#noSupportModal').modal({ backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false }); } // Get position and closest nodes if no mainnet node in local storage if (navigator.geolocation && !this._storage.selectedMainnetNode) { // Get position navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((res) => { // Get the closest nodes this._NetworkRequests.getNearestNodes(res.coords).then((res) => { // Pick a random node in the array let node = res.data[Math.floor(Math.random()*res.data.length)]; // Set the node in local storage this._storage.selectedMainnetNode = 'http://'+node.ip+':7778'; }, (err) => { // If error it will use default node console.log(err) }); }); } } } export default HomeCtrl;
Remove specific SASS cache directory
module.exports = function(grunt) { // Project configuration. grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), sass: { dist: { options: { style: 'expanded', sourcemap: 'auto' }, files: { 'assets/css/boostrap.css': 'assets/sass/boostrap.scss' }, } }, cssmin: { target: { files: [{ expand: true, cwd: 'assets/css', src: ['*.css', '!*.min.css'], dest: 'assets/css', ext: '.min.css' }] } }, watch: { css: { files: 'assets/sass/**/*.scss', tasks: ['sass', 'cssmin'] } } }); // Load the plugins. grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-sass'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-cssmin'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch'); // Tasks. grunt.registerTask('default', ['sass', 'cssmin', 'watch']); grunt.registerTask('build', ['sass', 'cssmin']); grunt.registerTask('watcher', ['watch']); };
module.exports = function(grunt) { // Project configuration. grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), sass: { dist: { options: { style: 'expanded', sourcemap: 'auto', cacheLocation: 'sass/.sass-cache' }, files: { 'assets/css/boostrap.css': 'assets/sass/boostrap.scss' }, } }, cssmin: { target: { files: [{ expand: true, cwd: 'assets/css', src: ['*.css', '!*.min.css'], dest: 'assets/css', ext: '.min.css' }] } }, watch: { css: { files: 'assets/sass/**/*.scss', tasks: ['sass', 'cssmin'] } } }); // Load the plugins. grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-sass'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-cssmin'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch'); // Tasks. grunt.registerTask('default', ['sass', 'cssmin', 'watch']); grunt.registerTask('build', ['sass', 'cssmin']); grunt.registerTask('watcher', ['watch']); };
Handle error responses as well Does require including $q to do the promise rejection.
(function() { 'use strict'; var handle_phpdebugbar_response = function(response) { if (phpdebugbar && phpdebugbar.ajaxHandler) { // We have a debugbar and an ajaxHandler // Dig through response to look for the // debugbar id. var headers = response && response.headers && response.headers(); if (!headers) { return; } // Not very elegant, but this is how the debugbar.js defines the header. var headerName = phpdebugbar.ajaxHandler.headerName + '-id'; var debugBarID = headers[headerName]; if (debugBarID) { // A debugBarID was found! Now we just pass the // id to the debugbar to load the data phpdebugbar.loadDataSet(debugBarID, ('ajax')); } } }; angular.module('ng-phpdebugbar', []) .factory('phpDebugBarInterceptor', function($q) { return { 'request': function(config) { // This is the header that debugbar looks for that triggers // the debugbarid to be returned in the response headers. config.headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'; return config; }, 'response': function(response) { handle_phpdebugbar_response(response); return response; }, 'responseError': function(rejection) { handle_phpdebugbar_response(response); return $q.reject(rejection); }, }; }) .config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) { // Adds our debug interceptor to all $http requests $httpProvider.interceptors.push('phpDebugBarInterceptor'); } ]); })();
(function() { 'use strict'; var getDebugBarID = function(response) { var headers = response && response.headers && response.headers(); if (!headers) { // Something terrible happened. Bail. return; } // Not very elegant, but this is how the debugbar.js defines the header. var headerName = phpdebugbar.ajaxHandler.headerName + '-id'; return headers[headerName]; }; angular.module('ng-phpdebugbar', []) .factory('phpDebugBarInterceptor', function() { return { 'request': function(config) { // This is the header that debugbar looks for that triggers // the debugbarid to be returned in the response headers. config.headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'; return config; }, 'response': function(response) { if (phpdebugbar && phpdebugbar.ajaxHandler) { // We have a debugbar and an ajaxHandler // Dig through response to look for the // debugbar id. var debugBarID = getDebugBarID(response); if (debugBarID) { // A debugBarID was found! Now we just pass the // id to the debugbar to load the data phpdebugbar.loadDataSet(debugBarID, ('ajax')); } } return response; } }; }) .config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) { // Adds our debug interceptor to all $http requests $httpProvider.interceptors.push('phpDebugBarInterceptor'); } ]); })();
Disable REST Upload by default
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # thumbor imaging service # https://github.com/globocom/thumbor/wiki # Licensed under the MIT license: # http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license # Copyright (c) 2011 globo.com [email protected] import tornado.web import tornado.ioloop from thumbor.handlers.healthcheck import HealthcheckHandler from thumbor.handlers.upload import UploadHandler from thumbor.handlers.images import ImagesHandler from thumbor.handlers.image import ImageHandler from thumbor.url import Url from thumbor.handlers.imaging import ImagingHandler class ThumborServiceApp(tornado.web.Application): def __init__(self, context): self.context = context handlers = [ (r'/healthcheck', HealthcheckHandler), ] if context.config.UPLOAD_ENABLED: # TODO Old handler to upload images handlers.append( (r'/upload', UploadHandler, { 'context': context }) ) # Handler to upload images (POST). handlers.append( (r'/image', ImagesHandler, { 'context': context }) ) # Handler to retrieve or modify existing images (GET, PUT, DELETE) handlers.append( (r'/image/(.*)', ImageHandler, { 'context': context }) ) # Imaging handler (GET) handlers.append( (Url.regex(), ImagingHandler, { 'context': context }) ) super(ThumborServiceApp, self).__init__(handlers)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # thumbor imaging service # https://github.com/globocom/thumbor/wiki # Licensed under the MIT license: # http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license # Copyright (c) 2011 globo.com [email protected] import tornado.web import tornado.ioloop from thumbor.handlers.healthcheck import HealthcheckHandler from thumbor.handlers.upload import UploadHandler from thumbor.handlers.images import ImagesHandler from thumbor.handlers.image import ImageHandler from thumbor.url import Url from thumbor.handlers.imaging import ImagingHandler class ThumborServiceApp(tornado.web.Application): def __init__(self, context): self.context = context handlers = [ (r'/healthcheck', HealthcheckHandler), ] # TODO Old handler to upload images if context.config.UPLOAD_ENABLED: handlers.append( (r'/upload', UploadHandler, { 'context': context }) ) # Handler to upload images (POST). handlers.append( (r'/image', ImagesHandler, { 'context': context }) ) # Handler to retrieve or modify existing images (GET, PUT, DELETE) handlers.append( (r'/image/(.*)', ImageHandler, { 'context': context }) ) # Imaging handler (GET) handlers.append( (Url.regex(), ImagingHandler, { 'context': context }) ) super(ThumborServiceApp, self).__init__(handlers)
Use \Page instead of Concrete\Core\Page\Page Former-commit-id: 5f27527c65b9ed3815ca1a37eef8d3e6dccee225 Former-commit-id: 5b239b1afa020bcaebcb90fa58cc461a91098c82
<?php namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer\Control\CorePageProperty; use Core; use UserInfo; use Page; class UserCorePageProperty extends CorePageProperty { public function __construct() { $this->setCorePagePropertyHandle('user'); $this->setPageTypeComposerControlName(tc('PageTypeComposerControlName', 'User')); $this->setPageTypeComposerControlIconSRC(ASSETS_URL . '/attributes/text/icon.png'); } public function publishToPage(Page $c, $data, $controls) { if (Core::make('helper/validation/numbers')->integer($data['user'])) { $this->addPageTypeComposerControlRequestValue('uID', $data['user']); } parent::publishToPage($c, $data, $controls); } public function validate() { $uID = $this->getPageTypeComposerControlDraftValue(); $ux = UserInfo::getByID($uID); $e = Core::make('helper/validation/error'); if (!is_object($ux)) { $control = $this->getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControlObject(); $e->add(t('You haven\'t chosen a valid %s', $control->getPageTypeComposerControlLabel())); return $e; } } public function getPageTypeComposerControlDraftValue() { if (is_object($this->page)) { $c = $this->page; return $c->getCollectionUserID(); } } }
<?php namespace Concrete\Core\Page\Type\Composer\Control\CorePageProperty; use Core; use UserInfo; use Concrete\Core\Page\Page; class UserCorePageProperty extends CorePageProperty { public function __construct() { $this->setCorePagePropertyHandle('user'); $this->setPageTypeComposerControlName(tc('PageTypeComposerControlName', 'User')); $this->setPageTypeComposerControlIconSRC(ASSETS_URL . '/attributes/text/icon.png'); } public function publishToPage(Page $c, $data, $controls) { if (Core::make('helper/validation/numbers')->integer($data['user'])) { $this->addPageTypeComposerControlRequestValue('uID', $data['user']); } parent::publishToPage($c, $data, $controls); } public function validate() { $uID = $this->getPageTypeComposerControlDraftValue(); $ux = UserInfo::getByID($uID); $e = Core::make('helper/validation/error'); if (!is_object($ux)) { $control = $this->getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControlObject(); $e->add(t('You haven\'t chosen a valid %s', $control->getPageTypeComposerControlLabel())); return $e; } } public function getPageTypeComposerControlDraftValue() { if (is_object($this->page)) { $c = $this->page; return $c->getCollectionUserID(); } } }
Move DB Str import to single line so it can be completely cleaned up on site generation
<?php return [ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Redis Databases |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Redis is an open source, fast, and advanced key-value store that also | provides a richer set of commands than a typical key-value systems | such as APC or Memcached. Laravel makes it easy to dig right in. | */ 'redis' => [ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Cache storage |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The cache storage will use database 1 as to not conflict with | PHPREDIS_SESSION's being set. | */ 'client' => 'predis', 'default' => [ 'database' => 1, 'host' => env('REDIS_HOST', ''), 'password' => env('REDIS_PASSWORD', null), 'port' => env('REDIS_PORT', 6379), ], 'sessions' => [ 'database' => 0, 'host' => env('REDIS_HOST', ''), 'password' => env('REDIS_PASSWORD', null), 'port' => env('REDIS_PORT', 6379), ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Redis prefix |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The prefix is used to easily identify data in the database. Running | php artisan cache:clear however will clear ALL cache for the | default Redis database 1. | */ 'options' => [ 'prefix' => Illuminate\Support\Str::slug(env('APP_NAME', 'laravel')).':', ], ], ];
<?php use Illuminate\Support\Str; return [ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Redis Databases |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Redis is an open source, fast, and advanced key-value store that also | provides a richer set of commands than a typical key-value systems | such as APC or Memcached. Laravel makes it easy to dig right in. | */ 'redis' => [ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Cache storage |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The cache storage will use database 1 as to not conflict with | PHPREDIS_SESSION's being set. | */ 'client' => 'predis', 'default' => [ 'database' => 1, 'host' => env('REDIS_HOST', ''), 'password' => env('REDIS_PASSWORD', null), 'port' => env('REDIS_PORT', 6379), ], 'sessions' => [ 'database' => 0, 'host' => env('REDIS_HOST', ''), 'password' => env('REDIS_PASSWORD', null), 'port' => env('REDIS_PORT', 6379), ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Redis prefix |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The prefix is used to easily identify data in the database. Running | php artisan cache:clear however will clear ALL cache for the | default Redis database 1. | */ 'options' => [ 'prefix' => Str::slug(env('APP_NAME', 'laravel')).':', ], ], ];
Save buffered image as bmp
// Get JAFFE database from http://www.kasrl.org/jaffe_info.html // Extract pics in folder named "jaffe" // package image_test; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; public class svq { public static void main(String[] args) { // read image BufferedImage input = null; try { input = ImageIO.read(new File("jaffe/KA.AN1.39.tiff.bmp")); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } // to byte array ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { ImageIO.write( input, "bmp", baos ); baos.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { } byte[] bytearray = baos.toByteArray(); // to BufferedImage ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytearray); BufferedImage output = null; try { output = ImageIO.read(bais); bais.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } // save result try { ImageIO.write(output, "BMP", new File("test.bmp")); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } System.out.println("Done!"); } }
// Get JAFFE database from http://www.kasrl.org/jaffe_info.html // Extract pics in folder named "jaffe" // package image_test; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; public class svq { public static void main(String[] args) { // read image BufferedImage input = null; try { input = ImageIO.read(new File("jaffe/KA.AN1.39.tiff.bmp")); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } // to byte array ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { ImageIO.write( input, "bmp", baos ); baos.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { } byte[] bytearray = baos.toByteArray(); // to BufferedImage ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytearray); BufferedImage output = null; try { output = ImageIO.read(bais); bais.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } System.out.println("Done!"); } }
Replace thriftpy dependency with thriftpy2
"""setup.py - build script for parquet-python.""" try: from setuptools import setup except ImportError: from distutils.core import setup setup( name='parquet', version='1.2', description='Python support for Parquet file format', author='Joe Crobak', author_email='[email protected]', url='https://github.com/jcrobak/parquet-python', license='Apache License 2.0', classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: System Administrators', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython', 'Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy', ], packages=['parquet'], install_requires=[ 'python-snappy', 'thriftpy2', ], extras_require={ ':python_version=="2.7"': [ "backports.csv", ], }, entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'parquet = parquet.__main__:main', ] }, package_data={'parquet': ['*.thrift']}, include_package_data=True, )
"""setup.py - build script for parquet-python.""" try: from setuptools import setup except ImportError: from distutils.core import setup setup( name='parquet', version='1.2', description='Python support for Parquet file format', author='Joe Crobak', author_email='[email protected]', url='https://github.com/jcrobak/parquet-python', license='Apache License 2.0', classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: System Administrators', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython', 'Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy', ], packages=['parquet'], install_requires=[ 'python-snappy', 'thriftpy>=0.3.6', ], extras_require={ ':python_version=="2.7"': [ "backports.csv", ], }, entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'parquet = parquet.__main__:main', ] }, package_data={'parquet': ['*.thrift']}, include_package_data=True, )
Add DRF as a dev dependency
import sys from setuptools import find_packages, setup VERSION = '2.0.dev0' install_requires = [ 'django-local-settings>=1.0a10', 'stashward', ] if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 4): install_requires.append('enum34') setup( name='django-arcutils', version=VERSION, url='https://github.com/PSU-OIT-ARC/django-arcutils', author='PSU - OIT - ARC', author_email='[email protected]', description='Common utilities used in ARC Django projects', packages=find_packages(), include_package_data=True, zip_safe=False, install_requires=install_requires, extras_require={ 'cas': [ 'django-cas-client>=1.2.0', ], 'ldap': [ 'certifi>=2015.11.20.1', 'ldap3>=1.0.3', ], 'dev': [ 'django>=1.7,<1.9', 'djangorestframework>3.3', 'flake8', 'ldap3', 'mock', 'model_mommy', ], }, entry_points=""" [console_scripts] arcutils = arcutils.__main__:main """, classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', 'Framework :: Django', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', ], )
import sys from setuptools import find_packages, setup VERSION = '2.0.dev0' install_requires = [ 'django-local-settings>=1.0a10', 'stashward', ] if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 4): install_requires.append('enum34') setup( name='django-arcutils', version=VERSION, url='https://github.com/PSU-OIT-ARC/django-arcutils', author='PSU - OIT - ARC', author_email='[email protected]', description='Common utilities used in ARC Django projects', packages=find_packages(), include_package_data=True, zip_safe=False, install_requires=install_requires, extras_require={ 'cas': [ 'django-cas-client>=1.2.0', ], 'ldap': [ 'certifi>=2015.11.20.1', 'ldap3>=1.0.3', ], 'dev': [ 'django>=1.7,<1.9', 'flake8', 'ldap3', 'mock', 'model_mommy', ], }, entry_points=""" [console_scripts] arcutils = arcutils.__main__:main """, classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', 'Framework :: Django', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', ], )
Correct path in South triple definition.
from django.db import models class EnumField(models.Field): __metaclass__ = models.SubfieldBase def __init__(self, enumeration, *args, **kwargs): self.enumeration = enumeration kwargs.setdefault('choices', enumeration.get_choices()) super(EnumField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def get_internal_type(self): return 'IntegerField' def to_python(self, value): return self.enumeration.to_item(value) def get_db_prep_save(self, value, connection=None): if value is None: return value return self.to_python(value).value def get_db_prep_lookup(self, lookup_type, value, connection=None, prepared=False): def prepare(value): v = self.to_python(value) return self.get_db_prep_save(v, connection=connection) if lookup_type in ('exact', 'lt', 'lte', 'gt', 'gte'): return [prepare(value)] elif lookup_type == 'in': return [prepare(v) for v in value] elif lookup_type == 'isnull': return [] raise TypeError("Lookup type %r not supported." % lookup_type) def south_field_triple(self): from south.modelsinspector import introspector args, kwargs = introspector(self) return ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', args, kwargs)
from django.db import models class EnumField(models.Field): __metaclass__ = models.SubfieldBase def __init__(self, enumeration, *args, **kwargs): self.enumeration = enumeration kwargs.setdefault('choices', enumeration.get_choices()) super(EnumField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def get_internal_type(self): return 'IntegerField' def to_python(self, value): return self.enumeration.to_item(value) def get_db_prep_save(self, value, connection=None): if value is None: return value return self.to_python(value).value def get_db_prep_lookup(self, lookup_type, value, connection=None, prepared=False): def prepare(value): v = self.to_python(value) return self.get_db_prep_save(v, connection=connection) if lookup_type in ('exact', 'lt', 'lte', 'gt', 'gte'): return [prepare(value)] elif lookup_type == 'in': return [prepare(v) for v in value] elif lookup_type == 'isnull': return [] raise TypeError("Lookup type %r not supported." % lookup_type) def south_field_triple(self): from south.modelsinspector import introspector args, kwargs = introspector(self) return ('django.db.models.fields.Integerfield', args, kwargs)
Make the envelope stripping in wrap smarter
<?php namespace Purplapp\Adn; use stdClass; use GuzzleHttp\Message\Response; trait DataContainerTrait { private $data = []; private $dataEnvelope = []; public static function wrap($data) { if ($data instanceof stdClass) { return static::wrapObject($data); } elseif ($data instanceof Response) { return static::wrapResponse($data); } elseif (is_array($data)) { return static::wrapArray($data); } throw new InvalidArgumentException(gettype($data) . " is not a valid wrappable"); } private static function wrapObject(stdClass $object) { return new static($object); } private static function wrapResponse(Response $response) { $payload = $response->json(["object" => true]); // strip the envelope if (isset($payload->data) && isset($payload->meta)) { return new static($payload->data); } return new static($payload); } private static function wrapArray(array $array) { return new static((object) $array); } public function __construct($data) { $this->data = $data; $this->init(); } public function __get($key) { if (method_exists($this, $key)) { return $this->$key(); } return $this->data->$key; } public function __isset($key) { return method_exists($this, $key) || isset($this->data->$key); } public function init() { // no-op } }
<?php namespace Purplapp\Adn; use stdClass; use GuzzleHttp\Message\Response; trait DataContainerTrait { private $data = []; private $dataEnvelope = []; public static function wrap($data) { if ($data instanceof stdClass) { return static::wrapObject($data); } elseif ($data instanceof Response) { return static::wrapResponse($data); } elseif (is_array($data)) { return static::wrapArray($data); } throw new InvalidArgumentException(gettype($data) . " is not a valid wrappable"); } private static function wrapObject(stdClass $object) { return new static($object); } private static function wrapResponse(Response $response) { return new static($response->json(["object" => true])->data); } private static function wrapArray(array $array) { return new static((object) $array); } public function __construct($data) { $this->data = $data; $this->init(); } public function __get($key) { if (method_exists($this, $key)) { return $this->$key(); } return $this->data->$key; } public function __isset($key) { return method_exists($this, $key) || isset($this->data->$key); } public function init() { // no-op } }
Allow null dates to be formatted...
<?php namespace Code16\Sharp\Form\Fields\Formatters; use Carbon\Carbon; use Code16\Sharp\Form\Fields\SharpFormDateField; use Code16\Sharp\Form\Fields\SharpFormField; class DateFormatter extends SharpFieldFormatter { /** * @param SharpFormField $field * @param $value * @return mixed */ function toFront(SharpFormField $field, $value) { if($value instanceof Carbon || $value instanceof \DateTime) { return $value->format($this->getFormat($field)); } return $value; } /** * @param SharpFormField $field * @param string $attribute * @param $value * @return string */ function fromFront(SharpFormField $field, string $attribute, $value) { return $value ? Carbon::parse($value) ->setTimezone(config("app.timezone")) ->format($this->getFormat($field)) : null; } /** * @param SharpFormDateField $field * @return string */ protected function getFormat($field) { if(!$field->hasTime()) { return "Y-m-d"; } if(!$field->hasDate()) { return "H:i:s"; } return "Y-m-d H:i:s"; } }
<?php namespace Code16\Sharp\Form\Fields\Formatters; use Carbon\Carbon; use Code16\Sharp\Form\Fields\SharpFormDateField; use Code16\Sharp\Form\Fields\SharpFormField; class DateFormatter extends SharpFieldFormatter { /** * @param SharpFormField $field * @param $value * @return mixed */ function toFront(SharpFormField $field, $value) { if($value instanceof Carbon || $value instanceof \DateTime) { return $value->format($this->getFormat($field)); } return $value; } /** * @param SharpFormField $field * @param string $attribute * @param $value * @return string */ function fromFront(SharpFormField $field, string $attribute, $value) { return Carbon::parse($value) ->setTimezone(config("app.timezone")) ->format($this->getFormat($field)); } /** * @param SharpFormDateField $field * @return string */ protected function getFormat($field) { if(!$field->hasTime()) { return "Y-m-d"; } if(!$field->hasDate()) { return "H:i:s"; } return "Y-m-d H:i:s"; } }
Allow override on toolbar items through attribute Use can add "toolbar" attribute in directive to override toolbar items. e.g. <div simditor name="content" ng-model="content" toolbar="['title', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikethrough', '|', 'ol', 'ul', 'blockquote', 'table']" form-required="true"></div>
/*global window,location*/ (function (window) { 'use strict'; var Simditor = window.Simditor; var directives = angular.module('simditor',[]); directives.directive('simditor', function () { var TOOLBAR_DEFAULT = ['title', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikethrough', '|', 'ol', 'ul', 'blockquote', 'code', 'table', '|', 'link', 'image', 'hr', '|', 'indent', 'outdent']; return { require: "?^ngModel", link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) { element.append("<div style='height:300px;'></div>"); var toolbar = scope.$eval(attrs.toolbar) || TOOLBAR_DEFAULT; scope.simditor = new Simditor({ textarea: element.children()[0], pasteImage: true, toolbar: toolbar, defaultImage: 'assets/images/image.png', upload: location.search === '?upload' ? { url: '/upload' } : false }); function readViewText() { var html = element.find('.simditor-body').html(); if (attrs.stripBr && html === '<br>') { html = ''; } ngModel.$setViewValue(html); } var $target = element.find('.simditor-body'); ngModel.$render = function () { scope.simditor.focus(); $target.prepend(ngModel.$viewValue); }; element.on('blur keyup change', function () { scope.$apply(readViewText); }); } }; }); }(window));
/*global window,location*/ (function (window) { 'use strict'; var Simditor = window.Simditor; var directives = angular.module('simditor',[]); directives.directive('simditor', function () { return { require: "?^ngModel", link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) { element.append("<div style='height:300px;'></div>"); scope.simditor = new Simditor({ textarea: element.children()[0], pasteImage: true, toolbar: ['title', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikethrough', '|', 'ol', 'ul', 'blockquote', 'code', 'table', '|', 'link', 'image', 'hr', '|', 'indent', 'outdent'], defaultImage: 'assets/images/image.png', upload: location.search === '?upload' ? { url: '/upload' } : false }); function readViewText() { var html = element.find('.simditor-body').html(); if (attrs.stripBr && html === '<br>') { html = ''; } ngModel.$setViewValue(html); } var $target = element.find('.simditor-body'); ngModel.$render = function () { scope.simditor.focus(); $target.prepend(ngModel.$viewValue); }; element.on('blur keyup change', function () { scope.$apply(readViewText); }); } }; }); }(window));
Complete a sentence in a comment
import angr from .shellcode_manager import ShellcodeManager from rex.exploit import CannotExploit import logging l = logging.getLogger("rex.exploit.Exploit") class Exploit(object): ''' Exploit object which can leak flags or set registers ''' def __init__(self, crash): ''' :param crash: an exploitable crash object :param use_rop_cache: should rop gadgets be cached? :param rop_cache_file: which filename to use for a rop cache ''' if not crash.exploitable(): raise CannotExploit("crash cannot be exploited") self.crash = crash self.binary = crash.binary self.os = crash.project.loader.main_bin.os project = angr.Project(self.binary) # let's put together our rop gadgets self.rop = project.analyses.ROP() # and let's gather some shellcode self.shellcode = ShellcodeManager(project) self.payloads = [ ] def initialize(self): l.info("accumulating rop gadgets") self.rop.find_gadgets() for technique in Techniques[self.os]: p = technique(self.crash, self.rop, self.shellcode) try: l.debug("applying technique %s", p.name) self.payloads.append(p.apply()) except CannotExploit as e: l.debug("technique failed: %s", e.message) from .techniques import Techniques
import angr from .shellcode_manager import ShellcodeManager from rex.exploit import CannotExploit import logging l = logging.getLogger("rex.exploit.Exploit") class Exploit(object): ''' Exploit object which can leak flags or set registers ''' def __init__(self, crash): ''' :param crash: an exploitable crash object :param use_rop_cache: should rop gadgets be cached? :param rop_cache_file: which filename to use for a rop cache ''' if not crash.exploitable(): raise CannotExploit("crash cannot be exploited") self.crash = crash self.binary = crash.binary self.os = crash.project.loader.main_bin.os project = angr.Project(self.binary) # let's put together our rop gadgets self.rop = project.analyses.ROP() # and let's gather some self.shellcode = ShellcodeManager(project) self.payloads = [ ] def initialize(self): l.info("accumulating rop gadgets") self.rop.find_gadgets() for technique in Techniques[self.os]: p = technique(self.crash, self.rop, self.shellcode) try: l.debug("applying technique %s", p.name) self.payloads.append(p.apply()) except CannotExploit as e: l.debug("technique failed: %s", e.message) from .techniques import Techniques
Add splix to spam watcher
import BaseWatcher from './BaseWatcher'; /** * This checks for people spamming links. */ class LinkSpamWatcher extends BaseWatcher { constructor(bot) { super(bot); } usesBypassRules = true; /** * The method this watcher should listen on. * * @type {string} */ method = [ 'message', 'messageUpdate' ]; async action(method, message, updatedMessage) { if (method === 'messageUpdate') { message = updatedMessage; } if ( message.cleanContent.toLowerCase().indexOf('giftsofsteam.com') !== -1 || message.cleanContent.toLowerCase().indexOf('steamdigitalgift.com') !== -1 || message.cleanContent.toLowerCase().indexOf('steam.cubecode.site') !== -1 || message.cleanContent.toLowerCase().indexOf('hellcase.com') !== -1 || message.cleanContent.toLowerCase().indexOf('fatalpvp.serv.nu') !== -1 || message.cleanContent.toLowerCase().indexOf('splix.io') !== -1 ) { const warningMessage = await message.reply(`This link is not allowed to be posted as it is a known hoax/spam/scam.`); this.addWarningToUser(message); message.delete(); warningMessage.delete(60000); } } } export default LinkSpamWatcher;
import BaseWatcher from './BaseWatcher'; /** * This checks for people spamming links. */ class LinkSpamWatcher extends BaseWatcher { constructor(bot) { super(bot); } usesBypassRules = true; /** * The method this watcher should listen on. * * @type {string} */ method = [ 'message', 'messageUpdate' ]; async action(method, message, updatedMessage) { if (method === 'messageUpdate') { message = updatedMessage; } if ( message.cleanContent.toLowerCase().indexOf('giftsofsteam.com') !== -1 || message.cleanContent.toLowerCase().indexOf('steamdigitalgift.com') !== -1 || message.cleanContent.toLowerCase().indexOf('steam.cubecode.site') !== -1 || message.cleanContent.toLowerCase().indexOf('hellcase.com') !== -1 || message.cleanContent.toLowerCase().indexOf('fatalpvp.serv.nu') !== -1 ) { const warningMessage = await message.reply(`This link is not allowed to be posted as it is a known hoax/spam/scam.`); this.addWarningToUser(message); message.delete(); warningMessage.delete(60000); } } } export default LinkSpamWatcher;
Fix globals case in UMD
/*globals define */ 'use strict'; var root = this; // jshint ignore:line (function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['es6-promise'], function (es6Promise) { return (root.httppleasepromises = factory(es6Promise.Promise)); }); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = factory(require('es6-promise').Promise); } else { root.httppleasepromises = factory(root.Promise); } }(function (Promise) { return { processRequest: function (req) { var resolve, reject, oldOnload = req.onload, oldOnerror = req.onerror, promise = new Promise(function (a, b) { resolve = a; reject = b; }); req.onload = function (res) { var result; if (oldOnload) { result = oldOnload.apply(this, arguments); } resolve(res); return result; }; req.onerror = function (err) { var result; if (oldOnerror) { result = oldOnerror.apply(this, arguments); } reject(err); return result; }; req.then = function () { return promise.then.apply(promise, arguments); }; req['catch'] = function () { return promise['catch'].apply(promise, arguments); }; } }; }));
/*globals define */ 'use strict'; var root = this; // jshint ignore:line (function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['es6-promise'], function (es6Promise) { return (root.httppleasepromises = factory(es6Promise)); }); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = factory(require('es6-promise')); } else { root.httppleasepromises = factory(root.Promise); } }(function (es6Promise) { var Promise = es6Promise.Promise; return { processRequest: function (req) { var resolve, reject, oldOnload = req.onload, oldOnerror = req.onerror, promise = new Promise(function (a, b) { resolve = a; reject = b; }); req.onload = function (res) { var result; if (oldOnload) { result = oldOnload.apply(this, arguments); } resolve(res); return result; }; req.onerror = function (err) { var result; if (oldOnerror) { result = oldOnerror.apply(this, arguments); } reject(err); return result; }; req.then = function () { return promise.then.apply(promise, arguments); }; req['catch'] = function () { return promise['catch'].apply(promise, arguments); }; } }; }));
Use manual route definition over the route resource shortcut
<?php use Illuminate\Routing\Router; $router->model('menus', 'Modules\Menu\Entities\Menu'); $router->model('menuitem', 'Modules\Menu\Entities\Menuitem'); $router->group(['prefix' => '/menu'], function () { get('menus', ['as' => 'admin.menu.menu.index', 'uses' => 'MenuController@index']); get('menus/create', ['as' => 'admin.menu.menu.create', 'uses' => 'MenuController@create']); post('menus', ['as' => 'admin.menu.menu.store', 'uses' => 'MenuController@store']); get('menus/{menus}/edit', ['as' => 'admin.menu.menu.edit', 'uses' => 'MenuController@edit']); put('menus/{menus}', ['as' => 'admin.menu.menu.update', 'uses' => 'MenuController@update']); delete('menus/{menus}', ['as' => 'admin.menu.menu.destroy', 'uses' => 'MenuController@destroy']); get('menus/{menus}/menuitem', ['as' => 'dashboard.menuitem.index', 'uses' => 'MenuItemController@index']); get('menus/{menus}/menuitem/create', ['as' => 'dashboard.menuitem.create', 'uses' => 'MenuItemController@create']); post('menus/{menus}/menuitem', ['as' => 'dashboard.menuitem.store', 'uses' => 'MenuItemController@store']); get('menus/{menus}/menuitem/{menuitem}/edit', ['as' => 'dashboard.menuitem.edit', 'uses' => 'MenuItemController@edit']); put('menus/{menus}/menuitem/{menuitem}', ['as' => 'dashboard.menuitem.update', 'uses' => 'MenuItemController@update']); delete('menus/{menus}/menuitem/{menuitem}', ['as' => 'dashboard.menuitem.destroy', 'uses' => 'MenuItemController@destroy']); });
<?php use Illuminate\Routing\Router; $router->model('menus', 'Modules\Menu\Entities\Menu'); $router->model('menuitem', 'Modules\Menu\Entities\Menuitem'); $router->group(['prefix' => '/menu'], function (Router $router) { $router->resource('menus', 'MenuController', [ 'except' => ['show'], 'names' => [ 'index' => 'admin.menu.menu.index', 'create' => 'admin.menu.menu.create', 'store' => 'admin.menu.menu.store', 'edit' => 'admin.menu.menu.edit', 'update' => 'admin.menu.menu.update', 'destroy' => 'admin.menu.menu.destroy', ], ]); $router->resource('menus.menuitem', 'MenuItemController', [ 'except' => ['show'], 'names' => [ 'index' => 'dashboard.menuitem.index', 'create' => 'dashboard.menuitem.create', 'store' => 'dashboard.menuitem.store', 'edit' => 'dashboard.menuitem.edit', 'update' => 'dashboard.menuitem.update', 'destroy' => 'dashboard.menuitem.destroy', ], ]); });
Migrate API call to use fetch
const fetch = require('isomorphic-unfetch'); const streamify = require('into-stream'); module.exports = async options => { if (!options.key) { throw new Error('Error: key needed to use FEC API,' + 'specify using options.key, ' + 'or get one at https://api.data.gov/signup/'); } const baseURL = options.baseURL || 'https://api.open.fec.gov/v1/'; const endpoint = options.committee ? `committee/${options.committee}/filings/` : 'efile/filings'; const params = { sort: options.sort || '-receipt_date', per_page: options.perPage || 100, page: options.page || 1, api_key: options.key }; // https://stackoverflow.com/a/34209399 const query = Object.keys(params) .map(k => `${encodeURIComponent(k)}=${encodeURIComponent(params[k])}`) .join('&'); const response = await fetch(`${baseURL}${endpoint}?${query}`); const data = await response.json(); return streamify.object(data.results.map(filing => { if (filing.fec_file_id) { return { ...filing, fec_file_id: parseInt( filing.fec_file_id .replace('FEC-', '') .replace('SEN-','') ) } } return filing; })); };
const axios = require('axios'); const through2 = require('through2'); const JSONStream = require('JSONStream'); function processRow(filing, enc, next) { if (filing.fec_file_id) { filing.fec_file_id = parseInt( filing.fec_file_id .replace('FEC-', '') .replace('SEN-','') ); } this.push(filing); next(); } module.exports = async options => { if (!options.key) { throw new Error('Error: key needed to use FEC API,' + 'specify using options.key, ' + 'or get one at https://api.data.gov/signup/'); } const outStream = options.out || process.stdout; const baseURL = options.baseURL || 'https://api.open.fec.gov/v1/'; const sort = options.sort || '-receipt_date'; const perPage = options.perPage || 100; const page = options.page || 1; const endpoint = options.committee ? `committee/${options.committee}/filings/` : 'efile/filings'; const apiKey = options.key; const fecAPI = axios.create({ baseURL }); const response = await fecAPI.get(endpoint, { params: { sort, per_page: perPage, page, api_key: apiKey }, responseType: 'stream' }); return response.data .pipe(JSONStream.parse('results.*')) .pipe( through2.obj( processRow ) ); };
Allow passing engine arguments to connect().
import pkg_resources from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, create_engine, orm from .tables import metadata def connect(uri=None, session_args={}, engine_args={}): """Connects to the requested URI. Returns a session object. With the URI omitted, attempts to connect to a default SQLite database contained within the package directory. Calling this function also binds the metadata object to the created engine. """ # Default to a URI within the package, which was hopefully created at some point if not uri: sqlite_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename('pokedex', 'data/pokedex.sqlite') uri = 'sqlite:///' + sqlite_path ### Do some fixery for MySQL if uri[0:5] == 'mysql': # MySQL uses latin1 for connections by default even if the server is # otherwise oozing with utf8; charset fixes this if 'charset' not in uri: uri += '?charset=utf8' # Tables should be InnoDB, in the event that we're creating them, and # use UTF-8 goddammit! for table in metadata.tables.values(): table.kwargs['mysql_engine'] = 'InnoDB' table.kwargs['mysql_charset'] = 'utf8' ### Connect engine = create_engine(uri, **engine_args) conn = engine.connect() metadata.bind = engine all_session_args = dict(autoflush=True, autocommit=False, bind=engine) all_session_args.update(session_args) sm = orm.sessionmaker(**all_session_args) session = orm.scoped_session(sm) return session
import pkg_resources from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, create_engine, orm from .tables import metadata def connect(uri=None, **kwargs): """Connects to the requested URI. Returns a session object. With the URI omitted, attempts to connect to a default SQLite database contained within the package directory. Calling this function also binds the metadata object to the created engine. """ # Default to a URI within the package, which was hopefully created at some point if not uri: sqlite_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename('pokedex', 'data/pokedex.sqlite') uri = 'sqlite:///' + sqlite_path ### Do some fixery for MySQL if uri[0:5] == 'mysql': # MySQL uses latin1 for connections by default even if the server is # otherwise oozing with utf8; charset fixes this if 'charset' not in uri: uri += '?charset=utf8' # Tables should be InnoDB, in the event that we're creating them, and # use UTF-8 goddammit! for table in metadata.tables.values(): table.kwargs['mysql_engine'] = 'InnoDB' table.kwargs['mysql_charset'] = 'utf8' ### Connect engine = create_engine(uri) conn = engine.connect() metadata.bind = engine session_args = dict(autoflush=True, autocommit=False, bind=engine) session_args.update(kwargs) sm = orm.sessionmaker(**session_args) session = orm.scoped_session(sm) return session
Check for the binary option being passed to the md5 hasher. If so, always use default encoding.
var crypto = require('crypto') , fs = require('fs'); (function(undefined) { 'use strict'; module.exports = { sha256: function(key, data) { return crypto.createHmac('sha256', key).update(data, 'utf8').digest('hex'); }, md5: function(buffer, callback, options) { // String? if (options && options.type === 'string') { var encoding = options.binary ? undefined : 'utf8'; return setImmediate( callback, undefined, crypto.createHash('md5').update(buffer, encoding).digest('hex') ); } // File, then. fs.stat(buffer, function(err, stats) { if (err || !stats.isFile()) { return callback('File does not exist (' + buffer + ')'); } var md5 = crypto.createHash('md5'); var stream = fs.createReadStream(buffer); stream.on('data', function(data) { md5.update(data); }); stream.on('end', function() { callback(undefined, md5.digest('hex'), stats); }); }); } }; })();
var crypto = require('crypto') , fs = require('fs'); (function(undefined) { 'use strict'; module.exports = { sha256: function(key, data) { return crypto.createHmac('sha256', key).update(data, 'utf8').digest('hex'); }, md5: function(buffer, callback, options) { // String? if (options && options.type === 'string') { var encoding = buffer instanceof Buffer ? undefined : 'utf8'; return setImmediate( callback, undefined, crypto.createHash('md5').update(buffer, encoding).digest('hex') ); } // File, then. fs.stat(buffer, function(err, stats) { if (err || !stats.isFile()) { return callback('File does not exist (' + buffer + ')'); } var md5 = crypto.createHash('md5'); var stream = fs.createReadStream(buffer); stream.on('data', function(data) { md5.update(data); }); stream.on('end', function() { callback(undefined, md5.digest('hex'), stats); }); }); } }; })();
Check for wrong or non-existing stop or trip id
<?php namespace GtfsMerger\Merger; use League\Flysystem\ZipArchive\ZipArchiveAdapter; use Nette\Caching\Cache; use Nette\InvalidStateException; class StopTimeLimitations implements MergerInterface { /** @var Cache */ private $tripsIdsCache; /** @var Cache */ private $stopsIdsCache; function __construct( Cache $tripsIdsCache, Cache $stopsIdsCache ) { $this->tripsIdsCache = $tripsIdsCache; $this->stopsIdsCache = $stopsIdsCache; } /** * @param resource $stream * @return array */ public function merge($stream) { $items = []; $header = fgetcsv($stream); while(($data = fgetcsv($stream)) !== false) { $data = array_combine($header, $data); $currentId = $data['trip_id'] ?? null; $newId = $this->tripsIdsCache->load($currentId); if ($newId === null) { throw new InvalidStateException('Unknown trip ID: ' . $currentId); } $data['trip_id'] = $newId; $currentId = $data['stop_id'] ?? null; $newId = $this->stopsIdsCache->load($currentId); if ($newId === null) { throw new InvalidStateException('Unknown stop ID: ' . $currentId); } $data['stop_id'] = $newId; $items[] = $data; } return $items; } }
<?php namespace GtfsMerger\Merger; use League\Flysystem\ZipArchive\ZipArchiveAdapter; use Nette\Caching\Cache; use Nette\InvalidStateException; class StopTimeLimitations implements MergerInterface { /** @var Cache */ private $tripsIdsCache; /** @var Cache */ private $stopsIdsCache; function __construct( Cache $tripsIdsCache, Cache $stopsIdsCache ) { $this->tripsIdsCache = $tripsIdsCache; $this->stopsIdsCache = $stopsIdsCache; } /** * @param resource $stream * @return array */ public function merge($stream) { $items = []; $header = fgetcsv($stream); while(($data = fgetcsv($stream)) !== false) { $data = array_combine($header, $data); $currentId = $data['trip_id']; $newId = $this->tripsIdsCache->load($currentId); if ($newId === null) { throw new InvalidStateException('Unknown trip ID: ' . $currentId); } $data['trip_id'] = $newId; $currentId = $data['stop_id']; $newId = $this->stopsIdsCache->load($currentId); if ($newId === null) { throw new InvalidStateException('Unknown stop ID: ' . $currentId); } $data['stop_id'] = $newId; $items[] = $data; } return $items; } }
Use chunkhash instead of hash for filenames
var path = require('path'); var ManifestPlugin = require('webpack-manifest-plugin'); module.exports = { entry: { search: './resources/assets/js/search.js', episode: './resources/assets/js/episode.js', index: './resources/assets/js/index.js', app: './resources/assets/js/app.js', hammer: './resources/assets/js/hammer.js', rules: './resources/assets/js/rules.js', upload: './resources/assets/js/upload.js', translate: './resources/assets/js/translate.js', }, output: { filename: 'js/[name].[chunkhash].bundle.js', path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'public/') }, plugins: [ new ManifestPlugin({ fileName: '../resources/assets/manifest.json' }) ], module: { rules: [ { test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, use: { loader: 'babel-loader?cacheDirectory=true', options: { presets: ['env'] } } } ] } };
var path = require('path'); var ManifestPlugin = require('webpack-manifest-plugin'); module.exports = { entry: { search: './resources/assets/js/search.js', episode: './resources/assets/js/episode.js', index: './resources/assets/js/index.js', app: './resources/assets/js/app.js', hammer: './resources/assets/js/hammer.js', rules: './resources/assets/js/rules.js', upload: './resources/assets/js/upload.js', translate: './resources/assets/js/translate.js', }, output: { filename: 'js/[name].[hash].bundle.js', path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'public/') }, plugins: [ new ManifestPlugin({ fileName: '../resources/assets/manifest.json' }) ], module: { rules: [ { test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, use: { loader: 'babel-loader?cacheDirectory=true', options: { presets: ['env'] } } } ] } };
Allow formatter to be overridden.
(function() { 'use strict'; var _ = require('lodash'); function format(pkg) { var name = pkg.id; var version = pkg.doc['dist-tags'].latest; var link = 'https://www.npmjs.org/package/' + name; return 'Package <' + link + '|' + name + '@' + version + '> published'; }; var NpmSlack = function(opts) { this._npm = opts.npm; this._slack = opts.slack; this._npmPackages = opts.npmPackages; this._slackParams = opts.slackParams; this._format = opts.format || format; this._addNpmHandlers(); }; NpmSlack.prototype._addNpmHandlers = function() { this._npm.on('error', console.error); this._npm.on('data', this._handleNpmPackage.bind(this)); }; NpmSlack.prototype._handleNpmPackage = function(pkg) { if (!_.contains(this._npmPackages, pkg.id)) { return; } this._sendToSlack(this._format(pkg)); }; NpmSlack.prototype._sendToSlack = function(text) { console.log(text); this._slack.webhook( _.extend({}, this._slackParams, {text: text}), this._handleSlackResponse.bind(this) ); }; NpmSlack.prototype._handleSlackResponse = function(error, response) { if (error !== null) { console.error('-- ' + error); } }; module.exports = NpmSlack; })();
(function() { 'use strict'; var _ = require('lodash'); var NpmSlack = function(opts) { this._npm = opts.npm; this._slack = opts.slack; this._npmPackages = opts.npmPackages; this._slackParams = opts.slackParams; this._addNpmHandlers(); }; NpmSlack.prototype._addNpmHandlers = function() { this._npm.on('error', console.error); this._npm.on('data', this._handleNpmPackage.bind(this)); }; NpmSlack.prototype._handleNpmPackage = function(pkg) { if (!_.contains(this._npmPackages, pkg.id)) { return; } this._sendToSlack(this._format(pkg)); }; NpmSlack.prototype._format = function(pkg) { var name = pkg.id; var version = pkg.doc['dist-tags'].latest; var link = 'https://www.npmjs.org/package/' + name; return 'Package <' + link + '|' + name + '@' + version + '> published'; }; NpmSlack.prototype._sendToSlack = function(text) { console.log(text); this._slack.webhook( _.extend({}, this._slackParams, {text: text}), this._handleSlackResponse.bind(this) ); }; NpmSlack.prototype._handleSlackResponse = function(error, response) { if (error !== null) { console.error('-- ' + error); } }; module.exports = NpmSlack; })();
Make sure config returns proper value.
<?php /** * File: Config.php * User: zacharydubois * Date: 2015-12-30 * Time: 20:33 * Project: Digital-Footprint-Profile */ namespace dfp; class Config { private $config, $DataStore; /** * Config constructor. * * Sets the file to the configuration and grabs the current configuration contents. */ public function __construct() { // Create DataStore object. $this->DataStore = new DataStore(); // Grab the current configuration. $this->DataStore->setFile(CONFIGURATION); $this->config = $this->DataStore->read(); } /** * Retrieves Configuration Parameters * * Retrieves configuration options from the configuration array. * * @param string $option * @param string $param * @return array|string|bool */ public function get($option, $param) { if (!isset($this->config[$option][$param]) || $this->config[$option][$param] === '') { // Make sure values actually exist. return false; } return $this->config[$option][$param]; } /** * Set Configuration * * Merges new values with existing. * * @param array $payload * @return true * @throws Exception */ public function set(array $payload) { $config = array_merge($payload, $this->config); if (!$this->DataStore->write($config)) { throw new Exception("Failed to write config using config->set."); } return true; } }
<?php /** * File: Config.php * User: zacharydubois * Date: 2015-12-30 * Time: 20:33 * Project: Digital-Footprint-Profile */ namespace dfp; class Config { private $config, $DataStore; /** * Config constructor. * * Sets the file to the configuration and grabs the current configuration contents. */ public function __construct() { // Create DataStore object. $this->DataStore = new DataStore(); // Grab the current configuration. $this->DataStore->setFile(CONFIGURATION); $this->config = $this->DataStore->read(); } /** * Retrieves Configuration Parameters * * Retrieves configuration options from the configuration array. * * @param string $option * @param string|null $param * @return array|string|bool */ public function get($option, $param = null) { if ((!isset($this->config[$option]) && $param === null) || (!isset($this->config[$option][$param]) && $param !== null)) { // Make sure values actually exist. return false; } return $this->config[$option]; } /** * Set Configuration * * Merges new values with existing. * * @param array $payload * @return true * @throws Exception */ public function set(array $payload) { $config = array_merge($payload, $this->config); if (!$this->DataStore->write($config)) { throw new Exception("Failed to write config using config->set."); } return true; } }
Remove authed state on logout success
import { LOGIN_USER_REQUEST, LOGIN_USER_SUCCESS, LOGIN_USER_FAILURE, AUTH_USER_REQUEST, AUTH_USER_SUCCESS, AUTH_USER_FAILURE, LOGOUT_USER_REQUEST, LOGOUT_USER_SUCCESS } from '../constants/ActionTypes' const initialState = { user: null, isAuthenticated: false, isAuthenticating: false, error: null, token: null } export default function Auth(state = initialState, action) { switch (action.type) { case AUTH_USER_REQUEST: return { ...state, user: null, isAuthenticating: true, error: null } case AUTH_USER_SUCCESS: const auth = action.response.entities.auth[action.response.result]; if(auth.token){ localStorage.setItem('token', auth.token); } return { ...state, user: auth.user, isAuthenticated: true, isAuthenticating: false, error: null } case AUTH_USER_FAILURE: return { ...state, user: null, isAuthenticated: false, isAuthenticating: false, error: action.error } /* case LOGOUT_USER_REQUEST: return { ...initialState }*/ case LOGOUT_USER_SUCCESS: localStorage.removeItem('token'); return { ...initialState } default: return state } }
import { LOGIN_USER_REQUEST, LOGIN_USER_SUCCESS, LOGIN_USER_FAILURE, AUTH_USER_REQUEST, AUTH_USER_SUCCESS, AUTH_USER_FAILURE, LOGOUT_USER_REQUEST } from '../constants/ActionTypes' const initialState = { user: null, isAuthenticated: false, isAuthenticating: false, error: null, token: null } export default function Auth(state = initialState, action) { switch (action.type) { case AUTH_USER_REQUEST: return { ...state, user: null, isAuthenticating: true, error: null } case AUTH_USER_SUCCESS: const auth = action.response.entities.auth[action.response.result]; if(auth.token){ localStorage.setItem('token', auth.token); } return { ...state, user: auth.user, isAuthenticated: true, isAuthenticating: false, error: null } case AUTH_USER_FAILURE: return { ...state, user: null, isAuthenticated: false, isAuthenticating: false, error: action.error } case LOGOUT_USER_REQUEST: localStorage.removeItem('token'); return { ...initialState } default: return state } }
Make sure protobuf comes from pypi Without this, it gets the outdated zip package from googlecode and fail.
#!/usr/bin/env python import glob import os import subprocess import platform from setuptools import setup, find_packages def make_docs(): if not os.path.exists('docs'): os.mkdir('docs') subprocess.call(['pydoc', '-w', 'riak']) for name in glob.glob('*.html'): os.rename(name, 'docs/%s' % name) install_requires = ["riak_pb >=1.2.0, < 1.3.0"] requires = ["riak_pb(>=1.2.0,<1.3.0)"] tests_require = [] if platform.python_version() < '2.7': tests_require.append("unittest2") setup( name='riak', version='1.5.1', packages = find_packages(), requires = requires, install_requires = install_requires, tests_require = tests_require, package_data = {'riak' : ['erl_src/*']}, description='Python client for Riak', zip_safe=True, options={'easy_install': {'allow_hosts': 'pypi.python.org'}}, include_package_data=True, license='Apache 2', platforms='Platform Independent', author='Basho Technologies', author_email='[email protected]', test_suite='riak.tests.suite', url='https://github.com/basho/riak-python-client', classifiers = ['License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Topic :: Database'] )
#!/usr/bin/env python import glob import os import subprocess import platform from setuptools import setup, find_packages def make_docs(): if not os.path.exists('docs'): os.mkdir('docs') subprocess.call(['pydoc', '-w', 'riak']) for name in glob.glob('*.html'): os.rename(name, 'docs/%s' % name) install_requires = ["riak_pb >=1.2.0, < 1.3.0"] requires = ["riak_pb(>=1.2.0,<1.3.0)"] tests_require = [] if platform.python_version() < '2.7': tests_require.append("unittest2") setup( name='riak', version='1.5.1', packages = find_packages(), requires = requires, install_requires = install_requires, tests_require = tests_require, package_data = {'riak' : ['erl_src/*']}, description='Python client for Riak', zip_safe=True, include_package_data=True, license='Apache 2', platforms='Platform Independent', author='Basho Technologies', author_email='[email protected]', test_suite='riak.tests.suite', url='https://github.com/basho/riak-python-client', classifiers = ['License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Topic :: Database'] )
Check configuration file rather than env variable
import os import logging import json from logging.config import dictConfig from gluon.storage import Storage from gluon.contrib.appconfig import AppConfig # app_config use to cache values in production app_config = AppConfig(reload=True) # settings is used to avoid cached values in production settings = Storage() # LOGGING CONFIGURATIONS settings.logging_config = dict(main=os.path.join(request.folder, 'logging.json'), scheduler=os.path.join(request.folder, 'logging-scheduler.json')) # INITIALIZE LOGGING if os.path.exists(settings.logging_config['main']): try: config = json.loads(open(settings.logging_config['main']).read()) logging.config.dictConfig(config) except ValueError as e: pass logger = logging.getLogger(settings.app_name) # DATABASE CONFIGURATION # Check whether POSTGRES_ENABLED env var is set to True or not. # If so, generate connection string. if app_config.has_key('postgres'): settings.db_uri = 'postgres://{u}:{p}@{h}:{po}/{db}'.format( u=app_config.get('postgres.username'), p=app_config.get('postgres.password'), h=app_config.get('postgres.hostname'), po=app_config.get('postgres.port'), db=app_config.get('postgres.database')) else: settings.db_uri = app_config.get('db.uri')
import os import logging import json from logging.config import dictConfig from gluon.storage import Storage from gluon.contrib.appconfig import AppConfig # app_config use to cache values in production app_config = AppConfig(reload=True) # settings is used to avoid cached values in production settings = Storage() # LOGGING CONFIGURATIONS settings.logging_config = dict(main=os.path.join(request.folder, 'logging.json'), scheduler=os.path.join(request.folder, 'logging-scheduler.json')) # INITIALIZE LOGGING if os.path.exists(settings.logging_config['main']): try: config = json.loads(open(settings.logging_config['main']).read()) logging.config.dictConfig(config) except ValueError as e: pass logger = logging.getLogger(settings.app_name) # DATABASE CONFIGURATION # Check whether POSTGRES_ENABLED env var is set to True or not. # If so, generate connection string. if os.environ['POSTGRES_ENABLED'] == 'True': settings.db_uri = 'postgres://{u}:{p}@{h}:{po}/{db}'.format( u=app_config.get('postgres.username'), p=app_config.get('postgres.password'), h=app_config.get('postgres.hostname'), po=app_config.get('postgres.port'), db=app_config.get('postgres.database')) else: settings.db_uri = app_config.get('db.uri')
Add the 3.2 trove classifier since it's technically supported for now.
import os from setuptools import setup setup(name='django-contact-form', version='1.2', zip_safe=False, # eggs are the devil. description='Generic contact-form application for Django', long_description=open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'README.rst')).read(), author='James Bennett', author_email='[email protected]', url='https://github.com/ubernostrum/django-contact-form/', packages=['contact_form', 'contact_form.tests'], test_suite='contact_form.runtests.run_tests', classifiers=['Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Environment :: Web Environment', 'Framework :: Django', 'Framework :: Django :: 1.8', 'Framework :: Django :: 1.9', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Topic :: Utilities'], )
import os from setuptools import setup setup(name='django-contact-form', version='1.2', zip_safe=False, # eggs are the devil. description='Generic contact-form application for Django', long_description=open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'README.rst')).read(), author='James Bennett', author_email='[email protected]', url='https://github.com/ubernostrum/django-contact-form/', packages=['contact_form', 'contact_form.tests'], test_suite='contact_form.runtests.run_tests', classifiers=['Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Environment :: Web Environment', 'Framework :: Django', 'Framework :: Django :: 1.8', 'Framework :: Django :: 1.9', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Topic :: Utilities'], )
Use the default file upload max memory size
""" @author: Ferdinand E. Silva @email: [email protected] @website: http://ferdinandsilva.com """ import os from django.conf import settings from django.utils import simplejson as json class qqFileUploader(object): def __init__(self, allowedExtensions=None, sizeLimit=None): self.allowedExtensions = allowedExtensions or [] self.sizeLimit = sizeLimit or settings.FILE_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE def handleUpload(self, request, uploadDirectory): #read file info from stream uploaded = request.read #get file size fileSize = int(uploaded.im_self.META["CONTENT_LENGTH"]) #get file name fileName = uploaded.im_self.META["HTTP_X_FILE_NAME"] #check first for allowed file extensions #read the file content, if it is not read when the request is multi part then the client get an error fileContent = uploaded(fileSize) if self._getExtensionFromFileName(fileName) in self.allowedExtensions or ".*" in self.allowedExtensions: #check file size if fileSize <= self.sizeLimit: #upload file #write file file = open(os.path.join(uploadDirectory, fileName), "wb+") file.write(fileContent) file.close() return json.dumps({"success": True}) else: return json.dumps({"error": "File is too large."}) else: return json.dumps({"error": "File has an invalid extension."}) def _getExtensionFromFileName(self, fileName): filename, extension = os.path.splitext(fileName) return extension
""" @author: Ferdinand E. Silva @email: [email protected] @website: http://ferdinandsilva.com """ import os from django.utils import simplejson as json class qqFileUploader(object): def __init__(self, allowedExtensions=None, sizeLimit=1024): self.allowedExtensions = allowedExtensions or [] self.sizeLimit = sizeLimit def handleUpload(self, request, uploadDirectory): #read file info from stream uploaded = request.read #get file size fileSize = int(uploaded.im_self.META["CONTENT_LENGTH"]) #get file name fileName = uploaded.im_self.META["HTTP_X_FILE_NAME"] #check first for allowed file extensions #read the file content, if it is not read when the request is multi part then the client get an error fileContent = uploaded(fileSize) if self._getExtensionFromFileName(fileName) in self.allowedExtensions or ".*" in self.allowedExtensions: #check file size if fileSize <= self.sizeLimit: #upload file #write file file = open(os.path.join(uploadDirectory, fileName), "wb+") file.write(fileContent) file.close() return json.dumps({"success": True}) else: return json.dumps({"error": "File is too large."}) else: return json.dumps({"error": "File has an invalid extension."}) def _getExtensionFromFileName(self, fileName): filename, extension = os.path.splitext(fileName) return extension
Check python version and possibly only import some things
######################################################################## # # # This script was written by Thomas Heavey in 2017. # # [email protected] [email protected] # # # # Copyright 2017 Thomas J. Heavey IV # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # # implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # # limitations under the License. # # # ######################################################################## from __future__ import absolute_import import sys from . import para_temp_setup if sys.version_info.major == 2: # These (at this point) require python 2 because of gromacs and MDAnalysis from . import energyHisto from . import CoordinateAnalysis
######################################################################## # # # This script was written by Thomas Heavey in 2017. # # [email protected] [email protected] # # # # Copyright 2017 Thomas J. Heavey IV # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # # implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # # limitations under the License. # # # ######################################################################## from __future__ import absolute_import from . import energyHisto from . import para_temp_setup from . import CoordinateAnalysis
Test for new comment property.
package com.uwetrottmann.getglue.services; import com.uwetrottmann.getglue.BaseTestCase; import com.uwetrottmann.getglue.entities.GetGlueInteraction; import com.uwetrottmann.getglue.entities.GetGlueInteractionResource; import java.util.List; import static org.fest.assertions.api.Assertions.assertThat; public class InteractionServiceTest extends BaseTestCase { public static final String SAMPLE_INTERACTION = "getgluejava/2013-10-24T18:30:38Z"; public void test_get() { InteractionService service = getManager().interactionService(); GetGlueInteractionResource resource = service.get(SAMPLE_INTERACTION); assertThat(resource).isNotNull(); assertThat(resource.interaction).isNotNull(); assertThat(resource.interaction._object).isNotNull(); assertThat(resource.interaction._object.id).isEqualTo("tv_shows/how_i_met_your_mother"); assertThat(resource.interaction._object.title).isEqualTo("How I Met Your Mother"); assertThat(resource.interaction.comment).isEqualTo("Testing getglue-java."); } public void test_votes() { InteractionService service = getManager().interactionService(); List<GetGlueInteraction> resource = service.votes(SAMPLE_INTERACTION); assertThat(resource).isNotNull(); } public void test_replies() { InteractionService service = getManager().interactionService(); List<GetGlueInteraction> resource = service.replies(SAMPLE_INTERACTION); assertThat(resource).isNotNull(); } }
package com.uwetrottmann.getglue.services; import com.uwetrottmann.getglue.BaseTestCase; import com.uwetrottmann.getglue.entities.GetGlueInteraction; import com.uwetrottmann.getglue.entities.GetGlueInteractionResource; import java.util.List; import static org.fest.assertions.api.Assertions.assertThat; public class InteractionServiceTest extends BaseTestCase { public static final String SAMPLE_INTERACTION = "getgluejava/2013-10-24T18:30:38Z"; public void test_get() { InteractionService service = getManager().interactionService(); GetGlueInteractionResource resource = service.get(SAMPLE_INTERACTION); assertThat(resource).isNotNull(); assertThat(resource.interaction).isNotNull(); assertThat(resource.interaction._object).isNotNull(); assertThat(resource.interaction._object.id).isEqualTo("tv_shows/how_i_met_your_mother"); assertThat(resource.interaction._object.title).isEqualTo("How I Met Your Mother"); } public void test_votes() { InteractionService service = getManager().interactionService(); List<GetGlueInteraction> resource = service.votes(SAMPLE_INTERACTION); assertThat(resource).isNotNull(); } public void test_replies() { InteractionService service = getManager().interactionService(); List<GetGlueInteraction> resource = service.replies(SAMPLE_INTERACTION); assertThat(resource).isNotNull(); } }
example: Add example of removing physics force
FamousFramework.scene('famous-tests:physics:basic:particle', { behaviors: { '.particle': { 'size': [200, 200], 'align': [0.5, 0.5], 'mount-point': [0.5, 0.5], 'style': { 'background': 'whitesmoke', 'border-radius': '50%' } }, '.one': { 'position': function(position1) { return position1; } }, '.two': { 'position': function(position2) { return position2; } } }, events: { '$lifecycle': { 'post-load': function($state) { $state .applyPhysicsForce('gravity1D', [ 'position1' ]) .applyPhysicsConstraint('distance', [ 'position1', 'position2' ], { length: 400 }); } }, '.one': { 'click': function($state) { $state.removePhysicsForce('gravity1D'); } } }, states: { 'position1': [0, 0, 0], 'position2': [0, -200, 0] }, tree: ` <node class="particle one"></node> <node class="particle two"></node> ` });
FamousFramework.scene('famous-tests:physics:basic:particle', { behaviors: { '.particle': { 'size': [200, 200], 'align': [0.5, 0.5], 'mount-point': [0.5, 0.5], 'style': { 'background': 'whitesmoke', 'border-radius': '50%' } }, '.one': { 'position': function(position1) { return position1; } }, '.two': { 'position': function(position2) { return position2; } } }, events: { '$lifecycle': { 'post-load': function($state) { $state .applyPhysicsForce('gravity1D', [ 'position1' ]) .applyPhysicsConstraint('distance', [ 'position1', 'position2' ], { length: 400 }); } } }, states: { 'position1': [0, 0, 0], 'position2': [0, -200, 0] }, tree: ` <node class="particle one"></node> <node class="particle two"></node> ` });
Add extra read(...) method for performance
package org.bouncycastle.asn1; import java.io.EOFException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.IOException; class DefiniteLengthInputStream extends LimitedInputStream { private int _length; DefiniteLengthInputStream( InputStream in, int length) { super(in); if (length < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("negative lengths not allowed"); } this._length = length; } public int read() throws IOException { if (_length > 0) { int b = _in.read(); if (b < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } --_length; return b; } setParentEofDetect(true); return -1; } public int read(byte[] buf, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (_length > 0) { int toRead = Math.min(len, _length); int numRead = _in.read(buf, off, toRead); if (numRead < 0) throw new EOFException(); _length -= numRead; return numRead; } setParentEofDetect(true); return -1; } byte[] toByteArray() throws IOException { byte[] bytes = new byte[_length]; if (_length > 0) { int pos = 0; do { int read = _in.read(bytes, pos, _length - pos); if (read < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } pos += read; } while (pos < _length); _length = 0; } setParentEofDetect(true); return bytes; } }
package org.bouncycastle.asn1; import java.io.EOFException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.IOException; class DefiniteLengthInputStream extends LimitedInputStream { private int _length; DefiniteLengthInputStream( InputStream in, int length) { super(in); if (length < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("negative lengths not allowed"); } this._length = length; } public int read() throws IOException { if (_length > 0) { int b = _in.read(); if (b < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } --_length; return b; } setParentEofDetect(true); return -1; } byte[] toByteArray() throws IOException { byte[] bytes = new byte[_length]; if (_length > 0) { int pos = 0; do { int read = _in.read(bytes, pos, _length - pos); if (read < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } pos += read; } while (pos < _length); _length = 0; } setParentEofDetect(true); return bytes; } }
Fix for cluster detail page
(function() { "use strict"; var app = angular.module("TendrlModule"); app.controller("clusterDetailController", clusterDetailController); /*@ngInject*/ function clusterDetailController($state, $stateParams, utils, $scope, $rootScope) { var vm = this; vm.tabList = { "Host": 1 }; vm.setTab = setTab; vm.isTabSet = isTabSet; /* Adding clusterId in scope so that it will be accessible inside child directive */ $scope.clusterId = $stateParams.clusterId; if (!$rootScope.clusterData) { utils.getObjectList("Cluster") .then(function(data) { $rootScope.clusterData = data; _setClusterDetail(); }); } else { _setClusterDetail(); } function _setClusterDetail() { vm.clusterObj = utils.getClusterDetails($scope.clusterId); vm.clusterName = vm.clusterObj.cluster_name || "NA"; if (vm.clusterObj.sds_name === "glusterfs") { vm.tabList.FileShare = 2; } else { vm.tabList.Pool = 2; vm.tabList.RBD = 3; } vm.activeTab = vm.tabList["Host"]; } function setTab(newTab) { vm.activeTab = newTab; } function isTabSet(tabNum) { return vm.activeTab === tabNum; } } })();
(function() { "use strict"; var app = angular.module("TendrlModule"); app.controller("clusterDetailController", clusterDetailController); /*@ngInject*/ function clusterDetailController($state, $stateParams, utils, $scope, $rootScope) { var vm = this; vm.tabList = { "Host": 1 }; vm.setTab = setTab; vm.isTabSet = isTabSet; /* Adding clusterId in scope so that it will be accessible inside child directive */ $scope.clusterId = $stateParams.clusterId; if (!$rootScope.clusterData) { $state.go("cluster"); } else { vm.clusterObj = utils.getClusterDetails($scope.clusterId); vm.clusterName = vm.clusterObj.cluster_name || "NA"; if (vm.clusterObj.sds_name === "glusterfs") { vm.tabList.FileShare = 2; } else { vm.tabList.Pool = 2; vm.tabList.RBD = 3; } vm.activeTab = vm.tabList["Host"]; } function setTab(newTab) { vm.activeTab = newTab; } function isTabSet(tabNum) { return vm.activeTab === tabNum; } } })();
Copy over the tracers as well
<?php namespace Hoopak; use Hoopak\Annotation; class Trace { /** * Create a Trace. */ public function __construct($name, $traceId=null, $spanId=null, $parentSpanId=null, $tracers=array()) { $this->name = $name; if ($traceId) { $this->traceId = $traceId; } else { $this->traceId = $this->_id(); } if ($spanId) { $this->spanId = $spanId; } else { $this->spanId = $this->_id(); } $this->parentSpanId = $parentSpanId; $this->_tracers = $tracers; $this->_endpoint = null; } /** * Record an annotation */ public function record($annotation) { if (!$annotation->endpoint && $this->_endpoint) { $annotation->endpoint = $this->_endpoint; } foreach ($this->_tracers as $tracer) { $tracer->record($this, $annotation); } } /** * Create a child of this trace */ public function child($name) { $trace = new self($name, $this->traceId, null, $this->spanId); $trace->_tracers = $this->_tracers; $trace->setEndpoint($this->_endpoint); return $trace; } /** * Set the endpoint */ public function setEndpoint($endpoint) { $this->_endpoint = $endpoint; } private static function _id() { return rand(0, pow(2,56)-1); } }
<?php namespace Hoopak; use Hoopak\Annotation; class Trace { /** * Create a Trace. */ public function __construct($name, $traceId=null, $spanId=null, $parentSpanId=null, $tracers=array()) { $this->name = $name; if ($traceId) { $this->traceId = $traceId; } else { $this->traceId = $this->_id(); } if ($spanId) { $this->spanId = $spanId; } else { $this->spanId = $this->_id(); } $this->parentSpanId = $parentSpanId; $this->_tracers = $tracers; $this->_endpoint = null; } /** * Record an annotation */ public function record($annotation) { if (!$annotation->endpoint && $this->_endpoint) { $annotation->endpoint = $this->_endpoint; } foreach ($this->_tracers as $tracer) { $tracer->record($this, $annotation); } } /** * Create a child of this trace */ public function child($name) { $trace = new self($name, $this->traceId, null, $this->spanId); $trace->setEndpoint($this->_endpoint); return $trace; } /** * Set the endpoint */ public function setEndpoint($endpoint) { $this->_endpoint = $endpoint; } private static function _id() { return rand(0, pow(2,56)-1); } }
Fix AppVeyor build or break it in a different way
from .checks import (check_quantity, check_relativistic, _check_quantity, _check_relativistic) from .exceptions import (PlasmaPyError, PhysicsError, RelativityError, AtomicError, MissingAtomicDataError, ChargeError, InvalidIonError, InvalidIsotopeError, InvalidElementError, InvalidParticleError, DataStandardError, PlasmaPyWarning, PhysicsWarning, CouplingWarning, RelativityWarning, AtomicWarning, MissingAtomicDataWarning) from .pytest_helpers import ( run_test, run_test_equivalent_calls, call_string, InconsistentTypeError, UnexpectedResultError, UnexpectedExceptionError, RunTestError, IncorrectResultError, MissingExceptionError, MissingWarningError, assert_can_handle_nparray, ) from . import roman
from .checks import (check_quantity, check_relativistic, _check_quantity, _check_relativistic) from .exceptions import (PlasmaPyError, PhysicsError, RelativityError, AtomicError, MissingAtomicDataError, ChargeError, InvalidIonError, InvalidIsotopeError, InvalidElementError, InvalidParticleError, DataStandardError, PlasmaPyWarning, PhysicsWarning, CouplingWarning, RelativityWarning, AtomicWarning, MissingAtomicDataWarning) from .pytest_helpers import ( run_test, run_test_equivalent_calls, call_string, InconsistentTypeError, UnexpectedResultError, UnexpectedExceptionError, RunTestError, IncorrectResultError, MissingExceptionError, MissingWarningError, assert_can_handle_nparray, ) import roman
Use $uibModalInstance in login controller
export default /*@ngInject*/class LoginController{ constructor(user,$uibModalInstance){ this.user = user; this.$uibModalInstance = $uibModalInstance; this.data = {}; this.loginFields = [{ key: 'email', type: 'horizontalInput', templateOptions: { type: 'email', label: 'E-Mail', required: true, placeholder: '[email protected]', maxlength: 20 }, validation: { messages: { 'userCheck': '$viewValue+" ist kein registrierter Benutzer"' } }, ngModelAttrs: { 'exists': { value: 'user-check' } }, modelOptions: { updateOn: 'default blur', debounce: {default: 500, blur: 0} } }, { key: 'password', type: 'horizontalInput', templateOptions: { type: 'password', label: 'Passwort', required: true, placeholder: 'unlösbar', minlength: 8 } }]; } login(){ return this.user.authenticate(this.data,true) .then( (data) => { return this.$uibModalInstance.close(data); }, (e) => { this.message = e.data; return e; } ); } cancel(){ this.$uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); } }
export default /*@ngInject*/class LoginController{ constructor(user,$modalInstance){ this.user = user; this.$modalInstance = $modalInstance; this.data = {}; this.loginFields = [{ key: 'email', type: 'horizontalInput', templateOptions: { type: 'email', label: 'E-Mail', required: true, placeholder: '[email protected]', maxlength: 20 }, validation: { messages: { 'userCheck': '$viewValue+" ist kein registrierter Benutzer"' } }, ngModelAttrs: { 'exists': { value: 'user-check' } }, modelOptions: { updateOn: 'default blur', debounce: {default: 500, blur: 0} } }, { key: 'password', type: 'horizontalInput', templateOptions: { type: 'password', label: 'Passwort', required: true, placeholder: 'unlösbar', minlength: 8 } }]; } login(){ return this.user.authenticate(this.data,true) .then( (data) => { return this.$modalInstance.close(data); }, (e) => { this.message = e.data; return e; } ); } cancel(){ this.$modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); } }
Update validation check for paper bundles.
#!/usr/bin/python3 from random import randint class Student: def __init__(self, id): self.id = id self.papers = [] def assign_paper(self, paper): self.papers.append(paper) def __str__(self): return str(self.id) + ": " + str(self.papers) class Paper: def __init__(self, id): self.id = id def create_bundle_graph(n, k): students = [Student(x + 1) for x in range(n)] papers = [Paper(x + 1) for x in range(n)] while True: for i in range(k): inavai_pap = set() for j in range(len(students)): paper = None while True: paper = papers[randint(0, len(papers) - 1)] if paper.id == students[j].id: continue if paper.id not in inavai_pap and paper.id not in students[j].papers: inavai_pap.add(paper.id) break students[j].assign_paper(paper.id) # make sure not more than one paper is assigned to every two people success = True for i in range(n): for j in range(i + 1, n): cnt = len(set(students[i].papers).intersection(set(students[j].papers))) if cnt >= 2: success = False break if not success: break if success: break return students
#!/usr/bin/python3 from random import randint class Student: def __init__(self, id): self.id = id self.papers = [] def assign_paper(self, paper): self.papers.append(paper) def __str__(self): return str(self.id) + ": " + str(self.papers) class Paper: def __init__(self, id): self.id = id def create_bundle_graph(n, k): students = [Student(x + 1) for x in range(n)] papers = [Paper(x + 1) for x in range(n)] while True: for i in range(k): inavai_pap = set() for j in range(len(students)): paper = None while True: paper = papers[randint(0, len(papers) - 1)] if paper.id == students[j].id: continue if paper.id not in inavai_pap and paper.id not in students[j].papers: inavai_pap.add(paper.id) break students[j].assign_paper(paper.id) # make sure not more than one paper is assigned to every two people success = True for i in range(n): for j in range(i + 1, n): cnt = 0 for l in range(k): if students[i].papers[l] == students[j].papers[l]: cnt = cnt + 1 if cnt >= 2: success = False break if not success: break if not success: break if success: break return students
Add a general 'loading script' to ignore list
window._trackJs = { onError: function(payload, error) { function itemExistInList(item, list) { for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (item.indexOf(list[i]) > -1) { return true; } } return false; } var ignorableErrors = [ // General script error, not actionable "[object Event]", // General script error, not actionable "Script error.", // error when user interrupts script loading, nothing to fix "Error loading script", // an error caused by DealPly (http://www.dealply.com/) chrome extension "DealPly", // this error is reported when a post request returns error, i.e. html body // the details provided in this case are completely useless, thus discarded "Unexpected token <" ]; if (itemExistInList(payload.message, ignorableErrors)) { return false; } payload.network = payload.network.filter(function(item) { // ignore random errors from Intercom if (item.statusCode === 403 && payload.message.indexOf("intercom") > -1) { return false; } return true; }); return true; } };
window._trackJs = { onError: function(payload, error) { function itemExistInList(item, list) { for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (item.indexOf(list[i]) > -1) { return true; } } return false; } var ignorableErrors = [ // General script error, not actionable "[object Event]", // General script error, not actionable "Script error.", // an error caused by DealPly (http://www.dealply.com/) chrome extension "DealPly", // this error is reported when a post request returns error, i.e. html body // the details provided in this case are completely useless, thus discarded "Unexpected token <" ]; if (itemExistInList(payload.message, ignorableErrors)) { return false; } payload.network = payload.network.filter(function(item) { // ignore random errors from Intercom if (item.statusCode === 403 && payload.message.indexOf("intercom") > -1) { return false; } return true; }); return true; } };
Remove scripting for now, just git pull
<?php require 'core.php'; // No unauthenticated deploys! protectPage(); // Run relevant deploy. $hash = $_GET['project']; $targets = getDeployTargets(); foreach ($targets as $target) { if ($target->getIdentifier() == $hash) { $result = shell_exec('/usr/bin/git pull 2>&1'); // Execute script. if ($result == null) { echo json_encode([ 'status' => 'warning', 'message' => 'It doesn\'t look like your website deployed properly. Executing your script returned null.', 'result' => $result, ]); // Null output from script. } else if ($result == '0') { echo json_encode([ 'status' => 'success', 'message' => 'Your website should be online and ready! Your script ran without a problem.', 'result' => $result, ]); // If script returns 0, that means success. } else if ($result == '1') { echo json_encode([ 'status' => 'danger', 'message' => 'There was a problem deploying your site. Your script returned a failure.', 'result' => $result, ]); // If script returns 1, that means failure. } else { echo json_encode([ 'status' => 'info', 'message' => 'Your script returned something weird. You should look into this further.', 'result' => $result, ]); // If script returns something else, we dunno. } } }
<?php require 'core.php'; // No unauthenticated deploys! protectPage(); // Run relevant deploy. $hash = $_GET['project']; $targets = getDeployTargets(); foreach ($targets as $target) { if ($target->getIdentifier() == $hash) { $result = exec($target->getDeployCommand() . ' 2>&1'); // Execute script. if ($result == null) { echo json_encode([ 'status' => 'warning', 'message' => 'It doesn\'t look like your website deployed properly. Executing your script returned null.', 'result' => $result, ]); // Null output from script. } else if ($result == '0') { echo json_encode([ 'status' => 'success', 'message' => 'Your website should be online and ready! Your script ran without a problem.', 'result' => $result, ]); // If script returns 0, that means success. } else if ($result == '1') { echo json_encode([ 'status' => 'danger', 'message' => 'There was a problem deploying your site. Your script returned a failure.', 'result' => $result, ]); // If script returns 1, that means failure. } else { echo json_encode([ 'status' => 'info', 'message' => 'Your script returned something weird. You should look into this further.', 'result' => $result, ]); // If script returns something else, we dunno. } } }
Disable pythonxerbla.c patch for win32 (the MSVC linker failes on multiple defined symbols) when using optimized lapack.
def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None): from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration from numpy.distutils.system_info import get_info config = Configuration('linalg',parent_package,top_path) config.add_data_dir('tests') # Configure lapack_lite lapack_info = get_info('lapack_opt',0) # and {} def get_lapack_lite_sources(ext, build_dir): if not lapack_info: print "### Warning: Using unoptimized lapack ###" return ext.depends[:-1] else: if sys.platform=='win32': print "### Warning: pythonxerbla.c is disabled ###" return ext.depends[:1] return ext.depends[:2] config.add_extension('lapack_lite', sources = [get_lapack_lite_sources], depends= ['lapack_litemodule.c', 'pythonxerbla.c', 'zlapack_lite.c', 'dlapack_lite.c', 'blas_lite.c', 'dlamch.c', 'f2c_lite.c','f2c.h'], extra_info = lapack_info ) return config if __name__ == '__main__': from numpy.distutils.core import setup setup(configuration=configuration)
def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None): from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration from numpy.distutils.system_info import get_info config = Configuration('linalg',parent_package,top_path) config.add_data_dir('tests') # Configure lapack_lite lapack_info = get_info('lapack_opt',0) # and {} def get_lapack_lite_sources(ext, build_dir): if not lapack_info: print "### Warning: Using unoptimized lapack ###" return ext.depends[:-1] else: return ext.depends[:2] config.add_extension('lapack_lite', sources = [get_lapack_lite_sources], depends= ['lapack_litemodule.c', 'pythonxerbla.c', 'zlapack_lite.c', 'dlapack_lite.c', 'blas_lite.c', 'dlamch.c', 'f2c_lite.c','f2c.h'], extra_info = lapack_info ) return config if __name__ == '__main__': from numpy.distutils.core import setup setup(configuration=configuration)
Add TODO about using an enum instead of an unconstrained string git-svn-id: 4b387fe5ada7764508e2ca96c335714e4c1692c6@1519 0d517254-b314-0410-acde-c619094fa49f
package edu.northwestern.bioinformatics.studycalendar.domain; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorValue; import javax.persistence.Transient; /** * @author Nataliya Shurupova */ @Entity @DiscriminatorValue(value="2") public class DayOfTheWeek extends Holiday { // TODO: This ought to be the java.util.Calendar constant for the day, or a custom enum private String dayOfTheWeek; @Transient public String getDisplayName() { return getDayOfTheWeek(); } @Transient public int getDayOfTheWeekInteger() { return mapDayNameToInteger(getDayOfTheWeek()); } public String getDayOfTheWeek() { return this.dayOfTheWeek; } public void setDayOfTheWeek(String dayOfTheWeek) { this.dayOfTheWeek = dayOfTheWeek; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; DayOfTheWeek that = (DayOfTheWeek) o; if (dayOfTheWeek != null ? !dayOfTheWeek.equals(that.dayOfTheWeek) : that.dayOfTheWeek != null) return false; return true; } @Override public String toString(){ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("Id = "); sb.append(getId()); sb.append(" DayOfTheWeek = "); sb.append(getDayOfTheWeek()); sb.append(super.toString()); return sb.toString(); } }
package edu.northwestern.bioinformatics.studycalendar.domain; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorValue; import javax.persistence.Transient; /** * @author Nataliya Shurupova */ @Entity @DiscriminatorValue(value="2") public class DayOfTheWeek extends Holiday { private String dayOfTheWeek; @Transient public String getDisplayName() { return getDayOfTheWeek(); } @Transient public int getDayOfTheWeekInteger() { return mapDayNameToInteger(getDayOfTheWeek()); } public String getDayOfTheWeek() { return this.dayOfTheWeek; } public void setDayOfTheWeek(String dayOfTheWeek) { this.dayOfTheWeek = dayOfTheWeek; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; DayOfTheWeek that = (DayOfTheWeek) o; if (dayOfTheWeek != null ? !dayOfTheWeek.equals(that.dayOfTheWeek) : that.dayOfTheWeek != null) return false; return true; } @Override public String toString(){ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("Id = "); sb.append(getId()); sb.append(" DayOfTheWeek = "); sb.append(getDayOfTheWeek()); sb.append(super.toString()); return sb.toString(); } }
Remove widget specific code from soap data source
<?php namespace ATPViz\DataSource; class SOAP extends AbstractDataSource { public function getData() { $options = $this->getOptions(); $url = $options['url']; $namespace = $options['namespace']; $client = new \ATP\Soap\Client($url, $namespace); $headers = array(); foreach($options['headers'] as $name => $params) { $header = new \ATP\Soap\Header($namespace, $name); foreach($params as $name => $value) { $header->$name = $value; } $headers[] = $header; } $client->__setHeaders($headers); $function = $options['function']; $node = $client->$function(); if(isset($options['dataElement'])) { $nodes = explode("\\", $options['dataElement']); foreach($nodes as $curNode) { $node = $node[$curNode]; } } if($options['extractAttributes']) { foreach($node as &$item) { if(isset($item['@attributes'])) { $item = array_merge($item, $item['@attributes']); unset($item['@attributes']); } } } $columns = count($node) > 0 ? array_keys($node[0]) : array(); return array( 'columns' => $columns, 'data' => $node, ); } }
<?php namespace ATPViz\DataSource; class SOAP extends AbstractDataSource { public function getData() { $options = $this->getOptions(); $url = $options['url']; $namespace = $options['namespace']; $client = new \ATP\Soap\Client($url, $namespace); $headers = array(); foreach($options['headers'] as $name => $params) { $header = new \ATP\Soap\Header($namespace, $name); foreach($params as $name => $value) { $header->$name = $value; } $headers[] = $header; } $client->__setHeaders($headers); $node = $client->GetAllSCADAAnalogs(); if(isset($options['dataElement'])) { $nodes = explode("\\", $options['dataElement']); foreach($nodes as $curNode) { $node = $node[$curNode]; } } if($options['extractAttributes']) { foreach($node as &$item) { if(isset($item['@attributes'])) { $item = array_merge($item, $item['@attributes']); unset($item['@attributes']); } } } $columns = count($node) > 0 ? array_keys($node[0]) : array(); return array( 'columns' => $columns, 'data' => $node, ); } }
Correct dependency to TYPO3 version to ensure that the correct forms are loaded
<?php /*************************************************************** * Extension Manager/Repository config file for ext "bootstrap_package". ***************************************************************/ $EM_CONF[$_EXTKEY] = array ( 'title' => 'Bootstrap Package', 'description' => 'Bootstrap Package delivers a full configured frontend for TYPO3 CMS 6.2, based on the Bootstrap CSS Framework.', 'category' => 'templates', 'shy' => 0, 'version' => '6.2.6-dev', 'dependencies' => '', 'conflicts' => '', 'priority' => 'top', 'loadOrder' => '', 'module' => '', 'state' => 'beta', 'uploadfolder' => 0, 'createDirs' => '', 'modify_tables' => 'tt_content', 'clearcacheonload' => 1, 'lockType' => '', 'author' => 'Benjamin Kott', 'author_email' => '[email protected]', 'author_company' => 'private', 'CGLcompliance' => NULL, 'CGLcompliance_note' => NULL, 'constraints' => array( 'depends' => array( 'typo3' => '6.2.4-6.3.99', 'css_styled_content' => '6.2.0-6.3.99', 'realurl' => '1.12.8-1.12.99', ), 'conflicts' => array( 'fluidpages' => '*', 'dyncss' => '*', ), 'suggests' => array() ), );
<?php /*************************************************************** * Extension Manager/Repository config file for ext "bootstrap_package". ***************************************************************/ $EM_CONF[$_EXTKEY] = array ( 'title' => 'Bootstrap Package', 'description' => 'Bootstrap Package delivers a full configured frontend for TYPO3 CMS 6.2, based on the Bootstrap CSS Framework.', 'category' => 'templates', 'shy' => 0, 'version' => '6.2.6-dev', 'dependencies' => '', 'conflicts' => '', 'priority' => 'top', 'loadOrder' => '', 'module' => '', 'state' => 'beta', 'uploadfolder' => 0, 'createDirs' => '', 'modify_tables' => 'tt_content', 'clearcacheonload' => 1, 'lockType' => '', 'author' => 'Benjamin Kott', 'author_email' => '[email protected]', 'author_company' => 'private', 'CGLcompliance' => NULL, 'CGLcompliance_note' => NULL, 'constraints' => array( 'depends' => array( 'typo3' => '6.2.0-6.3.99', 'css_styled_content' => '6.2.0-6.3.99', 'realurl' => '1.12.8-1.12.99', ), 'conflicts' => array( 'fluidpages' => '*', 'dyncss' => '*', ), 'suggests' => array() ), );
Refactor file type registry to use services
<?php namespace Becklyn\AssetsBundle\File; use Becklyn\AssetsBundle\Asset\Asset; use Becklyn\AssetsBundle\File\Type\CssFile; use Becklyn\AssetsBundle\File\Type\FileType; use Becklyn\AssetsBundle\File\Type\GenericFile; use Becklyn\AssetsBundle\File\Type\JavaScriptFile; use Becklyn\AssetsBundle\File\Type\SvgFile; class FileTypeRegistry { /** * The file types mapped by file extension * * @var array<string,FileType> */ private $fileTypes = []; /** * @var GenericFile */ private $genericFileType; /** * * @param array $fileTypes */ public function __construct (array $fileTypes, GenericFile $genericFileType) { $this->fileTypes = $fileTypes; $this->genericFileType = $genericFileType; } /** * @param Asset $asset * @return FileType */ public function getFileType (Asset $asset) : FileType { return $this->fileTypes[$asset->getFileType()] ?? $this->genericFileType; } /** * Returns whether the given asset should be imported deferred * * @param Asset $asset * @return bool */ public function importDeferred (Asset $asset) : bool { $fileType = $this->getFileType($asset); return $fileType->importDeferred(); } }
<?php namespace Becklyn\AssetsBundle\File; use Becklyn\AssetsBundle\Asset\Asset; use Becklyn\AssetsBundle\File\Type\CssFile; use Becklyn\AssetsBundle\File\Type\FileType; use Becklyn\AssetsBundle\File\Type\GenericFile; use Becklyn\AssetsBundle\File\Type\JavaScriptFile; use Becklyn\AssetsBundle\File\Type\SvgFile; class FileTypeRegistry { /** * @var array<string,FileType> */ private $extensions = []; /** * @var GenericFile */ private $genericFileType; /** * * @param array $fileTypes */ public function __construct (array $fileTypes) { $this->extensions = [ "js" => new JavaScriptFile(), "css" => new CssFile(), "svg" => new SvgFile(), ]; $this->genericFileType = new GenericFile(); } /** * @param Asset $asset * @return FileType */ public function getFileType (Asset $asset) : FileType { return $this->extensions[$asset->getFileType()] ?? $this->genericFileType; } /** * Returns whether the given asset should be imported deferred * * @param Asset $asset * @return bool */ public function importDeferred (Asset $asset) : bool { $fileType = $this->getFileType($asset); return $fileType->importDeferred(); } }
Add six package version specifier
import os.path from ez_setup import use_setuptools use_setuptools(min_version='0.6') from setuptools import setup, find_packages # read README as the long description readme = 'README' if os.path.exists('README') else 'README.md' with open(readme, 'r') as f: long_description = f.read() setup( name='spandex', version='0.1dev', description='Spatial Analysis and Data Exploration', long_description=long_description, author='Synthicity', author_email='[email protected]', url='https://github.com/synthicity/spandex', classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', ], packages=find_packages(exclude=['*.tests']), install_requires=[ 'GDAL>=1.7', # Python 3 support. 'GeoAlchemy2>=0.2.1', # Bug fix for schemas other than public. 'pandas>=0.13.1', 'psycopg2>=2.5', # connection and cursor context managers. 'six>=1.4', # Mapping for urllib. 'SQLAlchemy>=0.8' # GeoAlchemy2 support. ], extras_require={ 'rastertoolz': ['numpy>=1.8.0', 'rasterio>=0.12', 'rasterstats>=0.4', 'shapely>=1.3.2'] } )
import os.path from ez_setup import use_setuptools use_setuptools(min_version='0.6') from setuptools import setup, find_packages # read README as the long description readme = 'README' if os.path.exists('README') else 'README.md' with open(readme, 'r') as f: long_description = f.read() setup( name='spandex', version='0.1dev', description='Spatial Analysis and Data Exploration', long_description=long_description, author='Synthicity', author_email='[email protected]', url='https://github.com/synthicity/spandex', classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', ], packages=find_packages(exclude=['*.tests']), install_requires=[ 'GDAL>=1.7', # Python 3 support. 'GeoAlchemy2>=0.2.1', # Bug fix for schemas other than public. 'pandas>=0.13.1', 'psycopg2>=2.5', # connection and cursor context managers. 'six', 'SQLAlchemy>=0.8' # GeoAlchemy2 support. ], extras_require={ 'rastertoolz': ['numpy>=1.8.0', 'rasterio>=0.12', 'rasterstats>=0.4', 'shapely>=1.3.2'] } )
Add null default to getList options param
<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of the Nexylan packages. * * (c) Nexylan SAS <[email protected]> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Nexy\Gandi\Api; /** * @author Jérôme Pogeant <[email protected]> */ final class Domain extends AbstractApi { /** * @param array $domain * @param array|null $options * * @return array */ public function isAvailable(array $domain, array $options = null): array { return $this->getGandi()->getClient()->domain->available($domain, $options); } /** * @param string $domain * * @return array */ public function info(string $domain): array { return $this->getGandi()->getClient()->domain->info($domain); } /** * @param array|null $options * * @return array */ public function getList(array $options = null): array { return $this->getGandi()->getClient()->domain->list($options); } /** * @param array $domain * @param array|null $options * * @return array */ public function renew(array $domain, array $options = null): array { return $this->getGandi()->getClient()->domain->renew($domain, $options); } }
<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of the Nexylan packages. * * (c) Nexylan SAS <[email protected]> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Nexy\Gandi\Api; /** * @author Jérôme Pogeant <[email protected]> */ final class Domain extends AbstractApi { /** * @param array $domain * @param array|null $options * * @return array */ public function isAvailable(array $domain, array $options = null): array { return $this->getGandi()->getClient()->domain->available($domain, $options); } /** * @param string $domain * * @return array */ public function info(string $domain): array { return $this->getGandi()->getClient()->domain->info($domain); } /** * @param array $options * * @return array */ public function getList(array $options): array { return $this->getGandi()->getClient()->domain->list($options); } /** * @param array $domain * @param array|null $options * * @return array */ public function renew(array $domain, array $options = null): array { return $this->getGandi()->getClient()->domain->renew($domain, $options); } }
Write cluster_tendrl_context to proper location Currently it is written to clusters/<node-id>/TendrlContext This is fixed in this PR tendrl-bug-id: Tendrl/commons#302 Signed-off-by: nnDarshan <[email protected]>
import json import logging import os import socket import uuid from tendrl.commons.etcdobj import EtcdObj from tendrl.commons.utils import cmd_utils from tendrl.commons import objects LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ClusterTendrlContext(objects.BaseObject): def __init__( self, integration_id=None, cluster_id=None, cluster_name=None, sds_name=None, sds_version=None, *args, **kwargs): super(ClusterTendrlContext, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.value = 'clusters/%s/TendrlContext' # integration_id is the Tendrl generated cluster UUID self.integration_id = integration_id self.cluster_id=cluster_id self.cluster_name=cluster_name self.sds_name=sds_name self.sds_version=sds_version self._etcd_cls = _ClusterTendrlContextEtcd class _ClusterTendrlContextEtcd(EtcdObj): """A table of the cluster tendrl context, lazily updated """ __name__ = 'clusters/%s/TendrlContext' _tendrl_cls = ClusterTendrlContext def render(self): self.__name__ = self.__name__ % NS.tendrl_context.integration_id return super(_ClusterTendrlContextEtcd, self).render()
import json import logging import os import socket import uuid from tendrl.commons.etcdobj import EtcdObj from tendrl.commons.utils import cmd_utils from tendrl.commons import objects LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ClusterTendrlContext(objects.BaseObject): def __init__( self, integration_id=None, cluster_id=None, cluster_name=None, sds_name=None, sds_version=None, *args, **kwargs): super(ClusterTendrlContext, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.value = 'clusters/%s/TendrlContext' # integration_id is the Tendrl generated cluster UUID self.integration_id = integration_id self.cluster_id=cluster_id self.cluster_name=cluster_name self.sds_name=sds_name self.sds_version=sds_version self._etcd_cls = _ClusterTendrlContextEtcd class _ClusterTendrlContextEtcd(EtcdObj): """A table of the cluster tendrl context, lazily updated """ __name__ = 'clusters/%s/TendrlContext' _tendrl_cls = ClusterTendrlContext def render(self): self.__name__ = self.__name__ % NS.node_context.node_id return super(_ClusterTendrlContextEtcd, self).render()
Handle select/unselect of a single row
/** * Handling of BUIC listings. * * @mixin * @namespace Bolt.buic.listing * * @param {Object} bolt - The Bolt module. * @param {Object} $ - jQuery. */ (function (bolt, $) { 'use strict'; /** * Bolt.buic.listing mixin container. * * @private * @type {Object} */ var listing = {}; /** * Bind BUIC listings. * * @static * @function init * @memberof Bolt.buic.listing * * @param {Object} buic */ listing.init = function (buic) { // Select/unselect all rows in a listing section. $(buic).find('tr.header input:checkbox[name="checkRow"]').on('click', function () { var setStatus = this.checked; $(this).closest('tbody').find('td input:checkbox[name="checkRow"]').each(function () { this.checked = setStatus; rowSelection(this); }); }); // On check/unchecking a row selector. $(buic).find('td input:checkbox[name="checkRow"]').on('click', function () { rowSelection(this); }); }; /** * Handle row selection. * * @private * @static * @function rowSelection * @memberof Bolt.files * * @param {object} checkbox - Checkbox clicked. */ function rowSelection(checkbox) { var row = $(checkbox).closest('tr'); if (checkbox.checked) { row.addClass('row-checked'); } else { row.removeClass('row-checked'); } } // Apply mixin container bolt.buic.listing = listing; })(Bolt || {}, jQuery);
/** * Handling of BUIC listings. * * @mixin * @namespace Bolt.buic.listing * * @param {Object} bolt - The Bolt module. * @param {Object} $ - jQuery. */ (function (bolt, $) { 'use strict'; /** * Bolt.buic.listing mixin container. * * @private * @type {Object} */ var listing = {}; /** * Bind BUIC listings. * * @static * @function init * @memberof Bolt.buic.listing * * @param {Object} buic */ listing.init = function (buic) { // Select/unselect all rows in a listing section. $(buic).find('tr.header input:checkbox[name="checkRow"]').on('click', function () { var setStatus = this.checked; $(this).closest('tbody').find('td input:checkbox[name="checkRow"]').each(function () { var row = $(this).closest('tr'); this.checked = setStatus; if (setStatus) { row.addClass('row-checked'); } else { row.removeClass('row-checked'); } }); }); }; // Apply mixin container bolt.buic.listing = listing; })(Bolt || {}, jQuery);
Fix SonarQube issues: not all of them.
/** * */ package normalization; import datastructures.AttributeJoint; import datastructures.DFJoint; import dependency.ADependency; import dependency.FunctionalDependency; /** * @author Pavel Nichita * */ public final class Normalization { private Normalization() { // Private constructor to hide the implicit public one. } /** * Calculates all attributes that are being implied by {@code attrJoint} in * {@code dfJoint}. * * The algorithm used is Ullman. * * @param attrJoint Attribute joint to who'm calculate ullman. * @param dfJoint Where to calculate. * @return an attribute joint with all the attributes implied. */ public static AttributeJoint simpleUllman(AttributeJoint attrJoint, DFJoint dfJoint){ AttributeJoint result = new AttributeJoint(attrJoint); boolean isChanged; do { isChanged = false; for (ADependency df:dfJoint) { if (df.getClass() == new FunctionalDependency().getClass()) { if (df.getAntecedent().isContained(result) && !(df.getConsequent().isContained(result))) { result.addAttributes(df.getConsequent()); isChanged = true; } } } } while (isChanged); return result; } }
/** * */ package normalization; import datastructures.AttributeJoint; import datastructures.DFJoint; import dependency.ADependency; import dependency.FunctionalDependency; /** * @author Pavel Nichita * */ public final class Normalization { /** * Calculates all attributes that are being implied by {@code attrJoint} in * {@code dfJoint}. * * The algorithm used is Ullman. * * @param attrJoint Attribute joint to who'm calculate ullman. * @param dfJoint Where to calculate. * @return an attribute joint with all the attributes implied. */ public static AttributeJoint simpleUllman(AttributeJoint attrJoint, DFJoint dfJoint){ AttributeJoint result = new AttributeJoint(attrJoint); boolean isChanged; do { isChanged = false; for (ADependency df:dfJoint) { if (df.getClass() == new FunctionalDependency().getClass()) if (df.getAntecedent().isContained(result) && !(df.getConsequent().isContained(result))) { result.addAttributes(df.getConsequent()); isChanged = true; } } } while (isChanged); return result; } }
Fix bug with Overleaf commits swapping name and email.
package uk.ac.ic.wlgitbridge.writelatex.api.request.getsavedvers; import uk.ac.ic.wlgitbridge.util.Util; /** * Created by Winston on 06/11/14. */ public class SnapshotInfo implements Comparable<SnapshotInfo> { private int versionId; private String comment; private WLUser user; private String createdAt; public SnapshotInfo(int versionID, String createdAt, String name, String email) { this(versionID, "Update on " + Util.getServiceName() + ".", email, name, createdAt); } public SnapshotInfo(int versionID, String comment, String email, String name, String createdAt) { versionId = versionID; this.comment = comment; user = new WLUser(name, email); this.createdAt = createdAt; } public int getVersionId() { return versionId; } public String getComment() { return comment; } public WLUser getUser() { return user; } public String getCreatedAt() { return createdAt; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof SnapshotInfo)) { return false; } SnapshotInfo that = (SnapshotInfo) obj; return versionId == that.versionId; } @Override public int compareTo(SnapshotInfo o) { return Integer.compare(versionId, o.versionId); } }
package uk.ac.ic.wlgitbridge.writelatex.api.request.getsavedvers; import uk.ac.ic.wlgitbridge.util.Util; /** * Created by Winston on 06/11/14. */ public class SnapshotInfo implements Comparable<SnapshotInfo> { private int versionId; private String comment; private WLUser user; private String createdAt; public SnapshotInfo(int versionID, String createdAt, String name, String email) { this(versionID, "Update on " + Util.getServiceName() + ".", name, email, createdAt); } public SnapshotInfo(int versionID, String comment, String email, String name, String createdAt) { versionId = versionID; this.comment = comment; user = new WLUser(name, email); this.createdAt = createdAt; } public int getVersionId() { return versionId; } public String getComment() { return comment; } public WLUser getUser() { return user; } public String getCreatedAt() { return createdAt; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof SnapshotInfo)) { return false; } SnapshotInfo that = (SnapshotInfo) obj; return versionId == that.versionId; } @Override public int compareTo(SnapshotInfo o) { return Integer.compare(versionId, o.versionId); } }
Add hash and eq methods
""" File: abstract_constraint.py Purpose: Define a constraint, in an abstract sense, related to a number of actors. """ from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod class AbstractConstraint(object): """ Class that represents a constraint, a set of actors that define a constraint amongst themselves. ParameterMap: A map from template note to contextual note.. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, actors): self.__actors = list(actors) @property def actors(self): return list(self.__actors) @abstractmethod def clone(self, new_actors=None): """ Clone the constraint. :return: """ @abstractmethod def verify(self, solution_context): """ Verify that the actor map parameters are consistent with constraint. :params solution_context: aka pmap, map of actors to ContextualNotes. :return: Boolean if verification holds. May throw Exception dependent on implementation. """ @abstractmethod def values(self, solution_context, v_note): """ Method to generate all possible note values for actor v_note's target. The method returns a set of values for v_note. :param solution_context: includes parameter map. :param v_note: source actor, whose target values we are computing. :return: The set of all possible values for v_note's target. Note: The return value is a set! """ def __hash__(self): return hash(len(self.actors)) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, AbstractConstraint): return NotImplemented return self is other
""" File: abstract_constraint.py Purpose: Define a constraint, in an abstract sense, related to a number of actors. """ from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod class AbstractConstraint(object): """ Class that represents a constraint, a set of actors that define a constraint amongst themselves. ParameterMap: A map from template note to contextual note.. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, actors): self.__actors = list(actors) @property def actors(self): return list(self.__actors) @abstractmethod def clone(self, new_actors=None): """ Clone the constraint. :return: """ @abstractmethod def verify(self, solution_context): """ Verify that the actor map parameters are consistent with constraint. :params solution_context: aka pmap, map of actors to ContextualNotes. :return: Boolean if verification holds. May throw Exception dependent on implementation. """ @abstractmethod def values(self, solution_context, v_note): """ Method to generate all possible note values for actor v_note's target. The method returns a set of values for v_note. :param solution_context: includes parameter map. :param v_note: source actor, whose target values we are computing. :return: The set of all possible values for v_note's target. Note: The return value is a set! """
Set creationDate and modifiedDate when reading content from external sources to be able to calculate different eTag.
package org.unitedinternet.cosmo.ext; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.unitedinternet.cosmo.model.ICalendarItem; import org.unitedinternet.cosmo.model.NoteItem; import org.unitedinternet.cosmo.model.hibernate.EntityConverter; import org.unitedinternet.cosmo.model.hibernate.HibNoteItem; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Calendar; /** * Helper class that allows translating <code>Calendar</code> objects to <code>NoteItem</code>-s. * * @author daniel grigore * */ public class ContentConverter { private final EntityConverter entityConverter; public ContentConverter(EntityConverter entityConverter) { super(); this.entityConverter = entityConverter; } public Set<NoteItem> asItems(Calendar calendar) { Set<NoteItem> items = new HashSet<>(); if (calendar != null) { Set<ICalendarItem> calendarItems = this.entityConverter.convertCalendar(calendar); for (ICalendarItem item : calendarItems) { /** * Only VEVENT are supported currently. VTODO or VJOURNAL are not yet supported. */ if (item instanceof HibNoteItem) { HibNoteItem noteItem = (HibNoteItem) item; Date now = new Date(); noteItem.setCreationDate(now); noteItem.setModifiedDate(now); items.add(noteItem); noteItem.setName(noteItem.getIcalUid() + ".ics"); } } } return items; } }
package org.unitedinternet.cosmo.ext; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.unitedinternet.cosmo.model.ICalendarItem; import org.unitedinternet.cosmo.model.NoteItem; import org.unitedinternet.cosmo.model.hibernate.EntityConverter; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Calendar; /** * Helper class that allows translating <code>Calendar</code> objects to <code>NoteItem</code>-s. * * @author daniel grigore * */ public class ContentConverter { private final EntityConverter entityConverter; public ContentConverter(EntityConverter entityConverter) { super(); this.entityConverter = entityConverter; } public Set<NoteItem> asItems(Calendar calendar) { Set<NoteItem> items = new HashSet<>(); if (calendar != null) { Set<ICalendarItem> calendarItems = this.entityConverter.convertCalendar(calendar); for (ICalendarItem item : calendarItems) { /** * Only VEVENT are supported currently. VTODO or VJOURNAL are not yet supported. */ if (item instanceof NoteItem) { items.add((NoteItem) item); item.setName(item.getIcalUid() + ".ics"); } } } return items; } }
Update to unexpected v10's addAssertion syntax [ci skip].
/*global Uint8Array*/ var exifParser = require('exif-parser'), fs = require('fs'); module.exports = { name: 'unexpected-exif', version: require('../package.json').version, installInto: function (expect) { expect.installPlugin(require('magicpen-media')); expect.addAssertion('<string|Buffer> to have (exif|EXIF) data satisfying <any>', function (expect, subject, value) { var title, subjectUrl; if (typeof subject === 'string') { var matchDataUrl = subject.match(/^data:[^;]*;base64,(.*)$/); if (matchDataUrl) { subject = new Buffer(matchDataUrl[1], 'base64'); } else { title = subject; subjectUrl = subject; subject = fs.readFileSync(subject); } } else if (subject instanceof Uint8Array) { subject = new Buffer(subject); } this.subjectOutput = function () { this.image(subjectUrl || subject, { width: 10, height: 5, link: true, title: title }); }; var exifData = exifParser.create(subject).parse(); if (exifData && exifData.startMarker) { delete exifData.startMarker; } return expect(exifData, 'to satisfy', value); }); } };
/*global Uint8Array*/ var exifParser = require('exif-parser'), fs = require('fs'); module.exports = { name: 'unexpected-exif', version: require('../package.json').version, installInto: function (expect) { expect.installPlugin(require('magicpen-media')); expect.addAssertion(['string', 'Buffer'], 'to have (exif|EXIF) data satisfying', function (expect, subject, value) { var title, subjectUrl; if (typeof subject === 'string') { var matchDataUrl = subject.match(/^data:[^;]*;base64,(.*)$/); if (matchDataUrl) { subject = new Buffer(matchDataUrl[1], 'base64'); } else { title = subject; subjectUrl = subject; subject = fs.readFileSync(subject); } } else if (subject instanceof Uint8Array) { subject = new Buffer(subject); } this.subjectOutput = function () { this.image(subjectUrl || subject, { width: 10, height: 5, link: true, title: title }); }; var exifData = exifParser.create(subject).parse(); if (exifData && exifData.startMarker) { delete exifData.startMarker; } return expect(exifData, 'to satisfy', value); }); } };
Add comments in StripeJS mock
// StripeJS fixture for using Stripe in feature specs. Mimics credit card form and Element objects. // Based on: https://github.com/thoughtbot/fake_stripe/blob/v0.3.0/lib/fake_stripe/assets/v3.js // The original has been adapted to work with OFN (see commit history for details). class Element { mount(el) { if (typeof el === "string") { el = document.querySelector(el); } el.classList.add('StripeElement'); el.innerHTML = ` <input id="stripe-cardnumber" name="cardnumber" placeholder="Card number" size="16" type="text"> <input name="exp-date" placeholder="MM / YY" size="6" type="text"> <input name="cvc" placeholder="CVC" size="3" type="text"> `; } addEventListener(event) { return true; } } window.Stripe = () => { const fetchLastFour = () => { return document.getElementById("stripe-cardnumber").value.substr(-4, 4); }; return { createPaymentMethod: () => { return new Promise(resolve => { resolve({ paymentMethod: { id: "pm_123", card: { brand: 'visa', last4: fetchLastFour(), exp_month: "10", exp_year: "2050" } } }); }); }, elements: () => { return { create: (type, options) => new Element() }; }, createToken: card => { return new Promise(resolve => { resolve({ token: { id: "tok_123", card: { last4: fetchLastFour() } } }); }); } }; };
class Element { mount(el) { if (typeof el === "string") { el = document.querySelector(el); } el.classList.add('StripeElement'); el.innerHTML = ` <input id="stripe-cardnumber" name="cardnumber" placeholder="Card number" size="16" type="text"> <input name="exp-date" placeholder="MM / YY" size="6" type="text"> <input name="cvc" placeholder="CVC" size="3" type="text"> `; } addEventListener(event) { return true; } } window.Stripe = () => { const fetchLastFour = () => { return document.getElementById("stripe-cardnumber").value.substr(-4, 4); }; return { createPaymentMethod: () => { return new Promise(resolve => { resolve({ paymentMethod: { id: "pm_123", card: { brand: 'visa', last4: fetchLastFour(), exp_month: "10", exp_year: "2050" } } }); }); }, elements: () => { return { create: (type, options) => new Element() }; }, createToken: card => { return new Promise(resolve => { resolve({ token: { id: "tok_123", card: { last4: fetchLastFour() } } }); }); } }; };
Make it work with last fman version (0.7) on linux
from fman import DirectoryPaneCommand, show_alert from urllib.parse import urlparse import os.path from shutil import copytree, copyfile class DuplicateFileDir(DirectoryPaneCommand): def __call__(self): selected_files = self.pane.get_selected_files() if len(selected_files) >= 1 or (len(selected_files) == 0 and self.get_chosen_files()): if len(selected_files) == 0 and self.get_chosen_files(): selected_files.append(self.get_chosen_files()[0]) # # Loop through each file/directory selected. # for filedir in selected_files: p = urlparse(filedir) filepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(p.netloc, p.path)) if os.path.isdir(filepath): # # It is a directory. Process as a directory. # newDir = filepath + "-copy" copytree(filepath, newDir) else: if os.path.isfile(filepath): # # It is a file. Process as a file. # dirPath, ofilenmc = os.path.split(filepath) ofilenm, ext = os.path.splitext(ofilenmc) nfilenm = os.path.join(dirPath,ofilenm + "-copy" + ext) copyfile(filepath, nfilenm) else: show_alert('Bad file path : {0}'.format(filepath))
from fman import DirectoryPaneCommand, show_alert import distutils from distutils import dir_util, file_util import os.path class DuplicateFileDir(DirectoryPaneCommand): def __call__(self): selected_files = self.pane.get_selected_files() if len(selected_files) >= 1 or (len(selected_files) == 0 and self.get_chosen_files()): if len(selected_files) == 0 and self.get_chosen_files(): selected_files.append(self.get_chosen_files()[0]) # # Loop through each file/directory selected. # for filedir in selected_files: if os.path.isdir(filedir): # # It is a directory. Process as a directory. # newDir = filedir + "-copy" distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(filedir,newDir) else: # # It is a file. Process as a file. # dirPath, ofilenmc = os.path.split(filedir) ofilenm, ext = os.path.splitext(ofilenmc) nfilenm = os.path.join(dirPath,ofilenm + "-copy" + ext) distutils.file_util.copy_file(filedir,nfilenm)