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Calculation of prompt diphoton production cross sections at Tevatron and LHC energies
A fully differential calculation in perturbative quantum chromodynamics is presented for the production of massive photon pairs at hadron colliders. All next-to-leading order perturbative contributions from quark-antiquark, gluon-(anti)quark, and gluon-gluon subprocesses are included, as well as all-orders resummation of initial-state gluon radiation valid at next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. The region of phase space is specified in which the calculation is most reliable. Good agreement is demonstrated with data from the Fermilab Tevatron, and predictions are made for more detailed tests with CDF and DO data. Predictions are shown for distributions of diphoton pairs produced at the energy of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Distributions of the diphoton pairs from the decay of a Higgs boson are contrasted with those produced from QCD processes at the LHC, showing that enhanced sensitivity to the signal can be obtained with judicious selection of events.
Bosonic characters of atomic Cooper pairs across resonance
We study the two-particle wave function of paired atoms in a Fermi gas with tunable interaction strengths controlled by Feshbach resonance. The Cooper pair wave function is examined for its bosonic characters, which is quantified by the correction of Bose enhancement factor associated with the creation and annihilation composite particle operators. An example is given for a three-dimensional uniform gas. Two definitions of Cooper pair wave function are examined. One of which is chosen to reflect the off-diagonal long range order (ODLRO). Another one corresponds to a pair projection of a BCS state. On the side with negative scattering length, we found that paired atoms described by ODLRO are more bosonic than the pair projected definition. It is also found that at $(k_F a)^{-1} \ge 1$, both definitions give similar results, where more than 90% of the atoms occupy the corresponding molecular condensates.
Polymer Quantum Mechanics and its Continuum Limit
A rather non-standard quantum representation of the canonical commutation relations of quantum mechanics systems, known as the polymer representation has gained some attention in recent years, due to its possible relation with Planck scale physics. In particular, this approach has been followed in a symmetric sector of loop quantum gravity known as loop quantum cosmology. Here we explore different aspects of the relation between the ordinary Schroedinger theory and the polymer description. The paper has two parts. In the first one, we derive the polymer quantum mechanics starting from the ordinary Schroedinger theory and show that the polymer description arises as an appropriate limit. In the second part we consider the continuum limit of this theory, namely, the reverse process in which one starts from the discrete theory and tries to recover back the ordinary Schroedinger quantum mechanics. We consider several examples of interest, including the harmonic oscillator, the free particle and a simple cosmological model.
Numerical solution of shock and ramp compression for general material properties
A general formulation was developed to represent material models for applications in dynamic loading. Numerical methods were devised to calculate response to shock and ramp compression, and ramp decompression, generalizing previous solutions for scalar equations of state. The numerical methods were found to be flexible and robust, and matched analytic results to a high accuracy. The basic ramp and shock solution methods were coupled to solve for composite deformation paths, such as shock-induced impacts, and shock interactions with a planar interface between different materials. These calculations capture much of the physics of typical material dynamics experiments, without requiring spatially-resolving simulations. Example calculations were made of loading histories in metals, illustrating the effects of plastic work on the temperatures induced in quasi-isentropic and shock-release experiments, and the effect of a phase transition.
The Spitzer c2d Survey of Large, Nearby, Insterstellar Clouds. IX. The Serpens YSO Population As Observed With IRAC and MIPS
We discuss the results from the combined IRAC and MIPS c2d Spitzer Legacy observations of the Serpens star-forming region. In particular we present a set of criteria for isolating bona fide young stellar objects, YSO's, from the extensive background contamination by extra-galactic objects. We then discuss the properties of the resulting high confidence set of YSO's. We find 235 such objects in the 0.85 deg^2 field that was covered with both IRAC and MIPS. An additional set of 51 lower confidence YSO's outside this area is identified from the MIPS data combined with 2MASS photometry. We describe two sets of results, color-color diagrams to compare our observed source properties with those of theoretical models for star/disk/envelope systems and our own modeling of the subset of our objects that appear to be star+disks. These objects exhibit a very wide range of disk properties, from many that can be fit with actively accreting disks to some with both passive disks and even possibly debris disks. We find that the luminosity function of YSO's in Serpens extends down to at least a few x .001 Lsun or lower for an assumed distance of 260 pc. The lower limit may be set by our inability to distinguish YSO's from extra-galactic sources more than by the lack of YSO's at very low luminosities. A spatial clustering analysis shows that the nominally less-evolved YSO's are more highly clustered than the later stages and that the background extra-galactic population can be fit by the same two-point correlation function as seen in other extra-galactic studies. We also present a table of matches between several previous infrared and X-ray studies of the Serpens YSO population and our Spitzer data set.
Partial cubes: structures, characterizations, and constructions
Partial cubes are isometric subgraphs of hypercubes. Structures on a graph defined by means of semicubes, and Djokovi\'{c}'s and Winkler's relations play an important role in the theory of partial cubes. These structures are employed in the paper to characterize bipartite graphs and partial cubes of arbitrary dimension. New characterizations are established and new proofs of some known results are given. The operations of Cartesian product and pasting, and expansion and contraction processes are utilized in the paper to construct new partial cubes from old ones. In particular, the isometric and lattice dimensions of finite partial cubes obtained by means of these operations are calculated.
Distribution of integral Fourier Coefficients of a Modular Form of Half Integral Weight Modulo Primes
Recently, Bruinier and Ono classified cusp forms $f(z) := \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} a_f(n)q ^n \in S_{\lambda+1/2}(\Gamma_0(N),\chi)\cap \mathbb{Z}[[q]]$ that does not satisfy a certain distribution property for modulo odd primes $p$. In this paper, using Rankin-Cohen Bracket, we extend this result to modular forms of half integral weight for primes $p \geq 5$. As applications of our main theorem we derive distribution properties, for modulo primes $p\geq5$, of traces of singular moduli and Hurwitz class number. We also study an analogue of Newman's conjecture for overpartitions.
$p$-adic Limit of Weakly Holomorphic Modular Forms of Half Integral Weight
Serre obtained the p-adic limit of the integral Fourier coefficient of modular forms on $SL_2(\mathbb{Z})$ for $p=2,3,5,7$. In this paper, we extend the result of Serre to weakly holomorphic modular forms of half integral weight on $\Gamma_{0}(4N)$ for $N=1,2,4$. A proof is based on linear relations among Fourier coefficients of modular forms of half integral weight. As applications we obtain congruences of Borcherds exponents, congruences of quotient of Eisentein series and congruences of values of $L$-functions at a certain point are also studied. Furthermore, the congruences of the Fourier coefficients of Siegel modular forms on Maass Space are obtained using Ikeda lifting.
Fermionic superstring loop amplitudes in the pure spinor formalism
The pure spinor formulation of the ten-dimensional superstring leads to manifestly supersymmetric loop amplitudes, expressed as integrals in pure spinor superspace. This paper explores different methods to evaluate these integrals and then uses them to calculate the kinematic factors of the one-loop and two-loop massless four-point amplitudes involving two and four Ramond states.
Lifetime of doubly charmed baryons
In this work, we evaluate the lifetimes of the doubly charmed baryons $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Omega_{cc}^{+}$. We carefully calculate the non-spectator contributions at the quark level where the Cabibbo-suppressed diagrams are also included. The hadronic matrix elements are evaluated in the simple non-relativistic harmonic oscillator model. Our numerical results are generally consistent with that obtained by other authors who used the diquark model. However, all the theoretical predictions on the lifetimes are one order larger than the upper limit set by the recent SELEX measurement. This discrepancy would be clarified by the future experiment, if more accurate experiment still confirms the value of the SELEX collaboration, there must be some unknown mechanism to be explored.
In quest of a generalized Callias index theorem
We give a prescription for how to compute the Callias index, using as regulator an exponential function. We find agreement with old results in all odd dimensions. We show that the problem of computing the dimension of the moduli space of self-dual strings can be formulated as an index problem in even-dimensional (loop-)space. We think that the regulator used in this Letter can be applied to this index problem.
Measurement of the Hadronic Form Factor in D0 --> K- e+ nue Decays
The shape of the hadronic form factor f+(q2) in the decay D0 --> K- e+ nue has been measured in a model independent analysis and compared with theoretical calculations. We use 75 fb(-1) of data recorded by the BABAR detector at the PEPII electron-positron collider. The corresponding decay branching fraction, relative to the decay D0 --> K- pi+, has also been measured to be RD = BR(D0 --> K- e+ nue)/BR(D0 --> K- pi+) = 0.927 +/- 0.007 +/- 0.012. From these results, and using the present world average value for BR(D0 --> K- pi+), the normalization of the form factor at q2=0 is determined to be f+(0)=0.727 +/- 0.007 +/- 0.005 +/- 0.007 where the uncertainties are statistical, systematic, and from external inputs, respectively.
Stochastic Lie group integrators
We present Lie group integrators for nonlinear stochastic differential equations with non-commutative vector fields whose solution evolves on a smooth finite dimensional manifold. Given a Lie group action that generates transport along the manifold, we pull back the stochastic flow on the manifold to the Lie group via the action, and subsequently pull back the flow to the corresponding Lie algebra via the exponential map. We construct an approximation to the stochastic flow in the Lie algebra via closed operations and then push back to the Lie group and then to the manifold, thus ensuring our approximation lies in the manifold. We call such schemes stochastic Munthe-Kaas methods after their deterministic counterparts. We also present stochastic Lie group integration schemes based on Castell--Gaines methods. These involve using an underlying ordinary differential integrator to approximate the flow generated by a truncated stochastic exponential Lie series. They become stochastic Lie group integrator schemes if we use Munthe-Kaas methods as the underlying ordinary differential integrator. Further, we show that some Castell--Gaines methods are uniformly more accurate than the corresponding stochastic Taylor schemes. Lastly we demonstrate our methods by simulating the dynamics of a free rigid body such as a satellite and an autonomous underwater vehicle both perturbed by two independent multiplicative stochastic noise processes.
ALMA as the ideal probe of the solar chromosphere
The very nature of the solar chromosphere, its structuring and dynamics, remains far from being properly understood, in spite of intensive research. Here we point out the potential of chromospheric observations at millimeter wavelengths to resolve this long-standing problem. Computations carried out with a sophisticated dynamic model of the solar chromosphere due to Carlsson and Stein demonstrate that millimeter emission is extremely sensitive to dynamic processes in the chromosphere and the appropriate wavelengths to look for dynamic signatures are in the range 0.8-5.0 mm. The model also suggests that high resolution observations at mm wavelengths, as will be provided by ALMA, will have the unique property of reacting to both the hot and the cool gas, and thus will have the potential of distinguishing between rival models of the solar atmosphere. Thus, initial results obtained from the observations of the quiet Sun at 3.5 mm with the BIMA array (resolution of 12 arcsec) reveal significant oscillations with amplitudes of 50-150 K and frequencies of 1.5-8 mHz with a tendency toward short-period oscillations in internetwork and longer periods in network regions. However higher spatial resolution, such as that provided by ALMA, is required for a clean separation between the features within the solar atmosphere and for an adequate comparison with the output of the comprehensive dynamic simulations.
Filling-Factor-Dependent Magnetophonon Resonance in Graphene
We describe a peculiar fine structure acquired by the in-plane optical phonon at the Gamma-point in graphene when it is brought into resonance with one of the inter-Landau-level transitions in this material. The effect is most pronounced when this lattice mode (associated with the G-band in graphene Raman spectrum) is in resonance with inter-Landau-level transitions 0 -> (+,1) and (-,1) -> 0, at a magnetic field B_0 ~ 30 T. It can be used to measure the strength of the electron-phonon coupling directly, and its filling-factor dependence can be used experimentally to detect circularly polarized lattice modes.
Understanding the Flavor Symmetry Breaking and Nucleon Flavor-Spin Structure within Chiral Quark Model
In $\XQM$, a quark can emit Goldstone bosons. The flavor symmetry breaking in the Goldstone boson emission process is used to intepret the nucleon flavor-spin structure. In this paper, we study the inner structure of constituent quarks implied in $\XQM$ caused by the Goldstone boson emission process in nucleon. From a simplified model Hamiltonian derived from $\XQM$, the intrinsic wave functions of constituent quarks are determined. Then the obtained transition probabilities of the emission of Goldstone boson from a quark can give a reasonable interpretation to the flavor symmetry breaking in nucleon flavor-spin structure.
Tuning correlation effects with electron-phonon interactions
We investigate the effect of tuning the phonon energy on the correlation effects in models of electron-phonon interactions using DMFT. In the regime where itinerant electrons, instantaneous electron-phonon driven correlations and static distortions compete on similar energy scales, we find several interesting results including (1) A crossover from band to Mott behavior in the spectral function, leading to hybrid band/Mott features in the spectral function for phonon frequencies slightly larger than the band width. (2) Since the optical conductivity depends sensitively on the form of the spectral function, we show that such a regime should be observable through the low frequency form of the optical conductivity. (3) The resistivity has a double kondo peak arrangement
Crystal channeling of LHC forward protons with preserved distribution in phase space
We show that crystal can trap a broad (x, x', y, y', E) distribution of particles and channel it preserved with a high precision. This sampled-and-hold distribution can be steered by a bent crystal for analysis downstream. In simulations for the 7 TeV Large Hadron Collider, a crystal adapted to the accelerator lattice traps 90% of diffractively scattered protons emerging from the interaction point with a divergence 100 times the critical angle. We set the criterion for crystal adaptation improving efficiency ~100-fold. Proton angles are preserved in crystal transmission with accuracy down to 0.1 microrad. This makes feasible a crystal application for measuring very forward protons at the LHC.
Probing non-standard neutrino interactions with supernova neutrinos
We analyze the possibility of probing non-standard neutrino interactions (NSI, for short) through the detection of neutrinos produced in a future galactic supernova (SN).We consider the effect of NSI on the neutrino propagation through the SN envelope within a three-neutrino framework, paying special attention to the inclusion of NSI-induced resonant conversions, which may take place in the most deleptonised inner layers. We study the possibility of detecting NSI effects in a Megaton water Cherenkov detector, either through modulation effects in the $\bar\nu_e$ spectrum due to (i) the passage of shock waves through the SN envelope, (ii) the time dependence of the electron fraction and (iii) the Earth matter effects; or, finally, through the possible detectability of the neutronization $\nu_e$ burst. We find that the $\bar\nu_e$ spectrum can exhibit dramatic features due to the internal NSI-induced resonant conversion. This occurs for non-universal NSI strengths of a few %, and for very small flavor-changing NSI above a few$\times 10^{-5}$.
An algorithm for the classification of smooth Fano polytopes
We present an algorithm that produces the classification list of smooth Fano d-polytopes for any given d. The input of the algorithm is a single number, namely the positive integer d. The algorithm has been used to classify smooth Fano d-polytopes for d<=7. There are 7622 isomorphism classes of smooth Fano 6-polytopes and 72256 isomorphism classes of smooth Fano 7-polytopes.
Quantum Field Theory on Curved Backgrounds. II. Spacetime Symmetries
We study space-time symmetries in scalar quantum field theory (including interacting theories) on static space-times. We first consider Euclidean quantum field theory on a static Riemannian manifold, and show that the isometry group is generated by one-parameter subgroups which have either self-adjoint or unitary quantizations. We analytically continue the self-adjoint semigroups to one-parameter unitary groups, and thus construct a unitary representation of the isometry group of the associated Lorentzian manifold. The method is illustrated for the example of hyperbolic space, whose Lorentzian continuation is Anti-de Sitter space.
High-spin to low-spin and orbital polarization transitions in multiorbital Mott systems
We study the interplay of crystal field splitting and Hund coupling in a two-orbital model which captures the essential physics of systems with two electrons or holes in the e_g shell. We use single site dynamical mean field theory with a recently developed impurity solver which is able to access strong couplings and low temperatures. The fillings of the orbitals and the location of phase boundaries are computed as a function of Coulomb repulsion, exchange coupling and crystal field splitting. We find that the Hund coupling can drive the system into a novel Mott insulating phase with vanishing orbital susceptibility. Away from half-filling, the crystal field splitting can induce an orbital selective Mott state.
The Mass and Radius of the Unseen M-Dwarf Companion in the Single-Lined Eclipsing Binary HAT-TR-205-013
We derive masses and radii for both components in the single-lined eclipsing binary HAT-TR-205-013, which consists of a F7V primary and a late M-dwarf secondary. The system's period is short, $P=2.230736 \pm 0.000010$ days, with an orbit indistinguishable from circular, $e=0.012 \pm 0.021$. We demonstrate generally that the surface gravity of the secondary star in a single-lined binary undergoing total eclipses can be derived from characteristics of the light curve and spectroscopic orbit. This constrains the secondary to a unique line in the mass-radius diagram with $M/R^2$ = constant. For HAT-TR-205-013, we assume the orbit has been tidally circularized, and that the primary's rotation has been synchronized and aligned with the orbital axis. Our observed line broadening, $V_{\rm rot} \sin i_{\rm rot} = 28.9 \pm 1.0$ \kms, gives a primary radius of $R_{\rm A} = 1.28 \pm 0.04$ \rsun. Our light curve analysis leads to the radius of the secondary, $R_{\rm B} = 0.167 \pm 0.006$ \rsun, and the semimajor axis of the orbit, $a = 7.54 \pm 0.30 \rsun = 0.0351 \pm 0.0014$ AU. Our single-lined spectroscopic orbit and the semimajor axis then yield the individual masses, $M_{\rm B} = 0.124 \pm 0.010$ \msun and $M_{\rm A} = 1.04 \pm 0.13$ \msun. Our result for HAT-TR-205-013 B lies above the theoretical mass-radius models from the Lyon group, consistent with results from double-lined eclipsing binaries. The method we describe offers the opportunity to study the very low end of the stellar mass-radius relation.
Coulomb excitation of unstable nuclei at intermediate energies
We investigate the Coulomb excitation of low-lying states of unstable nuclei in intermediate energy collisions ($E_{lab}\sim10-500$ MeV/nucleon). It is shown that the cross sections for the $E1$ and $E2$ transitions are larger at lower energies, much less than 10 MeV/nucleon. Retardation effects and Coulomb distortion are found to be both relevant for energies as low as 10 MeV/nucleon and as high as 500 MeV/nucleon. Implications for studies at radioactive beam facilities are discussed.
Intersection Bodies and Generalized Cosine Transforms
Intersection bodies represent a remarkable class of geometric objects associated with sections of star bodies and invoking Radon transforms, generalized cosine transforms, and the relevant Fourier analysis. The main focus of this article is interrelation between generalized cosine transforms of different kinds in the context of their application to investigation of a certain family of intersection bodies, which we call $\lam$-intersection bodies. The latter include $k$-intersection bodies (in the sense of A. Koldobsky) and unit balls of finite-dimensional subspaces of $L_p$-spaces. In particular, we show that restrictions onto lower dimensional subspaces of the spherical Radon transforms and the generalized cosine transforms preserve their integral-geometric structure. We apply this result to the study of sections of $\lam$-intersection bodies. New characterizations of this class of bodies are obtained and examples are given. We also review some known facts and give them new proofs.
On-line Viterbi Algorithm and Its Relationship to Random Walks
In this paper, we introduce the on-line Viterbi algorithm for decoding hidden Markov models (HMMs) in much smaller than linear space. Our analysis on two-state HMMs suggests that the expected maximum memory used to decode sequence of length $n$ with $m$-state HMM can be as low as $\Theta(m\log n)$, without a significant slow-down compared to the classical Viterbi algorithm. Classical Viterbi algorithm requires $O(mn)$ space, which is impractical for analysis of long DNA sequences (such as complete human genome chromosomes) and for continuous data streams. We also experimentally demonstrate the performance of the on-line Viterbi algorithm on a simple HMM for gene finding on both simulated and real DNA sequences.
Experimental efforts in search of 76Ge Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
Neutrinoless double beta decay is one of the most sensitive approaches in non-accelerator particle physics to take us into a regime of physics beyond the standard model. This article is a brief review of the experiments in search of neutrinoless double beta decay from 76Ge. Following a brief introduction of the process of double beta decay from 76Ge, the results of the very first experiments IGEX and Heidelberg-Moscow which give indications of the existence of possible neutrinoless double beta decay mode has been reviewed. Then ongoing efforts to substantiate the early findings are presented and the Majorana experiment as a future experimental approach which will allow a very detailed study of the neutrinoless decay mode is discussed.
Nilpotent symmetry invariance in the superfield formulation: the (non-)Abelian 1-form gauge theories
We capture the off-shell as well as the on-shell nilpotent Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) and anti-BRST symmetry invariance of the Lagrangian densities of the four (3 + 1)-dimensional (4D) (non-)Abelian 1-form gauge theories within the framework of the superfield formalism. In particular, we provide the geometrical interpretations for (i) the above nilpotent symmetry invariance, and (ii) the above Lagrangian densities, in the language of the specific quantities defined in the domain of the above superfield formalism. Some of the subtle points, connected with the 4D (non-)Abelian 1-form gauge theories, are clarified within the framework of the above superfield formalism where the 4D ordinary gauge theories are considered on the (4, 2)-dimensional supermanifold parametrized by the four spacetime coordinates x^\mu (with \mu = 0, 1, 2, 3) and a pair of Grassmannian variables \theta and \bar\theta. One of the key results of our present investigation is a great deal of simplification in the geometrical understanding of the nilpotent (anti-)BRST symmetry invariance.
Lagrangian quantum field theory in momentum picture. IV. Commutation relations for free fields
Possible (algebraic) commutation relations in the Lagrangian quantum theory of free (scalar, spinor and vector) fields are considered from mathematical view-point. As sources of these relations are employed the Heisenberg equations/relations for the dynamical variables and a specific condition for uniqueness of the operators of the dynamical variables (with respect to some class of Lagrangians). The paracommutation relations or some their generalizations are pointed as the most general ones that entail the validity of all Heisenberg equations. The simultaneous fulfillment of the Heisenberg equations and the uniqueness requirement turn to be impossible. This problem is solved via a redefinition of the dynamical variables, similar to the normal ordering procedure and containing it as a special case. That implies corresponding changes in the admissible commutation relations. The introduction of the concept of the vacuum makes narrow the class of the possible commutation relations; in particular, the mentioned redefinition of the dynamical variables is reduced to normal ordering. As a last restriction on that class is imposed the requirement for existing of an effective procedure for calculating vacuum mean values. The standard bilinear commutation relations are pointed as the only known ones that satisfy all of the mentioned conditions and do not contradict to the existing data.
Order of Epitaxial Self-Assembled Quantum Dots: Linear Analysis
Epitaxial self-assembled quantum dots (SAQDs) are of interest for nanostructured optoelectronic and electronic devices such as lasers, photodetectors and nanoscale logic. Spatial order and size order of SAQDs are important to the development of usable devices. It is likely that these two types of order are strongly linked; thus, a study of spatial order will also have strong implications for size order. Here a study of spatial order is undertaken using a linear analysis of a commonly used model of SAQD formation based on surface diffusion. Analytic formulas for film-height correlation functions are found that characterize quantum dot spatial order and corresponding correlation lengths that quantify order. Initial atomic-scale random fluctuations result in relatively small correlation lengths (about two dots) when the effect of a wetting potential is negligible; however, the correlation lengths diverge when SAQDs are allowed to form at a near-critical film height. The present work reinforces previous findings about anisotropy and SAQD order and presents as explicit and transparent mechanism for ordering with corresponding analytic equations. In addition, SAQD formation is by its nature a stochastic process, and various mathematical aspects regarding statistical analysis of SAQD formation and order are presented.
Dynamical Objects for Cohomologically Expanding Maps
The goal of this paper is to construct invariant dynamical objects for a (not necessarily invertible) smooth self map of a compact manifold. We prove a result that takes advantage of differences in rates of expansion in the terms of a sheaf cohomological long exact sequence to create unique lifts of finite dimensional invariant subspaces of one term of the sequence to invariant subspaces of the preceding term. This allows us to take invariant cohomological classes and under the right circumstances construct unique currents of a given type, including unique measures of a given type, that represent those classes and are invariant under pullback. A dynamically interesting self map may have a plethora of invariant measures, so the uniquess of the constructed currents is important. It means that if local growth is not too big compared to the growth rate of the cohomological class then the expanding cohomological class gives sufficient "marching orders" to the system to prohibit the formation of any other such invariant current of the same type (say from some local dynamical subsystem). Because we use subsheaves of the sheaf of currents we give conditions under which a subsheaf will have the same cohomology as the sheaf containing it. Using a smoothing argument this allows us to show that the sheaf cohomology of the currents under consideration can be canonically identified with the deRham cohomology groups. Our main theorem can be applied in both the smooth and holomorphic setting.
Linear perturbations of matched spacetimes: the gauge problem and background symmetries
We present a critical review about the study of linear perturbations of matched spacetimes including gauge problems. We analyse the freedom introduced in the perturbed matching by the presence of background symmetries and revisit the particular case of spherically symmetry in n-dimensions. This analysis includes settings with boundary layers such as brane world models and shell cosmologies.
Shaping the Globular Cluster Mass Function by Stellar-Dynamical Evaporation
We show that the globular cluster mass function (GCMF) in the Milky Way depends on cluster half-mass density (rho_h) in the sense that the turnover mass M_TO increases with rho_h while the width of the GCMF decreases. We argue that this is the expected signature of the slow erosion of a mass function that initially rose towards low masses, predominantly through cluster evaporation driven by internal two-body relaxation. We find excellent agreement between the observed GCMF -- including its dependence on internal density rho_h, central concentration c, and Galactocentric distance r_gc -- and a simple model in which the relaxation-driven mass-loss rates of clusters are approximated by -dM/dt = mu_ev ~ rho_h^{1/2}. In particular, we recover the well-known insensitivity of M_TO to r_gc. This feature does not derive from a literal ``universality'' of the GCMF turnover mass, but rather from a significant variation of M_TO with rho_h -- the expected outcome of relaxation-driven cluster disruption -- plus significant scatter in rho_h as a function of r_gc. Our conclusions are the same if the evaporation rates are assumed to depend instead on the mean volume or surface densities of clusters inside their tidal radii, as mu_ev ~ rho_t^{1/2} or mu_ev ~ Sigma_t^{3/4} -- alternative prescriptions that are physically motivated but involve cluster properties (rho_t and Sigma_t) that are not as well defined or as readily observable as rho_h. In all cases, the normalization of mu_ev required to fit the GCMF implies cluster lifetimes that are within the range of standard values (although falling towards the low end of this range). Our analysis does not depend on any assumptions or information about velocity anisotropy in the globular cluster system.
Why there is something rather than nothing (out of everything)?
The path integral over Euclidean geometries for the recently suggested density matrix of the Universe is shown to describe a microcanonical ensemble in quantum cosmology. This ensemble corresponds to a uniform (weight one) distribution in phase space of true physical variables, but in terms of the observable spacetime geometry it is peaked about complex saddle-points of the {\em Lorentzian} path integral. They are represented by the recently obtained cosmological instantons limited to a bounded range of the cosmological constant. Inflationary cosmologies generated by these instantons at late stages of expansion undergo acceleration whose low-energy scale can be attained within the concept of dynamically evolving extra dimensions. Thus, together with the bounded range of the early cosmological constant, this cosmological ensemble suggests the mechanism of constraining the landscape of string vacua and, simultaneously, a possible solution to the dark energy problem in the form of the quasi-equilibrium decay of the microcanonical state of the Universe.
A Universality in PP-Waves
We discuss a universality property of any covariant field theory in space-time expanded around pp-wave backgrounds. According to this property the space-time lagrangian density evaluated on a restricted set of field configurations, called universal sector, turns out to be same around all the pp-waves, even off-shell, with same transverse space and same profiles for the background scalars. In this paper we restrict our discussion to tensorial fields only. In the context of bosonic string theory we consider on-shell pp-waves and argue that universality requires the existence of a universal sector of world-sheet operators whose correlation functions are insensitive to the pp-wave nature of the metric and the background gauge flux. Such results can also be reproduced using the world-sheet conformal field theory. We also study such pp-waves in non-polynomial closed string field theory (CSFT). In particular, we argue that for an off-shell pp-wave ansatz with flat transverse space and dilaton independent of transverse coordinates the field redefinition relating the low energy effective field theory and CSFT with all the massive modes integrated out is at most quadratic in fields. Because of this simplification it is expected that the off-shell pp-waves can be identified on the two sides. Furthermore, given the massless pp-wave field configurations, an iterative method for computing the higher massive modes using the CSFT equations of motion has been discussed. All our bosonic string theory analyses can be generalised to the common Neveu-Schwarz sector of superstrings.
Clustering in a stochastic model of one-dimensional gas
We give a quantitative analysis of clustering in a stochastic model of one-dimensional gas. At time zero, the gas consists of $n$ identical particles that are randomly distributed on the real line and have zero initial speeds. Particles begin to move under the forces of mutual attraction. When particles collide, they stick together forming a new particle, called cluster, whose mass and speed are defined by the laws of conservation. We are interested in the asymptotic behavior of $K_n(t)$ as $n\to \infty$, where $K_n(t)$ denotes the number of clusters at time $t$ in the system with $n$ initial particles. Our main result is a functional limit theorem for $K_n(t)$. Its proof is based on the discovered localization property of the aggregation process, which states that the behavior of each particle is essentially defined by the motion of neighbor particles.
Approximate solutions to the Dirichlet problem for harmonic maps between hyperbolic spaces
Our main result in this paper is the following: Given $H^m, H^n$ hyperbolic spaces of dimensional $m$ and $n$ corresponding, and given a Holder function $f=(s^1,...,f^{n-1}):\partial H^m\to \partial H^n$ between geometric boundaries of $H^m$ and $H^n$. Then for each $\epsilon >0$ there exists a harmonic map $u:H^m\to H^n$ which is continuous up to the boundary (in the sense of Euclidean) and $u|_{\partial H^m}=(f^1,...,f^{n-1},\epsilon)$.
Some new experimental photonic flame effect features
The results of the spectral, energetical and temporal characteristics of radiation in the presence of the photonic flame effect are presented. Artificial opal posed on Cu plate at the temperature of liquid nitrogen boiling point (77 K) being irradiated by nanosecond ruby laser pulse produces long- term luminiscence with a duration till ten seconds with a finely structured spectrum in the the antistocks part of the spectrum. Analogous visible luminescence manifesting time delay appeared in other samples of the artificial opals posed on the same plate. In the case of the opal infiltrated with different nonlinear liquids the threshold of the luminiscence is reduced and the spatial disribution of the bright emmiting area on the opal surface is being changed. In the case of the putting the frozen nonlinear liquids on the Cu plate long-term blue bright luminiscence took place in the frozen species of the liquids. Temporal characteristics of this luminiscence are nearly the same as in opal matrixes.
Groups with finitely many conjugacy classes and their automorphisms
We combine classical methods of combinatorial group theory with the theory of small cancellations over relatively hyperbolic groups to construct finitely generated torsion-free groups that have only finitely many classes of conjugate elements. Moreover, we present several results concerning embeddings into such groups. As another application of these techniques, we prove that every countable group $C$ can be realized as a group of outer automorphisms of a group $N$, where $N$ is a finitely generated group having Kazhdan's property (T) and containing exactly two conjugacy classes.
On Ando's inequalities for convex and concave functions
For positive semidefinite matrices $A$ and $B$, Ando and Zhan proved the inequalities $||| f(A)+f(B) ||| \ge ||| f(A+B) |||$ and $||| g(A)+g(B) ||| \le ||| g(A+B) |||$, for any unitarily invariant norm, and for any non-negative operator monotone $f$ on $[0,\infty)$ with inverse function $g$. These inequalities have very recently been generalised to non-negative concave functions $f$ and non-negative convex functions $g$, by Bourin and Uchiyama, and Kosem, respectively. In this paper we consider the related question whether the inequalities $||| f(A)-f(B) ||| \le ||| f(|A-B|) |||$, and $||| g(A)-g(B) ||| \ge ||| g(|A-B|) |||$, obtained by Ando, for operator monotone $f$ with inverse $g$, also have a similar generalisation to non-negative concave $f$ and convex $g$. We answer exactly this question, in the negative for general matrices, and affirmatively in the special case when $A\ge ||B||$. In the course of this work, we introduce the novel notion of $Y$-dominated majorisation between the spectra of two Hermitian matrices, where $Y$ is itself a Hermitian matrix, and prove a certain property of this relation that allows to strengthen the results of Bourin-Uchiyama and Kosem, mentioned above.
Topology Change of Black Holes
The topological structure of the event horizon has been investigated in terms of the Morse theory. The elementary process of topological evolution can be understood as a handle attachment. It has been found that there are certain constraints on the nature of black hole topological evolution: (i) There are n kinds of handle attachments in (n+1)-dimensional black hole space-times. (ii) Handles are further classified as either of black or white type, and only black handles appear in real black hole space-times. (iii) The spatial section of an exterior of the black hole region is always connected. As a corollary, it is shown that the formation of a black hole with an S**(n-2) x S**1 horizon from that with an S**(n-1) horizon must be non-axisymmetric in asymptotically flat space-times.
The birth of string theory
In this contribution we go through the developments that in the years 1968 to 1974 led from the Veneziano model to the bosonic string.
Generalized regularly discontinuous solutions of the Einstein equations
The physical consistency of the match of piecewise-$C^0$ metrics is discussed. The mathematical theory of gravitational discontinuity hypersurfaces is generalized to cover the match of regularly discontinuous metrics. The mean-value differential geometry framework on a hypersurface is introduced, and corresponding compatibility conditions are deduced. Examples of generalized boundary layers, gravitational shock waves and thin shells are studied.
Langmuir blodgett assembly of densely aligned single walled carbon nanotubes from bulk materials
Single walled carbon nanotubes exhibit advanced electrical and surface properties useful for high performance nanoelectronics. Important to future manufacturing of nanotube circuits is large scale assembly of SWNTs into aligned forms. Despite progress in assembly and oriented synthesis, pristine SWNTs in aligned and close-packed form remain elusive and needed for high current, speed and density devices through collective operations of parallel SWNTs. Here, we develop a Langmuir Blodgett method achieving monolayers of aligned SWNTs with dense packing, central to which is a non covalent polymer functionalization by PmPV imparting high solubility and stability of SWNTs in an organic solvent DCE. Pressure cycling or annealing during LB film compression reduces hysteresis and facilitates high degree alignment and packing of SWNTs characterized by microscopy and polarized Raman spectroscopy. The monolayer SWNTs are readily patterned for device integration by microfabrication, enabling the highest currents 3mA through the narrowest regions packed with aligned SWNTs thus far.
Quantum Phase Transition in the Four-Spin Exchange Antiferromagnet
We study the S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice with nearest-neighbor and plaquette four-spin exchanges (introduced by A.W. Sandvik, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 98}, 227202 (2007).) This model undergoes a quantum phase transition from a spontaneously dimerized phase to N\'eel order at a critical coupling. We show that as the critical point is approached from the dimerized side, the system exhibits strong fluctuations in the dimer background, reflected in the presence of a low-energy singlet mode, with a simultaneous rise in the triplet quasiparticle density. We find that both singlet and triplet modes of high density condense at the transition, signaling restoration of lattice symmetry. In our approach, which goes beyond mean-field theory in terms of the triplet excitations, the transition appears sharp; however since our method breaks down near the critical point, we argue that we cannot make a definite conclusion regarding the order of the transition.
Lower ground state due to counter-rotating wave interaction in trapped ion system
We consider a single ion confined in a trap under radiation of two traveling waves of lasers. In the strong-excitation regime and without the restriction of Lamb-Dicke limit, the Hamiltonian of the system is similar to a driving Jaynes-Cummings model without rotating wave approximation (RWA). The approach we developed enables us to present a complete eigensolutions, which makes it available to compare with the solutions under the RWA. We find that, the ground state in our non-RWA solution is energically lower than the counterpart under the RWA. If we have the ion in the ground state, it is equivalent to a spin dependent force on the trapped ion. Discussion is made for the difference between the solutions with and without the RWA, and for the relevant experimental test, as well as for the possible application in quantum information processing.
Meta-Stable Brane Configuration of Product Gauge Groups
Starting from the N=1 SU(N_c) x SU(N_c') gauge theory with fundamental and bifundamental flavors, we apply the Seiberg dual to the first gauge group and obtain the N=1 dual gauge theory with dual matters including the gauge singlets. By analyzing the F-term equations of the superpotential, we describe the intersecting type IIA brane configuration for the meta-stable nonsupersymmetric vacua of this gauge theory. By introducing an orientifold 6-plane, we generalize to the case for N=1 SU(N_c) x SO(N_c') gauge theory with fundamental and bifundamental flavors. Finally, the N=1 SU(N_c) x Sp(N_c') gauge theory with matters is also described very briefly.
Anisotropic thermo-elasticity in 2D -- Part I: A unified approach
In this note we develop tools and techniques for the treatment of anisotropic thermo-elasticity in two space dimensions. We use a diagonalisation technique to obtain properties of the characteristic roots of the full symbol of the system in order to prove $L^p$--$L^q$ decay rates for its solutions.
Magnetic Fingerprints of sub-100 nm Fe Nanodots
Sub-100 nm nanomagnets not only are technologically important, but also exhibit complex magnetization reversal behaviors as their dimensions are comparable to typical magnetic domain wall widths. Here we capture magnetic "fingerprints" of 1 billion Fe nanodots as they undergo a single domain to vortex state transition, using a first-order reversal curve (FORC) method. As the nanodot size increases from 52 nm to 67 nm, the FORC diagrams reveal striking differences, despite only subtle changes in their major hysteresis loops. The 52 nm nanodots exhibit single domain behavior and the coercivity distribution extracted from the FORC distribution agrees well with a calculation based on the measured nanodot size distribution. The 58 and 67 nm nanodots exhibit vortex states, where the nucleation and annihilation of the vortices are manifested as butterfly-like features in the FORC distribution and confirmed by micromagnetic simulations. Furthermore, the FORC method gives quantitative measures of the magnetic phase fractions, and vortex nucleation and annihilation fields.
An online repository of Swift/XRT light curves of GRBs
Context. Swift data are revolutionising our understanding of Gamma Ray Bursts. Since bursts fade rapidly, it is desirable to create and disseminate accurate light curves rapidly. Aims. To provide the community with an online repository of X-ray light curves obtained with Swift. The light curves should be of the quality expected of published data, but automatically created and updated so as to be self-consistent and rapidly available. Methods. We have produced a suite of programs which automatically generates Swift/XRT light curves of GRBs. Effects of the damage to the CCD, automatic readout-mode switching and pile-up are appropriately handled, and the data are binned with variable bin durations, as necessary for a fading source. Results. The light curve repository website ( contains light curves, hardness ratios and deep images for every GRB which Swift's XRT has observed. When new GRBs are detected, light curves are created and updated within minutes of the data arriving at the UK Swift Science Data Centre.
Counterflow of electrons in two isolated quantum point contacts
We study the interaction between two adjacent but electrically isolated quantum point contacts (QPCs). At high enough source-drain bias on one QPC, the drive QPC, we detect a finite electric current in the second, unbiased, detector QPC. The current generated at the detector QPC always flows in the opposite direction than the current of the drive QPC. The generated current is maximal, if the detector QPC is tuned to a transition region between its quantized conductance plateaus and the drive QPC is almost pinched-off. We interpret this counterflow phenomenon in terms of an asymmetric phonon-induced excitation of electrons in the leads of the detector QPC.
PAH emission and star formation in the host of the z~2.56 Cloverleaf QSO
We report the first detection of the 6.2micron and 7.7micron infrared `PAH' emission features in the spectrum of a high redshift QSO, from the Spitzer-IRS spectrum of the Cloverleaf lensed QSO (H1413+117, z~2.56). The ratio of PAH features and rest frame far-infrared emission is the same as in lower luminosity star forming ultraluminous infrared galaxies and in local PG QSOs, supporting a predominantly starburst nature of the Cloverleaf's huge far-infrared luminosity (5.4E12 Lsun, corrected for lensing). The Cloverleaf's period of dominant QSO activity (Lbol ~ 7E13 Lsun) is coincident with an intense (star formation rate ~1000 Msun/yr) and short (gas exhaustion time ~3E7yr) star forming event.
Causal dissipative hydrodynamics for QGP fluid in 2+1 dimensions
In 2nd order causal dissipative theory, space-time evolution of QGP fluid is studied in 2+1 dimensions. Relaxation equations for shear stress tensors are solved simultaneously with the energy-momentum conservation equations. Comparison of evolution of ideal and viscous QGP fluid, initialized under the same conditions, e.g. same equilibration time, energy density and velocity profile, indicate that in a viscous dynamics, energy density or temperature of the fluid evolve slowly, than in an ideal fluid. Cooling gets slower as viscosity increases. Transverse expansion also increases in a viscous dynamics. For the first time we have also studied elliptic flow of 'quarks' in causal viscous dynamics. It is shown that elliptic flow of quarks saturates due to non-equilibrium correction to equilibrium distribution function, and can not be mimicked by an ideal hydrodynamics.
A Single Trapped Ion as a Time-Dependent Harmonic Oscillator
We show how a single trapped ion may be used to test a variety of important physical models realized as time-dependent harmonic oscillators. The ion itself functions as its own motional detector through laser-induced electronic transitions. Alsing et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 220401 (2005)] proposed that an exponentially decaying trap frequency could be used to simulate (thermal) Gibbons-Hawking radiation in an expanding universe, but the Hamiltonian used was incorrect. We apply our general solution to this experimental proposal, correcting the result for a single ion and showing that while the actual spectrum is different from the Gibbons-Hawking case, it nevertheless shares an important experimental signature with this result.
Topological defects, geometric phases, and the angular momentum of light
Recent reports on the intriguing features of vector vortex bearing beams are analyzed using geometric phases in optics. It is argued that the spin redirection phase induced circular birefringence is the origin of topological phase singularities arising in the inhomogeneous polarization patterns. A unified picture of recent results is presented based on this proposition. Angular momentum shift within the light beam (OAM) has exact equivalence with the angular momentum holonomy associated with the geometric phase consistent with our conjecture.
The Blue Straggler Population of the Globular Cluster M5
By combining high-resolution HST and wide-field ground based observations, in ultraviolet and optical bands, we study the Blue Stragglers Star (BSS) population of the galactic globular cluster M5 (NGC 5904) from its very central regions up to its periphery. The BSS distribution is highly peaked in the cluster center, decreases at intermediate radii and rises again outward. Such a bimodal distribution is similar to those previously observed in other globular clusters (M3, 47Tucanae, NGC6752). As for these clusters, dynamical simulations suggest that, while the majority of BSS in M5 could be originated by stellar collisions, a significant fraction (20-40%) of BSS generated by mass transfer processes in primordial binaries is required to reproduce the observed radial distribution. A candidate BSS has been detected beyond the cluster tidal radius. If confirmed, this could represent an interesting case of an "evaporating" BSS.
Entanglement entropy of two-dimensional Anti-de Sitter black holes
Using the AdS/CFT correspondence we derive a formula for the entanglement entropy of the anti-de Sitter black hole in two spacetime dimensions. The leading term in the large black hole mass expansion of our formula reproduces exactly the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy S_{BH}, whereas the subleading term behaves as ln S_{BH}. This subleading term has the universal form typical for the entanglement entropy of physical systems described by effective conformal fields theories (e.g. one-dimensional statistical models at the critical point). The well-known form of the entanglement entropy for a two-dimensional conformal field theory is obtained as analytic continuation of our result and is related with the entanglement entropy of a black hole with negative mass.
Towards self-consistent definition of instanton liquid parameters
The possibility of self-consistent determination of instanton liquid parameters is discussed together with the definition of optimal pseudo-particle configurations and comparing the various pseudo-particle ensembles. The weakening of repulsive interactions between pseudo-particles is argued and estimated.
Some aspects of the nonperturbative renormalization of the phi^4 model
A nonperturbative renormalization of the phi^4 model is considered. First we integrate out only a single pair of conjugated modes with wave vectors +/- q. Then we are looking for the RG equation which would describe the transformation of the Hamiltonian under the integration over a shell Lambda - d Lambda < k < Lambda, where d Lambda -> 0. We show that the known Wegner--Houghton equation is consistent with the assumption of a simple superposition of the integration results for +/- q. The renormalized action can be expanded in powers of the phi^4 coupling constant u in the high temperature phase at u -> 0. We compare the expansion coefficients with those exactly calculated by the diagrammatic perturbative method, and find some inconsistency. It causes a question in which sense the Wegner-Houghton equation is really exact.
Instanton Liquid at Finite Temperature and Chemical Potential of Quarks
Instanton liquid in heated and strongly interacting matter is studied using the variational principle. The dependence of the instanton liquid density (gluon condensate) on the temperature and the quark chemical potential is determined under the assumption that, at finite temperatures, the dominant contribution is given by an ensemble of calorons. The respective one-loop effective quark Lagrangian is used.
Singularity Resolution in Isotropic Loop Quantum Cosmology: Recent Developments
Since the past Iagrg meeting in December 2004, new developments in loop quantum cosmology have taken place, especially with regards to the resolution of the Big Bang singularity in the isotropic models. The singularity resolution issue has been discussed in terms of physical quantities (expectation values of Dirac observables) and there is also an ``improved'' quantization of the Hamiltonian constraint. These developments are briefly discussed. This is an expanded version of the review talk given at the 24$^{\mathrm{th}}$ IAGRG meeting in February 2007.
Construction of initial data for 3+1 numerical relativity
This lecture is devoted to the problem of computing initial data for the Cauchy problem of 3+1 general relativity. The main task is to solve the constraint equations. The conformal technique, introduced by Lichnerowicz and enhanced by York, is presented. Two standard methods, the conformal transverse-traceless one and the conformal thin sandwich, are discussed and illustrated by some simple examples. Finally a short review regarding initial data for binary systems (black holes and neutron stars) is given.
Magnetism and Thermodynamics of Spin-1/2 Heisenberg Diamond Chains in a Magnetic Field
The magnetic and thermodynamic properties of spin-1/2 Heisenberg diamond chains are investigated in three different cases: (a) J1, J2, J3>0 (frustrated); (b) J1, J3<0, J2>0 (frustrated); and (c) J1, J2>0, J3<0 (non-frustrated). The density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) technique is invoked to study the properties of the system in the ground state, while the transfer matrix renormalization group (TMRG) technique is applied to explore the thermodynamic properties. The local magnetic moments, spin correlation functions, and static structure factors are discussed in the ground state for the three cases. It is shown that the static structure factor S(q) shows peaks at wavevectors $q=a\pi /3$ (a=0,1,2,3,4,5) for different couplings in a zero magnetic field, which, however in the magnetic fields where the magnetization plateau with m=1/6 pertains, exhibits the peaks only at q=0, $2\pi /3$ and $4\pi /3$, which are found to be couplings-independent. The DMRG results of the zero-field static structure factor can be nicely fitted by a linear superposition of six modes, where two fitting equations are proposed. It is observed that the six modes are closely related to the low-lying excitations of the system. At finite temperatures, the double-peak structures of the susceptibility and specific heat against temperature are obtained, where the peak positions and heights are found to depend on the competition of the couplings. It is also uncovered that the XXZ anisotropy of F and AF couplings leads the system of case (c) to display quite different behaviors. In addition, the experimental data of the susceptibility, specific heat and magnetization for the compound Cu$_{3}$(CO$_{3}$)$_{2}$(OH)$_{2}$ are fairly compared with our TMRG results.
Kinetic equation for finite systems of fermions with pairing
The solutions of the Wigner-transformed time-dependent Hartree--Fock--Bogoliubov equations are studied in the constant-$\Delta$ approximation. This approximation is known to violate particle-number conservation. As a consequence, the density fluctuation and the longitudinal response function given by this approximation contain spurious contributions. A simple prescription for restoring both local and global particle-number conservation is proposed. Explicit expressions for the eigenfrequencies of the correlated systems and for the density response function are derived and it is shown that the semiclassical analogous of the quantum single--particle spectrum has an excitation gap of $2\Delta$, in agreement with the quantum result. The collective response is studied for a simplified form of the residual interaction.
A computer program for fast non-LTE analysis of interstellar line spectra
The large quantity and high quality of modern radio and infrared line observations require efficient modeling techniques to infer physical and chemical parameters such as temperature, density, and molecular abundances. We present a computer program to calculate the intensities of atomic and molecular lines produced in a uniform medium, based on statistical equilibrium calculations involving collisional and radiative processes and including radiation from background sources. Optical depth effects are treated with an escape probability method. The program is available on the World Wide Web at . The program makes use of molecular data files maintained in the Leiden Atomic and Molecular Database (LAMDA), which will continue to be improved and expanded. The performance of the program is compared with more approximate and with more sophisticated methods. An Appendix provides diagnostic plots to estimate physical parameters from line intensity ratios of commonly observed molecules. This program should form an important tool in analyzing observations from current and future radio and infrared telescopes.
Nonlinear force-free coronal magnetic field extrapolation scheme based on the direct boundary integral formulation
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors.
Oxygen-rich droplets and the enrichment of the ISM
We argue that the discrepancies observed in HII regions between abundances derived from optical recombination lines (ORLs) and collisionally excited lines (CELs) might well be the signature of a scenario of the enrichment of the interstellar medium (ISM) proposed by Tenorio-Tagle (1996). In this scenario, the fresh oxygen released during massive supernova explosions is confined within the hot superbubbles as long as supernovae continue to explode. Only after the last massive supernova explosion, the metal-rich gas starts cooling down and falls on the galaxy within metal-rich droplets. Full mixing of these metal-rich droplets and the ISM occurs during photoionization by the next generations of massive stars. During this process, the metal-rich droplets give rise to strong recombination lines of the metals, leading to the observed ORL-CEL discrepancy. (The full version of this work is submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics.)
Soft modes and NTE in Zn(CN)2 from Raman spectroscopy and first principles calculations
We have studied Zn(CN)2 at high pressure using Raman spectroscopy, and report Gruneisen parameters of the soft phonons. The phonon frequencies and eigen vectors obtained from ab-initio calculations are used for the assignment of the observed phonon spectra. Out of the eleven zone-centre optical modes, six modes exhibit negative Gruneisen parameter. The calculations suggest that the soft phonons correspond to the librational and translational modes of CN rigid unit, with librational modes contributing more to thermal expansion. A rapid disordering of the lattice is found above 1.6 GPa from X-ray diffraction.
Effective potentials for quasicrystals from ab-initio data
Classical effective potentials are indispensable for any large-scale atomistic simulations, and the relevance of simulation results crucially depends on the quality of the potentials used. For complex alloys like quasicrystals, however, realistic effective potentials are practically inexistent. We report here on our efforts to develop effective potentials especially for quasicrystalline alloy systems. We use the so-called force matching method, in which the potential parameters are adapted so as to optimally reproduce the forces and energies in a set of suitably chosen reference configurations. These reference data are calculated with ab-initio methods. As a first application, EAM potentials for decagonal Al-Ni-Co, icosahedral Ca-Cd, and both icosahedral and decagonal Mg-Zn quasicrystals have been constructed. The influence of the potential range and degree of specialisation on the accuracy and other properties is discussed and compared.
On smooth foliations with Morse singularities
Let $M$ be a smooth manifold and let $\F$ be a codimension one, $C^\infty$ foliation on $M$, with isolated singularities of Morse type. The study and classification of pairs $(M,\F)$ is a challenging (and difficult) problem. In this setting, a classical result due to Reeb \cite{Reeb} states that a manifold admitting a foliation with exactly two center-type singularities is a sphere. In particular this is true if the foliation is given by a function. Along these lines a result due to Eells and Kuiper \cite{Ku-Ee} classify manifolds having a real-valued function admitting exactly three non-degenerate singular points. In the present paper, we prove a generalization of the above mentioned results. To do this, we first describe the possible arrangements of pairs of singularities and the corresponding codimension one invariant sets, and then we give an elimination procedure for suitable center-saddle and some saddle-saddle configurations (of consecutive indices). In the second part, we investigate if other classical results, such as Haefliger and Novikov (Compact Leaf) theorems, proved for regular foliations, still hold true in presence of singularities. At this purpose, in the singular set, $Sing(\F)$ of the foliation $\F$, we consider {\em{weakly stable}} components, that we define as those components admitting a neighborhood where all leaves are compact. If $Sing(\F)$ admits only weakly stable components, given by smoothly embedded curves diffeomorphic to $S^1$, we are able to extend Haefliger's theorem. Finally, the existence of a closed curve, transverse to the foliation, leads us to state a Novikov-type result.
Supersymmetry breaking metastable vacua in runaway quiver gauge theories
In this paper we consider quiver gauge theories with fractional branes whose infrared dynamics removes the classical supersymmetric vacua (DSB branes). We show that addition of flavors to these theories (via additional non-compact branes) leads to local meta-stable supersymmetry breaking minima, closely related to those of SQCD with massive flavors. We simplify the study of the one-loop lifting of the accidental classical flat directions by direct computation of the pseudomoduli masses via Feynman diagrams. This new approach allows to obtain analytic results for all these theories. This work extends the results for the $dP_1$ theory in hep-th/0607218. The new approach allows to generalize the computation to general examples of DSB branes, and for arbitrary values of the superpotential couplings.
Low Energy Aspects of Heavy Meson Decays
I discuss low energy aspects of heavy meson decays, where there is at least one heavy meson in the final state. Examples are $B -\bar{B}$ mixing, $B \to D \bar{D}$, $B \to D \eta'$, and $B \to D \gamma$. %and $B \to D W $ (Isgur-Wise function). The analysis is performed in the heavy quark limit within heavy-light chiral perturbation theory. Coefficients of $1/N_c$ suppressed chiral Lagrangian terms (beyond factorization) have been estimated by means of a heavy-light chiral quark model.
Radiative losses and cut-offs of energetic particles at relativistic shocks
We investigate the acceleration and simultaneous radiative losses of electrons in the vicinity of relativistic shocks. Particles undergo pitch angle diffusion, gaining energy as they cross the shock by the Fermi mechanism and also emitting synchrotron radiation in the ambient magnetic field. A semi-analytic approach is developed which allows us to consider the behaviour of the shape of the spectral cut-off and the variation of that cut-off with the particle pitch angle. The implications for the synchrotron emission of relativistic jets, such as those in gamma ray burst sources and blazars, are discussed.
Very strong and slowly varying magnetic fields as source of axions
The investigation on the production of particles in slowly varying but extremely intense magnetic field in extended to the case of axions. The motivation is, as for some previously considered cases, the possibility that such kind of magnetic field may exist around very compact astrophysical objects.
Discovery of a point-like very-high-energy gamma-ray source in Monoceros
The complex Monoceros Loop SNR/Rosette Nebula region contains several potential sources of very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray emission and two as yet unidentified high-energy EGRET sources. Sensitive VHE observations are required to probe acceleration processes in this region. The H.E.S.S. telescope array has been used to search for very high-energy gamma-ray sources in this region. CO data from the NANTEN telescope were used to map the molecular clouds in the region, which could act as target material for gamma-ray production via hadronic interactions. We announce the discovery of a new gamma-ray source, HESS J0632+058, located close to the rim of the Monoceros SNR. This source is unresolved by H.E.S.S. and has no clear counterpart at other wavelengths but is possibly associated with the weak X-ray source 1RXS J063258.3+054857, the Be-star MWC 148 and/or the lower energy gamma-ray source 3EG J0634+0521. No evidence for an associated molecular cloud was found in the CO data.
Bonding of H in O vacancies of ZnO
We investigate the bonding of H in O vacancies of ZnO using density functional calculations. We find that H is anionic and does not form multicenter bonds with Zn in this compound.
Robust manipulation of electron spin coherence in an ensemble of singly charged quantum dots
Using the recently reported mode locking effect we demonstrate a highly robust control of electron spin coherence in an ensemble of (In,Ga)As quantum dots during the single spin coherence time. The spin precession in a transverse magnetic field can be fully controlled up to 25 K by the parameters of the exciting pulsed laser protocol such as the pulse train sequence, leading to adjustable quantum beat bursts in Faraday rotation. Flipping of the electron spin precession phase was demonstrated by inverting the polarization within a pulse doublet sequence.
Equation of state for dense hydrogen and plasma phase transition
We calculate the equation of state of dense hydrogen within the chemical picture. Fluid variational theory is generalized for a multi-component system of molecules, atoms, electrons, and protons. Chemical equilibrium is supposed for the reactions dissociation and ionization. We identify the region of thermodynamic instability which is related to the plasma phase transition. The reflectivity is calculated along the Hugoniot curve and compared with experimental results. The equation-of-state data is used to calculate the pressure and temperature profiles for the interior of Jupiter.
Experimental nonclassicality of single-photon-added thermal light states
We report the experimental realization and tomographic analysis of novel quantum light states obtained by exciting a classical thermal field by a single photon. Such states, although completely incoherent, possess a tunable degree of quantumness which is here exploited to put to a stringent experimental test some of the criteria proposed for the proof and the measurement of state non-classicality. The quantum character of the states is also given in quantum information terms by evaluating the amount of entanglement that they can produce.
Neutron Skin and Giant Resonances in Nuclei
Some aspects, both experimental and theoretical, of extracting the neutron skin $\Delta R$ from properties of isovector giant resonances are discussed. Existing proposals are critically reviewed. The method relying on the energy difference between the GTR and IAS is shown to lack sensitivity to $\Delta R$. A simple explanation of the linear relation between the symmetry energy and the neutron skin is also given.
Huge magneto-crystalline anisotropy of x-ray linear dichroism observed on Co/FeMn bilayers
We present an x-ray spectromicroscopic investigation of single-crystalline magnetic FeMn/Co bilayers on Cu(001), using X-ray magnetic circular (XMCD) and linear (XMLD) dichroism at the Co and Fe L3 absorption edges in combination with photoelectron emission microscopy (PEEM). Using the magnetic coupling between the ferromagnetic Co layer and the antiferromagnetic FeMn layer we are able to produce magnetic domains with two different crystallographic orientations of the magnetic easy axis within the same sample at the same time. We find a huge difference in the XMLD contrast between the two types of magnetic domains, which we discuss in terms of intrinsic magneto-crystalline anisotropy of XMLD of the Co layer. We also demonstrate that due to the high sensitivity of the method, the small number of induced ferromagnetic Fe moments at the FeMn-Co interface is sufficient to obtain magnetic contrast from XMLD in a metallic system.
Temperature Dependence of the Tensile Properties of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes: O(N) Tight Binding MD Simulation
This paper examines the effect of temperature on the structural stability and mechanical properties of 20 layered (10,10) single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) under tensile loading using an O(N) tight binding molecular dynamics (TBMD) simulation method. We observed that (10,10) tube can sustain its structural stability for the strain values of 0.23 in elongation and 0.06 in compression at 300K. Bond breaking strain value decreases with increasing temperature under streching but not under compression. The elastic limit, Young's modulus, tensile strength and Poisson ratio are calculated as 0.10, 0.395 TPa, 83.23 GPa, 0.285, respectively, at 300K. In the temperature range from 300K to 900K; Young's modulus and the tensile strengths are decreasing with increasing temperature while the Poisson ratio is increasing. At higher temperatures, Young's modulus starts to increase while the Poisson ratio and tensile strength decrease. In the temperature range from 1200K to 1800K, the SWCNT is already deformed and softened. Applying strain on these deformed and softened SWCNTs do not follow the same pattern as in the temperature range of 300K to 900K.
Gamma-ray emitting AGN and GLAST
I describe the different classes of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and the basic tenets of unified schemes. I then review the properties of the extragalactic sources detected in the GeV and TeV bands, showing that the vast majority of them belong to the very rare blazar class. I further discuss the kind of AGN GLAST is likely to detect, making some predictions going from the obvious to the likely, all the way to the less probable.
Potfit: effective potentials from ab-initio data
We present a program called potfit which generates an effective atomic interaction potential by matching it to a set of reference data computed in first-principles calculations. It thus allows to perform large-scale atomistic simulations of materials with physically justified potentials. We describe the fundamental principles behind the program, emphasizing its flexibility in adapting to different systems and potential models, while also discussing its limitations. The program has been used successfully in creating effective potentials for a number of complex intermetallic alloys, notably quasicrystals.
Dark energy and neutrino model in SUSY -- Remarks on active and sterile neutrinos mixing --
We consider a Mass Varying Neutrinos (MaVaNs) model in supersymmetric theory. The model includes effects of supersymmetry breaking transmitted by the gravitational interaction from the hidden sector, in which supersymmetry was broken, to the dark energy sector. Then evolutions of the neutrino mass and the equation of state parameter of the dark energy are presented in the model. It is remarked that only the mass of a sterile neutrino is variable in the case of the vanishing mixing between the left-handed and a sterile neutrino on cosmological time scale. The finite mixing makes the mass of the left-handed neutrino variable.
The transverse proximity effect in spectral hardness on the line of sight towards HE 2347-4342
We report the discovery of 14 quasars in the vicinity of HE2347-4342, one of the two quasars whose intergalactic HeII forest has been resolved with FUSE. By analysing the HI and the HeII opacity variations separately, no transverse proximity effect is detected near three foreground quasars of HE2347-4342: QSOJ23503-4328 (z=2.282, $\vartheta=3.59$ arcmin), QSOJ23500-4319 (z=2.302, $\vartheta=8.77$ arcmin) and QSOJ23495-4338 (z=2.690, $\vartheta=16.28$ arcmin). This is primarily due to line contamination and overdensities probably created by large-scale structure. By comparing the HI absorption and the corresponding HeII absorption, we estimated the fluctuating spectral shape of the extragalactic UV radiation field along this line of sight. We find that the UV spectral shape near HE2347-4342 and in the projected vicinity of the three foreground quasars is statistically harder than expected from UV background models dominated by quasars. In addition, we find three highly ionised metal line systems near the quasars. However, they do not yield further constraints on the shape of the ionising field. We conclude that the foreground quasars show a transverse proximity effect that is detectable as a local hardening of the UV radiation field, although the evidence is strongest for QSOJ23495-4338. Thus, the relative spectral hardness traces the proximity effect also in overdense regions prohibiting the traditional detection in the HI forest. Furthermore, we emphasise that softening of quasar radiation by radiative transfer in the intergalactic medium is important to understand the observed spectral shape variations. From the transverse proximity effect of QSOJ23495-4338 we obtain a lower limit on the quasar lifetime of ~25 Myr.
Monoid generalizations of the Richard Thompson groups
The groups G_{k,1} of Richard Thompson and Graham Higman can be generalized in a natural way to monoids, that we call M_{k,1}, and to inverse monoids, called Inv_{k,1}; this is done by simply generalizing bijections to partial functions or partial injective functions. The monoids M_{k,1} have connections with circuit complexity (studied in another paper). Here we prove that M_{k,1} and Inv_{k,1} are congruence-simple for all k. Their Green relations J and D are characterized: M_{k,1} and Inv_{k,1} are J-0-simple, and they have k-1 non-zero D-classes. They are submonoids of the multiplicative part of the Cuntz algebra O_k. They are finitely generated, and their word problem over any finite generating set is in P. Their word problem is coNP-complete over certain infinite generating sets. Changes in this version: Section 4 has been thoroughly revised, and errors have been corrected; however, the main results of Section 4 do not change. Sections 1, 2, and 3 are unchanged, except for the proof of Theorem 2.3, which was incomplete; a complete proof was published in the Appendix of reference [6], and is also given here.
Star Formation in Galaxies with Large Lower Surface Brightness Disks
We present B, R, and Halpha imaging data of 19 large disk galaxies whose properties are intermediate between classical low surface brightness galaxies and ordinary high surface brightness galaxies. We use data taken from the Lowell 1.8m Perkins telescope to determine the galaxies' overall morphology, color, and star formation properties. Morphologically, the galaxies range from Sb through Irr and include galaxies with and without nuclear bars. The colors of the galaxies vary from B-R = 0.3 - 1.9, and most show at least a slight bluing of the colors with increasing radius. The Halpha images of these galaxies show an average star formation rate lower than is found for similar samples with higher surface brightness disks. Additionally, the galaxies studied have both higher gas mass-to-luminosity and diffuse Halpha emission than is found in higher surface brightness samples.
Remarks on N_c dependence of decays of exotic baryons
We calculate the N_c dependence of the decay widths of exotic eikosiheptaplet within the framework of Chral Quark Soliton Model. We also discuss generalizations of regular baryon representations for arbitrary N_c.
Towards Minimal Resources of Measurement-based Quantum Computation
We improve the upper bound on the minimal resources required for measurement-based quantum computation. Minimizing the resources required for this model is a key issue for experimental realization of a quantum computer based on projective measurements. This new upper bound allows also to reply in the negative to the open question about the existence of a trade-off between observable and ancillary qubits in measurement-based quantum computation.
A Spitzer census of the IC 348 nebula
We present a Spitzer based census of the IC 348 nebula and embedded star cluster. Our Spitzer census supplemented by ground based spectra has added 42 class II T-Tauri sources to the cluster membership and identified ~20 class 0/I protostars. The population of IC 348 likely exceeds 400 sources after accounting statistically for unidentified diskless members. Our Spitzer census of IC 348 reveals a population of protostars that is anti-correlated spatially with the T-Tauri members, which comprise the centrally condensed cluster around a B star. The protostars are instead found mostly at the cluster periphery about 1 pc from the B star and spread out along a filamentary ridge. We find that the star formation rate in this protostellar ridge is consistent with that rate which built the exposed cluster while the presence of fifteen cold, starless, millimeter cores intermingled with this protostellar population indicates that the IC 348 nebula has yet to finish forming stars. We show that the IC 348 cluster is of order 3-5 crossing times old, and, as evidenced by its smooth radial profile and confirmed mass segregation, is likely relaxed. While it seems apparent that the current cluster configuration is the result of dynamical evolution and its primordial structure has been erased, our findings support a model where embedded clusters are built up from numerous smaller sub-clusters. Finally, the results of our Spitzer census indicate that the supposition that star formation must progress rapidly in a dark cloud should not preclude these observations that show it can be relatively long lived.
Discovery of X-ray emission from the young radio pulsar PSR J1357-6429
We present the first X-ray detection of the very young pulsar PSR J1357-6429 (characteristic age of 7.3 kyr) using data from the XMM-Newton and Chandra satellites. We find that the spectrum is well described by a power-law plus blackbody model, with photon index Gamma=1.4 and blackbody temperature kT=160 eV. For the estimated distance of 2.5 kpc, this corresponds to a 2-10 keV luminosity of about 1.2E+32 erg/s, thus the fraction of the spin-down energy channeled by PSR J1357-6429 into X-ray emission is one of the lowest observed. The Chandra data confirm the positional coincidence with the radio pulsar and allow to set an upper limit of 3E+31 erg/s on the 2-10 keV luminosity of a compact pulsar wind nebula. We do not detect any pulsed emission from the source and determine an upper limit of 30% for the modulation amplitude of the X-ray emission at the radio frequency of the pulsar.
Resonant activation in bistable semiconductor lasers
We theoretically investigate the possibility of observing resonant activation in the hopping dynamics of two-mode semiconductor lasers. We present a series of simulations of a rate-equations model under random and periodic modulation of the bias current. In both cases, for an optimal choice of the modulation time-scale, the hopping times between the stable lasing modes attain a minimum. The simulation data are understood by means of an effective one-dimensional Langevin equation with multiplicative fluctuations. Our conclusions apply to both Edge Emitting and Vertical Cavity Lasers, thus opening the way to several experimental tests in such optical systems.
Chandra Observations of Supernova 1987A
We have been monitoring Supernova (SN) 1987A with {\it Chandra X-Ray Observatory} since 1999. We present a review of previous results from our {\it Chandra} observations, and some preliminary results from new {\it Chandra} data obtained in 2006 and 2007. High resolution imaging and spectroscopic studies of SN 1987A with {\it Chandra} reveal that X-ray emission of SN 1987A originates from the hot gas heated by interaction of the blast wave with the ring-like dense circumstellar medium (CSM) that was produced by the massive progenitor's equatorial stellar winds before the SN explosion. The blast wave is now sweeping through dense CSM all around the inner ring, and thus SN 1987A is rapidly brightening in soft X-rays. At the age of 20 yr (as of 2007 January), X-ray luminosity of SN 1987A is $L_{\rm X}$ $\sim$ 2.4 $\times$ 10$^{36}$ ergs s$^{-1}$ in the 0.5$-$10 keV band. X-ray emission is described by two-component plane shock model with electron temperatures of $kT$ $\sim$ 0.3 and 2 keV. As the shock front interacts with dense CSM all around the inner ring, the X-ray remnant is now expanding at a much slower rate of $v$ $\sim$ 1400 km s$^{-1}$ than it was until 2004 ($v$ $\sim$ 6000 km s$^{-1}$).
Classification of superpotentials
We extend our previous classification of superpotentials of ``scalar curvature type" for the cohomogeneity one Ricci-flat equations. We now consider the case not covered in our previous paper, i.e., when some weight vector of the superpotential lies outside (a scaled translate of) the convex hull of the weight vectors associated with the scalar curvature function of the principal orbit. In this situation we show that either the isotropy representation has at most 3 irreducible summands or the first order subsystem associated to the superpotential is of the same form as the Calabi-Yau condition for submersion type metrics on complex line bundles over a Fano K\"ahler-Einstein product.
The exact asymptotic of the collision time tail distribution for independent Brownian particles with different drifts
In this note we consider the time of the collision $\tau$ for $n$ independent Brownian motions $X^1_t,...,X_t^n$ with drifts $a_1,...,a_n$, each starting from $x=(x_1,...,x_n)$, where $x_1<...<x_n$. We show the exact asymptotics of $P_x(\tau>t) = C h(x)t^{-\alpha}e^{-\gamma t}(1 + o(1))$ as $t\to\infty$ and identify $C,h(x),\alpha,\gamma$ in terms of the drifts.
Ab initio Study of Graphene on SiC
Employing density-functional calculations we study single and double graphene layers on Si- and C-terminated 1x1-6H-SiC surfaces. We show that, in contrast to earlier assumptions, the first carbon layer is covalently bonded to the substrate, and cannot be responsible for the graphene-type electronic spectrum observed experimentally. The characteristic spectrum of free-standing graphene appears with the second carbon layer, which exhibits a weak van der Waals bonding to the underlying structure. For Si-terminated substrate, the interface is metallic, whereas on C-face it is semiconducting or semimetallic for single or double graphene coverage, respectively.
The Radio Emission, X-ray Emission, and Hydrodynamics of G328.4+0.2: A Comprehensive Analysis of a Luminous Pulsar Wind Nebula, its Neutron Star, and the Progenitor Supernova Explosion
We present new observational results obtained for the Galactic non-thermal radio source G328.4+0.2 to determine both if this source is a pulsar wind nebula or supernova remnant, and in either case, the physical properties of this source. Using X-ray data obtained by XMM, we confirm that the X-ray emission from this source is heavily absorbed and has a spectrum best fit by a power law model of photon index=2 with no evidence for a thermal component, the X-ray emission from G328.4+0.2 comes from a region significantly smaller than the radio emission, and that the X-ray and radio emission are significantly offset from each other. We also present the results of a new high resolution (7 arcseconds) 1.4 GHz image of G328.4+0.2 obtained using the Australia Telescope Compact Array, and a deep search for radio pulsations using the Parkes Radio Telescope. We find that the radio emission has a flat spectrum, though some areas along the eastern edge of G328.4+0.2 have a steeper radio spectral index of ~-0.3. Additionally, we obtain a luminosity limit of the central pulsar of L_{1400} < 30 mJy kpc^2, assuming a distance of 17 kpc. In light of these observational results, we test if G328.4+0.2 is a pulsar wind nebula (PWN) or a large PWN inside a supernova remnant (SNR) using a simple hydrodynamic model for the evolution of a PWN inside a SNR. As a result of this analysis, we conclude that G328.4+0.2 is a young (< 10000 years old) pulsar wind nebula formed by a low magnetic field (<10^12 G) neutron star born spinning rapidly (<10 ms) expanding into an undetected SNR formed by an energetic (>10^51 ergs), low ejecta mass (M < 5 Solar Masses) supernova explosion which occurred in a low density (n~0.03 cm^{-3}) environment.
Three Particle Correlations from STAR
Two-particle correlations have shown modification to the away-side shape in central Au+Au collisions relative to $pp$, d+Au and peripheral Au+Au collisions. Different scenarios can explain this modification including: large angle gluon radiation, jets deflected by transverse flow, path length dependent energy loss, Cerenkov gluon radiation of fast moving particles, and conical flow generated by hydrodynamic Mach-cone shock-waves. Three-particle correlations have the power to distinguish the scenarios with conical emission, conical flow and Cerenkov radiation, from other scenarios. In addition, the dependence of the observed shapes on the $p_T$ of the associated particles can be used to distinguish conical emission from a sonic boom (Mach-cone) and from QCD-Cerenkov radiation. We present results from STAR on 3-particle azimuthal correlations for a high $p_T$ trigger particle with two softer particles. Results are shown for $pp$, d+Au and high statistics Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$=200 GeV. An important aspect of the analysis is the subtraction of combinatorial backgrounds. Systematic uncertainties due to this subtraction and the flow harmonics v2 and v4 are investigated in detail. The implications of the results for the presence or absence of conical flow from Mach-cones are discussed.
Dark Matter annihilation in Draco: new considerations on the expected gamma flux
A new estimation of the gamma-ray flux that we expect to detect from SUSY dark matter annihilation from the Draco dSph is presented using the DM density profiles compatible with the latest observations. This calculation takes also into account the important effect of the Point Spread Function (PSF) of the telescope. We show that this effect is crucial in the way we will observe and interpret a possible signal detection. Finally, we discuss the prospects to detect a possible gamma signal from Draco for MAGIC and GLAST.
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