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?u ) WHERE { resource:municipal_executive_of_Deventer property:appointed_by ?l . { { ?l rdf:type ontology:common_name } UNION { ?l rdf:type ontology:occupation } } } } . 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"bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "Q142" ], [ "relation", "P495" ], [ "type", "Q7725634" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "Q389688" ], [ "relation", "P495" ], [ "type", "Q7725634" ] ], "is_spurious": false, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWER]", "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q7725634'}, 'P495', 'Q142']", "[{'concept': 'Q7725634'}, 'P495', 'Q389688']" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?w ) AS ?s ) WHERE { VALUES ( ?v ) { ( resource:Q389688 ) ( resource:Q142 ) } . ?w property:P495 ?v }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "When Love Takes Over", "La Java bleue", "Ginette coquelicot", "L'oiseau et l'enfant", "Hasta la Vista", "Un premier amour", "Down the Road", "Laura", "L'Âme-stram-gram", "XXL", "One Love", "Métro (c'est trop)", "Le Chant de Mallory", "Lemon Incest", "Toujours debout", "Canary Bay", "Ça n'finira jamais", "I Go to Rio", "Un autre monde", "Money", "Ma révolution", "L'Or de nos vies", "La Musique", "Où aller", "Où sont-elles passées", "Oui, oui, oui, oui", "Les Rougon-Macquart", "Mademoiselle chante le blues", "Pink Water", "Metig", "J'attendrai", "Argent trop cher", "San ou", "Allan", "Un homme heureux", "Justine", "Envole-moi", "Gabriel", "Blonde", "Acide", "Saddle Up", "The Impossible Dream (The Quest)", "Comme d'habitude", "J'en ai marre!", "La mamma", "Moustache (song)", "Un jardin sur la terre", "Avant qu'elle parte", "Quelque chose dans mon cœur", "Moi... Lolita", "Sans logique", "Pour toi Arménie", "Le jour se lève encore", "Il était temps", "Le Temps des cerises", "Et s'il fallait le faire", "L'Instant X", "Suite Sudarmoricaine", "La Foule", "T.L.T", "Sextonik", "Il doit faire beau là-bas", "L'Empereur", "Love Me Tender", "Qu'est ce que ça peut lui faire", "Céline", "Le Fanion de la Légion", "Sauf le respect que je vous dois", "Gaby oh Gaby", "Sweat", "Les mots d'amour n'ont pas de dimanche", "Je danse le Mia", "Les Habits Noirs", "J'aimerais tellement", "Mon Plus Beau Noël", "À 20 ans", "Nathalie", "Voici les clés", "La guerre est finie", "Parlez-moi d'amour", "Vive la rose", "J'aime trop ton boule", "Aux armes et cætera", "Pirouette Cacahuète", "Tomorrow Can Wait", "Chicken Reel", "La Bombe humaine", "Play", "Bongo Bong", "A cause de l'automne", "Bleu Noir", "Pour que tu m'aimes encore", "L'Orange", "Rester la même", "Ain't a Party", "Les Sardines", "Give Me Something", "Pourvu qu'elles soient douces", "Les Champs-Élysées", "Le Plat Pays", "Ce fut en mai", "Concerto pour une Voix", "L'envie d'aimer", "Joe le taxi", "Bella", "J'suis blanc", "Tourdion", "Tom Pillibi", "Satellite", "Si seulement je pouvais lui manquer", "Double je", "Slipping Away", "Je veux te voir", "Hé, hé M'sieurs dames", "La Chanson de Craonne", "Avenir", "Libertine", "Palais Royal", "La Ballade de Jean Batailleur", "Ces soirées-là", "Et si tu n’existais pas", "The Alphabeat", "Qui est l'exemple?", "Rockollection", "Étienne", "Adieu monsieur le professeur", "À nos actes manqués", "La Mer", "Il y a trop de gens qui t'aiment", "Né en 17 à Leidenstadt", "Les Nuits Sans Kim Wilde", "The Good Life", "J'ai embrassé un flic", "Au clair de la lune", "Vide", "Je reste", "L'important c'est la rose", "Parole parole", "Boulbi", "Pas sans toi", "C'est de l'or", "GRRRR", "Ils sont cools", "Chants d'Auvergne", "Mourir pour des idées", "Que C'est Triste Venise", "C'est une belle journée", "Commander", "Mama Corsica", "Changer", "Auprès de ma blonde", "Les Passantes", "La Fée", "Ella, elle l'a", "Délit", "Chant du départ", "Le Grimoire au rubis", "Je serai", "A cause des garçons", "Je n'ai pas changé", "Fous ta cagoule", "Punishment Park", "Coup de cœur", "Toute seule", "Capri c'est fini", "Quatre-vingt-quinze pour cent", "Oui mais... non", "Chicken Dance", "L'Aziza", "À ma place", "Dernière Danse", "Sapés comme jamais", "N'importe quoi", "Je t'aime... moi non plus", "Le Carillon de Vendôme", "Le Petit Âne gris", "L'amour n'est rien...", "Je te promets", "Delirious", "Je cherche après Titine", "Face à la mer", "Respect", "Sauver l'amour", "Marche Henri IV", "Partant pour la Syrie", "La Parisienne (song)", "Blast Off (song)", "L'Américain", "J'attends l'amour", "Laisse tomber les filles", "Quelque part", "Monday, Tuesday... Laissez-moi danser", "Diabolique mon ange", "Rien que pour ça", "Just a Little More Love", "Lunar", "La Rivière de notre enfance", "Repeat", "Ouragan", "À l'ombre", "La Strasbourgeoise", "Ma philosophie", "La Javanaise", "La marseillaise de la Commune", "A la claire fontaine", "Amsterdam", "Plaisir d'Amour", "It's Alright", "Les sucettes", "Sexy Bitch", "Come", "Un jour, un enfant", "They Talk Shit About Me", "Long Is the Road", "Les Anarchistes", "Wild Geese", "Regrets", "Des fleurs pour Salinger", "Foule sentimentale", "Without You", "Mon Dieu", "Les Tzars", "Et bonjour à toi l'artiste", "Titanium", "Petit Frank", "Boum !", "Près de moi", "C'est dit", "Femme dans ses rêves aussi", "Une souris verte", "Fleur de ma ville", "C'est dans l'air", "Ces Gens-Là", "L'enfer et moi", "C'est ta chance", "Zumba He Zumba Ha", "Ma direction", "Entre le bœuf et l'âne gris", "En attendant la fin", "Voyage, voyage", "Monts et merveilles", "La Ballade des gens qui sont nés quelque part", "Club Can't Handle Me", "4 Mots sur un piano", "Samuel Hall", "À chaque pas", "Patapan", "L'Herbe tendre", "Déshabillez-moi", "Maman a tort", "Chacun pense à soi", "Adieu foulard, adieu Madras", "Il est né, le divin Enfant", "C'est la ouate", "C'est la vie", "On n'oublie jamais rien, on vit avec", "Who's Who in France", "L'Histoire d'une fée, c'est...", "Femme libérée", "Donne-moi le temps", "Wight Is Wight", "Le Chant des Africains", "N'oubliez pas", "Dieu m'a donné la foi", "Just One Last Time", "Le jour s'est levé", "Richard Blade", "Le vent nous portera", "Love Don't Let Me Go", "1980", "Je te rends ton amour", "Rap-Tout", "Mosquito", "Les Valses de Vienne", "Commissioner Jean-Baptiste Adamsberg", "Viens boire un p'tit coup à la maison", "Diwanit Bugale", "Appelle mon numéro", "Je suis un homme", "Marseillaise (Porębowicz)", "Le Chemin", "Là-bas", "Il est cinq heures, Paris s'éveille", "San Francisco", "Chez nous", "Le Boudin", "Voler", "Sur le pont d'Avignon", "Le Bonheur", "Il était un petit navire", "Du temps", "Histoire de la poésie française • essay", "Veillons au salut de l'Empire", "Ensorcelée", "Il faut du temps", "Il me donne rendez-vous", "Loguivy-de-la-Mer", "Si j'avais au moins...", "Savoir aimer", "Mon légionnaire", "New York avec toi", "Avant que l'ombre...", "Babacar", "Juste une photo de toi", "Chanteur de charme", "Juste toi et moi", "Juste un instant", "Le souvenir de ce jour", "Rosa", "Fuck Them All", "Cendrillon", "Inch'Allah", "Évidemment", "Il est libre Max", "Sentiments songes", "Au soleil", "Dangerous", "Fanfan la Tulipe", "Cassé", "Fascination", "Les Cactus", "California", "Les play boys", "Le sens de la vie", "Jour de neige", "Innamoramento", "Mauvaise foi nocturne", "T'choupi", "Pardonne-moi", "Je sais pas", "Kissing My Song", "Bonnie and Clyde", "Bouscule-moi", "Helwa ya balady", "Vivre", "Chaque jour est un long chemin", "Atomic Sky", "Beyond My Control", "Le Long de la route", "Plus grandir", "Le Frunkp", "Chant des Partisans", "Les Démons de minuit", "Au nom de la rose", "La terre est ronde", "Que mon cœur lâche", "Initials B.B.", "Elle me dit", "Je veux donner ma voix", "RaelSan", "Salut les copains", "Caroline", "Pauvre Martin", "Monté la riviè", "Aucassin and Nicolette", "Q.I", "T'en va pas", "Scoubidou", "marche lorraine", "J'ai la mémoire qui flanche", "John", "Drugstar", "La Madrague", "An Alarc'h", "Européennes", "Je vais vite", "Fernande", "Je te veux", "La Petite Huguette", "En apesanteur", "Je veux", "Ève lève-toi", "Rue des Étoiles", "Crank It Up", "Darla dirladada", "Caramel", "Pauvres Diables", "La source", "À quoi je sers...", "Lady Marlène", "J'ai besoin d'amour", "Who's That Chick?", "La Nuit", "Night of Your Life", "Un, deux", "Papa Pingouin", "LaserLight", "La Vie en rose", "Ils sont tombés", "Non, je ne regrette rien", "Ne me quitte pas", "Ta Main", "La Bohème", "Les Bêtises", "Elle me contrôle", "Forever and Ever", "Red Flag", "Le Banana Split", "Comme j'ai mal", "Maréchal, nous voilà !", "Santiano", "Le Chant des Girondins", "Ma vie au soleil", "OKLM", "Avant de partir", "Histoires de Luv", "Marcia Baila", "Avant de partir", "Monkey Me (song)", "Everytime We Touch", "Sans toi", "Jacques a dit", "Autumn Leaves", "On se fout de nous", "L'Été indien", "War Song for the Rhine Army", "Dernière danse", "Tombé pour elle", "Vous êtes fous !", "Angelique", "Born to Be Alive", "Désolé", "Stolen Car (Mylène Farmer Song)", "Comme un hic", "Je te dis tout", "Problèmes d'adultes", "Play Hard", "N'avoue jamais", "Heidschi Bumbeidschi", "Bro Gozh ma Zadoù", "Puisque tu pars", "Maître Pierre (song)", "Fan", "Humanahum", "La Princesse et le Croque-notes", "Stances à un cambrioleur", "Parler tout bas", "Manureva", "Et alors !", "Divine", "Je n'ai que mon âme", "Revolver", "Sognu", "Vivre ou survivre", "Göttingen", "Autant d'amoureux que d'étoiles", "Tri Martolod", "J'ai volé la vie", "Frère Jacques", "Suite française", "Coup de Boule", "French folk music", "Je suis l'enfant soleil", "Sous ma robe", "Marlbrough s'en va-t-en guerre", "Demain dès l'aube", "Right Now", "Love Don't Let Me Go", "La Ritournelle", "Le bon roi Dagobert", "Tous ensemble", "Love Is Gone", "Printemps, avril carillonne", "Marieke", "Géraldine", "Laissez passer", "O Holy Night", "Il y aura toujours des violons", "Marseilléza", "Le Régiment de Sambre et Meuse", "Désenchantée", "Suicide social", "If I Had a Hammer", "Gourmandises", "Dégénération", "Echo (You and I)", "Hier Encore", "Mignon Mignon", "L'Aigle noir", "Des mots qui résonnent!", "Baby When the Light", "Color Gitano", "Dancetaria", "C'est si bon", "Just for One Day", "She Wolf", "Mes mains", "Dita", "J'ai vu le loup", "Chanter pour ceux qui sont loin de chez eux", "Ballade des dames du temps jadis", "Brest", "People Come People Go", "Gigi in Paradisco", "L'Amour à la française", "Manu", "Turn Me On", "La belle amour", "Et maintenant", "Eye of the Tiger", "L'Alizé", "Paris va bien", "Que reste-t-il de nos amours ?", "Marie-Blanche", "Toi + Moi", "Dessine-moi un mouton", "Quelque Part", "Rendez-vous", "Un peu de ton amour", "Lovers on the Sun", "Mon amie la rose", "Saga Africa", "J'ai demandé à la lune", "Zombie", "Bei Mir Bistu Shein", "Stay", "Lonely Lisa", "Rêver", "Le temps perdu", "Loup y es-tu?", "Avec toi", "P'tit quinquin", "Soirée disco", "Toutes les femmes de ta vie", "Hygiaphone", "Lady Melody", "I Wanna Go Crazy", "Tu vas me manquer", "I Can Only Imagine", "La Boulette", "Rest of My Life", "Je te donne", "Aimer est plus fort que d'être aimé", "Aïcha", "Black Denim Trousers and Motorcycle Boots", "Ainsi soit je...", "Je t'aime mélancolie", "Souvenirs d'enfance", "Kilimandjaro", "De face", "The Albatross", "Made in Japan", "On aura le ciel", "Il pleut, il pleut, bergère", "Il avait les mots", "Fiesta Buena", "Son Ar Chistr", "Je chante avec toi Liberté", "J'en rêve encore", "La chanson d'Ève", "King of the World", "Respire", "Chirac en prison", "Bouge de là", "Be My Baby", "Dors, mon amour", "Capitaine abandonné", "Le Tango d'Intervilles", "Marie", "J'aime les filles", "Comé-comédie", "Pop Plinn", "Aux marches du palais", "Les corons", "Hymne à l'amour", "Sous le ciel de Paris", "Redonne-moi", "P'tite fleur aimée", "Petit bonhomme", "Memories", "Optimistique-moi", "Elle était si jolie", "Brisé", "The World Is Mine", "Un roman d'amitié", "Liberté, j'écris ton nom", "Ma liberté de penser", "Bambino", "Sur un air latino", "Showbiz (The Battle)", "Week End", "Manhattan-Kaboul", "Un enfant de toi", "Il est là", "Putain de camion", "Avec le temps", "La Tribu de Dana", "Belle", "Ballade des pendus", "Si j'essaye", "The Internationale", "L'homme armé", "Tristana", "White and Black Blues", "In Search of Lost Time", "Sans contrefaçon", "David et Jonathan", "Dès que le printemps revient", "Lettre à France", "Les Bourgeois", "Le Dernier qui a parlé...", "Nagawicka", "Adora", "Parle à ma main", "Solaar pleure", "Ça (c'est vraiment toi)", "Trois petits chats", "Little Bad Girl", "Marly-Gomont", "Je vous emmerde", "Les Mômes de la cloche", "In Love with Myself", "Comme toi (Jean-Jacques Goldman song)", "Zidane y va marquer", "La Leçon de valse du petit François", "Les Mots", "Allez Ola Olé", "Es geht mir gut, Chéri", "Aline (song)", "Le Bilan", "Bad (David Guetta song)", "On s'attache", "Anna", "Le Jerk", "Le Blason", "Les Passantes", "Le Roi", "À l'ombre des maris", "Where Them Girls At", "Melodie d'Amour", "J'ai un problème", "Le Lundi au soleil", "La Madelon", "Tous les garçons et les filles", "Le Téléphone Pleure", "La Poupée qui fait non", "Quelle chance/September", "Et moi, et moi, et moi", "Aux arbres citoyens", "Je marche seul", "Parti pour zouker", "Mistral gagnant", "Le Déserteur", "Fors seulement", "La vie par procuration", "Pas toi", "Après toi", "Tout Le Bonheur du Monde", "Inch'Allah", "Nantes", "Dur dur d'être bébé!", "Je suis un vrai garçon", "Souviens-toi du jour", "Arrivederci Roma", "Nolwenn Ohwo !", "La Complainte du Partisan", "Louder than Words", "On est tous des imbéciles", "Le Baiser", "On est là", "Elle a les yeux revolver..." ], "verbalized_answer": "661", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "France" ], [ "relation", "country of origin" ], [ "type", "literary work" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "Achaemenid Empire" ], [ "relation", "country of origin" ], [ "type", "literary work" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'literary work'}, 'country of origin', 'France']", "[{'concept': 'literary work'}, 'country of origin', 'Achaemenid Empire']" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?w ) AS ?s ) WHERE { VALUES ( ?v ) { ( resource:Achaemenid_Empire ) ( resource:France ) } . ?w property:country_of_origin ?v }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(literary work)', 'country of origin', 'France'], ['c(literary work)', 'country of 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"Q15617994", "Q15617994" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "Which administrative territories have tactful political relations with less number of administrative territories than Liechtenstein ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(c(Q15617994),P530,c(Q15617994))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": 4, "count_ques_type": 2, "is_incomplete": 0, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "less" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P530" ], [ "type", "Q15617994" ], [ "type", "Q15617994" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q347" ], [ "relation", "P530" ], [ "type", "Q15617994" ] ], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q15617994'}, 'P530', {'concept': 'Q15617994'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT 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FILTER ( ?x < ?j ) }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [ "designation for an administrative territorial entity", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ] }, { "id": 17, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q55", "Q36", "Q32" ], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "Netherlands, Poland, Luxembourg", "all_entities": [ "Q702", "Q804", "Q800", "Q419", "Q414", "Q55", "Q262", "Q783", "Q265", "Q37", "Q712", "Q717", "Q837", "Q252", "Q399", "Q398", "Q657", "Q258", "Q45", "Q41", "Q792", "Q790", "Q796", "Q794", "Q954", "Q889", "Q958", "Q881", "Q986", "Q822", "Q241", "Q242", "Q244", "Q811", "Q33", "Q32", "Q31", "Q924", "Q36", "Q34", "Q928", "Q39", "Q739", "Q423", "Q983", "Q851", "Q733", "Q29999", "Q854", "Q734", "Q819", "Q424", "Q730", "Q736", "Q236", "Q232", "Q233", "Q238", "Q20", "Q1045", "Q1041", "Q27", "Q28", "Q921", "Q1049", "Q1027", "Q1020", "Q189", "Q843", "Q842", "Q1029", "Q1028", "Q786", "Q228", "Q227", "Q224", "Q222", "Q221", "Q96", "Q229", "Q902", "Q1036", "Q1037", "Q974", "Q1032", "Q1033", "Q1030", "Q191", "Q965", "Q967", "Q962", "Q963", "Q697", "Q298", "Q695", "Q115", "Q117", "Q754", "Q750", "Q213", "Q211", "Q217", "Q214", "Q215", "Q218", "Q219", "Q912", "Q917", "Q916", "Q1007", "Q1006", "Q1005", "Q833", "Q977", "Q1009", "Q1008", "Q971", "Q683", "Q34020", "Q686", "Q836", "Q574", "Q79", "Q77", "Q878", "Q774", "Q948", "Q817", "Q810", "Q1019", "Q1016", "Q945", "Q678", "Q29", "Q33788", "Q869" ], "active_set": [ "(c(Q15617994),P530,c(Q15617994))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "less" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P530" ], [ "type", "Q15617994" ], [ "type", "Q15617994" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q347" ], [ "relation", "P530" ], [ "type", "Q15617994" ] ], "is_spurious": false, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWERS] have tactful political relations with less number of administrative territories than Liechtenstein", "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q15617994'}, 'P530', {'concept': 'Q15617994'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?y WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?y ( COUNT ( ?d ) AS ?x ) WHERE { ?y property:P530 ?d . ?y rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 . ?d rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 } GROUP BY ?y } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?m ) AS ?j ) WHERE { resource:Q347 property:P530 ?m . ?m rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 } } . FILTER ( ?x < ?j ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Federated States of Micronesia", "Panama", "Costa Rica", "Peru", "Argentina", "Netherlands", "Algeria", "Honduras", "Uzbekistan", "Lithuania", "Fiji", "Venezuela", "Nepal", "Indonesia", "Armenia", "Bahrain", "Chad", "South Africa", "Portugal", "Greece", "El Salvador", "Haiti", "Iraq", "Iran", "Zimbabwe", "Afghanistan", "South Sudan", "Vietnam", "Eritrea", "Lebanon", "Cuba", "Belize", "Barbados", "Nicaragua", "Finland", "Luxembourg", "Belgium", "Tanzania", "Poland", "Sweden", "Philippines", "Switzerland", "Colombia", "North Korea", "Equatorial Guinea", "Saudi Arabia", "Paraguay", "Kingdom of the Netherlands", "Sri Lanka", "Guyana", "Laos", "Cambodia", "Suriname", "Ecuador", "Montenegro", "Kazakhstan", "Malta", "San Marino", "Norway", "Somalia", "Senegal", "Ireland", "Hungary", "Brunei", "Sudan", "Mauritius", "Malawi", "Iceland", "Pakistan", "Oman", "Mozambique", "Morocco", "Dominican Republic", "Andorra", "Azerbaijan", "Croatia", "Albania", "Republic of Macedonia", "Mexico", "Cyprus", "Bangladesh", "Uganda", "Rwanda", "Democratic Republic of the Congo", "Niger", "Nigeria", "Namibia", "Estonia", "Burkina Faso", "Burundi", "Benin", "Botswana", "Nauru", "Chile", "Palau", "Ethiopia", "Ghana", "Trinidad and Tobago", "Bolivia", "Czech Republic", "Latvia", "Republic of Moldova", "Slovakia", "Slovenia", "Romania", "Bulgaria", "Mali", "Bhutan", "Angola", "Guinea-Bissau", "Guinea", "Gambia", "Malaysia", "Djibouti", "Cameroon", "Côte d'Ivoire", "Republic of the Congo", "Samoa", "Niue", "Vanuatu", "Myanmar", "East Timor", "Egypt", "Uruguay", "United Arab Emirates", "Guatemala", "Tunisia", "Kuwait", "Jordan", "Madagascar", "Libya", "Togo", "Tonga", "Spain", "New Caledonia", "Thailand" ], "verbalized_answer": "Netherlands, Poland and Luxembourg have tactful political relations with less number of administrative territories than Liechtenstein", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Netherlands", "Poland", "Luxembourg" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "less" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "diplomatic relation" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Liechtenstein" ], [ "relation", "diplomatic relation" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}, 'diplomatic relation', {'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?y WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?y ( COUNT ( ?d ) AS ?x ) WHERE { ?y property:diplomatic_relation ?d . ?y rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity . ?d rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity } GROUP BY ?y } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?m ) AS ?j ) WHERE { resource:Liechtenstein property:diplomatic_relation ?m . ?m rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity } } . 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"set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "intersection" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q1383269" ], [ "relation", "P915" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q1870098" ], [ "relation", "P27" ], [ "type", "Q15617994" ] ], "is_spurious": false, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWER] was Ex filmed and are Dionisio Collavini an inhabitant of", "parsed_active_set": [ "{'AND': [['Q1383269', 'P915', {'concept': 'Q15617994'}], ['Q1870098', 'P27', {'concept': 'Q15617994'}]]}" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?v WHERE { ?v rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 . resource:Q1870098 property:P27 ?v . resource:Q1383269 property:P915 ?v }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Italy" ], "verbalized_answer": "Italy was Ex filmed and are Dionisio Collavini an inhabitant 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territorial entity)', 'Dionisio Collavini', 'country of citizenship', 'c(designation for an administrative territorial entity)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 20, "ques_type_id": 2, "question-type": "Simple Question (Coreferenced)", "description": "Simple Question|Single Entity|Indirect", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q1870098" ], "relations": [ "P106" ], "type_list": [ "Q12737077" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "What is the profession of that person ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(Q38,P106,c(Q12737077))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": 2, "sec_ques_type": 1, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": 1, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q1870098" ], [ "relation", "P106" ], [ "type", "Q12737077" ] ], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": 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"sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": 3, "count_ques_type": 2, "is_incomplete": 0, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": 2, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "argmin" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P36" ], [ "type", "Q15617994" ], [ "type", "Q20667921" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P36" ], [ "type", "Q15617994" ], [ "type", "Q515" ] ], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q15617994'}, 'P36', [{'concept': 'Q20667921'}, {'concept': 'Q515'}]]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?o WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( MIN ( ?k ) AS ?j ) { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?a ) AS ?k ) ?t WHERE { { ?t property:P36 ?a . ?t rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 . ?a rdf:type ontology:Q20667921 } UNION { ?t property:P36 ?a . ?t rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 . ?a rdf:type ontology:Q515 } } GROUP BY ?t } } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?w ) AS ?y ) ?o WHERE { { ?o property:P36 ?w . ?w rdf:type ontology:Q515 . ?o rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 } UNION { ?o property:P36 ?w . ?o rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 . ?w rdf:type ontology:Q20667921 } } GROUP BY ?o } . FILTER ( ?y = ?j ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "argmin" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "capital" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "type of french administrative division" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "capital" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "city" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}, 'capital', [{'concept': 'type of french administrative division'}, {'concept': 'city'}]]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?o WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( MIN ( ?k ) AS ?j ) { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?a ) AS ?k ) ?t WHERE { { ?t property:capital ?a . ?t rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity . ?a rdf:type ontology:type_of_french_administrative_division } UNION { ?t property:capital ?a . ?t rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity . ?a rdf:type ontology:city } } GROUP BY ?t } } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?w ) AS ?y ) ?o WHERE { { ?o property:capital ?w . ?w rdf:type ontology:city . ?o rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity } UNION { ?o property:capital ?w . ?o rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity . ?w rdf:type ontology:type_of_french_administrative_division } } GROUP BY ?o } . 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"Q34", "Q3361", "Q39", "Q38", "Q302479", "Q5613245", "Q2567535", "Q280312", "Q3068", "Q3389", "Q30644", "Q236", "Q1886098", "Q230", "Q232", "Q233", "Q1777256", "Q238", "Q12549", "Q129003", "Q1763301", "Q1101", "Q1206596", "Q511806", "Q27495866", "Q3139", "Q3118738", "Q686312", "Q902", "Q1036", "Q1032", "Q1024985", "Q1039", "Q697", "Q694", "Q695", "Q754", "Q752", "Q750", "Q2562901", "Q31068", "Q220249", "Q31067", "Q31065", "Q2039306", "Q654849", "Q662056", "Q1773268", "Q30835", "Q574", "Q1558632", "Q694594", "Q894970", "Q191", "Q874", "Q79", "Q77", "Q199688", "Q2001115", "Q3044651", "Q3044715", "Q2091235", "Q23055454", "Q12247340", "Q2360973", "Q30682", "Q30683", "Q2006764", "Q1952", "Q4854468", "Q492437", "Q669802", "Q753795", "Q1256", "Q1250", "Q452565", "Q389004", "Q3305157", "Q492430", "Q1480778", "Q2567507", "Q3044623", "Q651394", "Q3646838", "Q2391254", "Q3044781", "Q9073753", "Q2371735", "Q712", "Q710", "Q3044777", "Q12770", "Q2465553", "Q657", "Q1789890", "Q1090678", "Q12538", 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municipality", "Umbria", "Lazio", "Abruzzo", "Molise", "John Taolo Gaetsewe District Municipality", "Lejweleputswa District Municipality", "Tuscany", "Marche", "Mauritania", "Sudan", "Mauritius", "Malawi", "Iceland", "Belarus", "Mozambique", "Morocco", "Dhaka District", "Ems-Oriental", "Ourthe", "Calabria", "Basilicata", "Principality of Lippe", "Principality of Bulgaria", "Al Sharqia Governorate", "Qalyubia Governorate", "Mexico", "Aravalli district", "Yevpatoria municipality", "Umgungundlovu District Municipality", "Aswan Governorate", "Ghana", "Monufia Governorate", "Rhine", "Trasimène", "Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia", "Sekhukhune District Municipality", "Petén Department", "Gert Sibande District Municipality", "Amatitlán", "Samoa", "Principality of Wales", "Province of Brescia", "Isère", "Ruhr", "Maulvi Bazar District", "Niue", "Ems-Supérieur", "Bojanala Platinum District Municipality", "Tecámac Municipality", "Tibre", "Duchy of Luxembourg", "Veneto", "Togo", "Hamadoni District", "Norak District", "Lippe", "Kouilou Department", "6th of October Governorate", "Trentino-South Tyrol", "North Holland", "Taro", "Zeeland", "Flevoland", "Marshall Islands", "Talitsky District", "Danghara District", "India", "Limburg", "Montserrat", "Frances Baard District Municipality", "Sunamganj District", "Abyei District", "Myanmar", "Nepal", "Vhembe District Municipality", "Principality of Calenberg", "Sicily", "Archa Darugha", "Sardinia", "Serbia", "Corcyre", "Sesia", "Portugal", "Turkey", "Greece", "El Salvador", "Apennins", "San Juan de Jinotega", "Ithaque", "Montenotte", "Zuyderzée", "Cuba", "New Brunswick", "Marengo", "Belize", "Thabo Mofutsanyana District Municipality", "Ehlanzeni District Municipality", "Asyut Governorate", "Finland", "Luxembourg", "Belgium", "United States of America", "Lithuania", "Poland", "Sweden", "Doubs", "Switzerland", "Italy", "Ems-Occidental", "Guadalupe Municipality", "Pô", "Principality of Lüneburg", "Loire-Atlantique", "Finistère", "Damietta Governorate", "Montenegro", "Pixley ka Seme District Municipality", "Georgia", "Kazakhstan", "Malta", "Dzerzhinsky District, Kaluga Oblast", "San Marino", "Ille-et-Vilaine", "French Southern and Antarctic Lands", "Barisal District", "North Brabant", "Deux-Nèthes", "North Slope Borough", "Corse", "Alpes-Maritimes", "Guanentá Province", "Duchy of Amalfi", "Bangladesh", "Uganda", "Niger", "Cacadu District Municipality", "Sao Tomé and Príncipe", "Nauru", "South Holland", "Palau", "Trinidad and Tobago", "Groningen", "Bolivia", "West Coast District Municipality", "Dakahlia Governorate", "Eden District Municipality", "Ismailia Governorate", "Qena Governorate", "Jamalpur District", "Joe Gqabi District Municipality", "Cushamen Department", "ZF Mgcawu District Municipality", "Gharbia Governorate", "East Timor", "Rome", "Bremen-Verden", "Bouches-de-la-Meuse", "Estonia", "Turkmenistan", "Egypt", "Uruguay", "Almohad", "Tepic, Nayarit (municipality)", "Louverture", "Ozama", "Ugu District Municipality", "Alpes-Maritimes", "Afrin Nahiya", "Duchy of Carniola", "Matrouh Governorate", "Beni Suef Governorate", "Xhariep District Municipality", "Nova Scotia", "Bandava", "Bouches-du-Weser", "Quiché Department", "Briceni District", "Liguria", "Friuli–Venezia Giulia", "Amajuba District Municipality", "Wallachia", "Mella", "Bouches-de-l'Elbe", "Comilla District", "Arno", "Cibao", "Ramensky District", "Los Guayos Municipality", "Farkhor District", "Sud", "San Vicente Tancuayalab municipality", "Saky municipality", "Fiji", "Kiribati", "Nord", "Somme", "Shapsugsky National District", "Chad", "West Rand District Municipality", "Sègre", "Haute-Garonne", "Zimbabwe", "Jemmapes", "Zambia", "Company rule in India", "Escuintla", "South Sudan", "Eritrea", "Bulgaria", "Yssel-Supérieur", "Yalta municipality", "Maldives", "Lebanon", "Spanish Sahara", "Seine", "Magyaróvár District", "Habsburg Empire", "Principality of Vitebsk", "Kurigram District", "Cape Winelands District Municipality", "Duchy of Prussia", "Izabal Department", "Bornholm", "Méditerranée", "Arvika Municipality", "Ems", "Cairo Governorate", "iLembe District Municipality", "Norway", "Hungary", "Escaut", "People's Republic of China", "Principality of Bayreuth", "Bergantiños", "Azerbaijan", "New Valley Governorate", "Greenland", "Faiyum Governorate", "Republic of Macedonia", "UThungulu District Municipality", "Cyprus", "Fezile Dabi District Municipality", "Saskatchewan", "Kars Oblast", "Duchy of Styria", "Moldavia", "Burkina Faso", "Burundi", "Benin", "Bouches-de-l'Èbre-Montserrat", "Kishoreganj District", "Bouches-de-l'Èbre", "Karelian National Okrug", "Sirajganj District", "Liamone", "Sarre", "Lombardy", "Piedmont", "Mali", "Bhutan", "Angola", "Guinea-Bissau", "Guinea", "Gambia", "Kuban Oblast", "Cameroon", "Sègre-Ter", "Duchy of Zaslawye", "Campania", "Vanuatu", "Giza Governorate", "Saint Lucia", "Sherpur District", "Kuwait", "Jordan", "Nicaragua", "Kyrgyzstan", "department Stad en Landen of Groningen", "Laos", "Sedibeng District Municipality", "Spain", "Namakwa District Municipality", "Hérault", "Zululand District Municipality", "Tajikistan", "Nunavut", "Thailand", "Sylhet District", "Kafr el-Sheikh Governorate", "Duchy of Athens", "Jaén District", "France", "Simplon", "Alexandria Governorate", "United Kingdom", "Algeria", "Principality of Fürstenberg", "Yukon", "Yvelines", "Uzbekistan", "Rangpur District", "Forêts", "Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality", "Léman", "Emilia-Romagna", "Helwan Governorate", "Dzau district", "Newfoundland and Labrador", "Principality of Minsk", "Vose' District", "Mer-Égée", "Mymensingh District", "Principality of Polotsk", "Pars", "Sohag Governorate", "Dinajpur District", "North Sinai Governorate", "Armyansk municipality", "Faroe Islands", "Amathole District Municipality", "Panj District", "Gali Municipality", "Friesland", "Nkangala District Municipality", "Chris Hani District Municipality", "Brunei", "Central African Republic", "Syria", "North Korea", "Cambodia", "Kingdom of the Netherlands", "Sri Lanka", "Umzinyathi District Municipality", "Waldeck", "Sambre-et-Meuse", "Croatia", "Apulia", "Tijuana Municipality", "Muminobod District", "Shahrtuz District", "Somalia", "Sierra Leone", "Seychelles", "Senegal", "Mont-Terrible", "Saxe-Lauenburg", "Suez Governorate", "Corse-du-Sud", "Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality", "Alushta municipality", "Luxor Governorate", "Ontario", "South Sinai Governorate", "Patuakhali District", "Viesca Municipality", "Roer", "Bouches-du-Rhin", "Bouches-de-l'Yssel", "Bouches-de-l'Escaut", "Quebec", "Ayn", "Central Karoo District Municipality", "Samaná", "Czech Republic", "Republic of Moldova", "Slovakia", "Slovenia", "Fatimid caliphate", "Clipperton Island", "Barbados", "Khartsyzk Municipality", "Tanaro", "Ter", "Djibouti", "Kineshemsky District", "Capricorn District Municipality", "Republic of the Congo", "Comoros", "Principality of Trubetsk", "Principality of Goroden", "Beheira Governorate", "Doire", "Aosta Valley", "Gelderland", "Guatemala", "Utrecht", "Overijssel", "Drenthe", "Liberia", "Libya", "Lesotho", "Cuenca District, Huancavelica", "Tonga", "Vakhsh District", "Umayyad Caliphate", "Tuvalu", "Lys", "Port Said Governorate", "Simferopol municipality", "Sisonke District Municipality", "Guatemala Department" ], "verbalized_answer": "Italy, United States of America and Georgia are min number of french administrative divisions or cities the capital of", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Italy", "United States of America", "Georgia" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "argmin" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "capital" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "type of french administrative division" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "capital" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "city" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}, 'capital', [{'concept': 'type of french administrative division'}, {'concept': 'city'}]]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?o WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( MIN ( ?k ) AS ?j ) { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?a ) AS ?k ) ?t WHERE { { ?t property:capital ?a . ?t rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity . ?a rdf:type ontology:type_of_french_administrative_division } UNION { ?t property:capital ?a . ?t rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity . ?a rdf:type ontology:city } } GROUP BY ?t } } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?w ) AS ?y ) ?o WHERE { { ?o property:capital ?w . ?w rdf:type ontology:city . ?o rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity } UNION { ?o property:capital ?w . ?o rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity . ?w rdf:type ontology:type_of_french_administrative_division } } GROUP BY ?o } . FILTER ( ?y = ?j ) }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(designation for an administrative territorial entity)', 'capital', 'c(type of French administrative division)|c(city)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] } ]
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"verbalized_all_entities": [ "Building on promises: the legislative factbook on Ohio children, 1989/1990", "Ballot", "The state of Wisconsin blue book", "Profiles in Courage", "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy", "The Price of Loyalty", "Becoming prominent: regional leadership in Upper Canada, Upper Canada, 1791- 1841", "Why Europe will run the 21st century" ], "verbalized_answer": "Ballot, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy and building on promises: the legislative factbook on Ohio children, 1989/1990 were primarily based on that human behaviour", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Ballot", "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy", "Building on promises: the legislative factbook on Ohio children, 1989/1990" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "politics" ], [ "relation", "main subject" ], [ "type", "collectable" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'collectable'}, 'main subject', 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FILTER ( ?c >= 2 ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "atleast" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "sister city" ], [ "type", "city" ], [ "type", "city" ], [ "value", "2" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'city'}, 'sister city', {'concept': 'city'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?t WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?t ( COUNT ( ?k ) AS ?c ) WHERE { ?t property:sister_city ?k . ?t rdf:type ontology:city . ?k rdf:type ontology:city } GROUP BY ?t } . FILTER ( ?c >= 2 ) }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [ "city", "city" ] }, { "id": 9, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q1486", "Q1773", "Q1899" ], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "Buenos Aires, Riga, Kyiv", "all_entities": [ "Q23430", "Q3572", "Q3870", "Q11736", "Q696694", "Q837968", "Q240504", "Q3624", "Q43199", "Q20934", "Q57958", "Q14424", "Q3926", "Q11462", "Q384796", "Q23482", "Q16520", "Q19689", "Q2910", "Q1899", "Q26600", "Q1794", "Q3846983", "Q72818", "Q1486", "Q17042", "Q1461", "Q842984", "Q198370", "Q2973", "Q1519", "Q8684", "Q3838", "Q837157", "Q14819", "Q137271", "Q8652", "Q3861", "Q587746", "Q3919", "Q19660", "Q200267", "Q2844", "Q3915", "Q533078", "Q124375", "Q42635", "Q9005", "Q252325", "Q2773", "Q837161", "Q205922", "Q14440", "Q1773", "Q2079", "Q252061", "Q166829", "Q214948", "Q68481", "Q267708", "Q680656", "Q1508", "Q2749", "Q11194", "Q485581", "Q390796", "Q5972", "Q843014", "Q11725", "Q2207", "Q851056", "Q76010", "Q42622", "Q59095", "Q839796", "Q146317", "Q203344", "Q20921", "Q2887", "Q1000056", "Q456", "Q679224", "Q168648", "Q485176", "Q3616", "Q169064", "Q613813", "Q1533", "Q3042", "Q1953", "Q209988", "Q240489", "Q170525", "Q207309", "Q16666" ], "active_set": [ "(c(Q515),P190,c(Q515))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "atleast" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P190" ], [ "type", "Q515" ], [ "type", "Q515" ], [ "value", "2" ] ], "is_spurious": false, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWERS] are sister town of atleast 2 cities", "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q515'}, 'P190', {'concept': 'Q515'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?t WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?t ( COUNT ( ?k ) AS ?c ) WHERE { ?t property:P190 ?k . ?t rdf:type ontology:Q515 . ?k rdf:type ontology:Q515 } GROUP BY ?t } . FILTER ( ?c >= 2 ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Ulaanbaatar", "Tunis", "Nairobi", "Tianjin", "Onomichi", "Băile Tușnad", "Makó", "Addis Ababa", "Omaha", "Incheon", "Zhenjiang", "Nagykanizsa", "Pretoria", "Surabaya", "Ōda", "Marseille", "Busan", "Tirana", "Ludwigshafen", "Kyiv", "Fukuoka", "Frankfurt", "Șimleu Silvaniei", "Haiphong", "Buenos Aires", "Oakland", "Manila", "Harkány", "Zibo", "Darmstadt", "Abu Dhabi", "Seoul", "Kinshasa", "Covasna", "Freiberg", "Kota Kinabalu", "Miami", "Doha", "Siret", "Gaborone", "Bucharest", "Kamakura", "Brasília", "Antananarivo", "Baraolt", "Hódmezővásárhely", "Wenzhou", "Brussels", "Hajdúdorog", "Braunschweig", "Sânnicolau Mare", "Qiqihar", "Iquique", "Riga", "Leipzig", "Valea lui Mihai", "Miercurea Nirajului", "Cegléd", "Fuzhou", "Sovata", "Sümeg", "Makati", "Augsburg", "Sarajevo", "Aveiro", "Orosháza", "Medan", "Szarvas", "Chongqing", "Naga", "Cristuru Secuiesc", "Santa Rosa", "Suzhou", "Zhuhai", "Borsec", "Veszprém", "Baja", "Daejeon", "Santiago", "Sušice", "Lyon", "Hajdúböszörmény", "Sopron", "Pasadena", "Tehran", "Sângeorgiu de Pădure", "Kőszeg", "Caracas", "Offenbach am Main", "Yerevan", "Gödöllő", "Higashimurayama", "Agadir", "Tokushima", "Nanjing" ], "verbalized_answer": "Buenos Aires, Riga and Kyiv are sister town of atleast 2 cities", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Buenos Aires", "Riga", "Kyiv" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "atleast" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "sister city" ], [ "type", "city" ], [ "type", "city" ], [ "value", "2" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'city'}, 'sister city', {'concept': 'city'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?t WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?t ( COUNT ( ?k ) AS ?c ) WHERE { ?t property:sister_city ?k . ?t rdf:type ontology:city . ?k rdf:type ontology:city } GROUP BY ?t } . 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FILTER ( ?u = 2 ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Kamianets-Podilskyi", "Panevėžys", "Ternopil", "Vinnytsia", "Split", "Chernivtsi" ], "verbalized_answer": "6", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "approx" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "sister city" ], [ "type", "second-level administrative country subdivision" ], [ "type", "human settlement" ], [ "value", "2" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'second-level administrative country subdivision'}, 'sister city', {'concept': 'human settlement'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?l ) AS ?a ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?l ( COUNT ( ?j ) AS ?u ) WHERE { ?l rdf:type ontology:second-level_administrative_country_subdivision . ?j rdf:type ontology:human_settlement . ?l property:sister_city ?j } GROUP BY ?l } . 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FILTER ( ?g = ?n ) }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [ "political territorial entity", "human settlement" ] }, { "id": 7, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q183", "Q408", "Q35" ], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "Germany, Australia, Denmark", "all_entities": [ "Q7915647", "Q132418", "Q132410", "Q13881", "Q13882", "Q13885", "Q13884", "Q13887", "Q6318040", "Q13889", "Q6319902", "Q208186", "Q2703484", "Q208183", "Q208182", "Q13728", "Q13721", "Q13723", "Q785", "Q13726", "Q13727", "Q2051", "Q6317672", "Q3891", "Q3899", "Q2175", "Q938891", "Q10298683", "Q2271", "Q849807", "Q48060", "Q6317993", "Q191061", "Q3313189", "Q2357511", "Q260600", "Q157070", "Q164193", "Q2696388", "Q5925302", "Q188399", "Q10453", "Q6115", "Q3824788", "Q6319605", "Q10459", "Q6119", "Q2039666", "Q5700", "Q6321850", "Q2696745", "Q13900", "Q13902", "Q515343", "Q753689", "Q2058837", "Q3825827", "Q3825439", 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"Q1232887", "Q766", "Q103672", "Q650489", "Q8195", "Q2199691", "Q7894", "Q313969", "Q6313", "Q8048242", "Q6317", "Q2110", "Q48072", "Q2718510", "Q3586", "Q18221", "Q192184", "Q13892", "Q13893", "Q13891", "Q2875944", "Q13895", "Q13899", "Q3906", "Q3903", "Q1730130", "Q13714", "Q10551", "Q13711", "Q2842398", "Q1117137", "Q2761218", "Q257516", "Q505050", "Q1787430", "Q778266", "Q505220", "Q1866", "Q3826249", "Q209597", "Q103093", "Q7636360", "Q13809", "Q178084", "Q2697268", "Q13860", "Q13807", "Q13806", "Q240441", "Q1230021", "Q183", "Q24174", "Q10440", "Q933576", "Q49655", "Q1632864", "Q200938", "Q6109", "Q8541", "Q10562", "Q151938", "Q597029", "Q3313100", "Q104877", "Q103738", "Q103732", "Q2703324", "Q3825445", "Q858617", "Q211208", "Q6316996", "Q2723621", "Q6318896", "Q3317748", "Q6318575", "Q783091", "Q207424", "Q106915", "Q5783", "Q5785", "Q2941", "Q368273", "Q79965", "Q315840", "Q6317226", "Q190930", "Q13751", "Q13750", "Q13753", "Q13752", "Q13755", "Q13759", "Q8167", "Q5657086", 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GROUP BY ?e } . FILTER ( ?g = ?n ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Vargas Guerra District", "Northern Cape", "Mpumalanga", "Sorsogon", "South Cotabato", "Sultan Kudarat", "Southern Leyte", "Sulu", "Paita District", "Surigao del Norte", "Huancayo District", "Ica Region", "Antabamba District", "Piura Region", "Moquegua Region", "Apayao", "Agusan del Sur", "Aklan", "Jersey", "Albay", "Antique", "Jambi Province", "Ayabaca District", "Kalimantan Tengah", "Kalimantan Timur", "Riau Province", "San Miguel District", "Huacrachuco", "South Sumatra", "Western Highlands Province", "Gera District", "San Pablo District, San Pablo", "Grodno Region", "Barranca District", "City of Dundee", "La Plata Partido", "County of Flanders", "Lviv Oblast", "Colquioc District", "Huamachuco District", "Central Bohemian Region", "Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen", "Barnim", "Yunguyo District", "Ichocán District", "Kitzingen", "Oberhavel", "Paracas District", "Lapland", "Junín District", "San Nicolás District, Rodríguez de Mendoza", "Zamboanga del Sur", "Zamboanga Sibugay", "Ranrahirca District", "Sandaun Province", "Purús District", "Coracora District", "Sancos District, Huanca Sancos", "Volyn Oblast", "British Indian Ocean Territory", "County of Oldenburg", "Huánuco Region", "Sicuani District", "Benito Juárez", "Yurimaguas District", "Huari District", "County of Namur", "Sivia District", "Extremadura", "Comtat Venaissin", "Nauta District", "Hela", "Lampa District", "Requena District", "Hudiksvall County", "San Ignacio District, Peru", "Ayaviri District", "Halland County", "Camiguin", "Camarines Sur", "Gävleborg County", "Ica District", "Camarines Norte", "Tübingen", "Supe District", "Stuttgart Government Region", "Rhein-Lahn-Kreis", "Lircay District", "Akershus", "Main-Taunus-Kreis", "Hedmark", "Vogelsbergkreis", "Marburg-Biedenkopf", "Gießen", "Lahn-Dill-Kreis", "Limburg-Weilburg", "Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis", "Flemish Region", "Bagua District", "La Libertad Region", "Tocache District", "Basque Country", "Blekinge County", "Karlsruhe Government Region", "Chincha Alta District", "Ferreñafe District", "Laredo District", "Stockholm County", "Saavedra", "Landgraviate of Hesse-Kassel", "Checca District", "Ternopil Oblast", "Main-Tauber", "Special Region of Yogyakarta", "North West", "Kepulauan Riau", "Máncora District", "Gauteng", "Electoral Palatinate", "Callao Region", "San Pedro Partido", "Lambayeque Region", "Kara-Khanid Khanate", "Cebu", "Cavite", "Isle of Man", "Palawan", "Oriental Mindoro", "Occidental Mindoro", "Nueva Vizcaya", "Nueva Ecija", "Northern Samar", "Negros Oriental", "Negros Occidental", "Puno Region", "Compostela Valley", "Pitcairn Islands", "Áncash Region", "Arahuay District", "Örebro County", "Casa Grande District", "Jumbilla District", "Munich (district)", "Lower Franconia", "County of Chiny", "Ramón Castilla District", "County of Toulouse", "Rhön-Grabfeld", "Lobería", "Västernorrland County", "Barranca District, Datem del Marañón", "Bengkulu Province", "Cajamarca Region", "Tumbes", "Olomouc Region", "Western Cape", "Chachapoyas District", "Liberec Region", "French Community of Belgium", "Rioja District", "Emirate of Bukhara", "Manseriche District", "New Zealand", "Querco District", "Zwickau", "Casma District", "Güstrow", "Metropolitan City of Milan", "Vogtlandkreis", "Ilocos Sur", "Erzgebirgskreis", "West Sulawesi", "Ccatca District", "Huancané District", "Metropolitan City of Venice", "Rendsburg-Eckernförde", "Central Sulawesi Province", "Gorontalo Province", "East Nusa Tenggara Province", "West Nusa Tenggara", "Tambopata", "North Sulawesi Province", "Basilan", "Australia", "Tornquist", "Aurora", "Bataan", "Chimbu Province", "Austria", "Tacna District", "Giessen Government Region", "Darmstadt Government Region", "Mountain Province", "Brussels", "Junín Region", "Moquegua District", "Locumba", "Västmanland County", "Coronel Rosales", "Patagones", "Juliaca District", "Coronel Dorrego", "Apurímac Region", "Sexi District", "Zarumilla", "North Sumatra Province", "Ambo District", "Kalinga", "Isabela", "Iloilo", "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "La Union", "Chimbote District", "Iquitos District", "South-West Africa", "Denmark", "Dominion of Newfoundland", "San Vicente de Cañete District", "Calca District", "Pariñas District", "Puquio District", "Kiev Oblast", "Falkland Islands", "Huaytará District", "Tarma District", "Bali", "Jauja District", "Minsk Region", "Arequipa", "Alzey-Worms", "Misamis Occidental", "Cerro Azul District", "Anguilla", "Gorizia and Gradisca", "Madre de Dios Region", "Bahía Blanca", "KwaZulu-Natal", "Southern Ostrobothnia", "Malmöhus County", "Tinta District", "Marcona District", "Tarata", "San Cayetano", "Gothenburg and Bohus County", "Coronel Pringles", "Pedro Galvez District", "Huaura District", "Camaná District", "East Sepik Province", "Picota District", "Granada District", "Weißeritzkreis", "Catanduanes", "Norrbotten County", "Papua New Guinea", "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "Capiz", "Contamana District", "German-speaking Community of Belgium", "Pachangara District", "Davao Occidental", "County of Burgundy", "Leipzig", "Lincoln Partido", "Chiclayo District", "Nordsachsen", "Candarave", "Schweinfurt", "Ayacucho District", "Galicia", "Hersfeld-Rotenburg", "Fulda", "Zakarpattia Oblast", "Waldeck-Frankenberg", "Kassel", "Vorpommern-Greifswald District", "Werra-Meißner-Kreis", "Almirante Brown", "Huánuco District", "Cloppenburg", "Kalimantan Barat", "Bad Aibling county", "Ústí nad Labem Region", "Rivadavia Department", "Free State", "Ostalb", "Aragon", "Llipa District", "British Raj", "Jenaro Herrera District", "Mar Chiquita Partido", "Davao del Sur", "Cotabato", "Davao del Norte", "Ifugao", "Ilocos Norte", "Guimaras", "Indiana District, Maynas", "Antigua and Barbuda", "Altmarkkreis Salzwedel", "Catalonia", "County of Bentheim", "Chicama District", "Lambayeque District", "Valencian Country", "Montserrat", "Aschaffenburg", "Miltenberg", "New France", "Guadalupe District", "Leipzig District", "Vinnytsia Oblast", "Juanjui District", "Macusani District", "Sandia District", "Oyón District", "Cangallo District", "Manus Province", "County of Loon", "Zhytomyr Oblast", "Pampas District, Tayacaja", "Skåne County", "Layo District", "Huayllabamba District", "Anta District", "Padre Abad", "Maluku Province", "Metropolitan City of Florence", "Papua", "West Papua", "Kingdom of Syunik", "Bermuda", "Río Tambo District", "General Pueyrredón", "Moyobamba District", "Magdeburg Government Region", "Villarino", "South East Sulawesi Province", "Moho District", "Bolívar Partido", "Central Java Province", "South Sulawesi", "Union of South Africa", "Batanes", "Chancay District", "Ascope District", "Batangas", "Huancavelica District", "County of Jaffa and Ascalon", "Santa Ana District, La Convención", "Rostock District", "Potsdam District", "Catacaos", "Rostock District", "Amazonas Region", "Chernivtsi Oblast", "South Moravian Region", "Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast", "West Sumatra", "Rizal", "Kassel Government Region", "Plzeň Region", "Metropolitan City of Genoa", "Rauch Partido", "Uppsala County", "Sechura District", "Andahuaylas District", "Skaraborg County", "Juli District", "Gangwon Province", "Acomayo District", "Friesland", "Chalhuanca District", "Yucay District", "Huaraz District", "Walloon Region", "Värmland County", "Urubamba District", "Callería", "Mala District", "Zlín Region", "Bellavista District", "Quinua District", "Cusco Region", "South Bohemia Region", "Manantay", "Cottbus", "Casitas", "Huancabamba District", "politics of Edinburgh", "Tandil", "Aceh", "Maguindanao", "Leyte", "Masbate", "Marinduque", "Lanao del Norte", "Laguna", "Lanao del Sur", "Saposoa District", "Pausa District", "Jõgeva County", "Hradec Králové Region", "Dominion of New Zealand", "Junín Partido", "Huambo District", "Laprida", "Huacho District", "Tacna Region", "Mollendo District", "Brest Region", "South Lanarkshire", "General Villegas Partido", "Kronoberg County", "Tarapoto District", "Tinajo, Las Palmas", "Limpopo", "Community of Madrid", "Mandatory Palestine", "Gabon", "Coronel Suárez", "Monsefú District", "Puan", "Grenada", "Solomon Islands", "Jämtland County", "Sächsische Schweiz", "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "County of Savoy", "Jamaica", "Jönköping County", "Margraviate of Baden", "Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald", "Monte Hermoso", "Schwalm-Eder-Kreis", "Regierungsbezirk Minden", "Meissen", "Yanahuanca", "Görlitz", "Lampung Province", "Karl-Marx-Stadt District", "Abancay District", "East Java", "Turks and Caicos Islands", "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha", "Tarlac", "Tawi-Tawi", "Surigao del Sur", "Omate District", "Zambales", "Zamboanga del Norte", "Kalimantan Selatan", "North Kalimantan", "Later Qin", "Agusan del Norte", "Middle Franconia", "Abra", "Trujillo District", "Raimondi", "Jesús District", "Oxapampa District", "Adolfo Gonzales Chaves", "Niesky District", "County of Artois", "Huancavelica Region", "Bangka–Belitung Islands", "Chuschi District", "Tumbes department", "Västra Götaland County", "Sullana District", "Eastern Samar", "Ilkhanate", "Chavín de Huantar District", "Misamis Oriental", "Dinagat Islands", "Davao Oriental", "General Alvarado Partido", "Nieva District", "Germany", "Dresden Government Region", "Coburg", "Santa Cruz District", "Schellenberg", "Huaral District", "Loreto Region", "Uckermark", "Ludwigsburg", "Upper Bavaria", "Neutral Moresnet", "Bagua Grande District", "Kimbiri District", "Västerbotten county", "Gotland County", "Dalarna County", "Tambobamba District", "Piura District", "Carlos Tejedor Partido", "Pasco Region", "Zorritos", "Cusco", "Moche District", "Ilave District", "Iñapari", "Ayacucho Partido", "Ucayali Region", "Södermanland County", "Andalusia", "Cayman Islands", "Schleswig-Flensburg", "Lámud District", "Golden Horde", "County of Veldenz", "Lamas District", "Vysočina Region", "Biliran", "Benguet", "Bukidnon", "Bohol", "Bulacan", "Cagayan", "Freiburg Government Region", "Manú", "Pamparomas District", "County of Hainaut", "Neubrandenburg District", "Odenwaldkreis", "Kreis Bergstraße", "Darmstadt-Dieburg", "Groß-Gerau", "Offenbach", "Main-Kinzig-Kreis", "Wetteraukreis", "New Ireland Province", "Schwerin District", "County of Barcelona", "Vitebsk Region", "County of Edessa", "Puno District", "Azángaro District", "General La Madrid", "Hochtaunuskreis", "Chaupimarca District", "Canada", "Banten Province", "Corongo District", "El Algarrobal District", "Arequipa Region", "Eastern Cape", "San Ramón District", "Rosenheim", "Karlovy Vary Region", "Samuel Pastor District", "Regen", "Freyung-Grafenau", "Kristianstad County", "Nazca District", "Rupa-Rupa District", "Putina District", "Pampanga", "Pangasinan", "Quezon", "Quirino", "West Java Province", "Romblon", "Samar", "Sarangani", "Siquijor", "Pichari District", "Huanta District", "Moravian-Silesian Region", "Ayacucho Region", "Milne Bay Province", "Mogilev Region", "Frankfurt (Oder)", "San Martín Region", "Erfurt", "Lima Region", "Mittelsachsen", "Pacasmayo District", "Cajamarca", "Swabia", "Upper Franconia", "Upper Palatinate", "Vorpommern-Rügen District", "Aramango District", "Enga Province", "Mecklenburgische Seenplatte District", "Lower Bavaria", "Kharkiv Oblast", "Chepén District", "Kreis Auerbach", "Kalmar County", "Pisco District", "Magdeburg", "The Bahamas", "Sumy Oblast", "County of Hoya", "British Virgin Islands", "Pardubice Region", "County of Tripoli", "Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge", "Flemish Community", "Chincheros District", "Metropolitan City of Turin", "Metropolitan City of Rome", "Ilo District", "Härnösand County", "Östergötland County", "La Oroya District", "Gomel Region" ], "verbalized_answer": "Germany, Australia and Denmark have min number of human settlements as their capital", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Germany", "Australia", "Denmark" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "argmin" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "capital of" ], [ "type", 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FILTER ( ?g = ?n ) }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(human settlement)', 'capital of', 'Gomel Region']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 8, "ques_type_id": 5, "question-type": "Verification (Boolean) (All)", "description": "Verification|one entity, multiple entities (as object) referred indirectly", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q16" ], "relations": [ "P530" ], "type_list": [ "Q1048835" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "Do Canada have diplomatic associations with those ones ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(Q16,P530,Q183)", "(Q16,P530,Q408)", "(Q16,P530,Q35)" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": 0, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": 6, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "is_in" ], [ "entity", "prev_answer" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q16" ], [ "relation", "P530" ] ], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "['Q16', 'P530', 'Q183']", "['Q16', 'P530', 'Q408']", "['Q16', 'P530', 'Q35']" ], "sparql_query": "ASK WHERE { VALUES ( ?z ) { ( resource:Q7915647 ) ( resource:Q132418 ) ( resource:Q132410 ) } . resource:Q16 property:P530 ?z }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Canada" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "is_in" ], [ "entity", "prev_answer" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Canada" ], [ "relation", "diplomatic relation" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "['Canada', 'diplomatic relation', 'Germany']", "['Canada', 'diplomatic relation', 'Australia']", "['Canada', 'diplomatic relation', 'Denmark']" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "ASK WHERE { VALUES ( ?z ) { ( resource:Vargas_Guerra_District ) ( resource:Northern_Cape ) ( resource:Mpumalanga ) } . resource:Canada property:diplomatic_relation ?z }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [ "political territorial entity" ] }, { "id": 9, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "YES", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(Q16,P530,Q183)", "(Q16,P530,Q408)", "(Q16,P530,Q35)" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "is_in" ], [ "entity", "prev_answer" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q16" ], [ "relation", "P530" ] ], "is_spurious": false, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWER]", "parsed_active_set": [ "['Q16', 'P530', 'Q183']", "['Q16', 'P530', 'Q408']", "['Q16', 'P530', 'Q35']" ], "sparql_query": "ASK WHERE { VALUES ( ?z ) { ( resource:Q7915647 ) ( resource:Q132418 ) 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VALUES ( ?w ) { ( ontology:Q7743 ) ( ontology:Q874405 ) } } GROUP BY ?b } . FILTER ( ?u = 78 ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "approx" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "country" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "home" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "country" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "social group" ], [ "value", "78" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'home'}, {'concept': 'social group'}], 'country', {'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?b ) AS ?d ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?g ) AS ?u ) ?b WHERE { ?g rdf:type ?w . 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Could you tell me the answer for that?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(Q40,P206,c(Q355304))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": 2, "sec_ques_type": 1, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [ "Q40" ], "clarification_step": 2, "gold_actions": [], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "['Q40', 'P206', {'concept': 'Q355304'}]" ], "sparql_query": null, "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "['Austria', 'located next to body of water', {'concept': 'watercourse'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": null, "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 23, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q1653", "Q179251", "Q584" ], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "Danube, Morava, Rhine", "all_entities": [ "Q660208", "Q179251", "Q584", "Q152661", "Q14369", "Q1653" ], "active_set": [ "(Q40,P206,c(Q355304))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": 3, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q40" ], [ "relation", "P206" ], [ "type", "Q355304" ] ], "is_spurious": false, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWERS] are situated close to that political territory", "parsed_active_set": [ "['Q40', 'P206', {'concept': 'Q355304'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?u WHERE { resource:Q40 property:P206 ?u . ?u rdf:type ontology:Q355304 }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Thaya", "Morava", "Rhine", "Salzach", "Inn", "Danube" ], "verbalized_answer": "Danube, Morava and Rhine are situated close to that political territory", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Danube", "Morava", "Rhine" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Austria" ], [ "relation", "located next to body of water" ], [ "type", "watercourse" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "['Austria', 'located next to body of water', {'concept': 'watercourse'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?u WHERE { resource:Austria property:located_next_to_body_of_water ?u . ?u rdf:type ontology:watercourse }", "verbalized_triple": "[['Austria', 'located in or next to body of water', 'c(watercourse)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 24, "ques_type_id": 2, "question-type": "Simple Question (Direct)", "description": "Simple Question|Mult. 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VALUES ( ?y ) { ( ontology:Q502895 ) ( ontology:Q838948 ) } } GROUP BY ?z } . FILTER ( ?f = 14 ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Norwegian Act", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Nordic Act", "Newbery Medal", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best French Act", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Danish Act", "Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Screenplay", "Saturn Award for Best Costume", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Urban Performance", "Central Ohio Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Made for Television Movie", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Main Title Theme Music", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Costumes for a Series", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Main Title Design", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Cinematography for a Single-Camera Series", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Costumes for a Miniseries, Movie or a Special", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Cinematography for a One Hour Series", "HPA Award for Outstanding Compositing – Feature Film", "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Picture", "Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Younger Actor", "San Diego Film Critics Society Award for Best Supporting Actress", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Music Composition for a Series", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Choreography", "Grammy Award for Best Country & Western Recording", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Group Video", "Jussi Award for Best Supporting Actress", "Grammy Award for Best Country Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal", "Grammy Award for Best Country Instrumental Performance", "Saturn Award for Best Actor", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Rock Video", "Grammy Award for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance", "Best of 2010 Award for Best Comic-Book Adaptation", "Sakharov Prize", "Gotham Award for Best Documentary", "Florida Film Critics Circle Award for Best Screenplay", "Grammy Award for Best Classical Performance – Instrumental Soloist or Soloists", "Grammy Award for Best Classical Crossover Album", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Male Artist", "Grammy Award for Best Hard Rock/Metal Performance", "Grammy Award for Best Contemporary (R&R) Solo Vocal Performance – Male or Female", "Kate Greenaway Medal", "Grammy Award for Album of the Year", "Grammy Award for Best Latin Urban Album", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Comedy Film", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Pop Album by a Duo or Group with Vocals", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Norteño Album", "Latin Grammy Award for Best New Artist", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Female", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Male Pop Vocal Album", "Latin Grammy Award for Best MPB Album", "Political Film Society Award for Human Rights", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Pop Video", "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Morning Program", "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series", "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Younger Actor in a Drama Series", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series", "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Talk Show Host", "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Talk Show Informative", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Cinematography for a Miniseries or Movie", "Zee Cine Award for Best Cinematography", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Alternative", "Grammy Award for Best R&B Song", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Dance", "Jussi Award for Best Leading Actor", "Prometheus Award", "Harvey Award for Best Artist", "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Performer in an Animated Program", "James Tiptree, Jr. Award", "Nebula Award for Best Novella", "Grammy Award for Best Southern, Country or Bluegrass Gospel Album", "Saturn Award for Best Special Effects", "Turner Prize", "Directors Guild of America Award for Outstanding Directing – Reality Programs", "Directors Guild of America Award for Outstanding Directing – Feature Film", "Directors Guild of America Award for Outstanding Directing – Drama Series", "Directors Guild of America Award for Outstanding Directing – Documentaries", "Directors Guild of America Award for Outstanding Directing – Daytime Serials", "Directors Guild of America Award for Outstanding Directing – Comedy Series", "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lifestyle/Culinary Show Host", "Nebula Award for Best Novel", "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series Directing Team", "Drama Desk Award for Unique Theatrical Experience", "Independent Spirit Award for Best Film", "IQ Award", "Tony Award for Best Stage Technician", "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Play", "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Revival of a Musical", "Grammy Award for Best Male R&B Vocal Performance", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Czech & Slovak Act", "César Award for Best Sound", "Independent Spirit Award for Best Documentary Feature", "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Director", "Man Booker Prize", "American Music Award for Favorite Rap/Hip-Hop Band/Duo/Group", "Favorite Pop/Rock Album", "Grammy Award for Best Classical Contemporary Composition", "Favorite Rap/Hip Hop Artist", "Favorite Latin Artist", "Vijay Award for Best Debut Actor", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Italian Act", "Grammy Award for Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Cinematography", "Tony Award for Best Sound Design of a Musical", "Jussi Award for Best Supporting Actor", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Dance Video", "Best NFL Player ESPY Award", "Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor", "Best Moment ESPY Award", "Asian Film Award for Best Film", "Asian Film Award for Best Actress", "Asian Film Award for Best Director", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Miniseries", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Stage Performance", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Ranchero Album", "Grammy Award for Best New Age Album", "Tony Award for Best Revival of a Play", "Grammy Award for Best Opera Recording", "César Award for Best First Feature Film", "Tony Award for Best Author", "Tony Award for Best Orchestrations", "Grammy Award for Best Dance/Electronic Album", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Song", "Best Actress Award", "Best WNBA Player ESPY Award", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Miniseries or Television Movie", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Cinematography for a Multi-Camera Series", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Television Movie, Mini-Series or Dramatic Special", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Variety – Series or Special", "Best Play ESPY Award", "MTV Video Music Award for Best R&B Video", "Saturn Award for Best Fantasy Film", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Casting for a Comedy Series", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Casting for a Miniseries, Movie, or a Special", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series", "Zee Cine Award for Best Screenplay", "César Award for Best Animated Film", "Grammy Award for Best Latin Pop Album", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Choreography", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Cinematography for a Half-Hour Series", "Independent Spirit Award for Best Foreign Film", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Rock Song", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Composer", "Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Rock Vocal Album, Duo or Group", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Short Form Music Video", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Sertaneja Music Album", "Southeastern Film Critics Association Award for Best Original Screenplay", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Miniseries or a Movie", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Literary Work, Nonfiction", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series", "Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television Award for Best Motion Picture", "Bodil Award for Best American Film", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or a Movie", "PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction", "British Academy Television Award for Best Actor", "Scream Award for Best Superhero", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Ukrainian Act", "Hundred Flowers Award for Best Animation", "Best Female Soccer Player ESPY Award", "Best Female College Athlete ESPY Award", "Best Female Golfer ESPY Award", "Best Female Athlete ESPY Award", "Best Female College Basketball Player ESPY Award", "Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Editing", "Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Actress", "Tony Award for Best Scenic Design in a Musical", "BIFA Award for Best Supporting Actor", "BIFA Award for Best Supporting Actress", "BIFA Award for Best Performance by an Actor in a British Independent Film", "BIFA Award for Best Performance by an Actress in a British Independent Film", "BIFA Award for Best Foreign Independent Film", "BIFA Award for Best British Short Film", "BIFA Award for Best British Independent Film", "Genie Award for Best Achievement in Music – Original Song", "Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album", "Toronto Film Critics Association Award for Best Director", "Jussi Award for Best Editing", "Grammy Award for Best Instrumental Soloist Performance (without orchestra)", "Grammy Award for Best Traditional Folk Album", "Grammy Award for Best Traditional Gospel Album", "Grammy Award for Best Vocal Performance, Male", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Spanish Act", "Critics' Choice Movie Award for Best Animated Feature", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Film", "César Award for Best Animated Short Film", "Independent Spirit Award for Best First Screenplay", "American Music Award for Favorite Rap/Hip-Hop Album", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Brazilian Roots Album", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Visual Effects", "Black Reel Award for Best Breakthrough Performance", "American Music Award for Favorite Country Female Artist", "Deutscher Fernsehpreis", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Makeup", "Frauenkrimipreis der Stadt Wiesbaden", "Black Reel Award for Best Actor", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Directing for a Miniseries, Movie or a Dramatic Special", "John W. Campbell Memorial Award for Best Science Fiction Novel", "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Director of a Play", "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Featured Actor in a Musical", "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Featured Actor in a Play", "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Featured Actress in a Musical", "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Featured Actress in a Play", "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Lyrics", "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Music", "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Music in a Play", "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Musical", "Golden Horse Award for Best Feature Film", "Tony Award for Best Choreography", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Video Game Soundtrack", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Young Performer", "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series", "National Board of Review Award for Best Foreign Language Film", "César Award for Best Music Written for a Film", "Zee Cine Award for Best Actor – Female", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Miniseries or Movie", "Harvey Award for Best Writer/Artist", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing for a Drama Series", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing for a Comedy Series", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Special Visual Effects", "Saturn Award for Best Syndicated/Cable Television Series", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Reality-Competition Program", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Variety, Music or Comedy Series", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Variety, Music, or Comedy Special", "Toronto Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress", "Hundred Flowers Award for Best Actress", "Best Male Soccer Player ESPY Award", "Best Male Tennis Player ESPY Award", "Nike Award", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Art Direction", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Australian Act", "Grammy Award for Best Ethnic or Traditional Folk Recording", "Saturn Award for Best Writing", "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actress", "Grammy Award for Best Small Ensemble Performance", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Narrator", "Primetime Emmy Award for Short-format Animation", "Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actress", "Tony Award for Best Conductor and Musical Director", "Neustadt International Prize for Literature", "César Award for Best Foreign Film", "VES Award for Outstanding Created Environment in a Live Action Feature Motion Picture", "Scream Award for Best Supporting Actor", "Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actress", "Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Music", "Best Soccer Player ESPY Award", "Best Coach/Manager ESPY Award", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Folk Album", "Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Original Score", "Scream Award for Best Science Fiction Movie", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Long Form Music Video", "Bram Stoker Award for Best Screenplay", "Best Championship Performance ESPY Award", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Worldwide Act", "Fipresci Prize", "National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Supporting Actress", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Literary Work", "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series Writing Team", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Rap Video", "Saturn Award for Best Action or Adventure Film", "Bodil Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role", "Gemini Award for Best Performance by an Actor in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role", "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series", "Tony Award for Best Musical", "Harvey Award for Best Writer", "Writers Guild of America Award for Best Adapted Screenplay", "Śląski Wawrzyn Literacki", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Pop", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Live Act", "Grammy Award for Best Recording for Children", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Miniseries or a Movie", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Cast", "Scream Award for Best Ensemble", "Grammy Award for Best Improvised Jazz Solo", "American Music Award for New Artist of the Year", "Scream Award for Best Cameo", "Toronto Film Critics Association Award for Best Film", "Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Cinematography", "César Award for Best Costume Design", "Independent Spirit Award for Best Male Lead", "AACTA Award for Best Editing", "Robert Award for Best Costume Design", "Toronto Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor", "Independent Spirit Award for Best Female Lead", "AACTA Award for Best Direction in Television", "AACTA Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role", "Grammy Award for Best Dance Recording", "César du meilleur film francophone", "Japan Academy Prize for Outstanding Foreign Language Film", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Host for a Reality or Reality-Competition Program", "César Award for Best Writing", "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Younger Actress in a Drama Series", "Tony Award for Best Original Score", "Saturn Award for Best Guest Starring Role on Television", "Favorite Country Single", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Director", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Asian Act", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Actor in a Motion Picture", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Female Video", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Album", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role", "Grammy Award for Best Comedy Album", "Samuel Goldwyn International Award", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Stunt Coordination", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Look", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best US Act", "Southeastern Film Critics Association Award for Best Actor", "Southeastern Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series", "Zee Cine Award for Most Promising Director", "Zee Cine Award for Best Lyricist", "Asian Film Award for Best Actor", "Grammy Award for Best Male Country Vocal Performance", "Saturn Award for Best Music", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Foreign Language Film", "Michael L. Printz Award", "Grammy Award for Best Jazz Fusion Performance", "César Award for Best Actor", "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Supporting Actor", "Saturn Award for Best Science Fiction Film", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Group", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Alternative Song", "Zee Cine Award for Best Background Music", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Literary Work, Fiction", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Music Video", "Golden Schmoes for Best Sci-Fi Movie of the Year", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Overall Performance", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Performance in a Youth/Children's Series or Special", "Golden Schmoes for Best T&A of the Year", "Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Director", "Zee Cine Award for Best Actor in a Comic Role", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Traditional Tropical Album", "World Fantasy Award for Best Collection", "Zee Cine Award for Best Dialogue", "Gandalf Award", "Zee Cine Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role – Male", "Nebula Award for Best Short Story", "Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Supporting Actress", "Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Original Screenplay", "World Fantasy Award for Best Novella", "Filmfestival Max Ophuels Prize", "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Musical Score", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Video", "César Award for Best Supporting Actor", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Hip-Hop", "Vijay Award for Best Supporting Actress", "Grammy Award for Best Alternative Music Album", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Art Direction for a Multi-Camera Series", "Iskelmä-Finlandia", "Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Actor", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Song", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Motion Picture", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding New Artist", "Grammy Award for Best Solo Rock Vocal Performance", "James Tait Black Memorial Prize", "Best Record-Breaking Performance ESPY Award", "Young Artist Award", "Hundred Flowers Award for Best Actor", "American Music Award for Favorite Country Band/Duo/Group", "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Screenplay", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Latin American Act", "Favorite Soul/R&B Album", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Editing", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role", "Tony Award for Best Scenic Design in a Play", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Male", "Genie Award for Best Screenplay", "Grammy Award for Best Soul Gospel Performance by a Duo or Group, Choir or Chorus", "Grammy Award for Best Soul Gospel Performance, Female", "Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Female", "Grammy Award for Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals", "Grammy Award for Best Jazz Vocal Album", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor", "Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album for Children", "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Prequel, Remake, Rip-off or Sequel", "American Music Award for Favorite Pop/Rock Band/Duo/Group", "Best Male College Basketball Player ESPY Award", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Song", "Caldecott Medal", "MTV Video Music Award for Best New Artist", "César Award for Best Cinematography", "Black Reel Award for Best Film", "Black Reel Award for Best Ensemble", "Black Reel Award for Best Director", "Black Reel Award for Best Supporting Actor", "Australian Film Institute International Award for Best Actor", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture", "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Actress in a Musical", "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Actor in a Musical", "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Actor in a Play", "Zee Cine Award for Best Actor – Male", "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Choreography", "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Book of a Musical", "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Actress in a Play", "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Director of a Musical", "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Director", "San Diego Film Critics Society Award for Best Actress", "Grammy Award for Best Soul Gospel Performance", "Gemini Award for Best Dramatic Series", "Gemini Award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role", "San Diego Film Critics Society Award for Best Adapted Screenplay", "Hans Christian Andersen Award", "Tony Award for Best Revival of a Musical", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Rock", "Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Foreign Language Film", "César Award for Most Promising Actress", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Male Video", "Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actor on Television", "Best Male Golfer ESPY Award", "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding One-Person Show", "Primetime Emmy Award for Individual Performance in a Variety or Music Program", "Best MLS Player ESPY Award", "Robert Award for Best Production Design", "Best Male Action Sports Athlete ESPY Award", "Best Male Athlete ESPY Award", "Best Male College Athlete ESPY Award", "Grammy Award for Best Jazz Instrumental Album", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series", "World Fantasy Award for Best Novel", "Independent Spirit Award for Best Director", "American Music Award for Favorite Adult Contemporary Artist", "Saturn Award for best production design", "American Music Award for Favorite Contemporary Inspirational Artist", "Grammy Award for Best Vocal Arrangement for Two or More Voices", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Miniseries or Television Movie", "Grammy Award for Best R&B Instrumental Performance", "Grammy Award for Best Music Film", "Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Instrumental Album", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Japanese Act", "Grammy Award for Best Hard Rock Performance", "Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Documentary Film", "International Emmy Award for best drama series", "Best Sports Movie ESPY Award", "Grammy Award for Best Album Notes", "Saturn Award for Best Make-up", "Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Picture", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Pop Vocal Album", "Saturn Award for Best Actor on Television", "Best NBA Player ESPY Award", "Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Foreign Language Film", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Action Film", "Best Breakthrough Athlete ESPY Award", "Grammy Award for Best Gospel Choir or Chorus Album", "Friedrich Glauser Award", "Zee Cine Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role – Female", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Comedy Series", "Grammy Award for Best Traditional Blues Album", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Actress in a Motion Picture", "Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Supporting Actor", "Toronto Film Critics Association Award for Best Actor", "Writers Guild of America Award for Television: Dramatic Series", "Ariel Award for Best Picture", "Writers Guild of America Award for Television: Comedy Series", "Writers Guild of America Award for Television: Animation", "Writers Guild of America Award for Best Original Screenplay", "Guardian Children's Fiction Prize", "Saturn Award for Best Special Edition DVD Release", "Order of Canada", "Favorite Country New Artist", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Christian Album", "American Music Award for Favorite Alternative Artist", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Classical Album", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Classical Contemporary Composition", "Hundred Flowers Award for Best Picture", "Scream Award for the Ultimate Scream", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Engineered Album", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series", "Tony Award for Best Book of a Musical", "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Original Song", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Television Series", "Ariel Award for Best Actress", "Orgullosamente Latino Award", "César Award for Best Production Design", "Gemini Award for Best Comedy Program or Series", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Tropical Album", "Hong Kong Film Award for Best New Performer", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actress", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Documentary Film", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program", "Saturn Award for Best DVD Collection", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Screenplay", "Best Comeback Athlete ESPY Award", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Comedy Series", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series", "Philip K. Dick Award", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Actor in a Comedy Series", "California on Location Award for Location Team of the Year - Features", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Actor in a Daytime Drama Series", "Kerrang! Award for Best Single", "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actor", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Duo or Group", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Collaboration", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Concept Video", "Under Armour Undeniable Performance ESPY Award", "Grammy Award for Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album", "Tony Award for Best Featured Actor in a Musical", "Zee Cine Award for Best Music Director", "The Best of the Booker", "Zee Cine Award for Best Story", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best German Act", "MTV Jožko Kukuricúdus", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Swedish Act", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Baltic Act", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Portuguese Act", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Polish Act", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best R&B", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Dutch & Belgian Act", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best UK & Ireland Act", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Hungarian Act", "Grammy Award for Best Music Video", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Actress in a Daytime Drama Series", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Actress in a Television Movie, Mini-Series or Dramatic Special", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best European Act", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Actor in a Television Movie, Mini-Series or Dramatic Special", "NAACP Image Award for Entertainer of the Year", "Mussolini Cup", "Saturn Award for Best Director", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Jazz Artist", "César Award for Most Promising Actor", "Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Blues Album", "Zee Cine Award for Best Director", "Zee Cine Award for Best Film", "MTV Video Music Award – Viewer's Choice", "Vijay Award for Best Story, Screenplay Writer", "Grammy Award for Best Pop Vocal Album", "American Music Award for Single of the Year", "Zee Cine Award for Best Editing", "Gold Logie Award for Most Popular Personality on Australian Television", "Nastro d'Argento for Best Director", "Florida Film Critics Circle Award for Best Cast", "Florida Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actress", "Golden Leopard", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Character Voice-Over Performance", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Push Act", "FIFA World Player of the Year", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Rock Solo Vocal Album", "World Fantasy Award for Best Short Fiction", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Actress in a Drama Series", "Scream Award for Best F/X", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Actress in a Comedy Series", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Rock Album", "Scream Award for Fight Scene of the Year", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Drama Series", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Recording Package", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Canadian Act", "Zee Cine Award for Best Playback Singer – Male", "Golden Schmoes for Best Special Effects of the Year", "Tony Award for Best Sound Design of a Play", "Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award", "British Academy Television Awards", "Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Breakthrough Performance", "Hundred Flowers Award for Best Supporting Actor", "Hundred Flowers Award for Best Supporting Actress", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best World Stage Performance", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series", "MTV Europe Music Award for Biggest Fans", "Rembrandt Award", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Artist Website", "Independent Spirit Award for Best Cinematography", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series", "Jussi Award for Best Leading Actress", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Actor in a Drama Series", "for Favorite Pop/Rock Female Artist", "Grammy Award for Best Rock Instrumental Performance", "Zee Cine Award for Best Female Debut", "Saturn Award for Best Classic Film DVD Release", "Carrosse d'or", "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Screen Couple/Ensemble", "Grand prix littéraire d'Afrique noire", "César Award for Best Adaptation", "Favorite Pop/Rock Male Artist", "César Award for Best Documentary Film", "Saturn Award for Best Editing", "Grammy Award for Best Comedy Album", "Premios Iris", "César Award for Best Film from the European Union", "Writers Guild of America Award for Television: Episodic Drama", "Annie Award", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best New Act", "Writers Guild of America Award for Television: Episodic Comedy", "Outstanding Team ESPY Award", "Bodil Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role", "Bodil Award for Best Non-American Film", "AACTA Award for Best Television Drama Series", "Latin Grammy Award for Record of the Year", "World Fantasy Award for Best Anthology", "World Fantasy Special Award: Professional", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Alternative Video", "MTV Video Music Award for Video of the Year", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Actor", "Tony Award for Best Costume Design in a Musical", "Tony Award for Best Costume Design in a Play", "Tony Award for Best Lighting Design in a Musical", "Tony Award for Best Lighting Design in a Play", "Un Certain Regard", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series", "Vijay Award for Best Actress", "MTV Video Music Award for Most Experimental Video", "National Book Critics Circle Award", "Golden Reel Award", "Best Jockey ESPY Award", "Best International Athlete ESPY Award", "American Music Award for Favorite Country Album", "MTV Video Music Award for Monster Single of the Year", "Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Costume Design", "Best NHL Player ESPY Award", "Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Cast", "Agatha-Christie-Krimipreis", "Bram Stoker Award for Novel", "César Award for Best Original Screenplay", "Marian Engel Award", "Genie Award for Best Performance by a Foreign Actress", "Grammy Award for Best Instrumental Soloist(s) Performance (with orchestra)", "Grammy Award for Best Pop Instrumental Performance with Vocal Coloring", "Grammy Award for Best Pop/Contemporary Gospel Album", "Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Male", "Genie Award for Best Achievement in Costume Design", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Female Artist", "Genie Award for Best Performance by a Foreign Actor", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture", "Best U.S. Female Olympian ESPY Award", "Best U.S. Olympian ESPY Award", "Best U.S. Male Olympian ESPY Award", "Zee Cine Award for Best Choreography Award", "Grammy Award for Best Blues Album", "Grammy Award for Best Boxed or Special Limited Edition Package", "Grammy Award for Best Chamber Music Performance", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Independent Motion Picture", "AACTA Award for Best Children’s Television Series", "Tony Award for Best Director", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Urban Song", "Latin Grammy Award for Producer of the Year", "Saturn Award for Best Actress", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Brazilian Song", "Latin Grammy Award for Song of the Year", "Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Animated Film", "World Soundtrack Award for Discovery of the Year", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Direction", "Saturn Award for Best Retro Television Series on DVD", "Best Female Tennis Player ESPY Award", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Tropical Song", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Urban Music Album", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Tango Album", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Singer-Songwriter Album", "Writers Guild of America Award for Television: New Series", "Zee Cine Award for Best Male Debut", "César Award for Best Short Film", "César Award for Best Editing", "Nordic Council's Literature Prize", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Miniseries or a Movie", "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst New Star", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Alternative Music Album", "Latin Grammy Award for Album of the Year", "Best Golfer ESPY Award", "Grammy Award for Best Male Rock Vocal Performance", "Hundred Flowers Award for Best Director", "Best Action Sports Athlete ESPY Award", "Florida Film Critics Circle Award for Best Supporting Actress", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Brazilian Rock Album", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Brazilian Contemporary Pop Album", "NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Album", "Best Game ESPY Award", "Italian Online Movie Award for Best Special Effects", "Tony Award for Best Play", "Grammy Award for Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series", "Scream Award for Best Science Fiction Actor", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Voice-Over Performance", "VES Award for Outstanding Models and Miniatures in a Feature Motion Picture", "Best Actor Award", "Grammy Award for Best Classical Album", "Toronto Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actress", "Genie Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role", "Producers Guild of America Award for Best Theatrical Motion Picture", "Scream Award for Best Comic Book Movie", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Family Film", "Independent Spirit Award for Best Screenplay", "Nebula Award for Best Novelette", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Art Direction", "Independent Spirit Award for Best First Feature", "AVN Hall of Fame", "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Supporting Actress", "Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Adapted Screenplay", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Hip-Hop Video", "Favorite Country Male Artist", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Video from a Film", "Tony Award for Best Featured Actress in a Musical", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Editing", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing for a Variety, Music or Comedy Program", "Artist of the Year", "MTV Europe Music Award for Best Finnish Act", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Latin Children's Album", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing for a Miniseries, Movie or a Dramatic Special", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program", "Grammy Award for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance", "Golden Horse Award for Best Art Direction", "César Award for Best Supporting Actress", "Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actor", "Golden Globe Award", "Grammy Award for Best Historical Album", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Instrumental Album", "Grammy Award for Best Arrangement, Instrumental or A Cappella", "Grammy Award for Best Arrangement, Instrumental and Vocals", "Grammy Award for Best Inspirational Performance", "Daytime Emmy 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FILTER ( ?d < ?b ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Principality of Bulgaria" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "less" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "basic form of government" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "organization" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "basic form of government" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Principality of Bulgaria" ], [ "relation", "basic form of government" ], [ "type", "organization" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}, 'basic form of government', [{'concept': 'organization'}, {'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}]]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?r WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?r ( COUNT ( ?a ) AS ?d ) WHERE { VALUES ( ?e ) { ( ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity ) ( ontology:organization ) } . ?a rdf:type ?e } GROUP BY ?r } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?v ) AS ?b ) WHERE { resource:Principality_of_Bulgaria property:basic_form_of_government ?v . { { ?v rdf:type ontology:organization } UNION { ?v rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity } } } } . 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"parsed_active_set": [ "['Q38', 'P530', {'concept': 'Q15617994'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?z ) AS ?y ) WHERE { resource:Q977238 property:P530 ?z . ?z rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "['Italy', 'diplomatic relation', {'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?z ) AS ?y ) WHERE { resource:Italy property:diplomatic_relation ?z . ?z rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [ "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ] }, { "id": 15, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "Quantitative|Count|Single entity type|Clarification", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q38" ], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "Did you mean Italy ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(Q38,P530,c(Q15617994))", "(Q155,P530,c(Q15617994))", "(Q30,P530,c(Q15617994))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": 1, "gold_actions": [], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWER]", "parsed_active_set": [ "['Q38', 'P530', {'concept': 'Q15617994'}]", "['Q155', 'P530', {'concept': 'Q15617994'}]", "['Q30', 'P530', {'concept': 'Q15617994'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?z ) AS ?y ) WHERE { resource:Q977238 property:P530 ?z . ?z rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": "Did you mean Italy ?", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Italy" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "['Italy', 'diplomatic relation', {'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}]", "['Brazil', 'diplomatic relation', {'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}]", "['United States of America', 'diplomatic relation', {'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?z ) AS ?y ) WHERE { resource:Italy property:diplomatic_relation ?z . ?z rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity }", "verbalized_triple": "[['Italy', 'diplomatic relation', 'c(designation for an administrative territorial entity)'], ['Brazil', 'diplomatic relation', 'c(designation for an administrative territorial entity)'], ['United States of America', 'diplomatic relation', 'c(designation for an administrative territorial entity)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 16, "ques_type_id": 7, "question-type": "Quantitative Reasoning 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"SELECT DISTINCT ?g WHERE { FILTER ( ?h = 10 ) . { SELECT DISTINCT ?g ( COUNT ( ?a ) AS ?h ) WHERE { ?g property:P530 ?a . ?g rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 . ?a rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 } GROUP BY ?g } }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "equal" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "diplomatic relation" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "value", "10" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}, 'diplomatic relation', {'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?g WHERE { FILTER ( ?h = 10 ) . { SELECT DISTINCT ?g ( COUNT ( ?a ) AS ?h ) WHERE { ?g property:diplomatic_relation ?a . ?g rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity . ?a rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity } GROUP BY ?g } }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [ "designation for an administrative territorial entity", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ] }, { "id": 19, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q403", "Q1011" ], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "Serbia, Cape Verde", "all_entities": [ "Q403", "Q1011" ], "active_set": [ "(c(Q15617994),P530,c(Q15617994))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "equal" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P530" ], [ "type", "Q15617994" ], [ "type", "Q15617994" ], [ "value", "10" ] ], "is_spurious": true, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWERS] have diplomatic relations with exactly 10 administrative territories", "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q15617994'}, 'P530', {'concept': 'Q15617994'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?g WHERE { FILTER ( ?h = 10 ) . { SELECT DISTINCT ?g ( COUNT ( ?a ) AS ?h ) WHERE { ?g property:P530 ?a . ?g rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 . ?a rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 } GROUP BY ?g } }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Serbia", "Cape Verde" ], "verbalized_answer": "Serbia and Cape Verde have diplomatic relations with exactly 10 administrative territories", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Serbia", "Cape Verde" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "equal" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "diplomatic relation" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial 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"P530" ], "type_list": [ "Q15617994" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "Do West Lynn, Devon have diplomatic associations with those ones ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(Q7985826,P530,Q403)", "(Q7985826,P530,Q1011)" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": 0, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": 6, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "is_in" ], [ "entity", "prev_answer" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q7985826" ], [ "relation", "P530" ] ], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "['Q7985826', 'P530', 'Q403']", "['Q7985826', 'P530', 'Q1011']" ], "sparql_query": "ASK WHERE { resource:Q7985826 property:P530 ?y . 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VALUES ( ?y ) { ( resource:Serbia ) ( resource:Cape_Verde ) } }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [ "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ] }, { "id": 21, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "NO", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(Q7985826,P530,Q403)", "(Q7985826,P530,Q1011)" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "is_in" ], [ "entity", "prev_answer" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q7985826" ], [ "relation", "P530" ] ], "is_spurious": false, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWER]", "parsed_active_set": [ "['Q7985826', 'P530', 'Q403']", "['Q7985826', 'P530', 'Q1011']" ], "sparql_query": "ASK WHERE { resource:Q7985826 property:P530 ?y . VALUES ( ?y ) { ( resource:Q403 ) ( resource:Q1011 ) } }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": "No", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "is_in" ], [ "entity", "prev_answer" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "West Lynn, Devon" ], [ "relation", "diplomatic relation" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "['West Lynn, Devon', 'diplomatic relation', 'Serbia']", "['West Lynn, Devon', 'diplomatic relation', 'Cape Verde']" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "ASK WHERE { resource:West_Lynn,_Devon property:diplomatic_relation ?y . VALUES ( ?y ) { ( resource:Serbia ) ( resource:Cape_Verde ) } }", "verbalized_triple": "[['West Lynn, Devon', 'diplomatic relation', 'Serbia'], ['West Lynn, Devon', 'diplomatic relation', 'Cape Verde']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 22, "ques_type_id": 8, "question-type": "Comparative Reasoning (Count) (All)", "description": "Comparative|Count over More/Less|Mult. entity type", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q34603" ], "relations": [ "P417" ], "type_list": [ "Q1445650", "Q502895", "Q15617994" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "How many administrative territories have adopted lesser number of holidays or people as their patron saint than Abano Terme ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(c(Q15617994),P417,c(Q1445650)|c(Q502895))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": 7, "count_ques_type": 2, "is_incomplete": 0, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": 2, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "less" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P417" ], [ "type", "Q15617994" ], [ "type", "Q1445650" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P417" ], [ "type", "Q15617994" ], [ "type", "Q502895" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q34603" ], [ "relation", "P417" ], [ "type", "Q1445650" ], [ "type", "Q502895" ] ], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q15617994'}, 'P417', [{'concept': 'Q1445650'}, {'concept': 'Q502895'}]]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?j ) AS ?q ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?j ( COUNT ( ?t ) AS ?z ) WHERE { { ?j rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 . ?t rdf:type ontology:Q502895 . ?j property:P417 ?t } UNION { ?j property:P417 ?t . ?j rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 . ?t rdf:type ontology:Q1445650 } } GROUP BY ?j } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?m ) AS ?a ) WHERE { resource:Q34603 property:P417 ?m . { ?m rdf:type ?u . VALUES ( ?u ) { ( ontology:Q1445650 ) ( ontology:Q502895 ) } } } } . FILTER ( ?z < ?a ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Abano Terme" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "less" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "patron saint" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "holiday" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "patron saint" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "common name" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Abano Terme" ], [ "relation", "patron saint" ], [ "type", "holiday" ], [ "type", "common name" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}, 'patron saint', [{'concept': 'holiday'}, {'concept': 'common name'}]]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?j ) AS ?q ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?j ( COUNT ( ?t ) AS ?z ) WHERE { { ?j rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity . ?t rdf:type ontology:common_name . ?j property:patron_saint ?t } UNION { ?j property:patron_saint ?t . ?j rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity . ?t rdf:type ontology:holiday } } GROUP BY ?j } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?m ) AS ?a ) WHERE { resource:Abano_Terme property:patron_saint ?m . { ?m rdf:type ?u . VALUES ( ?u ) { ( ontology:holiday ) ( ontology:common_name ) } } } } . FILTER ( ?z < ?a ) }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [ "holiday", "common name", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ] }, { "id": 23, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "296", "all_entities": [ "Q51179", "Q265483", "Q18339", "Q268902", "Q124005", "Q43005", "Q43000", "Q39633", "Q56075", "Q42950", "Q386898", "Q490936", "Q20203", "Q9525", "Q9520", "Q18022", "Q18348", "Q283857", "Q112226", "Q18029", "Q206966", "Q155", "Q42896", "Q216492", "Q490770", "Q17268", "Q54612", "Q9065", "Q54617", "Q267241", "Q42974", "Q390108", "Q51202", "Q54751", "Q58890", "Q51370", "Q42110", "Q224813", "Q252343", "Q103999", "Q52624", "Q50134", "Q478277", "Q17821", "Q188499", "Q54585", "Q95069", "Q19277", "Q186538", "Q294805", "Q18075", "Q283697", "Q39263", "Q100404", "Q9569", "Q20387", "Q34519", "Q42777", "Q198320", "Q34694", "Q9105", "Q39835", "Q46357", "Q111415", "Q56048", "Q490412", "Q39910", "Q22170", "Q58719", "Q490907", "Q265588", "Q244048", "Q94779", "Q53946", "Q10234", "Q10231", "Q10339", "Q53492", "Q40336", "Q53881", "Q295289", "Q53883", "Q42300", "Q13649", "Q25175", "Q53288", "Q17811", "Q50165", "Q265498", "Q18088", "Q1465", "Q270578", "Q53835", "Q478925", "Q285110", "Q430988", "Q35220", "Q91160", "Q111602", "Q242710", "Q216853", "Q58461", "Q20353", "Q9435", "Q20056", "Q20435", "Q51442", "Q117471", "Q36471", "Q53304", "Q17350", "Q53909", "Q271011", "Q53903", "Q18382", "Q20128", "Q23285", "Q52026", "Q72272", "Q42343", "Q326968", "Q42266", "Q42260", "Q10200", "Q24896", "Q53876", "Q207395", "Q103768", "Q20244", "Q46746", "Q42744", "Q100094", "Q298424", "Q20405", "Q83083", "Q493482", "Q39912", "Q22182", "Q42512", "Q52191", "Q340908", "Q34386", "Q72732", "Q101648", "Q391349", "Q51274", "Q52132", "Q54705", "Q91228", "Q53355", "Q9447", "Q52102", "Q53957", "Q54673", "Q54672", "Q42963", "Q124979", "Q218027", "Q53686", "Q200925", "Q18394", "Q72712", "Q23706", "Q20530", "Q42318", "Q39862", "Q54516", "Q17804", "Q53511", "Q20431", "Q54685", "Q20184", "Q283554", "Q477618", "Q46673", "Q51358", "Q81151", "Q39227", "Q48092", "Q42557", "Q53995", "Q56085", "Q53260", "Q17796", "Q18388", "Q41077", "Q55054", "Q80655", "Q52146", "Q53508", "Q40913", "Q25187", "Q25189", "Q168551", "Q22216", "Q101251", "Q9493", "Q286671", "Q390646", "Q82755", "Q23592", "Q52038", "Q23178", "Q288273", "Q54643", "Q496978", "Q46968", "Q10211", "Q16337", "Q326780", "Q100070", "Q34579", "Q20503", "Q267032", "Q382482", "Q55017", "Q51360", "Q43037", "Q53212", "Q185748", "Q51460", "Q20170", "Q102781", "Q52179", "Q58549", "Q51926", "Q23232", "Q42629", "Q54636", "Q496936", "Q105325", "Q46870", "Q91243", "Q51812", "Q72708", "Q270613", "Q19937", "Q42249", "Q42367", "Q54699", "Q54591", "Q20191", "Q46833", "Q42391", "Q386350", "Q17378", "Q42565", "Q47046", "Q19944", "Q13619", "Q341096", "Q382223", "Q53397", "Q42403", "Q56091", "Q56090", "Q53159", "Q53152", "Q39070", "Q54035", "Q80851", "Q54034", "Q103297", "Q43040", "Q40964", "Q112019", "Q39933", "Q224176", "Q54723", "Q477800", "Q19915", "Q46282", "Q13320", "Q53732", "Q34791", "Q20389", "Q59269", "Q59265", "Q20585", "Q42208", "Q53824", "Q9028", "Q34638", "Q40094", "Q34703", "Q23648", "Q9187", "Q111147", "Q488240", "Q49603", "Q52953", "Q20299", "Q39849", "Q50079", "Q9428", "Q9336" ], "active_set": [ "(c(Q15617994),P417,c(Q1445650)|c(Q502895))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "less" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P417" ], [ "type", "Q15617994" ], [ "type", "Q1445650" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P417" ], [ "type", "Q15617994" ], [ "type", "Q502895" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q34603" ], [ "relation", "P417" ], [ "type", "Q1445650" ], [ "type", "Q502895" ] ], "is_spurious": false, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWER]", "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q15617994'}, 'P417', [{'concept': 'Q1445650'}, {'concept': 'Q502895'}]]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?j ) AS ?q ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?j ( COUNT ( ?t ) AS ?z ) WHERE { { ?j rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 . ?t rdf:type ontology:Q502895 . ?j property:P417 ?t } UNION { ?j property:P417 ?t . ?j rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 . ?t rdf:type ontology:Q1445650 } } GROUP BY ?j } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?m ) AS ?a ) WHERE { resource:Q34603 property:P417 ?m . { ?m rdf:type ?u . 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"Abbiategrasso", "Ziano di Fiemme", "Fiesso Umbertiano", "Buriasco", "Bianzone", "Breganze", "Polpenazze del Garda", "Castorano", "Priolo Gargallo", "Azzio", "Cavaglio d'Agogna", "Mondragone", "Scillato", "Crocefieschi", "Argegno", "Castel San Pietro Terme", "Rende", "Rocca Canavese", "Rivoli", "Venaria Reale", "Andali", "Gravellona Lomellina", "Fiumefreddo Bruzio", "Noragugume", "Frascineto", "Comazzo", "Nuoro", "Postua", "Mortegliano", "Frinco", "Trasacco", "Ceranesi", "Mottalciata", "Feltre", "Calizzano", "Belmonte Calabro", "Trecastagni", "Seulo", "Alessandria della Rocca", "Montjovet", "Cetona", "Rezzato", "Guidonia Montecelio", "Camaiore", "Camigliano", "Piobesi d'Alba", "Lugnacco", "Frabosa Soprana", "Sale delle Langhe", "Colledara", "Trevi nel Lazio", "Pompei", "Pasian di Prato", "Cremolino", "Mangone", "Osiglia", "Malito", "Bra", "Magliano Alpi", "Cannero Riviera", "Montemesola", "Monte di Procida", "Guidizzolo", "Tenno, Trentino", "Cervignano d'Adda", "Montevecchia", "Porte", "Borgo d'Ale", "Domanico", "Montecopiolo", "Capriano del Colle", "Murello", "Susegana", "Spino d'Adda", "San Felice sul Panaro", "Pergine Valsugana", "Roascio", "Monte San Giusto", "Librizzi", "Usmate Velate", "Colazza", "Vizzolo Predabissi", "Sannicola", "Luogosanto", "Trebaseleghe", "Vico Equense", "Telgate", "Santa Maria Coghinas", "Roccamontepiano", "Collepasso", "Drapia", "Monteriggioni", "San Giorgio di Nogaro", "Lusigliè", "Subbiano", "San Cosmo Albanese", "Sinopoli", "Siderno", "Senna Lodigiana", "Serra San Quirico", "Zoagli", "San Floro", "Lona-Lases", "Canale", "Torre Annunziata", "Trasquera", "Verduno", "Terranova dei Passerini", "Menarola", "San Mauro Marchesato", "Cortiglione", "Conflenti", "Rossana", "Terranova Sappo Minulio", "Monasterolo Casotto", "Armungia", "Resuttano", "Spresiano", "Civitella Casanova", "Ogliastro Cilento", "Ronco Briantino", "Cologna Veneta", "Pandino", "Saracena", "Palmiano", "Flaibano", "Cisterna d'Asti", "Brossasco", "Lavena Ponte Tresa", "Mirabella Eclano", "Bellizzi", "Guagnano", "Cerva", "Caiolo", "Rimella", "Riva Valdobbia", "Caselle Landi", "Dormelletto", "Montello, Lombardy", "Monteu da Po", "Santadi", "Cargeghe", "Londa, Tuscany", "Gurro", "Statte", "Bisceglie", "Serrenti", "Roghudi", "Roccapalumba", "Noale", "Quagliuzzo", "Novi Ligure", "Strigno", "Montefiorino", "Arre", "Sommariva del Bosco", "Santo Stefano d'Aveto", "Aidomaggiore", "Casalbore", "Corvara", "Annone di Brianza", "Aiello del Friuli", "Sant'Elia a Pianisi", "Pietracamela", "Martiniana Po", "Gragnano Trebbiense", "Porto Cesareo", "Castel Campagnano", "Faeto", "Bannio Anzino", "Parabiago", "Platì", "Sciara", "Nuvolento", "Bardolino", "Monteroni d'Arbia", "Alberobello", "Terzigno", "Celle Ligure", "Cerretto Langhe", "Mulazzano", "Valera Fratta", "Brognaturo", "Caraffa del Bianco", "Monforte d'Alba", "Albettone", "Airuno", "Masullas", "Malvicino", "Oggiono", "Silea", "Ceva", "Cosenza", "Trinità d'Agultu e Vignola", "Romana, Sardinia", "Villa Vicentina", "Acquanegra Cremonese", "Venarotta", "Spinetoli", "Cavasso Nuovo", "Azzano Decimo", "Andalo Valtellino", "Verbicaro", "Celle di Bulgheria", "Vaccarizzo Albanese", "Vicopisano", "Secugnago", "Rogolo", "Sirmione", "Cadrezzate", "Longone Sabino", "Nardodipace", "Vallelunga Pratameno", "Castellino Tanaro", "Castel d'Azzano", "Savona", "Tiriolo", "Aymavilles", "Montemurlo", "Montelparo", "Montefalcone Appennino", "Villanova Mondovì", "Malagnino", "Alessandria del Carretto", "Balme", "Arquà Petrarca", "Morbegno", "Torreglia", "Montecrestese", "Carmagnola", "Carpineti", "Lentini", "Ponte Buggianese", "Alfonsine", "Paroldo", "Robbio", "Celano", "Locana", "Druento" ], "verbalized_answer": "296", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "less" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "patron saint" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "holiday" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "patron saint" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "common name" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Abano Terme" ], [ "relation", "patron saint" ], [ "type", "holiday" ], [ "type", "common name" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}, 'patron saint', [{'concept': 'holiday'}, {'concept': 'common name'}]]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?j ) AS ?q ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?j ( COUNT ( ?t ) AS ?z ) WHERE { { ?j rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity . ?t rdf:type ontology:common_name . ?j property:patron_saint ?t } UNION { ?j property:patron_saint ?t . ?j rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity . ?t rdf:type ontology:holiday } } GROUP BY ?j } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?m ) AS ?a ) WHERE { resource:Abano_Terme property:patron_saint ?m . { ?m rdf:type ?u . VALUES ( ?u ) { ( ontology:holiday ) ( ontology:common_name ) } } } } . FILTER ( ?z < ?a ) }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(designation for an administrative territorial entity)', 'patron saint', 'c(holiday)|c(common name)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 24, "ques_type_id": 8, "question-type": "Comparative Reasoning (Count) (All)", "description": "Comparative|Count over More/Less|Mult. entity type|Incomplete", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q112131" ], "relations": [ "P417" ], "type_list": [ "Q1445650", "Q502895", "Q15617994" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "And also tell me about Trenzano?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(c(Q15617994),P417,c(Q1445650)|c(Q502895))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": 7, "count_ques_type": 2, "is_incomplete": 1, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": 2, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "less" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P417" ], [ "type", "Q15617994" ], [ "type", "Q1445650" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P417" ], [ "type", "Q15617994" ], [ "type", "Q502895" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q112131" ], [ "relation", "P417" ], [ "type", "Q1445650" ], [ "type", "Q502895" ] ], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q15617994'}, 'P417', [{'concept': 'Q1445650'}, {'concept': 'Q502895'}]]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?c ) AS ?k ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?c ( COUNT ( ?j ) AS ?w ) WHERE { VALUES ( ?u ) { ( ontology:Q1445650 ) ( ontology:Q502895 ) } . ?j rdf:type ?u } GROUP BY ?c } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?m ) AS ?d ) WHERE { { { ?m rdf:type ontology:Q1445650 } UNION { ?m rdf:type ontology:Q502895 } } . resource:Q112131 property:P417 ?m } } . FILTER ( ?w < ?d ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Trenzano" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "less" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "patron saint" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "holiday" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "patron saint" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "common name" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Trenzano" ], [ "relation", "patron saint" ], [ "type", "holiday" ], [ "type", "common name" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}, 'patron saint', [{'concept': 'holiday'}, {'concept': 'common name'}]]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?c ) AS ?k ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?c ( COUNT ( ?j ) AS ?w ) WHERE { VALUES ( ?u ) { ( ontology:holiday ) ( ontology:common_name ) } . ?j rdf:type ?u } GROUP BY ?c } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?m ) AS ?d ) WHERE { { { ?m rdf:type ontology:holiday } UNION { ?m rdf:type ontology:common_name } } . resource:Trenzano property:patron_saint ?m } } . 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"Abbiategrasso", "Ziano di Fiemme", "Fiesso Umbertiano", "Buriasco", "Bianzone", "Breganze", "Polpenazze del Garda", "Castorano", "Priolo Gargallo", "Azzio", "Cavaglio d'Agogna", "Mondragone", "Scillato", "Crocefieschi", "Argegno", "Castel San Pietro Terme", "Rende", "Rocca Canavese", "Rivoli", "Venaria Reale", "Andali", "Gravellona Lomellina", "Fiumefreddo Bruzio", "Noragugume", "Frascineto", "Comazzo", "Nuoro", "Postua", "Mortegliano", "Frinco", "Trasacco", "Ceranesi", "Mottalciata", "Feltre", "Calizzano", "Belmonte Calabro", "Trecastagni", "Seulo", "Alessandria della Rocca", "Montjovet", "Cetona", "Rezzato", "Guidonia Montecelio", "Camaiore", "Camigliano", "Piobesi d'Alba", "Lugnacco", "Frabosa Soprana", "Sale delle Langhe", "Colledara", "Trevi nel Lazio", "Pompei", "Pasian di Prato", "Cremolino", "Mangone", "Osiglia", "Malito", "Bra", "Magliano Alpi", "Cannero Riviera", "Montemesola", "Monte di Procida", "Guidizzolo", "Tenno, Trentino", "Cervignano d'Adda", "Montevecchia", "Porte", "Borgo d'Ale", "Domanico", "Montecopiolo", "Capriano del Colle", "Murello", "Susegana", "Spino d'Adda", "San Felice sul Panaro", "Pergine Valsugana", "Roascio", "Monte San Giusto", "Librizzi", "Usmate Velate", "Colazza", "Vizzolo Predabissi", "Sannicola", "Luogosanto", "Trebaseleghe", "Vico Equense", "Telgate", "Santa Maria Coghinas", "Roccamontepiano", "Collepasso", "Drapia", "Monteriggioni", "San Giorgio di Nogaro", "Lusigliè", "Subbiano", "San Cosmo Albanese", "Sinopoli", "Siderno", "Senna Lodigiana", "Serra San Quirico", "Zoagli", "San Floro", "Lona-Lases", "Canale", "Torre Annunziata", "Trasquera", "Verduno", "Terranova dei Passerini", "Menarola", "San Mauro Marchesato", "Cortiglione", "Conflenti", "Rossana", "Terranova Sappo Minulio", "Monasterolo Casotto", "Armungia", "Resuttano", "Spresiano", "Civitella Casanova", "Ogliastro Cilento", "Ronco Briantino", "Cologna Veneta", "Pandino", "Saracena", "Palmiano", "Flaibano", "Cisterna d'Asti", "Brossasco", "Lavena Ponte Tresa", 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Vicentina", "Acquanegra Cremonese", "Venarotta", "Spinetoli", "Cavasso Nuovo", "Azzano Decimo", "Andalo Valtellino", "Verbicaro", "Celle di Bulgheria", "Vaccarizzo Albanese", "Vicopisano", "Secugnago", "Rogolo", "Sirmione", "Cadrezzate", "Longone Sabino", "Nardodipace", "Vallelunga Pratameno", "Castellino Tanaro", "Castel d'Azzano", "Savona", "Tiriolo", "Aymavilles", "Montemurlo", "Montelparo", "Montefalcone Appennino", "Villanova Mondovì", "Malagnino", "Alessandria del Carretto", "Balme", "Arquà Petrarca", "Morbegno", "Torreglia", "Montecrestese", "Carmagnola", "Carpineti", "Lentini", "Ponte Buggianese", "Alfonsine", "Paroldo", "Robbio", "Celano", "Locana", "Druento" ], "verbalized_answer": "296", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "less" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "patron saint" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "holiday" 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VALUES ( ?p ) { ( ontology:Q838948 ) ( ontology:Q2342494 ) } } } } . FILTER ( ?t > ?e ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Cambodia" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "greater" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "narrative location" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "work of art" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "narrative location" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "collectable" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "Cambodia" ], [ "relation", "narrative location" ], [ "type", "work of art" ], [ "type", "collectable" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'work of art'}, {'concept': 'collectable'}], 'narrative location', {'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?j ) AS ?v ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?j ( COUNT ( ?d ) AS ?t ) WHERE { { ?d property:narrative_location ?j . ?j rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity . ?d rdf:type ontology:work_of_art } UNION { ?d property:narrative_location ?j . ?j rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity . ?d rdf:type ontology:collectable } } GROUP BY ?j } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?q ) AS ?e ) WHERE { ?q property:narrative_location resource:Cambodia . { ?q rdf:type ?p . VALUES ( ?p ) { ( ontology:work_of_art ) ( ontology:collectable ) } } } } . 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2016 Summer Olympics – Men's tournament", "Basketball at the 2016 Summer Olympics – Women's tournament", "Rugby sevens at the 2016 Summer Olympics – Men's tournament" ], "verbalized_answer": "Field hockey at the 2016 Summer Olympics – Men's tournament, Basketball at the 2016 Summer Olympics – Women's tournament and Water polo at the 2016 Summer Olympics – Men's tournament have around the same number of architectural structures and sports venues as their home ground as Rugby sevens at the 2016 Summer Olympics – Women's tournament", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Field hockey at the 2016 Summer Olympics – Men's tournament", "Basketball at the 2016 Summer Olympics – Women's tournament", "Water polo at the 2016 Summer Olympics – Men's tournament" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "approx" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "home venue" ], [ "type", "sporting event" ], [ "type", "architectural structure" ], [ "action", 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"parsed_active_set": [ "['Q225', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q225', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]", "['Q843', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q843', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]", "['Q20', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q20', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]", "['Q189', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q189', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]", "['Q225', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q225', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]", "['Q869', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q869', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]", "['Q805', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q805', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]", "['Q298', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q298', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]", "['Q36', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q36', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]", "['Q17', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q17', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]", "['Q184', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q184', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT 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ontology:Q43229 . ?y rdf:type ontology:Q874405 }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "['Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]", "['Pakistan', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Pakistan', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]", "['Norway', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Norway', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]", "['Iceland', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Iceland', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]", "['Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]", "['Thailand', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Thailand', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]", "['Yemen', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Yemen', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]", "['Chile', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Chile', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]", "['Poland', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Poland', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]", "['Japan', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Japan', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]", "['Belarus', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Belarus', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?z ) AS ?x ) WHERE { { { resource:Bosnia_and_Herzegovina property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Bosnia_and_Herzegovina property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Pakistan property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Pakistan property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Norway property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Norway property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Iceland property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Iceland property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Bosnia_and_Herzegovina property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Bosnia_and_Herzegovina property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Thailand property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Thailand property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Yemen property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Yemen property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Chile property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Chile property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Poland property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Poland property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Japan property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Japan property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Belarus property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Belarus property:member_of ?y } } . ?z rdf:type ontology:organization . ?y rdf:type ontology:social_group }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [ "organization", "social group" ] }, { "id": 11, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "Quantitative|Count|Mult. entity type|Clarification", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q225" ], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "Did you mean Bosnia and Herzegovina ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": 1, "gold_actions": [], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWER]", "parsed_active_set": [], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?z ) AS ?x ) WHERE { { { resource:Q225 property:P463 ?z } UNION { resource:Q225 property:P463 ?y } UNION { resource:Q843 property:P463 ?z } UNION { resource:Q843 property:P463 ?y } UNION { resource:Q7060816 property:P463 ?z } UNION { resource:Q7060816 property:P463 ?y } UNION { resource:Q685885 property:P463 ?z } UNION { resource:Q685885 property:P463 ?y } UNION { resource:Q225 property:P463 ?z } UNION { resource:Q225 property:P463 ?y } UNION { resource:Q869 property:P463 ?z } UNION { resource:Q869 property:P463 ?y } UNION { resource:Q805 property:P463 ?z } UNION { resource:Q805 property:P463 ?y } UNION { resource:Q298 property:P463 ?z } UNION { resource:Q298 property:P463 ?y } UNION { resource:Q7208890 property:P463 ?z } UNION { resource:Q7208890 property:P463 ?y } UNION { resource:Q1407064 property:P463 ?z } UNION { resource:Q1407064 property:P463 ?y } UNION { resource:Q3920722 property:P463 ?z } UNION { resource:Q3920722 property:P463 ?y } } . ?z rdf:type ontology:Q43229 . ?y rdf:type ontology:Q874405 }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": "Did you mean Bosnia and Herzegovina ?", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Bosnia and Herzegovina" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?z ) AS ?x ) WHERE { { { resource:Bosnia_and_Herzegovina property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Bosnia_and_Herzegovina property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Pakistan property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Pakistan property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Norway property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Norway property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Iceland property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Iceland property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Bosnia_and_Herzegovina property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Bosnia_and_Herzegovina property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Thailand property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Thailand property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Yemen property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Yemen property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Chile property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Chile property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Poland property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Poland property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Japan property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Japan property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Belarus property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Belarus property:member_of ?y } } . ?z rdf:type ontology:organization . ?y rdf:type ontology:social_group }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 12, "ques_type_id": 8, "question-type": "Quantitative Reasoning (Count) (All)", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "Yes", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(Q225,P463,c(Q43229))", "(Q225,P463,c(Q874405))", "(Q843,P463,c(Q43229))", "(Q843,P463,c(Q874405))", "(Q20,P463,c(Q43229))", "(Q20,P463,c(Q874405))", "(Q189,P463,c(Q43229))", "(Q189,P463,c(Q874405))", "(Q225,P463,c(Q43229))", "(Q225,P463,c(Q874405))", "(Q869,P463,c(Q43229))", "(Q869,P463,c(Q874405))", "(Q805,P463,c(Q43229))", "(Q805,P463,c(Q874405))", "(Q298,P463,c(Q43229))", "(Q298,P463,c(Q874405))", "(Q36,P463,c(Q43229))", "(Q36,P463,c(Q874405))", "(Q17,P463,c(Q43229))", "(Q17,P463,c(Q874405))", "(Q184,P463,c(Q43229))", 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"['Q298', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q298', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]", "['Q36', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q36', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]", "['Q17', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q17', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]", "['Q184', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q184', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]" ], "sparql_query": null, "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "['Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]", "['Pakistan', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Pakistan', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]", "['Norway', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Norway', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]", "['Iceland', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Iceland', 'member of', {'concept': 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"bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": 3, "gold_actions": [], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWER]", "parsed_active_set": [ "['Q225', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q225', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]", "['Q843', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q843', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]", "['Q20', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q20', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]", "['Q189', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q189', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]", "['Q225', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q225', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]", "['Q869', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q869', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]", "['Q805', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q805', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]", "['Q298', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q298', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]", "['Q36', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q36', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]", "['Q17', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q17', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]", "['Q184', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q43229'}]", "['Q184', 'P463', {'concept': 'Q874405'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?z ) AS ?x ) WHERE { { { resource:Q225 property:P463 ?z } UNION { resource:Q225 property:P463 ?y } UNION { resource:Q843 property:P463 ?z } UNION { resource:Q843 property:P463 ?y } UNION { resource:Q7060816 property:P463 ?z } UNION { resource:Q7060816 property:P463 ?y } UNION { resource:Q685885 property:P463 ?z } UNION { resource:Q685885 property:P463 ?y } UNION { resource:Q225 property:P463 ?z } UNION { resource:Q225 property:P463 ?y } UNION { resource:Q869 property:P463 ?z } UNION { resource:Q869 property:P463 ?y } UNION { resource:Q805 property:P463 ?z } UNION { resource:Q805 property:P463 ?y } UNION { resource:Q298 property:P463 ?z } UNION { resource:Q298 property:P463 ?y } UNION { resource:Q7208890 property:P463 ?z } UNION { resource:Q7208890 property:P463 ?y } UNION { resource:Q1407064 property:P463 ?z } UNION { resource:Q1407064 property:P463 ?y } UNION { resource:Q3920722 property:P463 ?z } UNION { resource:Q3920722 property:P463 ?y } } . ?z rdf:type ontology:Q43229 . ?y rdf:type ontology:Q874405 }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Council of Europe", "International Bank for Reconstruction and Development", "International Finance Corporation", "International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes", "International Development Association" ], "verbalized_answer": "4 organizations and 1 social groups", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "['Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]", "['Pakistan', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Pakistan', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]", "['Norway', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Norway', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]", "['Iceland', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Iceland', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]", "['Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]", "['Thailand', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Thailand', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]", "['Yemen', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Yemen', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]", "['Chile', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Chile', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]", "['Poland', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Poland', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]", "['Japan', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Japan', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]", "['Belarus', 'member of', {'concept': 'organization'}]", "['Belarus', 'member of', {'concept': 'social group'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?z ) AS ?x ) WHERE { { { resource:Bosnia_and_Herzegovina property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Bosnia_and_Herzegovina property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Pakistan property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Pakistan property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Norway property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Norway property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Iceland property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Iceland property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Bosnia_and_Herzegovina property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Bosnia_and_Herzegovina property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Thailand property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Thailand property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Yemen property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Yemen property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Chile property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Chile property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Poland property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Poland property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Japan property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Japan property:member_of ?y } UNION { resource:Belarus property:member_of ?z } UNION { resource:Belarus property:member_of ?y } } . ?z rdf:type ontology:organization . ?y rdf:type ontology:social_group }", "verbalized_triple": "[['Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'member of', 'c(organization)'], ['Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'member of', 'c(social group)'], ['Pakistan', 'member of', 'c(organization)'], ['Pakistan', 'member of', 'c(social group)'], ['Norway', 'member of', 'c(organization)'], ['Norway', 'member of', 'c(social group)'], ['Iceland', 'member of', 'c(organization)'], ['Iceland', 'member of', 'c(social group)'], ['Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'member of', 'c(organization)'], ['Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'member of', 'c(social group)'], ['Thailand', 'member of', 'c(organization)'], ['Thailand', 'member of', 'c(social group)'], ['Yemen', 'member of', 'c(organization)'], ['Yemen', 'member of', 'c(social group)'], ['Chile', 'member of', 'c(organization)'], ['Chile', 'member of', 'c(social group)'], ['Poland', 'member of', 'c(organization)'], ['Poland', 'member of', 'c(social group)'], ['Japan', 'member of', 'c(organization)'], ['Japan', 'member of', 'c(social group)'], ['Belarus', 'member of', 'c(organization)'], ['Belarus', 'member of', 'c(social group)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 14, "ques_type_id": 7, "question-type": "Quantitative Reasoning (Count) (All)", "description": "Quantitative|Count over Atleast/ Atmost/ Approx. the same/Equal|Single entity type", "entities_in_utterance": [], "relations": [ "P530" ], "type_list": [ "Q15617994", "Q15617994" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "How many administrative territories have ambassadorial relations with atleast 57 administrative territories ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(c(Q15617994),P530,c(Q15617994))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": 5, "count_ques_type": 2, "is_incomplete": 0, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, 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FILTER ( ?g >= 57 ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "atleast" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "diplomatic relation" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "value", "57" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}, 'diplomatic relation', {'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?e ) AS ?y ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?e ( COUNT ( ?p ) AS ?g ) WHERE { ?e rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity . ?p rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity . ?e property:diplomatic_relation ?p } GROUP BY ?e } . 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FILTER ( ?h < ?f ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Gabon", "Antigua and Barbuda", "The Bahamas", "Grenada", "Solomon Islands", "Papua New Guinea" ], "verbalized_answer": "Gabon, Grenada and Papua New Guinea hold diplomatic relationship with less number of administrative territories than Jamaica", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Gabon", "Grenada", "Papua New Guinea" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "less" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "diplomatic relation" ], [ "type", "political territorial entity" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Jamaica" ], [ "relation", "diplomatic relation" ], [ "type", "political territorial entity" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}, 'diplomatic relation', {'concept': 'political territorial entity'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?m WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?m ( COUNT ( ?q ) AS ?h ) WHERE { ?m property:diplomatic_relation ?q . ?m rdf:type ontology:political_territorial_entity . ?q rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity } GROUP BY ?m } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?i ) AS ?f ) WHERE { resource:Jamaica property:diplomatic_relation ?i . ?i rdf:type ontology:political_territorial_entity } } . FILTER ( ?h < ?f ) }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(designation for an administrative territorial entity)', 'diplomatic relation', 'c(political territorial entity)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 18, "ques_type_id": 7, "question-type": "Comparative Reasoning (All)", "description": "Comparative|More/Less|Single entity type|Incomplete", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q35" ], "relations": [ "P530" ], "type_list": [ "Q1048835", "Q15617994" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "And what about Denmark?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(c(Q15617994),P530,c(Q1048835))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": 4, "count_ques_type": 1, "is_incomplete": 1, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "less" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P530" ], [ "type", "Q1048835" ], [ "type", "Q15617994" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q35" ], [ "relation", "P530" ], [ "type", "Q1048835" ] ], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q15617994'}, 'P530', {'concept': 'Q1048835'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?i WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?i ( COUNT ( ?o ) AS ?f ) WHERE { ?i property:P530 ?o . ?i rdf:type ontology:Q1048835 . ?o rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 } GROUP BY ?i } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?x ) AS ?e ) WHERE { resource:Q35 property:P530 ?x . ?x rdf:type ontology:Q1048835 } } . FILTER ( ?f < ?e ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Denmark" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "less" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "diplomatic relation" ], [ "type", "political territorial entity" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Denmark" ], [ "relation", "diplomatic relation" ], [ "type", "political territorial entity" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}, 'diplomatic relation', {'concept': 'political territorial entity'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?i WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?i ( COUNT ( ?o ) AS ?f ) WHERE { ?i property:diplomatic_relation ?o . ?i rdf:type ontology:political_territorial_entity . ?o rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity } GROUP BY ?i } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?x ) AS ?e ) WHERE { resource:Denmark property:diplomatic_relation ?x . ?x rdf:type ontology:political_territorial_entity } } . 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FILTER ( ?f < ?e ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Gabon", "Antigua and Barbuda", "The Bahamas", "Grenada", "Solomon Islands", "Papua New Guinea", "New Zealand", "Jamaica" ], "verbalized_answer": "", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "New Zealand", "Gabon", "Grenada" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "less" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "diplomatic relation" ], [ "type", "political territorial entity" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Denmark" ], [ "relation", "diplomatic relation" ], [ "type", "political territorial entity" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}, 'diplomatic relation', {'concept': 'political territorial entity'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?i WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?i ( COUNT ( ?o ) AS ?f ) WHERE { ?i property:diplomatic_relation ?o . ?i rdf:type ontology:political_territorial_entity . ?o rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity } GROUP BY ?i } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?x ) AS ?e ) WHERE { resource:Denmark property:diplomatic_relation ?x . ?x rdf:type ontology:political_territorial_entity } } . 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VALUES ( ?n ) { ( resource:Q1000 ) ( resource:Q781 ) ( resource:Q778 ) } }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Georgia" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "is_in" ], [ "entity", "prev_answer" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Georgia" ], [ "relation", "diplomatic relation" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "['Georgia', 'diplomatic relation', 'New Zealand']", "['Georgia', 'diplomatic relation', 'Gabon']", "['Georgia', 'diplomatic relation', 'Grenada']" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "ASK WHERE { resource:Georgia property:diplomatic_relation ?n . 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VALUES ( ?n ) { ( resource:Q1000 ) ( resource:Q781 ) ( resource:Q778 ) } }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": "Yes", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "is_in" ], [ "entity", "prev_answer" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Georgia" ], [ "relation", "diplomatic relation" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "['Georgia', 'diplomatic relation', 'New Zealand']", "['Georgia', 'diplomatic relation', 'Gabon']", "['Georgia', 'diplomatic relation', 'Grenada']" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "ASK WHERE { resource:Georgia property:diplomatic_relation ?n . 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"verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 16, "ques_type_id": 7, "question-type": "Quantitative Reasoning (All)", "description": "Quantitative|Atleast/ Atmost/ Approx. the same/Equal|Single entity type", "entities_in_utterance": [], "relations": [ "P530" ], "type_list": [ "Q1048835", "Q15617994" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "Which administrative territories have ambassadorial relations with atmost 4 political territories ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(c(Q15617994),P530,c(Q1048835))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": 3, "count_ques_type": 2, "is_incomplete": 0, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "atmost" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P530" ], [ "type", "Q15617994" ], [ "type", "Q1048835" ], [ "value", "4" ] ], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, 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property:diplomatic_relation ?j . ?j rdf:type ontology:political_territorial_entity . ?h rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity } GROUP BY ?h } }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [ "political territorial entity", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ] }, { "id": 17, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q30", "Q159", "Q55" ], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "United States of America, Russia, Netherlands", "all_entities": [ "Q702", "Q804", "Q801", "Q800", "Q805", "Q419", "Q668", "Q414", "Q142", "Q55", "Q145", "Q262", "Q148", "Q783", "Q265", "Q37", "Q712", "Q711", "Q717", "Q837", "Q252", "Q399", "Q398", "Q403", "Q657", "Q258", "Q45", "Q159", "Q43", "Q41", "Q792", "Q790", "Q796", "Q794", "Q954", "Q889", "Q884", "Q958", "Q881", "Q986", "Q822", "Q241", "Q242", "Q244", "Q811", "Q33", "Q32", "Q31", "Q30", "Q924", "Q36", "Q34", "Q928", 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"count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "atmost" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P530" ], [ "type", "Q15617994" ], [ "type", "Q1048835" ], [ "value", "4" ] ], "is_spurious": false, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWERS] have ambassadorial relations with atmost 4 political territories", "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q15617994'}, 'P530', {'concept': 'Q1048835'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?h WHERE { FILTER ( ?r <= 4 ) . { SELECT DISTINCT ?h ( COUNT ( ?j ) AS ?r ) WHERE { ?h property:P530 ?j . ?j rdf:type ontology:Q1048835 . ?h rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 } GROUP BY ?h } }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Federated States of Micronesia", "Panama", "Israel", "Costa Rica", "Yemen", "Peru", "India", "Argentina", "France", "Netherlands", "United Kingdom", "Algeria", "People's Republic 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Burch", "Tim Leslie", "Kevin McCarthy", "Paul Bannai", "Paul Horcher", "William Byron Rumford", "Bob Wieckowski", "Charles W. Dana", "James C. Pemberton", "Robert S. Stevens", "Richard Katz", "James E. Rogan", "Jerome Horton", "Richard Polanco", "C. C. Young", "Willard H. Murray, Jr.", "Tom McClintock", "Mike Gordon", "Das Williams", "Jeff Gorell", "John E. Moss", "Ernest E. Debs", "Glenn E. Coolidge", "Tim Donnelly", "Jim Patterson", "Shirley Horton", "Dennis Cardoza", "John Franklin Swift", "William Kehoe", "Richard Rainey", "Sam Blakeslee", "Paul E. Zeltner", "Mimi Walters", "James Russell Vineyard", "Tony Strickland", "Ken Maddox", "Charles Hiram Randall", "Gil Cedillo", "Alan Nakanishi", "William Matthew Byrne, Sr.", "Lynne Leach", "Dion Aroner", "Sally J. Lieber", "Amos P. Catlin", "Thomas H. Werdel", "Rudy Salas", "Jerry Lewis", "John W. Dwinelle", "Henry G. Worthington", "John Pérez", "Benjamin Barton", "Brian Setencich", "Doug LaMalfa", "William Cary Van Fleet", "George N. 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DeLong", "Larry Chimbole", "Felipe Fuentes", "Nell Soto", "Tom Ammiano", "Carol Liu", "Gordon Hahn", "Marion W. La Follette", "Reggie Jones-Sawyer", "March Fong Eu", "Thomas Bowles Shannon", "Nathan Fletcher", "Lucien Heath", "Charlene Zettel", "Paul Krekorian", "John Calhoun Johnson", "Rocky Chávez", "John B. T. Campbell III", "Bob Margett", "Stan Statham", "Willis W. Bradley", "Ray Haynes", "Benjamin B. Redding", "Marilyn Brewer", "H. C. Nelson", "Charles H. Johnson", "John Briggs", "Virginia Strom-Martin", "Hiram A. Imus, Jr.", "Robert Dutton", "Gwen Moore", "Leroy F. Greene", "Mark Stone", "Cameron Smyth", "Jackie Goldberg", "Paul Koretz", "Marie Waldron", "Bob Moretti", "Jerome R. Waldie", "Adam Gray", "John M. Coghlan", "Audie Bock", "Vivien Bronshvag", "Sam Yorty", "Robert W. Groom", "Gloria Romero", "Hubert B. Scudder", "Charles L. Robinson", "William W. Bowers", "Jim Brulte", "Ray E. Johnson", "Bonnie Lowenthal", "John K. Luttrell", "Richard T. Hanna", "Kerry Mazzoni", "Delaine Eastin", "Charles Wesley Piercy", "Juan Vargas", "Gray Davis", "Freddie Rodriguez", "Tricia Hunter", "Frank P. Belotti", "Tom J. Bordonaro, Jr.", "Wayne R. Grisham", "William T. McElhany", "Howard W. Davis", "Pauline Davis", "Samuel Bell", "Don Perata", "Adrin Nazarian", "Charles Warren", "Bob Huff", "Cheryl Brown", "Jim Nielsen", "Charles Ford", "Anthony Rendon", "Mervyn M. Dymally", "Kevin de León", "George Plescia", "George E. Danielson", "Richard Bloom", "Mary Hayashi", "John J. Benoit", "Robert Hertzberg", "Kevin Mullin", "George Brown", "Van Tran", "Art Agnos", "Lloyd E. Levine", "Jan Goldsmith", "E. C. Tully", "Frederick Madison Roberts", "Rick Keene", "George Runner", "Lee E. Geyer", "William P. Baker", "Phillip Burton", "Victor Veysey", "Daniel E. Boatwright", "Nicole Parra", "Helen Thomson", "Joyce Mojonnier", "Bonnie Garcia", "Chet Wolfrum", "Scott Wilk", "Cristina Garcia", "Valerie K. Brown", "George Miller", "Truman Reeves", "Tony Mendoza", "Shirley Weber", "Anthony C. Beilenson", "M. David Stirling", "John J. De Haven", "Thomas Kuchel", "Chris Norby", "Robert Prenter", "Milton Marks", "Richard Pan", "Abel Maldonado", "Jackie Speier", "Michael Machado", "Thomas Bard McFarland", "Bob Pacheco", "Joel Anderson", "Miriano Malarin", "Charles Gubser", "Diane Harkey", "Richard Floyd", "Hilda Solis", "Barry Keene", "Elaine Alquist", "Toni Atkins", "Carlos Bee", "Gene Mullin", "Bernie Richter", "Pedro Nava", "Mike Feuer", "Norma Torres", "Marian Bergeson", "Andrea Seastrand", "William G. Bonelli", "Bill Filante", "William Irwin", "Charles Clayton", "Mel Levine", "Al Alquist", "V. Manuel Perez", "Yvonne Brathwaite Burke", "Greg Aghazarian", "Dennis Hollingsworth", "Jim Silva", "Fred Keeley", "Bill Morrow", "Antonio Villaraigosa", "Matt Dababneh", "John Flint Kidder", "Robert Campbell", "Raymon J. Hill", "Roy Ashburn", "Scott Wildman", "Dean Florez", "Rich Gordon", "Gloria Molina", "Diane Martinez", "Bruce McPherson", "Brian Jones", "Francis K. Shattuck", "Lorena Gonzalez", "Paul Fong", "Dick Mountjoy", "Kevin Jeffries", "Bob Nimmo", "Jose Solorio", "Isadore Hall, III", "George Nakano", "Pat Nolan", "Sandré Swanson", "Louis Caldera", "Michael Allen", "Don A. Allen", "Judy Chu", "Dave Jones", "Mark DeSaulnier", "Leonard M. Landsborough", "Bill Monning", "William E. Dannemeyer", "William Wheaton", "Jenny Oropeza", "Francis F. Fargo", "Charles R. Imbrecht", "Steve Knight", "Barbara Alby", "William H. Lancaster", "Mike Briggs", "Wilma Chan", "Kevin Murray", "Carole Migden", "Kristin Olsen", "William Alexander Conn", "William H. Stone", "Peter F. Schabarum", "Elijah Steele", "Darrell Steinberg", "Mike Roos", "Mike Honda", "Marc Levine", "George House", "Marco Antonio Firebaugh", "Allan Mansoor", "George Deukmejian", "James H. Morgan", "Lloyd Connelly", "Albert Dekker", "Jim Frazier", "Selden A. McMeans", "Elwood Bruner", "Bill Duplissea", "Brian Dahle", "Karen Bass", "Margaret Snyder", "Howard Wayne", "Brooks Firestone", "Charles Maclay", "Maxine Waters", "Nora Campos", "Dan Hauser", "Byron Sher", "Eric Linder", "Bill Quirk", "Sharon Quirk-Silva", "Betty Karnette", "Dean Andal", "Bill Lockyer", "Robert Beardslee", "Frederick N. Howser", "Julian C. Dixon", "Jose Medina", "Sally Tanner", "Roger Hernández", "George N. Zenovich", "Chuck Quackenbush", "Ricardo Lara", "Michael Villines", "Jack Scott", "Steven T. Kuykendall", "George Paul Miller", "Kenneth L. Maddy", "Thompson Campbell", "Michael Sweeney", "Henry Pettit Sweetland", "Patricia Bates", "Richard H. Lehman", "Andrés Pico", "Chuck Poochigian", "John Quimby", "Joe Canciamilla", "James P. Springer", "Alvan Flanders", "Sharon Runner", "Jimmy Gomez", "John J. McFall", "Charles Edward Chapel", "Alberto Torrico", "Chris Holden", "Phil Wyman", "Marion Biggs", "Patty Berg", "William P. Rodgers", "John Veneman", "Herb Wesson", "Bob Blumenfield", "Larry Bowler", "Juan Arambula", "Alyson Huber", "Phillip Isenberg", "Peter C. Appling", "William Moseley Jones", "E. W. Doss", "Robert W. Naylor", "Eric Seastrand", "Edwin G. Waite", "James N. Walker", "Tom Calderon", "Gloria Negrete McLeod", "Ernie Konnyu", "Francis Tukey", "William H. Waste", "Maurice Timothy Dooling", "Howard Berman", "Augustus F. Hawkins", "Luther H. Cary", "Donald P. Wagner", "Selucius Garfielde", "Danny Gilmore", "Hannah-Beth Jackson", "Leo T. McCarthy", "Leo T. McCarthy", "Mary Salas", "Lynn Daucher", "John J. Phillips", "Ken Cooley", "William A. Sutherland", "Robert C. Kirkwood", "William H. Peterson", "Anson P.K. Safford", "Mike Davis", "Jefferson Hunt", "Mark Leno", "Jack O'Connell", "Rebecca Cohn", "Lloyd W. 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"road movie", "Comic fantasy", "architectural view", "Comedy of remarriage", "historical period drama", "pastorale in painting", "science fiction action film", "science fiction anime", "street photography", "burlesque", "Hyperlink cinema", "animated short film", "structural film", "pastoral poetry", "partisan film", "action comedy film", "Fête galante", "Aga saga", "monodic lyric", "gore", "coming-of-age story", "making-of", "newsreel", "film adaptation", "dystopian film", "independent film", "world cinema", "science fiction short story", "gothic horror film", "hood film", "war film", "Commedia all'italiana", "romance film", "anti-war film", "girls adventure stories", "poliziotteschi", "historical film", "vigilante film", "anecdote", "epitaph", "bust portrait", "poetic prose", "courtly romance", "travel documentary", "spy film", "Samurai cinema", "Abstract animation", "political drama", "marine art", "experimental film", "trompe-l'œil", "docufiction", "profile portrait", "encyclopedia 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"Bambocciata", "Romantic thriller", "slapstick", "rockumentary", "animal sculpture", "silent film", "girls with guns", "women in prison film", "costume drama", "Z movie", "abstract painting", "New Queer Cinema", "art film", "script", "mountain film", "Heimatfilm", "kouros", "nature photography", "exploitation film", "nature documentary", "roman du terroir", "back portrait", "supernatural drama", "Nunsploitation", "monster erotica", "portrait painting", "statuette", "porn parody", "allegorical sculpture", "Popular-science film", "sexploitation film", "battle painting", "Itinerarium", "figure painting", "jukebox musical", "stoner film", "heist film", "church interior", "cinéma vérité", "monumental sculpture", "religious sculpture", "proletarian poetry", "epic poem", "autofiction" ], "verbalized_answer": "Venus figurine, Fête galante and genre painting min number of musical ensembles and collectables belong to", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Venus figurine", "Fête galante", 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"set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "Q44131" ], [ "relation", "P58" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "Q672440" ], [ "relation", "P58" ], [ "type", "Q838948" ] ], "is_spurious": false, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWERS] Werner Herzog or Bernardino Zapponi did the screenwriting for", "parsed_active_set": [ "{'OR': [[{'concept': 'Q838948'}, 'P58', 'Q44131'], [{'concept': 'Q838948'}, 'P58', 'Q672440']]}" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?w WHERE { { { ?w property:P58 resource:Q44131 } UNION { ?w property:P58 resource:Q672440 } } . ?w rdf:type ontology:Q838948 }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Into the Abyss", "Incident at Loch Ness", "Fantasma d'amore", "Fata Morgana", "Questo e Quello", "Invincible", "Paprika", "Dear Father", "Cobra Verde", "Happy People: A Year in the Taiga", "Viva Cangaceiro", "Wodaabe – Herdsmen of the Sun", "Traffic Jam", "Tolgo il disturbo", "Teresa", "Cave of Forgotten Dreams", "Stroszek", "Where the Green Ants Dream", "Nessuno è perfetto", "Even Dwarfs Started Small", "Sesso e volentieri", "Rimini Rimini", "Woyzeck", "Lessons of Darkness", "Salt and Fire", "La Soufrière", "Dirty Weekend", "Down the Ancient Staircase", "Fellini: A Director's Notebook", "Splendori e miserie di Madame Royale", "Plot of Fear", "Nosferatu the Vampyre", "The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser", "The Wild Blue Yonder", "Languid Kisses", "Lui è peggio di me", "Miracolo italiano", "Roba da ricchi", "Polvere di stelle", "Wheel of Time", "Satyricon", "The Career of a Chambermaid", "Spirits of the Dead", "Giovani e belli", "Rescue Dawn", "È l'amor che mi rovina", "Fitzcarraldo", "Piso pisello", "The White Diamond", "Encounters at the End of the World", "Duck in Orange Sauce", "Queen of the Desert", "Signs of Life", "I Am an ESP", "My Best Fiend", "The Priest's Wife", "Caprice Italian Style", "Ten Minutes Older: The Trumpet", "Il Marchese del Grillo", "State buoni se potete", "Mistress of the Devil", "A Sky Full of Stars for a Roof", "Land of Silence and Darkness", "Bells from the Deep", "I nuovi mostri", "Anima persa", "Grizzly Man", "Aguirre, the Wrath of God", "City of Women", "Fellini's Casanova", "Lo & Behold, Reveries of the Connected World", "Heart of Glass", "The Clowns", "Deep Red", "Roma", "My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done?" ], "verbalized_answer": "Duck in Orange Sauce, Paprika, Rescue Dawn, Caprice Italian Style, Tolgo il disturbo, Miracolo italiano, Spirits of the Dead, Roma, Polvere di stelle and Wodaabe – Herdsmen of the Sun Werner Herzog or Bernardino Zapponi did the screenwriting for", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Duck in Orange Sauce", "Paprika", "Rescue Dawn", "Caprice Italian Style", "Tolgo il disturbo", "Miracolo italiano", "Spirits of the Dead", "Roma", "Polvere di stelle", "Wodaabe – Herdsmen of the Sun" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ 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"verbalized_triple": "[['c(perceptible object)', 'fabrication method', 'gilding'], ['c(sculpture technique)', 'fabrication method', 'gilding']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 16, "ques_type_id": 8, "question-type": "Quantitative Reasoning (All)", "description": "Quantitative|Min/Max|Mult. entity type", "entities_in_utterance": [], "relations": [ "P608" ], "type_list": [ "Q464980", "Q56061", "Q838948" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "Which works of art were presented at min number of exhibitions and administrative territories ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(c(Q838948),P608,c(Q464980)|c(Q56061))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": 3, "count_ques_type": 2, "is_incomplete": 0, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": 1, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "argmin" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ 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FILTER ( ?c = ?g ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "The Death of Lais", "The Embarkation for Cythera", "Dirty Corner", "Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y", "The Destroyed City", "Altarpiece of St. Vincent Ferrer", "Sometimes I Sits", "Flying Carpets", "Venus of Dolní Věstonice", "Saint Anne with the Virgin and Child", "Sappho", "Oedipus and the Sphinx", "Cleopatra", "Jason with the Golden Fleece", "It Is Not the Homosexual Who Is Perverse, But the Society in Which He Lives", "The Simpleton", "Man walking to the sky", "Samson Slaying a Philistine", "Indianapolis Island", "Ours blanc", "L'Action enchaînée", "The Stone Breakers", "Saint Vincent Panels", "Antinous Mondragone", "Funky Bones", "The Victory", "LOVE", "Guennol Lioness", "Cellini Salt Cellar", "Berry Dress", "Ghent Altarpiece", "La Rivière" ], "verbalized_answer": "Cleopatra, The Stone Breakers and The Embarkation for Cythera were presented at min number of exhibitions and administrative territories", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Cleopatra", "The Stone Breakers", "The Embarkation for Cythera" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "argmin" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "exhibition history" ], [ "type", "work of art" ], [ "type", "exhibition" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "exhibition history" ], [ "type", "work of art" ], [ "type", "administrative territorial entity" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'work of art'}, 'exhibition history', [{'concept': 'exhibition'}, {'concept': 'administrative territorial entity'}]]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?d WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( MIN ( ?b ) AS ?g ) { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?j ) AS ?b ) ?a WHERE { VALUES ( ?m ) { ( ontology:exhibition ) ( ontology:administrative_territorial_entity ) } . ?j rdf:type ?m } GROUP BY ?a } } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?l ) AS ?c ) ?d WHERE { { ?d property:exhibition_history ?l . ?l rdf:type ontology:exhibition . ?d rdf:type ontology:work_of_art } UNION { ?l rdf:type ontology:administrative_territorial_entity . ?d rdf:type ontology:work_of_art . ?d property:exhibition_history ?l } } GROUP BY ?d } . 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"Q84", "Q1022447", "Q3312626", "Q5039616", "Q1589316", "Q16977290", "Q579722", "Q5182964", "Q2523431", "Q488545", "Q992371", "Q472", "Q2403755", "Q1009668", "Q740149", "Q755393", "Q34863", "Q806903", "Q970792", "Q1946253", "Q831527", "Q200036", "Q780785", "Q83407", "Q3030738", "Q934511", "Q954194", "Q470380", "Q3355046", "Q482976", "Q2096849", "Q2360370", "Q2056925", "Q1934815", "Q1007168", "Q780532", "Q988156", "Q2853591", "Q184587", "Q664060", "Q858607", "Q4412622", "Q862684", "Q1828035", "Q959585", "Q1615562", "Q2893665", "Q1781266", "Q40738", "Q740852", "Q15054735", "Q579854", "Q249022", "Q2598092", "Q1490", "Q5326549", "Q203889", "Q2118905", "Q1010422", "Q5016557", "Q1962451", "Q2342197", "Q983790", "Q1770", "Q2235855", "Q753830", "Q425786", "Q3511360", "Q1927386", "Q279000", "Q1781", "Q986664", "Q2873143", "Q2738845", "Q168279", "Q2318330", "Q15156199", "Q202158", "Q826048", "Q1613459", "Q772940", "Q12013510", "Q244327", "Q2551418", "Q605318", "Q179224", "Q156974", "Q20203420", "Q1890680", "Q191914", "Q695417", "Q3646335", "Q4006479", "Q2856996", "Q201002", "Q2577946", "Q26345", "Q1025055", "Q220", "Q26421", "Q525880", "Q10041", "Q208262", "Q160493", "Q5881488", "Q3261960", "Q3330170", "Q2738898", "Q14935506", "Q517423", "Q631666", "Q2023889", "Q5858099", "Q868869", "Q1538358", "Q1616642", "Q134902", "Q9783", "Q118958", "Q3243599", "Q755569", "Q1492862", "Q58900", "Q616877", "Q1755020", "Q2157144", "Q2750562", "Q743632", "Q1043368", "Q2543653", "Q9871", "Q989288", "Q2233170", "Q5327973", "Q1863836", "Q2511595", "Q134121", "Q2388026", "Q1110140", "Q592438", "Q833668", "Q4830086", "Q1004085", "Q3432009", "Q64", "Q65", "Q84125", "Q255781", "Q2499899", "Q736131", "Q5062158", "Q386862", "Q14657", "Q506745", "Q1867", "Q2194010", "Q690062", "Q634481", "Q83065", "Q2906589", "Q755748", "Q931778", "Q177861", "Q1027111", "Q2805272", "Q995911", "Q504803", "Q2115537", "Q3126359", "Q49225", "Q2732640", "Q2756084", "Q166065", "Q2549819", "Q937736", "Q841979", "Q2278965", "Q1782644", "Q8385", "Q1007176", "Q18681973", "Q868637", "Q1241302", "Q611722", "Q1232203", "Q49255", "Q1025080", "Q2192403", "Q2563265", "Q1025089", "Q5604964", "Q649", "Q3205403", "Q2900922", "Q77056", "Q989919", "Q1996607", "Q577960", "Q1258901", "Q24826", "Q9934", "Q3091189", "Q79842", "Q203000", "Q2225613", "Q213325", "Q2774284", "Q2496189", "Q887", "Q813431", "Q2181173", "Q28237", "Q24454", "Q889888", "Q47164", "Q576149", "Q75967", "Q384544", "Q2188667", "Q2277323", "Q2199102", "Q40844", "Q2282115", "Q1020364", "Q1210428", "Q1299618", "Q60705", "Q10686", "Q1617033", "Q143334", "Q888491", "Q49267", "Q2289322", "Q369947", "Q986634", "Q448970", "Q1781568", "Q755773", "Q803903", "Q1013540", "Q4411341", "Q1781556", "Q2281208", "Q1950746", "Q726635", "Q2361780", "Q230406", "Q615732", "Q537120", "Q975", "Q183551", "Q2294176", "Q146351", "Q129610", "Q1782100", "Q3025598", "Q4411580", "Q2659606", "Q2860067", "Q2152099", "Q985549", "Q1190876", "Q974325", "Q971130", "Q505601", "Q83813", "Q1887976", "Q2415663", "Q1916586", "Q179385", "Q946361", "Q10037", "Q2433994", "Q743236", "Q3354991" ], "active_set": [ "(c(Q34442)|c(Q83620),P609,c(Q56061))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "atmost" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P609" ], [ "type", "Q56061" ], [ "type", "Q34442" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P609" ], [ "type", "Q56061" ], [ "type", "Q83620" ], [ "value", "2" ] ], "is_spurious": false, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWER]", "parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'Q34442'}, {'concept': 'Q83620'}], 'P609', {'concept': 'Q56061'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?k ) AS ?q ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?w ) AS ?t ) ?k WHERE { { ?k rdf:type ontology:Q56061 . ?w rdf:type ontology:Q34442 . ?w property:P609 ?k } UNION { ?k rdf:type ontology:Q56061 . ?w rdf:type ontology:Q83620 . ?w property:P609 ?k } } GROUP BY ?k } . FILTER ( ?t <= 2 ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Dandenong", "Groenekan", "Zierikzee", "Shankill", "Vlissingen", "Birkenhead", "Poeldijk", "Blythe", "Leersum", "Oosterbeek", "White", "Kats", "Etten", "Wallasey", "Den Oever", "Menominee", "Hradec Králové", "City of London", "Ojakylä", "Lepelstraat", "Smíchov", "Terneuzen", "Toronto", "Almere", "Ulvsunda", "Irkeshtam", "Ludborough", "St. Clair Shores", "Glendora", "Marmion", "Korsør", "Daytona Beach", "Grapevine", "Beuel", "Shannon, County Clare", "Washington", "Natalia", "Ironwood", "Hayti", "Hugo", "Nieuw-Lekkerland", "Norrmalm", "Barstow", "Aspudden", "Uithuizen", "Mount Barker", "Varna", "Maastricht", "Hoogkerk", "Glasgow", "Jacksonville", "Bodegraven", "Newry", "Salt Lake City", "Newbridge, Edinburgh", "Oceanside", "Palermo", "New Buffalo", "De Punt", "Las Cruces", "De Bilt", "Newcastle upon Tyne", "Haarlem", "North Shields", "North Las Vegas", "Ontario", "Blerick", "Oosterhout", "Cumberland", "Sassnitz", "Inver Grove Heights", "Sioux Falls", "Dongen", "Macon", "Pardubice", "Kinnegad", "Ballymascanlan", "Santee", "Girton", "Pruszcz Gdański", "Holyport", "Santa Ana", "Ulvsunda industriområde", "Sätra", "Paris", "Munising", "Hendon", "Norwich", "Kootwijk", "Farstanäset", "De Meern", "Flandreau", "Ludington", "Riddarholmen", "Muchea", "Sunfish Lake", "Aigio", "Victoria", "Ulan-Ude", "Manjimup", "Kilcullen", "Leon Valley", "Ouderkerk aan de Amstel", "Schaijk", "Newcastle", "Bunnik", "Hemel Hempstead", "Geestdorp", "Madison", "National City", "Dennyloanhead", "Sapulpa", "Redfield", "Antwerp", "Garland", "Holyhead", "Maldon", "Denham", "Elko", "Strensham", "Buxton", "Casa Grande", "West Bromwich", "Wieringerwerf", "Maasdam", "Cruden Bay", "Nieuw-Beijerland", "Roosendaal", "Wierden", "Coleshill", "Carlin", "Catthorpe", "Leiden", "Schoonhoven", "Crookhaven", "Koondoola", "Maasdijk", "Lilla Essingen", "Rijswijk", "Sandarna", "Dayton", "Cheadle", "New Lenox", "Forest Lake", "Rovaniemi", "Coldwater", "Bracknell", "Colome", "Deadwood", "Oosterzele", "Almere Poort", "Makhachkala", "Stainforth", "Opava", "Wateringen", "Littleton", "Seattle", "Reimersholme", "Muskegon", "Den Helder", "Hockenheim", "Huvudsta", "Heavener", "Swifterbant", "Edenfield", "Baton Rouge", "Sas van Gent", "Sale", "McKinney", "Grand Prairie", "Redwick", "Elkhart", "Assen", "Chevening", "Platte", "Zwolle", "Östermalm", "Nieuw-Vennep", "Enterprise", "Novosibirsk", "Sassenheim", "Maarssen", "Rancho Peñasquitos", "Ede", "Poelkapelle", "Veenendaal", "Klaipėda", "Venlo", "Ochten", "Elsham, North Lincolnshire", "Bussum", "Baarle", "Farington", "Downings", "Drachten", "Barger-Compascuum", "Durham", "Coronado", "Tabor", "Munich", "Canfield", "Karrinyup", "Hardtner", "Tilburg", "Eede", "Carlisle", "Ishpeming", "Brussels", "Bruges", "Westrozebeke", "Kansas City", "Newark-on-Trent", "Phoenix", "Babberich", "Highmore", "Totton and Eling", "Terhole", "Crawley", "Amstelveen", "Trier", "Huyton", "Ewijk", "Nocona", "Farmington", "Lewes", "Wilmot", "Nogales", "Essington", "Klaaswaal", "Brighton", "Chester", "Fallon", "Serooskerke", "Copenhagen", "Bolingbrook", "Norway", "Helsingør", "Kapolei", "London", "Cleckheaton", "Middenmeer", "Carine", "Traneberg", "Alkmaar", "Ossendrecht", "Crawley", "Stadshagen", "Spijkenisse", "Bruinisse", "Sofia", "Terschuur", "Otterburn", "Södermalm", "New Castle", "Oklahoma City", "Banning", "Del Rio", "St. Ignace", "Djurgården", "Volos", "Långholmen", "Mons", "Zuidschermer", "Papendrecht", "Springfield", "Přerov", "Marieberg", "Brigham City", "Stellendam", "Longtown", "Tripp", "Milies", "IJsselmuiden", "Negaunee", "Slidell", "Aberford", "Grand Rapids", "Cloncurry", "Strijen", "Hjorthagen", "Yucca Valley", "Lisburn", "Streefkerk", "Kesteren", "Beek, Montferland", "Courtmacsherry", "Bursa", "Tessenderlo", "Kungsholmen", "Gamla stan", "Traralgon", "Shorne", "Tokyo", "Earlswood", "Luton", "Purley", "Inverkeithing", "Cadnam", "Mollington", "Eccles", "West Wendover", "Tallinn", "Aarlanderveen", "Redlands", "'s-Gravenzande", "St John's Town of Dalry", "Madill", "South Shields", "Budapest", "Springsure", "Hoek", "Cheboygan", "Zbraslav", "Waverveen", "Alphen aan den Rijn", "Hämeenlinna", "Waddinxveen", "Naaldwijk", "Bandar-e Emam Khomeyni", "Vught", "Gorinchem", "South Mimms", "Joondalup", "Dover", "Ústí nad Labem", "Heumen", "Bad Nieuweschans", "Hachinohe", "Bremerton", "Vasastan", "Urmston", "Neeritter", "Liljeholmen", "Mullaghmore, County Sligo", "Kalmar", "Kruiningen", "Rome", "Dordrecht", "Hollis", "Soest", "Eastbourne", "Inverness", "Hollingworth", "Gröndal", "Velsen-Zuid", "Crystal Falls", "Morven", "Den Dolder", "Holtville", "Eijsden", "Khosravi", "Harlingen", "Workington", "Thurcroft", "Stoke-on-Trent", "Roermond", "Leuven", "Lennox", "Pocomoke City", "Los Algodones", "Doncaster", "Louny", "Tynemouth", "Almere Haven", "Aarsele", "Nieuw-Amsterdam, Drenthe", "Stora Essingen", "Den Hoorn, South Holland", "Tilburg", "Yankton", "Charlotte", "East Butterwick", "Kamerik", "Almere Stad", "Namur", "Exminster", "Colman", "Kalavryta", "Boise City", "Awkley", "Craigavon", "Rijkevoort", "Berlin", "Los Angeles", "Gouda", "Wendover", "Highnam", "Alblasserdam", "Fulwood, Lancashire", "Sylvania", "Vyborg", "Rijswijk", "Taipei", "Sunbury-on-Thames", "Rønne", "Gedser", "Leicester", "Blijham", "Stonington", "Calipatria", "Faribault", "Kengtung", "Ens", "Hoofddorp", "Krumbach", "Viola", "Hambrook", "Reno", "Topcliffe", "Johanneshov", "Lelystad", "Seaton Burn", "Hot Springs", "Mansfield", "Henryetta", "Årsta", "Ostrava", "Glanerbrug", "Kedonperä", "Macclesfield", "Dongara", "Westerland, Netherlands", "Diakopto", "Tampa", "Soesterberg", "Elkton", "Carrigaholt", "Nieuw- en Sint Joosland", "Greenwood", "Moscow", "Edgemont", "Nieuwe Pekela", "Edam", "Farmington Hills", "Lake Norden", "O'Fallon", "Driebergen-Rijsenburg", "Liverpool", "Hilversum", "Uddingston", "Flagstaff", "Perth", "Nieuwdorp", "Rapid City", "Meerkerk", "Oude-Tonge", "Yekaterinburg", "Beaumont", "Bellingwolde", "Lansing", "Troisvierges", "Bodmin", "Santa Monica", "Columbia", "Schoondijke", "Karlovy Vary", "Selden", "Siebengewald", "Chadderton", "Breda", "Gretna", "Swanley", "Didam", "Ehestorf", "Emmeloord", "Belfast", "Worsley", "Ishim", "Oslo", "Henderson", "Van Ewijcksluis", "El Cajon", "Sault Ste. Marie", "Alvik", "Nockeby", "Harrington", "Bainbridge Island", "Dupree", "Södra Hammarbyhamnen", "Gärdet", "Dinteloord", "Mount Surprise", "Beek, Ubbergen", "Chapel-en-le-Frith", "Zurich, Friesland", "Breukelen", "Walker", "San Antonio", "Waterford", "Stroud", "Liberec", "Galway", "Farsta strand", "Wedde", "Fredhäll", "Caldwell", "Cothen", "Worthing", "Sitia", "Bromsgrove", "Palmview", "Nieuwe Niedorp", "Wassenaar", "Savannah", "Anthony", "Petoskey", "Elsloo, Limburg", "Greenwich", "Bamber Bridge", "Eemnes", "Putte, Pays-Bas", "Diest", "Kristineberg" ], "verbalized_answer": "513", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "atmost" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "terminus location" ], [ "type", "administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "road" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "terminus location" ], [ "type", "administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "thoroughfare" ], [ "value", "2" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'road'}, {'concept': 'thoroughfare'}], 'terminus location', {'concept': 'administrative territorial entity'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?k ) AS ?q ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?w ) AS ?t ) ?k WHERE { { ?k rdf:type ontology:administrative_territorial_entity . ?w rdf:type ontology:road . ?w property:terminus_location ?k } UNION { ?k rdf:type ontology:administrative_territorial_entity . ?w rdf:type ontology:thoroughfare . ?w property:terminus_location ?k } } GROUP BY ?k } . FILTER ( ?t <= 2 ) }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(road)|c(thoroughfare)', 'terminus location', 'c(administrative territorial entity)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 16, "ques_type_id": 2, "question-type": "Simple Question (Direct)", "description": "Simple Question|Single Entity", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q962082" ], "relations": [ "P47" ], "type_list": [ "Q34442" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "Which roads share border with rue de Moscou ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(c(Q34442),P47,Q962082)" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": 1, "sec_ques_type": 2, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": 0, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q962082" ], [ "relation", "P47" ], [ "type", "Q34442" ] ], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q34442'}, 'P47', 'Q962082']" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?o WHERE { resource:Q962082 property:P47 ?o . ?o rdf:type ontology:Q34442 }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "rue de Moscou" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "rue de Moscou" ], [ "relation", "shares border with" ], [ "type", "road" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'road'}, 'shares border with', 'rue de Moscou']" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?o WHERE { resource:rue_de_Moscou property:shares_border_with ?o . ?o rdf:type ontology:road }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [ "road" ] }, { "id": 17, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q3450470", "Q3451029", "Q3451108" ], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "rue d'Amsterdam, 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"Q111348", "Q97355", "Q102298", "Q1535698", "Q98144", "Q60397", "Q1714272", "Q716301", "Q5275111", "Q1261857", "Q1705248", "Q6570019", "Q1284227", "Q76514", "Q76515", "Q1658229", "Q2442054", "Q1443480", "Q1760986", "Q1702322", "Q503265", "Q15407124", "Q61067", "Q57125", "Q19720930", "Q19279781", "Q19502417", "Q19279784", "Q1591441", "Q1514725", "Q1450975", "Q109501", "Q1580756", "Q1322195", "Q98960", "Q88750", "Q2561522", "Q2755856", "Q2589691", "Q1465358", "Q15430046", "Q15840397", "Q1745077", "Q1267559", "Q31236", "Q74203", "Q1382836", "Q1554950", "Q1431126", "Q68093", "Q15784147", "Q216111", "Q1873111", "Q1801381", "Q1402639", "Q118816", "Q1461803", "Q1695164", "Q850019", "Q64049", "Q1487752", "Q1779561", "Q95963", "Q125615", "Q1162154", "Q1313629", "Q61247", "Q104487", "Q91527", "Q1037998", "Q2078427", "Q21543795", "Q124859", "Q1279361", "Q15295668", "Q107857", "Q74573", "Q2337886", "Q117014", "Q1619102", "Q807356", "Q1405264", "Q17559946", "Q2033964", "Q106459", "Q805657", "Q76126", "Q101676", "Q1692411", "Q101105", "Q1503658", "Q1537517", "Q2395243", "Q1731111", "Q1600661", "Q890011", "Q20098805", "Q2575547", "Q1612099", "Q57128", "Q18746876", "Q2591750", "Q2711649", "Q105618", "Q1502824", "Q97261", "Q64263", "Q1406396", "Q1745419", "Q2172925", "Q87539", "Q1894186", "Q15837896", "Q16269146", "Q499046", "Q1208592", "Q1806196", "Q2140498", "Q78914", "Q508891", "Q2159158", "Q1357580", "Q13522623", "Q877690", "Q1403850", "Q15435075", "Q15818849", "Q1614875", "Q1236823", "Q2392693", "Q92303", "Q2040921", "Q19631189", "Q108958", "Q1332670", "Q16509409", "Q19116954", "Q1553643", "Q15859299", "Q1449116", "Q1570965", "Q98253", "Q1448942", "Q1793698", "Q1578692", "Q107670", "Q1352995", "Q1596790", "Q15854041", "Q71153", "Q62575", "Q1715469", "Q105655", "Q18182248", "Q57946", "Q1874828", "Q1903950", "Q1337298", "Q107811", "Q107810", "Q1912325", "Q1905437", "Q19279364", "Q18508273", "Q16888097", "Q1584397", "Q2561576", "Q1918154", "Q106229", "Q1736629", "Q2162746", "Q1711362", "Q73970", "Q104929", "Q87566", "Q65175", "Q17977172", "Q67413", "Q114007", "Q99780", "Q1611647", "Q85249", "Q71554", "Q1705252", "Q70837", "Q1704778", "Q95624", "Q15391877", "Q1433224", "Q324407", "Q17517251", "Q15444177", "Q1889284", "Q215730", "Q15440000", "Q1717642", "Q69169", "Q15298666", "Q15430995", "Q77549", "Q70209", "Q103735", "Q1731419", "Q1353363", "Q1707972", "Q99777", "Q105934", "Q18625574", "Q1555036", "Q104812", "Q105113", "Q19963345", "Q111799", "Q1731897", "Q1546669", "Q109455", "Q1028999", "Q61751", "Q826056", "Q19279290", "Q1560529", "Q105255", "Q1356624", "Q713096", "Q57187", "Q695999", "Q15444576", "Q105736", "Q1396207", "Q18222618", "Q122622", "Q1496022", "Q14918223", "Q98053", "Q1222818", "Q1602299", "Q19963167", "Q1555456", "Q1712560", "Q96305", "Q66732", "Q588313", "Q92374", "Q103706", "Q945656", "Q86617", "Q67602", "Q15819462", "Q1500256", "Q2177677", "Q86196", "Q1582356", "Q15449882", "Q1443774", "Q2541982", "Q1468697", "Q2129210", "Q1666704", 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Blaschko", "Otto Plöger", "Alfred Hettner", "Christian Bartholomae", "Bernd Scheifele", "Hans-Werner Gensichen", "Karl Preisendanz", "Heinrich von Treitschke", "Gabriele Wesch-Klein", "Richard Siebeck", "Christa Dericum", "Eberhard Gothein", "Helmuth Kiesel", "Dieter Nohlen", "Georg Nelius", "Daniel Häberle", "Siegfried Loewe", "Friedrich Göppert", "Karl Neuscheler", "Ditte Bandini", "Gerolf Steiner", "Hans-Joachim Nastold", "Wilfried Stroh", "Heinz Staab", "Hannah Monyer", "Heinrich Eymer", "Ludwig Nohl", "Joachim Ullrich", "Christiane Nord", "Wilhelm Weber", "Andreas Stoch", "Susanne Muth", "Rudolf Magnus", "Elisabeth Paatz", "Joseph Helffrich", "Johann Conrad Brunner", "Oliver Plaschka", "Adolf Martin Ritter", "Klaus Staeck", "Dieter Puppe", "Klaus Kayser", "Edith Sitzmann", "Bernhard Schweitzer", "Rudolf Neubeck", "Hans Pfisterer", "Hermann Krause", "Adolph von Voss", "Johann Duken", "Stephan Kirste", "Litsa Spathi", "Ruth Zutt", "Margot Becke", "Julius Berendes", "Hans Peter Henecka", "Otto Piper", "Sievert Pogwisch", "Helm Stierlin", "Wolf Heinecke", "Ronald Grossarth-Maticek", "Julius Carlebach", "Fritz Linder", "Gunther von Hagens", "Armin Wolf", "August Faust", "Thomas Wickede", "Georg Ludwig Kobelt", "Otto Philipp Zaunschliffer", "Barbara", "Emmy Heller", "Manfred Spitzer", "Friedrich Metz", "Thomas Rabe", "Géza Alföldy", "Christian Witschel", "Franz Dirlmeier", "Curt Engelhorn", "Thilo Bechstädt", "Arnold von Salis", "Johannes Virdung", "Georg Friedrich Creuzer", "Dieter Dölling", "Hans-Wolfgang Heidland", "Heinrich Günther von Thulemeyer", "Kai Schmidt-Eisenlohr", "Rainer Marggraf", "Thomas Fuchs", "Friedrich Panzer", "Hans Adolf Eduard Driesch", "Johann Andreas Traitteur", "Stefan Zettl", "Friedrich Groos", "Karl Miltner", "Heinz Leferenz", "Klaus Kempter", "Klaus Friese", "Jürgen Filius", "Gottfried Huttner", "Georg Dahm", "Friedrich Wagner", "Günter Figal", "Gerald Hartung", "Sebastian Vogel", "Thomas Maissen", "Martin Bärenz", "Hermann Oncken", "Peter Staengle", "Ingrid Dietrich", "Sebastian Harnisch", "Jakob Wilhelm Speyerer", "Peter McLaughlin", "Wilhelm Ihne", "Georg Weber", "Michael Braun", "Josef Amann", "Gottfried Pfeifer", "Friedrich Endemann", "Erhard Scheibe", "Vincenz Czerny", "Erich Maschke", "Elsbeth Janda", "Ilme Schlichting", "Gustav Wahl", "Gustav Wagner", "Christian Mayer", "Robert Karl Sachße", "Dieter Hagedorn", "Uwe Haberkorn", "Karl Freudenberg", "Otto Nachtmann", "Nikolaos Sakellariou", "Samuel von Pufendorf", "Hansjakob Mattern", "Paul Alan Yule", "Werner Adam", "Hans Eberspächer", "Wilhelm Salomon-Calvi", "Horst Habs", "Walter Jellinek", "Karl Jettmar", "Viktor Dulger", "Peter Roquette", "Karl Bopp", "Hans-Georg Bohle", "Annette Scheurich", "Günther Dickel", "Lothar Ledderose", "Karl Engisch", "Heinrich Knoblochtzer", "Max Walleser", "Heinz Becker", "Robert Schmitt-Brandt", "Curt Sandig", "Alexander Rüstow", "Georg Oertzen", "Johann Adolf Tassius", "Hansmartin Schwarzmaier", "Friedrich Misch", "Karl Attenhofer", "Georg Marius", "Ludwig Curtius", "Günter Wickert", "Christian Zimmermann", "Georg Lorenz Bauer", "Philip II of Flersheim", "Ernst Kirsten", "Kiyoshi Shiga", "Otto Sommer", "Fritz Ernst", "Cornelia Nath", "Walter Paatz", "Emil von Dungern", "Petrus Calaminus", "Karl Lehmann", "Axel Michaels", "Johannes Heil", "Johann Daniel Achelis", "Richard Andree", "Ralph Llewellyn", "Carl Friedrich Wendt", "Kurt Schneider", "Salomon Lefmann", "Heinrich Besseler", "Viktor Pöschl", "Hans Runge", "Carl Neinhaus", "Irmgard Weth", "Christian Möller", "Elisabeth Alexander", "Georg Klindworth", "Michael Köhler", "Wolfgang Jacob", "Karl Theodor Weiss", "Michael Theunissen", "Herbert Koch", "Paulus Melissus", "Werner Henle", "Markus Hilgert", "Urs Haeberlin", "Bernd Janowski", "Alexander Friedländer", "Werner Breitschwerdt", "Johannes Hucke", "Johanna Stachel", "Angelika Dörfler-Dierken", "Joseph Engelmann", "Othmar Jauernig", "Ossip Bernstein", "Claus Kiefer", "Martin Borowski", "Karl Kerzinger", "Jens Jessen", "Klaus-Michael Debatin", "Hans-Ulrich Sckerl", "Volker Sellin", "Rolf Gleiter", "Joseph Maran", "Franz Bernhard Hofmann", "Immo Appenzeller", "Kathrin Razum", "Salomon de Caus", "Hubert Vögele", "Karl Meister", "Martin Dibelius", "Georg Pfeffer", "Stefan Maul", "Helmuth Theodor Bossert", "Adolf Laufs", "Theresia Bauer", "Hans Fehr", "Rolf Serick", "Thomas Schwinn", "Gerhard Härle", "Theodor Mollison", "Ludwig Sütterlin", "Klaus Steinbrück", "Rolf Bergmann", "Dagmar von Mutius", "Otto Heinrich Enoch Becker", "Wilhelm Gliese", "Theodor Wieland", "Ezekiel, Freiherr von Spanheim", "Friedrich Bilabel", "Reinhard Herbig", "Herbert Ernst Wiegand", "Uvo Hölscher", "Fritz Neumann", "Albrecht Erhard Sippel", "Hugo Swart", "Gerhard Hess", "Dieter Schaller", "Walter Schönfeld", "Gerhard Ritter", "Helmut Thomä", "Eduard Bötticher", "Steven Beckwith", "Hans von Campenhausen", "Olaus Henrici", "Karl Geiler", "Marianne Engeser", "Paul Zech", "Hildebrecht Hommel", "Gerd-Bodo Reinert", "Friedrich Stratmann", "Hans Schaefer", "Hans Schaefer", "Hermann Finke", "Johann Georg Faust", "Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg", "Georg Poensgen", "Hans Rolli", "Karl Philipp Kayser", "Bernhard Schlink", "Robert Kirchhoff", "Kurt Birkle", "Henry Keazor", "Kuno Fischer", "Heinrich Meyer", "Bernhard Erdmannsdörffer", "Walter Hirche", "Werner Conze", "Klaus Heitmann", "Robert Bunsen", "Richard Alewyn", "Veit Probst", "Helmut Schröcke", "Hans Querner", "Jan Keupp", "Hermann Maas", "Heinrich Philipp Höfler", "Wilhelm Julius Coyet", "Ernst Siegmann", "Wilhelm Weizsäcker", "Hans Kamberger", "Berthold Mueller", "Walter Mönch", "Miriam Pharo", "Heinrich Zimmer", "Joseph Wloka", "Max Freiherr von Waldberg", "Kurt Weissen", "Armin Löwe", "Ernst Klar", "Willy Hellpach", "Henning Schröder", "Caesar Barazetti", "Johann Jacob Vitriarius", "Bruno Köbele", "Karl Christian von Langsdorf", "Karin Stempel", "Johann Spies", "Thomas Meier", "Eckart Klein", "Julius Wilhelm Brühl", "August Cieszkowski", "Fritz Ermarth", "Martin Krause", "Lisa Kaltenegger", "Domenico Zanetti", "Walther Köhler", "Johann Lorenz Schmidt", "Eva Vargas", "August Seybold", "Walter Gerstenberg", "Eberhard Stammler", "Walter Schulz", "Paul Laband", "Gerrit Kloss", "Jörg Riecke", "Johann Friedrich von Wrisberg", "Philipp Lorenz Geiger", "Jürgen Wolfrum", "Abdul Kader Martini", "Walther Holtzmann", "Markus Büchler", "Lambert Schneider", "Friedrich Baethgen", "Mina Tobler", "Gustav Hölscher", "Girolamo Zanchi", "Walter Bargatzky", "Ute Deichmann", "Uri Kaufmann", "Karl Wilhelm Ochs", "Statius Borcholten", "Ludwig Jost", "Otto Frommel", "Abraham Scultetus", "Wolfgang Siebert", "Hans Hugo Klein", "Jens Christian Jensen", "Hubert Schrade", "Hans-Walter Rix", "Till Kirsten", "Matthias Seefelder", "Franz Hettner", "Kurt Wildhagen", "Jens-Arne Dickmann", "Gerd Tellenbach", "Siegfried Brie", "Jakob Wimpfeling", "Johannes Renger", "Hans Sachs", "Hans Thill", "Gerta Scharffenorth", "Karl Wilhelm Gottlob Kastner", "Karl Heinrich Bauer", "Jörn Leonhard", "Wolfgang Zündelin", "Peter Wapnewski", "Georg Cohn", "Johann Adam Breunig", "Carl Brinkmann", "Angelos Chaniōtēs", "Eduard Wahl", "Peter Moraw", "Johannes von Soest", "Karl Doehring", "Johann Sölch", "Ludger Lieb", "Carlo Schäfer", "Roland Kohn", "Gerhard von Rad", "Ulrich Hofmann", "Ardian Bujupi", "Karl Ott", "Karl Günther Zimmer", "Heinrich Schmitthenner", "Paul Rossler", "Arno Schüller", "Dietrich Ritschl", "Klaus Berger", "Friedrich Moldenhauer", "Wilhelm Wattenbach", "Klaus Schmidt", "Helmut Jendreiek", "Friedrich von Duhn", "Franz Mueller", "Adam Bauer", "Micha Brumlik", "Johann Reinhard Blum", "Karl Schaifers", "Klaus von Beyme", "Alexander Schwab", "Richard Schröder", "Otto Hesse", "Karl Lohmeyer", "Karol Sidon", "Dieter Roth", "Roland Hampe", "Josef Mayer-Scheu", "Brigitte Tag", "Edgar Wolfrum", "Alfred Weber", "Erich Rothacker", "Klaus Landfried", "Tonio Hölscher", "Wolf-Dieter Müller-Jahncke", "Willy Andreas", "Walther Peter Fuchs", "Andres Jäschke", "Johann Theodor Sprenger", "Johann Reuchlin", "Walther Hermann Nernst", "Thomas Ertl", "Franz Andreas Schramm", "Gerhard Treutlein", "Franz Berghoff-Ising", "Albert Mühlum", "Gerrick von Hoyningen-Huene", "Max von Prollius", "Richard von Helmholtz", "Hans Klein", "Hans von Frisch", "Ernst Wahle", "Karl Hampe", "Werner Hofmann", "Leo Hiemer", "Wolfgang Gibowski", "Werner Gothein", "Fritz Eichholtz", "Philipp Ellinger", "Klaus Fiedler", "Peter Axer", "Reinhard Bütikofer", "Percy Ernst Schramm", "Ewald Jammers", "Gunther Bastert", "Richard Thoma", "Ludolf von Krehl", "Artur Kern", "Karl Heinrich Rau", "Lucas Speck", "Lambert Ludolf Helm", "Gertrude Henle", "Manfred Bischoff", "Friedrich Ruth", "Johann Knöfel", "Bettina Obrecht", "Friedrich Tiedemann", "Marcus Zum Lamm", "Max Kögel", "Martin Mussgnug", "Wolfgang Kunkel", "Daniel Polz", "Neithard Bulst", "Jan Assmann", "Heinrich Liebmann", "Theobald Ziegler", "Carl Friedrich Graumann", "Peter Spuhler", "Benno Kaspar Hauris", "Franz Fehringer", "Eberhard Schmidt", "Klaus Bös", "Thomas Henning", "Otto Regenbogen", "Stefan Weinfurter", "Madeleine Herren", "Ingeborg Zadow", "Barbara Beßlich", "Ferdinand Fellner", "Lenhart Seyfer", "Oskar Schmieder", "Bernhard Neutsch", "Balthasar Venator", "Karl Ewald Hasse", "Günther Franz", "Johann Anton Zehnter", "Martina Nöth", "Georg Beer", "Joachim Grabowski", "Tassilo Schmitt", "Karl Friedrich Schmidhuber", "Otto Gönnenwein", "Bodo von Bülow", "Antje Flüchter", "Wilhelm Waldkirch", "Hermann Poppen", "Albrecht Kossel", "Karl Esselborn", "Wolfgang Wick", "Hans Joachim Rauch", "Robert Weimar", "Paul Böckmann", "Rüdiger Wolfrum", "Jan Gruter", "Hermann Freund", "Klaus Mangold", "Rudolf Henning", "Alfons von Rosthorn", "Marcus Imbsweiler", "Otto Hallen", "Paul Zinsmaier", "Andreas Kruse", "Diamantis Panagiotopoulos", "Lars Feld", "Reiner Wiehl", "Alfred von Domaszewski", "Mieczysław Karłowicz", "Robert Weber", "Ernst Blass", "Salomo Michaelis", "Heinrich Walter", "Felix Teichner", "Heinz Scheible", "Günther Cloerkes", "Herwig Görgemanns", "Ferdinand Fehling", "Tanja Jeschke", "Hans Heinrich Georg Queckenstedt", "Otto Weinreich", "Hedwig Wilhelmi", "Ernst Rodenwaldt", "Günter Stock", "Joachim Telle", "Annemarie Jeanette Neubecker", "Guido Philipp Schmitt", "Joseph Eiselein", "Manfred Thiel", "Ulrich Stiehl", "Christoph Helmut Keitel", "Franz Schnabel", "Kurt Joachim Fischer", "Hans Besser", "Franz Boll", "Erich Preiser", "Heinrich Bornkamm", "Werner Kümmel", "Karl Rathgen", "Wilhelm Heinrich Erb", "Jörg Peltzer", "Beate Weber", "Adolph von Pressentin", "Hugo Münsterberg", "Ludwig Neundörfer", "Martin Hailer", "Emilie Boer", "Wolfgang Reinhart", "Hermann Ranke", "Max Burgmann", "Martina Hartmann", "Eugen Fehrle", "Heinrich Voß", "Hermann Scheve", "Harald Bernd Schäfer", "Werner Hunstein", "Meinrad Schaab", "Eugen Täubler", "Katja Hess", "Roland Geggus", "Konrad III. von Soltau", "Ralf Dujmovits", "Helmut Anthony Hatzfeld", "Detlef Franke", "Edmund Schlink", "Émile Portus", "Eduard Joseph d'Alton", "Uta Gerhardt", "Alexander Pagenstecher", "Hermann Jakobs", "Emma Guntz", "Carl Bezold", "Josef Mayer", "Ferdinand Hitzig", "Josef Heinrich Grebing", "Werner Franke", "Rudolf Horn", "Heinz Häfner", "Jacob Gould Schurman", "Markus Mühling", "Stephan Zipf", "Manfred Cierpka", "Joseph Görres", "Herbert Paschen", "Rolf Arnold", "Ernst Krieck", "Rudolf Otto Neumann", "Hans Karl Rupp", "Hilde Domin", "Hermann Klaatsch", "Manfred G. Schmidt", "Karl Hansen", "Erich Thies", "Joseph Schmid", "Peter von Polenz", "Edgar Jaffé", "Hermann Ostern", "Guntram Palm", "Thomas Geitner", "Dirk Jens Nonnenmacher", "Albrecht Winnacker", "Ferdinand Adolf Kehrer", "Karl Keller", "Robert Zahn", "Hans von Schubert", "Rosa Meyer-Leviné", "Moritz Cantor", "Bernhard Trenkle", "Ernst Schwalbe", "Günter H. Seidler", "Wolfgang Wiegard", "Ernestine Thren", "Franciscus Junius", "Stefan George", "Arnold Retzer", "Ingrid Herr", "Heinrich Vogt", "Joachim Friedrich Quack", "Wilhelm Kühlmann", "Ralph Dutli", "Yoḥanan Blokh", "Alexander Waibel", "Jacob Fidelis Ackermann", "Dieter Schulte", "Helga Solinger", "Ludwig Rüger", "Michael Müller-Karpe", "Julius Deussen", "Otto Schoetensack", "Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy", "Anton Bierl", "Dietrich Schäfer", "Winfried Brugger", "Norbert Schwarz", "Karlheinz Senghas", "Werner Rauh", "Hans Kinkel", "Hans Jürgen Heringer", "Ruth Leuze", "Günther Bornkamm", "Hans Schneider", "Susanna Partsch", "Frank Mentrup", "Waldtraut Schrickel", "Fritz Trautz", "Ralf Georg Czapla", "Willi Zurbrüggen", "Albert Ludwig", "Caterina Maderna-Lauter", "Wolfgang Kahl", "Theodor Lehmann" ], "verbalized_answer": "Walther Hermann Nernst, Robert Bunsen and Bernhard Schlink have that city as work location", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Walther Hermann Nernst", "Robert Bunsen", "Bernhard Schlink" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "Heidelberg" ], [ "relation", "work location" ], [ "type", "common name" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'common name'}, 'work location', 'Jan Willem Crous']", "[{'concept': 'common name'}, 'work location', 'Simon Stadler']", "[{'concept': 'common name'}, 'work location', 'Johann Karl Passavant']" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?i WHERE { ?i property:work_location resource:Heidelberg . ?i rdf:type ontology:common_name }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(common name)', 'work location', 'Jan Willem Crous'], ['c(common name)', 'work location', 'Simon Stadler'], ['c(common name)', 'work location', 'Johann Karl Passavant']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] } ]
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property:part_of ?c } UNION { resource:Chapters property:industry ?c } } . ?c rdf:type ontology:system }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [ "system" ] }, { "id": 17, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q8148", "Q126793" ], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "industry, retail", "all_entities": [ "Q8148", "Q126793" ], "active_set": [ "OR((Q794803,P361,c(Q58778)), (Q5073540,P452,c(Q58778)))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q794803" ], [ "relation", "P361" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q5073540" ], [ "relation", "P452" ], [ "type", "Q58778" ] ], "is_spurious": false, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWERS] are Innovation management a component of or are Chapters a part of", "parsed_active_set": [ "{'OR': [['Q794803', 'P361', {'concept': 'Q58778'}], ['Q5073540', 'P452', {'concept': 'Q58778'}]]}" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?c WHERE { { { resource:Q794803 property:P361 ?c } UNION { resource:Q5073540 property:P452 ?c } } . ?c rdf:type ontology:Q58778 }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "industry", "retail" ], "verbalized_answer": "Industry and retail are Innovation management a component of or are Chapters a part of", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "industry", "retail" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Innovation management" ], [ "relation", "part of" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Chapters" ], [ "relation", "industry" ], [ "type", "system" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "{'OR': [['Innovation management', 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FILTER ( ?g = ?f ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "commercial shipping", "Atomic units", "School system in Germany", "agribusiness", "United States customary units", "supply chain", "Planck units", "television", "Metre–tonne–second system of units", "Gaussian units", "MKSA system of units", "formal language", "Gravitational metric system", "heavy industry", "International System of Units", "intranet", "film industry", "textile industry", "energy industry", "national economy", "silviculture", "hierarchy of genres", "communication Technology", "grammar", "political system", "centimetre–gram–second system of units", "International System of Quantities", "valvetrain", "insurance industry", "trade", "spatial reference system", "ground segment", "English units", "biological system", "Apothecaries' system", "electrostatic units", "Burmese units of measurement", "electromagnetic unit system", "game industry", "retail", "music industry", "foot–pound–second system", "universe", "Imperial and US customary measurement systems", "Obsolete Russian units of measurement", "petroleum industry", "petrochemical industry", "logical system", "MKS system of units", "telecommunications network", "rail transport", "thermodynamic system", "mail", "aerospace industry", "chemical industry", "urban rail transit", "Real estate economics", "Deep Space Network", "ferrous metallurgy" ], "verbalized_answer": "Universe, Deep Space Network and ground segment are around the same number of buildings or special fields a component of as electromagnetic unit system", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "universe", "Deep Space Network", "ground segment" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "approx" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "part of" ], [ "type", "system" ], [ "type", "building" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "part of" ], [ "type", "system" ], [ "type", "special field" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "electromagnetic unit system" ], [ "relation", "part of" ], [ "type", "building" ], [ "type", "special field" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'building'}, {'concept': 'special field'}], 'part of', {'concept': 'system'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?m WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?l ) AS ?g ) ?m WHERE { { ?l rdf:type ontology:building . ?m rdf:type ontology:system . ?l property:part_of ?m } UNION { ?l property:part_of ?m . ?m rdf:type ontology:system . ?l rdf:type ontology:special_field } } GROUP BY ?m } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?q ) AS ?f ) WHERE { ?q property:part_of resource:electromagnetic_unit_system . { { ?q rdf:type ontology:building } UNION { ?q rdf:type ontology:special_field } } } } . 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FILTER ( ?j >= 3 ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "atleast" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "part of" ], [ "type", "system" ], [ "type", "concept" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "part of" ], [ "type", "system" ], [ "type", "classification scheme" ], [ "value", "3" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'concept'}, {'concept': 'classification scheme'}], 'part of', {'concept': 'system'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?v WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?v ( COUNT ( ?z ) AS ?j ) WHERE { { ?z property:part_of ?v . ?z rdf:type ontology:classification_scheme . ?v rdf:type ontology:system } UNION { ?z property:part_of ?v . ?v rdf:type ontology:system . ?z rdf:type ontology:concept } } GROUP BY ?v } . FILTER ( ?j >= 3 ) }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [ "system", "concept", "classification scheme" ] }, { "id": 21, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q6456916", "Q11451" ], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "national economy, agriculture", "all_entities": [ "Q6456916", "Q11451" ], "active_set": [ "(c(Q151885)|c(Q5962346),P361,c(Q58778))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "atleast" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P361" ], [ "type", "Q58778" ], [ "type", "Q151885" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P361" ], [ "type", "Q58778" ], [ "type", "Q5962346" ], [ "value", "3" ] ], "is_spurious": false, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWERS] are atleast 3 concepts or classification schemes a part of", "parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'Q151885'}, {'concept': 'Q5962346'}], 'P361', {'concept': 'Q58778'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?v WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?v ( COUNT ( ?z ) AS ?j ) WHERE { { ?z property:P361 ?v . ?z rdf:type ontology:Q5962346 . ?v rdf:type ontology:Q58778 } UNION { ?z property:P361 ?v . ?v rdf:type ontology:Q58778 . ?z rdf:type ontology:Q151885 } } GROUP BY ?v } . FILTER ( ?j >= 3 ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "national economy", "agriculture" ], "verbalized_answer": "National economy and agriculture are atleast 3 concepts or classification schemes a part of", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "national economy", "agriculture" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "atleast" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "part of" ], [ "type", "system" ], [ "type", "concept" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "part of" ], [ "type", "system" ], [ "type", "classification scheme" ], [ "value", "3" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'concept'}, {'concept': 'classification scheme'}], 'part of', {'concept': 'system'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?v WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?v ( COUNT ( ?z ) AS ?j ) WHERE { { ?z property:part_of ?v . ?z rdf:type ontology:classification_scheme . ?v rdf:type ontology:system } UNION { ?z property:part_of ?v . ?v rdf:type ontology:system . ?z rdf:type ontology:concept } } GROUP BY ?v } . FILTER ( ?j >= 3 ) }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(concept)|c(classification system)', 'part of', 'c(system)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 22, "ques_type_id": 8, "question-type": "Quantitative Reasoning (Count) (All)", "description": "Quantitative|Count|Logical operators", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q1" ], "relations": [ "P361" ], "type_list": [ "Q6999", "Q6671777" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "How many astronomical objects and structures are a component of universe ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(c(Q6999),P361,Q1)", "(c(Q6671777),P361,Q1)" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": 2, "count_ques_type": 2, "is_incomplete": 0, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": 1, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "Q1" ], [ "relation", "P361" ], [ "type", "Q6999" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "Q1" ], [ "relation", "P361" ], [ "type", "Q6671777" ] ], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q6999'}, 'P361', 'Q1']", "[{'concept': 'Q6671777'}, 'P361', 'Q1']" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?y ) AS ?w ) WHERE { { ?y property:P361 resource:Q1 . ?y rdf:type ontology:Q6999 } UNION { ?y property:P361 resource:Q1 . ?y rdf:type ontology:Q6671777 } }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "universe" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "universe" ], [ "relation", "part of" ], [ "type", "astronomical object" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "universe" ], [ "relation", "part of" ], [ "type", "structure" ] ], 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at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's 200 metres", "Weightlifting at the 1987 Pan American Games", "Canoeing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's K-4 1000 metres", "Weightlifting at the 1959 Pan American Games", "Water polo at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Water skiing at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Karate at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Archery at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's individual", "Archery at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's individual", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's 4 × 100 metres relay", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's 4 × 100 metres relay", "Boxing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's flyweight", "Weightlifting at the 1971 Pan American Games", "Wrestling at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's freestyle 74 kg", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's 400 metres", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's 400 metres", "Sailing at the 1983 Pan American Games", "Fencing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's team épée", "Fencing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's team foil", "Fencing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's team sabre", "Fencing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's sabre", "Fencing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's team foil", "Fencing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's épée", "Fencing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's foil", "Softball at the 1991 Pan American Games", "Archery at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's team", "Roller skating at the 1999 Pan American Games", "Fencing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's team épée", "Fencing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's épée", "Beach volleyball at the 1995 Pan American Games", "Judo at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Diving at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's synchronized 3 metre springboard", "Diving at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Modern pentathlon at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's 78 kg", "Diving at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's synchronized 10 metre platform", "Diving at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's 3 metre springboard", "Softball at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's triple jump", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's pole vault", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's marathon", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's 400 metres hurdles", "Weightlifting at the 1951 Pan American Games", "Diving at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's synchronized 10 metre platform", "Tennis at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Table tennis at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Wrestling at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's Freestyle 66 kg", "Wrestling at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's Freestyle 120 kg", "Wrestling at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's Freestyle 60 kg", "Wrestling at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's Freestyle 96 kg", "Weightlifting at the 1975 Pan American Games", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's 50 kilometres walk", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's 100 metres", "Equestrian at the 1983 Pan American Games", "Shooting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's trap", "Triathlon at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Volleyball at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Wrestling at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's Greco-Roman 74 kg", "Wrestling at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's Greco-Roman 84 kg", "Wrestling at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's Greco-Roman 60 kg", "Wrestling at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's Greco-Roman 120 kg", "Wrestling at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's Greco-Roman 55 kg", "Wrestling at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's Greco-Roman 96 kg", "Equestrian at the 1987 Pan American Games", "Modern pentathlon at the 1999 Pan American Games", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's 5000 metres", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's 5000 metres", "Archery at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's team", "Judo at the 2007 Pan American Games", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's 100 metres", "Shooting at the 1983 Pan American Games", "Table tennis at the 1991 Pan American Games", "Handball at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's tournament", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's marathon", "Football at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's tournament", "Basque pelota at the 1995 Pan American Games", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's 200 metres", "Softball at the 2003 Pan American Games", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's 3000 metres steeplechase", "Sailing at the 1991 Pan American Games", "Canoeing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's K-4 500 metres", "Canoeing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's K-2 500 metres", "Roller sports at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Table tennis at the 2003 Pan American Games", "Roller skating at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's free skating", "Roller skating at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's free skating", "Gymnastics at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's rhythmic group 3 ribbons + 2 hoops", "Racquetball at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Gymnastics at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's rhythmic individual ribbon", "Fencing at the 1999 Pan American Games", "Fencing at the 1995 Pan American Games", "Fencing at the 1987 Pan American Games", "Baseball at the 1991 Pan American Games", "Wrestling at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's Freestyle 55 kg", "Taekwondo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's 49 kg", "Gymnastics at the 1983 Pan American Games", "Softball at the 1995 Pan American Games", "Taekwondo at the 1991 Pan American Games", "Water skiing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's slalom", "Water skiing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's jump", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's shot put", "Baseball at the 1951 Pan American Games", "Basque Pelota at the 2003 Pan American Games", "Baseball at the 1995 Pan American Games", "Softball at the 1999 Pan American Games", "Water skiing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's tricks", "Weightlifting at the 1967 Pan American Games", "Canoeing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's C-1 200 metres", "Modern pentathlon at the 1963 Pan American Games", "Table tennis at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's team", "Wrestling at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's Greco-Roman 66 kg", "Shooting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's 10 metre air pistol", "Equestrian at the 2003 Pan American Games", "Volleyball at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's tournament", "Shooting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's double trap", "Shooting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's 50 metre pistol", "Shooting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's 50 metre rifle prone", "Shooting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's 25 metre rapid fire pistol", "Taekwondo at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Gymnastics at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's trampoline", "Sailing at the 1999 Pan American Games", "Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's 90 kg", "Handball at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's tournament", "Handball at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's tournament", "Judo at the 1983 Pan American Games", "Sailing at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's +78 kg", "Golf at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Sailing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Snipe class", "Volleyball at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's tournament", "Fencing at the 1991 Pan American Games", "Roller skating at the 1991 Pan American Games", "Shooting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's skeet", "Shooting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's 25 metre pistol", "Shooting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's 50 metre rifle three positions", "Table tennis at the 1999 Pan American Games", "Equestrian at the 2007 Pan American Games", "Wrestling at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's freestyle 84 kg", "Weightlifting at the 1963 Pan American Games", "Gymnastics at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's rhythmic group 5 balls", "Fencing at the 1963 Pan American Games", "Fencing at the 1983 Pan American Games", "Weightlifting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's +105 kg", "Weightlifting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's 62 kg", "Weightlifting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's 69 kg", "Weightlifting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's 77 kg", "Weightlifting at the 1983 Pan American Games", "Softball at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's tournament", "Shooting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's 10 metre air rifle", "Fencing at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Fencing at the 1951 Pan American Games", "Table tennis at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's team", "Weightlifting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's +75 kg", "Weightlifting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's 94 kg", "Weightlifting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's 85 kg", "Weightlifting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's 63 kg", "Weightlifting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's 58 kg", "Weightlifting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's 53 kg", "Weightlifting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's 69 kg", "Weightlifting at the 1955 Pan American Games", "Shooting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's 50 metre rifle three positions", "Canoeing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's K-1 200 metres", "Canoeing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's slalom K-1", "Judo at the 1967 Pan American Games", "Shooting at the 1963 Pan American Games", "Gymnastics at the 1963 Pan American Games", "Gymnastics at the 1951 Pan American Games", "Sailing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Lightning class", "Sailing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's Laser class", "Softball at the 1983 Pan American Games", "Equestrian at the 2011 Pan American Games – Individual dressage", "Equestrian at the 2011 Pan American Games – Team jumping", "Equestrian at the 2011 Pan American Games – Team eventing", "Equestrian at the 2011 Pan American Games – Team dressage", "Equestrian at the 2011 Pan American Games – Individual jumping", "Equestrian at the 2011 Pan American Games – Individual eventing", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's 10,000 metres", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's 10,000 metres", "Weightlifting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's 75 kg", "Field hockey at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Triathlon at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's", "Fencing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's team sabre", "Boxing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's light flyweight", "Boxing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's Bantamweight", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's triple jump", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's shot put", "Wrestling at the 1999 Pan American Games", "Beach volleyball at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's tournament", "Modern pentathlon at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's", "Shooting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's skeet", "Modern pentathlon at the 2003 Pan American Games", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's long jump", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's javelin throw", "Diving at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's 3 metre springboard", "Football at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's tournament", "Beach volleyball at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Judo at the 2003 Pan American Games", "Gymnastics at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's artistic individual all-around", "Equestrian at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Baseball at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Taekwondo at the 1987 Pan American Games", "Modern pentathlon at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's", "Shooting at the 1991 Pan American Games", "Wrestling at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's Freestyle 55 kg", "Squash at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's 1500 metres", "Racquetball at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's doubles", "Racquetball at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's singles", "Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's 81 kg", "Beach volleyball at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's tournament", "Gymnastics at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Canoeing at the 1987 Pan American Games", "Baseball at the 1987 Pan American Games", "Baseball at the 1979 Pan American Games", "Shooting at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Canoeing at the 1991 Pan American Games", "Canoeing at the 1995 Pan American Games", "Judo at the 1999 Pan American Games", "Volleyball at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's tournament", "Canoeing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's K-2 200 metres", "Canoeing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's K-1 200 metres", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's discus throw", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's hammer throw", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's heptathlon", "Judo at the 1987 Pan American Games", "Judo at the 1991 Pan American Games", "Canoeing at the 1999 Pan American Games", "Gymnastics at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's artistic team all-around", "Gymnastics at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's rhythmic individual all-around", "Gymnastics at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's rhythmic individual ball", "Gymnastics at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's rhythmic group all-around", "Gymnastics at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's rhythmic individual club", "Diving at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's synchronized 10 metre platform", "Diving at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's 10 metre platform", "Diving at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's 10 metre platform", "Diving at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's synchronized 3 metre springboard", "Diving at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's synchronized 3 metre springboard", "Diving at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's 3 metre springboard", "Diving at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's synchronized 10 metre platform", "Gymnastics at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's trampoline", "Sailing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's Laser Radial class", "Volleyball at the 2011 Pan American Games", "Boxing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's Light heavyweight", "Judo at the 1979 Pan American Games", "Judo at the 1975 Pan American Games", "Diving at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's 10 metre platform", "Diving at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's 3 metre springboard", "Equestrian at the 1999 Pan American Games", "Wrestling at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's Freestyle 63 kg", "Canoeing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's C-1 1000 metres", "Canoeing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's C-1 200 metres", "Squash at the 1995 Pan American Games", "Squash at the 2003 Pan American Games", "Shooting at the 1999 Pan American Games", "Squash at the 2007 Pan American Games", "Weightlifting at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Judo at the 1963 Pan American Games", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's high jump", "Water skiing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's wakeboard", "Squash at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's doubles", "Squash at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's singles", "Squash at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's doubles", "Squash at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's team", "Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's 63 kg", "Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's 52 kg", "Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's 48 kg", "Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's 57 kg", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's 400 metres hurdles", "Judo at the 1995 Pan American Games", "Shooting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's trap", "Shooting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's 10 metre air rifle", "Shooting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's 10 metre air pistol", "Squash at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's singles", "Squash at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's team", "Handball at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's tournament", "Table tennis at the 1995 Pan American Games", "Modern Pentathlon at the 1987 Pan American Games", "Taekwondo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's 57 kg", "Gymnastics at the 1987 Pan American Games", "Equestrian at the 1951 Pan American Games", "Taekwondo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's 80 kg", "Taekwondo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's +67 kg", "Taekwondo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's +80 kg", "Taekwondo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's 58 kg", "Water polo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's tournament", "Baseball at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's tournament", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's 800 metres", "Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's 70 kg", "Sailing at the 2003 Pan American Games", "Equestrian at the 1995 Pan American Games", "Equestrian at the 1963 Pan American Games", "Boxing at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Taekwondo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's 67 kg", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's 4 × 400 metres relay", "Canoeing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's slalom K-1", "Weightlifting at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's 48 kg", "Wrestling at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's Freestyle 48 kg", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's 110 metres hurdles", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's 20 kilometres walk", "Canoeing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's K-1 500 metres", "Equestrian at the 1991 Pan American Games", "Canoeing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's slalom C-1", "Racquetball at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's doubles", "Racquetball at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's team", "Racquetball at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's singles", "Racquetball at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's team", "Fencing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's sabre", "Fencing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's foil", "Canoeing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's slalom C-2", "Canoeing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's slalom C-1", "Water polo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's tournament", "Weightlifting at the 1979 Pan American Games", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's 1500 metres", "Baseball at the 1983 Pan American Games", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's 4 × 400 metres relay", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's 20 kilometres walk", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's 3000 metres steeplechase", "Squash at the 1999 Pan American Games", "Sailing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Sunfish class", "Sailing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Hobie 16 class", "Inline hockey at the 1999 Pan American Games", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's 100 metres hurdles", "Canoeing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's C-2 1000 metres", "Canoeing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's K-1 1000 metres", "Tennis at the 2011 Pan American Games – Mixed Doubles", "Tennis at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's Doubles", "Softball at the 1987 Pan American Games", "Water skiing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's tricks", "Wrestling at the 2015 Pan American Games", "Taekwondo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's 68 kg", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's long jump", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's javelin throw", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's pole vault", "Table tennis at the 1987 Pan American Games", "Canoeing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's K-2 1000 metres", "Wrestling at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's Freestyle 72 kg", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's discus throw", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's hammer throw", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's decathlon", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's high jump", "Boxing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's Welterweight", "Boxing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's Super heavyweight", "Boxing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's Middleweight", "Boxing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's Lightweight", "Athletics at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's 800 metres", "Sailing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's sailboard", "Diving at the 2015 Pan American Games – Women's 10 metre platform", "Diving at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's synchronized 3 metre springboard", "Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's 100 kg", "Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's +100 kg", "Boxing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's Light welterweight", "Boxing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's Heavyweight", "Boxing at the 2015 Pan American Games – Men's Flyweight", "Sailing at the 2011 Pan American Games – J/24 class", "Sailing at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's sailboard", "Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's 66 kg", "Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's 60 kg", "Judo at the 2011 Pan American Games – Men's 73 kg", "Gymnastics at the 2011 Pan American Games – Women's rhythmic individual hoop" ], "verbalized_answer": "367", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "Pan American Games" ], [ "relation", "part of" ], [ "type", "event" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'event'}, 'part of', 'Pan American Games']" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?t ) AS ?q ) WHERE { ?t rdf:type ontology:event . ?t property:part_of resource:Pan_American_Games }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(occurrence)', 'part of', 'Pan American Games']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] } ]
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FILTER ( ?f = 1 ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "HMS Beagle", "HMS Bounty", "HMS Terror", "USS Merrick", "Nimrod" ], "verbalized_answer": "HMS Beagle, HMS Bounty and USS Merrick are exactly 1 terrains and bodies of water named after", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "HMS Beagle", "HMS Bounty", "USS Merrick" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "equal" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "named after" ], [ "type", "ship type" ], [ "type", "terrain" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "named after" ], [ "type", "ship type" ], [ "type", "body of water" ], [ "value", "1" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'terrain'}, {'concept': 'body of water'}], 'named after', {'concept': 'ship type'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?y WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?g ) AS ?f ) ?y WHERE { ?g rdf:type ?e . 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FILTER ( ?e = ?f ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Malta" ], "verbalized_answer": "Malta have min number of ship types as their port of registry", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Malta" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "argmin" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "port of registry" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "ship type" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'ship type'}, 'port of registry', 'Italy']" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?z WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( MIN ( ?y ) AS ?f ) { SELECT DISTINCT ?n ( COUNT ( ?q ) AS ?y ) WHERE { ?q property:port_of_registry ?n . ?q rdf:type ontology:ship_type . ?n rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity } GROUP BY ?n } } . { SELECT DISTINCT ?z ( COUNT ( ?j ) AS ?e ) WHERE { ?j property:port_of_registry ?z . ?z rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity . ?j rdf:type ontology:ship_type } GROUP BY ?z } . 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"verbalized_all_entities": [ "France", "Sweden" ], "verbalized_answer": "CMA CGM Bougainville or Southern Main Line are located in France and Sweden", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "France", "Sweden" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "CMA CGM Bougainville" ], [ "relation", "country" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Southern Main Line" ], [ "relation", "country" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "{'OR': [['CMA CGM Bougainville', 'country', {'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}], ['Southern Main Line', 'country', {'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}]]}" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?s WHERE { ?s rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity . { { resource:Southern_Main_Line property:country ?s } UNION { resource:CMA_CGM_Bougainville property:country ?s } } }", "verbalized_triple": "['OR ', ['CMA CGM Bougainville', 'country', 'c(designation for an administrative territorial entity)', 'Southern Main Line', 'country', 'c(designation for an administrative territorial entity)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 16, "ques_type_id": 3, "question-type": "Clarification", "description": "Quantitative|Count|Single entity type|Indirect", "entities_in_utterance": [], "relations": [ "P530" ], "type_list": [ "Q15617994" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "How many administrative territories have diplomatic relationships with that administrative territory ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(Q142,P530,c(Q15617994))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": 7, "count_ques_type": 1, "is_incomplete": 1, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": 0, 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"verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "['France', 'diplomatic relation', {'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}]", "['Sweden', 'diplomatic relation', {'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?z ) AS ?y ) WHERE { resource:France property:diplomatic_relation ?z . ?z rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity }", "verbalized_triple": "[['France', 'diplomatic relation', 'c(designation for an administrative territorial entity)'], ['Sweden', 'diplomatic relation', 'c(designation for an administrative territorial entity)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 18, "ques_type_id": 7, "question-type": "Quantitative Reasoning (Count) (All)", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "No, I meant France. 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{ ?u property:named_after resource:Oradour-sur-Glane . { { ?u rdf:type ontology:common_name } UNION { ?u rdf:type ontology:human_settlement } } } } . 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"verbalized_all_entities": [ "composer", "university teacher" ], "verbalized_answer": "Did you mean composer ?", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "composer" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "['composer', 'patron saint', {'concept': 'common name'}]", "['university teacher', 'patron saint', {'concept': 'common name'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?e WHERE { resource:university_teacher property:patron_saint ?e . ?e rdf:type ontology:common_name }", "verbalized_triple": "[['composer', 'patron saint', 'c(common name)'], ['university teacher', 'patron saint', 'c(common name)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 4, "ques_type_id": 2, "question-type": "Simple Question (Coreferenced)", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "No, I meant university teacher. 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FILTER ( ?h = ?d ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "spoon", "cajón", "wind instrument" ], "verbalized_answer": "Min number of people can perform the spoon, cajón and wind instrument", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "spoon", "cajón", "wind instrument" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "argmin" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "instrument" ], [ "type", "musical instrument" ], [ "type", "common name" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'common name'}, 'instrument', 'Paraguayan harp']" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?f WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( MIN ( ?j ) AS ?d ) { SELECT DISTINCT ?z ( COUNT ( ?v ) AS ?j ) WHERE { ?z rdf:type ontology:musical_instrument . ?v rdf:type ontology:common_name . ?v property:instrument ?z } GROUP BY ?z } } . { SELECT DISTINCT ?f ( COUNT ( ?w ) AS ?h ) WHERE { ?w property:instrument ?f . ?f rdf:type ontology:musical_instrument . ?w rdf:type ontology:common_name } GROUP BY ?f } . 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"Q15617994" ] ], "is_spurious": false, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWER] is McLeod Bethel-Thompson a civilian of and is the countries of origin of Don's Plum", "parsed_active_set": [ "{'AND': [['Q3303702', 'P27', {'concept': 'Q15617994'}], ['Q1242222', 'P495', {'concept': 'Q15617994'}]]}" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?f WHERE { resource:Q1242222 property:P495 ?f . resource:Q3303702 property:P27 ?f . ?f rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "United States of America" ], "verbalized_answer": "United States of America is McLeod Bethel-Thompson a civilian of and is the countries of origin of Don's Plum", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "United States of America" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "intersection" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "McLeod Bethel-Thompson" ], [ "relation", "country of citizenship" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Don's Plum" ], [ "relation", "country of origin" ], [ "type", 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VALUES ( ?d ) { ( ontology:Q201658 ) ( ontology:Q838948 ) } } } } }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "United States of America" ], "verbalized_answer": "United States of America around the same number of film genres or works of art originated as that administrative territory", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "United States of America" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "approx" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "country of origin" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "film genre" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "country of origin" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "work of art" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "United States of America" ], [ "relation", "country of origin" ], [ "type", "film genre" ], [ "type", "work of art" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'film genre'}, {'concept': 'work of art'}], 'country of origin', {'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?n WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?c ) AS ?g ) ?n WHERE { VALUES ( ?u ) { ( ontology:film_genre ) ( ontology:work_of_art ) } . ?c rdf:type ?u } GROUP BY ?n } . 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FILTER ( ?n = ?m ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 2", "G-protein coupled receptor 87", "Cytochrome P450 1A1", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3", "Amyloid beta A4 protein", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 14", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 4", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4", "Calcitonin receptor", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 2", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1", "Cytochrome P450 1B1", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 5", "Calcitonin", "Very low-density lipoprotein receptor", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5" ], "verbalized_answer": "Min number of chemical substances or drugs communicate with Amyloid beta A4 protein, Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 4 and Cytochrome P450 1A1", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Amyloid beta A4 protein", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 4", "Cytochrome P450 1A1" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "argmin" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "chemical substance" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "drug" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'chemical substance'}, {'concept': 'drug'}], 'physically interacts with', {'concept': 'nutrient'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?w WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( MIN ( ?u ) AS ?m ) { SELECT DISTINCT ?a ( COUNT ( ?o ) AS ?u ) WHERE { { ?o property:physically_interacts_with ?a . ?o rdf:type ontology:chemical_substance . ?a rdf:type ontology:nutrient } UNION { ?o property:physically_interacts_with ?a . ?a rdf:type ontology:nutrient . ?o rdf:type ontology:drug } } GROUP BY ?a } } . { SELECT DISTINCT ?w ( COUNT ( ?h ) AS ?n ) WHERE { { ?h property:physically_interacts_with ?w . ?w rdf:type ontology:nutrient . ?h rdf:type ontology:drug } UNION { ?h property:physically_interacts_with ?w . ?h rdf:type ontology:chemical_substance . ?w rdf:type ontology:nutrient } } GROUP BY ?w } . 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FILTER ( ?a = ?o ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member X1" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "approx" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "drug" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "chemical substance" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member X1" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "drug" ], [ "type", "chemical substance" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'drug'}, {'concept': 'chemical substance'}], 'physically interacts with', {'concept': 'nutrient'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?v ) AS ?m ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?v ( COUNT ( ?j ) AS ?a ) WHERE { VALUES ( ?t ) { ( ontology:drug ) ( ontology:chemical_substance ) } . ?j rdf:type ?t } GROUP BY ?v } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?g ) AS ?o ) WHERE { ?g property:physically_interacts_with resource:Mas-related_G-protein_coupled_receptor_member_X1 . { { ?g rdf:type ontology:drug } UNION { ?g rdf:type ontology:chemical_substance } } } } . FILTER ( ?a = ?o ) }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [ "nutrient", "drug", "chemical substance" ] }, { "id": 15, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "732", "all_entities": [ "Q21135479", "Q21120657", "Q21987720", "Q5635781", "Q21115605", "Q22679043", "Q21494718", "Q21115210", "Q5018799", "Q21115219", "Q14872770", "Q21173427", "Q21119831", "Q21119830", "Q4217286", "Q21982207", "Q21108693", "Q12746346", "Q21108695", "Q21123087", "Q21109971", "Q21988043", "Q21127094", "Q21985448", "Q21104718", "Q21119231", "Q7671480", "Q21115284", "Q21987850", "Q21172741", "Q423701", "Q905729", "Q420930", "Q21111688", "Q1407929", "Q21173169", "Q14908176", "Q21497881", "Q21107052", "Q21119836", "Q21118791", "Q21108135", "Q21120422", "Q21111175", "Q21120424", "Q417057", "Q6155969", "Q21125451", "Q21147674", "Q21113310", "Q21113312", "Q21113313", "Q21113314", 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"Q21126773", "Q419999", "Q21135949", "Q21096262", "Q21105660", "Q21991514", "Q21135943", "Q21135945", "Q21991512", "Q21991513", "Q21117235", "Q21108844", "Q417801", "Q21113155", "Q21981993", "Q21171763", "Q21494387", "Q4650061", "Q21120420", "Q21119704", "Q21173310", "Q5500222", "Q7390898", "Q21111803", "Q21112690", "Q21112691", "Q21120423", "Q22679015", "Q15322943", "Q21174687", "Q21125248", "Q21499097", "Q21105060", "Q21114807", "Q21125240", "Q21208052", "Q21987569", "Q21173156", "Q14905969", "Q21118353", "Q21121807", "Q21124061", "Q21118356", "Q4822491", "Q21117300", "Q21126205", "Q7799753", "Q21175110", "Q21175111", "Q21108578", "Q21113173", "Q21120142", "Q21110921", "Q411978", "Q21106540", "Q4036865", "Q21119818", "Q21111184", "Q21983261", "Q21111182", "Q21111181", "Q4859538", "Q21102300", "Q3931282", "Q909409", "Q21139123", "Q21114291", "Q21108338", "Q14891582", "Q21109298", "Q21109354", "Q21115954", "Q409867", "Q21496918", "Q21106795", "Q21117407", "Q21113926", "Q21103146", "Q21110752", "Q408305", "Q3454525", "Q21097237", "Q21120955", "Q21114574", "Q21108785", "Q21112525", "Q21118072", "Q14911895", "Q3721138", "Q7251483", "Q21113330", "Q5419638", "Q21113337", "Q21156191", "Q21108487", "Q21110901", "Q21104817", "Q14914570", "Q21113158", "Q14905748", "Q21135903", "Q21107088", "Q21113152", "Q21103337", "Q3271551", "Q21990456", "Q21103323", "Q21102136", "Q21145932", "Q21173215", "Q21498865", "Q21123245", "Q5014947", "Q21123247", "Q21123246", "Q5512833", "Q5500223", "Q21123242", "Q128861", "Q21132248", "Q21132004", "Q21114845", "Q423572", "Q12746111", "Q422579", "Q21499210", "Q21100464", "Q15323346", "Q21112674", "Q21100639", "Q21988035", "Q21119156", "Q21105636", "Q2819188", "Q21119157", "Q21126242", "Q21991520", "Q21126786", "Q7117825", "Q21115989", "Q5572421", "Q21107443", "Q7117823", "Q21497124", "Q21123241", "Q6590408", "Q21118919", "Q21497128", "Q5198254", "Q21132652", "Q6594119", "Q21119694", "Q7136149", "Q21111879", "Q21125249", "Q21988026", "Q21988024", "Q7671460", "Q7671461", "Q21122493", "Q21173504", "Q7671468", "Q7671469", "Q12746382", "Q21100975", "Q21102111", "Q412214", "Q1085078", "Q21121368", "Q21106693", "Q21119848", "Q21103198", "Q21497155", "Q21118862", "Q5464652", "Q7671464", "Q21126833", "Q356093", "Q21119847", "Q21110936", "Q21121466", "Q21110933", "Q6714411", "Q22677167", "Q7118491", "Q13566123", "Q21132917", "Q21132915", "Q21979519", "Q21135411", "Q6592965", "Q21990458", "Q22676780", "Q21120698", "Q905000", "Q21113274", "Q7120326", "Q21113278", "Q14905076", "Q21105176", "Q21113115", "Q21113504", "Q14912057", "Q21989670", "Q418404", "Q6881891", "Q21497874", "Q7202245", "Q21127300", "Q21498709", "Q2083074", "Q21102075", "Q21119653", "Q21111553", "Q21108161", "Q21124401", "Q4897285", "Q21111495", "Q21124409", "Q21123752", "Q21172884", "Q21172886", "Q21122109", "Q6534535", "Q21140676", "Q311568", "Q1436420", "Q21173485", "Q5773160", "Q21121716", "Q21111833", "Q6590443", "Q21122997", "Q21130508", "Q21132789", 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"Q424693", "Q21123223", "Q288431", "Q21102146", "Q21107871", "Q21103162", "Q21121816", "Q6589190", "Q410434", "Q21097216", "Q21122509", "Q6449560", "Q6449562", "Q21111520", "Q7390572", "Q6155967", "Q21100360", "Q21114955", "Q21984383", "Q5201183", "Q21984381", "Q415762", "Q6714402", "Q21125499", "Q21499447", "Q15324415", "Q21135787", "Q15323565", "Q5201201", "Q571999", "Q21495791", "Q2005209", "Q21100886", "Q21115429", "Q22683566", "Q7002508", "Q21121490", "Q2356259", "Q21121496", "Q21123220", "Q21134814", "Q21113683", "Q6981560", "Q21118710", "Q414401", "Q21113127", "Q418781", "Q21986206" ], "active_set": [ "(c(Q8386)|c(Q79529),P129,c(Q181394))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "approx" ], [ 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FILTER ( ?a = ?o ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Sodium channel protein type 8 subunit alpha", "Interleukin-23 subunit alpha", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member D", "GTPase HRas", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1", "Aldose reductase", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 2", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 1", "Calcium-activated potassium channel subunit alpha-1", "Oxysterols receptor LXR-beta", "Histamine H4 receptor", "Histone deacetylase 9", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 5", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 18", "Cathepsin S", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 2", "G-protein coupled receptor 87", "Nociceptin receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor 84", "Neuromedin-K receptor", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 4", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 4", "Rho-associated protein kinase 2", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1", "Solute carrier family 22 member 3", "Tyrosine-protein kinase TXK", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4", "Activated CDC42 kinase 1", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP2 subtype", "G-protein coupled receptor 3", "Coagulation factor X", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor", "Glutathione reductase, mitochondrial", "B2 bradykinin receptor", "Cytochrome P450 1A1", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 4", "Gap junction alpha-4 protein", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 1", "Multidrug resistance-associated protein 5", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-10", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP4 subtype", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-3", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP2 subtype", "Vitamin D3 receptor", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3", "Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 1", "Estrogen-related receptor gamma", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-1", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-3", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit epsilon", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1C", "Prothrombin", "Gap junction delta-3 protein", "Gap junction delta-4 protein", "Voltage-dependent N-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1B", "D(2) dopamine receptor", "Gap junction delta-2 protein", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn", "Sodium channel protein type 1 subunit alpha", "3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase", "Solute carrier family 12 member 3", "GTPase KRas", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 2", "Bromodomain testis-specific protein", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 7", "2-oxoglutarate receptor 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 5", "Gap junction alpha-3 protein", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta", "72 kDa type IV collagenase", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 3", "Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 2", "3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase 2", "Rhodopsin kinase", "Nociceptin receptor", "Bromodomain-containing protein 4", "Amyloid beta A4 protein", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 14", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4", "Nitric oxide synthase, inducible", "Rho-associated protein kinase 1", "Heat-stable enterotoxin receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 1", "Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (quinone), mitochondrial", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase BRSK2", "Cytochrome P450 3A4", "Chymotrypsin-like elastase family member 1", "Testis-specific serine/threonine-protein kinase 1", "Protein kinase C zeta type", "Cytochrome P450 11B2, mitochondrial", "P2Y purinoceptor 14", "Uracil nucleotide/cysteinyl leukotriene receptor", "Vasopressin V2 receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 10", "Vasopressin V1a receptor", "cGMP-dependent 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 8", "Vasopressin V1b receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor 6", "Toll-like receptor 7", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Blk", "Phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase", "Renin", "Folate transporter 1", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 5", "Sodium channel protein type 2 subunit alpha", "Sodium channel protein type 3 subunit alpha", "Plasminogen", "Cystine/glutamate transporter", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 11", "Free fatty acid receptor 3", "Chloride channel protein 2", "G-protein coupled receptor 183", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 6", "H(+)/Cl(-) exchange transporter 3", "Melanocortin receptor 3", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 3", "Substance-K receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 1", "Kappa-type opioid receptor", "Aromatase", "Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 3", "Ovarian cancer G-protein coupled receptor 1", "Vesicular acetylcholine transporter", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1", "Solute carrier family 23 member 1", "Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha", "Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta", "Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, cytoplasmic", "3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 2", "Zinc-activated ligand-gated ion channel", "B1 bradykinin receptor", "Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3", "Histone acetyltransferase p300", "Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6", "Protein kinase C iota type", "Chloride transport protein 6", "Farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase", "H(+)/Cl(-) exchange transporter 7", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1I", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 6", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-1", "Toll-like receptor 9", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 3", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 3", "P2X purinoceptor 4", "P2Y purinoceptor 12", "Carbonic anhydrase 4", "Neuropeptide S receptor", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-1", "Thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor", "Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 2", "Prostacyclin receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor family C group 6 member A", "Mu-type opioid receptor", "Melatonin receptor type 1A", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 1", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 3", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase ATR", "Homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 1", "Gap junction gamma-3 protein", "Solute carrier family 22 member 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 6", "Toll-like receptor 8", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 2", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1H", "Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret", "Carbonyl reductase [NADPH] 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily C member 1", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 6", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1F", "Pannexin-2", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 9", "Sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter B(0)AT2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily B member 2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily B member 1", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit gamma isoform", "Complement C1r subcomponent", "Cone cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase subunit alpha'", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 4", "Nuclear receptor ROR-alpha", "Aldehyde dehydrogenase, mitochondrial", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4A", "Bromodomain testis-specific protein", "cGMP-inhibited 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase B", "Pannexin-1", "5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit beta-1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 7", "cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 1", "Death-associated protein kinase 1", "G-protein coupled bile acid receptor 1", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 1", "Potassium-transporting ATPase alpha chain 1", "Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta", "Short transient receptor potential channel 7", "Retinoic acid receptor alpha", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 8", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 7", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 2", "Short transient receptor potential channel 2", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 1", "Translocator protein", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 2", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 5", "P2X purinoceptor 3", "G-protein coupled receptor 35", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 11", "Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1", "Ornithine decarboxylase", "Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4-alpha", "DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 3", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 8", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 2", "P2Y purinoceptor 11", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 4", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 7", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1", "Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-1", "Acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha", "Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 2", "Tubulin beta chain", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP3 subtype", "Nitric oxide synthase, endothelial", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 1", "Amine oxidase [flavin-containing] A", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 4", "Methionine aminopeptidase 2", "Dihydrofolate reductase", "Sn1-specific diacylglycerol lipase beta", "Growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor", "Angiopoietin-1 receptor", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-4", "Estrogen receptor", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member D", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4", "Melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor", "Proteasome subunit beta type-5", "Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 2", "Cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme, mitochondrial", "Tyrosine 3-monooxygenase", "Gastrin/cholecystokinin type B receptor", "Hepatocyte growth factor receptor", "NAD-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-1", "Vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase", "Glucagon-like peptide 2 receptor", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 10", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 1", "Gap junction beta-6 protein", "Gap junction beta-5 protein", "Delta-type opioid receptor", "Mevalonate kinase", "Acetylcholinesterase", "Histone deacetylase 6", "G-protein coupled estrogen receptor 1", "Galanin receptor type 1", "Sodium channel protein type 5 subunit alpha", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 2", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 4", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha", "Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2-beta", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP1 subtype", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP4 subtype", "P2Y purinoceptor 1", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4C", "Aurora kinase C", "Maltase-glucoamylase, intestinal", "P2Y purinoceptor 4", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 8", "P2Y purinoceptor 2", "Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP1A", "Putative P2Y purinoceptor 10", "Transthyretin", "Solute carrier family 22 member 11", "Sodium leak channel non-selective protein", "Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-3", "Trace amine-associated receptor 3", "Solute carrier family 22 member 8", "Solute carrier family 22 member 12", "Trace amine-associated receptor 5", "Trace amine-associated receptor 4", "Nuclear receptor ROR-beta", "P2X purinoceptor 4", "Extracellular calcium-sensing receptor", "Gap junction gamma-1 protein", "fMet-Leu-Phe receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor 12", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR1", "Bile salt export pump", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP1 subtype", "Dual 3',5'-cyclic-AMP and -GMP phosphodiesterase 11A", "Endothelin B receptor", "Free fatty acid receptor 1", "Sodium/glucose cotransporter 2", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1S", "fMet-Leu-Phe receptor", "Beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 2", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP3 subtype", "Cholinesterase", "Short transient receptor potential channel 4", "Sodium/bile acid cotransporter", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-alpha", "Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C3", "Lysine-specific demethylase 7A", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2A1", "Sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 15", "Bcl-2-like protein 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 1", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3", "P2Y purinoceptor 14", "Neurotensin receptor type 1", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit gamma", "Aurora kinase B", "Cytochrome P450 3A5", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 4", "Thyroid hormone receptor beta", "Vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1", "Solute carrier family 22 member 2", "Squalene synthase", "Gap junction beta-4 protein", "Neuropeptide Y receptor type 1", "Uracil nucleotide/cysteinyl leukotriene receptor", "Thromboxane A2 receptor", "Geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase", "Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2", "Intermediate conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 4", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-9", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-6", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-2", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 2", "C-C chemokine receptor type 4", "Calcitonin receptor", "Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 2", "Interleukin-17A", "Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase subunit M2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 6", "Protein kinase C epsilon type", "Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-2", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 2", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4D", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 24", "Cholecystokinin receptor type A", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-3", "Cytochrome P450 2J2", "Steroid 17-alpha-hydroxylase/17,20 lyase", "Progesterone receptor", "Aromatic-L-amino-acid decarboxylase", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 2 group C member 2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 4", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase N1", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR1", "Thymidylate synthase", "Neutrophil elastase", "Interferon-induced, double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-3", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 4", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit theta", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 19", "Parathyroid hormone/parathyroid hormone-related peptide receptor", "Gastrin/cholecystokinin type B receptor", "Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 6", "Gap junction alpha-8 protein", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1C", "Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide receptor 1", "Gap junction alpha-10 protein", "Gap junction alpha-5 protein", "Two pore calcium channel protein 1", "Smoothened homolog", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor 2", "Two pore calcium channel protein 2", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-beta", "Phospholipase D2", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 3", "Beta-3 adrenergic receptor", "High affinity cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 7A", "Cytochrome P450 1B1", "cGMP-inhibited 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase A", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1C", "Cyclin-G-associated kinase", "Free fatty acid receptor 2", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4B", "Angiotensin-converting enzyme", "G protein-coupled receptor kinase 6", "Endothelin-1 receptor", "Protein kinase C gamma type", "Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK", "Motilin receptor", "Insulin receptor", "Carbonic anhydrase 13", "Bromodomain-containing protein 3", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 1", "Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 1", "Programmed cell death 1 ligand 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 5", "Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 2", "cGMP-gated cation channel alpha-1", "Type-1 angiotensin II receptor", "Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 5", "Trace amine-associated receptor 1", "P2X purinoceptor 7", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit delta isoform", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 1", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 1", "N-formyl peptide receptor 2", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha isoform", "B2 bradykinin receptor", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1B", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 8", "P2X purinoceptor 1", "B1 bradykinin receptor", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 8", "Glucose-dependent insulinotropic receptor", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 3", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1A", "Parathyroid hormone 2 receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 2", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1C1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 3", "Prostaglandin F2-alpha receptor", "Interstitial collagenase", "Short transient receptor potential channel 5", "Short transient receptor potential channel 6", "Oxoeicosanoid receptor 1", "Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor", "Acid-sensing ion channel 3", "Dipeptidyl peptidase 4", "Bile acid receptor", "Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 1", "Cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein kinase BMX", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 9", "G-protein coupled receptor family C group 6 member A", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1S", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 1", "Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor", "Short transient receptor potential channel 4", "Polycystic kidney disease 2-like 1 protein", "Adenosine deaminase", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 12", "G-protein coupled receptor 35", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2", "Probable G-protein coupled receptor 63", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 8", "Thyroid peroxidase", "Histone acetyltransferase KAT2B", "Neuropeptide FF receptor 2", "Carbonic anhydrase 14", "Carbonic anhydrase 7", "Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2", "Retinoic acid receptor gamma", "Prostaglandin F2-alpha receptor", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-7", "P2Y purinoceptor 6", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 2", "Fatty-acid amide hydrolase 1", "cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha", "Fatty-acid amide hydrolase 2", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 2", "Anoctamin-1", "Gap junction beta-1 protein", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 13", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 11", "DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha", "C-C chemokine receptor type 5", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 9", "Potassium channel subfamily U member 1", "Platelet-activating factor receptor", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 10", "Adenosine receptor A2b", "Aquaporin-1", "Acid-sensing ion channel 1", "Solute carrier family 12 member 2", "Solute carrier family 22 member 6", "Lysine-specific histone demethylase 1A", "Solute carrier family 15 member 1", "Beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit beta", "Solute carrier family 12 member 1", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase pim-2", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 5", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 2", "Leukotriene B4 receptor 2", "Histone deacetylase 11", "Histamine H2 receptor", "Xanthine dehydrogenase/oxidase", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 2", "Histone deacetylase 5", "Nitric oxide synthase, brain", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 2", "Oxytocin receptor", "Melatonin receptor type 1B", "Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit alpha", "Chloride channel protein ClC-Kb", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase N2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase FRK", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1", "Sodium channel protein type 4 subunit alpha", "Cathepsin K", "Trace amine-associated receptor 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 2", "ALK tyrosine kinase receptor", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 4", "Type-2 angiotensin II receptor", "Thyroid hormone receptor alpha", "Trifunctional purine biosynthetic protein adenosine-3", "Presenilin-1", "Ryanodine receptor 1", "Aurora kinase A", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 2", "Cyclin-dependent-like kinase 5", "Calcitonin", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 10", "Casein kinase I isoform delta", "Brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor 1", "Lysine-specific demethylase 2A", "Neuropeptide Y receptor type 2", "Chromaffin granule amine transporter", "Mucolipin-1", "Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase large subunit", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 1", "Ryanodine receptor 3", "Ceramide glucosyltransferase", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2", "Proteinase-activated receptor 1", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1", "Toll-like receptor 4", "Cytochrome P450 2D6", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 3", "Leukotriene B4 receptor 1", "Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2", "Pannexin-3", "Sn1-specific diacylglycerol lipase alpha", "Casein kinase I isoform epsilon", "Tryptase alpha/beta-1", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 3", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1G", "TRAF2 and NCK-interacting protein kinase", "Lysosomal alpha-glucosidase", "Sigma non-opioid intracellular receptor 1", "Cathepsin Z", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A", "Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor G3", "Very low-density lipoprotein receptor", "Growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1", "Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 5", "Alpha-1B adrenergic receptor", "cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit beta", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 1", "Proton-coupled folate transporter", "Glucocorticoid receptor", "Amine oxidase [flavin-containing] B", "Orexin receptor type 1", "Orexin receptor type 2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-2", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member X1", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 4", "Acid-sensing ion channel 2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 3", "Cytochrome P450 11B1, mitochondrial", "Gap junction beta-7 protein", "Gap junction gamma-2 protein", "Ryanodine receptor 2", "Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3", "Gap junction alpha-9 protein", "Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase", "Membrane primary amine oxidase", "Cytochrome P450 2B6", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 4", "Free fatty acid receptor 4", "Histone deacetylase 4", "Histone deacetylase 7", "Synaptic vesicular amine transporter", "Cytochrome P450 2C8", "C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4", "Serum amyloid P-component", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 7B", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase mTOR", "Neurotensin receptor type 2", "Protein kinase C eta type", "Sodium/glucose cotransporter 1", "Bromodomain-containing protein 2", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase pim-1", "Protein kinase C beta type", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 4", "G protein-coupled receptor kinase 4", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor 2", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type 1D", "Lysosomal protective protein", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-gamma", "Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1", "Aquaporin-9", "Neuromedin-K receptor", "Protein kinase C alpha type", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 3", "Potassium channel subfamily T member 2", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit beta isoform", "Thymidylate synthase", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase PLK4", "Potassium channel subfamily T member 1", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 4", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-4", "Melanocortin receptor 4", "Melanocortin receptor 5", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, kainate 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 5", "Prostacyclin receptor", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2", "Cannabinoid receptor 1", "Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 2", "Niemann-Pick C1-like protein 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 7", "Apoptosis regulator Bcl-2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck", "Sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter 2", "Oxysterols receptor LXR-alpha", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 2", "Sodium-coupled monocarboxylate transporter 1", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 1", "Cystathionine gamma-lyase", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 1", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2", "Gap junction beta-3 protein", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 5", "G-protein coupled receptor 143", "GTPase NRas", "Probable G-protein coupled receptor 139", "Antithrombin-III", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit pi", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit delta", "N-arachidonyl glycine receptor", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-3", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1B", "Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 3A1", "Atypical chemokine receptor 3", "Retinoic acid receptor beta", "Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Fyn", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 4", "12-(S)-hydroxy-5,8,10,14-eicosatetraenoic acid receptor", "Histone deacetylase 10", "Proton-coupled amino acid transporter 1", "Protein kinase C delta type", "Histamine H3 receptor", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 10", "Chloride channel protein ClC-Ka", "Pancreatic triacylglycerol lipase", "High affinity cAMP-specific and IBMX-insensitive 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 8B", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1D", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 6", "Glycine receptor subunit beta", "P2Y purinoceptor 13", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5", "RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Yes", "Phosphorylase b kinase gamma catalytic chain, liver/testis isoform", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 3", "Chloride channel protein 1", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 3", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1", "3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1F", "Cystathionine beta-synthase", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1D", "Dopamine beta-hydroxylase", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 14", "Trypsin-1", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 8", "Tubulin beta-3 chain", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 5", "Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1", "Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit beta", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5", "Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor", "Lanosterol 14-alpha demethylase", "High affinity cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 9A", "Histone lysine demethylase PHF8", "Neuropeptide FF receptor 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3", "Gap junction alpha-1 protein", "Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2-alpha", "High affinity cAMP-specific and IBMX-insensitive 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 8A", "Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 4", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2", "Sodium channel protein type 9 subunit alpha", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-alpha", "Purine nucleoside phosphorylase", "Gap junction beta-2 protein", "Catechol O-methyltransferase", "Neurotensin receptor type 2" ], "verbalized_answer": "732", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "approx" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "drug" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "chemical substance" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member X1" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "drug" ], [ "type", "chemical substance" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'drug'}, {'concept': 'chemical substance'}], 'physically interacts with', {'concept': 'nutrient'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?v ) AS ?m ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?v ( COUNT ( ?j ) AS ?a ) WHERE { VALUES ( ?t ) { ( ontology:drug ) ( ontology:chemical_substance ) } . ?j rdf:type ?t } GROUP BY ?v } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?g ) AS ?o ) WHERE { ?g property:physically_interacts_with resource:Mas-related_G-protein_coupled_receptor_member_X1 . { { ?g rdf:type ontology:drug } UNION { ?g rdf:type ontology:chemical_substance } } } } . FILTER ( ?a = ?o ) }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(drug)|c(chemical substance)', 'physically interacts with', 'c(nutrient)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 16, "ques_type_id": 8, "question-type": "Comparative Reasoning (Count) (All)", "description": "Comparative|Count over More/Less|Mult. entity type|Incomplete", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q4789587" ], "relations": [ "P129" ], "type_list": [ "Q181394", "Q8386", "Q79529" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "And also tell me about Vasopressin V1b receptor?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(c(Q8386)|c(Q79529),P129,c(Q181394))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": 7, "count_ques_type": 1, "is_incomplete": 1, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": 2, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "approx" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P129" ], [ "type", "Q181394" ], [ "type", "Q8386" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P129" ], [ "type", "Q181394" ], [ "type", "Q79529" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "Q4789587" ], [ "relation", "P129" ], [ "type", "Q8386" ], [ "type", "Q79529" ] ], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'Q8386'}, {'concept': 'Q79529'}], 'P129', {'concept': 'Q181394'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?z ) AS ?u ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?z ( COUNT ( ?m ) AS ?b ) WHERE { { ?m property:P129 ?z . ?z rdf:type ontology:Q181394 . ?m rdf:type ontology:Q79529 } UNION { ?m property:P129 ?z . ?z rdf:type ontology:Q181394 . ?m rdf:type ontology:Q8386 } } GROUP BY ?z } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?p ) AS ?v ) WHERE { ?p property:P129 resource:Q4789587 . { { ?p rdf:type ontology:Q8386 } UNION { ?p rdf:type ontology:Q79529 } } } } . FILTER ( ?b = ?v ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Vasopressin V1b receptor" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "approx" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "drug" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "chemical substance" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "Vasopressin V1b receptor" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "drug" ], [ "type", "chemical substance" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'drug'}, {'concept': 'chemical substance'}], 'physically interacts with', {'concept': 'nutrient'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?z ) AS ?u ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?z ( COUNT ( ?m ) AS ?b ) WHERE { { ?m property:physically_interacts_with ?z . ?z rdf:type ontology:nutrient . ?m rdf:type ontology:chemical_substance } UNION { ?m property:physically_interacts_with ?z . ?z rdf:type ontology:nutrient . ?m rdf:type ontology:drug } } GROUP BY ?z } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?p ) AS ?v ) WHERE { ?p property:physically_interacts_with resource:Vasopressin_V1b_receptor . { { ?p rdf:type ontology:drug } UNION { ?p rdf:type ontology:chemical_substance } } } } . FILTER ( ?b = ?v ) }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [ "nutrient", "drug", "chemical substance" ] }, { "id": 17, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "754", "all_entities": [ "Q21135479", "Q21120657", "Q21987720", "Q5635781", "Q21115605", "Q22679043", "Q21494718", "Q21115210", "Q5018799", "Q21115219", "Q14872770", "Q21173427", "Q21119831", "Q21119830", "Q4217286", "Q21982207", "Q21108693", "Q12746346", "Q21108695", "Q21123087", "Q21109971", "Q21988043", "Q21127094", "Q21985448", "Q21104718", "Q21119231", "Q7671480", "Q21115284", "Q21987850", "Q21172741", "Q423701", "Q413209", "Q905729", "Q420930", "Q21111688", "Q1407929", "Q21173169", "Q14908176", "Q21497881", "Q21173164", "Q21107052", "Q21119836", "Q21118791", "Q21108135", "Q21120422", "Q21111175", "Q21120424", "Q417057", "Q6155969", "Q21125451", "Q21147674", "Q21113310", "Q21113312", "Q21113313", "Q21113314", "Q21113317", "Q1499998", "Q409166", "Q21113170", "Q21113172", "Q1947065", "Q15335226", "Q21113176", "Q21118071", "Q2463389", "Q21126314", "Q14864142", "Q7553281", "Q4042017", "Q15323688", "Q21496155", "Q6590338", "Q7073181", "Q21108789", "Q21107107", "Q21108624", "Q4216080", "Q21156477", "Q21156475", "Q420470", "Q7317662", "Q4048886", "Q22675842", "Q14911986", "Q21100441", "Q423510", "Q21113552", "Q21137668", "Q21114547", "Q21100658", "Q1552797", "Q14865158", "Q21135205", "Q21110488", "Q424440", "Q21117208", "Q21102756", "Q906403", "Q3609382", "Q21990430", "Q21494481", "Q4789588", "Q21107843", "Q4789584", "Q21105011", "Q21113671", "Q4789587", "Q21981115", "Q4822789", "Q401536", "Q420604", "Q258915", "Q21126218", "Q21130085", "Q21135448", "Q21135449", "Q21173374", "Q21108357", "Q21126214", "Q21156663", "Q5500227", "Q1084878", "Q21108402", "Q21118967", "Q6589868", "Q21108408", "Q21118678", "Q21984552", "Q21123083", "Q21984557", "Q14900999", "Q415287", 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"Q14891582", "Q21109298", "Q21109354", "Q21115954", "Q409867", "Q21496918", "Q21106795", "Q21117407", "Q21113926", "Q21103146", "Q21110752", "Q408305", "Q3454525", "Q21097237", "Q21120955", "Q21114574", "Q21108785", "Q21112525", "Q21118072", "Q14911895", "Q3721138", "Q7251483", "Q21113330", "Q5419638", "Q21113337", "Q21156191", "Q21108487", "Q21110901", "Q21104817", "Q14914570", "Q21113158", "Q14905748", "Q21135903", "Q21107088", "Q21113152", "Q21103337", "Q3271551", "Q21990456", "Q21103323", "Q21102136", "Q21145932", "Q21173215", "Q21498865", "Q21123245", "Q5014947", "Q21123247", "Q21123246", "Q5512833", "Q5500223", "Q21123242", "Q128861", "Q21132248", "Q21132004", "Q21114845", "Q423572", "Q12746111", "Q422579", "Q21499210", "Q21100464", "Q15323346", "Q21112674", "Q21100639", "Q21988035", "Q21119156", "Q21105636", "Q2819188", "Q21119157", "Q21126242", "Q21991520", "Q21126786", "Q7117825", "Q21115989", "Q5572421", "Q21107443", "Q7117823", "Q21497124", "Q21123241", "Q6590408", "Q21118919", "Q21497128", "Q5198254", "Q21132652", "Q6594119", "Q21119694", "Q7136149", "Q21111879", "Q21125249", "Q21988026", "Q21988024", "Q7671460", "Q7671461", "Q21122493", "Q21173504", "Q7671468", "Q7671469", "Q12746382", "Q21100975", "Q4897175", "Q21102111", "Q412214", "Q1085078", "Q21121368", "Q21106693", "Q7673856", "Q21119848", "Q21103198", "Q21497155", "Q21118862", "Q5464652", "Q7671464", "Q21126833", "Q356093", "Q21119847", "Q21110936", "Q21121466", "Q21110933", "Q6714411", "Q22677167", "Q7118491", "Q13566123", "Q21132917", "Q21132915", "Q21979519", "Q21135411", "Q6592965", "Q21990458", "Q22676780", "Q21120698", "Q905000", "Q21113274", "Q7120326", "Q21115962", "Q21113278", "Q14905076", "Q21105176", "Q21113115", "Q21113504", "Q14912057", "Q21989670", "Q418404", "Q6881891", "Q21497874", "Q7202245", "Q21127300", "Q21498709", "Q2083074", "Q21102075", "Q21497878", "Q21119653", "Q21111553", "Q21108161", "Q21124401", "Q4897285", "Q21111495", "Q21124409", "Q21123752", "Q21172884", "Q21172886", "Q21122109", "Q6534535", "Q21140676", "Q311568", "Q1436420", "Q21173485", "Q5773160", "Q21121716", "Q21111833", "Q6590443", "Q21122997", "Q21130508", "Q21132789", "Q21123216", "Q21106691", "Q21125253", "Q6981557", "Q22679008", "Q11071075", "Q6449561", "Q21111336", "Q5198250", "Q21113831", "Q7799751", "Q14914198", "Q4377404", "Q21138907", "Q4822488", "Q21119843", "Q21116933", "Q315860", "Q21119827", "Q21115815", "Q5014193", "Q21115816", "Q21172286", "Q21114819", "Q21120144", "Q21122921", "Q6714959", "Q21121233", "Q21110532", "Q21159525", "Q22678664", "Q5446457", "Q5446456", "Q21106737", "Q5446453", "Q14914104", "Q3271142", "Q21992684", "Q21119816", "Q10988613", "Q415271", "Q21123722", "Q21102593", "Q5014192", "Q21114585", "Q21109026", "Q1500004", "Q21102123", "Q21108517", "Q565672", "Q408572", "Q21154413", "Q3454531", "Q21497937", "Q21497936", "Q21113832", "Q1979313", "Q5611755", "Q21123416", "Q21982979", "Q21111517", "Q21988152", "Q21121086", "Q21982871", "Q21109462", "Q21122433", "Q21122435", "Q3162114", "Q21984578", "Q21113305", "Q21133205", "Q21119825", "Q21102082", "Q21984577", "Q904925", "Q21113169", "Q21113168", "Q3415811", "Q424401", "Q5009781", "Q21113161", "Q21172271", "Q21131101", "Q5014958", "Q21119822", "Q21172800", "Q21173206", "Q21173207", "Q2521094", "Q5014957", "Q415718", "Q7455513", "Q21123251", "Q285613", "Q21119591", "Q21114857", "Q904241", "Q21100450", "Q21100324", "Q21114850", "Q21982203", "Q21132247", "Q21174141", "Q21130911", "Q21113540", "Q21150595", "Q423561", "Q21120051", "Q587961", "Q21106448", "Q21987287", "Q7119501", "Q21115996", "Q21118578", "Q21115992", "Q22676802", "Q21109157", "Q21118576", "Q21115998", "Q21201618", "Q21118676", "Q21118677", "Q15324694", "Q21108701", "Q21096394", "Q21988427", "Q21991039", "Q21201294", "Q411791", "Q14905763", "Q21118884", "Q21496564", "Q425201", "Q9020944", "Q21121379", "Q21112289", "Q7671477", "Q21127141", "Q21111265", "Q21157860", "Q7671478", "Q21116665", "Q21113099", "Q15327766", "Q21118970", "Q21126947", "Q21118976", "Q416336", "Q21113295", "Q21113297", "Q21110922", "Q21113292", "Q21498666", "Q21173608", "Q21136134", "Q21129997", "Q6592976", "Q21107799", "Q423628", "Q21113349", "Q21494464", "Q21157551", "Q21121276", "Q7120338", "Q21983336", "Q21113510", "Q21100810", "Q424693", "Q21123223", "Q288431", "Q21102146", "Q21107871", "Q21103162", "Q21121816", "Q6589190", "Q410434", "Q21097216", "Q21122509", "Q6449560", "Q6449562", "Q21111520", "Q7390572", "Q6155967", "Q21100360", "Q21114955", "Q21984383", "Q5201183", "Q21984381", "Q415762", "Q6714402", "Q21125499", "Q21499447", "Q15324415", "Q21135787", "Q15323565", "Q5201201", "Q571999", "Q21495791", "Q2005209", "Q21100886", "Q21115429", "Q22683566", "Q7002508", "Q21121490", "Q2356259", "Q21121496", "Q21123220", "Q21134814", "Q21113683", "Q6981560", "Q21118710", "Q414401", "Q21113127", "Q418781", "Q21986206" ], "active_set": [ "(c(Q8386)|c(Q79529),P129,c(Q181394))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, 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{ { ?m property:P129 ?z . ?z rdf:type ontology:Q181394 . ?m rdf:type ontology:Q79529 } UNION { ?m property:P129 ?z . ?z rdf:type ontology:Q181394 . ?m rdf:type ontology:Q8386 } } GROUP BY ?z } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?p ) AS ?v ) WHERE { ?p property:P129 resource:Q4789587 . { { ?p rdf:type ontology:Q8386 } UNION { ?p rdf:type ontology:Q79529 } } } } . FILTER ( ?b = ?v ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Sodium channel protein type 8 subunit alpha", "Interleukin-23 subunit alpha", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member D", "GTPase HRas", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1", "Aldose reductase", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 2", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 1", "Calcium-activated potassium channel subunit alpha-1", "Oxysterols receptor LXR-beta", "Histamine H4 receptor", "Histone deacetylase 9", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 5", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 18", "Cathepsin S", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 2", "G-protein coupled receptor 87", "Nociceptin receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor 84", "Neuromedin-K receptor", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 4", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 4", "Rho-associated protein kinase 2", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1", "Solute carrier family 22 member 3", "Tyrosine-protein kinase TXK", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4", "Activated CDC42 kinase 1", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP2 subtype", "G-protein coupled receptor 3", "Coagulation factor X", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor", "Glutathione reductase, mitochondrial", "B2 bradykinin receptor", "Cytochrome P450 1A1", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 4", "Carbonic anhydrase 1", "Gap junction alpha-4 protein", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 1", "Multidrug resistance-associated protein 5", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-10", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP4 subtype", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-3", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP2 subtype", "Vitamin D3 receptor", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3", "Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 1", "Estrogen-related receptor gamma", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-1", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-3", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit epsilon", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1C", "Prothrombin", "Gap junction delta-3 protein", "Gap junction delta-4 protein", "Voltage-dependent N-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1B", "D(2) dopamine receptor", "Gap junction delta-2 protein", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn", "Sodium channel protein type 1 subunit alpha", "3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase", "Solute carrier family 12 member 3", "GTPase KRas", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 2", "Bromodomain testis-specific protein", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 7", "2-oxoglutarate receptor 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 5", "Gap junction alpha-3 protein", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta", "72 kDa type IV collagenase", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 3", "Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 2", "3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase 2", "Rhodopsin kinase", "Nociceptin receptor", "Bromodomain-containing protein 4", "Amyloid beta A4 protein", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 14", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4", "Nitric oxide synthase, inducible", "Rho-associated protein kinase 1", "Heat-stable enterotoxin receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 1", "Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (quinone), mitochondrial", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase BRSK2", "Cytochrome P450 3A4", "Chymotrypsin-like elastase family member 1", "Testis-specific serine/threonine-protein kinase 1", "Protein kinase C zeta type", "Cytochrome P450 11B2, mitochondrial", "P2Y purinoceptor 14", "Uracil nucleotide/cysteinyl leukotriene receptor", "Vasopressin V2 receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 10", "Vasopressin V1a receptor", "cGMP-dependent 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 8", "Vasopressin V1b receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor 6", "Toll-like receptor 7", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Blk", "Phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase", "Renin", "Folate transporter 1", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 5", "Sodium channel protein type 2 subunit alpha", "Sodium channel protein type 3 subunit alpha", "Plasminogen", "Cystine/glutamate transporter", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 11", "Free fatty acid receptor 3", "Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma", "Chloride channel protein 2", "G-protein coupled receptor 183", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 6", "H(+)/Cl(-) exchange transporter 3", "Melanocortin receptor 3", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 3", "Substance-K receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 1", "Kappa-type opioid receptor", "Aromatase", "Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 3", "Ovarian cancer G-protein coupled receptor 1", "Vesicular acetylcholine transporter", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1", "Solute carrier family 23 member 1", "Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha", "Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta", "Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, cytoplasmic", "3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 2", "Zinc-activated ligand-gated ion channel", "B1 bradykinin receptor", "Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 4", "Histone acetyltransferase p300", "Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6", "Protein kinase C iota type", "Chloride transport protein 6", "Farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase", "H(+)/Cl(-) exchange transporter 7", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1I", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 6", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-1", "Toll-like receptor 9", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 3", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 3", "P2X purinoceptor 4", "P2Y purinoceptor 12", "Carbonic anhydrase 4", "Neuropeptide S receptor", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-1", "Thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor", "Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 2", "Prostacyclin receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor family C group 6 member A", "Mu-type opioid receptor", "Melatonin receptor type 1A", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 1", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 3", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase ATR", "Homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 1", "Gap junction gamma-3 protein", "Solute carrier family 22 member 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 6", "Toll-like receptor 8", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 2", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1H", "Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret", "Carbonyl reductase [NADPH] 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily C member 1", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 6", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1F", "Pannexin-2", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 9", "Sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter B(0)AT2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily B member 2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily B member 1", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit gamma isoform", "Complement C1r subcomponent", "Cone cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase subunit alpha'", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 4", "Nuclear receptor ROR-alpha", "Aldehyde dehydrogenase, mitochondrial", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4A", "Bromodomain testis-specific protein", "cGMP-inhibited 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase B", "Pannexin-1", "5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit beta-1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 7", "cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 1", "Death-associated protein kinase 1", "G-protein coupled bile acid receptor 1", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 1", "Potassium-transporting ATPase alpha chain 1", "Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta", "Short transient receptor potential channel 7", "Retinoic acid receptor alpha", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 8", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 7", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 2", "Short transient receptor potential channel 2", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 1", "Translocator protein", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 2", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 5", "P2X purinoceptor 3", "G-protein coupled receptor 35", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 11", "Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1", "Ornithine decarboxylase", "Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4-alpha", "DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 3", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 8", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 2", "P2Y purinoceptor 11", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 4", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 7", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1", "Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-1", "Acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha", "Carbonic anhydrase 12", "Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 2", "Tubulin beta chain", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP3 subtype", "Nitric oxide synthase, endothelial", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 1", "Amine oxidase [flavin-containing] A", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 4", "Methionine aminopeptidase 2", "Dihydrofolate reductase", "Sn1-specific diacylglycerol lipase beta", "Growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor", "Angiopoietin-1 receptor", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-4", "Estrogen receptor", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member D", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4", "Estrogen receptor beta", "Melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor", "Proteasome subunit beta type-5", "Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 2", "Cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme, mitochondrial", "Tyrosine 3-monooxygenase", "Gastrin/cholecystokinin type B receptor", "Hepatocyte growth factor receptor", "NAD-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-1", "Vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase", "Glucagon-like peptide 2 receptor", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 10", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 1", "Gap junction beta-6 protein", "Gap junction beta-5 protein", "Delta-type opioid receptor", "Mevalonate kinase", "Acetylcholinesterase", "Histone deacetylase 6", "G-protein coupled estrogen receptor 1", "Galanin receptor type 1", "Sodium channel protein type 5 subunit alpha", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 2", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 4", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha", "Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2-beta", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP1 subtype", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP4 subtype", "P2Y purinoceptor 1", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4C", "Aurora kinase C", "Maltase-glucoamylase, intestinal", "P2Y purinoceptor 4", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 8", "P2Y purinoceptor 2", "Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP1A", "Putative P2Y purinoceptor 10", "Transthyretin", "Solute carrier family 22 member 11", "Sodium leak channel non-selective protein", "Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-3", "Trace amine-associated receptor 3", "Solute carrier family 22 member 8", "Solute carrier family 22 member 12", "Trace amine-associated receptor 5", "Trace amine-associated receptor 4", "Nuclear receptor ROR-beta", "P2X purinoceptor 4", "Extracellular calcium-sensing receptor", "Gap junction gamma-1 protein", "fMet-Leu-Phe receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor 12", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR1", "Bile salt export pump", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP1 subtype", "Histone deacetylase 2", "Dual 3',5'-cyclic-AMP and -GMP phosphodiesterase 11A", "Endothelin B receptor", "Free fatty acid receptor 1", "Sodium/glucose cotransporter 2", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1S", "fMet-Leu-Phe receptor", "Beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 2", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP3 subtype", "Cholinesterase", "Short transient receptor potential channel 4", "Sodium/bile acid cotransporter", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-alpha", "Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C3", "Lysine-specific demethylase 7A", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2A1", "Sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 15", "Bcl-2-like protein 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 1", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3", "P2Y purinoceptor 14", "Neurotensin receptor type 1", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit gamma", "Aurora kinase B", "Cytochrome P450 3A5", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 4", "Thyroid hormone receptor beta", "Vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1", "Solute carrier family 22 member 2", "Squalene synthase", "Gap junction beta-4 protein", "Neuropeptide Y receptor type 1", "Uracil nucleotide/cysteinyl leukotriene receptor", "Histone deacetylase 8", "Thromboxane A2 receptor", "Geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase", "Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2", "Intermediate conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 4", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-9", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-6", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-2", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 2", "C-C chemokine receptor type 4", "Calcitonin receptor", "Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 2", "Interleukin-17A", "Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor", "Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase subunit M2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 6", "Protein kinase C epsilon type", "Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-2", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 2", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4D", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 24", "Cholecystokinin receptor type A", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-3", "Cytochrome P450 2J2", "Steroid 17-alpha-hydroxylase/17,20 lyase", "Progesterone receptor", "Aromatic-L-amino-acid decarboxylase", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 2 group C member 2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 4", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase N1", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR1", "Thymidylate synthase", "Neutrophil elastase", "Interferon-induced, double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-3", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 4", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit theta", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 19", "Parathyroid hormone/parathyroid hormone-related peptide receptor", "Gastrin/cholecystokinin type B receptor", "Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 6", "Gap junction alpha-8 protein", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1C", "Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide receptor 1", "Gap junction alpha-10 protein", "Gap junction alpha-5 protein", "Two pore calcium channel protein 1", "Smoothened homolog", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor 2", "Two pore calcium channel protein 2", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-beta", "Phospholipase D2", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 3", "Beta-3 adrenergic receptor", "High affinity cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 7A", "Cytochrome P450 1B1", "cGMP-inhibited 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase A", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1C", "Cyclin-G-associated kinase", "Free fatty acid receptor 2", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4B", "Angiotensin-converting enzyme", "G protein-coupled receptor kinase 6", "Endothelin-1 receptor", "Protein kinase C gamma type", "Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK", "Motilin receptor", "Insulin receptor", "Carbonic anhydrase 13", "Bromodomain-containing protein 3", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 1", "Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 1", "Programmed cell death 1 ligand 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 5", "Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 2", "cGMP-gated cation channel alpha-1", "Type-1 angiotensin II receptor", "Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 5", "Trace amine-associated receptor 1", "P2X purinoceptor 7", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit delta isoform", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 1", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 1", "N-formyl peptide receptor 2", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha isoform", "B2 bradykinin receptor", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1B", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 8", "P2X purinoceptor 1", "B1 bradykinin receptor", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 8", "Glucose-dependent insulinotropic receptor", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 3", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1A", "Parathyroid hormone 2 receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 2", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1C1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 3", "Prostaglandin F2-alpha receptor", "Interstitial collagenase", "Short transient receptor potential channel 5", "Short transient receptor potential channel 6", "Oxoeicosanoid receptor 1", "Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor", "Beta-3 adrenergic receptor", "Acid-sensing ion channel 3", "Dipeptidyl peptidase 4", "Bile acid receptor", "Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 1", "Cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein kinase BMX", "Substance-P receptor", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 9", "G-protein coupled receptor family C group 6 member A", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1S", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 1", "Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor", "Short transient receptor potential channel 4", "Polycystic kidney disease 2-like 1 protein", "Adenosine deaminase", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 12", "G-protein coupled receptor 35", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2", "Probable G-protein coupled receptor 63", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 8", "Thyroid peroxidase", "Histone acetyltransferase KAT2B", "Neuropeptide FF receptor 2", "Carbonic anhydrase 14", "Carbonic anhydrase 7", "Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2", "Retinoic acid receptor gamma", "Prostaglandin F2-alpha receptor", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-7", "P2Y purinoceptor 6", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 2", "Fatty-acid amide hydrolase 1", "cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha", "Glutamate receptor 2", "Fatty-acid amide hydrolase 2", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 2", "Anoctamin-1", "Gap junction beta-1 protein", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 13", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 11", "DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha", "C-C chemokine receptor type 5", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 9", "Potassium channel subfamily U member 1", "Platelet-activating factor receptor", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 10", "Adenosine receptor A2b", "Aquaporin-1", "Acid-sensing ion channel 1", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 2", "Solute carrier family 12 member 2", "Solute carrier family 22 member 6", "Lysine-specific histone demethylase 1A", "Solute carrier family 15 member 1", "Beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit beta", "Solute carrier family 12 member 1", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase pim-2", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 5", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 2", "Leukotriene B4 receptor 2", "Histone deacetylase 11", "Histamine H2 receptor", "Xanthine dehydrogenase/oxidase", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 2", "Histone deacetylase 5", "Nitric oxide synthase, brain", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 2", "Oxytocin receptor", "Melatonin receptor type 1B", "Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit alpha", "Chloride channel protein ClC-Kb", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase N2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase FRK", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1", "Sodium channel protein type 4 subunit alpha", "Cathepsin K", "Trace amine-associated receptor 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 2", "ALK tyrosine kinase receptor", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 4", "Type-2 angiotensin II receptor", "Thyroid hormone receptor alpha", "Trifunctional purine biosynthetic protein adenosine-3", "Presenilin-1", "Ryanodine receptor 1", "Aurora kinase A", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 2", "Cyclin-dependent-like kinase 5", "Calcitonin", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 10", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2A", "Casein kinase I isoform delta", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2B", "Brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor 1", "Lysine-specific demethylase 2A", "Neuropeptide Y receptor type 2", "Chromaffin granule amine transporter", "Mucolipin-1", "Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase large subunit", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 1", "Ryanodine receptor 3", "Ceramide glucosyltransferase", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2", "Proteinase-activated receptor 1", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1", "Toll-like receptor 4", "Cytochrome P450 2D6", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 3", "Leukotriene B4 receptor 1", "Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2", "Pannexin-3", "Sn1-specific diacylglycerol lipase alpha", "Casein kinase I isoform epsilon", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-6", "Tryptase alpha/beta-1", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 3", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1G", "TRAF2 and NCK-interacting protein kinase", "Lysosomal alpha-glucosidase", "Sigma non-opioid intracellular receptor 1", "Cathepsin Z", "Mineralocorticoid receptor", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 5A", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A", "Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor G3", "Very low-density lipoprotein receptor", "Growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1", "Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 5", "Alpha-1B adrenergic receptor", "cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit beta", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 1", "Proton-coupled folate transporter", "Glucocorticoid receptor", "Amine oxidase [flavin-containing] B", "Orexin receptor type 1", "Orexin receptor type 2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-2", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member X1", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 4", "Acid-sensing ion channel 2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 3", "Cytochrome P450 11B1, mitochondrial", "Gap junction beta-7 protein", "Gap junction gamma-2 protein", "Ryanodine receptor 2", "Epidermal growth factor receptor", "Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3", "Gap junction alpha-9 protein", "Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase", "Membrane primary amine oxidase", "Cytochrome P450 2B6", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 4", "Free fatty acid receptor 4", "Histone deacetylase 4", "Histone deacetylase 7", "Synaptic vesicular amine transporter", "Cytochrome P450 2C8", "C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4", "Serum amyloid P-component", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 7B", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase mTOR", "Neurotensin receptor type 2", "Protein kinase C eta type", "Sodium/glucose cotransporter 1", "Bromodomain-containing protein 2", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase pim-1", "Protein kinase C beta type", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 4", "G protein-coupled receptor kinase 4", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor 2", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2D", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type 1D", "Cannabinoid receptor 2", "Lysosomal protective protein", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-gamma", "Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1", "Aquaporin-9", "Neuromedin-K receptor", "Protein kinase C alpha type", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 3", "Potassium channel subfamily T member 2", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit beta isoform", "Thymidylate synthase", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase PLK4", "Potassium channel subfamily T member 1", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 4", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-4", "Melanocortin receptor 4", "Melanocortin receptor 5", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 3", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, kainate 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 5", "Prostacyclin receptor", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2", "Cannabinoid receptor 1", "Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 2", "Niemann-Pick C1-like protein 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 7", "Apoptosis regulator Bcl-2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck", "Sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter 2", "Oxysterols receptor LXR-alpha", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 2", "Sodium-coupled monocarboxylate transporter 1", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 1", "Cystathionine gamma-lyase", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 1", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2", "Gap junction beta-3 protein", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 5", "G-protein coupled receptor 143", "GTPase NRas", "Probable G-protein coupled receptor 139", "Antithrombin-III", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit pi", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit delta", "N-arachidonyl glycine receptor", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-3", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1B", "Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 3A1", "Atypical chemokine receptor 3", "Retinoic acid receptor beta", "Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Fyn", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 4", "12-(S)-hydroxy-5,8,10,14-eicosatetraenoic acid receptor", "Histone deacetylase 10", "Proton-coupled amino acid transporter 1", "Protein kinase C delta type", "Histamine H3 receptor", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 10", "Chloride channel protein ClC-Ka", "Pancreatic triacylglycerol lipase", "High affinity cAMP-specific and IBMX-insensitive 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 8B", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1D", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 6", "Glycine receptor subunit beta", "P2Y purinoceptor 13", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5", "RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Yes", "Phosphorylase b kinase gamma catalytic chain, liver/testis isoform", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 3", "Chloride channel protein 1", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 3", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1", "3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1F", "Cystathionine beta-synthase", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1D", "Dopamine beta-hydroxylase", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 14", "Trypsin-1", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 8", "Tubulin beta-3 chain", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 5", "Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1", "Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit beta", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5", "Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor", "Lanosterol 14-alpha demethylase", "High affinity cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 9A", "Histone lysine demethylase PHF8", "Neuropeptide FF receptor 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3", "Gap junction alpha-1 protein", "Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2-alpha", "High affinity cAMP-specific and IBMX-insensitive 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 8A", "Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 4", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2", "Sodium channel protein type 9 subunit alpha", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-alpha", "Purine nucleoside phosphorylase", "Gap junction beta-2 protein", "Catechol O-methyltransferase", "Neurotensin receptor type 2" ], "verbalized_answer": "754", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "approx" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "drug" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "chemical substance" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "Vasopressin V1b receptor" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "drug" ], [ "type", "chemical substance" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'drug'}, {'concept': 'chemical substance'}], 'physically interacts with', {'concept': 'nutrient'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?z ) AS ?u ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?z ( COUNT ( ?m ) AS ?b ) WHERE { { ?m property:physically_interacts_with ?z . ?z rdf:type ontology:nutrient . ?m rdf:type ontology:chemical_substance } UNION { ?m property:physically_interacts_with ?z . ?z rdf:type ontology:nutrient . ?m rdf:type ontology:drug } } GROUP BY ?z } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?p ) AS ?v ) WHERE { ?p property:physically_interacts_with resource:Vasopressin_V1b_receptor . { { ?p rdf:type ontology:drug } UNION { ?p rdf:type ontology:chemical_substance } } } } . FILTER ( ?b = ?v ) }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(drug)|c(chemical substance)', 'physically interacts with', 'c(nutrient)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 18, "ques_type_id": 2, "question-type": "Simple Question (Direct)", "description": "Simple Question|Single Entity", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q423510" ], "relations": [ "P681" ], "type_list": [ "Q5058355" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "Which cellular components are components of Amyloid beta A4 protein ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(Q423510,P681,c(Q5058355))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": 1, "sec_ques_type": 1, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": 0, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q423510" ], [ "relation", "P681" ], [ "type", "Q5058355" ] ], "is_spurious": null, 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Jones, Sr.", "Martin Lancaster", "Francois Xavier Martin", "Alfred Rowland", "James Harris", "John Hill", "William Miller", "Waightstill Avery", "Howard J. Hunter, Jr.", "William Salter Blackledge", "Edward Nelson Cole", "Elijah L. Daughtridge", "Marvin W. Lucas", "William Henry Washington", "David Outlaw", "Asa Biggs", "Algernon Lee Butler", "Walter G. Church, Sr.", "Felix Walker", "David M. Britt", "John A. Garwood", "James C. Green", "Thomas E. Wright", "William B. Rodman, Jr.", "Kenneth Spaulding", "Robert C. Hunter", "Mitch Gillespie", "Thomas Michael Holt", "J. Russell Capps", "Anderson Mitchell", "William Waightstill Avery", "Dewey L. Hill", "Joseph Hardin, Sr.", "E. David Redwine", "Evan Shelby Alexander", "Tom Murry", "Cary D. Allred", "William R. King", "Benjamin Smith", "Rodney W. Moore", "John M. Brower", "Mickey Michaux", "Leonidas L. Polk", "W. Pete Cunningham", "Samuel L. Patterson", "Thomas D. Johnston", "Jimmy Dixon", "Liston B. Ramsey", "Benjamin H. Bunn", "John I. Sauls", "Walter P. Stacy", "Louis Dicken Wilson", "Woodrow W. Jones", "Richard Spaight Donnell", "Charles H. Cowles", "William L. Wainwright", "Josiah Ogden Watson", "William Nathan Harrell Smith", "William Hooper", "Reginald L. Harris", "Harold J. Brubaker", "Robert B. Gilliam", "Hugh Quincy Alexander", "Roger West", "Montford McGehee", "Marcus Brandon", "Robert Strange", "R. C. Soles, Jr.", "Bobby F. England", "Charles A. Cooke", "Joseph Pearson Caldwell", "George Washington Brooks", "Ric Killian", "Walter Leak Steele", "John H. Kerr, III", "John C. B. Ehringhaus", "Brad Miller", "M.V. Barnhill", "Rick Glazier", "Cullie Tarleton", "Joseph B. Raynor, Jr.", "Robert Howe", "S. Gerald Arnold", "Arthur J. Williams", "Joe P. Tolson", "William Theophilus Dortch", "John Steele", "Duane Hall", "John Stanly", "Thomas Settle", "Jesse Atherton Bynum", "Archibald Henderson", "Charles W. McClammy", "Joe Hackney", "V. Lamar Gudger", "John Gaston Grant", "James M. Clarke", "John Blust", "Richard Dobbs Spaight", "Willoughby Williams", "Phil Baddour", "George M. Holmes", "Archibald McNeill", "Daniel F. McComas", "Hoyt Patrick Taylor, Jr.", "John Manning, Jr.", "William M. Robbins", "Thomas Polk", "Thomas Burke", "Ike Franklin Andrews", "Charles McLawhorn", "William Alexander Graham", "A. I. Ferree", "Frank Ballance", "Jim Fulghum", "John T. Henley", "Mark K. Hilton", "James B. Black", "W. C. Dowd", "Griffith Rutherford", "Alfred Moore", "Richard T. Morgan", "Charles W. Albertson", "Michael P. Decker", "John May", "Jesse Johnson Yeates", "James Holshouser", "Nathaniel Alexander", "Bobby H. Barbee, Sr.", "Paul Stam", "Thomas Eaton", "Robert N. Page", "Howard Coble", "William H. Murfree", "Thomas Dixon, Jr.", "Donald A. Bonner", "Jesse Speight", "Nick Galifianakis", "Nurham O. Warwick", "James H. Young", "John M. Rayfield", "Joseph J. Davis", "Otway Burns", "Tim Moore", "Nathaniel Boyden", "Van Braxton", "James Stewart", "James G. 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Wheeler", "Gordon P. Allen", "W. Eugene Wilson", "Samuel James Ervin III", "Zebulon Weaver", "Appleton Oaksmith", "Keith P. Williams", "Rufus A. Doughton", "George Mumford", "Paul Barringer", "John Stokes", "Mitchell S. Setzer", "Bob Etheridge", "Pryor A. Gibson, III", "Richmond Pearson", "Sam Watford", "William Francis Strudwick", "Art Pope", "Thomas Jordan Jarvis", "Ralph James Scott", "Grier Martin", "G. L. Pridgen", "Louis C. Latham", "Lindsay Carter Warren", "Jeter Connelly Pritchard", "Nathan T. Hopkins", "Charles Elliott Johnson", "John Kerr, Jr.", "Robert Williams", "Frank Iler", "Henson P. Barnes", "John Brown", "John Sevier", "Lemuel Sawyer", "Samuel D. Purviance", "Capus M. Waynick", "Thomas S. Kenan", "Willis Alston", "Ronnie N. Sutton", "James White", "Nelson Dollar", "Arlie F. Culp", "Skipper Bowles", "Bryan R. Holloway", "Benjamin Hawkins", "Kenneth Rayner", "Zeb V. Walser", "William Henry Haywood, Jr.", "William A. Hoke", "Larry W. 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Newland, Samuel F. Phillips, John Sitgreaves, Charles W. McClammy, Simmons Jones Baker, D. Bruce Goforth, James Turner, Henry Selby Clark, G. L. Pridgen and Jeter Connelly Pritchard were responsible for occupying the position of Member of the North Carolina House of Representatives and have male as the sex", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "William C. Newland", "Samuel F. Phillips", "John Sitgreaves", "Charles W. McClammy", "Simmons Jones Baker", "D. Bruce Goforth", "James Turner", "Henry Selby Clark", "G. L. 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ontology:Q3305213 }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "United States of America", "Netherlands" ], "verbalized_answer": "Did you mean Netherlands ?", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Netherlands" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'painting'}, 'location of final assembly', 'United States of America']", "[{'concept': 'painting'}, 'location of final assembly', 'Netherlands']" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?o WHERE { ?o property:location_of_final_assembly resource:Netherlands . ?o rdf:type ontology:painting }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(painting)', 'location of creation', 'United States of America'], ['c(painting)', 'location of creation', 'Netherlands']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 16, "ques_type_id": 2, "question-type": "Simple Question (Coreferenced)", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "Yes", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ 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FILTER ( ?e < ?m ) . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?v ) AS ?m ) WHERE { resource:Q168159 property:P206 ?v . { { ?v rdf:type ontology:Q1267889 } UNION { ?v rdf:type ontology:Q337567 } } } } }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Orio", "Ayamonte", "South East Sulawesi Province", "San Andrés y Sauces", "Plentzia", "Antarctic Treaty area", "Sopela", "Garafía", "El Sauzal", "Chantada", "Soutomaior", "Llanybydder", "Adra", "Vale of Glamorgan", "Donetsk Oblast", "Formentera", "San Miguel de Abona", "Puerto del Rosario", "Algeciras", "Santa Cruz de La Palma", "Val de San Vicente", "Hondarribia", "Poblacion", "La Guancha", "Almuñécar", "Vallehermoso, Santa Cruz de Tenerife", "Chipiona", "Gorontalo Province", "Santa Eulària des Riu", "East Nusa Tenggara Province", "West Sumatra", "Pisocine", "Adeje", "Szychtory", "Manipulon", "Sant Joan de Labritja", "Zarautz", "San Roque", "Ceredigion", "Los Barrios", "Sentinela", "Betancuria", "Puerto Real", "El Pinar, Canary Islands", "Maluku Province", "San Bartolomé, Las Palmas", "Papua", "Vilassar de Mar", "La Victoria de Acentejo", "Sorvilán", "Albuñol", "L'Alcúdia de Crespins", "Canada", "Agaete", "Loguingot", "Llançà", "Telde", "Central Java Province", "Sanlúcar de Barrameda", "Bakio", "Yaiza, Las Palmas", "La Oliva", "Lújar", "West Papua", "Valverde", "Sasiv", "Itamaracá", "Villa de Mazo", "Rostock District", "Getxo", "Mataró", "Cadaqués", "Santiago del Teide", "Newport City", "Nuśmice", "Pájara", "San Fernando", "Denmark", "Cagting", "Moya, Las Palmas", "Santurtzi", "Nigrán", "El Ejido", "Casares", "Icod de los Vinos", "La Línea de la Concepción", "Nerja", "Looc, Mandaue", "Sinandigan", "Arucas, Las Palmas", "Roquetas de Mar", "Ribamontán al Mar", "Begur", "San Juan de la Rambla, Santa Cruz de Tenerife", "Miengo", "Gáldar, Las Palmas", "Arnuero", "La Frontera", "Tías, Las Palmas", "San Bartolomé de Tirajana", "Isla Cristina", "Biliran", "Barlovento, Santa Cruz de Tenerife", "Fuencaliente", "Santa María de Guía de Gran Canaria", "Antigua, Fuerteventura", "Comillas", "Conwy County Borough", "Algarrobo", "Trillo", "Arona, Tenerife", "Caparangasan", "Rota", "Arafo", "Malpica de Tajo", "Barreiros", "Conil de la Frontera", "Castelló d'Empúries", "Noja", "Torrox", "Manilva", "El Puente del Arzobispo", "Barbate", "Carmarthenshire", "Pangpang", "Orkney Islands", "El Rosario, Tenerife", "Sé", "City and County of Cardiff", "El Port de la Selva", "Kherson Oblast", "Fatima", "Tazacorte", "Santa Lucía de Tirajana", "City and County of Swansea", "Portbou", "Güímar", "Fasnia", "Tuineje, Las Palmas", "Bareyo", "Rincón de la Victoria", "Colera", "Aia", "Troitske", "Chiclana de la Frontera", "Mogán, Las Palmas", "Ruiloba", "Valdáliga", "Los Llanos de Aridane", "Vélez-Málaga", "Denbighshire", "Neath Port Talbot County Borough", "Roses", "Alajeró, Santa Cruz de Tenerife", "Estepona", "Barrika", "Liendo", "Puntagorda", "Humayhumay", "Tacoronte, Santa Cruz de Tenerife", "Granadilla de Abona", "La Orotava", "North Kalimantan", "Agüimes, Las Palmas", "Achila", "Calvià", "North Sumatra Province", "West Java Province", "Ingenio, Las Palmas", "Sant Josep de sa Talaia", "Alfoz de Lloredo", "Botlog Island", "Artenara, Las Palmas", "Zaporizhzhya Oblast", "Rubite", "Pasaia", "Guintabo-an", "Los Realejos", "Special Region of Yogyakarta", "Santa Úrsula", "Shetland", "Tinajo, Las Palmas", "Torremolinos", "Breña Alta", "Fuengirola", "Haría, Las Palmas", "Piélagos", "Bayas Island", "Uhrynów", "Vejer de la Frontera", "Flintshire", "L'Escala", "Hermigua", "Muskiz", "Teguise", "Arico", "Kalimantan Tengah", "Valle Gran Rey", "Salobreña", "Los Silos", "Odessa Oblast", "Piedralaves", "Kalimantan Barat", "Lampung Province", "Malangabang", "Breña Baja", "Lepe", "Outer Hebrides", "Lemoiz", "Variazh", "Nînovîci,", "La Matanza de Acentejo", "Polopos", "Vasilivka", "La Aldea de San Nicolás", "Mykolaiv Oblast", "Tapon", "Torfaen County Borough", "Candelaria", "Cuya", "Monmouthshire", "Punta Umbría", "Ribadeo", "Fernando de Noronha", "Agulo", "Níjar", "Puntallana", "Gualchos", "Juagdan", "Tijarafe", "Bridgend County Borough", "Buenavista del Norte", "Mañón", "Berja", "Enix, Spain" ], "verbalized_answer": "Denmark, Canada and Torfaen County Borough are situated close to less number of waterways and still waterss than Anglesey", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Denmark", "Canada", "Torfaen County Borough" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "less" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "located next to body of water" ], [ "type", "political territorial entity" ], [ "type", "waterway" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "located next to body of water" ], [ "type", "political territorial entity" ], [ "type", "still waters" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Anglesey" ], [ "relation", "located next to body of water" ], [ "type", "waterway" ], [ "type", "still waters" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'political territorial entity'}, 'located next to body of water', [{'concept': 'waterway'}, {'concept': 'still waters'}]]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?p WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?x ) AS ?e ) ?p WHERE { ?x rdf:type ?q . VALUES ( ?q ) { ( ontology:waterway ) ( ontology:still_waters ) } } GROUP BY ?p } . FILTER ( ?e < ?m ) . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?v ) AS ?m ) WHERE { resource:Anglesey property:located_next_to_body_of_water ?v . { { ?v rdf:type ontology:waterway } UNION { ?v rdf:type ontology:still_waters } } } } }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(political territorial entity)', 'located in or next to body of water', 'c(waterway)|c(still waters)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 18, "ques_type_id": 2, "question-type": "Simple Question (Direct)", "description": "Simple Question|Mult. Entity|Indirect", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q35", "Q16", "Q643919" ], "relations": [ "P36" ], "type_list": [ "Q56061" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "Which administrative territories are associated to Denmark, Canada and Torfaen County Borough as the capital ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(Q35,P36,c(Q56061))", "(Q16,P36,c(Q56061))", "(Q643919,P36,c(Q56061))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": 4, "sec_ques_type": 1, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": 1, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q35" ], [ "relation", "P36" ], [ "type", "Q56061" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q16" ], [ "relation", "P36" ], [ "type", "Q56061" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q643919" ], [ "relation", "P36" ], [ "type", "Q56061" ] ], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "['Q35', 'P36', {'concept': 'Q56061'}]", "['Q16', 'P36', {'concept': 'Q56061'}]", "['Q643919', 'P36', {'concept': 'Q56061'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?y WHERE { { resource:Q35 property:P36 ?y . ?y rdf:type ontology:Q56061 } UNION { resource:Q16 property:P36 ?y . ?y rdf:type ontology:Q56061 } }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Denmark", "Canada", "Torfaen County Borough" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Denmark" ], [ "relation", "capital" ], [ "type", "administrative territorial entity" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Canada" ], [ "relation", "capital" ], [ "type", "administrative territorial entity" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Torfaen County Borough" ], [ "relation", "capital" ], [ "type", "administrative territorial entity" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "['Denmark', 'capital', {'concept': 'administrative territorial entity'}]", "['Canada', 'capital', {'concept': 'administrative territorial entity'}]", "['Torfaen County Borough', 'capital', {'concept': 'administrative territorial entity'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?y WHERE { { resource:Denmark property:capital ?y . ?y rdf:type ontology:administrative_territorial_entity } UNION { resource:Canada property:capital ?y . ?y rdf:type ontology:administrative_territorial_entity } }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [ "administrative territorial entity" ] }, { "id": 19, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q1748", "Q1930", "Q1021164" ], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "Copenhagen, Ottawa, Pontypool", "all_entities": [ "Q1748", "Q1930", "Q1021164" ], "active_set": [ "(Q35,P36,c(Q56061))", "(Q16,P36,c(Q56061))", "(Q643919,P36,c(Q56061))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q35" ], [ "relation", "P36" ], [ "type", "Q56061" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q16" ], [ "relation", "P36" ], [ "type", "Q56061" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q643919" ], [ "relation", "P36" ], [ "type", "Q56061" ] ], "is_spurious": false, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWERS] are associated to Denmark, Canada and Torfaen County Borough as the capital", "parsed_active_set": [ "['Q35', 'P36', {'concept': 'Q56061'}]", "['Q16', 'P36', {'concept': 'Q56061'}]", "['Q643919', 'P36', {'concept': 'Q56061'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?y WHERE { { resource:Q35 property:P36 ?y . ?y rdf:type ontology:Q56061 } UNION { resource:Q16 property:P36 ?y . ?y rdf:type ontology:Q56061 } }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Copenhagen", "Ottawa", "Pontypool" ], "verbalized_answer": "Copenhagen, Ottawa and Pontypool are associated to Denmark, Canada and Torfaen County Borough as the capital", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Copenhagen", "Ottawa", "Pontypool" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Denmark" ], [ "relation", "capital" ], [ "type", "administrative territorial entity" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Canada" ], [ "relation", "capital" ], [ "type", "administrative territorial entity" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Torfaen County Borough" ], [ "relation", "capital" ], [ "type", "administrative territorial entity" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "['Denmark', 'capital', {'concept': 'administrative territorial entity'}]", "['Canada', 'capital', {'concept': 'administrative territorial entity'}]", "['Torfaen County Borough', 'capital', {'concept': 'administrative territorial entity'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?y WHERE { { resource:Denmark property:capital ?y . ?y rdf:type ontology:administrative_territorial_entity } UNION { resource:Canada property:capital ?y . ?y rdf:type ontology:administrative_territorial_entity } }", "verbalized_triple": "[['Denmark', 'capital', 'c(administrative territorial entity)'], ['Canada', 'capital', 'c(administrative territorial entity)'], ['Torfaen', 'capital', 'c(administrative territorial entity)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 20, "ques_type_id": 2, "question-type": "Simple Question (Direct)", "description": "Simple Question|Single Entity", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q35" ], "relations": [ "P706" ], "type_list": [ "Q151885" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "Which concept has its location as Denmark ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(c(Q151885),P706,Q35)" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": 1, "sec_ques_type": 2, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": 0, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "Q35" ], [ "relation", "P706" ], [ "type", "Q151885" ] ], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q151885'}, 'P706', 'Q35']" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?i WHERE { ?i property:P706 resource:Q35 . ?i rdf:type ontology:Q151885 }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Denmark" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "Denmark" ], [ "relation", "located on terrain feature" ], [ "type", "concept" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'concept'}, 'located on terrain feature', 'Denmark']" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?i WHERE { ?i property:located_on_terrain_feature resource:Denmark . ?i rdf:type ontology:concept }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [ "concept" ] }, { "id": 21, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q1362485" ], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "Ertebølle culture", "all_entities": [ "Q1362485" ], "active_set": [ "(c(Q151885),P706,Q35)" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "Q35" ], [ "relation", "P706" ], [ "type", "Q151885" ] ], "is_spurious": false, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWER] has its location as Denmark", "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q151885'}, 'P706', 'Q35']" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?i WHERE { ?i property:P706 resource:Q35 . ?i rdf:type ontology:Q151885 }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Ertebølle culture" ], "verbalized_answer": "Ertebølle culture has its location as Denmark", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Ertebølle culture" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "Denmark" ], [ "relation", "located on terrain feature" ], [ "type", "concept" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'concept'}, 'located on terrain feature', 'Denmark']" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?i WHERE { ?i property:located_on_terrain_feature resource:Denmark . ?i rdf:type ontology:concept }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(concept)', 'located on terrain feature', 'Denmark']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 22, "ques_type_id": 2, "question-type": "Simple Question (Coreferenced)", "description": "Simple Question|Single Entity|Indirect", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q1362485" ], "relations": [ "P361" ], "type_list": [ "Q1790144" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "What is that concept a portion of ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(Q1362485,P361,c(Q1790144))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": 2, "sec_ques_type": 1, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": 1, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q1362485" ], [ "relation", "P361" ], [ "type", "Q1790144" ] ], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "['Q1362485', 'P361', {'concept': 'Q1790144'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?r WHERE { ?r rdf:type ontology:Q1790144 . resource:Q1362485 property:P361 ?r }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Ertebølle culture" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Ertebølle culture" ], [ "relation", "part of" ], [ "type", "unit of time" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "['Ertebølle culture', 'part of', {'concept': 'unit of time'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?r WHERE { ?r rdf:type ontology:unit_of_time . resource:Ertebølle_culture property:part_of ?r }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [ "unit of time" ] }, { "id": 23, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q44155" ], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "Mesolithic", "all_entities": [ "Q44155" ], "active_set": [ "(Q1362485,P361,c(Q1790144))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q1362485" ], [ "relation", "P361" ], [ "type", "Q1790144" ] ], "is_spurious": false, "masked_verbalized_answer": "That concept a portion of is the [ANSWER]", "parsed_active_set": [ "['Q1362485', 'P361', {'concept': 'Q1790144'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?r WHERE { ?r rdf:type ontology:Q1790144 . resource:Q1362485 property:P361 ?r }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Mesolithic" ], "verbalized_answer": "That concept a portion of is the Mesolithic", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Mesolithic" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Ertebølle culture" ], [ "relation", "part of" ], [ "type", "unit of time" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "['Ertebølle culture', 'part of', {'concept': 'unit of time'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?r WHERE { ?r rdf:type ontology:unit_of_time . resource:Ertebølle_culture property:part_of ?r }", "verbalized_triple": "[['Ertebølle culture', 'part of', 'c(unit of time)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 24, "ques_type_id": 4, "question-type": "Logical Reasoning (All)", "description": "Logical|Union|Single_Relation", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q18685640", "Q1492424" ], "relations": [ "P27" ], "type_list": [ "Q1048835" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "Which political territories are the native countriesof Marieluise Deißmann-Merten or Kevin Davies ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "OR((Q1492424,P27,c(Q1048835)), (Q18685640,P27,c(Q1048835)))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": 1, "is_inc": 0, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": 0, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q1492424" ], [ "relation", "P27" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q18685640" ], [ "relation", "P27" ], [ "type", "Q1048835" ] ], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "{'OR': [['Q1492424', 'P27', {'concept': 'Q1048835'}], ['Q18685640', 'P27', {'concept': 'Q1048835'}]]}" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?k WHERE { { { resource:Q1492424 property:P27 ?k } UNION { resource:Q18685640 property:P27 ?k } } . ?k rdf:type ontology:Q1048835 }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Kevin Davies", "Marieluise Deißmann-Merten" ], 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"Q21126218", "Q21130085", "Q21135448", "Q21135449", "Q21173374", "Q21108357", "Q21126214", "Q21156663", "Q5500227", "Q21108402", "Q21118967", "Q6589868", "Q21108408", "Q21118678", "Q21984552", "Q21123083", "Q21984557", "Q14900999", "Q415287", "Q7861688", "Q7671479", "Q21118909", "Q7923221", "Q21136123", "Q21106653", "Q7169506", "Q7169504", "Q21118293", "Q415607", "Q21130016", "Q21136517", "Q21111689", "Q908221", "Q21496578", "Q5323823", "Q254943", "Q21496575", "Q21496576", "Q21109253", "Q21100773", "Q21107439", "Q21100774", "Q21988044", "Q21102152", "Q21107535", "Q21103155", "Q2042529", "Q21114341", "Q21109974", "Q21985924", "Q2398308", "Q5038044", "Q21988816", "Q21109218", "Q14905576", "Q21113326", "Q14905270", "Q5201199", "Q905736", "Q21984063", "Q14911929", "Q21122995", "Q21135975", "Q21122125", "Q4812911", "Q21103089", "Q21112081", "Q21172213", "Q14914580", "Q4459747", "Q511968", "Q21102129", "Q415976", "Q21130042", "Q21496563", "Q15323770", "Q5198252", "Q21109744", "Q21102124", 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"Q21139471", "Q21497887", "Q21113101", "Q21113100", "Q21988386", "Q424031", "Q22676679", "Q21173381", "Q5514257", "Q21110304", "Q3459294", "Q21114338", "Q21497941", "Q21102511", "Q21119672", "Q21987844", "Q21987843", "Q21119575", "Q21202200", "Q21132140", "Q21118732", "Q21126779", "Q21497890", "Q21126777", "Q21110396", "Q21126773", "Q419999", "Q21135949", "Q21096262", "Q21105660", "Q21991514", "Q21135943", "Q21135945", "Q21991512", "Q21991513", "Q21117235", "Q21108844", "Q417801", "Q21113155", "Q21981993", "Q21171763", "Q21494387", "Q4650061", "Q21120420", "Q21119704", "Q21173310", "Q5500222", "Q7390898", "Q21111803", "Q21112690", "Q21112691", "Q21120423", "Q22679015", "Q15322943", "Q21174687", "Q21125248", "Q21499097", "Q21105060", "Q21114807", "Q21125240", "Q21208052", "Q21987569", "Q21173156", "Q14905969", "Q21118353", "Q21121807", "Q21124061", "Q21118356", "Q4822491", "Q21117300", "Q21126205", "Q7799753", "Q21175110", "Q21108578", "Q21113173", "Q21120142", "Q21110921", "Q411978", "Q21106540", "Q4036865", "Q21119818", "Q21111184", "Q21983261", "Q21111182", "Q21111181", "Q4859538", "Q21102300", "Q3931282", "Q909409", "Q21139123", "Q21108338", "Q14891582", "Q21109298", "Q21109354", "Q21115954", "Q409867", "Q21496918", "Q21106795", "Q21117407", "Q21113926", "Q21103146", "Q21110752", "Q408305", "Q3454525", "Q21097237", "Q21120955", "Q21114574", "Q21108785", "Q21112525", "Q21118072", "Q14911895", "Q3721138", "Q7251483", "Q21113330", "Q5419638", "Q21113337", "Q21156191", "Q21108487", "Q21110901", "Q21104817", "Q14914570", "Q21113158", "Q14905748", "Q21135903", "Q21107088", "Q21113152", "Q21103337", "Q3271551", "Q21990456", "Q21103323", "Q21102136", "Q21145932", "Q21173215", "Q21498865", "Q21123245", "Q5014947", "Q21123247", "Q21123246", "Q5512833", "Q5500223", "Q21123242", "Q128861", "Q21132248", "Q21132004", "Q21114845", "Q423572", "Q12746111", "Q422579", "Q21499210", "Q21100464", "Q15323346", "Q21112674", "Q21988035", "Q21119156", "Q21105636", "Q2819188", "Q21119157", "Q21126242", "Q21991520", "Q21126786", "Q7117825", "Q21115989", "Q5572421", "Q21107443", "Q7117823", "Q21497124", "Q21123241", "Q6590408", "Q21118919", "Q21497128", "Q5198254", "Q21132652", "Q6594119", "Q21119694", "Q7136149", "Q21111879", "Q21125249", "Q21988026", "Q21988024", "Q7671460", "Q7671461", "Q21122493", "Q21173504", "Q7671468", "Q7671469", "Q12746382", "Q21100975", "Q21102111", "Q412214", "Q1085078", "Q21121368", "Q21106693", "Q21119848", "Q21103198", "Q21497155", "Q21118862", "Q5464652", "Q7671464", "Q21126833", "Q356093", "Q21119847", "Q21110936", "Q21121466", "Q21110933", "Q6714411", "Q22677167", "Q7118491", "Q13566123", "Q21132917", "Q21132915", "Q21979519", "Q21135411", "Q6592965", "Q21990458", "Q22676780", "Q21120698", "Q905000", "Q21113274", "Q7120326", "Q21113278", "Q14905076", "Q21105176", "Q21113115", "Q21113504", "Q14912057", "Q21989670", "Q418404", "Q6881891", "Q21497874", "Q21127300", "Q21498709", "Q2083074", "Q21102075", "Q21119653", "Q21111553", "Q21108161", "Q21124401", "Q4897285", "Q21111495", "Q21124409", "Q21123752", "Q21172884", "Q21172886", "Q21122109", "Q6534535", "Q21140676", "Q311568", "Q1436420", "Q21173485", "Q5773160", "Q21121716", "Q21111833", "Q6590443", "Q21122997", "Q21130508", "Q21132789", "Q21123216", "Q21106691", "Q21125253", "Q6981557", "Q22679008", "Q11071075", "Q6449561", "Q21111336", "Q5198250", "Q21113831", "Q7799751", "Q14914198", "Q4377404", "Q21138907", "Q4822488", "Q21119843", "Q21116933", "Q315860", "Q21119827", "Q5014193", "Q21172286", "Q21114819", "Q21120144", "Q21122921", "Q6714959", "Q21121233", "Q21110532", "Q21159525", "Q22678664", "Q5446457", "Q5446456", "Q21106737", "Q5446453", "Q14914104", "Q3271142", "Q21992684", "Q21119816", "Q10988613", "Q415271", "Q21102593", "Q5014192", "Q21109026", "Q1500004", "Q21102123", "Q21108517", "Q565672", "Q408572", "Q21154413", "Q21497936", "Q21113832", "Q5611755", "Q21123416", "Q21982979", "Q21111517", "Q21988152", "Q21121086", "Q21982871", "Q21109462", "Q21122433", "Q21122435", "Q3162114", "Q21984578", "Q21113305", "Q21133205", "Q21119825", "Q21102082", "Q21984577", "Q904925", "Q21113169", "Q21113168", "Q3415811", "Q5009781", "Q21113161", "Q21172271", "Q21131101", "Q5014958", "Q21119822", "Q21172800", "Q21173206", "Q21173207", "Q2521094", "Q5014957", "Q415718", "Q7455513", "Q21123251", "Q285613", "Q21119591", "Q21114857", "Q904241", "Q21100450", "Q21100324", "Q21114850", "Q21982203", "Q21132247", "Q21174141", "Q21113540", "Q423561", "Q21120051", "Q587961", "Q21106448", "Q21987287", "Q7119501", "Q21115996", "Q21118578", "Q21115992", "Q22676802", "Q21109157", "Q21118576", "Q21115998", "Q21201618", "Q21118676", "Q21118677", "Q21108701", "Q21096394", "Q21988427", "Q21991039", "Q21201294", "Q411791", "Q14905763", "Q21118884", "Q21496564", "Q425201", "Q9020944", "Q21121379", "Q21112289", "Q7671477", "Q21127141", "Q21111265", "Q21157860", "Q7671478", "Q21116665", "Q21113099", "Q15327766", "Q21118970", "Q21126947", "Q21118976", "Q416336", "Q21113295", "Q21113297", "Q21110922", "Q21113292", "Q21498666", "Q21173608", "Q21136134", "Q21129997", "Q6592976", "Q21107799", "Q423628", "Q21113349", "Q21494464", "Q21157551", "Q21121276", "Q7120338", "Q21983336", "Q21113510", "Q21100810", "Q424693", "Q21123223", "Q288431", "Q21102146", "Q21107871", "Q21103162", "Q21121816", "Q6589190", "Q410434", "Q21097216", "Q7671497", "Q21122509", "Q6449560", "Q6449562", "Q21111520", "Q7390572", "Q6155967", "Q21100360", "Q21114955", "Q21984383", "Q5201183", "Q21984381", "Q415762", "Q6714402", "Q21125499", "Q21499447", "Q15324415", "Q21135787", "Q15323565", "Q5201201", "Q571999", "Q21495791", "Q2005209", "Q21100886", "Q21115429", "Q22683566", "Q7002508", "Q21121490", "Q2356259", "Q21121496", "Q21123220", "Q21134814", "Q21113683", "Q6981560", "Q21118710", "Q414401", "Q21113127", "Q418781", "Q21986206" ], "active_set": [ "(c(Q181394),P129,c(Q79529)|c(Q8386))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "approx" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P129" ], [ "type", "Q181394" ], [ "type", "Q79529" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P129" ], [ "type", "Q181394" ], [ "type", "Q8386" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q3609382" ], [ "relation", "P129" ], [ "type", "Q79529" ], [ "type", "Q8386" ] ], "is_spurious": true, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWERS] contact approximately the same number of chemical substances and drugs as Cytochrome P450 11B2, mitochondrial", "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q181394'}, 'P129', [{'concept': 'Q79529'}, {'concept': 'Q8386'}]]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?l WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?l ( COUNT ( ?f ) AS ?j ) WHERE { { ?l property:P129 ?f . ?l rdf:type ontology:Q181394 . ?f rdf:type ontology:Q79529 } UNION { ?f rdf:type ontology:Q8386 . ?l rdf:type ontology:Q181394 . ?l property:P129 ?f } } GROUP BY ?l } . FILTER ( ?j = ?m ) . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?w ) AS ?m ) WHERE { { ?w rdf:type ?o . VALUES ( ?o ) { ( ontology:Q79529 ) ( ontology:Q8386 ) } } . resource:Q3609382 property:P129 ?w } } }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Sodium channel protein type 8 subunit alpha", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member D", "GTPase HRas", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1", "Aldose reductase", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 2", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 1", "Calcium-activated potassium channel subunit alpha-1", "Oxysterols receptor LXR-beta", "Histamine H4 receptor", "Histone deacetylase 9", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 5", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 18", "Cathepsin S", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 2", "G-protein coupled receptor 87", "Nociceptin receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor 84", "Neuromedin-K receptor", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 4", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 4", "Rho-associated protein kinase 2", "Reelin", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1", "Tyrosine-protein kinase TXK", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4", "Activated CDC42 kinase 1", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP2 subtype", "G-protein coupled receptor 3", "Coagulation factor X", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor", "Glutathione reductase, mitochondrial", "Galanin receptor type 2", "B2 bradykinin receptor", "Cytochrome P450 1A1", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 4", "Gap junction alpha-4 protein", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 1", "Multidrug resistance-associated protein 5", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-10", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP4 subtype", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-3", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP2 subtype", "Vitamin D3 receptor", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3", "Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 1", "Estrogen-related receptor gamma", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-1", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-3", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit epsilon", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1C", "Prothrombin", "Gap junction delta-3 protein", "Gap junction delta-4 protein", "Voltage-dependent N-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1B", "D(2) dopamine receptor", "Gap junction delta-2 protein", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn", "Sodium channel protein type 1 subunit alpha", "3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase", "Solute carrier family 12 member 3", "GTPase KRas", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 2", "Bromodomain testis-specific protein", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 7", "2-oxoglutarate receptor 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 5", "Gap junction alpha-3 protein", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta", "72 kDa type IV collagenase", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 3", "Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 2", "3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase 2", "Rhodopsin kinase", "Nociceptin receptor", "Bromodomain-containing protein 4", "Platelet-activating factor receptor", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 14", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4", "Nitric oxide synthase, inducible", "Rho-associated protein kinase 1", "Heat-stable enterotoxin receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 1", "Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (quinone), mitochondrial", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase BRSK2", "Cytochrome P450 3A4", "Chymotrypsin-like elastase family member 1", "Testis-specific serine/threonine-protein kinase 1", "Protein kinase C zeta type", "Cytochrome P450 11B2, mitochondrial", "P2Y purinoceptor 14", "Uracil nucleotide/cysteinyl leukotriene receptor", "Vasopressin V2 receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 10", "Vasopressin V1a receptor", "cGMP-dependent 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 8", "Vasopressin V1b receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor 6", "Toll-like receptor 7", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Blk", "Phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase", "Renin", "Folate transporter 1", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 5", "Sodium channel protein type 2 subunit alpha", "Sodium channel protein type 3 subunit alpha", "Plasminogen", "Cystine/glutamate transporter", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 11", "Free fatty acid receptor 3", "Chloride channel protein 2", "G-protein coupled receptor 183", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 6", "H(+)/Cl(-) exchange transporter 3", "Melanocortin receptor 3", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 3", "Substance-K receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 1", "Kappa-type opioid receptor", "Aromatase", "Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 3", "Ovarian cancer G-protein coupled receptor 1", "Vesicular acetylcholine transporter", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1", "Solute carrier family 23 member 1", "Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha", "Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta", "Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, cytoplasmic", "3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 2", "Zinc-activated ligand-gated ion channel", "B1 bradykinin receptor", "Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3", "Histone acetyltransferase p300", "Retinoic acid receptor alpha", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6", "Protein kinase C iota type", "Chloride transport protein 6", "Farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase", "H(+)/Cl(-) exchange transporter 7", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1I", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 6", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-1", "Toll-like receptor 9", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 3", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 3", "P2X purinoceptor 4", "P2Y purinoceptor 12", "Carbonic anhydrase 4", "Neuropeptide S receptor", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf", "Thromboxane A2 receptor", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-1", "Thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor", "Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 2", "Prostacyclin receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor family C group 6 member A", "Mu-type opioid receptor", "Melatonin receptor type 1A", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 1", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 3", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase ATR", "Homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 1", "Gap junction gamma-3 protein", "Solute carrier family 22 member 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 6", "Toll-like receptor 8", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 2", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1H", "Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret", "Carbonyl reductase [NADPH] 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily C member 1", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 6", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1F", "Pannexin-2", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 9", "Sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter B(0)AT2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily B member 2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily B member 1", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit gamma isoform", "Complement C1r subcomponent", "Cone cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase subunit alpha'", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 4", "Nuclear receptor ROR-alpha", "Aldehyde dehydrogenase, mitochondrial", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4A", "Galanin receptor type 3", "Bromodomain testis-specific protein", "cGMP-inhibited 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase B", "Pannexin-1", "Pannexin-3", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 7", "cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 1", "Death-associated protein kinase 1", "G-protein coupled bile acid receptor 1", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 1", "Potassium-transporting ATPase alpha chain 1", "Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta", "Short transient receptor potential channel 7", "Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 8", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 7", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 2", "Short transient receptor potential channel 2", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 1", "Translocator protein", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 2", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 5", "P2X purinoceptor 3", "G-protein coupled receptor 35", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 11", "Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1", "Ornithine decarboxylase", "Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4-alpha", "DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 3", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 8", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor", "P2Y purinoceptor 11", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 4", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 7", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1", "Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-1", "Acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha", "Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 2", "Tubulin beta chain", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP3 subtype", "Nitric oxide synthase, endothelial", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 1", "Amine oxidase [flavin-containing] A", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 4", "Methionine aminopeptidase 2", "Dihydrofolate reductase", "Sn1-specific diacylglycerol lipase beta", "Growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor", "Angiopoietin-1 receptor", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-4", "Estrogen receptor", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member D", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4", "Melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor", "Proteasome subunit beta type-5", "Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 2", "Cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme, mitochondrial", "Tyrosine 3-monooxygenase", "Gastrin/cholecystokinin type B receptor", "Hepatocyte growth factor receptor", "NAD-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-1", "Vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase", "Glucagon-like peptide 2 receptor", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 10", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 1", "Gap junction beta-6 protein", "Gap junction beta-5 protein", "Delta-type opioid receptor", "Mevalonate kinase", "Acetylcholinesterase", "Histone deacetylase 6", "G-protein coupled estrogen receptor 1", "Galanin receptor type 1", "Sodium channel protein type 5 subunit alpha", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 2", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 4", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha", "Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2-beta", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP1 subtype", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP4 subtype", "P2Y purinoceptor 1", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4C", "Aurora kinase C", "Maltase-glucoamylase, intestinal", "P2Y purinoceptor 4", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 8", "P2Y purinoceptor 2", "Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP1A", "Putative P2Y purinoceptor 10", "Transthyretin", "Solute carrier family 22 member 11", "Sodium leak channel non-selective protein", "Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-3", "Trace amine-associated receptor 3", "Solute carrier family 22 member 8", "Solute carrier family 22 member 12", "Trace amine-associated receptor 5", "Trace amine-associated receptor 4", "Nuclear receptor ROR-beta", "P2X purinoceptor 4", "Extracellular calcium-sensing receptor", "Gap junction gamma-1 protein", "fMet-Leu-Phe receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor 12", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR1", "Bile salt export pump", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP1 subtype", "Dual 3',5'-cyclic-AMP and -GMP phosphodiesterase 11A", "Endothelin B receptor", "Free fatty acid receptor 1", "Sodium/glucose cotransporter 2", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1S", "fMet-Leu-Phe receptor", "Beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 2", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP3 subtype", "Cholinesterase", "Short transient receptor potential channel 4", "Sodium/bile acid cotransporter", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-alpha", "Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C3", "Lysine-specific demethylase 7A", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2A1", "Sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 15", "Bcl-2-like protein 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 1", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3", "P2Y purinoceptor 14", "Neurotensin receptor type 1", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit gamma", "Aurora kinase B", "Cytochrome P450 3A5", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 4", "Thyroid hormone receptor beta", "Vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1", "Squalene synthase", "Gap junction beta-4 protein", "Neuropeptide Y receptor type 1", "Uracil nucleotide/cysteinyl leukotriene receptor", "Thromboxane A2 receptor", "Geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase", "Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2", "Intermediate conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 4", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-9", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-6", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-2", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 2", "C-C chemokine receptor type 4", "Calcitonin receptor", "Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 2", "Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase subunit M2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 6", "Protein kinase C epsilon type", "Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-2", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 2", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4D", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 24", "Cholecystokinin receptor type A", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-3", "Cytochrome P450 2J2", "Steroid 17-alpha-hydroxylase/17,20 lyase", "Progesterone receptor", "Aromatic-L-amino-acid decarboxylase", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 2 group C member 2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 4", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase N1", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR1", "Thymidylate synthase", "Neutrophil elastase", "Interferon-induced, double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-3", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 4", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit theta", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 19", "Parathyroid hormone/parathyroid hormone-related peptide receptor", "Gastrin/cholecystokinin type B receptor", "Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 6", "Gap junction alpha-8 protein", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1C", "Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide receptor 1", "Gap junction alpha-10 protein", "Gap junction alpha-5 protein", "Two pore calcium channel protein 1", "Smoothened homolog", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor 2", "Two pore calcium channel protein 2", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-beta", "Phospholipase D2", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 3", "Beta-3 adrenergic receptor", "High affinity cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 7A", "Cytochrome P450 1B1", "cGMP-inhibited 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase A", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1C", "Cyclin-G-associated kinase", "Free fatty acid receptor 2", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4B", "Angiotensin-converting enzyme", "G protein-coupled receptor kinase 6", "Endothelin-1 receptor", "Protein kinase C gamma type", "Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK", "Motilin receptor", "Insulin receptor", "Carbonic anhydrase 13", "Bromodomain-containing protein 3", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 1", "Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 5", "Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 2", "cGMP-gated cation channel alpha-1", "Type-1 angiotensin II receptor", "Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 5", "Trace amine-associated receptor 1", "P2X purinoceptor 7", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit delta isoform", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 1", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 1", "N-formyl peptide receptor 2", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha isoform", "B2 bradykinin receptor", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1B", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 8", "P2X purinoceptor 1", "B1 bradykinin receptor", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 8", "Glucose-dependent insulinotropic receptor", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 3", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1A", "Parathyroid hormone 2 receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 2", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1C1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 3", "Prostaglandin F2-alpha receptor", "Interstitial collagenase", "Short transient receptor potential channel 5", "Short transient receptor potential channel 6", "Oxoeicosanoid receptor 1", "Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor", "Acid-sensing ion channel 3", "Dipeptidyl peptidase 4", "Bile acid receptor", "Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 1", "Cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein kinase BMX", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 9", "G-protein coupled receptor family C group 6 member A", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1S", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 1", "Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor", "Short transient receptor potential channel 4", "Polycystic kidney disease 2-like 1 protein", "Adenosine deaminase", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 12", "G-protein coupled receptor 35", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2", "Probable G-protein coupled receptor 63", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 8", "Thyroid peroxidase", "Histone acetyltransferase KAT2B", "Neuropeptide FF receptor 2", "Carbonic anhydrase 14", "Carbonic anhydrase 7", "Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2", "Retinoic acid receptor gamma", "Prostaglandin F2-alpha receptor", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-7", "P2Y purinoceptor 6", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 2", "Fatty-acid amide hydrolase 1", "cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha", "Fatty-acid amide hydrolase 2", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 2", "Anoctamin-1", "Gap junction beta-1 protein", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 13", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 11", "DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha", "C-C chemokine receptor type 5", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 9", "Potassium channel subfamily U member 1", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 10", "Adenosine receptor A2b", "Aquaporin-1", "Acid-sensing ion channel 1", "Solute carrier family 12 member 2", "Solute carrier family 22 member 6", "Lysine-specific histone demethylase 1A", "Solute carrier family 15 member 1", "Beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit beta", "Solute carrier family 12 member 1", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase pim-2", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 5", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 2", "Leukotriene B4 receptor 2", "Histone deacetylase 11", "Histamine H2 receptor", "Xanthine dehydrogenase/oxidase", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 2", "Histone deacetylase 5", "Nitric oxide synthase, brain", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 2", "Oxytocin receptor", "Melatonin receptor type 1B", "Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit alpha", "Chloride channel protein ClC-Kb", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase N2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase FRK", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1", "Sodium channel protein type 4 subunit alpha", "Cathepsin K", "Trace amine-associated receptor 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 2", "ALK tyrosine kinase receptor", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 4", "Type-2 angiotensin II receptor", "Thyroid hormone receptor alpha", "Trifunctional purine biosynthetic protein adenosine-3", "Presenilin-1", "Ryanodine receptor 1", "Aurora kinase A", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 2", "Cyclin-dependent-like kinase 5", "Calcitonin", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 10", "Casein kinase I isoform delta", "Brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor 1", "Lysine-specific demethylase 2A", "Neuropeptide Y receptor type 2", "Chromaffin granule amine transporter", "Mucolipin-1", "Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase large subunit", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 1", "Ryanodine receptor 3", "Ceramide glucosyltransferase", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2", "Proteinase-activated receptor 1", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1", "Toll-like receptor 4", "Cytochrome P450 2D6", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 3", "Leukotriene B4 receptor 1", "Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2", "Sn1-specific diacylglycerol lipase alpha", "Casein kinase I isoform epsilon", "Tryptase alpha/beta-1", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 3", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1G", "TRAF2 and NCK-interacting protein kinase", "Lysosomal alpha-glucosidase", "Sigma non-opioid intracellular receptor 1", "Cathepsin Z", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A", "Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor G3", "Growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1", "Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 5", "Alpha-1B adrenergic receptor", "cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit beta", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 1", "Proton-coupled folate transporter", "Glucocorticoid receptor", "Amine oxidase [flavin-containing] B", "Orexin receptor type 1", "Orexin receptor type 2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-2", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member X1", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 4", "Acid-sensing ion channel 2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 3", "Cytochrome P450 11B1, mitochondrial", "Gap junction beta-7 protein", "Gap junction gamma-2 protein", "Ryanodine receptor 2", "Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3", "Gap junction alpha-9 protein", "Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase", "Membrane primary amine oxidase", "Cytochrome P450 2B6", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 4", "Free fatty acid receptor 4", "Histone deacetylase 4", "Histone deacetylase 7", "Synaptic vesicular amine transporter", "Cytochrome P450 2C8", "C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4", "Serum amyloid P-component", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 7B", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase mTOR", "Neurotensin receptor type 2", "Protein kinase C eta type", "Sodium/glucose cotransporter 1", "Bromodomain-containing protein 2", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase pim-1", "Protein kinase C beta type", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 4", "G protein-coupled receptor kinase 4", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor 2", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type 1D", "Lysosomal protective protein", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-gamma", "Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1", "Aquaporin-9", "Neuromedin-K receptor", "Protein kinase C alpha type", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 3", "Potassium channel subfamily T member 2", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit beta isoform", "Thymidylate synthase", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase PLK4", "Potassium channel subfamily T member 1", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 4", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-4", "Melanocortin receptor 4", "Melanocortin receptor 5", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, kainate 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 5", "Prostacyclin receptor", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2", "Cannabinoid receptor 1", "Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 2", "Niemann-Pick C1-like protein 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 7", "Apoptosis regulator Bcl-2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck", "Sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter 2", "Oxysterols receptor LXR-alpha", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 2", "Sodium-coupled monocarboxylate transporter 1", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 1", "Cystathionine gamma-lyase", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 1", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2", "Gap junction beta-3 protein", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 5", "G-protein coupled receptor 143", "GTPase NRas", "Probable G-protein coupled receptor 139", "Antithrombin-III", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit pi", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit delta", "N-arachidonyl glycine receptor", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-3", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1B", "Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 3A1", "Atypical chemokine receptor 3", "Retinoic acid receptor beta", "Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Fyn", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 4", "12-(S)-hydroxy-5,8,10,14-eicosatetraenoic acid receptor", "Histone deacetylase 10", "Proton-coupled amino acid transporter 1", "Protein kinase C delta type", "Histamine H3 receptor", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 10", "Chloride channel protein ClC-Ka", "Pancreatic triacylglycerol lipase", "High affinity cAMP-specific and IBMX-insensitive 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 8B", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1D", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 6", "Glycine receptor subunit beta", "P2Y purinoceptor 13", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5", "RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Yes", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 2", "Phosphorylase b kinase gamma catalytic chain, liver/testis isoform", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 3", "Chloride channel protein 1", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 3", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1", "3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1F", "Cystathionine beta-synthase", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1D", "Dopamine beta-hydroxylase", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 14", "Trypsin-1", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 8", "Tubulin beta-3 chain", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 5", "Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1", "Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit beta", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5", "Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor", "Lanosterol 14-alpha demethylase", "High affinity cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 9A", "Histone lysine demethylase PHF8", "Neuropeptide FF receptor 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3", "Gap junction alpha-1 protein", "Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2-alpha", "High affinity cAMP-specific and IBMX-insensitive 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 8A", "Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 4", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2", "Sodium channel protein type 9 subunit alpha", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-alpha", "Purine nucleoside phosphorylase", "Gap junction beta-2 protein", "Catechol O-methyltransferase", "Neurotensin receptor type 2" ], "verbalized_answer": "Apoptosis regulator Bcl-2, Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src and NAD-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-1 contact approximately the same number of chemical substances and drugs as Cytochrome P450 11B2, mitochondrial", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Apoptosis regulator Bcl-2", "Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src", "NAD-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-1" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "approx" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "chemical substance" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "drug" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Cytochrome P450 11B2, mitochondrial" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "chemical substance" ], [ "type", "drug" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'nutrient'}, 'physically interacts with', [{'concept': 'chemical substance'}, {'concept': 'drug'}]]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?l WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?l ( COUNT ( ?f ) AS ?j ) WHERE { { ?l property:physically_interacts_with ?f . ?l rdf:type ontology:nutrient . ?f rdf:type ontology:chemical_substance } UNION { ?f rdf:type ontology:drug . ?l rdf:type ontology:nutrient . ?l property:physically_interacts_with ?f } } GROUP BY ?l } . FILTER ( ?j = ?m ) . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?w ) AS ?m ) WHERE { { ?w rdf:type ?o . VALUES ( ?o ) { ( ontology:chemical_substance ) ( ontology:drug ) } } . resource:Cytochrome_P450_11B2,_mitochondrial property:physically_interacts_with ?w } } }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(nutrient)', 'physically interacts with', 'c(chemical substance)|c(drug)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 6, "ques_type_id": 8, "question-type": "Comparative Reasoning (All)", "description": "Comparative|More/Less|Mult. entity type|Incomplete", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q408853" ], "relations": [ "P129" ], "type_list": [ "Q79529", "Q8386", "Q181394" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "And what about Nitric oxide synthase, endothelial?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(c(Q181394),P129,c(Q79529)|c(Q8386))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": 5, "count_ques_type": 2, "is_incomplete": 1, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": 1, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "approx" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P129" ], [ "type", "Q181394" ], [ "type", "Q79529" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P129" ], [ "type", "Q181394" ], [ "type", "Q8386" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q408853" ], [ "relation", "P129" ], [ "type", "Q79529" ], [ "type", "Q8386" ] ], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q181394'}, 'P129', [{'concept': 'Q79529'}, {'concept': 'Q8386'}]]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?i WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?i ( COUNT ( ?k ) AS ?z ) WHERE { { ?i property:P129 ?k . ?i rdf:type ontology:Q181394 . ?k rdf:type ontology:Q79529 } UNION { ?i property:P129 ?k . ?i rdf:type ontology:Q181394 . ?k rdf:type ontology:Q8386 } } GROUP BY ?i } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?v ) AS ?s ) WHERE { { VALUES ( ?y ) { ( ontology:Q79529 ) ( ontology:Q8386 ) } . ?v rdf:type ?y } . resource:Q408853 property:P129 ?v } } . FILTER ( ?z = ?s ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Nitric oxide synthase, endothelial" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "approx" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "chemical substance" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "drug" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Nitric oxide synthase, endothelial" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "chemical substance" ], [ "type", "drug" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'nutrient'}, 'physically interacts with', [{'concept': 'chemical substance'}, {'concept': 'drug'}]]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?i WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?i ( COUNT ( ?k ) AS ?z ) WHERE { { ?i property:physically_interacts_with ?k . ?i rdf:type ontology:nutrient . ?k rdf:type ontology:chemical_substance } UNION { ?i property:physically_interacts_with ?k . ?i rdf:type ontology:nutrient . ?k rdf:type ontology:drug } } GROUP BY ?i } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?v ) AS ?s ) WHERE { { VALUES ( ?y ) { ( ontology:chemical_substance ) ( ontology:drug ) } . ?v rdf:type ?y } . resource:Nitric_oxide_synthase,_endothelial property:physically_interacts_with ?v } } . FILTER ( ?z = ?s ) }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [ "chemical substance", "drug", "nutrient" ] }, { "id": 7, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q425201", "Q21109354", "Q21113719" ], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "Apoptosis regulator Bcl-2, Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src, NAD-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-1", "all_entities": [ "Q21135479", "Q21987720", "Q5635781", "Q21115605", "Q22679043", "Q21494718", "Q21115210", "Q5018799", "Q21115219", "Q14872770", "Q21173427", "Q21119831", "Q21119830", "Q4217286", "Q21982207", "Q21108693", "Q12746346", "Q21108695", "Q21123087", "Q21109971", "Q21988043", "Q21127094", "Q13561329", "Q21985448", "Q21119231", "Q7671480", "Q21115284", "Q21987850", "Q21172741", "Q423701", "Q905729", "Q420930", "Q21110295", "Q21111688", "Q1407929", "Q21173169", "Q14908176", "Q21497881", "Q21107052", "Q21119836", "Q21118791", "Q21108135", "Q21120422", "Q21111175", "Q21120424", "Q417057", "Q6155969", "Q21125451", "Q21147674", "Q21113310", "Q21113312", "Q21113313", "Q21113314", "Q21113317", "Q1499998", "Q409166", "Q21113170", "Q21113172", "Q1947065", "Q15335226", "Q21113176", "Q21118071", "Q2463389", "Q21126314", "Q14864142", "Q7553281", "Q4042017", "Q15323688", "Q21496155", "Q6590338", "Q7073181", "Q21108789", "Q21107107", "Q21108624", "Q4216080", "Q21156477", "Q21156475", "Q420470", "Q7317662", "Q4048886", "Q22675842", "Q14911986", "Q21100441", "Q7202245", "Q21113552", "Q21137668", "Q21114547", "Q21100658", "Q1552797", "Q14865158", "Q21135205", "Q21110488", "Q424440", "Q21117208", "Q21102756", "Q906403", "Q3609382", "Q21990430", "Q21494481", "Q4789588", "Q21107843", "Q4789584", "Q21105011", "Q21113671", "Q4789587", "Q21981115", "Q4822789", "Q401536", "Q420604", "Q258915", "Q21126218", "Q21130085", "Q21135448", "Q21135449", "Q21173374", "Q21108357", "Q21126214", "Q21156663", "Q5500227", "Q21108402", "Q21118967", "Q6589868", "Q21108408", "Q21118678", "Q21984552", "Q21123083", "Q21984557", "Q14900999", "Q415287", "Q7861688", "Q7671479", "Q21118909", "Q7923221", "Q21136123", "Q21106653", "Q7169506", "Q7169504", "Q21118293", "Q415607", "Q21130016", "Q21136517", "Q21111689", "Q908221", "Q21496578", "Q5323823", "Q254943", "Q21496575", "Q21496576", "Q21109253", "Q21100773", "Q21107439", "Q21100774", "Q21988044", "Q21102152", "Q21107535", "Q21103155", "Q2042529", "Q21114341", "Q21109974", "Q21985924", "Q2398308", "Q5038044", "Q21988816", "Q21109218", "Q14905576", "Q21113326", "Q14905270", "Q5201199", "Q905736", "Q21984063", "Q14911929", "Q21122995", "Q21135975", "Q21122125", "Q4812911", "Q21103089", "Q21112081", "Q21172213", "Q14914580", "Q4459747", "Q511968", "Q21102129", "Q415976", "Q21130042", "Q21496563", "Q15323770", "Q5198252", "Q21109744", "Q21102124", "Q21123723", "Q5198256", "Q21124458", "Q21107885", "Q21107884", "Q21123236", "Q21111742", "Q21123239", "Q15324125", "Q7275807", "Q2640417", "Q21125231", "Q21117805", "Q21110296", "Q21100472", "Q21123244", "Q21123725", "Q21123722", "Q21107890", "Q410798", "Q21107891", "Q21155668", "Q21103207", "Q1147372", "Q21110467", "Q5514576", "Q7671473", "Q22677568", "Q21119828", "Q15327635", "Q21119824", "Q21980258", "Q21119826", "Q2385013", "Q21119820", "Q5419640", "Q21118920", "Q21494502", "Q6414726", "Q21107812", "Q22680153", "Q21114166", "Q21108482", "Q7671499", "Q7671495", "Q14913392", "Q21121815", "Q21116513", "Q7671493", "Q21104645", "Q21499436", "Q21097491", "Q21111162", "Q21115906", "Q21114332", "Q21987842", "Q408853", "Q21982210", "Q6901317", "Q21119851", "Q21130460", "Q417149", "Q21102588", "Q5611730", "Q21097266", "Q5512777", "Q5401858", "Q21118785", "Q21154430", "Q21173746", "Q21120458", "Q21125466", "Q412483", "Q420766", "Q21496383", "Q5005897", "Q21113719", "Q1493174", "Q11071131", "Q21139471", "Q21497887", "Q21113101", "Q21113100", "Q21988386", "Q424031", "Q22676679", "Q21173381", "Q5514257", "Q21110304", "Q3459294", "Q21114338", "Q21497941", "Q21102511", "Q21119672", "Q21987844", "Q21987843", "Q21119575", "Q21202200", "Q21132140", "Q21118732", "Q21126779", "Q21497890", "Q21126777", "Q21110396", "Q21126773", "Q419999", "Q21135949", "Q21096262", "Q21105660", "Q21991514", "Q21135943", "Q21135945", "Q21991512", "Q21991513", "Q21117235", "Q21108844", "Q417801", "Q21113155", "Q21981993", "Q21171763", "Q21494387", "Q4650061", "Q21120420", "Q21119704", "Q21173310", "Q5500222", "Q7390898", "Q21111803", "Q21112690", "Q21112691", "Q21120423", "Q22679015", "Q15322943", "Q21174687", "Q21125248", "Q21499097", "Q21105060", "Q21114807", "Q21125240", "Q21208052", "Q21987569", "Q21173156", "Q14905969", "Q21118353", "Q21121807", "Q21124061", "Q21118356", "Q4822491", "Q21117300", "Q21126205", "Q7799753", "Q21175110", "Q21108578", "Q21113173", "Q21120142", "Q21110921", "Q411978", "Q21106540", "Q4036865", "Q21119818", "Q21111184", "Q21983261", "Q21111182", "Q21111181", "Q4859538", "Q21102300", "Q3931282", "Q909409", "Q21139123", "Q21108338", "Q14891582", "Q21109298", "Q21109354", "Q21115954", "Q409867", "Q21496918", "Q21106795", "Q21117407", "Q21113926", "Q21103146", "Q21110752", "Q408305", "Q3454525", "Q21097237", "Q21120955", "Q21114574", "Q21108785", "Q21112525", "Q21118072", "Q14911895", "Q3721138", "Q7251483", "Q21113330", "Q5419638", "Q21113337", "Q21156191", "Q21108487", "Q21110901", "Q21104817", "Q14914570", "Q21113158", "Q14905748", "Q21135903", "Q21107088", "Q21113152", "Q21103337", "Q3271551", "Q21990456", "Q21103323", "Q21102136", "Q21145932", "Q21173215", "Q21498865", "Q21123245", "Q5014947", "Q21123247", "Q21123246", "Q5512833", "Q5500223", "Q21123242", "Q128861", "Q21132248", "Q21132004", "Q21114845", "Q423572", "Q12746111", "Q422579", "Q21499210", "Q21100464", "Q15323346", "Q21112674", "Q21988035", "Q21119156", "Q21105636", "Q2819188", "Q21119157", "Q21126242", "Q21991520", "Q21126786", "Q7117825", "Q21115989", "Q5572421", "Q21107443", "Q7117823", "Q21497124", "Q21123241", "Q6590408", "Q21118919", "Q21497128", "Q5198254", "Q21132652", "Q6594119", "Q21119694", "Q7136149", "Q21111879", "Q21125249", "Q21988026", "Q21988024", "Q7671460", "Q7671461", "Q21122493", "Q21173504", "Q7671468", "Q7671469", "Q12746382", "Q21100975", "Q21102111", "Q412214", "Q1085078", "Q21121368", "Q21106693", "Q21119848", "Q21103198", "Q21497155", "Q21118862", "Q5464652", "Q7671464", "Q21126833", "Q356093", "Q21119847", "Q21110936", "Q21121466", "Q21110933", "Q6714411", "Q22677167", "Q7118491", "Q13566123", "Q21132917", "Q21132915", "Q21979519", "Q21135411", "Q6592965", "Q21990458", "Q22676780", "Q21120698", "Q905000", "Q21113274", "Q7120326", "Q21113278", "Q14905076", "Q21105176", "Q21113115", "Q21113504", "Q14912057", "Q21989670", "Q418404", "Q6881891", "Q21497874", "Q21127300", "Q21498709", "Q2083074", "Q21102075", "Q21119653", "Q21111553", "Q21108161", "Q21124401", "Q4897285", "Q21111495", "Q21124409", "Q21123752", "Q21172884", "Q21172886", "Q21122109", "Q6534535", "Q21140676", "Q311568", "Q1436420", "Q21173485", "Q5773160", "Q21121716", "Q21111833", "Q6590443", "Q21122997", "Q21130508", "Q21132789", "Q21123216", "Q21106691", "Q21125253", "Q6981557", "Q22679008", "Q11071075", "Q6449561", "Q21111336", "Q5198250", "Q21113831", "Q7799751", "Q14914198", "Q4377404", "Q21138907", "Q4822488", "Q21119843", "Q21116933", "Q315860", "Q21119827", "Q5014193", "Q21172286", "Q21114819", "Q21120144", "Q21122921", "Q6714959", "Q21121233", "Q21110532", "Q21159525", "Q22678664", "Q5446457", "Q5446456", "Q21106737", "Q5446453", "Q14914104", "Q3271142", "Q21992684", "Q21119816", "Q10988613", "Q415271", "Q21102593", "Q5014192", "Q21109026", "Q1500004", "Q21102123", "Q21108517", "Q565672", "Q408572", "Q21154413", "Q21497936", "Q21113832", "Q5611755", "Q21123416", "Q21982979", "Q21111517", "Q21988152", "Q21121086", "Q21982871", "Q21109462", "Q21122433", "Q21122435", "Q3162114", "Q21984578", "Q21113305", "Q21133205", "Q21119825", "Q21102082", "Q21984577", "Q904925", "Q21113169", "Q21113168", "Q3415811", "Q5009781", "Q21113161", "Q21172271", "Q21131101", "Q5014958", "Q21119822", "Q21172800", "Q21173206", "Q21173207", "Q2521094", "Q5014957", "Q415718", "Q7455513", "Q21123251", "Q285613", "Q21119591", "Q21114857", "Q904241", "Q21100450", "Q21100324", "Q21114850", "Q21982203", "Q21132247", "Q21174141", "Q21113540", "Q423561", "Q21120051", "Q587961", "Q21106448", "Q21987287", "Q7119501", "Q21115996", "Q21118578", "Q21115992", "Q22676802", "Q21109157", "Q21118576", "Q21115998", "Q21201618", "Q21118676", "Q21118677", "Q21108701", "Q21096394", "Q21988427", "Q21991039", "Q21201294", "Q411791", "Q14905763", "Q21118884", "Q21496564", "Q425201", "Q9020944", "Q21121379", "Q21112289", "Q7671477", "Q21127141", "Q21111265", "Q21157860", "Q7671478", "Q21116665", "Q21113099", "Q15327766", "Q21118970", "Q21126947", "Q21118976", "Q416336", "Q21113295", "Q21113297", "Q21110922", "Q21113292", "Q21498666", "Q21173608", "Q21136134", "Q21129997", "Q6592976", "Q21107799", "Q423628", "Q21113349", "Q21494464", "Q21157551", "Q21121276", "Q7120338", "Q21983336", "Q21113510", "Q21100810", "Q424693", "Q21123223", "Q288431", "Q21102146", "Q21107871", "Q21103162", "Q21121816", "Q6589190", "Q410434", "Q21097216", "Q7671497", "Q21122509", "Q6449560", "Q6449562", "Q21111520", "Q7390572", "Q6155967", "Q21100360", "Q21114955", "Q21984383", "Q5201183", "Q21984381", "Q415762", "Q6714402", "Q21125499", "Q21499447", "Q15324415", "Q21135787", "Q15323565", "Q5201201", "Q571999", "Q21495791", "Q2005209", "Q21100886", "Q21115429", "Q22683566", "Q7002508", "Q21121490", "Q2356259", "Q21121496", "Q21123220", "Q21134814", "Q21113683", "Q6981560", "Q21118710", "Q414401", "Q21113127", "Q418781", "Q21986206" ], "active_set": [ "(c(Q181394),P129,c(Q79529)|c(Q8386))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "approx" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P129" ], [ "type", "Q181394" ], [ "type", "Q79529" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P129" ], [ "type", "Q181394" ], [ "type", "Q8386" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q408853" ], [ "relation", "P129" ], [ "type", "Q79529" ], [ "type", "Q8386" ] ], "is_spurious": true, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWERS]", "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q181394'}, 'P129', [{'concept': 'Q79529'}, {'concept': 'Q8386'}]]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?i WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?i ( COUNT ( ?k ) AS ?z ) WHERE { { ?i property:P129 ?k . ?i rdf:type ontology:Q181394 . ?k rdf:type ontology:Q79529 } UNION { ?i property:P129 ?k . ?i rdf:type ontology:Q181394 . ?k rdf:type ontology:Q8386 } } GROUP BY ?i } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?v ) AS ?s ) WHERE { { VALUES ( ?y ) { ( ontology:Q79529 ) ( ontology:Q8386 ) } . ?v rdf:type ?y } . resource:Q408853 property:P129 ?v } } . FILTER ( ?z = ?s ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Sodium channel protein type 8 subunit alpha", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member D", "GTPase HRas", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1", "Aldose reductase", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 2", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 1", "Calcium-activated potassium channel subunit alpha-1", "Oxysterols receptor LXR-beta", "Histamine H4 receptor", "Histone deacetylase 9", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 5", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 18", "Cathepsin S", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 2", "G-protein coupled receptor 87", "Nociceptin receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor 84", "Neuromedin-K receptor", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 4", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 4", "Rho-associated protein kinase 2", "Reelin", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1", "Tyrosine-protein kinase TXK", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4", "Activated CDC42 kinase 1", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP2 subtype", "G-protein coupled receptor 3", "Coagulation factor X", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor", "Glutathione reductase, mitochondrial", "Galanin receptor type 2", "B2 bradykinin receptor", "Cytochrome P450 1A1", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 4", "Gap junction alpha-4 protein", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 1", "Multidrug resistance-associated protein 5", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-10", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP4 subtype", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-3", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP2 subtype", "Vitamin D3 receptor", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3", "Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 1", "Estrogen-related receptor gamma", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-1", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-3", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit epsilon", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1C", "Prothrombin", "Gap junction delta-3 protein", "Gap junction delta-4 protein", "Voltage-dependent N-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1B", "D(2) dopamine receptor", "Gap junction delta-2 protein", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn", "Sodium channel protein type 1 subunit alpha", "3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase", "Solute carrier family 12 member 3", "GTPase KRas", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 2", "Bromodomain testis-specific protein", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 7", "2-oxoglutarate receptor 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 5", "Gap junction alpha-3 protein", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta", "72 kDa type IV collagenase", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 3", "Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 2", "3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase 2", "Rhodopsin kinase", "Nociceptin receptor", "Bromodomain-containing protein 4", "Platelet-activating factor receptor", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 14", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4", "Nitric oxide synthase, inducible", "Rho-associated protein kinase 1", "Heat-stable enterotoxin receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 1", "Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (quinone), mitochondrial", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase BRSK2", "Cytochrome P450 3A4", "Chymotrypsin-like elastase family member 1", "Testis-specific serine/threonine-protein kinase 1", "Protein kinase C zeta type", "Cytochrome P450 11B2, mitochondrial", "P2Y purinoceptor 14", "Uracil nucleotide/cysteinyl leukotriene receptor", "Vasopressin V2 receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 10", "Vasopressin V1a receptor", "cGMP-dependent 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 8", "Vasopressin V1b receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor 6", "Toll-like receptor 7", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Blk", "Phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase", "Renin", "Folate transporter 1", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 5", "Sodium channel protein type 2 subunit alpha", "Sodium channel protein type 3 subunit alpha", "Plasminogen", "Cystine/glutamate transporter", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 11", "Free fatty acid receptor 3", "Chloride channel protein 2", "G-protein coupled receptor 183", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 6", "H(+)/Cl(-) exchange transporter 3", "Melanocortin receptor 3", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 3", "Substance-K receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 1", "Kappa-type opioid receptor", "Aromatase", "Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 3", "Ovarian cancer G-protein coupled receptor 1", "Vesicular acetylcholine transporter", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1", "Solute carrier family 23 member 1", "Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha", "Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta", "Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, cytoplasmic", "3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 2", "Zinc-activated ligand-gated ion channel", "B1 bradykinin receptor", "Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3", "Histone acetyltransferase p300", "Retinoic acid receptor alpha", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6", "Protein kinase C iota type", "Chloride transport protein 6", "Farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase", "H(+)/Cl(-) exchange transporter 7", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1I", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 6", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-1", "Toll-like receptor 9", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 3", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 3", "P2X purinoceptor 4", "P2Y purinoceptor 12", "Carbonic anhydrase 4", "Neuropeptide S receptor", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf", "Thromboxane A2 receptor", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-1", "Thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor", "Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 2", "Prostacyclin receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor family C group 6 member A", "Mu-type opioid receptor", "Melatonin receptor type 1A", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 1", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 3", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase ATR", "Homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 1", "Gap junction gamma-3 protein", "Solute carrier family 22 member 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 6", "Toll-like receptor 8", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 2", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1H", "Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret", "Carbonyl reductase [NADPH] 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily C member 1", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 6", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1F", "Pannexin-2", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 9", "Sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter B(0)AT2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily B member 2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily B member 1", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit gamma isoform", "Complement C1r subcomponent", "Cone cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase subunit alpha'", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 4", "Nuclear receptor ROR-alpha", "Aldehyde dehydrogenase, mitochondrial", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4A", "Galanin receptor type 3", "Bromodomain testis-specific protein", "cGMP-inhibited 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase B", "Pannexin-1", "Pannexin-3", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 7", "cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 1", "Death-associated protein kinase 1", "G-protein coupled bile acid receptor 1", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 1", "Potassium-transporting ATPase alpha chain 1", "Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta", "Short transient receptor potential channel 7", "Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 8", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 7", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 2", "Short transient receptor potential channel 2", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 1", "Translocator protein", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 2", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 5", "P2X purinoceptor 3", "G-protein coupled receptor 35", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 11", "Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1", "Ornithine decarboxylase", "Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4-alpha", "DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 3", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 8", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor", "P2Y purinoceptor 11", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 4", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 7", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1", "Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-1", "Acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha", "Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 2", "Tubulin beta chain", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP3 subtype", "Nitric oxide synthase, endothelial", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 1", "Amine oxidase [flavin-containing] A", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 4", "Methionine aminopeptidase 2", "Dihydrofolate reductase", "Sn1-specific diacylglycerol lipase beta", "Growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor", "Angiopoietin-1 receptor", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-4", "Estrogen receptor", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member D", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4", "Melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor", "Proteasome subunit beta type-5", "Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 2", "Cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme, mitochondrial", "Tyrosine 3-monooxygenase", "Gastrin/cholecystokinin type B receptor", "Hepatocyte growth factor receptor", "NAD-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-1", "Vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase", "Glucagon-like peptide 2 receptor", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 10", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 1", "Gap junction beta-6 protein", "Gap junction beta-5 protein", "Delta-type opioid receptor", "Mevalonate kinase", "Acetylcholinesterase", "Histone deacetylase 6", "G-protein coupled estrogen receptor 1", "Galanin receptor type 1", "Sodium channel protein type 5 subunit alpha", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 2", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 4", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha", "Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2-beta", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP1 subtype", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP4 subtype", "P2Y purinoceptor 1", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4C", "Aurora kinase C", "Maltase-glucoamylase, intestinal", "P2Y purinoceptor 4", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 8", "P2Y purinoceptor 2", "Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP1A", "Putative P2Y purinoceptor 10", "Transthyretin", "Solute carrier family 22 member 11", "Sodium leak channel non-selective protein", "Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-3", "Trace amine-associated receptor 3", "Solute carrier family 22 member 8", "Solute carrier family 22 member 12", "Trace amine-associated receptor 5", "Trace amine-associated receptor 4", "Nuclear receptor ROR-beta", "P2X purinoceptor 4", "Extracellular calcium-sensing receptor", "Gap junction gamma-1 protein", "fMet-Leu-Phe receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor 12", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR1", "Bile salt export pump", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP1 subtype", "Dual 3',5'-cyclic-AMP and -GMP phosphodiesterase 11A", "Endothelin B receptor", "Free fatty acid receptor 1", "Sodium/glucose cotransporter 2", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1S", "fMet-Leu-Phe receptor", "Beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 2", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP3 subtype", "Cholinesterase", "Short transient receptor potential channel 4", "Sodium/bile acid cotransporter", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-alpha", "Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C3", "Lysine-specific demethylase 7A", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2A1", "Sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 15", "Bcl-2-like protein 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 1", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3", "P2Y purinoceptor 14", "Neurotensin receptor type 1", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit gamma", "Aurora kinase B", "Cytochrome P450 3A5", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 4", "Thyroid hormone receptor beta", "Vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1", "Squalene synthase", "Gap junction beta-4 protein", "Neuropeptide Y receptor type 1", "Uracil nucleotide/cysteinyl leukotriene receptor", "Thromboxane A2 receptor", "Geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase", "Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2", "Intermediate conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 4", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-9", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-6", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-2", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 2", "C-C chemokine receptor type 4", "Calcitonin receptor", "Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 2", "Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase subunit M2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 6", "Protein kinase C epsilon type", "Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-2", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 2", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4D", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 24", "Cholecystokinin receptor type A", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-3", "Cytochrome P450 2J2", "Steroid 17-alpha-hydroxylase/17,20 lyase", "Progesterone receptor", "Aromatic-L-amino-acid decarboxylase", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 2 group C member 2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 4", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase N1", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR1", "Thymidylate synthase", "Neutrophil elastase", "Interferon-induced, double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-3", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 4", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit theta", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 19", "Parathyroid hormone/parathyroid hormone-related peptide receptor", "Gastrin/cholecystokinin type B receptor", "Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 6", "Gap junction alpha-8 protein", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1C", "Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide receptor 1", "Gap junction alpha-10 protein", "Gap junction alpha-5 protein", "Two pore calcium channel protein 1", "Smoothened homolog", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor 2", "Two pore calcium channel protein 2", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-beta", "Phospholipase D2", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 3", "Beta-3 adrenergic receptor", "High affinity cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 7A", "Cytochrome P450 1B1", "cGMP-inhibited 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase A", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1C", "Cyclin-G-associated kinase", "Free fatty acid receptor 2", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4B", "Angiotensin-converting enzyme", "G protein-coupled receptor kinase 6", "Endothelin-1 receptor", "Protein kinase C gamma type", "Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK", "Motilin receptor", "Insulin receptor", "Carbonic anhydrase 13", "Bromodomain-containing protein 3", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 1", "Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 5", "Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 2", "cGMP-gated cation channel alpha-1", "Type-1 angiotensin II receptor", "Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 5", "Trace amine-associated receptor 1", "P2X purinoceptor 7", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit delta isoform", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 1", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 1", "N-formyl peptide receptor 2", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha isoform", "B2 bradykinin receptor", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1B", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 8", "P2X purinoceptor 1", "B1 bradykinin receptor", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 8", "Glucose-dependent insulinotropic receptor", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 3", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1A", "Parathyroid hormone 2 receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 2", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1C1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 3", "Prostaglandin F2-alpha receptor", "Interstitial collagenase", "Short transient receptor potential channel 5", "Short transient receptor potential channel 6", "Oxoeicosanoid receptor 1", "Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor", "Acid-sensing ion channel 3", "Dipeptidyl peptidase 4", "Bile acid receptor", "Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 1", "Cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein kinase BMX", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 9", "G-protein coupled receptor family C group 6 member A", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1S", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 1", "Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor", "Short transient receptor potential channel 4", "Polycystic kidney disease 2-like 1 protein", "Adenosine deaminase", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 12", "G-protein coupled receptor 35", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2", "Probable G-protein coupled receptor 63", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 8", "Thyroid peroxidase", "Histone acetyltransferase KAT2B", "Neuropeptide FF receptor 2", "Carbonic anhydrase 14", "Carbonic anhydrase 7", "Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2", "Retinoic acid receptor gamma", "Prostaglandin F2-alpha receptor", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-7", "P2Y purinoceptor 6", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 2", "Fatty-acid amide hydrolase 1", "cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha", "Fatty-acid amide hydrolase 2", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 2", "Anoctamin-1", "Gap junction beta-1 protein", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 13", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 11", "DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha", "C-C chemokine receptor type 5", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 9", "Potassium channel subfamily U member 1", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 10", "Adenosine receptor A2b", "Aquaporin-1", "Acid-sensing ion channel 1", "Solute carrier family 12 member 2", "Solute carrier family 22 member 6", "Lysine-specific histone demethylase 1A", "Solute carrier family 15 member 1", "Beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit beta", "Solute carrier family 12 member 1", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase pim-2", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 5", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 2", "Leukotriene B4 receptor 2", "Histone deacetylase 11", "Histamine H2 receptor", "Xanthine dehydrogenase/oxidase", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 2", "Histone deacetylase 5", "Nitric oxide synthase, brain", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 2", "Oxytocin receptor", "Melatonin receptor type 1B", "Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit alpha", "Chloride channel protein ClC-Kb", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase N2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase FRK", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1", "Sodium channel protein type 4 subunit alpha", "Cathepsin K", "Trace amine-associated receptor 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 2", "ALK tyrosine kinase receptor", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 4", "Type-2 angiotensin II receptor", "Thyroid hormone receptor alpha", "Trifunctional purine biosynthetic protein adenosine-3", "Presenilin-1", "Ryanodine receptor 1", "Aurora kinase A", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 2", "Cyclin-dependent-like kinase 5", "Calcitonin", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 10", "Casein kinase I isoform delta", "Brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor 1", "Lysine-specific demethylase 2A", "Neuropeptide Y receptor type 2", "Chromaffin granule amine transporter", "Mucolipin-1", "Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase large subunit", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 1", "Ryanodine receptor 3", "Ceramide glucosyltransferase", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2", "Proteinase-activated receptor 1", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1", "Toll-like receptor 4", "Cytochrome P450 2D6", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 3", "Leukotriene B4 receptor 1", "Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2", "Sn1-specific diacylglycerol lipase alpha", "Casein kinase I isoform epsilon", "Tryptase alpha/beta-1", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 3", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1G", "TRAF2 and NCK-interacting protein kinase", "Lysosomal alpha-glucosidase", "Sigma non-opioid intracellular receptor 1", "Cathepsin Z", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A", "Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor G3", "Growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1", "Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 5", "Alpha-1B adrenergic receptor", "cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit beta", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 1", "Proton-coupled folate transporter", "Glucocorticoid receptor", "Amine oxidase [flavin-containing] B", "Orexin receptor type 1", "Orexin receptor type 2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-2", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member X1", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 4", "Acid-sensing ion channel 2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 3", "Cytochrome P450 11B1, mitochondrial", "Gap junction beta-7 protein", "Gap junction gamma-2 protein", "Ryanodine receptor 2", "Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3", "Gap junction alpha-9 protein", "Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase", "Membrane primary amine oxidase", "Cytochrome P450 2B6", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 4", "Free fatty acid receptor 4", "Histone deacetylase 4", "Histone deacetylase 7", "Synaptic vesicular amine transporter", "Cytochrome P450 2C8", "C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4", "Serum amyloid P-component", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 7B", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase mTOR", "Neurotensin receptor type 2", "Protein kinase C eta type", "Sodium/glucose cotransporter 1", "Bromodomain-containing protein 2", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase pim-1", "Protein kinase C beta type", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 4", "G protein-coupled receptor kinase 4", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor 2", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type 1D", "Lysosomal protective protein", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-gamma", "Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1", "Aquaporin-9", "Neuromedin-K receptor", "Protein kinase C alpha type", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 3", "Potassium channel subfamily T member 2", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit beta isoform", "Thymidylate synthase", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase PLK4", "Potassium channel subfamily T member 1", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 4", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-4", "Melanocortin receptor 4", "Melanocortin receptor 5", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, kainate 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 5", "Prostacyclin receptor", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2", "Cannabinoid receptor 1", "Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 2", "Niemann-Pick C1-like protein 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 7", "Apoptosis regulator Bcl-2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck", "Sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter 2", "Oxysterols receptor LXR-alpha", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 2", "Sodium-coupled monocarboxylate transporter 1", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 1", "Cystathionine gamma-lyase", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 1", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2", "Gap junction beta-3 protein", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 5", "G-protein coupled receptor 143", "GTPase NRas", "Probable G-protein coupled receptor 139", "Antithrombin-III", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit pi", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit delta", "N-arachidonyl glycine receptor", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-3", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1B", "Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 3A1", "Atypical chemokine receptor 3", "Retinoic acid receptor beta", "Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Fyn", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 4", "12-(S)-hydroxy-5,8,10,14-eicosatetraenoic acid receptor", "Histone deacetylase 10", "Proton-coupled amino acid transporter 1", "Protein kinase C delta type", "Histamine H3 receptor", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 10", "Chloride channel protein ClC-Ka", "Pancreatic triacylglycerol lipase", "High affinity cAMP-specific and IBMX-insensitive 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 8B", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1D", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 6", "Glycine receptor subunit beta", "P2Y purinoceptor 13", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5", "RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Yes", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 2", "Phosphorylase b kinase gamma catalytic chain, liver/testis isoform", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 3", "Chloride channel protein 1", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 3", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1", "3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1F", "Cystathionine beta-synthase", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1D", "Dopamine beta-hydroxylase", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 14", "Trypsin-1", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 8", "Tubulin beta-3 chain", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 5", "Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1", "Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit beta", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5", "Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor", "Lanosterol 14-alpha demethylase", "High affinity cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 9A", "Histone lysine demethylase PHF8", "Neuropeptide FF receptor 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3", "Gap junction alpha-1 protein", "Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2-alpha", "High affinity cAMP-specific and IBMX-insensitive 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 8A", "Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 4", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2", "Sodium channel protein type 9 subunit alpha", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-alpha", "Purine nucleoside phosphorylase", "Gap junction beta-2 protein", "Catechol O-methyltransferase", "Neurotensin receptor type 2" ], "verbalized_answer": "", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Apoptosis regulator Bcl-2", "Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src", "NAD-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-1" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "approx" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "chemical substance" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "drug" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Nitric oxide synthase, endothelial" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "chemical substance" ], [ "type", "drug" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'nutrient'}, 'physically interacts with', [{'concept': 'chemical substance'}, {'concept': 'drug'}]]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?i WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?i ( COUNT ( ?k ) AS ?z ) WHERE { { ?i property:physically_interacts_with ?k . ?i rdf:type ontology:nutrient . ?k rdf:type ontology:chemical_substance } UNION { ?i property:physically_interacts_with ?k . ?i rdf:type ontology:nutrient . ?k rdf:type ontology:drug } } GROUP BY ?i } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?v ) AS ?s ) WHERE { { VALUES ( ?y ) { ( ontology:chemical_substance ) ( ontology:drug ) } . ?v rdf:type ?y } . resource:Nitric_oxide_synthase,_endothelial property:physically_interacts_with ?v } } . FILTER ( ?z = ?s ) }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(nutrient)', 'physically interacts with', 'c(chemical substance)|c(drug)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 8, "ques_type_id": 3, "question-type": "Clarification", "description": "Comparative|More/Less|Single entity type|Indirect", "entities_in_utterance": [], "relations": [ "P129" ], "type_list": [ "Q181394", "Q181394" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "Which nutrients do around the same number of nutrients interact with as that nutrient ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(c(Q181394),P129,c(Q181394))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": 8, "count_ques_type": 1, "is_incomplete": 1, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": 0, "gold_actions": [], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q181394'}, 'P129', {'concept': 'Q181394'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?z WHERE { ?z property:P129 ?z . ?z rdf:type ontology:Q181394 }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'nutrient'}, 'physically interacts with', {'concept': 'nutrient'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?z WHERE { ?z property:physically_interacts_with ?z . ?z rdf:type ontology:nutrient }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [ "nutrient", "nutrient" ] }, { "id": 9, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "Comparative|More/Less|Single entity type|Clarification", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q21109354" ], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "Did you mean Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(c(Q181394),P129,c(Q181394))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": 1, "gold_actions": [], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWER]", "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q181394'}, 'P129', {'concept': 'Q181394'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?z WHERE { ?z property:P129 ?z . ?z rdf:type ontology:Q181394 }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": "Did you mean Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src ?", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'nutrient'}, 'physically interacts with', {'concept': 'nutrient'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?z WHERE { ?z property:physically_interacts_with ?z . ?z rdf:type ontology:nutrient }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(nutrient)', 'physically interacts with', 'c(nutrient)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 10, "ques_type_id": 7, "question-type": "Comparative Reasoning (All)", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "No, I meant Apoptosis regulator Bcl-2. Could you tell me the answer for that?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(c(Q181394),P129,c(Q181394))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": 8, "count_ques_type": 1, "is_incomplete": 0, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [ "Q425201" ], "clarification_step": 2, "gold_actions": [], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q181394'}, 'P129', {'concept': 'Q181394'}]" ], "sparql_query": null, "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'nutrient'}, 'physically interacts with', {'concept': 'nutrient'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": null, "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 11, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q2034004", "Q425201", "Q21109354" ], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "D(2) dopamine receptor, Apoptosis regulator Bcl-2, Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src", "all_entities": [ "Q21135479", "Q21120657", "Q21987720", "Q5635781", "Q21115605", "Q21110942", "Q22679043", "Q7050954", "Q21494718", "Q21115210", "Q5018799", "Q21115219", "Q21116154", "Q14872770", "Q309513", "Q21173427", "Q21119831", "Q21119830", "Q4217286", "Q308856", "Q21982207", "Q21108693", "Q12746346", "Q21108695", "Q4847910", "Q21123087", "Q2271947", "Q21109971", "Q21988043", "Q21127094", "Q21985448", "Q21104718", "Q21119231", "Q7671480", "Q21115284", "Q21987850", "Q21172741", "Q423701", "Q413209", "Q287961", "Q2663095", "Q905729", "Q420930", "Q21111688", "Q1407929", "Q21173169", "Q14908176", "Q21497881", "Q21173164", "Q21107052", "Q21119836", "Q21118791", "Q21108135", "Q21120422", "Q21111175", "Q21120424", "Q417057", "Q21154358", "Q6155969", "Q5123372", "Q21125451", "Q21147674", "Q21113310", "Q21113312", "Q21113313", "Q21113314", "Q21113317", "Q1499998", "Q409166", "Q21113170", "Q21113172", "Q1947065", "Q15335226", "Q21113176", "Q21118071", "Q2463389", "Q21126314", "Q14864142", "Q7553281", "Q4042017", "Q15323688", "Q21496155", "Q6590338", "Q7073181", "Q21108789", "Q21107107", "Q21108624", "Q4216080", "Q21156477", "Q21156475", "Q410142", "Q420470", "Q7317662", "Q4048886", "Q22675842", "Q14911986", "Q21100441", "Q21113552", "Q21137668", "Q288797", "Q21114547", "Q21100658", "Q1552797", "Q14865158", "Q21135205", "Q21110488", "Q424440", "Q21117208", "Q21102756", "Q906403", "Q21172390", "Q3609382", "Q21990430", "Q21494481", "Q1486720", "Q4789588", "Q21107843", "Q4789584", "Q21105011", "Q21113671", "Q4789587", "Q21981115", "Q4822789", "Q401536", "Q420604", "Q258915", "Q21126218", "Q21130085", "Q21135448", "Q21135449", "Q21173374", "Q21108357", "Q21126214", "Q287958", "Q21156663", "Q5500227", "Q1084878", "Q21108402", "Q21118967", "Q6589868", "Q21108408", "Q21118678", "Q21126810", "Q21984552", "Q21123083", "Q21984557", "Q14900999", "Q415287", "Q7861688", "Q7671479", "Q21118909", "Q7923221", "Q21136123", "Q21106653", "Q7169506", "Q7169504", "Q21118293", "Q415607", "Q21130016", "Q21136517", "Q21111689", "Q908221", "Q21496578", "Q21109365", "Q5323823", "Q22677568", "Q21496575", "Q21496576", "Q21109253", "Q21100773", "Q21107439", "Q21100774", "Q15323278", "Q21110867", "Q21988044", "Q21102152", "Q21107535", "Q21103155", "Q2042529", "Q21114341", "Q21109974", "Q21985924", "Q2398308", "Q5038044", "Q21988816", "Q21109218", "Q21113326", "Q14905270", "Q5201199", "Q905736", "Q21984063", "Q14911929", "Q21122995", "Q21135975", "Q21122125", "Q4812911", "Q21103089", "Q21112081", "Q21172213", "Q14914580", "Q4459747", "Q511968", "Q21102129", "Q415976", "Q21130042", "Q21496563", "Q15323770", "Q5198252", "Q21109744", "Q21102124", "Q21123723", "Q5198256", "Q21124458", "Q21107885", "Q21107884", "Q21123236", "Q21111742", "Q21123239", "Q15324125", 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"Q21113173", "Q21120142", "Q21110921", "Q21173406", "Q411978", "Q21106540", "Q288382", "Q4036865", "Q21119818", "Q21111184", "Q21983261", "Q21111182", "Q21111181", "Q4859538", "Q21102300", "Q21115051", "Q21115052", "Q909409", "Q21139123", "Q21114291", "Q5513985", "Q21108338", "Q14891582", "Q415364", "Q21109298", "Q21109355", "Q21109354", "Q21115954", "Q409867", "Q21496918", "Q21106795", "Q4734894", "Q21110872", "Q21117407", "Q21113926", "Q4734892", "Q21103146", "Q21110752", "Q21114578", "Q408305", "Q3454525", "Q21108118", "Q21097237", "Q21120955", "Q4734891", "Q21114574", "Q21114576", "Q21108785", "Q21112525", "Q21118072", "Q14911895", "Q3721138", "Q7251483", "Q21113330", "Q5419638", "Q21113337", "Q21156191", "Q21108487", "Q21110901", "Q21104817", "Q14914570", "Q21113158", "Q14905748", "Q21135903", "Q21107088", "Q21113152", "Q21103337", "Q3271551", "Q21990456", "Q21103323", "Q21131500", "Q21102136", "Q21145932", "Q21173215", "Q21498865", "Q21123245", "Q5014947", "Q21123247", "Q21123246", "Q5512833", "Q5500223", "Q21123242", "Q128861", "Q21132248", "Q21132004", "Q21114845", "Q423572", "Q12746111", "Q422579", "Q21499210", "Q21100464", "Q15323346", "Q21112674", "Q21100639", "Q21988035", "Q21119156", "Q21105636", "Q2819188", "Q21119157", "Q21126242", "Q21991520", "Q21126786", "Q7117825", "Q21115989", "Q5572421", "Q21107443", "Q7117823", "Q21497124", "Q21123241", "Q6590408", "Q21118919", "Q21497128", "Q5198254", "Q21132652", "Q6594119", "Q21119694", "Q7136149", "Q21111879", "Q21125249", "Q21988026", "Q21988024", "Q7671460", "Q7671461", "Q21122493", "Q21173504", "Q7671468", "Q7671469", "Q12746382", "Q21100975", "Q4897175", "Q21102111", "Q412214", "Q1085078", "Q21121368", "Q21106693", "Q7673856", "Q21119848", "Q21103198", "Q21497155", "Q21118862", "Q5464652", "Q7671464", "Q21126833", "Q356093", "Q21119847", "Q21110936", "Q21121466", "Q21110933", "Q6714411", "Q22677167", "Q7118491", "Q13566123", "Q21132917", "Q21132915", "Q21979519", "Q21135411", "Q6592965", "Q21990458", "Q22676780", "Q21120698", "Q905000", "Q21113274", "Q7120326", "Q21115961", "Q21115962", "Q21115965", "Q21113278", "Q14905076", "Q21105176", "Q21113115", "Q21113504", "Q14912057", "Q21989670", "Q418404", "Q6881891", "Q8083989", "Q21497874", "Q7202245", "Q21127300", "Q21498709", "Q2083074", "Q21102075", "Q21497878", "Q21119653", "Q21111553", "Q21108161", "Q21124401", "Q4897285", "Q21111495", "Q21124409", "Q21123752", "Q21172884", "Q21172886", "Q21122109", "Q6534535", "Q21140676", "Q311568", "Q1436420", "Q21173485", "Q5773160", "Q21121716", "Q21111833", "Q6590443", "Q21122997", "Q21130508", "Q21132789", "Q21123216", "Q21106691", "Q3062781", "Q21125253", "Q6981557", "Q22679008", "Q12746120", "Q11071075", "Q6449561", "Q21111336", "Q5198250", "Q21113831", "Q7799751", "Q14914198", "Q4377404", "Q21138907", "Q4822488", "Q21119843", "Q21116933", "Q5629167", "Q21119827", "Q21115815", "Q5014193", "Q21115816", "Q21115819", "Q21172286", "Q21114819", "Q288395", "Q21120144", "Q21122921", "Q6714959", "Q21121233", "Q21110532", "Q21159525", "Q21108125", "Q22678664", "Q5446457", "Q5446456", "Q21106737", "Q5446453", "Q21115046", "Q14914104", "Q21115043", "Q3271142", "Q21992684", "Q21119816", "Q10988613", "Q415271", "Q21123722", "Q21102593", "Q7834290", "Q5014192", "Q21114585", "Q21109026", "Q1500004", "Q21114582", "Q21102123", "Q21108517", "Q565672", "Q408572", "Q21497939", "Q21154413", "Q3454531", "Q21497937", "Q21497936", "Q21113832", "Q5611755", "Q21123416", "Q21982979", "Q21111517", "Q21988152", "Q21121086", "Q21982871", "Q21109462", "Q21122433", "Q21122435", "Q3162114", "Q21984578", "Q21113305", "Q21133205", "Q21119825", "Q21102082", "Q21984577", "Q904925", "Q21113169", "Q21113168", "Q3415811", "Q424401", "Q5009781", "Q21113161", "Q21172271", "Q21131101", "Q5014958", "Q21119822", "Q21172800", "Q21173206", "Q21173207", "Q2521094", "Q5014957", "Q415718", "Q7455513", "Q21123251", "Q285613", "Q21119591", "Q21114857", "Q904241", "Q21100450", "Q21100324", "Q21114850", "Q21982203", "Q21132247", "Q21174141", "Q21130911", "Q21113540", "Q21150595", "Q423561", "Q21120051", "Q587961", "Q21106448", "Q21987287", "Q7119501", "Q21115996", "Q21118578", "Q21115992", "Q22676802", "Q21109157", "Q21118576", "Q21115998", "Q21201618", "Q21118676", "Q21118677", "Q15324694", "Q21108701", "Q21096394", "Q21988427", "Q21991039", "Q21201294", "Q411791", "Q14905763", "Q21118884", "Q21496564", "Q425201", "Q9020944", "Q21121379", "Q21112289", "Q7671477", "Q21127141", "Q21111265", "Q21157860", "Q7671478", "Q21116665", "Q21113099", "Q1949517", "Q15327766", "Q21118970", "Q21126947", "Q21118976", "Q416336", "Q21113295", "Q21113297", "Q21110922", "Q21113292", "Q21498666", "Q21109363", "Q21109359", "Q21173608", "Q21136134", "Q21129997", "Q6592976", "Q21107799", "Q423628", "Q21113349", "Q21494464", "Q21157551", "Q21121276", "Q7120338", "Q21983336", "Q21113510", "Q21100810", "Q424693", "Q21123223", "Q288431", "Q21102146", "Q21107871", "Q21103162", "Q21121816", "Q6589190", "Q410434", "Q21097216", "Q21122509", "Q6449560", "Q6449562", "Q21111520", "Q7390572", "Q6155967", "Q21100360", "Q21114955", "Q21984383", "Q5201183", "Q21984381", "Q415762", "Q6714402", "Q21125499", "Q21499447", "Q15324415", "Q21135787", "Q15323565", "Q5201201", "Q571999", "Q21495791", "Q2005209", "Q21100886", "Q5520260", "Q21115429", "Q22683566", "Q7002508", "Q21121490", "Q2356259", "Q21121496", "Q2034004", "Q21123220", "Q21134814", "Q21113683", "Q6981560", "Q21118710", "Q414401", "Q21113127", "Q418781", "Q21986206" ], "active_set": [ "(c(Q181394),P129,c(Q181394))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": 3, "gold_actions": [], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWERS] around the same number of nutrients interact with as that nutrient", "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q181394'}, 'P129', {'concept': 'Q181394'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?z WHERE { ?z property:P129 ?z . ?z rdf:type ontology:Q181394 }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Sodium channel protein type 8 subunit alpha", "Interleukin-23 subunit alpha", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member D", "GTPase HRas", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1", "G-protein coupled receptor 55", "Aldose reductase", "Sodium-dependent noradrenaline transporter", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 2", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 1", "Calcium-activated potassium channel subunit alpha-1", "Oxysterols receptor LXR-beta", "Adenosine receptor A3", "Histamine H4 receptor", "Histamine H1 receptor", "Histone deacetylase 9", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 5", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 18", "Cathepsin S", "D(4) dopamine receptor", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 2", "G-protein coupled receptor 87", "Nociceptin receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor 84", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2", "Neuromedin-K receptor", "Sodium-dependent dopamine transporter", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 4", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 4", "Rho-associated protein kinase 2", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1", "Solute carrier family 22 member 3", "Tyrosine-protein kinase TXK", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4", "Activated CDC42 kinase 1", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP2 subtype", "G-protein coupled receptor 3", "Coagulation factor X", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1", "Beta-2 adrenergic receptor", "Glucocorticoid receptor", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor", "Glutathione reductase, mitochondrial", "B2 bradykinin receptor", "Cytochrome P450 1A1", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 4", "Carbonic anhydrase 1", "Gap junction alpha-4 protein", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 1", "Multidrug resistance-associated protein 5", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-10", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP4 subtype", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-3", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP2 subtype", "Vitamin D3 receptor", "Histone deacetylase 3", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3", "Mu-type opioid receptor", "Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 1", "Estrogen-related receptor gamma", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-1", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-3", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit epsilon", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1C", "Prothrombin", "Gap junction delta-3 protein", "Gap junction delta-4 protein", "Voltage-dependent N-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1B", "D(2) dopamine receptor", "Gap junction delta-2 protein", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn", "Sodium channel protein type 1 subunit alpha", "3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase", "Solute carrier family 12 member 3", "GTPase KRas", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 2", "Bromodomain testis-specific protein", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 7", "2-oxoglutarate receptor 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 5", "Gap junction alpha-3 protein", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta", "72 kDa type IV collagenase", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 3", "Sodium-dependent serotonin transporter", "Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 2", "3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase 2", "Rhodopsin kinase", "Nociceptin receptor", "Bromodomain-containing protein 4", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 14", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1B", "Nitric oxide synthase, inducible", "Rho-associated protein kinase 1", "Heat-stable enterotoxin receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 1", "Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (quinone), mitochondrial", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase BRSK2", "Cytochrome P450 3A4", "Chymotrypsin-like elastase family member 1", "Testis-specific serine/threonine-protein kinase 1", "Protein kinase C zeta type", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2", "Cytochrome P450 11B2, mitochondrial", "P2Y purinoceptor 14", "Uracil nucleotide/cysteinyl leukotriene receptor", "Glutamate receptor 3", "Vasopressin V2 receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 10", "Vasopressin V1a receptor", "cGMP-dependent 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 8", "Vasopressin V1b receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor 6", "Toll-like receptor 7", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Blk", "Phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase", "Renin", "Folate transporter 1", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 5", "Sodium channel protein type 2 subunit alpha", "Sodium channel protein type 3 subunit alpha", "Plasminogen", "Cystine/glutamate transporter", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1", "Beta-1 adrenergic receptor", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 11", "Free fatty acid receptor 3", "Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma", "Chloride channel protein 2", "G-protein coupled receptor 183", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 6", "H(+)/Cl(-) exchange transporter 3", "Melanocortin receptor 3", "Prostaglandin G/H synthase 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 3", "Substance-K receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 1", "Kappa-type opioid receptor", "Aromatase", "Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 3", "Ovarian cancer G-protein coupled receptor 1", "Vesicular acetylcholine transporter", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1", "Solute carrier family 23 member 1", "Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha", "Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta", "Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, cytoplasmic", "3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 2", "Zinc-activated ligand-gated ion channel", "B1 bradykinin receptor", "Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 4", "Histone acetyltransferase p300", "Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6", "Protein kinase C iota type", "Chloride transport protein 6", "Farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase", "H(+)/Cl(-) exchange transporter 7", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily A member 1", "D(1A) dopamine receptor", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1I", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 6", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-1", "Toll-like receptor 9", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 3", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 3", "P2X purinoceptor 4", "P2Y purinoceptor 12", "Carbonic anhydrase 4", "Neuropeptide S receptor", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-1", "Thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor", "Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 2", "Prostacyclin receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor family C group 6 member A", "Mu-type opioid receptor", "Melatonin receptor type 1A", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 1", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 3", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase ATR", "Homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 1", "Gap junction gamma-3 protein", "Solute carrier family 22 member 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 6", "Toll-like receptor 8", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 2", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1H", "Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret", "Carbonyl reductase [NADPH] 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily C member 1", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 6", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1F", "Pannexin-2", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 9", "Sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter B(0)AT2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily B member 2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily B member 1", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit gamma isoform", "Complement C1r subcomponent", "Cone cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase subunit alpha'", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 4", "Nuclear receptor ROR-alpha", "Aldehyde dehydrogenase, mitochondrial", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4A", "Bromodomain testis-specific protein", "cGMP-inhibited 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase B", "Pannexin-1", "5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit beta-1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 7", "cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 1", "Death-associated protein kinase 1", "G-protein coupled bile acid receptor 1", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 1", "Potassium-transporting ATPase alpha chain 1", "Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta", "Short transient receptor potential channel 7", "Retinoic acid receptor alpha", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 8", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 7", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 2", "Short transient receptor potential channel 2", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 1", "Translocator protein", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 2", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 5", "P2X purinoceptor 3", "G-protein coupled receptor 35", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 11", "Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M4", "Ornithine decarboxylase", "Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4-alpha", "DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 3", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 8", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 2", "P2Y purinoceptor 11", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 4", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 7", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2B", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1", "Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-1", "Acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha", "Carbonic anhydrase 12", "Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 2", "Tubulin beta chain", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP3 subtype", "Nitric oxide synthase, endothelial", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 1", "Amine oxidase [flavin-containing] A", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 4", "Methionine aminopeptidase 2", "Androgen receptor", "Dihydrofolate reductase", "Sn1-specific diacylglycerol lipase beta", "Growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor", "Angiopoietin-1 receptor", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-4", "Estrogen receptor", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member D", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4", "Estrogen receptor beta", "Melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor", "Proteasome subunit beta type-5", "Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 2", "Cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme, mitochondrial", "Alpha-1A adrenergic receptor", "Alpha-1D adrenergic receptor", "Alpha-1B adrenergic receptor", "Tyrosine 3-monooxygenase", "Gastrin/cholecystokinin type B receptor", "Hepatocyte growth factor receptor", "NAD-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-1", "Vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase", "Glucagon-like peptide 2 receptor", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 10", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 1", "Gap junction beta-6 protein", "Gap junction beta-5 protein", "Delta-type opioid receptor", "Mevalonate kinase", "Acetylcholinesterase", "Histone deacetylase 6", "G-protein coupled estrogen receptor 1", "Galanin receptor type 1", "Sodium channel protein type 5 subunit alpha", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 2", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 4", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha", "Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2-beta", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP1 subtype", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP4 subtype", "P2Y purinoceptor 1", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4C", "Aurora kinase C", "Maltase-glucoamylase, intestinal", "P2Y purinoceptor 4", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 8", "P2Y purinoceptor 2", "Adenosine receptor A2a", "Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP1A", "Adenosine receptor A2b", "Putative P2Y purinoceptor 10", "Transthyretin", "Solute carrier family 22 member 11", "Sodium leak channel non-selective protein", "Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-3", "Trace amine-associated receptor 3", "Solute carrier family 22 member 8", "Solute carrier family 22 member 12", "Trace amine-associated receptor 5", "Trace amine-associated receptor 4", "Nuclear receptor ROR-beta", "P2X purinoceptor 4", "Extracellular calcium-sensing receptor", "Gap junction gamma-1 protein", "fMet-Leu-Phe receptor", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3", "G-protein coupled receptor 12", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR1", "Bile salt export pump", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP1 subtype", "Histone deacetylase 2", "Dual 3',5'-cyclic-AMP and -GMP phosphodiesterase 11A", "Endothelin B receptor", "Free fatty acid receptor 1", "Sodium/glucose cotransporter 2", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1S", "fMet-Leu-Phe receptor", "Beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 2", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP3 subtype", "Cholinesterase", "Short transient receptor potential channel 4", "Sodium/bile acid cotransporter", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-alpha", "Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C3", "Lysine-specific demethylase 7A", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2A1", "Sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 15", "Delta-type opioid receptor", "Bcl-2-like protein 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 1", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3", "P2Y purinoceptor 14", "Neurotensin receptor type 1", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit gamma", "Aurora kinase B", "Cytochrome P450 3A5", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 4", "Thyroid hormone receptor beta", "Vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1", "Solute carrier family 22 member 2", "Squalene synthase", "Gap junction beta-4 protein", "Neuropeptide Y receptor type 1", "Uracil nucleotide/cysteinyl leukotriene receptor", "Histone deacetylase 8", "Thromboxane A2 receptor", "Geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase", "Histamine H4 receptor", "Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2", "Intermediate conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 4", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-9", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-6", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-2", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 2", "C-C chemokine receptor type 4", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1E", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1F", "Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 2", "Interleukin-17A", "Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor", "Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase subunit M2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 6", "Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2", "Protein kinase C epsilon type", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 7", "Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-2", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 2", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4D", "Alpha-2B adrenergic receptor", "D(3) dopamine receptor", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 24", "Cholecystokinin receptor type A", "Alpha-2A adrenergic receptor", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-3", "Cytochrome P450 2J2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-3", "Steroid 17-alpha-hydroxylase/17,20 lyase", "Progesterone receptor", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2C", "Aromatic-L-amino-acid decarboxylase", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 2 group C member 2", "Alpha-2C adrenergic receptor", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-1", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-5", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 4", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase N1", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR1", "Thymidylate synthase", "Neutrophil elastase", "Interferon-induced, double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-3", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 4", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit theta", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 19", "Parathyroid hormone/parathyroid hormone-related peptide receptor", "Gastrin/cholecystokinin type B receptor", "Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 6", "Gap junction alpha-8 protein", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1C", "Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide receptor 1", "Gap junction alpha-10 protein", "Gap junction alpha-5 protein", "Two pore calcium channel protein 1", "Smoothened homolog", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor 2", "Two pore calcium channel protein 2", "D(1B) dopamine receptor", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-beta", "Phospholipase D2", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 3", "Beta-3 adrenergic receptor", "High affinity cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 7A", "Cytochrome P450 1B1", "cGMP-inhibited 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase A", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1C", "Cyclin-G-associated kinase", "Free fatty acid receptor 2", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4B", "Angiotensin-converting enzyme", "G protein-coupled receptor kinase 6", "Endothelin-1 receptor", "Protein kinase C gamma type", "Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK", "Motilin receptor", "Insulin receptor", "Carbonic anhydrase 13", "Bromodomain-containing protein 3", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 1", "Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 1", "Programmed cell death 1 ligand 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 5", "Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 2", "cGMP-gated cation channel alpha-1", "Type-1 angiotensin II receptor", "Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 5", "Trace amine-associated receptor 1", "P2X purinoceptor 7", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit delta isoform", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 1", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 1", "N-formyl peptide receptor 2", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha isoform", "B2 bradykinin receptor", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1B", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 8", "P2X purinoceptor 1", "B1 bradykinin receptor", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 8", "Glucose-dependent insulinotropic receptor", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 3", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1A", "Parathyroid hormone 2 receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 2", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1C1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 3", "Prostaglandin F2-alpha receptor", "Interstitial collagenase", "Short transient receptor potential channel 5", "Short transient receptor potential channel 6", "Oxoeicosanoid receptor 1", "Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor", "Beta-3 adrenergic receptor", "Acid-sensing ion channel 3", "Dipeptidyl peptidase 4", "Bile acid receptor", "Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 1", "Cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein kinase BMX", "Substance-P receptor", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 9", "G-protein coupled receptor family C group 6 member A", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1S", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 1", "Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor", "Short transient receptor potential channel 4", "Polycystic kidney disease 2-like 1 protein", "Adenosine deaminase", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 12", "G-protein coupled receptor 35", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2", "Probable G-protein coupled receptor 63", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 8", "Thyroid peroxidase", "Histone acetyltransferase KAT2B", "Neuropeptide FF receptor 2", "Carbonic anhydrase 14", "Carbonic anhydrase 7", "Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2", "Retinoic acid receptor gamma", "Prostaglandin F2-alpha receptor", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-7", "P2Y purinoceptor 6", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 2", "Fatty-acid amide hydrolase 1", "cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha", "Glutamate receptor 1", "Glutamate receptor 2", "Glutamate receptor 4", "Fatty-acid amide hydrolase 2", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 2", "Anoctamin-1", "Gap junction beta-1 protein", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 13", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 11", "DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha", "C-C chemokine receptor type 5", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 9", "Kappa-type opioid receptor", "Potassium channel subfamily U member 1", "Platelet-activating factor receptor", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 10", "Adenosine receptor A2b", "Aquaporin-1", "Acid-sensing ion channel 1", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 2", "Solute carrier family 12 member 2", "Solute carrier family 22 member 6", "Lysine-specific histone demethylase 1A", "Solute carrier family 15 member 1", "Beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit beta", "Solute carrier family 12 member 1", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase pim-2", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 5", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 2", "Leukotriene B4 receptor 2", "Histone deacetylase 11", "Histamine H2 receptor", "Xanthine dehydrogenase/oxidase", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 2", "Histone deacetylase 5", "Nitric oxide synthase, brain", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 2", "Oxytocin receptor", "Melatonin receptor type 1B", "Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit alpha", "Chloride channel protein ClC-Kb", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase N2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase FRK", "Adenosine receptor A1", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1", "Sodium channel protein type 4 subunit alpha", "Cathepsin K", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M5", "Trace amine-associated receptor 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 2", "ALK tyrosine kinase receptor", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 4", "Type-2 angiotensin II receptor", "Thyroid hormone receptor alpha", "Trifunctional purine biosynthetic protein adenosine-3", "Presenilin-1", "Ryanodine receptor 1", "Aurora kinase A", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 2", "Cyclin-dependent-like kinase 5", "Histone deacetylase 1", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 10", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2A", "Casein kinase I isoform delta", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2B", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2C", "Brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor 1", "Lysine-specific demethylase 2A", "Histamine H3 receptor", "Neuropeptide Y receptor type 2", "Chromaffin granule amine transporter", "Mucolipin-1", "Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase large subunit", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 1", "Ryanodine receptor 3", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A", "Ceramide glucosyltransferase", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2", "Proteinase-activated receptor 1", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1D", "Toll-like receptor 4", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1A", "Cytochrome P450 2D6", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 3", "Leukotriene B4 receptor 1", "Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2", "Pannexin-3", "Sn1-specific diacylglycerol lipase alpha", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily A member 1", "Casein kinase I isoform epsilon", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-6", "Tryptase alpha/beta-1", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 3", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-2", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1G", "TRAF2 and NCK-interacting protein kinase", "Lysosomal alpha-glucosidase", "Sigma non-opioid intracellular receptor 1", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 7", "Cathepsin Z", "Mineralocorticoid receptor", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 5A", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A", "Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor G3", "Growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1", "Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 5", "Alpha-1B adrenergic receptor", "cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit beta", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 1", "Proton-coupled folate transporter", "Glucocorticoid receptor", "Amine oxidase [flavin-containing] B", "Orexin receptor type 1", "Orexin receptor type 2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-2", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member X1", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 4", "Acid-sensing ion channel 2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 3", "Cytochrome P450 11B1, mitochondrial", "Gap junction beta-7 protein", "Gap junction gamma-2 protein", "Ryanodine receptor 2", "Epidermal growth factor receptor", "Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3", "Gap junction alpha-9 protein", "Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase", "Membrane primary amine oxidase", "Cytochrome P450 2B6", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 4", "Free fatty acid receptor 4", "Histone deacetylase 4", "Histone deacetylase 7", "Synaptic vesicular amine transporter", "Cytochrome P450 2C8", "C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4", "Serum amyloid P-component", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 7B", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase mTOR", "Neurotensin receptor type 2", "Protein kinase C eta type", "Sodium/glucose cotransporter 1", "Bromodomain-containing protein 2", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase pim-1", "Protein kinase C beta type", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 4", "G protein-coupled receptor kinase 4", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor 2", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2D", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type 1D", "Cannabinoid receptor 2", "Lysosomal protective protein", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-gamma", "Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1", "Aquaporin-9", "Neuromedin-K receptor", "Protein kinase C alpha type", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 3", "Potassium channel subfamily T member 2", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit beta isoform", "Thymidylate synthase", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase PLK4", "Potassium channel subfamily T member 1", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 4", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-4", "Melanocortin receptor 4", "Melanocortin receptor 5", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 3", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, kainate 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 5", "Prostacyclin receptor", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2", "Cannabinoid receptor 1", "Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 2", "Niemann-Pick C1-like protein 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 7", "Apoptosis regulator Bcl-2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck", "Sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter 2", "Oxysterols receptor LXR-alpha", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 2", "Sodium-coupled monocarboxylate transporter 1", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 1", "Cystathionine gamma-lyase", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 1", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2", "Gap junction beta-3 protein", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2A", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 5", "G-protein coupled receptor 143", "GTPase NRas", "Probable G-protein coupled receptor 139", "Antithrombin-III", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit pi", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit delta", "N-arachidonyl glycine receptor", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-3", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1B", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 6", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 5A", "Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 3A1", "Atypical chemokine receptor 3", "Retinoic acid receptor beta", "Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Fyn", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 4", "12-(S)-hydroxy-5,8,10,14-eicosatetraenoic acid receptor", "Histone deacetylase 10", "Proton-coupled amino acid transporter 1", "Protein kinase C delta type", "Histamine H3 receptor", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 10", "Chloride channel protein ClC-Ka", "Pancreatic triacylglycerol lipase", "High affinity cAMP-specific and IBMX-insensitive 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 8B", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1D", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 6", "Glycine receptor subunit beta", "P2Y purinoceptor 13", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5", "RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Yes", "Phosphorylase b kinase gamma catalytic chain, liver/testis isoform", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 3", "Chloride channel protein 1", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 3", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1", "3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1F", "Cystathionine beta-synthase", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1D", "Dopamine beta-hydroxylase", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 14", "Trypsin-1", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 8", "Tubulin beta-3 chain", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 5", "Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1", "Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit beta", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5", "Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor", "Lanosterol 14-alpha demethylase", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-1", "High affinity cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 9A", "Histone lysine demethylase PHF8", "Neuropeptide FF receptor 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3", "Gap junction alpha-1 protein", "Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2-alpha", "D(2) dopamine receptor", "High affinity cAMP-specific and IBMX-insensitive 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 8A", "Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 4", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2", "Sodium channel protein type 9 subunit alpha", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-alpha", "Purine nucleoside phosphorylase", "Gap junction beta-2 protein", "Catechol O-methyltransferase", "Neurotensin receptor type 2" ], "verbalized_answer": "D(2) dopamine receptor, Apoptosis regulator Bcl-2 and Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src around the same number of nutrients interact with as that nutrient", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "D(2) dopamine receptor", "Apoptosis regulator Bcl-2", "Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'nutrient'}, 'physically interacts with', {'concept': 'nutrient'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?z WHERE { ?z property:physically_interacts_with ?z . ?z rdf:type ontology:nutrient }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(nutrient)', 'physically interacts with', 'c(nutrient)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 12, "ques_type_id": 8, "question-type": "Quantitative Reasoning (Count) (All)", "description": "Quantitative|Count over Atleast/ Atmost/ Approx. the same/Equal|Mult. entity type", "entities_in_utterance": [], "relations": [ "P129" ], "type_list": [ "Q181394", "Q79529", "Q181394" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "How many nutrients do atmost 26 chemical substances and nutrients interact with ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(c(Q79529)|c(Q181394),P129,c(Q181394))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": 6, "count_ques_type": 1, "is_incomplete": 0, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": 1, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "atmost" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P129" ], [ "type", "Q181394" ], [ "type", "Q79529" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P129" ], [ "type", "Q181394" ], [ "type", "Q181394" ], [ "value", "26" ] ], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'Q79529'}, {'concept': 'Q181394'}], 'P129', {'concept': 'Q181394'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?h ) AS ?f ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?l ) AS ?g ) ?h WHERE { { ?l property:P129 ?h . ?l rdf:type ontology:Q79529 . ?h rdf:type ontology:Q181394 } UNION { ?h rdf:type ontology:Q181394 . ?l rdf:type ontology:Q181394 . ?l property:P129 ?h } } GROUP BY ?h } . FILTER ( ?g <= 26 ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "atmost" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "chemical substance" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "value", "26" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'chemical substance'}, {'concept': 'nutrient'}], 'physically interacts with', {'concept': 'nutrient'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?h ) AS ?f ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?l ) AS ?g ) ?h WHERE { { ?l property:physically_interacts_with ?h . ?l rdf:type ontology:chemical_substance . ?h rdf:type ontology:nutrient } UNION { ?h rdf:type ontology:nutrient . ?l rdf:type ontology:nutrient . ?l property:physically_interacts_with ?h } } GROUP BY ?h } . FILTER ( ?g <= 26 ) }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [ "nutrient", "chemical substance", "nutrient" ] }, { "id": 13, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "811", "all_entities": [ "Q21135479", "Q21120657", "Q21987720", "Q5635781", "Q21115605", "Q21110942", "Q22679043", "Q7050954", "Q21494718", "Q21115210", "Q5018799", "Q21115219", "Q21116154", "Q14872770", "Q309513", "Q21173427", "Q21119831", "Q21119830", "Q4217286", "Q308856", "Q21982207", "Q21108693", "Q12746346", "Q21108695", "Q4847910", "Q21123087", "Q2271947", "Q21109971", "Q21988043", "Q21127094", "Q21985448", "Q21104718", "Q21119231", "Q7671480", "Q21115284", "Q21987850", "Q21172741", "Q423701", "Q413209", "Q287961", "Q2663095", "Q905729", "Q420930", "Q21111688", "Q1407929", "Q21173169", "Q14908176", "Q21497881", "Q21173164", "Q21107052", "Q21119836", "Q21118791", "Q21108135", 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"Q21126214", "Q287958", "Q21156663", "Q5500227", "Q1084878", "Q21108402", "Q21118967", "Q6589868", "Q21108408", "Q21118678", "Q21126810", "Q21984552", "Q21123083", "Q21984557", "Q14900999", "Q415287", "Q7861688", "Q7671479", "Q21118909", "Q7923221", "Q21136123", "Q21106653", "Q7169506", "Q7169504", "Q21118293", "Q415607", "Q21130016", "Q21136517", "Q21111689", "Q908221", "Q21496578", "Q21109365", "Q5323823", "Q22677568", "Q21496575", "Q21496576", "Q21109253", "Q21100773", "Q21107439", "Q21100774", "Q15323278", "Q21110867", "Q21988044", "Q21102152", "Q21107535", "Q21103155", "Q2042529", "Q21114341", "Q21109974", "Q21985924", "Q2398308", "Q5038044", "Q21988816", "Q21109218", "Q21113326", "Q14905270", "Q5201199", "Q905736", "Q21984063", "Q14911929", "Q21122995", "Q21135975", "Q21122125", "Q4812911", "Q21103089", "Q21112081", "Q21172213", "Q14914580", "Q4459747", "Q511968", "Q21102129", "Q415976", "Q21130042", "Q21496563", "Q15323770", "Q5198252", "Q21109744", "Q21102124", "Q21123723", 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"Q420766", "Q21496383", "Q5005897", "Q21113719", "Q1493174", "Q11071131", "Q21139471", "Q21497887", "Q21113101", "Q21113100", "Q21988386", "Q424031", "Q22676679", "Q21173381", "Q5514257", "Q21110304", "Q3459294", "Q21114338", "Q21497941", "Q21102511", "Q21119672", "Q21987844", "Q21987843", "Q21119575", "Q21202200", "Q21132140", "Q21118732", "Q21126779", "Q21497890", "Q21126777", "Q21116162", "Q21110396", "Q21116164", "Q21126773", "Q419999", "Q21135949", "Q21096262", "Q21105660", "Q21991514", "Q21135943", "Q21135945", "Q21991512", "Q21991513", "Q21117235", "Q21108844", "Q417801", "Q21113155", "Q21981993", "Q2844056", "Q21171763", "Q21494387", "Q4650061", "Q21120420", "Q5773155", "Q21119704", "Q21173310", "Q5500222", "Q7390898", "Q21111803", "Q21112690", "Q21112691", "Q21120423", "Q22679015", "Q15322943", "Q21174687", "Q21125248", "Q21499097", "Q21105060", "Q21114807", "Q21125240", "Q21208052", "Q21987569", "Q21115334", "Q21173156", "Q14905969", "Q21118353", "Q21121807", "Q21124061", "Q21118356", "Q4822491", "Q21117300", "Q21126205", "Q7799753", "Q21175110", "Q21175111", "Q21108578", "Q21113173", "Q21120142", "Q21110921", "Q21173406", "Q411978", "Q21106540", "Q288382", "Q4036865", "Q21119818", "Q21111184", "Q21983261", "Q21111182", "Q21111181", "Q4859538", "Q21102300", "Q3931282", "Q21115051", "Q21115052", "Q909409", "Q21139123", "Q21114291", "Q5513985", "Q21108338", "Q14891582", "Q415364", "Q21109298", "Q21109355", "Q21109354", "Q21115954", "Q409867", "Q21496918", "Q21106795", "Q4734894", "Q21110872", "Q21117407", "Q21113926", "Q4734892", "Q21103146", "Q21110752", "Q21114578", "Q408305", "Q3454525", "Q21097237", "Q21120955", "Q4734891", "Q21114574", "Q21114576", "Q21108785", "Q21112525", "Q21118072", "Q14911895", "Q3721138", "Q7251483", "Q21113330", "Q5419638", "Q21113337", "Q21156191", "Q21108487", "Q21110901", "Q21104817", "Q14914570", "Q21113158", "Q14905748", "Q21135903", "Q21107088", "Q21113152", "Q21103337", "Q3271551", "Q21990456", "Q21103323", "Q21131500", "Q21102136", "Q21145932", "Q21173215", "Q21498865", "Q21123245", "Q5014947", "Q21123247", "Q21123246", "Q5512833", "Q5500223", "Q21123242", "Q128861", "Q21132248", "Q21132004", "Q21114845", "Q423572", "Q12746111", "Q422579", "Q21499210", "Q21100464", "Q15323346", "Q21112674", "Q21100639", "Q21988035", "Q21119156", "Q21105636", "Q2819188", "Q21119157", "Q21126242", "Q21991520", "Q21126786", "Q7117825", "Q21115989", "Q5572421", "Q21107443", "Q7117823", "Q21497124", "Q21123241", "Q6590408", "Q21118919", "Q21497128", "Q5198254", "Q21132652", "Q6594119", "Q21119694", "Q7136149", "Q21111879", "Q21125249", "Q21988026", "Q21988024", "Q7671460", "Q7671461", "Q21122493", "Q21173504", "Q7671468", "Q7671469", "Q12746382", "Q21100975", "Q4897175", "Q21102111", "Q412214", "Q1085078", "Q21121368", "Q21106693", "Q7673856", "Q21119848", "Q21103198", "Q21497155", "Q21118862", "Q5464652", "Q7671464", "Q21126833", "Q356093", "Q21119847", "Q21110936", "Q21121466", "Q21110933", "Q6714411", "Q22677167", 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"Q5014193", "Q21115816", "Q21115819", "Q21172286", "Q21114819", "Q288395", "Q21120144", "Q21122921", "Q6714959", "Q21121233", "Q21110532", "Q21159525", "Q21108125", "Q22678664", "Q5446457", "Q5446456", "Q21106737", "Q5446453", "Q14914104", "Q3271142", "Q21992684", "Q21119816", "Q10988613", "Q415271", "Q21123722", "Q21102593", "Q7834290", "Q5014192", "Q21114585", "Q21109026", "Q1500004", "Q21114582", "Q21102123", "Q21108517", "Q565672", "Q408572", "Q21497939", "Q21154413", "Q3454531", "Q21497937", "Q21497936", "Q21113832", "Q1979313", "Q5611755", "Q21123416", "Q21982979", "Q21111517", "Q21988152", "Q21121086", "Q21982871", "Q21109462", "Q21122433", "Q21122435", "Q3162114", "Q21984578", "Q21113305", "Q21133205", "Q21119825", "Q21102082", "Q21984577", "Q904925", "Q21113169", "Q21113168", "Q3415811", "Q424401", "Q5009781", "Q21113161", "Q21172271", "Q21131101", "Q5014958", "Q21119822", "Q21172800", "Q21173206", "Q21173207", "Q2521094", "Q5014957", "Q415718", "Q7455513", "Q21123251", "Q285613", "Q21119591", "Q21114857", "Q904241", "Q21100450", "Q21100324", "Q21114850", "Q21982203", "Q21132247", "Q21174141", "Q21130911", "Q21113540", "Q21150595", "Q423561", "Q21120051", "Q587961", "Q21106448", "Q21987287", "Q7119501", "Q21115996", "Q21118578", "Q21115992", "Q22676802", "Q21109157", "Q21118576", "Q21115998", "Q21201618", "Q21118676", "Q21118677", "Q15324694", "Q21108701", "Q21096394", "Q21988427", "Q21991039", "Q21201294", "Q411791", "Q14905763", "Q21118884", "Q21496564", "Q425201", "Q9020944", "Q21121379", "Q21112289", "Q7671477", "Q21127141", "Q21111265", "Q21157860", "Q7671478", "Q21116665", "Q21113099", "Q15327766", "Q21118970", "Q21126947", "Q21118976", "Q416336", "Q21113295", "Q21113297", "Q21110922", "Q21113292", "Q21498666", "Q21109363", "Q21109359", "Q21173608", "Q21136134", "Q21129997", "Q6592976", "Q21107799", "Q423628", "Q21113349", "Q21494464", "Q21157551", "Q21121276", "Q7120338", "Q21983336", "Q21113510", "Q21100810", "Q424693", "Q21123223", "Q288431", "Q21102146", "Q21107871", "Q21103162", "Q21121816", "Q6589190", "Q410434", "Q21097216", "Q21122509", "Q6449560", "Q6449562", "Q21111520", "Q7390572", "Q6155967", "Q21100360", "Q21114955", "Q21984383", "Q5201183", "Q21984381", "Q415762", "Q6714402", "Q21125499", "Q21499447", "Q15324415", "Q21135787", "Q15323565", "Q5201201", "Q571999", "Q21495791", "Q2005209", "Q21100886", "Q5520260", "Q21115429", "Q22683566", "Q7002508", "Q21121490", "Q2356259", "Q21121496", "Q2034004", "Q21123220", "Q21134814", "Q21113683", "Q6981560", "Q21118710", "Q414401", "Q21113127", "Q418781", "Q21986206" ], "active_set": [ "(c(Q79529)|c(Q181394),P129,c(Q181394))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "atmost" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P129" ], [ "type", "Q181394" ], [ "type", "Q79529" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P129" ], [ "type", "Q181394" ], [ "type", "Q181394" ], [ "value", "26" ] ], "is_spurious": false, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWER]", "parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'Q79529'}, {'concept': 'Q181394'}], 'P129', {'concept': 'Q181394'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?h ) AS ?f ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?l ) AS ?g ) ?h WHERE { { ?l property:P129 ?h . ?l rdf:type ontology:Q79529 . ?h rdf:type ontology:Q181394 } UNION { ?h rdf:type ontology:Q181394 . ?l rdf:type ontology:Q181394 . ?l property:P129 ?h } } GROUP BY ?h } . FILTER ( ?g <= 26 ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Sodium channel protein type 8 subunit alpha", "Interleukin-23 subunit alpha", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member D", "GTPase HRas", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1", "G-protein coupled receptor 55", "Aldose reductase", "Sodium-dependent noradrenaline transporter", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 2", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 1", "Calcium-activated potassium channel subunit alpha-1", "Oxysterols receptor LXR-beta", "Adenosine receptor A3", "Histamine H4 receptor", "Histamine H1 receptor", "Histone deacetylase 9", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 5", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 18", "Cathepsin S", "D(4) dopamine receptor", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 2", "G-protein coupled receptor 87", "Nociceptin receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor 84", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2", "Neuromedin-K receptor", "Sodium-dependent dopamine transporter", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 4", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 4", "Rho-associated protein kinase 2", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1", "Solute carrier family 22 member 3", "Tyrosine-protein kinase TXK", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4", "Activated CDC42 kinase 1", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP2 subtype", "G-protein coupled receptor 3", "Coagulation factor X", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1", "Beta-2 adrenergic receptor", "Glucocorticoid receptor", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor", "Glutathione reductase, mitochondrial", "B2 bradykinin receptor", "Cytochrome P450 1A1", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 4", "Carbonic anhydrase 1", "Gap junction alpha-4 protein", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 1", "Multidrug resistance-associated protein 5", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-10", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP4 subtype", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-3", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP2 subtype", "Vitamin D3 receptor", "Histone deacetylase 3", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3", "Mu-type opioid receptor", "Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 1", "Estrogen-related receptor gamma", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-1", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-3", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit epsilon", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1C", "Prothrombin", "Gap junction delta-3 protein", "Gap junction delta-4 protein", "Voltage-dependent N-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1B", "D(2) dopamine receptor", "Gap junction delta-2 protein", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn", "Sodium channel protein type 1 subunit alpha", "3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase", "Solute carrier family 12 member 3", "GTPase KRas", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 2", "Bromodomain testis-specific protein", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 7", "2-oxoglutarate receptor 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 5", "Gap junction alpha-3 protein", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta", "72 kDa type IV collagenase", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 3", "Sodium-dependent serotonin transporter", "Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 2", "3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase 2", "Rhodopsin kinase", "Nociceptin receptor", "Bromodomain-containing protein 4", "Amyloid beta A4 protein", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 14", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1B", "Nitric oxide synthase, inducible", "Rho-associated protein kinase 1", "Heat-stable enterotoxin receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 1", "Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (quinone), mitochondrial", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase BRSK2", "Cytochrome P450 3A4", "Chymotrypsin-like elastase family member 1", "Testis-specific serine/threonine-protein kinase 1", "Protein kinase C zeta type", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2", "Cytochrome P450 11B2, mitochondrial", "P2Y purinoceptor 14", "Uracil nucleotide/cysteinyl leukotriene receptor", "Glutamate receptor 3", "Vasopressin V2 receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 10", "Vasopressin V1a receptor", "cGMP-dependent 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 8", "Vasopressin V1b receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor 6", "Toll-like receptor 7", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Blk", "Phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase", "Renin", "Folate transporter 1", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 5", "Sodium channel protein type 2 subunit alpha", "Sodium channel protein type 3 subunit alpha", "Plasminogen", "Cystine/glutamate transporter", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1", "Beta-1 adrenergic receptor", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 11", "Free fatty acid receptor 3", "Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma", "Chloride channel protein 2", "G-protein coupled receptor 183", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 6", "H(+)/Cl(-) exchange transporter 3", "Melanocortin receptor 3", "Prostaglandin G/H synthase 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 3", "Substance-K receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 1", "Kappa-type opioid receptor", "Aromatase", "Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 3", "Ovarian cancer G-protein coupled receptor 1", "Vesicular acetylcholine transporter", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1", "Solute carrier family 23 member 1", "Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha", "Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta", "Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, cytoplasmic", "3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 2", "Zinc-activated ligand-gated ion channel", "B1 bradykinin receptor", "Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 4", "Histone acetyltransferase p300", "Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6", "Protein kinase C iota type", "Chloride transport protein 6", "Farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase", "H(+)/Cl(-) exchange transporter 7", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily A member 1", "D(1A) dopamine receptor", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1I", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 6", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-1", "Toll-like receptor 9", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 3", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 3", "P2X purinoceptor 4", "P2Y purinoceptor 12", "Carbonic anhydrase 4", "Neuropeptide S receptor", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-1", "Thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor", "Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 2", "Prostacyclin receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor family C group 6 member A", "Mu-type opioid receptor", "Melatonin receptor type 1A", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 1", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 3", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase ATR", "Homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 1", "Gap junction gamma-3 protein", "Solute carrier family 22 member 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 6", "Toll-like receptor 8", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 2", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1H", "Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret", "Carbonyl reductase [NADPH] 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily C member 1", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 6", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1F", "Pannexin-2", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 9", "Sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter B(0)AT2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily B member 2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily B member 1", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit gamma isoform", "Complement C1r subcomponent", "Cone cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase subunit alpha'", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 4", "Nuclear receptor ROR-alpha", "Aldehyde dehydrogenase, mitochondrial", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4A", "Bromodomain testis-specific protein", "cGMP-inhibited 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase B", "Pannexin-1", "5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit beta-1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 7", "cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 1", "Death-associated protein kinase 1", "G-protein coupled bile acid receptor 1", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 1", "Potassium-transporting ATPase alpha chain 1", "Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta", "Short transient receptor potential channel 7", "Retinoic acid receptor alpha", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 8", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 7", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 2", "Short transient receptor potential channel 2", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 1", "Translocator protein", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 2", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 5", "P2X purinoceptor 3", "G-protein coupled receptor 35", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 11", "Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M4", "Ornithine decarboxylase", "Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4-alpha", "DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 3", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 8", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 2", "P2Y purinoceptor 11", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 4", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 7", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1", "Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-1", "Acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha", "Carbonic anhydrase 12", "Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 2", "Tubulin beta chain", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP3 subtype", "Nitric oxide synthase, endothelial", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 1", "Amine oxidase [flavin-containing] A", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 4", "Methionine aminopeptidase 2", "Androgen receptor", "Dihydrofolate reductase", "Sn1-specific diacylglycerol lipase beta", "Growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor", "Angiopoietin-1 receptor", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-4", "Estrogen receptor", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member D", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4", "Estrogen receptor beta", "Melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor", "Proteasome subunit beta type-5", "Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 2", "Cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme, mitochondrial", "Alpha-1A adrenergic receptor", "Alpha-1D adrenergic receptor", "Alpha-1B adrenergic receptor", "Tyrosine 3-monooxygenase", "Gastrin/cholecystokinin type B receptor", "Hepatocyte growth factor receptor", "NAD-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-1", "Vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase", "Glucagon-like peptide 2 receptor", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 10", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 1", "Gap junction beta-6 protein", "Gap junction beta-5 protein", "Delta-type opioid receptor", "Mevalonate kinase", "Acetylcholinesterase", "Histone deacetylase 6", "G-protein coupled estrogen receptor 1", "Galanin receptor type 1", "Sodium channel protein type 5 subunit alpha", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 2", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 4", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha", "Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2-beta", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP1 subtype", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP4 subtype", "P2Y purinoceptor 1", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4C", "Aurora kinase C", "Maltase-glucoamylase, intestinal", "P2Y purinoceptor 4", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 8", "P2Y purinoceptor 2", "Adenosine receptor A2a", "Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP1A", "Adenosine receptor A2b", "Putative P2Y purinoceptor 10", "Transthyretin", "Solute carrier family 22 member 11", "Sodium leak channel non-selective protein", "Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-3", "Trace amine-associated receptor 3", "Solute carrier family 22 member 8", "Solute carrier family 22 member 12", "Trace amine-associated receptor 5", "Trace amine-associated receptor 4", "Nuclear receptor ROR-beta", "P2X purinoceptor 4", "Extracellular calcium-sensing receptor", "Gap junction gamma-1 protein", "fMet-Leu-Phe receptor", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3", "G-protein coupled receptor 12", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR1", "Bile salt export pump", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP1 subtype", "Histone deacetylase 2", "Dual 3',5'-cyclic-AMP and -GMP phosphodiesterase 11A", "Endothelin B receptor", "Free fatty acid receptor 1", "Sodium/glucose cotransporter 2", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1S", "fMet-Leu-Phe receptor", "Beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 2", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP3 subtype", "Cholinesterase", "Short transient receptor potential channel 4", "Sodium/bile acid cotransporter", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-alpha", "Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C3", "Lysine-specific demethylase 7A", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2A1", "Sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 15", "Delta-type opioid receptor", "Bcl-2-like protein 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 1", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3", "P2Y purinoceptor 14", "Neurotensin receptor type 1", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit gamma", "Aurora kinase B", "Cytochrome P450 3A5", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 4", "Thyroid hormone receptor beta", "Vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1", "Solute carrier family 22 member 2", "Squalene synthase", "Gap junction beta-4 protein", "Neuropeptide Y receptor type 1", "Uracil nucleotide/cysteinyl leukotriene receptor", "Histone deacetylase 8", "Thromboxane A2 receptor", "Geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase", "Histamine H4 receptor", "Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2", "Intermediate conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 4", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-9", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-6", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-2", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 2", "C-C chemokine receptor type 4", "Calcitonin receptor", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1E", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1F", "Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 2", "Interleukin-17A", "Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor", "Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase subunit M2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 6", "Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2", "Protein kinase C epsilon type", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 7", "Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-2", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 2", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4D", "Alpha-2B adrenergic receptor", "D(3) dopamine receptor", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 24", "Cholecystokinin receptor type A", "Alpha-2A adrenergic receptor", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-3", "Cytochrome P450 2J2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-3", "Steroid 17-alpha-hydroxylase/17,20 lyase", "Progesterone receptor", "Aromatic-L-amino-acid decarboxylase", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 2 group C member 2", "Alpha-2C adrenergic receptor", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-1", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-5", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 4", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase N1", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR1", "Thymidylate synthase", "Neutrophil elastase", "Interferon-induced, double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-3", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 4", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit theta", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 19", "Parathyroid hormone/parathyroid hormone-related peptide receptor", "Gastrin/cholecystokinin type B receptor", "Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 6", "Gap junction alpha-8 protein", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1C", "Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide receptor 1", "Gap junction alpha-10 protein", "Gap junction alpha-5 protein", "Two pore calcium channel protein 1", "Smoothened homolog", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor 2", "Two pore calcium channel protein 2", "D(1B) dopamine receptor", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-beta", "Phospholipase D2", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 3", "Beta-3 adrenergic receptor", "High affinity cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 7A", "Cytochrome P450 1B1", "cGMP-inhibited 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase A", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1C", "Cyclin-G-associated kinase", "Free fatty acid receptor 2", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4B", "Angiotensin-converting enzyme", "G protein-coupled receptor kinase 6", "Endothelin-1 receptor", "Protein kinase C gamma type", "Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK", "Motilin receptor", "Insulin receptor", "Carbonic anhydrase 13", "Bromodomain-containing protein 3", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 1", "Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 1", "Programmed cell death 1 ligand 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 5", "Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 2", "cGMP-gated cation channel alpha-1", "Type-1 angiotensin II receptor", "Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 5", "Trace amine-associated receptor 1", "P2X purinoceptor 7", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit delta isoform", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 1", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 1", "N-formyl peptide receptor 2", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha isoform", "B2 bradykinin receptor", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1B", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 8", "P2X purinoceptor 1", "B1 bradykinin receptor", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 8", "Glucose-dependent insulinotropic receptor", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 3", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1A", "Parathyroid hormone 2 receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 2", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1C1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 3", "Prostaglandin F2-alpha receptor", "Interstitial collagenase", "Short transient receptor potential channel 5", "Short transient receptor potential channel 6", "Oxoeicosanoid receptor 1", "Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor", "Beta-3 adrenergic receptor", "Acid-sensing ion channel 3", "Dipeptidyl peptidase 4", "Bile acid receptor", "Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 1", "Cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein kinase BMX", "Substance-P receptor", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 9", "G-protein coupled receptor family C group 6 member A", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1S", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 1", "Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor", "Short transient receptor potential channel 4", "Polycystic kidney disease 2-like 1 protein", "Adenosine deaminase", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 12", "G-protein coupled receptor 35", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2", "Probable G-protein coupled receptor 63", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 8", "Thyroid peroxidase", "Histone acetyltransferase KAT2B", "Neuropeptide FF receptor 2", "Carbonic anhydrase 14", "Carbonic anhydrase 7", "Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2", "Retinoic acid receptor gamma", "Prostaglandin F2-alpha receptor", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-7", "P2Y purinoceptor 6", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 2", "Fatty-acid amide hydrolase 1", "cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha", "Glutamate receptor 1", "Glutamate receptor 2", "Glutamate receptor 4", "Fatty-acid amide hydrolase 2", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 2", "Anoctamin-1", "Gap junction beta-1 protein", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 13", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 11", "DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha", "C-C chemokine receptor type 5", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 9", "Kappa-type opioid receptor", "Potassium channel subfamily U member 1", "Platelet-activating factor receptor", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 10", "Adenosine receptor A2b", "Aquaporin-1", "Acid-sensing ion channel 1", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 2", "Solute carrier family 12 member 2", "Solute carrier family 22 member 6", "Lysine-specific histone demethylase 1A", "Solute carrier family 15 member 1", "Beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit beta", "Solute carrier family 12 member 1", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase pim-2", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 5", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 2", "Leukotriene B4 receptor 2", "Histone deacetylase 11", "Histamine H2 receptor", "Xanthine dehydrogenase/oxidase", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 2", "Histone deacetylase 5", "Nitric oxide synthase, brain", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 2", "Oxytocin receptor", "Melatonin receptor type 1B", "Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit alpha", "Chloride channel protein ClC-Kb", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase N2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase FRK", "Adenosine receptor A1", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1", "Sodium channel protein type 4 subunit alpha", "Cathepsin K", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M5", "Trace amine-associated receptor 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 2", "ALK tyrosine kinase receptor", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 4", "Type-2 angiotensin II receptor", "Thyroid hormone receptor alpha", "Trifunctional purine biosynthetic protein adenosine-3", "Presenilin-1", "Ryanodine receptor 1", "Aurora kinase A", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 2", "Cyclin-dependent-like kinase 5", "Calcitonin", "Histone deacetylase 1", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 10", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2A", "Casein kinase I isoform delta", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2B", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2C", "Brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor 1", "Lysine-specific demethylase 2A", "Histamine H3 receptor", "Neuropeptide Y receptor type 2", "Chromaffin granule amine transporter", "Mucolipin-1", "Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase large subunit", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 1", "Ryanodine receptor 3", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A", "Ceramide glucosyltransferase", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2", "Proteinase-activated receptor 1", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1", "Toll-like receptor 4", "Cytochrome P450 2D6", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 3", "Leukotriene B4 receptor 1", "Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2", "Pannexin-3", "Sn1-specific diacylglycerol lipase alpha", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily A member 1", "Casein kinase I isoform epsilon", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-6", "Tryptase alpha/beta-1", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 3", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-2", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1G", "TRAF2 and NCK-interacting protein kinase", "Lysosomal alpha-glucosidase", "Sigma non-opioid intracellular receptor 1", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 7", "Cathepsin Z", "Mineralocorticoid receptor", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 5A", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A", "Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor G3", "Very low-density lipoprotein receptor", "Growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1", "Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 5", "Alpha-1B adrenergic receptor", "cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit beta", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 1", "Proton-coupled folate transporter", "Glucocorticoid receptor", "Amine oxidase [flavin-containing] B", "Orexin receptor type 1", "Orexin receptor type 2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-2", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member X1", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 4", "Acid-sensing ion channel 2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 3", "Cytochrome P450 11B1, mitochondrial", "Gap junction beta-7 protein", "Gap junction gamma-2 protein", "Ryanodine receptor 2", "Epidermal growth factor receptor", "Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3", "Gap junction alpha-9 protein", "Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase", "Membrane primary amine oxidase", "Cytochrome P450 2B6", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 4", "Free fatty acid receptor 4", "Histone deacetylase 4", "Histone deacetylase 7", "Synaptic vesicular amine transporter", "Cytochrome P450 2C8", "C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4", "Serum amyloid P-component", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 7B", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase mTOR", "Neurotensin receptor type 2", "Protein kinase C eta type", "Sodium/glucose cotransporter 1", "Bromodomain-containing protein 2", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase pim-1", "Protein kinase C beta type", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 4", "G protein-coupled receptor kinase 4", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor 2", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2D", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type 1D", "Cannabinoid receptor 2", "Lysosomal protective protein", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-gamma", "Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1", "Aquaporin-9", "Neuromedin-K receptor", "Protein kinase C alpha type", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 3", "Potassium channel subfamily T member 2", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit beta isoform", "Thymidylate synthase", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase PLK4", "Potassium channel subfamily T member 1", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 4", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-4", "Melanocortin receptor 4", "Melanocortin receptor 5", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 3", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, kainate 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 5", "Prostacyclin receptor", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2", "Cannabinoid receptor 1", "Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 2", "Niemann-Pick C1-like protein 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 7", "Apoptosis regulator Bcl-2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck", "Sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter 2", "Oxysterols receptor LXR-alpha", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 2", "Sodium-coupled monocarboxylate transporter 1", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 1", "Cystathionine gamma-lyase", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 1", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2", "Gap junction beta-3 protein", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 5", "G-protein coupled receptor 143", "GTPase NRas", "Probable G-protein coupled receptor 139", "Antithrombin-III", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit pi", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit delta", "N-arachidonyl glycine receptor", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-3", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1B", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 6", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 5A", "Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 3A1", "Atypical chemokine receptor 3", "Retinoic acid receptor beta", "Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Fyn", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 4", "12-(S)-hydroxy-5,8,10,14-eicosatetraenoic acid receptor", "Histone deacetylase 10", "Proton-coupled amino acid transporter 1", "Protein kinase C delta type", "Histamine H3 receptor", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 10", "Chloride channel protein ClC-Ka", "Pancreatic triacylglycerol lipase", "High affinity cAMP-specific and IBMX-insensitive 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 8B", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1D", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 6", "Glycine receptor subunit beta", "P2Y purinoceptor 13", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5", "RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Yes", "Phosphorylase b kinase gamma catalytic chain, liver/testis isoform", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 3", "Chloride channel protein 1", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 3", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1", "3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1F", "Cystathionine beta-synthase", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1D", "Dopamine beta-hydroxylase", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 14", "Trypsin-1", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 8", "Tubulin beta-3 chain", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 5", "Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1", "Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit beta", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5", "Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor", "Lanosterol 14-alpha demethylase", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-1", "High affinity cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 9A", "Histone lysine demethylase PHF8", "Neuropeptide FF receptor 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3", "Gap junction alpha-1 protein", "Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2-alpha", "D(2) dopamine receptor", "High affinity cAMP-specific and IBMX-insensitive 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 8A", "Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 4", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2", "Sodium channel protein type 9 subunit alpha", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-alpha", "Purine nucleoside phosphorylase", "Gap junction beta-2 protein", "Catechol O-methyltransferase", "Neurotensin receptor type 2" ], "verbalized_answer": "811", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "atmost" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "chemical substance" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "value", "26" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'chemical substance'}, {'concept': 'nutrient'}], 'physically interacts with', {'concept': 'nutrient'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?h ) AS ?f ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?l ) AS ?g ) ?h WHERE { { ?l property:physically_interacts_with ?h . ?l rdf:type ontology:chemical_substance . ?h rdf:type ontology:nutrient } UNION { ?h rdf:type ontology:nutrient . ?l rdf:type ontology:nutrient . ?l property:physically_interacts_with ?h } } GROUP BY ?h } . 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VALUES ( ?r ) { ( ontology:Q22348500 ) ( ontology:Q15991303 ) } } } } . 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badminton team", "Poland national badminton team", "Guernsey badminton team", "Mauritius national badminton team", "RGR Sport by Morand", "Taiwan national badminton team", "Extreme Speed Motorsports", "AF Corse", "Netherlands national badminton team", "Porsche Team", "Finland national badminton team", "EAS Ayios Dhometios", "Scotland national badminton team", "Chile national badminton team", "Barbados national badminton team", "Ford Chip Ganassi Team UK", "Pittsburgh Pirates", "Portugal national badminton team", "Abu Dhabi-Proton Racing", "Conway-Sarrazin-Wurz", "Atlas Aglandjias", "Signatech #36", "Slovakia national badminton team", "San Diego Padres", "Fiji national badminton team", "Audi Sport Team Joest", "Zimbabwe national badminton team", "Thailand national badminton team", "Norfolk Island national badminton team", "Canada national badminton team", "Indonesia national badminton team", "Florida Gators football", "Peru national badminton team", "India national badminton team", 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"Q1579078", "Q4512713", "Q5672827", "Q311033", "Q2645919", "Q4908990", "Q1290744", "Q7308849", "Q7308848", "Q7308841", "Q7308843", "Q5301612", "Q5301617", "Q17326800", "Q1611404", "Q15452278", "Q3371246", "Q57760", "Q15791082", "Q9342406", "Q3101879", "Q5992511", "Q4795209", "Q12787772", "Q4889949", "Q7964004", "Q15448977", "Q350548", "Q401801", "Q5298419", "Q127417", "Q9393202", "Q77359", "Q2035422", "Q64850", "Q3372488", "Q7832693", "Q1446024", "Q15438624", "Q2753038", "Q1284775", "Q6483634", "Q7966058", "Q6218711", "Q8019727", "Q3929057", "Q1905351", "Q15453674", "Q214832", "Q3734022", "Q3734022", "Q5544493", "Q126704", "Q9343087", "Q1360899", "Q1360892", "Q1360891", "Q6135308", "Q9393057", "Q6525453", "Q7330138", "Q8013797", "Q8018302", "Q333368", "Q1723638", "Q4933721", "Q5725418", "Q7924814", "Q1635401", "Q1236669", "Q2919419", "Q9177009", "Q9177006", "Q5080277", "Q2589871", "Q1563512", "Q7364964", "Q22017845", "Q7545166", "Q3057556", "Q3057554", "Q1144082", "Q84992", "Q16542923", "Q19690373", "Q19690377", "Q2547201", "Q1683484", "Q6521781", "Q4718791", "Q3991475", "Q9382155", "Q5339528", "Q364253", "Q1405789", "Q7327573", "Q48402", "Q5611375", "Q933279", "Q2958439", "Q6261989", "Q2283916", "Q2036898", "Q3091070", "Q19853622", "Q113529", "Q71605", "Q21997527", "Q2638829", "Q19932801", "Q7299305", "Q8019904", "Q5534862", "Q1448252", "Q6390184", "Q1424015", "Q21524866", "Q993680", "Q569380", "Q4329609", "Q15847512", "Q16017968", "Q57703", "Q4800086", "Q1443863", "Q18716136", "Q12784750", "Q7793738", "Q1563373", "Q1598197", "Q5082262", "Q1982680", "Q1467307", "Q2093853", "Q11736335", "Q11733375", "Q9335466", "Q508953", "Q5180459", "Q6372238", "Q5538887", "Q11724453", "Q120554", "Q382786", "Q5543211", "Q7965734", "Q964439", "Q1336312", "Q941168", "Q11780917", "Q81202", "Q15967036", "Q65935", "Q12789472", "Q12789471", "Q12789477", "Q90270", "Q4799905", "Q5534646", "Q5534648", "Q8018070", "Q9251158", "Q4730804", "Q5080419", "Q156122", "Q2848893", "Q3527436", "Q1118464", "Q3103369", "Q4977101", "Q5497152", "Q7326452", "Q5218221", "Q7793113", "Q6260953", "Q19959919", "Q1467529", "Q9382732", "Q15711344", "Q1313183", "Q1313187", "Q11779891", "Q11779893", "Q363349", "Q5482612", "Q7344701", "Q22018554", "Q7184086", "Q15999006", "Q6916380", "Q9356916", "Q1640015", "Q4719468", "Q25462622", "Q723703", "Q723701", "Q2425322", "Q20035555", "Q8009818", "Q7966290", "Q9375754", "Q1699652", "Q215774", "Q3385618", "Q711041", "Q711040", "Q3038019", "Q89752", "Q709650", "Q18629730", "Q1679255", "Q5537297", "Q15809466", "Q66642", "Q6525381", "Q3309898", "Q15922179", "Q2450751", "Q4263879", "Q1403586", "Q1729111", "Q5537788", "Q125817", "Q125815", "Q125812", "Q1201479", "Q3562916", "Q78612", "Q620577", "Q90491", "Q90490", "Q12784120", "Q12784125", "Q71914", "Q13529864", "Q7926318", "Q7926316", "Q7297430", "Q57153", "Q57151", "Q57150", "Q57156", "Q57154", "Q7401157", "Q6135632", "Q11716992", "Q69201", "Q728684", "Q5387786", "Q4498919", "Q5387290", "Q32812", "Q2575697", "Q91600", "Q241944", "Q12641823", "Q1195378", "Q7167304", "Q6219014", "Q543293", "Q7343975", "Q2081598", "Q4764072", "Q4891617", "Q15784114", "Q3426635", "Q2716220", "Q5373479", "Q6390038", "Q9250439", "Q15996024", "Q15996021", "Q89138", "Q89139", "Q89134", "Q4438888", "Q7599165", "Q21288281", "Q4892887", "Q5167803", "Q20021137", "Q126118", "Q1001260", "Q1771869", "Q6142359", "Q3087752", "Q767928", "Q23943618", "Q15990032", "Q21997517", "Q10709067", "Q1363297", "Q4363535", "Q9381687", "Q5673100", "Q12631440", "Q2439532", "Q7611435", "Q5660893", "Q15267263", "Q5301664", "Q3371277", "Q1270441", "Q2865911", "Q7986292", "Q691825", "Q1389085", "Q4913095", "Q4722621", "Q8017475", "Q5549041", "Q12789763", "Q15072594", "Q5346381", "Q5709649", "Q2129815", "Q2528665", "Q77323", "Q77327", "Q3784987", "Q112484", "Q5485328", "Q5076051", "Q4294973", "Q16003816", "Q4392346", "Q3121993", "Q6310229", "Q18012015", "Q2141311", "Q5660511", "Q97413", "Q15998030", "Q1704191", "Q3292610", "Q126773", "Q9343092", "Q5388009", "Q12744299", "Q87098", "Q5127249", "Q5931654", "Q5931657", "Q5486289", "Q5486280", "Q67578", "Q310759", "Q7668559", "Q7944167", "Q790939", "Q2573013", "Q6145610", "Q761541", "Q6390367", "Q3108298", "Q4362423", "Q2758259", "Q104874", "Q4248585", "Q7411397", "Q8017215", "Q16004115", "Q6240087", "Q6240089", "Q95317", "Q11838196", "Q63813", "Q63815", "Q4799178", "Q7241819", "Q8002362", "Q1358745", "Q7083099", "Q5076634", "Q16509368", "Q817911", "Q817914", "Q20900660", "Q20900662", "Q7965441", "Q2039453", "Q5238516", "Q4714129", "Q5628192", "Q11084286", "Q6237021", "Q943467", "Q8019918", "Q8019916", "Q15522082", "Q19259802", "Q1448267", "Q18608552", "Q7087912", "Q6794978", "Q8865096", "Q3445213", "Q1724653", "Q3102817", "Q406208", "Q569390", "Q6446580", "Q7372103", "Q108897", "Q936289", "Q5200930", "Q12784728", "Q2033764", "Q973139", "Q4078498", "Q5080868", "Q5480451", "Q3142265", "Q5344689", "Q3087721", "Q5082271", "Q5386040", "Q87860", "Q5344398", "Q4800500", "Q1357725", "Q1291065", "Q5667705", "Q20738429", "Q19934512", "Q19279018", "Q3647188", "Q2389962", "Q1733232", "Q7945991", "Q76464", "Q3132747", "Q12792560", "Q23541199", "Q3166180", "Q7343520", "Q4576892", "Q7965726", "Q5343841", "Q5669597", "Q1712455", "Q5538120", "Q6224661", "Q879093", "Q7025239", "Q380038", "Q5240877", "Q5660958", "Q3624904", "Q7147067", "Q5534657", "Q15998229", "Q5535959", "Q5535956", "Q1448884", "Q1448885", "Q9160701", "Q1585844", "Q5735695", "Q1409832", "Q15452910", "Q15997571", "Q16008257", "Q5474110", "Q15445927", "Q4756269", "Q24845959", "Q5078516", "Q23948156", "Q335382", "Q7610778", "Q72275", "Q932733", "Q15734405", "Q15819397", "Q5726132", "Q16026955", "Q72982", "Q6248960", "Q1701662", "Q16006687", "Q6242316", "Q5083757", "Q3442655", "Q3435482", "Q61022", "Q61023", "Q61027", "Q5000821", "Q1733634", "Q5147725", "Q3059770", "Q280673", "Q1580494", "Q3164303", "Q698824", "Q1582044", "Q17480795", "Q1365533", "Q6136748", "Q1580182", "Q15811791", "Q1145279", "Q5394042", "Q63093", "Q2090699", "Q9354674", "Q6699224", "Q1359401", "Q1359403", "Q1505470", "Q16735438", "Q1063578", "Q6186094", "Q2861988", "Q1622726", "Q15441157", "Q89741", "Q89742", "Q7513326", "Q6234542", "Q6915946", "Q7795284", "Q3567314", "Q3567315", "Q3567317", "Q3567319", "Q4268731", "Q347712", "Q15450392", "Q4701", "Q1151522", "Q333365", "Q1462193", "Q1290720", "Q1913705", "Q4707294", "Q5650065", "Q1978440", "Q125806", "Q125803", "Q7307822", "Q6134866", "Q72892", "Q11733371", "Q1468434", "Q4425583", "Q7917752", "Q6264108", "Q4223464", "Q3408731", "Q1701048", "Q728387", "Q922107", "Q15791686", "Q8014753", "Q60104", "Q822650", "Q5482589", "Q5386876", "Q57690", "Q57694", "Q57698", "Q7527481", "Q2516333", "Q881604", "Q2684083", "Q15558137", "Q240232", "Q18353372", "Q1351874", "Q1351878", "Q18127474", "Q12758055", "Q958376", "Q1066441", "Q5668999", "Q6983436", "Q3523663", "Q5498147", "Q8010673", "Q5337492", "Q5337498", "Q1289044", "Q3766089", "Q1956656", "Q15808518", "Q1705560", "Q4724709", "Q6204692", "Q6204694", "Q1370034", "Q6132594", "Q6307603", "Q6250569", "Q63715", "Q3261875", "Q5056108", "Q5486387", "Q470557", "Q4909833", "Q69611", "Q19284303", "Q7308821", "Q20029974", "Q18589081", "Q5497938", "Q55412", "Q3371262", "Q8220415", "Q1596506", "Q1563139", "Q21741533", "Q102102", "Q731072", "Q15072586", "Q15072585" ], "active_set": [ "(c(Q502895),P607,Q361)" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "Q361" ], [ "relation", "P607" ], [ "type", "Q502895" ] ], "is_spurious": false, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWER]", "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q502895'}, 'P607', 'Q361']" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?e ) AS ?x ) WHERE { ?e property:P607 resource:Q361 . ?e rdf:type ontology:Q502895 }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Walter Ungar", "Traugott von Sauberzweig", "Robert Servatius", "Karl-Gustav Sauberzweig", "Egon Freiherr von Eickstedt", "Joseph Ballard Murdock", "Paul Teste", "Kazimierz Topoliński", "Franciszek Wagner", "James Aitken", "Henryk Zemanek", "Maurice Pellé", "Max-Albert Lorenz", "Robert James Manion", "Walter Schlags-Koch", "Walter Schilling", "Charles R. d'Olive", "Jan Rzepecki", "Marie Joseph Just Cherrier", "Derwas Cumming", "Alfred Franke", "Alexander Zhdanko", "Prince Igor Constantinovich of Russia", "John Thomas", "Bakr Sidqi", "Moritz Conradi", "Franjo Malgaj", "Uri Zvi Grinberg", "Gustav Hülser", "Gilbert Hipke", "Jack Hatfield", "Joseph Gregory", "Alexander Cambridge, 1st Earl of Athlone", "Friedrich Wilhelm Lübke", "Robert Willock", "Guy Napier", "Alexander Hamilton-Gordon", "Horst Julius Freiherr Treusch von Buttlar-Brandenfels", "Walter Lyon", "Hermann Tittel", "Hermann Ritter von Speck", "Tod Slaughter", "Ronald Howe", "Wilhelm Kisky", "John Doyle", "Andreas Kerschbaum", "Max Sussdorf", "Lev Galler", "Ferdinand Wolsegger", "Raimund Weisbach", "Johannes Weidemann", "Stewart Walter Loudoun-Shand", "Friedrich Ebert", "Ernie Parker", "Julius Emanuel Stahn", "Tom Fletcher Mayson", "Henrik Werth", "Władysław Owoc", "Leonard Sutton", "Georg Gradl", "Paweł Rosa", "Jan Rogowski", "Władysław Smereczyński", "Anton Pirchegger", "Harvey Weir Cook", "Hobey Baker", "Achille Starace", "David Phillips Jones", "Jean Pierre Augustin Petit", "Odilon Picquendar", "Rayner Hoff", "Henri Albert Péronneau", "Ivor Davies", "Aurel Aldea", "William Tyldesley", "Lord George Wellesley", "Harry Churchill Beet", "Erich Schmiedicke", "Erich Schneider", "Léon Moreaux", "Walter Bogs", "Eric Dorman-Smith", "Gustav von Hoppenstedt", "Israel Leplevsky", "Joseph Joel Hammond", "William Ewart Hart", "Melchior Vischer", "Luther Hare", "Dennis Hoey", "Adolf Franke", "Arthur Roberts", "Edwin Wagner", "Rupert Hickmott", "William Ainsley", "John B. Anderson", "Willy von Livonius", "Erwin Vierow", "Maximilian de Angelis", "Richard Heidrich", "Josef Hohlbaum", "Shah Zaman Khan", "William Wallace", "Johann Fortner", "François Méténier", "Eric Anson", "John Somers-Smith", "Leefe Robinson", "John Shaul", "Ronald M. Keirstead", "Kurt Thiele", "Paul Hoornaert", "Julius Wieting", "Sidney Browne", "Philip Chetwode, 1st Baron Chetwode", "Andreas Predöhl", "Keller E. Rockey", "Ioan Sion", "Walther Bothe", "Friedrich Matthaei", "John Southam Wycherley Stone", "Percy Statton", "Julian Janowski", "Valdemar Rudol'fovic Roze", "Ivan Loiko", "Hans Piesbergen", "Walter Newell Hill", "Kazimierz Zagrodzki", "Joe Johns", "Otto Gmelin", "Barrie Lambert", "Julius Andree", "James Mitchell Chase", "James Barnes", "Marcel Marc Dhôme", "Henry Howey Robson", "Ettore Serra", "Władysław Ciepielowski", "Władysław Ciechoński", "Harold Hanbury", "Burghard von Oven", "Rudolf Weiß", "Gustav Nietfeld-Beckmann", "Ignaz Trollmann", "Eugen Quadt zu Wykradt und Isny", "Erhard Deutelmoser", "Allen Shenstone", "Andre Delorme", "Ted Juggins", "Joseph-Émile Perron", "William Jones", "Hugo Gutmann", "Ernst Möller", "Walther Krause", "Herbert Richmond", "Erich Melcher", "Cyril Clowes", "Willie McAndrew", "Georges Pirot", "Ioan Cantacuzino", "Fred Whitman", "Frederick Royden Chalmers", "Cecil Roy Richards", "Reginald Terrell", "Daril Watson", "Friedrich Wilhelm Rahe", "Hugh Evan-Thomas", "Arthur Frederick Saunders", "Oliver Nugent", "Władysław Raczkiewicz", "Billy Congreve", "Kenneth Barbour Montgomery", "Eugene Gerrard", "Karl von Bülow", "Karl von Kleinhenz", "Albert Halton", "John Philip Sousa", "Aleksander Tumidajski", "Norman Shepard", "Attilio Frescura", "Howard Graham", "Meredith Frampton", "Emil Franzke", "Hamilton Lyster Reed", "Aleksei Antonov", "Eric Sherbrooke Walker", "Arlie Pond", "Auguste Baux", "Otto Marxer", "Henri Dentz", "Georg Müller", "Georg Müller", "Henri Lagrange", "Ernest McFarland", "Keith Lindsay Stewart", "Fred Parker", "Sir Smith Child, 2nd Baronet", "Siegfried Herford", "John B. McNair", "Adolf Fleischmann", "Patrick Brind", "Jan Masaryk", "Hans Drexler", "Giovanni Ameglio", "William Tasker", "Max von Prittwitz und Gaffron", "Kenneth MacLeish", "Alan McGlashan", "Thomas Ricketts", "Thomas Riddell-Webster", "Félix Debax", "Eli D. Hoyle", "Friedrich von Gerok", "Friedrich von Gontard", "Rudolph Lewis", "Andor Ákos", "William Dod", "Siegfried Sorge", "Anson F. Keeler", "Bill Gray", "Cornelius Wendell Wickersham", "Kurt Eichner", "Charles Thoroton", "Val A. Browning", "Charles Laughton", "John Carmichael", "Pierse Joseph Mackesy", "Hiram I. Bearss", "Will Héraucourt", "Georg Michaelis", "Kurt Waeger", "Dan Blaine", "Christophor Araratov", "William Augustus Adam", "Nikandr Chibisov", "Allan Brown", "Felix Langer", "John Summers", "Emil Wiehl", "Konstanty Rokossowski", "Alexander Holle", "Vilko Begić", "Neill Malcolm", "Ernst Toch", "Joseph Lynch", "James Pitts", "Paul Müller", "Max de Crinis", "Erich Abberger", "Henri Morel", "Douglas King", "John Carl Murchie", "Tadeusz Schaetzel", "Jann de Boer", "Arthur Schreiber", "Sir Philip Colfox, 1st Baronet", "Lothar Freutel", "Edmund Ginalski", "Max Jungnickel", "Noel Birch", "Frederick John Knowles", "Frederick John Mitchell", "Erich Häßler", "Robert Hohlbaum", "William H. Stovall", "Edgar Thomas Inkson", "Edgar Thomas Conley", "Maurice Buckley", "Désiré Ferry", "Eugen Ritter von Zoellner", "Ettore Muti", "Alf Gregson", "Charles Ulm", "Tommy Spence", "Robert Firth", "Friedrich Koch", "Heinrich Salzmann", "Herbert S. Auerbach", "Stephan von Ljubičić", "Albertus W. Catlin", "George H. Otten", "William Buckingham", "Józef Drzewiecki", "Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia", "Cecil Harold Sewell", "Cecil Heywood", "Botho Sigwart zu Eulenburg", "Hermann Recknagel", "Reginald Barnes", "Sir Malcolm Fraser, 1st Baronet", "Henry Baker", "Reginald May", "Reginald Miles", "Ossip Zadkine", "Guy Royle", "Guy Russell", "Merch Bradt Stewart", "Maximilian von Laffert", "Hans Michahelles", "Frederick H. Crawford", "Costică Acsinte", "Teofil Kucharski", "Leon Karwacki", "Raoul Daufresne de la Chevalerie", "Tommy Askham", "Evander Shapard", "Georg Hartmann", "Helmut Oldenbourg", "Wilhelm Jahn", "Karl Schrader", "Pierre Benoît", "Alan Seeger", "Lester B. Pearson", "Stanisław Jugendfein", "Julian Sas-Kulczycki", "Hans von Kirchbach", "Karl Georg von Wichura", "Dewitt Peck", "Alfred Joseph Richards", "Petar Angelov", "Félix Rigau Carrera", "Frank Berryman", "Sir Arthur Harris, 1st Baronet", "Marcel Pourchier", "Antonio Cantore", "Alexander Todd", "Heinrich Nickel", "Arthur Woods", "Camille Lagesse", "George Symons", "Lancelot de Mole", "Grady Norton", "Luis de Florez", "Gustav Heinse", "Marie Marvingt", "Otto Gerig", "Wilhelm Georg Theodor Holzmann", "John Wesley Hanes II", "Gabriel Bougrain", "Roger Salengro", "Edward VIII", "Robert George", "Edmund Blaurock", "Erich Böhme", "Ivor McIntyre", "Raymond Duchamp-Villon", "Eric Norman Frankland Bell", "Vollrath Lübbe", "Bernard B. Kroenke", "Max-Friedrich von Schlechtendal", "Ernst Bux", "Anton Storch", "Fritz Wester", "Heinz Gyldenfeldt", "Albert Deullin", "Halfdan Hertzberg", "John Keir", "Pierre Messiaen", "Adolf Hosp", "Richard Müller", "M. H. Maxy", "Gene Austin", "Spencer B. Horn", "August Stramm", "Julius Seligsohn", "Hans Strache", "Leslie Hollis", "Leslie Hollins", "Maurice Lenz", "George Cyril Colmore", "Adolphe Menjou", "Max Koegel", "Otto von Stetten", "Cevat Çobanlı", "Alanson Weeks", "D. T. Jones", "Willy Morel", "Leo Hepp", "Rolf Scherenberg", "R. C. Sherriff", "Richard Owe", "Oswald Hope Robertson", "Karl Rasche", "Henry Harrison", "Henryk Eile", "Walter Botsch", "Józef Daniec", "Alec Coryton", "Charles M. Dale", "John Mackenzie", "Erskine Nicolson, 3rd Baron Carnock", "Ludwig Friedrich Barthel", "Hans-Eberhardt Gandert", "Carl Heinrich Zimmermann", "Albert Tonkin", "William Wallace Atterbury", "Józef Kos", "Edward Henry Trotter", "Geoffrey Rawson", "Isidor Ascheim", "Max Kahlow", "Robert Renom de la Baume", "Egerton Wright", "Viktor Mann", "Kenneth Woodroffe", "Kenneth Woodward", "Oskar Dirlewanger", "Arno Spindler", "Erich Bruschke", "Reinhold Poss", "Wilhelm Bonatz", "Armand Dreyfus", "Gustav Lachmann", "Josef Prinner", "Józef Wróblewski", "William Moss", "Philipp Dengel", "Robin Bridge", "Frank Mann", "Giani Stuparich", "Otto Jindra", "Karol Zagórski", "Mikhail Pechnia", "Rudolf Moroder", "William Reginald Hall", "Giacomo Lauri-Volpi", "James Hoey Craigie", "Minay Shmyryov", "Percival Molson", "Gustavo Fara", "Stefan Musiałek-Łowicki", "Stefan Mozołowski", "Byron G. Rogers", "Hans-Georg Reinhardt", "Hans Hartmann", "Walter Napleton Stone", "Jesse N. Funk", "Henning von Holtzendorff", "Julius A. Furer", "Otto Stucken", "J. R. R. Tolkien", "George Arthur Welsh", "Paul Kern", "Paul Kämper", "Paul Leitner", "Raffaele Paolucci", "Willi Kampe", "Norman Bottomley", "Maximilian von Speidel", "Harry Gosford Reeves", "Geoffrey Howard", "Geoffrey Hilton Bowman", "Geoffrey Hornblower Cock", "Rob Lockhart", "Harold G. Hoffman", "Harold Farncomb", "Henry Lascelles, 6th Earl of Harewood", "Alfred Kuhnert", "Hans Rose", "Joachim von Siegroth", "Pietro Lanza di Scalea", "Stanisław Maczek", "Paul Bismark", "Hedley Tomkins", "Dragutin Novak", "Dox Thrash", "Gerhard Kreyenberg", "Norbert Holm", "Claude-Marie Boucaud", "Alexander Goodlett Clark", "Frederic Wake-Walker", "Frederick Sykes", "Frank Knox", "Henry Gunther", "John Nash", "Daniel Noce", "Michał Seredyński", "Karl Kiesewetter", "Henry Ruthven Moore", "Hermann Klingspor", "Stanisław Ostrowski", "Carl-Heinrich von Stülpnagel", "Robert Airey", "John Wilson", "Rudolf Degkwitz", "Richard Clive Cooper", "Eugeniusz Chrościcki", "Eugeniusz Ciastoń", "Josip Broz Tito", "Stephan Petróczy von Petrócz", "Johann Hinteregger", "Johannes Lieschke", "Johannes Conrad", "Thomas Dudley Cabot", "William Campion", "Romolo Ticconi", "John Quested", "Alexander Macdougall Cooke", "Erich Weber", "Friedrich von Graevenitz", "Walter Kimberley", "Werner Richter", "Richard Brausewetter", "Leonard Ray Morgan", "Arnold Bernhard", "Patrick Bugden", "Giuliano Gozi", "Ewald Hecker", "Harry Crookshank, 1st Viscount Crookshank", "Jean Bouin", "Mathieu Tenant de la Tour", "Nels Wold", "Hermann Strathmann", "Mir Dad Khan", "John Francis Gathorne-Hardy", "Edward Gordon Williams", "Andrew Bryan", "Artur von Lindequist", "Theodor von Watter", "Detlof von Winterfeldt", "Antoni Mroczkowski", "Sherwood Picking", "John Mitchell Nuttall", "Rudolf Henrici", "Lionel Dorling", "Mikhail Sablin", "Max Heydebreck", "Marcel Viallet", "George M. Parker", "Alexander Vass Anderson", "Hazel Wallace", "Kurt Schulze", "Wilfred Bion", "Abraham Krotoshinsky", "Martial Justin Verraux", "Heinrich Zerkaulen", "Heinrich Zechmann", "Edward James Gibson Holland", "Georg Thomas", "Gianni Widmer", "Brian Horrocks", "Herbert Meinhard Mühlpfordt", "Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance", "Hermann Glöckner", "Edward Baranowicz", "Ekkehard Arendt", "Robert Eaton", "James Macdonnell", "Paul Ooghe", "Jean-Paul Favre De Thierrens", "John J. McCloy", "Rüştü Sakarya", "Rüştü Pasha", "László Hudec", "Lew Andreas", "John Lyttelton, 9th Viscount Cobham", "Albert de Vleeschauwer", "János Vörös", "Baron Karl von Macchio", "Hugh O'Neill, 1st Baron Rathcavan", "Marcel Nogues", "David Allan", "Georg Gerullis", "François Battesti", "Arthur Stedman Cotton", "Friedrich Fangohr", "George Stacey Hodson", "William I. Traeger", "Herbert Rowley", "Herbert Rowse Armstrong", "Fred Mathias", "Marian Dorotycz-Malewicz", "Marian Dienstl-Dąbrowa", "Théophile Marie Brébant", "Nobumasa Suetsugu", "Charles Harington Harington", "Charles M. Cooke, Jr.", "Cecil Hickley", "Cecil Hincks", "Wolfgang Abshagen", "Kurt Göhrum", "Erwin Metzner", "Fritz-Hubert Gräser", "Joseph-Marie Martin", "Fritz Härtl", "Desmond Beale-Browne", "Charles Loftus Bates", "Reginald Marix", "Reginald Makepeace", "Reginald Maxwell", "David Lindsay Keir", "Fred March", "Frederick Hamilton", "Marco Pallis", "Laurence B. Keiser", "Osman Zati Korol", "John Williams", "Field Harris", "Piers Gilchrist Thompson", "Heinrich Wilhelm Kranz", "Archibald Vincent Arnold", "Billy Minter", "Harold Edwards", "Karl Diebitsch", "Maurice Janin", "A. D. Loganathan", "John Diefenbaker", "Andrew Thorburn Thompson", "Charles Philip Fenwick", "Henry Ernest Kendall", "Benjamin Alvord, Jr.", "Julian Sosabowski", "Hans Kummetz", "Wilf Nixon", "Henry D. Hatfield", "Frank Billinge", "Hans Boeckh-Behrens", "Werner March", "Willi Heer", "Frederick Twort", "Alexander Theodore Gordon", "Alexander Telfer-Smollett", "Engelbert Regh", "Daniel Augustus Joseph Sullivan", "Theodore Veale", "Tycho von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff", "Charles Ramsey", "Henryk Kowalówka", "John Gregory", "James Rennie", "Ernst Põdder", "Jacques d'Arnoux", "Ludwik de Laveaux", "Walther Wecke", "Frank Butterworth", "Bevil Quiller-Couch", "Erich Gruber", "Paul McGinness", "William Henry Wright", "Hans Hiedler", "George Cecil Jaffe", "George Howell", "George Brooks", "Frank Dossetor", "Robert Olds", "Sig Ruman", "Kurt May", "Rowley Thomas", "Ernst Rodenwaldt", "Charles Lewin", "George Atlee Goodling", "Herbert Annesley Packer", "Andrzej Battaglia", "Fritz Wider", "Hans von Ahlfen", "Marcello Amero D'Aste", "Heinrich Behmann", "Hans Schmidt", "André Puget", "Karl Rühmer", "Grigore Bunescu", "Sigfrid Henrici", "Frank Luke", "Christopher Courtney", "E. J. Bowen", "Wilhelm Schorlemer", "Nicolae Tonitza", "Sir Edward Frederick, 9th Baronet", "Alfred Prang", "Thomas Edward Rendle", "John Biddle", "Eugene Gorman", "Wacław Klaczyński", "John Boles", "David John Weston", "Paul Mantz", "Władysław Mrozowski", "Ze'ev Shefer", "John Samuel Bourque", "George Elliott", "Benson W. Hough", "Oswald Critchley", "Oswald Cawley", "King Swope", "Rudolf Kolbeck", "Arnold Freymuth", "Władysław Hercok", "Barry Domvile", "Józef Czikel", "Murray Bourchier", "Maurice Sarrail", "Ernst Damzog", "Adolf Panzner", "Kenneth William Junor", "Paul von Schaefer", "Gustav Brack", "James Somerville", "Curt Ehle", "Scrip Lee", "Leopold von Ubisch", "Giovanni Moscardini", "Ioan Culcer", "Sydney A. Oades", "Wilhelm von Braun", "Horrie Miller", "Amédée Gordini", "Otto von Etzel", "Paul Klee", "Erich Otto Meynen", "Jan Żychoń", "Robert Skelton", "Hans Windeck", "Hugh D. Auchincloss", "Charles Rumney Samson", "Vasily Tchernetzov", "Jerzy Dzwonkowski", "Jerzy Dąbrowski", "John Eccles", "Edward Hoblyn Warren Bolitho", "Wilhelm Ax", "Harry C. Wheeler", "George Edwin Ellison", "Emil Sembach", "Alexander, Count of Hoyos", "Karl Vetter", "Karl Velhagen", "Carl Casper", "Heinrich Kühne", "Otto Herfurth", "Spencer Williams", "Alexander Keiller", "Alexander Kearsey", "Ernest John Spooner", "Bob Torrance", "Waldemar Henrici", "Pierre-Paul Grassé", "Arnold Zweig", "Rudolf Hess", "Józef Piłsudski", "Karl Ludwig Doerr", "Adam Sołtan", "Paweł Szyfter", "Charles Levinge Gregory", "James Alexander Connelly, Jr", "Wilhelm Kolle", "Herbert Weiß", "Ralph Ambrose O'Neill", "Georg von dem Borne", "Frederick George Beaumont-Nesbitt", "Frederick Melrose Horowhnua Hanson", "Leone Sextus Tollemache", "Franciszek Fabry", "Geoffrey Forrest Hughes", "J. R. Monsell", "Edward Dojan-Surówka", "Eberhard von Schmettow", "Bernhard Rösing", "Georges Bastien", "Frederick Snow", "Hubertus-Maria Ritter von Heigl", "Alexei Evert", "Stephen Potter", "Stanley Bruce", "Edgar Kinghorn Myles", "Werner Sanne", "Ernst Paul Stiehler", "Louis M. Little", "Louis M. Loeb", "Léon Flameng", "Robert Paul Oszwald", "Walter Krueger", "Arthur Watson", "Ernst Lemmer", "Gwilym Ivor Thomas", "Gwilym Hugh Lewis", "Jan Nagórski", "Frederick Stopford", "Peter Roy Maxwell Drummond", "Wilhelm Crull", "Fritz Zur Loye", "Stanisław Świacki", "Christian Martens", "Percy Black", "Leon Biliński", "Federico Tesio", "Christopher Shannon", "Sosthenes Behn", "Dmitry Shmidt", "Karl Rothenburg", "Earl Hand", "Hermann Knoll", "Prince Leopold of Bavaria", "Robert Tasker", "Thomas M. Harries", "Albert Schoch", "Hans Hennecke", "Georg-Hans Reinhardt", "Aleksander Ślączka", "John Skinner Wilson", "A. A. MacLeod", "Valentine Vivian", "Edward Kinder Bradbury", "Marcellus H. Chiles", "Eugène Bouret", "Ian Erskine", "Job Odebrecht", "Tadeusz Kalina-Zieleniewski", "Paul Aue", "Walter Jost", "Alexander Eifler", "H. J. Round", "Winston Churchill", "John Milton Oskison", "Paul Mauk", "Edward Almond", "August Lammers", "Cyril Steele", "Béla Macourek", "Gustav Kastner-Kirdorf", "Michael J. Stack", "Georg Meyer-Erlach", "Gottfried von Erdmannsdorff", "Charles Magne", "Bernard Mouat Jones", "Bernard Munroe Stitt", "Giuseppe Caradonna", "George Woolston Pyke", "Werner Janssen", "Adalbert Wolpert", "Theodor von Nieroth", "Louis de Cazenave", "Ferdinand Hueppe", "Emil Puhl", "Ernst Toepfer", "James Comrie", "John Aldridge", "William T. Pheiffer", "Kenneth Miller Adams", "Douglas Stuart", "Charles Pierre Martial Ardant du Picq", "Agha Petros", "Otto Braß", "Emil Ilse", "Wilhelm von Lans", "Walter Warzecha", "Sherwood Lett", "David Lindsay", "James White", "Hans Korte", "Alfred Becker", "Victor Spencer", "Karl Ifwersen", "Egbert Picker", "William Beattie", "Jimmy Revill", "Henry Innes-Ker, 8th Duke of Roxburghe", "Francis Spring Walker", "Kazimierz Mach", "Adam Kosiba", "Friedrich Freiherr Kress von Kressenstein", "Hubert Edward Dannreuther", "Edward Thomas", "Evan George Stewart", "Max Amann", "Esther Hasson", "Hans Ritter von Seisser", "Friedrich Bloch", "William P. Upshur", "Arthur Batten-Pooll", "Henri du Couëdic de Kerérant", "Gian Claudio Gherardini", "Fritz Gause", "Howard McNamara", "Vincent Moulia", "Gerald Gordon Bell", "Yvon Delbos", "Milward L. Simpson", "Errol Knox", "Paul Dessau", "Sarah Aaronsohn", "Cleveland L. Abbott", "Theodore Stark Wilkinson", "Donald W. Nicholson", "Paul Loicq", "Herbert Mason", "Alphonse Joseph Georges", "Gabrielle Petit", "Aldo Bocchese", "Murray Guthrie", "Hans Dölle", "Karl Voß", "Lothar Eisenträger", "Kara McCoy", "Stephan Vysokolan", "Emil Lask", "Harold Mellings", "Désiré Bianco", "Philip F. Fullard", "Harold Brassey", "Friedrich Gollwitzer", "Gustav Dammann", "Tony Smith", "Desmond Uniacke", "Richard Alexander Hewat", "Martyn Green", "Georges Louis Humbert", "Mikhail Skorodumov", "Anton Schmitt", "Léonard Tremblay", "Wilson Brown", "Gotthard Frantz", "Mauritz von Wiktorin", "William T. Sullivan", "Guy Reid", "William M. Haynsworth, Jr.", "Ernst Rupp", "Frederick Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, 3rd Marquess of Dufferin and Ava", "Robert S. Allen", "John McKeithen", "Ben Butler", "Joseph Williams", "Richard Lepper", "Adam Burdett", "Hans Loritz", "Ömer Lütfi Argeşo", "William Reed", "Lancelot Hickes", "Stjepan Sarkotić", "Abraham Louis Levin", "Friedrich Alverdes", "Bill Rogers", "Jean Paul Ernest Stirn", "Georgios Kondylis", "Harold Burrough", "Eberhard von Claer", "Roderic Dallas", "Johannes Sontag", "Adam Abt", "Harry Ford", "Rudolph Peters", "Joachim Lemelsen", "Louis R. de Steiguer", "Joseph Strauss", "Walter M. Carlaw", "Reinhold Daum", "Friedrich Pietrusky", "Oscar P. Snyder", "Kuno-Hans von Both", "Léonce Magnin", "Lancelot Slocock", "Dimitrije Tucović", "Emil Greul", "Wilhelm Jan Fedorko", "Alexander von Humboldt", "Frederick George Jackson", "Franz Xaver Hasenöhrl", "Raymond Coxon", "Thomas Steele", "Paul Arrivet", "Carlo Tiengo", "Ivor Philipps", "Peter Strickland", "Geoffrey Bailey", "Geoffrey Barnard", "Robert Opie Lindsay", "Luigi Bongiovanni", "William Draheim", "John M. Antill", "Sviatoslav Shramchenko", "Erich Gritzbach", "George Augustus King", "George Augustus Auden", "Felix Funke", "Hans Ulrich Klintzsch", "Moshe Smoira", "Otto Model", "Henry Blagrove", "Wilhelm Knolle", "Bill Anderton", "Friedrich Panse", "Karol Schubert", "Gobind Singh", "Badlu Singh", "Herbert Barefoot", "William R. Munroe", "Laurence Drummond", "Michał Wyrostek", "Martin Grase", "Tom Forrest Howard", "Magnus Colcord Heurlin", "Zachary Lansdowne", "Giuseppe Novello", "Eugen Ott", "Albert Pfeiffer", "Giuseppe Valle", "Paul Maas", "Carl Zuckmayer", "David Philip Hirsch", "Dimitrios Ioannou", "Pavlo Shandruk", "Constantin Coandă", "Solomon Clifford Joseph", "Ernest Haycox", "Arthur Surridge Hunt", "Fred H. Frank", "Horst Gerlach", "Werner Tillessen", "George Molineux", "Eberhard von Schuckmann", "Hans Ritter von Lex", "Hermann Matern", "Horst Freiherr von Uckermann", "Karol Lenczowski", "Thomas A. Pope", "Arthur Randall", "Arthur Rahn", "Leo G. Carroll", "Fritz Neidholdt", "Edwin Swale", "Hans Karl Abel", "Hugh Cairns", "Charles Yardley Weaver", "Rudolf Twickel", "Andre Petit-Delchet", "France Littlewood", "Xaver Hirschauer", "Vehbi Kıpçak", "Ashton Wade", "Alfred Lindenberger", "Fritz Mißmahl", "Paul Hörbiger", "Dušan Vignjević", "Georg Kühl", "Wilhelm Kaisen", "Duke Paul Frederick of Mecklenburg", "Amerigo Dumini", "Henry Willcox", "Adolf Schmidt", "Marian Buszyński", "Heinrich Richter", "Spot Poles", "Gordon Strachey Shephard", "Ernest Pérochon", "Maximilian Burlage", "Ralph Lilley Turner", "Carl Ludwig Schleich", "Elmer J. Holland", "Elmer J. Hoffman", "John C. Speaks", "Otto Sydow", "Richard Kaaserer", "Ludwig Goiginger", "Godfrey Herbert", "Karl Heinz Clasen", "Thomas Barkell", "Christian-Johannes Landau", "Fritz Bronsart von Schellendorf", "Johann von Zwehl", "Herbert St Maur Carter", "William S. Pye", "Edward Okulski", "Frederick Sowrey", "Karl Freiherr von Lersner", "Robert Langton Douglas", "Charles Hodson, Baron Hodson", "Ludomir Włodzimierz Kościesza Wolski", "Ludomir Wysocki", "Ernst Gruson", "Hugo Black", "Alex Bennett", "Paul Unterstab", "Harry Wells", "Georges Pelletier d'Oisy", "Luitpold Graf Wolffskeel von Reichenberg", "W. J. A. Davies", "Ali Kılıç", "Friedrich-August Weinknecht", "Friedrich-Carl Cranz", "Friedrich-Erdmann von Hake", "George Frederick Stanley", "Earl J. Atkisson", "Victor Bourret", "Charles Woollcombe", "Nikolay Kokorin", "Hans Baumgartner", "Thomas Boswall Beach", "Thrasyvoulos Tsakalotos", "Ernst Emmert", "Joachim von Amsberg", "Arthur Smith", "Charles Mangin", "Walter Hörnlein", "Eduard Cruse", "Francesco Barbieri", "Thomas Gerrard", "Bob Larmore", "Edward Fitzherbert, 13th Baron Stafford", "Albert Eckstein", "George Beresford-Stooke", "Johannes Joachim Theodor Krüger", "Karl Arning", "Tadeusz Pełczyński", "Lothar Fritsch", "Charles F. Humphrey", "William Frederick James Harvey", "Franz Karl", "Bernard Mond", "Clive MacDonnell Dixon", "Leonard Porter Ayres", "Max Stülpner", "Arthur J. Forrest", "Lamar Edwin Stringfield", "Anton Lindeck", "Edwin Alderson", "Rudolf Creutz", "Kenneth McLaren", "Robert MacIntyre Gordon", "John Francis Burnes", "John Francis Dillon", "Yuriy Valits", "Gerog Fuchs", "Karl Louis Johannes Richard von Eben", "David Jones", "Erich Hampe", "Gus Sonnenberg", "Reinhold Roth", "Albert Desbrisay Carter", "Charles Joseph Newbold", "Rudolf Heinrich Weber", "Michael Hicks Beach, Viscount Quenington", "Bert Thomas", "Dominic McCarthy", "Victor Stanley", "Arthur Emerson", "John Morrison", "Kurt von Hopffer", "Wacław Kostek-Biernacki", "Edward Teshmaker Busk", "Thomas Nash", "James Lindsay Almond, Jr.", "Herbert Dixon, 1st Baron Glentoran", "William P. T. Hill", "Zdenko von Kraft", "Michael Bauer", "Arthur Bateman", "Zoltán Baló", "Studholme Brownrigg", "George Butterworth", "Harry Pursey", "Władysław Segda", "William L. Langer", "Charlie Tickle", "Franjo Vučer", "Riccardo Bisogniero", "Royal R. Ingersoll", "Gerald Gladstone", "Walther Kabel", "Don Sloan", "Marcel Déat", "Edward Fowell Martin", "Cecil Paget", "Cecil Palmer", "Andreas von Aulock", "Dane Chanase", "Paul Ely", "Alfons Hitter", "Robert Porchon", "Hans Scheriau", "Frederick J. Gibbs", "Frederick J. Horne", "Eugen Lindau", "Siegfried Kuhn", "Otto Wünsche", "Mauro Scoccimarro", "Hans Rodenberg", "Clifton Sprague", "Jobst-Hilmar von Bose", "Frank Holmes", "David Campbell", "Tracy Inglis", "Oskar Müller", "Herbert Rieckhoff", "Bertram Thomas", "Hector Clayton", "Dragoljub Dinić", "André Derocque", "Théophile Henri Condemine", "Berthold von Deimling", "Adolf Wild von Hohenborn", "George Nathan", "Herbert Fitzherbert", "Hans Helwig", "Fritz von Graevenitz", "Walter von Keyserlingk", "Willi Budich", "William M. Hoge", "Georg Alexander von Müller", "Ludwig von Schröder", "Hans von Gronau", "Isamu Takeshita", "Inigo Campioni", "Jakob Mayr", "Herbert Bolt", "Josef Noldin", "William Redmond", "Percy Douglas", "Karl Schröder", "Karl Schröder", "Fritz Flügel", "Tawfiq Canaan", "Raoul Fernand Jellinek-Mercedes", "Maksymilian Horski", "Leon Nowosilski", "Tim Birkin", "A. T. Anderson", "Hugo von Kayser", "Erich von Tschischwitz", "Leonid Kulik", "Rudolph de Trafford", "Willibald Freiherr von Langermann und Erlencamp", "André Biais", "Antoine de Mitry", "Lawrence Pattinson", "Lawrence Parsons", "Karl Fajkmajer", "Sam Morris", "Slavko Kvaternik", "Alfred Jacob", "Lancelot Ward", "Walter S. Crosley", "Henryk Kreiss", "Wop May", "Karol Ziemski", "Otto Schultz", "Nikolai Baratov", "Erich Rudzki", "Arthur Waistell", "Raimundo Meira", "Pearl Corkhill", "Marshall E. Cornett", "Wolfgang Schadewaldt", "Randal F. Dickey", "Karl Brooks Heisey", "Charles Arthur Bissonette", "Guy Hudleston Boisragon", "James Williams", "Pietro Belluschi", "Alessandro Buzio", "Gheorghe Burghele", "Eberhard von Mackensen", "Ed Lewis", "Herbert J. Ray", "Alexander Anderson McHardy", "Armin Renker", "Edward Luttrell Cullen", "Jan Dunin-Brzeziński", "Wilhelm Ehmer", "Karol Romańczyk", "Karol Rudolf", "Cahangir bəy Kazımbəyov", "Eric Feldt", "Eric Fellowes, 3rd Baron Ailwyn", "Hubert Gough", "Pavel Alexeyevich Belov", "Moritz von Drebber", "Leopold von Hoesch", "Sreten Žujović", "George Richards", "Richard M. Simpson", "Leslie Brian Freeston", "Eugen König", "Wacław Tomalak", "Oswald Samson", "Martin Schlimpert", "Gustav Wagner", "Edward Parry", "Thomas Pakenham, 5th Earl of Longford", "Georges Delmas", "William Whitworth", "Geoffrey Oliver", "Henry Beasley", "Leonard Costello", "Kenneth Warner", "Katharine Jones", "Jakub Wajda", "Louis François Marcot", "Paul Kauffer", "René Marie Victor Perrin", "Louis A. Johnson", "Gerhard Hahn", "Gustav von der Decken", "Petr Efimovich Shchetinkin", "Jean-Alain Tétart", "Desmond Anderson", "Franz Lorenzoni", "Lothar Popp", "Louis Murray Phillpotts", "Anton Grasser", "Andrew Common", "Jan Dulęba", "James Harbord", "Frederick Duleep Singh", "Frederick Dudley Travers", "Arthur Ernest Newland", "Joseph-Anaclet Habel", "Gus Welch", "Werner Heyde", "Otto von Stülpnagel", "Wolf Rudolf Freiherr Marschall von Altengottern", "Claude Rains", "Thomas H. Caffrey", "Karl Galster", "Konstantin Rembe", "Leopold Lojka", "Catherine Roy", "Frederick Lambart, 10th Earl of Cavan", "Harry von Arnim", "Johannes Merten", "Seyfi Düzgören", "Antoni Iglewski", "Karl Peix", "Hans Jordan", "William Bees", "William Beesley", "Wilhelm Mayer", "Joseph Langley Burchnall", "Guido Guidi", "Adolf Schmidt", "Stefan Mokrzecki", "Theodor Hartwig", "Max Reichpietsch", "Josef Wenter", "Sir Dennis Boles, 1st Baronet", "Donald Kenneth McLeod", "Francis Cromie", "Lee T. Bashore", "Godfrey Irving", "Jan Olieslagers", "Paul J. Mueller", "Franciszek Foltyn", "Karl von Stünzner-Karbe", "Friedrich von Ledebur", "Maxime Hans Kuczynski", "Frederick Stanton", "William Capper", "Wilhelm Widenmann", "Yuri Danilov", "William Pugh", "Humphrey de Verd Leigh", "Robert Carney", "Voldemar Rieberg", "Turo Pedretti", "Gwido Langer", "Walter Nicolai", "Sandford Sellers, Jr.", "Erwin Gohrbandt", "Charles Spackman", "Hans von Manteuffel-Szoege", "William Dobbie", "James Thomas Alexander", "John Wilson Ruckman", "A.T. Goldie Gardner", "Rudolf Cobet", "Scotty Davidson", "Herwart Fischer", "Ernst Erdmann Karl August Theodor von Zastrow", "Jan Branicki", "Charles Browne", "Heinrich Teipel", "James Burnie", "William Norman Holmes", "Roman Wesołowski", "Nikolaus Pfaff", "Damyan Velchev", "Hans Kratzert", "Pierre-Eugène Fournier", "Walter Sutherland", "Hans Jacob", "Jean Matton", "William Frederick Hase", "William Frederick Faulds", "Robert Kenneth Whitney", "DeFreest Larner", "Jack Durston", "Frank Harold Taylor", "Ferdinand Zimmermann", "Robert Hugh Willan", "William Holbech", "James Connelly", "William Parsons, 5th Earl of Rosse", "Edgell Rickword", "Berkeley Moynihan, 1st Baron Moynihan", "Jerauld Wright", "John Francis Buckley", "Kazimierz Busler", "Donald MacLaren", "John Hood", "Winston Dugan, 1st Baron Dugan of Victoria", "James Graham, 6th Duke of Montrose", "James Harter", "James Harter", "Heinrich Thoma", "Charles Massot", "Jim Pender", "Max Schultz", "Bert Shelley", "Frank Ragan King", "Karl von Fasbender", "William Frederick, Prince of Wied", "Marian Gąsiewicz", "Walter Torrie Forrest", "Victor Strahm", "Karl Henke", "William Lummis", "Frank Simpson", "Herbert Collett", "E. H. Jones", "Douglas McGregor", "August Bier", "Percy Helton", "Bronisław Pieracki", "Eric John Stephens", "Alberico Albricci", "William Horwood", "Ferdinand Flury", "Amedeo Mecozzi", "Franz Walther Ilges", "Muhammed Akbar Khan", "Hermann von Dresler und Scharfenstein", "Keith Johnson", "Robert Edwin Phillips", "Robert Edwin Newbery", "Volodymyr Salsky", "Walter Weiß", "Hans von Salmuth", "Cyril Hoft", "Gordon MacDonald", "Alexandre Buisson", "Jerzy Lewakowski", "Paul Bartenwerffer", "Edmond Pillon", "Vittorio Ambrosio", "Alfred Frauenfeld", "Felix Jacke", "Muhammed Sharif al-Faruqi", "Oscar Koch", "Oscar L. Shepard", "Thomas Kozich", "Tony Wilding", "Janusz Albrecht", "Ernst Kapp", "August Möslinger", "Newton E. Mason", "Frank J. Lowry", "John Frederick Andrews Higgins", "Hermann Vogel", "Hermann Vogel", "Heinz Pernet", "Arthur Böckenhauer", "Josef S. Viera", "Josef Rüf", "Herbert Rogers", "Josef Fuhrich", "Anthony Arnold", "Hermann von Kuhl", "Ludwig von Falkenhausen", "Max Fillusch", "Lord Charles Petty-Fitzmaurice", "Friedrich August Wirth", "Emich, 5th Prince of Leiningen", "Alfred Herrmann", "Walter Short", "Władysław Bartosik", "Władysław Bartkowiak", "Leif J. Sverdrup", "Reinhold Saltzwedel", "Cal Farley", "Rony Stanyforth", "William Martin Croll", "Robert Boissau", "Leslie Jensen", "Ehrhard Schmidt", "Max von Fabeck", "Frederick Harding Turner", "Frederick Hards", "William Hely Bowes", "Fritz H. Schnitzer", "René Prévot", "Siegfried von Waldenburg", "Robert Tunnicliff", "Leo Koffler", "Hansjörg Maurer", "Johann Appler", "Hans-Georg von Seidel", "Zoltán Decleva", "Viktor Albrecht", "Heinrich Wiese", "Luigi Ratini", "Alfred Richter", "W. C. Sellar", "Eric Buller", "Percy Dodd", "Horst von Metzsch", "Axel Ripke", "Henry Bridgeman", "Franciszek Barteczek", "Wilhelm Clausen", "Alexander Cobbe", "Alan Brown", "Robert Ernst", "Wilhelm von Altrock", "Richard Schönborn", "Clifford Sanderson", "Rudolph William Riefkohl", "Enrico Adami Rossi", "Alexander Antalffy", "Gustav von Arnim", "Albert Willimsky", "Horace L. McBride", "Lawrence Pendred", "Karl Eyerich", "Richard Baggallay", "Jan Jur-Gorzechowski", "Karl Zindel", "Kurt-Jürgen Freiherr von Lützow", "Rudolf John Gorsleben", "Wilhelm Hasse", "Johann-Erasmus Malsen-Ponickau", "Edwin Cole", "Stanisław Sitek", "Stanisław Siuda", "Erasmus von Handel", "Bruno Tanzmann", "Leonard James Keyworth", "Bill Denny", "Thomas Stanley Horry", "Franz Bronstert", "Evelyn Fanshawe", "Raoul de Balincourt", "William A. White", "Ramire Rosan", "Geoffrey Arbuthnot", "George Hutson", "Hans Hartmann", "Jean Marie Benjamin Merveilleux du Vignaux", "Ivan Grigorovich", "Gilbert W. M. Green", "Vito Volterra", "David Lowe MacIntyre", "Nikolaus von Endres", "Robert Dean Frisbie", "Antonino Cascino", "George A. Drew", "George Lloyd, 1st Baron Lloyd", "Heinrich Eberbach", "Jürgen von Kamptz", "Albert Taubert", "Andriy Melnyk", "Anthony Muirhead", "Albert E. Austin", "Lionel Stopford", "Assen Jordanoff", "Bourke B. Hickenlooper", "Edward Peszkowski", "Michael Denny", "Fritz Wagner", "Heinz-Eduard Menche", "Wacław Młodzianowski", "Arnold Burmeister", "Gustav Höhne", "Italo Lunelli", "Gerard Muirhead-Gould", "Paul Poensgen", "Pola Gojawiczyńska", "Rudolf Häusler", "Alexander R. Bolling", "Irving J. Carr", "Henry Edward Kenny", "Hirsch Gradenwitz", "Gustave Bertrand", "Rudolf Hofmann", "Rudolf Heynsen", "Walter Schnell", "Herms Niel", "Horace Birks", "Franciszek Stoch", "Paweł Staroń", "Wincenty Sobociński", "Ksawery Święcicki", "Oswald Frank", "William Campbell of Breadalbane", "Jules Gratier", "Karl Angermayer", "Samuel Woodfill", "Walter Cowan", "Edward Hoare", "Ernest Karl Woldemar von Wahl", "John Coates", "Roy Morell", "Joe Shelley", "John B. Kelly", "Robert Nußbaum", "Ville Kosola", "Robert Jesson", "Ernst L. Freud", "Arthur Power", "Arthur Poulter", "Nikolai Kuybyshev", "Abraham Esau", "Ludwig Gehre", "Franz Marc", "James Goodrich", "Karl Raapitz", "Adolphe Sicé", "John W. Gwynne", "Charles Medhurst", "James Grierson", "Garfield Finlay", "Truman Smith", "Rudolf Lahs", "Charles Ruggles Boardman", "John R. Phillips", "Alfred von Tirpitz", "Kondrat Krapiva", "Giambattista Tonini", "Dale Van Every", "Paul Hundius", "Wilhelm Grönke", "Frederick Hubert Vinden", "John Harding, 1st Baron Harding of Petherton", "Mieczysław Paluch", "Otto Barnewald", "John Keiller MacKay", "Yevhen Konovalets", "Walter Lafferty", "Malcolm Sargent", "Theodor Harster", "Fyodor Vinberg", "Sarah Oram", "Otis B. Duncan", "Otto Stickl", "Walter Caddell", "George H. Cameron", "Arthur Percival", "Ludwig Renn", "Aleksandar Tsankov Staliyski", "Jeffery Day", "Maurice Murray Watson", "Emily Blair", "Maurice Chilton", "Arnold von Winckler", "William Michaelis", "Oskar von Xylander", "Manfred von Richthofen", "Edward Pisula", "Frank Broome", "Scipione Borghese, 10th Prince of Sulmona", "Basile Saune", "Walter Davy Cowan", "Adam Próchnik", "Roy Longmore", "Frederick Lohden", "Martin Chales de Beaulieu", "Arthur de Salins", "Adam Antoni Bratro", "William Dickson", "Wilhelm Krüger", "Henri Giraud", "Friedrich Adler", "Philipp Wurzbacher", "Feliks Nowowiejski", "Ernst Eisenlohr", "Thomas Dewar Weldon", "Francis W. Rockwell", "Joe Brough", "Robert Wallace", "Bill Landy", "Erwin Menny", "William Carrall Hilborn", "John Gray", "Teijirō Toyoda", "Stefan Zabielski", "Alexander Shaw, 2nd Baron Craigmyle", "Walter Styles", "Stuart Peter Rolt", "George C. Rickards", "Samad bey Mehmandarov", "Alessandro Guidoni", "Theodore Goodridge Roberts", "Edward Thomas", "Richard Hoff", "Richard Kehler", "Gordon Morrissey", "Paddy McGuire", "Ora McMurry", "Jean-Julien Lemordant", "Bernard Nevile", "Franz Weiss", "Franz Peter Kürten", "Franciszek Junker", "Patrick Blair", "Hans Meinshausen", "John McCudden", "John Vincent", "Ian Strang", "Erich Sonntag", "Józef Rymut", "John Alexander Fraser", "Kenneth Mason", "Jacques Swaab", "Viktor Kühne", "Sherwood Dixon", "Hermann Heerdt", "John Whiston", "Pavle Jurišić Šturm", "James Gowans", "Siro Persichelli", "Richard Stokes", "James Upton", "Yoshinori Shirakawa", "Richard Jeffries Dawes", "Bill Jackson", "Albert Ball", "Max Bauer", "John Henry Carless", "Ludwig Thoma", "Jim Kendrick", "Wilhelm von Lieres und Wilkau", "Hans-Joachim von Mellenthin", "George M. Cox", "Rudolf Gerhardt", "John D. Edwards", "Paul Brecken", "Waldemar Geyer", "Francesco Mazzinghi", "Goland Clarke", "Reginald Tupper", "Harold Cohen", "Edward Tate", "Walter Dolch", "Herbert Drewitt", "Rudolf Arnold", "Eduard Pernkopf", "Arthur Bedford", "Albert Broadhouse", "Kenneth Macksey", "Gerd von Rundstedt", "Hanns Bunge", "Bob Whiting", "Hermann von Staabs", "Cleveland Greenway", "Piotr Geisler", "Wenman Wykeham-Musgrave", "Robert Edward Ryder", "Ernest Burdett", "James MacKenzie", "Erich Weinert", "Jean Casale", "Grandison Gardner", "Theodor Preu", "Stanisław Orlewicz", "Franciszek Fesser", "Humphrey Bowring", "James Alfred Keating", "Otto Wolter-Pecksen", "David Freeman-Mitford, 2nd Baron Redesdale", "Laurence Irving", "Harvey Overesch", "Louis Hurault", "Viktor Weber Edler von Webenau", "Bill Ladbury", "John Patrick Hamilton", "Ion Istrati", "Joachim Sander", "Roman Machnicki", "Edward Northey", "Kurt Thomas", "André Debry", "Jack Windmill", "Kurt von Morgen", "Ernst von Hoeppner", "Max von Boehn", "Bruno von Mudra", "Konrad Krafft von Dellmensingen", "Gottfried Ehmann", "Charlotte Winters", "Pierre Taittinger", "Antonio Gorini", "Dino Perrone Compagni", "Jean Baptiste Jules Dalstein", "Dave Greenham", "Francis Roberts", "Frank Parker", "Prince Konrad of Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst", "Thomas Cooke", "Hervey Rhodes, Baron Rhodes", "William A. Worton", "Michele Vitali Mazza", "Edmond Genet", "Percy F. Westerman", "Maximilian Höhn", "Heinz Dähnhardt", "Hugo Grimme", "Ernst Bach", "Emil Charzewski", "Rudolf Reppert", "Arne Somersalo", "Franz Eccard von Bentivegni", "Tadeusz Bylewski", "Tex Oliver", "Clifford Webb", "Karl von Friedeburg", "Friedrich Hoßbach", "Henry T. Mayo", "Fritz Arendt", "Billy Bennett", "Joe North", "Antoine Cordonnier", "Wilhelm Heye", "Smilo Freiherr von Lüttwitz", "Walter Hartmann", "Raffaele Rossetti", "Sir Walter Halsey, 2nd Baronet", "Arthur Halestrap", "Louis Moufflet", "Christos Chatzipetros", "Josef Klein", "Piotr Bartak", "Leonard Dawe", "Bruno Stamer", "James T. Sutherland", "Erich von Bibow", "Evelyn Lintott", "Jean Grelaud", "Geoffrey Scoones", "Martin Mutschmann", "Joe Deakin", "Ioan Rașcu", "Jim Driscoll", "Berthold Kern", "Martin H. Kennelly", "Antonino Di Giorgio", "Frank George Gibbons", "James Forbes-Robertson", "Erich Fellgiebel", "Clarence Ransom Edwards", "T. Semmes Walmsley", "Wilhelm Loch", "Diego Brosset", "Thomas Edgecumbe Hickman", "John Bevan", "Eric Evans", "Len Butt", "Robert Graves", "Lothar von Arnauld de la Perière", "Hans Speidel", "Heinrich Schallbroch", "Theodor Bohlmann-Combrinck", "Otto Heinrich Muck", "Giacomo Carboni", "Walter Jacobsen", "Hermann Maaß", "Hermann Beckh", "Carlo Rastrelli", "Arnold Spuler", "Charles D. Herron", "Friedrich von der Schulenburg", "Gustav von Myrdacz", "Rudolf Pannier", "Theodoros Manetas", "Zygmunt Żytomirski", "Oleksander Osetsky", "Richard Werner", "Maurice Freehill", "Edward Darby", "Emil Scheel", "Vitaly Markovich Primakov", "Gustav Schwiebert", "Tillinghast L'Hommedieu Huston", "J. Howard Swick", "Zdzisław Goszczyński", "François Faber", "Karl Patzelt", "Claude Nunney", "Thomas Farrell", "Balthasar Brandmayer", "John T. Thompson", "Sydney Carlin", "Harold Whitfield", "Zygmunt Jerzy Kuczyński", "Alexis Tendil", "Herbert Becker", "Charles Melvill", "Charles Melvin", "Robert Smith-Barry", "Richard Siebeck", "Edward Neville Syfret", "Kurt Rieth", "John Smith Stewart", "Wolf Meyer-Erlach", "Paul Ranous Greever", "Robert Cassels", "Hans Georg Beerfelde", "Jerzy Dobrodzicki", "Archibald Bentley Beauman", "Ignaz Godin", "Johannes Fink", "Brady Cowell", "John Meredith", "Karl Retzlaff", "Otto Hummel", "Jaan Mahlapuu", "Berwick Curtis", "Paul L. Patterson", "Mieczysław Obrembowicz", "Leslie Court", "Leslie Coulson", "Percy Redfern Creed", "Gustav Adolf Schmidtsdorff", "Stefan Pasławski", "Thomas Henry Parry", "Thomas Henry Sage", "Richard Zimmermann", "Jože Grdina", "Arthur Caldwell", "Jan Rządkowski", "Albert Stewart", "Alexander Malins Lafone", "Walter Lowenfels", "Mikołaj Łapicki", "Charles Edward Wilson", "Jack Butler", "Godfrey Chevalier", "John Philip Wisser", "Red Berry", "Robert Keyserlingk-Cammerau", "Robert Emil Klüber", "Ernst Buschor", "Everett Dirksen", "Martin Salomonski", "Karl Holz", "William Wright", "Hans Schilling", "Wilhelm Günther", "Richard McGough", "Raymond Duval", "Harold Lowe", "Arthur Forbes-Sempill", "Herbert Selle", "Jens Møller", "Michael Knatchbull, 5th Baron Brabourne", "Stefan Rowecki", "Claude Taugher", "Rupprecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria", "August Krämer", "Jerome Cowan", "Henryk Pomazański", "Auguste Edouard Hirschauer", "Detmar Philippi", "Friedrich-Karl Burckhardt", "Jean-Marie Perrot", "Willie Kivlichan", "Rudolf Schultz", "Oliver Percy Bernard", "Ottokar Brzoza-Brzezina", "Adolf Richter", "Lawrence Johnston", "Archibald Murray", "Arthur Gütt", "Walter Nitsche", "Marius Ambrogi", "Albert Hill", "Feliks Jaworski", "Francis Humphrys", "Jack Armand Cunningham", "Arthur Fleming-Sandes", "Arthur Crispien", "Francis Bowditch Wilby", "Günther Schwantes", "Vladislav Klembovsky", "Thomas Dugdale, 1st Baron Crathorne", "Marcel Roux", "Hector Delobbe", "John Gould Moyer", "Theodor Geib", "Theodor Brantner", "Stefan Zajc", "Sir Ronald Cross, 1st Baronet", "Max Erwin von Scheubner-Richter", "Andrew Shandro", "Giovanni Messe", "Henryk Gorgoń", "Theodore Hardy", "Theodore Hallett", "Bernard Matthew Cassidy", "Charles W. Fisher", "Anton Schiesser, Edler von Reifegg", "Erhard Berner", "Paul Kern", "John Cattanach", "John Alexander Christie", "Thomas Warne-Browne", "Mykola Stsiborskyi", "Horst von Pflugk-Harttung", "Nathanael Wollenweber", "Philip Balfour", "Dalrymple Arbuthnot", "Heinrich Reiner", "Charles Justin Bailey", "Anthony Collett", "Jean Allard-Méeus", "Bert Whaling", "Reggie Schwarz", "Karl Friedrich Zörgiebel", "Will Vesper", "Orville Ralston", "Leonard T. Gerow", "John Miles Steel", "Gunther Plüschow", "William J. Gantter", "Wolf-Dietrich Witzleben", "János Gálicz", "Paul Joseph Hyacinthe Mignot", "Rudolf Attig", "Dumenko Borys Mokiyovych", "Friedrich Brutzer", "Federico Martinengo", "Wilhelm, German Crown Prince", "Heinrich von Bünau", "Antonio Lago", "William George Barker", "Harry Primrose, 6th Earl of Rosebery", "Arthur von Lüttwitz", "Wilhelm Meisel", "Claud Robert James Thompson", "Clarence Sparks McKee", "Walther Hillert", "Luis R. Esteves", "Alexander Patch", "Nikołaj Wojewodski", "Adolf von Rhemen zu Barensfeld", "Truman H. DeLap", "Bert Delotto", "John Duncan Mackie", "Michał Barwiołek", "Leslie Norman Hollinghurst", "James Myles", "Josef Friedrich", "Josef Pradel", "Billy Spittle", "Jean Charles Eugène Bordereaux", "Henry Halcro Johnston", "Thomas Girgensohn", "Friedrich Solger", "Alan Cunningham", "Petre Dumitrescu", "Paul Maltby", "Paul Malavialle", "Edward Amoore", "Raffaele Stasi", "Henri Claudel", "Bruno Oppenkowski", "Andrew Cunningham, 1st Viscount Cunningham of Hyndhope", "Kenneth Ian Gourlay", "Herbert Hurrey", "Arthur von Briesen", "Heinrich Dietz", "Erwin Aichinger", "Hugh Saunders", "Kazimierz Kierzkowski", "Adolf Scorra", "George Goss", "Jean Baptiste Jules Carbillet", "Henry John Burden", "Rudolf Gertler", "Philip Rea, 2nd Baron Rea", "Frederick Head", "Robert Rowlette", "Kurt Borries", "John Abbott King", "Simeon G. Murafa", "Giuseppe Pennella", "Hervey Tudway", "George Lingham", "Edward Milford", "Johnno Stuntz", "Michael Gerstner", "Alexandros Merentitis", "Tadeusz Kasprzycki", "Alexander Baring, 6th Baron Ashburton", "Louis Murat", "Brooke Claxton", "Adolf Hergenröder", "Ricciotti Garibaldi jr", "Clifford Thomason Beckett", "Franz Pfeffer von Salomon", "Otto Ciliax", "Alexander Rochfort", "Paul Scharfe", "Wilhelm Heidkamp", "Timothy McCarthy", "Kārlis Brože", "Alexander Kapitokhin", "Friedrich-Wilhelm Morzik", "Hermann von Oppeln-Bronikowski", "Andrzej Małkowski", "Arthur Hoffmann", "Wladimir d'Ormesson", "Jacques Ibert", "Ludwig Ferdinand Clauß", "Wilhelm Schneckenburger", "Wilhelm Süßmann", "Harold Berridge", "Harold Bennett", "Otto Geiselhart", "Georg Rau", "Zygmunt Grabowski", "Leopold Dobiasz", "Franciszek Dudziński", "Frederick Shaw", "Paul Gebel", "Stanisław Sienkiewicz", "Ernst von Eisenhart-Rothe", "Leonard W. Murray", "Ludwig Pappenheim", "Herbert Thomas Dobbin", "Heinrich Vogeler", "Stuart Cloete", "Piotr Szymanowski", "Rudolf Ladewig", "Joachim von der Lieth-Thomsen", "Joachim von Tresckow", "Karl Jödicke", "William Jones", "Gilbert Sardier", "Ernst Lindemann", "Paul Wittgenstein", "Geoffrey Bridgeman", "Hugh Gough, 4th Viscount Gough", "Giuseppe Sinigaglia", "Maurice Eugène François Baumgarten", "Moritz Ratzinger", "Ralph H. Fowler", "John Stewart-Murray, 8th Duke of Atholl", "Josef Mayer", "William R. Rush", "William R. Schmidt", "Leopold Peill", "Carlo Geloso", "Dudley Burton Napier North", "Lionel Troughton", "Heinz Diringshofen", "William Brindley", "Fritz Mader", "Lawrence Cobb", "Giovanni Randaccio", "Archibald Cameron Macdonell", "Felix Bürkner", "Evelyn Barker", "Johann Ulrich Folkers", "Henry Edward Burstall", "Kenneth Cummins", "Walter Schmidt", "Arnold Fischer", "Theodor Mengelbier", "Theodor Melior", "Manfred Roeder", "Konrad Friedrich Ehrich", "Edwin Denby", "Kurt Latte", "Lewis Heath", "Waldemar Pabst", "Phillip Scott Burge", "Boris Brasol", "Woodruff Leeming", "Günther von Manteuffel", "Henri Mathias Berthelot", "Hans-Wolfgang Quassowski", "Hans Wolfgang Capler von Oedheim", "John Gaty", "Otton Samójłowicz-Salamonowicz", "Otton Laskowski", "Georges Guynemer", "Eugeniusz Guttmejer", "George W. Furlow", "Henry Mond, 2nd Baron Melchett", "Georges Demetz", "Richard Rives", "Herbert John Burgman", "Oskar Schlemmer", "Walter Stams", "Feliks Leparsky", "Charles Huntziger", "Cyril Beeson", "Sir James Horlick, 4th Baronet", "David Kelly", "Paul Hudl", "Arch Merrill", "Friedrich Blümke", "Otto Steinmeyer", "Dyne Fenton Smith", "Marius Canard", "Alick Bryant", "Heinrich Lattermann", "Harry Powers", "Harry Richard Landis", "Wilhelm Menges", "Leslie Cheape", "Khudadad Khan", "Thomas D. Milling", "Hermann Höpker-Aschoff", "Christian Schiller", "Wilhelm Siegfried", "Justus Hashagen", "Ernest J. Dawley", "Thomas Highgate", "Stefan Nowaczek", "Tadeusz Dwernicki", "Harold Garnett", "Curt Sigmar Gutkind", "Alexander Madden", "William F. Marquat", "Emil Müller", "Royal E. Ingersoll", "Jenő Tombor", "Harvey Stanley Hyde Blackburn", "Herold J. Weiler", "Leonard F. Wing", "Otto Schmidt-Hartung", "Otto Schmidt", "Anton Wiedemann", "Witold Eugeniusz Sawicki", "Jean-Jacques Waltz", "Alexander Wortley", "Robert Srbik", "Wilhelm Avieny", "Otto Wuth", "Johnny Williams", "Curt Treitschke", "James Carmichael", "Franciszek Meraviglia-Crivelli", "Władysław Grela", "Alexander Papagos", "Walther von Axthelm", "Carl Ferdinand Semper", "Jack Borthwick", "Hans Heyck", "John Leslie Hardie", "Johann Deininger", "Edward A. Simpson", "Alan Lascelles", "Leon Kromer", "Lucius Roy Holbrook", "Mykola Shapoval", "Friedrich Wigand", "Wilfrid Foster", "Detlef Schmidt", "Claude Taylor", "Peter Roney", "Erich Hagenmeyer", "Tadeusz Procner", "Harrison R. Johnston", "Walther Eltester", "Bronisław Brągiel", "Ludwig Rehn", "Abe Goff", "Harry Patch", "Francis Kelly", "Katharina Hertwig", "John Ender \"Jock\" Palmer", "Ioannis Kalogeras", "Rudolf Dix", "Fritz Haber", "Robert George Broadwood", "John E. L. Hunter", "J. Bracken Lee", "Aleksandr Tillo", "Eugeniusz Szubert", "Corrado Venini", "Filippo Caruso", "Ernest Hemingway", "Alfred B. Littell", "Joseph Dauphin", "Stefan de Castenedolo Kasprzycki", "Ernst Meusel", "Henri Linder", "Frederick Parham", "David Wooster King", "Ernst Gall", "Józef Dąbrowski", "Henryk Glass", "Voldemārs Dambergs", "Richard Wilhelm Ludwig Dohna-Schlobitten", "René Doynel de Saint-Quentin", "Savo Orović", "Roland Strunk", "Henri Gout", "Arthur Emanuel Nelson", "Otto Taleus Eberhard Buurman", "Otto Busse", "Rudolf Braschwitz", "Victor McLaglen", "Ernst Freiherr von Althaus", "Horst Karl Ferdinand Edler von der Planitz", "Kenneth Peppiatt", "Archduke Peter Ferdinand of Austria", "George Carter-Campbell", "Jean Fernet", "Elie Vandrand", "Willy Kölker", "George Hampton Yarborough, Jr.", "Magnus von Knebel", "Waldorf Astor, 2nd Viscount Astor", "Robert MacTier", "William Nicholson, 1st Baron Nicholson", "John Moore-Brabazon, 1st Baron Brabazon of Tara", "Adrian Holman", "Thomas Tannatt Pryce", "Chudomir", "James Whiteside McCay", "Heinrich Schrader", "Zygmunt Cšadek", "Gerhard Hoffmann", "Charles Hadden", "Otto-Wilhelm Förster", "Hans Erdmann", "Charles Romer", "Alfred Preuß", "George H. Morgan", "Rudolf Bacherer", "Walther Heitmüller", "Eric Cockroft", "John French Conklin", "Giovanni Maresca Donnorso di Serracapriola", "Karl Lennart Oesch", "Guy Brownlow", "Edward T. Hartman", "Hovsep Arghutian", "John A. Macready", "Eugene Mayer", "Charles Herbert Stringer", "Paul Jules Henri Muteau", "Wilm Hosenfeld", "Reinhard Scheer", "Maximilian von Weichs", "Max Ludwig", "Addison Alexander Mackenzie", "Leon Pachucki", "Theodor Körner", "Arthur Bagot", "Werner Schingnitz", "Albert C. Vaughn", "Reginald Leonard Haine", "Neilson Poe", "Allan Ebenezer Ker", "Clifford Ernest Borain", "Clemens Jaeckel", "Earl W. Hanson", "William Philo", "Georges Painvin", "John Salmond", "Karl Friedrich Schorlemer", "Paul Neumann", "Beppo Römer", "Edgar Bohnstedt", "Edgar Forster", "Rudolf Krause", "Jenő Rátz", "Willy Usadel", "Willy Unverfehrt", "Donald McMullen", "John Fraser", "James Alexander Ulio", "Charles Cooper", "Vic Aldridge", "Janusz Bokszczanin", "Teodor Błoch", "Friedrich von Friedeburg", "Gerhard Roßbach", "Friedrich Geißelbrecht", "Friedrich Geiger", "Rudolf Geyer", "Wilhelm Teudt", "Franz von Hörauf", "Hans Lemmel", "Gerhard Erdmann", "Karl Harlander", "Ernst Sommer", "Ernest Aldrich Simpson", "James Newland", "Cecil Lambert", "Anton Ivanovich Denikin", "Thomas Traill", "Eugène Deloncle", "Francis James Ralph", "Joé Anduran", "Jacques Humbert", "Douglas Walter Belcher", "Gilchrist Maclagan", "Gerhardt Katsch", "Wilhelm Helfer", "Willi Hockenholz", "Humphrey Osbaldston Brooke Firman", "Jack Freeman", "Max von Gemmingen", "John William Rayner", "Sami Sabit Karaman", "Denis Boyd", "Alexander zu Dohna-Schlobitten", "August Frank", "W. D. Smiles", "Wilhelm Lawicz-Liszka", "Fritz Fröhlich", "René Olry", "Henry Dworshak", "Sir Alexander Sprot, 1st Baronet", "George D. Nye", "Alby Kirchner", "Jan Hyc", "Harry Gore Bishop", "Walter von Unruh", "Giorgos Kalafatis", "Wilfrith Elstob", "James Leslie Findlay", "Karl-Adolf Hollidt", "Alexander Robertson", "Alf Smith", "Heinrich Hoffmann", "Heinrich Hoffmann", "Richard Schirrmann", "Ernest George Horlock", "Otto Lichtschlag", "Archie Elliott, Lord Elliott", "Alexandru Mărgineanu", "Hugo Meurer", "Georges Boillot", "Emil Heinrich Diehl", "Georg Schweitzer", "Wilhelm Lorenz", "Rudolf von Marogna-Redwitz", "Wilfred French", "Mike O'Dowd", "Paul Geburtig", "Félix Alexis Destremau", "John Manson Craig", "William Addison", "Harry Rigby", "William Herbert Anderson", "Erich Döbrich", "Erich Quade", "Tadeusz Bór-Komorowski", "Maxime Weygand", "Rupert John Brett", "Claude C. Bloch", "Duncan Glasfurd", "Max von Kluge", "Karl-Albrecht von Groddeck", "Kurt Magnus", "Leo von Jena", "Fritz Schwitzgebel", "Thomas Cassin Kinkaid", "Anton Jirku", "Charles Forbes", "Alphonse Six", "David Loveday", "Victor Blue", "Antonio Chiri", "Frederick Goodhue", "James Wilson", "Constantin Scărișoreanu", "Erhard Glaser", "Guido Novak von Arienti", "Morley Bruce", "Delos Carleton Emmons", "Douglas McKay", "Pyotr Krasnov", "Ferdinand von Hiddessen", "Tommy Muldoon", "Dimitrios Katheniotis", "Stewart McLatchie", "Graves B. Erskine", "Paul Grautoff", "Paul Gohr", "Heinrich Schellen", "Oskar Hinterleitner", "Milan Nedić", "Walter Jauch", "Stanisław Mastalerz", "Cecil Douglas Lovett Turner", "Angus McKinnon", "Jean-Jules Alexis Callies", "William Drummond Matheson", "Colin Gilray", "Sepp Hainzl", "Friedrich Lorenz", "Ernst Wollweber", "Karl Jung", "Stefan Springer", "Carl von Bardolff", "Edward Dawson Atkinson", "Francis Octavius Grenfell", "Eugen Gürster", "Nicolae Rujinschi", "Gustav Schmidt", "Victor Williams", "David Kldiashvili", "Otton Berezowski", "Lord Edward Gleichen", "Joseph De Bonnefoy", "Sumner Sewall", "Henry Moody", "Fred L. Walker", "Sydney Christian", "Harold Williams", "Fritz von Brodowski", "Thomas Agar-Robartes", "Juri Gilsher", "Conrad-Oskar Heinrichs", "Charles Groves Wright Anderson", "Hermann Mertz von Quirnheim", "Gavin de Beer", "Andrew Cowper", "Daniş Karabelen", "Mehmet Cemil", "Ronald Francis Redpath", "Marcel Henriot", "John Baker", "Clift Andrus", "Bob Gregg", "Edwin Jenkyn", "Alan Rice-Oxley", "Norman Weir", "Wilhelm Brodmerkel", "Charles Taylor", "Eduard Wiegand", "Kazimierz De Rostwo-Suski", "Heinrich Bernhard Lankenau", "Friedrich Ritter von Röth", "Ernest James Salter", "Ioan Ghinescu", "Volodymyr Sinclair", "Algernon Boyle", "Armond J. Berthelot", "Louis Hippolyte Alfred Fagart", "Hans Kobelinski", "Francis Shelmerdine", "Richard Reckewerth", "David Watts Morgan", "Mieczysław Rawicz-Mysłowski", "Max Rothfels", "Godfrey Elton, 1st Baron Elton", "Frederick Libby", "Eduard Fischer", "Samu Hazai", "Robert Siller", "Amédée Henri Guillemin", "Walther Risse", "Franciszek Orawiec", "Karl Echte", "Otto Hoffmann von Waldau", "Charles Howard-Bury", "Bernard Cruddas", "Sumner Ely Wetmore Kittelle", "Percy Cherry", "Emile Vandervelde", "Franz Maierhofer", "Noel Beresford-Peirse", "J. Ernest Wharton", "Michel-Joseph Maunoury", "Fyodor Kuznetsov", "Richard Seuss", "Friedrich Manschott", "Noël-Marie-Joseph-Edouard de Curières de Castelnau", "Walter Simon", "Prince Ernst Heinrich of Saxony", "Dick Irvin", "Wilhelm Wölfing", "Hans Müller", "Douglas Campbell", "Bronisław Warzybok", "Theodor Trauernicht", "Murray Sueter", "George Prodgers", "Konstantin Mamontov", "Ray Hanson", "Hans-Henning von Fölkersamb", "James Franck", "Otto Hahn", "Norman Porteous", "Kurt Arnold Wiebel", "Eugen Baur", "Paweł Cyms", "Irby Curry", "Hermann Berchtold", "Glenn A. Abbey", "Robert Gordon", "Robert Gordon-Finlayson", "Johannes Slawik", "Henri Levy", "William Bethune Lindsay", "Bruce Cooper Clarke", "Halsey Powell", "Oswald Carver", "Paul Wing", "Harold Mead", "Harold Medberry Bemis", "Victor Hope, 2nd Marquess of Linlithgow", "Clive Steele", "Oscar Monteiro Torres", "Friedrich Voelcker", "Arthur E. Popham", "Erich Schmidt", "Charles Géronimi", "Oskar Begusch", "Joseph T. Curry", "Edward Gött-Getyński", "Otto Korfes", "Karl von Wuthenau", "Erich Maria Remarque", "Horst Stumpff", "Adalbert Sorsich von Severin", "Adam Korytowski", "Robert Mulka", "Orin G. Murfin", "Arthur Hoffmann", "Kurt-Bertram von Döring", "Josef Schmidt", "Joseph Frank Wehner", "Adrian Hill", "Georg Böhler", "Robert Siewert", "Erwein von Thun und Hohenstein", "Orville Bullington", "Hanford MacNider", "George H. Mallon", "Heinz Kürten", "Heinz Lampe", "John F. Curry", "Mark W. Clark", "Phil Waller", "Alec Pendock Aveline", "William Garnett Braithwaite", "Turkey Tayac", "Paxton Hibben", "Abdulhamid bey Gaytabashi", "Roland Freisler", "Pike Johnson", "Hermann Taubenberger", "John Duer Irving", "Theodor Neubauer", "Henry Lamb", "Josef Anton Fässler", "Bryant Moore", "Julian Radoniewicz", "Allen Bathurst, Lord Apsley", "John Charles Oakes Marriott", "Antonio Passarelli", "Paul Alverdes", "Herbert Kleine", "Theobald Thier", "Harold Parker", "Kara Vâsıf Bey", "Hubert Preibsch", "George Spafford Richardson", "Paul Röhrbein", "Francesco Maria Barracu", "Karl Palmgreen", "Emory Sherwood Adams", "Heinz Hellmich", "Fritz Grabowsky", "Maximilian Ritter von Pohl", "Raymond A. Spruance", "Fredric Warburg", "Cecil Lowther", "Cecil Levita", "Cecil Leonard Knox", "Francis James Davies", "Boyd Cypert", "Leo P. O'Brien", "Charles Luers Nordsiek", "Bill McCann", "Vyvyan Holt", "Franz Nölken", "Philipp Klepp", "Hristo Lukov", "Christian Schmidt", "John Lloyd Williams", "Branimir Altgayer", "Maksim Purkayev", "Billy Milne", "Stephen Price", "R. V. C. Bodley", "Maximilian Fretter-Pico", "Robert Obtresal", "Walter Elze", "Henning von Thadden", "Pierre Ducornet", "Pierre Dufaur de Gavardie", "Enoch von Guttenberg", "Joseph John Davies", "Robert Miller Montague", "Rudolf Rusche", "Walter Braunfels", "Gerald de Gaury", "Vojin Maksimović", "Kurt Jahncke", "Walter von Schönberg", "Walter von Soosten", "Charles Verrier", "Frank Booth", "Clifford Martin", "Reginald Denny", "Dmitri Rogatchev", "Sir Fulque Agnew, 10th Baronet", "Franz Janowitz", "Wilber M. Brucker", "Otto von Knobelsdorff", "Traugott Herr", "Eugen Meindl", "Gerhard von Schwerin", "Otto Thiel", "Michael J. Kirwan", "Robert Loeb", "Karl Plagge", "Avshalom Feinberg", "Walter Hellenthal", "Alfred von Glasenapp", "Otto Pittinger", "Alec Campbell", "Karsten Jaspersen", "James Robert Smith", "Edgard de Larminat", "Lorenz Zahneisen", "Richard Hentsch", "Wilfred Ernest Young", "Wilfred Edwards", "Daniel Burges", "Edward Martin", "Friedrich Wilhelm Nolte", "Dewey Jackson Short", "Carl Willis", "Robert Lowry", "Bernhard Hofmann", "Horst Edler von der Planitz", "Victor Cordonnier", "Sir John Carden, 6th Baronet", "William Herbert Waring", "Geoffrey Blake", "Geoffrey Bell", "Friedrich Bethge", "Otto Wallburg", "Friedrich-Carl Hanesse", "Manuel de Oliveira Gomes da Costa", "Carlo Erba", "Constantin Costescu", "Kurt Lüdtke", "Bruno Fattori", "Bede Edmund Hugh Clifford", "Ludvík Svoboda", "Alfred Lichtenstein", "Willi Meyer", "Michael John O'Leary", "Gérard Leman", "Walther Glawe", "Francis Cogswell", "Teddy Bullen", "Fratelli Romani", "Robert L. Ghormley", "Jarosław Szafran", "Russell Maughan", "George Harry Wyatt", "Roy Leitch", "Harry Altham", "Alexander Knox Helm", "Peter Schaub", "James Huffam", "Owen Cleary", "Charles Doughty-Wylie", "Ivo Lah", "Paul Illhardt", "Gerald Smallwood", "Joseph J. O'Brien", "James Hill", "Sir Victor Mackenzie, 3rd Baronet", "Leopold Anslinger", "Norman MacEwen", "Norman MacGregor", "Cecil John Fearfield", "Cecil Wotton Toovey", "Cecil Miller Smith", "Dugald C. Jackson", "Roman Eminowicz", "Anton Glasl", "Richard George Masters", "Gordon Coates", "Walter Schmidt-Rimpler", "William L. Dawson", "Alexis Granowsky", "Friedrich Lensch", "Theodore von Kármán", "Karl Mayr", "Karl Kitzinger", "Józef Kasperski", "Efthymios Tsimikalis", "Pierre-Paul-Jacques Grandsard", "Bob Higgins", "Edward Cecil Bethune", "Gheorghe Dabija", "Gustav Schaumann", "Jack Shelton", "Gennaro Sora", "Robert Johnson", "Herman Landon", "Jean Brillant", "Erich Petersen", "Ed Travis", "William Mackenzie", "Wacław Dahlen", "Stephen Steyn", "Hugh McKenzie", "Ferdinand Neuling", "John L. DeWitt", "Ludwig Scharf", "Ronald Malcolm Fletcher", "Gottfried Schapper", "Eugene Coler", "Arthur Coadou", "Stasys Raštikis", "Paul Holthoff", "Émile Eugène Belin", "Émile Edmond Legrand-Girarde", "Živko Topalović", "George Lane-Fox, 1st Baron Bingley", "Hermann Mutschmann", "Eduard Pulpe", "William Benjamin Kean", "Günther von Hammerstein-Equord", "Michael Gonne", "William Edward Green", "Gottfried Frey", "Percy Northcroft", "Martin Gilbert", "John Campbell Ross", "Otto Hoetzsch", "Robert Don Oliver", "Friedrich Fromm", "Rolf Hey", "Alexander Michels", "John Vincent Holland", "Cecil Parker", "Cecil Arthur Lewis", "Noël Garnier-Duplessix", "Walter Joseph Cawthorn", "Chester R. Davis", "William Smith", "Otto Schulz", "Charles Edwin Stone", "Godfrey Firbank", "Curt Bräuer", "Tullio Cianetti", "H. O. West", "James Couper Brash", "John Victor Elliott Lees", "Philip Lincoln", "Pietro Frugoni", "Erich Wiesner", "Art Fiala", "Louis Greig", "Paul Wilhelm Ludwig Draudt", "James Aikman Cochrane", "Peter von Hofmann", "Friedrich Böhme", "Constantin Anastasiade", "Heinrich von Prittwitz und Gaffron", "Fritz Stolz", "Earl Martineau", "Gustav Adolf Rein", "Carl Diem", "Max Spiessen", "Spencer Bassett", "C. Turner Joy", "William Leggatt", "William Leeming Harrison", "Karl Weller", "Pearce Bailey", "Spencer Edmund Hollond", "Spencer Ewart", "Harold Orton", "Karl Pauker", "Wilhelm Cavallar von Grabensprung", "Guillaume Ballu", "Paul B. Dague", "Paul Ayshford Methuen, 4th Baron Methuen", "Pietro Badoglio", "Heinrich Uhlendahl", "Allan Boase", "Ivan Erdélyi", "Gustav Pötzsch", "Stefan Łomnicki", "Willis Augustus Lee", "Stanislav Redens", "Edward Francis Lynch", "Wilfrid Jelf", "Lenah Higbee", "Alexandre Fourny", "Charles Allen", "Akif Erdemgil", "Georges Guillo Lohan", "Gabar Singh Negi", "Josef Jaud", "Franz Wiedemeier", "Gottfried Hansen", "Lord Robert William Orlando Manners", "Hermann Begemann", "Hermann Becker", "Hermann Prieß", "Edward H. Brooks", "Herbert Freiherr von Ohlen und Adlerscron", "James Rogers McConnell", "Frank O'Driscoll Hunter", "Georges Bernanos", "James Ross", "Adalbert Fluck von Raggamb", "Witold Rother", "Jack Jenkins", "Tomasz Silarski", "Joanna Cruickshank", "Leo Adler", "Wilton Persons", "George Biddle", "Laurie Brady", "Roy Inwood", "Cecil Foott", "Frank Edmund Beatty, Jr.", "Walerian Czuma", "Michael Hutterer", "Léon de Montesquiou", "Raymond Evershed, 1st Baron Evershed", "Laurent B. Ruamps", "Hugh Tweedie", "Ernest Augustus, Duke of Brunswick", "Oswald Pohl", "Arthur Barratt", "Johann Rickmers", "Hermann Hummel", "William H. Harrison", "Charlie Webb", "François Henri Robert Jules Capdepont", "George Macarthur-Onslow", "George Macaulay Kirkpatrick", "Wilhelm Meinberg", "Julian Piasecki", "Joe Little Twig", "Kennett B. Dawson", "Oskar von Hindenburg", "Margit Frankau", "Pietro Nenni", "Wilhelm Behrens", "Earl D. Desmond", "Hermann Preusker", "Warwick Deeping", "Otto Röer", "James Alexander McLean Roy", "Eugen Maier", "Walter Stang", "Kagher Neiber-Shieg", "Robert Bowie Owens", "Norman Wodehouse", "Bernhard Ruberg", "Roland Leighton", "Richard Wainwright", "Maurice Genevoix", "Karl Parts", "Botho Kollberg", "Botho von La Chevallerie", "Sergei Wojciechowski", "James Despencer-Robertson", "Karl Litzmann", "Alfred Johnson Brooks", "Fredrick I. Eglin", "Vladimir Ćopić", "Charles de Broqueville", "Karl Sachs", "John Davis", "Georg Bruchmüller", "Prentice Cooper", "Grigory Semyonov", "Ron Larking", "Franciszek Krajowski", "Ugo Cavallero", "Roman Górecki", "Stanislaw Trabalski", "Louis Chartoire", "Hermann Behme", "Walter Melchior", "Douglas Veale", "Dave Gillespie", "Charles Luard", "Hugh Dowding, 1st Baron Dowding", "Maurice Scott Thompson", "Monnett Bain Davis", "Jules Augustin Williams Léon Battesti", "George A. White", "Denis Bernard", "Bernard Stanley Challen", "Fulco Ruffo di Calabria", "Werner Schulze", "Harry J. Malony", "William Armstrong", "Friedrich Pfister", "László Deák", "Walter Roman", "Alexander Cowie", "Clive Brook", "Alice Strike", "Karl Mauss", "Augustus Walley", "John Brunskill", "Rudolf Bamler", "Gustaw Orlicz-Dreszer", "Toma Lișcu", "Stanisław Józef Biegański", "Walter Scott-Elliot", "Joanny Burtin", "Albert Vierling", "Benton Fletcher", "Harold Beamish", "Arthur Bryant", "Ernst Wilhelm Karl Maria von Hoiningen-Huene", "Tom Prince", "Lucjan Kulikowski", "Franz Heinrigs", "William Ernest, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach", "Heinrich Müller", "Robert English", "Joel Halliwell", "Alfons König", "Fritz Vielstich", "Patrick Shaw-Stewart", "Rudolf Lipf", "James Scaramanga", "Lord Alexander Thynne", "Jack Greenhill", "Julius Moser", "Bruno Frankewitz", "Hoot Gibson", "Frederick George Room", "Frederick George Scott", "Ken Maynard", "James Towers", "Arthur Thomas Drinkwater", "Charles Wilson, 1st Baron Moran", "Emil Leeb", "David Nelson", "Aleksander Izdebski", "Kosta Pećanac", "Georges Journois", "Edward Łopatto", "Bela Lugosi", "Archimede Mischi", "Paul Kreft", "Luigi Olivi", "Erich von dem Bussche-Ippenburg", "Gerhard Schmidhuber", "Hans von Tschammer und Osten", "Oswald Wreford-Brown", "Nikolai Yanushkevich", "Roland Morillot", "Burford Sampson", "Ernst Neumann", "François Albert-Buisson", "Theodore Wright", "Albert Pagels", "Walter Lorrain Brodie", "Reinhard von Scheffer-Boyadel", "Hayk Ovsepyan", "Maurice Harland", "Walter Liebenthal", "Julius Boecker", "Julius Bockemüller", "Viktor Pokrovsky", "Stefan Edward Tomaszewski", "Edward Denman Clarke", "Adam Mokrzecki", "Chester Wright", "Alexander Kolb", "Arthur Frederick Dobbs", "Harold I. Johnston", "Muhittin Kurtiş", "Erich tho Rahde", "Karl Bomhard", "Edward Felix Norton", "A. Conger Goodyear", "André Fernet", "John Lamb", "Orville Lamplough", "Sydney Deamer", "Adolf Bauser", "Karl Egli", "Giovanni Favoino di Giura", "Otto Springborn", "Jim Ede", "Friedrich Kirchner", "Gerhard Ritter", "Cedric Blaker", "Frederick Donald MacKenzie", "Millard Harmon", "Wolf Justin Hartmann", "Andre Martenot de Cordou", "John W. O'Daniel", "Harry Lawrence Bradfer-Lawrence", "Alfred Fikentscher", "Ronald Mauduit", "Gotthold Dziewas", "Wilhelm Friedrich Heinrich Heidsiek", "Walther Froelich", "Jakob Willhardt", "Stan Dixon", "Christian Günther", "Johann Lessel", "Johann von Braun", "Max Bastian", "Billy Jarman", "William Benger", "Vasil Kutinchev", "John James Clements", "Joseph Lee", "Franciszek Skibiński", "Hans Oster", "Friedrich Olbricht", "Max Linder", "Norman Harold Moss", "Curt von Dewitz", "Cecil Rawling", "Raymond Leane", "Lechmere Thomas", "Aubert Frère", "James Meunier", "Aleksandar Protogerov", "Zygmunt Wenda", "William Aird-Smith", "Bernard Delaire", "Jean Ybarnegaray", "Franz Maria von Dalwigk zu Lichtenfels", "Llewelyn Hughes", "Bill Sewart", "Kristian Løken", "Erich von der Heyde", "Otto Harder", "Arthur Hill Gilbert", "Wilhelm Büchsel", "Wandalin Walewski", "Hans Bauszus", "Harald Freiherr von Elverfeldt", "Charlie Adamson", "David MacKay McGoun", "Guy Riley", "Walter Norris Congreve", "Cyprian Bystram", "Sidney Hatch", "Charles Kingsford Smith", "Ivan Dmitri", "Arthur von Bolfras", "Franz Rohr von Denta", "Edward Root", "Jan Budzianowski", "Edward Bulfin", "Sidney Cottle", "Hans-Wolfgang Reinhard", "Christopher James Alexander", "Paul Drekmann", "Billy Sandow", "Bud Flanagan", "Anton Schnack", "Richard Wünsch", "Stefan Żochowski", "David Forsyth Panton", "Georg Mappes", "Josef Steib", "Jan Władysław Lemański", "Jan Bervida", "Cooper Smeaton", "Archibald Stirling", "Charles P. Hutchins", "Hubert Rance", "Eugen Weißmann", "Max Obé", "Ronald Scobie", "Arthur Harvey", "Frank Pegram", "W. D. M. Bell", "Henryk Węglowski", "John Hill", "Ernst Albrecht", "Henry Keigwin", "Roy Hughes Williams", "Fabian Ware", "Hans Ullrich", "Richard Twining", "Frank Edward Young", "Oskar Kokoschka", "Léon de Witte de Haelen", "Fritz Breithaupt", "Paul Hermberg", "Cleante Davidoglu", "Douglas Marsden-Jones", "John Bell", "Daniel Sutherland", "Sadie Bonnell", "Adam Dulęba", "Władysław Dobrowolski", "Hermann Ochsner", "Friedrich von Esebeck", "Daniel Poole", "Alfred Gissing", "Gerald Ewart Nash", "Stan McKenzie", "Thomas Kenny", "George MacLeod", "Giordano Ottolini", "Jules-André Peugeot", "Herbert Plumer, 1st Viscount Plumer", "Friedrich Foertsch", "George von der Decken", "Hans Ponfick", "Leslie Maygar", "Leslie Marks", "Stanisław Ostrowski", "Wilbur M. White", "F. Van Wyck Mason", "Roger Ronserail", "Sir John Dick-Lauder, 11th Baronet", "Stiliyan Kovachev", "Arnold Herdlitczka", "Samuel E. Squires", "Ludwig Deubner", "Wilhelm Wilk-Wyrwiński", "Franciszek Koprowski", "Rewi Alley", "Heinrich Refardt", "Eligio Porcu", "Paul Tauber", "George Gates", "Charles James Freeborn", "Hugh Hornby", "Norval 'Pat' Dooley", "Walter Ortlepp", "H. Freeman Matthews", "John Charles Vivian", "Ferdo Kozak", "Stanisław Bobrowski", "Mick Mannock", "Edwin A. Clear", "Antonio Greppi", "Karl Christ", "Karl C. King", "Hermann Beeg", "Fernand Guyou", "Wilhelm Baur", "Arnaldo Berni", "Hanns Oberlindober", "Franz Hofmeister", "Heinrich Koenige", "Elvin Ralph Heiberg", "Dragoljub Jeličić", "Myron Tarnavsky", "Jakub Krzemieński", "Max Sell", "Bayume Mohamed Husen", "Karl-Jesco von Puttkamer", "Harris George Rogers", "Cesco Tomaselli", "Edward Mellish", "Franz Büchner", "Petar Darvingov", "Bernard Keith Young", "Bernard Edward Cooke Dixon", "Wilhelm Meendsen-Bohlken", "Francis Bacon", "Walter Erdmann", "Walter Carey", "Clive Crowley", "Walter Heinemann", "Władysław Maluszycki", "Clifford Percy Evans", "Vincenzo Carbone", "Sir Geoffrey Cory-Wright, 3rd Baronet", "Viktorin Molchanov", "Augustus Paget", "Sigmund Strauß", "Konstantin Kalinin", "Wilhelm Kotz von Dobrz", "Karl Feitenhansl", "Julio Goslar", "Robert Emmet Callan", "Edmund Hoffmeister", "Harold F. Blum", "Émile Dossin de Saint-Georges", "Alois Schönburg-Hartenstein", "Neil Kensington Adam", "Heinrich Jöckel", "Harry Hoppe", "Walter Scheller", "Gusztáv Jány", "Božidar Adžija", "Paul Gerlach", "Ubaldo Degli Uberti", "Oskar Eckholt", "Karol Durski-Trzaska", "Marcel Petiot", "Francis Harvey", "Ioan Dimăncescu", "Ludwig Winter", "Kurt Graebe", "Bruno von Salomon", "Harold Hitz Burton", "Kenneth Crawford", "George William Burdett Clare", "George William Bulmer", "George William Chafer", "Constantin von Weiß", "Alfonso Morini", "Benno von Millenkovich", "Paul Otto Geibel", "Heinz von Hennig", "Ludwig Hauß", "Eckhard von Geyso", "Brudenell White", "Cesare Pettorelli Lalatta", "Wilhelm Rümann", "Oskar Schmieder", "Werner Gerlach", "Bertie Rosier", "Oliver Lyttelton, 1st Viscount Chandos", "Sir Ronald Ross, 2nd Baronet", "Matthias Ladurner-Parthanes", "Eric Fisher Wood", "Maurice Floquet", "Joseph-Henri Guiguet", "Otto Dietrich", "Frank P. Lahm", "Arthur Hutt", "Dietrich von Jagow", "Josef Pürer", "Walter Schoeller", "Shorty Green", "Samuel Harvey", "Karl Lönneker", "Harry Morris", "Madison Cooper", "Gaëtan Bonnier", "Thomas Sutherland", "Augustus Agar", "Walter Rinke", "Redfield Proctor, Jr.", "Sergei Belosselsky-Belozersky", "Charles Michael, Duke of Mecklenburg", "Karl Justus Obenauer", "Karl Geiler", "Frano Supilo", "Josef Schwendemann", "Albert Kost", "James Anderson Slater", "Allan Ivo Steel", "Ernest Calvin Williams", "Ioan Herescu", "Georg Drozdowski", "Alfons von Bram", "Geoffrey Moss", "John W. Reeves, Jr.", "Charles Nollet", "Eccard Freiherr von Gablenz", "Hans Fritzsche", "Keith Doig", "Albert Gayer", "Bert Calwell", "Les Carbarns", "Harold Balfour, 1st Baron Balfour of Inchrye", "Lothar Steuer", "Hans Benda", "Gerhard Matzky", "Kurt Pflugbeil", "David Hughes-Morgan", "Carl Vaugoin", "Vivian Hunter Galbraith", "Tadeusz Florczak", "Francesco Colombo", "Tadeusz Sas-Zubrzycki", "Teodor Leon Zaniewski", "Władysław Zachorowski", "Jan Wołowiec", "Stanisław Wilczyński", "Marian Michał Weryński", "Cyril Crowe", "Cyril Cooke", "Cyril Connell, Snr.", "Gheorghe Georgescu", "Harry Hines Woodring", "Guy Henry", "Alexander Grantham", "Pierre Pendaries", "George Latham", "Thomas Maltby", "Hristo Chernopeev", "Arthur Dalzell, 13th Earl of Carnwath", "Nicola Bonservizi", "Nicola Bellomo", "Percy Scott", "Erwin Böhme", "André Serot", "Carl Friedrich Goerdeler", "Norman Harvey", "Otto Tief", "Harry Alexander", "Curt Wiebel", "Curt Wittje", "Donald Alexander Macdonald", "Tadeusz Pszonczak", "Elmer Burnham", "Cyril Oscar Lawrence", "Ellis Stones", "John Joseph Mathews", "William Glynne Charles Gladstone", "Kurt Versock", "Cassin Young", "Harold Goodman Shoemaker", "Decio Raggi", "George A. Paddock", "Thomas Langford-Sainsbury", "Émile Bréhier", "Stuart Gilbert", "Hermann Ried", "Władysław Dąbrowski", "Briant H. Wells", "John Alexander", "Karl-Sigismund Litzmann", "Robert Leckie", "George Boyd-Rochfort", "Daniel Isom Sultan", "Hanns Braun", "Franz Marent", "Alan Louis Eggers", "James M. Cain", "Andrew Davis Bruce", "Maxwell Murray", "William Holmes", "Georges Revers", "Frederick Ogilvie", "Eduard Dransfeld", "Dealtry Charles Part", "Jesse P. Wolcott", "Fritz Klingmüller", "Karl von Roques", "Erich Klapproth", "Robert Sturges", "Joseph von Radowitz", "Horace Hood", "Hans Ehelolf", "Rupert Balfe", "Friedrich Jeckeln", "Stasys Nastopka", "Josef Suwelack", "Marcel Lobelle", "Harry von Wright", "Marian Zyndram-Kościałkowski", "Stefan Majewski", "Alex Herlein", "Edward Bridges, 1st Baron Bridges", "Jacob Rivers", "William David Ross", "Ignaty Nikolayevich Maydel", "Shelley Scarlett, 5th Baron Abinger", "Edmund Charaszkiewicz", "Louis de Broglie", "Richard Foerster", "Paul Piechowski", "William Francis Howe", "Fulgence Charpentier", "Arno Moyzischewitz", "Xawery Czernicki", "Werner Kienitz", "Mihail Jora", "Ludwig Uhland", "William Hamilton Fyfe", "Adam Dembicki von Wrocień", "Josef Drexel", "Louis Massignon", "James A. Dombrowski", "Narcyz Witczak-Witaczyński", "A. S. J. Carnahan", "Gustav Boehmer", "Janusz Rowiński", "Antonino Toscano", "Stearne Tighe Edwards", "Kiyokazu Abo", "Franz Grüner", "Heinrich Recke", "Grigore Cugler", "Ferdinand Cavendish-Bentinck, 8th Duke of Portland", "Cecil Edward Bingham", "Charles de Vendeville", "Gustav Kleikamp", "Frank Edwards", "Hans Ellenbeck", "Elmer Austin Benson", "Kurt Bretting", "Paul Krannhals", "Hedworth Meux", "Fritz Bingemer", "Thilo von Seebach", "Douglas MacInnes Shaw", "Giulio Camber Barni", "Carl Berendsen", "Alfred Gerrard", "Vyacheslav Tkachov", "Paul Angelescu", "Marquis Johann von Pallavicini", "George Mackinolty", "John Moyney", "Günther von Reibnitz", "Hans Ernst Posse", "Kurt Alverdes", "Hermann Noack", "Eustace Maude, 7th Viscount Hawarden", "Hermann Pfeiffer", "Flavio Baracchini", "Franz Gräser", "Millard F. Caldwell", "Edward John Thye", "Charles Gibbs", "Willy Ziegler", "Wilbur J. Peterkin", "Kurt von Priesdorff", "Prince Adalbert of Prussia", "Oscar Griswold", "Emil Fey", "John Stanhope Collings-Wells", "Harold Ridley Hooper", "Graham Beresford Parkinson", "Peter Alexander", "Arthur French, 5th Baron de Freyne", "Edwin Howard Armstrong", "Horace Smith-Dorrien", "Stuart Rawlins", "Stuart Rawlins", "Ömer Lütfi Yasan", "St. Clair Streett", "James Dennis Payne", "Aaron R. Fisher", "Frank Alberry", "Walter Arthur Reek", "Gustav Leidenroth", "Ivor D. Fenton", "Emil Prochaska", "Robert McBeath", "Pál Prónay", "Kurt Erdmann", "Kurt Schneider", "E. L. M. Burns", "Hamilton Harty", "Louis Colson", "Antonio Panella", "Salih Bozok", "Arnaldo Azzi", "Louis Leisler Kiep", "Hec Yeomans", "Frank Ormond Soden", "Adolf Altmann", "Giovanni Gronchi", "Eric Clifford", "Keen Johnson", "Thomas Erskine Wardle", "Creed C. Hammond", "Cecil Romer", "Otto J. Emme", "Georg von Ebert", "Wilhelm Bach", "Hermann Florstedt", "Ernst von Forstner", "Alexander Ramsay", "Augustus Orlebar", "Andrew Beauchamp-Proctor", "Bernardo Barbiellini Amidei", "Anton-Reichard Freiherr von Mauchenheim genannt Bechtolsheim", "Alf Williamson", "Michał Gnoiński", "Theodor Haubach", "Walter Poppe", "Herbie Taylor", "Pierre-Paul Bonnet", "Will Cuppy", "Károly Pap", "Werner von Boltenstern", "Josef Emprechtinger", "Bevil Rudd", "Kurt Marval", "Graham Thomson Lyall", "Alban Curteis", "Leo Geyr von Schweppenburg", "Wilhelm Karl, Duke of Urach", "William Joseph Jordan", "Stylianos Gonatas", "Fritz Wächtler", "Arthur Văitoianu", "Harry Beadles", "Arno Nagel", "Bruno Georges", "Harold R. Harris", "Max Knipping", "Scott Duncan", "George William Goddard", "Frederick Galleghan", "Konstantinos Manetas", "Charles G. Dawes", "Francis Clere Hitchcock", "Roger Noiret", "Frank Gleich", "Lawrence R. Larsen", "Hans Langsdorff", "Marcel Casadesus", "Julius von Bernuth", "Erwin Waßner", "Otto Brües", "Ronald Penney", "Mehmet Nâzım Bey", "Mehmet Sabri Erçetin", "Victor Arnautoff", "Wilhelm Wegener", "Antoine Pinay", "Henry Tureman Allen", "Kilian Koll", "Paul Kiss", "Edmund Lober von Karstenrod", "Walter Keller", "John William Streets", "Kenneth Edgeworth", "Edwyn Sandys Dawes Martin", "Makarios Petrov", "Troy H. Middleton", "Henry H. Arnold", "Maurice Graham English", "Denzil Fortescue, 6th Earl Fortescue", "Alain de Fayolle", "William Havelock Ramsden", "Mikhail Safonov", "Percy Ernst Schramm", "Józef Klicze", "Hart Goodloe", "Giuseppe Fioravanzo", "Harold Iremonger", "Algernon Kingscote", "John Paton", "Jean-Marie Guastavino", "Gustav Oexle", "Donald Boumphrey", "Sir Charles Price", "Charles Francis Laseron", "Casey Loomis", "Helmuth Albrecht", "Albert J. Connors", "Ernst Lindenbauer", "Paul Y. R. Waddington", "Hermann Foertsch", "Johannes Mayer", "Zakaria Bakradze", "Thomas Hope Troubridge", "Siegfried Taubert", "Erich Otto Volkmann", "Hans Zinsser", "Wenzel Zrust", "Rudolf Andersch", "Keith Henderson", "Doyle Overton Hickey", "Hans Hartleben", "Charles-Gustave Hanote", "Paul Conrath", "Savielly Tartakower", "Dietrich Niebuhr", "John Loder", "Gotthard Sachsenberg", "Kazimierz Hozer", "Henryk Koiszewski", "Werner Schmuck", "Cyril Biddulph", "Cyril Blacklock", "Roger Casement", "Victor Warrender, 1st Baron Bruntisfield", "Victor White", "Franz Mayr", "Alwin Wolz", "Dušan Dimitrijević-Dule", "Henryk Kozanecki", "Wilhelm Fonk", "Charles Wister Groff", "Arthur Emmanuel Espivent de La Villesboisnet", "Wilhelm Humser", "Friedrich Bolte", "Raoul Van Overstraeten", "Arthur Barrett", "Kurt Wegner", "Johannes Stein", "John Alcock", "A. Barr Snively", "Philip Vian", "Clifford Sadlier", "Kazimierz Burczak", "Kazimierz Burzyński", "Frank Lukeman", "Percy S. Prince", "Lazare Ponticelli", "Hasso von Wedel", "Walter Cramer", "Alfred Brauer", "Fred Bullock", "Brian Kimmins", "Stefan Pomarański", "James Bulmer Johnson", "Oren Rose", "Ewald Bruhn", "Tadeusz Prauss", "Georg Oberdieck", "Edward Fanshawe", "Siegfried Handloser", "Otto Born", "Albano Jacobi", "Walter von Hagens", "Herbert Asquith", "Emil Schultz", "Carl Schönemann", "Andrew Mosley", "Fred Lessons", "Thilo von Bose", "David Thomas Worrall", "Edmund B. Gregory", "John Crowder", "Władysław Eugeniusz Heller", "Hans Jeschonnek", "Arthur Holworthy", "Jacques Missoffe", "Alfred Coupillaud", "Louis Marx", "William T. Fitzsimons", "Juliusz Schauder", "Arthur Arzt", "John Keith Bousfield", "C. C. Moseley", "Erich von Schickfus und Neudorff", "D.P. Thomson", "Theodor Steche", "Hans-Erich Voss", "St.John Louis Hyde du Plat Taylor", "Fritz Kling", "Otto Schniewind", "Maximilian von Herff", "Wilhelm Henning", "Hugh Joseph Gaffey", "Nikolaus zu Dohna-Schlodien", "Maurice Chevalier", "Ludwig Kaiser", "Feliks Gross-Korczyński", "Herbert Heath", "Ray Greenwood", "Karl Weisenberger", "John Meikle", "Stefan Loth", "Dennis Latimer", "Douglas Carbery", "Hans-Günther von Rost", "Hans-Georg Leyser", "Domenico Cavagnari", "Pierre Drieu La Rochelle", "Vincenzo De Feo", "Eduard Bartels", "Kārlis Egle", "Paul Danhauser", "Henri Gaudier-Brzeska", "Angus L. Bonnycastle", "Gordon Mathison", "Alfred Wood", "Edward Challenor", "Keith Caldwell", "Adolf Hitler", "Jan Sadowski", "John Loder, 2nd Baron Wakehurst", "Reginald Byng Stephens", "Joachim Rohleder", "William Hamilton", "Hermann Barnbeck", "Carl Jess", "Enoch Herbert Crowder", "Joseph Cookman", "Erich Schulte Mönting", "Józef Przygodzki", "James Duffy", "Martial Valin", "Charles Vere Ferrers Townshend", "Henry Edward Manning Douglas", "Gustav Bertram", "Theodor Michelis", "Oscar Linkson", "Vernon Sturdee", "Heinrich Gebhardt", "François Masnou", "Melvyn I. Cronin", "Herbert Fischer", "Norbert Henning", "Karl von Pflanzer-Baltin", "Kurt Westernhagen", "Harry Gildea", "Hugh Logan", "Max Valier", "Fritz Anders", "Jack Cohen", "Willy Marienfeld", "Marcel Vardelle", "Gustav Friedrich Meyer", "Jakob Kinau", "Prince Arthur of Connaught", "Charles Owen Stone", "Pierce Charles de Lacy O'Mahony", "Günther Lütjens", "Hans Grüneberg", "B. Carroll Reece", "Darwan Singh Negi", "Heinrich Wandt", "Wilhelm Wigand", "Rosslyn Wemyss, 1st Baron Wester Wemyss", "Wilhelm Reinhard", "William Fechteler", "Eugeniusz Żongołłowicz", "Attilio Teruzzi", "Sıtkı Üke", "Marcel Ihler", "Franz Demuth", "Alajos Bruckner", "Kazimierz Schally", "Roman Władysław Szymański", "Peregrine Cust, 6th Baron Brownlow", "Józef Nazarewicz", "Nicolas Charles Chomer", "Hans Plischke", "Wilhelm Mackeben", "Giuseppe Peverelli", "Reidar Waaler", "Antoine Rivard", "Hubert Naendrup", "Otto Jäger", "Aleksandr Kushchev", "Oscar Gnosspelius", "Józef Szyfter", "Paul M. Herbert", "George Allison", "Carl Frederick Falkenberg", "Carl Frederick Holden", "Graham Bladon", "Arthur Hurst", "Ossie Solem", "Heinrich Bürcky", "Hugo von Abercron", "William Leveson-Gower, 4th Earl Granville", "Evelyn Achille de Rothschild", "Hans Lipps", "Freddie Welsh", "Robert McCalmont", "Boyd Merriman, 1st Baron Merriman", "Donato Etna", "William Carey Cole", "Stanisław Biega", "Erich Krenkel", "Charles Longcroft", "Clarence Spiegel", "William Mariner", "William M. Corry, Jr.", "August Gottwald", "George W. Bond", "Richard Hellmuth Goldschmidt", "Oskar von Ehrenthal", "John William Ormsby", "Ernst Boepple", "József Grassy", "Frederick Brune", "André Corap", "Klemens Remer", "Friedrich Georg Karl Cassebohm", "Wilhelm Staedel", "Bertie Felstead", "Franz Vogelsang", "Fergus Morton, Baron Morton of Henryton", "David Jones", "Franciszek Szafran", "Friedrich Christiansen", "Joseph Mauborgne", "Hans Freiherr von Funck", "Friedrich-Wilhelm Müller", "Marcus Niebuhr Tod", "Otto Preinitzer", "Emil Vogel", "Józef Hornberger", "Reinhold Heller", "Pat Hone", "Franz Hemer", "Archie A. Peck", "Franz Barckhausen", "Cecil Street", "Edgar von Schmidt-Pauli", "Edgar von Spiegel von und zu Peckelsheim", "Yakima Canutt", "Wilfred Beaver", "Miroslav Navratil", "Grgur Ristić", "Paul Max Funfack", "Thomas Cantrell Dugdale", "Franz Müller-Frerich", "Arthur Heß", "Zdzisław Józef Groele", "James Hazen Hyde", "Jakob Schmitt", "Peter Hofbauer", "Leslie Gossage", "Kurt Forstreuter", "Mikhail Velikanov", "Major M. Hillard", "Alain-Fournier", "Austin Osman Spare", "Erich Ernst", "Štefan Hozjan", "Lucjan Józef Kępiński", "Keith Arbuthnott, 15th Viscount of Arbuthnott", "Mario Ajmone Cat", "Leslie Orme Wilson", "William Spurrett Fielding-Johnson", "Piotr Bouzoun", "Alexandre Nikolaïevitch Tretiakov", "Harold R. Peat", "Robert Görlinger", "Fred Everest Banbury", "Frederick George Dancox", "George Findlater", "İsmail Hakkı Bey", "Louis-Gaston Zopff", "Augustin Novák", "Frank Godfrey", "Louis Jouvet", "Stephan Engel", "Alfred Anderson", "Merrill W. Harris", "Martin Eugen Ekström", "Smilin' Ed McConnell", "Mortimer R. Proctor", "Mariusz Zaruski", "Said Nursî", "Reginald Mills", "Mehmet Suphi Kula", "Józef Ekkert", "Gerard Wallop, 9th Earl of Portsmouth", "Kurt Wahle", "Richard John", "Harold Wagstaff", "Francis Brett Young", "Florence Green", "Henry Tandey", "Hugh Dalton", "Harry Moorhouse", "Sidney Cecil Robinson", "Heinrich Mehrhof", "Henryk Juliusz Krukowicz-Przedrzymirski", "Anton Irv", "Hans Ebeling", "Gordon R. Lawson", "Anthony Eden", "Viktor Nikitin", "Walter Sutton", "Mario Nicolis di Robilant", "William Havard", "Wincenty Kaczyński", "Paul Withington", "Harry C. Solomon", "Roger Poupon", "Ernest Seaman", "Carleton Allen", "Gustave Paul Lacapelle", "Hermann Juhnke", "David Ogilvy, 12th Earl of Airlie", "Eugenio Montale", "David Weitzman", "Harry D. Payne", "Hunter Scarlett", "Robert Ley", "Stanley Eric Reinhart", "Jean Jacques de Butler", "Daniel Evans", "Irving Fish", "Umberto Utili", "Eduard Ritter von Schleich", "Raymond Collishaw", "Wilhelm Augustin Balthasar-Wolfradt", "Karl Berckmüller", "Arthur Waite", "Panagiotis Spiliotopoulos", "Frank Dobson", "Ernst Hasse", "Anton Dostler", "Stanley Savige", "Louis Dartige du Fournet", "George Kemp, 1st Baron Rochdale", "Phil Boutelje", "Heinrich Geigl", "James G. Crichton", "William Cozens-Hardy, 2nd Baron Cozens-Hardy", "Bernard Leandri", "Arthur Finger", "Paul Hocheisen", "Frank Saldo", "W. B. R. King", "John Metcalfe", "Wilhelm Petzold", "Henry Bertram Price", "Walter J. Donnelly", "Mieczysław Starzyński", "Kurt von Burgsdorff", "Arthur Heneage", "Harry Murray", "Ludwig Breßler", "Percy Rodriguez", "Clifford R. Hope", "Christopher Augustus Cox", "Grant E. Mouser, Jr.", "Francis Weatherby", "Wilhelm Burgdorf", "Friedrich Dollmann", "Hans Krebs", "Norman Holmes", "Benjamin Roxburgh-Smith", "Kazimierz Poschinger", "James Lennox Dawson", "James Lennox", "Otto Thiel", "Philip Babington", "Vittorio Tedesco Zammarano", "Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa", "William Glanville", "Edward F. Younger", "William Crozier", "Julius Leber", "Herbert Haydon Wilson", "John Gaimes", "Max Schwobe", "Max Schütz", "Ralph Shields", "Archibald E. Olpp", "Arthur Daehnke", "Władysław Frączek", "Hubert Weise", "Bonaventura Tecchi", "Edward Brittain", "Bernard Donaghy", "Bernard Dillon", "George Bower", "Berkeley Vincent", "Wolfgang Jaenicke", "Hans von Hößlin", "Robert Morrow", "Kazimierz Porębski", "Hans Böhmcker", "John Grover", "Harold Corbett", "Cyril Raikes", "William Holmes", "Erich von Oldershausen", "Erich von Redern", "Maurice Le Glay", "Paul Hahn", "Hüseyin Avni Zaimler", "William Guy Carr", "Hubertus Lamey", "Artur Köllensperger", "Bertrand Stewart", "Fritz Kleiner", "Fritz Klein", "Rhys Rhys-Williams", "Alfred Meyer-Waldeck", "Andrew McKee", "Albert Reich", "Bernard Warburton-Lee", "Nikolai Skoblin", "Walerian Młyniec", "Paul Mewis", "Walter Scheibert", "Paul Gensel", "Aleksej Vasiljevič Afanasjev", "Karl Weber", "Lewis Williams Douglas", "August Belmont, Jr.", "Forsythe Charles Clowdsley", "Erich Drescher", "Stefan Leukos-Kowalski", "Douglas Cameron", "Sidney E. Manning", "Montgomery M. Taylor", "Archibald Bisset Smith", "Ernst Leman", "John Argentine Campbell", "Hobart R. Gay", "Helmut Bechler", "Georg Meindl", "Charles Alexander Anderson", "Gordon Macready", "Cliff Burge", "Edward Charlton", "Bernhard von Gaza", "Waldemar von Dazur", "James Lovell", "Gotthard Jäschke", "Georges Braque", "Giulio Aristide Sartorio", "Hans Joachim von Brockhusen", "Erich Schröder", "Árpád Tamásy von Fogaras", "Bruce Lang", "Homer C. Parker", "David Robinson", "Edward William Charles Noel", "Robert Alexander", "Robert Alfred Theobald", "George Cecil Woodruff", "Stefan Frankowski", "Wilhelm Reinhard", "Samson L. Faison", "Brian Bingay Edwards", "George Wootten", "Henry Kelly", "William C. Ocker", "Carl August Otto Franz", "Merton Beckwith-Smith", "Aubrey de Sélincourt", "Heino von Rantzau", "Terry de la Mesa Allen", "Fritz-Georg von Rappard", "Denis Auguste Duchêne", "John Longley", "Colin Pearson, Baron Pearson", "Adolf Wolf", "Robert Mackay Stodart", "Ivan Sovetnikov", "Auckland Geddes, 1st Baron Geddes", "Clement Robertson", "Eckart von Naso", "Harry King Goode", "Hans Gutermuth", "Philip Merlan", "W. Garfield Case", "Zygmunt Rylski", "W. Garfield Weston", "Alfred Gaby", "Arno Hübner", "Helmuth Beukemann", "Richard M. Russell", "Mitrofan Nejentsev", "Fritz Geisler", "Walter Maschke", "Karol Doczkał", "Henri Hay De Slade", "Mikhail Mikeladze", "Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen Gibb", "Alphonse Juin", "Johann Georg von Dewitz", "John Pratt, 4th Marquess Camden", "Wilburt S. Brown", "Hubert Messenböck", "Jack Needham", "Herbert William Jackson", "Hans-Joachim Buddecke", "Kurt Matthaei", "Ludwig Frank", "Charles R. Forbes", "Hans Gollwitzer", "Josef Wagner", "Claude Vincent", "Gabriel Auphan", "Charles Higginbotham", "Stanisław Szurlej", "Sir William Napier, 3rd Baronet", "François de Rochechouart", "Franz Galen", "Karl Strassmayr", "Robert Neyland", "Umberto Cagni", "John Wesley Snyder", "Josef Seydel", "Alan Bott", "Jean Jules Henri Mordacq", "Howard Stafford", "Hartwig von Eichendorff", "Ditko Aleksić", "Roy Burston", "Ryszard Zacharski", "Herbert Joseph Larkin", "Werner Kluge", "Curt Hoff", "Oscar Rennebohm", "Charles Jocelyn Hambro", "Bill Brunier", "Clarence Page Townsley", "Brock Chisholm", "Thomas Enright", "John Bisdee", "Kazimierz Kaciukiewicz", "Cevat Abbas Gürer", "Samuel Calvert", "Stanisław Adamski", "Helmuth von Pannwitz", "Friedrich Christian, Margrave of Meissen", "Prince Ludwig Ferdinand of Bavaria", "Miles Dempsey", "Charlie Pritchard", "Helmut Hasse", "Walter Gibbs, 4th Baron Aldenham", "Henry Howard, 19th Earl of Suffolk", "Stanisław Lubiński", "Karl Brand", "Bob Meusel", "Claggett Wilson", "Henry Hugh Tudor", "Hans Höfer", "Charles Cudemore", "Gyula Gömbös", "Walter Neumann-Silkow", "Beauchamp Doran", "Rudolf Francke", "Ronald Skirth", "Nicholas Kove", "Wojciech Bursa", "Karl Fouquet", "Carl Alexander von Riepenhausen", "August Winter", "Wilfred Dolby Fuller", "Wilfred Curtis", "Wilfred Custance", "Arnold Kalle", "Bo McMillin", "Ben F. Jensen", "Karol Piegza", "Albert Buchmann", "John Herbert Hall", "Adolf Weitkunat", "Johannes Hintz", "Thomas Bowler", "Giovanni Host-Venturi", "William St Clair Grant", "Alvin C. York", "Michel Carlini", "Karl Borries", "Leon C. Phillips", "Velin Alaykov", "Robert Baumann", "George Arthur Howson", "Rudolf von Eichthal", "Miklós Horthy", "Jean Andre Pezon", "Arthur Edward Ochse", "Lord Andrew Montagu Douglas Scott", "Paul-Frédéric Rollet", "Otto Friemel", "Leonard Arthur Christian", "Adolf Hamann", "Prince Aimone, Duke of Aosta", "Emanuel Quirini", "Alfred Heurtaux", "Fritz Kühne", "Philippe Le Corbeiller", "Ettore Giuria", "Karl Ritter von Halt", "Harold Mackintosh, 1st Viscount Mackintosh of Halifax", "Theo Benesch", "Johann Kantschuster", "Aleksander Janisz", "Ewen Paul Cameron", "Samuel Herbert Wilson", "Frazier Reams", "Victor Goybet", "Leon Wiatr", "Pete Parker", "Henry Tonks", "Alojzy Winiarski", "Humfrey Gale", "Karl Talazko", "William Demarest", "Joe Harris", "Wilhelm Johann Peter Schwinn", "Jim Bowman", "Percy Laurie", "Richard Oesterheld", "Józef Koczwara", "Józef Kojder", "Józef Kobyłecki", "Tay Garnett", "Julius Busa", "Justus Grassmann", "Arthur Gall", "Harold Hubbard", "Ernest Brooks", "Georg Lebrecht", "William G. Everson", "Charles Franklin Hildebrand", "Frank Lindley", "Kurt Kaul", "James H. Glennon", "Richard Raymond Willis", "Herbert King-Hall", "Willoughby Norrie, 1st Baron Norrie", "Edgar William Cox", "Arthur Walderne St Clair Tisdall", "William Allan Hailes", "Fritz Haase", "Frederick Daniel Parslow", "Wolfgang von Plotho", "Daniel R. Edwards", "Tuss McLaughry", "Sir Charles Monro, 1st Baronet", "Hans Bodo von Alvensleben-Neugattersleben", "Sidney Clayton Woodroffe", "Sidney Clive", "Albert Gourlay", "Reg Callender", "Tommy Callaghan", "Mieczysław Sokół-Szahin", "Caesar von Hofacker", "Joseph Carlebach", "Kazimierz Cybulski", "Ernst Bischoff-Culm", "Bill Tilman", "Paul Marchandeau", "Kurt Sperling", "Kurt von Plettenberg", "Corrado Mazzoni", "Ulysses S. Grant III", "Victor Klemperer", "Albert Holmes", "Hans Schmidt", "Elliott Buckmaster", "Dietrich Kraiß", "Hermann Voss", "Carl Becker", "Geary Eppley", "August Burkard", "William Gladstone Agnew", "August Bischof", "Alexander I of Yugoslavia", "Emil Schneider", "Allan Noel Minns", "Charles FitzClarence", "David Tennant Cowan", "Siegfried Verhein", "Zygmunt Strzelecki", "Heinrich Kayser", "Heinrich Gottfried von Vietinghoff-Scheel genannt Scheel", "Heinrich Lindner", "Percy Hansen", "Henri Alby", "Wehib Pasha", "Thompson Capper", "Tahsin Yazıcı", "Ennis Whitehead", "Charles Davidson Dunbar", "Umberto Cerboni", "Radu Lecca", "Thomas Washington", "Maurice Boyau", "Alex Barrie", "Louis Bazire", "Philip Gregson-Ellis", "Bernard Charles Hartley", "Moubray St John, 19th Baron St John of Bletso", "Hugh MacDiarmid", "Heinrich Bramesfeld", "Karl Sax", "Walther Buhle", "John Edmund Greene", "Lloyd Brown", "David M. Peterson", "Ronald Fellowes, 2nd Baron Ailwyn", "Hope Crisp", "Julian Scherner", "Victor Odlum", "Melvin C. Snyder", "Vivian Loyd", "Henry Pedris", "W.C.V. Galwey", "Roy Royston", "Hans-Karl von Scheele", "William Ledyard Rodgers", "Fitzroy Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe", "Spencer John Bent", "Ralph Chubb", "Erwin Zajicek", "Sir Cullum Welch, 1st Baronet", "Douglas Clark", "Eduard von Liebert", "Max Westphal", "Hans Hecker", "Loretta Perfectus Walsh", "Victor Linart", "Frederick Shedden", "Aleksander Jasiński-Sas", "Theodore E. Chandler", "Hamilton Coolidge", "Andrei Zayonchkovski", "Wasilij Kriuczenkin", "Otto Messmer", "Semyon Aralov", "Johnny Coulon", "Franz von Soden", "Tadeusz Żuliński", "David Robertson", "Howard Saint", "Oskar Schwerk", "Franciszka Arnsztajnowa", "Vic Richardson", "Paul Brodek", "Mamert Stankiewicz", "Roy J. Turner", "Herbert G. Hopwood", "Gerald Ridley", "Neil Ritchie", "Wilhelm von Krosigk", "Otto Lehmann", "Alberto Del Bono", "Emilio Canevari", "Tuffy Conn", "Stuart N. Lake", "Archibald Montgomerie, 16th Earl of Eglinton", "Michał Borowski", "Nikolay Dukhonin", "Sturley Simpson", "Jan Włodarkiewicz", "Pedro del Valle", "John Maxwell", "Stanislav Krakov", "Stanisław Perko", "Stanisław Pelc", "Elie Boe", "Stuart Heintzelman", "Anton Neuß", "Peter Johnstone", "Sir John Esmonde, 14th Baronet", "John Ripley", "Ernst Fischer", "Charles R. Codman", "Adolf Ritter von Tutschek", "Günther von Kirchbach", "David Norris", "Edward D. Crippa", "Manu Leumann", "Heinrich Carlsohn", "Karl Ritscherle", "Bernard DeVoto", "Walter Steineck", "Frank Albert Picard", "Alexander Burton", "Gottlob Müller", "Arthur John Palliser", "Sadullah Güney", "Wilhelm Falley", "William Carlton Woods", "Mike Mansfield", "André Robert Lévy", "Charles Loewen", "Guy Smith", "Ernest Broșteanu", "Morgan John Winthrop O'Donovan", "Wilhelm Knochenhauer", "Wilhelm Huber", "Wilhelm Dietrich", "Wilhelm Hammer", "Hermann Böckel", "Fritz Popp", "Heinie Elder", "Alfred Kirchner", "Frederick Britnell", "Jerzy Kuszel", "Edward Turnour, 6th Earl Winterton", "Franz von Schmidt", "Walter Feilchenfeld", "Pierre Cardon", "Melbourne Thomas", "Rudolf Saliger", "Harold C. Cloudman", "William Purdon", "Charles Evans Hughes, Jr.", "Joel R. P. Pringle", "Foster Waterman Stearns", "George Nicholson Bradford", "Edmund Trinkl", "Sigmund Graff", "Pardey Lukis", "Robert Elliott Burns", "Antonio Gandin", "William Bridgeford", "Augustin Édouard Michel du Faing d'Aigremont", "Wilhelm Adam", "Charles Napier", "Harry H. Johnson", "Tommaso Gulli", "Konrad Kraehe", "Horst Dreßler-Andreß", "Guglielmo Nasi", "Wilhelm Hartenstein", "Othmar Albrecht", "Samuel L. M. Barlow", "Ludwig Hautzmayer", "Albert Levy", "François d'Astier de La Vigerie", "Antoine Yvan", "Sydney G. Gumpertz", "Viktor Seiller", "Frank Kerr", "Frederick Frost", "Carl von Hoffman", "Ion Dragalina", "Robert R. McCormick", "William Cushion", "Charles George Gass", "Robin Dalglish", "Dudley Howard Ridout", "Dudley J. LeBlanc", "Berthold Ostertag", "Herb Hunter", "Kurt von der Chevallerie", "Frank Nelson", "Kurt Mälzer", "Friedrich Benary", "James Moles", "Rudolf Peters", "Michael Bruxner", "Mieczysław Dukiet", "David Monteath", "René Chambe", "Adam Henry Robson", "John French, 1st Earl of Ypres", "Alonzo Watson", "Felix Scheder-Bieschin", "Chester W. Goble", "Hans Beeck", "Hugo Gumpenberger", "Samuel Robison", "Leon Ulatowski", "Alban Arnold", "Leslie Cecil Lloyd Averill", "Martin Buchwald", "George Breeman", "George Pereira", "Karl von Stumpff", "George Ebrecht", "Weston Jarvis", "Józef Konrad Gorski", "Chester Thomas O'Brien", "Fritz Schäffer", "Maximilian Jais", "Hans Wegehaupt", "Gustav Schmidt", "Georg Lange", "Geoffrey Layton", "Jimmy Gordon", "Billy Parkes", "Thomas Fielden", "Charles Gordon Bell", "Aleksandr Vasilevsky", "Frank Wrentmore", "Ernst Werner Techow", "Johann Bauer", "Domenico Carbone", "Richard Raymond-Barker", "Daniel Vorländer", "Herbert Cecil Pugh", "James Martin", "Paul Poiret", "Wacław Dziewanowski", "Wacław Denhoff-Czarnocki", "Arthur Hulme", "Gustaf Dickhuth-Harrach", "Riccardo Di Giusto", "Hans Behlendorff", "Dmitri Parsky", "Ivan Boldin", "Werner Scheer", "Bedřich Hrozný", "Richard Graf von Schwerin", "Victor Christgau", "Lewis H. Brereton", "Robert Krauß", "Sylvester Boettrich", "Walter Yeo", "Christopher Lowther", "Albert Gregory Waller", "August Schmidt", "Emanuel Schäfer", "John Knox MacArthur", "Robert Fatou", "Kazimierz Chodkiewicz", "Vicco Bülow-Schwante", "Frederick Collins", "Paul Marie Mirouel", "John Wodehouse, 3rd Earl of Kimberley", "Clayton Marks", "Kurt von Fritz", "Kurt Lupin", "Otto Liman von Sanders", "Hans Lammers", "John F. O'Ryan", "Peter Conover Hains", "Henry Granville Sharpe", "Vincenzo Galasso", "Vladimir Dzhunkovsky", "Umberto Puppini", "Hans Heinrich Frodien", "Herbert Osterkamp", "Orlando Bridgeman", "William O. Eareckson", "Paul Kraske", "Henry Sclater", "Ernst Penner", "Owen Morshead", "William D. Mitchell", "Paul Fidrmuc", "Konstantin Biebl", "Bruno Huguenin", "Franz-Joseph zu Isenburg-Birstein", "Jack Sheffield", "Ernst Karl August Klemens von Mann", "George Prowse", "Walter Atlee Edwards", "Patrick Anthony Langan-Byrne", "Francesco Fausto Nitti", "Fénelon François Germain Passaga", "Alexandru Constantinidi", "Erwin Fues", "William T. Badham", "Joseph Lee Jayne", "Mieczysław Szymanowski", "B. N. Wilson", "Georges Destenave", "Albert Séverin Roche", "Karl Peschke", "Alexander Kazakov", "Kurt von Pritzelwitz", "Duncan Graham Ross", "Johann Georg Lampert", "Paul Boulet", "Georges Thenault", "Sutulov, Aleksandr Mihailovich", "Andrew C. Tychsen", "Paval Zhauryd", "Jack Cameron", "Henry de Montherlant", "Lloyd W. Williams", "Robert Palmer, 1st Baron Rusholme", "Charles W. Ryder", "Thomas Norman Jackson", "Rocca Petru", "Adolf Schuppel", "Max Burchardt", "Erich von Neindorff", "Adrien L. J. Leps", "Hans Kissel", "Hans Kamecke", "Giuliano Donati Petténi", "Gerald Birdwood Vaughan-Hughes", "Paul Détrie", "Siegmund Benigni", "Prince Adolf of Schaumburg-Lippe", "Wilhelm Dieckmann", "Alberto Acquacalda", "Angus Falconer Douglas-Hamilton", "William Fraser", "Karl von Hänisch", "Charles Pingle", "Arno Voigt", "Léon Rheims", "Edward John Mott", "Enrico Demma", "Karol Orłoś", "Hermann Bracher", "Hermann Esser", "Edward Hamilton", "Louis Müldner von Mülnheim", "Aleksandr Agarkov", "Rothesay Stuart Wortley", "Wilhelm Scherthanner", "Stephen Early", "Rudolf Mildner", "William C. McBrien", "Gerald Charles Dickens", "Felix Schwalbe", "Cecil Coles", "Joseph Kaeble", "Basil Brooke, 1st Viscount Brookeborough", "Richard Travis", "James Youll Turnbull", "Fox Conner", "Maurice Bailloud", "Alexander Scotland", "Fred Winchester Sladen", "Douglas Legate Howard", "Kalb Ali Khan", "Jamshid Nakhchivanski", "Konstanty Drucki-Lubecki", "Bolesław Matzner", "Robert Saundby", "Hermann Hofmeister", "James Chuter Ede", "Wolfgang Bartels", "Lambert Horn", "Hubert Wilkins", "Heinrich Vetter", "Wilhelm Kattwinkel", "Martin Moffat", "Karl Angerstein", "Maurice Arthur Pope", "Paul Sattelmacher", "John Guthrie Tait", "Georg Schumann", "Carl Hayden", "Karl Schweinle", "Vittorio Emanuele III", "Kenyon Nicholson", "Karl Kriso", "Sebastian Wenz", "Heinrich Fahrenbrach", "Eduard Buchner", "Armand Pinsard", "Bill Carmody", "Carl Anders", "Georg Arthur Boehm", "Oliver Baldwin, 2nd Earl Baldwin of Bewdley", "Hans Bethge", "Charlie Buchan", "Arkadi Maslow", "Hans von Tettau", "Philipp Fritsch", "Ivan Tyulenev", "Robert M. Sohngen", "Gabriel Guérin", "Townsend F. Dodd", "Kurt Jahn", "Kurt Herzog", "George Mark Davy", "Ludwig von Estorff", "Joseph Horace Shull", "Bill Madden", "Richard Phillimore", "Guy Sayer", "Guy Salisbury-Jones", "Gilbert Hackforth-Jones", "William M. Callaghan", "Kurt Brenneke", "Theodor Groppe", "Henry Berry", "Frederick C. Billard", "Jules Thorn", "George Hesselbacher", "Ryszard Żołędziowski", "Sabit Noyan", "Walter Gerlach", "Władysław Kulesza", "Lionel Sadleir-Jackson", "Rudolf Burmester", "Max von Behr", "Christopher Draper", "Heinrich Kliewe", "Otto Goebel", "Otto Ehrensberger", "Giorgio Pessi", "Otto Kühne", "Roland Pertwee", "Józef Herzog", "Mieczysław Teodorczyk", "Frederick Maurice Watson Harvey", "Rudolf Magnus", "Harold Bache", "Edgar Wedepohl", "Carl Hans Lody", "Georg Asmus Währer", "Charles Newcombe", "Franz von Papen", "Lucjan Frakowski", "Arthur Ferdinand Yencken", "Arthur Ferguson", "Arthur Smithells", "Hans Joseph Otto Matuschka", "Samuel Lomax", "Max von Schenckendorff", "Evelyn Seymour, 17th Duke of Somerset", "Kurt Pflieger", "Kurt Röpke", "Gerhard Schultze-Pfaelzer", "Richard Alexander Henderson", "Humphry Legge, 8th Earl of Dartmouth", "Robert von Zedlitz und Neukirch", "Duncan Mackinnon", "William Hope Hodgson", "Terence Battersby", "Tibor Szamuely", "Jack Harvey", "Maynard Sinclair", "Ed H. Campbell", "Victor Michel", "Joe McLauchlan", "Artur von Mecenseffy", "Roger Neville", "Caryl Bagot, 6th Baron Bagot", "Augustin Gérard", "Wiktor Jesipowicz", "Felix Langer", "John Eaton", "Mehmet Emin Çolakoğlu", "Dick Hoblitzel", "Clemente Primieri", "Michał Zienkiewicz", "Wilhelm von Haasy", "Hans Lunding", "George Kemball", "Wilhelm Paszkiewicz", "Wilhelm Popelka", "Friedrich Franz Adolf Louis Ferdinand von Stephani", "Johannes S. Anderson", "Richard Zimmer", "Karl Zech", "Thomas Lewis", "Gerald C. Thomas", "Leslie C. Arends", "Robert Downie", "Karl Ludwig d'Elsa", "Richard Wagenbauer", "John Gilbert Higgins", "Hubert Lyautey", "Jim Bonella", "Leopold Rosenak", "Adam Nadachowski", "Chester Stairs Duffus", "Solomon Blatt, Sr.", "Tommy Clare", "Adolf Schlettwein", "Ludwig Gümbel", "Leonid Gobyato", "Clough Williams-Ellis", "John Baxter Kinne", "Lothar Debes", "Georg Weiner", "John Eugène, 8th Count de Salis‐Soglio", "Pierre Abraham", "Hans von der Mosel", "Yakov Cherevichenko", "Georges Bruguier", "Paul Bazin", "Alexander Andreyevich Svechin", "Leon Shore", "Karl Fahrenhorst", "Paul Körner", "Albert D. Sturtevant", "Ignacy Kowalczewski", "Božidar Jakac", "Cyril Douglas-Pennant", "Victor Chapman", "Wilhelm Trabandt", "Peter Goggins", "Charles Wilson Dyson", "Selâhattin Âdil", "Aleksander Dmytrak", "Thomas Malcolm Layng", "Wilhelm Paul Schreiber", "Louis Prosper Gros", "Godfrey Paine", "Kazimierz Bogaczewicz", "Rodolfo Graziani", "Ernest Wild", "Eugène Lacomblé", "Jaroslav Hašek", "Eric Stuart Dougall", "Alfred Knox", "John William Cotter", "Kurt von Geitner", "Ștefan Mihail", "Kurt Schumacher", "Les Rogers", "Hans Heinrich Beyer", "Curt von Kronhelm", "Malcolm Kennedy", "Walter Höhndorf", "Walter Pidgeon", "George Davies", "Antonin Brocard", "Fritz Klasing", "Bertalan Pór", "Emil Theodor Stahl", "Charles Findlay", "Peter Mackin", "Marijan Varešanin", "Robert Hutchison, 1st Baron Hutchison of Montrose", "Franz Zaiser", "Samuel Kinkead", "Franciszek Lewcio", "Peter Hütgens", "Arthur Jarvis", "Kurt Wüsthoff", "William Carleton Watts", "Ernest Ellis", "Kurt Wilhelm Fromm", "William Symons", "Henry Eustace Guinness", "George H. Holmes", "Charalambos Tseroulis", "Antoni Longin Baranowski", "Artur Knick", "Alfred Vollard-Bockelberg", "Philipp Kleffel", "Harry Randall Truman", "Curt Siewert", "Aşir Atlı", "August Blencke", "Vincenz Müller", "Herbert Cox", "Domenico Siciliani", "Giorgio Pini", "Paweł Hajduk", "Mick Frawley", "Donato Manduzio", "Hans Degen", "Paul Emile Diou", "Gerhard Wagner", "August Perk", "Karl Irsa", "Karl Ingelöf", "Prince Eitel Friedrich of Prussia", "Piotr Abakanowicz", "Rolf Detmering", "Edward Travis", "Henri Frager", "Brian Edmund Baker", "Józef Rokicki", "Martin Berger", "Karol Świnarski", "Marcin Woyczyński", "Tic Forrester", "Jakob Pirro", "Witold Wartha", "William Hale-White", "Hermann Burkowitz", "Marian Warmuzek", "Janusz Iliński", "Thomas J. Herbert", "Moylan McDonnell", "Walter Eucken", "Gustav Bachmann", "Frank Neale", "Richard Lauxmann", "George C. Day", "S. W. Alexander", "John Allister Currie", "Charles Tillon", "Gerhard Colm", "Richard Eckl", "Maximilian Reichsfreiherr von Edelsheim", "Stephen Stonley", "Jacques Trolley de Prévaux", "Ludwig Wolff", "Fred Potts", "Bohdan Pawłowicz", "Cecil Christmas", "Alfred Jentzsch", "John J. Fitz Gerald", "Constantin Neculcea", "Roger Lumley, 11th Earl of Scarbrough", "Robert Kean", "Ernst Heinrich Brill", "Lewis McGee", "Edward Charles Ingouville-Williams", "Henry St John Fancourt", "Jim Mackie", "Guy Wylly", "Guy Wilson", "Jean Bergeret", "Dragutin Gavrilović", "Ailke Westerhof", "Joseph L. Hurley", "Frank Inglis", "Viktor Schobinger", "Horst von der Goltz", "Heinrich Vitzdamm", "Eric Marshall", "Joseph Darnand", "Robert Helbig", "Stanisław Królicki", "Thomas Kelley", "Sydney Philip Smith", "Sydney Pope", "Karol Grzesik", "Luigi Nava", "Julian Filipowicz", "Francis Arthur Sutton", "Joe Angelo", "Otto von Emmich", "Alexander von Krobatin", "Zdzisław Dziadulski", "George von Engelbrechten", "Hendrick Waye", "Hanskurt Höcker", "Henri Louis Edouard Le Rond", "Walter Köhler", "Hermann-Bernhard Ramcke", "Ferdinand von Bredow", "Adelbert Cronkhite", "James W. Huffman", "Ludwig Bachmaier", "Reinhart Bachofen von Echt", "Alexander Wilkinson", "Oscar Heron", "Adolf Varain", "Al Mahrt", "Fritz Marrenbach", "Colby Mitchell Chester", "Raoul Anglès", "Şerif Yaçağaz", "Bernhard Schmidt", "Paul von Schoenaich", "Ernst Woermann", "Bodo Zimmermann", "Claude Birkett Ferenbaugh", "Ignacy Boerner", "Julius Arigi", "François de Boigne", "George W. Malone", "Bernard Lorenzo de Robeck", "Geoffrey Crawshay", "Adolf von Bomhard", "Gordon Browning", "Alan Scott-Moncrieff", "Gilbert Clayton", "Keisuke Okada", "Earl Hancock Ellis", "Merwin K. Hart", "Roy Bucher", "Hermann Voges", "Fritz Heß", "Fritz Heymann", "James Tennant", "Frank Fredrickson", "James L. Holloway, Jr.", "Coote Hedley", "Erich Cohn", "John Henry Tudhope", "Anthony Otter", "Leonhard Wüchner", "Johann Heinrich Blumenthal", "Lou Holmes", "Ted Alley", "Charles Payot", "Michaił Lewandowski", "Jack Cartmell", "William Procter", "Walther Wever", "George Darvill", "Thomas James Harris", "Kārlis Lobe", "Horace Percy Lale", "Alfred Denning, Baron Denning", "Herbert Miles", "Edmund De Wind", "Alexandre Marty", "Richard Meyer", "Karl Poppe", "Frederick E. Morgan", "Otto Meyer", "Otto Müller", "Julius Ochs Adler", "Dagobert Müller von Thomamühl", "Charlie Morley", "Raphaël Élizé", "Adam Świtalski", "Arconovaldo Bonaccorsi", "Leopold Pamula", "Edgar Percival", "Martial van Schelle", "David Bomberg", "Malcolm Barclay-Harvey", "Zygmunt Gilewicz", "Werner von Frankenberg und Proschlitz", "Archibald Maule Ramsay", "John George Walters Clark", "Elbert Tuttle", "Claude Ernest Pert", "Hugh Aloysius Drum", "T. E. Hulme", "Curt von Jesser", "Kurt von Falkowski", "Movses Silikyan", "Erich Balla", "Jules Molle", "Fritz von Kraußer", "Eduard Weiter", "Leslie Beavis", "Kazimierz Świtalski", "Rudolf Flinzer", "Hans Doering", "Mikheil Imeretinsky", "Albert Meister", "Billy Bishop", "Hans Friedrich", "James Glenn Beall", "Frederick Annand", "Beauchamp Duff", "Aleksander Pragłowski", "Aleksander Rylke", "Mehmet Hayri Tarhan", "Mehmet Hayri Bey", "David Whitehead", "Luigi Lusignani", "Paul von Haehling von Lanzenauer", "Refet Bele", "Paul Knapp", "Karl Zerlauth", "Leon Zawistowski", "Marie Vitalis", "Friedrich Max Ludewig", "Gyles Mackrell", "Gerald Frank Anderson", "Sergey Markov", "Stefan Suszyński", "Ernest Herbert Pitcher", "Edward Bruce, 10th Earl of Elgin", "Walter Schleinitz", "Walter Leigh Rayfield", "Paul Stephani", "Edgar Downs", "Hans Below", "Alfred Krauss", "Ferdinand Heim", "F. J. M. Stratton", "Hermann Merkel", "Hermann Harrendorf", "Rüdiger Goltz", "Wilfred Nevill", "James Stuart, 1st Viscount Stuart of Findhorn", "Michael Lippert", "Raymond Abescat", "J. Harold Stacey", "John Rodgers", "Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich of Russia", "Randolph C. Berkeley", "James Lloyd Findlay", "Ken Christy", "Harold Ballin", "Curtis Redden", "Middleton Stuart Elliott", "Karl Eglseer", "Robert Dickinson Oxland", "Otto Bredt", "Jean César Graziani", "Oskar Singer", "Arthur Vigers", "Anton Kreissl", "Karl Gutzeit", "Georg Gunderloch", "Oskar Piloty", "Michele Allasia", "Norman Stronge", "Romuald Kohutnicki", "Cyril Easthaugh", "Walter Kypke", "Oliver Locker-Lampson", "Jakob Weber", "Andreas von Flotow", "John Henry Balch", "Matthew J. Merritt", "Burton Shipley", "Albert H. Blanding", "Alfred Eckart", "Hasan Izzet Pasha", "Duke Robert of Württemberg", "Andreas Dornieden", "Hazelton Nicholl", "Rudolf Brinkmann", "Alfred Levy", "Ernst Dröner", "Hermann von Fischel", "John E. Wilkes", "Paul Maistre", "Theodor Morell", "Umberto Boccioni", "Martin Otto Hugo Nippe", "Jocelyn Lee Hardy", "Eugene Paul Bennett", "Donald B. Beary", "Tadeusz Roman Tomaszewski", "Alexander McCormick, Jr.", "Homer Martin Adkins", "Theophile Figeys", "Richard von Heineccius", "Hermann Freytag", "Cuthbert Dukes", "Alexandru Hartel", "Theodore Pritchett", "James Steele", "Józef Szostak", "Józef Szkolnikowski", "Henning von Beust", "Kurt Graßhoff", "Helmuth Greiner", "Arno Fischer", "Radu Irimescu", "George G. Imeretinsky", "Edwin Richley Hicklin", "Fritz von Scholz", "Robert A. McClure", "Paul Bahlmann", "Fen McDonald", "Alfred Briesen", "Otto Fahr", "Teofil Dąbrowski", "Bert O'Connell", "Joseph Stilwell", "Joseph Sturm", "Hans Möller", "Victor Quelch", "Naci Tınaz", "George Heinz", "Fritz Eulenburg", "Matthew B. Juan", "William Badders", "Henry de Bournazel", "Vilmos Korn", "Lothar Rendulic", "Franz von Hipper", "Felix Steiner", "Dmitry Timofeyevich Kozlov", "R. Tait McKenzie", "Sidney Godley", "Hans Feige", "Max Wockatz", "Victor Franke", "Walther Grosse", "Clinton W. Davies", "Johannes Thiele", "Guido Fischer", "Charles I of Austria", "Samuel Pearse", "Edmund Herring", "Walter Blumenberg", "Hugh Fortescue, 5th Earl Fortescue", "William Frederick Cavaye", "Wacław Lipiński", "S. F. Newcombe", "Theodor Benn", "Edward Adamski", "Otto Brauneck", "Michael Moutoussis", "Charles Frederick Hughes", "Albert d'Amade", "Johann Sinnhuber", "Terence Plunket, 6th Baron Plunket", "Adolf Raegener", "Heinrich Danckelmann", "Wiktor Bogolepow", "Werner Fischer", "Godfrey Vick", "Hans-Ulrich Back", "Ferdinand Louis Reichmuth", "Alexander Lion", "Francis Lupo", "Andreas Bolek", "Heinrich Kunstmann", "Norman Wilkinson", "Robert L. Eichelberger", "Jean Baylet", "Hugo De Pree", "Tõnis Kint", "Charles Bulkeley Bulkeley-Johnson", "Walter Long", "Johnnie Dodge", "Hermann Fobke", "Miroslav Krleža", "Veko Bulatović", "Wilhelm Lobkowitz", "Johnny Poe", "Nelson S. Dilworth", "Alexander Charles Farquharson", "Alexander Charles O'Sullivan", "Hans Prodinger", "Hans Schmidt", "Herman Adler", "Allen Buchanan", "Theo Rehm", "Russell Barry", "Walter Hasenclever", "Merrill Samuel Taylor", "Alf Baud", "Hermann von Burkhardt", "Wilhelm Keitel", "Carol Fellowes, 4th Baron Ailwyn", "Walter Mills", "Walter Potter Ritchie", "Jehu V. Chase", "Henning Linden", "Alojzy Przeździecki", "John Kennedy", "Gustav Frädrich", "Gustav Freiherr von Liebenstein", "Karl Deinhardt", "Jakub Bohusz-Szyszko", "Leonid Punin", "Stanisław Szablewski", "Arthur R. Wilson", "Geoffrey Drummond", "James Ockendon", "Noël Édouard, vicomte de Curières de Castelnau", "Iven Mackay", "Fevzi Çakmak", "Vance Plauche", "Carsten Volquardsen", "Otto Winkelmann", "Christopher Birdwood, 2nd Baron Birdwood", "Blanton Winship", "Felix Ready", "Georg August Weltz", "Earl Frederick Crabb", "Fritz Wuessing", "Zygmunt Broniewski", "Alec Cunningham-Reid", "Gilbert J. Uteau", "George Mason", "Walter Braemer", "Albert Jenkins", "Frederick Burr", "Frederick Burrows", "Illarion Ivanovich Vorontsov-Dashkov", "Bruce F. Allen", "Boris Shteifon", "Paul Reichelt", "Francis Bennett-Goldney", "Pierre Delage", "Richard Büchner", "Teller Ammons", "Charles Edward Callwell", "Charles FitzRoy, 10th Duke of Grafton", "Władysław Królikowski", "Abdurrahman Nafiz Gürman", "Roman Schmidt", "Walter Neul", "Henry Brassey, 1st Baron Brassey of Apethorpe", "Guy Chamberlin", "Hans Otto Erdmann", "Tommy Barber", "John Jestyn Llewellin, 1st Baron Llewellin", "Max Mikorey", "Mieczysław Sylwester Bobrownicki-Libchen", "Ferenc Szombathelyi", "Karl Becker", "Wilhelm Friedrich von Löwenfeldt", "Georg Schroeder", "Antoine Béthouart", "Daniel Buckley", "Alois Maier-Kaibitsch", "James Arthurs", "Francis Davies", "Josef Batliner", "Paul Borchardt", "Robert James Hudson", "Kiyoshi Hasegawa", "Claude Goldie", "Ewald Dost", "Walther Reinhardt", "Robert Hampe", "Cornelius C. Smith", "Wilhelm Heuber", "Frederick Septimus Kelly", "Gordon Thomson", "Giovanni Giusti del Giardino", "Robert St Leger Fowler", "Albert Victor Heal", "Myron B. Gessaman", "Hermann Höfle", "Mikhail Gurevich", "Janusz Jędrzejewicz", "Sam Ervin", "Philip Hugh Dalbiac", "Fritz Becker", "Werner Mummert", "Fritz Warnecke", "Ronald McClintock", "Enrico Asinari di San Marzano", "Hugh Calder", "Eugen-Heinrich Bleyer", "Max Lemke", "Wilhelm Meise", "Gaston Janssen", "Franciszek Latinik", "Friedrich Gustav Jaeger", "Franz Stadtmüller", "Hastings Ismay, 1st Baron Ismay", "Shiro Kawase", "Charles Thomas Mills", "Charles Thomas Irvine Roark", "Franciszek Żwirko", "Karl Zwengauer", "Claud Castleton", "Aleksander Hrynkiewicz", "Johnny Moyes", "Vernon F. Gant", "Wolff von Graeffendorff", "Jean Breuillac", "Edward Brooks", "Willard Stewart Paul", "Carl Kircheiß", "Hermann Hiltl", "James Baldwin-Webb", "Paul Billik", "Duncan Maxwell", "Tadeusz Kutrzeba", "Lashmer Whistler", "J. Harry McGregor", "Harold Macmillan", "Ernle Chatfield, 1st Baron Chatfield", "Hunter Liggett", "René Cresté", "Joseph Hilliard Cain, Sr.", "Eric Vansittart Bowater", "Ägidius Adamović von Wagstätten", "Warren Lewis", "Friedrich Wunderlich", "David Robertson", "James P. Parker", "Aleksandr Rodzyanko", "Tom Phillips", "Kimon Georgiev", "William James Aylward", "Theodor Eschenburg", "Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich of Russia", "Franz Dölger", "Jan Kulza", "Albert Rapilly", "Henry Morris-Jones", "Alan Cordner", "Hugo Höfl", "Gastone Gambara", "Kâzım Karabekir", "Augustyn Träger", "Roy Parker", "Albert Gill", "Yuri Kondratyuk", "Marcel Éric Audemard d'Alançon", "Jean-Étienne Valluy", "Hans Humann", "Kazimierz Braun", "Kazimierz Brożek", "Hans Scharoun", "Johannes Soodla", "Alexander Gordon Lyle", "James J. Boyle", "Joseph Watt", "Karl Kissling", "Simon Sidamon-Eristoff", "Axel Crewell", "Harry Shepard Knapp", "Paul Hildebrandt", "Vasilii Gavrilov", "Emil Sommer", "Adrian Cole", "Henry Pinckney McCain", "Tom Kelly", "Robert K. Evans", "Edmund Anstice", "Wilber Elliott Wilder", "Werner Jansen", "Oscar Schmidt, Jr.", "Helmuth Johnsen", "Helmuth Kienast", "Tom McGown", "Georg, Crown Prince of Saxony", "Tadeusz Kossak", "Max Bock", "Heinrich Klüver", "Maximilian Liebenwein", "John Cowans", "Louis Monroë dit Roë", "Philip Geoffrey Twining", "Theodor Edler von Lerch", "Henryk Marian Królikowski", "Walter Poller", "Kurt Martti Wallenius", "Oskar Maria Graf", "Herbert Treff", "Alice Eckenstein", "Wilhelm Hamkens", "Robert P. Robinson", "Hans Stohwasser", "Kurt Beitzen", "Ferdinand Auguste Pont", "József Heszlényi", "Pietro Maletti", "Hans Christern", "Carl Wintzer", "Stefan Kossecki", "John Lamrock", "William D. Denney", "Johannes Andreas Jolles", "Max Kauffmann", "Max Popiersch", "Thomas Cochrane, 2nd Baron Cochrane of Cults", "Neville Usborne", "Franz Schwede", "Édouard Daladier", "Mieczysław Lepecki", "Franz Joseph I of Austria", "Gerald Spencer Pryse", "Malcolm Burger", "Johannes Puth", "Hugo Sperrle", "Gordon Moore", "Alfred Williams Carter", "Adelbert Ford", "William Robertson", "Félix Gouin", "Louis Madelin", "George Allan Maling", "Oswald Bleier", "Mansell Richard James", "Vladimir Peniakoff", "Armistead Rust", "Adrian Carton de Wiart", "Avram Steuerman-Rodion", "Erich Eberbeck", "Constantin Rădulescu", "Constantin Prezan", "Henry Williamson", "Johann Pflugbeil", "Jack Brake", "John Charteris", "Efton James", "Harold Ernest Goettler", "Martin Bieber", "John Rolleston", "Robert du Mesnil du Buisson", "Gustav Sobottka", "Wilfried Strik-Strikfeldt", "Émile Hogard", "W. O. Bentley", "Hubert Essame", "Louis Emil Denfeld", "Hans Bürger-Prinz", "James DeHart", "Rudolf Maister", "Harry William Hugh Armytage", "Kurt Weyher", "Herman Baltia", "Francis Lloyd", "James Young Milne Henderson", "Herbert George Columbine", "André Maurois", "Bill King", "William Wordsworth Fisher", "Mikhail Timofeyevich Romanov", "Kurt Liese", "Wolfgang Fleck", "Jesse Cornplanter", "C. F. J. Galloway", "Franz von Wandel", "Percivale Liesching", "Clement Flagler", "Clement G. Boothroyd", "Jacques Ehrlich", "Jan Wroczyński", "Denis Hendren", "Hermann von der Lieth-Thomsen", "Jean-François-Charles Amet", "Karol Hodała", "Leopold Bürkner", "Edward Butler", "Rudolf Schniewindt", "Karl Bonger", "William H. Abendroth", "Lord Hugh Grosvenor", "John Adrian Chamier", "Leslie Powell", "Hans Speth", "Hans Tröger", "Richard Pruchtnow", "Wilhelm Thomas", "Albert Leo Schlageter", "Edward L. Atkinson", "Lachlan Donald Ian Mackinnon", "Robert Schwarz", "Siegfried Jagendorf", "David W. Stewart", "Stanisław Habowski", "James Vinton Smith", "Helmer Swenholt", "Augustine Kelly", "Lansing Holden", "James McPhie", "Charles Doig, Sr.", "Viktor Puskar", "Gustav Globočnik Edler von Vojka", "Gustav Gihr", "Áron Márton", "Isaac Bentham", "Stanisław Styrczula", "Ugo Cei", "Nikolaï Bobyr", "Duke Carl Alexander of Württemberg", "Hanway Robert Cumming", "Geoffrey Dearmer", "Geoffrey Douglas Hale Carpenter", "Ernest Mustard", "Ernst Günther", "Louis Gluckstein", "William Stanley Jenkins", "Wilhelm Petersen", "Walther Hahm", "Wilhelm Friedrich Loeper", "Joseph Kölschbach", "Georges Gaudy", "Max Wölfing", "George B. Walbridge", "Jack White", "Gilbert Frankau", "Krsta Smiljanić", "Antoni Grudziński", "Gustave Douchy", "Walter Cormac Locke O'Carroll", "Walter Falb", "Walter Hanspach", "Alex L. Nicol", "Edmund Hauser", "Frank Gray", "Frederick C. Armstrong", "Hans Fischer", "Sandro Pertini", "Jean Dubois de Gennes", "Frederic Manning", "Zygmunt Piwnicki", "Gatewood Lincoln", "Pierre De Cazenove De Pradines", "Hartmut Plaas", "Henry Pownall", "John S. Knight", "Stanisław Künstler", "Alexander Schönberg", "Charles Coventry", "Rudolf Boeckmann", "Vernon Hill", "Eberhard Rodt", "Adone Del Cima", "Enzo Ferrari", "Giuseppe Tagliamonte", "Giuseppe Stuto", "Walther Lamp'l", "Paul H. Raihle", "Karl Eulenburg", "William Thomas Forshaw", "Wacław Przeździecki", "Heinrich Müller", "Arthur Archdale", "Paul Bergmann", "Evelyn Perry", "Werner von Gilsa", "Victor Cazalet", "George Thomson", "Carlo Orelli", "Richard Edmond Courtney", "Conolly Abel Smith", "Lewis Bayly", "Martin Unrein", "Frank McNamara", "Georg-Wilhelm Postel", "E. M. W. Tillyard", "Rudolf Schlichter", "Ernest Jacques Barbot", "Fritz Montag", "Woldemar Uxkull-Gyllenband", "Mehmet Kenan Dalbaşar", "Léonce Perret", "Robert A. Birkbeck", "Friedrich Lützow", "David Beatty, 1st Earl Beatty", "Ewart Alan Mackintosh", "Norman Mawle", "Geoffrey Vickers", "Jean Deoutte", "Jean Colin", "Alexander Leschke", "Ernest Hayes", "George Peters", "Robert de Foy", "Walter Lange", "Harry Greenwood", "Ross Barnett", "Stewart Menzies", "John Cameron", "Richard Horn", "Jan Bontjes van Beek", "Snowy Evans", "Lemuel Cornick Shepherd, Jr.", "Geoffrey Jackson", "Georg Scholze", "Georg Schlenker", "William S. Graves", "Félix Théroinne", "Robert L. Denig", "Victor Bacon", "Ioan Oprescu", "Władysław Rusin", "Kazimierz Tarnawski", "Frederick Robb", "Arthur von Pongracz", "Hans Androschin", "Hans Marchwitza", "Hermann Giskes", "Carl August Freiherr von Gablenz", "Johann-Georg Richert", "Frank W. Fries", "Maximilian Grimmeiß", "Freddie Stowers", "Johannes Alt", "Jan Dunin-Wąsowicz", "Wacław Damrosz", "Kazimierz Czerwiński", "Gustav-Adolf von Nostitz-Wallwitz", "Richard Onslow, 5th Earl of Onslow", "Audrey Lawson-Johnston", "Otto von the Linde", "Jack Hobbs", "John Joseph Shute", "John Joseph Scanlan", "Hans Wichard von Rochow-Stülpe", "Émile Coornaert", "Nikołaj Kiriłłow", "Algar Howard", "Karol Sęk", "Herbert Fiedler", "Albert Gleaves", "Henry O. Talle", "Josef März", "Nevile Wilkinson", "Spencer Salisbury", "Spencer S. Wood", "John Everard Gurdon", "Tounsi Tayeb", "Czesław Józef Niekraszewicz", "Harry Robotham", "Robert Christie", "Joseph Henry Collin", "Henry Gilbert Costin", "Julien Lahaut", "Sidney Knights", "Władysław Filipkowski", "Orland Steen Loomis", "Arch Corbett", "Andrew Ross", "Hans Nagel", "Aloysius Leitner", "Albrecht Wendhausen", "Harvey Hancock", "Konrad Höfinger", "Gordey Levchenko", "Alexander Coutanche, Baron Coutanche", "Raymond D. Tarbuck", "Karl Löwith", "Adda von Königsegg", "A. M. S. Elsmie", "Rudolf von Scheliha", "William James Mayo", "John A. Hartwell", "Karl Gronau", "Michał Gałązka", "Ferruccio Ranza", "Adair Blain", "Josef Bischoff", "Helmuth Mende", "Helmuth Klotz", "Karl Sack", "Richard Aluwihare", "Wilhelm John", "Götz König", "Goronwy Edwards", "Howard Waldemar Winkler", "Cyril Seelenmeyer", "Friedrich Hochbaum", "Maurice Boin", "Rolf Humann", "Ernest Siben", "Erich Hauer", "Maximilian Loewy", "Kurt Frieders", "Philip Glazebrook", "François Jean-Pierre Eugène Andrieu", "Jim Sévellec", "Alfred von Larisch", "Jack Lockett", "Fred Thomas", "Nikolay Pukhov", "Frank Potter", "Hans Heinrich Hofrichter", "William Donald Patrick", "Maurice D. G. Scott", "Félix de Vial", "Anton von Kersting", "Andrew L. Sevier", "Guido von Mengden", "Giorgio Natale Gherlinzoni", "Prince Henry of Prussia", "Cora Taylor Casselman", "Auguste Dubail", "James Kirk", "Alan Patterson", "Joseph Maurice Pambet", "Léon Ponscarme", "Thomas Jacomb Hutton", "Ulrich von Hassell", "Samoila Marza", "Fred Godfrey", "Paul Betz", "Pierre d'Argenson", "Paul Oskar Schuster", "Gerald Smyth", "Tadeusz Jastrzębski", "Hermann von Rampacher", "Thomas J. Campbell", "Hilton Young, 1st Baron Kennet", "Edmund Rupert Drummond", "Carl von Dobschütz", "Theodor Arps", "Gustav-Adolf von Zangen", "Jean Loubière", "Jan Mazurkiewicz", "Otto Alberts", "Harold C. Ostertag", "Erich Klausener", "Henry M. Mullinnix", "Otto Erbersdobler", "Isaac Rosenberg", "John Ryan", "Gustav Ponath", "Hans Krawielitzki", "F. F. E. Yeo-Thomas", "Esmond Clifford", "Jean Gaté", "Walther Löhlein", "John Rolly Ross", "John Rolls, 2nd Baron Llangattock", "Fritz Steuben", "Gustav Kieseritzky", "Karl Linderfelt", "Colin Gill", "Adolf von Seckendorff", "Frank Friday Fletcher", "Jacques Lemaigre-Dubreuil", "Kenneth Whiting", "Thomas Templeton Murray", "Stephen Farrell", "Horace Thomas", "Karl Baedeker", "Fred Perrett", "Norman Riddell", "James Fife, Jr.", "John Wheatley", "Herbert George", "Alfred Pfaff", "Hermann Blume", "Ottavio Bottecchia", "Paul Schäfer", "Arthur Korn", "Charles Judd", "Hugh Kingsmill", "Oskar von Niedermayer", "Marcel Haegelen", "Valentin Ernst Burchard", "John Egerton, 4th Earl of Ellesmere", "W. F. McCoy", "Joë Bousquet", "Eustace Slade Headlam", "Robert Bye", "Fritz Gericke", "Kulbir Thapa", "Max Bräuner", "Frank Adcock", "Karol Hauke-Bosak", "Barwick Sharpe Browne", "Charles Forbes Buchan", "Ahmet Zeki Soydemir", "Bruno Ritter von Hauenschild", "Pavel Plehve", "Mark L. Hersey", "Hans Wagner", "Arthur Drewry", "Wilhelm Valentiner", "John Hubert Hall", "Avdy Andresson", "Aleksander Hauke", "Ulrich Neckel", "Friedrich Schulz", "Raymond Chandler", "Sir John Heathcoat-Amory, 3rd Baronet", "Enea Navarini", "James Park Woods", "Arnold Hutschnecker", "Ernest Evans", "Octave Lapize", "Sarkis Torossian", "Heinrich Dannenbauer", "Arthur Chichester, 4th Baron Templemore", "Hans Carl Adolph von Carlowitz", "Kuno von Steuben", "Luigi Lama", "Francis Kitto", "Ernst Speidel", "Herbert F. Leary", "Cecil Reginald Noble", "Anton Hausmann", "William John Gruffydd", "Henri Brière", "Wolff von Stutterheim", "Ferdynand Zarzycki", "Cesare Maria De Vecchi", "Giovanni Bondioni", "Andy Cunningham", "Frank Cyril Tiarks", "James Reese Europe", "Otto E. Neugebauer", "Johannes Hermann Müller", "Felix Stump", "Hans Schuberth", "Erich Kettelhut", "Zygmunt Cwenarski", "Walter Schellhas", "Lajos Keresztes-Fischer", "Walther Asal", "Walther Haubenreißer", "Travers Clarke", "Frank Granger Quigley", "Bernard Vaughan", "Tadeusz Żuralski", "Cihangirzade İbrahim Bey", "Clements Ripley", "George Herbert Farrar", "John Morrow Simms", "William Orpen", "Edmund Goldschagg", "Fritz Kühlwein", "Charles E. Rosendahl", "Ivone Kirkpatrick", "Oka Gorodovikov", "Cecil Boyd", "Cecil Boyd-Rochfort", "Filip Schneider", "Étienne Destot", "John N. Kaiser", "Jacob Lienhard", "Henry Winslow Woollett", "Oliver Hill", "William A. Purtell", "Charles Edward Merriam", "Dan W. Emmett", "Piotr Skuratowicz", "Mieczysław Wyżeł-Ścieżyński", "Walter Wanger", "Tibby Cotter", "Mieczysław Wężyk", "William H. P. Blandy", "Fritz Baade", "Charles North", "F. H. Maynard", "Cedric Popkin", "Heinrich Meyer-Buerdorf", "Washington L. Capps", "Arthur Coningham", "Alexey Kaledin", "Otto Grünewald", "Otto Hornemann", "Bruno Sattler", "Alexander Kasza", "Adolf Schulte", "Clive Brewster-Joske", "Warren Whitside", "Michał Rola-Żymierski", "Maurice Holt", "Sydney Herring", "Hermann von Stein", "Arthur Läwen", "Bodewin Keitel", "Lothar Kreuz", "George Wilson", "Thomas Morland", "Theodor Burchardi", "George Thomson, Lord Thomson", "Paul Vent", "Henry Allingham", "Philip Roosevelt", "Werner Kindt", "Stanley McDougall", "Christopher Collier", "Momčilo Gavrić", "Pratap Singh of Idar", "Cyril Harker", "Hans Uthemann", "Hans Ummen", "William Curry Holden", "Wilhelm Sieh", "René Camard", "Francis H. Case", "Theodoros Pangalos", "John Jellicoe, 1st Earl Jellicoe", "Ewart Grogan", "Solomon Lee Van Meter, Jr.", "James Bridie", "Hans Bernard", "Ludwig Freyen-Seyboltstorff", "Walter Gerlach", "Camillo Bregant", "Paul Riewald", "Edward Broadbent", "Walter Livsey", "C. S. Lewis", "John Gillanders", "Alexander Mitchell", "Karl Oskar Klipp", "Richard Hildebrandt", "Harold Sandys Williamson", "Friedrich Herrlein", "Tom McKenna", "Calvin T. Durgin", "Carl Rodenburg", "Albert Roth", "Alfred Grund", "William O. Brice", "Ludwig Bulla", "Charles Jacquot", "Czesław Mączyński", "Hermann Habich", "Jean de Lattre de Tassigny", "Walter König", "William James Hardham", "William James Fitzgerald", "Louis Henry Auguste Baquet", "Arthur Vidrine", "Arthur Vickers", "Arthur Varley", "Maxwell Findlay", "Marc Bloch", "Oskar Schwartz", "William Miller", "Tadeusz Jakubowski", "Jan Guderski", "Eduard Stadtler", "Johan J. Johansson", "Claes Gustaf Robert Charpentier", "Carl Wolpers", "Nikolay Anichkov", "Günther Drange", "Richard W. Hoffman", "Vojislav Dokić", "Erich Giese", "James Stewart-Murray, 9th Duke of Atholl", "Edmond Xavier Kapp", "Amos Wilder", "Henry Noel Marryat Hardy", "Bertie Cooksley", "Bertie Bolton", "William Crawford Gorgas", "Francis Whitmore", "John Erskine, Lord Erskine", "Bolesław Zajączkowski", "Syd Lucas", "Robert Webster Cary", "Alfred Thielmann", "Lynde D. McCormick", "Robert Emmons", "George B. Bowers", "Giulio Bechi", "Bruno Streckenbach", "Carl Hilpert", "Curt Haase", "Henry François Vernillat", "Robert Collins", "Paul Moder", "Enrico Tellini", "Ion Antonescu", "Karel Handzel", "Malcolm MacLeod", "Alexander von Kameke", "Ernest James Scott", "Norman Charles Harris", "Franz Scheidies", "Cuno von Blanckensee", "Didier Daurat", "Henry O'Neill", "Karl Grouven", "Franciszek Kruk-Grzybowski", "Frank D. Beadle", "Józef Beck", "Arthur Weinberg", "Włodzimierz Mozołowski", "Edward A. Gisburne", "Vere Bonamy Fane", "James Arthur Mathewson", "Stanisław Krzaczyński", "Cass Canfield", "Guy Bainbridge", "Georgi Todorov", "John Cowell", "Felicjan Sławoj Składkowski", "İsmet İnönü", "Alfred Kleist", "Hermann von Borries", "Francis Cadell (painter)", "Robert Oszek", "Frank Porter Graham", "John Dill", "William Baker", "Leopold Austerlitz", "Leopold Anker von Kismarton", "Mateusz Iżycki", "Friedrich von Kieffer", "Ernst Wisselinck", "Robert Matzke", "Hans-Valentin Hube", "Henning von Tresckow", "Kurt Daluege", "Hans-Jürgen von Arnim", "Werner von Fritsch", "George Hyde", "George Hyde", "Hans Mikosch", "Theodor Riedel", "Georg Dechant", "Curt Ludwig Freiherr von Gienanth", "Curt Kröcher", "Michael Klause", "Joseph Klingler", "George Napier Tomlin", "George Napier Johnston", "Hermann Stutterheim", "Montagu Stopford", "Karl Héraucourt", "Elimar von Cranach", "Francis Charles Bridgeman", "Harry Crerar", "Jean Loste", "John Grady", "Joseph Émile Mangin", "George F. Hussey, Jr.", "Claud Russell", "Claud Stokes", "Friedrich von Cochenhausen", "Paul Béchard", "Wilhelm Hagedorn", "George Paget Thomson", "James Rowell", "Fritz Walter", "Albin Köbis", "Arif Örgüç", "Perpessicius", "Marcel Alessandri", "Walter Strauss", "Robert Prendergast", "Richard Bell-Davies", "Maurice Feltin", "Stanisław Daniluk-Daniłowski", "Stanisław Czynciel", "Giles Blennerhasset", "William Huntington Kirkpatrick", "Rudi Stephan", "Fernand Bonneton", "Harold Roper", "Andrejs Auzāns", "William Mann", "Victor Hubert Tait", "Victor Hurley", "Hermann Hämmerle", "Kurt Ungewitter", "Mustafa Muğlalı", "Willy Tensfeld", "Curt Gallenkamp", "Georg Keppler", "Victor Tardieu", "Charles Aitchison Smith", "Charles Alan Pownall", "Ernst Goldenbaum", "Billo Smith", "Hans-Joachim Fouquet", "Charles Sims", "Ganga Singh", "Ignaz Kaup", "David Hochstein", "John Dunville", "Percy Noble", "Viktor Dousmanis", "James Walter Sandilands", "Erwin Hasbach", "Harry George Crandon", "Johannes Block", "Hans Zorn", "Thomas Francis Hickey", "Frank Beck", "Richard J. Donovan", "James Lyons Biggar", "Otto Deßloch", "Karl Gallwitz", "Red Dutton", "Giulio Douhet", "Adolf Wahlmann", "Walther von Hünersdorff", "Thomas G. Rae", "Stanisław Gurbski", "Ernest Foot", "Simo Kecojević", "Robert Whigham", "Archie Siswick", "Alfred von Böckmann", "Hugo von Kathen", "Ferdinand von Quast", "Julius August Heinrich La Fontaine", "Julius Lauterbach", "Anatoly Pepelyayev", "Egon Dietrichstein", "Nathaniel L. Goldstein", "Harold Rainsford Stark", "Bernard Gordon", "Ugo Bartolomei", "Jan Sawicki", "Edward Grove", "Anton Haus", "William John English", "Paul von Osterroht", "Sofoklis Venizelos", "Geoffrey Cather", "Patrick Spens, 1st Baron Spens", "James Welch", "Karl Berger", "Robert Faas", "Nurettin Özsü", "Lewis R. Freeman", "Karl Britzelmayr", "Oscar Reile", "Oscar Müller", "Francis McLaren", "Colgate Darden", "Erich Kaul", "Erich Karlewski", "Charles Clarendon Ballou", "Oskar Bertram", "Erich Schmidt", "Bohumil Boček", "Pierre Renoir", "William Pitcairn Campbell", "Oliver Redgate", "Frank Gorringe", "Fritz Tarnow", "Charles Johnston Badger", "Clarence Jeffries", "Cyril Holland", "Fischer Watson", "George Herbert Scott", "Sándor Szurmay", "Gottfried Fröhlich", "William P. Cronan", "Rudolf Paszek", "Karl Zilgas", "Ernst Strohschneider", "Thomas Jefferson Cowie", "Edward Hale Campbell", "Friedrich Kittel", "Cecil Bodington", "Billy Glenn", "F. W. Winterbotham", "Harry Newcombe", "Alexander Roulstone", "Ernst Laqueur", "Wacław Berka", "Olivar Asselin", "Mikołaj Bołtuć", "Edmund Knoll-Kownacki", "Sir Charles Lowther, 4th Baronet", "Otto Behrendt", "Otto Jaeschke", "Harvey S. Firestone, Jr.", "John Cecil Currie", "Doc Young", "Ottavio Dinale", "Franz Brandt", "Karl Berger", "Julius List", "Claude Stokes", "Max Grünewald", "William T. Granahan", "Edward Cooper", "Charles Norman", "Charles Norris", "Heinz Greiner", "Martin Jahn", "Joe Kiefer", "Haj Amin al-Husseini", "Bruno Tesch", "Eddie Grant", "Arthur Cranfield", "Arthur Bigsworth", "Alfred Tittel", "Ewald Backe", "Osbert Sitwell", "Richard Koll", "Wilhelm Neuenhofen", "Eberhard Kinzel", "Otto Zech", "Desmond Fitzgibbon", "Charles Burnell", "Dennis Draper", "Max Ulich", "André Frédéric Cournand", "Pavlos Gyparis", "Oskar Becker", "Mikhail Krichevsky", "Paul Vollrath", "Carl Auffenberg", "André Maginot", "Francis Aylmer Maxwell", "Chester Brewer", "William Curphey", "William Currey", "Frederick Augustus Muhlenberg", "Frederick Augustus Irving", "Piero Bolzon", "Vasile Luca", "William Slim, 1st Viscount Slim", "Charles Boudoux d'Hautefeuille", "Len Armitage", "James Forrestal", "Marian Eugeniusz Kozłowski", "Prince Alfons of Bavaria", "Ernest Hardcastle", "Walter Lohmann", "Owen Tudor Boyd", "Walter Long", "John H. Pruitt", "Sir Cuthbert Headlam, 1st Baronet", "Roger Morève", "William H. J. Ely", "Keith Lucas", "George M. Ferris", "James Connolly", "Donald Forrester Brown", "Ernest Charles Ashton", "Ernest Charles Hoy", "Sam L. Collins", "Otto Hitzfeld", "Pencho Zlatev", "John Clancy", "Bohdan Stachlewski", "Italo Sarrocco", "Axel de Vries", "Hermann Kretzschmann", "Edward Donald Bellew", "Wilhelm Senne", "Wacław Fara", "T.D. Richardson", "Charles Woollven", "Joseph Otto Plassmann", "Robert Martinek", "Gregorij Rožman", "Valentin Feurstein", "Pietro Piacentini", "Gershom Browne", "Bogart Rogers", "Ernest R. Redmond", "Emil Strumiński", "Zygmunt Szafranowski", "Cyril Falls", "Hans Baumann", "Jack Thomas Counter", "Howard R. Davies", "Dominik Richert", "Abdul Kerim Pasha", "Geoffrey Kerr", "P. J. Grigg", "Georg Britting", "Carl von Braitenberg", "John Ambrose Meyer", "Walter Kriege", "Hans Tarbuk von Sensenhorst", "Oswald Fuchs", "Claudio Casanova", "Jan Drwięga", "Kurt Prüfer", "Carl Brocke", "Carl Briese", "Albert von Fritsch", "James Brannick", "Hans Goslar", "Julian Huxley", "Nevil Brownjohn", "Heinrich Rüdt von Collenberg", "Isaac Littell", "Sydney Fremantle", "Paul Homo", "A.V. Macan", "Georgios Kosmas", "John B. Fournet", "Bernard Law Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein", "Ludwik Nazimek", "Punch Dickins", "Jean Chazy", "Dwight H. Green", "Napier Sturt, 3rd Baron Alington", "Vernon Willey, 2nd Baron Barnby", "Osman Fuad", "Heinz Hauenstein", "Emilio Lussu", "Henry Taylor", "Károly Bartha", "Ivan Papanin", "Eduard Schütt", "Robert C. Giffen", "James Corry", "Henry Arthur Goddard", "Tommy Farrell", "Adam Maciąg", "Józef Spychalski", "Wolfgang Hoffmann Harnisch", "George Callaghan", "John Cyril Porte", "Hermann Vallendor", "Leopold Barsch", "Frederick Maitland, 14th Earl of Lauderdale", "Richard Symonds-Tayler", "Isidore Charles Nollet", "Jan Stankiewicz", "Alan Hugh Hornby", "Alan George Barwys Bourne", "Alan Colquhoun Duff", "Tom Wintringham", "Hans Glück", "Frank Fane", "Ernst-August Roth", "Sidney Kirkman", "Joseph T. McNarney", "William Campbell Church", "Frederick William Campbell", "Alfred Schuez", "Rembrandt Bugatti", "Eduard Dietl", "Urban Huttleston Broughton, 1st Baron Fairhaven", "Frederick Selous", "Hans Petri", "William Henry Short", "Joe Smith", "Frank Street", "Gerhard Kleiber", "August Hanko", "Adam DeBus", "Hermann von Salmuth", "George Peachment", "Jean Moulin", "Aleksander Żabczyński", "Lord William Montagu Douglas Scott", "Emile Brichard", "Constantin Beldie", "Auguste Champetier de Ribes", "Charles Clements, 5th Earl of Leitrim", "Benjamin Crémieux", "Hay Frederick Donaldson", "Carl Prause", "Karl Nikitsch", "Harvey R. Abraham", "Guillaume Apollinaire", "James Latta", "Paweł Budzik", "Karl L. Rankin", "Ali İhsan Sâbis", "Friedrich Klingner", "Martin Staemmler", "Joachim Degener", "Josef Leopold", "Erich Walter Killinger", "Fred Parkinson Holliday", "Aleksander Klotz", "Léon Bajolle", "Léon Aurousseau", "Alfred Proksch", "Moriz Jung", "Jerzy Szeruda", "Paul Heinrich", "Geo Wolters", "Jaques Bauerman Groeneveld", "Ronald Dalzell, 12th Earl of Carnwath", "Henri Languedoc", "Friedrich Karst", "Aref al-Aref", "Alfred Haines", "Władysław Krogulski", "Charles Hawker", "Thomas Caldwell", "Arthur George McNalty", "William Antrobus Griesbach", "Bryant Baker", "John Dwyer", "Karl-Albrecht Mensching", "Angelo Cerica", "Arnold Freiherr von Biegeleben", "Robert Boyers", "John Molyneux", "Dan Moody", "Fred Hofmann", "Juliusz Zaleski", "James M. Barnes", "James M. Baker", "Robert Schlüter", "Alfred Wegener", "Heinrich Pergler von Perglas", "Frederick Banting", "Max Simon", "Ernest Fawcus", "Sir Walter Barttelot, 3rd Baronet", "Willy Drügemüller", "Maximilian von Edelsheim", "Derek Oldham", "Arthur Boje", "Arthur Borton", "Henry James Nicholas", "Henry James Knight", "Stanisław Magnuszewski", "Gheorghe Argeşanu", "Gerhard Engel", "Gerhard Lindemann", "Gerhard Lindner", "Fairfax Gill", "Hector Mitchell", "Pierre Costantini", "Bernhard Kummer", "Christian Franke", "Percy Royds", "James D. Simon", "Pierre Fresnay", "Felix Warre", "Francis Mellersh", "George Wilcock", "Earl E. Stone", "Werner Ballauff", "Oskar Blümm", "Art Acord", "Ernest Guéguen", "Pius L. Schwert", "Carl Freter", "Carl Freybe", "Louis Bernheim", "Harold Spencer Kerby", "Vasile Cijevschi", "Frederick C. Young", "Karl Krichbaum", "Franz Triebel", "Russell S. Berkey", "Gottfried Weber", "Gotthard Fischer", "Coningsby Dawson", "José César Ferreira Gil", "Erpo Freiherr von Bodenhausen", "Robert V. Maraist", "Kurt-Fritz von Graevenitz", "Paul Gastin", "Cecil Beresford Ramage", "Cecil Banes-Walker", "Hilbert Bair", "Veysel Özgür", "Veysel Turan", "Julius Lippert", "George Paynter", "Jasper Brett", "Leverett Saltonstall", "E. Barrett Prettyman", "August von Mackensen", "Prince Maximilian of Baden", "Edward Crundall", "Max Maddalena", "James I. Mestrovitch", "Hugh McIver", "Sir Joseph Napier, 4th Baronet", "Ilya Pavlovich Tutayev", "Arthur Evans", "Ethem Servet Boral", "Francis Vane", "Ernest Dichmann Peek", "J. H. Morgan", "Bill Regan", "Jean Bouffet", "Stephen Tallents", "Marc Pourpe", "Marx Dormoy", "Henry Lyons, 1st Baron Ennisdale", "John Lennard-Jones", "Evelyn Thomson", "Clutha Mackenzie", "David Chalmers", "Karl Helfferich", "Karl August Nerger", "Sydney Carline", "Paul W. Beck", "Emil Bock", "Louis Robert de Beauchamp", "Georg von Hertling", "Henry Green", "Hugh Trenchard, 1st Viscount Trenchard", "Edmund Charles Beard", "Rudolf Neubert", "Frank Robinson", "William Grossart", "Edward Thompson", "Ignacy Mielżyński", "Wade H. Haislip", "Paul Kolbe", "Rex Battarbee", "Thomas Mottershead", "Percy White", "Bogislav von Selchow", "Maurice Gamelin", "Paul Spadoni", "Allan Gwynne-Jones", "Walter Keppel, 9th Earl of Albemarle", "Alfred Gerndt", "Gustave Huberdeau", "Harry Farr", "Heinrich Schulz", "Charles Binet", "Milunka Savić", "Julius Meyer", "Leonard Campbell Taylor", "Charles Petter", "Heinrich Barth", "Arthur Dugdale", "Erich Lüdke", "Hermann Geyer", "William Fadjo Cravens", "Elo Sambo", "Józef Werobej", "Ernest Wright Alexander", "Ernest Worrall", "Humphrey Verdon Roe", "B. H. Liddell Hart", "Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy", "Josef R. Sheetz", "Ulisse Igliori", "Lumley Jones", "William James Middleton", "Wilfrid Normand, Baron Normand", "Vladimir von Manstein", "Edwin Neve", "Wallace F. Bennett", "Friedrich Materna", "Alfred Ritter von Hubicki", "Frank Linke-Crawford", "Günther Burstyn", "Benno Fiala Ritter von Fernbrugg", "Rudolf Stöger-Steiner von Steinstätten", "Don R. Pears", "Josef Zürndorfer", "Kazimierz Weryński", "Andrzej Tupalski", "Ignacy Lipczyński", "Fritz Tittmann", "Franz Leonhard", "Henry Carr", "Max L. W. Laistner", "Max Lademann", "Max L. Strack", "Richard W. O'Neill", "Eugen Enderlen", "Sepp Innerkofler", "Otto Weigand", "Osmond Borradaile", "Walter Koch", "Piffles Taylor", "Leighton Bracegirdle", "Louis Risacher", "Fedor Astakhov", "Max Dieckmann", "Paul Zobel", "Marian Turkowski", "Titanic Thompson", "Viktor Mataja", "Georges Bidault", "Kurt Grasshoff", "Ernest Gowenlock", "Thomas E. Sotheron-Estcourt", "Jim Farnan", "Albert Wolff", "Charles Joseph McNamee", "Eberhard Sorge", "John Auden", "Konstantinos Nider", "Alexander Czéh", "Malcolm Lewis Pratt", "Conn Smythe", "Karl Pflaumer", "Clive Fergie", "Alexander MacWilliam, Sr.", "Georg Klein", "Marian Hyla", "Henry Bernard Wylde Hughes", "August Wild", "John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir", "Gaetano Giardino", "James Cornwall", "Ned Parfett", "Goronwy Owen", "George Macdonogh", "Eugen Kürschner", "Joseph Flores", "Faik Pasha", "Wladimir Aïtoff", "Alan Bruce Blaxland", "Joseph Gabriel Harner", "Sydney Fairbairn", "Henry L. Hulbert", "John Reith, 1st Baron Reith", "Thomas Tait Pitman", "Karl Strölin", "Friedrich-Karl Hartmann", "Richard Sorge", "Robertson Smyth", "Hugh Kidder", "Michael Heaviside", "Davis Elkins", "Peter Martin", "Matthew Best", "James Harvey Tomb", "Andrew Kiddie", "Ivan Stedeford", "Peter Weyer", "Erich Kanitz", "Ernest Albert Corey", "Mortimer Wheeler", "Karl Schmidt", "Karl Fredrik Wilkama", "Wilhelm Witthaus", "Italo Balbo", "Jack P. Walker", "Charles Tomblin", "Stanley Woodburn Kirby", "Waldemar von Hennigs", "Karl Haushofer", "Marcel A. Hugues", "Lyman Frimodig", "Hermann Stickelmann", "Issy Smith", "Rudolph Xylander", "Ralph Mitterling", "Edmund Tempest", "Franz Robert Bauer", "Leopoldo Eleuteri", "Irving Corey", "Jan Sierada", "Werner Marcks", "Frank Perkins", "Edward deGraffenried", "John Marwick", "Foster Cunliffe", "Stefan Bastyr", "Alice Ross-King", "Axel Platen", "Fritz Tarbuk von Sensenhorst", "Walter Pflaumbaum", "James Davis Taylor", "Jimmy Prentice", "Rudolf von Wachs", "Alan Algeron Marion Durand", "Jack Yuill", "Hugh Hay", "Bruno Moeller", "Walter Denkert", "Luke McNamee", "Harold Ingleby Hawkins", "Ludovic Hurault de Vibraye", "August Thiele", "Ioan Vernescu", "Johannes Denk", "Bolesław Popowicz", "Carl Wilhelm Tewaag", "Clement Leslie Smith", "Mahmud Muhtar Pasha", "Frank Monroe Upton", "Ray Parer", "James Hendry", "Fritz Lange", "William Anstruther-Gray", "Thomas Griffiths", "Rosabelle Osborne", "Alexander Maurice Cameron", "Amin-Salim Jarjora", "Frank Bell", "Heinrich Eckmann", "John Ponsonby", "Franz Mattenklott", "Roger Vercel", "Eugen Ritter von Schobert", "James Parker", "John E. Hull", "Roland Elcock", "Tim Massy-Beresford", "Johannes Behm", "Siegfried Rosenbaum", "Pearl Webster", "Eugène Maës", "Gustav Klaudat", "Charles Pierre Corvisart", "Arthur Brewill", "Arthur Bradfield Fairclough", "Franz Levacher", "Franciszek Prochaska", "John MacKenzie", "William Johnson", "Meyer Kestnbaum", "Mustafa Kemal Atatürk", "Heinrich Bohnens", "Max Oehler", "Hans Junius", "Felix Aderca", "Hans Graf von Sponeck", "Karl Bohnenkamp", "Karl Bock", "Karl Bowman", "Ernst Kirchweger", "Ludwik Kubasiewicz", "Emil Loriks", "Emil Loeffler", "John Flannagan", "Charles Lupton", "Willy Wesche", "Zygmunt Dzwonkowski", "Sam Campbell", "John Hellard", "Jerzy Rychłowski", "Gerhard Tappen", "Enrico Toti", "Harold Stackard", "Safarbek Malsagov", "Herbert Hegarty", "Américo Tomás", "William Darell", "Cyril Lowe", "Wolfgang von Weisl", "Frank T. Hines", "Konstantin Baronov", "Stanley Wallage", "Stanley Wallace Rosevear", "Herbert Augustine Carter", "Leo Gradwell", "Ants Kurvits", "Talbot Hobbs", "Michał Milewski", "Charles E. McKenzie", "Meyer Berger", "Prince Karl of Bavaria", "Josef Gronover", "Benjamin Handley Geary", "Ryszard Gansiniec", "Wolfgang Thomale", "Alec Birrell", "Franz Gall", "Bibb Graves", "Karl Barlen", "John T. Prout", "Léon Pousthomis", "Claude Dansey", "Stanisław Lityński", "Ernest Pearce", "Finners Quinlan", "Fernand Jacquet", "Arthur Estcourt", "Arthur Erskine", "Harold Hodges", "Ernest Davies", "Ernest Deighton", "Hans Ramshorn", "Henry Barnes, 2nd Baron Gorell", "Louis A. Merrilat", "Walther Schwering", "Reinhard Nixdorf", "Elliott Cutler", "George Johnston", "Paul Behncke", "Stanisław Haller de Hallenburg", "Ludwig Steeg", "Friedrich Altemeier", "Heinrich Schönfeldt", "Oscar Burkard", "Oscar C. Badger II", "Kurt Luthmer", "Maurycy Gąssowski", "Stanisław Laudański", "Thomas Rutledge", "Ronald Bannerman", "Frederick Fisher", "Hans Gottlob Karl von Ludwiger", "Walter Gladisch", "Carl August Claussen", "Forrest Taylor", "Frédéric Henri Wolff", "Frederick Marshman Bailey", "Hugh Carroll Frazer", "Arthur Joseph Poline", "Robert Musil", "Alojzy Kaczmarczyk", "D. Lane Powers", "George Erskine", "René Boudreaux", "Neokosmos Grigoriadis", "Max Großkopf", "Jimmy Stevenson", "Tommy Strong", "Bob Suart", "Victor von Oertzen", "Francis Ledwidge", "Heinrich Oberdiek", "Siegfried La Chevallerie", "Hugo Ferdinand Simon", "Karl von Düwell", "Karl Brug", "Hans Karl Rosenberg", "Percy Wilson", "Percy Wright", "Francis Nosworthy", "Joseph Stones", "Koreshige Inuzuka", "Justyn Wiktor Mackiewicz", "Glen Gray", "David Stuart McGregor", "Cyriaque Gillain", "Graham Maitland", "Gottfried Adolf Krummacher", "Wilhelm Schultzen", "Siegfried Haenicke", "Mardochée Valabrègue", "Hans Feldbausch", "Gustav Gärtner", "William Riley", "Alfred Eisenack", "Karl Torsten Wadenstjerna", "Franz Quiring", "A. J. Arkell", "Anton von Tschurtschenthaler", "Gheorghe Văleanu", "Ibrahim bey Usubov", "Werner Ehrhardt", "Norman Demuth", "Roderick R. Allen", "William Horrocks", "Stephen King-Hall", "Claude Congreve Dobson", "Jan Kazimierz Lasocki", "Hans Surén", "Eddie King", "Kajetan von Mérey", "Rolf Nesch", "Karl Tersztyánszky von Nádas", "Billy Booth", "Bertie Cooper", "Bertie Fisher", "John de Mestre Hutchison", "Moshe Sharett", "Robert B. McClure", "Josef Fuchsloch", "John A. Carroll", "Alfred Bower", "Teodoro Mariani", "Tom Rees", "Michael Joseph Hayes", "Thomas E. O'Shea", "Paul Barbreau", "Leo Bernhard Eichhorn", "Julius Schreck", "Otto von Below", "Hans Haltermann", "Arthur Cockcroft", "Billy Sing", "Walther von Lüttwitz", "Kenneth R. Unger", "Dudley A. White", "Josef Harpe", "Reginald Hands", "Stubby Magner", "Mykola Kapustiansky", "Arnold Horween", "Otto Hofmann", "Józef Zając", "Wilhelm Rintelen", "Maciej Bardel", "Henri Fondi de Niort", "David Carmichael Monro", "Wilhelm Kuhr", "Anastasios Charalambis", "James M. Sellers", "Gordon Jacob", "Roman Starzyński", "Victor Richardson", "Reginald Hewer", "Henry Ashington", "Hans Leesment", "Michał Grażyński", "Marc Giacardy", "William Goodenough", "Camille Ragueneau", "Jan Maciej Jasielski", "Jenö von Egan-Krieger", "Ludwik Turulski", "Wenzel von Wurm", "Norman Prince", "Emanuel Homolacs", "Stanisław Jakubowicz", "Kazimierz Hornoff", "Euan Dickson", "Stanisław Karnibad", "Hugh Kindersley, 2nd Baron Kindersley", "Ralph Waldo Christie", "Giulio Lega", "Bill Kelly", "Joseph de Marliave", "Emerson Beauchamp", "Guy Chapman", "Alfred Freyberg", "Fritz Fries", "Karl-Friedrich Kolbow", "Roger Evans", "Nikolai Reek", "Kiffin Rockwell", "John Bagot Glubb", "Władysław Kaliszek", "Harry R. Wellman", "Rolf Brockhausen", "Laurence W. Allen", "Alfred Critchley", "Tom Wright", "Arthur Wilde", "Noel de Rochefort", "Walter Ernst", "Józef Sitarz", "Asım Gündüz", "Eugen Frauenholz", "Ralph Munn", "Mathias Höner", "Günther Gumprich", "Ernst Riemenschneider", "Charles Allix Lavington Yate", "Nuri as-Said", "Joseph Joffre", "Sir Robert Chapman, 1st Baronet", "Wilbur Dartnell", "Wilbur E. Colyer", "Bernard Boutet de Monvel", "Otto Carpell", "Otto Creutzmann", "Charles Frederick Cox", "Franz Radziwill", "Charles Close", "Sir Harry Verney, 4th Baronet", "Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk", "Paul Maze", "Joe Fogarty", "Albert W. Grant", "Thomas Ralph Merton", "Alf Hadden", "Heinrich Hartwig", "Arthur Mülverstadt", "Manolis Mantakas", "Ernst von Einem", "Josef Fitzthum", "Živko Stanisavljević", "Hellmuth von Mücke", "Ferdinand von Lüninck", "Cecil Goodden", "Adolph A. Hoehling, Jr.", "Lucjan Żeligowski", "Frederick Cuthbert Poole", "Robert S. Beightler", "Reginald Hildyard", "Carlo Emilio Gadda", "Ernst von Heynitz", "Adolf Strube", "Adam Królikiewicz", "William Mabane, 1st Baron Mabane", "William M. Wright", "Clement Moody", "Piero Calamandrei", "Henry Ralph Lumley", "Willoughby Gwatkin", "John J. Doles", "Hugh Samuel Johnson", "John Beckett", "Cleveland Dear", "Cavit Erdel", "John Scott-Taggart", "Frank Archibald MacDougall", "Horst Ritter und Edler von Oetinger", "Richard Goolden", "Edmund Ironside, 1st Baron Ironside", "Djevdet Bey", "Richard Glücks", "Dietrich von Saucken", "Scipio Slataper", "Antoine Pol", "Feliks Franciszek Jędrychowski", "Paul E. Garber", "Nikola Zhekov", "Erich Hoepner", "Maury Maverick", "Vernon C. Miller", "Henri Claudon", "Józef Gigiel-Melechowicz", "Józef Giza", "Walter Feyerabend", "Gustav Leffers", "Gustav Krist", "Friedrich-Georg Eberhardt", "Bruno Gerloch", "Charles Pelot Summerall", "Bernard Glueck, Sr.", "Emil Niethammer", "Franciszek Prokop", "John MacLaren Erskine", "John MacLaughlin", "Werner Faber", "Brodie Haig", "Cassius von Montigny", "André Aliker", "James Dalgleish Pollock", "Rudolf Juen", "Eduard von Lütcken", "Georg Aumeier", "Karl Brassert", "Ernst Volckheim", "Joseph Friedrich Abert", "Max Goßner", "Kurd Eissfeldt", "Louis McGuffie", "Friedrich Wilhelm Levi", "Arthur Best", "Gilbert Ledward", "Roy Clive Abraham", "Paul Rosbaud", "Pavel Shatev", "Lawrence Moore Cosgrave", "Behaeddin Shakir", "Michael O'Moore Creagh", "Ira Clinton Welborn", "Prosper Keller", "Paul Strähle", "Hans Rollwagen", "James Forgie", "Talbot Mercer Papineau", "Jean de Suarez d'Aulan", "Cecil Aylmer Cameron", "Jacob Wolff", "Alexander Moritz Frey", "Nevil Shute", "Hermann Hoffmann", "Samuel Hof", "Karl Minnameyer", "Zygmunt Miłkowski", "Campbell Manning Christie", "André Fagot", "Louis Voisin", "George LeRoy Irwin", "George LeRoy Hudson", "David Margesson, 1st Viscount Margesson", "Sándor Ferenczi", "Stefan Garczyński", "Arthur Hartley", "David King Murray", "Karl Bartenbach", "Karl Bartosch", "Ernest Peixotto", "Armand de Turenne", "Ernest Deane", "Frederick Browning", "Guy Beatty", "Charles Duncombe, 2nd Earl of Feversham", "Halil Kut", "Adam Obtułowicz", "Aleksander Tomaszewski", "Ben Lear", "Carl Alfred Simons", "John Parr", "Hans von Schiller", "Hans von Schlebrügge", "Hans von Keudell", "Gheorghe I. Brătianu", "Oscar Ferris Watkins", "Bodo Lafferentz", "Bertine Sutton", "George Bullock", "George Bulman", "John Watson", "Jan Krawczyk", "William Forbes-Sempill, 19th Lord Sempill", "Daniel Pitt O'Brien", "John Marshall Butler", "Franz Hemala", "René Bouscat", "Kurt Heyser", "Wilhelm Anton Michael von Attems-Petzenstein", "Heinz Scheurlen", "Bronisław Panek", "Frīdrihs Briedis", "Hans Kappertz", "Reinhold Jörke", "Ludwig Hinteregger", "Walter Goetz", "Paul Leblois", "Wiktor Ludwikowski", "Donald A. Quarles", "Curt Bejach", "Tivadar Soros", "Samuel Reeves Keesler", "Sir Christopher Magnay, 3rd Baronet", "Helmuth Brückner", "Udo von Woyrsch", "Henry Clay Sevier", "Gustave Lanctot", "John Campbell, 5th Earl Cawdor", "Albert Szent-Györgyi", "Allister Miller", "Sir Samuel Joseph, 1st Baronet", "Theodor Endres", "Arthur Hauffe", "Ferdinand Jodl", "Lawrence Cook", "Władysław Kiliński", "Adalbert von Springer", "Carl Ludwig Paul Trüb", "Matvey Sulkevich", "Friedrich Wilhelm von Lindeiner-Wildau", "Dick Clough", "George Bissill", "Leonard Barnes", "André Simon", "Lu Blue", "Carlo Ceriana-Mayneri", "Nikolsky", "Detlef Cauer", "Nigel Love", "Franz Sommer", "Stanisław Plappert", "Witosław Porczyński", "Konstanty Haller", "Sidney Hayward", "Kurt Gerstenberg", "Wallace Lloyd Algie", "Ralyn M. Hill", "Bobby Royle", "Frank G. Marsh", "Jakob Grimminger", "Erich Freiherr von Seckendorff", "Erich Straube", "Erich von Brückner", "Hans Georg von Mackensen", "Nello Carrara", "Gilbert Ashton", "Michael Barthel", "Raoul Péret", "Heinrich XXVII, Prince Reuss Younger Line", "Alexander Bethell", "Edmund Burton", "Sam Salz", "Julius Charig", "Percy W. Griffiths", "Willy Gay", "Charles de Bartolomé", "Charles deForest Chandler", "Kazimierz Nieżychowski", "Hugh Cecil, 1st Baron Quickswood", "William Benson Craig", "Gustav Sieß", "William Purington Cole", "Alexander Galloway", "Sidney Highwood", "John P. Johanson", "George Elers", "Max Immelmann", "Norm Bradford", "Percival John Montague", "Stanley Cockerell", "Raymond Cambefort", "Otto Dix", "Josef Hoegen", "Jozef Simons", "Michał Pius Römer", "Werner Grundherr zu Altenthann und Weyherhaus", "Louis Coudouret", "Marcel Vandal", "Arthur von Gabain", "Jerzy Antoszewicz", "Franciszek Studziński", "Rockley Wilson", "Heinrich Berggötz", "Eugen Plorin", "William H. Farrow", "Jan Niemierski", "Otto Ernst Meyer", "Herbert Finnigan", "Murdock A. Campbell", "Cyril Deverell", "Ludwig Bieringer", "Rudolf von Eschwege", "Jaan Soots", "Józef Garbień", "Harold Taylor Wood Grant", "Gerald Isaacs, 2nd Marquess of Reading", "Paul Drechsel", "William C. Chase", "Angelo Iachino", "Kazimierz Orlik-Łukoski", "Friedrich Walter Landfried", "Kurt Assmann", "Allen W. Gullion", "Wilhelm Marschall", "Fred Titmuss", "Tomas Mateo Claudio", "Hermann Meyer-Rabingen", "Andrzej Galica", "John Frederick Hepburn-Stuart-Forbes-Trefusis", "John Hopley", "Richard Howard-Vyse", "Donald Beard", "Hans Frank", "Refik Saydam", "Joris Van Severen", "Paul Hauet", "Arthur J. Burks", "Richard Haking", "Ivor Maxse", "Carroll Carstairs", "Carroll C. Hincks", "George Ingram", "George Imlach McIntosh", "Józef Kaiser", "Michał Garczyk", "Ralph Hancock", "William Alexander", "Frederick Peake", "Tadeusz Różycki-Kołodziejczyk", "Rudolph Firle", "Daniel J. Creedon", "Władysław Jaxa-Rożen", "Nicholas II of Russia", "Joe Brandy", "Ralph Vaughan Williams", "Harold Morris", "Geoffrey Coles", "Roland V. Libonati", "Otto Büsing", "Eugen Bregant", "Karl Wenninger", "Arno Manthey", "Mikhail Kvetsinsky", "Henryk Bagiński", "Jona von Ustinov", "Jonas H. Ingram", "John Martin Vorys", "Karl Bömer", "Wilhelm Kinkelin", "Richard Schimpf", "Daniel B. Strickler", "James Ira Thomas Jones", "Wolfgang Pickert", "Stefan Pawlikowski", "Nicolae Rădescu", "Cecil Francis Kilner", "Cecil Frederick King", "Cecil Gardner", "Paul F. Straub", "Prince Luigi Amedeo, Duke of the Abruzzi", "Edward P. King", "Hellmuth Böhlke", "William Fison", "Viktor Oberguggenberger", "L. P. Hartley", "Harold Rushworth", "Paul König", "Dimitrios Loundras", "Vernon Huber", "Donald C. McDowell", "Friedrich Jähne", "Bernard Ashmole", "Buckminster Fuller", "John Becke", "George F. Hopkinson", "Rudolf Schleier", "Jean Vérines", "Stanisław Kuźmiński", "Mikołaj Osikowski", "Frank Baylies", "Bryn Lewis", "William Fawcett", "Ioan Pătrașcu", "Willard Ames Holbrook", "Rafael Hernández Marín", "Franz Vaterrodt", "Joe Pullen", "Paul Pouderoux", "Martin Nathusius", "Stanisław Hryniewiecki", "Viktor Artamonov", "Kazimierz Młodzianowski", "Georg von Hantelmann", "Georg Meyer", "Nikolaos Trikoupis", "Gustav Harteneck", "Gustav Hundt", "Robert Williams Michell", "Hans Rothfels", "Frank Alexander de Pass", "William John Maxwell", "Hans Freyberg", "Kurt Gruber", "Ioan Rășcanu", "Paul Blunk", "Kurt von Tepper-Laski", "Dimitrij Jevstignejevič Bakanov", "Norbert Casteret", "Sir Joseph Nall, 1st Baronet", "Erich Brandenberger", "Karl Strecker", "Richard Hamann", "Sir John Beynon, 1st Baronet", "Matthias Göstl", "Rudolf Borries", "Emil Meinecke", "Herbert von Daniels", "Georg Freiherr von Gayl", "Bernard Adamecki", "Hugo von Schauer", "Harold Stephen Langhorne", "Thomas Sinclair Harrison", "Robert-Auguste Touchon", "Fritz Rang", "Julius Koch", "Hans Eugen Stephan Fabricius", "Wilhelm Grolman", "Benno von Arent", "Arnold Horace Santo Waters", "Auguste Chaillou", "Edward Leonard King", "Lou Diamond", "Wally Don", "Wolfgang von Chamier-Glisczinski", "Adam Kiełbiński", "Adam Kiciński", "Romuald Muklevich", "Robert Tyndall", "Norman Denbigh Riley", "Ivo Vesey", "Cecil Abercrombie", "Rudolf Keydell", "Drastamat Kanayan", "Curt von Gottberg", "Josef Wolf", "Włodzimierz Bochenek", "William F. Cotton", "Mikhail Dmitriyevich Bonch-Bruyevich", "Otto Schwab", "Willy Schmelcher", "Charles Ryan", "Heinrich Grillo", "Augustin Guillaume", "Julius Grober", "Georg von Bismarck", "Stewart Blacker", "Lothar Adolf Carl Danner", "Herbert Sumsion", "Joe Lievesley", "Harold Hippisley", "Maurice Maréchal", "Nikolaus Osterroth", "Thomas Eadie", "Franz Prendinger", "Ugo Zaniboni Ferino", "Harold Meadowcroft", "Richard Lammel", "Bronisława Wieniawa-Długoszowska", "Charles Dunning", "Fritz Behn", "Vasile Zottu", "Clive Gallop", "Clive Franklyn Collett", "Clive Gerard Liddell", "Clive Glynn", "Frank Martin", "Aubrey Fitch", "Sydney Jones", "Hans von Freden", "Frank Wild", "Frederic John Walker", "Nigel Colman", "Herbert Knappe", "Oscar F. Miller", "Włodzimierz Wołkowicki", "Walter Eberhardt", "Ellard A. Walsh", "Etienne Oehmichen", "Djemal Pasha", "Cyril Edward Gourley", "Ernest Maunoury", "Rauf Orbay", "Stan Neale", "Percy Hobson", "Leo Killy", "Robert Poulet", "René Boutegourd", "Gedeon Fritz", "Hermann Neubacher", "William Sims", "Forrester Rose", "Franz Wilhelm Marotzke", "Dumitru Iliescu", "Ivan Kern", "Henry Speldewinde de Boer", "Stanisław Grzmot-Skotnicki", "William Boyd", "Hubert William Lewis", "Józef Kapciuk", "Konrad Hausmann", "Aurél Stromfeld", "Henry Wrigley", "Sir Christopher Peto, 3rd Baronet", "John James Crowe", "Alexandre Volkoff", "Walter Herold", "Peter Hansen", "Kadish Luz", "Karl Kuk", "Paul Schröder", "Ernst von Leyser", "Sir Reginald Graham, 3rd Baronet", "John Daykins", "Amyas Borton", "Matthew Henry Phineas Riall Sankey", "Alexandre Netchvolodov", "Frank Moss", "Karl Fischer von Treuenfeld", "Charles-Joseph Dupont", "Sir Henry Webb, 1st Baronet", "Sir Henry Willink, 1st Baronet", "Bernard Vann", "Jan Romer", "George Kenneth Scott-Moncrieff", "Ahmet Nuri Öztekin", "Ernst Wentzler", "Wilhelm Crisolli", "Victor Clemett", "Robert N. Gorman", "Roger Boch", "Kurt Beyer", "Wallace Pike", "Emil A. Hinz", "Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore", "Hans Braumüller", "Hans Buwert", "Erich Raschick", "Erich Schopper", "Friedrich von Georgi", "Lucien Blanvillain", "Llewelyn Wyn Griffith", "Erima Harvey Northcroft", "Leo Perutz", "Archibald Hayes Macdonell", "Arthur Laumann", "Oskar Freiherr von Boenigk", "George Washington Goethals", "Forrest Sherman", "Ray A. Robinson", "Alfred Taylor", "Alfons Luczny", "William Babtie", "James Harrison Oliver", "Alfred Steinhage", "Alexander Gatehouse", "Howard Clifton Brown", "Charles Gairdner", "Thorvald A. Solberg", "Ernst Poensgen", "Joseph Garat", "Albert Borella", "John Eliot, 6th Earl of St Germans", "Joe Fowler", "René Benjamin", "Prince Vittorio Emanuele, Count of Turin", "John Arbuthnott, 14th Viscount of Arbuthnott", "Gerald Howard", "Stanley Colville", "Alexandre Bretillon", "Władysław Sikorski", "Orlando Bridgeman, 5th Earl of Bradford", "Karl Günther Freiherr von Saar", "Désiré-Joseph Mercier", "Rudolf Medek", "Werner von Fichte", "Wat Tyler Cluverius, Jr.", "Karl Wastl", "Marcel Vanco", "John Tovey, 1st Baron Tovey", "Wolfgang Höfeld", "Edward Coleman", "Blaine Stubblefield", "Lothar von Bischoffshausen", "Georges de Bazelaire", "Herbert-Ernst Vahl", "Reginald Frederick Johnson Hayward", "Tadeusz Felsztyn", "Euan Miller", "Dudley Pound", "Wilhelm Guske", "Heinrich Deubel", "Fritz Karl Engel", "Albert Miller", "Fred Thompson", "Fred Thompson Bowerbank", "Lloyd Seibert", "Philip James Vandeleur Kelly", "Peter Jandrisevits", "Eugeniusz Tinz", "Ernest Louis, Grand Duke of Hesse", "Franz Seldte", "Modest Romiszewski", "Martin Albrecht", "André Brézillon", "Ottoi Călin", "Harry W. Brown", "Arthur Roland Selby", "Hermann von der Heyde", "Tadeusz Stefan Kamiński", "Hermann Strahl", "Hermann Stodte", "Rudolphus Arbesmann", "Alberto Lello Potella", "Ernst August Max von Bacmeister", "Johannes Olm", "Coulson Norman Mitchell", "Arnold Ridley", "Ludovicus M. M. Van Iersel", "Anton Schreiner", "Noel Mason-Macfarlane", "Patrick Hagan", "Jukums Vācietis", "Otto Schwarzenberger", "Friedrich von Bülow", "Emil Gołogórski", "Robert Nichols", "Arthur Seyss-Inquart", "Bruce Fraser, 1st Baron Fraser of North Cape", "Karl Friedrich", "Karl Löwrick", "G. A. Beazeley", "Theodor Odenwald", "Wolf Hagemann", "Hugo Lunardon", "Robert McLean", "Karl I Albrecht", "Hartley Moon", "Hüseyin Hüsnü Emir Erkilet", "Gustav Unfried", "Daniel Carroll", "Pavel Mishchenko", "William C. Stadie", "Thomas Sanderson-Wells", "Franklin A. Hart", "Walter Schultze", "Woldemar Hägglund", "Max von Hartlieb-Walsporn", "Harold Ross Eycott-Martin", "Wilhelm Dreher", "Jan Skala", "Heinrich Biltz", "Charles Hueber", "Iwan Suchow", "Mikhail Drozdovsky", "Jérôme Carcopino", "Emil Ketterer", "George F. Houston", "Bernhard Klosterkemper", "Girolamo Brandolin", "Richard Williams", "James Healy", "James Heane", "Josef Erber", "Anton Rintelen", "Henry Bruce", "Marc Sesselmann", "Sydney Liversedge", "Robert Anderson", "William Price Drury", "James Joseph Hayes Doone", "Rice W. Means", "Joseph Roth", "Habib Bey Salimov", "Walenty Peszek", "Karl Křitek", "Edmund Bieder", "Otto Eltester", "Fritz Barnekow", "Kazimierz Plisowski", "Edward Felix Baxter", "Alexander Wilson", "Branislav Milosavljević", "Bronisław Teodor Emil Czyżek", "Stanisław Hetmanek", "Ernest Elton", "Arthur Brennan", "Lionel de Jersey Harvard", "Karl Theodor Alexander Heinrich von Maur", "Joseph Götz", "Karl Kuhnke", "William John MacKenzie", "William John Lyon", "Bernard Henry Bourdillon", "Eric Maturin", "Otto Biehl", "Charles B. Dawson", "Raymond Gigot", "Bernhard Koerner", "Georg von Neufville", "Lothian Small", "Turi Carroll", "Georg von Gyldenfeldt", "Wilhelm Speidel", "Gustav Dörr", "Karl Höfer", "Herb Gardiner", "Wykeham Cornwallis, 2nd Baron Cornwallis", "Jerzy Sawa-Sawicki", "Jack Marriott", "Jan Stanisław Kaczmarek", "Arthur Spurling", "Charles Le Cocq", "Charles Graham Robertson", "Charles Grant", "Daniel Zaret", "Arthur Currie", "François Léon Jouinot-Gambetta", "George Hicks", "Richard Marshall", "Axel Werner Kühl", "LeRoy Prinz", "Stanley Vincent", "Leopold Pischl", "Martin O'Meara", "Darryl F. Zanuck", "Len Andrews", "Dallas Brooks", "Peter Mandorfer", "John MacDermott, Baron MacDermott", "Mary Lindell", "Samuel I. Parker", "Thomas G. W. Settle", "Stanisław Kalabiński", "Fritz Schmidt-Hoensdorf", "Oswald Borrett", "Oswald Austin Reid", "Christian Schneehagen", "Walter H. Longton", "Dennis George Wyldbore Hewitt", "Mikhail Bakhirev", "Doc Sarpolis", "Wend von Wietersheim", "Józef Kozłowski", "Jozef Jaklicz", "Christian Wegner", "Chester C. Thompson", "Camillo Berneri", "Prince Wolrad of Waldeck and Pyrmont", "Prince Wolrad of Waldeck and Pyrmont", "Owen Mead", "Gheorghe Pănculescu", "Grahame Donald", "George Blackman", "Rudolf Levy", "Lewis Pugh Evans", "Georges Chauvin", "Dimitrije Ljotić", "Charlie Stewart", "Vladimir Stoychev", "Wilhelm Struve", "Ernst Zörner", "Barney F. Spott", "Władysław Kowalski", "Norman Cota", "Luigi Capello", "John P. Lucas", "William Roberts", "Walter Dönicke", "William Cremor", "Maurice de Courson de la Villeneuve", "Cyril Gordon Martin", "Cyril Fuller", "Deming Bronson", "William Crozier", "Sandu Tudor", "Harrison Keller", "Eugène Dabit", "Wilhelm Rudorf", "Friedrich T. Noltenius", "Max Kämper", "Philip Cary", "Percy Stout", "Jerry Vasconcells", "Ulrich Fresenius", "Thomas Carstens", "Waino Hendrickson", "Herman H. Hanneken", "Eugene Davis", "Edward Andrade", "Roderick Ogle Bell-Irving", "David Sydney Carlyon Evans", "Victor Fyodorov", "Siegmund Kunisch", "Heinrich Severit", "George Creasy", "Henry Norris", "Bruno Schatz", "Feliks Błaszkiewicz", "John Bruce Medaris", "Heinrich August Knickmann", "Christian Hansen", "Ross Lindsey Iams", "Tom Van Horn Moorehead", "Bartholomäus Hasenauer", "Alexandr N. Iskander", "Carlo Alberto Viazzi", "Colonel Pessian", "John Murray", "Bernard W. Kearney", "Ernst Wermke", "William T. Murphy", "Kurt Cuno", "Erich Massini", "Andrea Bafile", "John Leak", "Edwin Mayfield", "Wojciech Dąbrowski", "Harry Price", "Oskar Bezzel", "Ivane Kazbegi", "Erwin Kraus", "Jakob Weis", "William Middleton Wallace", "William Milbourne James", "Carl Maria Holzapfel", "Charles Thomas Menoher", "Arnolt Bronnen", "Erwin Bumke", "Artur Ivens Ferraz", "Wallace O. Fenn", "Rudolf Ruth", "Robert Powell", "Fred Sanderson", "Pasquale Capone", "Hugh James", "Henry Astell Law, 7th Baron Ellenborough", "Alfred Hanemann", "Seweryn Łańcucki", "Eugène Dargaud", "James Llewellyn Davies", "Harry J. Collins", "Stefan Zych", "Carl Bobach", "Bernhard Schottländer", "Frank Searle", "Lothar von Richthofen", "Alberto Pariani", "Alberto Picco", "Eugene Van Gent", "Peter Kraus", "Chatta Singh", "Edward Sayers", "Campbell Hoy", "William M. Morrow", "Karl Dönitz", "Robert Knox Ross", "Douglas Evill", "Allan Leonard Lewis", "Robert Scott", "John Green", "Sir Robert Arbuthnot, 4th Baronet", "Arthur Zimmermann", "Joseph Louis Alphonse Baret", "Joseph Louis Andlauer", "V. Raymond Edman", "Johannes von Busse", "Johannes Dassel", "Archibald Nye", "Hans von Kessel", "Marceli Cerklewicz", "Tom Cairns", "Raymond Brownell", "Raymond Brutinel", "Hermann Kling", "William Fry", "Alfredo Bennicelli", "Fritz Broistedt", "Hryhorij Kossak", "Earl B. Dickerson", "Kâzım Orbay", "Siegfried Polack", "George Campbell Wheeler", "Thad H. Brown", "Carl Einstein", "Magnus von Levetzow", "Frank Cruise Haymond", "Edward Hartwick", "Charles Vaughan-Lee", "Georges de Castellane", "Frederick Clarke", "Frederick Clayton Casselman", "Karl Topp", "Paul Werkmeister", "Philip Afanasievich Ershakov", "Howard M. Baldrige", "Richard Hingston", "Fritz Pütter", "Philip Game", "DeWitt Clinton Ramsey", "DeWitt Coffman", "Oswald Unger", "Lee E. Emerson", "George Gater", "William Furse", "Frederic Manley Glubb", "Felix Giles", "Ludwig Eckhart", "Konstantin Zhostov", "Alfons Kurfess", "Wilhelm Groener", "Robert Grierson Combe", "Robert Bruce McCoy", "François Jaffré", "Richard V. Southwell", "Harold Eric Barrowclough", "Hermann Tempel", "Dan Pienaar", "Paweł Parniak", "August Blum", "Stanisław Taczak", "Alfred Wolff", "Dwite H. Schaffner", "Adam Hełm-Pirgo", "Johann Mathieu", "Harry Harcourt", "William Elliott", "Lyman Knute Swenson", "Friedrich Delekat", "Joachim von Kortzfleisch", "Karl Coupette", "Hans Berr", "Otto Rosenthal", "Otto Zedler", "Mordehai Frizis", "James Phelan", "Pierre Appell", "Gurmukh Singh Saini", "Dietrich Capler von Oedheim", "Carl Bauer", "Ernst von Below", "Alexander Kolchak", "Karlgeorg Schuster", "Jack Chalmers", "Edward Baird", "Malcolm Cummings Grow", "Walter Edmond Smith", "William Cambray", "John Henry Godfrey", "Flaminio Avet", "Artur Schmitt", "Gilbert Edward Archey", "William M. Miley", "Harry Bruno", "Neil Douglas Findlay", "Neil Douglas Findlay", "George F. Moore", "John Franklin Enders", "Karl Friedrich Siegfried Fabarius", "Christodoulos Tsigantes", "Cafer Tayyar Eğilmez", "Jan Kruk-Śmigla", "Gerald McLaughlin", "George Cochrane", "Michael Rimington", "Stanisława Paleolog", "Erwin Stolze", "Hermann Breith", "Rudolf Weber", "Leopold Reimann", "Henri Collignon", "Jack Rattray", "John Pitt Dening", "Charles DuVal Roberts", "Charles Dudley Daly", "Arthur Bluethenthal", "Theodor Hornbostel", "Henry Biziou", "Henry Clay", "John Griffith", "Franz Stiebitz", "Günther von Pogrell", "Günther Lenz", "Emory S. Land", "Franciszek Paulik", "Reinhard Bruns-Wüstefeld", "Lesley James Probyn Butler", "Claude Choules", "Giovanni Lipella", "Constantin Tănăsescu", "Gustav Strohm", "Michel Zunino", "Lewis Nott", "Bruno Hippler", "George Augustus Vaughn, Jr.", "Alexei Danilov", "Zygmunt Horyd", "Sydney Raw", "Randolph Roy Bruce", "Louis Fatou", "Ben Elbert Douglas, Sr.", "Louis Beydts", "James Fynn", "Hanns Kerrl", "Albin Nowotny", "Oswald Watt", "Reg Gammon", "Kenneth Hutchings", "Ioan \"Epure\" Popovici", "Arthur Jones", "Karol Korytowski", "Alfons Hitzler", "Karl Augustin", "Arnold Cazenove", "Ronald Simson", "Ludwik Rydygier", "Karl Menadier", "Arno Jahr", "Leon Moszczeński", "Trofim Kolomiets", "William Ewart Boulter", "Franz Hechenblaickner", "Adolf Małyszko", "Radko Dimitriev", "Anton Müller", "Anton Kless Edler von Drauwörth", "Walter Krüger", "Friedrich Gempp", "Stanisław Starowieyski", "Hermann Gauch", "Józef Kalicki", "Wilhelm Freiherr von Tettau", "Ernest Lucas Guest", "Ellis Wellwood Sifton", "Jean Ganeval", "Sir John Keane, 5th Baronet", "Archibald Montgomery-Massingberd", "Billy Middleton", "Valentin Faltlhauser", "Wilhelm Horl", "Stanisław Tatar", "Otto Dowling", "Richard R. Peabody", "Richard R. Nacy", "Everett Cook", "Henry Calvert Stanley-Clarke", "Karl von Müller", "Philipp Münz", "Theodor Bauder", "Stephen Shepherd Allen", "George Burdon McKean", "Hans Holm", "Karl Holm", "Tomasz Bondarczuk-Galiński", "Jan Bigo", "Franciszek Adamczyk", "Aleksander Batory", "Maurice d'Hartoy", "Victor Heintz", "Andreas Dombrowski", "George Harold Baker", "Józef Dowbor-Muśnicki", "Edward Beddington-Behrens", "Harry Frank Guggenheim", "Kenneth Wigram", "Billy Harvey", "Harry E. Yarnell", "Ludwig Hauck", "Gerald Barry", "Leslie Boyce", "Leslie Bourneman Neale", "Percy Toplis", "Percy Thompson Dean", "Stefan Tarnawski", "Felix Tarbuk von Sensenhorst", "Allan Hepburn", "Nikolaï Dorochevitch", "Franz Geiler", "Karl Alnor", "Albert Bedane", "Konrad Wittmann", "Emil Waldorf", "Walther Graeßner", "Eugen Müller", "Jan Prot", "Heinrich Jacobi", "Michał Karaszewicz-Tokarzewski", "Władysław Jung", "Władysław Jurgenson", "Hermann Metz", "Hermann Grosse", "Constantin Teodorescu", "Henri Baruk", "Edwin Harris Dunning", "George Blacker", "Alexander Abt", "Xavier Dannhuber", "John Russell, 3rd Baron Ampthill", "Ernst Henneberg", "Teófilo Marxuach", "John Shuman", "Carlo Scialoja", "John Craig", "Roy Henderson", "Marian Januszajtis-Żegota", "William St Colum Bland", "Friedrich Fenz", "William Donovan Stamer", "Reginald Arkell", "Jānis Buivids", "Edward Pfeiffer", "Godfrey Wilson", "Orlando Henderson Petty", "Albert Graf von der Goltz", "Lyndhurst Giblin", "Raymond Walter Tovell", "Wilhelm Kohlhaas", "Frank Voelker, Sr.", "Christopher Woolner", "Thomas T. Handy", "Raymond Briggs", "William Fullam", "Kazimierz Kardaszewicz", "Eustachy Górczyński", "Aleksandr Pishvanov", "Fernand Goux", "Norman Roberts", "Herman de Zoete", "Peter Scheunemann", "Mal Williams", "David Fleming, Lord Fleming", "Rupert Wertheim", "Adalbert Gimbel", "Thomas Luke", "Patrick Gordon Taylor", "Georg Neuffer", "Willibald Utz", "Arthur Leveson", "Harold Gardner", "Ferdinand von Neureiter", "Friedrich Triebel", "Ernst von Wrisberg", "Walter Bloem", "Antoni Jabłoński", "Félix Wielemans", "Štefan Tiso", "Marian Niedenthal", "Alfred Milbrat", "Charles Henry Brown", "Oleksandr Udovychenko", "Carl Goßler", "Wilhelm Habbes", "Johannes Käfer", "Nikolai Essen", "Claudius Four", "János Garay", "Lord Claud Hamilton", "Harold Harrison", "Pol Morel", "André Martenot de Cordoux", "Rudolf Wendelmuth", "Harry d’Abbadie d’Arrast", "Billie Palmes", "Austin Morris Harmon", "Aleksander Serednicki", "George Dobbs", "Henry Duvall", "James Emerson", "Friedrich Litten", "Fritz Dörffler", "Walther Frieboes", "François Ingold", "Alexandru Referendaru", "Hermann Sträter", "Frank Lee Crist", "Hans Felber", "Paul Bader", "Denys R. Martin", "Ernest Farrar", "Hans Pfundtner", "Vasily Gurko", "Horst Rechenbach", "Otto Fruhner", "Emil Franciszek Mecnarowski", "Sir Guy Lloyd, 1st Baronet", "Ernst Fritzsche", "Karl Teichmann", "Karl Urban", "Graham Cook", "Hubert Jones", "Alexander von Hartmann", "Charles Brunier", "Gavró Lajos", "Friedrich-Wilhelm Hauck", "Max-Günther Schrank", "James C. Marshall", "Wincenty Wnuk", "Ernst Zipfel", "Ernst Zitzmann", "Wolf Wrangel-Waldburg", "Mario Fucini", "Malcolm Trustram Eve, 1st Baron Silsoe", "Hans Au", "Harold Goodeve Ruggles-Brise", "Wiljo Tuompo", "Milan Radenković", "William Macpherson", "Guy William Price", "Gilbert Dyett", "Octave Delaluque", "Hermann Köhl", "Colin Robert Ballard", "Zygmunt Bohusz-Szyszko", "Werner Scheibner", "Ernst Schlange", "Vasile Stoica", "Frederick Coppins", "Frederick Cook", "Tadeusz Piskor", "George F. Rixey", "George Henry Morris", "Ernest Geoffrey Weeks", "Wilhelm von Nathusius", "Joseph A. Redding", "Sydney Minch", "Konstanty Strzelecki", "Jan Schuch", "Alfonso Cigala-Fulgosi", "Frank McIntyre", "Albert Hohenester", "Charles G. D. Roberts", "Horatio Pettus Mackintosh Berney-Ficklin", "Władysław Wojtkiewicz", "Paul Jakobi", "Alf George", "Angelo Giuseppe Zancanaro", "Alex Decoteau", "Adolf Wedderwille", "Ernst Flatow", "Frank Grayer", "Konrad Barde", "Norman Z. McLeod", "Kurt Slevogt", "Charles Dudley Rhodes", "Hans Segelken", "Arthur Blackburn", "Tovmas Nazarbekian", "Carl von Wichmann", "Gustav-Georg Knabe", "Charles Pawsey", "Bernard Forbes, 8th Earl of Granard", "Bernard Fitzalan-Howard, 3rd Baron Howard of Glossop", "Pierre Boyer de Latour du Moulin", "Czesław Młot-Fijałkowski", "Franciszek Perl", "Arthur Aitken", "Imre Nagy", "Ferdinand Simeon Le Quesne", "Hector Waller", "Geoffrey Feilding", "Ernst Haccius", "Jack Sangster", "Luke Lea", "Gustav Tellgmann", "Hugh B. Brown", "Hugh B. Hester", "Edwin Erich Dwinger", "Erich Kühlenthal", "Karl Eberth", "Herman Rottger", "Malcolm Clifford Howell", "Herbert Olbrich", "Alexandre Louis Philippe Marie Berthier, 4th Prince of Wagram", "Ludwig III of Bavaria", "Walter Anderssen", "Titus Türk", "Guenther Wachsmuth", "Valerian A. Frolov", "Arthur Dewey Struble", "Frank Stout", "R. A. Del'Haye", "Walter Heitz", "Peter Vogt", "Harry Yates", "Wally Hood", "Ted Bank", "Stanley Thompson", "Alceste De Ambris", "Sanji Abe", "Ernst II, Duke of Saxe-Altenburg", "John Bradley", "Norman Kendal", "Lancelot Holland", "Leon Orłowski", "Pierse Loftus", "James C. Dozier", "Viktor Schmieden", "Jacques Hilpert", "Joseph J. Clark", "Erich von Gündell", "Jack Broome", "James Armand de Rothschild", "Peveril William-Powlett", "Ellis Vair Reid", "Georg Poxleitner", "Austin Cotterell Taylor", "Don Blanding", "Willibald Romański", "Vojin Popović", "Benito Mussolini", "Friedrich-Jobst Volckamer von Kirchensittenbach", "James Collis", "Graham Woodwark", "Oskar Vogl", "Frederick Elliott Brown", "Maximilian Zürn", "Freddie Wheatcroft", "Henry Lopes, 2nd Baron Ludlow", "Mario Stoppani", "August Thayer Jaccaci", "Frank Hale", "Harold A. Hamersley", "Duncan Rae", "Robert Meier", "Liam O'Flaherty", "Jacob Jacobson", "Wilhelm Eildermann", "Max Föhrenbach", "Johann-Heinrich Eckhardt", "Dick Wynn", "Archie Wilson", "George Warren", "Tommy Ware", "Franz Lahner", "Stanisław Arczyński", "Jan Józef Kraus", "Kemalettin Sami Gökçen", "Mieczysław Birnbaum", "Waldemar Kraft", "Walter Musshoff", "Gerald Birks", "Alfred Reade Godwin-Austen", "Gladstone Adams", "Gladstone Ferrie", "August Meier", "Stanisław Machowicz", "Karl Hoffmann", "Franklin Van Valkenburgh", "Owen Scholte", "Otto Lasch", "Ludwig von Reuter", "Julius Zech", "Karl von Kirchbach auf Lauterbach", "Ralph Leatham", "John H. Quick", "Oskar Trinks", "Herbert James Gunn", "Edward Gordon", "John Hearson", "Danilo Srdić", "Jerzy Babecki", "Benn Levy", "Benn Karr", "Heinrich Krampf", "Heinrich Kirchheim", "Heinrich Soest", "Martin Armstrong", "Basil Alexander Hill", "Hans Weinreich", "Felicjan Plato Bałaban", "Bryan Mahon", "Louis Keppel Hamilton", "Okill Massey Learmonth", "Humphrey T. Walwyn", "Georg Wiesenbacher", "Bernhard Leopold", "Alfred Montagne", "Hugo Jacob", "Justin Tuveri", "John Russell", "Antonio Todde", "Edwin Morris", "Edwin Moon", "Arthur Meade, 5th Earl of Clanwilliam", "Maxmillian Mare-Montembault", "A. A. Milne", "Frederic Pujulà i Vallès", "Franz Rosenkranz", "Wilhelm Hauser", "Roy Stuart Brown", "Philip Hugh Whitby Hicks", "Henry Goldsmith", "Ervin Plány", "Anton Reinthaller", "Eduard Hempel", "David Murray-Lyon", "Charles Jeffs", "Henning Schönfeld", "Alfred Kunke", "Henry Stanhope Sloman", "Franz Willuhn", "J. C. Dunn", "Herb Drury", "William Douglas Cook", "Blair Wark", "Isaac C. Kidd", "J. Grant Anderson", "Alexander Kutepov", "Józef Mączka", "Clayton K. Slack", "Louis Jordan", "Ulrich Marschall Greiff", "Heinar Schilling", "Eduard Ey-Steineck", "Charles Collet", "Norman S. Case", "Harry George Smart", "Henry V. M. Langtry", "Samuel Needham", "Lloyd Andrews", "Georges Flachaire", "Clement West", "Clarence Bird", "Gerald Grove", "Wilhelm Faupel", "Jimmy Smith", "Georg Kleine", "George McGhee", "Eduard Müller", "Gordon Herbert Vasse", "Grigoriy Suk", "Mario de Bernardi", "Arthur Green", "Hans Georg Hofmann", "Karl Eimer", "Alfred Douglas Miller", "Reinholds Bērziņš", "Stefan Mossor", "Isidore Théophile Leroux", "Sir James Henderson-Stewart, 1st Baronet", "Wilhelm Müller", "Friedrich Timm", "Buddy Roosevelt", "William Wendell Rogers", "Stanisław Matarewicz", "Emil von Wülfing", "Wilhelm Hagen", "Wilhelm Haehnelt", "Richardson Dilworth", "Ernst-Eberhard Hell", "Antonio Meneghetti", "Philibert Collet", "Ian Wolfe", "George Mitchell", "Ernst-Heinrich Schmauser", "Bolesław Stachoń", "Hermann Grassl", "Mieczysław Kuliński", "John McCashney", "Richmond H. Hilton", "Claud Jacob", "Humbert Ricolfi", "Robert Burnett", "Alexander V. Golubintzev", "Stephen Butcher", "Mahlon Tisdale", "Alfred Cavendish", "George Cartwright", "Vilmos Nagy de Nagybaczon", "Walther Lucht", "James Godfrey MacManaway", "Ernst Hitzegrad", "Walter Beales", "Jafar al-Askari", "Ernst Moritz Hess", "Eugeniusz Olejniczakowski", "W. R. A. Dawson", "Klement Gottwald", "Denys Whitehorn Reid", "Bruno von Reden", "Rudolf Heinisch", "Wilfred Cairns, 4th Earl Cairns", "Dominique-Joseph Odry", "Oswald Friedrich Wilhelm Merz", "Murray Moten", "Wilhelm Schroeder", "John Tremayne Babington", "George Archer-Shee", "Valdo Barbey", "Otto Esswein", "Aleksander Romanowicz", "Aleksander Stawarz", "Sir Harold Gillett, 1st Baronet", "Charles Burnett", "Raffaele Cadorna", "Friedrich Grattenauer", "Harold Gourley", "Ernst August Köstring", "Antoine Gramat", "Ivan Susloparov", "A. E. J. Collins", "Stefan Hubicki", "Stefan Hanka-Kulesza", "Ferdinand Čatloš", "Charles John Melliss", "Anton Hauk", "Alfred Waeger", "Adam Koc", "Albert Mühlig-Hofmann", "Luigi Corrado", "Philip Nelson-Ward", "Henry Petre", "Wilhelm Pleickart von Marschall von Bieberstein", "Ryszard Jaworowski", "George Wyman Bury", "Leonid Artamonov", "Albert Moritz Rusche", "Carl Friedrich von Pückler-Burghauss", "Colin Rankin", "Vasili Altfater", "Mervyn Manningham-Buller", "Hans Kreysing", "Rudolf Konrad", "Charles Huxtable", "Kurt von Loeffelholz von Colberg", "Karl Morgenschweis", "Gilbert Barling", "Arthur Stadler", "Sydney Muspratt", "Thomas Dodds", "Fritz Slackford", "Fritz Thiede", "Hermann Voß", "Eric Harrison", "Walter Buller", "Courtney Whitney", "Henri Nomy", "Bernardin Raugel", "Lorenzo Barco", "John Nixon", "Jovan Iskrić", "Roland Gordon", "Marcel Carpentier", "Felix Bornemann", "Alan Mowbray", "Gordon Budd Irving", "Georges Hébert", "Arnold Jackson", "Daniel Blades, Lord Blades", "Franciszek Pióro", "Johan Laidoner", "Thomas Coke, 4th Earl of Leicester", "Ouvry Lindfield Roberts", "Jean-Noël Savelli", "John Gee Clark", "Joseph Baillon", "Maurice Barclay", "Hans Fontaine", "Friedrich Uebelhoer", "Wilhelm Prentzel", "Harold Rippon", "George B. McClellan, Jr.", "Richard von Berendt", "Hubert Gercke", "Adolf-Friedrich Kuntzen", "Adolphus Frederick VI, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz", "Adolf Friedrich von Schack", "Paul von Kneussl", "Edmund Wilson", "Wendell Cushing Neville", "Frank H. Brumby", "Guy Baring", "Aram Manukian", "António Júlio da Costa Pereira de Eça", "Tadeusz Bobrowski", "Edward Battersby Bailey", "Nikolai Pavlovich Sablin", "Ian Bonham-Carter", "Jan Tatara", "Stanley Williams", "Hans R. G. Günther", "Tommy Benfield", "Douglas Bliss", "Otto Groos", "Paul Frank Baer", "Hugo Steinhaus", "Hans-Heinrich Sixt von Armin", "Karl Megerle", "Franz Rudorfer", "Heinrich Lübke", "Adolf von Garßen", "Walter Schuhmann", "George Platt Brett", "Jürgen Stroop", "Erich Steinbrinck", "Arthur Philipp Flechtner", "Derrick Trench", "Douglas Chandler", "Abel Makashvili", "Samuel Lewis Honey", "Sir Frederick Hall, 1st Baronet", "Georg Prader", "Richard Daniel", "Bob Tidyman", "Karl von Wedel", "Maksimas Katche", "Pierre Leroy De Boiseaumarie", "Roman Aleksandrowicz", "Raymond Asquith", "Frank Kingsley Griffith", "Jakob Ritter von Danner", "Hans-Albrecht Lehmann", "Bernhard von Hülsen", "George Thesiger", "Galeazzo Sommi Picenardi", "Heinz Piekenbrock", "Harry Rockafeller", "Basil Arthur Horsfall", "Thomas Arthur Lewis", "John Boynton Philip Clayton Hill", "Stephanus Hilpisch", "Ignacy Szpunar", "Dan A. Kimball", "Archduke Eugen of Austria", "Harry Wood", "Jan Bełtowski", "Lewis Collins", "Charles Dawson Booker", "John Denis Breakey", "James Belgrave", "Percy Jack Clayson", "Leslie William Burbidge", "Jerzy Grobicki", "Ludolf von Uslar", "William May", "T. H. Clark", "Paul Köberle", "Robert A. Lovett", "Arthur Horace Penn", "William Wallace", "Ralph Thompson", "Vladimir Liakhov", "Albert G. Lee", "Hugh L. Scott", "Fritz Gertsch", "Edward Warner", "Kazys Škirpa", "Frank Minnitt", "Jimmy Galt", "August Krakau", "Paul Lacombe de La Tour", "Philipp von Hellingrath", "Fred Boye", "Hermann Flörke", "Karl Hermann Frank", "Norman G. Wann", "Norman Frederick Hastings", "Roland Philipps", "Charles Godefroy", "Dimitrios Giatzis", "Maurice Gond", "William Campbell Langfitt", "Thomas H. Green", "Clifton Bledsoe Cates", "Julius Mennicken", "Roderick Carr", "Karl Hense", "Heinrich Baltazzi", "Heinrich Jürs", "Şefik Avni Özüdoğru", "Şefik Aker", "Herbert Ernest Hart", "Frederick Sadleir Brereton", "Earl Eby", "Friedrich Lang", "Werner Kalmus", "Tadeusz Kirchner", "Émile Fayolle", "John Russell", "Frederick McNess", "Richard Garnons Williams", "Wiktor Komorowski", "Paul Deichmann", "Leo A. Walton", "Willie Redmond", "Friedrich-Wilhelm von Chappuis", "Friedrich Bayer", "Otto von Garnier", "Georges Raymond", "Heinrich Götz", "Alfred von Waldstätten", "Heinz Furbach", "Béla Miklós", "Franciszek Lurski", "Wilhelm Staehle", "Herbert Dargue", "Adolf Lind", "Kurt Knoblauch", "Józef Mieses", "Robert Hugh Martin", "Milo Lemert", "Alan Currie", "Charles Briggs", "George O'Brien", "Olin D. Johnston", "Fred Haefliger", "Jean-François Jannekeyn", "Moïse Kisling", "Maksymilian Landau", "Maksymilian Kowalewski", "Ugo Montemurro", "Delwin Katz", "Ivor Hughes", "Gaston Billotte", "Wacław Sieroszewski", "Otto Gohdes", "Harley H. Christy", "Sir James Hutchison, 1st Baronet", "Ted Hufton", "Roger Keyes, 1st Baron Keyes", "Jean Dumézil", "Chester M. Gannon", "Alfred C. Grosvenor", "Georg Fiedler", "Klaus Baudissin", "John Whiteley", "John Whiteley", "John Whitelaw", "Victor Denain", "Felicjan Sterba", "Ludwig Reichert", "Nikolaos Christodoulou", "Gladys Powers", "Alphonse Girandy", "Abram Piatt Andrew, Jr.", "Kurt Adam", "Kurt Agricola", "Leo Strauss", "Hans-Joachim Riecke", "Fawcett G. Taylor", "Krishnaprem", "Ralph Graf von Oriola", "Léonard Leymarie", "William Cameron Menzies", "Constant Plessis", "Thomas Murdoch", "Hugh Montgomery", "Francis Stewart Montague-Bates", "James Morris Colquhoun Colvin", "Richard Einspenner", "Ignatij Prostiakow", "Jay W. MacKelvie", "Carl C. Christensen", "Maurice Bizot", "Clement Armitage", "Thomas Cubitt", "Thomas Cruse", "Alfred Cecil Herring", "Nicolae Alevra", "Stanisław Słomczyński", "Ludwig Schmidt-Kehl", "Alan Brooke, 1st Viscount Alanbrooke", "Przemysław Barthel de Weydenthal", "Mehmed Reshid", "Alfred Eisenstaedt", "Karl Decker", "Otto Meissner", "Percival Appleby", "Wilhelm Weiss", "Denys Corbett Wilson", "Lazarus Phillips", "Samuel Gross", "Walter Peeler", "Erasmus M. Weaver, Jr.", "Wilbert White", "Herman Wirth", "Arthur Dorward", "Francis Browne", "Edmund Phipps-Hornby", "Edmund Pike Graves", "James McDevitt Magee", "François Sevez", "Alick Buchanan-Smith, Baron Balerno", "Gerald Robert O'Sullivan", "Wilhelm Teuber-Weckersdorf", "Julian Hatcher", "Tom Pearson", "Francis Fogarty", "Norman Scott", "Wolfgang Lange", "Alfred zu Dohna-Schlobitten", "Raymond S. McLain", "William E. Reynolds", "Ivo Whitton", "Hjalmar Fredrik Gjertsen", "Hans Gaede", "Eugeniusz Quirini", "Otto Cohnheim", "Albert Bartha", "Andrew Edward McKeever", "Moose McCormick", "Otto Frowein", "Robert Shaw", "Chajim Bloch", "Richard Watson Howard", "Francis McClean", "Ştefan Foriş", "Richard Peirse", "Richard Peirse", "Werner Contag", "Guy Wareing", "Ching Johnson", "Robert Sanders, 1st Baron Bayford", "Ronald Bruce Campbell", "Frederick Charles Booth", "Voydan Pop Georgiev – Chernodrinski", "André François-Poncet", "George Henry Fraser", "Edward Peel", "Edgar Angeli", "Walter Franklin", "Melville Waddington", "Feliks Wróbel", "Carl-August von Schönfeld", "Carl-August von Schoenebeck", "Alfred Alexander Burt", "Alfred Alexander", "Alfred Alexander Leitch", "Johann Rattenhuber", "Kurt Tank", "Thomas J. Senn", "Noel Keeble", "Friedrich-Wilhelm Otte", "Johannes Klein", "Prescott Bush", "Mauritz Freiherr von Strachwitz", "August von Urbański von Ostrymiecz", "Alexander Tahy", "Gordon Burnham", "Fateh Naseeb Khan", "William Eagleson Gordon", "Fred Finch", "Paulus Stolzmann", "Carl von Tiedemann", "Mikhaïl Grabbe", "Albert Forcinal", "Joseph Frantz", "Lucien Bossoutrot", "John Robert Cartwright", "Willy Fisch", "Rochus Schmidt", "Erich Koellner", "Adolf Gutknecht", "Ernst Mehlich", "Vincent Wigglesworth", "John Fitzhardinge Paul Butler", "Arthur Corfe", "Rudolf Windisch", "Hans Gontard", "Prince Sigismund of Prussia", "Tullio Calcagno", "Algernon Willis", "Gerhard Poel", "Basil Hallam", "Willie Read", "Wilhelm Philipps", "Paul Sporrenberg", "Berthold Mueller", "Theodor Rowehl", "Collie Martin", "Piotr Jurczak", "Salvatore Caporaso", "Leo Fischer", "Douglas Brownrigg", "Douglas Breton", "Ardengo Soffici", "Eberhard Herf", "Gavrilo Princip", "Mehmet Emin Yazgan", "William Roy Irwin", "Leon Koc", "William Ponder", "Józef Wittlin", "Seaton Schroeder", "Petrus Mangold", "Hugo Neumann", "Theodor Joedicke", "Julius Streicher", "Albert Jesse Bowley, Sr.", "Renato Sandalli", "Cyrillus-Camillus Barbary", "Józef Jungrav", "Józef Joachim Grzyb", "Józef Juniewicz", "Adam Solski", "Netherwood Hughes", "Mikołaj Freund-Krasicki", "Arthur Wear", "Johann von Kirchbach auf Lauterbach", "Anton Oberniedermayr", "Ulrich Uhle", "Harold Henry Blake", "Bernhard Jesco Puttkamer", "Hans Kundt", "Francis Robert Henry Mollan", "John Neville Manners", "John Gildroy Grant", "Ivan Panfilov", "Jack Speiden", "Georg Stumme", "Robert Paul Villard", "MacGillivray Milne", "Walter Wittke", "Alexander von Pfuhlstein", "Joseph Wallace Oman", "Georges Maurice Jean Blanchard", "Franciszek Knapp", "Henry Johnson", "Stéphane Victor Pillot", "Joe Bulcock", "Blair Swannell", "Lothar Neumann", "Werner Kolb", "James Victor Gascoyne", "Ralph Curtis", "Francis Cubbon", "Helmut Richter", "Giuseppe Caimi", "Erwin Jaenecke", "Bolesław Babecki", "Alfred Rouse", "Adolf Leschnitzer", "John Womersley", "Bert Beney", "George Beech", "Richard Baltzer", "Mieczysław Bukowiecki", "Ulrich Kessler", "Hans Sauer", "Hans Saupert", "Albin Egger-Lienz", "Dimitrije Vasiljević Georgijević", "Johannes Lohs", "Ludwig Hesshaimer", "Ludwig Hermann", "Harry Gibson", "Paul von Hindenburg", "Walter Grabowski", "Hubert von Rebeur-Paschwitz", "İhsan Eryavuz", "Jim Everett", "Nazario Sauro", "Francis Pegahmagabow", "Robert Leycester Haymes", "Dumitru Cotescu", "Bruno H. Bürgel", "William Marshall Fordham", "Harold Lawton", "Gustav von Schoch", "Keith Muspratt", "Anton Tourkoul", "Feliks Adamski", "William Hackett", "Stanley Brenton Von Donop", "Fleury-Marius Seive", "Józef Taube", "Fritz Hartung", "Gordon Neilson", "Arthur Kellam Tylee", "Arthur Keen", "Arthur Kelly", "Eduard Ritter von Dostler", "Alfred Maurice Cazaud", "Alfred Maurice Toye", "Alfred Mayssonnié", "Melvin H. Schlytter", "Nolan Evans", "Mieczysław Bigoszewski", "Tadeusz Dyboski", "Ernie Simms", "Stefan Franciszek Popiel", "Stefan Felsztyński", "Lajos Csatay", "Hermann Reinecke", "Stefan Stec", "Philip Joubert de la Ferté", "Ivan Orlov", "Frank Carlson", "Lee A. Gorman", "Roy Traill", "Philip Holligan", "Heinrich Burchard", "Rupert Downes", "Donat Makeenok", "Fritz Taeger", "Erich Fronhöfer", "Max Madlener", "Charles James William Grant", "Arthur Moulton", "Hieronymus Merkle", "Alfred Ernest Walford", "David Luther Burgess", "Edgar Middleton", "Ali Fuat Cebesoy", "Émile Antoine Verpilleux", "Leslie Harvey", "Hugh Elles", "Friedrich Karmann", "Victor Maslin Yeates", "Stanisław Jamka", "Aubrey Ellwood", "John W. Wilcox, Jr.", "Alfred Victor Smith", "Friedrich Parey", "Werner Zschintzsch", "Ernst Diedenhofen", "Kuno Popp", "Étienne de Villaret", "Wilhelm Bohnstedt", "Alfons Erle", "Alfred Schlemm", "Douglas Dawson", "Sidney James", "Sidney James Day", "Harry Robinson", "Hugh Llewellyn Glyn Hughes", "John Bawtree", "Bertram Temple", "John Vaughan Campbell", "Gerhard Berthold", "Aldo Beltricco", "Albert Braithwaite", "Carrick Paul", "Carrick Hey Robertson", "Otto E. Crusius", "Hubert Bourgin", "Samuel N. Moore", "Josef Leitgeb", "Stanisław Eizerman", "Franz Seraphin Edler von Steinhart", "E. Graham Joy", "George McKenzie Samson", "Jerzy Świrski", "Franz Beckmann", "John Smith", "Ferruccio Parri", "Hans Riehl", "Franz Xaver Schwarz", "Gordon Charles Steele", "Aristeidis Moraitinis", "Sir William McNair Snadden, 1st Baronet", "Somerville Hastings", "Marcel Simonin", "Józef Sopotnicki", "Józef Smoleński", "Ulrich von Germar", "Wyndham Portal, 1st Viscount Portal", "Georg Thiele", "Sir James Lithgow, 1st Baronet", "Isaac Foote Dortch", "Friedrich Tscharmann", "Fritz Kohls", "Augustus Klingner Ferguson", "Otto von Moser", "Johann Friedrich Jebe", "Robert Ratcliff", "Max von Basse", "Marceli Jastrzębiec-Śniadowski", "Gerald J. Ryan", "Vsevolod Zaderatsky", "Georg von Falkenhayn", "Wentworth Harman", "Harry Cobby", "Bernhard Aschner", "Rudolf Carl von Slatin", "Albrecht Reinecke", "Fritz Schlieper", "Ludwig Fürholzer", "Bertram Falle, 1st Baron Portsea", "Duncan Sayre MacInnes", "James Howden MacBrien", "Walter McNicoll", "Walter McLean", "Leonard Skierski", "Bolesław Schwarzenberg-Czerny", "George Glas Sandeman Carey", "Hermann Heinrich Christian Groine", "Arthur Reginald Chater", "Jan Thullie", "Harry Daniels", "Henry Reynolds", "Lucien Febvre", "Wilhelm Schmidt", "Władimir Olderogge", "Ted Mattner", "Alfred Rodenbücher", "Andre Barcat", "Peter Strasser", "Aleksandr Loktionov", "Victor Emmanuel Largeau", "Jānis Rinks", "Josef Jacobs", "Jean Théveney", "Thomas Haynes Upton", "Eugene M. Landrum", "Karl Loewenstein", "Richard Threlkeld Cox", "Oscar Westover", "David Cuthbertson", "David Cuthbert Thomas", "Cameron Winslow", "Henryk Brzezowski", "André Dubonnet", "Mark Aitchison Young", "Baptist Knieß", "Roman Żaba", "Bentfield Hucks", "Hans Böhning", "Hans Bütow", "Gustav Anton von Wietersheim", "Karl Meyer", "Hugh Toye", "Edward Digby, 11th Baron Digby", "James R. Lowery", "Georg Stolt", "Edward Barber", "James D. Prentice", "Theodor Krancke", "Armand De Ceuninck", "Henry Persse", "Jacques de Fromont", "Richard Webb", "Cyrus Wesley Peck", "Ernst Erich Kunz", "Jacques Doriot", "Aristide Lecca", "Wilhelm Thiele", "Stanley Henry Parry Boughey", "William Kirby", "Hermann von Hanneken", "François de Pierrefeu", "Roberts Eidemanis", "Pierre Peslin", "József Kiss", "Heinz Guderian", "Friedrich Hayek", "George Henry Evans Hopkins", "Albert Parker Niblack", "William Anderson", "William Cope, 1st Baron Cope", "Paul Bourély", "Edward Gruber", "Jean-Édouard Verneau", "Roy Brown", "Bevil Thomson Wilson", "Arthur Cecil Willison", "Ludwig Stepski-Doliwa", "John Buchanan", "Heinrich Reutlinger", "Olivier Mazel", "Otto Grün", "Paul Elliott Martin", "Joseph Oklahombi", "Eric Olivier", "Albin Angerer", "Paolo Morrone", "John Wilson", "Karl Bubenzer", "Karl Brück", "Charles Pelham, Lord Worsley", "Graham Seton Hutchison", "Kurt Hesse", "Kurt Beringer", "Fridolin Straube", "Ludwik Ciba", "Arthur Long", "Jonathan Robinson", "Ugo Sani", "Adolf Fischer", "Karl Gruber", "Archibald Koe", "Bruno Italiener", "George B. Duncan", "William Hood Simpson", "Thomas C. Coffin", "Wilhelm Urach", "Randolph Zane", "Fred Abraham, Jr.", "Robert Petiet", "Paul Faßbach", "Arthur Stuart, 7th Earl Castle Stewart", "Roger Wilson", "James Edward Edmonds", "Frederick Belson", "Frederick Bellenger", "Frederick Bell", "Gresham Nicholson", "Mark Kerr", "Leo Franklyn", "Francis St David Benwell Lejeune", "John Redmond", "Stepa Stepanović", "Adam Obrubański", "Paul Mahlmann", "Constantino Brusíloff", "Georg Wetzell", "Arturo Cittadini", "Robert Chandler", "Mieczysław Józef Wilczewski", "George Leonard Trapp", "Ralph Rayner", "Leon Krakówka", "Fryderyk Krasicki", "Walter Marks", "Walter Marsden", "William Courtenay", "Francis Schmidt", "Lothar Berger", "Friedrich Karl Horn", "Anton von Saltza", "Arthur Weiner", "Bernhard Falk", "F. Ryan Duffy", "Joseph M. X. de Sévin", "Georg Pfeiffer", "Josef Dahme", "Patrick Braybrooke", "Wilhelm Helling", "Ludwig Hülgerth", "Edmund Kiss", "Jock Tiffin", "Hans Weiss", "Edward Hanson", "Diedrich Bruns", "Charles J. Conrad", "Friedrich Köhnlein", "Józef Pająk", "Józef Panaś", "Philip Williams", "Arthur Mignault", "László Lajtha", "Jürgen Knesebeck", "James George Weir", "John Inglis Gilmour", "Herbert Gould", "Ian Henderson", "Donald Colman", "Hans Sottorf", "Alfons Troll", "Friedrich Westmeyer", "Paul Clemens", "Theodor Habicht", "Robert A. Gardner", "Marian Rentgen-Güntner", "Francis Napier, 12th Lord Napier", "Stoker Edwards", "Arthur Wigram Money", "Alfred Meyer", "Andrey Vladimirovich Balashov", "Howard Charles Green", "Fritz Kraemer", "Werner Lueben", "Les James", "Dietrich von Roeder", "Bodo von Witzendorff", "Antonio Reali", "George Monckton-Arundell, 8th Viscount Galway", "Walter Keiner", "Douglas Gracey", "Quentin Roosevelt", "Meier Kahn", "John Jacob Astor, 1st Baron Astor of Hever", "Martin Baltzer", "Ernst Franke", "Stanley Borleske", "Wilfrith Green", "Cyril Harbord", "Raymond Massey", "Josef Heinrich Sommer", "Antoine Fonck", "Josef Knosp", "Bullet Joe Simpson", "Ernst Wegner", "Edwin Leat", "Arthur Barth", "Sebastian Fichtner", "George Fraser Kerr", "Ferenc Münnich", "Otto Könnecke", "Joseph Clearihue", "David Alexander Winter", "Maximilian von Cossel", "Ewald von Massow", "Fakhri Pasha", "Ernst Leichtenstern", "Otto zu Windisch-Graetz", "Joseph Müller-Blattau", "Thomas Patrick Norton I", "Courtney Hodges", "Claude Burton", "Claude Bryan", "Max Luyken", "Edward Owen Cochrane", "Georges Halberger", "Charles Jarvis", "Marian Porwit", "Alfred Grün", "Alfred Bayer", "Alfred Eryk Robinson", "Alfred Cyril Curtis", "John Stanistreet", "Johannes Bachmann", "Ivan Laing", "Aubrey Faulkner", "Paweł Nowakowski", "James Hamilton Traill", "Grace Wilson", "Paul Wustrow", "William B. Trembley", "William B. Turner", "Edoardo Suarez", "Eugen Garski", "Umberto Calvello", "Willi Köhn", "Douglas Dickinson", "Robert Lecœuvre", "Ferdinand Schneider", "Ferdinand Schramm", "Walter Guinness, 1st Baron Moyne", "Soccorso Saloni", "Samuel Murray Robinson", "Karl Hirsch", "Léon Bourjade", "Sydney Middleton", "Tom Cecil Noel", "Will Hubbard", "Robert Bell Hamilton", "George McLean", "Thomas Woodcock", "Fabian Kobordo", "Walter Coxen", "Mario Falangola", "Nikolai Dmitriyevich Yakovlev", "Curt von Pavel", "Frank Sullivan", "Auguste Lahoulle", "James Ramsay Hunt", "John Carroll", "Seizō Sakonji", "Edward Heaton-Ellis", "Wyndham Deedes", "Wyndham Childs", "Karl von Plehwe", "Martin H. Carmody", "Wilhelm Caspari", "Stefan Kirmaier", "Teddy Hodgson", "Kurt Schneider", "Ludolf von Alvensleben", "Karl Allmendinger", "Hartwig von Ludwiger", "Hans Herter", "Balfour Oliphant Hutchison", "Hermann Stieve", "Anton Pfrogner", "Fabio Tombari", "John D. Ewing", "Aleksander Myshlayevsky", "Maximilian Ronge", "Hugh Lett", "John Macready", "Karl Lotter", "Herb Burleigh", "William D. Leahy", "Luigi Rizzo", "Hermann Stutzer", "Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg", "Dionizy Vogel", "Édouard Pichon", "Laurens Shull", "Otto Nuschke", "Otto Rauchenberger", "Luigi Bellotti", "Reginald Brading", "Reginald Brabazon, 13th Earl of Meath", "Louis Filloux", "Prince Wilhelm of Prussia", "Conrad Patzig", "Rudolf Berthold", "Alwyn Crow", "Alwyn Bramley-Moore", "Hugh Rodman", "Frank Burnell-Nugent", "Francis Wyatt", "George Cukor", "Samuel H. Davis", "Erich Löwenhardt", "Traugott Bernhard Zwar", "Lesław Węgrzynowski", "Bronisław Witecki", "Władysław Zakrzewski", "Kurt Richard Otto Bernhard Wege", "Aleksander Narbutt-Łuczyński", "Otto von Diepenbroick-Grüter", "Charles C. Banks", "Oskar Niemeyer", "George R. Howsam", "George R. Henderson", "Giuseppe Giulietti", "James McDonald", "Konrat Ziegler", "Alexander Spitzmüller", "Karl Daczko", "René Blum-Picard", "Ivan Valkov", "William John Blair", "Kurt Lottner", "Antoni Kasztelan", "Edward Bamford", "Manfred Freiherr von Killinger", "Prince Friedrich Leopold of Prussia", "Gustav Regler", "Dumitru Cocorăscu", "Kenneth Burns Conn", "Ferdinand-Wilhelm von Stein-Liebenstein zu Barchfeld", "Howard S. Searle", "Charles Lambe", "George Kenner", "Walter Schreiber", "Paul Josupeit", "André Sordet", "Ernest Auguste Barbade", "Ora Graves", "Wilhelm Heun", "Stanisław Wycech", "Albrecht Eugen Württemberg", "Antoni Szylling", "Jan Wolgner", "Lou Little", "Anton Reißner", "Otto Wöhler", "Wilbraham Ford", "Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia", "François Réné Boullaire", "François Reille-Soult", "Yaakov Dori", "Joseph Bacon Fraser", "Ernst Hartmann", "Joseph Schaffner", "Stanton Frederick Kalk", "Alan Wilkinson", "Alan Haig-Brown", "Frank Wormald", "John Humphrey Davidson", "Georg Gail", "John Stirling", "Lavr Kornilov", "Allastair Malcolm Cluny McReady-Diarmid", "Edmond Wodehouse", "Stanisław Puchalski", "Sydney Brown", "John Whittle", "Ernest Frederick Beal", "Roland Jennings", "Emmanuel Berl", "John Pinder", "Wilhelm Strecker", "Karl von Dewitz-Krebs", "Friedrich-Erhard Haag", "Walter Alnor", "Karl Bruno Johannes Westphal", "Ilie Șteflea", "Paul Franke", "Arthur Japy Hepburn", "William Llewelyn Davies", "Edward Ellsberg", "Gustave-Paul Fraisse", "Père Marie-Benoît", "Frank Buckley", "Feliks Stanisław Kamiński", "Gottfried Raestrup", "Stanisław Zieliński", "Harry Hanger", "Charles Macpherson Dobell", "Robert Lee Rowe", "Charles Hubert Boulby Blount", "Charles Delestraint", "James Peter Robertson", "Konstantin Kammerhofer", "Arthur Sullivan", "Ferdinand Goglia", "Louis Julius Freudenberg", "Frederick C. Sherman", "Friedrich Giese", "Georges Carpentier", "Franz Henseler", "John Philip Du Cane", "Joseph Beacham", "Arthur Rödl", "Billy Fitchford", "Karl Martin", "Hugo Hose", "Lovick Friend", "George Leslie Drewry", "George Owen Squier", "Willy Buschhoff", "Edward Mylin", "David H. Keller", "Dennis E. Nolan", "Maximilian Leyh", "Paresh Lal Roy", "Boris Legran", "Alexander Lippisch", "Rudolf Schmundt", "Adrian Gärtner", "Ernst Sachs", "Gustave de Surian", "John P. Gregg", "James Melville", "Bronisław Malewski", "Karl Heidemann", "John Patrick McGlinn", "Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich of Russia", "Karl Bischoff", "Mikhail Mesheryakov", "Clovis-Thomas Richard", "Sir John Hope, 16th Baronet", "Wilhelm Stemmermann", "Hans Doerr", "Edmund Vivian Gabriel", "Robert L. Henry, Jr.", "Kâzım Sevüktekin", "George Thomas", "August Fleck", "Lestock Adams", "Gustav Petri", "Hermann Mayer", "Władysław Dragat", "Archduke Hubert Salvator of Austria", "Edwin Baker", "John Letts", "Norman MacMillan", "Maurice Leblanc-Smith", "John Leacroft", "Erwin R. Bleckley", "Friedrich Wilhelm von Auer", "William Mayes Fry", "Llewelyn Alberic Emilius Price-Davies", "Doug Prentice", "John Collins", "Harry Levy-Lawson, 1st Viscount Burnham", "Fritz Bartholomae", "Edward Łakomy", "Moritz Hoeßlin", "Hans Huebenett", "Karl Pawelka", "Hristo Matov", "Urban Janke", "Marian Raganowicz", "John Simpson Kirkpatrick", "Hubert Garrett", "Francis Needham, 4th Earl of Kilmorey", "Richard Boyer", "Thomas Truman", "Hubert Turtill", "Dudley Gilman Tucker", "Walter Tyrrell", "Henri Vanwaetermeulen", "Diether-Dennis von Kleist", "Henryk Jagiełło", "Arda Bowser", "Ralph Kerr", "Josef Gerstmann", "Henri Queuille", "Les Irwin", "Charles Hartwell Bonesteel, Jr.", "H. D. G. Leveson Gower", "Hans von Brandenstein", "Adolf von Schell", "Konrad Volm", "Carl Pfleiderer", "Hugo Rumbold", "Emmanouil Zymvrakakis", "Donald Hankey", "Pierre Roques", "Giuseppe Aonzo", "Johannes Eilert", "Hugo Rogers", "Franciszek Polniaszek", "Hugo Bach", "William Fincke", "Georg Wellhausen", "John Dunn", "Arno Kriegsheim", "Eduard von Capelle", "Xavier Moissinac", "Jan Matuszek", "Szymon Koszyk", "Gabriel Franz Marenzi von Tagliuno und Talgate", "Edward Addison", "William Gordon Ernst", "George C. Shaw", "Gaetano Amoroso", "John Waller Hills", "Claus Göttsche", "Ferdinand Trendelenburg", "Hermann Voss", "Fritz Tiebel", "Charles Nungesser", "W. E. Johns", "Ephraim Moses Lilien", "Hugh J. Knerr", "Louis-Emil Eyer", "Carl M. Nelson", "Wallace Charles Wurth", "Aubrey Herbert", "Karl, Prince of Leiningen", "Karl von Oven", "Karl von Le Suire", "Franz Schmid", "Erich Buder", "Adolf Heusinger", "Ernst Magerl", "Richard Graham-Vivian", "Archer Baldwin", "Arthur Leyland Harrison", "François Coli", "Karl Vonbank", "Gordon Campbell", "Otto Hebold", "Kurt Weckmann", "Park Manross", "Johannes von Karpf", "Joshua Harold Burn", "Tadeusz Wiktor", "Christian Frank Schilt", "Rudolf Meerwarth", "Max Jüttner", "Fred Griffiths", "John Anthony Sydney Ritson", "Harry Colclough", "Günther Stosch", "Günther Krosigk", "Günter Pappritz", "George McMillin", "Walter D'Arcy Hall", "Jan Smuts", "Juliusz Tadeusz Tarnawa-Malczewski", "Heinrich Hoffmann", "Franz Bauer", "Léo Lania", "Elmar Michel", "Hans Ritter", "Otto Stapf", "Lewis Casson", "Wacław Tokarz", "John Frederick MacKay", "Billy Mitchell", "Otto Teschner", "D. Mallory Stephens", "Józef Skrzydlewski", "Pierre Brisac", "Fritz Schachermeyr", "Jean Navarre", "David Ross Lauder", "Mark Hewitson", "Georg Hachtel", "Friedrich Huffzky", "Friedrich von Bernhardi", "Wilhelm Berlin", "Mehmet Arif Bey", "Wilhelm Albert", "Adam Englert", "Basil Maclear", "Fritz von Tomann", "Richard Aster", "Walther Harich", "Pat Walsh", "Charles Henry Lyell", "Cecil Thursby", "Rudolf Heymann", "Claus von Platen", "Fred Waite", "Randolf Littlehales Baker", "Bertram Beard", "Abel Davis", "Robert Riddles", "Hermann Giess", "Robert Cutler", "Denby Browning", "Roman Malinovsky", "Bert Bell", "Guy Liddell", "Alfred Codrington", "Otto Fretter-Pico", "Ronald William Turner", "Sydney Turing Barlow Lawford", "Barnett Janner, Baron Janner", "Albert S. McLemore", "Maciej Ignacy Przecław Mielżyński", "Reginald Berkeley", "Reginald Blair", "Warren Chetham-Strode", "Harold Edward Elliott", "Ed Czerkiewicz", "Doveton Sturdee", "Thomas Blamey", "Leslie Sutherland", "Ion Hamilton Benn", "Cyril Asquith, Baron Asquith of Bishopstone", "Bernard Brodhurst", "Jacques Péricard", "Zenos Ramsey Miller", "John Chapman", "Bronisław Pawłowski", "Claud Barry", "Claud Ashton Jones", "Milton E. Miles", "Prince Amedeo, Duke of Aosta", "Walter Barthel", "Friedrich Döbig", "Karl Kriebel", "Ralph Canine", "Paul Fleck", "Richard von Conta", "Konrad von Goßler", "Robert Remnant, 2nd Baron Remnant", "Walter Turza", "Walter Stein", "Errol Solomon Meyers", "Raymond T. Miller", "Paul Hamot", "Karl Arndt", "Walter Johannes Stein", "Erich Ludendorff", "Ioan \"Sanitarul\" Popescu", "Hilmar Wäckerle", "Frederick William Hedges", "Frederick William Holmes", "Juljan Zilz", "Richard Drauz", "Aleksey Zygin", "William Mahlon Davis", "Stephen Courtauld", "Levin H. Campbell, Jr.", "Urmuz", "Karl Pfeffer-Wildenbruch", "Stanisław Wyderka", "Ronald Charles", "Peter Mühlens", "Bill Bussell", "Frederick Charles Victor Laws", "Frederick Charles Riggs", "Frederick Charles Tudor Tudor", "Jan Woźniakowski", "Paul Fix", "Herbert Ruscheweyh", "Bernard Rubin", "Marie-Émile-Richard Boutaud de Lavilléon", "Dedo von Schenck", "Jock Campbell", "W. N. Hodgson", "W. N. T. Beckett", "Jean Ernest Chanaud", "Josef Reichert", "Jürgen Hahn-Butry", "Nora Kinsky", "Władysław Surmacki", "Ludwig Haas", "Valentine Fleming", "Giovanni Zini", "Johann Staud", "Hugo Karl August Bacmeister", "Ludwik Iwaszko", "Cecil Meadows Frith White", "Juliusz Dreszer", "Walter Lichel", "Frank Dalby Davison", "Adolf Hühnlein", "Samuel W. Bryant", "Samuel Vickery", "Émile Duplat", "Archie Michaelis", "Selâhattin Köseoğlu", "George Adee", "Ernest Meysey-Thompson", "Ernst Hoyos-Sprinzenstein", "Alfred Cheetham", "Victor Mallet", "Adrian E. Hopkins", "Donald Beves", "Vladimir Kolpakchi", "Claude Mackay", "Jacques Gérard", "Titus von Lanz", "Laurie York Erskine", "Dudley Clarke", "Benjamin Ginsbourg", "Johannes Severin", "Hermann Winkhaus", "Louis Wardlaw Miles", "Max Rölz", "Hermann Reischle", "Thomas Sharpe", "Thomas Shaw", "Basil Crockett", "Basil Davey", "Otto Zoeller", "Ferdinand-Jean-Jacques de Bon", "Alexander Aitken", "Dumitru Stratilescu", "Charles Rosenthal", "Gustav Dehning", "Frederick Steiwer", "Richmond Waller", "Semyon Budyonny", "Edward Loch, 2nd Baron Loch", "Peter Llewelyn Davies", "Frederick Barter", "Maurice Rose", "Joseph Parker", "Daniel Martin Wilson", "Douglas Arthur Davies", "Humphrey Bogart", "Robert Venables Vernon Harcourt", "Georg Ahlemann", "Oskars Dankers", "Eugène Mittelhauser", "Wilhelm von Haxthausen", "Dick Allman", "Alfred Auersperg", "Leon Loria", "Gerald Ashburner France", "Christopher Cradock", "Walter Göttsch", "Joseph Taussig", "Adolf von Boog", "Adolf von Brauchitsch", "Mikhail Khozin", "Herbert Wild", "Hans Felgenhauer", "Hans Feldmann", "Sidney Blackmer", "Hans Holfelder", "Artie Harrison", "Dudley Lloyd-Evans", "Needham Roberts", "Otto-Ernst Ottenbacher", "Edgar Julius Jung", "Leland McParland", "Albin Mlakar", "Witold Sokołowski", "Konstanty Koziełło", "Vittorio Italico Zupelli", "Julius Buckler", "Richard Oehler", "Leslie Groves", "Georg Philipp Wörlen", "Erwin Oßwald", "Erwin Angermeyer von Rebenberg", "James Marshall", "Roby Lewis Manuel", "Rowan Daly", "James Masters", "Ernst-Günther Stegmann", "Dmitry Karbyshev", "Johann Baptist Fuchs", "Richard Pellengahr", "David Ayres Depue Ogden", "Max Lesmüller", "Joe Fidler", "Everett Bacon", "Józef Pecka", "Lloyd Samuel Breadner", "Eldor Pohl", "Leon Rupnik", "John Folan", "Theodore G. Ellyson", "Helmut Nicolai", "Robert Kerr", "Valentin Müller", "Jan Kukulski", "David V. Anderson", "Willie Doyle", "Herbert Richardson", "Hartley Pullan", "John Paynter", "William Molesworth", "Herbert A. Patey", "Harry Scandrett", "Victor Negus", "Felton Holt", "Guido Klieber", "Heinrich Mitteis", "Arthur Kullmer", "Adolf Reichwein", "Gustav Klingelhöfer", "Alexei Polivanov", "Willis W. Bradley", "Owen Baldwin", "Paul Vorbeck", "Recep Peker", "Giuseppe Di Vittorio", "Karl-Günther Heimsoth", "Frank Thompson", "Alexander R. Skinker", "Edgar Taylor", "Theodor Wolff", "Alfred Hartley", "Hans Höller", "Dimitrios Mpogris", "Georg Graupe", "Thomas Webster Kemp", "Elliott White Springs", "Aleksandr Krymov", "Hans Kammler", "Alexandre Borovski", "Alexander Ragoza", "Zdzisław Karpiński", "Johannes Engel", "Donald Hogarth", "Donald Hodge", "Ted Hanney", "Gordon Olley", "Arthur Pröll", "Georg Wendt", "James Cleland Richardson", "Dar Lyon", "Walter Braithwaite", "Konrad Schmidbauer", "Alfred Basel", "Pierre Ernest Lanquetot", "Benno Martin", "Claus Heim", "Edward Stack", "Noël Jean-Baptiste Henri Alphonse Dumas", "John Johnston Collyer", "Angus Lyell Collier", "Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 9th Earl of Shaftesbury", "Charles James Mott", "Ernest Dunlop Swinton", "Christian Mergenthaler", "Ferdinand Bock von Wülfingen", "Sawnie R. Aldredge", "Louis Franchet d'Espèrey", "Jules Covin", "Jan Jarmiński", "Ali Riza Pasha", "Fred Thomson", "Bruce Marshall", "Heinrich Teitge", "John Sanctuary Nicholson", "Georgy Rodin", "Carl Hermann Kaulfuss-Diesch", "John de Robeck", "Stefan Chosłowski", "Siegfried Sivers", "Heinrich von Vietinghoff", "Adolf Jess", "Edward Rydz-Śmigły", "Friedrich Haack", "Kazimierz Możdżeń", "Friedrich Kurt Fiedler", "Jean-Pierre Flohr", "Fred Gregory", "Fred Greaves", "Rudolf Ehrenberg", "Rudolf Egelhofer", "Paul Petit", "Friedrich Köchling", "Thomas Le Mesurier", "Hanns Albin Rauter", "Kurt Albrecht", "Pyotr Baluyev", "Franz Kahn", "Walter Steinecke", "Willi Harmjanz", "Marcel Bucard", "Octave Meynier", "Mile Budak", "Róbert Berény", "Heinrich Adolf Gottron", "Heinrich Georg Fink von Finkenstein", "Jean De Gaillard De la Valden", "Siegmund Bacsák von Benefa", "Franz de Rainville", "Hans Stimmer", "Gummo Marx", "John Bigelow, Jr.", "Moritz Egidy", "Harold Franklyn", "Daniel Laidlaw", "Percy Summers", "Josef Schönwälder", "Josef Schwinner", "James Meissner", "Robert Marsland Groves", "Gottlieb Rösner", "Albert J. Pullen", "André Marie", "Marcel Brindejonc des Moulinais", "Heinz Fiebig", "Mieczysław Żarski", "Henry Gurney", "John Edward Lloyd", "Fred W. Stockham", "Robert Kölsch", "Gerhard Giesen", "Ernst Becht", "Leon Berbecki", "Joseph Gutsche", "Henry May", "Henry Maybury", "Lloyd Thurston", "Thomas D'Oyly Snow", "Hugh Binney", "Bert Avery", "John Russell Young Blakely", "Bronisław Regulski", "Willy Steputat", "James Hewitson", "Otto Weber", "Felix Benzler", "Alceo Cattalochino", "Julius von Weltzien", "Conn Standish O'Grady", "Henri Auger", "Otto von Schrader", "Frederic René Coudert", "Alfred Chalkley", "Walter Freitag", "Friedrich von Bogendörfer", "Ralph Ainsworth", "Charles Cundall", "Rudolph Gabriel Tenerowicz", "Andrzej Bieńkowski", "Harcus Strachan", "Zdzisław Jakubowski", "Anton Mündler", "Heinrich Dorrenbach", "Włodzimierz Maxymowicz-Raczyński", "Aleksander Krzyżanowski", "Noel Money", "Maurice Drummond", "Géza Lakatos", "John Tyssen", "John Tyson Wigan", "Alfred Brandt", "Sofja Sacharowna Fedortschenko", "Robert Loraine", "Peter Stangier", "Gerhard Plaumann", "Arthur Gottlein", "Ladi-Joseph Pauly", "Jack Doubleday", "Leopold von Ledebur", "Colin Blythe", "Stefan Wyczółkowski", "Wigand Gersdorff", "Frederick William Lumsden", "Eugen Beyer", "Johann Mickl", "Rudolf Brudermann", "Fred Bartholomew", "Charles Laking", "Herbert Neumann", "Edmond Popieul", "Zygmunt Kaletka", "Arthur Spanier", "Heinrich Kohl", "Gilbert Mitchison, Baron Mitchison", "Ernest Bertrand", "William Revell Revell-Smith", "William Richard Beddington", "Edward Jarociński", "Howell Lewis", "Hans Krüger", "Charles Hull", "Clement W. Payton", "George Hennessy, 1st Baron Windlesham", "Richard Boleslawski", "Thomas C. Neibaur", "William Angus", "Cecil Marchant", "Martin Busch", "Alfred Atkey", "Robert Bowie Owens", "Gerald Templer", "George Jeffreys, 1st Baron Jeffreys", "Benjamin Foulois", "Ion Tower", "Jules Goux", "Peter Charles Harris", "John Nation", "Marcel Serret", "Walther Lichel", "Otto Gabcke", "Aubert C. Dunn", "Walter Wessel", "Alexei Ivanovich Avtonomov", "Jean de la Hire", "Kaarlo Heiskanen", "Giuseppe Prezzolini", "William Edgar Holmes", "Robert D. Knapp", "George Onions", "Gustave de Peytes de Montcabrier", "Edward Elers Delaval Henderson", "Everett Hughes", "Hector Garaud", "Zygmunt Puchalik", "Giffard Le Quesne Martel", "Paolo Monelli", "Josef Roth von Limanowa-Lapanów", "Arthur Peck", "Pierre Paul Bonnefond", "Arthur Hope, 2nd Baron Rankeillour", "Brooke Brewer", "Alf Dann", "Walter Bachmann", "Oskar Bauer", "Władysław Marian Jakowicki", "Harold Redman", "Werner Schwarz", "Alfred Shepherd", "Calvin John Ward", "Michał Osmola", "Walerian Wojtulewicz", "Emory J. Arnold", "Hellmuth Heinze", "William Lancelot Jordan", "Giuseppe Castellano", "Friedrich Puchta", "Werner Willikens", "Stanley R. Mullard", "Daniel Marcus William Beak", "Josiah Lewis Morgan", "Robert Louis Antral", "Robert Vaughan Gorle", "Jürgen von Ramin", "Adam Mohuczy", "Langford Wellman Colley-Priest", "Valentin Eibes", "Victor Joseph Antoine Meunier", "Richard Butler", "William E. Hess", "Hans Bohnenkamp", "Hans Bogner", "Curt Badinski", "Jacques Parrot-Lagarenne", "Camille Walch", "Josef Veltjens", "George Pirie", "George Pipgras", "Philip Young", "Meade Edward Dennis", "John O'Neill", "John McCrae", "Tadeusz Matysek", "Carl Krümmel", "Denis Wright", "Yi Wi-jong", "Heinrich Sproemberg", "Samuel M. Sampler", "Walter Pitt-Taylor", "Christian von Pentz", "Hordley Acres", "J. Griffyth Fairfax", "Harold Alexander, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis", "Harold Alexander, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis", "Salih Omurtak", "Krikor Amirian", "Bombardier Billy Wells", "James Somers", "Erich Spickschen", "James Parkes", "Fritz Wentzell", "Gerald Trotter", "Mikhail Lukin", "Jack Verge", "Otto Gross", "David B. Barkley", "Marshall Field III", "James East", "Henry Horne, 1st Baron Horne", "Harold Molyneux", "Malcolm Plaw MacLeod", "John Lightfoot Trollope", "John Stevenson Stubbs", "William Ernest Staton", "Harold Whistler", "William Lewis Wells", "Frank Weare", "Emett Clay Choate", "Johannes Baptist Ferdinand", "Charles Wilbraham Watson Ford", "Paul Schwabach", "Adolf Ritter von Ruith", "Stanisław Krzymowski", "Hugh Wrigley", "Pierre Yvert", "Edward Whipple Bancroft Morrison", "Harry von Posadowsky-Wehner", "Walter Ulbricht", "Arnold Brown", "Wolfgang Zenker", "Damiano Chiesa", "William Booth Wecker", "Carl Oberg", "Hermann Lenz", "Silvio Scaroni", "Hans Bergen", "Alfred Hemmann", "Les Howe", "Alfred Frank Evans", "John Dowse", "George Molesworth", "Henry Moore", "Bryan Desmond Hughes", "Vladimir Kappel", "Heinrich Wilhelm Strüvy", "Dmitry Avrov", "Josef von Steiner", "Emmerich von Nagy", "Frank Cavanaugh", "Paul Treibe", "Percy FitzGerald", "Bruce Digby-Worsley", "Hermann Hofmann", "David Murray", "Miles John Breuer", "Somerset Gough-Calthorpe", "Harry Waites", "Philipp Müller-Gebhard", "Anton Andrian", "Bernhard Pamberg", "Siegfried Ruhl", "Richard von Bothmer", "Vic Watson", "Justin Vialaret", "Arthur Paget", "Maurice Mealing", "Robert Bürkner", "Dietrich Klagges", "Edith Cavell", "Arthur J. Balzer", "John Francis Stanhope Coleridge", "Charles James", "Leo von Dobschütz", "Reinhard Hugershoff", "Albert Viethen", "Naci Eldeniz", "Michael Lukas", "Marcel Bloch", "Dave Gallaher", "Arthur Greiser", "Sackville Carden", "Erich Hahn", "Nevill Maskelyne Smyth", "Kurt Lasch", "Wilfred Greene, 1st Baron Greene", "Ernst Krause", "Horst von Restorff", "Tommy Codd", "Albert Henze", "Hans Zenker", "Hans Oellacher", "Hermann Jacobsohn", "Ruben Lagus", "Jack Harrison", "Tom Florie", "Walther Bremer", "Ludwig Bänfer", "Frank Ransley", "Georges Loizeau", "Buck Jones", "Rudolf von Perignon", "Arnaldo Mussolini", "Paul Papenbroock", "Erich Heinemann", "Thomas Scott-Ellis, 8th Baron Howard de Walden", "Malcolm Henderson", "Günther Ziegler", "Haim Ariav", "Friedrich Harte", "John Lavarack", "Kurt von Wessely", "Juliusz Kleeberg", "Zdzisław Orłowski", "Joe Mercer", "William de Ropp", "Sigismund von Förster", "Heinrich Hemmer", "Dale Carnegie", "Adolphe DuBois d'Aische", "George Seanor Robb", "George S. Rentz", "Max Looff", "Charles Pope", "Vjekoslav Servatzy", "Jan Franciszek Zych", "Peter Josef Schmitz", "Charles P. Hall", "Brian Donlevy", "Ernst Silva Tarouca", "Stanisław Ujejski", "Nicolae Arghirescu", "William Henry Hubbard", "George Barrow", "Alfred Boehm-Tettelbach", "Roy Barcroft", "Iosif Apanasenko", "Hanns Löhr", "Leopold Widlizka", "Niel Walker", "Enrico Caviglia", "Hermann Altmann", "Hermann Althaus", "William Beckett", "Clement A. Trott", "Sir Charles Fergusson, 7th Baronet", "Theodor Joseph Julius Roeingh", "Elias Wimmer", "Karl von Bothmer", "Paul Kaufmann", "Paul Leffler", "Hugh Priestley", "Walter Hoevel", "Ludwig Merker", "Basil Cameron", "Vinzenz Schwärzler", "Joseph Vollmer", "Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig", "Walter Frevert", "Theobald Patrick Probyn Butler", "Theodor Petsch", "Hermann Rudolf Bäcker", "Alexander von Falkenhausen", "Otto Bauer", "Engelbert Dollfuss", "Louis-Antoine Gaultier", "Hermann Künne", "Ignaz Ledóchowski", "Aurel Racovitză", "Josef Kraus", "Alfred Roth", "Edmund P. Easterbrook", "Edmund Osborne", "Lanoe Hawker", "Carleton H. Wright", "George R. Riley", "Fritz Czermak", "Pierre Wertheim", "Vladimir Paley", "Mikhail Grigoryevich Yefremov", "Gustave Daladier", "Mikhail Kirponos", "Henri Blacque-Belair", "Alvin C. Reis", "Maurice Woodward", "Hellmuth von Rabenau", "Edwin Hubble", "Josef Keil", "Charles Langbridge Morgan", "Eugène Le Boëtté", "Paul Friedländer", "Theodor Brugsch", "Grey Owl", "Johann Heinrich Böhmcker", "Duncan Chapman", "Karl-Friedrich von der Meden", "George Hendricks Beverley", "Richard McFadden", "William Andrewes", "William Cory Heward Bell", "Christian Nissen", "Iwan Brandes", "Władysław Steblik", "Rudolf Kummer", "Jerzy Jan Jastrzębski", "Walther Kolbe", "Peter Cazalet", "Hermann Osterloh", "Hermann Ott", "Edmund Frank Lind", "Ryland Dillard Tisdale", "Doc Lavan", "Walter Kirk", "Marcin Freyman", "Gordon Churchill", "George King", "Ismail Fazil Pasha", "George Ormsby-Gore, 3rd Baron Harlech", "Edward Ellington", "M. E. Clifton James", "Walter Heiman", "Noel Forbes Humphreys", "Anatol von Bredow", "Hans-Jürgen von Witzendorff", "Arthur Edward Barstow", "Stanisław Zemanek", "Hank Gowdy", "Cameron Shute", "Demyan Bedny", "Oskar Hennrich", "Michael Keller", "Charles Carrington", "Władysław Belina-Prażmowski", "Allan Cholmondeley Arnold", "Lou Phillips", "Harold Rawdon Briggs", "Nikifor Grigoriev", "Marcel Pagnol", "Ed Harrison", "Rudolf Karl Materna", "Max Page", "Leo Baeck", "Hellmuth Elbrechter", "Basil Brooke", "Ferruccio Lantini", "Arthur Sloggett", "Georg Weber", "Osami Nagano", "Erwin Wolff", "Reginald Stanley Judson", "Roger Q. Williams", "James Edward Tait", "Leland Hobbs", "Walter von Boltenstern", "Bernd von Arnim", "Cecil Burney", "Andrzej Rutowski", "Johannes Mewaldt", "Alfred Olscher", "David Hacohen", "Paul Moldenhauer", "Hermann-Eberhard Wildermuth", "Herbert Sutcliffe", "Thomas Frederick Stephenson", "William Russel Huber", "Samuel W. Reynolds", "Louis Vaughan", "James Meldrum Knox", "Robert Dunsire", "Ted Hill", "Edward C. Kalbfus", "İzzettin Çalışlar", "Otto Pieperbeck", "Ronald Fairbairn", "Luigi Federzoni", "Antoni Brzozowski", "Prince Frederick Charles of Hesse", "Walther Schroth", "Hugh Wyld", "Zygmunt Kaznowski", "Piotr Guziorski", "Henry Jackson", "Max Fremerey", "Alfred Jansa", "Hüsrev Gerede", "Robert L. Bobbitt", "Hans de Salengre-Drabbe", "Carl-Alfred Schumacher", "Franz Alfons Rogg", "Tadeusz Puszczyński", "Erich Reitzenstein", "Herrmann Harbauer", "Vadim Rudnev", "Cecil Albert Heydeman", "Rudolf von Heuß", "Ernst Schwarz", "Edwin Gebauer", "Salomon Ramer", "Werner Lange", "Helmut Lange", "Eugene Weismann", "August Delling", "Erwin Ettel", "Philippe Henri Joseph d'Anselme", "John Harry McNeaney", "Frank Ross McCoy", "Heinz Hopf", "William Wedgwood Benn, 1st Viscount Stansgate", "Ernst Pöhner", "Lewis Blaine Hershey", "Lewis Blackmore", "Adolf Trowitz", "Bill Hinman", "Gustav Berlin", "Károly Soós", "Kazimierz Kieszniewski", "Russell Winnicott", "Russell Willson", "Neville Elliott-Cooper", "Kiril Yanchulev", "Hermann Fischer", "Richard Annesley West", "Bernhard von Tschirschky", "Morgan Singer", "Henryk Floyar-Rajchman", "Dick Harlow", "Les Lee", "Joseph William Guyton", "Havelock Hudson", "Malcolm Mercer", "Emil Zenetti", "Heinrich Klang", "Arthur Szyk", "Cliff Williams", "George Lake", "James Peck", "Robert Henry English", "E. T. Burke", "Donald Hudson", "Louis Aragon", "Krišjānis Berķis", "Kenneth Higgs", "Joe English", "Stefan Czerwiński", "Edward Allworth", "William Thomas Frederick Davies", "Kenneth Porter", "William Murray Threipland", "Eugen Werkowitsch", "Marcel Olteanu", "Roy W. Chappell", "Colin Hampton", "Philip Hayes", "Ted McLean", "Horace Martelli", "Peter Suhrkamp", "Friedrich-Wilhelm Neumann", "Friedrich-Wilhelm von Loeper", "Kurt Ludecke", "Rodney Joseph Burn", "Józef Burhardt", "Loudoun MacLean", "Charles Hellier Davies Evans", "Aleksander Hertel", "Siegfried Schneider", "Alois Adler", "Max Naumann", "Josip Škorpik", "Friedrich Samwer", "Caspar John", "Hudson Fysh", "Stefan Strzemieński", "Erich Geißler", "W. Reid Blair", "Anselme Marchal", "Kurt Griepenkerl", "Dietrich Averes", "Wilhelm Haas", "Stefan Brzeszczyński", "Stefan Buchowiecki", "Jere Cooper", "Len Trump", "John B. Coulter", "Herbert Gayler", "Fernando E. Rodríguez Vargas", "Stefan Heymann", "Jozef Turanec", "Rudolf von Horn", "François Sidos", "Paul Papke", "Edward Backhouse", "Robert Berkeley", "Jeffery Amherst, 5th Earl Amherst", "Max Herrmann", "Mario Fregonara", "Augustus Baillie", "Jenkin Alban Davies", "Nihat Anılmış", "Otto Rietzsch", "Karl Christian Müller", "Otto Heinze", "Robert Hamilton-Udny, 11th Lord Belhaven and Stenton", "Robert Hamilton", "Raphael Louis Zengel", "Carl S. Williams", "Josiah Wedgwood, Baron Wedgwood", "Cyrus Ainsworth", "Halit Karsıalan", "Anton Franzen", "John Chipman Kerr", "Andrew Edmiston, Jr.", "John Boyd Orr, 1st Baron Boyd-Orr", "Édouard Depreux", "Nestor Monastyrev", "Jean Boucher", "Detlev von Arnim-Kröchlendorff", "Siegfried Hotzel", "James Melville Babington", "Paul von Uthmann", "Konrad Fuchs", "Emil Beck", "Patryk O'Brien de Lacy", "Ioan A. Bassarabescu", "Willie Sandlin", "Stanisław Tomiak", "Josip Marija Carević", "Georg von und zu Franckenstein", "Robert Miles Todd", "George Thomas Dorrell", "Oliver Stanley", "William Henry Johnston", "August Keim", "Vladimir Kurasov", "Friedrich-Carl von Steinkeller", "Dennis Wheatley", "Anton Hauptmann", "George Goodman Simpson", "John Luce", "Horst von Mellenthin", "Fritz Lindemann", "Gustav Fehn", "Hans Gronewald", "Walter Dornberger", "Bronisław Noël", "Wasilij Rumiancew", "Kurt Fricke", "Walther Zubke", "Albert Milton", "A. H. Dodd", "Richard Vogt", "Edmund Sparmann", "Dmitry Pavlov", "Norman Gregg", "Pantaleone Rapino", "Duncan Thompson", "Thomas F. Cooke", "Frank Bruce", "Richard Casey, Baron Casey", "Rudolph Hammer", "Hans Henning Grote", "Edmund Hainisch", "Paul St. Clair Murphy", "John Steel Ralston", "Karl Josef Oehler", "John A. Hull", "Martyn Jerram", "Robert Knapp", "Desmond Morton", "John Caspari", "Charles Deedes", "Gustav Alvermann", "Wilhelm Lützow", "Cevdet Sunay", "Donald Swain Lewis", "Robert Pearson", "Georg Streiter", "Thomas Vernor Smith", "Ernst Röhm", "Friedrich Stephan", "George Norton Cory", "Alfred Schmidt", "Mustafa Yamulki", "Ralph Edwards", "Ralph Edwards", "Edward Wyndham Tennant", "Sigismund Payne Best", "Karl Kaehne", "Charles Langtree", "Adolphe Reinach", "Alfred-Hermann Reinhardt", "Gilbert Bettman", "Gilbert Bennion", "Russell Coffey", "Jan Szklarek", "Thomas Andrew Polson", "Albert Müller", "Leo Clarke", "Thomas Rose", "Murakami Kakuichi", "Hervé de Penfentenyo", "Percival Mackey", "Wiktor Jarosz-Kamionka", "Jean Cras", "Hermann Gebbers", "Ernesto Burzagli", "Maxmillian Wood", "Alfred Bakewell Howitt", "William Portwood Erwin", "Victor Kugler", "Rudolf Kuppenheim", "Herbert Cecil Potter", "Henry Hodgson", "Geo Milev", "Bronisław Rakowski", "Vasili Glagolev", "Rainer Schlösser", "Philip Neame", "Zdzisław Sieczkowski", "Vincent McNamara", "Georges Duhamel", "Edward Russell, 2nd Baron Russell of Liverpool", "John Kendrick Skinner", "Adolf Thormählen", "Stanisław Juszczakiewicz", "Lionel Fraser", "Ossyp Makowej", "James Reid, Baron Reid", "Arthur Edward Cumming", "André Le Troquer", "Charles Christopher Fowkes", "Friedrich von Werder", "Joseph Duff", "Otto Klein", "Charles E. O. Carter", "Howard Cann", "Dominique-Marie Gauchet", "Eberhard Godt", "Christian Usinger", "Friedrich Pfeffer von Salomon", "Oskar Brüch", "Basil Blackett", "Endre Bajcsy-Zsilinszky", "Erwin Zeidler von Görz", "Frederick Bowhill", "Hugh Claye", "Johannes Hoßfeld", "Douglas Arant", "Hedd Wyn", "Reginald Hoskins", "John Joseph Esmonde", "Frank Costello", "Denis Stairs", "John Painter", "Sam Stivey", "William Ruthven Smith", "William Ruthven", "Ralph Oscar Yeager", "Francis Adrian Wilson", "Edward C. Moran, Jr.", "Joachim Wünning", "Norman Douglas Holbrook", "Otto Pilz", "Nazmi Solok", "Louis Bach", "Karl Hansen", "Kōzō Satō", "Léon Sagnol", "William Balck", "Wojciech Korwin-Kossakowski", "Antoni Rudnicki", "Joe Starnes", "Friedrich Burmeister", "Georg Johannes von Trapp", "Amos Fries", "Stephan von Gröning", "Hermann Fritz Hoffmann", "Curtis Chillingworth", "Stuart Greeves", "Stuart H. Ingersoll", "Clifford Wilcock", "Gregory Krivolapov", "Adolf Rübe", "Pierre-Marie Théas", "Ivy Campany", "Franz Künstler", "Vladimir Laxa", "Oskar Homolka", "Pierre Girodon", "Max Thomas", "Edward M. House", "Friedrich Lux", "Samuel Herzig", "Hans Karl Müller", "Wilhelm Stör", "Franz Schleiff", "Thomas Culling", "Maurice Balfourier", "Ferenc Feketehalmy-Czeydner", "Llewellyn Gwynne", "Francis George Miles", "Heinz Rutha", "Kazimierz Barancewicz", "Gwido Kawiński", "Alfred N. Phillips", "Frank Steer", "Joseph O'Sullivan", "Nikolai Myaskovsky", "Charles Douglas Kingsley Seaver", "Osborne Douglas", "William Eltham", "Alvin Andrew Callender", "Henry Norwest", "Hermann Plaskuda", "Levy Rosenblatt", "Otto Schramme", "Henry Gage, 6th Viscount Gage", "Bruno Schneider", "Giulio Cesare Tassoni", "Dietz von Thüngen", "Martin Kirschbaum", "Overton Brooks", "Stefan Toshev", "Georgy Danilov", "Sydir Kovpak", "Otto Weber", "Marian Jankowski", "Jean-Marie Brulard", "Roland Gwynne", "Johannes Feuerbaum", "Arthur Sandbach", "John Royston", "Ashley Vines", "Denis de Bourgoing", "Paul Grünert", "Georg Wagener", "Ahmet Anzavur", "Ernest Achey Loftus", "Edward Gedge", "Leon Furmanowicz", "Edmond Buat", "Vinzenz Stehle", "Kornel Abel", "Paul Dudley White", "J. Riley Stone", "Maximilian von Zottmann", "Wilfred Green", "Warren Atherton", "Richard Burnard Munday", "Carl Röver", "Jakob Sprenger", "J. Parnell Thomas", "André-Georges Corap", "Fritz von Zehmen", "William Yalland", "Hermann Kusmanek von Burgneustädten", "Lloyd Milton Brett", "Charles Walter Allfrey", "Constantin Tobescu", "Conrad O'Brien-ffrench", "Stan Hardy", "Alan Goodrich Kirk", "Erich Russek", "Prince Joachim of Prussia", "Ernst-Robert Grawitz", "Abraham Acton", "James Hall", "John L. Hines", "Kyōsuke Eto", "Edward Shaw", "Henry Botterell", "Otto Langemeyer", "George Hubert Kemp", "Wilhelm Ulex", "Harry Wallace", "Emmerich Janetzky", "Frederick Guest", "Friedrich Hammer", "Saunders Lewis", "Rodrigo de Castro Pereira", "Rajmund Baczyński", "Smedley Butler", "George Egerton", "E. E. B. Mackintosh", "Louis Bols", "Jean Touzet du Vigier", "Kurt Kruge", "Johannes Ludwig Schmitt", "Sandy Turnbull", "Otto Höhne", "Arthur Dukinfield Darbishire", "Sir Henry Kenyon Stephenson, 1st Baronet", "David Ferguson Hunter", "Johannes Gerhardus Strijdom", "Ian Fairbairn", "Antoine Léchères", "Alexander Hore-Ruthven, 1st Earl of Gowrie", "Karl Weniger", "Harold Ingrams", "Frederick Vincent Ellis", "Yates Stirling, Jr.", "Theodore Delves Broughton", "Ronald Powell", "Charles Kuentz", "Max Kiefer", "Ernst Wilmanns", "Bolko von Richthofen", "Harry Fulton", "Dumas Malone", "Friedrich Köberlein", "Charles Lightoller", "William Keneally", "William Jonas", "Henry Cook", "Theodor Parisius", "Thomas E. Martin", "Martin Gareis", "Harold Sherwood Spencer", "Felice Milano", "Arthur du Boulay", "Régis Bérenger", "Ernst Knebel", "Mārtiņš Peniķis", "Georg Abesser", "Paul Baethke", "Georges Dumézil", "Augustin Sandtner", "Alfred George Drake", "William George Haan", "Richard L. Conolly", "Lebrecht zu Rantzau", "Jimmy Croal", "Dwight Watson", "Hugh Pigot Williams", "Ernst Streeruwitz", "Albert Mountain", "Alexander Edler von Daniels", "Werner Boy", "R. Austin Freeman", "Adam Nieniewski", "Ludwig Weißmüller", "Reginald Charley", "Harry Christian", "Pat Hanna", "Nikolai Ruzsky", "Chris B. Fox", "Walter J. Fourt", "Thomas Galbraith, 1st Baron Strathclyde", "Charles William Train", "Marian Sanok", "August Schaefer", "Edward Hutton", "Edmondo Rossoni", "Enno von Rintelen", "Roland Boys Bradford", "Fritz Conrad", "Victor Gastebois", "Werner Kempf", "Edwin Graf von Rothkirch und Trach", "Edwin von Stülpnagel", "Wilhelm Freiherr von Willisen", "Neville Bulwer-Lytton, 3rd Earl of Lytton", "Jean Lambert-Rucki", "Alexander Schrader", "Franciszek Sudoł", "Henry C. Kellers", "Berthold Storfer", "Thomas Corbett", "George C. Butte", "Charles George Bonner", "James D. H. Peterson", "Kazimierz Strzegocki", "Frank Messervy", "Marie-Pierre Kœnig", "William Sidebottom", "Bill Nolan", "Marcel Thibaud", "Eugène Mordant", "David Dixon Porter", "Gilbert R. Cook", "Roy Dodds", "Lewis Gielgud", "Thomas Alfred Jones", "Kazimierz Dziurzyński", "Arthur Sanders", "Anatoly Lieven", "Henry Cronin", "Ernst Lucht", "Janusz Sołtys", "Wally Rehg", "Gustav Fusch", "Eric Grant Miles", "Paul Gurran", "Iwan Oldekop", "Samuel G. Fuqua", "Siegfried Thomaschki", "Hans Julius Kehrl", "Fuat Balkan", "Hugo Paul", "Alfred Ernst", "Jean Patou", "Émile Henriot", "Karl Bombach", "Karl Bohnenstengel", "James Learmonth", "Edward Eden Bradford", "Joe Crowl", "Joyce Kilmer", "Walter Henrich", "William A. Glassford", "August Vordemfelde", "Mürsel Bakû", "Noel George", "Hamit Arslan", "Fernand Halphen", "René Riffaud", "Francis Curzon, 5th Earl Howe", "John Lindow Calderwood", "Wilhelm Schmid", "Hellmuth Reymann", "Ernst Meiners", "Dmitry Nikolayevich Nadyozhny", "Oskar Munzel", "Carl Strobel", "Aldo Morandi", "Reed Howes", "Max Schlotte", "Wallace M. Fay", "Paul Fenn", "Basil Barton", "Basil Baily", "Carl Schneider", "Heinrich Emmendörfer", "Garnie W. McGinty", "Otto Klinger", "Zbigniew Babiński", "Hugh Durant", "Bill Corum", "Georges Tabouis", "Friedrich Carl Holtz", "James Speedie", "Max Kennedy Horton", "Modest Romiszewski", "George Mullin", "Lawrence Tyson", "Octav Onicescu", "Charles Offley Harvey", "Konrad Zembrzuski", "Endre Johannes Cleven", "Dietrich von Choltitz", "Cyril Dumpleton", "Samuel Wilder King", "Alexander Alfred Hayton", "Francis A. Walker", "Gottfried Benn", "Helmuth Weidling", "Douglas Nicholson", "Gustav von Vaerst", "Conwyn Mansel-Jones", "Giulio Ingianni", "Francis Simonds", "Donald Cunnell", "Czesław Wojtyniak", "Lord Arthur Hamilton", "Stanisław Thugutt", "Julian Gazda", "Ralph Campney", "Charles Barber", "Kazimierz Mikołajewski", "Julius Schulz", "Karl Hammes", "Meyer Robert Guggenheim", "Walter Kuntze", "Walther Kittel", "Józef Mańczak", "August Kobus", "Heinrich Janson", "Ernest James Renaud", "David Carnegie", "Emmett Forrest Branch", "Harold Lydford", "Alfred Burt", "Harry Hardt", "Peter Bamm", "Wade Van Valkenburg", "Silvio Conti", "Frederick Pawla", "Hans Wolff", "Stewart Gore-Browne", "Nikolai Helk", "Richard Krueger", "Lucien Petit-Breton", "Honore de Bonald", "William J. Sharkey", "Georges Louis Edmond Jullien", "Paul Scheer", "Leo Rankin", "James Earl Carter, Sr.", "John Henry Vaughan", "Franciszek Hynek", "Karl Maria Demelhuber", "Yakov Zhilinskiy", "Svetozar Boroević", "Oskar Potiorek", "Alexander Löhr", "Gaston Lane", "Hippolyte De La Rue", "Charles Sorley", "James Harold Stewart", "Carl Wurster", "Sir Charles Madden, 1st Baronet", "Maurice Janets", "Karol Bacz", "Karol Baczyński", "Karl Pönitz", "John McNamara", "Harry Godfrey Massy-Miles", "Harry Miner", "R. V. Truitt", "Henry Eric Dolan", "Stanley Rous", "Johann Raithel", "Rudolf Hübner", "Thomas Pilcher", "William Odell", "John O'Donnell", "Étienne André Bapst", "Marcus W. Robertson", "Hermann Knöllinger", "Paul Métivier", "John Gunner", "Claudio Trezzani", "Hermann Rauschning", "John Knowles Herr", "Bodo von Harbou", "Jed Johnson", "Theodor Oppermann", "Ernest Albert Egerton", "Wawrzyniec Łobaczewski", "Leon Dzierdziejewski", "Edmond Berthélémy", "Eugen Wullen", "Siegfried Schug", "Ehrenfried Günther Freiherr von Hünefeld", "Arthur McKenzie", "John Wallwork", "Dick Upex", "Maximilian von Schwartzkoppen", "Hermann Brill", "Gerhard Harmel", "Jean Raguet", "André Julien Chainat", "Fritz Schellong", "Friedrich Sauermann", "Bungy Watson", "Helmut Fink", "Max Eichholz", "Marcel Caux", "Erich Kahsnitz", "Cecil Thomas", "Roberta MacAdams", "William Lashly", "Louis Bernard", "Prince Friedrich of Saxe-Meiningen", "Philip Mendoza", "Dai Edwards", "Stefan Dąbkowski", "Joseph Barthélemy", "Hermann Joachim Pagels", "Oliver Woodward", "Wilhelm Trippler", "Joseph Stauffer", "Nureddin Pasha", "Jake Allex", "Theodor Mayer", "Emil August Fieldorf", "Thadeus von Sievers", "Jan Strusiński", "Thomas Williams", "Tadeusz Wardejn-Zagórski", "Edouard Izac", "Gerald Kitson", "Gerald Kirk", "Aylmer Haldane", "Gertzlaff von Hertzberg", "Aleksander Prystor", "Paul Philippe Cret", "Robert Ritter von Greim", "Georg Röhrig", "Karl Witzell", "William Preston Lane", "Jesse R. Langley", "Konstantin von Neurath", "Otto Wilhelm von Renz", "Allen H. Turnage", "Allen George Clark", "Victor Sellheim", "Alfred Carpenter", "Heinrich Hannibal", "Friedrich Günther", "Patrick Fowler", "Jens Frederick Larson", "Karl Horneck", "Gerhard Menzel", "Rhoderick McGrigor", "Evans Carlson", "Hans-Wolfgang Herwarth von Bittenfeld", "Archibald Berkeley Milne", "Karl Dyroff", "James Ryan", "Ernst-Günther Baade", "Johannes Hielscher", "Osmond Ingram", "Albemarle Cator", "Voldemārs Ozols", "John Thomas Woolrych Perowne", "William Williams", "Max Kirstein", "Alfred Sturm", "Cecil Vandepeer Clarke", "Cecil Wedgwood", "Émile Muselier", "Huseyn Khan Nakhchivanski", "William Kennedy-Cochran-Patrick", "Michael Stapfer", "Henry Conger Pratt", "Herbert Stanley Morris", "Richard St. Barbe Baker", "Josh Cody", "Steuart Wilson", "Paul Legentilhomme", "Curt Liebmann", "Ernst Kabisch", "Konstanty Kułagowski", "Hugo Martiny von Malastów", "Karl Heinrich Emil Becker", "Wilhelm Ritter von Thoma", "Victor Pierre Le Gorgeu", "Karl Fiehler", "Charles Stanhope, 10th Earl of Harrington", "Thomas Barratt", "Karol Śliwka", "Lewis Robertson", "Horatio Nelson Jackson", "Karl Haedenkamp", "Walter Hildebrandt", "István Tisza", "Andreas Josef Mähr", "Reginald Dunne", "Toggie Kendall", "Gerald Maxwell", "Karl Martini", "William Montgomery Thomson", "Grantly Dick-Read", "László Deseő", "Harcourt Johnstone", "Joseph-Paul Eydoux", "Günther Arndt", "Hans Wolkersdörfer", "John Norwood", "Hans-Wilhelm Doering-Manteuffel", "Neston Diggle", "Giuseppe Bottai", "Paul Rodde", "Marie-Jean-Lucien Lacaze", "Rudolf Jagielski", "Stanisław Hejnich", "Charles Dennis Fisher", "Alojzy Horak", "André Rostand", "Gustav A. Sundquist", "Josef Feurstein", "Carleton G. Howe", "Heliodor Cepa", "Aled Owen Roberts", "Francois Dupre", "Erich Bey", "Charles Murray", "John Coleridge", "George Swabey", "Mihail Aslan", "Hellmuth Mayer", "André Barthélémy", "James D. Heriot", "Dino Grandi", "William Sidney Shacklette", "Bob Martin", "Ian Napier", "Julius Herweg", "Gheorghe Mărdărescu", "George Whatford", "Erwin Mack", "Zygmunt Krudowski", "Foster B. Porter", "Aleksander Sulkiewicz", "Otto Haas", "William Bain Thomas", "William George Stevens", "Antonio Riva", "Arthur Samuel Allen", "Frederick Cradock", "August Hillebrand", "Anthony Jacques Mantle", "Helmuth Schlömer", "Peter Tomich", "Karlis Aperats", "Louis Calhern", "Lord Bernard Gordon-Lennox", "Hugh Ross", "Władysław Weryho", "Granville Ryrie", "Louisa Wilkinson", "Jacques Dormoy", "Hubert Ashton", "Pierre Gaudermen", "Paul Oswald Ahnert", "João José Sinel de Cordes", "Lawrence William Cramer", "Henri de Kérillis", "Philipp Schneider", "Ernesto Mombelli", "Günther Just", "Ludwig von Fabini", "Marcel Aurousseau", "Friedrich Neumann", "Tom McCluskey", "Ernest Masson Anderson", "Ernest Masters", "Ernest Martin Jehan", "George Owen Johnson", "Hans Hustert", "Ulysses S. Grant IV", "Hermann Witzleben", "Hermann von Witzleben", "Arthur Easterbrook", "Frank Worsley", "Fritz Weber", "Charles E. Marsters", "Nikolay Kashirin", "Dudley Beaumont", "Tim Collins", "Fabio Filzi", "Ivan Vasilyevich Smirnov", "Reed G. Landis", "Ben Moreell", "Andrew Skeen", "William Scott Chalmers", "Hugh Lofting", "Herbert John Hodgson", "William R. Furlong", "Jakob Baxa", "Renato Ricci", "George Browse", "Cemal Mersinli", "Alexander Crawford", "Adolf Oven", "Zygmunt Netzer", "Patsy Hendren", "Thélis Vachon", "Wilberforce Eaves", "Robert Meißner", "Walenty Marchlewski", "Charles Théodore Brécard", "Walter G. R. Hinchliffe", "Gerald Berkeley Hurst", "Edward Peck Curtis", "Denis Shipwright", "Hermann Balck", "Émile Régnier", "Rudolf Klieber", "Walter Graeschke", "Louis W. Ross", "Adam Wilczyński", "Alfred Spett", "Lorne MacDougall", "Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski", "Ernst Toller", "Tubby Clayton", "John Vaughan", "Arslan Toğuz", "Władysław Adam", "Heinrich Stiege", "Ralph Chalmers", "Noel Christopherson", "Louis Menges", "Ralph Egidy", "Henri Niessel", "Helmuth Prieß", "Dimosthenis Dialetis", "Alois Rodlauer", "Carl Rudolph von Romeick", "Burnet James", "Otto Baumann", "William Henry Bartholomew", "Max Mohr", "Robert L. Blackwell", "Alfredo Di Cocco", "Albert Farrow", "James Wolfe-Murray", "Josef Weiser", "Victor Groom", "Georges Lienhart", "Georg von Manteuffel-Szoege", "Rudolf Bleidorn", "Thain Wendell MacDowell", "Edwin C. Parsons", "Edwin Campion Vaughan", "Alan Duncan Bell-Irving", "Waldemar Erfurth", "Georg Trakl", "Alban Berg", "Count Leopold Berchtold", "Julien Verbrugghe", "John Archer Lejeune", "John Edelsten", "Willi Clahes", "Llewellyn Alston", "Karol Anders", "Henry Maitland-Makgill-Crichton", "John Schofield", "John William Sayer", "William Bottrill", "Samuel Irving Rosenman", "Henryk Bilor", "Karl Maria Stepan", "Adri Bleuland van Oordt", "Ralph Jones", "Rodion Markovits", "Harry Nelly", "William Oliphant Hutchison", "John Gough", "Franz Bäke", "Lester J. Maitland", "Samuel Meekosha", "Andrew Major", "Hermann Detzner", "Josef Bürckel", "Chesley William Carter", "Charles Alexander Phipps Murison", "Douglas Abbott", "Fritz Lang", "Frank Charles Mears", "René Coty", "Walter Petzel", "David Sinton Ingalls", "Augusto de Pignier", "Oskar von Boddien", "Macon C. Overton", "Ivan Mihailov", "Paul Cohn", "Martin Niemöller", "Frederick Luff", "Frederick Luke", "Willifrank Ochsner", "Arthur Martin-Leake", "Arthur Massey Berry", "Jack Benny", "Maximilian Poseck", "Maximilian von Mutius", "Géraud Réveilhac", "Thaddäus von Jarotzky", "Michael Schnabrich", "Archibald Maxwell Craig", "David Murray Anderson", "Sir Allan Adair, 6th Baronet", "Rupert Matthews", "John Hines", "Walter Kirke", "Andrzej Marecki", "Jan Skotarek", "Max Dittrich", "Janko Vuković", "Charles Ward-Jackson", "Constantin Petrovicescu", "Harry Tytler", "Walter Lindsay", "Pyotr Nesterov", "Erich Koch", "Fritz-Otto Busch", "George Gauld", "Alojzy Nowak", "Ioan Jitianu", "Hermann Kriebel", "Stefan Fabiszewski", "Louis de Champsavin", "Christian Ritter von Popp", "Christian Ritter von Langheinrich", "Donald Priestley", "Hardy Falconer Parsons", "Archibald Walter Buckle", "Lee Stephen Tillotson", "Vladimir Viktorovich Sakharov", "Walther Schwieger", "Oswald Mosley", "Wendel Archibald Robertson", "Albert Wodrig", "Jan Karol Wróblewski", "Joseph Lavery", "Ivan Lukich Khizhnyak", "Constantin von Dietze", "Henri Farre", "August Macke", "Francis William Lascelles", "Hermann Fehling", "Karl Freudenberg", "Sir Henry Goldney, 4th Baronet", "Charles Le Gendre", "Franz Zehetmayer", "Adalbert Herwig", "Stanisław Edward Grodzki", "Heinrich Grund", "Orlando Ward", "Nikolay Nikanorovich Belov", "Charles Edward Beckett", "Archie Jewell", "Karl Drendel", "Karl Drexel", "Armando Diaz", "Hubert S. Ellis", "Gottlieb Hering", "Osmond Brock", "Hunter Poon", "Eugene Bullard", "Arthur Roe", "Fred Robson", "Stanisław Undas", "Hellmuth Heye", "Otto Steinbrinck", "Felice Chiarle", "Edgar Johnston", "Bronisław Górski", "William Kelly Harrison, Jr.", "William Charles Williams", "Malden A. Studd", "W. Chapman Revercomb", "William Henry Grimbaldeston", "Weston Martyr", "Harold Sandford Mugford", "William McFadzean", "Franz Freiherr Kreß von Kressenstein", "Marcel-Edmond Naegelen", "Sidney Goodall Francis", "Josef Mayr", "Friedrich Wilhelm Conrad Eduard Bornhardt", "Günther von Dewitz", "Elsbeth Schragmüller", "Otto Steinhäusl", "Baron Wladimir Giesl von Gieslingen", "Richard Peter", "Ernst Brandenburg", "Reginald Denning", "Anton Jerzabek", "Robert Blume", "Walter Ewers", "Stanisław Brych", "William Morrison, 1st Viscount Dunrossil", "Duff Cooper", "Rudolf Schneider", "Gordon A. Fleury", "Bert Wemp", "Wilhelm Engler", "Pavel Argeyev", "Kazimierz Dzierżanowski", "Ernst Freudenberg", "Kazimierz Swoszowski", "Stedman Prescott", "Wilhelm Ergert", "Leopold Schwarz", "Randolph McCall Pate", "Albert Battel", "Friedrich Wilhelm von Schwartzkoppen", "Pierre Bonny", "Douglas Cochrane, 12th Earl of Dundonald", "Alfred Saalwächter", "Josef Kammhuber", "Matthias Kleinheisterkamp", "Alois Vocásek", "Alois Stoeckl", "Peter von Heydebreck", "Arthur Guy Empey", "Gustav Bartenwerffer", "August Schneidhuber", "Ernest Joseph Blondlat", "Joseph Ramey de Sugny", "Fritz Löwe", "Zygmunt Kostrzewski", "William Colbeck", "Thomas J Mackie", "Thomas Jackson", "Kornelius Wilhelm zu Herrnsheim Heyl", "Oliver Cyril Spencer Watson", "Cemil Cahit Toydemir", "John Fegan", "Jimmy Wilde", "Arthur S. Herman", "Arthur S. Nevins", "Ludwig Walz", "Wilfrid Wilson Gibson", "Ján Ševčík", "Ermenegildo Carlo Donadini", "George R. Bliss", "George Jarratt", "Lou Petersen", "Anthony Joseph Drexel Biddle, Jr.", "Cuthbert Hoare", "Nikolaos Zafeiriou", "Liborius Ritter von Frank", "Jean Dagnaux", "Wally Kopf", "John B. Wogan", "Wilfred Bartrop", "William Price", "Władysław Tarwid", "Stanisław Żytkiewicz", "Samuel Frickleton", "Thomas Dinesen", "Allan Perry-Keene", "Henry Dalziel", "Zygmunt Wasserab", "Oliver Russell, 2nd Baron Ampthill", "Karl Berg", "Otto Freiherr von Stein zu Nord- und Ostheim", "Hugo Osterhaus", "Günther Jacoby", "Field Eugene Kindley", "Samuel Bates", "Werner Vogelsang", "Konstantinos Mazarakis-Ainian", "Ernest Makins", "Józef Bilewski", "F. D. Wickham", "William A. Hodgman", "Henri Putz", "Henri Pugliesi Conti", "Julius Kraft", "Michael Keogh", "Sir Edward Ruggles-Brise, 1st Baronet", "Harold Koch Boysen", "Florian Grabczyński", "Emory Jenison Pike", "Heinrich Kummer von Falkenfeld", "Jack Edwin Stawell Stevens", "Charles E. Kilbourne", "Malcolm Cowley", "Sir John Norton-Griffiths, 1st Baronet", "Kurt Freiherr von Liebenstein", "James Henry Robinson Bond", "Gustav Tweer", "Afrikan P. Bogaewsky", "Robert Waley Cohen", "Francis Guerrier", "Oskar Theodor", "George Scott", "Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer", "Euan Wallace", "Paul Ernst Fackenheim", "Algernon Skeffington, 12th Viscount Massereene", "Gaston Duffour", "Ray W. Hays", "Harry Collins", "George Brudenell-Bruce, 6th Marquess of Ailesbury", "István Hollós", "John J. Weinheimer", "Wolfgang Buddenbrock-Hettersdorff", "Eberhard von Wechmar", "Jan Korkiewicz", "Prince Constantine Constantinovich of Russia", "Willi Moser", "John Dods", "Georges Thibout", "Hermann Foppa", "Stephan Prager", "Rudolf Gercke", "Élie de Riols de Fonclare", "Arthur Arz von Straußenburg", "René Belbenoît", "Charles de Lardemelle", "Heinz Spangemacher", "Johnny Crosbie", "Mieczysław Duch", "Prince Oskar of Prussia", "Ludwig von Schröder", "Joseph T. Flanigan", "Joseph T. Dickman", "Engelbert-Maria von Arenberg", "George Whitehead", "Wilhelm Bittrich", "William S. Benson", "Prince Emanuele Filiberto, Duke of Aosta", "Francis Smith", "Hastings Anderson", "Hermann Kellermann", "James Duffy", "Mark Sykes", "Carl Credé", "John Cridland Latham", "General Albert Baratier", "José Pessoa Cavalcanti de Albuquerque", "Ernst Baader", "Ernest William Sansom", "Ernest Lewin", "Ernst Danielsen", "William Leslie Bowles", "Carl Rudolf Bohtz", "Arthur Lee, 1st Viscount Lee of Fareham", "Arthur Lee Stanley Gould", "K. C. Irving", "Gaston Silvestre", "Joseph Heeg", "Edward Chaytor", "Joachim Stülpnagel", "Edward Courtney Boyle", "Jean-Baptiste-Henri Baurès", "Johann Baptist Huber", "Arthur Rostron", "Jean Derode", "Mark Hovell", "Frank Tremar Sibly Menendez", "Marko Bezruchko", "Georg von the Lippe", "William Elliott", "Conrad Albrecht", "John Sherwood-Kelly", "Ferdinand Udvardy", "Ernest King", "Mariano Goybet", "Charles William Nutting", "Stanisław Kara", "Alfred Shout", "Charles Nuville", "Frank Macky", "Karol Bołdeskuł", "Charles Pizey", "Hans Burkhardt", "Walter George Burnett Dickinson", "Albert Rowland", "Harold W. Roberts", "Thomas Raddall", "August Faust", "Christian Nußbaum", "Jules Rimet", "Howard Burdick", "Thomas Orde Lawder Wilkinson", "André Zeller", "Sidney Peel", "Sidney Parsons", "Josef Terboven", "Paul Freiherr von Eltz-Rübenach", "Ernst Ostermann", "Toni Plankensteiner", "Albert Addison", "Albert Achard", "Count Albert von Mensdorff-Pouilly-Dietrichstein", "Lester Kelly", "Bryan Cooper", "Fernand Alamichel", "Ralf von der Marwitz", "Wilhelm von Beczwarzowski", "Georg Jedicke", "Jan Ciałowicz", "Pompeo Borra", "John C. Arrowsmith", "John C. B. Firth", "Fritz Johlitz", "William G. Powell", "Frank Cheadle", "Robert Herring", "Ahmet Fevzi Big", "Ernest A. Janson", "Kurt Ditzen", "Edward Fuller Witsell", "Edward Fuller", "Vinzenz Rüfner", "William Anderson", "William Thomas Smith", "Eugen Stähle", "Willie Reid", "Otto Lancelle", "Erich von Gilsa", "Erich von Boyneburgk", "Jacques Pirenne", "Ray Tovell", "Jean Payart", "Marie-Eugène Debeney", "John Whitworth-Jones", "Wilhelm Schröder", "Everett F. LaFond", "David Blake", "Julius Kowalczik", "Siegmund Freiherr von Schleinitz", "Roch Brzosko", "Hugh Jeudwine", "Rupert N. Richardson", "Şahin Bey", "Leo Friedrich Hausleiter", "Waldemar Tietgens", "Mikhail Alekseyev", "Bronisław Karbowski", "Stefan Kluczyński", "Aubrey Toppin", "Aubrey Weinman", "Léon Amédée François Raffenel", "Herbert Cyril Thacker", "Erich Lehmann", "Otto Raber", "Hermann Hansen", "Thomas Axford", "Bill Cox", "John Costello", "Michael B. Ellis", "Jack Doran", "Nicolae Sinescu", "Fritz Rümmelein", "Carl Püchler", "John Christie", "Alfred E. Montgomery", "John Joseph Malone", "Stan Martin", "Ecaterina Teodoroiu", "Georg Krogmann", "Barthold Stürgkh", "Sir Iain Colquhoun, 7th Baronet", "Wilhelm Gutmann", "Frank Ludlow", "Bernard Barny de Romanet", "Franz Karl von Österreich-Toskana", "Arthur Lehmann", "William Edward Sanders", "David Finlay", "Harold Ackroyd", "Alexander Kraell", "Edgar Theißen", "Manfred Hausmann", "Rudolf Tobias", "D'Arcy Fowlis Hilton", "Otto von Heydebreck", "Emil Berndorff", "Ronald Winckworth", "Tom Rowlandson", "Sebastian Festner", "William Cosgrove", "Ernst Fraenkel", "Artur Mahraun", "Herman Flesche", "James Henry Forman", "John Rutherford Gordon", "Charles de Gaulle", "Jerzy Stanisław Dembowski", "Richard Laqueur", "Miloš Obradović", "Otto Aichel", "Ernst August Schwebel", "Fritz Rumey", "Racho Petrov", "Gheorghe Sănătescu", "John Ferguson", "Eduard Krebsbach", "Gottlieb Graf von Haeseler", "Theodor Berkelmann", "Robert Young", "Mieczysław Więckowski", "Henry Oliver", "Rolf Carls", "Botho Henning Elster", "Mitchell Hepburn", "Francis Douglas, 11th Marquess of Queensberry", "Albert Marshall", "Alvin F. Weichel", "Clarence F. Leary", "Sydney Rowell", "Reginald Fletcher, 1st Baron Winster", "Jan Światkowski", "Jim Nicholas", "Dwight Wilson", "Wilhelm Kühne", "Albert Rohloff", "Leon Aleksander Sapieha", "Paul Scheuerpflug", "Raoul Lufbery", "Stanisław Kowalczewski", "Marie Charles Duval", "Heino von Heimburg", "Elemér Gorondy-Novák", "Arthur Martens", "John Gellibrand", "Auda ibu Tayi", "Lumsden Cummings", "Carleton Main Clement", "Charles Parker", "Claude Ewen Cameron", "Pierre Assié", "Cuthbert Orde", "Cuthbert James", "Cuthbert MacLean", "Cuthbert Lucas", "Ioan Vlădescu", "Eberhard von Hofacker", "Eduard von Below", "Tom Jameson", "Georg Tessin", "Georg Tartler", "Georg Tesche", "Oskar Kummetz", "Dmitrii Fedotoff-White", "Norman Thomas Gilroy", "George Stringer", "David Slimmon", "Arthur H. Day", "James Barrett", "Bogumil Vošnjak", "Michael Jäger", "William Harrop", "Dimitrios Psarros", "Herbert Obwurzer", "Kurt Hetze", "Arthur S. Champeny", "Arthur S. Carpender", "Guy Borthwick Moore", "Michael James O'Rourke", "István Náday", "George Bellew-Bryan, 4th Baron Bellew", "William John Adie", "Frederic Ives Lord", "Frederic James", "Tadeusz Jordan-Rozwadowski", "Charles Richard Sharpe", "Konstantin Hierl", "Martin Jordan", "Ernst Güntzel", "Walter Parker", "Heinrich Hildebrand", "Joachim Eberhard von Gemmingen", "Friedrich Kreß von Kressenstein", "Charlie Cotch", "Mieczysław Boruta-Spiechowicz", "John Swayne", "Hans von Euler-Chelpin", "Vasili Blokhin", "Ludvigs Bolšteins", "Józef Becker", "August Jager", "Walter Judd", "Édouard Galletier", "Alessandro Resch", "Otto Schottenheim", "Harry Cordner", "Hans Schlemmer", "Cameron Nicholson", "Friedrich Georg Christian Bartels", "Tommy Armour", "George Raymond Dallas Moor", "Richard Bazing", "Władysław Wejtko", "Władysław Toruń", "Reed Chambers", "Max von Hausen", "Henry Pridham-Wippell", "Franz Joseph, Prince of Hohenzollern-Emden", "Wacław Sokolewicz", "Algernon Philip Yorke Langhorne", "William Scurry", "Nikolaos Plastiras", "Walbanke Ashby Pritt", "Arno von Lenski", "Max Schlee", "Max Schindler", "Rupe Hiskins", "Hellmuth Bieneck", "Adam Rudnicki", "Brian Robertson, 1st Baron Robertson of Oakridge", "Jan Konstanty Zaremba", "Awdry Vaucour", "William Merrifield", "Godwin von Brumowski", "Hugh Connell", "Eugene Selvage", "Keith Feiling", "Jack Cooper", "Franz Fischer", "Bright Williams", "Edward Pennell", "Mieczysław Dobrzański", "Émile Taufflieb", "Bertrand Fagalde", "Włodzimierz Arwaniti", "Walter Groth", "Francis Philip Woodruff", "Fred Becker", "Walther von Seydlitz-Kurzbach", "John Denis Fryer", "Karl Tinzl", "Karl Fischer", "Guido Nardini", "Maksymilian Ciężki", "Frédéric Geille", "Ernst Emshoff", "Ernst Kanter", "Vittorio Cini", "Gordon Duncan", "Valentino Giaretta", "Alvaro Leonardi", "Kazimierz Zygmunt Czarnecki", "Joseph Guillemot", "William Putnam Sevier", "Rudolf Prestel", "Jack Traynor", "Patrick Hehir", "Ernst Schäfer", "Ludwik Czyżewski", "Feliks Ankerstein", "Mikhail Lashevich", "Oskar Laske", "Alexander Andrae", "Cyrus Leroy Baldridge", "Theodor Hoenecke", "Walter Hoernlein", "Georges Loustaunau-Lacau", "Joseph Orme", "Pierre Goujon", "Wolfgang Vorwald", "Francis Carco", "Genrich Eiche", "Maximilian Bayer", "Merle Hay", "Michitarō Komatsubara", "Howard Kelly", "Hugh White", "Ernst Schreder", "Siegfried Haß", "Yevgeny Berens", "Józef Chirowski", "Tommy Asnip", "Wilfrid Malleson", "James Fechet", "Eddie Rickenbacker", "Hans Dietrich", "Erich Abraham", "Józef Haller", "Harry Marcus", "Karol Biel", "Wickliffe Draper", "Arthur Britton", "Howard Buck", "John Bernard Arbuthnot", "Eric Milner-White", "Eric Milroy", "Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim", "Wilhelm Reich", "Art Duncan", "Stanisław Karpiński", "Hans Kummerfeldt", "Alex Robertson", "Jean Arpheuil", "Tom Dresser", "Joseph Maxwell", "Thornton Clarke", "Heinrich Fickler", "Ross Macpherson Smith", "Agostino Rocca", "Charles White Whittlesey", "Edwin Burr Babbitt", "Erich Wollenberg", "Joseph Tabarlet", "Arnold Nesbitt", "Fletcher Bowron", "Smith W. Brookhart", "George Augustus Stewart Cape", "Francis Bingham Mildmay, 1st Baron Mildmay of Flete", "Ludwig von Gebsattel", "Otto Krueger", "Otto Heidkämper", "Otto Hartmann", "Arthur Marsden", "Arthur Marsden", "Carl Henry Hoffman", "Jakob Bisson", "Edward Bingham", "Max Baur", "Gerhard von Prosch", "Joachim von Willisen", "Siegfried Macholz", "Siegfried Rasp", "Walter Griphan", "Heinrich Balthasar Gerland", "Kurt Behnke", "William Bridges", "Arthur Claydon", "Philip Dadd", "Tadeusz Korniłowicz", "Karl Hotz", "John E. Rankin", "John Stanfield", "Antoni Jastrzębski", "Arthur Alber", "Philip Christison", "Gordon Johnston", "Gorch Fock", "George Getgood", "Aleksander Ehrbar", "Thomas B. Miller", "Thomas B. Manuel", "Harry Robb", "H. C. McNeile", "Stanisław Alberti", "Zdzisław Adamczyk", "Leonard Wood", "Ernst Bähr", "Wilhelm Traupel", "Richard M. Blatchford", "Lindsay Gordon", "Karl Manitius", "Rudolf Hirsch", "Antonio Sorice", "Will Houghton", "James Fitzmaurice", "Harry S. Truman", "Florence A. Blanchfield", "Gerard Crole", "Dwight D. Eisenhower", "Mircea Florian", "Alois Pick", "Arthur Gilbert Bull", "J. Mackay Tait", "Edgar Puaud", "Heinrich Hager", "Wolfgang Schultz", "Karl Dempel", "Edgar André", "Lance Newnham", "Karl Toman", "Boris Stefanov", "Nuri Conker", "Tom Webb-Bowen", "Mikhail Alexandrovich Kedrov", "Wolfgang Foerster", "Harold Chapin", "Romanus Berg", "Jacques-Théodore Saconney", "Otto Budnowski", "Otto Bundsmann", "Marcel Burgun", "Hans Kirschstein", "Arthur Daly", "Alphonse Nudant", "Luigi Giannettino", "William Charles Fuller", "Jerzy Sochocki", "William Henry Harrison Morris, Jr.", "Panagiotis Demestichas", "Milorad Terzić", "Harold Sebring", "Alexandre Stoessel", "Willy Cohn", "Tadeusz Mieczysław Sokołowski", "Niels Drustrup", "Gebhard Amann", "Richard Kotz", "Theodor Sproesser", "George Ernest Schuster", "Arnold von Möhl", "Aleksander Roman Boroński", "Lionel Bootle-Wilbraham, 6th Baron Skelmersdale", "Thomas Bartley", "Karl Hans Strobl", "Vasily Badanov", "Francis Dodd", "Mark Lambert Bristol", "Ioannis Metaxas", "Brodie Ainslie", "J.B.S. Haldane", "Ernst Hammer", "Reginald F. Nicholson", "Georg Kenzian", "Alexander Kaulbars", "Wacław Stachiewicz", "Max Clausius", "Walter Elliot", "Hermann Sabath", "Robert Falckenberg", "Mustafa Cantekin", "Frederick Stanley Maude", "Zdzisław Chrząstowski", "Georg Graf von Rittberg", "Paul Sauvage", "Karl Bolle", "Kazimierz Steier", "Fritz Demmer", "Sir Anthony Buzzard, 2nd Baronet", "Erich Scheibner", "Howard Somervell", "Cuthbert Fuller", "Alexander Rüstow", "Paul Coelestin Ettighoffer", "George Stuart Henderson", "John Frederick Boyce Combe", "Franz Wirz", "Camillo Perini", "William Sinclair-Burgess", "Lord Ivor Spencer-Churchill", "Emil Mazuw", "Louis Oldfield", "Max Schreck", "Douglas Hardcastle", "Ken McLeod", "David Wilson", "Robert Sénéchal", "Ralph Hone", "Norman Trescowthick", "Georg Joel", "Victor Deguise", "William Gordon Claxton", "Alfred H. Noble", "Wilhelm Welter", "Wilfred McClaughry", "Jerzy Kirchmayer", "Filippo Zappata", "Fridolin von Senger und Etterlin", "Richard Ruoff", "Jerzy Aleksander Zawisza", "Tadeusz Münnich", "Czesław Kozierowski", "Valentine Armitage", "Allan Quartermaine", "Charles Garke", "Kurt Dieckert", "Louis Barthas", "Sidney Cowan", "Leon Grot", "Henry W. Butner", "Bellenden Seymour Hutcheson", "Peter Ingwersen", "Georges Tainturier", "Seale Harris", "Walter Brown", "Thomas Elliott", "Ulrich Fleischhauer", "Walter Hose", "Walter Horace Bruford", "Walter Hore-Ruthven, 10th Lord Ruthven of Freeland", "Josephine Beatrice Bowman", "Albert Seigner", "Philippe-Jean Bunau-Varilla", "William Henry Cunningham", "Otto Merker", "Otto Merker", "Hans Seel", "Sir Evelyn Bradford, 2nd Baronet", "John Thomas Davies", "Arthur Draisey", "Arthur Dowler", "Mikhail Nik. Levitov", "Andrei Shkuro", "Reiner Stahel", "Manfredi Gravina", "Hans Vogel", "Gordon Guggisberg", "Gordon Whistler Arnaud Painter", "Gordon Hamilton Seath", "George Reginald Geary", "Arthur Churcher", "E. H. Christian", "Vilhelm Aleksander Thesleff", "William Young", "Georg Friederici", "Arthur Benjamin", "Theodore Lyman", "Kiyotake Shigeno", "Percy Courtman", "John Cunningham", "John Cunningham", "John Cunningham", "Eggert Reeder", "Michele Ferraiolo", "Peter Martin Lampel", "Fritz Stege", "Friedrich Schneider", "Witold Scheuring", "Ernst Mehlich", "Wilhelm Zinsser", "Henry Lukin", "Herbert Winkler", "Henry Aurand", "Maurice Noguès", "Zygmunt Steuermann", "Eustace Jotham", "Tadeusz Machalski", "Wellesley Tudor Pole", "Raoul Magrin-Vernerey", "Juan Carulla", "Jacob van Deventer", "Ralph Sorley", "Colin Coote", "Launcelot Kiggell", "Jack Cornwell", "Andrew Hamilton Russell", "Clelia Duel Mosher", "Heinrich Clam-Martinic", "Mieczysław Janowski", "Émile Toussaint", "Giò Ponti", "Gabriele D'Annunzio", "Henry Smither", "Francis Oakeley", "Johann Behrens", "Francis Alexander Caron Scrimger", "Nikolaus von Falkenhorst", "Johannes Blaskowitz", "Gerhard Fieseler", "Mert Plunkett", "Karl Erwin Haas", "Henri Simon", "S.L.A. Marshall", "Oskar Regele", "Józef Abratowski", "Nikolaï Vadbolski", "Ralph Cobbold", "Alex Grant", "Benedikt Livshits", "August Korreng", "Natan Mikhaʾel Gelber", "William Pulteney", "William Price", "Kazimierz Ścibor-Rylski", "Kiril Stanchev", "L. C. Dunn", "Donald Hardman", "Wilhelm Groh", "Sherard Vines", "Antoni Owsionka", "Jack Tower", "Frederick Ponsonby, 1st Baron Sysonby", "Gary Evans Foster", "William Jennings Gardner", "Clarence R. Huebner", "Nelson Spencer", "Otto Wagener", "Frank Howard Kirby", "Daulat Singh", "Pierre Goybet", "John Crawshaw Raynes", "Ernest Willard Gibson", "James E. Van Zandt", "Konrad Mommsen", "Ernst Bormann", "Hans von Plessen", "Arthur Holland", "Władysław Brzozowski", "Michael von Faulhaber", "Robert Alexander Anderson", "Franz Peter", "Richard Blakeney", "Campbell Tait", "Aleksander Myszkowski", "Douglas Hacking, 1st Baron Hacking", "Reinhold Eggers", "Karl Mehnert", "Otto Georg Thierack", "Kurt Schmitt", "Walther Fischer von Weikersthal", "Fred Henrich", "Otto Schell", "Michael P. O'Connor", "Samuel McGowan", "Wilhelm von Eitzenberger", "Gerald Livock", "Hermann Joseph Schmitt", "Theodor Ludwig Hermann Schubert", "Charles Borzecki", "Carl Alfthan", "Dudley de Chair", "Paul Vaillant-Couturier", "William Myron MacDonald", "Barton Kyle Yount", "Pierre Fitremann", "Willis Dale Crittenberger", "Jean Alfred Fraissinet", "Otto Elfeldt", "Witold Pilecki", "Arthur G. Jones-Williams", "Roscoe B. Woodruff", "John Alfred Moreton", "Friedrich Zucker", "Carlo Scorza", "Tedford Harris Cann", "Karl von Einem", "Helmut von Grolmann", "Hubert Lanz", "Stephen Gwynn", "Robert Brichenok", "Rupert Inglis", "George Jones", "Anatoli Gekker", "Hopkin Maddock", "Mieczysław Garsztka", "Józef Kuberski", "Erich Freyer", "John Baker White", "Horst Freiherr Treusch von Buttlar-Brandenfels", "Mario Sironi", "Ernest Burri", "Józef Klukowski", "Karl Croneiß", "Fred Collinson", "Edward Walter Eberle", "Cleo Pineau", "Kliment Boyadzhiev", "Wilhelm Decker", "A. J. Sturzenegger", "Karel Marčič", "Walter Friedensburg", "Paul Constant Caudrelier", "Ernest Vaux", "Walter Fritsch", "Alfred Sauvy", "Dudley Williams", "Georg Dechant", "Johannes Künzel", "Thomas Newton", "Robert Harley Wordsworth", "Muhittin Akyüz", "Jan Kazimierz Danysz", "Claude Thomas", "Pouvanaa a Oopa", "Heinz Haake", "Georg Radziej", "Konrad von Goßler", "Edgar Feuchtinger", "Karl Dincklage", "Józef Edward Grobelny", "Józef Ejczun", "Henry Segrave", "Robert Massenet-Royer de Marancour", "Edgar Pröbster", "Frederick Alexander Burrows", "Pierre de Rozières", "Sidney Nelson Crowther", "William Amey", "Joseph Kurihara", "Jacques Goüin", "Alfred Haubold", "Giuseppe Spataro", "Henry Maddocks", "Otmar Babić", "Richard William Leslie Wain", "Guy du Maurier", "Georg von Sodenstern", "Otto Heß", "André Lemonnier", "Leonard Moon", "Jacky Morkel", "Parker F. Dunn", "Percy Robert Clifford Groves", "Colin John Mackenzie", "Karl, 8th Prince Kinsky of Wchinitz and Tettau", "Szymon Orlikowski", "Jan Załuska", "Jan Zavrel", "Karol Rathaus", "Clarence Gillis", "Ernst Sieler", "Rudolf Sievers", "Mehmet Emin Koral", "Robert Blucke", "Max Busse", "Bertram J. Rodgers", "Theodore Maly", "Karl Loidl", "Francis Rodd, 2nd Baron Rennell", "Colin Muir Barber", "Kurt Eberhard", "James Black", "John Thomason", "Julian Mermon", "Friedrich Franz von Huth", "Findlay Weir", "Arthur Mayo-Robson", "William E. Cole", "Edward Adam Strecker", "Hugo Scharnberg", "Aleksander Kowalewski", "Marie Jean Auguste Paulinier", "Marie Joseph Châtelain", "Henry Mayes", "Erhard Hübener", "Russell P. Hartle", "Hans Pezold", "Otto Paust", "Władysław Adamczyk", "Harold Gunnes", "Harold Grimwade", "Arthur P. Fairfield", "Dieter Collin", "Erich Köhler", "Gilbert Collett", "LeRoy Lutes", "Garrett Cochran", "William V. Pratt", "Jan Biały", "Tom Jackson", "François de Linares", "Merrick Elderton", "Bernhard Ultsch", "William Kaye Legge", "Heinz Ziegler", "Hans Wangenheim", "Otto Kähler", "Herbert Cecil Duncan", "Eric Landon Simonson", "Richard Sugden", "Fritz Esser", "Hugh S. Cumming, Jr.", "Gustaw Truskolaski", "Kurt Hofmeier", "Reginald Tate", "Raoul Calas", "Raoul Chavialle", "Alâaddin Koval", "Samuel Frederick Henry Thompson", "Emil Stürtz", "Edward James Montagu-Stuart-Wortley", "Francis Richard Bingham", "Emil Wendt", "Józef Dąbrowski", "Gregor Strasser", "Hendrik Prinsloo", "Maurice Alexander", "Hans Frohwein", "Géza Gyóni", "Münip Uzsoy", "Joseph Michael John Moore", "Samuel Tankersley Williams", "Sir Eustace Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, 1st Baronet", "Sir Evan Davies Jones, 1st Baronet", "Sir Eustace Tennyson d'Eyncourt, 1st Baronet", "Friedrich Peter", "Thomas Kaltenecker", "Asa S. Bloomer", "Austin Lloyd Fleming", "Bruce Bromley", "Rudolf Johannes Streller", "Tomasz Piskorski", "Osman Nuri Koptagel", "William D. Byron", "Grīviņš Pēteris Pētera dēls", "James Knowles", "Eduard Crasemann", "Daniel E. Barbey", "William Weigel", "Everard Baring", "William Seegers", "Emil Breitenstein", "Brian Turner Tom Lawrence", "Jimmy Doolittle", "Arthur Herbert Procter", "Arthur Henry Seton Hart-Synnot", "Roman Dunin", "Juliusz Ziemba", "Ernst Schaible", "Ernst Schambacher", "Ernst Schaumburg", "Christopher R. W. Nevinson", "Garnet Jex", "Garnet Hughes", "Henry Loyd", "Friedrich-Wilhelm Dernen", "Friedrich-Wilhelm Fleischer", "Friedrich-Wilhelm Deutsch", "Wilhelm Müller", "Pierre Michelin", "Harry Wrightson", "Ernst Hautsch", "Mikhail Diterikhs", "John R. Hodge", "Paul Tiede", "Stephen M. Young", "Ulrich Sell", "Archduke Leopold Salvator of Austria", "Franklin Saunders", "Émile Victor Giraud", "Walter M. Robertson", "Helmuth Brinkmann", "Hanns Blaschke", "Douglas Pielou", "Charles Desthieux", "Norman Cooper", "Franz-Josef Wuermeling", "John Hall", "Paolo Racagni", "Curt Haase", "Rodger W. Simpson", "Stanisław Szostak", "Elhard von Morozowicz", "Franciszek Sobolta", "Howard Hawks", "Julius Riemann", "Josef Ritter von Gadolla", "Herbert W. Duda", "Thomas Playford IV", "Albert Buck", "Karl von Graffen", "Paul Bauer", "Maximilian Daublebsky von Eichhain", "Peter Norman Nissen", "Philipp Dinkel", "Kazimierz Żelisławski", "Jimmy Paterson", "Hermann Loerbroks", "Frederick Powell", "Ernie Godfrey", "William Jackson, 1st Baron Jackson", "John Sidney Owens", "Frank Hudson", "Fritz Thiele", "Adolf Reinach", "Karl Koller", "Marie Sixte François Rozée d'Infreville", "Heinrich Mohn", "John Crawford Buchan", "John L. Barkley", "Noel Hudson", "James M. Langley", "Warren Fales Draper", "Erwin Gündert", "Pasquale Oro", "Jan Petri", "Gabriel Malleterre", "Ivan Konev", "John F. Williams", "Alexander Donald Powys Campbell", "Alexander Jeremiah Orenstein", "Gunther von Etzel", "Max Valentiner", "Stanisław Nowotny", "William Burman", "Bohdan Bogumił Dobrzański", "John Woodall", "Thomas Brand, 3rd Viscount Hampden", "Richard Kerrin", "Robert Fuchs", "Gottlob Berger", "Kurt Hartwig", "Tommy Thompson", "Charles Quette", "Yves Urvoy de Portzamparc", "Kurt Bingler", "Kurt Erban", "Kurt Günther", "Sidney Mashbir", "Paul Pau", "William Orr", "Kenneth Kirk", "Theodor von Heppe", "Georg Ludwig Rudolf Maercker", "Adolf Kob", "Henry Moore, 10th Earl of Drogheda", "Michael Lewis", "Karl Etlinger", "Adolphe Messimy", "Peter von Blanckensee", "Frank Lester", "William Lyshon", "Hans Kurth", "Walter Tölke", "Otto Schmidt", "René Fenouillière", "Georgios Tsolakoglou", "George Butterfield", "Benjamin Strasser", "Richard Arlen", "Paul Vachet", "Edgar Christopher Cookson", "Siegfried Sudhaus", "Karl Schreyer", "John Henry Parker", "Alexandros Othonaios", "Pierre Cabotte", "Aylmer Firebrace", "Yevgraph Kruten", "Bradbury Robinson", "Stan Jackson", "Józef Kustroń", "Fritz Sauber", "Constantin Manolescu", "Mikołaj Maciejowicz", "Wallace Duffield Wright", "Peter MacDougall", "Peter MacCallum", "Fritz von Selle", "Egon von Schmettow", "Rudolf Szepessy-Sokoll", "Withers A. Burress", "Sir Clive Morrison-Bell, 1st Baronet", "George Gardiner", "Pierre Vellones", "Wilhelm Wetzel", "Sue S. Dauser", "Heribert von Larisch", "Włodzimierz Dobrowolski", "Don Smith", "Fritz von der Lancken", "William Anderson", "Otto Barth", "Howard Harker", "Alfred Goldberger", "Victor Segalen", "Hans Carossa", "Max Reimann", "Ernst Kantorowicz", "Bernard Serrigny", "Kenneth F. Cramer", "Edgar C. Erickson", "Georg Alfred Plehn", "Walter Hines Page", "Jurševskis Jēkabs Jēkaba d.", "Dudley Wright Knox", "Paul Winter", "Ronald Stuart Park", "Allen Elward", "Edward Stuart McDougall", "Gwidon Bursa", "Jan Karcz", "Albrecht von Thaer", "Fernand de Langle de Cary", "Prince Maurice of Battenberg", "Karl Dieffenbach", "Karl Diehl", "Marie Lecoq De Kerland", "Antoine Lacassagne", "Alister Beal", "Kazimierz Kubala", "Eberhard Thunert", "Julius Plaichinger", "Hugh Pughe Lloyd", "Clinton Jones", "Arthur Colahan", "Wolfgang Aly", "George Henry Fowke", "Jack Davis", "Walerian Orłowski", "Alan Ramsay", "William Kenny", "Viktoria Savs", "William McCourty", "Paul Schmitz-Voigt", "Ivor Gurney", "Gaetano Zoppi", "Friedrich Hildebrandt", "Hans Ferdinand Geisler", "Fushimi Hiroyasu", "Rowland Baring, 2nd Earl of Cromer", "Karl-Friedrich Brill", "George Eyston", "Josef Rintelen", "Billy McCarter", "Paul Rosin", "Alfred Blenkiron", "Alfred Biłyk", "Chris Fogarty", "Mehmet Arif Şenerim", "Mehmet Atıf Ateşdağlı", "Jan Garbowski", "George Bell", "Hermann Noelle", "Otto Dziobek", "Alberto Da Zara", "Bert Hinkler", "Margaret C. MacDonald", "Heinrich Kersken", "Otto Hergt", "Jurij Kraigher - Žore", "Frank Percy Crozier", "Willi Protsch", "Charles Paget, 6th Marquess of Anglesey", "André Kertész", "Cuthbert Bromley", "Friedrich Buchwald", "Heinrich Kostrba", "Hans Pranckh", "Thomas Cochrane, 13th Earl of Dundonald", "Torquhil Matheson", "Wilds P. Richardson", "Heinrich Ancker", "Leon Bianchi", "Marcel Deslaurens", "Max Lehmann", "Harry George Armstrong", "Zbigniew Antonowicz", "Dumitru Colori", "William Bostock", "Piero Pieri", "Conrad Veidt", "Jules Decamp", "Emanuele Cutinelli Rendina", "Marcello Arlotta", "William Clyde Martin", "LeRoy P. Hunt", "Stanisław Próchnicki", "Max von Viebahn", "Conrad Hilton", "Maximilian Felzmann", "Heinz Späing", "Ioan Muică", "Peter Körte", "Friedrich Meyer-Abich", "Frederic Hughes", "Federico Fenu", "Hugo Throssell", "Kazimierz Stamirowski", "Konstanz Brüel", "Gustaw Łowczowski", "Max Mohr", "Raoul Gressier", "Hermann Schulze", "Watson Cheyne", "Joseph Kessel", "Hans Meyer", "Granville Roland Fortescue", "Lionel Dunsterville", "Harold Rosson", "Alexandre Bleïch", "Thomas George Turrall", "Willi Rosenstein", "Hans Albrecht Wedel", "George Little", "Henry D. Moyle", "Frank W. Wozencraft", "Tomasz Rybotycki", "Jürgen Alexander von Grone", "Alfred Partikel", "Richard Basil Brandram Jones", "Walter Stahr", "Zdzisław Ruciński", "John George Will", "Wilhelm Crönert", "F. G. L. Chester", "F. F. Worthington", "August Kargl", "Chester H. West", "Gustav Heistermann von Ziehlberg", "Hermann Josef Wehrle", "Heinrich Jung", "Hans Peter von Kotze", "Joachim Stach", "Sir Eric Errington, 1st Baronet", "Otto Schukat", "Arthur Wellesley, 5th Duke of Wellington", "Harry Cooper", "William Gell", "Ernst Gamillscheg", "Sir John Milbanke, 10th Baronet", "Jean C. Romatet", "Hans Mend", "Bohumir Kryl", "Friedrich Wilhelm von Oertzen", "Charles A. Willoughby", "Herbert Lloyd", "Dmitry Khilkov", "Franz Landgraf", "William McNally", "Henri Béraud", "Walther von Jagow", "Louis Fleeming Jenkin", "Garnet Malley", "Friedrich-Wilhelm Jakoby", "Gerret Korsemann", "Nico Dostal", "Gaston Gradis", "Louis Flury-Hérard", "Robert Edmond Borrel", "Cyril Martin", "Wolfgang Güttler", "Hermann Fischer", "Alberto Bazzoni", "Władysław Poderni", "Robert Poore", "Georgiy Zakharov", "John Cameron, Lord Cameron", "Prince Joachim Albert of Prussia", "Arnold Ronnebeck", "Robert Lentz", "Henry Normand MacLaurin", "François Trolley de Prévaux", "Edward Willis", "Lionel Colin Brewill", "Hasso von Manteuffel", "William Barnard Rhodes-Moorhouse", "Norman Creek", "Norman Craig Millman", "Franz Taeschner", "Josef Ebbert", "Lawrence Callahan", "Totò", "Adam Archibald", "Frank Pettingell", "Stanisław Skarżyński", "Zygmunt Jan Grabowski", "Charles Burke", "Thomas Marden", "Benjamin de Tascher", "Otto-Tile von Kalm", "Heinz von Randow", "Walter von Unruh", "Ernst Pretzel", "Sigmund von Imhoff", "Oliver Huyshe", "Kuzma Podlas", "Stephen Mitchell", "Percival Marling", "Rafael de Nogales Méndez", "Joachim de la Camp", "Zygmunt Berling", "Arthur W. Coats Jr.", "Ludwik Franciszek Maciejowski", "Ernst Viebig", "Edward B. Cole", "Frank Underhill", "Nelson Victor Carter", "William Thomas Barnes", "William Jackson", "William Gregg", "Włodzimierz Łączyński", "Werner Voss", "Theodor Wiegand", "Hüseyin Avni Bey", "Maxwell Brander", "Herbert Warington Smyth", "Herbert Watts", "Friedrich Voigt", "Erwin Jollasse", "Erwin Koopmann", "Theodor Boehm", "Bolesław Błażejewski", "V. T. Hamlin", "Jan Pelczar", "Fridolin Stadelmann", "Adolf Biedermann", "John Elisha Grimshaw", "Charles Randall", "Marian Steifer", "Karanbahadur Rana", "Kurt Günther", "Carl Spitteler", "Philip Howell", "Robert de Vanssay", "Udo Grosse", "Stefan Brygiewicz", "Werner Fischer-Defoy", "Sidney Meyrick", "Diether Roeder von Diersburg", "Heinrich Sybel", "Karl Lucke", "Joseph Brugère", "William Orde-Powlett, 5th Baron Bolton", "Constant Soulier", "Bernhard Bästlein", "Karl Allmenröder", "Walter de Sausmarez Cayley", "Malcolm Orme Little", "Alfred Warrington-Morris", "Wilhelm Dommes", "Karl Maria Schuster", "Thomas Hughes", "George Montague Harper", "Charles Budworth", "Heinrich Finder", "Kazimierz Meÿer", "James A. Roe", "Frederick Martin", "Jim Taylor", "Werner Bracht", "Bernhard Rogge", "Leonhard Kaupisch", "Edward Bell", "Ali Saip Ursavaş", "Ali Sait Akbaytogan", "Pavel Artemèvitx Artemiev", "Arthur Lang", "Frederick Tubb", "Archibald Hunter", "Wilfred Shepherd-Barron", "Gerhard Frankenberg", "Ahmet Ali Çelikten", "Claude Crowl", "Frederick Birks", "George Veazey Strong", "Charles Harry Coverdale", "William John Gillespie", "Rupert de la Bère", "Wilhelm Gombert", "William Merriam", "Rudolf Matthaei", "Hans-Joachim Haupt", "Karl Ritter von Prager", "Constantin Baron Digeon von Monteton", "Antoni Jan Żurakowski", "Arthur Upfield", "Egon Fuchs", "Robert Scallon", "Jim McCormick", "Ernst-Albrecht Hildebrandt", "Frederick Rutland", "Jan Wańkowicz", "Wilhelm Keilhaus", "Myrton H. Duel", "Omer Demeuldre", "Hanns Eisler", "Ludwig Schulz", "Wilhelm Biltz", "Laurence H. Scott", "Maurycy Broch", "Jan Boroń", "Hugon Babel", "Witold Chmielewski", "Frank Murphy", "Muir S. Fairchild", "Alfred Soden", "John Grigson", "Károly Beregfy", "Helmut Brümmer-Patzig", "Hermann Löns", "Hanns Johst", "Samuel D. Sturgis, Jr.", "Gerard Anderson", "George Dilboy", "Harold Temperley", "James Morrison", "Adrien Tixier", "Phillip C. Katz", "Leonard Haigh", "Joseph Rampal", "Horace Barks", "Henri Barbusse", "Alois Windisch", "Kurt Feldt", "Roman Kanafoyski", "George A.W. Lamond", "Hubert de Lagarde", "Archibald Alexander Gordon", "William Wells Hewitt", "Karl Heintz", "Georg Spiegel", "Hermann Souchon", "Lucian Wysocki", "Ernest Troubridge", "Louis Bennett Jr.", "Leo Walmsley", "Bernard Darwin", "William Charles Campbell", "Lazar Bicherakhov", "Georges Lachmann", "Walter Bassett", "Frank Crossin", "Frank J. Becker", "Wolfgang Wegener", "George Brink", "John de Vars Hazard", "Eugeniusz Pławski", "Borisav Ristić", "Theodor Duesterberg", "Szymon Kurz", "Charles Steele", "Alvin Bush", "Thomas Holcomb", "Alfred Bessell-Browne", "Frank Lugton", "A. M. Woodward", "Walter Ellerton", "Arthur Floyer-Acland", "Bruno Grajek", "Władysław Smolarski", "Erich Pommer", "Paul Hüttenrauch", "Paul Iaccaci", "Richard Kandt", "John Northcott", "John Saumarez Dumaresq", "Rudolf Callmann", "Kazimierz Gorzkowski", "Josef Engling", "Carlo Sanna", "Bahram bey Nabibekov", "Riley Franklin McConnell", "Cuth Mullins", "Cuthbert Ackroyd", "Richard Gehrig", "Curt Joël", "August Froehlich", "Karl Barth", "Bruno Müller-Reinert", "Patrick Playfair", "Günther Pannewitz", "J. Harold Flannery", "Bernard Cooke Dixon", "Harry Mündel", "J. Seelye Bixler", "Prince Oleg Konstantinovich of Russia", "Gherman Pântea", "Wojciech Bucior", "Lionel Charlton", "Georges Brault", "C. W. Hill", "Robert H. Dunlap", "Reginald Dyer", "Jacob Sonderling", "Hans Dühring", "Charles Kenneth Scott Moncrieff", "Helmuth Huffmann", "Kunemund von Stutterheim", "Józef Szamota", "Frederic Eggleston", "Lawrence Riley", "Ronald Weeks, 1st Baron Weeks", "Wilhelm Wagner", "George Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, 5th Duke of Sutherland", "Jim Plant", "Jerzy Wołkowicki", "Raoul Echard", "Hermann Schulz", "Earle Davis Gregory", "Earle Childs", "John Stuart Macpherson", "Yevgeny Miller", "Arthur Tedder, 1st Baron Tedder", "John Vereker, 6th Viscount Gort", "Harry Norton Schofield", "Georg Haus", "Georg Koßmala", "Pierre Picault", "Leon Dunin-Wolski", "Ernest John Moeran", "Guy Gilpatric", "Adolfo Zamboni", "George Price Hays", "Pavel Batov", "Günther Klammt", "Greg Clark", "Jesse Whitfield Covington", "Maurice Mansergh", "Maurice Arnoux", "Andrzej Kopa", "Sholto Douglas, 1st Baron Douglas of Kirtleside", "Józef Bocheński", "Colville Wemyss", "August Bostroem", "Barry Cumberlege", "Edwin Hauberrisser", "Otto Matterstock", "Rodion Malinovsky", "Otto Emil Schumann", "Sir John McEwen, 1st Baronet", "Ewald Oppermann", "Otto von Hügel", "Joseph Emberton", "Waldemar Klingelhöfer", "Christian Bruhn", "Ludwig Basnizki", "Frank Johnson", "William Halse Rivers Rivers", "Rudolf Weydenhammer", "Basil John Douglas Guy", "René Doumer", "Edmund Bury", "Alfred Gerstenberg", "Friedrich von Braun", "William Sutherland Macdonald", "Remigius Geyling", "Lionel Tennyson, 3rd Baron Tennyson", "Cyril Nicholas", "Henri Salmet", "Paul Martin", "Vincenzo Arbarello", "William Meggitt", "Wilhelm Dreßler", "Colin Brown", "Alfred Newman", "Kurt Chill", "Robert Lee Bullard", "Ernst Schlange", "Leopold Freiherr von Hauer", "Johann Etzel", "Kâzım İnanç", "Billy Geen", "J. N. L. Baker", "Ihsan Nuri", "Wilhelm Ohlenbusch", "Bill Stewart", "Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck", "Gotthard Heinrici", "Hans von Seeckt", "Charles Lyman", "Walter Hille", "Ludwig Wittgenstein", "Leslie Rummell", "Henry Wynter", "John T. Axton", "Walter Gordon Wilson", "Heinrich Stollhof", "Ralph D. Cole", "Edgeworth David", "James Bruce Jardine", "Frank Cannon", "Frédéric Hellot", "Otto Schultze", "Herbert Peiper", "Ross McLarty", "Maria Naepflin", "Warren Giles", "Bolesław Świdziński", "Stanisław Sosabowski", "Johannes Reibnitz", "Arthur Wilson", "Wolfgang Yorck von Wartenburg", "Rudolf Benze", "Archibald Ritchie", "Melville J. Herskovits", "Wojciech Tyczyński", "Georg Lörner", "Wilhelm Kuhlmann", "Adolf Hämmerle", "Leonard A. Payne", "Franciszek Znamirowski", "Jerzy Michalewski", "Nikodem Sobik", "Czesław Karol Czajkowski", "Zygmunt Brockhusen", "(Nelson) Victor Halward", "Stanislas Naulin", "Max Moosbauer", "Chapman Grant", "August Rei", "Şükrü Naili Gökberk", "Sid Ireland", "Pierre Ruffey", "Otto Trillitzsch", "Józef Dubiński", "Georges Hubin", "Józef Olszyna-Wilczyński", "Will Lammert", "Leo Jacobson", "Friedrich von Taysen", "István Farkas", "Prince Umberto, Count of Salemi", "Alfred Staats", "James Hargest", "Josef Magnus Wehner", "Guy Goodliffe", "Augustine William Wardell", "Paul Fanger", "William J. Donovan", "Marian Gaweł", "Marian Gidlewski", "Clarence Childs", "Stefan Biestek", "Douglas Graham Cooke", "Alajos Drávecz", "Samuel Eliot Morison", "Josef von Maier", "Charles Dujardin", "Yasin al-Hashimi", "Franz Böhme", "Wacław Calewski", "McKendree Long", "August Hallermann", "Euston Baker", "Bertram Allen", "Henry Fuller Maitland Wilson", "Joseph Weldon Bailey, Jr.", "Ernst Rode", "Giovanni Magli", "Wilhelm Crohne", "Thomas Humphreys", "Charles Beck Hornby", "Friedrich Marnet", "Leslie Warren", "Tadeusz Bisztyga", "Fred E. Busbey", "Sir Leonard Ropner, 1st Baronet", "Frederick McCracken", "Frederick McCall", "Frederick McLaren", "Rudolf Pühringer", "Heinrich Aschenbrandt", "Otto Tiemann", "Arthur M. Ferguson", "Jan Hubischta", "Alfred Keller", "William Welsh", "Stefan Jażdżyński", "Sigurd von Ilsemann", "Cyril Frisby", "Friedrich Fahnert", "René Guichard", "Jarvis Offutt", "George Van Horn Moseley", "Howard L. Vickery", "Rupert Price Hallowes", "William M. Jones", "Bill J. V. Walker", "Falcone Lucifero", "Edward Marian Peristy", "Wiktor Batycki", "Philippe Barrès", "Andranik Ozanian", "Léo Richer Laflèche", "Frederick Spring", "Erich Krüger", "Augustus F. Gearhard", "Gabriel Levy", "Herbert Lumsden", "Vsevolod Pudovkin", "Walter Raschka", "Edgar Abraham", "Franciszek Herhold", "Józef Gawlik", "Franciszek Górecki", "Stanisław Goździewski", "Alfred Dyke Acland", "Richard M. Trevethan", "Lindsay Merritt Inglis", "Robert Heinrich Wagner", "Josef Sudek", "Hermann Schlosser", "John Munro", "Alonzo Poulton", "Ludwig Oldach", "Christian Donhauser", "Cordt von Brandis", "Ludwig Ganghofer", "Anton Lopatin", "Henry Tupper", "Francis Birch", "Stanisław Rola-Arciszewski", "Yamanashi Hanzō", "Hans Steinacher", "Lacey Robert Johnson", "Horace Waller", "Robert Morath", "Dougall Carmichael", "Pierre van Ryneveld", "Christoffel Venter", "Walter von Brockdorff-Ahlefeldt", "Gabriel Gabrio", "Adrianus Rudolphus van den Bent", "Fritz Schmedes", "Georg Sperber", "Georg Sparrer", "Angus Seed", "Heinrich Dethloff", "Norman Schwarzkopf", "Kamal Kaya Efendi", "Octavian Codru Tăslăuanu", "Johannes Schneider", "Thomas Victor Anderson", "Charles Gray Catto", "Nikolai Yudenich", "Mortimer von Kessel", "John Williams", "Hans Kallenbach", "Ty Cobb", "Robert Cotton Money", "Gilbert de Guingand", "Joseph Paul-Boncour", "Radosław Dzierżykraj-Stokalski", "Grigore Simionescu", "George Everard Gibbons", "Ward Lambert", "Albert Schüle", "Lewis Stratford Tollemache Halliday", "Antoni Jakubski", "William Davis", "Ernst Wieblitz", "Gwilym Lloyd George, 1st Viscount Tenby", "W. Scott Wilkinson", "Alfred Baxter-Cox", "Charles Atangana", "Frank Lukis", "Alexander Buller Turner", "Hans Bethcke", "Herbert Moran", "Walter E. Reno", "Thomas F. Williams", "William Ward, 2nd Earl of Dudley", "Bruce Saville", "Paul Otto", "Karl von Weber", "Wilhelm Fahrmbacher", "Joe Pearce", "Kurt Wolff", "Oskar von Watter", "Alec Wilfred Lee", "Gaston About", "Jean-Julien Chapelant", "Ivar Campbell", "Henry Brian Brooke", "Petar Marinovich", "Kenneth Powell", "Nicolas Nicolaïevitch de Leuchtenberg", "Henry White", "Pete Calac", "Adolf Schaer", "Geoffrey Salmond", "August Menczak", "George P. Putnam", "Charles P. Snyder", "David W. Bagley", "Charles Henry Cowley", "Karl Spiewok", "Alfred Bülowius", "Erhard Roß", "Vasily Novikov", "Raymond Vanier", "Stefan Meier", "Arthur Noel Edwards", "Arthur Noss", "Jack Wetter", "William Parker", "Achim von Arnim", "Piero Parini", "George Baillie-Hamilton, Lord Binning", "Harry Biedermann", "Ezio Maria Gray", "Henry Everard", "Raymond Loewy", "Robert Spall", "Shimamura Hayao", "Pierre Mac Orlan", "Franz Anderle", "Friedrich Blume", "Gheorghe Rusescu", "Vasily Molokov", "Tommy Hughes", "Peter Paul Kranz", "Bartolomeo Fronteddu", "Sally Mayer", "Nikolaos Vlachopoulos", "John Fisher, 1st Baron Fisher", "Bernard Freyberg, 1st Baron Freyberg", "Billy Douglas", "Alfred William Saunders", "Alfred William Robin", "George Lindsay", "John McNulty", "Waldo A. Evans", "Ludwig Erhard", "Ali Çetinkaya", "Walter Model", "Fedor von Bock", "Jonathan Davidson", "Brice Disque", "Bill Robinson", "David E. Finley, Jr.", "David E. Hayden", "Ludwig von Ompteda", "Monk Eastman", "Samuel Thomas Dickson Wallace", "Paul Santelli", "Leonidas Paraskevopoulos", "Sergeant Stubby", "Stanley H. Ford", "Harry Compton", "Günther von Niebelschütz", "Gordon Fox Rule", "Walter Mackenthun", "Aníbal Milhais", "Vasily Biskupsky", "Francesco Rossi", "I. Valerian", "Richard Manderbach", "Michael Saxe", "Hans-Georg Benthack", "Jack A. Evans", "John Crocker", "Curtis Bok", "Gabriel Chevallier", "Edgar Jadwin", "Basil Henriques", "Basil Hitchcock", "Cosimo Rizzotto", "Trevor Spring", "Andrei Guly-Gulenko", "John Forbes-Sempill, 18th Lord Sempill", "Stephen Perdriau", "Lucien Cayol", "Ludwig Kraft", "William Compton, 6th Marquess of Northampton", "C.G. Timms", "Ernesto Rossi", "Alfred Oliver Pollard", "Archie Barwick", "André Navereau", "Reginald Weaver", "Norman Cyril Jones", "Count Karl von Stürgkh", "Archduke Joseph August of Austria", "Ralph Talbot", "Jean G. Bouyer", "Hans-Heinrich Wurmbach", "Richard Karl von Tessmar", "Petro Dyachenko", "Edward Williams", "Marian Niedźwiedzki", "Hermann Funken", "Heinz Kokott", "Kurt Dittmar", "Alexander Godley", "Bolesław Orliński", "Alfons von Czibulka", "Heinrich Kreipe", "Walter Stepp", "Otto von Koppelow", "Vincent Cartwright", "Alexander Murray, 8th Earl of Dunmore", "Noel Pemberton Billing", "James Cannan", "Paul Cavanagh", "James Bruce Scott", "Sir Richard Poore, 4th Baronet", "Ettore Bastico", "John C. Bowen", "Karl Buck", "Otto Günther von Wesendonk", "Sid O'Neill", "Henryk Sucharski", "Jürgen Wagner", "August Kral", "Erasmus Darwin IV", "Ludwig Hasenzahl", "Aleksandër Moisiu", "Daniel Hauer", "Jean-Marie Degoutte", "Adolf Klughardt", "Julian Larcombe Schley", "Thomas Chaloner, 2nd Baron Gisborough", "Annibale Ciarniello", "Joachim Moltke", "Marius Daille", "Duerson Knight", "John Fullerton Evetts", "Dick Thomas", "Sir Humphrey de Trafford, 4th Baronet", "Edward Keble Chatterton", "Henry Alvin Cameron", "Aleksander Kiszkowski", "Wolfgang von Unger", "Frederick Lois Riefkohl", "Bernhard Kamnitzer", "James Richardson Spensley", "Lewis Hancock, Jr.", "Carl Mennicke", "Ottorino Mezzalama", "Essad Pasha Toptani", "Bernard Benesh", "Otto Kiep", "Friedrich Full", "Carl Caspary", "Henri Chassin", "James Fergusson", "Alexander von Kluck", "Arthur von Kirchenheim", "Joseph Lawton Collins", "Herbert Carmichael Irwin", "Gigino Battisti", "Herbert von Wolff", "Henri Bonnefoy", "Eben Swift", "Clemens Lammers", "James Wordie", "Ze'ev Jabotinsky", "Kazimierz Biesiekierski", "Edward Masterman", "Frank Witts", "Walther Seidler", "Juliusz Bijak", "Richard Dunn Pattison", "Stanisław Zwojszczyk", "Henri Adeline", "Ferdinand Kozovski", "Matija Čanić", "Sir Laming Worthington-Evans, 1st Baronet", "Joshua L. Goldberg", "Franz Breitwieser", "Otto Kursell", "Otto Sponheimer", "Otto Schünemann", "Otto Schumann", "Otto Schiel", "Arthur MacArthur III", "Basil Rathbone", "William W. Ashurst", "Charles Pickthorn", "Włodzimierz Falcman", "Walter Hannam", "Abram Dragomirov", "William Watson Smith", "Arturo Ciano", "Ronald Wilberforce Allen", "Vladimir Kotlinsky", "Dale Mabry", "Thomas Harold Broadbent Maufe", "Antoni Puchalski", "John Shea", "Ewen Sinclair-Maclagan", "Otto Reich", "George A. Seitz", "Alan Arnett McLeod", "Eberhard von Mantey", "Alessandro Ciano", "Peter Nikolajevič Ahljustin", "Clifford Coffin", "Harry John Laurent", "Stanisław Thiel", "Stanisław Tessaro", "Marie Depage", "Karl Eibl", "Robert Scott-Kerr", "Laurence Hawley Watres", "Stefan Dwornik", "Henryk Dyduch", "Zygmunt Ertel", "Antoni Dubiński", "Piotr Dunin-Borkowski", "Charles Vigurs", "Bruno Coceani", "Hans Schnitzlein", "Edward Evans, 1st Baron Mountevans", "Cordt von Brandis", "Arthur Moeller van den Bruck", "Raymond H. Fleming", "Albert Brendel", "Frédéric Edmond Bourdériat", "Hugh Bateman-Champain", "Albrecht Schubert", "Otto Kohlermann", "Henri Spriet", "Lloyd D. Brown", "Carl Overhues", "William Edward Heaton", "Vasily Blyukher", "Şükrü Âli Ögel", "Harry Blanshard Wood", "Roman Gozdawa-Kawecki", "Roman Florer", "Max Brandes", "Gyula Andrássy the Younger", "Józef Drelichowski", "Georg Haberkern", "Erich Kästner", "Carl von Eicken", "Friedrich von Boetticher", "Hans Halm", "Erich Lattmann", "Thomas Lachlan MacDonald", "Georg Leonhard Stahl", "Charles Momsen", "Pierre Chaumié", "Burger M. Engebretson", "Luigi Ferraris", "Alan Percy, 8th Duke of Northumberland", "Eric Ronald Inglis", "Burckhardt Helferich", "Paul Nieder-Westermann", "Charles Leatherland, Baron Leatherland", "Frank Crowther Roberts", "Eugène Robert Defforges", "Ernst Bergmann", "Rudolf Katz", "Bronisław Szczyradłowski", "Dick Gibbs", "Nikolai Vlasik", "George Evans", "Jan Berek", "Jan Zygmunt Dąbrowski", "Werner Villinger", "Albert Mayer", "Rudolf Lipus", "Alfred Bartłomiej Peszke", "William Halstead Sutphin", "Paul Aloysius Kenna", "Alexander Buckley", "Dennis Gabor", "Mario Carli", "Christopher Chenery", "Joseph Alfred Micheler", "Georg Mühry", "William Evan Allan", "Alfred Lavrič", "Arthur Jetzlaff", "Francis Rowland Scarlett", "Brutus Molkenbuhr", "Lucien Loizeau", "Robert Fanshawe", "Conrad Engelhardt", "Alexey Tereshkov", "Reinhold von Fischer-Loßainen", "Gordon Belcher", "Crawford Blagden", "Aksel Berg", "Henry Wells", "Charles Preston Nelson", "Alphonse Antoine", "Albert Facey", "Karl Abetz", "John MacGregor", "Erich Krewet", "Hans von Kessel", "Hans von Kleist", "Grażyna Lipińska", "John Nelson", "Heinrich Alef", "James Edward Ignatius Masterson", "Wilhelm Wassung", "Archibald Hill", "Arthur Hall", "Alexander Salton", "Arthur O'Neill", "Adam Fryszberg", "Jack West", "Max Meyer", "Arthur Ehrhardt", "Fritz Beckhardt", "Erich Rabbethge", "Friedrich Klemstein", "Darko F. Ribnikar", "Jakob Ammann", "Ferruccio Stefenelli", "Paul Fallot", "Lindsay Bashford", "Edward Lawrence Logan", "Frederic Charles Dreyer", "Louis Ruquoy", "Károly Csáky", "Peter Martin", "Buckam Singh", "Franz Heckenast", "Alfred Wilcox", "Alfred Wilkinson Johnson", "Thomas Gascoyne", "Adelbert Althouse", "Georg von Döhren", "Robert Haining", "Sante Ceccherini", "René Haas", "Henri d'Astier de la Vigerie", "Henryk Gliszczyński", "Gerd von Rundstedt", "Alf Landon", "Melchior Wańkowicz", "Kenneth Macdonald Beaumont", "Roly Marks", "Sidney Walter Smith", "John George Pattison", "William Pakenham", "Robert Forgan", "Karl Maria Wiligut", "Alphonse Edouard Caron", "Mümtaz Çeçen", "Eduard Friedel", "Hans Traut", "Neil Hamilton Fairley", "Alexander Cohn", "Charles Pillman", "Stanley Goble", "Gordon Holmes MacMillan", "John Wallace Pringle", "Mikhail Meandrov", "Oliver Leese", "Józef Władysław Kobylański", "William Glasgow", "Herbert Otto Gille", "Miles Mander", "Friedrich Frisius", "John Leslie Green", "Georges Scapini", "Stephen J. Chamberlin", "Jaques Bagratuni", "Colin Callander", "Henri Navarre", "Arthur Parkes", "Count Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf", "Fritz Schuberth", "Hubert Lynes", "Jerzy Kossowski", "Adolf Kroeber", "Adolf Krefft", "Arthur K. Ladd", "George Hughes Kirby", "Alfred Warden", "Claude Auchinleck", "Hermann Frommherz", "Kurt Streitwolf", "Laurence Gatenby", "Hugh MacMahon", "Bernhard von Eggeling", "Vincent Bach", "Philip Wigglesworth", "Rudolf Lange", "Frank M. Dixon", "Heinrich von Maur", "Walter Adolf Langleist", "Moriz von Lyncker", "Hermann Kayser", "Keith Prosser", "Henry Louis Larsen", "Paavo Talvela", "Wilhelm Schomburgk", "Erik Heinrichs", "Erwin Reisner", "Hans Kannengiesser", "Jean-Marie Charles Abrial", "Walter Zander", "Fred E. Smith", "Georges Bonnet", "Joachim Blücher", "Joachim von Amsberg", "Hipolit Jasiewicz", "Philip Margetson", "Neil J. Linehan", "Emmet Byrne", "Graham Walker", "Jack Turnbull", "Aleksandra Zagórska", "Friedrich Wilhelm Starck", "Charles Ernest Heath", "Jaka Avšič", "William G. Stigler", "Hans-Walter Heyne", "Walter Martin", "Sherman W. Wade", "Max Meyhöfer", "Paul Montange", "Adolf Herrgott", "Frederick Lister", "Paul Wenneker", "Vasily Volsky", "Herbert Weichmann", "Jenő Major", "Fahrettin Altay", "Ernie Pyle", "John Bernard Croak", "George Bell", "Wilfried Fölsch", "Frank Mount Pleasant", "John Gibb Thom", "Hannu Hannuksela", "Prince Victor of Thurn and Taxis", "Hippolyte-Alphonse Pénet", "William Lambton", "Heinrich Wienhaus", "Tommy Vile", "John Slessor", "Henry Benton Sayler", "Ulrich von Etzdorf", "Juris Aploks", "Līna Čanka", "Douglas George Ross", "John Travers Wood", "James Pearson", "Bede Kenny", "Robert Muir", "Joachim Winterfeld-Damerow", "Hugo von Marck", "Horace McCoy", "Josef Hämmerle", "Bill Maxwell", "Nicolae Petala", "E. K. Jett", "Cary Travers Grayson", "Josip Marčeljić", "William G. Bonelli", "Fred Kirkwood", "Josef Albert Meisinger", "Moritz Grünweller", "Edgar Bentley", "Nichita Smochină", "Archibald Boyd-Carpenter", "Kurt Andersen", "Richard O'Connor", "Franciszek Musielak", "Marius Plateau", "Hubert Klausner", "John D'Albiac", "Herbert Hamilton", "Louis-Ferdinand Céline", "Henry Monck-Mason Moore", "Stephen Hemsley Longrigg", "Karl Rübel", "Claude Liardet", "Ian Maitland, 15th Earl of Lauderdale", "Hermann Görner", "Carl Deilmann", "Bob Pursell", "Richard Maybery", "Franz Gürtner", "Robert Wynne-Edwards", "Guy Jackson", "Paul Struye", "Kurt Renner", "James Langhorne", "Edward Kościński", "Zygmunt Kusiak", "Józef Kutyba", "Joseph Hartleib", "Desiderius Orban", "Adam Epler", "Robert Frith", "Gustav Neustädter", "Raymond Desthieux", "J. Howell Flournoy", "Franz Xaver Aenderl", "Henry Seyrig", "Fred K. Nielsen", "Fred Jowett", "Karl von Rettberg", "William Henry Hewitt", "Stanisław Rudnicki", "Stanisław Ruśkiewicz", "M. B. Mather", "Isidor Wozniczak", "Jimmie Guthrie", "Phillip Davey", "Robert Williams", "George VI", "Hubert Ginzel", "David James Davies", "Henry Cook", "John Chapman", "Bruno Ernst Buchrucker", "James P. Herron", "Edgar Arndt", "Hans Leybold", "Leonid Govorov", "Bertram Ramsay", "Ernst Becker", "Archibald Leslie-Melville, 13th Earl of Leven", "P. H. B. Lyon", "Charles Alexander Elliott Cadell", "Paul von Hintze", "John Monash", "Herbert Jones", "Werner Otto von Hentig", "Charles Alton", "William Henry Metcalf", "Tom J. Murray", "Richard Whitehead Young", "Walter Andrae", "Harry Lee", "Lewis Clinton-Baker", "Maurice Fergusson", "Hans Voss", "Charles J. Biddle", "Brice Adrien Bizot", "Bronisław Sikorski", "Daniel Brottier", "Richard Luce", "William Allison White", "Stafford Vere Hotchkin", "Joseph Koeth", "Eric Brookes", "Charles Foulkes", "Ivan Strod", "Aleksander Kędzior", "Charles Joseph Cornet", "Benjamin F. James", "Walter Engwitz", "Heinrich Retzmann", "Francis S. Symondson", "Joachim-Friedrich Lang", "Tom B. Fogarty", "Albert Lacaze", "Leopold Berg", "Patriarch Zaven I Der Yeghiayan of Constantinople", "Edward Dwyer", "Lionel de Marmier", "Frederick Dalrymple-Hamilton", "Konrad Zahn", "Jamil al-Midfai", "Ernst Wilhelm Schnitzler", "William Johnstone Milne", "Edmond Marchal", "Heinrich Kroll", "Felix Graf von Bothmer", "Hans Hartwig von Beseler", "Friedrich von Scholl", "Jacques Balsan", "Tommy Worle", "Frederick William Dobson", "Friedrich Karl Florian", "Norbert von Hellingrath", "Antoni Unrug", "Tom Whittaker", "Kurt Voss", "Charles Elsey", "Otto Decken", "Jacob Ahrer", "Odo Löwe", "Ferruccio Trombi", "Saki", "John Henry Towers", "Werner Lorleberg", "Henry Osborne Mance", "Gilbert Acland-Troyte", "Rudolf Holste", "Roy McConnell", "Vasiliy Ulrikh", "Russell Dumas", "Tony Comerford", "Wilhelm Werner", "Rudolf Lüters", "Bernard Moore", "Gustaw Macewicz", "Hugo Selter", "Bronisław Konieczny", "Jerzy Biechoński", "Earle Drope", "Earle E. Partridge", "John Jones", "Jacques Meffre", "Alexander Ludovic Duff", "Władysław Ziętkiewicz", "Władysław Zubosz-Kaliński", "Herbert Wagner", "Jacques Ancel", "Franz Gutsmiedl", "Walter Sohst", "Charles Church Roberts", "Francis Storrs", "Francis Stone", "Henry Hugh Gordon Stoker", "Friedrich Hübener", "Aleksander Kierski", "Sir John Smyth, 1st Baronet", "Franz Wognar", "Edmond Schreiber", "Donald Dickson Farmer", "Erich Koehler", "Helmut Thumm", "Hellmuth Volkmann", "James Mann", "Adrian Franklyn", "Mahmud Kâmil Pasha", "Francesco Rismondo", "Jesse Peters", "William Yeo", "Joseph Edward Woodall", "Johann Haller", "Henry Ritchie", "Herbert Mercer", "Balthasar Gierlinger", "Anton Köllisch", "Albert Schmidt", "Arthur Gore, 6th Earl of Arran", "Oskar Ehrhardt", "Arthur Henderson", "Arthur Henderson, Baron Rowley", "Stewart Symes", "Ernst Scheurlen", "Joseph-Ernst Graf Fugger von Glött", "Cyril Ridley", "Henry Page Croft, 1st Baron Croft", "Alan Foster", "John Cowe McIntosh", "Karl Wernecke", "Heribert Fütterer", "Boris Lavrenyov", "George Llewelyn Davies", "Franz Werfel", "Léon Grégoire", "Kâzım Dirik", "Lloyd Hamilton", "Michael Moohan", "Edward Wollert", "Arthur Rakobrandt", "William A. Eddy", "Francis P. Duffy", "Francis P. Mulcahy", "Edmund Drake-Brockman", "Tadeusz Lechnicki", "André de Meulemeester", "Henry Garnet Forrest", "Henri Romans-Petit", "Philip Robertson", "Wacław Iwaszkiewicz-Rudoszański", "John Condon", "Leopold Blauensteiner", "John Greenslade", "Werner von Bercken", "Walter Thiemann", "Theodore G. Garfield", "Rudolf Pfeiffer", "Josef Friedrich Perkonig", "William C. Lee", "James Patrick Rossiter", "Walter Shuldham", "Émile Driant", "Richard Stern", "Adalbert von Falk", "William Flynn", "Richard Saul", "Bolesław Roja", "James Alexander Smith", "Richard Schiller", "Edward Atkinson", "Edward Astley-Rushton", "William Tennant", "John Hogan", "Alfred von Randow", "Friedrich Helmich", "Fritz Wiedemann", "John V. Diener", "Wiktor Pikulski", "Percy Bentley", "Max Leibbrand", "Walter Gottschalk", "Wolfgang Weese", "Artur Paul", "Lionel Keir Robinson", "Rudolf Brehmer", "Rudolf Bogatsch", "Harold Phelps Gardham", "Werner Ehrig", "Hans Ritter von Hemmer", "Gustav Wilke", "August Wittmann", "Hermann Katzenberger", "Mikko Collan", "Ludwig Kübler", "Simion Stoilow", "Herbert von Bose", "François de Vergnette de Lamotte", "François de Villeméjane", "József Antall", "Richard Hebden O'Grady Haly", "Alfredo Rocco", "Edward Smith", "Edward Smart", "Konrad Ende", "Charlie Perry", "Lionel Petre, 16th Baron Petre", "James Ryan", "Wilfred Owen", "Sigmund Moosauer", "H.D. Harvey-Kelly", "Thomas Cameron", "William Adair", "Luka Basanets", "Werner Wolfgang Rogosinski", "Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney", "Percy Clive", "Carl Degelow", "Thomas L. Purdom", "Ronald Colman", "Danilov Sergei Yevlampievich", "James Norman Hall", "Harry Georg von Craushaar", "George W. McIver", "Hans Imelmann", "Noel Godfrey Chavasse", "Charles Chapman", "Paul Völckers", "Friedrich Crusius", "D. John Markey", "Ralph Cochrane", "Albert Boas", "James Duncan", "Eugen von Benzino", "Archibald Buchanan", "Jean Flavigny", "Otto Marchtaler", "Paul Newgarden", "Felix Jacoby", "Edlef Köppen", "Lord Ninian Crichton-Stuart", "Charles Pitman", "William Tipton", "Józef Szczepan", "Ernest O. Thompson", "William R. Purnell", "Virgilio N. Cordero, Jr.", "Nikolaus von Vormann", "Edmund Heldut-Tarnasiewicz", "Jarosław Okulicz-Kozaryn", "Edward Robakiewicz", "Henryk Stypułkowski", "Stefan Rotarski", "Wacław Szalewicz", "Max Leber", "Vladimir Triandafillov", "Yakov Fedorenko", "Herbert Hake", "Marian Stampf'l", "Stan Hiskins", "Harold Bennett", "Gustav Mauchenheim-Bechtolsheim", "Egewolf von Berckheim", "Wacław Jędrzejewicz", "John Luxford", "Arnold Bernstein", "Johannes-Kurt Schimmel", "Bolesław Konarski", "Wilhelm Kasprzykiewicz", "Charles Symmonds", "Charles Sydney Goldman", "Charles Symonds", "Charles Symons", "Wilhelm Sander", "Robert de Roux", "Heinrich Hirtsiefer", "Alva B. Adams", "Blaise Cendrars", "Stanisław Rybicki", "Trafford Leigh-Mallory", "Edward Rigby", "Vivian Harold Potter", "Stanisław Korczak", "Teofil Zieliński", "Kazimierz Południowski", "Kazimierz Pruszkowski", "Jack Perrin", "Martin Stumpf", "Ambrose Sherwill", "John Parkinson", "Antoine Laplasse", "Hubert David Bentliff", "Garth Neville Walford", "Otto-Hermann Brücker", "Karl Arndt", "Georg Ritter von Hengl", "Heinrich Löhe", "Archibald MacLean", "Robert Matteson Johnston", "George McIllree Stanton Bruce", "Kuno Bruder", "Emil Martens", "Alexander Ilyich Yegorov", "Thomas W. Herren", "Ernst Voß", "Viktor Böttcher", "Abel Baer", "Bruno Dieckelmann", "Johann von Ravenstein", "Eddie Latheron", "Jean Boissel", "Thomas Ashby", "Tadeusz Klimecki", "Georgios Stanotas", "Eduard Schützek", "Robert Tor Russell", "Leonte Filipescu", "William Alfred Dimoline", "Kurt Wissemann", "Theodor Weise", "Alfred Brotherston Emden", "Alfred Brian Palmer", "Antoni Chruściel", "Hanns Günther Obernitz", "Władysław Raypert", "Fawzi al-Qawuqji", "Franz Simoner", "Stefan Nerezov", "Gilbert Waterhouse", "Hugo Linck", "Henderson H. Carson", "Otto Hellwig", "Vladimir Vazov", "Albert Lantonnois van Rode", "Wilhelm Becker", "Antoni Kamiński", "Theo Prosel", "Charles P. Cecil", "Lionel des Rieux", "Mir Dast", "Josias, Hereditary Prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont", "David F. Sellers", "Heinrich Haag", "Louis Archinard", "Warren William", "Aristide Razu", "Heinrich Dietze", "Georges Ladoux", "Romuald Dąbrowski", "Max Sellheim", "Duncan Vernon Pirie", "Ernst Kühl", "Carl Andrew Spaatz", "Christian Philipp", "Frederick William Hall", "Włodzimierz Steyer", "Włodzimierz Zagórski", "Fritz Herrmann", "Jack White", "Max Levien", "Bruno Brehm", "Alexeï Chirikine", "Dick Hegarty", "İbrahim Çolak", "Vladimir May-Mayevsky", "Lorenz Böhler", "Victor Campbell", "Richard S. Edwards", "Céleste Deprez", "John Henry Stephen Dimmer", "Georg von Detten", "Alfred Dreyfus", "Francis Annesley, 6th Earl Annesley", "Horace Lambart, 11th Earl of Cavan", "Michael Valente", "Stanisław Dzienisiewicz", "Ronald Turner", "Hermann Cordemann", "Ivan de la Bere", "Max Weiss", "Albert Chabrier", "Felix Victor von Hepke", "Wyndham Lewis", "Franz Richter", "Richard Norris Williams", "Oliver Colin LeBoutillier", "Alfred Wintle", "Hans Adolf von Arenstorff", "Władysław Zaleski", "Monty Jacobs", "Richard Aldington", "Richard Beitzen", "Douglas Reid Kinnier", "Douglas Reynolds", "Engelhard von Nathusius", "Brinley Williams", "Sidney William Ware", "Andrzej Czerwiński", "William Desmond Taylor", "Richard H. Jackson", "Finlay McQuistan", "Wolf-Werner von der Schulenburg", "Martin Kohler", "Károly Kaszala", "Emmanuel Monick", "Samuel Sugden", "Otto Seeger", "Aleksey Kuropatkin", "Roswell Winans", "Franz Daniels", "Robert L. Chidlaw-Roberts", "Otto Gakenholz", "Achille Rousseaux", "Erich Bartsch", "Oreste Moricca", "Helmut Friebe", "Charlton Spinks", "Hatcher Hughes", "Fritz Fuchs", "Joseph Edward Crawshay Partridge", "Hans-Georg von der Osten", "Leslie Rundle", "James O. Richardson", "Edgar McCloughry", "Edgar Mobbs", "Arthur Henry Cross", "Arthur Henry Cheatle", "Ołena Stepaniw", "Willy Andreas", "Lothar Witzke", "Harry Johnson", "Edwin Hayne", "John Reader Hosking", "Cyril Royston Guyton Bassett", "Nino Dadeshkeliani", "Erich Diestel", "Erich Jaschke", "Wincenty Ściegienny", "Hermann Oberth", "Carl Ferdinand Cori", "Joseph Roth", "August de Schryver", "Ralph Van Deman", "Ernst Horsetzky von Hornthal", "Andrew Eastman Duncanson", "Guido Usedom", "Kazimierz Zenkteller", "Jean-Baptiste Salis", "George Hamilton D'Oyly Lyon", "Joseph B. Aviles, Sr.", "Joseph B. Adkinson", "Antoni Glanowski", "Hubert James Willey", "Eberhard Finckh", "Arno Benzler", "John Henry Stelle", "Hugh Douglas Cumberbatch", "William Baring du Pré", "Robert Barbour", "Ralph Horween", "Josip Bitežnik", "George Hay", "Karl Veith", "John Cockcroft", "Walter H. Albaugh", "John Boyd Thacher II", "John Carl Hinshaw", "Stanley McKenzie", "Theodore Fraser", "Douglas Fisher", "Arthur Newman", "William Cecil, 5th Marquess of Exeter", "Jack Woodhouse", "Alfred Ritscher", "Stefan Liszko", "Frank Cameron", "Karlo Lukanov", "Henryk Sułkowski", "Richard D. Volkmann", "Constantin Christescu", "Otto Faust", "Andrzej Skrzypczak", "John L. Pierce", "Charles Arthur Mander", "Živojin Mišić", "Harry Henningsen", "William Flintoft", "John Capper", "Georg Usadel", "Georg Sick", "Heinrich Tannert", "Erich Buschenhagen", "Ronald Dare Gillespie", "Werner Lindenau", "Ferdinand Röder von Diersburg", "Louis-Marie Bossut", "Artur Petzold", "Josef Odendall", "Danilo Gatalo", "Giuseppe Mancino", "Richard McCreery", "Friedrich Klausing", "Victor Huston", "Claud Tudor", "Herbert Kund", "William L. Sibert", "Hans Dauser", "Stefan Adamiecki", "Stefan Adamczak", "William Melville Alexander", "Max Biebl", "Alfonz Šarh", "Steponas Darius", "Karl Sauke", "Emil Rebreanu", "Eugen Dorrer", "Henry Alan Leeke", "Alfred von Reumont", "Harry A. \"Paddy\" Flint", "Arnold Jacques Chadwick", "Robert Campbell", "Walther Sontheimer", "Holland Smith", "George Matthew McNaughton", "Theobald Lang", "Henry Evans", "Peter Lawless", "Yusuf Izzet Pasha", "Sextil Pușcariu", "Georges-Henri Pingusson", "Armin T. Wegner", "John W. Heavey", "William Lacy Kenly", "Jesse McI. Carter", "John Loomis Chamberlain", "John Brind", "Stanisław Jasiński", "Erich Diestelkamp", "Ferdinand Kofler", "Enver Pasha", "Archibald Allen", "Otto von Müller", "Casper Platt", "Harold D. Shannon", "Harold Innis", "Sir Hutcheson Poë, 1st Baronet", "Sidney Wheelhouse", "Lyall Howard", "Ali Rıza Pasin", "Edward Jasiński", "Joseph Pomiankowski", "Werner Wachsmuth", "Dick Hanley", "Emilio De Bono", "Peter Carpenter", "Włodzimierz Kownacki", "Rudolf Kawiński", "Feliks Kopeć", "Cecil Pereira", "Sir John Gilmour, 2nd Baronet", "Fritz Freitag", "Bill Hunter", "Martin von Denk", "Muirhead Bone", "Philip Fox", "William Henry Snyder Nickerson", "John F. Hunter", "Georges Estienne", "Alexandr Volkonsky", "Charles Edward, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha", "Stephen Bonsal", "Giovanni Sabelli", "Paul A. Hodgson", "Joachim Duckart", "Johannes Frießner", "Rudolf Hauschka", "Erich Parnitzke", "Ian Standish Monteith Hamilton", "Hermann-Heinrich Behrend", "Helge Auleb", "Alfred Gercke", "William Gosling", "Wilfred Fullagar", "Howard Henry", "Walter Bertram Wood", "Theophil Frey", "Wojciech Piasecki", "Philipp Karl Heimann", "Jacques Ortoli", "Richard Wagner", "Hermann Remmele", "Henry Leach", "Paul Camus", "Pavel Ponedelin", "Max-Josef Pemsel", "Ulrich Wille", "Bonner Fellers", "Edmund L. Gruber", "Konrad Hitschler", "J. F. C. Fuller", "Ivan Bagramyan", "Marian Romeyko", "Joseph Davrichachvili", "Rudolph Bentinck", "Carl Menckhoff", "Otto Binge", "Otto Drescher", "Otto Kilian", "Carlton J. H. Hayes", "Alec Ogilvie", "William Bond", "Victor von Heeren", "Harold Buckley", "Frits Clausen", "Hugo Böttger", "Jakob Werlin", "Ksawery Floryanowicz", "Pierre Clavel", "Hugh Roberts", "Felix von Luckner", "George G. McMurtry", "Edward Plunkett, 18th Baron of Dunsany", "Charles Lavers", "Erich Rüdiger von Wedel", "Erich Schneider", "Prince Antônio Gastão of Orléans-Braganza", "Maurizio Ferrante Gonzaga", "Ivan Sidorovich Lazarenko", "Richard Strahl", "René Fassiaty", "Otto Graf", "Tadeusz Franciszek Foryś", "Charles Edensor Heathcote", "Ronald Barnes, 3rd Baron Gorell", "Thomas Arthur Nelson", "Joseph Papesch", "Arthur Roy Mitchell", "Alexander Stepanovich Yakovlev", "Harris A. Houghton", "Bohdan Jarociński", "Guy Gillette", "Frieda Hardin", "Marie Odee Johnson", "Amajak Nikolajevič Ahnazarov", "Forest Harness", "Eberhard Wolfram", "Alfred Brandon", "Karl Kersting", "Karl Hubmair", "Jack Llewelyn Davies", "Bruce Sloss", "Joseph Burgeat", "Charles Ardagh Langley", "Walter Langer", "William Marshall Smart", "Dillwyn Parrish", "William Bloomfield", "Andrejs Krustiņš", "Gédéon Geismar", "Edward Banaszak", "Marie Désiré Pierre Bataille", "Otto Hasse", "Josef Witiska", "Trevelyan Thomson", "Iván Hindy", "Erhardt Berndt", "Ernest Pusey", "Karl Renninger", "Hannes Marino Hannesson", "Johnson Hagood", "Hans Karl Koch", "Godfrey Bremridge", "Theo Osterkamp", "Antoni Wandtke", "Sir Frank Newnes, 2nd Baronet", "Ben Lockspeiser", "Helmut Reinke", "Richard Reimann", "Constantin Paulian", "Nikolaus von Üxküll-Gyllenband", "Trevylyan Napier", "Friedrich Schwerd", "Adolf Enge", "Toby Moll", "Giorgio de Chirico", "Ralph Eastwood", "Roy Manzer", "Hyman Levy", "Mustafa Edip Servet", "Zafir Premčević", "Fred Loft", "Heinrich Gärtner", "Pat Flanagan", "Günther Weyrich", "Victor Bleasdale", "Robert Raikes", "Ferdinand von Sammern-Frankenegg", "Bohumil Kubišta", "Günther von der Forst", "Dyneley Hussey", "Gustav Szinda", "Hugo Schmidt", "David Jones", "Harry Oliver White", "Jean Berthiaume", "Karl Wedel-Parlow", "C. G. Finch-Davies", "Ioan Anastasiu", "Clayton Bissell", "Jerzy Pytlewski", "Alfred Gause", "Alexandros Mazarakis-Ainian", "Stephan Burián von Rajecz", "James Ulick Canning Alexander", "John Blake-Reed", "Charley Bowser", "Maurice Benjamin", "Joseph McCormick", "Lütfi Müfit Özdeş", "Walter Adam", "J. B. Priestley", "James B. Craig", "Auguste Chantraine", "Arthur Longmore", "Sir Archibald Lucas-Tooth, 2nd Baronet", "Arnold Wilson", "Józef Marcinkowski", "Eric Greville Earle", "Tadeusz Grabowski", "Charles E. Stanton", "Christoph Diehm", "Kasimir von Lütgendorf", "Hans Sidonius Becker", "Gerhard Schorsch", "Emil Danzeisen", "Abdoulaye N'Diaye", "Charles Astley Fowler", "Józef Wiktor Muszyński", "Paul Barandon", "J. Clifford Hansen", "James Jonas Madison", "Pierre Ulric Ziegler", "Max Pfeffer", "Patrick J. Hurley", "Dudley Aman, 1st Baron Marley", "Alexander Dutov", "Hans Dülfer", "Hermann von von Stein", "George Marshall", "Nelson A. Kellogg", "Xavier Vallat", "Jan Kotowicz", "Hans Fridrich", "Werner von Eichstedt", "Wilhelm Dürks", "Ralph U. Hyde", "Max Liedtke", "Hildebrecht Hommel", "William Reginald Rawlings", "Luigi Zuccari", "Lionel Beaumont Thomas", "Michel Hollard", "Max Näther", "Robert Bergmann", "Karl Stählin", "David Bedell-Sivright", "Charles Grey, 5th Earl Grey", "Curt Jany", "Paul Langen", "Pavlos Kountouriotis", "Alessandro Pirzio Biroli", "Georg Schiele", "Paddy McGuinness", "Tommy Muirhead", "Marin Niculescu", "John C. O'Connor", "Johannes Rosumek", "Herbert Gilles Watson", "Stuart Bonham Carter", "Dimcho Debelyanov", "Erich Boltze", "Tadeusz Trapszo", "Paul von Rennenkampf", "Georg Trzeciak", "Stanford Caldwell Hooper", "Harold A. Furlong", "Karl von Huyn", "Edward Grigg, 1st Baron Altrincham", "Gustaw Paszkiewicz", "Wolfgang Müller", "Max Mayr", "Dwight Johns", "Dwight Johnson", "Johannes Schulz", "John Joseph Seerley, Jr", "Walter Spannenkrebs", "Erich W. Mackeldey", "Erich Volkmar", "Moritz Cramer", "Rudolf Kopf", "Halil Sami Bey", "Roman Becker", "Gaetano Ciocca", "Albert Gollwitzer", "Enzo Galbiati", "Josip Hatze", "Walter Chlebowsky", "Harold Leslie Edwards", "Richard Stanley Hawks Moody", "Christy Mathewson", "Bertram Tracy Clayton", "Johnny Douglas", "Louis Fournet", "Adrian Tonks", "Francis Gleeson", "Victor Crutchley", "Vasili Yanchenko", "Aubone Surtees", "Stan Cofall", "Herbert Karl Oskar Kraft", "Heinrich Scheele", "Hans Brümmer", "Dmitry Verderevsky", "William Nanson", "George Colborne Nugent", "Karl Wolff", "Miha Krek", "Adolf Kempkes", "Friedrich von Wieser", "Guido Gillhaußen", "Rolf Grabower", "James Harford", "Thomas Cochrane, 1st Baron Cochrane of Cults", "George S. Patton", "Walther Vetter", "Thomas L. Hall", "Lucien Bersot", "Malte Putbus", "August Mietz", "Ferenc Békássy", "Herbert George Flaxman Spurrell", "René Dousinelle", "Jesse Wallingford", "Shaul Tchernichovsky", "James Ogilvie-Grant, 11th Earl of Seafield", "Allen Melancthon Sumner", "Quintin Brand", "Felix Andrian", "Harold Daniel", "Günther Korten", "Dudley Graham Johnson", "Jean Osouf", "George Rowland Patrick Roupell", "John Alexander McCreery", "William Thwaites", "Bill Lancaster", "Martin Wetschka", "Feliks Kwiatek", "Friedrich Fick", "Alan Gomme-Duncan", "Emil Engler", "Edmund Blunden", "Giuseppe Miraglia", "Lancelot Royle", "David Praporgescu", "Gerard Bucknall", "Harold Thomas Cawley", "Joseph Langenfeld", "Masaichi Niimi", "Ernest Shackleton", "Franz Hunglinger", "Fielding L. Wright", "Giovanni Nicelli", "Władysław Bobiński", "Modest Żabski", "Theodor Busse", "John Laurie", "James Crichton", "Carlo Bergamini", "Jean Duchénois", "Hans Martin Pippart", "Hinrich Lohse", "Richard Herrmann", "John Dos Passos", "Janusz Prawdzic-Szlaski", "Don P. Moon", "Hans-Wolfgang Schimmelpfennig", "Courtenay Mansel", "Fulvio Balisti", "Anton Vogt", "George Cotterill", "Edmund Brauner", "Heinz Steguweit", "Albiny Paquette", "Konstanty Skąpski", "George Randall", "Teofil Ney", "Kazimierz Raszewski", "Dent McSkimming", "Julius Bruche", "John Brown", "Walter Gresham Andrews", "John Treloar", "Richard Kerens Sutherland", "Punch Broadbent", "Kurt Hering", "Werner Preuss", "Joachim Freiherr von der Leyen", "Harold Burfield Taylor", "Sereno E. Brett", "Georg Soldner", "Georges Thierry d'Argenlieu", "Paul Goerz", "Prince Adalbert of Bavaria", "Sir Fenton Aylmer, 13th Baronet", "Hugo Stintzing", "John Kipling", "Ludwig Philipp Schneider", "Otto Hartmann", "Charles Laverock Lambe", "Erich Schuetze", "Otto-Joachim Lüdecke", "Rolf Wuthmann", "William Cleeve", "Gilbert Stuart Martin Insall", "Aleksandr Nemits", "Thomas Hunter", "Francis Wallington", "Hellmuth Pfeifer", "Hartwig Rheden-Rheden", "Rudolph Trower Hogg", "Alexander Hardcastle", "Stanley Price Weir", "Iacob Zadik", "Arthur Rullion Rattray", "Hans Erdmenger", "Guy Greville Wilson", "Eduard Hauser", "Friedrich Theodor Ofterdinger", "Boris Khoroshkhin", "Josef Schmidt", "Basil Bedsmore Rackham", "Alfred Vogel", "William Murray Black", "John H. Corcoran", "Edward Patrick Kenney", "William Davidson Bissett", "Howard Ramsey", "Bernhard Kuhnt", "Violet Douglas-Pennant", "Hans Stuck", "Karl Ernst Augustin von Zaluze", "Clement Attlee", "Władysław Ryszkiewicz", "Edward Larkin", "John Breen", "Johannes Pinckert", "John R. Perry", "Albert Malet", "Otton Czuruk", "Raoul Castex", "Homer A. Holt", "Stefan Fröhlich", "August Scharnke", "Theo-Helmut Lieb", "Sir Edward Grogan, 2nd Baronet", "Merian C. Cooper", "Charles Edward Hudson", "Max Hofmann", "Arthur Hayes-Sadler", "Norton Lewis Lichtenwalner", "James Russell Leech", "Donald Johnstone McGavin", "Édouard-Jean Réquin", "Jimmy Carr", "Albert Reitter", "George Sampson Elliston", "Jack Massie", "Jack Mason", "Robert Davies", "Andrew Belton", "Christopher Maltby", "George Lloyd", "Norman Blackburn", "Russell Burton Reynolds", "Russell Buchanan", "Hans Lüdemann", "Jakub Kania", "Hjalmar Siilasvuo", "Georg Bantele", "Charles Édouard Amiot", "Adam Brzechwa-Ajdukiewicz", "Hans Adam", "Georges Vanier", "Émile Lesmann", "Ludwik Lepiarz", "Jan Rożek", "Nicola Nisco", "Aleksander Litwinowicz", "Józef Krysakowski", "Dan Hanley", "Thomas Eric Peet", "Otto Radowitz", "Leslie Andrew", "Friedrich-Carl Rabe von Pappenheim", "Otto Neumann", "Stellan Rye", "Webb Gillman", "David Dunlop", "Ralph Beckett, 3rd Baron Grimthorpe", "Gaston de Gironde", "Auguste Clément Gérôme", "Apollo Soucek", "Henry Weale", "Robert Lawson", "Paul Würfler", "Daniel Hopkin", "Franjo Žgeč", "Harold Day", "Arthur Holzmann", "Józef Malewski", "Gordon Flowerdew", "Walter Waring", "Eugène Camplan", "Edward A. Craig", "Lesley J. McNair", "Erwin von Lahousen", "Thomas Young", "Percy Radcliffe", "Julius Gregory", "Leonard Taplin", "Edgar Ludlow-Hewitt", "Edward Quinan", "Vasil Novakov", "Gerald Reitlinger", "George Buchanan Foster", "Sir Alexander Beville Gibbons Stanier, 2nd Baronet", "Pierre Guillemin", "Gerhard Wagner", "Enrico Millo", "Fritz Doerr", "Christiaan de Wet", "Moritz von Bissing", "Friedrich Sixt von Armin", "Reg Balch", "Gert Caden", "Jørgen Leonard Firing", "Clement Cazalet", "Max Ritter von Müller", "Stephen Strafford", "Ben A. Riehle", "Ernst Kundt", "Sebastian Regler", "Gustav von Hollen", "Lionel Ashfield", "Friedrich Jacobshagen", "Reginald Henderson", "Czesław Zawistowski", "Edward Murray Colston, 2nd Baron Roundway", "Marcelino Serna", "Kurt Serbser", "Donald Marcus Kelway Marendaz", "Karl Stützel", "Alfred Hübner", "Feliksas Baltušis-Žemaitis", "Frederick Barton Maurice", "Horace H. Fuller", "Omar Bundy", "Eric Walker", "Battista Serioli", "Charlie Freeman", "Peter Bockemühl", "Siegfried Hoffheinz", "Karl-Heinrich Brenner", "Arthur Treacher", "Fred Doherty", "Émile Dusart", "Gilbert Mackereth", "Ernst Hugo Correll", "Otto Engelbrecht", "Otto Engelhardt-Kyffhäuser", "Joseph Dines", "Kazimierz Niedzielski", "Andrzej Meyer", "Hugh Colvin", "Wilhelm Boltz", "Rowdy Elliott", "Bolesław Kontrym", "Lothar Rettelsky", "Edward Ashmore", "William Thaw II", "Max Markreich", "Jack Youll", "Algernon Fuller", "Bertie Snowball", "Asa White Kenney Billings", "Claud Charlton", "Colin W. G. Gibson", "Ralph Sasse", "Leon Kozłowski", "Werner Anton", "Vladislav Petrovich Vinogradov", "Duke Keats", "Nigel de Grey", "Joseph Van De Meulebroeck", "Herman James Good", "Piotr Shabelsky-Bork", "Karl Korsch", "Ty Arbour", "Hans Brosius", "David C. Chapman", "Przemysław Nakoniecznikoff-Klukowski", "Pruett Mullens Dennett", "Oriel Duke", "Johann Duken", "Ernst Buchner", "Thomas W. Miller", "Evan M. Whidden", "William Abram Mann", "Albin Skroczyński", "George Carstairs", "Albert Filoche", "William Richard Cotter", "Avgust Pirjevec", "Karl Schimmelpfennig", "Laurence McKinley Gould", "Archduke Wilhelm of Austria", "Henri Néraud", "Clark L. Bradley", "Julian Grenfell", "Walter A. Bell", "Ernst Rittershaus", "Alfred Bruer", "Zbigniew Brochwicz-Lewiński", "Aleksandr Samoilo", "James Bond", "Otto von Feldmann", "Ernest Thorold", "Reginald Kerr", "Charles Ausburne", "Karl Fahringer", "Karl Bodenschatz", "Ernest Alexander Cruikshank", "Charley Paddock", "Lawrence Weathers", "Archibald Church", "Enrico Garbuglia", "Edward Beck", "Charles Peter Allen", "Charles Peshall Plunkett", "Louis Noguères", "Harold Goodwin", "Friedrich Fischer-Friesenhausen", "Harry March", "Sir Henry Wilson, 1st Baronet", "David Proudfoot", "Kleist Sykes", "Stanisław Wolnowski", "Kurt Nachod", "Witold Dzierżykraj-Morawski", "Werner Peiner", "Walter Nightingall", "Frederick Walshe", "Harvey Kearsley", "Emery L. Frazier", "Julian E. Yates", "J. Frank Dobie", "George Giffard", "George Gibson", "Percy Sykes", "Moritz von Auffenberg", "Egon Erwin Kisch", "Hans Kahle", "Gustav Hestermann", "Barney M. Giles", "Karekin Pastermadjian", "Christopher Robert Ingham Brooke", "José Vicente de Freitas", "Emil Thuy", "Fritz von Below", "Remus von Woyrsch", "Frank Bowater", "Claude Ross", "Bernard Artigau", "Hubert Dostal", "Richard-Eugen Dörr", "Benjamin Kaufman", "Włodzimierz Dembiński", "Vivian Majendie", "Salah al-Din al-Sabbagh", "Kazimierz Pławski", "George Courthope, 1st Baron Courthope", "Hans Deloch", "Cesare Magistrini", "Gustav Drehmann", "Wilhelm Denhard", "Dieudonné Costes", "Guy Dawnay", "Prince Friedrich Sigismund of Prussia", "Viktor Rall", "Joseph Taggart", "Kâzım Özalp", "Edgar Loehrs", "Robin Schall-Emden", "Ralph Erwin", "Sacheverell Sitwell", "Hans Weinert", "Max Häusserer", "Hans Zehrer", "Hayrullah Fişek", "Gilbert T. Rude", "Ronald Armstrong-Jones", "Ronald Arthur Hopwood", "Pierre Six", "Harold Walkerdine", "Guy Garrod", "Edward Tylor Miller", "Filippo Corridoni", "Karl Herwig", "Hugh Plowman", "Robert Pillman", "Teofil Świrski", "Kurt Ramien", "Siegfried Seidel-Dittmarsch", "Henri Cihoski", "Karl Baitz von Szapár", "Karl Alscher", "Christopher Bushell", "Władysław Pobojewski", "Geoffrey Trollope Lee", "Eberhard von Reininghaus", "Sid Bevan", "Hermann Münchmeyer der Jüngere", "Stefan Starzyński", "Stanisław Wróblewski", "Willard Dickerman Straight", "Leopold Leichfried", "Joseph Lister", "James P. McGranery", "Robert Pollok", "Sergey Kamenev", "Karl Ritter von Kurz", "Rudolf Buttmann", "Emil Herberg", "Emil Henk", "Hans Hammerstein-Gesmold", "John Caffrey", "David Watts", "Charles Edward Montague", "Romuald Bargieł", "Gustav Wischnövski", "Georg Balás von Lissa", "Donald John Dean", "Kazimierz Wierzyński", "Marin E. Ionescu", "Otto Meixner", "Clemens Bauer", "Ernest Gruening", "James Kilvington Cochrane", "Imre Mudin", "Ernst Dehner", "Kenneth S. White", "Caspar René Gregory", "I. S. O. Playfair", "Philip James Shears", "Philip James Woods", "Harry Edward de Robillard Wetherall", "Petre Frunză", "Paul Krause", "Stephan Rittau", "Stefan Langner", "Karl Isbert", "Ronald T. Mark", "Ronald Symond", "Norman Bentwich", "Robert Percival-Maxwell", "Joseph Trumpeldor", "Gabriel Coury", "Gerhard Conrad", "Friedrich Bödicker", "Oliver Bryson", "Oliver Brooks", "John Litchfield", "Émile Laure", "Kazimierz Rosen-Zawadzki", "James Gowan", "Michael A. Donaldson", "Aladár Emánuel Korompay", "Friedrich Altrichter", "Christopher O'Kelly", "Desiderius Hampel", "Francesco Domenico Chiarello", "Del Vial", "Ludwig Lauter", "Arthur Jaques", "James Howard Williams", "Preston Brown", "Heinrich Göckenjan", "Ned Baird", "Simon Sabiani", "Maximilian Njegovan", "Walter Westley Russell", "Antonio Pierro", "William Wyndham Green", "Franz Piechulek", "Hans-Georg von der Marwitz", "Roman Rudkowski", "Volney Voss Whittington", "Hans Schlossberger", "Otto Bene", "John Franks Vallentin", "Gustav Stoffleth", "Martin Hoop", "H. W. Harvey", "Christian Schneider", "George Buckston", "Ewald Weisemann", "Oskar Platen zu Hallermund", "Edward Guye", "Henry Lewis", "Friedrich Schulze-Langendorf", "William Tyrrell", "Thomas Poynton", "Edwin J. Chilgren", "Douglas Proby", "Sylvain Eugène Raynal", "Fritz Bergerhoff", "Filippo Tommaso Marinetti", "Charles Hickey", "Charles Wesley Weldon McLean", "Horatio Barber", "Peter Patton", "Charles L. McCawley", "Siegfried Rädel", "Friedrich Jaksch", "David Mathew", "Wendell Willkie", "Curzio Malaparte", "James Hutchinson", "J. Hunter Wickersham", "Norman Ross", "Friedrich Weber", "Woodrow Wilson", "Heinrich Josef Schmidt", "Ludwig Bachelin", "Joseph Belbéoch", "William P. Edmunds", "Raymond Benoist", "Edmund Wachenfeld", "Danilo, Crown Prince of Montenegro", "Marcin Zieliński", "Lawrence McCormick", "Friedrich Jungblut", "Mick O'Brien", "Hubert Hoeßlin", "Charlie Fincher", "Kazimierz Kunicki", "Johannes Winkler", "Karl Brück", "Richard Hoin", "Geoffrey Dowling", "Arthur Wesley Wheen", "Robert McKenzie", "Robert Holme", "Thomas Hunton", "Felix Eisele", "Henri Jacques Auguste Beaudenom de Lamaze", "Max Reich", "Job Henry Charles Drain", "Kārlis Goppers", "William McCristal", "Henry Kitchener, 2nd Earl Kitchener", "William Grant", "Johannes Bruhn", "Stanisław Nilski-Łapiński", "Joseph Boxhall", "Georges Robert", "Bernard Botein", "Paul Walter", "Alhaji Grunshi", "James Murray Irwin", "Charles W. H. Douglas", "Waldemar Klepke", "Robert William St. John", "John Daley", "Hans Brunow", "Bud Talbott", "Oliver Swann", "Oliver Sutton", "Douglas Lambert", "Hasso von Wedel", "Henry Poole MacKeen", "Jack Peart", "René Cassin", "Aaron Tänzer", "Robert Schuman", "Antoni Pająk", "Friedrich-Georg Brinkmann", "Valentine Collins", "Carl Seber", "Arnold Loosemore", "Franklin C. Sibert", "Erich Mix", "George McCrae", "Charles Blackader", "John Yate Robinson", "Sir Frederick Thomson, 1st Baronet", "Ludwik Bociański", "Richard E. Hawes", "Ernst Thälmann", "Ernst Jenke", "John Thomas Kennedy", "Andrew Thorne", "Ludwig Luer", "Sir Godfrey Dalrymple-White, 1st Baronet", "Ernest Alderwick", "Ronald Lagden", "Michail Šumilov", "Ludwig Daehn", "Leslie Morshead", "Otto Janssen", "Robert Lynn Hogg", "Friedrich Heilingbrunner", "Nikołaj Abramow", "Archibald Cochrane", "Hans Cramer", "Heinrich Freiherr von Lüttwitz", "Hans Wagenführ", "Hermann Wäger", "John Alexander Sinton", "Geoffrey Davies", "James Miller", "Karl Neuscheler", "Maurice Wilson", "Henri de Lubac", "Howard Knotts", "Henry Cockshutt", "DeWitt Wallace", "Norman Richard Crockatt", "Norman Marshall", "Ralph Alger Bagnold", "Francis Wilson", "Jackie Smith", "Victor von Podbielski", "Don Gelasio Caetani", "Stanisław Szeptycki", "Giovanni Ippolito", "Percy Hobart", "Hans Baur", "Paul Tastesen", "Viktor Dankl von Krasnik", "Cesare Battisti", "Reşat Çiğiltepe", "Włodzimierz Marszewski", "Alfred Wünnenberg", "Fritz Endres", "Fritz Engler-Füßlin", "Werner Graf von Bassewitz-Levetzow", "Heinrich Blücher", "D. V. Peyton-Ward", "Bertrand Dawson, 1st Viscount Dawson of Penn", "Agar Rodney Adamson", "Czesław Petelenz", "Herbert B. Maw", "Tomás António Garcia Rosado", "Vivian Pitchforth", "Kazimierz Iranek-Osmecki", "Kazimierz Horoszkiewicz", "Kazimierz Heilman-Rawicz", "René Boisard", "Tommy Spink", "Robert Burgess", "Lester Granger", "Fyodor Tolbukhin", "Marcel Thiry", "Montagu Erskine", "Hermann Ehrhardt", "Gustave Naudin", "Gustave Ramaciotti", "Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski", "Robert G. Robinson", "Hermann Boehm", "Norman Wood", "Arnold Lequis", "Arnold Leese", "William Gott", "Allison Hubert", "Harald Netzbandt", "Philippe Pétain", "George Eric Fairbairn", "Prince Georg of Bavaria", "Cezary Haller", "John Babcock", "Julian Royds Gribble", "Edwin D. Patrick", "Nikolai Biasi", "Chester W. Nimitz", "Jacob Earl Fickel", "Jerzy Nadolski", "Henryk Ciepichałł", "Adrien Bertrand", "Franz Griesbach", "Edwin William Brunsden", "John Ernest Buttery Hotson", "John Ernest Harper", "Seyit Çabuk", "Willibald Borowietz", "Roland Dorgelès", "Charles Robinson", "Charles Robson", "Joe Lamaro", "Edmond Thieffry", "Charles Gossage Grey", "Alexander Ivanovich Cherepanov", "Wilhelm Rosenbaum", "Charles Mast", "Eugene Gilbert", "William Henry Mackinnon", "Henderson Jordan", "Hermann Müller", "C. Douglass Buck", "Ieronim Uborevich", "Hans Molitor", "Willy Coppens", "Percy McElwaine", "Maurice Starkey", "Maurice Swynfen Fitzmaurice", "Robert Davenport", "Kamio Mitsuomi", "Andreas Latzko", "Friedrich Werner von der Schulenburg", "Sigmund Hein", "Karl Freiherr von Thüngen", "Léon Weil", "Heinrich August Emil von Albedyll", "Horace Brinsmead", "Maria Bochkareva", "Viktor Graf von Scheuchenstuel", "Rüdiger von Heyking", "Joseph Rowberry", "Harry McCulloch", "Walter Krüger", "Georg Ludewig", "Geoffrey Drake-Brockman", "James Franklin Bell", "George Sandeman", "George Sanders", "Casimir Cartwright van Straubenzee", "René Vierne", "Loren R. Pierce", "Henry Hawtrey", "Luis Trenker", "Edward Lewandowski", "Eugen Bönsch", "Willibald Wiercinski", "William George Sydney Cadogan", "Hugh Fenwick Brooke", "Hugh Butterworth", "Hans Fischböck", "Charles Mayes Wigg", "Aylmer Hunter-Weston", "Rüstam Shikhlinski", "Earle C. Clements", "Alwin Uber", "Alwin Saenger", "Percy W. Nelles", "James Ernest Karnes", "James Erasmus Tracey Phillips", "Josef Vonkennel", "William McKenzie Thomson", "Joseph A. Glowin", "Joseph A. Green", "Wilhelm von Holzschuher", "André Marquis", "James Van Fleet", "Reginald Alexander John Warneford", "Friedrich Lamprecht", "Ewald Hitz", "Georg Bellmann", "Oskar Joost", "J. Oliver Buswell", "Oskars Kalpaks", "Hughes Cleaver", "Neil McBain", "Wilhelm Mielck", "Alfred Krajewski", "Franz Haindl", "Douglas Savage", "Roman von Ungern-Sternberg", "Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb", "John Gregory Crace", "Theodore L. Futch", "Otto Naumann", "Edward Lisle Strutt", "Charles A. Lockwood", "Robert Foster", "Antoni Szymański", "Edouard Meyer", "Michael Falcon", "Paul Schultz", "James Allred", "Arthur Hiller", "Heinrich Barth", "Harry Methuen Schofield", "Sackville Pelham, 5th Earl of Yarborough", "Witold Wolfram", "Georges Louis Gombeaud", "Werner Pinzger", "Husband Edward Kimmel", "Hans Koch", "Colin Hercules Mackenzie", "Georg von Kleist", "Frank Herman Schofield", "Doug Morgan", "Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord", "Max Simoneit", "Rudolf Dahms", "Byron McCandless", "Hans von Haeften", "Archduke Charles Stephen of Austria", "Hermann Kövess von Kövessháza", "Adna R. Chaffee, Jr.", "Richard Kolb", "Bill Harper", "Clyde Brion Davis", "Albert Edward McKenzie", "Albert Edward Shepherd", "John Winnington", "Charles L. Bolte", "Fred Zinn", "Vivian Woodward", "Lawrence Roehm", "Xavier de Curières de Castelnau", "Clarrie Wallach", "Max Brose", "Norman Belcher", "Gustav Radbruch", "Antoine Paillard", "Karl Themel", "Viorel Tilea", "Vasily Kazakov", "Samuel B. Newton", "Ferdinand Foch", "Kazimierz Żuromski", "Maurice Conde-Williams", "Martin Willoughby Parr", "Günther Blumentritt", "Paul Thierfelder", "John Isaac", "Christian Weber", "Hermann Zapf", "Spring R. Rice", "Walter Jellinek", "Albrecht Focke", "Tom Edwin Adlam", "Henry Brougham", "Karl Hepp", "Henri Jean Descoings", "Czesław Wawrosz", "Mieczysław Wierzejski", "Stephan Wassilko von Serecki", "Ömer Halis Bıyıktay", "Kurt von Greiff", "Archie Weston", "Giacomo Appiotti", "Konstanz von Heineccius", "Victor Fortune", "Adam Dzianott", "Kenneth Forbes", "Charles W. Brooks", "Frederick L. Conklin", "Henry Chambers", "Arthur Kobus", "August von Heeringen", "Ernst Burggaller", "Vladimir Bobrovsky", "Stefan Stolarz", "Louis Cukela", "Jakob Beck", "Mikhail Viktorov", "Harry Hill Bandholtz", "Emil Kaliński", "S. C. H. \"Sammy\" Davis", "Vladimir Sukhomlinov", "Hubert Groß", "Henry L. Gogerty", "Harold Edmund Franklyn", "Ralph S. Keyser", "Alan Hartley", "Wiley F. Cox", "Général Gabriel Delarue", "William Burns", "Hans-Joachim Barnewitz", "Henry Keswick", "Antoni Krzyczkowski", "Hughie Callan", "Hans Diebow", "Bill Lundie", "Johannes Vogelsang", "Joseph E. McDermid", "Marian Bolesławicz", "Walter Munk", "Oliver Strachey", "Oliver Stewart", "Hermann Plocher", "Hermann Kreß", "Charles Drage", "H.J. Gough", "Larrett Roebuck", "Reginald Gleadowe", "Alois Albert", "Theodor Korselt", "Eberhard von Kurowski", "Paul-Amable Jéhenne", "Caleb Shang", "Kurt Lange", "Irvine Glennie", "Otto Recknagel", "Nikolai Liakhoff", "Arthur Schmidt", "Johannes Dieckmann", "Nikolaus, Hereditary Grand Duke of Oldenburg", "Emmanuel de Mac Mahon", "Sir Gordon Touche, 1st Baronet", "Karl Dietz", "Heinrich Steinitz", "Gustaw Pokrzywka", "Lawrence Wackett", "William Heneker", "E. F. L. Wood, 1st Earl of Halifax", "Tom Kettle", "Daniel Lee Redman", "Erich Marcks", "Beachcroft Towse", "Samuel Warren Hamilton", "Charles Phelps Taft II", "Brett Cloutman", "Pierre Gilbert Crabos", "Melchiade Gabba", "Jimmy Speirs", "Cecil Montgomery-Moore", "Ragnar Colvin", "William Henry Pferinger Elkins", "Otto Kloeppel", "Otto Kleingünther", "Eric Linklater", "Hal Haig Prieste", "Frank Glatzel", "Hugh Patrick Guarin Maule", "Joseph Berchtold", "Bruno Loerzer", "Franz Ritter von Epp", "John Ward", "John Rymer-Jones", "Walter Dittbender", "Pierre Violet-Marty", "William Donne", "Joseph Vogt", "Herman Davis", "Dudley Gordon, 3rd Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair", "Ian Donald Roy McDonald", "Hans Loewenfeld-Russ", "Czesław Smoczyński", "Giorgio Carlo Calvi di Bergolo", "Josias von Heeringen", "Peter Kiefer", "Wilhelm Rediess", "Ronald Niel Stuart", "Henri Sévérin Béland", "Włodzimierz Grabowski", "Panko Brashnarov", "Paul Tarascon", "Piotr Popov", "Grigore Gafencu", "Julia Halina Piwońska", "Marie Armand Patrice de Mac Mahon", "Charles Daniel", "Lumley Lyster", "Wilhelm Busse", "Tom Horabin", "Harald Momm", "Patrick Roche", "Hasso Sebastian Georg von Wedel", "Alexandru Averescu", "Franz Schattenfroh", "Joseph H. Thompson", "Hermann Ludwig Schneider", "Günther Krappe", "Kurt Böhmer", "Eddie Mahan", "Gilbert Stephenson", "Gilbert Spencer", "Henry C. Mustin", "Krzysztof Eydziatowicz", "Paul Wilhelm Loehning", "Martin Lattmann", "Archibald Cochrane", "Major-General Harold Percy Waller Barrow", "Harold W. Jones", "Max Ilgner", "Paul Tirard", "Ferenc Orsós", "Basil Andrew", "Ioan Basarabescu", "George Hope", "Ivan Kolev", "Eduard Wagner", "Cedric Howell", "Sammy Woods", "Erwin Pollack", "Karel Ferluga", "Albert Wilhelm Fischer", "Eberhard Ponndorf", "Allan McDonald", "Allan McCracken", "Hilmar Moser", "Fuat Bulca", "Ludwig Wolff", "William Nicholls", "Wiktor Karczewski", "Hans Mittwoch", "Hans Jauch", "Władysław Kalkus", "Arthur Mag", "Andries Brink", "Józef Antoniak", "Albert Jacka", "Karl Taus", "Finlay Speedie", "Carl Karwinsky", "Otto Schiek", "Duncan Grinnell-Milne", "Ferdinand Schaal", "Francis Yeats-Brown", "Arthur Somers-Cocks, 6th Baron Somers", "Paolo Thaon di Revel", "Ewart Horsfall", "Bruce Hamilton", "Robert Zeller", "Juliusz Rómmel", "Willy Meerwald", "Bolton Eyres-Monsell, 1st Viscount Monsell", "Claude Weston", "Elk Eber", "Lyndon Bolton", "Thomas Seddon", "Basil Neven-Spence", "Jack Robinson", "Theophil Sprecher von Bernegg", "Louis Linck", "Theodore Roosevelt", "Wolfgang Muff", "Alexandru Socec", "Theophil Hackethal", "Hermann Densch", "Hermann Delius", "Anthony Gadie", "Stepan Krasovsky", "Eugene Reybold", "David Putnam", "David McLaren Bain", "Max von Bahrfeldt", "Paul Hennicke", "Georg Bell", "Bronisław Galbasz", "Karl Poth", "Timothy Tovell", "Francis Evans", "William Kinsey Bolton", "Paul Winterstein", "George S. L. Hayward", "John Herbert Hedley", "Bill Hardcastle", "Royall Tyler", "Ernest Psichari", "William G. Sebold", "Paul Hausser", "Maximilian von Spee", "Albert Wittmer", "Constantine Kromiadi", "Henry Maitland Wilson, 1st Baron Wilson", "Edward Lawson, 4th Baron Burnham", "Czesław Pawłowicz", "Tadeusz Graff", "Alexander Hardinge, 2nd Baron Hardinge of Penshurst", "Hilliard Brooke Bell", "Alphonse Cabra", "Ralph B. Strassburger", "Hartwig von Bülow", "Józef Unrug", "Friedrich Bürger", "Friedrich Börschmann", "Emil Steinhoff", "Herbert Alexander Bruce", "Rudolf Gross", "Tom Bruce", "August Kroneberg", "Charlie Streeter", "Jack Cock", "William A. Blakley", "Bohdan Hulewicz", "Juan Pablo Wainwright", "René Gérin", "Franz Carl Endres", "Joseph E. Hallonquist", "Walter von Hülsen", "Robert H. Stanley", "Ludwik Bałos", "Max Montgelas", "Edgar Morgan", "Fritz Brandt", "William Strugnell", "Stanisław Radajewicz", "Friedrich von Keller", "Jakub Zapała", "Isaac Breuer", "Dmitry Bagration", "Nikolay Shchors", "Earl Warren", "Cyril Newall", "Benjamin Johnson", "Frank Bernard Wearne", "Joshua B. Lee", "Eugenio Di Maria", "Fritz Polack", "William Banks Caperton", "Rüdiger von der Goltz", "Charles Portal, 1st Viscount Portal of Hungerford", "Bob Mercer", "Ernst von Weizsäcker", "Stafford LeRoy Irwin", "Gregory Duncan Cameron", "Maurice Cooper", "Philippe Houyoux", "Georg Netzband", "Stefan Fejes", "Erich Lindemann", "Bruno De Roeper", "Johannes Suckow", "Stanley Holloway", "John McDonald", "Frédéric-Georges Herr", "Kurt Fitzler", "Erich Behrendt", "Franz Poland", "Luigi Efisio Marras", "Donald Clive Anderson", "Robert Nivelle", "Frederick Kisch", "Erwin Sander", "William Gray", "Marian Ludwik Sochański", "Wilhelm Groß", "Hartmuth Baldamus", "Wilfred Wood", "Charles Corkran", "Aleksander Osipowski", "Richard Lane-Poole", "Josef Piechl", "Rupert Atkinson", "Werner Fürbringer", "Phillip Forman", "Chet Smith", "Giovanni Dall'Orto", "Louis-Alexandre Audibert", "Carl-Erik Koehler", "Juliusz Kaden-Bandrowski", "Holloway Halstead Frost", "Andrei Akimov", "Robert von Ezdorf", "Vilho Petter Nenonen", "Melville J. Shaw", "Jerzy Zwierkowski", "Kurt von Barisiani", "George Furner Langley", "Roman Michałowski", "Paul Bäumer", "Charlie Oliver", "Arthur James Dingle", "Hermann Sumpf", "Wilhelm Frankl", "Adolf Kling", "Henning von Vieregge", "William Richard Arnold", "Percy Allen", "Karl Scheurlen", "Keith Park", "Frank Arthur Brock", "Robert Heibert", "Carl Theodor Plessing", "Richard Otto Frankfurter", "Hans Fechter", "Ernst Frommhold", "Anton Kampschulte", "Gerd-Paul von Below", "Edward Pieczonka", "William Roberts", "Frederick Thayre", "Martin Löpelmann", "Theodor Dependorf", "Max Bork", "Arthur Ralph Middleton Todd", "James Robb", "James Robb Church", "Arthur Christian", "Robert Carlsen", "William Kay", "Richard B. Vail", "Władysław Orkan", "Gustav Großmann", "Ludwig Mayr-Falkenberg", "Wilhelm von Wedel", "Hans Källner", "Ernst Dürig", "Maxime Destremau", "Edward R. Talley", "Georg Schädler", "Peter Supf", "Heinrich Georg Stahmer", "Hans Georg Friedrich Groß", "Alfred Redl", "Heinrich Franz Friedrich Tietze", "Werner Beumelburg", "Clarence Bruce, 3rd Baron Aberdare", "Karl Böttcher", "Arthur George Kenchington", "Arthur Christopher Lancelot Stanley-Clarke", "Arthur Gordon Barry", "Arthur Charles Tarver Evanson", "Richard Minifie", "Jan Dańkowski", "Hermann Rainer", "Leslie MacDill", "Anketell Moutray Read", "Nedo Nadi", "Aaron H. Grout", "Artur Phleps", "Otto Weddigen", "Hesketh Hesketh-Prichard", "Bernhard III, Duke of Saxe-Meiningen", "Walther Nehring", "Włodzimierz Dziakiewicz", "Marcel-Frédéric Lubin-Lebrère", "Ernst Henning", "Vasili Fersen", "Hans Lommel", "Robert J. O. Compston", "James McCudden", "Bronisław Bojarski de Bojary Czarnota", "Archibald Paris", "Archibald Paris", "Otto Lummitzsch", "Tom Honeyman", "Édouard Louis Joseph Empain", "Olaf M. Hustvedt", "Wavell Wakefield, 1st Baron Wakefield of Kendal", "Vincent Carter", "Grigore Basarabescu", "Heinrich Blume", "Franz Schauwecker", "Antoni Cebulski", "Warren Melville Anderson", "Jan Skorobohaty-Jakubowski", "Jan Skoryna", "Wolfgang Lintzel", "Magaza Masanchi", "Wilhelm Ahrens", "Kurt Vogel", "Mihail Schina", "Hugo Bleicher", "Ian MacAlister Stewart", "Wolfgang Sebastiano Brinckmann", "Sir George Hamilton, 1st Baronet", "W. R. E. Murphy", "Gerhard Marcks", "Giorgio Bardanzellu", "Harry Young", "Norbert Rustowski", "Ludwig Stautner", "Władysław Powierza", "Harry Lee", "Eugène François Germain Vuillemot", "Tasker H. Bliss", "Thomas-Emil von Wickede", "Henri de Vernejoul", "Fernand Gillet", "Dashiell Hammett", "Hans Mirow", "Karl Heinrich Sieber", "Douglas Reed", "Ernst Jünger", "Joseph Leonard Maries White", "Hermann Schoemann", "Robert Davies", "Ronald Sanderson", "Józef Antoni Kenig", "Walter Michael Dickson", "Otto Marquardt", "Feliks Miszczak", "Carlo Montù", "Stanisław Jan Skarżyński", "Albrecht von Massow", "Richard Wellmann", "Hans Herzfeld", "Jerzy Żuławski", "Otto Dahlem", "George S. Simonds", "William Lowe", "Lord Leopold Mountbatten", "Rudolf von Bünau", "Carlo Battisti", "James W. Bagley", "Paul Prosper Henrys", "Viktor von Randow", "William White", "Endre Rudnyánszky", "Arthur Whealy", "Louis Lipsett", "Philip James", "Carlo Guzzi", "Roger Touhy", "John Leofric Stocks", "William Harold Coltman", "George Milne, 1st Baron Milne", "John Donaldson", "Frederic Laurence", "Stefan Halski", "Ronald Thornely", "Jerzy Albin de Tramecourt", "Stefan Iwanowski", "Stefan Janiszewski", "Theodor Croneiss", "Alister Kirby", "Georg Baur", "Satō Tetsutarō", "Zéphirin Jeantet", "Otto Ender", "Gottlob Dill", "Hans-Georg Jagow", "Hubert Pink", "Charles Péguy", "Josef Šnejdárek", "Enea Bossi, Sr.", "Christopher Thomson, 1st Baron Thomson", "Georg Hartmann", "Otto Mueller", "Sebastatsi Murad", "John Vernou Bouvier III", "Erich Kamke", "Franciszek Karwowski", "Karl Fuith", "Jørgen Jensen", "Georgy Orbeliani", "Eugène-Emmanuel Lemercier", "Bill Stone", "Otto Hersing", "Otto Müller-Haccius", "Adam Black", "Carl Joseph Gauß", "Arthur O'Hara Wood", "Walter Baldwin", "Rolf Johannesson", "Thomas Crean", "Francis Roger North", "Otto Marloh", "Henri Marie Alfred de Cadoudal", "Heinrich Laretei", "J. R. Ackerley", "Udo von Alvensleben", "Frank Tompkins", "Selden Long", "Kenneth F. Simpson", "Ali-Agha Shikhlinski", "Jack Watkins", "Charles Louis Jacques Régnault", "Edric Broadberry", "Edric Bickford", "Billy Gerrish", "Fritz Otto Bernert", "Otto Lowenstern", "H. Winnett Orr", "Karl-Wilhelm Specht", "Arthur Hinman", "Gusztáv Hennyey", "Cornelius Vanderbilt III", "Hans Hoyer", "Georg Jauer", "Antoni Wiktorowski", "Lewis A. Pick", "Tito Acerbo", "Albert Evans-Jones", "Nikolay Iudovich Ivanov", "Henry Horan", "Camil Petrescu", "Frank Hurley", "Alfred Garn", "John King", "Reginald George Malcolm", "Harald Auffarth", "Hubert Hamilton", "Walter Boenicke", "J. J. Asser", "Robert Böker", "Frederick Beaumont-Nesbitt", "Edward Stuart Cardinal Dyke", "Alfred Jarvis", "Hans Helmers", "Friedrich Karl von Witzleben", "William Otway Boger", "Adolph Wagner", "Albrecht von Lamezan", "Alex Weyand", "Mick Moon", "Horst von Petersdorff", "Leslie Gordon Phillips", "Charles B. Hoyt", "William Cave", "Robert Hill Hanna", "John Theobald Milne", "Friedrich Weyrauch", "Alexander Reiner", "Arthur Wimperis", "William Telfer", "Alexander G. Lignau", "Walter Hoff", "Diedrich Fimmen", "Louis Tronnier", "Luigi Cadorna", "Konstantinos Miliotis-Komninos", "Reginald Arthur Savory", "Tell Aristide Frédéric Antoine Chapel", "Karl Brunner", "Johann Baptist Eichelsdörfer", "Augustin Trébuchon", "Jovan Žižić", "William Henry Rycroft", "Georges Blanc", "James Wellwood", "Ralph Robertson", "Frank Gaffney", "Werner Endell", "Rudolf Zilkens", "Hans-Heydan von Frankenberg und Ludwigsdorf", "Kurt Haseloff", "Otto Planetta", "Karl Rhein", "Bill Lovett", "William Shainline Middleton", "Roger Hay", "Henry Cave-Browne-Cave", "Paul Vialar", "John Jacob Rogers", "Alastair Denniston", "Ekke Ozlberger", "Walther Etzdorf", "Hermann Fischer", "Paul Hoenscher", "Frank Sexton", "Domenico Pellegrini Giampietro", "Percy Barnfather", "Percy Banks", "Walther Forstmann", "Marian Kenig", "Johannes Schulz", "Edward Unwin", "Walter Schmitt", "James Whale", "Wacław Kobyliński", "Herbert Küssner", "Franz Brunnträger", "Arnold Birch", "Franz Koweindl", "Igor Franko", "Tadeusz Alf-Tarczyński", "Heinrich Ritter von Gontermann", "Henry Grayson", "Henry A. Wiley", "Valerian Tevzadze", "Emilio Faldella", "Frederick Poole", "Georg Dragičević", "Ernst Föhr", "Aureli Serda-Teodorski", "Hew Dalrymple Fanshawe", "Hobart R. Alter", "Deneys Reitz", "William Harry Bland", "Marcel Hauss", "Jack Evans", "George S. Long", "Radmilo Jovanović", "Richard Euringer", "Walter Hagen", "Pompeo Aloisi", "Herbert Brede", "Max Clara", "Max Coreth", "Emile John Lussier", "Heinrich Wellenbrink", "Edward Radcliffe-Nash", "Eduard Bornemann", "Leberecht Maass", "Arthur Bramston Austin", "Alexander Biggam", "Jack Howarth", "William Ramsay Hutchison", "Wolf-Heinrich Graf von Helldorf", "Alex Bolewski", "Roman Stankiewicz", "Charles Bonham-Carter", "Panteley Kiselov", "Leo Gotzmann", "Jesse Creech", "Jerzy Szczerbiński", "Milan Zelenika", "Félix Baudy", "T. Lawrason Riggs", "Charles Darwin", "William Dyke", "William Herisson", "Arthur Wileman", "Archibald Rice Cameron", "Karl Ahorner", "Patrick Boyle, 8th Earl of Glasgow", "Paul François Grossetti", "Josef Alois Reinhart", "John Hay Beith", "Pius Moosbrugger", "John B. Hollister", "Arthur Granville Soames", "Selwyn Jepson", "Butch Henline", "Włodzimierz Tetmajer", "Petre Greceanu", "Frederick Wilton", "Frederick Wing", "Rudolf von Frommel", "Heinrich Bretthorst", "Albert Fett", "Francis Biddle", "Robert Grimm", "Hubert Work", "Romulus Scărișoreanu", "Erick-Oskar Hansen", "Hellmut von der Chevallerie", "Marie-Bertrand-Alfred Fagalde", "Ron Rogers", "Frank MacDermot", "Erwin Reichenbach", "John Chandler Gurney", "Thomas Baker", "Lawrence E. Imhoff", "Bill Sullivan", "George L. Fox", "Hugh Grosvenor, 2nd Duke of Westminster", "Herwald Ramsbotham, 1st Viscount Soulbury", "Jesse B. Oldendorf", "Ernest William Goodpasture", "Gabriel Darrieus", "Hugo Schaefer", "Hugo Saupe", "Franz Rosenzweig", "Ralph Dominic Gamble", "Friedrich Oertel", "Nikolai Kolomeitsev", "Émilienne Moreau-Evrard", "Aleksey Brusilov", "Bernard Miller", "Ugo Pizzarello", "Lowes Dalbiac Luard", "Marcel Legrain", "Matej Kocak", "George Pilkington Mills", "George Pirie Thomson", "Richard Thomsen", "Ludwig von Tutschek", "George Travers Nugee", "Patrick N. L. Bellinger", "Chick Davies", "Karl von Eberstein", "Viktor von Schwedler", "Edmund Rowe", "Edmund Root", "Norman Bethune", "Basil McFarland", "Wilhelm List", "Gerhard Domagk", "Adolf Eckert-Möbius", "Roy Chaplin", "Robert Lamezan de Salins", "Arthur Wilson", "James Gordon Legge", "Daniel Sandford", "Willi Veller", "Norman Augustus Finch", "Jerzy Waldemar Jarociński", "André Hartemann", "Gustav Haloun", "Frederick Hammersley", "Colin Hall Simpson", "Harry von Bülow-Bothkamp", "Adam Bartosiewicz", "Julian Byng, 1st Viscount Byng of Vimy", "Charles Treat", "Semyon Pugachov", "William March", "Wilhelm Mueller", "Thomas Whitham", "Floyd Bennett", "Horace Augustus Curtis", "Wilhelm von Gayl", "Friedrich Freiherr von Broich", "Jim Fleming", "Robert Montgomery", "Walter Brehmer", "Ralph Bouverie Deedes", "Tom Gracie", "Tom George Longstaff", "Oliver P. Echols", "Horace Meek Hickam", "Ernst Schirlitz", "Walter W. Hess", "Georg Herzog", "Albert I", "Hermann Schultz", "Hermann Schultz", "Daniel Daly", "Robert Bourne", "Włodzimierz Kowalski", "Georg O'Byrn", "Bailey Davies", "Heinrich Graf zu Dohna-Schlobitten", "Josef Marte", "Paolo Paladini", "Friedrichfranz Feeser", "Wyndham Halswelle", "Erwin Brandt", "Max Cohen", "Harold Salt", "Ida Freifrau von Feury", "Rudolf Querner", "Joseph M. Reeves", "Gerald Brenan", "Stefan Czarnowski", "Roy G. Fitzgerald", "Janko Vukotić", "Arthur L. Conger", "William Leahy", "James Fitz-Morris", "Neville Laski", "Kurt Graf", "Walter Melzer", "Hubert Greenhill", "Alexander Lukomsky", "Hans von Obstfelder", "Tim McCoy", "Hugh Tothill", "Ronald Storrs", "Franz Glaubacker", "William Emanuel Richardson", "Marius Hasdenteufel", "Hermann Wolfgang Beyer", "Charles Despiau", "Tom F. Hazell", "John Cole-Hamilton", "Aleksandr Vladimirovich Razvozov", "Erich Blankenhorn", "Paul Grosser", "John Candy", "James Beane", "Eremia Grigorescu", "Norman Street", "John Tosswill", "Alick Stevens", "Werner von Bargen", "Friedrich Stahl", "Guy Standing", "Peter Wages", "Karl von Oberkamp", "Erwin Więckowski", "Nicholas Hannen", "Wilfrid Lewis Lloyd", "T. E. Lawrence", "Frank Larken", "Emil Czapliński", "Jim Omerberg", "Geoffrey Sylvester Peren", "Rupert Carington, 5th Baron Carrington", "John Hanbury-Williams", "Hugh Massy", "Friedrich Maurer", "Tobias W. Frazier", "Robert E. Sherwood", "Jānis Fabriciuss", "Roy Liston", "Giovanni Conzatti", "Viktor Dallmer", "Laurence Minot", "Marie Jonas", "Werner Schrader", "August Schmidt", "Herbert Massey", "Sampson Handley", "Hurdis Ravenshaw", "Charles Sackville-West, 4th Baron Sackville", "Alfred A. Cunningham", "Percy A. Decker", "Karl Schmückle", "Walter von Bülow-Bothkamp", "George Edwin Patey", "George Edwin Thomson", "Donald W. McGowan", "Claud Lovat Fraser", "Hugh Boyd", "Felix Wedgwood", "Marian Szretter", "Ernest Squires", "Mihail Manoilescu", "A. W. F. Fuller", "Noel Webb", "Carl Lüer", "Jim Jackson", "Wilhelm Brülle", "Thomas Hart Benton", "Antoine Zattara", "Heinrich Höflich", "Karl Friedrich Gsur", "David S. Hall", "Otto Hieronimus", "Pietro Micheletti", "Bolesław Rodkiewicz", "George Peddy", "George Rose", "Ewald von Lochow", "Jean-Baptiste Marchand", "Robert Clark", "Józef Cygan", "Gordon Bennett", "Donald McLeod", "Frederick Thornton Peters", "Louis Astier de Villatte", "Sydney B. Pope", "Otto Braun", "Martin Kochmann", "Vernon Prichard", "Grigori Panteleimonov", "Fritz Plattner", "Josef Wagner", "George Rous, 3rd Earl of Stradbroke", "Roland Culver", "Loftus William Jones", "Gustav Güngerich", "Gustav Haarmann", "Adam Kurowski", "Béla von Kehrling", "Robert F. Lopez", "André Laffargue", "Samuel Hill-Wood", "Giorgio Michetti", "Rudolf G. Binding", "Felix Cassel", "Juliusz Ulrych", "Andrzej Hałaciński", "Bertrand Pujo", "Billy Jones", "Carl Hermann Busse", "Joseph Callaghan", "Lawrence Coombes", "Paul Puhallo von Brlog", "Wilhelm Adam", "Mervyn S. Bennion", "James Calvert Spence", "Artur Ostapowicz", "Johann Lasi", "Wacław Aleksandrowicz", "John Oliver Andrews", "Oskar von Hutier", "Hugo von Pohl", "Max von Gallwitz", "Adolf Strauss", "Wilhelm Schepmann", "Julius Eckert", "Alexis Charles Doxat", "Pete Jarman", "Butler B. Miltonberger", "Jovan Babunski", "Antoni Górniewicz", "George Henry Tatham Paton", "Harry White", "William Howard Livens", "Darsie Japp", "Jim Gilmour", "Fritz Dobisch", "Fritz Dittloff", "Phil Baker", "Leigh Richmond Roose", "Archibald Roosevelt", "Professor Lamberti", "Joachim Gasquet", "Harold Carrington", "Nigel Ball", "William Michael Crose", "Sefton Brancker", "Tomasz Krzyski", "G. Edward Buxton Jr.", "Hulusi Behçet", "Henry Rodolph Davies", "Courtney W. Campbell", "Ernst von Radowitz", "Thomas Setzer Hutchison", "Paul Nash", "Erwin Rommel", "Michael J. Perkins", "Kurt von Briesen", "Günther Rüdel", "André d'Humières", "Boris Smyslovsky", "Loben Maund", "Herbert Bowden", "Charles Ross", "Eric Bertram Rowcroft", "Page Belcher", "Bernhard Lichtenberg", "Bob Heatley", "Rudolf Güngerich", "R. E. Vernède", "Christ M. Stauffer", "Charles Tombeur", "Herbert Loch", "Franz Kieslinger", "Mieczysław Kramarz", "Zdzisław Zioło", "Ralph Eaton", "Ralph Earle", "John Shirley Wood", "Ormonde Winter", "Maurice Robert", "Maurice Rousselle", "Horst Großmann", "Richard E. Byrd", "Ernst Ludwig Leyser", "Ernst Ludwig Pies", "Walter Hennecke", "Max Ibel", "Hans Klaus von Werder", "Sir Noël Bowater, 2nd Baronet", "Augustin Boué de Lapeyrère", "Duncan Frederick Campbell", "James Spens", "Roman Grodecki", "Dave Low", "Josef Bauer", "Charles Eaton", "Milton Reckord", "Matei Donici", "Rolf Reiner", "George William Symes", "Werner Lüttge", "Michael Stroukoff", "Charles Granville Bruce", "Edwin Benbow", "Edward Hecht", "Edward Milewski", "Arthur Slade Baker", "George de Relwyskow", "Jean-Pierre Esteva", "Frederick Henry Johnson", "Frederick Henry Bradley", "Paul Schulz", "Friedrich Joachim Klähn", "Vladimir Vauhnik", "John D. Price", "Alan Marshal", "Robert McLaughlin", "Otto Steinegger", "Alby Lowerson", "Bertram Willes Dayrell Brooke", "Bertram Thesiger", "Thomas Corbett, 2nd Baron Rowallan", "Fritz Gajewski", "Hans Hüttner", "André Hallier", "George Grunert", "Rudolf Veiel", "Johann Master", "George Kenney", "Matthew Frew", "Alfred Hübner", "Jerry Pentland", "Otto Dorrien", "Gaston Cros", "Ludomił Rayski", "Jeffrey Batters Home-Hay", "Michael Mangold", "Samuel Porter, Baron Porter", "Paul Adam", "Paweł Piotr Filipowicz", "Friedrich Plattner", "William Napier", "Mieczysław Smorawiński", "Tom Forman", "Robert Grosvenor", "Ernst Munzinger", "Herbert Raphael", "Martin Fiebig", "Hermann Bauer", "Józef Leśniewski", "Boris Drangov", "Francis Peabody Magoun", "Constantin Constantinescu-Claps", "Godfrey Huggins, 1st Viscount Malvern", "Archduke Friedrich, Duke of Teschen", "Robert Heidenreich", "Bernard Paul Gascoigne Beanlands", "Thomas Wynford Rees", "Jean Renoir", "Dwight Filley Davis", "Friedrich Hirschhauer", "Anton Lehár", "Frank Hobson", "Prince Gustav of Thurn and Taxis", "Tadeusz Zdzisław Ścibor-Rylski", "Erich Tschimpke", "Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy", "Paul Giesler", "Ludwig Bockholt", "Kenneth O'Connor", "John Crommelin-Brown", "Karl Schodrok", "Robert Kekewich", "John Kelly", "Gabriel Thomas", "Philip Showalter Hench", "Adrian Gore", "James Green", "Wyndham Knatchbull-Hugessen, 3rd Baron Brabourne", "René Dantigny", "William Bruce", "Henry J. Reilly", "Otto Backenköhler", "James Bateman", "Neville Travers Borton", "Kurt Galling", "Hubert Guerin", "Pedro Albizu Campos", "George Long", "William Lorenz", "Józef Biniaś", "Alfredo Guzzoni", "Alfred John Brown", "Heinrich Kozierowski", "William Owen", "Erich Hartmann", "Hans Roser", "Arthur Gilligan", "Theodore Bogdanovitch", "John Readitt", "Henry Gale", "James Somerville, 2nd Baron Athlumney", "Herbert Edward Read", "Ottorino Mezzetti", "Ernest Marsden", "Lennox Broster", "Fritz Brüggemann", "Rowan Rait Kerr", "James Waddell", "Georg Schariczer von Rény", "James Stanley Scott", "James Lawton Collins", "Zinovy Peshkov", "Alexander Samsonov", "Alick Ogilvie", "Yashiro Rokurō", "Leslie Frost", "Nevil Macready", "Wilfrid Kent Hughes", "Rudolf Wulf", "Rudolf Sintzenich", "Wilhelm von Apell", "Josef Pospischil", "Dave Howie", "George Ford", "Herbert Shoubridge", "David Eder", "Karl Eggers", "Vasily Kuznetsov", "Henry Carlton Cumberbatch", "Karl Burdach", "Karl Braun", "Robert L. Bacon", "Wilhelm Schubert", "George Alexander Weir", "Henry Cecil Vane", "James K. Watkins", "Alf Bayrle", "Pierre Malaise", "Anton Brunner", "Evarts Ambrose Graham", "Charles Arnison", "Józef Moszczeński", "Blair Stirling Mould", "Robert Shankland", "Anthony Wall", "Piotr Parfianowicz", "Feliks Olas", "Adam Radomyski", "Stanisław Postępski", "Hermann Schulte-Heuthaus", "Ferdinand Noeldechen", "Paul Rahl", "George Cleinow", "Reinhold Tiling", "Emanuel Carlebach", "Ernst Rüdiger von Brüning", "Count Agenor Maria Gołuchowski", "Samuel Emile Harvey", "Ernst Isay", "Ernst Ittameier", "Ernest Tandy", "Selwyn Selwyn-Clarke", "Otto Marling Lund", "Rudolf Schneider", "Henry Grattan Nolan", "Harry Hiams", "Lucien Durosoir", "Hans Lörner", "Friedrich Haselmayr", "William Bowen", "Roman Albinowski", "Hermann Lindrath", "Walter Southey", "Erich Hassenstein", "Konrad Häfner", "Konrad Hornung", "Angus Robertson Fulton", "Vladimir Metikoš", "Hieronim Suszczyński", "H. Dormer Legge", "William Stephenson", "Sergei Knyazkov", "James Arthur Dawes", "Leonard Monteagle Barlow", "Leonard Monk Isitt", "Leonard Molloy", "Bronisław Prugar-Ketling", "Cupid Black", "Francis Marshall", "Wolfgang Martini", "Fernand Ludovic Marie Philomène Charpentier du Moriez", "Gordon Campbell", "Friedrich Georg Jünger", "Guy Fulton", "Kurt Oppenländer", "Felix Becker", "Victor d'Urbal", "Wilhelm Stegmann", "Georges Catroux", "Franz von Rintelen", "Joseph Burke", "William Alexander Percy", "Georg Lindemann", "Carl Freiherr von Langen", "Dudley Russell", "Harry Cator", "Arthur Verney Hammond", "Arthur Peel Dawson", "Arthur Harold Loughborough", "Arthur Kenneth Hay", "Arthur Jocelyn Coleman Pollock", "Stanley Dunbar Embick", "Alfred Kuzmany", "Hans Tombrock", "Franz Land", "Wilhelm Souchon", "Harris Laning", "Ludwig Crüwell", "Hermann Krukenberg", "Pierre Van Deuren", "Herbert Wilcox", "Kazimierz Jankowski", "Ernst Herrmann", "René de Segonzac", "Paolo Caccia Dominioni", "André Louis Bosson", "France Bevk", "William Durward Connor", "Adam Lewicki", "Constantin von Altrock", "Willi Skamira", "Guy D'Oyly-Hughes", "Osbert Peake, 1st Viscount Ingleby", "François Delzenne", "Friedrich Bengel", "Robert Lee Howze", "Louis Giloux", "John Macmurray", "William Harold Dudley", "Edmund Pery, 5th Earl of Limerick", "Douglas Cunnington", "Emil Popp", "Johann Carl Lehmann", "Nikolaus Schlam", "John Gamon", "Frederick William Wray", "John Duncan Grant", "Frank McGee", "George Washington Williams", "Auguste Rencurel", "Erich Lipik", "William Clamp", "John Dallas", "Harry Stileman", "Wolfgang Windelband", "Richard Coulter, Jr.", "Josef Rieder", "Grigory Vorozheikin", "Albert Patterson", "Marie-Georges Demange", "David Magnan", "Cedric Stanton Hicks", "Roy Geiger", "José Augusto Alves Roçadas", "Rudolf Liepmann", "Reginald Fox", "Harry Palmer", "Randolph Scott", "Henri de Virel", "Hubert Acland", "Joachim-Friedrich Huth", "Robert St Vincent Sherbrooke", "Friedrich Kellner", "Hamilton Fish III", "Joseph La Porte du Theil", "Maurice Samuel", "Ernst Ludwig Voss", "Leopold Andrian", "Rudolf Schwarzer", "Albert Evan Edwin Heinhold von Seckendorff-Gutend", "Benjamin McCandlish", "Philip Mack", "Sir Edward Bellingham, 5th Baronet", "Stephan von Balthasar", "Fred Keenor", "Karl Haehnle", "Georg Elfvengren", "Johnson Paudash", "Władysław Bejnar", "George Pearkes", "John Halligan, Jr.", "George Neville Wood", "Friedrich Wilhelm Kritzinger", "Ptolemaios Sarigiannis", "Donough O'Brien, 16th Baron Inchiquin", "Hugo von Freytag-Loringhoven", "Wilhelm Ensslin", "Herbert Travers", "Herbert Trevor", "Fritz von Hennigs", "Farnum Fish", "Edgar G. Crossman", "Edgar G. Davies", "Zygmunt Bobrowski", "Alexander Young", "John Cridlan Barrett", "Georges Brissaud-Desmaillet", "Richard Sandford", "Ernst Hess", "Otto Bornemann", "Arthur Byng", "Joseph-Édouard Barès", "Walter C. Lawson", "Konstantin Nedorubov", "Arthur Wolcott Yates", "Georges Monnet", "Bertram Sergison-Brooke", "Stanley Andrews", "Paul Oskar Höcker", "Giovanni Amendola", "Hein Diehl", "James Anson Otho Brooke", "Colin Fraser Barron", "Karlfried Graf Dürckheim", "Achille Papa", "Marius Royet", "Harold Wesley George", "Andrew MacGregor", "Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener", "Julien Green", "Philipp Vassel", "Thomas Melville Dill", "Glyn Mason, 2nd Baron Blackford", "Wilhelm Mössel", "Eric de Burgh", "Hilary Kossak", "Hiram Frank Davison", "Fritz Keller", "Robert Beatham", "Alfred Auger", "Thomas Neely", "Sholom Schwartzbard", "Charles A. Doyen", "William Bernard Traynor", "William Bernard Hickie", "Đorđe Jovanović", "Robert Colli", "Sep Ledger", "Marian Chodacki", "Karl-Friedrich Schweickhard", "Alois Haueis", "Johannes Vogel", "Irving Berlin", "Wilhelm Offenstein", "Wilhelm Ohst", "Jean Parmentier", "Claude J. Hunt", "Georg Theodor Bauer", "Armand Huyghé de Mahenge", "John Seely, 1st Baron Mottistone", "Otto Haase", "Léonel de Moustier", "Charles Ernest Garforth", "Henry Hunter", "Jerzy Łucki", "Alma Richards", "Alfred Zmeck", "Pietro Pintor", "Alexander Tarasov-Rodionov", "Gaetano Perusini", "John J. Pershing", "Piero Brandimarte", "Hans Leistikow", "Jules Pire", "Mehmed V", "Fritz von Unruh", "Max Stendebach", "Roy Phillipps", "John Francis Uncles", "Ulrich von Coler", "Friedrich Wagner", "Antoni Wiszowaty", "Mieczysław Stępiński", "Roman Szłapa", "Bolesław Fijałkowski", "George Bingham, 5th Earl of Lucan", "Reginald Thomas Maitland Scott", "James Durrant", "Alessandro Pedemonti", "Dilly Knox", "Jean Bourhis", "Gerald Arbuthnot", "Albert Enstone", "Léon Jost", "Léon Jenoudet", "Andrew Loomis", "William Ernest Shields", "Fruity Metcalfe", "Vivian Simpson", "Süleyman Sabri Pasha", "Fritz Haltern", "Grant Furlong", "Max Barthel", "Friedrich-August Schack", "Kurt von Tippelskirch", "Bernie Moore", "Horace Edward Ramsden", "William P. Connery, Jr.", "Giacomo Acerbo", "Franz Barth", "Ernst Braun", "Walther Oberhaidacher", "William Marshall", "A. R. Rawlinson", "Hans Krug von Nidda", "Gordon Alexander", "Wilhelm Steffens", "Roscoe W. Burson", "Joseph F. Burns", "Kurt Wintgens", "Edmund Glaise-Horstenau", "John Campbell Greenway", "Filippo Zuccarello", "Albert Berrer", "Jean Larribau", "Jean Larroque", "Jack Williams", "Jack Williams", "Joachim Coeler", "Wiktor Wolski", "Georges Piron de la Varenne", "Alick Horsnell", "Friedrich Spill", "Harry Springthorpe", "Ronald Rawson", "Hallie H. Rowe", "Wilfrid Heron", "Wilfrid Freeman", "Hermann Dörnemann", "Rudolf Peschel", "Donald Simpson Bell", "Heinrich Wintzer", "Josef Putz", "Arthur Rawlins", "Hermann Pinckernelle", "George Vivian, 4th Baron Vivian", "Vladimir Andreyev", "Geoffrey Toynbee", "Augustin Cochin", "James Dick-Cunyngham", "Živko Pavlović", "Hans-Henning von Pressentin", "Hans Glathe", "Nikolaï Babiev", "Emanuel Cvjetićanin", "Pyotr Nikolayevich Wrangel", "Harry V. Sims", "Francesco Baracca", "Jerzy Younga de Lenie", "Alva J. Brasted", "Maxime Lenoir", "Harry Britter", "Stanisław Świtalski", "Magnus von Eberhardt", "Carl Ben Eielson", "Julian Sielewicz", "Joel Thompson Boone", "Friedrich Ruge", "Gerhard Buhtz", "Gergely András Molnár", "Louis Chiron", "Sándor Belitska", "Jacques Roques", "Alfred Rosche", "Hermann Franz", "Ernest Sykes", "Władysław Kubala", "Wilhelm D. Styer", "Robert McKay", "Karl Eckert", "Jean Vallette d'Osia", "Karl Spindler", "Lowell Yerex", "Walter Sinclair Delamain", "Semen Hryzlo", "Edward Wereszczyński", "Julien Denis", "Jan Chmurowicz", "Helmuth Förster", "Chris Porter", "Kazimierz Bąbiński", "Eduard von Böhm-Ermolli", "Peter Josef Ebner", "Edward A. Kelly", "Lala", "Constantin Sănătescu", "William Sansome Tucker", "Hilary Saint George Saunders", "Kurt Neubauer", "Albert Hodgkinson", "Edward Puttick", "Adolf Flockemann", "Herbert Schauer", "Friedrich Pechmann", "Bill Barnard", "William Dennison Clark", "William Biddick, Jr.", "Harry Charles Birnie", "Eugene Lindsay Opie", "Edward Maitland", "Alfred Haase", "Vladimir Kurdyumov", "Eric Fullerton", "Eric G. Atkinson", "William Rankine Milligan, Lord Milligan", "Wilkinson Bird", "Friedrich von Ingenohl", "Jacques Duclos", "Otto Reche", "Karl Okonsky", "Julien-Claude-Marie-Sosthène Dufieux", "Gerard Hodgkinson", "Stanisław Kazimierz Krahelski", "E. H. Shepard", "Edwyn Alexander-Sinclair", "George Reid", "Charles Davidson", "Charles Davidson", "Stanley Smyth Flower", "Rudolf Sieckenius", "Vere Johns", "Ernst Dürrfeld", "Günther Pancke", "Montague Shadworth Seymour Moore", "Johannes Max Ferdinand Morgenstern-Döring", "Ioan \"Provincialul\" Popovici", "Arthur George Knight", "Arthur Gerald Knight", "Hans Widera", "Ernst Batsch", "Frederick William Palmer", "Kurt Möhring", "Arthur Plugge", "Miles Browning", "Antoni Bogusławski", "Philip Bent", "Iwan Panfilowitsch Below", "Arthur Rhys-Davids", "Herbert J. Brees", "Carlo Margottini", "Sammy Hebert", "Friedrich Ihn", "Edward Osborne", "Jerzy Dobrowolski", "Wilmot Herringham", "Ernst Lommatzsch", "Emmanuel de Blic", "Louis de Goÿs de Meyzerac", "Jacques de Castet-Laboulbène", "Ernest Anselin", "Hugh Scarlett, 7th Baron Abinger", "Rudolf Habedank", "George Brett", "Karl Schoch", "Josef Plakolm", "E.A. Coffin", "Karl von Kapff", "Franz Kafka", "Otto Schmidt-Hannover", "Édouard Cortès", "Roland Garros", "Andrey Zelentsov", "Lester Cuneo", "Noble Kizer", "Charles E. Woodworth", "Hans von Rudolphi", "Lauri Malmberg", "Michael Willoughby, 11th Baron Middleton", "Achille Pierre Deffontaines", "Karl Ott", "George Alfred Duncan Harvey", "Aleksander Stpiczyński", "Franciszek Aleksandrowicz", "Aleksandre Gladkov", "Wolfgang Grassmann", "Frank J. Bart", "Albert Praun", "Cecil Callaghan", "Carlo Anti", "Rajmund Bergel", "Edward Markiewicz", "Bolesław Bronisław Duch", "Ian Macdonald Horobin", "Adalbert Zuckschwerdt", "John Morris, Baron Morris of Borth-y-Gest", "Franz Blücher", "Barbara McDermott", "Walter Weber", "George Braund", "Arthur Wollaston Bartholomew", "Arthur Wood", "Cyril Wagstaff", "Cherif Cadi", "Hugh Boustead", "Rūdolfs Bangerskis", "Leopold Vietoris", "Friedrich Larssen", "Gabriel Auguste Ferdinand Ducuing", "Johann Hack", "Johann Haberl", "Francis E. Ormsbee, Jr.", "Harry Baujan", "Ludwig Biber", "Godfrey Lias", "Reiner Liessem", "Burghard Breitner", "Theodor Casella", "Fritz Kehler", "Heinrich-Anton Deboi", "Adelchi Serena", "Ion Mihalache", "Spessard Holland", "Heinrich Többen", "Bruno Heinemann", "Frank Capra", "Bernhard Buchholz", "Richard Hauptmann", "Albert Hackelsberger", "Albert Lang", "Charles Esmond de Wolff", "H. L. N. Salmon", "William Bromley-Davenport", "Ludwig Leist", "Hardy N. Ganong", "Yakov Slashchov", "Friedrich Hoffmann", "Marziale Cerutti", "Lionel Whitby", "Edgar Röhricht", "Rudolf Herter", "Edgar Phillips", "Giosuè Borsi", "Ludwig Beckmann", "Martin Sommerfeldt", "John Francis Young", "John Francisco Richards II", "Martin Doyle", "Ioan I. Mironescu", "George de Cardonnel Elmsall Findlay", "Gabriel Sabattier", "Arnold Petersen", "James Willcocks", "Paul Bassen-Spiller", "Georgy Zhukov", "Halit Akmansü", "Józef Lewoniewski", "Ianto Davies", "Karl Theophil Fries", "Carl Clewing", "David Henderson", "Davie Watt", "Hubert Hunt", "Julian Coolidge", "Arthur Charles Rothery Nutt", "Camille Bedin", "Sir George Abercromby, 8th Baronet", "Jan Sendorek", "Roman Ivanovich Panin", "Frances Cluett", "Heinrich Hofmann", "Eric Templeton Young", "Joseph W. Brooks", "Monty Woolley", "Mason Patrick", "Wyndham Meredith Manning", "Albert Chibnall", "Arnold Ward", "John Arthur Hughes", "Peter Jaeck", "Jan Bratro", "Albert Tanant", "Hans Stieler von Heydekampf", "Sid Daniels", "Henry Braid Wilson", "Henri Lacassagne", "Reuben Hammersley", "Ernst-Felix Krüder", "Earl Snell", "Otto Wacker", "Hans Ormund Bringolf", "Gottlob Moritz Nathusius", "Andrzej Strug", "Stanisław Ostwind-Zuzga", "Arthur Goschen", "Arthur Graeme West", "Jack Wilson", "Leon Rutkowski-Koczur", "Bekir Sami Günsav", "Standish Vereker, 7th Viscount Gort", "Franz Tausend", "Friedrich Focke", "Theodore G. Chernozubov", "Rudolf Kämpfe", "Paul Genz", "William Henry Strahan", "Friedrich Wilhelm Müller", "Geoffrey Taylour, 4th Marquess of Headfort", "Fritz Schmiege", "Walter Flex", "Radomir Putnik", "Wacław Kuchar", "Emil Gruszecki", "Hans Ehrenbaum-Degele", "Alfred Gildemeister", "Friedrich Peppmüller", "Fernand Léger", "Eduard Hinze", "Erich Friderici", "Otto Robert Ulm", "René Iché", "Herbert C. Holman", "Douglas Wimberley", "C. H. B. Marsham", "Wilhelm Bruner", "Béla Kiss", "Frank B. Upham", "Hans Reichsfreiherr von Boineburg-Lengsfeld", "Otto Dickel", "Wilhelm Heerde", "Stanisław Żurakowski", "Artur Wiśniewski", "Stanisław Wyżykowski", "Jan Wróblewski", "Ferdinand Pamberger", "Lyman A. Cotten", "Barney Ruditsky", "Alberto Savinio", "Heinrich Wulff", "Eric Dillon, 19th Viscount Dillon", "Pierre des Vallières", "Odo Richard Vivian, 3rd Baron Swansea", "Walter Dürrfeld", "Ernst Heller", "Helen Gillespie", "Willy Messerschmitt", "Stanisław Przychocki", "Eberhard Weichold", "Wincenty Lekki", "Tadeusz Bieńkowski", "Franz Mueller-Darß", "Metodi Aleksiev", "Wojciech Rogalski", "George Curzon", "Noel Stephen Paynter", "Kuzma Galitsky", "William Henry Johnson", "Ignacy Matuszewski", "Gustave H. Franke", "Hamazasp Srvandztyan", "Karl Scharon", "Adolphe Guillaumat", "Marina Yurlova", "Richard Carline", "William Ward, 3rd Earl of Dudley", "Tomasz Obertyński", "Raimondo Scintu", "Henry Joseph Woodside", "Miles Thomas", "Walter Freytag", "Josef Vogt", "Walter Telemann", "William C. Lambert", "Karl Boy-Ed", "Bronisław Karol Sikorski", "Antoni Pecha", "Walter Fries", "Hans-Karl Freiherr von Esebeck", "Thomas Crisp", "William Sawelson", "Aleksej Osipovič Ahmanov", "William Edward Bergin", "Józef Stępkowski", "Friedrich Müller", "Charles E. Dunbar", "August Isbert", "Josef Heckenbach", "Albert Levitt", "Albert Leroy Rule", "Tommy Handley", "Sydney Vincent Sippe", "William Denman Croft", "Albert Stock", "Nikolai Karlowitsch Reitzenstein", "Jack Pickford", "Helmuth Wohlthat", "Werner von Blomberg", "Alexander Beattie", "Alexander Beck", "Wilhelm Wulf", "Fritz Ruppert", "Antoni Święcicki", "Hans Apel-Pusch", "William Ratcliffe", "Hans Gerhard Creutzfeldt", "Georg von der Marwitz", "Friedrich-Wilhelm Krüger", "Heinrich Ruster", "Heinrich Ruhfus", "Harold Bridgwood Walker", "Edmund Nathanael", "François de La Rocque", "Jimmy Gordon", "Eugeniusz Grandowski", "Stanley Stair", "Stanley Stanger", "Edmund Lind", "Viktor von Pressentin von Rautter", "Alec de Candole", "Ferdinand Maurice Felix West", "Herman P. Eberharter", "F. S. Bell", "Charles Guieysse", "Hans-Joachim Baurmeister", "Wilder D. Baker", "John Ganzoni, 1st Baron Belstead", "Marcello Prestinari", "Kurt Haehling", "Erich Gröner", "Rudolf Cramer von Clausbruch", "Antoni Stefanowski", "Jimmy Hugall", "Tom Hughes", "Jack Huggins", "Chester C. Bolton", "Calvin Woolsey", "Thomas C. Hart", "Stanisław Wrzaliński", "Artur Weiser", "Ludwik Jurkiewicz", "Vasily Ivanov", "George Mortimer Morris", "Farley Moody", "Wolf-Günther Trierenberg", "Bruno Bräuer", "Norm Lugg", "Drummond Shiels", "Constantin Petala", "Sidney Rankin Drew", "Dimitrios Levidis", "Alfred Mills", "Alfred Michael Koch", "Eberhard Mayerhoffer von Vedropolje", "Lionel Rees", "Kurt Kühme", "Rudolf Sivers", "Wilhelm Heckmann", "Heinrich Aschoff", "Adolf Dassler", "Leonti Gourtiev", "William Archibald Kenneth Fraser", "Edward Spears", "Nigel Haig", "Francis W. Gillet", "Walter Düvert", "Albert Chadwick", "Arthur Moore Lascelles", "George E. Dewar", "Ellis M. Zacharias", "Alfred Schittenhelm", "René Laverdure", "Stanisław Gano", "Martin Seidel", "Theobald Mathew", "Otto von Plüskow", "Ernst Schröder", "Alberto Cavaciocchi", "Romuald Wermiński", "Romuald Wolikowski", "Charles Martin", "Mina Loy", "Franciszek Arciszewski", "Władysław Stanisław Leśniak", "René Simon", "Dino Alfieri", "Rimma Ivanova", "Ludwig Barbasch", "Hec Fowler", "Hans Koeppen", "Hans Voigt", "Leon H. Gavin", "Werner Bergengruen", "Hermann Bosch", "Ernesto Cabruna", "Wilfred St Aubyn Malleson", "Alexander Glaser", "Ernst Rüdiger Starhemberg", "Alexander Richardson", "Ernst Feßmann", "Włodzimierz Dunin-Żuchowski", "Lloyd Carpenter Griscom", "Francis Earl Johnston", "Francis E. Walter", "Joseph-Charles Lefèbvre", "Hermann Schaefer", "Herbert Gundelach", "J. K. L. Ross", "Michel Coiffard", "Wilhelm Canaris", "Alfred Jodl", "Gerhard Ludwig Binz", "Reginald Drax", "Hans Koennecke", "Laurence Calvert", "Noel Laurence", "F. W. Champion", "Johannes Jensen", "Edward FitzRoy", "John Otto Siegel", "John Grieve Woods", "Felix Krueger", "Alexander Lernet-Holenia", "Gieorgij Sofronow", "Gottfried Freiherr von Banfield", "Maud McCarthy", "Alex McKinnon", "Walter Tunbridge", "Walter Tull", "Józef Kucharski", "Harold L. Turner", "Alfred Robert Wilkinson", "Richard Ernest William Turner", "Ronald Forbes Adam", "Donald Macleod Matheson", "Otto Friedländer", "Simas Machado", "August Eduard Schorlemer-Lieser", "William Foster", "Franz Walz", "Bernard Paget", "Manus MacCloskey", "Pavel Bermondt-Avalov", "Elton Wieman", "Jan Kowalewski", "Adam Korwin-Sokołowski", "Vasily Chapayev", "Max Schmidt", "Léon Hourlier", "Hans am Ende", "Roy Park", "Max Solbrig", "August Biskupski", "Antoni Wołowski", "Antoni Wroniecki", "Karol Taube", "Leon Dębski", "Mieczysław Biernacki", "Le Roy D. Downs", "Adrian Farmer", "James Greenlees", "Alan Jerrard", "Alan John Lance Scott", "Roberto Brusati", "Fred Burke", "Robert Kosch", "Charles Hamilton Boucher", "Johannes Manitius", "Heinrich Scheuch", "John W. Roper", "George Hackwill", "Andrej Sommer", "Martin Strahammer", "Wilhelm von Pochhammer", "Eric Thesiger", "Enzo Casalini", "John Strange Spencer-Churchill", "Friedrich Bonte", "John J. Kelly", "John Arthur Clark", "Aleksa Radovanović", "Carvalho Araújo", "Edmund von Gayer", "John Edward Cain", "Erich Bauer", "René Gâteaux", "Eugen von Kessel", "Heinrich Schneidereit", "Wilhelm Brückner", "Ernst Hadermann", "Władysław Rusin", "Zdzisław Zajączkowski", "Marian Frydrych", "James Bethel Gresham", "Roberto Forges Davanzati", "Kurt von Lersner", "Jack Wood", "Frank Jack Fletcher", "Jean Chaput", "Jimmy Campbell", "Felix Piékarski", "Rudolf Koch-Erpach", "Curt von Einem", "Ostis Otto Moore", "Herbert Sellars", "Elwyn Roy King", "Arthur Edward Flynn Fawcus", "Francis Reichelderfer", "Max Newman", "John Stanley Chick", "Johann Frint", "Rivers Berney Worgan", "Alexander P. de Seversky", "Karel Klapalek", "Wiaczesław Naumienko", "Blaise-Henry-Donatien Barbe", "Theodor Teetzmann", "Giovanni De Alessandri", "Friedrich von Herrenschwand", "Franz Westhoven", "Hans Röttiger", "Teodor Furgalski", "Wilfrid Gordon Lindsell", "Antoni Czyżewicz", "Józef Sidor", "Claus Kristian Randolph Clausen", "Oskar Wegener", "Harry Pennell", "Charles Sargeant Jagger", "Bert Winfield", "Jean de Montdésir", "Ion Gigurtu", "Crosbie Garstin", "Hermann Ostern", "Wincenty Cendro", "Antoni Niedenthal", "Stanisław Profic", "Alex Halkett", "Ernest Shorrocks", "Borys Fournier", "Georg Friedrich Preuss", "Tadeusz Antoni Porębski", "Tadeusz Argasiński", "Noel Skelton", "Wilhelm Fahlbusch", "Wilhelm Frickart", "Alexander Picton Brereton", "Richard M. Elliot", "Simon Fraser, 14th Lord Lovat", "Constant Permeke", "Vernon Treatt", "Maurice Colliex", "Géo André", "Ludovic Arrachart", "Joachim Albrecht Eggeling", "John Fleming", "John Findlay", "Kurt Steinbart", "Julien Guertiau", "Kenneth Marten Body", "Julius Kuperjanov", "Radola Gajda", "Charles Hertzberg", "Peyton C. March", "Attilio Imolesi", "Topal Osman", "Godfrey Lowell Cabot", "Herbert Albrecht", "Pierre-Émile Nayral Martin De Bourgon", "Karol Wojtyła", "Alexandre de Lazari", "Erich-Heinrich Clößner", "Richard Onslow", "Tom Barry", "Heinrich Hacker", "Claude Melnot Wilson", "Eugen Hamm", "Terence Keyes", "Alessandro Lustig Piacezzi", "Friedrich-Wilhelm Bock", "Paul Laux", "Pierre de Gaulle", "Rudolf Diels", "Theodor Wundt", "Clarence Crase Thomas", "William Denis Browne", "Sano Tsuneha", "Hans Dippel", "T. S. R. Boase", "Franz Beyer", "Heinrich Günnewig", "Walther Franz", "Eric Gascoigne Robinson", "Franz Künstler", "Edward Stanley Russell", "Friedrich Mieth", "Mike McDermott", "Eugène de Jonquières", "Heinrich Rönneburg", "Heinrich Röhr", "Benjamin M. Golder", "Anton von Hohberg und Buchwald", "John Tiltman", "Alois Podhajsky", "Stanisław Klepacz", "Otto Hamkens", "Rudolf Toussaint", "Conrad Russell", "Werner Abel", "Arnold Kreklow", "John Broadbent", "William Henry Welch", "Frank Keith Simmons", "Alec Waugh", "Maurice Dease", "Charles-Marie Condé", "Albert Edward Conway", "Llewelyn Davies", "Godwin Michelmore", "Biff Jones", "Victor Caillé", "Konrad Haase", "Patrick Regan", "Marcel Givierge", "Weedon Osborne", "Yamaya Tanin", "Frederick Youens", "Arthur Peters", "Antoni Staich", "Ludovico Pellizzari", "Friedrich Schumacher", "Frank Foley", "Charles M. Maud", "Alexandru Anastasiu", "Ulrich Grauert", "Ehrenfried-Oskar Boege", "Hans von Greiffenberg", "Dietrich von Müller", "Rudolf Spanner", "Charles Smith Rutherford", "Harro Schacht", "Hans von Koester", "Emilian Piasecki", "Antoine Baucheron de Boissoudy", "Johann-Albrecht von Blücher", "Alexis Hély d'Oissel", "Louis Chauvineau", "Wolf von Biedermann", "Alfred Tittel", "George Kay", "Clayton W. Williams, Sr.", "Ivan Fichev", "Albert Beckh", "W. A. Cunningham", "Albert White", "Wilhelm Meyer", "Heinrich Kraeger", "Friedrich Karl Dermietzel", "Otakar Hollmann", "Maurice Petherick", "Robert Delannoy", "Hugo Charteris", "Otto Schleimer", "Otto Merkt", "Karl Valentin Müller", "Friedrich Leyden", "Heinrich Meng", "Otto Kuschow", "John Aidan Liddell", "Richard Kunze", "Heinrich Kleinschroth", "Harold Auten", "Samuel Guise-Moores", "Hans Schweighart", "William Henry Dillon Bell", "Alexey Nikolayevich Krutikov", "Bruno Domke", "John Robert Osborn", "Lowell Smith", "Stefan Rago", "Andrew McNaughton", "Leopold Lis-Kula", "Edgar Granville, Baron Granville of Eye", "Edgar Grierson", "Józef Świerczyński", "Frank William Ramsay", "Max Rheinstein", "Max Reschke", "Frederick Hobson", "Frederick Hoare", "Frederick Holbourn", "Zygmunt Zieliński", "Nikola Gabrovski", "Konstanty Kononowicz", "Bruno Zeschke", "William Legge, 7th Earl of Dartmouth", "Felix Kern", "Ali Hikmet Ayerdem", "Oskar Körner", "Arthur Grenfell Wauchope", "Hayk Bzhishkyan", "Khalid ibn Hashim", "Jack Curtis", "Sergiusz Zahorski", "Bronisław Kowalczewski", "Prince John Constantinovich of Russia", "Albert Earl Godfrey", "Cecil Graves", "Andrew Frank Schoeppel", "Joachim Witthöft", "Erich von Manstein", "Albert Kesselring", "Paul Ludwig Ewald von Kleist", "Helmuth von Moltke the Younger", "Kurt von Schleicher", "Albert Walton Kenner", "Norman Callaway", "Norman Hallows", "Robert Barrington-Ward", "Ludwig Paul", "Paul Belmondo", "Alexander Gray", "Marie Gustave Victor René Alfred Texier", "Martin Wandel", "Allan Everett", "Robert Gregory", "John Bowes-Lyon", "Milton Fowler Gregg", "Hallyburton Johnstone", "Manton Sprague Eddy", "Otto Fricke", "Eugen von Clauß", "Aldebert de Chambrun", "Jerzy Krubski", "Arthur Comyns Carr", "Josef Mai", "Louis Quenault", "Friedrich Franek", "Patrick Harvey Ashby", "Siegfried Martin Winter", "Arthur Bopp", "Didier Lecour Grandmaison", "Hans Hüttig", "Ethem Necdet Karabudak", "Waldemar Weissermel", "Conrad Lally", "Kazimierz Nowakowski", "Martin Dunbar-Nasmith", "James H. McGillan", "Gustav Ewald", "Fritz von Lossberg", "Adolf von Trotha", "Konstantin Schmidt von Knobelsdorf", "Heinrich Albert Hömberg", "Howard S. McDonald", "Hanns Gleitsmann", "Stanley Spencer", "Robert P. Patterson", "Mikhail Berens", "Charles Hammann", "Italo Gariboldi", "Prince Gottfried von Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst", "Joseph Gallieni", "Paul Werner", "Frederick Field", "Păstorel Teodoreanu", "Henry Macintosh", "Hubert Huddleston", "Joachim Schroedter", "Jens A. Doe", "Keith Dodgshun", "Kingman Douglass", "Harold Loeb", "Hermann Reschny", "Nicolae Botea", "Roman Gliniecki", "Helwig Luz", "Les Holden", "Tom McCormick", "Alfred Maynard", "Horace Martineau", "Vladimir Vitkovski", "Oswald Boelcke", "John Platt", "Ivor Rees", "Roderich Walther", "Roderich von Schoeler", "Albert Coates", "Hermann Künneth", "Louis Darquier de Pellepoix", "Friedrich Wolf", "Gideon Mer", "Douglas Alexander Graham", "Gerald Cock", "Charles Breese", "Enrico d'Oncieu de Chaffardon", "Hans Krause", "Dwight I. Douglass", "John Taylor Lewis", "David F. Bush", "Walter Eberhard Medem", "Henry Gordon Clappison", "Ernst Biberstein", "Wilhelm Koppe", "Ernst Diez", "Albert von Mutius", "James Sutcliffe", "Ernest Archer", "Hans Howaldt", "Falk Ruttke", "Martin Hotine", "Randolfo Pacciardi", "Billy Hardy", "Douglas Grant", "Charles Godwin", "Charles Revol-Tissot", "Wilfrid Spender", "Wilfrid Vernon", "Rudolf Freiherr von Roman", "Rudolf Freiherr von Waldenfels", "Hans Boelsen", "Geoffrey Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, 18th Baron Saye and Sele", "Modest Vassilyevich Ivanov", "Carlo Stuparich", "Alexander J. Krawtzoff", "Philipp Bouhler", "Nikolai Golovin", "Christopher McEvoy", "John Everett Lyle Streight", "Orazio Pierozzi", "George Albert Hartland", "George Alan Vasey", "Harry Burgess", "Ion Idriess", "David Hughes", "John Crombie", "Jean Autric", "Jan Sawczak-Knihinicki", "Michał Kłopotowski", "Count Otto von Czernin", "Hans Kohn", "Frank Wead", "Ronald Adam", "Gustav Krukenberg", "Hugh Champion de Crespigny", "Herbert Thomas Johnson", "Johnny Basham", "Percy Boulton", "Stanisław Porębski", "John Howard", "George Cregan", "Paul Riege", "Erich Neumann", "Harry Watson", "Ludwig Hanstein", "Otto Parschau", "Robert Benoist", "Maurizio Maraviglia", "John Brown Hamilton", "Bruno Chrobek", "Grigory Kulik", "Boris Shaposhnikov", "John Carnegie, 12th Earl of Northesk", "Konstantinos Davakis", "D. Emmert Brumbaugh", "Philip Irwin", "Jerzy Wieniawa-Długoszowski", "Janusz Dłużniakiewicz", "Achille Liénart", "Johann Adam Mohr", "Frank Buckles", "Wilf Toman", "Koloman Wallisch", "Carl-Siegfried von Georg", "George Hawkins", "Archie Cecil Thomas White", "Nuri Killigil", "Claude Newberry", "Kurt Prietzel", "Kurt Pompe", "Willis Bradley Haviland", "John Glossop", "Adolf Ziegler", "Oscar Haevernick", "Derek McCulloch", "Lewis Yelland Andrews", "William Alexander", "Theodor von Weber", "Anthony Methuen, 5th Baron Methuen", "Fritz Bracht", "Wolf Graf von Luckner", "E.A. Wood", "William Dunstan", "Ralph Bates", "Pier Ruggero Piccio", "Lucien J. Jailler", "Adriano Auguadri", "Albert Jenicot", "Albrecht von Heyden-Linden", "Hubert Teschner", "Paraschiv Vasilescu", "Johannes Lohse", "Alfred Bestall", "Jimmy MacBeath", "Reginald Hoidge", "Howard Reid", "Walter Schaeffer", "Alexander Jobson", "Guido Masiero", "Silvestras Žukauskas", "Percy Storkey", "Ernest Norton", "Wincenty Wierzejewski", "Pierre de Lacombe", "Hans von Winterfeld", "Hans von Werder", "Hans von der Esch", "William Harding Carter", "Alfred Flechtheim", "Werner Junck", "Montague Eliot, 8th Earl of St Germans", "Hans Beimler", "Bruce Skinner", "Barratt O'Hara", "James C. Auchincloss", "Charles James Briggs", "Harry Iremonger", "Andy Jackson", "George Johnson", "Francis Stewart Briggs", "Max Wundt", "Jean Chaigneau", "Gilbert Campion", "Martin Jervan", "Kenneth McLean", "Clemens Betzel", "Herbert von Böckmann", "Hans Gollnick", "Artur Dinter", "Vivian Davenport", "Vasily Kikvidze", "Swede Carlstrom", "Scipione Scipioni", "Bill Stormont", "Harry Lewis-Barclay", "Walter von Hippel", "Alfred M. Pride", "Wulf Bley", "Grigory Verzhbitsky", "John Harold Rhodes", "Walther von Witzleben", "Richard Valentine Pitchford", "Pavel Dybenko", "Hubert Beaumont", "F. E. Smith, 1st Earl of Birkenhead", "Kazimierz Baszniak", "Billy Hunter", "Ernest Lloyd Janney", "Theodor Vahlen", "Mustafa Ertuğrul Aker", "Leonard Hussey", "Philip Mayne", "James Renton", "Francesco Giunta", "Friedrich Kühn", "Süleyman Askerî Bey", "Harold John Colley", "Tadeusz Mikke", "Tadeusz Miś", "William R. Poage", "William Alexander", "Tatsuji Suga", "James William Trimble", "Karl Jänicke", "Federico Guella", "Georges-Louis Germain", "Otto Dillenburger", "Franciszek Brożek", "Franz Breithaupt", "Mason Spencer", "Farren Soutar", "Ernst Dobers", "Fritz Hesse", "Odilo Burkart", "Raymond Louis Wilder", "Kenneth Walker", "Edward Kańczucki", "William Boyle, 12th Earl of Cork and Orrery", "Herbert T. Perrin", "Henry Bachtold", "Henry Huntly Leith Malcolm", "Ioan C. Filitti", "Walter Richard Parker", "Moritz Henschel", "Bruno Uthmann", "Bruno von Freyberg", "Walter Eaton", "Wolfgang Fürstner", "Reinhold Otto Fuchs", "Ahmed Izzet Pasha", "Friedrich Hefty", "Klaus Uebe", "Karl Mache", "Paul Voigt", "Paul Vogt", "Friedrich Blaul", "Paul Schulte", "Bolesław Kusiński", "Erich Fuchs", "André Herbelin", "Cedric C. Smith", "Victor Baptistin Sénès", "Adolf Pokorny", "Lewie G. Merritt", "Lewie Hardage", "Henryk Abczyński", "Bronisław Kuczewski", "Fritz Edelbüttel", "Frederick George Young", "Paul Bauer", "Alan Geoffrey Hotham", "Ulrich von Württemberg", "Cecil Chesterton", "James Huggan", "Albert Wagner", "Jan Syrový", "Charles Langbridge Morgan", "Otto Lang", "Otto Gümbel", "Patrick Hadley", "Walter Kaldewey", "Fernand Henri Chavannes", "William Munro Kerr", "Walter von Eberhardt", "Czesław Jarnuszkiewicz", "John Sydney Lethbridge", "Thomas Colclough Watson", "Konstantin Rokossovsky", "Walter Venning", "Richard Nelson Gale", "Harold L. George", "Giovanni Ancillotto", "Alexander Gorbatov", "Henry Hake", "Bernard Rawlings", "Leonard Slater", "Franciszek Herzog", "Hans Stelter", "Nelson M. Holderman", "Frederick Fryer", "Franz Sinnhuber", "Siegfried Marck", "William Hacket Pain", "August Heissmeyer", "Charles Noguès", "Richard Putzier", "Emil Sonderegger", "D. M. S. Watson", "Rudolf Meister", "Conrad Leonard", "Walter Caspari", "Merritt A. Edson", "Friedrich Zickwolff", "Antoni Wysocki", "Alexander von Linsingen", "Friedrich von Scholtz", "Robert Logan", "Heinrich Werner", "Josef Schlaffer", "Daniel Van Voorhis", "Kārlis Prauls", "Owen Rutter", "Jan Jagmin-Sadowski", "William Miller", "Frank Tinney", "Sigismund Bibra", "Willy Fruggel", "Karl Schleicher", "Alan Crosland Graham", "Harcourt Ommundsen", "Fritz Grieshammer", "Fritz Fullriede", "Étienne Thouzellier", "Hugh Thornton", "Harold Sloan", "Hans-Georg von Friedeburg", "Hans-Jürgen Stumpff", "Hans Heinrich Georg Queckenstedt", "Werner Schmidt-Hammer", "Rolf von Lilienhoff-Zwowitzky", "Charles Basil Price", "Athol Richardson", "Dmitry Shcherbachev", "Albert Cushing Read", "Johannes Angern", "Karl Seemann", "Robert C. Richardson, Jr.", "Thomas Knox-Shaw", "Charles Brand", "Luigi Olivari", "Frank Carney", "Johann Karl Stadler", "Franz von Keil", "William George Malone", "Walter Davis", "Edgar O. Campbell", "Julian Słoniewski", "Reuben Ellis Jenkins", "Edmund Heines", "Arthur Whitten Brown", "Ernest Antcliffe", "Edward Grahame Johnstone", "Edward Grange", "Herbrand Russell, 11th Duke of Bedford", "Wojciech Fyda", "Kermit Roosevelt", "Patrick Huskinson", "Philipp Stöhr", "François Darlan", "Günter Schwartzkopff", "Jules Marie Alphonse Jacques de Dixmude", "Leopold III", "Zygmunt Młot-Przepałkowski", "Jeanne Houssaye", "Ion Theodorescu-Sion", "Fritz Schmidt", "Roland Ostertag", "Matthew Mullineux", "Carlo Rostagno", "Kazimierz Rumsza", "Alan Tait", "Marian Szulc", "James Low", "Gebhard Ludwig Himmler", "James A. Noe", "Gastone Novelli", "Henri Gouraud", "Philipp, Landgrave of Hesse", "Michał Lauer", "Xaver Muther", "Frank Tarr", "Horace Henry Glasock", "Leslie Hamilton", "Hugh Watson", "Bertram Best-Dunkley", "Hermann Beeken", "Semyon Timoshenko", "Arthur William Radford", "Diedrich Heinrich Karl Dannemann", "Stanisław Konopka", "Wacław Plewako", "Stanisław Popiński", "Harold B. Hudson", "Norris J. Kellman", "Georg Frotscher", "Alexander Douglas Campbell", "Józef Bartelmus", "Andrzej Bogacz", "Simon Evans", "Horace Sewell", "Horace Robertson", "Eduard Pantserzhanskiy", "Dennis Waight", "Kurt Student", "James C. Fritzen", "Karl Eisemann", "Charles Barberot", "Józef Bydliński", "Edward Knoblock", "Archibald Sinclair, 1st Viscount Thurso", "Walther Jaensch", "H. C. Patten", "Eugen Dorsch", "Ernst von Uechtritz und Steinkirch", "Robert Moline", "Wedige Schulenburg", "Joe Ball", "Mervyn MacDonnell", "Alfred Kühne", "Carlo Delcroix", "Petar Bojović", "Brinsley FitzGerald", "André Joseph Emmanuel Massenet", "Rowland Langmaid", "Karl-Richard Koßmann", "Marian Korczak", "George Wilson", "Jean Bozon-Verduraz", "Udo Grone", "Thomas Charles Atkinson Hislop", "Albert Luvian Wade", "Karl Anton Theodor Sponeck", "Kurd von Bismarck", "Walter Lovell", "Josef Mayrhofer", "William Robertson", "Ivan Zakharkin", "B. J. Feigenbaum", "Eric Goddard", "Hellmuth Falkenfeld", "John Brian Christopherson", "Maurice Harrison-Gray", "Basil Schonland", "Kazimierz Kamprad", "René Mayer", "Matsuda Chiaki", "Rudolf Demme", "John Fagan Henslowe Nugent", "Curt von Ulrich", "Georg Otto Angerer", "Artem Jijikhia", "Rudolf Zürn", "Max Reyter", "Otto Wöhrmann", "Egon von Neindorff", "Robert Dodds", "Guglielmo Fornagiari", "Rudolf Pamperrien", "George Pattullo", "Bernd von Kanne", "Emil Kiener", "Keith Macpherson Smith", "Dimitar Andonov", "Hans von Watzdorf", "Hans Wedemeyer", "Stephen Garrett Henry", "Montague Browning", "Ewald Burian", "Hanns Streit", "Marcel Pliat", "Isaac Pierre de Villiers", "Michał Pakosz", "Gustav Pezold", "Fergus Bowes-Lyon", "Geoffrey Howard", "Antoni Szwojnicki", "Thomas William McDonald", "Mac Geddes", "John Eldridge", "Mehmet Hulusi Conk", "Traian Popovici", "Janko Jesenský", "Friedrich Wilhelm Heinz", "Samuel Apór de Al-Tórja", "Bruno Bieler", "Adolf Porębski", "Ernst Maisel", "John H. Cassady", "Stanisław Gogoliński", "Reggie Pridmore", "Harry Sherwood Ranken", "H. R. Gross", "Fiorello H. La Guardia", "Josef Borchmeyer", "William L. Calhoun", "Günther Angern", "Walter Corswant", "Mieczysław Linde", "Attilio Deffenu", "Eustace Tickell", "Joseph Rider Farrington", "Georg von Lehmann", "Jaroslav Handlíř", "Ralph Francis Stearley", "Percy Jewson", "Percy Jeeves", "Walter Gorn", "Francis Ventris", "Stjepan Duić", "Hans Moser", "Adam Zemanek", "Zeki Pasha", "Sir Michael Culme-Seymour, 4th Baronet", "James Bush", "Mineichi Koga", "Colin Gubbins", "Harold Jaques", "Tadeusz Morgenstern-Podjazd", "Eugène Fiset", "Acheson Goulding", "Reinhard Neubert", "Alec Bennett", "Charles Edmonds", "Adolf Marian Czarnota", "Witold Kirszenstein", "Kazimierz Sosnkowski", "Herman G. Kump", "John Christie", "Georges Barré", "Tom Sutherland", "George E. Leach", "Clive W. Warman", "Redford Henry Mulock", "James Clarke", "Roderick Idrisyn Jones", "Otto von Lossow", "Kenneth Loch", "Arthur Hooper", "James Cooke-Collis", "Pietro Ferrari", "Frank Wickware", "Günther Bock", "Hans Rolshoven", "Cemil Conk", "Bobby Blood", "Robin Hoare", "Friedrich-Wilhelm von Rothkirch und Panthen", "Hilmer Bülow", "Wilhelm Friedrich Otto Bánkowski von Frugnoni", "Erich Förste", "Cedric Fauntleroy", "Cedric Edwards", "James H. Douglas, Jr.", "Valentine Baker", "Franz Kutschera", "Théodore de Dartein", "Arnold Warren", "Charles Carnegie, 11th Earl of Southesk", "Dai Westacott", "Charles Kavanagh", "A. J. Cronin", "Muhamed Hadžiefendić", "Lionel Halsey", "Hermann Reinhold", "Clemens Nörpel", "Herbert Fust", "Karl Silex", "Jean Baptiste Eugène Estienne", "James Meredith Helm", "Horace Roome", "Donald S. Day", "Stefan Kobos", "Stefan Kopecki", "Ernst Krappe", "Georgios Katechakis", "Maxim Kopf", "Wilhelm Böse", "G. F. Gorringe", "Eric Paytherus Nares", "Eugene Siler", "Robert Grieve", "Albert Cuntze", "Allan Rockwell McCann", "Prince Konrad of Bavaria", "Friedrich von Rabenau", "John Raphael", "Johannes Döhler", "Julius Raecke", "Eduard Eugen Karl von Albori", "Edourdo Requin", "Ernst Kredel jun.", "Josef Kiesl", "Carl Wendemuth", "Louis Charles Émile Gibon-Guilhem", "Ewald von Kleist-Wendisch Tychow", "Nathan Crook Twining", "John H. MacMillan, Jr.", "Erich Timm", "Willy Rohr", "Georg von Prittwitz und Gaffron", "Alojzy Bąk", "Friedrich von Unger", "Walter Böning", "Anthony Gustav de Rothschild", "Cyprian Bridge", "Camille Bombois", "Darel McKinney", "Francis Howard Bickerton", "Ion Dic Dicescu", "Adolf Heyrowsky", "Herbert Spaugh", "Ed Ricketts", "Bert Hall", "Ulrich Peters", "Herbert Ellis", "Herbert Elliott", "Karl Gümbel", "Karl Göbel", "Harry Waechter", "Rudolf Gunz", "Fritz Hertzsch", "Alva Garey", "Edward Stanley, Lord Stanley", "Clarence Stewart Williams", "Reginald Spencer Browne", "Arthur Hugh Jay Snelling", "Michał Kobyliński", "Wilhelm Zaisser", "Evan Wisdom", "Johann Risztics", "Athol Alexander Stuart", "Athol Milne", "William Peyton", "Alfred Flaxman", "Alfred Fleischer", "Alfred Finnigan", "Albert Conti", "Ian Fraser, Baron Fraser of Lonsdale", "Hermann von Doetinchem de Rande", "Ernst Puchmüller", "Vladimir Mitrofanovich Orlov", "Kurt von dem Borne", "Eugen von Falkenhayn", "Caleb V. Haynes", "Florence Simpson", "Max Juen", "Harrison W. Call", "Kurt-Caesar Hoffmann", "Johan Emil von Etter", "Richard Siebke", "Werner Lorenz", "James Sutherland Brown", "Stanley Jackson", "Archibald Jack", "Harold E. Lambert", "Franz Hoellering", "Kleo Pleyer", "James McKinley Hargreaves", "Friedrich Franz von Unruh", "C. Morton Horne", "Daniel Gerth", "Giuseppe Garibaldi II", "Gerhard Kauffmann", "George McElroy", "Arka Bożek", "Geoffrey White", "Geoffrey Wheeler", "Norman Rockwell", "Herb Thomas", "Herbert Henry Spender-Clay", "Erhard Raus", "Alexander Fleming", "Petr G. Kravtzov", "Larry MacPhail", "John Warner", "Ernst von Brunner", "Johann Esel", "John Evelyn Duigan", "Herbert David", "Walter Clutterbuck", "Theodor Spiess", "Mariano San Nicolò", "Benny Green", "Clem Lewis", "Otto Lauenstein", "John Hawkesworth", "William Alfred Littledale Fletcher", "Charles Savory", "Hervey Allen", "Hubert Foster", "Joseph Roth", "Flavio Rosso", "Hans von Puttkamer", "Walton Walker", "Laurence Carr", "Fred M. Vinson", "George Croghan Reid", "George Croil", "Lucjan Bornstaedt", "Gerald Loxley", "Karel Janoušek", "James Lochhead Jack", "Stepan Vostretsov", "Jasper Goodwill", "John Henry Jones", "Camillo Ruggera", "Giuseppe Tassinari", "George E. Stratemeyer", "Brehon B. Somervell", "Benno Kuhr", "Felix Genzmer", "David Stewart", "Edward L. Cochrane", "Pierre Berdoulat", "Joseph Wedderburn", "James Rivett-Carnac", "Charles Ogston", "William Walrond", "Jeremiah Jones", "George Jones", "Joe Slater", "Douglas Fox", "Silvio Parodi", "Traian Găiseanu", "George Rennie", "Ernst von Harnack", "Rudolf Lippert", "George Windle Read, Jr.", "Franz Schily", "Oskar Hock", "Michele Bianchi", "Edward Saski", "Thomas Cecil Howitt", "Gilbert Monture", "Fritz Bayerlein", "Ludwig Becker", "Fritz Bernotat", "Moses Hardy", "Behiç Erkin", "Ulrich Kleemann", "Thornton Wilder", "Hans Plettner", "John Moreau Grant", "Robert Brooke-Popham", "Remington Vernam", "Les Primrose", "Franz Stöhr", "Robert Thompson", "Bernhard Strasser", "François-Henry Laperrine", "Kurt Walcher", "Julian Skokowski", "Gustav Zunkel", "Richard Kroner", "George Edward Cates", "James Greechan", "Heinrich Lind", "John D'Arcy", "Franz Honcamp", "Anton Plenikowski", "Demetrio Carbone", "Howard Kippenberger", "Edward Keble Talbot", "August Streufert", "Prince Franz of Bavaria", "Friedrich Schneider", "Władysław Dec", "Hans Troilo", "August Stötzel", "Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright IV", "Donald Charles Cameron", "Petar Atsev", "James Alpheus Glen", "Harald Turner", "Maximilian Wengler", "Daniel J. Callaghan", "Josef Grabler", "Geoffrey Hutchinson, Baron Ilford", "Eugen Munder", "Robert Wanless O'Gowan", "Henry Merrick Lawson", "Paul Lancrenon", "Hans Rauch", "Bill Rumler", "George Tuxford", "Charles H. Corlett", "Leslie Howard", "Matei Castriș", "Herbert James", "Hermann Pister", "Joachim Meyer-Quade", "Tappan Adney", "Hugo Blaschke", "Antoine Beaudemoulin", "Stanisław Glinski", "Hans Ritter von Adam", "Friedrich Friedrichs", "Charalambos Katsimitros", "Paul-Maurice Ravel", "Billy Cotton", "William L. Henderson", "Murray Leinster", "József Somkuthy", "Walther Lindenfels", "Louis Scott", "Hubert Broad", "A. A. Luce", "Roman Witorzeniec", "Benjamin Holt Ticknor", "Mikhail Kovalyov", "Hermann Veit", "Sam Dreben", "John Black", "Percy Jones", "Kurt Weigelt", "Robert Gibson, Lord Gibson", "Louis de Maud'huy", "Herik Mutarelli", "Cecil Healy", "Franz Weber", "Theodor Scherer", "Vilmos Rőder", "Auguste-Éduard Gilliaert", "Curt Prüfer", "Charlie Dolling", "Manley Angell James", "Kōichi Shiozawa", "Henri Lebocq", "Charles Edward Breese", "Axel Eggebrecht", "Robert Quigg", "Witold Komierowski", "Hilary P. Jones", "Thomas Snowden", "Pierre-Marie Gerlier", "William Henry Brown", "Louis Koeltz", "Ian Heilbron", "Paul von Hase", "Sir Rupert Clarke, 2nd Baronet", "Robert Kirby Kirkman", "Hermann Lichtenberger", "Roland Weitzenböck", "Louis Anton von Horst", "Henry Adam Procter", "Robert D. Blue", "John Forsyth", "Walter Stoecker", "Arthur Hollins", "Archibald Wavell, 1st Earl Wavell", "Frank Heilgers", "Frank Hays", "Lucjan Jasiński", "Neil Mackenzie Freeman", "Leonard Hammond", "Ernst Buffa", "Frank Willan", "Thomas Riversdale Colyer-Fergusson", "Hans Friedemann Götze", "Bill Slater", "Helmuth von Ruckteschell", "Ugo Brusati", "Julius Ringel", "Baron Max Hussarek von Heinlein", "Fritz König", "Ludwig Liebel", "Vasily Alexandrovich Dolgorukov", "James Valiant", "Roy Horniman", "Anthony Cavalcante", "Friedrich von Ilberg", "Vladimir Dragomirov", "Mata Hari", "Joseph Barss", "Charles Taylor", "Hans Eynern", "Friedrich Paulus", "Erhard Milch", "John L. Griffith", "René Prioux", "Theodor Eicke", "Damazy Kotowski", "Richard Walther Darré", "François Anthoine", "Peter Casserly", "Noel Irwin", "Johann Rockenschaub", "Karl Bülowius", "Walter J. Little", "Nikolai Beljajev", "Juan Belaieff", "Filip Konowal", "Robert Grimes Coman", "Robert Grimston, 1st Baron Grimston of Westbury", "Eric Harper", "A. V. Alexander, 1st Earl Alexander of Hillsborough", "Paddy Rowan", "Ross Tollerton", "Emil Höring", "Alan Barker", "Sir Henry Aubrey-Fletcher, 6th Baronet", "John Marrack", "M. Waldo Hatler", "Gerhard Felmy", "Donald MacKintosh", "Charles B. McVay, Jr.", "Oskar Müller", "René Montrion", "Harold Albert White", "Harold Albert Kullberg", "Franciszek Jach", "Peter Wladimir von Glasenapp", "Gustave Chatain", "Tom Page", "Karol Rómmel", "Thomas D. Finley", "Johannes Streich", "Sadykh bey Aghabekov", "Robert A. Little", "Franz von Harrach", "Friedrich Siebert", "Friedrich Sixt", "Rupert Brooke", "Josef Rauch", "William Barnsley Allen", "Wally Watts", "Franciszek Jamka-Koperski", "Geoffrey Lawrence, 1st Baron Oaksey", "Friedrich Grimm", "Wilhelm Grimm", "Raphaël Trémouilhe", "Reginald Bacon", "Neil Primrose", "Frank Durbin", "Jan Wiśniewski", "Erich Swoboda", "Bernd Steiner", "Noel Holmes", "Wanda Gertz", "Ward Hermans", "Egon Denz", "Fritz Höhn", "Bernhard von Loßberg", "Aimery Blacque-Belair", "Józef Witoszyński", "Arthur Nebe", "Hermann Kletzmayr", "Arthur Asquith", "Humphrey Arthur Gilkes", "Orland K. Armstrong", "Guy Melfort Baldwin", "Ludwig Weber", "Atholl Fleming", "William Reid", "Adolph von Wenckstern", "Hermann Brandenstein", "Francis de Groot", "Geoffrey Keynes", "Sir Charles Cayzer, 3rd Baronet", "Theodor Demmler", "Geoffrey Spicer-Simson", "Heinrich Rau", "Louis Bernacchi", "Tullio Tamburini", "Edward Gribben", "Frank Bourne", "Raoul Stojsavljevic", "Prince Ferdinando, Duke of Genoa", "James Albert Whitted", "Bonamy Dobrée", "Walter Hamilton Moberly", "Arthur Tilley", "Adolf Maciesza", "Yefim Baranovich", "Teddy Lightfoot", "Roland Krug von Nidda", "Jacques de Bernonville", "Jing Johnson", "Ernst Ludwig Kirchner", "Jerzy Pajaczkowski-Dydynski", "Hans Sellschopp", "Kenneth Bowman Watson", "Millard Tydings", "Napoleon Louis-Wawel", "Carlo Salsa", "Romuald Ganowicz", "Feliks Godowski", "William Hew Clark-Kennedy", "Gustav Schneidewind", "Charles N'Tchoréré", "John Lynn", "Bun Troy", "Hyazinth Graf Strachwitz von Gross-Zauche und Camminetz", "Fritz Wehmeier", "stennes", "Heinrich Bichmann", "Ronald Graham", "Ridley Pakenham-Walsh", "Maurice Bowra", "George Hilsdon", "Alois Konrath", "Kenneth Agnew Wills", "Georg Bock von Wülfingen", "Eric Douglas Cummings", "Hans Hahne", "Libby Waye", "Gerhard Bassenge", "Walter Lustig", "Ottokar Czernin", "Andres Larka", "Collen Edward Melville Richards", "Pieter Voltelyn Graham van der Byl", "Béla Linder", "Sir George Warrender, 7th Baronet", "Franz Josef Walz", "Wilhelm Hippert", "Arthur Forbes Gordon Kilby", "Pavel Rybalko", "Arthur Nagel", "Maciej Puchalak", "Rudolf Reichert", "William Harry Evans", "Albrecht Freyberg", "Giuseppe Tellera", "Harold Forster", "Henri Bléhaut", "Otto Schlein", "François Portron", "Edward L. Beach, Sr.", "Archibald Rowlands", "James Gammell", "Veit Ulrich von Beulwitz", "Charles George Bicknell", "Maximilian Betzler", "Bruno von Schuckmann", "Otto Kissenberth", "Hermann Göring", "Ernst von der Decken", "Geoffrey Saxton White", "William Clay Cole", "August Wetter", "Franz Mayrhofer", "John Litel", "Franklin D'Olier", "Glen Kidston", "Erich Schilling", "Patrick McGunigal", "René-Émile Godfroy", "Eberhard Teuffel", "Todor Aleksandrov", "Wilhelm Schumann", "Max Richter", "Beauvoir De Lisle", "Harold A. Wilson", "Theodor von Hippel", "Erwin Piscator", "Robert Knauß", "Manlio Candrilli", "George Windle Read", "Ernst-Anton von Krosigk", "Albert Leister", "Adolf von Aust", "Robert Rigel", "William Alan Beevor Steele", "Enrico Canfari", "Ludwik Pawlikowski", "Charles S. Schepke", "Prince Heinrich of Bavaria", "Wilhelm Kunze", "Hanns Studniczka", "Leopold Gebel", "Tommy Lonsdale", "Robert Roth", "Franz Kröner", "John Hardress Lloyd", "William Legge, 6th Earl of Dartmouth", "Fred McIntosh", "Antonio Sant'Elia", "Otto Götzl", "John Gregson Halsted", "John Henry Edward Fock, 6th Baron de Robeck", "Jack Ayre", "Alexander Johnston", "Theodor Fritsch", "Hans Petersen", "Hans Keller", "René Fonck", "Clifford Bowman", "Maurice E. Shearer", "Karl Emil Schäfer", "Eugen Ott", "Hubertus Aulock", "Harold M. McClelland", "Botho von Frantzius", "Kenneth Raikes", "Moše Yaʿaqov Ben-Gavrîʾēl", "David Railton", "Ottavio Zoppi", "Joe Hisbent", "Engelbert Bayer", "Harold Munro Fox", "Georg Wurster", "Laurence Stallings", "William Sanday", "Pedro Max Fernando Frontin", "Max Eyrich", "José Norton de Matos", "Alfred Joseph Knight", "Hans Rosencrantz", "Basil Deacon Hobbs", "Frank Handford", "George Godfrey Massy Wheeler", "Charles H. Gerhardt", "Jules Alphonse Adrien Chailley", "Philip Lindsey Clark", "Jerry Akers", "Erich Murawski", "Osborne Orr", "Silston Cory-Wright", "Frank Hawkins", "Wacław Kryński", "Cyril Lomax", "Heinrich Oster", "Arthur William Murphy", "Frederic Salusbury", "Thomas Frederic Tweed", "John H. Hilldring", "Egon Schönhof", "Pantelija Jurišić", "Jerzy Sosnowski", "Friedrich Eckoldt", "Friedrich Ehmann", "Hans Piper", "John Baptist Lucius Noel", "Carlo Carrà", "Lucien Coupet", "Walter Gropius", "Ajit Rudra", "Horace Walter Rigden", "Carl Rettberg", "Fritz Meurer", "Walther Wrede", "Hubert Brand", "Joseph Stewart Temple Fall", "Ernest Graves, Sr.", "Franz Karl Marenzi von Tagliuno und Talgate", "Claude Ernest Vincent Hawkings", "Ulrich Greifelt", "Percy Lake", "Josef Gutzeit", "Francis Turner", "Giovanni Giolitti", "Harold Walden", "Robert George Spencer Hudson", "Robert George Scott", "James Leach", "Yves F. Barbaza", "Frank Le Blond Kloeb", "Harold J. Milne", "Ernst Martens", "Antonio Amantea", "Georg Mickler", "Henri Le Gros", "Hans Klein", "Lewis B. Porterfield", "William H. G. Bullard", "Scott Milne Matheson, Sr.", "Charles Fairlie Dobbs", "Charles Falls", "Louis Audouin-Dubreuil", "Werner Zech", "Roger Cochrane Wilson", "Edgar E. Witt", "Józef Ćwiertniak", "Franciszek Kruszyna", "Franz von Roques", "Lucjan Janiszewski", "Philip Kenyon-Slaney", "Frank William Foster", "Hermann von Bönninghausen", "Edwin Flavell", "Edwin Ferdinand Lee", "Jean-Pierre Calloc'h", "W. E. Blewitt", "Max Bock", "Harry Day", "Werner von Erdmannsdorff", "Werner Zahn", "Archduke Joseph Ferdinand of Austria", "James Gray Turgeon", "Fritz Krauss", "Fritz Selbmann", "Albert Durston", "Albert E. Baesel", "Harold Hartney", "Siegfried Sassoon", "Hans Wulz", "Zurab Natiev", "Charles Stallard", "Jan Kuciel", "Heinrich Ilbertz", "Luigi Forlano", "Ludwig Beck", "Georg von Küchler", "Sepp Dietrich", "Franz Halder", "Wolfram Freiherr von Richthofen", "Ferdinand Schörner", "Ernst Udet", "Norman Coates", "Alexander Carr-Saunders", "Remo Gambelli", "Jan Bajoński", "Wendelin Thomas", "Franz Mauve", "Marcel Loiseau", "William Parker", "Henryk Gorzechowski", "Ernst Korn", "Aurelio Nicolodi", "John Winterton", "William Strang, 1st Baron Strang", "Humphrey Mitchell", "John C. H. Lee", "Lewis Bernstein Namier", "Auberon Herbert, 9th Baron Lucas", "John J. Phillips", "Fred Fielding", "Donald M. Call", "Johann Tesar", "Vladimir Kryukov", "Henry Rawlinson, 1st Baron Rawlinson", "George Forestier-Walker", "I. Kimbell Hicks", "Franz Schieck", "Wilhelm Niermann", "Richard Hutton Davies", "Ernst Lehrs", "Hugo Zeye", "Ignacy Misiąg", "Wilhelm Stepper-Tristis", "D. D. Sheehan", "Johannes de Boer", "Wolfgang Kraneck", "Henryk Fitz", "Walter Chandler", "Carlo Lombardi", "Friedrich Wiese", "George Fielding Eliot", "Harold Percival", "Gerhard Glokke", "Herbert Marshall", "William Birdwood, 1st Baron Birdwood", "Otto Frank", "Felix Burkhardt", "Olivier Freiherr von Beaulieu-Marconnay", "Wentworth Beaumont, 2nd Viscount Allendale", "Hermann von Strantz", "Karl von Plettenberg", "Charles Vincent Fox", "Thomas Bryan", "Alfred Polgar", "Rupert Mayer", "Lansdale Ghiselin Sasscer", "Émile Borel", "Hans Beck", "Bhagat Singh Thind", "Egon Doerstling", "Fritz Kosmahl", "Wilhelm Kahlert", "Reginald R. Belknap", "Hubert Dinwoodie", "Henry Harwood", "George Richardson", "László Almásy", "Gaston Moch", "Lorenza Cobb", "Paul-Hermann Werner", "Benjamin Bathurst, 2nd Viscount Bledisloe", "Adolphe Pégoud", "Rupert Lochner", "Hanns Ruckdäschel", "Hans Globke", "Thomas M. Carlson", "Andrzej Molenda", "Harry Chauvel", "Ludwig Sieger", "Gustav Voigt", "Gustav Sondermann", "Herman G. Steiner", "Raymond Hyatt", "Herbert Bellerby", "Archibald Fargus", "Nissim de Camondo", "Harold E. Tanner", "Krsto Popović", "Theodore Stephenson", "Oswald Lutz", "Karl Thom", "Lancelot Lowther, 6th Earl of Lonsdale", "John Allen", "Martin Oldershausen", "Martin Loibl", "Gilbert Garnier", "Moses Russell", "Max Friediger", "Frank Macey", "Sherman Miles", "Gustav Ichheiser", "Georg von Waldburg-Zeil", "Franz Sperr", "Doc Rodes", "Arthur L. Bristol", "Karl Jackstien", "Bunny Oakes", "Rudolf Haaker", "Georg Schneider", "George Grogan", "Kurt Zeitzler", "Otto Rasch", "Paul Salitter", "Johann Klepsch", "Valfrid Nykänen", "Walt Irwin", "Edward Murphy Markham", "Oswald Birley", "Erwin Rauch", "Royal C. Johnson", "Fritz Schulz", "Felix von Barth", "Homer N. Wallin", "Wilhelm Kronsbein", "Fritz Weidling", "Gerald Verner White", "Norris Stephen Falla", "Paul Cololian", "Jan Głogowski", "Vasili Glazunov", "Hugo Fischer", "Alexander Paterson", "Kenneth Arthur Noel Anderson", "Richard Dehmel", "Karl Engert", "Rudolf Prich", "Albrecht Gehring", "Joseph Frederick Laycock", "Robert Eyssen", "Duncan Pitcher", "R. P. Keigwin", "James Conlin", "Sir Godfrey Thomas, 9th Baronet", "Hugo Karl", "August Georg Kenstler", "Hubert Lawrence Anthony", "Friedrich Meggendorfer", "Evariste Payer", "Rudolf Lehmann", "Ivison Macadam", "Noel Macklin", "Alf Steward", "Hans Kühtz", "Yakov Alksnis", "Rowland Fraser", "Norton Hughes-Hallett", "Walter Schulz", "Franz von Redwitz", "Palmiro Togliatti", "Henry Leader", "James Marshall-Cornwall", "Anton Babich von Lovinac", "Michael Gangl", "Cuno Eichler", "Josef C. Böck-Greissau", "Leopold Fleischhacker", "John McManus", "Rudolf Schmidt", "Herbert Schmeidler", "Thomas S. Hammond", "Charles X. Zimmerman", "Mahmut Nedim Hendek", "Charles S. T. Calder", "Hans-Levin von Barby", "Robert Bridgeman, 2nd Viscount Bridgeman", "Hubert Worthington", "Heinrich Hax", "Aleksander Michałowski", "Georges Léonnec", "Hans Engel", "William Boynton Butler", "Paul Bonte", "Joseph P. Murphy", "Helmuth Wilberg", "Lucien Gasser", "Eugeniusz Lityński", "Carston Catcheside", "Casimir Bumiller", "Leonard Zbigniew Lepszy", "Georges Madon", "Richard Gammon", "Richard Gambier-Parry", "Irnfried Freiherr von Wechmar", "Walter Ruppin", "Heinrich Kittel", "Robert Osler-Toptani", "Marie Joseph Eugène Bridoux", "Vitovt Putna", "Alois Liška", "Wiktor Zarembiński", "Kurt Leese", "Emil Karl Frey", "Karl Andres", "Maximilian Egon II, Prince of Fürstenberg", "Stanisław Wiloch", "Martin Kröger", "Otto Ellison von Nidlef", "Andrey Yeryomenko", "David E. Putnam", "Geoffrey Pidcock", "Donald Davidson", "Władysław Blinstrub", "Vyvyan Holland", "Arthur Griffith-Boscawen", "James Sheldon Trayer", "Gustav Meyer zu Belm", "Friedrich Cochenhausen", "Otto Dörrenberg", "Arthur Parham", "Siegfried von Ende", "Hans Fürstenberg", "Thomas William Holmes", "Stefan Walter", "Frederick Claude Stern", "William Worsley", "Jan Schram", "Elijah Joel Smith", "Larry Sale", "Louis Martin", "Dimitrie Lambru", "Erich Martini", "Eugène Chavant", "Léon Comès", "Leslie Haden-Guest, 1st Baron Haden-Guest", "Glenn Smith", "Mikhail Tukhachevsky", "T. P. Cameron Wilson", "Carlo Porro", "Giuseppe Ungaretti", "Charles M. Clement", "Gerhard von Janson", "Edmund Allenby, 1st Viscount Allenby", "Friedrich Wilhelm Maier", "Richard Courant", "Karl Marquard Viktor Kageneck", "Karl von Hirsch", "Christoph Christian Friedrich Meyer", "Thomas Gillespie", "Ronald Poulton-Palmer", "Nigel Bruce", "Bob Burns", "Władysław Starzecki", "Hans Zeiss", "William Weir", "Adolf Marx", "Kurt Wilhelm-Kästner", "Richard York", "Czesław Kunert", "Filippo Fiorentini", "Louis Pergaud", "Arthur Hartshorne", "Ludwig Müller", "Harold Jackson", "Edmund Costello", "William Platt", "Hans Schulten", "Karl-Wilhelm von Schlieben", "Charles Fairburn", "Maurice Yonge", "Bernhard Weiß", "Jakob Tschavoll", "Franciszek Koy", "Yakup Şevki Subaşı", "Maurice E. Curts", "Enoch Barton Garey", "Leonard Henry Rochford", "Leonard Herbert Emsden", "Frank William Gilligan", "Joachim von Ribbentrop", "Paul Klatt", "Louis Rustin", "Charles Lanrezac", "Alexy I of Moscow", "Jan Nelken", "Haller Belt", "Gerard Noel", "Rudolf Brückmann", "Albert Dossenbach", "John Edward Sharman", "Albert Abele von und zu Lilienberg", "Junius Matthews", "Lionel Gough Arbuthnot", "Harold Redler", "Victor Régnier", "Carl Fink", "Fritz Todt", "Walther von Reichenau", "Walther von Brauchitsch", "Günther von Kluge", "Hanut Singh", "William Bartholomew", "Pierre Ryckmans", "Evan Bruce-Gardyne", "Dòmhnall Ruadh Chorùna", "Charles Hartshorne", "Dana X. Bible", "Jan Bokszczanin", "Paul Nethe", "Filippo Amedeo", "Philip Palin", "Lavo Čermelj", "Seweryn Malinowski", "Eric Plant", "Wilhelm Wimmer", "Charles Harrison", "Edward Foster", "Sebastian Diernreiter", "William Nicholson", "Robert E. Wood", "Henri Goybet", "Fritz Julius Kuhn", "Harold Hinde", "Harry G. E. Luchford", "Martinus Stenseth", "John Robinson", "Karol Krauss", "George Younghusband", "Albrecht Wüstenhagen", "Rachid Ksentini", "Gustav Adolf von Wulffen", "Langley Frank Willard Smith", "Erich Stockmann", "Johann Häfker", "Rudolf Langenhahn", "Paul Hartley Raney", "Josef Krautwald von Annau", "Philip Fleming", "Flora Sandes", "Philippe Hériat", "John McAuley Palmer", "John McAulay", "George Chisholm MacKay", "Friedrich Werner", "Gustav Ehlermann", "Helmut Dilthey", "Leopold Freiherr von Ledebur", "Joachim, 6th Prince Murat", "Reginald Soar", "Alfons Wojtkielewicz", "Louis-Auguste-Didier Souchier", "Alfons Fryland", "Pavitra", "Harald Schultz", "Cecil John Kinross", "Francis Lederer", "Helmuth Friedrichs", "Eugen Roth", "Karl Pflaum", "Hans Czermak", "Leonty Cheremisov", "Harry Thorneycroft", "Nikolay Gumilev", "Alfred Spangenberg", "Bill Fischer", "Eduard von der Heydt", "Reginald Purdell", "Reginald Poynton Baker", "Reginald Pinfield", "Reginald Pinney", "Douglas Houghton, Baron Houghton of Sowerby", "Douglas Howard", "Viktor von Sprösser", "Hermann Harm", "Eberhard Wolffskeel von Reichenberg", "Paul Fressanges du Bost", "Colmar Freiherr von der Goltz", "Carl Rawitzki", "Stanisław Kulbicki", "George Rodocanachi", "Ignacy Oziewicz", "Arnold Potts", "Douglas Beanland", "Benny Boynton", "Walt Kuhn", "Kurt Häntzschel", "James P. Kem", "Ahmet Derviş", "Dorothy Frooks", "Douglas MacArthur", "Zygmunt Łakiński", "Ernst Stadler", "Joseph de Goislard de Monsabert", "Ernst Wiechert", "Paul de Langlade", "Traian Moșoiu", "Franz Altmann", "Eberhard Barth", "Charles Lescat", "Walter Baerwolff", "Lancelot Richardson", "Walter Samuel, 2nd Viscount Bearsted", "John Allan Cecil Cecil-Wright", "William Victor Trevor Rooper", "Raffaele De Caro", "Martin von Dittelberger", "Hermann Schöpf", "Franz Maria Liedig", "Ettore Viola", "Ettore Viola", "George Shelton", "Kaarel Eenpalu", "Stanisław Sołłohub-Dowoyno", "Ernst von Raben", "Ernst von Oven", "Ernst von Oidtman", "James H. Walker", "Zygmunt Pomarański", "Leonard Keysor", "Richard Yorke", "William Joynt", "William Shakespear", "Charles Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 7th Marquess of Londonderry", "Max Donisch", "Bob Rahilly", "Henry Mang", "Vic Halligan", "Hugo Linhard", "Wolfgang Saalfeldt", "Eliyahu Eliashar", "Bolesław Zarako-Zarakowski", "Bolesław Zaleski", "Charles Little", "R. H. Tawney", "Eberhard von Krosigk", "Ronald Ivelaw-Chapman", "Jack Dodds", "Smith Hickenlooper", "Erwin Engelbrecht", "Erwin Gerlach", "Cuno Meyer", "Michael Graf von Matuschka", "Edward Gąsiewicz", "Leon Gotkiewicz", "Tadeusz Gutkowski", "Walther Heide", "Jared Y. Sanders, Jr.", "Len Gale", "Alexander Edwards", "Timo Bortolotti", "Władysław Oksza-Orzechowski", "Edmund Hakewill-Smith", "John Latham", "Ferdinand Schürmann", "Richard M. Tobin", "George Lawrence Price", "Philip Connard", "Oskar Victorovich Stark", "Charles Auguste Henri Roques", "John Victor Sorsoleil", "Siegfried Eulenburg-Wicken", "Othmar Gamillscheg", "Maurice Bellonte", "Fritz von Twardowski", "Hans Ueberschaar", "Walter Assmann", "Pat Gallacher", "Albert Sidney Camp", "Arthur Beltinger", "Raynal Bolling", "William Walker", "Geoffrey Bromet", "Franz Merk", "Kenneth Harding", "Hugo Henke", "Antoni Nowak-Przygodzki", "Bruno Rappaport", "Heinrich Trettner", "Stepan Oborin", "Siegfried Schulz", "William Young", "Viktor Lutze", "Arthur Raymond Brooks", "Guglielmo Pecori Giraldi", "Dudley Skelton", "Anton Aberle", "Thomas S. Rodgers", "Hermann Schröter", "Heinrich Loevenich", "Charles S. Farnsworth", "Louis Loyzeau de Grandmaison", "Fritz Lengemann", "Pierre Rousselot", "Karol Trzasko-Durski", "Kajetan Stefanowicz", "Sergiusz Abżółtowski", "Arthur Bliss", "Craddock Dufty", "Karl Schoen", "George Edward Nurse", "Jerzy Cegielski", "Waldemar Kophamel", "A. E. W. Mason", "George Parrott", "Walter Nugent Monck", "Robert Barton", "Malcolm Nokes", "Sebastiano Bedendo", "Mikołaj Sukniewicz", "Theodor Meyer", "William Baker", "Walter Blume", "Friedrich Wilhelm Brandt", "Friedrich Haeseler", "Fritz Brand", "Ernst Bolbrinker", "Arthur Palliser", "Geoffrey Harold Woolley", "Geoffrey H. Hooper", "William Sample", "Edward Rajpold", "Allan MacDonald", "Charles Lyon", "Draža Mihailović", "André du Fresnois", "Major Booth", "Konstantin Vakulovsky", "Georges Prosper Anne Claret de la Touche", "Bruce Bairnsfather", "Frederic W. Galbraith", "Richard Hill", "Daniel Murray Bayne Galbraith", "Thomas Perrott", "John Todd", "Kurt Howaldt", "Fritz Michel", "Włodzimierz Marszałek", "Theodor Fuchs", "Georg Krausz", "Willi Daube", "Mieczysław Motylewski", "Mieczysław Mozdyniewicz", "Adolf Mauer", "Francis Tottenham", "Robert Gee", "Tommy Goodwill", "Philip Miles", "James D. Mooney", "Mosley Mayne", "Teofil Dziama", "Waldemar von Gregory", "Alexander MacDonald Shook", "Nicolae Mihăescu", "Woolf Barnato", "Marcel Griaule", "Stepan Skitalets", "Eugène-Émile Itasse", "William George Walker", "Walter Toomer", "Witold Majewski", "John Conover Nichols", "Fritz Grobba", "Pierre Joseph Louis Alfred Dubois", "Arthur Purdy Stout", "Arthur Quassowski", "Douglas McKie", "Eduard Baar-Baarenfels", "Bill Cook", "Paul Zenetti", "Waldemar Wappenhans", "George Broun-Lindsay", "Felix Schelle", "Frederick, Prince of Hohenzollern", "Leonard Holbrook", "Michel Henri Marie Coutanceau", "Pierre Guignabaudet", "Frederick Alfred Pile", "Konstantin Litke", "Felix Kopprasch", "Wilhelm Tannenberg", "George Challis", "Richard von Schubert", "Albert Hopman", "Richard von Pawelsz", "Detlof von Schwerin", "Vollrath von Maltzan", "Wilhelm Stekel", "William Stephenson", "Karl Wahl", "Ludwig von Eimannsberger", "Albert Clarence St. Clair-Morford", "Albert Edward Nash", "Hermann Hohn", "Sir Robert Cary, 1st Baronet", "Victor Sayaret", "Victor Sassoon", "Ray E. Porter", "Erich von Falkenhayn", "Ernst Busch", "Hermann Hoth", "Erwin von Witzleben", "Erich Raeder", "Saint Cyprian Tayler", "James Harrison", "Jan Baran-Bilewski", "Reinhard Sorge", "Eric Knight", "Eric Woods", "Piotr Choynowski", "Eric Poole", "Tryggve Gran", "Wilhelm Wisch", "Gerhard Feyerabend", "Raoul Salan", "Savo Čelebić", "Billy Key", "Percy Deane", "John Anderson Barstow", "Ezio Pinza", "Robert Edward Cruickshank", "Mehmet Esat Bülkat", "Angus Buchanan", "Berger Loman", "Arthur Dahlke", "René Mirland", "Helmut Otto", "Emmet Dalton", "Kenneth Dewar", "Edmund Klemczak", "James Edward Wharton", "Hermann von Wedel", "Karl Schlegel", "August Meyszner", "Heinrich Bongartz", "Frank Edward Stubbs", "Stanisław Klimecki", "Janusz Żuławski", "Bernard Acworth", "Cooper Rawson", "Jan Kalemba", "Robert Neddermeyer", "Hans Leopold", "Rudolf Schaper", "James Rogers", "Friedrich Mühlmann", "Emiliano Mercado del Toro", "Edward Wydrzyński", "Charles Strathavon Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby", "John Ford", "Adolf Klimek", "Erwin Noack", "Piotr Pisarev", "Władysław Bandurski", "Harry W. Hill", "Georg von Waldersee", "Tom Bridges", "Sterling L. Morelock", "Harold H. George", "Adolf Meinberg", "Douglas John Bell", "Paul Galvin", "Robert Erskine Childers", "Artur Carlos de Barros Basto", "William Ramsay Smith", "Lawrence R. Ellzey", "Pinchas Rosen", "Billy Newing", "Alfred Edwin McKay", "William Remsburg Grove", "Gerald Cuthbert", "George Stephen Brunskill", "Charles Granville Fortescue", "Edwin Edward Hunnisett", "Helmut Kassner", "Rudolf Wenninger", "Yakup Satar", "Walter Warlimont", "Carl Clauberg", "Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 6th Marquess of Lansdowne", "Otto von Oelhafen", "Frank Bingham", "Charles Calveley Foss", "Henryk Minkiewicz", "Raymond E. Davis", "Walden L. Ainsworth", "Guy Marin de Montmarin", "Juliusz Zulauf", "Henry de Castries", "Reinhold Backmann", "Harold Douglas Briggs", "Albin Grau", "William Ward Warner", "Josef Andreas Feuerstein", "Marie Joseph Louis Dominique de Castelli", "Alfred Fletcher", "Stanisław Sroka", "Erich Brauneis", "Ștefan Holban", "Gottlieb Polak", "Clark H. Woodward", "Hugh Marrack", "Hugh Marshall Hole", "Frank Dove", "Frank Douglas Stevens", "Hans Jüttner", "Henry Moseley", "T. Neville Stack", "Czesław Szystowski", "Bartolomeo Costantini", "Wilhelm Hansmann", "James William Pearson", "August Guth", "Kenneth Leask", "Ion Grămadă", "Borys Pigarewicz", "Joseph Vuillemin", "Günther Tamaschke", "Viktor Kurmanovych", "Samuel Forsyth", "William R. Gruber", "Joseph Harcourt Tombs", "John Howard Starr", "John Howard Umney", "Wolfgang von Kluge", "Władysław Kopliński", "Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia", "Kurt Blome", "Arthur Isaac", "Sydney Dalrymple", "Wilhelm von Lengerke", "Ernst Horadam", "Olans Johnsen", "Charles D. Barger", "Adolf Seiser", "Benno Berneis", "Benno Chajes", "Stanisław Kochanowski", "Marian Kowalski", "Walter Leo Weible", "Otto Kannengießer", "David Percy Davies", "Alec Ewart Glassey", "H. E. L. Mellersh", "Danilo Kalafatović", "John H. Outland", "Sofoklis Dousmanis", "William Walkley", "William Walker Kennedy", "Charles Wheeler", "August Moos", "Franz Metzner", "Hans Schittnig", "Oliver W. Frey", "Max Lindig", "Karol Słowik", "Edward Allman-Smith", "Rudolf Strachwitz", "Georges Groussard", "Karl Hanssen", "Leopold Okulicki", "Kurt Albrecht", "Rowland Bourke", "Wolfgang Erdmann", "Karl Koske", "Cyril Wright", "Anselm Lehle", "Oskar Kaltenegger", "Franz Schröter", "Montagu Brocas Burrows", "Charles McMorris", "Francis Cecil Campbell Balfour", "Hugh Havelock McLean", "Edward Oliver Wheeler", "Friedrich Hüffmeier", "Charles S. Lawrence", "Eric Archibald McNair", "Ernst A. Lehmann", "Edward McGlachlin, Jr.", "Arthur Turner", "Ernst Bürgin", "István Sréter", "Harry C. Ingles", "Arthur Slater", "Emil Kröhn", "Eitel-Friedrich Roediger Freiherr von Manteuffel", "Czesław Zbierański", "Talbot Jennings", "Linus Kather", "W. Selden Washington", "Otto Warburg", "Henry Duhamel", "John James Pollock Conolly", "Homer B. Roberts", "Jean-Jacques Bernard", "Robert Dexter Conrad", "André-Gaston Prételat", "Walter Noble", "Edward Joseph Gardner", "Harry Hazlett", "Julius Adler", "George Coppard", "John C. Villepigue", "Bolesław Wieniawa-Długoszowski", "Nicholas Comper", "Harvey Williams Cushing", "David Watson", "Harold Hartley", "Nikolai Kashtalinsky", "Patrick MacGill", "Geoffrey Hemming", "Edgar Godbold", "George A. Gordon", "George A. Garrett", "Franz Schehl", "Franz Wilhelm von Schenk", "Artur Maruszewski", "Karl Heinrich Schäfer", "Herbert Studd", "Richard Meyer von Achenbach", "Ludwig Schmuck", "Joseph Paul Vorst", "Leslie Mutch", "Fougasse", "Ludwig Diehl", "Andrew Balfour", "Edward Seymour", "Charles H. Beeson", "Emanoil Manolescu Mladian", "Boris Annenkov", "Stephen W. Thompson", "Hermann Niehoff", "Vladimir Strizhesky", "Joachim Sperling", "Hans Georg Bilgeri", "Henry Mullins", "Vivian Bernard", "Konrad Knopp", "John Minshull-Ford", "Theodor Laue", "Charles B. Zimmerman", "John Judah Glass", "Charles Yaldren", "Charles Rought", "Tommy Hitchcock", "Maximilian von Prittwitz", "Hermann von Eichhorn", "Max Hoffmann", "Burton C. Andrus", "Karl von Lewinski", "Colman O'Flaherty", "Eugène Chassaing", "Farnsworth Wright", "Hans Joachim Deuticke", "Jean-Baptiste Morraglia", "Miklós Kozma", "Hans Rietschel", "Bakary Diallo", "Gerardo Dottori", "James J. Raby", "Hans Henrici", "Georg Teschner", "Curt Radlauer", "Ernest Wright", "Prince Waldemar of Prussia", "Eugeniusz Rybka", "Tadeusz Olgierd Kozakiewicz", "Ludwig Gaim", "Ernst Mantel", "Ernst Mann", "Georg Neugebauer", "Carlo Bazzi", "Charles Armstrong", "Jesse Addison Udall", "Armand Viguier", "Hodo Hodenberg", "Otto Mattes", "Hubert Schmundt", "Nikolaus Georg Revertera von Salandra", "Sigurt-Horstmar Freiherr von Beaulieu-Marconnay", "John G. Manuel", "Moses Stranger Horse", "Thomas Wood", "Werner Forst", "Werner Friebe", "Werner Goeritz", "Werner Hühner", "Constantine Lukasz", "Adalbert Ullmer", "Friedrich Stählin", "Manfred von Richthofen", "Indra Lal Roy", "Walter Bedell Smith", "Friedrich Seetzen", "Eduard von Westhoven", "Max Ritter von Mulzer", "Alan McKibbin", "Hans Goerth", "Aleksander Tõnisson", "Emil Hell", "Walter von Bergmann", "Reg McGillicuddy", "James Grant", "Hellmuth Felmy", "Kajetan Olszewski", "Fritz Soldmann", "Andreï Snesarev", "Vecihi Hürkuş", "John William Aldred", "Vojtěch Vladimír Klecanda", "George Landenberger", "John McSweeney", "Edwin Morris", "René Dorme", "Adolf Krömer", "William Lowther Grant", "Paul Tillich", "Bernhard Povel", "Francis Thomas Evans, Sr.", "Eric Kennington", "Karl Hanke", "Christian Wirth", "Bernhard Rust", "Sir James Reynolds, 1st Baronet", "Kurt Schmidt", "Deane C. 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"action", "atmost" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P138" ], [ "type", "Q56061" ], [ "type", "Q12737077" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P138" ], [ "type", "Q56061" ], [ "type", "Q15617994" ], [ "value", "1" ] ], "is_spurious": false, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWER]", "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q56061'}, 'P138', [{'concept': 'Q12737077'}, {'concept': 'Q15617994'}]]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?s ) AS ?k ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?s ( COUNT ( ?r ) AS ?z ) WHERE { { ?s property:P138 ?r . ?s rdf:type ontology:Q56061 . ?r rdf:type ontology:Q12737077 } UNION { ?s property:P138 ?r . ?s rdf:type ontology:Q56061 . ?r rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 } } GROUP BY ?s } . FILTER ( ?z <= 1 ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "White Bird", "Littlefield", "FELDA L.B. Johnson", "New Amsterdam, Guyana", "Twijzelerheide", "Douglas", "Pulaski", "Mount Hagen", "Victoria", "Andrews", "Ermerveen", "King William's Town", "Robertsport", "Eesergroen", "Kirovsk", "Zuid-Beijerland", "Athens", "Düsseldorf", "Zuidlaarderveen", "Mikkeli", "Zanesville", "Culver City", "Strahan", "Waterloo", "George Enescu", "Franklin", "Beetsterzwaag", "Karuma Falls", "Kosovo Polje", "Bakers Narrows", "Pushkin", "Kuybyshev", "Baker City", "Samara", "Whitehorse", "Maksyma Horkoho", "Nizhny Novgorod", "Munnekemoer", "New Bremen", "Saukkoriipi", "Thunder Bay", "Gheorghe Doja", "Almere", "Settlement of Sullivans Cove", "Lomonosov", "Longyearbyen", "Dmitrov", "Brazzaville", "Llanafan Fawr", "Ingeniero Adolfo Sourdeaux", "Humboldt", "Sint-Anna", "Valthermond", "Aranđelovac", "Doral", "Cleburne", "Amman", "Canistota", "Tver", "Bastrop", "Chavín de Huantar", "Barger-Compascuum", "Shackleton", "Mahbubnagar", "Cato Ridge", "Katowice", "Berkeley", "Suvorov", "Kermit", "Lenino", "Eamont Bridge", "Quesnel, British Columbia", "Onida", "Sztálinváros", "Varna", "Gosford", "Wooster", "Maastricht", "Gasselterboerveen", "Felipe Carrillo Puerto", "Athol", "Port Macquarie", "Vahdat", "St Arnaud", "Beit Berl", "Karrharde", "Pieterburen", "Anuchino", "Szentléránt", "Fairfield", "Gardner", "Cardiff", "San Lorenzo", "Amsterdam", "Taradei", "Llantrithyd", "Greater Sudbury", "Kaduna", "Daintree", "Neftegorsk", "Lincoln, New Zealand", "Kalamata", "São José dos Campos", "Sioux Falls", "Zaslawye", "Odoornerveen", "Antinopolis", "Aleksa Šantić", "C.A. Rosetti", "Fredericton", "Prescott", "Denton", "Llandeloy", "Kolderwolde", "Mora", "Jean Marie River", "Nefteyugansk", "Serov", "Dushanbe", "Athens", "I.L. Caragiale", "Paris", "Coal City", "Kountze", "Loyalist", "Mariehamn", "Konchanskoe-Suvorovskoe", "Hampton Lucy", "Flandreau", "Sarmizegetusa", "Nacogdoches", "Nieuwe Krim", "Blauwestad", "Humboldt", "Mitta Mitta", "Heraklion", "Buchanan, Liberia", "Braddon", "Bass", "De Bombay", "Dieverbrug", "Dendermonde", "Ottawa", "Scheemda", "Kivijärvi", "Faya-Largeau", "Máriabesnyő", "Kerrville", "Waterloo", "Groenlandsekade", "Inkster", "Lincoln", "Nieuw-Dordrecht", "Madison", "Roderwolde", "Alexandru Odobescu", "Ushakovskoye", "Alexandru Odobescu", "Falcon Heights", "Volodarsk", "Banff", "Willemstad", "Cologne", "Vaishali", "Gas", "Szandaszőlős", "Lincolnville", "Pulaski", "Rókus", "Currie", "Ciudad del Este", "Nieuw-Beijerland", "Nieuw-Roden", "Nakovo", "Lincoln", "Kastoria", "Krasnogvardeyskoye, Stavropol Krai", "Burgemeester Beinsdorp", "Telečka", "Holbrook", "Ironton", "Qarakeçdi", "Vallejo", "Hornhuizen", "Albert Lea", "Kerekszenttamás", "Port McNeill", "Campbelltown", "Houston", "Givat Brenner", "Daireaux", "Baunatal", "Thompson Falls", "Tangipahoa", "Spangen", "Agioi Anargyroi", "Prins Alexander", "Vaalajärvi", "Llandeilo Graban", "Pesse", "Lincoln", "Llanbadarn Fynydd", "Kirov", "Ermelo", "Papagou", "Kauhajärvi", "Llantilio Pertholey", "Naberezhnye Chelny", "Bishop", "Preseka, Gornji Mihaljevec", "Pulaski", "Ladysmith", "Rotsterhaule", "Vegelinsoord", "Lelystad", "Athens", "Reimersholme", "Khabarovsk", "Odessa", "Haskerhorne", "Waco", "Sint Jacobiparochie", "Korolyov", "Naterij", "Melas", "Komsomolsk", "Tutayev", "Hull", "Fortaleza", "Haslam", "Stalinstadt", "Georgetown", "Türkmenbaşy", "Nieuw-Buinen", "Wharton", "Kauhajärvi", "Fort Ripley", "Sulphur", "Yekaterinburg", "St. John's", "Pooley Bridge", "Clay City", "Diósgyőr-Vasgyár", "Ny-Ålesund", "Laaghalerveen", "Carlsbad", "Anderson", "Halifax", "Jennings", "Bački Gračac", "Mariupol", "Obrenovac", "Llandyssil", "Eelderwolde", "Hantumhuizen", "Athanasios Diakos, Greece", "Hippos", "Sevenhill", "Kurchatov", "Melbourne", "Melton", "Beeville", "Santo Tomé", "Thessaloniki", "Sanginjoki", "General Berthelot", "Truth or Consequences", "Vatican City", "Mabbettsville", "Askio", "Geraldton", "Iron Mountain", "Austin", "Eexterveen", "Rennes", "Tweede Exloërmond", "Provo", "Açailândia", "Sáenz Peña", "Harper", "Drouwenermond", "Sydney", "Aarón Castellanos", "Scharsterbrug", "Calabar", "Sai Ying Pun", "Chkalovsk", "St Clether", "Livingstone, Zambia", "Oneida", "De Wilp", "Tskhinvali", "Rakovski Municipality", "Sint Philipsland", "Nederland", "Lincolnton", "Whitton", "Eisleben", "Llanfechell", "Henderson", "Port Lincoln", "Alexandria", "Snorum", "Filadelfia", "Santa Clarita", "Emory", "Flaten", "Emmer-Compascuum", "Agios Nikolaos", "Belfast", "Bergen Isakhanova", "Vuontisjärvi", "Dunapentele", "Augusta Vindelicorum", "Marconi Wireless Station Site", "Kayseri", "Pollards Point", "Adelaide", "Presidente Prudente", "Salpausselkä", "Dalerpeel", "Vladikavkaz", "Vienna", "Stawell", "Novomoskovsk", "Bady Bassitt", "Innsbruck", "Augusta Treverorum", "Novokuznetsk", "Pineia", "Lyons", "Lincoln, California", "Tamworth", "Beruniy", "Cleveland", "Beylagan", "Mahabalipuram", "José María Morelos", "Øresund Region", "Eastern Tickle", "Cambridge", "Aphrodisias", "Bajaszentistván", "Wijnjewoude", "Banning", "Kirovsk", "Kirovo-Chepetsk", "Püspökszentlászló", "Constantinople", "Dusti", "Cordeaux Heights", "Nolinsk", "Leninváros", "Ayia Trias, Cyprus", "São Paulo", "New York City", "Vologda", "Valentine", "Dauphin Island", "Benczúrfalva", "Stadskanaal", "Hall", "Hopetoun", "Imeni Poliny Osipenko", "Batadorp", "Yelizavetovka", "Hej", "Havelterberg", "Alert", "Mindszent", "Willemsoord, Steenwijkerland", "Warner Robins", "Eexterzandvoort", "Kalininsk", "Kollumerzwaag", "Strijen", "Cann River", "Rotstergaast", "Kaufman", "Echtenerbrug", "Perth", "Busse", "Dampier", "Mátyásföld", "Llandeilo", "Saarlouis", "Creil", "Nitro", "Adamstown", "Kolkhozobod", "Wenceslao Escalante", "Bolgar", "Sokoto", "Usolye", "Máriaváros", "Mihail Kogălniceanu", "Llanddwywe", "San Saba", "Llantwit Fardre", "Kennedy Town", "Beijing", "Ussuriysk", "Constantine", "Bromma Kyrka", "Chernyakhovsk", "St Albans", "Gulpen", "Edson", "Uithuizermeeden", "Barrie", "Arsenyev", "Nordia", "Agia Varvara", "Leninogorsk", "Darien", "Charlotte Amalie", "Tempe", "Buweklooster", "Kirov", "Geesbrug", "Mississauga", "Dalerveen", "Haasts Bluff", "Clarens, Free State", "Brooklyn", "Sveti Petar, Ogulin", "Haulerwijk", "Oulu", "Tula", "Victor Larco Herrera Municipality", "New Braunfels", "Rhederbrug", "New Norfolk", "Nebo", "Marks", "Stavropol", "Mihai Eminescu", "Green River", "Rutherglen", "Satpayev", "Exloërveen", "Llanbadarn y Garreg", "Nigtevecht", "Electoral district of Daylesford", "Bowen", "Sint Annaparochie", "Russell Hill", "Eden", "Richmond Hill", "Amsterdam, Mpumalanga", "Alexander Bay, Northern Cape", "Darwin", "Oprișani", "Turgenevo", "Yazoo City", "Ruzhino", "Yodfat", "Elim", "Gasselternijveenschemond", "Nea Ionia", "Lincoln", "Kirovgrad", "Cuenca", "De Punt", "Irvine", "Post", "Mission", "Akhalgori", "Khmelnytskyi", "Kazakevichevo", "Roma", "Weiteveen", "Lilongwe", "Bethlehem, Groningen", "Kaliningrad", "Golovnino", "Montreal", "IJsselmonde", "Obninsk", "Vintilă Vodă", "Philip", "Acharnes", "Amsterdamscheveld", "Shahrixon", "Bonnerveen", "Itascatown", "Jakhau", "Moncton", "Venyukovo", "Burnaby", "Presidente Bernardes", "Thomasville", "Jumilla", "Frieschepalen", "Mathinna", "Belmopan", "Nikola Tesla", "Donetsk", "Vancouver", "Kandahar", "Iron City", "Custer", "Jean-Jaurès", "Aberfeldy", "Nahe", "Harlingen", "Peizerwold", "Sault Ste. Marie", "Luhansk", "Dordrecht, Eastern Cape", "Luneburg, South Africa", "Perm", "Volgograd", "Amaliada", "Sint Nicolaasga", "Change Islands", "Kuybyshev", "Blantyre", "Snapp", "General Praporgescu", "Solikamsk", "Snipp", "Nieuw-Amsterdam, Drenthe", "Markham", "Vaughan", "Patras", "Belton", "Lille metropolis", "Chekalin", "Santo Tomé", "Scranton", "Banevurovo", "Damwâld", "Hanford", "Pacific Alliance", "New Berlin", "Lincoln", "Leninsk", "Oranjedorp", "New Amsterdam", "Kfar Zoharim", "Mountain View", "Termunterzijl", "Ulyanovsk", "Kant", "Colonia Calafia", "Washington, D.C.", "San Francisco", "Pierz", "Kraggenburg", "Anthedon", "Zrenjanin", "Biryuch", "Eagmaryp", "Tikhmenevo", "Serpukhov", "Kfar Malal", "Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu", "Cooperstown", "Beech Grove", "Kreva", "Szentsimon", "Nea Vyssa", "Kootstertille", "Lincoln", "Franklin", "Ens", "Roderesch", "Peizermade", "Sherman", "Derby", "Donji Milanovac", "Kurchatov", "Bass", "Wildervank", "Dalhart", "Bükkszentlászló", "Poortugaal", "Oud-Beijerland", "Espargos", "Frederiksoord", "Ter Apelkanaal", "Tyler", "Lethbridge", "Lastoursville", "Souillac, Mauritius", "Ángel R. Cabada", "Budyonnovsk", "Franklin", "Maanselkä", "Nieuw-Balinge", "Tweede Valthermond", "Kərimbəyli", "Nij Altoenae", "Donostia/San Sebastián", "Lheebroek", "Suvorovo", "Meppen", "Nij Beets", "Motovilikhinsky City District", "Venice", "Pierre", "Llandeilo Abercywyn", "Albertfalva", "Amsterdam", "Gagarin", "Archer City", "Ciprian Porumbescu", "Fredericia", "Stanley", "Bagdad", "La Plata", "Hobart", "Butler", "Miguel Alemán Valdés", "Al-Malikiyah", "Grise Fiord", "Clay", "Kropyvnytskyi", "Stuttgart", "Stockholm metropolitan area", "Musselkanaal", "Kollumerpomp", "Curitiba", "Raseborg", "Palestine", "Surhuisterveen", "Athens", "Agostyán", "Mastichochoria", "Fyansford", "Asbest", "Gloversville", "Östra Torn", "Brisbane", "Gieterveen", "Hilario Ascasubi", "Victoria", "Bartlehiem", "Lockington", "Karlsruhe", "Malvinas Argentinas", "Mount Pulaski", "San Martino della Battaglia", "Klisurski Monastery", "Herzliya", "Lenauheim", "Slutsk", "Greenethorpe", "Easter Island", "Llanafan", "Zhukov", "Boston", "Pálhalma", "Regina", "European Union", "Charlottetown", "Perito Moreno", "Oranjewoud", "Bangui", "Lincoln City", "Llanfechan", "St Endellion", "C.A. Rosetti", "Crantock", "Amfissa", "Emmeloord", "Hamilton", "Canmore", "Douglas", "São Tomé", "Moscow", "New Bern", "Alumínio", "Young", "Lincolnton", "Burfjord", "White River", "Horiany", "Vilnius", "Natchitoches", "Forfjord", "Galyatető", "Svilojevo", "Artigas", "Szilasliget", "Tartu", "León", "Donnybrook", "Ivan Cankar, Maribor", "Nieuw-Beerta", "Seville", "Feanwâldsterwâl", "Kirawsk", "Exloërkijl", "Hastings", "Launceston", "Eerste Exloërmond", "Falmouth", "Blythe", "Ordzhonikidze", "Chkalovsk", "Pedro Juan Caballero", "Utqiaġvik", "Ambracia", "Tolyatti", "Eisenhüttenstadt", "Hell-Bourg", "Zanesfield", "Burketown", "Abrazheyevka", "Yeni yol, Shamkir", "Cody", "Apatity", "Hamtramck", "Shakhunya", "Beetgumermolen", "Engels", "Kuivasjärvi", "Nieuw-Weerdinge", "Vikajärvi", "Colonia Ángel Heladio Aguirre Rivero", "Vrouwenparochie", "Ouwster-Nijega", "Rottumeroog" ], "verbalized_answer": "725", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "atmost" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "named after" ], [ "type", "administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "occupation" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "named after" ], [ "type", "administrative territorial entity" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ], [ "value", "1" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'administrative territorial entity'}, 'named after', [{'concept': 'occupation'}, {'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}]]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?s ) AS ?k ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?s ( COUNT ( ?r ) AS ?z ) WHERE { { ?s property:named_after ?r . ?s rdf:type ontology:administrative_territorial_entity . ?r rdf:type ontology:occupation } UNION { ?s property:named_after ?r . ?s rdf:type ontology:administrative_territorial_entity . ?r rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity } } GROUP BY ?s } . FILTER ( ?z <= 1 ) }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(administrative territorial entity)', 'named after', 'c(occupation)|c(designation for an administrative territorial entity)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 22, "ques_type_id": 7, "question-type": "Quantitative Reasoning (Count) (All)", "description": "Quantitative|Count|Single entity type", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q2028" ], "relations": [ "P190" ], "type_list": [ "Q56061" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "How many administrative territories are sister towns of Verona ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(Q2028,P190,c(Q56061))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": 1, "count_ques_type": 1, "is_incomplete": 0, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q2028" ], [ "relation", "P190" ], [ "type", "Q56061" ] ], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "['Q2028', 'P190', {'concept': 'Q56061'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?v ) AS ?d ) WHERE { ?v rdf:type ontology:Q56061 . resource:Q2028 property:P190 ?v }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Verona" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Verona" ], [ "relation", "sister city" ], [ "type", "administrative territorial entity" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "['Verona', 'sister city', {'concept': 'administrative territorial entity'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?v ) AS ?d ) WHERE { ?v rdf:type ontology:administrative_territorial_entity . resource:Verona property:sister_city ?v }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [ "administrative territorial entity" ] }, { "id": 23, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "13", "all_entities": [ "Q504215", "Q24861", "Q4656", "Q25409", "Q43301", "Q13386", "Q390358", "Q309164", "Q1726", "Q205832", "Q34713", "Q121157", "Q5776" ], "active_set": [ "(Q2028,P190,c(Q56061))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q2028" ], [ "relation", "P190" ], [ "type", "Q56061" ] ], "is_spurious": false, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWER]", "parsed_active_set": [ "['Q2028', 'P190', {'concept': 'Q56061'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?v ) AS ?d ) WHERE { ?v 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FILTER ( ?v = ?x ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Solomon Islands", "Papua New Guinea" ], "verbalized_answer": "Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea have diplomatic relations with min number of administrative territories", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Solomon Islands", "Papua New Guinea" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "argmin" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "diplomatic relation" ], [ "type", "political territorial entity" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}, 'diplomatic relation', 'Jamaica']" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?q WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( MIN ( ?l ) AS ?x ) { SELECT DISTINCT ?o ( COUNT ( ?r ) AS ?l ) WHERE { ?o rdf:type ontology:political_territorial_entity . ?r rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity . ?o property:diplomatic_relation ?r } GROUP BY ?o } } . { SELECT DISTINCT ?q ( COUNT ( ?y ) AS ?v ) WHERE { ?y rdf:type ontology:designation_for_an_administrative_territorial_entity . ?q rdf:type ontology:political_territorial_entity . ?q property:diplomatic_relation ?y } GROUP BY ?q } . 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VALUES ( ?y ) { ( resource:Q685 ) ( resource:Q691 ) } }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Statute of Westminster 1931" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "is_in" ], [ "entity", "prev_answer" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Statute of Westminster 1931" ], [ "relation", "applies to jurisdiction" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "['Statute of Westminster 1931', 'applies to jurisdiction', 'Solomon Islands']", "['Statute of Westminster 1931', 'applies to jurisdiction', 'Papua New Guinea']" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "ASK WHERE { resource:Statute_of_Westminster_1931 property:applies_to_jurisdiction ?y . 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"verbalized_answer": "Port Moresby is the capital of Papua New Guinea", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Port Moresby" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Papua New Guinea" ], [ "relation", "capital" ], [ "type", "administrative territorial entity" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "['Papua New Guinea', 'capital', {'concept': 'administrative territorial entity'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?w WHERE { resource:Papua_New_Guinea property:capital ?w . ?w rdf:type ontology:administrative_territorial_entity }", "verbalized_triple": "[['Papua New Guinea', 'capital', 'c(administrative territorial entity)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 16, "ques_type_id": 2, "question-type": "Simple Question (Direct)", "description": "Simple Question|Single Entity", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q142" ], "relations": [ "P35" ], "type_list": [ "Q502895" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "Which people have the 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VALUES ( ?o ) { ( ontology:nucleic_acid_sequence ) ( ontology:nutrient ) } } GROUP BY ?l } }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(nucleic acid sequence)|c(nutrient)', 'found in taxon', 'c(infraspecific name)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 12, "ques_type_id": 8, "question-type": "Comparative Reasoning (Count) (All)", "description": "Comparative|Count over More/Less|Mult. entity type", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q21102593" ], "relations": [ "P129" ], "type_list": [ "Q8386", "Q181394", "Q181394" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "How many nutrients contact approximately the same number of drugs and nutrients as Sn1-specific diacylglycerol lipase alpha ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(c(Q181394),P129,c(Q8386)|c(Q181394))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": 7, "count_ques_type": 2, "is_incomplete": 0, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": 1, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "approx" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P129" ], [ "type", "Q181394" ], [ "type", "Q8386" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P129" ], [ "type", "Q181394" ], [ "type", "Q181394" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Q21102593" ], [ "relation", "P129" ], [ "type", "Q8386" ], [ "type", "Q181394" ] ], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q181394'}, 'P129', [{'concept': 'Q8386'}, {'concept': 'Q181394'}]]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?d ) AS ?s ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?d ( COUNT ( ?z ) AS ?b ) WHERE { { ?d rdf:type ontology:Q181394 . ?z rdf:type ontology:Q8386 . ?d property:P129 ?z } UNION { ?d property:P129 ?z . ?d rdf:type ontology:Q181394 . ?z rdf:type ontology:Q181394 } } GROUP BY ?d } . FILTER ( ?b = ?t ) . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?f ) AS ?t ) WHERE { resource:Q21102593 property:P129 ?f . { { ?f rdf:type ontology:Q8386 } UNION { ?f rdf:type ontology:Q181394 } } } } }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Sn1-specific diacylglycerol lipase alpha" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "approx" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "drug" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Sn1-specific diacylglycerol lipase alpha" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "drug" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'nutrient'}, 'physically interacts with', [{'concept': 'drug'}, {'concept': 'nutrient'}]]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?d ) AS ?s ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?d ( COUNT ( ?z ) AS ?b ) WHERE { { ?d rdf:type ontology:nutrient . ?z rdf:type ontology:drug . ?d property:physically_interacts_with ?z } UNION { ?d property:physically_interacts_with ?z . ?d rdf:type ontology:nutrient . ?z rdf:type ontology:nutrient } } GROUP BY ?d } . FILTER ( ?b = ?t ) . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?f ) AS ?t ) WHERE { resource:Sn1-specific_diacylglycerol_lipase_alpha property:physically_interacts_with ?f . { { ?f rdf:type ontology:drug } UNION { ?f rdf:type ontology:nutrient } } } } }", "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [ "drug", "nutrient", "nutrient" ] }, { "id": 13, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "751", "all_entities": [ "Q21135479", "Q21987720", "Q5635781", "Q21115605", "Q21110942", "Q22679043", "Q21494718", "Q21115210", "Q5018799", "Q21115219", "Q21116154", "Q14872770", "Q21173427", "Q21119831", "Q21119830", "Q4217286", "Q21982207", "Q21108693", "Q12746346", "Q21108695", "Q21123087", "Q21109971", "Q21988043", "Q21127094", "Q13561329", "Q21985448", "Q21119231", "Q7671480", "Q21115284", "Q21987850", "Q21172741", "Q423701", "Q413209", "Q905729", "Q420930", "Q21110295", "Q21111688", "Q1407929", "Q21173169", "Q14908176", "Q21107052", "Q21119836", "Q21118791", "Q21108135", "Q21120422", "Q21111175", "Q21120424", "Q417057", "Q21154358", "Q6155969", "Q21125451", "Q21147674", "Q21113310", "Q21113312", "Q21113313", "Q21113314", "Q21113317", "Q1499998", "Q409166", "Q21113170", "Q21113172", "Q1947065", "Q15335226", "Q21113176", "Q21118071", "Q2463389", "Q21126314", "Q14864142", "Q7553281", "Q4042017", "Q15323688", "Q21496155", "Q6590338", "Q7073181", "Q21108789", "Q21107107", "Q21108624", "Q4216080", "Q21156477", "Q21156475", "Q420470", "Q7317662", "Q4048886", "Q22675842", "Q14911986", "Q21100441", "Q7202245", "Q21113552", "Q21137668", "Q21114547", "Q21100658", "Q1552797", "Q14865158", "Q21135205", "Q21110488", "Q424440", "Q21117208", "Q21102756", "Q906403", "Q3609382", "Q21990430", "Q21494481", "Q1486720", "Q4789588", "Q21107843", "Q4789584", "Q21105011", "Q21113671", "Q4789587", "Q21981115", "Q4822789", "Q401536", "Q420604", "Q258915", "Q21126218", "Q21130085", "Q21135448", "Q21135449", "Q21173374", "Q21108357", "Q21126214", "Q21156663", "Q5500227", "Q21108402", "Q21118967", "Q6589868", "Q21108408", "Q21118678", "Q21984552", "Q21123083", "Q21984557", "Q14900999", "Q415287", "Q7861688", "Q7671479", "Q21118909", "Q7923221", "Q21136123", "Q21106653", "Q7169506", "Q7169504", "Q21118293", "Q21130016", "Q21136517", "Q21111689", "Q908221", "Q21496578", "Q21109365", "Q5323823", "Q254943", "Q21496575", "Q21496576", "Q21109253", "Q21100773", "Q21107439", "Q21100774", "Q15323278", "Q21988044", "Q21102152", "Q21107535", "Q21103155", "Q2042529", "Q21114341", "Q21109974", "Q21985924", "Q2398308", "Q5038044", "Q21988816", "Q21109218", "Q14905576", "Q21113326", "Q14905270", "Q5201199", "Q905736", "Q21984063", "Q14911929", "Q21122995", "Q21135975", "Q21122125", "Q4812911", "Q21103089", "Q21112081", "Q21172213", "Q14914580", "Q4459747", "Q511968", "Q21102129", "Q415976", "Q21130042", "Q21496563", "Q15323770", "Q5198252", "Q21109744", "Q21102124", "Q21123723", "Q5198256", "Q21124458", "Q21107885", "Q21107884", "Q21123236", "Q21111742", "Q21123239", "Q15324125", "Q7275807", "Q2640417", "Q21125231", "Q21117805", "Q21110296", "Q21100472", "Q21123244", "Q21123725", "Q21123722", "Q21107890", "Q410798", "Q21107891", "Q21155668", "Q21103207", "Q1147372", "Q21110467", "Q5514576", "Q7671473", "Q22677568", "Q21119828", "Q15327635", "Q21119824", "Q21980258", "Q21119826", "Q2385013", "Q21119820", "Q5419640", "Q21118920", "Q21494502", "Q6414726", "Q21107812", "Q22680153", "Q21114166", "Q21108482", "Q7671499", "Q7671495", "Q14913392", "Q21121815", "Q21116513", "Q7671493", "Q21104645", "Q21499436", "Q21097491", "Q21111162", "Q21115906", "Q21114332", "Q21987842", "Q408853", "Q21982210", "Q6901317", "Q21119851", "Q21130460", "Q417149", "Q21102588", "Q5611730", "Q21097266", "Q5512777", "Q21118785", "Q21154430", "Q21173746", "Q21120458", "Q21125466", "Q412483", "Q420766", "Q21496383", "Q5005897", "Q21113719", "Q1493174", "Q11071131", "Q21139471", "Q21497887", "Q21113101", "Q21113100", "Q21988386", "Q424031", "Q21173381", "Q5514257", "Q21110304", "Q3459294", "Q21114338", "Q21497941", "Q21102511", "Q21119672", "Q21987844", "Q21987843", "Q21119575", "Q21202200", "Q21132140", "Q21118732", "Q21126779", "Q21497890", "Q21126777", "Q21116162", "Q21110396", "Q21116164", "Q21126773", "Q419999", "Q21135949", "Q21096262", "Q21105660", "Q21991514", "Q21135943", "Q21135945", "Q21991512", "Q21991513", "Q21117235", "Q21108844", "Q417801", "Q21113155", "Q21981993", "Q21171763", "Q21494387", "Q4650061", "Q21120420", "Q5773155", "Q21119704", "Q21173310", "Q5500222", "Q7390898", "Q21111803", "Q21112690", "Q21112691", "Q21120423", "Q22679015", "Q15322943", "Q21174687", "Q21125248", "Q21499097", "Q21105060", "Q21114807", "Q21125240", "Q21208052", "Q21987569", "Q21173156", "Q14905969", "Q21118353", "Q21121807", "Q21124061", "Q21118356", "Q4822491", "Q21117300", "Q21126205", "Q7799753", "Q21175110", "Q21108578", "Q21113173", "Q21120142", "Q21110921", "Q21173406", "Q411978", "Q21106540", "Q288382", "Q4036865", "Q21119818", "Q21111184", "Q21983261", "Q21111182", "Q21111181", "Q4859538", "Q21102300", "Q3931282", "Q909409", "Q21139123", "Q21108338", "Q14891582", "Q21109298", "Q21109354", "Q21115954", "Q409867", "Q21496918", "Q21106795", "Q21117407", "Q21113926", "Q21103146", "Q21110752", "Q408305", "Q3454525", "Q21097237", "Q21120955", "Q21114574", "Q21114576", "Q21108785", "Q21112525", "Q21118072", "Q14911895", "Q3721138", "Q7251483", "Q21113330", "Q5419638", "Q21113337", "Q21156191", "Q21108487", "Q21110901", "Q21104817", "Q14914570", "Q21113158", "Q14905748", "Q21135903", "Q21107088", "Q21113152", "Q21103337", "Q3271551", "Q21990456", "Q21103323", "Q21102136", "Q21145932", "Q21173215", "Q21498865", "Q21123245", "Q5014947", "Q21123247", "Q21123246", "Q5512833", "Q5500223", "Q21123242", "Q128861", "Q21132248", "Q21132004", "Q21114845", "Q423572", "Q12746111", "Q422579", "Q21499210", "Q21100464", "Q15323346", "Q21112674", "Q21988035", "Q21119156", "Q21105636", "Q21119157", "Q21126242", "Q21991520", "Q21126786", "Q7117825", "Q21115989", "Q5572421", "Q21107443", "Q7117823", "Q21497124", "Q21123241", "Q6590408", "Q21118919", "Q21497128", "Q5198254", "Q21132652", "Q6594119", "Q21119694", "Q7136149", "Q21111879", "Q21125249", "Q21988026", "Q21988024", "Q7671460", "Q7671461", "Q21122493", "Q21173504", "Q7671468", "Q7671469", "Q12746382", "Q21100975", "Q21102111", "Q412214", "Q1085078", "Q21121368", "Q21106693", "Q7673856", "Q21119848", "Q21103198", "Q21497155", "Q21118862", "Q5464652", "Q7671464", "Q21126833", "Q356093", "Q21119847", "Q21110936", "Q21121466", "Q21110933", "Q6714411", "Q22677167", "Q7118491", "Q13566123", "Q21132917", "Q21979519", "Q21135411", "Q6592965", "Q21990458", "Q22676780", "Q21120698", "Q905000", "Q21113274", "Q7120326", "Q21115961", "Q21115962", "Q21115965", "Q21113278", "Q14905076", "Q21105176", "Q21113115", "Q21113504", "Q14912057", "Q21989670", "Q418404", "Q6881891", "Q21497874", "Q21127300", "Q21498709", "Q2083074", "Q21102075", "Q21119653", "Q21111553", "Q21108161", "Q21124401", "Q4897285", "Q21111495", "Q21124409", "Q21123752", "Q21172884", "Q21172886", "Q21122109", "Q6534535", "Q21140676", "Q311568", "Q1436420", "Q21173485", "Q5773160", "Q21121716", "Q21111833", "Q6590443", "Q21122997", "Q21130508", "Q21132789", "Q21123216", "Q21106691", "Q3062781", "Q21125253", "Q6981557", "Q22679008", "Q11071075", "Q6449561", "Q21111336", "Q5198250", "Q21113831", "Q7799751", "Q14914198", "Q4377404", "Q21138907", "Q4822488", "Q21119843", "Q21116933", "Q315860", "Q5629167", "Q21119827", "Q21115815", "Q5014193", "Q21115816", "Q21115819", "Q21172286", "Q21114819", "Q288395", "Q21120144", "Q21122921", "Q6714959", "Q21121233", "Q21110532", "Q21159525", "Q22678664", "Q5446457", "Q5446456", "Q21106737", "Q5446453", "Q14914104", "Q3271142", "Q21992684", "Q21119816", "Q10988613", "Q415271", "Q21102593", "Q7834290", "Q5014192", "Q21114585", "Q21109026", "Q1500004", "Q21102123", "Q21108517", "Q565672", "Q408572", "Q21154413", "Q21497937", "Q21497936", "Q21113832", "Q5611755", "Q21123416", "Q21982979", "Q21111517", "Q21988152", "Q21121086", "Q21982871", "Q21109462", "Q21122433", "Q21122435", "Q3162114", "Q21984578", "Q21113305", "Q21133205", "Q21119825", "Q21102082", "Q21984577", "Q904925", "Q21113169", "Q21113168", "Q3415811", "Q424401", "Q5009781", "Q21113161", "Q21172271", "Q21131101", "Q5014958", "Q21119822", "Q21172800", "Q21173206", "Q21173207", "Q2521094", "Q5014957", "Q415718", "Q7455513", "Q21123251", "Q285613", "Q21119591", "Q21114857", "Q904241", "Q21100450", "Q21100324", "Q21114850", "Q21982203", "Q21132247", "Q21174141", "Q21130911", "Q21113540", "Q21150595", "Q423561", "Q21120051", "Q587961", "Q21106448", "Q21987287", "Q7119501", "Q21115996", "Q21118578", "Q21115992", "Q22676802", "Q21109157", "Q21118576", "Q21115998", "Q21201618", "Q21118676", "Q21118677", "Q15324694", "Q21108701", "Q21988427", "Q21991039", "Q21201294", "Q411791", "Q14905763", "Q21118884", "Q21496564", "Q425201", "Q9020944", "Q21121379", "Q21112289", "Q7671477", "Q21127141", "Q21111265", "Q21157860", "Q7671478", "Q21116665", "Q21113099", "Q15327766", "Q21118970", "Q21126947", "Q21118976", "Q416336", "Q21113295", "Q21113297", "Q21110922", "Q21113292", "Q21498666", "Q21173608", "Q21136134", "Q21129997", "Q6592976", "Q21107799", "Q423628", "Q21113349", "Q21494464", "Q21157551", "Q21121276", "Q7120338", "Q21983336", "Q21113510", "Q21100810", "Q424693", "Q21123223", "Q288431", "Q21102146", "Q21107871", "Q21103162", "Q21121816", "Q6589190", "Q410434", "Q21097216", "Q7671497", "Q21122509", "Q6449560", "Q6449562", "Q21111520", "Q7390572", "Q6155967", "Q21100360", "Q21114955", "Q21984383", "Q5201183", "Q21984381", "Q415762", "Q6714402", "Q21125499", "Q21499447", "Q15324415", "Q21135787", "Q15323565", "Q5201201", "Q571999", "Q21495791", "Q2005209", "Q21100886", "Q21115429", "Q22683566", "Q7002508", "Q21121490", "Q2356259", "Q21121496", "Q21123220", "Q21113683", "Q6981560", "Q21118710", 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{'concept': 'Q181394'}]]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?d ) AS ?s ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?d ( COUNT ( ?z ) AS ?b ) WHERE { { ?d rdf:type ontology:Q181394 . ?z rdf:type ontology:Q8386 . ?d property:P129 ?z } UNION { ?d property:P129 ?z . ?d rdf:type ontology:Q181394 . ?z rdf:type ontology:Q181394 } } GROUP BY ?d } . FILTER ( ?b = ?t ) . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?f ) AS ?t ) WHERE { resource:Q21102593 property:P129 ?f . { { ?f rdf:type ontology:Q8386 } UNION { ?f rdf:type ontology:Q181394 } } } } }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Sodium channel protein type 8 subunit alpha", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member D", "GTPase HRas", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1", "G-protein coupled receptor 55", "Aldose reductase", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 2", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 1", "Calcium-activated potassium channel subunit alpha-1", "Oxysterols receptor LXR-beta", "Adenosine receptor A3", "Histamine H4 receptor", "Histone deacetylase 9", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 5", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 18", "Cathepsin S", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 2", "G-protein coupled receptor 87", "Nociceptin receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor 84", "Neuromedin-K receptor", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 4", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 4", "Rho-associated protein kinase 2", "Reelin", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1", "Tyrosine-protein kinase TXK", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4", "Activated CDC42 kinase 1", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP2 subtype", "G-protein coupled receptor 3", "Coagulation factor X", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor", "Glutathione reductase, mitochondrial", "Galanin receptor type 2", "B2 bradykinin receptor", "Cytochrome P450 1A1", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1", "Gap junction alpha-4 protein", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 1", "Multidrug resistance-associated protein 5", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-10", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP4 subtype", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-3", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP2 subtype", "Vitamin D3 receptor", "Histone deacetylase 3", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3", "Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 1", "Estrogen-related receptor gamma", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-1", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-3", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit epsilon", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1C", "Prothrombin", "Gap junction delta-3 protein", "Gap junction delta-4 protein", "Voltage-dependent N-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1B", "D(2) dopamine receptor", "Gap junction delta-2 protein", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn", "Sodium channel protein type 1 subunit alpha", "3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase", "Solute carrier family 12 member 3", "GTPase KRas", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 2", "Bromodomain testis-specific protein", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 7", "2-oxoglutarate receptor 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 5", "Gap junction alpha-3 protein", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta", "72 kDa type IV collagenase", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 3", "Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 2", "3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase 2", "Rhodopsin kinase", "Nociceptin receptor", "Bromodomain-containing protein 4", "Platelet-activating factor receptor", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 14", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4", "Nitric oxide synthase, inducible", "Rho-associated protein kinase 1", "Heat-stable enterotoxin receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 1", "Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (quinone), mitochondrial", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase BRSK2", "Cytochrome P450 3A4", "Chymotrypsin-like elastase family member 1", "Testis-specific serine/threonine-protein kinase 1", "Protein kinase C zeta type", "Cytochrome P450 11B2, mitochondrial", "P2Y purinoceptor 14", "Uracil nucleotide/cysteinyl leukotriene receptor", "Glutamate receptor 3", "Vasopressin V2 receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 10", "Vasopressin V1a receptor", "cGMP-dependent 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 8", "Vasopressin V1b receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor 6", "Toll-like receptor 7", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Blk", "Phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase", "Renin", "Folate transporter 1", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 5", "Sodium channel protein type 2 subunit alpha", "Sodium channel protein type 3 subunit alpha", "Plasminogen", "Cystine/glutamate transporter", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 11", "Free fatty acid receptor 3", "Chloride channel protein 2", "G-protein coupled receptor 183", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 6", "H(+)/Cl(-) exchange transporter 3", "Melanocortin receptor 3", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 3", "Substance-K receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 1", "Kappa-type opioid receptor", "Aromatase", "Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 3", "Ovarian cancer G-protein coupled receptor 1", "Vesicular acetylcholine transporter", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1", "Solute carrier family 23 member 1", "Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha", "Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta", "Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, cytoplasmic", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 2", "Zinc-activated ligand-gated ion channel", "B1 bradykinin receptor", "Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 4", "Histone acetyltransferase p300", "Retinoic acid receptor alpha", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6", "Protein kinase C iota type", "Chloride transport protein 6", "Farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase", "H(+)/Cl(-) exchange transporter 7", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily A member 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1I", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 6", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-1", "Toll-like receptor 9", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 3", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 3", "P2X purinoceptor 4", "P2Y purinoceptor 12", "Carbonic anhydrase 4", "Neuropeptide S receptor", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf", "Thromboxane A2 receptor", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-1", "Thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor", "Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 2", "Prostacyclin receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor family C group 6 member A", "Mu-type opioid receptor", "Melatonin receptor type 1A", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 1", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 3", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase ATR", "Homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 1", "Gap junction gamma-3 protein", "Solute carrier family 22 member 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 6", "Toll-like receptor 8", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 2", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1H", "Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret", "Carbonyl reductase [NADPH] 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily C member 1", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 6", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1F", "Pannexin-2", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 9", "Sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter B(0)AT2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily B member 2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily B member 1", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit gamma isoform", "Complement C1r subcomponent", "Cone cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase subunit alpha'", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 4", "Nuclear receptor ROR-alpha", "Aldehyde dehydrogenase, mitochondrial", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4A", "Galanin receptor type 3", "Bromodomain testis-specific protein", "cGMP-inhibited 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase B", "Pannexin-1", "Pannexin-3", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 7", "cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 1", "Death-associated protein kinase 1", "G-protein coupled bile acid receptor 1", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 1", "Potassium-transporting ATPase alpha chain 1", "Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta", "Short transient receptor potential channel 7", "Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 8", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 7", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 2", "Short transient receptor potential channel 2", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 1", "Translocator protein", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 2", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 5", "P2X purinoceptor 3", "G-protein coupled receptor 35", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 11", "Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1", "Ornithine decarboxylase", "Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4-alpha", "DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 3", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 8", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor", "P2Y purinoceptor 11", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 4", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 7", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1", "Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-1", "Acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha", "Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 2", "Tubulin beta chain", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP3 subtype", "Nitric oxide synthase, endothelial", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 1", "Amine oxidase [flavin-containing] A", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 4", "Methionine aminopeptidase 2", "Dihydrofolate reductase", "Sn1-specific diacylglycerol lipase beta", "Growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor", "Angiopoietin-1 receptor", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-4", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member D", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4", "Melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor", "Proteasome subunit beta type-5", "Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 2", "Cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme, mitochondrial", "Tyrosine 3-monooxygenase", "Gastrin/cholecystokinin type B receptor", "Hepatocyte growth factor receptor", "NAD-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-1", "Vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase", "Glucagon-like peptide 2 receptor", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 10", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 1", "Gap junction beta-6 protein", "Gap junction beta-5 protein", "Delta-type opioid receptor", "Mevalonate kinase", "Histone deacetylase 6", "G-protein coupled estrogen receptor 1", "Galanin receptor type 1", "Sodium channel protein type 5 subunit alpha", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 2", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 4", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha", "Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2-beta", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP1 subtype", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP4 subtype", "P2Y purinoceptor 1", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4C", "Aurora kinase C", "Maltase-glucoamylase, intestinal", "P2Y purinoceptor 4", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 8", "P2Y purinoceptor 2", "Adenosine receptor A2a", "Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP1A", "Adenosine receptor A2b", "Putative P2Y purinoceptor 10", "Transthyretin", "Solute carrier family 22 member 11", "Sodium leak channel non-selective protein", "Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-3", "Trace amine-associated receptor 3", "Solute carrier family 22 member 8", "Solute carrier family 22 member 12", "Trace amine-associated receptor 5", "Trace amine-associated receptor 4", "Nuclear receptor ROR-beta", "P2X purinoceptor 4", "Extracellular calcium-sensing receptor", "Gap junction gamma-1 protein", "fMet-Leu-Phe receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor 12", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR1", "Bile salt export pump", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP1 subtype", "Histone deacetylase 2", "Dual 3',5'-cyclic-AMP and -GMP phosphodiesterase 11A", "Endothelin B receptor", "Free fatty acid receptor 1", "Sodium/glucose cotransporter 2", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1S", "fMet-Leu-Phe receptor", "Beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 2", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP3 subtype", "Cholinesterase", "Short transient receptor potential channel 4", "Sodium/bile acid cotransporter", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-alpha", "Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C3", "Lysine-specific demethylase 7A", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2A1", "Sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 15", "Bcl-2-like protein 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 1", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3", "P2Y purinoceptor 14", "Neurotensin receptor type 1", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit gamma", "Aurora kinase B", "Cytochrome P450 3A5", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 4", "Thyroid hormone receptor beta", "Vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1", "Squalene synthase", "Gap junction beta-4 protein", "Neuropeptide Y receptor type 1", "Uracil nucleotide/cysteinyl leukotriene receptor", "Histone deacetylase 8", "Thromboxane A2 receptor", "Geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase", "Histamine H4 receptor", "Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2", "Intermediate conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 4", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-9", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-6", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-2", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 2", "C-C chemokine receptor type 4", "Calcitonin receptor", "Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 2", "Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase subunit M2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 6", "Protein kinase C epsilon type", "Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-2", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 2", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4D", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 24", "Cholecystokinin receptor type A", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-3", "Cytochrome P450 2J2", "Steroid 17-alpha-hydroxylase/17,20 lyase", "Progesterone receptor", "Aromatic-L-amino-acid decarboxylase", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 2 group C member 2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-1", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-5", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 4", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase N1", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR1", "Thymidylate synthase", "Neutrophil elastase", "Interferon-induced, double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-3", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 4", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit theta", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 19", "Parathyroid hormone/parathyroid hormone-related peptide receptor", "Gastrin/cholecystokinin type B receptor", "Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 6", "Gap junction alpha-8 protein", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1C", "Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide receptor 1", "Gap junction alpha-10 protein", "Gap junction alpha-5 protein", "Two pore calcium channel protein 1", "Smoothened homolog", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor 2", "Two pore calcium channel protein 2", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-beta", "Phospholipase D2", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 3", "Beta-3 adrenergic receptor", "High affinity cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 7A", "Cytochrome P450 1B1", "cGMP-inhibited 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase A", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1C", "Cyclin-G-associated kinase", "Free fatty acid receptor 2", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4B", "Angiotensin-converting enzyme", "G protein-coupled receptor kinase 6", "Endothelin-1 receptor", "Protein kinase C gamma type", "Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK", "Motilin receptor", "Insulin receptor", "Carbonic anhydrase 13", "Bromodomain-containing protein 3", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 1", "Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 5", "Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 2", "cGMP-gated cation channel alpha-1", "Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 5", "Trace amine-associated receptor 1", "P2X purinoceptor 7", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit delta isoform", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 1", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 1", "N-formyl peptide receptor 2", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha isoform", "B2 bradykinin receptor", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1B", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 8", "P2X purinoceptor 1", "B1 bradykinin receptor", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 8", "Glucose-dependent insulinotropic receptor", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 3", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1A", "Parathyroid hormone 2 receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 2", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1C1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 3", "Prostaglandin F2-alpha receptor", "Interstitial collagenase", "Short transient receptor potential channel 5", "Short transient receptor potential channel 6", "Oxoeicosanoid receptor 1", "Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor", "Acid-sensing ion channel 3", "Dipeptidyl peptidase 4", "Bile acid receptor", "Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 1", "Cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein kinase BMX", "Substance-P receptor", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 9", "G-protein coupled receptor family C group 6 member A", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1S", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 1", "Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor", "Short transient receptor potential channel 4", "Polycystic kidney disease 2-like 1 protein", "Adenosine deaminase", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 12", "G-protein coupled receptor 35", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2", "Probable G-protein coupled receptor 63", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 8", "Thyroid peroxidase", "Histone acetyltransferase KAT2B", "Neuropeptide FF receptor 2", "Carbonic anhydrase 14", "Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2", "Retinoic acid receptor gamma", "Prostaglandin F2-alpha receptor", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-7", "P2Y purinoceptor 6", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 2", "Fatty-acid amide hydrolase 1", "cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha", "Glutamate receptor 1", "Glutamate receptor 2", "Glutamate receptor 4", "Fatty-acid amide hydrolase 2", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 2", "Anoctamin-1", "Gap junction beta-1 protein", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 13", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 11", "DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha", "C-C chemokine receptor type 5", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 9", "Potassium channel subfamily U member 1", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 10", "Adenosine receptor A2b", "Aquaporin-1", "Acid-sensing ion channel 1", "Solute carrier family 12 member 2", "Solute carrier family 22 member 6", "Lysine-specific histone demethylase 1A", "Solute carrier family 15 member 1", "Beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit beta", "Solute carrier family 12 member 1", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase pim-2", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 5", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 2", "Leukotriene B4 receptor 2", "Histone deacetylase 11", "Histamine H2 receptor", "Xanthine dehydrogenase/oxidase", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 2", "Histone deacetylase 5", "Nitric oxide synthase, brain", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 2", "Oxytocin receptor", "Melatonin receptor type 1B", "Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit alpha", "Chloride channel protein ClC-Kb", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase N2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase FRK", "Adenosine receptor A1", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1", "Sodium channel protein type 4 subunit alpha", "Cathepsin K", "Trace amine-associated receptor 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 2", "ALK tyrosine kinase receptor", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 4", "Type-2 angiotensin II receptor", "Thyroid hormone receptor alpha", "Trifunctional purine biosynthetic protein adenosine-3", "Presenilin-1", "Ryanodine receptor 1", "Aurora kinase A", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 2", "Cyclin-dependent-like kinase 5", "Calcitonin", "Histone deacetylase 1", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 10", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2A", "Casein kinase I isoform delta", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2B", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2C", "Brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor 1", "Lysine-specific demethylase 2A", "Histamine H3 receptor", "Neuropeptide Y receptor type 2", "Chromaffin granule amine transporter", "Mucolipin-1", "Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase large subunit", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 1", "Ryanodine receptor 3", "Ceramide glucosyltransferase", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2", "Proteinase-activated receptor 1", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1", "Toll-like receptor 4", "Cytochrome P450 2D6", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 3", "Leukotriene B4 receptor 1", "Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2", "Sn1-specific diacylglycerol lipase alpha", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily A member 1", "Casein kinase I isoform epsilon", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-6", "Tryptase alpha/beta-1", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 3", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1G", "TRAF2 and NCK-interacting protein kinase", "Lysosomal alpha-glucosidase", "Sigma non-opioid intracellular receptor 1", "Cathepsin Z", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 5A", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A", "Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor G3", "Growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1", "Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 5", "Alpha-1B adrenergic receptor", "cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit beta", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 1", "Proton-coupled folate transporter", "Glucocorticoid receptor", "Amine oxidase [flavin-containing] B", "Orexin receptor type 1", "Orexin receptor type 2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-2", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member X1", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 4", "Acid-sensing ion channel 2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 3", "Cytochrome P450 11B1, mitochondrial", "Gap junction beta-7 protein", "Gap junction gamma-2 protein", "Ryanodine receptor 2", "Epidermal growth factor receptor", "Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3", "Gap junction alpha-9 protein", "Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase", "Membrane primary amine oxidase", "Cytochrome P450 2B6", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 4", "Free fatty acid receptor 4", "Histone deacetylase 4", "Histone deacetylase 7", "Synaptic vesicular amine transporter", "Cytochrome P450 2C8", "C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4", "Serum amyloid P-component", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 7B", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase mTOR", "Neurotensin receptor type 2", "Protein kinase C eta type", "Sodium/glucose cotransporter 1", "Bromodomain-containing protein 2", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase pim-1", "Protein kinase C beta type", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 4", "G protein-coupled receptor kinase 4", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor 2", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2D", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type 1D", "Cannabinoid receptor 2", "Lysosomal protective protein", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-gamma", "Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1", "Aquaporin-9", "Neuromedin-K receptor", "Protein kinase C alpha type", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 3", "Potassium channel subfamily T member 2", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit beta isoform", "Thymidylate synthase", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase PLK4", "Potassium channel subfamily T member 1", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 4", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-4", "Melanocortin receptor 4", "Melanocortin receptor 5", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 3", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, kainate 1", "Prostacyclin receptor", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2", "Cannabinoid receptor 1", "Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 2", "Niemann-Pick C1-like protein 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 7", "Apoptosis regulator Bcl-2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck", "Sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter 2", "Oxysterols receptor LXR-alpha", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 2", "Sodium-coupled monocarboxylate transporter 1", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 1", "Cystathionine gamma-lyase", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 1", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2", "Gap junction beta-3 protein", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 5", "G-protein coupled receptor 143", "GTPase NRas", "Probable G-protein coupled receptor 139", "Antithrombin-III", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit pi", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit delta", "N-arachidonyl glycine receptor", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-3", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1B", "Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 3A1", "Atypical chemokine receptor 3", "Retinoic acid receptor beta", "Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Fyn", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 4", "12-(S)-hydroxy-5,8,10,14-eicosatetraenoic acid receptor", "Histone deacetylase 10", "Proton-coupled amino acid transporter 1", "Protein kinase C delta type", "Histamine H3 receptor", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 10", "Chloride channel protein ClC-Ka", "Pancreatic triacylglycerol lipase", "High affinity cAMP-specific and IBMX-insensitive 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 8B", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1D", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 6", "Glycine receptor subunit beta", "P2Y purinoceptor 13", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5", "RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Yes", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 2", "Phosphorylase b kinase gamma catalytic chain, liver/testis isoform", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 3", "Chloride channel protein 1", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 3", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1", "3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1F", "Cystathionine beta-synthase", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1D", "Dopamine beta-hydroxylase", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 14", "Trypsin-1", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 8", "Tubulin beta-3 chain", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 5", "Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1", "Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit beta", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5", "Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor", "Lanosterol 14-alpha demethylase", "High affinity cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 9A", "Histone lysine demethylase PHF8", "Neuropeptide FF receptor 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3", "Gap junction alpha-1 protein", "Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2-alpha", "High affinity cAMP-specific and IBMX-insensitive 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 8A", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2", "Sodium channel protein type 9 subunit alpha", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-alpha", "Purine nucleoside phosphorylase", "Gap junction beta-2 protein", "Catechol O-methyltransferase", "Neurotensin receptor type 2" ], "verbalized_answer": "751", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "approx" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "drug" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Sn1-specific diacylglycerol lipase alpha" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "drug" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'nutrient'}, 'physically interacts with', [{'concept': 'drug'}, {'concept': 'nutrient'}]]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?d ) AS ?s ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?d ( COUNT ( ?z ) AS ?b ) WHERE { { ?d rdf:type ontology:nutrient . ?z rdf:type ontology:drug . ?d property:physically_interacts_with ?z } UNION { ?d property:physically_interacts_with ?z . ?d rdf:type ontology:nutrient . ?z rdf:type ontology:nutrient } } GROUP BY ?d } . 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"Q423701", "Q413209", "Q905729", "Q420930", "Q21110295", "Q21111688", "Q1407929", "Q21173169", "Q14908176", "Q21107052", "Q21119836", "Q21118791", "Q21108135", "Q21120422", "Q21111175", "Q21120424", "Q417057", "Q21154358", "Q6155969", "Q21125451", "Q21147674", "Q21113310", "Q21113312", "Q21113313", "Q21113314", "Q21113317", "Q1499998", "Q409166", "Q21113170", "Q21113172", "Q1947065", "Q15335226", "Q21113176", "Q21118071", "Q2463389", "Q21126314", "Q14864142", "Q7553281", "Q4042017", "Q15323688", "Q21496155", "Q6590338", "Q7073181", "Q21108789", "Q21107107", "Q21108624", "Q4216080", "Q21156477", "Q21156475", "Q420470", "Q7317662", "Q4048886", "Q22675842", "Q14911986", "Q21100441", "Q7202245", "Q21113552", "Q21137668", "Q21114547", "Q21100658", "Q1552797", "Q14865158", "Q21135205", "Q21110488", "Q424440", "Q21117208", "Q21102756", "Q906403", "Q3609382", "Q21990430", "Q21494481", "Q1486720", "Q4789588", "Q21107843", "Q4789584", "Q21105011", "Q21113671", "Q4789587", "Q21981115", 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"Q15323770", "Q5198252", "Q21109744", "Q21102124", "Q21123723", "Q5198256", "Q21124458", "Q21107885", "Q21107884", "Q21123236", "Q21111742", "Q21123239", "Q15324125", "Q7275807", "Q2640417", "Q21125231", "Q21117805", "Q21110296", "Q21100472", "Q21123244", "Q21123725", "Q21123722", "Q21107890", "Q410798", "Q21107891", "Q21155668", "Q21103207", "Q1147372", "Q21110467", "Q5514576", "Q7671473", "Q22677568", "Q21119828", "Q15327635", "Q21119824", "Q21980258", "Q21119826", "Q2385013", "Q21119820", "Q5419640", "Q21118920", "Q21494502", "Q6414726", "Q21107812", "Q22680153", "Q21114166", "Q21108482", "Q7671499", "Q7671495", "Q14913392", "Q21121815", "Q21116513", "Q7671493", "Q21104645", "Q21499436", "Q21097491", "Q21111162", "Q21115906", "Q21987842", "Q408853", "Q21982210", "Q6901317", "Q21119851", "Q21130460", "Q417149", "Q21102588", "Q5611730", "Q21097266", "Q5512777", "Q21118785", "Q21154430", "Q21173746", "Q21120458", "Q21125466", "Q412483", "Q420766", "Q21496383", "Q5005897", "Q21113719", 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"Q21497874", "Q21127300", "Q21498709", "Q2083074", "Q21102075", "Q21119653", "Q21111553", "Q21108161", "Q21124401", "Q4897285", "Q21111495", "Q21124409", "Q21123752", "Q21172884", "Q21172886", "Q21122109", "Q6534535", "Q21140676", "Q311568", "Q1436420", "Q21173485", "Q5773160", "Q21121716", "Q21111833", "Q6590443", "Q21122997", "Q21130508", "Q21132789", "Q21123216", "Q21106691", "Q3062781", "Q21125253", "Q6981557", "Q22679008", "Q11071075", "Q6449561", "Q21111336", "Q5198250", "Q21113831", "Q7799751", "Q14914198", "Q4377404", "Q21138907", "Q4822488", "Q21119843", "Q21116933", "Q315860", "Q5629167", "Q21119827", "Q21115815", "Q5014193", "Q21115816", "Q21172286", "Q21114819", "Q288395", "Q21120144", "Q21122921", "Q6714959", "Q21121233", "Q21159525", "Q22678664", "Q5446457", "Q5446456", "Q21106737", "Q5446453", "Q14914104", "Q3271142", "Q21992684", "Q21119816", "Q10988613", "Q415271", "Q21102593", "Q7834290", "Q5014192", "Q21114585", "Q21109026", "Q1500004", "Q21102123", "Q21108517", "Q565672", "Q408572", "Q21154413", "Q21497936", "Q21113832", "Q5611755", "Q21123416", "Q21982979", "Q21111517", "Q21988152", "Q21121086", "Q21982871", "Q21109462", "Q21122433", "Q21122435", "Q3162114", "Q21984578", "Q21113305", "Q21133205", "Q21119825", "Q21102082", "Q21984577", "Q904925", "Q21113169", "Q21113168", "Q3415811", "Q5009781", "Q21113161", "Q21172271", "Q21131101", "Q5014958", "Q21119822", "Q21172800", "Q21173206", "Q21173207", "Q2521094", "Q5014957", "Q415718", "Q7455513", "Q21123251", "Q285613", "Q21119591", "Q21114857", "Q904241", "Q21100450", "Q21100324", "Q21114850", "Q21982203", "Q21132247", "Q21174141", "Q21130911", "Q21113540", "Q21150595", "Q423561", "Q21120051", "Q587961", "Q21106448", "Q21987287", "Q7119501", "Q21115996", "Q21118578", "Q21115992", "Q22676802", "Q21109157", "Q21118576", "Q21115998", "Q21201618", "Q21118676", "Q21118677", "Q15324694", "Q21108701", "Q21988427", "Q21991039", "Q21201294", "Q411791", "Q14905763", "Q21118884", "Q21496564", "Q425201", "Q9020944", "Q21121379", "Q21112289", "Q7671477", "Q21127141", "Q21111265", "Q21157860", "Q7671478", "Q21116665", "Q21113099", "Q15327766", "Q21118970", "Q21126947", "Q21118976", "Q416336", "Q21113295", "Q21113297", "Q21110922", "Q21113292", "Q21498666", "Q21173608", "Q21136134", "Q21129997", "Q6592976", "Q21107799", "Q423628", "Q21113349", "Q21494464", "Q21157551", "Q21121276", "Q7120338", "Q21983336", "Q21113510", "Q21100810", "Q424693", "Q21123223", "Q288431", "Q21102146", "Q21107871", "Q21103162", "Q21121816", "Q6589190", "Q410434", "Q21097216", "Q7671497", "Q21122509", "Q6449560", "Q6449562", "Q21111520", "Q7390572", "Q6155967", "Q21100360", "Q21114955", "Q21984383", "Q5201183", "Q21984381", "Q415762", "Q6714402", "Q21125499", "Q21499447", "Q15324415", "Q21135787", "Q15323565", "Q5201201", "Q571999", "Q21495791", "Q2005209", "Q21100886", "Q21115429", "Q22683566", "Q7002508", "Q21121490", "Q2356259", "Q21121496", "Q21123220", "Q21113683", "Q6981560", "Q21118710", "Q414401", 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'Q181394'}]]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?q ) AS ?g ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?o ) AS ?l ) WHERE { { { ?o rdf:type ontology:Q8386 } UNION { ?o rdf:type ontology:Q181394 } } . resource:Q21113173 property:P129 ?o } } . FILTER ( ?c = ?l ) . { SELECT DISTINCT ?q ( COUNT ( ?p ) AS ?c ) WHERE { { ?q property:P129 ?p . ?q rdf:type ontology:Q181394 . ?p rdf:type ontology:Q8386 } UNION { ?q property:P129 ?p . ?q rdf:type ontology:Q181394 . ?p rdf:type ontology:Q181394 } } GROUP BY ?q } }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Sodium channel protein type 8 subunit alpha", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member D", "GTPase HRas", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1", "G-protein coupled receptor 55", "Aldose reductase", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 2", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 1", "Calcium-activated potassium channel subunit alpha-1", "Oxysterols receptor LXR-beta", "Adenosine receptor A3", "Histamine H4 receptor", "Histone deacetylase 9", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 5", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 18", "Cathepsin S", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 2", "G-protein coupled receptor 87", "Nociceptin receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor 84", "Neuromedin-K receptor", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 4", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 4", "Rho-associated protein kinase 2", "Reelin", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1", "Tyrosine-protein kinase TXK", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4", "Activated CDC42 kinase 1", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP2 subtype", "G-protein coupled receptor 3", "Coagulation factor X", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor", "Glutathione reductase, mitochondrial", "Galanin receptor type 2", "B2 bradykinin receptor", "Cytochrome P450 1A1", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1", "Gap junction alpha-4 protein", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 1", "Multidrug resistance-associated protein 5", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-10", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP4 subtype", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-3", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP2 subtype", "Vitamin D3 receptor", "Histone deacetylase 3", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3", "Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 1", "Estrogen-related receptor gamma", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-1", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-3", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit epsilon", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1C", "Prothrombin", "Gap junction delta-3 protein", "Gap junction delta-4 protein", "Voltage-dependent N-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1B", "D(2) dopamine receptor", "Gap junction delta-2 protein", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn", "Sodium channel protein type 1 subunit alpha", "3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase", "Solute carrier family 12 member 3", "GTPase KRas", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 2", "Bromodomain testis-specific protein", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 7", "2-oxoglutarate receptor 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 5", "Gap junction alpha-3 protein", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta", "72 kDa type IV collagenase", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 3", "Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 2", "3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase 2", "Rhodopsin kinase", "Nociceptin receptor", "Bromodomain-containing protein 4", "Platelet-activating factor receptor", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 14", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4", "Nitric oxide synthase, inducible", "Rho-associated protein kinase 1", "Heat-stable enterotoxin receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 1", "Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (quinone), mitochondrial", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase BRSK2", "Cytochrome P450 3A4", "Chymotrypsin-like elastase family member 1", "Testis-specific serine/threonine-protein kinase 1", "Protein kinase C zeta type", "Cytochrome P450 11B2, mitochondrial", "P2Y purinoceptor 14", "Uracil nucleotide/cysteinyl leukotriene receptor", "Glutamate receptor 3", "Vasopressin V2 receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 10", "Vasopressin V1a receptor", "cGMP-dependent 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 8", "Vasopressin V1b receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor 6", "Toll-like receptor 7", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Blk", "Phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase", "Renin", "Folate transporter 1", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 5", "Sodium channel protein type 2 subunit alpha", "Sodium channel protein type 3 subunit alpha", "Plasminogen", "Cystine/glutamate transporter", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 11", "Free fatty acid receptor 3", "Chloride channel protein 2", "G-protein coupled receptor 183", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 6", "H(+)/Cl(-) exchange transporter 3", "Melanocortin receptor 3", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 3", "Substance-K receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 1", "Kappa-type opioid receptor", "Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 3", "Ovarian cancer G-protein coupled receptor 1", "Vesicular acetylcholine transporter", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1", "Solute carrier family 23 member 1", "Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha", "Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta", "Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, cytoplasmic", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 2", "Zinc-activated ligand-gated ion channel", "B1 bradykinin receptor", "Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 4", "Histone acetyltransferase p300", "Retinoic acid receptor alpha", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6", "Protein kinase C iota type", "Chloride transport protein 6", "Farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase", "H(+)/Cl(-) exchange transporter 7", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily A member 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1I", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 6", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-1", "Toll-like receptor 9", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 3", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 3", "P2X purinoceptor 4", "P2Y purinoceptor 12", "Carbonic anhydrase 4", "Neuropeptide S receptor", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf", "Thromboxane A2 receptor", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-1", "Thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor", "Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 2", "Prostacyclin receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor family C group 6 member A", "Mu-type opioid receptor", "Melatonin receptor type 1A", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 1", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 3", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase ATR", "Homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 1", "Gap junction gamma-3 protein", "Solute carrier family 22 member 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 6", "Toll-like receptor 8", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 2", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1H", "Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret", "Carbonyl reductase [NADPH] 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily C member 1", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 6", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1F", "Pannexin-2", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 9", "Sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter B(0)AT2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily B member 2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily B member 1", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit gamma isoform", "Complement C1r subcomponent", "Cone cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase subunit alpha'", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 4", "Nuclear receptor ROR-alpha", "Aldehyde dehydrogenase, mitochondrial", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4A", "Galanin receptor type 3", "Bromodomain testis-specific protein", "cGMP-inhibited 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase B", "Pannexin-1", "Pannexin-3", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 7", "cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 1", "Death-associated protein kinase 1", "G-protein coupled bile acid receptor 1", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 1", "Potassium-transporting ATPase alpha chain 1", "Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta", "Short transient receptor potential channel 7", "Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 8", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 7", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 2", "Short transient receptor potential channel 2", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 1", "Translocator protein", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 2", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 5", "P2X purinoceptor 3", "G-protein coupled receptor 35", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 11", "Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1", "Ornithine decarboxylase", "Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4-alpha", "DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 3", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 8", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor", "P2Y purinoceptor 11", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 4", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 7", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1", "Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-1", "Acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha", "Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 2", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP3 subtype", "Nitric oxide synthase, endothelial", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 1", "Amine oxidase [flavin-containing] A", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 4", "Methionine aminopeptidase 2", "Dihydrofolate reductase", "Sn1-specific diacylglycerol lipase beta", "Growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor", "Angiopoietin-1 receptor", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-4", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member D", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4", "Melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor", "Proteasome subunit beta type-5", "Tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 2", "Cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme, mitochondrial", "Tyrosine 3-monooxygenase", "Gastrin/cholecystokinin type B receptor", "Hepatocyte growth factor receptor", "NAD-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-1", "Vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase", "Glucagon-like peptide 2 receptor", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 10", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 1", "Gap junction beta-6 protein", "Gap junction beta-5 protein", "Delta-type opioid receptor", "Mevalonate kinase", "Histone deacetylase 6", "G-protein coupled estrogen receptor 1", "Galanin receptor type 1", "Sodium channel protein type 5 subunit alpha", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 2", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 4", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha", "Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2-beta", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP1 subtype", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP4 subtype", "P2Y purinoceptor 1", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4C", "Aurora kinase C", "Maltase-glucoamylase, intestinal", "P2Y purinoceptor 4", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 8", "P2Y purinoceptor 2", "Adenosine receptor A2a", "Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP1A", "Adenosine receptor A2b", "Putative P2Y purinoceptor 10", "Transthyretin", "Solute carrier family 22 member 11", "Sodium leak channel non-selective protein", "Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-3", "Trace amine-associated receptor 3", "Solute carrier family 22 member 8", "Solute carrier family 22 member 12", "Trace amine-associated receptor 5", "Trace amine-associated receptor 4", "Nuclear receptor ROR-beta", "P2X purinoceptor 4", "Extracellular calcium-sensing receptor", "Gap junction gamma-1 protein", "fMet-Leu-Phe receptor", "G-protein coupled receptor 12", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR1", "Bile salt export pump", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP1 subtype", "Histone deacetylase 2", "Dual 3',5'-cyclic-AMP and -GMP phosphodiesterase 11A", "Endothelin B receptor", "Free fatty acid receptor 1", "Sodium/glucose cotransporter 2", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1S", "fMet-Leu-Phe receptor", "Beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 2", "Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP3 subtype", "Cholinesterase", "Short transient receptor potential channel 4", "Sodium/bile acid cotransporter", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-alpha", "Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C3", "Lysine-specific demethylase 7A", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2A1", "Sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 15", "Bcl-2-like protein 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 1", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3", "P2Y purinoceptor 14", "Neurotensin receptor type 1", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit gamma", "Aurora kinase B", "Cytochrome P450 3A5", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 4", "Thyroid hormone receptor beta", "Vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1", "Squalene synthase", "Gap junction beta-4 protein", "Neuropeptide Y receptor type 1", "Uracil nucleotide/cysteinyl leukotriene receptor", "Histone deacetylase 8", "Thromboxane A2 receptor", "Geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase", "Histamine H4 receptor", "Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2", "Intermediate conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 4", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-9", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-6", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-2", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 2", "C-C chemokine receptor type 4", "Calcitonin receptor", "Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 2", "Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase subunit M2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 6", "Protein kinase C epsilon type", "Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-2", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4D", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 24", "Cholecystokinin receptor type A", "Glycine receptor subunit alpha-3", "Cytochrome P450 2J2", "Steroid 17-alpha-hydroxylase/17,20 lyase", "Progesterone receptor", "Aromatic-L-amino-acid decarboxylase", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 2 group C member 2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-1", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-5", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 4", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase N1", "Steroid hormone receptor ERR1", "Thymidylate synthase", "Neutrophil elastase", "Interferon-induced, double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-3", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 4", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit theta", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 19", "Parathyroid hormone/parathyroid hormone-related peptide receptor", "Gastrin/cholecystokinin type B receptor", "Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 6", "Gap junction alpha-8 protein", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1C", "Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide receptor 1", "Gap junction alpha-10 protein", "Gap junction alpha-5 protein", "Two pore calcium channel protein 1", "Smoothened homolog", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor 2", "Two pore calcium channel protein 2", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-beta", "Phospholipase D2", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 3", "Beta-3 adrenergic receptor", "High affinity cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 7A", "Cytochrome P450 1B1", "cGMP-inhibited 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase A", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1C", "Cyclin-G-associated kinase", "Free fatty acid receptor 2", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4B", "Angiotensin-converting enzyme", "G protein-coupled receptor kinase 6", "Endothelin-1 receptor", "Protein kinase C gamma type", "Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK", "Motilin receptor", "Insulin receptor", "Carbonic anhydrase 13", "Bromodomain-containing protein 3", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 1", "Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 5", "Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 2", "cGMP-gated cation channel alpha-1", "Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 5", "Trace amine-associated receptor 1", "P2X purinoceptor 7", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit delta isoform", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 1", "Excitatory amino acid transporter 1", "N-formyl peptide receptor 2", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha isoform", "B2 bradykinin receptor", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1B", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 8", "P2X purinoceptor 1", "B1 bradykinin receptor", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 8", "Glucose-dependent insulinotropic receptor", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 3", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1A", "Parathyroid hormone 2 receptor", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 2", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1C1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 1", "Short transient receptor potential channel 3", "Prostaglandin F2-alpha receptor", "Interstitial collagenase", "Short transient receptor potential channel 5", "Short transient receptor potential channel 6", "Oxoeicosanoid receptor 1", "Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor", "Acid-sensing ion channel 3", "Dipeptidyl peptidase 4", "Bile acid receptor", "Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 1", "Cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein kinase BMX", "Substance-P receptor", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 9", "G-protein coupled receptor family C group 6 member A", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1S", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 1", "Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor", "Short transient receptor potential channel 4", "Polycystic kidney disease 2-like 1 protein", "Adenosine deaminase", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 12", "G-protein coupled receptor 35", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2", "Probable G-protein coupled receptor 63", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 8", "Thyroid peroxidase", "Histone acetyltransferase KAT2B", "Neuropeptide FF receptor 2", "Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2", "Retinoic acid receptor gamma", "Prostaglandin F2-alpha receptor", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-7", "P2Y purinoceptor 6", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 2", "Fatty-acid amide hydrolase 1", "cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha", "Glutamate receptor 1", "Glutamate receptor 2", "Glutamate receptor 4", "Fatty-acid amide hydrolase 2", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 2", "Anoctamin-1", "Gap junction beta-1 protein", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 13", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 11", "DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha", "C-C chemokine receptor type 5", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 9", "Potassium channel subfamily U member 1", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase 10", "Adenosine receptor A2b", "Aquaporin-1", "Acid-sensing ion channel 1", "Solute carrier family 12 member 2", "Solute carrier family 22 member 6", "Lysine-specific histone demethylase 1A", "Solute carrier family 15 member 1", "Beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit beta", "Solute carrier family 12 member 1", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase pim-2", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6", "Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 5", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 2", "Leukotriene B4 receptor 2", "Histone deacetylase 11", "Histamine H2 receptor", "Xanthine dehydrogenase/oxidase", "Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 2", "Histone deacetylase 5", "Nitric oxide synthase, brain", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 2", "Oxytocin receptor", "Melatonin receptor type 1B", "Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit alpha", "Chloride channel protein ClC-Kb", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase N2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase FRK", "Adenosine receptor A1", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1", "Sodium channel protein type 4 subunit alpha", "Cathepsin K", "Trace amine-associated receptor 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 2", "ALK tyrosine kinase receptor", "Cyclin-dependent kinase 4", "Type-2 angiotensin II receptor", "Thyroid hormone receptor alpha", "Trifunctional purine biosynthetic protein adenosine-3", "Presenilin-1", "Ryanodine receptor 1", "Aurora kinase A", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 2", "Cyclin-dependent-like kinase 5", "Calcitonin", "Histone deacetylase 1", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 10", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2A", "Casein kinase I isoform delta", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2B", "Brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor 1", "Lysine-specific demethylase 2A", "Histamine H3 receptor", "Neuropeptide Y receptor type 2", "Chromaffin granule amine transporter", "Mucolipin-1", "Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase large subunit", "Ryanodine receptor 3", "Ceramide glucosyltransferase", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2", "Proteinase-activated receptor 1", "Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1", "Toll-like receptor 4", "Cytochrome P450 2D6", "Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3", "Potassium channel subfamily K member 3", "Leukotriene B4 receptor 1", "Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2", "Sn1-specific diacylglycerol lipase alpha", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily A member 1", "Casein kinase I isoform epsilon", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-6", "Tryptase alpha/beta-1", "Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 3", "Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1G", "TRAF2 and NCK-interacting protein kinase", "Lysosomal alpha-glucosidase", "Sigma non-opioid intracellular receptor 1", "Cathepsin Z", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A", "Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor G3", "Growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1", "Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 5", "Alpha-1B adrenergic receptor", "cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit beta", "Serine palmitoyltransferase 1", "Proton-coupled folate transporter", "Glucocorticoid receptor", "Amine oxidase [flavin-containing] B", "Orexin receptor type 1", "Orexin receptor type 2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 2", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-2", "Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member X1", "G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 4", "Acid-sensing ion channel 2", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 3", "Cytochrome P450 11B1, mitochondrial", "Gap junction beta-7 protein", "Gap junction gamma-2 protein", "Ryanodine receptor 2", "Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3", "Gap junction alpha-9 protein", "Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase", "Membrane primary amine oxidase", "Cytochrome P450 2B6", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 4", "Free fatty acid receptor 4", "Histone deacetylase 4", "Histone deacetylase 7", "Synaptic vesicular amine transporter", "Cytochrome P450 2C8", "C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4", "Serum amyloid P-component", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 7B", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase mTOR", "Neurotensin receptor type 2", "Protein kinase C eta type", "Sodium/glucose cotransporter 1", "Bromodomain-containing protein 2", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase pim-1", "Protein kinase C beta type", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 4", "G protein-coupled receptor kinase 4", "Prostaglandin D2 receptor 2", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2D", "Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type 1D", "Cannabinoid receptor 2", "Lysosomal protective protein", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-gamma", "Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1", "Aquaporin-9", "Neuromedin-K receptor", "Protein kinase C alpha type", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 3", "Potassium channel subfamily T member 2", "Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit beta isoform", "Thymidylate synthase", "Serine/threonine-protein kinase PLK4", "Potassium channel subfamily T member 1", "Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 4", "Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-4", "Melanocortin receptor 4", "Melanocortin receptor 5", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 3", "Glutamate receptor ionotropic, kainate 1", "Prostacyclin receptor", "Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2", "Cannabinoid receptor 1", "Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase", "Inward rectifier potassium channel 2", "Niemann-Pick C1-like protein 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 7", "Apoptosis regulator Bcl-2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck", "Sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter 2", "Oxysterols receptor LXR-alpha", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 2", "Sodium-coupled monocarboxylate transporter 1", "Cation channel sperm-associated protein 1", "Cystathionine gamma-lyase", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 1", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2", "Gap junction beta-3 protein", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 5", "G-protein coupled receptor 143", "GTPase NRas", "Probable G-protein coupled receptor 139", "Antithrombin-III", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit pi", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit delta", "N-arachidonyl glycine receptor", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-3", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1B", "Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A", "Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 3A1", "Atypical chemokine receptor 3", "Retinoic acid receptor beta", "Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 2", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Fyn", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 4", "12-(S)-hydroxy-5,8,10,14-eicosatetraenoic acid receptor", "Histone deacetylase 10", "Proton-coupled amino acid transporter 1", "Protein kinase C delta type", "Histamine H3 receptor", "ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 10", "Chloride channel protein ClC-Ka", "Pancreatic triacylglycerol lipase", "High affinity cAMP-specific and IBMX-insensitive 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 8B", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1D", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 6", "Glycine receptor subunit beta", "P2Y purinoceptor 13", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5", "RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase", "Tyrosine-protein kinase Yes", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 2", "Phosphorylase b kinase gamma catalytic chain, liver/testis isoform", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 1", "Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 3", "Chloride channel protein 1", "Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 3", "Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1", "Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1", "3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1F", "Cystathionine beta-synthase", "Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1D", "Dopamine beta-hydroxylase", "Mitogen-activated protein kinase 14", "Trypsin-1", "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 8", "Tubulin beta-3 chain", "Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 5", "Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1", "Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit beta", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5", "Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor", "Lanosterol 14-alpha demethylase", "High affinity cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 9A", "Histone lysine demethylase PHF8", "Neuropeptide FF receptor 1", "Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3", "Gap junction alpha-1 protein", "Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2-alpha", "High affinity cAMP-specific and IBMX-insensitive 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 8A", "ATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2", "Sodium channel protein type 9 subunit alpha", "Retinoic acid receptor RXR-alpha", "Purine nucleoside phosphorylase", "Gap junction beta-2 protein", "Catechol O-methyltransferase", "Neurotensin receptor type 2" ], "verbalized_answer": "743", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "approx" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "drug" ], [ "action", "find_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Gap junction beta-4 protein" ], [ "relation", "physically interacts with" ], [ "type", "drug" ], [ "type", "nutrient" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'nutrient'}, 'physically interacts with', [{'concept': 'drug'}, {'concept': 'nutrient'}]]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?q ) AS ?g ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?o ) AS ?l ) WHERE { { { ?o rdf:type ontology:drug } UNION { ?o rdf:type ontology:nutrient } } . resource:Gap_junction_beta-4_protein property:physically_interacts_with ?o } } . FILTER ( ?c = ?l ) . { SELECT DISTINCT ?q ( COUNT ( ?p ) AS ?c ) WHERE { { ?q property:physically_interacts_with ?p . ?q rdf:type ontology:nutrient . ?p rdf:type ontology:drug } UNION { ?q property:physically_interacts_with ?p . ?q rdf:type ontology:nutrient . ?p rdf:type ontology:nutrient } } GROUP BY ?q } }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(nutrient)', 'physically interacts with', 'c(drug)|c(nutrient)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] } ]
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. ?d property:P282 ?f } GROUP BY ?f } }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "kanji", "Pahlavi scripts", "Southwest Paleohispanic script", "Avestan alphabet" ], "verbalized_answer": "Kanji, Avestan alphabet and Pahlavi scripts are used as the scripts for exactly 1 language", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "kanji", "Avestan alphabet", "Pahlavi scripts" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "equal" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "writing system" ], [ "type", "notation" ], [ "type", "language" ], [ "value", "1" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'language'}, 'writing system', {'concept': 'notation'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?f WHERE { FILTER ( ?w = 1 ) . { SELECT DISTINCT ?f ( COUNT ( ?d ) AS ?w ) WHERE { ?f rdf:type ontology:notation . ?d rdf:type ontology:language . ?d property:writing_system ?f } GROUP BY ?f } }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(language)', 'writing system', 'c(notation)']]", 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Could you tell me the answer for that?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(c(Q2001982),P361,Q1771716)" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": 2, "sec_ques_type": 2, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [ "Q1771716" ], "clarification_step": 2, "gold_actions": [], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q2001982'}, 'P361', 'Q1771716']" ], "sparql_query": null, "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'notation'}, 'part of', 'Pahlavi scripts']" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": null, "verbalized_triple": "[]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 9, "ques_type_id": null, "question-type": "", "description": "", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q790681" ], "relations": [], "type_list": [], "speaker": "SYSTEM", "utterance": "Avestan alphabet", "all_entities": [ "Q790681" ], "active_set": [ "(c(Q2001982),P361,Q1771716)" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": null, "count_ques_type": null, "is_incomplete": null, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": 3, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "Q1771716" ], [ "relation", "P361" ], [ "type", "Q2001982" ] ], "is_spurious": false, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWER] is a part of that one", "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q2001982'}, 'P361', 'Q1771716']" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?k WHERE { ?k property:P361 resource:Q1771716 . ?k rdf:type ontology:Q2001982 }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Avestan alphabet" ], "verbalized_answer": "Avestan alphabet is a part of that one", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Avestan alphabet" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "Pahlavi scripts" ], [ "relation", "part of" ], [ "type", "notation" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'notation'}, 'part of', 'Pahlavi scripts']" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?k WHERE { ?k property:part_of resource:Pahlavi_scripts . ?k rdf:type ontology:notation }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(notation)', 'part of', 'Pahlavi scripts']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 10, "ques_type_id": 7, "question-type": "Quantitative Reasoning (All)", "description": "Quantitative|Min/Max|Single entity type", "entities_in_utterance": [], "relations": [ "P282" ], "type_list": [ "Q8192", "Q34770" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "Which writing systems are the writing systems of min number of languages known as ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(c(Q34770),P282,Q26803)" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": 2, "count_ques_type": 1, "is_incomplete": 0, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": null, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "argmin" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P282" ], [ "type", "Q8192" ], [ "type", "Q34770" ] ], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'Q34770'}, 'P282', 'Q26803']" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?i WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?i ( COUNT ( ?d ) AS ?u ) WHERE { ?d property:P282 ?i . ?d rdf:type ontology:Q34770 . ?i rdf:type ontology:Q8192 } GROUP BY ?i } . 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FILTER ( ?z > ?q ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Burmese alphabet", "Ge'ez script", "Khmer alphabet", "Tai Tham alphabet" ], "verbalized_answer": "4", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "greater" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "writing system" ], [ "type", "writing system" ], [ "type", "language family" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Tocharian alphabet" ], [ "relation", "writing system" ], [ "type", "writing system" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'language family'}, 'writing system', {'concept': 'writing system'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?c ) AS ?g ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ?c ( COUNT ( ?d ) AS ?z ) WHERE { ?c rdf:type ontology:writing_system . ?d rdf:type ontology:language_family . ?d property:writing_system ?c } GROUP BY ?c } . { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?a ) AS ?q ) WHERE { resource:Tocharian_alphabet property:writing_system ?a . ?a rdf:type ontology:writing_system } } . FILTER ( ?z > ?q ) }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(language family)', 'writing system', 'c(writing system)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 22, "ques_type_id": 8, "question-type": "Quantitative Reasoning (All)", "description": "Quantitative|Min/Max|Mult. entity type", "entities_in_utterance": [], "relations": [ "P282" ], "type_list": [ "Q2001982", "Q34770", "Q25295" ], "speaker": "USER", "utterance": "Which notations are used as the scripts for max number of languages and language families ?", "all_entities": [], "active_set": [ "(c(Q34770)|c(Q25295),P282,c(Q2001982))" ], "sec_ques_sub_type": null, "sec_ques_type": null, "set_op_choice": null, "is_inc": null, "count_ques_sub_type": 3, "count_ques_type": 1, "is_incomplete": 0, "inc_ques_type": null, "set_op": 1, "bool_ques_type": null, "entities": [], "clarification_step": null, "gold_actions": [ [ "action", "argmax" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P282" ], [ "type", "Q2001982" ], [ "type", "Q34770" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "P282" ], [ "type", "Q2001982" ], [ "type", "Q25295" ] ], "is_spurious": null, "masked_verbalized_answer": null, "parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'Q34770'}, {'concept': 'Q25295'}], 'P282', {'concept': 'Q2001982'}]" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?n WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( MAX ( ?w ) AS ?x ) { SELECT DISTINCT ?y ( COUNT ( ?i ) AS ?w ) WHERE { { ?i property:P282 ?y . ?y rdf:type ontology:Q2001982 . ?i rdf:type ontology:Q25295 } UNION { ?i property:P282 ?y . ?y rdf:type ontology:Q2001982 . ?i rdf:type ontology:Q34770 } } GROUP BY ?y } } . { SELECT DISTINCT ?n ( COUNT ( ?c ) AS ?g ) WHERE { { ?n rdf:type ontology:Q2001982 . ?c rdf:type ontology:Q34770 . ?c property:P282 ?n } UNION { ?c property:P282 ?n . ?n rdf:type ontology:Q2001982 . ?c rdf:type ontology:Q25295 } } GROUP BY ?n } . FILTER ( ?g = ?x ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [], "verbalized_answer": null, "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "argmax" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "writing system" ], [ "type", "notation" ], [ "type", "language" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "writing system" ], [ "type", "notation" ], [ "type", "language family" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'language'}, {'concept': 'language family'}], 'writing system', {'concept': 'notation'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?n WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( MAX ( ?w ) AS ?x ) { SELECT DISTINCT ?y ( COUNT ( ?i ) AS ?w ) WHERE { { ?i property:writing_system ?y . ?y rdf:type ontology:notation . ?i rdf:type ontology:language_family } UNION { ?i property:writing_system ?y . ?y rdf:type ontology:notation . ?i rdf:type ontology:language } } GROUP BY ?y } } . { SELECT DISTINCT ?n ( COUNT ( ?c ) AS ?g ) WHERE { { ?n rdf:type ontology:notation . ?c rdf:type ontology:language . ?c property:writing_system ?n } UNION { ?c property:writing_system ?n . ?n rdf:type ontology:notation . ?c rdf:type ontology:language_family } } GROUP BY ?n } . 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FILTER ( ?g = ?x ) }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Greek alphabet", "cuneiform" ], "verbalized_answer": "Greek alphabet and cuneiform are used as the scripts for max number of languages and language families", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Greek alphabet", "cuneiform" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "argmax" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "writing system" ], [ "type", "notation" ], [ "type", "language" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "writing system" ], [ "type", "notation" ], [ "type", "language family" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'language'}, {'concept': 'language family'}], 'writing system', {'concept': 'notation'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?n WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( MAX ( ?w ) AS ?x ) { SELECT DISTINCT ?y ( COUNT ( ?i ) AS ?w ) WHERE { { ?i property:writing_system ?y . ?y rdf:type ontology:notation . ?i rdf:type ontology:language_family } UNION { ?i property:writing_system ?y . ?y rdf:type ontology:notation . ?i rdf:type ontology:language } } GROUP BY ?y } } . { SELECT DISTINCT ?n ( COUNT ( ?c ) AS ?g ) WHERE { { ?n rdf:type ontology:notation . ?c rdf:type ontology:language . ?c property:writing_system ?n } UNION { ?c property:writing_system ?n . ?n rdf:type ontology:notation . ?c rdf:type ontology:language_family } } GROUP BY ?n } . FILTER ( ?g = ?x ) }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(language)|c(language family)', 'writing system', 'c(notation)']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] } ]
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"Q15617994" ] ], "is_spurious": false, "masked_verbalized_answer": "[ANSWERS] are Ken Sugimori or Narciso Sáenz an inhabitant of", "parsed_active_set": [ "{'OR': [['Q457871', 'P27', {'concept': 'Q15617994'}], ['Q20016613', 'P27', {'concept': 'Q15617994'}]]}" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?a WHERE { { { resource:Q457871 property:P27 ?a } UNION { resource:Q20016613 property:P27 ?a } } . ?a rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Japan", "Mexico" ], "verbalized_answer": "Japan and Mexico are Ken Sugimori or Narciso Sáenz an inhabitant of", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Japan", "Mexico" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Ken Sugimori" ], [ "relation", "country of citizenship" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Narciso Sáenz" ], [ "relation", "country of citizenship" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ] ], 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911!", "Tensou Sentai Goseiger", "Ben 10", "Halloweentown", "The Magicians", "QI", "Aquí no hay quien viva", "The Office", "Angry Birds Stella", "The Returned", "Ti Ti Ti", "Those Who Kill", "Winx Club", "Secret Story", "Antiques Roadshow", "Juken Sentai Gekiranger", "The Wild Wild West", "Juukou B-Fighter", "All That", "Hagure Keiji: Junjōha", "Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids", "Hi-5", "Whose Line Is It Anyway?", "Kamen Rider Black RX", "The Suite Life of Zack & Cody", "Rising Damp", "The Restless Years", "Kamen Rider", "Charlie's Angels", "Samurai Sentai Shinkenger", "The Great British Bake Off", "Climax!", "Jackass", "Batman", "Rendezvous with Death", "Torchwood", "Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger", "Long Way Down", "SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron", "Denji Sentai Megaranger", "Bubble Gang", "49 Days", "Man About the House", "Bewitched", "Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger", "Teacher's Pet", "Twin Peaks", "B-Fighter Kabuto", "Three's Company", "Yo soy Betty, la fea", "Killer Karaoke", "America's Next 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Timeranger", "Recess", "Doctor Who", "Battlestar Galactica", "Inuyasha", "Have I Got News for You", "The Killing", "Alarm für Cobra 11 – Die Autobahnpolizei", "Dallas", "The Bund", "Wonder Woman", "The League of Gentlemen", "Decalogue II", "Kyuukyuu Sentai GoGoFive", "Modern Family", "Till Death Us Do Part", "Shinsengumi Keppuroku", "Robbery Under Arms", "Hannah Montana", "The Osbournes", "Strangers with Candy", "Good Luck Charlie", "Science Ninja Team Gatchaman", "Yu-Gi-Oh!", "Car 54, Where Are You?", "CSI: NY", "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys", "Ashura no Gotoku", "Count Duckula", "24", "The Cay", "The Twilight Zone", "Furor", "Gekisou Sentai Carranger", "Who Do You Think You Are?", "Tenchi Muyo!", "K-On!", "Camp Rock", "The Proud Family", "High School Musical", "30 Rock", "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark", "Kamen Rider V3", "Star Trek: The Next Generation", "George of the Jungle", "The Brady Bunch", "The Walking Dead", "Mad About You", "The Fugitive", "Connections", "House of Cards", "Yama Onna Kabe Onna", "Kindaichi Case Files", "Lost in Space", "Ana y los 7" ], "verbalized_answer": "245", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "less" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "based on" ], [ "type", "television program" ], [ "type", "television genre" ], [ "action", "find_reverse_tuple_counts" ], [ "relation", "based on" ], [ "type", "television program" ], [ "type", "film" ], [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "filter_multi_types" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "The Yogi Bear Show" ], [ "relation", "based on" ], [ "type", "television genre" ], [ "type", "film" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[[{'concept': 'television genre'}, {'concept': 'film'}], 'based on', {'concept': 'television program'}]" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?w ) AS ?k ) WHERE { { SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( ?e ) AS ?p ) WHERE { ?e 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Café", "Getting On", "Survivor", "Game of Thrones", "series 12 of Strictly Come Dancing", "BeTipul", "The Quatermass Experiment", "Voltron", "The Burning Bed", "Sabri Maranan", "H₂O: Just Add Water", "Top Cat", "Maniac", "Super Sentai", "The Inbetweeners", "Real Humans", "Edge of Darkness", "Happy Days", "The Big O", "Go Ask Alice", "Mission: Impossible", "Top Chef", "Cheers", "Maverick", "Fingersmith", "Sesame Street", "Sightings", "Family Feud", "Guerra dos Sexos", "Johnny Tsunami", "DuckTales", "The Man from U.N.C.L.E.", "Fort Boyard", "My Favorite Martian", "CSI: Miami", "Little Lord Fauntleroy", "Get Smart", "Knightmare", "You're Beautiful", "Police Squad!", "In Time with You", "Sirens", "Física o Química", "George and Mildred", "Reno 911!", "Tensou Sentai Goseiger", "Ben 10", "Halloweentown", "The Magicians", "QI", "Aquí no hay quien viva", "The Office", "Angry Birds Stella", "The Returned", "Ti Ti Ti", "Those Who Kill", "Winx Club", "Secret Story", "Antiques Roadshow", "Juken Sentai Gekiranger", "The Wild Wild West", "Juukou B-Fighter", "All That", "Hagure Keiji: Junjōha", "Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids", "Hi-5", "Whose Line Is It Anyway?", "Kamen Rider Black RX", "The Suite Life of Zack & Cody", "Rising Damp", "The Restless Years", "Kamen Rider", "Charlie's Angels", "Samurai Sentai Shinkenger", "The Great British Bake Off", "Climax!", "Jackass", "Batman", "Rendezvous with Death", "Torchwood", "Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger", "Long Way Down", "SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron", "Denji Sentai Megaranger", "Bubble Gang", "49 Days", "Man About the House", "Bewitched", "Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger", "Teacher's Pet", "Twin Peaks", "B-Fighter Kabuto", "Three's Company", "Yo soy Betty, la fea", "Killer Karaoke", "America's Next Top Model", "Top Gear", "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger", "The Batman", "Seijuu Sentai Gingaman", "21 Jump Street", "The Bridge", "Mystery Science Theater 3000", "Charmed", "Toen Was Geluk Heel Gewoon", "Twelve Angry Men", "State of Play", "Anything Goes", "Don't Forget Your Toothbrush", "Glee", "Un gars, une fille", "The $1,000,000 Chance of a Lifetime", "Bottom", "The World of David the Gnome", "CSI", "Hallo K3", "Who's the Boss?", "Trailer Park Boys", "Miami Vice", "Engine Sentai Go-onger", "Dead Like Me", "The Prisoner", "Nitro Circus", "Twitches", "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine", "Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger", "Land of the Lost", "Saturday Night Live", "Kim Possible", "If I Ruled the World", "RIS Delitti Imperfetti", "Mahou Sentai Magiranger", "Hell's Kitchen", "Vai Que Cola", "Orphan Black", "Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger", "The X-Files", "Veronica Mars", "Bakuryū Sentai Abaranger", "Queer as Folk", "Married... with Children", "Super Robot Mach Baron", "Mirai Sentai Timeranger", "Recess", "Doctor Who", "Battlestar Galactica", "Inuyasha", "Have I Got News for You", "The Killing", "Alarm für Cobra 11 – Die Autobahnpolizei", "Dallas", "The Bund", "Wonder Woman", "The League of Gentlemen", "Decalogue II", "Kyuukyuu Sentai GoGoFive", "Modern Family", "Till Death Us Do Part", "Shinsengumi Keppuroku", "Robbery Under Arms", "Hannah Montana", "The Osbournes", "Strangers with Candy", "Good Luck Charlie", "Science Ninja Team Gatchaman", "Yu-Gi-Oh!", "Car 54, Where Are You?", "CSI: NY", "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys", "Ashura no Gotoku", "Count Duckula", "24", "The Cay", "The Twilight Zone", "Furor", "Gekisou Sentai Carranger", "Who Do You Think You Are?", "Tenchi Muyo!", "K-On!", "Camp Rock", "The Proud Family", "High School Musical", "30 Rock", "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark", "Kamen Rider V3", "Star Trek: The Next Generation", "George of the Jungle", "The Brady Bunch", "The Walking Dead", "Mad About You", "The Fugitive", "Connections", "House of Cards", "Yama Onna Kabe Onna", "Kindaichi Case Files", "Lost in Space", "Ana y los 7" ], "verbalized_answer": "245", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "count" ], [ "action", "less" ], [ "action", 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ontology:Q502895 }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "Jacobo Árbenz", "David Burge" ], "verbalized_answer": "Jacobo Árbenz and David Burge died as that health problem", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "Jacobo Árbenz", "David Burge" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "find_reverse" ], [ "entity", "myocardial infarction" ], [ "relation", "manner of death" ], [ "type", "common name" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "[{'concept': 'common name'}, 'manner of death', 'Richard Pryor']" ], "verbalized_sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?s WHERE { ?s property:manner_of_death resource:myocardial_infarction . ?s rdf:type ontology:common_name }", "verbalized_triple": "[['c(common name)', 'manner of death', 'Richard Pryor']]", "verbalized_type_list": [] }, { "id": 16, "ques_type_id": 3, "question-type": "Clarification", "description": "Simple Question|Single Entity|Indirect", "entities_in_utterance": [ "Q216943" ], "relations": [ "P102" ], "type_list": [ 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['Q5111848', 'P19', {'concept': 'Q15617994'}]]}" ], "sparql_query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?g WHERE { { { resource:Q5569499 property:P27 ?g } UNION { resource:Q5111848 property:P19 ?g } } . ?g rdf:type ontology:Q15617994 }", "verbalized_all_entities": [ "United Kingdom", "Sweden" ], "verbalized_answer": "United Kingdom and Sweden are the countries of citizenship of Glenys Barton or were Christopher Alvengrip born in", "verbalized_entities_in_utterance": [ "United Kingdom", "Sweden" ], "verbalized_gold_actions": [ [ "action", "filter_type" ], [ "action", "union" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Glenys Barton" ], [ "relation", "country of citizenship" ], [ "action", "find" ], [ "entity", "Christopher Alvengrip" ], [ "relation", "place of birth" ], [ "type", "designation for an administrative territorial entity" ] ], "verbalized_parsed_active_set": [ "{'OR': [['Glenys Barton', 'country of citizenship', {'concept': 'designation for an administrative territorial entity'}], ['Christopher 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