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Fri, 15th Jun, 2018 This years Cork Summer Show promises everything from farming to fashion and takes place this Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th June at the showgrounds at Curraheen. Organised each year by the Munster Agricultural Society, and supported by Cork County Council, the event boasts a line-up including: drone racing; flower demonstrations; bee-keeping; a fashion and catwalk tent; and a ‘grow your own’ area for horticulture enthusiasts. “The Cork Summer Show has been running for over 200 years; yet every year we bring something new to the show to ensure that families and individuals coming along really experience the agricultural exhibits and animals,” said Gerard Murphy, chairman, Munster Agricultural Society. Other highlights include machinery displays; cattle breeding competitions, sheep, dairy and pygmy goat class competitions not to forget the Taste Cork’ indoor food market, show jumping, dog shows, tug-o-war championships, petting farms, threshing, a huge kids’ zone and live music all day. This year, Cork Summer Show welcomes a number of partners including: Bloom, Bord Bia, Cork City Council, AIB, UCC and CIT. Behind the scenes the hard working team have been working on the extensive programme, organising the competition entries and preparing for what is for many the highlight of their year. Irish online software company, Dotser, based in Tullamore has implemented their SuperShow technology which manages the online competition entries and payments for Cork Summer Show which has streamlined the online entry and payment process for competitors through their mobile phone. The cloud based system which has been specifically developed for Show organisations and Cork Summer Show joins a growing list of the biggest and best Irish Shows reaping the rewards of using cutting edge technology to save them time and free up valuable resources. For more information on Cork Summer Show can be found at
Susie Morris is on vacation this week. Here are a couple of items from earlier columns she has written. BASEBALL LINGO QUIZ: Think high and tight is only a military haircut? Take the quiz below on baseball lingo and see how you do. Me? I was 5 for 7. Answers at the bottom of the column. 1. Baltimore Chop 2. Can of Corn 3. Moon Shot 5. High and Tight 6. Ribbie or Ribeye (answers at end of this column) EXCELLENT ADVICE BELOW FOR ALL PARENTS OF YOUTH PLAYING SPORTS!!! Since the number one reason good coaches quit coaching is “the parents,” here’s a good read! • Encourage and support your youngster regardless of their degree of success, their level of skill, or playing time. • Model respect for the coach and highlight the critical nature of contributing to the team and its success. • Attend and participate in preseason school-sponsored meetings, communicate with coaches and agree to support guidelines for healthy sports. • Ensure a balance in your student athlete’s life, encouraging participation in multiple sports and other activities while placing academics first and foremost. • Recognize the developmental stages of your youngster, ensuring enjoyment, skill development and team play as cornerstones of sports experiences, with more serious competition left for the varsity level. • Leave coaching to coaches and avoid placing too much pressure on your youngster about playing time and performance. • Be realistic about your youngster’s future in sports, recognizing that only a select few earn a college scholarship, compete in the Olympics or sign a professional contract. • Avoid leading your youngster to early specialization, year-long play in one sport and the potential of burnout. • Understand that today’s youngsters strive for excellence, compete to win, but cherish participation most while rejecting “winning at all cost.” • Be there when your child looks to the sidelines for a positive role model. QUOTE OF THE WEEK: "Regardless of how you feel inside, always try to look like a winner. Even if you are behind, a sustained look of control and confidence can give you a mental edge that results in victory." - Arthur Ashe, professional tennis player ANSWERS TO BASEBALL LINGO QUIZ 1. Baltimore Chop – A grounder that hits in front of or off home plate and hops over the infielders head. 2. Can of Corn – An easy catch by a fielder. 3. Moon Shot – A very long, high home run.. 4. Closer – A team’s late-inning relief pitcher. 5. High and Tight – A pitch that’s up in the strike zone and inside on a hitter. 6. Ribbie or Ribeye – Another way of saying RBI (run batted in) 7. Yakker – Curve ball.
Digital Advertising Audit Consulting The probability of success of digital advertising may be high or low that every business deal with. It will be fine if the success rate is high. How to fix bugs in the performance of your digital business advertising? The only way is conducting a digital advertising audit. Why do we conduct a digital advertising audit? Who will be the efficient digital advertising audit consultant? Pin-sharp target of your audience with the right content at the right time, with the right strategy and in the right place, is mandatory to find the best of the ad campaign that drives successful results. The perfect delivery of digital advertising audits plays a significant role in the business context. Our digital advertising audit experts research on different aspects of digital marketing. For a long time, we are serving our clients to sculpture the advanced strategies in digital marketing that matches the client intended business objectives. Our data-driven marketing consulting plan the clients can execute those highly successful results-driven strategies. Digital Advertising Audit The aspects that include the best practices, outcomes, and strategies required for any business brand to improve the growth of its online presence with high rate ROI can be titled ad digital advertising audits. Through the launch of auditing service, the companies can measure what they are doing so far and whatnot. Moreover, they can invest in the right direction. When there is a digital ad audit for any business, then they don’t need to bother about their brand reputation and Return on Investment. Why you need it? It is compulsory to have a digital advertising audit for any business to go ahead of their business career. The following phrases will define this question. - To reach the right audience with the proper delivery of the message. - To find the most measurable results of your business performance marketing campaigns. - To improve the business income. - It helps to find instant solutions for your business issues. - Engage the social media audience, especially YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok, etc. effectively, any business should require digital advertising audits. Typical Issues we deal - Looking at that, your business presented on the relevant and trending social media channels. - Monitor the performance of your business ad campaigns. - Measuring the ROI of the ad campaign you launch. - Estimating sales conversions through the digital advertising campaign. What we include in the digital advertising audit? Audit rank reach: Our expert team will audit the metrics like keywords, tags, and paid pay-per-click advertising and other search engine optimization strategies and techniques to drive the organic search engine traffic. That increases the search engine ranking. Audit website architecture: The user-friendly website offers better results while comparing with the deadly websites. We reorganize and design the user intended website that gives an excellent experience to the visitors. It may be old, but significant that content is the king. It is the one-man show of entering the digital advertising world. We narrate and optimize the story of your content effectively. Auditing delivery of interaction: We thoroughly monitor your business interactions that take place with the audience in case of an engagement. We reach your only business objective of finding the potential leads and sales conversion through digital marketing optimization strategies. Audit multi-channel integration: We fetch whether the digital marketing strategy works better to find the proper engagement of multiple social media platforms. Audit training programs: All businesses want to have a long-lasting brand reputation. But, it is only possible for some companies who are more specific in implementing the most advanced and trending digital advertising tools and techniques. Our expert team will train your internal team to tackle such business tools. Competitor performance review: Measuring the competitor performance in the market can be used to sketch the better ideas. We help you in doing that. Auditing Google Ads: Google ads are the only source for any business to reach their potential customers. We analyze Google ad campaigns by using Google Analytics and other analytics tools. Web traffic analysis: Our professional team will conduct a review of the performance of your website. We help you execute the effective search engine optimization tools and strategies that display your web content that right audience searches. What differentiates our auditing services from our competitors? Our auditing services are unique from others where we implement the handwritten digital marketing auditing services that are executed through the real-time research on different sources. Others will provide the computer-generated auditing reports which couldn’t reach the expectations of the businesses by improving their performance. We are a team of experts in auditing websites, and generate effective digital marketing services, advanced technologies in tackling the business issues and launch the ad campaigns that definitely reach your target audience. Our team will work in real-time to produce your digital business audits by spending hours researching competitors and your website etc. We also monitor your social media performance by reaching different trending social media platforms where you can find many audiences that are entirely relevant to you. We help you in taking your business growth to the next level through the report of complete analysis. Furthermore, we make recommendations to adopt the best marketing opportunities. To boost your digital marketing strategies, reach our expert auditing consulting team who can help you in achieving your business objectives. What is a Digital Marketing Audit? It is the process of analyzing and investigating all the efforts of digital marketing that includes the ad campaigns, best practices, digital marketing strategies, etc. to find the performance of your business where the digital loopholes exist. How to Conduct a Digital Marketing Audit? Accumulating the overview of the company, defining your business objectives, describing the existing customers and the target of your customer you are interested in, etc. can help in a digital marketing audit. How to Audit the Performance of Your Digital Marketing? Keyword performance, on-page optimization, mobile responsiveness, technical issues, off-page optimization, etc. can helps in auditing the performance of digital marketing. How to Audit Your Digital Marketing Activity? Identify the buyer’s persona and target audience, including the activity of digital marketing one can audit the digital marketing performance. Why should I do a Digital Advertising Audit? To get noticed of sales drop, build social media presence, fall or rise of website traffic, to reach the business goals, to generate potential leads, etc. can be done through the digital advertising audit.
On 27th December 2011, the death of New York Abstract Expressionist Helen Frankenhaler was announced (b 1928 Manhattan USA). The artist was 83 years old when she died at her home in Darien Conn. Frankenhaler, influenced by Pollock poured thinned oil paint which was diluted with turpentine directly onto canvas to achieve lyrical use of colour (her ‘soak stain’ technique). This technique, which was adopted by Pollock, Morris Louis (1912–1962), and Kenneth Noland (1924–2010 )helped lead and paved the way for a newer generation of abstract painting which became known as Color Field painting. Like Pollock, Frankenhaler also worked on the floor pouring diluted paint onto the canvas and allowing it to soak through to produce the illusionistic stains. Her work was included in the 1964 exhibition Post Painterly Abstraction, which was curated by the critic Clement Greenberg who promoted Abstract Expressionism. Frankenhaler’s work has been exhibited over 6 decades (1950s onwards) and has had several retrospectives. She is also one of the artists I originally referenced when I first conceived the Echostains project in 2002. This year sees the 10th anniversary of my project which has just grown and grown! More news of this later in the year. From Frankenhaler’s legacy to a rather curious and anonymous ‘gift’ which caught my imagination. Last year in an Edinburgh library, a series of sculptures began to appear. The first sculpture, placed on a table in the Scottish Poetry Library was most appropriately carved from paper, mounted on a book and bore a tag with the library’s Twitter account number on @byleaveswelive This is what it said;- It started with your name @byleaveswelive and became a tree.… … We know that a library is so much more than a building full of books… a book is so much more than pages full of words.… This is for you in support of libraries, books, words, ideas….. a gesture (poetic maybe?) Next to the Poetree sat a paper egg with a scattering of words which when put together made up the sentence “A Trace of Wings’ by Edwin Morgan (see here) Despite local news coverage, no information has been found about the maker of the work. Then in June 2011, another paper sculpture was received, the donor this time chose The National Scottish Library as it’s recipient. The sculpture is in the form of a gramophone and a coffin and is sculpted from a copy of Ian Rankin’s ‘Exit Music’ The tag reads;- For @natlibscot – A gift in support of libraries, books, words, ideas….. (& against their exit) In these days of Kindle (smacks of Orwell’s 1984 to me) nothing beats the tactile thrill of holding, caressing, smelling, – the physical page turning, the owning of and even the dog earing of the physical object of a BOOK. A physical object that holds so much of our dreams, imagination and is our portal to another world. It’s wonderful that these paper sculptures should pay homage to this – long may they keep popping up! There are more of these sculptures Frankenhaler portrait and more information about this artist here Sky and Sea by Helen Frankenhaler from here Information and more images are available from this site with thanks! Barbera Hepworth’s birthday (January 10th) read my post about her here Its back! The original and eclectic Bookstains!
A sportsbook is an establishment that accepts wagers on different types of sporting events. They do this by displaying odds for each game and offering lines that bettors can place their money on. The sportsbook takes a percentage of the bettor’s winnings when they win, and charges the bettor a fee when they lose. This amount is known as the vigorish, or juice in slang terms. The Best Ways to Bet on Sports When it comes to betting on sports, there are a few key things that you need to know before you start placing wagers. These tips will help you make informed decisions and maximize your profits. Before you begin placing bets, it’s a good idea to shop around and find the sportsbook with the best odds. This may seem like a simple task, but it can have a big impact on your overall profit. In order to get the most out of your sports bets, you’ll want to check the odds at multiple online sportsbooks. You’ll want to see what the bookie is offering in terms of point spreads and moneylines, as well as other options such as totals, and you’ll also want to find out if they offer any bonus offers. These bonuses are a great way to entice sports bettors to sign up with a new sportsbook, and they can provide huge benefits for players. By comparing the bonuses offered by different online sportsbooks, you can easily find one that suits your preferences and budget. The Most Popular Sporting Events If you’re looking for a sport to bet on, it’s always best to go with one that has a high following and is likely to attract a lot of interest. These include football, baseball, basketball and hockey. During the season, these games draw massive attention, especially when they’re close to home or are in the postseason. The NBA, MLB and NHL are all consistently among the top five sports in terms of volume. The odds at sportsbooks are often set to reflect public opinion, which can have a big effect on how they line up. For example, if most people think that the favorite is going to win, then the sportsbook may have to move the odds in favor of underdogs. This can be a huge benefit for the smart bettor, as the underdog’s odds will be higher than those of the favorite. You should also take into account where the games are being played, as some teams have better records at home than away. In this case, it’s best to look for an online sportsbook that offers both home and away lines. How to Find a Sportsbook That Works for You When you’re looking for a sportsbook, it’s important to research which ones are legal in your area and what their policies are. This will give you a better understanding of how to bet and how to avoid getting scammed. It’s also a good idea to check whether they offer a mobile platform, as this can be an added advantage for users who are on the go. These sites are often accessible from anywhere, so you can bet on your favorite team wherever you are in the world.
Setting up a turtle or tortoise pen outside I often have people asking about how to set up an outdoor enclosure for their turtle or tortoise. While I’ve usually just told them to Google it, I decided to start collecting links of places I thought did a pretty good job of showing what good turtle gardens look like. So, here are a few, in no particular order (yet). Aquatic turtles:
Information We Collect Any personal information collected is provided by you or obtained by us with your permission. We use this information solely for the operation of the Summon App. This information includes: - Cellular phone number - Vehicle information, including make, model, and license plates - Email address Information We Disclose We disclose personal information provided to us only to our clients and the venues using our products. However, our products mask and encode personally identifiable information so that it may not be exported or inadvertently disclosed during the operation of the system by the valets. Personal information collected is securely stored by Summon Inc. and is not exportable to valet management companies. They may view this information, should they need to contact you for any reason. How We Use Personal Information We use personal information for the operation of the Summon App. Text messages may be delivered during the time the vehicle is parked but not after the car has been returned. We may employ third-party companies and individuals to facilitate our Service (“Service Providers”) on our behalf, perform Service-related services, or assist us in analyzing how our Service is used. These third parties have access to your Personal Data only to perform these tasks on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose. We may use third-party Service Providers to monitor and analyze the use of our Service. Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. Google uses the data collected to track and monitor the use of our Service. This data is shared with other Google services. Google may use the collected data to contextualize and personalize the ads of its advertising network. For more information on the privacy practices of Google, please visit the Google Privacy Terms web page: Links to other Sites We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites or services. We utilize reasonable and appropriate protections and procedural safeguards to ensure that personal information in our care is not misused or accessed without authorization. Personal information is stored on our service providers’ platforms with access restricted to those employees or contractors who require such access to perform a legitimate business function relating to our services for maintenance and related issues. If a security breach is detected and data could be compromised, all passwords will be locked, and the Development Manager contacted to re-instate them. By email at [email protected] or by phone at (404) 301-8980
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ASUS UX21, that 11.6-inch cake slicer that doubles up as an ultrathin laptop, is coming in September with a price tag of less than $1,000. That's according to the Commercial Times, which cites supplier sources in identifying ASUS' aggressive pricing strategy. Word is that the Taiwanese company is aiming to price the UX21 at 80 to 90 percent of the cost of Apple's competing products, namely the MacBook Air family. Of course, with a second-gen Intel Core i5 (or i7) CPU inside it, ASUS' new laptop has a significant spec advantage over Apple's similarly aluminum-encased laptops, so we'd argue simply matching the MBA's price will ensure the UX21 flies off store shelves. ASUS has a fine recent history of breaking through price barriers, as shown by the $200 Eee PC X101 that was announced alongside the UX21 at Computex, so if anyone was going to give us a 17mm-thick slab of up-to-date gorgeousness for less than $1,000, it probably had to be Jonney Shih's crew.
Degrees and Certifications: Mr. Andy Palmer, Principal I am excited to be starting my seventh year at Stony Point Elementary School. Prior to being named principal at Stony Point I spent eight years as assistant principal at West Alexander and eight years teaching math. I have two boys Weston age 11, and Sam age 8.
MAY 22, 2020 LARB IS THE NEW HOME for “Real Life Rock Top 10,” a monthly column by cultural critic Greil Marcus. 1. Little Richard, “I Don’t Know What You Got But It’s Got Me” (Vee-Jay, 1966). “You can only carry ‘Tutti Frutti’ so far,” said Bob Dylan in 1984 (his “We’ll remember always” page in his 1959 high school yearbook featured “Margaret Spinelli: forever having her seat changed,” “Shirley Zubich: not least, but usually last,” and “Robert Zimmerman: to join ‘Little Richard,’” as if Little Richard were not a person but some sort of fictional construct, which among other things he was), but heaven help anyone who thinks he or she can go further than this deep doo-wop blues. Requiescat in Pace? Requiescat in Conturbet. He should have lived forever. 2. Geico commercial, “RATT Problem” (Martin Agency). First they had the band Europe playing in an office lunchroom. Now it’s the creepy ’80s hair band Ratt imitating vermin in a kitchen. Next up: Whitesnake in the bathroom down the hall. “We’ve played some real toilets lately,” David Coverdale says, “but this place is actually pretty clean.” 3. X, ALPHABETLAND (Fat Possum). When X’s Los Angeles appeared in 1980, three years after the group formed — singers John Doe and Exene Cervenka, guitarist Billy Zoom, drummer Don Bonebrake — they stepped past every other punk band in town, or the state (the Avengers had already broken up), or the country. There was nothing to match their perversity and bite: the five last notes of the title song felt like a story being cut off at the neck. This, with all four in the band, could be that first album. The solipsistic, nihilist disgust might be replaced by a refusal that’s more social, but “Goodbye Year, Goodbye” is the best song here, big, fast, complex, all bad weather. The record ends with a beat poem by Exene, which you could have found on a 45 in 1957, never mind 1977. It taps into the occult side of Los Angeles: the way that there are still pockets of the city where you can find people living out everything that ever happened there, adepts even of cults of one. 4. “Wartime,” Ozark, Season 3, Episode 1, written by Chris Mundy, directed by Jason Bateman (HBO). Laura Linney’s Wendy may be Lady Macbeth, but there’s no stain that doesn’t wash right off. Here she’s trying to talk a middle-aged dentist into holding his group’s convention at her family’s new money-laundering riverboat casino on Lake of the Ozarks rather than at entertainment hub Branson. “Have you ever visited?” says the dentist. “It’s not just country. That’s a misnomer.” His eyes light up with awe: “We saw Molly Hatchet open for 38 Special” — and you can’t tell if he’s more astonished that a band as great as Molly Hatchet was fucking opening for 38 Special or that two bands this great appeared on the same bill. As if setting up a murder, Wendy wants to know just what it’s going to take to make it happen for her Missouri Belle. “REO Speedwagon,” says the dentist, gazing off into the middle distance as if he’s just seen the Virgin Mary. She gets it done, too. 5. Bob Dylan explains “Murder Most Foul” to John Cohen and Happy Traum, Sing Out! (October/November 1968). “The thing about the ballad is that you have to be conscious of the width of it at all times, in order to write one. You could take a true story, write it up as a ballad, or you can write it up in three verses. The difference would be, what are you singing it for, what is it to be used for. The uses of a ballad have changed to such a degree. When they were singing years ago, it would be as entertainment … a fellow could sit down and sing a song for a half hour, and everybody could listen, and you could form opinions. You’d be waiting to see how it ended, what happened to this person or that person. It would be like going to a movie. But now we have movies, so why does someone want to sit around for half an hour listening to a ballad? Unless the story was of such a nature that you couldn’t find it in a movie. And after you heard it, it would have to be good enough so that you could sing it again tomorrow night, and people would be listening to hear the story again. It’s because they want to hear that story, not because they want to check out the singer’s pants. Because they would have that conscious knowledge of how the story felt and they would be a part of that feeling … like they would want to feel it again, so to speak.” 6. Guy Trebay, “No Prince Without the King,” The New York Times (May 11). “‘There would be no Prince without the King,’ the costume designer Arianne Phillips wrote in an Instagram post last weekend after Little Richard died at age 87,” Trebay says, and, while carefully noting Richard’s “pompadour adapted from the R&B singer Esquerita,” marches dead ahead: “no Mick Jagger,” “no Madonna,” for that matter likely no Janelle Monáe, H.E.R., or Tyler, the Creator, or a thousand other names you could toss out at random. It’s typical of the mindless reductionism sucking the life out of criticism in a any field: the disbelief in the notion that there might be something new under the sun — or that God forbid anyone should ever feel as if there were without someone to set them straight before it goes too far. The dullest question any journalist can ask a musician is “What are your influences?” which means What box can I put you in. Run the same game Trebay is playing on, say, Prince’s “When You Were Mine.” It’s a perfect record no one else would have made, but dig between the notes and: No “When You Were Mine” without the Beatles’ “I’m Looking Through You” and Robert Johnson’s “Love in Vain”! And no “I’m Looking Through You” without Sam Cooke’s “Wonderful World” and no “Love in Vain” without Leroy Carr’s “When the Sun Goes Down”! Gotcha! And all it does is erect a screen between you and the object of your delight. 7. and 8. Bob Dylan, “False Prophet” ( and Tom Moon, “Trickster Treat: Bob Dylan’s New Song Sounds Awfully Old … and Familiar,” NPR (May 12). “False Prophet” is the most musical, the most sung of the three songs Bob Dylan has released this spring, and the funniest: a 19th-century Mike Fink brag, from the Colorado River to the source of the Missouri, a drunk standing on a table swearing he wrassles with wild cats, sleeps with thunder, drinks the Mississippi dry, and takes the Ohio for a nightcap. As others have done (where do these people find the time?), Moon sources the song to a number called “If Lovin’ Is Believing,” the B-side of a single by the supposedly everbody-knows Sun singer Billy “The Kid” Emerson, now 94 — with Jerry Lee Lewis one of the last people still on earth who recorded for Sam Phillips in Memphis when he and others were inventing or discovering rock ’n’ roll. “If Lovin’ Is Believing” is as obscure as the music gets; Emerson was never famous. He was a fairly colorless singer who wrote indelible songs: “Red Hot” was cool for Emerson and red hot for Billy Lee Riley, “When It Rains It Pours” was a weather report for its composer and an odyssey across more than 11 minutes for Elvis Presley in 1955. Nobody knows this stuff more minutely than Bob Dylan: “False Prophet” does have Emerson’s arrangement, defined by his lurching beat. But it’s nothing like the way Dylan draped Gene Austin’s 1928 “The Lonesome Road” over his 2001 “Sugar Baby.” With that you couldn’t not wonder where the magical tone of Dylan’s recording came from; “False Prophet” doesn’t ask that question. Moon may offer what seems like a reasonable accounting of how “popular music is an ongoing conversation between the creators of the present and those who came before,” and of how Dylan has made “tweaks or modifications”: “Dylan truncates the form to 10 measures instead of 12.” But you can hear Thief! Thief! between every line. If you read through Dylan’s interviews from the start of his career to the present, it’s striking how consistently he insists that he’s “not a melodist,” that over and over, often citing specific records and performers, he has built his tunes on songs from folk music and early rock ’n’ roll, sometimes speaking in religious terms: “The songs are my lexicon,” he said in 1997. “I believe the songs.” This comes out in the way that, from high school to now, people playing with Dylan have said that songs they thought were his weren’t and those they thought weren’t were. The filmmaker D. A. Pennebaker told the story of a few minutes Dylan had him cut out of Don’t Look Back: in a hotel room after-party, Donovan, in 1965 celebrated and shamed as the latest New Dylan, playing “Mr. Tambourine Man,” convinced it was an old folk song he just hadn’t found before, and how disappointed Dylan was to hear it. “Most of my songs aren’t original,” he said to Pennebaker in the moment. “But that is.” 9. Once Were Brothers: Robbie Robertson and the Band, written and directed by Daniel Roher (Magnolia Pictures). A convincing film about regret, with thrilling onstage performance footage from their days as the Hawks in the early ’60s. Of the talking heads, bandleader Ronnie Hawkins is a firecracker in his 80s; Dominique Robertson, Robbie’s former wife, is a savant. You believe everything they say, even if in Hawkins’s case the tall tale is his first language. The picture lights up every time they come back on the screen. 10. Glenn Danzig, Danzig Sings Elvis (Cleopatra). Maybe not quite as far back as his punk days with the Misfits, but Glenn Danzig has threatened this record for decades. He falls short, or apart, with Sun rockabilly or well-known RCA material (“Baby Let’s Play House,” “When It Rains It Really Pours,” and “One Night”), but with his voice as full and deep as it can go, on ballads — not the ballad as Bob Dylan talked about it, but straightforward manufactured pop love songs — he inhabits levels of subtlety, doubt, certainty, and despair that Elvis didn’t allow himself. The accompaniment is minimal, a fuzz guitar and backing vocals removed to a faraway, echoey dankness, and Danzig stills the room. “Is It So Strange” is not of this world; it seems somehow suspended between Elvis’s death and whenever the singer’s might be. The heart of the music is in the many ballads slipped in as filler on Elvis soundtracks and throwaway albums that now live lives they never lived before, even when you could hear in Elvis’s own singing an implicit admission of how little he cared about the songs, or a listener’s apprehension of how much the songs wanted more: “Lonely Blue Boy,” “First in Line,” “Pocketful of Rainbows,” “Loving Arms,” “Young and Beautiful,” which closed Jailhouse Rock in 1957 — a song it’s hard to credit anyone would try again after the way Aaron Neville sent it to heaven in a live performance included on the bizarre 1990 tribute album The Last Temptation of Elvis: Songs from His Movies. But “Love Me,” played so slowly it’s hard to take, could be the one. The bridge — the I would beg and steal — so barely varies the song it doesn’t actually register as any kind of musical shift. The song is all on one plane, as if there is only one truth in life, as if for a moment someone glimpsed it. Thanks to Jean-Martin Büttner. “Report from Cartier,” on a 2007 encounter with Little Richard (and Tina Turner, Wanda Jackson, Jerry Leiber, Mike Stoller, Jean Dujardin, and Alexandra Lamy) in Paris in 2007, and “Little Richard from A to Zeeza,” from Artforum in 1984, are currently posted on the front page of
Replacing your home appliances might not be an appealing endeavor because it carries a hefty price tag. When your appliances have been experiencing frequent breakdowns, you know that unit replacement is the only option you have. There are factors that determine the longevity of your units such as the brand, type, and age. Home appliances can serve you for many decades. However, the manner you are using your home appliances can either shorten or lengthen their lifespan. Your air conditioner, for instance, needs regular servicing. An AC repair technician should inspect your unit to find out if there are underlying problems that can cause the unit to breakdown. As for other home appliances, giving them TLC should be the best practice to follow. Even simple practices can definitely make a huge difference in extending the lifespan of your appliances. Clean and unplug your appliances: The simple and yet most frequently forgotten practices are cleaning and unplugging your appliances when not in use. It is important for your appliances to be as clean as possible because dust, stains, and grease can negatively impact your appliances. Whether it is a food processor, oven, fridge or air conditioner, all of them needs regular cleaning. When you are finished using an appliance, do not forget to clean it right away. Cleaning your home appliances might have already slipped your mind but it is an important practice that can keep your appliances in tip top shape. Keep your washing machine at a matching level: All appliances have moving parts which are the ones that wear out first. Even your washing machine has these moving parts and they need to be well taken care of so they stay fully functional. Your washing machine can only get longer lifespan if you consider keeping it level. Check the surface of your washing machine using a spirit level. Be sure to adjust the legs so you can keep them at a matching level to prevent fewer breakdowns and to maximize the performance of your washing machine. Your washing machine’s internal motor and drum will thank you for it. Avoid putting firm items your food processor: Your food processor allows you to blend ingredients and speed up food preparation. However, your food processor’s lifespan can be shortened if you use it for cutting hard ingredients like nuts or coffee beans. These ingredients might blend but they can have a negative impact on the food processor’s blades. Avoid blending them whole. You should cut them into smaller pieces before you put these ingredients in your food processor. Your food processor will continue to serve you if you use it the way it is intended. pre-wash dishes before Placing them in the dishwasher: You can save time when you use your dishwasher for washing dirty dishes. However, if you directly put your dishes in the dishwasher without pre-washing them, this practice can do serious damage to your appliance. Dishes with sticky food items need to be prewashed as the dishwasher might not be able to wash them off completely. Not only will you reduce wear but also ensure that your dishes are free from grease or oil. Regardless of your home appliances, maintenance is sure to prevent untimely repairs or replacement. While home appliances are expected to last for a decade or even more in some cases, your appliances will stop functioning as they should if you do not consider scheduling regular maintenance. The purpose of maintenance is to ensure that minor problems are properly addressed before they become severe. Problems with your appliances that are not immediately addressed can be the reason for considering replacement earlier than you expected. While DIY maintenance can save you money, there is no guarantee that you have thoroughly inspected all aspects of your home appliance. You still need to consider calling a professional to do the job. They have the tools, knowledge, and expertise to ensure that your appliances will be in working condition. You do not have to buy new appliances if you know how to take good care of the existing ones. By following these practices, you can be sure that your home appliances will make your life easier even in many years to come.
A top boffin has warned that aliens visiting earth will have all the same personality flaws that humans suffer. Simon Conway Morris, professor of evolutionary paleobiology at Cambridge University, told the Royal Society that ET is less likely to want to phone home than call his broker to work out a way to shaft the earth for its resources. He said extra-terrestrials are likely to possess human foibles such as greed, violence and a tendency to exploit others' resources, and are likely to show up to try and buy Manhattan with a chest of iPhones. He said that Governments should prepare for the worst if aliens visit Earth because beings from outer space are likely to be just like humans. While aliens could come in peace they are quite as likely to be searching for somewhere to live, and to help themselves to water, minerals and fuel, Conway Morris will tell a conference at the Royal Society, in London today. He said that extra-terrestrials won't be splodges of goo … they could be disturbingly like us, and that might not be a good thing – we don't have a great record. We guess he is talking about the record Let's Talk About Love by Céline Dion which breaks the Shadow Proclamation as a weapon war. Conway Morris said that alien life is most likely to occur on a planet similar to our own, with organisms made from the same biochemicals. The process of evolution will even shape alien life in a similar way.
Captivating four bedroom, three and a half bath custom home offering marsh and sound views from every room. This recently updated masterpiece offers exquisite living spaces with open floor plan and large windows showcasing long marsh views. The main level master benefits from fabulous views. Enjoy total privacy while overlooking the marsh. The property boasts custom features throughout including Wolf appliances, hurricane proof windows, Brazilian cherry IPE decking, new HVAC systems, Kinetico water system and more. If you have been waiting for the perfect waterfront low country home this is it. Conveniently located in Hilton Head Plantation. Listing courtesy of Charter One Realty - Office A. We do not attempt to independently verify the currency, completeness, accuracy or authenticity of the data contained herein. It may be subject to transcription and transmission errors. Accordingly, the data is provided on an “as is,” “as available” basis only and may not reflect all real estate activity in the market. © 2019 Multiple Listing Service of Hilton Head Island, Inc. All rights reserved. Certain information contained herein is derived from information which is the licensed property of, and copyrighted by, Multiple Listing Service of Hilton Head Island, Inc.
its the best mobile from HTC till date.....rocking user interface....very good cam...wonderful display....small on size...its just amazing...messaging with this phone is not difficult at all....its the best best best frns have it....its good to shimmer around...dnt even think before buying it. i got it for 28,000 and i will never repent it... I've asked this question 100 times with no proper answer. question #101 how can i get the Arabic software just to read Messages? Thank you all wg, 06 Sep 2008Does it come with a stylus pen, or do i have to use my fingers all through?no it comes with a stylus but it goes inside the actual phone so its hard to see I have been using Touch Diamond for over a month. I find that the battery life is very poor. It's far lower than what has been mentioned in the specifications. Has this been a problem with this model? Yak, 07 Sep 2008Ive bought this fone 2 months ago (July2008) and had so much problem using it: 1. No sound ... morego to this website and you'll find tones of upgrades, for free, which will enhance your unit. wg, 06 Sep 2008Does it come with a stylus pen, or do i have to use my fingers all through?yes, the unit comes with a stylus pen. There are two stylus pen, actually. One is a spare in case you lost it. Dear LIM, you are really professional. I tried the Message tone, you don’t need even to put it in the windows folder. Anyway. Thank you very much. You are a real sufficient user. Ive bought this fone 2 months ago (July2008) and had so much problem using it: 1. No sound when sms received only until you switched the display on. 2. Backlights flickering when its being charged & when the info page is shown. 3. Cannot change backlight settings (i tried changing the backlight settings so it dims after 30 sec but after switching it off and on again, the settings for the backlight will automatically returns back to 5 sec (very annoying)) 4. Cant switch on Wi-Fi 5. Cant switch on Bluetooth. Another thing is that the transitions is very slow compare to my iPhone. And its a problem for mac users like me to sync data from the fone with my mac. Sent my Diamond back to the shop after two months of using it, luckily it was still under warranty. Im planning to trade the HTC Diamond with Nokia E90. Unsatisfied User of HTC Diamond! Does it come with a stylus pen, or do i have to use my fingers all through? hi. i've been thinking about buying this phone for quite a long time but i heard that typing msg with this phone is difficult, and when u dig deep into the menu bar like searching tools, u can easily miss out the thing u wrong becoz of ur finger position. is tht really true? and another questions is that which phone with wifi would u guys recommend? thx heaps yao, 04 Sep 2008how to set our own song as message tone?? and where can i find the theme for this fon?? sumbod... moremsj tone must use the wave file...u need to convert the song to the wave file n just simply paste it at the "window" folder at your "file maneger".the you can choose the song at the "sound and notification" in setting . Nikosss, 05 Sep 2008Hi! My question for those who own this phone is : is it normal for the phone to get hot when c... moreYes, it does get quite warm especially when you do more then the usual browsing of the 3D-FLo interface, like wi-fi, receiving calls, internet, etc, those that require more loading from the RAM. There's no way to stop the heat but just to avoid palm/finger contact when it gets annoying hot at the bottom part. The battery is to blame cause the more applications you work on, the more the tiny battery has to content with. It is a 900mAH that is chemically producing more energy to support the demands of heavier applications. In short, it's like a small car with small engine trying to pull a truck that weighs 4times. The engine from the small car will overheat putting great effort to pull the truck. It wouldn't explode, but it will not last long either. hTC TD has its good side as well as its flaws. In my 3 weeks of using it wth the initial ROM v.1.35. and then upgrading to ROM v.1.93. through hTC-website, it has improve a fraction of it's 3D-Flo performance. That was still a short lived relationship as the battery life and the screen size (though VGA) stop short of what a 3G pda phone ought to be like. It'll do great if it had screens, 3D performance and battery life similar to the likes of the Apple iPhone. Still the battery life gets me, and I sold it off after the 3rd week. I am still very much into gadgets from hTC Corperation and happy to wait on them till they get it all together the way we like it to be. Hi! My question for those who own this phone is : is it normal for the phone to get hot when charging or when I using it? couse mine is...10X to all!! Hi! My question for those who own this phone is : is it for the phone to get hot when charging or when I using it? couse mine is...10X to all!! This is by far the most stupid, annoying phone I have seen in my life. Let's be clear about one thing: the packaging is neat and the mini-usb for power as well as connections is nicely done. And that's where it stops. I bought this machine becaue I had read the GPS and camera on the 2nd generation Iphone were really crap. I really like making pictures with my camera (I had a decent SE before) and I want a smartphone so I don't need to buy a new navigation system. So the Iphone went and I decided to take the HTC Diamond Touch, which looked nice and small. What a fool I was. 1. I could find no button to access the camera directly. As I said, I love to make pictures, so not having this button is frustrating for me. I don't want to get out my stylus every time I want to do something. Also, the quality of the pictures is so bad it is hardly worth taking one and the camera has no flashlight. 2. I could find no clear way to swith off the volume for the machine immediately. I might have missed it, but there is no simple way to do this. 3. HTC has used a kind of overlay on top of windows mobile 6.1. This overlay repeats some functions in the windows system, purportedly to make them better accessible, and partly replaces others. This overlay is just unworkable. It makes the machine extremely slow and makes the general handling of windows mobile even more complicated, becauwse the central preferences for the functions it says it handles are not connected to those buttons. However, the smart people at HTC have made it necessary to use this layer of junk by adding buttons that are rather handy: pickup the phone, closing a call etc. Obviously, these buttons do not work without the junk. This has caused me irritation to no end. Moreover, on my machine with Dutch localization, all maps with names like 'documents' had been produced in two languages. Obviously, only one map would actually contain the documents, but two were needed to be made for some reason. The same goes for the impossibility to find back pictures, as the machine uses two different folders for 'pictures' and 'images'. Finally, the windows mobile start menu just won't allow me to add more than seven items to my start menu. Why? What is the purpose of limiting your customer in an obnoxious way from something he wants to do? 4. I tried to sync the machine with my windows xp computer. Initially, the machine was not recognized at all, netier as a diskdrive nor as a smartphone. Upon checking on the internet, I found that for other versions of HTC phones, you need to update your active syc software. So that's what I did, although it was not inculded on the cd that came with the machine and the manual doesn't tell you any of this. It worked! Now to the next step: I wanted to use my mac address book on the little thingy, and as outlook does not easily import mac address books, I thought it would be good to make a U-turn via google, updating my google addresses on the run. Downloaded csv file from google, imported it into outlook: all blanks. Not to mention the fact that active sync syncs with outlook only, which is another 3rd party product that I had to buy at great cost and which doesn't do its job properly. Then, it turns out every time I plug in the phone into my windows machine, active sync starts syncing automatically. It loads automatically, runs automatically and it doesn't ask you for the specific settings you want to use for syncing. 5. windows mobile does not sync automatically with my mac. So, I had to find out that there is free software from syncmate which does the trick and I can use oggsync to keep my calendar synced. What syncmate doesn't tell you is that the phone needs a driver too and that in order for the phone to have the drive installed, you need to disable your firewall. By this time, I'm recalling the seemless syncing I experienced between every phone I had without windows mobile and my mac and I start cursing. 6. trying to install route66 map software has given me endless headaches: installation doesn't go automatically under windows and copying doesn't work. In both cases, windows for some reasons reports that it cannot copy directly onto the second disc. then, I decide to do something stupid: I go along with the option provided by Route 66 to format my disc (NAND memory). Stupid idea. 'Can't access disc' is the next step. So, the computer nerd in me cries: I can do it myself, I'll format it! So that's what I do, using windows xp. Thing formats, but doesn't stop the process within two hours. I cancel. Disc has disappeared now and cannot be found under windows. Luckily, I have my trusty mac waiting, which does find the disc and does restore it back to a useable windows partition. 7. the route66 software does copy to my windows machine, but not to my mac. On my windows machine, trying to copy the maps gives an error message like: 'path too long'. Since the copy to my mac failed, I decided to copy the maps from the windows machine onto my mac, then onto the NAND memory. Or just give up and use google maps. 8. After all this, I checked the settings once more. I found out that on my HTC, a little sneaky option had been enabled without any warning. This option means that every time I refuse a call, the phone automatically sends out a text message saying that I am not available right now to the caller. WTF?!?!? Sending text messages without me knowing it or asking for it? I don;t want to send text messages every time I refuse a call, not to mention these things still cost money. All in all, my experience with HTC, windows mobile and Route 66 until now has been extremely disappointing and as time-consuming as I'm used to with the grossly undertested windows family of products. This is not a machine that you should be selling to people. It is clearly not though through, instead asks for immense levels of technical knowhow on the part of the consumer and even then it is simply not foolproof. I will never, ever in my life buy another HTC product if I can help it. The same goes for windows and Route 66. yao, 02 Sep 2008does anybody know where can get the theme for this phone??? i cant find it...thx yagoto xda you will find all you want and u will love the phone
Updated: August 28, 2020 8:48:33 am About 30 million migrant workers rushed home to their villages during the pandemic. The question now is will they return to their city jobs? And what will happen to wage growth? About 60 per cent of out-migration from rural India is aspiration-led and the 2.5 times higher income earned in urban jobs may be too attractive to forego, unless rural wages rise. So can incomes in the villages rise? Alas, we are not convinced. True, there is much excitement about the rural recovery. The countryside didn’t face as strict a lockdown as the big cities, the government has directed plenty of stimulus measures towards it, and monsoon rains and the planting of crops has been good. Yet, this optimism could prove short-lived, as eventually the more long-lasting determinants of rural wages could prevail. One, while the government has raised the rural employment guarantee programme (NREGA) wages and outlays, demand for the scheme is outpacing supply, which means that it may not be an effective driver of higher rural wages. Two, a construction slump could be harmful. Many rural Indians, especially those without land, have become building labourers. But 70 per cent of construction is related to real estate and property developers are dependent on funding from struggling non-banking financial companies. Until this type of lending restarts, construction may not normalise. And that means rural wages may not rise quickly either. Three, rising debt levels could be a drag. The increase in borrowing and the sustained fall in inflation over the last few years has increased the “real” indebtedness of rural Indians, particularly the land owners who pay villagers to farm their land. This is likely to hurt their ability to pay high wages. It is possible that rural wages could tick up a shade temporarily. Sowing in the current season has been strong, requiring more hands on the ground. But this may not rise sustainably once the current agricultural season is over, implying that “aspirational” labourers may want to return to their better paid urban jobs. So, are the workers returning to urban India? Unemployment rates have fallen and labour markets have already improved from the April lows. There’s early evidence of labourers going back to their jobs in the cities. Some estimates suggest that 15,500 migrants who had left for their rural homes in other states are returning to Maharashtra every day. A special train service that was started to ferry labourers back to their rural homes has seen demand dry up since early June (after peaking in late May). In fact, there is demand for trains to bring migrants back to their urban work places. All of this suggests that the supply-side disruption from reverse migration may not linger long after the current agricultural sowing season is over, assuming the peak of the pandemic is largely over by then. The situation might even be the opposite soon — more rural workers wanting jobs in urban India than are available. So, what will give? Wages. For three reasons, we think the wage outlook could be dimmer than in the pre-pandemic world. In fact, India may have more of a wage problem than a jobs one. One, as during demonetisation, workers could find jobs again, but at lower wages. During demonetisation, the unemployment rate declined gradually, but was driven by a rise in rural more than urban employment — rural India created double the jobs that urban India did. And despite the employment rate rising, wage growth declined over this period. What could this mean? One explanation is that urban job opportunities waned and some workers were only able to find work in rural India, where wages are 40 per cent of those in urban areas. It’s a similar picture this time around. There’s been an improvement in labour markets between April and July, driven by a faster rise in rural jobs (though some of this could just be seasonal). Two, there could be a second-round of pandemic-led labour market weakness, driven by job losses and falling wages from the first round. If this does materialise, it could be led by a lack of urban job opportunities since sectors like restaurants and accommodation, more prevalent in urban India, are yet to recover. Three, we find that both rural and urban wages are driven by economic growth, and our expectation of India’s post-pandemic medium-term growth falling by one percentage point to 5 per cent does not bode well. We believe that the banking sector, burdened by rising bad loans, will be the key driver of a fall in potential growth. What are the key takeaways? The much-feared labour-led supply disruption may not last, but weak wages could keep demand subdued. To offset this and ensure that things don’t spiral down, policymakers have an important role to play. In particular, they may have to ensure that capital is allocated efficiently — India’s savings are employed where they are most productive, and as a result, investments keep ticking along. After all, investment is the only way to increase the economy’s capacity to create well-paying jobs. But amid the COVID-19 backdrop, bringing back investment growth would also involve capital re-allocation. This means taking it away from sectors that are not working and redeploying it in sectors that are. Improving the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code procedure is a key step here. Another important step is to improve the health of banks as they are the ones allocating capital by giving loans. India’s banks have become risk-averse as a large mountain of non-performing loans threatens to grow further. Implementation of the 5-Rs — recognition, restructuring, resolution, recapitalisation and reforms — for the banking sector may be particularly useful here. To sum it all up, we believe the supply disruption caused by reverse migration won’t last long, but led by lower wages, demand could remain weak, requiring policy intervention. This article first appeared in the print edition on August 28, 2020 under the title ‘Weighed down by wages’. The writer is chief India economist, HSBC Securities and Capital Markets (India) Pvt Ltd. 📣 The Indian Express is now on Telegram. Click here to join our channel (@indianexpress) and stay updated with the latest headlines - The Indian Express website has been rated GREEN for its credibility and trustworthiness by Newsguard, a global service that rates news sources for their journalistic standards.
The iPad’s display may be gorgeous, but if you’re going to read outdoors, you’ll probably want an e-ink reader: if your retinas don’t pucker into singularities from rays of direct sunlight bouncing off of the glass fdisplay, your iPad might still melt into a toxic soup and pour through your fingers. Well… okay. We cop to the hyperbolic here, but exaggeration aside, the iPad has some significant overheating issues if widespread overheating issues. Perhaps the problem is best summarized by PC Magazine’s Zach Honig, who posted this image on Twitter… the end result of using his iPad for ten minutes in direct sunlight on a 70 degree day in New York City. He had to pop his iPad in the fridge to get it running again. As it turns out, the iPad has the same operating temperature as the iPhone, but it appears that the iPad’s size and speed make it a lot more likely to shut off due to internal temperature. Apple still hasn’t commented on the issue… but it’s a worrying development as summer fast approaches. Still, this isn’t the first Apple product with overheating issues, and I think the same rule of thumb applicable to other Apple devices is just as applicable here: Apple portables, equatorial sun and tropical climes just don’t mix. Any of our readers out there had similar overheating issues? Let us know in the comments.
Book Name: Building Material Author: S.K. Duggal This book is very helpful for the students of Civil Engineering. Building materials trends are changing day by day. This book aims at providing students with the up to date information about the building materials used all over the world. Details of the materials are given with their manufacturing and fabrication process. Important mechanical and physical properties, influences of various factors on these properties, the causes of defects, their prevention and remedies, testing of materials are discussed in this book very thoroughly and nicely. Use of different materials in building construction and their proper utilizing process are also discussed in brief. Read Review and Get a Paperback Copy of BUILDING MATERIALS BY S.K. DUGGAL
(Photo courtesy of Chi-town MMAniacs) By Elias Cepeda For me, it’s simple — there’s only so long I can watch something I find fascinating before needing to try it for myself. I saw the first UFC when I was ten and I began training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu when I was 15. Growing up admiring the Gracie family and studying their history, I’d often wished that I didn’t have that five-year gap. More recently, however, I just wished I’d made better use of the time I had. Less taking off for basketball seasons in high school and more drilling in class. Less time getting old in a chair at work and more reps in the ring. Saulo Ribeiro, BJ Penn, and Gunnar Nelson all become elite black belt grapplers in just a few years. That isn’t me and no matter how much time I would have spent grappling I wouldn’t have been a BJ Penn. But I could have been a lot better than I was at Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, competed more and learned more about what I can and cannot do. That’s the thing with fighting – you find out what you know and who you are. Technically, this is true. You may think you’re good in a position or with a move because you hit it on your friends in training, whose games you know and with whom you are comfortable. But wait until you are under duress against a decidedly non-friendly opponent in competition or a fight and see if you execute the same way you did in the gym. If so, you trained well enough to say you really do know that position, that submission. But if you hesitate, if you freeze or if you’re sloppy because of the added adrenaline that hits you when you fight, then you weren’t exactly as good as you thought you were. The fight brings that knowledge out about yourself and your technical abilities. It also brings out much more essential things about your being. Who are you when you’re under attack? Who are you when you’re alone? Who are you when you’re afraid? In 2010 I fought two amateur MMA fights. The first I took on three days’ notice and the second I had about six weeks to prepare for. I was tired of being an inconsistent Brazilian Jiu Jitsu student who, furthermore, had never tested himself in the type of competition that interested me in the martial art to begin with. Street fights are one thing — and they are important — but there’s something extra daunting about fighting another person who’s trained specifically to hurt you for weeks or maybe months. I did better in the fight that I had six weeks to prepare for than I did in the one I took on short notice. The ball was rolling for me and I wanted to continue fighting and learning in 2011. Instead, I used work, injuries and laziness as excuses to not fight again and the whole year passed without my competing again. I had to do something in 2012. This past summer, from May to September, I traveled through two countries, across five states and provinces – from West to East and places in the middle – trained at renowned gyms, fought three times (twice in MMA and once in boxing) and spent time with experts and legends like Randy Couture and Renzo Gracie to learn more about fighting and life through their experiences and philosophies. I fought injured near my hometown, fought in the main event of a televised international card against the organization’s heavyweight champ. I drove across deserts and took long bus rides and many connecting flights. I trained in the fight capital of the world. I had my hand raised by a UFC ref and had ribs broken. I won, I lost. What follows is a series about what I did this past summer — my effort at “doing something.”
In May 2021, the Poultney-Mettowee and Bennington Conservation Districts planted 221 Vermont-grown native shrubs on Fund for North Bennington property for three purposes: - To support pollinating and other beneficial insects. These insects’ pollinating efforts are responsible for one out of every three bites of human food plus they sustain our ecosystems by helping plants needed by many other species. - To support endangered forest-edge dwelling birds (such as warblers, alder and willow flycatcher, yellow warbler, common yellowthroat, and northern waterthrush). The plants provide seeds and fruit for adult birds. They also support insects that are essential food for 96 percent of newborn birds. - To provide an ecologically viable alternative to aggressively invasive plants (bittersweet, multi-flora rose, buckthorn, euonymous, etc.) encroaching on The Fund’s fields and forests. Below is a diagram of the six shrub species planted in the Monarch Meadow. (This four-acre meadow is located to the right of the oak bench at the southwest corner of The Mile-Around Woods). A detailed botanical survey of the Monarch Meadow, conducted in 2021 by Nancy Felix, can be downloaded here (pdf).
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Heroes of the Storm enters closed beta, adds ranked queue The next big multiplayer online battle arena just moved one step closer to launch. Players at level 30 or higher and who own 10 or more heroes will be able to queue for the Hero League, where they’ll be matched up against other evenly skilled players and ranked based off skill level. Unlike League of Legends and its infamous solo queue, Heroes players can queue for ranked with any number of teammates, but they’ll be matched against groups of equal size. That’s a controversial change for many who want a pure solo queue experience, where individual player skill is more of a factor than teamwork. Blizzard has also implemented a stiff penalty for leaving a ranked match—leavers must play an unranked game before they can queue for ranked. Whether that serves as a valuable deterrent remains to be seen; critics believe it may encourage players to AFK in ranked games when they would usually instead leave. Also coming is the ability to host custom games, something the competitive community has sorely missed through the alpha. The combination of custom games and ranked play provide the framework the small but robust esports community centered around Heroes of the Storm to continue its growth. In addition to new content, a number of existing heroes received balance changes and even some major reworks. Abathur, Falstad, and Lili were each overhauled, receiving new ultimate abilities, updated talents, and fundamental gameplay changes. Abathur, for example, finally has two ultimate abilities. His new ultimate, Evolve Monstrosity, turns a minion into a monster that gains health and damage for every nearby minion killed, and can be controlled by his Symbiote ability. Lili received major changes to her kit and buffs to the scaling output of her ultimate abilities. Falstad’s W, which passively damaged nearby enemies, is now changed to an active ability, mitigating some of the frustrating randomness of the ability. It’s a massive set of changes for the budding new MOBA, but the one thing many fans were hoping would change with the move to beta—the fact it's closed—still remains. Still, with the game in beta, it’s likely many more invites will soon hit accounts the world around. So make sure to check your email for an invite. Heroes of the Storm is steadily shaping up to be a top tier MOBA title. Image via Blizzard
The enigmatic “U Smile 800% Slower” has become a sensation on the web. “U Smile,” the second single from Justin Bieber’s new album, was slowed down 800 percent and uploaded to the web by Nick Pittsinger, a 20-year-old aspiring music producer in Florida. The song’s trippy atmospherics have attracted more than 1.7 million plays online. You can listen to the 35-minute “U Smile 800% Slower” here. “U Smile 800% Slower” is eight times as long as the original four-minute pop song , turning the high-pitched bleats of the pubescent signer into primal howls and cries that seem to linger forever. The song is reminiscent of late ’90s work from Icelandic singer Bjork, with Biebert’s voice heavily deconstructed and eerily intimate. This YouTube video is a watered-down version of the “U Smile 800% Slower”. Compare this with the original “U Smile” which sounds much less memorable.
The two new trimarans will each be capable of transporting over 1,100 passengers (Image: Austal) Austal has won a €126 million (AUS$190 million) contract to design and build two 117-metre-long, high-speed vehicle passenger trimaran ferries for Canary Islands-based ferry operator Fred. Olsen Express. The aluminium trimarans will be the second and third Austal will build for Fred. Olsen Express, which already operates the trimaran vehicle passenger ferry, Benchijigua Express, delivered by Austal in 2005. “It is truly exciting to announce this major shipbuilding contract with Fred Olsen, who had the courage and foresight to work with Austal’s advanced trimaran technology in developing the Benchijigua Express in 2005,” said David Singleton, Austal’s CEO. “The Benchijigua Express has become an industry benchmark for blue-water commercial ferry operations, exceeding expectations for performance, speed and customer experience in the Canary Islands.” The two new trimarans will each be capable of transporting over 1,100 passengers and up to 276 cars at speeds of up to 38 knots. Constructionnstruction will begin in 2018. The vessels are due for delivery in 2019. “This is a watershed contract for our next generation trimaran design that will deliver new levels of seakeeping, passenger comfort and efficiency, and proves the trimaran is the right tool for the job in the challenging sea conditions of the Atlantic,” said Ben Marland, Austal’s vice president of sales and marketing. “It is a game-changer in the market.” Share this story
Money-Saving Tips for Yard and Lawn Care LESLIE: A beautiful lawn and garden really is the envy of every neighborhood. And while you might think an expensive landscaping service is the only way to get that lush, green look, you can have that great-looking yard while being thrifty at the same time. And Roger, one of the simplest tips that you have is just to create a smaller lawn. I mean you’re not an advocate of blacktopping the yard, I’m sure, but what else can we do? ROGER: No. Well, it depends on the use of the lawn. If you’re having football games in the backyard, then you need a big area. If it’s just for social gatherings and your own enjoyment, you don’t need that much lawn. So, a great thing to do is create beds and add more plant material for added attraction and not have the maintenance you would of a lawn. TOM: Yeah. Less lawn, less maintenance. ROGER: That’s right. Plant beds go in and they’re pretty well – grow in and they don’t need a lot of fertilizer or water, where the lawn does need that extra care, plus mowing. LESLIE: Yeah. But I think when people sort of have this American dream of what the perfect house and property looks like, you imagine this big, green, lush lawn. So if that’s something you want, can I do something with the watering to help? ROGER: Absolutely. The first thing you can do is water it on a not-every-day schedule. People have an expensive irrigation system, they think it has to run every day. It doesn’t. ROGER: A lawn can exist on 1 inch of water a week here in the Northeast. And I usually do that in two applications so that the water is getting on the lawn, soaking down into the ground where the roots will go get it. TOM: Now, a little trick of the trade for figuring out what 1 inch of water a week is – can you put a can out or something like that? ROGER: Simplest thing is just put a can out on the lawn and run your sprinkler system and then measure the amount of water. If you have a ½-inch after 15 minutes, that means you want to water the lawn for a half-an-hour; it’ll give you an inch. So you split it up. Water one day, skip three and then water a fourth day. TOM: Now, another thing I think that’s counterintuitive: people try to save money by – when they cut the grass, they cut it right down to the nubs, figuring, “Ah, I won’t have to cut it nearly as frequently. I won’t have to pay to have it cut nearly as frequently.” But if you do that to the grass, the grass doesn’t survive very long or at least it doesn’t look very good, does it? ROGER: Well, you have to remember that grass is one – the one plant that grows from the tip. ROGER: So that keeps growing up and up and up. But when you cut it back that low, you’re cutting back past the green part: the good growing part. And the lawn sometimes can get diseased or it’ll take a really long time to bounce back and look good. So, no, a great height is 2 to 3 inches. LESLIE: What about the clippings? Do you want to leave them in there to sort of help thatch anything with the lawn itself or get rid of them? ROGER: They found that if you leave the clippings on the lawn, that it takes away one fertilization a year you have to do. So that’s actually saving some money and helping the soil. TOM: Oh, interesting. And today’s mowers can actually sort of mulch those clippings to the point where you’re not really seeing them around, right? ROGER: Right. A lot of them have either a door that opens if it’s going to get bagged. You shut the door and that way, the clippings get recycled underneath and cut into a really small particle so that they break down. The one thing you have to remember: that is the grass is really long and really wet, it’s going to be hard to mulch it. TOM: Now, one other point that you make is about fertilization. You really don’t want to over-fertilize, because that’s going to make the grass grow really excessively and you’re not really helping the plant, are you? ROGER: No, not at all. You’re forcing it to grow artificially fast. That’s why I’m not a big proponent of putting down fertilizer early in the spring. ROGER: That grass is going to grow fast enough from the fertilizer you put down late fall. And if you put more down, you could have 6 to 8 inches of growth in a week and that’s just bad for the grass and bad for you mowing it. TOM: And bad for your back, for sure. LESLIE: And I think there’s so much confusion over which fertilizer is right for the type of lawn. How do you sort of make that easy decision when you’re in the home center? ROGER: Well, the first thing you need to do is do a soil test on your soil and find out what your soil is and how much fertilizer it needs. Many times, we just go grab a bag of product and bring it in and throw it on the lawn. And it may have too much nitrogen for the soil and not enough phosphorus and things like that. And it’s very easy to do a soil test. Send it off to a state lab and they’ll come back with recommendations on exactly what type of fertilizer and how much you should be putting down. TOM: Absolutely. Now, Roger, we’re talking about ways to save money on a lawn. What about other plants that really can help you cut costs if you’re not doing grass? Are there any types of plants that you might recommend? ROGER: There’s all sorts of groundcovers and they range from the things you see every day, like Vinca and ivy and Pachysandra. But there’s a whole bunch of native groundcovers that when they grow in will perform splendidly with little or no water or fertilizer. TOM: Great advice. Roger Cook, the landscaping contractor on TV’s This Old House, thanks for helping us save some money on our landscape. ROGER: My pleasure. LESLIE: Alright. Catch the current season of This Old House and Ask This Old House on PBS. For local listings and step-by-step videos of many common home improvement projects, visit TOM: And This Old House and Ask This Old House are brought to you by GMC. GMC, we are professional grade.
The Ellen DeGeneres Show is an hour-long, five-days-a-week, talk-variety show. Find Ellen's monologue, celebrity photos and videos, games, giveaways, how to get tickets and more on The Ellen Show website. The babysitter fidgeted. "Yes, everything is fine, the kids are sleeping. But... um, the huge clown in the spare bedroom. I thought it moved earlier. Does it move? Is there a way to turn him off?" When there was no reply, she added. "I know. I'm being silly..." "No-no," the mother's voice sounded worried. "You're not silly, it's just... I lock that door to keep the kids out. You said it's open? And, I don't mean to panic you, but, we don't own a clown doll--at all.
14 Automakers List More Models in Takata Recall DETROIT (AP) — U.S. safety regulators have released models from 14 different automakers that are being recalled to replace potentially deadly Takata air bag inflators. Documents posted Thursday by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration include many made by Ford, Nissan, Mercedes-Benz, Ferrari, Daimler Vans, Toyota, Tesla, BMW, Fiat Chrysler, Mazda, Subaru, Jaguar-Land Rover, McLaren and Volkswagen. Toyota , Ford and Honda released some of their models last week. Earlier this month Takata recalled an additional 3.3 million faulty air bag inflators as it expanded the largest automotive recall in U.S. history. Models released Thursday are equipped with those inflators. The company uses the chemical ammonium nitrate to create a small explosion and fill air bags quickly in a crash. But the chemical can deteriorate when exposed to high humidity and temperatures and burn too fast, blowing apart a metal canister. That can hurl hot shrapnel into unsuspecting drivers and passengers. At least 21 people have been killed worldwide and more than 180 injured. The U.S. recalls, which are being managed by NHTSA, are being phased in over the next three years. Older models and those in states with high humidity and temperatures are getting priority. Some of the recalls are limited to certain groups of states. To see if your vehicle is involved, go to and key in your 17-digit vehicle identification number. It can be found on your registration and is stamped on the driver’s side dashboard. Automakers and the government say the recall repairs should be done as soon as possible. The latest recalls are part of the largest series of automotive recalls in U.S. history, with 19 automakers having to recall up to 69 million inflators in 42 million vehicles. The problem brought a criminal conviction and fine against Takata and forced the Japanese company into bankruptcy protection. Here are the models posted Thursday: FORD: 327,796 vehicles including the 2013 Ford Mustang; 2010 Ford Edge, Fusion, Mustang and Ranger, Lincoln MKX and Zephyr, and Mercury Milan, 2009 Ford Edge, Fusion, Mustang and Ranger, Lincoln MKX and Zephyr, and Mercury Milan. NISSAN: 52,614 vehicles including the 2009-2012 Versa Hatchback and 2011 Versa Sedan. MERCEDES-BENZ: 132,167 vehicles including certain 2013 C250, C250 Coupe, C350 Coupe 4Matic, C300 4Matic, C350, C350 Coupe, C63 AMG, C63 Coupe, E350 Cabrio, E350 Coupe, E550 Cabrio, E350 Coupe 4Matic, E550 Coupe, GLK350 4Matic, GLK250 Bluetec 4Matic, GLK350, SLS Coupe, SLS AMG GT Coupe, and SLS Roadster; certain 2010 C300, C300 4Matic, C63 AMG, E350 Coupe, E550 Coupe, GLK350, and GLK350 4Matic vehicles; certain 2009 C300, C300 4Matic, C63 AMG, and C350 vehicles. FERRARI: 1,073 vehicles including certain 2013 California, 458 Italia, 458 Spider, FF, and F12 Berlinetta vehicles. DAIMLER VANS: 17,413 vehicles including certain 2013 Freightliner Sprinter 2500 and 3500 and Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 2500 and 3500 vehicles. TOYOTA: 15,000 vehicles including certain Toyota Yaris cars from 2010 through 2012. TESLA: 17,846 of the 2013 Model S. BMW: 41,808 vehicles including the 2007-2013 X5 xDrive30i, X5 xDrive35i, X5 xDrive48i, X5 xDrive50i, X5 M, 2009-2010 X5 xDrive35d vehicles and 2009-2013 X6 xDrive35i, X6 xDrive50i, and X6 M; 2007-2010 X5 xDrive30i, X5 xDrive35i, X5 xDrive48i, X5 xDrive50i, X5 M, X5 xDrive35d, X6 xDrive35i, X6 xDrive50i and X6M; 2007-2009 X5 xDrive30i, X5 xdrive35i, X5 xDrive48i, X5 xDrive50i, X5 M, X5 xDrive35d, X6 xDrive35i, X6 xDrive50i and X6M. FIAT CHRYSLER: 317,000 vehicles including 2009-2013 Jeep Wrangler, Chrysler 300, Dodge Challenger and Dodge Charger vehicles, and 2009-2011 Dodge Dakota; certain 2009-2010 RAM 4500 Cab Chassis, RAM 5500 Cab Chassis, RAM 3500 Cab Chassis, Jeep Wrangler, Chrysler 300, Dodge Dakota, Dodge Challenger, and Dodge Charger; certain 2009 RAM 3500, RAM 2500, RAM 4500 Cab Chassis, RAM 5500 Cab Chassis, Dodge Durango, Chrysler Aspen, RAM 3500 Cab Chassis, Jeep Wrangler, Chrysler 300, Dodge Dakota, Dodge Challenger, and Dodge Charger vehicles. MAZDA: 70,918 vehicles including certain 2013 Mazda6 and CX-9s; 2009 and 2010 Mazda6, CX-7 and CX-9s.; certain 2009 and 2010 RX-8s; certain 2009 B-Series trucks. Mazda previously announced 159 2006 B-Series trucks. SUBARU: 229,538 vehicles including certain 2009-2010 Tribeca, Impreza, Forester, WRX, Legacy, and Outbacks; 2009-2013 Legacy, Forester, Tribeca, WRX and Outbacks; 2009-2011 Imprezas. JAGUAR-LAND ROVER: 36,520 vehicles including certain 2009-2012 Land Rover Range Rovers; certain 2009-2015 Jaguar XFs. MCLAREN: 231 vehicles including certain 2013 MP4-12Cs. VOLKSWAGEN: 10,166 vehicles including 2009-2011 Audi A6 Avant, A6 Sedan and S6 vehicles; certain 2009 Audi A4 Cabriolet and S4 Cabriolet vehicles. This story, by Tom Krishner, was first published on
The Queensland government will pour $460 million into its flagship skills and training programs over the next four years. Treasurer Cameron Dick will hand down the Queensland budget on Tuesday and says the economy is "surging back to life" after the economic blow delivered by the pandemic. "Who would have thought (a year ago) that we'd have labour shortages in Queensland in some industries and some communities," he told reporters on Sunday. The budget will set aside $320 million for the Skilling Queenslanders for Work program and $140 million for the Back to Work program to address those shortages and make sure Queenslanders get and keep jobs. Mr Dick also predicted a lower than expected deficit after some dire warnings at the end of last year. "When I handed down the budget in December, under extraordinary circumstances leading to two budgets within broadly six months, I predicted the deficit for Queensland in 2019/20 and 2020/21 would be the two largest in Queensland history," he said. "The deficit of 19/20 will still be significant," he warned. However Queensland's economic rebound means "the deficit this year will be lower". Mr Dick said the government would keep its election promise not to increase existing taxes or introduce any new ones, in its current term. "We'll be delivering that." Mr Dick said the skills and training programs to be funded on Tuesday have helped 60,000 Queenslanders secure work since 2015. "This budget will be about setting Queensland up for the future. We'll be providing the skills that Queenslanders need to get the work of the future."
Jump start learning French with the first three eBooks of the French Essentials series. For students in Grades 5-8 or highschool with no previous French. Ideal for students who want to cover a lot of ground quickly. 50 Lessons (10 Units) 1643 Audio Files ● 290 pages ● Grades 5+ ● 264 Mo (94Mo/95Mo/75Mo) ● Workbooks & answer keys ● Pronunciation exercises ● Cultural exploration + Download for FREE eBook 1 Glossary With your purchase you will get the free download of the glossary containing all content from the eBook 1 lessons. Screen capture - Look inside! The images do not contain audio features Parents! No need to speak French yourself. Easy to follow step-by-step method that promotes confidence building and success.
New Catholic Church in Marx/Wolga Neue Katholische Kirche in Marx/Wolga "New Catholic Church in Marx/Wolga." Volk auf dem Weg, February 1994, 4. Translation from German to English by Ingeborg Wallner Smith, Western Springs, Illinois A new Catholic church in Marx on the Volga has been consecrated. The apostolic administrator from Moscow, Archbishop Tadeuz Kondrusiewicz and Cardinal Georg Sterzinsky of Berlin took part in the ceremony. The bishopric of Berlin had participated financially in the construction of the church. According to, Clemens Pickel, priest of the parish, around 250 people are currently attending Sunday services [mass?]. Many Russian-Germans travel long distances to be present. The editors, Dec. 1993 Our appreciation is extended to Ingeborg Smith for translation of this article. to use any images from the GRHC website may be requested by contacting Michael
Charlie Chaplin In The Kid Charlie Chaplin and Jackie Coogan Classic Scene Poster, 61cm x 91.5cm View all Posters… Comedy Actor Poster: Vintage still of the King of the Silent Movie Charlie Chaplin. Here we see him pictured sitting in a doorway with Jackie Coogan, who plays "The Kid". Lovely piece of cinematic movie history. Custom Frame It: High quality custom framing to order with a choice of frames:
As a homebuilder, you certainly know how to design houses that can satisfy your customers. But how do you reach potential customers faster? “Simply by leveraging digital marketing. According to research by the National Association of Realtors, 97% of home buyers go online to search for homes on sale. Therefore, an excellent online presence and investing in digital marketing services for home builders can help scale your business to new heights. Here are online marketing strategies to help you reach and convince your real estate customers. Make Your Company More Visible on Search Engine Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves making your website appear on top in search engine searches. For this to happen, your business website must have in-demand informative and educative content. To enhance your business ranking on Google, do the following: - Create quality content about the homes you build - Use keywords on your pages’ titles - Add key phrases to your homepage’s copy The above actions will show the search engine algorithm that you offer content relevant to your specialization. But note that you can’t rank well if you stuff keywords in your website content. You should provide information that appeals to readers. Use Social Media Today, many are on social media platforms such as Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook. In fact, about 3.196 billion people are active on social networks. And what’s more, social network users spend about 2hrs and 33min daily on different social media platforms. Social media platforms can help you to: - Create online networks - Reach potential customers - Sell your homes Come up with an Email Newsletter Engaging your potential customers is very important. It’s prudent to have a way of keeping your prospects informed about your company’s developments, even when they aren’t necessarily interested in buying a house. The goal is to ensure potential customers contact you when they decide to buy a home in the future. One way of keeping customers abreast is to create email newsletters that can make them sign up on your site. Use the newsletters to alert them about new home listings by your company. Digital Marketing is the Way As you have seen above, digital marketing can make it very easy for you to market your homes. But to do it well, you may require the help of a digital marketing agency. A digital marketing company will help you in the following ways: - Attract more customers into your business - Grow your business online - Leave you with enough time to concentrate on other essential company operations. - Saves you money in the long run. Online marketing can make it easy for you to grow your real estate company. No doubt about that! But don’t hesitate to seek help from experts who offer high-quality digital marketing services for home builders. They will multiply your chances of succeeding.
The Wrestling School is a European theatre company based in London that explores the relationship between language, performer and audience through the work of Howard Barker. Considered one of the major writers of modern European theatre, Howard Barker's plays fearlessly explore power, sexuality and human behaviour with a poetic and compelling language that is rich in ideas, beauty and dramatic violence. In his Theatre of Catastrophe each performance is a challenge in which actors and audience are inspired to find meaning and resonance from a multiplicity of interpretations. winning Wrestling School has a reputation for outstanding productions of these texts, inspiring enthusiastic audiences with their highly theatrical and imaginative use of language, sound and image. A new Howard Barker play, In the Depths of Dead Love, a witty and poignant tale of a man facing an impossible dilemma, is being presented in London by The Print Room at the Coronet 16 January – 11 February 2017. Full details here. Howard Barker's book Arguments For a Theatre has recently been published in a fourth edition. This collection of lectures and essays explore aspects of The Theatre Of Catastrophe.
Think of a premium motorbike, and the instant recall among the motorbike community are the motorbikes from the stables of BMW Motorrad. Motorbike models are exclusive, influential performers and style icons for the motorbike community. The year 2021 saw BMW Motorrad launching close to 6 new motorbikes and increasing its overall sales by 6.7%. The new year 2022 promises even better for BMW motorbikes with a lineup of 5 more trailblazers. If you are a BMW motorbike fan and want to know all about BMW’s newest motorbikes, you have come to the right place. Read this article to get notes on the all-new motorbikes from BMW in 2022. 2022 R 18 The newest 2022 R 18 successfully combines its legacy and iconic style. This cruiser motorbike from BMW is a powerful and mean machine fitted with the largest boxer engine with enhanced looks provided by its teardrop fuel tank and dual crib metallic frame. The 2022 R 18 is marketed by BMW as a cruiser motorbike. - This motorbike has a fly line stretched out and lows with a dual crib type metal frame that encloses its heavy-duty engine, which is the heart of this cruiser motorbike, defining its style and performance. - BMW has made this 2022 R18 motorbike very appealing to its core customers by making it fully customizable. - You can select four new metallic colors: Black storm, Mars red, Manhattan metallic in a matte finish, and a unique option, 719 galaxy dust metallic / titan silver metallic, a combination of blue and violet, giving the motorbike an eye-catching look. - The 2022 R18 has an engine and motor transmission in Nurburg silver color glossily polished to perfection. The raised handlebars in chrome give it a classy look. Engine Housing Cover The 2022 BMW R18 has an engine cover made of composite aluminum designed to give this motorbike a stylized look. The engine cover is produced on state an art machine to provide it with premium quality. The 2022 R18 has flat, long, and rider-friendly floorboards giving this motorbike the requisite cruiser appeal. Dual-Tone Black Cylinder Head Covers The dual-tone premium-quality aluminum head cover houses the powerful engine giving the overall classy look to the motorbike. This motorbike is fitted with fishtailed-shaped silencers to muffle the engine sound and give it a perfect cruiser motorbike look. Fuel Filler Cap The fuel filler fitted on this motorbike is also dual tone in color and manufactured with quality-conscious machining to give the motorbike a striking premium look. The R18 is boxer styled motorbike with a legacy of 95 years. Shaft and Frame The 2022 BMW R18 has a nickel-metal open driveshaft that brings attention to its high-end torque. This motorbike also comes with a double cradle type frame. The fork-type bridge on its high handlebar gives the R18 a classy look. The design is smooth and curvy. - The 2022 BMW R18 comes with Automatic Stability Control as a standard feature for better manoeuvrability. - The LED headlights are powerful to light the darkest of roads with easy operations with a keyless start. - The rear end with LED back lamps and signal indicators gives a safe riding experience. - The console is fully digital with a built-in microprocessor and loads of meters for indicating speed, fuel, and run kilometers. - The motorbike rider gets three options of riding- Rock, Roll, and Rain. As the name suggests, the rider is spoilt for choice while riding this motorbike. The 2022 BMW R18 expects to be around Rs. 11.5 Lakhs ex-showroom New Delhi. A great motorbike with legendary looks and powerful performance. 2022 BMW R18 Classic The 2022 BMW R18 Classic has a legacy of its own but at the same time appeals to the GenX motorbiking community. - The latest R18 classic sports the same white dual pinstripe design launched in its 1st edition. - The motorbike’s heart is a power-packed engine with the best displacement for a comfortable long ride even on the roughest of roads. - The highlight of this motorbike is its drop-shaped fuel tank giving it a distinctive look, and the frame made from steel which encompasses the powerful engine. - Riding this motorbike will put you in a league of your own—a classic motorbike for everyone in the motorbike community. Separate Pillion Seat Though the 2022 BMW R18 Classic is a cruiser motorbike, it features a separate pillion rider seat for better comfort during long and rough rides. The R in R18 The R18 Classic derived its name from the stylized boxer push rods and continued its legacy for 95 years. The two well-defined auxiliaries LED lights are best suited for dark, isolated roads. The R18 Classic provides complete rider comfort with its broad footboard for the feet support during exhaustive long rides on rough, bumpy roads. The 2022 BMW R 18 Classic motorbike comes with a sizeable all-weather windshield which protects the rider from the wind and rains. Exhaust Pipe and Cradle Frame The R18 Classic is classy with a round exhaust pipe, open-ended driveshaft, and twin cradle frame in shining chrome. Petrol Tank and Logo The prominent and historic BMW logo on its huge black petrol tank and the twin striping on the petrol tanks gives it an iconic look and styling. The classic leather saddlebag for storing essentials you may require on a long and winding road trip is a perfect companion with a 4.1-gallon capacity. The 2022 BMW R18 Classic may cost around Rs. 13.5 Lakhs ex-showroom New Delhi. A perfect cruiser motorbike with a classy style and powerful performance. BMW K 1600 GTL A German proverb goes something like this “anyone who travels with ambitions never travels alone.” It becomes true when you have company for a long drive. The BMW K 1600 GTL derives its strength from this proverb and matches it to perfection. - The motorbike performance is comprehensive and wishes fulfilling when you take for a ride. - This motorbike comes power-packed with a six-cylinder dynamic engine which gives a superior riding experience. - The design of the BMW K 1600 GTL provides the rider with complete riding comfort even on rough roads. - The instrument cluster is modern and classic simultaneously, with clear indicators giving correct information on speed, mileage, fuel, engine temperature, and other alerts for the motorbike rider—a perfect companion for the wanderlust in you. The BMW K 1600 GTL comes fitted with a powerful engine, smooth-riding capability, and an impressive performance. Integrated Smartphone Charging Compartment This motorbike provides the rider with complete integration with a smartphone for better navigation besides a special waterproof compartment with a USB C-type connector for charging your smartphone on the go. Favorite Buttons at a Click There are easy-to-use one-click favorite buttons for pre-selected functions. The rider can assign any function he wants to access quickly to these four buttons for easy selection. 719 Classic Forged Wheel The 1600 GTL has the best in class option 719 forged wheels, giving it a classic look and feel and powerful performance. The quality standard is high class and provides the rider with complete safety and security. Large TFT Display The BMW K 1600 GTL boasts a digital instrument cockpit with a 10.23-inch large color display integrated with Google maps for easy navigation. The bright and vibrant show is user-friendly and fully loaded. The boot space for storage is enormous and adequate even for long cross-country rides. It gives the rider peace of mind to carry large loads during long journeys and bring back souvenirs. Bright LED Headlights The front headlight is LED-based and bright enough to light the darkest of the road, adaptive to outside lights to use less energy, and gives the best results for safe rides. Audio System 2.0 The top-class sound system for immense pleasure, easy-to-use menus, superb output, and sound produced takes away all the stress while going on a long drive. The BMW K 1600 GTL is a premium tour motorbike made for exclusive motorbike enthusiasts. At 18.5 lakhs, it’s a tad expensive, but a motorbike is worth every penny invested. So as the new year approaches, the motorbike community and the motorbike fans have a lot to cheer for with these three motorbikes from the BMW Motorrad stable. 2022 will be a memorable year for BMW and its loyal motorbike fans. Disclaimer: This article was prepared or accomplished by it's author in their personal capacity. The opinions expressed in this article are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Motorbikes India or it's owners. The views and opinions expressed on this web site are soley those of the original authors and other contributors. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of Steve Gerweck, the GERWECK.NET staff, and/or any/all contributors to this site.
This story contains scenes depicting gay characters and gay sexual situations. If you find that offensive, if you are under the legal age of consent to view/read such material, or it is forbidden in your particular jurisdiction altogether, it is suggested you move on. You have been warned. All characters are fictitous. Any similarities by name or description to actual persons whether living or dead are purely coincidental. No, really, I mean that... mostly. © is 2003 by Keith Morrisette, all rights reserved. No part of this story may be copied or reproduced without the express consent of the author, and not one word may be changed. Comments to [email protected]. More of my work is available at . Here, There Be Dragons Part the Second I'd gotten the idea that the river and the army wasn't all that far away - but then, Cérosk could fly and I had to walk so it's just how you look at it, I suppose. It was long and tedious picking my way across that burnt out plain, stumbling over rocks and stumps of what might have been trees once, not to mention skirting dried out dragon shit. Dragons are a lot like seagulls; the first thing they do when they take to the air is take a dump. My host may have had hang ups about sex but he had no problems about his toilet training. Dried out isn't bad - the fresh stuff is a different. It's not only corrosive it'll turn your stomach inside out. Still, I'd found on my first time around on this world that the locals `harvested' the dry stuff whenever they could; apparently it burnt better, longer and hotter than wood in the winter months. And it lost most of its, uh, natural effervescence when it lay out in the sun for a few weeks. Not all of it, though. When you came to villages, on top of the stench of humans (bathing was a vague notion on a lot of these worlds), livestock, and the privies not quite as far from the houses as one might wish, it combined to create an interesting essence to the tapestry of the simple, pastoral life. Think of sewage and sulfur. Well that wasn't much on my mind as I trudged across the plain, wearing a pair of boots that were great for riding but not so good for walking. And I wasn't really that much into walking. That's what horses are for. Or at least, something like horses. The sun burning down on my head didn't help much either... Magicians are a fair skinned lot, and I hadn't thought to grab a hat before bolting my last residence. My black hair was stuck to my head in sweat, and it didn't help that I'd taken to wearing it long these days. And robes are clumsy things for hiking. Very stylish and comfortable around the castle, mind you, but not too practical on the long road. Once I cleared the empty plain and got into the woods I hacked at it with my knife and trimmed it back to more of a kilt. I slit some of the extra fabric into strips to tie back my hair in a ponytail and make a sweatband for myself and used the scabbard to cinch the waist. Kilts had their plusses, although in the back of my mind I had the nagging idea that my ensemble looked less like a kilt and more like a girls-school uniform from Andrew's world. If I blinked, I could see his face flicker; if I closed my eyes, I could see his body; if I stood still, I could feel his hands on my body, caressing. I shook off the memory of him, and inspected my new garment and I felt foolish all over again. Favoring bright colors in my lounging wear didn't help. If I'd stuck to brown or green I'd have a safe stroll through the woods, but somehow I thought magenta would stand out. Then again, I wasn't really trying to hide from anyone for a change. Even outlaw bands weren't likely to work their trade too close to a dragon's lair. On a hunch I tried a few mild magic things, and was satisfied. Distance between the dragon and me was helping, but I was by no means powerful. I managed to set a feeble fire. Parlor trick stuff. If I met a band of merry men in this place, I'd have to depend on my sword. I was still stronger than anyone else I was likely to encounter, and I'm good at hacking with a blade. If something did happen I'd at least have a chance, but there'd always been a certain comfort in knowing that when a fight went bad all I had to do was use my mind to search out the elements to use what was around me for protection. Like in the last world, where I'd sensed the making of gunpowder in a mountainside when I met Maddràs the first time, and manipulated nature enough to combine them so they'd explode. I can't create things; just use the forces around me to make them work. Fire and light - well, they're both a part of my being. Just a matter of channeling the static electricity in my body. I sniffed the air and caught the scent of running water, but it was still a good distance away. I couldn't catch the scent of anything else that wasn't ordinary though, and aside from the hum of insects and the occasional small rustling in the bushes I didn't catch much of anything else, either. I cut myself a walking stick - small bushes can hide some pretty nasty if not exactly life threatening things. Having something along to poke the overgrowth couldn't hurt. Plus a good, hard stick can give you a little bit of an edge on something coming at you when you knew how to swing it right. I pushed into the forest, sniffing my way to the water, figuring it would take me to what I wanted to find sooner or later. There was what amounted to a path cleared through the wood, and since it took me more or less where I wanted to go I took it, following my nose. Easy travel, I told myself. Until I heard something snap that shouldn't, and a fat log swung down at me suspended from ropes and caught me in the middle. Then the world got all dark and fuzzy again. * * * * * "What is it, ya think? Can't be a man. He'd be dead." A small voice, squeaky and nasal. Rather la-ti-da, too. "You and your men. What's it matter?" came in a second squeaky voice contemptuously. Not quite so grand but with a snotty, superior tone. "Once her nibs is done with it, it will be." I opened an eye and looked around. I was tied this time, leaning against a wall and sitting in a pile of straw. And judging by the itching I was starting to feel, the straw had its own residents that took me for a snack bar. I looked around, hoping for something to take advantage of. I'm good at taking advantage of things. Not much of a room, I thought. Typical peasant chic -- not much more than saplings and branches tied together, the larger gaps filled with dried mud. Thatched straw overhead and loose straw on the floor, covering the natural earth. There was a pile of stones in the corner that more or less served as a hearth, what could have been two chairs if you used some imagination and a small, more-or-less flat-topped thing that could have been a table. I tried the ropes but even with my natural extra strength they weren't going to snap. Maybe a little fire would help them but I'd hold back on that just yet; I didn't really like the idea of singed skin. And sitting on a pile of dried straw with burning ropes probably wasn't a good idea either. "It's awake," I heard the lat-ti-da voice squeak from a dark corner. "Go get the witch." "Why me?" The arrogant one whined. "Why don't you get her? Since when am I the servant?" "Ah, for--don't be such a pain in the ass, okay? Just go get her and don't argue for once!" I heard a grunt and the shadows moved. A one-foot-tall bird-like thing (minus a beak) with spiky black hair dressed in shabby looking brown britches and a shirt scuttled out of the darkness. He (it?) was a skinny little wretch of a thing with cat-like eyes, and his mushed-in mouth seemed cast in a perpetual sneer. He paused long enough to give me a withering look and snorted before snapping his fingers contemptuously in my direction from a safe distance, and flapping small, leathery wings. He headed out what passed for a door to the hovel. "Snotty bugger," the shadows grumbled, and the other creature came out. A little shorter and as thin at the top and bottom as his fellow but with a sudden pot in the center, and with the same flair for fashion. But the face wasn't all pushed in; he sported a long, wide nose, jowls, and the eyes were green. Unlike his companion with the black spiky hair, he had longish, unnaturally red curls that looked suspiciously like a bad hairpiece. "Who are you?" he demanded, also from a safe distance. "And what are you?" Great, I thought. Another pixie with attitude. I tried to keep it light. "George," I answered blithely, trying to look as stupid as I wanted to sound. Stupidity is usually a safe bet when you're out-flanked; obnoxious creatures like to think they're superior. "And what do I look like? I'm just another man. I'd offer to shake hands, but I seem to be bound. Don't suppose you'd like to untie me?" It snorted. "Don't suppose I would," he said, getting a little closer but still careful to keep some distance, and trying to get a peek up my kilt. "George, eh? Common enough name for men, but not one I'd brag about this close to a Dragon's lair. And as for you being a man, I've got some doubts. When that log came down it should have caved in your chest. And even if that didn't work, when you flew back and hit the tree, that should have split your skull open and snapped your spine." His eyes raked over my body, sniffed me suspiciously, and there was a glimmer in his eye. He liked what he saw but he also wanted to gloat. "But here you are, all cheery and trying to be a buddy. I'll let the witch deal with you." Rude little bastard, passed through my mind. But of course it wouldn't do to say it. "Well, maybe I'm a little... different," I said with a smile. "Uh, don't suppose you have a name?" He looked me over carefully, wondering about me. I can't read minds, but I can read faces pretty good, at least the ones that are made more-or-less like mine. He may have sounded belligerent, but he was scared of me, too. "You couldn't pronounce it even if you wanted to - Tim will do. And you can call my, uh, associate, Ken -- for short." He sniggered at his own joke, which was more than I was inclined to do even if I was at his mercy. I tried to take it in stride, and string him for information. "And you are from--?" "It's only me from across the swamp," he said in a vague way, still eyeing me. "Lovely legs," he added in a forlorn voice, reaching out and running his fingertips over my skin, playing with the hair on my legs. "So very much like someone I knew once... so very long ago..." he trailed wistfully. "Lost, lost and gone," he moaned. I raised an eyebrow, not caring to encourage any further fondling even if I did want to score some points. "And who's this witch I keep hearing about?" "That would be me," cut in another voice. I twisted my neck sharply, and wished I hadn't. I'm not usually hung up on appearance; I've been to worlds and met creatures whose faces would crack mirrors in other worlds. There's ugly, but there are defining moments in ugliness. Actually, this witch defined a particular eon of ugliness. >From her filthy dress to her matted hair, and the cakes of just plain dirt and greases imbedded in her skin, she made you want to shudder. I tried to smile, hiding the shudder that swept through me. She shuffled into the hovel, fixing me with her black eyes for a moment and studied me. I've faced a lot of creatures in many places in my time, but usually I'm the one doing the studying. It was interesting being the one on the other side of things. Not pleasant, but interesting. She turned to Tim, who rocked on his heels with his nasty little friend Ken beside him. "You two can hop it now," she said in a flat, no-nonsense voice. "I can take care of the man by myself. Just wait outside until I send for you." "Not home?" Tim whined. Her nostrils flared. "Does `wait outside' sound like `go home?' " Ken gave me a dirty, doubtful look but he shrugged and yanked Tim who was still trying for a peak up the kilt and the two of them scampered for the door without another word, Ken stomping and Tim mincing. My hostess chuckled as she watched their retreat. I shook my head. "What are they, anyway?" She gave me a gap-toothed smile. "Them? Just a couple of old færies," she cackled. "Outcasts, really. They're such a pair of obnoxious little pains in the ass, even their own don't want them," she said, studying me. "Ran `em out of their own place years ago, and I found them in the woods and gave `em a place to call their own. I let them make a borough across the swamp -- they do favors for me now and then when I need something." I sniffed the air again. If I could smell the river that wasn't far off, I should have been able to smell a swamp. And given the look of this woman, I should have been able to smell her, too. Nothing. Nothing unnaturally pungent, anyway. I turned my attention back to the crone, who'd dropped to a chair near the table and continued studying me. I studied back. She may have looked like a peasant, but she didn't act like one. I'd seen that they way she carried herself. I suppose I could have gone on trying to play stupid to get some information, but something in those eyes told me she was a lot smarter than she wanted most folk to think and I wouldn't be able to carry it off. At least, not with her. "You're not what you seem," I commented dryly, after a silence. I locked my eyes onto her, and my voice lost its casualness. "And there's no swamp. I'd smell it." Her eyes sparkled, and the corners of her mouth twitched. We'd both made a decision about the other in those few moments, and her voice changed. Not confiding, not commanding - but pitched to the level of equals who both know there's a good deal more to the other than what they wanted people to believe. "They think there is, and that's the important thing," She said casually. "Thinking there's a swamp between us keeps them away -- they're convinced it's a two mile walk around, and on four inch legs that's a good haul." She narrowed her eyes. "And you're not what you seem, either," she said pointedly. "The, uh outfit you're wearing means you're no peasant - around here clothing comes in two colors -- filth and dirt. That particular shade of pink would cost a tax collector three years of thieving. Plus you're hands are un-calloused though you're fit enough; even merchants and nobles have to do work here. You may look like a man, but you're not." She nodded, still with the slight curve at the edge of sunken lips. "Those two were right -- you should have been dead when you walked into one of my traps. Or at least injured enough so I'd have to nurse you. But all you did was sleep through the night and this morning." That was news. A day? I could go a long time without sleep, but I liked sleeping. Even so, I seldom slept for more than a few hours at a time. The witch smiled mischievously and her eyes became slits. "And I can see enough of what's in your mind to know I've met your kind before." She rubbed her chin, scratching a hairy wart. I considered the significance of her comment on having met my kind before. Many of my kind like to travel, and we sort of have a history in a lot of places. Being recognized for a Mirror Walker isn't always good news. "And what kind would you be?" I asked, no longer playing the fool as I had for the færies. "Someone who could do that," she said calmly, twitching a finger and my hands and legs were free. Then she blurred for a moment and -- changed. Completely. The hump was gone. So was the filth, along with the stringy grayed hair. All the other ugly things, too, and she was dressed better. She wasn't a raving beauty mind you, not that it would have made any difference to me. She was a woman in early middle years, a striking if not beautiful face; handsome I've heard it called. The frizzled, matted hair was now a shortish auburn streaked lightly with gray. On a lot of worlds with the right assists she would have been considered a beauty, but she didn't seem interested in the cosmetic. Her clothes weren't the rags I'd thought them, either. She was in a long, lightweight blue gown tied off at a slightly chunky waist. She wasn't a `goddess' but she was hardly a worn out old woman. A graceful hand pointed to the stool opposite, which now looked more like a comfortable chair with cushions. I dropped into it and studied the room. Cleaner now, smooth-cut stones on the floor and covered not with woven straw but carpets. The walls were rough logs still, but not the rickety lean-to I'd first seen. Instead of clumps of dirt the gaps were filled in with something cleaner and more solid. And it was a whole lot larger. But my straw matting and its inhabitants hadn't changed, and I stood carefully, brushing the dead grass from me. I rubbed my ankles and wrists which should have been sore but weren't. There were also no marks from the ropes. I noticed the rude pots filled with dirty animal fat were gone and small braziers glowed burning scented oil, their light reflected through the room. I looked at her and pursed my lips. "Which was real? What I see or what I saw?" She gave me a thin smile. "I could have cast a spell and made this. Or what you saw," she said mysteriously. I leaned back and shook my head, stretching out my legs and crossing my ankles. "This isn't magic," I said quietly, watching her soberly. "I'd know if it were. We're still too close to Cérosk to manage much in the way of magic. And you're not a Magician, either," I said with confidence. "I'd know that, too." She got up and poured some tea from a brass pot sitting on a grid in the no-longer make shift hearth and passed me a cup before settling down. I sniffed it. Plain herbal, nothing more. She smiled again, without any gaps in her teeth. "No spells," she said lightly. "I can't do things like that. But I can create illusions - like telling you while you were out your hands and feet were tied." She eased back into her chair and sipped. "I can make you see things, or think you do. I can make you think things, too." She waved a hand around. "This place is what I built or had built with help from grateful - clients. Except for the carpets -- those are still straw mats, but they're the best I can do here. Everything else you see right now is real, including me. I'd have given you a goddess to behold if I thought it would do any good, but I already sense your not-well, women aren't exactly your thing, are they?" she said coyly, and laughed a pleasant laugh. "I could have been a prince for you, but one grab in the right spot and you'd have known something was wrong - you might think something was there but your hands would grab air. I can fool you're mind, but the other senses still work if you focus -- like your nose. And besides, I'm not much interested in dining on any Trouser Trout at this point." She chuckled, nodding. "Most people would have never noticed, but your other senses are a lot keener than everyone else's, aren't they?" I stared down at the carpet intently, admiring the pattern. Then I concentrated on the fiber of the rug itself and bent over to touch it. Stiff, brittle. Finally I could see it for what it was but it took some effort to break the illusion. Woven straw. I concentrated on her next. No trickery that I could find. It took a lot of effort and my head still ached so I took for granted the rest of what was around me was real. "Illusions... and you can read minds?" She tapped a long finger on her jaw, watching me thoughtfully. "Not exactly, at least with you. But I can get a strong sense of what people are thinking, and even when I dropped the illusion around myself you weren't exactly -- interested, shall we say. I'm not a raving beauty, but I'm not half bad, either. Something should have registered and it didn't, so that part was easy to figure out." She glanced around the room again. "And as for what this place looks like... well, that's an on-going thing. When there isn't a damned Royal Army camped a few miles away, these woods are thick with-undesirables, lets say. They can't go into the villages, and so if they see a woman on her own, they get ideas of their appeal to my sex - and in my case, there isn't anything mutual about the appeal. On the other hand, if they see an old bat in a dump with the reputation for being the local witch, I don't have to waste any time on rapist-wannabes. And stealing scraps from a witch isn't too good an idea, either. So, they move on, I don't have to put on a big show, and everyone's happy. Including me." She poured a clear liquid into her tea from a jug and sipped at it, smiling. My nose told me there was more than a little alcohol in the liquid and I eyed it. She shook her head. "Not after that whack to the head," she chuckled before getting back to business. "I've an idea what you are, and even your kind can get a concussion. Anyway, my illusions keep the rogues away, and the old hag routine plays pretty well with the locals. They're always out here with offerings trying to snag a love potion or to get a wound healed. I treat the wounds as best I can since the cutting edge in medicine around here seems to be prayer and leaches. And handing some poor, ditzy kid a bit of water laced with berry juice and booze with instructions to mumble some stuff, along with some whacko instructions about dancing naked under the full moon, and everyone's happy. Local legends are satisfied." She shrugged and smiled apologetically. "Hey, it's a living. But the medical treatment is real enough. And it's not like I bleed the poor wretches, either - their lives are tough enough without me making it tougher. The potions are paid for with a cushion or some plain cloth. And the broken bones, well, even men are known to have gratitude from time to time. A little free labor when I need it, and I stay comfortable here." I smiled. "Regular fairy god-mother, are you? Ah, well. So, what do I call you?" "Sapphy's good," she said nodding, still studying me but without hesitation, so I took it we were both on good terms. Finally her eyes narrowed and she leaned onto the table. "Okay, cards on the table. What the hell is a Mage doing on a world where magic doesn't work, eh? And don't bother lying," she added flatly. "Because I'll know. I've met your kind before." I eyed her. No point in denying the magic thing if she could see even part of my mind. "Getting here was-an accident. I had to make a sort of quick exit from where I was and, well..." I shrugged. She pursed her lips, her eyes still narrowed. "By any chance did your quick exit have anything to do with some no-good son-of-a-bitch named Patrick?" Now I pursed my lips but my eyes opened wider. Being recognized for something different was one thing. Finding someone who knew Patrick was something else. But I tried to keep it casual, nonchalant - and the gut level of panic out of my voice. "Uh, you know Patrick?" Sapphy grimaced, slammed her cup down. "Yeah, I know Patsy," she growled, wrinkling her nose. "He's the worthless wonder who dumped me here. Came to me all smiles and promises when he found me, of course. Flat out, I'm from a world close to your own, and like you guys we've got powers; but just like all reflections, nothing is ever quite the same from one place to the next. We see a Prism, but we can only wander the places reflected from our own world and nothing beyond. "Well, good ol' Pat said he needed an Illusionist in a world without magic. I should have known better of course -- no one can trust you Magics. Never knew a place where you'd been where they had a kind word for you. But I was getting a bit bored with my own life and a tour beyond my prism worlds sounded like a good adventure. Not that my life was bad or anything -- Patsy showed up when I had this good gig going on an island -- just me and a bunch of, uh, like-minded women. Had the natives scared shitless of us, so they came with food every day and kept their distance. It was a nice life, sitting around catching some rays on a beach, writing poetry all the time." She nodded pleasantly, leaning back in the chair and looking up at the ceiling, smiling. But then she sat up abruptly and her eyes darted back to me. "Usually," she added in a particularly acid voice, "about how much guys suck. "Anyway," she continued, sipping the tea again, "Like I said, I was getting a little bored and thinking of walking the Prism when out pops Pat. Feeds me a line of bull about how he's recruiting from the Reflections near him for some joint ventures. Well, what the hell? I like a little adventure. Long and short of it -- he doesn't find the rogue mage he's looking for and he can't get me off this place he claimed. So I got dumped quicker 'n a used chamber pot the morning after a chili-and-salad buffet. This rat-hole is outside my Prism so I'm stuck since I can't walk the mirrors. Two hundred years I've been marooned - not much to you guys, but for us it's different. We don't kick as fast as the humans but we die sooner or later, and I haven't found a decent girl friend here yet that wasn't gone in a blink. And you have to spend years fighting with them to bathe on a regular basis." Sapphy poured a little more of the hard stuff into her cup but didn't bother to add any more tea. "So, you had to leave your last place in a hurry... and I already know good ol' Patsy was here looking for you, so I guess he found you." She leaned in confidentially. "Any way, you're stuck here, so it seems to me we can work a little deal on the side. I can help you -- for a favor. I can help you in this place, and all I want in return is for you to get me out of here and back into one of my Prism worlds so I can find my girls back on the island. I'm not picky about which one -- if I can see it, I'll know it's one of mine." Well, everything's a gamble, and since there was no point in any pretense that I was anything other than what she already knew, I filled her in on Cérosk. I held back about Andrew, though. Too much information here might not be a good idea. Sapphy sat there, laughing at me. "That's so sweet - Saint George himself comes back to his people - but this time he's the champion for the poor, oppressed dragon! You know, if there are any gods, they've got a sick sense of humor!" I eyed the jug again; I could have used a drink about then. And as for being worried about a blow to my head -- hey, remember what I said about half a parapet landing on me? I drank most of a wine cellar that week and a half of recovery out of sheer boredom, but Sapphy wouldn't budge. Instead she decided I should eat and filled a plate with a strange looking, orangey meat. I ate. "This is good, what is it?" Sapphy giggled. "What's it taste like?" she asked. I thought about it. "Kinda like chicken." More chuckles, which put me on edge. "In that case, lets just say it's - chicken." She paused while I gorged. Maybe it wasn't chicken, and I probably didn't want to know what it was, but right then it was good. "So, about stooging for the dragon," she began. I shook my head. "I have no intention of fighting for a dragon or anything else if I can manage it," I said in a huff. "I'm far enough away from Cérosk where I can do a few things. A little razzle-dazzle, and I'll have the King eating out of my hand, along with this arch-bishop of his." She raised an eyebrow. "You've been away, boyo. Things have changed here, and the locals ain't so easily impressed." I snorted this time. "I know humans," I said feeling smug. "Shake some beads and rattles at `em and they head for the hills or fall on their knees. I tell them I'm a saint, flash a few parlor tricks and that's it. They settle with Cérosk and I get-well, I get what I need back from him." She peered at me, and I felt some nudging in my head but I pushed it back. She frowned. "You can't hide it all. Besides, Patsy liked my home-brew jug too -- maybe a little too much." She leaned in closer. "I know you've got a mortal with you, and just a boy, too. My guess is our friend in the cave has him, which is the only reason I can think why you might want to help a dragon. I just can't see what's the big deal about a human, though - they're mean tempered and stupid enough to kill anything they don't understand. And when they run out of other creatures, they kill each other. So, what's in it for you? Just a little rough trade?" I shrugged, began to get up. "Well, thanks for the tea," I said smiling. "I'll be moving on now. I'll just have to remember to watch out for swinging logs in the trees." "George, we could cut a deal here," she began earnestly. "I really can help, just like I helped Patrick before he cut out on me - and all I want is a ticket out of here. You could use me." I smiled. "And what would I do with a woman?" I expected a lot more argument, and I should have been suspicious when she gave in so easily after being marooned for so long. It wasn't likely any other mage might come back to this world any time soon. But Sapphy gave a thin-lipped smile and pointed to the door. "We'll see," she said, smiling grimly and cocking her head to the door. Sapphy pointed with her chin. "Hang to the left when you go out, Magician -- that'll take you to the river. Head downstream, and you should come to the army's camp by evening. And Good luck -- I've dealt with ol' Sequiosa before." She giggled, but her face wasn't pleasant. "And, uh, King Daffyd's a trip, too." I hung in the door for a few seconds, watching her. Down deep, I knew she couldn't be trusted to give up this easy. But I decided to press my luck. "I don't imagine I could bargain with you for some different clothes, could I? I mean, a pink kilt might not go over too big in an army camp." Sapphy eyed me malevolently. "Probably not, since you've got nothing to bargain with. And pretty much you're leaving me here to rot, so it's not like I'd much give a damn about you, would I?" She used her chin to point to the door. " Your stuff's outside. Mind the door when it slams behind you, Magician. Oh, and one more thing," she added with a small smile and an evil squint. "In case you see these hand-sized, furry, eight-legged things crawling after you, don't be fooled by all the fuzz and antennae. They're a sort of local delicacy around here -- they taste a lot like chicken, even if they do feed on dung and insects. The meat's sort of orangey once you boil it too." My stomach was thrilled with that information and I stepped out of the cabin. Interesting. I couldn't smell the swamp a few yards away, but I could sure as hell see it. These Illusionists were pretty good at what they did. But what I didn't see were a pair of nasty little færies standing by as instructed, although I could smell them. I retied my scabbard around my magenta kilt and headed off into the bush, following my nose to the river. Along the way I picked up on sounds, just a little bit of rustling behind me, and I suppose most times I wouldn't have paid much attention. But they were too consistent -- always just the same distance behind me. I would casually turn my head now and again and catch a little movement. It didn't take long to figure out I was being shadowed, most likely by Ken and Tim. I wondered how they kept up with those tiny legs of theirs, then remembered the leathery little wings. It didn't surprise me much. Sapphy didn't strike me as a very trusting soul, and I'd have done the same thing myself, and the two of them were harmless enough now that I was loose. Most likely they'd been sent to spy, and that didn't matter. But that didn't mean I couldn't have some fun, so I quickened my pace once I came to the edge of the river and I could hear the two of them stumbling along trying to keep up. I could hear the low rumble of Ken's complaining and the nasal tones of Tim's whining. Well what can I say? Pissing them off gave me something to do. The sun was sliding down in the western sky, signaling the mid-afternoon, when I came to the first sign of habitation outside of dragons, witches and færies. I saw the remains of a small village near a bend in the river. No people - and like I said, just the remains of a town. It had been burnt. At first I thought it might have been a place that could have pissed off Cérosk, but the closer I got I saw other signs. This was a systematic burning. Every structure had been torched, and judging by the condition of the ruins, the thatched roofs were what flamed first. There were items strewn into the streets too, and that was evidence of looting. This wasn't the work of Cérosk on a fly-by stopping for some fun and maybe the catch of the day. He'd have exhaled on a few of the big structures, snaffed up a peasant or two on the run, and then been on his way. There would still be survivors lurking around, putting out some of the fires. I explored the town a little, still conscious of my escort scuttling behind me. Likely for this place it was a large settlement, capable of housing perhaps four hundred people. Well, when I came to the center of the town, I found some of them. Or at least what remained of them. Charred bodies were piled up. And by what I could see, they'd been pretty well hacked up before they were set afire. They'd been armed as well as a peasant could be armed I suppose - scythes and heavy, blunt instruments were strewn about. Here and there was the occasional long bow and a sword or knife. There might have been some women in the mess, but it was hard to tell and the remains had been here too long for me to start digging through. I didn't see any signs of children, though. I turned quickly, quickly enough to see some movement in the shadow of a doorway. "You two," I snapped. "What happened here?" No answer, naturally. I picked up a rock and flung it at a particular bit of shadow, and heard a satisfying cry of pain. Ken, I suspected. The two of them scuttled into the street, Ken leaning on Tim and rubbing a bony knee, muttering. "Next time I ask you something, you'll answer me, okay?" I snapped. "Now, what happened here?" Tim's voice quivered as he looked at the pile of corpses. "Men," he said simply. "This is all man business. Not ours." "Why?" I asked softly, knowing the answer. Tim shrugged. "When did a man ever need a reason to kill?" I considered the answer. He was right. Of all the places I've been and with all the creatures I'd seen, only men killed like this - wholesale, for the sake and pure pleasure of killing itself rather than for food or safety the way a beast will. It's one of the reasons I've never had much of a problem manipulating the many races of men for my own comfort. If nothing else, in return I usually managed to keep them from butchering their own kind for sport. "Do you know what happened to the rest?" Ken stopped rubbing his leg and pointed up into the hills, and my eyes followed. I swallowed hard when I saw them... row after row of poles stuck into the earth, crowning the surrounding hills. And I could see things on the poles. Things that may have been human once. My sharp eyes told me some were small, so I knew what happened to the children. Whatever crime committed in this village must have been severe. Usually the children and the women are simply raped and taken prisoner, then enslaved one way or another once the armed rebels were put down and executed. The survivors of the rout had been impaled. Poles shoved into their rectums, then the poles set upright, allowing the struggling prisoner to die slowly as their weight pulled them lower and lower on the wood stakes. If they were lucky, the pole was sharp and the prisoner would sink quickly at an angle and pierce the neck, ripping out the throat so they'd die quickly. The not-so-lucky ones would have the stick slowly crush up into their brain. Those truly enjoying the curse of the gods would only slide down so far and get stuck, slowly bleeding to death on the insides. They might last for days that way, crying out in agony and begging to die while the carrion swooped down on them. It's a myth that such birds only wait until death. They're content with their prey being helpless, and the prisoners' arms and legs would have been bound. Then it occurred to me that children didn't weigh much, so were less likely to sink all the way down. I shook my head at the thought and felt my stomach roil. I hoped they were smart enough to struggle, so they'd die quicker. "Why?" I said, incredulous. "Rebels--" I said, gesturing at the bodies. "Well, that's part of the gamble. Why wipe out an entire town?" "Heresy," Ken said fearfully, for once speaking without an edge of bitterness in his voice, his eyes straying over the body pile. "They refused the Archbishop's new levy to restore his cathedral, and drove out his collectors. Claimed it was unjust. The Archbishop said they was all heretics and had to die, or the whole country would rebel. But it were done in their god's name, and by King's Men. After all, a priest may not kill." When did it ever change? A religious leader commanding men to do the dirty work for him, and men doing it in order to save their own souls. Assuming the men needed an excuse to murder. I looked up to the hills, wondered for a moment if I should check for survivors and see if I could do anything. Then I considered the state of the bodies around me. This had all happened weeks ago. There couldn't be any survivors. "How far before we reach this army?" Tim peered into the sky. "We could reach it not long after sunset," he answered, still wary of me. I looked down on the two of them, who were still eying the piles of bodies stacked up in the middle of the square. "Stay close, the two of you. I know you're spying for Sapphy, but there's no point in your scuttling through the brush anymore -- I've known you were there since we left." I set off down along the river bank again, flanked by a couple of unlovely, weasely old creatures who did a hop-fly sort of thing with their leathery little wings, but preferring their company more than any other kind for the moment. to be continued... Copyright 2003 by Keith Morrisette. All rights Email comments to [email protected]. Check out my other stories at, The Boyfriend and Little Secrets, Little Lies (Formerly And The Other Friends). Thanks to JFinn for helping me get this ready for posting
I just uploaded a small batch of images from when I and a friend (Olle) visited Abisko in the northern parts of Sweden back in 2004. The early winter there caught us by surprise, so we had to cut the joureny short, but still managed to get some nice shots out of it. I also added some of my abstract and nature photos. In good time I hope to add more or less all my photos to flickr since they do not have a storage limit (even if there is a traffic limit of 2GB per month). Stay tuned for more images in the next few months!
In commemoration of the 20-year anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, Presbyterian participants in the 59th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women will join the march for gender equality on International Women’s Day! Please join us and our partners, the City of New York, the UN Women for Peace Association, NGO CSW New York, Man Up Campaign, and the Working Group on Girls. We will march through New York City midtown, starting at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza and ending on Times Square. 1:30 p.m. Participants begin to assemble (Dag Hammarskjold Plaza – 47th St and 2nd Ave) 2:30 p.m. March begins (see below map for the exact route) 4:15 p.m. Final convening point: Renewing commitments to gender equality (Times Square – 42nd St and 7th Ave) 5:00 p.m. March concludes Participants are welcome to produce and bring their own banners with powerful messages calling for women’s rights. If you attend the march, share your images and messages on social media via the hashtag #Beijing20, and follow @UN_Women on Twitter for coverage!
Huawei pushes back foldable Mate X launch as its product plans for 2019 get shredded 2019 was supposed to be the year that foldable smartphones shook up what has been a market with one candy bar form factor after another. With the Galaxy Fold currently MIA, hopes had been pinned on the Huawei Mate X. Unfortunately, Huawei has announced that what was supposed to be a June rollout has now been pushed back to at least September. However, Huawei seems to be putting up a smokescreen to explain the delay by shifting the blame to Samsung, not its run in with the US Government. Speaking to CNBC, a Huawei spokesperson said that the delay was due to additional testing to ensure it avoids the hardware issues that plagued the Galaxy Fold review units. "We don't want to launch a product to destroy our reputation," the spokesperson told CNBC. While that could well be true, the fact that Huawei has been scrambling to find an alternative to Google's Android operating system is, however, the likely culprit. Despite this, the Huawei spokesperson insisted that the Mate X would launch with Google's Android onboard as it was unveiled before the company was unceremoniously dumped on the US government's Entity List. Undoubtedly, Huawei's preference would be to launch the device with Android, but the new planned launch window is more in line with reports that this is when Huawei could start shipping new devices like the Mate 30 with its HongMeng/Oak OS or even Jolla's Sailfish OS, albeit the Russian Aurora fork.
Islamabad, Jan 16: At least three people, including two policemen, were killed Thursday in separate incidents of firing in Karachi, Pakistan’s largest city. In the city’s Shafiq Mor area, unknown armed men opened fire at a police mobile patrolling near the Taimuria police station, which killed two policemen, Javed and Asif, and injured two others, Dawn online reported. According to Senior Superintendent of Police Amir Farooqi, banned organisations were involved in the attacks targeting the police. In another incident in Karsaz area, a man was killed when an unknown gunman riding a motorbike fired at a car. Karachi is riddled with targeted killings, gang wars, kidnappings for ransom, extortion and terrorism.
Regarding the Panama Papers the next weeks seems to become interesting. But one can say that some of the until now mentioned entities are not so unknown or even shrouded in absolut secrecy: Take the company which is seen now as pure evil and responsible for the activities of the bad guys around the world: Mossack Fonseca. Nearly all newspaper talk about an "unknown", "secret", "hidden" company, somewhere located in the more shady corners of the world. But is this true? As far I can trust my own database I already found entries and documents e.g. from 2000, when Mossack Fonseca was enlisted in a directory of "Banking, Trust & Financial Services": In the face of successfull business no wonder that in 2003 a worker of the company came to this statement: There are a lot of more entries to find and I only came to those I find in my own database. Some of them were already leaked or hacked years ago and also the name the companies and people, who benefit from off-shore services: Years ago thousands of entities from a Panama database were ready to be analysed with software - as it is done today again. Panama is only one little, of course important place in this network: A discussion about Offshore (and Onshore!) service providers is necessary and it seems not to be legitimate or even feasible to condemn now every company in this business. Too many people without any deeper knowledge or expertise now start to argue on a low level.
The Run Down Under/Gettin' Giggy with Shadowrun - Thursday, October 4th, 2007 Montana Role-Playing Calendar October 4th, 2007, 6:15pm - 11:15pm 217 W. Koch St. Bozeman, MT 59715 The building is on the corner of Koch and Third. The apartment is at the top of the stairs. Sonny called Trinny, his fixer, as Rainbow started north. "What is it?" Trinny answered groggily. "Do you have any pull in any Indian ports?" "Suffice it to say I'm a little leery about crossing the India-Pakistan border, and would rather not have to." "What are you looking for?" Trinny asked. "A passenger? A briefcase?" "A van with a bad rap," Sonny replied. "If you can do that, the rest'll be a cakewalk." "Let me poke around. I'll call you back. "When do you need it?" "Now would be nice," Sonny replied, "but really just as soon as possible." "I'll see what I can find." "How long will it take to get there, Rainbow?" Sonny asked after hanging up his phone. "Well, between 8 and 10 hours, plus whatever the border crossing takes," Rainbow replied. "OK. We may hear back about a seaport egress shortly." About and hour later, Sonny's phone rang. Trinny had tracked down a container ship leaving port that evening from Cuddalore. After a few minutes of tracking down Cuddalore on the southeast coast of India, they had to turn Trinny down and resume planning for a border crossing. Nigel suggested that they just pick a busy crossing and he control the guard they had to deal with if anything came up. Though there was general concent for this plan, Rainbow thought it would be better to find a smaller crossing, or maybe even cut across the border through the wilderness. After some discussion, it was decided to go with Nigel's plan. However, on the drive up Rainbow headed off the main road about mid-morning to follow a side road that had a spur that went over to the border. "Nigel," Rainbow said, stopping for gas at the little town at the fort in the road about 5 kilometers from the border crossing, "why don't you go check out the crossing here and tell us what's there." A few minutes later Nigel returned. "There are two mages and a small group of other people," he reported. "I still think we should go to a busier crossing," Giggy said. "There will be much more opportunity for distraction if there are more people around, and it will be easier to just blend into the crowd." They drove on, and Rainbow kept trying to see what was down in the river bottom to their left. Several times on the way to Amritsar, Rainbow again suggested cutting across the fields, into the river, and then traveling downstream several kilometers before exiting the river on the other side. This was repeatedly refused by the rest of the group. When they got to Amritsar shortly after noon, Rainbow stopped near the border crossing. The area was crowed and there were many cars and people stopped everywhere. Nigel went on astrally and looked around. There was a fire elemental who was not manifest waiting near one of the gatehouses. There was also a single mage in one of the buildings, and innumerable people milling about. Giggy and Sonny watched the process at the gates as best they could without getting too far from the van. There were three lanes each way, and they seemed to get stopped on both sides of the border, though the exit inspection on the Indian side actually seemed to be more detailed than the entrance inspection. Nigel returned, and Rainbow radioed to Sonny and Giggy to get back and they started toward the gate. Nigel and Giggy were in front, with Giggy in the driver's seat and Nigel beside him, with Michelle, Sonny, Rainbow and Jack crowded in back. Michelle watched closely as they approached the gate, and as they approached they formulated another plan. Michelle took Giggy's motorcycle helmet from beside the rockets and C-12 on the floor under the bench seat and stuffed it under her shirt. If they couldn't just get through the gate, she was planning to pretend to be pregnant and hopefully the border guards would not want to deal with a pregnant woman about to give birth and would just let them through.They pulled up to the gate, and the guard tapped on Giggy's window. "Papers, please," he said. Giggy handed him a forged passport, and the man accepted it. After a cursory glance, he smiled at Giggy and turned, with the passport still in hand, and walked back to one of the buildings. Giggy rolled up the window to wait. A few minutes later, after Michelle commented that no other cars had been treated this way, the guard returned, with two other soldiers of higher rank than him. Giggy opened the window again as they approached. One of the new men asked that the rear hatch be opened, and Rainbow obliged, then the original guard asked for the papers of the rest of those in the van. Concerned about some of them not having papers, and possible some not having good forged papers, Nigel attempted to control the senior officer, but his spell was cut off immediately after he cast it. "Frag it all," he grumbled, pulling his assault rifle out from under the seat. Hearing that, Rainbow hit the gas and deployed the turret, driving through the gate and over one of the gunmen standing behind it. Immediately the van was surrounded by fire and something stopped the rear wheels all together. Spotting an unarmed man in a military uniform at the door to one of the buildings, Rainbow shot him, dropping him before he could react.Nigel started to take aim past Giggy out the open window, when Jack shouted, "Open the door!" pulling has axe out from between his legs. Rainbow opened the door, and Jack leaned out, slicing into the fire elemental and nearly pushing Sonny out of the van. Rainbow was unceremoniously dumped onto the floor in the back seat. Giggy punched through the open window, into the fire elemental as Michelle shot, and the fire elemental disappeared. Rainbow managed to get the van to break free of the grip of the earth elemental holding the back of the van just as flame erupted again, this time it went completely through the van. The van continued to roll toward the Pakistani gate, clearly through the Indian side as the whole scene was engulfed in a series of explosions. From the remains of the van, Giggy was able to call for help and asylum from the Pakistani soldiers at their gate. The Pakistani soldiers came up to the van and their mage immediately took to Nigel, who was clearly in the worst shape. Miraculously, Giggy and Jack had managed to retain consciousness. The soldiers took the five bodies to a building on their side of the border, and waited for Docwagon to show up. In the mean time, their mage worked on Michelle and Sonny. When they came to in the hospital, they each realized that they were clearly under guard. The Pakistani government was not interested in them slipping away in the night, apparently. Over the course of the next several weeks, the group were interviewed by Pakistani intelligence. Fortunately, all the group's electronics had been destroyed in the explosions, so their contact numbers could not be retrieved, nor could Rainbow's RC deck's logs. From the information they gathered, the Pakistani investigators were able to piece together that the group had illegally entered India, done something to disturb the military, and then released an insect spirit which had subsequently been destroyed by Knight Errant and the Indian military. However, since India refused to give Pakistan an acceptable, official reason for extradition, Pakistan did not turn them over to the Indian authorities. However, as Pakistan did not want them in Pakistan any longer than necessary, once they were all released from the hospital and their hospital bills were all paid, Pakistan sent them off - Nigel and Giggy to London by suborbital, and Rainbow, Jack, Sonny and Michelle to Australia by intercontinental flight. Now we'll have to see what's in order for next time... - Game: The Run Down Under/Gettin' Giggy with Shadowrun - System(s): Shadowrun (2nd Edition) - Contact: Keith Seyffarth - Number of current players: 7 - Number of players wanted: 6 - Login or register to be able to receive email notifications about The Run Down Under/Gettin' Giggy with Shadowrun - Game Quotes: From The Run Down Under/Gettin' Giggy with Shadowrun posted in Great Quotes from Montana State Uinversity (and Other Places) Be the first to comment here!
My name is Elena and I've been living with Lupus since 2001. I aspire to present my blog, "Face Forward" as a meeting place and a virtual hug to my readers (lupus and non-lupus warriors alike). It keeps me accountable as I try to live my best life with lupus, while allowing me to promote chronic illness awareness and patient/caretaker advocacy. Since its inception in 2009, Face Forward has been recognized by as one of the “Best Lupus Blogs of 2014," nominated for 3 WEGO Patient Leader Awards and featured in New Life Outlook – Lupus, My Lupus Team, and quoted in the Fox News article: “5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Lupus." I’m a Patient Leader
DetailsCO2 Distributor's are an economical way to run more than one keg off of a single CO2 tank. Each shutoff has its own ball check valve to prevent the flow of liquid into the regulator. This gas distributor is made out of aluminum and offers a one piece construction for easy mounting. Note: Swivel Nuts are not included. Proposition 65 Warning for California Consumers: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and/or birth defects or other reproductive harm. - Details & Instructions 5.0 / 5.04 ReviewsGREAT PRODUCTiT WAS EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED TO RUN 2 KEGS AT THE SAME TIME. It is great quality at a great price.April 18, 2018Purchased 1 year agoCO2 distributor 2 wayJust what I needed for my two keg set up! Never be without choices of two home brew beers again!Added Mar 10, 2017March 10, 2017Purchased over 2 years agoGreat ProductI purchased this distributor to assist with bottling my beer from a keg -- I used this to split the CO2 lines to my keg & beer gun. This was cheaper than purchasing the individual parts and would highly recommend this product since it is pre-assembled.July 24, 2013Worth every pennyThis is a great distributor and works perfectly for my two-keg setup. Everything was leak free right out of the box and the 1/4" MFL connections make it quick and easy to attach different lengths of gas line if needed. I was very pleasantly surprised at how solidly this was built.February 16, 2013 - Customer Q&A
A Batch-Fabricated Single-Layer Elastomeric Actuator With Corrugated Surface Date of this Version8-2012 In this paper, we report on the first laser-micromachined batch-fabricated single-layer elastomeric actuator with a corrugated surface profile. The structural material of the cantilever actuator is a single [polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)] layer, and electrodes are soft lithographically patterned conductive carbon grease. The asymmetric corrugated surface provides a bending moment in a single PDMS layer without the need for a second inactive layer. An actuator which is 5 mm long, 1 mm wide, and 80 mu m thick can generate up to 2-mm out-of-plane displacement with zero applied force and 15 mu N at zero deflection while consuming 20 mu W of static power when actuated with 500 V. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
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[OpenIndiana-discuss] etherstub and bridge anilj at Sun Feb 26 04:49:20 UTC 2012 What I am really trying to do is, isolate the zone, but also at the same time have it be able to talk the outside world. Going over the "real link" means it would see all the wire traffic (broadcasts etc... from the rest of the network, it isn't isolated). There are various examples out there that do NAT'ing (assigning RFC 1918 address on the non-global zone and then doing NAT'ing on the global zone) but I would much prefer not to do that and use real routable IP addresses in the zone, but still be able to virtualize and go over it's own "virtual wire". How would I route this traffic properly, if at all? On Feb 25, 2012, at 10:43 AM, James Carlson wrote: > On 2/24/12 8:06 PM, Anil Jangity wrote: >> I tried to setup a etherstub and a vnic. I then tried to setup a bridge between that and the physical interface, as follows: >> LINK CLASS MTU STATE BRIDGE OVER >> igb0 phys 1500 up zbridge -- >> igb1 phys 1500 up -- -- >> workswitch0 etherstub 1500 unknown zbridge -- >> work0 vnic 1500 unknown -- workswitch0 >> zbridge0 bridge 1500 up -- workswitch0 igb0 > Perhaps a dumb question here, but why would you do that? The whole > point of an etherstub object is that it's not connected to the outside > world. And if you want a connection to the outside world, why not just > create the vnic on top of a real link? > That aside, I think you might get further using 'dladm create-simnet' > rather than an etherstub. A simnet is a simulated Ethernet interface. > As for the "STATE unknown" bit, I believe that's because etherstubs > don't have physical links and thus don't have physical link status. > It's probably harmless. > James Carlson 42.703N 71.076W <carlsonj at> > OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list > OpenIndiana-discuss at More information about the OpenIndiana-discuss
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

FineWeb 10MT

Roughly 10 million tokens worth of English FineWeb data. Obtained by taking the 10BT Sample of FineWeb, shuffling it, sharding into 1000 shards, and selecting the first shard.


To reproduce FineWeb 10MT, simply use the following:

from datasets import load_dataset

fineweb = load_dataset("HuggingFaceFW/fineweb", "sample-10BT", split="train").shuffle().shard(num_shards=1000, index=0)

token = "token"
fineweb.push_to_hub("OxxoCodes/fineweb-10MT", token=token)
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