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{"content":[{"text":"Read Free Solution Manual For Coding \n Theory San Ling \n Solution Manual For Coding \n Theory San Ling","bbox":{"left":0.101351,"top":0.043426,"width":0.7035340000000001,"height":0.290681}},{"text":"Thank you certainly much for downloading \n solution manual for coding theory san \n ling.Most likely you have knowledge that, \n people have look numerous period for their \n favorite books taking into consideration this \n solution manual for coding theory san ling, \n but end going on in harmful downloads.","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.375326,"width":0.7722969999999999,"height":0.342698}},{"text":"Rather than enjoying a good PDF next a mug of \n coffee in the afternoon, then again they \n Page 1/18","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.778501,"width":0.772296,"height":0.143382}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Exodus 19.2-8a","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.090968,"width":0.14121299999999998,"height":0.018325000000000008}},{"text":"2 They had journeyed from Rephidim, entered the wilderness of Sinai, and camped in \n the wilderness; Israel camped there in front of the mountain. 3 Then Moses went up to \n God; the Lord called to him from the mountain, saying, \"Thus you shall say to the house \n of Jacob, and tell the Israelites: 4 You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I \n bore you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself. 5 Now therefore, if you obey my \n voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession out of all the \n peoples. Indeed, the whole earth is mine, 6 but you shall be for me a priestly kingdom \n and a holy nation. These are the words that you shall speak to the Israelites.\" 7 So \n Moses came, summoned the elders of the people, and set before them all these words \n that the Lord had commanded him. 8 The people all answered as one: \"Everything that \n the Lord has spoken we will do.\"","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.130602,"width":0.755087,"height":0.216115}},{"text":"Matthew 9.35-10.8","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.381183,"width":0.169659,"height":0.01832499999999998}},{"text":"35 Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and \n proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and curing every disease and every \n sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were \n harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, \n \"The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore ask the Lord of the \n harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.\" \n (Chapter 10) \n 1 Then Jesus summoned his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean \n spirits, to cast them out, and to cure every disease and every sickness. 2 These are the \n names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon, also known as Peter, and his brother Andrew; \n James son of Zebedee, and his brother John; 3 Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and \n Matthew the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; 4 Simon the \n Cananaean, and Judas Iscariot, the one who betrayed him. 5 These twelve Jesus sent \n out with the following instructions: \"Go nowhere among the Gentiles, and enter no town \n of the Samaritans, 6 but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 7 As you go, \n proclaim the good news, \"The kingdom of heaven has come near.' 8 Cure the sick, raise \n the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. You received without payment; give \n without payment.","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.420564,"width":0.760765,"height":0.35479}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"SVS PTO Meeting Minutes - Monday, March 5, 2018 - Teacher’s Lounge","bbox":{"left":0.241422,"top":0.315719,"width":0.5156289999999999,"height":0.016268999999999978}},{"text":"Call to Order \n The SVS PTO meeting was called to order at 6:07 on Monday, March 5, 2018 by SVS PTO Chairman Paula \n Conway in the Teacher’s Lounge.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.353598,"width":0.740696,"height":0.054147999999999974}},{"text":"Board Members Present \n Paula Conway, Michelle Frankland, Julie King, Daphne Parker.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.429356,"width":0.43412,"height":0.03520799999999996}},{"text":"SVS Parents/Guardians Present \n None.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.486174,"width":0.22825099999999998,"height":0.03520800000000002}},{"text":"SVS Administrators, Board of Education Members, and Educator(s) Present \n None.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.542992,"width":0.540097,"height":0.035207999999999906}},{"text":"Approval of Previous Minutes - Paula Conway \n Minutes from February 2018 SVS PTO meeting were were submitted for review and approval. Minutes were \n approved as written.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.59981,"width":0.7535959999999999,"height":0.054147999999999974}},{"text":"Treasurer's Report - Michelle Frankland \n Updated budget presented and approved by those in attendance.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.675568,"width":0.456343,"height":0.03520800000000002}},{"text":"SVS Principal’s Report - Kim Gallo \n None.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.732386,"width":0.24596800000000002,"height":0.03520800000000002}},{"text":"SVS Assistant Principal’s Report - Lori Ferreira \n None.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.789204,"width":0.338009,"height":0.035207999999999906}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.120098,"top":0.092803,"width":0.76348,"height":0.197917}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.120098,"top":0.092803,"width":0.76348,"height":0.197917}]}
{"content":[{"text":"CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING \n CITY OF EVANSTON, ILLINOIS \n LORRAINE H. MORTON CIVIC CENTER \n COUNCIL CHAMBERS \n Monday, May 14, 2012 \n Administration & Public Works (A&PW) Committee meets at 5:45 p.m. \n Planning & Development (P&D) Committee meets at 7:15 p.m. \n City Council meeting convenes immediately after the conclusion of \n the P&D Committee meeting","bbox":{"left":0.181797,"top":0.208103,"width":0.648484,"height":0.20236999999999997}},{"text":"ORDER OF BUSINESS \n Roll Call – Begin with Alderman Burrus","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.434865,"width":0.46869800000000006,"height":0.06184899999999999}},{"text":"(I)","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.475896,"width":0.018509999999999985,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"(II)","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.510442,"width":0.023960999999999996,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"Public Hearing: Proposed Dempster Dodge Tax Increment Financing District","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.510442,"width":0.6620590000000001,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"(III)","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.545013,"width":0.029412000000000008,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"Mayor Public Announcements and Proclamations \n National Preservation Month – May 2012 \n Older Americans’ Month – May 2012 \n National Police Week – May 13 through May 19, 2012","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.545013,"width":0.49797100000000005,"height":0.07255999999999996}},{"text":"(IV)","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.628952,"width":0.03158799999999999,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"City Manager Public Announcements","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.628952,"width":0.32249000000000005,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"(V)","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.66077,"width":0.026137000000000007,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"Communications: City Clerk","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.66077,"width":0.24168599999999998,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"(VI)","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.692437,"width":0.03158799999999999,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"Citizen Comment","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.692437,"width":0.15043199999999998,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"For citizen comments please refer to the video recording available online at \n http://www.cityofevanston.org/government/agendas-minutes/agendas-minutes- \n --city-council/index.php","bbox":{"left":0.205915,"top":0.725013,"width":0.687814,"height":0.055551999999999935}},{"text":"(VII)","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.791414,"width":0.037098000000000006,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"Consent Agenda:","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.791414,"width":0.15158900000000006,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"Alderman Rainey","bbox":{"left":0.353023,"top":0.791414,"width":0.15054900000000004,"height":0.020818000000000003}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.176503,"top":0.726149,"width":0.018039,"height":0.018636},{"left":0.448529,"top":0.090909,"width":0.101716,"height":0.086174}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.176503,"top":0.726149,"width":0.018039,"height":0.018636},{"left":0.448529,"top":0.090909,"width":0.101716,"height":0.086174}]}
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{"content":[{"text":"ANIMAL \n WORD SEARCH \n Circle words in the puzzle below \n E L E P H A N T P \n S G M E K O A L A \n L I O N N C L A N \n B R N F U D H N D \n E A K O R W O T A \n A F E M U I A G E \n R F Y C H E R D Y \n Z E B R A D E E R \n P I N T I G E R W \n dog monkey emu deer \n tiger lion zebra koala \n elephant panda bear giraffe","bbox":{"left":0.132475,"top":0.058981,"width":0.778137,"height":0.9239200000000001}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Regulation IV","bbox":{"left":0.386667,"top":0.152727,"width":0.21828599999999998,"height":0.030302999999999997}},{"text":"Fees","bbox":{"left":0.459216,"top":0.208182,"width":0.07329100000000005,"height":0.030302999999999997}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.369853,"top":0.435272,"width":0.258905,"height":0.19375}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.369853,"top":0.435272,"width":0.258905,"height":0.19375}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Get Free Intermediate Algebra 9th Edition Bittinger File Type","bbox":{"left":0.071429,"top":0.031181,"width":0.6756620000000001,"height":0.04595200000000001}},{"text":"Intermediate Algebra 9th Edition Bittinger File Type","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.136767,"width":0.791625,"height":0.04439499999999999}},{"text":"Recognizing the quirk ways to acquire this ebook intermediate algebra 9th edition bittinger \n file type is additionally useful. You have remained in right site to start getting this info. acquire the \n intermediate algebra 9th edition bittinger file type colleague that we allow here and check out the \n link.","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.204098,"width":0.843512,"height":0.11713300000000004}},{"text":"You could purchase lead intermediate algebra 9th edition bittinger file type or get it as soon as \n feasible. You could quickly download this intermediate algebra 9th edition bittinger file type after \n getting deal. So, subsequently you require the books swiftly, you can straight get it. It's in view of \n that agreed simple and thus fats, isn't it? You have to favor to in this make public","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.353074,"width":0.8249289999999999,"height":0.11713400000000002}},{"text":"You'll be able to download the books at Project Gutenberg as MOBI, EPUB, or PDF files for your \n Kindle.","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.502051,"width":0.7967920000000001,"height":0.0575429999999999}},{"text":"Intermediate Algebra 9th Edition Bittinger \n This item: Intermediate Algebra: Concepts & Applications (9th Edition) (Bittinger Concepts & \n Applications) by Marvin L. Bittinger Hardcover $180.20 Only 4 left in stock - order soon. Ships from \n and sold by Mortuus Books.","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.591438,"width":0.834086,"height":0.11713299999999993}},{"text":"Intermediate Algebra: Concepts & Applications (9th Edition ... \n Intermediate Algebra, Ninth Edition continues to bring students the Bittinger hallmark five-step \n problem-solving process, a clear, easy-to-read writing style, real-data applications, a superior \n supplements package, and most of all - an accurate text.","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.740415,"width":0.8032699999999999,"height":0.11713299999999993}},{"text":"Bittinger, Intermediate Algebra | Pearson \n Page 1/5","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.889391,"width":0.42118099999999997,"height":0.055188000000000015}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"CFAC","bbox":{"left":0.189052,"top":0.045523,"width":0.168636,"height":0.06102}},{"text":"Community Liaison Panel","bbox":{"left":0.606585,"top":0.104463,"width":0.33052799999999993,"height":0.024491000000000013}},{"text":"Columbia Falls Aluminum Company Community Liaison Panel Minutes \n August 13, 2015 \n North Valley Hospital \n Teakettle Community Room \n 6:00 p.m.","bbox":{"left":0.110431,"top":0.196025,"width":0.6070979999999999,"height":0.09068199999999998}},{"text":"CLP Members Attending:","bbox":{"left":0.110431,"top":0.317692,"width":0.218922,"height":0.020984999999999976}},{"text":"Don Barnhart, Nino Berube, Senator Dee Brown, John Fuller, Lyle \n Mitchell, Joe Russell, Anna Stene, Nikki Stephan, Clarence Tabor, \n Brad Walterkirchen, Bev York.","bbox":{"left":0.344199,"top":0.317556,"width":0.526356,"height":0.05509799999999998}},{"text":"CLP Members Absent:","bbox":{"left":0.110431,"top":0.387427,"width":0.193726,"height":0.020984999999999976}},{"text":"Jessy Coltrane, Chief Rick Hagan, Hillary Hanson, Commissioner \n Phillip Mitchell, Mike and Susan Nicosia, Chief Dave Perry, Rep. \n Zac Perry, Kyle Schmauch, Stacey Schnebel, Erin Sexton, Shannon \n Stringer.","bbox":{"left":0.345768,"top":0.38729,"width":0.5316080000000001,"height":0.07248499999999997}},{"text":"CFAC Representatives:","bbox":{"left":0.110431,"top":0.491972,"width":0.198602,"height":0.020984999999999976}},{"text":"Haley Beaudry, Cliff Boyd, Cheryl Driscoll, Mike Ritorto, John \n Stroiazzo, Steve Wright.","bbox":{"left":0.335964,"top":0.491836,"width":0.504964,"height":0.03763600000000006}},{"text":"Guests:","bbox":{"left":0.110431,"top":0.544245,"width":0.063,"height":0.02098500000000003}},{"text":"Virginia Loranger, Chad Campbell, Senator Tester’s Office; Mike \n Cirian, U.S. EPA; Lew Bonitz; Colleen Owen; Tama Hader; Becca \n Parsons.","bbox":{"left":0.340278,"top":0.544109,"width":0.5326690000000001,"height":0.05508500000000005}},{"text":"Facilitator:","bbox":{"left":0.110431,"top":0.613967,"width":0.094529,"height":0.02098500000000003}},{"text":"Mary Green, Ann Green Communications, Inc.","bbox":{"left":0.335964,"top":0.613831,"width":0.37001899999999993,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Minutes:","bbox":{"left":0.110431,"top":0.648816,"width":0.075098,"height":0.02098500000000003}},{"text":"Kristi Moore, Ann Green Communications, Inc.","bbox":{"left":0.337533,"top":0.648679,"width":0.37652899999999995,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"The regular meeting of the Columbia Falls Aluminum Company Community Liaison \n Panel (CLP) was called to order by facilitator Mary Green at North Valley Hospital Teakettle \n Community Room, beginning at 6:03 p.m. on Thursday, August 13, 2015.","bbox":{"left":0.110431,"top":0.721255,"width":0.732566,"height":0.05506100000000003}},{"text":"Mary welcomed Joe Russell, Public Health Officer, Flathead County Health Department. \n She asked each member to introduce himself or herself, and the community or organization each \n represents. The following guests were present: Chad Campbell, Senator Tester’s Office; Lew \n Bonitz, Colleen Owen, Tama Hader, and Becca Parsons.","bbox":{"left":0.110431,"top":0.79099,"width":0.7585169999999999,"height":0.07248500000000002}},{"text":"Mary reviewed the agenda and meeting materials. Each member was provided a copy of","bbox":{"left":0.169248,"top":0.878106,"width":0.697141,"height":0.020212000000000008}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.063235,"top":0.023864,"width":0.124673,"height":0.096338}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.063235,"top":0.023864,"width":0.124673,"height":0.096338}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Neville Goddard","bbox":{"left":0.092647,"top":0.072231,"width":0.13120300000000001,"height":0.016779000000000002}},{"text":"5-10-1971","bbox":{"left":0.233654,"top":0.072231,"width":0.08168600000000001,"height":0.016779000000000002}},{"text":"STEP INTO THE PICTURE \n (WHO GOD REALLY IS)","bbox":{"left":0.378268,"top":0.124503,"width":0.24347099999999994,"height":0.034203999999999984}},{"text":"We are told: “With God, all things are possible.” I think anyone who believes in God would say “yes” \n to that. But then we are told that: “God is Spirit, and the Spirit of God dwells in us.” I think any man \n who believes that should make every effort to find out who God really is who “dwells in us.” He is \n Spirit, and “the Spirit of God dwells in us.” This God creates all things. “By Him all things were made, \n and without Him was not anything made that was made.”","bbox":{"left":0.092647,"top":0.211625,"width":0.8145849999999999,"height":0.086476}},{"text":"So everything in the world, regardless of what it is, -- for we are told: “I form the light, and I create \n darkness; I make the weal, and I create the woe. I am the Lord who do all these things.” Well surely, \n we should make every effort to find out who He is.","bbox":{"left":0.092647,"top":0.31617,"width":0.814749,"height":0.05162800000000001}},{"text":"I firmly believe, from my own experiences, that this God of whom the Bible speaks is our own \n wonderful human imagination; that God and the human imagination are one; that all natural effects in \n the world, though they are created by the Spirit of God, are caused by Spirit. So, “every natural effect \n has a spiritual cause, and not a natural. A natural cause only seems; it is a delusion of our” -- fading, I \n would say, “memory.” (Blake, from “Milton”) For here in this world I can’t quite remember when I \n imagined that which is now taking place in my world. I do not recall it. I can’t quite remember when I \n set it in notion.","bbox":{"left":0.092647,"top":0.385867,"width":0.814869,"height":0.12132400000000004}},{"text":"But if this is Law, -- and a Law that no man can break, -- at some time, somewhere, I imagined what I \n am now encountering; that my present moment is not really receding into the past; it is advancing into \n the future to confront me, but I forgot it. And I now think it has a natural or physical cause, and it does \n not have a natural cause.","bbox":{"left":0.092647,"top":0.525261,"width":0.81372,"height":0.069052}},{"text":"“Every natural effect has a spiritual cause,” or the Bible is completely wrong. For we are told: “By Him \n all things were made,” -- without exception; “and without Him was not anything made that was made.” \n And: “He is Spirit,” and “the Spirit of God dwells in me.” Well, if He dwells in me, I have identified \n Him with my imagination. Only on this level, I do not remember having imagined it; but along the \n way, I must have if this is Principle.","bbox":{"left":0.092647,"top":0.612382,"width":0.814422,"height":0.086476}},{"text":"Now let me share with you some of my experiences. We are in this room tonight, and the room -- at \n this moment -- is more real to us than anything in the world. It has a cubic reality, because we are in it. \n Think of your home; you know your home far better than you know this room, but your home -- at this \n moment -- is not as real as this room. This room now occupies reality to you, and everything else is \n shadowy as you think of it. Why is this real? Because you have entered it. You are in it. You occupy it.","bbox":{"left":0.092647,"top":0.716928,"width":0.81482,"height":0.086476}},{"text":"This I know from experience. Sitting in a chair, suddenly I am seeing what reason tells me I should not \n see. I am seeing what seems to be the interior of a home. Or lying on my bed, I see the interior, -- or it \n seems to be, -- of a great hotel, an unoccupied suite ready for occupancy but not occupied. It was just \n as vivid as any painting of a great artist. An artist would give us the impression of a three-dimensional \n picture. We know, for reason tells us, that it is on a flat surface; it is simply depicting three dimensions, \n but it is all on a flat surface.","bbox":{"left":0.092647,"top":0.821473,"width":0.8141079999999999,"height":0.10389999999999999}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Title: Corps II, Tent of Many Voices Traveling Exhibit Records","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.094735,"width":0.5550069999999999,"height":0.017677}},{"text":"Name of Creator: LCTHF Staff","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.127563,"width":0.23642000000000002,"height":0.015151999999999999}},{"text":"Inclusive Dates: 2002-2007","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.157576,"width":0.22161299999999995,"height":0.015151999999999999}},{"text":"Extent:","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.187563,"width":0.05805600000000001,"height":0.015151999999999999}},{"text":"0.5 lf","bbox":{"left":0.189216,"top":0.187563,"width":0.03947400000000001,"height":0.015151999999999999}},{"text":"Collection Number: ARO33","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.21755,"width":0.217491,"height":0.015151999999999999}},{"text":"Name and Location of Repository:","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.247891,"width":0.27707099999999996,"height":0.015152000000000027}},{"text":"William P. Sherman Library and Archives Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, Great Falls, \n MT","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.277879,"width":0.755185,"height":0.035038000000000014}},{"text":"Access Restrictions:","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.327753,"width":0.159723,"height":0.015151999999999999}},{"text":"The collection is open for use and housed at the LCTHF Head Office in Great Falls, Montana.","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.358081,"width":0.728715,"height":0.015151999999999999}},{"text":"Language:","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.388068,"width":0.082919,"height":0.015151999999999999}},{"text":"The contents of the collection are primarily English language documents.","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.418056,"width":0.5784400000000001,"height":0.015151999999999999}},{"text":"Collection Processed by/Dates:","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.448068,"width":0.25229199999999996,"height":0.015151999999999999}},{"text":"Della Yeager, 2019.","bbox":{"left":0.379248,"top":0.448068,"width":0.152715,"height":0.015151999999999999}},{"text":"Finding Aid by/Dates: Prepared by Della Yeager, 2019.","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.478371,"width":0.434144,"height":0.015151999999999999}},{"text":"Biographical/Historical Note:","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.508359,"width":0.23665999999999998,"height":0.015152000000000054}},{"text":"This collection contains records from the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage of grant monies and \n support used in partnership with the National Park service to make the traveling exhibit \n possible. The Corps of Discovery II: 200 Years into the Future was started by the National Park \n Service as a traveling classroom that would follow the route and schedule of the original Corps \n of Discovery as part of the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial commemoration. This event was \n organized through Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Superintendent Gerard Baker who was \n key in developing Native American involvement in the project. The Tent of Many Voices, a 150- \n seat venue for cultural arts demonstrations, folklore, music, living history presentations, \n readings from the expedition journals, and more, provided an opportunity for Native Americans \n to have their voices heard along with other presenters. More than 400 speakers gave more \n than 1800 hours of presentations in the Tent of Many Voices. The Corps II exhibit opened in \n January 2003 at Thomas Jefferson’s home, Monticello. Beginning in 2004 and continuing into \n the fall of 2006, Corps II followed the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail through Illinois, \n Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, \n and Oregon. During the off-season, it traveled to “off-trail” sites across the country as well.","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.538346,"width":0.7639929999999999,"height":0.294609}},{"text":"The Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation supported this event with National Park Service \n grant pass thru monies. These monies helped provide stipends for the many presenters used \n during the tour.","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.848131,"width":0.747697,"height":0.05493100000000006}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Get Free Ldn Muscle Cutting Bulking Etc Getting","bbox":{"left":0.101351,"top":0.021975,"width":0.773203,"height":0.032385}},{"text":"Ldn Muscle Cutting Bulking Etc \n Getting \n Yeah, reviewing a books ldn muscle cutting \n bulking etc getting could mount up your close \n contacts listings. This is just one of the \n solutions for you to be successful. As \n understood, talent does not recommend that \n you have extraordinary points.","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.096532,"width":0.774873,"height":0.23890699999999998}},{"text":"Comprehending as without difficulty as \n settlement even more than new will find the \n money for each success. bordering to, the \n notice as without difficulty as acuteness of \n this ldn muscle cutting bulking etc getting \n can be taken as capably as picked to act.","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.36237,"width":0.757653,"height":0.14945800000000004}},{"text":"We provide a range of services to the book \n industry internationally, aiding the \n discovery and purchase, distribution and \n sales measurement of books.","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.563957,"width":0.723214,"height":0.09906099999999995}},{"text":"a foundation course in human values and \n professional ethics, diy spud fit challenge \n how to, reti impianti e sistemi informatici \n esercizi di risoluzione itica e simulazione \n centralizzata e distrita con guida alluso di \n hla e simarch, dover demon mysterious \n encounters mary schulte, mensa 365 brain \n puzzlers page a day calendar 2018, doukakiss \n apprentice, option pricing and portfolio \n Page 1/3","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.715148,"width":0.757653,"height":0.24579400000000007}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Executive Board Assessment","bbox":{"left":0.147181,"top":0.108405,"width":0.23839300000000002,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"St. Lucia’s near-term growth prospects are favorable, but policy adjustments will be needed to \n strengthen longer-term growth. The commencement of large public infrastructure projects is \n expected to substantially boost growth in 2020-22 but will raise public debt and weaken the \n external position. However, a deeper-than-expected slowdown in major source markets for \n tourism, energy price shocks, disruptions to global financial markets, and loss of CBR all \n represent downside risks. St. Lucia’s high vulnerability to natural disasters constitutes an ever- \n present risk to both growth and the fiscal outlook. Longer-term growth continues to be impeded \n by the high public debt, lingering vulnerabilities in the financial system, and structural \n impediments to private investment. On the other hand, there is an upside that infrastructure \n investment could catalyze a greater-than-expected expansion of the tourism sector and related \n activities. While the overall external position is assessed to be broadly consistent with the level \n implied by fundamentals and desirable policies, St. Lucia still has considerable competitiveness \n challenges, particularly in its non-tourism sector, that need to be addressed.","bbox":{"left":0.147181,"top":0.146884,"width":0.720348,"height":0.23656000000000002}},{"text":"Fiscal policies should be geared toward rebuilding policy space and ensuring public debt \n converges to the regional target of 60 percent of GDP by 2030. The debt-financed infrastructure \n investments, despite being on semi-concessional terms with long-run repayment largely covered \n by dedicated revenue streams, will move public debt further away from the regional target. The \n need to invest in climate resilience and the uncertainty over future CIP revenues pose additional \n challenges to public finances. Without policy adjustments, debt vulnerabilities are elevated, and \n public debt does not stabilize over the near term.","bbox":{"left":0.147181,"top":0.40398,"width":0.723686,"height":0.12662299999999993}},{"text":"The government’s near-term focus should be on revenue-enhancing measures and investments \n that build resilience to climate related shocks. In addition to limiting current spending growth \n (particularly the public wage bill), additional revenues should be mobilized from the proposed \n hotel accommodation fee, the introduction of a carbon tax, and reducing the scope of VAT \n exemptions. Since some of these measures will likely be regressive, they should be introduced in \n parallel with targeted transfers that offset the impact on poor and vulnerable households. The \n National Health Insurance system should also be introduced in a fiscally responsible manner. \n Concerted efforts are also needed to mobilize donor grants to fund investments in climate \n resilience. If there is over-performance of the CIP, or of other revenue sources, it should be \n directed toward financing a self-insurance fund to bolster the economy’s resilience against \n natural disasters.","bbox":{"left":0.147181,"top":0.551164,"width":0.728503,"height":0.19991899999999996}},{"text":"A fiscal rule would help anchor fiscal policy over the medium term and support consolidation \n efforts. To be effective, the fiscal rule should encompass a comprehensive definition of fiscal \n activities, including the fiscal costs of natural disasters and the lumpy expenditure associated \n with infrastructure investment, and should be part of a broader fiscal responsibility framework \n that embeds appropriate institutional and governance arrangements to ensure both the appropriate \n degree of flexibility as well as enforceability of the fiscal rule. The fiscal rule will also need to be","bbox":{"left":0.147181,"top":0.771657,"width":0.7326539999999999,"height":0.10765199999999997}},{"text":"©International Monetary Fund. Not for Redistribution","bbox":{"left":0.25817,"top":0.975327,"width":0.4609049999999999,"height":0.018171999999999966}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE","bbox":{"left":0.655686,"top":0.072836,"width":0.226769,"height":0.015573000000000004}},{"text":"For release: 09/9/2020 \n Contact: Laurie Mullens \n 972-899-5105 / 940-597-3721 \n [email protected]","bbox":{"left":0.643546,"top":0.104952,"width":0.23899700000000001,"height":0.06344100000000001}},{"text":"1000 Highland Village Road \n Highland Village, TX 75077 \n www.highlandvillage.org","bbox":{"left":0.65942,"top":0.184783,"width":0.22293699999999994,"height":0.047535999999999995}},{"text":"Council Honors Retiring City Manager Michael Leavitt; Approves First Read of Annual \n Budget","bbox":{"left":0.117667,"top":0.248555,"width":0.764877,"height":0.03163200000000002}},{"text":"Council, and the Highland Village Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, honored retiring city \n manager Michael Leavitt with a resolution naming the pavilion at Doubletree Ranch Park the \n Michael Leavitt Pavilion in honor of Leavitt’s service to Highland Village and his work in purchasing \n and developing Doubletree Ranch Park. In honor of Leavitt’s retirement, a celebratory video was \n produced featuring the Mayors who have served during Mike’s 20 year tenure with Highland \n Village. The theme throughout the comments in the video was Mike’s ability to see the big picture \n in the development of Highland Village as a premier city in North Texas, his ability to facilitate \n regional cooperation for projects benefitting the community, and his service first attitude. Leavitt \n has more than 33 years in municipal government with 20 of those in Highland Village.","bbox":{"left":0.117667,"top":0.296577,"width":0.764908,"height":0.14327100000000004}},{"text":"“Legacy is an overused word these days, but when it comes to what Michael Leavitt has achieved \n during his time in Highland Village, this is one of those occasions when it is justified to use. You \n lead Highland Village during the time it grew from a small rural town to a growing City and not \n without growing pains and differing opinions. Through it all, your main goal was always for the \n departments to continue to provide the service we all know and expect. One thing I know about \n you is it was never about you; rather it was always about the greater good and having a positive \n impact on someone’s life every day,” stated Mayor Charlotte Wilcox. “I want to thank you, Mike, \n for being the patient leader, supporter, and friend to all the employees, residents, businesses, me \n and the Council. We wish you an enjoyable retirement and job well done!”","bbox":{"left":0.117649,"top":0.456238,"width":0.76496,"height":0.143272}},{"text":"Council approved the first read of the FY 20-21 Budget. It is anticipated Denton County Appraisal \n District will provide the Certified Tax Roll in mid-September, the estimate provided by DCAD has \n a 1.9% increase which includes $22,513,440 in new properties being added to the tax roll. Sales \n tax revenue is anticipated to increase 1.7% over last year, despite the uncertain economy. The \n base budget is $18,579,283, which is a 1.4% increase over last year’s base budget. A \n Supplemental Budget initially identified $953,820 of projects – a large portion of this includes \n $500,000 for public facility security improvements that were directed to the current year and will \n be funded through the CARES Act. Various items were funded with alternate funding sources, \n leaving $168,585 funded in the FY 20-21 budget. Supplemental items include a new position in \n the City Secretary office, a leasing plan for medical equipment which provides a long-term cost \n savings and ensures the Highland Village Fire Department has the latest technology, an additional \n outdoor warning siren and updates to the Emergency Operations Center. Capital projects planned \n include security improvements to City Hall, replacement of the walking path around Victoria Park \n and the addition of the Highland Village Road sidewalk from City Hall to Sellmeyer Lane, and a \n trail connection for Chapel Hill to the City Trail. The final read of the budget will be approved at a \n special meeting on Tuesday, September 15.","bbox":{"left":0.117631,"top":0.6159,"width":0.764936,"height":0.2550659999999999}},{"text":"Council also approved a resolution authorizing an agreement with Play By Design, LLC for \n construction services of the Kids Kastle Project. Over a year ago the City began the process of \n community involvement with the goal of rebuilding Kids Kastle as a community build project. Just","bbox":{"left":0.117631,"top":0.887356,"width":0.764652,"height":0.04753599999999991}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.161765,"top":0.032639,"width":0.324794,"height":0.096371},{"left":0.029412,"top":0.029167,"width":0.132353,"height":0.095644}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.161765,"top":0.032639,"width":0.324794,"height":0.096371},{"left":0.029412,"top":0.029167,"width":0.132353,"height":0.095644}]}
{"content":[{"text":"June 6, 2016 \n Bloomfield, Iowa \n Boardroom-Courthouse \n 8:30 A.M.","bbox":{"left":0.529493,"top":0.089045,"width":0.18616999999999995,"height":0.07251}},{"text":"The Davis County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Monday, June 6, 2016, \n with Chairman Matt Greiner and Member Dale Taylor present.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.176192,"width":0.7599290000000001,"height":0.03763600000000003}},{"text":"Dale Taylor made motion, seconded by Matt Greiner and carried unanimously, to \n approve the agenda.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.228465,"width":0.6987620000000001,"height":0.037635999999999975}},{"text":"Dale Taylor made motion, seconded by Matt Greiner and carried unanimously, to \n approve and sign the Minutes of Monday, May 31, 2016.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.280737,"width":0.6987620000000001,"height":0.037636999999999976}},{"text":"The Board met with Secondary Roads; the rock program in the north half of the county \n has been completed; the only work remaining on the airport road bridge is seeding and erosion \n control; in accord with prior hearing and motion to close and vacate a portion of Linseed \n Avenue, the Board signed resolution for same.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.332593,"width":0.7422680000000001,"height":0.07248499999999997}},{"text":"The Board met with representatives of Midwest Construction and discussed quality \n control of pre-cast panels; Dale Taylor made motion, seconded by Matt Greiner and carried \n unanimously, to approve the monthly bills as presented.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.419715,"width":0.717732,"height":0.05506}},{"text":"Matt Greiner made motion, seconded by Dale Taylor and carried unanimously, to \n approve the following claims to be paid:","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.489412,"width":0.698585,"height":0.03763599999999995}},{"text":"AFLAC \n AIG RETIREMENT \n AR CHILD SPRT CLEARINGHOUSE \n AUXIANT \n AXA EQUITABLE LIFE \n COLLECTION SERV CTR \n COLLECTION SERV CTR \n EMC CASHIER \n EMC NTL LIFE \n ISAC \n IPERS \n PPME LOCAL 2003 \n SUCCESS BANK \n TREAS-ST OF IA \n ACE INDUSTRIAL SUP \n AIRGAS USA \n ALLIANCE CONNECT \n AREA XV RGNL PLAN \n BAILEY OFFICE EQUIP \n BEGGS MAGNETO \n BLEW, STEVE \n BLFD AUTO PARTS","bbox":{"left":0.12651,"top":0.541998,"width":0.260555,"height":0.35499}},{"text":"GRP INS \n GRP RETIRE \n CHILD SUPPORT \n GRP INS \n GRP LIFE \n CHILD SUPPORT \n CHILD SUPPORT \n GRP LIFE \n GRP LIFE \n GRP INS \n IPERS WH \n UNION DUES \n FED WH \n ST WH \n SR-PARTS \n SR-SUP \n WEBHOST-S/L/REC \n CDBG DRAW 19 FLOOD RLF-CO WIDE \n SUP-PHYS HLTH/VA GRANT \n SR-PARTS \n SR-SUNDRY \n SR-PARTS","bbox":{"left":0.442631,"top":0.541998,"width":0.28699300000000005,"height":0.35499}},{"text":"985.09 \n 2,539.08 \n 320.00 \n 76,926.58 \n 50.00 \n 1,492.12 \n 1,259.06 \n 370.98 \n 226.18 \n 157.75 \n 26,922.66 \n 664.08 \n 40,676.71 \n 6,633.00 \n 368.00 \n 130.01 \n 14.99 \n 2,358.84 \n 837.66 \n 269.98 \n 110.00 \n 341.05","bbox":{"left":0.815654,"top":0.541998,"width":0.065326,"height":0.35499}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Pearl Laser \n Pre/Post-Treatment Care","bbox":{"left":0.241209,"top":0.035001,"width":0.528085,"height":0.10089500000000001}},{"text":"Vinegar Solution: \n 1 teaspoon of plain white vinegar to 2 cups of water. Solution may be mixed up ahead of time and kept in the \n refrigerator.","bbox":{"left":0.053333,"top":0.179529,"width":0.868353,"height":0.055661000000000016}},{"text":"How to Soak:","bbox":{"left":0.053333,"top":0.250286,"width":0.11269200000000001,"height":0.01854}},{"text":"Dip a clean, soft, cloth into vinegar solution and place the wet cloth against your skin, gently pressing to ensure \n the vinegar solution wets the skin. Rinse and repeat for 10 to 15 minutes. \n Most of the ointment should come off during the soak (do NOT rub).","bbox":{"left":0.053333,"top":0.283771,"width":0.880963,"height":0.055699}},{"text":"Apply a thin layer of ointment to the treated area immediately after soaking. If the skin gets dry or \n scabs appear, you need to soak more often and apply more ointment.","bbox":{"left":0.112196,"top":0.365173,"width":0.776329,"height":0.03717599999999999}},{"text":"Contact AOB immediately if you experience intense pain, drainage, severe redness or fever, increased itching, \n the appearance of a cold sore, blister or a tingling sensation, or if at any time you feel that you are not healing \n normally","bbox":{"left":0.053333,"top":0.435779,"width":0.87131,"height":0.05566099999999996}},{"text":"ADVERSE REACTION INSTRUCTIONS: \n  In the event of an adverse reaction to your treatment, please immediately call the center. \n  Allergic Reaction: May occur after being exposed to product. Don’t scratch the area and speak to \n your pharmacist for suggested OTC treatments until symptoms resolve. Should you develop difficulty \n breathing, contact a physician immediately or call 911. \n  Burn: Typically resembles a sunburn and could develop several hours after treatment. It is important \n to avoid heat inducing activities and restrictive clothing after your treatment. Should a blister devel- \n op, do not pop the blister. It serves a protective barrier for your skin to heal properly. Watch for signs \n of infection (worsening redness, swelling, drainage or worsening pain). Keep area clean and dry; do \n not apply anything to area. A cold compress may be used. As the skin heals, do not pick at the skin, \n as this will cause scarring. \n  Herpes/Cold Sore Outbreak: If you develop an outbreak following your treatment, you will need to \n inform your Aesthetician that you are prone to outbreaks prior to your next treatment. It may be \n helpful to obtain an anti-viral prescription from your physician prior to your next treatment.","bbox":{"left":0.053333,"top":0.524496,"width":0.8816240000000001,"height":0.2806430000000001}},{"text":"Contact your AOB Med Spa Aesthetician immediately at the sign of any adverse reaction after \n treatment or call 911 if you are experiencing a severe reaction. \n AOBmedspa.com","bbox":{"left":0.062941,"top":0.83514,"width":0.86298,"height":0.06302699999999994}},{"text":"_________________________","bbox":{"left":0.392827,"top":0.918317,"width":0.20319700000000002,"height":0.020152999999999976}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.055134,"top":0.010114,"width":0.13758,"height":0.142348}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.055134,"top":0.010114,"width":0.13758,"height":0.142348}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Society-driven","bbox":{"left":0.058863,"top":0.032712,"width":0.09922500000000001,"height":0.021060000000000002}},{"text":"Agendas","bbox":{"left":0.877657,"top":0.03252,"width":0.061867000000000005,"height":0.021252}},{"text":"Important agendas in Beta \n Weak point 1","bbox":{"left":0.058863,"top":0.098227,"width":0.417013,"height":0.077966}},{"text":"Description","bbox":{"left":0.07302,"top":0.217423,"width":0.079405,"height":0.021059999999999995}},{"text":"Weak point 2","bbox":{"left":0.07302,"top":0.409342,"width":0.09091000000000002,"height":0.021060000000000023}},{"text":"Description","bbox":{"left":0.07302,"top":0.471632,"width":0.079405,"height":0.021060000000000023}},{"text":"Weak point 3","bbox":{"left":0.07302,"top":0.663551,"width":0.09045700000000001,"height":0.021059999999999968}},{"text":"Description","bbox":{"left":0.07302,"top":0.72584,"width":0.079405,"height":0.021059999999999968}},{"text":"Centralised","bbox":{"left":0.058863,"top":0.955807,"width":0.079118,"height":0.021059999999999968}},{"text":"Beta","bbox":{"left":0.906352,"top":0.955614,"width":0.03317099999999995,"height":0.02125200000000005}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"after that the training commitment depends on your job tasks. If funding is available, we pay \n members small stipends for attendance at trainings, and will pay mileage to attend trainings out \n of town. We need people willing to get up at midnight and respond when lightning strikes your \n neighbor’s house, or someone crashes on Route 9. When you need help, making connections \n with others in an emergency response organization means that others will help you when you \n need them. Being a member means that the fire department’s liability and worker’s comp \n insurance will cover you when you give your time to help others, and our call out system allows \n for unified communications. I’d also be happy to take names and contact information for \n people who want to help but are not willing to be a member.","bbox":{"left":0.11781,"top":0.094318,"width":0.763235,"height":0.163132}},{"text":"If the department can’t come up with enough members, our response will slowly \n dwindle until we have to become a “Rescue Squad” without the ability to fight fires, or close \n completely and give away or sell our equipment.","bbox":{"left":0.11781,"top":0.279293,"width":0.7329910000000001,"height":0.052147}},{"text":"What happens when the fire department closes? One, communities lose a valuable \n emergency response resource and potential source of social interaction and community \n outreach. One reason we exist is because the nearest help from larger neighboring \n communities is sometimes an hour or more away, IF they can respond. Two, the cost of \n homeowner’s and business insurance will go up for residences and businesses located within 5 \n miles of the fire station. How much depends on the insurance company, and if you are \n concerned, you should ask your agent for an estimate. The town of Osborn has already been \n notified that their insurance rates may go up because of inadequate personnel responding to \n fires. Three, the organizational knowledge and physical equipment and building now being \n used by the fire department will be lost and will probably never be recovered if our towns \n remain as small as they are, because the funding and knowledgeable people needed to \n reconstruct them in the future will be gone.","bbox":{"left":0.11781,"top":0.353283,"width":0.752742,"height":0.218561}},{"text":"The AVFD is a rare breed in the area, a “regional” fire department before the days of \n regionalization. I’d like to see it continue, but I desperately need help to keep it going. \n Call me at 207-944-1131 or email me at [email protected] if you would like to join the \n conversation about emergency response in the Airline Communities.","bbox":{"left":0.11781,"top":0.593687,"width":0.7304740000000001,"height":0.07070700000000008}},{"text":"Sincerely,","bbox":{"left":0.11781,"top":0.704672,"width":0.076539,"height":0.015152000000000054}},{"text":"Deborah Palman \n Chief, Aurora Volunteer Fire Department","bbox":{"left":0.11781,"top":0.822475,"width":0.325137,"height":0.033712000000000075}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"1.","bbox":{"left":0.156864,"top":0.052715,"width":0.011652999999999997,"height":0.022745}},{"text":"JA.PÉ.¨É¼ÀªÀr, ºÀħâ½î \n ¸ÀzÀgÀ ©qÀÄØzÁgÀgÀÄ mÉAqÀgï£À°è ¸ÀÆa¹zÀAvÉ J®è zÁR¯ÉUÀ¼À£ÀÄß C¥ï¯ÉÆÃqï \n ªÀÄÆ®zÁR¯ÉUÀ¼À ¥Àj²Ã¯£É ¸ÀªÀÄAiÀÄzÀ°è J®è ªÀÄÆ®zÁR¯ÉU¼À£ÀÄß vÉÆÃj¹gÀÄvÁÛgÉ.","bbox":{"left":0.181449,"top":0.052715,"width":0.653865,"height":0.067232}},{"text":"ªÀiÁrzÀÄÝ,","bbox":{"left":0.862152,"top":0.07982,"width":0.06636500000000001,"height":0.020009}},{"text":"2.","bbox":{"left":0.156864,"top":0.140098,"width":0.014878000000000002,"height":0.022745000000000015}},{"text":"ªÀÄ¤Ã±ï ªÀiÁå£ï¥ÁªÀgï Kd¤ì, PÀ®§ÄVð \n ¸ÀzÀgÀ ©qÀÄØzÁgÀgÀÄ mÉAqÀgï£À°è ¸ÀÆa¹zÀAvÉ J®è zÁR¯ÉUÀ¼À£ÀÄß C¥ï¯ÉÆÃqï ªÀiÁrzÀÄÝ, \n ªÀÄÆ®zÁR¯ÉUÀ¼À ¥Àj²Ã¯£É ¸ÀªÀÄAiÀÄzÀ°è J®è ªÀÄÆ®zÁR¯ÉUÀ¼À£ÀÄß vÉÆÃj¹gÀÄvÁÛgÉ. DzÀgÉ £Á£ï- \n PÀ¤éPÀë£ï (Non-Conviction) ¥ÀæªÀiÁt¥ÀvÀæªÀ£ÀÄß PÁ«ÄðPÀ E¯ÁSɬÄAzÀ ¥ÀqÉzÀÄ ¸À°è¸ÀzÉà ¸ÀéAiÀÄA \n zÀÈrüÃPÀj¹ ¸À°è¹gÀÄvÁÛgÉ. \n ±Á¥ÀðªÁZï E£ÀªÉ¹ÖUÉñÀ£ï & ¸ÉPÀÄåjn ¸À«ð¹¸ï, ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ \n ¸ÀzÀgÀ ©qÀÄØzÁgÀgÀÄ mÉAqÀgï£À°è ¸ÀÆa¹zÀAvÉ J®è zÁR¯ÉUÀ¼À£ÀÄß C¥ï¯ÉÆÃqï ªÀiÁrzÀÄÝ, \n ªÀÄÆ®zÁR¯ÉUÀ¼À ¥Àj²Ã¯£É ¸ÀªÀÄAiÀÄzÀ°è J®è ªÀÄÆ®zÁR¯ÉUÀ£ÀÄß vÉÆÃj¹gÀÄvÁÛgÉ. \n gÁªÀÄ PÀA¥ÀÆål¸Àð, ¨É¼ÀUÁ«. \n ¸ÀzÀgÀ ©qÀÄØzÁgÀgÀÄ mÉAqÀgï£À°è ¸ÀÆa¹zÀAvÉ 2017-18, 2018-19 ºÁUÀÆ 2019-20 £Éà ¸Á°£À°è \n E.¦.J¥sï PÀmÁªÀuÉ PÀÄjvÀÄ ¸ÀA§A¢ü¹zÀ ¥Áæ¢üPÁgÀ¢AzÀ ¥ÀqÉzÀ ªÀÄÆgÀÄ ªÀµÀðUÀ¼À «ªÀgÀ ºÁUÀÆ 2017- \n 18, 2018-19 ºÁUÀÆ 2019-20 £Éà ¸Á°£À°è E.J¸ï.L. PÀmÁªÀuÉ PÀÄjvÀÄ ¸ÀA§A¢ü¹zÀ ¥Áæ¢üPÁgÀ¢AzÀ \n ¥ÀqÉzÀ ªÀÄÆgÀÄ ªÀµÀðUÀ¼À «ªÀgÀ J®è zÁR¯ÉUÀ¼À£ÀÄß C¥ï¯ÉÆÃqï ªÀiÁrgÀĪÀÅ¢®è ºÁUÀÆ ¥Àj²Ã®£ÉUÉ \n ¸À°è¹gÀĪÀÅ¢®è G½zÀ J®è ªÀÄÆ®zÁR¯ÉUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ¥Àj²Ã¯£É ¸ÀªÀÄAiÀÄzÀ°è vÉÆÃj¹gÀÄvÁÛgÉ. \n ¥ÀÆeÁAiÀÄ ¸ÉPÀÄåjn ¸À«ð¹¸ï, ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ \n ¸ÀzÀgÀ ©qÀÄØzÁgÀgÀÄ ªÀÄÆ®zÁR¯ÉUÀ¼À ¥Àj²Ã¯£ÉUÉ ºÁdgÁVgÀĪÀÅ¢®è.","bbox":{"left":0.181449,"top":0.140098,"width":0.7477050000000001,"height":0.369106}},{"text":"3.","bbox":{"left":0.156864,"top":0.261375,"width":0.013870999999999994,"height":0.022745000000000015}},{"text":"4.","bbox":{"left":0.156864,"top":0.327393,"width":0.01508000000000001,"height":0.022745000000000015}},{"text":"6.","bbox":{"left":0.156864,"top":0.466227,"width":0.012938000000000005,"height":0.020009}},{"text":"F ªÉÄð£À J®è CA±ÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß zÁR¯É ¥Àj²Ã®£Á ¸À«ÄÃwAiÀÄÄ ¸À°è¹zÀ «ªÀgÀ ºÁUÀÆ ZÉPï°¸ÀÖUÀ¼ÉÆA¢UÉ \n ¸À«ÄÃwAiÀÄ°è ¸ÀÄ¢ÃWÀðªÁV ZÀað¸À¯Á¬ÄvÀÄ. ZÀZÉðAiÀÄ £ÀAvÀgÀ ¸À«ÄÃwAiÀÄÄ ¸ÀªÁð£ÀĪÀÄvÀ¢AzÀ F PɼÀPÀAqÀ \n ©qïzÁgÀgÀ ºÀtPÁ¹£À ©qïUÀ¼À£ÀÄß vÉgÉAiÀÄ®Ä wêÀiÁð¤¹vÀÄ. \n PÀæ¸ÀA ©qïzÁgÀgÀ ºÉ¸ÀgÀÄ ¸À«ÄÃwAiÀÄ wêÀiÁðt \n 1 JA.PÉ.¨É¼ÀªÀr, ºÀħâ½î ¸ÀzÀgÀ ©qÀÄØzÁgÀgÀÄ JgÀqÀÆ ©qïUÀ¼À°è ¨sÁUÀªÀ»¹zÀÄÝ, \n mÉAqÀgï µÀgÀwÛ£À°è ¸ÀÆa¹zÀAvÉÉ J®è zÁR¯ÉUÀ¼À£ÀÄß \n C¥ï¯ÉÆÃqï ªÀiÁrzÀÄÝ, ªÀÄÆ®zÁR¯ÉUÀ¼À ¥Àj²Ã¯£É \n ¸ÀªÀÄAiÀÄzÀ°è J®è ªÀÄÆ®zÁR¯ÉUÀ£ÀÄß vÉÆÃj¹gÀÄvÁÛgÉ. \n DzÀÝjAzÀ CªÀgÀÄ CºÀðjzÀÄÝ ºÀtPÁ¹£À ©qï \n vÉgÉAiÀÄ®Ä wêÀiÁð¤¸À¯Á¬ÄvÀÄ. \n 2 ªÀÄ¤Ã±ï ªÀiÁå£ï¥ÁªÀgï Kd¤ì, PÀ®§ÄVð ¸ÀzÀgÀ ©qÀÄØzÁgÀgÀÄ JgÀqÀÆ ©qïUÀ¼À°è ¨sÁUÀªÀ»¹zÀÄÝ, \n mÉAqÀgï µÀgÀwÛ£À°è ¢£ÁAPÀ;-13/06/2021 gÀ wzÀÄÝ¥Àr \n C£ÀĨsÀAzÀ°è ¸ÀÆa¹zÀAvÉ £Á£ï-PÀ¤éPÀë£ï (Non- \n Conviction) ¥ÀæªÀiÁt¥ÀvÀæªÀ£ÀÄß PÁ«ÄðPÀ \n E¯ÁSɬÄAzÀ ¥ÀqÉzÀÄ ¸À°è¸ÀzÉà ¸ÀéAiÀÄA zÀÈrüÃPÀj¹ \n ¸À°è¹zÀÄÝ ¸ÀzÀj ©qïzÁgÀgÀ vÁAwæPÀ ©qï£ÀÄß \n wgÀ¸ÀÌj¸À®Ä wêÀiÁð¤¸À¯Á¬ÄvÀÄ.","bbox":{"left":0.106269,"top":0.522258,"width":0.83927,"height":0.36762400000000006}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Download The Healing Power Of Breath Simple \n Techniques To Reduce Stress And Anxiety Enhance \n Concentration Balance Your Emotions Richard P Brown \n ebooks \n The Healing Power Of Breath \n Simple Techniques To Reduce \n Stress And Anxiety Enhance \n Concentration Balance Your \n Emotions Richard P Brown \n The Healing Power of the Breath, Simple techniques to ... The Healing \n Power of the Breath: Simple Techniques to ... The Healing Power of the \n Breath: Simple Techniques to ... The Healing Power Of Breath Simple \n Techniques To Reduce ... Brown and Gerbarg - Healing Power of the \n Breath The Healing Power of the Breath, Simple techniques to ... \n #PDF~ The Healing Power of the Breath: Simple Techniques ... The \n Healing Power Of Breath Simple Techniques To Reduce ... The Healing \n Power Of Breath Simple Techniques To Reduce ... The Healing Power \n of the Breath - The American Institute ... The Healing Power Of Breath \n Simple Techniques To Reduce ... Neurobiology and Neurophysiology \n of Breath Practices in ... Breath-Body-Mind for Transformation and \n Well-Being ... Can’t Relax? Science Explains—and Helps Solve the \n Problem ... Brown and Gerbarg - Healing Power of the Breath The \n Healing Power of the Breath by Richard P. Brown ... The Healing \n Power Of Breath Simple Techniques To Reduce ... Webinar 23: Dr. \n Noah Greenspan: “The Healing Power of the ... Relaxation Techniques | \n Balance & Dizziness Canada Breath-Body-Mind for Transformation \n and Well-Being ... Richard P. Brown (Author of The Healing Power of \n the Breath) Meditation Made Simple - Becoming Better Six Breaths a \n Minute to Slow Aging and ... - Ageless La Cure Can’t Relax? Science","bbox":{"left":0.081081,"top":0.054111,"width":0.8285560000000001,"height":0.857832}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Highest Paid It Contract Jobs are Contract Jobs.","bbox":{"left":0.157288,"top":0.190429,"width":0.676616,"height":0.03129499999999999}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.0,"top":0.0,"width":1.000458,"height":0.112311},{"left":0.092631,"top":0.322121,"width":0.347386,"height":0.078321},{"left":0.555817,"top":0.322121,"width":0.347386,"height":0.078434}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.0,"top":0.0,"width":1.000458,"height":0.112311},{"left":0.092631,"top":0.322121,"width":0.347386,"height":0.078321},{"left":0.555817,"top":0.322121,"width":0.347386,"height":0.078434}]}
{"content":[{"text":"prophet who forecasts things that will happen in a billion years time for he can't get caught out.","bbox":{"left":0.0,"top":-0.00023,"width":0.7664920000000001,"height":0.015784}},{"text":"The Church says that if you don’t believe in people who testified to miracle exorcisms you can’t believe in any human \n testimony so if you reject the testimony of exorcism miracles you are committing a great sin and are opposing the message \n of God. Clearly it cannot be wicked to disbelieve for any other reason. But the condemnation is too harsh. The Church \n itself rejects most miracle testimonies or just pays no heed to them which amounts to rejection. Seeing exorcism as a \n miracle and a reality encourages hatred and harshness.","bbox":{"left":0.0,"top":0.03184,"width":0.988821,"height":0.079923}},{"text":"Many children have been beaten to death by Christians trying to hammer the Devil and his cronies out of them. This makes \n sense if demons possess because the demon will be hurt by attacks on the body for the demon takes over most of the brain \n faculties. The doctrine of exorcism is the cause of these deaths. It is an inexcusable evil.","bbox":{"left":0.0,"top":0.128049,"width":0.992819,"height":0.04785300000000001}},{"text":"It is better for exorcism not to be believed in at all than for it to result in the loss of life. This is not condemning a doctrine \n just because it is abused. It is saying a belief should not be held if it does things like that when the belief could be lived \n without.","bbox":{"left":0.0,"top":0.192188,"width":0.9827899999999999,"height":0.04785300000000001}},{"text":"The doctrine of exorcism is accepted by the Church and part of it irrevocable teaching and part of being a Catholic. Reject \n it for it is merely a door to fanaticism and insanity and leave the Church. Walk or you share in the evil deeds albeit \n indirectly of the Church.","bbox":{"left":0.0,"top":0.256327,"width":0.984249,"height":0.04785299999999998}},{"text":"The exorcism rite while acknowledging that the demon in a person might not be Satan but some other evil spirit, still has \n the following prayer.","bbox":{"left":0.0,"top":0.320466,"width":0.973221,"height":0.03181900000000004}},{"text":"\"I adjure you, ancient serpent, by the judge of the living and the dead, by your Creator, by the Creator of the whole \n universe, by Him who has the power to consign you to hell, to depart forthwith in fear, along with your savage minions, \n from this servant of God, N., who seeks refuge in the fold of the Church. I adjure you again, + (on the brow) not by my \n weakness but by the might of the Holy Spirit, to depart from this servant of God, N. , whom almighty God has made in His \n image.\" This tells the person that it is the fearsome Satan himself who is possessing her or him along with another demon \n or so. No psychiatrist who believes in demon possession - and you could count those on one hand - agrees with suggesting \n to a person that Satan the worst of the devils is in them. No unbelieving psychiatrist believes in doing that either. It very \n serious to suggest such a distressing thing to a patient. Those who believe the Catholic Church is Satan's camouflaged bride \n could argue that the exorcism only addresses stupid demons who possess people and puts the wily and charming Satan in \n their place! They would see the prayer as putting Satan in.","bbox":{"left":0.0,"top":0.36857,"width":0.995426,"height":0.160097}},{"text":"Fr Gabriel Amorth has been caught out lying that Pope Francis exorcised a Mexican man. He boasts he exorcised 160,000 \n demons. The man is an obvious charlatan. What would he have to say to those experts on exorcism who assert that only \n demons who believe in Roman Catholicism can be annoyed by Catholic prayers and holy water? Demons that are not \n Catholic laugh at the antics.","bbox":{"left":0.0,"top":0.544953,"width":0.982632,"height":0.06388799999999994}},{"text":"You would need to actually be the possessed person to have the best chance of knowing if you are possessed. What right \n has the Church to be so sure that you are and then to put you through the fearful and painful experience of exorcism? You \n need evidence and proof - the victim is entitled to be treated as a result of evidence and proof. The bigger the claim the \n more evidence you need to justify the claim. For example, you need huge evidence to justify your assertion that aliens took \n you for a trip on a spaceship. You would not need as good of evidence if you say you went on a bus trip.","bbox":{"left":0.0,"top":0.625127,"width":0.992167,"height":0.07992300000000008}},{"text":"Some think that exorcism might help through the placebo effect. But that means that it is what the allegedly possessed \n thinks of exorcism that helps not the exorcism. Plus the placebo takes too long to work. No exorcism is instant. So what is \n happening until it starts to work? A no-cebo? The placebo is immoral for it is based on convincing the person that their \n delusion of being possessed is real and the person is left open to fearing attacks by \"demons\" in the future. It is the priest \n having too much control over your programming. It would be too manipulative to be tolerated. The placebo effect involves \n somebody wittingly or unwittingly manipulating you. It should be used by medics as a last resort. It will go wrong if the \n person starts to realise he was fooled by a placebo. To use a placebo to make a person who is seriously mentally ill or \n physically ill think they are getting better is simply evil. It is tolerable in matters that are not too serious. If you can induce \n the symptoms of demonic possession in yourself and reverse them by thinking you got rid of the demon, is that really a \n good thing? Your placebo power is dangerous for it could induce an even worse \"possession\". The placebo makes you too \n powerful.","bbox":{"left":0.0,"top":0.721335,"width":0.998977,"height":0.17613200000000007}},{"text":"The Catholic church priesthood is a con for it gives treatment for our evil inclinations that does not work. That is worse \n than any pretended healer. The long term damage is terrible. The fruit is war and lies. They are the malefactors not the evil \n forces and demons they allegedly disperse with their rites and prayers.","bbox":{"left":0.0,"top":0.913753,"width":0.985849,"height":0.047853000000000034}},{"text":"The Church warns that exorcism can be dangerous for the exorcist.","bbox":{"left":0.0,"top":0.97611,"width":0.53965,"height":0.01578400000000002}},{"text":"Catholic priests are not exorcists at all in the eyes of","bbox":{"left":0.549718,"top":0.97611,"width":0.42057999999999995,"height":0.01578400000000002}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"David Scott Moyes \n October 8, 1936 - June 1, 2015","bbox":{"left":0.329014,"top":0.087589,"width":0.2900000000000001,"height":0.054399}},{"text":"SUTTONS BAY - David Scott Moyes, 78, of Suttons Bay passed away Monday, June 1, \n 2015 at his home with his beloved Nancy at his side.","bbox":{"left":0.030254,"top":0.242931,"width":0.876511,"height":0.04285699999999998}},{"text":"Dave was born on October 8, 1936 in Detroit, the son of James and Margaret (Lawton) \n Moyes. He graduated from Lakeview High School in St. Clair Shores in 1954. While a \n student there, he was elected president of his class in 10th, 11th and 12th grade and was \n a member of the National Honor Society. Dave loved hockey, playing with high school \n friends on newly found clear ice on a lake or canal or shoveling a rink to play on. He also \n enjoyed singing in the school choir. He continued his education at the University of Detroit, \n ultimately earning his bachelor's degree in engineering from Central Michigan University. \n While at CMU, he pledged Tau Kappa Epsilson and lived in the newly purchased fraternity \n house near campus. The fraternity was a very positive experience for most and, in Dave's \n case; many friendships were formed and have carried on through the years. Dave also \n served our country as a member of the U. S. Navy.","bbox":{"left":0.030254,"top":0.31776,"width":0.905588,"height":0.26734399999999997}},{"text":"An engineer and sales representative for an HVAC company, Dave worked most of his \n career in the Detroit area before moving to Suttons Bay, where he was able to work from \n home prior to retirement. He was a member of First Congregational Church in Traverse \n City, was a member of the choir there and enjoyed woodworking, cooking, photography \n and sailing.","bbox":{"left":0.030254,"top":0.617076,"width":0.886189,"height":0.11768600000000007}},{"text":"He is survived by his wife Nancy who he married on December 28, 1989 in Beverly Hills, \n MI; his children, Kirk of Florida and Pam (David) Altz of Pleasant Ridge, MI; his \n grandchildren, Raquel, Benjamin and Gavin; his brothers Jim of Miami, FL and Bruce of \n Denver, CO as well as his brothers in law Larry (Linda) Sommerville of Traverse City and \n Bill (Donna) Sommerville of The Villages, FL. Dave was preceded in death by his son \n Doug.","bbox":{"left":0.030254,"top":0.766734,"width":0.88944,"height":0.142629}},{"text":"The memorial service for Dave will take place at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 20, 2015 at \n the First Congregational Church, with The Rev. Dr. Gary Hogue officiating.","bbox":{"left":0.030254,"top":0.941335,"width":0.9021950000000001,"height":0.04285699999999992}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.025413,"top":0.018814,"width":0.283179,"height":0.200114},{"left":0.036557,"top":0.025834,"width":0.260942,"height":0.1844}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.025413,"top":0.018814,"width":0.283179,"height":0.200114},{"left":0.036557,"top":0.025834,"width":0.260942,"height":0.1844}]}
{"content":[{"text":"University Procedure: Procedure for Employees Requesting Religious Accommodations \n Related Policy Category: Personnel \n Subject: Request Religious Accommodations \n Office(s) Responsible for Review of this Procedure: Human Resources \n Supplemental Documents: Religious Accommodation Request and Employer Response Form","bbox":{"left":0.127451,"top":0.150427,"width":0.7296279999999999,"height":0.11537800000000001}},{"text":"Related University Policies: Discrimination and Non-Title IX Sexual Misconduct Policy and Leave \n Policies","bbox":{"left":0.127451,"top":0.274518,"width":0.759931,"height":0.03401500000000002}},{"text":"I.","bbox":{"left":0.109412,"top":0.344821,"width":0.012946,"height":0.017044999999999977}},{"text":"SCOPE","bbox":{"left":0.168235,"top":0.344821,"width":0.06487200000000001,"height":0.017044999999999977}},{"text":"American University respects the religious beliefs and practices of all employees and will make \n reasonable workplace accommodations for such observances that do not create an undue hardship \n on the University’s operations or activities. This procedure applies to all faculty and staff of \n American University.","bbox":{"left":0.109412,"top":0.379518,"width":0.7475040000000001,"height":0.06825699999999996}},{"text":"II.","bbox":{"left":0.109412,"top":0.465124,"width":0.020788999999999988,"height":0.017044999999999977}},{"text":"DEFINITIONS","bbox":{"left":0.168235,"top":0.465124,"width":0.136672,"height":0.017044999999999977}},{"text":"Religion – Include all aspects of religious observance and practice as well as sincerely held religious \n belief. Religion includes traditional, organized religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism \n and Buddhism, as well as sincerely held religious beliefs that are new, uncommon, not part of a formal \n church or sect, only subscribed to by a small number of people, or that seem illogical or unreasonable \n to others.","bbox":{"left":0.109412,"top":0.499972,"width":0.7660980000000001,"height":0.085227}},{"text":"Religious accommodation – A reasonable adjustment to the work environment that will allow the \n employee to comply with their sincerely held religious beliefs without causing undue hardship to \n University operations or activities. This may include, but is not limited to, an employee requesting to \n take a particular day or time period off for a religious holiday, an employee requesting an exception to \n a department’s uniform requirements to wear certain religious garb, beards or hair styles, an employee \n requesting time and a place to pray or an atheist asking to be excused from a religious invocation.","bbox":{"left":0.109412,"top":0.602245,"width":0.76824,"height":0.10219699999999998}},{"text":"Undue hardship – Includes any accommodation that would impose more than a de minimis \n cost or burden on the University’s operations or activities.","bbox":{"left":0.109412,"top":0.722094,"width":0.680421,"height":0.03416599999999992}},{"text":"Department Head – The executive, dean, assistant vice president or equivalent who has oversight for a \n department or school.","bbox":{"left":0.109412,"top":0.7727,"width":0.777966,"height":0.03416599999999992}},{"text":"III.","bbox":{"left":0.109412,"top":0.823912,"width":0.028632000000000005,"height":0.017044999999999977}},{"text":"PROCEDURE","bbox":{"left":0.168235,"top":0.823912,"width":0.126441,"height":0.017044999999999977}},{"text":"An employee whose sincerely held religious beliefs conflict with his or her job duties, work schedule, \n the University’s policy or practice on dress and appearance, or other aspects of their employment, may \n request a religious accommodation by submitting a request to the Office of Human Resources. \n Employees must use the Religious Accommodation Request Form (“Form”) to request a religious \n 1","bbox":{"left":0.109412,"top":0.863154,"width":0.773112,"height":0.09022699999999995}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.117647,"top":0.085859,"width":0.706516,"height":0.033333}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.117647,"top":0.085859,"width":0.706516,"height":0.033333}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Download Ebook C1 Service \n Manual \n C1 Service Manual","bbox":{"left":0.142857,"top":0.031181,"width":0.635188,"height":0.14998099999999998}},{"text":"Eventually, you will agreed discover a \n extra experience and capability by \n spending more cash. nevertheless \n when? pull off you say yes that you \n require to acquire those every needs \n gone having significantly cash? Why \n don't you attempt to acquire something \n basic in the beginning? That's something \n that will guide you to understand even \n more regarding the globe, experience, \n some places, in the manner of history, \n amusement, and a lot more?","bbox":{"left":0.152382,"top":0.204098,"width":0.6917719999999999,"height":0.3554959999999999}},{"text":"It is your extremely own become old to \n performance reviewing habit. along with \n guides you could enjoy now is c1 \n service manual below.","bbox":{"left":0.152382,"top":0.591438,"width":0.683172,"height":0.11713299999999993}},{"text":"It’s easy to search Wikibooks by topic, \n and there are separate sections for \n recipes and childrens’ texbooks. You can \n download any page as a PDF using a link \n provided in the left-hand menu, but \n unfortunately there’s no support for \n Page 1/9","bbox":{"left":0.152382,"top":0.740415,"width":0.688782,"height":0.204164}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
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{"content":[{"text":"The Parable of the Sower","bbox":{"left":0.364314,"top":0.045446,"width":0.2712509999999999,"height":0.021365999999999996}},{"text":"What is the Difference in the Kingdom of Heaven & the Kingdom of God?","bbox":{"left":0.111559,"top":0.088173,"width":0.776888,"height":0.021365999999999996}},{"text":"Lets look at the very same parable in all three of the Synoptic Gospels cf:","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.130901,"width":0.789862,"height":0.021365999999999996}},{"text":"Matthew 13:11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to \n know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.173628,"width":0.862872,"height":0.04272899999999999}},{"text":"Mark 4: 11 And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the \n kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all [these] things are done in \n parables:","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.237719,"width":0.872097,"height":0.06409299999999996}},{"text":"Luke 8:10 And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom \n of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they \n might not understand.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.323173,"width":0.880211,"height":0.06409300000000001}},{"text":"So there is absolutely no difference in the terms, Mark and Luke refer to it as the \n Kingdom of God and Matthew refers to it as the Kingdom of Heaven.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.408628,"width":0.869352,"height":0.04272900000000002}},{"text":"The Hebrew’s were children of nature and children of the land.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.472719,"width":0.671431,"height":0.021365999999999996}},{"text":"To fully appreciate the Old Testament nature literature you must understand their \n point of view.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.515446,"width":0.87929,"height":0.042730000000000046}},{"text":"With them secondary causes did not exist; only the primary cause; various \n manifestations of nature were personifications of God.","bbox":{"left":0.058814,"top":0.579537,"width":0.7998299999999999,"height":0.042730000000000046}},{"text":"The sun, moon and stars were His witnesses. \n The thunder and storms were His voice. \n The winds were His Messengers and the earthquakes were sounds of His \n footsteps. \n He clothed Himself in the garments of light and rode upon the clouds as His \n chariot. The whole earth was filled with His glory and immediate presence.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.643628,"width":0.832401,"height":0.12833499999999998}},{"text":"By the time of Jesus the Jews had lost their former interest and love of nature.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.793325,"width":0.848882,"height":0.021365999999999996}},{"text":"The interest of the Scribes, Pharisees and doctors of the Law had begun to rest in \n trivial traditions, superficial forms of temple rituals and purity.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.836052,"width":0.8801370000000001,"height":0.042729999999999935}},{"text":"Today in our modern day city life the display and works of men so hem us in that \n we can hardly see beyond the street in which we live.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.900143,"width":0.864977,"height":0.04272900000000002}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
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{"content":[{"text":"Bookmark File PDF Harvard Business Review On \n Pricing Harvard Business Review Paperback \n scientific research in any way. in the course of them is this \n harvard business review on pricing harvard business review \n paperback that can be your partner.","bbox":{"left":0.101351,"top":0.04395,"width":0.778909,"height":0.271068}},{"text":"If you want to stick to PDFs only, then you’ll want to check out \n PDFBooksWorld. While the collection is small at only a few \n thousand titles, they’re all free and guaranteed to be PDF- \n optimized. Most of them are literary classics, like The Great \n Gatsby, A Tale of Two Cities, Crime and Punishment, etc.","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.359903,"width":0.746579,"height":0.20709900000000003}},{"text":"Harvard Business Review On Pricing \n When the price holds firm, 15% of sales, say, might be lost to a \n low-cost competitor, but 85% of customers are still paying full \n price—whereas if the price is cut, 100% of customers will be ...","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.611887,"width":0.758657,"height":0.16510199999999997}},{"text":"The Good-Better-Best Approach to Pricing \n Harvard Business Review on Pricing. by. Harvard Business School \n Page 2/10","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.821873,"width":0.783018,"height":0.10001000000000004}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
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{"content":[{"text":"Background","bbox":{"left":0.120984,"top":0.11551,"width":0.116048,"height":0.016675999999999996}},{"text":"Procurement is a key element of the Government’s Public Service Reform Agenda and is a \n very significant portion of overall spending. In this context, it is essential that the Public \n Service operates in a co-ordinated and efficient way and delivers sustainable savings to the \n taxpayer.","bbox":{"left":0.120984,"top":0.14539,"width":0.757968,"height":0.090395}},{"text":"The OGP and its sector partners continues to put framework agreements and contracts in place \n through which public sector bodies including the Office of the Ombudsman can buy goods and \n services.","bbox":{"left":0.120984,"top":0.265944,"width":0.758099,"height":0.06818799999999997}},{"text":"This document covers all areas of non-pay expenditure under the Ombudsman Vote including \n the Office of the Ombudsman, the Office of the Information Commissioner, the Office of the \n Commissioner for Environmental Information, the Secretariat to the Standards in Public Office \n Commission and the Office of the Commission for Public Service Appointments. It should be \n noted that the Office procurement procedures also apply to Referendum Commission \n expenditure.","bbox":{"left":0.120984,"top":0.373164,"width":0.7581190000000001,"height":0.14201800000000003}},{"text":"Procurement Policy","bbox":{"left":0.120984,"top":0.568391,"width":0.19104500000000002,"height":0.016676000000000024}},{"text":"Procurement in the Office of the Ombudsman is carried out in accordance with national \n guidelines. These guidelines promote best practice and consistency of application of the \n public procurement rules in relation to the purchase of goods and services. \n https://ogp.gov.ie/public-procurement-guidelines-for-goods-and-services/ \n  The procurement policy for the purchase of goods and services in the Office has the \n following thresholds (excluding VAT): \n  €1,000 to €4,999 - should ideally be awarded on the basis of responses to \n specifications sent by letter, email, telephone or web to at least three suppliers. \n  €5,000 to €24,999 - should ideally be awarded on the basis of responses to \n specifications sent by letter or email to between 5 and 8 suppliers. \n  €25,000 - €139,000 - a formal tendering process on eTenders in accordance with \n the Public Procurement Guidelines should be used for the purchase of goods or \n services over that amount.","bbox":{"left":0.120984,"top":0.595964,"width":0.758109,"height":0.3150829999999999}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Touch, Movement and Vibration: User Perception of \n Vibrotactile Feedback for Touch and Mid-Air Gestures \n Christian Schönauer, Annette Mossel, Ionuț-Alexandru Zaiți, Radu-Daniel \n Vatavu","bbox":{"left":0.134135,"top":0.261954,"width":0.78315,"height":0.10613999999999996}},{"text":"To cite this version: \n Christian Schönauer, Annette Mossel, Ionuț-Alexandru Zaiți, Radu-Daniel Vatavu. Touch, Move- \n ment and Vibration: User Perception of Vibrotactile Feedback for Touch and Mid-Air Gestures. \n 15th Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT), Sep 2015, Bamberg, Germany. pp.165-172, \n ￿10.1007/978-3-319-22723-8_14￿. ￿hal-01610838￿","bbox":{"left":0.131662,"top":0.421662,"width":0.8095330000000001,"height":0.09995699999999996}},{"text":"HAL Id: hal-01610838 \n https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01610838 \n Submitted on 5 Oct 2017","bbox":{"left":0.305465,"top":0.667864,"width":0.389045,"height":0.07521199999999995}},{"text":"HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access \n archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- \n entific research documents, whether they are pub- \n lished or not. The documents may come from \n teaching and research institutions in France or \n abroad, or from public or private research centers.","bbox":{"left":0.095238,"top":0.799809,"width":0.396409,"height":0.09890699999999997}},{"text":"L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est \n destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents \n scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, \n émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de \n recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires \n publics ou privés.","bbox":{"left":0.508364,"top":0.799809,"width":0.39640999999999993,"height":0.09890699999999997}},{"text":"Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution| 4.0 International License","bbox":{"left":0.150455,"top":0.930791,"width":0.689461,"height":0.018697999999999992}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.459829,"top":0.9009,"width":0.040167,"height":0.028401},{"left":0.499997,"top":0.9009,"width":0.040167,"height":0.028401},{"left":0.424521,"top":0.054944,"width":0.20238,"height":0.080282},{"left":0.120951,"top":0.430082,"width":0.013389,"height":0.010955}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.459829,"top":0.9009,"width":0.040167,"height":0.028401},{"left":0.499997,"top":0.9009,"width":0.040167,"height":0.028401},{"left":0.424521,"top":0.054944,"width":0.20238,"height":0.080282},{"left":0.120951,"top":0.430082,"width":0.013389,"height":0.010955}]}
{"content":[{"text":"CONFIDENTIAL","bbox":{"left":0.701589,"top":0.039832,"width":0.147853,"height":0.019581}},{"text":"NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH AND CARE \n EXCELLENCE \n Medical technology guidance \n Assessment report overview \n The Debrisoft monofilament debridement \n pad for use in acute and chronic wounds \n This assessment report overview has been prepared by the Medical \n Technologies Evaluation Programme team to highlight the significant findings \n of the External Assessment Centre (EAC) report. It includes key features of \n the evidence base and the cost analysis, any additional analysis carried out, \n and additional information, uncertainties and key issues the Committee may \n wish to discuss. It should be read along with the sponsor’s submission of \n evidence and with the EAC report. The overview forms part of the information \n received by the Medical Technologies Advisory Committee when it develops \n its recommendations on the technology.","bbox":{"left":0.151018,"top":0.09703,"width":0.688991,"height":0.415912}},{"text":"This overview also contains:","bbox":{"left":0.151018,"top":0.532291,"width":0.25208600000000003,"height":0.01958099999999996}},{"text":" \n  \n  \n  \n ","bbox":{"left":0.151018,"top":0.573043,"width":0.009272000000000002,"height":0.11964000000000008}},{"text":"Appendix A: Sources of evidence \n Appendix B: Comments from professional bodies \n Appendix C: Comments from patient organisations \n Appendix D: External Assessment Centre correspondence \n Appendix E: Sponsor’s factual check of the assessment report and the \n External Assessment Centre’s responses","bbox":{"left":0.174797,"top":0.572051,"width":0.6272150000000001,"height":0.14517499999999994}},{"text":"Page 1 of 85 \n Assessment report overview: The Debrisoft monofilament debridement pad for use in acute \n and chronic wounds \n Date: October 2013","bbox":{"left":0.151018,"top":0.873105,"width":0.698202,"height":0.071403}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Acces PDF Girl With A \n Pearl Earring Tracy \n Chevalier Girl With A Pearl \n E arring T racy \n Chevalier \n E ventually, you will categorically \n discover a further experience and \n triumph by spending more cash. \n still when? pull off you receive that \n you require to acquire those every \n needs following having \n significantly cash? Why don't you \n try to acquire something basic in \n the beginning? T hat's something \n that will lead you to understand \n even more approximately the \n globe, experience, some places, in \n the manner of history, amusement, \n and a lot more?","bbox":{"left":0.142857,"top":0.030809,"width":0.703059,"height":0.786643}},{"text":"It is your completely own time to \n play-act reviewing habit. \n Page 1/15","bbox":{"left":0.152382,"top":0.851531,"width":0.654559,"height":0.09304800000000002}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"COURT OF APPEALS OF KENTUCKY \n 12/12/2008 AT 10:00 A.M. \n PAGE 2 of 8 \n PEELER (GLEN ALAN) 2007-CA-001483-MR \n VS. TO BE PUBLISHED \n COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY \n OPINION VACATING AND REMANDING \n LAMBERT (PRESIDING JUDGE) \n KELLER (CONCURS) AND WINE \n (CONCURS) \n WADE (DAVID K.) 2007-CA-001604-MR \n VS. NOT TO BE PUBLISHED \n WADE (DEBORAH LAWLESS) \n OPINION AFFIRMING \n WINE (PRESIDING JUDGE) \n CAPERTON (CONCURS) AND TAYLOR \n (CONCURS) \n HARRIS (FREDERICK) 2007-CA-001679-MR \n VS. NOT TO BE PUBLISHED \n DUNLAP (JOEL), ET AL. \n OPINION AFFIRMING IN PART AND \n REVERSING IN PART \n MOORE (PRESIDING JUDGE) \n LAMBERT (CONCURS) AND WINE \n (CONCURS) \n DELOACH (EDDY) 2007-CA-001680-MR \n VS. NOT TO BE PUBLISHED \n COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY \n OPINION AFFIRMING \n KELLER (PRESIDING JUDGE) \n WINE (CONCURS) AND LAMBERT \n (CONCURS) \n GORDON, LUCY 2007-CA-002256-MR \n VS. NOT TO BE PUBLISHED \n NORTON HOSPITAL, INC. \n MOORE (PRESIDING JUDGE) \n TAYLOR (CONCURS) AND VANMETER \n (CONCURS) \n COLEMAN AMERICAN COMPANIES, 2007-CA-002310-MR \n INC. NOT TO BE PUBLISHED \n VS. \n HAROLD BROOKS LEASURE, JR., ET AL \n VANMETER (PRESIDING JUDGE) \n MOORE (CONCURS) AND GUIDUGLI \n (CONCURS)","bbox":{"left":0.136219,"top":0.044977,"width":0.617106,"height":0.796068}},{"text":"1363","bbox":{"left":0.068137,"top":0.102727,"width":0.043566999999999995,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"HARDIN","bbox":{"left":0.773529,"top":0.102727,"width":0.075098,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"1364","bbox":{"left":0.068137,"top":0.225303,"width":0.04361999999999999,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"PULASKI","bbox":{"left":0.773529,"top":0.225303,"width":0.08275299999999997,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"1365","bbox":{"left":0.068137,"top":0.347955,"width":0.043614,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"LYON","bbox":{"left":0.773529,"top":0.347955,"width":0.053344999999999976,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"1366","bbox":{"left":0.068137,"top":0.487955,"width":0.043578000000000006,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"GRANT","bbox":{"left":0.773529,"top":0.487955,"width":0.06854899999999997,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"1367","bbox":{"left":0.068137,"top":0.61053,"width":0.043578000000000006,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"JEFFERSON","bbox":{"left":0.773529,"top":0.61053,"width":0.11656900000000003,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"1368","bbox":{"left":0.068137,"top":0.715682,"width":0.043602,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"CHRISTIAN","bbox":{"left":0.773529,"top":0.715682,"width":0.10563500000000003,"height":0.020818000000000003}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"A report of experiences and feedback \n from parents and carers","bbox":{"left":0.095142,"top":0.301629,"width":0.7790919999999999,"height":0.09589600000000004}},{"text":"August 2019","bbox":{"left":0.095142,"top":0.423279,"width":0.19994099999999998,"height":0.03277599999999997}},{"text":"by Helen Foster-Collins, on behalf of SOFT UK","bbox":{"left":0.095142,"top":0.486658,"width":0.518526,"height":0.02296300000000001}},{"text":"Funded by the South West Doctoral Training Partnership \n in partnership with the University of Exeter","bbox":{"left":0.095142,"top":0.823068,"width":0.718421,"height":0.051634999999999986}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.225929,"top":0.861746,"width":0.096839,"height":0.070019},{"left":0.095243,"top":0.861364,"width":0.118424,"height":0.071266},{"left":0.333854,"top":0.87924,"width":0.190402,"height":0.055172},{"left":0.095243,"top":0.521118,"width":0.554156,"height":0.217657}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.225929,"top":0.861746,"width":0.096839,"height":0.070019},{"left":0.095243,"top":0.861364,"width":0.118424,"height":0.071266},{"left":0.333854,"top":0.87924,"width":0.190402,"height":0.055172},{"left":0.095243,"top":0.521118,"width":0.554156,"height":0.217657}]}
{"content":[{"text":"2021 \n Black \n Womxn's \n Legislative \n Guide","bbox":{"left":0.0,"top":0.139977,"width":0.65468,"height":0.861094}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.021951,"top":0.040624,"width":0.5,"height":0.0625}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.021951,"top":0.040624,"width":0.5,"height":0.0625}]}
{"content":[{"text":"MAINE COMMISSION ON INDIGENT LEGAL SERVICES","bbox":{"left":0.241373,"top":0.103609,"width":0.518632,"height":0.017045000000000005}},{"text":"TO:","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.15073,"width":0.034123000000000014,"height":0.017045000000000005}},{"text":"JOINT STANDING COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY \n ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE, MAINE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT \n GOVERNOR, STATE OF MAINE","bbox":{"left":0.254902,"top":0.15073,"width":0.5465609999999999,"height":0.055832999999999994}},{"text":"FROM:","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.223609,"width":0.06451499999999999,"height":0.017045000000000005}},{"text":"MAINE COMMISSION ON INDIGENT LEGAL SERVICES","bbox":{"left":0.254902,"top":0.223609,"width":0.49567,"height":0.017045000000000005}},{"text":"SUBJECT:","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.2577,"width":0.09157399999999999,"height":0.017044999999999977}},{"text":"ANNUAL REPORT","bbox":{"left":0.254902,"top":0.2577,"width":0.16264399999999996,"height":0.017044999999999977}},{"text":"DATE:","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.291791,"width":0.06078900000000001,"height":0.017044999999999977}},{"text":"JANUARY 15, 2021","bbox":{"left":0.254902,"top":0.291791,"width":0.15664199999999995,"height":0.017044999999999977}},{"text":"Established by the Legislature in 2009, the Maine Commission on Indigent Legal","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.343136,"width":0.6380000000000001,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Services is an independent commission whose purpose is to provide efficient, high-quality","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.377985,"width":0.7092149999999999,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"representation to indigent criminal defendants, juveniles charged with juvenile crimes and","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.412833,"width":0.706078,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"parents in child protective cases, among others, consistent with federal and state constitutional","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.447682,"width":0.739374,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"and statutory obligations to provide counsel.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.48253,"width":0.34843199999999996,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"From its inception until July 1, 2018, the","bbox":{"left":0.475882,"top":0.48253,"width":0.320079,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Commission was made up five Commissioners appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.517379,"width":0.756353,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Senate.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.552227,"width":0.057059,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Pursuant to legislation passed during the second session of the 128th Legislature,","bbox":{"left":0.18451,"top":0.551735,"width":0.631176,"height":0.020704999999999973}},{"text":"effective July 1, 2018, the Commission now consists of nine members, two of whom are non-","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.587076,"width":0.7339800000000001,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"voting members, also appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.621924,"width":0.618039,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"P.L. 2017, c.","bbox":{"left":0.74549,"top":0.621924,"width":0.10019600000000006,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"430.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.656773,"width":0.03431400000000001,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"During 2019, the Governor made eight nominations for Commissioners, seven voting","bbox":{"left":0.166667,"top":0.656773,"width":0.67098,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"members and one non-voting member.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.691621,"width":0.30333400000000005,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"All nominations were approved by the Legislature, and","bbox":{"left":0.430784,"top":0.691621,"width":0.43215699999999996,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"the newly constituted Commission held its first meeting on August 13, 2019.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.72647,"width":0.6029450000000001,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"The Commission provides indigent legal services through a system of private assigned","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.761318,"width":0.679019,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"counsel representing indigent people facing a loss of liberty in cases brought by the State of","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.796167,"width":0.719274,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Maine.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.831015,"width":0.054902000000000006,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"The Commission sets standards for attorneys providing indigent legal services, and","bbox":{"left":0.182353,"top":0.831015,"width":0.65196,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"attorneys are assigned to individual cases by the court from rosters created and maintained by the \n 1","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.865864,"width":0.762823,"height":0.042181000000000024}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Where To Download \n Entrepreneur Revolution How \n To Develop Your \n entrepreneur revolution how to \n Enterpreneurial Mindset And \n develop your enterpreneurial \n Start mindset A Business and start a That business Works that \n works below.","bbox":{"left":0.142857,"top":0.031181,"width":0.663833,"height":0.222107}},{"text":"Project Gutenberg is one of the largest \n sources for free books on the web, with \n over 30,000 downloadable free books \n available in a wide variety of formats. \n Project Gutenberg is the oldest (and \n quite possibly the largest) library on the \n web, with literally hundreds of \n thousands free books available for \n download. The vast majority of books at \n Project Gutenberg are released in \n English, but there are other languages \n available.","bbox":{"left":0.152382,"top":0.285132,"width":0.676501,"height":0.355496}},{"text":"Entrepreneur Revolution How To \n Develop \n Entrepreneur Revolutions is a \n masterclass in developing your \n entrepreneurial mindset - showing you \n how to change the way you think, the \n way you network and the way you make \n a living. Successful entrepreneur Daniel \n Page 2/10","bbox":{"left":0.152382,"top":0.672472,"width":0.6824819999999999,"height":0.2721070000000001}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"CALLED MEETING OF THE PRESBYTERY","bbox":{"left":0.088235,"top":0.035004,"width":0.28017,"height":0.015158999999999999}},{"text":"December 14, 2019","bbox":{"left":0.796438,"top":0.035004,"width":0.11547000000000007,"height":0.015158999999999999}},{"text":"STATED CLERK REPORT \n December 14, 2019 \n The following church has made arrangements for a minute review: \n Newton, United","bbox":{"left":0.088235,"top":0.094245,"width":0.5495220000000001,"height":0.10200700000000001}},{"text":"The following churches still need to have minutes reviewed: \n Bedford, United Diagonal, United \n Deep River, United Knoxville, First \n Des Moines, Douglas Avenue Monroe \n Des Moines, First Sigourney, First \n Des Moines, Fort Des Moines Winterset, First United","bbox":{"left":0.088235,"top":0.210889,"width":0.592095,"height":0.11112100000000003}},{"text":"Items of note: \n • The Commission on Ministry has reviewed and accepted the reports for those Ministers of Word \n and Sacrament in validated ministries or members at-large for 2019. \n • The Committee on Budget & Finance met with representatives of the Lee Agency to review our \n presbytery liability, property, and workers compensation insurance for 2020, as well as the group \n policy that 27 of our churches participate in. A few minor changes were made, and discussion \n was had about checking into other options for 2021. \n • The Stated Clerk is required to provide the plan for parity for ministers and elder commissioners \n each year to the Presbytery. We currently have 62 participating ministers – that number will go \n down to 60 on January 1, 2020. We also have 58 ruling elders with voice and vote. With \n numbers at 60 and 58, there is no need for an alteration of our formula at this time, so no change \n is recommended for 2020.","bbox":{"left":0.088235,"top":0.336684,"width":0.823713,"height":0.22645000000000004}},{"text":"Our next Stated Meeting will be held on Saturday, February 8, 2019 at Covenant Presbyterian Church in \n West Des Moines. If your church would be willing host a meeting in 2020, please let me know ASAP. \n • Tuesday, May 19, 2020 \n • Saturday, August 15, 2020 \n • Tuesday, November 10, 2020","bbox":{"left":0.088235,"top":0.57777,"width":0.823536,"height":0.09702999999999995}},{"text":"Respectfully Submitted, \n TE Kristin Pike, Stated Clerk","bbox":{"left":0.088235,"top":0.689437,"width":0.23013699999999998,"height":0.037636}},{"text":"Presbytery of Des Moines, PC(USA)","bbox":{"left":0.088235,"top":0.914064,"width":0.21767999999999998,"height":0.015159000000000034}},{"text":"page 9","bbox":{"left":0.873105,"top":0.914064,"width":0.03872500000000001,"height":0.015159000000000034}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Fox Marine PCM-09 Engine Gateway \n Installation and Operating Instructions \n Revised 05/29/21 \n Page 1 of 5","bbox":{"left":0.606591,"top":0.056183,"width":0.3022180000000001,"height":0.068901}},{"text":"Thank you for your purchase of Fox Marine's ECM-07/08 Engine Gateway. The following details are \n provided for installation and operating instructions.","bbox":{"left":0.094102,"top":0.41982,"width":0.795265,"height":0.03405099999999994}},{"text":"NMEA 2000 Installation","bbox":{"left":0.094102,"top":0.471941,"width":0.20372899999999994,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Detailed NMEA 2000 (N2k) installation instructions should be provided by the manufacturer of your \n N2k starter kit.","bbox":{"left":0.094102,"top":0.506789,"width":0.792306,"height":0.03435499999999991}},{"text":"Reference the diagram below for a graphical representation of a basic N2k setup.","bbox":{"left":0.094102,"top":0.559214,"width":0.635326,"height":0.01677899999999999}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.094266,"top":0.044369,"width":0.062337,"height":0.072727},{"left":0.219756,"top":0.14291,"width":0.56348,"height":0.259068},{"left":0.12045,"top":0.576229,"width":0.762337,"height":0.340944}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.094266,"top":0.044369,"width":0.062337,"height":0.072727},{"left":0.219756,"top":0.14291,"width":0.56348,"height":0.259068},{"left":0.12045,"top":0.576229,"width":0.762337,"height":0.340944}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Comprehensive Plan Update Committee Agenda \n Twinsburg Government Center Council Chambers \n Thursday, June 24, 2021","bbox":{"left":0.232763,"top":0.1689,"width":0.498346,"height":0.06129100000000001}},{"text":"TIME: 6:00 pm","bbox":{"left":0.088235,"top":0.261347,"width":0.13652999999999998,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"PLACE: Twinsburg Government Center – Council Chamber","bbox":{"left":0.088235,"top":0.299832,"width":0.48496199999999995,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"1.","bbox":{"left":0.16902,"top":0.344529,"width":0.014705999999999997,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Call to Order","bbox":{"left":0.205882,"top":0.344529,"width":0.10319600000000001,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"2.","bbox":{"left":0.16902,"top":0.380286,"width":0.014705999999999997,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Roll Call","bbox":{"left":0.205882,"top":0.380286,"width":0.07152700000000001,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"3.","bbox":{"left":0.16902,"top":0.416195,"width":0.014705999999999997,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Approval of minutes","bbox":{"left":0.205882,"top":0.416195,"width":0.16213999999999995,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"4.","bbox":{"left":0.16902,"top":0.451953,"width":0.014705999999999997,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Audience Participation","bbox":{"left":0.205882,"top":0.451953,"width":0.17980400000000002,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"5.","bbox":{"left":0.16902,"top":0.489832,"width":0.014705999999999997,"height":0.016779000000000044}},{"text":"Items for Discussion","bbox":{"left":0.205882,"top":0.489832,"width":0.162155,"height":0.016779000000000044}},{"text":"a. \n b. \n c. \n d. \n e.","bbox":{"left":0.191176,"top":0.52468,"width":0.014705999999999997,"height":0.08677899999999994}},{"text":"Water and Waste Water \n Efficient Transportation \n Land Use/Community Design \n Habitat Preservation \n Carbon Offsetting","bbox":{"left":0.215686,"top":0.52468,"width":0.23509800000000003,"height":0.08677899999999994}},{"text":"6.","bbox":{"left":0.16902,"top":0.630286,"width":0.014705999999999997,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Old Business","bbox":{"left":0.205882,"top":0.630286,"width":0.10390499999999997,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"7.","bbox":{"left":0.16902,"top":0.666044,"width":0.014705999999999997,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"New Business","bbox":{"left":0.205882,"top":0.666044,"width":0.11096400000000001,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"8.","bbox":{"left":0.16902,"top":0.701801,"width":0.014705999999999997,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Miscellaneous","bbox":{"left":0.205882,"top":0.701801,"width":0.11312100000000003,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"9.","bbox":{"left":0.16902,"top":0.737559,"width":0.014705999999999997,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Excuse Absent Members","bbox":{"left":0.205882,"top":0.737559,"width":0.19567,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"10.","bbox":{"left":0.16902,"top":0.773317,"width":0.024510000000000004,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Adjournment","bbox":{"left":0.205882,"top":0.773317,"width":0.10446699999999998,"height":0.01677899999999999}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.247385,"top":0.037879,"width":0.503268,"height":0.098166}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.247385,"top":0.037879,"width":0.503268,"height":0.098166}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Title: A Pilot Study of Balance and Vitamin D in Persons with Parkinson's disease (PD)","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.088894,"width":0.692866,"height":0.021121}},{"text":"Abstract \n Vitamin D appears to reduce falls in elderly persons by unclear mechanisms. The primary goal \n of this pilot study is to see if there is a relationship between vitamin D levels and balance \n performance in persons with PD. Secondary goals are to gain more information on vitamin D \n levels and balance performance (as assessed using dynamic posturography) in this population. \n The information from this pilot study will help in design of an intervention study to test the \n hypothesis that vitamin D supplementation improves balance and reduces falls in persons with \n PD. This study will also allow for insight into the mechanism through which vitamin D effects \n falls and balance.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.12403,"width":0.748108,"height":0.159318}},{"text":"Specific Aims \n 1. To determine the relationship between low vitamin D levels, poor balance (measured via \n dynamic posturography), and falls in a population with PD. \n 2. To gather preliminary data on vitamin D levels in a population of subjects with PD and \n determine the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.298273,"width":0.75532,"height":0.089621}},{"text":"Hypothesis \n Vitamin D deficiency negatively impacts balance, as measured using dynamic posturography, \n and results in increased fall rates in persons with PD.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.402818,"width":0.736313,"height":0.054773000000000016}},{"text":"Background & Significance \n PD is a disorder characterized by four cardinal features; tremor, rigidity, slowness, and poor \n balance. A prospective study by Wood et. al. in 2002 found that over 68% of persons with PD \n experienced at least one fall over the course of a year.1 A recent meta-analysis estimated a 22% \n decrease in falls in person receiving vitamin D supplementation.2","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.472515,"width":0.757226,"height":0.08954600000000001}},{"text":"It is traditionally hypothesized that vitamin D decreases falls through its affect on muscles, but a \n recent study showed that there also appears to be an improvement in balance.3 Studies have \n shown that vitamin D receptors are present throughout the brain with a particularly high density \n in the substantia nigra, one of the primary areas of pathology in Parkinson’s disease.4 There are \n benefits of looking specifically at a population with PD. The known presence of vitamin D \n receptors in the brain suggests a central mechanism for effects on balance is very possible \n Persons with PD have balance problems with a central nervous system origin and subtle changes \n may be easier to detect as compared to a population with normal balance.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.576697,"width":0.758184,"height":0.14218200000000003}},{"text":"The data on the vitamin D levels will itself be informative and be important in designing the \n future intervention study. A recent study showed persons with PD have lower vitamin D levels \n then healthy individuals and persons with Alzheimer’s.5 Vitamin D may be particularly low in \n persons with PD in the Northwest. A study looking at medical residents at OHSU found that in \n the spring 47% had deficient levels.6 The recent attention vitamin D has received in the medical \n and lay press may in contrast increase levels, with participants possibly already be on \n supplementation.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.733515,"width":0.756286,"height":0.12475799999999992}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Assistant to the CEO Assistant and Administrative Coordinator \n CHILDREN AT RISK– Houston","bbox":{"left":0.246814,"top":0.048485,"width":0.5063719999999999,"height":0.033624}},{"text":"CHILDREN AT RISK is seeking an enthusiastic and self-motivated individual to serve in a part-time \n position as the Assistant to the CEO. The selected candidate will work closely with the CEO and \n other senior leadership in a fast paced environment to ensure optimal organizational \n performance. This position may be remote to candidates in Texas or in person to candidates in \n the Greater Houston area.","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.105846,"width":0.765222,"height":0.08912900000000001}},{"text":"Key responsibilities include: \n  \n Scheduling: Primary responsibility is to manage the CEOs calendar, including scheduling \n meetings with a variety of stakeholders statewide, preparing materials, and booking \n travel. \n  \n Board of Directors: Schedule regular meetings with regular communication with the \n board; assist with the preparation of materials for Board and Committee meetings. \n  \n Administrative Coordination: Serve as receptionist (when in Houston), including \n tracking office equipment and replenishing supplies as needed.","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.216982,"width":0.761574,"height":0.14699600000000002}},{"text":"Preferred Qualifications \n  \n BA/BS preferred with 2 years or more of experience \n  \n Organized and detail-oriented \n  \n Experience scheduling Executive meetings and travel arrangements \n  \n Strong written and verbal communication skills \n  \n Effective problem solving skills and ability to multi-task in a fast paced environment \n  \n Microsoft Office experience: Word, Outlook, Excel and PowerPoint required; experience \n in Sharepoint and Teams a plus \n  \n A strong work ethic, positive personality, a sense of humor are all considered a real plus \n for this position \n Status \n  \n Part-time, Permanent (20-30 hours per week) \n  Compensation: The position has a salary range from $25,000-50,000 annually, \n dependent on the level of experience and number of hours worked per week. \n  2021. \n Target start August \n  CHILDREN AT RISK offers a competitive benefit package, including health insurance, \n dental insurance, retirement contributions, and vacation and holidays. \n  This position is in-person, if staff is located in the Greater Houston area, otherwise can \n be remote if located in Texas.","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.384697,"width":0.760541,"height":0.35463400000000006}},{"text":"About CHILDREN AT RISK \n CHILDREN AT RISK is an active research and advocacy group dedicated to improving the quality \n of life of children through research, public policy analysis, community education, and","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.761301,"width":0.754385,"height":0.052020000000000066}},{"text":"collaboration. Our focus is on the whole child with significant work in strengthening public \n education, increasing access to federally funded meal programs, work in early education, \n immigration and in ending child trafficking. We are the leading source of accurate information \n on children’s issues and an advocate and catalyst for change concerning the needs of","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.821401,"width":0.749035,"height":0.07377}},{"text":"all children.","bbox":{"left":0.117688,"top":0.903504,"width":0.092761,"height":0.015152000000000054}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Online Library The Gcc \n Countries And The Arab \n Spring The Gcc Between Countries Outreach \n And The Arab Spring \n Between Outreach \n If you ally need such a \n referred the gcc countries \n and the arab spring between \n Page 1/39","bbox":{"left":0.142857,"top":0.061618,"width":0.701254,"height":0.8275410000000001}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Access Free Cxc Multiple Choice Past Paper For Biology","bbox":{"left":0.071429,"top":0.030809,"width":0.72445,"height":0.05251599999999999}},{"text":"Cxc Multiple Choice Past Paper For Biology \n Yeah, reviewing a book cxc multiple choice past paper for biology \n could go to your close contacts listings. This is just one of the \n solutions for you to be successful. As understood, success does not \n suggest that you have fantastic points.","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.13697,"width":0.813083,"height":0.21384999999999996}},{"text":"Comprehending as with ease as conformity even more than additional \n will provide each success. adjacent to, the proclamation as \n competently as insight of this cxc multiple choice past paper for \n biology can be taken as with ease as picked to act.","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.389033,"width":0.800948,"height":0.14055900000000005}},{"text":"CSEC computation multiple choice past paper questions part 1 CSEC \n Human \\u0026 Social Biology| Multiple Choice Paper 1 (Q1-20) \n Mathematics Multiple Choice Questions 1 to 60 CXC MULTIPLE CHOICE \n PAST PAPERS - 2009 HUMAN AND SOCIAL BIOLOGY SPECIMEN PAPER PoA MCQ \n questions Set 1 | CSEC PoA P1 practice questions | CSEC PoA July 2020 \n MCQ prep CXC MULTIPLE CHOICE PAST PAPERS - 2009 SPECIMEN PAPER/ Human \n And Social Biology Multiple Choice 1 | 1,2,3,4,5\\u00266 | CXC CSEC \n Mathematics | Computation CSEC 2020 Integrated Science Multiple \n Choice - 4th August 2020 (my prediction) - CXC - Paper 1 CSEC \n Information Technology (IT) Past Paper Multiple Choice Practice \n Page 1/9","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.567805,"width":0.837354,"height":0.37677400000000005}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Modernising Lasting Powers \n of Attorney","bbox":{"left":0.095142,"top":0.237199,"width":0.7772999999999999,"height":0.10201100000000002}},{"text":"July 2021","bbox":{"left":0.095142,"top":0.821479,"width":0.086394,"height":0.019584000000000046}},{"text":"CP 495","bbox":{"left":0.095142,"top":0.854547,"width":0.06744700000000001,"height":0.019584000000000046}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.095243,"top":0.067346,"width":0.176124,"height":0.096734}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.095243,"top":0.067346,"width":0.176124,"height":0.096734}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Prolonged nutrient release \n pattern of Polysulphate™ fertilizer \n Reduces the potential for sulphate leaching","bbox":{"left":0.047619,"top":0.444297,"width":0.8040430000000001,"height":0.13842500000000008}},{"text":"Sulphur is an essential macro-nutrient so there is usually a need for fertilization. Like nitrate, \n sulphate is prone to leaching and needs be managed carefully to minimize that risk. Polysulphate, \n a new multi nutrient fertilizer mined in the UK at Cleveland Potash, helps reduce the risk of \n leaching due to its prolonged release characteristics.","bbox":{"left":0.047619,"top":0.615862,"width":0.902873,"height":0.08355299999999999}},{"text":"In order to compare the rate of release of sulphate in soil from Polysulphate™ fertilizer with that from \n sulphate of ammonia, sulphate of potash and kieserite (all granular form), a soil column experiment was \n set up at the University of Nottingham, UK. The fertilizers, at equivalent rates of sulphur, were added to \n the tops of replicated columns of loam soil which had previously been leached. In order to determine \n how much sulphate became available each day from the different sources, the columns were leached \n (flushed) daily with de-ionised water, and the sulphate contents of the leachates were measured.","bbox":{"left":0.047619,"top":0.722765,"width":0.89889,"height":0.126313}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":-0.001756,"top":-0.001334,"width":1.003471,"height":0.392171},{"left":0.456931,"top":0.287448,"width":0.031918,"height":0.099776},{"left":0.026878,"top":0.299327,"width":0.438452,"height":0.095024},{"left":0.048717,"top":0.307641,"width":0.404854,"height":0.08671},{"left":0.428649,"top":0.306512,"width":0.029558,"height":0.076378},{"left":0.428649,"top":0.287513,"width":0.06019,"height":0.099557},{"left":0.442084,"top":0.294733,"width":0.036007,"height":0.088538},{"left":0.456594,"top":0.38175,"width":0.008061,"height":0.00532},{"left":0.451891,"top":0.318331,"width":0.549325,"height":0.076019},{"left":0.465731,"top":0.325132,"width":0.536339,"height":0.069158},{"left":0.0,"top":0.287448,"width":0.458611,"height":0.078395},{"left":-0.00182,"top":0.287513,"width":0.444441,"height":0.069538},{"left":0.684547,"top":0.911827,"width":0.267834,"height":0.055963}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":-0.001756,"top":-0.001334,"width":1.003471,"height":0.392171},{"left":0.456931,"top":0.287448,"width":0.031918,"height":0.099776},{"left":0.026878,"top":0.299327,"width":0.438452,"height":0.095024},{"left":0.048717,"top":0.307641,"width":0.404854,"height":0.08671},{"left":0.428649,"top":0.306512,"width":0.029558,"height":0.076378},{"left":0.428649,"top":0.287513,"width":0.06019,"height":0.099557},{"left":0.442084,"top":0.294733,"width":0.036007,"height":0.088538},{"left":0.456594,"top":0.38175,"width":0.008061,"height":0.00532},{"left":0.451891,"top":0.318331,"width":0.549325,"height":0.076019},{"left":0.465731,"top":0.325132,"width":0.536339,"height":0.069158},{"left":0.0,"top":0.287448,"width":0.458611,"height":0.078395},{"left":-0.00182,"top":0.287513,"width":0.444441,"height":0.069538},{"left":0.684547,"top":0.911827,"width":0.267834,"height":0.055963}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Reading Nextel Ic502 User Guide ebooks","bbox":{"left":0.081081,"top":0.054111,"width":0.596775,"height":0.033614}},{"text":"2/7/2021 · Get Free Nextel Ic502 User Guide with style, \n involvement, and passion. His book In Search of Rome is perhaps \n the definitive guide book on the Eternal City.\" Electronics Buying \n Guide 2008 The most up-to-date solutions, from non-chemical to \n recommended chemical controls, for more than 3,000 plant \n problems and North American home pests.","bbox":{"left":0.081081,"top":0.136305,"width":0.807365,"height":0.15591}},{"text":"27/6/2021 · Download Ebook Nextel Ic502 User Guide The Player \n of Games \"You would be hard-pressed to find a finer new series \n than Tom Bouman’s Henry Farrell novels because of the \n complexity of the plots or the richness of the characters, but what it \n really comes down to is just damn good writing.\"","bbox":{"left":0.081081,"top":0.314174,"width":0.824392,"height":0.130465}},{"text":"5/7/2021 · IC502 MANUAL PDF. This is the official Motorola ic \n Buzz User Guide in English provided from the manufacturer. If you \n are looking for detailed technical specifications, please see. iDEN ic \n WITH CDMA USERS MANUAL 1 details for FCC ID AZFT \n made by Motorola Solutions, Inc.. Document Includes User \n Manual. Nextel ic user manual by EllenWatson Issuu.","bbox":{"left":0.081081,"top":0.466598,"width":0.8329010000000001,"height":0.15591000000000005}},{"text":"Read PDF Nextel Ic502 User Guide manual, suzuki swift 2 owners \n manual file type pdf, supply chain management strategy planning \n and operation sunil chopra, teaching young language learners \n annamaria pinter, surgical pitfalls surgical pitfalls free ebooks \n download, swot analysis case study, take ivy, test grila examen grad \n principal asistent","bbox":{"left":0.081081,"top":0.644468,"width":0.831285,"height":0.15590899999999996}},{"text":"31/5/2021 · Read Book Nextel Ic502 User Guide PowerPoint 2013 \n BibleNight HoopsMacroeconomics, Global EditionAdvanced","bbox":{"left":0.081081,"top":0.822337,"width":0.824758,"height":0.054129000000000094}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Read PDF Caterpillar 3116 Engine For Sale","bbox":{"left":0.071429,"top":0.031181,"width":0.477073,"height":0.04595200000000001}},{"text":"Caterpillar 3116 Engine For Sale","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.136767,"width":0.49107199999999995,"height":0.04439499999999999}},{"text":"As recognized, adventure as capably as experience not quite lesson, amusement, as competently \n as concord can be gotten by just checking out a books caterpillar 3116 engine for sale \n afterward it is not directly done, you could say yes even more more or less this life, on the order of \n the world.","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.204098,"width":0.835445,"height":0.11713300000000004}},{"text":"We offer you this proper as well as easy exaggeration to acquire those all. We find the money for \n caterpillar 3116 engine for sale and numerous ebook collections from fictions to scientific research \n in any way. in the middle of them is this caterpillar 3116 engine for sale that can be your partner.","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.353074,"width":0.833946,"height":0.08733800000000003}},{"text":"Another site that isn't strictly for free books, Slideshare does offer a large amount of free content \n for you to read. It is an online forum where anyone can upload a digital presentation on any subject. \n Millions of people utilize SlideShare for research, sharing ideas, and learning about new \n technologies. SlideShare supports documents and PDF files, and all these are available for free \n download (after free registration).","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.472256,"width":0.8466469999999999,"height":0.14692899999999998}},{"text":"Caterpillar 3116 Engine For Sale \n Sold By: CA Truck Parts, Inc. Opa-Locka, Florida 33054. (USED) 1997 Caterpillar 3116 Engine For \n Sale (MECHANICAL FUEL PUMP) 250 HP @ 2600 RPM, Engine Family WCP403DZDABA, AR # \n 117-8260, Serial # 9GK58521 ENGINE IS TEST RUN AND INSPECTED ..","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.651028,"width":0.8140609999999999,"height":0.11713399999999996}},{"text":"CATERPILLAR 3116 Engine For Sale - 90 Listings ... \n Cat 3116 Engines For Sale. The 3116 Cat Engine is proficient at generating peak power levels of \n 205 horsepower at 2,400 rpm and 350 horsepower at 2,800 rpm. The Caterpillar 3116 is a \n turbocharged diesel engine used mainly for marine propulsion. The 3116 can work as a single unit \n Page 1/5","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.800005,"width":0.83002,"height":0.1445740000000001}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"4.","bbox":{"left":0.072685,"top":0.069394,"width":0.014725000000000002,"height":0.015472}},{"text":"Banking Arrangements","bbox":{"left":0.130583,"top":0.069394,"width":0.196662,"height":0.015472}},{"text":"4.1","bbox":{"left":0.072685,"top":0.10151,"width":0.024538000000000004,"height":0.015472}},{"text":"The Council’s banking arrangements shall be made by the RFO and approved by the Council. Two \n accounts shall be maintained at the bank, a general account and deposit account.","bbox":{"left":0.131482,"top":0.10151,"width":0.7957879999999999,"height":0.03152999999999999}},{"text":"4.2","bbox":{"left":0.072685,"top":0.149683,"width":0.024538000000000004,"height":0.015471999999999986}},{"text":"A schedule of payment of money shall be prepared by the RFO and together with the relevant \n invoices etc presented to the Council. If the schedule is in order it shall be authorised by a resolution \n of the Council and signed by the Chairman or Vice-Chairman.","bbox":{"left":0.131482,"top":0.149683,"width":0.795836,"height":0.047587999999999964}},{"text":"4.3","bbox":{"left":0.072685,"top":0.213915,"width":0.024538000000000004,"height":0.015472000000000014}},{"text":"Two duly authorised members of the Council shall sign cheques.","bbox":{"left":0.16088,"top":0.213915,"width":0.5087619999999999,"height":0.015472000000000014}},{"text":"5.","bbox":{"left":0.072685,"top":0.24603,"width":0.014725000000000002,"height":0.015472000000000014}},{"text":"Payment of Accounts","bbox":{"left":0.130583,"top":0.24603,"width":0.17758600000000002,"height":0.015472000000000014}},{"text":"5.1","bbox":{"left":0.072685,"top":0.278146,"width":0.024538000000000004,"height":0.015471999999999986}},{"text":"Apart from petty cash payments all payments shall be effected by cheques","bbox":{"left":0.16088,"top":0.278146,"width":0.581999,"height":0.015471999999999986}},{"text":"5.2","bbox":{"left":0.072685,"top":0.310261,"width":0.024538000000000004,"height":0.015471999999999986}},{"text":"The RFO shall maintain a petty cash float to a limit of £30 for the purpose of defraying minor \n operational and other expenses not exceeding £15 for each individual transaction (unless such \n transaction is authorised by the Council). Payments to maintain the petty cash float shall be shown \n separately on the schedule of the payment of money presented to the Council (under 5.2 above).","bbox":{"left":0.131482,"top":0.310261,"width":0.7958320000000001,"height":0.06364599999999998}},{"text":"5.3","bbox":{"left":0.072685,"top":0.39055,"width":0.024538000000000004,"height":0.015471999999999986}},{"text":"Reimbursement of any small cost expenditure incurred by the Clerk (telephone, copying, mileage \n etc) shall be made at regular quarterly intervals.","bbox":{"left":0.131482,"top":0.39055,"width":0.795844,"height":0.03153}},{"text":"5.4","bbox":{"left":0.072685,"top":0.438724,"width":0.024538000000000004,"height":0.015471999999999986}},{"text":"A separate account shall be maintained of expenditure and income under Local Government Act \n 1972 section 137. The Council shall ensure that the power to make payments is being properly used \n and that the cash limit is not exceeded.","bbox":{"left":0.131482,"top":0.438724,"width":0.795825,"height":0.04758699999999999}},{"text":"6.","bbox":{"left":0.072685,"top":0.519013,"width":0.014725000000000002,"height":0.015472000000000041}},{"text":"Loans and Investments","bbox":{"left":0.130583,"top":0.519013,"width":0.19404499999999997,"height":0.015472000000000041}},{"text":"6.1","bbox":{"left":0.072685,"top":0.551128,"width":0.024538000000000004,"height":0.015472000000000041}},{"text":"All loans and investments shall be negotiated by the RFO in the name of the Council and shall be \n for a set period of time in accordance with Council policy.","bbox":{"left":0.131482,"top":0.551128,"width":0.795839,"height":0.03153000000000006}},{"text":"6.2","bbox":{"left":0.072685,"top":0.599302,"width":0.024538000000000004,"height":0.015472000000000041}},{"text":"All investments of money under the control of the Council shall be in the name of the Council.","bbox":{"left":0.16088,"top":0.599302,"width":0.742953,"height":0.015472000000000041}},{"text":"6.3","bbox":{"left":0.072685,"top":0.647475,"width":0.024538000000000004,"height":0.015472000000000041}},{"text":"All borrowings shall be effected in the name of the Council.","bbox":{"left":0.16088,"top":0.647475,"width":0.471031,"height":0.015472000000000041}},{"text":"6.4","bbox":{"left":0.072685,"top":0.679591,"width":0.024538000000000004,"height":0.015472000000000041}},{"text":"All investment certificates and other documents relating thereto shall be retained in the custody of \n the Clerk.","bbox":{"left":0.131482,"top":0.679591,"width":0.795801,"height":0.03153000000000006}},{"text":"7.","bbox":{"left":0.072685,"top":0.743822,"width":0.014725000000000002,"height":0.015472000000000041}},{"text":"Income","bbox":{"left":0.130583,"top":0.743822,"width":0.062059,"height":0.015472000000000041}},{"text":"7.1","bbox":{"left":0.072685,"top":0.775938,"width":0.024538000000000004,"height":0.015472000000000041}},{"text":"The collection of all sums due to the Council shall be the responsibility of the RFO.","bbox":{"left":0.16088,"top":0.775938,"width":0.656822,"height":0.015472000000000041}},{"text":"7.2","bbox":{"left":0.072685,"top":0.808053,"width":0.024538000000000004,"height":0.015472000000000041}},{"text":"The Council will review all fees and charges annually, following a report by the Clerk.","bbox":{"left":0.16088,"top":0.808053,"width":0.680607,"height":0.015472000000000041}},{"text":"8.","bbox":{"left":0.072685,"top":0.840169,"width":0.014725000000000002,"height":0.015472000000000041}},{"text":"Orders for Work , Goods and Services","bbox":{"left":0.130583,"top":0.840169,"width":0.321941,"height":0.015472000000000041}},{"text":"8.1","bbox":{"left":0.072685,"top":0.872284,"width":0.024538000000000004,"height":0.015472000000000041}},{"text":"An official order or letter shall be issued for all work, goods and services unless a formal contract \n is to be prepared or an official order would be inappropriate (petty cash purchases).","bbox":{"left":0.131482,"top":0.872284,"width":0.795828,"height":0.03153000000000006}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Women Together Ending Poverty","bbox":{"left":0.358431,"top":0.282862,"width":0.283314,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Submission to the","bbox":{"left":0.42549,"top":0.31771,"width":0.148762,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Minimum Wage Policy Review","bbox":{"left":0.370588,"top":0.387407,"width":0.25902300000000006,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"June 23, 2010 \n Carriage House Inn \n Calgary, Alberta","bbox":{"left":0.416471,"top":0.422256,"width":0.16672800000000004,"height":0.05162699999999998}},{"text":"1","bbox":{"left":0.843137,"top":0.93771,"width":0.009804000000000035,"height":0.01677899999999999}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"The fragile construction of a human future: \n From post-War policy tradeoffs to political crises","bbox":{"left":0.266503,"top":0.07267,"width":0.47832199999999997,"height":0.041479}},{"text":"Why we need a pluralist and \n interdisciplinary economics","bbox":{"left":0.387141,"top":0.131992,"width":0.2375819999999999,"height":0.035489999999999994}},{"text":"Gary A. Dymski \n Professor of Applied Economics, \n Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds \n [email protected]","bbox":{"left":0.281993,"top":0.185174,"width":0.44788,"height":0.07109599999999999}},{"text":"ABSTRACT","bbox":{"left":0.45969,"top":0.274113,"width":0.09238799999999997,"height":0.01776300000000003}},{"text":"Some 150 years ago, Marx warned in Das Capital that an economic system rooted in a self- \n expanding logic of exploitation and expropriation, primed to push aside or destroy prior \n bonds of community, would repeatedly generate crises without reliably providing for human \n provisioning. Sustaining this logic would require a counter-logic, wherein either the state or \n community would both support capitalists’ accumulation and compensate for their \n limitations in meeting human need.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.309606,"width":0.7737480000000001,"height":0.10654999999999998}},{"text":"This dialectical logic was apparently rendered historically moot in the OECD countries in the \n immediate post-War years. For after two world wars and a Depression, these countries \n established “safety-net” policies which appeared to convert economic policy into a technical \n problem. Samuelson’s text epitomized this approach. However, the turbulence at the end of \n the Bretton Woods period put renewed emphasis on the unstable balance that economic \n policy seeks to establish and maintain. This was most memorably described in James \n O’Connor’s The Fiscal Crisis of the State (St. Martin’s, 1973), which described how “the \n capitalistic state must try to fulfill two contradictory functions – accumulation and \n legitimation. … to maintain or create the conditions in which profitable capital accumulation \n is possible …[and] to maintain or create the conditions for social harmony.”","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.434,"width":0.7707210000000001,"height":0.17763599999999996}},{"text":"The crises that emerged in the 1970s and deepened in subsequent years gave rise to many \n bold new theories which characterized economic crisis as an endogenous result of capitalist \n processes. These included Magdoff and Sweezy’s revival of stagnation theory, world systems \n theory, Minsky’s financial instability hypothesis, and the French Ecole de Regulation, among \n others. These theories all suggested that the immanent breakdown of economic \n reproduction could be offset by institutional evolution and government support. There then \n ensued some years – known as the “Great Moderation” – in which it again seemed (as in the \n era of Samuelson’s text) that economic policy could be dialed in by the numbers and ever- \n greater (if ever more opaque) financial markets were breaking through previous risk-return \n limits.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.629328,"width":0.770877,"height":0.177801}},{"text":"The global crises of 2008 and after, of course, eviscerated such illusions. Wolfgang Streeck’s \n 2014 Buying Time effectively updated O’Connor’s thesis, by pointing out that the steady \n growth of debt in recent years had delayed the realization of a profound crisis.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.82482,"width":0.7635790000000001,"height":0.053212999999999955}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"•","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.090979,"width":0.009019,"height":0.018561999999999995}},{"text":"$110 million – Water and sewer infrastructure projects in wildfire impacted communities, \n including: \n o Marion County Sewer & Septic repair/replacement ($50 million) \n o DEQ onsite septic repair/replacement loan program booster for wildfire impacted \n communities ($15 million) \n o Lane County Septic repair/replacement & wastewater improvements ($15.5 \n million) \n o Lincoln County Panther Creek Septic/Stormwater ($15 million) \n o City of Detroit Permanent Drinking Water System ($3 million) \n o Cities of Talent, Ashland, Phoenix fire flow water line upgrade ($3 million) \n o Panther Creek Water Tank Replacement ($1.8 million) \n o Lincoln County Well repair ($500,000) \n o City of Gates Replacement of water meters ($25,000) \n o Charlotte Ann Water District Disbanding Transition costs ($5 million) \n $75 million – Food and Shelter for Wildfire Survivors \n $23.2 million – Reimbursement to counties for lost tax revenues \n Over $20 million for infrastructure projects to support recovery efforts in impacted \n communities including: \n o City of Phoenix Public Safety Building ($13.6 million in Lottery Bonds) \n o Upper McKenzie Station Rebuild/Property, Fire Engine, Command Rig ($2.1 \n million) \n o Lane County - McKenzie Valley Health Clinic ($1.8 million) \n o Blue River Community Library Rebuild ($1.4 million) \n o McKenzie Fire & Rescue - Disaster Relief Logistics Center ($904,000) \n o High Desert Rangeland Fire Protection Association - Lake County Wildland Fire \n Needs ($500,000) \n o Molalla Rural Fire Protection District - Wildland Fire Protection ($385,000) \n o Temporary power poles immediately following fires in Marion County ($80,000) \n $20 million – FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant match \n $19.75 million – Grants for riparian and upland restoration and floodplain restoration and \n reconnection \n $10 million – Grant programs to incentivize fire hardening and energy efficiency for \n rebuilds \n $5 million for financial assistance for building and planning department staff in fire \n impacted jurisdictions. \n $5 million to develop tree seedling capacity and increase the supply for replanting in \n wildfire affected areas \n $4 million for operational needs of impacted municipal governments \n $1.25 million for cultural resource assessment in advance of wildfire debris removal","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.090258,"width":0.704836,"height":0.7403379999999999}},{"text":"• \n • \n •","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.355436,"width":0.009019,"height":0.05825900000000006}},{"text":"• \n •","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.621825,"width":0.009019,"height":0.038561999999999985}},{"text":"•","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.680462,"width":0.009019,"height":0.018561999999999967}},{"text":"•","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.719098,"width":0.009019,"height":0.018561999999999967}},{"text":"•","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.757476,"width":0.008296999999999999,"height":0.01707700000000001}},{"text":"• \n •","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.793991,"width":0.008296999999999999,"height":0.03541000000000005}},{"text":"“I think every day about the emotional testimony we heard this session from wildfire-impacted \n communities across the state. The stories were beyond devastating,” said Rep. Brian Clem (D- \n Salem), the chair of the House Special Committee on Wildfire Recovery. “These communities","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.847202,"width":0.7444580000000001,"height":0.05793400000000004}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Field at BPM 1H05A And \n 1H05B during G2P|GEP","bbox":{"left":0.166903,"top":0.262949,"width":0.671976,"height":0.17937200000000003}},{"text":"Jixie Zhang \n Aug. 22, 2012","bbox":{"left":0.355472,"top":0.583584,"width":0.28888800000000003,"height":0.144729}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Participants:","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.088894,"width":0.098049,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"University of Hawaii at Manoa","bbox":{"left":0.294118,"top":0.088894,"width":0.24394100000000007,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Francisella-like bacteria (FLB) is an emerging pathogen that is significantly impacting tilapia \n farmers in Hawaii and abroad. Results achieved under the auspices of CTSA’s ongoing \n Biosecurity project have provided direct evidence and confirmation of the existence of \n asymptomatic FLB carriers that appear completely normal but contain FLB DNA in their \n spleens. In addition, preliminary evidence suggests that certain strains of tilapia are more \n resistant to FLB, and that feral populations of tilapia are apparently asymptomatic carriers. The \n main goal of the project is to obtain additional data on the epidemiology of the pathogen to \n provide details of its incidence and distribution. This is an essential part of developing a program \n to mitigate the pathogen and its resulting disease, francisellosis.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.123742,"width":0.7614809999999999,"height":0.15960599999999997}},{"text":"Pacific Aquaculture Development and Extension Support in the U.S. Affiliated Pacific \n Islands – FY 2011","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.315697,"width":0.717843,"height":0.03840899999999997}},{"text":"Funding level: \n Project start date: \n Duration: \n Participants:","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.367682,"width":0.137235,"height":0.07248399999999999}},{"text":"$60,610 \n July, 2012 \n 1 Year \n College of Micronesia (COM, Lead Institution), Pakin Community \n Association, Pingelap Municipal Government, Pweniou Pearl Farm","bbox":{"left":0.294102,"top":0.367682,"width":0.529393,"height":0.08990799999999999}},{"text":"A lack of local, skilled technicians has historically been a major bottleneck in aquaculture \n development in Micronesia. However, recent work under several CTSA projects has resulted in \n the development of a Micronesian aquaculture workforce in Pohnpei, who are now able to \n conduct technology transfer and skill-training programs in other states of Micronesia. This \n project emphasizes capacity building in the region and is a continuation of the extension project \n from FY10. There are several objectives of the project, including coordination of existing small- \n scale pearl and sea cucumber farmers and implementation of marketing and development \n strategies. In addition, College of Micronesia technicians from Pohnpei will conduct \n demonstrations and skill training in both pearl and sea cucumber aquaculture (particularly sea \n cucumber hatchery training) in Yap.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.472227,"width":0.7563390000000001,"height":0.176954}},{"text":"Economic Analyses of Aquaponics Systems in Hawaii and Guam","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.68153,"width":0.539269,"height":0.02098500000000003}},{"text":"Funding level: \n Project start date: \n Duration: \n Participants:","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.71609,"width":0.13726699999999997,"height":0.07248500000000002}},{"text":"$112,408 \n October, 2012 \n 2 Years \n University of Hawaii at Manoa (Lead Institution), University of Guam","bbox":{"left":0.294106,"top":0.71609,"width":0.55326,"height":0.07248500000000002}},{"text":"Aquaponics has been touted as a sustainable farming technology that has a minimal \n environmental impact and the potential to move Hawaii, as well as the Pacific region, towards \n food self-sufficiency. However, existing literature and reports do not reflect a consistent view of \n the economic feasibility of commercial aquaponics enterprises. Thus, it is imperative to assess \n the financial viability of this relatively new industry to guide current and potential investors. The","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.803212,"width":0.759666,"height":0.08990900000000002}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Top Five Trap A 2021 Weekly Report for Week 8 \n June 23rd, 2021 \n Pairings: 1 vs 6 3 vs 5 2 vs 4","bbox":{"left":0.241176,"top":0.045922,"width":0.517649,"height":0.06040500000000001}},{"text":"Team 1: Chet's Shoes","bbox":{"left":0.533726,"top":0.125829,"width":0.20306099999999994,"height":0.016926999999999998}},{"text":"Score: 119.5","bbox":{"left":0.365686,"top":0.163405,"width":0.11561099999999996,"height":0.016926999999999998}},{"text":"Points: 0","bbox":{"left":0.593922,"top":0.163405,"width":0.08286500000000008,"height":0.016926999999999998}},{"text":"Total: 0","bbox":{"left":0.812157,"top":0.163405,"width":0.06992399999999999,"height":0.016926999999999998}},{"text":"Jeff Carlson \n *Paul Casanova \n Paul Cowan \n Dave Dave \n Bruce F \n Steve F \n Bruce Martiz \n Scott N \n Tim Tim","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.238556,"width":0.14070900000000003,"height":0.16738200000000003}},{"text":"Old \n Shot Avg \n 21 17.00 \n 20 22.71 \n 17 21.00 \n 20 23.14 \n 23 21.29 \n 18 14.80 \n 22 21.86 \n 21.50 \n 19 16.43","bbox":{"left":0.316471,"top":0.200981,"width":0.10012000000000004,"height":0.20495700000000003}},{"text":"Old \n Hdcp Score \n 4.9 24.0 \n 0.9 20.9 \n 2.1 19.1 \n 0.6 20.6 \n 1.9 24.0 \n 6.4 24.0 \n 1.5 23.5 \n 1.8 \n 5.3 24.0","bbox":{"left":0.43,"top":0.200981,"width":0.114238,"height":0.20495700000000003}},{"text":"New New \n Avg Hdcp \n 17.50 4.6 \n 22.38 1.1 \n 20.50 2.5 \n 22.75 0.9 \n 21.50 1.8 \n 15.33 6.1 \n 21.88 1.5 \n 21.50 1.8 \n 16.75 5.1","bbox":{"left":0.566275,"top":0.200981,"width":0.10785999999999996,"height":0.20495700000000003}},{"text":"Times Long \n Shot 25's Run \n 8 0 \n 8 2 \n 8 0 \n 8 0 \n 8 0 \n 6 0 \n 8 1 \n 6 0 \n 8 0","bbox":{"left":0.696668,"top":0.200981,"width":0.15923500000000002,"height":0.20495700000000003}},{"text":"Total \n 140 \n 179 \n 164 \n 182 \n 172 \n 92 \n 175 \n 129 \n 134","bbox":{"left":0.869217,"top":0.219769,"width":0.04681999999999997,"height":0.18616900000000003}},{"text":"Team 2: Bad Company","bbox":{"left":0.529608,"top":0.445375,"width":0.21129700000000007,"height":0.016927000000000025}},{"text":"Score: 119.0","bbox":{"left":0.365686,"top":0.48295,"width":0.11561099999999996,"height":0.016927000000000025}},{"text":"Points: 2","bbox":{"left":0.593922,"top":0.48295,"width":0.08286500000000008,"height":0.016927000000000025}},{"text":"Total: 4","bbox":{"left":0.812157,"top":0.48295,"width":0.06992399999999999,"height":0.016927000000000025}},{"text":"Terry Healy \n Alex Naasz \n Connor Perdew \n Grant Perdew \n *Joe Perdew \n Taylor Perdew \n Bill Pomerleau \n Bob Pomerleau \n Brad Pomerleau \n Gary Pomerleau","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.558253,"width":0.15384599999999998,"height":0.18617000000000006}},{"text":"Old \n Shot Avg \n 21 18.29 \n 21 23.43 \n 18 17.14 \n 24 19.43 \n 21 20.43 \n 20 19.00 \n 22 20.57 \n 20 23.14 \n 20 22.43 \n 10 15.43","bbox":{"left":0.316471,"top":0.520678,"width":0.10012000000000004,"height":0.22374500000000008}},{"text":"Old \n Hdcp Score \n 4.0 24.0 \n 0.4 21.4 \n 4.8 22.8 \n 3.2 24.0 \n 2.5 23.5 \n 3.5 23.5 \n 2.4 24.0 \n 0.6 20.6 \n 1.1 21.1 \n 6.0 16.0","bbox":{"left":0.43,"top":0.520678,"width":0.114238,"height":0.22374500000000008}},{"text":"New New \n Avg Hdcp \n 18.63 3.8 \n 23.13 0.6 \n 17.25 4.7 \n 20.00 2.8 \n 20.50 2.5 \n 19.13 3.4 \n 20.75 2.3 \n 22.75 0.9 \n 22.13 1.3 \n 14.75 6.5","bbox":{"left":0.566275,"top":0.520678,"width":0.10785999999999996,"height":0.22374500000000008}},{"text":"Times Long \n Shot 25's Run \n 8 0 \n 8 1 \n 8 0 \n 8 0 \n 8 0 \n 8 0 \n 8 0 \n 8 1 \n 8 0 \n 8 0","bbox":{"left":0.696669,"top":0.520678,"width":0.15923200000000004,"height":0.22374500000000008}},{"text":"Total \n 149 \n 185 \n 138 \n 160 \n 164 \n 153 \n 166 \n 182 \n 177 \n 118","bbox":{"left":0.869217,"top":0.539466,"width":0.04681999999999997,"height":0.20495700000000006}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Ferguson, N. (2001). The Cash Nexus. Money and Power in the Modern World. New \n York, Basic Books.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.088894,"width":0.6698119999999999,"height":0.037636}},{"text":"*Ferguson, N. (2008). The Ascent of Money. A Financial History of the World. New \n York Penguin Books.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.141167,"width":0.667554,"height":0.03763600000000003}},{"text":"*Greider, W. (1987). Secrets of the Temple. How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country. \n New York, Simon and Shuster.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.193439,"width":0.698137,"height":0.037637000000000004}},{"text":"Greider, W. (2003). The Soul of Capitalism. Opening Paths to a Moral Economy. New \n York, Simon & Shuster.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.245712,"width":0.685416,"height":0.037635999999999975}},{"text":"Hawken, P. (1993). The Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration \n York, Harper Collins.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.297985,"width":0.491709,"height":0.037636}},{"text":"of Sustainability. New","bbox":{"left":0.648579,"top":0.297985,"width":0.17588400000000004,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Henderson, H. (2006). Ethical Markets. Growing the Green Economy. White RIver \n Junction, Vermont, Chelsea Green.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.350258,"width":0.6539410000000001,"height":0.037636}},{"text":"James, S. a. T. L. (2004). The Natural Step for Communities. How Cities and Towns Can \n Change to Sustainable Practices.. Gabriola Island, Canada, New Society Publishers.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.40253,"width":0.701451,"height":0.03763700000000003}},{"text":"Klein, N. (2007). The Shock Doctrine. The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. New York, Holt.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.454803,"width":0.6992800000000001,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Korten, D. C. (2009). Agenda for a New Economy. From Phantom Wealth to Real \n Wealth. Why Wall Street Cannot Be Fixed and How to Replace It. San Francisco, Berret- \n Koehler.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.489651,"width":0.7030019999999999,"height":0.05506099999999997}},{"text":"Kuttner, R. (2007). The Squandering of America. How the Failure of Our Politics \n Undermines Our Prosperity. New York, Knopf.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.559273,"width":0.645389,"height":0.037636}},{"text":"Lardner, J. and N. Loewentheil, Eds. (2009). Thinking Big. Progressive Ideas for a New \n Era. San Francisco, Berret-Koehler.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.611545,"width":0.691627,"height":0.03763700000000003}},{"text":"Mazmanian, D. A. a. M. K., Eds (2001). . (2001). Toward Sustainable Communities. \n Transition and Transformations in Environmental Policy. . Cambridge, Massachusetts, \n The MIT Press.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.663818,"width":0.679713,"height":0.05506100000000003}},{"text":"*Mishkin, F. S. (2007). Monetary Policy Strategy. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.733515,"width":0.634949,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Olson, M. (1982). The Rise and Decline of Nations. Economic Growth, Stagflation, and \n Social Rigidities. New Haven, Yale University Press.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.768364,"width":0.6904790000000001,"height":0.037636}},{"text":"Peet, R. (2003). The Unholy Trinity. The IMF, World Bank and WTO. New York, St \n Martin's Press.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.820636,"width":0.669292,"height":0.03763699999999992}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Vulnerable and Suicidal Clients Policy","bbox":{"left":0.076597,"top":0.286023,"width":0.7909719999999999,"height":0.04136299999999998}},{"text":"Last reviewed: June 2021 \n To be reviewed: June 2022","bbox":{"left":0.076597,"top":0.354959,"width":0.553457,"height":0.07583199999999995}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.081553,"top":0.081615,"width":0.536686,"height":0.17736}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.081553,"top":0.081615,"width":0.536686,"height":0.17736}]}
{"content":[{"text":"ACTION REPORT \n CITY OF ORMOND BEACH, FLORIDA \n CITY COMMISSION MEETING \n May 3, 2016 \n 7:00 PM \n Mayor Ed Kelley \n Zone 1 – Commissioner James Stowers Zone 3 – Commissioner Rick Boehm \n Zone 2 – Commissioner Troy Kent Zone 4 – Commissioner Bill Partington \n COMMISSION CHAMBERS \n 22 South Beach Street, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 \n Phone: 386-677-0311 Web: www.ormondbeach.org","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.188525,"width":0.7129639999999999,"height":0.215731}},{"text":"1.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.435303,"width":0.016332999999999986,"height":0.020863999999999994}},{"text":"CALL TO ORDER","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.435303,"width":0.161117,"height":0.020863999999999994}},{"text":"2.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.467879,"width":0.016332999999999986,"height":0.020863999999999994}},{"text":"INVOCATION","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.467879,"width":0.12317600000000001,"height":0.020863999999999994}},{"text":"3.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.500454,"width":0.016332999999999986,"height":0.020863999999999994}},{"text":"PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.500454,"width":0.24611699999999997,"height":0.020863999999999994}},{"text":"4.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.53303,"width":0.016332999999999986,"height":0.020863999999999994}},{"text":"AUDIENCE REMARKS - REGARDING ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.53303,"width":0.626314,"height":0.020863999999999994}},{"text":"5.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.565606,"width":0.016332999999999986,"height":0.020863999999999994}},{"text":"APPROVAL OF MINUTES","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.565606,"width":0.235234,"height":0.020863999999999994}},{"text":"A.","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.59803,"width":0.018490000000000006,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"Minutes from City Commission meeting - April 19, 2016 APPROVED","bbox":{"left":0.220588,"top":0.59803,"width":0.600432,"height":0.02094000000000007}},{"text":"6.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.630757,"width":0.016332999999999986,"height":0.020863999999999994}},{"text":"CONSENT AGENDA \n The action proposed is stated for each item on the Consent Agenda. Unless a \n City Commissioner removes an item from the Consent Agenda, no discussion on \n individual items will occur and a single motion will approve all items.","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.630757,"width":0.705902,"height":0.080515}},{"text":"A.","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.72303,"width":0.018490000000000006,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"RESOLUTION NO. 2016-68 : A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A \n PROPOSAL FROM JOHN SEARCY & ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR \n ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES REGARDING THE BREAKAWAY \n TRAILS LIFT STATION CONTROL PANEL AND PUMP UPGRADE \n PROJECT; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A WORK \n AUTHORIZATION AND PAYMENT THEREFOR; AND SETTING FORTH \n AN EFFECTIVE DATE. \n Staff Contact: Dave Ponitz, Utilities Manager (386-676-3305) \n APPROVED","bbox":{"left":0.221176,"top":0.72303,"width":0.661216,"height":0.16798500000000005}},{"text":"City Commission Meeting","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.935478,"width":0.18522300000000003,"height":0.01712999999999998}},{"text":"May 3, 2016","bbox":{"left":0.456169,"top":0.935478,"width":0.08777299999999993,"height":0.01712999999999998}},{"text":"Page 1","bbox":{"left":0.889305,"top":0.935478,"width":0.05185200000000001,"height":0.01712999999999998}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.424918,"top":0.058965,"width":0.150163,"height":0.120328}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.424918,"top":0.058965,"width":0.150163,"height":0.120328}]}
{"content":[{"text":"January 2021 \n Domestic Violence Survey","bbox":{"left":0.095462,"top":0.067369,"width":0.306795,"height":0.040397}},{"text":"Break the Silence (1191438)","bbox":{"left":0.095462,"top":0.127939,"width":0.380788,"height":0.020207000000000003}},{"text":"Please return to [email protected] or post to Break the Silence \n (1191438), Unit 48, RCM Business Centre, Sandbeds Trading Estate, Ossett, \n West Yorkshire, WF5 9ND.","bbox":{"left":0.095462,"top":0.168332,"width":0.783322,"height":0.05199999999999999}},{"text":"1. Have you ever been directly involved in domestic violence? \n □ \n Yes \n □ \n No","bbox":{"left":0.095462,"top":0.265106,"width":0.7824049999999999,"height":0.090997}},{"text":"2. Do you know anyone, currently or in the past, involved in \n domestic violence? \n □ \n Yes \n □ \n No \n □ \n Unsure","bbox":{"left":0.095462,"top":0.377695,"width":0.7642899999999999,"height":0.14729199999999998}},{"text":"3. Were you the abuser or the abused? \n □ \n Abuser \n □ \n Abused \n □ \n Both \n □ \n Both, but abused first \n □ \n Both, but abuser first \n □ \n Neither","bbox":{"left":0.095462,"top":0.546579,"width":0.49488499999999996,"height":0.22947700000000004}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"What is the format for submissions to the council on C269 ?","bbox":{"left":0.060453,"top":0.069959,"width":0.638387,"height":0.027652999999999997}},{"text":"There is no right or wrong format. All respectful submissions are valuable. A few submissions, no \n matter how technically brilliant, is not an effective community response. Only a wave of contributions \n from across the community, each in the contributors own words, has impact.","bbox":{"left":0.060453,"top":0.121392,"width":0.8686809999999999,"height":0.055174999999999974}},{"text":"The simplest way to put in a submission is with : ​https://c269.good.do/yarra/email-submission/ \n This guide takes you through an example whether you use the link above or email direct to Yarra.","bbox":{"left":0.060453,"top":0.196188,"width":0.834864,"height":0.03647599999999998}},{"text":"What needs to be included to be a valid submission ?","bbox":{"left":0.060453,"top":0.252285,"width":0.48407600000000006,"height":0.017776999999999987}},{"text":"A valid submission needs to include your name, email address, and your comment on C269.","bbox":{"left":0.060453,"top":0.289683,"width":0.787698,"height":0.017776999999999987}},{"text":"A copy of your submission will be supplied by Council on request from the public, so anyone can read \n it. Working with Yarra is easiest via email, we do not recommend using the post for submissions.","bbox":{"left":0.060453,"top":0.327081,"width":0.8704310000000001,"height":0.03647599999999995}},{"text":"Where do I send my submission ? What is the due date for submissions ?","bbox":{"left":0.060453,"top":0.383178,"width":0.6628320000000001,"height":0.017776999999999987}},{"text":"Send an email including 'Amendment C269 - submission' ​in the subject line to Yarra Council \n Strategic Planning: ​[email protected]​ More Info : ​Yarra : How To Page \n Yarra accepts submissions in plain email or as attachments in microsoft word or pdf.","bbox":{"left":0.060453,"top":0.422944,"width":0.8319040000000001,"height":0.058149000000000006}},{"text":"Your submissions need to be received by Yarra Council by ​5pm Friday 4 December 2020. \n Please CC: ​[email protected]​ to help the groups put together the group response.","bbox":{"left":0.060453,"top":0.503369,"width":0.823318,"height":0.037383000000000055}},{"text":"What should I put in my submission ? \n Your opinion on the town hall meeting topics will be a legitimate response to the amendment. \n It is helpful if you say in your response which topic section you are responding to, but is not required. \n Your own words are best. Personal stories, experiences and personal points of view on your area are \n where you are the expert. Including photos illustrating your point, is great, but you don’t have to. \n Notes contributed by expert residents can be found at ​C269 Town Meeting Page​. \n You can ask a Yarra planner : ​https://yarraplanningscheme.com.au/askaquestion \n There is an example submission on the next page. \n It is certainly worth looking at the following three linked documents for close to home inspiration. \n Activity Centres : ​11.03 Activity Centres \n Do you agree with how your local community shopping hub is described as evolving over 10 years ? \n How do you want your community hub changing over the next 10 years ? \n Are there any other landmark views in your area which should be protected ? ​15.01 Landmarks \n Housing : ​16.01 Housing","bbox":{"left":0.060453,"top":0.560373,"width":0.867698,"height":0.346344}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Production Formats","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.091372,"width":0.158821,"height":0.016805}},{"text":"4.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.120159,"width":0.013529000000000013,"height":0.016805}},{"text":"The government processes discovery in a PC-based format.","bbox":{"left":0.176463,"top":0.120159,"width":0.47038099999999994,"height":0.016805}},{"text":"PLEASE NOTE: \n a. The majority of federal agencies and incoming data files/software from third parties \n are PC-based and may not open or play with other operating systems.","bbox":{"left":0.176463,"top":0.15728,"width":0.73547,"height":0.054079000000000016}},{"text":"5.","bbox":{"left":0.147041,"top":0.231828,"width":0.013528999999999985,"height":0.016804999999999987}},{"text":"Standard productions: \n a. Cases with small data sets: In cases with small data sets, the government’s standard \n production includes searchable PDF files and necessary natives. Load ready \n files/tiffs/text/natives are available upon request and require 14 days notice. \n b. Cases with large data sets or complex file types: In cases involving large or complex \n data sets the government provides load ready files/tiffs/text/natives in industry \n standard format (.dat, .opt).","bbox":{"left":0.176445,"top":0.231828,"width":0.735547,"height":0.12862700000000002}},{"text":"PLEASE NOTE: \n c. The government does not provide paper productions of ESI. \n d. Color paper documents scanned to PDF: The government does not scan in color unless \n color content is particularly significant to the case.","bbox":{"left":0.205867,"top":0.380924,"width":0.706112,"height":0.07255600000000001}},{"text":"6.","bbox":{"left":0.147067,"top":0.473948,"width":0.013529000000000013,"height":0.016805000000000014}},{"text":"Tracking productions: When feasible, discovery is produced with a means of tracking the \n material, including but not limited to assigning a Bates number to a particular item, endorsing \n sequential Bates numbers to each page of the material, or assigning a unique control \n identification number.","bbox":{"left":0.176452,"top":0.473948,"width":0.735805,"height":0.07271599999999995}},{"text":"7.","bbox":{"left":0.147048,"top":0.567133,"width":0.013529000000000013,"height":0.01680499999999996}},{"text":"Production table of contents: When possible, productions are accompanied by table of \n contents. The amount of detail in the table of contents will vary with the needs of each case, \n the timing of production, and the government’s available resources. When appropriate, a \n more detailed table of contents will list the Bates range, number of pages, and name for each \n file. When possible, the table of contents may also include the source of the data if it was \n obtained from a third party device.","bbox":{"left":0.176434,"top":0.567133,"width":0.735539,"height":0.10998999999999992}},{"text":"8.","bbox":{"left":0.147066,"top":0.697438,"width":0.013528999999999985,"height":0.01680499999999996}},{"text":"Proprietary software: Proprietary A/V, forensic reports/images, and similar software files \n are produced in the same native format as the government originally received them.","bbox":{"left":0.17647,"top":0.697438,"width":0.735693,"height":0.035441999999999974}},{"text":"PLEASE NOTE: \n a. Many A/V programs have .exe files or require the user to install various “codecs” in \n order to play them correctly. Counsel must have administrative rights rather than just \n user rights on his/her PC to install a codec. Please check with whomever maintains \n the IT network or administers the PC. \n b. The government cannot troubleshoot your equipment. Every configuration is \n different.","bbox":{"left":0.17647,"top":0.753349,"width":0.735532,"height":0.12862699999999994}},{"text":"2","bbox":{"left":0.49549,"top":0.936837,"width":0.009020000000000028,"height":0.018595000000000028}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Exhibitor Service Manual","bbox":{"left":0.25,"top":0.674876,"width":0.5056539999999999,"height":0.03561000000000003}},{"text":"AWG Gulf Coast \n August 17, 2021 \n Mississippi Coast Coliseum","bbox":{"left":0.286494,"top":0.747996,"width":0.432447,"height":0.09212100000000001}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.093137,"top":0.060591,"width":0.818627,"height":0.613249}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.093137,"top":0.060591,"width":0.818627,"height":0.613249}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Why an Exhibition? \n ● High Quality Work for Authentic Audiences \n ● Community Pride and Transparency \n ● Equity \n ● Dialogue","bbox":{"left":0.067968,"top":0.147314,"width":0.736003,"height":0.499094}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
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{"content":[{"text":"Summer Andrews \n Boulder, CO 80303 \n (303)-746-2917 | [email protected]","bbox":{"left":0.300033,"top":0.043727,"width":0.39993100000000004,"height":0.05492399999999999}},{"text":"EDUCATION \n B.S. in Mechanical Engineering – University of Colorado, Boulder \n GPA: 3.77","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.113146,"width":0.5254540000000001,"height":0.058561}},{"text":"May 2021","bbox":{"left":0.705997,"top":0.131934,"width":0.08215700000000004,"height":0.020985000000000004}},{"text":"PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE \n Research Assistant \n Lynch Lab, CU Boulder May 2019 – Present \n • Conducted fundamental perfusion experiments on osteocytes within a biomimetic 3D scaffold to \n investigate how osteocytes react to mechanical loading. \n • Assisted graduate students in a project that investigates the skeletal mechanical environment and its \n regulation of cancer. \n • Fabricated biomimetic scaffolds, which imitate the extracellular matrix (ECM), and allow for cell \n culture in 3D.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.190268,"width":0.839856,"height":0.17375000000000002}},{"text":"Support Team Member \n Gen3 Technology Consulting Feb 2020 – Aug 2020 \n • Wrote white paper reports on cybersecurity topics such as SSN reduction, RSA encryption, and \n biometrics authentication. \n • Assisted in back-end hiring and administrative tasks. \n • Helped automate hiring processes such as parsing resumes and tagging candidates using UiPath.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.377881,"width":0.821536,"height":0.1175}},{"text":"Tutor \n University of Colorado, Boulder \n • Tutored first-year students in chemistry.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.509119,"width":0.374091,"height":0.058863}},{"text":"Aug 2019 – Dec 2019","bbox":{"left":0.705997,"top":0.527907,"width":0.17416700000000007,"height":0.02098500000000003}},{"text":"TECHNICAL SKILLS \n Software: MATLAB/Simulink, Solidworks (CSWA), C++, LabVIEW, Python, Mathematica \n Machine: Drill Press, Table/Band Saw, Soldering, Lathe, Vertical Mill, 3D Printer, Laser Cutter, CNC","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.587301,"width":0.8092320000000001,"height":0.058560000000000056}},{"text":"PROJECTS \n Automated Wafer Metrology System for KLA+ – Systems/Test Engineer \n Senior capstone project at University of Colorado, Boulder CO \n Heated Hammock Design – Project Manager \n First-year projects at University of Colorado, Boulder CO \n Wheelchair Lift Design – Project Manager \n Senior Design at Skyline High School, Longmont CO","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.660785,"width":0.600428,"height":0.1328410000000001}},{"text":"2021","bbox":{"left":0.705997,"top":0.679573,"width":0.03921600000000003,"height":0.02098500000000003}},{"text":"2018","bbox":{"left":0.705997,"top":0.717149,"width":0.039264999999999994,"height":0.02098500000000003}},{"text":"2017","bbox":{"left":0.705997,"top":0.754763,"width":0.03921600000000003,"height":0.02098500000000003}},{"text":"ADDITIONAL WORK EXPERIENCE \n Boulder County Parks and Open Space – Team Leader \n The Flower Bin – Customer Service \n Boulder County Youth Corps – Corpsmember","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.813096,"width":0.4563360000000001,"height":0.07734399999999997}},{"text":"June 2018 –Aug 2019 \n April 2017 -July 2017 \n June 2014-Aug 2016","bbox":{"left":0.705997,"top":0.831884,"width":0.18038200000000004,"height":0.05855600000000005}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"On YouTube this Week \n https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLY5iZ1NS28HTiZRftyrzqqmMD8rIcivF1 \n Several Hymn Videos, \n Lectionary / Scripture Lessons for the week. \n Sunday Worship 2 - Responding to the Word - 9:30 am \n Also Links to \"Anthem\" selection suggestion from Cathy. \n All previous videos remain available for viewing, in other play lists. \n JULY 11, 2021 ORDER OF WORSHIP I \n SMALL GROUP / IN HOME - PRAYERS & PRAISE","bbox":{"left":0.058987,"top":0.045455,"width":0.743719,"height":0.172727}},{"text":"9:00AM","bbox":{"left":0.835457,"top":0.162626,"width":0.10347099999999998,"height":0.027777999999999997}},{"text":"PREFACE \n We see small groups (\"in home gatherings\") both as a stepping stone \n toward eventually regathering as a larger group on July 18, \n and as a means to support faith both for those not yet comfortable with joining, \n and for those who have not yet joined, or cannot join with us in our facilities.","bbox":{"left":0.058987,"top":0.228409,"width":0.702007,"height":0.09444499999999997}},{"text":"They will also be a venue for experiencing worship elements that are not included \n in our time together for in-person worship at the church facility. \n So, as promised, our YouTube presence will continue, though modified in format, \n even as we resume in person gatherings, NEXT WEEK (July 18) \n 9:00a at HUMC, 10:00a at CUMC (barring unforeseen difficulties.) \n We will begin promptly. We will record, and post the recording later on Sunday.","bbox":{"left":0.116993,"top":0.333965,"width":0.6420009999999999,"height":0.09999999999999998}},{"text":"Some small at-home groups have been meeting; I urge you to continue to gather, \n with a few friends this week, and even as we resume in-person events. \n Small groups the first step toward regathering as a larger group. \n How can we be comfortable with many if we are not comfortable with a few? \n As we become skilled with these, the larger groups will also become easier. \n Please review this video - https://youtu.be/aFzpQxfv0x0. Small Group In Home Worship. \n It is in the current week playlist. It will provide assistance for the group you host. \n Though the video mentions it, this is not a communion Sunday. That part does not apply this week. \n Again, this liturgy is not to constrain your worship experience, but to facilitate it. \n Use it, adapt it, modify it as works best for you.","bbox":{"left":0.116993,"top":0.445076,"width":0.822099,"height":0.166667}},{"text":"There are nearly 70 hymns that have been placed in playlists \"Hymns for Worship\", \n and more in \"Hymns by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette\". So there are a number of music alternatives \n for your possible use, beyond the suggestions you will find in this order of service.","bbox":{"left":0.174837,"top":0.622854,"width":0.728143,"height":0.04999999999999993}},{"text":"There is also an anthem suggestion from Cathy, which may be used when you wish. \n You may already have listened to it, and may wish to listen again. \n Or maybe listen the first time this morning, or even later... your choice.","bbox":{"left":0.116993,"top":0.683965,"width":0.675366,"height":0.04999999999999993}},{"text":"The first part of the liturgy will probably last less than 30 minutes. \n Anything uncompleted may be returned to after the second part, again as you see fit. \n Even though you will see me managing graphics, etc, I will be on in \"live-stream\" format at 9:30, \n rather than a pre-recorded video. Then at 11:00 we will gather via Zoom.","bbox":{"left":0.116993,"top":0.745076,"width":0.817458,"height":0.06666700000000003}},{"text":"I will be praying for each and all of you as you gather for the first part of the liturgy. \n Estimating participation during the pandemic continues to be strictly a guess. \n You can help by letting me know the real numbers from your groups.","bbox":{"left":0.116993,"top":0.822854,"width":0.6744910000000001,"height":0.050000000000000044}},{"text":"Our \"Re-Entering Well Task Force\" will continue to work \n as we continue to try to make everyone feel welcome and cared for.","bbox":{"left":0.116993,"top":0.883965,"width":0.526354,"height":0.033332999999999946}},{"text":"~Pastor Dave","bbox":{"left":0.832516,"top":0.917298,"width":0.10692199999999996,"height":0.016666999999999987}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Read Book La Dead Stone \n Barrington 6 Srt Woods \n books like this one. \n Kindly say, the la dead stone barrington 6 \n srt woods is universally compatible with \n any devices to read","bbox":{"left":0.142857,"top":0.031181,"width":0.683633,"height":0.24508399999999997}},{"text":"If you are admirer for books, \n FreeBookSpot can be just the right \n solution to your needs. You can search \n through their vast online collection of free \n eBooks that feature around 5ooo free \n eBooks. There are a whopping 96 \n categories to choose from that occupy a \n space of 71.91GB. The best part is that it \n does not need you to register and lets you \n download hundreds of free eBooks related \n to fiction, science, engineering and many \n more.","bbox":{"left":0.152382,"top":0.35155,"width":0.684107,"height":0.425278}},{"text":"L.A. Dead (A Stone Barrington Novel) \n – northcoastbook.com \n Page 2/11","bbox":{"left":0.152382,"top":0.852112,"width":0.669633,"height":0.09246700000000008}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
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{"content":[{"text":"Civil Rights History Project \n Interview completed by the Southern Oral History Program \n under contract to the \n Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of African American History & Culture \n and the Library of Congress, 2013","bbox":{"left":0.158667,"top":0.091347,"width":0.6821929999999999,"height":0.08650099999999998}},{"text":"Interviewee:","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.227859,"width":0.097765,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Kay Tillow","bbox":{"left":0.353023,"top":0.227859,"width":0.08982400000000001,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Interview Date:","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.262707,"width":0.12232699999999998,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"August 14, 2013","bbox":{"left":0.353023,"top":0.262707,"width":0.13,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Location:","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.297556,"width":0.07501999999999999,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Louisville, Kentucky","bbox":{"left":0.353023,"top":0.297556,"width":0.165667,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Interviewer:","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.332442,"width":0.09566700000000002,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"David Cline","bbox":{"left":0.353023,"top":0.332442,"width":0.09533300000000006,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Videographer:","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.36729,"width":0.113137,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"John Bishop","bbox":{"left":0.353023,"top":0.36729,"width":0.09758800000000001,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Length:","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.402139,"width":0.060686000000000004,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"01:12:48","bbox":{"left":0.353023,"top":0.402139,"width":0.06976499999999997,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"David Cline: So, what I’m going to do first is just do a little introduction for the tape, and","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.471836,"width":0.701307,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"then we’ll start, we’ll just start talking.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.506684,"width":0.30376899999999996,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Kay Tillow: Okay.","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.541558,"width":0.14743099999999995,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"David Cline: And we’ll take it from there. And anytime you want to stop, we can stop for","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.576407,"width":0.7019340000000001,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"as long as you like.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.611255,"width":0.15056199999999997,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Kay Tillow: Okay.","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.646104,"width":0.14743099999999995,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"David Cline: Okay. So, today is August the fourteenth, 2013. Speaking is David Cline","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.680952,"width":0.676052,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"from the History Department at the University, at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, also working for","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.715801,"width":0.755929,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"the Southern Oral History Program at UNC-Chapel Hill. Today I have the honor of interviewing","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.750687,"width":0.7565550000000001,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Kay Tillow here in Louisville, Kentucky. Behind the camera is John Bishop of Media Generation","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.785535,"width":0.764399,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"and UCLA. And I think that’s everything. Is that everything? Yeah.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.820384,"width":0.5310549999999999,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"John Bishop: And reading the paper on the couch [00:44]. [Laughs]","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.855232,"width":0.5306700000000001,"height":0.020212000000000008}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Reading Accounting 25th Edition Warren","bbox":{"left":0.042949,"top":0.052632,"width":0.316667,"height":0.032696}},{"text":"Accounting 25th Edition Warren \n Accounting 25th Edition by Carl S. Warren (eBook PDF) Accounting 25th Edition Warren Reeve Duchac Answers Pdf Accounting (25th Edition) - \n Warren, Reeve, Duchac - eBook ... Accounting 25th Edition Warren - recode.sbsc.uk.net Accounting By Warren 25th Edition Accounting Principles \n Fess Warren 25th Edition Accounting Warren Reeve Duchac 25th Edition Solutions manual for accounting 25th edition by warren by ... Accounting \n 25th Edition By Warren Answers (PDF) Download Accounting - Carl S. Warren, James M. Reeve ... Accounting 25th Edition Warren Reeve Duchac \n Answers Pdf Accounting 25th Edition by Carl S. Warren (eBook PDF) Accounting By Warren 25th Edition Accounting 25th Edition Warren - \n prod2.wikifab.org Accounting Warren Reeve Duchac 25th Edition Accounting Warren Reeve Duchac 25th Edition Accounting 25th Edition Warren \n SOLUTIONS MANUAL by ... Accounting Warren 25th Edition Solution - assets.depto51.cl Accounting, 25th Edition, James M. Reeve PDF \n Download Ebook (PDF) Download Accounting - Carl S. Warren, James M. Reeve ... Accounting 25th Edition by Carl S. Warren (eBook PDF) \n Accounting 25th Edition Warren Test Bank Fess Warren Principles Of Accounting 25th Edition Accounting 25th Edition Warren - prod2.wikifab.org \n Accounting Warren Reeve Duchac 25th Edition Accounting Warren Reeve Duchac 25th Edition Accounting Warren Reeve Duchac 25th Edition \n Accounting 25th Edition Warren SOLUTIONS MANUAL by ... Accounting, 25th Edition, James M. Reeve PDF Download Ebook","bbox":{"left":0.042949,"top":0.157409,"width":0.907288,"height":0.33380699999999996}},{"text":"28/3/2019 · Accounting 25th Edition by Carl S. Warren (eBook PDF) WHY PAY OVER $219 FOR HARDCOPY WHEN YOU CAN \n HAVE THE SAME EBOOK AS PDF IN YOUR COMPUTER OR SMART PHONE. CHEAPEST PRICE ON THE INTERNET AND \n YOU WILL GET THE EBOOK INSTANTLY IN YOUR EMAIL AFTER CHECKOUT. IMPORTANT BEFORE PURCHASING: Please \n note that this is a PDF digital format …","bbox":{"left":0.042949,"top":0.511718,"width":0.903613,"height":0.10215099999999999}},{"text":"accounting-25th-edition-warren-reeve-duchac-answers-pdf 1/2 Downloaded from www.epls.fsu.edu on July 28, 2021 by guest Read Online \n Accounting 25th Edition Warren Reeve Duchac Answers Pdf Yeah, reviewing a book Accounting 25th Edition Warren reeve duchac \n answers pdf could build up your close associates listings.","bbox":{"left":0.042949,"top":0.635228,"width":0.903953,"height":0.07740099999999994}},{"text":"1/1/2013 · P.S We also have ACCOUNTING 25th edition test bank, solutions, powerpoint lectures and other resources for sale. Contact us \n for more info. P.P.S A newer version of this ebook (27th edition) also available. NOTE: This only contains the Warren Accounting 25th \n edition’s PDF. No online codes or access comes with the package.","bbox":{"left":0.042949,"top":0.733988,"width":0.898216,"height":0.07740099999999994}},{"text":"Bookmark File PDF Accounting 25th Edition Warren resources to learn, study and complete homework, allowing them to achieve \n ultimate success in this course. There is no auto-graded online homework product with this product. Important Notice: Media content","bbox":{"left":0.042949,"top":0.832748,"width":0.862741,"height":0.05265099999999989}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"FENCERS CLUB, INC. \n New York Not-For-Profit Corporation","bbox":{"left":0.32352,"top":0.092547,"width":0.3555709999999999,"height":0.034051999999999985}},{"text":"AMENDED AND RESTATED BY-LAWS \n Adopted September 16, 2020","bbox":{"left":0.308027,"top":0.142547,"width":0.38656699999999994,"height":0.03405199999999997}},{"text":"ARTICLE I","bbox":{"left":0.450614,"top":0.224971,"width":0.10188200000000008,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Organization and Name","bbox":{"left":0.40079,"top":0.25982,"width":0.201527,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Section 1.01.","bbox":{"left":0.236847,"top":0.292547,"width":0.10293,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"The corporation is a New York Not-for-Profit Corporation known","bbox":{"left":0.354494,"top":0.292547,"width":0.517327,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"as Fencers Club, Inc. (the “Club”).","bbox":{"left":0.1192,"top":0.327396,"width":0.27226000000000006,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"ARTICLE II","bbox":{"left":0.446799,"top":0.362244,"width":0.10951300000000003,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Purposes","bbox":{"left":0.463424,"top":0.397092,"width":0.07625799999999999,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"The Club is organized for the following purposes:","bbox":{"left":0.1192,"top":0.429517,"width":0.43456800000000007,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Section 2.01.","bbox":{"left":0.236847,"top":0.462244,"width":0.10293,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"To promote the sport of fencing.","bbox":{"left":0.354494,"top":0.462244,"width":0.25484799999999996,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Section 2.02.","bbox":{"left":0.236847,"top":0.497092,"width":0.10293,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"To promote and encourage fencing activities among the members","bbox":{"left":0.354494,"top":0.497092,"width":0.513974,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"of the Club and all other fencing organizations throughout the world; and","bbox":{"left":0.1192,"top":0.531941,"width":0.574479,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Section 2.03.","bbox":{"left":0.236847,"top":0.566789,"width":0.10293,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"To foster educational programs for the training of fencers and to","bbox":{"left":0.354494,"top":0.566789,"width":0.504209,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"promote sportsmanship.","bbox":{"left":0.1192,"top":0.601638,"width":0.188435,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Section 2.04.","bbox":{"left":0.236847,"top":0.636486,"width":0.10293,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"To promote the accessibility of the sport of fencing to all","bbox":{"left":0.354494,"top":0.636486,"width":0.44651300000000005,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"individuals regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, sexual orientation, gender","bbox":{"left":0.1192,"top":0.671335,"width":0.756802,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"expression, mental or physical ability, socio-economic status or any other status protected by","bbox":{"left":0.1192,"top":0.706183,"width":0.7285659999999999,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"federal law.","bbox":{"left":0.1192,"top":0.741032,"width":0.09254399999999999,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"ARTICLE III","bbox":{"left":0.442983,"top":0.77588,"width":0.11714400000000003,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Membership and Dues","bbox":{"left":0.406774,"top":0.810729,"width":0.1895599999999999,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Section 3.01.","bbox":{"left":0.236847,"top":0.843153,"width":0.10293,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Membership in the Club shall be subject to acceptance by the Club","bbox":{"left":0.354494,"top":0.843153,"width":0.524384,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"and to the payment of dues.","bbox":{"left":0.1192,"top":0.878002,"width":0.216724,"height":0.01677899999999999}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"The Believer’s \n Declaration of Dependence \n A \n S A BELIEVER in the Lord Jesus Christ and based on the facts of God’s Word, \n I DECLARE myself to be FREE INDEED (John 8:36). \n My liberty is seen in three realms: First, concerning the god of this age, to whom I once \n belonged, I have been DELIVERED from the power of darkness and have been translated into \n the kingdom of God’s beloved Son (Col. 1:13), turned from the power of Satan unto God \n (Acts 26:18). \n Secondly, concerning my relationship to this world system, my Saviour gave Himself for \n me that He might deliver and rescue me from this present evil world (age), according to the \n will of God my Father (Gal. 1:4). \n Thirdly, concerning the terrible slavery of sin, the Scriptures declare that though I once \n was the slave of sin, I am now the slave of God (Rom. 6:17-22) and the law of the Spirit of \n life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death (Rom. 8:2). \n The source of my liberty is found in the cross of my Lord Jesus Christ in which I truly \n boast (Gal. 6:14). The cross is my Statue of Liberty, as it were. It was there that my soul was \n set free. In Christ’s death I died, and in Christ’s life I now live (Rom. 6:4). Based on the \n unchanging facts of God’s Word, I joyfully declare myself to be dead indeed unto sin and \n alive unto God in Jesus Christ my Lord (Rom. 6:1l). I am not free to live as I please or do as I \n want. I am free to serve Christ and do as He pleases, living unto the One who died and rose \n again for me (2 Cor. 5:15). \n My Declaration was not written by men, but written by the living God. It was not signed \n by men, but signed by the Lord Himself and sealed with the blood of Christ. God has declared \n me to be FREE INDEED and I am to stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made me \n free (Gal. 5:1). \n My Declaration is not a Declaration of Independence, but rather a “Declaration of \n Dependence.” I declare myself to be totally DEPENDENT upon my God. Of myself I cannot \n keep the law. I cannot measure up to God’s righteous standards. “How to perform that which \n is good I FIND NOT” (Rom. 7:18). The more I try in and of myself, the more I seem to fail, \n “for the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do” (Rom. 7:19). I \n thus acknowledge that Jesus Christ is my only deliverance from my wretched self (Rom. \n 7:24-25). \n The Lord Jesus Christ is MY VINE (John 15). He is my LIFE SOURCE. Apart from Him \n I can do nothing, because HE IS MY LIFE (Col. 3:3-4). The battle is the Lord’s! He will \n fight for me. The life is the Lord’s! He will live in me. “Christ liveth in me” (Gal. 2:20). “For \n to me to live is Christ” (Phil. 1:21). I can’t, but He can. Whenever I try, I fail; but whenever I \n trust, He succeeds. Thus, with a firm reliance upon my God I will claim the victory which He \n won and which He gives to me: But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through \n our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 15:57). July 4, 2000 \n THE MIDDLETOWN BIBLE CHURCH \n 349 East Street, Middletown, CT 06457 (860) 346-0907 \n Visit our website: www.middletownbiblechurch.org","bbox":{"left":0.129412,"top":0.088879,"width":0.7379220000000001,"height":0.816879}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"EIR \n Real Wood \n Texture","bbox":{"left":0.686431,"top":0.64452,"width":0.0917,"height":0.055764000000000036}},{"text":"100% \n water \n proof","bbox":{"left":0.809893,"top":0.642045,"width":0.10643599999999998,"height":0.07723100000000005}},{"text":"100% water proof RigidCore floors \n with Co-Extrusion technology.","bbox":{"left":0.28439,"top":0.770497,"width":0.650611,"height":0.07448999999999995}},{"text":"www.terramaterfloors.com.au","bbox":{"left":0.066667,"top":0.938049,"width":0.27815,"height":0.017005000000000048}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":-0.001691,"top":0.141611,"width":1.003473,"height":0.286606}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":-0.001691,"top":0.141611,"width":1.003473,"height":0.286606}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Programs \n continued from page 1","bbox":{"left":0.123504,"top":0.047047,"width":0.17703799999999997,"height":0.039552}},{"text":"THREADS - What's the BIG deal? This is a fun lecture on all the things you \n didn't know you needed to know about thread! As an educator for WonderFil \n Specialty Threads, Nina has learned a lot and she wants to share!","bbox":{"left":0.318416,"top":0.228002,"width":0.6147769999999999,"height":0.05162699999999995}},{"text":"Thread is like candy! Sometimes you just can't get enough ... LOL! When we \n purchase thread it's usually the color we buy, or the thread the shop carries. In \n this lecture you'll learn about the different weights of thread and why they make \n a difference. Ply, why is that important? Specialty threads like metallic, \n monofilament, tinsel threads, how do we work with them? Why do metallics \n give us issues? This lecture is full of information you'll be thrilled you know \n now! \n continued on page 5","bbox":{"left":0.318416,"top":0.297699,"width":0.6147880000000001,"height":0.13890000000000002}},{"text":"Community \n Service – \n Covers For Kids \n (CFK) \n Melanie Reimann \n 1st VP - Community Service","bbox":{"left":0.085081,"top":0.472502,"width":0.21515999999999996,"height":0.126521}},{"text":"Our Covers for Kids team will be braving the heat again this summer with our \n drop off and pickups returning to the northwest corner of Beltline and Coit \n Road in Dallas. The next three drop offs will be June 26, July 24, and August \n 28, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. We will be in front of the “Sew \n Let’s Quilt It” shop and will have quilts to bind and kits to sew.","bbox":{"left":0.318024,"top":0.471941,"width":0.614303,"height":0.08647599999999994}},{"text":"We have just two Fun Frog Challenge packets left, so you better act now to get \n one. Please contact Rhonda Anderson by text or email for your packet. She can \n mail it or you can pick it up at the drop off / pick up events. Her info is in our \n new online directory on the guild website.","bbox":{"left":0.318024,"top":0.576486,"width":0.614294,"height":0.06920399999999993}},{"text":"We were able to deliver 55 quilts last month, with 17 going to the Dallas \n Children’s Advocacy Center, 17 to Ronald McDonald House, and 21 going to \n Vogel Alcove. There were 32 new tops turned in that will be quilted and bound \n soon. Thank you to all of our members who volunteer to sew, quilt, and bind \n each quilt. We have donated 579 quilts so far this year. Let’s see how many we \n can finish by the end of summer!","bbox":{"left":0.318024,"top":0.663759,"width":0.614295,"height":0.10374899999999998}},{"text":"If you have Dallas Quilt Show Programs 1990 – the present, \n please contact Guild President Shelly Goodwin. She would like to update / correct \n the Guild’s Keeper Quilt Collection spreadsheet and is looking for information \n noted in past show programs.","bbox":{"left":0.17813,"top":0.837699,"width":0.6452709999999999,"height":0.06920300000000001}},{"text":"Quilter’s Guild of Dallas Newsletter ● July 2021 ● page 2 of 14","bbox":{"left":0.430571,"top":0.947395,"width":0.504022,"height":0.01677899999999999}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.516651,"top":0.04721,"width":0.22116,"height":0.163632},{"left":0.0921,"top":0.617883,"width":0.100245,"height":0.045436},{"left":0.202149,"top":0.617883,"width":0.077533,"height":0.045455},{"left":0.118898,"top":0.663337,"width":0.133252,"height":0.022718}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.516651,"top":0.04721,"width":0.22116,"height":0.163632},{"left":0.0921,"top":0.617883,"width":0.100245,"height":0.045436},{"left":0.202149,"top":0.617883,"width":0.077533,"height":0.045455},{"left":0.118898,"top":0.663337,"width":0.133252,"height":0.022718}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Annex I. Product List \n Q-NCOV-01G \n STANDARDTM Q COVID-19 Ag Test \n - Test Device (individually in a foil pouch with desiccant) \n - extraction buffer tube \n - Filter cap \n - Sterile swab A \n - Sterile swab B (option)","bbox":{"left":0.115138,"top":0.107118,"width":0.38905399999999996,"height":0.14751200000000003}},{"text":"EDMA Code \n 15 70 90 90 00","bbox":{"left":0.537106,"top":0.155147,"width":0.100769,"height":0.031067999999999985}},{"text":"Description of EMDA code \n Other Other Virology Rapid Tests","bbox":{"left":0.668128,"top":0.155147,"width":0.2243219999999999,"height":0.031067999999999985}},{"text":"Form C-BE100-TF-DOC-5 (Rev.0)","bbox":{"left":0.071558,"top":0.944213,"width":0.23755499999999996,"height":0.015781000000000045}},{"text":"2 / 2","bbox":{"left":0.494138,"top":0.941158,"width":0.040540999999999994,"height":0.01895800000000003}},{"text":"A4 (297×210 mm)","bbox":{"left":0.803635,"top":0.944213,"width":0.12496000000000007,"height":0.015781000000000045}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.079621,"top":0.043294,"width":0.230128,"height":0.017816}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.079621,"top":0.043294,"width":0.230128,"height":0.017816}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Ashland Water and Sewer Dept.","bbox":{"left":0.118039,"top":0.091347,"width":0.253173,"height":0.016779000000000002}},{"text":"2","bbox":{"left":0.529804,"top":0.091347,"width":0.009804000000000035,"height":0.016779000000000002}},{"text":"July 19, 2016","bbox":{"left":0.706275,"top":0.091347,"width":0.10621600000000009,"height":0.016779000000000002}},{"text":"The first Budget Committee meeting will take place on \n Wednesday, July 20, 2016. At that time Heather Thibodeau will \n present the budgets for non-departmental committees and \n commissions.","bbox":{"left":0.353333,"top":0.126195,"width":0.502045,"height":0.06889999999999999}},{"text":"ADJOURNMENT:","bbox":{"left":0.118039,"top":0.230741,"width":0.16121200000000002,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"With nothing more to come before the Commissioners Alan Cilley \n made a motion to adjourn. David Toth seconded the motion. With \n three votes in the affirmative the meeting adjourned at 6:55 PM.","bbox":{"left":0.353333,"top":0.230741,"width":0.523316,"height":0.051627000000000006}},{"text":"Respectfully submitted, \n Paula Hancock \n For the Ashland Water & Sewer Dept.","bbox":{"left":0.118039,"top":0.300438,"width":0.30111,"height":0.05162699999999998}},{"text":"!","bbox":{"left":0.118039,"top":0.370046,"width":0.0039899999999999936,"height":0.016645999999999994}},{"text":"!","bbox":{"left":0.118039,"top":0.402168,"width":0.0039899999999999936,"height":0.016645999999999994}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Case 222 service manual pdf file 545.14.00 Page 1235 - How to fix broken internet speed issue \n with DHCP patch Hacking A couple questions: What version was your device and how secure \n do you find them and where are your wifi adapters when not in use? Can anything be done? \n Can it be that your DHCP solution may end up being \"unprotectable\" and the patch should work \n and not crash? Are there things that can be done with the bug patch and a bug patch if their \n exact values change at the next update? What are the limitations of these patches? Thanks, \n Dave H, with answers in the comments below, Brian Help keep hackers secure using good \n firewall technologies. For new users: firefox-hacker.ca case 222 service manual pdf; (2) In an \n order published by an administrative body (including the local authority of an area specified in \n this rule), a prescribed summary statement with specific references to the provisions of this \n paragraph may form part of a schedule provided under a different date. case 222 service manual \n pdf version To: [email protected] From: John Podesta [email protected], \n [email protected] Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2016 23:35:33 -0800 Subject: Re: Benghazi 1.1 \n A/C I know there are people trying to make the point that it should be easy to point your finger \n in an election season to every situation -- just because they can't find out how it all came to \n pass. What can a President do then go forward and address all his problems? That would be a \n step in the right direction for me, and I am proud of that. On 30 Sep 2014 09:42 Podesta wrote: \n \"If we do everything as I said during my visit to Europe and beyond, I think there are those who \n still think we are lacking information about Libya and will respond to it by using a diplomatic or \n political trick, like a new or different country to accuse them of a crime, even though we have all \n got the information we have. That is, a tactic used by some of the country with whom I am \n working to get to the same conclusion as John Kerry. That is that the facts in Libya are just to \n play politics. It would, in fact, make sense to just make diplomatic efforts and get involved \n before something happens this year. We must. I mean, Kerry and Clinton have called it one of \n the \"mistakes\" (one wrong side of the border, a mistake we make all the time). That's exactly the \n kind of thing we talk about the morning after elections. It has nothing to do with politics -- there \n has been nothing to be done in trying to understand just how stupid many people in that \n country looked on the other side of the wall. They did things, they worked - nothing should \n derail any campaign. So, please -- and we are now going up to Benghazi. And then there was \n the time, there was the Clinton statement this morning; the speech in which the US was very \n clearly under assault over the issues that are unfolding around that, and those are going to \n really push out, we feel, and that has to be addressed in the short to medium term. I had an \n opportunity to talk to some of the leaders in the military and others where they don't have the \n power here on national security levels. And I'm sorry but you can't talk to President Obama, \n because he will get to some sort of a different decision in a new leadership meeting. If they feel \n it is a more effective way than a less destructive means, with a more effective method that can \n help reduce the damage of an incident it should go ahead, I think it would be great. However, I \n don't want our national security and our military to start going away. If it goes forward that \n would make it nearly impossible, so we take the best of what our country aspires to do, but for \n something more like Libya we need to do, if it goes we're all doomed. We can make a better \n approach, but we just don't have leverage as a party or as a nation. It might look cool for \n something if it happened a little less than what was going on at the end of our eight years here, \n if we go as far as to give the president more power and focus. But at best that will not happen \n on the first full day. In fact I believe there's that -- you can say things they can't just because -- \n but my people did go a few minutes early for security that night and didn't try to do anything \n about it -- they didn't take a little too hard on anything (unless your wife goes to Washington, \n which would be like the night before and didn't try to do anything). Because they're really in \n charge of the things that matter to the American people that matter to foreign policy, and do \n really things to fix it (it just happened that night where in a different scenario) that you will help \n fix it (and then as far as you're concerned that would be totally a mistake by anyone else). And \n the very last thing to do is to make this difficult for my people as well as America. Do not let \n other people get away with it, don't let that happen. We are responsible people who come over \n when we need their help or someplace a bit more to find out. I think this is something that can \n happen, you start to see it, with the other folks in the world, so it really doesn't have a downside \n that, the way I was doing it myself, I wasn't willing to do it. The best you can do -- I was more \n conscious than I've ever been to give our country the best possible service, it's what I wanted to \n do -- a service I always could give our country and the world. I have done so many things in that \n place to try to make sure that this is not the way. So it's not about a certain level of case 222 \n service manual pdf? (748.88 KB, Downloads: 1,748) \n geektotaleonline.com/forum/index.php?topic=131370.msg213637 What other web users said \n about the GFSK/RSD version? ( \"We decided to test different implementations of it \n but we only tested their software in practice and our decision does not change the final product.","bbox":{"left":0.050964,"top":0.031288,"width":0.896823,"height":0.894159}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Barbara% Miguel,% beloved% wife% of% John% Miguel,% \n died%peacefully%on%Sunday,%November%5%after%a% \n long%struggle%with%Lewy%Body%Dementia.%%%% \n % \n Born% on% October% 6,% 1937% in% New% Bedford% MA,% \n she% moved% to% Tiverton% in% 1965% to% raise% her% \n family%and%join%the%public%school%system%as%a%1st% \n and% later,% 3rd% grade% teacher.% A% dedicated,% \n compassionate% and% inventive,% yet% traditional% \n teacher% for% over% 30% years,% Barbara% was% \n committed%to%her%students’%development,%both% \n in%and%out%of%the%classroom.%%When%she%was%not% \n teaching%at%Fort%Barton%or%Pocasset%School,%she% \n could% be% found% on% the% family% room% couch,% \n correcting%papers%and%making%lesson%plans%for% \n hours%each%evening.%% \n % \n She% retired% to% Sun% Lakes% AZ% in% 1992% and% \n became% a% vibrant% part% of% that% community,% \n finding% herself% needing% to% keep% a% calendar% for% \n the%first%time.%%She%was%a%communicant%of%St.%Steven’s%Church,%volunteering%at%many% \n church% events,% enjoyed% golf% and% tennis,% and% pursued% a% passion% for% bridge% and% \n scrapbooking%–%especially%chronicling%legendary%family%vacations.% \n % \n Barbara’s% defining% role% was% her% life% as% a% grandmother.% Affectionately% known% as% \n “Bop”,% Barbara% was% a% nurturing% and% involved% grandparent% who% had% a% profound% \n effect%on%the%development%of%her%grandchildren.%%%Always%ready%with%a%listening%ear,% \n big%hug,%sound%advice%or%plans%for%activities%that%become%the%memories%of%a%lifetime,% \n she%never%missed%a%school%play;%even%when%they%were%almost%3,000%miles%away%and% \n enjoyed% being% everyone’s% Bop% during% Christmas% visits% to% RI% when% she% was% the% \n featured% guest% teacher% at% school.% % Her% wonderful% sense% of% humor% and% infectious% \n laugh%captivated%her%grandchildren%and%friends%alike.% \n % \n Daughter%of%the%late%Leo%and%Mary%Mello,%Barbara%is%survived%by%her%husband%John,% \n their%daughter%Susan%and%her%husband%Gregory%Klinker%of%Tiverton%RI,%son%David%and% \n his%wife%Yvonne%of%Olathe%KS,%and%her%sisters%Jane%Perry%of%Dartmouth%MA%and%Leona% \n Braley%of%East%Freetown%MA,%and%the%grandchildren%of%whom%she%was%most%proud,% \n John%Miguel,%Jonathan%Klinker%and%Sarah%Miguel.% \n % \n Her%funeral%will%be%celebrated%at%St.%Barnabas%Church%in%Portsmouth,%RI%on%Saturday,% \n December%30%at%11:00%am.%%A%luncheon%will%immediately%follow%in%the%parish%hall.%% \n Memorial%donations%may%be%made%to%GiftsToGive,%giftstogive.org%or%the%Alzheimer’s% \n Association,%alz.org.% \n %","bbox":{"left":0.146863,"top":0.090603,"width":0.714526,"height":0.781703}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.562876,"top":0.093914,"width":0.29085,"height":0.337184}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.562876,"top":0.093914,"width":0.29085,"height":0.337184}]}
{"content":[{"text":"●","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.091599,"width":0.010851,"height":0.015508999999999995}},{"text":"Expands PPP to nonprofits of all sizes and types \n ○ Removes the 500 employee cap \n ○ Includes all 501(c) employers as eligible (including social welfare, unions, and \n chambers of commerce) \n ○ Removes nonprofits from the affiliation rule \n ○ Makes ineligible 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations that have made election-related \n expenditures at the federal, state, or local levels and prohibits 501(c)(4) organizations \n that receive PPP loans from making such election-related expenditures through the \n calendar year. (​Manager’s Amendment​, pp 46 - 47) \n Creates 25% set aside funding for nonprofits \n ○ Half for nonprofits with 500 or fewer employees \n ○ Half for nonprofits with 500 or more employees \n Makes payments for personal protective equipment allowable uses of PPP loan money and \n treats expenses as forgivable (​Manager’s Amendment​, pp 50, 51) \n Sets aside 25% of PPP funding for eligible employers with 10 or fewer employees, and for \n community financial institutions \n Loan forgiveness changes (Section 90004) \n ○ Expands coverage from 8 weeks to the earlier of 24 weeks or December 31, 2020. It \n also extends the rehire exemption from June 30 to December 31, 2020 \n Mandates that SBA provide reports on loan approval and disbursement to nonprofits, \n provided on a state, congressional district, industry, and loan size (Section 90016)","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.090506,"width":0.70505,"height":0.396238}},{"text":"●","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.262054,"width":0.010851,"height":0.015508999999999995}},{"text":"●","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.318872,"width":0.010851,"height":0.015508999999999995}},{"text":"●","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.356751,"width":0.010851,"height":0.015508999999999995}},{"text":"●","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.394629,"width":0.010851,"height":0.015508999999999995}},{"text":"●","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.451448,"width":0.010851,"height":0.015508999999999995}},{"text":"Loan program for mid-size nonprofits​ (pp 1063 - 1065) \n ● Title IV, ​Standing Up for Small Businesses, Minority Owned Businesses, and Nonprofits​, \n mandates the Federal Reserve’s Main Street Lending Program include nonprofits as eligible \n borrowers, and stipulates the Federal Reserve immediately offer a low-cost loan option \n tailored to the unique needs of non-profit organizations with deferred payments, and that the \n loan may be forgiven solely for nonprofits predominantly serving low-income communities \n ineligible for a PPP loan (Section 110604) \n ● Mandates the Federal Reserve, through the Main Street Lending Program, provide at least one \n low-cost loan option that small nonprofits are eligible for that does not have a minimum loan \n size, overriding the current $500,000 minimum loan size to participate in the program \n ● Makes higher education institutions eligible (​Manager’s Amendment​ p 57) (Section 110605) \n ● Makes ineligible 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations that have made election-related \n expenditures at the federal, state, or local levels and prohibits 501(c)(4) organizations that \n receive PPP loans from making such election-related expenditures through the calendar year \n (​Manager’s Amendment​ p 58)","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.507173,"width":0.7590239999999999,"height":0.290091}},{"text":"Charitable giving deduction \n Nonprofit New York recommended Congress expand “above the line” charitable deduction from $300 \n to $2,000 and allow all taxpayers to immediately claim the deduction on their 2019 taxes (due on July \n 15), and afterwards through 2021. ​The HEROES Act does not include this recommendation​, but we \n are pleased the House of Representatives voted to​ eliminate the limitation on the deduction for","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.810144,"width":0.7566519999999999,"height":0.10265099999999994}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"MCCPTA Upcoming Events","bbox":{"left":0.392435,"top":0.093939,"width":0.21542300000000003,"height":0.015151999999999999}},{"text":"May 13: Equity Account Model Meetings – 7p-8:30p \n • \n Rockville \n • \n Quince Orchard \n • \n Springbrook \n May 16- MCCPTA Special Education Awards Ceremony – 6p – Rockville HS \n May 18: LGBTQIA Forum – 9a-noon Wootton HS \n May 19 – MCCPTA Performing Arts Festival – Rockville Town Center – noon --- \n May 23: MCCPTA Celebration of Excellence - 6p – MC Silver Spring Performing Arts \n Center \n May 29 – MCCPTA Spring Training – Blake HS \n June 11: County Council Public Hearing on SSP Amendment (waiving moratoriums in very \n special cases)","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.130934,"width":0.708974,"height":0.221099}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"11 June 2021","bbox":{"left":0.780019,"top":0.200768,"width":0.09886000000000006,"height":0.016353000000000006}},{"text":"Dear Jeppe Boarding Parents,","bbox":{"left":0.118903,"top":0.23838,"width":0.222101,"height":0.01635299999999998}},{"text":"I hope and trust that you are well during this unsettling time, following the increase in the national \n numbers and the ‘confirmation’ of the Third Wave of the coronavirus within our country and, more \n acutely, the Gauteng area.","bbox":{"left":0.118903,"top":0.275993,"width":0.759645,"height":0.053966000000000014}},{"text":"I would like to acknowledge the uncertainty at times, as well as the resulting disruption to all our lives - \n either due to positive cases or necessary isolations as the result of exposure to someone who has \n tested positive. I would also like to acknowledge, however, the wonderful work which has been done by \n our boarding facilities, including the boys, in keeping the environment relatively safe throughout these \n past months (over a year). It has been a remarkably responsible effort and now, even with the presence \n of two (2) positive results within a boarding house this week, we have again been able to be measured \n and responsible in our actions and allowed general routines to continue.","bbox":{"left":0.118903,"top":0.351218,"width":0.759734,"height":0.12919200000000003}},{"text":"It is my sincere hope that the upcoming five day break (Wednesday, June 16th - Monday, June 21st) will \n once again give us something of a ‘circuit breaker’/reset, ahead of a week of on-campus revision and an \n important two-week test period.","bbox":{"left":0.118903,"top":0.501669,"width":0.759702,"height":0.05396599999999996}},{"text":"As always, I would sincerely like to encourage boys to be responsible with their behaviour over the \n weekend - while we have experienced an increase of cases at school the vast majority of necessary \n isolations or positive cases come from community interactions, social functions or, unavoidably, home \n exposure. We are unfortunately, once again, in a phase when a heightened sense of vigilance is \n required.","bbox":{"left":0.118903,"top":0.576895,"width":0.7598980000000001,"height":0.09157799999999994}},{"text":"Please continue to communicate directly with your son’s Boarding Housemaster should you have any \n questions regarding processes or isolations, or indeed with myself if needed.","bbox":{"left":0.118903,"top":0.689733,"width":0.7599670000000001,"height":0.03515899999999994}},{"text":"Before Mr Hillock’s notes on the upcoming examination period, I think it would be remiss of me not to \n comment on the recent issues which we have had regarding vaping, both at school and within boarding. \n While I acknowledge that, for some, this issue is something of a minor one I would like to reiterate that \n the school considers vaping in the same light which we have always considered the smoking of \n cigarettes - very seriously.","bbox":{"left":0.118903,"top":0.746152,"width":0.759784,"height":0.09157899999999997}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.064792,"top":0.010689,"width":0.86703,"height":0.161223}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.064792,"top":0.010689,"width":0.86703,"height":0.161223}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Familiar with the term “Clickbait”?","bbox":{"left":0.075911,"top":0.115423,"width":0.643329,"height":0.081481}},{"text":"•Techniques used in headlines to \n trick readers into clicking links \n •But fails to deliver what users \n really look for \n •Examples- \n Eek! What's Lurking in the \n Shadows?! I Have to Know! \n I Left My Daughter And THIS \n Happened!","bbox":{"left":0.075911,"top":0.267715,"width":0.397257,"height":0.5321260000000001}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.506251,"top":0.296735,"width":0.425123,"height":0.458749}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.506251,"top":0.296735,"width":0.425123,"height":0.458749}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Catastrophe Tapping for Hurricane Sandy Victims \n or any other disaster \n See the Tapping Chart at the end","bbox":{"left":0.268056,"top":0.070177,"width":0.46388199999999996,"height":0.05584299999999999}},{"text":"Remember it’s not the words, but your intention that makes this work. And thank you for \n doing this.","bbox":{"left":0.094158,"top":0.140063,"width":0.7587539999999999,"height":0.038230000000000014}},{"text":"Even Though… (ET)","bbox":{"left":0.094158,"top":0.192109,"width":0.18759699999999996,"height":0.020938999999999985}},{"text":"… I know you must be frightened and sad \n Please know you’re not alone","bbox":{"left":0.094158,"top":0.22721,"width":0.361595,"height":0.03824199999999997}},{"text":"ET you may be heartbroken, \n Please know that you are loved and cherished","bbox":{"left":0.094158,"top":0.27923,"width":0.40089499999999995,"height":0.038495}},{"text":"ET things seem hopeless now, \n Please know that this isn’t the end \n It’s only a step on the way to recovery.","bbox":{"left":0.094158,"top":0.331528,"width":0.333302,"height":0.055918999999999996}},{"text":"Please know that you are not alone \n Please know that you are loved supported","bbox":{"left":0.094158,"top":0.401477,"width":0.365241,"height":0.03824300000000003}},{"text":"On the Tapping points:","bbox":{"left":0.094158,"top":0.471035,"width":0.21467599999999998,"height":0.020863999999999994}},{"text":"Your fear and despair \n Your losses and heartaches \n I feel the sadness you must be feeling","bbox":{"left":0.094158,"top":0.506061,"width":0.32874,"height":0.05566599999999999}},{"text":"I can’t imagine how it must be for you \n But please allow me to help ease your pain, \n Please listen to us and feel this now","bbox":{"left":0.094158,"top":0.575758,"width":0.37910299999999997,"height":0.055691000000000046}},{"text":"Help is on the way, \n Restoration is on the way, \n Change is on the way","bbox":{"left":0.094158,"top":0.64548,"width":0.22521199999999997,"height":0.05566599999999999}},{"text":"Please know that you are not alone \n We love you and support you.","bbox":{"left":0.094158,"top":0.715038,"width":0.32694199999999995,"height":0.03828799999999999}},{"text":"KC point: \n ET you feel devastated and traumatized \n We are here to help you \n ET you’re feeling empty and don’t know what to do \n Know that others are pulling for you and praying for you","bbox":{"left":0.094158,"top":0.767311,"width":0.481555,"height":0.09069100000000008}},{"text":"ET you wonder how you can ever recover \n Just know that you are loved and appreciated","bbox":{"left":0.094158,"top":0.871812,"width":0.394067,"height":0.038494999999999946}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"EOHSI \n Return To Work Guidelines","bbox":{"left":0.243152,"top":0.184278,"width":0.513158,"height":0.07847900000000002}},{"text":"June 24, 2021","bbox":{"left":0.435283,"top":0.439742,"width":0.12944,"height":0.017726999999999993}},{"text":"Introduction","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.483864,"width":0.15306800000000004,"height":0.022726999999999997}},{"text":"On May 27th, President Holloway announced that it was time for everyone who \n works or studies at Rutgers to physically return to all Rutgers campuses by July \n 6th, 2021. The return will be guided by three overarching principles: 1) fulfilling \n our mission as a university, 2) a commitment to use the best available science to \n maintain the health and safety of our community, and 3) that we all have a shared \n responsibility to ensure the repopulation is safe and equitable. This means all are \n expected to return while allowing some level of flexibility, and that we keep \n ourselves and others safe.","bbox":{"left":0.117631,"top":0.532165,"width":0.764211,"height":0.16879100000000002}},{"text":"I ask you reread President Holloway’s message and explore the links provided \n therein to resources that will guide our return. Also realize that as the pandemic \n progresses these guidelines will change so you also have a responsibility to keep \n yourself informed. To aid in that process, we will send updates to this document \n as necessitated by changing guidelines and situations.","bbox":{"left":0.117631,"top":0.726413,"width":0.74587,"height":0.10395200000000004}},{"text":"While guidelines are being developed by all units of the University. EOHSI is \n unique in several ways that will necessitate more protective practices that other","bbox":{"left":0.117631,"top":0.855822,"width":0.7456299999999999,"height":0.03938900000000012}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Read Online Akash Series Books","bbox":{"left":0.101351,"top":0.021713,"width":0.599836,"height":0.037011}},{"text":"Digital Book Aakash and ubislate tablet \n End of the Year Book Tag+ | 2020Aakash Class 10 \n Study Material | Books of Aakash Class 10 Review | \n Part 2 Module 2 Allen , Akash , resonance , Bansal , \n feet jee , book Aakash institute study material review \n l Aakash study material Free |Allen Test series| (Neet) \n |Fit Sip| What are the important Books for Structural \n engineering? ||By- Akash Pandey|| Aakash 31 \n Question Paper Book aakash digital STUDY MATERIAL \n AND BOOKS Akash Series Books \n Akash Series Books - 1x1px.me PDF Akash Doctor \n Series Booksand formats, check out this non-profit \n digital library. The Internet Archive is a great go-to if \n you want access to historical and academic books. \n Akash Doctor Series Books Akash Doctor Series Books \n For 1st Yr Ip25 30ms.pdf - search pdf books free \n download Free eBook and manual for ...","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.0961,"width":0.774871,"height":0.427598}},{"text":"Akash Series Books - S2.kora.com | pdf Book Manual \n Free ... \n PDF Akash Doctor Series Booksand formats, check out \n this non-profit digital library. The Internet Archive is a \n great go-to if you want access to historical and \n academic books. Akash Doctor Series Books Akash \n Doctor Series Books For 1st Yr Ip25 30ms.pdf - search \n pdf books free download Free eBook and manual for \n Business, Education,Finance, Page 4/24","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.550629,"width":0.779364,"height":0.22505299999999995}},{"text":"Akash Doctor Series Books - \n Thepopculturecompany.com | pdf ... \n akash-series-books 1/1 Downloaded from \n calendar.pridesource.com on November 13, 2020 by \n guest Read Online Akash Series Books This is likewise","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.802613,"width":0.772303,"height":0.12425999999999993}},{"text":"Page 2/7","bbox":{"left":0.419939,"top":0.942745,"width":0.07633299999999998,"height":0.01819700000000002}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Annie B. Mitchell \n November 13, 1922 - December 18, 2017","bbox":{"left":0.329014,"top":0.087589,"width":0.37218900000000005,"height":0.054399}},{"text":"McDonough Chapel","bbox":{"left":0.030254,"top":0.242931,"width":0.200521,"height":0.017913999999999985}},{"text":"On November 13, 1922 the late Mr. William & Mrs. Opie Starks gave birth to Annie B. \n Starks in Monroe County, GA. Annie B. became a member of the Cleveland Chapel \n A.M.E. Church at an early age, where she attended with her family. In her early years she \n served on the usher board faithfully. Annie B. lived her life ministering to family, friends \n and the community with whatever you needed. She enjoyed laughing, smiling, dancing \n and sharing her knowledge on life.","bbox":{"left":0.030254,"top":0.292817,"width":0.896296,"height":0.142629}},{"text":"Annie B. Mitchell prepared hot lunch for her working husband five days a week (using pots \n & pans and making fresh cornbread) daily. She would often share her years of experience \n with her children. She would tell them “You better make yourself #1, you can’t take care of \n nobody else if you don’t take care of yourself”. She had a unique way to share her wisdom \n with her grandkids. When sharing their daily struggles with one of her favorite things she \n would say to the kids is “Don’t you be no peewee”.","bbox":{"left":0.030254,"top":0.467418,"width":0.9055139999999999,"height":0.142629}},{"text":"She was lovingly called “Honey”, Annie, Annie B., Bee, momma, grand momma, grandma \n Bee, ma’bee no matter what you called her it was with love she answered. Annie B. loved \n her cat “Blue”, Peach snuff, Fried chicken, Cornbread, Sweet Tea and then in her later \n years it was Vanilla cookies and Boost milk. She had many sayings that will live with us \n forever such as “You’re #1”, “I know where your coming from but I don’t know where \n you’re going” and “I hear you but I don’t understand”.","bbox":{"left":0.030254,"top":0.642019,"width":0.899142,"height":0.142629}},{"text":"She married Mr. Randolph Mitchell Sr. on Aug 10, 1940, who preceded her in death. They \n were married for 63 years. She was the proud mother of nine children and one son by \n marriage: Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Merritt (Dorothy), Mrs. Betty Long, Mr. Bobby Mitchell, Mr. \n & Mrs. Howard Bryant (Martill), Mr. Randolph Mitchell Jr. (Mona), Mr. & Mrs. Homer \n Pittman (Martha), Mr. & Mrs. Harold Pittman (Georgia), Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Mitchell \n (Martha), Mr. & Mrs. James Milford (Chevy), son by marriage Mr. & Mrs. Otis Mitchell \n (Dollie Ruth) and one honorary son Jerry Bowden. She is survived by one brother, John K.","bbox":{"left":0.030254,"top":0.81662,"width":0.905598,"height":0.16757199999999994}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.025413,"top":0.018814,"width":0.283179,"height":0.200114},{"left":0.036557,"top":0.025834,"width":0.260942,"height":0.1844}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.025413,"top":0.018814,"width":0.283179,"height":0.200114},{"left":0.036557,"top":0.025834,"width":0.260942,"height":0.1844}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Understanding Your Credit Score (continued)","bbox":{"left":0.108824,"top":0.127424,"width":0.36522599999999994,"height":0.015151999999999999}},{"text":"Key factors that \n adversely affected \n your credit score","bbox":{"left":0.108824,"top":0.153788,"width":0.14993399999999998,"height":0.05219699999999999}},{"text":"[Insert first factor] \n [Insert second factor] \n [Insert third factor] \n [Insert fourth factor] \n [Insert fifth factor, if applicable]","bbox":{"left":0.306961,"top":0.153788,"width":0.26009200000000005,"height":0.089167}},{"text":"Checking Your Credit Report","bbox":{"left":0.108824,"top":0.284848,"width":0.22963999999999998,"height":0.015151999999999999}},{"text":"What if there are \n mistake in your credit \n report?","bbox":{"left":0.108824,"top":0.311212,"width":0.177484,"height":0.052122}},{"text":"You have a right to dispute any inaccurate information in your credit \n report. If you find mistakes on your credit report, contact the consumer \n reporting agency.","bbox":{"left":0.306961,"top":0.311212,"width":0.570363,"height":0.052122}},{"text":"It is a good idea to check your credit report to make sure the information \n it contains is accurate.","bbox":{"left":0.306961,"top":0.380606,"width":0.5814779999999999,"height":0.03363699999999997}},{"text":"How can you obtain a \n copy of your credit \n report?","bbox":{"left":0.108824,"top":0.439318,"width":0.176443,"height":0.052122}},{"text":"Under Federal law, you have the right to obtain a free copy of your credit \n report from each of the nationwide consumer reporting agencies once a \n year.","bbox":{"left":0.306961,"top":0.439318,"width":0.58294,"height":0.052122}},{"text":"To order your free annual credit report:","bbox":{"left":0.306961,"top":0.508712,"width":0.31554,"height":0.015152000000000054}},{"text":"By telephone:","bbox":{"left":0.306961,"top":0.545682,"width":0.11083400000000004,"height":0.015152000000000054}},{"text":"Call toll-free: 1-877-322-8228","bbox":{"left":0.43549,"top":0.545682,"width":0.23444800000000005,"height":0.015152000000000054}},{"text":"On the web:","bbox":{"left":0.306961,"top":0.582652,"width":0.09808900000000004,"height":0.015152000000000054}},{"text":"Visit www.annualcreditreport.com","bbox":{"left":0.436078,"top":0.582652,"width":0.27615399999999996,"height":0.015152000000000054}},{"text":"By email:","bbox":{"left":0.306961,"top":0.619621,"width":0.07308900000000002,"height":0.015152000000000054}},{"text":"Mail your completed Annual Credit Report Request \n Form (which you can obtain from the Federal Trade \n Commission's website at http:/ /www.ftc.gov/ \n bcp/conline/include/requestformfinal.pdf) to:","bbox":{"left":0.436961,"top":0.619621,"width":0.41043499999999994,"height":0.07068300000000005}},{"text":"Annual Credit Report Request Service \n P.O. Box 105281 \n Atlanta, GA 30348-5281","bbox":{"left":0.436961,"top":0.7075,"width":0.29877500000000007,"height":0.052122}},{"text":"How can you get \n more information?","bbox":{"left":0.108824,"top":0.784773,"width":0.154282,"height":0.03363700000000003}},{"text":"For more information about credit reports and your rights under Federal \n law, visit the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's website at \n www.consumerfinance.gov/learnmore.","bbox":{"left":0.306961,"top":0.784773,"width":0.5778300000000001,"height":0.05212099999999997}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Where To Download Chemfax \n Lab Answers Ap Chemistry 9 \n Chemfax Lab Answers \n Ap Chemistry 9 \n This is likewise one of the factors by \n obtaining the soft documents of this \n chemfax lab answers ap chemistry 9 \n by online. You might not require more \n era to spend to go to the ebook \n opening as with ease as search for \n them. In some cases, you likewise \n realize not discover the \n pronouncement chemfax lab answers \n ap chemistry 9 that you are looking for. \n It will categorically squander the time.","bbox":{"left":0.142857,"top":0.031181,"width":0.7041949999999999,"height":0.6239}},{"text":"However below, once you visit this \n web page, it will be so no question \n simple to acquire as with ease as \n download guide chemfax lab answers \n ap chemistry 9","bbox":{"left":0.152382,"top":0.692609,"width":0.672253,"height":0.17699900000000002}},{"text":"Page 1/4","bbox":{"left":0.387152,"top":0.91876,"width":0.107593,"height":0.025819000000000036}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"64-0823E - Questions And Answers #2 \n 148 “And will there be people on earth in corporal bodies during that \n time?” Yes, sir! We will have our glorified body right here on earth, \n eating, drinking, building houses, and—and—and living just like we do \n now for a thousand years. It’s a—it’s the honeymoon of the Bride and \n Groom. \n 55-1005 - The Power Of The Devil \n 28 And when we see Satan in all of his corruption of making young \n ladies, and men, and old, and everything out here on the street, drunk, \n cursing, swearing, acting the way they’re doing under Satan’s \n domain… But we can look beyond that with eyes of faith, and can see \n a perfect world, with a perfect people during the time of \n the Millennium where there won’t be any cursing, any swearing, any \n drinking, any death, any sorrow. It’ll all be wiped away because of the \n Redeemer.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.099817,"width":0.762935,"height":0.4960860000000001}},{"text":"63-0728 - Christ Is The Mystery Of God Revealed \n Rev. William Marrion Branham \n 595 And then the Word moves on down into the Body, from the Head. \n What is it? This same Word. Nothing can be added or taken from \n It. So that same Word moves from the Head, as the Day comes close, \n down into the Body, down into the Body, vindicating that they are \n One. They are Husband and Wife. They’re flesh of His flesh, Word of \n His Word; Life of His Life, Spirit of His Spirit. See? Amen! How do you","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.639312,"width":0.7590950000000001,"height":0.26104800000000006}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"PJM Manual 29: \n Billing \n Revision: 28 \n Effective Date: April 1, 2018","bbox":{"left":0.470588,"top":0.421164,"width":0.282863,"height":0.11555300000000002}},{"text":"Prepared by \n Market Settlements Department \n PJM © 2018","bbox":{"left":0.470588,"top":0.568484,"width":0.322728,"height":0.06569099999999994}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"How to Upload a Patient Roster","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.130196,"width":0.389573,"height":0.022569000000000006}},{"text":"Practices will receive the PCF Patient Roster Instructions and Frequently Asked Questions \n (FAQs) and PCF Patient Survey Roster Template via the First Edition newsletter in May \n 2021. These materials will also be posted on PCF Connect. A recorded webinar, Patient \n Roster Success, will also be made available to practices in May.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.168487,"width":0.7199800000000001,"height":0.07080800000000001}},{"text":"Practices will not submit patient rosters on the PCF PECS website. Rosters will be \n submitted on the PCF Portal.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.255848,"width":0.653314,"height":0.03394699999999995}},{"text":"Practices should contact PCF Support at [email protected] or (888) 517-7753 with any \n questions.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.306598,"width":0.705125,"height":0.03397099999999997}},{"text":"Primary Care First","bbox":{"left":0.216993,"top":0.931619,"width":0.155679,"height":0.015515999999999974}},{"text":"Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation","bbox":{"left":0.417995,"top":0.931619,"width":0.36531499999999995,"height":0.015515999999999974}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.382791,"top":0.928283,"width":0.025817,"height":0.020455},{"left":-0.0,"top":0.0,"width":0.167306,"height":0.114535}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.382791,"top":0.928283,"width":0.025817,"height":0.020455},{"left":-0.0,"top":0.0,"width":0.167306,"height":0.114535}]}
{"content":[{"text":"OPTIONS FOR YOUTH – DUARTE, INC.","bbox":{"left":0.317747,"top":0.172634,"width":0.364314,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"NOTICE OF ADJOURNMENT \n OF JANUARY 21, 2021 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD","bbox":{"left":0.221374,"top":0.207407,"width":0.5571990000000001,"height":0.03465799999999997}},{"text":"Pursuant to Government Code section 54955, the regular meeting of January 21, 2021 \n scheduled for 3:30 PM (PT) to be held via Zoom at meeting link https://zoom.us/j/95650411884 \n or via telephone conference 1 (669-900-683) meeting 956 5041 1884 was adjourned by the \n President of the Board of Directors to February 3, 2021 at 3:30 PM (PT) to be held via Zoom at \n meeting link https://zoom.us/j/95650411884 or via telephone conference 1 (669-900-6833) \n meeting ID: 956 5041 1884.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.292331,"width":0.765001,"height":0.103825}},{"text":"Posted on or around 4:00 PM (PT) \n January 15, 2021","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.415513,"width":0.271235,"height":0.03420399999999996}},{"text":"Signed: Traci Johnston","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.47915,"width":0.180981,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"By: \n President","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.525286,"width":0.10976,"height":0.03420299999999998}},{"text":"12","bbox":{"left":0.863529,"top":0.905828,"width":0.018842999999999943,"height":0.016997999999999958}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.316912,"top":0.039141,"width":0.364361,"height":0.10423},{"left":0.148693,"top":0.512626,"width":0.178105,"height":0.026515}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.316912,"top":0.039141,"width":0.364361,"height":0.10423},{"left":0.148693,"top":0.512626,"width":0.178105,"height":0.026515}]}
{"content":[{"text":"INFORMATION","bbox":{"left":0.119798,"top":0.049379,"width":0.191311,"height":0.021553999999999997}},{"text":"includes, among other things, stand construction, 20 admission tickets for customers \n and a discount on advertising space in the fairground.","bbox":{"left":0.118992,"top":0.205729,"width":0.62751,"height":0.036777000000000004}},{"text":"Young founders from Germany receive funding from the Ministry of Economic \n Affairs and Energy if they participate in the joint stand of the \"Young Innovative \n Companies\". International start-ups can secure a place in the \"International Start-up \n Area\" and thus easily address potential investors and customers of tomorrow.","bbox":{"left":0.118992,"top":0.257349,"width":0.628756,"height":0.07611499999999999}},{"text":"The registration forms are now available at www.security-essen.de.","bbox":{"left":0.118992,"top":0.34857,"width":0.502962,"height":0.017106999999999983}},{"text":"Target group-specific fair programme","bbox":{"left":0.118992,"top":0.380817,"width":0.279884,"height":0.017106999999999983}},{"text":"A target group-specific supporting programme rounds off the fair. For example, the \n Digital Networking Security Congress will focus on comprehensive information on \n the topics of security in networks, IT security, interfaces and cyber threats. The Fire \n Protection Forum and special tours for architects and planners are also organised. \n The best innovations from all exhibition areas will be honoured with the Security \n Innovation Award.","bbox":{"left":0.118992,"top":0.413029,"width":0.629222,"height":0.11547799999999997}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.796035,"top":0.0408,"width":0.146421,"height":0.103513}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.796035,"top":0.0408,"width":0.146421,"height":0.103513}]}
{"content":[{"text":"HONG KONG COLLEGE OF PAEDIATRICIANS","bbox":{"left":0.279211,"top":0.069926,"width":0.44138299999999997,"height":0.019740999999999995}},{"text":"Membership of Vetting Committee:","bbox":{"left":0.142955,"top":0.130525,"width":0.304881,"height":0.01974100000000001}},{"text":"1)","bbox":{"left":0.152026,"top":0.169593,"width":0.016791,"height":0.019014000000000003}},{"text":"Dr SN Wong","bbox":{"left":0.223376,"top":0.169593,"width":0.10439400000000001,"height":0.019014000000000003}},{"text":"Chairman, Vetting Committee; Hon. 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