3 values
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 48, Credit history: delay, Purpose: education, Credit amount: 5506.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 3, Property: unknown, Age in years: 35, Other installment plans: stores, Housing: for, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 48, Credit history: delay, Purpose: education, Credit amount: 5399.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 3, Property: unknown, Age in years: 39, Other installment plans: bank, Housing: for, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 48, Credit history: existing, Purpose: education, Credit amount: 5489.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 3, Property: unknown, Age in years: 38, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: for, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 24, Credit history: existing, Purpose: used, Credit amount: 3248.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: 0, Present residence since: 4, Property: car, Age in years: 34, Other installment plans: stores, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: management, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 12, Credit history: existing, Purpose: used, Credit amount: 3459.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 1, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: car, Age in years: 32, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: management, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 24, Credit history: critical, Purpose: used, Credit amount: 3218.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: car, Age in years: 35, Other installment plans: stores, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: management, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: 0 '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 24, Credit history: critical, Purpose: used, Credit amount: 3436.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: car, Age in years: 37, Other installment plans: stores, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: management, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: 0 '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 0, Credit history: existing, Purpose: furniture, Credit amount: 1698.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: real, Age in years: 33, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 18, Credit history: 0, Purpose: furniture, Credit amount: 1938.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: real, Age in years: 30, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 12, Credit history: 0, Purpose: furniture, Credit amount: 1897.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: real, Age in years: 30, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 36, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 3305.0000, Savings account or bonds: bigger, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: car, Age in years: 36, Other installment plans: stores, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 2, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 36, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 3328.0000, Savings account or bonds: bigger, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: car, Age in years: 39, Other installment plans: stores, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 2, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 36, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 3388.0000, Savings account or bonds: bigger, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: car, Age in years: 37, Other installment plans: stores, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 2, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 36, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 3457.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 1, Property: car, Age in years: 33, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 2, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 20, Credit history: critical, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1506.0000, Savings account or bonds: bigger, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: real, Age in years: 49, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 21, Credit history: critical, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1618.0000, Savings account or bonds: bigger, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: car, Age in years: 47, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 18, Credit history: critical, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1568.0000, Savings account or bonds: bigger, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: building, Age in years: 49, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 15, Credit history: critical, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1949.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 3, Property: real, Age in years: 51, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 18, Credit history: critical, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1356.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 3, Property: real, Age in years: 49, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 18, Credit history: critical, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1686.0000, Savings account or bonds: bigger, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 3, Property: real, Age in years: 52, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 24, Credit history: 0, Purpose: furniture, Credit amount: 2106.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: real, Age in years: 48, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 12, Credit history: existing, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 1187.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: building, Age in years: 32, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 18, Credit history: existing, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 1506.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: building, Age in years: 31, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 24, Credit history: critical, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1735.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 3, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: car, Age in years: 31, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 18, Credit history: critical, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1965.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 3, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: car, Age in years: 31, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 24, Credit history: critical, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1716.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 1, Property: car, Age in years: 28, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 12, Credit history: 0, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 2328.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: guarantor, Present residence since: 3, Property: real, Age in years: 27, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: unskilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 12, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 219.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: guarantor, Present residence since: 2, Property: real, Age in years: 33, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 12, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 2218.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: guarantor, Present residence since: 3, Property: real, Age in years: 29, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 15, Credit history: 0, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1495.0000, Savings account or bonds: bigger, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: real, Age in years: 57, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: unskilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 9, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1328.0000, Savings account or bonds: bigger, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: real, Age in years: 63, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: unskilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 15, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1375.0000, Savings account or bonds: bigger, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: real, Age in years: 63, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: unskilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 15, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1055.0000, Savings account or bonds: bigger, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: real, Age in years: 63, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: unskilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 18, Credit history: existing, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 1188.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: car, Age in years: 32, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 6, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1069.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: smaller, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 1, Property: building, Age in years: 25, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 6, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1059.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: smaller, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 3, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 1, Property: building, Age in years: 28, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 6, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1209.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: smaller, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 1, Property: building, Age in years: 28, Other installment plans: bank, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 24, Credit history: existing, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 3025.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: building, Age in years: 27, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 0, Credit history: 0, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 3325.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: building, Age in years: 26, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 0, Credit history: 0, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 1075.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: building, Age in years: 26, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 24, Credit history: existing, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 3088.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: building, Age in years: 30, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 24, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 2959.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 3, Property: car, Age in years: 42, Other installment plans: none, Housing: for, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 30, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1868.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: 0, Present residence since: 3, Property: unknown, Age in years: 43, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: for, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 0, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 3029.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 3, Property: unknown, Age in years: 43, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: for, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 30, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 2049.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: 0, Present residence since: 2, Property: unknown, Age in years: 45, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: for, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 36, Credit history: delay, Purpose: furniture, Credit amount: 10373.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: car, Age in years: 28, Other installment plans: stores, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: management, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 36, Credit history: delay, Purpose: education, Credit amount: 6668.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 3, Property: car, Age in years: 28, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: management, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 36, Credit history: delay, Purpose: education, Credit amount: 8176.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: building, Age in years: 27, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: management, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 36, Credit history: delay, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 6098.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: car, Age in years: 28, Other installment plans: stores, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: management, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 12, Credit history: critical, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 3208.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 3, Property: real, Age in years: 47, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: for, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 2, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 24, Credit history: 0, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 3739.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: real, Age in years: 48, Other installment plans: none, Housing: for, Number of existing credits at this bank: 3, Job: 0, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 2, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 0, Credit history: delay, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 3676.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: real, Age in years: 45, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: for, Number of existing credits at this bank: 3, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 2, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 12, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1793.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: car, Age in years: 25, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 15, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1405.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: car, Age in years: 25, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 6, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1305.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: car, Age in years: 25, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 12, Credit history: existing, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 1459.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 1, Property: real, Age in years: 39, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: unskilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 2, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 12, Credit history: existing, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 1318.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 3, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 1, Property: real, Age in years: 42, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: unskilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 2, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 12, Credit history: existing, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 1356.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 1, Property: real, Age in years: 41, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: unskilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 18, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 2456.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 1, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: car, Age in years: 23, Other installment plans: none, Housing: rent, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 18, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 2500.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 1, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: car, Age in years: 23, Other installment plans: none, Housing: rent, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 24, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 2709.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 1, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: car, Age in years: 26, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: rent, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 24, Credit history: critical, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 2438.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: car, Age in years: 38, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 0, Credit history: critical, Purpose: furniture, Credit amount: 2175.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 3, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: car, Age in years: 39, Other installment plans: stores, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 18, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 2256.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 3, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: car, Age in years: 44, Other installment plans: stores, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 0, Credit history: critical, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1118.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 3, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: car, Age in years: 44, Other installment plans: none, Housing: 0, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 48, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 5005.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 1, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: real, Age in years: 28, Other installment plans: bank, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 0, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 4996.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: 0, Present residence since: 2, Property: real, Age in years: 28, Other installment plans: bank, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: 0, Duration in month: 0, Credit history: 0, Purpose: 0, Credit amount: 0.0000, Savings account or bonds: 0, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 0, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: 0, Present residence since: 2, Property: real, Age in years: 25, Other installment plans: none, Housing: 0, Number of existing credits at this bank: 0, Job: 0, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 0, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: 0 '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 0, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 5436.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: real, Age in years: 28, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: 0, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 0, Credit history: 0, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 0.0000, Savings account or bonds: bigger, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 3, Property: car, Age in years: 37, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: 0, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 18, Credit history: critical, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 1318.0000, Savings account or bonds: bigger, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 3, Property: car, Age in years: 39, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 18, Credit history: critical, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 1099.0000, Savings account or bonds: bigger, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 3, Property: car, Age in years: 32, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 18, Credit history: critical, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 1775.0000, Savings account or bonds: bigger, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 3, Property: car, Age in years: 32, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 12, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1578.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: smaller, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 1, Property: car, Age in years: 26, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: rent, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 15, Credit history: 0, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 1888.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: real, Age in years: 32, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 12, Credit history: existing, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 0.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: real, Age in years: 34, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 24, Credit history: 0, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 1048.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 3, Property: real, Age in years: 33, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 12, Credit history: existing, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 0.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: real, Age in years: 32, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 24, Credit history: existing, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 2025.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: car, Age in years: 37, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 2, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 12, Credit history: existing, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 1058.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: car, Age in years: 38, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 2, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 12, Credit history: existing, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 1075.0000, Savings account or bonds: 0, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: car, Age in years: 37, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 2, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 12, Credit history: existing, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 1079.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: car, Age in years: 42, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 2, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 30, Credit history: existing, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 5405.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: car, Age in years: 49, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: rent, Number of existing credits at this bank: 4, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 24, Credit history: existing, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 5325.0000, Savings account or bonds: bigger, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: car, Age in years: 38, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 4, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 30, Credit history: existing, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 5168.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: car, Age in years: 50, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 4, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 30, Credit history: existing, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 5925.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: car, Age in years: 39, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 3, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: yes, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 12, Credit history: critical, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 1549.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: real, Age in years: 40, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: unskilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 2, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 6, Credit history: critical, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 3089.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 1, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: real, Age in years: 38, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: unskilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 2, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 6, Credit history: critical, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 1749.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 3, Property: real, Age in years: 40, Other installment plans: none, Housing: rent, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: unskilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 2, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 6, Credit history: critical, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 2728.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 1, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: real, Age in years: 41, Other installment plans: none, Housing: rent, Number of existing credits at this bank: 3, Job: unskilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 2, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 15, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 2136.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: real, Age in years: 27, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: rent, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 15, Credit history: existing, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1257.0000, Savings account or bonds: 0, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: real, Age in years: 28, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: rent, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 18, Credit history: existing, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 1747.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: building, Age in years: 36, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 18, Credit history: existing, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 1175.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 3, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: building, Age in years: 36, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: 0, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: smaller, Duration in month: 18, Credit history: existing, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 1416.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 3, Personal status and sex: female, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: building, Age in years: 37, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: unskilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 6, Credit history: critical, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1359.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: real, Age in years: 41, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: unskilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 2, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 6, Credit history: critical, Purpose: new, Credit amount: 1738.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 1, Property: real, Age in years: 39, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 2, Job: unskilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 2, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 6, Credit history: critical, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1669.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: real, Age in years: 43, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 3, Job: unskilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 2, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: no, Duration in month: 6, Credit history: critical, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 1708.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 2, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 2, Property: real, Age in years: 41, Other installment plans: none, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 3, Job: unskilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 2, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer:
Infer the creditworthiness of a customer based on the following financial profile. Respond with 'good' or 'bad' only. For example, a customer with stable income, no debts, and property ownership should be classified as 'good'. The customer's profile consists of the following attribute-value pairs: ' Status of existing checking account: bigger, Duration in month: 24, Credit history: 0, Purpose: radio, Credit amount: 2108.0000, Savings account or bonds: smaller, Present employment since: bigger, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income: 4, Personal status and sex: male, Other debtors or guarantors: none, Present residence since: 4, Property: real, Age in years: 37, Other installment plans: 0, Housing: own, Number of existing credits at this bank: 1, Job: skilled, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for: 1, Telephone: none, Foreign worker: yes '. Answer: