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fandom.06prime | # 06Prime Wiki
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06 Prime.
06Prime is a fan-made recreation of the game RuneScape as it existed in May of 2006.
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| 06Prime Wiki |
fandom.06prime | # Agility
Agility is a support skill which governs a player's movement in the world. A higher agility level allows for faster run energy replenishment, and it slows down the drain rate of running as well. There are also obstacles that a player may traverse if their agility is high enough. These obstacles usually allow a player to save some time while traveling and are known as shortcuts when they do so.
| Agility |
fandom.06prime | # Attack
Attack is a skil which enhances the player's aim with melee attacks and allows players to wield superior weapons. To train the attack skill, a player must first select an accurate or controlled style of fighting, and then engage in combat with an enemy.
As a player's level in the Attack skill increases, he or she will be able to use more superior weapons. Following is a list of these weapons/weapon types and the required levels to wield them.
1 Also requires 50 strength
2 Dharok's greataxe and Torag's hammers also require 70 strength.
| Attack |
fandom.06prime | # Cooking
Cooking is a skill that allows players to create and cook meals that restore the player's health. To train the cooking skill, a player must use uncooked food on a range or fire. Alternatively, they may make wine or nettle tea.
Cookable Items.
There are a variety of items that a player can cook. The following tables show them and the levels required to cook them.
| Cooking |
fandom.06prime | # Crafting
Crafting is a skill which governs a player's ability to create light armours, jewellry, and other miscellaneous items.
| Crafting |
fandom.06prime | # Defence
Defence is a skill that makes enemies less likely to hit a player and deal zero damage. It also allows for players to wear better armour. To train the defence skill, a player must first select a defensive or controlled style of fighting, and then engage in combat with an enemy.
As a player's defence level increases, they will be able to wear more effective armour. Below is a table showing the various basic armours a player can wear and at what levels.
1Also requires 50 strength
2Ahrim's and Karil's armours also require 70 magic and 70 ranged, respectively
| Defence |
fandom.06prime | # Farming
Farming is a skill which allows a player to grow crops, herbs, and other useful plants.
| Farming |
fandom.06prime | # Firemaking
Firemaking is a skill that allows players to light fires and light sources. To train firemaking, a player must obtain some logs through woodcutting or trading, and then use a tinderbox on them. If the player does not have a tinderbox, he or she may buy one at a general store.
Fires, also known as cookfires, logfires, or campfires, are one of the things a player can light using the firemaking skill. As the player's firemaking level increases, he or she will be able to create campfires out of higher quality logs. Below is a table showing the various types of log fires a player can burn, and the experience gained from them:
Light Sources.
Other than for creating fires, firemaking is useful for igniting light sources. Below is a table of the various light sources and the firemaking level required to light them:
| Firemaking |
fandom.06prime | # Fishing
Fishing is a skill that allows for players to catch fish, crustaceans, and other various sea creatures. To practice the fishing skill, a player must first obtain some fishing equipment and then attempt to fish at the correct fishing spot. Fishing spots can be found scattered throughout the world, and are marked on the minimap with a circled fish symbol that can be seen on the right.
There are a variety of creatures a player can catch. Below is a table displaying them and at which levels they can be caught at.
There are several different approaches a player can take to fishing when it comes to equipment. Below is a table of equipment types and the levels required to use them.
| Fishing |
fandom.06prime | # Fletching
Fletching is a skill that allows a player to create conventional ranged weaponry and ammunition.
| Fletching |
fandom.06prime | # Herblore
Herblore is a skill that allows players to create potions which have varying effects. To do so, herbs must be gathered and mixed with other ingredients in a vial of water.
| Herblore |
fandom.06prime | # Hitpoints
Hitpoints is the skill that governs the amount of damage a player can take before they die. For each hitpoints level the player gains, the amount of damage they can take before death increases by one. This skill receives experience whenever the player gains experience in attack, strength, defence, ranged, or magic.
| Hitpoints |
fandom.06prime | # Magic
Magic is a skill that allows a player to cast magical spells that have varying effects ranging from damaging an enemy to turning an item into coins.
| Magic |
fandom.06prime | # Main Page
| Main Page |
fandom.06prime | # Mining
Mining is a skill that allows a player to extract resources from deposits of rock scattered throughout the world. These resources then can be used in skills such as crafting and smithing. To practice the mining skill, players must first be wielding a pickaxe or have one in their inventory and then attempt to mine ores from the previously mentioned deposits. At level 60 mining, players may enter the mining guild in Falador.
Types of Ores.
There are several different types of ores and resources a player can mine. Below is a table showing them and the levels required to mine them.
1Requires completion of Rune Mysteries Quest
As a player's mining level increases, he or she will be able to use more effective pickaxes. Below is a table showing the different types of pickaxes and the levels required to use them.
Whilst mining, a player may randomly find a gemstone. The four types of gem stones the player may find are sapphires, emeralds, rubies, and diamonds. Below is a table showing them:
If a player does not know the type of ore a particular group of rocks possesses, he or she may right click the rocks and then choose the prospect option. Upon doing so, your character will approach the rocks and examine them for a moment. The player will then receive a message in the chat box identifying the type of ore in the rocks, if any.
| Mining |
fandom.06prime | # Prayer
Prayer is a skill that allows a player to activate prayers that have various effects such as stat boosts and damage prevention for a limited period of time. To train the prayer skill, players must bury bones. Bones can be obtained from monster drops, through trading, or from various spawns across the world. At level 31 prayer, players can enter the Edgeville Monastery.
There are various types of bones that can be buried. Below is a table showing the various types of bones and how much experience is gained by burying them.
In total, there are 18 different prayers for a player to use. Below is a table the prayers, the levels required to use them, and their effects.
Prayer Points.
In order to activate a prayer, a player must have at least 1 prayer point. A player's number of prayer points depends upon their prayer level. Each level gives a player 1 prayer point. When a player activates a prayer, his or her prayer points will begin to drain until they reach zero. When a player's prayer points are at zero, they will need to pray at an altar or drink a prayer potion made using the herblore skill in order to restore them.
Altar Locations.
Altars are found at nearly any church or temple in the world. Below is a list of altar locations:
| Prayer |
fandom.06prime | # Ranged
Ranged is a skill that governs the use of conventional ranged weaponry such as bows and arrows, throwing knives, and darts. As a player's ranged level increases, he or she will be able to use better ranged weapons and armour. To train ranged, a player must first wield a ranged weapon such as a throwing knife and then attack an enemy with it.
As a player's ranged level increases, he or she will be able to use more effective weapons and armour for the skill. The tables below show the various weapons and armour suited to the ranged that a player can use and at which levels they can use them.
1Also requires 50 agility
1Also requires 30 defence
2Also requires 70 defence
| Ranged |
fandom.06prime | # Runecraft
Runecraft is a skill that allows for players to create runestones that are needed to cast magical spells. To begin practicing the runecrafting skill, you will need a talisman that matches the type of rune you wish to craft. Talismans can be obtained in many ways, most notably through monster drops or by trading with other players. You will also need some rune or pure essence, and you must know the location of the runecrafting altar that matches the type of rune you wish to craft. To obtain rune or pure essence, you can simply trade other players for it, or if you have done the Rune Mysteries Quest, you can mine it yourself. The quest allows you to be teleported to the rune essence mine by NPCs such as Aubury at his rune shop in Varrock.
Types of Runes You Can Craft.
When you begin practicing the runecraft skill for the first time, you will only be able to create air runes, but as your level rises, new rune types will become available to craft. Below is a table that shows the levels needed for each variety of rune.
Multiple Runes.
As your runecraft level rises, you will begin to craft multiple runes per single rune essence. For example, if your runecraft level is 78 or above and you craft rune essence into earth runes, you will recieve 4 earth runes per rune essence crafted. The following table shows at which levels you will begin to receive multiple runes per essence crafted.
Players can create runic tiarias that allow them to enter runecrafting ruins. These runic tiaras are useful because they can be worn on the head slot, which frees up an inventory space for more rune or pure essence. To create a runic tiara, players must bring a normal silver tiara that can be created using the crafting skill and a talisman of the desired rune type to the altar that matches the talisman's rune type. They can then imbue the tiara with the power of the talisman using the altar, destroying the talisman in the process.
| Runecraft |
fandom.06prime | # Skills
Skills are a player's proficiencies which may be trained by participating in activites that are associated with that skill.
List of Skills.
There are 21 skills in total. Click the links below to learn more about each of them:
Skills are associated into four categories: combat, gathering, artisan, and support skills.
Combat skills involve skills utilized in combat. They are attack, strength, defence, prayer, magic, ranged, and hitpoints.
Gathering skills involve gathering resources. They are woodcutting, mining, fishing, and farming.
Artisan skills involve turning a resource into a finished product. They are smithing, cooking, herblore, fletching, crafting, firemaking, and runecraft.
Support skills involve supporting the player's other activites. They are agility, thieving, and slayer.
Experience and Levels.
Participating in an activity associated with a skill will earn you experience points. These points, while not affecting the skills themselves, will allow a player to earn levels which do affect the skills. The minimum level in a skill is 1, and the maximum is 99. Following is a list of the levels and the experience needed to attain them. If you are looking for a specific level, use the search function (default: ctrl+f) that is built into most browsers.
| Skills |
fandom.06prime | # Slayer
Slayer is a skill that allows players to damage special monsters that tend to have exclusive drops and/or valuable drops. To train the slayer skill, players must first seek out a slayer master and receive a slayer task from them. Players must then fight and kill the monster they were assigned to gain experience.
Recommended Items.
It is recommended that a player brings an enchanted gem with them whilst slaying monsters, as it will allow for them to keep track of how many monsters they have yet to kill in order to complete their task.
Slayer Masters.
There are five different slayer masters a player may receive tasks from. Each has its own requirements and gives the player different difficulties of tasks. A slayer master with a higher combat level requirement will typically give more difficult tasks than those with a lower combat level requirement. Below is a table showing the various slayer masters, their locations, and their requirements.
| Slayer |
fandom.06prime | # Smithing
Smithing is a skill that allows for a player to create metal objects such as weapons and armour. To practice the smithing skill, players must obtain metal bars. They can do this by trading other players for them or mining ores and then smelting the ore into bars. Once the player has obtained an adequate amount of bars, they must then bring them along with a hammer to an anvil. To smith the bars into items, the player must use them with an anvil and select what item they wish to smith.
Furnace Locations.
Funaces are needed to smelt ores into bars that are required to smith items. Below is a list of furnace locations:
Anvil Locations.
Anvils are required to smith bars of metal into usable items such as swords. Below is a list of anvil locations.
Items That Can Be Smithed.
Below is a table showing the items that can be smithed, and what level is required to smith them.
Smithing experience is based on bars used rather than items made, so it is preferable to smith whatever item is most profitable. Below is a table showing the amount of experience gained per bar smithed into an item.
Players also gain Smithing experience for smelting ores into bars. Below is a table showing how much expeience gained per bar smelted.
| Smithing |
fandom.06prime | # Strength
Strength is a skill that allows for a player to hit higher amounts of damage and also wear a few miscellaneous pieces of equipment. To train the strength skill, a player must first select an aggressive or controlled style of fighting, and then engage in combat with an enemy.
There are a few pieces of equipment that require a strength level to use. Below is a table showing them and what strength level they require.
1Also requires 20 attack
2Also requires 30 attack
3Also requires 40 attack
4Also requires 60 attack
5Also requires 50 attack
6Also requires 50 defence
7Also requires 70 attack
| Strength |
fandom.06prime | # Thieving
Thieving is a skill which governs a player's ability to steal from non-player characters, chests, and other sources of wealth.
| Thieving |
fandom.06prime | # Woodcutting
Woodcutting is a skill in that allows players to cut down trees and create canoes. To practice the woodcutting skill, a player must have an axe in their inventory or be wielding one that they have a high enough woodcutting level to use, and then attempt to chop down a tree.
Tree/Log Types.
As a player's woodcutting level increases, he or she will be able to cut down better grades of trees. Below is a table showing the different types of logs a player can cut, the levels required to do so, and the experience gained per log cut:
As a player's woodcutting level increases, they can also use more effective axes. Below is a table showing the types of axes a player can use and at what woodcutting levels they can use them:
Other than lumbering, woodcutting is also useful for creating canoes to travel in. Below is a table of the canoes a player can make and at what levels they can make them at:
| Woodcutting |
fandom.07ghost | # 07-GHOST
Hakuren: Hn...today I worked until quite late and studied hard. I suppose I'll relax in my room to prepare for tomorrow and bid farewell to today. Mm, life is indeed beautiful. Oh, and I suppose I'll try the book I borrowed from Bishop Castor with Teito, the one on yoga poses that help with sleep. Since Teito doesn't seem to be getting enough sleep, what with all those nightmares...so- TEITO-?!
Mikhail: Ohhhh~ So you are Hakuren Oak. An important person to my master.
Hakuren: This is not Teito! The red stone on his right hand...Mikhail awakened?!
Mikhail: Unlike that Zehel, you won't get on my master's nerves. Although that is not to say that your insolent acts of calling him an elementary schooler has completely slipped my mind...but fine. I suppose I'll close one eye to that on the account of your friendship with master. Hahahahaha...
Hakuren: S-scary-! His eyes aren't smiling at all! This is bad...
Mikhail: But well...Zehel's existence in itself irks my master. That stare from above...that height...unfavorable. He's simply brandishing that difference, isn't he? Outrageous! Simply outrageous!
Hakuren: Silently...silently...
Mikhail: By the way, where do you think you're going?
Hakuren: !! No, I just remembered something I have to do...Bishop Frau said that he can put Teito to sleep with the collar, he'll be able to resolve this situation. The Eye of Mikhail...the mystic stone that is said to have the power to seize half of the world. If I don't play my moves correctly, I won't be able to study for my exam tomorrow- nevermind that, I might never be able to study for it again! I said I'd bid farewall to today, but now I'm faced with the risk of bidding farewell to my life- NO! I'd be troubled! Extremely troubled!! What in the world did I do to deserve this! MORE LIKE, I REALLY WANT TO SLEEP RIGHT NOW. PLEASE JUST LET ME SLEEP.
Mikhail: You wear your heart on your sleeve.
Hakuren: !!!
Mikhail: Outrageous. But...I don't dislike your honest self. Well, sit there.
Hakuren: So...why are you in the open?
Mikhail: To tell the truth, master isn't getting sufficient sleep. His exhaustion is wearing him down. He may seem to be sleeping soundly on the surface, but that is no more than a facade the army trained him to put on in the event of enemy assault. The problem is...master isn't aware of that.
Hakuren: Teito...ah! Great timing! I've brought this yoga book from Bishop Castor over just so we can try it!
Mikhail: Ohh~ As expected from my master's friend! I shall use it then, with compliments!
Hakuren: Let's see...cross your arms behind your back, stand on one foot, lift up the other while breathing out...once your head touches your foot, keep that pose for 30 seconds- AS IF I CAN DO THAT. Eh? EEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?! YOU DID IT.
Mikhail: Master has a flexible body to begin with. Something like this is mere warm up for him.
Hakuren: ...hehehe...
Mikhail: Well then, Hakuren, why don't you talk about something? Hmm...like how you think of my master?
Hakuren: ...what is with this embarrassing development.
Mikhail: My master thinks highly of you...I'm interested. Go ahead and talk.
Hm...Teito is...how do I put it...a very important friend. He doesn't talk much...but I suppose that's due to the harsh life he led in the military. But despite that, he doesn't lose his compassion and is straightforward. He has his share of clumsiness and recklessness, which is quite worrisome...but I think he possess true strength, more so than anyone. When I first met him...
Mikhail: *snoreyawn* No good, no good, I've fallen sleep. Now...where were you again?
Mikhail: Hmm...I've done you wrong. Please start over again-
Mikhail: *yawn* Well, since I seem to be finally nearing sleep, I request a lullaby.
Hakuren: LULLABY!?
Mikhail: Hakuren, master's heart seemed to be calmed by your voice. He's opening himself up to you. You have my thanks.
Hakuren: Ah- well, it's not something to be thanked for-
Mikhail: SO! A song, if you will? I shall rest after hearing it.
Hakuren: UAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRGH! Mother, is this some sort of trial? Song...song? One powerful enough to put the Eye of Mikhail to sleep? Sounds good...a song that helps Teito sleep in peace! *clears throat*
[Hakuren sings]
Mikhail: Withholding judgment on the actual quality, your expression [of the song] is peculiar, Hakuren. But...not bad.
Lab: Ah... it seems that you've had trouble but, as expected from Hakuren-kun. Mikhail-sama's Teito seemed peacefully slept. My sleeping drug could do the job too but... that is a se-cr-et. That's because what Teito really needs now is peace of the heart. (Something to do with the yoga) Make sure not to make a mistake, Hakuren-kun.
Hakuren: In all days, today I met him(Mikhail) in the open...
Frau: Here you go. Coffee. Just get back to your room after drinking it.
Mikhail: ...what is this? You don't even know my master's preferences? He despises things of a bitter nature.
Frau: What now, haven't drunk coffee before? What a kid~ Well, it just happens that I'm not in the habit of storing dairy products or sugar in my room. Is black coffee too much for a kid? HAHAHAHA!!
Mikhail: ...hn. Did I just hear...'kid', or are my ears betraying me...?*kills coffee*
Frau: You did NOT just destroy my love-filled drink!
Mikhail: You don't store milk nor sugar? What a useless fool. Bring me a cup of tea. Now. And I'll say this beforehand...but if you try to restrain me using the collar...then it'll be your doom.
Frau: ...he read ahead.*yawns* Geez...here, cup of tea. Seriously, just go back to your room after you drink this. Huh? What now? You don't need this?
Mikhail: I've changed my mind. Master likes melon soda. Bring me some, Zehel.
Frau: Y-you damn midget staring down at me! I'm not taking this shit anymore! Imma gonna stuff a green-colored (I cannot make out this part) into your damn mouth!
Mikhail: Damn midget staring down at you...!? What insolence against my master! UNFORGIVABLE.
Frau: I'm not saying this to Teito! It's for you!
Mikhail: NO EXCUSES! Zehel...it seems that the time has finally come for you to part with this world. Let me guide you to the deepest pits of hell. Taste despair that surpasses even the ninth circle!
Lab: Mikhail-sama, did you call for me?
Hakuren: Woah...Bishop Frau's room is messed up.
Mikhail: Profe and...Hakuren? I am very upset right now. Damn Zehel...can't even make a cup of tea properly, and what is with him not storing any of master's favorites?
Lab: That must have been greatly worrying.
Hakuren: Zehel...Profe? Why are you talking about the gods?
Lab: Mikhail-sama, please call us by 'Labrador' and 'Frau'.
Mikhail: Ohh I see. Must be quite hard, living amongst the humans.
Hakuren: B-by the way...why are you holding a bottle of vodka?
Mikhail: Well, it was right here. Geez...and he dares call himself a bishop.
Lab: ...that's very bad. Priming right beside the bomb.
Hakuren: Bishop...I fear that the worst situation may come to pass-
Mikhail: Did you say something?
Lab & Hakuren: NO! Nothing at all.
Lab: Mikhail-sama, if Teito is thirsty, then you shouldn't really drink wine.
Mikhail: Well, it's not like I'm seriously considering drinking it.
Hakuren: ...then what's with the happy face.
Mikhail: Hmm...not a bad smell. Hahahaha- master is still underage. I shouldn't really be drinking wine.
Lab: I will lecture Frau on his storage of wine, and I'll take care of that bottle, so please hand it over.
Mikhail: It's not like you have to take care of it right away, or is it?
Lab: It's dangerous, so please hand it over. Okay?
Mikhail: What's so dangerous about it?
Lab: Putting that aside, it seems like Hakuren just made some of Teito's favorite food. So why don't you give them a try?
Hakuren: Yes yes! I've made muffin - Teito mentioned that he'd love to try some out one day.
Mikhail: Favorite food? How attentive of you, Hakuren! You made these yourself? I'm sure master will be delighted.
Lab: That's great! Go ahead and try them with this cup of special herb tea.
Mikhail: Mmm...great smell, as expected of you, Labrador.*sips* Splendid taste as well. You guys are quite competent, much better than Frau. Hakuren, master likes the taste of it. What did you put in?
Hakuren: Well, nuts in this one...
Mikhail: Oh~
Hakuren: And here, some eyefish to bring out a more mature taste-
Mikhail: I don't need this one.
Hakuren: And dry fruits in this one.
Mikhail: Ohh~ I like this one.
Hakuren: And here...
Lab: ...have to get the wine right now...
Mikhail: Mmm~ Master will be delighted with this! Hahahaha- *snores*
Hakuren: !!...he's sleeping.
Lab: Great! Seems like the instant-sleep drug I put in the tea is working.
Frau: Geez...so my wine got confiscated, my door blown off and it's pretty damn cold. But more importantly! Why the hell is that damn Mikhail so open with Lab and Hakuren?! Not sitting well with me! And what the hell was that? Staring down at me when he actually has to look up at my face?
Lab: Hehe...the trick is just reaching out to the other. Frau, just get along with him.
Hakuren: Maybe...Bishop Labrador is the hardest to deal with.
| 07-GHOST |
fandom.07ghost | # 07-GHOST Drama CD - 7th District
| 07-GHOST Drama CD - 7th District |
fandom.07ghost | # 07-Ghost
and for the chapter, see Seven Ghosts (chapter). For the drama CD, see 07-GHOST.
07-Ghost is a fantasy manga written and illustrated by Yuki Amemiya and Yukino Ichihara respectively. It is currently serialized in the monthly shōjo manga magazine Monthly Comic Zero Sum published by Ichijinsha. Sixteen bound volumes have been released as of May 2013. The manga has been licensed by Go! Comi for release in North America, but they stopped publishing in October 2009 and Viz Media has since picked up the license for the series. The series has been adapted into several drama CDs and a 25-episode television anime series from Studio Deen, which debuted in April 2009.
As of August 2013, the manga has concluded with the 99th chapter. Whether there will be a continuation of the anime adaptation is currently still unknown.
Development and Pilot chapters.
There have been two side chapters that were released as an early idea of the storyline and would later serve as blueprints for the story.
The earliest one is named "Seven Ghosts" which appears to be a prototype of the first chapter as well as being the source where the personalities of the three Bishops; Castor, Frau, and Labrador, and Teito were derived from as well as several incidents which would later become canon e.g. Teito being a slave. Several of the features in the pilot chapter were removed altogether: Professor Lloyd's appearance in the Church, or changed slightly: Teito's brand on his forehead was later replaced with handcuffs, designs for the senior Military uniforms were also changed, and several incidents would later be added to the story.
The second prototype side chapter is named "Begleiter" and revolves around the two major antagonists of the series: Ayanami and Hyuuga. The chapter also introduces characters Yukinami and Suzunami, twin brothers who appear as students at the Military academy - the former being Ayanami's begleiter, and also introduces Ayanami's deceased previous begleiter, Yukikaze. In the finished series, the idea of Yukinami and Suzunami's role as students is dropped entirely, but they make an appearance later in the manga as combat slaves from Antwort. Yukikaze's connection with Ayanami remains the same, though his appearance changes.
Teito Klein is a former slave sent to attend the Barsburg Empire's military academy due to his ability to use Zaiphon, the ability to turn life energy into various forms of energy, the ability being rare, and thus highly prized. Teito is an amnesiac and doesn't remember anything of his origins - what he does learn of his past comes from his recurring and often traumatizing dreams. After a year at the academy, Teito takes the graduation exam; it is notoriously difficult, with a pass rate of one in twenty-five. Teito and his best friend, Mikage, pass. That night, in their shared dorm room, they each promise to help the other at any cost.
The next day, Teito is delivering his application to his professor when he hears the strange jingling noise that he hears in his dreams. He stops to listen and realizes that one of the officers, Chief of Staff Ayanami, is the man who killed his father in his dreams. Teito is found eavesdropping and tries to attack him, but is quickly brought down by Hyuuga, one of Ayanami's subordinates, and sent to prison. Mikage comes to help him escape, only to find that Teito has managed to fight past the guards by himself. The two flee the building, but are cornered on a balcony. Teito pretends to hold Mikage hostage, threatening to kill him; and tries to escape when Ayanami sends a Zaiphon attack after him, which Teito manages to partly deflect. A Bishop in the nearby 7th District brings the injured Teito to the church to recuperate.
The 07 ghost series has an extensive cast of characters. Throughout the series, several new characters have been introduced, including a few filler characters that appear exclusively in the anime.
The overall style for 07 Ghost fits into the fantasy manga genre. Although the plot is serious, there is a lot of comic relief, giving the story a more lighthearted tone. The characters are all complex, varied and entertaining, and the story is extremely emotional. It is often disputed as to whether it is a shōnen or shōjo manga, since it has qualities that appeal to both demographics.
07 Ghost is currently serialized in the magazine Monthly Comic Zero Sum published by Ichijinsha. Ten compilation volumes were released as of August 25, 2010, and the manga was completed as of August 2013. It has been licensed in North America by Go! Comi.
07-Ghost has been adapted into an anime by Studio DEEN. Directed by , the anime premiered on Chiba TV on April 6, 2009 and season one concluded on September 21, 2009.
The 07 ghost anime series uses two pieces of theme music over the duration of twenty-five episodes. The opening piece is called Aka no Kakera ("Red Shard", 赤の破片) and is performed by . The second piece is called Hitomi no Kotae and is performed by , and is used at the ending credits of each episode. Another piece by Noria is also used as an inset song between episodes 20-25 called 'Raggs no Chinkonka' Raggs Requiem.
Drama CDs.
The first drama CD, "Kamisama ni Todoku Koibumi", was released in 2007. It features many of the same voice actors that will be reprising their roles for the anime. A second drama CD was released in February 2009 entitled "The Day of Retribution". The second drama CD features the same voice cast for the previous CD and the anime, and a bonus track of the cast's comments and a specially drawn cover by the manga artist. In October the same year, another drama CD was released, titled "The Top News Headlines". Another drama CD was released in 2009. Limited edition DVDs have been released since autumn 2009. Thirteen mini-dramas are included in these DVDs.
The seventh volume of '07 Ghost was ranked 23rd on the Tohan charts between 26 November and 2 December 2008. Sakura Eries from Mania.com comments that the manga contains "supernatural shōnen action title with a complex plot" and "emotional moments between Teito and Mikage" for shōjo readers. The 9th Volume was ranked 13th on Oricon Manga Ranking charts between 23 and 29 November. The 10th Volume debuted at number 10 on Oricon Manga Ranking charts.
The manga had also won a double first prize in the third Zero Sum Comics grand-prix, which means it was chosen for first place by both readers and editors, which is very rare.
| 07-Ghost |
fandom.07ghost | # Aegis
Aegis (also known as the Airborne Aegis in SPEEDSTER ) is a large warship that belonged to Guido. It was seen in SPEEDSTER, Kapitel 95 and Kapitel 96. After it came out of the scythe and Frau came to terms with his past, the Aegis no longer exists.
In English, 'aegis' can mean 'protection', 'sponsorship', or 'guidance'. To be under the aegis of someone or something means to have the protection or support of a person or an organization. This may allude to the Aegis' role and the Sky Pirates' involvement in the Raggs War. In Greek mythology, 'aegis' refers to the goatskin shield or breastplate of Zeus or Athena.
The appearance of the Aegis is a lot different in the special chapter SPEEDSTER and in the original manga. In SPEEDSTER, a creature, similar to a Ribidzile Dragon is seen to have flown Guido's air pirate ship and was then labelled as the 'Airborne Aegis'. However, in the original manga, the Aegis resembled more of a flying warship.
Manga Synopsis.
The Airborne Aegis (as it was called then) is first approaching the Floating Island F-31. The air pirate ship landed after it has been confirmed entry to F-31. Many of the Sky Pirates recognised the Airborne Aegis and were excited at Guido's return after 5 years. Hundreds of cargo were taken out of the Aegis most likely for business transactions. The ship, along with Guido's subordinates, was once again seen at the background when Guido was about to leave until Frau stopped him. It was shown one last time as Frau joined Guido's crew and then flew off towards their next destination.
Raggs War.
It was indicated that the Aegis was targeted during the Raggs War by the Barsburg Military Air Force in order to control the skies and most likely to eliminate Guido, who is the Leader of the Sky Pirates, so that no threats remained against the Barsburg Empire. This was the Air Force utmost priority that they let the Raggs Refugee ship cross over the National Border and focused solely on destroying the Aegis.Because of Frau's desire to not let Aegis fall, and due to Landkarte's manipulation, he managed to annihilate the Aegis' pursuers using Verloren's Scythe but at the cost of his life.
Due to the fact that the Empire did not find the decommissioned warship, there were various anecdotes about the Aegis. Some said that ship turned into dust after bombarded, or the subjugation was a lie, and that the ship was still flying somewhere across the skies.Frau revealed that Verloren's Scythe, having a 'bottomless appetite', had swallowed Aegis during the Sky Pirate Subjugation. This was because he couldn't accept the fact that Guido died and the Aegis was his place of memory with Guido. According to Teito, Frau felt lonely by saying goodbye to it. However, in the end, Frau acknowledged Guido's death and subsequently the Aegis vanished.
| Aegis |
fandom.07ghost | # Agas
Agas is a minor protagonist in the 07-Ghost series. He was one of the three bodyguards of King Krom of Raggs, who convoyed Fea Kreuz and Wahrheit Tiashe Raggs in the Raggs War. He died in manga chapter 65 when the Eye of Raphael attacked Wahrheit Tiashe Raggs on the edge of a cliff.
Agasu is the name of a leopard in African mythology.
Physical appearance.
Agas was a fairly tall man, estimated to stand at 6 foot, with a muscular, broad shouldered build. He had a long face, an angular jaw, a long pointy nose and thin lips. His skin is fair. His hair is short, a very dark brown colour, spiked up, with a long fringe that sweeps to the side of his face. Agas has narrowed, red eyes.
He wore the standard armour of the Black Beast Squadron. It consisted of a grey upper armour plate, with a neck guard that is open at the front, which covered his entire torso as well as bulky paddings at his shoulders. At the centre of the armour plate is the Raggs Kingdoms' insignia. Underneath the armour plate is a black shirt with gray linings which corresponds to the sleeves.
The upper arms were covered with black sleeves with gray linings at the edge, which was linked to the paddings at the shoulders, and ended at the wrist. Attached to the lower part of the armour plate is a black cape-like clothing with gray linings. The outfit was finished with gray gloves, black trousers, which was tucked in the boots covered with leg braces and paddings.
Agas appeared to be kind, respectful and courageous. He was presumably also good with children, as he often played and got along well with Teito when the latter was a child. Despite his kind nature, he was aggressive in battle, as shown during the Raggs War. Agas was generally calm, but like Mark, sometimes panicked easily around Fea Kreuz and even tackled Kreuz to the ground, along with Mark, to prevent him from eating the poisonous mushroom given by Tiashe.
Fea Kreuz.
Agas and Fea Kreuz appeared to spend a fairly large amount of time with each other, both of them being attendants of Weldeschtein Krom Raggs, and both of them looking after and playing with Teito. Agas and Kreuz seemed to get along very well as Kreuz was once shown confiding in Agas about his concerns not only regarding Millea and Krom's relationship but also the Raggs Kingdom's future. When Kreuz let out his contrasting feelings of happiness on Krom's falling in love with Millea but being unable to give his blessings to his brother, Agas comforted Kreuz.
When Raphael was used to attack Tiashe, the ground Agas and Kreuz were standing collapsed. Agas prioritised Kreuz, and Teito's, safety first by throwing his sword at Kreuz, which caught his clothes, and by catching Teito in order to prevent them both from falling.
Despite this close relationship, Kreuz won't hesitate in attacking those who endager Teito's safety as he once violently elbowed Agas as the latter was playing with Teito by throwing Teito in the air. Agas addressed Fea Kreuz as 'Kreuz-dono', or literally 'Lord/Master Kreuz', and Kreuz also addressed Agas as 'Agas-dono', showing respect to each other.
Teito Klein.
Agas was caring towards and protective of Teito. Agas often played with Teito by throwing him into the air, in which he received Kreuz's elbow and wrath on one occasion. Agas, along with Karan, played in the water with Teito and made a rainbow using a hose pipe, much to Teito's awe and amusement, in which afterwards, he asked Teito to make three wishes before the rainbow would vanish.
When Teito was still a child, he affectionately called Agas as 'Akkun' and admired him to the point that he wanted to be big like Agas. This may be the reason why Agas plays toss-me-up with Teito as he (Teito) surpasses him by height.
Agas was extremely worried about Teito when it was revealed by Krom that Teito was serving as Pandora's Box. After Eye of Raphael's attack, he caught Teito first and prioritised his safety. When the ground fully collapsed, he fell to his death and was also hit by Raphael's attack a second time but not before passing Teito to Kreuz and ensuring that he was safe.
Karan and Mark.
Agas was often seen with Karan and Mark. The three appeared to be friends, and were colleagues, as all three were members of the Black Beast Squadron. All three shared the duty of playing and protecting Teito alongside Fea Kreuz and all of them seemed to get along very well with each other. Also, they were the personal bodyguards of the Weldeschtein Krom Raggs so they spend most of the time together.
When Fea Kreuz was planning on bringing along Teito around the Seven Houses of God, Agas and Mark were the ones who most notably insisted in escorting Teito with Kreuz, saying that it was unfair for him (Kreuz) to go alone, with Karan sustaining his composure by the sidelines.
Weldeschtein Krom Raggs.
As a bodyguard of the late king of Raggs, Agas accompanied the latter almost everywhere. Agas apparently cared for Weldeschtein, as he and Kreuz were once shown sharing concerns about Weldeschtein's relationship with Millea Klein. Agas had a good relationship with Krom as he addressed Krom respectfully, calling him 'Your majesty'. He was also worried about Krom implanting the Eye of Mikhail into Teito and seemed to be surprised at his decision.
When Agas was not on guard duty, Krom sent him, along with Karan and Mark, to take care of Teito. This shows that Krom put a lot of faith not only in Agas but the other members as well on leaving Teito in their hands with Fea Kreuz.
Abilities and Attributes.
Agas was part of the Black Beast Squadron which consisted of very strong humans. He was able to defend against Hyuuga's attacking zaiphon, which enabled him to split the attack into two. However, it took him great pains to stop it due to Hyuuga being a Warsfeil. Despite this, he managed to stand against him for a short duration.
In Kapitel 65, he was seen attacking the Barsburg soldiers, who were pursuing Teito and Kreuz in the forest, with two swords. This displayed his capabilities of dual-wielding of which he was able to defeat the enemies with one strike, demonstrating his immense strength.
Early childhood
Little is known about Agas's early years. He was presumably born and raised in the kingdom of Raggs.
At some point in his life, Agas began working as a bodyguard for King Weldeschtein Krom Raggs and became a member of the Black Beast Squadron alongside Karan and Mark.
Manga Synopsis.
Teito's disappearance.
The night Teito Klein went missing, Agas had been in palace garden with him, Fea Kreuz, and the rest of the Black Beast Squadron, where Teito had prepared 'food' for them all that consisted of poisonous mushrooms. While the guards panic at the sight, Kreuz attempts to eat his as it will please Teito, leading to Agas and Mark overpowering him and forcibly taking the plate from him before he can poison himself.
The ambassador from the Barsburg Empire then arrives as informed by the Royal Attendant, leading Fea Kreuz and the Black Beast Squadron to leave in order to meet him. Afterwards, Teito is left in the company of a Royal Attendant, whereupon he is kidnapped by Vanessa Antwort.
In Kapitel 41, he is seen in a flashback as Teito enters Raggs Castle. He was playing with a young Teito in the water, along with Karan, as he makes a rainbow for Teito's amusement and tells him to make three wishes.
Pandora's Box.
After Fea Kreuz rescued Teito from The Pope, Teito rested on the table in which afterwards, Krom revealed that he was acting as Pandora's Box successfully as Teito accepted the 'body'. He was visibly shocked at this revelation along with the Karan and Mark. When Krom wanted implant the Eye of Mikhail to Teito in order to stop his soul from being devoured by Verloren, Agas seemed worried and tried to protest but nevertheless, listened to his King's orders.
As Kreuz planned to go with Teito to the Houses of God, Agas and Mark volunteered without hesitation to escort Teito and Kreuz, with Karan maintaining his composure by the sidelines. However, Kreuz indicated that they needed to wait for the reply from the Barsburg Empire so they had to remain with Krom. Agas was also present when a messenger told Krom that the Empire was using the Eye of Raphael to attack the Raggs Kingdom.
Krat Family House.
When Teito was knocked unconscious by the Krat Family's incense, Agas appears in another one of Teito's flashback. Agas is affectionately called by Teito whereupon he is asked by him to throw him into the air, due to Teito's admiration of him, and was violently elbowed by Kreuz afterwards. However, when Kreuz was holding Teito up in the air, Agas called out Kreuz's name out of worry.
In Kapitel 44, he was seen briefly along with Karan as one of many of Teito's precious people when Teito wonders how much time he has left as he realizes that without the Eye of Mikhail, Verloren is breaking free from his cage and is waiting to devour his soul.
Escort Mission.
As Fea Kreuz and Teito were about to get attacked by the Barsburg soldiers, Agas arrives to rescue and guard them to the Seven Houses of God, together with Karan and Mark, as ordered by Krom. As the number of pursuers were increasing, Karan and Agas stayed with Kreuz and Teito as Mark volunteers himself to stop the enemy forces from closing in on them. Agas, Karan and Kreuz were surprised by the tremor caused by Mark's last attack and looks back.
After Mark's demise in Hyuuga's hands, Agas and Karan continue running to the route Karan gave in which afterwards, Karan was the second to go while Agas continued to guard Kreuz and Teito. As Karan wraps his muffler around Teito's neck, Agas and Kreuz could only look in return. When the battle intensifies between Hyuuga and Karan, Agas and Kreuz continue running and were briefly halted in their tracks as Teito wanted to activate the Eye of Mikhail due to his desire to save Karan.
Hyuuga uses Karan's technique after he dies and Agas stops the attack but with the use of all his strength. When the Eye of Mikhail took over to relay a message that the Eye of Raphael is targeting Teito, Agas and Kreuz try to run away from their location as fast as they can. However, the radius of the attack was too large and all of them got caught in it. When Kreuz accidentally lets go of Teito during the chaos, Agas catches him smoothly and throws his sword to Kreuz to catch his clothes so he does not drop down from the cliff. Agas plays toss-me-up with Teito for the last time by throwing him to Fea Kreuz before falling to his death. He was attacked by the Eye of Raphael once more but not before Teito calls out his nickname one last time.
In Kapitel 67, as all three members of the Black Beast Squadron passes away, Teito is shown to have cried and desperately kept on pleading on getting them to come back and to not leave him as they wave goodbye to Teito.
Kreuz's Confession.
When the King of Raggs visited the Barsburg Empire for the International Peace Summit, Wolfram Eifeler Barsburg sees Fea Kreuz and Agas talking to each other on the balcony. Kreuz told Agas that he told Millea Klein about everything earlier and asked her to withdraw (most likely from the relationship between her and Krom) and Agas asked about Krom's response. Kreuz replied that his brother was planning to talk about everything from here on as Kreuz indicates the Council of Elders decision was correct because they couldn't allow any damages done to the Raggs Kindom's future.
Kreuz then talks about how if Krom is set in a difficult situation because of Millea, he can't help but feel anxious about it. Despite this, Kreuz was happy to the point he could jump around about it and he was seen with tears nearly falling. He continues to recall that after his early ascension to the throne 5 years ago, Krom threw away his selfishness and worked himself to the bone for the sake of the Raggs country that it made his retainers around him worried. But for the first time ever, he fell deeply in love with Millea Klein and Fea Kreuz could still not give his brother his blessings.
In Kapitel 87, the Black Beast Squadron and Weldeschtein Krom Raggs is seen in a dream flashback by Millea Klein when she awakens. Krom and Millea held hands and the Squadron had greeted and informed her that her son was still among the living and is continuing to survive despite hardship. By then, Teito need not have told his mother about their deaths.
| Agas |
fandom.07ghost | # Aka no Kakera
Aka no Kakera is one of the two pieces of theme music used for the 07-Ghost series since its anime adaption by Studio DEEN. It is used for all 25 episodes of season 1, and is sung by artist Yuki Suzuki, being used as the opening piece. Its ending counterpart is Hitomi no Kotae by Noria.
I heard a dry scream,
"Untangle the darkness inside my memory!"
Whenever you chose your final answer,
You'd ended up hurting someone,
Without knowing what the truth was,
But in order to regain your brilliance,
You will go on, crossing thousands of years.
Clenching in my hands these never to return,
Fragments of scarlet I will continue to wander about,
Until I find that eye which can give me a reflection of you.
I even came to harbor some empty idle thoughts,
Not even finding in me the power to simply redeem my sins.
Forever losing my way around I've been fearing,
Something invisible,
Though the chains binding me are yet to be torn off,
I struggled in my search,
To crawl my way out of this unending cruel age.
The crumbling memory of the snow,
Seems like it's about to melt away as I pull it close,
But I will go on until I've become strong enough not to hurt anyone.
We get hurt and we hurt others in this world full of deceits,
If allowed to I will open the door where you wait for me.
Holding close my memory,
I will set forth on a never-ending journey.
The fragments of blue I've been searching for,
Are welling up in my chest,
Holding close my memory,
I will set forth on a never-ending journey.
Until I find the seven souls and that eye.
Kawaita sakebigoe ga kikoeta,
"Kioku no naka no yami o hodoite!"
Itsumo saigo no kotae erande wa,
Dareka o kizutsuketeta,
Sou nani ga shinjitsu ka wakaranai mama ni,
Kagayaki modosu tame,
Kimi wa ikusen no toki o koeteiku.
Modoranai aka no kakera,
Nigirishimete sa mayoitsuzuketeku,
Kimi o utsushideseru sono hitomi o sagashidasu made.
Utsuro na zatsunen sae umareta,
Tsugunau dake no tsuyosa mo nakute.
Itsumo arika ni mayoi sugata naki,
Nanika ni obieteita,
Mada karamu kusari sura chigirenai mama de,
Agaite sagashiteta,
Tsuzuku zankoku na toki o haiagaru.
Kuzureteku yuki no kioku,
Taguriyosete toketeshimau sou de,
Dare mo kizutsukenai sono tsuyosa o te ni ireru made.
Kizutsuki kizutsuketeta itsuwari dake no sekai,
Yurusareru no nara kimi no matsu tobira o hiraku.
Kioku o dakishimete
Owaru koto no nai tabi e to
Sagashiteta ao no kakera
Mune ni afureteiku
Kioku o dakishimete
Owaru koto no nai tabi e to
Nanatsu no tamashii to sono hitomi o sagashidasu made.
いつも最後の答え 選んでは
戻らない 緋色のカケラ
君を映し出せる その瞳を探し出すまで
| Aka no Kakera |
fandom.07ghost | # Aldo
Aldo is a minor character who appears in the 07 Ghost anime and manga series. He was a murderer, killing many people, who came to the 7th District seeking sanctuary as a way of repenting for his sins. Aldo was shown to be in charge of the Barsburg Church grounds (opening the gates and making sure they were locked at night), as well as being the one who oversaw the practice for the Bishop's Apprentice Exam. He was eventually murdered by Bastien in his goal to cleanse the Church of criminals, and his corpse was later used as a host by a Wars.
'Aldo' is a name of German origin, meaning 'the old and wise'. Aldo is also the name of an 8th-century Saint, who devoted her life to helping the poor.
Physical appearance.
Aldo appeared as a very tall, intimidating, muscular person. His features were very pronounced, with a strong jaw, a pronounced chin, large cheekbones, a large nose, and prominent eyebrow ridges. His lips were grotesquely large with a metal ring through the bottom lip. His skin was quite dark and slightly gray, and his head was shaven. Aldo's race is unknown. It is possible that he is human, but he does possess some of the physical characteristics that Trolls bear, hinting that he may be of mixed race.
He wore a plain, ankle-length, monk-like robe, beige in color with a hood. As he is a criminal, he wears Criminal Cuffs.
Aldo appeared to be a quiet person who spoke little. Despite him often remaining silent, he appears quite sinister. Aldo appeared to like unnerving people, as during his first meeting with Hakuren and Teito, he smiles in a sinister way and comments that they are "new meat".
However, it is possible that Aldo actually felt remorse for his crimes. On the night of his death, Aldo heard someone calling for help outside the gate, and rushed to open it to let them in. However this act of kindness proves Aldo's last, as it allowed his murderer to take him by surprise and kill him.
Very little is known about Aldo, other than he is a murderer, who is implied to have killed many people, as an inhabitant of the Church says he has "taken so many lives". He arrived at District 7 seeking sanctuary sometime prior to the series beginning. In order to pay his debt to the Church for keeping him safe, he carried out odd jobs around the Church. He was eventually killed by Assistant Archbishop Bastien, who was angry that criminals could be kept safe while there was no safety for their victims and other innocents.
Manga Synopsis.
Aldo was first seen when he was overseeing the candidates as they practiced for the exam. He greeted Teito Klein and Hakuren Oak and gave them a board to sign. As they walked away he collapsed, and was carried to the infirmary to recover.
Not long after his collapse, he recovered and was well enough to return to his job as gate-keeper.
Working the night shift, he was guarding the main gate to the Church when he heard someone crying for help. Opening the gates to let them in, he was confronted by a hooded figure whom he led inside. When Aldo turned his back, the visitor ambushed him from behind, and killed him. His post-mortem indicated he was killed from a single blow to the back of the head.
The words: 'There is no divine protection of God' were engraved onto the chest of Aldo's corpse.
As a Wars.
His body is later stolen from the Church catacombs and hijacked by a Wars, controlled by Warsfeil Kuroyuri. This went unnoticed for a while as the mortician did not report that a body had gone missing.
As a Wars he attacks Teito and Hakuren, successfully knocking Hakuren out the window when he (Hakuren) takes an attack meant for Teito. As he pursues the pair, he is destroyed by Frau. With the Wars now destroyed, Aldo is presumably given a proper burial in the Church cemetery.
Differences in the manga and anime.
Aldo is introduced much earlier in the anime than the manga. In the anime, he is seen briefly closing the main gate to the Church as Teito makes his first escape attempt.
| Aldo |
fandom.07ghost | # Almarz Family
The Almarz Family is a noble family native to District 4, led by the current Head of the family, Rena. Apart from the main branch (Rena's branch), there are three other branches of the family, led by Rena's mother's siblings.
They are wealthy. Rena has three servants (four before Nyx's betrayal).
| Almarz Family |
fandom.07ghost | # Almarz Residence
The Almarz Residence (also known as the Almarz Mansion) is the home of a wealthy family that is located in District 4. Rutia, Capella, Elikt and Rena live there, and Rutia and Elikt also work there as servants. Nyx also lived and worked there before his betrayal and subsequent arrest by the Imperial Guard. Rena is the current head of the household, and her mother and grandmother held that position before her.
| Almarz Residence |
fandom.07ghost | # Angels
Angels in the 07-Ghost universe are heavenly subordinates of the Chief of Heaven. Mikhail and Raphael are the only angels, or at least the only angels who play prominent roles, in the series.
Physical appearance.
Going by Mikhail's true appearance, angels in the 07-Ghost universe somewhat resemble humans, but are much larger than humans, and have large, feathered white wings. As they are gods, it is presumed that angels in the 07-Ghost universe physically appear young regardless of their true ages.
Mikhail's true appearance may indicate that male angels wear long, loose robes around their hips that expose their upper bodies. A statue of a female angel in Bastien's room may indicate that female angels also wear robes. However, the appearance of the statue suggests that female angels' robes have sleeves that end above the elbows, and do not expose any part of their upper bodies, unlike male angels' robes.
Going by the appearance of Mikhail's true form, angels in the 07-Ghost universe wear visors, necklaces and bracelets with the symbol of the Barsburg cross engraved on them.
They are presumably immortal (Mikhail and Raphael are immortal). If Mikhail's and Raphael's attitudes towards humankind are anything to go by, angels in the 07-Ghost universe dislike and feel contempt towards humankind in general, but are affectionate towards humans with pure and beautiful souls. Mikhail and Raphael have demonstrated that archangels are skilled fighters and can be highly aggressive.
It seems that if angels in the 07-Ghost universe descend to the human world, they need to bind themselves to human vessels, as Mikhail and Raphael are bound to protect the Raggs andBarsburg royal families through the Eyes of Mikhail and Raphael. This further proves the fact that in the 07-Ghost universe, all living things need a body and a soul to live in the human world.
Angels in the 07-Ghost universe presumably speak the language of the gods, and are also able to speak human languages if necessary.
| Angels |
fandom.07ghost | # Anime 07-Ghost Drama CD 2 - The Top News Headlines
| Anime 07-Ghost Drama CD 2 - The Top News Headlines |
fandom.07ghost | # Antwort
Antwort (pronounced ANT-vort; sometimes alternatively spelled as Antewort) is a relatively small country located to the North-east of District 6, and furthest from the reach of the Barsburg Empire. It was described as a: "snow and ice covered, strongly fortified country".
Antwort had been at war with the Barsburg Empire for some time prior to the series's start, sparked by fears that the lost Eye of Mikhail had been taken to Antwort. Although seemingly holding its own against Barsburg forces successfully for many years, the Black Hawks ensured a quick victory as the country was unprepared to defend itself from Warsfeil. Once Wasfeil became involved in Antwort, the kingdom fell within 5 hours of fighting: ending with the death of its ruler King Antwort. Antwort is the latest of Barsburg's conquests. However, neither the Eye of Mikhail nor Pandora's Box was found in Antwort.
National emblem.
The original national emblem of Antwort is pentagonal in shape and rather simple in design. There is an unknown image in the centre of the pentagon that looks somewhat like a crown.
Joint emblem.
Following the marriage of Weldeschtein Krom Raggs and Vanessa Antwort and the alliance between the two countries, the nation emblem of Antwort was merged with that of Raggs to create a joint emblem. The joint emblem featured two galloping bulls facing away from each other and the Antwort pentagon in the very centre. The whole emblem is shield shaped with two pairs of angel wings at the very top.
Antwort returned to using their original emblem following their withdrawal from their alliance with Raggs.
Pre-Raggs War.
Weldeschtein Krom Raggs, King of Raggs, married Princess Vanessa Antwort to ally the kingdoms of Raggs and Antwort.
Just before the Raggs War began, Antwort seceded from the alliance between the two countries.
Raggs War.
The Raggs War prompted the Kingdom of Antwort to arm themselves. The original container for Pandora's Box was stolen and taken to Antwort.
Antwort War.
Raggs' fall, and the military's subsequent failure to find the Eye of Mikhail within the Raggs Kingdom, caused the Barsburg Empire to search for the Eye in the neighbouring countries that had once allied themselves with Raggs- with Emperor Wolfram Eifeler Barsburg taxing a large amount to continue to search. A war with Antwort began.
Barsburg forces were positioned on the Southernmost Island, but resistance meant they were unable to continue through the country.
| Antwort |
fandom.07ghost | # Antwort/Denizens
Being a tiny country, Antwort has a small population.
Physical appearance.
The men of Antwort have square jaws and wear their hair short. Young men are clean shaven, though older men sport moustaches. Fair-coloured hair appears common.
Considering Princess Vanessa's appearance, women of Antwort may tend to keep their hair long and elaborately styled on one side.
Since Antwort gets little exposure to sunlight, it is plausible that the denizens of Antwort generally have pale skin.
Military uniforms.
Standard military uniforms.
Due to the cold weather, soldiers from Antwort typically wear a light-coloured, ankle-length overcoat made from a thick fabric, trimmed with fur around the neck and sleeve cuffs. The overcoat is fastened with buttons positioned to the right side of the torso, and they wear belts and shoulder straps that go across the body.
Aviator hats: hats with ear-flaps and a chin strap, are lined with fur and worn to protect the head from the cold. The emblem of Antwort is stitched onto the rim of the cap. They wear thick gloves. Fighters wear goggles.
Battle sklaves.
Along with the standard uniform, battle sklaves wear the standard sklave identification collars.
| Antwort/Denizens |
fandom.07ghost | # Antwort/Government and Military
Antwort is a monarchy, and the Antwort King holds all of the power in the country. During the War with Barsburg he was slain by Ayanami. It remains a monarchy, only now being controlled by the Barsburg King.
Despite having a small size, or possibly because of it, Antwort boasts weapons that are far larger and more advanced than weapons used by the other Districts for protection.
Anti-battleship shield.
The "crowning glory of the country". Antwort is protected by a large, anti-battleship shield that encloses the entire country. Rumoured to be the strongest shield in Barsburg, it is able to withstand the fire power of a fleet of thirty Ribidzile ships, but it was easily dismantled by Ayanami's power.
Antwort appears to be armed with a huge array of artillery surrounding the main buildings, such as the Royal Palace, as well as the country's borders.
Smaller cannons are made of metal, and stand on two metal legs, while larger ones appear to be large spherical dome turrets with a large cluster of guns in a gatling-like fashion.
Around the edge of the muzzle similar writing to that in a Zaiphon is engraved into the metal, which suggests that the cannons fire artificial Zaiphon, that they siphon from the earth. (Page 09).
| Antwort/Government and Military |
fandom.07ghost | # Antwort Family
The Antwort Family is the royal family of the fallen kingdom of Antwort.
Physical Appearance.
They tend to be fair-haired with a light skin tone and medium build (considering King Antwort and Princess Vanessa's height).
Considering the Antwort members who have appeared so far, they seem to be arrogant. A person's birth or social status is also important to them, as Vanessa does not respect Millea because of her social status/birth (a commoner, a concubine; referring to her as "that concubine" instead of calling her "Millea"), and King Antwort scorns Ayanami when he sees him, saying he is a low-born Warsfeil. Antworts also seem to be short-tempered and prone to angry outbursts.
Family Tree.
King Antwort──┬──Vanessa's Mother
Vanessa Antwort
| Antwort Family |
fandom.07ghost | # Antwort Palace
Antwort Palace was the residence of the King of Antwort and possibly his queen, as well as his daughter Vanessa Antwort before she married Weldeschtein Krom Raggs.
The palace is dome-shaped. It is defended by cannons from four sides.
Little is known about the palace's history. It may have been built for the first Antwort royals in the early days of the kingdom. The palace has probably been standing for at least ten years.
| Antwort Palace |
fandom.07ghost | # Antwort War
The Antwort War was a large-scale hostile take over of the kingdom of Antwort waged by the Barsburg Empire. It began some time before the series start and was sparked by fears that the lost Eye of Mikhail had been taken to Antwort, and the Empire's desire to find it.
The forces of Antwort held their own against Barsburg forces successfully for many years, but The Black Hawks ensured a quick victory as the country was unprepared to defend itself from Warsfeil. Once Wasfeil became involved in Antwort, the kingdom fell within 5 hours of fighting: ending with the death of its King. Antwort is the latest of Barsburg's conquests. However, neither the Eye of Mikhail or Pandora's Box was found in Antwort.
Pre-Raggs War.
Weldeschtein Krom Raggs, King of Raggs, married Princess Vanessa Antwort to ally the kingdoms of Raggs and Antwort.
Just before the Raggs War began, Antwort seceded from the alliance between the two countries.
Raggs War.
The Raggs War prompted the Kingdom of Antwort to arm themselves. The original container for Pandora's Box was stolen and taken to Antwort.
War with Antwort.
Raggs' fall, and the military's subsequent failure to find the Eye of Mikhail within the Raggs Kingdom, caused the Barsburg Empire to search for the Eye in the neighbouring countries that had once allied themselves with Raggs- with Emperor Wolfram Eifeler Barsburg taxing a large amount to continue to search. A war with Antwort began.
Barsburg forces were positioned on the Southernmost Island, but resistance meant they were unable to continue through the country.
History leading up to conflict.
Decision to send the Black Hawks to Antwort.
Following resistance from Antwort forces, leader of the Black Hawks and military strategist, Ayanami, meets with other high-ranking officers about the Antwort War. He disagrees with the generals' war tactics, which offends them, and they suggest he personally see to the matter. The generals agree to send the Black Hawks to Antwort with an army of 1000 soldiers. To spite them, Ayanami agrees, and remarks that he will only need 500 men.
Discovery and capture of the Eye of Mikhail.
Contrary to military belief, the Eye of Mikhail was not in Antwort. It was discovered by accident in the Barsburg Church in District 7, in the body of the son of the King of Raggs who had remained undiscovered by the military.
This was discovered by Ayanami, who had the Black Hawks steal it from its vessel whilst they travelled to Antwort. The subsequent explosion caused by the Eye's removal, destroyed a large portion of the land below, and created an Eye of God.
Military intervention in District 7.
The, very public, removal of the Eye of Mikhail was seen by the Barsburg Armed Forces, who quickly realised that the Eye was not in Antwort as they had originally thought. Unaware that the Black Hawks had already stolen the Eye, they focus their military strength on District 7- fearing revival of the Raggs Kingdom.
Not willing to risk further loss of military personnel in a fruitless battle, some generals tell Ayanami not to attack Antwort and to instead go after the Eye. Ayanami ignores them, as he already has the Eye, and his reason for going to Antwort is because he wants Pandora's Box.
The conflict.
The breaking of the shield.
Ayanami, leading a fleet of seven ships, is spotted by Antwort soldiers approaching the country. The soldiers do nothing, confident that their anti-battleship shield will block any attack and deter them. Ayanami then conjures up an enormous Zaiphon, and fires it at the shield- destroying it in a single blow. Despite the country having advanced defences, they have no means to defend themselves against a Warsfeil.
Antwort forces begin to panic- quickly realising they are no longer fighting normal humans, and they fire their cannons at the approaching ships. The attacks do not make contact, as they are blocked by a Zaiphon shield surrounding the enemy Ribidziles.
Barsburg soldiers present in Antwort (the southern most island) notice the commotion and recognise it as being caused by the Black Hawks. The platoon leader orders his men to retreat out of fear of the Black Hawks, and states they will not fight alongside "monsters".
Fighting on the front lines.
Ayanami tells Shuri Oak that his begleiters are expected to fight on the front line. Hyuuga then throws Shuri overboard, where he (Shuri) lands in the centre of the countries Eastern camp. He survives the fall, but is mistaken by Antwort's men as the fleet's only front-liner, and they fire at him in panic. Shuri almost meets his death via Antwort's arsenal, but Konatsu Warren leaps after him and saves him, stating that he was only doing so not to save the other's life but so as to avoid getting his lieutenant Hyuuga's reputation damaged.
Konatsu then proceeds to slash at the incoming enemies and cuts them down into bloody heaps that stun Shuri speechless. Konatsu warns him not to look away, saying that this is the true face of war.
Storming the castle.
Ayanami's fleet lands on the plaza in front of Antwort's Royal Palace- meaning reinforcements from the coast will be unable to travel to and defend the palace in time. The country's men scramble, revealing that Antwort doesn't actually have the capacity to fend off Warsfeil, as their weapons have no effect against their Zaiphon. Kuroyuri uses his/her Wars to kill the remaining guards.
Hyuuga then enters the battle and single-handedly destroys the fort defending the palace. He quickly kills the guards inside but is then confronted by two combat slaves, Yukinami and Suzunami, guarding the entrance further into the palace. The duo's combination makes it difficult for the Barsburg lieutenant to progress, and he is caught between their crossing swords. However, he somehow manages to get free and causes the twins to cut down more of their own men.
King Antwort's death.
While the other Black Hawks take out the guards inside and outside the palace. Ayanami advances on his intended destination: the room where Pandora's Box was kept. He blows the door with his Zaiphon and encounters King Antwort standing in front of Pandora's box. Ayanami reveals he (King Antwort) to be the one who originally stole Pandora's box from the Raggs Kingdom.
Ayanami says he can sympathise with the Antwort King's wishes- but the Antwort King is furious with him. He begins to insult Ayanami: calling him a "Barsburg dog" and a "low-born Warsfeil", leading Ayanami to quickly deal him a bloody death. Ayanami then opens Pandora's Box only to discover that the body of Verloren is no longer there, instead, there is a rose which, when he'd uses his powers on it, reveals one of the Seven Ghosts protecting what looked to be a younger Teito Klein.
Within five hours after Ayanami's ships landed, the Barsburg Empire was able to seize total control of Antwort.
Capture of the Antwort twins.
Hyuuga brings to Ayanami the combat slaves he had encountered, after catching, handcuffing and removing the sklave collars, as souvenirs. The latter, indifferent, removes their handcuffs- saying as their king (King Antwort) is dead they are free. Hyuuga is shocked as he considers it a loss, stating that they both must at least be as strong as Teito Klein.
Suzunami, in the native Raggs language, excitedly speaks to Hyuuga, despite his twin protesting- complementing his (Hyuuga's) strength and requests to see the Barsburg king- as he(Suzunami) wants to be strong too. Hyuuga smiles and pats Suzunami on the head, being unable to understand him and mistakenly thinking him hungry, but Ayanami, a speaker of Raggs language, tells the slave that he can meet the King if he wants to. Yukinami then asks Ayanami if he is the king. Ayanami recalls someone who had told him that he was his only king- but tells Yuki he is not a King. The falling snow makes Ayanami recall his birthplace, a thing Hyuuga seems to know about.
| Antwort War |
fandom.07ghost | # Arcady
Arcady is a minor character that only appeared in manga chapter 53. It was Eve's horse.
A place called 'Arcady' is mentoned in line 7 of John Keats's poem 'Ode On A Grecian Urn'. 'Arcady' is also mentioned in line 9 of the poem 'The Garden of Proserpina' by A.S. Byatt (writing as Randolph Henry Ash).
Arcady seems to trust Eve, as she was able to calm it down, and it did not mind Verloren's presence once Eve felt at ease around him.
Manga synopsis.
When Eve first met Verloren, she was riding Arcady through a forest in Heaven. Halfway through Eve's conversation with Verloren, she dismounted from Arcady to get a closer look at some falling Flower of Eden petals, and Arcady was not shown in further panels after she dismounted, suggesting that the horse left on its own.
Arcady was also briefly seen standing on top of the cliff Eve was hanging from while returning a chick to its nest. What became of the horse after Eve's death is unknown.
| Arcady |
fandom.07ghost | # Around the Wiki
| Around the Wiki |
fandom.07ghost | # Aspiration
Extra: Aspiration is a side chapter in the 07-Ghost manga series. It was released alongside Kapitel 34 and is the first chapter that is not a Supreme Sugar.
Konatsu reflects that he was a very ordinary child: born a human in the Warren Family, a family consisting of many Warsfeil. He is shunned by his family as an "ill omen", but his grandfather advised him to aspire to join The Black Hawks so he could use his skill with a sword to protect the
reincarnation of Verloren. Konatsu applied to join the Black Hawks, but was rejected due to him being human, causing him to despair.
A short while later, he comes across Hyuuga practising with a katana, with Konatsu assuming that Hyuuga is an Academy instructor. Hyuuga offers to give Konatsu his katana if Konatsu could land one hit on him, and the two proceeded to duel while Haruse, Kuroyuri and Katsuragi watch.
While duelling, Konatsu repeatedly strikes out at Hyuuga, but is unable to land a blow on him. Hyuuga, however, is able to cut Konatsu's arm and break a few ribs- leaving Konatsu on the floor. Hyuuga announces that the fight is over, but Konatsu refuses to allow this and shouts for Hyuuga to continue. The fight continues, with Konatsu still refusing to allow Hyuuga to end the fight until he (Konatsu) faints. When Hyuuga checks to see if Konatsu is all right, Konatsu unconsciously grabs Hyuuga by the throat: scoring the 'hit'.
Konatsu wakes up in hospital a while later and is greeted by Hyuuga. Still thinking that Hyuuga is an instructor, Konatsu thanks him but Hyuuga then reveals he is actually a member of the Black Hawks, and hands Konatsu his (Hyuuga's) katana and an acceptance form from the Black Hawks. Touched, Konatsu watches Hyuuga leave and prepares for the start of a new life as a Black Hawk.
| Aspiration |
fandom.07ghost | # Athena
Sister Athena is a minor character in the 07 ghost universe. She is one of three recurring nuns who work in the Barsburg Church doing odd jobs, such as cooking, cleaning, and manual labour. Out of the three, Athena is the shortest but seems to be older than Rosalie and younger than Libelle. She is also seen in the manga once or twice, but remained unnamed.
"Athena" is the Greek Goddess of wisdom, so this could imply that Athena is a smart and/or wise person.
Physical appearance.
Athena has large, round purple eyes and light blue hair that is mostly covered.
She is always shown in her nun's garment.
As her name suggests, Athena is a wise individual. She was very helpful to Teito during his stay at the church. Her job as a nun requires her to be kind, patient and devoted to God.
She has been in the Church long enough to remember when Frau and Castor took their apprentice exam.
She looks up to Libelle, who is the oldest of the trio, and defers to her.
She has taken Rosalie under her wing, and looks after the younger nun.
Teito Klein.
Alongside the other nuns, she greeted Teito when he woke up after escaping from the military. She then continued helping him for the remainder of his stay.
| Athena |
fandom.07ghost | # Attack at the Hausen House
The Attack at the Hausen House was an ambush by the servants of the Hausen House and the current head of the House Xingfa Hausen, on guest Teito Klein.
Following the Raggs War and death of Xing-lu Hausen, his mother, Lady Hausen made a deal with a Kor and evolved into a Wars. The head of the house, Xingfa Hausen was unwilling to lose his wife- so instead of calling a Bishop, he kept the Wars in the house and was feeding it with those who sought Seele.
The Hausen House appears to have had strong links to the Raggs Family as the purpose of the 6th District Hausen House was to protect the Raggs royal family from assassination. Xing-lu, the son of head of the house, was often deployed on these missions.
During one of these missions; which was to prevent an assassination attempt on the King of Raggs's life, Castor and others arrived at the home of an enemy clansmen and the ringleader was killed. As the building was being searched, Castor heard someone singing and he followed the noise till he reached a Noel Mermaid chained up in a small tank singing sadly. After the mermaid had been freed, and her injuries tended to, Seilan noted how she had become very attached to Castor.
Raggs War.
During the Raggs War, each of the Seven Houses of God chose sides, and battles were fought between houses who chose Barsburg, and houses who chose Raggs. The Hausen House sided with Raggs.
Death of Xing-lu.
Following Raggs' defeat, Raggs' allied houses faced mass executions for opposing the Barsburg Empire during the war. To prevent the extinction of their bloodlines, the Houses that sided with Raggs said that they would kill the leader of their respective houses, and present their heads as a peace offering. Xing-lu, being the heir to the Hausen Family was no exception.
Xingfa Hausen, however, had other plans. Xingfa organised a plan to save his son; proposing that the Noel Mermaid (a type of mermaid that can shape shift) Razette, that Xing-lu had saved a few months prior, change her face to look like Xing-lu's- and they decapitate her and give her head to the Barsburg houses instead. Razette, willing to die in Xing-lu's place, shapeshifted to look like him. However, as Xingfa drew his sword and lunged at her to kill her, Xing-lu threw himself in the way and the blow impaled him through the chest.
Xing-lu was mortally injured, and as he took his final breath, he looked up to see the God of the Hausen House, Fest, standing before him. Xing-lu died of his injuries that night, but was chosen as the new vessel for the Ghost Fest. He changed his name to Castor and moved to the Barsburg Church with Razette. His family would take Xing-lu's head to the Barsburg families, and Xingfa became head of the House once again, a position he has held ever since.
Corruption of Lady Hausen.
After Xing-lu's death Lady Hausen was stricken with grief and became depressed. She locked herself in her son's room and would not leave. A Kor found her, and she bargained with it in return for her son. After having all three wishes granted, she became a Wars, and her tainted soul inhabited one of her son's dolls of her.
Her husband, Xingfa Hausen was unable to have her destroyed, as he did not want to lose a son and a wife, so he had the Wars trapped in Xing-lu's room. He fed her on those who came to the God House to find the Cursed Tickets. The story told to the authorities and the outside world was that the Lady Hausen 'disappeared' after a bout of grief-induced madness.
History leading up to conflict.
Teito's journey to Seele.
Upon discovering he is Mikhail's host, Teito Klein vows to find Pandora's Box and destroy Verloren's body within, and intends to do this by travelling to The Land of Seele and wishing to recover his memories of the Raggs War and Pandora's box.
After evading Barsburg guards and bandits alike, Frau, Teito, and Capella arrive at the 6th District, where Teito opts to go in alone.
The conflict.
The residents of the house immediately plan to feed Teito to the Wars they keep in Xing-lu's room.
First ambush on Teito.
Seilan escorts Teito Klein to a room. He (Seilan) finds Xing-lu's clothes, on Xingfa Hausen's request, and puts them in the room- hoping the clothes will lure the Wars into the room.
Teito later runs himself a bath to relax. As he bathes, the Wars enters his room: finding the clothes but no sign of Xing-lu, and it then notices Teito in the bathroom, and attempts to attack him while he is distracted. However, Teito senses the presence and defends himself- knocking his attacker back. As Teito pulls away the shower curtain to discover his attacker's identity, he sees that there is nothing there. The Wars escaped, leaving nothing behind but a ransacked room and a small piece of rubble that Burupya notices. Teito collects it as evidence.
A poisoned meal.
Seeing the last attempt on Teito's life failed, Xingfa Hausen invites Teito to dine with him, but his servants poison Teito's food, possibly with the intention of leaving a drugged Teito to the Wars. Teito realises the food is poisoned, and does not eat it all. Xingfa admonishes his servants, telling them Teito's death would be suspicious to the Bishop that came with him, but says they must try to stop Teito finding the cursed ticket.
The trap in Xing-lu's room.
On Xingfa Hausen's orders, Seilan leads Teito to Xing-lu's room, under the assumption that Xing-lu's room was significant as the Wars that attacked Teito had been interested in Xing-lu's clothes. Xing-lu's room is where they had been keeping the Wars.
Upon entry, Teito is appalled when he sees a photo of Castor on the wall, prompting Seilan to tell Teito how the former head of the Hausen House, Xing-lu Hausen, died. After hearing the story, Teito shouts that Castor and Razette are still alive, but Seilan is furious- thinking Teito is making a cruel joke. Teito then realises that Seilan does not know of Castor and Razette's new lives, and he encourages Seilan to mourn his former master's death.
Whilst thinking of his former master, Seilan suddenly has a change of heart. Remembering the trap, he demands Teito to leave the room. Teito is at first confused, but the servants of the Hausen House let down the protective barrier surrounding the room- allowing the Wars to get out of its enclosure. Sensing food, the Wars appears before Teito and Seilan, and Seilan attempts to save Teito by pushing him out of the way, but he (Seilan) is unable to help Teito further as the Wars separates them and advances on Teito. Teito draws his Baculus, and Seilan is dragged to safety by the other Hausen House Servants. Distracted, Teito is dragged towards the Wars by the porcelain dolls the lady is controlling.
With Seilan now safe, the room is again sealed off to prevent the Wars from getting out, but Teito is trapped in the room with it. He fights off the dolls and is confronted with Lady Hausen- whose tainted soul had been fused with doll parts, who begs for her child to return to her.
Sensing the 'food'(Seilan and the other servants) outside the room, parts of the Wars begin to attack the barrier to get at those outside. The servants begin to panic and frantically try to repair it, but the dolls break it, and the Wars gets out. It immediately attacks the nearest servant, but Teito uses his Zaiphon to defend them. With Teito distracted, the lady grabs Teito and begins to devour him.
Moved by her love for her child, Teito holds her face and begins to speak for Xing-lu: telling her that her son is alive and well and still loves her. Hearing this, parts of the Wars's humanity begin to return; the lady begins to cry for her son, apologise for her actions and she begs Teito to save her. The Wars begins to melt away, and the lady's soul is exposed. Teito uses his Baculus to purify the her soul and her body dissolves into doves and lights as her soul is sent to heaven.
The room is then filled with light as the Ghost Fest appears before Teito, and asks him if he will accept the Cursed Ticket.
Bidding Castor goodbye.
Before going to heaven, her soul is carried by the wind to District 7 and the Barsburg Church where her son, Castor, is blessing someone. The wind brushes by Castor, blowing his hat off, but he recognises his mother's soul, and as the wind moves upwards to heaven, Castor bids his mother farewell. Realising his mother's soul has been freed by Teito who seeks the Cursed Ticket, Castor assumes his Ghost form and appears before Teito as Fest.
The Cursed Ticket.
Teito first mistakes the Ghost before him as Zehel, but upon realising it is Castor, he asks him of his reincarnation. When Castor explains, Teito excitedly shouts that Castor can now return to his family, but Castor replies that rules prohibit him from making contact with the family that thinks him dead. Castor thanks Teito for releasing his mother from the Wars, but Teito questions Castor on The Land of Seele: asking him if to go there is to die is true.
Castor explains to Teito that in Seele, the Chief of Heaven takes your life and gives you a new life with one wish. Upon hearing this, Teito asks if he could exchange his life for Mikage's. When Castor replies he could, Teito demands the Cursed Ticket. Castor explains that only once Teito has acquired all seven tickets will he be able to go to Seele, and he touches Teito's forearm; the seal of Fest instantly being burned into his flesh. Castor blesses Teito, and disappears to return to his human body back in District 7.
Military intervention.
When Fest leaves, an image of Fea Kreuz with the cursed ticket of Fest is left behind. When the image disappears, Teito looks back to see Xingfa Hausen looking at him. Xingfa asks which family Teito belongs to, and he, and the other servants are horrified when Teito tells him his father was Weldeschtein Krom Raggs. The residents of the House are shocked but ultimately believe him.
Xing-fa bids Teito farewell and Seilan leads Teito to the door, but when they enter the main room they find the Imperial Guard has entered the house. Though Seilan objects, they threaten to arrest Teito for what they perceive as an attempt to expose the crimes of the Hausen House. They are stopped from doing so by Frau, who suddenly arrives and beats the guards into submission. As Teito is dragged away by Frau, Seilan tosses Teito Xing-lu's coat and the servants all bow their heads to him and tell him to "come home soon".
| Attack at the Hausen House |
fandom.07ghost | # Ayanami
Ayanami, born Krowell Raggs, is the primary antagonist in the anime and manga series" 07-Ghost".
He is the leader of the infamous Black Hawks, a Warsfeil and a military strategist. He has held the post of the Barsburg Army's Chief of Staff for several years after the Raggs War, and after he drowned Marshal Oak, rose to become Field Marshal. It appears that he is widely known and respected throughout the Barsburg Empire for his accomplishments, despite his relatively young age, usually being greeted with salutes by his inferiors when they see him, but because he is a Wasfeil, many soldiers talk about him negatively behind his back or are afraid of him.
He is directly or indirectly responsible for many of the turmoils thatTeito has suffered in his life including the death of Mikage and Weldeschtein Krom Raggs, Teito's father. Ayanami seeks the Eye of Mikhail and has been shown to be targeting the Seven Ghosts, particularly Zehel as the scythe that Zehel is wielding actually belongs to Verloren, Ayanami's soul.
He is revealed to be the reincarnation of Verloren later in the story, and is trying to regain his original ageless and powerful body (Verloren's Body) by unlocking Pandora's Box.
In chapter 90 of the manga, he revealed to Teito that he is in fact Teito's paternal uncle, being the youngest of Teito's paternal grandparents' three sons.
Physical Appearance.
Ayanami is a youthful-looking man who is 34 years old. He stands at 183 cm in the manga, but is said to be shorter in the anime's fanbook. He weighs 69 kg and has a slender build with broad shoulders.
He has sharp facial features with a pointy nose, narrowed eyes and full lips. Out of all the Black Hawks, Ayanami has the palest skin tone, almost white when compared to others. His hair is neck length, wavy and colored white.
His eye color is violet but the rims of his irises flash red whenever he uses his Zaiphon. In the manga, Ayanami's eyes are either drawn as having no pupils, or slitted pupils like that of a snake, this not occurring in the anime, as Ayanami is drawn as having normal eyes in the anime.
Ayanami is considered very handsome in the series universe, with Eve and Katsuragi commenting on his beauty. The Imperial Army has been shown to take advantage of Ayanami's attractiveness, using pictures of him to attract more females into the military. Many women in the Barsburg military have a crush on him.
Ayanami is nearly always seen in his Military uniform, which consists of a black, or possibly dark blue, ankle-length overcoat with gold trimmings on the chest, sleeve cuffs and neck-guard. Like his subordinates, Ayanami wears black trousers, knee-length black, buckled boots and white gloves. His uniform has a small half mantle hanging off his left shoulder emblazoned with the Barsburg Military insignia, and on his right he has a golden epaulet and shoulder boards as an indication of his high rank. It is unknown what is worn under the overcoat but it is possible it is a plain white shirt (as Mikage was shown wearing one when attired in the Military uniform).
Ayanami's uniform is more decorated than those of his subordinates, a major difference being that Ayanami wears a peaked cap which is trimmed with gold and has the Barsburg Military insignia in the centre. Ayanami is very fond of his military cap (to the extent that Hyuuga teasingly said that Ayanami's cap grows on his head), and does not like to take it off, except around Yukikaze. The reason for this is unknown.
When the Black Hawks went to Antwort, Ayanami wore a winter version of the military uniform. It looked very similar to the standard uniform, but was made of a thicker material, with a higher neck-guard and silver decoration instead of gold.
In Kapitel 45, Ayanami infiltrated the Barsburg Church in order to attack the Ghost Profe, and while doing so, wore the traditional Bishop's clothing. He wore a cassock with white trimming on the collar, under a long white outer cassock that hid his arms. The cassock was held together with a loose belt and a large, silver, rectangular brooch emblazoned with the carving of a cross. He also wore the standard Church mitre with a cross in the centre and a veil that extended from the mitre to fall over his face.
In Kapitel 80, Ayanami attended Princess Roseamanelle's masquerade, and wore the appropriate noble clothing. On the cover page of Kapitel 91, he is shown wearing a plain white bathrobe that exposes his bare chest, as well as an ornament that resembles a necklace. The pendants on the necklace bear a resemblance to military ID tags, a form of identification for military personnel. Therefore, the writing shown on the pendants is presumably information on Ayanami himself.
As Verloren, Ayanami wore a black cloak with a hood, and always wore the hood up.
As Ayanami (not Verloren), he is very dedicated to his profession as a soldier and to his country, willing to kill and die for what he believes in. Nationalism is his main motive in his actions, and Ayanami holds a lot of respect for those who are willing to make sacrifices for their country. He originally shared Marshal Oak's view that the best way to protect Barsburg from losing its present territories is to exterminate all the wielders of the Eye of Mikhail, so that no one can make use of the powerful Eye to threaten Barsburg. However, over the course of the series, as Teito proves that he is what Ayanami needs but the Empire hinders him, Ayanami has lost all loyalty to the Barsburg empire, and all of his priority over nationalism has vanished and he begins using his position as Chief of Staff and later Field Marshal to search for Verloren's body so he can find Eve. He shows full willingness to commit acts of treason.
He does not change his behaviour or go out of his way in order to impress or please his superiors, and the opinions and comments of other people has no affect on him. The only thing Ayanami is shown to be rather sensitive to is when someone mocks his family, as he was shown to be very offended when the Antwort King mockingly referred to him as 'low-born', Ayanami being quite willing to sympathize with his situation until he had said that. Despite how ruthlessly he killed his family, Ayanami seems to hold them at a high regard, as he never called Krom by his name despite being his brother and thus able to do so and always referred to him as the King of Raggs and also acknowledged that Kreuz, being as clever as he is, would certainly leave something behind to Teito.
He is quiet and always polite when speaking to colleagues and superiors, rarely showing any facial expressions and always speaking in a monotone. However, when involved with individuals he strongly dislikes, such as Frau or Teito, he is not above speaking to them rudely and always shows sadistic humor. He occasionally displays a dark sense of humour even around his subordinates.
Ayanami is very tidy, meticulous and organized, as seen by his tendency to sort his garbage before disposal, and likes to complete his work quickly and to a high standard. He often prefers to work quietly and alone, and dislikes it when anyone distracts him. If someone does distract him during work, or if his subordinates do stupid things (e.g. joking that Ayanami's cap grows on his head) to annoy him, Ayanami is quick to lose his temper and isn't above using violence to discipline them.
He values hard work and diligence, both in his subordinates; he commends Teito and Konatsu for their hard work and is displeased at Hyuuga's laziness. He also values loyalty, and expects it in his subordinates. He dislikes defiance, and denial in subordinates. Ayanami doesn't hesitate to kill people who offend him but is more merciful to those who show humility.
Despite his cold demeanor, Ayanami is aware of his subordinates' feelings and well-being. Despite trying to keep relationships professional (possibly as a result of Yukikaze's death) Ayanami does show kindness towards his fellow Black Hawks. He will also try his best to protect them from harm, and will risk his own safety to help them if he feels the situation has become too dangerous for them. Ayanami occasionally shows a gentle side to his subordinates, especially Yukikaze in the past, and Kuroyuri and Teito in the present. He is also fair to his subordinates, and does not practice favouritism.
Ayanami is an exceptional tactician, and as the Chief of Staff, he has planned many of the military's attacks. He is rarely caught off-guard and shows surprise only when his opponent is stronger than he has thought. He is also very patient, waiting more than ten years until it is the right time to carry out his plan to remove Major-General Ogi. Ayanami can be very cunning and manipulative.
Ayanami has great respect for power, as his motto is "Justice without power is vain". He also strongly respects the darkness within people and believes that everyone is strongest when they tap into the darkness within them and openly mocks Teito for not depending on his dark emotions, clearly considering him inferior because of that.
Ayanami also has no intrest in women and it is implied that he does not like or agrees to having pictures of him being gentle made to recruit female soldiers, as Hyugga and Katsurugi believes that Ayanami most likely did not let himself be pictured in such a manner and someone who made this modified the picture. This is due to the fact that Eve is the only woman who he loves as Verloren. Due to not needing to sleep or eat, Ayanami never sleeps and instead prefers thinking on his future actions at night and he also rarely eats food, always thinking on the next step to his goals, showing that he values success in his goals foremost.
As Verloren.
The fact that Ayanami is Verloren's reincarnation has had a considerable impact on his personality. Despite Ayanami being calm and composed, when Verloren is in control of him he appears uncharacteristically eccentric, his behaviour is irrational and he grins maniacally. When ruling Ayanami, Verloren is impulsive in his actions, a trait which is not normally associated with Ayanami.
Verloren's crippling insanity also seems to have had an effect on Ayanami, with Hyuuga remarking that Ayanami is often unable to sleep at night because of the nightmares he experiences.
Abilities and Attributes.
Being a warsfeil, Ayanami can recover from injuries at an inhuman speed, at the expense of shortening his overall lifespan. An example of his quick healing was shown when he was able to heal a wound on his cheek in a matter of seconds.
Quite possibly the most powerful user of a zaiphon, Ayanami is one of the only two characters who can wield dual Zaiphon.
Attacking zaiphon: Ayanami holds exceptional levels of immense power and profiency at using an Attacking Zaiphon, able to perform extremely powerful offensive attacks such as rings that explode upon impact. He is universally acknowledged as the strongest of the Black Hawks and can easily overpower his subordinates, as shown in the Drama CD. He is quite possibly the strongest user of Zaiphon through the whole series. He is shown in all their altercations in the anime to be far superior to Teito, as when he attacked him in Mikage's body, Ayanami's attack quickly overwhelmed Teito's shield and later on in their fight in the Center of the Earth, despite Teito wielding a Baculus to amplify the strength of his Zaiphon and his improvements, Ayanami still proved able to easily dominate him, easily blocking and countering Teito's rage Baculus powered Zaiphon attacks and going as far as to mock him for his inferior power and skill. Even after Teito, empowered by Mikage's words, he still proved unable to defeat Ayanami. He can also put up vastly powerful shields capable of easily blocking attacks from Teito and even managing to block an attack from Mikhail himself as well as turn his zaiphon into several bindings powerful enough to knock off Mikhail from Teito. Ayanami was shown to be strong enough to destroy the barrier that was protecting the city of Antwort with a single attack from his Zaiphon.
Forbidden Arts.
As a Warsfeil, Ayanami is capable of using black magic and as he is the strongest out of all the Black Hawks, he is also the strongest user of Black Magic. His ability to manipulate Wars is so strong that even while in the Church, his power remains unhampered, as Labrador was shocked at how much power over Wars Ayanami exerted while in the proximity of the Church's barrier. Ayanami is also able to use Wars to protect objects, as shown when he has the Eye of Mikhail protected by Wars. In the anime, he seems to be able to use black magic to teleport himself and others to other realms, as shown when he apported himself and Teito to the Center of the Earth to begin their battle, as well as somehow warp reality and teleport, as he was able to make the exit of the second part of the Bishop Exam to instead send Teito back to the beginning rather than take him out and then teleport himself to him.
Verloren's abilities.
As Ayanami is the reincarnation of Verloren he has also inherited some of Verloren's abilities too, however he cannot use them at their full strength because he is in a human body.
Verloren's Scythe: Ayanami is able to command Verloren's scythe.
Control over Kors: As Verloren was the master of the Kors, Ayanami has authority over them and can send them to do his bidding.
Mind Manipulation: Ayanami has the power to read the minds of others, as shown when he could tell that Teito thought he was an illusion in the anime. He can also force someone to remember lost memories, which is an extremely painful process, as shown when he attempted to probe Teito's mind to gain knowledge on the Pandora Box, which caused Teito to feel excruciating pain.
Power absorption.
As the powers of the Seven Ghosts originally belonged to Verloren, Ayanami is able to absorb their powers.
After devouring the soul of Vertrag, Ayanami gains the ability to possess souls by making a contract, as seen in Mikage's case.
However, in a human body, Verloren can only use the power imperfectly, hence possessing only half of Mikage's soul. But this is enough to allow Ayanami to control a person's movements and what they say. It is currently unknown for how long he can possess a person's soul and if this works on everyone. The Black Hawks, his loyal subordinates, have given half of their souls to Ayanami (07-Ghost official character book), with the sole exception of Konatsu. Ayanami can communicate telepathically with the owner of the soul he holds. He will also receive the same injury if these owners are injured, as seen in episode 19 (when blood comes out from Kuroyuri's mouth, blood also comes out from Ayanami's mouth). However, while Ayanami is injured when one of his subordinates is hurt, his subordinates do not appear to be injured whenever Ayanami himself receives damage.
Hand-to-hand combat.
While Ayanami is rarely shown to fight without Zaiphon, he is shown to be extremely skilled in hand-to-hand combat and possesses extreme strength, speed, agility, reflexes and acrobatic prowess, capable of effortlessly performing feats that can be considered to be at superhuman levels. While possessing Mikage, Ayanami was able to effortlessly move so fast that he seemed to instantly teleport behind Teito and then instantly pummel him, kicking and then lifting and throwing Teito with a single hand with so much force that he was effectively incatipated and powerless to prevent Ayanami from putting on the collar and later easily dodging an attack from Teito and again appearing in Teito's back and attacking him before he could react, with Teito being awed at how fast Ayanami was, saying that he didin't even see Ayanami move. He later easily fended off Frau in his Zehel form while apparently not fighting seriously considering as he was shown to be smiling while Frau was completely serious. When he fought Teito in the Center of the Earth in his main body in the anime, despite Teito's improvements, he was still shown to be physically no match for Ayanami, who was able to effortlessly jump high through the air to dodge an attack from Teito and then proceeded to calmly and casually dodge all of Teito's rage powered Baculus attacks in mid-air, all the while remaining completely composed and able to not only casually mock Teito but was able to calmly hit Mikage with a blast of his Zaiphon. After grounding Teito, Ayanami was able to fall through several feet while landing without any issue and easily restrain Teito's hand with a single leg, leaving him powerless to do anything to prevent Ayanami from trying to probe his sealed memories. He also could easily restrain and beat Hyugga to a pulp.
As the leader and strongest of the Black Hawk, all of whom are shown to be highly capable swordsman, Ayanami is clearly an extremely skillful swordsman, with him being left-handed and able to wield his rapier with masterful ease. The illusion of Ayanami that Teito fought in Episode 23 confidently drew his sword and effortlessly countered all of Teito's attacks and managed to slice his cheek and then stab him almost fatally in the stomach both before he could even attempt to defend himself. Although it is just an illusion, it is safe to assume that Ayanami would be capable of fighting that well, if not even better. The real Ayanami himself has been seen to be able to easily take out many of Raggs soldiers during the war with his sword, although in the manga that was the only display of his sword-fighting skills, until Ayanami managed to use his sword to cut his hand off while leaving Teito completely unharmed to get off his grip. In the end of the anime, Ayanami drew his sword confidently and while using it mostly to power his Zaiphon attacks, he also used it to easily cleanly cut and end the Zaiphon battle between his subordinates and the Bishops. He was also confident that he could defeat Katsurugi despite his own incredible swordsmanship skills and teletransportation granting him speed exceeding Hyugga's. Ayanami also carries a whip at his belt at all times, this often being his weapon of choice, and has been shown to be highly skilled at using it; being able to hit moving targets, and targets at a distance with ease. Ayanami also sometimes hits Hyuuga with his whip when the latter annoys him.
One of Ayanami's most notable traits is his incredible intelligence, earning him the nickname 'the Barsburg Empire's number 1 genius'. This, along with how quickly he rose through the ranks of the military reflect his shrewdness and cunning.
Ayanami is an exceptional strategist, able to create extremely complex plans and always having a backup plan if things go wrong. He is a master of manipulation, able to use several advantages to effectively force his target to do what he wants. and is able to find and exploit weaknesses in the enemy's defence or attack style, and his plans are well thought out, always having a fall-back plan if things go wrong.
After awakening as Verloren, Ayanami can speak at least three languages (the Language of the Gods, the Language of Barsburg and the Language of Raggs).
| Ayanami |
fandom.07ghost | # Ayanami's Black Panthers
Ayanami's black panthers are his favorite pets. There are two of them. They appear in the manga, Supreme Sugar dojinshi, and the anime.
Being black panthers, they appear as large felines with black fur and long tails.
They are very brave and rather than being afraid of Ayanami, show him affection and respect, calling him "honorable master", and are always happy to see him, standing up, putting their paws on Ayanami's shoulders and licking him affectionately whenever they see him. They are also obedient to him and when with him, sit quietly beside him (anime).
At some point in time, they became Ayanami's pets and developed a good relationship with him.
What will become of them after Ayanami's death is unknown, though it is likely that the remaining Black Hawks will take care of them for Ayanami's sake.
Throughout the series, they appear briefly a few times, and are always seen with Ayanami.
| Ayanami's Black Panthers |
fandom.07ghost | # Ayanami/History
Ayanami, born Krowell Raggs, is the primary antagonist in the anime and manga series" 07-Ghost".
He is the leader of the infamous Black Hawks, a Warsfeil and a military strategist. He has held the post of the Barsburg Army's Chief of Staff for several years after the Raggs War, and after he drowned Marshal Oak, rose to become Field Marshal. It appears that he is widely known and respected throughout the Barsburg Empire for his accomplishments, despite his relatively young age, usually being greeted with salutes by his inferiors when they see him, but because he is a Wasfeil, many soldiers talk about him negatively behind his back or are afraid of him.
He is directly or indirectly responsible for many of the turmoils that Teito has suffered in his life including the death of Mikage and Weldeschtein Krom Raggs, Teito's father. Ayanami seeks the Eye of Mikhail and has been shown to be targeting the Seven Ghosts, particularly Zehel as the scythe that Zehel is wielding actually belongs to Verloren, Ayanami's soul.
He is revealed to be the reincarnation of Verloren later in the story, and is trying to regain his original ageless and powerful body (Verloren's Body) by unlocking Pandora's Box.
In chapter 90 of the manga, he revealed to Teito that he is in fact Teito's paternal uncle, being the youngest of Teito's paternal grandparents' three sons.
Early childhood.
Ayanami (born as Krowell Raggs) was the youngest of three sons born to Teito's paternal grandparents, the Kingand Queen of the Raggs kingdom, making him the younger brother of Weldeschtein Krom Raggs and Fea Kreuz.
Millea Klein told Teito that Krowell was deeply loved by his family, but died due to unknown causes during childhood. However, in Kapitel 98, it is revealed that at the age of fourteen, Ayanami (or Krowell, as he was known at the time) attended Dalia Barsburg's coronation ceremony. When Dalia unsealed the Eye of Raphael, Krowell gained the memories of Verloren and became a Warsfeil. He then killed his mother. Unable to bear the scandal but also unwilling to kill his own son, the King fabricated his execution and exiled him to Barsburg with an aide named Yukikaze. In Barsburg, Krowell changed his name to Ayanami.
In Barsburg.
Little is known about Ayanami's past in Barsburg. It is possible that during this stage of his life, he acquired various animals, including two black panthers, and began keeping them as pets.
The pilot chapter Begleiter, created before the series was published, reveals that Ayanami has attended Barsburg Military Academy and Hyuuga was one of his classmates. It is unknown if this has remained the same in the officially published series.
It is possible that The Black Hawks were founded during this period of Ayanami's life.
As Verloren.
Ayanami contains the soul of Verloren, and at some point he recovered his memories of being Verloren. Manga chapter 98 revealed that this occurred when he was fourteen.
Raggs War.
Ayanami held the rank of Major-General during the Raggs War.
Most of Ayanami's actions during the war are currently a mystery, as he did not appear to immediately pursue the escaping Kreuz and Teito like Hyuuga did.
It is known that he was the officer who stabbed the King of Raggs, Teito's father, to death and took his necklace. It is also shown that Ayanami killed Fea Kreuz and absorbed his powers, though the circumstances surrounding this have not been shown in detail.
Manga chapter 98 revealed that Ayanami lost his begleiter, Yukikaze, during the Raggs war.
Post-Raggs War.
It is likely that Ayanami was present at Yukikaze's funeral and burial.
It is unknown whether Ayanami was under Miroku's orders before or during the Raggs War, but he appeared to be under Miroku's command after the war.
It is possible that Ayanami was promoted to Chief of Staff after the Raggs War.
Sometime after the war with Raggs ended, Teito Klein was taken into the care of Miroku Barsburg. Fea Kreuz's Clergy Pass had been recovered from Teito's person, convincing Miroku that Teito was hiding something. Ayanami searched Teito's memories for evidence of the Eye of Mikhail and Pandora's Box, but was unable to find anything as Kreuz had used his powers as Vertrag to seal Teito's memories, something unknown to Ayanami at the time.
Ayanami was still wary of Teito's Raggs blood, and proposed Teito be killed before he reaches adulthood, as he "will someday become a menace" to the Barsburg Empire. Miroku disagreed, giving Ayanami Kreuz's pass, which he believed to be connected to the location of Pandora's Box. He and Ayanami plotted to recover Pandora's Box and return it to the Barsburg Church in order to bolster the military's reputation.
Barsburg Church Arc.
Barsburg military academy.
At the series start, Ayanami arrives at the Military Academy by Ribidzile during the Begleiter exam, and enters the observation room along with the other members of the Black Hawks, his subordinates. He had been sent there by Chairman Miroku, who had asked him to observe the future soldiers.
When a panicking Shuri begins to bang on the glass, begging someone to help them from the criminal whom they were ordered to kill as a part of the exam, Ayanami was disgusted to the point he says 'how unsightly'. When Teito manages to suppress the criminal but states that he has no need to kill him, Ayanami, clearly unamused and finding Teito's softness to be irritating, intervenes and easily uses his zaiphon to finish the criminal, while calling Teito soft.
An assassination attempt.
Ayanami later appears in a meeting room with several of the examiners discussing the Eye of Mikhail. He holds the Raggs King's necklace and senses Teito's presence long before Teito bursts into the room with his zaihon ready as the jingling necklace triggered a memory of Ayanami killing his father in the war against Raggs. Before Ayanami reacts, as he has sensed Teito's attack and prepares to counter it, Teito is stopped by Major Hyuuga, who defends Ayanami. Hyuuga points out that Teito is the sklave they found in Raggs, and Ayanami orders him to be locked up for questioning.
Upon learning Teito has broken free, Ayanami goes to the balcony, a spots him leaving on a Hawkzile. When Teito takes off, Ayanami casts his zaiphon and attacks Teito, but Teito manages to put up a barrier in time. However Teito's barrier was not strong enough to protect the Hawkzile, and Ayanami's attack sends the object hurtling towards the ground.
A meeting with Miroku.
Ayanami next appears in a meeting with the other high-ranking officers and admirals. During the course of the meeting the three officers, who dislike Ayanami, attack Ayanami for Teito's escape, saying that he was a candidate for the Eye of Mikhail, and demand he (Ayanami) be punished severely. Miroku defends Ayanami, reassuring the officers that there are many more candidates for the Eye, and that he needs to discuss something important with Ayanami later. Miroku also reveals he considered making Teito Ayanami's begleiter. He is later seen walking out of the meeting room when Miroku approaches him and asks him how the preparations are going, Ayanami replying that he promises that he will retrieve Teito. When Hyuuga asks him what he will do next, Ayanami says he has already made his move.
Controlling Mikage's soul.
It is revealed that Ayanami had Mikage incarcerated as he believes Mikage was not the hostage he claimed to be. He and Hyuuga demand answers from Mikage on Teito's whereabouts and when that doesn't work, Ayanami then tells Mikage to chose his family or Teito, choose the one he liked and bring it to the military. He also puts the mark of a Kor on him so he is unable to escape. Mikage expresses that he will not abandon Teito, and as a result Ayanami possesses half of Mikage's soul (using the ghost Vertrag's power) and releases him so he can infiltrate the Church.
After a short amount of time he spent in the Church, Ayanami possesses Mikage (now a one-winged Kor) and fights and easily dominates Teito. After pinning him down, he puts a promise collar on Teito in order to control him and force him to return to the military. When Teito attempts to cut the Kor wing, but Ayanami tells him that this will result in Mikage's death. Ayanami comments on Teito mentioning that he was the heir to the Raggs kingdom, and says it may be worth to investigate, and Teito tries to comit suicide, but the collar prevents him. Mikahil is released, but he is stopped when Ayanami uses the collar again, and he (Ayanami) is shocked at the sight of Mikhail.
The death of Mikage.
Before a fight between Mikage and Mikhail can break out, Frau arrives (in his ghost form). Ayanami shows knowledge of the Seven Ghosts, as he recognises Frau as the ghost Zehel, and asks if he will call the others. Ayanami goads Teito into taking revenge against the military by releasing Mikage's soul, and using Frau's scythe to cut the Kor wing himself, killing Mikage's body.
As Ayanami loses contact with the Ghosts, his final words to Zehel are to take care of the sythe, as it is fated to return to its true master one day.
A plan to recover the Eye.
Ayanami is later seen doing paperwork, and is being watched by Hyuuga. Hyuuga comments that Ayanami looks stressed, and offers him the candy apple he had been eating. Ayanami, however, is unimpressed by the gesture, and hits him, telling his subordinate that Teito possesses the Eye of Mikhail. Ayanami is worried that if the Pope got a hold of the Eye of Mikhail, there would be a repeat of the Raggs War, and he tells Hyuuga that they must try to stop this from happening by ensuring the Barsburg Empire is in control of both eyes. He sends a Kor, and Haruse and Kuroyuri to watch over Teito.
Bishop's Apprentice Exam Arc.
Wars Attacks.
After Frau has been arrested, Ayanami is in a meeting with other high-ranking officers about the Antwort War. He disagrees with the generals' war tactics, offending them, and they suggest he take over. Kuroyuri contacts him using telepathy and informs him the mission was a success. Kuroyuri cries to Ayanami about Frau using Verloren's scythe and Ayanami comforts him/her. Admirals, Nabiki and Shiroki, who dislikes Ayanami, take advantage of his distraction and accuses him of not caring and berate him for not paying attention. They taunt Ayanami about Antwort, suggesting he personally fight, and telling him the snow is "just right for a youngster". They expect him to fight with an army of only 1000 soldiers. To spite them, Ayanami agrees, and snidely remarks that he will only need 500 men, which silences them.
Infiltration by the Black Hawks.
The Black Hawks prepare to travel to Antwort, which Ayanami intended to use as a cover for taking the Eye of Mikhail, and it's revealed that Bastien is a spy sent by Ayanami. Kuroyuri is attacked by Castor and captured using his Ghost strings to ensnare him/her. Castor uses Ayanami's ability to hold half a soul to contact Ayanami. Castor demands answers from Ayanami, and tortures Kuroyuri and Ayanami (as if Kuroyuri receives injury, Ayanami receives it as well). Kuroyuri begs Ayanami to let go of his/her soul so that Ayanami won't be injured by Castor, but Ayanami refuses to leave Kuroyuri and snaps the strings that hold him/her allowing Kuroyuri to escape with Haruse.
Capture of the Eye of Mikhail.
Ayanami in in one of the Ribidziles when they begin to enter District 7. When one of the pilots reminds Ayanami of the charter preventing military aircraft from entering District 7 territory, Ayanami says to fly straight ahead where they will recover Kuroyuri and Haruse. As the battle takes to the skies, Frau and Teito fly close enough to the Ribidizile for the scythe to react to Ayanami's presence. He then sends Hyuuga after Frau.
Haruse restrains Mikhail and gives his soul to recover the Eye, and Ayanami shouts for him to change places so Ayanami would take the blow, but Haruse refuses. Ayanami then orders all personnel to evacuate, anticipating an explosion. However they are unable to flee quickly enough, and the resulting blast destroys two ships. Hyuuga then returns with the Eye, and following an intervention by Labrador, Ayanami leaves with his soldiers.
Antwort War Arc.
Following the discovery of the Eye in District 7, some generals tell Ayanami not to attack Antwort and to instead go after the Eye, not willing to risk further loss of military personnel in a fruitless battle. Ayanami ignores them, as he already has the Eye, and his reason for going to Antwort is because he wants Pandora's Box.
The Black Hawks prepare to enter Antwort's airspace. Ayanami is devising battle tactics, and he asks Konatsu about Haruse's condition, to which Konatsu replies that Haruse appears to be sleeping. Just then, Shuri Oak appears, having been brought aboard by Hyuuga, and loudly complains that the ship is "smaller than Papa's" but "suitable". Shuri introduces himself as Ayanami's begleiter, and when Hyuuga questions Shuri, Shuri says Wakaba Oak, Shuri's father and Ayanami's superior, had told him he had been made Ayanami's begleiter, much to the annoyance and shock of Ayanami who had not been informed of this by Wakaba.
Ayanami demands to know who brought the "garbage" on board, something Shuri also demands to know- not realising the 'garbage' is him. Hyuuga raises his hand, and Ayanami responds by immediately pummeling Hyugga as punishment.
Start of conflict.
Ayanami's ships approach Antwort, where they are spotted by lookouts. The soldiers do nothing, confident that their anti-battleship shield will block any attack and deter them. Ayanami then conjures up an enormous Zaiphon, and fires it at the shield- destroying it in a single blow. Despite the country having advanced defences, they have no means to defend themselves against a Warsfeil.
Antwort forces begin to panic- quickly realising they are no longer fighting normal humans, and they fire their cannons at the approaching ships. The attacks do not make contact, as they are blocked by a Zaiphon shield surrounding Ayanami's Ribidziles.
Ayanami tells Shuri Oak that his begleiters are expected to fight on the front line. Hyuuga then throws Shuri overboard. He is saved by Konatsu Warren.
Storming the castle.
Ayanami's fleet lands on the plaza in front of Antwort's Royal Palace- meaning reinforcements from the coast will be unable to travel to and defend the palace in time. The country's men scramble, revealing that Antwort doesn't actually have the capacity to fend off Warsfeil, as their weapons have no effect against their Zaiphon. Kuroyuri uses his/her Wars to kill the remaining guards, and Hyuuga kills the infantry inside the palace.
King Antwort's death.
While the other Black Hawks take out the guards inside and outside the palace, Ayanami advances on his intended destination: the room where Pandora's Box was kept. He blows the door with his Zaiphon and encounters King Antwort standing in front of Pandora's box. Ayanami reveals he (King Antwort) to be the one who originally stole Pandora's box from the Raggs Kingdom.
Ayanami says he can sympathise with the Antwort King's wishes- but the Antwort King is furious with him. He begins to insult Ayanami: calling him a "Barsburg dog" and a "low-born Warsfeil", leading Ayanami to quickly deal him a bloody death. Ayanami then opens Pandora's Box only to discover that the body of Verloren is no longer there, instead, there is a rose which, when he uses his powers on it, reveals one of the Seven Ghosts protecting what looks to be a younger Teito Klein.
After Antwort has been conquered, Hyuuga approaches Ayanami with the battle sklaves he caught and handcuffed, and presents them to him as souvenirs. Ayanami unlocks the handcuffs and informs them (Yukinami and Suzunami) that since King Antwort is dead, they are now free- much to Hyuuga's shock.
Once released, Suzu excitedly speaks to Hyuuga, praising his ability as a Black Hawk and asking to meet their King. Hyuuga is unable to understand them, but Ayanami, a fluent speaker of the Raggs language tells them that they can join the Black Hawks if they want.
Suzunami agrees, and Yukinami turns to Ayanami and asks him if he (Ayanami) is the King. Ayanami remembers a man who told him he was his King, but tells Yukinami he is not a King. Ayanami then reflects that the snow makes him remember his home.
Hausen House Arc.
Return from Antwort.
Ayanami returns from Antwort one week after originally departing and he is called into a meeting by Field Marshal Wakaba Oak. Ayanami informs the officers that Antwort is now under Barburg control and receives high praise from Wakaba. Just then, admiral Ogi interrupts the Field Marshal to attack Ayanami for earlier losing two airships and breaking the charter by entering the 7th District, but Miroku Barsburg speaks up and defends Ayanami.
Ayanami, angry that Haruse's soul had been stolen by the Eye of Mikhail, asks for Wakaba's permission to leave Hohburg Fortress and pursue Mikhail's vessel. Wakaba is reluctant at first, on account of Ayanami being a Warsfeil and thus unable to leave Hohburg without permission, but Ayanami then presents him with the Eye of Mikhail he had earlier claimed. Wakaba is very impressed by this, and agrees to Ayanami's request.
Ayanami later accompanies the Field Marshal to reunite with his son, Shuri Oak, who has returned from Antwort with the rest of The Black Hawks. Wakaba expresses disappointment that Shuri cannot be Ayanami's begleiter, as he mistakenly believes Yukinami and Suzunami are already his begleiters after seeing them follow him closely. Before leaving, Wakaba places Shuri under the care of Konatsu Warren.
As his subordinates are busy doing paperwork back in the Black Hawks' office, Ayanami speaks with Miroku Barsburg in private. Miroku shows faith in Ayanami's ability to awaken Teito's lost memories, and Ayanami asks Miroku why he gave him Fea Kreuz's Clergy Pass. Miroku replies that he thought Kreuz had hidden something in the pass that would awaken Teito, but is disappointed to see it didn't work. Miroku compliments Ayanami's ability in getting the Eye off Teito, something which makes Ayanami smile.
Raggs Castle Arc.
Now able to pursue the wielder of the Eye, Ayanami has all the ports leading from the Hausen House closed and inspected. However, the officers entrusted with the task failed to seal off the Mountain Road, and Frau and Teito were able to escape through there. One of the officers profusely apologises for their mistake, but the other, older one insists he'd done no wrong and confidently tells Ayanami Teito and Frau would not have gone through there. Ayanami accepts the first officer's apology, and kills the other one, and then sends Yukinami and Suzunami to go and capture Teito.
The one-winged Kor.
Once he receives news of Teito Klein's whereabouts from Yukinami and Suzunami, Ayanami possesses a soldier from the District, turning him into a One-winged Kor. He confronts Teito and Capella who were wandering the city of Baltos, and Teito attacks him: punching the possessed man in the face and breaking his neck. As the surrounding civilians rush to the man's help, the soldier snaps his neck back into place, and sprouts a single Kor wing.
The civilians quickly scatter, and Teito engages his pursuer: attempting to purify him using his Baculus. However, the soldier launches an attack at Capella, and Teito just manages to save him, but is hurt in the process. With his arm now injured, Teito barely escapes as the soldier then destroys a large portion of the bridge they stand on.
Teito prepares to attack, but the soldier apprehends him and Ayanami tries to read Teito's sealed memories, hoping to find the location of Pandora's Box. The symbol of Vertrag and a warning: "no person whatsoever is allowed to touch these memories" appears. Ayanami tries to open the seal, but doing this triggers a 'defence mechanism', and the soldier's arm is destroyed by the seal.
Ayanami is furious that Vertrag is preventing him from seeing Teito's past, but before the soldier can react, Frau appears behind him and stabs him through the abdomen with his scythe. As the one-winged Kor dies, he bids Teito and Frau a final warning: that the only one who will obtain Pandora's Box is Ayanami.
Ayanami stands with Hyuuga, overlooking the Barsburg Church, and expresses his frustration at why Teito is uncorrupted, as normal humans would have "fallen into darkness" under the same cicumstances. Hyuuga asks whether Teito is the real Raggs Prince, and Ayanami tells Hyuuga of the 'black history of the Raggs Kingdom': the birth and death of Wahrheit Tiashe Raggs, who was the child of Krom and a concubine.
Hyuuga questions which one, Teito or the dead infant, is the imposter, and Ayanami assures him that the possessor of the Eye of Mikhail is the real Prince. He then informs Hyuuga that Fea Kreuz had sealed Teito's memories to protect the Eye of Mikhail and Pandora's Box, and reveals the he (Ayanami) and Miroku Barsburg had hoped to return Pandora's Box to the Church in order to bolster the military's reputation. As Konatsu Warren arrives to inform them that preparations to enter the church have been made, Hyuuga asks Ayanami what he prays for, and Ayanami answers: "God's demise".
Manga Synopsis.
Later in the manga, Ayanami seeks to devour Profe, reincarnated in the form of Labrador, in order to gain one of his fragments. However, Verloren's personality takes over when Ayanami becomes angry at Profe's prophecy, and his (Ayanami's) erractic movements allow Castor time to intervene and take the blow meant for Labrador, severing one of his arms and allowing Ayanami to absorb half of Fest's power. However, the attack leaves Ayanami with the same injuries as Castor, and he retreats to heal.
Once Ayanami has been fully regenerated, he makes use of Fest's power to tie Haruse's soul to Kuroyuri, keeping Haruse conscious and able to move around.
Much later, he engages Teito while Frau and the latter are taking part in the Hawkzile Race, and manages to capture him when he is distracted. Frau attempts to save Teito but is no match for Ayanami, especially with the scythe that follows only Verloren, and Frau is knocked unconscious, falling down a chasm. Ayanami makes Teito his beglieter and brainwashes him with the intention of trying to open the gate to get his fragments back, and in the meantime instructs Teito to become the princess's bodyguard during her birthday ball.
The ball is interrupted by the Ghosts, and Ayanami is confronted by Castor. Ayanami destroys Castor's doll arm and wants to devour him, in order to use Fest's power to connect Kuroyuri and Haruse together completely. He stabs Castor in the chest and the scene is cut. It is later revealed that Ayanami tried to devour Castor and Labrador, but was unable to, due to Verloren's powers being limited by his human vessel.
Ayanami appears behind Teito after Teito releases the Lv.10 Mikhail's power onto Frau. He denies Teito's request to search for Frau and tells him to report to the laboratory. He muses upon the fact that the only person that can teleport without a trace is Landkarte.
In manga chapter 91, Ayanami fights against and easily defeats Ouka. He leaves her lying unconscious on the floor.
After a brief absence, Ayanami reappears in Kapitel 96, where he is seen talking to Hyuuga via telepathy, and facing the headless, incompletely revived true body of Verloren at the end of the chapter. In manga chapter 97, Ayanami fights with Teito, who eventually vanishes along with Verloren's scythe. Ayanami then sits in the throne within Verloren's core, indicating that Verloren is about to be fully revived.
In Kapitel 98, Ayanami remembers his past and how he became a Warsfeil, how he came to Barsburg Empire, and how Yukikaze died. Ayanami forcefully separates himself from Teito so that Teito won't be devoured by the darkness, and dies because he was impaled by Verloren's Scythe, despite Teito's efforts to save him. After he dies, his soul is finally able to reunite with Eve's spirit.
He appears in Kapitel 100 to send Teito off to his new life, after the death of his reincarnation. The two talk about Teito's decision to use his wish to free Ayanami of his duty as Verloren, and are on good terms, as they both seem to respect each other. Ayanami concludes his visit thanking Teito for everything he has done.
A reincarnation of Ayanami reappears in the mangakas' second series, "Battle Rabbits", where he is the Emperor of the Moon. He has a group of Battle Rabbits named Genou (玄鷹, which can mean "Black Hawk") and is on very good terms with Teito's reincarnation, even risking his life for his protection. He has a son named Seigetsu, also known as Hijiri, who watches over Kaguya, the son of Teito's reincarnation.
| Ayanami/History |
fandom.07ghost | # Ayanami/Relationships
Ayanami, born Krowell Raggs, is the primary antagonist in the anime and manga series" 07-Ghost".
He is the leader of the infamous Black Hawks, a Warsfeil and a military strategist. He has held the post of the Barsburg Army's Chief of Staff for several years after the Raggs War, and after he drowned Marshal Oak, rose to become Field Marshal. It appears that he is widely known and respected throughout the Barsburg Empire for his accomplishments, despite his relatively young age, usually being greeted with salutes by his inferiors when they see him, but because he is a Wasfeil, many soldiers talk about him negatively behind his back or are afraid of him.
He is directly or indirectly responsible for many of the turmoils that Teito has suffered in his life including the death of Mikage and Weldeschtein Krom Raggs, Teito's father. Ayanami seeks the Eye of Mikhail and has been shown to be targeting the Seven Ghosts, particularly Zehel as the scythe that Zehel is wielding actually belongs to Verloren, Ayanami's soul.
He is revealed to be the reincarnation of Verloren later in the story, and is trying to regain his original ageless and powerful body (Verloren's Body) by unlocking Pandora's Box.
In chapter 90 of the manga, he revealed to Teito that he is in fact Teito's paternal uncle, being the youngest of Teito's paternal grandparents' three sons.
Despite his cold demeanor, Ayanami has shown kindness towards his fellow Black Hawks, despite trying to keep relationships professional (possibly as a result of Yukikaze's death). Ayanami was shown to appreciate his subordinates and he brings treats for his subordinates in his own luggage, but brings nothing but work for himself. He will also try his best to protect them from harm, and will risk his own safety to help them if he feels the situation has become too dangerous for them.
Out of all the present Black Hawk members Ayanami interacts with Hyuuga the most. They are both two of the earliest members of the Black Hawks, and they both fought in the Raggs War. This, along with the fact that Hyuuga and Ayanami were classmates at a military school, means they have known each other for around two decades. However, because of their conflicting personalities, Ayanami and Hyuuga are often at odds with each other. Ayanami has been shown to dislike Hyuuga's laziness and familiarity with him, but despite Hyuuga's rebellious side, Ayanami trusts Hyuuga in the sense that he will give Hyuuga an answer when asked why he does something. Hyuuga is the Black Hawk that seems most involved in Ayanami's plans, and Hyuuga is usually the first, or in some cases the only Black Hawk Ayanami reveals certain details to, such as Teito's royal blood, and the death of Marshal Oak. Ayanami also has complete faith that Hyuuga will defend him.
He relies on Hyuuga to a certain extent, since sometimes he is not afraid to show weakness to him as he is the other Black Hawks, for example, after he has lost a part of his body in a fight with Castor, he let Hyuuga hold him and carry him to the regeneration tank. In the drama CD, Ayanami somehow softens and lets his guard down when Hyuuga mentions Yukikaze and tries to cheer Ayanami up. Ayanami tries to establish emotional boundaries between himself and Hyuuga, and tries to remind his subordinate that he is his boss. However, Ayanami has addressed Hyuuga as an equal on one occasion.
Although Ayanami largely behaves indifferent towards Hyuuga, he has been shown to care for Hyuuga. When Hyuuga has recovered from a serious blow to the chest, Ayanami strikes him with his sword, which Hyuuga dodges, and Ayanami points out that Hyuuga's reactions are slow. Hyuuga then teases Ayanami, saying that he is worried about him, to which an annoyed Ayanami tells Hyuuga to die.
Hyuuga is able to get away without punishment for offenses that would have cost other soldiers their lives - using 'tan' to address Ayanami. (However, the pilot chapter Begleiter reveals that actually Ayanami does not like it when Hyuuga addresses him in such a way, so it is possible that Ayanami has tried to punish Hyuuga in the beginning, just that he has given up later, because punishment won't stop Hyuuga from calling him "Aya-tan".) As for why Hyuuga is not killed for that, possible reasons are that Ayanami doesn't want to lose a strong and loyal subordinate or a good friend.
Later in the series, Ayanami takes over Hyuuga's body, in order to fight the traitor Katsuragi and spare Hyuuga from having to fight him (Katsuragi). However, eventually, Hyuuga himself fights Katsuragi, and lets himself be devoured by a darkness-eating flower seed Labrador gave him, sacrificing himself to protect Ayanami.
Ayanami's attitude towards Kuroyuri may be considered pampering. Kuroyuri is able to get away with many things that others would have been punished for, as they can blatantly sleep in meetings without being punished by Ayanami at all, a possible reason being that Ayanami understands that Kuroyuri is tired since they have given half of their soul to Ayanami (in the manga, Haruse has mentioned that after Ayanami has used Kuroyuri's body, they will feel very tired).
Ayanami can be seen as a father figure to Kuroyuri, as he has comforted them when they get upset over things, e.g. when they sees Frau using Verloren's scythe and cries. Another example is when Haruse's soul is taken, Kuroyuri contemplates suicide till Ayanami berated them, telling them to live, if not for him then for Haruse. Kuroyuri is devoted and loyal to Ayanami, and also imagines Ayanami to be something of a Prince to them, as seen in a side story in the manga that when Haruse talks about a prince, Kuroyuri asks him "How can I kiss Ayanami-sama?".
Ayanami and Konatsu interact very little as Konatsu follows Ayanami's orders without question, giving Ayanami no reason to address him further. However it's shown in the Drama CD that Ayanami approves of Konatsu's hard-working attitude, saying to Hyuuga that Konatsu is 'such an excellent and cherishable Begleiter'. As Konatsu was born without the powers of Warsfeil, he may be the only Black Hawk who has not given half of his soul to Ayanami.
Ayanami has also defended Konatsu from Hyuuga's 'abuse' in one instance, when Hyuuga says that Konatsu should comply with his wishes simply because he's his begleiter. Ayanami refutes this, stating that only a superior who treats his subordinates with respect is worthy of such a privilege, and that Hyuuga isn't worthy of asking such a thing.
Ayanami and Haruse talk little as Haruse follows Ayanami's orders without question. However, it is likely that Ayanami approves of Haruse, as seen in a chapter in the manga that Ayanami refers to Haruse as "my important subordinate".
Ayanami was shown to value his subordinate's life, as during Haruse's battle against Mikhail, Ayanami demanded he (Haruse) switch places with him (Ayanami), which would endanger Ayanami. Even after Haruse has become a vegetable and cannot fight in battles, he is still found in Ayanami's aircraft when they go to Antwort for mission, and Ayanami asks an officer about Haruse's state, and restoring Haruse's soul was Ayanami's main motivation for attacking Castor. In the official doujinshi "Supreme Sugar", Ayanami is reading all his subordinates' Christmas wishes, and he approves of only Haruse's wish.
Shuri Oak.
Wakaba Oak forced Shuri onto Ayanami before they went to Antwort for war, possibly hoping Ayanami might be able to turn Shuri into a better soldier. Ayanami strongly dislikes Shuri, and was very annoyed upon hearing that Shuri was his new Begleiter, as Shuri is loud, arrogant and causes trouble when he begins to panic meaning Ayanami is forced to 'baby-sit' him rather than treat him like a subordinate. Another reason why Ayanami does not want Shuri in his care is that he distrusts his father, Marshal Oak.
Ayanami was one of the reasons why Suzunami wanted to join the Black Hawks, because he had heard about the Black Hawks and their leader, liked how powerful Ayanami was, and wanted to know the secret of his strength.
In the omake Begleiter, Suzunami also appears to be jealous of Ayanami, as he feels Yukinami admires Ayanami more than him, going far enough to sabotage Yukinami's notebook, replacing the photos his brother has of Ayanami with photos of himself.
At first it appears that Ayanami distrusts Katsuragi, as he brings all the Black Hawks with him except Katsuragi for a secret mission, and Katsuragi works for Ogi as a spy, but later it is revealed that "Katsuragi" is a loyal subordinate to Ayanami (to the extent that he did a facial surgery in order to take the place of the real Katsuragi who has died) and for more than ten years he has pretended to work for Ogi to wait for an appropriate time to remove him.
Katsuragi was revealed to be Landkarte, and is thus a traitor to Ayanami and the other Black Hawks. Ayanami no longer likes or trusts Katsuragi as a result.
Ayanami appears to have high expectations of his Begleiters, having them perform to a high degree and work hard. Ayanami also mentions to Shuri Oak that he expects his Begleiter to fight on the front line, hinting that his Begleiters must be skilled fighters. Ayanami tends to treat his begleiters with the same aloofness that he treats his other subordinates with. However, for all his distant behavior with them, Ayanami is also kind towards his Begleiters and compliments them when he feels they deserve it.
Ayanami also believes in treating his begleiters with respect, if he feels they have earned it for complying with his wishes.
In the pilot chapter "Begleiter" , Yukinami appears as a cadet in the military that was selected to be Ayanami's Begleiter . At first Yukinami is shy and fearful when around Ayanami due to his reputation of sacking cadet Begleiters . Ayanami ( being evil as usual ) is cold towards him and strict when dealing with him , thinking him a nuisance and said to Hyuuga that Yukinami was useless.
However, at the end of the omake , Ayanami expresses that he actually approves of Yukinami's performance, and they become closer, Hyuuga saying Ayanami 'found another marriage partner'. Another four-panel omake from Supreme Sugar 1 shows that Ayanami is Yukinami's role model, as he has Ayanami's photos in his notebook.
Yukinami is shown to like and admire his superior, even going even as far as risking his own life to protect him when the inmate (Prisoner D-431) takes out a bomb and attempts to kill Ayanami . He idolises Ayanami so much that Suzunami get jealous and gets rid of the photos of Ayanami in Yukinami's notebook, and replaces them with photos of himself.
In the finalized series, Yukinami's loyalty to Ayanami remains, but he appears to be somewhat less willing to attack Teito on Ayanami's orders than his twin brother Suzunami.
Yukikaze was Ayanami's original (and presumably the first) Begleiter. According to the pilot chapter "Begleiter", Yukikaze died defending Ayanami.
In the "Begleiter" chapter, Hyuuga said that Ayanami and Yukikaze were very close, bordering on marriage, and that Yukikaze cared a great deal for Ayanami, as he "served Aya-tan without a second thought for his own life".
In the first 07-Ghost drama CD "The Love Letter which God Receives", Ayanami visits Yikikaze's grave and shows a gentle side that he doesn't show to other Black Hawks. It's possible that Ayanami may not have been so expressionless before Yukikaze's death.
Hyuuga said in the drama "Yukikaze is smiling, saying Aya-tan is a superior who is so stubborn that it's slightly embarrassing". So, it appears that Yukikaze was indulgent of Ayanami.
It seems that Ayanami still cannot forgive himself for failing to protect Yukikaze, as even though Yukikaze has been dead for more than ten years, Ayanami has been rejecting anyone who applies for that position. He still doesn't want to develop a close relationship with another Begleiter until Yukinami become his Begleiter.
Ayanami has said that "I have asked my heart countless times but the answer never come ... is it really a bliss for you to have met me?" So, it seems that Ayanami somehow wishes that Yukikaze had never met him (as Yukikaze may still be alive if he hadn't met him, and he wouldn't have left his family and motherland to follow Ayanami to Barsburg when the latter was exiled).
Presumably, Ayanami might have harbored romantic feelings for Yukikaze, judging from the way he phrases his meetings with Yukikaze. Ayanami has also said that Yukikaze is "the only Begleiter I have loved", and that he loved when it was just the two of them. Yukikaze's death took its toll on Ayanami emotionally and physically (as Ayanami said in the drama that he felt his time had stopped since Yukikaze left him and Ayanami's desire to keep the Black Hawks close to him). When Hyuuga said "He (Yukikaze) isn't the only one who cares about you," Ayanami warned Hyuuga by pointing his sword at him.
In Kapitel 98 , it is revealed that Yukikaze was Ayanami's servant and friend even during the latter's childhood, when Ayanami was still a Raggs prince.
It's unknown if Yukikaze knows that Ayanami is Verloren's reincarnation .
Miroku Barsburg.
Ayanami was shown with Miroku during the Raggs War, suggesting that he has been Ayanami's superior for at least 10 years. The two of them share a common goal, and Miroku initially entrusts Ayanami with several highly clandestine missions.
Ayanami is always polite and respectful when speaking to Miroku; always using honorific language ("Miroku-sama") to address him. This respect is genuine, as Ayanami still uses respectful language even when thinking to himself or otherwise not in Miroku's presence. He is grateful towards Miroku. Ayanami initially thought very highly of Miroku, as when Miroku complimented him it was enough to make Ayanami smile brightly- something he does very rarely.
As they both operate outside military regulations, there is a mutual comradeship between the two; where both parties are aware the other is breaking rules- yet do not inform higher authorities and have them arrested, or use it against them. Ayanami did have a deep trust of Miroku, as he followed his orders without questioning his motives.
After Ayanami discovered Miroku had been withholding information from him, his thoughts on Miroku changed. Ayanami was annoyed that Miroku did not trust him. He grew suspicious of Miroku's motives, and did not trust him completely. He has seemingly abandoned any loyalty to him, as he said that the only reason he continues to work for Miroku is because he still has uses for him.
Following Wakaba's death, Miroku was convinced he was Ayanami's next target, but as of manga chapter 98, Ayanami has died, and it remains unknown if he truly intended to kill Miroku.
Wolfram Eifeler Barsburg.
Ayanami and the Barsburg emperor have not been shown directly interacting. At first, Ayanami was loyal to the Barsburg empire and therefore Wolfram as he is Ayanami's highest superior and ruler of the Empire, but over time, lost all loyalty to him.
Wakaba Oak.
On the surface, Ayanami appeared to respect the field marshal, as he talked with him politely. However, when Ayanami is with his close subordinates, he shows complete lack of respect, as he had no qualms referring to Wakaba as "Oak" with absolutely no respect for his status. He regarded the field marshal as an obstacle due to how he would likely just simply kill Teito, who was unknown to him Ayanami's nephew and the Pandora Box, which he needs to regain his immortal body, and ruthlessly used the half of Fest's powers he had managed to devour earlier in the series to kill Wakaba. Later, he made use of Wakaba's death to enter the Oak House, a God House, and find Relikt.
So far, Mikhail and Verloren have had little direct interaction, but it is probable that Mikhail knows Verloren, as Mikhail is a heavenly being who has lived for very long, and obviously knows about Verloren's scythe and the existence of the Seven Ghosts. In Kapitel 68 , it is proved that Mikhail knows Verloren, as the angel spoke with the previous generation of Seven Ghosts about Verloren and Pandora's Box.
It is probable that Mikhail hates Verloren for causing Mikhail's beloved master , Teito physically and emotionally suffer in his (Verloren's) current reincarnation, Ayanami, and it is equally likely that Verloren hates the angel in return, as Mikhail seals Pandora's Box, Verloren's true body, through the Eye of Mikhail, and is allied with the Seven Ghosts, whom Verloren resents as they are 'just his replicas'. Ayanami refers to Mikhail as 'an unmanageable person' and 'that angel'.
During the military's attempts to brainwash the archangel in Kapitel 79 , Ayanami successfully managed to brainwash after Ayanami reveals that Teito is wired to a machine that releases brainwaves that making Teito freaks out and feels uncomfortable . However, both Mikhail and Teito eventually managed to overcome the brainwashing when the sight of Frau resulted in the return of Teito's memories.
Mikhail may have been one of the inhabitants of Heaven whom the Chief of Heaven spoke to about Verloren's defect in Kapitel 89. It is likely that Mikhail has known Verloren for a very long time, both of them being gods.
As Raphael seals Verloren's memories through the Eye of Raphael and, like Mikhail, is allied with the Seven Ghosts, it is likely that Ayanami hates Raphael as much as he hates the Ghosts, and Ayanami has injured Raphael's beloved master, Ouka. As Verloren, Ayanami has probably known Raphael for a very long time, both of them being gods.
Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg (OR-0007).
Ayanami does not care about Ouka nor does he respect her despite Ouka technically being his superior, as he coldly told her that she cannot win against him because she is a replica and ruthlessly threw her into a wall with such force that several cracks formed in the wall from the impact, but left her alive still, implying that he did not dislike her enough to kill her, although this was likely out of some remnants of his loyalty to the Empire, as Ouka is the future Empress, but would not hesitate to use violence against her.
King Antwort.
King Antwort resents Ayanami, insulting him by the names of a "Barsburg dog" and "low-born Warsfeil". Ayanami seems to not return the resentment, as he tried to get him to hand over Pandora Box willingly, implying that he would spare him if he did. However, when King Antwort insulted Ayanami's family, it was the last straw and Ayanami brutally and ruthlessly killed him.
With people from Verloren's past.
Verloren himself.
Despite the fact that Ayanami is the current reincarnation of Verloren, Verloren does not seem to be very concerned about Ayanami's wishes and well-being. When Verloren is controlling Ayanami, Ayanami behaves more impulsively than usual, such as when he attacked Profe/Labrador in a fit of rage, something Ayanami would never have done in his right mind. Hyuuga has also mentioned that Ayanami is unable to sleep at night due to the effect of Verloren's insanity on Ayanami's mind.
Ayanami, as the current reincarnation of Verloren, retains his love for her and wants to find Eve above all else after regaining his memories as Verloren, and shows no interest in any other woman. He is far more than willing to commit treason towards his empire despite his initial nationalism, showing his attachment to her far exceeds his loyalty to Barsburg Empire. Eventually, it was his final meeting with Eve that allowed Ayanami to finally ascend to Heaven.
Ayanami hates Frau for being a "replica", being an obstacle towards his ultimate goal of regaining his body, and wielding Verloren's scythe.
Frau was aware Ayanami was Verloren before the series begun, as he hoped that ""he" hadn't awoken". Frau is in possession of Verloren's scythe which annoys Ayanami and the Black Hawks. Ayanami, in turn tells Frau to use it wisely as it is destined to return to him one day.
In one drama CD, set after the final episode of the anime, Ayanami scathingly calls Frau a "fool" and a "peasant," and steals one of Frau's lines which he was scripted to say, much to Frau's irritation.
It is worth noting that both Frau and Ayanami are possessive and protective of Teito (though for rather different reasons). This could be another reason for their rivalry and mutual hatred.
Chief of Heaven.
Ayanami retains the hatred Verloren gained for the Chief when the latter accused him of killing Eve and sent the Seven Ghosts to punish him. In episode 19, Ayanami smiled at Castor mockingly, saying "There is no God in this world". Ayanami has also said that he prays for the "death of God". Despite this, however, he was grateful when the Chief pardoned him and let him ascend to Heaven and seems to have lost his hatred after such an uncharacteristically forgiving act.
As compared to his attitude towards Frau/Zehel and Castor/Fest, Ayanami/Verloren seems to like Labrador/Profe somewhat more, calling him 'beautiful Profe', and retreating after an attack in an attempt to capture Teito and bring him back to the military instead of harming Labrador/Profe (episode 20).
In Kapitel 46 , it is shown that Ayanami/Verloren did not hesitate to attack Labrador/Profe when the latter prophesied that he (Verloren) would not be able to hold Eve in his arms again, suggesting that though Verloren may be biased in favour of Profe, this bias is still limited. As with the other Ghosts, Ayanami/Verloren wants to devour Profe so that he (Ayanami/Verloren) can regain all of his original powers.
Raggs Family.
Ayanami makes very little, if any, mention of his affiliation with the Raggs family until Kapitel 90. Despite the fact that he doesn't mention his Raggs bloodline to anyone and his ruthlessness towards them, Ayanami nevertheless does seem to harbor some care for them, becoming offended when others insult them. When King Antwort calls Ayanami a "Barsburg dog," Ayanami barely reacts to the insult. However, when King Antwort calls Ayanami a 'low-born Warsfeil', Ayanami was angered enough that he attacks and decapitates him.
He is the younger sibling of Weldeschtein Krom Raggs and Fea Kreuz, making him Teito's biological uncle. According to Millea Klein, one of his sisters-in-law and Teito's mother, Ayanami was deeply loved by his family, but died of unknown causes during childhood (though it turns out that Millea was mistaken or given the wrong information, and Ayanami actually fled to Barsburg to escape execution for being a Warsfeil).
Teito Klein.
Teito and Ayanami have a rather complicated relationship, having a strong mutual dislike, yet also occasionally demonstrating mutual respect and genuine concern for each other's well-being.
In Kapitel 90 , it's revealed that Ayanami is Teito's uncle by blood . A brief flashback show Krom and Tiashe with the portrait of the deceased Raggs king (top left) with his wife and sons ( Krom , Kruez , Krowell ) . Millea Klein confirmed that Krom had at least two sbilings ( Kreuz and Krowell ) . Krowell was deeply loved by his siblings , but died when he was young . Teito don't believed that there is a ridiculous story for Ayanami to be within his precious family .
Ayanami initially considered Teito an obstacle to obtaining Pandora's Box. After Teito's perceived theft of the Eye of Mikhail, Ayanami saw it as a challenge to the Barsburg Empire, and sought to kill him himself. Ayanami is always the superior out of the two of them whenever they fight and true to being Teito's nemesis, has done many things to make him suffer. In all those altercations, he seems to reveal a desire to have Teito give in to the darkness, as he always mocks his lack of dependence on his dark emotions. He is frustrated by his lack of success in corrupting Teito.
However, during Teito's time in the Black Hawks, Ayanami shows kindness to Teito several times, and demonstrates concern for his (Teito's) health. Ayanami also openly considers him to be the his most hard-working subordinate and it should be noted that rather than simply subtly returning the Eye to Teito and having him open Pandora's Box and then have him killed, Ayanami instead chose to keep Teito alive longer by killing Wakaba Oak, an act that was uncharacteristic enough that even Kal noted the potential of Ayanami being strongly attached to his nephew and willing to kill anyone who tries to harms him. Near the end of the series, Ayanami uncharacteristically refused Teito's desperate offer of help and sacrificed himself to keep Teito safe, and Teito said that although he still found it hard to forgive Ayanami, he didn't want Ayanami to die because they are family.
As Verloren , he appears to like Teito or at least doesn't dislike him enough to want to hurt him . In Kapitel 94 , Teito notes that even though Pandora's Box was opened and Verloren has captured him , Verloren wasn't targeting or attack him . Teito remembered that it was the same way when he first became the Pandora's Box : Verloren hadn't tried to attacked or tried to hurt him either
In the anime, Ayanami seems to have little to no personal resentment towards Teito but resents his softness and Teito hates Ayanami much more than in the manga. However, in their final battle, Ayanami has shown that he wishes to corrupt and recruit Teito, as when he confronted him, he said that he had a far more suitable job than a Bishop for him. He also taunts him to give in to his darkness, implying that not only does Ayanami want the information on Pandora's Box, he also desires to have him at his side, likely as he acknowledged that while Teito is no match for him, he is nevertheless very formidable and should he give in to the darkness, he will be even more fierce. It has been implied that Ayanami kept tabs on Teito to see his improvement and value whether he is worth of being his soldier or not, as he himself openly said that he knew how much Teito had changed and orchestrated their whole fight to see whether he is worthy of being his soldier or not.
Interestingly, despite their mutual animosity in the series, they seem to be somewhat friendlier towards each other in bonus material e.g. omakes and some of the drama CDs. Ayanami even once claimed that they cannot live without each other in the drama CD track "Escape".
Weldeschtein Krom Raggs.
According to Millea Klein , Krowell was deeply loved by his siblings, but died during childhood. It is as yet unknown why Krowell/Ayanami betrayed his family and killed his brothers.
Despite his ruthlessness towards Krom, Ayanami seems to respect his brother , as he constantly refers to him as the King of Raggs , and never once called him by his name until his final battle with Teito. However, Ayanami also resents his brother's immediate fondness for strangers, as shown in Kapitel 97, where Ayanami calls him a hypocrite for such a trait.
Fea Kreuz.
Fea Kreuz was Ayanami's second older brother. However, while Kreuz was said to be loving towards him, Ayanami had no qualms killing and devouring him to gain his power.
However, Ayanami nevertheless holds his brother's intelligence and way of dealing with things in a high regard, as he knew that Kreuz would not die without leaving something behind, implying he knows his brother well enough. He grew to resent him due to his protection of Teito as he was enraged when he realized Kreuz protected Teito's memories about Pandora's Box, making it so that no one could view them.
Vanessa Antwort.
Ayanami knows of Vanessa, as he once talked to her father, and has mentioned her to Hyuuga. Although it was never outright revealed, it was quite likely that Ayanami, who values loyalty above all else, held nothing but disgust and spite for her actions of betraying his brother, along with having killed her father.
Ayanami appears to have a great affinity for animals, as he has many pets. Despite the fact that he hasn't been shown harming any of his pets, most of them are afraid of him: his fish become startled and catatonic with fear and float belly-up at the top of their tank; his rabbits huddle together in fear instead of eating; his iguana hides from him; his flamingo hides in a corner of its cage; and his python hides up on top of a large tree branch to keep away from him.
Black Panthers.
Ayanami's black panthers appear in the Supreme Sugar dojinshi and the official manga, as well as the anime, as Ayanami's pets.
Ayanami and his panthers have a mutual affection for each other. Unlike all his other pets, who cower with fear at Ayanami's presence, Ayanami's black panthers are very affectionate towards him whenever he comes to feed them, jumping up at him and licking his face. In return, Ayanami enjoys bringing his panthers with him on missions, and they are also seen once on his Ribidzile in the manga and anime.
Ayanami, as Verloren's reincarnation, is able to control the Kor to do his bidding. It's implied that he uses the Kor to spy on the happenings in the church, showing that he can use them to gather information. The Kor often appear disguised in the form of hawks with sharp talons and beaks to make them more inconspicuous.
Before his fall from grace, Verloren was often shown spending time with the Kor in Heaven. The Kor have been shown to respect him, referring to him as 'Verloren-sama'.
The Warsfeil know that Ayanami is the reincarnation of their master, Verloren. Thus, like the Kor, they respect him, and also call him 'Verloren-sama'.
| Ayanami/Relationships |
fandom.07ghost | # Ayanami/Trivia
Ayanami, born Krowell Raggs, is the primary antagonist in the anime and manga series" 07-Ghost".
He is the leader of the infamous Black Hawks, a Warsfeil and a military strategist. He has held the post of the Barsburg Army's Chief of Staff for several years after the Raggs War, and after he drowned Marshal Oak, rose to become Field Marshal. It appears that he is widely known and respected throughout the Barsburg Empire for his accomplishments, despite his relatively young age, usually being greeted with salutes by his inferiors when they see him, but because he is a Wasfeil, many soldiers talk about him negatively behind his back or are afraid of him.
He is directly or indirectly responsible for many of the turmoils that Teito has suffered in his life including the deaths of Mikage Celestine, Teito's best friend, and Weldeschtein Krom Raggs, Teito's father. Ayanami seeks the Eye of Mikhail and has been shown to be targeting the Seven Ghosts, particularly Zehel as the scythe that Zehel is wielding actually belongs to Verloren, Ayanami's soul.
He is revealed to be the reincarnation of Verloren later in the story, and is trying to regain his original ageless and powerful body (Verloren's Body) by unlocking Pandora's Box.
In chapter 90 of the manga, he revealed to Teito that he is in fact Teito's paternal uncle, being the youngest of Teito's paternal grandparents' three sons.
In Japanese, "aya nami" means "twilled/cross wave". It is also the name of a famous Japanese destroyer, a battleship that was one of the most powerful destroyers in the world when introduced.
In German, "verloren" means "lost", "forsaken", "irrecoverable" or "goner".
His former name, "kuroveru" (katakana) may be derived from Japanese and other languages.
In Japanese, "kuro" means "black", "guilty"; "beru" ("v" is pronounced as "b" in Japanese) means "bell", but if German pronunciation is considered (in German, "w" is pronounced as "v"), then "veru" can also be "weru", which means "well", "hole" in Japanese.
"Veru" is also a declension form of "vera", and its associated meaning in Latin are "being", "stay", "spring" and "true".
Early 07-Ghost.
Ayanami's first appearance was in the pilot chapter Seven Ghosts. The earliest version of Ayanami had a sharper face, shorter hair and the shape of his peaked-cap was different, though this could be due to the art style evolving between the creation of Seven Ghosts and Begleiter, and not a change in his design. His uniform was also different. It looked like the modern cadet uniform: there was no half mantle; the decoration was less elaborate; and the trenchcoat did not reach the floor.
Ayanami's past of killing the Raggs king, as seen in Seven Ghosts, is incorporated into the finished storyline. However, his involvement with Mikage is added later as in Seven Ghosts, Ayanami did not possess him, and wasn't the one who killed him.
Ayanami appears in the Begleiter chapter, this time much closer in appearance to the one in the finalised series, his appearance his almost identical to the final design (his hair was made wavier) and it uses the final design for the Basrburg uniform.
The story involves Ayanami taking a Begleiter named Yukinami, but being reluctant to accept him because of his past with Yukikaze, his begleiter who died protecting him. Ayanami later accepts Yukinami after the later risks his life for Ayanami despite Ayanami not wishing him to do so. The idea of Yukinami being Ayanami's begleiter is dropped from the final storyline, but his connection with Yukikaze is later included in the finish series.
Differences in the manga and anime.
Ayanami's rank during the Raggs War.
As the field marshal and the chief of staff are the highest-ranking officers in a fleet, some special military insignia are worn by them alone, such as the epaulet.
During the Raggs War, Ayanami was wearing an epaulet (a flashback of Tiashe in the anime). So, he should have been holding the position of chief of staff at the time according to the anime. However, in manga chapter 76, he was not seen wearing an epaulet, so, according to the manga, he should not be the chief of staff during the Raggs War. In the same chapter, Landkarte refers to Ayanami as "major general", showing he held this rank during the Raggs War.
| Ayanami/Trivia |
fandom.07ghost | # Baculus
A Baculus (also known as a Bascule) is a staff that can convert dark beings. It is one of the many objects that a person can use to manipulate, enhance and channel their Zaiphon, thereby allowing for more powerful and complex attacks. There are many types of baculus, starting from the novice and leading up to the baculuses used by experienced Bishops. Unlike military weapons, which are mass-produced, baculuses are made by a craftsman specialising in them, who comes to the Church once a year.
Generally, a baculus appears as a large, metal cross, decorated with crescents and other ornaments such as rings and metal spikes. The baculus has the words of an ancient language (the same writing that appears when a Zaiphon is used) carved into the metal on the hilt, and grip. Despite its size, it is light enough for a young boy to wield with ease.
They come in many different sizes, with larger baculuses usually being for more experienced wielders.
Acquiring a Baculus.
Most people acquire their first Baculus when they train for the Bishop's Apprentice Exam at the Barsburg Church. It is unknown if there are other places where Baculuses can be obtained.
Using a Baculus.
Many of the Bishops in the Church use a baculus to channel their Zaiphon, which makes the attack more potent and accurate. It is a requirement to be able to use a baculus properly to pass the Bishop exam.
Due to the fact that each baculus is unique, it can be difficult to use and requires the wielder to become accustomed to their weapon. In order to properly channel their Zaiphon for the attack, the user needs to match their Zaiphon to the wavelength of the Baculus. If the wavelength is not matched then the attack will fail. Each baculus has a Zaiphon limit. Different baculus have different limits. Exceeding the limit will break the baculus (like blowing a fuse in a light bulb).
It requires a calm mind and strong, consistent willpower, so endurance and stamina are key to mastering it. Being skilled with a Zaiphon does not necessarily mean the person will be skilled with a baculus.
The Baculus allows those with an attacking or manipulation Zaiphon to use their Zaiphon to catch and nulify a Kor, which they could not do normally. Those who have a healing Zaiphon cannot directly attack a Kor but can use it to limit the movement of a Kor, which will make it easier to remove from a person's body. However, even with a Baculus, a person is still incapable of undoing wishes of a Kor that have already been granted.
Forbidden arts.
The Baculus was originally designed to be an instrument that could manipulate light and dark alike.
There is a forbidden form of art that had been passed down the generations from ancient times of the Church, and at some point this was forbidden and made punishable by death. When the scriptures used for incantation are uttered backwards the Baculus is able to evoke a Wars using the souls of others.
However, due to humans being the natural prey of Wars, this form of magic is extremely dangerous. Usage carries the risk of the Wars turning on the user, and the human may become contaminated and devoured themselves.
When a Baculus has been touched by a Warsfeil or a Wars it turns jet black.
| Baculus |
fandom.07ghost | # Baltos
Baltos is a small city on the relay to the 6th District's port. It is located to the far north-west of District 6, and can be accessed travelling through the Mountain Road.
It appears to make most of its money through tourists as seen by its involvement in dancing and shows, as well as having a large market place selling a variety of items.
The city appears to be quite shady, having many taverns and is a favourite haunt of ladies of the night. The city appears to be very poor, as seen with the many beggars there as well as the poor state many of the buildings are in.
Baltos is a relatively small city. Particularly near the outskirts of the city, the buildings mostly consist of plain, large yet tightly packed flats housing many people- with many thin alleyways and small bridges connecting the buildings. The houses there are made of large blocks of stone, with small windows and small, Victorian balconies. Washing lines also hang between buildings in the alleyways.
In the centre is a large open area that is commonly used for dancing when the town has festivals or parades.
Plaza: The plaza is a large open area fenced with large trees and old-fashioned street lights, where couples go to dance on festival nights. Flags are strung from the trees and posts to decorate the area and in the centre of the plaza is some sort of large, stone tower protected with a small wall running round it.
Market place: The market place takes up a considerable section of Baltos. The walls of narrow alleyways are lined with stalls and portable marquees where people display and sell their goods.
| Baltos |
fandom.07ghost | # Baptism Ceremony
The Baptism ceremony is made up of a select group of seven bishops, and Archbishop Jio.
It is a ceremony where the willing receive the sacred sign on their forehead. It only happens within the Barsburg Church once every year, and is mainly performed on children who are younger than 15 years old so they will not be violated by the Kor.
The ceremony is considered a very important event as all selected Bishops are expected to attend, with those absent having to have very good reasons.
The purpose of the Baptism is to help those who have received it fight against the temptation of a Kor by purifying their souls, and, as with a normal baptism, it is done with holy water being applied to the person's forehead. However, a strange claw-like device is used to do so.
It appears that those who have been baptised are completely protected against Kor, as in the manga a man said the One-winged Kor Soldier became a Kor because he had not received God's protection. However, those whose souls are already tainted, by actions like murder, will still be unprotected even after baptism, though this rule may not apply to those with beautiful souls, such as Teito and Ouka.
Relation to real-world Christianity.
The method and technique of baptism used, pouring as opposed to submersion or immersion, are most closely related to Lutheranism, a branch of western Christianity. The beliefs shown in-universe, that the baptism will help protect against temptation are also shared by Lutherans.
| Baptism Ceremony |
fandom.07ghost | # Barenhalt Teito Klein
| Barenhalt Teito Klein |
fandom.07ghost | # Barm
Barm is a minor character who first appeared in Kapitel 71.
There is a type of cake called barm cake. His name could also be an ironic reference to the British slang term 'barmy' which is used to refer to a crazy person; Barm is the calmest and most level-headed member of his group.
Physical appearance.
He appears as a middle-aged man with a lean and muscular build, who is missing a few teeth. His hair is short, spiky and light-coloured.
Barm wears bandages over one of his eyes, presumably due to injury. He also wears a dark, sleeveless top with a fur collar, as well as long pants.
Despite his rough-looking appearance, he has been shown to be friendly and understanding, as he did not pressure Frau to say who he (Frau) is, and made an effort to make Frau feel welcome. He also seems to be the most composed member of his group-he was able to retain his composure when Frau suddenly sat up, whereas Ryuu and Moz panicked. He copes well under pressure and sometimes acts as a mediator for his more unstable companions.
Manga synopsis.
Barm and three other District 24 residents found Frau's body after Frau barely escaped with his life after the events of the previous chapter. They discovered that Frau does not have a pulse, and assuming that Frau is dead, attempted to give him a burial. However, Frau awakened just then, and after recovering from their initial fright, they get some water for Frau and tell Frau where he is. Barm introduces himself and the other three.
Later, Ryuu attempts to attack Frau when he (Ryuu) mistakenly thinks that Frau intends to harm Ryuu's sister Nene. Barm restrains Ryuu and apologises to Frau, explaining that Nene is Ryuu's only family.
Barm briefly reappears in Kapitel 93, where he is seen staring in shock at the destruction of Hohburg Fortress caused by Verloren's revival.
| Barm |
fandom.07ghost | # Barsburg Armed Forces
The Barsburg Armed Forces encompasses the army, the navy and the air force of the Barsburg Empire. Its base is located at Hohburg Fortress. Members of the Barsburg Armed Forces have been seen acting as soldiers, as well as everyday law enforcers such as police officers, in every continent of the Empire. They play a crucial role in the storyline of the 07-Ghost series, being responsible for many of the events that have damaged the main characters emotionally (e.g. the case of Teito Klein, Ouka) or physically (e.g. the case of Weldeschtein Krom Raggs, Mikage).
Barsburg's military force is seen as the strongest and most advanced one in 07-Ghost, as it was able to conquer more than half the world in the series. Despite its intended purpose, (or its purpose on the surface) to defend and act in the best interests of the Empire, many of those in the higher positions have been shown to be corrupt (e.g. using the military's finances to pay for their dinner, manga chapter 8), taking advantage of their positions in the army to get the Eyes for their personal wish (e.g. Ayanami), or giving the masses false information so as to conceal the military's real actions (e.g. Wakaba Oak), as well as violent (e.g. Ayanami killed a soldier for disobeying him).
Many of the characters serving in the army also serve as the antagonists in the 07-Ghost series, such as the case of Ayanami (used to be the Chief of Staff of the Army), Chairman Miroku (the former field marshal and the current Chairman of the Army) and Wakaba Oak (the field marshal since the Raggs War until his death in manga chapter 74), who have all participated in the Raggs War.
It is virtually unknown what date the Imperial Army was founded and by whom, but it is definite it was many decades before the Raggs War, as by then the military already boasted advanced equipment and trained soldiers.
During the War with Raggs.
The Imperial Army of Barsburg played an enormous role in the Raggs War, being their opponents, and the ones responsible for Raggs's destruction and the cleansing of the Raggs bloodline. The Imperial Army were deployed by the King of Barsburg soon after the War was declared; their heavily armed ground troops attacking the Black Beast Squadron from the ground, and their Ribidziles levelling buildings from the skies.
Due to the far more advanced equipment and weaponry (including the use of the Ribidzile), greater numbers and the element of surprise, Raggs proved an easy target for the Imperial Army.
Post Raggs War.
After Raggs, the Imperial Armed Forces continued to expand its Empire over the course of 10 years and was powerful enough to conquer more continents before the series began.
The Sky Pirate Subjugation.
During this 10 year gap the Imperial Amy waged War on the Sky Pirates in their bid to control the skies, and this resulted in the number of Sky Pirates dwindling.
Recent History.
Antwort War.
After Barsburg conquered Raggs, she started to search for the other Eye not only in the territories that had belonged to Raggs, but also the allies of Raggs (hence invading them). Antwort was one of the allies of Raggs. The daughter of King Antwort, Princess Vanessa Antwort, married King Weldeschtein Krom Raggs, and she became the queen of Raggs (manga chapter 68). When war broke out between Barsburg and Raggs more than ten years ago, Antwort seceded from the alliance (manga chapter 26).
The earliest mention of the conflict with Antwort was during one of the military meetings, where the Barsburg officers discussed how Antwort was amassing its army. Eventually, the then Chief of Staff Ayanami was sent to Antwort, and Barsburg took Antwort within a week, thereafter taking it as part of the Barsburg Empire.
Army (陸軍" Rikugun").
The Barsburg Army is comprised mostly of foot soldiers, this army being undoubtedly the most powerful in the 07-Ghost universe.
Air force (空軍 "Kungun").
Named characters from the air force have not appeared so far, but it is presumed that Barsburg must have an air force, as in Tiashe's memories (manga) it is shown that large aircrafts have been used to bombard Raggs during the Raggs War.
Navy (海軍 Kaigun).
Information unknown, but because Barsburg has a long marine border, it is presumed that she must have a navy.
Border control.
The border control are the guards stationed at each border of the Districts. Their job is to monitor who enters and exits the Districts, possibly to prevent wanted criminals escaping the Empire (as the first Drama CD suggests). If faced with someone trying to cross the border illegally, they have no qualms about open firing.
The standard uniform consists of a black, or dark blue, ankle-length overcoat with golden trimmings on the chest, sleeve cuffs and neck guard. They wear black trousers, knee-length, black, buckled boots, and white gloves. They also wear plain white shirts under their overcoats, and have a small half mantle hanging off the left shoulder emblazoned with the Barsburg military insignia and a golden shoulder board on the right.
Ability and Weaponry.
Trained since teenagers, the Imperial Army's impressive war record has been due to the combination of effective soldiers and advanced equipment. The army makes use of military boarding schools such as the Barsburg Military Academy to train potential soldiers to a notably high standard, where students are required to pass a final test in combat in order to graduate from student to cadet begleiter.
Those with a Zaiphon are trained to release sudden bursts of energy so they can eliminate opponents in the shortest time possible.
Soldiers-to-be are required to keep a cool head during all situations and are required to work well in groups seen during the final exam as those who panic and/or abandon their comrades are (normally) disqualified and refused entry into the army until improvement. The exam is notably difficult to ensure only the best succeed, with a pass rate of 1 in 25.
Once the candidate has proven themselves to be an effective combatant, they begin the cadet Begleiter stage where they must prove themselves responsible, punctual and good at following orders, with those who fail the criteria being forced to repeat the exam.
The Military displays advanced equipment such as holograms, radars, regeneration tanks, large containment chambers, etc. A research team is responsible for providing most of the information or technology related to the Eye of Raphael. It is yet unknown whether only some parts of the research department (e.g. where the regeneration tanks are placed) need security access or the whole department is restricted to only some people (e.g. the researchers, Miroku). But it seems that even the army's field marshal cannot enter (at least) a part of the area if he has no pass (manga chapter 62). This research team also seems to be responsible for supporting Barsburg's nation-wide campaign of replacing the traditional fuel, like oil and gas, with zaiphon.
| Barsburg Armed Forces |
fandom.07ghost | # Barsburg Bible
The Barsburg Bible is the holy book of the religion of the 07-Ghost series. There are 77 volumes of the Barsburg Bible, and the volumes contain 7700 scriptures. Candidates for the Bishop's Apprentice Exam are required to memorise the scriptures, 100 of which will appear in the written portion of the exam.
These are some of the known verses recited by some of the characters in the universe.
This is the scripture Bastien used as a reverse incantation to perform a forbidden form of Arts thereby evoking Black Magic.
Teito most likely uses the verses from the Bible with his Baculus in his battle against Wars.
| Barsburg Bible |
fandom.07ghost | # Barsburg Church
The Barsburg Church is a Church located in the 7th District that is said to be guarded by the Seven Ghosts, and its purpose is to enshrine them. The Church may also enshrine Mikhail, though the Seven Ghosts are worshipped above all other deities (except the creator of the Ghosts himself, the Chief of Heaven).
The Church is the location where most of the anime series takes place, consisting of the land that the Pope owns and protects. It appears to be well protected from outside attacks from foot-soldiers with the use of a moat that surrounds the Church, and appears to be only accessible with the use of a flying vehicle such as a Hawkzile or a Ribidzile.
It has guarded Pandora's Box for a "thousand years".
Workforce and Church life.
At the Barsburg Church, morning begins at 4 am. As a religious building, the Barsburg Church is mainly run by members of the clergy.
There is a distinct hierarchy in the Church and different groups are tasked with different jobs. The Nuns make up the bulk of the manual labour and run Correction Centers, while Bishops fulfil more academic roles such as scholars and teachers. Younger and less experienced people, such as Acolytes, tend to lean towards manual labour.
Particular focus is placed on interacting and integrating with the local communities to provide services, such as teaching, medical care, or evangelism.
As with most religions, in the Church, life is governed by community rules that require members to remain celibate and own little or no personal property. While genders are not segregated, there appear to be limitations on what women within the Church are able to do.
Religious importance.
The Church is both admired and feared for its alleged connection to the Death God fragments, the Seven Ghosts.
The Barsburg Church, like many other religious buildings, offers political sanctuary and asylum to criminals in the nearby districts (particularly District 1) fleeing the law. Because of this reason, many criminals escape to District 7 seeking, or exploiting the benefits of, religious enlightenment and forgiveness.
Due to it being a place of religion, the Barsburg Church has several defensive mechanisms put in place to stop unholy intruders. There is an invisible barrier around the Church which is supposed to destroy Kor and limit the movement of even the most powerful Wars and Warsfeil within the Church, though it can be destroyed by someone who has mastered the Baculus. It seems that this also allows Wars to be more easily sensed, allowing at least the Ghosts to sense it. However, even the Church's barrier seems to have limits to how much they can contain the use of black magic, as Ayanami has displayed that he is able to completely remain unaffected by the barrier when he fought Labrador, which surprised him. In the anime, he was also able to influence the exit of the final Bishop Exam to prevent Teito from leaving and instead apport him to the entrance, all the while remaining undetected by any of the Church's inhabitants, as not even the Ghosts were able to sense anything. This is likely because Ayanami is just simply on a completely different level than any warsfeil and thus his dark power is far too strong and subtle for even the Church to detect or weaken him.
Several spirits guard the building. If damaged, they can repair it, and they also have the power to seal doors when they detect Kor or Wars in order to trap intruders in one place.
The population of the Church is guarded by the Imperial Guard. As a precaution, everyone entering or leaving the Barsburg Church must sign in or out.
Despite being simply referred to as a Church, the layout is much closer to that of a monastery, as it comprises a number of buildings which include a church, dormitory, cloister, refectory, library, balneary and infirmary. It is 4 km in circumference.
The Barsburg Church is a very tall structure that appears to be made of marble. Running around the Church is a large wall, and built on the wall are Seven Towers, each tower containing a Statue of a Seven Ghost. The building of the Church is thin and rectangular, with several entrances, being either the main door, or several archways that also lead inside. The Church has many balconies, and these are fenced with golden railings. The Church's most notable feature is its two large, cone-shaped towers that appear to be made of glass. There are 35 floors in the Church.
Applicants Block.
The Applicants Block is a large portion of the Church that is solely used as a temporary home for those who are taking the Bishop's Apprentice Exam and do not live in District 7. Those candidates who do live in District 7 can opt to commute between the Church and their own homes. The block consists of hundreds of dorm rooms next to each other, the rooms themselves being small and humble in design with two beds to a dorm, two desks and a few shelves for books. It is situated near the Library so that it is convenient to the examinee
Within the Church grounds there is a large area used as a market place and is "overflowing with tourist shops". This appears as many long pathways extending from the Church pool and fountain, with many tents lining each side of the pathways. In the centre of the Bazaar is the Church fountain, and a pool in the shape of an arrow, presumably pointing towards the main Church building. The Bazaar is often the location for hosting parades in honour of the Seven Ghosts that guard the Church, as seen in episode 7 of the anime.
There is a large, open cemetery close to the Church. It contains many plain, marble, cross-shaped graves. The Old Man's Wife, Mikage Celestine and Bastien are all buried there.
Church Fountain/Reservoir.
The Church Fountain is a four-layered rock fountain where Razette seems to stay and is known as reservoir for aquatic creatures such as the Eyefish, various species of fish and algae. It is located in the middle of the Barsburg Church and underneath it is the Light Dungeon's location. The Fountain water is used by the nuns primarily for washing clothes.
Ghost Towers.
The Barsburg Church has seven towers with each tower being used as a shrine for its respective Ghost, and each tower holding a statue of that Ghost. The seven towers are open to the public and the inhabitants of District 7 go there to pray to the Ghost whose help they need the most (e.g. those who want someone to fall in love with them pray to Fest for him to join their hearts together). It is also worth noting that Zehel's tower also serves as Barsburg Church's entrance.
Vertrag's tower has been closed since the end of the Raggs War, due to the statue there collapsing. It is likely that Relikt's tower has also been closed, as the last reincarnation of Relikt has been devoured, thus the Statue of Relikt has presumably also collapsed (the Statues of the Ghosts respond to the Ghosts' respective injuries).
The Sanctuary is a very small, circular stretch of land that slopes inwards and can only be found by travelling through a network of underwater tunnels, much like Light Dungeon. The area is round and covered by grass with a small circle of small, pink paving stones.
The Sanctuary appears to be subject to some sort of magic, as there is a crystal tower that allows the person entering to see into their past, that can only be seen by those who have lost someone close. It appears in the anime only.
Bastien's room.
Bastien's room is located on the 36th floor. To go through the door to Bastien's room, a Bishop's pass is required. It is large a room, with a single desk across the entrance, a statue of a female angel on the right-hand side as you enter with the Church's symbol on its torso, and several bookcases stacked net to each other on the right, one of which is hiding a passageway to an underground dungeon.
The Bishop Hall.
It is a hall where the Bishops' room are located. The hall is adorned with big pillars and right at the entrance of the hall, there are two statues, one on each side, carrying the symbol of the Church in their arms. Just like the Applicant Block, it is most likely that the rooms of the Bishops are situated next to each other in the Bishop Hall, however there is no confirmation if they are indeed side by side.
Room 1075.
Room 1075 is Frau's room. It is located to the north-east of the main hall and far north of the Applicants Block. However, in the manga it is located in the Bishop Hall.
The room itself is small and humble, containing a single desk, one large bookcase, and a large bed in an indent in the wall under a gold and black arch. On the floor is a large, black coffin with the cross of the Church engraved onto the lid. As Frau sleeps in this coffin, it is unknown why he has a bed, though it may be to maintain the appearance of him being an ordinary human, or simpy because the bed cannot be removed from the room.
The Bridges of Trials and Tribulation.
The Bridges of Trials and Tribulation (eighth exam hall) is a series of bridges located somewhere in the Barsburg Church. It is the setting used for the second Bishop's Apprentice Exam, which candidates must cross in order to pass. The bridge causes the darkness that lies in the hearts of those crossing to manifest itself in physical form. Those who are unable to face their own fears fall through. It is guarded by the Guardians of the Bridge of Trials, and was the scene of Mikage's death. Its original purpose was to judge those who had an audience with the Pope.
Church Catacombs.
As the name suggests, the Church catacombs present themselves as a cemetery consisting of an underground network of passages and rooms used as burial chambers for keeping the dead bodies of those in the Church until relatives of the deceased claim them for burial.
The rooms themselves are large and may house up to eight bodies at any one time, and the lighting there consists mainly of blue flames along the walls. The staff there are criminals, and three criminals appear to be assigned to a single room.
Exam Halls.
There are eight Exam Halls in total (and an observation room), each one bringing a new challenge to those taking the apprentice exam. The exam halls are mostly made of marble, like the rest of the Church, and usually contain statues of the seven ghosts. Features of the more sinister exam halls include shadows that cause fear in those passing through them (exam hall 1), large tanks full of water and living Kor (exam hall 4), and tightropes with sharp rocks below (exam hall 5).
The observation room appears as a large cave, with pools of water dotted around. These pools of water allow the examiners to see the progress of the examinees without their knowledge.
Guest Room.
This is the room where Teito and Mikage stayed after deserting the Barsburg Military. A single-sized bed is situated in the middle of the room with a lot of plants and flowers surrounding it. Some of the vines and plants are also seen sprawled out over the floor. Just across the bed are clear, angled dome-shaped glass windows that are separated by pillars.
The Infirmary.
The Infirmary is where those who are ill are taken to be taken care of until they are well again. The infirmary is a large, rather plain room only containing beds for the sick. Both Teito and Aldo have been in the infirmary.
The Library.
The Library is one of the largest rooms in the Barsburg Church and is located near the Applicants block for the benefit of the examinees who need to study for the exam.
The room appears as a large maze of wooden bookcases, stacked full of books, that are as tall as the ceiling. There are a few open spaces dotted randomly around the library where there are a few tables and chairs.
Meeting Room.
The Meeting Room is a large room used for those of a Bishop rank or higher to discuss important matters. The room is large with desks at each side of the room where the Bishops are to sit, and a smaller desk to the back of the room where Jio and two guards are seated. The ceiling of the room is very high and supported by marble pillars and golden frames. On the floor is the cross of the Church.
The Nave.
It is a very large, square-shaped room where the walls and floor appear to be made of marble. Towards each side of the room are several marble archways that run down the length of the room, stopping some distance before the Church altar which is at the very back wall. The very far end of the room, at the back, is sloping forward, the middle of the wall being the closest to the front. The Church altar is golden and sits before a white, marble wall, and above it is the insignia of the Barsburg Church, also in marble. At each side of the altar, the walls are a pale green, decorated with golden lining. There is a skylight above it.
There are crystals engraved into the walls and floor throughout the nave, meaning that when the moon or sun shines, the crystals reflect that light and the room glistens. The colour of the shine depends on the angle of the light, meaning that one can accurately tell time by calculating the position of the light, as seen with Hakuren. The room shines red at 6 o'clock.
The nave appears as the place where mass is conducted. This is the long, central part of the Church and acts as the main body where most services are held, like a Mass or traditional ceremonies such as Baptism, and where the congregation gathers to pray and worship the Gods. Just like Gothic Christian abbeys, it provides a central approach through the aisle to the altar. During mass, the Bishops stand by the altar with one of the volumes of the Barsburg Bible and participate in the service. There is a pipe organ located somewhere in the nave of which Razette fulfills the role as the organist.
The Orphanage.
The Church orphanage has not been shown, but Frau has mentioned it and several orphans have been seen around the Church. Teito also once talked to Frau about letting Capella live in the Church orphanage.
The Practice Hall.
The Practice Hall is where students can go to practice their use with a Baculus on Kor, mostly being used for preparation for the Bishop's Apprentice Exam. It is a long, narrow room with glowing arches above it that look similar to Castor's ghost strings. All around the arches is a large barrier made of water, the arches being used to contain it, and this water barrier holds the Kor. It appears that the barrier is one-way, as Teito was able to put his hand through the barrier, but the Kor are unable to get out. The Bishop's apprentice exam takes place in the tank of water.
Due to it being full of Kor, it is monitored closely. It has a receptionist. Students are required to book a place, and sign in and out.
The Church Refectory (also frater, frater house, fratery, dining hall) is a large, narrow room filled with long, wooden tables decorated with edible flowers and candles. Compared to the rest of the Church, it is quite humble in appearance and uses an earthy color scheme.
This hall is a diner for both members of the clergy and visitors to the Church.
Room of Mirrors.
The Room of Mirrors is a small room that appears to be one of the highest rooms in the Barsburg Church. It is octagonal in shape, and each wall holds a two-way mirror supported by a metal frame, and in this respect it looks similar to a greenhouse. It is used for helping one to face inner feelings by showing illisions, and even the Bishops themselves use it.
The mirrors are covered in a thick mist that clears when the mirrors are showing an illusion.
Secret Escape Passage.
Within the Church is a secret passageway that was designed as an escape route to be used by the Pope in the "ten thousand to one chance" should he need to flee the Church.
It functions as a maze with "a thousand turns", and a wrong one will prevent those who made it from exiting the tunnel. This was done to deter pursuers. Its exit point is through a back alley somewhere in District 7.
Teito Klein and Frau used this tunnel to escape the Barsburg Armed Forces who were searching for the vessel for the Eye of Mikhail. They used Labrador's petals to lead them to safety.
The Western Tower Greenhouse.
On the Western Tower of the Church there is a very large dome-shaped greenhouse, protected with golden railing and amber-tinted windows. It is one of Labrador's favourite places. The greenhouse floor is grass and round in shape and in the anime is exclusively for roses, whereas there are many different types of flowers present in the manga. Many of the flowers there are edible, and there is also candy. It is accessed by a small staircase. In the centre is a huge oak tree, around it being many arches and small ferns. It is also one of the places in the Church that was infiltrated by a Kor.
It is unknown when exactly the Church was built but it was shown during the Raggs War, showing it has stood for more than 10 years.
Considering that the Seven Ghosts, who are sanctioned to protect the Church, descended to the human world about 1000 years ago and that the Church has "guarded Pandora's Box for a thousand years", the Church is likely to be over 1000 years old.
Manga Synopsis.
The Barsburg Church is first introduced when Teito Klein is brought there by Bishops Castor, Frau, and Labrador after he (Teito) had fallen from his Hawkzile.
In chronological order:
| Barsburg Church |
fandom.07ghost | # Barsburg Empire
The Barsburg Empire is the main setting for the 07 ghost series. It is the largest and most powerful empire in the 07-Ghost series, consisting of several other countries that have been invaded and conquered over the years, including the kingdoms of Raggs (ラグス王国) and Antwort (アントヴォルト). Archbishop Bastien had said the goal of the Barsburg Empire is world domination, something proven true by their conquests in Raggs and Antwort.
Barsburg appears to have been inspired by Germany, as it shares many German customs and terminology (Bars, Burg, Hoch, Begleiter, Antwort, Wahrheit, Vertrag, Verloren, etc. are German words).
The Empire is split up into 7 Districts, each of the Districts having its own cities, rulers and cultures. The Barsburg capital is located in District 1 and the Barsburg Church is located in District 7. Manga chapter 65 shows that the Barsburg capital used to be located in District 3.
'Bars' is a German word that has the same meaning in English. 'Burg' means 'castle'.
The side chapter hints that Barsburg was previously known as the Lulu Empire. In Teutonic, 'Lulu' means 'famous in war'. This is probably a reference to the wars Barsburg has waged on other countries over the years, as well as the fact that their military is powerful and infamous.
As the country Barsburg.
Barsburg was one of two kingdoms, the other being Raggs, which were under the divine protection of a God-in the case of Barsburg, Archangel Raphael, and in the case of Raggs, Archangel Mikhail. In order to keep peace between the two kingdoms, Barsburg and Raggs formed an alliance which was upheld for a long time. Very little has been shown on how the Barsburg Empire grew to be so large, but it has been established that the Empire did this by invading and conquering other countries. The side chapter "Pilot" hints that the Empire used to be known as the Lulu Empire before the country Barsburg began to surmount the other Districts.
A chapter in the manga shows that the original country of Barsburg was located in District 3, this apparently being the only District that was part of the Barsburg Empire prior to the War with Raggs. After Raggs was conquered, and the new capital established, the Empire supposedly continued to progress through the surrounding countries in order to expand its territory over a 10 year period. At the beginning of the series, the Barsburg Empire had already consisted of Seven Districts.
The Raggs War.
The Raggs War was the first war between Barsburg and Raggs which resulted in the total destruction of the Raggs Kingdom, sparked by the theft of Pandora's box.
The people of Raggs suffered enormous casualties and those not slain by Barsburg troops were enslaved. The war almost resulted in the annihilation of the royal family of Raggs, with Tiashe, with his memory (true identity) sealed by Vertrag, Ayanami, who had betrayed his kingdom, and Teito's mother Millea, being the only survivors. The genocide also resulted in the Antwort Kingdom arming themselves after they took Pandora's Box, which inevitably led to the Antwort War, as the purpose of the Barsburg Chief of Staff, Ayanami, was to get Pandora's Box.
Sky Pirate Subjugation.
The Sky Pirate Subjugation was the large scale annihilation of the Sky Pirates in Barsburg's bid to control the skies.
As the Empire.
The Antwort War.
It is unknown how or why the war with Antwort began, but at the start of the series, the two countries were shown to be already hostile towards each other. The earliest mention of the conflict with Antwort was during one of the Military meetings, where the officers spoke of how Antwort was amassing its army. The Black Hawks were eventually sent to resolve the conflict. The hostiles were subjugated, and the Empire took Antwort within a week, making it part of the Empire.
Restoration of Raggs.
In Kapitel 99, it is mentioned that Wahrheit Teito Klein reestablished the Raggs kingdom, which could mean that District 1 and District 5 are no longer part of the Empire.
It is a monarchy. According to the emperor of Barsburg in manga chapter 79, it can only be ruled by an empress(which he found farcical).
The Barsburg Empire is made up of several floating continents, allegedly kept afloat by Zaiphon, and joined together with thin bridges of land. It is currently unknown what lies below the line of clouds as no one has ever ventured below them. The main land of the Barsburg Empire is divided into 7 areas each known as a District, and the Districts are numbered 1-7, presumably in the order they were conquered. The original names of the Districts are unknown, with the exception of District 1, which used to be known as Raggs.
| Barsburg Empire |
fandom.07ghost | # Barsburg Family
The Barsburg family is the royal family of the Barsburg Empire, which is at present the most powerful and largest empire in the 07-Ghost world, after the empire conquered and absorbed many other kingdoms. They are an organisation that "administers the Empire's politics".
Its descendants can wield the Eye of Raphael, but the Eye can only be wielded by the Empress or Empress-to-be/Crown Princess. Thus, the Empire has always been ruled by an Empress (Vol 013, Chp 80). The current Emperor, Wolfram Eifeler Barsburg, however, thought of this notion as ridiculous.
The Barsburg family are the blood descendants of Ea, thus, members of the Barsburg family can be reincarnated as Ea.
Physical appearance.
Most of them have light-colored hair (silver for Miroku) and light-colored eyes (wine red for Miroku and amethyst for Karu). Dark-coloured hair e.g. Karu's brown, and dark-coloured eyes, are less common. They generally tend to have pointy chins and sharp noses.
As they are the royalty of a wealthy empire, their clothing is elaborate, expensive and formal. The women appear to have a habit of carrying paper fans, as shown by Empress Dalia and Ouka's aunt Granne. The adult women often (though not always) wear their hair in buns. Ouka's appearance may indicate that the younger women, or the teenage girls, wear their hair in pigtails or 'twin tails'. If the women wear sleeved tops or sleeved dresses, the sleeves tend to be long, entirely or almost entirely covering the arms. Little is known about the men's fashion, but they generally seem to prefer clothing that almost entirely covers their bodies, leaving only their heads and hands bare, as shown by Karu, Miroku and Wolfram.
Family Tree.
(Many generations)
Unknown──┬──Unknown Unknown──┬──Unknown
│ │
Granne Wolfram Eifeler Barsburg──┬──Dalia Barsburg Miroku Barsburg
Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg
Many of them are unkind, cruel or decadent. Some family members have tried to murder Ouka by poisoning her tea; some are shown to collect beautiful human eyes in jars; Ouka's aunt Granne keeps human slaves as dogs to humiliate and "dispose of" (can mean to kill) according to her mood swings or whims. The few members of the Barsburg Family who are not unkind, cruel or decadent are apparently aware of the personality flaws of the rest of the family. As a child, Karu described relationships in his family as 'love-hate drama', and Ouka described the imperial family as 'so rotten'.
Groom Choosing.
When the next in-line has not yet come of age to ascend fully to the throne, a male member (usually the husband or father) can rule as Emperor. This is only to temporarily act as ruler and guardian until the heiress is able to take over (like in Ouka's case, at 16 years of age). An elaborate party/masquerade called the "Groom Choosing" tradition will beforehand be held to select an appropriate groom for her. This ensures that in case the Empress dies, there will be an heiress to the throne and a guardian for the next heiress as well. During this event, princess fiance candidates from the most prestigious families (usually members / next-heads of the seven God Houses) hide their identities behind black masks, and the princess chooses one whom she likes.
It is presumed that the current Emperor of the Barsburg Empire had been selected through such a tradition. After the destruction of The Raphael Project, the Groom Choosing tradition may have been discontinued.
Whether Wolfram was a blood Barsburg even before his marriage to Kaiserin Dalia is unknown. If he was, this would indicate that the Barsburg family accepts intermarrying within the family, possibly to keep imperial fortunes within the family and/or keep the bloodline pure, and would mean that the lineage of the Barsburg family is inbred to a certain extent.
It is worth noting that a Barsburg is allowed to be one of the seven groom candidates of the Empress-to-be at her Groom Choosing ball, and Ouka's ladies-in-waiting revealed that the son of Ouka's aunt Granne was going to represent District 1 at the ball before he fell ill; he was then replaced by Teito, who is also a blood Barsburg, meaning that if the ball had not been halted abruptly, it is plausible that Ouka would have ended up marrying one of her own relatives.This further indicates the possibility of intermarriage within the Barsburg family. It is possible that generations of inbreeding have caused the highly eccentric, almost maniacal personalities observed in many Barsburg royals.
| Barsburg Family |
fandom.07ghost | # Barsburg Imperial Army
| Barsburg Imperial Army |
fandom.07ghost | # Barsburg Military Academy
The Barsburg Military Academy is a military boarding school that trains its students as soldiers to fight for the Barsburg Empire. This academy, and other academies like this one, are where most potential soldiers make the transition between cadet and cadet begleiter. The students live on campus while attending.
The Barsburg Military Academy is one of the most prestigious academies within District 1, and its students include those from the richest and most powerful of noble families. Quite a few main characters in the series have attended, or been hinted to have attended, a military academy, including Teito Klein and Mikage, as well as Black Hawk members: Ayanami, Hyuuga, Konatsu and Haruse. It is possible that Ayanami's deceased begleiter, Yukikaze, also attended.
Student body.
Its enormous size suggests it holds around 15000-20000 students. Judging by the amount of students seen in Teito's class, classrooms hold around 50-70 students. There are around 500 zaiphon-using students in a year/grade, which means the full amount of students per year/grade is more than double that amount. The age range in the academy is 14 to 16.
The academy is for those with a zaiphon as well as 'normal' students, though those with zaiphons are separated from the others and put in a "special program" designed to hone their skills. Although Warsfeil are discriminated against, they are not barred from attending academies like this one, though it is likely they too are separated from students that do not have their skills.
Females are allowed to attend the academy but it is possible that they do not participate, or rarely participate, in combat situations.
Lessons and exams.
The lessons in the academy appear to be separated into practical and theoretical. Practical lessons include the teaching of how to use weapons, martial arts, acrobatics and zaiphon training (for those that have one). They take place in special training rooms via holograms. Theoretical lessons have not been shown but there are written 'weapon' tests, which could teach anything from the history of weapons to safe use.
There appear to be several minor exams, both written and practical, taken by students throughout the years at the academy and are graded accordingly. The highest mark is an 'A', and it is unknown if the lowest mark is a 'C' or an 'F'. The largest and most important exam is the begleiter exam, which requires students to take down a real combatant in a controlled fight.
The Barsburg Military Academy is a very large and impressive structure made of stone with a myriad of smaller buildings within its grounds. It is possible that the academy is funded by the parents of those attending (tuition fees), unless the person receives a scholarship.
The Academy grounds span many acres, boasting several gardens covered with thick grassland and other plant life and trees. Running around the Academy is a large moat, leaving the Academy inaccessible save for a large bridge that leads to the only entrance, the main door. The bridge, and by extension the Academy itself, is supported by a long line of arches that surrounds the entire building.
The front of the Academy is rectangular in design with a small entrance. Several tall pillars border the Academy and two statues that look to be women holding spears stand at each side of the entrance. This may be a tribute to the Barsburg empress and wielder of the Eye of Raphael.
Training grounds.
In the centre of the Academy is a large, open area which is regularly used as combat training grounds for the students. In the centre of this open area is a statue of a man holding a staff, it being highly likely that this is either the Barsburg Emperor, or the founder of the school.
The academy contains all the standard features of an academy, including a cafeteria and a library.
Student dormitories.
The student dormitories Mikage and Teito are assigned to are large, unimpressive, plain rooms which hold a dozen or so bunk beds, made of thin, plain metal, each holding two students- each dormitory holding two dozen students. The walls are grey in colour, and the floor is stone. Each student was shown to have their own, single locker where their uniform is hung and little space for personal items.
However, it is noted that Shuri Oak, a boy from one of the richest noble families, was not present in this dormitory, meaning it is possible that these are the dormitories for the lower class students and battle sklaves, and the dormitories for the students from more influential families are much more luxurious.
Study rooms.
The study rooms are large, luxurious, and in the shape of a half-cylinder. The ceiling is made of glass, and decorated with ornate metal embroidery. The floor is raised in large steps, the very far end of the room being the highest point, and on each step is a desk where two students sit. At the front of the room, there is a large chalk board, separated into three squares with golden boarding, the middle square being slightly larger than the other two and horizontally split in half with golden boarding. The wall behind the chalkboard is blue at the bottom, but this fades into purple as it reaches the middle. The wall is also embellished with an ornate golden frame and embroidery. Above the board is the Barsburg Military insignia.
Assembly hall.
The assembly hall is where assemblies are held. During these assemblies, students are expected to stand instead of sitting down.
The assembly hall is a very large and ornately decorated room. Running down the entire length of the hall are several pillars to each side. Towards the front end of the hall, there is a raised platform and a large, wooden desk where the speaker stands. Behind them is a guilded archway from which a white statue stands in the indent under the archway, holding two swords crossed over each other. The archway itself is decorated with golden mantling. Towards the back of the room, there are three archways, all three having gothic style voussoirs.
A place used for the Begleiter exam. The arena is a large, virtually empty room in the shape of a dome. Half of the dome is made of an unbreakable glass or other transparent material, possibly plastic, supported with the help of a thick, metal frame. It is transparent so the examiners can clearly see the students' actions during the exam. The other half of the dome is covered with a thick metal casing. There are two entrances, both of them on the metal side of the arena, and they are both plated with thick armor. One entrance is connected to a cell, where the criminal is held, while the other is for the students and examiners to enter.
The academy has a prison located on the lowest level of the building. Since the academy houses students with Zaiphon ability, something that has been proven capable of killing, it seems this is a precaution for those who pose a threat to the teachers, examiners or other students. They are heavily guarded.
Training rooms.
The training rooms are used to prepare the students for real combat situations via the use of holograms. They haven't been shown, so it is unknown what they look like, but were mentioned by a student during the exam.
The academy was built sometime after the Raggs War, and it is likely it has been around for more than 5 years.
Manga Synopsis.
The first chapter takes place entirely at the military academy. The students are first seen in the assembly room listening to Shuri Oak's graduation speech. Teito Klein and Mikage Celestine are next seen in one of the academy's classrooms. After class, they spar on the training grounds.
Begleiter exam.
The begleiter exam takes place in the arena of the academy. The candidates are expected to defeat a hardened criminal, a troll, in order to pass the graduation exam.
During the exam, Teito saves the life of a panic stricken Shuri Oak, his tormentor, when the troll attacks him as he (Shuri) begins banging on the glass. Teito and Mikage then break the troll's arm and Teito restrains him with his zaiphon. Teito refuses to kill the troll though, even when the examiner explains the exam will not end until the criminal is dead. When Teito refuses again, Ayanami kills the troll, and with that the exam is over and Teito and Mikage have passed.
Assassination attempt.
After the exam, Teito wanders around the hallways when returning his documents to an examiner. He then overhears a familiar clinking noise and looks through a slightly open door to where the sound is coming from. He sees the Chief of Staff, Ayanami, holding a golden necklace, and the sight of this triggers a flashback of when he saw his father murdered. Recognising the Chief of Staff as his father's killer, Teito bursts into the room, attempting to assassinate him. However, Teito is easily stopped by Ayanami's bodyguard, Hyuuga, captured and sent to a cell where he is to await interrogation.
As several guards clear out Teito's locker, Mikage overhears their gossip about Teito's fate, and goes out to find and help him. As Mikage descends the prison stairs, he finds that Teito has already killed all the guards, and the pair flee the prison.
Pursued by the guards, and realising there is no escape for the two of them, Teito pretends to take Mikage hostage, allowing him to escape but ensuring the guards would not harm his friend. Teito escapes on a Hawkzile, but is attacked by Ayanami's Zaiphon, which destroys the vehicle and causes him to crash. Teito's unconscious body is found by three Bishops from the neighbouring District, and he is taken to the Barsburg Church.
| Barsburg Military Academy |
fandom.07ghost | # Barsburg Palace Maids
The Barsburg Palace Maids are several unnamed maids who were stationed along the right-hand side of a long corridor to greet Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg in Kapitel 64.
Physical appearance.
Their facial features are indistinct. All the maids wear their hair either short or tied up.
All of them are fairly tall and slender, and wear typical maid uniforms, consisting of a long dress under another, shorter article of clothing that could be either a cropped jacket or a shawl.
| Barsburg Palace Maids |
fandom.07ghost | # Barsburg Spy
The Barsburg Spy is a minor character of the 07-Ghost series and a native of District 7 who betrayed the Barsburg Church in favour of the Barsburg imperial army. He appears in both the anime and manga, but with a different past and cause of death in each.
Physical appearance.
He resembles Black Hawk Katsuragi in physical appearance, having a long, angular face, a long nose, a small mouth and full lips. His skin is fairly dark and his hair is a green/grey/brown combination, cut relatively short, parted in the middle, with a few strands hanging over his face.
He wears the typical examiner uniform, consisting of a dark blue, ankle-length cassock with long sleeves and two white stripes going down the front. Over his shoulders, a white mantle with a high neck-guard and a blue stripe going down the left side is worn. He also wears a thick, brown belt around his hips.
Alleged family: The Barsburg Spy himself claims to have a family and at one point this family was kidnapped by the Armed Forces, as he said it was the reason he betrayed the Church. However, this is not mentioned in the manga.
The Barsburg Spy is believed to be a native of the 7th District as in the anime, Castor said that the Church has raised him ever since he was a child. The Barsburg Spy himself claims to have a family and at one point this family was kidnapped by the Armed Forces, as he said it was the reason he betrayed the Church. However, this is not mentioned in the manga.
He wears the Bishop's Apprentice examiner uniform. This, and his knowledge of the exam, suggests he has worked as an examiner for some time. This is confirmed in the manga.
Although he appears in both the anime and manga, the circumstances surrounding his death are different.
He appears very briefly when he is confronted by Labrador and killed and eaten by one of his (Labrador's) plants.
He is seen very briefly being captured and interrogated by Bishops Labrador and Castor where he says that he only betrayed the Church because the military held his family hostage. After telling the Bishops everything he knows, Castor erases his memory to give him a second chance, but before he (Barsburg Spy) can recover he is killed by Hyuuga.
| Barsburg Spy |
fandom.07ghost | # Bastien
Bastien (sometimes alternatively spelled as Bastian) is a minor antagonist in the 07 ghost anime and manga series. He was Archbishop Jio's assistant and also personally oversaw the teaching of acolytes (people who were to participate in the Bishop's Apprentice Exam). Frau was his pupil in the past, and Bastien was a father figure to him.
Ironically, Bastien is later revealed to be a spy working under Ayanami, and was killed by Frau in his Ghost form for his crime of using black magic to kill numerous murderers and other criminals who sought sanctuary at the Church. After his funeral, it is implied that he was reincarnated as an Evie Tree and planted in the church's garden.
His name could be a variant of the English name Sebastien/Sebastian, or a play on the English word 'bastion', which means something along the lines of 'defensive stronghold'.
Physical appearance.
Bastien is presumably in his thirties or forties, as he looked to be in his twenties or thirties when Frau was a child. He is quite tall, only being a little shorter than Frau, who is 190 cm, which puts him roughly at a height of 185 cm, and has a slim build.
Bastien has a long face with very pale skin, a long, thin nose, a large mouth and thin lips. He has narrowed eyes, that appear either gray or a dirty-brown in color and small wrinkles around them showing his age. Bastien has short, straight, grayish-black hair that is parted in the middle with several of the bangs falling over his face.
Bastien is always seen in his church clothes, which consist of a dark blue cassock with white trimming on the collar, under a long white outer cassock that hides his arms. The cassock is held together with a loose belt and a large, silver, rectangular brooch emblazoned with the carving of a cross. Bastien's clothing is slightly different from that of the other Bishops' as he wears a thick, blue leather belt round his shoulders and he does not wear the miter and veil (the 'hat' that the Bishops wear).
When carrying out his plan to kill Aldo, he dressed in a hooded cloak and wore the hood up to conceal his identity.
Bastien comes across as an extremely gentle person comparable to Labrador in that he is kind, caring and always willing to give support or advice to other less experienced Bishops or Acolytes, such as when he offers Teito advice when his Zaiphon fails instead of mocking him like the others. He has had this attitude for a long time as he refused to give up on Frau despite the latter being an ill-mannered child.
He is quiet and friendly to those younger than himself, and seems to be rarely angered. When Teito destroyed the practice hall with his Zaiphon, he praises him instead of shouting, and puts him at ease about the broken Baculus by assuring him Frau broke many.
However a much darker side of him is shown later in the series, and it's revealed that Bastien struggles to forgive. Bastien strongly believes in 'an eye for an eye', and this was shown by his attempts to murder criminals living within the Church as he did not think it just how they could live in safety while their victims (some of them dead) could not. He is also revealed to be a Barsburg nationalist, who believes that protecting Barsburg is the ultimate priority.
He sees God as being unforgiving and merciless, and his belief in this is so strong that he commanded Zehel to kill him, as a God must "not hesitate" when punishing others.
Jio: It is unknown how long Bastien has been working for Archbishop, but he appears to respect and care for him, as he is seen making tea for him, and worrying about the Archbishop's blood pressure. Bastien seemed concerned with how the Archbishop thought of him, as he wrote a confession letter to the Archbishop begging for forgiveness.
Ayanami: Bastien told Teito and Hakuren that his loyalty to Ayanami-sama is absolute. It is possible that Bastien was once one of Ayanami's subordinates. Ayanami smiles when saying Bastien's loyalty to the Barsburg is absolute, suggesting Bastien was a close subordinate of his, for Ayanami to be able to speak so fondly of him.
Bastien describes Frau as a 'naughty child' who was always getting into trouble. During Frau's early years at the Church, Bastien would punish Frau whenever he misbehaved and didn't believe he was suited for priesthood.
However, while others thought Frau was a bad child, Bastien believed that Frau's actions were a cry for help from a child whom could not find sanctuary. Bastien took pity on Frau and tried to steer him on the path of righteousness, despite the resistance he met, and believed Frau's gift was sent from God. He saw it as his duty to take Frau under his wing and train him to become a Bishop, and he helped to remind Frau what prayer and God was about, restoring some of the faith in God Frau had previously lost. Bastien was always very proud of Frau, and he promised that he will stay by his side forever after leaning of his skill when handling Kor.
He adored Frau and regarded him as the most important person in his life.
Bastien acts as a father-figure to Frau, having raised him as a child, and even though Frau is an adult, Bastien still treats him like a child, calling him a 'naughty boy', and sometimes disciplines Frau by hitting him when he does things he is not supposed to be doing. However, Bastien also sought to strengthen Frau's faith and cheer him up. When Frau was imprisoned, Bastien visited his cell and attempted to lighten the mood by making jokes.
When Frau was imprisoned, Bastien was reluctant to believe he was a Warsfeil, and was eager to prove his innocence.
Frau's significance to Bastien is shown when Teito is able to cause Bastien to change his dark ways by simply pleading with him to stay with Frau. Frau, in return, was also unwilling to kill Bastien and only did so after the latter reminded him that gods were not meant to hesitate. After his death, Bastien was reincarnated as an Evie Tree in the Church, so he could stay by his disciple's side.
Mikhail disliked Bastien and was willing to kill him for hurting Teito, but unwillingly relented when Teito asked him (Mikhail) not to harm Bastien. When Frau arrived to rescue Teito, Mikhail stood aside and watched as Frau killed Bastien.
Teito Klein and Hakuren Oak
Bastien was kind and helpful towards Teito and Hakuren at first, and the two boys both respected Bastien. Teito and Hakuren were both shocked when they discovered Bastien's crimes. Bastien did not hesitate to attack them when they confronted him, and was determined to bring Teito back to the military but did express he regretted having to be rough with Teito, despite showing no hesitation or reference to Hakuren, showing his kindness towards Hakuren may have been an act but he did feel some fondness towards Teito. However, Teito was unwilling to hurt Bastien, instead pleading with him to stay with Frau.
Both Teito and Hakuren did not attend Bastien's funeral, because Teito was still recovering at the time and Hakuren was looking after him. Teito was present when Labrador presented Frau with Bastien's reincarnation.
Abilities and Attributes.
Healing Zaiphon: Bastien has a healing Zaiphon, at which he is extremely proficient.
Bastien shows such precision and skill with his Zaiphon that he is able to remove a Kor in a manner that leaves the patient fully unharmed. He is a specialist at handling healing-based Baculus which allows the wielder to exorcise a Kor in a manner that simply binds as opposed to destroying it.
Baculus: Bastien is an expert at healing-based Baculus. He was shown to be powerful enough with his Baculus to block an attack launched by Mikhail that destroyed a portion of the area around him.
Forbidden arts.
Despite the ban on practising dark magic, Bastien is extremely skilled at the forbidden arts.
Very little is known about Bastien's life before the Church, such as if he was raised there as a child, or if he came there as an adult. However, as he was working at the Church when Frau arrived, he must have been there for at least ten years.
Ayanami's Intelligence Unit.
It is unknown when exactly Bastien became a member of Ayanami's intelligence unit, but Bastien himself has said it has been a long time.
Early years at the Church.
Bastien appears to have been a teacher at his early years at the Church, and Frau appeared to be one of his pupils. One day, Bastien was approached by a woman with a child that told him of a young Bishop that removed the Kor from her son's chest as he slept. Attempting to find this "little Bishop", Bastien caught Frau sneaking out of the Church with a Baculus and realised Frau was the child who had been helping those possessed by Kor. Impressed with Frau's skill, Bastien vowed to stay by his side and teach him how to be a Bishop.
At some point in time, he became the assistant archbishop after the previous holders of the position retired.
Manga Synopsis.
Bishop's Apprentice exam.
Bastien is first seen healing a woman who had been tainted by a Kor observed by several Bishops and Acolytes. He does so in a way that leaves the victim unharmed, which impresses everyone watching.
During a Baculus training session Bastien appears before Teito where he advises him to try operating a Bascule while filling his heart with the desire to serve God. When Teito breaks the Bascule, Bastien states that the Bascule once belonged to Frau and that he need not worry about breaking it as Frau use to break many Bascules when training.
Wars Attacks.
Bastien is next seen scolding Frau for bringing adult magazines into the Church library, only to find much more in his pocket, much to his anger, decides to confiscate them. Regarding the recent murder of the former criminal Aldo whom had sought salvation at the Church, Teito asks whether the Seven Ghosts would kill Aldo in which Bastien states that although he cannot condone the culprits actions, Aldo was doomed as God does not forgive evil and that the only way for him to truly atone is to die.
Frau's arrest.
As Frau is arrested Bastien arrives and pleads his innocence. His words are ignored and he is told to explain the situation to Jio.
Subsequent to Frau's arrest, Bastien returns to the scene of the incident where he is met by Teito and Hakuren. When confronted by Teito, Bastien reveals that he is here to save his beloved pupil. An intrigued Teito then asks what Frau was like as a child which Bastien responds, "he was a naughty boy unsuited to become a clergyman." Bastien then begins to tell the story of how he met Frau after the Raggs War had ended. It is then learned that somebody had been leaving the Church grounds at night to heal Kor victims which was discovered to be Frau, prompting Bastien to promise he will always be at Frau's side upon learning this.
The story is interrupted by one of his guards and Bastien asks Teito not to tell Frau about the story he just told, Teito agreeing. Bastien is next seen visiting the cell of Frau and assuring him that he will get him out of prison soon. He then touches the head of Frau saying the words "May God be with you."
Bastien is discovered by Teito and Hakuren after they learn that their Bascules have been tainted with darkness. He then reveals himself as a spy and says he is to capture Teito in the name of the Barsburg empire where he is to be executed for treason.
Bastien then subdues Hakuren and takes him hostage. Teito charges at Bastien, only to be swallowed by darkness, but then the Eye of Mikhail awakens, destroying the darkness around him. Mikhail attacks Bastien, gravely injuring him. Bastien then attacks a distracted Teito and begins to consume him with darkness. Teito begs Bastien not to forsake Frau which stops him with the vision of a young Frau being pierced.
After this, Zehel (one of the Seven Ghosts who is Frau) appears onto the scene. Frau questions the reason behind Bastien's actions, and Bastien replies he could not forgive the criminals that sought sanctuary at the Church while the innocent people whom have lost their loved ones find none: he killed the criminals in order to punish them for their crimes.
The Wars within Bastien starts to become hostile, and Bastien begins to realise the crimes he has committed. Saying one last goodbye to Frau, he commands the God to kill him, saying that a god must not hesitate. Frau euthanizes him.
Bastien's body is discovered by the Imperial guard, and Archbishop Jio receives a letter of confession from him. He is buried in the Church cemetery.
Bastien is hinted to have been reincarnated when Labrador brings a young Evie Tree to Frau, stating that he (Frau) knows the color of this soul well. Frau in turn replies "I have to plant this in the sunniest part of the garden."
| Bastien |
fandom.07ghost | # Battle at Hohburg Fortress
The Battle at Hohburg Fortress took place mostly throughout the Replica and Never Ending Night arcs in the manga, and started with the appearance of the Shadow Man at Princess Ouka's birthday ball. The battle consisted of nine separate conflicts.
Verloren's defect.
About a thousand years ago, the God of Death, Verloren, was found to have a "defect" in him that turned everyone and everything he came into contact with "black like mud". This defect would later also come to corrupt one of his fragments, Landkarte.
History leading up to conflict.
Frau's defeat and capture of Teito Klein.
During the Hawkzile Race, Ayanami captured Teito. Frau tried to stop him, but Ayanami defeated him and an unconscious Frau fell down a chasm.
Relikt is devoured.
Karu, the reincarnation of Ea at the time, contacted Lance, the vessel of Relikt, and told him about what Ayanami was doing to Teito. Karu then informed Lance that Teito was at the Oak House, and acting on this information, Lance went to the Oak House to try and contact Teito. However, unbeknownst to Lance, Ayanami had been waiting for a chance to devour him, and succeeded.
The Bishops' entry in to Hohburg.
Frau, Castor and Labrador used Princess Ouka's masquerade birthday ball as an opportunity to disguise themselves and infiltrate Hohburg Fortress. Before long, fights broke out between the three Ghosts, Teito, Ouka, the Black Hawks, the Archangels, Nanase and Ouka's father, the Emperor.
Frau vs Teito.
While still brainwashed, Teito attempted to stab Frau, but Verloren's Scythe protected him (Frau). Teito then regained his memories and emerged from the brainwashing, after which he set off to rescue Ouka, who was undergoing another experiment on the Eye of Raphael in the royal laboratory.
Castor vs Ayanami.
Castor and Ayanami duelled. Ayanami eventually defeated Castor and attempted to devour him, but was unable to.
Labrador vs Hyuuga.
Labrador tried to trick Hyuuga with an illusion, but Hyuuga was not deceived by it. Labrador offered Hyuuga a chance to protect and save Ayanami, giving Hyuuga a darkness-eating flower seed. Hyuuga accepted the seed despite Labrador's warning that he (Hyuuga) might be devoured. Hyuuga then headed to where Katsuragi and Konatsu were at, arriving in time to save Konatsu from Katsuragi.
Hyuuga vs Katsuragi.
Hyuuga and Katsuragi duelled. Ayanami possessed Hyuuga and ordered Hyuuga not to fight Katsuragi. However, Hyuuga did not listen to Ayanami and eventually sacrificed himself to protect him, using the darkness-eating flower seed Labrador had given him.
Wolfram and Ouka vs Teito.
While still brainwashed as a result of the Raphael Project, Ouka attempted to kill Teito on Emperor Wolfram's orders. However, Teito used the light of the Eye of Mikhail to help Ouka overcome the brainwashing.
Raphael vs Nanase.
After emerging from the brainwashing, Raphael possessed Ouka and protected her from Doctor Nanase, who died almost instantly after Raphael stabbed him through the heart.
Karu vs Katsuragi.
Karu and Katsuragi faced off inside the Book of Hades. Katsuragi eventually killed Karu, escaped the Book of Hades, and set off in pursuit of Teito.
Ayanami vs Ouka.
Ayanami threw Ouka into a wall, and Ouka realised that her 'predecessor' had unsealed the Eye of Raphael. She then fell unconscious and Ayanami left her lying on the floor after defeating her.
Frau and Teito vs Katsuragi.
After reuniting with Frau, Teito is attacked by Katsuragi, who has managed to catch up with him. Teito sees Katsuragi's 'heart', which has not become corrupted like the rest of him (Katsuragi), and grabs it. Frau says 'It's time for repentance', and as of Kapitel 92, the outcome of this battle has yet to be revealed.
in Kapitel 93, it is revealed that Katsuragi did not survive his battle against Frau and Teito. With the help of Teito and the goddess Eve, Katsuragi escaped the Ninth Layer of Hell and ascended to heaven, alongside his old friend Karu.
After the Battle at Hohburg Fortress, Verloren revives.
| Battle at Hohburg Fortress |
fandom.07ghost | # Bear
A Bear is a creature that very much resembles the bears found in the real-world. They populate the mountain woodland found in District 6, causing problems due to overpopulation, and are supposedly the 'monsters' that inhabit the Mountain Road. They can be eaten.
The English word "bear" comes from Old English bera and belongs to a family of names for the bear in Germanic languages that originate from an adjective meaning "brown".
The bears in the 07 Ghost universe look almost identical to the ones that are found on earth, the only differences being that they are much larger, estimated to stand well over 15 feet, with a head larger than the main body of a Hawkzile. They have large mouths and disproportionally large incisors and claws, and their paws are larger than their heads. Their fur is thick and brown in colour and their eyes are red.
Similarity to real-world fauna.
They share a very strong resemblance to Kodiak bears: the largest known species of Brown bear.
The bears appear solitary in nature with aggressive or territorial tendencies, as when Frau and Teito were travelling through the mountain path, a bear attacked them.
Their native habitat, District 6, has a subarctic climate with cold temperatures, and long winters. There is a large variation in vegetation ranging from dense coniferous forests to steep mountain land and tundras.
| Bear |
fandom.07ghost | # Begleiter (chapter)
2. Begleiter is a pilot chapter which was developed as an early idea of the 07-Ghost storyline.
The chapter "Begleiter" is the second of the Pilot chapters and revolves around Ayanami and Hyuuga, Yuki and Suzu, who became major antagonists when 07-Ghost is serialized.
The story introduces Yuki and Suzu as students at military academy. Having passed the final exam, they are enlisted as cadet begleiters to a senior officer. If they are sacked, then they are forced to repeat the year. Yukinami, as punishment for being late to the assembly after getting lost, is assigned under Chief of Staff Ayanami.
While serving Ayanami, Yukinami quickly annoys him with his lack of control over his Zaiphon and his clumsiness. In turn, Yukinami becomes distressed that he often makes mistakes, but is determined to become a Begleiter that is up to Ayanami's standard.
Meanwhile, a prisoner (Prisoner D-431) has escaped and impersonated Yukinami. The two Yukinamis then fight, but Ayanami recognises the real Yuki and saves him from a fatal blow. Suddenly, the inmate takes out a bomb and attempts to kill Ayanami, and Yukinami uses his Zaiphon to move Ayanami, Hyuuga and himself while a large part of the building where they were in is now destroyed.
Ayanami, being reminded of Yukikaze's sacrifice, complains that Yukinami should have instead teleported the bomber away instead of them to protect the building because it was built using the tax payers' money. Ayanami then tells Yuki he shouldn't have risked his (Yuki's) own life to save him (Ayanami), and that he could never become Yukikaze. When Yukinami appears upset, Ayanami smiles at him and says that as Yuki, he has done a good job. Yuki continues to act as Ayanami's Begleiter.
| Begleiter (chapter) |
fandom.07ghost | # Begleiter (rank)
A Begleiter (ベグライター , Beguraita) is generally a rank a cadet Begleiter obtains when he/she completes his/her internship.
Begleiters are not necessarily new recruits. More importantly, they are given the role of a begleiter so that they can assist an officer of higher rank. They can be high-ranking officers, as seen in the case of Katsuragi, who is a colonel but was also Ayanami's Begleiter.
"Begleiter" is a German word, meaning "companion", "accompanist", "escort" or "tutor".
Becoming a Begleiter.
Upon passing the Begleiter Exam and graduating, a newly fledged cadet Begleiter is randomly assigned under a superior officer and undergoes an internship- where he/she acts as a Begleiter to that officer. They are assessed by their officer, and if they complete their internship to a standard deemed satisfactory, they advance to Begleiter level.
A newly fledged Begleiter then has the option of continuing to work under the officer they did their internship with, or they can choose a new officer.
It is possible, though uncommon, for a new graduate of the military academy to skip becoming a cadet Begleiter and be promoted directly to Begleiter if their skills and grades are high enough.
A Begleiter's primary job is to assist and takes care of his/her direct superior, hence the function is similar to that of an adjutant in the military. Their day to day duties mainly revolve around lightening the workload of their superior officer.
They are in charge of their superior's schedule, and as a result they are often required to accompany their superior wherever they go. They serve tea and food to their superior, bring and take away paperwork and are expected to do paperwork themselves.
Hyuuga says that a Begleiter should to comply with his commanding officer's whims, but Ayanami disputes this, saying that only a superior who is fair to his begleiter is worthy of such a privilege.
Begleiters are encouraged to develop a close relationship with their superiors. They are expected to take care of the health of their superior, and likewise their superior is expected to take care of them.
Some Begleiters live in the same house as their superiors.
They are expected to protect or assist their superior in battle, even at the cost of their own lives.
The Clergy equivalent of a begleiter is an .
| Begleiter (rank) |
fandom.07ghost | # Begleiter Exam
The Begleiter Exam is the final exam that is needed to graduate from the Barsburg Military Academy, and become a cadet Begleiter, where they will then lead the academy and serve under a higher-ranking officer.
The Begleiter exam is known for its difficulty, with, on average, only 25% of the original 500 candidates (125 candidates) having the skills needed to pass. Failure to pass will result in the pupil having to repeat the entire school year/grade. Being fired from one's cadet begleiter duties will also result in a repetition of the exam.
Students and examiners.
The Begleiter exam is taken by every student of a military academy between the ages of 15 and 16; when they are at their last year of school, much like Year 11 in English schools.
The Begleiter exam is also sometimes overseen by some of the highest-ranking officers, including Chairman Miroku and former Chief of Staff Ayanami.
Events of the exam.
The exam takes place somewhere in autumn, and all 500 students complete the exam over the course of 1 day.
Pre-exam training.
Aside from school lessons and several mock exams, there is no extra work that needs to be done before the exam. Students are expected to train.
During the exam.
The actual graduation exam takes place in a large arena and involves the students killing a criminal.
When the exam was shown, the criminal was a Troll, but it is unknown if the criminals to be fought in the exam are selected for their physical strength or simply at random. The criminals themselves are not forced to take part in the exam which could lead to their execution, and instead are encouraged to take part by having their sentences cut if they survive. The exam itself is supposed to determine how the cadets react to a potentially dangerous environment, and encourages quick thinking and teamwork. The cadets fail if they fail to execute the criminal, or if they choose to abandon their comrades during the battle. There are also rumors among the students that students get killed in the exam, but it is unknown if they really are left for dead, for the overseers seem to stop the exam before the situation gets out of control.
On average, only 25% of the original 500 candidates (125 candidates) have the skills needed to pass. Those who do pass will then be relocated to Hohburg Fortress, where they will continue their education and training as cadet begleiters, at a higher level.
Students will fail the exam if they fail to overpower the criminal, or abandon their comrades. There are rumours amongst students that people die during the exam, and teachers inform students of the risk of death during the exam. However, since many students from very rich and powerful families do the final exam, it unlikely that the academies would let the students die.
| Begleiter Exam |
fandom.07ghost | # Begleiter Exam Prisoner
The Begleiter Exam Prisoner was a criminal who appeared in the Begleiter Exam. He was the first criminal to be shown in the series (excluding Prisoner D-431 from the Begleiter chapter) and, being a Troll, was also the first of his species to be shown. Because he was killed by team A, the first team to enter the exam, he must not have been the only prisoner to take part in the exam.
Physical appearance.
The prisoner towers over most characters, being well over 7 foot in height. His body is muscular to hulk-like porportions, with his sholder muscles being twice the size of his head, and his biceps being wider than the woman standing next to him. The muscles on his back are so large they cause him to hunch over. His limbs are very long and he is almost able to drag his hands along the foor like a chimp does. He is covered in scars.
His skin is a greyish colour, his features sharp and pointed, his nose large, and his ears pointed and elven. He, like many of his species, has no eyebrows, instead having bony ridges, and red eyes. He appears to have fangs. He has two piercings on his lip, a stud and a hoop, (he only has the hoop lip piercing in the anime) and two on his left ear, also a stud and hoop. He is bald. However, since all those of his species appear bald it is unknown if they do not grow hair, or their heads are simply shaved as part of their uniform.
The prisoner was seen wearing a one-piece vest/short-like combination in a dull maroon. He also wore a brown, cloth eye-patch over his right eye. Considering the scars he has, it is likely this was a battle injury.
He was shown to be very aggressive, swearing and eagerly attacking the boys to ensure his early release. His criminal past and his actions during the exam show he was cruel and merciless as he held no qualms about attacking teenages for his own benefit. He was also overconfident in his ability to defeat the candidates, bragging during the fight and calling himself "the great me", and confident enough that he would win to not make any escape attempt or attack the examiner next to him when his chains were unlocked and the door was open.
Despite being imprisoned, the prisoner appears to trust the military to some extent. He made no attempt to attack the examiners when he was able to, and believed that his sentence would be reduced if he won the battle, despite it being unlikely District 1 would endanger the public by releasing someone so dangerous.
The nameless prisoner is a Troll and has been a prisoner since the beginning of the series. Since he was in the begleiter exam, it is likely he was a murderer, or the perpetrator of a similarly henious crime.
Manga synopsis.
The prisoner appears to have volunteered for the exam, as he was happy to take part because of the prospect of his sentence being cut. He was kept in a cell next to the area until the exam.
During the exam.
The prisoner is first seen at the beginning of the exam, where his cell is opened and his chains unlocked. One of the boys from team A flicks a rubber band at him, assuming him to be a hologram but he proves himself real. After the female officer explains the rules to the students, he leaves the arena and he is locked in with the students.
He punches one student against the glass, and almost hits Mikage, Teito and Shuri with his next punch. When the Black Hawks arrive, the prisoner hits another boy against the glass and is holding another. Seeing Shuri distracted, he attempts to grab him but Teito pushes Shuri out of the way and he grabs him instead. Mikage then helps Teito break the prisoners arm in two places.
Teito uses his zaiphon to apprehend the prisoner by creating a noose around his neck. Teito refuses to kill the prisoner, and Lloyd warns him that he must kill the prisoner. When Teito refuses, Ayanami, who had been watching, steps into the area and uses his zaiphon to executes him (the criminal) via decapitation.
Differences in the manga and anime.
The battle.
In the manga, it takes the combined efforts of Teito and Mikage to defeat the prisoner. In the anime, Teito defeats him single-handedly.
Cause of death.
In the manga, Ayanami uses his zaiphon to remove the criminal's head from his body. The death scene in the anime was notably toned down, and the prisoner was killed bloodlessly, suggesting he died from internal injuries.
| Begleiter Exam Prisoner |
fandom.07ghost | # Belnirose
A word in the Language of Raggs, Belnirose refers to a flower native to Raggs.
While it has not appeared in the series so far, the belnirose is described as a 'small red rose'.
Manga synopsis.
The belnirose is briefly mentioned in Kapitel 95.
| Belnirose |
fandom.07ghost | # Bishop's Apprentice Exam
The Bishop's Apprentice Exam is an exam organized by the Barsburg Church and taken by acolytes who want to become apprentice Bishops, something that will give them more privileges within the Church, as well as being given a Clergy pass. Those taking the exam must wear an exam badge. During the exam the students will be tested in two areas, their Biblical knowledge and their skill as a team. The exam is taken in pairs and, like the Begleiter exam, encourages teamwork.
Students and examiners.
The exam allows those with a Zaiphon, thought to be a blessing from God, to bypass normal rules and regulations to become a Bishop early. Normally a candidate would have to make the transition between believer to priest before they can become the apprentice to a Bishop, but having the ability to use a Baculus is so prized that age is not a factor for them.
Every year, more than a thousand people arrive at District 7 to take the exam. There is no age limit for the exam, as both old and young take the exam, and no rules against taking pets into the exam, as Teito was able to take Burupya into the exam with him. There also appears to be no limit on how many times a person can sit the exam. However, it seems that women are not allowed to take the exam, as no female candidates have been seen so far.
Seven Bishops are involved in the training of the candidates, and each Bishop is expected to oversee all the candidates from their respective district, (for example Castor is meant to train all candidates from District 2).
Many students live on campus in the Church for the duration of the exam, but some commute. They are housed in the applicants block of the Church.
Students are paired up to challenge and improve each other, and share a dorm room with their partner.
Events of the exam.
During the written part of the exam, students must memorise the 7700 scriptures from the 77 volumes of the Barsburg Bible, with 100 of these scriptures being chosen at random for the exam questions.
Pre-exam training.
Normally students are expected to study at the Church for at lest 5 years before they can take the exam.
Before the exam, students muct take part in chores around the Church, such as cleaning the halls and delivering caustic lime to each of the floors. For an examinee, morning begins at four am.
Before entry.
Before students are allowed to enter the first part of the exam, they are first required to get there by passing through a room of shadows that cause the person to feel a great sense of intimidation, weak and heavy as they walk through.
The shadows are physical manifestations of fear, similar in nature to Wars, and grab at the candidates in an attempt to drag them down. The former assistant archbishops explain that this is to separate the cowards from the courageous, and many candidates are eliminated at this stage.
During part 1 of the exam (written).
After passing through this, the candidates can then begin the exam. This part involves students answering 100 questions. They use their Baculus to inscribe the answers on the walls on which the questions are written, and the answer opens the doors, allowing them to pass through. They go through several different exam halls. Although the doors only need one of the pair to answer to open, they both must reach the final doors together.
Kor Palace: The Kor palace is a large tank filled with water and live Kor. Students must hold their breath whilst destroying 50 Kor and answering each question. It tests the candidates' endurance and ability to remain calm in intense situations.
Only once they have defeated 50 Kor are they allowed to exit the Kor palace; if they leave before they will be disqualified.
Numerous other terrains after this one include avoiding a rolling boulder, climbing a mountain, travelling through tunnels, and jumping across rocks. The second-to-last challenge involves the pair walking across a tightrope over a chasm whilst avoiding the manifestations of fear that grab at them from below. The rope is designed to break when candidates make it halfway across, and those who fall are caught by Hawkzile-riding Bishops waiting below, and taken to safety.
Final challenge: The final question awaits after this: "defeat your partner and inscribe your name onto the door of victory", as only one person from each pair can pass. 9% of the remaining students will fail at the last question, as they must measure themselves against each other.
The name inscribed onto the wall is revealed to not matter, and is instead another test to test the candidates' humility. Inside the door of the victor is a pain walkway where a reaper appears and drags the candidate away. Inside the door of the loser there is an extravagant path that transports the candidates back to the main hall. Those who walk through the door of the defeated are those who pass, not those who walk through the door of the victor.
During part 2 of the exam (practical).
The second part of the exam takes place on the bridge of trials and tribulations, guarded by the guardians of the bridge of trials.
Each candidate is required to cross one of the bridges of trials, a thin strip of marble from which the only exit point is a door on the far side, and the bridges cause the innermost darkness that lie within the hearts of those crossing it to manifest itself in physical form, which seem very real. Because the bridge manifests the person's worst fears, the Bishops are unable to predict what will occur.
However, before the candidates can fight the manifestations of their fears, they must battle a giant Kor. This battle is to disguise the true purpose of the bridge, and to fool candidates into thinking this is the true exam.
Candidates must cross the bridge and reach the door on the other side in order to pass. Those who are unable to face their fears are unable to stand on the bridge, meaning they will fall through as the bridge becomes intangible. If this happens, they will fail the exam.
After the exam.
It is regulation that all who pass the exam must accompany a senior Bishop as an apprentice. These apprentices will spend around four more days in the Barsburg Church continuing to carry out their acolyte duties. After this, they will leave the 7th District to train as Bishops; an act that involves travelling the Barsburg Empire, under the guidance of their superior, to improve their skills in exterminating Kor.
Traditionally, an apprentice bishop has a cross tattooed on their back to show they have been allowed to "pursue the path of becoming a Bishop". It takes two days for the tattoo to be completed.
Those who fail the exam can either leave, or remain in the 7th District to retrain and attempt the exam next year. Upon deciding to attempt the exam again, four days after the exam, the acolytes will leave the Barsburg Church and be allocated to their old dorms where they will mingle with those attempting the exam for the first time, and repeat the year.
Students can be disqualified for a number of reasons, most notably: cheating, as shown when two examinees attempt to run through a door opened by another pair. Candidates are also disqualified for failing to defeat the Kor in time. Behaving rudely, or talking back to the examiners is also likely to cost students marks. Since the exam encourages teamwork, candidates will be disqualified for abandoning their partner, and, up until the very final challenge, if one of the pair fails, the other will be disqualified.
Although examiners appear to have the power to stop the exam when the acolyte suffers during the second half of the exam, they have not been shown intervening when candidates are in serious danger in the first part of the exam. Bishop Lance had said that he is here to "impartially judge, not save people", but it is unknown if there is a risk of death during the exam.
| Bishop's Apprentice Exam |
fandom.07ghost | # Black Beast Squadron
The Black Beast Squadron were the counterparts of the Black Hawks. They were the armoured, elite guards of the Raggs Family and obeyed the King's every command. They may also have been affiliated with the Barsburg Church, as they were often seen with Fea Kreuz, a bishop. Unlike the Black Hawks, who are mostly Warsfeil, the Black Beast Squadron consisted of very strong . This put them at a fatal disadvantage during the Raggs War.
| Black Beast Squadron |
fandom.07ghost | # Blue Sky Sauce
Blue Sky Sauce is a bright blue, possibly poisonous sauce that Kuroyuri often uses on his/her food. When normal humans ingest the sauce, they will faint or at least feel nauseous, due to the 'amount of flavour' which is present in the sauce, but Warsfeil seem to be able to take it without suffering any ill effects. The sauce is stored in small bottles. It made its first appearance in the special chapter Platonic Cafe.
In the 99th and last Kapitel, Kuroyuri plans to sell the Blue Sky Sauce, though it's not shown whether he/she succeeds and Haruse expresses uncertainty about the viability of this plan.
| Blue Sky Sauce |
fandom.07ghost | # Book of Hades
The Book of Hades is a book which was originally possessed by Verloren, and after his fall, by Ea, one of the Seven Ghosts. The Book tells the lifespan of individuals, and should anyone die before they were meant to, Ea can overwrite the Book and move the soul into another vessel so that he/she can continue to live (e.g Ouka's case).
Inside the realm of the Book, no one can disobey Ea's commands, as shown in manga chapter 91. Ea used this function to 'pin' Landkarte to the ground and tried to purify his darkness. When Ea is using the Book of Hades, it becomes large enough for at least two people to move around inside it.
It is Ea's job to fix a number to each and every soul, and sort all souls according to where they are going after their bodies' death, whether it is heaven or hell . However, Ea said he could not write the destination of Landkarte's soul, that his destination is not Hell or Purgatory. He must stay inside the Book forever.
When Landkarte uses teletransportation, the margin of the number of the soul to which he wants to go moves slightly in the Book. That's why Ea knows beforehand when Landkarte is coming to him (manga chapter 91).
After succeeding Verloren as the God of Death, Frau can be assumed to be the current owner of the Book of Hades.
| Book of Hades |
fandom.07ghost | # Boy Kor
The Boy Kor is a nameless minor antagonist who appeared only in the fifth episode of the 07 Ghost anime series. He is the second character in the anime to be fully possessed by a Kor. He attacked Teito and Mikage in the western tower greenhouse of the Barsburg Church, and was the only Kor who was able to use a Zaiphon too.
Physical appearance.
He is fairly tall, and his height is estimated to be 170 cm as he appears to be a little taller than Mikage. His weight is unknown, but he has a thin build. His features are very pointy, with a sharp jaw, a straight nose, and narrowed grey eyes with small irises and pupils. His hair is blonde, wavy and parted in the middle.
He wears a plain, long-sleeved beige-coloured shirt, and long, plain trousers of the same colour.
The Boy Kor was not shown as a human, though Labrador remarked that he loved flowers. As a Kor he was aggressive and violent.
Abilities and Attributes.
Attacking Zaiphon: The boy Kor is a Zaiphon user, and he possesses an attacking Zaiphon.
Nothing is known of his history other than he made a deal with a Kor. He comments that when his flowers are placed upon the graves of Mikage and Teito, his wish will come true. It is left open to speculation on what his wish was, although his actions and choice of words clearly indicate that it had something to do with killing Teito and Mikage.
Anime Synopsis.
A fight in the greenhouse.
He is first seen in the western tower greenhouse of the Barsburg Church where he listens to Teito and Mikage's conversation, and interrupts them with threats. Teito realises that he is a Kor, when he sees the mark on his chest, and prepares to attack. Upon seeing Teito's Zaiphon, he reveals that he too is able to use a Zaiphon, and he and Teito fight.
When Teito's attacks miss and instead shatter the greenhouse windows, the boy Kor escapes onto the Church roof where Teito pursues him and the fight continues until Frau intervenes and purifies the Kor's soul. He has not been seen again since.
| Boy Kor |
fandom.07ghost | # Buran
Buran is a minor character in the 07-Ghost series and a Warsfeil. He worked as a jewel designer for the Oak Family. He can use black magic to turn things and living people into kokujyuseki.
In manga chapter 77, he wanted to turn Rinka Celestine into a kokujyuuseki statue, but Teito Klein attacked him and saved Rinka. Buran was then killed by a big cross with the symbol of Relikt on it when it fell on top of him. With his death, all the kokujyuseki he made disappeared (manga chapter 78).
Physical appearance.
He had short dark hair, light-coloured eyes, high cheek bones and a moustache. There were visible lines on his forehead. Buran was short and rotund.
He wore a dark suit, a light-coloured undershirt and a top hat, and carried a walking stick. When he tried to turn a child into a kokujyuseki statue, the child Lance threw a cross into Buran's left eye, injuring it. After that, he wore a circular patch over his left eye.
He was very devoted to his art, to the extent that he would sacrifice his life or other people's lives for it. As he was a Warsfeil, every time he used his power to create those art pieces, he shortened his own life; and his art (kokujyuseki) was made from real living humans. He also said that "nothing can stop my art".
However, he may have had some doubt about his kokujyuseki art, as when he was turning Lance into a statue and Lance said that "this is not art at all ! A pity that I have quite liked your art", he looked as if he was in pain, and when Lance had become a statue, he just sat below it, head and shoulders down, alone in the street. If he really believed what he thought about his art, he should have felt satisfied at the time. Also, even though his left eye had healed, he still wore a blind to cover it many years after that.
Wakaba Oak.
When it comes to business, Marshal Oak is open and frank with Buran, and he seems to have confidence in Buran's Warsfeil power and ability to keep secrets, as he takes him to see all the Raggs royalty's jewels and tells him that he cannot destroy them like Raggs' literature. Buran is respectful towards Wakaba, using the honorific "sama" to address him, and it is possible that he is grateful to Wakaba, as he supplies him with slaves ("you can have as many as you wish") so that he can make his dark art.
Rinka Celestine.
He likes her, saying that she is gentle and clever, and perfect that he wants to turn her into a kokujyuseki statue "in order to decorate the best place (the exhibition gallery at which Wakaba's collection of art work are displayed)". (manga chapter 77)
Kohaku Celestine.
Kohaku does not seem to like Buran, as when he and Teito Klein saw Buran, he told Teito not to mess with / get close to him.
Buran did not hesitate to kill Lance when Lance discovered his secret. Lance seemed to have been an admirer of Buran's art until he found out what Buran was truly doing.
Early childhood.
Buran was probably born a Warsfeil, considering his strength.
Jewel designer.
At some point in Buran's life, Wakaba Oak hired him as a jewel designer. This was shortly after the Raggs War ended.
Manga synopsis.
Buran is first seen at the Oak House, getting angry at Teito and Kohaku when he sees them looking at his collection of statues. Teito and Kohaku hastily leave, and Buran glares after them, but is then distracted by the arrival of Rinka. He talks to her about the statue Lance was turned into, agitatedly remarking that he feels as if the statue is mocking him. Rinka reassures him, and he decides to turn her into a statue as well. Frightened, Rinka cries as Buran advances towards her. Fortunately, Teito and Kohaku hear her cries and come to her rescue. A flashback is then shown, revealing that when Lance was a child, he saw Buran trying to lure a boy and a dog with a lollipop and realised the truth behind Buran's "art". Lance managed to injure Buran's left eye and confronted the Warsfeil while the boy and the dog ran off. Enraged, Buran turned Lance into a statue, but not before Lance declared that Buran would be punished by the power of Relikt. The flashback ends and back in the present, an enormous cross engraved with Relikt's symbol falls on top of Buran, killing him instantly and fulfilling Lance's dying wish.
Abilities and Attributes.
Being a Warsfeil, Buran could wield a tainted Zaiphon and manipulate Wars. His most notable ability is black magic that can turn living beings into Kokujyuseki.
| Buran |
fandom.07ghost | # Burupya's Mother
Burupya's Mother is a minor protagonist and an adut Fyulong in the 07-Ghost series. She is the mother of Mikage Celestine's reincarnation, Burupya, and his siblings.
She has the appearance of a typical adult Fyulong.
She is a very fierce and devoted mother, willing to attack a ship and defy Zehel, a god, in order to get her kidnapped child back. However, she's also very kind. She showed Teito memories of Burupya's previous life.
She clearly loves them.
Teito Klein and Frau.
At first, she was angry with Teito and Frau for taking her child away from her. However, when she saw that Burupya was happy with Teito, she accepted her son's decision and allowed him to stay with his new friend.
She knows that Frau is actually Zehel and openly acknowledges him as such.
Chief of Heaven.
From her conversation with Teito and Frau, it can be deduced that she respects the Chief.
| Burupya's Mother |
fandom.07ghost | # Cadet Begleiter
Upon entering the armed forces (by passing the final exam) a person is enlisted as a cadet begleiter. This is lowest post in the armed forces. Induction courses for begleiters begin 2 days after graduation.
Becoming a cadet begleiter acts a form of work experience/internship in the military, where they act as temporary begleiters for a superior officer (usually at commander level, but there are exceptions)- learning the skills needed to be a begleiter and becoming familiar with military life. According to the pilot chapter Begleiter, if the superior is dissatisfied with the cadet's performance during this apprenticeship period, the cadet Begleiter needs to take the graduation exam again. If they complete their internship to a good standard they then become begleiters, either for the officer they had been working under or any other officer who accepts them.
It's possible for a new graduate of the military academy to skip becoming a cadet begleiter and be promoted directly to Begleiter if their skills and grades are high enough. This is the case for Teito Klein, who graduated from the military academy at the top of his class, and was promoted directly to a position as Ayanami's Begleiter.
As a result of the lack of experience, cadet begleiters are excused from combat situations.
| Cadet Begleiter |
fandom.07ghost | # Candy Flowers
| Candy Flowers |
fandom.07ghost | # Capella
Capella is a child who was sold into slavery by his mother. He was rescued by Teito and Frau as they fled the Barsburg Church, and joined them on their journey to the Land of Seele after they assumed he was an orphan and took him in.
Capella gained the ability to use the healing style of Zaiphon after being told by Teito that they were going to District 4 in search of his mother. He later finds he has the power of both attacking Zaiphon and healing Zaiphon, to which Frau comments on its rarity.
Capella is the brightest star in the constellation Auriga, and eleventh brightest star in the night sky. The name comes from the Latin: "Capra" and means "small goat".
In music, his name means 'Church style'. When someone sings a capella, that means they are not backed by instruments.
Physical appearance.
Capella appears as a child of 5 years old. He is very small, being estimated to be around 4 foot, and has a very slight and skinny build.
His face is very round with chubby cheeks and he has very large brown eyes under thick eyebrows, a small nose, and a large mouth. Capella has neck length, straight hair that is thick and messy and spiked up with the fringe falling past his eyes. Official art shows that his hair is a light ginger. Official art also shows that his mother's hair is the same colour, meaning that he presumably inherited his hair colour from her.
Following his mother selling him into slavery, Capella was branded with the mark of a Sklave on his lower back.
When he first appears he is wearing nothing but the plain, thin nightgown commonly worn by sklaves. His hands were chained and he wore a sklave collar. Teito soon broke the chains- though the cuffs remained, and gave him his thick, purple coat with a high neck guard to hide the sklave collar.
When temporarily employed at Madame's Tavern, Capella wore a typical butler attire: consisting of a white, long sleeved shirt, black waistcoat and a black bow-tie, black trousers and a black apron. He also wore white socks and black shoes.
While in Baltos, Teito bought Capella a pair of orange mittens which were decorated with four-petalled flowers.
Being very young, Capella has a very childish personality. He is happy most of the time and usually very cheerful, but due to his young age he is easily overwhelmed and cries when frightened. Capella is easily amused by trivial things and enjoys playing games. He quickly becomes attached to the people around him.
Despite his usually cheerful nature, he can become violent when he feels that his loved ones are being threatened, as shown when he attacked Nyx for trying to kill Rutia, though he quickly stopped when Teito chided him. Capella also demonstrates extreme bravery in dangerous situations, and will not hesitate to confront opponents much larger and more powerful than himself, especially when his loved ones are in danger. Despite his youth, he also recovers quickly from situations where his life is in danger.
He has rather high spiritual resilience.
Teito Klein.
Capella looks up to Teito and sees him as an older brother, using 'nii-chan' to address him. Frau says that Capella looks up to Teito as if he were the sun or 'his god', and Capella expresses that he wants to be like Teito when he grows up. Capella is thrilled with any and all gifts Teito gives him, and expressed a desire to spend his own money on Teito instead of himself. The two have been shown to care deeply for each other, and both cried when Teito had to leave to continue his journey.
Capella likes Frau because Frau treats him well and plays with him.
Capella and his mother are close. Capella has used his healing Zaiphon to heal her eyes, and felt very sad when she seemed to have abandoned him. Rutia could not bring herself to abort Capella despite receiving no financial support from his father, and was desperate enough for Capella to at least have food to eat to sell him into slavery. When they were reunited, they were overjoyed to be able to be with each other again.
Capella apparently dislikes Nyx, and once attacked Nyx so fiercely that Nyx believed Capella was trying to kill him.
Abilities and Attributes.
Capella has been shown to be able to use both a healing zaiphon and attack zaiphon, which is very rare in the series universe.
Attacking Zaiphon: Capella is able to use an attacking Zaiphon but complains that it is too 'fluffy' and that it will not hurt anyone. Despite this, Frau comments on how powerful his attack zaiphon was for his age. Capella expressed a wish to continue training in order to make his attack Zaiphon stronger, but Teito convinced him to ignore his attacking and focus on his healing.
Healing Zaiphon: Capella also has a healing Zaiphon. He was able to fully heal his mother's eyes without showing much effort, also showing his promise in medical zaiphon.
Capella was born to a poor young woman, Rutia, and an unknown father. Capella's father was a gambler, and when he died, Capella and his mother were left with large financial debts. Capella would often help his mother cook and peel the potatoes- which he grew very skilled at, as it made his mother happy.
At first, Rutia and Capella managed to remain relatively well-fed by working on embroidery, but Rutia was eventually afflicted with an eye disease, so she turned to prostitution to cover their expenses. But this failed to make ends meet and they were gradually running out of food.
Due to their lack of money, Capella and his mother often went hungry until Capella's mother decided she would rather sell her son into slavery than see him starve to death- reasoning that a Sklave would get fed. His mother bought a cake for their last day together, the first time Capella had had cake since he was born, and let Capella eat all of it. She waited till Capella had fallen asleep, then put him on a slave barge.
Manga Synopsis.
Barsburg Church Arc.
Teito's escape from the Church.
Capella is first seen as Teito Klein and Frau flee the Barsburg Church whilst being pursued by soldiers of the Barsburg Armed Forces who are seeking the vessel for the Eye of Mikhail.
He is shown in one of the back-alleys in District 7, where he is being whipped by slave trader Carl. This infuriates Teito, and he (Teito) attacks Carl and steals Capella, destroying Carl's cart in the process. Teito and Frau believe him to be an orphan so they take him in, and he travels with them to the port of Ria.
Once they reach Ria, Frau attempts to buy some supplies for their journey but is shocked when they refuse entry to Capella on account of him being an un-bought sklave. Teito Klein angrily breaks the chains Capella wears, but Frau drags them away.
Capella apologises profusely for, what he sees as, stopping them from entering the store. Teito calms him and gives him his coat, and Capella refers to Teito as "master". Teito corrects him, and Frau tells Capella he is free. Capella explains that his mother sold him into slavery as they were in poverty and, having no where to go, asks if he can travel with them- something Teito and Frau agree to. The trio are then confronted by Carl, who is angry at the theft of his sklave and damage of his cart.
Carl addresses Frau, whilst standing on a box so he is able to look him in the eye, and demands he repay him for the destruction of his cart. One of his men notices Teito's green eyes (rare, so slaves that possess them are expensive), and Carl says he will ignore the debt Frau owes him if Teito agrees to become a sklave he can sell. His men see Teito's tattoo and recognise him as a battle sklave, and Teito and Frau then proceed to beat Carl's men into submission.
Carl relents and extends an offer of friendship: agreeing to give Capella to Teito and Frau, and offering to give them a ride past the guards to District 6: since Carl is a military-recognised slave trader he doesn't need identification papers to cross Districts.
Teito asks Capella if he wishes to join them, and Capella marches on ahead to Carl's cart.
Escape from Carl.
Capella falls asleep in the cart with Burupya.
As they near District 6, Carl slips a gas bomb, containing a sleeping gas, in the back of his cart. Upon arrival, Carl opens the back doors, expecting to find those inside sleeping, but Teito, Frau and Capella suddenly bolt on a Hawkzile that was inside with them: the sleeping gas having no effect as Burupya had eaten the bomb. Carl and his subordinates watch them get away, and Carl angrily shouts that this was part of the plan.
Hausen House Arc.
Arrival at the Hausen House.
Frau, Teito Klein, Capella and Burupya arrive at the Hausen House of District 6. When Capella, who had been sleeping the entire journey, wakes up, the three go to the small church attached to the House of God to submit their report. Teito volunteers to go alone, and Frau and Capella leave.
Frau takes Capella to a brothel where he is spoilt by the women there, much to Frau's annoyance as the women ignore him (Frau) but hug and give sweets to Capella.
Leaving the Hausen House.
At some point, Capella is recovered by Frau and the pair arrive at the Hausen House in time to witness the confrontation between Teito Klein, Seilan and the Imperial Guard, who threaten to arrest Teito for 'exposing the crimes of the Hausen House'. They are prevented from doing so by Frau, who beats the guards into submission and they (the guard) let them pass. The group recover their Hawkzile, and continue on their journey.
Raggs Castle Arc.
Journey to District 5.
The group continue on their journey to District 5 to find the next House of God, the Krat House. Feeling hungry, Capella excitedly asks for candied apples for lunch, but Frau jokes that Capella will be as short as Teito Klein if he doesn't eat real food. Teito purposes they eat Bear, and turns his attention to the large bear chasing them. Frau approves, and Teito uses his Zaiphon to kill it.
The group sit by the fire and eat, and Frau informs the others they will travel by the Mountain Road, as it will discourage pursuers from the military. Capella- who was impressed by Teito's Zaiphon, asks Teito to teach him how to properly use his. Teito shows Capella the different emotions, and suggests Capella practice the 'bad' ones as they are easier to conjure. As Capella practices, they are suddenly interrupted by a dog barking. They follow the sound and are lead to a dog chained to a gravestone- but Capella cannot hear or see it, as the dog is actually dead. Frau frees its spirit, but Teito then has a vision of his past and faints. They then find a Tavern to stay in for the night.
The city of Baltos.
After Frau had volunteered to work at the Tavern to pay for the food and rest they were being given, Capella and Teito Klein also offer to work. The owner of the tavern, Madame, agrees and Capella is sent to peel potatoes, something he is very good at due to him helping his mother cook. Capella then recounts the story of how his mother sold him into slavery- prompting Frau to ask Capella if he wants to see his mother. Though Capella says he doesn't, Teito suspects this is not true.
Capella begins to cry, but is spotted by some hostesses who try to cheer him up by giving him cakes and biscuits to eat. Later that night Teito and Capella watch the plaza ball, and Frau frees Marie's soul.
Later that same evening, Teito Klein tries to get Capella to take a bath- but Capella runs from him as he doesn't like baths. Frau catches him, and he and Teito try to convince Capella to take a bath. Madame interrupts them, and gives Capella some clean clothes, and Capella goes with Teito to get changed.
Leaving for Dals and the one-winged Kor.
Capella, Frau, and Teito Klein leave for Dals in the 5th District, with Carl watching them. Frau informs them that he will send in his report to the Barsburg Church, but Teito runs off with Capella- telling Frau he has something he needs to do.
They go to the Baltos market place, and Teito spots a pair of orange mittens and buys them for Capella. Capella approves of the gift, and asks Teito if he (Capella) can use the money Madame gave him (Capella) for his hard work to buy something for Teito. Teito tells Capella he should spend his money on himself, but they are suddenly confronted by a mysterious figure, who reaches out for them. Teito lashes out: punching the man in the face and breaking his neck. As the surrounding civilians rush to the man's help, the soldier snaps his neck back into place, and sprouts a single Kor wing. Ayanami reveals himself to be controlling the soldier.
Teito drags Capella and Burupya to safety, and engages his pursuer. However, the soldier launches an attack at Capella, and Teito just manages to save him, but is hurt in the process. With his arm now injured, Teito barely escapes as the soldier then destroys a large portion of the bridge they stand on.
Ayanami mocks Teito, prompting Capella to shout at him, but the soldier apprehends Teito and Ayanami tries to read his sealed memories. The attempt fails due to a seal left by Vertrag, and attempting to open it destroys the soldier's arm. Before the soldier can react, Frau appears behind him and stabs him through the abdomen with his scythe. As the one-winged Kor dies, he bids teito and Frau a final warning: that the only one who will obtain Pandora's Box is Ayanami.
Teito begins to panic- which frightens Capella, but Frau quickly carries them all to safety.
Frau carries Capella and an injured Teito Klein to Dals. After a doctor bandages Teito's arm, Capella falls asleep, and has to be carried by Frau as he and Teito wander the streets of Dals.
He wakes up when Frau takes him onboard Carl's ship, and he practices more of his Zaiphon with Teito. He looks on and cheers when Teito flies and lands the ship safely in District 5.
After flying off in Carl's ship, he is so happy to learn that they are looking for his mother that he manages to use his healing zaiphon for the first time. They crash-land after their Hawkzile crashes due to it being overloaded and they spend the night with Yukinami and Suzinami in a small hotel room. When he woke up, he appeared to be alarmed at Teito's absence and very upset when he couldn't be found. He promises to improve his zaiphon until he could heal and help Teito like Ouka.
When he is reunited with his mother, a plot is uncovered, meaning that his mother was in danger. This enraged Capella so much, that he was able to use his attacking zaiphon for the first time against Nyx. However, things got out of hand until Teito arrived and made Capella promise to not use his attacking zaiphon again.
The next day, Teito and Frau leave Capella and continue on their travels.
| Capella |
fandom.07ghost | # Carl
Carl (sometimes alternatively spelled as Karl) is a minor antagonist in the 07-Ghost manga series. He is a military-recognised slave trader who is first seen when Teito Klein and Frau flee the Barsburg Church whilst being pursued by soldiers of the Barsburg Armed Forces who are seeking the vessel for the Eye of Mikhail.
He was the former owner of Capella, until Frau and Teito took him, and has since pursued them around the Districts in an effort to kidnap Teito so he can sell him as payment for his cart, which Teito and Frau destroyed.
Carl's name originates from the Old German name "Charles", which ironically means "free man". This could allude to his status as a slave trader.
Physical appearance.
Carl is a man of average height, estimated to stand at five foot six, with a rather wiry frame. He appears somewhere in his thirties. He has pale skin, with a prominent, pointy nose, with a ring through his left nostril, and a large mouth. His eyes are light-coloured, and quite large, and his eye-brows are small and thick. He is almost completely bald, save for a large, light-coloured, mohawk-style tuft of hair at the centre of his scalp- suggesting he shaves his head. Both his ears are pierced twice, but with different earrings on each: his left lobe is pierced with two studs, and his right with a stud and a hoop.
Carl is first seen in an ankle-length, light-coloured trench coat with circular buttons, partly opened- showing his chest and a necklace made of animal teeth. The collar, sleeve-cuffs and bottom of the coat are lined with black fur. He wears two criss-crossing belts. Like many sklave-traders, he carries a whip.
He first appears to be very cruel, as in his first appearance he whipped 5-year old Capella whilst calling him "slave trash". He was also shown to be sneaky, as he tricked Frau and Teito into his cart, under the assumption that he was helping them to get to their destination, when his true intention was to sell them both to the military.
He also appears to be very arrogant, referring to himself as 'Carl-sama', and flamboyant, with loud speech and dramatic movements. He was stubborn, unwilling to admit defeat, and often bluffed to his subordinates even in situations when it was clear he did not know what he was doing.
Carl is very greedy and money-motivated, and he has demonstrated a penchant for very risky behaviour in order to obtain more. He was willing to hide a wanted criminal (Teito) from the authorities because he thought selling him would be more profitable than turning him in.
However, Carl is capable of being very charming when he thinks it will serve him. He maintains a good relationship with the guards at passage gates so they conduct less than thorough checks on his cart.
Carl appears to have a very good relationship with his subordinates, as he has their utmost respect and admiration. His subordinates frequently praise him as being "clever" and "cool" and respectfully refer to him as "boss".
Barsburg Armed Forces.
As a military-certified sklave trader, Carl is held in high esteem by the military. The guards at the District 6 passage gates appear familiar with him, as they chat politely with him and refer to him as "Carl-dono". They respect his word, shown when they believe him when he says he hasn't seen Teito or Frau (despite him hiding them in his truck at the time) and fail to properly inspect his cart.
Carl and Parl appear to get along well, possibly due to their similar personalities and ways of thinking. The two brothers had no problem cooperating with each other and working together during the Hawkzile race.
Frau and Teito Klein.
Carl disliked Frau and Teito from their first meeting, though neither Frau nor Teito take him seriously and both treat him as a mere annoyance. Frau enjoyed using his height to intimidate Carl. However, by the end of the series, Carl seems to have forgotten about them.
Early childhood.
Little is known about Carl's early years. He presumably grew up alongside his brother Parl.
At some point in his adult life, he began working as a slave trader.
Manga synopsis.
Teito's escape from the Church.
Carl is first seen as Teito Klein and Frau flee the Barsburg Church whilst being pursued by soldiers of the Barsburg Armed Forces who are seeking the vessel for the Eye of Mikhail.
He is shown one of the back-alleys in District 7, where he abuses Capella by whipping him. This infuriates Teito, and he (Teito) attacks Carl and steals Capella, destroying Carl's cart in the process. Carl then swears vengeance on Teito and Frau.
Confronting Teito and Frau.
Carl continues to watch them from one of the buildings, and has one of his men fire an anti-armour vehicle weapon at them. Teito senses the approaching blast and uses his Zaiphon to shield them. Carl then appears from the smoke, commanding a unit of slaver-traders and trolls, and dramatically introduces himself to them.
Carl addresses Frau, whilst standing on a box so he is able to look him in the eye, and demands he repay him for the destruction of his cart. One of his men notices Teito's green eyes (rare, so slaves that possess them are expensive), and Carl says he will ignore the debt Frau owes him if Teito agrees to become a sklave he can sell. His men see Teito's tattoo and recognise him as a battle sklave, and Teito and Frau then proceed to beat his men into submission.
Carl relents and extends an offer of friendship: agreeing to give Capella to Teito and Frau, and offering to give them a ride past the guards to District 6: since Carl is a military-recognised slave trader he doesn't need identification papers to cross Districts.
However, Carl, having earlier informed the Barsburg Armed Forces of Frau's whereabouts- assuming him to be a wanted criminal, secretly intended to stick to his original plan of selling both Frau and Teito to the military.
Journey to the 6th District.
Carl reaches the passage gate of District 6 where he chats with the guards as they verify his pass. They allow him to pass but not before showing him a photo of Teito and asking if he had seen the "deserter". Carl is shocked that Teito is the criminal, and not Frau as he had originally thought.
Carl informs the guards he has not seen Teito or Frau, despite hiding them in the back of his cart, and they believe him. Carl tells his subordinate that he has changed his plan, and now intends to hide Teito from the military in order to sell him to a rich noble, as he expects he will receive more money this way.
As Teito and Frau are in deep conversation, Carl slips a gas bomb, containing a sleeping gas, in the back of his cart. Once they reach District 6, Carl opens the back doors, expecting to find those inside sleeping but Teito, Frau and Capella suddenly bolt on a Hawkzile that was inside with them, the sleeping gas having no effect as Burupya had eaten the bomb. Carl and his subordinates watch them get away, and Carl angrily shouts that this was part of the plan.
Leaving for Dals.
As Frau, Teito Klein, and Capella leave for Dals in the 5th District, Carl and his subordinates watch them. Carl laughs that he can predict their every move, but becomes frightened when Frau and Teito spot him- leading one of his subordinates to say they (Frau and Teito) can predict their movements.
Carl and his subordinates in their aircraft follow Teito Klein and Frau to the city of Dals, and when his subordinates question his plans, he tells them he can 'smell' their presence. The driver of his plane shouts that he can see Teito, and Carl orders him to fire the 'tear gas bomb' and then the net. However, Teito manages to evade the capture attempts and make his way onto the ship, and he asks Carl where Capella's mother is.
Carl, at first, says he doesn't know, but buckles after Teito begins to damage his ship and tells Teito he keeps records of Sklaves in his 'hideout' in the 5th District. Carl asks of Frau, but is pleased with his (Frau's) absence, as he believes Teito will be easier to subdue and sell when on his own. However, his happiness is short lived, as Frau appears on his ship immediately after he asks of him. Frau realises that, as a slave barge, Carl's ship has free passage through the Districts, and invites himself and Teito onto the aircraft. Carl objects, but has little choice in the matter.
Hawkzile Race.
Frau and Teito met with Carl again in the Hawkzile race, where they took the team names that Carl and his brother, Parl, originally intended to use for themselves.
Both Carl and Parl briefly reappeared in Kapitel 93, along with Carl's subordinates, and also in Kapitel 99, where the two brothers were seen at a Barsburg airport. Carl comments that slavery will soon be abolished in the Empire, and declares that he will start a new business venture.
| Carl |
fandom.07ghost | # Carl's Crew
Carl's Crew are a group of slave traders and pilots who accompany Carl almost everywhere he goes. Like Carl, all of them have excitable personalities and wear elaborate winter clothing. They all greatly respect their leader, though they are somewhat less antagonistic towards Teito Klein and Frau than Carl is, and seem to treat Carl's pursuit of Teito and Frau as a game rather than a serious matter. Also, they do not bother to hide their annoyance when Carl damages Cathy, their airship.
| Carl's Crew |
fandom.07ghost | # Carl's Subordinate
Carl's subordinate is an unnamed minor character in the 07-Ghost manga series. He is one of Carl's many underlings, and the one responsible for piloting Cathy.
Physical appearance.
He has spiky, very short dark hair, a large, bulbous nose, thick, dark eyebrows and a round face.
Like Carl and Carl's other subordinates, he wears an ankle-length, light-coloured coat with a black fur collar.
Not much is known about his personality. Similar to Carl and Carl's other subordinates, he is shown to be greedy and materialistic, chasing Teito in hopes of earning a large amount of money. When Cathy is involved, he becomes irritable and impatient.
He is respectful towards Carl, calling him 'boss'.
He is very protective of his airship.
His history is largely unknown. At some point in his life, he joined Carl's crew and learned how to fly an airship.
Manga synopsis.
He makes a few appearances alongside Carl and the rest of Carl's crew throughout the manga.
| Carl's Subordinate |
fandom.07ghost | # Castor
Castor, born Xing-lu Hausen, is one of the main characters of the "07-ghost" manga and anime series. He serves as a Bishop of the Barsburg Church located in District 7, and his job there is to protect the citizens by removing Kor. Castor is the second oldest of the three main Bishops, and has made a hobby of building and repairing life sized-dolls that he controls using his Zaiphon. He is also one of the two characters in the series that has a manipulation Zaiphon, which is considered very rare.
Castor was originally born into the Hausen Family and was the thirteenth head of the household. Following the Raggs War, Xing-lu's head was demanded in return for the Hausen family's support of Raggs. He died in an attempt to save Razette after a botched body switch organised by his father. After his physical death, he began serving as one of the the 07 Ghosts.
Castor was the Ghost known as Fest, the one that is able to tie souls together. However, in the final manga chapter, he became an ordinary human and lost his Ghost powers.
Physical appearance.
Castor is a handsome young man. He stands at 180 cm with a tall, willowy frame and weighs 68 kg. Given his age before the Raggs War and his position as the second oldest Bishop, he should be in his mid to late twenties. Castor bears a fairly strong resemblance to both of his parents.
Castor's face is rather round for his age, making him look much younger than he is, and he has a thin, long, pointed nose, a small mouth and thin lips. His skin tone is quite pale, though it is the darkest of the Bishops', with a slightly orange tint to it. His build is very slender, with little muscle and long limbs.
As of chapter 46, Castor has a prosthetic, porcelain left arm and eye. Castor has a rather scholarly appearance, as a result of the large, round glasses he wears over his narrowed, light brown eyes. He is nearly always seen wearing his glasses. His hair is neck-length, straight, parted to the right side of his face, and reddish-brown in colour. His eyebrows are the same colour, though he sometimes has blue hair in official art e.g. the cover page of Kapitel 86.
Castor's glasses flash white when he is annoyed or amused, hiding his eyes. His eyes are also hidden by his glasses when he is in chibi form.
As Fest.
Being one of the Seven Ghosts, Castor appears as a skeleton when in his true form.
In his casual clothes Castor wears a white shirt with a high neck-guard, under a leather trench-coat almost identical to the one Frau wears only Castor's is a darker shade of blue (purple on the cover page of Kapitel 96), the neck-guard turned down and fastened with two belts, the lower one sloping downwards.
In his church clothes Castor appears to wear a dark blue cassock with white trimming on the collar, under a long white outer cassock that hides his arms. The cassock is held together with a loose belt and a large, silver, rectangular brooch emblazoned with the carving of a cross. Castor wears a plain, white mitre with a cross in the centre and a veil that extends from the mitre to fall over his face.
Following the death of Bastien, Castor changed to mourning attire, consisting of a simple black cassock that almost reaches the ground and a gold strip of cloth, that appears to be a modification of a stole, around five feet long, and worn around the collar. He wears a clergy badge on his collar. During the funeral service he also wears a black mitre, not unlike his church one, with a golden cross emblazoned in the centre and a veil that extends from the mitre to fall over his face.
In Kapitel 80, Castor attended the masquerade and wore the appropriate noble clothing.
Similar to Verloren and the other Ghosts, Castor wears a hooded black cloak in his true form.
Castor is a very kind person, smiling frequently, and eager to make good first impressions as he is polite and welcoming to those he meets. He is considerate of the feelings of others and will not pressure someone to do something if they do not want to do it. Castor is very concerned about the welfare of the people around him, and the manga shows that he makes frequent visits to the district hospital to assist the people there, and to protect them from the military. He has even more sympathy for children, and is popular with the children at the hospital.
He has a great level of patience, and is not annoyed easily (unless it is Frau that is doing the annoying) and is very tolerant of the actions of other people, as he doesn't scold Teito when he repeatedly assaults Frau during their first meeting, possibly understanding that he is scared. Castor is always willing to help when someone has a problem, which is shown when he helps Teito train for the exam despite not having to, and enjoys teaching people. Castor has also shown an ability to remain optimistic even in the most dire situations, as when he lost an arm in a fight he laughs and jokes with Labrador as he lay bleeding, answering Labrador's panicked assurances that he won't die with: "well if Lab says so then there's nothing to worry about". He is very passionate in his hobby of making dolls.
The manga reveals that Castor was not always so cheerful, and as a child he was cold and emotionless due to the lack of attention he received from his father. Seilan comments that Razette was the one who taught him to smile. His relationships with his mother, and with Razette have made Castor a gentleman, he is polite to women and is irritated when others, such as Frau, do not treat them with similar respect (Drama CD).
Castor behaves somewhat like a mother to the others, particularly Frau, as he is always the one to scold the others when they do something dangerous or stupid, like riding their Hawkzile too high, and is always reminding them to watch their behavior, such as when he warns Labrador that he will fall ill if he continues to sleep outside. Possibly due to his wealthy upbringing, Castor displays good manners and wishes others to do the same, as Frau is often on the receiving end of Castor's tongue when he behaves in a way that is "undignified" (Drama CD). Castor is often the voice of reason, and has greatly influenced some of the major decisions other characters make.
Castor's rationality-over-emotion, rule-abiding nature can often lead people to mistake him as cold. He attempted to erase Teito's memory after Mikage's death to protect the Ghosts, despite it also meaning he would erase Teito's last memories of Mikage's smile. While appearing to be unconcerned with Teito's feelings, he had clearly thought of the concequences of not doing so as he listed many reasons when Frau challenged him and was irked when he found out Frau had not already done the job. His respect for rules can often lead him to overlook the feelings of others in the effort to do what is right, as unintentional as it may be.
Castor can be quite merciless during a fight, using his Ghost strings in a way that could seriously injure or kill his opponent if the attack hits them. He often uses violence to discipline Frau when he behaves in a way that Castor doesn't like, sometimes finding it funny when Frau is hurt, and is not above name-calling when he is angry.
Castor is also quite mischievous, as has been shown to enjoy pulling pranks on Frau, or startling people with his dolls, and has also shown a manipulative side. This was shown when he tricked Teito into taking the exam by telling him it would help him gain revenge, when Castor disagreed with his motives and wanted to make sure Teito would stay in the Church till he could defend himself.
Castor appears to have a sadistic side, as noted by Teito, who thought of him as a 'sadistic slave master' during his (Teito's) training with some of Castor's dolls. Castor has also been shown to be not above physically attacking Frau and Lance when they annoy him, and when fighting against Kuroyuri, he inflicted a great amount of pain on Kuroyuri despite him/her being a small child.
Abilities and Attributes.
Castor is described as very intelligent, being regarded as a genius when he was human, and shows this throughout the series by providing facts and information to his friends. He is knowledgeable in several areas, including the holy texts, the history of the Church and the legend of the Seven Ghosts.
He is probably able to speak the Language of the Gods. Considering that he used to work for the Raggs royalty, it is possible that he can also speak the Language of Raggs.
Castor possesses excellent craftsman skills, and is able to make lifelike dolls.
Castor has demonstrated considerable artistic skill in regards to pen-work as well as crafting, and it is Castor who does the bishop's apprentice tattoos.
Castor is one of the two characters in the series who are able to harness the power of a Zaiphon of the manipulation category.
Manipulation Zaiphon: Despite having a very rare and powerful Zaiphon, Castor rarely uses it during battle, as he normally uses his Ghost power instead. The reason is unknown, though it could simply be because he feels that his Ghost power is enough to rely on.
Castor's Zaiphon was shown briefly in Kapitel 9 (manga only), and looks like a huge dragon mouth made from Zaiphon letters. He uses this to ram and bite opponents, and it is presumably able to swallow them. In the Seven Ghosts pilot chapter, an early version of Castor's Zaiphon was seen, appearing as a much smaller and slimmer dragon, and he used it to tear apart his opponents. Teito had said that Castor's Zaiphon puts him at a "completely different level" to Teito, and as Castor was not trying to injure Teito during the display, it is possible he is even stronger.
He also used his Zaiphon to create a path running round the Church that catapulted anyone who stood on it a distance of two meters.
Ghost power.
Castor prefers to use his Ghost power during battle, and his most notable form of attack is his Ghost strings, which take the form of shiny, barbed strings that extend from the palms of his hands that he is able to control. With this he is able to catch and suspend objects and people in the air, restraining them so they are unable to move. He has been shown to use his Ghost strings to stab and slash at objects, as seen during his fight with Kuroyuri, and has also used them to choke his opponent. Castor uses this to control the life-sized dolls that he makes.
Castor's power as the Ghost Fest is the ability to tie together the souls of living beings. With this he is able to resurrect dead bodies, on the condition that the soul still resides in the body, and the cause of death was not natural (e.g. suicide or murder). Castor has currently lost a part of his powers after Ayanami absorbed them.
Like the other Ghosts, Castor has a higher resistance to extremely low temperatures than ordinary humans, as his heart does not beat and his body does not give off heat. As a Ghost, he can recover more quickly from injuries than ordinary humans, and can shift between his human and Ghost forms at will.
Hand-to-hand combat.
When he was human, Castor was given the task of protecting the Raggs kingdom as a trained assassin, and he was shown to be a highly capable swordsman. In chapter 70 it's revealed his movements are even faster than Hyuuga's, as commented by Konatsu, who was quickly overpowered and would have been killed by Castor had Katsurugi not saved him.
Castor is skilled at teaching, being the one who taught Teito and Hakuren. While training Teito for the bishop's apprentice exam, he thought to himself that 'the hot-blooded ones are always fun to teach', hinting that he has some teaching experience.
| Castor |
fandom.07ghost | # Castor's Dolls
Castor's Dolls are many life-sized, porcelain dolls that Castor builds and controls with the use of his manipulation Zaiphon (only in the manga; in the anime he simply uses his Ghost strings to control them). Castor is able to keep a mental link with these dolls, and although he cannot see through their eyes, he knows where they are at all times, and can tell if one has been damaged or destroyed. They are lifelike in movement, are capable of making their own decisions, and react to their environment even when Castor is not present. They are difficult to break.
So far in the series, Castor has made dolls of himself, Frau, a nameless purple-haired sister, his mother and Razette. On one occasion, he also made a wider range of dolls for buyers to choose from at a Barsburg Church event. These newly made dolls' designs include a nun with long black hair, a dark blue, sleeveless dress and matching opera-length gloves; another nun with short black hair, a white undergarment and a pink dress with long, puffed sleeves, as well as a short-haired brunette peasant woman with a white head-covering, grey undershirt and a dark purple smock dress.
This hobby of Castor's first originated during his childhood, when he would build dolls in his mother's likeness because of the attention he craved, but he now uses them as surveillance and as helpers around the Church.
Castor displays an ability to merge his dolls with Kor. He does this by trapping the Kor inside the chest cavity of the doll and then sealing it with his Zaiphon to make sure the Kor is unable to escape. The Kor is able to function normally inside the doll, as well as it can when it possesses a real human, and is able to sprout wings.
There are two types of dolls that Castor builds. The first are the female, Sister dolls that are the more common type. They appear as females with shoulder-length purple hair and wear the typical nun's habit.
The second type of doll is the Frau doll that Castor uses during training, and these dolls resemble Frau in appearance (something done on purpose to encourage Teito to attack them), having his blonde, spiky hair. However, while his nun dolls have human-like faces, Castor's Frau dolls instead have a piece of paper stuck to their face with Frau's blank-eyed expression drawn on it. Strangely, they also display Frau's personality, as when Teito encountered his first Frau doll, it was striking odd poses and harassing the nuns as they walked by. This suggests that Castor is able to give his dolls personality.
They are very fast, and able to take a great amount of damage before they break.
| Castor's Dolls |
fandom.07ghost | # Castor/History
Castor, born Xing-lu Hausen, is one of the main characters of the "07-ghost" manga and anime series. He serves as a Bishop of the Barsburg Church located in District 7, and his job there is to protect the citizens by removing Kor. Castor is the second oldest of the three main Bishops, and has made a hobby of building and repairing life sized-dolls that he controls using his Zaiphon. He is also one of the two characters in the series that has a manipulation Zaiphon, which is considered very rare.
Castor was originally born into the Hausen Family and was the thirteenth head of the household. Following the Raggs War, Xing-lu's head was demanded in return for the Hausen family's support of Raggs. He died in an attempt to save Razette after a botched body switch organised by his father. After his physical death, he began serving as one of the the 07 Ghosts.
Castor was the Ghost known as Fest, the one that is able to tie souls together. However, in the final manga chapter, he became an ordinary human and lost his Ghost powers.
Early childhood.
Castor was born on December 24 (Christmas Eve), as Xing-lu Hausen, to Xingfa Hausen and his wife, Lady Hausen of the affluent, noble Hausen Family. He grew up in the family house, the Hausen House (the House of Fest), a God House located in the 6th District. He was the thirteenth head of the family, following a long line of descendants of the Ghost Fest.
Teenage years.
Even in his youth, Castor was said to be very talented. However, Seilan, says that due to his young age, he was a subject of criticism by those older than him who wanted to take the position of the head of the house from him. His father, Xingfa Hausen though presenting the image of a loving father to the public, made an effort to coach him to ignore these comments, and he did this by behaving in a cold and professional manner towards him: criticising him for showing indecisiveness and warning him of the family members that watched him and waited for weakness. As a result, Xing-lu often felt neglected.
Due to his father's indifference, he immersed himself in his doll-making hobby, making dolls in the image of his mother whom he loved because she was the only member of his family to treat him with affection.
Pre Raggs War.
As it was the job of the Hausen House, and by extension the head of the Hausen Family, to protect the Raggs royal family from assassination, Xing-lu was often deployed on these missions.
During one of these missions; which was to prevent an assassination attempt on the King of Raggs's life, Castor and others arrived at the home of an enemy clansmen and the ringleader was killed. As the building was being searched, Castor heard someone singing and he followed the noise till he reached a Noel Mermaid chained up in a small tank singing sadly. After the mermaid had been freed, and her injuries tended to, Seilan noted how she had become very attached to Castor.
Consequences of the mission.
The consequences of the attempted assassination were discovered soon after: the gruesome mass suicides of the assassins' wives and children. Castor became visibly shaken by this, and hid in the room with Razette to compose himself. Razette saw his sadness, and singing did not help, so she changed her own face into Castor's, and then smiled. Castor was distraught at first, as he had never smiled himself but Razette calmed him and through her friendship, Castor learnt how to smile. Dolls looking like Razette began appearing in his work-room. Castor said it was because Razette wanted friends, though Seilan didn't believe him.
Castor's inheritance.
Though the date of Xing-lu's inheritance was drawing nearer, he admitted to Razette that he had no interest of becoming the new Head of the House. Castor instead wished to become a puppet master, and he shared with her his dream of them travelling the world together as performers.
Raggs War.
During the Raggs War, each of the Seven Houses of God chose sides, and battles were fought between houses who chose Barsburg, and houses who chose Raggs. The Hausen House sided with Raggs.
Post Raggs War.
Following Raggs' defeat and the destruction of the Raggs kingdom, to appease the God Houses that fought with Barsburg and to prevent them from destroying entire bloodlines, the Houses that sided with Raggs said that they would kill the Head of their house. Xing-lu, being the heir to the Hausen Family was no exception.
Death and reincarnation.
His father, Xingfa Hausen, was outraged at the idea. He organised a plan to save his son; proposing that the Noel Mermaid Xing-lu had saved long ago, Razette, change her face to look like Xing-lu's- and they decapitate her, and give her head instead. When Castor adamantly refused, Xingfa broke down and held onto his son tightly, begging him not to give himself up.
Razette soon appeared, willing to die for Castor, and shapeshifted to look like Castor. Xingfa drew his sword and lunged at her to kill her, but Castor threw himself in the way and the blow impaled him through the chest. Castor was mortally injured.
As he took his final breath, Castor looked up to see the God of the Hausen House, Fest, standing before him. Xing-lu took his place as one of the Seven Ghosts.
His human body was left behind and beheaded, and the head taken to the Barsburg Houses. His death resulted in his mother's transformation into a Wars.
After he had been changed into a Ghost, Castor returned to the place of his death. He finds Razette's dead body- with her having killed herself out of grief. Castor is at first appalled, but finds her soul still clinging to her body, and uses his Ghost ability to tie her soul to his, allowing her to live by sharing his life force. The two of them move to the Barsburg Church to start a new life.
The Barsburg Church.
Meeting Teito.
Castor first appears flying his Hawkzile along one of the chasms between Districts 1 and 7, alongside two other Bishops, Frau and Labrador. He repeatedly warns Frau not to fly too high, but is ignored, when they encounter Teito falling from the sky. When he hits Frau and the two fall to the ground, Castor quickly rushes to Frau's side and the three Bishops decide to carry Teito to the Church. When Teito wakes, and leaps out the window in fear, Castor mistakenly believes Frau is bullying him and kicks Frau in response. He introduces himself and tries to make Teito feel comfortable.
Mikage's return.
Castor is first spotted by Teito healing a child that had been possessed by a Kor. After noticing Labrador has given Teito the 'Flower of Protection' Castor becomes suspicious as Labrador had never given such a rare flower away to anyone. His apprehension is made all the worse at the sudden, unexplained appearance of Mikage and Labrador's odd behaviour. Castor is unwilling to take any risks and makes sure that Teito is always seen wearing the flower of protection just to be safe.
Incident with the Kor.
When Teito is bargaining with a Kor possessing an old man, Castor appears with the other two Bishops to confront him. It takes the combined efforts of Frau and Castor to destroy the Kor. Castor restrains him, using his Ghost strings, allowing Frau, using the scythe, to destroy the wings. Castor then catches the old man and carries him to safety.
The next day, Castor introduces Teito to his friend, Razette. When Teito asks about the old man the other night, Castor explains to him what a Kor is, and tells Teito to keep the incident with the Kor a secret.
Mikage's death.
As the Bishops prepare for mass, they become very worried after Labrador reveals he had a vision of Mikage disappearing, and it's revealed Mikage only has half a soul left and will soon cease to exist. The Bishops decide to continue to watch Mikage in case the situation takes a turn for the worse. Castor is in the baptism ceremony when Mikage dies.
After Teito has locked himself in his room, Castor enters with Frau after the latter breaks down the door, and offers him food. Frau brings him Mikage's reincarnation and becomes Teito's master when promise collar bites him. Castor scold him for doing something so reckless and explains to him the terms of his contract with the collar, something which he says he will regret doing, given Frau's nature.
Discovery of Mikhail.
Castor confronts Teito when the boy decides to leave the Church in favour of seeking revenge on the military. Castor questions Teito on his knowledge of the seven ghosts, and Teito explains to Castor that he knows Frau is Zehel and that Castor has the same scent. Castor then knocks Teito unconscious with the intention of erasing Teito's memory of the incident so the identity of the Seven Ghosts continues to remain a secret. However Frau appears and stops him, saying that if Teito's memory of when Frau revealed himself as Zehel was blanked, then he would not be able to remember Mikage's last smile.
Castor warns Frau that he will lose his position as a Ghost if 'the higher-ups' were to find out about Frau letting Teito keep his memories of having seen Frau as a Ghost, but before they are able to take it any further, Frau's scythe malfunctions and attacks an unconscious Teito, despite Frau's protests. The Eye of Mikhail intervenes before Teito is injured, and a furious Mikhail attacks the two Bishops. When Mikhail demands the removal of the collar, Castor counters that only the army can remove it. To control Mikhail, Frau makes use of the commands of the collar, and once Teito has been incapacitated, the Bishops's decide to enrol Teito in the clergy exams. While being reluctant, Castor eventually consented to Teito keeping his memory.
Bishop's Apprentice Exam Arc.
Castor asks Teito if he will take the Bishop's Apprentice Exam, and Teito says that he will avenge Mikage by travelling to Hohburg Fortress. Castor explains the need for a Clergy Pass which will help him in his revenge. However, Castor only said that to keep Teito in the Church where he is safe. Teito agrees and Castor introduces Teito to preparation for the first half of the exam, which is a written test. While Frau thinks it impossible to learn everything within the space of a month, Teito surpasses expectations after revealing Fea Kreuz taught him all he needed to know when he was a child. Satisfied, Castor turns his attention to the training for the practical half of the exam, introducing Teito to a Baculus, which he struggles to control.
Castor gives Teito special training lessons, using his ghost strings to control the Frau dolls he made specially for the occasion.
Wars Attacks.
When Teito later goes to visit Frau about his broken Baculus, he(Teito) overhears Frau and Castor talking about the Eye of Mikhail, and Teito is angry with what he hears, believing they used him just like the Imperial Army had done. He flees and Castor decides not to pursue him. He instead mulls over the recent feeling of an evil presence within the Church. Castor spots a large shadow on the wall beside him, but when he turns around there it is gone. Castor realises Kuroyuri and Haruse have infiltrated the Church.
While giving Teito a special training lesson using his Frau dolls, Castor thinks about the dark figure who had challenged him the day before. Teito trains with Castor the next day, and is rewarded with a professional Baculus when he succeeds, and Castor invites Hakuren to join in since he had been watching, but his offer is declined.
Castor is present amongst the group of Bishops that held a meeting about the recent presence of Kor. They reach the conclusion that a Warsfeil was responsible for the attack that took Aldo's life.
A meeting with Haruse.
In the library a mysterious figure is looking through the books and speaking about the Black Hawks, and in his hand he holds a picture of Teito. As he walks towards Teito, Castor senses something is wrong and grabs him by the shoulder, stopping him. Castor asks the Bishop, actually Haruse, if he needs any help, and the Bishop replies that he was sent to give a Clergy Pass to Teito. Teito, after being given the Pass, tells Castor and Labrador that the pass belonged to Fea Kreuz. Castor tells Teito that his "father" was excommunicated from the Church for stealing Pandora's Box and fleeing, something which tore a hole in the relationship between Barsburg and Raggs. Castor goes on the say that Raggs had given Kreuz shelter from Barsburg, and by these events it would have been right for Raggs to have been toppled. Teito, however, refuses to believe that Kreuz was a bad person.
Castor then attacks the Black Hawks member, Haruse, but he is revealed to be a doll. Jio and the three Bishop's then realise the seal of Raphael has been broken, and the Eye of Mikhail is under threat.
Frau's arrest.
Much later when Frau was framed as being a Warsfeil, Castor confronts Kuroyuri, who has infiltrated the Church with Haruse after Kuroyuri entered Frau's cell with the intention of killing him. Castor had anticipated an ambush, so replaced Frau with one of his dolls and then attacks the Black Hawk while he was distracted. The two fight, Castor using his ghost strings against Kuroyuri's sword. Castor manages to catch him/her by ensnaring him/her with the strings then suspends Kuroyuri in the air. Castor could sense that someone else possessed half of Kuroyuri's soul, and knowing this he probed Kuroyuri's soul in order to contact the person on the other end.
Castor begins to speak with Ayanami. Castor knows that Ayanami's soul is linked to Kuroyuri's, so if Kuroyuri receives an injury, Ayanami will suffer the same pain as his subordinate. Castor uses this to his advantage, torturing him through Kuroyuri in order to get information from him. Kuroyuri pleads with Ayanami to release his/her soul so he (Ayanami) won't be injured, but Ayanami instead snaps Castor's strings and the fight between the two continues. Castor confuses Kuroyuri with the dolls he makes, making all of them look like himself, and then catches Kuroyuri as she/he is running. Kuroyuri then detonates an explosive devise which sends them both flying in opposite directions. Castor is thrown against the cell wall, but the impact is softened by Labrador's vines. Kuroyuri and Haruse flee.
Bastien's funeral.
Bastien's funeral takes place as normal. Castor, along with Bishops Frau and Labrador discusses the possibility of any Warsfeil remaining in the Barsburg Church- since Bastien's death has restored the protective barrier around the Church.
When a nun approaches Frau, suspecting him to be one of the Seven Ghosts, Castor elbows Frau causing him to drop a porn book to dispel any notions that he is a guardian of the Church. Confident, their secrete is safe- the three Bishop's make their escape.
Capture of the Eye of Mikhail.
Castor watches Frau mount a Hawkzile and ride after Teito when he is captured by the Black Hawks. When the battleground turns to the skies, Castor follows pursuit and arrives in time to stop Hyuuga from landing a fatal blow on Frau- using his Ghost strings to stop his arm from moving. He then catches a falling Hakuren and brings him to safety.
Since the existence of the Eye is a secrete, Castor can only watch as Labrador is forced to let The Black Hawks pass out of the district.
The exam.
Castor appears before Teito Klein and Hakuren Oak as the two boys have met Bishop Lance, where he quickly silences Lance with a kick when Lance almost divulges information about the Eye of Mikhail in the presence of civilians. He is annoyed upon finding out that Lance had toured the seven continents looking for souvenirs instead of performing his Bishop duties. When Lance voices his desire to be Bastien's successor, Castor reveals he had also been a candidate for the position of Assistant Archbishop but had decided to refuse the position as he would not be able to make his sister dolls, and during the interview, he instead complimented Lance.
During the exam.
Castor and Frau reminisce about the time they took the exam. Frau says he disliked his partner, making Castor so furious he sticks a chess piece in Frau's face (as Castor was his partner). The two argued over Frau's lack of desire to master the holy texts when some small children approach them and ask Castor and Frau to show them a puppet and a picture book respectively. Frau attempts to show them a porn book but Castor backhands him.
Teito's escape from the Church.
Castor works together with Labrador to kill any guards that block Teito's path to the secrete tunnel. They both confront the Barsburg Spy, and Labrador executes him using a large Venus fly trap. Regrouping with the fleeing Teito and Frau, Labrador uses his flower petals to create a path to guide them out of the Pope's secret passage-way. He warns Teito of the dangers he faces on his path to justice, then wishes him luck on his journey. Teito and Frau escape while he (Castor), Labrador and Lance hold off approaching forces.
Hausen House Arc.
Once the threat of Barsburg forces has disappeared, Castor patrols the Barsburg Church one night when he finds an old man mourning the loss of his dog, Wen.
Seeing the bond the man had with his dog, Castor asks the old man what the he would be willing to give in return for his dog's life. When the old man replies that he would give his soul in return, Castor uses his powers as the Ghost Fest to tie the dog's soul, which was still in Wen's body, to the old man's soul- allowing the dog to live on the old man's energy. When the dog suddenly springs to life, Castor laughs and tells the old man that he (Wen the dog) had been sleeping. As the old man leaves, it is revealed that Castor had also earlier saved a woman in critical condition by tying her soul to her husband.
With Hakuren, Ouida and Labrador.
Hakuren Oak greets Castor and Razette. The rarity of Noel Mermaids prompts Hakuren to ask how they met, but they are interrupted by a panicked Ouida. Ouida tells them he has 'lost' Labrador and Castor advises him to search around the trees, Ouida complies and finds Labrador asleep amongst the roots, and Castor chastises him (Labrador) for sleeping outside.
The Cursed Ticket.
At the Hausen House, Teito Klein fights Lady Hausen, Castor's mother who had become a Wars following Castor's death. Teito uses his Baculus to purify the her soul and set her soul free.
Before going to heaven, her soul is carried by the wind to District 7 and the Barsburg Church where her son, Castor, is blessing someone. The wind brushes by Castor, blowing his hat off, but he recognises his mother's soul, and as the wind moves upwards to heaven, Castor bids his mother farewell. Realising his mother's soul has been freed by Teito who seeks the Cursed Ticket, Castor assumes his Ghost form and appears before Teito as Fest.
The Cursed Ticket.
Teito first mistakes the Ghost before him as Zehel, but upon realising it is Castor, he asks him of his reincarnation. When Castor explains, Teito excitedly shouts that Castor can now return to his family, but Castor replies that rules prohibit him from making contact with the family that thinks him dead. Castor thanks Teito for releasing his mother from the Wars, but Teito questions Castor on The Land of Seele: asking him if to go there is to die is true.
Castor explains to Teito that in Seele, the Chief of Heaven takes your life and gives you a new life with one wish. Upon hearing this, Teito asks if he could exchange his life for Mikage's. When Castor replies he could, Teito demands the Cursed Ticket. Castor explains that only once Teito has acquired all seven tickets will he be able to go to Seele, and he touches Teito's forearm; the seal of Fest instantly being burned into his flesh. Castor blesses Teito, and disappears into smoke to return to his human body back in District 7 where he is greeted by Razette.
Raggs Castle Arc.
To show he has been chosen to "pursue the path of a Bishop", Hakuren Oak has Castor tattoo a cross on his back. As is customary for Bishops and their new apprentices, Castor and Hakuren prepare to leave the 7th District to travel the Barsburg Empire, exterminating Kor, and Castor spends his remaining days doing chores around the Barsburg Church.
He is in the garden with Labrador when Hakuren rushes towards him, and Hakuren informs Castor he has received a letter commanding him (Hakuren) to return to the 1st District to serve as tutor to the Imperial princess. Castor congratulates Hakuren on the news and encourages him to take the offer, but after Hakuren protests, Castor takes him to the District Hospital to persuade him.
Convincing Hakuren to leave.
When they arrive at the hospital, Hakuren Oak notes the presence of two Barsburg soldiers, who quickly retreat upon seeing Castor. Castor ignores them and quickly gets to work helping the patients, at one point using his powers as Fest to join the soul of a dying patient to his wife.
As Castor is ambushed by a group of small children who want to play with him, they are interrupted by an elderly man dressed in bandages who begins frantically screaming the military will "burn us down". As he is ushered back to his room by the nurses, Hakuren questions Castor on the man's reaction.
Castor explains that during the Raggs War, the military's budget was running low so in order to redirect taxpayer's money to the military, hospices and hospitals were burnt to the ground. Hakuren is outraged, and his belief in becoming a Bishop as opposed to a tutor is reinforced. However, after Hakuren meets an old man who laments how the Empire does not listen to the Bishops, but would listen to a politician, he realises that by becoming the princess' tutor, he can influence her decisions.
Thanking Castor, Hakuren resolves to go to the 1st District and alert the Princess to the plight of the people.
Manga Synopsis.
Much later in the manga, he fought Ayanami, after he (Ayanami) confronted Labrador, sacrificing the entire left side of his body, resulting in irreparable damage to his eye and arm. He later used his ghost power, and doll-making skills to replace the damaged limb and eye with doll parts.
He later met with Frau and Teito together with Labrador during the Hawkzile race. He stops Frau from pursuing the Black Hawks and Teito because he (Frau) was too injured. During the Princess's birthday celebration ball, he, Frau and Labrador sneaked in, with Castor disguising himself as "Shuolon Hausen". He fights with Ayanami, but is defeated.
Some time later, he wakes up to find himself and Labrador in a prison designed exclusively for the Ghosts, and after discussing their situation with Labrador, concludes that Verloren must have been unable to absorb their Ghost powers because he (Verloren) is currently using a human body and therefore lacks the strength to absorb their Ghost powers. At the same time, he uses his Ghost powers to connect Haruse's and Kuroyuri's souls together, saying, 'After seeing a bond like this, how can I not join the both of you?'.
In Kapitel 93, Castor and Labrador escape their prison, and when Kuroyuri shouts after them, Labrador advises him/her and Haruse to evacuate. Castor thinks to himself that Teito's soul hasn't been completely devoured yet.
After Ayanami dies and Teito goes to Seele, Castor is last seen picnicking with Labrador, Fea Kreuz and Millea. He mentions that he returned to his childhood home, the Hausen House, and although he tried to leave quickly after paying his respects at his mother's grave, he was spotted by Seilan and reunited with his family. The picnickers then watch Wahrheit Teito Klein play with Burupya.
| Castor/History |
fandom.07ghost | # Castor/Relationships
Castor, born Xing-lu Hausen, is one of the main characters of the "07-ghost" manga and anime series. He serves as a Bishop of the Barsburg Church located in District 7, and his job there is to protect the citizens by removing Kor. Castor is the second oldest of the three main Bishops, and has made a hobby of building and repairing life sized-dolls that he controls using his Zaiphon. He is also one of the two characters in the series that has a manipulation Zaiphon, which is considered very rare.
Castor was originally born into the Hausen Family and was the thirteenth head of the Hausen household. Following the Raggs War, Xing-lu's head was demanded in return for the Hausen family's support of Raggs. He died in an attempt to save Razette after a botched body switch organised by his father. After his physical death, he began serving as one of the the 07 Ghosts.
Castor was the Ghost known as Fest, the one that is able to tie souls together. However, in the final manga chapter, he became an ordinary human and lost his Ghost powers.
Barsburg Church.
Castor is diligent in his role as a Bishop and makes sure he is friendly and helpful to everyone within the Barsburg Church, even those whom he does not like. He is popular and well liked amongst the nuns, other Bishops and inhabitants of the Church.
Jio: Castor does not spend a great amount of time around Jio, but they have a good relationship. As the Archbishop, Jio knows that Castor is actually the Ghost Fest.
Castor's personality is wildly different from Frau's, and because of this they are often seen fighting, sometimes over petty matters like name-calling and on other inconvenient moments. Castor was seen once scolding Frau (Vol 01 Chp 02 Pg 06) for bullying Teito when he was saving him from plummeting to his death in an attempt to run away. On another occasion (Vol 01 Chp 04 Pg 25) Castor tells Teito to warn Razette that it's a bad thing to turn her face into that of Frau's, saying she might even get his germs.
Castor acts as a foil to Frau and often seeks to calm Frau's more impulsive nature, but despite their differences, there is a strong brotherly bond between the two that they would never admit to. Castor often adopts a motherly attitude when dealing with Frau, often being the one to scold Frau when he does something silly, frets about his safety, such as when he(Frau) rides his Hawkzile too high, and reminds him of his manners, such when Castor finds him with porn.
Castor often thinks of Frau as irresponsible and a trouble-maker, and neglects to inform him of certain things for fear that he will abuse this knowledge.At the same time, Castor also acknowledges the more positive aspects of Frau's personality: when Frau searched for Mikage's reincarnation and brought him (Mikage) to Teito, Castor reflected that it is characteristic of Frau to do such a thing.
Despite his normally calm and passive nature, Castor is very sensitive of what Frau thinks of him, and Frau's name calling is one of the few things that will make Castor lose his temper. Frau is one of the only two friends that he hits, the other being Lance. Castor respects Frau as a Ghost, but not always as a person, and often gets angry at his short attention span and perverted nature. However, when the pair fight together against a common foe, they are nearly an unstoppable team. Despite their differences, they have been shown to be good friends. Deep down, they respect each other's skills.
They were partners in the Bishop's Apprentice Exam, something which causes them to argue when brought up and once made Castor so infuriated at the mere thought of it that he shoved a chess piece in Frau's face.
Labrador interacts with Castor the most, and the two are normally found together. Castor trusts Labrador greatly and always takes his premonitions very seriously. Castor and Labrador share a love for the Church cuisine, and both enjoy winding up Frau.
Castor has said that Labrador's belief that everyone deserves sympathy is one of the things he likes most about him (Labrador), even if Castor himself disagrees with this (Kapitel 46). Castor cares about Labrador very much, worrying about Labrador's health and warning him against sleeping outdoors. Both will not hesitate to risk their own lives to protect each other as shown when Castor going as far as taking a would-be fatal attack meant for Labrador.
While entering Princess Ouka's birthday ball, Labrador posed as Castor's wife.
Castor and Lance did not appear to get along well, due to Lance's easy-going nature causing conflict with the rule-abiding Castor. They insulted each other often, with Lance calling Castor 'glasses' and 'nerd', and Castor once punching Lance in retaliation. During his absence from the Church , Lance forgot Castor's name which suggests he does not think much about Castor. However, Lance remembered to get Castor a present: a doll- suggesting Lance is familiar with Castor's character and wanted to get him something he would appreciate.
There were times when Castor appeared to have little respect for Lance, both as a Bishop and an individual. However, he described Lance as "clear-headed and virtuous" during an interview for assistant archbishop to improve Lance's chances of getting the position. While remarking that he did this so that he himself would not be considered for the position, it would be unlikely- given Castor's responsible personality- for him to pass on such an important role to Lance if he did not think he was a very capable candidate.
Although he did not get along well with Lance, Castor and Castor have occasionally been shown to care for each other . When Castor lost one of his eyes and one of his arms after a battle against Ayanami, Lance showed sympathy, saying that Castor's injuries were 'a terrible wound' and that Castor had been through a lot. Additionally , Castor was shown to be deeply appalled at Lance being devoured by Ayanami, and has suggested putting his own life at risk by having himself devoured so that Ayanami will "spit Lance out".
Castor is very close to Razette. They have known each other since before Castor became a Ghost, and first met when Castor freed Razette from the tank she had been kept in as a pet. The pair grew close over their shared sense of loneliness, and have remained together ever since.
Castor has very strong feelings for Razette, and may love her in a romantic way, but this has not been confirmed. He had once conspired with Razette to escape the Hausen house and become performers, a puppet master and a songstress, and travel the world- with Razette being willing to go.
Castor is very protective of Razette, and is easily angered when someone tries to hurt her or offends her. They are clearly close friends.
Libelle, Athena and Rosalie.
Castor is not close to any of the nun trio in the anime, but gets along well with all of them.
Teito Klein.
Castor was protective of Teito while the latter was staying at the church, and punished Frau every time he (Frau) teased Teito. Castor also had his nun dolls watch Teito for him, to maintain Teito's safety, and gave Teito late-night lessons on mastering how to use a Baculus to channel Zaiphon, by means of physically training Teito with dolls that looked like Frau. He also tested Teito for the theory part of the exam. As Fest, Castor personally thanked Teito for freeing Lady Hausen's soul.
Later in the story, he infiltrates the Barsburg royal home together with Frau and Labrador, in an attempt to rescue Teito. Before his death as a human, Castor served Teito's paternal biological family, the Raggs royalty, as an assassin, and once prevented an assassination attempt on Teito's father's life.
Hakuren Oak.
After passing the Bishop's Apprentice Exam, Hakuren became Castor's apprentice.
They have a good teacher/student relationship. Castor thinks very highly of Hakuren, and believes he has the skills to do well for himself. Though praising Hakuren's skill in exterminating Kor, Castor thinks that Hakuren's interpersonal skills are more impressive. As a result of this, he encourages him to accept an offer from the Royal family, as he believes Hakuren is diplomatic enough to influence the princess's decisions in regards to the Empire. Hakuren also respects Castor and aspires to be like him.
Xingfa Hausen.
Castor and his father were not very close, as Xingfa always attempted to keep them distant as a way of coaching Castor against abuse from members of the family that thought him too young to succeed as head of the house. Despite this, his father broke down upon realising he could lose his son and cried when he died.
Castor has not mentioned his father since his death and reincarnation, whether to himself or to others. This could mean that either he has forgiven his father, or he now feels indifferent towards Xingfa.
In the final chapter, he reunites with his father after Seilan sees him visiting his mother's grave, though he doesn't comment much on the reunion.
Lady Hausen.
Castor's mother was the only one who was allowed to spoil him, and Castor loved her very much. Castor would make dolls in his mother's image so that he could have her all to himself. Selian said he had a mother complex.
After the death of her son, Lady Hausen was driven insane with grief and made a deal with a Kor in an effort to find him again. In Kapitel 32 , before going to heaven, her soul is carried by the wind to District 7 and the Barsburg Church where her son, Castor, is blessing someone. The wind brushes by Castor, blowing his hat off, but he recognize his mother's soul, and as the wind moves upwards to heaven, Castor bids his mother farewell.
Seilan and Castor were very close when Castor was alive, with Seilan himself saying that he cared for Castor enough to consider him a younger brother. Despite being his subordinate, Seilan's mannerisms around Castor were also more brotherly; such as teasing him about Razette and joking that Castor has a "mother complex".
He was considerably more relaxed around Castor, despite "a butler not being able to allow emotions to interfere", as he was shown laughing, smiling and joking with his former master.
Seilan was devastated when Castor died, still being upset despite ten years passing. After ten years he was able to properly mourn Castor's death, and he cried remembering his memory. Castor had previously told Seilan to take care of his "precious tree" should he (Castor) die, a task he took very seriously- and the tree still stands in perfect condition 10 years after the master's death .
Castor and Mikhail's relationship has not been shown in much detail. Once, Castor called Frau a troublemaker for offending Mikhail , implying that he may be wary of offending the archangel. However, Castor is not afraid to call Mikhail out on something, as shown in anime episode 10/Kapitel 8 when Castor pointed out that removing the collar from Teito's neck would require enlisting the military's help, and that it would be troublesome for Mikhail. Mikhail did not become angry and instead took Castor's words to heart, implying that he may have some respect for Castor. However, Mikhail also mocked Castor for having to remain in the human world. Their relationship is mostly unclear.
Being one of the Seven Ghosts and therefore an immortal being, Castor has known Mikhail for a very long time, and as with the other Ghosts, Mikhail addresses Castor by his Ghost name instead of by his human name.
| Castor/Relationships |
fandom.07ghost | # Castor/Trivia
Castor, born Xing-lu Hausen, is one of the main characters of the "07-ghost" manga and anime series. He serves as a Bishop of the Barsburg Church located in District 7, and his job there is to protect the citizens by removing Kor. Castor is the second oldest of the three main Bishops, and has made a hobby of building and repairing life sized-dolls that he controls using his Zaiphon. He is also one of the two characters in the series that has a manipulation Zaiphon, which is considered very rare.
Castor was originally born into the Hausen Family and was the thirteenth head of the household. Following the Raggs War, Xing-lu's head was demanded in return for the Hausen family's support of Raggs. He died in an attempt to save Razette after a botched body switch organised by his father. After his physical death, he began serving as one of the the 07 Ghosts.
Castor was the Ghost known as Fest, the one that is able to tie souls together. However, in the final manga chapter, he became an ordinary human and lost his Ghost powers.
Castor's name may come from the Castor of Greek/Roman mythology. Castor and Pollux are the names of the twins in the constellation Gemini. There is a Greek legend that when one twin became mortally injured, the other twin shared his life-force, allowing his brother to live. Tying the lives of people together is Castor's power as the Ghost Fest.
'Xing lu' can have various meanings in Chinese, including 'traveler' and 'to travel'. This could be a reference to Castor's wanting to travel around the world with Razette when he was human.
The word 'Castor' means 'beaver' in French and Greek. There is also a type of sugar called castor sugar, and a type of oil called castor oil.
'Haus' is German for 'house'.
Early 07-Ghost.
Castor's first appearance was in the pilot chapter, Seven Ghosts. His appearance and personality have changed very little.
Castor first appears riding his Hawkzile with Bishop's Labrador, Frau and Razette. When they take Teito back to the Barsburg Church, Castor notices the mark on Teito's forehead and leaves to find a book. He returns and informs the others about the mark.
| Castor/Trivia |
fandom.07ghost | # Cathy
Cathy is a dark-coloured airship that bears a slight resemblance to a helicopter and is owned by Carl. Carl himself does not fly the airship and leaves piloting duties to one of his subordinates. It is a considerably large airship, being spacious enough to contain several slaves, as well as space for at least one Hawkzile, and a large cockpit for the slave traders themselves to sit in.
Cathy is a variant of Catherine, which means "pure" in Greek, from the Greek word "katharos".
| Cathy |
fandom.07ghost | # Celestine Family
The Celestine Family is a working-class family that is living in the Oak Family's manor.
One member of the Celestine Family, Mikage, was the best friend of Teito Klein, the main protagonist.
It appears that some members of the Celestine family (e.g. Karein and Kokuyou) carry on the family tradition of serving the Oak Family, while some members (e.g. Mikage) join the military. Other members (e.g. Kohaku and Rinka) seem to have no occupation. It's not known whether Karein's wife works or not.
'Celestine' is a name of English and French origin that means 'heavenly'.
Family Tree.
Karein Celestine───┬───Unknown
Kokuyou Celestine │ Kohaku Celestine │
Mikage Celestine Rinka Celestine
| Celestine Family |
fandom.07ghost | # Center of the Earth
The Center of the Earth was the location for Ayanami and Teito's final battle in the anime, and does not appear in the manga.
The Center of the Earth is a hollow, glass sphere that is apparently large enough for two people to do battle in, as shown by Ayanami and Teito's battle. The walls of the sphere are coloured in blue and gold, and decorated with the shapes of the continents in the series universe.
In the anime, not wanting any of Teito's bishop mentors to aid him, Ayanami decides to use his black magic to warp both Teito and himself into the Center of the Earth. There, Ayanami tells Teito that it shall be the first and only realm he shall ever see and the two began fighting. Despite all of Teito's improvements, Ayanami proves himself to be the superior zaiphon user and easily grounds Teito after easily blocking his attacks and mocking his lack of dark emotions. However, as Ayanami, having rendered Teito completely helpless to do anything to stop him, begins probing his memories, the trap Kreuz placed is triggered, cutting off Ayanami's hand and Teito is able to get up and continue fighting. Unfortunately, Teito is still unable to pose any significiant challenge to Ayanami, who continues to mock him for how much inferior he is to him, angering and causing Teito to blindly attack Ayanami, to no avail. Ayanami, wanting to further trigger Teito's darkness, says that he will be the source of all of Teito's hatred and attacks Mikage with his Zaiphon. However, rather than making Teito more angry, Teito regains control and continues battling Ayanami, who threatens to slaughter all the hostages in the Church if Teito does not search his memories for the location of Pandora's Box and says that if Teito does not finish him off in one blow, Ayanami will show him despair just as he did when he killed Mikage, angering Teito and causing him to snap, saying he hates Ayanami violently before seriously saying Ayanami will die at his hands, pleasing Ayanami, who offers him the Eye of Mikhail in exchange for him willingly working for him. However, Teito still battles Ayanami and with encouragement from Mikage, is able to finally fight him but is unable to do any harm to him and instead summons all his allies and apports them all to the Pandora Box, leaving the Center of the Earth.
| Center of the Earth |
fandom.07ghost | # Chapters featuring all main protagonists
| Chapters featuring all main protagonists |
fandom.07ghost | # Chief of Heaven
The Chief of Heaven is a minor protagonist in the 07-Ghost series. He is an omnipotent being, essentially having the role of God in the series, and is the ruler of Heaven.
He has only been seen briefly a few times, but the Chief of Heaven plays an important role in the series. He was the being who created Verloren, his greatest creation which was supposedly perfect. When his daughter, Eve, was found murdered, he accused Verloren of having been the killer. He was the one who ordered Verloren's execution by the Seven Ghosts, whom he created from Verloren's fragments.
The Chief of Heaven is presumably also Mikhail's and Raphael's creator and superior.
Physical appearance.
The Chief of Heaven has not been fully seen so far, but it hasbeen shown that he looks like a human.
In the anime, he has shaggy blonde hair that almost reaches his shoulders, with a full fringe that covers his eyes. In the manga, his hair is an unknown light colour and short. Being a god, his appearance does not show his true age, and he physically appears to be in his twenties or thirties, looking only somewhat older than his daughter.
He has only been seen wearing simple white robes in both the manga and the anime. On page 13 of manga chapter 89, he seems to wear a fur collar, or something resembling a fur collar, around his neck. He does not appear to wear a fur collar in the anime.
The Chief of Heaven has only been seen briefly so his personality is largely unknown.
It seems he's more concerned with duty than personal feelings, as even though he took pride in creating Verloren and seemed to have been very satisfied with him, he still did not use his discretion to acquit Verloren when Verloren went against his duties and committed the slaughter of many humans for personal reasons.
However, he is not so focused on his responsibilities that he neglects his daughter or his subordinates. Eve mentions that she liked talking with her father, showing that he made time to talk with her, and the Chief of Heaven was openly deeply angered at finding his daughter murdered.
According to Frau, the Chief of Heaven more than anything hates it when "equilibrium" is destroyed. For example, when a human is granted by a Kor the wish of meeting and touching the dead, the human would start life all over again. The reason for this was to attain flawlessly beautful souls and this has been kept up since ancient times. Humans and even Kors are punished if they overstep the boundaries.
Despite many evidences that contradict this, some people think that the Chief of Heaven is also a vindictive person. Bastien believes that the Chief of Heaven does not believe in forgiveness, and instead thinks that ruining a life can only be repaid with one's own. At the same time, Zehel disputes this, telling Bastien that his view of the Chief’s sense of justice is mistaken.
The Chief of Heaven seems to be a perfectionist, as he made sure that his greatest creation, Verloren, was perfect in every way.
He also seems to value beauty greatly, as he only allows beautiful souls to live in Heaven, where he also lives. However, the Japanese word for beautiful, きれい (kirei), also means clean, which could mean that he only lets souls without sin into heaven. The Seven Ghosts also stated that the punishing of the Kor has been kept since ancient times to attain flawlessly beautiful souls as in Teito's case. He also gave Verloren a beautiful face on purpose, though ironically not giving Verloren the knowledge of aesthetics. It is worth noting that Mikhail, one of his angels, also apparently greatly values beauty.
He may be a proud person, if "like creation, like creator" is true. His greatest creation, Verloren, and one of his angels, Mikhail, are proud.
The Chief of Heaven can be considered sarcastic or cruel, as he sent Verloren's own fragments to kill him (Verloren), throwing the dry fact that Verloren would no longer be unique, and lose the identity of "the greatest/perfect creation" which he (Verloren) greatly valued, into Verloren's face to hurt his pride or/and feelings.
The Chief of Heaven may also be prone to jealousy. Evidence of this is the fact that, after Eve and Verloren fell for each other, although the Chief of Heaven is an omnipotent being, he was still 'unable' to fix the defect which appeared in Verloren and ordered his execution.
However, despite all this, The Chief of Heaven is ultimately benevolent, as he cares deeply for all of his creations and would do his best to protect them. He is capable of sympathizing with those who have suffered great unjust, as Mikhail mentioned that he’s sure the Chief sympathizes with Raphael’s being brainwashed for ten years. The Chief of Heaven is also willing to forgive those who have committed great sins, as he forgave Landkarte and allow him to ascend to heaven, despite the fact that Landkarte committed various atrocities during his lifetime, such as trying to revive Verloren to usurp his power, manipulating the Pope into sealing Pandora’s box in a young Teito Klein, helping to start the Raggs war, decapitating four of his comrade Ghosts, blinding his best friend Ea, and putting Verloren's Scythe in a young Frau, due to his belief he was righteous. It's worth noting, though, that Ea also comments that Landkarte would get a "severe scolding" from the Chief for doing foolish things, implying that the Chief would take time to lecture those who have committed grand sins but was motivated by their belief it was right before letting them ascend to Heaven. The most prominent display of his benevolence is shown when despite holding the power to kill Verloren, he chose not to and instead just had the Ghosts and the Archangels seal him and allowed him to reincarnate as a human, which can be seen as being far too compassionate for him, as Verloren had killed so many in his reign of terror yet the Chief allowed him to be happy as a human, which implies that the Chief came to realize that he is indirectly responsible for what Verloren became, as had he been less restraining towards Eve in her approach of Verloren and not tried to execute Verloren and instead tried to destroy the corruption in him, she would not have died, likely accepting that he too had a part in her death and taking pity on the God of Death and feeling remorse for what Verloren became, implying that while arrogant and proud, he can still acknowledge that he too has his faults and accept and take responsibility for them, something that Verloren never could, making him ultimately a far better being than Verloren despite Verloren's claims of him being evil. In addition, despite his supreme power and authority, he still has some advisors and would listen to their judgement over his decision and not punish them should they deem it wrong and instead patiently correct them, showing that the Chief is not so arrogant as to completely ignore the advices of others and kill them for simply objecting.
With his Family.
Although the Chief of Heaven and Eve had a somewhat rocky relationship, as they would argue at times, which at one point drove her to run away from home for a week, they truly loved each other. Eve sometimes regretted visiting Verloren because she could not spend time with her father when she did so, and the Chief of Heaven was concerned for what could happen to Eve if she were to get too close to Verloren, as he had a highly contagious "defect" that could kill even her. However, the Chief's desperation to keep Eve safe led to her death indirectly, as his execution of Verloren made Eve save him and led to Verloren coming into contact with Eve and killing her. He was outraged and saddened after finding Eve's skeletal corpse. In his anger and sadness towards Eve's death combined with Verloren killing many souls on Earth to find her, which probably only added further to the Chief's rage, who most likely saw it as an insult to Eve's memory, the Chief was quick to create the Seven Ghosts and order them to execute Verloren. It is possible that the Chief eventually came to regret how tragic Eve and Verloren's relationship was and realize that he had a part of his own, as he could have tried to warn Eve directly but didn't and just ordered Verloren to be executed. It may be that his respect of Eve's love for Verloren ultimately led to him gaining the compassion he did for Verloren, considering how he spared his life, let him reincarnate into humans so he could live a happy life and later allow him to ascend to Heaven.
With his Creations.
The Chief of Heaven took pride in Verloren as his creation, hailing him as perfect, and Verloren was initially obedient to the Chief, as he willingly carried out his duties and even did not defy the Chief when he ordered his execution. However, the Chief's pride do not blind him to his darkness and his potential of gaining a defect if he were to become too close to others and so he decided to keep Verloren isolated from everyone else so they wouldn't become tainted by him, which at the same time could also be perceived as the Chief seeking to protect Verloren as were her to fall to darkness, he would have no choice but to execute him. With Eve growing too close to Verloren and making Verloren feel emotion, the Chief was concerned for his daughter and wanted her to stay away from Verloren but though it was to protect Eve, it could also be said that the Chief was trying to keep Verloren safe as well. Indeed, the Chief did try to remove the defect instead of just killing him and only did so when it turned to be too severe, showing that the Chief did care for Verloren once enough to not wish to kill him unless he had no choice.
After Eve's death and Verloren fleeing to Earth to take many souls in order to find her, the Chief came to harbor deep rage towards Verloren, clearly finding his defiling of Eve's memory by killing the countless humans he did all in her name as being an outrage and disgusting, and he quickly created the Seven Ghosts, forged from Verloren's fragments, and sent them to seal away Verloren. This sealed the hatred Verloren felt towards the Chief: Not only did the Chief indirectly lead to him killing Eve but in his eyes he also destroyed his pride before replacing him. It remains unclear if the Chief really intended to mock Verloren with the fact that he is no longer his greatest creation with the Seven Ghosts but it is likely he knew how it would affect him and considering everything Verloren had did, the Chief clearly didn't care if it hurt Verloren's pride and only that he stopped him, although whether he really meant it to be a cruel act remains unknown. Verloren remained as hateful as ever towards the Chief of Heaven after thousands of years.
However, at the same time, it is likely that the Chief came to regret how badly Verloren turned out as he reflected on the events and realized he had indirectly led to Eve's death and Verloren's corruption, as despite everything Verloren had did, the Chief seems to show him a rather astonishing amount of compassion as he didn't eliminate Verloren despite having the power to do so, but just sent the Seven Ghosts to seal him rather than taking on and killing Verloren himself and was even willing to let him reincarnate as newborn humans, and to some extent living as a human being is a happier life for Verloren, since at least he could touch and hold the one he loves, something that he could have never done when he was the God of Death, and have other people's company, while as the only God of Death he had always been alone (e.g. he had to play chess with himself ). It seems that the Chief ultimately fully forgave Verloren, as he was willing to let his soul finally be at peace when he finally died a true death.
Being an archangel, it is probable that Mikhail knows the Chief of Heaven and is affiliated with him. His personal relationship with him has never been shown, although it is likely that he is loyal to him, as he helps the 07-Ghosts oppose Verloren by sealing Pandora's Box, Verloren's true body, through the Eye of Mikhail. It is unknown if Mikhail resents the Chief for sending him to the human world.
Mikhail made a brief reference to the Chief of Heaven in Kapitel 86, stating that he was sure the Chief of Heaven was saddened by Raphael's situation. This could mean that he may know the Chief of Heaven on a personal level, or at least know him well enough to understand his feelings in certain situations.
Their personalities are slightly similar, as they share a fondness for beauty and a proud nature. This could indicate that the Chief made Mikhail a little like himself.
Being an archangel, it is probable that Raphael knows the Chief of Heaven and is affiliated with him. However, Raphael's personal relationship with the Chief has never been shown, although it is likely that he is loyal to the Chief, as he helps the 07-Ghosts oppose Verloren by sealing Verloren's memories through the Eye of Raphael.
It seems that the Chief of Heaven may care somewhat for Raphael, as Mikhail said that he (Mikhail) was sure that the Chief of Heaven was saddened that Raphael had been brainwashed for ten years.
Flashbacks in manga chapters 89 and 97 show that the Chief has some advisors. The Chief clearly respects and tolerates them, as they are allowed to question his decisions and though the Chief has the final say, he will take the time to explain his reasons.
Seven Ghosts.
The Chief created the Seven Ghosts to replace Verloren, who had gone insane after the death of Eve. The Chief has shown that he cares considerably for the Seven Ghosts, as even though the current incarnation of Landkarte has committed terrible crimes, he still decided to allow him to ascend to heaven. The Chief also allows the Ghosts a certain amount of freedom as he usually does not directly intervene in their lives, allowing them to live their lives as they wish, though Karu/Ea does mention in manga chapter 94 that Landkarte will get a 'severe scolding' for his crimes from the Chief.
The Ghosts have been shown to respect the Chief. Although Frau occasionally seems to have little faith in the Chief, he (Frau) does still retain some faith in him. Once, when Frau insulted the Chief, Castor took offence and shouted at Frau.
Volume 5, Chapter 34, Heaven's History, "From the Darkness, Oh newborn sheep, Lend me your ears."
Volume 77, Last Chapter, Heaven's History, "When you see the Light, come to me."
Volume 3 , Chapter 17, "As long as I am within thee, my Heart will always be with thee."
Volume 77, Chapter 2, Heaven says, "Those who along with me shall be praised their soul for all eternity."
Volume 3, Chapter 7, "As long as we are inside thou, we will be thou."
The Chief is very fond of humans and cares deeply for their well-being, as shown by phrases in the Barsburg Bible. He even granted a wish of favored humans, in the case of Teito Klein. He clearly cared for and favor them above his immortal creations, as shown when the fallen Verloren went to Earth to massacre them in order to find the soul he wanted and sent his servants (the Kors) to tempt humans and corrupted their soul, the Chief was so deeply angered that he saw this as a personal insult and unwilling to see his creations fall to Verloren's outrage and blasphemy, he sent the Seven Ghosts and the two Archangels to seal Verloren, and told the Ghosts to stay on Earth to guard the seal, help the tainted souls by purifying them so that they can enter Heaven.
Abilities and Attributes.
The Chief of Heaven, as the God of the 07 Ghost series, is the most powerful being in the series. His power allowed him to create the whole world and has been shown to be able to create other beings of godly power, as he did Verloren, the Seven Ghosts, and the two Archangels. He is presumably capable of destroying immortals as he created every immortal that existed, such as Verloren, having intended to do so after finding him too dangerous, although he later decided against this. However, the Chief seems to have some limitations, as he could not fix the defect that Verloren was under and was forced to try to eradicate him instead.
The Chief of Heaven is probably omniscient, as he is said to know all that happens on Earth. He is clearly able to speak, read and write in the language of the gods and most likely is fluent in the use of all human languages.
The Chief is immortal, and has lived for at least 1000 years without ageing or suffering any physical deterioration. As he is the Supreme Being of the 07 Ghost series, apparently, there is no weapon or being capable of killing him.
The Chief of Heaven has presided over souls since their creation. At one point he fathered a child, Eve, but it is unknown who her mother was, or if she did indeed have a mother. Considering that 07-Ghost makes reference to Christianity, it is plausible that the Chief will Eve into existence and hailed her as his daughter, like God hailed Jesus Christ as His son, and that he did not need a female partner in order to have a child.
Creating Verloren.
The Shinigami (death God), Verloren, was created by the Chief of Heaven to preside over souls.
Verloren's purpose was to sort the souls entering Heaven; allowing the pure souls to enter Heaven, but punishing the 'bad' souls by devouring them. Devouring the soul was a process that involved either sending the soul back down to earth to be reincarnated in a different body with no memories of their previous life, or sending them to purgatory or hell. The worst souls which are irredeemable even by Verloren would be destroyed.
The creation of the Ghosts.
The Seven Ghosts are amongst the earliest gods created by the Chief of Heaven and their existence dates back roughly 1000 years. At the time of their creation, humanity was already present.
The legend of the ghosts tells that Verloren (the God of Death) was in love with the Chief of Heaven's daughter, Eve, but after her skeleton was found and her soul devoured, the Chief of Heaven accused Verloren of killing her. As Eve's soul being devoured automatically forced it to be sent to earth and reincarnated, Verloren escaped the heavens and fled to earth to find her reincarnation.
Verloren began looking into the hearts of humans in order to find the soul that originally belonged to Eve. However as he looked, that person's heart was instantly tainted by his presence, and slowly slipped into despair. This meant those souls could not enter Heaven in this life because they were no longer pure, and they would be forced to reincarnate again once they died.
When the Chief of Heaven noticed the consequences Verloren's actions had on those souls he looked into, he fashioned seven heavenly lights out of Verloren's fragments, each with one of Verloren's powers, and sent them to execute him.
Teito's reincarnation.
In the final manga chapter, the Chief granted Teito Klein's wish to return to the human world.
| Chief of Heaven |
fandom.07ghost | # Chief of Heaven's Advisors
The Chief of Heaven's advisers are a small group of heavenly beings (at least four appeared) whom the Chief spoke to about Verloren's imprisonment.
Their appearance from the front is unknown, but from the back they can be seen to wear dark, hooded robes with the hoods worn up.
They are probably wise, considering that the Chief valued their judgement enough to share his opinion of Verloren with them, although he did comment that they were ignorant of how dangerous Verloren was. They may have sympathised with Verloren as one of the advisers commented that what the Chief was planning to do was 'too much'.
Manga synopsis.
In a flashback, they were seen arguing with the Chief about his decision to imprison Verloren. They opined that it would be too dangerous to do so and pointed out that Verloren's intelligence made the Chief's decision a risky move. However, the Chief insisted on imprisoning Verloren.
| Chief of Heaven's Advisors |
fandom.07ghost | # Clergy Pass
A Clergy Pass (more commonly known in-series as a Bishop's Pass despite not being exclusive to Bishops) is a small, metal trinket that allows the bearer to move between Districts, as well as have access to all lodgings, establishments, and transportation around the world without having to go through the strict inspections by the Imperial army. It is acquired by passing the Bishop's Apprentice Exam.
The Clergy pass appears to be made of steel engineered to stand up to any kind of impact, thin and rectangular in shape, with the insignia of the Church engraved into the metal. Other words, written in the Zaiphon language, are also engraved into the sides and front.
The Clergy pass also seems to be like an identity card specific to a user.
The pass is capable of submitting reports directly to the Main Barsburg Church once a travelling bishop visits other churches outside of the 7th District. It can also be used to receive messages and letters as Teito had received a letter from Hakuren; both can be done by inserting the Pass into a certain slot somewhere in the church. It is unknown if there is a way to check if the pass is being used by the real owner.
Chairman Miroku also discussed with Ayanami (Vol 05 Chp 28 Pge 20) how he had assumed that there was a device within Fea Kreuz's Bishop Pass that made the Eye of Mikhail unreadable and therefore had caused Teito's difficult discovery or awakening; the Chief of Staff's handing it to Teito ensuring that he couldn't capture the boy at that time (Page 21). If there is indeed a device, then it must be very powerfully protected, as even Ayanami could not discover anything.
| Clergy Pass |
fandom.07ghost | # Clergy Ranks
Clergy Ranks are a system of hierarchical relationships employed within the Barsburg Church to clearly define a chain of command. The uniform a member of the clergy wears reveals the rank the person holds therefore the uniform varies according to the clergy rank. All uniforms include the insignia of the Barsburg Church in some form but the higher the rank the larger the badge.
District 7.
"See also the relevant category: "
Acolytes are candidates in the Bishop's Apprentice Exam who have not yet cleared the exam, which would allow them to become apprentice bishops.
The acolytes' uniform appears as a long, white robe down to the ankles, having two slits, going from the bottom of the robe to the hips, at each side of the body, and long, white sleeves with large, dark blue sleeve cuffs. Down the back of the robe is a criss-cross stitching like that of a corset with dark blue thread. A small, white poncho (mid-back length) with a high collar and dark blue around the edges is worn over the robe, and the exam badge is worn at the front of the collar. Acolytes wear dark blue trousers and knee-length brown boots.
The nuns make up the bulk of the workforce of the Church, and this appears to be the main occupation of the women that arrive there. Some nuns also run Correction Centers. The District 7 Hospital could be run by nuns fulfilling the role of nurses, though this is not confirmed. The nuns answer to the bishops, and aside from manual labour, are expected to monitor the acolytes.
The Sisters of the Church wear the traditional nun's habit. Hair must be long, which means those with short hair or boyish haircuts are not accepted, and tied back in a traditional bun.
Apprentice Bishops.
"See also the relevant category: "
It is regulation that all who pass the exam must accompany a senior Bishop as an apprentice. These apprentices will spend around four more days in the Barsburg Church continuing to carry out their acolyte duties. After this, they will leave the 7th District to train as Bishops; an act that involves travelling the Barsburg Empire, under the guidance of their superior, to improve their skills in exterminating Kor.
Similar to begleiters in the Barsburg military, apprentice bishops often form close relationships with the superior (bishop) they have been assigned to, and always accompany the bishop they have been assigned to unless dismissed. Apprentice bishops may also be expected to take note of their bishops' interests and hobbies, and act accordingly.
Traditionally, an apprentice bishop has a cross tattooed on their back to show they have been allowed to "pursue the path of becoming a Bishop". It takes two days for the tattoo to be completed. The tattoo is customizable.
Apprentice bishops appear to wear a shawl over a long, plain white top with full-length sleeves and long, plain white trousers.
The role of the bishops of the Church is the extermination of Kor. Apprentice bishops are promoted to the rank of bishop when they have finished their apprenticeships.
Under the authority of the Archbishop and Assistant Archbishop(s) is a small group of bishops, each elected to represent their native District. Each bishop is tasked with overseeing several acolytes from their respective Districts.
The bishops' uniform appears as a dark blue cassock with white trimming on the collar, under a long white outer cassock that hides the arms. The cassock is held together with a loose belt and a large, silver, rectangular brooch emblazoned with the carving of a cross. They also wear plain, white mitres with a cross in the centre and a veil that extends from the mitre to fall over the face.
Assistant Archbishop(s).
A bishop may apply for the position of assistant archbishop when the previous holder(s) of the position has/have died or retired. A chapter in the manga suggests that applicants are interviewed by some other high-ranking members of the clergy to determine if they are suitable for the position. Recommending a bishop for candidacy is acceptable.
The assistant archbishop(s) assist the Archbishop, and like the Archbishop, preside(s) over the bishops of the church. Lance had planned to become the next assistant archbishop after Bastien's death, but died before he could achieve this goal. It is unknown who the current assistant archbishop is.
The Assistant Archbishops' uniform appears as a dark blue cassock with white trimming on the collar, under a long white outer cassock that hides the arms. The cassock is held together with a loose belt and a large, silver, rectangular brooch emblazoned with the carving of a cross. However, unlike the normal Bishop's uniform, as seen with Bastien's clothing, there is a thick, blue leather around his shoulders and there is no sign of him wearing a miter and veil, which serves as the Bishop's 'hat'.
The Archbishop presides over the Bishops of the Church and is assisted by the Assistant Archbishop(s). It is unknown who the current Archbishop is (Jio was probably promoted to the position of Pope after the previous Pope's death).
The clothing of the Archbishop looks almost identical to the standard bishop uniform, save for thick, blue, leather shoulder pads worn just below the shoulders emblazoned with the Church cross. Archbishops do not wear the mitre and veil (the 'hat' that the Bishops wear).
The Archbishop will be promoted to the position of Pope when the previous holder of the position has died or retired. District 7 is a theocracy, governed by the Pope who is the highest authority in the Barsburg Church, and he oversees the entire District. Jio probably ascended to the position of Pope after his predecessor's death. Kapitel 99 revealed that in the future, Teito has become the most recent Pope.
Ayanami once mentioned that the Pope and the Barsburg Emperor are of equal power, but have always shunned each other.
The clothing of the Pope also looks similar to the standard bishop uniform, save for a large, dome-shaped hat.
| Clergy Ranks |
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