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Creating a documentation template
Ultimus BPM Studio provides the facility to create a documentation template that specifies the format and content of the documentation. Multiple document templates can be created and used for different purposes.
Creating a documentation template
To create a documentation template, follow these steps:
1. From the menu bar, select Tools»Generate Documentation. The Generate Documentation dialog box appears.
The Generate Documentation dialog box
2. Click the New button to create a new documentation template. The New Document Template dialog box appears. In the Name: text box, enter the name of the documentation template.
The New Documentation Template dialog box
3. Click the OK button.
4. Microsoft Office Word opens and the XML schema window appears on the bottom-left of Microsoft Office Word. All the capabilities of Microsoft Office Word can now be used to create a report template.
5. Type in the desired field labels on the documentation template and format them as desired.
6. Insert the Ultimus XML schema elements at the desired locations by clicking the nodes of the schema shown in the Schema pane.
The XML schema elements added into the document are also reflected in the Selection pane shown at the top-right corner of Microsoft Office Word.
7. After all the needed schema elements have been inserted, save and close the Word document. The name of the new report appears in the Generate Documentation dialog box.
Editing a documentation template
To edit a documentation template, follow these steps:
1. From the menu bar, select Tools»Generate Documentation. The Generate Documentation dialog box appears.
The Generate Documentation dialog box
2. Select a documentation template from the Documentation Templates: list box.
3. Click the Edit button.
4. Modify the report template as described previously.
Generating a documentation report
To generate a documentation report, follow these steps:
1. From the menu bar, select Tools»Generate Documentation. The Generate Documentation dialog box appears.
The Generate Documentation dialog box
2. Select a documentation template from the Documentation Templates list box.
3. Click the Generate button.
4. A document report is generated, which can be viewed or saved.
Deleting a documentation template
To delete a documentation template, follow these steps:
1. From the menu bar, select Tools»Generate Documentation. The Generate Documentation dialog box appears.
The Generate Documentation dialog box
2. Select a documentation template from the Documentation Templates list box.
3. Click the Delete button. The documentation template is deleted. |
The Process editor is used to display and edit the process map for either Build or Modeling modes in Ultimus BPM Studio. The Process editor, in Build mode, can be accessed when a process is checked out for editing in the Repository window.
This section discusses the following topics regarding the Process editor in Build mode:
• Overview
• The Process editor in Build mode |
The Process editor, in Build mode, is the central working environment in Ultimus BPM Studio. Process modeling development (in Ultimus Process Designer or Ultimus BPM Studio’s Modeling mode) can be leveraged to jump-start process development.
Below is a broad overview of functions which can be performed in the Process editor in Build mode:
• Creating a process map: The Process editor is used to create, edit, and establish links between steps. For details on how to create and edit steps for a process map, refer to The Process editor toolbox section.
• Defining map properties: The map properties have been grouped into three tabs: General settings, e-mail notifications, and Security Settings. For details on these properties, refer to Business process properties section.
• Defining data and the flow of data: In Build mode, XML schema elements can be defined for the overall business process and each step of the process and create links between XML schema elements or Ultimus Keywords. For details on how to work with XML schema elements, refer to Defining XML types, Creating a process XML schema, and Creating a step XML schema sections.
• Designing forms: For users and process participants, forms represent the business processes. They use the created forms to receive, input, and send information, to make decisions based on the content, and also to review the work of other users. Forms may be unique for each step of a business process. Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite supports the following types of forms: Ultimus CPS Form, Ultimus Forms, Ultimus WebForm, and Custom Form. For more information on forms, refer to the respective forms section. For details on how to work with these different form types, refer to sections Working with Ultimus Forms and Ultimus WebForms, Ultimus CPS forms, and Custom forms.
• Training Flobots: the name Flobots (or “Automated Activities” as they are called in BPMN view) stand for workflow robots. Flobots provide a powerful means of using third-party applications to perform specific tasks as steps in a business process. Flobots are to business workflow automation as robots are to an automated factory: they can be trained to do a variety of different tasks, depending on the work at hand. For details about how to train Flobots, refer to Training Flobots (called Automated Activities in BPMN view) section.
• Reusing process objects: Process objects can be easily leveraged from existing development efforts by dragging and dropping steps, forms, actions, and other objects from one business process into another. For details on how to reuse process objects, refer to Working with form objects section.
• Simulation: Simulation helps to thoroughly test a designed business process before publication, to see how it would perform in a live environment. For details, refer to Working in the Simulation environment section.
• Creating user defined actions: User-defined actions are process-level actions in which either.NET code or a Web service may be called from within Ultimus Director or an Ultimus Form. For details on how to create user-defined actions, refer to Creating User-defined actions section.
• Training Maplets: A Maplet step (called a “Subprocess step” in BPMN view) invokes a business process from within another business process. In other words, a parent business process may call for an incident to take place in a child business process. This allows a business process to be modular, manageable, and structured. For details, refer to Training Maplets (called Subprocesses in BPMN view) section.
• Business rules: Business rules are used in the Ultimus BPM environment to determine conditional routing. First introduced in Ultimus Director, business rules can be designed in Ultimus BPM Studio, then synched with those in Ultimus Director. For details, refer to Designing business rules section. |
The Process editor in Build mode
Tip: See Open the business process in Build or in Modeling mode.
Tip: To get started with designing process in Modeling mode, see The Process editor in Modeling mode.
The Process editor in Build mode contains the following user interface elements:
• The menu bar
• The Standard toolbar
• The Designer toolbar
• The Simulation toolbar
• The Process editor toolbox
• The Properties window
Tip: For information about the Repository window, refer to The Repository window section. For information about the Connectors window, refer to The Connectors window section. For information about the Event Log window, refer to The Event Log window section. For information about the Organizations window, refer to The Organizations dialog box section.
The Process editor in Build mode is shown below.
The Process editor in Build mode
User interface elements within the Process editor in Build mode are discussed below. |
The menu bar
Below is a description of unique menu bar item(s) when viewing the Process editor in Build mode. For information on common menu bar items in all editors, refer to The menu bar section.
• File
• View
• Tools
Functions within each of these items are described below. |
Items under the File menu may be accessed with the keyboard shortcut ALT-F. The following unique functions are accessible under the File menu when viewing the Process editor in Build mode:
• Print
• Print Preview
• Print Setup
Each of these functions is discussed below. |
The Print menu option (CTRL-P shortcut) prints the process map. This function is not available during simulation. |
Print Preview
The Print Preview menu option displays a preview of the process map for printing. Once the Print Preview menu option is selected, the following options are available in the Process editor:
• Print (): The Print button prints the displayed preview.
• Next Page (): The Next Page button displays the next page of the print preview when the preview spans across more than one page. This button is disabled if the preview displays on one page, or if the last page of the preview is displayed.
• Previous Page (): The Previous Page button displays the previous page of the print preview when the preview spans across more than one page. This button is disabled if the preview displays on one page, or if the first page of the preview is displayed.
• Toggle One/Two Pages display (): The Toggle One/Two Pages display button is used to toggle between a one-page or a two-page display. This button is available only if the print preview spans across more than one page.
• Zoom In (): The Zoom In button displays a closer perspective of the print preview. This button is disabled if the maximum zoom perspective is displayed.
• Zoom Out (): The Zoom Out button displays a wider perspective of the print preview. This button is disabled if the minimum zoom perspective is displayed.
• Close (): The Close button closes the print preview.
This function is not available during simulation. |
Print Setup
The Print Setup menu option is used to configure printer settings. |
Items under the View menu may be accessed with the keyboard shortcut ALT-V. The following unique functions are accessible under the View menu when viewing the Process editor in Build mode:
• Toolbars
• Windows
• Grid
• Snap to Grid
Each of these functions is discussed below. |
The Toolbars menu option contains three submenu options:
• Standard
• Designer
• Simulation
These options are used to display or hide specific toolbars in the Ultimus BPM Studio interface. Each of these submenu options is discussed below. |
The Standard submenu option is a toggling menu option that makes the Standard toolbar appear and disappear on the Ultimus BPM Studio interface. The Standard toolbar offers convenient access to common functions. When the icon beside the Standard submenu option is highlighted, the Standard toolbar is visible. For more information about the Standard toolbar, refer to The Standard toolbar section. |
The Designer submenu option is a toggling menu option that makes the Designer toolbar appear and disappear on the Ultimus BPM Studio interface. The Designer toolbar offers convenient access to process map design functions. When the icon beside the Designer submenu option is highlighted, the Designer toolbar is visible. For more information about the Designer toolbar, refer to The Designer toolbar section. |
The Simulation submenu option is a toggling menu option that makes the Simulation toolbar appear and disappear on the Ultimus BPM Studio interface. The Simulation toolbar offers convenient access to business process simulation functions. When the icon beside the Simulation submenu option is highlighted, the Simulation toolbar is visible. For more information about the Simulation toolbar, refer to The Simulation toolbar section. |
The Windows menu option contains six submenu options:
• Properties
• Event Log
• Connectors
• Repository
• Toolbox
• Simulation Watch
These options are used to display or hide specific windows in the Ultimus BPM Studio user interface. Each of these submenu options is discussed below. |
The Properties submenu option displays the Properties window. The Properties window displays properties for any selected object in the business process or editor workspace. When the icon beside the Properties submenu option is highlighted, the Properties window is visible. For more information about the Properties window, refer to The Properties window section. |
Event Log
The Event Log submenu option displays the Event Log window. The Event Log window displays event logs, information, caution, and warnings from Ultimus BPM Server as it performs functions. When the icon beside the Event Log submenu option is highlighted, the Event Log window is visible. For more information about the Event Log window, refer to The Event Log window section. |
The Connectors submenu option displays the Connectors window. The Connectors window displays information regarding configured connections to databases, Web services, and mail servers in the Ultimus BPM environment. When the icon beside the Connectors submenu option is highlighted, the Connectors window is visible. For more information about the Connectors window, refer to The Connectors window section. |
The Repository submenu option displays the Repository window. The Repository window displays repositories, business processes, and process objects. It is used to organize business processes and objects within repositories.When the icon beside the Repository submenu option is highlighted, the Repository window is visible. For more information about the Repository window, refer to The Repository window section. |
The Toolbox submenu option displays the Toolbox window. The Toolbox window displays different tools to be added to the process map. For more information about the Toolbox window, refer to The Process editor toolbox section. |
Simulation Watch
The Simulation Watch submenu option displays the Simulation Watch window. The Simulation Watch window is used to monitor XML schema element values, and is therefore useful in debugging and testing business processes. The Simulation Watch submenu option is available only when simulation mode is in progress. When the icon beside the Simulation Watch submenu option is highlighted, the Simulation Watch window is visible. For more information about how to simulate a process and using Simulation Watch, refer to Working in the Simulation environment section. |
The Grid menu option displays a grid by which process map objects may be aligned. The grid is only for visual purposes. |
Snap to Grid
The Snap to Grid menu option automatically places steps into the center of the nearest grid box. This option is only available when the Grid option is enabled. |
Items under the Tools menu may be accessed with the keyboard shortcut ALT-T. This menu option provides configuration support. The following unique functions are accessible under the Tools menu when viewing the Process editor in Build mode:
• Change Organization Server
• Change Simulation Database
• Change Model Database
• Custom Flobots
• Swim Colors
Each of these functions is discussed below. |
Change Organization Server
The Change Organization Server menu option is used to change which Organization Server Ultimus BPM Studio is connected. The Organization Server maintains business chart information as designed in Ultimus Organization Charts and directory structure information as configured in Ultimus System Administrator.
To change which Organization Server Ultimus BPM Studio is connected, follow these steps:
1. Select Tools»Change Organization Server to display the Organization Server dialog box.
The Organization Server dialog box
2. Server: Select the Organization Server to connect. The Ultimus BPM Servers listed in this combo box are ones in which the logged on user has been granted access from Ultimus BPM Studio Configuration.
3. Select the OK button. |
Change Simulation Database
The Change Simulation Database menu option opens the Simulation Database Settings dialog box. The Simulation Database Settings dialog box is used to define the simulation database that is necessary to run process simulations.
For more information, see section Configuring a simulation database. |
Change Model Database
The Change Model Database menu option opens the Model Database Settings dialog box. The Model Database Settings dialog box is used to define the model database that is necessary to run process modeling.
For more information, see section Modeling Database and Configuring a Modeling Database. |
Custom Flobots
The Custom Flobots menu option is used to add or remove custom Flobots (or “Automated Activities,” as they are called in BPMN view). Custom Flobots/Automated Activities provide functionality from third-party developers. Because custom Flobots/Automated Activities are not part of Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite, Ultimus does not support their functionality.
To add a custom Flobot/Automated Activity to Ultimus BPM Studio, follow these steps:
1. Copy the custom Flobot/Automated Activity executable file to the Flobots directory in the Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite installation directory.
2. Select Tools»Custom Flobots. The Custom Flobots dialog box appears.
The Custom Flobots dialog box
3. Select the Add Flobot button. The Add Flobot dialog box appears.
The Add Flobot dialog box
4. In the Flobot name: text box, enter the name of the custom Flobot/Automated Activity.
5. In the Trainer Prog ID: combo box, select the program which is to be used to train the custom Flobot/Automated Activity.
6. In the Runtime Prog ID: combo box, select the Flobot/Automated Activity executable.
7. Click the OK button. The custom Flobot/Automated Activity has been added to Ultimus BPM Studio, and its name displays in the Custom Flobots dialog box.
To remove a custom Flobot/Automated Activity from Ultimus BPM Studio, select the Remove button. That custom Flobot/Automated Activity no longer is available in process design.
8. Click the Close button.
Tip: Ensure the custom Flobot/Automated Activity is also added to Ultimus FloStation. Despite that the custom Flobot/Automated Activity may be added to Ultimus BPM Studio for process design purposes, it must also be added to Ultimus FloStation for runtime execution purposes. |
Swim Colors
Swim Colors are used to distinguish steps based on their type, resource, recipients, or any other attributes the process designer finds relevant. For example, in a business process, all steps assigned to the Purchasing department can be assigned a green Swim Color to indicate that these steps are being performed by this resource. Similarly, a high priority step in a process can be assigned a red Swim Color to indicate its importance. Swim Colors are used for visual effect only in order to make the process map more understandable to process designers or process administrators; Swim Colors have no effect on the actual working of the business process.
Before any step in a business process may be assigned a Swim Color, the Swim Color must be defined.
Tip: Use the Swim Colors Pool tool from the Toolbox to place a map legend of how Swim Colors are represented in the process map. For more information about the Swim Color Pool tool, refer to Swim Colors Pool tool section.
To define a Swim Color category for a business process, follow these steps:
1. Select Tools»Swim Colors. The Swim Colors dialog box appears.
The Swim Colors dialog box
2. Select the Create a new color category button (). A default Swim Color category appears using the DarkGray color. Name the default Swim Color category; this name would likely represent the type or category of steps to which the Swim Color would be assigned.
3. Select the combo box to specify which color the Swim Color category is to represent.
To delete an existing Swim Color category, select the category to be removed, then click the Delete an existing color category button ().
To rename an existing Swim Color category, select the category to be renamed, then click the Rename an existing color category button (). The Swim Color category’s name becomes editable.
4. Select the Close button. |
The Standard toolbar
For information on options available in the Standard toolbar, refer to The Standard toolbar section. |
The Designer toolbar
Below is a description of buttons on the Designer toolbar when viewing the Process editor in Build mode:
Print button
• Print (): The Print button prints the process map.
Print Preview button
• Print Preview (): The Print Preview button displays a preview of the process map for printing. Once the Print Preview button is selected, the following options are available in the Process editor:
a. Print (): The Print button prints the displayed preview.
b. Next Page (): The Next Page button displays the next page of the print preview when the preview spans across more than one page. This button is disabled if the preview displays on one page, or if the last page of the preview is displayed.
c. Previous Page (): The Previous Page button displays the previous page of the print preview when the preview spans across more than one page. This button is disabled if the preview displays on one page, or if the first page of the preview is displayed.
d. Toggle One/Two Pages display (): The Toggle One/Two Pages display button is used to toggle between a one-page or a two-page display. This button is available only if the print preview spans across more than one page.
e. Zoom In (): The Zoom In button displays a closer perspective of the print preview. This button is disabled if the maximum zoom perspective is displayed.
f. Zoom Out (): The Zoom Out button displays a wider perspective of the print preview. This button is disabled if the minimum zoom perspective is displayed.
g. Close (): The Close button closes the print preview.
This function is not available during simulation.
Cut button
• Cut (): The Cut button deletes a selected object. In doing so, that object is also saved in Windows Clipboard, so it may be pasted. The Cut function is only available when an object is selected.
Copy button
• Copy (): The Copy button copies a selected object. In doing so, that object is saved in Windows Clipboard, so it may be pasted. The Copy function is only available when an object is selected.
Paste button
• Paste (): The Paste button pastes an object which has been saved in Windows Clipboard. Once the Paste function is used, move the mouse to the desired location for the object, then left-click the mouse to place the object. The Paste function is only available when an object has been cut or copied into Windows Clipboard.
Note: The Paste function is not available for copying a Begin step. This is because certain properties are unique to the Begin step, and are not application to other User steps. Paste Into Special option must be used when copying a Begin step.
Delete button
• Delete (): The Delete button deletes a selected object. The Delete function is only available when the selected object can be deleted.
Grid button
• Grid (): The Grid button displays a grid by which process map objects may be aligned. The grid is only for visual purposes.
Snap to grid button
• Snap to grid (): The Snap to Grid button automatically places steps into the center of the nearest grid box. This option is only available when the Grid option is enabled.
Display zoom combo box
• Display zoom (): From the Display zoom combo box, select the display size of the process map. The process map is enlarged according to the zooming percentage value selected from the list. |
The Simulation toolbar
Below is a description of buttons on the Simulation toolbar when viewing the Process editor in Build mode:
Simulate button
• Simulate (): The Simulate button is used to test the process before deploying it to be used by all process participants. Running a simulation displays exactly how the business process would run when published, except that all steps are completed by the process designer and do not get assigned to actual process participants.
Verify button
• Verify (): The Verify button is used for checking if there are any errors in the process before actually simulating it. If there are any design errors, these are displayed in the Event Log window.
Simulation Watch button
• Simulation Watch (): The Simulation Watch button displays the Simulation Watch window. The Simulation Watch window is used to monitor XML schema element values, and is therefore useful in debugging and testing business processes. The Simulation Watch button is available only when simulation mode is in progress. When the icon beside the Simulation Watch submenu option is highlighted, the Simulation Watch window is visible. For more information about how to simulate a process and using Simulation Watch, refer to Working in the Simulation environment section.
The Simulation Watch window |
The Process editor toolbox
The Process editor toolbox groups its tools in three categories. These categories vary in name depending on whether displayed in Ultimus Standard view, or BPMN view.
Tip: To learn how to switch between Ultimus Standard view and BPMN view, refer to Switch View section.
The toolbox categories are as follows:
• General
• Anchors
• Steps (“Activities and Gateways” in BPMN view)
• Flobots (“Automated Activities” in BPMN view)
Tools within each of these categories are discussed below.
Creating groups in a process map discusses how to create a group of steps in a process map. |
Below is a description of tools in the General category. Tool names in Ultimus Standard view and BPMN view are both presented. The images reflect in Ultimus Standard view.
Arrow tool
• Arrow (): The Arrow tool is used to select process map elements.
Text/Annotations tool
• Text/Annotations (): The Text/Annotations tool is used to place a text box into the process map. Text boxes are visual descriptors, but do not affect process map routing. Text boxes can be used as titles, comments, and captions. A text box can have multiple lines vertically. For information regarding text box properties, refer to Text box properties section.
To insert a text box into a process map, follow these steps:
1. Click the Text/Annotations button in the Toolbox. The cursor changes to the text cursor.
2. Click anywhere in the process map to insert a text box. All text boxes are initially displayed empty. Type the text that is to be displayed in the text box.
3. To edit text box properties, right-click on the text box and select Properties. Its properties display in the Properties window. Furthermore, many text box properties can also be accessed directly upon right-clicking the text box.
Tip: Multiple text boxes may be placed, one after another, by pressing the CTRL key while placing the first text box into a process map.
Text visual attributes can also be changed by clicking on the text box. A formatting toolbar appears above the text box. Modify the properties as required and click anywhere in the process map to commit these changes.
To move a text box at a different location within the same process map, follow these steps:
1. Click the text box and drag it to a new location. When dragging, the cursor changes to a hand (drag cursor).
Tip: For help in positioning text boxes, grid lines can be displayed by selecting the Show or hide grid button from the Designer toolbar.
To delete a text box from the process map, follow these steps:
1. Select the text box from the process map.
2. Right-click and select Delete or press the DELETE key.
Link/Sequence tool
• Link/Sequence (): The Link/Sequence tool is used to designate routing between steps in a business process. Routing is read in a process map from left to right.
An illustration of a single link
If multiple links are tied to a step, multiple lines go to the step.
An illustration of multiple links
Links can be represented in the following ways in a process map (in both Ultimus Standard view and BPMN view):
• Normal routing: Normal routing is represented with a blue line between two round circles ().
• Conditional routing: Conditional routing is when a step has a business rule which may affect routing from the step the link connects. This type of link is represented with a diamond icon leaving the step which has a business rule(s) which may affect routing ().
• Default routing: In the condition that two links go out from a step, default routing is used to visually denote which link routing is expected to take place most often. This is nothing more than a visual cue and has no effect on actual Ultimus engine logic routing. Default routing is represented with a line through the link ().
To link steps, follow these steps:
1. Click the Link/Sequence button in the Toolbox. The cursor changes to the Link cursor.
2. Select a step from the process map, depress the left mouse button, then drag to the step in which it is to be linked. A line follows the cursor, indicating the path of the link.
3. Release the mouse button to complete the link.
Tip: Multiple links may be placed between steps, one after another, by pressing the CTRL key while placing the first link into a process map.
To delete a link between two steps, follow these steps:
1. Select the link line between the two steps in the process map. The line turns yellow.
2. Do one of the following:
a. Right-click on the link and select Delete.
b. Press the DELETE key.
Virtual Link/Association-Activities tool
• Virtual Link/Association-Activities (): The Virtual Link/Association-Activities tool is used to visually represent routing. Unlike links between steps, virtual links have no effect on routing. They are only used as visual indicators as how workflow is meant to route in the process map. Virtual links can be displayed in different colors, thereby helping to illustrate how routing is intended between different group participants in the business process.
Virtual links can be represented in the following ways in a process map (in both Ultimus Standard view and BPMN view):
• Normal view: Virtual routing is represented with a blue line between two round circles ().
• Step has business rules designed for it: If a step has one or more business rules designed for it, the virtual link displays a diamond icon leaving that step (). This is a visual indicator that the step has business rules designed for it.
To virtually link two steps in a process map, follow these steps:
1. Click the Virtual Link/Association-Activities button in the Toolbox. The cursor changes to the Virtual Link cursor.
2. Select a step from the process map, depress the left mouse button, then drag to the step in which it is to be virtually linked. A dotted line follows the cursor, indicating the path of the virtual link.
3. Release the mouse button to complete the virtual link.
Tip: Multiple virtual links may be placed between steps, one after another, by pressing the CTRL key while placing the first virtual link into a process map.
To color a virtual link, follow these steps:
1. Select the link line between the two steps in the process map. The line turns gray.
2. Right-click on the link, select Color, then select the specific color the virtual link is to be displayed.
To delete a virtual link between two steps, follow these steps:
1. Select the virtual link line between the two steps in the process map. The line turns gray.
2. Do one of the following:
a. Right-click on the virtual link and select Delete.
b. Press the DELETE key.
Association/Association-Annotations tool
• Association/Association-Annotations (): The Association/Assocation-Annotations tool is used to indicate an association between a step with a text box. The association is represented as a dotted line between the step and text box; it is nothing more than a visual indicator, and does not affect process map routing. A step may have multiple assocations with multiple text boxes. However, a text box cannot have associations with multiple steps.
To indicate an association between a step and a text box in a process map, follow these steps:
1. Click the Assocation/Association-Annotations button in the Toolbox. The cursor changes to the Association cursor.
2. Select a step from the process map, depress the left mouse button, then drag to the text box in which it is to be associated. A dotted line follows the cursor, indicating the path of the association.
3. Release the mouse button to complete the associative link.
Tip: Multiple associative links may be placed from a step to two or more text boxes consecutively by pressing the CTRL key while placing the first associative link into a process map.
To remove an association between a step and a text box, follow these steps:
1. Ensure that the Arrow tool is selected.
2. Right-click the associative link to be removed, then select Delete.
Swim Colors Pool tool
• Swim Colors Pool (): The Swim Colors Pool tool is used to place a map legend of how Swim Colors are represented in the process map. Multiple Swim Color legends may be placed, which is useful for large process maps. The Swim Color labels displayed in the map legend derive from how Swim Colors are defined. For more information about how to define Swim Colors, refer to Swim Colors section.
To place a Swim Color legend in a process map, follow these steps:
1. Click the Swim Colors Pool button in the Toolbox. The cursor changes to the Swim Color Pool cursor.
2. Click anywhere in the process map. The map legend displays.
To remove a Swim Color map legend, follow these steps:
1. Ensure that the Arrow tool is selected.
2. Right-click the Swim Color map legend, then select Delete. |
Anchors are used to change the path of links and virtual links in the process map. Up to ten anchors may be inserted on to any link or virtual link. Anchors appear as dots on the process map. At each anchor, the path of the link may be changed. This allows process designers to create clear, easy-to-discern link lines across the process map from the source to the destination.
Anchors displayed in a sample process
To make it easy to place anchors, the following capabilities are provided:
• An invisible mini-grid is available. Each major grid line on the map is subdivided into eight mini-grids. If the Snap to grid button is on, the anchors snap to the mini-grids. This allows process designers to easily draw links with straight lines.
• The process map can be zoomed up to 200%. This allows process designers to precisely position anchors.
• Anchors can be dragged around the map. If Snap to grid is activated, a shadow of the anchor is displayed to indicate the point on the grid to which it will snap.
To insert and position anchors on a link or virtual link, follow these steps:
1. Select the Arrow button from the toolbox.
2. Click the (virtual) link and hold the mouse button down.
3. Drag the anchor to its new location and release the mouse button. The anchor appears on the (virtual) link. If the Snap to grid option is enabled, the anchor automatically snaps to the center of the mini-grid. While dragging, a shadow indicates the position to which the anchor will snap.
To delete an anchor, follow these steps:
1. Select the anchor to delete.
2. Right-click on and select Delete. The anchor is deleted. |
Steps (“Activities and Gateways” in BPMN view)
Below is a description of tools in the Steps category (“Activities and Gateways” in BPMN view). Tool names in Ultimus Standard view and BPMN view are both presented. The images reflect in Ultimus Standard view.
User tool
• User (): The User tool is used to place a User step into the process map. User steps denote tasks in a business process that are performed by individuals. For information regarding User step properties, refer to User step properties section.
To insert a User step into a process map, follow these steps:
1. Click the User button in the Toolbox. The cursor changes to the User cursor.
2. Click anywhere in the process map to insert a User step.
3. To edit User step properties, right-click on the User step and select Properties. Its properties display in the Properties window.
Tip: Multiple User steps may be placed, one after another, by pressing the CTRL key while placing the first User step into a process map.
Maplet/Subprocess tool
• Maplet/Subprocess (): The Maplet/Subprocess tool is used to place a Maplet/Subprocess step into the process map. Maplet/Subprocess steps denote tasks in a business process which are performed by other Ultimus processes, or “sub-processes.” In other words, from a “parent” process, any number of “children” processes may be launched. This gives the flexibility to design complicated processes by breaking them down into simpler sub-processes. For information regarding Maplet/Subprocess step properties, refer to Maplet/Subprocess step properties section.
To insert a Maplet/Subprocess step into a process map, follow these steps:
1. Click the Maplet/Subprocess button in the Toolbox. The cursor changes to the Maplet cursor.
2. Click anywhere in the process map to insert a Maplet/Subprocess step.
3. To edit Maplet/Subprocess step properties, right-click on the Maplet/Subprocess step and select Properties. Its properties display in the Properties window.
Tip: Multiple Maplet/Subprocess steps may be placed, one after another, by pressing the CTRL key while placing the first Maplet/Subprocess step into a process map.
Junction/Gateway tool
• Junction/Gateway (): The Junction/Gateway tool is used place a Junction/Gateway step into the process map. A Junction/Gateway step allows many links in a process map which are going to the same destination to be merged into one link (join). Otherwise, in certain situations, the process map would have a confusing web of links connecting one group of steps to another group.
A Junction/Gateway step also serves the following purposes:
a. Enables a group of steps to be followed by another group of steps without having to draw a large number of individual links from each step in the first group to each step in the second group.
b. It may be used to consolidate a number of events from other steps in the process map. For example, a business rule may be designed which specifies that unless Steps 3 through 6 are completed, then the Junction/Gateway step is not to be activated.
c. Enables a group of steps to be executed on a conditional basis without having to repeat the conditions for each step in the group.
d. Allows process designers to implement a group of steps as a “sub-program.” The group can be called iteratively from different points in the process map.
For information regarding Junction/Gateway step properties, refer to Junction/Gateway step properties section.
To insert a Junction/Gateway step into a process map, follow these steps:
1. Click the Junction/Gateway button in the Toolbox. The cursor changes to the Junction cursor.
2. Click anywhere in the process map to insert a Junction/Gateway step.
3. To edit Junction/Gateway step properties, right-click on the Junction/Gateway step and select Properties. Its properties display in the Properties window.
Tip: Multiple Junction/Gateway steps may be placed, one after another, by pressing the CTRL key while placing the first Junction/Gateway step into a process map. |
Flobots (“Automated Activities” in BPMN view)
Below is a description of tools in the Flobots/Automated Activities category. Flobots (or “Automated Activities” as they are called in BPMN view) provide a powerful means of using third-party applications to perform specific tasks as steps in a business process. Flobots are to business workflow automation as robots are to an automated factory. Hence the name “Flobots” stands for “workflow robots.” To learn how to train a Flobot once placed into a process map, refer to Training Flobots (called Automated Activities in BPMN view) section. This section uses the Ultimus term of “Flobot” rather than “Automated Activity,” though they are the same.
Below is the description of different types of Flobots:
.Net Code Flobot
a. .Net Code Flobot (): The .Net Code Flobot is used to call .NET Code (such as C# or VB.NET Code) in an intuitive point-and-click manner. The .Net Code Flobot facilitates calling assemblies from Global Assembly Cache (GAC), source code, and can also call DLL/EXE files. For more information, refer to Training the .NET Code Flobot section.
ASCII Flobot
b. ASCII Flobot (): The ASCII Flobot is used to export routing data into ASCII files. Since ASCII files can be imported by a large number of “legacy” applications, this Flobot is useful for transferring BPM data to almost any application. For more information, refer to The ASCII Flobot section.
Database Flobot
c. Database Flobot (): The Database Flobot is used to interact with database applications. This Flobot can read, write, update, delete and query OLE DB compliant databases. It can also execute any valid SQL statement. The Database Flobot accepts valid SQL commands for every action. These SQL commands are executed when the Flobot is executed in real time. For more information, refer to The Database Flobot section.
EMail Flobot
d. EMail Flobot (): The EMail Flobot is used to interact with e-mail servers. This Flobot can send e-mail (with attachments) from any point in the business process. For more information, refer to The EMail Flobot section.
Excel Flobot
e. Excel Flobot (): The Excel Flobot is used to perform functions in Microsoft Office Excel as a step in a business process. All the extensive capabilities of Microsoft Office Excel can be used to analyze, graph, plot, and chart BPM data. For more information, refer to The Excel Flobot section.
Exchange Flobot
f. Exchange Flobot (): The Exchange Flobot is used to automatically execute Microsoft Exchange functions as a step in a business process. For corporate users that use Outlook as their client for Exchange server, this Flobot can send e-mails or meeting requests and set tasks in the task list. For more information, refer to The Exchange Flobot section.
SharePoint Flobot
g. SharePoint Flobot (): The SharePoint Flobot is used to interact with Microsoft SharePoint. For more information, refer to The SharePoint Flobot section.
Web Service Flobot
h. Web Service Flobot (): The Web Service Flobot is used to invoke Web services in external applications in an automated manner. For more information, refer to The Web Service Flobot section.
Word Flobot
i. Word Flobot (): The Word Flobot uses Microsoft Office Word to perform tasks as a step in a business process. All the word processing capabilities of Microsoft Office Word to transfer data, save, print, and run macros are available and can be leveraged in a business process. For more information, refer to The Word Flobot section.
XML Flobot
j. XML Flobot (): The XML Flobot allows a business process to exchange data with any XML-compliant application. It allows creating/writing XML documents based on the selected schema and values from Ultimus schema elements. The XML tags generated from Flobot contain values passed from the process data. These process data values are written as text into the XML node. Therefore, this Flobot is ideal to exchange BPM data with e-commerce, EDI, and other applications that rely on XML. For more information, refer to The XML Flobot section.
k. Data Transfer Flobot: The Data Transfer Flobot is used for transferring data from Process Schema to CPS Schema or from CPS Schema to Process Schema. For further details, see section The Data Transfer Flobot.
l. Decision Flobot: The Decision Flobot is used for making decision based on a calculation. For further details, see section The Decision Flobot.
m. Gini Flobot: The Gini Flobot is used to connect to the Gini information extraction system that analyzes documents such as invoices and contracts to extract and process their content (e.g. text, objects). For further details, see section The Gini Flobot.
n. Rossum Flobot ( ): The Rossum Flobot uses Rossum API for analyzing and extracting data from invoices. For further details, see section The Rossum Flobot.
To insert any type of Flobot/Automated Activity into a process map, follow these steps:
1. From the Toolbox, select the Flobot button representing the Flobot/Automated Activity type to be placed into the process map. The cursor changes to the Flobot cursor.
2. Click anywhere in the process map to insert a Flobot/Automated Activity step.
Tip: Multiple Flobot/Automated Activity steps (of the same type) may be placed, one after another, by pressing the CTRL key while placing the first Flobot/Automated Activity step into a process map.
Note: Steps from other business processes can also be dragged from the process repository into a new process map. That adds a copy of that step to the map along with all of the contents of that step.
Copying, pasting, and deleting steps in the process map
To copy and paste a step, follow these steps:
1. Select the step, then do one of the following:
• Right-click and select the Copy option.
• Click the Copy button () from the Designer toolbar.
• Select Edit»Copy from the menu bar.
2. Do one of the following:
• Right-click anywhere in the process map and select Paste.
• Click the Paste button from the Designer toolbar.
• Select Edit»Paste from the menu bar.
3. A dotted box appears. Click in the process map where the duplicate step is to be placed or place it anywhere in the process map and then drag it to the desired location in the map.
4. After the step has been placed, be sure to make the necessary links, label changes, and any other necessary changes.
To delete a step, follow these steps:
1. Select the step to be deleted.
2. Do one of the following:
• Click the DELETE key.
• Right-click and select Cut or Delete.
• Click the Cut button () from the Designer toolbar.
• Select Edit»Cut from the menu bar.
Note: Neither the Begin step nor the End step can be deleted.
Tip: A step that is referenced in some other step can not be deleted until all its references are removed.
Multiple steps may be selected for deletion by pressing the CTRL key while selecting steps for deletion from a process map.
Tip: For information how to configure and use Swim Colors on a step, refer to Swim Colors section. |
Creating groups in a process map
Two or more process map objects may be “grouped.” This grouping is nothing more than a visual cue that there is an association between these objects and has no effect on Ultimus engine logic. However, once objects are grouped, the collective group may be moved together in the process map as one object; any links or virtual links that enter the group treat it as a single object if moved in the process map. A group is represented by a rounded-edged rectangle with dashed lines. Elements such as the group’s background color and label can be configured through the Properties window.
Creating a group
To create a group from two or more process map objects, follow these steps:
1. Click the left mouse button, then drag around those objects to be grouped.
2. Right-click, then select the Group option. The objects become grouped with a rounded-edged rectangle.
Removing a group
To remove a group (or separate process map objects which are in a group), follow these steps:
1. Right-click on the group to be removed.
2. Select the Ungroup option. The group is removed, and all process map objects in the group are treated separately.
For information regarding group properties, refer to Group properties section. |
The Properties window
This section discusses options available when the Properties window is displayed. The Properties window is a dockable window.
The Properties window
The options available in the Properties window vary in accordance to what is selected in the process map or from the Properties combo box.
The Properties combo box in the Properties window |
Configuring an e-mail notification using the Properties window
Within many properties, e-mail notifications can be configured to inform process participants, process designers, and/or process experts when particular events take place during the course of a process incident. For example, Ultimus BPM Server can send an e-mail notification when a process incident has been aborted. These e-mail notifications can be customized with specific messages for each event.
Configuring an e-mail notification
To configure an e-mail notification, follow these guidelines:
1. Click the button on the far right side of the property field which supports e-mail notification. The e-mail notification dialog box displays. This example uses the Incident Aborted Email Message dialog box, which is used to configure an e-mail notification when a process incident has been aborted.
The Incident Aborted Email Message dialog box
A template for this e-mail notification is provided, but the body of this message may be customized. Global schema elements or Ultimus Keywords may be used in this message (as variables).
2. To place a global schema element or an Ultimus Keyword into the body of the message, follow these guidelines:
a. Using a global schema element: Click the Schema button. All defined global schema elements display in a schema tree. Drag-and-drop a global schema element which is to represent a variable in the body of the message. The variable syntax to use the global schema element in the message automatically displays.
Placing a global schema element into an e-mail notification message
b. Using an Ultimus Keyword: Click the Schema button, then click the Keywords button. All Ultimus Keywords display. Drag-and-drop an Ultimus Keyword which is to represent a variable in the body of the message. The variable syntax to use the Ultimus Keyword in the message automatically displays. For a description of all Ultimus Keywords, refer to Ultimus Keywords and their definitions section.
3. To specify recipients of the e-mail notification, follow these guidelines:
a. Click the Organizations button. The User Search and Browse interface displays. Locate process participants who are to receive the e-mail notification. For more information how to use the User Search and Browse, refer to The Organizations dialog box section.
b. Expand the Recipients node, then click in the first row beneath the Type column. A combo box displays with three options.
• Email: Select the Email option, then type the e-mail address of a recipient under the Name column.
• Organization: Select the Organization option, then use the User Search and Browse interface to specify a recipient.
• Schema Element: Select the Schema Element option, then select a global schema element which represents an e-mail recipient.
To remove recipients from the Recipients list box, select the recipient, then press the DELETE key.
Selecting recipients
3. To format the message, follow these guidelines:
• HTML Body: Select the HTML body option to use HTML as the body of the e-mail message. If this option is not selected, the e-mail message will be in plain text.
• Font: From the Font combo box, specify which font to display text in the e-mail message.
• Font Size: From the Font Size combo box, specify the font point size to display text in the e-mail message.
• Bold: The Bold button is used to specify selected text to be displayed bolded.
• Italics: The Italics button is used to specify selected text to be displayed in italics.
• Underline: The Underline button is used to specify selected text to be displayed underlined.
• Align Left: The Align Left button is used to specify selected text to be left-aligned.
• Align Center: The Align Center button is used to specify selected text to be centered horizontally in the e-mail.
• Align Right: The Align Right button is used to specify selected text to be right-aligned.
• Color: The Color button is used to specify the color of selected text.
• Background Color: The Background Color button is used to specify the background color of the e-mail message.
4. Once the e-mail message has been customized, click the OK button. |
Associating a global schema element or an Ultimus Keyword with a property
Many properties are configured by associating the property with an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element. When configured this way, the Ultimus Keyword or global schema element represents and specifies that property’s value.
Ultimus Keywords and their definitions
Ultimus Keywords may be used on both process and step XML schemas. Below is a list of all available Ultimus Keywords and definitions for each:
• Incident Number determines the incident number of a published Ultimus process. It may be used when a particular process incident is important in business decisions.
• NoAbort determines whether a process participant has authorization to abort a process incident. It may be associated when it is important in business decisions to monitor whether a given user can abort an incident.
• Step Not Activated determines whether a step was never activated during a process incident. It may be used when it is important in business decisions to determine whether a particular step was never activated in a specific process incident.
• DefaultFormURL acquires the URL for Ultimus Forms.
• Incident Priority determines the priority level set for a process incident, on a scale of 0 to 9. It may be used when it is important in business decisions to monitor the priority level set for a process incident.
• Process Initiator determines the name of the user who initiated a process incident. It may be used when it is important in business decisions to monitor who initiated a process incident.
• Process Name determines the name of the business process. It may be used when it is important in business decisions to monitor the incident belonging to a certain process.
• Process Version determines the version of the process. It may be used when it is important in business decisions to monitor the process version to which an incident belongs.
• Step Recipient determines the name of a step recipient. It may be used when it is important in business decisions to know who is the recipient of a particular step in a process.
• Step In Queue determines whether a step is within a queue or not. It may be associated with an alias when it is important in business decisions to determine whether a specific step is in a queue.
• Step Reassigned determines whether a step has been reassigned. It may be used when it is important in business decisions to monitor whether a specific step has been reassigned during a process incident.
• Step Skipped determines whether a step has been skipped. It may be used when it is important in business decisions to monitor whether a specific step has been skipped during a process incident.
• Step Aborted determines the state of a step at a specific time: namely, whether the step has been aborted at that time. It may be used when it is important in business decisions to monitor whether a specific step has been aborted.
• Step Active determines the state of a step at a specific time: namely, whether the step has been activated at that time. It may be used when it is important in business decisions to monitor whether a specific step has been activated.
• Step Complete determines the state of a step at a specific time: namely, whether the step has been completed at that time. It may be used when it is important in business decisions to monitor whether a specific step has completed.
• Step Returned determines the state of a step at a specific time: namely, whether the step has been returned at that time. It may be associated with an alias when it is important in business decisions to monitor whether a specific step has been returned.
• Step Delayed determines whether a User or Flobot/Automated Activity step has been set with a delay time before activating. It may be used when it is important in business decisions to monitor if a User or Flobot/Automated Activity step is delayed.
• TaskUser determines the original recipient of the step.
• StepLabel determines the step’s name.
• UserDepartment determines the name of the department that the step recipient belongs to.
• UserEmail determines the e-mail address of the step recipient.
• UserFullName determines the full name of the step recipient.
• UserJobFunction determines the job function of the step recipient.
• UserManager determines the manager information of the step recipient.
• UserName determines the log on name.of the step recipient.
• UserSupervisor determines the supervisor information of the step recipient.
• Step Status determines returns the status of a step with which it is associated. The value returned by this is in simple format as Active, Completed, Aborted, Urgent etc. Use this when the status of a specific step impacts process flow.
• Incident Summary holds the incident summary (if one was entered for an incident). It may be used when it is important in business decisions to monitor the incident summary.
Associating an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element with a property
To associate a global schema element or an Ultimus Keyword with a property, follow these guidelines:
1. Click within the property field, then select the combo box which appears. The following user interface displays.
Associating an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element with a property
2. Perform one of the following:
• Click the Keywords button, then specify an Ultimus Keyword which is to represent the property. For a description of all Ultimus Keywords, refer to Ultimus Keywords and their definitions section.
• From the schema tree, select a global schema element which is to represent the property.
• In the Enter Value: text box, specify the constant value of the property.
3. If necessary, click the Clear button to remove any existing selections for this property.
4. Once a value has been selected, the OK button is enabled. Click the OK button to save the property settings.
Below is a list of these property groups accessible from the Properties window:
• Business process properties
• Begin step properties
• End step properties
• User step properties
• Flobot/Automated Activity step properties
• Junction/Gateway step properties
• Maplet/Subprocess step properties
• Text box properties
• Group properties
Properties within each group are discussed below.
Note: All properties below are listed by category. Properties are listed by category by selecting the Categorized button () from the Properties window toolbar. The properties can also be listed alphabetically by selecting the Alphabetical button () from the Properties window toolbar. |
Business process properties
This section discusses properties for the business process. Business process properties are displayed in the Properties window.
Business process properties
To view business process properties, perform one of the following:
• With nothing selected in the process map, select View»Windows»Properties from the menu bar.
• With nothing selected in the process map, right-click in the process map and select Properties.
Below are descriptions of business process properties:
• Email Notifications
• General |
Email Notifications
Properties within the Email Notifications category:
• Incident Aborted: The Incident Aborted property is used to dictate whether Ultimus BPM Server is to send an e-mail notification each time an incident from this business process is aborted. This property can be configured to specify the content of the e-mail notification. The Send subproperty specifies whether to enable the Incident Aborted property. If the Send subproperty is set to Yes, the Incident Aborted property is enabled. If the Send subproperty is set to No, the Incident Aborted property is disabled. The default setting is No. For details how to configure an e-mail notification, refer to Configuring an e-mail notification section.
• Incident Stalled: The Incident Stalled property is used to dictate whether Ultimus BPM Server is to send an e-mail notification each time an incident from this business process stalls. This property can be configured to specify the content of the e-mail notification. The Send subproperty specifies whether to enable the Incident Stalled property. If the Send subproperty is set to Yes, the Incident Stalled property is enabled. If the Send subproperty is set to No, the Incident Stalled property is disabled. The default setting is No. For details how to configure an e-mail notification, refer to Configuring an e-mail notification section.
• Incident Time Limit Reached: The Incident Time Limit Reached property is used to dictate whether Ultimus BPM Server is to send an e-mail notification each time an incident from this business process has consumed the allotted time for completion, yet the incident has not completed. Completion time is specified from the Completion Time property (described below). This property can be configured to specify the content of the e-mail notification. The Send subproperty specifies whether to enable the Incident Time Limit Reached property. If the Send subproperty is set to Yes, the Incident Time Limit Reached property is enabled. If the Send subproperty is set to No, the Incident Time Limit Reached property is disabled. The default setting is No. For details how to configure an e-mail notification, refer to Configuring an e-mail notification section.
• Invalid User: The Invalid User property is used to dictate whether Ultimus BPM Server is to send an e-mail notification when a task within an incident of this business process has been assigned to an invalid user. Invalid users are those which the Ultimus engine is unable to resolve; as a result the task is assigned to SYSTEM USER. This property can be configured to specify the content of the e-mail notification. The Send subproperty specifies whether to enable the Invalid User property. If the Send subproperty is set to Yes, the Invalid User property is enabled. If the Send subproperty is set to No, the Invalid User property is disabled. The default setting is No. For details how to configure an e-mail notification, refer to Configuring an e-mail notification section.
• Process Published: The Process Published property is used to dictate whether Ultimus BPM Server is to send an e-mail notification each time a new version of the business process has been (re)published. This property can be configured to specify the content of the e-mail notification. The Send subproperty specifies whether to enable the Process Published property. If the Send subproperty is set to Yes, the Process Published property is enabled. If the Send subproperty is set to No, the Process Published property is disabled. The default setting is No. For details how to configure an e-mail notification, refer to Configuring an e-mail notification section. |
Properties within the General category:
• Name: The Name property specifies the name of the published business process. This property cannot be edited.
• Family Name: The Family Name property specifies the name of the CPS Family the business process should be linked to.
• Solution Name: The Solution Name property specifies the name of the CPS Solution the business process should be linked to.
Tip: For details about CPS integration see Ultimus Composed Process Solutions (CPS) integration.
• Completion Time: The Completion Time property specifies how much time is allotted to complete a process incident. This property may be set to a constant value, represented by an Ultimus Keyword, or represented by a global schema element. The default setting is “not defined,” implying that there is no completion time. The Completion Time property has the following options:
a. Time Unit: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which to specify the completion time for a process incident. The time unit can be specified as hours, days, months, or absolute time (a specific date/time). The default option is Hours.
b. Time: The Time option represents how much time is allotted to complete a process incident. This option may be set to a constant value (positive numeric digits), represented by an Ultimus Keyword, or represented by a global schema element. To specify an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element, refer to Associating an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element with a property section.
• Description: The Description property represents a description of the business process. To enter the description of the business process, click inside the Description text box. This text box may already be populated with text entered in Modeling mode.
• Help URL: The Help URL property is used to specify the URL to the business process’s Help. This Help is accessible to process participants from Ultimus Client and Ultimus Thin Client. This URL may be a text string, represented by a global schema element, or represented by an Ultimus Keyword. To specify an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element, refer to Associating an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element with a property section.
Tip: If the Help URL entered begins with http://, then the Help URL references an Internet page. Otherwise, the Help URL references a page on the computer from which the business process is running. |
Begin step properties
Begin step properties are displayed in the Properties window.
The Properties window for the Begin step in a process map
To view properties for the Begin step, perform one of the following:
• Select the Begin step, then select View»Windows»Properties from the menu bar.
• Select the Begin step, right-click in the process map, then select Properties.
The properties of the Begin step are slightly different from the User step. These differences are as follows:
• The Begin step does not have the following attributes because it is the first step in the business process:
a. The Begin step has no completion time.
b. The Begin step has no extension time.
c. The Begin step cannot be late.
d. The Begin step cannot be urgent.
e. The Begin step cannot have a minimum number of responses to it.
• The Begin step can be initialized periodically. This means that a process can be initiated either by a user, or automatically at some periodic interval.
Tip: For information about User step properties in Build mode, refer to User step properties section.
Properties unique to the Begin step are described below:
• Email Notifications
• General
• Security |
Email Notifications
Properties within the Email Notifications category:
• New Task: The New Task property is used to dictate whether Ultimus BPM Server is to send an e-mail notification each time a new process incident has been started. This property can be configured to specify the content of the e-mail notification. The Send subproperty specifies whether to enable the New Task property. If the Send subproperty is set to Yes, the New Task property is enabled. If the Send subproperty is set to No, the New Task property is disabled. The default setting is No. For details how to configure an e-mail notification, refer to Configuring an e-mail notification section.
• Task Aborted: The Task Aborted property is used to dictate whether Ultimus BPM Server is to send an e-mail notification if the task is aborted. This property can be configured to specify the content of the e-mail notification. The Send subproperty specifies whether to enable the Task Aborted property. If the Send subproperty is set to Yes, the Task Aborted property is enabled. If the Send subproperty is set to No, the Task Aborted property is disabled. The default setting is No. For details how to configure an e-mail notification, refer to Configuring an e-mail notification section. |
Properties within the General category:
• Name: The Name property represents the Begin step’s label in the process map, and is used by Ultimus BPM Studio to report any errors pertaining to the step. It is also used in report output. The name must, therefore, be unique. It is possible to change the label when the process is checked out. Changes appear in the Repository window only after the process has been checked in. This option only accepts 48 alphanumeric characters, including space and underscore (_).
• Launch Type: The Launch Type property represents how the process incident is to be started. The Launch Type property has the following options:
a. By Client: The By Client option represents the process incident is to be launched by a process participant using an Ultimus client. If this option is selected, the Recipient Type and Recipient properties (described below) are enabled, and are used to specify the process participant(s) who can launch a process incident. The Task Rate property is also enabled (described below), and is used to determine the cost per hour for the selected process participant(s).
b. Day of Month: The Day of Month option represents the process incident to be launched automatically on a specified day or time. If this option is selected, the Frequency property (described below) is used to specify the launch frequency. The Day of Month and Time properties (described below) are also enabled.
Note: If the selected day of month is on an exclusion day for any specific month (as defined in Ultimus System Administrator), then the periodic process will not launch for that month.
c. First of Every Month: The First of Every Month option represents the process incident to be launched automatically at the first of the month. If this option is selected, the Frequency property (described below) is used to specify the launch frequency. The Time property (described below) is also enabled.
d. Last of Every Month: The Last of Every Month option represents the process incident to be launched automatically at the end of the month. If this option is selected, the Frequency property (described below) is used to specify the launch frequency. The Time property (described below) is also enabled.
e. Every Day: The Every Day option represents the process incident to be launched automatically every day. If this option is selected, the Frequency property (described below) is used to specify the launch frequency. The Time property (described below) is also enabled.
f. Every Hour: The Every Hour option represents the process incident to be launched automatically every hour. If this option is selected, the Frequency property (described below) is used to specify the launch frequency.
g. Maplet Only: The Maplet Only option represents the process incident is to be launched by a Maplet (or “Subprocess,” as it is called in BPMN view). In order for a process incident to be started, it must be launched by another business process.
h. Every Business Day: The Every Business Day option represents the process incident to be launched automatically every business day (as defined in Ultimus System Administrator). If this option is selected, the Frequency property (described below) is used to specify the launch frequency. For information on how to define business days, refer to Specifying working hours for the organization section in Ultimus System Administrator Help.
i. Externally Launched: The Externally Launched option represents the process incident is to be started externally (such as a text file, e-mail, or Web service). Furthermore, an externally launched process is not visible in any process participants' Initiate view in an Ultimus client. The person who initiates this business process must automatically be assigned as BPMservername_wf, where BPMservername is the name of the computer hosting Ultimus BPM Server in which the business process is published.
j. Every Monday: The Every Monday option represents the process incident is to be launched every Monday. If this option is selected, the Frequency property (described below) is used to specify the launch frequency. The Time property (described below) is also enabled.
k. Every Tuesday: The Every Tuesday option represents the process incident is to be launched every Tuesday. If this option is selected, the Frequency property (described below) is used to specify the launch frequency. The Time property (described below) is also enabled.
l. Every Wednesday: The Every Wednesday option represents the process incident is to be launched every Wednesday. If this option is selected, the Frequency property (described below) is used to specify the launch frequency. The Time property (described below) is also enabled.
m. Every Thursday: The Every Thursday option represents the process incident is to be launched every Thursday. If this option is selected, the Frequency property (described below) is used to specify the launch frequency. The Time property (described below) is also enabled.
n. Every Friday: The Every Friday option represents the process incident is to be launched every Friday. If this option is selected, the Frequency property (described below) is used to specify the launch frequency. The Time property (described below) is also enabled.
o. Every Saturday: The Every Saturday option represents the process incident is to be launched every Saturday. If this option is selected, the Frequency property (described below) is used to specify the launch frequency. The Time property (described below) is also enabled.
p. Every Sunday: The Every Sunday option represents the process incident is to be launched every Sunday. If this option is selected, the Frequency property (described below) is used to specify the launch frequency. The Time property (described below) is also enabled.
• Recipient Type: The Recipient Type property specifies which type of recipient may launch the process incident. This property is only enabled if the Launch Type property uses the By Client option. The Recipient Type property has the following options:
a. User: The User option represents that a specified process participant is to initiate the process incident. The process participant is specified from the Recipient property (described below).
b. Job Function: The Job Function option represents that a specified job function is to initiate the process incident. The job function is specified from the Recipient property (described below).
c. Department: The Department option represents that a specified department is to initiate the process incident. The department is specified from the Recipient property (described below).
d. Group: The Group option represents that a specified group is to initiate the process incident. The group is specified from the Recipient property (described below).
e. Anonymous User: The Anonymous User option represents that an anonymous user is to initiate the process incident. When this option is selected, the Allow Anonymous User property (described below) automatically uses the Yes option, implying an anonymous user may launch the process incident.
• Organization: The Organization property specifies from where to select the recipient of the Begin step. The Organization property has the following options:
a. Domain: Select a domain from which to specify the recipient of the Begin step.
b. Business Organization: The Business Organization option represents to specify the recipient of the Begin step from a business organization (as designed in Ultimus Organization Charts).
• Recipient: The Recipient property specifies the recipient of the Begin step.
• Allow Anonymous User: The Allow Anonymous User specifies whether an anonymous user may initiate the process incident or not. If the Recipient Type property (described above) uses the Anonymous User option, then the Allow Anonymous User property is set to Yes. Otherwise this property is set to No.
• Task Rate: The Task Rate property represents the cost (per hour) for the recipient of the Begin step to perform that task. This property is only enabled when the Launch Type property (described above) uses the By Client option. To specify an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element, refer to Associating an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element with a property section. If this property contains a non-zero value, then upon form submission, client users are prompted to enter task time for the step.
Specifying task time for the step
This is the actual or the productive time spent on performing this task rather than the duration the step remained active. The step cost is calculated based on the task time or the productive time spent on performing the task. It is the task time value which is used in reports such as the Step Time report and the Incident Cost report.
Note: Task Rate cannot be determined when using Ultimus WebForms.
• Day of Month: The Day of Month property represents which day of the month a process incident should be automatically initiated. This property is only enabled when the Launch Type property (described above) uses the Day of Month option. From the property’s combo box, select a specific day of month.
• Time: The Time property represents at which hour a process incident should be automatically initiated. This property is disabled if the Launch Type property (described above) uses the By Client, Maplet Only, or Externally Launched options. From the property’s combo box, select a specific hour.
• Frequency: The Frequency property represents how frequently a process incident should be initiated. This property is disabled if the Launch Type property (described above) uses the By Client, Maplet Only, or Externally Launched options. From the property’s combo box, select a frequency between 1 and 10. Frequency does not have a fixed unit. Its unit depends on the selected Launch Type. For example, if the Launch Type is First of Every Month and Frequency is 1, an incident would be launched on the first day of every month. If, however, the Frequency is 3, an incident would be launched on the first day of every third month.
• Incident Start: The Incident Start property specifies at which number to begin process incidents. This property accepts only positive integers.
• Help URL: The Help URL property is used to specify the URL to the Begin step’s Help. This Help is accessible to process participants from Ultimus Client and Ultimus Thin Client. This URL may be a text string, represented by a global schema element, or represented by an Ultimus Keyword. To specify an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element, refer to Associating an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element with a property section.
Tip: If the Help URL entered begins with http://, then the Help URL references an Internet page. Otherwise, the Help URL references a page on the computer from which the business process is running.
• Default Form: The Default Form property represents the form type used for the Begin step. The following form types are available:
a. Ultimus CPS Form:
b. Ultimus Form: The Ultimus Form option represents the Begin step to use an Ultimus Form.This is the default option. For information how to work with Ultimus Forms, refer to Working with Ultimus Forms and Ultimus WebForms section.
c. Ultimus WebForm: The Ultimus WebForm option represents the Begin step to use an Ultimus WebForm. This is the default option. For information how to work with Ultimus Forms, refer to Working with Ultimus Forms and Ultimus WebForms section.
d. Custom: The Custom option represents the Begin step to use a third-party form. For information how to work with custom forms, refer to Custom forms section.
• Custom Form URL: The Custom Form URL property represents the URL to a third-party form. This property is only enabled if the Default Form property uses the Custom option.
Note: Do not use Custom Form URL for CPS Forms.
• Resubmittable: The Resubmittable property represents the Begin step is resubmittable. If the Yes option is selected, the Begin step is resubmittable. If the No option is selected, the Begin step is not resubmittable. The default option is No. |
Properties within the Security category:
• Non-Assignable: The Non-Assignable property represents the Begin step cannot be assigned. If the Yes option is selected, the Begin step cannot be assigned. If the No option is selected, the Begin step can be assigned. The default option is No.
• Private: The Private property represents the Begin step is private and cannot be seen by anyone other than the process owner. If the Yes option is selected, the Begin step is private. If the No option is selected, the Begin step is not private. |
End step properties
The End step does not have any configurable properties. This is because the End step represents the conclusion of the process incident. |
User step properties
User step properties are displayed in the Properties window.
User step properties
To view properties for a User step, perform one of the following:
• Select the User step in which to view its properties, then select View»Windows»Properties from the menu bar.
• Select the User step in which to view its properties, right-click in the process map, then select Properties.
Below are descriptions of User step properties:
• Email Notifications
• General
• Security |
Email Notifications
Properties within the Email Notifications category:
• Minimum Response: The Minimum Response property is used to dictate whether Ultimus BPM Server is to send an e-mail notification when a minimum number of group recipients have responded to the task. When a job function, department, or group is selected as the recipient of a step, it is optional to provide a number of minimum responses to the task before the next step is activated. If that number of minimum responses is met, this e-mail notification is sent. The number of minimum responses is specified in the Minimum Response property (in the General category, described below).
This property can be configured to specify the content of the e-mail notification. The Send subproperty specifies whether to enable the Minimum Response property. If the Send subproperty is set to Yes, the Minimum Response property is enabled. If the Send subproperty is set to No, the Minimum Response property is disabled. The default setting is No. For details how to configure an e-mail notification, refer to Configuring an e-mail notification section.
• New Task: The New Task property is used to dictate whether Ultimus BPM Server is to send an e-mail notification to the step recipient(s) that there is a new task. This property can be configured to specify the content of the e-mail notification. The Send subproperty specifies whether to enable the New Task property. If the Send subproperty is set to Yes, the New Task property is enabled. If the Send subproperty is set to No, the New Task property is disabled. The default setting is No. For details how to configure an e-mail notification, refer to Configuring an e-mail notification section.
• Task Aborted: The Task Aborted property is used to dictate whether Ultimus BPM Server is to send an e-mail notification if the task is aborted. This property can be configured to specify the content of the e-mail notification. The Send subproperty specifies whether to enable the Task Aborted property. If the Send subproperty is set to Yes, the Task Aborted property is enabled. If the Send subproperty is set to No, the Task Aborted property is disabled. The default setting is No. For details how to configure an e-mail notification, refer to Configuring an e-mail notification section.
• Task Late: The Task Late property is used to dictate whether Ultimus BPM Server is to send an e-mail notification if the task is late. This property can be configured to specify the content of the e-mail notification. The Send subproperty specifies whether to enable the Task Late property. If the Send subproperty is set to Yes, the Task Late property is enabled. If the Send subproperty is set to No, the Task Late property is disabled. The default setting is No. For details how to configure an e-mail notification, refer to Configuring an e-mail notification section.
• Task Overdue: The Task Overdue property is used to dictate whether Ultimus BPM Server is to send an e-mail notification if the task is overdue. This property can be configured to specify the content of the e-mail notification. The Send subproperty specifies whether to enable the Task Overdue property. If the Send subproperty is set to Yes, the Task Overdue property is enabled. If the Send subproperty is set to No, the Task Overdue property is disabled. The default setting is No. For details how to configure an e-mail notification, refer to Configuring an e-mail notification section. |
Properties within the General category:
• Name: The Name property represents the User step’s label in the process map, and is used by Ultimus BPM Studio to report any errors pertaining to the step. It is also used in report output. The name must, therefore, be unique. It is possible to change the label when the process is checked out. Changes appear in the Repository window only after the process has been checked in. This option only accepts 48 alphanumeric characters, including space and underscore (_).
• Recipient Type: The Recipient Type property specifies which type of recipient may receive the User step. The Recipient Type property has the following options:
a. User: The User option represents that a specified process participant is to receive the User step. The process participant is specified from the Recipient property (described below).
b. Job Function: The Job Function option represents that a specified job function is to receive the User step. The job function is specified from the Recipient property (described below).
c. Department: The Department option represents that a specified department is to receive the User step. The department is specified from the Recipient property (described below).
d. Group: The Group option represents that a specified group is to receive the User step. The group is specified from the Recipient property (described below).
e. Queue: The Queue option represents that a specified group is to receive the User step. The group is specified from the Recipient property (described below).
Tip: Queues are an excellent means of distributing workload among a group of users based on the pace at which they perform the work. It provides a means of not having to specify a pre-defined process participant to perform a step task when multiple users are capable of performing it.
f. Weighted Round Robin: The Weighted Round Robin option represents that a recipient is selected based on weights set to each group member in a Weighted group: those with higher weights are more likely to receive a task. The group is specified from the Recipient property (described below).
Note: Weights for members in a Weighted group are specified in Ultimus Organization Charts.
g. First Available Person: The First Available Person option represents that the step recipient is determined from an Ordered People group. An Ordered People group is a group that consists only of users and job functions; it cannot include other groups or departments. When the recipient of a step is directed toward an Ordered People group, the task is assigned to the first member of that group. If that group member does not complete the task in the allotted time (as specified by the Completion Time property, described below), the task is automatically assigned to the next member of the Ordered People group. This continues until the task is completed by someone, or the task is assigned to the last member of the group. If the latter, the task remains with the last member until it is completed or the task becomes late.
Below are some important points when assigning a task to an Ordered People group:
• Only Ordered People groups can be assigned as step recipients when using the First Available Person option.
• “New task” e-mail notifications are generated when the task is assigned to a member of the group, as well as when it is moved to a new member.
Tip: Assigning a task to an Ordered People group is ideal for situations where a task is time-critical, but can be performed by anyone of several individuals on a “first availability basis.”
h. First Available Online Person: The First Available Online Person option represents that the step recipient is determined by who the first available person online is (as determined by who has logged on to an Ultimus client) from an Ordered People group.
When a task initially arrives, it is assigned to any online person in that Ordered People group; if more than one individual is online, the task is assigned to the first person (as ordered in the Ordered People group). If the task becomes late, the task is assigned to another available online person; if one is not available, the task remains assigned to the current group member. In either case, the task never becomes overdue; the overdue time is reset.
If, when the task initially arrives, there are no available online people, the task automatically is assigned to the first member of the Ordered People group. If the task becomes late, the Ultimus engine attempts to locate another available online person. If one is still not found, the task remains with the first member. In either case, the task never becomes overdue; the overdue time is reset.
Below are some important points when assigning a task to an Ordered People group:
• Only Ordered People groups can be assigned as step recipients when using the First Available Online Person option.
• “New task” e-mail notifications are generated when the task is assigned to a member of the group, as well as when it is moved to a new member.
Tip: The First Available Online Person option provides an efficient and automated way to continuously hunt for a person who can perform the task.
i. Recipient of Step: The Recipient of Step option represents that this step be assigned to whoever was (or is) assigned a particular step in the business process. When this option is selected, the Recipient property (described below) is used to specify the particular step in the business process.
j. Supervisor of Step: The Supervisor of Step option represents that this step be assigned to the Supervisor of whoever was (or is) assigned a particular step in the business process. The Supervisor is the person who occupies one level higher in the cluster of job functions to which the target individual belongs. When this option is selected, the Recipient property (described below) is used to specify the particular step in the business process.
k. Manager of Step: The Manager of Step option represents that this step be assigned to the Manager of whoever was (or is) assigned a particular step in the business process. The Manager is the person who occupies the highest level in the department or subchart to which the target individual belongs. When this option is selected, the Recipient property (described below) is used to specify the particular step in the business process.
l. Recipient of Previous Step: The Recipient of Previous Step option represents that this step be assigned to the recipient of the previous step.
m. Supervisor of Previous Step: The Supervisor of Previous Step option represents that this step be assigned to the Supervisor of the previous step’s recipient. The Supervisor is the person who occupies one level higher in the cluster of job functions to which the target individual belongs.
n. Manager of Previous Step: The Manager of Previous Step option represents that this step be assigned to the Manager of the previous step’s recipient. The Manager is the person who occupies the highest level in the department or subchart to which the target individual belongs.
o. Dynamic Recipient: The Dynamic Recipient option represents that the step be assigned to an individual or job function dynamically based on the value of a specified Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element. If this option is selected, the Recipient property is used to specify the Ultimus Keyword or global schema element which is to dynamically determine the step’s recipient.
To assign recipients dynamically, use the following syntax:
• User: USER:org=<organization>, user=<username>
• Job Function: JF:org=<organization>, dept=<department>,jf=<job_function>
• Job Function Group: JFG:org=<organization>,dept=<department>,jfg=<job_function_group>
• Group: GRP:org=<organization>,grp=<group_name>
• Department: DEPT: org=<organization>,dept=<department_name>
• Queue: QUEUE: org=<organization>,grp=<group_name>QUEUE:org=<organization>,dept=<department>,jfg=<job_function_group>
p. Supervisor of Dynamic Recipient: The Supervisor of Dynamic Recipient option represents that the step be assigned to the Supervisor of a dynamically based value from a specified Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element. The Supervisor is the person who occupies one level higher in the cluster of job functions to which the target individual belongs. If this option is selected, the Recipient property is used to specify the Ultimus Keyword or global schema element which is to dynamically determine the value for the individual’s Supervisor.
To assign recipients dynamically, use the following syntax:
• User: USER:org=<organization>,user=<username>
• Job Function: JF:org=<organization>, dept=<department>,jf=<job_function>
• Job Function Group: JFG:org=<organization>,dept=<department>,jfg=<job_function_group>
q. Manager of Dynamic Recipient: The Manager of Dynamic Recipient option represents that the step be assigned to the Manager of a dynamically based value from a specified Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element. The Manager is the person who occupies the highest level in the department or subchart to which the target individual belongs. If this option is selected, the Recipient property is used to specify the Ultimus Keyword or global schema element which is to dynamically determine the value for the individual’s Manager.
To assign recipients dynamically, use the following syntax:
• User: USER:org=<organization>,user=<username>
• Job Function: JF:org=<organization>, dept=<department>,jf=<job_function>
• Job Function Group: JFG:org=<organization>,dept=<department>,jfg=<job_function_group>
• Organization: The Organization property specifies from where to select the recipient of the User step. The Organization property has the following options:
a. Domain: Select a domain from which to specify the recipient of the User step.
b. Business Organization: The Business Organization option represents to specify the recipient of the User step from a business organization (as designed in Ultimus Organization Charts).
• Recipient: The Recipient property specifies the recipient of the User step. This property functions differently, depending on which option is selected from the Recipient Type property (described above). These variations are described in the Recipient Type property.
• Minimum Response: The Minimum Response property specifies the number of minimum responses that must be accepted from members in an assigned job function, department, or group before the step is considered completed (and the next step is activated). This property is only enabled if the Job Function, Department, or Group options are enabled from the Recipient Type property (described above).
Note: A minimum response of 0 means that all members of the selected recipient type are required to submit the task in order for the step to be complete.
• Task Rate: The Task Rate property represents the cost (per hour) for the recipient of the User step to perform that task. To specify an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element, refer to Associating an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element with a property section.
• Help URL: The Help URL property is used to specify the URL to the User step’s Help. This Help is accessible to process participants from Ultimus Client and Ultimus Thin Client. This URL may be a text string, represented by a global schema element, or represented by an Ultimus Keyword. To specify an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element, refer to Associating an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element with a property section.
Tip: If the Help URL entered begins with http://, then the Help URL references an Internet page. Otherwise, the Help URL references a page on the computer from which the business process is running.
• Default Form: The Default Form property represents the form type used for the User step. The following form types are available:
a. Ultimus CPS Forms:
b. Ultimus Form: The Ultimus Form option represents the User step to use an Ultimus Form. This is the default option. For information how to work with Ultimus Forms, refer to Working with Ultimus Forms and Ultimus WebForms section.
c. Ultimus WebForm: The Ultimus WebForm option represents the Begin step to use an Ultimus WebForm. This is the default option. For information how to work with Ultimus Forms, refer to Working with Ultimus Forms and Ultimus WebForms section.
d. Custom: The Custom option represents the User step to use a third-party form. For information how to work with custom forms, refer to Custom forms section.
• Custom Form URL: The Custom Form URL property represents the URL to a third-party form. This property is only enabled if the Default Form property uses the Custom option.
Note: Do not use Custom Form URL for CPS Forms.
• Resubmittable: The Resubmittable property represents the User step is resubmittable. If the Yes option is selected, the User step is resubmittable. If the No option is selected, the User step is not resubmittable. The default option is No.
• Completion Time: The Completion Time property specifies how much time is allotted to complete the User step. This property may be set to a constant value, represented by an Ultimus Keyword, or represented by a global schema element. The default setting is “not defined,” implying that there is no completion time. The Completion Time property has the following options:
a. Time Unit: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which to specify the completion time for the User step. The time unit can be specified as hours, days, months, or absolute time (a specific date/time). The default option is Hours.
b. Time: The Time option represents how much time is allotted to complete the User step. This option may be set to a constant value (positive numeric digits), represented by an Ultimus Keyword, or represented by a global schema element. To specify an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element, refer to Associating an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element with a property section.
• Delay Time: The Delay Time property specifies how much time is allotted to delay activating the User step. This property may be set to a constant value, represented by an Ultimus Keyword, or represented by a global schema element. The default setting is “not defined,” implying that there is no delay time. The Delay Time property has the following options:
a. Time Unit: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which to specify the delay time before activating the User step. The time unit can be specified as hours, days, months, or absolute time (a specific date/time). The default option is Hours.
b. Time: The Time option represents how much time is allotted to delay the activation of the User step. This option may be set to a constant value (positive numeric digits), represented by an Ultimus Keyword, or represented by a global schema element. To specify an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element, refer to Associating an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element with a property section.
Note: If required to be defined, delay time or other time value can be bound only to the "Unsigned Int" schema data type, which represents a 32-bit unsigned integer.
• Extension Time: The Extension Time property specifies how much time is allotted as an extension time to complete the User step (should the step task become late). This property may be set to a constant value, represented by an Ultimus Keyword, or represented by a global schema element. The default setting is “not defined,” implying that there is no extension time. The Extension Time property has the following options:
a. Time Unit: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which to specify the extension time for the User step. The time unit can be specified as hours, days, months, or absolute time (a specific date/time). The default option is Hours.
b. Time: The Time option represents how much time is allotted as an extension time to complete the User step (should the step task become late). This option may be set to a constant value (positive numeric digits), represented by an Ultimus Keyword, or represented by a global schema element. To specify an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element, refer to Associating an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element with a property section. |
Properties within the Security category:
• Non-Assignable: The Non-Assignable property represents the User step cannot be assigned. If the Yes option is selected, the User step cannot be assigned. If the No option is selected, the User step can be assigned. The default option is No.
• Private: The Private property represents the User step is private and cannot be seen by anyone other than the process owner. If the Yes option is selected, the User step is private. If the No option is selected, the User step is not private. |
Flobot/Automated Activity step properties
Business process management involves applications, including databases, ERP, accounting, word processors, and spreadsheets. Business applications are used to produce reports, search for information, do analysis, and produce charts and graphs. To automate business processes, it is software must provide a seamless interface between the routing and commonly used business applications, and allow the applications to be used in the routing without human intervention. Flobot/Automated Activity step properties are displayed in the Properties window.
Flobot/Automated Activity step properties
To view properties for a Flobot/Automated Activity step, perform one of the following:
• Select the Flobot/Automated Activity step in which to view its properties, then select View»Windows»Properties from the menu bar.
• Select the Flobot/Automated Activity step in which to view its properties, right-click in the process map, then select Properties.
Below are descriptions of Flobot/Automated Activity step properties:
• Email Notifications
• General |
Email Notifications
Properties within the Email Notifications category:
• Task Failed: The Task Failed property is used to dictate whether Ultimus BPM Server is to send an e-mail notification if the Flobot/Automated Activity task fails to be completed. This failure may be due to a problem with the Ultimus FloStation performing the Flobot/Automated Activity task, the computer hosting Ultimus FloStation, or other reasons. This property can be configured to specify the content of the e-mail notification. The Send subproperty specifies whether to enable the Task Failed property. If the Send subproperty is set to Yes, the Task Failed property is enabled. If the Send subproperty is set to No, the Task Failed property is disabled. The default setting is No. For details how to configure an e-mail notification, refer to Configuring an e-mail notification section. |
Properties within the General category:
• Name: The Name property represents the Flobot/Automated Activity step’s label in the process map, and is used by Ultimus BPM Studio to report any errors pertaining to the step. It is also used in report output. The name must, therefore, be unique. It is possible to change the label when the process is checked out. Changes appear in the Repository window only after the process has been checked in. This option only accepts 48 alphanumeric characters, including space and underscore (_).
• Flobot Name: The Flobot Name property represents the type of Flobot/Automated Activity used on that step. This property is not editable.
• InLine: The InLine property represents that the Flobot/Automated Activity is InLine. InLine Flobots/Automated Activities work directly with Ultimus BPM Server and no Ultimus FloStation is required to host them. These Flobots/Automated Activities are faster than those in which their tasks are performed by Ultimus FloStation, because Ultimus FloStation polls Ultimus BPM Server periodically for new Flobot/Automated Activity tasks (while InLine Flobots/Automated Activities perform their tasks instantly). If the Yes option is selected, the Flobot/Automated Activity is InLine. If the No option is selected, the Flobot/Automated Activity is not InLine. The default option is No.
Note: Flobots performing Read and Write actions should be run on Ultimus FloStation only. Marking these Flobots as InLine causes data loss because InLine Flobot tasks are executed by the Ultimus engine, which is multi-threaded
• Flostation: The Flostation property specifies which Ultimus FloStation (or Ultimus FloStation Group) is to perform the Flobot/Automated Activity task. If an Ultimus FloStation Group is selected, the Flobot/Automated Activity task runs on the first available Ultimus FloStation in that group. If performing simulation, select the For Simulation Only option. This property is disabled if the InLine property uses the Yes option.
Note: Ultimus System Administrator must first be used to specify the computers on which Ultimus FloStations (or Ultimus FloStation Groups) have been installed.
• Completion Time: The Completion Time property specifies how much time is allotted to complete the Flobot/Automated Activity step. This property may be set to a constant value, represented by an Ultimus Keyword, or represented by a global schema element. The default setting is “not defined,” implying that there is no completion time. This property is disabled if the InLine property uses the Yes option. The Completion Time property has the following options:
a. Time Unit: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which to specify the completion time for the Flobot/Automated Activity step. The time unit can be specified as hours, days, months, or absolute time (a specific date/time). The default option is Hours.
b. Time: The Time option represents how much time is allotted to complete the Flobot/Automated Activity step. This option may be set to a constant value (positive numeric digits), represented by an Ultimus Keyword, or represented by a global schema element. To specify an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element, refer to Associating an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element with a property section.
• Extension Time: The Extension Time property specifies how much time is allotted as an extension time to complete the Flobot/Automated Activity step (should the step task become late). This property may be set to a constant value, represented by an Ultimus Keyword, or represented by a global schema element. The default setting is “not defined,” implying that there is no extension time. This property is disabled if the InLine property uses the Yes option. The Extension Time property has the following options:
a. Time Unit: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which to specify the extension time for the Flobot/Automated Activity step. The time unit can be specified as hours, days, months, or absolute time (a specific date/time). The default option is Hours.
b. Time: The Time option represents how much time is allotted as an extension time to complete the Flobot/Automated Activity step (should the step task become late). This option may be set to a constant value (positive numeric digits), represented by an Ultimus Keyword, or represented by a global schema element. To specify an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element, refer to Associating an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element with a property section.
• Delay Time: The Delay Time property specifies how much time is allotted to delay activating the Flobot/Automated Activity step. This property may be set to a constant value, represented by an Ultimus Keyword, or represented by a global schema element. The default setting is “not defined,” implying that there is no delay time. This property is disabled if the InLine property uses the Yes option. The Delay Time property has the following options:
a. Time Unit: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which to specify the delay time before activating the Flobot/Automated Activity step. The time unit can be specified as hours, days, months, or absolute time (a specific date/time). The default option is Hours.
b. Time: The Time option represents how much time is allotted to delay the activation of the Flobot/Automated Activity step. This option may be set to a constant value (positive numeric digits), represented by an Ultimus Keyword, or represented by a global schema element. To specify an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element, refer to Associating an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element with a property section.
Note: If required to be defined, delay time or other time value can be bound only to the "Unsigned Int" schema data type, which represents a 32-bit unsigned integer.
• Timeout (Minutes): The Timeout (Minutes) property represents how long a time interval (in minutes) Ultimus FloStation is to wait for a Flobot/Automated Activity task to complete before designating it as failed. This property also applies to how long a time interval (in minutes) Ultimus BPM Server is to wait for an InLine Flobot/Automated Activity task to complete before designating it as failed. The default option is zero, which represents a five minutes timeout interval. |
Junction/Gateway step properties
A Junction step (or “Gateway step” as it is called in BPMN view) allows many links in a map which are going to the same destination to be merged into one link (join). A Junction/Gateway step simplifies this arrangement with links going to and from the Junction/Gateway step. Junction/Gateway step properties are displayed in the Properties window.
Junction/Gateway step properties
To view properties for a Junction/Gateway step, perform one of the following:
• Select the Junction/Gateway step in which to view its properties, then select View»Windows»Properties from the menu bar.
• Select the Junction/Gateway step in which to view its properties, right-click in the process map, then select Properties.
Below are descriptions of Junction/Gateway step properties: General. |
Properties within the General category:
• Name: The Name property represents the Junction/Gateway step’s label in the process map, and is used by Ultimus BPM Studio to report any errors pertaining to the step. The name must, therefore, be unique. It is possible to change the label when the process is checked out. Changes appear in the Repository window only after the process has been checked in. This option only accepts 48 alphanumeric characters, including space and underscore (_).
• Delay Time: The Delay Time property specifies how much time is allotted to delay activating the Junction/Gateway step. This property may be set to a constant value, represented by an Ultimus Keyword, or represented by a global schema element. The default setting is “not defined,” implying that there is no delay time. The Delay Time property has the following options:
a. Time Unit: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which to specify the delay time before activating the Junction/Gateway step. The time unit can be specified as hours, days, months, or absolute time (a specific date/time). The default option is Hours.
b. Time: The Time option represents how much time is allotted to delay the activation of the Junction/Gateway step. This option may be set to a constant value (positive numeric digits), represented by an Ultimus Keyword, or represented by a global schema element. To specify an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element, refer to Associating an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element with a property section.
Note: If required to be defined, delay time or other time value can be bound only to the "Unsigned Int" schema data type, which represents a 32-bit unsigned integer. |
Maplet/Subprocess step properties
Maplets (or “Subprocesses,” as they are called in BPMN view) are in-line sub-processes that break down a large process map into smaller chunks so that they may be designed and tested independently. Maplet/Subprocess step properties are displayed in the Properties window.
Maplet/Subprocess step properties
To view properties for a Maplet/Subprocess step, perform one of the following:
• Select the Maplet/Subprocess step in which to view its properties, then select View»Windows»Properties from the menu bar.
• Select the Maplet/Subprocess step in which to view its properties, right-click in the process map, then select Properties.
Below are descriptions of Maplet/Subprocess step properties: General. |
Properties within the General category:
• Name: The Name property represents the Maplet/Subprocess step’s label in the process map, and is used by Ultimus BPM Studio to report any errors pertaining to the step. It is also used in report output. The name must, therefore, be unique. It is possible to change the label when the process is checked out. Changes appear in the Repository window only after the process has been checked in. This option only accepts 48 alphanumeric characters, including space and underscore (_).
• Process Name: The Process Name property represents the name of the business process in which the Maplet/Subprocess step is to execute. In other words, the Process Name property represents the name of the “child” business process.
• Repeat Count: The Repeat Count property represents how many times the Maplet/Subprocess step is to execute. An Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element may represent this number. The default value is 1. To specify an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element, refer to Associating an Ultimus Keyword or a global schema element with a property section.
• Wait for Completion: The Wait for Completion property represents whether the incident for the “child” business process (in which the Maplet/Subprocess step is executing) should be completed before activating the next step in the “parent” business process. If the Yes option is selected, the incident for the “child” business process is to complete before the next step in the “parent” business process is activated. If the No option is selected, the incident for the “child” business process need only be initiated before the next step in the “parent” business process be activated. The default option is No. |
Text box properties
Text boxes are visual descriptors, but do not affect process map routing. Text boxes can be used as titles, comments, and captions. Text box properties are displayed in the Properties window.
Text box properties
To view properties for a text box, perform one of the following:
• Select the text box in which to view its properties, then select View»Windows»Properties from the menu bar.
• Select the text box in which to view its properties, right-click in the process map, then select Properties.
Below are descriptions of text box properties:
• Appearance
• Font
• General |
Properties within the Appearance category:
• Shadow: The Shadow property is used to display or hide a drop shadow for the text box. The Yes option implies the drop shadow is to be displayed. The No option implies that the drop shadow is not to be displayed. The default setting is No.
• Border: The Border property is used to display or hide a border around the text box. The Yes option implies the border is to be displayed. The No option implies the border is not to be displayed. The default setting is No.
• Background Color: The Background Color property specifies the background color of the text box. To change the background color, click the button next to the Background Color combo box. The default background color is white.
Selecting the background color for a text box
• Text Alignment: The Text Alignment property specifies the vertical text alignment in a multi-line text box. The Left option implies the text to be left-aligned. The Center option implies the text to be center-aligned. The Right option implies the text to be right-aligned. The default setting is Left.
• Text Color: The Text Color property specifies the color of the text in the text box. To change the text color, click the button next to the Text Color combo box. The default text color is black.
Selecting the text color for a text box |
Properties within the Font category:
• Bold: The Bold property is used to display bold text in the text box. The Yes option implies the text box to display bold text. The No option implies the text box not to display bold text. The default setting is No.
• Size: The Size property specifies the point size of the text in the text box. Text point size may be from 8 point to 72 point. Text within the entire text box displays in the same point size. The default point size is 12.
• Italic: The Italic property is used to display italic text in the text box. The Yes option implies the text box to display italic text. The No option implies the text box not to display italic text. The default setting is No.
• Name: The Name property specifies the name of the font to be used in the text box. To change the font name, click the button next to the Name combo box. The default font name is New Times Roman.
Selecting the font for a text box
• Underline: The Underline property is used to display underlined text in the text box. The Yes option implies the text box to display underlined text. The No option implies the text box not to display underlined text. The default setting is No. |
Properties within the General category:
• Text: The Text property specifies which text to display in the text box. |
Group properties
A “group” is a visual cue that two or more process map objects have an association. This grouping is nothing more than a visual cue that there is an association between these objects and has no effect on Ultimus engine logic. Group properties are displayed in the Properties window.
Group properties
To view properties for a text box, perform one of the following:
• Select the group in which to view its properties, then select View»Windows»Properties from the menu bar.
• Select the group in which to view its properties, right-click, then select Properties.
Below are descriptions of group properties:
• Appearance
• General |
Properties within the Appearance category:
• Background Color: The Background Color property specifies the background color of the group. To change the background color, click the button next to the Background Color combo box. The default background color is yellow.
Selecting the background color for a group
• Text Color: The Text Color property specifies the color of the group label text. To change the group label text color, click the button next to the Text Color combo box. The default text color is black.
Selecting the text color for a text box
• Name: The Name property specifies the name of the font to be used in the group label text. To change the font name, click the button next to the Name combo box. The default font name is Arial.
Selecting the font for a group
• Size: The Size property specifies the point size of the group label text. Text point size may be from 8 point to 72 point. Text within the entire group label displays in the same point size. The default point size is 12.
• Bold: The Bold property is used to display bold text in the group label. The Yes option implies the group label text is to be bolded. The No option implies the group label text is not to be bolded. The default setting is No.
• Underline: The Underline property is used to underline the group label text. The Yes option implies the group label text is to be underlined. The No option implies the group label text is not to be underlined. The default setting is No.
• Italic: The Italic property is used to display italic text in the text box. The Yes option implies the text box to display italic text. The No option implies the text box not to display italic text. The default setting is No. |
Properties within the Misc category:
• Caption: The Caption property specifies the text for the group label. |
This section discusses how to define XML types. The following topics are covered:
• Overview of XML types
• The Global XML Type Definitions editor
• Creating Global XML type definitions
• Importing data types from an external file
• Elements and data types properties |
Overview of XML types
This section outlines introductory topics, including definitions to key concepts regarding XML. Refer to the following sections:
• Defining terms
• Ultimus built-in data types compatibility with supported external data types |
Defining terms
Before beginning a discussion of how to define XML types, three terms must be defined:
• Element: An element is the basic unit of an XML schema. Elements can be of two types: simple and complex. Each of these is described below:
a. Simple elements: Simple elements contain only text (boolean, string, date, or custom type). They cannot contain any other elements or attributes.
b. Complex elements: Complex elements contain other elements and/or attributes, as well as child elements that can have values or can be empty.
In Ultimus Adaptive BPM, a complex type element is used to logically group related data. For example, suppose there is a record called Employee_Contact_Information which contains data such as Name, Street Address, State, Zip_Code, and Telephone_Number. In one complex element where Employee_Contact_Information is a complex element, Name, Street_Address, State, Zip_Code, and Telephone_Number are simple elements of Employee_Record complex element.
Illustrating the relationship between complex and simple elements
• Data type: A data type defines how data should be interpreted. In reference to Ultimus Adaptive BPM, data types are the schema types that are common throughout a business process and are to be used to create process and step XML schemas. Data types can be broken down into three categories:
a. Built-in data types: Built-in data types are based on base types, or simple elements (such as a text string, an integer, or a date).
b. Complex data types: A complex data type consists of a set of simple and/or complex element declarations, element references, and attribute declarations. Any type with one or more elements within it is considered as a complex type.
c. Imported data types: Imported data types are imported from other schema files, Web services or assemblies.
• XML schema: An XML schema is a structure in which elements, attributes, data types for elements and attributes, default and fixed values for elements and attributes, child elements and the order and number of child elements is defined. In regards to process design, XML schemas may be broken down into three categories:
a. Process XML schemas: A process XML schema represents incident data for the business process. To learn how to create a process XML schema, refer to The editor workspace section in Creating a process XML schema section.
b. Step XML schemas: A step XML schema represents the step data within the business process. To learn how to create a step XML schema, refer to The editor workspace section in Creating a step XML schema section.
c. Global XML type definitions: Global XML type definitions are user-defined elements. Once defined, an instance of that XML data type may be used anywhere in the business process. In Ultimus terminology, XML type definitions are “global.” By defining “global” elements, it becomes convenient for a process designer to reference an instance of that element in any process or step XML schema. Furthermore, any changes made to type definitions are automatically propagated anywhere else they are referenced in the business process. Global elements may transfer BPM data to and/or from step XML schemas. To learn how to define a data type, refer to Creating Global XML type definitions section.
The relationship of globally-defined data types with XML schemas |
Ultimus built-in data types compatibility with supported external data types
When creating schema elements, the following tables should be referenced to ensure compatibility between XML schema data types and external data types.
Recommended XML schema data types for use with .NET applications
.NET data types
Ultimus XML schema data types
System Enumeration
Recommended XML schema data types for use with SQL Server databases
SQL Server data types
Ultimus XML schema data types
Note: The maximum number of characters for the Nchar data type is 4000.
Note: The maximum number of characters for the Nvarchar data type is 8000.
Date Time
Recommended XML schema data types for use with Oracle databases
Oracle database data types
Ultimus XML schema data types
Note: The maximum number of characters for the Nchar data type is 2000.
Note: The maximum number of characters for the Varchar2 data type is 2000.
Note: The maximum number of characters for the NVarchar2 data type is 4000.
Recommended XML schema data types for use with DB2 databases
DB2 database data types
Ultimus XML schema data types
DateTime, Time
Note: The maximum number of characters for the Varchar data type is 32627.
Note: When linking schema elements to external schemas, any unsupported data types in the external schema are not available for linking and appear as unavailable in the linking mode. |
The Global XML Type Definitions editor
The Global XML Type Definitions editor contains the following user interface elements:
• The menu bar
• The Standard toolbar
• The Schema toolbar
The Global XML Type Definitions editor
User interface elements within the Global XML Type Definitions editor are discussed below. |
The menu bar
Below is a description of unique menu bar item(s) when viewing the Global XML Type Definitions editor. For information on common menu bar items in all editors, refer to The menu bar section.
• View
• Insert
• Tools
Functions within each of these items are described below. |
Items under the View menu may be accessed with the keyboard shortcut ALT-V. The following unique functions are accessible under the View menu when viewing the Global XML Type Definitions editor:
• Toolbars
• Windows
Each of these functions is discussed below. |
The Toolbars menu option contains two submenu options:
• Standard
• Schema Toolbar
These options are used to display or hide specific toolbars in the Ultimus BPM Studio interface. Each of these submenu options is discussed below. |
The Standard submenu option is a toggling menu option that makes the Standard toolbar appear and disappear on the Ultimus BPM Studio interface. The Standard toolbar offers convenient access to common functions. When the icon beside the Standard submenu option is highlighted, the Standard toolbar is visible. For more information about the Standard toolbar, refer to The Standard toolbar section. |
Schema Toolbar
The Schema Toolbar submenu option is a toggling menu option that makes the Schema toolbar appear and disappear on the Ultimus BPM Studio interface. When the icon beside the Schema Toolbar submenu option is highlighted, the Schema toolbar is visible. For more information about the Schema toolbar, refer to The Schema toolbar section. |
The Windows menu option contains four submenu options:
• Properties
• Event Log
• Connectors
• Repository
These options are used to display or hide specific windows in the Ultimus BPM Studio user interface. Each of these submenu options is discussed below. |
The Properties submenu option displays the Properties window. The Properties window displays properties for any selected object in the business process or editor workspace. When the icon beside the Properties submenu option is highlighted, the Properties window is visible. For more information about the Properties window, refer to Elements and data types properties section. |
Subsets and Splits