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questions: asking about the control measure for aphid infestation in mustard crops \n answers: suggested him to spray rogor@2ml/ evening time. |
questions: asking about the control measure of flower drop problem in his coconut plant \n answers: suggested him to apply fertilizer in recommended dose like urea-600gm,ssp-1kg,mop-700gm,borax-25gm twice in a year(march/april and september/october)followed by trench method and also suggested him to spray planofix@1teaspoonful per20-25 liter of water. |
questions: asking about how to avail kisan credit card loan for sali crop. \n answers: suggested to consult with officer-marketing and recovery (rural),sbi local branch for details. |
questions: asking about source of early ahu rice variety \n answers: suggested to take early ahu rice variety from atic,jorhat,aau campus through parcel or direct taking. |
questions: asking that he has not got proper friut from his coconut plant \n answers: suggested him to aplly recommended fertilizer [email protected] kg,[email protected],[email protected] kg,borax@25 gm./plant/year in trench method. |
questions: asking about induced breeding of fishes \n answers: given details about induced breeding of fishes. |
questions: asking about training for preparation of biomanure \n answers: suggested to approach district agricultural officer or atic,jorhat,ph (0376)2310240 |
questions: asking about treatment of low production of milk in cow \n answers: suggested to provide mineral mixture like ranmix total, milkmin, gwala etc at recommanded dose along with feed.also, suggested to feed high protienous green fodder like cowpea, berseem, lucern etc. |
questions: asking about the premature fruit dropping of coconut. \n answers: suggested to apply bordeaux mixture. apply borax @ 50 gm/plant per year along with urea & ssp. |
questions: asking about preservatives of tomato squash. \n answers: suggested preservatives are: 1. benjoic acid & 2. sulphar dioxide . these chemicals re used to preserve for severel weeks. |
questions: asking about a pre emergence weedicide for rice \n answers: suggested herbicide- butachlor ( machete ) which is a pre-emergence weedicide. |
questions: asking about the control measures for damping off infestation on biter gourd crops. \n answers: suggested to apply dithane m- 45 @ 2-3ml/litre of water and also to check irrigation water supply in the field. |
questions: asking about culture of chitala along with carps. \n answers: suggested that he should go for the single species culture in one pond or he can culture some other species along with chitala, but in the second case, size of other species should be larger than chitala . |
questions: asking about the suitable varieties for transplanted early ahu crops. \n answers: suggested suitable early ahu varieties are as saket-4, ir-50, govind, ir-36, cauvery, krishna, jaya, ir-8, luit, kopilee. |
questions: asking about the fym or compost requirement in blackgram crops/bigha \n answers: suggested fym or compost requirement for blackgram crops as 6 quintql/bigha, this not only adds fertility but also improves soil structures. |
questions: asking about availibility of quail birds for commercial purpose \n answers: suggested to contact with central agricultural university , mizoram for availibility of quail birds |
questions: asking about the control measures to be taken on bacterial wilt in brinjal crops. \n answers: suggested to apply 100 ppm agromycine or streptomycine twice in a week and also to avoid water stagnation in the field. |
questions: asking about an n.g.o which is doing watershed project \n answers: suggested to contact deshbandhu club which is situated in cachar district |
questions: asking about the how to take control measures of flower and fruit dropping on aonla fruits trees \n answers: suggested to either spray planofix @ 1ml/4litre of water or apply borax @ 200 g/plant at the base of the tree by making ring . |
questions: asking about with what chemical seed treatment of maize should be done against seed borne diseases attack. \n answers: suggested that the seeds of maize should be treated with bavistin @ 2 g/ kg of seeds or captaf @ 2- 2.5 g /kg of seeds before or after sowing. |
questions: asking about precautionary measure for preventing disease of fish. \n answers: suggested to apply lime @ 1000 kg/ hac/yr. one third of the required dose is to be applied at the time of pond preparation & the remaining portion is to be applied in equal monthly installment. he is also suggested to maintain the water quality properly. |
questions: asking about the remedial measures for fruit droping problem in chayote crops. \n answers: suggested him to apply cow dung manure @7kg/plant at the base of the plant and spray planofix @2ml/litre of water at 15 days interval. |
questions: asking about the sowing season of pumkin crops. \n answers: suggested him that pumkin can be grown in two season i.e january to april for summer hervest and september to november for spring hervest. |
questions: asking about the remedial measures of cutworm infestation in bittergourd crops. \n answers: suggested him to apply malathion 5%dust @2 g/plant in case of soil application.also suggested him to keep the crops field weeds free to further arrest the pest infestation. |
questions: asking about fertilizer dose of coconut ( 7 years old ) \n answers: suggested to apply 1500 g urea, 2500 g ssp and 1750 g mop per plant along with 50 g borax. |
questions: asked about koleroga disease of arecanut \n answers: suggested to apply bordeaux mixture |
questions: asked about control of papaya leaf curl \n answers: suggested to apply rogor@1 ml/litre of water |
questions: asking about fertilizer dose and spacing of papaya. \n answers: suggested to apply 250 gm urea ,700 gm ssp and 200 gm mop and 5 kg fym.spacing 2mt*2mt. |
questions: asking for the fertiliser dose and its method of application of bottle gourd for a land of 1 bigha. \n answers: suggested to apply 8 kg of urea,46 kg of single super,24 kg of potash along with 300 kg of fym as basal dressing for a land of 1 bigha. 4 kg 0f urea to be top dressed at flowering stage and again 4 kg 0f urea to be top dressed at fruit set. |
questions: asked about control of beetle in ridge gourd \n answers: suggested to apply malathion 50 ec @1 ml/2.5 litres water + molasses @10 gm /litre water |
questions: asked about control of khaira disease in rice \n answers: suggested to apply znso4 (5 kg) and lime (2.5 kg) in 1000 litres water after 10 days of sowing |
questions: asking about age of castration in goat. \n answers: suggested to castrat within 1-1and 1/2 months. |
questions: asking about some early variety of cauliflower \n answers: early kuwari,pusa deepali |
questions: asked for the fertilizer dose of sali rice semi dwarf var \n answers: suggested to apply 6kg urea 18 kg ssp and 4kg mop during final land preparation and 6 kg urea during flower initiation |
questions: asking about treatment of caugh in goat. \n answers: suggested to adminster cflon powder @20gm thrice daily by mixing with gur. |
questions: asked about the suitable variety of brinjal for assam condition \n answers: suggested to use following varieties, pusa purple kranti, pusa purple long, pusa purple cluster, borbengena etc |
questions: asking about the package of practices for brinjal. \n answers: explained about the package of practices for brinjal. |
questions: asking for the control measure of fruit rot in coconut. \n answers: suggested mr.majumder to apply bordeaux mixture @ 1% i.e 10ltrs. in trench system around the plant to get rid off this disease. |
questions: asking about the post flood variety of paddy. \n answers: suggested to collect luit or kapili variety of paddy. |
questions: asking about kisan credit card. \n answers: explained details about kisan credit card and suggested him to approach nearest nationalised bank. |
questions: asked about te controlmeasure of cutworm in bottle gourd \n answers: suggested to incorporate malathion 5% dust in the soil around the plant |
questions: asking about the the remedial measures for browning of leaves tip in cucumber crops. \n answers: suggested him to broadcast urea fertilizer@ 15 kg/bigha followed with light watering and loosening oe soil. |
questions: asking about the cultivation practice of potato. \n answers: explained in details about the cultivation practice of potato. |
questions: asking about the control measure of control measure of downy mildew in pumkin. \n answers: suggested to apply indofil m 45 @ 2gms/liter at 12 days interval as folliar spray. |
questions: asking about treatment of cow. \n answers: suggested to administer rumen bolus @2bolustwice daily for 3days. |
questions: asked about the cultivation practice of bitter gourd \n answers: answered in detail about varieties,seed rate, fertilizer dose etc |
questions: asking about the fungal disease of pineapple \n answers: spray mancozeb@2gm/lt of water |
questions: asking for the fertiser dose of french bean. \n answers: suggested mr.hajam to apply 8kg of urea,33kg of ssp,14kg of mop along with 300kg of fym.this fertiliser dose suggested is for 1 bigha of land. |
questions: asking the control measure for bacterial wilt in potato. \n answers: suggested mr.koiri to drench the soil at the base of the plant with 100ppm of streptomycin. also suggested to apply a mixture of 1 gram asafoetida along with 5 gram of turmeric powder in 10 litres of water and to drench the soil 3 times at an interval of 15,30 and 45 days after transplanting. |
questions: asking the procedure of seed treatment in potato. \n answers: suggested mr.koiri to cut into pieces longitudinally,the bigger sized tubers having 2-3 eyes in each piece and then to dip the cut pieces in mancozeb @ 5 gram in 1 litre of water for about 10 mins. after that ,the seeds are to be spread thinly and dried under shade for 48 hours or should be covered with moist gunny bags for 2-3 days for suberization. |
questions: asking about some variety name of potato \n answers: suggested in details regarding variety like-khufri jyoti,khufri sindhuri,khufri megha |
questions: asking about the seed treatment of potato. \n answers: suggested to treat the seeds in a 0.1% captaf for 24 hrs. and dry the srreds in shade. |
questions: asking about treatment of diarrhoea in cow. \n answers: suggested to administer neblon powder @50gm twice daily for 5days. |
questions: asking that how to get crop loan from bank \n answers: suggested to contact with any nationalized bank and marketing and recovery officer located in his area |
questions: asking about the recommended fertilizer dose for cabbage cultivation \n answers: suggested to apply urea@25kg/bigha,ssp@41kg/bigha,mop@13kg/bigha and fym@2 quintle/bigha |
questions: asking about the recommended fertilizer dose for cabbage/bigha \n answers: suggested to apply urea@25kg/bigha,ssp@41kg/bigha,mop@13kg/bigha and fym@2 quintle/bigha |
questions: asking about the control measure to control late blight disease infestation in potato \n answers: suggested to apply dithane m-45@2gram/liter of water alternating with ridomil mz-72@2gram/liter of water at 7-10 days interval for 3-4 times |
questions: asking about the control measure to control late blight disease infestation in potato \n answers: suggested to apply dithane m-45@2gram/liter of water alternating with ridomil mz-72@2gram/liter of water at 7-10 days interval for 3-4 times |
questions: asking for some good varieties of boro rice along with the time of planting which is best suited for his zone. \n answers: suggested the following: boro-1,boro-2,culture-1,krishna,ir-50,cauvery,banglami,bishnuprasad and jyotiprasad. these suggested varieties are best suited for his barak valley zone from where he belongs and all these varieties can be planted in december/january. |
questions: asking about the control measure of late blight of potato. \n answers: suggested to apply indofil [email protected]/lit of water or ridomil mz-72@2ml/lit of water. |
questions: asking about the fertilizer dose of cauliflower. \n answers: advised to apply recommended fertilizer dose like:urea@23 kilogram/bigha,ssp@50kilogram/bigha,mop@11 kilogram/bigha,compost@2 quintle/bigha,and borax@25 gram |
questions: asking the preventive measure against late blight disease of potato. \n answers: advised to spray indofil m 45 @ 2.5 gram per lire of water at an interval of 7 days to get rid off this disease. |
questions: asking about the control measure of rotting becaouse of excess irrigation \n answers: suggested to apply blitox @ 2gm per lit of water followed by a spray of borax and molibdenum |
questions: asking about the control measure to control late blight disease of potato \n answers: advised to apply dithane [email protected] gram/litre of water alternating with ridomil mz-72@2gram/liter of water at 7-10 days interval. |
questions: asking for the control measure against leaf blight of coconut tree which is affecting his 5 numbers of coconut trees. \n answers: suggested to spray bordeaux mixture @ 1% per plant and to remove the old and affected leaves. |
questions: asking about some recommended planting materials of tea \n answers: advised to plant recommended planting materials like:(a)clone-tv1,tv18,tv20,tv21,tv22,tv23,tv24,pl26a and (b)seed-ts450,ts462,ts464,betajan jat. |
questions: asking the control measure of bacterial wilt in his potato cultivation. \n answers: suggested to apply streptomycin @ 1 gram per litre of water and to drench the soil around the plant with 1 gram of asafoetida along with 5 gram of turmeric powder by mixing in 10 litres of water.also advised that whenever he goes for his next cultivation of potato, to apply 12 gram of bleaching powder per hectare during final land preparation. |
questions: asking about the control measure to control late blight disease infestation in potato cultivation. \n answers: suggested to apply dithane [email protected] gram/liter of water alternating with ridomil mz-72@2gram/liter of water at 7-10 days interval |
questions: asking about treatment of babesiosis of cow. \n answers: suggested to administer berenil inj @1.6gram per 100kg body weight in 5ml distilled water per 0.8gram of granule,by deep intramuscular route.repeat the dose after 1week. |
questions: asking about the method to ripen the tomato fruit before normal harvest \n answers: suggested to spray ethrel@500 ppm on the fruit about one month before normal harvest |
questions: asking the control measure against aphids and epilachna beetle which are destroying his potato cultivation. \n answers: suggested to apply malathion 50 ec @ 1.5 litre in 500-600 litres of water to get control on these types of pests. |
questions: asking about the fertilizer dose of beeter gourd. \n answers: suggested to apply 11 kg urea, 29 kg ssp, 3kg mop and 2 quintol compost. urea is suggested to apply in 3 splt doses: one at the time of land preperation, 2nd in 30 days and the rest in 60 days. |
questions: asking about the recommended fertilizer dose of wheat. \n answers: suggested that the recommended fertilizer dose for wheat is-urea@12kilogram/bigha,ssp@18kilogram/bigha,mop@4kilogram/bigha. |
questions: asking about the control measure to control fruit rot disease of chilli \n answers: suggested to apply bavistin@2gram/liter of water at 7-10 days interval. |
questions: asking about the control measure to control fruit borer infestation in mango fruit. \n answers: suggested to spray dimecron 100 ec@2ml/liter of water followed by waiting period of 10-12 days. |
questions: asking about the recommended fertilizer dose for bitter gourd. \n answers: suggested to apply urea@11kilogram/bigha,ssp@29 kilogram/bigha,mop@3 kilogram/bigha and fym@2 quintal/bigha. |
questions: asking the control measure against late blight of potato. \n answers: suggested to spray indofil m 45 @ 2.5 gram per litre of water and ridomil mz 72 @ 2 gram per litre of water alternatively at an interval of 10-12 days. also suggested that while spraying care should be taken so that the lower part of the leaves also gets wettened. |
questions: asking about the control measure to control fruit drop problem in coconut. \n answers: suggested to apply recommended fertilizer dose like-urea@1,5 kilogram/plant,[email protected] kilogram/plant,[email protected] kilogram/plant,borax@25 gram/plant.fertilizer should be applied in two equal split doses twice in a year in trench method. |
questions: asking about the control measure to control wilting problem of tomato. \n answers: suggested to applly agromycin@200 milligram/liter of water or spray solution of 1gram asafoetida + 5 gram turmeric mixture/10 liters of water. |
questions: asking about the control measure to control fruit drop problem of coconut. \n answers: suggested to apply recommended fertilizer dose [email protected] kilogram/plant,[email protected] kilogram/plant,[email protected] kilogram/plant,borax@25 gram/plant and also to apply planofix@1tsf/20 liters of water.fertilizer should be apply in two equal split doses twice in a year to a trench of 30 cm width and 10 cm depth at a radius of 1-1.75m away from the main trunk. |
questions: asking about the seed rate/bigha of cucumber. \n answers: suggested that seed rate of cucumber/bigha is 330 gram. |
questions: asking about the market price/quintal for tomato in his district. \n answers: suggested that the market price for tomato up to 29/01/10 is-600rs/quintal(min) and 800 rs/quintal(max). |
questions: asking about the control measure to control late blight disease infestation in potato. \n answers: suggested to apply dithane [email protected] gram/liter of water alternating with ridomil mz-72@2gram/liter of water at 7-10 days interval. |
questions: asking about the control measure to control bacterial wilt disease of tomato. \n answers: suggested to apply streptomycin sulphate@200mg/liter of water. |
questions: asking the control measure against black spot disease in cabbage. \n answers: suggested to spray streptomycin @ 2 gram per litre of water to get control on this disease. |
questions: asking about the measurement required in preparation of vermicompost in tank. \n answers: suggested that tanks with dimension of 1.5 meter width,4.5 meter length and 0.9 meter height is preferred. |
questions: asking about treatment of white diarrhoea of poultry. \n answers: suggested him to separate the diseased bird.suggested him to administer tetracycline powder @5gm with 5ltr of water with feed 2 times in a day. |
questions: asking about the control measure to control fruit borer pest infestation in tomato. \n answers: suggested to spray neem based pesticide like-neem gold,[email protected] ml/liter of water. |
questions: asking about treatment of diarrhoea in cow. \n answers: suggested to administer neblon powder @ 50 gm twice daily for five days.along with that administer steclin bolus @ 2 bolus twice daily for five days. |
questions: asking about treatment of wound in a cow. \n answers: suggested to clean the wound with betadine and then spray skin heal spray on the affected area twice daily. |
questions: asking informations about central institute of post harvest engineering and technology, ludhiana, punjab. \n answers: answered that dr. r.t.patil is the director of ciphet, ludiana, punjab and the institute has divisons of agriculture structures and environmental control, food grains and oil seeds processing,transfer of technology and horticulture crop processing. the contact numbers provided are :0161-2308669 & 2307196 along with 09216338421. also advised mr. singha to search google for other informations in details. |
questions: asking about treatment of white diarrhoea of poultry. \n answers: suggested him to administer hostacycline powder @5gm in 5 ltr of water. |
questions: asking about treatment of bloat of a goat. \n answers: suggested him to administer afanil 100ml@50ml orally and rest b50ml after 6hours.along with that administer steclin 500mg bolus @1/2 bolus twice daily.administer bovirum bolus @1/2 bolus twice daily. |
questions: asking about the preventive measure against fruit borer of mango \n answers: suggested to follow clean cultivation, brush the trunk with lime, spray the field with .1% malathion 35ec. |
questions: asking about the control measure to control fruit rot disease of chiili. \n answers: suggested to apply dithane [email protected] gram/liter of water. |
questions: telling that he wants to cultivate cucumber in a land of 2 bigha and for the same asking the process of cutivation practices. \n answers: suggested to select mar-apr with an seed rate of 330 gram per bigha. the planting distance suggested is 1.5 x 1.2 metre . fertilizers suggested is 14, 37,17 and 300 kilogram of urea, super, potash and farm yard manure respectively. also suggested to treat per kilogram of seeds with 5 gram of captaf to prevent root rot before sowing. the preventive measures has also been elaborated in details and wished him success for a bulk produce more than his expectation. |
questions: asking about financial assitstance for dairy farming. \n answers: suggested to contact with nearest sbi branch for loans& finances. |
questions: asking about the variety of rajma. \n answers: suggested that the variety is-uday. |
questions: asking for the preservation method of potato tubers to be sown after 7-8 months. \n answers: suggested mr. borbhuyan to dip the selected tubers (to be sown) in a solution of 30 gram boric acid and 1 litre of water for 30 minutes. after that the tubers are to be thinly spread in shade. also suggested to examine the tuber seeds and to separate and throw away the rotten ones and whenever such cases are observed, advised to spary malathion 5 percent dust powder with the help of a sprayer for which 200 gram of malathion 5 percent dust powder is sufficient for 1 quintal of potato tubers. |
questions: asking about the age of castration in goat \n answers: the age of castration is 2-3 months in goat. |
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