16 values
Demandez et vous recevrez
Bienvenue au paradis terrestre (...) Vous etes ici en vacances. C'est ainsi que l'auteur de Demandez et vous recevrezaccueille le lecteur sur sa drole de planete. Physicien et specialiste en marketing, Pierre Morency demontre, preuves a l'appui, qu'en maitrisant ses pensees et en prenant conscience de leur pouvoir, chacun peut controler sa destinee. Des lors, tous les succes deviennent possibles : Vous voulez changer votre vie ? Eh bien ! changez vos pensees. Ce scientifique mystico-fantaisiste s'inspire autant d'Einstein que de la Bible et des grands principes de la spiritualite pour nous montrer comment realiser nos desirs les plus fous. Si vos reves ne vous effraient pas, ils sont trop petits ! Avec la fougue persuasive d'un preacher, il explique comment mettre toutes les chances de son cote (en retrouvant, notamment, un age mental de quatre ans), identifie les ennemis a affronter (dont la peur et le besoin de securite) et nous apprend a reconnaitre nos faiblesses. Si le discours ne convainc pas toujours, il n'en contient pas moins des verites stimulantes qu'on aura envie de mettre en pratique (suivre son intuition ou faire preuve d'audace, par exemple). La plume est vive et l'approche, tres... marketing. La mise en page est aeree, des phrases cles en encadre ou en gras soulignent les points importants, les anecdotes et les exemples images abondent. Quand il n'ecrit pas, Pierre Morency donne d'ailleurs des formations en marketing scientifique et pratique l'entertraining, formule hybride entre la seance de formation et le spectacle. Illumine ? Opportuniste ? Grand enfant curieux, repondrait probablement Morency. Et il ajouterait sans doute que la verite sort precisement de la bouche des enfants. --Liette Beaulieu
Amelie Nothomb hat ihre Kindheit und Jugend als Tochter eines belgischen Diplomaten in China und Japan verbracht. Ihr Roman, der monatelang auf den franzosischen Bestsellerlisten stand, erzahlt von einem ssWeltkriegss, der unbeachtet von der Offentlichkeit von 1972 bis 1975 im Pekinger Diplomatenghetto tobte. Wahrend sich die Eltern um Frieden bemuhten, gehorte es zum liebsten Zeitvertreib ihrer Sprosslinge, Krieg zu spielen. Jungste dieser Kinderarmee war die siebenjahrige Ich-Erzahlerin, die ein Leben ohne Feinde langweilig fand - bis sie der wunderschonen zehnjahrigen Italienerin Elena begegnete und sich unsterblich in sie verliebte.
Change Your Life in 30 Days: A Journey to Finding Your True Self
Rhonda Britten, Life Coach on NBC's hit show Starting Over, guides readers on a 30-day step-by-step journey to help define goals and make extraordinary life changes in their lives, using practical insights, exercises, and inspiring wisdom. For those who want to make a major life change but have been too locked in fear to start, the answers lie within this book.
Abandon (Abandon, #1)
Though she tries returning to the life she knew before the accident, Pierce can't help but feel at once a part of this world, and apart from it. Yet she's never alone . . . because someone is always watching her. Escape from the realm of the dead is impossible when someone there wants you back. But now she's moved to a new town. Maybe at her new school, she can start fresh. Maybe she can stop feeling so afraid. Only she can't. Because even here, he finds her. That's how desperately he wants her back. She knows he's no guardian angel, and his dark world isn't exactly heaven, yet she can't stay away . . . especially since he always appears when she least expects it, but exactly when she needs him most. But if she lets herself fall any further, she may just find herself back in the one place she most fears: the Underworld.
These Old Shades
A gentleman was strolling down a side street in Paris, on his way back from the house of one Madame de Verchoureux. He walked mincingly, for the red heels of his shoes were very high. A long purple cloak, rose-lined, hung from his shoulders and was allowed to fall carelessly back from his dress, revealing a full-skirted coat of purple satin, heavily laced with gold; a waistcoat of flowered silk; faultless small clothes; and a lavish sprinkling of jewels on his cravat and breast. The gentleman in question is Justin Alastair, the Duke of Avon, known by friends and enemies alike as Satanas--the devil. On this particular evening, the dangerous rake crosses paths with Leon, a red-headed youth of low birth who is fleeing a certain beating at his brutal brother's hands. On a whim, Avon buys the boy and makes him his page. It soon becomes clear, however, that Leon is not what he seems, and that Avon has an ulterior motive for bringing him into his household. Set in pre-Revolutionary France, These Old Shadesfollows a twisting course as young Leon (or is it Leonie?) is swept up in a dangerous mystery: how to account for the page's amazing resemblance to the sinister Compte de Saint Vire, for example; and why will this man go to any lengths to get the youth in his power? Georgette Heyer's historical romances tend to fall into two different camps: later novels such as Cotillion, False Colours, and Sylvesterfeature larger-than-life comic characters and romantic pairings more akin to Beatrice and Benedick than Hero and Claudio. Earlier works such as These Old Shades, however, tend to be darker, tinged with mystery and overshadowed by very real menace. What both types share is Heyer's fine storytelling and encyclopedic knowledge of Regency mores and manners--her books are the next best thing to a time machine. These Old Shades's greatest asset, however, is the charming Leonie: beautiful, brave, and loyal to a fault, with a fondness for swordplay and pistols and a delightfully incomplete grasp of the English language. Heyer herself was so fond of this character that she featured her in two more novels, Devil's Cuband An Infamous Army. --Alix Wilber This book includes some characters from The Black Moth.
Ölmem Gerekirse (Revenants, #3)
Sevdigini Kurtarmak Icin Ne Kadarina Hazirsin? Amy Plum'in tum dunyada firtinalar koparan, onemli cok satanlar listelerinin gediklisi haline gelen Benim Icin Ol Uclemesi tamamlaniyor. Vincent beni bulmak icin pek cok hayat boyunca beklemisti, ancak ortak gelecegimize dair hayallerimiz bir anda paramparca oldu. Ikimizin de "arkadas" olarak tanimladigimiz biri ona ihanet etti ve ben de Vincent'i kaybetmis oldum. Simdi dusmanimiz France'in olumsuzlerini hakimiyeti altina almaya son derece kararli ve istediklerini elde etmek icin bir savas baslatmaktan da kacinmayacaklar. Heyecan dolu bir macera... Ask, mucadele, gozyasi, surpriz bir son... Benim Icin Ol Uclemesi'nin son cildi, Olmem Gerekirse!
Problem at Pollensa Bay and Other Stories
Dalam kumpulan cerita pendek ini, tokoh-tokoh ciptaan Agatha Christie yang termasyur muncul, termasuk si eksentrik Hercule Poirot, yang di dalam Bunga Iris Kuning di undang ke pesta makan malam di restoran modern oleh penelepon misterius yang tidak mau menyebutkan identitasnya. Apakah kebetulan, tepat empat tahun yang lalu, pada meja yang sama, para tamu yang hadir malam itu menyaksikan istri tuan rumah bunuh diri secara tragis dan aneh? Parker Pyne, "spesialis ketidakbahagiaan", memecahkan masalah cinta yang rumit dengan sangat bijak dan cerdik dalam Masalah di Teluk Pollensa, Dalam Misteri Reggata dia menggunakan kemampuan observasinya yang sangat mengagumkan untuk membongkar kasus yang membingungkan. Dalam pelayaran dengan kapal pesiar mewah atas undangan Mr. Isaac Pointz, ada tamu yang bertaruh pasti bisa mencuri Morning Star, sebutir berlian indah dan sangat mahal yang selalu di bawa kemana-mana oleh tuan rumah. Taruhan itu tidak main-main. Morning Star lenyap tanpa jejak, padahal tak satu pun tamu meninggalkan ruangan. Dalam Perangkat Minum Teh Herlequin, Mr. Satterthwaite kebetulan bertemu dengan pria paling misterius di dunia, Mr. Herlequin. Pertemuan itu mengubah acara akhir pekan di pedesaaan yang tenang menjadi kesempatan untuk mencegah pembunuhan mengerikan yang dilakukan dengan cangkir-cangkir teh aneka warna.
The Vanishing
What happens when the hero who saved Wonderland from the destruction of the famed Jabberwock needs to find a worthy paramour before the Red Queen picks one for him? Devrel, the last of the Cheshire cats, has the perfect solution. He'll just pluck one from the human world and gift her to him for his un-birthday. Realizing her friends were playing a joke on her, Cadence is heading home when she sees the cat smiling at her. Next thing she knows, she's in Wonderland and in the arms of a handsome man who thinks she's slightly unhinged upon meeting her. Intrigued by Gareth, Cadence makes an offer to act as his companion in exchange for his protection as they journey from the Tulgey Wood to the Red Kingdom--a simple solution which endangers both of their hearts as the castle looms in the distance.
Northanger Abbey
Northanger Abbeytells the story of Catherine Morland, a naive young woman whose perceptions of the world around her are greatly influenced by the romantic gothic novels to which she is addicted. When she moves to Bath she sees mystery and intrigue all around her. This is one of Austen's early works, a broad comedy about learning to distinguish between fiction and reality. Illustrated by Hugh Thomson, with an Afterword by David Pinching. Designed to appeal to the book lover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautifully bound gift editions of much loved classic titles. Bound in real cloth, printed on high quality paper, and featuring ribbon markers and gilt edges, Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.
7 days
All that Apurva wanted was to live a happily married life with the woman he loved the most, but what he didn't expect to face was a drastic and dangerous challenge on the rst night of his honeymoon. He woke up the rst morning and discovered his wife to be affected by something he didn't have any clue about. He was faced with two options, either leave her and save himself or stay and nd a solution. What will Apurva choose to do? Will he be successful in his decision? 7 days is a romantic, psychological thriller with paranormal element in it."
Mansfield Park
Taken from the poverty of her parents' home in Portsmouth, Fanny Price is brought up with her rich cousins at Mansfield Park, acutely aware of her humble rank and with her cousin Edmund as her sole ally. During her uncle's absence in Antigua, the Crawford's arrive in the neighborhood bringing with them the glamour of London life and a reckless taste for flirtation. Mansfield Parkis considered Jane Austen's first mature work and, with its quiet heroine and subtle examination of social position and moral integrity, one of her most profound.
Blood Lad, Vol. 10
Tudo deu errado, mas nem tudo esta perdido! Agora, Staz tem muito a fazer para conseguir cumprir sua promessa... e a jornada nao sera nada facil! A revolucao de Makai esta so comecando!!
Mary (Get to Know)
Chosen by God Mary was more than the mother of Jesus. She was a hero of the Bible. She said Yes! to God. Learn about Mary and her exciting place in history. Discover what it was like to grow up in Israel and be a part of Jesus life on earth. Mary part of the Get to Knowseries will teach you everything you need to know about this young woman whom God used to do great things!"
Brevet som drepte
Stjalne brev, en myrdet diplomat, engelske, franske og amerikanske detektiver, hemmelige lonnganger, en praktfull juvel, et mystisk roseemblem, organisasjonen Den Rode Hands Liga og en internasjonal juveltyv er noen av ingrediensene i denne romanen. Anthony Cade og sjefsinspektor Battle far en uhyre komplisert sak a arbeide med.
Doctor Who: Free Comic Book Day 2016
Jump on board the TARDIS with FOUR all-new short tales of the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors! Whether you're a whizz with a Sonic Screwdriver or completely new to Who, this is the perfect Free Comic Book Day adventure for SF fans of all ages! Written and illustrated by the creative teams of the regular comics, this is the ideal place to start reading!
Clincher (DS Fight Club Book 6)
The Pressure Fighter Five years ago, Bridget Doherty walked away from a promising MMA career in order to salvage her failing marriage. Now, newly divorced, Bridget is training again with hopes that a new gym in a new city will reignite her passion-both personally and professionally. The Former Chef Ever since his heart attack, Nolan Harper is playing it safe-afraid to really start living again. Turning in his high stress restaurant career for a desk job drains the zest right out of him. Southie meets Southerner When Bridget steps in as Nolan's personal trainer, the fast-talking girl fighter from Southie intrigues the gentle Southern giant. These opposites definitely attract. But will Bridget and Nolan's pasts smother the fire that burns between them?
La mujer justa
Tres voces, tres puntos de vista, tres sensibilidades diferentes para desentranar una historia de pasion, mentiras, traicion y crueldad concebida por Sandor Marai en los anos cuarenta, los anos de El ultimo encuentroy Divorcio en Buda, la epoca mas fertil y lucida de la obra del gran escritor hungaro. Compuesta de tres monologos, correspondientes a los tres personajes que conforman la novela, esta edicion de La mujer justareune por primera vez en castellano las dos primeras partes, publicadas en 1941 en Hungria, y la tercera, escrita durante el exilio italiano de Marai y anadida a la version alemana de 1949. Una tarde, en una elegante cafeteria de Budapest, una mujer relata a su amiga como un dia, a raiz de un banal incidente, descubrio que su marido estaba entregado en cuerpo y alma a un amor secreto que lo consumia, y luego su vano intento por reconquistarlo. En la misma ciudad, una noche, el hombre que fue su marido confiesa a un amigo como dejo a su esposa por la mujer que deseaba desde anos atras, para despues de casarse con ella perderla para siempre. Al alba, en una pequena pension romana, una mujer cuenta a su amante como ella, de origen humilde, se habia casado con un hombre rico, pero el matrimonio habia sucumbido al resentimiento y la venganza. Cual marionetas sin derecho a ejercer su voluntad, Marika, Peter y Judit narran su fallida relacion con el crudo realismo de quien considera la felicidad un estado elusivo e inalcanzable. Marai inicio su carrera literaria como poeta y ese aliento pervive en La mujer justa. En esta novela estan sus paginas mas intimas y desgarradas, las mas sabias. Su descripcion del amor, la amistad, el sexo, los celos, la soledad, el deseo y la muerte apuntan directamente al centro del alma humana.
Собрание сочинений в 11 томах. Том 5. 1967-1968
V piatyi tom sobraniia sochinenii vkliucheny proizvedeniia, napisannye v period s 1967 po 1968 gody: <>, <>, <>. Tom dopolniaiut kommentarii B. Strugatskogo k dannym proizvedeniiam, vospominaniia N. Berkovoi i otryvki iz kritiki togo vremeni.
Bobos : Chroniques de la petite douleur
C'est donne a tout le monde d'avoir mal. Les petits, les grands, les forts, les freles, les Blancs, les Noirs, les chretiens, les musulmans, le mal ne fait pas de discrimination. Aucun quartier. On pleure sur tous les continents et dans toutes les langues. Qui ne s'est jamais ecorche un genou, cogne un orteil, survecu a une echarde ? Devant la douleur, la petite comme la grande, nous partons tous egaux. Seuls les moyens de la soulager different. Ces chroniques ne sont pas celles d'un hypocondriaque. L'hypo s'invente une ou plusieurs maladies, se complait dans le recit de ce qui l'accable. Ce livre, c'est exactement l'inverse : une entreprise de dedramatisation. Aucun medecin ici, aucune pharmacopee, aucune prescription. Non, juste un becquee bobo a l'etre humain dont le sport favori est de se plaindre.
War On Fear: What Would You Do If You Were Not Afraid?
What Would Your Life Look Like Without Fear? Where would you go? What dreams would you aspire to achieve? Imagine the possibilities of living without fear. In his new book, War On Fear, author, speaker and presidential impersonator, John Morgan, shares his personal struggles with fear to give you practical advice and guidance for victory over your fears. After reading War On Fear, you will be empowered to become a more confident, positive person.
Wonder Boys
In his first novel since The Mysteries of Pittsburgh, Chabon presents a hilarious and heartbreaking work--the story of the friendship between the "wonder boys"--Grady, an aging writer who has lost his way, and Crabtree, whose relentless debauchery is capsizing his career.
Phoenix Freed (The Phoenix Series Book 3)
A proposal. A sibling. An enemy that never gives up. Daughtry has been to hell and come back with a man who will never leave her side. With Cody in her life, she's never been happier. Until Alex arrives at the Colony. Finally, Daughtry's dreams of a family seem to be fulfilled -- except Alex brings a whole slew of complications. She's strong, intense, and doesn't trust easily. It seems impossible for Daughtry's two worlds to merge peacefully until the Dalshie attack and Alex steps up, providing the first measurable hope of eliminating the Rengalla's most brutal enemy. Alex's strength is finally an asset, and her heart -- her tough, loyal, bruised heart -- may have finally found someone who can cherish it.
Gardening Hints & Tips
The complete guide to success in the garden-No-nonsense tips that guarantee success in the garden, plus handy hints on low-maintenance gardening The essential problem-solver- Clever solutions to gardening problems to save you time, trouble, and money Packed with ingenious tips- Special tip boxes highlight standard techniques, traditional wisdom, ecologically aware alternatives, and money- and time-saving ideas Expert advice- Television host, journalist, and gardening correspondent Pippa Greenwood combines tried-and-tested solutions with modern, professional methods.
Talking As Fast As I Can: From Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls, and Everything in Between
In her first work of nonfiction, the beloved star of Gilmore Girls and Parenthood recounts her experiences on Gilmore Girls - the first and second times - and shares stories about life, love, and working in Hollywood. This collection of essays is written in the intimate, hilarious, and down-to-earth voice that made her novel, Someday, Someday, Maybe, a New York Times best seller. "This book contains some stories from my life: the awkward growing up years, the confusing dating years, the fulfilling working years, and what it was like to be asked to play one of my favorite characters again. You probably think I'm talking about my incredible achievement as Dolly in Hello, Dolly! as a Langley High School junior, a performance my dad called 'you're so much taller than the other kids.' But no! I'm talking about Lorelai Gilmore, who, back in 2008, I wasn't sure I'd ever see again. Also included: tales of living on a houseboat, meeting guys at awards shows, and that time I was asked to be a butt model. A hint: all three made me seasick." (Lauren Graham)
The Cut
Spero Lucas has a new line of work. Since he returned home after serving in Iraq, he has been doing special investigations for a defense attorney. He's good at it, and he has carved out a niche: recovering stolen property, no questions asked. His cut is forty percent. A high-profile crime boss who has heard of Lucas's specialty hires him to find out who has been stealing from his operation. It's the biggest job Lucas has ever been offered, and he quickly gets a sense of what's going on. But before he can close in on what's been taken, he tangles with a world of men whose amorality and violence leave him reeling. Is any cut worth your family, your lover, your life? Spero Lucas is George Pelecanos's greatest creation, a young man making his place in the world one battle and one mission at a time. The first in a new series of thrillers featuring Spero Lucas, The Cutis the latest confirmation of why George Pelecanos is "perhaps America's greatest living crime writer." (Stephen King)
'Muse, tell me of a man: a man of much resource, who was made to wander far and long, after he had sacked the sacred city of Troy. Many were the men whose lands he saw and came to know their thinking: many too the miseries at sea, which he suffered in his heart, as he sought to win his own life and the safety of his companions.' Recounting the epic journey home of Odysseus from the Trojan War, The Odyssey- alongside its sister poem The Iliad- stands as the well-spring of Western Civilisation and culture, an inspiration to poets, writers and thinkers for thousands of years since. This authoritative prose translation by Martin Hammond brings Homer's great poem of homecoming to life as Odysseus battles through such familiar dangers as the cave of the Cyclops, the call of the Sirens and his hostile reception back in his native land of Ithaca.
Fly Tier’s Benchside Reference: to Techniques and Dressing Styles
This extraordinary book focuses specifically on trout flies, many of the methods discussed can be used or adapted to dress patterns for other species. This encyclopedic treatment of fly tying includes: selecting materials, thread handling, hooks, mounting and trimming materials, weighting hooks, tying techniques for underbodies, weed guards, tails, ribbing, gills, bodies, wings, legs, heads, eyes and more. Materials covered include beads, foam, plastic, tinsels, feathers, fur, you name it. With over 3000 full-colour photographs and over 400 tying methods discussed, all you fly-tying questions will be answered. The Fly Tier's Bench Referenceis the perfect companion for anyone who ties flies, keep it at your side and you'll find yourself referring to it continuously.
The Fourth Door: The Houdini Murders
Someone has volunteered to spend the night in the haunted room at the Darnley House. The room is sealed by pressing a unique coin, selected moments before, on the wax. But when the door is re-opened, someone else's body is lying there, the seals are unbroken, and the coin has not left the possession of the witness. Things are never what they seem in this classic Golden Age mystery, with a new twist in every chapter. A second impossible murder occurs inside a house surrounded by virgin snow. The detective in charge believes he is dealing with the re-incarnation of Houdini, but in the end there is a rational explanation to everything, and it is left to Dr. Alan Twist to provide it. 'The Fourth Door, ' also known as 'The Houdini Murders' was the first best-seller of the French writer Paul Halter, widely regarded as the successor to John Dickson Carr; it won the coveted Prix du Roman Policier in 1987. Paul Halter has written over 30 novels, almost all 'locked room, ' including 'The Lord of Misrule' also available in English on Amazon. In 2006 his collection of short stories 'The Night of the Wolf' appeared, to critical acclaim.
Making a Comeback (More Than a Game, #3)
With a divorce in the works, Annabelle Jones heads out to Southern California, the land of sun and starting over. She wants to prove to herself and her young daughters that she still has what it takes to turn heads as a swimsuit model--that she doesn't need a man to take care of her. Until an accident forces her to rely on the hunky, yet mysterious man next door... Nathan Cooper is trying to revive his own career. Once a top left-handed relief pitcher, he tried to get over a hidden injury with the aid of banned substances. Not only was he caught and suspended, he was traded and missed out on winning the championship. Now he's a free agent without a contract, and that means life is ready to play ball...
Non è la fine del mondo: ovvero La tenace stagista ovvero Una favola d'oggi
Emma De Tessent. Eterna stagista, trentenne, carina, di buona famiglia, brillante negli studi, salda nei valori (quasi sempre). Residenza: Roma. Per il momento - ma solo per il momento - insieme alla madre, rea di aver chiamato le figlie (Emma e Arabella) come le protagoniste di un romanzo Regency nella convinzione che avere nomi romantici sarebbe stato un punto di forza per loro (per essere sfottute, senz'altro). Cosa non le piace: il chiasso. Le diete. La mondanita. Il rumore dell'aspirapolvere. La maleducazione. La sua idea di felicita: bufera con folate di vento ululanti. Una candela, un divano e un plaid. Un romanzo rosa un po' spinto, rigorosamente ambientato in epoca Regency. Un pacco di biscotti - vanno tutti bene, purche basti guardarli per dichiarare guerra alle coronarie. Sogni proibiti: il villino con il glicine dove si rifugia sempre quando si sente giu. Un uomo che non puo (non deve!) avere. Un contratto a tempo indeterminato. A salvarla dallo stereotipo della zitella, solo l'allergia ai gatti. Il giorno in cui la societa di produzione cinematografica per cui lavora non le rinnova il contratto, Emma si sente davvero come una delle eroine romantiche dei suoi romanzi: sola, a lottare contro la sorte avversa e la fine del mondo. Avvilita e depressa, dopo molti colloqui fallimentari trova rifugio in un negozio di vestiti per bambini, dove finisce per essere presa come assistente. E cosi tutto cambia. Ma proprio quando si convince che la tempesta si sia allontanata, il passato torna a bussare alla sua porta: il mondo del cinema rivuole lei, la tenace stagista. Deve tornare a inseguire il suo sogno oppure restare dov'e, in quel piccolo paradiso di tulle e colori pastello? E perche il famoso scrittore che aveva a lungo cercato di convincere a cederle i diritti di trasposizione cinematografica per il suo romanzo si e infine deciso a farlo? E cosa vuole da lei quell'affascinante produttore che per qualche ragione continua a ronzare intorno al negozio dove lavora?
The School for Girls
L'Ecole des Biches. Patterned after the famous Dialogues of Nicolas Chorier, the original edition of School for Girls caused an immediate sensation in France, where it has since remained one of the most beloved classics of French literature. Readers were shocked and delighted with the audacious attack on Gallic morals and manners in the 19th Century, as revealed by the adventures of two young girls in raring to discover the real facts of life. The modern reader will quickly fall under the spell of this charming and impudent sex farce.
Talking As Fast As I Can: From Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls, and Everything in Between
In her first work of nonfiction, the beloved star of Gilmore Girls and Parenthood recounts her experiences on Gilmore Girls - the first and second times - and shares stories about life, love, and working in Hollywood. This collection of essays is written in the intimate, hilarious, and down-to-earth voice that made her novel, Someday, Someday, Maybe, a New York Times best seller. "This book contains some stories from my life: the awkward growing up years, the confusing dating years, the fulfilling working years, and what it was like to be asked to play one of my favorite characters again. You probably think I'm talking about my incredible achievement as Dolly in Hello, Dolly! as a Langley High School junior, a performance my dad called 'you're so much taller than the other kids.' But no! I'm talking about Lorelai Gilmore, who, back in 2008, I wasn't sure I'd ever see again. Also included: tales of living on a houseboat, meeting guys at awards shows, and that time I was asked to be a butt model. A hint: all three made me seasick." (Lauren Graham)
Julian - Dark Angel Series Companion Novella
I hear his words echo in my head. The voice telling me to leave her alone. The threat to end my life should I dare go near her. I wanted to conquer this battle; all I had to do was turn around and head back home. Home. Not to my dealer. Weak. Pathetic. Worthless. The words scream at me. I am a coward. Julian Baker had it all. Stunning good looks, wealth, intelligence, and the girl. To everyone around him, he was Mr. Perfect. Fate was never on his side as he loses the girl and much like a domino effect, his life starts to spiral out of control. Behind the mask lies a broken man, taunted by his tragic past. In a bid to forget, he finds himself desperately trying to hold on to someone who is equally unattainable, Charlotte Edwards. In a last attempt to save himself, Julian reaches out for help and finds it in a sea of lost souls, all in the same boat, trying so hard to stay afloat in this cruel and tormented game called life. The universe has other plans when someone completely unexpected walks into his life and an unlikely friendship is formed. Will Julian find his piece of happiness or succumb to his old ways, falling in love with a woman who belongs to someone else at the wrath of his archenemy?
City of Screams (The Order of the Sanguines, #0.5)
From New York Timesbestselling author James Rollins and award-winning suspense novelist Rebecca Cantrell comes a disturbing story of vengeance, bloodshed, and creatures that prowl the night. In the haunted, war-torn highlands of Afghanistan, amid the ruins of Shahr-e-Gholghol, an archaeology team is massacred in the night. Sergeant Jordan Stone and his crack forensic team are called in to examine the site, to hunt for the perpetrators of this horrific act. But the discovery of a survivor--a child of ten--will shatter all the team knows about life and death. Among the crumbling bones of dead kings, something hoary and murderous stirs out of the ancient past, lurching forward to claim vengeance on those still living. Included with this thrilling story is a sneak peek at The Blood Gospel, where the further exploits of Sergeant Stone and his team will be revealed.
Come in Spinner
Come in Spinner was an immediate sensation when it was first published in an abridged edition in 1951. Set in a beauty salon at the Hotel South Pacific in wartime Sydney it revolves around the lives and loves three women - Deb Guinea and Claire. Their romantic entanglements are further complicated by the tensions of war with American troops in 'occupation' and where anything could be obtained - for a price.
Niya 2: Dreamer's Paradise
Love, true love, is the ruler of all things. Once you have acquired a taste for it... nothing else will ever satisfy your palate or taste the same. Niya has already proven that she would kill for Jamilla, which should make their bond unbreakable. But when the dopamine fades and she is faced with her own demons, rescuing Jamilla from her problems just won't be enough to fill the void she has always felt within. What will happen when family issues, fame and reality sets in? How will Niya deal with a Hip-Hop career as she tries to repair her broken family? Signing to Green Note Records just may bring fulfillment and love when the sexy R&B diva, Brazil Noelle, swoops in and aims for her heart. Jamilla is filled with so many mixed emotions that at times, she feels as if she will lose her mind. Her love for Niya is real, and knowing that, gives her just as much comfort as the writing career she chases. Yet, Jamilla is still battling with the fact that Niya is a girl. Will her fling with a male "straighten" her out for good? Or will it help her to realize that love has no boundaries? Either way, a decision must be made. Join the tormented twosome on an undeniable thrill ride through dreamer's paradise, as they travel down the rocky road of self-discovery. Niya and Jamilla will combat their fears, distractions, love, denial, family, and sometimes each other, in the emotionally charged and action packed sequel to Niya 1: Rainbow Dreams. With so many warriors fighting the battle of love... Only one will win the war of hearts.
El Destino de Ana H. Murria
Ana regresa a su ciudad natal, San Sebastian, despues de dos anos de ausencia. Atras deja Madrid, donde ha estado trabajando como costurera en el seno de una familia alemana, los Kauffman; por delante le espera un futuro incierto. Su padre le ha escrito una carta, en la que le pide que regrese cuanto antes. La necesita, y ella sabe que las cosas no andan bien en la villa familiar de los Murria. Volver... Por una parte se siente ilusionada, porque anhela abrazar a su padre, que volvio muy enfermo de la Guerra Civil, porque echa de menos terriblemente a sus dos hermanas, Isabel y Celia. Por otra parte regresar implica enfrentarse de nuevo a su madre, Margarita Clarin. Seguira siendo como la recuerda, enrevesada, complicada... retorcida? Cuando llega a la casa familiar, el panorama es bastante peor de lo que hubiera podido imaginar. Su padre esta muy desmejorado, su hermana menor, Celia, no esta... la han llevado a vivir a casa de su tia Asuncion, y su otra hermana, Isabel, ha desaparecido. De la noche a la manana, sin despedirse, sin dar explicaciones, sin dejar sus senas... Por que? Donde esta Isabel? Como ha podido marcharse dejando a su padre solo, cuando sabe cuanto la necesita? El Destino de Ana H. Murria, un drama familiar basado en hechos reales, repleto de detalles que enriquecen cada pagina, un paseo por San Sebastian, la ciudad del romanticismo, de la Belle Epoque, del misterio. Recorrerla es conocer de una forma intima la magia de sus rincones, y a la vez es adentrarse en el suspense y la intriga que va ascendiendo con cada capitulo en una vertiginosa espiral que dejara al lector apabullado.
This title offers vignettes and stories by the Soviet avant-garde writer dealing with everyday events characterized by violence, deprivation, and alienation.
Manual Del Perfecto Idiota Latinoamericano
Cree que somos pobres porque ellos son ricos y viceversa, que la historia es una exitosa conspiracion de malos contra buenos en la que aquellos siempre ganan y nosotros siempre perdemos (el esta en todos los casos entre las pobres victimas y los buenos perdedores), no tiene ganas de navegar en el espacio cibernetico, sentirse en linea (on line) y (sin advertir la contradiccion) reprochar al consumidor y, cuando habla de cultura dice: "Lo que se lo aprende en la vida, no en los libros, y por eso mi cultura no es libresca sino vital." *Quien es el? Es el Idiota Latinoamericano. Tres escritores (latinoamericanos por supuesto) lo citan, lo analizan minuciosamente, e inmortalizan en este libro, que esta escrito como los buenos matadores torean a los Miuras: dejando trozos de piel en la faena. Pero la ferocidad de la critica que lo anima esta amortiguada por las carcajadas que salpican cada pagina y por una despiadada autocritica que lleva a sus autores a incluir sus propias idioteces en la deliciosa antologia de la estupidez que, a modo de indice clausura el libro.
Orgulho e Preconceito
Elizabeth Bennet, uma das cinco filhas de uma familia da classe media rural, conhece Fitzwilliam Darcy, membro da alta sociedade mas de um orgulho desmesurado. As tensoes aparecem rapidamente, alternando sensivelmente o idilico e pacifico mundo rural ingles, que se revela como uma sociedade rigida, em que abundam os preconceitos e na qual nem tudo e aquilo que parece. Neste romance de formacao, os protagonistas devem madurar e aprender dos seus erros para poderem encarar o futuro, separando o orgulho da classe de Darcy e os preconceitos de Elizabeth.
When a master novelist, essayist, and critic searches for the wellsprings of his own work, where does he turn? Mario Vargas Llosa - Peruvian writer, presidential contender, and public intellectual - answers this most personal question with elegant concision in this collection of essays.
Hold Tight
Tia and Mike Baye never imagined they'd become the type of overprotective parents who spy on their kids. But their 16-year-old son Adam has been unusually distant lately, and after the suicide of his classmate Spencer Hill - the latest in a string of issues at school - they can't help but worry.
Love: The Tiger
A day in the life of the king of the jungle, this lavishly illustrated story follows a single majestic tiger through a wordless adventure of survival as it hunts prey and defends itself from other would-be killers defending their territory. This exciting tale is told without narration or dialogue, conveyed entirely through the beautiful illustrations of Federico Bertolucci. A beautiful, all-ages title that explores genuine natural behavior through the dramatic lens of Disney-esque storytelling, like a nature documentary in illustration.
Gangsta Granny
Another hilarious and moving novel from David Walliams, number one bestseller and fastest growing children's author in the country. A story of prejudice and acceptance, funny lists and silly words, this new book has all the hallmarks of David's previous bestsellers. Our hero Ben is bored beyond belief after he is made to stay at his grandma's house. She's the boringest grandma ever: all she wants to do is to play Scrabble, and eat cabbage soup. But there are two things Ben doesn't know about his grandma. 1) She was once an international jewel thief. 2) All her life, she has been plotting to steal the Crown Jewels, and now she needs Ben's help...
The Mockingbirds (The Mockingbirds, #1)
Some schools have honor codes. Others have handbooks. Themis Academy has the Mockingbirds. Themis Academy is a quiet boarding school with an exceptional student body that the administration trusts to always behave the honorable way--the Themis Way. So when Alex is date raped during her junior year, she has two options: stay silent and hope someone helps her, or enlist the Mockingbirds--a secret society of students dedicated to righting the wrongs of their fellow peers. In this honest, page-turning account of a teen girl's struggle to stand up for herself, debut author Daisy Whitney reminds readers that if you love something or someone--especially yourself--you fight for it.
Making Peoples: A History of the New Zealanders: From Polynesian Settlement to the End of the Nineteenth Century
The first of two planned volumes, Making Peoples begins with the Polynesian settlement of New Zealand and the development of Maori tribes in the eleventh century.
Under a Withering Sun
On the heels of incredible tragedy young college student Regina Leeman arrives one summer with a journal in hand to record her life as she volunteers to teach a creative writing class at an urban recreational center. Overcome by grief at her recent losses, angry at a God whom she feels certain has abandoned her and outrunning another nervous breakdown, Regina sets out to bring purpose to an existence that grows increasingly intolerable. Her attempts to glean meaning while remaining emotionally aloof from everyone around her are thwarted when she meets Damion, an attractive basketball star. He falls hard for the mysterious Regina and pursues her relentlessly. Under A Withering Sunis an inspirational love story poignantly narrated by Regina as she struggles to function amid the chaos of her overwhelming despair. Little does she realize how Damion, the kids in her creative writing class and a kindhearted man with Alzheimer's will give her the strength to face her family, her failures and her faith as she finds the will to live again.
I, Bificus
From one of Canada's most original musical artists comes a new memoir about life, love, loss and triumph Bif Naked was born in secret to a teenager living in India, the product of a Canadian girl and a British boy. She was rejected by both families, hidden away in a mental hospital and adopted by missionaries and then moved to North America. She began what she recalls with ironic humour as a "charmed life." Targeted by girl gangs and facing other abusive situations, she escaped this early life by joining a punk rock band and leaving on tour, where she married the drummer and hit a downward spiral that found her on the floor of a Vancouver drug den. Through it all, her creative personality and unstoppable humour were her weapons of self-defence. Bif showcased her life's journey in tattoo ink across her body and, with her unique ability to transform her true life stories into song lyrics, she found her voice as a solo artist, started her own record company and at twenty-three years of age became an international recording artist. Throughout her remarkable career, armed with her singular talent and instantly identifiable look, Bif would captivate the imagination of audiences and media alike, releasing nine albums and twenty-one videos. She embarked on seemingly endless international tours, several feature films and multiple television roles, only to be struck down with breast cancer at the age of 37. Bif would discover her passion for advocacy, as a triumphant survivor and someone who helps others first. This is Bif Naked's story so far . . .
The Muslim Jesus: Sayings and Stories in Islamic Literature
This work presents in English translation the largest collection ever assembled of the sayings and stories of Jesus in Arabic Islamic literature. In doing so, it traces a tradition of love and reverence for Jesus that has characterized Islamic thought for more than a thousand years. An invaluable resource for the history of religions, the collection documents how one culture, that of Islam, assimilated the towering religious figure of another, that of Christianity. As such, it is a work of great significance for the understanding of both, and of profound implications for modern-day intersectarian relations and ecumenical dialogue. Tarif Khalidi's introduction and commentaries place the sayings and stories in their historical context, showing how and why this "gospel" arose and the function it served within Muslim devotion. The Jesus that emerges here is a compelling figure of deep and life-giving spirituality. The sayings and stories, some 300 in number and arranged in chronological order, show us how the image of this Jesus evolved throughout a millennium of Islamic history.
The Mad Man
For his thesis, graduate student John Marr researches the life and work of the brilliant Timothy Hassler: philosopher whose career was cut tragically short over a decade earlier. Marr encounters numerous obstacles, as other researchers turn up evidence of Hassler's personal life that is deemed simply too unpleasant and disillusioning for the rarified air of academe. On another front, Marr finds himself increasingly drawn toward more shocking, depraved sexual entanglements with the homeless men of his neighborhood, until it begins to seem that Hassler's death might hold some key to his own life as a gay man in the age of AIDS. As John Marr learns more about the enigma that was Timothy Hassler, his own increasing sexual debasement leads him to a point where his and the philosopher's lives collide violently.... Surely Samuel R. Delany's most graphic and unsettling novel, The Mad Manis a provocative look at contemporary social and sexual outsiders.
The Lonely Soldier: The Private War of Women Serving in Iraq
The Lonely Soldier--the inspiration for the documentary The Invisible War--vividly tells the stories of five women who fought in Iraq between 2003 and 2006--and of the challenges they faced while fighting a war painfully alone. More American women have fought and died in Iraq than in any war since World War Two, yet as soldiers they are still painfully alone. In Iraq, only one in ten troops is a woman, and she often serves in a unit with few other women or none at all. This isolation, along with the military's deep-seated hostility toward women, causes problems that many female soldiers find as hard to cope with as war itself: degradation, sexual persecution by their comrades, and loneliness, instead of the camaraderie that every soldier depends on for comfort and survival. As one female soldier said, "I ended up waging my own war against an enemy dressed in the same uniform as mine." In The Lonely Soldier, Benedict tells the stories of five women who fought in Iraq between 2003 and 2006. She follows them from their childhoods to their enlistments, then takes them through their training, to war and home again, all the while setting the war's events in context. We meet Jen, white and from a working-class town in the heartland, who still shakes from her wartime traumas; Abbie, who rebelled against a household of liberal Democrats by enlisting in the National Guard; Mickiela, a Mexican American who grew up with a family entangled in L.A. gangs; Terris, an African American mother from D.C. whose childhood was torn by violence; and Eli PaintedCrow, who joined the military to follow Native American tradition and to escape a life of Faulknerian hardship. Between these stories, Benedict weaves those of the forty other Iraq War veterans she interviewed, illuminating the complex issues of war and misogyny, class, race, homophobia, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Each of these stories is unique, yet collectively they add up to a heartbreaking picture of the sacrifices women soldiers are making for this country. Benedict ends by showing how these women came to face the truth of war and by offering suggestions for how the military can improve conditions for female soldiers-including distributing women more evenly throughout units and rejecting male recruits with records of violence against women. Humanizing, urgent, and powerful, The Lonely Soldieris a clarion call for change.
The Collectors' Society Encyclopedia
For those previously introduced to the mysterious Collectors' Society and its mission, eager to discover more, The Collectors' Society Encyclopediais the perfect full-color companion piece to the series. Within are detailed entries elaborating upon various agents and employees as well as key villains suspected of targeting and destroying Timelines. Backstories, relationships, secrets, and clues are revealed alongside a thorough bibliography of important Timelines and their designations. Profiles are also included of the Institute in New York City as well as Wonderland. Society fans and lovers of classic literature will undoubtedly delight in unraveling the secrets that lay within these pages.
Zero Day (John Puller, #1)
In this heart-racing thriller by bestselling writer David Baldacci, the author of Hell's Corner, military investigator John Puller is called to a remote, rural area where an entire family have been murdered in their home. John Puller is a former war hero who has become the best military investigator in the U.S. Army's Criminal Investigative Division. He is a loner who has an unstoppable determination for finding the truth. As he investigates the murder case, John learns that the dead husband was in the army and the wife worked for a Pentagon contractor. John makes plenty of enemies whilst working this case, including a local homicide detective, a woman who has personal problems of her own.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)
Harry Potter thinks he is an ordinary boy - until he is rescued by an owl, taken to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, learns to play Quidditch and does battle in a deadly duel. The Reason ... HARRY POTTER IS A WIZARD!
The Borgia Apocalypse: The Screenplay
From Academy Award-winning screenwriter Neil Jordan comes THE BORGIA APOCALYPSE, the epic conclusion to Showtime's acclaimed TV series THE BORGIAS, which was cancelled after its third season. Fans left wanting more can now read the screenplay for the two-hour finale and see how Jordan planned to bring the family to a suitably apocalyptic end.
Blood and Bone (Alice Madison, #3)
After two years in the Seattle Police Department, Detective Alice Madison has finally found the kind of personal and professional peace she has never known before. When a local burglary escalates into a horrific murder, Madison is put in charge of the investigation. She finds herself tracking a killer who may have haunted the city for years - and whose brutality is the stuff of myth in high security prisons. As she delves deeper into the case, Madison learns that the widow of one of the victims is being stalked - is the killer poised to strike again? But then her own past comes under scrutiny from enemies close to home, and Madison's position on the force - and the fate of the case itself - are suddenly thrown in jeopardy.
Sweet Evil (Preacher Man Series II - Wicked Christmas, #1)
A castle in Germany. Christmas is on the way. Snow is on the mountain peaks and carols are in the air. But the castle holds a dark secret. So dark that Preacher Man has to be reactivated and sent into the thousand year old citadel to put things right. But this time the evil is above and beyond anything he has experienced before. It is so powerful and so invasive it is enough to bring a strong man to his knees. Even a saint. Even Preacher Man.
Noccioline da Marte
Sbaglio un paio di volte la sequenza di colori, attivo il led rosso prima di quello verde, o viceversa. Tutto perche hanno voluto risparmiare sulle tastiere olografiche, con la scusa del consumo energetico e dell'ecologia. Tanto che gliene frega a loro, la vita si complica solo ai poveri Cristi delle basi marziane. Un racconto di SF surreale e scoppiettante, ricco di inaspettate e divertenti citazioni dal mondo del cinema e del fumetto, dalla penna scatenata di Alessio Brugnoli, Premio Kipple 2011 con il romanzo steampunk Il Canto Oscuro.
Contractual Obligation
Harper's father has issued her an ultimatum--quit working herself to death and have fun, or he'll oust her as CEO of their company. She thinks hiring Doug to be her assistant and play her boyfriend is the answer to all her problems, until she finds out about his secret. Deep in debt from medical bills, Doug's parents are losing their home. Going to work for Harper is the answer to Doug's prayers. Yes, it means pretending to be Harper's boyfriend. That's a small price to pay. Unfortunately, it also means he has to say good-bye to Tate, his boyfriend and the man he loves. Tate doesn't hate Harper when he finds out why Doug went to work for her--and broke up with him. Can he gain Harper's trust and convince her Doug had good intentions...and that Doug's contractual obligation can easily become a two-hunk deal?
Up the Road Less Travelled
Climbing above 20,000 ft in the Andes; delving into the bowels of the earth in abandoned mines; facing hostile cape buffalo; finding a route on isolated buttes in the Grand Canyon; negotiating the deadly perils of government EEO regulations; researching gold and molybdenum deposits; shooting rifle competition at a National level; hunting in twenty foreign countries for creatures rarely heard of, and often with no interpreter available. Been there. Done that. At 70 plus years, still doing it. The Fat Lady has yet to sing!
The Billionaire's Disgraced Lover (Billionaire Knights Book 2)
Chloe Ross walked away from her old life five years ago, changing her name and her appearance after the terrible tragedy that struck her. Now she finds herself revisiting the scandals of her past when her billionaire boss adds her to his negotiation team. And he's not taking no for an answer! When Mike Knight offers junior accountant Chloe Ross a position on his team, he didn't expect her to prove quite so reluctant. Now he has to figure out if she's a corporate spy working for the competition or if she's harboring a secret that just might blow this whole deal out of the water. When Chloe finds herself falling for the handsome billionaire, she will have to make a choice: reveal her true identity and risk losing him forever, or betray the man whose fiery kisses and passionate embrace are finally making her feel like a woman again...
Twilight of Doom: A Taylor and Alan Adventure
Taylor's family had patiently waited a whole year for this. Being on vacation in Ocean City was the stuff kid's dreams were made of; cotton candy, sun, sand, waves, pizza, crabs, the boardwalk, and the carnival. For two whole weeks every year they packed their belongings and headed down to Ocean City, Maryland. Once there, their parents let most of the rules about healthy eating fall away during vacation. Taylor and her brother Alan are having the time of their lives doing fun activities like swimming, playing in the sun and surf, staying up as late as they want, to buying an awesome new kite. Everyone is getting along and having fun. Everything is picture perfect until they spend the afternoon at the carnival. The House of Mirrors, where you can be skinny and tall, thin or wide. But this House of Mirrors has something else besides mirrors in it, something Taylor and Alan have never experienced before. Something that will scare and amaze them-The House of Mirrors, where all is not as it seems. Taylor and Alan must find their way back from the Land of Spark, while helping the people that live there get out from under the control of the bad wizard. Can two children outsmart the powerful wizard, save the people that are from the Land of Spark, and possibly find their way back home?
Meryton Vignettes: Tales of Pride and Prejudice
In this collection of six short stories, the people of Pride and Prejudice move on, grow up, and explore paths not taken. Time leads these beloved characters down roads of self-discovery, courage, and heartbreak. And sometimes the journey takes them to surprising places.
Whiskey Witches - Complete Season 1
Detective Paige Whiskey comes from a long line of witches. They may not all be the most powerful, but they are outspoken and supportive of their community. She alone has no gifts. She can't summon fire, can't read minds. She knows the arcane. She's studied it. That, along with her connection to the Whiskey Witches, lands her some pretty strange cases. Like the sacrificial murders of St. Francisville, Louisiana. There's a killer on the loose, choosing people in a vain attempt to raise a demon. Not just any demon, though. A man born long ago, made a demon in order to protect the Gate to Hell. Together with demon hunter, Dexx Colt, her kitchen-witch grandmother, and her paranormal investigator brother-in-law, they unravel a conspiracy far bigger than a few simple murders, and re-discover Paige's gift. She's a demon summoner and she's key to the killer's plan.
My Soul To Wake (Stain, #1)
Librarian's note: Alternate cover edition of ASIN B00XUCJB4Q. *** Warning: this novel is intended for those over 18 years of age due to its erotic nature and mature content. *** Witchcraft. Reincarnation. True love. These are the things of legend. Unexplained, some even say impossible, but nonetheless prevalent in stories and tales from all cultures and in every land from the beginning of time. What if there is something to it? What if there is an explanation behind the mysteries and bedtime stories? Something beyond words? SALEM, MASSACHUSETTES 1692 She was taken from him in the cruelest way... condemned, sentenced and punished out of fear of the unknown. How is he supposed to live without her? How can he go on knowing that in this life, they will never be one again? There's only one thing to do... only one option that will bring them together again. SALEM , MASSACHUSETTES TODAY Leah is taken on a weekend excursion with her best girlfriends to let loose, relax and have a little fun. What harm is there in a little vacation? It's not like the legends, the haunted history of the place can scare them away. It's all harmless fun. Or so she thought. Something seems familiar about the town. The trees, the winds, the feel of everything. Her ever present nightmares have become more intense within the limits of the old historical setting. She's prepared to write off the whole trip as nothing more than a case of her mind running away with the sensationalized magic here. When she meets a handsome stranger who's eager to know her in a way no one else can, she begins to think there just may be something more to this place, something more to him. Will has been waiting, biding his time, and praying that she'll come back. He's broken the natural order of things to possibly find her again, weaving their way through the years until they can be together again. He knows he may never find her, but he can't risk not trying. This place calls to her, just as it did to him. It will bring her back home. It will bring her back to him. What's 300 years when it comes to true love? He's prepared to wait an eternity if he has to, just to see her, hold her, make her his and to help her remember what was stolen from them so long ago. He'll stop at nothing to make her remember who she is, the power she possesses, and the love they swore to each other.
The Italian's Rags-To-Riches Wife
Allesandro di Vincenzo is a perfect male specimen. There's no woman he can't have--until Laura Stowe crosses his path.Laura is plain, poor and hides behind her homely appearance to avoid getting close to people.But Allesandro needs her family connections to open the door to ultimate corporate power. So he must woo the ugly duckling into his bed--where she will learn what it is to be a beautiful, desired swan.
Reaping Angel (Fallen Redemption #2)
After the battle at the Bastille, the Council of Seraphim offers reluctant demons Enael and Kaspen a chance to return to Heaven--but only after they've completed sufficient penance. Ready to move past the ugly chapter in their lives, they settle into their assignments. Until Enael's former lover, Voctic, a powerful demon, interferes. Voctic seduces and demeans, taunts and entices Enael, stirring centuries-old longing in her while infuriating Kaspen. Caught up in the demands of their duties, Kaspen and Enael drift apart until she finds herself isolated. Fed up with Voctic's harassment, Enael prepares to fight back. When he targets the new human she's responsible for protecting, she creates her own plan. His self-proclaimed "gala of the century" will be the perfect cover for her revenge. But will a hasty decision cost her Kaspen--or even her spot in Heaven?
Out on a Ledge: Enduring the Lodz Ghetto, Auschwitz, and Beyond
Award-winning historian Fred Rosenbaum has co-authored two riveting books, Taking Risks and Here There Are No Sarahs, on young Jewish men and women in the Soviet partisans who fought back from the forests of Ukraine. He has now researched a different kind of resistance, a mental and physical struggle from the Lodz ghetto, Auschwitz, a slave labor camp, and Theresienstadt. And the protagonist is the most unlikely of heroes-a teenaged Chasidic girl.
Chaos (Silo Saga)
Eve rises to power in the Silo world due to her total lack of conscience. She uses this to step over, on, and around the people in the Silo society who are bound together by laws of non-violence. Using her basic instincts of self-survival, Eve is no match for people who seek higher planes of life. As she eliminates individuals who stand in her way, she suddenly discovers that there is more to this world than even she imagined. Eventually, she is brought into a mysterious white room where she hears the voice of the woman supposedly in charge welcoming her. Determined to destroy the woman and to grab the power for herself, Eve realizes that she needs others to overwhelm the law-abiding citizens who live in the Silo. She searches and finds the outcasts in this society and goads them into action, pressing them to follow her in a wave of destruction. Can Eve achieve her goal of total domination? Are there other things that she doesn't understand yet about the Silo world which will stop her in her tracks? Or will Eve suddenly see the error of her ways and become a positive member of the society. Read on to the dynamic conclusion to find out if the Silo society or Eve or both survive the CHAOS.
Candy Man Vol.1
Tiger & Bunny fanbook, doujinshi Pairing(s): Keith x Kotetsu, Barnaby x Kotetsu
Bride by Mistake (Montana Born Brides, #3)
Wedding fever has hit the little town of Marietta... And Kaitlin Shuller's groom of her dreams is marrying someone else... her sister. Worst day ever. Her heart is broken, and all her carefully laid plans destroyed. Enter Beckett Larson, her older brother's best friend and a very good bad decision. Beckett has spent his life trying to outrun his bad reputation, but everyone already thinks the worst of him, so when Kaitlin offers herself to him -- virginity and all-- he just can't say no. But one night together has permanent consequences, and this time Beckett knows he can't outrun his bad boy reputation. He's determined to make Kaitlin his bride... even if he has to seduce her down the aisle.
"A perfect reminder to always be on the lookout for magic and wonder. Sometimes, we need those two things the most" (Brightly.com, citing "Books That Teach Kids What It Means to Be a Kind Person"). In this breathtaking jacketed picture book, Neil Gaiman's lyrical poem guides a novice traveler through the enchanted woods of a fairy tale--through lush gardens, a formidable castle, and over a perilous river--to find the way home again. Illustrated in full color by Charles Vess, Instructionsfeatures lush images of mythical creatures, magical landscapes, and canny princesses. Its message of the value of courage, wit, and wisdom makes it a perfect gift.
Mourn the Living (Nolan, #8)
Never before published, this is Collins' first mystery, written in the 1960s. Collins introduces the character of Nolan, an enigmatic thief who appears in seven subsequent Collins novels. Here Collins provides a vivid portrait of college-town life in the Vietnam years as Nolan does a favor for an old-time Mafia friend and tries to find out how his daughter was killed. Was it suicide or was she involved in the circle of drugs that was so pervasive? Nolan risks his life investigating a Mafia family to help out his old pal.
Stanton Family Boxed Set
Lose yourself in four steamy novellas and meet the men of the Stanton family, who will melt your heart and scorch your sheets. Let author Audra North show you the passion and swoon-worthy romantic love that only the sexy Stanton men can deliver. This special edition boxed set features all four of the beloved Stanton Family novellas for one low price. Find your perfect love with just one click. Falling for the CEO Finance genius Meredith Klaus prefers numbers to people, especially around the holidays. At least the large sum of money that's mysteriously vanished from the company accounts will distract her from the ghosts of Christmases past. Until her sexy boss asks her to be his last-minute date to a fundraiser gala, that is. A beautiful dress. A handsome man on her arm. A challenge she can't refuse. Can Meredith and Andrew find the missing money and fulfill their holiday wishes, or will Meredith be unable to overcome the demons of her past and lose her chance at happiness? One Night in Santiago Lily Stanton's vacation goes from bad to worse when a storm strands her in a foreign country, arguing with an arrogant--and very sexy--stranger over the last available hotel room. Successful CEO Bruno Komarov wasn't expecting the gorgeous woman checking in at the reception desk to challenge him over a room. Even more surprising, he actually enjoys their exchange. Lily proposes a compromise--she'll take the bed and he can sleep on the couch. It'll be strictly business. After all, what could possibly happen in just one night? A Lesson in Temptation Adam Harkness pulled himself out of poverty to become one of the world's most respected finance professors, but his personal life is non-existent. When he gets roped into a dance class, of all things, he doesn't expect it to change his life. Julie Stanton's hard work has paid off with her career, but finding the same happiness in the rest of her life is a challenge. When her former professor, the one she had a crush on in college, shows up at the same dance class, their tango becomes more than a dance; it becomes a lesson in how to love. Healing Her Heart Dr. Greg Stanton is looking for ways to de-stress in the aftermath of losing a patient, and getting hot and heavy with Carrie Jankowski sounds like just what he needs to forget his high-stress life for a while. He doesn't have time for anything long-term--his only focus is and has always been the well-being of the patients whose lives are in his hands. But when Carrie accepts his straightforward terms of a no-strings relationship, they realize too late that they won't be satisfied with sex alone...
A Taste of Chardonnay (The Napa Wine Heiress, #1)
With enhanced author information such as Reader Letter, etc. Join author Heather Heyford as she uncorks a sparkling new series following the St. Pierre sisters, heiresses to a Napa wine fortune who are toasting the good life and are thirsty for love... Chardonnay St. Pierre's father is as infamous for his scandals as he is for his wine, and it's up to Char to restore the family name. The Challenge, an elite charity competition held in Napa, seems like the perfect opportunity for the socialite to cement her image as a philanthropist. But all eyes--including Char's--are on the Hollywood heartthrob who's also entered the race... Long before his face was splashed across the gossip magazines, Ryder McBride grew up in a working-class family in Napa. He knows all about the St. Pierre sisters and their notorious father, and when he learns he'll be up against Char in The Challenge, he assumes the grape doesn't fall far from the vine. But the more they get to know one another, the more they begin to realize that nothing pairs better with a heated rivalry than a healthy pour of flirtation...
Who Killed Sherlock Holmes?
The ghost of Sherlock Holmes is dead, but who will solve his murder? The Great Detective's ghost has walked London's streets for an age, given shape by people's memories. Now someone's put a ceremonial dagger through his chest. But what's the motive? And who--or what--could kill a ghost? When policing London's supernatural underworld, eliminating the impossible is not an option. DI James Quill and his detectives have learnt this the hard way. Gifted with the Sight, they'll pursue a criminal genius--who'll lure them into a Sherlockian maze of clues and evidence. The team also have their own demons to fight. They've been to Hell and back (literally) but now the unit is falling apart.
أسطورة الموتى الأحياء
f~ jmyk yd`wnhm (lzwmb~).. f~ twbjw wbrbdws yd`wnhm lmwt~ l'Hy .. wlkn .. Hyn tt`Tl syrtk qrb lmqbr, wl tjd mn y`ynk sw~ 'Hdhm, w tdkhl byt fyftH lk lbb 'Hdhm .. w tTlb shrTy fy'tyk 'Hdhm .. `ndy'dh -Sdqn~- ln thtm bsmhm 'bd ..!! nhm .. lmwt~ l'Hy.
La búsqueda del pájaro del tiempo
EL GRAN CLASICO DEL GENERO FANTASTICO EN UN VOLUMEN INTEGRAL ESPECTACULAR. El mundo de Akbar esta apunto de sufrir el azote del dios Ramor . Solo la princesa hechicera Mara puede sabe como evitar que se libere de su encierro, pero el hechizo que debe realizar es muy complejo y no hay tiempo para llevarlo a cabo. Pero queda lugar para la esperanza: el Pajaro del Tiempo , un ser que puede detener el tiempo. Seran su hija Pelisse y su antiguo amante Bragon los que tendran la dificil mision de hacerse con el. El primer ciclo de este gran clasico de Serge Le Tendre y Regis Loisel (Magasin General) , por fin recopilado en un bonito volumen integral.
مصيدة الفراشات
kn yjls f~ mq`d Hjr~, 'khrj rwy@ njlyzy@ llby's tshrlz dyknz w d`~ qry'th, 'mm lmq`d knt twjd nfwr@ kbyr@ `l~ hyy'@ kywbyd lSGyr lshryr, f~ tlk lHdyq@ ldy'ry@, wlt~ lh wrwd Hmr kthyr@. Gryb l'Twr, `shryn~, wy`n~ mn bdyt b`D l'mrD mthl lfwby, lnTwy'y@, wnwbt r`b. yryd lhrwb b`ydan mn khll ldhwbn f~ hdh l`lm lqdhr. ......................................... lmjmw`@ lqSSy@ lthny@ l mSTf~ lshymy, wlHSl@ `l~ ljy'z@ l'wl~ fy lmsbq@ lmrkzy@ 2016
The Spanish Duke's Virgin Bride
Revenge, passion and an arranged marriage...Duke Javier Herrera needs a wife in order to inherit his family's banking business. In Grace Beresford, whose father swindled Javier out of millions, Javier can take revenge and a convenient wife. At first, Javier just wants Grace's body. But this small price she refuses to pay...despite their explosive mutual attraction. How long can Grace remain his wife in name only?
Hour of Darkness (Bob Skinner, #24)
Quintin Jardine's new Bob Skinner novel sees the Edinburgh cop faced with a case that calls every part of his life into question. The body of a murdered woman is found washed up on Cramond Island near the mouth of the River Forth. Days later detectives are called to a flat in Edinburgh; the kitchen is covered in blood, and the occupier is missing. When the name of the woman from Cramond Island is revealed, it stirs unwelcome memories for those who knew her, Chief Constable Bob Skinner most of all. Now based in Glasgow, he has no reason to become involved in the case. Yet he does, unwittingly setting in motion a course that leads him to the toughest choice of his life, putting him in the midst of a personal nightmare, both life-threatening and career changing.
Your Energy Speaks: Stories of Transformation through Energy Healing
Coming soon from Carolyn Cooper creator of SimplyHealed.
The SHIVA Syndrome
Goodreads Readers: "The Shiva Syndrome is in the top 10 books of the best sci-fi/fantasy books I have read in over 40 years and I read over 200 books a year!" "a riveting, page-turner, right from the start!" "Awesome, awesome, totally Awesome!!!" "Not your typical Sci-fi thriller...One of the best books of 2015" ---------------------------------------------- Beau Walker is a man without a field. Teaching at a backwater university after being dismissed from a government project because of his ethical concerns and bureaucratic maneuvers on the part of a one-time friend, Walker is an academic pariah until two soldiers appear one day. His former friend needs Walker's expertise, and the professor--who is haunted by both his empathic abilities and the memory of the one time they failed him--has little choice but to cooperate. In the Russian city of Podol'sk, a project partially based on Walker's work has gone horribly awry, killing thousands and leaving traces of mysteries that threaten humanity's scientific understanding. Discovering what occurred, and how to prevent it from happening again, falls on Walker and his new friends...But as secrets and revelations accumulate, the team's combined knowledge and abilities may be inadequate to stop what's coming. What happens when science kicks open the door for humans to reach god-like powers of creation and destruction? When human consciousness is made so powerful that it annihilates a city of thousands and impacts the moon's orbit? Blending the paranormal and science fiction in a thrilling mystery, Walker and his team race to find the key to SHIVA facing military intrigues and supernormal assassins. What is at stake? The eradication of life on earth by thought alone. Are you equipped to face the unthinkable? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finalist: EPIC (Electronic Publishing Internet Coalition) 2016 Finalist: International Book Awards 2016
Dejah Thoris #1
Prepare yourself for Dejah Thoris as you've never seen her before! A shocking conspiracy unravels in Helium as Dejah's father has gone missing. In the wake of assuming the throne, Dejah learns secret information from her past that will have resounding effects on the kingdom _ and her life! Join Frank J. Barbiere (The Howling Commandos of SHIELD, The Precinct) and Francesco Manna (Vampirella #100) as Dejah discovers a secret past that will have her leaving Helium for an all-new adventure on her own!
The Girl From Kilpatrick's and Other Stories
B.M. Bower, popular Western author of novels such as Chip of the Flying U, Her Prairie Knightand Lonesome Land,wrote dozens of short stories for early-20th-century fiction magazines, only a fraction of which were ever republished in book form. Here, unseen since their original magazine publication more than a hundred years ago, are eight short Western stories featuring all the classic elements of Bower fiction: action, humor, spunky heroines, thorough knowledge of the ways of horses and the lives of cowboys, and a deep acquaintance with and affection for the Montana landscape where the stories are set.
Rundt solen i ring
Novellesamling. Bing & Bringsvaerds forfatterdebuter.
A Treasury of Christmas Tales
These are mostly new stories, though it does include The Little Fir Tree. It was printed in the Czech Republic. A collection of short stories.
ملاك بلا قلب
fy '`mq l'dGl lbrzyly@ y`ysh 'Hd l'thry fy `zl@ , fy mqrh lm`zwl kl m yrydh 'w yshthyh .... nh rfyl kwrdyrw rjl l'`ml lSlb . l wqt ldyh llhw wlHb . fhw lm yjd Ht~ mr'@ Gyr khy'n@ ... klhn br'yh khTyrt ; wh hy Grys thkr lshb@ lbryy'@ tHT fy hdhh l'dGl s`y nqdh shrkth . lkn rfyl lm ymnHh l `shr dqy'q ltqn`h btqdym lms`d@ . `shr dqy'q ltqrr byn lrHyl fwr 'w tsdyd dywnh bTryq@ m !!
The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber
"The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber" is a short story set in Africa. It was published in the September 1936 issue of Cosmopolitan magazine concurrently with "The Snows of Kilimanjaro."
The First Casualty (Jump Universe, #1)
Two green draftees of the Society of Humanity. Two career soldiers invested with the cause of the United Colonies. These four soldiers on opposing sides of battle are about to discover the true nature of this terrible war--a quest for profit--from the high command of both sides. What they will risk is nothing less than their lives. For although truth is the first casualty of war, it won't be the last.
دولة البطاطس
mdh lw 'tk ywm bHytk wknt mHSran byn mDyin wmstqbl .. HDran lmjdln 'Hdhm bymynk wlakhr `ly shmlk. ytHrbn mn wr ql` lkhlf .. ymtlkwn mn qdhy'f lqn` m hw mdwy .. yfSl bynhm mn lkhSm bHwr. lytlq~ r'yhm mm `ynyk bshTy' mbhm wfrG mn ltHyz w lnjrf. lm yntbk ywman hdh lsh`wr ? sh`wr maqiyt wqt tkhlw r'sk mn lnSyH@ Hynm tTlb mnh lmshwr@ ,ftSmt m` Smt `qlk lkhy'b wtjd nfsk wHydan m` llshy. lm ttmny ywman ltSlH m` Dmyrk lmz`j `n Hdth skwtk lHZ@ Tlb mnk fyh lklm. try y Sdyqy l`zyz .. 'tlk dwl@ t`Zm mn lnsn kqym@ fl y`lw fwq jsdh wrwHh kyn .. m l t`yr htmm bHyth fy sbyl bq lHkwmt? dwl@ lbTTs - qS@ qSyr@ fy Hdwd l`shr@ wrqt tmnHk jnb mn ltfkr fym yjry mn Hwlk mn dwrn mtGyr lm`tqdt thbt@ blstfhm bd'n wblstfhm nthyn .
Soul Chase (Dark Souls, #3)
A man she'd die for, a world she was born to defend... Only one can survive. For twenty-five years, Adrian has mourned the loss of his soul mate, Angie. He's content to live as an outcast...until a series of abductions forces him out of seclusion and into the arms of the very woman he loved and lost. Angie's reincarnation, Emma. Emma is on the run, hunted by soulless creatures whose one goal is to possess her soul. They have taken everything: her home, her identity, her mother. Left with no other choice, she must trust her fate to Adrian, the enigmatic stranger who comes to her rescue. An immortal being whose illicit touch makes her blood burn and awakens an inexplicable desire in her heart. Emma follows Adrian to his isolated community in Arizona, where she is assailed by visions of a past life. As passion ignites and her enemies close in, Emma is drawn into a world where nothing is what it seems and where love could prove the greatest weakness of all. Warning: Contains a dark, tortured hero, a hunted woman who can't remember loving him, a nasty villain hell-bent on destroying the world, and a timeless love story you won't soon forget.
Another Day
The eagerly anticipated companion to David Levithan's New York Timesbestseller Every Day In this enthralling companion to his New York Timesbestseller Every Day, David Levithan (co-author of Will Grayson, Will Graysonwith John Green) tells Rhiannon's side of the story as she seeks to discover the truth about love and how it can change you. Every day is the same for Rhiannon. She has accepted her life, convinced herself that she deserves her distant, temperamental boyfriend, Justin, even established guidelines by which to live: Don't be too needy. Avoid upsetting him. Never get your hopes up. Until the morning everything changes. Justin seems to seeher, to want to be with her for the first time, and they share a perfect day--a perfect day Justin doesn't remember the next morning. Confused, depressed, and desperate for another day as great as that one, Rhiannon starts questioning everything. Then, one day, a stranger tells her that the Justin she spent that day with, the one who made her feel like a real person . . . wasn't Justin at all.
Unforgotten, Volume I (The Resurrection Tower, #3)
The Reaver hunts them while they are awake. The Eater of Dreams stalks them while they sleep. In light of these and other menaces, how can Kara Kinfolk, Tal Stormgren, and companions new and old ever reach the elves? Old magics are awakening, most of them horrific, and none more so than the ancient, haunted city of Jorim-Sa. It lies between them and their salvation. "The Resurrection Tower lies in wait at the end of a long road, a journey between awake and asleep, life and death ... between the heavens and the hells. Through numerous wars on numerous planes, it has stood watch. No one knows why. Yet the tower must be understood if this world and others are to be saved."
Dead Endings
In the city that never sleeps, spirits are equally restless and vie for the attentions of those who can sense them. Cailen Delaney, grad student and long-suffering ghost magnet, would rather spend her break getting reacquainted with her pillow, but is instead dragged into the aftermath of a strange series of murders by Everett Jung. Join Jessica Chavez (author) and Irene Flores (illustrator) through the streets of modern New York in this darkly comedic mystery about the connection between life and death...and how sometimes, literally, the separation is razor-thin. Dead Endings was originally serialized in Sparkler Monthly Magazine (sparklermonthly.com).
Stacked to Death (Jamie Brodie Mystery, #7)
Library work-study student Austin Sharp upset a lot of people. When Jamie Brodie finds Austin dead, strangled to death in the library stacks, the police have plenty of suspects. When another library work-study student is found strangled, the focus of the investigation shifts - both students were from the same hometown. Then a third student is found dead. A serial killer is on the loose, and the police send in detectives from the elite Homicide Special unit. And their favorite suspect is Jamie.
Walking on My Grave
In the latest Death on Demand Mystery from the New York Timesbestselling author of Don't Go Homebook seller Annie Darling learns murder and money go hand in hand... Annie's friend and fellow shop owner Ves Roundtree is a very wealthy woman. Her rich brother entrusted her with his estate and upon her death, his fortune is to be divided. Several cash-strapped islanders are in line to collect life-changing inheritances. The problem is, Ves is very much alive. She hosts a dinner for the prospective beneficiaries and feels a chill in the air that has nothing to do with the wintry season. Not long after, Ves suffers a bad fall that was no accident. Everyone at the table had a motive but not a shred of evidence was left behind. When one of the suspects is found floating in the harbor and Ves disappears, Annie and her husband Max spring into action to catch a calculating killer before greed takes another life.
Deja Vu
"Sayfalari cevirirken nefesinizin kesildigini hissedeceksiniz." Wall Street Journal "Hart goz alici, yeni bir yetenek." Entertainment Weekly "Hapishaneler umutsuzluk kokarmis! Bence hapishane koksa koksa korku kokar: Gardiyan korkusu, dovulme veya grup tecavuzune ugrama korkusu, bir zamanlar sizi sevmis ama artik sevmeyebilecek olan kisiler tarafindan unutulma korkusu. Ama en cok, zaman ve zihnin kuytu koselerine sinen karanlik dusuncelerin korkusu. Zaman doldurmak, derler - ne komik. Bana kalirsa, zaman sizi doldurur." Bir anin gercekligine inanip kimseye anlatamadiginiz oldu mu? Work bir yandan babasinin cinayetiyle ilgili sir perdesini kaldirmaya calisirken, diger yandan Barbara ile zoraki evliligi, gizemli sevgilisi ile mutsuz kacamagi ve duygusal bir travma yasamis olan kizkardesi Jean arasinda gidip gelmektedir. Bu arada guzel ve zeki bir dedektif olan Mills, aleyinde ne kadar delil varsa toplayip onu babasinin katili ilan eder ve koseye sikistirmaya calisir. Work gerceklerin pesinden gittikce eski yaralar kanayacak ve gecmiste aldigi kararlarinin sonuclari ile yuzlesmek zorunda kalacaktir. John Hart'tan doyurucu karakter tahlilleri iceren surukleyici bir polisiye hikaye. Hart, 25 dile cevrildi, 31 ulkede okuyucuyla bulustu. Publishers Weekly tarafindan yilin en iyi kitaplari arasinda gosterildi. En iyi ilk kitap dalinda Edgar odulune aday oldu. Macavity, Barry, Anthony, SIBA ve Gumshoe odullerini aldi.
Instant Intuition: A Psychic's Guide to Finding Answers to Life's Important Questions
Anne Jirsch is a psychic with an extraordinary gift, revealing her own unique techniques for effortlessly developing clairvoyant ability in this guide. Following Anne's fascinating life story she describes--with practical and straightforward exercises--how to switch on psychic skills as well as her own revolutionary approach--Etheric Energy Techniques (E.E.T)--which enables one to tap into a person's thoughts and emotions, no matter where they are. Using Anne's methods of Future Life Progression, this book provides the tools to find quick answers to life's compelling questions on love, relationships, work, and success. It is packed with real-life stories and simple and effective psychic exercises, quizzes, and case studies, showing how to gain immediate insight into any area of life.
The Sensible Necktie and Other Stories of Sherlock Holmes
From the author of The Cotswolds Werewolf comes a new collection of Sherlock Holmes pastiches in the vein of Conan Doyle, revealing for the first time the secrets behind the theft of the hobnailed boots, the mysterious madness of the Right Honourable Wilfred Crabb, the case of the haunted public house, the curious and seemingly supernatural events surrounding a remote hotel on the east coast, and the truth behind the strange disappearance of Cyrus Thicknesse, the man in the sensible necktie. "I must say, Holmes, I am a bit surprised to see you taking an interest in something based on sympathy." "You do not think me sympathetic?" "Of course I do. But you have said yourself that it is the rational challenge and not the human aspect that draws you to your cases. Humans are mere factors in a problem, I think were your words." "Did I really say that? Hm, well, I am an odd sort, am I not?"