stringlengths 2
| label
int64 0
what a pity | 0 |
a tale worth catching | 1 |
that rare film whose real-life basis is , in fact , so interesting that no embellishment is | 1 |
great equalizer | 1 |
frank capra played this story straight . | 1 |
perry 's good and his is an interesting character , but `` serving sara '' has n't much more to serve than silly fluff | 0 |
Protiv nove presude prvostepenog suda, kojom je potvrđena ili preinačena ranija presuda, može se izjaviti žalba. | 2 |
a few nonbelievers may rethink their attitudes when they see the joy the characters take in this creed , but skeptics are n't likely to enter the theater . | 1 |
beautifully crafted | 1 |
goes out into public , to avoid being recognized as the man who bilked unsuspecting moviegoers | 0 |
Imádtam a film minden percét. | 1 |
Úgy néz ki, mint egy középiskolás filmprojekt, amit egy nappal a határidő előtt fejeztek be. | 0 |
a sensitive , modest comic tragedy that works as both character study and symbolic examination | 1 |
Danas imamo zaista stabilan bankarski sistem koji, naravno, nema onu dozu ili vrstu funkcionalnosti koliku bismo mi želeli upravo i zbog nenaplativih kredita i zbog slabosti pre svega domaće privrede. | 1 |
Egy film, amely egy osztályban van Spike Lee mesteri Tedd a jót filmjével. | 1 |
kooky which should appeal to women | 1 |
to win a wide summer audience through word-of-mouth reviews | 1 |
Pretože aj títo ľudia sú pracujúcimi občanmi Slovenskej republiky, a preto si túto podporu zaslúžia. | 1 |
Először is, egy filmhez képest, ami okos akar lenni, elég buta. | 0 |
cold , sterile and lacking any color or warmth | 0 |
Včeraj je za družbe tveganega kapitala vstopni prag določen. | 2 |
Očigledno nemate nameru da uvedete odredbu po kojoj decu valja učiti patriotizmu, istorijskim, kulturnim i socijalnim pričama zemlje Srbije, malo sam parafrazirao amandman. | 0 |
it becomes a chore to sit through -- despite some first-rate performances by its lead | 0 |
is the script 's endless assault of embarrassingly ham-fisted sex jokes that reek of a script rewrite designed to garner the film a `` cooler '' pg-13 rating . | 0 |
Tukaj imajo banke postavljene zelo, bi rekel, stroge cilje ,vezano na programe za odobritev državne pomoči. | 2 |
never gets over its own investment in conventional arrangements , in terms of love , age , gender , race , and class . | 0 |
Shekhar Kapur rendező valamint Michael Schiffer és Hossein Amini forgatókönyvírók keményen próbálkoztak a dolgok modernizálásával és újrafogalmazásával, de az akadályok végül túl nagynak bizonyultak. | 0 |
reach a truly annoying pitch | 0 |
the nonstop artifice ultimately proves tiresome , with the surface histrionics failing to compensate for the paper-thin characterizations and facile situations . | 0 |
in its lack of poetic frissons | 0 |
successfully blended satire , | 1 |
'll swear that you 've seen it all before , even if you 've never come within a mile of the longest yard . | 0 |
Pretože naozaj ľudia sú práve frustrovaní aj z takýchto pokusov, z takýchto možno pokryteckých pokusov, kde si chceme udržať politickú silu na ďalších päť rokov vo svojich rukách. | 0 |
wonderland adventure , a stalker thriller , and | 1 |
, and at times uncommonly moving | 1 |
Já bych se velmi rád tady zastal zaměstnavatelů, že to nejsou žádní zloduchové, kteří by chtěli, aby zaměstnanci pracovali na úkor svého zdraví. | 1 |
sci-fi . | 1 |
wear thin with repetition | 0 |
Az egyforma mennyiségű naivitást, szenvedélyt és tehetséget felmutató A felhők alatt című film megmutatja, hogy Sen egy jelentős potenciállal rendelkező filmkészítő. | 1 |
Sokkal ijesztőbbnek kellene lenniük, mint amilyenek ebben a gyenge műfaji kínálatban. | 0 |
Akira Kurosawa japán filmrendező Ran című filmje óta nem volt példa arra, hogy a harc kegyetlenségét és a halál szellemét ilyen nagyszerűen ábrázolták volna. | 1 |
his life drew to a close | 0 |
a very funny romantic comedy about two skittish new york middle-agers who stumble into a relationship and then | 1 |
ugly | 0 |
exalts the marxian dream of honest working folk | 1 |
Međutim, zapravo se čitavo vrijeme skriva činjenica da će moći biti svih autohtonih hrvatskih proizvoda ali oni neće više moći biti pripremani, plasirani i prodavani na isti način. | 0 |
the depicted events dramatic , funny and poignant | 1 |
Najprej se vprašajmo, zakaj je bil projekt Stožice tako silno drag. | 0 |
it may not be a great piece of filmmaking | 0 |
especially give credit to affleck . | 1 |
try hard but come off too amateurish and awkward . | 0 |
accepting this in the right frame of mind can only provide it with so much leniency . | 1 |
an in-depth portrait | 1 |
sustain its initial promise with a jarring , new-agey tone creeping into the second half | 1 |
the free-wheeling noir spirit | 1 |
unfolds with all the mounting tension of an expert thriller , until the tragedy beneath it all gradually reveals itself . | 1 |
Doslova sa začalo akési bubnovanie na poplach v štýle, že našich bijú, ratuj Budapešť, ratuj ju Európa a pomaly celý svet. | 0 |
that falls far short | 0 |
gently comic even as the film breaks your heart | 1 |
i have given this movie a rating of zero . | 0 |
vibrance and | 1 |
Nažalost, ne tako davno u periodu pre dolaska SNS na vlast, situacija sa javnim finansijama bila je veoma loša, a država na ivici bankrota. | 0 |
this is n't worth sitting through | 0 |
empowerment movie | 1 |
, right-wing , propriety-obsessed family | 0 |
but fails to keep it up and settles into clichés | 0 |
for attention it nearly breaks its little neck trying to perform entertaining tricks | 0 |
this seductive tease | 1 |
, though many of the actors throw off a spark or two when they first appear , they ca n't generate enough heat in this cold vacuum of a comedy to start a reaction . | 0 |
emotionally malleable | 0 |
Amellett, hogy Hoffman nagy hatású színész, ez a ritka dráma átgondolt és kifizetődő bepillantást kínál abba a szívfájdalomba, amit már mindenki érzett, vagy egy nap majd érezni fog. | 1 |
so likable | 1 |
falls short in building the drama of lilia 's journey | 0 |
Az első és legfontosabb ok, amiért meg kell nézni a Sorsdöntő nyarat, az David Hennings fenomenális, víz alá született operatőre. | 1 |
frothing | 0 |
wonderfully creepy mood | 1 |
begins on a high note | 1 |
the film 's needlessly opaque intro | 0 |
the result is so tame that even slightly wised-up kids would quickly change the channel . | 0 |
a markedly inactive film | 0 |
a thriller whose style , structure and rhythms are so integrated with the story , you can not separate them . | 1 |
generous and subversive | 1 |
fails as a dystopian movie , as a retooling of fahrenheit 451 , and even as a rip-off of the matrix . | 0 |
lush and beautifully photographed ( somebody suggested the stills might make a nice coffee table book ) | 1 |
bite your tongue to keep from laughing at the ridiculous dialog or the oh-so convenient plot twists | 0 |
for almost the first two-thirds of martin scorsese 's 168-minute gangs of new york , i was entranced . | 1 |
polanski is saying what he has long wanted to say , confronting the roots of his own preoccupations and obsessions , and he allows nothing to get in the way | 1 |
artificial and opaque | 0 |
like no other film in recent history | 1 |
its delightful cast | 1 |
Ez egy börtön-foci-film a karizmatikus, kemény fiú Vinnie Jones főszereplésével, de számomra túl sokat köpködtek benne ahhoz, hogy élvezni tudjam. | 0 |
anything but frustrating , boring , and | 1 |
the poor acting | 0 |
of a movie , a vampire soap opera that does n't make much | 0 |
an 88-minute rip-off | 0 |
Ko so bile v prvih februarskih dneh razkajene meglice okoli sanacije bančnega sistema, je vsa javnost, zainteresirana in politična, terjala hitre odgovore in hitre ukrepe. | 2 |
really funny | 1 |
seeing himself in the other , | 1 |
not quite as miraculous as its dreamworks makers would have you believe , but it more than adequately fills the eyes and stirs the emotions . | 1 |
a skyscraper | 1 |