may God protect your loved ones
Ayk yaj rbi madark i3azan
God help you
Aki3awn rabi
Yeah, no problem.
Orgiss bass
Could you start chopping the vegetables please
wakha tbdot atbit lkhdert
I'm fine.
labass dari
They're different sizes, colors and flavor
ngaran gh tghzi d lon d totfi
I came with these tomatoes that I found at the market this morning
wikhd maticha li ofi5 ghso9 ghassad
How are you tonight?
mamenk aniga ghiydad
Good morning, sir.
Sba7 lkhir
let's jump and celebrate our victory
yalah anttaki nfjij s rba7nkh
If we survive maybe we can get back home early
ighsol nsol ranori stgmi bekri
Okay, you convinced me
safi ts9n3atiyi
Grab the bottle in your other hand
assi a9ri3 ghafoss yadni
Forget about the children it is too late for them
to flak i7chmiyn tftaysn lo9t
The only thing I'm asking you to do is keep the bottle of red
yat tanad atskart ghi ta9ri3t tazgaght
Go, take two young children with you, jump, I stay here
sir,awi dik sin nlbrahech taki nki l7dino ghid
It's terrifying
ghayad arissiwid
I feel very good
fjijkh okan
Can you feel that?
issasis ts7ossout
Besides, I'm sure there are people who deserve more than me not to die
Gher zid ama ila maystahelan awrimot ogar ino
Let me check the parachute to see if it is capable to hold two people
chor ad9lbakh lmdel is izdar aydel sin miden
And frankly, do you think they'll open the plane doors and let us jump?
slma39ol,z3ma raykh rzemn lbiban n tiyara khanakh anaki
Now isn't the time for such questions
ghilad machi lo9t nissa9sitnad
We're gonna land in Pakistan
rangoz gh pakistane
But, wait!
walakin chower
Can it carry two people?
issitmken atassit sin n miden
Are you sure?
izd lma39ol?
But why are you walking around with a parachute on you?
walakin makh lighatdwart slmdelna
Hug me close and we can land safely together
3n9iyi mzyan rangoz bikher w3la kher
We did have a chance if we crashed into the ocean
oh what is this
oh mayga mayad
You know, from where we fall, it doesn't make much difference
tssent mit, mn lblasst lighdnder orili kran lfer9 im9orn
There is no ocean below us, only Pakistan
orili kran lb7er ghtamangh ghar pakistan
We'll talk about our crash in the newspapers
ranssawl lkssida nekh gh jornal
But you know we don't have a chance, right?
wlkn ttssnt ordarenkh 7ta kran lforssa sol
If we survive I'm going to make a complaint to the airline
igh sol nssol ratachkakh s charikayad ntyara
If we are going to die
ighnfta anmot
But drinking is probably a good idea
wlkn anssou i9der ayg lfikra ichwan
I'm like most people, I don't believe in God except five minutes from the end
nki gi5 zon kolo miden, orat2amankh srbi ar 5 d9ay9 ygran
Shall we pray together
izd akollo nzal
Do you believe in god?
isat2aman srbi
At least it'll probably be instant, no pain, right?
b3da ratzri szrb,bla sda3,wakha?
I'm gonna turn my phone back on
radakh sergha5 telephone
I will tell them I love them
radass ini5 t3zat dari
Or are you just saying that to make fun of me?
nighd issayika tinit ghikad bach atssakh
You really think so?
izd sa7t ghikad asa tsswingimt
Oh, my God, that's horrible
amass mayad arisiwid
I don't want to scare you but I think we may be about to plummet to our death
oraflawn skdob5 wlkn nra arwass
I'm sorry to bother you with this, but I'm really scared
sam7ass sd3akhek,wlkn issnit gedakh aygan lma39ol
I don't know anything about airplanes, but I'm terrified every time I fly
oratifhamkh yat ghtyarat, wlkn artgdadekh dima agna likh ghignwan
Yes, it is weird, it sounds like the engine is failing
yah fchkel ayga mayad,aritbayan zonila kran lmochkil ghlmoto
I can also hear a lady screaming
arokan sol sflidakh ikran tamghart isghoyon
It's weird, isn't it?
Excuse me, do you hear that noise?
sam7ass,artsflidt ikran seda3
I'm quite glad it's mine coming and not yours
fr7akh mli tino adyochkan machi tink
We're safe!
laman flak
He's coming to get us now.
hatin yockad aykh yawi
Oh, that's cool
o,ifjij mayad
It's ringing....
hatin aritssoniy ..
But by the way, I don't know how to provoke her magical powers
wlkn,orsenkh adbayenkh l9iwanss si7riya
I suggest we eat the cheese with the fork
art9tara7 anch lfermaj slforchit
We could just phone for a taxi?
is nzdar anoni skran taxi?
I know you're talking about cheese
senkh issa tsawalm flfrmaj
I have no idea what you're talking about
ordari kran lfikra fghayni litinit
It's not even straight.
ntan orak ingada b3da
They even managed to bend my fork
isak zedarn ads3wjn lforchit inou
What does that mean?
may3ni mayna
Unfortunately, mine is just a normal fork.
lmochkila tino tga ghar talforchit wsafi
Could it be that it has magic powers?
issitemken adarss ili kran l9iwa si7riya
It means it was well manufactured.
zighd sowbent mzyan
Oh, maybe I have the extra fork!
yah tla dari lforchita yadni
Let me have a look
chower adot5 yat tela
You mean that smell's coming from your present?
art9ssa ri7tad tkad dar lcado
No, I haven't opened it yet
ohoy ortaterzem5
They're taunting us!
arflakh tssan
Wait... what did they give me?
blati.. mata mayadiyi tfkit
Why were we so naive?
orss makh aligh nga niyt
Oh no!
With the map we would have quickly found the quickest way to the best restaurant in the area.
slkharita dghya ranaf agharass isserbin slrestaurant kolo ichwan ghid
Have you opened yours yet?
trzemt tink nighd orta
How about the presents they gave us?
ama lcadowat liyak fkan
And I thought they looked cute...
nki ghalkh iss chwan..
It was the only way to get them to give us back our food
khtan aygan tari9a lwa7ida massadentrara ghaylakh win
It's stupid to loose when we have a good card!
tochkad fchkel atkhsert d kiyin dark lcarta ychwan
What credit cards do you want us to work on?
man lacart nlbanka trit assis nkhdem
All right.
ortnit kran l3ib
Is she expecting to see you?
makh ntat ila ghogayonss raki tzer
I haven't seen the physics teacher
ora zrit aslmad n lfizik
What do you think?
mayk ibayen
Do you know if the professor of physics is here today?
ortssnt aslmad nlfizik isen ika ghid ghassad
What do you want to do today if we're alone?
matrit ansker ghassad ighnghama wa7doten5
I do have an old examination paper
ordari kran twri9t i9demn nlimti7an
Yes, my comrades are blocked
w yah imdokal ino tblokan
I suppose that everyone else is having problems with transport
ghalkh isskolo maylan dar lmachakil dtronsport
I did my homework without problem yesterday
sngadakh tamarin bla kran lmochkil idgam
Let's stay here by the pool, then.
khaykh angawer ghid khtaman lapisin