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500 | 1,458 | Receptive field formation in natural scene
environments: comparison of single cell
learning rules
Brian S. Blais
Brown University Physics Department
Providence, Rl 02912
School of Mathematical Sciences
Tel-Aviv University
Ramat-Aviv, 69978 ISRAEL
H. Shouval
Institute for Brain and Neural Systems
Brown University
Providence, Rl 02912
Leon N Cooper
Brown University Physics Department and
Institute for Brain and Neural Systems
Brown University
Providence, Rl 02912
We study several statistically and biologically motivated learning
rules using the same visual environment, one made up of natural
scenes, and the same single cell neuronal architecture. This allows
us to concentrate on the feature extraction and neuronal coding
properties of these rules. Included in these rules are kurtosis and
skewness maximization, the quadratic form of the BCM learning
rule, and single cell ICA. Using a structure removal method, we
demonstrate that receptive fields developed using these rules depend on a small portion of the distribution. We find that the
quadratic form of the BCM rule behaves in a manner similar to a
kurtosis maximization rule when the distribution contains kurtotic
directions, although the BCM modification equations are computationally simpler.
B. S. Blais, N. Intrator, H. Shouval and L N. Cooper
Recently several learning rules that develop simple cell-like receptive fields in a
natural image environment have been proposed (Law and Cooper, 1994; Olshausen
and Field, 1996; Bell and Sejnowski, 1997). The details of these rules are different
as well as their computational reasoning, however they all depend on statistics of
order higher than two and they all produce sparse distributions.
In what follows we investigate several specific modification functions that have
the. general properties of BCM synaptic modification functions (Bienenstock et al.,
1982), and study their feature extraction properties in a natural scene environment.
Several of the rules we consider are derived from standard statistical measures
(Kendall and Stuart, 1977), such as skewness and kurtosis, based on polynomial
moments. We compare these with the quadratic form of BCM (Intrator and Cooper,
1992), though one should note that this is not the only form that could be used.
By subjecting all of the learning rules to the same input statistics and retina/LGN
preprocessing and by studying in detail the single neuron case, we eliminate possible
network/lateral interaction effects and can examine the properties of the learning
rules themselves.
We compare the learning rules and the receptive fields they form, and introduce a
procedure for directly measuring the sparsity of the representation a neuron learns.
This gives us another way to compare the learning rules, and a more quantitative
measure of the concept of sparse'representations.
We use two methods for motivating the use of the particular rules. One comes
from Projection Pursuit (Friedman, 1987) and the other is Independent Component
Analysis (Comon, 1994). These methods are related, as we shall see, but they
provide two different approaches for the current work.
Diaconis and Freedman (1984) show that for most high-dimensional clouds (of
points), most low-dimensional projections are approximately Gaussian. This finding suggests that important information in the data is conveyed in those directions
whose single dimensional projected distribution is far from Gaussian.
Intrator (1990) has shown that a BCM neuron can find structure in the input
distribution that exhibits deviation from Gaussian distribution in the form of multimodality in the projected distributions. This type of deviation is particUlarly useful
for finding clusters in high dimensional data. In the natural scene environment,
however, the structure does not seem to be contained in clusters. In this work we
show that the BCM neuron can still find interesting structure in non-clustered data.
The most common measures for deviation from Gaussian distribution are skewness
and. kurtosis which are functions of the first three and four moments of the distribution respectively. Rules based on these statistical measures satisfy the BCM
conditions proposed in Bienenstock et aI. (1982), including a threshold-based stabilization. The details of these rules and some of the qualitative features of the
stabilization are different, however. In addition, there are some learning rules,
such as the ICA rule of Bell and Sejnowski (1997) and the sparse coding algorithm
of Olshausen and Field (1995), which have been used with natural scene inputs to
produce oriented receptive fields. We do not include these in our comparison be-
RF Formation in Natural Scenes: Comparison of Single Cell Learning Rules
cause they are not single cell learning rules, and thus detract from our immediate
goal of comparing rules with the same input structure and neuronal architecture.
Recently it has been claimed that the independent components of natural scenes
are the edges found in simple cells (Bell and Sejnowski, 1997). This was achieved
through the maximization of the mutual entropy of a set of mixed signals. Others
(Hyvarinen and Oja, 1996) have claimed that maximizing kurtosis can also lead
to the separation of mixed signals into independent components. This alternate
connection between kurtosis and receptive fields leads us into a discussion of ICA.
Independent Component AnalYSis (ICA) is a statistical signal processing technique
whose goal is to express a set of random variables as a linear mixture of statistically
independent variables. The problem of ICA is then to find the transformation from
the observed mixed signals to the "unmixed" independent sources. The search
for independent components relies on the fact that a linear mixture of two nonGaussian distributions will become more Gaussian than either of them. Thus,
by seeking projections which maximize deviations from Gaussian distribution, we
recover the original (independent) signals. This explains the connection of ICA to
the framework of exploratory projection pursuit.
In this section we outline the derivation for the learning rules in this study. Neural
activity is assumed to be a positive quantity, so for biological plausibility we denote
by c the rectified activity (T(d . m), where (T(.) is a smooth monotonic function
with a positive output (a slight negative output is also allowed). (T' denotes the
derivative of the sigmoidal. The rectification is required for all rules that depend
on odd moments because these vanish in symmetric distributions such as natural
scenes. We study the following measures(Kendall and Stuart, 1977, for review) :
Skewness 1
This measures the deviation from symmetry, and is of the form:
51 = E[c3 ]j E1.5[C2].
A maximization of this measure via gradient ascent gives
\.5E [c (c - E[c 3]jE[c2]) (TId]
where em is defined as E[c 2 ].
\ .5E
[c (c - E[c 3]jeM) (TId]
Skewness 2
Another skewness measure is given by
52 = E[c3 ] - E1.5[C2].
This measure requires a stabilization mechanism which we achieve by requiring that
the vector of weights, denoted by m, has norm of 1. The gradient of 52 is
"V52 = 3E [c2 - cJE[c2]] = 3E
JeM) (TId] ,II
11= 1
[c (c -
Kurtosis 1 Kurtosis measures deviation from Gaussian distribution mainly in the
tails of the distribution. It has the form
Kl = E[c 4 ]jE2[C2] - 3.
This measure has a gradient of the form
"VKl = -2E
[c (c2 - E[c4]jE[c2]) (TId]
= -2E
[c (c 2 - E[c4]je M) (TId].
B. S. Blais, N. Intrator. H. Shouval and L N. Cooper
Kurtosis 2
As before, there is a similar form which requires some stabilization:
K2 = E[c4 ] - 3E2[C2].
This measure has a gradient of the form
'V K2 = 4E [c3 - cE[c2]]
= 3E [c(c2 -
eM )](1'd],
II m 11= 1.
Kurtosis 2 and ICA It has been shown that kurtosis, defined as
= E [c 4 ]
3E 2 [c 2 ]
can be used for ICA(Hyvarinen and Oja, 1996).
Thus, finding the extrema of
kurtosis of the projections enables the estimation of the independent components.
They obtain the following expression
m =
~ (E- l
[ddT] E [d(m? d)3] - 3m).
which leads to an iterative "fixed-point algorithm".
Quadratic BCM The Quadratic BCM (QBCM) measure as given in (Intrator
and Cooper, 1992) is of the form
= !E[c3 ] 3
Maximizing this form using gradient ascent gives the learning rule:
We use 13x13 circular patches from 12 images of natural scenes, presented to the
neuron each iteration of the learning. The natural scenes are preprocessed either
with a Difference of Gaussians (DOG) filter(Law and Cooper, 1994) or a whitening
filter (Oja, 1995; Bell and Sejnowski, 1995), which eliminates the second order correlations. The moments of the output, c, are calculated iteratively, and when it is
needed (Le. K2 and 8 2 ) we also normalize the weights at each iteration.
For Oja's fixed-point algorithm, the learning was done in batches of 1000 patterns
over which the expectation values were performed. However, the covariance matrix
was calculated over the entire set of input patterns.
The resulting receptive fields (RFs) formed are shown in Figure 1 for both the
DOGed and whitened images. Every learning rule developed oriented receptive
fields, though some were more sensitive to the preprocessing than others. The
additive versions of kurtosis and skewness, K2 and 8 2 respectively, developed RFs
with a higher spatial frequency, and more orientations, in the whitened environment
than in the DOGed environment.
The multiplicative versions of kurtosis and skewness, Kl and 8 1 respectively, as
well as QBCM, sampled from many orientations regardless of the preprocessing.
8 1 gives receptive fields with lower spatial frequencies than either QBCM or Kl.
RF Formation in Natural Scenes: Comparison of Single Cell Learning Rules
This disappears with the whitened inputs, which implies that the spatial frequency
of the RF is related to the dependence of the learning rule on the second moment.
Example receptive fields using Oja's fixed-point ICA algorithm not surprisingly
look qualitatively similar to those found using the stochastic maximization of K 2 ?
The output distributions for all of the rules appear to be double exponential. This
distribution is one which we would consider sparse, but it would be difficult to
compare the sparseness of the distributions merely on the appearance of the output
distribution alone. In order to determine the sparseness of the code, we introduce
a method for measuring it directly.
Receptive Fields from Natural Scene Input
Output Distribution
Output Distribution
fIJ ~~~I A I ?11.11 ~~~I 1\ I
~.11 i1 ~~~I A I ~.II a ~~~I A I
~t! Ii1Ii ~~~VSJ ~? ? ? ~~:I 1\ I
?LI g
Figure 1: Receptive fields using DOGed (left) and whitened (right) image input
obtained from learning rules maximizing (froni top to bottom) the Quadratic BCM
objective function, Kurtosis (multiplicative), Kurtosis (additive), Skewness (multiplicative), and Skewness (additive). Shown are three examples (left to right) from
each learning rule as well as the log of the normalized output distribution, before
the application of the rectifying sigmoid.
Learning rules which are dependent on large polynomial moments, such as
Quadratic BCM and kurtosis, tend to be sensitive to the tails of the distribution.
In the case of a sparse code the outliers, or the rare and interesting events, are what
is important. Measuring the degree to which the neurons form a sparse code can
be done in a straightforward and systematic fashion.
The procedure involves simply eliminating from the environment those patterns for
which the neuron responds strongly. These patterns tend to be the high contrast
edges, and are thus the structure found in the image. The percentage of patterns
that needs to be removed in order to cause a change in the receptive field gives a
direct measure of the sparsity of the coding. The results of this structure removal
B. S. Blais, N. Intrator, H Shouval and L N. Cooper
are shown in Figure 2.
For Quadratic BCM and kurtosis, one need only eliminate less than one half of a
percent of the input patterns to change the receptive field significantly. To make
this more precise, we define a normalized difference between two mean zero vectors
cos a), where a is the angle between the two vectors. This measure
as V ==
has a value of zero for identical vectors, and a maximum value of one for orthogonal
H1 -
Also shown in Figure 2 is the normalized difference as a function of the percentage
eliminated, for the different learning rules. RF differences can be seen with as little
as a tenth of a percent, which suggests that the neuron is coding the information in
a very sparse manner. Changes of around a half a percent and above are visible as
significant orientation, phase, or spatial frequency changes. Although both skewness
and Quadratic BCM depend primarily on the third moment, QBCM behaves more
like kurtosis with regards to sparse coding.
Structure Removal for BCM, Kurtosis, and Skew
?II ? ?I! ?1'1 II
- - 0
' 0
Kurtosis 1
Skew 1
Figure 2: Example receptive fields (left), and normalized difference measure (right),
resulting from structure removal using QBCM, Kl, and 8 1 , The RFs show the
successive deletion of top 1% of the distribution. On the right is the normalized
difference between RFs as a function of the percentage deleted in structure removal.
The maximum possible value of the difference is 1.
This study attempts to compare several learning rules which have some statistical
or biological motivation, or both. For a related study discussing projection pursuit
and BCM see (Press and Lee, 1996). We have used natural scenes to gain some more
insight about the statistics underlying natural images. There are several outcomes
from this study:
? All rules used, found kurtotic distributions.
? The single cell lCA rule we considered, which used the subtractive form of kurtosis, achieved receptive fields qualitatively similar to other rules discussed.
? The Quadratic BCM and the multiplicative version of kurtosis are less sensitive
to the second moments of the distribution and produce oriented RFs even when
the data is not whitened. The subtractive versions of kurtosis and skewness
are sensitive and produces oriented RFs only after sphering the data (Friedman,
1987; Field, 1994).
RF Fonnation in Natural Scenes: Comparison of Single Cell Learning Rules
? Both Quadratic BCM and kurtosis are sensitive to the elimination of the upper
1/2% portion of the distribution.
The sensitivity to small portions of the
distribution represents the other side of the coin of sparse coding.
? The skew rules' sensitivity to the upper parts of the distribution is not so strong.
? Quadratic BCM learning rule, which has been advocated as a projection index
for finding multi-modality in high dimensional distribution, can find projections
emphasizing high kurtosis when no cluster structure is present in the data.
This work, was supported by the Office of Naval Research, the DANA Foundation
and the National Science Foundation.
Bell, A. J. and Sejnowski, T. J. (1995). An information-maximisation approach to blind
separation and blind deconvolution. Neural Computation, 7(6}:1129-1159.
Bell, A. J. and Sejnowski, T. J. (1997). The independent components of natural scenes
are edge filters. Vision Research. in press.
Bienenstock, E . L., Cooper, L. N., and Munro, P. W. (1982) . Theory for the development
of neuron selectivity: orientation specificity and binocular interaction in visual cortex.
Journal of Neuroscience, 2:32-48.
Comon, P. (1994). Independent component analysis, a n'ew concept? Signal Processing,
Field, D. J. (1994). What is the goal of sensory coding. Neural Computation, 6:559-601.
Friedman, J. H. (1987). Exploratory projection pursuit. Journal of the American Statistical
Association, 82:249-266.
Hyvarinen, A. and Oja, E. (1996). A fast fixed-point algorithm for independent component
analysis. Int. Journal of Neural Systems, 7(6):671-687.
Intrator, N. (1990). A neural network for feature extraction. In Touretzky, D. S. and Lippmann, R. P., editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, volume 2,
pages 719-726. Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA.
Intrator, N. and Cooper, L. N. (1992) . Objective function formulation of the BCM theory of visual cortical plasticity: Statistical connections, stability conditions. Neural
Networks, 5:3-17.
Kendall, M. and Stuart, A. (1977). The Advanced Theory of Statistics, volume 1. MacMillan Publishing, New York.
Law, C. and Cooper, L. (1994). Formation of receptive fields according to the BCM
theory in realistic visual environments. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences,
Oja, E. (1995). The nonlinear pca learning rule and signal separation - mathematical
analysis. Technical Report A26, Helsinki University, CS and Inf. Sci. Lab.
Olshausen, B. A. and Field, D. J. (1996). Emergence of simple cell receptive field properties
by learning a sparse code for natural images. Nature, 381:607-609.
Press, W. and Lee, C. W. (1996) . Searching for optimal visual codes: Projection pursuit
analysis of the statistical structure in natural scenes. In The Neurobiology of Computation: Proceedings of the fifth annual Computation and Neural Systems conference.
Plenum Publishing Corporation.
| 1458 |@word version:4 eliminating:1 polynomial:2 norm:1 covariance:1 moment:8 contains:1 current:1 comparing:1 si:1 visible:1 realistic:1 additive:3 plasticity:1 enables:1 alone:1 half:2 unmixed:1 successive:1 sigmoidal:1 simpler:1 mathematical:2 c2:12 direct:1 become:1 qualitative:1 multimodality:1 introduce:2 manner:2 ica:9 themselves:1 examine:1 multi:1 brain:2 little:1 underlying:1 israel:1 what:3 skewness:12 developed:3 finding:4 transformation:1 extremum:1 corporation:1 quantitative:1 every:1 k2:5 appear:1 positive:2 tid:5 before:2 approximately:1 mateo:1 suggests:2 co:1 ramat:1 statistically:2 acknowledgment:1 maximisation:1 procedure:2 vsj:1 bell:6 significantly:1 projection:11 specificity:1 maximizing:3 straightforward:1 regardless:1 rule:43 insight:1 stability:1 searching:1 exploratory:3 v52:1 plenum:1 particularly:1 observed:1 cloud:1 bottom:1 removed:1 environment:9 depend:4 shouval:4 derivation:1 zo:1 fast:1 sejnowski:6 formation:4 outcome:1 whose:2 statistic:4 emergence:1 kurtosis:26 interaction:2 achieve:1 academy:1 normalize:1 cluster:3 double:1 produce:4 develop:1 odd:1 school:1 advocated:1 strong:1 c:1 jem:2 come:1 implies:1 involves:1 concentrate:1 direction:2 fij:1 filter:3 stochastic:1 stabilization:4 elimination:1 explains:1 clustered:1 brian:1 biological:2 around:1 considered:1 estimation:1 sensitive:5 gaussian:7 vkl:1 office:1 derived:1 naval:1 mainly:1 contrast:1 dependent:1 eliminate:2 entire:1 bienenstock:3 lgn:1 i1:1 orientation:4 denoted:1 development:1 spatial:4 mutual:1 field:24 extraction:3 eliminated:1 identical:1 represents:1 stuart:3 look:1 subjecting:1 others:2 report:1 primarily:1 retina:1 oriented:4 oja:7 diaconis:1 national:2 phase:1 friedman:3 attempt:1 investigate:1 circular:1 mixture:2 edge:3 orthogonal:1 kurtotic:2 measuring:3 maximization:5 deviation:6 rare:1 motivating:1 providence:3 sensitivity:3 systematic:1 physic:2 lee:2 nongaussian:1 american:1 derivative:1 li:1 coding:7 cje:1 int:1 satisfy:1 blind:2 performed:1 multiplicative:4 h1:1 lab:1 kendall:3 portion:3 recover:1 rectifying:1 formed:1 kaufmann:1 rectified:1 touretzky:1 synaptic:2 frequency:4 e2:2 sampled:1 gain:1 x13:1 higher:2 formulation:1 done:2 though:2 strongly:1 binocular:1 correlation:1 nonlinear:1 aviv:2 olshausen:3 effect:1 brown:4 concept:2 requiring:1 normalized:5 symmetric:1 iteratively:1 outline:1 demonstrate:1 percent:3 reasoning:1 image:7 recently:2 common:1 sigmoid:1 behaves:2 rl:3 volume:2 tail:2 slight:1 discussed:1 association:1 significant:1 ai:1 cortex:1 whitening:1 inf:1 claimed:2 selectivity:1 discussing:1 seen:1 morgan:1 determine:1 maximize:1 signal:7 ii:7 fonnation:1 smooth:1 technical:1 plausibility:1 e1:2 whitened:6 vision:1 expectation:1 iteration:2 achieved:2 cell:11 addition:1 source:1 modality:1 eliminates:1 ascent:2 tend:2 seem:1 architecture:2 motivated:1 expression:1 pca:1 munro:1 york:1 cause:2 useful:1 percentage:3 neuroscience:1 ddt:1 shall:1 express:1 four:1 threshold:1 deleted:1 preprocessed:1 ce:1 tenth:1 merely:1 angle:1 separation:3 patch:1 quadratic:12 annual:1 activity:2 scene:16 ri:2 helsinki:1 leon:1 sphering:1 department:2 lca:1 alternate:1 according:1 em:6 biologically:1 modification:4 comon:2 outlier:2 computationally:1 equation:1 rectification:1 skew:3 mechanism:1 needed:1 studying:1 pursuit:6 gaussians:1 intrator:8 batch:1 coin:1 original:1 denotes:1 top:2 include:1 publishing:2 a26:1 seeking:1 objective:2 quantity:1 receptive:19 dependence:1 responds:1 exhibit:1 gradient:5 lateral:1 sci:1 code:5 index:1 difficult:1 negative:1 upper:2 neuron:9 immediate:1 neurobiology:1 blais:4 precise:1 dog:1 required:1 kl:5 c3:4 connection:3 c4:3 bcm:24 deletion:1 pattern:6 sparsity:2 rf:11 including:1 event:1 natural:19 advanced:1 disappears:1 review:1 removal:6 law:3 mixed:3 interesting:2 dana:1 foundation:2 degree:1 conveyed:1 editor:1 subtractive:2 surprisingly:1 supported:1 side:1 institute:2 fifth:1 sparse:10 regard:1 calculated:2 cortical:1 sensory:1 made:1 qualitatively:2 preprocessing:3 projected:2 san:1 far:1 hyvarinen:3 lippmann:1 assumed:1 search:1 iterative:1 nature:1 ca:1 tel:1 symmetry:1 motivation:2 freedman:1 allowed:1 neuronal:3 je:3 fashion:1 cooper:11 exponential:1 vanish:1 third:1 learns:1 emphasizing:1 specific:1 deconvolution:1 ci:1 sparseness:2 entropy:1 simply:1 appearance:1 visual:5 contained:1 macmillan:1 monotonic:1 relies:1 goal:3 ii1ii:1 lntrator:1 change:4 included:1 ew:1 |
501 | 1,459 | Intrusion Detection with Neural Networks
Jake Ryan*
Department of Computer Sciences
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712
[email protected]
[email protected] . utexas.edu
Meng-Jang Lin
Risto Miikkulainen
Department of Computer Sciences
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712
[email protected]
With the rapid expansion of computer networks during the past few years,
security has become a crucial issue for modern computer systems. A
good way to detect illegitimate use is through monitoring unusual user
activity. Methods of intrusion detection based on hand-coded rule sets or
predicting commands on-line are laborous to build or not very reliable.
This paper proposes a new way of applying neural networks to detect
intrusions. We believe that a user leaves a 'print' when using the system;
a neural network can be used to learn this print and identify each user
much like detectives use thumbprints to place people at crime scenes. If
a user's behavior does not match hislher print, the system administrator
can be alerted of a possible security breech. A backpropagation neural
network called NNID (Neural Network Intrusion Detector) was trained
in the identification task and tested experimentally on a system of 10
users. The system was 96% accurate in detecting unusual activity, with
7% false alarm rate. These results suggest that learning user profiles is
an effective way for detecting intrusions.
Intrusion detection schemes can be classified into two categories: misuse and anomaly
intrusion detection. Misuse refers to known attacks that exploit the known vulnerabilities
of the system. Anomaly means unusual activity in general that could indicate an intrusion.
?Currently: MCI Communications Corp., 9001 N. IH 35, Austin, TX 78753; [email protected].
1. Ryan, M-J. Lin and R. Miikkulainen
If the observed activity of a user deviates from the expected behavior, an anomaly is said
to occur.
Misuse detection can be very powerful on those attacks that have been programmed in
to the detection system. However, it is not possible to anticipate all the different attacks
that could occur, and even the attempt is laborous. Some kind of anomaly detection is
ultimately necessary. One problem with anomaly detection is that it is likely to raise many
false alarms. Unusual but legitimate use may sometimes be considered anomalous. The
challenge is to develop a model of legitimate behavior that would accept novel legitimate
It is difficult to build such a model for the same reason that it is hard to build a comprehensive misuse detection system: it is not possible to anticipate aU possible variations of such
behavior. The task can be made tractable in three ways: (1) Instead of general legitimate
use, the behavior of individual users in a particular system can be modeled. The task of
characterizing regular patterns in the behavior of an individual user is an easier task than
trying to do it for aU users simultaneously. (2) The patterns of behavior can be learned
for examples of legitimate use, instead of having to describe them by hand-COding possible
behaviors. (3) Detecting an intrusion real-time, as the user is typing commands, is very
difficult because the order of commands can vary a lot. In many cases it is enough to recognize that the distribution of commands over the entire login session, or even the entire
day, differs from the usual.
The system presented in this paper, NNID (Neural Network Intrusion Detector), is based on
these three ideas. NNID is a backpropagation neural network trained to identify users based
on what commands they use during a day. The system administrator runs NNID at the end
of each day to see if the users' sessions match their normal pattern. If not, an investigation
can be launched. The NNID model is implemented in a UNIX environment and consists of
keeping logs of the commands executed, forming command histograms for each user, and
learning the users' profiles from these histograms. NNID provides an elegant solution to
off-line monitoring utilizing these user profiles. In a system of 10 users, NNID was 96%
accurate in detecting anomalous behavior (i.e. random usage patterns), with a false alarm
rate of 7%. These results show that a learning offline monitoring system such as NNID
can achieve better performance than systems that attempt to detect anomalies on-line in the
command sequences, and with computationally much less effort.
The rest of the paper outlines other approaches to intrusion detection and motivates the
NNID approach in more detail (sections 2 and 3), presents the implementation and an
evaluation on a real-world computer system (sections 4 and 5), and outlines some open
issues and avenues for future work (section 6).
Many misuse and anomaly intrusion detection systems (lDSs) are based on the general
model proposed by Denning (1987). This model is independent of the platform, system vulnerability, and type of intrusion. It maintains a set of historical profiles for users, matches
an audit record with the appropriate profile, updates the profile whenever necessary, and reports any anomalies detected. Another component, a rule set, is used for detecting misuse.
Actual systems implement the general model with different techniques (see Frank 1994;
Mukherjee et al. 1994, for an overview). Often statistical methods are used to measure how
anomalous the behavior is, that is, how different e.g. the commands used are from normal
behavior. Such approaches require that the distribution of subjects' behavior is known.
The behavior can be represented as a rule-based model (Garvey and Lunt 1991), in terms
of predictive pattern generation (Teng et al. 1990), or using state transition analysis (Porras
Intrusion Detection with Neural Networks
et al. 1995). Pattern matching techniques are then used to detennine whether the sequence
of events is part of normal behavior, constitutes an anomaly, or fits the description of a
known attack.
IDSs also differ in whether they are on-line or off-line. Off-line IDSs are run periodically and they detect intrusions after-the-fact based on system logs. On-line systems are
designed to detect intrusions while they are happening, thereby allowing for quicker intervention. On-line IDSs are computationally very expensive because they require continuous
monitoring. Decisions need to be made quickly with less data and therefore they are not as
Several IDSs that employ neural networks for on-line intrusion detection have been proposed (Debar et al. 1992; Fox et al. 1990). These systems learn to predict the next command based on a sequence of previous commands by a specific user. Through a shifting
window, the network receives the w most recent commands as its input. The network is
recurrent, that is, part of the output is fed back as the input for the next step; thus, the
network is constantly observing the new trend and "forgets" old behavior over time. The
size of the window is an important parameter: If w is too small, there will be many false
positives; if it is too big, the network may not generalize well to novel sequences. The most
recent of such systems (Debar et al. 1992) can predict the next command correctly around
80% of the time, and accept a command as predictable (among the three most likely next
commands) 90% of the time.
One problem with the on-line approach is that most of the effort goes into predicting the
order of commands. In many cases, the order does not matter much, but the distribution of
commands that are used is revealing. A possibly effective approach could therefore be to
collect statistics about the users' command usage over a period of time, such as a day, and
try to recognize the distribution of commands as legitimate or anomalous off-line. This is
the idea behind the NNID system.
The NNID anomaly intrusion detection system is based on identifying a legitimate user
based on the distribution of commands she or he executes. This is justifiable because
different users tend to exhibit different behavior, depending on their needs of the system.
Some use the system to send and receive e-mail only, and do not require services such as
programming and compilation. Some engage in all kinds of activities including editing,
programming, e-mail, Web browsing, and so on. However, even two users that do the same
thing may not use the same application program. For example, some may prefer the "vi"
editor to "emacs", favor "pine" over "elm" as their mail utility program, or use "gcc" more
often than "cc" to compile C programs. Also, the frequency with which a command is
used varies from user to user. The set of commands used and their frequency, therefore,
constitutes a 'print' of the user, reflecting the task performed and the choice of application
programs, and it should be possible to identify the user based on this information.
It should be noted that this approach works even if some users have aliases set up as shorthands for long commands they use frequently, because the audit log records the actual
commands executed by the system. Users' privacy is not violated, since the arguments to
a command do not need to be recorded. That is, we may know that a user sends e-mail five
times a day, but we do not need to know to whom the mail is addressed.
Building NNID for a particular computer system consists of the following three phases:
1. Collecting training data: Obtain the audit logs for each user for a period of several
days. For each day and user, form a vector that represents how often the user
executed each command.
1 Ryan, M-J. Un and R. Miikkulainen
Table 1: The 100 commands used to describe user behavior. The number of times the user
executed each of these commands during the day was recorded, mapped into a nonlinear scale of 11
intervals, and concatenated into a l00-dimensional input vector, representing the usage pattern for
that user for that day.
2. Training: Train the neural network to identify the user based on these command
distribution vectors.
3. Perfonnance: Let the network identify the user for each new command distribution vector. If the network's suggestion is different from the actual user, or if the
network does not have a clear suggestion, signal an anomaly.
The particular implementation of NNID and the environment where it was tested is described in the next section.
The NNID system was built and tested on a machine that serves a particular research group
at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Texas at
Austin. This machine has 10 total users; some are regular users, with several other users
logging in intennittently. This platfonn was chosen for three reasons:
1. The operating system (NetBSD) provides audit trail logging for accounting purposes and this option had been enabled on this system.
2. The number of users and the total number of commands executed per day are on
an order of magnitude that is manageable. Thus, the feasibility of the approach
could be tested with real-world data without getting into scalability issues.
3. The system is relatively unknown to outsiders and the users are all known to us, so
that it is likely that the data collected on it consists of nonnal user behavior (free
of intrusions).
Data was collected on this system for 12 days, resulting in 89 user-days. Instead of trying
to optimize the selection of features (commands) for the input, we decided to simply use
a set of 100 most common commands in the logs (listed in Table 1), and let the network
figure out what infonnation was important and what superfluous. Intelligent selection of
features might improve the results some but the current approach is easy to implement and
proves the point.
In order to introduce more overlap between input vectors, and therefore better generalization, the number of times a command was used was divided into intervals. There were 11
intervals, non-linearly spaced, so that the representation is more accurate at lower frequencies where it is most important. The first interval meant the command was never used; the
second that it was used once or twice, and so on until the last interval where the command
was used more than 500 times. The intervals were represented by values from 0.0 to 1.0
in 0.1 increments. These values, one for each command, were then concatenated into a
100-dimensional command distribution vector (also called user vector below) to be used as
input to the neural network.
Intrusion Detection with Neural Networks
The standard three-layer backpropagation architecture was chosen for the neural network.
The idea was to get results on the most standard and general architecture so that the feasibility of the approach could be demonstrated and the results would be easily replicable.
More sophisticated architectures could be used and they would probably lead to slightly
better results. The input layer consisted of 100 units, representing the user vector; the hidden layer had 30 units and the output layer 10 units, one for each user. The network was
implemented in the PlaNet Neural Network simulator (Miyata 1991).
To avoid overtraining, several training sessions were run prior to the actual experiments to
see how many training cycles would give the highest performance. The network was trained
on 8 randomly chosen days of data (65 user vectors), and its performance was tested on the
remaining 4 days (24 vectors) after epochs 30, 50, 100,200, and 300, of which 100 gave
the best performance. Four splits of the data into training and testing sets were created by
randomly picking 8 days for training. The reSUlting four networks were tested in two tasks:
1. Identifying the user vectors of the remaining 4 days. If the activation of the output
unit representing the correct user was higher than those of all other units, and
also higher than 0.5, the identification was counted as correct. Otherwise, a false
positive was counted.
2. Identifying 100 randomly-generated user vectors. If all output units had an activation less than 0.5, the network was taken to correctly identify the vector as an
anomaly (i.e. not any of the known users in the system). Otherwise, the most
highly active output unit identifies the network's suggestion. Since all intrusions
occur under one of the 10 user accounts, there is a 111 0 chance that the suggestion
would accidentally match the compromised user account and the intrusion would
not be detected. Therefore, 1/10 of all such cases were counted as false negatives.
The second test is a suggestive measure of the accuracy of the system. It is not possible to
come up with vectors that would represent a good sampling of actual intrusions; the idea
here was to generate vectors where the values for each command were randomly drawn
from the distribution of values for that command in the entire data set. In other words, the
random test vectors had the same first-order statistics as the legitimate user vectors, but
had no higher-order correlations. Therefore they constitute a neutral but realistic sample of
unusual behavior.
All four splits led to similar results. On average, the networks rejected 63% of the random
user vectors, leading to an anomaly detection rate of 96%. They correctly identified the
legitimate user vectors 93% of the time, giving a false alarm rate of 7%.
Figure 1 shows the output of the network for one of the splits. Out of 24 legitimate user
vectors, the network identified 22. Most of the time the correct output unit is very highly
activated, indicating high certainty of identification. However, the activation of the highest
unit was below 0.5 for two of the inputs, resulting in a false alarm.
Interestingly, in all false alarms in all splits, the falsely-accused user was always the same.
A closer look at the data set revealed that there were only 3 days of data on this user. He
used the system very infrequently, and the network could not learn a proper profile for him.
While it would be easy to fix this problem by collecting more data in this case, we believe
this is a problem that would be difficult to rule out in general. No matter how much data
one collects, there may still not be enough for some extremely infrequent user. Therefore,
we believe the results obtained in this rather small data set give a realistic picture of the
performance of the NNID system.
1. Ryan, M-l. lin and R. Miikkulainen
.> 4 ?
2 3
~t? - 4 , ?
. .
.. .
n..,.!. -
. .
_ ?
0 1 2 3
00. .......
5 6
1 2
5 6 7 8 9
Out.~, ~
5 6 7 B 9
D.np;;.. '"
5 6 7 B
D.~t '" ? ?
Out.~, ~"O'
, ,
? s
Figure 1: User identification with the NNID Network. The output layer of NNID is shown for
each of the 24 test vectors in one of the 4 splits tested. The output units are lined up from left to
right, and their activations are represented by the size of the squares. In this split there were two false
alarms: one is displayed in the top right with activation 0.01, and one in the second row from the
bottom, second column from the left with 0.35. All the other test vectors are identified correctly with
activation higher than 0.5.
An important question is, how well does the performance of NNID scale with the number
of users? Although there are many computer systems that have no more than a dozen
users, most intrusions occur in larger systems with hundreds of users. With more users,
the network would have to make finer distinctions, and it would be difficult to maintain the
same low level of false alarms. However, the rate of detecting anomalies may not change
much, as long as the network can learn the user patterns well. Any activity that differs from
the user's normal behavior would still be detected as an anomaly.
Training the network to represent many more users may take longer and require a larger
network, but it should be possible because the user profiles share a lot of common structure, and neural networks in general are good at learning such data. Optimizing the set of
commands included in the user vector, and the size of the value intervals, might also have a
large impact on performance. It would be interesting to determine the curve of performance
Intrusion Detection with Neural Networks
versus the number of users, and also see how the size of the input vector and the granularity
of the value intervals affect that curve. This is the most important direction of future work.
Another important issue is, how much does a user's behavior change over time? If behavior
changes dramatically, NNID must be recalibrated often or the number of false positives
would increase. Fortunately such retraining is easy to do. Since NNID parses daily activity
of each user into a user-vector, the user profile can be updated daily. NNID could then be
retrained periodically. In the current system it takes only about 90 seconds and would not
be a great burden on the system.
Experimental evaluation on real-world data shows that NNID can learn to identify users
simply by what commands they use and how often, and such an identification can be used
to detect intrusions in a network computer system. The order of commands does not need
to be taken into account. NNID is easy to train and inexpensive to run because it operates
off-line on daily logs. As long as real-time detection is not required, NNID constitutes a
promising, practical approach to anomaly intrusion detection.
Special thanks to Mike Dahlin and Tom Ziaja for feedback on an earlier version of this paper, and to
Jim Bednar for help with the PlaNet simulator. This research was supported in part by DOD-ARPA
contract F30602-96-1-0313, NSF grant IRI-9504317, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating
board grant ARP-444.
Debar, H., Becker, M., and Siboni, D. (1992). A neural network component for an intrusion
detection system. In Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE Computer Society Symposium on
Research in Computer Security and Privacy, 240-250.
Denning, D. E. (1987). An intrusion detection model. IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering, SE-13:222-232.
Fox, K. L., Henning, R. R., Reed, J. H., and Simonian, R. (1990). A neural network
approach towards intrusion detection. In Proceedings of the 13th National Computer
Security Conference, 125-134.
Frank, J. (1994). Artificial intelligence and intrusion detection: Current and future directions. In Proceedings of the National 17th Computer Security Conference.
Garvey, T. D., and Lunt, T. F. (1991). Model-based intrusion detection. In Proceedings of
the 14th National Computer Security Conference.
Miyata, Y. (1991). A User's Guide to PlaNet Version 5.6 -A Toolfor Constructing, Running, and Looking in to a PDP Network. Computer Science Department, University
of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO.
Mukherjee, B., Heberlein, L. T., and Levitt, K. N. (1994). Network intrusion detection.
IEEE Network, 26-41.
Porras, P. A., IIgun, K., and Kemmerer, R. A. (1995). State transition analysis: A rulebased intrusion detection approach. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, SE21 : 181-199.
Teng, H. S., Chen, K., and Lu, S. C. (1990). Adaptive real-time anomaly detection using inductively generated sequential patterns. In Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE Symposium
on Research in Computer Security and Privacy, 278-284.
| 1459 |@word version:2 manageable:1 retraining:1 risto:2 open:1 accounting:1 detective:1 thereby:1 tr:1 interestingly:1 past:1 current:3 com:1 activation:6 must:1 planet:3 realistic:2 periodically:2 designed:1 update:1 intelligence:1 leaf:1 record:2 detecting:6 provides:2 attack:4 five:1 become:1 symposium:2 consists:3 shorthand:1 introduce:1 privacy:3 falsely:1 expected:1 rapid:1 behavior:22 ldss:1 frequently:1 simulator:2 porras:2 actual:5 window:2 what:4 kind:2 elm:2 certainty:1 rcp:1 collecting:2 ti:3 rm:1 zl:1 unit:10 grant:2 intervention:1 positive:3 service:1 engineering:4 id:6 meng:1 ipr:1 might:2 twice:1 au:2 collect:2 compile:1 co:1 programmed:1 grep:1 decided:1 practical:1 testing:1 implement:2 differs:2 backpropagation:3 xr:1 revealing:1 matching:1 word:1 refers:1 regular:2 suggest:1 get:1 selection:2 applying:1 optimize:1 misuse:6 demonstrated:1 send:1 go:1 iri:1 identifying:3 legitimate:10 rule:4 utilizing:1 enabled:1 variation:1 increment:1 updated:1 infrequent:1 user:80 anomaly:17 programming:2 engage:1 trail:1 colorado:1 trend:1 infrequently:1 expensive:1 mukherjee:2 cut:1 observed:1 bottom:1 mike:1 quicker:1 electrical:2 awk:1 cycle:1 highest:2 environment:2 predictable:1 inductively:1 ultimately:1 trained:3 raise:1 predictive:1 logging:2 easily:1 represented:3 tx:4 finger:1 cat:1 train:2 fast:1 effective:2 describe:2 detected:3 artificial:1 larger:2 otherwise:2 calendar:1 favor:1 statistic:2 sequence:4 tput:1 date:1 achieve:1 description:1 scalability:1 getting:1 p:1 bednar:1 ftp:1 depending:1 develop:1 recurrent:1 oo:1 help:1 implemented:2 c:2 indicate:1 come:1 differ:1 direction:2 correct:3 filter:1 education:1 require:4 fix:1 generalization:1 investigation:1 anticipate:2 ryan:5 around:1 considered:1 normal:4 great:1 predict:2 pine:1 vary:1 purpose:1 currently:1 infonnation:1 utexas:3 vulnerability:2 him:1 always:1 rather:1 avoid:1 tar:1 command:43 she:1 intrusion:35 detect:6 entire:3 accept:2 hidden:1 nonnal:1 issue:4 among:1 proposes:1 platform:1 special:1 fes:1 once:1 never:1 having:1 sampling:1 represents:1 look:2 constitutes:3 future:4 report:1 np:1 intelligent:1 few:1 employ:1 modern:1 randomly:4 simultaneously:1 recognize:2 comprehensive:1 individual:2 national:3 phase:1 maintain:1 attempt:2 detection:28 highly:2 evaluation:2 sh:1 behind:1 superfluous:1 compilation:1 activated:1 accurate:3 closer:1 necessary:2 daily:3 perfonnance:1 fox:2 old:1 arpa:1 column:1 earlier:1 neutral:1 hundred:1 dod:1 too:2 varies:1 thanks:1 contract:1 off:5 picking:1 quickly:1 recorded:2 nm:1 possibly:1 administrator:2 leading:1 account:3 coding:1 matter:2 mv:1 vi:2 performed:1 try:1 lot:2 observing:1 garvey:2 sort:1 maintains:1 option:1 sed:1 square:1 accuracy:1 spaced:1 identify:7 generalize:1 identification:5 lu:1 monitoring:4 justifiable:1 cc:1 finer:1 executes:1 classified:1 overtraining:1 detector:2 ping:1 whenever:1 strip:1 rsh:1 inexpensive:1 frequency:3 ut:1 ou:1 sophisticated:1 back:1 reflecting:1 higher:5 day:17 tom:1 editing:1 rejected:1 until:1 correlation:1 hand:2 receives:1 web:1 nonlinear:1 gdb:1 believe:3 building:1 usage:3 consisted:1 during:3 noted:1 trying:2 outline:2 gzip:1 orac:1 cp:1 novel:2 common:2 mt:1 overview:1 tail:1 he:2 cv:1 session:3 had:5 longer:1 operating:1 recent:2 optimizing:1 corp:1 tee:1 fortunately:1 eo:1 determine:1 period:2 signal:1 match:4 long:3 lin:3 divided:1 coded:1 feasibility:2 impact:1 anomalous:4 df:1 histogram:2 sometimes:1 pwd:1 represent:2 receive:1 addressed:1 interval:8 sends:1 crucial:1 launched:1 rest:1 probably:1 subject:1 tend:1 elegant:1 henning:1 thing:1 granularity:1 revealed:1 split:6 enough:2 easy:4 affect:1 fit:1 gave:1 architecture:3 identified:3 idea:4 avenue:1 illegitimate:1 texas:5 whether:2 utility:1 becker:1 effort:2 constitute:1 dramatically:1 clear:1 listed:1 se:1 category:1 generate:1 nsf:1 coordinating:1 correctly:4 per:1 group:1 four:3 drawn:1 year:1 run:4 unix:1 powerful:1 place:1 decision:1 prefer:1 resize:1 layer:5 ct:1 g:1 activity:7 occur:4 rulebased:1 scene:1 software:2 wc:1 argument:1 extremely:1 relatively:1 department:5 slightly:1 boulder:2 taken:2 computationally:2 lined:1 know:2 tractable:1 fed:1 end:1 unusual:5 serf:1 detennine:1 appropriate:1 jang:1 vacation:1 top:2 remaining:2 running:1 fmt:1 exploit:1 giving:1 concatenated:2 f30602:1 build:3 prof:1 jake:2 expr:1 society:1 print:4 question:1 rt:1 usual:1 said:1 exhibit:1 mapped:1 mail:6 whom:1 collected:2 reason:2 modeled:1 reed:1 difficult:4 executed:5 frank:2 negative:1 gcc:2 implementation:2 motivates:1 proper:1 unknown:1 allowing:1 displayed:1 communication:1 looking:1 jim:1 pdp:1 tty:1 retrained:1 required:1 security:7 crime:1 learned:1 distinction:1 below:2 pattern:9 challenge:1 program:4 perl:1 built:1 reliable:2 including:1 shifting:1 event:1 overlap:1 typing:1 predicting:2 representing:3 scheme:1 improve:1 alias:1 identifies:1 picture:1 created:1 ipq:1 deviate:1 prior:1 epoch:1 acknowledgement:1 recalibrated:1 par:1 generation:1 suggestion:4 interesting:1 versus:1 editor:1 share:1 austin:8 row:1 supported:1 last:1 keeping:1 free:1 accidentally:1 offline:1 guide:1 characterizing:1 curve:2 feedback:1 login:1 world:3 transition:2 replicable:1 made:2 adaptive:1 alerted:1 historical:1 counted:3 miikkulainen:4 transaction:2 l00:1 emacs:2 suggestive:1 active:1 continuous:1 un:1 compromised:1 table:2 promising:1 mj:1 learn:5 miyata:2 expansion:1 du:1 constructing:1 linearly:1 big:1 alarm:8 profile:9 levitt:1 board:1 forgets:1 hislher:1 pgp:1 dozen:1 specific:1 lunt:2 raven:1 burden:1 ih:1 false:12 sequential:1 magnitude:1 browsing:1 chen:1 easier:1 led:1 lt:1 simply:2 likely:3 forming:1 happening:1 chance:1 constantly:1 towards:1 man:1 experimentally:1 hard:1 change:3 included:1 diff:1 operates:1 called:2 teng:2 cpp:1 ece:1 mci:2 total:2 experimental:1 arp:1 indicating:1 audit:4 people:1 meant:1 violated:1 tested:7 |
502 | 146 | 281
S. C. Ahalt
F. D. Garber
I. Jouny
A. K . Krishnamurthy
Department of Electrical Engineering
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210
This study evaluates the performance of the multilayer-perceptron
and the frequency-sensitive competitive learning network in identifying five commercial aircraft from radar backscatter measurements. The performance of the neural network classifiers is compared with that of the nearest-neighbor and maximum-likelihood
classifiers. Our results indicate that for this problem, the neural
network classifiers are relatively insensitive to changes in the network topology, and to the noise level in the training data. While,
for this problem, the traditional algorithms outperform these simple neural classifiers, we feel that neural networks show the potential for improved performance.
The design of systems that identify objects based on measurements of their radar
backscatter signals has traditionally been predicated upon decision-theoretic methods of pattern recognition [1]. While it is true that these methods are characterized
by a well-defined sense of optimality, they depend on the availability of accurate
models for the statistical properties of the radar measurements.
Synthetic neural networks are an attractive alternative to this problem, since they
can learn to perform the classification from labeled training data, and do not require
knowledge of statistical models [2]. The primary objectives of this investigation are;
to establish the feasibility of using synthetic neural networks for the identification
of radar objects, and to characterize the trade-oft's between neural network and
decision-theoretic methodologies for the design of radar object identification systems.
The present study is focused on the performance evaluation of systems operating on
the received radar backscatter signals of five commercial aircraft; the Boeing 707,
727, 747, the DC-lO, and the Concord. In particular, we present results for the
multi-layer perceptron and the frequency-sensitive competitive learning (FSCL)
synthetic network models [2,3] and compare these with results for the nearestneighbor and maximum-likelihood classification algorithms.
In this paper, the performance of the classification algorithms is evaluated by means
Ahalt, Garber, Jouny and Krishnamurthy
of computer simulation studies; the results are compared for a number of conditions
concerning the radar environment and receiver models. The sensitivity of the neural
network classifiers, with respect to the number of layers and the number of hidden
units, is investigated. In each case, the results obtained using the synthetic neural
network classifiers are compared with those obtained using an (optimal) maximumlikelihood classifier and a (minimum-distance) nearest-neighbor classifier.
The radar system is modeled as a stepped-frequency system measuring radar backscatter at 8, 11, 17, and 28 MHz. The 8-28 MHz band of frequencies was chosen to
correspond to the "resonant region" of the aircraft, i.e., frequencies with wavelengths
approximately equal to the length of the object. The four specific frequencies employed for this study were pre-selected from the database maintained at The Ohio
State University ElectroScience Laboratory compact radar range as the optimal
features among the available measurements in this band [4] .
Performance results are presented below for systems modeled as having in-phase and
quadrature measurement capability (coherent systems) and for systems modeled as
having only signal magnitude measurement capability (non coherent systems). For
coherent systems, the observation vector X = [(xI, x~), (x~, x~), (x~, x~), (xt x~)] T
represents the in-phase and quadrature components of the noisy backscatter measurements of an unknown target. The elements of X correspond to the complex
scattering coefficient whose magnitude is the square root of the measured cross
section (in units of square meters, m 2 ), and whose complex phase is that of the
measured signal at that frequency. For noncoherent systems, the observation vector X = [aI, a2, a3, a4]T consists of components which are the magnitudes of the
noisy backscatter measurements corresponding to the square root of the measured
cross section.
For the simulation experiments, it is assumed that the received signal is the result
of a superposition of the backscatter signal vector S and noise vector W which is
modeled as samples from an additive white Gaussian process.
In the case of a coherent radar system, the
frequency component of the obser-
vation vector is given by:
= (s{ + wi),
where sL and s~ are the in-phase and quadrature components of the backscatter
signal, and wi and W~ are the in-phase and quadrature components of the sample
of the additive white Gaussian noise process at that frequency. Each of these components is modeled as a zero-mean Gaussian random variable with variance u 2 /2
Performance of Synthetic Neural Network Classification
so that the total additive noise contribution at each frequency is complex-valued
Gaussian with zero mean and variance 0'2.
During operation, the neural network classifier is presented with the observation
vector, of dimension eight, consisting of the in-phase and quadrature components
of each of the four frequency measurements;
Typically, the neural net is trained using 200 samples of the observation vector X
for each of the five commercial aircraft discussed above. The desired output vectors
are of the form
where di,j
1 for the desired aircraft and is 0 otherwise. Thus, for example, the
output vector di for the second aircraft is 0,1,0,0,0, with a 1 appearing in the
second position.
The structure of the neural nets used can be represented by [8, nl, ... , nh, 5], where
there are 8 input neurons, ni hidden layer neurons in the h hidden layers, and 5
output neurons.
The first experiment tested the perceptron nets of varying architectures, as shown
in Figures 1, and 2. As can be seen, there was little change in performance between
the various nets.
The effects of the signal-to-noise ratio of the data observed during the training
phase on the performance of the perceptron was also investigated. The results are
presented in Figure 3. The network showed little change in performance until a
training data SNR of 20 dB was reached.
We repeated this basic experiment using a winner-take-all network, the FSCL net
[3]. Figure 4 shows that the performance of this network is also effected minimally
by changes in network architecture.
When the FSCL net is trained with noisy data, as shown in Fig. 5, the performance decreases as the SNR of the training data increases, however, the overall
performance is still very close to the performance of the multi-layer perceptron.
Our final coherent-data experiment compared the performance of the multi-layer
perceptron, the FSCL net, a max-likelihood classifier and the nearest neighbor
classifier. The results are shown in Figure 6. For this experiment, the training data
had no superimposed noise. These results show that the max-likelihood classifier
is superior, but requires full knowledge of the noise distribution. On average, the
FSCL net performs better than the perceptron, but the nearest neighbor classifier
performs better than either of the neural network models.
Ahalt, Garber, Jouny and Krishnamurthy
- 8x5x5
----- , 8x 10x 5
8x2Ox 5
.......... 8x40x 5
~, .
SNR Idbl
Figure 1: Performance of the perceptron with different number of hidden units.
SNR Idbl
Figure 2: Performance of the perceptron with 1, 2 and 3 hidden layers.
Perfonnance of Synthetic Neural Network Classification
NoIse Free
-5 db
20 db
\ '\
... .......
Figure 3: Performance of the perceptron for different SNR of the training data.
8 x 10 x5
8 x40x5
Figure 4: Performance of FSCL with varying no. of hidden units.
Ahalt, Garber, Jouny and Krishnamurthy
?????? 0
Noise Free
-5 db
\ ......
.. ......
SNR Idbl
Figure 5: Performance of the FSCL network for different SNR of the training data.
perceptron 8x1Ox5
max. likelihood
nearest neighbor
FSCL 8x1Ox5
~ ,,
SNR Idbl
Figure 6: Comparison of all four classifiers for the coherent data case.
Performance of Synthetic Neural Network Classification
For the case of a noncoherent radar system model, the
the observation vector is given by:
frequency component of
where, as before, s{ and s~ are the in-phase and quadrature components of the
backscatter signal, and wI and w~ are the in-phase and quadrature components
of the additive white Gaussian noise. Hence, while the underlying noise process
is additive Gaussian, the resultant distribution of the observation components is
Rician for the non coherent system model.
For the case of non coherent measurements, the neural network classifier is presented
with a four-dimensional observation vector whose components are the magnitudes
of the noisy measurements at each of the four frequencies;
As in the coherent case, the neural net is typically trained with 200 samples for
each of the five aircraft using exemplars of the form discussed above.
The structure of the neural nets in this experiment was [4, nl, ... ,nh, 5] and the
same training and testing procedure as in the coherent case was followed. Figure 7
shows a comparison of the performance of the neural net classifiers with both the
maximum likelihood and nearest neighbor classifiers.
As before, the max-likelihood out-performs the other classifiers, with the nearestneighbor classifier is second in performance, and the neural network classifiers perform roughly the same.
These experiments lead us to conclude that neural networks are good candidates
for radar classification applications. Both of the neural network learning methods
we tested have a similar performance and they are both relatively insensitive to
changes in network architecture, network topology, and to the noise level of the
training data.
Because the methods used to implement the neural networks classifiers were relatively simple, we feel that the level of performance of the neural classifiers is quite
impressive. Our ongoing research is concentrating on improving neural classifier performance by introducing more sophisticated learning algorithms such as the LVQ
algorithm proposed by Kohonen [5]. We are also investigating methods of improving
the performance of the perceptron, for example, by increasing training time.
Ahalt, Garber, Jouny and Krishnamurthy
perceptron 4X2Ox5
near~, ralghbor-O db
'\ \
'\\ , ,
~ ,, .
SNR rdbl
Figure 7: Comparison of all four classifiers for the non coherent data case.
[1] B. Bhanu, "Automatic target recognition: State of the art survey," IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. AES-22, no. 4, pp. 364-379,
July 1986.
[2] R. R. Lippmann, "An Introduction to Computing with Neural Nets," IEEE
ASSP Magazine, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 4-22, April 1987.
[3] S. C. Ahalt, A. K. Krishnamurthy, P. Chen, and D. E. Melton, "A new competitive learning algorithm for vector quantization using neural networks," Neural
Networks, 1989. (submitted).
[4] F. D. Garber, N. F. Chamberlain, and O. Snorrason, "Time-domain and
frequency-domain feature selection for reliable radar target identification," in
Proceedings of the IEEE 1988 National Itadar Conference, pp . 79-84, Ann Arbor, MI, April 20-21, 1988.
[5] T . Kohonen, Self-Organization and Associative Memory, 2nd Ed.
Springer-Veralg, 1988.
| 146 |@word aircraft:7 effect:1 establish:1 true:1 indicate:1 hence:1 nd:1 objective:1 laboratory:1 simulation:2 primary:1 white:3 attractive:1 traditional:1 x5:1 during:2 self:1 rician:1 kth:2 maintained:1 distance:1 require:1 berlin:1 stepped:1 investigation:1 theoretic:2 bhanu:1 performs:3 aes:1 measured:3 length:1 modeled:5 ratio:1 ohio:3 x5x5:1 superior:1 additive:5 a2:1 winner:1 insensitive:2 nh:2 boeing:1 discussed:2 design:2 selected:1 unknown:1 perform:2 superposition:1 measurement:13 observation:7 sensitive:2 neuron:3 ai:1 automatic:1 assp:1 gaussian:6 had:1 odb:2 obser:1 noncoherent:3 dc:1 five:4 impressive:1 operating:1 varying:2 consists:1 showed:1 superimposed:1 likelihood:7 aerospace:1 coherent:12 backscatter:9 sense:1 roughly:1 multi:3 seen:1 minimum:1 below:1 typically:2 pattern:1 employed:1 little:2 hidden:6 oft:1 increasing:1 signal:10 july:1 underlying:1 full:1 overall:1 classification:8 among:1 max:5 reliable:1 memory:1 characterized:1 art:1 cross:2 equal:1 concerning:1 having:2 feasibility:1 represents:1 basic:1 multilayer:1 classifier:24 unit:4 columbus:1 meter:1 before:2 national:1 engineering:1 phase:9 consisting:1 ahalt:6 organization:1 approximately:1 db:9 minimally:1 nearestneighbor:2 evaluation:1 concord:1 nl:2 near:1 range:1 lo:1 accurate:1 testing:1 architecture:3 topology:2 free:2 implement:1 perceptron:13 perfonnance:1 procedure:1 neighbor:6 desired:2 dimension:1 pre:1 mhz:2 close:1 selection:1 measuring:1 tg:1 transaction:1 introducing:1 eai:1 compact:1 lippmann:1 snr:9 band:2 investigating:1 characterize:1 focused:1 survey:1 vation:1 receiver:1 identifying:1 outperform:1 sl:1 assumed:1 synthetic:8 conclude:1 xi:1 sensitivity:1 learn:1 traditionally:1 krishnamurthy:6 vol:2 feel:2 chamberlain:1 target:3 commercial:3 four:6 magazine:1 improving:2 investigated:2 complex:3 domain:2 element:1 recognition:2 noise:12 melton:1 labeled:1 database:1 observed:1 potential:1 repeated:1 quadrature:7 fig:1 electrical:1 availability:1 coefficient:1 region:1 resonant:1 electronic:1 decrease:1 trade:1 root:2 decision:2 position:1 xl:1 candidate:1 environment:1 reached:1 competitive:3 effected:1 layer:7 capability:2 followed:1 radar:15 trained:3 depend:1 contribution:1 square:3 ni:1 specific:1 xt:1 variance:2 upon:1 correspond:2 identify:1 a3:1 quantization:1 identification:3 represented:1 various:1 optimality:1 magnitude:4 relatively:3 department:1 submitted:1 chen:1 ed:1 wavelength:1 whose:3 garber:6 quite:1 valued:1 evaluates:1 wi:3 frequency:14 otherwise:1 pp:3 resultant:1 di:2 mi:1 springer:1 noisy:5 final:1 associative:1 concentrating:1 knowledge:2 net:12 lvq:1 ann:1 sophisticated:1 kohonen:2 scattering:1 change:5 available:1 operation:1 methodology:1 improved:1 april:2 eight:1 evaluated:1 description:1 total:1 appearing:1 arbor:1 predicated:1 alternative:1 until:1 maximumlikelihood:1 object:4 a4:1 oo:2 ongoing:1 exemplar:1 nearest:6 received:2 tested:2 |
503 | 1,460 | Self-similarity properties of natural images
Departamento de Fisica Te6rica. Universidad AutOnoma de Madrid
Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain
Laboratoire de Physique Statistique de I'E. N.S. , Ecole Normale Superieure
24, rue Lhomond, F-75231 Paris Cedex OS, France
Scale invariance is a fundamental property of ensembles of natural images [1]. Their non Gaussian properties [15, 16] are less
well understood, but they indicate the existence of a rich statistical structure. In this work we present a detailed study of the
marginal statistics of a variable related to the edges in the images.
A numerical analysis shows that it exhibits extended self-similarity
[3, 4, 5]. This is a scaling property stronger than self-similarity:
all its moments can be expressed as a power of any given moment.
More interesting, all the exponents can be predicted in terms of
a multiplicative log-Poisson process. This is the very same model
that was used very recently to predict the correct exponents of
the structure functions of turbulent flows [6]. These results allow
us to study the underlying multifractal singularities. In particular
we find that the most singular structures are one-dimensional: the
most singular manifold consists of sharp edges.
Category: Visual Processing.
An important motivation for studying the statistics of natural images is its relevance
for the modeling of the visual system. In particular, the epigenetic development
? e-mail: [email protected]
t e-mail: [email protected]
+To whom correspondence should be addressed. e-mail: [email protected]
?e-mail: [email protected]
'Laboratoire associe au C.N.R.S. (U.R.A. 1306), a l'ENS, et aux Universites Paris VI
et Paris VII.
Self-similarity PropeT1ies of Natural Images
could lead to the adaptation of visual processing to the statistical regularities in the
visual scenes [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]. Most of these predictions on the development of
receptive fields have been obtained using a gaussian description of the environment
contrast statistics. However non Gaussian properties like the ones found by [15, 16]
could be important. To gain further insight into non Gaussian aspects of natural
scenes we investigate the self similarity properties of an edge type variable [14].
Scale invariance in natural images is a well-established property. In particular it
appears as a power law behaviour of the power spectrum of luminosity contrast:
S(f) ex: IfIL'! (the parameter 1] depends on the particular images that has been
included in the dataset). A more detailed analysis of the scaling properties of the
luminosity contrast was done by [15, 16]. These authors noted the possible analogy
between the statistics of natural images and turbulent flows. There is however no
model to explain the scaling behaviour that they observed.
On the other hand, a large amount of effort has been put to understand the statistics
of turbulent flows and to develop predictable models (see e.g. [17]). Qualitative
and quantitative theories of fully developed turbulence elaborate on the original
argument of Kolmogorov [2]. The cascade of energy from one scale to another is
described in terms of local energy dissipation per unit mass within a box of linear
size r. This quantity, fr, is given by:
where Vi(X) is the ith component of the velocity at point x. This variable has Sel/Similarity (SS) properties that is, there is a range of scales r (called the inertial
range) where:
here < f~ > denotes the pth moment of the energy dissipation marginal distribution.
A more general scaling relation, called Extended Self-Similarity (ESS) has been
found to be valid in a much larger scale domain. This relation reads
where p(p, q) is the ESS exponent of the pth moment with respect to the qth moment. Let us notice that if SS holds then Tp = Tqp(p, q). In the following we will
refer all the moments to < f; >.
The Local Edge Variance
For images the basic field is the contrast c(x), that we define as the difference
between the luminosity and its average. By analogy with the definition in eq. (1) we
will consider a variable that accumulates the value of the variation of the contrast.
We choose to study two variables, defined at position x and at scale r. The variable
fh,r(X) takes contributions from edges transverse to a horizontal segment of size r:
= r
xl +r
A vertical variable fv,r(X) is defined similarly integrating along the vertical direction.
We will refer to the value of the derivative of the contrast along a given direction
as an edge transverse to that direction. This is justified in the sense that in the
presence of borders this derivative will take a great value, and it will almost vanish
A. Turiel, G. Mato, N. Parga and l-P. Nadal
if evaluated inside an almost-uniformly illuminated surface. Sharp edges will be the
maxima ofthis derivative. According to its definition, ?/,r(x) ( 1 = h, v) is the local
linear edge variance along the direction 1 at scale r. Let us remark that edges are
well known to be important in characterizing images. A recent numerical analysis
suggests that natural images are composed of statistically independent edges [18].
We have analyzed the scaling properties of the local linear edge variances in a set
of 45 images taken into a forest, of 256 x 256 pixels each (the images have been
provided to us by D. Ruderman; see [16] for technical details concerning them). An
analysis of the image resolution and of finite size effects indicates the existence of
upper and lower cut-offs. These are approximately r = 64 and r = 8, respectively.
First we show that SS holds in a range of scales r with exponents Th,p and Tv,p.
This is illustrated in Fig. (1) where the logarithm of two moments of horizontal
and vertical local edge variances are plotted as a function of In r; we see that SS
holds, but not in the whole range.
ESS holds in the whole considered range; two representative graphs are shown in
Fig. (2). The linear dependence of In < ?f,r > vs In < ?f,r > is observed in
both the horizontal (l = h) and the vertical (l = v) directions. This is similar to
what is found in turbulence, where this property has been used to obtain a more
accurate estimation of the exponents of the structure functions (see e.g. [17] and
references therein) . The exponents Ph(p, 2) and Pv(p,2), estimated with a least
squares regression, are shown in Fig. (3) as a function of p . The error bars refer to
the statistical dispersion. From figs. (1-3) one sees that the horizontal and vertical
directions have similar statistical properties. The SS exponents differ, as can be
seen in Fig(I); but, surprisingly, ESS not only holds in both directions, but it does
it with the same ESS exponents, i.e. Ph(P,2) '" Pv(p, 2).
ESS and multiplicative processes
Let us now consider scaling models to predict the Jrdependence of the ESS exponents Pl(p, 2). (Since ESS holds, the SS exponents Tl ,p can be obtained from the
Pl(p, 2)' s by measuring 72,2). The simplest scaling hypothesis is that, for a random
variable ?r(x) observed at the scale r (such as ?/,r(x)), its probability distribution
Pr(?r(x) = ?) can be obtained from any other scale L by
= a(r~ L)
(a(r~ L))
From this one derives easily that a(r, L) = [~:~~P/p (for any p) and p(p, 2) ex: p; if
SS holds, Tp ex: p: for turbulent flows this corresponds to the Kolmogorov prediction
for the SS exponents [2] . Fig (3) shows that this naive scaling is violated.
This discrepancy becomes more dramatic if eq. (5) is expressed in terms of a
normalized variable. Taking ?~ = limp -+ oo < ?~+l > / < ?~ > ( that can be shown
to be the maximum value of ?r, which in fact is finite) the new variable is defined
as ir = ?r/?~ ; 0 < ir < 1. If Pr(J) is the distribution of ir, the scaling relation
eq.(5) reads Pr(J) = PL(J) ; this identity does not hold as can be seen in Fig. (4).
A way to generalize this scaling hypothesis is to say that a is no longer a constant
as in eq. (5), but an stochastic variable. Thus, one has for Pr(J) :
This scaling relation has been first introduced in the context of turbulent flows
[6, 19, 7]. Eq. (6) is an integral representation of ESS with general (not necessarily
Self-similarity Properties of Natural Images
linear) exponents: once the kernel G rL is chosen, the p(p, 2)'s can be predicted.
It can also be phrased in terms of multiplicative processes [20, 21] : now ir = aiL,
where the factor a itself becomes a stochastic variable determined by the kernel
G rL (1na). Since the scale L is arbitrary (scale r can be reached from any other
scale L') the kernel must obey a composition law, GrLI ?G L' L = GrL. Consequently
ir can be obtained through a cascade of infinitesimal processes G6 == G r ,r+6r'
Specific choices of G6 define different models of ESS. The She-Leveque (SL) [6]
model corresponds to a simple process such that a is 1 with probability 1 - sand
is a constant f3 with probability s. One can see that s = ll,lF In( <~tl;? and that
this stochastic process yields a log-Poisson distribution for a [22]. It also gives ESS
with exponents p(p, q) that is expressed in terms of the parameter f3 as follows [6]:
1 - f3P - (1 - (3)p
(1- (3)q
= 1- f3 q -
We can now test this models with the ESS exponents obtained with the image data
set. The resulting fit for the SL model is shown in Fig. (3). Both the vertical and
horizontal ESS exponents can be fitted with {3 = 0.50 ? 0.03.
The integral representation of ESS can also be directly tested on the probability
distributions evaluated from the data. In Fig. (4) we show the prediction for Pr (f)
obtained from PL(f) using eq. (6) , compared with the actual Pr(f).
The parameter f3 allows us to predict all the ESS exponents p(p,2). To obtain the
SS exponents 7p we need another parameter. This can be chosen e.g. as 72 or as the
asymptotic exponent ~, given by f~ ex: r-t::., r ? 1; we prefer~. As 7p = 72 p(P, 2),
then from the definition of f~ one can see that ~ = -1":!13' A least square fit of 7p
was used to determine ~, obtaining ~h = 0.4 ? 0.2 for the horizontal variable and
~v = 0.5 ? 0.2. for the vertical one.
Multifractal analysis
Let us now partition the image in sets of pixels with the same singularity exponent
h of the local edge variance: fr ex: rh. This defines a multifractal with dimensions
D(h) given by the Legendre transform of 7p (see e.g. [17]): D(h) = inip{ph+d-7p},
where d = 2 is the dimension of the images. We are interested in the most singular
of these manifolds; let us call Doo its dimension and h min its singularity exponent.
Since f~ is the maximum value of the variable fr, the most singular manifold
is given by the set of points where fr = f~, so h min = -~. Using again that
7p = -~ (1- {3) p(P, 2) with p(P, 2) given by the SL model, one has Doo = d- (1~13)'
From our data we obtain Doo ,h = 1.3 ? 0.3 and Doo ,v = 1.1 ? 0.3. As a result
we can say that Doo,h "" Doo,v "" 1: the most singular structures are almost onedimensional. This reflects the fact that the most singular manifold consists of sharp
We insist on the main result of this work, which is the existence of non trivial
scaling properties for the local edge variances. This property appears very similar
to the one observed in turbulence for the local energy dissipation. In fact, we have
seen that the SL model predicts all the relevant exponents and that, in particular,
it describes the scaling behaviour of the sharpest edges in the image ensemble. It
would also be interesting to have a simple generative model of images which - apart
A. Turiel, G. Mato, N. Parga and J-P. Nadal
from having the correct power spectrum as in [23] - would reproduce the self-similar
properties found in this work.
We are grateful to Dan Ruderman for giving us his image data base. We warmly
thank Bernard Castaing for very stimulating discussions and Zhen-Su She for a
discussion on the link between the scaling exponents and the dimension of the most
singular structure. We thank Roland Baddeley and Patrick Tabeling for fruitful
discussions. We also acknowledge Nicolas BruneI for his collaboration during the
early stages of this work. This work has been partly supported by the FrenchSpanish program "Picasso" and an E.V. grant CHRX-CT92-0063.
[1] Field D. J., 1. Opt. Soc. Am. 4 2379-2394 (1987).
[2] Kolmogorov, Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR 30, 301-305 (1941).
[3] Benzi R., Ciliberto S., Baudet C., Ruiz Chavarria G. and Tripiccione C., Europhys. Lett. 24 275-279 (1993)
[4] Benzi, Ciliberto, Tripiccione, Baudet, Massaioli, and Succi, Phys. Rev. E 48,
R29 (1993)
[5] Benzi, Ciliberto, Baudet and Chavarria Physica D 80 385-398 (1995)
[6] She and Leveque, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72,336-339 (1994).
[7] Castaing, 1. Physique II, France 6, 105-114 (1996)
[8] Barlow H. B., in Sensory Communication (ed. Rosenblith W.) pp. 217. (M.I.T.
Press, Cambridge MA, 1961).
[9] Laughlin S. B., Z. Naturf. 36 910-912 (1981).
[10] van Hateren J.H. 1. Compo Physiology A 171157-170,1992.
[11] Atick J. J. Network 3 213-251, 1992.
[12] Olshausen B.A. and Field D. J., Nature 381, 607-609 (1996).
[13] Baddeley R., Cognitive Science, in press (1997).
[14] Turiel A., Mato G., Parga N. and Nadal J.-P., to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett.,
[15] Ruderman D. and Bialek, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73,814 (1994)
[16] Ruderman D., Network 5,517-548 (1994)
[17] Frisch V., Turbulence, Cambridge Vniv. Press (1995).
[18] Bell and Sejnowski, Vision Research 37 3327-3338 (1997).
[19] Dubrulle B., Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 959-962 (1994)
[20] Novikov, Phys. Rev. E 50, R3303 (1994)
[21] Benzi, Biferale, Crisanti, Paladin, Vergassola and Vulpiani,
Physica D 65, 352-358 (1993).
[22] She and Waymire, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 262-265 (1995).
[23] Ruderman D., Vision Research 37 3385-3398 (1997).
Self-similarity Properties of Natural Images
< ?~ >
Figure 1: Test of SS. We plot In < ?f r > vs. In r for p = 3 and 5; r from 8 to 64
pixels. a) horizontal direction, l = h. b) vertical direction, l = v.
< ?~ >
/ ."
/ .-/ '
/ '"
In < ?~
..", /'
,,, ,,--
. , .......
. ~.
, .. .
' ."
< ?~ >
Figure 2: Test of ESS. We plot In <
> vs. In < ?~, r > for p=3, 5; r from 8 to
r = 64 pixels. a) horizontal direction, l = h. b) vertical direction, l = v.
A. Turiel, G. Mato, N. Parga and J-P. Nadal
p(p, 2)
Figure 3: ESS exponents p(p, 2), for the vertical and horizontal variables. a) horizontal direction, Ph (P, 2) . b) vertical direction, pv (p, 2). The solid line represents
the fit with the SL model. The best fit is obtained with (3v '" (3h '" 0.50.
Figure 4: Verification of the validity of the integral representation of ESS, eq.(6)
with a log-Poisson kernel, for horizontal local edge variance. The largest scale is
L = 64. Starting from the histogram Pdf) (denoted with crosses), and using a
log-Poisson distribution with parameter (3 = 0.50 for the kernel GrL , eq.(6) gives
a prediction for the distribution at the scale r = 16 (squares). This has to be
compared with the direct evaluation of Pr (I) (diamonds). Similar results hold for
other pairs of scales. Although not shown in the figure, the test for vertical case is
as good as for horizontal variable.
| 1460 |@word stronger:1 dramatic:1 solid:1 moment:7 ecole:1 qth:1 must:1 numerical:2 partition:1 limp:1 plot:2 v:3 generative:1 adal:1 es:18 ith:1 compo:1 along:3 direct:1 qualitative:1 consists:2 dan:1 inside:1 insist:1 actual:1 becomes:2 spain:1 provided:1 underlying:1 mass:1 what:1 nadal:5 ail:1 developed:1 quantitative:1 unit:1 grant:1 appear:1 understood:1 local:9 accumulates:1 approximately:1 au:1 therein:1 suggests:1 range:5 statistically:1 lf:1 bell:1 cascade:2 physiology:1 statistique:1 integrating:1 turbulence:4 put:1 context:1 fruitful:1 starting:1 resolution:1 insight:1 his:2 variation:1 grl:2 hypothesis:2 velocity:1 cut:1 predicts:1 observed:4 ft:2 environment:1 predictable:1 grateful:1 segment:1 easily:1 kolmogorov:3 sejnowski:1 picasso:1 europhys:1 jean:1 larger:1 say:2 s:10 statistic:5 transform:1 itself:1 fr:5 adaptation:1 relevant:1 superieure:1 nauk:1 description:1 regularity:1 oo:1 develop:1 ac:1 novikov:1 eq:8 soc:1 predicted:2 indicate:1 differ:1 direction:13 sssr:1 correct:2 stochastic:3 sand:1 behaviour:3 opt:1 singularity:3 pl:5 physica:2 hold:9 considered:1 aux:1 great:1 predict:3 early:1 fh:2 estimation:1 largest:1 reflects:1 offs:1 gaussian:4 normale:1 sel:1 she:4 indicates:1 contrast:6 sense:1 am:1 relation:4 reproduce:1 france:2 interested:1 pixel:4 denoted:1 exponent:23 development:2 autonoma:1 marginal:2 field:4 once:1 f3:4 having:1 represents:1 discrepancy:1 composed:1 nestor:1 ciliberto:3 epigenetic:1 brunei:1 investigate:1 inr:2 evaluation:1 physique:2 analyzed:1 accurate:1 edge:17 integral:3 logarithm:1 plotted:1 fitted:1 modeling:1 ar:1 tp:2 measuring:1 crisanti:1 fundamental:1 universidad:1 na:1 again:1 choose:1 cognitive:1 derivative:3 tqp:1 de:4 vi:2 depends:1 multiplicative:3 reached:1 contribution:1 square:3 ir:5 variance:7 ensemble:2 yield:1 castaing:2 generalize:1 sharpest:1 parga:6 mato:4 explain:1 phys:7 rosenblith:1 ed:1 definition:3 infinitesimal:1 energy:4 pp:1 gain:1 dataset:1 inertial:1 appears:2 done:1 box:1 evaluated:2 stage:1 atick:1 hand:1 horizontal:12 ruderman:5 su:1 o:1 defines:1 olshausen:1 effect:1 validity:1 normalized:1 barlow:1 read:2 illustrated:1 ll:1 during:1 self:9 noted:1 benzi:4 pdf:1 ay:1 dissipation:3 l1:1 image:22 recently:1 rl:2 onedimensional:1 refer:3 composition:1 cambridge:2 turiel:5 similarly:1 similarity:9 surface:1 longer:1 base:1 patrick:1 recent:1 apart:1 multifractal:3 seen:3 determine:1 f3p:1 ii:1 technical:1 cross:1 concerning:1 roland:1 prediction:4 basic:1 regression:1 vision:2 poisson:4 histogram:1 kernel:5 justified:1 doo:6 addressed:1 laboratoire:2 singular:7 cedex:1 flow:5 call:1 presence:1 fit:4 effort:1 remark:1 antonio:1 detailed:2 amount:1 ph:4 category:1 simplest:1 sl:5 notice:1 delta:2 estimated:1 per:1 graph:1 almost:3 dy:1 scaling:14 prefer:1 illuminated:1 correspondence:1 scene:2 x2:1 phrased:1 aspect:1 argument:1 min:2 tv:1 according:1 legendre:1 describes:1 lp:1 rev:7 pr:8 g6:2 taken:1 german:1 turbulent:5 studying:1 uam:2 obey:1 pierre:1 existence:3 original:1 denotes:1 giving:1 quantity:1 receptive:1 dependence:1 bialek:1 exhibit:1 thank:2 link:1 manifold:4 mail:4 whom:1 trivial:1 akad:1 diamond:1 upper:1 vertical:12 dispersion:1 finite:2 acknowledge:1 luminosity:3 extended:2 communication:1 sharp:3 arbitrary:1 transverse:2 introduced:1 pair:1 paris:3 fv:1 established:1 bar:1 dokl:1 program:1 power:4 natural:10 zhen:1 naive:1 r29:1 acknowledgement:1 asymptotic:1 law:2 fully:1 interesting:2 analogy:2 verification:1 collaboration:1 surprisingly:1 supported:1 allow:1 understand:1 laughlin:1 characterizing:1 taking:1 van:1 dimension:4 lett:6 valid:1 rich:1 sensory:1 author:1 pth:2 spectrum:2 nature:1 nicolas:1 obtaining:1 forest:1 necessarily:1 rue:1 domain:1 main:1 rh:1 motivation:1 border:1 whole:2 fig:9 representative:1 madrid:2 en:2 elaborate:1 tl:2 lhomond:1 position:1 pv:3 baudet:3 xl:2 vanish:1 ruiz:1 specific:1 departamento:1 derives:1 ofthis:1 cab:1 vii:1 visual:4 expressed:3 corresponds:2 ma:1 stimulating:1 identity:1 consequently:1 included:1 determined:1 uniformly:1 called:2 bernard:1 invariance:2 e:2 partly:1 relevance:1 violated:1 hateren:1 baddeley:2 tested:1 ex:5 |
504 | 1,461 | Refractoriness and Neural Precision
Michael J. Berry n and Markus Meister
Molecular and Cellular Biology Department
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138
The relationship between a neuron's refractory period and the precision of
its response to identical stimuli was investigated. We constructed a model of
a spiking neuron that combines probabilistic firing with a refractory period.
For realistic refractoriness, the model closely reproduced both the average
firing rate and the response precision of a retinal ganglion cell. The model is
based on a "free" firing rate, which exists in the absence of refractoriness.
This function may be a better description of a spiking neuron's response
than the peri-stimulus time histogram.
The response of neurons to repeated stimuli is intrinsically noisy. In order to take this
trial-to-trial variability into account, the response of a spiking neuron is often described
by an instantaneous probability for generating an action potential. The response
variability of such a model is determined by Poisson counting statistics; in particular, the
variance in the spike count is equal to the mean spike count for any time bin (Rieke,
1997). However, recent experiments have found far greater precision in the vertebrate
retina (Berry, 1997) and the HI interneuron in the fly visual system (de Ruyter, 1997). In
both cases, the neurons exhibited sharp transitions between silence and nearly maximal
firing. When a neuron is firing near its maximum rate, refractoriness causes spikes to
become more regularly spaced than for a Poisson process with the same firing rate. Thus,
we asked the question: does the refractory period play an important role in a neuron's
response precision under these stimulus conditions?
We addressed the role of refractoriness in the precision of light responses for retinal
ganglion cells.
Experiments were performed on the larval tiger salamander. The retina was isolated from
the eye and superfused with oxygenated Ringer's solution. Action potentials from retinal
Refractoriness and Neural Precision
ganglion cells were recorded extracellularly with a multi-electrode array, and their spike
times measured relative to the beginning of each stimulus repeat (Meister, 1994).
Spatially uniform white light was projected from a computer monitor onto the
photoreceptor layer. The intensity was flickered by choosing a new value at random from
a Gaussian distribution (mean J, standard deviation oJ) every 30 ms. The mean light level
(J= 4'10-3 W/m2) corresponded to photopic (daylight) vision. Contrast C is defined here
as the temporal standard deviation of the light intensity divided by the mean, C = 01/ I.
Recordings extended over 60 repeats of a 60-sec segment of random flicker.
The qualitative features of ganglion cell responses to random flicker stimulation at 35 %
contrast are seen in Fig. 1. First, spike trains had extensive periods in which no spikes
were seen in 60 repeated trials. Many spike trains were sparse, in that the silent periods
covered a large fraction of the total stimulus time. Second, during periods of firing, the
peri-stimulus time histogram (PSTH) rose from zero to the maximum firing rate
(-200 Hz) on a time scale comparable to the time interval between spikes (-10 ms). We
have argued that these responses are better viewed as a set of discrete firing "events" than
as a continuously varying firing rate (Berry, 1997). In general, the firing events were
bursts containing more than one spike (Fig. IB). Identifiable firing events were seen
across cell types; similar results were also found in the rabbit retina (Berry, 1997).
, I
?' .I
) ..0:
.- 300
Time (5)
Figure 1: Response of a salamander ganglion cell to random flicker stimulation.
(A) Stimulus intensity in units of the mean for a O.5-s segment, (B) spike rasters
from 60 trials, and (C) the firing rate r(t).
Discrete episodes of ganglion cell firing were recognized from the PSTH as a contiguous
period of firing bounded by periods of complete silence. To provide a consistent
demarcation of firing events, we drew the boundaries of a firing event at minima v in the
PSTH that were significantly lower than neighboring maxima PI and P2' such that
~ PIP2 ~ ? with 95 % confidence (Berry, 1997). With these boundaries defined, every
spike in each trial was assigned to exactly one firing event.
M. J Berry and M. Meister
Measurements of both timing and number precision can be obtained if the spike train is
parsed into such firing events. For each firing event i, we accumulated the distribution of
spike times across trials and calculated several statistics: the average time Tj of the first
spike in the event and its standard deviation OTj across trials, which quantified the
temporal jitter of the first spike; similarly, the average number N j of spikes in the event
and its variance ONj 2 across trials, which quantified the precision of spike number. In
trials that contained zero spikes for event i, no contribution was made to Tj or OTj , while
a value of zero was included in the calculation of Nj and ONj 2 .
For the ganglion cell shown in Fig. 1, the temporal jitter oT of the first spike in an event
was very small (1 to 10 ms). Thus, repeated trials of the same stimulus typically elicit
action potentials with a timing uncertainty of a few milliseconds. The temporal jitter of
all firing events was distilled into a single number Tby taking the median o"er all events.
The variance ON 2 in the spike count was remarkably low as well: it often approached the
lower bound imposed by the fact that individual trials necessarily produce integer spike
counts. Because ON 2 ? N for all events, ganglion cell spike trains cannot be completely
characterized by their firing rate (Berry, 1997). The spike number precision of a cell was
average variance over events and dividing by the average
assessed by comp.utin,fo.
spike count: F =(ON- Jj(N). This quantity, also known as the Fano factor, has a value
of one for a Poisson process with no refractoriness.
We start by reviewing one of the simplest probabilistic models of a spike train, the
inhomogeneous Poisson model. Here, the measured spike times {t j } are used to estimate
the instantaneous rate r(t) of spike generation during a time Lit . This can be written
where M is the number of repeated stimulus trials and e( x) is the Heaviside function
We can randomly generate a sequence of spike trains from a set of random numbers
between zero and one: {aj } with a j E (0,1]. If there is a spike at time tj , then the next
spike time tj+1 is found by numerically solving the equation
-Ina;+! =
In order to add refractoriness to the Poisson spike-generator, we expressed the firing rate
as the product of a "free" firing rate q(t) , which obtains when the neuron is not
refractory, and a recovery function w(t), which describes how the neuron recovers from
refractoriness (Johnson, 1983; Miller, 1985). When the recovery function is zero, spiking
is not possible; and when it is one, spiking is not affected. The modified rule for
selecting spikes then becomes
I,... ,
-lna j +1 =
For an absolute refractory period of time J1, the weight function is zero for times between
o and J1 and one otherwise
Refractoriness and Neural Precision
w{t;,u) = 1- B{t )B(,u - t)
Because the refractory period may exclude spiking in a given time bin, the probability of
firing a spike when not prevented by the refractory period is higher than predicted by
r( t). This free firing rate q( t ; ,u) can be estimated by excluding trials where the neuron is
unable to fire due to refractoriness
The sum is restricted to spike times ti nearest to the time bin on a given trial. This
restriction follows from the assumption that the recovery function only depends on the
time since the last action potential. Notice that this new probability obeys the inequality
q( t ) ~ p( t) and also that it depends upon the refractory period ,u.
t - + - -i- -1- -f -
-f" - ~- - .. - -. - - - --
.... 0.75
( ,)
u.. 0.25
? ?
? ?
? ? ? ? _?___? __ S __ ?
__ ,.. __?
Refractory Period (ms)
Figure 2: Results for model spike trains with an absolute refractory period.
(A) Mean firing rate averaged over a 60-s segment (circles), (B) Fano factor
F, a measure of spike number precision in an event (triangles), and (C)
temporal jitter 't'(diamonds) plotted versus the absolute refractory period ,u.
Shown in dotted in each panel is the value for the real data.
With this definition of the free firing rate, we can now generate spike trains with the same
first order statistics (i.e., the average firing rate) for a range of values of the refractory
period ,u. For each value of ,u, we can then compare the second order statistics (i.e., the
precision) of the model spike trains to the real data. To this end, the free rate q( t) was
M. 1 Berry and M. Meister
calculated for a 60-s segment of the response to random flicker of the salamander
ganglion cell shown in Fig. 1. Then, q(t) was used to generate 60 spike trains. Firing
events were identified in the set of model spike trains, and their precision was calculated.
Finally, this procedure was repeated 10 times for each value ofthe refractory period.
Figure 2A plots the firing rate (circles) generated by the model, averaged over the entire
60-s segment of random flicker with error bars equal to the standard deviation of the rate
among the 10 repeated sets. The firing rate of the model matches the actual firing rate for
the real ganglion cell (dashed) up to refractory periods of J1 :: 4 ms, although the
deviation for larger refractory periods is still quite small. For large enough values of the
absolute refractory period, there will be inter-spike intervals in the real data that are
shorter than J1. In this case, the free firing rate q( t) cannot be enhanced enough to match
the observed firing rate.
While the mean firing rate is approximately constant for refractory periods up to 5 ms, the
precision changes dramatically. Figure 2B shows that the Fano factor F (triangles) has the
expected value of 1 for no refractory period, but drops to ~ 0.2 for the largest refractory
period. In Fig. 2e, the temporal jitter 'l" (diamonds) also decreases as refractoriness is
added, although the effect is not as large as for the precision of spike number. The
sharpening of temporal precision is due to the fact that the probability q( t) rises more
steeply than r(t) (see Fig. 4), so that the first spike occurs over a narrower range oftimes.
The number precision of the model matches the real data for J1 = 4 to 4.5 ms and the
timing precision matches for ~ :: 4 ms. Therefore, a probabilistic spike generator with an
absolute refractory period can match both the average firing rate and the precision of a
retinal ganglion cell's spike train with roughly the same value of one free parameter.
Salamander ganglion cells typically have a relative refractory period that lasts beyond
their absolute refractory period. This can be seen in Fig. 3A from the distribution of interspike intervals P{L1) for the ganglion cell shown above - the absolute refractory period
lasts for only 2 ms, while relative refractoriness extends to ~ 5 ms. We can include the
effects of relative refractoriness by using weight values in w( t) that are between zero and
one. Figure 3 illustrates a parameter-free method for determining this weight function. If
there were no refractoriness and a neuron had a constant firing rate q, then the inter-spike
interval distribution would drop exponentially. This behavior is seen from the curve fit in
Fig. 3A for intervals in the range 5 to 10 ms. The recovery function w(t) can then be
found from the inter-spike interval distribution (Berry, 1998)
Notice in Fig. 3B, that the recovery function w(t) is zero out to 3 ms, rises almost
linearly between 3 and 5 ms, and then reaches unity beyond 5 ms.
Using the weight function shown in Fig. 3B, the free firing rate q(t) was calculated and
10 sets of 60 spike trains were generated. The results, summarized in Table 1, give very
close agreement with the real data:
Table 1: Results for a Relative Refractory Period
Firing Rate
Timing Precision 'l"
Number Precision F
4.43 Hz
4.44 Hz
2.95 ms
0.017 Hz
Refractoriness and Neural Precision
Thus, a Poisson spike generator with a relative refractory period reproduces the measured
precision. A similar test, performed over a population of ganglion cells, also yielded close
agreement (Berry, 1998).
000 0
Inter-Spike Interval (ms)
Time (ms)
Figure 3: Determination of the relative refractory period. (A) The interspike interval distribution (diamonds) is fit by an exponential curve (solid),
resulting in (B) the recovery function.
Not only is the average firing rate well-matched by the model, but the firing rate in each
time bin is also very similar. Figure 4A compares the firing rate for the real neuron to that
generated by the model. The mean-squared error between the two is 4 %, while the
counting noise, estimated as the variance of the standard error divided by the variance of
r{t) , is also 4 %. Thus, the agreement is limited by the finite number of repeated trials.
Figure 4B compares the free firing rate q( t) to the observed rate firing r{ t). q( t) is equal
to r(t) at the beginning of a firing event, but becomes much larger after several spikes
have occurred. In addition, q(t) is generally smoother than r(t), because there is a
greater enhancement in q(t) at times following a peak in r(t).
In summary, the free firing rate q( t) can be calculated from the raw spike train with no
more computational difficulty than r{t), and thus can be used for any spiking neuron.
Furthermore, q(t) has some advantages over r(t): 1) in conjunction with a refractory
spike-generator, it produces the correct response precision; 2) it does not saturate at high
firing rates, so that it can continue to distinguish gradations in the neuron's response.
Thus, q( t) may prove useful for constructing models of the input-output relationship of a
spiking neuron (Berry, 1998).
We would like to thank Mike DeWeese for many useful conversations. One of us, MJB,
acknowledges the support of the National Eye Institute. The other, MM, acknowledges
the support of the National Science Foundation.
Figure 4: Illustration of the free fIring rate. (A) The observed fIring rate r(t)
for real data (solid) is compared to that from the model (dotted). (B) The
free rate q(t) (thick) is shown on the same scale as r(t) (thin). All rates
used a time bin of 0.25 ms and boxcar smoothing 'over 9 bins.
Berry, M. J., D. K. Warland, and M. Meister, The Structure and Precision ofRetinal
Spike Trains. PNAS, USA, 1997.94: pp. 5411-5416.
Berry II, M. J. and Markus Meister, Refractoriness and Neural Precision. 1. Neurosci.,
1998. in press.
De Ruyter van Steveninck, R. R., G. D. Lewen, S. P. Strong, R. Koberle, and W. Bialek,
Reliability and Variability in Neural Spike Trains. Science, 1997.275: pp. 1805-1808.
Johnson, D. H. and A. Swami, The Transmission of Signals by Auditory-Nerve Fiber
Discharge Patterns. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 1983. 74: pp. 493-501.
Meister, M., J. Pine, and D. A. Baylor, Multi-Neuronal Signals from the Retina:
Acquisition and Analysis. 1. Neurosci. Methods, 1994.51: pp. 95-106.
Miller, M . 1. Algorithms for Removing Recovery-Related Distortion gtom Auditory-Nerve
Discharge Patterns. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 1985.77: pp. 1452-1464.
Rieke, F., D. K. Warland, R. R. de Ruyter van Steveninck, and W. Bialek, Spikes:
Exploring the Neural Code . 1997, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
| 1461 |@word trial:15 solid:2 selecting:1 written:1 realistic:1 j1:5 interspike:2 plot:1 drop:2 beginning:2 psth:3 burst:1 constructed:1 become:1 qualitative:1 prove:1 combine:1 inter:4 expected:1 roughly:1 behavior:1 multi:2 actual:1 vertebrate:1 becomes:2 bounded:1 matched:1 panel:1 acoust:2 sharpening:1 nj:1 temporal:7 every:2 ti:1 exactly:1 unit:1 timing:4 firing:52 approximately:1 quantified:2 limited:1 range:3 obeys:1 averaged:2 steveninck:2 acknowledgment:1 procedure:1 elicit:1 significantly:1 confidence:1 onto:1 cannot:2 close:2 gradation:1 restriction:1 imposed:1 rabbit:1 recovery:7 m2:1 rule:1 array:1 population:1 rieke:2 discharge:2 enhanced:1 play:1 agreement:3 harvard:1 std:1 observed:3 role:2 mike:1 fly:1 episode:1 decrease:1 rose:1 asked:1 reviewing:1 segment:5 solving:1 swami:1 upon:1 completely:1 triangle:2 fiber:1 train:17 approached:1 corresponded:1 choosing:1 quite:1 larger:2 distortion:1 otherwise:1 statistic:4 noisy:1 reproduced:1 sequence:1 advantage:1 maximal:1 product:1 neighboring:1 description:1 electrode:1 enhancement:1 transmission:1 produce:2 generating:1 measured:3 nearest:1 strong:1 dividing:1 lna:1 predicted:1 soc:2 p2:1 inhomogeneous:1 closely:1 correct:1 thick:1 bin:6 argued:1 larval:1 exploring:1 mm:1 pine:1 largest:1 onj:2 mit:1 gaussian:1 modified:1 varying:1 conjunction:1 salamander:4 steeply:1 contrast:2 demarcation:1 am:2 accumulated:1 typically:2 lj:1 entire:1 jq:1 among:1 smoothing:1 equal:3 distilled:1 biology:1 identical:1 lit:1 nearly:1 thin:1 stimulus:10 few:1 retina:4 randomly:1 national:2 individual:1 fire:1 light:4 tj:4 shorter:1 iv:1 circle:2 plotted:1 isolated:1 dev:1 contiguous:1 deviation:5 uniform:1 johnson:2 peri:2 peak:1 probabilistic:4 michael:1 continuously:1 squared:1 recorded:1 containing:1 account:1 potential:4 exclude:1 de:3 retinal:5 sec:1 summarized:1 depends:2 performed:2 extracellularly:1 start:1 contribution:1 ni:1 variance:6 miller:2 spaced:1 ofthe:1 raw:1 comp:1 fo:1 reach:1 definition:1 raster:1 acquisition:1 pp:5 recovers:1 auditory:2 intrinsically:1 conversation:1 oftimes:1 nerve:2 higher:1 dt:2 response:14 ooo:1 refractoriness:17 furthermore:1 aj:1 usa:1 effect:2 assigned:1 spatially:1 white:1 during:2 m:20 complete:1 l1:1 instantaneous:2 stimulation:3 spiking:8 refractory:29 exponentially:1 occurred:1 numerically:1 measurement:1 cambridge:2 boxcar:1 similarly:1 fano:3 had:2 reliability:1 add:1 recent:1 inequality:1 continue:1 seen:5 minimum:1 greater:2 recognized:1 period:32 dashed:1 ii:1 smoother:1 signal:2 pnas:1 match:5 characterized:1 calculation:1 determination:1 divided:2 molecular:1 prevented:1 vision:1 poisson:6 histogram:2 cell:17 addition:1 remarkably:1 addressed:1 interval:8 median:1 ot:1 exhibited:1 recording:2 hz:4 regularly:1 integer:1 near:1 counting:2 enough:2 fit:2 identified:1 silent:1 otj:2 cause:1 jj:1 action:4 dramatically:1 generally:1 useful:2 covered:1 simplest:1 generate:3 flicker:5 millisecond:1 notice:2 dotted:2 estimated:2 discrete:2 affected:1 monitor:1 deweese:1 fraction:1 sum:1 ringer:1 jitter:5 uncertainty:1 extends:1 almost:1 comparable:1 layer:1 hi:1 bound:1 ct:3 distinguish:1 identifiable:1 yielded:1 markus:2 wc:1 department:1 jr:1 across:4 describes:1 unity:1 restricted:1 equation:1 count:5 end:1 meister:7 include:1 warland:2 parsed:1 mjb:1 question:1 quantity:2 spike:57 occurs:1 added:1 bialek:2 unable:1 thank:1 cellular:1 code:1 relationship:2 illustration:1 baylor:1 daylight:1 rise:2 diamond:3 neuron:16 finite:1 extended:1 variability:3 excluding:1 sharp:1 intensity:3 extensive:1 beyond:2 bar:1 pattern:2 oj:2 including:1 event:21 difficulty:1 eye:2 acknowledges:2 koberle:1 lewen:1 berry:13 determining:1 relative:8 ina:1 generation:1 versus:1 generator:4 foundation:1 consistent:1 pi:1 summary:1 repeat:2 last:3 free:13 silence:2 institute:1 taking:1 absolute:8 sparse:1 van:2 boundary:2 calculated:5 curve:2 transition:1 made:1 projected:1 far:1 obtains:1 reproduces:1 table:2 ruyter:3 investigated:1 necessarily:1 constructing:1 linearly:1 neurosci:2 noise:1 repeated:7 neuronal:1 fig:10 precision:28 exponential:1 ib:1 saturate:1 removing:1 er:1 exists:1 drew:1 illustrates:1 interneuron:1 ganglion:15 visual:1 expressed:1 contained:1 pip2:1 ma:2 viewed:1 narrower:1 absence:1 tiger:1 change:1 included:1 determined:1 total:1 photoreceptor:1 tby:1 support:2 assessed:1 heaviside:1 ex:1 |
505 | 1,462 | Characterizing Neurons in the Primary
Auditory Cortex of the Awake Primate
U sing Reverse Correlation
R. Christopher deC harms
[email protected]
Michael M . Merzenich
[email protected]
w. M. Keck Center for Integrative Neuroscience
University of California, San Francisco CA 94143
While the understanding of the functional role of different classes
of neurons in the awake primary visual cortex has been extensively
studied since the time of Hubel and Wiesel (Hubel and Wiesel, 1962),
our understanding of the feature selectivity and functional role of
neurons in the primary auditory cortex is much farther from complete. Moving bars have long been recognized as an optimal stimulus
for many visual cortical neurons, and this finding has recently been
confirmed and extended in detail using reverse correlation methods
(Jones and Palmer, 1987; Reid and Alonso, 1995; Reid et al., 1991;
llingach et al., 1997). In this study, we recorded from neurons in the
primary auditory cortex of the awake primate, and used a novel reverse correlation technique to compute receptive fields (or preferred
stimuli), encompassing both multiple frequency components and ongoing time. These spectrotemporal receptive fields make clear that
neurons in the primary auditory cortex, as in the primary visual cortex, typically show considerable structure in their feature processing
properties, often including multiple excitatory and inhibitory regions
in their receptive fields. These neurons can be sensitive to stimulus
edges in frequency composition or in time, and sensitive to stimulus
transitions such as changes in frequency. These neurons also show
strong responses and selectivity to continuous frequency modulated
stimuli analogous to visual drifting gratings.
It is known that auditory neurons are tuned for a number of independent feature
parameters of simple stimuli including frequency (Merzenich et al., 1973), intensity
(Sutter and Schreiner, 1995), amplitude modulation (Schreiner and Urbas, 1988), and
Characterizing Auditory Cortical Neurons Using Reverse Correlation
others. In addition, auditory cortical responses to multiple stimuli can enhance or suppress one another in a time dependent fashion (Brosch and Schreiner, 1997; Phillips
and Cynader, 1985; Shamma and Symmes, 1985), and auditory cortical neurons can
be highly selective for species-specific vocalizations (Wang et al., 1995; Wollberg and
Newman, 1972), suggesting complex acoustic processing by these cells. It is not yet
known if these many independent selectivities of auditory cortical neurons reflect a
discernible underlying pattern of feature decomposition, as has often been suggested
(Merzenich et al., 1985; Schreiner and Mendelson, 1990; Wang et al., 1995). Further,
since sustained firing rate responses in the auditory cortex to tonal stimuli are typically much lower than visual responses to drifting bars (deCharms and Merzenich,
1996b), it has been suggested that the preferred type of auditory stimulus may still
not be known (Nelken et al., 1994). We sought to develop an unbiased method for
determining the full feature selectivity of auditory cortical neurons, whatever it might
be, in frequency and time based upon reverse correlation.
Recordings were made from a chronic array of up to 49 individually placed ultrafine extracellular Iridium microelectrodes, placed in the primary auditory cortex of
the adult owl monkey. The electrodes had tip lengths of 10-25microns, which yield
impedance values of .5-SMOhm and good isolation of signals from individual neurons
or clusters of nearby neurons. We electrochemically activated these tips to add an
ultramicroscopic coating of Iridium Oxide, which leaves the tip geometry unchanged,
but decreases the tip impedance by more than an order of magnitude, resulting in
substantially improved recording signals. These signals are filtered from .3-8kHz,
sampled at 20kHz, digitized, and sorted. The stimuli used were a variant of random
VlsuII Cortn: Reveree Correlltlon
U.lng 2?D VI.nl Pltternl In Time
Auditory Cortex: Rever.e Correlltlon
U.lng 1?D Auditory Pltternl (Chordl) In Tim.
t -Om.ec
t- 20m.ec
t - 40m.ec
Spltlotemporal Receptive Field
SplkeT .. ln.
Spectrotempoul Receptive Field
Figure 1: Schematic of stimuli used for reverse correlation.
white noise which was designed to allow us to characterize the responses of neurons
in time and in frequency. As shown in figure 1, these stimuli are directly analogous
to stimuli that have been used previously to characterize the response properties of
neurons in the primary visual cortex (Jones and Palmer, 1987; Reid and Alonso,
1995; Reid et al., 1991). In the visual case, stimuli consist of spatial checkerboards
that span some portion of the two-dimensional visual field and change pattern with
a short sampling interval. In the auditory case, which we have studied here, the
stimuli chosen were randomly selected chords, which approximately evenly span a
R C. deChanns and M M. Merzenich
portion of the one-dimensional receptor surface of the cochlea. These stimuli consist
of combinations of pure tones, all with identical phase and all with 5 msec cosineshaped ramps in amplitude when they individually turn on or off. Each chord was
created by randomly selecting frequency values from 84 possible values which span
7 octaves from 110Hz to 14080Hz in even semitone steps. The density of tones in
each stimulus was 1 tone per octave on average, or 7 tones per chord, but the stimuli
were selected stochastically so a given chord could be composed of a variable number
of tones of randomly selected frequencies. We have used sampling rates of 10-100
chords/second, and the data here are from stimuli with 50 chords/second. Stimuli
with random, asynchronous onset times of each tone produce similar results. These
stimuli were presented in the open sound field within an acoustical isolation chamber at 44. 1kHz sampling rate directly from audio compact disk, while the animal sat
passively in the sound field or actively performed an auditory discrimination task,
receiving occasional juice rewards. The complete characterization set lasted for ten
minutes, thereby including 30,000 individual chords.
Spike trains were collected from mUltiple sites in the cortex simultaneously during the
presentation of our characterization stimulus set, and individually reverse correlated
with the times of onset of each of the tonal stimuli. The reverse correlation method
computes the number of spikes from a neuron that were detected, on average, during
a given time preceding, during, or following a particular tonal stimulus component
from our set of chords. These values are presented in spikes/s for all of the tones
in the stimulus set, and for some range of time shifts. This method is somewhat
analogous in intention to a method developed earlier for deriving spectrotemporal
receptive fields for auditory midbrain neurons (Eggermont et al., 1983), but previous
methods have not been effective in the auditory cortex.
Figure 2 shows the spectrotemporal responses of neurons from four locations in the
primary auditory cortex. In each panel, the time in milliseconds between the onset of
a particular stimulus component and a neuronal spike is shown along the horizontal
axis. Progressively greater negative time shifts indicate progressively longer latencies
from the onset of a stimulus component until the neuronal spikes. The frequency
of the stimulus component is shown along the vertical axis, in octave spacing from
a 110Hz standard, with twelve steps per octave. The brightness corresponds to the
average rate of the neuron, in spk/s, driven by a particular stimulus component.
The reverse-correlogram is thus presented as a stimulus triggered spike rate average,
analogous to a standard peristimulus time histogram but reversed in time, and is
identical to the spectrogram of the estimated optimal stimulus for the cell (a spike
triggered stimulus average which would be in units of mean stimulus denSity).
A minority of neurons in the primary auditory cortex have spectrotemporal receptive fields that show only a single region of increased rate, which corresponds to the
traditional characteristic frequency of the neuron, and no inhibitory region. We have
found that cells of this type (less than 10%, not shown) are less common than cells
with multimodal receptive field structure. More commonly, neurons have regions of
both increased and decreased firing rate relative to their mean rate within their receptive fields. For terminological convemence, these will be referred to as excitatory
and inhibitory regions, though these changes in rate are not diagnostic of an underlying mechanism. Neurons with receptive fields of this type can serve as detectors
of stimulus edges in both frequency space, and in time. The neuron shown in figure
2a has a receptive field structure indicative of lateral inhibition in frequency space.
This cell prefers a very narrow range of frequencies, and decreases its firing rate for
nearby frequencies, giving the characteristic of a sharply-tuned bandpass filter. This
Characterizing Auditory Cortical Neurons Using Reverse Correlation
!: 2.5
g 1.5
5 .,
Figure 2: Spectrotemporal receptive fields of neurons in the primary auditory cortex
of the awake primate. These receptive fields are computed as described in methods.
Receptive field structures read from left to right correspond to a preferred stimulus for
the neuron, with light shading indicating more probable stimulus components to evoke
a spike, and dark shading indicating less probable components. Receptive fields read
from right to left indicate the response of the neuron in time to a particular stimulus
component. The colorbars correspond to the average firing rates of the neurons in
Hz at a given time preceding, during, or following a particular stimulus component.
type of response is the auditory analog of a visual or tactile edge detector with lateral
inhibition. Simple cells in the primary visual cortex typically show similar patterns
of center excitation along a short linear segment, surrounded by inhibition (Jones
and Palmer, 1987;?Reid and Alonso, 1995; Reid et al., 1991). The neuron shown in
figure 2b shows a decrease in firing rate caused by a stimulus frequency which at a
later time causes an increase in rate. This receptive field structure is ideally suited
to detect stimulus transients; and can be thought of as a detector of temporal edges.
Neurons in the auditory cortex typically prefer this type of stimulus, which is initially
soft or silent and later loud. This corresponds to a neuronal response which shows
an increase followed by a decrease in firing rate. This is again analogous to neuronal
responses in the primary visual cortex, which also typically show a firing rate pattern to an optimal stimulus of excitation followed by inhibition, and preference for
stimulus transients such as when a stimulus is first off and then comes on.
The neuron shown in figures 2c shows an example which has complex receptive field
structure, with multiple regions. Cells of this type would be indicative of selectivity for feature conjunctions or quite complex stimuli, perhaps related to sounds in
the animal's learned environment. Cells with complex receptive field structures are
common in the awake auditory cortex, and we are in the process of quantifying the
percentages of cells that fit within these different categories.
Neurons were observed which respond with increased rate to one frequency range at
one time, and a different frequency range at a later time, indicative of selectivity for
frequency modulations(Suga, 1965). Regions of decreased firing rate can show similar
patterns. The neuron shown in figure 2d is an example of this type. This pattern
is strongly analogous to motion energy detectors in the visual system (Adelson and
Bergen, 1985), which detect stimuli moving in space, and these cells are selective for
changes in frequency.
R. C. deCharms and M M. Merzenich
2 oct/sec
6 oct/sec
10 oct/sec 14 oct/sec 30 oct/sec 100 oct/sec
?2 oct/sec ?6 oct/sec ? 10 oct/sec ?14 oct/sec ?30 oct/sec ?100 oct/sec
Figure 3: Parametric stimulus set used to explore neuronal responses to continuously
changing stimulus frequency. Images axe spectrograms of stimuli from left to right in
time, and spanning seven octaves of frequency from bottom to top. Each stimulus is
one second. Numbers indicate the sweep rate of the stimuli in octaves per second.
Based on the responses shown, we wondered whether we could find a more optimal
class of stimuli for these neuron, analogous to the use of drifting bars or gratings in the
primary visual cortex. We have created auditory stimuli which correspond exactly to
the preferred stimulus computed for a paxticulax cell from the cell's spectrotemporal
receptive field (manuscript in prepaxation), and we have also designed a paxametric
class of stimuli which are designed to be particularly effective for neurons selective
for stimuli of changing amplitude or frequency, which are presented here. The stimuli
shown in figure 3 are auditory analogous of visual drifting grating stimuli. The
stimuli axe shown as spectrograms, where time is along the horizontal axis, frequency
content on an octave scale is along the vertical axis, and brightness corresponds to the
intensity of the signal. These stimuli contain frequencies that change in time along an
octave frequency scale so that they repeatedly pass approximately linearly through a
neurons receptive field, just as a drifting grating would pass repeatedly through the
receptive field of a visual neuron. These stimuli axe somewhat analogous to drifting
ripple stimuli which have recently been used by Kowalski, et.al. to characterize the
linearity of responses of neurons in the anesthetized ferret auditory cortex (Kowalski
et al., 1996a; Kowalski et al., 1996b).
Neurons in the auditory cortex typically respond to tonal stimuli with a brisk onset
response at the stimulus transient, but show sustained rates that axe far smaller than
found in the visual or somatosensory systems (deCharms and Merzenich, 1996a).
We have found neurons in the awake animal that respond with high firing rates and
significant selectivity to the class of moving stimuli shown in figure 3. An outstanding
example of this is shown in figure 4. The neuron in this example showed a very high
sustained firing rate to the optimal drifting stimulus, as high as 60 Hz?for one second.
The neuron shown in this example also showed considerable selectivity for stimulus
velocity, as well as some selectivity for stimulus direction.
These stimuli enable us to efficiently quantify the response characteristics of neurons in the awake primaxy auditory cortex, as well as producing optimal stimuli for
particular neurons. The data that we have gathered thus far extend our knowledge
about the complex receptive field structure of cells in the primary auditory cortex,
Cha racterizing Auditory Cortical Neurons Using Reverse Correlation
2 oct/sec
6 oct/sec
10 octIsec
14 oct/sec
30 oct/sec
100 oct/sec
-2 oct/sec
-6 oct/sec
-10 oct/sec
-14 oct/sec
-30 oct/sec
-100 oct/sec
Figure 4: Responses of a neuron in the primary auditory cortex of the awake primate to example stimuli take form our characterization set, as shown in figure 3. In
each panel, the average response rate histogram in spikes per second is shown below
rastergrams showing the individual action potentials elicited on,each of twenty trials.
and show some considerable analogy with neurons in the primary visual cortex. In
addition, they indicate that it is possible to drive auditory cortical cells to high rates
of sustained firing, as in the visual cortex. This method will allow a number of future
questions to be addressed. Since we have recorded many neurons simultaneously, we
are interested in the interactions among large populations of neurons and how these
relate to stimuli. We are also recording responses to these stimuli while monkeys are
performing cognitive tasks involving attention and learning, and we hope that this
will give us insight into the effects on cell selectivity of the context provided by other
stimuli, the animal's behavioral state or awareness of the stimuli, and the animal's
prior learning of stimulus sets.
Adelson EH, Bergen JR (1985) Spatiotemporal energy models for the perception of
motion. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 2, 284-299.
Brosch M, Schreiner CE (1997) Time course of forward masking tuning curves in cat
primary auditory cortex. J Neurophysiol, 77, 923-43.
deCharms Re, Merzenich MM (1996a) Primary cortical representation of sounds by
the coordination of action-potential timing. Nature, 381, 610-3.
deCharms RC, Merzenich MM (1996b) Primary cortical representation of sounds by
the coordination of action-potential timing. Nature, 381, 610-613.
EggeI1I).ont JJ, Aertsen AM, Johannesma PI (1983) Quantitative characterisation
procedure for auditory neurons based on the spectro-temporal receptive field. Hear
Res, 10, 167-90.
Hubel DH, Wiesel TN (1962) Receptive fields, binocular interaction and functional
archtecture in the cat's visual cortex. J. Physiol., 160, 106-154.
Jones JP, Palmer LA (1987) The two-dimensional spatial structure of simple receptive
R. C. deCharms and M M. Merzenich
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| 1462 |@word trial:1 wiesel:3 disk:1 open:1 cha:1 integrative:1 decomposition:1 brightness:2 thereby:1 shading:2 phy:2 selecting:1 tuned:2 yet:1 physiol:1 discernible:1 designed:3 progressively:2 discrimination:1 leaf:1 selected:3 nervous:1 tone:8 indicative:3 sutter:2 short:2 farther:1 filtered:1 characterization:3 location:1 preference:1 rc:3 along:6 edelman:1 sustained:4 shapley:2 behavioral:1 brain:1 ont:1 jm:1 provided:1 monosynaptic:1 underlying:3 linearity:1 panel:2 substantially:1 monkey:4 developed:1 finding:2 temporal:3 quantitative:1 exactly:1 rm:1 middlebrooks:1 whatever:1 unit:3 producing:1 reid:8 timing:2 receptor:1 firing:11 modulation:2 approximately:2 might:1 studied:2 shamma:4 palmer:4 range:4 suga:2 bat:1 procedure:2 johannesma:1 thought:1 intention:1 specificity:1 context:1 center:2 chronic:1 roth:1 attention:1 wondered:1 pure:1 schreiner:9 insight:1 array:1 deriving:1 population:1 analogous:9 hypothesis:1 velocity:1 particularly:1 observed:1 role:2 bottom:1 wang:3 region:7 decrease:4 chord:8 knight:1 edited:1 environment:1 reward:1 ideally:1 dynamic:5 segment:1 serve:1 cynader:2 upon:1 neurophysiol:8 spk:1 multimodal:1 cat:10 train:1 effective:2 detected:1 newman:2 quite:1 ramp:1 echo:1 vocalization:3 triggered:2 vaadia:1 interaction:2 electrode:1 keck:1 cluster:1 ripple:2 produce:1 tim:1 develop:1 sa:3 strong:1 soc:1 grating:4 indicate:4 come:1 somatosensory:1 quantify:1 direction:1 coating:1 filter:1 transient:3 enable:1 owl:1 opt:1 probable:2 pl:1 mm:5 squirrel:2 sought:1 spectrotemporal:6 coordination:2 sensitive:2 individually:3 hope:1 depireux:2 conjunction:1 lasted:1 detect:2 am:2 dependent:1 bergen:2 typically:6 integrated:1 initially:1 selective:3 interested:1 among:1 orientation:1 animal:5 spatial:2 special:1 field:30 sampling:3 identical:2 jones:4 adelson:2 future:1 others:1 stimulus:79 randomly:3 microelectrodes:1 composed:1 simultaneously:2 individual:3 geometry:1 phase:1 organization:1 highly:1 nl:1 light:1 activated:1 edge:4 re:8 increased:3 earlier:1 soft:1 organizational:1 characterize:3 spatiotemporal:2 abele:1 combined:1 density:2 twelve:1 sensitivity:1 off:2 receiving:1 michael:1 enhance:1 tip:4 continuously:1 again:1 reflect:1 recorded:2 central:1 stochastically:1 oxide:1 cognitive:1 checkerboard:1 actively:1 suggesting:1 potential:3 sec:23 jc:1 caused:1 vi:1 onset:5 performed:1 later:3 portion:2 wm:1 elicited:1 masking:1 om:1 prut:1 characteristic:5 efficiently:1 yield:1 correspond:3 kowalski:5 gathered:1 directional:1 confirmed:1 drive:1 detector:4 energy:2 frequency:27 pp:1 sampled:1 auditory:50 knowledge:1 amplitude:4 manuscript:1 response:23 improved:1 though:1 strongly:1 just:1 binocular:1 correlation:9 until:1 horizontal:2 christopher:1 perhaps:1 effect:1 contain:1 unbiased:1 merzenich:13 read:2 ringach:1 white:1 semitone:1 during:4 excitation:3 m:1 octave:8 complete:2 neocortical:1 tn:1 motion:2 image:1 novel:1 recently:2 common:3 juice:1 functional:4 khz:3 jp:1 axe:4 analog:1 extend:1 significant:1 composition:1 phillips:2 tuning:3 had:1 moving:4 cortex:43 surface:1 longer:1 inhibition:5 add:1 showed:2 driven:1 reverse:11 selectivity:11 greater:1 somewhat:2 preceding:2 spectrogram:3 recognized:1 signal:4 ii:4 multiple:6 full:1 sound:6 thalamus:1 long:1 schematic:1 prediction:1 variant:1 involving:1 histogram:2 cochlea:1 dec:1 cell:18 addition:2 spacing:1 addressed:1 interval:1 decreased:2 ferret:3 recording:4 hz:5 isolation:2 fit:1 silent:1 shift:2 whether:1 tonal:4 tactile:1 locating:1 york:1 cause:1 jj:1 prefers:1 repeatedly:2 action:3 neurones:1 latency:1 clear:1 dark:1 extensively:1 ten:1 category:1 percentage:1 inhibitory:3 millisecond:1 neuroscience:1 estimated:1 per:5 diagnostic:1 urbas:2 four:1 characterisation:1 changing:2 jv:1 ce:5 micron:1 respond:3 lng:2 hawken:1 prefer:1 followed:2 sharply:1 awake:9 nearby:2 aspect:1 span:3 passively:1 performing:1 extracellular:1 combination:1 jr:2 smaller:1 primate:4 marmoset:1 midbrain:1 ln:1 brosch:2 previously:1 turn:1 mechanism:2 jenkins:1 occasional:1 spectral:1 chamber:1 drifting:7 jd:1 top:1 giving:1 eggermont:1 unchanged:1 sweep:1 question:1 spike:9 receptive:26 primary:27 parametric:1 striate:2 traditional:1 aertsen:1 dp:1 reversed:1 lateral:2 alonso:4 evenly:1 acoustical:1 seven:1 collected:1 spanning:1 minority:1 length:1 relate:1 decharms:7 negative:1 suppress:1 twenty:1 vertical:2 neuron:55 observation:1 sing:1 extended:1 digitized:1 arbitrary:1 intensity:3 connection:1 california:1 acoustic:1 learned:1 narrow:1 macaque:1 adult:1 bar:3 suggested:2 below:1 pattern:8 perception:1 hear:5 including:3 eh:1 axis:4 created:2 prior:1 understanding:2 determining:1 relative:1 encompassing:1 topography:2 analogy:1 versus:1 awareness:1 surrounded:1 cd:1 pi:1 excitatory:2 course:1 placed:2 gl:1 asynchronous:1 allow:2 wide:1 characterizing:3 anesthetized:1 curve:1 cortical:14 transition:1 computes:1 nelken:2 forward:1 made:1 commonly:1 san:1 ec:3 far:2 compact:1 spectro:1 preferred:4 evoke:1 ml:1 hubel:3 sat:1 harm:1 francisco:1 spectrum:5 continuous:1 search:1 impedance:2 nature:5 mj:1 ca:1 brisk:1 complex:5 da:2 linearly:1 noise:2 neuronal:5 site:1 referred:1 fashion:1 wiley:1 msec:6 bandpass:1 minute:1 specific:2 showing:1 peristimulus:1 iridium:2 dl:1 mendelson:2 consist:2 magnitude:1 suited:1 explore:1 visual:21 correlogram:1 corresponds:4 loud:1 dh:1 oct:23 sorted:1 presentation:1 quantifying:1 considerable:3 change:5 content:1 specie:2 pas:2 merz:1 la:1 indicating:2 soodak:1 modulated:2 ucsf:2 outstanding:1 ongoing:1 audio:1 correlated:1 |
506 | 1,463 | Statistical Models of Conditioning
Peter Dayan*
Brain & Cognitive Sciences
Cambridge, MA 02139
Theresa Long
123 Hunting Cove
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Conditioning experiments probe the ways that animals make predictions about rewards and punishments and use those predictions to control their behavior. One standard model of conditioning paradigms which involve many conditioned stimuli suggests
that individual predictions should be added together. Various key
results show that this model fails in some circumstances, and motivate an alternative model, in which there is attentional selection
between different available stimuli. The new model is a form of
mixture of experts, has a close relationship with some other existing psychological suggestions, and is statistically well-founded.
Classical and instrumental conditioning experiments study the way that animals
learn about the causal texture of the world (Dickinson, 1980) and use this information to their advantage. Although it reached a high level of behavioral sophistication, conditioning has long since gone out of fashion as a paradigm for studying
learning in animals, partly because of the philosophical stance of many practitioners, that the neurobiological implementation of learning is essentially irrelevant.
However, more recently it has become possible to study how conditioning phenomena are affected by particular lesions or pharmacological treatments to the
brain (eg Gallagher & Holland, 1994), and how particular systems, during simple
learning tasks, report information that is consistent with models of conditioning
(Gluck & Thompson, 1987; Gabriel & Moore, 1989).
In particular, we have studied the involvement of the dopamine (DA) system in
the ventral tegmental area of vertebrates in reward based learning (Montague et
aI, 1996; Schultz et aI, 1997). The activity of these cells is consistent with a model
in which they report a temporal difference (TO) based prediction error for reward
"This work was funded by the Surdna Foundation.
P. Dayan and T. Long
(Sutton & Barto, 1981; 1989). This prediction error signal can be used to learn correct
predictions and also to learn appropriate actions (Barto, Sutton & Anderson, 1983).
The DA system is important since it is crucially involved in normal reward learning,
and also in the effects of drugs of addiction, self stimulation, and various neural
The TO model is consistent with a whole body of experiments, and has even correctly anticipated new experimental findings. However, like the Rescorla-Wagner
(RW; 1972) or delta rule, it embodies a particular additive model for the net prediction made when there are multiple stimuli. Various sophisticated conditioning
experiments have challenged this model and found it wanting. The results support
competitive rather than additive models. Although ad hoc suggestions have been
made to repair the model, none has a sound basis in appropriate prediction. There
is a well established statistical theory for competitive models, and it is this that we
In this paper we review existing evidence and theories, show what constraints
a new theory must satisfy, and suggest and demonstrate a credible candidate.
Although it is based on behavioral data, it also has direct implications for our
neural theory.
2 Data and Existing Models
Table 1 describes some of the key paradigms in conditioning (Dickinson, 1980;
Mackintosh, 1983). Although the collection of experiments may seem rather arcane
(the standard notation is even more so), in fact it shows exactly the basis behind
the key capacity of animals in the world to predict events of consequence. We will
extract further biological constraints implied by these and other experiments in the
In the table,l (light) and s (tone) are potential predictors (called conditioned stimuli or
CSs), of a consequence, r, such a~ the delivery of a reward (called an unconditioned
stimulus or US). Even though we use TO rules in practice, we discuss some of the
abstract learning rules without much reference to the detailed time course of trials.
The same considerations apply to TD.
In Pavlovian conditioning, the light acquires a positive association with the reward
in a way that can be reasonably well modeled by:
,6.Wl(t) = al(t)(r(t) - wl(t?l(t),
where let) E {O, I} represents the presence of the light in trial t (s(t) will similarly
represent the presence of a tone), Wl(t) (we will often drop the index t) represents
the strength of the expectation about the delivery of reward ret) in trial t if the
light is also delivered, and al(t) is the learning rate. This is just the delta rule. It
also captures well the probabilistic contingent nature of conditioning - for binary
ret) E {O, I}, animals seem to assess il = P[r(t)ll(t) = 1J - P[r(t)ll(t) = OJ, and then
only expect reward following the light (in the model, have WI > 0) if il > O.
Pavlovian conditioning is easy to explain under a whole wealth of rules. The trouble
comes in extending equation 1 to the case of multiple predictors (in this paper we
consider just two). The other paradigms in table 1 probe different aspects of this.
The one that is most puzzling is (perversely) called downwards unblocking (Holland,
1988). In a first set of trials, an association is established between the light and two
presentations of reward separated by a few (u) seconds. In a second set, a tone is
included with the light, but the second reward is dropped. The animal amasses
less reward in conjunction with the tone. However, when presented with the tone
Statistical Models of Conditioning
l-tr }
{ Z+s-t?
Upwards unblocking
Downwards unblockinK
Set 1
I -t rflur
Set 2
-t r
1+ s -t rflur
~ r~
s~ ?~
Table 1: Paradigms. Sets 1 and 2 are separate sets of learning trials, which are continued
until convergence. Symbols land s indicate presentation of lights and tones as potential
predictors. The 't+ in the test set indicates that the associations of the predictors are tested,
prodUCing the listed results. In overshadowing, association with the reward can be divided
between the light and the sound, indicated by r!. In some cases overshadowing favours
one stimulus at the complete expense of the other; and at the end of very prolonged training,
all effects of overshadowing can disappear. In blocking, the tone makes no prediction of r.
In set 2 of inhibitory conditioning, the two types of trials are interleaved and the outcome
is that the tone predicts the absence of reward. In upwards and downwards unblocking,
the 6" indicates that the delivery of two rewards is separated by time u. For downwards
unblocking, if u is small, then s is associated with the absence of r; if u is large, then s is
associated with the presence of r.
alone, the animal expects the presence rather than the absence of reward. On the face
of it, this seems an insurmountable challenge to prediction-based theories. First
we describe the existing theories, then we formalise some potential replacements.
One theory (called a US-processing theory) is due to Rescorla & Wagner (RW; 1972),
and, as pointed out by Sutton & Barto (1981), is just the delta rule. For RW, the
animal constructs a net prediction:
V(t) = wi(t)l(t)
+ ws{t)s{t)
for r(t), and then changes flWi(t) = Cti(t)(r(t) - V(t?l(t) (and similarly for ws(t?
using the prediction error r(t) - V(t). Its foundation in the delta rule makes it
computationally appropriate (Marr, 1982) as a method of making predictions. TD
uses the same additive model in equation 2, but uses r(t) + V(t + 1) - V(t) as the
prediction error.
RW explains overshadowing, inhibitory conditioning, blocking, and upwards unblocking, but not downwards unblocking. In overshadowing, the terminal association between I and r is weaker if I and s are simultaneously trained - this is
expected under RW since learning stops when V(t) = r{t), and W, and Ws will
share the prediction. In inhibitory conditioning, the sound comes to predict the absence of r. The explanation of inhibitory conditioning is actually quite complicated
(Konorski, 1967; Mackintosh, 1983); however RW provides the simple account that
WI = r for the I -t r trials, forcing Ws = -r for the 1+ s -t . trials. In blocking,
the prior association between I and r means that Wi = r in the second set of trials,
leading to no learning for the tone (since V(t) - r(t) = 0). In upwards unblocking,
Wi = r at the start of set 2. Therefore, r(t) - WI = r > 0, allowing Ws to share in the
As described above, downwards unblocking is the key thorn in the side of RW.
Since the TD rule combines the predictions from different stimuli in a similar way,
P. Dayan and T. Long
it also fails to account properly for downwards unblocking. This is one reason why
it is incorrect as a model of reward learning.
The class of theories (called CS-processing theories) that is alternative to RW does
not construct a net prediction V(t), but instead uses equation 1 for all the stimuli,
only changing the learning rates O!l(t) and O!s(t) as a function of the conditioning
history of the stimuli (eg Mackintosh, 1975; Pearce & Hall, 1980; Grossberg, 1982).
A standard notion is that there is a competition between different stimuli for a
limited capacity learning processor (Broadbent, 1958; Mackintosh, 1975; Pearce &
Hall, 1980), translating into competition between the learning rates. In blocking,
nothing unexpected happens in the second set of trials and equally, the tone does
not predict anything novel. In either case as is set to '" 0 and so no learning
happens. In these models, downwards unblocking now makes qualitative sense:
the surprising consequences in set 2 can be enough to set as ?0, but then learning
according to equation 1 can make Ws > O. Whereas Mackintosh's (1975) and Pearce
and Hall's (1980) models only consider competition between the stimuli for learning,
Grossberg's (1982) model incorporates competition during representation, so the net
prediction on a trial is affected by competitive interactions between the stimuli. In
essence, our model provides a statistical formalisation of this insight.
New Models
From the previous section, it would seem that we have to abandon the computational basis of the RW and TD models in terms of making collective predictions
about the reward. The CS-processing models do not construct a net prediction of
the reward, or say anything about how possibly conflicting information based on
different stimuli should be integrated. This is a key flaw - doing anything other
than well-founded prediction is likely to be maladaptive. Even quite successful
pre-synaptic models, such as Grossberg (1982), do not justify their predictions.
We now show that we can take a different, but still statistically-minded approach to combination in which we specify a parameterised probability distribution P[r(t)ls(t), l(t)] and perform a form of maximum likelihood (ML) inference,
updating the parameters to maximise this probability over the samples. Consider
three natural models of P[r(t)/s(t), l(t)]:
P M[r(t)/s(t), l(t)]
P J[r(t)/s(t), l(t)]
+ wss(t), (72]
7l"1 (t)N[Wl' (72]
+ 7l"s(t)N[ws, (72] + 1i'(t).,v[w, r2]
+ wsnAt)s(t), (72]
where N[J.L, (72] is a normal distribution, with mean J.L and variance (72. In the latter
two cases, 0 ::; 7l"1 (t) + 7l" s (t) ::; I, implementing a form of competition between
the stimuli, and 7l".(t) = 0 if stimulus * is not presented. In equation 4, N[w, r2]
captures the background expectation if neither the light nor the tone wins, and
1i'(t) = 1 - 7l"1(t) - n"s{t). We will show that the data argue against the first two and
support the third of these models.
Rescorla-Wagner: Pa[r(t)/s(t), l(t)]
The RW rule is derived as ML inference based on equation 3. The only difference
is the presence of the variance, (72. This is useful for capturing the partial reinforcement effect (see Mackintosh, 1983), in which if r(t) is corrupted by substantial
noise (ie (72 ?0), then learning to r is demonstrably slower. As we discussed above,
Statistical Models of Conditioning
downwards unblocking suggests that animals are not using P G [r( t) Is(t), I (t)] as the
basis for their predictions.
Competitive mixture of experts: P M[r(t)ls(t), l(t)]
PM[r(t)ls(t),l(t)] is recognisable as the generative distribution in a mixture
of Gaussians model (Nowlan, 1991; Jacobs et ai, 1991b). Key in this model
are the mixing proportions 7r1(t) and 7r s (t). Online variants of the E phase of
the EM algorithm (Dempster et ai, 1977) compute posterior responsibilities as
ql(t) + qs(t) + q(t) = 1, where ql(t) <X 7r1(t)e-(r(t)-w1I(t)),2/2(T2 (and similarly for the
others), and then perform a partial M phase as
L\wl(t) <X (r(t) - WI (t?ql(t)
L\ws(t) <X (r(t) - ws(t?qs(t)
which has just the same character as the presynaptic rules (depending on how 7r1 (t)
is calculated). As in the mixture of experts model, each expert (each stimulus here)
that seeks to predict r(t) (ie each stimulus * for which q. (t) f; 0) has to predict
the whole of r(t) by itself. This means that the model can capture downwards
unblocking in the following way. The absence of the second r in the second set of
trials forces 7r s (t) > 0, and, through equation 6, this in turn means that the tone will
come to predict the presence of the first r. The time u between the rewards can be
important because of temporal discounting. This means that there are sufficiently
large values of u for which the inhibitory effect of the absence of the second reward
will be dominated. Note also that the expected reward based on l(t) and s(t) is the
Although the net prediction given in equation 7 is indeed based on all the stimuli,
it does not directly affect the course of learning. This means that the model has
difficulty with inhibitory conditioning. The trouble with inhibitory conditioning is
that the model cannot use Ws < 0 to counterbalance WI > 0 - it can at best set Ws =0,
which is experimentally inaccurate. Note, however, this form of competition bears
some interesting similarities with comparator models of conditioning (see Miller &
Matzel, 1989). It also has some problems in explaining overshadowing, for similar
Cooperative mixture of experts: P J[r(t)ls(t), l(t)]
The final model P J[r(t)ls(t), l(t)] is just like the mixture model that Jacobs et al
(1991a) suggested (see also Bordley, 1982). One statistical formulation of this model
considers that, independently,
where Pl(t) and Ps(t) are inverse variances. This makes
= (Pl(t)
+ Ps(t?-l 7r1(t)
= PI(t)(72
7r s (t) = Ps(t)(72.
Normative learning rules should emerge from a statistical model of uncertainty in
the world. Short of such a model, we used:
7r1 (t)
L\WI = o:w-(-) 6(t)
PI t
where 6(t) = r(t) - 7r1(t)Wl (t) - 7rs (t)ws (t) is the prediction error; the 1/ Pl(t) term
in changing WI makes learning slower if WI is more certainly related to r (ie if PI (t) is
greater); the 0.1 substitutes for background noise; if 62 (t) is too large, then PI + Ps
P. Dayan and T. Long
t'reolctrVe vanances; I:SloCklng
I:SIOCKlng ana unDloCklng
......... ...
t'reolctove vanances: UnDlocKlng
.... -"-
r . ""
0 --~2~
0 --~M
Tim. to 2nd I8warn
Figure 1: Blocking and downwards unblocking with 5 steps to the first reward; and a
variable number to the second. Here, the discount factor "y = 0.9, and O:w = 0.5, O:p = 0.02,
f.L = 0.75. For blocking, the second reward remains; for unblocking it is removed after 500
trials. a) The terminal weight for the sound after learning - for blocking it is always small
and positive; for downwards unblocking, it changes from negative at small ~u to positive
at large ~ u. b,c) Predictive variances Pl(t) and P.. (t). In blocking, although there is a small
change when the sound is introduced because of additivity of the variances, learning to the
sound is substantially prevented. In downwards unblocking, the surprise omission of the
second reward makes the sound associable and unblocks learning to it.
is shared out in proportion of
to capture the insight that there can be dramatic
changes to variabilities; and the variabilities are bottom-limited.
Figure 1 shows the end point and course of learning in blocking and downwards
unblocking. Figure 1a confirms that the model captures downwards unblocking,
making the terminal value of Ws negative for short separations between the rewards and positive for long separations. By comparison, in the blocking condition,
for which both rewards are always presented, W s is always small and positive.
Figures 1b,c show the basis behind this behaviour in terms of Pl(t) and Ps{t). In
particular, the heightened associability of the sound in unblocking following the
prediction error when the second reward is removed accounts for the behavior.
As for the mixture of experts model (and also for comparator models), the presence
of 11'j(t) and nAt) makes the explanation of inhibitory conditioning and overshadowing a little complicated. For instance, if the sound is associable (Ps(t) ? 0), then
it can seem to act as a conditioned inhibitor even if Ws = O. Nevertheless, unlike
the mixture of experts model, the fact that learning is based on the joint prediction
makes true inhibitory conditioning possible.
Downwards unblocking may seem like an extremely abstruse paradigm with which
to refute an otherwise successful and computationally sound model. However, it
is just the tip of a conditioning iceberg that would otherwise sink TD. Even in
other reinforcement learning applications of TO, there is no a priori reason why
predictions should be made according to equation 2 - the other statistical models
in equations 4 and 5 could also be used. Indeed, it is easy to generate circumstances
in which these more competitive models will perform better. For the neurobiology,
experiments on the behavior of the DA system in these conditioning tasks will help
specify the models further.
The model is incomplete in various important ways. First, it makes no distinction
between preparatory and consumatory conditioning (Konorski, 1967). There is
evidence that the predictions a CS makes about the affective value of USs fall in
a different class from the predictions it makes about the actual USs that appear.
Statistical Models of Conditioning
For instance, an inhibitory stimulus reporting the absence of expected delivery of
food can block learning to the delivery of shock, implying that aversive events
form a single class. The affective value forms the preparatory aspect, is likely
what is reported by the DA cells, and perhaps controls orienting behavior, the
characteristic reaction of animals to the conditioned stimuli that may provide an
experimental handle on the attention they are paid. Second, the model does not
use opponency (Konorski, 1967; Solomon & Corbit, 1974; Grossberg, 1982) to
handle inhibitory conditioning. This is particularly important, since the dynamics
of the interaction between the opponent systems may well be responsible for the
importance of the delay u in downwards unblocking. Serotonin is an obvious
candidate as an opponent system to DA (Montague et a11996). We also have not
specified a substrate for the associabilities or the attentional competition - the DA
system itself may well be involved. Finally, we have not specified an overall model
of how the animal might expect the contingency of the world to change over time
- which is key to the statistical justification of appropriate learning rules.
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| 1463 |@word trial:15 proportion:2 instrumental:1 nd:1 seems:1 hippocampus:1 integrative:1 confirms:1 seek:1 crucially:1 r:4 jacob:4 paid:1 dramatic:1 tr:6 ld:1 hunting:1 existing:4 reaction:1 current:1 surprising:1 nowlan:3 must:1 additive:3 chicago:2 drop:1 alone:1 generative:1 implying:1 tone:12 short:2 provides:2 direct:1 become:1 addiction:1 incorrect:1 qualitative:1 combine:1 fitting:1 behavioral:2 affective:2 indeed:2 ra:3 preparatory:2 expected:3 nor:1 behavior:5 brain:3 terminal:3 freeman:1 td:5 prolonged:1 little:1 actual:1 food:1 jm:1 vertebrate:1 notation:1 what:2 substantially:1 ret:2 finding:1 ag:4 nj:3 temporal:2 act:1 exactly:1 uk:1 control:2 appear:1 producing:1 positive:5 maximise:1 dropped:1 consequence:3 sutton:6 oxford:2 ap:1 might:1 black:1 studied:1 suggests:2 limited:2 gone:1 statistically:2 grossberg:5 responsible:1 practice:1 block:1 area:1 drug:1 pre:1 suggest:1 cannot:1 close:1 selection:1 attention:1 l:6 thompson:2 independently:1 rule:12 continued:1 insight:2 q:2 marr:2 handle:2 notion:1 justification:1 cs:1 heightened:1 dickinson:3 substrate:1 us:5 pa:2 mowrer:1 particularly:1 updating:1 predicts:1 maladaptive:1 blocking:11 cooperative:1 bottom:1 capture:5 removed:2 contemporary:2 disease:1 substantial:1 dempster:2 reward:27 dynamic:1 motivate:1 trained:1 predictive:1 basis:5 sink:1 joint:1 montague:4 various:4 additivity:1 separated:2 describe:1 london:1 sejnowski:1 outcome:1 quite:2 say:1 otherwise:2 serotonin:1 itself:2 laird:1 abandon:1 unconditioned:1 delivered:1 online:1 hoc:1 advantage:1 final:1 associative:1 net:6 rr:2 rescorla:4 interaction:2 adaptation:1 mixing:1 competition:7 convergence:1 p:6 extending:1 r1:6 tk:1 tim:1 depending:1 help:1 insurmountable:1 c:3 come:3 indicate:1 correct:1 translating:1 ana:1 implementing:1 hillsdale:1 explains:1 behaviour:1 biological:1 refute:1 pl:5 sufficiently:1 hall:4 normal:2 lawrence:1 predict:6 ventral:1 adopt:1 wl:6 minded:1 mit:1 tegmental:1 always:3 inhibitor:1 rather:3 barto:7 conjunction:1 derived:1 properly:1 indicates:2 likelihood:1 sense:1 wf:1 inference:2 flaw:1 dayan:6 sb:1 integrated:1 inaccurate:1 w:15 overall:1 priori:1 animal:13 construct:3 represents:2 anticipated:1 report:2 stimulus:20 t2:1 others:1 few:1 simultaneously:1 individual:1 phase:2 replacement:1 certainly:1 mixture:9 light:10 behind:2 pc:2 implication:1 partial:2 incomplete:1 opponency:1 causal:1 formalise:1 psychological:7 instance:2 soft:1 ar:1 overshadowing:8 w1i:1 challenged:1 expects:1 predictor:4 delay:1 successful:2 erlbaum:1 too:1 reported:1 corrupted:1 punishment:1 ie:3 probabilistic:1 tip:1 together:1 e25:1 na:1 thesis:1 nm:1 solomon:2 possibly:1 cognitive:2 expert:7 leading:1 account:3 potential:3 de:1 satisfy:1 ad:1 responsibility:1 doing:1 reached:1 competitive:6 start:1 complicated:2 ass:1 il:2 matzel:2 variance:5 characteristic:1 miller:2 none:1 cybernetics:1 processor:1 history:1 ah:1 unblocking:21 explain:1 synaptic:1 against:1 pp:3 involved:2 obvious:1 associated:2 mi:2 stop:1 treatment:1 credible:1 sophisticated:1 actually:1 specify:2 formulation:1 though:1 anderson:2 just:6 parameterised:1 until:1 broadbent:2 perhaps:1 indicated:1 orienting:1 name:1 effect:4 true:1 discounting:1 stance:1 moore:3 eg:2 pharmacological:1 ll:2 self:1 during:2 acquires:1 essence:1 anything:3 complete:1 demonstrate:1 upwards:4 consideration:1 novel:1 recently:1 iceberg:1 stimulation:1 rl:1 conditioning:32 association:6 discussed:1 cambridge:4 appleton:1 ai:4 cv:1 pm:1 similarly:3 pointed:1 funded:1 similarity:1 gj:1 cove:1 posterior:1 involvement:1 irrelevant:1 forcing:1 binary:1 contingent:1 greater:1 paradigm:6 signal:1 ii:1 multiple:2 sound:10 pnas:1 england:1 long:6 divided:1 equally:1 prevented:1 va:1 prediction:31 variant:1 circumstance:2 expectation:2 essentially:1 dopamine:1 vision:1 represent:1 cell:2 whereas:1 background:2 wealth:1 unlike:1 db:1 incorporates:1 seem:5 jordan:2 practitioner:1 presence:7 easy:2 enough:1 affect:1 psychology:1 favour:1 peter:1 york:2 action:1 gabriel:3 useful:1 detailed:1 involve:1 listed:1 discount:1 demonstrably:1 rw:10 generate:1 inhibitory:12 delta:4 neuroscience:2 correctly:1 klein:1 affected:2 key:7 nevertheless:1 changing:2 neither:1 shock:1 sum:1 inverse:1 uncertainty:1 thorn:1 reporting:1 separation:2 delivery:5 interleaved:1 capturing:1 konorski:4 activity:2 strength:1 constraint:2 dominated:1 aspect:2 extremely:1 pavlovian:4 department:1 according:2 combination:1 describes:1 em:1 character:1 wi:11 making:3 happens:2 repair:1 pr:3 computationally:2 equation:10 remains:1 discus:1 turn:1 ge:1 end:2 studying:1 available:1 gaussians:1 opponent:2 probe:2 apply:1 appropriate:4 alternative:2 slower:2 jd:1 substitute:1 trouble:2 embodies:1 disappear:1 classical:2 society:2 implied:1 pergamon:1 added:1 traditional:1 win:1 cw:1 attentional:2 separate:1 capacity:2 argue:1 presynaptic:1 considers:1 reason:3 modeled:1 relationship:1 index:1 ql:3 expense:1 negative:2 aversive:1 implementation:1 collective:1 perform:3 allowing:1 pearce:4 neurobiology:1 variability:2 communication:1 hinton:1 omission:1 introduced:1 specified:2 philosophical:1 distinction:1 conflicting:1 established:2 suggested:1 corbit:2 perception:1 challenge:1 rf:2 oj:1 royal:1 explanation:2 event:2 natural:1 force:1 difficulty:1 wanting:1 counterbalance:1 extract:1 review:7 prior:1 expect:2 bear:1 a11996:1 suggestion:2 interesting:1 foundation:2 contingency:1 consistent:3 rubin:1 editor:3 share:2 land:1 pi:4 course:3 side:1 weaker:1 explaining:1 fall:1 face:1 wagner:4 emerge:1 schmajuk:1 calculated:1 world:4 made:3 collection:1 reinforcement:2 schultz:2 founded:2 transaction:1 prokasy:1 sj:2 neurobiological:1 status:1 ml:2 why:2 table:4 learn:3 reasonably:1 nature:1 operational:1 da:6 whole:3 noise:2 nothing:1 lesion:1 body:1 fashion:1 downwards:17 bordley:2 ny:2 formalisation:1 fails:2 candidate:2 third:1 normative:1 symbol:1 r2:2 evidence:2 importance:1 texture:1 gallagher:2 nat:1 phd:1 conditioned:4 gluck:2 surprise:1 sophistication:1 likely:2 unexpected:1 holland:4 ma:3 cti:1 comparator:2 presentation:2 shared:1 absence:7 man:1 change:5 experimentally:1 included:1 justify:1 called:5 partly:1 experimental:3 puzzling:1 support:2 latter:1 theresa:1 tested:1 phenomenon:1 mackintosh:8 |
507 | 1,464 | Regularisation in Sequential Learning
J oao FG de Freitas
Cambridge University
Engineering Department
Cambridge CB2 IPZ England
[email protected]
[Corresponding author]
Mahesan Niranjan
Cambridge University
Engineering Department
Cambridge CB2 IPZ England
[email protected]
Andrew H Gee
Cambridge University
Engineering Department
Cambridge CB2 IPZ England
[email protected]
In this paper, we discuss regularisation in online/sequential learning algorithms. In environments where data arrives sequentially,
techniques such as cross-validation to achieve regularisation or
model selection are not possible. Further, bootstrapping to determine a confidence level is not practical. To surmount these
problems, a minimum variance estimation approach that makes use
of the extended Kalman algorithm for training multi-layer perceptrons is employed. The novel contribution of this paper is to show
the theoretical links between extended Kalman filtering, Sutton's
variable learning rate algorithms and Mackay's Bayesian estimation framework. In doing so, we propose algorithms to overcome
the need for heuristic choices of the initial conditions and noise
covariance matrices in the Kalman approach.
Model estimation involves building mathematical representations of physical processes using measured data. This problem is often referred to as system identification, time-series modelling or machine learning. In many occasions, the system
being modelled varies with time. Under this circumstance, the estimator needs to be
Regularisation in Sequential Learning Algorithms
updated sequentially. Online or sequential learning has many applications in tracking and surveillance, control systems, fault detection, communications, econometric
systems, operations research, navigation and other areas where data sequences are
often non-stationary and difficult to obtain before the actual estimation process.
To achieve acceptable generalisation, the complexity of the estimator needs to be
judiciously controlled. Although there are various reliable schemes for controlling
model complexity when training en bloc (batch processing), the same cannot be
said about sequential learning. Conventional regularisation techniques cannot be
applied simply because there is no data to cross-validate. Consequently, there is
ample scope for the design of sequential methods of controlling model complexity.
A dynamical system may be described by the following discrete, stochastic state
space representation:
Wk +dk
g(Wk, tk) + Vk
where it has been assumed that the model parameters (Wk E R<J) constitute the
states of the system, which in our case represent the weights of a multi-layer perceptron (MLP). g is a nonlinear vector function that may change at each estimation
step k, tk denotes the time at the k-th estimation step and dk and Vk represent
zero mean white noise with covariances given by Qk and Rk respectively. The noise
terms are often called the process noise (dk) and the measurement noise (Vk). The
system measurements are encoded in the output vector Yk E Rm.
The estimation problem may be reformulated as having to compute an estimate
Wk of the states Wk using the set of measurements Yk = {Yl, Y2, "', Yk}. The
estimate Wk can be used to predict future values of the output y. We want Wk to be
an unbiased, minimum variance and consistent estimate (Gelb 1984). A minimum
variance (unbiased) estimate is one that has its variance less than or equal to that of
any other unbiased estimator. Since the variance of the output Y depends directly
on the variance of the parameter estimates (Astrom 1970), the minimum variance
framework constitutes a regularisation scheme for sequential learning.
The conditional probability density function of Wk given Yk (p(wkIYk)) constitutes
the complete solution of the estimation problem (Bar-Shalom and Li 1993, Ho and
Lee 1964, Jazwinski 1970). This is simply because p(wkIYk) embodies all the statistical information about Wk given the measurements Yk and the initial condition Woo
This is essentially the Bayesian approach to estimation, where instead of describing
a model by a single set of parameters, it is expressed in terms of the conditional
probability p(wkIYk) (Jaynes 1986, Jazwinski 1970). The estimate Wk can be computed from p(wklY k) according to several criteria, namely MAP estimation (peak
of the posterior), minimum variance estimation (centroid of the posterior) and minimax estimation (median of the posterior).
The Bayesian solution to the optimal estimation problem is (Ho and Lee 1964):
P(Wk+1,Yk+I IYk)
p(Yk+1I Yk)
J p(Yk+1IYk, Wk+l )p(wk+1lwk)P(Wk IYk)dwk
J J p(Yk+lIYk, Wk+1 )p(Wk+llwk)p(Wk IYk)dwk+l dWk (3)
where the integrals run over the parameter space. This functional integral difference
equation governing the evolution of the posterior density function is not suitable
1. R G. d. Freitas, M. Niranjan andA. H. Gee
for practical implementation (Bar-Shalom and Li 1993, Jazwinski 1970). It involves
propagating a quantity (the posterior density function) that cannot be described
by a finite number of parameters. The situation in the linear case is vastly simpler.
There the mean and covariance are sufficient statistics for describing the Gaussian
posterior density function.
In view of the above statements, it would be desirable to have a framework for nonlinear estimation similar to the one for linear-Gaussian estimation. The extended
Kalman filter (EKF) constitutes an attempt in this direction (Bar-Shalom and Li
1993, Gelb 1984). The EKF is a minimum variance estimator based on a Taylor
series expansion of the nonlinear function g(w) around the previous estimate. The
EKF equations for a linear expansion are given by:
+ Qk)Gk+l [Rk + Gk+1 (Pk + Qk)Gk+1]-1
Wk + Kk+l(Yk+l - Gk+l Wk)
Pk + Qk - Kk+lGk+l (Pk + Qk)
where Pk denotes the covariance of the weights. In the general multiple input,
multiple output (MIMO) case, g E ~m is a vector function and G represents the
Jacobian of the network outputs with respect to the weights.
The EKF provides a minimum variance Gaussian approximation to the posterior
probability density function. In many cases, p(wkIYk) is a multi-modal (several
peaks) function. In this scenario, it is possible to use a committee of Kalman
filters, where each individual filter approximates a particular mode, to produce
a more accurate approximation (Bar-Shalom and Li 1993, Kadirkamanathan and
Kadirkamanathan 1995). The parameter covariances of the individual estimators
may be used to determine the contribution of each estimator to the committee. In
addition, the parameter covariances serve the purpose of placing confidence intervals
on the output prediction.
One of the earliest implementations of EKF trained MLPs is due to Singhal and
Wu (Singhal and Wu 1988). In their method, the network weights are grouped
into a single vector w that is updated in accordance with the EKF equations. The
entries of the Jacobian matrix are calculated by back-propagating the m output
values through the network.
The algorithm proposed by Singhal and Wu requires a considerable computational
effort. The complexity is of the order mq2 multiplications per estimation step. Shah,
Palmieri and Datum (1992) and Puskorius and Feldkamp (1991) have proposed
strategies for decoupling the global EKF estimation algorithm into local EKF estimation sub-problems, thereby reducing the computational time. The EKF is an improvement over conventional MLP estimation techniques, such as back-propagation,
in that it makes use of second order statistics (covariances). These statistics are
essential for placing error bars on the predictions and for combining separate networks into committees of networks. Further, it has been proven elsewhere that the
back-propagation algorithm is simply a degenerate of the EKF algorithm (Ruck,
Rogers, Kabrisky, Maybeck and Oxley 1992).
However, the EKF algorithm for training MLPs suffers from serious difficulties,
namely choosing the initial conditions (wo, Po) and the noise covariance matrices
Rand Q. In this work, we propose the use of maximum likelihood techniques,
such as back-propagation computed over a small set of initial data, to initialise the
Regularisation in Sequential Learning Algorithm~
EKF-MLP estimator. The following two subsections? describe ways of overcoming
the difficulty of choosing R and Q.
To circumvent the problem of choosing the process noise covariance Q, while at the
same time increasing computational efficiency, it is possible to extend an algorithm
proposed by Sutton (Sutton 1992) to the nonlinear case. In doing so, the weights covariance is approximated by a diagonal matrix with entries given by pqq = exp(,8q),
where,8 is updated by error back-propagation (de Freitas, Niranjan and Gee 1997).
The Kalman gain K k and the weights estimate Wk are updated using a variation of
the Kalman equations, where the Kalman gain and weights update equations are
independent of Q (Gelb 1984), while the weights covariance P is updated by backpropagation. This algorithm lessens the burden of choosing the matrix Q by only
having to choose the learning rate scalar 1]. The performance of the EKF algorithm
with P updated by back-propagation will be analysed in Section 4.
A further improvement on the EKF algorithm for training MLPs would be to update
Rand Q automatically each estimation step. This can be done by borrowing some
ideas from the Bayesian estimation field. In particular, we shall attempt to link
Mackay's work (Mackay 1992, Mackay 1994) on Bayesian estimation for neural
networks with the EKF estimation framework. This theoretical link should serve
to enhance both methods.
Mackay expresses the prior, likelihood and posterior density functions in terms of
the following Gaussian approximations:
p(w) = (27r)q/2 a -q/2 exp - "2llwll )
p(Yklw) = (27r)n/2,8-n/2 exp ( - "2 L.,..(Yk - fn,q(w, <Pk)) )
p(wIYk )
= (27r)q/2IAI- 1 / 2 exp ( - 2(w - WMP) A(w - WMP))
where in,q(w, <Pk) represents the estimator and the hyper-parameters a and ,8 control the variance of the prior distribution of weights and the variance of the measurement noise. a also plays the role of the regularisation coefficient. The posterior
is obtained by approximating it with a Gaussian function, whose mean wMP is given
by a minimum of the following regularised error function:
S(w) = "2llwl12
+ "2 L.,..(Yk -
fn,q(w, <Pk))
The posterior covariance A is the Hessian of the above error function.
In Mackay's estimation framework, also known as the evidence framework, the
parameters ware obtained by minimising equation (10), while the hyper-parameters
a and ,8 are obtained by maximising the evidence p(Yk la,,8) after approximating
the posterior density function by a Gaussian function. In doing so, the following
recursive formulas for a and ,8 are obtained:
ak+1 = L: q
,8k+1 =
i=l Wi
L::k=l (Yk - in,q(Wk, <Pk))
J. F. G. d. Freitas, M. Niranjan andA. H. Gee
The quantity 'Y represents the effective number of parameters 'Y = 2J~=1 >.:~a' where
the Ai correspond to the eigenvalues of the Hessian of the error function without
the regularisation term .
Instead of adopting Mackay's evidence framework, it is possible to maximise the
posterior density function by performing integrations over the hyper-parameters
analytically (Buntine and Weigend 1991, Mackay 1994). The latter approach is
known as the MAP framework for 0 and {3. The hyper-parameters computed by
the MAP framework differ from the ones computed by the evidence framework in
that the former makes use of the total number of parameters and not only the
effective number of parameters. That is, 0 and {3 are updated according to:
Ok+l = ",q
{3k+1 =
L.,..i=l Wi
l:k=l (Yk - /n,q(Wk , <Pk))
By comparing the equations for the prior, likelihood and posterior density functions
in the Kalman filtering framework (Ho and Lee 1964) with equations (7), (8) and
(9) we can establish the following relations:
P=A- 1
Q=o-IIq_A- 1
where Iq and 1m represent identity matrices of sizes q and m respectively. Therefore,
it is possible to update Q and R sequentially by expressing them in terms of the
sequential updates of 0 and {3.
Figure 1: Prediction using the conventional EKF algorithm for a network with 20
hidden neurons. Actual output [. . .J and estimated output [-J.
To compare the performance of the conventional EKF algorithm, the EKF algorithm with P updated by back-propagation, and the EKF algorithm with Rand
Q updated sequentially according to the Bayesian MAP framework, noisy data was
generated from the following nonlinear, non-stationary, multivariate process:
(t) - { Xl (t) + X2 (t) + v(t)
4sin(xdt)) + X2(t) sin(0.03(t - 200)) + v(t}
1 ::; t ::; 200
< t ::; 1000
Regularisation in Sequential Learning Algorithms
where the inputs Xi are uniformly distributed random sequences with variance equal .
to 1 and v(t) corresponds to uniformly distributed noise with variance equal to 0.1.
Figure 1 shows the prediction obtained using the conventional EKF algorithm. To
," ,
~ 1.5
Figure 2: Output error for the conventional EKF algorithm [. .. ], the EKF algorithm
with P updated by back-propagation [- . -], the EKF algorithm with Rand Q
updated sequentially according to the Bayesian MAP framework [-], and the EKF
algorithm with the Bayesian evidence framework [- - -] .
compare the four estimation frameworks, an MLP with 20 neurons in the hidden
layer was selected. The initial conditions were obtained by using back-propagation
on the first 100 samples and assigning to P a diagonal matrix with diagonal elements
equal to 10. The matrices R and Q in the conventional EKF algorithm were chosen,
by trial and error, to be identity matrices. In the EKF algorithm with P updated
by back-propagation, R was chosen to be equal to the identity matrix, while the
learning rate was set to 0.01. Finally, in the EKF algorithm with Rand Q updated
sequentially, the initial Rand Q matrices were chosen to be identity matrices. The
prediction errors obtained for each method with random input data are shown in
Figure 2.
It is difficult to make a fair comparison between the four nonlinear estimation
methods because their parameters were optimised independently. However, the
results suggest that the prediction obtained with the conventional EKF training
outperforms the predictions of the other methods. This may be attributed to the
facts that, firstly, in this simple problem it is possible to guess the optimal values for
Rand Q and, secondly, the algorithms to update the noise covariances may affect
the regularisation performance of the EKF algorithm. This issue, and possible
solutions, is explored in depth by the authors in (de Freitas et al. 1997).
In this paper, we point out the links between Kalman filtering, gradient descent
algorithms with variable learning rates and Bayesian estimation. This results in two
algorithms for eliminating the problem of choosing the initial conditions and the
noise covariance matrices in the training of MLPs with the EKF. These algorithms
are illustrated on a toy problem here, but more extensive experiments have been
reported in (de Freitas et al. 1997).
Improved estimates may be readily obtained by combining the estimators into com-
J. R G. d. Freitas, M. Niranjan and A. H. Gee
mit tees or extending the training methods to recurrent networks. Finally, the computational time may be reduced by decoupling the network weights.
Joao FG de Freitas is financially supported by two University of the Witwatersrand
Merit Scholarships, a Foundation for Research Development Scholarship (South
Africa) and a Trinity College External Studentship (Cambridge).
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Sutton, R. S. (1992). Gain adaptation beats least squares?, Proceedings of the
Seventh Yale Workshop on Adaptive Learning Systems, pp. 161-166.
| 1464 |@word trial:1 eliminating:2 justice:1 lwk:1 eng:4 covariance:14 thereby:1 tr:1 initial:7 series:2 outperforms:1 freitas:9 africa:1 comparing:1 jaynes:2 com:1 analysed:1 assigning:1 readily:1 fn:2 update:5 stationary:2 intelligence:1 selected:1 guess:1 provides:1 firstly:1 simpler:1 mathematical:1 multi:3 feldkamp:2 automatically:1 actual:2 increasing:1 heidbreder:1 joao:1 bootstrapping:1 rm:1 uk:3 control:5 before:1 maximise:1 engineering:3 accordance:1 local:1 sutton:4 ak:1 ware:1 optimised:1 interpolation:1 mateo:1 practical:2 recursive:2 witwatersrand:1 backpropagation:2 cb2:3 area:1 confidence:2 suggest:1 cannot:3 selection:1 layered:1 conventional:8 map:5 independently:1 estimator:9 initialise:1 variation:1 updated:13 controlling:2 play:1 regularised:1 element:1 approximated:1 updating:1 role:1 yk:16 mozer:1 environment:1 complexity:4 cam:4 dynamic:1 trained:1 serve:2 efficiency:1 po:1 joint:1 various:1 fast:1 describe:1 effective:2 hyper:4 choosing:5 whose:1 heuristic:1 encoded:1 modular:1 statistic:4 noisy:1 online:2 sequence:2 eigenvalue:1 propose:2 adaptation:1 combining:2 degenerate:1 achieve:2 validate:1 seattle:1 extending:1 produce:1 comparative:1 tk:2 cued:1 iq:1 andrew:1 ac:5 propagating:2 recurrent:1 measured:1 ard:1 involves:2 differ:1 direction:1 filter:5 stochastic:4 rogers:2 trinity:1 secondly:1 im:1 around:1 exp:4 scope:1 predict:1 purpose:1 estimation:32 lessens:1 oxley:2 grouped:1 hasselmo:1 mit:2 gaussian:6 ekf:31 surveillance:1 earliest:1 vk:3 improvement:2 modelling:1 likelihood:3 centroid:1 jazwinski:4 borrowing:1 relation:1 hidden:2 issue:1 development:1 integration:1 mackay:10 equal:5 field:1 having:2 represents:3 ipz:3 placing:2 constitutes:3 future:1 report:1 serious:1 individual:2 attempt:2 detection:1 mlp:4 navigation:1 arrives:1 puskorius:2 accurate:1 integral:2 decoupled:1 taylor:1 theoretical:2 mahesan:1 singhal:4 entry:2 mimo:1 seventh:1 lgk:1 buntine:2 reported:1 varies:1 density:9 peak:2 international:1 lee:4 yl:1 bloc:1 enhance:1 vastly:1 choose:1 external:1 li:5 toy:1 de:6 wk:22 coefficient:1 depends:1 ahg:1 view:1 doing:3 contribution:2 mlps:5 square:1 variance:14 qk:5 correspond:1 modelled:1 bayesian:16 identification:1 suffers:1 touretzky:2 ed:5 pp:5 attributed:1 gain:3 palmieri:2 subsection:1 back:12 ok:1 modal:1 improved:1 rand:7 iai:1 done:1 governing:1 wmp:3 nonlinear:7 propagation:11 mode:1 building:1 y2:1 unbiased:3 evolution:1 analytically:1 former:1 illustrated:1 white:1 sin:2 criterion:1 occasion:1 complete:1 oao:1 novel:1 functional:1 physical:1 extend:1 approximates:1 measurement:5 expressing:1 cambridge:9 ai:1 automatic:1 posterior:13 multivariate:1 shalom:5 scenario:1 tee:1 fault:1 minimum:8 employed:1 determine:2 artech:1 multiple:2 desirable:1 technical:1 england:3 jfgf:2 cross:2 minimising:1 academic:2 niranjan:7 controlled:1 prediction:7 infeng:1 multilayer:2 essentially:1 circumstance:1 represent:3 adopting:1 addition:1 want:1 background:1 interval:1 median:1 south:1 ample:1 feedforward:2 affect:1 idea:1 judiciously:1 effort:1 wo:1 reformulated:1 hessian:2 constitute:1 maybeck:2 reduced:1 http:1 estimated:1 per:1 discrete:1 shall:1 vol:1 express:1 four:2 wkiyk:4 econometric:1 surmount:1 weigend:2 run:1 wu:4 acceptable:1 layer:3 datum:2 yale:1 x2:2 ri:1 software:1 performing:1 department:3 according:4 llwll:1 wi:2 equation:8 discus:1 describing:2 committee:3 merit:1 operation:1 batch:1 ho:4 shah:2 denotes:2 xdt:1 embodies:1 scholarship:2 establish:1 approximating:2 quantity:2 kadirkamanathan:4 strategy:1 diagonal:3 said:1 financially:1 gradient:1 link:4 separate:1 maximising:1 kalman:14 kk:2 difficult:2 statement:1 gk:4 design:1 implementation:2 neuron:2 finite:1 descent:1 gelb:4 beat:1 situation:1 extended:6 communication:1 overcoming:1 namely:2 extensive:1 bar:6 dynamical:1 pattern:1 reliable:1 optimise:1 suitable:1 difficulty:2 circumvent:1 minimax:1 scheme:2 iyk:4 woo:1 prior:3 acknowledgement:1 multiplication:1 regularisation:12 filtering:6 proven:1 validation:1 foundation:1 integrate:1 sufficient:1 consistent:1 principle:1 elsewhere:1 supported:1 gee:6 perceptron:1 fg:2 distributed:2 overcome:1 calculated:1 depth:1 studentship:1 author:2 adaptive:1 san:1 transaction:2 global:1 sequentially:6 anda:2 assumed:1 xi:1 ca:1 decoupling:2 expansion:2 complex:1 ruck:2 pk:10 noise:11 hyperparameters:1 fair:1 astrom:2 referred:1 en:1 sub:1 xl:1 house:1 jacobian:2 rk:2 formula:1 explored:1 dk:3 evidence:5 essential:1 burden:1 workshop:1 sequential:11 boston:1 entropy:2 simply:3 expressed:1 llwl12:1 tracking:2 scalar:1 corresponds:1 ukj:1 conditional:2 identity:4 consequently:1 rbf:1 considerable:1 change:1 generalisation:1 reducing:1 uniformly:2 dwk:3 called:1 total:1 la:1 perceptrons:3 college:1 latter:1 |
508 | 1,465 | Adaptive choice of grid and time
reinforcement learning
Stephan Pareigis
[email protected]
Lehrstuhl Praktische Mathematik
Christian-Albrechts-Uni versitiit Kiel
Kiel, Germany
We propose local error estimates together with algorithms for adaptive a-posteriori grid and time refinement in reinforcement learning. We consider a deterministic system with continuous state and
time with infinite horizon discounted cost functional. For grid refinement we follow the procedure of numerical methods for the
Bellman-equation. For time refinement we propose a new criterion,
based on consistency estimates of discrete solutions of the Bellmanequation. We demonstrate, that an optimal ratio of time to space
discretization is crucial for optimal learning rates and accuracy of
the approximate optimal value function.
Reinforcement learning can be performed for fully continuous problems by discretizing state space and time, and then performing a discrete algorithm like Q-Iearning
or RTDP (e.g. [5]). Consistency problems arise if the discretization needs to be
refined, e.g. for more accuracy, application of multi-grid iteration or better starting
values for the iteration of the approximate optimal value function. In [7] it was
shown, that for diffusion dominated problems, a state to time discretization ratio
k/ h of Ch'r, I > 0 has to hold, to achieve consistency (i.e. k = o(h)). It can be
shown, that for deterministic problems, this ratio must only be k / h = C, C a constant, to get consistent approximations of the optimal value function. The choice
of the constant C is crucial for fast learning rates, optimal use of computer memory
resources and accuracy of the approximation.
We suggest a procedure involving local a-posteriori error estimation for grid refinement, similar to the one used in numerical schemes for the Bellman-equation (see
[4]). For the adaptive time discretization we use a combination from step size con-
Adaptive Choice of Grid and Time in Reinforcement Learning
trol for ordinary differential equations and calculations for the rates of convergence
of fully discrete solutions of the Bellman-equation (see [3]). We explain how both
methods can be combined and applied to Q-Iearning. A simple numerical example
shows the effects of suboptimal state space to time discretization ratio, and provides
an insight in the problems of coupling both schemes.
Error estimation for adaptive choice of grid
We want to approximate the optimal value function V :
of the following problem: Minimize
n C IRd
J(x, u(.)) :=
n -+
IR in a state space
u(.): IR+ -+ A measurable,
e- pr g(Yx,u( .)(r), u(r))dr,
where 9 : n X A -+ IR+ is the cost function, and Yx,u( .)(.) is the solution of the
differential equation
y(t) f(y(t), u(t)), y(O) x.
As a trial space for the approximation of the optimal value function (or Q-function)
we use locally linear elements on simplizes Si, i = 1, ... , N s which form a triangulation of the state space, N s the number of simplizes. The vertices shall be called
Xi, i
1, . .. , N, N the dimension of the trial space 1 . This approach has been used
in numerical schemes for the Bellman-equation ([2], [4]). We will first assume, that
the grid is fixed and has a discretization parameter
= maxdiam{Si}.
Other than in the numerical case, where the updates are performed in the vertices of
the triangulation, in reinforcement learning only observed information is available.
We will assume, that in one time step of size h > 0, we obtain the following
? the current state Yn E
? an action an E A,
? the subsequent state Yn+1 := YYn,a n(h)
? the local cost rn = r(Yn, an) =
Joh e-PTg(YYn,an(r),an(r))dr.
The state Yn, in which an update is to be made, may be any state in
finite, and an locally constant .
n. A
shall be
The new value of the fully discrete Q-function Qi (Yn, an) should be set to
shall be
+ e -phTTk
v h Yn+l ,
V; (Yn+d = minaQi(Yn+l,a). We call the right side the update function
We will update Qi in the vertices {Xd~l of the triangulation in one ofthe following
two ways:
When an adaptive grid is used, then N s and N depend on the refinement.
Kaczmarz-update. Let
nates, such that
(AI, .. . , AN) be the vector of barycentric coordi-
Yn =
2: Aixi,
O:SAi:Sl, foralli=I, ... ,N.
Then update
Kronecker-update. Let 53 Yn and x be the vertex of 5, closest to Yn (if there
is a draw, then the update can be performed in all winners). Then update Q~ only
in x according to
Each method has some assets and drawbacks . In our computer simulations the
Kaczmarz-update seemed to be more stable over the Kronecker-update (see [6]) .
However , examples may be constructed where a (Holder-) continuous bounded optimal value function V is to be approximated, and the Kaczmarz-update produces
an approximation with arbitrarily high "."sup-norm (place a vertex x of the triangulation in a point where
V is infinity, and use as update states the vertex x in
turn with an arbitrarily close state x) .
Kronecker-update will provide a bounded approximation if V is bounded. Let
be the fully-discrete optimal value function
Vhk (xd = min{r(xi'
a) + e-PhVhk (Yxi,a(h)),
i = 1, . . . , N .
Then it can be shown, that an approximationyerformed by Kronecker-update will
(with respect to the "."sup-norm),
eventually be caught in an c-neighborhood of
if the data points Yo, Yl, Y2, . . . are sufficiently dense. Under regularity conditions
on V, c may be bounded by2
As a criterion for grid refinement we choose a form of a local a posteriori error estimate as defined in [4] . Let
(x) = mina Q~ (x, a) be the current iterate of the optimal value function. Let ax E U be the minimizing control ax = argmina Q~ (x, a).
Then we define
If Vhk is in the c-neighborhood of
then it can be shown, that (for every x E
and simplex Sx with x E Sx, ax as above)
O:S e(x) :S sup P(z , az , Vhk) - inf P( z , az , Vhk).
z ESz:
z ES:t
If Vhk is Lipschitz-continuous, then an estimate using only Gronwall's inequality
bounds the right side and therefore e(x) by C
where C depends on the Lipschitzconstants of
and the cost g .
2With respect to the results in [3] we assume, that also
~ C(h
+ 7;:)
can be shown.
Adaptive Choice of Grid and Time in Reinforcement Learning
The value ej := maXxesj eh(x) defines a function, which is locally constant on every
simplex. We use ej, j = 1, ... , N as an indicator function for grid refinement. The
(global) tolerance value tolk for ej shall be set to
= C * (L; edlNs,
where we have chosen 1 :::; C :::; 2. We approximate the function e on the simplizes
in the following way, starting in some Yn E Sj:
apply a control a E U constantly on [T, T + h]
receive value rn and subsequent state Yn+l
calculate the update value Ph(x, a, Vf)
if (IPh(x,a, vt) - Vt(x)l ~ ej) then ej := IPh(x,a, Vhk) - Vt(x)1
It is advisable to make grid refinements in one sweep. We also store (different to
the described algorithm) several past values of ej in every simplex, to be able to
distinguish between large ej due to few visits in that simplex and the large ej due to
space discretization error. For grid refinement we use a method described in ([1]).
A local criterion for time refinement
Why not take the smallest possible sampling rate? There are two arguments for
adaptive time discretization. First, a bigger time step h naturally improves (decreases) the contraction rate of the iteration, which is e- ph . The new information
is conveyed from a point further away (in the future) for big h, without the need
to store intermediate states along the trajectory. It is therefore reasonable to start
with a big h and refine where needed.
The second argument is, that the grid and time discretization k and h stand in a
certain relation. In [3] the estimate
lV(x) - vt(x)1 :::; C(h +
for all x
C a constant
is proven (or similar estimates, depending on the regularity of V). For obvious
reasons, it is desirable to start with a coarse grid (storage, speed), i.e. k large.
Having a too small h in this case will make the approximation error large. Also
here, it is reasonable to start with a big h and refine where needed.
What can serve as a refinement criterion for the time step h? In numerical schemes
for ordinary differential equations, adaptive step size control is performed by estimating the local truncation error of the Taylor series by inserting intermediate
points. In reinforcement learning, however, suppose the system has a large truncation error (i.e. it is difficult to control) in a certain region using large h and locally
constant control functions. If the optimal value function is nearly constant in this
region, we will not have to refine h. The criterion must be, that at an intermediate
point, e.g. at time h12, the optimal value function assumes a value considerably
smaller (better) than at time h . However, if this better value is due to error in the
state discretization, then do not refine the time step.
We define a function H on the simplices of the triangulation. H(S) > holds the
time-step which will be used when in simplex S. Starting at a state Yn E n, Yn E Sn
at time T > 0, with the current iterate of the Q-function Q~ (Vhk respectively) the
following is performed:
s. Pareigis
1. apply a control a E U constantly on [T, T + h]
2. take a sample at the intermediate state z = YYn,a(h/2)
3. if (H(Sn) < C*vdiam{Sn}) then end.
4. compute Vl(z) = millb Q~(z, b)
5. compute Ph/2(Yn, a, Vt) = rh/2(Yn, a) + e- ph / 2Vt(z)
6. compute Ph(Yn, a, Vt) = rh(Yn, a) +e-phVl(Yn+d
7. if (Ph/ 2(Yn, a, Vhk) S Ph(Yn , a, Vhk)-tol) update H(Sn)
= H(Sn)/2
The value C is currently set to
= C(Yn, a) = -lrh/2(Yn,
a) p
rh(Yn, a)/,
whereby a local value of MI~gh2 is approximated, MJ (x)
approximation of l\7g(x, a)1 (if 9 is sufficiently regular).
= maxa If(x, a)l,
Lg an
tol depends on the local value of Vhk and is set to
tOl(x) = 0.1 * vt(x).
How can a Q-function Q:~:~(x, a), with state dependent time and space discretisation be approximated and stored? We have stored the time discretisation function
H locally constant on every simplex. This implies (if H is not constant on 0), that
there will be vertices Xj, such that adjacent triangles hold different values of H .
The Q-function, which is stored in the vertices, then has different choices of H(xj).
We solved this problem, by updating a function Q'H(Xj, a) with Kaczmarz-update
and the update value PH(Yn) (Yn , a, Vt), Yn in an to Xj adjacent simplex, regardless
of the different H-values in Xj. Q'H(Xj, a) therefore has an ambiguous semantic:
it is the value if a is applied for 'some time ', and optimal from there on. 'some
time'depends here on the value of H in the current simplex. It can be shown, that
IQ~(Xj)/2(xj,a) - Q'H(Xj)(xj,a)1 is less than the space discretization error.
A simple numerical example
We demonstrate the effects of suboptimal values for space and time discretisation
with the following problem. Let the system equation be
iJ = f(y, u) :=
(~1 ~) (y -
.375 )
yEO = [0,1] x [0,1] (8)
The stationary point of the uncontrolled system is v. The eigenvalues of the system
are {u + i, U - i}, u E [-c, cJ. The system is reflected at the boundary.
The goal of the optimal control shall be steer the solution along a given trajectory in
state space (see figure 1), minimizing the integral over the distance from the current
state to the given trajectory. The reinforcement or cost function is therefore chosen
to be
g(y) dist(L, y)t,
where L denotes the set of points in the given trajectory. The cost functional takes
the form
( 10)
Adaptive Choice of Grid and Time in Reinforcement Learning
Figure 1: The left picture depicts the L-form of the given trajectory. The stationary
point of the system is at (.375, .375) (depicted as a big dot). The optimal value function
computed by numerical schemes on a fine fixed grid is depicted with too large time discretization (middle) and small time discretization (right) (rotated by about 100 degrees
for better viewing). The waves in the middle picture show the effect of too large time steps
in regions where 9 varies considerably.
In the learning problem, the adaptive grid mechanism tries to resolve the waves
(figure 1, middle picture) which come from the large time discretization. This is
depicted in figure 2. We used only three different time step sizes (h
0.1, 0.05 and
0.025) and started globally with the coarsest step size 0.1.
Figure 2: The adaptive grid mechanism refines correctly. However, in the left picture,
unnecessary effort is spended in resolving regions, in which the time step should be refined
urgently. The right picture shows the result, if adaptive time is also used. Regions outside
the L-form are refined in the early stages of learning while h was still large. An additional
coarsening should be considered in future work. We used a high rate of random jumps in
the process and locally a certainty equivalence controller to produce these pictures.
S. Pareigis
Discussion of the methods and conclusions
We described a time and space adaptive method for reinforcement learning with
discounted cost functional. The ultimate goal would be, to find a self tuning algorithm which locally adjusted the time and space discretization automatically to the
optimal ratio. The methods worked fine in the problems we investigated, e.g. nonlinearities in the system showed no problems. Nevertheless, the results depended
on the choice of the tolerance values C, tol and tolk' We used only three time discretization steps to prevent adjacent triangles holding time discretization values too
far apart. The smallest state space resolution in the example is therefore too fine
for the finest time resolution. A solution can be, to eventually use controls that are
of higher order (in terms of approximation of control functions) than constant (e.g.
linear, polynomial, or locally constant on subintervals of the finest time interval).
This corresponds to locally open loop controls.
The optimality of the discretization ratio time/space could not be proven. Some
discontinuous value functions 9 gave problems, and we had problems handling stiff
systems, too.
The learning period was considerably shorter (about factor 100 depending on the
requested accuracy and initial data) in the adaptive cases as opposed to fixed grid
and time with the same accuracy.
From our experience, it is difficult in numerical analysis to combine adaptive time
and space discretization methods. To our knowledge this concept has not yet been
applied to the Bellman-equation. Theoretical work is still to be done. We are aware,
that triangulation of the state space yields difficulties in implementation in high
dimensions. In future work we will be using rectangular grids. We will also make
some comparisons with other algorithms like Parti-game ([5]). To us, a challenge is
seen in handling discontinuous systems and cost functions as they appear in models
with dry friction for example, as well as algebro-differential systems as they appear
in robotics.
[1] E. Bansch. Local mesh refinement in 2 and 3 dimensions. IMPACT Comput.
Sci. Engrg. 3, Vol. 3:181-191, 1991.
[2] M. Falcone. A numerical approach to the infinite horizon problem of deterministic control theory. Appl Math Optim 15:1-13, 1987.
[3] R. Gonzalez and M. Tidball. On the rates of convergence of fully discrete
solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations. INRIA, Rapports de Recherche, No
1376, Programme 5, 1991.
[4] L. Griine. An adaptive grid scheme for the discrete Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman
equation. Numerische Mathematik, Vol. 75, No. 3:319-337, 1997.
[5] A. W. Moore and C. G. Atkeson. The parti-game algorithm for variable resolution reinforcement learning in multidimensional state-spaces. Machine Learning,
Volume 21, 1995.
[6] S. Pareigis. Lernen der Losung der Bellman-Gleichung durch Beobachtung von
kontinuierlichen Prozepen. PhD thesis, Universitat Kiel, 1996.
[7] S. Pareigis. Multi-grid methods for reinforcement learning in controlled diffusion
processes. In D. S. Touretzky, M. C . Mozer, and M. E. Hasselmo, editors,
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, volume 9. The MIT Press,
Cambridge, 1997.
| 1465 |@word trial:2 middle:3 joh:1 polynomial:1 norm:2 open:1 simulation:1 contraction:1 initial:1 series:1 past:1 current:5 discretization:19 optim:1 urgently:1 si:2 yet:1 must:2 finest:2 refines:1 subsequent:2 numerical:10 mesh:1 christian:1 update:19 stationary:2 recherche:1 provides:1 coarse:1 math:1 kiel:4 albrechts:1 along:2 constructed:1 differential:4 combine:1 dist:1 multi:2 bellman:7 discounted:2 globally:1 automatically:1 resolve:1 estimating:1 bounded:4 what:1 rtdp:1 maxa:1 certainty:1 sai:1 every:4 multidimensional:1 xd:2 iearning:2 control:11 yn:28 appear:2 hamilton:2 local:9 depended:1 inria:1 equivalence:1 appl:1 kaczmarz:4 procedure:2 foralli:1 regular:1 suggest:1 get:1 close:1 storage:1 measurable:1 deterministic:3 regardless:1 starting:3 caught:1 rectangular:1 resolution:3 numerische:1 insight:1 parti:2 suppose:1 aixi:1 element:1 approximated:3 praktische:1 updating:1 observed:1 solved:1 calculate:1 region:5 decrease:1 mozer:1 trol:1 depend:1 serve:1 triangle:2 fast:1 neighborhood:2 refined:3 outside:1 eigenvalue:1 propose:2 inserting:1 loop:1 achieve:1 az:2 convergence:2 regularity:2 produce:2 yxi:1 rotated:1 coupling:1 advisable:1 depending:2 iq:1 ij:1 implies:1 come:1 drawback:1 discontinuous:2 viewing:1 adjusted:1 hold:3 sufficiently:2 considered:1 early:1 smallest:2 estimation:2 currently:1 by2:1 esz:1 hasselmo:1 mit:1 ej:8 ax:3 yo:1 posteriori:3 dependent:1 vl:2 relation:1 germany:1 stp:1 aware:1 having:1 sampling:1 nearly:1 future:3 simplex:8 few:1 integral:1 experience:1 shorter:1 discretisation:3 taylor:1 theoretical:1 steer:1 ordinary:2 cost:8 vertex:8 too:6 universitat:1 stored:3 varies:1 considerably:3 combined:1 yl:1 together:1 von:1 thesis:1 opposed:1 choose:1 dr:2 yeo:1 nonlinearities:1 de:2 rapport:1 vi:3 depends:3 performed:5 try:1 sup:3 start:3 wave:2 minimize:1 il:1 ir:3 accuracy:5 holder:1 yield:1 ofthe:1 dry:1 trajectory:5 asset:1 explain:1 touretzky:1 obvious:1 naturally:1 mi:1 jacobi:2 con:1 pareigis:5 knowledge:1 improves:1 cj:1 higher:1 follow:1 reflected:1 lehrstuhl:1 done:1 stage:1 defines:1 effect:3 concept:1 y2:1 moore:1 semantic:1 adjacent:3 game:2 self:1 ambiguous:1 whereby:1 criterion:5 mina:1 demonstrate:2 functional:3 winner:1 volume:2 cambridge:1 ai:1 tuning:1 grid:24 consistency:3 engrg:1 had:1 dot:1 stable:1 argmina:1 closest:1 showed:1 triangulation:6 stiff:1 inf:1 apart:1 store:2 certain:2 inequality:1 discretizing:1 arbitrarily:2 durch:1 vt:9 der:2 seen:1 additional:1 period:1 resolving:1 desirable:1 calculation:1 visit:1 bigger:1 controlled:1 qi:2 impact:1 involving:1 controller:1 iteration:3 robotics:1 receive:1 want:1 fine:3 interval:1 else:1 crucial:2 coarsening:1 call:1 intermediate:4 stephan:1 iterate:2 xj:10 gave:1 suboptimal:2 ultimate:1 effort:1 ird:1 action:1 tol:4 locally:9 ph:8 sl:1 correctly:1 discrete:7 shall:5 vol:2 nevertheless:1 prevent:1 diffusion:2 place:1 reasonable:2 h12:1 draw:1 gonzalez:1 vf:1 bound:1 uncontrolled:1 distinguish:1 refine:4 kronecker:4 infinity:1 worked:1 dominated:1 speed:1 argument:2 min:1 optimality:1 friction:1 performing:1 coarsest:1 according:1 coordi:1 combination:1 smaller:1 pr:1 equation:11 resource:1 mathematik:2 turn:1 eventually:2 mechanism:2 needed:2 end:1 available:1 apply:2 away:1 ptg:1 assumes:1 denotes:1 yx:2 sweep:1 distance:1 sci:1 reason:1 ratio:6 minimizing:2 difficult:2 lg:1 holding:1 implementation:1 finite:1 rn:3 barycentric:1 able:1 challenge:1 memory:1 difficulty:1 eh:1 indicator:1 scheme:6 picture:6 started:1 sn:5 fully:5 proven:2 lv:1 degree:1 conveyed:1 consistent:1 editor:1 truncation:2 side:2 jh:1 lrh:1 tolerance:2 boundary:1 dimension:3 stand:1 seemed:1 made:1 adaptive:17 reinforcement:12 refinement:12 jump:1 programme:1 far:1 atkeson:1 sj:1 approximate:4 uni:2 global:1 unnecessary:1 xi:2 continuous:4 why:1 mj:1 subintervals:1 requested:1 investigated:1 dense:1 rh:3 big:4 arise:1 en:1 depicts:1 simplices:1 n:1 comput:1 nates:1 phd:1 sx:2 horizon:2 depicted:3 ch:1 iph:2 corresponds:1 constantly:2 goal:2 lipschitz:1 infinite:2 called:1 e:1 handling:2 |
509 | 1,466 | Independent Component Analysis for
identification of artifacts in
Magnetoencephalographic recordings
Ricardo Vigario 1 ; Veikko J ousmiiki2 ,
Matti Hiimiiliiinen2, Riitta Hari2, and Erkki Oja 1
1 Lab.
of Computer & Info. Science
Helsinki University of Technology
P.O. Box 2200, FIN-02015 HUT, Finland
{Ricardo.Vigario, Erkki.Oja}@hut.fi
2 Brain
Research Unit, Low Temperature Lab.
Helsinki University of Technology
P.O. Box 2200, FIN-02015 HUT, Finland
{veikko, msh, hari}@neuro.hut.fi
We have studied the application of an independent component analysis
(ICA) approach to the identification and possible removal of artifacts
from a magnetoencephalographic (MEG) recording. This statistical technique separates components according to the kurtosis of their amplitude
distributions over time, thus distinguishing between strictly periodical
signals, and regularly and irregularly occurring signals. Many artifacts
belong to the last category. In order to assess the effectiveness of the
method, controlled artifacts were produced, which included saccadic eye
movements and blinks, increased muscular tension due to biting and the
presence of a digital watch inside the magnetically shielded room. The
results demonstrate the capability of the method to identify and clearly
isolate the produced artifacts.
1 Introduction
When using a magnetoencephalographic (MEG) record, as a research or clinical tool, the
investigator may face a problem of extracting the essential features of the neuromagnetic
? Corresponding author
R. Vigario,
v. Jousmiiki, M. Hiimiiliiinen, R. Hari and E. Oja
signals in the presence of artifacts. The amplitude of the disturbance may be higher than
that of the brain signals, and the artifacts may resemble pathological signals in shape. For
example, the heart's electrical activity, captured by the lowest sensors of a whole-scalp
magnetometer array, may resemble epileptic spikes and slow waves (Jousmili and Hari
The identification and eventual removal of artifacts is a common problem in electroencephalography (EEG), but has been very infrequently discussed in context to MEG (Hari
1993; Berg and Scherg 1994).
The simplest and eventually most commonly used artifact correction method is rejection,
based on discarding portions of MEG that coincide with those artifacts. Other methods
tend to restrict the subject from producing the artifacts (e.g. by asking the subject to fix the
eyes on a target to avoid eye-related artifacts, or to relax to avoid muscular artifacts). The
effectiveness of those methods can be questionable in studies of neurological patients, or
other non-co-operative subjects. In eye artifact canceling, other methods are available and
have recently been reviewed by Vigario (I 997b) whose method is close to the one presented
here, and in Jung et aI. (1998).
This paper introduces a new method to separate brain activity from artifacts, based on the
assumption that the brain activity and the artifacts are anatomically and physiologically
separate processes, and that their independence is reflected in the statistical relation between the magnetic signals generated by those processes.
The remaining of the paper will include an introduction to the independent component
analysis, with a presentation of the algorithm employed and some justification of this approach. Experimental data are used to illustrate the feasibility of the technique, followed
by a discussion on the results.
Independent Component Analysis
Independent component analysis is a useful extension of the principal component analysis
(PC A). It has been developed some years ago in context with blind source separation applications (Jutten and Herault 1991; Comon 1994). In PCA. the eigenvectors of the signal
covariance matrix C = E{xx T } give the directions oflargest variance on the input data
x. The principal components found by projecting x onto those perpendicular basis vectors
are uncorrelated, and their directions orthogonal.
However, standard PCA is not suited for dealing with non-Gaussian data. Several authors, from the signal processing to the artificial neural network communities, have shown
that information obtained from a second-order method such as PCA is not enough and
higher-order statistics are needed when dealing with the more demanding restriction of
independence (Jutten and Herault 1991; Comon 1994). A good tutorial on neural ICA implementations is available by Karhunen et al. (1997). The particular algorithm used in this
study was presented and derived by Hyvarinen and Oja (1997a. 1997b).
The model
In blind source separation, the original independent sources are assumed to be unknown,
and we only have access to their weighted sum. In this model, the signals recorded in an
MEG study are noted as xk(i) (i ranging from 1 to L, the number of sensors used, and
k denoting discrete time); see Fig. 1. Each xk(i) is expressed as the weighted sum of M
ICAfor Identification of Artifacts in MEG Recordings
independent signals Sk(j), following the vector expression:
Xk = La(j)sdj) = ASk,
where Xk = [xk(1), ... , xk(L)]T is an L-dimensional data vector, made up of the L mixtures at discrete time k. The sk(1), ... , sk(M) are the M zero mean independent source
signals, and A = [a(1), . .. , a(M)] is a mixing matrix independent of time whose elements
ail are th.e unknown coefficients of the mixtures. In order to perform ICA, it is necessary
to have at least as many mixtures as there are independent sources (L ~ M). When this
relation is not fully guaranteed, and the dimensionality of the problem is high enough,
we should expect the first independent components to present clearly the most strongly
independent signals, while the last components still consist of mixtures of the remaining
signals. In our study, we did expect that the artifacts, being clearly independent from the
brain activity, should come out in the first independent components. The remaining of the
brain activity (e.g. a and J-L rhythms) may need some further processing.
The mixing matrix A is a function of the geometry of the sources and the electrical conductivities of the brain, cerebrospinal fluid, skull and scalp. Although this matrix is unknown.
we assume it to be constant, or slowly changing (to preserve some local constancy).
The problem is now to estimate the independent signals Sk (j) from their mixtures, or the
equivalent problem of finding the separating matrix B that satisfies (see Eq. 1)
In our algorithm, the solution uses the statistical definition of fourth-order cumulant or
kurtosis that, for the ith source signal, is defined as
kurt(s(i)) = E{s(i)4} - 3[E{s(i)2}]2,
where E( s) denotes the mathematical expectation of s.
2.2 The algorithm
The initial step in source separation, using the method described in this article, is whitening, or sphering. This projection of the data is used to achieve the uncorrelation between
the solutions found, which is a prerequisite of statistical independence (Hyvarinen and Oja
1997a). The whitening can as well be seen to ease the separation of the independent signals (Karhunen et al. 1997). It may be accomplished by PCA projection: v = V x, with
E{ vv T } = I. The whitening matrix V is given by
-=T ,
V -- A- 1 / 2 .....
where A = diag[-\(1), ... , -\(M)] is a diagonal matrix with the eigenvalues of the data
covariance matrix E{xxT}, and 8 a matrix with the corresponding eigenvectors as its
Consider a linear combination y = w T v of a sphered data vector v, with Ilwll = 1. Then
E{y2} = .1 andkurt(y) = E{y4}-3, whose gradientwithrespecttow is 4E{v(wTv)3} .
Based on this, Hyvarinen and Oja (1997a) introduced a simple and efficient fixed-point
algorithm for computing ICA, calculated over sphered zero-mean vectors v, that is able to
find one of the rows of the separating matrix B (noted w) and so identify one independent
source at a time - the corresponding independent source can then be found using Eq. 2.
This algorithm, a gradient descent over the kurtosis, is defined for a particular k as
1. Take a random initial vector Wo of unit norm. Let l = 1.
R. Vigario,
v. Jousmiiki, M. Hiimiiliiinen, R. Hari and E. Oja
2. Let Wi = E{V(W[.1 v)3} - 3Wl-I. The expectation can be estimated using a
large sample OfVk vectors (say, 1,000 vectors).
3. Divide Wi by its norm (e.g. the Euclidean norm
Ilwll = JLi wI J.
lflwT wi-II is not close enough to 1, let I = 1+1 andgo back to step 2.
output the vector Wi.
In order to estimate more than one solution, and up to a maximum of lvI, the algorithm
may be run as many times as required. It is, nevertheless, necessary to remove the infonnation contained in the solutions already found, to estimate each time a different independent
component. This can be achieved, after the fourth step of the algorithm, by simply subtracting the estimated solution s = w T v from the unsphered data Xk . As the solution is
defined up to a multiplying constant, the subtracted vector must be multiplied by a vector
containing the regression coefficients over each vector component of Xk.
The MEG signals were recorded in a magnetically shielded room with a 122-channel
whole-scalp Neuromag-122 neuromagnetometer. This device collects data at 61 locations
over the scalp, using orthogonal double-loop pick-up coils that couple strongly to a local
source just underneath, thus making the measurement "near-sighted" (HamaHi.inen et al.
One of the authors served as the subject and was seated under the magnetometer. He kept
his head immobile during the measurement. He was asked to blink and make horizontal
saccades, in order to produce typical ocular artifacts. Moreover, to produce myographic
artifacts, the subject was asked to bite his teeth for as long as 20 seconds. Yet another
artifact was created by placing a digital watch one meter away from the helmet into the
shieded room. Finally, to produce breathing artifacts, a piece of metal was placed next
to the navel. Vertical and horizontal electro-oculograms (VEOG and HEOG) and electrocardiogram (ECG) between both wrists were recorded simultaneously with the MEG, in
order to guide and ease the identification of the independent components. The bandpassfiltered MEG (0.03-90 Hz), VEOG, HEOG, and ECG (0.1-100 Hz) signals were digitized
at 297 Hz, and further digitally low-pass filtered, with a cutoff frequency of 45 Hz and
downsampled by a factor of 2. The total length of the recording was 2 minutes. A second
set of recordings was perfonned, to assess the reproducibility of the results.
Figure 1 presents a subset of 12 spontaneous MEG signals from the frontal, temporal and
occipital areas. Due to the dimension of the data (122 magnetic signals were recorded), it
is impractical to plot all MEG signals (the complete set is available on the internet - see
reference list for the adress (Vigario 1997a?. Also both EOG channels and the electrocardiogram are presented.
Figure 2 shows sections of9 independent components (IC's) found from the recorded data,
corresponding to a I min period, starting 1 min after the beginning of the measurements.
The first two IC's, with a broad band spectrum, are clearly due to the musclular activity
originated from the biting. Their separation into two components seems to correspond, on
the basis of the field patterns, to two different sets of muscles that were activated during
the process. IC3 and IC5 are, respectively showing the horizontal eye movements and the
eye blinks, respectively. IC4 represents cardiac artifact that is very clearly extracted. In
agreement with Jousmaki and Hari (1996), the magnetic field pattern of IC4 shows some
predominance on the left.
ICA/or Identification 0/ Artifacts in MEG Recordings
MEG [ 1000 fTlcm
500 IlV
500 IlV
---l MEG
rJ. .........
~ ?? ",~Jrt
~,.~ . ? .J..
2 t
5 t
., ... ...., ,'fIJ'\,
,LIlt ... .,
.,............. ................. "
....,..,."........ .
.... Dei ..... "
.'''IIb'''*. rt
-1I\JY. ? ---
I p", . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . at ...'....
I; rp ..
.,...............' tMn':M.U
... ,
, ..... '
5 ~
6 t
It ... 11.1. HEOG
~UijuJJJ.LU Wl Uij.lJU.LllU.UUUllUUij,UU~ijJJJ
10 s
Figure 1: Samples of MEG signals, showing artifacts produced by blinking, saccades,
biting and cardiac cycle. For each of the 6 positions shown, the two orthogonal directions
of the sensors are plotted.
The breathing artifact was visible in several independent components, e.g. IC6 and IC7. It
is possible that, in each breathing the relative position and orientation of the metallic piece
with respect to the magnetometer has changed. Therefore, the breathing artifact would be
associated with more than one column of the mixing matrix A, or to a time varying mixing
To make the analysis less sensible to the breathing artifact, and to find the remaining artifacts, the data were high-pass filtered, with cutoff frequency at 1 Hz. Next, the independent
component IC8 was found. It shows clearly the artifact originated at the digital watch,
located to the right side of the magnetometer.
The last independent component shown, relating to the first minute of the measurement,
shows an independent component that is related to a sensor presenting higher RMS (root
mean squared) noise than the others.
The present paper introduces a new approach to artifact identification from MEG recordings, based on the statistical technique of Independent Component Analysis. Using this
method, we were able to isolate both eye movement and eye blinking artifacts, as well as
R. Vigario,
v. Jousmiiki, M HtJmlJliiinen, R. Hari and E. Oja
cardiac, myographic, and respiratory artifacts.
The basic asswnption made upon the data used in the study is that of independence between brain and artifact waveforms. In most cases this independence can be verified by the
known differences in physiological origins of those signals. Nevertheless, in some eventrelated potential (ERP) studies (e.g. when using infrequent or painful stimuli), both the
cerebral and ocular signals can be similarly time-locked to the stimulus. This local time
dependence could in principle affect these particular ICA studies. However, as the independence between two signals is a measure of the similarity between their joint amplitude
distribution and the product of each signal's distribution (calculated throughout the entire
signal, and not only close to the stimulus applied), it can be expected that the very local
relation between those two signals, during stimulation, will not affect their global statistical
Supported by a grant from Junta Nacional de Investiga~ao Cientifica e Tecnologica, under
its 'Programa PRAXIS XXI' (R.Y.) and the Academy of Finland (R.H.).
Berg, P. and M. Scherg (1994). A multiple source approach to the correction of eye
artifacts. Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol. 90, 229-241.
Comon, P. (1994). Independent component analysis - a new concept? Signal Processing 36,287-314.
Hamalainen, M., R. Hari, R. Ilmoniemi, 1. Knuutila, and O. Y. Lounasmaa (1993, April).
Magnetoencephalography-theory, instrumentation, and applications to noninvasive
studies of the working human brain. Reviews o/Modern Physics 65(2), 413-497.
Hari, R. (1993). Magnetoencephalography as a tool of clinical neurophysiology. In
E. Niedermeyer and F. L. da Silva (Eds.), Electroencephalography. Basic principles, clinical applications, and relatedjields, pp. 1035-1061 . Baltimore: Williams
& Wilkins.
Hyvarinen, A. and E. Oja (l997a). A fast fixed-point algorithm for independent component analysis. Neural Computation (9), 1483-1492.
Hyvarinen, A. and E. Oja (1997b). One-unit learning rules for independent component
analysis. In Neural Information Processing Systems 9 (Proc. NIPS '96). MIT Press.
Jousmiiki, Y. and R. Hari (1996). Cardiac artifacts in magnetoencephalogram. Journal
o/Clinical Neurophysiology 13(2), 172-176.
Jung, T.-P., C. Hwnphries, T.-W. Lee, S. Makeig, M. J. McKeown, Y. lragui, and
T. Sejnowski (1998). Extended ica removes artifacts from electroencephalographic
recordings. In Neural Information Processing Systems 10 (Proc. NIPS '97). MIT
Jutten, C. and 1. Herault (1991). Blind separation of sources, part i: an adaptive algorithm based on neuromimetic architecture. Signal Processing 24, 1-10.
Karhunen, J., E. Oja, L. Wang, R. Vigmo, and J. Joutsensalo (1997). A class of neural
networks for independent component analysis. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks 8(3),
Vigmo, R. (1997a). WWW adress for the MEG data:
Vigmo, R. (1997b). Extraction of ocular artifacts from eeg using independent component analysis. To appear in Electroenceph. c/in. Neurophysiol.
ICAfor Identification ofArtifacts in MEG Recordings
------,--y~-------------------------.-.------~~.. ,.. ~
''' ... '' .. '
<> .
.\ C:> ?
____I4-_. _
. . . ._.---_._. . . .-.__
. """"""?t;_-"'' '....
. . . . .-......,.....
I' ......
d1b ..
~*W,.'tJ ......
r' .. ns...
. . . . .t . .
10 s
Figure 2: Nine independent components found from the MEG data. For each component the
left, back and right views of the field patterns generated by these components are shown full line stands for magnetic flux coming out from the head, and dotted line the flux inwards.
| 1466 |@word neurophysiology:2 norm:3 seems:1 riitta:1 covariance:2 pick:1 initial:2 denoting:1 kurt:1 yet:1 must:1 visible:1 shape:1 remove:2 plot:1 device:1 xk:8 beginning:1 ith:1 record:1 junta:1 filtered:2 location:1 mathematical:1 magnetoencephalographic:3 inside:1 expected:1 ica:7 brain:9 electroencephalography:2 xx:1 moreover:1 lowest:1 ail:1 developed:1 finding:1 impractical:1 nj:1 temporal:1 questionable:1 makeig:1 unit:3 conductivity:1 grant:1 appear:1 producing:1 local:4 studied:1 ecg:4 scherg:2 collect:1 co:1 ease:2 perpendicular:1 locked:1 acknowledgment:1 wrist:1 area:1 projection:2 downsampled:1 tmn:1 shielded:2 onto:1 close:3 periodical:1 context:2 restriction:1 equivalent:1 www:1 williams:1 occipital:1 starting:1 painful:1 rule:1 array:1 his:2 jli:1 justification:1 target:1 spontaneous:1 infrequent:1 distinguishing:1 us:1 origin:1 agreement:1 element:1 infrequently:1 iib:1 located:1 constancy:1 electrical:2 wang:1 cycle:1 movement:3 digitally:1 asked:2 neuromagnetic:1 upon:1 basis:2 neurophysiol:2 joint:1 xxt:1 fast:1 sejnowski:1 artificial:1 whose:3 say:1 relax:1 otherwise:1 statistic:1 eigenvalue:1 kurtosis:3 subtracting:1 product:1 coming:1 biting:4 loop:1 mixing:4 reproducibility:1 achieve:1 academy:1 double:1 produce:3 mckeown:1 unsphered:1 illustrate:1 eq:2 ic1:1 resemble:2 come:1 uu:1 direction:3 waveform:1 fij:1 human:1 fix:1 ao:1 of9:1 strictly:1 extension:1 correction:2 hut:5 ic:2 finland:3 ilv:2 proc:2 infonnation:1 helmet:1 predominance:1 wl:2 tool:2 weighted:2 neuromag:1 mit:2 clearly:6 sensor:4 gaussian:1 avoid:2 varying:1 eventrelated:1 derived:1 electroencephalographic:1 underneath:1 entire:1 relation:4 uij:1 orientation:1 html:1 herault:3 icb:1 magnetically:2 field:3 ilmoniemi:1 extraction:1 placing:1 broad:1 represents:1 others:1 stimulus:3 modern:1 pathological:1 oja:11 praxis:1 preserve:1 simultaneously:1 geometry:1 jrt:1 introduces:2 mixture:5 pc:1 activated:1 tj:2 necessary:2 orthogonal:3 divide:1 euclidean:1 plotted:1 increased:1 column:2 asking:1 subset:1 nacional:1 lee:1 physic:1 squared:1 recorded:5 containing:1 slowly:1 ricardo:2 potential:1 de:1 electrocardiogram:2 coefficient:2 blind:3 piece:2 root:1 view:1 lab:2 portion:1 wave:1 capability:1 ass:2 variance:1 correspond:1 identify:2 blink:3 identification:8 produced:3 lu:1 multiplying:1 served:1 ago:1 icg:1 canceling:1 ed:1 definition:1 frequency:2 ocular:3 pp:1 hwnphries:1 associated:1 couple:1 lounasmaa:1 ask:1 dimensionality:1 blinking:3 amplitude:3 back:2 higher:3 tension:1 reflected:1 april:1 box:2 strongly:2 just:1 working:1 horizontal:3 jutten:3 artifact:38 concept:1 y2:1 during:3 noted:2 rhythm:1 presenting:1 complete:1 demonstrate:1 temperature:1 silva:1 ranging:1 epwt:1 fi:2 recently:1 common:1 stimulation:1 immobile:1 cerebral:1 jl:1 belong:1 discussed:1 he:2 relating:1 measurement:4 ai:1 bandpassfiltered:1 similarly:1 access:1 similarity:1 whitening:3 l997a:1 lju:1 instrumentation:1 accomplished:1 muscle:1 captured:1 seen:1 employed:1 period:1 signal:30 ii:2 multiple:1 full:1 rj:1 clinical:4 long:1 magnetometer:4 sdj:1 jy:1 controlled:1 feasibility:1 neuro:1 regression:1 basic:2 patient:1 expectation:2 vigario:7 achieved:1 xxi:1 operative:1 baltimore:1 source:13 recording:9 isolate:2 tend:1 subject:5 electro:1 hz:5 regularly:1 effectiveness:2 extracting:1 near:1 presence:2 enough:3 independence:6 affect:2 architecture:1 restrict:1 expression:1 pca:4 epileptic:1 rms:1 wo:1 nine:1 useful:1 eigenvectors:2 band:1 category:1 simplest:1 http:1 tutorial:1 dotted:1 estimated:2 discrete:2 tecnologica:1 nevertheless:2 changing:1 erp:1 cutoff:2 verified:1 kept:1 year:1 sum:2 run:1 fourth:2 throughout:1 separation:6 lilt:1 internet:1 followed:1 guaranteed:1 activity:6 scalp:4 i4:1 helsinki:2 erkki:2 min:2 sphering:1 according:1 combination:1 cardiac:4 wi:5 skull:1 making:1 cerebrospinal:1 comon:3 anatomically:1 projecting:1 heart:1 eventually:1 needed:1 irregularly:1 neuromimetic:1 available:3 prerequisite:1 multiplied:1 away:1 magnetic:4 subtracted:1 rp:1 original:1 denotes:1 remaining:4 include:1 clin:1 sighted:1 already:1 spike:1 saccadic:1 rt:1 dependence:1 diagonal:1 hamalainen:1 gradient:1 separate:3 separating:2 sensible:1 meg:19 length:1 y4:1 msh:1 inwards:1 info:1 fluid:1 implementation:1 ic6:2 unknown:3 perform:1 vertical:1 fin:2 descent:1 extended:1 head:2 digitized:1 jousmaki:1 community:1 introduced:1 required:1 nip:2 ic4:3 trans:1 able:2 pattern:3 breathing:5 bite:1 perfonned:1 demanding:1 disturbance:1 technology:2 dei:1 eye:9 created:1 eog:2 review:1 removal:2 meter:1 relative:1 fully:1 expect:2 digital:3 teeth:1 metal:1 article:1 principle:2 uncorrelated:1 seated:1 row:1 changed:1 jung:2 placed:1 last:3 supported:1 guide:1 side:1 vv:1 face:1 calculated:2 dimension:1 noninvasive:1 stand:1 electroenceph:2 author:3 commonly:1 made:2 coincide:1 adaptive:1 hyvarinen:5 flux:2 dealing:2 global:1 hari:10 assumed:1 inen:1 navel:1 spectrum:1 physiologically:1 sk:4 reviewed:1 channel:2 matti:1 eeg:2 metallic:1 joutsensalo:1 ic2:1 diag:1 lvi:1 did:1 da:1 whole:2 noise:1 adress:2 respiratory:1 fig:1 slow:1 n:1 position:2 originated:2 minute:2 discarding:1 showing:2 list:1 physiological:1 essential:1 consist:1 ilwll:2 knuutila:1 occurring:1 karhunen:3 rejection:1 suited:1 simply:1 expressed:1 contained:1 neurological:1 watch:3 saccade:3 veikko:2 satisfies:1 extracted:1 coil:1 presentation:1 magnetoencephalography:2 eventual:1 room:3 included:1 muscular:2 typical:1 wt:1 principal:2 total:1 pas:2 experimental:1 la:1 wilkins:1 berg:2 sphered:2 cumulant:1 frontal:1 investigator:1 |
510 | 1,467 | A Revolution: Belief Propagation
Graphs With Cycles
Brendan J. Frey?
Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto
David J. C. MacKay
Department of Physics, Cavendish Laboratory
Cambridge University
Until recently, artificial intelligence researchers have frowned upon
the application of probability propagation in Bayesian belief networks that have cycles. The probability propagation algorithm is
only exact in networks that are cycle-free. However, it has recently
been discovered that the two best error-correcting decoding algorithms are actually performing probability propagation in belief
networks with cycles.
Communicating over a noisy channel
Our increasingly wired world demands efficient methods for communicating bits of
information over physical channels that introduce errors. Examples of real-world
channels include twisted-pair telephone wires, shielded cable-TV wire, fiber-optic
cable, deep-space radio, terrestrial radio, and indoor radio. Engineers attempt
to correct the errors introduced by the noise in these channels through the use
of channel coding which adds protection to the information source, so that some
channel errors can be corrected. A popular model of a physical channel is shown
in Fig. 1. A vector of K information bits u = (Ut, ... ,UK), Uk E {O, I} is encoded,
and a vector of N codeword bits x = (Xl! ... ,XN) is transmitted into the channel.
Independent Gaussian noise with variance (12 is then added to each codeword bit,
.. Brendan Frey is currently a Beckman Fellow at the Beckman Institute for Advanced
Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
B. J Frey and D. J. C. MacKay
Gaussian noise
with variance (J2
~1 ~ .I~___
Figure 1: A communication system with a channel that adds Gaussian noise to the
transmitted discrete-time sequence.
producing the real-valued channel output vector y = (Y!, ... ,YN). The decoder
must then use this received vector to make a guess U at the original information
vector. The probability P" (e) of bit error is minimized by choosing the Uk that
maximizes P(ukly) for k = 1, ... , K. The rate K/N of a code is the number of
information bits communicated per codeword bit. We will consider rate ~ 1/2
systems in this paper, where N == 2K.
The simplest rate 1/2 encoder duplicates each information hit: X2k-l = X2k = Uk,
k = 1, ... , K. The optimal decoder for this repetition code simply averages together
pairs of noisy channel outputs and then applies a threshold:
= 1
+ Y2k)/2 > 0.5,
0 otherwise.
Clearly, this procedure has the effect of reducing the noise variance by a factor of
1/2. The resulting probability p,,(e) that an information bit will be erroneously
decoded is given by the area under the tail of the noise Gaussian:
= 4> ( (J2/2
where 4>0 is the cumulative standard normal distribution. A plot of p,,(e) versus (J
for this repetition code is shown in Fig. 2, along with a thumbnail picture that shows
the distribution of noisy received signals at the noise level where the repetition code
gives p,,(e) == 10- 5 ?
More sophisticated channel encoders and decoders can be used to increase the tolerable noise level without increasing the probability of a bit error. This approach can
in principle improve performance up to a bound determined by Shannon (1948). For
a given probability of bit error P,,(e), this limit gives the maximum noise level that
can be tolerated, no matter what channel code is used. Shannon's proof was nonconstructive, meaning that he showed that there exist channel codes that achieve his
limit, but did not present practical encoders and decoders. The curve for Shannon's
limit is also shown in Fig. 2.
The two curves described above define the region of interest for practical channel
coding systems. For a given P,,(e), if a system requires a lower noise level than the
repetition code, then it is not very interesting. At the other extreme, it is impossible
for a system to tolerate a higher noise level than Shannon's limit.
Decoding Hamming codes by probability propagation
One way to detect errors in a string of bits is to add a parity-check bit that is
chosen so that the sum modulo 2 of all the bits is O. If the channel flips one bit,
the receiver will find that the sum modulo 2 is 1, and can detect than an error
occurred. In a simple Hamming code, the codeword x consists of the original vector
A Revolution: Belief Propagation in Graphs with Cycles
_ _ _ _....L.__ _ _..L____L_......u._~LI__...J.........J
Standard deviation of Gaussian noise, U
Figure 2: Probability of bit error Ph (e) versus noise level u for several codes with
rates near 1/2, using 0/1 signalling. It is impossible to obtain a Ph(e) below Shannon's limit (shown on the far right for rate 1/2). "H-PP" = Hamming code (rate
4/7) decoded by probability propagation (5 iterations); "H-Exact" = Hamming
code decoded exactly; "LDPCC-PP" = low-density parity-check coded decoded by
probability propagation; "TC-PP" = turbo code decoded by probability propagation. The thumbnail pictures show the distribution of noisy received signals at the
noise levels where the repetition code and the Shannon limit give Ph (e) = 10- 5 .
u in addition to several parity-check bits, each of which depends on a different
subset of the information bits. In this way, the Hamming code can not only detect
errors but also correct them.
The code can be cast in the form of the conditional probabilities that specify a
Bayesian network. The Bayesian network for a K = 4, N = 7 rate 4/7 Hamming
code is shown in Fig. 3a. Assuming the information bits are uniformly random,
we have P(Uk) = 0.5, Uk E {0,1}, k = 1,2,3,4. Codeword bits 1 to 4 are direct copies of the information bits: P(xkluk) = 6(Xk,Uk), k = 1,2,3,4, where
6(a, b) = 1 if a = b and 0 otherwise. Codeword bits 5 to 7 are parity-check
bits: P(XSIUI,U2,U3) = 6(X5,Ul EB U2 EB U3), P(XaIU.,U2,U4) = 6(Xa,Ul EB U2 EB U4),
P(x7Iu2,U3,U4) = 6(X7,u2EBU3EBu4), where EB indicates addition modulo 2 (XOR).
Finally, the conditional channel probability densities are
for n = 1, ... , 7.
The probabilities P(ukly) can be computed exactly in this belief network, using
Lauritzen and Spiegelhalter's algorithm (1988) or just brute force computation.
However, for the more powerful codes discussed below, exact computations are
intractable. Instead, one way the decoder can approximate the probabilities P( Uk Iy)
is by applying the probability propagation algorithm (Pearl 1988) to the Bayesian
network. Probability propagation is only approximate in this case because the
B. 1. Frey and D. J. C. MacKay
Figure 3: (a) The Bayesian network for a K = 4, N = 7 Hamming code. (b) The
Bayesian network for a K = 4, N = 8 low-density parity-check code. (c) A block
diagram for the turbocode linear feedback shift register. (d) The Bayesian network
for a K = 6, N = 12 turbocode.
network contains cycles (ignoring edge directions), e.g., UI-XS-U2-X6-UI. Once a
channel output vector y is observed, propagation begins by sending a message from
Yn to Xn for n = 1, ... ,7. Then, a message is sent from Xk to Uk for k = 1,2,3,4.
An iteration now begins by sending messages from the information variables 'Ill, U2,
U3, U4 to the parity-check variables Xs, X6, X7 in parallel. The iteration finishes by
sending messages from the parity-check variables back to the information variables
in parallel. Each time an iteration is completed, new estimates of P( Uk Iy) for
k = 1,2,3,4 are obtained.
The Pb (e) - (j curve for optimal decoding and the curve for the probability propagation decoder (5 iterations) are shown in Fig. 2. Quite surprisingly, the performance
of the iterative decoder is quite close to that of the optimal decoder. Our expectation was that short cycles would confound the probability propagation decoder.
However, it seems that good performance can be obtained even when there are short
cycles in the code network.
For this simple Hamming code, the complexities of the probability propagation decoder and the exact decoder are comparable. However, the similarity in performance
between these two decoders prompts the question: "Can probability propagation
decoders give performances comparable to exact decoding in cases where exact decoding is computationally intractable?"
A Revolution: Belief Propagation in Graphs with Cycles
A leap towards the limit: Low-density parity-check codes
Recently, there has been an explosion of interest in the channel coding community in
two new coding systems that have brought us a leap closer to Shannon's limit. Both
of these codes can be described by Bayesian networks with cycles, and it turns out
that the corresponding iterative decoders are performing probability propagation
in these networks.
Fig. 3b shows the Bayesian network for a simple low-density parity-check code (Gallager 1963). In this network, the information bits are not represented explicitly.
Instead, the network defines a set of allowed configurations for the codewords. Each
parity-check vertex qi requires that the codeword bits {Xn}nEQ; to which qi is connected have even parity:
= 8(qi'
EB xn),
where q is clamped to 0 to ensure even parity. Here, Qi is the set of indices of
the codeword bits to which parity-check vertex qi is connected. The conditional
probability densities for the channel outputs are the same as in Eq. 3.
One way to view the above code is as N binary codeword variables along with a
set of linear (modulo 2) equations. If in the end we want there to be K degrees
of freedom, then the number of linearly independent parity-check equations should
be N - K. In the above example, there are N = 8 codeword bits and 4 paritychecks, leaving K = 8 - 4 = 4 degrees of freedom. It is these degrees of freedom
that we use to represent the information vector u. Because the code is linear, a
K -dimensional vector u can be mapped to a valid x simply by multiplying by an
N x K matrix (using modulo 2 addition). This is how an encoder can produce a
low-density parity-check codeword for an input vector.
Once a channel output vector y is observed, the iterative probability propagation
decoder begins by sending messages from y to x. An iteration now begins by sending
messages from the codeword variables x to the parity-check constraint variables q.
The iteration finishes by sending messages from the parity-check constraint variables
back to the codeword variables. Each time an iteration is completed, new estimates
of P(xnly) for n = 1, . . . , N are obtained. After a valid (but not necessarily correct)
codeword has been found, or a prespecified limit on the number of iterations has
been reached, decoding stops. The estimate of the codeword is then mapped back
to an estimate ii of the information vector.
Fig. 2 shows the performance of a K = 32,621, N = 65,389 low-density paritycheck code when decoded as described above. (See MacKay and Neal (1996) for
details.) It is impressively close to Shannon's limit - significantly closer than the
"Concatenated Code" (described in Lin and Costello (1983? which was considered
the best practical code until recently.
Another leap: Turbocodes
The codeword for a turbocode (Berrou et al. 1996) consists of the original information vector, plus two sets of bits used to protect the information. Each of these two
sets is produced by feeding the information bits into a linear feedback shift register
(LFSR), which is a type of finite state machine. The two sets differ in that one
set is produced by a permuted set of information bits; i.e., the order of the bits is
scrambled in a fixed way before the bits are fed into the LFSR. Fig. 3c shows a block
diagram (not a Bayesian network) for the LFSR that was used in our experiments.
B. 1. Frey and D. J. C. MacKay
Each box represents a delay (memory) element, and each circle performs addition
modulo 2. When the kth information bit arrives, the machine has a state Sk which
can be written as a binary string of state bits b4b3b2blbo as shown in the figure. bo
of the state Sk is determined by the current input Uk and the previous state Sk-l'
Bits b1 to b4 are just shifted versions of the bits in the previous state.
Fig. 3d shows the Bayesian network for a simple turbocode. Notice that each
state variable in the two constituent chains depends on the previous state and an
information bit. In each chain, every second LFSR output is not transmitted. In
this way, the overall rate of the code is 1/2, since there are K = 6 information bits
and N = 6 + 3 + 3 = 12 codeword bits. The conditional probabilities for the states
of the non permuted chain are
P(sllsl-I' Uk)
if state
sl follows Sk-l for input Uk,
0 otherwise.
The conditional probabilities for the states in the other chain are similar, except that
the inputs are permuted. The probabilities for the information bits are uniform,
and the conditional probability densities for the channel outputs are the same as in
Decoding proceeds with messages being passed from the channel output variables
to the constituent chains and the information bits. Next, messages are passed
from the information variables to the first constituent chain, SI. Messages are
passed forward and then backward along this chain, in the manner of the forwardbackward algorithm (Smyth et al. 1997). After messages are passed from the
first chain to the second chain s2, the second chain is processed using the forwardbackward algorithm. To complete the iteration, messages are passed from S2 to the
information bits.
Fig. 2 shows the performance of a K = 65,536, N = 131,072 turbocode when
decoded as described above, using a fixed number (18) of iterations. (See Frey
(1998) for details.) Its performance is significantly closer to Shannon's limit than the
performances of both the low-density parity-check code and the textbook standard
"Concatenated Code" .
Open questions
We are certainly not claiming that the NP-hard problem (Cooper 1990) of probabilistic inference in general Bayesian networks can be solved in polynomial time by
probability propagation. However, the results presented in this paper do show that
there are practical problems which can be solved using approximate inference in
graphs with cycles. Iterative decoding algorithms are using probability propagation
in graphs with cycles, and it is still not well understood why these decoders work
so well. Compared to other approximate inference techniques such as variational
methods, probability propagation in graphs with cycles is unprincipled. How well
do more principled decoders work? In (MacKay and Neal 1995), a variational decoder that maximized a lower bound on n~=1 P(ukly) was presented for low-density
parity-check codes. However, it was found that the performance of the variational
decoder was not as good as the performance of the probability propagation decoder.
It is not difficult to design small Bayesian networks with cycles for which probability
propagation is unstable. Is there a way to easily distinguish between those graphs for
which propagation will work and those graphs for which propagation is unstable? A
belief that is not uncommon in the graphical models community is that short cycles
are particularly apt to lead probability propagation astray. Although it is possible to
design networks where this is so, there seems to be a variety of interesting networks
A Revolution: Belief Propagation in Graphs with Cycles
(such as the Hamming code network described above) for which propagation works
well, despite short cycles.
The probability distributions that we deal with in decoding are very special distributions: the true posterior probability mass is actually concentrated in one microstate
in a space of size 2M where M is large (e.g., 10,000). The decoding problem is to
find this most probable microstate, and it may be that iterative probability propagation decoders work because the true probability distribution is concentrated in
this microstate.
We believe that there are many interesting and contentious issues in this area that
remain to be resolved.
We thank Frank Kschischang, Bob McEliece, and Radford Neal for discussions related to this work, and Zoubin Ghahramani for comments on a draft of this paper.
This research was supported in part by grants from the Gatsby foundation, the Information Technology Research Council, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council.
C. Berrou and A. Glavieux 1996. Near optimum error correcting coding and decoding: Turbo-codes. IEEE 7hmsactions on Communications 44, 1261-1271.
G. F. Cooper 1990. The computational complexity of probabilistic inference using
Bayesian belief networks. Artificial Intelligence 42, 393-405.
B. J. Frey 1998. Graphical Models for Machine Learning and Digital Communication, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. See http://vwv . cs. utoronto. cal -frey.
R. G. Gallager 1963. Low-Density Parity-Check Codes, MIT Press, Cambridge,
S. Lin and D. J. Costello, Jr. 1983. Error Control Coding: Fundamentals and
Applications, Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
S. L. Lauritzen and D. J. Spiegelhalter 1988. Local computations with probabilities
on graphical structures and their application to expert systems. Journal of the
Royal Statistical Society B 50, 157-224.
D. J. C. MacKay and R. M. Neal 1995. Good codes based on very sparse matrices.
In Cryptography and Coding. 5th IMA Conference, number 1025 in Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, 100-111, Springer, Berlin Germany.
D. J. C. MacKay and R. M. Neal 1996. Near Shannon limit performance of low
density parity check codes. Electronics Letters 32, 1645-1646. Due to editing
errors, reprinted in Electronics Letters 33, 457-458.
J. Pearl 1988. Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems, Morgan Kaufmann,
San Mateo, CA.
C. E. Shannon 1948. A mathematical theory of communication. Bell System Technical Journal 27, 379-423, 623-656.
P. Smyth, D. Heckerman, and M. I. Jordan 1997. Probabilistic independence networks for hidden Markov probability models. Neural Computation 9, 227-270.
| 1467 |@word version:1 polynomial:1 seems:2 open:1 electronics:2 configuration:1 contains:1 phy:1 current:1 protection:1 si:1 must:1 written:1 neq:2 plot:1 intelligence:2 guess:1 signalling:1 xk:2 short:4 prespecified:1 draft:1 toronto:1 mathematical:1 along:3 direct:1 consists:2 vwv:1 manner:1 introduce:1 ra:1 increasing:1 begin:4 twisted:1 maximizes:1 mass:1 what:1 string:2 textbook:1 lfsr:4 nj:1 fellow:1 every:1 exactly:2 hit:1 uk:15 brute:1 control:1 grant:1 yn:2 producing:1 before:1 understood:1 frey:9 engineering:1 local:1 limit:13 despite:1 cliff:1 plus:1 eb:6 mateo:1 practical:4 block:2 communicated:1 procedure:1 area:2 bell:1 significantly:2 zoubin:1 shielded:1 close:2 cal:1 prentice:1 impossible:2 applying:1 correcting:2 communicating:2 his:1 cavendish:1 modulo:6 smyth:2 exact:6 element:1 particularly:1 u4:4 qil:1 observed:2 solved:2 region:1 cycle:17 connected:2 forwardbackward:2 principled:1 ui:2 complexity:2 turbocodes:1 cam:1 upon:1 easily:1 resolved:1 represented:1 fiber:1 artificial:2 choosing:1 quite:2 encoded:1 valued:1 otherwise:3 encoder:2 noisy:4 sequence:1 j2:2 achieve:1 wvw:1 constituent:3 optimum:1 wired:1 produce:1 ac:1 lauritzen:2 received:3 eq:2 c:2 differ:1 direction:1 correct:3 feeding:1 probable:1 considered:1 hall:1 normal:1 u3:4 beckman:2 radio:3 currently:1 leap:3 council:2 repetition:5 brought:1 clearly:1 mit:2 gaussian:5 check:19 indicates:1 brendan:2 detect:3 inference:4 hidden:1 germany:1 overall:1 issue:1 ill:1 special:1 mackay:9 once:2 represents:1 minimized:1 np:1 intelligent:1 duplicate:1 nonconstructive:1 ima:1 attempt:1 freedom:3 interest:2 message:12 englewood:1 certainly:1 uncommon:1 extreme:1 arrives:1 chain:10 edge:1 closer:3 explosion:1 circle:1 y2k:2 deviation:1 subset:1 vertex:2 uniform:1 delay:1 encoders:2 tolerated:1 density:13 fundamental:1 probabilistic:4 physic:1 decoding:11 together:1 iy:2 expert:1 coding:7 matter:1 inc:1 register:2 explicitly:1 depends:2 view:1 reached:1 parallel:2 xor:1 variance:3 kaufmann:1 maximized:1 bayesian:14 produced:2 multiplying:1 researcher:1 bob:1 pp:3 proof:1 hamming:9 stop:1 popular:1 ut:1 sophisticated:1 actually:2 back:3 tolerate:1 higher:1 x6:2 specify:1 editing:1 box:1 xa:1 just:2 until:2 mceliece:1 propagation:30 defines:1 believe:1 effect:1 true:2 laboratory:1 neal:5 deal:1 x5:1 complete:1 performs:1 reasoning:1 meaning:1 variational:3 recently:4 permuted:3 physical:2 b4:1 tail:1 he:1 occurred:1 discussed:1 cambridge:3 illinois:1 similarity:1 add:3 posterior:1 showed:1 codeword:17 binary:2 transmitted:3 morgan:1 berrou:2 signal:2 ii:1 champaign:1 technical:1 lin:2 coded:1 qi:5 expectation:1 iteration:11 represent:1 addition:4 want:1 diagram:2 source:1 leaving:1 comment:1 sent:1 jordan:1 near:3 variety:1 independence:1 finish:2 reprinted:1 shift:2 passed:5 ul:2 deep:1 ph:3 concentrated:2 processed:1 simplest:1 http:3 sl:1 exist:1 shifted:1 notice:1 thumbnail:2 per:1 discrete:1 vol:1 threshold:1 pb:1 contentious:1 backward:1 graph:9 sum:2 letter:2 powerful:1 comparable:2 bit:41 x2k:2 bound:2 distinguish:1 turbo:2 optic:1 constraint:2 erroneously:1 x7:2 performing:2 department:2 tv:1 jr:1 remain:1 heckerman:1 increasingly:1 cable:2 costello:2 confound:1 computationally:1 equation:2 turn:1 flip:1 fed:1 end:1 sending:6 tolerable:1 apt:1 original:3 include:1 ensure:1 completed:2 graphical:3 concatenated:3 ghahramani:1 society:1 added:1 question:2 codewords:1 kth:1 thank:1 mapped:2 berlin:1 decoder:21 astray:1 terrestrial:1 unstable:2 assuming:1 code:40 index:1 difficult:1 frank:1 claiming:1 design:2 wire:2 markov:1 urbana:1 finite:1 communication:4 discovered:1 community:2 prompt:1 david:1 introduced:1 pair:2 cast:1 protect:1 pearl:2 proceeds:1 below:2 indoor:1 royal:1 memory:1 belief:9 natural:1 force:1 advanced:1 improve:1 technology:2 spiegelhalter:2 picture:2 acknowledgement:1 lecture:1 interesting:3 impressively:1 versus:2 digital:1 foundation:1 degree:3 principle:1 surprisingly:1 parity:21 free:1 copy:1 supported:1 l_:1 institute:1 sparse:1 curve:4 feedback:2 xn:5 world:2 cumulative:1 valid:2 forward:1 san:1 far:1 unprincipled:1 approximate:4 receiver:1 b1:1 scrambled:1 iterative:5 sk:4 why:1 channel:23 ca:2 kschischang:1 ignoring:1 necessarily:1 did:1 linearly:1 s2:2 noise:14 allowed:1 cryptography:1 fig:10 gatsby:1 cooper:2 decoded:7 xl:1 clamped:1 utoronto:2 revolution:4 x:2 intractable:2 demand:1 tc:1 simply:2 gallager:2 bo:1 u2:6 applies:1 radford:1 springer:1 ma:2 conditional:6 glavieux:1 towards:1 hard:1 telephone:1 determined:2 corrected:1 reducing:1 uniformly:1 except:1 engineer:1 shannon:12 |
511 | 1,468 | Learning Human-like Knowledge by Singular
Value Decomposition: A Progress Report
Thomas K. Landauer
Darrell Laham
Department of Psychology & Institute of Cognitive Science
University of Colorado at Boulder Boulder, CO 80309-0345
{landauer, dlaham}@psych.colorado.edu
Peter Foltz
Department of Psychology
New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001
[email protected]
Singular value decomposition (SVD) can be viewed as a method for
unsupervised training of a network that associates two classes of events
reciprocally by linear connections through a single hidden layer. SVD
was used to learn and represent relations among very large numbers of
words (20k-60k) and very large numbers of natural text passages (lk70k) in which they occurred. The result was 100-350 dimensional
"semantic spaces" in which any trained or newly aibl word or passage
could be represented as a vector, and similarities were measured by the
cosine of the contained angle between vectors. Good accmacy in
simulating human judgments and behaviors has been demonstrated by
performance on multiple-choice vocabulary and domain knowledge
tests, emulation of expert essay evaluations, and in several other ways.
Examples are also given of how the kind of knowledge extracted by this
method can be applied.
Traditionally, imbuing machines with human-like knowledge has relied primarily on
explicit coding of symbolic facts into computer data structures and algorithms. A serious
limitation of this approach is people's inability to access and express the vast reaches of
unconscious knowledge on which they rely, knowledge based on masses of implicit
inference and irreversibly melded data. A more important deficiency of this state of affairs
is that by coding the knowledge ourselves, (as we also do when we assign subjectively
hypothesized rather than objectively identified features to input or output nodes in a neural
net) we beg important questions of how humans acquire and represent the cOOed
knowledge in the fIrSt place.
T. K. Landauer; D. Laham and P. Foltz
Thus. from both engineering and scientific perspectives. there are reasons to try to design
learning machines that can ocquire human-like quantities of human-like knowledge from
the same sources as humans. The success of such techniques would not prove that the
same mechanisms are used by humans. but because we presently do not know how the
problem can be solved in principle, successful simulation may offer theoretical insights
as well as practical applications. In the work reported here we have found a way to induce
significant amounts of knowledge about the meanings of passages and of their constituent
vocabularies of words by training on large bodies of natural text. In general terms, the
method simultaneously extracts the similarity between words (the likelihood of being
used in passages that convey similar ideas) and the similarity of passages (the likelihood
of containing words of similar meaning). The conjoint estimation of similarity is
accomplished by a fundamentally simple representational technique that exploits mutual
constraints implicit in the occurrences of very many words in very many contexts. We
view the resultant system both as a means for automatically learning much of the
semantic content of words and passages. and as a potential computational model for the
process that underlies the corresponding human ability.
While the method starts with data about the natural contextual co-occurrences of words. it
uses them in a different manner than has previously been applied. A long -standing
objection to co-occurrence statistics as a source of linguistic knowledge (Chomsky's
1957) is that many grammatically acceptable expressions. for example sentences with
potentially unlimited embedding structures. cannot be produced by a finite Markov
process whose elements are transition probabilities from word to word. If word-word
probabilities are insufficient to generate language. then. it is argued, acquiring estimates
of such probabilities cannot be a way that language can be learned. However, our
approach to statistical knowledge learning differs from those considered in the past in two
ways. First. the basic associational data from which knowledge is induced are not
transition frequencies between successive individual words or phrases. but rather the
frequencies with which particular words appear as components of relatively large natural
passages, utterances of the kind that humans use to convey complete ideas. The result of
this move is that the statistical regularities reflected are relations among unitary
expressions of meaning. rather than syntactic constraints on word order that may serve
additional purposes such as output and input processing efficiencies. error protection. or
esthetic style. Second, the mutual constraints inherent in a multitude of such local ~
occurrence relations are jointly satisfied by being forced into a global representation of
lower dimensionality. This constraint satisfaction. a form of induction. was accomplished
by singular value decomposition. a linear factorization technique that produces a
representational structure equivalent to a three layer neural network model with linear
activation functions.
The text analysis process that we have explored is called Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA)
(Deerwester et al .? 1990; Landauer and Dumais. 1997). It comprises four steps:
(1) A large body of text is represented as a matrix [ij], in which rows stand for individual
word types. columns for meaning-bearing passages such as sentences or paragraphs. mel
cells contain the frequency with which a word occurs in a passage.
(2) Cell entries (freqi) are transformed to:
log(freqi, + I)
L(( fref/,] {freq. ]'l
-1-, ~fr:~v *10 ~fre~v )
a measure of the first order association of a word and its context.
Learning Human Knowledge by Singular Value Decomposition: A Progress Report
(3) The matrix is then subjected to singular value decomposition (Berry, 1992):
[ij] = [ik] [kk] Uk]'
in which [ik] and Uk] have orthonormal columns, [kk] is a diagonal matrix of singular
values, and k <= max (ij).
(4) Finally, all but the d largest singular values are set to zero. Pre-multiplication of the
right-hand matrices produces a least-squares best approximation to the original matrix
given the number of dimensions, d, (hidden units in a corresponding neural net model
representation) that are retained. The SVD with dimension reduction constitutes a
constraint-satisfaction induction process in that it predicts the original observations on the
basis of linear relations among the abstracted representations of the data that it has
retained. By hypothesis, the analysis induces human-like relationships among passages
and words because humans also make inferences about semantic relationships from
abstracted representations based on limited data, and do so by an analogous process.
In the result, each word and passage is represented as a vector of length d. Performance
depends strongly on the choice of number of dimensions. The optimal number is
typically around 300. The similarity of any two words, any two text passages, or any
word and any text passage, are computed by measures on their vectors. We have most
often used the cosine (of the contained angle between the vectors in semantic d-space) which we interpret as the degree of qualitative similarity of meaning. The length of
vectors is also useful and interpretable.
LSA's ability to simulate human knowledge and meaning relations has been tested in a
variety of ways. Here we describe two relatively direct sources of evidence and briefly list
several others.
In all cases, LSA was ftrst trained on a large text corpus intended to be representative of
the text from which humans gain most of the semantic knowledge to be simulated. In a
previously reported test (Landauer and Dumais, 1997), LSA was trained on approximately
five million words of text sampled from a high-school level encyclopedia, then tested on
multiple choice items from the Educational Testing Service Test of English as a Foreign
Language (TOEFL). These test questions present a target word or short phrase and ask the
student to choose the one of four alternative words or phrases that is most similar in
meaning. LSA's answer was determined by computing the cosine between the derived
vector for the target word or phrase and each of the alternatives and choosing the largest.
LSA was correct on 64% of the 80 items, identical to the average of a large sample of
students from non-English speaking countries who had applied for admission to U. S.
colleges. When in error, LSA made choices positively correlated (product-moment r = .44)
with those preferred by students. We have recently replicated this result with training on a
similar sized sample from the Associated Press newswire
In a new set of tests, LSA was trained on a popular introductory psychology textbook
(Myers, 1995) and tested with the same four-alternative multiple choice tests used for
students in two large classes. In these experiments, LSA's score was about 6O%-lower
than the class averages but above passing level, and far above guessing probability. Its
errors again resembled those of students; it got right about half as many of questions rated
difftcult by the test constructors as ones rated easy (Landauer, Foltz and Laham, 1997).
T. K. Landauer, D. Laham and P. Foltz
Word-wad meaning similarities are a good test of knowledge-indeed, vocabulary tests
are the best single measure of human intelligence. However, they are not sufficient to
assess the correspondence of LSA and human knowledge because people usually express
knowledge via larger verbal strings, such as sentences, paragraphs and articles. Thus, just
as multiple choice tests of student knowledge are often supplemented by essay tests
whose content is then judged by humans, we wished to evaluate the adequacy of LSA' s
representation of knowledge in complete passages of text. We could not have LSA write
essays because it has no means for producing sentences. However, we were able to assess
the accum::y with which LSA could extract and represent the knowledge expressed in
essays written by students by simulating judgments about their content that were made by
human readers (Landauer, Laham, Rehder, & Schreiner, in press).
In these tests, students were asked to write short essays to cover an assigned topic or to
answer a posed question. In various experiments, the topics included anatomy axI
function of the heart, phenomena from introductory psychology, the history of the
Panama Canal, and tolerance of diversity in America. In each case, LSA was first trained
either on a large sample of instructional text from the same domain or, in the latter case,
on combined text from the very large number of essays themselves, to produce a highdimensional (100-350 dimensions in the various tests) semantic space. We then
represented each essay simply as the vector average of the vectors for the words it
contained. Two properties of these average vectors were then used to measure the quality
and quantity of knowledge conveyed by an essay: (1) the similarity (measured as the
cosine of the angle between vectors) of the student essay and one or more standard essays,
and (2) the total amount of domain specific content, measured as the vector length.
In each case, two human experts independently rated the overall quality of each essay on a
five or ten point scale. The judges were either university course instructors or professional
exam readers from Educational Testing Service. The LSA measures were calibrated with
respect to the judges' rating scale in several different ways, but because they gave nearly
the same results only one will be described here. In this method, each student essay was
compared to a large (90-200) set of essays previously scored by experts, and the ten most
similar (by cosine) identified. The target essay was then assigned a "quality" score
component consisting of the cosine-weighted average of the ten. A second, "relevant
quantity", score component was the vector length of the student essay. Finally, regression
on expert scores was used to weight the quality and quantity scores (However, the weights
in all cases were so close to equal that merely adding them would have given comparable
results). Calibration was performed on data independent of that used to evaluate the
relation between LSA and expert ratings.
The correlation between the LSA score for an essay and that assigned by the average of
the human readers was .80, .64, .XX and .84 for the four sets of exams. The comparable
correlation between one reader and the other was .83, .65, .XX and .82, respectively. In
the heart topic case, each student had also taken a carefully constructed "objective" test
over the same material (a short answer test with near perfect scoring agreement). The
correlation between the LSA essay score and the objective test was .81, the average
correlation for the two expert readers .74.
A striking aspect of these results is that the LSA representations were based on analyses
of the essays that took no account of word order, each essay was treated as a "bag of
words". In extracting meaning from a text, human readers presumably rely on syntax as
well as the mere combination of words it contains, yet they were no better at agreeing on
an essay's quality or in assigning a score that predicted a performance on a separate test of
knowledge. Apparently, either the relevant information conveyed by word order in
sentences is redundant with the information that can be inferred from the combination of
words in the essay, or the processes used by LSA and humans extract different but
compensatingly useful information.
Learning HumanKnowledgc by Singular Value Decomposition: A Progress Report
LSA has been compared with human knowledge in several additional ways, some
confrrming the correspondence, others indicating limitations. Here are some examples, all
based on encyclopedia corpus training.
(1) Overall LSA similarity between antonyms (mean cos = .18) was equivalent to that
between synonyms (mean cos .17) in triplets sampled from an antonym/synonym
dictionary (W & R Chambers, 1989), both of which significantly exceeded that for
unrelated pairs (mean cos = .01; ps < .0001). However for antonym (but not for
synonym) pairs a dominant dimension of difference could easily be extracted by
computing a one dimensional unfolding using the LSA cosines from a set of words listed
in Rogel's (1992) thesaurus as related respectively to the two members of the pair.
(2) Anglin (1970) asked children and adults to sort words varying in concept relations ad
parts of speech. LSA wont-word similarity correlates .50 with children and .32 with adults
for the number of times they sorted two words together. Conceptual structure is reflected,
but grammatical classification, strong in the adult data, is not.
(3) When people are asked to decide that a letter string is a wont, they do so faster if they
have just read a sentence that does not contain the word but implies a related concept (e.g.
Till, Mross & Kintsch, 1988). LSA mirrors this result with high similarities between the
same sentences and words. (Landauer & Dumais, 1997).
(4) People frequently make a logical error, called the conjunction error by Tversky ad
Kahneman (1974), in which they estimate that the probability that an object is a member
of a class is greater than that it is a member of a superset class when the description of
the object is "similar" to the description of the subset. For example, when told that
"Linda is a young woman who is single, outspoken ...deeply concerned with issues of
discrimination and social justice," over 80% of even statistically sophisticated subjects
rate it more likely that Linda is a feminist bank teller than that Linda is a bank teller
(Tversky & Kahneman, 1980). LSA similarities between descriptions of people ad
occupations of this kind taken from Shafir, Smith and Osherson (1990) were computed as
the cosine between the vector averages of words in the paired person-occupation
descriptions. Conjunction error statements were more similar to the subset than superset
statement in 12 out of 14 cases (p<.01), showing that LSA's representation of sentential
meaning reflected similarity relations of the sort that have been hypothesized to underlie
the conjunction fallacy in human judgment.
(5) A semantic subspace was constructed for words from natural kind and artifact
categories whose differential preservation is characteristic of agnosias due to local damage
from herpes simplex encephalitis (Warrington & Shallice, 1984). Principal components
analysis of the similarities among these words as represented by LSA revealed that
categories that tend to be lost contain words that are more highly inter-related than those
in preserved categories (Laham, in press).
Of course, LSA does not capture all of the human knowledge conveyed by text. Some of
the shortfall is probably due merely to the use of training corpora that are still imperfectly
representative of the language experience of a typical person, and to lack of knowledge
from non-textual sources. For example, in all these studies, less total text was used for
LSA training than even a single educated adult would have read However, a more
fundamental restriction is that the analysis does not reflect order relations between words,
and therefore cannot extract infonnation that depends on syntax. Because the analysis
discovers and represents only unsigned continuous similarities, it can be used to induce
only certain classes of structural relations, not including ones that express Boolean, causal
or other non-commutative logical relations. As we have seen, this lack does not prevent
accurate simulation of human cognition in many cases, possibly because humans also
T. K Landauer, D. Laham and P. Foltz
frequently rely on similarity rather than syntax-based. discrete logic (fversky axl
Kahneman, 1983); however, it does limit the utility of the results for populating the
symbolic data structures commonly used to represent knowledge in traditional AI. On the
other hand, as examples in the next section show, continuous-valued similarity relations
can be fruitfully applied if appropriate computational use is made of them.
LSA has been used successfully in a variety of experimental applications, including the
essay scoring techniques described earlier. Here are some additional examples:
(1) The technique has been used to improve automatic information retrieval by 20-30%
over otherwise identical methods by allowing users' queries to match documents with the
desired conceptual meaning but expressed in different words (Dumais, 1991, 1994).
(2) By training on corpora of translated text in which the words of corresponding
paragraphs in the two languages are combined in the "bags of words", LSA has been able
to provide at least as good retrieval when queries and documents are in a different language
as when in the same language (Landauer and Littman, 1990).
(3) LSA-based measures of the similarity of student essays on a topic to instructional
texts can predict how much an individual student will learn from a particular text (Wolfe
et al., in press; Rehder et al., in press). To do this, the full set of student essays and the
texts in question are aligned along a single dimension that best accommodates the LSA
similarities among them. Estimates from one such experiment showed that using LSA to
choose the optimal one of four texts for each student (a text that is slightly more
sophisticated than the student) rather than assigning all students the overall best text
(which LSA also picked correctly) increased the average amount learned by over 40%.
(4) LSA-based measures of conceptual similarity between successive sentences accurately
predict differences in judged coherence and measured comprehensibility of text (Foltz,
Kintsch and Landauer, in press).
SVD-based learning of the structure underlying the use of words in meaningful contexts
has been found capable of deriving and representing the similarity of meaning of words
and text passages in a manner that accurately simulates corresponding similarity relations
as reflected in several sorts of human judgments and behavior. The validity of the
resulting representation of meaning similarities has been established in a variety of ways,
and the utility of its knowledge representation illustrated by several educational axl
cognitive psychological research applications. It is obviously too early to assess whether
the particular computational model is a true analog of the process used by the human
brain to accomplish the same things. However, the basic process, the representation of
myriad local associative relations between components and larger contexts of experience
in a joint space of lower dimensionality, offers, for the first time, a candidate for such a
mechanism that has been shown sufficient to approximate human knowledge acquisition
from natural sources at natural scale.
We thank members of the LSA research group at the University of Colorado for valuable
collaboration and advice: Walter Kintsch, Bob Rehder, Mike Wolfe, & M. E. Shreiner.
We especially acknowledge two participants from the Spring 1997 LSA seminar at CU
whose unpublished work is described: Alan Sanfey (3.3.4) and Michael Emerson (3.3.1).
Thanks also to Susan T. Dumais of Bellcore.
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Myers, D. G. (1995). Psychology. Fourth Edition. NY, NY: Worth.
Rehder, B., Schreiner, M. E., Wolfe, B. W., Laham, D., Landauer, T. K., & Kintsch, W.
(in press). Using Latent Semantic Analysis to assess knowledge: Some technical
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ShafIf, E., Smith, E. E., & Osherson, D. N. (1990). Typicality and reasoning judgments.
Memory & Cognition, 3, 229-239.
Till, R. E., Mross, E. F., & Kintsch. W. (1988). Time course of priming for associate
and inference words in discourse context. Memory and Cognition, 16, 283-299.
Tversky, A., & Kahneman, D. (1974). Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases.
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Tversky, A., & Kahneman, D. (1980). Judgments of and by representativeness. In D.
Kahneman, P. Slovic, & A. Tversky (Eds.), Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics
and biases. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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Warrington, E. K., & Shallice, T. (1984). Category-specific semantic impairments.
Brain, 107, 829-853.
Wolfe, M. B., Schreiner, M. E., Rehder, B., Laham, D., Foltz, P. W., Kintsch, W., &
Landauer, T. K. (in press). Learning from text: Matching readers and text by Latent
Semantic Analysis. Discourse Processes.
| 1468 |@word kintsch:7 briefly:1 cu:1 justice:1 essay:24 simulation:2 decomposition:7 moment:1 reduction:1 contains:1 score:8 document:3 past:1 contextual:1 protection:1 activation:1 yet:1 assigning:2 written:1 extensional:1 interpretable:1 discrimination:1 half:1 intelligence:1 item:2 affair:1 rehder:6 smith:2 short:3 node:1 successive:2 five:2 admission:1 along:1 constructed:2 direct:1 differential:1 ik:2 qualitative:1 prove:1 introductory:2 paragraph:3 manner:2 inter:1 indeed:1 behavior:3 themselves:1 frequently:2 brain:2 automatically:1 xx:2 unrelated:1 underlying:1 mass:1 linda:3 kind:4 psych:1 string:2 textbook:1 axl:2 growth:1 uk:2 shafir:1 unit:1 underlie:1 lsa:40 appear:1 producing:1 harshman:1 educated:1 service:2 engineering:1 local:3 limit:1 oxford:1 approximately:1 co:6 factorization:1 limited:1 statistically:1 practical:1 acknowledgment:1 testing:3 lost:1 differs:1 emerson:1 got:1 significantly:1 matching:1 word:52 induce:2 pre:1 instructor:1 chomsky:1 symbolic:2 cannot:3 close:1 wad:1 judged:2 unsigned:1 context:5 restriction:1 equivalent:2 demonstrated:1 educational:3 independently:1 typicality:1 schreiner:4 insight:1 orthonormal:1 deriving:1 embedding:1 traditionally:1 constructor:1 laham:12 analogous:1 unconscious:1 target:3 colorado:3 user:1 us:1 hypothesis:1 agreement:1 associate:2 element:1 wolfe:4 predicts:1 mike:1 solved:1 capture:1 susan:1 valuable:1 deeply:1 asked:3 littman:2 oed:1 tversky:6 trained:5 myriad:1 serve:1 efficiency:1 basis:1 translated:1 kahneman:7 easily:1 joint:1 osherson:2 represented:5 various:2 america:1 walter:1 forced:1 describe:1 query:2 herpes:1 choosing:1 whose:4 heuristic:2 larger:2 posed:1 valued:1 otherwise:1 objectively:1 ability:2 statistic:1 wont:2 syntactic:1 jointly:1 associative:1 obviously:1 myers:2 net:2 essa:1 took:1 product:1 fr:1 relevant:2 aligned:1 till:2 ontario:1 representational:2 description:4 intuitive:1 constituent:1 regularity:1 darrell:1 p:1 produce:3 categorization:1 perfect:1 object:2 exam:2 measured:4 ij:3 school:1 wished:1 progress:4 strong:1 predicted:1 judge:2 beg:1 implies:1 anatomy:1 emulation:1 correct:1 human:33 material:1 argued:1 crux:1 assign:1 anglin:2 around:1 considered:1 presumably:1 cognition:3 predict:2 dictionary:2 early:1 purpose:1 estimation:1 bag:2 infonnation:2 waterloo:1 largest:2 successfully:1 weighted:1 unfolding:1 mit:1 rather:5 varying:1 publication:1 conjunction:4 linguistic:1 derived:2 likelihood:2 inference:3 foreign:1 typically:1 hidden:2 relation:14 transformed:1 overall:3 among:6 classification:1 issue:1 bellcore:1 special:1 mutual:2 equal:1 identical:2 represents:1 unsupervised:1 constitutes:1 nearly:1 simplex:1 report:3 others:2 fundamentally:1 inherent:1 serious:1 primarily:1 simultaneously:1 national:1 individual:3 intended:1 ourselves:1 consisting:1 highly:1 evaluation:1 accurate:1 capable:1 experience:2 desired:1 causal:1 theoretical:1 psychological:3 increased:1 column:2 earlier:1 boolean:1 cover:1 phrase:4 entry:1 subset:2 imperfectly:1 successful:1 fruitfully:1 too:1 reported:2 answer:3 accomplish:1 dumais:9 combined:2 calibrated:1 slovic:1 person:2 fundamental:1 thanks:1 international:1 shortfall:1 standing:1 told:1 michael:1 together:1 again:1 reflect:1 nm:1 satisfied:1 containing:1 choose:2 possibly:1 woman:1 sentential:1 cognitive:4 external:1 expert:6 american:1 style:1 account:1 potential:1 diversity:1 coding:2 student:18 representativeness:1 depends:2 ad:3 performed:1 try:1 view:1 picked:1 apparently:1 start:1 relied:1 sort:3 participant:1 ass:4 square:1 who:2 characteristic:1 judgment:9 accurately:2 produced:1 populating:1 mere:1 worth:1 bob:1 history:1 reach:1 ed:2 sixth:1 acquisition:2 frequency:3 pp:1 resultant:1 associated:1 gain:1 newly:1 fre:1 sampled:2 popular:1 ask:1 logical:2 knowledge:35 dimensionality:2 carefully:1 sophisticated:2 manuscript:1 exceeded:1 reflected:4 strongly:1 just:2 implicit:2 correlation:4 hand:2 warrington:2 lack:2 quality:5 artifact:1 scientific:1 hypothesized:2 contain:3 concept:2 validity:1 true:1 harman:1 assigned:3 read:2 semantic:19 freq:1 illustrated:1 mel:1 cosine:8 syntax:3 complete:2 passage:16 reasoning:2 meaning:15 consideration:1 discovers:1 recently:1 million:1 association:1 occurred:1 analog:1 interpret:1 significant:1 cambridge:2 ai:1 automatic:2 newswire:1 centre:2 language:8 had:2 access:1 calibration:1 similarity:23 subjectively:1 dominant:1 showed:1 perspective:1 certain:1 success:1 accomplished:2 scoring:2 seen:1 additional:3 greater:1 redundant:1 preservation:1 multiple:5 full:1 alan:1 technical:1 faster:1 match:1 offer:2 long:1 retrieval:5 cross:1 paired:1 underlies:1 basic:2 regression:1 represent:4 cell:2 preserved:1 objection:1 singular:10 source:6 country:1 comprehensibility:1 probably:1 pass:1 induced:1 subject:1 tend:1 simulates:1 thing:1 member:4 plato:1 grammatically:1 adequacy:1 extracting:1 unitary:1 near:1 structural:1 revealed:1 easy:1 superset:2 concerned:1 variety:3 psychology:5 gave:1 identified:2 idea:2 whether:1 expression:2 utility:2 peter:1 speech:1 speaking:1 passing:1 york:1 impairment:1 useful:2 listed:1 amount:3 encyclopedia:2 ten:3 induces:1 category:4 generate:1 lsi:1 canal:1 correctly:1 write:2 discrete:1 express:3 group:1 four:5 prevent:1 uw:2 vast:1 merely:2 deerwester:2 angle:3 letter:1 fourth:1 uncertainty:2 striking:1 place:1 reader:7 decide:1 thesaurus:1 coherence:2 acceptable:1 comparable:2 layer:2 correspondence:2 annual:1 constraint:5 deficiency:1 unlimited:1 aspect:1 simulate:1 spring:1 relatively:2 department:2 combination:2 slightly:1 agreeing:1 presently:1 indexing:3 boulder:2 instructional:2 heart:2 taken:2 previously:3 mechanism:2 know:1 subjected:1 instrument:1 appropriate:1 chamber:1 simulating:2 occurrence:4 alternative:3 professional:1 supercomputer:1 thomas:1 original:2 exploit:1 especially:1 society:3 move:1 objective:2 question:5 quantity:4 occurs:1 damage:1 diagonal:1 guessing:1 traditional:1 subspace:1 separate:1 thank:1 simulated:1 accommodates:1 topic:4 reason:1 induction:3 length:4 retained:2 relationship:2 insufficient:1 kk:2 acquire:1 mexico:1 ftrst:1 potentially:1 statement:2 design:1 shallice:2 allowing:1 observation:1 markov:1 finite:1 melded:1 acknowledge:1 nist:1 trec:1 inferred:1 rating:2 pair:3 unpublished:1 connection:1 sentence:8 learned:2 textual:1 established:1 adult:4 able:2 usually:1 panama:1 max:1 including:2 reciprocally:1 memory:2 event:1 satisfaction:2 natural:7 rely:3 treated:1 representing:1 improve:1 rated:3 technology:1 extract:4 utterance:1 text:30 review:2 teller:2 berry:2 multiplication:1 occupation:2 fully:1 limitation:2 versus:1 conjoint:1 degree:1 conveyed:3 sufficient:2 article:1 principle:1 bank:2 collaboration:1 row:1 course:3 summary:1 english:3 verbal:1 bias:2 foltz:9 institute:2 tolerance:1 grammatical:1 dimension:6 vocabulary:4 transition:2 stand:1 axi:1 made:3 commonly:1 replicated:1 far:1 social:1 correlate:1 approximate:1 preferred:1 logic:1 abstracted:2 global:1 corpus:4 conceptual:3 landauer:20 accum:1 continuous:2 latent:11 fallacy:2 triplet:1 learn:2 improving:1 bearing:1 priming:1 domain:4 synonym:3 scored:1 edition:1 child:2 convey:2 body:2 positively:1 advice:1 representative:2 ny:2 furnas:1 seminar:1 comprises:1 explicit:1 candidate:1 young:1 resembled:1 specific:2 showing:1 supplemented:1 agnosia:1 explored:1 list:1 multitude:1 evidence:2 adding:1 mirror:1 associational:1 antonym:3 commutative:1 simply:1 likely:1 expressed:2 contained:3 acquiring:1 discourse:4 extracted:2 ma:1 viewed:1 sized:1 sorted:1 crl:1 content:4 included:1 determined:1 typical:1 principal:1 called:2 total:2 svd:4 la:1 experimental:1 meaningful:1 indicating:1 college:1 highdimensional:1 people:5 latter:1 inability:1 preparation:1 evaluate:2 tested:3 phenomenon:1 correlated:1 |
512 | 1,469 | A Superadditive-Impairment Theory
of Optic Aphasia
Michael C. Mozer
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Colorado
Boulder; CO 80309-0430
Mark Sitton
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Colorado
Boulder; CO 80309-0430
Martha Farah
Dept. of Psychology
University of Pennsylvania
Phila., PA 19104-6196
Accounts of neurological disorders often posit damage to a specific
functional pathway of the brain. Farah (1990) has proposed an alternative class of explanations involving partial damage to multiple pathways. We explore this explanation for optic aphasia, a disorder in which
severe perfonnance deficits are observed when patients are asked to
name visually presented objects, but surprisingly, performance is relatively nonnal on naming objects from auditory cues and on gesturing
the appropriate use of visually presented objects. We model this highly
specific deficit through partial damage to two pathways-one that maps
visual input to semantics, and the other that maps semantics to naming
responses. The effect of this damage is superadditive, meaning that
tasks which require one pathway or the other show little or no performance deficit, but the damage is manifested when a task requires both
pathways (i.e., naming visually presented objects). Our model explains
other phenomena associated with optic aphasia, and makes testable
experimental predictions.
Neuropsychology is the study of disrupted cognition resulting from damage to functional
systems in the brain. Generally, accounts of neuropsychological disorders posit damage to
a particular functional system or a disconnection between systems. Farah (1990) suggested an alternative class of explanations for neuropsychological disorders: partial damage to multiple systems, which is manifested through interactions among the loci of
damage. We explore this explanation for the neuropsychological disorder of optic aphasia.
Optic aphasia, arising from unilateral left posterior lesions, including occipital cortex
and the splenium of the corpus callosum (Schnider, Benson, & Scharre, 1994), is marked
by a deficit in naming visually presented objects, hereafter referred to as visual naming
(Farah, 1990). However, patients can demonstrate recognition of visually presented
objects nonverbally, for example, by gesturing the appropriate use of an object or sorting
visual items into their proper superordinate categories (hereafter, visual gesturing).
Patients can also name objects by nonvisual cues such as a verbal definition or typical
sounds made by the objects (hereafter, auditory naming). The highly specific nature of the
deficit rules out an explanation in terms of damage to a single pathway in a standard model
of visual naming (Figure 1), suggesting that a more complex model is required, involving
A Superadditive-Impainnent Theory of Optic Aphasia
FIGURE 1. A standard box-and-arrow
model of visual naming. The boxes denote
levels of representation, and the arrows
denote pathways mapping from one level of
representation to another. Although optic
aphasia cannot be explained by damage to
the vision-to-semantics pathway or the
(1990) proposed an explanation in terms of
partial damage to both pathways (the X's).
mUltiple semantic systems or multiple pathways to visual naming. However, a mere parsimonious account is suggested by Farah (1990): Optic aphasia might arise from partial
lesions to two pathways in the standard model-those connecting visual input to semantics, and semantics to naming-and the effect of damage to these pathways is superadditive, meaning that tasks which require only one of these pathways (e.g., visual gesturing,
or auditory naming) will be relatively unimpaired, whereas tasks requiring both pathways
(e.g., visual naming) will show a significant deficit.
We present a computational model of the superadditive-impairment theory of optic aphasia by elaborating the architecture of Figure 1. The architecture has four pathways: visual
input to semantics (V~S), auditory input to semantics (A~S), semantics to naming
(S~N), and semantics to gesturing (S~G). Each pathway acts as an associative memory.
The critical property of a pathway that is required to explain optic aphasia is a speed-accuracy trade off: The initial output of a pathway appears rapidly, but it may be inaccurate.
This "quick and dirty" guess is refined over time, and the pathway output asymptotically
converges on the best interpretation of the input.
We implement a pathway using the architecture suggested by Mathis and Mozer
(1996). In this architecture, inputs are mapped to their best interpretations by means of a
two-stage process (Figure 2). First, a quick, one-shot mapping is performed by a multilayer feedforward connectionist network to transform the input directly to its corresponding output. This is followed by a slower iterative clean-up process carried out by a
recurrent attractor network. This architecture shows a speed-accuracy trade off by virtue
of the .assumption that the feed forward mapping network does not have the capacity to
produce exactly the right output to every input, especially when the inputs are corrupted
by noise or are otherwise incomplete. Consequently, the clean up stage is required to produce a sensible interpretation of the noisy output of the mapping network.
Fully distributed attractor networks have been used for similar purposes (e.g., Plaut
& Shallice, 1993). For simplicity, we adopt a localist-attractor network with a layer of
state units and a layer of radial basis function (RBF) units, one RBF unit per attractor.
Each RBF or attractor unit measures the distance of the current state to the attractor that it
represents. The activity of attractor unit i, aj, is:
FIGURE 2. Connectionist implementation of a processing pathway. The pathway consists of feedforward mapping
network followed by a recurrent cleanup or attractor network. Circles denote
connectionist processing units and
arrows denote connections between
units or between layers of units.
clean up network
mapping network
M. C. Mozer, M. Sitton and M. Farah
where set) is the state unit activity vector at time t, ~i is the vector denoting the location of
attractor i, and ~i is the strength of the attractor. The strength detennines the region of the
state space over which an attractor will exert its pull, and also the rate at which the state
will converge to the attractor. The state units receive input from the mapping network and
from the attractor units and are updated as follows:
= d;(t)e;(t) + (I -
d;(t? La/t -I )~j;
where sift) is the activity of state unit i at time t, e; is the ith output of the mapping net,
is the ith element of attractor j, and d; is given by
d .(t)
= h[I __
where h[.] is a linear threshold function that bounds activity between -1 and +1,
weighted time average of the ith output of the mapping net,
= cxej(t) + (I -CX)e;(t-I)
In all simulations, cx = .02.
The activity of the state units are governed by two forces-the external input from
the feedforward net (first tenn in Equation 3) and the attractor unit activities (second
tenn). The parameter d; acts as a kind of attentional mechanism that modulates the relative
influence of these two forces. The basic idea is that when the input coming from the mapping net is changing, the system should be responsive to the input and should not yet be
concerned with interpreting the input. In this case, the input is copied straight through to
the state units and hence dj should have a value close to I. When the input begins to stabilize, however, the focus shifts to interpreting the input and following the dynamics of the
attractor network. This shift corresponds to d j being lowered to zero. The weighted time
average in the update rule for d j is what allows for the smooth transition of the function to
its new value. For certain constructions of the function d, Zemel and Mozer (in preparation) have proven convergence of the algorithm to an attractor.
Apart from speed-accuracy trade off, these dynamics have another important consequence for the present model, particularly with respect to cascading pathways. If pathway
A feeds into pathway S, such as V~S feeding into S~N, then the state unit activities of A
act as the input to S. Because these activities change over time as the state approaches a
well-fonned state, the dynamics of pathway S can be quite complex as it is forced to deal
with an unstable input. This property is important in explaining several phenomena associated with optic aphasia.
Patterns were constructed for each of the five representational spaces: visual and auditory
input, semantic, name and gesture responses. Each representational space was arbitrarily
made to be 200 dimensional. We generated 200 binary-valued (-1,+1) patterns in each
space, which were meant to correspond to known entities of that representational domain.
For the visual, auditory, and semantic spaces, patterns were partitioned into 50 similarity clusters with 4 ?siblings per cluster. Patterns were chosen randomly subject to two
constraints: patterns in different clusters had to be at least 80? apart, and siblings had to be
between 25? and 50? apart. Because similarity of patterns in the name and gesture spaces
was irrelevant to our modeling, we did not impose a similarity structure on these spaces.
A Superadditive-Impainnent Theory of Optic Aphasia
Instead, we generated patterns in these spaces at random subject to the constraint that
every pattern had to be at least 60? from every other.
After generating patterns in each of the representational spaces, we established arbitrary correspondences among the patterns such that visual pattern n. auditory pattern n,
semantic pattern n, name pattern n, and gesture pattern n all represented the same concept.
That is, the appropriate response in a visual-naming task to visual pattern n would be
semantic pattern n and name pattern n.
The feedforward networks in the four pathways (V-"7S, A-"7S, S-"7N, and S-"70) were
independently trained on all 200 associations using back propagation. Each of these networks contained a single hidden layer of 150 units, and all units in the network used the
symmetric activation function to give activities in the range [-1,+1]. The amount of training was chosen such that performance on the training examples was not perfect; usually
several elements in the output would be erroneous-i.e., have the wrong sign-and others
would not be exactly correct-i.e., -lor + 1. This was done to embody the architectural
assumption that the feedforward net does not have the capacity to map every input to
exactly the right output, and hence, the clean-up process is required.
Training was not required for the clean-up network. Due to the localist representation
of attractors in the clean-up network, it was trivial to hand wire each clean-up net with the
200 attractors for its domain, along with one rest-state attractor. All attractor strengths
were initialized to the same value, ~= 15, except the rest-state attractor, for which P=5. The
rest-state attractor required a lower strength so that even a weak external input would be
sufficient to kick the attractor network out of the rest state.
After each pathway had been trained, the model was damaged by "lesioning" or
removing a fraction y of the connections in the V -"7S and S-"7N mapping networks. The
lesioned connections were chosen at random and an equal fraction was removed from the
two pathways. The clean-up nets were not damaged. The architecture was damaged a total
of 30 different times, creating 30 simulated patients who were tested on each of the four
tasks and on all 200 input patterns for a task. The results we report come from averaging
across simulated patients and input patterns. Responses were detennined after the system
had been given sufficient time to relax into a name or gesture attractor, which was taken to
be the response. Each response was classified as one of the following mutually exclusive
response types: correct, perseveration (response is the same as that produced on any of the
three immediately preceding trials), visual error (the visual pattern corresponding to the
incorrect response is a sibling of the visual pattern corresponding to the correct response),
semantic error, visual+semantic error, or other error.
Priming-the increased availability of recently experienced stimuli-has been found
across a wide variety of tasks in normal subjects. We included priming in our model as a
strengthening (increasing the Pi parameter) of recently visited attractors (see Mathis &
Mozer 1996, for details, and Becker, Behrmann, & Moscovitch, 1993, for a related
approach). In the damaged model, this mechanism often gave rise to perseverations.
We have examined the model's behavior as we varied the amount of damage, quantified by
the parameter y. However, we report on the perfonnance of simulated patients with y = .30.
This intermediate amount of damage yielded no floor or ceiling effects, and also produced
error rates for the visual-naming task in the range of 30-40%, roughly the median performance of patients in the literature.
TABLE 1. Error rate of the
damaged model on various
M. C. Mozer, M. Sitton and M. Farah
aUOltory gesturing
auditory naming
visual gesturing
visual naming
error rate
Table 1 presents the error rates of the model on four tasks. The pattern of errors
shows a qualitative fit to human patient data. The model produced no errors on the auditory gesturing task because the two component pathways (A~S and S~G) were undamaged. Relatively few errors were made on the auditory-naming and visual-gesturing tasks,
each of which involved one damaged pathway, because the clean-up nets were able to
compensate for the damage. However, the error rate for the visual-naming task was quite
large, due t'O damage on both of its component pathways (V~S and S~N). The error rate
for visual naming cannot be accounted for by summing the effects of the damage to the
two component pathways because the sum of the error rates for auditory naming and
visual gesturing, each of which involves one of the two partially damaged pathways, is
nearly four times smaller. Rather, the effects of damage on these pathways interact, and
their interaction leads to superadditive impairments.
When a visual pattern is presented to the model, it is mapped by the damaged V~S
pathway into a corrupted semantic representation which is then cleaned up. While the corruption is sufficiently minor that clean up will eventually succeed, the clean up process is
slowed considerably by the corruption. During the period of time in which the semantic
clean-up network is searching for the correct attractor, the corrupted semantic representation is nonetheless fed into the damaged S~N pathway. The combined effect of the (initially) noisy semantic representation serving as input to a damaged pathway leads to
corruption of the naming representation past the point where it can be cleaned-up properly.
Interactions in the architecture are inevitable, and are not merely a consequence of
some arbitrary assumption that is built into our model. To argue this point, we consider
two modifications to the architecture that might eliminate the interaction in the damaged
model. First, if we allowed the V~S pathway to relax into a well-formed state before
feeding its output into the S~N pathway, there would be little interaction-the effects of
the damage would be additive. However, cortical pathways do not operate sequentially,
one stage finishing its computation and then turning on the next stage. Moreover, in the
undamaged brain, such a processing strategy is unadaptive, as cascading partial results
from one pathway to the next can speed processing without the introduction of errors
(McClelland, 1979). Second, the interaction might be eliminated by making the S~N
pathway continually responsive to changes in the output of the V ~S pathway. Then, the
rate of convergence of the V ~S pathway would be irrelevant to determining the eventual
output of the S~N pathway. However, because the output of the S~N pathway depends
not only on its input but its internal state (the state of the clean-up net), one cannot design
a pathway that is continually responsive to changes in the input and is also able to clean up
noisy responses. Thus, the two modifications one might consider to eliminate the interactions in the damaged model seriously weaken the computational power of the undamaged
model. We therefore conclude that the framework of our model makes it difficult to avoid
an interaction of damage in two pathways.
A subtle yet significant aspect of the model's performance is that the error rate on the
visual-gesturing task was reliably higher than the error rate on the auditory-naming task,
despite the fact that each task made use of one damaged pathway, and the pathways were
damaged to the same degree. The difference in performance is due to the fact that the damaged pathway for the visual-gesturing task is the first in a cascade of two, while the damaged pathway for the auditory-naming task is the second. The initially noisy response
from a damaged pathway early in the system propagates to subsequent pathways, and
A Superadditive-Impairment Theory of Optic Aphasia
although the damaged pathway will eventually produce the correct response, this is not
sufficient to ensure that subsequent pathways will do so as well.
Figure 2 presents the model's error distribution for the visual-naming task. Consistent with the patient data (Farah, 1990), the model produces many more semantic and perseveration errors than by chance. The chance error proportions were computed by
assuming that if the correct response was not made, then all other responses had an equal
probability of being chosen.
To understand the predominance of semantic errors, consider the effect of damage to
the V ~S pathway. For relatively small amounts of damage, the mapping produced will be
close to the correct mapping. "Close" here means that the Euclidean distance in the
semantic output space between the correct and perturbed mapping is small. Most of the
time, minor perturbation of the mapping will be compensated for by the clean-up net.
Occasionally, the perturbation will land the model in a different attractor basin, and a different response will be made. However, when the wrong attractor is selected, it will be one
"close" to the correct attractor, i.e., it will likely be a sibling in the same pattern cluster as
the correct attractor. In the case of the V ~S pathway, the siblings of the correct attract or
are by definition semantically related. A semantic error will be produced by the model
when a sibling semantic attractor is chosen, and then this pattern is correctly mapped to a
naming response in the S~N pathway.
In addition to semantic errors, the other frequent error type in visual naming is perseverations. The priming mechanism is responsible for the significant number of perseverations, although in the unlesioned model, it facilitates processing of repeated stimuli
without producing perseverations.
Just as important as the presence of perseverative and semantic errors is the absence
of visual errors, a feature of optic aphasia that contrasts sharply with visual agnosia
(Farah, 1990). The same mechanisms explain why the rate of visual errors is close to its
chance value and why visual+semantic errors are above chance. Visual-naming errors
occur because there is an error either in the V~S or S~N mappings, or both. Since the
erroneous outputs of these pathways show a strong tendency to be similar to the correct
output, and because semantic and name similarity does not imply visual similarity (the
patterns were paired randomly), visual errors should only occur by chance. When a visual
error does occur, though, there is a high probability that the error is also semantic because
of the strong bias that already exists toward producing semantic errors. This is the reason
why more visual+semantic errors occur than by chance and why the proportion of these
FIGURE 3. Distribution
of error types made by
model on the V~N task
(black bars) relative to
chance (grey bars).
Error type
M. C. Mozer, M. Sitton and M Farah
errors is only slightly less than the proportion of visual errors.
Plaut and Shallice (1993) have proposed a connectionist model to account for the
distribution of errors made by optic aphasics. Although their model was not designed to
account for any of the other phenomena associated with the disorder, it has much in common with the model we are proposing. Unlike our model, however, theirs requires the
assumption that visually similar objects also share semantic similarity. This assumption
might be questioned, especially because our model does not require this assumption to
produce the correct distribution of error responses.
In demonstrating superadditive effects of damage, we have offered an account of optic
aphasia that explains the primary phenomenon: severe impairments in visual naming in
conjunction with relatively spared performance on naming from verbal description or gesturing the appropriate use of a visually presented object. The model also explains the distribution of errors on visual naming. Although we did not have the space in this brief
report to elaborate, the model accounts for several other distinct characteristics of optic
aphasia, including the tendency of patients to "home in" on the correct name for a visually
presented object when given sufficient time, and a positive correlation between the error
rates on naming and gesturing responses to a visual object (Sitton, Mozer, & Farah, 1998).
Further, the model makes several strong predictions which have yet to be tested experimentally. One such prediction, which was apparent in the results presented earlier, is that a
higher error rate should be observed on visual gesturing than on auditory naming when the
tasks are equated for difficulty, as our simulation does.
More generally, we have strengthened the plausibility of Farah's (1990) hypothesis
that partial damage to two processing pathways may result in close-to-normal performance on tasks involving one pathway or the other while yielding a severe performance
deficit on tasks involving both damaged pathways. The superadditive-impairment theory
thus may provide a more parsimonious account of various disorders that were previously
believed to require more complex architectures or explanations.
This research was supported by grant 97-18 from the McDonnell-Pew Program in Cognitive Neuroscience.
Becker, S., Behrmann, M., & Moscovitch, K. (1993). Word priming in attractor networks.
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp.
231-236). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Farah, M. J. (1990). Visual agnosia. Cambridge, MA: MIT PresslBradford Books.
Mathis, D. W., & Mozer, M. C. (1996). Conscious and unconscious perception: A computational theory. In G. Cottrell (Ed.), Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference
of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 324-328). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
McClelland, J. L. (1979). On the time relations of mental processes: An examination of
systems of processes in cascade. Psychological Review, 86, 287-330.
Plaut, D., & Shallice, T. (1993). Perseverative and semantic influences on visual object
naming errors in optic aphasia: A connectionist approach. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 5,89-112.
Schnider, A., Benson, D. E, and Scharre, D. W. (1994). Visual agnosia and optic aphasia:
Are they anatomically distinct? Cortex, 30, 445-457.
Sitton, M., Mozer, M. C., & Farah, M. (1998). Diffuse lesions in a modular connectionisl
architecture: An account of optic aphasia. Manuscript submitted for publication.
| 1469 |@word trial:1 proportion:3 grey:1 simulation:3 shot:1 initial:1 hereafter:3 denoting:1 seriously:1 elaborating:1 past:1 current:1 activation:1 yet:3 cottrell:1 additive:1 subsequent:2 designed:1 update:1 cue:2 tenn:2 guess:1 item:1 selected:1 ith:3 mental:1 plaut:3 location:1 five:1 lor:1 along:1 constructed:1 incorrect:1 consists:1 qualitative:1 pathway:65 roughly:1 behavior:1 embody:1 brain:3 little:2 actual:1 increasing:1 begin:1 moreover:1 what:1 kind:1 proposing:1 nj:2 every:4 act:3 exactly:3 wrong:2 unit:18 grant:1 producing:2 continually:2 before:1 positive:1 consequence:2 despite:1 might:5 black:1 exert:1 examined:1 quantified:1 co:2 range:2 neuropsychological:3 acknowledgment:1 responsible:1 implement:1 procedure:1 cascade:2 word:1 radial:1 lesioning:1 cannot:3 close:6 influence:2 map:3 quick:2 compensated:1 eighteenth:1 occipital:1 independently:1 simplicity:1 disorder:7 immediately:1 rule:2 undamaged:3 cascading:2 pull:1 searching:1 updated:1 construction:1 unconscious:1 colorado:2 damaged:19 hypothesis:1 pa:1 element:2 recognition:1 particularly:1 observed:2 region:1 trade:3 removed:1 neuropsychology:1 mozer:10 asked:1 lesioned:1 dynamic:3 trained:2 basis:1 represented:1 various:2 forced:1 distinct:2 zemel:1 refined:1 quite:2 apparent:1 modular:1 valued:1 relax:2 otherwise:1 transform:1 noisy:4 associative:1 net:10 interaction:8 coming:1 strengthening:1 frequent:1 rapidly:1 detennined:1 representational:4 description:1 convergence:2 cluster:4 produce:5 generating:1 perfect:1 converges:1 object:15 recurrent:2 minor:2 strong:3 involves:1 come:1 posit:2 detennines:1 correct:14 human:1 hillsdale:2 explains:3 require:4 feeding:2 sufficiently:1 normal:2 visually:8 cognition:1 mapping:16 adopt:1 early:1 purpose:1 visited:1 predominance:1 callosum:1 weighted:2 mit:1 rather:1 avoid:1 ej:3 publication:1 conjunction:1 focus:1 finishing:1 properly:1 contrast:1 spared:1 attract:1 inaccurate:1 eliminate:2 initially:2 hidden:1 relation:1 semantics:10 nonnal:1 among:2 equal:2 eliminated:1 represents:1 nearly:1 inevitable:1 connectionist:5 others:1 report:3 stimulus:2 few:1 randomly:2 attractor:33 highly:2 superadditive:11 severe:3 yielding:1 partial:7 perfonnance:2 incomplete:1 euclidean:1 initialized:1 circle:1 weaken:1 psychological:1 increased:1 modeling:1 earlier:1 localist:2 erlbaum:2 perturbed:1 corrupted:3 considerably:1 combined:1 disrupted:1 off:3 michael:1 connecting:1 external:2 creating:1 cognitive:4 book:1 account:9 suggesting:1 stabilize:1 availability:1 depends:1 vi:1 performed:1 farah:15 formed:1 accuracy:3 who:1 characteristic:1 correspond:1 weak:1 produced:5 mere:1 perseveration:6 corruption:3 straight:1 classified:1 submitted:1 explain:2 ed:1 definition:2 nonetheless:1 pp:2 involved:1 associated:3 auditory:15 subtle:1 back:1 appears:1 feed:2 manuscript:1 ta:1 higher:2 methodology:1 response:19 done:1 box:2 though:1 just:1 stage:4 correlation:1 hand:1 propagation:1 aj:1 name:9 effect:9 requiring:1 concept:1 hence:2 symmetric:1 semantic:25 deal:1 during:1 demonstrate:1 interpreting:2 meaning:2 recently:2 common:1 functional:3 association:1 interpretation:3 theirs:1 significant:3 cambridge:1 pew:1 dj:1 unimpaired:1 had:6 lowered:1 cortex:2 similarity:6 posterior:1 irrelevant:2 apart:3 occasionally:1 certain:1 manifested:2 binary:1 arbitrarily:1 impose:1 preceding:1 floor:1 converge:1 period:1 multiple:4 sound:1 smooth:1 gesture:4 plausibility:1 compensate:1 believed:1 naming:36 paired:1 prediction:3 involving:4 basic:1 multilayer:1 vision:1 patient:10 fifteenth:1 receive:1 whereas:1 addition:1 median:1 rest:4 operate:1 unlike:1 subject:3 facilitates:1 kick:1 presence:1 feedforward:5 intermediate:1 concerned:1 variety:1 fit:1 psychology:1 gave:1 pennsylvania:1 architecture:10 idea:1 sibling:6 shift:2 becker:2 unilateral:1 questioned:1 impairment:7 generally:2 amount:4 conscious:1 category:1 mcclelland:2 sign:1 neuroscience:2 arising:1 per:2 correctly:1 serving:1 four:5 threshold:1 demonstrating:1 changing:1 clean:15 asymptotically:1 merely:1 fraction:2 sum:1 architectural:1 parsimonious:2 home:1 bound:1 layer:4 followed:2 perseverative:2 copied:1 correspondence:1 presslbradford:1 yielded:1 activity:9 annual:2 strength:4 occur:4 optic:20 constraint:2 sharply:1 diffuse:1 aspect:1 speed:4 relatively:5 mcdonnell:1 across:2 smaller:1 slightly:1 partitioned:1 modification:2 making:1 benson:2 explained:1 slowed:1 anatomically:1 boulder:2 taken:1 ceiling:1 equation:1 mutually:1 previously:1 eventually:2 mechanism:5 aphasia:19 locus:1 fed:1 appropriate:4 responsive:3 alternative:2 slower:1 dirty:1 ensure:1 testable:1 especially:2 society:2 already:1 damage:25 strategy:1 exclusive:1 primary:1 distance:2 deficit:7 mapped:3 attentional:1 capacity:2 entity:1 sensible:1 simulated:3 argue:1 unstable:1 trivial:1 toward:1 reason:1 assuming:1 difficult:1 rise:1 implementation:1 design:1 proper:1 shallice:3 reliably:1 wire:1 varied:1 perturbation:2 arbitrary:2 required:6 cleaned:2 connection:3 established:1 able:2 suggested:3 superordinate:1 usually:1 pattern:28 bar:2 perception:1 program:1 built:1 including:2 memory:1 explanation:7 power:1 critical:1 difficulty:1 force:2 examination:1 turning:1 brief:1 imply:1 carried:1 review:1 literature:1 determining:1 relative:2 fully:1 generation:1 unadaptive:1 proven:1 degree:1 offered:1 sufficient:4 consistent:1 basin:1 propagates:1 pi:1 land:1 share:1 accounted:1 surprisingly:1 supported:1 verbal:2 bias:1 disconnection:1 understand:1 explaining:1 wide:1 distributed:1 cortical:1 transition:1 forward:1 made:8 fonned:1 equated:1 sequentially:1 corpus:1 summing:1 conclude:1 iterative:1 why:4 table:2 nature:1 sem:1 interact:1 complex:3 mathis:3 priming:5 domain:2 did:2 arrow:3 noise:1 arise:1 lesion:3 allowed:1 repeated:1 referred:1 elaborate:1 strengthened:1 experienced:1 governed:1 pe:1 behrmann:2 removing:1 erroneous:2 specific:3 sift:1 agnosia:3 virtue:1 exists:1 unlesioned:1 modulates:1 sorting:1 cx:2 explore:2 likely:1 visual:52 contained:1 neurological:1 partially:1 corresponds:1 chance:7 ma:1 succeed:1 marked:1 consequently:1 rbf:3 eventual:1 absence:1 martha:1 change:3 included:1 typical:1 except:1 experimentally:1 semantically:1 averaging:1 total:1 experimental:1 la:1 tendency:2 internal:1 mark:1 moscovitch:2 cleanup:1 meant:1 preparation:1 dept:3 tested:2 phenomenon:4 |
513 | 147 | 297
Anya Hurlbert and Tomaso Poggio
Center for Biological Information Processing at Whitaker College
Department of Brain and Cognitive Science
and the MIT AI Laboratory
Cambridge, MA 02139
(hur [email protected])
We propose a parallel network of simple processors to find
color boundaries irrespective of spatial changes in illumination, and to spread uniform colors within marked reglOns.
To rely on color as a cue in recognizing objects, a visual system must have at least
approximate color constancy. Otherwise it might ascribe different characteristics to
the same object under different lights. But the first step in using color for recognition, segmenting the scene into regions of different colors, does not require color
constancy. In this crucial step color serves simply as a means of distinguishing
one object from another in a given scene. Color differences, which mark material
boundaries, are essential, while absolute color values are not. The goal of segmentation algorithms is to achieve this first step toward object recognition by finding
discontinuities in the image irradiance that mark material boundaries.
The problems that segmentation algorithms must solve is how to choose color labels, how to distinguish material boundaries from other changes in the image that
give rise to color edges, and how to fill in uniform regions with the appropriate
color labels. (Ideally, the color labels should remain constant under changes in the
illumination or scene composition and color edges should occur only at material
boundaries.) Rubin and Richards (1984 ) show that algorithms can solve the second problem under some conditions by comparing the image irradiance signal in
distinct spectral channels on either side of an edge.
The goal of the segmentation algorithms we discuss here is to find boundaries between regions of different surface spectral reflectances and to spread uniform colors
within them, without explicitly requiring the colors to be constant under changes
in illumination. The color labels we use are analogous to the CIE chromaticity
coordinates x and y. Under the single source assumption, they change across space
Hurlbert and Poggio
only when the surface spectral reflectance changes, except when strong specularities are present. (The algorithms therefore require help at a later stage to identify
between color label changes due to specularities, which we have not yet explicitly
incorporated.) The color edges themselves are localised with the help of luminance
edges, by analogy with psychophysics of segmentation and filling-in. The Koftka
Ring illusion, for example, indicates that color is attributed to surfaces by an interaction between an edge-finding operator and a filling-in operator. 1 The interaction
is justified by the fact that in the real world changes in surface spectral reflectance
are almost always accompanied by changes in brightness.
Color Labels
We assume that surfaces reflect light according to the neutral-interface-reflection
model. In this model (Lee, 1986 , Shaefer, 1984 [3]) the image irradiance I(X,y,A)
is the sum of two components, the surface reflection and the body reflection:
I(x, y, A)
L(r(x, y), A)[a(r, A)g(6(r)) + bh(6(r))],
where A labels wavelength and r( x, y) is the point on the 3D surface to which
the image coordinates (x, y) correspond. L(r(x, y), A) is the illumination on the
surface. a(r, A) is the spectral reflectance factor of the body reflection component
and g(6(r)) its magnitude, which depends on the viewing geometry parameters
lumped together in 6(r). The spectral reflectance factor of the specular, or surface
reflection, component b is assumed to be constant with respect to A, as is true
for inhomogeneous materials such as paints and plastics. For most materials, the
magnitude of the specular component h depends strongly on the viewing geometry.
Using the single source assumption, we may factor the illumination L into separate
spatial and spectral components (L(r, A)
L(r)c(A)). Multiplying I by the
spectral sensitivities of the color sensors i = 1,2,3 and integrating over wavelength
yields the triplet of color values (R, G, B), where
and so forth and where the a i and bi are the reflectance factors in the spectral
channels defined by the sensor spectral sensitivities.
We define the hues u and v as
u= - -__- -
1 Note that Land's original retinex algorithm, which thresholds and swns the differences in image
irradiance between adjacent points along many paths, accounts for the contribution of edges to
color, without introducing a separate luminance edge detector.
A Network for Image Segmentation Using Color
at each pixel.
In Lambertian reflection, the specular reflectance factor b is zero. In this case, u and
v are piecewise constant: they change in the image only when the ai(x,y) change.
Thus u or v mark discontinuities in the surface spectral reflectance function, e.g
they mark material boundaries. Conversely, image regions of constant u correspond
to regions of constant surface color. Synthetic images generated with standard
computer graphics algorithms (using, for example, the Phong reflectance model)
behave in this way: u is constant across the visible surface of a shaded sphere.
Across specularities, u in general changes but often not much. Thus one approach
to the segmentation problem is to find regions of "constant" u and their boundaries .
The difficulty with this approach is that real u data are noisy and unreliable: u is
the quotient of numbers that are not only noisy themselves but also, at least for
biological photosensor spectral sensitivities, very close to one another. The goals of
segmentation algorithms are therefore to enhance discontinuities in u and, within
the regions marked by the discontinuities, to smoothe over the noise and fill in the
data where they are unreliable. We have explored several methods of meeting these
Segmentation Algorithms
One method is to regularize - to eliminate the noise and fill in the data, while
preserving the discontinuities. Using an algorithm based on Markov Random Field
techniques, we have obtained encouraging results on real images (see Poggio et
al., 1988) . The MRF technique exploits the constraint that u should be piecewise
constant within the discontinuity contours and uses image brightness edges as guides
in finding the contours.
An alternative to the MRF approach is a cooperative network that fills in data
and filters out noise while enforcing the constraint of piecewise constancy. The
network, a type of Hopfield net, is similar to the cooperative stereo network of
Marr and Poggio (1976). Another approach consists of a one-pass winner-take-all
scheme. Both algorithms involve loading the initial hue values into discrete bins, an
undesirable and biologically unlikely feature . Although they produce good results
on noisy synthetic images and can be improved by modification (see Hurlbert, 1989),
another class of algorithms which we now describe are simple and effective, especially
on parallel computers such as the Connection Machine.
Averaging Network
One way to avoid small step changes in hue across a uniform surface resulting
from initial loading into discrete bins is to relax the local requirement for piecewise
Hurlbert and Poggio
Figure 1: (a) Image of a Mondrian-textured sphere - the red channel. (b) Vertical
slice through the specularity in a 75 x 75 pixel region of the three-channel image
(R + G + B) of the same sphere.
constancy and instead require only that hue be smooth within regions delineated by
the edge input. We will see that this local smoothness requirement actually yields
an iterative algorithm that provides asymptotically piecewise constant hue regions.
To implement the local smoothness criterion we use an averaging scheme that simply
replaces the value of each pixel in the hue image with the average of its local
surround, iterating many times over the whole image.
The algorithm takes as input the hue image (either the u-image or the v-image)
and one or two edge images, either luminance edges alone, or luminance edges plus
u or v edges, or u edges plus v edges. The edge images are obtained by performing
Canny edge detection or by using a thresholded directional first derivative. On each
iteration, the value at each pixel in the hue image is replaced by the average of its
value and those in its contributing neighborhood. A neighboring pixel is allowed
to contribute if (i) it is one of the four pixels sharing a full border with the central
pixel (ii) it shares the same edge label with the central pixel in all input edge images
(iii) its value is non-zero and (iv) its value is within a fixed range of the central pixel
value. The last requirement simply reinforces the edge label requirement when a
hue image serves as an input edge image - the edge label requirement allows only
those pixels that lie on the same side of an edge to be averaged, while the other
insures that only those pixels with similar hues are averaged.
More formally
A Network for Image Segmentation Using Color
where Cn(hf,j) is the set of N(C n ) pixels among the next neighbors of i,j that
differ from h~. less than a specified amount and are not crossed by an edge in the
edge map(s) (on the assumption that the pixel (i,j) does not belong to an edge).
The iteration of this operator is similar to nonlinear diffusion and to discontinuous
regularization of the type discussed by Blake and Zisserman (1987), Geman and
Geman (1984) and Marroquin (9]. The iterative scheme of the above equation can
be derived from minimization via gradient descent of the energy function
= L:Ei,j
where V(x, y) V(x - y) is a quadratic potential around 0 and constant for
above a certain value.
Ix - yl
The local averaging smoothes noise in the hue values and spreads uniform hues
across regions marked by the edge inputs. On images with shading but without
strong specularities the algorithm performs a clean segmentation into regions of
different hues.
The averaging scheme finds constant hue regions under the assumptions of a single
source and no strong specularities. A strong highlight may originate an edge that
could then "break" the averaging operation. In our limited experience most specularities seem to average out and disappear from the smoothed hue map, largely
because even strong specularities in the image are much reduced in the initial hue
image. The iterative averaging scheme completely eliminates the remaining gradients in hue. It is possible that more powerful discrimination of specularities will
require specialized routines and higher-level knowledge (Hurlbert, 1989).
Yet this simple network alone is sufficient to reproduce some psychophysical phenomena. In particular, the interaction between brightness and color edges enables
the network to mimic such visual "illusions" as the Koftka Ring. We replicate the
illusion in the following way. A black-and-white Koft'ka Ring (a uniform grey annulus against a rectangular bipartite background, one side black and the other white)
(Hurlbert and Poggio, 1988b) is filtered through the lightness filter estimated in
Hurlbert and Poggio
Figure 2: (a) A 75x75 pixel region of the u image, including the specularity. (b) The
image obtained after 500 iterations of the averaging network on (a), using as edge
input the Canny edges of the luminance image. A threshold on differences in the v
image allows only similar v values to be averaged. (c) Vertical slice through center
of (a). (d) Vertical slice at same coordinates through (b) (note different scales of
(c) and (d?.
A Network for Image Segmentation Using Color
the way described elsewhere (Hurlbert and Poggio, 1988a). (For black-and-white
images this step replaces the operation of obtaining u and v: in both cases the goal
is to eliminate spatial gradients of in the effective illumination.) The filtered Koffka
Ring is then fed to the averaging network together with the brightness edges. When
in the input image the boundary between the two parts of the background continues
across the annulus, in the output image (after 2000 iterations of the averaging network) the annulus splits into two semi-annuli of different colors in the output image,
dark grey against the white half, light grey against the black half (Hurlbert, 1989).
When the boundary does not continue across the annulus, the annulus remains a
uniform grey. These results agree with human perception.
This report describes research done within the Center for Biological Information
Processing, in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, and at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. This research is sponsored by a grant from the Office
of Naval Research (ONR), Cognitive and Neural Sciences Division; by the Artificial
Intelligence Center of Hughes Aircraft Corporation; by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation; by the National Science Foundation; by the Artificial Intelligence Center of
Hughes Aircraft Corporation (SI-801534-2); and by the NATO Scientific Affairs Division (0403/87). Support for the A. I. Laboratory's artificial intelligence research is
provided by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense
under Army contract DACA76-85-C-001O, and in part by ONR contract NOOOI485-K-0124. Tomaso Foggio is supported by the Uncas and Helen Whitaker Chair
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Whitaker College.
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Hurlbert and Poggio
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A. C. Hurlbert and T. A. Poggio. Synthesizing a color algorithm from examples.
Science, 239:482-485, 1988.
| 147 |@word aircraft:2 loading:2 replicate:1 grey:4 brightness:4 shading:1 initial:3 disparity:1 ka:1 comparing:1 si:1 yet:2 must:2 john:1 visible:1 enables:1 sponsored:1 discrimination:1 alone:2 cue:1 half:2 intelligence:6 affair:1 filtered:2 provides:1 contribute:1 along:1 consists:1 tomaso:5 themselves:2 brain:2 encouraging:1 little:1 provided:1 project:1 mass:1 weinshall:1 finding:3 corporation:2 grant:1 segmenting:1 local:5 path:1 pami:1 might:1 plus:2 black:4 mateo:1 conversely:1 shaded:1 limited:1 bi:1 range:1 averaged:3 hughes:2 implement:1 illusion:3 integrating:1 close:1 undesirable:1 operator:3 bh:1 map:2 center:5 helen:1 rectangular:1 fill:4 regularize:1 marr:2 coordinate:3 analogous:1 distinguishing:1 us:1 recognition:2 continues:1 richards:2 geman:4 cooperative:3 constancy:4 steven:1 region:14 agency:1 ideally:1 mondrian:1 bipartite:1 division:2 textured:1 completely:1 whitman:1 hopfield:1 america:1 distinct:1 describe:1 effective:2 artificial:5 neighborhood:1 solve:2 relax:1 otherwise:1 noisy:3 net:1 propose:1 reconstruction:1 interaction:3 canny:2 neighboring:1 achieve:1 forth:1 requirement:5 produce:1 ring:4 object:4 help:2 andrew:2 strong:5 quotient:1 differ:1 inhomogeneous:1 discontinuous:1 filter:2 stochastic:1 human:1 viewing:2 material:8 bin:2 require:4 biological:3 daca76:1 around:1 blake:2 label:10 x75:1 minimization:1 mit:4 sensor:2 always:1 avoid:1 office:1 derived:1 naval:1 indicates:1 eliminate:2 unlikely:1 reproduce:1 pixel:14 among:1 spatial:3 psychophysics:1 field:1 stuart:1 filling:2 mimic:1 report:1 piecewise:5 koffka:1 national:1 replaced:1 geometry:2 detection:1 light:3 edge:33 experience:1 poggio:13 iv:1 reglons:1 restoration:1 introducing:1 neutral:1 uniform:7 recognizing:1 graphic:1 synthetic:2 sensitivity:3 lee:2 yl:1 contract:2 probabilistic:1 physic:1 enhance:1 together:2 thesis:2 reflect:1 central:3 choose:1 cognitive:3 american:1 derivative:1 account:1 potential:1 accompanied:1 explicitly:2 sloan:1 depends:2 crossed:1 later:1 break:1 red:1 hf:1 parallel:2 contribution:1 kaufmann:1 characteristic:1 largely:1 correspond:2 identify:1 yield:2 directional:1 bayesian:1 plastic:1 annulus:6 multiplying:1 processor:1 detector:1 sharing:1 against:3 energy:1 hurlbert:14 attributed:1 massachusetts:4 hur:1 color:37 knowledge:1 segmentation:12 routine:1 marroquin:2 irradiance:4 actually:1 higher:1 zisserman:2 improved:1 april:1 done:1 strongly:1 anderson:1 stage:1 ei:1 nonlinear:1 ascribe:1 scientific:1 requiring:1 true:1 regularization:1 laboratory:4 white:4 chromaticity:2 adjacent:1 lumped:1 larson:1 criterion:1 performs:1 interface:1 reflection:7 image:42 specialized:1 winner:1 phong:1 belong:1 discussed:1 composition:1 cambridge:5 surround:1 ai:3 gibbs:1 smoothness:2 surface:13 certain:1 onr:2 continue:1 meeting:1 preserving:1 morgan:1 signal:1 ii:1 semi:1 full:1 smooth:1 sphere:3 mrf:2 vision:2 iteration:4 cie:1 justified:1 background:2 source:3 crucial:1 eliminates:1 photosensor:1 seem:1 yang:1 iii:1 split:1 specular:4 cn:1 defense:1 colour:1 stereo:2 iterating:1 involve:1 amount:1 dark:1 hue:17 category:1 reduced:1 estimated:1 reinforces:1 smoothe:1 discrete:2 alfred:1 four:1 threshold:2 clean:1 thresholded:1 diffusion:1 nalysis:1 luminance:5 asymptotically:1 relaxation:1 sum:1 jose:1 inverse:1 powerful:1 almost:1 smoothes:1 geiger:1 distinguish:1 replaces:2 quadratic:1 occur:1 constraint:2 scene:4 chair:1 performing:1 optical:1 department:3 according:1 remain:1 across:7 describes:1 delineated:1 biologically:1 modification:1 equation:1 agree:1 remains:1 discus:1 fed:1 serf:2 operation:2 lambertian:1 appropriate:1 spectral:12 alternative:1 original:1 remaining:1 whitaker:3 exploit:1 reflectance:9 especially:1 disappear:1 society:1 psychophysical:1 paint:1 che:1 gradient:3 separate:3 originate:1 toward:1 enforcing:1 localised:1 memo:1 rise:1 synthesizing:1 vertical:3 markov:1 descent:1 behave:1 hsien:1 incorporated:1 smoothed:1 david:1 specified:1 connection:1 discontinuity:6 perception:1 pattern:1 including:1 difficulty:1 rely:1 advanced:1 representing:1 scheme:5 technology:4 lightness:1 irrespective:1 understanding:1 acknowledgement:1 contributing:1 anya:3 highlight:2 specularity:2 analogy:1 dana:1 foundation:2 sufficient:1 rubin:2 editor:1 share:1 land:1 elsewhere:1 koftka:2 supported:1 last:1 side:3 guide:1 institute:5 neighbor:1 absolute:1 slice:3 boundary:10 world:1 contour:2 san:1 transaction:1 approximate:1 biilthoff:1 nato:1 unreliable:2 assumed:1 don:1 iterative:3 triplet:1 channel:4 ca:2 obtaining:1 spread:3 whole:1 noise:4 border:1 shafer:1 allowed:1 body:2 lie:1 ix:1 swns:1 explored:1 essential:1 workshop:1 phd:2 magnitude:2 illumination:6 specularities:8 simply:3 wavelength:2 insures:1 army:1 visual:3 ma:4 marked:3 goal:5 change:13 except:1 averaging:9 pas:1 gamble:1 formally:1 college:2 mark:4 retinex:1 support:1 illuminant:1 phenomenon:1 |
514 | 1,470 | Bach in a Box - Real-Time Harmony
Randall R. Spangler and Rodney M. Goodman*
Computation and Neural Systems
California Institute of Technology, 136-93
Pasadena, CA 91125
Jim Hawkins t
88B Milton Grove
Stoke Newington, London N16 8QY, UK
We describe a system for learning J. S. Bach's rules of musical harmony. These rules are learned from examples and are expressed
as rule-based neural networks. The rules are then applied in realtime to generate new accompanying harmony for a live performer.
Real-time functionality imposes constraints on the learning and
harmonizing processes, including limitations on the types of information the system can use as input and the amount of processing
the system can perform. We demonstrate algorithms for generating and refining musical rules from examples which meet these
constraints. We describe a method for including a priori knowledge into the rules which yields significant performance gains. We
then describe techniques for applying these rules to generate new
music in real-time. We conclude the paper with an analysis of
experimental results.
The goal of this research is the development of a system to learn musical rules from
examples of J.S. Bach's music, and then to apply those rules in real-time to generate
new music in a similar style. These algorithms would take as input a melody such
*[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
R. R. Spangler; R. M. Goodman and J Hawkins
Figure 1: Melody for Chorale #1 "Aus meines Herzens Grunde"
Figure 2: J. S. Bach's Harmony For Chorale #1
as Figure 1 and produce a complete harmony such as Figure 2. Performance of this
harmonization in real-time is a challenging problem. It also provides insight into
the nature of composing music.
We briefly review the representation of input data and the process of rule base
generation. Then we focus on methods of increasing the performance of rule-based
systems. Finally we present our data on learning the style of Bach.
Constraints Imposed by Real-Time Functionality
A program which is to provide real-time harmony to accompany musicians at live
performances faces two major constraints.
First, the algorithms must be fast enough to generate accompaniment without detectable delay between the musician playing the melody and the algorithm generating the corresponding harmony. For musical instrument sounds with sharp attacks
(plucked and percussive instruments, such as the harp or piano), delays of even a
few tens of milliseconds between the start of the melody note and the start of the
harmony notes are noticeable and distracting. This limits the complexity of the
algorithm and the amount of information it can process for each timestep.
Second, the algorithms must base their output only on information from previous timesteps. This differentiates our system from HARMONET (Hild, Feulnzer
and Menzel, 1992) which required knowledge of the next note in the future before
generating harmony for the current note.
Advantages of a Rule-Based Algorithm
A rule-based neural network algorithm was chosen over a recurrent network or a
non-linear feed-forward network. Neural networks have been previously used for
harmonizing music with some success (Mozer, 1991)(Todd, 1989). However, rulebased algorithms have several advantages when dealing with music. Almost all
music has some sort of rhythm and is tonal, meaning both pitch and duration of
individual notes are quantized. This presents problems in the use of continuous
networks, which must be overtrained to reasonably approximate discrete behavior.
Bach in a Box-Real-Time Harmony
Rule-based systems are inherently discrete, and do not have this problem.
Furthermore it is very difficult to determine why a non-linear multi-layer network
makes a given decision or to extract the knowledge contained in such a network.
However, it is straightforward to determine why a rule-based network produced
a given result by examining the rules which fired. This aids development of the
algorithm, since it is easier to determine where mistakes are being made. It allows
comparison of the results to existing knowledge of music theory as shown below, and
may provide insight into the theory of musical composition beyond that currently
Rule-based neural networks can also be modified via segmentation to take advantage
of additional a priori knowledge.
Representation of Input Data
The choice of input representation greatly affects the ability of a learning algorithm
to generate meaningful rules. The learning and inferencing algorithms presented
here speak an extended form of the classical figured bass representation common
in Bach's time. Paired with a melody, figured bass provides a sufficient amount of
information to reconstruct the harmonic content of a piece of music.
Figured bass has several characteristics which make it well-disposed to learning
rules. It is a symbolic format which uses a relatively small alphabet of symbols.
It is also hierarchical - it specifies first the chord function that is to be played at
the current note/timestep, then the scale step to be played by the bass voice, then
additional information as needed to specify the alto and tenor scale steps. This
allows our algorithm to fire sets of rules sequentially, to first determine the chord
function which should be associated with a new melody note, and then to use that
chord function as an input attribute to subsequent rulebases which determine the
bass, alto, and tenor scale steps. In this way we can build up the final chord from
simpler pieces, each governed by a specialized rulebase.
Generation of Rulebases
Our algorithm was trained on a set of 100 harmonized Bach chorales. These were
translated from MIDI format into our figured bass format by a preprocessing program which segmented them into chords at points where any voice changed pitch.
Chord function was determined by simple table lookup in a table of 120 common
Bach chords based on the scale steps played by each voice in the chord. The algorithm was given information on the current timestep (MelO-TeO), and the previous
two timesteps (Mell-Func2). This produced a set of 7630 training examples, a
subset of which are shown below:
R. R. Spangler; R. M. Goodman and 1. Hawkins
A rulebase is a collection of rules which predict the same right hand side (RHS)
attribute (for example, FunctionO). All rules have the form IF Y=y... THEN
X=x. A rule's order is the number of terms on its left hand side (LHS).
Rules are generated from examples using a modified version of the ITRULE algorithm. (Goodman et al., 1992) All possible rules are considered and ranked by a
measure of the information contained in each rule defined as
J(X; Y
= y) = p(y)
(p;~~~)) + (I -
(11-!;~~~)) ]
This measure trades off the amount of information a rule contains against the probability of being able to use the rule. Rules are less valuable if they contains little
information. Thus, the J-measure is low when p{xly) is not much higher than p(x) .
Rules are also less valuable if they fire only rarely (p(y) is small) since those rules
are unlikely to be useful in generalizing to new data.
A rulebase generated to predict the current chord's function might start with the
following rules:
1. IF
2. IF Function1
AND Helody1
AND HelodyO
3. IF Function1
AND HelodyO
p(corr) J-meas
THEN FunctionO
THEN FunctionO
THEN FunctionO
Inferencing Using Rulebases
Rule based nets are a form of probabilistic graph model. When a rulebase is used
to infer a value, each rule in the rule base is checked in order of decreasing rule
J-measure. A rule can fire if it has not been inhibited and all the clauses on its LHS
are true. When a rule fires, its weight is added to the weight of the value which it
predicts, After all rules have had a chance to fire, the result is an array of weights
for all predicted values.
Process of Harmonizing a Melody
Input is received a note at a time as a musician plays a melody on a MIDI keyboard.
The algorithm initially knows the current melody note and the data for the last two
timesteps. The system first uses a rule base to determine the chord function which
should be played for the current melody note. For example, given the melody note
"e" , "it might playa chord function "IV", corresponding to an F -Major chord. The
program then uses additional rulebases to specify how the chord will be voiced.
In the example, the bass, alto, and tenor notes might be set to "BO", "AI", and
"T2" , corresponding to the notes "F", "A", and "e". The harmony notes are then
converted to MIDI data and sent to a synthesizer, which plays them in real-time to
accompany the melody.
Bach in a Box-Real-Time Harmony
Improvement of Rulebases
The J-measure is a good measure for determining the information-theoretic worth of
rules. However, it is unable to take into account any additional a priori knowledge
about the nature of the problem - for example, that harmony rules which use the
current melody note as input are more desirable because they avoid dissonance
between the melody and harmony.
A priori knowledge of this nature is incorporated by segmenting rulebases into moreand less-desirable rules based on the presence or absence of a desired LHS attribute
such as the current melody note (MelodyO). Rules lacking the attribute are removed
from the primary set of rules and placed in a second "fallback" set. Only in the
event that no primary rules are able to fire is the secondary set allowed to fire. This
gives greater impact to the primary rules (since they are used first) without the loss
of domain size (since the less desirable rules are not actually deleted).
Rulebase segmentation provides substantial improvements in the speed of the algorithm in addition to improving its inferencing ability. When an unsegmented
rule base is fired, the algorithm has to compare the current input data with the LHS
of every rule in the rulebase. However, processing for a segmented rulebase stops
after the first segment which fires a rule on the input data. The algorithm does
not need to spend time examining rules in lower-priority segments of that rulebase.
This increase in efficiency allows segmented rule bases to contain more rules without
impacting performance. The greater number of rules provides a richer and more
robust knowledge base for generating harmony.
Realtime Dependency Pruning
When rules are used to infer a value, the rules weights are summed to generate probabilities. This requires that all rules which are allowed to fire must be independent
of one another. Otherwise, one good rule could be overwhelmed by the combined
weight of twenty mediocre but virtually identical rules. To prevent this problem,
each segment of a rulebase is analyzed to determine which rules are dependent with
other rules in the same segment. Two rules are considered dependent if they fire
together on more than half the training examples where either rule fires.
For each rule, the algorithm maintains a list of lower rank rules which are dependent
with the rule. This list is used in real-time dependency pruning. Whenever a rule
fires on a given input, all rules dependent on it are inhibited for the duration of the
input. This ensures that all rules which are able to fire for an input are independent.
Conflict Resolution
When multiple rules fire and predict different values, an algorithm must be used to
resolve the conflict. Simply picking the value with the highest weight, while most
likely to be correct, leads to monotonous music since a given melody then always
produces the same harmony.
To provide a more varied harmony, our system exponentiates the accumulated rule
R. R. Spangler, R. M Goodman and J Hawkins
Table 1: Rulebase Segments
MelodyO, Functionl, Function2
MelodyO, FunctionO
FunctionO, SopranoO
SopranoO, BassO
SopranoO, BassO, AltoO. FunctionO
SopranoO, Bas80, AltoO
Table 2: Rulebase Performance
unsegmented # 2
unsegmented #2
unsegmented #2
unsegmented #2
weights for the possible outcomes to produce probabilities for each value, and the
final outcome is chosen randomly based on those probabilities. It is because we use
the accumulated rule weights to determine these probabilities that all rules which
are allowed to fire must be independent of each other.
If no rules at all fire, the system uses a first-order Bayes classifier to determine the
RlIS value based on the current melody note. This ensures that the system will
always return an outcome compatible with the melody.
Rulebases were generated for each attribute. Up to 2048 rules were kept in each
rule base. Rules were retained if they were correct at least 30% of the time they
fired, and had a J-measure greater than 0.001. The rulebases were then segmented.
These rulebases were tested on 742 examples derived from 27 chorales not used in
the training set. The number of examples correctly inferenced is shown for each
rule base before and after segmentation. Also shown is the average number of rules
evaluated per test example; the speed of inferencing is proportional to this number.
To determine whether segmentation was in effect only removing lower J-measure
rules, we removed low-order rules from the unsegmented rule bases until they had
the same average number of rules evaluated as the segmented rule bases.
In all cases, segmenting the rulebases reduced the average rules fired per example
without lowering the accuracy of the rule bases (in some cases, segmentation even
increased accuracy). Speed gains from segmentation ranged from 80% for TenorO up
to 320% for FunctionO. In comparison, simply reducing the size of the unsegmented
Bach in a Box-Real-Time Harmony
rulebase to match the speed of the segmented rulebase reduced the number of
correctly inferred examples by 4% to 6%.
The generated rules for harmony have a great deal of similarity to accepted harmonic
transitions (Ottman, 1989). For example, high-priority rules specify common chord
transitions such as V-V7-I (a classic way to end a piece of music).
The system described in this paper meets the basic objectives described in Section 1.
It learns harmony rules from examples of the music of J.S. Bach. The system is then
able to harmonize melodies in real-time. The generated harmonies are sometimes
surprising (such as the diminished 7th chord near the end of "Happy Birthday"),
yet are consistent with Bach harmony.
Figure 3: Algorithm's Bach-Like Harmony for "Happy Birthday"
Rulebase segmentation is an effective method for incorporating a priori knowledge
into learned rulebases. It can provides significant speed increases over unsegmented
rule bases with no loss of accuracy.
Randall R. Spangler is supported in part by an NSF fellowship.
J. Bach (Ed.: A. Riemenschneider) (1941) 371 Harmonized Chorales and 96 Chorale
Melodies. Milwaukee, WI: G. Schirmer.
H. Hild, J. Feulner & W. Menzel. (1992) HARMONET: A Neural Net for Harmonizing Chorales in the Style of J. S. Bach. In J. Moody (ed.), Advances in Neural
Information Processing Systems 4,267-274. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.
M. Mozer, T. Soukup. {1991} Connectionist Music Composition Based on Melodic
and Stylistic Constraints. In R. Lippmann (ed.), Advances in Neural Information
Processing Systems 3. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.
P. Todd. (1989) A Connectionist Approach to Algorithmic Composition. Computer
Music Joumal13(4}:27-43.
R. Goodman, P. Smyth, C. Higgins, J. Miller. {1992} Rule-Based Neural Networks
for Classification and Probability Estimation. Neural Computation 4(6}:781-804.
R. Ottman. (1989) Elementary Harmony. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
| 1470 |@word version:1 briefly:1 llo:1 contains:2 accompaniment:1 existing:1 feulner:1 current:10 surprising:1 synthesizer:1 yet:1 must:6 subsequent:1 half:1 rulebase:15 provides:5 quantized:1 attack:1 simpler:1 harmonize:1 behavior:1 multi:1 decreasing:1 resolve:1 little:1 increasing:1 alto:3 riemenschneider:1 nj:1 every:1 classifier:1 uk:2 segmenting:2 before:2 todd:2 limit:1 mistake:1 cliff:1 meet:2 birthday:2 might:3 au:1 mateo:2 challenging:1 co:1 melodic:1 symbolic:1 mediocre:1 prentice:1 live:2 applying:1 function2:1 imposed:1 musician:3 straightforward:1 duration:2 resolution:1 rule:94 insight:2 array:1 higgins:1 stoke:1 classic:1 play:2 speak:1 smyth:1 us:4 predicts:1 ensures:2 bass:7 trade:1 removed:2 chord:15 valuable:2 highest:1 substantial:1 mozer:2 complexity:1 trained:1 segment:6 efficiency:1 translated:1 alphabet:1 fast:1 describe:3 london:1 effective:1 outcome:3 richer:1 spend:1 reconstruct:1 otherwise:1 ability:2 final:2 advantage:3 net:2 jij:1 basso:3 fired:4 bao:1 produce:3 generating:4 recurrent:1 inferencing:4 received:1 noticeable:1 predicted:1 xly:2 correct:3 functionality:2 attribute:5 func2:2 melody:20 ao:3 itrule:1 harmonization:1 elementary:1 mell:2 accompanying:1 hild:2 hawkins:4 considered:2 hall:1 great:1 algorithmic:1 predict:3 major:2 a2:4 estimation:1 harmony:24 currently:1 teo:2 always:2 modified:2 harmonizing:4 avoid:1 derived:1 focus:1 refining:1 improvement:2 rank:1 greatly:1 dependent:4 accumulated:2 unlikely:1 initially:1 pasadena:1 classification:1 priori:5 impacting:1 development:2 summed:1 harmonet:2 dissonance:1 identical:1 future:1 t2:5 connectionist:2 micro:2 few:1 inhibited:2 randomly:1 individual:1 fire:16 spangler:5 englewood:1 eval:1 analyzed:1 grove:1 lh:5 iv:3 desired:1 monotonous:1 increased:1 aio:1 subset:1 delay:2 examining:2 menzel:2 dependency:2 combined:1 probabilistic:1 off:1 picking:1 together:1 moody:1 priority:2 v7:3 style:3 return:1 account:1 converted:1 lookup:1 piece:3 start:3 sort:1 maintains:1 bayes:1 rodney:1 voiced:1 accuracy:3 musical:5 characteristic:1 kaufmann:2 miller:1 yield:1 produced:2 none:3 worth:1 whenever:1 checked:1 ed:3 against:1 associated:1 gain:2 stop:1 knowledge:9 segmentation:8 actually:1 feed:1 higher:1 specify:3 evaluated:2 box:4 furthermore:1 until:1 hand:2 unsegmented:9 fallback:1 disposed:1 b3:2 effect:1 contain:1 true:1 ranged:1 deal:1 rhythm:1 bal:1 distracting:1 complete:1 demonstrate:1 theoretic:1 meaning:1 harmonic:2 common:3 specialized:1 clause:1 function1:2 significant:2 cix:1 composition:3 ai:1 had:3 similarity:1 base:13 playa:1 milwaukee:1 keyboard:1 success:1 caltech:2 morgan:2 additional:4 greater:3 performer:1 determine:10 ii:1 multiple:1 sound:1 desirable:3 infer:2 segmented:9 match:1 bach:16 melo:2 paired:1 impact:1 pitch:2 basic:1 sometimes:1 qy:1 background:1 addition:1 fellowship:1 goodman:6 accompany:2 virtually:1 sent:1 near:1 presence:1 enough:1 affect:1 timesteps:3 whether:1 tonal:1 remark:1 useful:1 amount:4 ten:1 reduced:2 generate:6 specifies:1 nsf:1 millisecond:1 correctly:2 per:2 discrete:2 harp:1 deleted:1 prevent:1 figured:4 kept:1 lowering:1 timestep:3 graph:1 almost:1 stylistic:1 realtime:2 decision:1 layer:1 played:4 newington:1 constraint:5 rulebased:1 speed:5 format:3 relatively:1 percussive:1 wi:1 randall:2 previously:1 detectable:1 differentiates:1 needed:1 know:1 milton:1 instrument:2 end:2 available:1 apply:1 hierarchical:1 voice:3 overtrained:1 music:14 soukup:1 build:1 classical:1 bl:4 objective:1 added:1 primary:3 unable:1 retained:1 happy:2 difficult:1 twenty:1 perform:1 extended:1 incorporated:1 jim:1 varied:1 sharp:1 inferred:1 required:2 conflict:2 california:1 learned:2 beyond:1 able:4 below:2 program:3 including:2 event:1 ranked:1 chorale:7 technology:1 extract:1 review:1 piano:1 acknowledgement:1 determining:1 lacking:1 loss:2 generation:2 limitation:1 proportional:1 sufficient:1 consistent:1 imposes:1 playing:1 compatible:1 changed:1 placed:1 last:1 supported:1 side:2 institute:1 face:1 transition:2 forward:1 made:1 collection:1 preprocessing:1 avg:1 san:2 approximate:1 pruning:2 lippmann:1 midi:3 dealing:1 sequentially:1 conclude:1 tenor:3 continuous:1 why:2 table:4 learn:1 nature:3 robust:1 ca:3 composing:1 reasonably:1 inherently:1 tel:1 funco:1 improving:1 domain:1 rh:3 allowed:3 tl:2 aid:1 governed:1 learns:1 removing:1 symbol:1 meas:1 list:2 incorporating:1 corr:1 overwhelmed:1 easier:1 generalizing:1 simply:2 likely:1 expressed:1 contained:2 bo:3 chance:1 goal:1 harmonized:2 absence:1 content:1 diminished:1 determined:1 reducing:1 secondary:1 accepted:1 experimental:1 meaningful:1 rarely:1 tested:1 |
515 | 1,471 | A Model of Early Visual Processing
Laurent Itti, Jochen Braun, Dale K. Lee and Christof Koch
{itti, achim, jjwen, koch}Gklab.caltech.edu
Computation & Neural Systems, MSC 139-74
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, U.S.A.
We propose a model for early visual processing in primates. The
model consists of a population of linear spatial filters which interact through non-linear excitatory and inhibitory pooling. Statistical estimation theory is then used to derive human psychophysical
thresholds from the responses of the entire population of units. The
model is able to reproduce human thresholds for contrast and orientation discrimination tasks, and to predict contrast thresholds in
the presence of masks of varying orientation and spatial frequency.
A remarkably wide range of human visual thresholds for spatial patterns appears to
be determined by the earliest stages of visual processing, namely, orientation- and
spatial frequency-tuned visual filters and their interactions [18, 19, 3, 22, 9]. Here we
consider the possibility of quantitatively relating arbitrary spatial vision thresholds
to a single computational model. The success of such a unified account should
reveal the extent to which human spatial vision indeed reflects one particular stage
of processing. Another motivation for this work is the controversy over the neural
circuits that generate orientation and spatial frequency tuning in striate cortical
neurons (13, 8, 2]. We think it is likely that behaviorally defined visual filters
and their interactions reveal at least some of the characteristics of the underlying
neural circuitry. Two specific problems are addressed: (i) what is the minimal set
of model components necessary to account for human spatial vision, (ii) is there
a general decision strategy which relates model responses to behavioral thresholds
and which obviates case-by-case assumptions about the decision strategy in different
behavioral situations. To investigate these questions, we propose a computational
model articulated around three main stages: first, a population of bandpass linear
filters extracts visual features from a stimulus; second, linear filters interact through
non-linear excitatory and inhibitory pooling; third, a noise model and decision
strategy are assumed in order to relate the model's output to psychophysical data.
L Itti, 1. Braun, D. K. Lee and C. Koch
We assume spatial visual filters tuned for a variety of orientations e E e and
spatial periods A E A. The filters have overlapping receptive fields in visual space.
Quadrature filter pairs, p{~(r and F{~d, are used to compute a phase-independent
linear energy response, E>.,6, to a visual stimulus S. A small constant background
activity, f, is added to the linear energy responses:
E>. ,6 = \I
. /(peven
>' ,6
* S)2 + (podd
* S)2 + f
Filters have separable Gaussian tuning curves in orientation and spatial frequency.
Their corresponding shape in visual space is close to that of Gabor filters, although
not separable along spatial dimensions.
Pooling: self excitation and divisive inhibition
A model based on linear filters alone would not correctly account for the non-linear
response characteristics to stimulus contrast which have been observed psychophysically [19]. Several models have consequently introduced a non-linear transducer
stage following each linear unit [19]. A more appealing possibility is to assume a
non-linear pooling stage [6, 21, 3, 22]. In this study, we propose a pooling strategy
inspired by Heeger's model for gain control in cat area VI [5, 6]. The pooled response R>.,6 of a unit tuned for (A, 0) is computed from the linear energy responses
of the entire population:
R>. >',6
+ 1]
,6 - So + L>'I,61W>.,6(N, OI)E~/,61
where the sum is taken over the entire population and W>.,6 is a two-dimensional
Gaussian weighting function centered around (A,O), and 1] a background activity.
The numerator in Eq. 1 represents a non-linear self-excitation term. The denominator represents a divisive inhibitory term which depends not only on the activity
of the unit (A,O) of interest, but also on the responses of other units . We shall see
in Section 3 that, in contrast to Heeger's model for electrophysiological data in
which all units contribute equally to the pool, it is necessary to assume that only a
subpopulation of units with tuning close to (A, 0) contribute to the pool in order to
account for psychophysical data. Also, we assume, > 15 to obtain a power law for
high contrasts [7], as opposed to Heeger's physiological model in which, = 15 = 2
to account for neuronal response saturation at high contrasts.
Several interesting properties result from this pooling model. First, a sigmoidal
transducer function - in agreement with contrast discrimination psychophysics - is
naturally obtained through pooling and thus need not be introduced post-hoc. The
transducer slope for high contrasts is determined by ,-15, the location of its inflexion
point by 5, and the slope at this point by the absolute value of, (and 15). Second, the
tuning curves of the pooled units for orientation and spatial period do not depend
of stimulus contrast, in agreement with physiological and psychophysical evidence
[14]. In comparison, a model which assumes a non-linear transducer but no pooling
exhibits sharper tuning curves for lower contrasts. Full contrast independence of
the tuning is achieved only when all units participate in the inhibitory pool; when
only sub-populations participate in the pool, some contrast dependence remains.
Noise model: Poisson lX
It is necessary to assume the presence of noise in the system in order to be able to
derive psychophysical performance from the responses of the population of pooled
A Model of Early Visual Processing
units. The deterministic response of each unit then represents the mean of a randomly distributed "neuronal" response which varies from trial to trial in a simulated
psychophysical experiment .
Existing models usually assume constant noise variance in order to simplify the
subsequent decision stage [18]. Using the decision strategy presented below, it is
however possible to derive psychophysical performance with a noise model whose
variance increases with mean activity, in agreement with electrophysiology [16].
In what follows, Poisson cx noise will be assumed and approximated by a Gaussian
random variable with variance mean cx (0' is a constant close to unity).
Decision strategy
We use tools from statistical estimation theory to compute the system's behavioral
response based on the responses of the population of pooled units. Similar tools
have been used by Seung and Sompolinsky [12] under the simplifying assumption of
purely Poisson noise and for the particular task of orientation discrimination in the
limit of an infinite population of oriented units. Here, we extend this framework
to the more general case in which any stimulus attribute may differ between the
two stimulus presentations to be discriminated by the model. Let's assume that we
want to estimate psychophysical performance at discriminating between two stimuli
which differ by the value of a stimulus parameter ((e.g . contrast, orientation,
spatial period).
The central assumption of our decision strategy is that the brain implements an
unbiased efficient statistic T(R; (), which is an estimator of the parameter ( based
{R).,I/; A E A, () E 0}. The efficient statistic is
on the population response R
the one which, among all possible estimators of (, has the property of minimum
variance in the estimated value of ( . Although we are not suggesting any putative
neuronal correlate for T, it is important to note that the assumption of efficient
statistic does not require T to be prohibitively complex; for instance, a maximum
likelihood estimator proposed in the decision stage of several existing models is
asymptotically (with respect to the number of observations) a efficient statistic.
Because T is efficient, it achieves the Cramer-Rao bound [1]. Consequently, when
the number of observations (i .e. simulated psychophysical trials) is large,
E[T] = (
var[T] = 1/3(()
where E[.] is the mean over all observations, var[.] the variance, and 3(() is the
Fisher information. The Fisher information can be computed using the noise model
assumption and tuning properties of the pooled units: for a random variable X
with probability density f(x; (), it is given by [1]:
J(() = E
For our Poisson cx noise model and assuming that different pooled units are independent [15], this translates into:
One unit R). ,I/:
All independent units:
The Fisher information computed for each pooled unit and three types of stimulus
parameters ( is shown in Figure 1. This figure demonstrates the importance of
using information from all units in the population rather than from only one unit
optimally tuned for the stimulus: although the unit carrying the most information
about contrast is the one optimally tuned to the stimulus pattern, more information
L. lui, 1 Braun, D. K. Lee and C. Koch
about orientation or spatial frequency is carried by units which are tuned to flanking
orientations and spatial periods and whose tuning curves have maximum slope for
the stimulus rather than maximum absolute sensitivity. In our implementation,
the derivatives of pooled responses used in the expression of Fisher information are
computed numerically.
spatial frequency
Figure 1: Fisher information computed for contrast, orientation and spatial frequency.
Each node in the tridimensional meshes represents the Fisher information for the corresponding pooled unit (A, B) in a model with 30 orientations and 4 scales. Arrows indicate
the unit (A, B) optimally tuned to the stimulus. The total Fisher information in the population is the sum of the information for all units.
Using the estimate of ( and its variance from the Fisher information, it is possible to derive psychophysical performance for a discrimination task between two
stimuli with parameters (1 ~ (2 using standard ideal observer signal discrimination
techniques [4] . For such discrimination, we use the Central Limit Theorem (in the
limit of large number of trials) to model the noisy responses of the system as two
Gaussians with means (1 and (2, and variances lTi
1/:1((d and lTi
respectively. A decision criterion D is chosen to minimize the overall probability of
error; since in our case lT1 =f. lT2 in general, we derive a slightly more complicated
expression for performance P at a Yes/No (one alternative forced choice) task than
what is commonly used with models assuming constant noise [18]:
D =
(2 lT
i - (llT~ -
lT1lT2J((1 - (2)2 + 2(lTr - lTi) log(lT!/lT2)
lT1 - lT2
where erf is the Normal error function. The expression for D extends by continuity
to D = ((2 - (1)/2 when lT1 = lT2 . This decision strategy provides a unified, taskindependent framework for the computation of psychophysical performance from the
deterministic responses of the pooled units. This strategy can easily be extended to
allow the model to perform discrimination tasks with respect to additional stimulus
parameters, under exactly the same theoretical assumptions.
Model calibration
The parameters of the model were automatically adjusted to fit human psychophysical thresholds measured in our laboratory [17] for contrast and orientation discrimination tasks (Figure 2). The model used in this experiment consisted of 60
orientations evenly distributed between 0 and 180deg. One spatial scale at 4 cycles
per degree (cpd) was sufficient to account for the data. A multidimensional simplex
method with simulated annealing overhead was used to determine the best fit of
the model to the data [10]. The free parameters adjusted during the automatic
A Model of Early VlSUal Processing
fits were: the noise level a, the pooling exponents 'Y and &, the inhibitory pooling
constant 5, and the background firing rates, E and rJ.
The error function minimized by the fitting algorithm was a weighted average of
three constraints: 1) least-square error with the contrast discrimination data in
Figure 2.a; 2) least-square error with the orientation discrimination data in Figure 2.h; 3) because the data was sparse in the "dip-shaped" region of the curve
in Figure 2.a, and unreliable due to the limited contrast resolution of the display used for the psychophysics, we added an additional constraint favoring a more
pronounced "dip", as has been observed by several other groups [11, 19, 22] .
Data fits used for model calibration:
. -_ _ _ _ _---..:a:::..,
~u ~
~ ~ 10-2
E :5 10-3 L..-_ _ _ _ _ _--...J
stimulus contrast
mask contrast
Transducer function:
Orientation tuning:
stimulus contrast
stimulUS orientation (deg)
Figure 2: The model (solid lines) was calibrated using data from two psychophysical
experiments: (a) discrimination between a pedestal contrast (a.a) and the same pedestal
plus an increment contrast (a.{3); (b) discrimination between two orientations near vertical
(b.a and b.{3). After calibration, the transducer function of each pooled unit (c) correctly
exhibits an accelerating non-linearity near threshold (contrast ~ 1%) and compressive
non-linearity for high contrasts (Weber's law). We can see in (d) that pooling among
units with similar tuning properties sharpens their tuning curves. Model parameters were:
a ~ 0.75,,), ~ 4,?5 ~ 3.5,E ~ 1%, '1 ~ 1.7Hz,S such that transducer inflexion point is
at 4x detection threshold contrast, orientation tuning FWHM=68deg (full width at half
maximum), orientation pooling FWHM=40deg.
Two remaining parameters are the orientation tuning width, (7'8, of the filters and
the width, (7'We, of the pool. It was not possible from the data in Figure 2 alone
to unambiguously determine these parameters. However, for any given (7'8, (7'W8
is uniquely determined by the following two qualitative constraints: first, a small
pool size is not desirable because it yields contrast-dependent orientation tuning;
it however appears from the data in Figure 2.h that this tuning should not vary
much over a wide range of contrasts. The second constraint is qualitatively derived
from Figure 3.a: for large pool sizes, the model predicted significant interference
between mask and test patterns even for large orientation differences. Such inter-
L Itti, 1. Braun, D. K. Lee and C. Koch
ference was not observed in the data for orientation differences larger than 45deg .
It consequently seems that a partial inhibitory pool, composed only of a fraction of
the population of oriented filters with tuning similar to the central excitatory unit,
accounts best for the psychophysical data. Finally, (76 was fixed so as to yield a
correct qualitative curve shape for Figure 3.a.
We used complex stimuli from masking experiments to test the predictive value
of the model (Figure 3). Although it was necessary to use some of the qualitative properties of the data seen in Figure 3.a to calibrate the model as detailed
above, the calibrated model correctly produced a quantitative fit of this data. The
calibrated model also correctly predicted the complex data of Figure 3.h.
CD 5
mask orientation (deg) mask
mask spatial freq. (cpd)
Figure 3: Prediction of psychophysical contrast thresholds in the presence of an oblique
mask. The mask was a 50%-contrast stochastic oriented pattern (a). and the superimposed test pattern was a sixth-derivative of Gaussian bar (j3). In (a), threshold elevation
(i.e. ratio of threshold in the presence of mask to threshold in the absence of mask) was
measured for varying mask orientation, for mask and test patterns at 4 cycles per degree
(cpd). In (b), orientation difference between test and mask was fixed to 15deg, and threshold elevation was measured as a function of mask spatial frequency. Solid lines represent
model predictions, and dashed lines represent unity threshold elevation.
We have developed a model of early visual processing in humans which accounts for
a wide range of measured spatial vision thresholds and which predicts behavioral
thresholds for a potentially unlimited number of spatial discriminations. In addition to orientation- and spatial-frequency-tuned units, we have found it necessary to
assume two types of interactions between such units: (i) non-linear self-excitation
of each unit and (ii) divisive normalization of each unit response relative to the
responses of similarly tuned units. All model parameters are constrained by psychophysical data and an automatic fitting procedure consistently converged to the
same parameter set regardless of the initial position in parameter space.
Our two main contributions are the small number of model components and the un i.fied, task-independent decision strategy. Rather than making different assumptions
about the decision strategy in different behavioral tasks, we combine the information contained in the responses of all model units in a manner that is optimal for
any behavioral task. We suggest that human observers adopt a similarly optimal
decision procedure as they become familiar with a particular task (" task set"). Although here we apply this decision strategy only to the discrimination of stimulus
contrast, orientation, and spatial frequency, it can readily be generalized to arbitrary discriminations such as, for example, the discrimination of vernier targets.
A Model of Early Vzsual Processing
So far we have considered only situations in which the same decision strategy is
optimal for every stimulus presentation. We are now studying situations in which
the optimal decision strategy varies unpredictably from trial to trial (" decision
uncertainty"). For example, situations in which the observer attempts to detect an
increase in either the spatial frequency or the contrast of stimulus. In this way, we
hope to learn the extent to which our model reflects the decision strategy adopted
by human observers in an even wider range of situations. We have also assumed
that the model's units were independent, which is not strictly true in biological
systems (although the main source of correlation between neurons is the overlap
between their respective tuning curves, which is accounted for in the model). The
mathematical developments necessary to account for fixed or variable covariance
between units are currently under study.
In contrast to other models of early visual processing [5, 6], we find that the psychophysical data is consistent only with interactions between similarly tuned units
(e.g., "near-orientation inhibition")' not with interactions between units of very different tuning (e.g., "cross-orientation inhibition") . Although such partial pooling
does not render tuning functions completely contrast-independent, an additional degree of contrast-independence could be provided by pooling across different spatial
locations. This issue is currently under investigation.
In conclusion, we have developed a model based on self-excitation of each unit,
divisive normalization [5, 6] between similarly tuned units, and an ideal observer
decision strategy. It was able to reproduce a wide range of human visual thresholds.
The fact that such a simple and idealized model can account quantitatively for
a wide range of psychophysical observations greatly strengthens the notion that
spatial vision thresholds reflect processing at one particular neuroanatomical level.
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by NSF-Engineering Research Center
(ERC), NIMH, ONR, and the Sloan Center for Theoretical Neurobiology.
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[17] Wen J, Koch C , Braun J. Proc ARVO 1997;5457
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| 1471 |@word h:1 trial:6 sharpens:1 seems:1 teich:1 simplifying:1 covariance:1 eng:1 solid:2 initial:1 tuned:11 bc:1 existing:2 bradley:1 neurophys:1 readily:1 mesh:1 subsequent:1 shape:2 discrimination:16 alone:2 half:1 oblique:1 num:1 provides:1 contribute:2 location:2 lx:1 node:1 sigmoidal:1 mathematical:1 along:1 become:1 transducer:7 consists:1 qualitative:3 overhead:1 fitting:2 behavioral:6 combine:1 manner:1 swets:1 inter:1 mask:14 indeed:1 brain:2 inspired:1 automatically:1 jm:1 provided:1 zenger:1 underlying:1 linearity:2 circuit:1 what:3 developed:2 compressive:1 unified:2 w8:1 quantitative:1 multidimensional:1 every:1 braun:5 exactly:1 prohibitively:1 demonstrates:1 rm:1 control:1 unit:41 christof:1 engineering:1 sagi:1 limit:3 acad:1 laurent:1 firing:1 plus:1 limited:1 range:6 fwhm:2 acknowledgment:1 implement:1 procedure:2 area:1 gabor:1 subpopulation:1 suggest:1 close:3 cybern:2 deterministic:2 center:2 regardless:1 resolution:1 estimator:3 hd:1 population:13 notion:1 increment:1 target:1 vzsual:1 agreement:3 approximated:1 strengthens:1 rec:1 predicts:1 observed:3 region:1 wheat:1 cycle:2 sompolinsky:1 nimh:1 seung:2 controversy:1 depend:1 carrying:1 predictive:1 purely:1 completely:1 easily:1 cat:1 articulated:1 forced:1 whose:2 larger:1 arvo:1 statistic:4 erf:3 think:1 noisy:1 hoc:1 propose:3 interaction:5 j2:2 pronounced:1 wider:1 derive:5 measured:4 sa:1 eq:1 soc:3 predicted:2 indicate:1 differ:2 correct:1 attribute:1 filter:13 stochastic:1 snippe:1 centered:1 human:10 require:1 ja:2 investigation:1 elevation:3 opt:2 biological:1 adjusted:2 strictly:1 koch:6 around:2 cramer:1 normal:1 considered:1 predict:1 circuitry:1 achieves:1 early:7 vary:1 adopt:1 estimation:2 proc:3 currently:2 ross:1 tool:2 reflects:2 weighted:1 hope:1 mit:1 behaviorally:1 gaussian:4 rather:3 varying:2 wilson:4 earliest:1 derived:1 consistently:1 likelihood:1 superimposed:1 greatly:1 contrast:35 detect:1 am:1 dependent:1 bergen:1 entire:3 achim:1 pasadena:1 perona:1 favoring:1 reproduce:2 overall:1 among:2 orientation:33 issue:1 sheth:1 exponent:1 development:1 ference:1 spatial:28 constrained:1 psychophysics:2 field:1 shaped:1 represents:4 jochen:1 simplex:1 minimized:1 stimulus:22 simplify:1 quantitatively:2 cpd:3 wen:1 randomly:1 oriented:3 composed:1 inflexion:2 familiar:1 phase:1 attempt:1 detection:1 interest:1 possibility:2 investigate:1 natl:1 partial:2 necessary:6 respective:1 re:6 theoretical:2 minimal:1 instance:1 rao:1 cover:1 calibrate:1 optimally:3 varies:2 psychophysically:1 calibrated:3 density:1 sensitivity:1 discriminating:1 lee:4 pool:8 central:3 reflect:1 opposed:1 derivative:2 itti:4 chung:1 koenderink:1 account:10 suggesting:1 pedestal:2 pooled:11 sloan:1 vi:8 depends:1 idealized:1 observer:5 complicated:1 masking:1 slope:3 contribution:1 minimize:1 oi:1 square:2 variance:7 characteristic:2 yield:2 yes:1 produced:1 mc:1 converged:1 llt:1 sixth:1 energy:3 frequency:11 dm:1 naturally:1 gain:1 wh:1 electrophysiological:1 appears:2 unambiguously:1 response:21 stage:7 msc:1 correlation:1 overlapping:1 continuity:1 reveal:2 usa:1 consisted:1 unbiased:1 true:1 progr:1 laboratory:1 freq:1 ll:1 numerator:1 self:4 during:1 width:3 uniquely:1 excitation:4 oc:1 criterion:1 generalized:1 weber:1 discriminated:1 extend:1 relating:1 numerically:1 elem:1 significant:1 cambridge:1 phillips:1 tuning:19 automatic:2 hp:1 similarly:4 erc:1 dj:2 calibration:3 inhibition:3 onr:1 success:1 caltech:1 seen:1 minimum:1 additional:3 determine:2 period:4 signal:2 ii:2 relates:1 full:2 desirable:1 rj:1 dashed:1 rv:1 cross:1 post:1 equally:1 prediction:3 j3:1 denominator:1 vision:5 poisson:4 represent:2 normalization:2 achieved:1 background:3 remarkably:1 want:1 addition:1 addressed:1 annealing:1 source:1 pooling:14 hz:1 med:1 near:3 presence:4 ideal:2 iii:1 variety:1 independence:2 fit:5 tm:1 translates:1 expression:3 accelerating:1 render:1 jj:1 detailed:1 generate:1 nsf:1 inhibitory:6 estimated:1 correctly:4 per:2 detectability:1 shall:1 group:1 threshold:19 lti:3 asymptotically:1 fraction:1 sum:2 uncertainty:1 extends:1 putative:1 decision:19 bound:1 display:1 activity:4 constraint:4 unlimited:1 speed:1 separable:2 nachmias:1 jr:1 across:1 slightly:1 son:2 unity:2 appealing:1 primate:1 making:1 lt2:5 flanking:1 interference:1 taken:1 remains:1 studying:1 adopted:1 gaussians:1 apply:1 uq:1 alternative:1 thomas:1 obviates:1 assumes:1 remaining:1 neuroanatomical:1 humanski:1 psychophysical:18 malik:1 question:1 added:2 strategy:16 receptive:1 dependence:1 striate:1 exhibit:2 simulated:3 sci:1 participate:2 evenly:1 nelson:1 extent:2 assuming:2 sur:1 ratio:1 sharper:1 relate:1 potentially:1 vernier:1 info:1 implementation:1 perform:1 vertical:1 neuron:2 observation:4 situation:5 extended:1 neurobiology:1 gc:1 arbitrary:2 introduced:2 namely:1 pair:1 california:1 able:3 bar:1 usually:1 pattern:6 below:1 psychophys:1 mcfarlane:1 saturation:1 green:1 power:1 overlap:1 hr:4 technology:1 carried:1 extract:1 foley:1 sept:1 relative:1 law:2 interesting:1 var:2 degree:3 ltr:1 sufficient:1 consistent:1 cd:1 excitatory:3 accounted:1 supported:1 free:1 theo:1 allow:1 institute:1 wide:5 absolute:2 sparse:1 distributed:2 curve:8 dimension:1 cortical:1 dip:2 dale:1 commonly:1 qualitatively:1 far:1 correlate:1 unreliable:1 deg:7 assumed:3 un:1 sillito:1 learn:1 nature:1 toth:1 ca:1 interact:2 complex:3 main:3 neurosci:1 arrow:1 motivation:1 noise:11 quadrature:1 fied:1 neuronal:3 siegel:1 lt1:4 wiley:2 sub:1 position:1 heeger:5 bandpass:1 comput:1 third:1 weighting:1 theorem:1 specific:1 dk:1 physiological:2 evidence:1 importance:1 rg:1 cx:3 electrophysiology:1 lt:2 likely:1 visual:15 contained:1 sclar:1 ch:3 teukolsky:1 oct:1 bioi:3 presentation:2 consequently:3 ferster:1 fisher:8 absence:1 determined:3 infinite:1 lui:1 unpredictably:1 total:1 divisive:4 |
516 | 1,472 | Hierarchical Non-linear Factor Analysis
and Topographic Maps
Zoubin Ghahramani and Geoffrey E. Hinton
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3H5, Canada
We first describe a hierarchical, generative model that can be
viewed as a non-linear generalisation of factor analysis and can
be implemented in a neural network. The model performs perceptual inference in a probabilistically consistent manner by using
top-down, bottom-up and lateral connections. These connections
can be learned using simple rules that require only locally available information. We then show how to incorporate lateral connections into the generative model. The model extracts a sparse,
distributed, hierarchical representation of depth from simplified
random-dot stereograms and the localised disparity detectors in
the first hidden layer form a topographic map. When presented
with image patches from natural scenes, the model develops topographically organised local feature detectors.
Factor analysis is a probabilistic model for real-valued data which assumes that
the data is a linear combination of real-valued uncorrelated Gaussian sources (the
factors). After the linear combination, each component of the data vector is also
assumed to be corrupted by additional Gaussian noise. A major advantage of this
generative model is that, given a data vector, the probability distribution in the
space of factors is a multivariate Gaussian whose mean is a linear function of the
data. It is therefore tractable to compute the posterior distribution exactly and to
use it when learning the parameters of the model (the linear combination matrix
and noise variances). A major disadvantage is that factor analysis is a linear model
that is insensitive to higher order statistical structure of the observed data vectors.
One way to make factor analysis non-linear is to use a mixture of factor analyser
modules, each of which captures a different linear regime in the data [3]. We can
view the factors of all of the modules as a large set of basis functions for describing
the data and the process of selecting one module then corresponds to selecting
an appropriate subset of the basis functions. Since the number of subsets under
consideration is only linear in the number of modules, it is still tractable to compute
Hierarchical Non-linear Factor Analysis and Topographic Maps
the full posterior distribution when given a data point. Unfortunately, this mixture
model is often inadequate. Consider, for example, a typical image that contains
multiple objects. To represent the pose and deformation of each object we want
a componential representation of the object's parameters which could be obtained
from an appropriate factor analyser. But to represent the multiple objects we need
several of these componential representations at once, so the pure mixture idea is
not tenable. A more powerful non-linear generalisation of factor analysis iF to have
a large set of factors and to allow any subset of the factors to be selected. This
can be achieved by using a generative model in which there is a high probability of
generating factor activations of exactly zero.
Rectified Gaussian Belief Nets
The Rectified Gaussian Belief Net (RGBN) uses multiple layers of units with states
that are either positive real values or zero [5]. Its main disadvantage is that computing the posterior distribution over the factors given a data vector involves Gibbs
sampling. In general, Gibbs sampling can be very time consuming, but in practice
10 to 20 samples per unit have proved adequate and there are theoretical reasons
for believing that learning can work well even when the Gibbs sampling fails to
reach equilibrium [10].
We first describe the RGBN without considering neural plausibility. Then we show
how lateral interactions within a layer can be used to perform probabilistic inference correctly using locally available information. This makes the RGBN far more
plausible as a neural model than a sigmoid belief net [9, 8] because it means that
Gibbs sampling can be performed without requiring units in one layer to see the
total top-down input to units in the layer below.
The generative model for RGBN's consists of multiple layers of units each of which
has a real-valued unrectified state, Yj, and a rectified state, [Yj]+, which is zero if
Yj is negative and equal to Yj otherwise. This rectification is the only non-linearity
in the network. 1 The value of Yj is Gaussian distributed with a standard deviation
(Jj and a mean, ih that is determined by the generative bias, gOj, and the combined
effects of the rectified states of units, k, in the layer above:
Yj = gOj
+ Lgkj[Yk]+
The rectified state [Yj]+ therefore has a Gaussian distribution above zero, but all
of the mass of the Gaussian that falls below zero is concentrated in an infinitely
dense spike at zero as shown in Fig. la. This infinite density creates problems if we
attempt to use Gibbs sampling over the rectified states, so, following a suggestion
by Radford Neal, we perform Gibbs sampling on the unrectified states.
Consider a unit, j, in some intermediate layer of a multilayer RGBN. Suppose
that we fix the unrectified states of all the other units in the net. To perform Gibbs
sampling, we need to stochastically select a value for Yj according to its distribution
given the unrectified states of all the other units. If we think in terms of energy
functions, which are equal to negative log probabilities (up to a constant), the
rectified states of the units in the layer above contribute a quadratic energy term
by determining Yj. The unrectified states of units, i, in the layer below contribute a
constant if [Yj]+ is 0, and if [Yj]+ is positive they each contribute a quadratic term
1 The key arguments presented in this paper hold for general nonlinear belief networks
as long as the noise is Gaussian; they are not specific to the rectification nonlinearity.
Z Ghahramani and G. E. Hinton
, Top-down
'-_ .. "
-3-2-1 0 1 2 3 -3-2-1 0 1 2 3
because of the effect of [Yj] + on
Figure 1: a) Probability density in which all the mass of a
Gaussian below zero has been
replaced by an infinitely dense
spike at zero. b) Schematic
of the density of a unit's unrectified state. c) Bottomup and top-down energy functions corresponding to b.
where h is an index over all the units in the same layer as j including j itself. Terms
that do not depend on Yj have been omitted from Eq. 2. For values of Yj below zero
there is a quadratic energy function which leads to a Gaussian distribution. The
same is true for values of Yj above zero, but it is a different quadratic (Fig . Ic) . The
Gaussian distributions corresponding to the two quadratics must agree at Yj
(Fig. Ib). Because this distribution is piecewise Gaussian it is possible to perform
Gibbs sampling exactly.
Given samples from the posterior, the generative weights of a RGBN can be learned
by using the online delta rule to maximise the log probability of the data. 2
The variance of the local Gaussian noise of each unit, o}, can also be learned by
an online rule, D-.o}
f [(Yj - Yj)2 - o}]. Alternatively, o} can be fixed at I for
all hidden units and the effective local noise level can be controlled by scaling the
generative weights.
The Role of Lateral Connections in Perceptual Inference
In RGBNs and other layered belief networks, fixing the value of a unit in one layer
causes correlations between the parents of that unit in the layer above. One of
the main reasons why purely bottom-up approaches to perceptual inference have
proven inadequate for learning in layered belief networks is that they fail to take
into account this phenomenon, which is known as "explaining away."
Lee and Seung (1997) introduced a clever way of using lateral connections to handle
explaining away effects during perceptual inference. Consider the network shown
in Fig. 2. One contribution, Ebelow, to the energy of the state of the network is
the squared difference between the unrectified states of the units in one layer, Yj,
a.nd the top-down expectations generated by the states of units in the layer above.
Assuming the local noise models for the lower layer units all have unit variance, and
2 If Gibbs sampling has not been run long enough to reach equilibrium, the delta rule
follows the gradient of the penalized log probability of the data [10]. The penalty term is
the Kullback-Liebler divergence between the equilibrium distribution and the distribution
produced by Gibbs sampling. Other things being equal, the delta rule therefore adjusts
the parameters that determine the equilibrium distribution to reduce this penalty, thus
favouring models for which Gibbs sampling works quickly.
Hierarchical Non-linear Factor Analysis and Topographic Maps
ignoring biases and constant terms that are unaffected by the states of the units
= ~ l:)Yj -
= ~ I)Yj -
= gkj and mkl = - Lj gkjglj
Rearranging this expression and setting rjk
= ~ LyJ j
L[Yk]+ LYjrjk k
~ L[Yk]+ L[y!l+mkl .
we get
This energy function can be exactly implemented in a network with recognition
weights, rjk, and symmetric lateral interactions, mkl. The lateral and recognition
connections allow a unit, k, to compute how Ebe\ow for the layer below depends on
its own state and therefore they allow it to follow the gradient of E or to perform
Gibbs sampling in E .
Figure 2: A small segment of a network,
showing the generative weights (dashed) and
the recognition and lateral weights (solid)
which implement perceptual inference and
correctly handle explaining away effects.
Seung's trick can be used in an RGBN and it eliminates the most neurally implausible aspect of this model which is that a unit in one layer appears to need to send
both its state Y and the top-down prediction of its state Y to units in the layer above.
Using the lateral connections, the units in the layer above can, in effect, compute
all they need to know about the top-down predictions. In computer simulations, we
can simply set each lateral connection mkl to be the dot product - 2: j gkjglj. It is
also possible to learn these lateral connections in a more biologically plausible way
by driving units in the layer below with unit-variance independent Gaussian noise
and using a simple anti-Hebbian learning rule. Similarly, a purely local learning
rule can learn recognition weights equal to the generative weights . .If units at one
layer are driven by unit-variance, independent Gaussian noise, and these in turn
drive units in the layer below using the generative weights, then Hebbian learning
between the two layers will learn the correct recognition weights [5].
Lateral Connections in the Generative Model
When the generative model contains only top-down connections, lateral connections
make it possible to do perceptual inference using locally available information. But
it is also possible, and often desirable, to have lateral connections in the generative
model. Such connections can cause nearby units in a layer to have a priori correlated
activities, which in turn can lead to the formation of redundant codes and, as we
will see, topographic maps.
Symmetric lateral interactions between the unrectified states of units within a layer
have the effect of adding a quadratic term to the energy function
~ L: L
Mkl YkYI,
which corresponds to a Gaussian Markov Random Field (MRF). During sampling,
this term is simply added to the top-down energy contribution. Learning is more
difficult. The difficulty sterns from the need to know the derivatives of the partition
function of the MRF for each data vector. This partition function depends on the
Z Ghahramani and G. E. Hinton
top-down inputs to a layer so it varies from one data vector to the next, even if the
lateral connections themselves are non-adaptive . Fortunately, since both the MRF
and the top-down prediction define Gaussians over the states of the units in a layer,
these derivatives can be easily calculated. Assuming unit variances,
tlYj; = , ([Yj]+(Y; -
ii;) + [Yj]+ ~ [M(I + M)-ll;. ii.)
where M is the MRF matrix for the layer including units i and k, and I is the identity
matrix. The first term is the delta rule (Eq. 3); the second term is the derivative
of the partition function which unfortunately involves a matrix inversion. Since
the partition function for a multivariate Gaussian is analytical it is also possible to
learn the lateral connections in the MRF.
Lateral interactions between the rectified states of units add the quadratic term
~ Lk Ll Mkl [Yk]+[YzJ+? The partition function is no longer analytical, so computing the gradient of the likelihood involves a two-phase Boltzmann-like procedure:
!19ji =
([Yj]+Yi) * - ([Yj]+Yi
r) ,
where 0* averages with respect to the posterior distribution of Yi and Yj, and 0averages with respect to the posterior distribution of Yj and the prior of Yi given
units in the same layer as j. This learning rule suffers from all the problems of
the Boltzmann machine, namely it is slow and requires two-phases. However, there
is an approximation which results in the familiar one-phase delta rule that can
be described in three equivalent ways: (1) it treats the lateral connections in the
generative model as if they were additional lateral connections in the recognition
model; (2) instead of lateral connections in the generative model it assumes some
fictitious children with clamped values which affect inference but whose likelihood
is not maximised during learning; (3) it maximises a penalized likelihood of the
model without the lateral connections in the generative model.
Discovering depth in simplified stereograms
Consider the following generative process for stereo pairs. Random dots of uniformly
distributed intensities are scattered sparsely on a one-dimensional surface, and the
image is blurred with a Gaussian filter. This surface is then randomly placed at one
of two different depths, giving rise to two possible left-to-right disparities between
the images seen by each eye. Separate Gaussian noise is then added to the image
seen by each eye. Some images generated in this manner are shown in Fig. 3a.
Figure 3: a) Sample data from the stereo
disparity problem. The left and right column
of each 2 x 32 image are the inputs to the left
and right eye, respectively. Periodic boundary conditions were used. The value of a pixel
is represented by the size of the square, with
white being positive and black being negative. Notice that pixel noise makes it difficult
to infer the disparity, i.e. the vertical shift
between the left and right columns, in some
images. b) Sample images generated by the
model after learning.
We trained a three-layer RGBN consisting of 64 visible units, 64 units in the first
hidden layer and 1 unit in the second hidden layer on the 32-pixel wide stereo
Hierarchical Non-linear Factor Analysis and Topographic Maps
disparity problem. Each of the hidden units in the first hidden layer was connected
to the entire array of visible units, i.e. it had inputs from both eyes. The hidden
units in this layer were also laterally connected in an MRF over the unrectified
units. Nearby units excited each other and more distant units inhibited each other,
with the net pattern of excitation/inhibition being a difference of two Gaussians.
This MRF was initialised with large weights which decayed exponentially to zero
over the course of training. The network was trained for 30 passes through a data
set of 2000 images. For each image we used 16 iterations of Gibbs sampling to
approximate the posterior distribution over hidden states. Each iteration consisted
of sampling every hidden unit once in a random order. The states after the fourth
iteration of Gibbs sampling were used for learning, with a learning rate of 0.05 and
a weight decay parameter of 0.001. Since the top level of the generative process
makes a discrete decision between left and right global disparity we used a trivial
extension of the RGBN in which the top level unit saturates both at 0 and 1.
IEI[I:I_1II_-=-_.-:rr::JI...___I:IIUI::JI-L1D-.--:tIl::Jl-=-::l .-'-'
Figure 4: Generative weights of a three-layered RGBN after being trained on the stereo
disparity problem. a) Weights from the top layer hidden unit to the 64 middle-layer hidden
units. b) Biases of the middle-layer hidden units, and c) weights from the hidden units to
the 2 x 32 visible array.
Thirty-two of the hidden units learned to become local left-disparity detectors, while
the other 32 became local right-disparity detectors (Fig. 4c). The unit in the second
hidden layer learned positive weights to the left-disparity detectors in the layer
below, and negative weights to the right detectors (Fig. 4a). In fact, the activity
of this top unit discriminated the true global disparity of the input images with
99% accuracy. A random sample of images generated by the model after learning is
shown in Fig. 3b. In addition to forming a hierarchical distributed representation
of disparity, units in the hidden layer self-organised into a topographic map. The
MRF caused high correlations between nearby units early in learning, which in
turn resulted in nearby units learning similar weight vectors. The emergence of
topography depended on the strength of the MRF and on the speed with which it
decayed. Results were relatively insensitive to other parametric changes.
We also presented image patches taken from natural images [1] to a network with
units in the first hidden layer arranged in laterally-connected 2D grid. The network
developed local feature detectors, with nearby units responding to similar features
(Fig. 5). Not all units were used, but the unused units all clustered into one area.
Classical models of topography formation such as Kohonen's self-organising map [6]
and the elastic net [2, 4] can be thought of as variations on mixture models where
additional constraints have been placed to encourage neighboring hidden units to
have similar generative weights . The problem with a mixture model is that it cannot
handle images in which there are several things going on at once. In contrast, we
Z. Ghahramani and G. E. Hinton
Figure 5: Generative weights of an
RGBN trained on 12 x 12 natural
image patches: weights from each
of the 100 hidden units which were
arranged in a 10 x 10 sheet with
toroidal boundary conclitions.
have shown that topography can arise in much richer hierarchical and componential
generative models by inducing correlations between neighboring units.
There is a sense in which topography is a necessary consequence of the lateral
connection trick used for perceptual inference. It is infeasible to interconnect all
pairs of units in a cortical area. If we assume that direct lateral interactions (or
interactions mediated by interneurons) are primarily local, then widely separated
units will not have the apparatus required for explaining away. Consequently the
computation of the posterior distribution will be incorrect unless the generative
weight vectors of widely separated units are orthogonal. If the generative weights
are constrained to be positive, the only way two vectors can be orthogonal is for
each to have zeros wherever the other has non-zeros. Since the redundancies that
the hidden units are trying to model are typically spatially localised, it follows
that widely separated units must attend to different parts of the image and units
can only attend to overlapping patches if they are laterally interconnected. The
lateral connections in the generative model assist in the formation of the topography
required for correct perceptual inference.
Acknowledgements. We thank P. Dayan, B. Frey, G. Goodhill, D. MacKay, R. Neal
and M. Revow. The research was funded by NSERC and ITRC. GEH is the Nesbitt-Burns
fellow of CIAR.
[1] A. Bell & T. J. Sejnowski. The 'Independent components' of natural scenes are edge
filters. Vision Research, In Press .
[2] R. Durbin & D. Willshaw. An analogue approach to the travelling salesman problem
using an elastic net method. Nature, 326(16):689-691, 1987.
[3] Z. Ghahramani & G. E. Hinton. The EM algorithm for mixtures of factor analyzers.
Univ. Toronto Technical Report CRG-TR-96-1, 1996.
[4] G. J . Goodhill & D. J . Willshaw. Application of the elatic net algorithm to the
formation of ocular dominance stripes. Network: Compo in Neur. Sys ., 1:41-59, 1990.
[5] G. E. Hinton & Z. Ghahramani. Generative models for cliscovering sparse clistributed
representations. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc . B, 352:1177-1190, 1997.
[6] T. Kohonen. Self-organized formation of topologically correct feature maps. Biological
Cybernetics, 43:59-69, 1982.
[7] D. D. Lee & H. S. Seung. Unsupervised learning by convex and conic cocling. In
M. Mozer, M. Jordan, & T. Petsche, eds., NIPS 9. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1997.
[8] M. S. Lewicki & T. J. Sejnowski. Bayesian unsupervised learning of higher order
structure. In NIPS 9. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1997.
[9] R. M. Neal. Connectionist learning of belief networks. Arti/. Intell., 56:71-113, 1992.
[10] R. M. Neal & G. E. Hinton. A new view of the EM algorithm that justifies incremental
and other variants. Unpublished Manuscript, 1993.
| 1472 |@word middle:2 inversion:1 nd:1 simulation:1 excited:1 arti:1 tr:1 solid:1 contains:2 disparity:12 selecting:2 favouring:1 activation:1 must:2 distant:1 visible:3 partition:5 generative:27 selected:1 discovering:1 maximised:1 sys:1 compo:1 contribute:3 toronto:5 organising:1 direct:1 become:1 incorrect:1 consists:1 manner:2 themselves:1 considering:1 ocs:1 linearity:1 mass:2 developed:1 fellow:1 every:1 ti:1 exactly:4 laterally:3 toroidal:1 willshaw:2 unit:72 positive:5 maximise:1 attend:2 local:9 treat:1 apparatus:1 depended:1 consequence:1 frey:1 black:1 burn:1 thirty:1 yj:28 practice:1 implement:1 procedure:1 area:2 bell:1 thought:1 zoubin:2 get:1 cannot:1 clever:1 layered:3 sheet:1 www:1 equivalent:1 map:9 send:1 convex:1 pure:1 rule:10 adjusts:1 array:2 handle:3 variation:1 suppose:1 us:1 trick:2 roy:1 recognition:6 stripe:1 sparsely:1 bottom:2 observed:1 module:4 role:1 capture:1 connected:3 yk:5 mozer:1 stereograms:2 seung:3 trained:4 depend:1 segment:1 topographically:1 purely:2 creates:1 basis:2 easily:1 represented:1 separated:3 univ:1 describe:2 effective:1 sejnowski:2 analyser:2 formation:5 whose:2 richer:1 widely:3 valued:3 plausible:2 otherwise:1 topographic:7 think:1 emergence:1 itself:1 online:2 advantage:1 rr:1 net:8 analytical:2 interaction:6 product:1 interconnected:1 kohonen:2 neighboring:2 ontario:1 inducing:1 parent:1 generating:1 incremental:1 object:4 fixing:1 pose:1 eq:2 soc:1 implemented:2 c:1 involves:3 correct:3 filter:2 require:1 fix:1 clustered:1 biological:1 crg:1 extension:1 hold:1 ic:1 equilibrium:4 driving:1 major:2 early:1 omitted:1 mit:2 gaussian:20 probabilistically:1 believing:1 likelihood:3 contrast:1 sense:1 inference:10 itrc:1 dayan:1 interconnect:1 lj:1 entire:1 typically:1 hidden:20 going:1 pixel:3 priori:1 constrained:1 mackay:1 equal:4 once:3 field:1 sampling:16 unsupervised:2 report:1 connectionist:1 develops:1 piecewise:1 inhibited:1 primarily:1 randomly:1 divergence:1 intell:1 resulted:1 familiar:1 replaced:1 phase:3 consisting:1 attempt:1 interneurons:1 mixture:6 edge:1 encourage:1 necessary:1 orthogonal:2 unless:1 deformation:1 theoretical:1 column:2 disadvantage:2 deviation:1 subset:3 inadequate:2 varies:1 corrupted:1 periodic:1 combined:1 density:3 decayed:2 probabilistic:2 lee:2 quickly:1 squared:1 stochastically:1 derivative:3 til:1 account:1 iei:1 blurred:1 caused:1 depends:2 performed:1 view:2 contribution:2 square:1 accuracy:1 became:1 variance:6 bayesian:1 l1d:1 produced:1 rectified:8 cybernetics:1 drive:1 m5s:1 liebler:1 unaffected:1 detector:7 implausible:1 reach:2 suffers:1 ed:1 energy:8 initialised:1 ocular:1 proved:1 organized:1 appears:1 manuscript:1 higher:2 follow:1 arranged:2 correlation:3 nonlinear:1 overlapping:1 mkl:6 effect:6 requiring:1 true:2 consisted:1 spatially:1 symmetric:2 neal:4 white:1 ll:2 during:3 self:3 excitation:1 trying:1 performs:1 image:18 consideration:1 sigmoid:1 ji:3 discriminated:1 insensitive:2 exponentially:1 jl:1 componential:3 cambridge:2 gibbs:14 philos:1 grid:1 similarly:1 nonlinearity:1 analyzer:1 had:1 dot:3 funded:1 longer:1 surface:2 inhibition:1 add:1 multivariate:2 posterior:8 own:1 driven:1 yi:5 seen:2 additional:3 fortunately:1 determine:1 redundant:1 dashed:1 ii:2 full:1 multiple:4 neurally:1 desirable:1 infer:1 hebbian:2 technical:1 plausibility:1 ebe:3 long:2 dept:1 controlled:1 schematic:1 prediction:3 mrf:9 variant:1 multilayer:1 vision:1 expectation:1 iteration:3 represent:2 achieved:1 addition:1 want:1 source:1 eliminates:1 pass:1 thing:2 jordan:1 unused:1 intermediate:1 enough:1 affect:1 reduce:1 idea:1 shift:1 ciar:1 expression:1 assist:1 penalty:2 stereo:4 cause:2 jj:1 adequate:1 locally:3 concentrated:1 http:1 goj:2 notice:1 delta:5 per:1 correctly:2 discrete:1 geh:1 dominance:1 key:1 redundancy:1 tenable:1 run:1 powerful:1 fourth:1 topologically:1 patch:4 decision:1 scaling:1 layer:42 quadratic:7 durbin:1 activity:2 strength:1 constraint:1 scene:2 nearby:5 aspect:1 speed:1 argument:1 relatively:1 according:1 neur:1 combination:3 em:2 biologically:1 wherever:1 taken:1 rectification:2 agree:1 describing:1 turn:3 fail:1 know:2 tractable:2 travelling:1 salesman:1 available:3 gaussians:2 hierarchical:8 away:4 appropriate:2 petsche:1 top:15 assumes:2 responding:1 giving:1 ghahramani:6 classical:1 added:2 spike:2 parametric:1 gradient:3 ow:4 separate:1 thank:1 lateral:25 trivial:1 reason:2 rjk:2 assuming:2 code:1 index:1 difficult:2 unfortunately:2 localised:2 negative:4 rise:1 stern:1 boltzmann:2 perform:5 maximises:1 vertical:1 neuron:1 markov:1 unrectified:9 anti:1 hinton:8 saturates:1 canada:1 intensity:1 introduced:1 namely:1 pair:2 required:2 unpublished:1 connection:22 learned:5 nip:2 trans:1 below:9 pattern:1 goodhill:2 regime:1 including:2 belief:7 analogue:1 natural:4 difficulty:1 eye:4 conic:1 lk:1 mediated:1 extract:1 kj:1 prior:1 acknowledgement:1 determining:1 topography:5 suggestion:1 organised:2 fictitious:1 proven:1 geoffrey:1 consistent:1 uncorrelated:1 course:1 penalized:2 placed:2 infeasible:1 bias:3 allow:3 fall:1 explaining:4 wide:1 sparse:2 distributed:4 boundary:2 depth:3 calculated:1 cortical:1 adaptive:1 simplified:2 far:1 approximate:1 kullback:1 global:2 assumed:1 consuming:1 alternatively:1 bottomup:1 why:1 learn:4 nature:1 rearranging:1 elastic:2 ignoring:1 main:2 dense:2 noise:10 arise:1 child:1 fig:9 scattered:1 slow:1 fails:1 lyj:1 clamped:1 perceptual:8 ib:1 down:11 specific:1 showing:1 decay:1 ih:1 adding:1 justifies:1 simply:2 infinitely:2 forming:1 nserc:1 lewicki:1 radford:1 corresponds:2 ma:2 viewed:1 identity:1 consequently:1 revow:1 change:1 infinite:1 generalisation:2 typical:1 determined:1 uniformly:1 total:1 la:1 select:1 incorporate:1 h5:1 phenomenon:1 correlated:1 |
517 | 1,473 | Linear concepts and hidden variables:
An empirical study
Adam J. Grove
Dan Rothe
NEC Research Institute
4 Independence Way
Princeton NJ 08540
[email protected]
Department of Computer Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1304 W. Springfield Ave. Urbana 61801
[email protected]
Some learning techniques for classification tasks work indirectly, by first trying
to fit a full probabilistic model to the observed data. Whether this is a good idea
or not depends on the robustness with respect to deviations from the postulated
model. We study this question experimentally in a restricted, yet non-trivial and
interesting case: we consider a conditionally independent attribute (CIA) model
which postulates a single binary-valued hidden variable z on which all other
attributes (i.e., the target and the observables) depend. In this model, finding the
most likely value of anyone variable (given known values for the others) reduces
to testing a linear function of the observed values.
We learn CIA with two techniques: the standard EM algorithm, and a new
algorithm we develop based on covariances. We compare these, in a controlled
fashion, against an algorithm (a version of Winnow) that attempts to find a good
linear classifier directly. Our conclusions help delimit the fragility of using the
CIA model for classification: once the data departs from this model, performance
quickly degrades and drops below that of the directly-learned linear classifier.
1 Introduction
We consider the classic task of predicting a binary (0/1) target variable zo, based on
the values of some n other binary variables ZI ??? Zft,. We can distinguish between two
styles of learning approach for such tasks. Parametric algorithms postulate some form of
probabilistic model underlying the data, and try to fit the model's parameters. To classify an
example we can compute the conditional probability distribution for Zo given the values of
the known variables, and then predict the most probable value. Non-parametric algorithms
do not assume that the training data has a particular form. They instead search directly in
the space of possible classification functions, attempting to find one with small error on the
training set of examples.
An important advantage of parametric approaches is that the induced model can be used to
support a wide range of inferences, aside from the specified classification task. On the other
hand, to postulate a particular form of probabilistic model can be a very strong assumption.
"Partly supported by ONR grant NOOOI4-96-1-0550 while visiting Harvard University.
Linear Concepts and Hidden Variables: An Empirical Study
So it is important to understand how robust such methods are when the real world deviates
from the assumed model.
In this paper, we report on some experiments that test this issue. We consider the specific
case of n + 1 conditionally independent attributes Zi together with a single unobserved
variable z, also assumed to be binary valued, on which the Zi depend (henceforth, the
binary CIA model); see Section 2. In fact, such models are plausible in many domains
(for instance, in some language interpretation tasks; see [GR96]). We fit the parameters of
the CIA model using the well-known expectation-maximization (EM) technique [DLR77],
and also with a new algorithm we have developed based on estimating covariances; see
Section 4. In the nonparametric case, we simply search for a good linear separator. This is
because the optimal predictors for the binary CIA model (i.e., for predicting one variable
given known values for the rest) are also linear. This means that our comparison is "fair"
in the sense that neither strategy can choose from classifiers with more expressive power
than the other. As a representative of the non-parametric class of algorithms, we use the
Winnow algorithm of [Lit881, with some modifications (see Section 6). Winnow works
directly to find a "good" linear separator. It is guaranteed to find a perfect separator if one
exists, and empirically seems to be fairly successful even when there is no perfect separator
[GR96, Blu9?]. It is also very fast.
Our experimental methodology is to first generate synthetic data from a true CIA model
and test performance; we then study various deviations from the model. There are various
interesting issues involved in constructing good experiments, including the desirability of
controlling the inherent "difficulty" of learning a model. Since we cannot characterize the
entire space, we consider here only deviations in which the data is drawn from a CIA model
in which the hidden variable can take more than two values. (Note that the optimal classifier
given Zo is generally not linear in this case.)
Our observations are not qualitatively surprising. CIA does well when the assumed model
is correct, but performance degrades when the world departs from the model. But as we
discuss, we found it surprising how fragile this model can sometimes be, when compared
against algorithms such as Winnow. This is even though the data is not linearly separable
either, and so one might expect the direct learning techniques to degrade in performance as
well. But it seems that Wmnow and related approaches are far less fragile. Thus the main
contribution of this work is that our results shed light on the specific tradeoff between fitting
parameters to a probabilistic model, versus direct search for a good classifier. Specifically,
they illustrate the dangers of predicting using a model that is even "slightly" simpler than
the distribution actually generating the data, vs. the relative robustness of directly searching
for a good predictor. This would seem to be an important practical issue, and highlights the
need for some better theoretical understanding of the notion of "robustness".
2 Conditionally Independent Attributes
Throughout we assume that each example is a binary vector z E {O, 1}n+l, and that each
example is generated independently at random according to some unknown distribution on
{O, 1}n+l. We use Xi to denote the i'th attribute, considered as a random variable, and Zi
to denote a value for Xi. In the conditionally independent attribute (CIA) model, examples
are generated as follows. We postulate a "hidden" variable Z with Ie values, which takes
values z for 0 $ z < Ie with probability a. ~ O. Since we must have E::~ a.
there are Ie - 1 independent parameters. Having randomly chosen a value z for the hidden
variable, we choose the value Zi for each observable Xi: the value is 1 with probability
p~.}, and 0 otherwise. Here p~.} E [0,1). The attributes' values are chosen independently
of each other, although z remains fixed. Note that there are thus (n + 1)1e probability
parameters p~.). In the following, let l' denote the set of all (n + 1)1e + Ie - 1 parameters
in the model. From this point, and until Section 7, we always assume that Ie = 2 and in this
case, to simplify notation, we write al as a, ao (= 1 - a) as ai, p! as Pi and p~ as qi.
A. 1. Grove and D. Roth
The Expectation-Maximization algorithm (EM)
One traditional unsupervised approach to learning the parameters of this model is to find
the maximum-likelihood parameters of the distribution given the data. That is, we attempt
to find the set of parameters that maximizes the probability of the data observed.
Finding the maximum likelihood parameterization analytically appears to be a difficult
problem, even in this rather simple setting. However, a practical approach is to use the wellknown Expectation-Maximization algorithm (EM) [DLR77], which is an iterative approach
that always converges to a local maximum of the likelihood function. In our setting, the
procedure is as follows. We simply begin with a randomly chosen parameterization p, and
then we iterate until (apparent) convergence: 1
Expectation: For all zi, compute Ui = p-p(zi 1\ Z = 1) and Vi = p-p(zi 1\ Z = 0).
Maximization: Reestimate P as follows (writing U Ei Ui and V
Ei Vi):
a f- E:=I Ui/(U + V) P; f- E{i::i~=I} u;./U qj f- E{i::i~=I} Vi/V.
After convergence has been detected all we kno'w is that we are near a [ocdi minima of the
likelihood function. Thus it is prudent to repeat the process with many different restarts.
(All our experiments were extremely conservative concerning the stopping criteria at each
iteration, and in the number of iterations we tried.) But in practice, we are never sure that
the true optimum has been located.
Covariances-Based approach
Partly in response to concern just expressed, we also developed another heuristic technique
for learning P. The algorithm, which we call COY, is based on measuring the covariance
between pairs of attributes. Since we do not see Z, attributes will appear to be correlated. In
fact, if the CIA model is correct, it is easy to show that covariance between Xi and X j (defined as Yi,; = ~,; - ~I-'; where~, 1-';, ~,; are the expectations of Xi, Xj, (Xi and Xj),
respectively), will be Yi,j
aa'did; where di denotes Pi - qi. We also know that the
expected value of Xi is ~ = aPi + a'qi. Furthermore, we will be able to get very accurate
estimates of ~ just by observing the proportion of samples in which Zi is 1. Thus, if we
could estimate both a and di it would be trivial to solve for estimates of Pi and qi.
To estimate di, suppose we have computed all the pairwise covariances using the data;
we use fli,; to denote our estimate of Yi,j' For any distinct j, Ie i= i we clearly have
aa l = IV'rd.r"/o1 so we could estimate d; using this equation. A better estimate would be
to consider all pairs j, Ie and average the individual estimates. However, not all individual
estimates are equally good. It can be shown that the smaller Y;,II is, the less reliable
we should expect the estimate to be (and in the limit, where X; and XII are perfectly
uncorrelated, we get no valid estimate at all). This suggests that we use a weighted average,
with the weights proportional to Yj,II. Using these weights leads us to the next equation for
determining 5i , which, after simplification, is:
E j ,II:j;t1l;ti IYi,jYi,II I
(E;:#i IYi,; 1)2 - E;:;;ti if,;
E;,II:;;tll;ti IY;,II I
E;,II:;;tll IY;,II I - 2 Ej:j;ti IYj,i I
By substituting the estimates 'Oi,; we get an estimate for aa'
This estimate can be
computed in linear time except for the determination of Ej,II:j;tll IYj,II I which, although
quadratic, does not depend on i and so can be computed once and for all. Thus it takes
O(n2) time in total to estimate aa'd; for all i.
It remains only to estimate a and the signs of the di'S. Briefly, to determine the signs we first
stipulate that do is positive. (Because we never see z, one sign can be chosen at random.)
IThe maximization phase works as though we were estimating parameters by taking averages
based on weighted labeled data (Le., in which we see z). If i i is a sample point, these fictional data
1) with weight Ui/U and (ii, z 0) with weight Vi/V.
points are (ii,Z
Linear Concepts and Hidden Variables: An Empirical Study
In principle, then, the sign of 0; will then be equal to the sign of Yo,;, which we have an
estimate for. In practice, this can statistically unreliable for small sample sizes and so we
use a more involved ''voting'' procedure (details omitted here). Finally we estimate Q. We
have found no better method of doing this than to simply search for the optimal value, using
likelihood as the search criterion. However, this is only a I-dimensional search and it turns
out to be quite efficient in practice.
Linear Separators and CIA
Given a fully parameterized CIA model, we may be interested in predicting the value of
one variable, say Xo, given known values for the remaining variables. One can show that
in fact the optimal prediction region is given by a linear separator in the other variables,
although we omit details of this derivationhere. 2 This suggest an obvious learning strategy:
simply try to find the line which minimizes this loss on the training set. Unfortunately, in
general the task of finding a linear separator that minimizes disagreements on a collection
of examples is known to be NP-hard [HS92]. So instead we use an algorithm called Winnow
that is known to produce good results when a linear separator exists, as well as under certain
more relaxed assumptions [Lit9I], and appears to be quite effective in practice.
6 Learning using a Winnow-based algorithm
The basic version of the Winnow algorithm [Lit88] keeps an n-dimensional vector w =
(1011" .1On ) of positive weights (Le.,
is the weight associated with the ith feature),
which it updates whenever a mistake is made. Initially, the weight vector is typically
set to assign equal positive weight to all features. The algorithm has 3 parameters, a
promotion parameter Q > I, a demotion parameter 0 < f3 < 1 and a threshold 8. For a
> 8. If the
given instance (:1:1, ? "1 :l: n ) the algorithm predicts that :1:0 = 1 iff E~l
algorithm predicts 0 and the label (Le., :1:0) is 1 (positive example) then the weights which
correspond to active attributes (:1:, = 1) are promoted-the weight 10, is replaced by a larger
weight Q ? Wi. Conversely, if algorithm predicts 1 and the received label is 0, then the
weights which correspond to active features are demoted by factor {3. We allow for negative
weights as follows. Given an example (:1:1" "1 :l: n ), we rewrite it as an example over 2n
variables (Y1, 'Y21 ?.. I 'Y2n) where y, = :1:, and Yn+,
1 - :1:,. We then apply Winnow just
as above to learn 2n (positive) weights. If wi is the weight associated with :1:, and wi is
the weight associated with :l:n+i (Le., 1 - :1:,), then the prediction rule is simply to compare
E~=l(wi:l:, + wi(1 - :1:,)) with the threshold.
In the experiments described here we have made two significant modifications to the basic
algorithm. To reduce variance, our final classifier is a weighted average of several classifiers;
each is trained using a subs ample from the training set, and its weight is based based on how
well it was doing on that sample. Second, we biased the algorithm so as to look for "thick"
classifiers. To understand this, consider the case in which the data is perfectly linearly
separable. Then there will generally be many linear concepts that separate the training data
we actually see. Among these, it seems plausible that we have a better chance of doing
well on the unseen test data if we choose a linear concept that separates the positive and
negative training examples as "widely" as possible. The idea of having a wide separation
is less clear when there is no perfect separator, but we can still appeal to the basic intuition.
To bias the search towards "thick" separators, we change Wmnow's training rule somewhat.
We now have a new margin parameter T. As before, we always update when our current
hypothesis makes a mistake, but now we also update if I E~=l Wi:l:, - 8 I is less than T,
even if the prediction is correct. In our experiments, we found that performance when using
this version of Winnow is better than that of the basic algorithm, so in this paper we present
results for the former.
2A derivation
for the slightly different case, for predicting z, can be found in [MP69J.
A. J Grove and D. Roth
7 Experimental Methodology
Aside from the choice of algorithm used, the number of attributes n, and the sample
size 8, our experiments also differed in two other dimensions. These are the type of
process generating the data (we will be interested in various deviations from CIA), and
the "difficulty" of the problem. These features are determined by the data model we use
(i.e., the distribution over {O, I} ft used to generate data sets).
Our first experiments consider the case where the data really is drawn from a binary CIA
distribution. We associated with any such distribution a "difficulty" parameter B, which is
the accuracy with which one could predict the value of Z if one actually knew the correct
model. (Of course, even with knowledge of the correct model we should not expect 100%
accuracy.) The ability to control B allows us to select and study models with different
qualitative characteristics. In particular, this has allowed us concentrated most of our
experiments on fairly "hard" instances 3 , and to more meaningfully compare trials with
differing numbers of attributes. We denote by CIA(n, 2, b) the class of all data models
which are binary CIA distributions over n variables with difficulty b. 4 The next family of
data models we used are also CIA models, but now using more than two values for the
hidden variable. We denote the family using Ie values as CIA(n, Ie, b) where n and b are as
before. When Ie > 2 there are more complex correlation patterns between the Xi than when
Ie 2. Furthermore, the optimal predictor is not necessarily linear. The specific results we
discuss in the next section have concentrated on this case.
Given any set of parameters, including a particular class of data models, our experiments
are designed with the goal of good statistical accuracy. We repeatedly (typically 100 to
300 times) choose a data model at random from the chosen class, choose a sample of the
appropriate size from this model, and then run all our algorithms. Each algorithm produces
a (linear) hypothesis. We measure the success rate Salg (i.e., the proportion of times a
hypothesis makes the correct prediction of :1:0) by drawing yet more random samples from
the data model being used. In the test phase we always draw enough new samples so that
the confidence interval for Salg, for the results on a single model, has width at most ? 1%.
We use the Salg values to construct a normalized measure of performance (denoted T) as
follows. Let Sbest be the best possible accuracy attainable for predicting:l:o (i.e., the accuracy
achieved by the actual model generating the data). Let Sconst denote the performance of
the best possible constant prediction rule (i.e., the rule that predicts the most likely a priori
value for :1:0). Note that Sconst and Sbest can vary from model to model. For each model we
compute :alg--;onst ,and our normalized statistic T is the average of these values. It can be
best- const
thought of as measuring the percentage of the possible predictive power, over a plausible
baseline, that an algorithm achieves.
We only report on a small, but representative, selection of our experiments in any detail.
For instance, although we have considered many values of n ranging from 10 to 500, here
we show six graphs giving the learning curves for CIA(n, Ie, 0.90) for n = 10,75, and for
Ie = 2,3,5; as noted, we display the T statistic. The error bars show the standard error,s
providing a rough indication of accuracy. Not surprisingly, when the data model is binary
3Note that if one simply chooses parameters of a CIA model independently at random, without
examining the difficulty of the model or adjusting for n, one will get many trivial problems, in which
it is easy to predict Z with nearly 100% accuracy, and thus predict optimally for Xo.
41t is nontrivial to efficiently select random models from this class. Briefly, our scheme is to choose
each parameter in a CIA model independently from a symmetric beta distribution. Thus, the model
parameters will have expected value 0.5. We choose the parameter of the beta distribution (which
determines concentration about 0.5) so that the average B value, of the models thus generated, equals
b. Finally, we use rejection sampling to find CIA models with B values that are exactly b ? 1%.
5Computed as the observed standard deviation, divided by the square root of the number of trials.
Linear Concepts and Hidden Variables: An Empirical Study
CIA, the EM algorithm does extremely well, learning significantly (if not overwhelmingly)
faster than Winnow. But as we depart from the binary CIA assumption, the performance of
EM quickly degrades.
--_..... -. ..
I ?? z
t 40
- - oa>I
~ _~~! ~.!-,-4?
- - oa>I
- E..
- - oa>I
- - oa>I
J. . .
Figure 3: CIA(1O,3,0.9)
.01 Tralring ~
Figure 4: CIA(75,3,0.9)
. ........
loo '-----'
? ?" m
? "m
Figure 2: CIA(75,2,0.9)
OA,(10 ?? ,O.IO)
of ,.?f
Figure 1: CIA(10,2,0.9)
" -1--
.oIT'. . . . ExemPM
_---t--r I
- E..
- - oa>I
Figure 5: CIA(10,5,0.9)
Figure 6: CIA(75,5,0.9)
When Ie = 3 performances is, on the whole, very similar for Winnow and EM. But when
Ie = 5 Winnow is already superior to EM; significantly and uniformly so for n = 10. For
fixed Ie the difference seems to become somewhat less dramatic as n increases; in Figure 6
(for n = 75) Winnow is less obviously dominant, and in fact is not better than EM until the
sample size has reached 100. (But when 8 ~ n, meaning that we have fewer samples than
attributes, the performance is unifonnly dismal anyway.)
Should we attribute this degradation to the binary CIA assumption, or to the EM itself?
This question is our reason for also considering the covariance algorithm. We see that the
results for COY are generally similar to EM's, supporting our belief that the phenomena
we see are properties inherent to the model rather than to the specific algorithm being used.
Similarly (the results are omitted) we have tried several other algorithms that try to find
good linear separators directly, including the classic Perceptron algorithm [MP69); our
version of Winnow was the best on the experiments we tried and thus we conjecture that its
performance is (somewhat) indicative of what is possible for any such approach.
As the comparison between n
10 and n = 75 illustrates, there is little qualitative differ-
A. J. Grove and D. Roth
ence between the phenomena observed as the number of attributes increases. Nevertheless,
as n grows it does seem that Winnow needs more examples before its performance surpasses
that of the other algorithms (for any fixed k). As already noted, this may be due simply to
the very "noisy" nature of the region 8 $ n. We also have reasons to believe that this is
partially an artifact of way we select models.
As previously noted, we also experimented with varying "difficulty" (B) levels. Although
we omit the corresponding figures we mentioned that the main difference is that Winnow is a
little faster in surpassing EM when the data deviates from the assumed model, but when the
data model really is binary CIA, and EM converge even faster to an optimal performance.
These patterns were confinned when we tried to compare the approaches on real data. We
have used data that originates from a problem in which assuming a hidden "context" variable
seems somewhat plausible. The data is taken from the context-sensitive spelling correction
domain. We used one data set from those that were used in [GR96]. For example, given
sentences in which the word passed or past appear, the task is to determine, for each such
occurrence, which of the two it should be. This task may be modeled by thinking of the
"context" as a hidden variable in our sense. Yet when we tried to learn in this case under
the CIA model, with a binary valued hidden variable, the results were no better than just
predicting the most likely classification (around 70%). Winnow, in contrast, performed
extremely well and exceeds 95% on this task. We hesitate to read much into our limited
real-data experiments, other than to note that so far they are consistent witli the more careful
experiments on synthetic data.
9 Conclusion
By restricting to a binary hidden variable, we have been able to consider a "fair" comparison
between probabilistic model construction, and more traditional algorithms that directly
learn a classification-at least in the sense that both have the same expressive power. Our
conclusions concerning the fragility of the former should not be surprising but we believe
that given the importance of the problem it is valuable to have some idea of the true
significance of the effect. As we have indicated, in many real-world cases, where a model
of the sort we have considered here seems plausible, it is impossible to nail down more
specific characterizations of the probabilistic model. Our results exhibit how important it
is to use the correct model and how sensitive are the results to deviations from it, when
attempting to learn using model construction. The purpose of this paper is not to advocate
that in practice one should use either Winnow or binary CIA in exactly the form considered
here. A richer probabilistic model should be used along with a model selection phase.
However, studying the problem in a restricted and controlled environment in crucial so as
to understand the nature and significance of this fundamental problem.
[Blu97] A. Blum. Empirical support for winnow and weighted majority based algorithms: results on
a calendar scheduling domain. Machine Learning, 26: 1-19, 1997.
[DLR77] A. P. Dempster, N. M. Laird, and D. B. Rubin. Maximum likelihood from incomplete data
via the EM algorithm. Royal Statistical SOCiety B, 39: 1-38, 1977.
[GR96] A. R. Golding and D. Roth. Applying winnow to context-sensitive spelling correcton. In
Proc. 13th International Conference on Machine Learning (ML' 96), pages 182-190, 1996.
[HS92] K. HOffgen and H. Simon. Robust trainability of single neurons. In Proc. 5th Annu. Workshop
on Comput. Learning Theory, pages 428-439, New York, New York, 1992. ACM Press.
[Lit88] N. Littlestone. Learning quickly when irrelevant attributes abound: A new linear-threshold
algorithm. Machine Learning, 2:285-318,1988.
[Lit91] N. Littlestone. Redundant noisy attributes, attribute errors, and linear threshold learning
using Winnow. In Proc. 4th Annu. Workshop on Comput. Learning Theory, pages 147-156, San
Mateo, CA, 1991. Morgan Kaufmann.
[MP69] M. L. Minsky and S. A. Papert. Perceptrons. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1969.
| 1473 |@word trial:2 briefly:2 version:4 hoffgen:1 seems:6 proportion:2 tried:5 covariance:7 attainable:1 dramatic:1 past:1 current:1 com:1 surprising:3 yet:3 must:1 drop:1 designed:1 update:3 aside:2 v:1 fewer:1 parameterization:2 indicative:1 ith:1 characterization:1 simpler:1 demoted:1 along:1 direct:2 beta:2 become:1 qualitative:2 dan:1 fitting:1 advocate:1 pairwise:1 expected:2 uiuc:1 actual:1 little:2 considering:1 abound:1 begin:1 estimating:2 underlying:1 notation:1 maximizes:1 what:1 minimizes:2 developed:2 differing:1 finding:3 unobserved:1 nj:2 ti:4 voting:1 shed:1 exactly:2 classifier:8 control:1 originates:1 grant:1 omit:2 appear:2 yn:1 positive:6 before:3 local:1 limit:1 mistake:2 api:1 io:3 might:1 mateo:1 suggests:1 conversely:1 confinned:1 limited:1 range:1 statistically:1 practical:2 testing:1 yj:1 practice:5 procedure:2 danger:1 empirical:5 thought:1 significantly:2 confidence:1 word:1 suggest:1 get:4 cannot:1 selection:2 scheduling:1 context:4 impossible:1 writing:1 applying:1 roth:4 delimit:1 independently:4 rule:4 classic:2 searching:1 notion:1 anyway:1 target:2 controlling:1 suppose:1 construction:2 hypothesis:3 harvard:1 located:1 predicts:4 labeled:1 observed:5 ft:1 region:2 valuable:1 mentioned:1 intuition:1 environment:1 dempster:1 ui:4 trained:1 depend:3 rewrite:1 ithe:1 predictive:1 observables:1 various:3 derivation:1 zo:3 distinct:1 fast:1 effective:1 detected:1 apparent:1 heuristic:1 quite:2 valued:3 plausible:5 solve:1 say:1 otherwise:1 larger:1 widely:1 ability:1 drawing:1 statistic:2 unseen:1 calendar:1 itself:1 noisy:2 final:1 laird:1 obviously:1 advantage:1 indication:1 stipulate:1 iff:1 convergence:2 optimum:1 produce:2 generating:3 adam:1 perfect:3 converges:1 help:1 illustrate:1 develop:1 oo:1 odd:1 received:1 strong:1 c:1 differ:1 thick:2 correct:7 attribute:18 kno:1 assign:1 ao:1 really:2 probable:1 correction:1 around:1 considered:4 predict:4 substituting:1 vary:1 achieves:1 omitted:2 purpose:1 proc:3 label:2 sensitive:3 weighted:4 mit:1 promotion:1 clearly:1 rough:1 always:4 desirability:1 rather:2 ej:2 varying:1 tll:3 overwhelmingly:1 yo:1 likelihood:6 contrast:1 ave:1 baseline:1 sense:3 inference:1 stopping:1 entire:1 typically:2 initially:1 hidden:13 springfield:1 interested:2 issue:3 classification:6 among:1 y2n:1 prudent:1 denoted:1 priori:1 fairly:2 equal:3 once:2 never:2 having:2 f3:1 construct:1 sampling:1 look:1 unsupervised:1 nearly:1 thinking:1 others:1 report:2 simplify:1 inherent:2 np:1 randomly:2 individual:2 replaced:1 phase:3 minsky:1 attempt:2 danr:1 light:1 accurate:1 grove:5 unifonnly:1 iv:1 incomplete:1 littlestone:2 theoretical:1 instance:4 classify:1 ence:1 measuring:2 maximization:5 deviation:6 surpasses:1 predictor:3 successful:1 examining:1 too:1 loo:3 characterize:1 optimally:1 synthetic:2 chooses:1 fundamental:1 international:1 ie:16 probabilistic:7 together:1 quickly:3 iy:2 postulate:4 choose:7 henceforth:1 iyj:2 style:1 postulated:1 lit91:1 depends:1 vi:4 performed:1 try:3 root:1 observing:1 doing:3 reached:1 sort:1 simon:1 contribution:1 square:1 oi:1 accuracy:7 variance:1 characteristic:1 efficiently:1 kaufmann:1 correspond:2 reestimate:1 whenever:1 against:2 involved:2 obvious:1 associated:4 di:4 adjusting:1 noooi4:1 knowledge:1 actually:3 appears:2 dt:1 restarts:1 methodology:2 response:1 though:2 furthermore:2 just:4 until:3 correlation:1 hand:1 ei:2 expressive:2 artifact:1 indicated:1 grows:1 believe:2 effect:1 concept:6 true:3 normalized:2 former:2 analytically:1 sbest:2 read:1 symmetric:1 conditionally:4 width:1 noted:3 criterion:2 trying:1 ranging:1 meaning:1 superior:1 empirically:1 interpretation:1 dismal:1 surpassing:1 significant:1 cambridge:1 ai:1 rd:1 similarly:1 illinois:1 language:1 joo:1 fictional:1 iyi:2 dominant:1 winnow:21 irrelevant:1 wellknown:1 certain:1 binary:16 onr:1 success:1 yi:3 morgan:1 minimum:1 relaxed:1 promoted:1 somewhat:4 eo:1 determine:2 converge:1 redundant:1 ii:12 full:1 reduces:1 champaign:1 exceeds:1 faster:3 determination:1 divided:1 concerning:2 equally:1 controlled:2 qi:4 prediction:5 basic:4 y21:1 expectation:5 iteration:2 sometimes:1 achieved:1 hesitate:1 interval:1 crucial:1 biased:1 rest:1 jyi:1 sure:1 induced:1 ample:1 meaningfully:1 seem:2 call:1 near:1 easy:2 enough:1 iterate:1 independence:1 fit:3 zi:9 xj:2 perfectly:2 reduce:1 idea:3 tradeoff:1 oit:4 fragile:2 qj:1 golding:1 whether:1 six:1 passed:1 york:2 repeatedly:1 generally:3 clear:1 nonparametric:1 concentrated:2 generate:2 percentage:1 sign:5 xii:1 write:1 demotion:1 threshold:4 nevertheless:1 blum:1 drawn:2 neither:1 graph:1 run:1 parameterized:1 throughout:1 family:2 nail:1 separation:1 draw:1 guaranteed:1 distinguish:1 simplification:1 display:1 quadratic:1 nontrivial:1 anyone:1 extremely:3 attempting:2 separable:2 conjecture:1 department:1 according:1 smaller:1 slightly:2 em:17 wi:6 modification:2 restricted:2 xo:2 taken:1 equation:2 remains:2 previously:1 discus:2 turn:1 know:1 studying:1 apply:1 indirectly:1 disagreement:1 appropriate:1 cia:37 occurrence:1 robustness:3 denotes:1 remaining:1 onst:1 const:1 giving:1 society:1 question:2 already:2 depart:1 degrades:3 parametric:4 strategy:2 concentration:1 traditional:2 spelling:2 visiting:1 exhibit:1 t1l:1 separate:2 oa:6 majority:1 degrade:1 trivial:3 reason:2 assuming:1 o1:1 modeled:1 providing:1 difficult:1 unfortunately:1 negative:2 unknown:1 observation:1 neuron:1 urbana:2 supporting:1 y1:1 pair:2 specified:1 dlr77:3 sentence:1 learned:1 able:2 bar:1 below:1 pattern:2 including:3 reliable:1 royal:1 belief:1 power:3 difficulty:6 predicting:7 scheme:1 deviate:2 understanding:1 determining:1 relative:1 fully:1 expect:3 highlight:1 loss:1 interesting:2 proportional:1 versus:1 lit88:2 rothe:1 consistent:1 rubin:1 principle:1 uncorrelated:1 pi:3 course:1 supported:1 repeat:1 surprisingly:1 bias:1 allow:1 understand:3 perceptron:1 institute:1 wide:2 taking:1 curve:1 dimension:1 world:3 valid:1 qualitatively:1 collection:1 made:2 san:1 far:2 observable:1 unreliable:1 keep:1 ml:1 active:2 assumed:4 knew:1 xi:8 search:7 iterative:1 learn:5 nature:2 fragility:2 robust:2 ca:1 alg:1 cl:1 complex:1 separator:11 constructing:1 domain:3 fli:1 did:1 necessarily:1 main:2 significance:2 linearly:2 whole:1 n2:1 fair:2 allowed:1 representative:2 fashion:1 differed:1 sub:1 papert:1 richer:1 comput:2 down:1 departs:2 annu:2 specific:5 appeal:1 experimented:1 concern:1 dl:1 exists:2 workshop:2 restricting:1 importance:1 ci:1 nec:2 illustrates:1 margin:1 rejection:1 simply:7 likely:3 expressed:1 gr96:4 partially:1 aa:4 chance:1 determines:1 acm:1 ma:1 conditional:1 goal:1 careful:1 towards:1 experimentally:1 hard:2 change:1 specifically:1 except:1 determined:1 uniformly:1 degradation:1 conservative:1 total:1 called:1 partly:2 experimental:2 trainability:1 perceptrons:1 select:3 support:2 princeton:1 phenomenon:2 correlated:1 |
518 | 1,474 | Multiresolution Tangent Distance for
Affine-invariant Classification
Nuno Vasconcelos
Andrew Lippman
MIT Media Laboratory, 20 Ames St, E15-320M,
Cambridge, MA 02139, {nuno,lip }@media.mit.edu
The ability to rely on similarity metrics invariant to image transformations is an important issue for image classification tasks such as face or
character recognition. We analyze an invariant metric that has performed
well for the latter - the tangent distance - and study its limitations when
applied to regular images, showing that the most significant among these
(convergence to local minima) can be drastically reduced by computing
the distance in a multiresolution setting. This leads to the multi resolution
tangent distance, which exhibits significantly higher invariance to image transformations, and can be easily combined with robust estimation
1 Introduction
Image classification algorithms often rely on distance metrics which are too sensitive to
variations in the imaging environment or set up (e.g. the Euclidean and Hamming distances),
or on metrics which, even though less sensitive to these variations, are application specific
or too expensive from a computational point of view (e.g. deformable templates).
A solution to this problem, combining invariance to image transformations with computational simplicity and general purpose applicability was introduced by Simard et al in [7].
The key idea is that, when subject to spatial transformations, images describe manifolds in a
high dimensional space, and an invariant metric should measure the distance between those
manifolds instead of the distance between other properties of (or features extracted from)
the images themselves. Because these manifolds are complex, minimizing the distance between them is a difficult optimization problem which can, nevertheless, be made tractable
by considering the minimization of the distance between the tangents to the manifolds -the
tangent distance (TO) - instead of that between the manifolds themselves. While it has led
to impressive results for the problem of character recognition [8] , the linear approximation
inherent to the TO is too stringent for regular images, leading to invariance over only a very
narrow range of transformations.
N. Vasconcelos and A. Lippman
In this work we embed the distance computation in a multi resolution framework [3],
leading to the multiresolution tangent distance (MRTD). Multiresolution decompositions
are common in the vision literature and have been known to improve the performance of
image registration algorithms by extending the range over which linear approximations
hold [5, 1]. In particular, the MRTD has several appealing properties: 1) maintains
the general purpose nature of the TD; 2) can be easily combined with robust estimation
procedures, exhibiting invariance to moderate non-linear image variations (such as caused
by slight variations in shape or occlusions); 3) is amenable to computationally efficient
screening techniques where bad matches are discarded at low resolutions; and 4) can be
combined with several types of classifiers. Face recognition experiments show that the
MRTD exhibits a significantly extended invariance to image transformations, originating
improvements in recognition accuracy as high as 38%, for the hardest problems considered.
2 The tangent distance
Consider the manifold described by all the possible linear transformations that a pattern
lex) may be subject to
Tp [lex)] = 1('ljJ(x, p)),
where x are the spatial coordinates over which the pattern is defined, p is the set of
parameters which define the transformation, and 'ljJ is a function typically linear on p, but
not necessarily linear on x. Given two patterns M(x) and N(x), the distance between the
associated manifolds - manifold distance (MD) - is
T(M, N) = min IITq[M(x)] - Tp[N(x)]W.
For simplicity, we consider a version of the distance in which only one of the patterns is
subject to a transformation, i.e.
T(M, N)
= min
IIM(x) p
but all results can be extended to the two-sided distance. Using the fact that
\7 p Tp[N(x)]
= \7pN('ljJ(x, p)) = \7 p '?(x, p)\7xN('?(x, p)),
where \7pTp is the gradient of Tp with respect to p, Tp[N(x)] can, for small p, be
approximated by a first order Taylor expansion around the identity transformation
Tp[N(x)] = N(x)
+ (p -
If\7p 'ljJ(x,p)\7 x N(x).
This is equivalent to approximating the manifold by a tangent hyper-plane, and leads to the
TD. Substituting this expression in equation 3, setting the gradient with respect to p to zero,
and solving for p leads to
~ [~'VP;6(X' P ) 'Vx N(x) 'V); N(X)'V~;6(x, P)]-' ~ D(x)'Vp;6(x, P l'VxN(x) + I,
where D(x) = M(x) - N(x). Given this optimal p, the TD between the two patterns
is computed using equations I and 3. The main limitation of this formulation is that it
relies on a first-order Taylor series approximation, which is valid only over a small range
of variation in the parameter vector p .
Manifold distance via Newton's method
The minimization of the MD of equation 3 can also be performed through Newton's method,
which consists of the iteration
= pn _ 0: [\7~ T/p=pn] -I \7 p Tlp=pn
Multiresolution Tangent Distancefor Affine-invariant Classification
where \7 p / and \7~ / are, respectively, the gradient and Hessian of the cost function of
equation 3 with respect to the parameter p,
\7p/ = 2
[M(x) - Tp[N(x)]) V'pTp[N(x)]
V'~ /
= 2
\7~Tp[N(x)] + [M(x) -
Disregarding the term which contains second-order derivatives (V'~Tp[N(x)]), choosing
I and Q:
1, using 4, and substituting in 6 leads to equation 5. I.e. the TO
corresponds to a single iteration of the minimization of the MD by a simplified version of
Newton's method, where sec!ond-orderderivatives are disregarded. This reduces the rate of
convergence of Newton's method, and a single iteration may not be enough to achieve the
local minimum, even for simple functions. It is, therefore, possible to achieve improvement
if the iteration described by equation 6 is repeated until convergence.
3 The multiresolution tangent distance
The iterative minimization of equation 6 suffers from two major drawbacks [2]: 1) it may
require a significant number of iterations for convergence and 2), it can easily get trapped
in local minima. Both these limitations can be, at least partially, avoided by embedding
the computation of the MD in a multiresolution framework, leading to the multiresolution
manifold distance (MRMD). For its computation, the patterns to classify are first subject to
a multiresolution decomposition, and the MD is then iteratively computed for each layer,
using the estimate obtained from the layer above as a starting point,
where, Dl(x) = M(x) - Tp~ [N(x)]. If only one iteration is allowed at each imageresolution, the MRMD becomes the multiresolution extension of the TO, i.e. the multi resolution
tangent distance (MRTO).
To illustrate the benefits of minimization over different scales consider the signal J(t) =
E{;=1 sin(wkt ), and the manifold generated by all its possible translations J'(t,d) =
J(t + d). Figure 1 depicts the multiresolution Gaussian decomposition of J(t), together
with the Euclidean distance to the points on the manifold as a function of the translation
associated with each of them (d). Notice that as the resolution increases, the distance
function has more local minima, and the range of translations over which an initial guess
is guaranteed to lead to convergence to the global minimum (at d = 0) is smaller. I.e.,
at higher resolutions, a better initial estimate is necessary to obtain the same performance
from the minimization algorithm.
Notice also that, since the function to minimize is very smooth at the lowest resolutions,
the minimization will require few iterations at these resolutions if a procedure such as
Newton's method is employed. Furthermore, since the minimum at one resolution is a good
guess for the minimum at the next resolution, the computational effort required to reach
that minimum will also be small. Finally, since a minimum at low resolutions is based on
coarse, or global, information about the function or patterns to be classified, it is likely to
be the global minimum of at least a significant region of the parameter space, if not the true
global minimum.
N. Vasconcelos and A. Lippman
?R B .~5ISa {\Z\Z\]
-UJj -F \lJ -t;: Ll
. . . . . . ... .. ~ .. . .... .
--"' .
_ .:..
. . .. ...
. . ..
Figure 1: Top: Three scales of the multiresolution decomposition of J(t) . Bottom: Euclidean
distance VS. translation for each scale. Resolution decreases from left to right.
4 Affine-invariant classification
There are many linear transformations which can be used in equation 1. In this work, we
consider manifolds generated by affine transformations
0 x yIP
= ~(x)p,
where P is the vector of parameters which characterize the transformation. Taking the
gradient of equation 8 with respect to p. V'p1jJ(x,p) = ~(x)T. using equation 4. and
substituting in equation 7.
= pr
[ ~ 4> (x) TV x N ' (x) viN' (x) 4> (xl ] -I
L D'(x)~(x)TV'xN'(x),
where N'(x) = N(1jJ(x,
and D'(x) = M(x) - N'(x). For a given levell of the
multiresolution decomposition, the iterative process of equation 9 can be summarized as
1. Compute N'(x) by warping the pattern to classify N(x) according to the best
current estimate of p, and compute its spatial gradient V'xN'(x).
2. Update the estimate of PI according to equation 9.
3. Stop if convergence, otherwise go to 1.
Once the final PI is obtained, it is passed to the multiresolution level below (by doubling the
translation parameters), where it is used as initial estimate. Given the values of Pi which
minimize the MD between a pattern to classify and a set of prototypes in the database, a
K-nearest neighbor classifier is used to find the pattern's class.
5 Robust classifiers
One issue of importance for pattern recognition systems is that of robustness to outliers, i.e
errors which occur with low probability, but which can have large magnitude. Examples
are errors due to variation of facial features (e.g. faces shot with or without glasses) in
face recognition, errors due to undesired blobs of ink or uneven line thickness in character
recognition, or errors due to partial occlusions (such as a hand in front of a face) or partially
Multiresolution Tangent Distance/or Affine-invariant Classification
missing patterns (such as an undoted i). It is well known that a few (maybe even one)
outliers of high leverage are sufficient to throw mean squared error estimators completely
off-track [6] .
Several robust estimators have been proposed in the statistics literature to avoid this problem.
In this work we consider M-estimators [4] which can be very easily incorporated in the
MD classification framework. M-estimators are an extension of least squares estimators
where the square function is substituted by a functional p(x) which weighs large errors less
heavily. The robust-estimator version of the tangent distance then becomes to minimize the
cost function
T(M, N) = min
p(M(x) - Tp[N{x)]) ,
and it is straightforward to show that the "robust" equivalent to equation 9 is
p~+' ~ pr +" [~P"[D(X))oI>(X)TI7XN'(X)I7;;:N'(X)oI>(X)T]-' x
[~P'[D(X))oI>(X)Tl7xN' (X)] ,
where D(x) = M(x) - N'(x) and p'(x) and p"(x) are, respectively, the first and second
derivatives of the function p( x) with respect to its argument.
6 Experimental results
In this section, we report on experiments carried out to evaluate the performance of the MD
classifier. The first set of experiments was designed to test the invariance of the TD to affine
transformations of the input. The second set was designed to evaluate the improvement
obtained under the multiresolution framework.
Affine invariance of the tangent distance
Starting from a single view of a reference face, we created an artificial dataset composed
by 441 affine transformations of it. These transformations consisted of combinations of
all rotations in the range from - 30 to 30 degrees with increments of 3 degrees, with all
scaling transformations in the range from 70% to 130% with increments of 3%. The faces
associated with the extremes of the scaling/rotation space are represented on the left portion
of figure 2.
On the right of figure 2 are the distance surfaces obtained by measuring the distance
associated with several metrics at each of the points in the scaling/rotation space. Five
metrics were considered in this experiment: the Euclidean distance (ED), the TD, the MD
computed through Newton's method, the MRMD, and the MRTD.
While the TD exhibits some invariance to rotation and scaling, this invariance is restricted
to a small range of the parameter space and performance only slightly better than the
obtained with the ED. The performance of the MD computed through Newton's method
is dramatically superior, but still inferior to those achieved with the MRTD (which is very
close to zero over the entire parameter space considered in this experiment), and the MRMD.
The performance of the MRTD is in fact impressive given that it involves a computational
increase of less than 50% with respect to the TD, while each iteration of Newton's method
requires an increase of 100%, and several iterations are typically necessary to attain the
minimum MD.
N. Vasconcelos and A. Lippman
Figure 2: Invariance of the tangent distance. In the right, the surfaces shown correspond to ED, TO,
MO through Newton's method, MRTO, and MRMO. This ordering corresponds to that of the nesting
of the surfaces, i.e. the ED is the cup-shaped surface in the center, while the MRMO is the flat surface
which is approximately zero everywhere.
Face recognition
To evaluate the performance of the multiresolution tangent distance on a real classification
task, we conducted a series of face recognition experiments, using the Olivetti Research
Laboratories (ORL) face database. This database is composed by 400 images of 40 subjects,
10 images per subject, and contains variations in pose, light conditions, expressions and
facial features, but small variability in terms of scaling, rotation, or translation. To correct
this limitation we created three artificial datasets by applying to each image three random
affine transformations drawn from three multivariate normal distributions centered on the
identity transformation with different covariances. A small sample of the faces in the
database is presented in figure 3, together with its transformed version under the set of
transformations of higher variability.
Figure 3: Left: sample of the ORL face database. Right: transformed version.
We next designed three experiments with increasing degree of difficulty. In the first, we
selected the first view of each subject as the test set, using the remaining nine views as
training data. In the second, the first five faces were used as test data while the remaining
five were used for training. Finally, in the third experiment, we reverted the roles of the
datasets used in the first. The recognition accuracy for each of these experiments and each
of the datasets is reported on figure 4 for the ED, the TO, the MRTD, and a robust version
of this distance (RMRTO) with p(x) = 1x2 if x::; aT and p(x) = ~2 otherwise, where T
is a threshold (set to 2.0 in our experiments), and a a robust version of the error standard
deviation defined as a = median lei - median (ei )1 /0.6745.
Several conclusions can be taken from this figure. First, it can be seen that the MRTD
provides a significantly higher invariance to linear transformations than the ED or the TO,
MultiresolUlion Tangent Distance for Affine-invariant Classification
increasing the recognition accuracy by as much as 37.8% in the hardest datasets. In fact,
for the easier tasks of experiments one and two, the performance of the multiresolution
classifier is almost constant and always above the level of 90% accuracy. It is only for the
harder experiment that the invariance of the MRTO classifier starts to break down. But even
in this case, the degradation is graceful- the recognition accuracy only drops below 75%
for considerable values of rotation and scaling (dataset D3).
On the other hand, the ED and the single resolution TO break down even for the easier
tasks, and fail dramatically when the hardest task is performed on the more difficult datasets.
Furthermore, their performance does not degrade gracefully, they seem to be more invariant
when the training set has five views than when it is composed by nine faces of each subject
in the database.
'~--------~,~-=-=~~ ~
___ _ ...l _ _ _ _ _ __ _ l...
- - --1- -
- - -- - - --r- --- - - - - -t- -
. .. _
__ _____ _ L _ _ _ _ ___
_ _ _ _ ______ L- __ _ __ __
am .
- -- - -- - -r-- ---- - -t - - - - --- - t,
...1 ___ __ _ __ l-
__ ~
L . _
_ _
....1_ _
----- - - - j- ------ - -t - - - - - - - - r -TD""""
I .
_ _ ______ IL _____ __ ...1! _ _ _ ?_ _ _ _ .l-
..,CV _
_ ____ __
,LI __ _ ____ ,,
_ __ ___ _ _
,L, _
-10 _ _ ____ __ ... _
_ _ __ ____
l'W'> _ _ _ _ _ _ _
__ __ _ _
~ -- - ---- ~ -- --- -- - ~ -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...
- ~?~?~:~j?~~~~~~~}~~~~~~~~~
-- - - -- -- t-- -- -- -- -~ - -- ----t" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-
- -- - -~ -
...1_ ______ , _
"".(1,1 ____ __ _ _ _ ~- - ---- --+ ---- --- -~,
---- - -I-- ------ - - ------ - r -m-
110 m ?
? _
:1111,1,1 .
__ _ _ _
___ L ___ _ _ __ ...l ___ ___ ___ _
?>.011 _
_ _ __ ___
I____ _ ___
+____ _____ t _
_____ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ ___ ~
__ __ ___ L _____ ____ _
Figure 4: Recognition accuracy. From left to right: results from the first, second, and third
experiments. Oatasets are ordered by degree of variability: 00 is the ORL database 03 is subject to
the affine transfonnations of greater amplitude.
We would like to thank Federico Girosi for first bringing the tangent distance to our attention,
and for several stimulating discussions on the topic.
[1J P. Anandan, J. Bergen, K. Hanna, and R. Hingorani. Hierarchical Model-Based Motion Estimation. In M. Sezan and R. Lagendijk, editors, Motion Analysis and Image
Sequence Processing, chapter 1. Kluwer Academic Press, 1993.
[2J D. Bertsekas. Nonlinear Programming. Athena Scientific, 1995.
[3J P. Burt and E. Adelson. The Laplacian Pyramid as a Compact Image Code. IEEE
Trans. on Communications, Vol. 31:532-540,1983.
[4] P. Huber. Robust Statistics. John Wiley, 1981 .
[5] B. Lucas and T. Kanade. An Iterative Image Registration Technique with an Application
to Stereo Vision. In Proc. DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, 198 I.
[6J P. Rousseeuw and A. Leroy. Robust Regression and Outlier Detection. John Wiley,
[7] P. Simard, Y. Le Cun, and J. Denker. Efficient Pattern Recognition Using a New
Transformation Distance. In Proc. Neurallnfonnation Proc. Systems, Denver, USA,
[8] P. Simard, Y. Le Cun, and 1. Denker. Memory-based Character Recognition Using a
Transformation Invariant Metric. In Int. Conference on Pattern Recognition, Jerusalem,
Israel, 1994.
| 1474 |@word version:7 covariance:1 decomposition:5 harder:1 shot:1 initial:3 series:2 contains:2 current:1 john:2 girosi:1 shape:1 tlp:1 designed:3 update:1 drop:1 v:1 selected:1 guess:2 plane:1 coarse:1 provides:1 ames:1 five:4 consists:1 huber:1 themselves:2 multi:3 td:8 considering:1 increasing:2 becomes:2 medium:2 lowest:1 israel:1 transformation:23 transfonnations:1 classifier:6 bertsekas:1 local:4 approximately:1 range:7 acknowledgment:1 ond:1 lf:1 i____:1 lippman:4 procedure:3 significantly:3 attain:1 regular:2 get:1 close:1 applying:1 equivalent:2 missing:1 center:1 go:1 straightforward:1 starting:2 attention:1 jerusalem:1 resolution:13 simplicity:2 estimator:6 nesting:1 embedding:1 variation:7 coordinate:1 increment:2 heavily:1 programming:1 recognition:16 expensive:1 approximated:1 database:7 bottom:1 role:1 region:1 vxn:1 ordering:1 decrease:1 environment:1 solving:1 completely:1 easily:4 po:1 darpa:1 represented:1 chapter:1 describe:1 artificial:2 hyper:1 choosing:1 otherwise:2 federico:1 ability:1 statistic:2 gi:1 final:1 blob:1 sequence:1 mb:1 combining:1 multiresolution:18 deformable:1 achieve:2 convergence:6 extending:1 illustrate:1 andrew:1 oo:1 pose:1 ij:1 nearest:1 throw:1 involves:1 exhibiting:1 drawback:1 correct:1 centered:1 vx:1 stringent:1 require:2 extension:2 hold:1 around:1 considered:3 normal:1 iil:1 mo:1 substituting:3 major:1 purpose:2 estimation:3 proc:3 sensitive:2 minimization:7 mit:2 gaussian:1 always:1 pn:5 avoid:1 improvement:3 am:1 glass:1 bergen:1 typically:2 lj:1 entire:1 originating:1 transformed:2 issue:2 classification:9 among:1 oii:1 lucas:1 spatial:3 yip:1 once:1 vasconcelos:4 shaped:1 hardest:3 adelson:1 report:1 inherent:1 few:2 composed:3 occlusion:2 detection:1 screening:1 extreme:1 light:1 amenable:1 partial:1 necessary:2 facial:2 euclidean:4 taylor:2 weighs:1 classify:3 tp:13 measuring:1 applicability:1 cost:2 deviation:1 conducted:1 too:3 front:1 characterize:1 reported:1 thickness:1 combined:3 st:1 off:1 together:2 squared:1 simard:3 leading:3 derivative:2 li:1 sec:1 summarized:1 int:1 caused:1 performed:3 view:5 break:2 analyze:1 portion:1 start:1 maintains:1 vin:1 minimize:3 square:2 oi:3 accuracy:6 il:1 correspond:1 vp:2 classified:1 reach:1 suffers:1 ptp:3 ed:7 nuno:2 associated:4 hamming:1 stop:1 dataset:2 amplitude:1 higher:4 formulation:1 though:1 furthermore:2 until:1 hand:2 ei:1 nonlinear:1 ujj:1 scientific:1 lei:1 usa:1 consisted:1 true:1 laboratory:2 iteratively:1 undesired:1 sin:1 ll:1 inferior:1 motion:2 image:19 reverted:1 common:1 rotation:6 superior:1 functional:1 denver:1 slight:1 kluwer:1 significant:3 cambridge:1 cup:1 cv:1 similarity:1 impressive:2 surface:5 neurallnfonnation:1 multivariate:1 olivetti:1 moderate:1 seen:1 minimum:12 greater:1 anandan:1 employed:1 signal:1 isa:1 reduces:1 smooth:1 levell:1 match:1 academic:1 laplacian:1 regression:1 vision:2 metric:8 iteration:9 pyramid:1 achieved:1 median:2 bringing:1 wkt:1 subject:9 seem:1 leverage:1 iii:1 enough:1 idea:1 prototype:1 i7:1 expression:2 passed:1 effort:1 stereo:1 hessian:1 nine:2 jj:2 dramatically:2 maybe:1 rousseeuw:1 reduced:1 notice:2 trapped:1 track:1 per:1 vol:1 key:1 nevertheless:1 threshold:1 drawn:1 d3:1 registration:2 imaging:1 everywhere:1 almost:1 scaling:7 orl:3 layer:2 guaranteed:1 leroy:1 occur:1 x2:1 flat:1 argument:1 min:3 graceful:1 tv:2 according:2 combination:1 smaller:1 slightly:1 character:4 appealing:1 cun:2 outlier:3 invariant:10 pr:2 restricted:1 sided:1 taken:1 computationally:1 equation:14 fail:1 tractable:1 denker:2 hierarchical:1 hingorani:1 robustness:1 top:1 remaining:2 newton:9 approximating:1 ink:1 warping:1 lex:2 md:11 exhibit:3 gradient:5 distance:37 thank:1 athena:1 gracefully:1 degrade:1 topic:1 manifold:14 code:1 minimizing:1 difficult:2 datasets:5 discarded:1 extended:2 incorporated:1 variability:3 communication:1 burt:1 introduced:1 required:1 narrow:1 trans:1 below:2 pattern:14 memory:1 difficulty:1 rely:2 e15:1 improve:1 mrmd:4 carried:1 created:2 ljj:4 literature:2 understanding:1 tangent:18 limitation:4 degree:4 affine:11 sufficient:1 editor:1 pi:4 translation:6 drastically:1 iim:1 neighbor:1 template:1 face:14 taking:1 benefit:1 xn:3 valid:1 made:1 simplified:1 avoided:1 compact:1 global:4 iterative:3 lip:1 kanade:1 nature:1 robust:10 hanna:1 expansion:1 complex:1 necessarily:1 substituted:1 main:1 repeated:1 allowed:1 depicts:1 wiley:2 xl:1 third:2 down:2 embed:1 bad:1 specific:1 showing:1 disregarding:1 dl:1 workshop:1 importance:1 magnitude:1 disregarded:1 easier:2 led:1 likely:1 ordered:1 partially:2 doubling:1 corresponds:2 relies:1 extracted:1 ma:1 stimulating:1 identity:2 considerable:1 degradation:1 invariance:12 experimental:1 uneven:1 latter:1 evaluate:3 |
519 | 1,475 | Structural Risk Minimization for
Nonparametric Time Series Prediction
Ron Meir*
Department of Electrical Engineering
Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel
[email protected]
The problem of time series prediction is studied within the uniform convergence framework of Vapnik and Chervonenkis. The dependence inherent in the temporal structure is incorporated into the analysis, thereby
generalizing the available theory for memoryless processes. Finite sample bounds are calculated in terms of covering numbers of the approximating class, and the tradeoff between approximation and estimation is
discussed. A complexity regularization approach is outlined, based on
Vapnik's method of Structural Risk Minimization, and shown to be applicable in the context of mixing stochastic processes.
1 Time Series Prediction and Mixing Processes
A great deal of effort has been expended in recent years on the problem of deriving robust
distribution-free error bounds for learning, mainly in the context of memory less processes
(e.g. [9]). On the other hand, an extensive amount of work has been devoted by statisticians
and econometricians to the study of parametric (often linear) models of time series, where
the dependence inherent in the sample, precludes straightforward application of many of
the standard results form the theory of memoryless processes. In this work we propose
an extension of the framework pioneered by Vapnik and Chervonenkis to the problem of
time series prediction. Some of the more elementary proofs are sketched, while the main
technical results will be proved in detail in the full version of the paper.
Consider a stationary stochastic process X = { ... ,X-1, X 0, X 1, ... }, where Xi is a random variable defined over a compact domain in R and such that IXil ::; B with probability
1, for some positive constant B. The problem of one-step prediction, in the mean square
sense, can then be phrased as that of finding a function f (.) of the infinite past, such that
IXo - f(X=~) 12 is minimal, where we use the notation xf
= (Xi, Xi ti, ... ,Xj ),
?This work was supported in part by the a grant from the Israel Science Foundation
Structural Risk Minimization/or Nonparametric Time Series Prediction
j ~ i. It is well known that the optimal predictor in this case is given by the conditional
mean, E[XoIX:!J While this solution, in principle, settles the issue of optimal prediction, it does not settle the issue of actually computing the optimal predictor. First of all,
note that ~o compute the conditional mean, the probabilistic law generating the stochastic
process X must be known. Furthermore, the requirement of knowing the full past, X=-~,
is of course rather stringent. In this work we consider the more practical situation, where
a finite sub-sequence Xi" = (Xl, X 2,??? ,XN ) is observed, and an optimal prediction is
needed, conditioned on this data. Moreover, for each finite sample size N we allow the
pre.dictors to be based only on a finite lag vector of size d. Ultimately, in order to achieve
full generality one may let d -+ 00 when N -+ 00 in order to obtain the optimal predictor.
We first consider the problem of selecting an empirical estimator from a class of functions
Fd,n : Rd -+ R, where n is a complexity index of the class (for example, the number
of computational nodes in a feedforward neural network with a single hidden layer), and
If I ::; B for f E Fd,n. Consider then an empirical predictor fd,n,N(Xi=~), i > N,
for Xi based on the finite data set Xi" and depending on the d-dimensional lag vector
Xi=~, where fd,n,N E Fd,n. It is possible to split the error incurred by this predictor into
three terms, each possessing a rather intuitive meaning. It is the competition between these
terms which determines the optimal solution, for a fixed amount of data. First, define the
loss of a functional predictor f : Rd -+ R as L(f) = E i - f(xi=~) 12 , and let fd,n
be the optimal function in Fd,n minimizing this loss. Furthermore, denote the optimal lag
d predictor by fd' and its associated loss by L'd. We are then able to split the loss of the
empirical predictor fd,n,N into three basic components,
L(fd,n,N) = (Ld,n,N - L'd,n)
+ (L'd,n -
+ L'd,
where Ld,n,N
L(fd,n,N). The third term, L'd, is related to the error incurred in using a finite memory model (of lag size d) to predict a process with potentially infinite memory. We
do not at present have any useful upper bounds for this term, which is related to the rate of
convergence in the martingale convergence theorem, which to the best of our knowledge is
unknown for the type of mixing processes we study in this work. The second term in (1) , is
related to the so-called approximation error, given by Elfei (X:=-~) - fel,n (Xf=~) 12 to which
it can be immediately related through the inequality IIal P- IblPI ::; pia - bll max( a, b) Ip-l .
This term measures the excess error incurred by selecting a function f from a class of limited complexity Fd,n, while the optimal lag d predictor fei may be arbitrarily complex. Of
course, in order to bound this term we will have to make some regularity assumptions about
the latter function. Finally, the first term in (1) r~resents the so called estimation error,
and is the only term which depends on the data Xl . Similarly to the problem of regression
for i.i.d. data, we expect that the approximation and estimation terms lead to conflicting
demands on the choice of the the complexity, n, of the functional class Fd,n. Clearly, in
order to minimize the approximation error the complexity should be made as large as possible. However, doing this will cause the estimation error to increase, because of the larger
freedom in choosing a specific function in Fd,n to fit the data. However, in the case of time
series there is an additional complication resulting from the fact that the misspecification
error L'd is minimized by choosing d to be as large as possible, while this has the effect
of increasing both the approximation as well as the estimation errors. We thus expect that
sOrhe optimal values of d and n exist for each sample size N.
Up to this point we have not specified how to select the empirical estimator f d,n,N. In this
work we follow the ideas of Vapnik [8], which have been studied extensively in the context of i.i.d observations, and restrict our selection to that hypothesis which minimizes the
empirical error, given by LN(f) = N~d 2::~d+l
i - f(x:=~)12 . For this function it is
easy to establish (see for example [8]) that (Ld,n,N - L'd,n) ::; 2 sUP!E.rd,n IL(f) - LN(f)I?
The main distinction from the i.i.d case, of course, is that random variables appearing in
R. Meir
the empirical error, LN(f), are no longer independent. It is clear at this point that some
assumptions are needed regarding the stochastic process X, in order that a law of large
numbers may be established. In any event, it is obvious that the standard approach of using
randomization and symmetrization as in the i.i.d case [3] will not work here. To circumvent this problem, two approaches have been proposed. The first makes use of the so-called
method of sieves together with extensions of the Bernstein inequality to dependent data [6].
The second approach, to be pursued here, is based on mapping the problem onto one characterized by an i.i.d process [10], and the utilization of the standard results for the latter
In order to have some control of the estimation error discussed above, we will restrict ourselves in this work to the class of so-called mixing processes. These are processes for which
the 'future' depends only weakly on the 'past', in a sense that will now be made precise.
Following the definitions and notation of Yu [10], which will be utilized in the sequel, let
(7t = (7(Xf) and (7:+m = (7(Xt~m)' be the sigma-algebras of events generated by the random variables Xf = (X 1 ,X2 , ??? ,Xt) and Xi1.m = (X1+m ,Xl+ m+1 , ?? . ), respectively.
We then define 13m, the coefficient of absolute regularity, as
13m = SUPt>l Esup {IP(BI(7I) - P(B)I : BE (7:+m} , where the expectation is taken
with respect-to (71 = (7(XD. A stochastic process is said to be 13-mixing if (3m -t 0 as
m -t 00. We note that there exist many other definitions of mixing (see [2] for details).
The motivation for using the 13-mixing coefficient is that it is the weakest form of mixing
for which uniform laws of large numbers can be established. In this work we consider two
type of processes for which this coefficient decays to zero, namely algebraically decaying
processes for which 13m ~ /3m- r , /3, r > 0, and exponentially mixing processes for which
13m ~ /3 exp{ -bm K } , jJ, b, I\, > O. Note that for Markov processes mixing implies exponential mixing, so that at least in this case, there is no loss of generality in assuming that
the process is exponentially mixing. Note also that the usual i.i.d process may be obtained
from either the exponentially or algebraically mixing process, by taking the limit I\, -t 00
or r -t 00, respectively.
In this section we follow the approach taken by Yu [10] in deriving uniform laws of large
numbers for mixing processes, extending her mainly asymptotic results to finite sample
behavior, and somewhat broadening the class of processes considered by her. The basic
idea in [10], as in many related approaches, involves the construction of an independentblock sequence, which is shown to be 'close' to the original process in a well-defined
probabilistic sense. We briefly recapitulate the construction, slightly modifying the notation in [10] to fit in with the present paper. Divide the sequence xi' into 2J-lN blocks,
each of size aN; we assume for simplicity that N = 2J-lNaN. The blocks are then numbered according to their order in the block-sequence. For 1 ~ j ~ J-lN define H j
{i : 2(j - l)aN + 1 ~ i ~ (2j - l)aN} and Tj = {i : (2j - l)aN + 1 ~ i ~ (2j)aN}.
Denote the random variables corresponding to the H j and Tj indices as X(j) = {Xi :
i E H j } and X' (j) = {Xi : i E T j }. The sequence of H-blocks is then denoted by
X aN = {X(j)}j:l. Now, construct a sequence of independent and identically distributed
(i.i.d.) blocks {3(j) )}j:l' where 3(j) = {~i : i E H j }, such that the sequence is independent of Xi" and each block has the same distribution as the block X(j) from the original
sequence. Because the process is stationary, the blocks 3(j) are not only independent but
also identically distributed. The basic idea in the construction of the independent block
sequence is that it is 'close', in a well-defined sense to the original blocked sequence X aN .
Moreover, by appropriately selecting the number of blocks, J-lN, depending on the mixing
nature of the sequence, one may relate properties of the original sequence X f", to those of
the independent block sequence 3 aN (see Lemma 4.1 in [10)).
Let F be a class of bounded functions, such that 0
B for any f
F. In order to
Structural Risk Minimizationfor Nonparametric Time Series Prediction
relate the uniform deviations (with respect to F) of the original sequence Xi' to those of
the independent-block sequence BaN' use is made of Lemma 4.1 from [10]. We also utilize
Lemma 4.2 from [10] and modify it so that it holds for finite sample size. Consider the
block-independent sequence BaN and define EJ.LN = J.L1N 'E~:1 f(B(j)) where f(=.(j?) =
'EiEH j f(~i)' j = 1,2, ... , J-lN, is a sequence of independent random variables such that
111 ~ aNB. In the remainder of the paper we use variables with a tilde above them to
denote quantities related to the transformed block sequence. Finally, we use the symbol
EN to denote the empirical average with respect to the original sequence, namely EN f =
(N - d)-1 'E~d+1 f(Xi). The following result can be proved by a simple extension of
Lemma 4.2 in [10] .
Lemma 1.1 Suppose F is a permissible class of boundedfunctions,
If I ~
B for
f E :F.
lEN f - Efl >
~ 2P {sup
IEJ.LN 1 - Ell> aNt:} + 2J-lNf3aN'
The main merit of Lemma 1.1 is in the transformation of the problem from the domain of
dependent processes, implicit in the quantity lEN f - Efl, to one characterized by independent processes, implicit in the term EJ.LN
Ell corresponding to the independent blocks.
The price paid for this transformation is the extra term 2J-lN f3aN which appears on the r.h.s
of the inequality appearing in Lemma 1.1 .
2 Error Bounds
The development in Section 1 was concerned with a scalar stochastic process X. In order
to use the results in the context of time series, we first define a new vector-valued pro........ . . . . . . . .
d+l . For
cess X' = { ... ,X- 1 ,XO ,X 1 , ... } where Xi = (Xi,X i - 1, . :.... ,Xi-d) E ~
this sequence the f3-mixing coefficients obey the inequality f3m(X ' ) ~ f3m-d(X). Let F
be a space of functions mapping Rd -7 R, and for each f E F let the loss function be
given by ff(Xf-d) = IXi - f(X:~~W? The loss space is given by L,;: = {ff: f E F} .
It is well known in the theory of empirical processes (see [7] for example), that in order to obtain upper bounds on uniform deviations of i.i.d sequences, use must be made
of the so-called covering number of the function class F, with respect to the empirical it,N norm, given by it ,N(f, g) = N- 1 'E~1 If(Xd - g(Xi)l? Similarly, we denote the empirical norm with respect to the independent block sequence by [1 ,J.LN' where
[1,J.LN(f,g) J-l,'/ 'E~:1 11(x(j)) - g(X(j) I, and where f(X(j?)
'EiEH j Xi and similarly for g. Following common practice we denote the t:-covering number of the functional
space F using the metric p by N(t:, F, p).
Definition 1 Let L';: be a class of real-valued functions from RD --t R, D = d + 1. For
eachff E L,;:andx = (Xl,X2, .. . ,XaN ), Xi E R D , let if (x) = 'E~:lff(Xi)' Then
= {if: if E L';:} ,where if : RaND -7 R+.
In order to obtain results in terms of the covering numbers of the space L';: rather than ?,;:,
which corresponds to the transformed sequence, we need the following lemma, which is
not hard to prove.
Lemma 2.1 For any t: > 0
(t:, ?,;:, [1 ,J.LN)
~ N (t:jaN, L';:, h,N).
R. Meir
PROOF The result follows by sequence of simple inequalities, showing that ll.J1.N (j, g) ~
aNh,N(f, g).
We now present the main result of this section, namely an upper bound for the uniform
deviations of mixing processes, which in turn yield upper bounds on the error incurred by
the empirically optimal predictor fd ,n.N.
Theorem 2.1 Let X = { . .. ,Xl' X o, Xl, ... } be a bounded stationary (3-mixing stochastic process, with IXil ~ B, and let F be a class of bo unded functions, f : Rd ~ [0, B].
For each sample size N, let f~ be the function in :F which minimizes the empirical error,
and 1* is the function in F minimizing the true error L(f). Then,
where c' = c/128B.
PROOF The theorem is established by making use of Lemma 1.1, and the basic results from
the theory of uniform convergence for i.i.d. processes, together with Lemma 2.1 relating
the covering numbers of the spaces iF and LF. The covering numbers of LF and Fare
easily related using N(c, LF, Ll (P)) ~ N(c/2B, F, Ll (P)) .
Up to this point we have not specified J..tN and aN, and the result is therefore quite general.
In order to obtain weak consistency we require that that the r.h.s. of (3) converge to zero
for each c > O. This immediately yields the following conditions on J..tN (and thus also on
aN through the condition 2aNJ..tN = N).
Corollary 2.1 Under the conditions of Theorem 2.1, and the added requirements that d =
o(aN) and N(c, F, h,N) < 00, the following choices of J..tN are sufficient to guarantee the
weak consistency of the empirical predictor f N:
J..tN ,..", N/t/(1+/t)
(exponential mixing),
J..tN""" N s/{1+s), 0 < s < r
(algebraic mixing),
where the notation aN ,..", bN implies that O(bN)
O(b N ).
PROOF Consider first the case of exponential mixing. In this case the r.h.s. of (3) clearly
converges to zero because of the finiteness of the covering number. The fastest rate of
convergence is achieved by balancing the two terms in the equation, leading to the choice
J..tN '" N/t/(1+/t). In the case of algebraic mixing, the second term on the r.h.s. of (3) is
of the order O(J..tNa"i/) where we have used d = o(aN). Since J..tNaN '" N, a sufficient
condition to guarantee that this term converge to zero is that J..tN ,..", Ns/(1+s), 0 < s < r,
as was claimed.
In order to derive bounds on the expected error, we need to make an assumption concerning
the covering number of the space F. In particular, we know from the work Haussler [4J
that the covering number is upper bounded as follows
N(c , F, L 1 (P))
~ e(Pdim(F) + 1)
2B) Pdim(F) '
for any measure P. Thus, assuming the finiteness of the pseudo-dimension of F guarantees
a finite covering number.
Structural Risk Minimization/or Nonparametric Time Series Prediction
3 Structural Risk Minimization
The results in Section 2 provide error bounds for estimators formed by minimizing the empirical error over a fixed class of d-dimensional functions. It is clear that the complexity of
the class of functions plays a crucial role in the procedure. If the class is too rich, manifested by very large covering numbers, clearly the estimation error term will be very large.
On the other hand, biasing the class of functions by restricting its complexity, leads to poor
approximation rates. A well-known strategy for overcoming this dilemma is obtained by
considering a hierarchy of functional classes with increasing complexity. For any given
sample size, the optimal trade-off between estimation and approximation can then be determined by balancing the two terms. Such a procedure was developed in the late seventies
by Vapnik [8], and termed by him structural risk minimization (SRM). Other more recent
approaches, collectively termed complexity regularization, have been extensively studied
in recent years (e.g. [1]). It should be borne in mind, however, that in the context of time
series there is an added complexity, that does not exist in the case of regression. Recall
that the results derived in Section 2 assumed some fixed lag vector d. In general the optimal value of d is unknown, and could in fact be infinite. In order to achieve optimal
performance in a nonparametric setting, it is crucial that the size of the lag be chosen adaptively as well. This added complexity needs to be incorporated into the SRM framework,
if optimal performance in the face of unknown memory size is to be achieved.
Let Fd,n, d, n E
Fd ,n let
N be a sequence of functions, and define F
= U~l U~=l Fd,n ' For any
which from [4] is upper bounded by cc-Pdim(Fd.n). We observe in passing that Lugosi and
Nobel [5] have recently considered situations where the pseudo-dimension Pdim(Fd,n) is
unknown, and the covering number is estimated empirically from the data. Although this
line of thought is potentially very useful, we do not pursue it here, but rather assume that
upper bounds on the pseudo-dimensions of Fd,n are known, as is the case for many classes
of functions used in practice (see for example [9]).
In line with the standard approach in [8] we introduce a new empirical function, which
takes into account both the empirical error as well as the complexity costs penalizing overly
complex models (large complexity index n and lag size d). Let
where LN(f) is the empirical error of the predictor f and the complexity penalties
given by
IogN1 (c, Fd,n) + Cn
J-lN /64(2B)4
/-LN /64(2B)4
The specific form and constants in these definitions are chosen with hindsight, so as to
achieve the optimal rates of convergence in Theorem 3.1 below. The constants Cn and Cd
are positive constants obeying l:~=1 e- Cn :::; 1 and similarly for Cd . A possible choice is
Cn = 210g n + 1 and Cd = 210g d + 1. The value of J-lN can be chosen in accordance with
Corollary 2.1.
Let id,n,N minimize the empirical error LN(f) within the class of functions Fd ,n' ",!e
assume that the classes Fd,n are compact, so that such a minimizer exists. Further, let IN
R. Meir
be the function in F minimizing the complexity penalized loss (6), namely
Ld n
, ,
N(1~) = min
min Ld n N(1~ n N)
d2: 1 n2: 1
The following basic result establishes the consistency of the structural risk minimization
approach, and yields upper bounds on its performance.
Theorem 3.1 Let Fd,n, d, n E N be sequence offunctional classes, where 1 E Fd,n is
a mapping from Rd to R The expected loss of the function iN, selected according to the
SRM principle, is upper bounded by
EL(iN) ::; min {inf L(J)
+ Cl
The main merit of Theorem 3.1 is the demonstration that the SRM procedure achieves an
optimal balance between approximation and estimation, while retaining its non parametric
attributes. In particular, if the optimal lag d predictor 1J belongs to Fd,no for some no, the
SRM predictor would converge to it at the same rate as if no were known in advance. The
same type of adaptivity is obtained with respect to the lag size d. The non parametric rates
of convergence of the SRM predictor will be discussed in the full paper.
[1] A. Barron. Complexity Regularization with Application to Artificial Neural Networks. In G. Roussas, editor, Nonparametric Functional Estimation and Related
Topics, pages 561-576. Kluwer Academic Press, 1991.
[2] L. Gyorfi, W. HardIe, P. Sarda, and P. Vieu. Nonparametric Curve Estimation from
Time Series. Springer Verlag, New York, 1989.
[3] D. Haussler. Decision Theoretic Generalizations of the PAC Model for Neural Net
and Other Learning Applications. Information and Computation, 100:78-150, 1992.
[4] D. Haussler. Sphere Packing Numbers for Subsets of the Boolean n-Cube with
Bounded Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimesnion. J. Combinatorial Theory, Series A
[5] G. Lugosi and A. Nobel. Adaptive Model Selection Using Empirical Complexities.
Submitted to Annals Statis., 1996.
[6] D. Modha and E. Masry. Memory Universal Prediction of Stationary Random Processes. IEEE Trans. Inj. Th., January, 1998.
[7] D. Pollard. Convergence of Empirical Processes. Springer Verlag, New York, 1984.
[8] V. N. Vapnik. Estimation of Dependences Based on Empirical Data. Springer Verlag,
New York, 1992.
[9] M. Vidyasagar. A Theory of Learning and Generalization. Springer Verlag, New
[10] B. Yu. Rates of convergence for empirical processes of stationary mixing sequences.
Annals of Probability, 22:94-116, 1984.
| 1475 |@word briefly:1 version:1 norm:2 d2:1 bn:2 recapitulate:1 paid:1 thereby:1 ld:5 series:13 selecting:3 chervonenkis:3 past:3 must:2 ixil:2 j1:1 statis:1 stationary:5 pursued:1 selected:1 node:1 ron:1 complication:1 prove:1 introduce:1 expected:2 behavior:1 considering:1 increasing:2 notation:4 moreover:2 bounded:6 anh:1 israel:2 anj:1 minimizes:2 pursue:1 developed:1 finding:1 transformation:2 hindsight:1 guarantee:3 temporal:1 pseudo:3 ti:1 xd:2 utilization:1 control:1 grant:1 f3m:2 masry:1 positive:2 engineering:1 accordance:1 modify:1 limit:1 id:1 modha:1 lugosi:2 studied:3 vieu:1 fastest:1 limited:1 bi:1 gyorfi:1 practical:1 practice:2 block:16 lf:3 procedure:3 jan:1 universal:1 empirical:21 thought:1 pre:1 numbered:1 onto:1 close:2 selection:2 risk:8 context:5 straightforward:1 simplicity:1 immediately:2 estimator:3 haussler:3 deriving:2 annals:2 construction:3 suppose:1 play:1 pioneered:1 hierarchy:1 ixi:1 hypothesis:1 utilized:1 observed:1 role:1 electrical:1 trade:1 complexity:17 ultimately:1 weakly:1 algebra:1 dilemma:1 packing:1 easily:1 artificial:1 choosing:2 quite:1 lag:10 larger:1 valued:2 precludes:1 ip:2 sequence:27 net:1 propose:1 remainder:1 mixing:23 achieve:3 intuitive:1 fel:1 competition:1 convergence:9 regularity:2 requirement:2 extending:1 generating:1 converges:1 depending:2 derive:1 ac:1 involves:1 implies:2 attribute:1 modifying:1 stochastic:7 stringent:1 settle:2 require:1 generalization:2 randomization:1 elementary:1 extension:3 hold:1 considered:2 exp:1 great:1 mapping:3 predict:1 achieves:1 estimation:12 applicable:1 combinatorial:1 symmetrization:1 him:1 establishes:1 minimization:7 clearly:3 supt:1 rather:4 ej:2 corollary:2 derived:1 mainly:2 sense:4 dependent:2 el:1 hidden:1 her:2 transformed:2 sketched:1 issue:2 denoted:1 retaining:1 development:1 ell:2 cube:1 construct:1 f3:1 seventy:1 yu:3 dumbo:1 minimized:1 future:1 inherent:2 ourselves:1 statistician:1 freedom:1 fd:27 tj:2 devoted:1 divide:1 haifa:1 minimal:1 boolean:1 pia:1 cost:1 deviation:3 subset:1 uniform:7 technion:2 predictor:15 srm:6 too:1 adaptively:1 sequel:1 probabilistic:2 xi1:1 off:1 together:2 borne:1 leading:1 expended:1 account:1 coefficient:4 depends:2 doing:1 sup:3 decaying:1 len:2 minimize:2 il:2 square:1 formed:1 yield:3 ant:1 weak:2 cc:1 submitted:1 definition:4 obvious:1 proof:4 associated:1 proved:2 xan:1 recall:1 knowledge:1 actually:1 appears:1 follow:2 rand:1 generality:2 furthermore:2 implicit:2 hand:2 hardie:1 roussas:1 effect:1 true:1 regularization:3 sieve:1 memoryless:2 deal:1 ll:3 covering:12 theoretic:1 tn:8 pro:1 meaning:1 possessing:1 recently:1 common:1 functional:5 empirically:2 exponentially:3 discussed:3 fare:1 relating:1 kluwer:1 blocked:1 rd:7 outlined:1 consistency:3 similarly:4 longer:1 recent:3 inf:1 belongs:1 termed:2 claimed:1 verlag:4 manifested:1 inequality:5 arbitrarily:1 additional:1 somewhat:1 algebraically:2 converge:3 full:4 technical:1 xf:5 academic:1 characterized:2 sphere:1 concerning:1 prediction:11 basic:5 regression:2 expectation:1 metric:1 achieved:2 finiteness:2 crucial:2 appropriately:1 permissible:1 extra:1 structural:8 feedforward:1 split:2 easy:1 concerned:1 bernstein:1 sarda:1 identically:2 xj:1 fit:2 restrict:2 idea:3 regarding:1 knowing:1 tradeoff:1 pdim:4 cn:4 effort:1 penalty:1 algebraic:2 pollard:1 passing:1 cause:1 jj:1 york:4 useful:2 clear:2 amount:2 nonparametric:7 extensively:2 meir:4 exist:3 estimated:1 overly:1 rmeir:1 penalizing:1 ce:1 utilize:1 efl:2 year:2 decision:1 bound:12 layer:1 fei:1 x2:2 phrased:1 min:3 department:1 according:2 poor:1 slightly:1 making:1 xo:1 taken:2 ln:19 equation:1 turn:1 needed:2 know:1 merit:2 mind:1 resents:1 available:1 obey:1 observe:1 barron:1 appearing:2 original:6 l1n:1 establish:1 approximating:1 added:3 quantity:2 parametric:3 strategy:1 dependence:3 usual:1 said:1 topic:1 nobel:2 assuming:2 index:3 minimizing:4 demonstration:1 balance:1 fe:2 potentially:2 relate:2 sigma:1 unknown:4 upper:9 observation:1 markov:1 finite:9 january:1 ixo:1 situation:2 tilde:1 incorporated:2 bll:1 misspecification:1 precise:1 anb:1 overcoming:1 namely:4 specified:2 extensive:1 distinction:1 conflicting:1 established:3 trans:1 able:1 below:1 biasing:1 max:1 memory:5 vidyasagar:1 event:2 circumvent:1 asymptotic:1 law:4 loss:9 expect:2 adaptivity:1 foundation:1 incurred:4 sufficient:2 principle:2 editor:1 balancing:2 cd:3 course:3 penalized:1 ban:2 supported:1 free:1 iej:1 allow:1 taking:1 face:1 absolute:1 distributed:2 curve:1 calculated:1 xn:1 dimension:3 rich:1 made:4 adaptive:1 bm:1 excess:1 compact:2 assumed:1 xi:22 nature:1 robust:1 broadening:1 complex:2 cl:1 domain:2 main:5 motivation:1 n2:1 x1:1 en:2 ff:2 martingale:1 n:1 sub:1 tna:1 obeying:1 exponential:3 xl:6 third:1 late:1 ix:2 theorem:7 specific:2 xt:2 showing:1 pac:1 symbol:1 lff:1 decay:1 weakest:1 exists:1 vapnik:7 restricting:1 conditioned:1 demand:1 generalizing:1 scalar:1 bo:1 collectively:1 springer:4 corresponds:1 minimizer:1 determines:1 conditional:2 price:1 hard:1 infinite:3 determined:1 lemma:11 called:5 inj:1 select:1 latter:2 |
520 | 1,476 | Nonparametric Model-Based
Reinforcement Learning
Christopher G. Atkeson
College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280, USA
ATR Human Information Processing,
2-2 Hikaridai, Seiko-cho, Soraku-gun, 619-02 Kyoto, Japan
[email protected]
http://www .cc.gatech.edu/fac/Chris.Atkeson/
This paper describes some of the interactions of model learning
algorithms and planning algorithms we have found in exploring
model-based reinforcement learning. The paper focuses on how local trajectory optimizers can be used effectively with learned nonparametric models. We find that trajectory planners that are fully
consistent with the learned model often have difficulty finding reasonable plans in the early stages of learning. Trajectory planners
that balance obeying the learned model with minimizing cost (or
maximizing reward) often do better, even if the plan is not fully
consistent with the learned model.
We are exploring the use of nonparametric models in robot learning (Atkeson et al.,
1997b; Atkeson and Schaal , 1997). This paper describes the interaction of model
learning algorithms and planning algorithms, focusing on how local trajectory optimization can be used effectively with nonparametric models in reinforcement learning. We find that trajectory optimizers that are fully consistent with the learned
model often have difficulty finding reasonable plans in the early stages of learning .
The message of this paper is that a planner should not be entirely consistent with
the learned model during model-based reinforcement learning. Trajectory optimizers that balance obeying the learned model with minimizing cost (or maximizing
reward) often do better, even if the plan is not fully consistent with the learned
Nonparametric Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
1" -
---e L V 2\ \ '\ V V '\
If \
[iV II
'\\ l\
'\ \
\ \
\ \
. /V
\ \ !"" ~
~ I" "
~ ~ ~ it
Figure 1: A: Planning in terms of trajectory segments. B: Planning in terms of
trajectories all the way to a goal point .
Two kinds of reinforcement learning algorithms are direct (non-model-based) and
indirect (model-based) . Direct reinforcement learning algorithms learn a policy or
value function without explicitly representing a model of the controlled system (Sutton et al. , 1992) . Model-based approaches learn an explicit model of the system simultaneously with a value function and policy (Sutton, 1990 , 1991a,b; Barto et al. ,
1995; Kaelbling et al. , 1996) . We will focus on model-based reinforcement learning ,
in which the learner uses a planner to derive a policy from a learned model and an
optimization criterion .
An efficient approach to dynamic programming, a form of global planning, is to use
local trajectory optimizers (Atkeson, 1994) . These local planners find a plan for
each starting point in a grid in the state space. Figure 1 compares the output of
a traditional cell based dynamic programming process with the output of a planner based on integrating local plans. Traditional dynamic programming generates
trajectory segments from each cell to neighboring cells, while the planner we use
generates entire trajectories. These locally optimal trajectories have local policies
and local models of the value function along the trajectories (Dyer and McReynolds,
1970; Jacobson and Mayne, 1970). The locally optimal trajectories are made consistent with their neighbors by using the local value function to predict the value
of a neighboring trajectory. If all the local value functions are consistent with their
neighbors the aggregate value function is a unique solution to the Bellman equation
and the corresponding trajectories and policy are globally optimal. We would like
any local planning algorithm to produce a local model of the value function so we
can perform this type of consistency checking. We would also like a local policy
from the local planner, so we can respond to disturbances and modeling errors.
Differential dynamic programming is a local planner that has these characteristics (Dyer and McReynolds. 1970; Jacobson and Mayne, 1970). Differential dynamic programming maintains a local quadratic model of the value function along
the current best trajectory x* (t):
V (x,t) = Vo(t)
+ Vx(t)(x -
+ 0.5(x -
x*(t))TVxx(t)(x - x*(t))
C. G. Atkeson
as well as a local linear model of the corresponding policy:
U(X,t) = u*(t)
+ K(t)(x -
u(x, t) is the local policy at time t, the control signal u as a function of state x.
u * (t) is the model's estimate of the control signal necessary to follow the current
best trajectory x*(t). K(t) are the feedback gains that alter the control signals in
response to deviations from the current best trajectory. These gains are also the
first derivative of the policy along the current best trajectory.
The first phase of each optimization iteration is to apply the current local policy
to the learned model, integrating the modeled dynamics forward in time and seeing
where the simulated trajectory goes. The second phase of the differential dynamic
programming approach is to calculate the components of the local quadratic model
of the value function at each point along the trajectory: the constant term Vo (t), the
gradient Vx (t), and the Hessian Vxx (t). These terms are constructed by integrating
backwards in time along the trajectory. The value function is used to produce a
new policy, which is represented using a new x*(t), u*(t), and K(t).
The availability of a local value function and policy is an attractive feature of
differential dynamic programming. However, we have found several problems when
applying this method to model-based reinforcement learning with nonparametric
1. Methods that enforce consistency with the learned model need an initial
trajectory that obeys that model, which is often difficult to produce.
2. The integration of the learned model forward in time often blows up when
the learned model is inaccurate or when the plant is unstable and the current policy fails to stabilize it.
3. The backward integration to produce the value function and a corresponding policy uses derivatives of the learned model, which are often quite inaccurate in the early stages of learning, producing inaccurate value function
estimates and ineffective policies.
To avoid the problems of consistent local planners, we developed a trajectory optimization approach that does not integrate the learned model and does not require
full consistency with the learned model. Unfortunately, the price of these modifications is that the method does not produce a value function or a policy, just a
trajectory (x(t), u(t)). To allow inconsistency with the learned model, we represent
the state history x(t) and the control history u(t) separately, rather than calculate
x(t) from the learned model and u(t). We also modify the original optimization
criterion C = Lk C(Xk, Uk) by changing the hard constraint that Xk+1 = f(Xk' Uk)
on each time step into a soft constraint:
Cnew =
[C(Xk' Uk) +~IXk+1-f(Xk,Uk)12]
C(Xk' Uk) is the one step cost in the original optimization criterion. ~ is the penalty
on the trajectory being inconsistent with the learned model Xk+1 = f(Xk' Uk).
IXk +1 - f (Xk' Uk) I is the magnitude of the mismatch of the trajectory and the model
prediction at time step k in the trajectory. ~ provides a way to control the amount
of inconsistency. A small ~ reflects lack of confidence in the model, and allows
Nonparametric Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
//If\<'' ,,,? "
Figure 2:
SARCOS robot
arm with a pendulum gripped in
the hand.
is aligned with
the fingers and
with the forearm in this arm
the optimized trajectory to be inconsistent with the model in favor of reducing
A large). reflects confidence in the model, and forces the optimized trajectory to be more consistent with the model. ). can increase with time or with the
number of learning trials . If we use a model that estimates the confidence level of
a prediction, we can vary). for each lookup based on Xk and Uk. Locally weighted
learning techniques provide exactly this type of local confidence estimate (Atkeson
et al., 1997a) .
C(Xk, Uk)'
Now that we are not integrating the trajectory we can use more compact representations of the trajectory, such as splines (Cohen , 1992) or wavelets (Liu et al.,
1994). We no longer require that Xk+l = f(Xk, Uk), which is a condition difficult to
fulfill without having x and u represented as independent values on each time step.
We can now parameterize the trajectory using the spline knot points, for example.
In this work we used B splines (Cohen, 1992) to represent the trajectory. Other
choices for spline basis functions would probably work just as well. We can use any
nonlinear programming or function optimization method to minimize the criterion
in Eq. 3. In this work we used Powell's method (Press et al., 1988) to optimize the
knot points, a method which is convenient to use but not particularly efficient.
Both local planning methods work well with learned parametric models. However ,
differential dynamic programming did not work at all with learned nonparametric
models, for reasons already discussed. This section describes how the inconsistent
local planning method was used in an application of model-based reinforcement
learning: robot learning from demonstration using a pendulum swing up task (Atkeson and Schaal, 1997). The pendulum swing up task is a more complex version of
the pole or broom balancing task (Spong, 1995) . The hand holds the axis of the
pendulum, and the pendulum rotates about this hinge in an angular movement
(Figure 2). Instead of starting with the pendulum vertical and above its rotational
joint, the pendulum is hanging down from the hand, and the goal of the swing up
task is to move the hand so that the pendulum swings up and is then balanced
in the inverted position . The swing up task was chosen for study because it is a
difficult dynamic maneuver and requires practice for humans to learn, but it is easy
to tell if the task is successfully executed (at the end of the task the pendulum is
balanced upright and does not fall down) .
We implemented learning from demonstration on a hydraulic seven degree of free-
C. G. Atkeson
human demonstration
1st trial (imitation)
2nd trial
3rd trial
"S. -2.0
'S -4.0
~ -0.1
] -0.3
0.0 0.2
Figure 3: The hand and pendulum motion during robot learning from demonstration using a nonparametric model.
dom anthropomorphic robot arm (SARCOS Dextrous Arm located at ATR, Figure 2). The robot observed its own performance with the same stereo vision system
that was used to observe the human demonstrations.
The robot observed a human swinging up a pendulum using a horizontal hand
movement (dotted line in Figure 3) . The most obvious approach to learning from
demonstration is to have the robot imitate the human motion, by following the
human hand trajectory. The dashed lines in Figures 3 show the robot hand motion
as it attempts to follow the human demonstration of the swing up task, and the
corresponding pendulum angles. Because of differences in the task dynamics for
the human and for the robot, this direct imitation failed to swing the pendulum
up, as the pendulum did not get even halfway up to the vertical position, and then
oscillated about the hanging down position.
The approach we used was to apply a planner to finding a swing up trajectory
that worked for the robot, based on learning both a model and a reward function
and using the human demonstration to initialize the planning process. The data
collected during the initial imitation trial and subsequent trials was used to build
a model. Nonparametric models were constructed using locally weighted learning
as described in (Atkeson et al., 1997a) . These models did not use knowledge of the
model structure but instead assumed a general relationship:
where () is the pendulum angle and x is the hand position. Training data from
the demonstrations was stored in a database, and a local model was constructed
to answer each query. Meta-parameters such as distance metrics were tuned using
cross validation on the training set. For example, cross validation was able to
quickly establish that hand position and velocity (x and x) played an insignificant
role in predicting future pendulum angular velocities.
The planner used a cost function that penalizes deviations from the demonstration
trajectory sampled at 60H z:
Uk) =
(Xk -
X~) + uluk
Nonparametric Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
where the state is x = ((J, il, x , x), x d is the demonstrated motion, k is the sample
index, and the control is u = (x). Equation 3 was optimized using B splines to
represent x and u. The knot points for x and u were initially separately optimized
to minimize
The tolerated inconsistency, ). was kept constant during a set of trials and set
at values ranging from 100 to 100000. The exact value of ). did not make much
difference. Learning failed when). was set to zero , as there was no way for the
learned model to affect the plan. The planning process failed when ). was set too
high , enforcing the learned model too strongly.
The next attempt got the pendulum up a little more. Adding this new data to the
database and replanning resul ted in a movement that succeeded (trial 3 in Figure 3).
The behavior shown in Figure 3 is quite repeatable. The balancing behavior at the
end of the trial is learned separately and continues for several minutes, at which
point the trial is automatically terminated (Schaal, 1997).
We applied locally weighted regression (Atkeson et aI. , 1997a) in an attempt to avoid
the structural modeling errors of idealized parametric models during model-based
reinforcement learning, and also to see if a priori knowledge of the structure of the
task dynamics was necessary. In an exploration of the swingup task, we found that
these nonparametric models required a planner that ignored the learned model to
some extent. The fundamental reason for this is that planners amplify modeling
error. Mechanisms for this amplification include:
? The planners take advantage of any modeling error to reduce the cost of
the planned trajectory, so the planning process seeks out modeling error
that reduces apparent cost .
? Some planners use derivatives of the model, which amplifies any noise in
the model.
Models that support fast learning will have errors and noise. For example , in order
to learn a model of the complexity necessary to accurately model the full robot
dynamics between the commanded and actual hand accelerations a large amount
of data is required, independent of modeling technique. The input would be 21
dimensional (robot state and command) ignoring actuator dynamics. Because there
are few robot trials during learning, there is not enough data to make such a model
even just in the vicinity of a successful trajectory. If it was required that enough
data is collected during learning to make an accurate model. robot learning would
be greatly slowed down.
One solution to this error amplification is to bias the nonparametric modeling tools
to oversmooth the data. This reduces the benefit of nonparametric modeling, and
also ignores the true learned model to some degree. Our solution to this problem
is to introduce a controlled amount of inconsistency with the learned model into
the planning process. The control parameter). is explicit and can be changed as a
function of time, amount of data, or as a function of confidence in the model at the
query point.
C. G. Atkeson
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International Machine Learning Workshop, pages 353-357. Morgan Kaufmann,
San Mateo, CA. http://envy.cs.umass.edu/People/sutton/publications.html.
Sutton, R. S., Barto, A. G., and Williams, R. J. (1992). Reinforcement learning is
direct adaptive optimal control. IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 12:19-22.
| 1476 |@word trial:11 version:1 nd:1 seek:1 initial:2 configuration:1 liu:2 uma:3 tuned:1 current:6 numerical:1 subsequent:1 intelligence:4 imitate:1 xk:16 sarcos:2 provides:1 along:5 constructed:3 direct:4 differential:6 symposium:1 introduce:1 alspector:1 behavior:2 planning:17 bellman:1 globally:1 automatically:1 actual:2 little:1 kind:1 developed:1 finding:3 ti:1 act:1 interactive:1 exactly:1 uk:11 control:15 producing:1 maneuver:1 gortler:1 local:28 modify:1 sutton:9 reacting:2 mateo:3 commanded:1 obeys:1 unique:1 practice:1 optimizers:5 powell:1 got:1 convenient:1 confidence:5 integrating:4 seeing:1 get:1 amplify:1 ga:1 applying:1 www:1 optimize:1 demonstrated:1 maximizing:2 go:1 williams:1 starting:2 survey:1 swinging:1 oscillated:1 magazine:2 exact:1 programming:14 us:2 velocity:2 particularly:1 located:1 continues:1 database:2 observed:2 role:1 parameterize:1 calculate:2 movement:3 balanced:2 mozer:1 complexity:1 reward:3 littman:1 dynamic:19 dom:1 singh:1 segment:2 learner:1 basis:1 joint:1 indirect:1 siggraph:1 represented:2 finger:1 hydraulic:1 vxx:1 fac:1 fast:1 query:2 artificial:4 tell:1 aggregate:1 quite:2 apparent:1 favor:1 advantage:1 interaction:2 neighboring:2 aligned:1 mayne:3 amplification:2 amplifies:1 recipe:1 produce:5 incremental:1 derive:1 eq:1 implemented:1 c:3 mcreynolds:3 exploration:1 human:10 vx:2 require:2 anthropomorphic:1 exploring:2 hold:1 predict:1 vary:1 early:3 replanning:1 successfully:1 tool:1 reflects:2 weighted:5 mit:1 rather:1 fulfill:1 avoid:2 barto:3 gatech:2 command:1 publication:3 focus:2 schaal:7 greatly:1 elsevier:1 inaccurate:3 entire:1 vetterling:1 integrated:3 initially:1 html:3 priori:1 plan:7 integration:2 initialize:1 having:1 ted:1 alter:1 future:1 seiko:1 spline:5 intelligent:1 few:1 simultaneously:1 phase:2 attempt:3 atlanta:1 message:1 jacobson:3 accurate:1 succeeded:1 necessary:3 iv:1 penalizes:1 modeling:8 soft:1 planned:1 cost:6 kaelbling:2 deviation:2 pole:1 successful:1 seventh:1 too:2 graphic:2 stored:1 answer:1 tolerated:1 cho:1 st:1 fundamental:1 international:3 quickly:1 aaai:1 derivative:3 japan:1 blow:1 lookup:1 stabilize:1 availability:1 explicitly:1 idealized:1 ixk:2 pendulum:18 maintains:1 minimize:2 il:1 kaufmann:3 characteristic:1 accurately:1 knot:3 trajectory:41 cc:2 history:2 pp:2 obvious:1 gain:2 sampled:1 knowledge:2 focusing:1 follow:2 response:1 strongly:1 just:3 stage:3 angular:2 hand:11 working:1 horizontal:1 christopher:1 nonlinear:1 lack:1 cnew:1 usa:1 true:1 swing:9 vicinity:1 moore:3 attractive:1 during:7 criterion:4 vo:2 motion:4 bradtke:1 ranging:1 cohen:4 discussed:1 cambridge:2 ai:1 rd:1 grid:1 consistency:3 robot:17 longer:1 own:1 tesauro:1 meta:1 inconsistency:4 inverted:1 morgan:3 signal:3 ii:1 dashed:1 full:2 kyoto:1 reduces:2 academic:1 cross:2 controlled:2 prediction:2 regression:1 spong:2 vision:1 metric:1 iteration:1 represent:3 cell:3 separately:3 resul:1 ineffective:1 probably:1 cowan:1 inconsistent:4 jordan:1 structural:1 backwards:1 iii:2 easy:1 enough:2 affect:1 architecture:3 reduce:1 penalty:1 stereo:1 soraku:1 hessian:1 york:1 ignored:1 cga:1 amount:4 nonparametric:14 locally:7 lournal:1 http:4 dotted:1 changing:1 kept:1 backward:1 halfway:1 angle:2 respond:1 planner:16 reasonable:2 entirely:1 played:1 spacetime:2 quadratic:2 constraint:2 worked:1 generates:2 speed:1 spring:1 hanging:2 describes:3 modification:1 slowed:1 equation:2 mechanism:1 dyna:1 dyer:3 end:2 apply:2 observe:1 actuator:1 hierarchical:1 enforce:1 petsche:1 original:2 include:1 hinge:1 build:1 hikaridai:1 establish:1 approximating:1 move:1 already:1 parametric:2 traditional:2 gradient:1 distance:1 rotates:1 atr:2 simulated:1 gun:1 chris:1 seven:1 collected:2 unstable:1 broom:1 reason:2 dextrous:1 enforcing:1 extent:1 modeled:1 relationship:1 index:1 rotational:1 balance:2 minimizing:2 demonstration:12 difficult:3 unfortunately:1 executed:1 sigart:1 implementation:1 policy:16 perform:1 vertical:2 forearm:1 required:3 optimized:4 learned:27 able:1 mismatch:1 eighth:1 difficulty:2 force:1 disturbance:1 predicting:1 arm:4 representing:1 technology:1 lk:1 axis:2 review:2 swingup:1 checking:1 fully:4 plant:1 validation:2 integrate:1 degree:2 consistent:10 editor:2 balancing:2 cd:2 oversmooth:1 changed:1 free:1 bias:1 allow:1 institute:1 neighbor:2 fall:1 bulletin:1 benefit:1 feedback:1 ignores:1 forward:2 made:1 reinforcement:15 san:3 adaptive:1 atkeson:16 compact:1 global:2 assumed:1 imitation:3 learn:4 ca:3 ignoring:1 complex:1 did:4 terminated:1 noise:2 animation:1 envy:3 georgia:1 ny:3 fails:1 position:5 explicit:2 obeying:2 wavelet:1 down:4 minute:1 repeatable:1 insignificant:1 workshop:2 adding:1 effectively:2 magnitude:1 acrobot:1 flannery:1 failed:3 teukolsky:1 ma:1 goal:2 acceleration:1 price:1 hard:1 upright:1 reducing:1 college:1 support:1 people:3 |
521 | 1,477 | Synaptic Transmission: An
Information-Theoretic Perspective
Amit Manwani and Christof Koch
Computation and Neural Systems Program
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91125
email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Here we analyze synaptic transmission from an infonnation-theoretic
perspective. We derive c1osed-fonn expressions for the lower-bounds on
the capacity of a simple model of a cortical synapse under two explicit
coding paradigms. Under the "signal estimation" paradigm, we assume
the signal to be encoded in the mean firing rate of a Poisson neuron. The
perfonnance of an optimal linear estimator of the signal then provides
a lower bound on the capacity for signal estimation. Under the "signal
detection" paradigm, the presence or absence of the signal has to be detected. Perfonnance of the optimal spike detector allows us to compute
a lower bound on the capacity for signal detection. We find that single
synapses (for empirically measured parameter values) transmit infonnation poorly but significant improvement can be achieved with a small
amount of redundancy.
1 Introduction
Tools from estimation and infonnation theory have recently been applied by researchers
(Bialek et. ai, 1991) to quantify how well neurons transmit infonnation about their random
inputs in their spike outputs. In these approaches, the neuron is treated like a black-box,
characterized empirically by a set of input-output records. This ignores the specific nature
of neuronal processing in tenns of its known biophysical properties. However, a systematic
study of processing at various stages in a biophysically faithful model of a single neuron
should be able to identify the role of each stage in infonnation transfer in tenns of the parameters relating to the neuron's dendritic structure, its spiking mechanism, etc. Employing
this reductionist approach, we focus on a important component of neural processing, the
synapse, and analyze a simple model of a cortical synapse under two different representa?tional paradigms. Under the "signal estimation" paradigm, we assume that the input signal
A. Manwani and C. Koch
is linearly encoded in the mean firing rate of a Poisson neuron and the mean-square error
in the reconstruction of the signal from the post-synaptic voltage quantifies system performance. From the performance of the optimal linear estimator of the signal, a lower
bound on the capacity for signal estimation can be computed. Under the "signal detection"
paradigm, we assume that information is encoded in an all-or-none format and the error in
deciding whether or not a presynaptic spike occurred by observing the post-synaptic voltage
quantifies system performance. This is similar to the conventional absentipresent(Yes-No)
decision paradigm used in psychophysics. Performance of the optimal spike detector in
this case allows us to compute a lower bound on the capacity for signal detection.
0x- 0
Variable EPSC
Vesicle Release
Spike I
No Spike
Spike I
No Spike
Synaptic Channel
Figure 1: Schematic block diagram for the signal detection and estimation tasks. The
synapse is modeled as a binary channel followed by a filter h(t) = at exp( -tits). where
a is a random variable with probability density, P(a) = a (aa)k- 1 exp( -aa)/(k - 1)!.
The binary channel, (inset, EO = Pr[spontaneous release], E1 = Pr [release failure]) models
probabilistic vesicle release and h(t) models the variable epsp size observed for cortical
synapses. n( t) denotes additive post-synaptic voltage noise and is assumed to be Gaussian
and white over a bandwidth En. Performance of the optimal linear estimator (Wiener
Filter) and the optimal spike detector (Matched Filter) quantify synaptic efficacy for signal
estimation and detection respectively.
The Synaptic Channel
Synaptic transmission in cortical neurons is known to be highly random though the role of
this variability in neural computation and coding is still unclear. In central synapses, each
synaptic bouton contains only a single active release zone, as opposed to the hundreds or
thousands found at the much more reliable neuromuscular junction. Thus, in response to an
action potential in the presynaptic terminal at most one vesicle is released (Kom and Faber,
1991). Moreover, the probability of vesicle release p is known to be generally low (0.1
to 0.4) from in vitro studies in some vertebrate and invertebrate systems (Stevens, 1994).
This unreliability is further compounded by the trial-to-trial variability in the amplitude of
the post-synaptic response to a vesicular release (Bekkers et. ai, 1990). In some cases, the
variance in the size of EPSP is as large as the mean. The empirically measured distribution
of amplitudes is usually skewed to the right (possibly biased due the inability of measuring
very small events) and can be modeled by a Gamma distribution.
In light of the above, we model the synapse as a binary channel cascaded by a random amplitude filter (Fig. 1). The binary channel accounts for the probabilistic vesicle release. EO
Synaptic Trarumission: An Information-Theoretic Perspective
and ?l denote the probabilities of spontaneous vesicle release and failure respectively. We
follow the binary channel convention used in digital communications (? 1 = 1-p), whereas,
p is more commonly used in neurobiology. The filter h(t) is chosen to correspond to the
epsp profile of a fast AMPA-like synapse. The amplitude of the filter a is modeled as random variable with density Pea), mean J.la and standard deviation aa. The CV (standard
deviation/mean) of the distribution is denoted by eVa. We also assume that additive Gaussian voltage noise net) at the post-synaptic site further corrupts the epsp response. net) is
assumed to white with variance a~ and a bandwidth En corresponding to the membrane
time constant T. One can define an effective signal-to-noise ratio, SN R = Ea/No? given
by the ratio of the energy in the epsp pulse, Eh = 00 h2 (t) dt to the noise power spectral
density, No = a;/ En. The performance of the synapse depends on the SN R and not on
the absolute values of Eh or an. In the above model, by regarding synaptic parameters as
constants, we have tacitly ignored history dependent effects like paired-pulse facilitation,
vesicle depletion, calcium buffering. etc, which endow the synapse with the nature of a
sophisticated nonlinear filter (Markram and Tsodyks, 1997).
'~t ",!t)
N.:" V..:~
~ SpIke
Effective Continuous
Estimation Channel
Effective Elinm.
Detection Channel
Figure 2: (a) Effective channel model for signal estimation. met), met), net) denote
the stimulus, the best linear estimate, and the reconstruction
noise respectively. (b) Effective
channel model for signal detection. X and Y denote the binary variables corresponding to
the input and the decision respectively. Pi and Pm are the
effective error probabilities.
Signal Estimation
Let us assume that the spike train of the presynaptic neuron can be modeled as a doubly
stochastic Poisson process with a rate A(t) = k(t) * met) given as a convolution between
the stimulus met) and a filter k(t). The stimulus is drawn from a probability distribution
which we assume to be Gaussian. k(t) = exp( -tiT) is a low-pass filter which models
the phenomenological relationship between a neuron's firing rate and its input current. T
is chosen to correspond to the membrane time constant. The exact form of k(t) is not
crucial and the above form is assumed primarily for analytical tractability. The objective is
to find the optimal estimator ofm(t) from the post-synaptic voltage v(t), where optimality
is in a least-mean square sense. The optimal mean-square estimator is, in general, nonlinear and reduces to a linear filter only when all the signals and noises are Gaussian.
However, instead of making this assumption, we restrict ourselves to the analysis of the
optimal linear estimator, met) = get) * vet), i.e. the filter get) which minimizes the
mean-square error E = (m(t) - m(t))2) where (.) denotes an ensemble average. The
overall estimation system shown in Fig. 1 can be characterized by an effective continuous
channel (Fig. 2a) where net) = met) - met) denotes the effective reconstruction noise.
System performance can be quantified by E, the lower E, the better the synapse at signal
transmission. The expression for the optimal filter (Wiener filter) in the frequency domain is
g(w) = Smv( -w)/Svv(w) where Smv(w) is the cross-spectral density (Fourier transform
of the cross-correlation Rmv) ofm(t) and set) and Svv(w) is the power spectral density of
vet). The minimum mean-square error is given by, E = a~
I Smv(w) 12 / Svv(w) dw.
The set S = {w 1 Svv (w) =J. O} is called the support of Svv (w).
- Is
A. Manwani and C. Koch
Another measure of system performance is the mutual information rate I (m; v) between
m(t) and v(t), defined as the rate of information transmitted by v(t) about s(t). By the
Data Processing inequality (Cover 1991), l(m, v) ~ l(m, m). A lower bound of l(m, m)
and thus of l(m; v) is given by the simple expression lib = ~
log2[~::/w/l dw (units
of bits/sec). The lower bound is achieved when n(t) is Gaussian and is independent of
m(t). Since the spike train s(t) = L 6(t - ti) is a POiSSOl!process with rate k(t) * m(t),
its power spectrum is given by the expression, Sss(w) = >'+ 1 K(w) 12 Smm(w) where
). is the mean firing rate. We assume that the mean (J..Lm) and variance (CT~) of m(t) are
chosen such that the probability that >.(t) < 0 is negligible 1 The vesicle release process
is the spike train gated by the binary channel and so it is also a Poisson process with rate
(1 - E1 )>.(t). Since v(t) = L aih(t - ti) + n(t) is a filtered P~isson process, its power
spectral density is given by Svv (w) =1 H(w) 12 {(J..L~+CT~)(1-E1)>'+J..L~(1-E1)21 K(w) 12
Smm(w)} + Snn{w). The cross-spectral density is given by the expression Svm(w) =
(1 - Et)J..LaSmm(w)H(w)K(w). This allows us to write the mean-square error as,
Thus, the power spectral density ofn(t) is given by Snn = >'eff(w) + Self(w). Notice
that if K (w) ---+ 00, E ---+ 0 i. e. perfect reconstruction takes place in the limit of high
firing rates. For the parameter values chosen, SefJ{w) ? >'e//(w), and can be ignored.
Consequently, signal estimation is shot noise limited and synaptic variability increases shot
noise by a factor N syn = (1 + eVa2 ) / (1 - E1)' For eVa = 0.6 and E1 = 0.6, N syn = 3.4,
and for eVa = 1 and E1 = 0.6, N syn = 5. If m(t) is chosen to be white, band-limited to
Bm Hz, closed-form expressions for E and lib can be obtained. The expression for lib is
tedious and provides little insight and so we present only the expression for E below.
E(r,BT ) = CTm [1- ~-B tan (~)l
E is a monotonic function of, (decreasing) and BT (increasing). ,can be considered as
the effective number of spikes available per unit signal bandwidth and BT is the ratio of
the signal bandwidth and the neuron bandwidth. Plots of normalized reconstruction error
Er = E/CT~ and llb versus mean firing rate ().) for different values of signal bandwidth Bm
are shown in Fig. 3a and Fig. 3b respectively. Observe that lib (bits/sec) is insensitive to Bm
for firing rates upto 200Hz because the decrease in quality of estimation (E increases with
Bm) is compensated by an increase in the number of independent samples (2Bm) available
per second. This phenomenon is characteristic of systems operating in the low SNR regime.
lib has the generic form, llb = B log(1 + S/(N B)), where B, S and N denote signal
bandwidth, signal power and noise power respectively. For low SNR, I ~ B S / (N B) =
S / N, is independent of B. So one can argue that, for our choice of parameters, a single
synapse is a low SNR system. The analysis generalizes very easily to the case of multiple
synapses where all are driven by the same signal s (t). (Manwani and Koch, in preparation).
However, instead of presenting the rigorous analysis, we appeal to the intuition gained from
the single synapse case. Since a single synapse can be regarded as a shot noise source,
n parallel synapses can be treated as n parallel noise sources. Let us make the plausible
lWe choose pm and O'm so that
(std of ,X) so that Prob['x(t) ~ 0]
< 0.01.
Synaptic Transmission: An Information-Theoretic Perspective
assumption that these noises are uncorrelated. If optimal estimation is carried out separately
for each synapse and the estimates are combined optimally, the effective noise variance
is given by the harmonic mean of the individual variances i.e. l/u~eff = Li l/u~i.
However, if the noises are added first and optimal estimation is carried out with respect
to the sum, the effective noise variance is given by the arithmetic mean of the individual
variances, i.e. u~ef f :::: Li u~dn2. If we assume that all synapses are similar so that
U~i = u 2, u~ef f = u 2In. Plots of Er and Jib for the case of 5 identical synapses are
shown in Fig. 3c and Fig. 3d respectively. Notice that Jib increases with Bm suggesting
that the system is no longer in the low SNR regime. Thus, though a single synapse has very
low capacity, a small amount of redundancy causes a considerable increase in performance.
This is consistent with the fact the in the low S N R regime, J increases linearly with S N R ,
consequently, linearly with n, the number of synapses.
x x
~ + ~
+ +
x x x
W 0.7
= 10Hz
B m=75Hz
Bm: 100Hz
Bm= 100 Hz
+"-: .... __ ..
'- 0.8
"0 0.7
(Q o.s
Bm= 50Hz
B m=75HZ
Bm= 50 Hz
Bm- 25Hz
x x x
0 .?
Firing Rate (Hz)
Firing Rate (Hz)
Figure 3: Er and!,b vs. mean firing rate (X) for n = I [(a) and (b)] and n =5 [(c) and (d)] identical
synapses respectively (different values of Em) for signal estimation. Parameter values are 101 = 0.6,
100 = 0, eVa = 0.6, ts = 0.5 msec, T = I Omsec, (7n = 0.1 mY, En = 100 Hz.
4 Signal Detection
The goal in signal detection is to decide which member from a finite set of signals was
generated by a source, on the basis of measurements related to the output only in a statistical
sense. Our example corresponds to its simplest case, that of binary detection. The objective
is to derive an optimal spike detector based on the post-synaptic voltage in a given time
interval. The criterion of optimality is minimum probability of error (Pe ). A false alarm
A. Manwani and C. Koch
(FA) error occurs when a spike is falsely detected even when no presynaptic spike occurs
and a miss error (M) occurs when a spike fails to be detected. The probabilities of the errors
are denoted by P, and Pm respectively. Thus, Pe = (1- Po) P, +Po Pm where Po denotes
the a priori probability of a spike occurrence. Let X and Y be binary variables denoting
spike occurrence and the decision respectively. Thus, X = 1 if a spike occurred else X =
O. Similarly, Y = 1 expresses the decision that a spike occurred. The posterior likelihood
ratio is defined as ?(v) = Pr(v I X = l)/Pr(v I X = 0) and the prior likelihood as
?0 = (1 - Po)/Po. The optimal spike detector employs the well-known likelihood ratio
test, "If?(v) ~ ?0 Y=lelseY=O". When X = 1,v(t) = ah(t)+n(t) elsev(t) = n(t).
Since a is a random variable, ?(v) = (f Pr(v I X = 1; a) P(a) da)/ Pr(v I X = 0). If
the noise n( t) is Gaussian and white, it can be shown that the optimal decision rule reduces
to a matchedfilte?, i.e. if the correlation, r between v(t) and h(t) exceeds a particular
threshold (denoted by TJ), Y = 1 else Y = O. The overall decision system shown in
Fig. 1 can be treated as effective binary channel (Fig. 2b). The system perfonnance can
be quantified either by Pe or J (X; Y), the mutual infonnation between the binary random
variables, X and Y. Note that even when n(t) = 0 (SN R = 00), Pe =j:. 0 due to the
unreliability of vesicular release. Let Pe* denote the probability of error when S N R = 00.
If EO = 0, Pe* = Po El is the minimum possible detection error. Let PJ and P~ denote FA
and M errors when the release is ideal (El = 0, EO = 0). It can be shown that
Pe = Pe*
+ P~[Po(1- Ed -
+ PJ[(l - Po)(l P~ + El (1 - P~ + PI)
(1 - Po)EO]
P, = PJ ' Pm =
EO) -
Both PJ and P~ depend on TJ. The optimal value ofT) is chosen such that Pe is minimized.
In general, PJ and P~ can not be expressed in closed-fonn and the optimal 'f} is found using
the graphical ROC analysis procedure. Ifwe normalize a such that /-La = 1, PJ and P~ can
be parametrically expressed in tenns ofa nonnalized threshold 'f}*, PJ = 0.5[1- Er f('f}*)],
0.5[1+ Iooo Erf(TJ* - JSNRa) P(a) da]. J(X;Y) can be computed using the
fonnula for the mutual infonnation for a binary channel, J = 1i (Po (1 - Pm) + (1 Po) P,) - Po 1i(Pm ) - (1- Po)1i(P, ) where 1i(x) -x log2 (x) - (1- x) log2(1- x) is
the binary entropy function. The analysis can be generalized to the case of n syna!Jses but
the expressions involve n-dimensional integrals which need to be evaluated numerically.
The Central Limit Theorem can be used to simplify the case of very large n. Plots of
Pe and J(X; Y) versus n for different values of SNR (1,10,00) for the case of identical
synapses are shown in Fig. 4a and Fig. 4b respectively. Yet again, we observe the poor
perfonnance of a single synapse and the substantial improvement due to redundancy. The
linear increase of J with n is similar to the result obtained for signal estimation.
5 Conclusions
We find that a single synapse is rather ineffective as a communication device but with
a little redundancy neuronal communication can be made much more robust. Infact, a
single synapse can be considered as a low SNR device, while 5 independent synapses
in parallel approach a high SNR system. This is consistently echoed in the results for
signal estimation and signal detection. The values of infonnation rates we obtain are very
small compared to numbers obtained from some peripheral sensory neurons (Rieke et. ai,
1996). This could be due to an over-conservative choice of parameter values on our part
or could argue for the preponderance of redundancy in neural systems. What we have
presented above are preliminary results of work in progress and so the path ahead is much
2 For deterministic a, the result is well-known, but even if a is a one-sided random variable, the
matched filter can be shown to be optimal.
Synaptic Tranrmission: An lnformation-Theoretic Perspective
SNR = In!.
..... SNR=10
0 ??
-4-- SNR = In!.
..... SNR=10
--SNR= 1
0 ...
, --~~2~~--~3--~--~'--~~
Number of Synapses (n)
Number of Synapses (n)
Pe (a) and l,b (b) vs. the number of synapses, n, (different values of SN R) for signal detection.
SNR = Inf. corresponds to no post-synaptic voltage noise. All the synapses are assumed to be
identical. Parameter values are po = 0.5, 101
0.6, 100
0, eVa = 0.6, ts =0.5 msec, T = 10 msec,
an =0.1 mY, Bn = 100 Hz.
longer than the distance we have covered so far. To the best of our knowledge, analysis
of distinct individual components of a neuron from an communications standpoint has not
been carried out before.
This research was supported by NSF, NIMH and the Sloan Center for Theoretical Neuroscience. We thank Fabrizio Gabbiani for illuminating discussions.
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| 1477 |@word trial:2 tedious:1 pulse:2 bn:1 fonn:2 shot:3 contains:1 efficacy:3 denoting:1 current:1 yet:1 additive:2 shape:1 plot:3 v:2 device:2 record:1 filtered:1 provides:2 doubly:1 falsely:1 nor:1 brain:1 terminal:1 decreasing:1 snn:2 little:2 vertebrate:1 lib:5 increasing:1 matched:2 moreover:1 what:2 minimizes:1 ti:2 ofa:1 unit:2 christof:1 unreliability:2 before:1 negligible:1 limit:2 io:1 acad:1 encoding:1 firing:10 path:1 black:1 quantified:2 limited:2 steveninck:2 faithful:1 ofinformation:1 block:1 procedure:1 faber:2 get:2 fonnula:1 conventional:1 deterministic:1 compensated:1 center:1 estimator:7 insight:1 rule:1 regarded:1 facilitation:1 dw:2 rieke:3 transmit:2 spontaneous:2 tan:1 cultured:1 exact:1 origin:1 element:1 trend:1 std:1 observed:1 role:2 epsc:1 thousand:1 tsodyks:2 eva:5 decrease:1 substantial:1 intuition:1 nimh:1 tacitly:1 depend:1 tit:2 vesicle:8 basis:1 easily:1 po:14 various:1 train:3 distinct:1 fast:1 effective:12 detected:3 svv:6 encoded:3 kom:2 plausible:1 erf:1 transform:1 biophysical:1 net:4 analytical:1 reconstruction:5 epsp:6 poorly:1 normalize:1 transmission:5 perfect:1 derive:2 measured:2 progress:1 quantify:2 convention:1 met:7 stevens:3 filter:14 stochastic:2 pea:1 reductionist:1 eff:2 preliminary:1 dendritic:1 exploring:1 koch:7 klab:2 considered:2 deciding:1 exp:3 echoed:1 lm:1 released:1 ctm:1 estimation:18 proc:1 infonnation:8 gabbiani:1 tool:1 smv:3 mit:2 gaussian:6 vesicular:2 representa:1 rather:1 voltage:7 endow:1 release:13 focus:1 improvement:2 consistently:1 likelihood:3 rigorous:1 sense:2 tional:1 dependent:1 el:3 bt:4 pasadena:1 corrupts:1 overall:2 denoted:3 priori:1 psychophysics:1 mutual:3 identical:4 buffering:1 minimized:1 stimulus:3 simplify:1 primarily:1 employ:1 gamma:1 individual:3 ourselves:1 cns:1 detection:14 highly:1 light:1 tj:3 natl:1 integral:1 perfonnance:4 theoretical:1 lwe:1 cover:2 jib:2 measuring:1 tractability:1 deviation:2 parametrically:1 snr:14 hundred:1 optimally:1 my:2 combined:1 density:8 systematic:1 probabilistic:2 decoding:1 again:1 central:2 opposed:1 choose:1 possibly:1 li:2 account:1 potential:1 suggesting:1 coding:2 sec:2 sloan:1 depends:1 closed:2 analyze:2 observing:1 parallel:3 square:6 wiener:2 variance:7 characteristic:1 ensemble:1 correspond:2 identify:1 ofthe:1 yes:1 biophysically:1 none:1 researcher:1 history:1 ah:1 detector:6 synapsis:15 synaptic:22 email:1 ed:2 failure:2 quixote:1 energy:1 frequency:1 pp:1 e2:1 knowledge:1 amplitude:5 syn:3 sophisticated:1 ea:1 dt:1 follow:1 response:3 synapse:17 evaluated:1 box:1 though:2 stage:2 correlation:2 aih:1 nonlinear:2 quality:1 usa:1 effect:1 iooo:1 normalized:1 preponderance:1 manwani:5 white:4 skewed:1 self:1 davis:1 criterion:1 generalized:1 hippocampal:2 presenting:1 theoretic:5 neocortical:1 harmonic:1 ef:2 recently:1 spiking:1 empirically:3 vitro:1 insensitive:1 occurred:3 relating:1 l1li:5 numerically:1 significant:1 measurement:1 cambridge:2 ai:3 cv:1 pm:7 similarly:1 bekkers:2 phenomenological:1 longer:2 operating:1 etc:2 j:1 posterior:1 perspective:5 inf:1 driven:1 inequality:1 binary:13 tenns:3 caltech:2 transmitted:1 minimum:3 eo:6 paradigm:7 signal:37 rmv:1 arithmetic:1 multiple:1 reduces:2 compounded:1 exceeds:1 characterized:2 cross:3 post:8 e1:7 paired:1 schematic:1 poisson:5 llb:2 achieved:2 whereas:1 separately:1 interval:1 diagram:1 else:2 neuromuscular:1 source:3 crucial:1 standpoint:1 biased:1 pyramidal:1 ineffective:1 hz:16 member:1 presence:1 ideal:1 bandwidth:7 restrict:1 regarding:1 whether:1 expression:9 york:1 cause:1 action:1 ignored:2 generally:1 covered:1 involve:1 amount:2 band:1 simplest:1 nsf:1 notice:2 neuroscience:1 fabrizio:1 per:2 write:1 express:1 redundancy:5 threshold:2 drawn:1 pj:7 uis:1 spoke:1 sum:1 prob:1 place:1 decide:1 ofm:2 decision:6 bit:2 bound:7 ct:3 followed:1 syna:1 ahead:1 invertebrate:1 fourier:1 optimality:2 format:1 peripheral:1 poor:1 membrane:2 em:1 making:1 pr:6 sided:1 depletion:1 mechanism:1 junction:1 available:2 generalizes:1 observe:2 spectral:6 upto:1 generic:1 occurrence:2 uq:1 thomas:1 denotes:4 graphical:1 log2:3 warland:2 amit:1 objective:2 added:1 spike:25 occurs:3 fa:2 bialek:3 unclear:1 distance:1 thank:1 sci:1 capacity:6 presynaptic:4 argue:2 code:2 modeled:4 relationship:1 quantal:2 ratio:5 calcium:1 gated:1 neuron:14 convolution:1 finite:1 t:2 neurobiology:1 variability:4 communication:4 nonnalized:1 california:1 able:1 usually:1 below:1 regime:3 oft:1 reading:1 program:1 reliable:1 power:7 event:1 treated:3 eh:2 cascaded:1 technology:1 carried:3 ss:1 sn:4 prior:1 acknowledgement:1 versus:2 digital:1 h2:1 illuminating:1 consistent:1 uncorrelated:1 pi:2 supported:1 institute:1 markram:2 absolute:1 van:2 slice:1 cortical:5 dn2:1 ignores:1 sensory:1 commonly:1 made:1 bm:11 employing:1 far:1 smm:2 active:1 assumed:4 spectrum:1 infact:1 continuous:2 vet:2 quantifies:2 nature:3 transfer:1 channel:15 ca:1 robust:1 ampa:1 domain:1 da:2 linearly:3 neurosci:1 noise:18 alarm:1 profile:1 neuronal:3 fig:11 site:1 en:4 roc:1 wiley:1 fails:1 explicit:1 msec:3 pe:11 theorem:1 ofn:1 specific:1 inset:1 er:4 appeal:1 svm:1 false:1 gained:1 entropy:1 expressed:2 monotonic:1 aa:3 corresponds:2 goal:1 consequently:2 absence:1 considerable:1 miss:1 conservative:1 called:1 pas:1 la:3 zone:1 support:1 inability:1 preparation:1 bouton:1 phenomenon:1 ex:1 |
522 | 1,478 | Relative Loss Bounds for Multidimensional
Regression Problems
Jyrki Kivinen
Department of Computer Science
P.O. Box 26 (Teollisuuskatu 23)
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland
Manfred K. Warmuth
Department of Computer Science
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA
We study on-line generalized linear regression with multidimensional
outputs, i.e., neural networks with multiple output nodes but no hidden
nodes. We allow at the final layer transfer functions such as the softmax function that need to consider the linear activations to all the output
neurons. We use distance functions of a certain kind in two completely
independent roles in deriving and analyzing on-line learning algorithms
for such tasks. We use one distance function to define a matching loss
function for the (possibly multidimensional) transfer function, which allows us to generalize earlier results from one-dimensional to multidimensional outputs. We use another distance function as a tool for measuring
progress made by the on-line updates. This shows how previously studied algorithms such as gradient descent and exponentiated gradient fit
into a common framework. We evaluate the performance of the algorithms using relative loss bounds that compare the loss of the on-line
algoritm to the best off-line predictor from the relevant model class, thus
completely eliminating probabilistic assumptions about the data.
In a regression problem, we have a sequence of n-dimensional real valued inputs Zt E R n ,
t 1, ... ,f, and for each input Zt a k-dimensional real-valued desired output Yt E R".
Our goal is to find a mapping that at least approximately models the dependency between
Zt and Yt. Here we consider the parametric case Yt
f (w; Zt) where the actual output Yt
corresponding to the input Zt is determined by a parameter vector w E Rm (e.g., weights
in a neural network) through a given fixed model f (e.g., a neural network architecture).
1. Kivinen and M. K Wannuth
Thus, we wish to obtain parameters w such that, in some sense, I(w;:z:t} ~ Yt for all
t. The most basic model 1 to consider is the linear one, which in the one-dimensional
case k
1 means that I(w;:z:t)
w . :Z:t for w E Rfl. In the multidimensional case
O:Z:t. The
we actually have a whole matrix 0 E Rkxfl of parameters and 1(0;:z:t}
goodness of the fit is quantitatively measured in terms of a loss function; the square loss
given by Lt,j (Yt,j - ilt,j)2 /2 is a popular choice.
In generalized linear regression [MN89] we fix a transfer function 4> and apply it on top of a
?(w?:z:t). Here
linear model. Thus, in the one-dimensional case we would have I(w;:z:t)
? is usually a continuous increasing function from R to R, such as the logistic function
that maps z to 1/(1 + e- Z ). It is still possible to use the square loss, but this can lead to
problems. In particular, when we apply the logistic transfer function and try to find a weight
vector w that minimizes the total square loss over f examples (:Z:t, Yt), we may have up to
?fl local minima [AHW95, Bud93]. Hence, some other choice of loss function might be
more convenient. In the one-dimensional case it can be shown that any continuous strictly
increasing transfer function ? has a specific matching loss function LtP such that, among
other useful properties, Lt LtP(Yt, ?(w . :z:t}) is always convex in w, so local minima are
not a problem [AHW95]. For example, the matching loss function for the logistic transfer
function is the relative entropy (a generalization of the logarithmic loss for continuousvalued outcomes). The square loss is the matching loss function for the identity transfer
function (i.e., linear regression).
The main theme of the present paper is the application of a particular kind of distance functions to analyzing learning algorithms in (possibly multidimensional) generalized linear
regression problems. We consider a particular manner in which a mapping 4>: Rk -+ Rk
can be used to define a distance function D.4> : Rk x Rk -+ R; the assumption we must
make here is that 4> has a convex potential function. The matching loss function LtP mentioned above for a transfer function ? in the one-dimensional case is given in terms of
the distance function D.tP as LtP(?(a), ?(ii)) = D.tP(ii, a). Here, as whenever we use the
matching loss LtP (y, iI), we assume that Y and iI are in the range of ?, so we can write
Y = ?(a) and iI ?(ii) for some a and ii. Notice that for k 1, any strictly increasing
continuous function has a convex potential (i.e., integral) function. In the more interesting
case k > 1, we can consider transfer functions such as the softmax function, which is commonly used to transfer arbitrary vectors a E Rk into probability vectors y (i.e., vectors
such that iii ~ 0 for all i and Li iii 1). The matching loss function for the softmax function defined analogously with the one-dimensional case turns out to be the relative entropy
(or Kul1back-Leibler divergence), which indeed is a commonly used measure of distance
between probability vectors. For the identity transfer function, the matching loss function
is the squared Euclidean distance.
The first result we get from this observation connecting matching losses to a general notion
of distance is that certain previous results on generalized linear regression with matching
loss on one-dimensional outputs [HKW95] directly generalize to multidimensional outputs. From a more general point of view, a much more interesting feature of these distance
functions is how they allow us to view certain previously known learning algorithms, and
introduce new ones, in a simple unified framework. To briefly explain this framework without unnecessary complications, we restrict the foUowing discussion to the case k = 1, i.e.,
f(w;:z:) = ?(w . :z:) E R with w E Rfl.
We consider on-line learning algorithms, by which we here mean an algorithm that processes the training examples one by one, the pair (:Z:t, Yt) being processed at time t. Based
Relative Loss Bounds for Multidimensional Regression Problems
on the training examples the algorithm produces a whole sequence of weight vectors Wt,
= 1, ... ,f.. At each time t the old weight vector Wt is updated into WtH based on Zt and
Yt. The best-known such algorithm is on-line gradient descent. To see some alternatives,
consider first a distance function ll.,p defined on R n by some function ,p: Rn ~ Rn.
(Thus, we assume that,p has a convex potential.) We represent the update somewhat indirectly by introducing a new parameter vector 6 t ERn from which the actual weights Wt
are obtained by the mapping Wt
,p{6t ). The new parameters are updated by
where TJ > 0 is a learning rate. We call this algorithm the general additive algorithm with
parameterization function ,p. Notice that here 6 is updated by the gradient with respect
to w, so this is not just a gradient descent with reparameterization [JW98]. However, we
obtain the usual on-line gradient descent when ,p is the identity function. When,p is
the softmax function, we get the so-called exponentiated gradient (EG) algorithm [KW97 ,
The connection of the distance function ll.,p to the update (1) is two-fold. First, (1) can
be motivated as an approximate solution to a minimization problem in which the distance
ll.,p (6 t , 6 tH ) is used as a kind of penalty term to prevent too drastic an update based on
a single example. Second, the distance function ll.,p can be used as a potential function
in analyzing the performance of the resulting algorithm. The same distance functions have
been used previously for exactly the same purposes [KW97, HKW95] in important special
cases (the gradient descent and EG algorithms) but without realizing the full generality of
the method.
It should be noted that the choice of the parameterization function ,p is left completely
free, as long as ,p has a convex potential function. (In contrast, the choice of the transfer
function ? depends on what kind of a regression problem we wish to solve.) Earlier work
suggests that the softmax parameterization function (Le., the EG algorithm) is particularly
suited for situations in which some sparse weight vector W gives a good match to the
data [HKW95, KW97]. (Because softmax normalizes the weight vector and makes the
components positive, a simple transformation of the input data is typically added to realize
positive and negative weights with arbitrary norm.)
In work parallel to this, the analogue of the general additive update (1) in the context of
linear classification, i.e., with a threshold transfer function, has recently been developed
and analyzed by Grove et al. [GLS97] with methods and results very similar to ours. CesaBianchi [CB97] has used somewhat different methods to obtain bounds also in cases in
which the loss function does not match the transfer function. Jagota and Warmuth [JW98]
view (1) as an Euler discretization of a system of partial differential equations and investigate the performance of the algorithm as the discretization parameter approaches zero.
The distance functions we use here have previously been applied in the context of exponential families by Amari [Ama85] and others. Here we only need some basic technical
properties of the distance functions that can easily be derived from the definitions. For a
discussion of our line of work in a statistical context see Azoury and Warmuth [AW97].
In Section 2 we review the definition of a matching loss function and give examples. Section 3 discusses the general additive algorithm in more detail. The actual relative on-line
loss bounds we have for the general additive algorithm are explained in Section 4.
J. Kivinen and M. K. Warmuth
4>: R k
R k be a function that has a convex potential function P4> (i.e.,
4> =
V' P4>
for some convex P 4>: Rk -4 R). We first define a distance/unction A4> for 4> by
Thus, the distance A4>(a, a) is the error we make if we approximate P4>(a) by its firstorder Taylor polynomial around a. Convexity of P 4> implies that A4> is convex in its first
argument. Further, A4>(a, a) is nonnegative, and zero if and only if 4>(a) = 4>( a).
We can alternatively write (2) as A4>(a, a) =
(4)(r) - 4>(a)) . dr where the integral is
a path integral the value of which must be independent of the actual path chosen between
a and a. In the one-dimensional case, the integral is a simple definite integral, and ?
has a convex potential (i.e., integral) function if it is strictly increasing and continuous
[AHW95, HKW95].
Let now 4> have range V4> ~ Rk and distance function
function L4>: V4> x V4> -4 R such that L4>(4)(a) , 4>(a?
a, we say that L4> is the matching loss function for 4>.
Assuming that there is a
A4>(a, a) holds for all a and
Example 1 Let 4> be a linear function given by 4>(a) = Aa where A E R kxk is symmetrical and positive definite. Then 4> has the convex potential function P4> (a) = aT Aa /2, and
(2) gives A4>(a, a) = Ha - a)T A(a - a). Hence, L4>(Y' y) = t(y - y)T A-l(y - y)
exp(a;)/E7=1 exp(aj), be the softmax function.
It has a potential function given by PO'(a) = In E7=1 exp(aj). To see that PO' is convex,
notice that the Hessian n 2PO' is given by D2PO'(a);j = dijO'i(a) - O'da)O'j(a). Given
Example2 Let 0': Rk
Rk, O'i(a) =
a vector z E Rk, let now X be a random variable that has probability O';{a) of taking
E7=1 O'i{a)xl- E7=1 E7=1 0'; (a)xiO'j(a)xj
the value Xi? We have zTDO'(a)z
EX - (EX)2
VarX ~ O. Straightforward algebra now gives the relative entropy
LO'(y, y) = E;=l Yj In(Yj/Yj) as the matching loss function. (To allow Yj 0 or Yj 0,
we adopt the standard convention that OlnO
0 and yln(y/O)
00 for
y> 0.)
In the relative loss bound proofs we use the basic property [JW98, Ama85]
This shows that our distances do not satisfy the triangle inequality. Usually they are not
symmetrical, either.
We consider on-line learning algorithms that at time t -first receive an input Zt E R n ,
then produce an output Yt E R k, and finally receive as feedback the desired output Yt E
Rk. To define the general additive algorithm. assume we are given a transfer function
Relative Loss Bounds for Multidimensional Regression Problems
l/J: Rk ~ Rk that has a convex potential function. (We wi11later use the matching loss as
a performance measure.) We also require that all the desired outputs Y t are in the range
of l/J. The algorithm's predictions are now given by Yt = l/J(Ot:et) where Ot E Rkxn is
the algorithm's weight matrix at time t. To see how the weight matrix is updated, assume
further we have a parameterization function ..p: R n ~ R n with a distance D....p. The
algorithm maintains kn real-valued parameters. We denote by 8 t the k x n matrix of the
values ofthese parameters immediately before trial t. Futher, we denote by 8 t ,i the jth row
of 8t. and by ..p(8t} the matrix with ..p(8t ,i) as its jth row. Given initial parameter values
8 1 and a learning rate 1] > 0, we now define the general additive (GA) algorithm as the
algorithm that repeats at each trial t the following prediction and update steps.
Prediction: Upon recieving the instance :et, give the prediction Yt = l/J(..p(8t):et).
Update: For j
1, ... , k, set 8t+l,i = 8t,i - fJ(yt,i - Yt ,i ):et .
Note that (2) implies \7aD..l/J(a, a)) = l/J(a) -l/J(a), so this update indeed turns out to be
the same as (1) when we recall that Ll/J(Yt, Yt)
D..l/J(Ot:et, at} where Yt l/J(at).
The update can be motivated by an optimization problem given in terms of t~e loss and
distance. Consider updating an old parameter matrix 8 into a new matrix 8 based on
a single input :e and desired output y. A natural goal would be to minimize the loss
L l/J (y, l/J( ,p (8):e ) ). However, the algorithm must avoid losing too much of the information
it has gained during the previous trials and stored in the form of the old parameter matrix 8 .
We thus set as the algorithm's goal to minimize the sum D.."p(8, 8) + fJLl/J(Y' l/J(,p(8):e))
where fJ > 0 is a parameter regulating how fast the algorithm is willing to move its parameters. Under certain regularity assumptions, the update rule of the GA algorithm can
be shown to approximately solve this minimization problem. For more discussion and examples in the special case of linear regression, see [KW97]. An interesting related idea is
using all the previous examples in the update instead of just the last one. For work along
these lines in the linear case see Vovk [Vov97] and Foster [Fos91].
Consider a sequence S := ((:el,yd, . .. ,(:el,Yl)) of training examples, and let
Lossl/J(GA, S)
2:!=1 Ll/J(Yt, Yt) be the loss incurred by the general additive algorithm
on this sequence when it always uses its current weights Ot for making the tth prediction
Yt? Similarly, let Lossl/J(O, S) = 2:!=1 Ll/J(Yt, l/J(O:ed) be the loss of a fixed predictor
O. Basically, our goal is to show that if some 0 achieves a small loss, then the algorithm is
not doing much worse, regardless of how the sequence S was generated. Making additional
probabilistic assumptions allows such on-line loss bounds to be converted into more traditional results about generalization errors [KW97]. To give the bounds for Lossl/J(GA, S)
in terms of Lossl/J(O, S) we need some additional parameters. The first one is the distance
D....p(8 1 ,8) where 0 = "p(8) and 8 1 is the initial parameter matrix of the GA algorithm
(which can be arbitrary). The second one is defined by
bx,,,p = sup {:e T n..p(9):e 19 E Rn,:e EX}
where X := {:el, ... ,:el} is the set of input vectors and n..p(9) is the Jacobian with
81Pi(9)/80j . The value bx,,p can be interpreted as the maximum norm of
J. Kivinen and M. K. Wannuth
any input vector in a norm defined by the parameterization function ..p. In Example 3 below
we show how bx,..p can easily be evaluated when 1/J is a linear function or the softmax
function. The third parameter ctP ' defined as
relates the matching loss function for the transfer function tP to the square loss. In Example 4 we evaluate this constant for linear functions, the softmax function, and the onedimensional case.
Example 3 Consider bounding the value
:I: TDO'( 0):1:
where 0' is the softmax function. As we saw in Example 2, this value is a variance of a random variable with the
range {Xl, ... ,Xn }. Hence, we have bx,O' ~ maXzex(maxixi - minixd 2 /4 ~
maXzex 11:l:11~ where 11:1:1100 = maXi IXil?
If 1/J is a linear function with 1/J( 8) = A8 for a symmetrical positive definite A, we clearly
have bx,..p ~ Amax max:l:ex :1: 2 where Amax is the largest eigenvalue of A.
Example 4 For the softmax function 0' the matching loss function LO' is the relative entropy (see Example 2), for which it is well known that LO'(y, y) 2: 2(y - y)2. Hence, we
have ctP ~ 1/4.
If tP is a linear function given by a symmetrical positive semidefinite matrix A, we see from
Example 1 that CtP is the largest eigenvalue of A.
Finally, in the special case k = 1, with ?: R -7 R differentiable and strictly increasing, we
can show ctP :::; Z if Z is a bound such that 0 < ?'(z) :::; Z holds for all z.
Assume now we are given constants b 2: bx ,1/J and C
for any parameter matrix 8 we have
2: ctP . Our first loss bound states that
when the learning rate is chosen as '1 = 1/(2bc). (Proofs are omitted from this extended
abstract.) The advantage of this bound is that with a fixed learning rate it holds for any
8, so we need no advance knowledge about a good 8. The drawback is the factor 2 in
front of Loss tP (..p (8), S), which suggests that asymptotically the algorithm might not ever
achieve the performance of the best fixed predictor. A tighter bound can be achieved by
more careful tuning. Thus, iven constants K 2: 0 and R > 0, if we choose the learning
rate as '1
(bcR)2 + KbcR - bcR)/(Kbc) (with '1 1/(2bc) if K 0) we obtain
for any 8 that satisfies Loss tP (..p (8) , S) :::; K and d..p (8 1 , 8) :::; R. This shows that if
we restrict our comparison to parameter matrices within a given distance R of the initial
matrix of the algorithm, and we have a reasonably good guess K as to the loss of the best
fixed predictor within this distance, this knowledge allows the algorithm to asymptotically
match the performance of this best fixed predictor.
Relative Loss Bounds for Multidimensional Regression Problems
The authors thank Katy Azoury, Chris Bishop, Nicolo Cesa-Bianchi, David Helmbold, and
Nick Littlestone for helpful discussions. Jyrki Kivinen was supported by the Academy of
Finland and the ESPRIT project NeuroCOLT. Manfred Warmuth was supported by the NSF
grant CCR 9700201.
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V. Vovk. Competitive on-line linear regression. In Proc. Neural Information
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| 1478 |@word trial:3 briefly:1 eliminating:1 polynomial:1 norm:3 willing:1 initial:3 ours:1 bc:2 current:1 discretization:2 unction:1 varx:1 activation:1 must:3 realize:1 ixil:1 cruz:2 additive:9 update:13 intelligence:1 guess:1 warmuth:10 parameterization:5 realizing:1 manfred:2 wth:1 math:1 node:2 complication:1 along:1 differential:2 symposium:1 introduce:1 manner:1 indeed:2 continuousvalued:1 actual:4 increasing:5 project:1 what:1 kind:4 interpreted:1 minimizes:1 iven:1 developed:1 unified:1 transformation:1 multidimensional:10 firstorder:1 exactly:1 esprit:1 rm:1 gls97:2 grant:1 positive:5 before:1 local:3 analyzing:3 path:2 approximately:2 yd:1 might:2 studied:1 suggests:2 range:4 acknowledgment:1 yj:5 definite:3 matching:16 convenient:1 get:2 ga:5 context:3 map:1 yt:23 straightforward:1 regardless:1 convex:12 immediately:1 helmbold:2 rule:1 amax:2 deriving:1 reparameterization:1 notion:1 updated:4 annals:1 losing:1 us:1 particularly:1 updating:1 role:1 ft:1 worst:2 oln:1 mentioned:1 convexity:1 xio:1 algebra:1 upon:1 completely:3 triangle:1 easily:2 po:3 fast:1 artificial:1 outcome:1 valued:3 solve:2 say:1 amari:2 statistic:2 final:1 sequence:5 eigenvalue:2 differentiable:1 advantage:1 p4:4 relevant:1 gen:1 achieve:1 academy:1 convergence:2 regularity:1 produce:2 measured:1 ij:1 progress:1 implies:2 convention:1 drawback:1 mn89:2 require:1 fix:1 generalization:2 tighter:1 strictly:4 hold:3 around:1 hall:1 exp:3 mapping:3 finland:2 adopt:1 achieves:1 omitted:1 purpose:1 proc:5 saw:1 largest:2 tool:1 minimization:2 mit:3 clearly:1 always:2 e7:5 avoid:1 hkw95:6 derived:1 contrast:1 sense:1 helpful:1 el:4 typically:1 hidden:1 algoritm:1 among:1 classification:1 softmax:11 special:3 chapman:1 others:1 quantitatively:1 divergence:1 regulating:1 investigate:1 analyzed:1 semidefinite:1 tj:1 grove:2 integral:6 partial:1 euclidean:1 old:3 taylor:1 desired:4 littlestone:2 instance:1 earlier:2 tp:6 measuring:1 goodness:1 introducing:1 euler:1 predictor:5 too:2 front:1 stored:1 dependency:1 kn:1 herbster:1 probabilistic:2 off:1 v4:3 yl:1 lauderdale:1 analogously:1 connecting:1 squared:1 cesa:2 choose:1 possibly:2 dr:1 worse:1 bx:6 li:1 potential:10 converted:1 satisfy:1 depends:1 ad:1 try:1 view:3 neider:1 doing:1 sup:1 competitive:1 maintains:1 parallel:1 minimize:2 square:5 variance:1 generalize:2 basically:1 explain:1 phys:1 teollisuuskatu:1 whenever:1 ed:1 definition:2 proof:2 con:2 popular:1 recall:1 knowledge:2 actually:1 auer:1 manuscript:1 evaluated:1 box:1 generality:1 just:2 nonlinear:1 logistic:3 aj:2 usa:1 hence:4 leibler:1 eg:3 ll:7 during:1 noted:1 generalized:5 fj:2 geometrical:1 recently:1 common:1 sigmoided:1 exponentially:1 onedimensional:1 cambridge:3 tuning:1 mathematics:1 similarly:1 nicolo:1 certain:4 verlag:1 inequality:1 jagota:2 minimum:3 additional:2 somewhat:2 cesabianchi:1 ii:7 relates:1 multiple:1 full:1 technical:1 match:3 long:1 prediction:7 regression:14 basic:3 represent:1 achieved:1 receive:2 ot:4 ltp:5 call:1 iii:2 xj:1 fit:2 architecture:1 restrict:2 idea:1 motivated:2 penalty:1 hessian:1 york:1 useful:1 santa:2 bcr:2 processed:1 tth:1 nsf:1 notice:3 ccr:1 discrete:1 write:2 threshold:1 prevent:1 asymptotically:2 sum:1 ilt:1 family:2 wannuth:2 bound:18 layer:1 fl:2 fold:1 nonnegative:1 helsinki:1 argument:1 ern:1 department:2 kw97:6 ofthese:1 making:2 explained:1 equation:1 previously:4 turn:2 discus:1 drastic:1 apply:2 indirectly:1 alternative:1 top:1 a4:8 move:1 added:1 parametric:1 usual:1 traditional:1 gradient:11 distance:27 thank:1 neurocolt:1 berlin:1 chris:1 discriminant:1 assuming:1 negative:1 tdo:1 zt:7 bianchi:2 neuron:3 observation:1 fin:1 descent:6 yln:1 november:2 january:1 situation:1 rfl:2 extended:1 ever:1 rn:3 arbitrary:3 david:1 pair:1 unpublished:1 connection:1 nick:1 california:1 usually:2 below:1 max:1 analogue:1 natural:1 kivinen:7 review:1 relative:14 loss:48 interesting:3 versus:2 incurred:1 foster:2 pi:1 normalizes:1 lo:3 row:2 repeat:1 last:1 free:1 supported:2 jth:2 allow:3 exponentiated:3 perceptron:1 taking:1 fifth:1 sparse:1 feedback:1 xn:1 author:1 made:1 commonly:2 approximate:2 symmetrical:4 unnecessary:1 xi:1 alternatively:1 continuous:5 ctp:5 transfer:16 reasonably:1 ca:1 schuurmans:1 da:1 main:1 azoury:3 whole:2 bounding:1 theme:1 wish:2 exponential:2 xl:2 comput:2 kbc:1 jacobian:1 third:1 rk:13 annu:2 example2:1 specific:1 bishop:1 maxi:1 gained:1 suited:1 entropy:4 lt:2 logarithmic:1 kxk:1 katy:1 springer:1 aa:2 futher:1 a8:1 satisfies:1 acm:2 ma:3 goal:4 jyrki:2 identity:3 careful:1 mccullagh:1 determined:1 vovk:2 wt:4 total:1 called:1 l4:4 evaluate:2 ex:4 |
523 | 1,479 | Unsupervised On-Line Learning of
Decision Trees for Hierarchical Data
Marcus Held and Joachim M. Buhmann
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-U niversitat
Institut fUr Informatik III, ROmerstraBe 164
D-53117 Bonn, Germany
email: {held.jb}.cs.uni-bonn.de
WWW: http://www-dbv.cs.uni-bonn.de
An adaptive on-line algorithm is proposed to estimate hierarchical
data structures for non-stationary data sources. The approach
is based on the principle of minimum cross entropy to derive a
decision tree for data clustering and it employs a metalearning idea
(learning to learn) to adapt to changes in data characteristics. Its
efficiency is demonstrated by grouping non-stationary artifical data
and by hierarchical segmentation of LANDSAT images.
Unsupervised learning addresses the problem to detect structure inherent in unlabeled and unclassified data. The simplest, but not necessarily the best approach for extracting a grouping structure is to represent a set of data samples
= {Xi E Rdli = 1, ...
by a set of prototypes y = {Ya E Rdlo = 1, .. .
K ? N. The encoding usually is represented by an assignment matrix M = (Mia),
where Mia = 1 if and only if Xi belongs to cluster 0, and Mia = 0 otherwise. According to this encoding scheme, the cost function 1i (M, Y) = ~ L:~1 MiaV (Xi, Ya)
measures the quality of a data partition, Le., optimal assignments and prototypes
(M,y)OPt = argminM,y1i (M,Y) minimize the inhomogeneity of clusters w.r.t. a
given distance measure V. For reasons of simplicity we restrict the presentation
to the ' sum-of-squared-error criterion V(x, y) = !Ix - YI12 in this paper. To facilitate this minimization a deterministic annealing approach was proposed in [5]
which maps the discrete optimization problem, i.e. how to determine the data assignments, via the Maximum Entropy Principle [2] to a continuous parameter es-
Unsupervised On-line Learning of Decision Trees for Data Analysis
timation problem. Deterministic annealing introduces a Lagrange multiplier {3 to
control the approximation of 11. (M, Y) in a probabilistic sense. Equivalently to
maximize the entropy at fixed expected K-means costs we minimize the free energy
:F = ~ 2:f::1ln (2::=1 exp (-{3V (Xi, Ya:))) w.r.t. the prototypes Ya:. The assignments Mia: are treated as random variables yielding a fuzzy centroid rule
Ya: = L i=l (Mia:)xdLi=l (Mia:) ,
where the expected assignments (Mia:) are given by Gibbs distributions
p (-{3V (Xi,Ya:))
2:/l=1 exp ( -{3V (Xi, Ya:))
For a more detailed discussion of the DA approach to data clustering cf. [1, 3, 5].
In addition to assigning data to clusters (1,2), hierarchical clustering provides the
partitioning of data space with a tree structure. Each data sample X is sequentially
assigned to a nested structure of partitions which hierarchically cover the data
space Rd. This sequence of special decisions is encoded by decision rules which are
attached to nodes along a path in the tree (see also fig. 1).
Therefore, learning a decision tree requires to determine a tree topology, the accompanying assignments, the inner node labels S and the prototypes y at the leaves.
The search of such a hierarchical partition of the data space should be guided by
an optimization criterion, i.e., minimal distortion costs.
This problem is solvable by a two-stage approach, which on the one hand minimizes
the distortion costs at the leaves given the tree structure and on the other hand
optimizes the tree structure given the leaf induced partition of Rd. This approach,
due to Miller & Rose [3], is summarized in section 2. The extensions for adaptive online learning and experimental results are described in sections 3 and 4, respectively.
ofdata space
Figure 1: Right: Topology of a decision tree. Left: Induced partitioning of the
data space (positions of the letters also indicate the positions of the prototypes).
Decisions are made according to the nearest neighbor rule.
Unsupervised Learning of Decision Trees
Deterministic annealing of hierarchical clustering treats the assignments of data to
inner nodes of the tree in a probabilistic way analogous to the expected assignments
of data to leaf prototypes. Based on the maximum entropy principle, the probability
~~j that data point Xi reaches inner node Sj is recursively defined by (see [3]):
exp (-,V(Xi,Sj))
exp(-,V(Xi,Sk)) ,
M. Held and 1. M. Buhmann
where the Lagrange multiplier, controls the fuzziness of all the transitions 1fi,j'
On the other hand, given the tree topology and the prototypes at the leaves, the
maximum entropy principle naturally recommends an ideal probability cpLl< at leaf
Yet, resp. at an inner node sj>
We apply the principle of minimum cross entropy for the calculation of the prototypes at the leaves given a priori the probabilities for the parents of the leaves. Minimization of the cross entropy with fixed expected costs (HXi) = L:et (Miet)V (Xi, Yet)
for the data point Xi yields the expression
m~n I({(Miet)}II{Cp~parent(et)/K}) =
min Let (Miet) In
where I denotes the Kullback-Leibler divergence and K defines the degree of the
inner nodes. The tilted distribution
Cp~parent(et) exp (-j1V (Xi, Yet))
Miet) =
L: /L cp i,parent(/L) exp ( - j1V (Xi, Y/L))
generalizes the probabilistic assignments (2). In the case of Euclidian distances
we again obtain the centroid formula (1) as the minimum of the free energy
F = - L::l ln [L:etEY cprparent(et) exp (-j1V (Xi, Yet))]. Constraints induced by
the tree structure are incorporated in the assignments (6). For the optimization
of the hierarchy, Miller and Rose in a second step propose the minimization of the
distance between the hierarchical probabilities CP~. and the ideal probabilities Cp~ .,
the distance being measured by the Kullback-Leibler divergence
I ({ Cp~,j }II{ Cp~j}) == ~,W
cp~ .
In cp~J
Equation (7) describes the minimization of the sum of cross entropies between the
probability densities CP~. and CP~. over the parents of the leaves. Calculating the
gradients for the inner ;'odes S j ~d the Lagrange multiplier, we receive
-2, L (Xi - Sj)
{cpL - cp!,parent(j)1fi,j} :=
-2,:E ~1 (Xi, Sj), (8)
L:E V (Xi, Sj)
i=l jES
{cpL - cpLparent(j)1fi,j} :=
L:E ~2 (Xi, Sj).
i=l jES
The first gradient is a weighted average of the difference vectors (Xi - Sj), where the
weights measure the mismatch between the probability CPtj and the probability induced by the transition 1fi,j' The second gradient (9) measures the scale - V (Xi, Sj)
- on which the transition probabilities are defined, and weights them with the mismatch between the ideal probabilities. This procedure yields an algorithm which
starts at a small value j1 with a complete tree and identical test vectors attached
to all nodes. The prototypes at the leaves are optimized according to (6) and the
centroid rule (1), and the hierarchy is optimized by (8) and (9). After convergence
one increases j1 and optimizes the hierarchy and the prototypes at the leaves again.
The increment of j1leads to phase transitions where test vectors separate from each
other and the formerly completely degenerated tree evolves its structure. For a
detailed description of this algorithm see [3].
Unsupervised On-line Learning of Decision Trees for Data Analysis
On-Line Learning of Decision Trees
Learning of decision trees is refined in this paper to deal with unbalanced trees
and on-line learning of trees. Updating identical nodes according to the gradients
(9) with assignments (6) weighs parameters of unbalanced tree structures in an
unsatisfactory way. A detailed analysis reveals that degenerated test vectors, i.e.,
test vectors with identical components, still contribute to the assignments and to
the evolution of /. This artefact is overcome by using dynamic tree topologies
instead of a predefined topology with indistinguishable test vectors. On the other
hand, the development of an on-line algorithm makes it possible to process huge
data sets and non-stationary data. For this setting there exists the need of on-line
learning rules for the prototypes at the leaves, the test vectors at the inner nodes
and the parameters / and (3. Unbalanced trees also require rules for splitting and
merging nodes.
Following Buhmann and Kuhnel [1] we use an expansion of order O(I/n) of (1) to
estimate the prototypes for the Nth datapoint
N '" N-l
Ya '" Ya
+ 'TJa (M:;;I)
XN - Ya
where P~ ~ p~-1 +1/M ((M:;;I) - p~-l) denotes the probability of the occurence
of class o. The parameters M and'TJa are introduced in order to take the possible
non-stationarity of the data source into account. M denotes the size of the data
window, and 'TJa is a node specific learning rate.
Adaptation of the inner nodes and of the parameter / is performed by stochastic
approximation using the gradients (8) and (9)
For an appropriate choice of the learning rates 'TJ, the learning to learn approach of
Murata et al. [4] suggests the learning algorithm
The flow 1 in parameter space determines the change of w N -1 given a new datapoint
XN. Murata et al. derive the following update scheme for the learning rate:
(1 - 8)r N - 1
'TJ N -
+ 81 (XN, W N - 1 )
+ Vl",N-l
(v2I1rNII- 'TJN-l) ,
where VI, v2 and 8 are control parameters to balance the tradeoff between accuracy
and convergence rate. r N denotes the leaky average of the flow at time N.
The adaptation of (3 has to observe the necessary condition for a phase transition
(3 > (3erit == 1/28rnax , 8rnax being the largest eigenvalue of the covariance matrix [3]
(Xi - Ya) (Xi - Ya)t (Mia)/L(Mia ).
Rules for splitting and merging nodes of the tree are introduced to deal with unbalanced trees and non-stationary data. Simple rules measure the distortion costs
at the prototypes of the leaves. According to these costs the leaf with highest
M Held and 1. M Buhmann
distortion costs is split. The merging criterion combines neighboring leaves with
minimal distance in a greedy fashion. The parameter M (10), the typical time
scale for changes in the data distribution is used to fix the time between splitting
resp. merging nodes and the update of (3. Therefore, M controls the time scale for
changes of the tree topology. The learning parameters for the learning to learn rules
(13)-(15) are chosen empirically and are kept constant for all experiments .
The first experiment demonstrates how a drifting two dimensional data source can
be tracked. This data source is generated by a fixed tree augmented with transition
probabilities at the edges and with Gaussians at the leaves. By descending the tree
structure this ~enerates an Li.d. random variable X E R2, which is rotated around
the origin of R to obtain a random variable T(N) = R(w, N)X . R is an orthogonal
matrix, N denotes the number of the actual data point and w denotes the angular
velocity, M = 500. Figure 2 shows 45 degree snapshots of the learning of this nonstationary data source. We start to take these snapshots after the algorithm has
developed its final tree topology (after ~ 8000 datapoints). Apart from fluctuations
of the test vectors at the leaves, the whole tree structure is stable while tracking
the rotating data source.
Additional experiments with higher dimensional data sources confirm the robustness
of the algorithm w.r.t. the dimension of the data space, i. e. similiar tracking
performances for different dimensions are observed, where differences are explained
as differences in the data sources (figure 3) . This performance is measured by the
variance of the mean of the distances between the data source trajectory and the
trajectories of the test vectors at the nodes of the tree.
Figure 2: 45 degree snapshots of the learning of a data source which rotates with a
velocity w = 271"/30000 (360 degree per 30000 data samples:.
A second experiment demonstrates the learning of a switching data source. The
results confirm a good performance concerning the restructuring of the tree (see
figure 4). In this experiment the algorithm learns a given data source and after
10000 data points we switch to a different source.
As a real-world example of on-line learning of huge data sources the algorithm is
applied to the hierarchical clustering of 6- dimensional LANDSAT data. The heat
Unsupervised On-line Learning of Decision Trees for Data Analysis
' 1.5
~ .--
12dim .....
Figure 3: Tracking performance for different dimensions. As data sources we use
d-dimensional Gaussians which are attached to a unit sphere. To the components
of every random sample X we add sin(wN) in order to introduce non stationarity.
The first 8000 samples are used for the development of the tree topology.
1\ "'-,
. \ _,_____. '" ._________
\ .
_.-" -'" -".(----?/l
1 ""., .
Ig -
-----b~~<\ :'
.? ' (
? -\--<I!..~
_ ",
h \
- >I--."/_-J--;
\ ;r" " n'/
tf '\'
e '-
J k 1
def g nohi
Figure 4: Learning a switching data source: top: a) the partition of the data space
after 10000 data samples given the first source, b) the restructured partition after
additional 2500 samples. Below: accompanying tree topologies.
channel has been discarded because of its reduced resolution. In a preprocessing step
all channels are rescaled to unit variance, which alternatively could be established
by using a Mahalanobis distance. Note that the decision tree which clusters this
data supplies us with a hierarchical segmentation of the corresponding LANDSAT
image. A tree of 16 leaves has been learned on a training set of 128 x 128 data
samples, and it has been applied to a test set of 128 x 128 LANDSAT pixels. The
training is established by 15 sequential runs through the test set, where after each
M = 16384 run a split of one node is carried out. The resulting empirical errors
(0.49 training distortion and 0.55 test distortion) differ only slightly from the errors
obtained by the LBG algorithm applied to the whole training set (0.42 training
distortion and 0.52 test distortion). This difference is due to the fact that not
every data point is assigned to the nearest leaf prototype by a decision tree induced
partition. The segmentation of the test image is depicted in figure 5.
This paper presents a method for unsupervised on-line learning of decision trees.
We overcome the shortcomings of the original decision tree approach and extend
M Held and J. M. Buhmann
Figure 5: Hierarchical segmentation of the test image. The root represents the
original image, i.e., the gray scale version of the three color channels.
it to the realm of on-line learning of huge data sets and of adaptive learning of
non-stationary data. Our experiments demonstrate that the approach is capable of
tracking gradually changing Or switching environments. Furthermore, the method
has been successfully applied to the hierarchical segmentation of LANDSAT images.
Future work will address active data selection issues to significantly reduce the
uncertainty of the most likely tree parameters and the learning questions related to
different tree topologies.
Acknowledgement: This work has been supported by the German Israel Foundation
for Science and Research Development (GIF) under grant #1-0403-001.06/95 and by the
Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Technology (BMBF #01 M 3021 A/4).
[1] J. M. Buhmann and H. Kuhnel. Vector quantization with complexity costs. IEEE
Transactions on Information Theory, 39(4):1133-1145, July 1993.
[2] T.M. Cover and J. Thomas. Elements of Information Theory. Wiley & Sons, 1991.
[3] D. Miller and K Rose. Hierarchical unsupervised learning with growing via phase
transitions. Neural Computation, 8:425-450, February 1996.
[4] N. Murata, K-R. Muller, A. Ziehe, and S. Amari . Adaptive on-line learning in changing
environments. In M.C. Mozer, M.I. Jordan, and T. Petsche, editors, Advances in Neural
Information Processing Systems, number 9, pages 599-605. MIT Press, 1997.
[5] K Rose, E. Gurewitz, and G.C. Fox. A deterministic annealing approach to clustering.
Pattern Recognition Letters, 11(9):589-594, September 1990.
| 1479 |@word version:1 covariance:1 euclidian:1 recursively:1 assigning:1 yet:5 tilted:1 partition:8 j1:2 update:2 stationary:5 greedy:1 leaf:19 provides:1 contribute:1 node:16 along:1 supply:1 combine:1 introduce:1 expected:4 growing:1 actual:1 window:1 israel:1 minimizes:1 gif:1 fuzzy:1 developed:1 every:2 demonstrates:2 control:4 partitioning:2 unit:2 grant:1 treat:1 switching:3 encoding:2 path:1 fluctuation:1 cpl:4 suggests:1 procedure:1 empirical:1 significantly:1 unlabeled:1 selection:1 descending:1 www:2 argminm:1 map:1 deterministic:4 demonstrated:1 resolution:1 simplicity:1 splitting:3 rule:9 datapoints:1 increment:1 analogous:1 resp:2 hierarchy:3 origin:1 velocity:2 element:1 recognition:1 updating:1 observed:1 highest:1 rescaled:1 rose:4 mozer:1 environment:2 complexity:1 dynamic:1 efficiency:1 completely:1 represented:1 heat:1 shortcoming:1 refined:1 encoded:1 distortion:8 otherwise:1 amari:1 inhomogeneity:1 final:1 online:1 sequence:1 eigenvalue:1 propose:1 adaptation:2 neighboring:1 description:1 parent:8 cluster:4 convergence:2 rotated:1 derive:2 measured:2 nearest:2 c:2 indicate:1 differ:1 artefact:1 guided:1 ley:1 stochastic:1 education:1 require:1 fix:1 opt:1 extension:1 accompanying:2 around:1 exp:9 label:1 largest:1 tf:1 successfully:1 weighted:1 minimization:4 federal:1 mit:1 poi:1 joachim:1 rheinische:1 fur:1 unsatisfactory:1 centroid:3 detect:1 sense:1 dim:2 landsat:5 vl:1 germany:1 pixel:1 issue:1 priori:1 development:3 special:1 identical:3 represents:1 unsupervised:8 future:1 jb:1 inherent:1 employ:1 divergence:2 phase:3 stationarity:2 huge:3 introduces:1 yielding:1 tj:2 held:5 predefined:1 edge:1 capable:1 niversitat:1 necessary:1 institut:1 orthogonal:1 tree:43 fox:1 rotating:1 weighs:1 minimal:2 cover:2 assignment:12 cost:9 density:1 probabilistic:3 squared:1 again:2 tjn:2 kuhnel:2 li:1 account:1 de:2 summarized:1 vi:1 performed:1 root:2 start:2 minimize:2 accuracy:1 variance:2 characteristic:1 wilhelms:1 miller:3 yield:2 murata:3 informatik:1 trajectory:2 mia:10 datapoint:2 metalearning:1 reach:1 email:1 energy:2 naturally:1 color:1 realm:1 segmentation:5 jes:2 higher:1 furthermore:1 angular:1 stage:1 hand:4 defines:1 quality:1 gray:1 facilitate:1 multiplier:3 evolution:1 assigned:2 leibler:2 deal:2 mahalanobis:1 indistinguishable:1 sin:1 criterion:3 complete:1 demonstrate:1 cp:14 image:6 fi:4 empirically:1 tracked:1 attached:3 extend:1 gibbs:1 rd:2 hxi:1 stable:1 add:1 belongs:1 optimizes:2 apart:1 muller:1 minimum:3 additional:2 ministry:1 determine:2 maximize:1 july:1 ii:3 adapt:1 calculation:1 cross:4 sphere:1 concerning:1 represent:1 receive:1 addition:1 ode:1 annealing:4 source:17 induced:5 flow:2 jordan:1 extracting:1 nonstationary:1 ideal:3 iii:1 recommends:1 split:2 wn:1 switch:1 topology:10 restrict:1 inner:8 idea:1 prototype:14 reduce:1 tradeoff:1 expression:1 detailed:3 simplest:1 reduced:1 http:1 per:1 discrete:1 changing:2 kept:1 sum:2 run:2 unclassified:1 letter:2 uncertainty:1 decision:17 def:1 constraint:1 ri:2 y1i:1 bonn:3 min:1 according:5 describes:1 slightly:1 son:1 evolves:1 explained:1 gradually:1 ln:2 equation:1 german:1 generalizes:1 gaussians:2 apply:1 observe:1 hierarchical:12 v2:1 appropriate:1 petsche:1 robustness:1 drifting:1 original:2 thomas:1 denotes:6 clustering:6 cf:1 top:1 calculating:1 february:1 question:1 september:1 gradient:5 distance:7 separate:1 rotates:1 reason:1 marcus:1 degenerated:2 balance:1 equivalently:1 snapshot:3 discarded:1 similiar:1 incorporated:1 rn:1 introduced:2 friedrich:1 optimized:2 learned:1 established:2 address:2 usually:1 etey:1 mismatch:2 below:1 pattern:1 rnax:2 yi12:1 treated:1 buhmann:6 solvable:1 nth:1 scheme:2 technology:1 carried:1 occurence:1 gurewitz:1 formerly:1 acknowledgement:1 foundation:1 degree:4 principle:5 editor:1 supported:1 free:2 neighbor:1 leaky:1 overcome:2 dimension:3 xn:3 transition:7 world:1 made:1 adaptive:4 preprocessing:1 ig:1 transaction:1 sj:9 uni:2 kullback:2 confirm:2 sequentially:1 reveals:1 active:1 xi:24 alternatively:1 continuous:1 search:1 timation:1 sk:1 tja:3 learn:3 channel:3 expansion:1 necessarily:1 da:1 hierarchically:1 whole:2 augmented:1 fig:1 fashion:1 wiley:1 bmbf:1 position:2 lbg:1 ix:1 learns:1 formula:1 specific:1 r2:1 grouping:2 exists:1 quantization:1 merging:4 sequential:1 entropy:8 depicted:1 likely:1 lagrange:3 restructuring:1 tracking:4 nested:1 determines:1 presentation:1 fuzziness:1 change:4 typical:1 e:1 ya:12 experimental:1 ziehe:1 romerstrabe:1 unbalanced:4 artifical:1 |
524 | 148 | 124
Richard P. Lippmann and Paul Beckman
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Lexington, MA 02173
A nonlinearity is required before matched filtering in mInimum error
receivers when additive noise is present which is impulsive and highly
non-Gaussian. Experiments were performed to determine whether the
correct clipping nonlinearity could be provided by a single-input singleoutput multi-layer perceptron trained with back propagation. It was
found that a multi-layer perceptron with one input and output node, 20
nodes in the first hidden layer, and 5 nodes in the second hidden layer
could be trained to provide a clipping nonlinearity with fewer than 5,000
presentations of noiseless and corrupted waveform samples. A network
trained at a relatively high signal-to-noise (SIN) ratio and then used
as a front end for a linear matched filter detector greatly reduced the
probability of error. The clipping nonlinearity formed by this network
was similar to that used in current receivers designed for impulsive noise
and provided similar substantial improvements in performance.
The most widely used neural net, the adaptive linear combiner (ALe). is a singlelayer perceptron with linear input and output nodes. It is typically trained using the
LMS algorithm and forms one of the most common components of adaptive filters.
ALes are used in high-speed modems to construct equalization filters, in telephone
links as echo cancelers, and in many other signal processing applications where linear
filtering is required [9]. The purpose of this study was to determine whether multilayer perceptrons with linear input and output nodes but with sigmoidal hidden
nodes could be as effective for adaptive nonlinear filtering as ALes are for linear
1 This work wa.s sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Department of the Air Force . The views expressed are those of the authors and do not reflect the policy
or position of the U . S. Government.
Adaptive Neural Net Preprocessing for Signal Detection
The task explored in this paper is signal detection with impulsive noise where an
adaptive nonlinearity is required for optimal performance. Impulsive noise occurs
in underwater acoustics and in extremely low frequency communications channels
where impulses caused by lightning strikes propagate many thousands of miles [2].
This task was selected because a nonlinearity is required in the optimal receiver, the
structure of the optimal receiver is known, and the resulting signal detection error
rate provides an objective measure of performance. The only other previous studies
of the use of multi-layer perceptrons for adaptive nonlinear filtering that we are
aware of [6,8] appear promising but provide no objective performance comparisons.
In the following we first present examples which illustrate that multi-layer perceptrons trained with back-propagation can rapidly form clipping and other nonlinearities useful for signal processing with deterministic training. The signal detection
task is then described and theory is presented which illustrates the need for nOlllinear processing with non-Gaussian noise. Nonlinearities formed when the input
to a net is a corrupted signal and the desired output is the uncorrupted signal are
then presented for no noise, impulsive noise, and Gaussian noise. Finally, signal
detection performance results are presented that demonstrate large improvements
in performance with an adaptive nonlinearity and impulsive noise.
A theorem proven by Kohnogorov and described in [5] demonstrates that singleinput single-output continuous nonlinearities can be formed by a multi-layer perceptron with two layers of hidden nodes. This proof, however, requires complex nonlinear functions in the hidden nodes that are very sensitive to the desired input/output
function and may be difficult to realize. "More recently, Lapedes [4] presented an
intuitive description of how multi-layer perceptrons with sigmoidal nonlinearities
could produce continuous nonlinear mappings. A careful mathematical proof was
recently developed by Cybenko [1] which demonstrated that continuous nonlinear
mappings can be formed using sigmoidal nonlinearities and a multi-layer perceptron
with one layer of hidden nodes. This proof, however, is not constructive and does
not indicate how many nodes are required in the hidden layer. The purpose of our
study was to determine whether multi-layer perceptrons with sigmoidal nonlinearities and trained using back-propagation could adaptively and rapidly form clipping
Initial experiments were performed to determine the difficulty of learning complex
mappings using multi-layer perceptrons trained using back-propagation. Networks
with 1 and 2 hidden layers and from 1 to 50 hidden nodes per layer were evaluated. Input and output nodes were linear and all other nodes included sigmoidal
nonlinearities. Best overall performance was provjded by the three-layer perceptron
shown in Fig. 1. It has 20 nodes in the first and 5 nodes in the second hidden layer.
This network could form a wide variety of mappings and required only slightly more
training than other networks. It was used in all experiments.
Lippmann and Beckman
(LInear Sum)
(20 Nodes)
Figure 1: The multi-layer perceptron with linear input and output nodes that was
used in all experiments.
The three-layer network shown in Fig. 1 was used to form clipping and other
deterministic nonlinearities. Results in Fig. 2 demonstrate that a clipping nonlinearity ('auld be formed with fewer than 1,000 input samples. Input/output point pairs
were determined by selecting the input at random over the range plotted and using
tlte deterministic clipping function shown as a solid line in Fig. 2. Back-propagation
training [7] was used with the gain term (11) equal to 0.1 and the momentum term
(0') equal to 0.5. These values provide good convergence rates for the clipping function and all other functions tested. Initial connection weights were set to small
random values.
The multi-layer percept ron from Fig. 1 was also used to form the four nonlinear
functions shown in Fig. 3. The "Hole Punch" is useful in nonlinear signal processing. It performs much the same function as the clipper but completely eliminates
amplitudes above a certain threshold le\'el. Accurate approximation of this function
required more than 50,000 input samples. The "Step" has one sharp edge and could
be roughly approximated after 2,000 input samples. The "Double Pulse" requires
approximation of two close "pulses" and is the nonlinear function analogy of the
disjoint region problem studied in [3]. In this examplf>, back-propagation training
approximated the rightmost pulse first after 5,000 input samples. Both pulses were
then approximated fairly well after 50,000 input samples. The "Gaussian Pulse"
is a smooth curve that could be approximated well after only 2,000 input samples.
These results demonstrate that back-propagation training with sigmoidal 1I0nlinearities can form many different nonlinear functions. Qualitative results on training
times are similar to those reported in [.1]. In this previous study it was de mOll-
Adaptive Neural Net Preprocessing for Signal Detection
~ 0 ......
0- 1
-2_ 2
Figure 2: Clipping nonlinearities formed using back-propagation training and the
multi-layer perceptron from Fig. 1 (top) and the rms error produced by these Ilonlinearities versus training time (bottom).
strated that simple half-plane decision regions could be formed for classification
problems with little training while complex disjoint decision regions required long
training times. These new results suggest that complex nonlinearities with many
sharp discontinuities require much more training time than simple smooth curves.
The signal detection task was to discriminate between two equally likely input signals as shown in Fig. 4. One signal (so(t)) corresponds to no input and the other
signal (Sl(t)) was a sinewa\'c pulse with fixed duration and known amplitude, frequency, and phase. Noise was added to these inputs, the resultant signal was passed
through a memoryless nonlinearity, and a matched filter was then used to select hypothesis Ho corresponding to no input or HI corresponding to the sinewave pulse.
The matched filter multiplied the output of the nonlinearity by the known timealigned signal waveform, integrated this product over time, and decided HI if the
result was greater than a threshold and Ho otherwise. The threshold was selected
to provide a minimum overall error rate. The optimum nonlinearity Ilsed in the detector depends on the noise distribu tion. If the signal levels are small relati\'e to the
noise levels, then the optimum nonlinearity is approximated by f (J') = t;~ In{ (In (J')).
where r .. (x) is the instantaneous probability density function of the noise (2]- This
function is linear for Gaussian noise but has a clipping shape for impulsi\'e noise.
Lippmann and Beckman
----Nco 50.000
Nco 2.000
f/ I ..........
............... i.~j ..............
----- -
Figure 3: Four deterministic nonlinearities formed using the multi-layer perceptron
from Fig. 1. Desired functions are plotted as solid lines while functions formed
using back-propagation with different numbers of input samples are plotted using
dots and dashes.
Examples of the signal, impulsive noise and Gaussian noise are presented in Fig. 5.
The signal had a fixed duration of 250 samples and peak amplitude of 1.0. The
impulsive noise was defined by its amplitude distribution and inter-arrival time.
Amplit udes had a zero mean, Laplacian distribution with a standard de\'iation (IJ)
of 14.1 in all experiments. The standard deviation was reduced to 2.8 in Fig. 5
for illustrative purposes. Inter-arrival times (L\T) between noise impulses had a
Poisson distribution. The mean inter-arrival time was varied in experiments to
obtain different SIN ratios after adding noise. For example varying inter-arrival
times from 500 to 2 samples results in SIN ratios that vary from roughly 1 dB to
- 24 dB. Additive Gaussian noise had zero mean and a standard oeviation (IJ) of
0.1 in all experiments.
The three-layer perceptron was traineq as shown in Fig. 6 using the signal plus Iloist>
as the input and the uncorrupted signal as the desired output. Network weights
were adapted after every sample input using back-propagation training. Adaptive
nonlinearitics formed during training are shown in Fig. 7. These are similar to those
Adaptive Neural Net Preprocessing for Signal Detection
'I ? I(x)
Figure 4: The signal detection task was to discriminate between a sinewa\?e pulse
and a no-input condition with additive impulsive noise.
ct = 2.8
50 100 150 200 250 0
50 100 150 200 2500
(J ? O. t
50 100 150 200 250
Figure 5: The input to the nonlinearity with no noise, additive impulsive noise, and
additive Gaussian noise.
required by theory. No noise results in nonlinearity that is linear over the range
of the input sinewave (-1 to + 1) after fewer than 3,000 input samples. Impulsive
noise at a high SIN ratio (6.T
125 or SIN
-5 dB) results in a nonlinearity
that clips above the signal level after roughly 5,000 input samples and then slowly
forms a "Hole Punch" nonlinearity as the number of training samples increases.
Gaussian noise noise results in a nonlinearity that is roughly linear over the range
of the input sinewave after fewer than 5,000 input samples.
Signal detection performance was measured using a matched filter detector and the
nonlinearity shown in the center of Fig. 7 for 10,000 input training samples. The
error rate with a minimum-error matched filter is plotted in Fig. 8 for impulsive
lIoise at SIN ratios ranging from roughly 5 dB to -24 dB. This error rate was
estimated from 2,000 signal detection trials. Signal detection performance always
improved with the nonlinearity and sometimes the improvement was dramatic. The
error rate provided with the adaptively-formed nonlinearity is essentially identical
Lippmann and Beckman
) - -....--1 PERCEPTRON
- I.
Figure 6: The procedure used for adaptive training.
N. '00,000
N . 2.ooo
2 ?2
2 ?2
Figure 7: Nonlinearities formed with adaptive training with no additive noise, with
additive impulsive noise at a SIN level of -5 dB, and with additive Gaussian noise.
to that provided by a clipping nonlinearity that clips above the signal level. This
error rate is roughly zero down to - 24 dB and then rises rapidly with higher levels
of impulsive noise. This rapid increase in error rate below -24 dB is not shown in
Fig. 8. The error rate with linear processing rises slowly as the SIN ratio drops and
reaches roughly 36% when the SIN ratio is -24 dB.
Further exploratory experiments demonstrated that the nonlinearity formed by
back-propagation was not robust to the SIN ratio used during training. A clipping
nonlinearity is only formed when the number of samples of uncorrupted sinewave
input is high enough to form the linear function of the curve and the number of
samples of noise pulses is low , but sufficient to form the non~ill('ar clipping section
of the nonlinearity. At high noise levels the resulting nonlinearity is not linear Over
the range of the input signal. It instead resembles a curve that interpolates between
a flat horizontal input-output curve and the desired clipping curve.
In summary, it was first demonstrated that multi-layer perccptrons with linear
Adaptive Neural Net Preprocessing for Signal Detection
??? ...,?????? .I......I???.? ~.~____-~.
-Z5 '
Figure 8: The signal detection error rate with impulsive noise when the SIN ratio
after adding the noise ranges from 5 dB to - 24 dB.
input and output nodes could approximate prespecified clipping nonlinearities required for signal detection with impulsive noise with fewer than 1,000 trials of
back-propagation training. More complex nonlinearities could also be formed but
required longer training times. Clipping nonunearities were also formed adaptively
using a multi-layer perceptron with the corrupted signal as the input and the noisefree signal as the desired output. Nonlinearities learned using this approach at high
S / N ratios were similar to those required by theory and improved signal detection
performance dramatically at low SIN ratios. Further work is necessary to further
explore the utility of this technique for forming adaptive nonlinearities. This work
should explore the robustness of the nonlinearity formed to variations in the input
S / N ratio. It should also explore the use of multi-layer perccptrons and backpropagation training for other adaptive nonlinear signal processing tasks such as
system identification, noise removal, and channel modeling.
Lippmann and Beckman
[1] G. Cybenko. Approximation by superpositions of a sigmoidal function. Research note, Department of Computer Science, Tufts University, October 1988.
[2] J. E. Evans and A. S Griffiths. Design of a sanguine noise processor based
upon world-wide extremely low frequency (elf) recordings. IEEE Transactions
on Communications, COM-22:528-539, April 1974.
[3] W. M. Huang and R. P. Lippmann. Neural net and traditional classifiers. In
D. Anderson, editor, Neural Information Processing Systems, pages 387-396,
New York, 1988. American Institute of Physics.
[4] A. Lapedes and R. Farber. How neural nets work. In D. Anderson, editor, Neural Information Processing Systems, pages 442-456, New York, 1988. American
Institute of Physics.
[5] G. G. Lorentz. The 13th problem of Hilbert. In F. E. Browder, editor, Afathematical Developments Arising from Hilbert Problems. American Mathematical
Society, Providence, R.I., 1976.
[6] D. Palmer and D. DeSieno. Removing random noise from ekg signals using a
back propagation network, 1987. HNC Inc., San Diego, CA.
[7] D. E. Rumelhart, G. E. Hinton, and R. J. Williams. Learning internal representations by error propagation. In D. E. Rumelhart and J. L. McClelland, editors,
Parallel Distributed Processing, volume 1: Foundations, chapter 8. MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA, 1986.
[8] S. Tamura and A. Wailbel. Noise reduction using connectionist models. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, volume 1: Speech Processing, pages 553-556, April 1988.
[9] B. Widrow and S. D. Stearns. Adaptive Signal Processing. Prentice-Hall, NJ,
| 148 |@word trial:5 pulse:11 propagate:1 dramatic:1 solid:2 reduction:1 initial:2 selecting:1 lapedes:2 rightmost:1 current:1 com:1 lorentz:1 realize:1 evans:1 additive:8 shape:1 designed:1 sponsored:1 drop:1 half:1 fewer:5 selected:2 plane:1 prespecified:1 provides:1 node:18 ron:1 sigmoidal:7 mathematical:2 qualitative:1 inter:4 rapid:1 roughly:7 udes:1 multi:17 actual:1 little:1 provided:4 project:1 matched:7 developed:1 lexington:1 nj:1 every:1 demonstrates:1 classifier:1 appear:1 before:2 plus:1 studied:1 resembles:1 palmer:1 range:5 decided:1 backpropagation:1 procedure:1 griffith:1 suggest:1 close:1 prentice:1 equalization:1 cancelers:1 deterministic:5 demonstrated:3 center:1 williams:1 duration:2 exploratory:1 underwater:1 variation:1 diego:1 hypothesis:1 rumelhart:2 approximated:5 bottom:1 thousand:1 region:3 substantial:1 agency:1 trained:7 upon:1 completely:1 chapter:1 effective:1 widely:1 otherwise:1 echo:1 net:9 product:1 rapidly:3 lincoln:1 intuitive:1 description:1 convergence:1 double:2 optimum:2 produce:1 illustrate:1 oo:1 widrow:1 measured:1 ij:2 indicate:1 waveform:2 clipper:1 correct:1 farber:1 filter:8 require:1 government:1 cybenko:2 hall:1 mapping:4 lm:1 vary:1 purpose:3 beckman:5 superposition:1 sensitive:1 mit:2 gaussian:14 always:1 varying:1 combiner:1 improvement:3 greatly:1 el:1 nco:2 typically:1 integrated:1 hidden:10 overall:2 classification:1 ill:1 development:1 fairly:1 equal:2 construct:1 aware:1 noisefree:1 identical:1 elf:1 connectionist:1 richard:1 phase:1 detection:19 highly:1 accurate:1 edge:1 necessary:1 desired:8 plotted:4 modeling:1 impulsive:16 ar:1 clipping:17 deviation:1 front:1 reported:1 providence:1 corrupted:3 adaptively:3 density:1 peak:1 international:1 ie:1 physic:2 reflect:1 huang:1 slowly:2 american:3 nonlinearities:18 de:2 inc:1 caused:1 depends:1 performed:2 view:1 tion:1 parallel:1 desieno:1 formed:17 air:1 percept:1 identification:1 produced:1 processor:1 detector:4 reach:1 frequency:3 resultant:1 proof:3 gain:1 hilbert:2 amplitude:4 back:14 higher:1 improved:2 april:2 ooo:3 singleoutput:1 evaluated:1 anderson:2 horizontal:1 nonlinear:11 propagation:15 impulse:4 memoryless:2 laboratory:1 mile:1 sin:13 during:2 illustrative:1 demonstrate:3 performs:1 ranging:1 instantaneous:1 recently:2 common:1 volume:2 cambridge:1 nonlinearity:27 lightning:1 dot:1 had:4 longer:1 certain:1 uncorrupted:4 minimum:3 greater:1 determine:4 strike:1 signal:45 ale:3 ii:5 smooth:2 long:1 equally:1 laplacian:1 z5:1 multilayer:1 noiseless:1 essentially:1 poisson:1 sometimes:1 tamura:1 eliminates:1 recording:1 db:11 enough:1 variety:1 moll:1 whether:3 rms:2 defense:1 utility:1 passed:1 interpolates:1 york:2 speech:2 dramatically:1 useful:2 clip:2 mcclelland:1 reduced:2 sl:1 stearns:1 punch:3 estimated:1 disjoint:2 per:1 arising:1 four:2 threshold:3 sum:1 decision:2 layer:28 noise1:1 hi:2 dash:1 ct:1 adapted:1 flat:1 speed:1 extremely:2 relatively:1 department:2 slightly:1 end:1 multiplied:1 tuft:1 robustness:1 ho:2 top:1 relati:1 society:1 objective:2 added:1 occurs:1 traditional:1 link:1 oa:1 ratio:13 difficult:1 october:1 rise:2 design:1 policy:1 modem:1 ekg:1 hinton:1 communication:2 varied:1 sharp:2 pair:1 required:12 connection:1 acoustic:2 learned:1 discontinuity:1 below:1 difficulty:1 force:1 advanced:1 hnc:1 removal:1 singlelayer:1 filtering:5 proven:1 analogy:1 versus:1 foundation:1 sufficient:1 editor:4 summary:2 distribu:1 perceptron:12 institute:2 wide:2 distributed:1 curve:6 world:1 author:1 adaptive:19 preprocessing:5 san:1 transaction:1 approximate:1 lippmann:6 receiver:4 continuous:3 promising:1 channel:2 robust:1 ca:1 complex:5 noise:51 paul:1 arrival:4 fig:16 tl:1 position:1 momentum:1 mao:1 xl:1 theorem:1 down:1 removing:1 tlte:1 sinewave:4 explored:1 adding:2 illustrates:1 hole:3 likely:1 explore:3 forming:2 expressed:1 corresponds:1 ma:2 presentation:1 careful:1 included:1 telephone:1 determined:1 discriminate:2 perceptrons:6 select:1 internal:1 constructive:1 tested:1 ex:1 |
525 | 1,480 | Ensemble Learning
for Multi-Layer Networks
David Barber?
Christopher M. Bishopt
Neural Computing Research Group
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET, U.K.
Bayesian treatments of learning in neural networks are typically
based either on local Gaussian approximations to a mode of the
posterior weight distribution, or on Markov chain Monte Carlo
simulations. A third approach, called ensemble learning, was introduced by Hinton and van Camp (1993). It aims to approximate
the posterior distribution by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the true posterior and a parametric approximating distribution. However, the derivation of a deterministic algorithm relied on the use of a Gaussian approximating distribution
with a diagonal covariance matrix and so was unable to capture
the posterior correlations between parameters. In this paper, we
show how the ensemble learning approach can be extended to fullcovariance Gaussian distributions while remaining computationally
tractable. We also extend the framework to deal with hyperparameters, leading to a simple re-estimation procedure. Initial results
from a standard benchmark problem are encouraging.
Bayesian techniques have been successfully applied to neural networks in the context of both regression and classification problems (MacKay 1992; Neal 1996). In
contrast to the maximum likelihood approach which finds only a single estimate
for the regression parameters, the Bayesian approach yields a distribution of weight
parameters, p(wID), conditional on the training data D, and predictions are ex?Present address: SNN, University of Nijmegen, Geert Grooteplein 21, Nijmegen, The
Netherlands. http://wvw.mbfys.kun . n1/snn/ email: davidbbbfys.kun.n1
tpresent address: Microsoft Research Limited, St George House, Cambridge CB2 3NH,
UK. http://vvv.research.microsoft . com email: cmbishopbicrosoft.com
D. Barber and C. M. Bishop
pressed in terms of expectations with respect to the posterior distribution (Bishop
1995). However, the corresponding integrals over weight space are analytically intractable. One well-established procedure for approximating these integrals, known
as Laplace's method, is to approximate the posterior distribution by a Gaussian,
centred at a mode of p(wID), in which the covariance of the Gaussian is determined by the local curvature of the posterior distribution (MacKay 1995). The
required integrations can then be performed analytically. More recent approaches
involve Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations to generate samples from the posterior (Neal 1996}. However, such techniques can be computationally expensive, and
they also suffer from the lack of a suitable convergence criterion.
A third approach, called ensemble learning, was introduced by Hinton and van
Camp (1993) and again involves finding a simple, analytically tractable, approximation to the true posterior distribution. Unlike Laplace's method, however, the
approximating distribution is fitted globally, rather than locally, by minimizing a
Kullback-Leibler divergence. Hinton and van Camp (1993) showed that, in the case
of a Gaussian approximating distribution with a diagonal covariance, a deterministic learning algorithm could be derived. Although the approximating distribution
is no longer constrained to coincide with a mode of the posterior, the assumption
of a diagonal covariance prevents the model from capturing the (often very strong)
posterior correlations between the parameters. MacKay (1995) suggested a modification to the algorithm by including linear preprocessing of the inputs to achieve a
somewhat richer class of approximating distributions, although this was not implemented. In this paper we show that the ensemble learning approach can be extended
to allow a Gaussian approximating distribution with an general covariance matrix,
while still leading to a tractable algorithm.
The Network Model
We consider a two-layer feed-forward network having a single output whose value
is given by
/(x,w) = LViU(Ui'X)
where w is a k-dimensional vector representing all of the adaptive parameters in the
model, x is the input vector, {ud, i = 1, ... , H are the input-to-hidden weights,
and {Vi}, i = 1, ... ,H are the hidden-to-output weights. The extension to multiple outputs is straightforward. For reasons of analytic tractability, we choose the
sigmoidal hidden-unit activation function u(a) to be given by the error function
u(a} =
f! loa
exp (-8 2/2) d8
which (when appropriately scaled) is quantitatively very similar to the standard
logistic sigmoid. Hidden unit biases are accounted for by appending the input
vector with a node that is always unity. In the current implementation there are
no output biases (and the output data is shifted to give zero mean), although the
formalism is easily extended to include adaptive output biases (Barber and Bishop
1997) . . The data set consists of N pairs of input vectors and corresponding target
output values D = {x~, t~} ,It = 1, ... , N. We make the standard assumption
of Gaussian noise on the target values, with variance (3-1. The likelihood of the
training data is then proportional to exp(-(3ED ), where the training error ED is
ED{w) =
(J{x~, w) ~
Ensemble Leamingfor Multi-Layer Networks
The prior distribution over weights is chosen to be a Gaussian of the form
exp (-Ew(w))
where Ew(w) = !wT Aw, and A is a matrix of hyper parameters. The treatment of
(3 and A is dealt with in Section 2.1. From Bayes' theorem, the posterior distribution
over weights can then be written
= z1 exp (-(3ED(w) -
where Z is a normalizing constant. Network predictions on a novel example are
given by the posterior average of the network output
(f(x)) =
f(x, w)p(wID) dw.
This represents an integration over a high-dimensional space, weighted by a posterior distribution p(wID) which is exponentially small except in narrow regions
whose locations are unknown a-priori. The accurate evaluation of such integrals is
thus very difficult.
2 .Ensemble Learning
Integrals of the form (6) may be tackled by approximating p(wID) by a simpler
distribution Q(w). In this paper we choose this approximating distribution to be
a Gaussian with mean wand covariance C. We determine the values of w and C
by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the network posterior and
approximating Gaussian, given by
F [Q]
Q(w) }
Q(w) In p(wID) dw
Q(w) In Q(w)dw -
Q(w) Inp(wID) dw.
The first term in (8) is the negative entropy of a Gaussian distribution, and is easily
evaluated to give ! In det (C) + const.
From (5) we see that the posterior dependent term in (8) contains two parts that
depend on the prior and likelihood
Note that the normalization coefficient Z-l in (5) gives rise to a constant additive
term in the KL divergence and so can be neglected. The prior term Ew (w) is
quadratic in w, and integrates to give Tr(CA) + ~wT Aw. This leaves the data
dependent term in (9) which we write as
Q(W)ED(W)dw =
"2 I: l(xl!, tl!)
l(x, t) =
Q(w) (J(x, W))2 dw - 2t
Q(w)f(x, w) dw
+ t2?
D. Barber and C. M. BisJwp
For clarity, we concentrate only on the first term in (11), as the calculation of the
term linear in I(x, w) is similar, though simpler. Writing the Gaussian integral
over Q as an average, ( ), the first term of (11) becomes
w?2) = L
To simplify the notation, we denote the set of input-to-hidden weights (Ul' ... , UH)
by u and the set of hidden-to-output weights, (VI' ... ' V H) by v. Similarly, we
partition the covariance matrix C into blocks, C uu , C vu , C vv , and C vu = C~v. As
the components of v do not enter the non-linear sigmoid functions, we can directly
integrate over v, so that each term in the summation (12) gives
+ (u - IT)T \Il ij (u - IT) + n~ (u - IT?) u (uTxi) u (uTxj))
(C vv -
\Il ij
CvuC uu -lCuV)ij
+ "hvj
C uu -IC u,v=:i C lI=:j,uC uu -1,
2C uu -ICu,lI=:jVi.
Although the remaining integration in (13) over u is not analytically tractable, we
can make use of the following result to reduce it to a one-dimensional integration
(u (z?a + ao) u (z ?b
+ bo?)z =
zaTb + bolal
Vl a l (1 + Ib 1 ) - (a b)2 z
where a and b are vectors and 0.0, bo are scalar offsets. The avera~e on the left of
(17) is over an isotropic multi-dimensional Gaussian, p(z) ex: exp( -z z/2), while the
average on the right is over the one-dimensional Gaussian p(z) ex: exp( -z2 /2). This
result follows from the fact that the vector z only occurs through the scalar product
with a and b, and so we can choose a coordinate system in which the first two
components of z lie in the plane spanned by a and b. All orthogonal components
do not appear elsewhere in the integrand, and therefore integrate to unity.
(u (zlal
+ 0.0) u
The integral we desire, (13) is only a little more complicated than (17) and can be
evaluated by first transforming the coordinate system to an isotopic basis z, and
then differentiating with respect to elements of the covariance matrix to 'pull down'
the required linear and quadratic terms in the u-independent pre-factor of (13).
These derivatives can then be reduced to a form which requires only the numerical
evaluation of (17). We have therefore succeeded in reducing the calculation of the
KL divergence to analytic terms together with a single one-dimensional numerical
integration of the form (17), which we compute using Gaussian quadrature 1 .
Similar techniques can be used to evaluate the derivatives of the KL divergence with
respect to the mean and covariance matrix (Barber and Bishop 1997). Together with
the KL divergence, these derivatives are then used in a scaled conjugate gradient
optimizer to find the parameters w and C that represent the best Gaussian fit.
The number of parameters in the covariance matrix scales quadratically with the
number of weight parameters. We therefore have also implemented a version with
1 Although (17) appears to depend on 4 parameters, it can be expressed in terms of 3
independent parameters. An alternative to performing quadrature during training would
therefore be to compute a 3-dimensionallook-up table in advance.
Ensemble Learning for Multi-Layer Networks
laplace fit
Minimum KLD fit
Minimum KL fit
Figure 1: Laplace and minimum Kullback-Leibler Gaussian fits to the posterior.
The Laplace method underestimates the local posterior mass by basing the covariance matrix on the mode alone, and has KL value 41. The minimum KullbackLeibler Gaussian fit with a diagonal covariance matrix (KLD) gives a KL value
of 4.6, while the minimum Kullback-Leibler Gaussian with full covariance matrix
achieves a value of 3.9.
a constrained covariance matrix
C = diag(di,? ? ?, d~) +
L sisT
which is the form of covariance used in factor analysis (Bishop 1997). This reduces
the number offree parameters in the covariance matrix from k(k + 1)/2 to k(s + 1)
(representing k(s + 1) - s(s - 1)/2 independent degrees of freedom) which is now
linear in k. Thus, the number of parameters can be controlled by changing sand,
unlike a diagonal covariance matrix, this model can still capture the strongest of the
posterior correlations. The value of s should be as large as possible, subject only
to computational cost limitations. There is no 'over-fitting' as s is increased since
more flexible distributions Q(w) simply better approximate the true posterior.
We illustrate the optimization of the KL divergence using a toy problem involving
the posterior distribution for a two-parameter regression problem. Figure 1 shows
the true posterior together with approximations obtained from Laplace's method,
ensemble learning with a diagonal covariance Gaussian, and ensemble learning using
an unconstrained Gaussian.
Hyperparameter Adaptation
So far, we have treated the hyperparameters as fixed. We now extend the ensemble
learning formalism to include hyperparameters within the Bayesian framework. For
simplicity, we consider a standard isotropic prior covariance matrix of the form
A = aI, and introduce hyperpriors given by Gamma distributions
lnp (a)
lnp (f3)
{aa-l exp ( -~) } + const
{f3 C- 1 exp ( -~) } + const
D. Barber and C. M. BisJwp
where a, b, c, d are constants. The joint posterior distribution of the weights and
hyperparameters is given by
p (w, a, ,BID)
P (Dlw, j3) p (wla) p (a) p (,B)
in which
lnp (Dlw,,B)
- ,BED
+ "2 In,B + const
-alwl 2 + '2 In a
lnp (wla)
+ const
We follow MacKay (1995) by modelling the joint posterior p (w, a, ,BID) by a factorized approximating distribution of the form
where Q(w) is a Gaussian distribution as before, and the functional forms of Rand
S are left unspecified. We then minimize the KL divergence
Q(w)R(a)S(,B) In
Q(W)R(a)S(,B) }
Consider first the dependence of (25) on Q(w)
- -J
Q(w)R(a)S(j3) { -,BED(W) -
Q(w) { -73ED(W) -
~lwl2 -In Q(w) } + const
~lwl2 -In Q(W)} + const
where a = J R(a)ada and 73 = J S(,B)j3d,B. We see that (27) has the form of (8),
except that the fixed hyperparameters are now replaced with their average values.
To calculate these averages, consider the dependence of the functional F on R(a)
-J +
R(a) { ;
(r - 1) Ina -In R(a)} da
where r = ~ +a and lis = ~lwl2 + ~TrC+ lib. We recognise (28) as the KullbackLeibler divergence between R(a) and a Gamma distribution. Thus the optimum
R(a) is also Gamma distributed
We therefore obtain
a r - 1 exp (-;) .
a = rs.
A similar procedure for S(,B) gives 73 = uv, where u = ~ + c and 11v = (ED) + lid,
in which (ED) has already been calculated during the optimization of Q(w) .
This defines an iterative procedure in which we start by initializing the hyperparameters (using the mean of the hyperprior distributions) and then alternately optimize
the KL divergence over Q(w) and re-estimate a and 73.
Results and Discussion
As a preliminary test of our method on a standard benchmark problem, we applied the minimum KL procedure to the Boston Housing dataset. This is a one
Ensemble Learning for Multi-Layer Networks
I Method
Ensemble (s == 1)
Ensemble (diagonal)
Test Error
Table 1: Comparison of ensemble learning with Laplace's method. The test error
is defined to be the mean squared error over the test set of 378 examples.
dimensional regression problem, with 13 inputs, in which the data for 128 training
examples was obtained from the DELVE archive 2 ? We trained a network of four
hidden units, with covariance matrix given by (18) with s = 1, and specified broad
hyperpriors on a and (3 (a = 0.25, b = 400, c = 0.05, and d = 2000). Predictions are
made by evaluating the integral in (6). This integration can be done analytically
as a consequence of the form of the sigmoid function given in (2).
We compared the performance of the KL method against the Laplace framework of
MacKay (1995) which also treats hyperparameters through a re-estimation procedure. In addition we also evaluated the performance of the ensemble method using
a diagonal covariance matrix. Our results are summarized in Table 1.
We would like to thank Chris Williams for helpful discussions. Supported by EPSRC
grant GR/J75425: Novel Developments in Learning Theory for Neural Networks.
Barber, D. and C. M. Bishop (1997). On computing the KL divergence for
Bayesian neural networks. Technical report, Neural Computing Research
Group, Aston University, Birmingham, {;.K.
Bishop, C. M. (1995). Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition. Oxford University Press.
Bishop, C. M. (1997). Latent variables, mixture distributions and topographic
mappings. Technical report, Aston University. To appear in Proceedings of
the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Learning in Graphical Models, Erice.
Hinton, G. E. and D. van Camp (1993). Keeping neural networks simple by
minimizing the description length of the weights. In Proceedings of the Sixth
Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory, pp. 5-13.
MacKay, D. J. C. (1992). A practical Bayesian framework for back-propagation
networks. Neural Computation 4 (3) , 448-472.
MacKay, D. J. C. (1995). Developments in probabilistic modelling with neural
networks--ensemble learning. In Neural Networks: Artificial Intelligence and
Industrial Applications. Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Symposium on Neural
Networks, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 14-15 September 1995, Berlin, pp. 191-198.
MacKay, D. J. C. (1995). Probable networks and plausible predictions - a review of practical Bayesian methods for supervised neural networks. Network:
Computation in Neural Systems 6(3), 469-505.
Neal, R. M. (1996). Bayesian Learning for Neural Networks. Springer. Lecture
Notes in Statistics 118.
2See http://wvv . cs. utoronto. cal "-'delve I
| 1480 |@word version:1 wla:2 grooteplein:1 simulation:2 r:1 covariance:21 pressed:1 tr:1 initial:1 contains:1 current:1 com:2 z2:1 activation:1 trc:1 written:1 numerical:2 additive:1 partition:1 analytic:2 alone:1 intelligence:1 leaf:1 plane:1 isotropic:2 tpresent:1 node:1 location:1 sigmoidal:1 simpler:2 symposium:1 consists:1 fitting:1 introduce:1 mbfys:1 multi:5 globally:1 encouraging:1 snn:2 little:1 lib:1 becomes:1 notation:1 mass:1 factorized:1 sist:1 unspecified:1 finding:1 scaled:2 uk:2 unit:3 grant:1 appear:2 before:1 local:3 treat:1 consequence:1 oxford:1 delve:2 limited:1 practical:2 vu:2 block:1 cb2:1 procedure:6 pre:1 inp:1 cal:1 context:1 writing:1 kld:2 www:1 optimize:1 deterministic:2 straightforward:1 williams:1 simplicity:1 wvv:1 spanned:1 pull:1 dw:9 geert:1 coordinate:2 laplace:9 target:2 element:1 expensive:1 recognition:1 epsrc:1 initializing:1 capture:2 calculate:1 region:1 transforming:1 ui:1 neglected:1 trained:1 depend:2 basis:1 uh:1 easily:2 joint:2 derivation:1 monte:2 artificial:1 hyper:1 whose:2 richer:1 plausible:1 statistic:1 topographic:1 housing:1 product:1 adaptation:1 achieve:1 bed:2 description:1 wvw:1 convergence:1 optimum:1 illustrate:1 ac:1 ij:3 strong:1 lna:2 implemented:2 c:1 involves:1 uu:5 concentrate:1 j75425:1 wid:8 sand:1 ao:1 preliminary:1 probable:1 summation:1 extension:1 ic:1 exp:9 mapping:1 optimizer:1 achieves:1 estimation:2 birmingham:2 integrates:1 basing:1 successfully:1 weighted:1 gaussian:23 always:1 aim:1 rather:1 derived:1 modelling:2 likelihood:3 contrast:1 industrial:1 camp:4 helpful:1 dependent:2 vl:1 typically:1 hidden:7 jq:1 classification:1 flexible:1 priori:1 development:2 constrained:2 integration:6 mackay:8 uc:1 f3:2 having:1 represents:1 broad:1 t2:1 report:2 quantitatively:1 simplify:1 gamma:3 divergence:12 hvj:1 replaced:1 n1:2 microsoft:2 freedom:1 evaluation:2 mixture:1 chain:2 accurate:1 integral:7 succeeded:1 orthogonal:1 hyperprior:1 re:3 nij:1 fitted:1 increased:1 formalism:2 ada:1 tractability:1 cost:1 gr:1 kullbackleibler:2 aw:2 st:1 probabilistic:1 together:3 again:1 squared:1 choose:3 d8:1 derivative:3 leading:2 li:3 toy:1 centred:1 summarized:1 coefficient:1 vi:2 performed:1 start:1 bayes:1 relied:1 complicated:1 utx:1 minimize:1 il:2 variance:1 ensemble:17 yield:1 dealt:1 bayesian:8 carlo:2 strongest:1 ed:9 email:2 sixth:1 against:1 underestimate:1 pp:2 di:1 dataset:1 treatment:2 dlw:2 back:1 appears:1 feed:1 jvi:1 supervised:1 follow:1 rand:1 evaluated:3 though:1 done:1 correlation:3 christopher:1 lack:1 propagation:1 defines:1 mode:4 logistic:1 true:4 analytically:5 leibler:5 neal:3 avera:1 deal:1 offree:1 during:2 criterion:1 isotopic:1 novel:2 sigmoid:3 functional:2 b4:1 exponentially:1 nh:1 ncrg:1 extend:2 cambridge:1 enter:1 ai:1 rd:1 unconstrained:1 uv:1 mathematics:1 similarly:1 alwl:1 longer:1 curvature:1 posterior:25 recent:1 showed:1 lnp:4 minimum:6 george:1 somewhat:1 determine:1 ud:1 multiple:1 full:1 reduces:1 technical:2 calculation:2 controlled:1 prediction:4 involving:1 regression:4 j3:3 expectation:1 represent:1 normalization:1 addition:1 appropriately:1 unlike:2 archive:1 subject:1 vvv:1 bid:3 fit:6 reduce:1 det:1 qj:1 ul:1 suffer:1 involve:1 netherlands:2 locally:1 reduced:1 http:4 generate:1 shifted:1 write:1 hyperparameter:1 group:2 four:1 clarity:1 changing:1 wand:1 recognise:1 capturing:1 layer:5 tackled:1 quadratic:2 annual:2 integrand:1 performing:1 department:1 conjugate:1 unity:2 lid:1 modification:1 computationally:2 tractable:4 hyperpriors:2 appending:1 alternative:1 remaining:2 include:2 graphical:1 const:8 approximating:12 already:1 occurs:1 parametric:1 dependence:2 diagonal:8 september:1 gradient:1 unable:1 thank:1 berlin:1 chris:1 barber:7 reason:1 length:1 minimizing:4 kun:2 difficult:1 nijmegen:3 negative:1 rise:1 implementation:1 unknown:1 markov:2 benchmark:2 hinton:4 extended:3 david:1 introduced:2 pair:1 required:2 kl:13 specified:1 z1:1 quadratically:1 narrow:1 established:1 alternately:1 address:2 suggested:1 pattern:1 including:1 suitable:1 treated:1 oij:2 advanced:1 representing:2 aston:4 prior:4 review:1 acknowledgement:1 ina:1 lecture:1 limitation:1 proportional:1 integrate:2 degree:1 elsewhere:1 accounted:1 loa:1 supported:1 keeping:1 bias:3 allow:1 vv:2 institute:1 differentiating:1 van:4 distributed:1 calculated:1 evaluating:1 forward:1 made:1 adaptive:2 coincide:1 preprocessing:1 far:1 approximate:3 nato:1 kullback:5 iterative:1 latent:1 table:3 ca:1 icu:1 diag:1 da:1 noise:1 hyperparameters:7 quadrature:2 tl:1 xl:1 lie:1 house:1 ib:1 third:2 theorem:1 down:1 bishop:8 utoronto:1 offset:1 normalizing:1 intractable:1 boston:1 entropy:1 simply:1 prevents:1 desire:1 expressed:1 bo:2 scalar:2 springer:2 aa:1 conditional:1 determined:1 except:2 reducing:1 wt:2 called:2 ew:5 evaluate:1 ex:3 |
526 | 1,481 | The Error Coding and Substitution PaCTs
Department of Statistics, Stanford University
A new class of plug in classification techniques have recently been developed in the statistics and machine learning literature. A plug in classification technique (PaCT) is a method that takes a standard classifier
(such as LDA or TREES) and plugs it into an algorithm to produce a
new classifier. The standard classifier is known as the Plug in Classifier (PiC). These methods often produce large improvements over using
a single classifier. In this paper we investigate one of these methods and
give some motivation for its success.
1 Introduction
Dietterich and Bakiri (1995) suggested the following method, motivated by Error Correcting Coding Theory, for solving k class classification problems using binary classifiers.
? Produce a k by B (B large) binary coding matrix, ie a matrix of zeros and ones.
We will denote this matrix by Z, its i, jth component by Zij, its ith row by Zi and
its j th column by zj.
? Use the first column of the coding matrix (Zl) to create two super groups by
assigning all groups with a one in the corresponding element of Zl to super group
one and all other groups to super group zero.
? Train your plug in classifier (PiC) on the new two class problem.
? Repeat the process for each of the B columns (Zl, Z2, ... ,ZB) to produce B
trained classifiers.
? For a new test point apply each of the B classifiers to it. Each classifier will
produce a 'Pi which is the estimated probability the test point comes from the
jth super group one. This will produce a vector of probability estimates, f> =
(PI , ih., . .. ,PB) T .
The Error Coding and Substitution PaCTs
? To classify the point calculate Li = 2::=1 IPi - Zij I for each of the k groups (ie
for i from 1 to k). This is the LI distance between p and Zi (the ith row of Z).
Classify to the group with lowest L 1 distance or equivalently argi min Li
We call this the ECOC PaCT. Each row in the coding matrix corresponds to a unique (nonminimal) coding for the appropriate class. Dietterich's motivation was that this allowed
errors in individual classifiers to be corrected so if a small number of classifiers gave a
bad fit they did not unduly influence the final classification. Several PiC's have been tested.
The best results were obtained by using tree's, so all the experiments in this paper are stated
using a standard CART PiC. Note however, that the theorems are general to any Pic.
In the past it has been assumed that the improvements shown by this method were attributable to the error coding structure and much effort has been devoted to choosing an
optimal coding matrix. In this paper we develop results which suggest that a randomized
coding matrix should match (or exceed) the performance of a designed matrix.
2 The Coding Matrix
Empirical results (see Dietterich and Bakiri (1995? suggest that the ECOC PaCT can produce large improvements over a standard k class tree classifier. However, they do not shed
any light on why this should be the case. To answer this question we need to explore its
probability structure. The coding matrix, Z, is central to the PaCT. In the past the usual
approach has been to choose one with as large a separation between rows (Zi) as possible
(in terms of hamming distance) on the basis that this allows the largest number of errors
to be corrected. In the next two sections we will examine the tradeoffs between a designed
(deterministic) and a completely randomized matrix.
Some of the results that follow will make use of the following assumption.
I Z,X] = LZiiqi = ZjT q
= 1, ... ,B
where qi = P (Gil X) is the posterior probability that the test observation is from group
i given that our predictor variable is X. This is an unbiasedness assumption. It states that
on average our classifier will estimate the probability of being in super group one correctly.
The assumption is probably not too bad given that trees are considered to have low bias.
Deterministic Coding Matrix
Let Di = 1 - 2Ld B for i = 1 ... k. Notice that ar& min Li = arg i max Di so using Di
to classify is identical to the ECOC PaCT. Theorem 3 in section 2.2 explains why this is an
intuitive transformation to use.
Obviously no PaCT can outperform the Bayes Classifier. However we would hope that it
would achieve the Bayes Error Rate when we use the Bayes Classifier as our PiC for each
2 class problem. We have defined this property as Bayes Optimality. Bayes Optimality is
essentially a consistency result It states, if our PiC converges to the Bayes Classifier, as
the training sample size increases, then so will the PaCT.
Definition 1 A PaCT is said to be Bayes Optimal if, for any test set, it always classifies to
the bayes group when the Bayes Classifier is our PiC.
For the ECOC PaCT this means that argi max qi = argi max D i , for all points in the
predictor space, when we use the Bayes Classifier as our Pic. However it can be shown
that in this case
= 1, ... ,k
G. James and T. Hastie
It is not clear from this expression why there should be any guarantee that argi max Vi =
argi max qi . In fact the following theorem tells us that only in very restricted circumstances
will the ECOC PaCT be Bayes Optimal.
Theorem 1 The Error Coding method is Bayes Optimal iff the Hamming distance between
every pair of rows of the coding matrix is equal.
The hamming distance between two binary vectors is the number of points where they
differ. For general B and k there is no known way to generate a matrix with this property
so the ECOC PaCT will not be Bayes Optimal.
Random Coding Matrix
We have seen in the previous section that there are potential problems with using a deterministic matrix. Now suppose we randomly generate a coding matrix by choosing a zero
or one with equal probability for every coordinate. Let Pi = E(I- 21ih - Zilll T) where
T is the training set. Then Pi is the conditional expectation of Di and we can prove the
following theorem.
Theorem 2 For a random coding matrix, conditional on T, argi max Vi --+ argi max Pi
a.s. as B --+ 00. Or in other words the classification from the ECOC PaCT approaches the
classification from just using argi max Pi a.s.
This leads to corollary 1 which indicates we have eliminated the main concern of a deterministic matrix.
Corollary 1 When the coding matrix is randomly chosen the ECOC PaCT is asymptotically Bayes Optimal ie argi max Di --+ argi max qi a.s. as B --+ 00
This theorem is a consequence of the strong law. Theorems 2 and 3 provide motivation for
the ECOC procedure.
Theorem 3 Under assumption 1 for a randomly generated coding matrix
E j) i = E Pi = qi
i = 1 ... k
This tells us that Vi is an unbiased estimate of the conditional probability so classifying to
the maximum is in a sense an unbiased estimate of the Bayes classification.
Now theorem 2 tells us that for large B the ECOC PaCT will be similar to classifying using
argi max ILi only. However what we mean by large depends on the rate of convergence.
Theorem 4 tells us that this rate is in fact exponential.
Theorem 4 lfwe randomly choose Z then, conditional on T , for any fixed X
Pr(argi max Vi
argi max ILi) ::; (k - 1) . e- mB
for some constant m.
Note that theorem 4 does not depend on assumption 1. This tells us that the error rate for
the ECOC PaCT is equal to the error rate using argi max Pi plus a tenn which decreases
exponentially in the limit. This result can be proved using Hoeffding's inequality (Hoeffding (1963?.
Of course this only gives an upper bound on the error rate and does not necessarily indicate
the behavior for smaller values of B. Under certain conditions a Taylor expansion indicates
that Pr(argi maxDi i argi maxPi) :::::: 0.5 - mVE for small values of mVE. So we
The Error Coding and Substitution PaCTs
1/sqrt(B) convergence
lIB convergence
Figure 1: Best fit curves for rates 1/VB and 1/ B
might expect that for smaller values of B the error rate decreases as some power of B but
that as B increases the change looks more and more exponential.
To test this hypothesis we calculated the error rates for 6 different values of B
(15,26,40,70,100,200) on the LEITER data set (available from the Irvine Repository
of machine learning). Each value of B contains 5 points corresponding to 5 random matrices. Each point is the average over 20 random training sets. Figure 1 illustrates the results.
Here we have two curves. The lower curve is the best fit of 1/VB to the first four groups.
It fits those groups well but under predicts errors for the last two groups. The upper curve
is the best fit of 1/ B to the last four groups. It fits those groups well but over predicts errors
for the first two groups. This supports our hypothesis that the error rate is moving through
the powers of B towards an exponential fit.
We can see from the figure that even for relatively low values of B the reduction in error
rate has slowed substantially. This indicates that almost all the remaining errors are a result
of the error rate of argi max J-li which we can not reduce by changing the coding matrix.
The coding matrix can be viewed as a method for sampling from the distribution of
1- 21pj - Zij I. If we sample randomly we will estimate J-li (its mean). It is well known that
the optimal way to estimate such a parameter is by random sampling so it is not possible to
improve on this by designing the coding matrix. Of course it may be possible to improve
on argi max J-li by using the training data to influence the sampling procedure and hence
estimating a different quantity. However a designed coding matrix does not use the training
data. It should not be possible to improve on random sampling by using such a procedure
(as has been attempted in the past).
Why does the ECOC PaCT work?
The easiest way to motivate why the ECOC PaCT works, in the case of tree classifiers, is
to consider a very similar method which we call the Substitution PaCT. We will show that
under certain conditions the ECOC PaC!' is very similar to the Substitution PaCT and then
motivate the success of the later.
G. James and T. Hastie
Substitution PaCT
The Substitution PaCT uses a coding matrix to fonn many different trees just as the ECOC
PaCT does. However, instead of using the transformed training data to fonn a probability
estimate for each two class problem, we now plug the original (ie k-class) training data back
into the new tree. We use this training data to fonn probability estimates and classifications
just as we would with a regular tree. The only difference is in how the tree is fonned.
Therefore, unlike the ECOC PaCT, each tree will produce a probability estimate for each
of the k classes. For each class we simply average the probability estimate for that class
is the probability estimate for the Substitution PaCT, then
over our B trees. So if
pf =
B LPij
where Pij is the probability estimate for the ith group for the tree fonned from the jth
column of the coding matrix.
Theorem 5 shows that under certain conditions the ECOC PaCT can be thought of as an
approximation to the Substitution PaCT.
Theorem 5 Suppose that Pij is independentfrom the jth column of the coding matrix, for
all i and j. Then as B approaches infinity the ECOC PaCT and Substitution PaCT will
converge ie they will give identical classification rules.
The theorem depends on an unrealistic assumption. However, empirically it is well known
that trees are unstable and a small change in the data set can cause a large change in the
structure of the tree so it may be reasonable to suppose that there is a low correlation.
To test this empirically we ran the ECOC and Substitution PaCT's on a simulated data
set. The data set was composed of 26 classes. Each class was distributed as a bivariate
normal with identity covariance matrix and uniformly distributed means. The training data
consisted of 10 observations from each group. Figure 2 shows a plot of the estimated
probabilities for each of the 26 classes and 1040 test data points averaged over 10 training
data sets. Only points where the true posterior probability is greater than 0.01 have been
plotted since groups with insignificant probabilities are unlikely to affect the classification.
If the two groups were producing identical estimates we would expect the data points to
lie on the dotted 45 degree.line. Clearly this is not the case. The Substitution PaCT is
systematically shrinking the probability estimates. However there is a very clear linear
relationship (R2 :::::: 95%) and since we are only interested in the arg max for each test
point we might expect similar classifications. In fact this is the. case with fewer than 4% of
points correctly classified by one group but not the other.
Why does the Substitution PaCT work?
The fact that
is an average of probability estimates suggests that a reduction in variability may be an explanation for the success of the Substitution PaCT. Unfortunately it
has been well shown (see for example Friedman (1996? that a reduction in variance of
the probability estimates does not necessarily correspond to a reduction in the error rate.
However theorem 6 provides simplifying assumptions under which a relationship between
the two quantities exists.
Theorem 6 Suppose that
(a[ > 0)
(af > 0)
The Error Coding and Substitution PaCTs
Eeoc probabilitJea
Figure 2: Probability estimates from both the ECOC and Substitution PaCT's
where eS and eT have identical joint distributions with variance 1. pT is the probability
estimate of the ith group for a k class tree method, ao and al are constants and qi is the
true posterior probability. Let
'V _
1 )
V ar(pil / a 1 )
and p = corr(pil ,Pi2) (assumed constantfor all i). Then
Pr(argmaxP7 = argmaxqi) ~ Pr(argmaxp; = argmaxqi)
- 'Y - P
The theorem states that under fairly general conditions, the probability that the Substitution
PaCT gives the same classification as the Bayes classifier is at least as great as that for the
tree method provided that the standardized variability is low enough. It should be noted
that only in the case of two groups is there a direct correspondence between the error rate
and 5. The inequality in 5 is strict for most common distributions (e.g. normal, uniform,
exponential and gamma) of e.
Now there is reason to believe that in general p will be small. This is a result of the
empirical variability of tree classifiers. A small change in the training set can cause a large
change in the structure of the tree and also the final probability estimates. So by changing
the super group coding we might expect a probability estimate that is fairly unrelated to
previous estimates and hence a low correlation.
To test the accuracy of this theory we examined the results from the simulation performed in
section 3.1. We wished to estimate 'Y and p. The following table summarizes our estimates
for the variance and standardizing (al) terms from the simulated data set.
I Classifier
Substitution PaCT
Tree Method
G. James and T. Hastie
B (log scale)
Figure 3: Error rates on the simulated data set for tree method, Substitution PaCf and
ECOC PaCT plotted against B (on log scale)
These quantities give us an estimate for, of l' 0.227 We also derived an estimate for p
of p = 0.125
We see that p is less than, so provided B ~ ~=~ ~ 8.6 we should see an improvement
in the Substitution PaCT over a k class tree classifier. Figure 3 shows that the Substitution
error rate drops below that of the tree classifier at almost exactly this point.
The ECOC PaCT was originally envisioned as an adaption of error coding ideas to classification problems. Our results indicate that the error coding matrix is simply a method
for randomly sampling from a fixed distribution. This idea is very similar to the Bootstrap where we randomly sample from the empirical distribution for a fixed data set. There
you are trying to estimate the variability of some parameter. Your estimate will have two
sources of error, randomness caused by sampling from the empirical distribution and the
randomness from the data set itself. In our case we have the same two sources of error,
error caused by sampling from 1 - 2!ftj - Zij! to estimate J-ti and error's caused by J-t itself.
In both cases the first sort of error will reduce rapidly and it is the second type we are really
interested in. It is possible to motivate the reduction in error rate of using argi max J-ti in
terms of a decrease in variability, provided B is large enough and our correlation (p) is
small enough.
Dietterich, T.G. and Bakiri G. (1995) Solving Multiclass Learning Problems via ErrorCorrecting Output Codes, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 2 (1995) 263-286
Diet~rich, T. G. and Kong, E. B. (1995) Error-Correcting Output Coding Corrects Bias
and Variance, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Machine Learning pp.
313-321 Morgan Kaufmann
Friedman, 1.H. (1996) On Bias, Variance, Oil-loss, and the Curse of Dimensionality, Dept
of Statistics, Stanford University, Technical Report
Hoeffding, W. (1963) Probability Inequalities for Sums of Bounded Random Variables.
"Journal of the American Statistical Association", March, 1963
| 1481 |@word kong:1 repository:1 simulation:1 covariance:1 simplifying:1 fonn:3 ld:1 reduction:5 substitution:21 contains:1 zij:4 past:3 z2:1 assigning:1 designed:3 plot:1 drop:1 tenn:1 fewer:1 intelligence:1 ith:4 provides:1 ipi:1 direct:1 prove:1 behavior:1 examine:1 ecoc:23 curse:1 pf:4 lib:1 provided:3 classifies:1 estimating:1 unrelated:1 bounded:1 lowest:1 what:1 easiest:1 substantially:1 developed:1 transformation:1 guarantee:1 every:2 ti:2 shed:1 exactly:1 classifier:25 zl:3 producing:1 limit:1 consequence:1 might:3 plus:1 examined:1 suggests:1 co:3 averaged:1 unique:1 bootstrap:1 procedure:3 empirical:4 thought:1 word:1 regular:1 suggest:2 influence:2 deterministic:4 correcting:2 rule:1 coordinate:1 pt:2 suppose:4 us:1 designing:1 hypothesis:2 element:1 predicts:2 calculate:1 decrease:3 ran:1 envisioned:1 trained:1 depend:1 solving:2 motivate:3 basis:1 completely:1 joint:1 train:1 artificial:1 tell:5 choosing:2 stanford:2 statistic:3 itself:2 final:2 obviously:1 lpij:1 eeoc:1 mb:1 rapidly:1 iff:1 achieve:1 intuitive:1 convergence:3 produce:8 argmaxp:1 converges:1 pi2:1 develop:1 wished:1 strong:1 come:1 indicate:2 differ:1 explains:1 ja:1 ao:1 really:1 considered:1 normal:2 great:1 largest:1 create:1 hope:1 clearly:1 always:1 super:6 corollary:2 derived:1 improvement:4 indicates:3 sense:1 unlikely:1 transformed:1 interested:2 arg:2 classification:13 fairly:2 equal:3 eliminated:1 sampling:7 identical:4 look:1 report:1 randomly:7 composed:1 gamma:1 individual:1 friedman:2 investigate:1 light:1 devoted:1 tree:23 taylor:1 plotted:2 column:5 classify:3 ar:2 predictor:2 uniform:1 argi:19 too:1 answer:1 unbiasedness:1 international:1 randomized:2 ie:5 corrects:1 central:1 choose:2 hoeffding:3 american:1 li:7 potential:1 standardizing:1 coding:33 caused:3 vi:4 depends:2 later:1 performed:1 bayes:16 sort:1 pil:2 accuracy:1 variance:5 kaufmann:1 correspond:1 randomness:2 classified:1 sqrt:1 trevor:1 definition:1 against:1 pp:1 james:4 di:5 hamming:3 irvine:1 proved:1 dimensionality:1 back:1 originally:1 follow:1 diet:1 just:3 correlation:3 lda:1 believe:1 oil:1 dietterich:4 consisted:1 unbiased:2 true:2 hence:2 noted:1 trying:1 recently:1 common:1 empirically:2 exponentially:1 association:1 consistency:1 moving:1 posterior:3 certain:3 inequality:3 binary:3 success:3 seen:1 morgan:1 greater:1 converge:1 ii:1 technical:1 match:1 plug:6 af:1 qi:6 essentially:1 circumstance:1 expectation:1 source:2 unlike:1 probably:1 strict:1 cart:1 call:2 exceed:1 enough:3 affect:1 fit:7 zi:3 gave:1 hastie:4 reduce:2 idea:2 tradeoff:1 multiclass:1 motivated:1 expression:1 effort:1 cause:2 clear:2 generate:2 maxpi:1 outperform:1 zj:1 notice:1 dotted:1 gil:1 estimated:2 correctly:2 group:25 four:2 pb:1 changing:2 pj:1 asymptotically:1 sum:1 you:1 almost:2 reasonable:1 separation:1 summarizes:1 vb:2 bound:1 correspondence:1 infinity:1 your:2 min:2 optimality:2 relatively:1 department:1 march:1 smaller:2 slowed:1 restricted:1 pr:4 errorcorrecting:1 fji:1 available:1 apply:1 appropriate:1 original:1 standardized:1 remaining:1 bakiri:3 question:1 quantity:3 usual:1 said:1 distance:5 simulated:3 unstable:1 reason:1 code:1 relationship:2 equivalently:1 unfortunately:1 stated:1 upper:2 observation:2 variability:5 pic:9 pair:1 unduly:1 suggested:1 below:1 ftj:1 max:18 explanation:1 power:2 unrealistic:1 pact:42 improve:3 literature:1 law:1 loss:1 expect:4 var:1 degree:1 pij:2 systematically:1 classifying:2 pi:8 row:5 course:2 repeat:1 mve:2 last:2 jth:4 bias:3 distributed:2 curve:4 calculated:1 rich:1 fonned:2 assumed:2 why:6 table:1 expansion:1 necessarily:2 did:1 main:1 motivation:3 allowed:1 attributable:1 shrinking:1 exponential:4 lie:1 theorem:19 bad:2 pac:1 r2:1 insignificant:1 concern:1 bivariate:1 exists:1 ih:2 corr:1 ci:1 illustrates:1 zjt:1 simply:2 explore:1 corresponds:1 adaption:1 gareth:1 conditional:4 viewed:1 identity:1 towards:1 change:5 corrected:2 uniformly:1 zb:1 ili:2 e:1 attempted:1 support:1 dept:1 tested:1 |
527 | 1,482 | A Principle for Unsupervised
Hierarchical Decomposition of Visual Scenes
Michael C. Mozer
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309-0430
Structure in a visual scene can be described at many levels of granularity. At a coarse level, the scene is composed of objects; at a finer level,
each object is made up of parts, and the parts of subparts. In this work, I
propose a simple principle by which such hierarchical structure can be
extracted from visual scenes: Regularity in the relations among different
parts of an object is weaker than in the internal structure of a part. This
principle can be applied recursively to define part-whole relationships
among elements in a scene. The principle does not make use of object
models, categories, or other sorts of higher-level knowledge; rather,
part-whole relationships can be established based on the statistics of a
set of sample visual scenes. I illustrate with a model that performs unsupervised decomposition of simple scenes. The model can account for
the results from a human learning experiment on the ontogeny of partwhole relationships.
The structure in a visual scene can be described at many levels of granularity. Consider the scene in Figure I a. At a coarse level, the scene might be said to consist of stick
man and stick dog. However, stick man and stick dog themselves can be decomposed further. One might describe stick man as having two components, a head and a body. The
head in turn can be described in terms of its parts: the eyes, nose, and mouth. This sort of
scene decomposition can continue recursively down to the level of the primitive visual features. Figure I b shows a partial decomposition of the scene in Figure I a.
A scene decomposition establishes part-whole relationships among objects. For
example, the mouth (a whole) consists of two parts, the teeth and the lips. If we assume
that any part can belong to only one whole, the decomposition imposes a hierarchical
structure over the elements in the scene.
Where does this structure come from? What makes an object an object, a part a part?
I propose a simple principle by which such hierarchical structure can be extracted from
visual scenes and incorporate the principle in a simulation model. The principle is based
on the statistics of the visual environment, not on object models or other sorts of higherlevel knowledge, or on a teacher to classify objects or their parts.
Hierarchical Decomposition of Visual Scenes
Parts combine to form objects. Parts are combined in different ways to form different
objects and different instances of an object. Consequently, the structural relations among
different parts of an object are less regular than is the internal structure of a part. To illustrate, consider Figure 2, which depicts four instances of a box shell and lid. The components of the lid-the top and the handle-appear in a regular configuration, as do the
components of the shell-the sides and base-but the relation of the lid to the shell is variable. Thus, configural regularity is an indication that components should be grouped
together to form a unit. I call this the regularity principle. Other variants of the regularity
principle have been suggested by Becker (1995) and Tenenbaum (1994).
The regularity depicted in Figure 2 is quite rigid: one component of a part always
occurs in a fixed spatial position relative to another. The regularity principle can also be
cast in terms of abstract relationships such as containment and encirclement. The only difference is the featural representation that subserves the regularity discovery process. In
this paper, however, I address primarily regularities that are based on physical features and
fixed spatial relationships. Another generalization of the regularity principle is that it can
be applied recursively to suggest not only parts of wholes, but subparts of parts .
According to the regularity principle, information is implicit in the environment that
can be used to establish part-whole relationships. This information comes in the form of
statistical regularities among features in a visual scene. The regularity principle does not
depend on explicit labeling of parts or objects.
In contrast, Schyns and Murphy (1992, 1993) have suggested a theory of part ontogeny that presupposes explicit categorization of objects. They propose a homogeneity principle which states that "if a fragment of a stimulus plays a consistent role in
categorization, the perceptual parts composing the fragment are instantiated as a single
unit in the stimulus representation in memory." Their empirical studies with human subjects find support for the homogeneity principle.
Superficially, the homogeneity and regularity principles seem quite different: while
the homogeneity principle applies to supervised category learning (i.e., with a teacher to
classify instances), the regularity principle applies to unsupervised discovery. But it is possible to transform one learning paradigm into the other. For example, in a category learning task, if only one category is to be learned and if the training examples are all positive
instances of the category, then inducing the defining characteristics of the category is
equivalent to extracting regularities in the stimulus environment. Thus, category learning
in a diverse stimulus environment can be conceptualized as unsupervised regularity
extraction in multiple, narrow stimulus environments (each environment being formed by
taking all positive instances of a given class).
stick dog
stick man
nose mouth
torso leg
FIGURE 1. (a) A graphical depiction of stick man and his faithful companion, stick dog; (b) a
partial decomposition of the scene into its parts.
FIGURE 2. Four different instances of a box with a lid
M. C. Mozer
There are several other differences between the regularity principle proposed here
and the homogeneity principle of Schyns and Murphy, but they are minor. Schyns and
Murphy seem to interpret "fragment" more narrowly as spatially contiguous perceptual
features. They also don't address the hierarchical nature of part-whole relationships.
Nonetheless, the two principles share the notion of using the statistical structure of the
visual environment to establish part-whole relations.
I have incorporated the regularity principle into a neural net that discovers partwhole relations in its environment. Neural nets, having powerful learning paradigms for
unsupervised discovery, are well suited for this task. However, they have a fundamental
difficulty representing complex, articulated data structures of the sort necessary to encode
hierarchies (but see Pollack, 1988, and Smolensky, 1990, for promising advances). I thus
begin by describing a novel representation scheme for hierarchical structures that can
readily be integrated into a neural net.
The tree structure in Figure I b depicts one representation of a hierarchical decomposition. The complete tree has as its leaf nodes the primitive visual features of the scene.
The tree specifies the relationships among the visual features. There is another way of capturing these relationships, more connectionist in spirit than the tree structure. The idea is
to assign to each primitive feature a tag-a scalar in [0, I)-such that features within a
subtree have similar values. For the features of stick man, possible tags might be: eyes .1,
nose .2, lips .28, teeth .32, arm .6, torso .7, leg .8.
Denoting the set of all features having tags in [a, ~] by Sea, ~), one can specify any
subtree of the stick man representation. For example, S(O, 1) includes all features of stick
man; S(0,.5) includes all features in the subtree whose root is stick man's head, S(.5,I) his
body; S(.25,.35) indicates the parts of the mouth. By a simple algorithm, tags can be
assigned to the leaf nodes of any tree such that any subtree can be selected by specifying
an appropriate tag range. The only requirement for this algorithm is knowledge of the
maximum branching factor. There is no fixed limit to the depth of the tree that can be thus
represented; however, the deeper the tree, the finer the tag resolution that wiII be needed.
The tags provide a "flat" way of representing hierarchical structure. Although the
tree is implicit in the representation, the tags convey all information in the tree, and thus
can capture complex, articulated structures. The tags in fact convey additional information. For example in the above feature list, note that lips is closer to nose than teeth is to
nose. This information can easily be ignored, but it is still worth observing that the tags
carry extra baggage not present in the symbolic tree structure.
It is convenient to represent the tags on a range [0, 21t) rather than [0, I]. This allows
the tag to be identified with a directional-or angular-value. Viewed as part of a cyclic
continuum, the directional tags are homogeneous, in contrast to the linear tags where tags
near and 1 have special status by virtue of being at endpoints of the continuum. Homogeneity results in a more elegant model, as described below.
The directional tags also permit a neurophysiological interpretation, albeit speculative. It has been suggested that synchronized oscillatory activities in the nervous system
can be used to convey information above and beyond that contained in the average firing
rate of individual neurons (e.g., Eckhorn et aI., 1988; Gray et aI., 1989; von der Malsburg,
1981). These osciIIations vary in their phase, the relative offset of the bursts. The directional tags could map directly to phases of oscillations, providing a means of implementing the tagging in neocortex.
Many learning paradigms allow for the djscovery of regUlarity. I have used an
autoencoder architecture (Plaut, Nowlan, & Hinton, 1986) that maps an input pattern-a
Hierarchical Decomposition of Visual Scenes
representation of visual features in a scene-to an output pattern via a small layer of hidden units. The goal of this type of architecture is for the network to reproduce the input
pattern over the output units. The task requires discovery of regularities because the hidden layer serves as an encoding bottleneck that limits the representational capacity of the
system. Consequently, stronger regularities (the most common patterns) will be encoded
over the weaker.
We now need to combine the autoencoder architecture with the notion of tags such
that regularity of feature configurations in the input will increase the likelihood that the
features will be assigned the same tags.
This goal can be achieved using a model we developed for segmenting an image into
different objects using supervised learning. The model, MAGIC (Mozer, Zemel, Behrmann, & Williams, 1992), was trained on images containing several visual objects and its
task was to tag features according to which object they belonged. A teacher provided the
target tags. Each unit in MAGIC conveys two distinct values: a probability that a feature is
present, which I will call the feature activity, and a tag associated with the feature. The tag
is a directional (angular) value, of the sort suggested earlier. (The tag representation is in
reality a complex number whose direction corresponds to the directional value and whose
magnitude is related to the unit's confidence in the direction. As this latter aspect of the
representation is not central to the present work, I discuss it no further.)
The architecture is a two layer recurrent net. The input or feature layer is set of spatiotopic arrays-in most simulations having dimensions 25x25-each array containing
detectors for features of a given type: oriented line segments at 0 ,45 ,90 and 135 In
addition, there is a layer of hidden units. Each hidden unit is reciprocally connected to
input from a local spatial patch of the input array; in the current simulations, the patch has
dimensions 4x4. For each patch there is a corresponding fixed-size pool of hidden units.
To achieve a translation invariant response across the image, the pools are arranged in a
spatiotopic array in which neighboring pools respond to neighboring patches and the
patch-to-pool weights are constrained to be the same at all locations in the array. There are
interlayer connections, but no intralayer connections.
The images presented to MAGIC consist of an arrangement of features over the input
array. The feature activity is clamped on (i.e., the feature is present), and the initial directional tag of the feature is set at random. Feature unit activities and tags feed to the hidden
units, which in turn feed back to the feature units. Through a relaxation process, the system settles on an assignment of tags to the feature units (as well as to the hidden units,
although read out from the model concerns only the feature units). MAGIC is a mean-field
approximation to a stochastic network of directional units with binary-gated outputs
(Zemel, Williams, & Mozer, 1995). This means that a mean-field energy functional can be
written that expresses the network state and controls the dynamics; consequently, MAGIC
is guaranteed to converge to a stable pattern of tags.
Each hidden unit detects a spatially local configuration offeatures, and it acts to reinstate a pattern of tags over the configuration. By adjusting its incoming and outgoing
weights during training, the hidden unit is made to respond to configurations that are consistently tagged in the training set. For example, if the training set contains many corner
junctions where horizontal and vertical lines come to a point and if the teacher tags all features composing these lines as belonging to the same object, then a hidden unit might
learn to detect this configuration, and when it does so, to force the tags of the component
features to be the same.
In our earlier work, MAGIC was trained to map the feature activity pattern to a target
pattern of feature tags, where there was a distinct tag for each object in the image. In the
present work, the training objective is rather to impose uniform tags over the features.
Additionally, the training objective encourages MAGIC to reinstate the feature activity
M C. Mozer
Iteration 1
,, - , ---~-
Iteration 2
Iteration 4
Iteration 6
Iteration II
----- -;,- ~
Directional Tag Spectrum
1 1
FIGURE 3. The state of MAGIC as processing proceeds for an image composed of a pair of
lines made out of horizontal and vertical line segments. The coloring of a segment represents
the directional tag. The segments belonging to a line are randomly tagged initially; over
processing iterations, these tags are brought into alignment.
pattern over the feature units; that is, the hidden units must encode and propagate information back to the feature units that is sufficient to specify the feature activities (if the feature
activities weren't clamped). With this training criterion, MAGIC becomes a type of
autoencoder. The key property of MAGIC is that it can assign a feature configuration the
same tag only if it learns to encode the configuration. If an arrangement is not encoded,
there will be no force to align the feature tags. Further, fixed weak inhibitory connections
between every pair of feature units serve to spread the tags apart if the force to align them
is not strong enough.
Note that this training paradigm does not require a teacher to tag features as belonging to one part or another. MAGIC will try to tag all features as belonging to the same part,
but it is able to do so only for configurations of features that it is able to encode. Consequently, highly regular and recurring configurations will be grouped together, and irregular
configurations will be pulled apart. The strength of grouping will be proportional to the
degree of regularity.
To illustrate the behavior of the model, I show a simple simulation in which MAGIC
is trained on pairs of lines, one vertical and one horizontal. Each line is made up of 6
colinear line segments. The segments are primitive input features of the model. The two
lines may appear in different positions relative to one another. Hence, the strongest regularity is in the segments that make up a line, not the junction between the lines. When
trained with two hidden units, MAGIC has sufficient resources to encode the structure
within each line, but not the relationships among the lines; because this structure is not
encoded, the features of the two lines are not assigned the same tags (Figure 3).
Although each "part" is made up of features having a uniform orientation and in a
colinear arrangement, the composition and structure of the parts is immaterial; MAGIC's
performance depends only on the regularity of the configurations. In the next set of simulations, MAGIC discovers regularities of a more arbitrary nature.
Schyns and Murphy (1992) studied the ontogeny of part-whole relationships by
training human subjects on a novel class of objects and then examining how the subjects
decomposed the objects into their parts. I briefly describe their experiment, followed by a
simulation that accounts for their results.
In the first phase of the experiment, subjects were shown 3-D gray level "martian
rocks" on a CRT screen. The rocks were constructed by deforming a sphere, resulting in
various bumps or protrusions. Subjects watched the rocks rotating on the screen, allowing
them to view the rock from all sides. Subjects were shown six instances, all of which were
labeled "M 1 rocks" and were then tested to determine whether they could distinguish M 1
Hierarchical Decomposition of Visual Scenes
rocks from other rocks. Subjects continued training until they performed correctly on this
task. Every Ml rock was divided into octants; the protrusions on seven of the octants were
generated randomly, and the protrusions on the last octant were the same for all Ml rocks.
Two groups of subjects were studied. The A group saw M I rocks all having part A, the B
group saw M 1 rocks all having part B. Following training, subjects were asked to delineate the parts they thought were important on various exemplars. Subjects selected the target part from the category on which they were trained 93% of the time, and the alternative
target-the target from the other category-only 8% of the time, indicating that the learning task made a part dramatically more salient.
To model this phase of the experiment, I generated two dimensional contours of the
same flavor as Schyns and Murphy's martian rocks (Figure 4). Each rock-can it a "venusian rock" for distinction-can be divided into four quadrants or parts. Two groups of
venusian rocks were generated. Rocks of category A an contained part A (left panel, Figure 4), rocks of category B contained part B (center panel, Figure 4). One network was
trained on six exemplars of category A rocks, another network was trained on six exemplars of category B rocks. Then, with learning turned off, both networks were tested on
five presentations each of twelve new exemplars, six each of categories A and B.
Just as the human subjects were instructed to delineate parts, we must ask MAGIC to
do the same. One approach would be to run the model with a test stimulus and, once it settles, select an features having directional tags clustered tightly together as belonging to the
same part. However, this requires specifying and tuning a clustering procedure. To avoid
this additional step, I simply compared how tightly clustered were the tags of the target
part relative to those of the alternative target. I used a directional variance measure that
yields a value of 0 if all tags are identical and I if the tags are distributed uniformly over
the directional spectrum. By this measure, the variance was .30 for the target part and .68
for the alternative target (F(l, 118) = 322.0, P < .001), indicating that the grouping of features of the target part was significantly stronger. This replicates, at least qualitatively, the
finding of Schyns and Murphy.
In a second phase of Schyns and Murphy's experiment, subjects were trained on category C rocks, which were formed by adjoining parts A and B and generating the remaining six octants at random. Following training, subjects were again asked to delineate parts.
All subjects delineated A and B as distinct parts. In contrast, a naive group of subjects who
were trained on category C alone always grouped A and B together as a single part.
To model this phase, I generated six category C venusian rocks that had both parts A
and B (right panel, Figure 4). The versions of MAGIC that had been trained on category A
and B rocks alone were now trained on category C rocks. As a control condition, a third
version of MAGIC was trained from scratch on category C rocks alone. I compared the
tightness of clustering of the combined A-B part for the first two nets to the third. Using
the same variance measure as above, the nets that first received training on parts A and B
alone yielded a variance of .57, and the net that was only trained on the combined A-B
part yielded a variance of .47 (F(1,88) = 7.02, P < .02). One cannot directly compare the
variance of the A-B part to that of the A and B parts alone, because the measure is structured such that parts with more features always yield larger variances. However, one can
compare the two conditions using the relative variance of the combined A-B part to the A
FIGURE 4. Three examples of the martian rock stimuli used to train MAGIC. From left to
right, the rocks are of categories A, B, and C. The lighter regions are the contours that define
rocks of a given category.
M C. Mozer
and B parts alone. This yielded the same outcome as before (.21 for the first two nets, .12
for the third net, F(l,88) = 5.80, p < .02). Thus, MAGIC is also able to account for the
effects of prior learning on part ontogeny.
The regularity principle proposed in this work seems consistent with the homogeneity principle proposed earlier by Schyns and Murphy (1991, 1992). Indeed, MAGIC is
able to model Schyns and Murphy's data using an unsupervised training paradigm,
although Schyns and Murphy framed their experiment as a classification task.
This work is but a start at modeling the development of part-whole hierarchies based
on perceptual experience. MAGIC requires further elaboration, and I am somewhat skeptical that it is sufficiently powerful in its present form to be pushed much further. The main
issue restricting it is the representation of input features. The oriented-line-segment features are certainly too primitive and inflexible a representation. For example, MAGIC
could not be trained to recognize the lid and shell of Figure 2 because it encodes the orientation of the features with respect to the image plane, not with respect to one another. Minimally, the representation requires some version of scale and rotation invariance.
Perhaps the most interesting computational'issue raised by MAGIC is how the pattern of feature tags is mapped into an explicit part-whole decomposition. This involves
clustering together the similar tags as a unit, or possibly selecting all tags in a given range.
To do so requires specification of additional parameters that are external to the model
(e.g., how tight the cluster should be, how broad the range should be, around what tag
direction it should be centered). These parameters are deeply related to attentional issues,
and a current direction of research is to explore this relationship.
This research was supported by NSF PYI award IRI-9058450 and grant 97-18 from the McDonnell-Pew Program in Cognitive Neuroscience.
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| 1482 |@word version:3 briefly:1 stronger:2 seems:1 simulation:7 propagate:1 decomposition:12 recursively:3 carry:1 initial:1 configuration:12 cyclic:1 fragment:3 contains:1 selecting:1 denoting:1 current:2 nowlan:2 written:1 readily:1 must:2 alone:6 intelligence:1 leaf:2 selected:2 nervous:1 devising:1 plane:1 coarse:2 plaut:2 node:2 location:1 lending:1 five:1 burst:1 constructed:1 consists:1 combine:2 fitting:1 interlayer:1 ontogeny:6 tagging:1 indeed:1 behavior:1 themselves:1 brain:1 detects:1 decomposed:2 becomes:1 begin:1 provided:1 panel:3 what:3 developed:1 finding:1 nj:4 configural:1 every:2 act:1 fun:1 stick:13 control:2 unit:26 grant:1 appear:2 planck:1 segmenting:1 positive:2 before:1 local:2 limit:2 encoding:1 firing:1 might:4 minimally:1 studied:2 specifying:2 co:1 scien:1 range:4 faithful:1 recursive:1 procedure:1 empirical:1 thought:1 significantly:1 convenient:1 confidence:1 regular:3 quadrant:1 suggest:1 symbolic:2 cannot:1 equivalent:1 map:3 center:1 conceptualized:1 primitive:5 williams:4 iri:1 resolution:1 pyi:1 reitboek:1 continued:1 array:6 his:2 handle:1 notion:2 hierarchy:2 play:1 colorado:1 target:10 lighter:1 homogeneous:1 pa:1 element:2 labeled:1 role:1 capture:1 region:1 connected:1 deeply:1 mozer:8 environment:8 asked:2 dynamic:2 trained:14 depend:1 colinear:2 segment:9 immaterial:1 tight:1 serve:1 easily:1 represented:1 various:2 cat:1 articulated:2 train:1 instantiated:1 distinct:3 describe:2 london:1 ction:1 artificial:1 zemel:4 labeling:1 outcome:1 quite:2 whose:3 encoded:3 presupposes:1 larger:1 tightness:1 roo:1 statistic:2 transform:1 associative:1 higherlevel:1 indication:1 biophysical:1 net:9 rock:27 propose:3 product:1 neighboring:2 turned:1 achieve:1 representational:1 sixteenth:1 protrusion:3 inducing:1 partwhole:2 regularity:28 requirement:1 cluster:1 sea:1 categorization:2 generating:1 object:25 illustrate:3 recurrent:1 exemplar:4 minor:1 received:1 strong:1 c:1 involves:1 come:3 synchronized:1 direction:5 stochastic:1 centered:1 human:5 crt:1 settle:2 implementing:1 munk:1 hillsdale:4 require:1 assign:2 generalization:1 weren:1 clustered:2 biological:1 goettingen:1 sufficiently:1 around:1 baggage:1 bump:1 continuum:2 vary:1 saw:2 grouped:3 engel:1 establishes:1 reflects:1 brought:1 mit:1 always:3 rather:3 avoid:1 encode:5 consistently:1 indicates:1 likelihood:1 contrast:3 detect:1 am:1 rigid:1 integrated:1 initially:1 hidden:12 relation:6 reproduce:1 issue:3 among:7 orientation:2 classification:1 development:1 spatial:3 special:1 constrained:1 raised:1 field:2 once:1 having:8 extraction:1 x4:1 represents:1 identical:1 broad:1 unsupervised:6 connectionist:2 stimulus:8 report:2 primarily:1 oriented:2 randomly:2 composed:2 tightly:2 homogeneity:7 individual:1 recognize:2 murphy:12 phase:6 highly:1 certainly:1 alignment:1 replicates:1 adjoining:1 closer:1 partial:2 necessary:1 experience:1 tree:10 rotating:1 pollack:2 instance:7 classify:2 earlier:3 modeling:2 contiguous:1 assignment:1 uniform:2 examining:1 erlbaum:4 too:1 spatiotopic:2 teacher:5 combined:4 fundamental:1 twelve:1 off:1 pool:4 michael:1 together:5 offeatures:1 von:2 central:1 venusian:3 again:1 containing:2 possibly:1 corner:1 external:1 cognitive:3 account:3 chemistry:1 includes:2 depends:1 performed:1 root:1 try:1 view:1 observing:1 start:1 sort:5 formed:2 variance:8 characteristic:1 who:1 yield:2 directional:13 weak:1 worth:1 finer:2 cybernetics:1 oscillatory:2 detector:1 strongest:1 touretzky:1 jpmax:1 ed:2 nonetheless:1 energy:1 pp:5 conveys:1 associated:1 adjusting:1 ask:1 knowledge:3 torso:2 back:3 coloring:1 feed:2 higher:1 supervised:2 specify:2 response:2 arranged:1 leen:1 box:2 delineate:3 angular:2 implicit:2 just:1 until:1 koenig:1 horizontal:3 propagation:1 gray:3 perhaps:1 effect:1 concept:1 tagged:2 assigned:3 hence:1 spatially:2 read:1 during:1 branching:1 encourages:1 intercolumnar:1 criterion:1 complete:1 performs:1 image:8 discovers:2 novel:2 common:1 speculative:1 rotation:1 functional:2 physical:1 endpoint:1 belong:1 interpretation:1 linking:1 interpret:1 mellon:1 composition:1 cambridge:1 ai:3 framed:1 tuning:1 pew:1 eckhorn:2 wiii:1 had:2 moving:1 stable:1 specification:1 cortex:2 depiction:1 base:1 align:2 apart:2 tesauro:1 binary:1 continue:1 der:2 additional:3 somewhat:1 impose:1 converge:1 paradigm:5 determine:1 kruse:1 ii:2 multiple:1 technical:1 sphere:1 elaboration:1 divided:2 award:1 watched:1 variant:1 cmu:1 fifteenth:1 iteration:6 represent:1 achieved:1 irregular:1 addition:1 extra:1 subject:15 elegant:1 spirit:1 seem:2 jordan:1 call:2 extracting:1 structural:1 near:1 granularity:2 enough:1 architecture:4 identified:1 idea:1 narrowly:1 bottleneck:1 six:6 whether:1 becker:2 compositional:1 ignored:1 dramatically:1 neocortex:1 tenenbaum:2 category:23 specifies:1 nsf:1 inhibitory:1 neuroscience:1 correctly:1 subpart:2 diverse:1 carnegie:1 transformable:1 express:1 group:5 key:1 four:3 salient:1 ce:1 tenth:1 ram:1 relaxation:1 run:1 fourteenth:1 powerful:2 respond:2 patch:5 oscillation:2 pushed:1 capturing:1 layer:5 guaranteed:1 followed:1 distinguish:1 yielded:3 activity:8 annual:3 strength:1 scene:23 flat:2 encodes:1 tag:51 aspect:1 structured:1 department:2 according:2 mcdonnell:1 belonging:5 across:1 inflexible:1 lid:5 delineated:1 leg:2 invariant:1 boulder:1 resource:1 brosch:1 turn:2 describing:1 discus:1 mechanism:1 needed:1 singer:1 nose:5 serf:1 junction:2 permit:1 hierarchical:11 appropriate:1 alternative:3 reinstate:2 top:1 clustering:3 remaining:1 graphical:1 malsburg:2 establish:2 society:4 tensor:1 objective:2 arrangement:3 occurs:1 fthe:1 said:1 exhibit:1 attentional:1 mapped:1 capacity:1 seven:1 relationship:13 providing:1 magic:25 gated:1 allowing:1 vertical:3 neuron:1 defining:1 hinton:2 incorporated:1 head:4 neurobiology:1 arbitrary:1 dog:4 cast:1 pair:3 connection:3 coherent:1 learned:1 narrow:1 distinction:1 established:1 address:2 beyond:1 suggested:4 proceeds:1 below:1 pattern:10 able:4 recurring:1 smolensky:2 belonged:1 program:1 max:1 memory:2 reciprocally:1 mouth:4 difficulty:1 force:3 arm:2 representing:2 scheme:1 eye:3 autoencoder:3 naive:1 featural:1 auto:1 prior:1 discovery:5 acknowledgement:1 relative:5 synchronization:1 interesting:1 proportional:1 degree:1 teeth:4 x25:1 sufficient:2 consistent:2 imposes:1 principle:24 share:1 translation:1 skeptical:1 supported:1 last:1 side:2 weaker:2 deeper:1 allow:1 pulled:1 institute:1 taking:1 distributed:2 bauer:1 depth:1 dimension:2 superficially:1 contour:2 instructed:1 made:6 qualitatively:1 status:1 ml:2 global:1 incoming:1 containment:1 pittsburgh:1 don:1 spectrum:2 reality:1 lip:4 promising:1 nature:3 learn:1 additionally:1 composing:2 pmceedings:1 schyns:12 complex:3 intralayer:1 spread:1 main:1 whole:13 convey:3 martian:3 body:3 depicts:2 screen:2 position:2 explicit:3 clamped:2 perceptual:3 behrmann:2 third:3 learns:1 subserves:1 down:1 companion:1 list:1 offset:1 virtue:1 concern:1 grouping:2 consist:2 albeit:1 restricting:1 magnitude:1 subtree:4 flavor:1 suited:1 depicted:1 octant:4 simply:1 explore:1 neurophysiological:1 visual:19 contained:3 scalar:1 applies:2 binding:2 corresponds:1 extracted:2 ma:1 shell:4 viewed:1 goal:2 presentation:1 consequently:4 man:9 uniformly:1 invariance:1 deforming:1 indicating:2 select:1 internal:3 support:1 latter:1 incorporate:1 dept:1 outgoing:1 tested:2 scratch:1 |
528 | 1,483 | The Bias-Variance Tradeoff and the Randomized
Grace Wahba, Xiwu Lin and Fangyu Gao
Dong Xiang
Dept of Statistics
Univ of Wisconsin
1210 W Dayton Street
Madison, WI 53706
wahba,xiwu,[email protected]
SAS Institute, Inc.
SAS Campus Drive
Cary, NC 27513
[email protected]
Ronald Klein, MD and Barbara Klein, MD
Dept of Ophthalmalogy
610 North Walnut Street
Madison, WI 53706
kleinr,[email protected]
We propose a new in-sample cross validation based method (randomized
GACV) for choosing smoothing or bandwidth parameters that govern the
bias-variance or fit-complexity tradeoff in 'soft' classification. Soft classification refers to a learning procedure which estimates the probability
that an example with a given attribute vector is in class 1 vs class O. The
target for optimizing the the tradeoff is the Kullback-Liebler distance
between the estimated probability distribution and the 'true' probability distribution, representing knowledge of an infinite population. The
method uses a randomized estimate of the trace of a Hessian and mimics
cross validation at the cost of a single relearning with perturbed outcome
We propose and test a new in-sample cross-validation based method for optimizing the biasvariance tradeoff in 'soft classification' (Wahba et al1994), called ranG ACV (randomized
Generalized Approximate Cross Validation) . Summarizing from Wahba et al(l994) we are
given a training set consisting of n examples, where for each example we have a vector
t E T of attribute values, and an outcome y, which is either 0 or 1. Based on the training
data it is desired to estimate the probability p of the outcome 1 for any new examples in the
The Bias-Variance TradeofJand the Randomized GACV
future. In 'soft' classification the estimate p(t) of p(t) is of particular interest, and might be
used by a physician to tell patients how they might modify their risk p by changing (some
component of) t, for example, cholesterol as a risk factor for heart attack. Penalized likelihood estimates are obtained for p by assuming that the logit f(t), t E T, which satisfies
p(t) = ef(t) 1(1 + ef(t?) is in some space 1{ of functions . Technically 1{ is a reproducing
kernel Hilbert space, but you don't need to know what that is to read on. Let the training
set be {Yi, ti, i = 1,???, n}. Letting Ii = f(td, the negative log likelihood .c{Yi, ti, fd of
the observations, given f is
.c{Yi, ti, fd = 2::[-Ydi + b(li)],
where b(f) = log(l + ef ). The penalized likelihood estimate of the function f is the
solution to: Find f E 1{ to minimize h. (I):
h.(f) = 2::[-Ydi + b(ld) + J>.(I),
i =1
where 1>.(1) is a quadratic penalty functional depending on parameter(s) A = (AI, ... , Aq)
which govern the so called bias-variance tradeoff. Equivalently the components of A control the tradeoff between the complexity of f and the fit to the training data. In this paper we
sketch the derivation of the ranG ACV method for choosing A, and present some preliminary but favorable simulation results, demonstrating its efficacy. This method is designed
for use with penalized likelihood estimates, but it is clear that it can be used with a variety
of other methods which contain bias-variance parameters to be chosen, and for which minimizing the Kullback-Liebler (K L) distance is the target. In the work of which this is a part,
we are concerned with A having multiple components. Thus, it will be highly convenient
to have an in-sample method for selecting A, if one that is accurate and computationally
convenient can be found.
Let P>. be the the estimate and p be the 'true' but unknown probability function and let
= p(td,p>.i = p>.(ti). For in-sample tuning, our criteria for a good choice of A is
the KL distance KL(p,p>.) = ~ E~I[PilogP7. + (1- pdlogg~::?)]. We may replace
K L(p,p>.) by the comparative K L distance (C K L), which differs from K L by a quantity
which does not depend on A. Letting hi = h (ti), the C K L is given by
CKL(p,p>.) == CKL(A) = ;;,
2:: [-pd>'i + b(l>.i)).
C K L(A) depends on the unknown p, and it is desired is to have a good estimate or proxy
for it, which can then be minimized with respect to A.
It is known (Wong 1992) that no exact unbiased estimate of CK L(A) exists in this case, so
that only approximate methods are possible. A number of authors have tackled this problem, including Utans and M90dy(1993), Liu(l993), Gu(1992). The iterative U BR method
of Gu(l992) is included in GRKPACK (Wang 1997), which implements general smoothing spline ANOVA penalized likelihood estimates with multiple smoothing parameters. It
has been successfully used in a number of practical problems, see, for example, Wahba
et al (1994,1995). The present work represents an approach in the spirit of GRKPACK
but which employs several approximations, and may be used with any data set, no matter
how large, provided that an algorithm for solving the penalized likelihood equations, either
exactly or approximately, can be implemented.
G. Wahba et al.
In the general penalized likelihood problem the minimizer 1>,(-) of (2) has a representation
L CiQ>.(ti, t)
where the <Pv span the null space of 1>" Q>.(8, t) is a reproducing kernel (positive definite
function) for the penalized part of 7-1., and C = (Cl' ... , Cn )' satisfies M linear conditions,
so that there are (at most) n free parameters in 1>.. Typically the unpenalized functions
<Pv are low degree polynomials. Examples of Q(ti,') include radial basis functions and
various kinds of splines; minor modifications include sigmoidal basis functions, tree basis
functions and so on. See, for example Wahba( 1990, 1995), Girosi, Jones and Poggio( 1995).
If f>.C) is of the form (4) then 1>,(f>.) is a quadratic form in c. Substituting (4) into (2)
results in h a convex functional in C and d, and C and d are obtained numerically via a
Newton Raphson iteration, subject to the conditions on c. For large n, the second sum on
the right of (4) may be replaced by L~=1 Cik Q>. (ti k , t), where the tik are chosen via one
of several principled methods.
To obtain the CACV we begin with the ordinary leaving-out-one cross validation function
CV(.\) for the CKL:
CV (.\) -_ -1 ""
+ b( 1>.i) ] ,
where fl- i ] the solution to the variational problem of (2) with the ith data point left out
and fti] is the value of fl- i] at ti . Although f>.C) is computed by solving for C and d
the CACV is derived in terms of the values (it"", fn)' of f at the ti. Where there is
no confusion between functions f(-) and vectors (it, ... ,fn)' of values of fat tl, ... ,tn,
we let f = (it, ... " fn)'. For any f(-) of the form (4), J>. (f) also has a representation as
a non-negative definite quadratic form in (it, ... , fn)'. Letting L:>. be twice the matrix of
this quadratic form we can rewrite (2) as
= L[-Ydi + b(/i)] + 2f'L:>.f.
Let W = W(f) be the n x n diagonal matrix with (/ii == Pi(l - Pi) in the iith position.
Using the fact that (/ii is the second derivative of b(fi), we have that H = [W + L:>.] - 1
is the inverse Hessian of the variational problem (6). In Xiang and Wahba (1996), several
Taylor series approximations, along with a generalization of the leaving-out-one lemma
(see Wahba 1990) are applied to (5) to obtain an approximate cross validation function
ACV(.\), which is a second order approximation to CV(.\) . Letting hii be the iith entry
of H , the result is
~ ACV('\) = .!. t[-Yd>.i + b(f>.i)] + .!. t
i= l
hiiYi(Yi - P>.i) .
[1 - hiwii]
Then the GACV is obtained from the ACV by replacing h ii by ~ L~1 hii
and replacing 1 - hiWii by ~tr[I - (Wl/2 HWl/2)], giving
== ~tr(H)
L~l Yi(Yi - P>.i)
(Wl/2HWl /2)] ,
= ;; t;;[-Yd>.i + b(1).i) + -n-tr[I _
where W is evaluated at 1>.. Numerical results based on an exact calculation of (8) appear
in Xiang and Wahba (1996). The exact calculation is limited to small n however.
The Bias-Variance TradeofJand the Randomized GACV
Given any 'black box' which, given >., and a training set {Yi, ti} produces f>. (.) as the minimizer of (2), and thence f>. = (fA 1 , " ' , f>.n)', we can produce randomized estimates of
trH and tr[! - W 1 / 2 HW 1/ 2 J without having any explicit calculations of these matrices.
This is done by running the 'black box' on perturbed data {Vi + <5i , td. For the Yi Gaussian, randomized trace estimates of the Hessian of the variational problem (the 'influence
matrix') have been studied extensively and shown to be essentially as good as exact calculations for large n, see for example Girard(1998) . Randomized trace estimates are based
on the fact that if A is any square matrix and <5 is a zero mean random n-vector with independent components with variance
then E<5' A<5 = ~ tr A. See Gong et al( 1998) and
references cited there for experimental results with multiple regularization parameters. Returning to the 0-1 data case, it is easy to see that the minimizer fA(') of 1;.. is continuous in
Y, not withstanding the fact that in our training set the Yi take on only values 0 or 1. Letting
if = UA1,"', f>.n)' be the minimizer of (6) given y = (Y1,"', Yn)', and if+O be the
minimizer given data y+<5 = (Y1 +<51, ... ,Yn +<5n )' (the ti remain fixed), Xiang and Wahba
(1997) show, again using Taylor series expansions, that if+O - ff ,. . ., [WUf) + ~AJ-1<5.
This suggests that ~<5'Uf+O - ff) provides an estimate oftr[W(ff) + ~At1. However,
if we take the solution ff to the nonlinear system for the original data Y as the initial value
for a Newton-Raphson calculation of ff+O things become even simpler. Applying a one
step Newton-Raphson iteration gives
-<5 + PjfUf,Y) = -<5, and [:;~f(ff,Y + <5)J - 1
y + o ,l
y + o ,l 82 h(fY
8 2 h(fY
[ 8?7if
A' Y)J- 1 ,we have f A
- fYA + [8?7if
A' Y)J- 1 uJ: so that f A
- fYA
[WUf) + E At 1<5. The result is the following ranGACV function:
Since Pjf(ff,y + <5)
ranGACV(>.) =
.!. ~[n~
'I '+bU .)J+
Yz At
<5' (f Y+O,l
wi=l Yi Yi - PAi
[<5'<5 - <5'WUf)Uf+O,l - ff)J
To reduce the variance in the term after the '+' in (10), we may draw R
independent replicate vectors <51,'" ,<5R , and replace the term after the '+' in
( 1O)b
1... ",R
o:(fr Hr . 1 -ff)
ranGACV(>.) function.
[O~Or-O~ W(fn(f~+Ar . l-ff)1
to obtain an R-replicated
In this section we present simulation results which are representative of more extensive
simulations to appear elsewhere. In each case, K < < n was chosen by a sequential clustering algorithm. In that case, the ti were grouped into K clusters and one member of each
cluster selected at random. The model is fit. Then the number of clusters is doubled and the
model is fit again. This procedure continues until the fit does not change. In the randomized
trace estimates the random variates were Gaussian. Penalty functionals were (multivariate
generalizations of) the cubic spline penalty functional>. fa1U" (X))2, and smoothing spline
ANOVA models were fit.
G. Wahba et at.
In this experiment t E [0,1], f(t) = 2sin(10t), ti = (i - .5)/500, i = 1,???,500. A
random number generator produced 'observations' Yi = 1 with probability Pi = el , /(1 +
eli), to get the training set. QA is given in Wahba( 1990) for this cubic spline case, K = 50.
Since the true P is known, the true CKL can be computed. Fig. l(a) gives a plot of
CK L(A) and 10 replicates of ranGACV(A). In each replicate R was taken as 1, and J
was generated anew as a Gaussian random vector with (115 = .001. Extensive simulations
with different (115 showed that the results were insensitive to (115 from 1.0 to 10- 6 ? The
minimizer of C K L is at the filled-in circle and the 10 minimizers of the 10 replicates of
ranGACV are the open circles. Anyone of these 10 provides a rather good estimate of
the A that goes with the filled-in circle. Fig. l(b) gives the same experiment, except that
this time R = 5. It can be seen that the minimizers ranGACV become even more reliable
estimates of the minimizer of C K L, and the C K L at all of the ranG ACV estimates are
actually quite close to its minimum value.
Here t E [0,1] 0 [0,1]. n = 500 values of ti were generated randomly according to
a uniform distribution on the unit square and the Yi were generated according to Pi =
e li j(l + e l ,) with t = (Xl,X2) and f(t) = 5 sin 27rXl - 3sin27rX2. An additive model
as a special case of the smoothing spline ANOVA model (see Wahba et al, 1995), of the
form f(t) = /-l + h(xd + h(X2) with cubic spline penalties on hand h were used.
K = 50, (115 = .001, R = 5. Figure l(c) gives a plot of CK L(Al' A2) and Figure l(d)
gives a plot of ranGACV(Al, A2). The open circles mark the minimizer of ranGACV
in both plots and the filled in circle marks the minimizer of C K L. The inefficiency, as
measured by CKL()..)/minACKL(A) is 1.01. Inefficiencies near 1 are typical of our
other similar simulations.
This experiment used a model similar to the model fit by GRKPACK for the risk of
progression of diabetic retinopathy given t = (Xl, X2, X3) = (duration, glycosylated
hemoglobin, body mass index) in Wahba et al(l995) as 'truth'. A training set of 669
examples was generated according to that model, which had the structure f(Xl, X2, X3) =
/-l + fl (xd + h (X2) + h (X3) + fl,3 (Xl, X3). This (synthetic) training set was fit by GRKPACK and also using K = 50 basis functions with ranG ACV. Here there are P = 6
smoothing parameters (there are 3 smoothing parameters in f13) and the ranGACV function was searched by a downhill simplex method to find its minimizer. Since the 'truth' is
known, the CKL for)" and for the GRKPACK fit using the iterative UBR method were
computed. This was repeated 100 times, and the 100 pairs of C K L values appears in Figure l(e). It can be seen that the U BR and ranGACV give similar C K L values about 90%
of the time, while the ranG ACV has lower C K L for most of the remaining cases.
Figure 1(f) represents part of the results of a study of association at baseline of pigmentary
abnormalities with various risk factors in 2585 women between the ages of 43 and 86 in the
Beaver Dam Eye Study, R. Klein et al( 1995). The attributes are: Xl = age, X2 =body mass
index, X3 = systolic blood pressure, X4 = cholesterol. X5 and X6 are indicator variables for
taking hormones, and history of drinking. The smoothing spline ANOVA model fitted was
f(t) = /-l+dlXl +d2X2+ h(X3)+ f4(X4)+ h4(X3, x4)+d5I(x5) +d6I(x6), where I is the
indicator function. Figure l(e) represents a cross section of the fit for X5 = no, X6 = no,
The Bias- Variance Tradeoff and the Randomized GACV
X2, X3 fixed at their medians and Xl fixed at the 75th percentile. The dotted lines are the
Bayesian confidence intervals, see Wahba et al( 1995). There is a suggestion of a borderline
inverse association of cholesterol. The reason for this association is uncertain. More details
will appear elsewhere.
Principled soft classification procedures can now be implemented in much larger data sets
than previously possible, and the ranG ACV should be applicable in general learning.
Girard, D. (1998), 'Asymptotic comparison of (partial) cross-validation, GCV and randomized GCV in nonparametric regression', Ann. Statist. 126, 315-334.
Girosi, F., Jones, M. & Poggio, T. (1995), 'Regularization theory and neural networks
architectures', Neural Computatioll 7,219-269.
Gong, J., Wahba, G., Johnson, D. & Tribbia, J. (1998), 'Adaptive tuning of numerical
weather prediction models: simultaneous estimation of weighting, smoothing and physical
parameters', MOllthly Weather Review 125, 210-231.
Gu, C. (1992), 'Penalized likelihood regression: a Bayesian analysis', Statistica Sinica
Klein, R., Klein, B. & Moss, S. (1995), 'Age-related eye disease and survival. the Beaver
Dam Eye Study', Arch Ophthalmol113, 1995.
Liu, Y. (1993), Unbiased estimate of generalization error and model selection in neural
network, manuscript, Department of Physics, Institute of Brain and Neural Systems, Brown
Utans, J. & Moody, J. (1993), Selecting neural network architectures via the prediction
risk: application to corporate bond rating prediction, in 'Proc. First Int'I Conf. on Artificial
Intelligence Applications on Wall Street', IEEE Computer Society Press.
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Conference Series in Applied Mathematics, v. 59.
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M. Arbib, ed., 'Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks', MIT Press, pp. 426430.
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for 'soft' classification with smoothing spline ANOVA and stacked tuning, testing and
evaluation, in J. Cowan, G. Tesauro & J. Alspector, eds, 'Advances in Neural Information
Processing Systems 6', Morgan Kauffman, pp. 415-422.
Wahba, G., Wang, Y., Gu, C., Klein, R. & Klein, B. (1995), 'Smoothing spline AN OVA for
exponential families, with application to the Wisconsin Epidemiological Study of Diabetic
Retinopathy' , Ann. Statist. 23, 1865-1895.
Wang, Y. (1997), 'GRKPACK: Fitting smoothing spline analysis of variance models to data
from exponential families', Commun. Statist. Sim. Compo 26,765-782.
Wong, W. (1992), Estimation of the loss of an estimate, Technical Report 356, Dept. of
Statistics, University of Chicago, Chicago, II.
Xiang, D. & Wahba, G. (1996), 'A generalized approximate cross validation for smoothing
splines with non-Gaussian data', Statistica Sinica 6, 675-692, preprint TR 930 available
via www. stat. wise. edu/-wahba - > TRLIST.
Xiang, D. & Wahba, G. (1997), Approximate smoothing spline methods for large data sets
in the binary case, Technical Report 982, Department of Statistics, University of Wisconsin,
Madison WI. To appear in the Proceedings of the 1997 ASA Joint Statistical Meetings,
Biometrics Section, pp 94-98 (1998). Also in TRLIST as above.
G, Wahba et aI,
.' .
log lambda
:. ? ..O-:!4!7
O. 4
log lambda1
O. 7 O. 9
.. ????????r .....
log lambda
.. ..
.: 0'F5 0'F8 0.[32
log lambda1
ca O
c:i ~--------.-------.--------r--~
__~____, -____. -__- .____. -__~
Cholesterol (mg/dL)
Figure 1: (a) and (b): Single smoothing parameter comparison of ranGACV and CK L .
(c) and (d): Two smoothing parameter comparison of ranGACV and CK L. (e): Comparison of ranG ACV and U B R. (f): Probability estimate from Beaver Dam Study
| 1483 |@word polynomial:1 replicate:2 logit:1 open:2 simulation:5 pressure:1 tr:7 ld:1 initial:1 liu:2 series:3 unx:1 efficacy:1 selecting:2 inefficiency:2 com:1 fn:5 additive:2 ronald:1 numerical:3 chicago:2 girosi:2 designed:1 plot:4 v:1 d5i:1 intelligence:1 selected:1 beaver:3 ith:1 compo:1 provides:2 attack:1 sigmoidal:1 simpler:1 along:1 h4:1 become:2 fitting:1 wuf:3 alspector:1 brain:2 td:3 provided:1 begin:1 campus:1 fti:1 mass:2 null:1 what:1 kind:1 ti:15 xd:2 exactly:1 fat:1 returning:1 control:1 unit:1 appear:4 yn:2 positive:1 walnut:1 modify:1 approximately:1 yd:3 might:2 black:2 twice:1 studied:1 suggests:1 co:1 limited:1 practical:1 testing:1 borderline:1 implement:1 differs:1 definite:2 x3:8 epidemiological:1 procedure:3 dayton:1 weather:2 convenient:2 confidence:1 radial:1 refers:1 doubled:1 get:1 close:1 selection:1 risk:5 influence:1 applying:1 dam:3 wong:2 www:1 go:1 duration:1 convex:1 cholesterol:4 population:1 target:2 exact:4 us:1 continues:1 preprint:1 wang:4 principled:2 disease:1 pd:1 govern:2 complexity:2 depend:1 solving:2 rewrite:1 asa:1 technically:1 basis:4 gacv:8 gu:5 joint:1 various:2 rxl:1 derivation:1 stacked:1 univ:1 epi:1 acv:10 artificial:1 tell:1 choosing:2 outcome:3 quite:1 larger:1 statistic:3 mg:1 propose:2 fr:1 ckl:8 cacv:3 cluster:3 produce:2 comparative:1 depending:1 gong:2 stat:2 measured:1 minor:1 sim:1 sa:3 implemented:2 lambda1:2 attribute:3 f4:1 observational:1 generalization:4 wall:1 preliminary:1 drinking:1 substituting:1 a2:3 favorable:1 estimation:2 proc:1 applicable:1 tik:1 bond:1 grouped:1 wl:2 cary:1 successfully:1 mit:1 fya:2 gaussian:4 ck:5 rather:1 derived:1 likelihood:8 baseline:1 summarizing:1 el:1 minimizers:2 typically:1 lj:1 classification:6 smoothing:17 special:1 having:2 x4:3 represents:3 pai:1 jones:2 mimic:1 future:1 report:2 minimized:1 spline:14 simplex:1 employ:1 randomly:1 tradeofjand:2 replaced:1 hemoglobin:1 consisting:1 interest:1 fd:2 highly:1 hiwii:2 evaluation:1 replicates:2 tj:1 accurate:1 partial:1 poggio:2 biometrics:1 tree:1 filled:3 taylor:2 desired:2 circle:5 fitted:1 uncertain:1 soft:6 ar:1 ordinary:1 cost:1 entry:1 uniform:1 gcv:2 johnson:1 perturbed:2 synthetic:1 grkpack:6 cited:1 randomized:13 siam:1 bu:1 dong:1 physician:1 physic:1 moody:1 ophthalmalogy:1 again:2 woman:1 f5:1 lambda:2 conf:1 derivative:1 li:2 north:1 int:1 inc:1 matter:1 depends:1 vi:1 trh:1 minimize:1 square:2 variance:10 bayesian:2 produced:1 rangacv:16 drive:1 liebler:2 history:1 simultaneous:1 ed:2 pp:3 knowledge:1 hilbert:1 actually:1 cik:1 cbms:1 appears:1 manuscript:1 x6:3 evaluated:1 box:2 done:1 arch:1 until:1 sketch:1 hand:1 ubr:2 replacing:2 nonlinear:2 hwl:2 aj:1 contain:1 true:4 unbiased:2 brown:1 regularization:3 read:1 trlist:2 sin:2 x5:3 percentile:1 criterion:1 generalized:2 confusion:1 tn:1 variational:3 wise:1 ef:3 fi:1 functional:3 physical:1 insensitive:1 association:3 numerically:1 ai:2 cv:4 tuning:3 mathematics:1 aq:1 retinopathy:2 had:1 multivariate:1 showed:1 optimizing:2 commun:1 barbara:1 tesauro:1 binary:1 meeting:1 yi:13 seen:2 minimum:1 morgan:1 ii:5 multiple:3 corporate:1 hormone:1 technical:2 calculation:5 cross:9 raphson:3 lin:1 prediction:3 regression:2 patient:1 essentially:1 iteration:2 kernel:2 interval:1 median:1 biasvariance:1 leaving:2 regional:1 subject:1 thing:1 member:1 cowan:1 spirit:1 near:1 abnormality:1 easy:1 concerned:1 variety:1 fit:10 variate:1 architecture:2 wahba:25 bandwidth:1 rang:7 reduce:1 arbib:1 cn:1 tradeoff:7 br:2 penalty:4 hessian:3 clear:1 nonparametric:1 extensively:1 statist:3 iith:2 nsf:1 dotted:1 utans:2 estimated:1 wr:1 klein:9 demonstrating:1 blood:1 wisc:2 changing:1 anova:5 f8:1 sum:1 glycosylated:1 inverse:2 eli:1 you:1 family:2 draw:1 f13:1 fl:4 hi:1 tackled:1 quadratic:4 x2:7 anyone:1 span:1 uf:2 department:2 structured:1 according:3 remain:1 wi:4 modification:1 dv:1 heart:1 taken:1 computationally:1 equation:1 previously:1 know:1 letting:5 available:1 progression:1 hii:2 original:1 running:1 include:2 clustering:1 remaining:1 madison:3 newton:3 giving:1 uj:1 yz:1 society:1 quantity:1 fa:2 md:2 grace:1 diagonal:1 distance:4 street:3 fy:3 reason:1 assuming:1 systolic:1 index:2 minimizing:1 nc:1 equivalently:1 sinica:2 trace:4 negative:2 unknown:2 observation:2 thence:1 y1:2 reproducing:2 rating:1 pair:1 kl:2 extensive:2 qa:1 kauffman:1 including:1 reliable:1 unpenalized:1 indicator:2 hr:1 representing:1 eye:3 moss:1 l992:1 review:1 xiang:6 wisconsin:3 asymptotic:1 loss:1 suggestion:1 generator:1 validation:8 at1:1 age:3 degree:1 proxy:1 pi:5 elsewhere:2 penalized:8 free:1 ovum:1 bias:7 institute:2 taking:1 author:1 adaptive:1 replicated:1 functionals:1 approximate:5 kullback:2 anew:1 handbook:1 don:1 continuous:1 iterative:2 diabetic:2 ca:1 expansion:1 cl:1 statistica:2 ciq:1 withstanding:1 repeated:1 girard:2 body:2 fig:2 representative:1 tl:1 ff:10 cubic:3 position:1 pv:3 explicit:1 downhill:1 exponential:2 xl:6 weighting:1 hw:1 survival:1 dl:1 exists:1 sequential:1 relearning:1 l993:1 gao:1 ua1:1 minimizer:10 satisfies:2 truth:2 ydi:3 ann:2 replace:2 change:1 included:1 infinite:1 except:1 typical:1 lemma:1 called:2 experimental:1 mark:2 searched:1 xiwu:2 dept:3 |
529 | 1,484 | The Bias-Variance Tradeoff and the Randomized
Grace Wahba, Xiwu Lin and Fangyu Gao
Dong Xiang
Dept of Statistics
Univ of Wisconsin
1210 W Dayton Street
Madison, WI 53706
wahba,xiwu,[email protected]
SAS Institute, Inc.
SAS Campus Drive
Cary, NC 27513
[email protected]
Ronald Klein, MD and Barbara Klein, MD
Dept of Ophthalmalogy
610 North Walnut Street
Madison, WI 53706
kleinr,[email protected]
We propose a new in-sample cross validation based method (randomized
GACV) for choosing smoothing or bandwidth parameters that govern the
bias-variance or fit-complexity tradeoff in 'soft' classification. Soft classification refers to a learning procedure which estimates the probability
that an example with a given attribute vector is in class 1 vs class O. The
target for optimizing the the tradeoff is the Kullback-Liebler distance
between the estimated probability distribution and the 'true' probability distribution, representing knowledge of an infinite population. The
method uses a randomized estimate of the trace of a Hessian and mimics
cross validation at the cost of a single relearning with perturbed outcome
We propose and test a new in-sample cross-validation based method for optimizing the biasvariance tradeoff in 'soft classification' (Wahba et al1994), called ranG ACV (randomized
Generalized Approximate Cross Validation) . Summarizing from Wahba et al(l994) we are
given a training set consisting of n examples, where for each example we have a vector
t E T of attribute values, and an outcome y, which is either 0 or 1. Based on the training
data it is desired to estimate the probability p of the outcome 1 for any new examples in the
The Bias-Variance TradeofJand the Randomized GACV
future. In 'soft' classification the estimate p(t) of p(t) is of particular interest, and might be
used by a physician to tell patients how they might modify their risk p by changing (some
component of) t, for example, cholesterol as a risk factor for heart attack. Penalized likelihood estimates are obtained for p by assuming that the logit f(t), t E T, which satisfies
p(t) = ef(t) 1(1 + ef(t?) is in some space 1{ of functions . Technically 1{ is a reproducing
kernel Hilbert space, but you don't need to know what that is to read on. Let the training
set be {Yi, ti, i = 1,???, n}. Letting Ii = f(td, the negative log likelihood .c{Yi, ti, fd of
the observations, given f is
.c{Yi, ti, fd = 2::[-Ydi + b(li)],
where b(f) = log(l + ef ). The penalized likelihood estimate of the function f is the
solution to: Find f E 1{ to minimize h. (I):
h.(f) = 2::[-Ydi + b(ld) + J>.(I),
i =1
where 1>.(1) is a quadratic penalty functional depending on parameter(s) A = (AI, ... , Aq)
which govern the so called bias-variance tradeoff. Equivalently the components of A control the tradeoff between the complexity of f and the fit to the training data. In this paper we
sketch the derivation of the ranG ACV method for choosing A, and present some preliminary but favorable simulation results, demonstrating its efficacy. This method is designed
for use with penalized likelihood estimates, but it is clear that it can be used with a variety
of other methods which contain bias-variance parameters to be chosen, and for which minimizing the Kullback-Liebler (K L) distance is the target. In the work of which this is a part,
we are concerned with A having multiple components. Thus, it will be highly convenient
to have an in-sample method for selecting A, if one that is accurate and computationally
convenient can be found.
Let P>. be the the estimate and p be the 'true' but unknown probability function and let
= p(td,p>.i = p>.(ti). For in-sample tuning, our criteria for a good choice of A is
the KL distance KL(p,p>.) = ~ E~I[PilogP7. + (1- pdlogg~::?)]. We may replace
K L(p,p>.) by the comparative K L distance (C K L), which differs from K L by a quantity
which does not depend on A. Letting hi = h (ti), the C K L is given by
CKL(p,p>.) == CKL(A) = ;;,
2:: [-pd>'i + b(l>.i)).
C K L(A) depends on the unknown p, and it is desired is to have a good estimate or proxy
for it, which can then be minimized with respect to A.
It is known (Wong 1992) that no exact unbiased estimate of CK L(A) exists in this case, so
that only approximate methods are possible. A number of authors have tackled this problem, including Utans and M90dy(1993), Liu(l993), Gu(1992). The iterative U BR method
of Gu(l992) is included in GRKPACK (Wang 1997), which implements general smoothing spline ANOVA penalized likelihood estimates with multiple smoothing parameters. It
has been successfully used in a number of practical problems, see, for example, Wahba
et al (1994,1995). The present work represents an approach in the spirit of GRKPACK
but which employs several approximations, and may be used with any data set, no matter
how large, provided that an algorithm for solving the penalized likelihood equations, either
exactly or approximately, can be implemented.
G. Wahba et al.
In the general penalized likelihood problem the minimizer 1>,(-) of (2) has a representation
L CiQ>.(ti, t)
where the <Pv span the null space of 1>" Q>.(8, t) is a reproducing kernel (positive definite
function) for the penalized part of 7-1., and C = (Cl' ... , Cn )' satisfies M linear conditions,
so that there are (at most) n free parameters in 1>.. Typically the unpenalized functions
<Pv are low degree polynomials. Examples of Q(ti,') include radial basis functions and
various kinds of splines; minor modifications include sigmoidal basis functions, tree basis
functions and so on. See, for example Wahba( 1990, 1995), Girosi, Jones and Poggio( 1995).
If f>.C) is of the form (4) then 1>,(f>.) is a quadratic form in c. Substituting (4) into (2)
results in h a convex functional in C and d, and C and d are obtained numerically via a
Newton Raphson iteration, subject to the conditions on c. For large n, the second sum on
the right of (4) may be replaced by L~=1 Cik Q>. (ti k , t), where the tik are chosen via one
of several principled methods.
To obtain the CACV we begin with the ordinary leaving-out-one cross validation function
CV(.\) for the CKL:
CV (.\) -_ -1 ""
+ b( 1>.i) ] ,
where fl- i ] the solution to the variational problem of (2) with the ith data point left out
and fti] is the value of fl- i] at ti . Although f>.C) is computed by solving for C and d
the CACV is derived in terms of the values (it"", fn)' of f at the ti. Where there is
no confusion between functions f(-) and vectors (it, ... ,fn)' of values of fat tl, ... ,tn,
we let f = (it, ... " fn)'. For any f(-) of the form (4), J>. (f) also has a representation as
a non-negative definite quadratic form in (it, ... , fn)'. Letting L:>. be twice the matrix of
this quadratic form we can rewrite (2) as
= L[-Ydi + b(/i)] + 2f'L:>.f.
Let W = W(f) be the n x n diagonal matrix with (/ii == Pi(l - Pi) in the iith position.
Using the fact that (/ii is the second derivative of b(fi), we have that H = [W + L:>.] - 1
is the inverse Hessian of the variational problem (6). In Xiang and Wahba (1996), several
Taylor series approximations, along with a generalization of the leaving-out-one lemma
(see Wahba 1990) are applied to (5) to obtain an approximate cross validation function
ACV(.\), which is a second order approximation to CV(.\) . Letting hii be the iith entry
of H , the result is
~ ACV('\) = .!. t[-Yd>.i + b(f>.i)] + .!. t
i= l
hiiYi(Yi - P>.i) .
[1 - hiwii]
Then the GACV is obtained from the ACV by replacing h ii by ~ L~1 hii
and replacing 1 - hiWii by ~tr[I - (Wl/2 HWl/2)], giving
== ~tr(H)
L~l Yi(Yi - P>.i)
(Wl/2HWl /2)] ,
= ;; t;;[-Yd>.i + b(1).i) + -n-tr[I _
where W is evaluated at 1>.. Numerical results based on an exact calculation of (8) appear
in Xiang and Wahba (1996). The exact calculation is limited to small n however.
The Bias-Variance TradeofJand the Randomized GACV
Given any 'black box' which, given >., and a training set {Yi, ti} produces f>. (.) as the minimizer of (2), and thence f>. = (fA 1 , " ' , f>.n)', we can produce randomized estimates of
trH and tr[! - W 1 / 2 HW 1/ 2 J without having any explicit calculations of these matrices.
This is done by running the 'black box' on perturbed data {Vi + <5i , td. For the Yi Gaussian, randomized trace estimates of the Hessian of the variational problem (the 'influence
matrix') have been studied extensively and shown to be essentially as good as exact calculations for large n, see for example Girard(1998) . Randomized trace estimates are based
on the fact that if A is any square matrix and <5 is a zero mean random n-vector with independent components with variance
then E<5' A<5 = ~ tr A. See Gong et al( 1998) and
references cited there for experimental results with multiple regularization parameters. Returning to the 0-1 data case, it is easy to see that the minimizer fA(') of 1;.. is continuous in
Y, not withstanding the fact that in our training set the Yi take on only values 0 or 1. Letting
if = UA1,"', f>.n)' be the minimizer of (6) given y = (Y1,"', Yn)', and if+O be the
minimizer given data y+<5 = (Y1 +<51, ... ,Yn +<5n )' (the ti remain fixed), Xiang and Wahba
(1997) show, again using Taylor series expansions, that if+O - ff ,. . ., [WUf) + ~AJ-1<5.
This suggests that ~<5'Uf+O - ff) provides an estimate oftr[W(ff) + ~At1. However,
if we take the solution ff to the nonlinear system for the original data Y as the initial value
for a Newton-Raphson calculation of ff+O things become even simpler. Applying a one
step Newton-Raphson iteration gives
-<5 + PjfUf,Y) = -<5, and [:;~f(ff,Y + <5)J - 1
y + o ,l
y + o ,l 82 h(fY
8 2 h(fY
[ 8?7if
A' Y)J- 1 ,we have f A
- fYA + [8?7if
A' Y)J- 1 uJ: so that f A
- fYA
[WUf) + E At 1<5. The result is the following ranGACV function:
Since Pjf(ff,y + <5)
ranGACV(>.) =
.!. ~[n~
'I '+bU .)J+
Yz At
<5' (f Y+O,l
wi=l Yi Yi - PAi
[<5'<5 - <5'WUf)Uf+O,l - ff)J
To reduce the variance in the term after the '+' in (10), we may draw R
independent replicate vectors <51,'" ,<5R , and replace the term after the '+' in
( 1O)b
1... ",R
o:(fr Hr . 1 -ff)
ranGACV(>.) function.
[O~Or-O~ W(fn(f~+Ar . l-ff)1
to obtain an R-replicated
In this section we present simulation results which are representative of more extensive
simulations to appear elsewhere. In each case, K < < n was chosen by a sequential clustering algorithm. In that case, the ti were grouped into K clusters and one member of each
cluster selected at random. The model is fit. Then the number of clusters is doubled and the
model is fit again. This procedure continues until the fit does not change. In the randomized
trace estimates the random variates were Gaussian. Penalty functionals were (multivariate
generalizations of) the cubic spline penalty functional>. fa1U" (X))2, and smoothing spline
ANOVA models were fit.
G. Wahba et at.
In this experiment t E [0,1], f(t) = 2sin(10t), ti = (i - .5)/500, i = 1,???,500. A
random number generator produced 'observations' Yi = 1 with probability Pi = el , /(1 +
eli), to get the training set. QA is given in Wahba( 1990) for this cubic spline case, K = 50.
Since the true P is known, the true CKL can be computed. Fig. l(a) gives a plot of
CK L(A) and 10 replicates of ranGACV(A). In each replicate R was taken as 1, and J
was generated anew as a Gaussian random vector with (115 = .001. Extensive simulations
with different (115 showed that the results were insensitive to (115 from 1.0 to 10- 6 ? The
minimizer of C K L is at the filled-in circle and the 10 minimizers of the 10 replicates of
ranGACV are the open circles. Anyone of these 10 provides a rather good estimate of
the A that goes with the filled-in circle. Fig. l(b) gives the same experiment, except that
this time R = 5. It can be seen that the minimizers ranGACV become even more reliable
estimates of the minimizer of C K L, and the C K L at all of the ranG ACV estimates are
actually quite close to its minimum value.
Here t E [0,1] 0 [0,1]. n = 500 values of ti were generated randomly according to
a uniform distribution on the unit square and the Yi were generated according to Pi =
e li j(l + e l ,) with t = (Xl,X2) and f(t) = 5 sin 27rXl - 3sin27rX2. An additive model
as a special case of the smoothing spline ANOVA model (see Wahba et al, 1995), of the
form f(t) = /-l + h(xd + h(X2) with cubic spline penalties on hand h were used.
K = 50, (115 = .001, R = 5. Figure l(c) gives a plot of CK L(Al' A2) and Figure l(d)
gives a plot of ranGACV(Al, A2). The open circles mark the minimizer of ranGACV
in both plots and the filled in circle marks the minimizer of C K L. The inefficiency, as
measured by CKL()..)/minACKL(A) is 1.01. Inefficiencies near 1 are typical of our
other similar simulations.
This experiment used a model similar to the model fit by GRKPACK for the risk of
progression of diabetic retinopathy given t = (Xl, X2, X3) = (duration, glycosylated
hemoglobin, body mass index) in Wahba et al(l995) as 'truth'. A training set of 669
examples was generated according to that model, which had the structure f(Xl, X2, X3) =
/-l + fl (xd + h (X2) + h (X3) + fl,3 (Xl, X3). This (synthetic) training set was fit by GRKPACK and also using K = 50 basis functions with ranG ACV. Here there are P = 6
smoothing parameters (there are 3 smoothing parameters in f13) and the ranGACV function was searched by a downhill simplex method to find its minimizer. Since the 'truth' is
known, the CKL for)" and for the GRKPACK fit using the iterative UBR method were
computed. This was repeated 100 times, and the 100 pairs of C K L values appears in Figure l(e). It can be seen that the U BR and ranGACV give similar C K L values about 90%
of the time, while the ranG ACV has lower C K L for most of the remaining cases.
Figure 1(f) represents part of the results of a study of association at baseline of pigmentary
abnormalities with various risk factors in 2585 women between the ages of 43 and 86 in the
Beaver Dam Eye Study, R. Klein et al( 1995). The attributes are: Xl = age, X2 =body mass
index, X3 = systolic blood pressure, X4 = cholesterol. X5 and X6 are indicator variables for
taking hormones, and history of drinking. The smoothing spline ANOVA model fitted was
f(t) = /-l+dlXl +d2X2+ h(X3)+ f4(X4)+ h4(X3, x4)+d5I(x5) +d6I(x6), where I is the
indicator function. Figure l(e) represents a cross section of the fit for X5 = no, X6 = no,
The Bias- Variance Tradeoff and the Randomized GACV
X2, X3 fixed at their medians and Xl fixed at the 75th percentile. The dotted lines are the
Bayesian confidence intervals, see Wahba et al( 1995). There is a suggestion of a borderline
inverse association of cholesterol. The reason for this association is uncertain. More details
will appear elsewhere.
Principled soft classification procedures can now be implemented in much larger data sets
than previously possible, and the ranG ACV should be applicable in general learning.
Girard, D. (1998), 'Asymptotic comparison of (partial) cross-validation, GCV and randomized GCV in nonparametric regression', Ann. Statist. 126, 315-334.
Girosi, F., Jones, M. & Poggio, T. (1995), 'Regularization theory and neural networks
architectures', Neural Computatioll 7,219-269.
Gong, J., Wahba, G., Johnson, D. & Tribbia, J. (1998), 'Adaptive tuning of numerical
weather prediction models: simultaneous estimation of weighting, smoothing and physical
parameters', MOllthly Weather Review 125, 210-231.
Gu, C. (1992), 'Penalized likelihood regression: a Bayesian analysis', Statistica Sinica
Klein, R., Klein, B. & Moss, S. (1995), 'Age-related eye disease and survival. the Beaver
Dam Eye Study', Arch Ophthalmol113, 1995.
Liu, Y. (1993), Unbiased estimate of generalization error and model selection in neural
network, manuscript, Department of Physics, Institute of Brain and Neural Systems, Brown
Utans, J. & Moody, J. (1993), Selecting neural network architectures via the prediction
risk: application to corporate bond rating prediction, in 'Proc. First Int'I Conf. on Artificial
Intelligence Applications on Wall Street', IEEE Computer Society Press.
Wahba, G. (1990), Spline Models for Observational Data, SIAM. CBMS-NSF Regional
Conference Series in Applied Mathematics, v. 59.
Wahba, G. (1995), Generalization and regularization in nonlinear learning systems, in
M. Arbib, ed., 'Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks', MIT Press, pp. 426430.
Wahba, G., Wang, Y., Gu, c., Klein, R. & Klein, B. (1994), Structured machine learning
for 'soft' classification with smoothing spline ANOVA and stacked tuning, testing and
evaluation, in J. Cowan, G. Tesauro & J. Alspector, eds, 'Advances in Neural Information
Processing Systems 6', Morgan Kauffman, pp. 415-422.
Wahba, G., Wang, Y., Gu, C., Klein, R. & Klein, B. (1995), 'Smoothing spline AN OVA for
exponential families, with application to the Wisconsin Epidemiological Study of Diabetic
Retinopathy' , Ann. Statist. 23, 1865-1895.
Wang, Y. (1997), 'GRKPACK: Fitting smoothing spline analysis of variance models to data
from exponential families', Commun. Statist. Sim. Compo 26,765-782.
Wong, W. (1992), Estimation of the loss of an estimate, Technical Report 356, Dept. of
Statistics, University of Chicago, Chicago, II.
Xiang, D. & Wahba, G. (1996), 'A generalized approximate cross validation for smoothing
splines with non-Gaussian data', Statistica Sinica 6, 675-692, preprint TR 930 available
via www. stat. wise. edu/-wahba - > TRLIST.
Xiang, D. & Wahba, G. (1997), Approximate smoothing spline methods for large data sets
in the binary case, Technical Report 982, Department of Statistics, University of Wisconsin,
Madison WI. To appear in the Proceedings of the 1997 ASA Joint Statistical Meetings,
Biometrics Section, pp 94-98 (1998). Also in TRLIST as above.
G, Wahba et aI,
.' .
log lambda
:. ? ..O-:!4!7
O. 4
log lambda1
O. 7 O. 9
.. ????????r .....
log lambda
.. ..
.: 0'F5 0'F8 0.[32
log lambda1
ca O
c:i ~--------.-------.--------r--~
__~____, -____. -__- .____. -__~
Cholesterol (mg/dL)
Figure 1: (a) and (b): Single smoothing parameter comparison of ranGACV and CK L .
(c) and (d): Two smoothing parameter comparison of ranGACV and CK L. (e): Comparison of ranG ACV and U B R. (f): Probability estimate from Beaver Dam Study
Graph Matching for Shape Retrieval
Benoit Huet, Andrew D.J. Cross and Edwin R. Hancock'
Department of Computer Science, University of York
York, YOI 5DD, UK
This paper describes a Bayesian graph matching algorithm for
data-mining from large structural data-bases. The matching algorithm uses edge-consistency and node attribute similarity to determine the a posteriori probability of a query graph for each of the
candidate matches in the data-base. The node feature-vectors are
constructed by computing normalised histograms of pairwise geometric attributes. Attribute similarity is assessed by computing
the Bhattacharyya distance between the histograms. Recognition
is realised by selecting the candidate from the data-base which has
the largest a posteriori probability. We illustrate the recognition
technique on a data-base containing 2500 line patterns extracted
from real-world imagery. Here the recognition technique is shown
to significantly outperform a number of algorithm alternatives.
Since Barrow and Popplestone [1] first suggested that relational structures could be
used to represent and interpret 2D scenes, there has been considerable interest in the
machine vision literature in developing practical graph-matching algorithms [8, 3,
10]. The main computational issues are how to compare relational descriptions when
there is significant structural corruption [8, 10] and how to search for the best match
[3]. Despite resulting in significant improvements in the available methodology for
graph-matching, there has been little progress in applying the resulting algorithms
to large-scale object recognition problems. Most of the algorithms developed in the
literature are evaluated for the relatively simple problem of matching a model-graph
against a scene known to contain the relevant structure. A more realistic problem is
that of taking a large number (maybe thousands) of scenes and retrieving the ones
that best match the model. Although this problem is key to data-mining from large
libraries of visual information, it has invariably been approached using low-level
feature comparison techniques. Very little effort [7,4] has been devoted to matching
? corresponding author [email protected]
Graph Matching for Shape Retrieval
higher-level structural primitives such as lines, curves or regions. Moreover, because
of the perceived fragility of the graph matching process, there has been even less
effort directed at attempting to retrieve shapes using relational information.
Here we aim to fill this gap in the literature by using graph-matching as a means
of retrieving the shape from a large data-based that most closely resembles a query
shape. Although the indexation images in large data-bases is a problem of current
topicality in the computer vision literature [5, 6, 9], the work presented in this
paper is more ambitious. Firstly, we adopt a structural abstraction of the shape
recognition problem and match using attributed relational graphs. Each shape in
our data-base is a pattern of line-segments. The structural abstraction is a nearest
neighbour graph for the centre-points of the line-segments. In addition, we exploit
attribute information for the line patterns. Here the geometric arrangement of the
line-segments is encapsulated using a histogram of Euclidean invariant pairwise (binary) attributes. For each line-segment in turn we construct a normalised histogram
of relative angle and length with the remaining line-segments in the pattern. These
histograms capture the global geometric context of each line-segment. Moreover,
we interpret the pairwise geometric histograms as measurement densities for the
line-segments which we compare using the Bhattacharyya distance.
Once we have established the pattern representation, we realise object recognition
using a Bayesian graph-matching algorithm. This is a two-step process. Firstly,
we establish correspondence matches between the individual tokens in the query
pattern and each of the patterns in the data-base. The correspondences matches
are sought so as to maximise the a posteriori measurement probability. Once the
MAP correspondence matches have been established, then the second step in our
recognition architecture involves selecting the line-pattern from the data-base which
has maximum matching probability.
MAP Framework
Formally our recognition problem is posed as follows. Each ARG in the database is
a triple, G = (Vc, Ec, Ac), where Vc is the set of vertices (nodes), Ec is the edge
set (Ec C Vc x Vc), and Ac is the set of node attributes. In our experimental
example, the nodes represent line-structures segmented from 2D images. The edges
are established by computing the N-nearest neighbour graph for the line-centres.
Each node j E Vc is characterised by a vector of attributes, ~j and hence Ac =
{~j jj E Vc}. In the work reported here the attribute-vector is represents the
contents of a normalised pairwise attribute histogram .
The data-base of line-patterns is represented by the set of ARG's D = {G}. The
goal is to retrieve from the data-base D, the individual ARG that most closely
resembles a query pattern Q = (VQ' EQ, AQ). We pose the retrieval process as one
of associating with the query the graph from the data-base that has the largest a
posteriori probability. In other words, the class identity of the graph which most
closely corresponds to the query is
wQ =
arg max P(G' IQ)
However, since we wish to make a detailed structural comparison of the graphs,
rather than comparing their overall statistical properties, we must first establish
a set of best-match correspondences between each ARG in the data-base and the
query Q. The set of correspondences between the query Q and the ARG G is
a relation fc : Vc f-7 VQ over the vertex sets of the two graphs. The mapping
function consists of a set of Cartesian pairings between the nodes of the two graphs,
B. Huet, A. D. 1. Cross and E. R. Hancock
i.e. Ie = {(a,a);a E Ve,a E VQ} ~ Ve x VQ . Although this may appear to be a
brute force method, it must be stressed that we view this process of correspondence
matching as the final step in the filtering of the line-patterns. We provide more
details of practical implementation in the experimental section of this paper.
With the correspondences to hand we can re-state our maximum a posteriori probability recognition objective as a two step process. For each graph G in turn, we
locate the maximum a posteriori probability mapping function Ie onto the query
Q. The second step is to perform recognition by selecting the graph whose mapping
function results in the largest matching probability. These two steps are succinctly
captured by the following statement of the recognition condition
= arg max max P(fe,IG', Q)
This global MAP condition is developed into a useful local update formula by applying the Bayes formula to the a posteriori matching probability. The simplification
is as follows
e ,
= p(Ae, AQl/e)P(felVe, Ee, VQ, EQ)P(Ve , Ee)P(VQ, EQ)
The terms on the right-hand side of the Bayes formula convey the following
meaning. The conditional measurement density p(Ae,AQl/e) models the measurement similarity of the node-sets of the two graphs. The conditional probability P(feIEe, EQ) models the structural similarity of the two graphs under
the current set of correspondence matches. The assumptions used in developing our simplification of the a posteriori matching probability are as follows.
Firstly, we assume that the joint measurements are conditionally independent
of the structure of the two graphs provided that the set of correspondences is
known, i.e. P(Ae, AQl/e, Ee, Ve, E Q, VQ) = P(Ae, AQl/e). Secondly, we assume that there is conditional independence of the two graphs in the absence of
correspondences. In other words, P(Ve, Ee, VQ, EQ) = P(VQ, EQ)P(Ve, Ee) and
P(G, Q) = P(G)P(Q). Finally, the graph priors P(Ve, Ee) , P(VQ, EQ) P(G) and
P( Q) are taken as uniform and are eliminated from the decision making process.
To continue our development, we first focus on the conditional measurement density,
p(Ae, AQl/e) which models the process of comparing attribute similarity on the
nodes of the two graphs. Assuming statistical independence of node attributes, the
conditional measurement density p( Ae, AQ lie), can be factorised over the Cartesian
pairs (a, a) E Ve x VQ which constitute the the correspondence match Ie in the
following manner
p(Ae, AQl/e)
P(~a' ~ol/e(a)
= a)
As a result the correspondence matches may be optimised using a simple node-bynode discrete relaxation procedure. The rule for updating the match assigned to
the node a of the graph G is
le(a) = arg
P(~a'~o)l/(a) = a)P(feIEe,EQ)
In order to model the structural consistency of the set of assigned matches,we turn
to the framework recently reported by Finch, Wilson and Hancock [2}. This work
provides a framework for computing graph-matching energies using the weighted
Hamming distance between matched cliques. Since we are dealing with a large-scale
object recognition system, we would like to minimise the computational overheads
associated with establishing correspondence matches. For this reason, rather than
Graph Matchingfor Shape Retrieval
working with graph neighbourhoods or cliques, we chose to work with the relational
units of the smallest practical size. In other words we satisfy ourself with measuring
consistency at the edge level. For edge-units, the structural matching probability
P(fa!Va, Ea, VQ, EQ) is computed from the formula
(a,b)EEG (Ct ,(J )EEQ
where Pe is the probability of an error appearing on one of the edges of the matched
structure. The Sa,Ct are assignment variables which are used to represent the current
state of match and convey the following meaning
= {I
if fa (a) = a
Histogram-based consistency
We now furnish some details of the shape retrieval task used in our experimental
evaluation of the recognition method. In particular, we focus on the problem of
recognising 2D line patterns in a manner which is invariant to rotation, translation
and scale. The raw information available for each line segment are its orientation
(angle with respect to the horizontal axis) and its length (see figure 1). To illustrate
how the Euclidean invariant pairwise feature attributes are computed, suppose that
we denote the line segments associated with the nodes indexed a and b by the
vectors Ya and Yb respectively. The vectors are directed away from their point of
intersection. The pairwise relative angle attribute is given by
(Ja ,b
= arccos
[I:: 1?1::1]
From the relative angle we compute the directed relative angle. This involves giving
Figure 1: Geometry for shape representation
the relative angle a positive sign if the direction of the angle from the baseline Ya to
its partner Yb is clockwise and a negative sign if it is counter-clockwise. This allows
us to extend the range of angles describing pairs of segments from [0,7I"J to [-7I",7I"J.
The directed relative position {}a,b is represented by the normalised length ratio
between the oriented baseline vector Ya and the vector yl joining the end (b) of the
baseline segment (ab) to the intersection of the segment pair (cd).
B. Huet, A. D. 1. Cross and E. R. Hancock
The physical range of this attribute is (0, IJ. A relative position of 0 indicates that
the two segments are parallel, while a relative position of 1 indicates that the two
segments intersect at the middle point of the baseline.
The Euclidean invariant angle and position attributes 8a,b and {)a ,b are binned in a
histogram. Suppose that Sa(J-l, v) = {(a , b)18a,b E All 1\ {)a,b E Rv 1\ bE VD} is the
set of nodes whose pairwise geometric attributes with the node a are spanned by
the range of directed relative angles All and the relative position attribute range
Rv. The contents of the histogram bin spanning the two attribute ranges is given
by Ha(J-l, v) = ISa(J-l, v)l. Each histogram contains nA relative angle bins and nR
length ratio bins. The normalised geometric histogram bin-entries are computed as
Ha(J-l, v)
ha(J-l, v) = "nA "nR H (
~Il'=l ~v'=l
a J-l, v
The probability of match between the pattern-vectors is computed using the Bhattacharyya distance between the normalised histograms.
P(f(a) = al~a' ~a) =
I:~~l I:~~l ha(J-l, v)ha(J-l, v)
L j'EQ I:nA
h (
)h (
v'=l a J-l, V
a J-l, V
= exp[-Ba ,aJ
With this modelling ingredient , the condition for recognition is
= arg~~%
(a , b}EE~
The aim in this section is to evaluate the graph-based recognition scheme on a database of real-world line-patterns. We have conducted our recognition experiments
with a data-base of 2500 line-patterns each containing over a hundred lines. The
line-patterns have been obtained by applying line/edge detection algorithms to the
raw grey-scale images followed by polygonisation. For each line-pattern in the database, we construct the six-nearest neighbour graph . The feature extraction process
together with other details of the data used in our study are described in recent
papers where we have focussed on the issues of histogram representation [4J and the
optimal choice of the relational structure for the purposes of recognition. In order to
prune the set of line-patterns for detailed graph-matching we select about 10% of the
data-base using a two-step process. This consists of first refining the data-base using
a global histogram of pairwise attributes [4J . The top quartile of matches selected
in this way are then further refined using a variant of the Haussdorff distance to
select the set of pairwise attributes that best match against the query.
The recognition task is posed as one of recovering the line-pattern which most closely
resembles a digital map . The original images from which our line-patterns have been
obtained are from a number of diverse sources. However , a subset of the images are
aerial infra-red line-scan views of southern England. Two of these infra-red images
correspond to different views of the area covered by the digital map. These views
are obtained when the line-scan device is flying at different altitudes. The line-scan
device used to obtain the aerial images introduces severe barrel distortions and
hence the map and aerial images are not simply related via a Euclidean or affine
transformation. The remaining line-patterns in the data-base have been extracted
from trademarks and logos. It is important to stress that although the raw images
are obtained from different sources, there is nothing salient about their associated
line-pattern representations that allows us to distinguish them from one-another.
Graph Matchingfor Shape Retrieval
(a) Digital Map
(b) Target 1
(c) Target 2
Figure 2: Images from the data-base
Moreover, since it is derived from a digital map rather than one of the images in
the data-base, the query is not identical to any of the line-patterns in the model
We aim to assess the importance of different attributes representation on the retrieval process. To this end, we compare node-based and the histogram-based attribute representation. \Ve also consider the effect of taking the relative angle and
relative position attributes both singly and in tandem. The final aspect of the
comparison is to consider the effects of using the attributes purely for initialisation
purposes and also in a persistent way during the iteration of the matching process.
To this end we consider the following variants of our algorithm .
? Non-Persistent Attributes: Here we ignore the attribute information
provided by the node-histograms after the first iteration and attempt to
maximise the structural congruence of the graphs .
? Local attributes: Here we use only the single node attributes rather than
an attribute histogram to model the a posteriori matching probabilities.
Graph Matching Strategy
ReI. Position Attribute iInitialisation only)
ReI. Angle Attribute (Initialisation only)
ReI. Angle + Position Attributes (Initialisation only)
1D ReI. Position Histogram (Initialisation only)
1D ReI. Angle Histogram (Initialisation only)
2D Histogram (Initialisation only)
ReI. Position Attribute (Persistent)
ReI. Angle Attribute (Persistent)
ReI. Angle + Position Attributes (Persistent)
1D ReI. Position Histogram (Persistent)
1D ReI. Angle Histogram (Persistent)
2D Histogram (Persistent)
per recall
Table 1: Recognition performance of various recognition strategies averaged over
26 queries in a database of 260 line-patterns
In Table 1 we present the recognition performance for each of the recognition strategies in turn. The table lists the recall performance together with the average number
B. Huet, A. D. 1. Cross and E. R. Hancock
of iterations per recall for each of the recognition strategies in turn. The main features to note from this table are as follows . Firstly, the iterative recall using the full
histogram representation outperforms each of the remaining recognition methods
in terms of both accuracy and computational overheads. Secondly, it is interesting
to compare the effect of using the histogram in the initialisation-only and iteration
persistent modes. In the latter case the recall performance is some 32% better than
in the former case. In the non-persistent mode the best recognition accuracy that
can be obtained is 68%. Moreover, the recall is typically achieved in only 3.12 iterations as opposed to 3.9 (average over 26 queries on a database of 260 images) .
Finally, the histogram representation provides better performance, and more significantly, much faster recall than the single-attribute similarity measure. When the
attributes are used singly, rather than in tandem , then it is the relative angle that
appears to be the most powerful.
We have presented a practical graph-matching algorithm for data-mining in large
structural libraries. The main conclusion to be drawn from this study is that the
combined use of structural and histogram information improves both recognition
performance and recall speed. There are a number of ways in which the ideas
presented in this paper can be extended. Firstly, we intend to explore more a perceptually meaningful representation of the line patterns, using grouping principals
derived from Gestalt psychology. Secondly, we are exploring the possibility of formulating the filtering of line-patterns prior to graph matching using Bayes decision
[1] H. Barrow and R. Popplestone. Relational descriptions in picture processing.
Machine Intelligence, 5:377- 396, 1971.
[2] A. Finch, R. Wilson, and E. Hancock. Softening discrete relaxation . Advances
in NIPS 9, Edited by M. Mozer, M. Jordan and T. Petsche, MIT Press, pages
438- 444, 1997.
[3] S. Gold and A. Rangarajan. A graduated assignment algorithm for graph
matching. IEEE PAMI, 18:377- 388, 1996.
[4] B. Huet and E. Hancock. Relational histograms for shape indexing. IEEE
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[5] W. Niblack et al.. The QBIC project: Querying images by content using color ,
texture and shape. Image and Vision Storage and Retrieval, 173- 187, 1993.
[6] A. P. Pentland, R. W. Picard, and S. Scarloff. Photobook: tools for contentbased manipulation of image databases. Storage and Retrieval for Image and
Video Database II, pages 34- 47, February 1994.
[7] K. Sengupta and K. Boyer. Organising large structural databases. IEEE PAMI,
17(4):321- 332,1995.
[8] 1. Shapiro and R. Haralick. A metric for comparing relational descriptions.
IEEE PAMI, 7(1):90- 94, 1985.
[9] M. Swain and D. Ballard. Color indexing. International Journal of Computer
Vision, 7(1) :11- 32, 1991.
[10] R. Wilson and E. R. Hancock. Structural matching by discrete relaxation.
IEEE PAMI, 19(6):634- 648, June 1997.
| 1484 |@word middle:1 polynomial:1 replicate:2 logit:1 open:2 grey:1 simulation:5 pressure:1 tr:7 ld:1 initial:1 liu:2 series:3 unx:1 efficacy:1 selecting:5 inefficiency:2 contains:1 initialisation:7 bhattacharyya:3 outperforms:1 current:3 com:1 comparing:3 must:2 ronald:1 fn:5 numerical:3 additive:2 chicago:2 girosi:2 shape:13 realistic:1 designed:1 plot:4 update:1 v:1 d5i:1 intelligence:2 selected:2 device:2 beaver:3 ith:1 compo:1 provides:4 node:18 organising:1 attack:1 sigmoidal:1 simpler:1 firstly:5 along:1 h4:1 constructed:1 become:2 retrieving:2 pairing:1 consists:2 persistent:10 fitting:1 overhead:2 wuf:3 manner:2 pairwise:9 alspector:1 brain:2 ol:1 td:3 little:2 tandem:2 provided:3 begin:1 campus:1 fti:1 moreover:4 mass:2 matched:2 null:1 what:1 barrel:1 kind:1 developed:2 transformation:1 ti:15 xd:2 exactly:1 fat:1 returning:1 uk:2 control:1 unit:3 brute:1 appear:5 yn:2 positive:2 maximise:2 walnut:1 local:2 modify:1 despite:1 joining:1 establishing:1 optimised:1 approximately:1 yd:3 might:2 black:2 twice:1 topicality:1 studied:1 resembles:3 chose:1 suggests:1 logo:1 co:1 limited:1 range:5 averaged:1 popplestone:2 practical:5 directed:5 testing:1 borderline:1 implement:1 differs:1 definite:2 x3:8 epidemiological:1 procedure:4 dayton:1 intersect:1 area:1 significantly:2 weather:2 convenient:2 matching:26 confidence:1 radial:1 refers:1 word:3 doubled:1 get:1 close:1 selection:1 onto:1 storage:2 risk:5 influence:1 applying:4 dam:3 wong:2 www:1 context:1 map:8 go:1 primitive:1 duration:1 convex:1 rule:1 cholesterol:4 fill:1 spanned:1 retrieve:2 population:1 target:4 suppose:2 exact:4 us:2 recognition:26 updating:1 continues:1 database:8 preprint:1 wang:4 capture:1 thousand:1 region:1 counter:1 edited:1 principled:2 disease:1 pd:1 govern:2 complexity:2 mozer:1 depend:1 solving:2 rewrite:1 segment:14 asa:1 technically:1 flying:1 purely:1 basis:4 gacv:8 gu:5 edwin:1 joint:2 various:3 rxl:1 represented:2 derivation:1 stacked:1 univ:1 epi:1 acv:10 hancock:8 artificial:1 query:13 tell:1 approached:1 choosing:2 outcome:3 refined:1 quite:1 whose:2 larger:1 posed:2 distortion:1 otherwise:1 dab:1 statistic:3 final:2 mg:1 aql:6 propose:2 fr:1 ckl:8 relevant:1 gold:1 description:3 cacv:3 cluster:3 rangarajan:1 produce:2 comparative:1 object:3 depending:1 andrew:1 illustrate:2 stat:2 gong:2 pose:1 nearest:3 ac:4 measured:1 ij:4 sim:1 eq:10 minor:1 implemented:2 c:1 lambda1:2 involves:2 recovering:1 progress:1 sa:8 direction:1 rei:10 closely:4 attribute:40 f4:1 quartile:1 vc:7 observational:1 bin:4 ja:1 generalization:4 wall:1 preliminary:1 secondly:3 exploring:1 drinking:1 asb:2 exp:1 congruence:1 mapping:3 substituting:1 sought:1 adopt:1 a2:3 smallest:1 purpose:2 perceived:1 encapsulated:1 favorable:1 proc:1 applicable:1 tik:1 bond:1 estimation:2 grouped:1 wl:2 largest:3 cary:1 successfully:1 tool:1 weighted:1 mit:2 fya:2 gaussian:4 indexation:1 aim:3 ck:5 rather:6 wilson:3 derived:3 focus:2 refining:1 haralick:1 improvement:1 june:1 modelling:1 likelihood:8 indicates:2 baseline:5 summarizing:1 posteriori:9 abstraction:2 el:1 minimizers:2 typically:2 lj:1 relation:1 boyer:1 issue:2 classification:6 orientation:1 overall:1 arg:9 development:1 arccos:1 smoothing:17 special:1 sengupta:1 construct:2 once:2 having:2 extraction:1 eliminated:1 x4:3 represents:4 pai:1 jones:2 identical:1 mimic:1 future:1 minimized:1 spline:14 simplex:1 report:2 employ:1 infra:2 randomly:1 neighbour:3 oriented:1 ve:9 individual:2 tradeofjand:2 replaced:1 hemoglobin:1 consisting:1 geometry:1 ab:1 attempt:1 detection:1 invariably:1 interest:2 fd:2 highly:1 mining:3 possibility:1 picard:1 hiwii:2 evaluation:2 replicates:2 benoit:1 introduces:1 severe:1 tj:1 devoted:1 accurate:1 edge:7 partial:1 poggio:2 biometrics:1 tree:2 filled:3 taylor:2 euclidean:4 indexed:1 desired:2 circle:5 re:1 fitted:1 uncertain:1 soft:6 ar:1 measuring:1 assignment:2 ordinary:1 cost:1 vertex:2 entry:2 subset:1 uniform:2 hundred:1 swain:1 gcv:2 johnson:1 conducted:1 reported:2 perturbed:2 synthetic:1 finch:2 grkpack:6 combined:1 cited:1 density:4 randomized:13 siam:1 ie:3 international:1 bu:1 dong:1 physician:1 physic:1 yl:1 together:2 moody:1 na:3 ophthalmalogy:1 again:2 imagery:1 containing:2 opposed:1 woman:1 f5:1 lambda:2 conf:1 derivative:1 li:2 factorised:1 north:1 int:1 inc:1 matter:1 satisfy:1 depends:1 vi:1 view:4 realised:1 red:2 bayes:3 parallel:1 trh:1 minimize:1 square:2 il:2 ass:1 accuracy:3 variance:10 correspond:1 bayesian:4 raw:3 produced:1 rangacv:16 drive:1 corruption:1 liebler:2 history:1 huet:5 simultaneous:1 ed:3 against:2 realise:1 energy:1 pp:3 associated:3 attributed:1 hamming:1 recall:8 knowledge:1 color:2 improves:1 hilbert:1 actually:1 cik:1 cbms:1 appears:2 manuscript:1 ea:1 higher:1 x6:3 methodology:1 yb:2 evaluated:2 box:2 done:1 arch:1 until:1 sketch:1 hand:3 working:1 ubr:2 replacing:2 horizontal:1 nonlinear:2 hwl:2 mode:2 aj:2 effect:3 contain:2 true:4 unbiased:2 brown:1 former:1 regularization:3 hence:2 assigned:2 read:1 furnish:1 trlist:2 contentbased:1 conditionally:1 sin:2 x5:3 during:1 percentile:1 criterion:1 generalized:2 stress:1 confusion:1 tn:1 pami:4 image:16 variational:3 wise:1 ef:3 fi:1 meaning:2 recently:1 rotation:1 functional:3 physical:2 insensitive:1 association:3 extend:1 numerically:1 interpret:2 significant:2 measurement:7 ai:2 cv:4 iq:1 tuning:3 consistency:4 mathematics:1 centre:2 softening:1 aq:3 retinopathy:2 had:1 similarity:6 base:18 pu:1 multivariate:1 showed:1 recent:1 optimizing:2 commun:1 barbara:1 tesauro:1 manipulation:1 binary:2 continue:1 meeting:1 yi:13 seen:2 minimum:1 morgan:1 captured:1 prune:1 determine:1 clockwise:2 ii:7 rv:2 full:1 multiple:3 corporate:1 isa:1 hormone:1 technical:2 match:18 segmented:1 calculation:5 cross:13 raphson:3 lin:1 retrieval:10 england:1 faster:1 dept:3 va:1 yoi:1 prediction:3 variant:2 regression:2 ae:7 patient:1 metric:1 essentially:1 vision:4 iteration:8 kernel:2 histogram:29 represent:3 achieved:1 addition:1 interval:1 median:1 biasvariance:1 leaving:2 source:2 regional:1 subject:1 thing:1 member:1 cowan:1 spirit:1 jordan:1 structural:14 near:1 ee:7 abnormality:1 easy:1 concerned:1 variety:1 independence:2 fit:10 variate:1 psychology:1 architecture:3 wahba:25 bandwidth:1 rang:7 reduce:1 arbib:1 cn:1 idea:1 tradeoff:7 br:2 associating:1 minimise:1 six:1 eeq:2 effort:2 penalty:4 hessian:3 york:3 jj:1 constitute:1 useful:1 clear:1 detailed:2 covered:1 maybe:1 singly:2 nonparametric:1 extensively:1 statist:3 iith:2 shapiro:1 outperform:1 nsf:1 dotted:1 utans:2 sign:2 estimated:1 wr:1 per:2 klein:9 diverse:1 discrete:3 key:1 salient:1 demonstrating:1 blood:1 drawn:1 wisc:2 changing:1 anova:5 f8:1 graph:39 relaxation:3 sum:1 glycosylated:1 inverse:2 eli:1 you:1 angle:19 powerful:1 family:2 draw:1 decision:2 f13:1 fl:4 hi:1 ct:3 followed:1 simplification:2 tackled:1 correspondence:13 distinguish:1 quadratic:4 binned:1 x2:7 scene:3 aspect:1 speed:1 anyone:1 span:1 formulating:1 attempting:1 relatively:1 uf:2 department:3 structured:1 according:3 developing:2 project:1 aerial:3 remain:1 describes:1 wi:4 modification:1 making:1 dv:1 invariant:4 indexing:2 altitude:1 heart:1 taken:2 computationally:1 equation:1 vq:12 previously:1 ln:1 turn:5 describing:1 know:1 letting:5 end:3 available:3 progression:1 away:1 petsche:1 hii:2 appearing:1 neighbourhood:1 alternative:1 original:2 top:1 running:1 include:2 clustering:1 remaining:4 madison:3 newton:3 exploit:1 giving:2 uj:1 yz:1 establish:2 society:1 february:1 objective:1 intend:1 arrangement:1 quantity:1 fa:4 strategy:4 md:2 grace:1 diagonal:1 nr:3 southern:1 distance:9 street:3 vd:1 ourself:1 partner:1 fy:3 reason:2 spanning:1 assuming:2 systolic:1 length:4 index:2 ratio:2 minimizing:1 nc:1 equivalently:1 sinica:2 fe:1 statement:1 trace:4 negative:3 ba:2 implementation:1 ambitious:1 unknown:2 perform:1 observation:2 thence:1 barrow:2 pentland:1 relational:9 extended:1 y1:2 locate:1 reproducing:2 rating:1 pair:4 kl:2 extensive:2 established:3 nip:1 qa:1 suggested:1 pattern:26 kauffman:1 ev:1 including:1 reliable:1 max:4 unpenalized:1 niblack:1 video:1 force:1 indicator:2 hr:1 representing:1 scheme:1 eye:3 library:3 picture:1 axis:1 moss:1 l992:1 review:1 geometric:6 literature:4 prior:2 icc:1 xiang:6 wisconsin:3 asymptotic:1 loss:1 relative:14 suggestion:1 interesting:1 filtering:2 querying:1 erh:1 ingredient:1 generator:1 validation:8 at1:1 age:3 triple:1 degree:1 digital:4 affine:1 proxy:1 dd:1 pi:5 cd:1 translation:1 qbic:1 elsewhere:2 penalized:8 token:1 succinctly:1 free:1 ovum:1 bias:7 normalised:6 side:1 institute:2 taking:3 focussed:1 curve:1 world:2 author:2 adaptive:1 replicated:1 ig:2 ec:3 gestalt:1 functionals:1 bb:1 approximate:5 ignore:1 kullback:2 clique:2 dealing:1 anew:1 global:3 handbook:1 don:1 continuous:1 iterative:3 search:1 diabetic:2 table:4 ballard:1 fragility:1 ca:1 eeg:1 expansion:1 cl:1 statistica:2 ciq:1 main:3 withstanding:1 nothing:1 repeated:1 girard:2 convey:2 body:2 fig:2 representative:1 tl:1 ff:10 cubic:3 position:13 pv:3 explicit:1 downhill:1 exponential:2 xl:6 candidate:2 wish:1 lie:1 pe:2 weighting:1 hw:1 formula:4 trademark:1 list:1 survival:1 dl:1 exists:1 grouping:1 recognising:1 sequential:1 importance:1 texture:1 perceptually:1 cartesian:2 relearning:1 gap:1 intersection:2 l993:1 fc:1 simply:1 explore:1 gao:1 visual:1 ua1:1 corresponds:1 minimizer:10 satisfies:2 truth:2 extracted:2 conditional:5 ydi:3 goal:1 identity:1 graduated:1 ann:2 replace:2 absence:1 considerable:1 change:1 content:3 included:1 infinite:1 except:1 typical:1 characterised:1 lemma:1 principal:1 called:2 experimental:4 la:1 ya:3 meaningful:1 formally:1 select:2 wq:3 mark:2 searched:1 latter:1 stressed:1 assessed:1 scan:3 photobook:1 xiwu:2 evaluate:1 |
530 | 1,485 | Dynamically Adapting Kernels in Support
Vector Machines
N ello Cristianini
Dept. of Engineering Mathematics
University of Bristol, UK
[email protected]
Colin Campbell
Dept. of Engineering Mathematics
University of Bristol, UK
[email protected]
John Shawe-Taylor
Dept. of Computer Science
Royal Holloway College
[email protected]
The kernel-parameter is one of the few tunable parameters in Support Vector machines, controlling the complexity of the resulting
hypothesis. Its choice amounts to model selection and its value is
usually found by means of a validation set. We present an algorithm which can automatically perform model selection with little
additional computational cost and with no need of a validation set .
In this procedure model selection and learning are not separate,
but kernels are dynamically adjusted during the learning process
to find the kernel parameter which provides the best possible upper
bound on the generalisation error. Theoretical results motivating
the approach and experimental results confirming its validity are
Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are learning systems designed to automatically
trade-off accuracy and complexity by minimizing an upper bound on the generalisation error provided by VC theory. In practice, however, SVMs still have a few
tunable parameters which need to be determined in order to achieve the right balance and the values of these are usually found by means of a validation set. One
of the most important of these is the kernel-parameter which implicitly defines the
structure of the high dimensional feature space where the maximal margin hyperplane is found. Too rich a feature space would cause the system to overfit the data,
Dynamically Adapting Kernels in Support Vector Machines
and conversely the system can be unable to separate the data if the kernels are too
poor. Capacity control can therefore be performed by tuning the kernel parameter
subject to the margin being maximized. For noisy datasets, yet another quantity
needs to be set, namely the soft-margin parameter C.
SVMs therefore display a remarkable dimensionality reduction for model selection.
Systems such as neural networks need many different architectures to be tested and
decision trees are faced with a similar problem during the pruning phase. On the
other hand SVMs can shift from one model complexity to another by simply tuning
a continuous parameter.
Generally, model selection by SVMs is still performed in the standard way: by
learning different SVMs and testing them on a validation set in order to determine
the optimal value of the kernel-parameter. This is expensive in terms of computing
time and training data. In this paper we propose a different scheme which dynamically adjusts the kernel-parameter to explore the space of possible models at
little additional computational cost compared to fixed-kernel learning. Futhermore
this approach only makes use of training-set information so it is more efficient in a
sample complexity sense.
Before proposing the model selection procedure we first prove a theoretical result,
namely that the margin and structural risk minimization (SRM) bound on the generalization error depend smoothly on the kernel parameter. This can be exploited
by an algorithm which keeps the system close to maximal margin while the kernel
parameter is changed smoothly. During this phase, the theoretical bound given by
SRM theory can be computed. The best kernel-parameter is the one which gives the
lowest possible bound. In section 4 we present experimental results showing that
model selection can be efficiently performed using the proposed method (though we
only consider Gaussian kernels in the simulations outlined).
Support Vector Learning
The decision function implemented by SV machines can be written as:
f(x) = sign
Yiai K(x, Xi) -
where the ai are obtained by maximising the following Lagrangian (where m is the
number of patterns):
i= l
ai - 1/2 L
aiajYiyjK(Xi, Xj)
i,j= l
with respect to the ai, subject to the constraints
LaiYi =
and where the functions K( x, x') are called kernels. The kernels provide an expression for dot- products in a high-dimensional feature space [1]:
K( x, x') = (<I> (x) , <I>(x' ))
N. Cristianini, C. Campbell and 1. Shawe-Taylor
and also implicitly define the nonlinear mapping <1>( x) of the training data into
feature space where they may be separated using the maximal margin hyperplane.
A number of choices of kernel-function can be made e.g. Gaussians kernels:
K(x, x') = e-ll x-x'1 12/2(T2
The following upper bound can be proven from VC theory for the generalisation
error using hyperplanes in feature space [7, 9J:
where R is the radius of the smallest ball containing the training set, m the number
of training points and 'Y the margin (d. [2J for a complete survey of the generalization properties of SV machines) .
The Lagrange multipliers Qi are usually found by means of a Quadratic Programming optimization routine, while the kernel-parameters are found using a validation
set. As illustrated in Figure 1 there is a minimum of the generalisation error for
that value of the kernel-parameter which has the best trade-off between overfitting
and ability to find an efficient solution.
0 13
0 11
0 07
0 06
0 04
Figure 1: Generalization error (y-axis) as a function of (J (x-axis) for the mirror symmetry problem (for Gaussian kernels with zero training error and maximal margin,
m = 200, n = 30 and averaged over 105 examples).
A utomatic Model Order Selection
We now prove a theorem which shows that the margin of the optimal hyperplane is a
smooth function of the kernel parameter, as is the upper bound on the generalisation
error. First we state the Implicit Function Theorem.
Implicit Function Theorem [10]: Let F(x, y) be a continuously differentiable
F : U ~ ~ x V ~ ~p --t ~
and let (a, b) E U x V be a solution to the equation F(x, y) = O. Let the partial
derivatives matrix mi ,j = (~:;) w.r.t. y be full rank at (a, b) . Then, near (a, b),
Dynamically Adapting Kernels in Support Vector Machines
there exists one and only one function
function is continuous.
y = g(x) such that F(x,g(x)) = 0, and such
Theorem: The margin, of SV machines depends smoothly on the kernel parameter
Proof: Consider the function 9 : ~ <;;; ~ --t A <;;; ~P, 9 : a ~ (aO, A) which given the
data maps the choice of a to the optimal parameters aO and lagrange parameter A
of the SV machine with Kernel matrix Gij = YiYjK(a; Xi, Xj )). Let
Wu(a) = l:ai - 1/2 l:aiajYiyjK(a; Xi,Xj)
+ A(l: Yiai )
be the functional that the SV machine maximizes. Fix a value of a and let aO(a) be
the corresponding solution of Wu(a). Let I be the set of indices for which aj((J) =1= O.
We may assume that the submatrix of G indexed by I is non-singular since otherwise
the maximal margin hyperplane could be expressed in terms of a subset of indices.
Now choose a maximal set of indices J containing I such that the corresponding
su bmatrix of G is non-singular and all of the points indexed by J have margin 1.
Now consider the function F((J ,a , A)i = (a~)j; ,i 2: 1, F((J,a,A)o = LjYjaj in
the neighbourhood of (J, where ji is an enumeration of the elements of J,
oa. = 1 - Yj L.. aiYiK((J; Xi, Xj)
+ AYj
and satisfies the equation F((J, aO((J), A(a)) = 0 at the extremal points of Wu(a) .
Then the SV function is the implicit function, (aO, A) = g((J), and is continuous
(and unique) iff F is continuously differentiable and the partial derivatives matrix
w.r.t. a, A is full rank. But the partial derivatives matrix H is given by
= oat
= Yj;Yj}K((J;xj; ,Xj})
= Hji,i , j
2: 1,
for ji,iJ E J, which was non-degenerate by definition of J, while
Consider any non-zero a satisfying
(a, Af H(a, A)
= oajJ = n =
Lj ajYJ
= Hjo,J
2: 1.
= 0, and any A. We have
= aTGa + 2AaT Y = aTGa > O.
Hence, the matrix H is non-singular for a satisfying the given linear constraint.
Hence , by the implicit function theorem 9 is a continuous function of (J. The
following is proven in [2J:
,2 = (t Zif) -1
which shows that, is a continuous function of (J. As the radius of the ball containing
the points is also a continuous function of (J , and the generalization error bound has
the form f. ~ CR(a)2llaO((J)lll for some constant C, we have the following corollary.
Corollary: The bound on the generalization error is smooth in (J.
This means that, when the margin is optimal, small variations in the kernel parameter will produce small variations in the margin (and in the bound on the
generalisation error). Thus ,u ~ ,uHu and after updating the (J, the system will
N Cristianini, C. Campbell and J. Shawe- Taylor
still be in a sub-optimal position. This suggests the following strategy for Gaussian
kernels, for instance:
Kernel Selection Procedure
l. Initialize u to a very small value
2. Maximize the margin, then
? Compute the SRM bound (or observe the validation error)
? Increase the kernel parameter: u +- u + 8u
3. Stop when a predetermined value of u is reached else repeat step 2.
This procedure takes advantage of the fact that for very small (J convergence is
generally very rapid (overfi tting the data, of course), and that once the system is
near the equilibrium, few iterations will always be sufficient to move it back to the
maximal margin situation. In other words, this system is brought to a maximal
margin state in the beginning, when this is computationally very cheap, and then it
is actively kept in that situation by continuously adjusting the a while the kernelparameter is gradually increased.
In the next section we will experimentally investigate this procedure for real-life
datasets. In the numerical simulations we have used the Kernel-Adatron (KA)
algorithm recently developed by two of the authors [4] which can be used to train SV
machines. We have chosen this algorithm because it can be regarded as a gradient
ascent procedure for maximising the Kuhn-Tucker Lagrangian L . Thus the ai for
a sub-optimal state are close to those for the optimum and so little computational
effort will be needed to bring the system back to a maximal margin position:
The Kernel-Adatron Algorithm.
l. exi = l.
2. FOR i
= 1 TO m
? ,i
? 8ex i
? IF
= 17(1 _ , i )
(ex i + 8ex i ) ::; 0 THEN
ex i
= 0 ELSE ex i
ex i
+ 8ex
t .
? margin = ~ (min(z;) -max(z;))
(4 (z;) = positively (negatively) labelled patterns)
3. IF(margin
= 1) THEN
stop, ELSE go to step 2.
Experimental Results
In this section we implement the above algorithm for real-life datasets and plot the
upper bound given by VC theory and the generalization error as functions of (J. In
order to compute the bound, E ::; R 2/m,2 we need to estimate the radius of the ball
in feature space. In general his can be done explicitly by maximising the following
Lagrangian w.r.t. Ai using convex quadratic programming routines:
subject to the constraints
AiK(Xi, Xi) -
L AiAjK(Xi,
2:i Ai = 1 and Ai 2: O.
The radius is then found from [3]:
Dynamically Adapting Kernels in Support Vector Machines
However, we can also get an upper bound for this quantity by noting that Gaussian
kernels always map training points to the surface of a sphere of radius 1 centered on
the origin of the feature space. This can be easily seen by noting that the distance
of a point from the origin is its norm:
= J(<I>(X),<I>(X)) = JK(x,x) = Jellx-xll/2o-2 = 1
In Figure 2 we give both these bounds (the upper bound is Li adm) and generalisation error (on a test set) for two standard datasets: the aspect-angle dependent
sonar classification dataset of Gorman and Sejnowski [5] and the Wisconsin breast
cancer dataset [8]. As we see from these plots there is little need for the additional computational cost of determining R from the above quadratic progamming
problem, at least for Gaussian kernels. In Fig. 3 we plot the bound Li adm and
generalisation error for 2 figures from a United States Postal Service dataset of
handwritten digits [6]. In these, and other instances we have investigated, the minimum of the bound approximately coincides with the minimum of the generalisation
error. This gives a good criterion for the most suitable choice for a. Furthermore,
this estimate for the best a is derived solely from training data without the need
for an additional validation set .
., ..
Figure 2: Generalisation error (solid curves) for the sonar classification (left Fig.)
and Wisconsin breast cancer datasets (right Fig.). The upper curves (dotted) show
the upper bounds from VC theory (for the top curves R=l).
Starting with a small a-value we have observed that the margin can be maximised
rapidly. Furthermore, the margin remains close to 1 if a is incremented by a small
amount. Consequently, we can study the performance of the system by traversing
a range of a-values, alternately incrementing a then maximising the margin using
the previous optimal set of a-values as a starting point. We have found that this
procedure does not add a significant computational cost in general. For example,
for the sonar classification dataset mentioned above and starting at a = 0.1 with
increments ~a = 0.1 it took 186 iterations to reach a = 1.0 and 4895 to reach
a = 2.0 as against 110 and 2624 iterations for learning at both these a-values. For
a rough doubling of the learning time it is possible to determine a reasonable value
for a for good generalisation without use of a validation set.
N Cristianini, C Campbell and J Shawe-Taylor
.. ......
"- '.
Figure 3: Generalisation error (solid curve) and upper bound from VC theory
(dashed curve with R=l) for digits 0 and 3 from the USPS dataset of handwritten
We have presented an algorithm which automatically learns the kernel parameter
with little additional cost, both in a computational and sample-complexity sense.
Model selection takes place during the learning process itself, and experimental
results are provided showing that this strategy provides a good estimate of the
correct model complexity.
[1] Aizerman, M., Braverman, E ., and Rozonoer , L. (1964) . Theoretical Foundations of
the Potential Function Method in Pattern Recognition Learning, A utomations and
Remote Control, 25:821-837.
[2] Bartlett P., Shawe-Taylor J ., (1998). Generalization Performance of Support Vector
Machines and Other Pattern Classifiers. 'Advances in Kernel Methods - Support Vector
Learning', Bernhard Sch61kopf, Christopher J . C. Burges, and Alexander J . Smola
(eds.), MIT Press, Cambridge, USA.
[3] Burges c., (1998). A tutorial on support vector machines for pattern recognition . Data
Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2:l.
[4] Friess T., Cristianini N., Campbell C. , (1998) The Kernel-Adatron Algorithm: a Fast
and Simple Learning Procedure for Support Vector Machines, in Shavlik, J. , ed., Machine Learning: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, CA.
[5] Gorman R.P. & Sejnowski, T.J. (1988) Neural Networks 1:75-89.
[6] LeCun, Y., Jackel, L. D. , Bottou, L., Brunot, A., Cortes, C., Denker, J . S., Drucker, H.,
Guyon, I., Muller, U. A., Sackinger, E ., Simard, P. and Vapnik, V., (1995) . Comparison
of learning algorithms for handwritten digit recognition, International Conference on
Artificial Neural Networks, Fogelman, F. and Gallinari, P. (Ed.), pp. 53-60.
[7] Shawe-Taylor, J ., Bartlett, P., Williamson, R. & Anthony, M. (1996) . Structural Risk
Minimization over Data-Dependent Hierarchies NeuroCOLT Technical Report NCTR-96-053 (ftp://ftp.des .rhbne .ae. uk /pub/neuroeolt/teeh_reports).
[8] Ster, B ., & Dobnikar, A. (1996) Neural networks in medical diagnosis: comparison with
other methods. In A. Bulsari et al. (ed.) Proceedings of the International Conference
EA NN '96, p. 427-430.
[9] Vapnik , V. (1995) The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory, Springer Verlag.
[10] James, Robert C. (1966) Advanced calculus Belmont, Calif. : Wadsworth
| 1485 |@word norm:1 calculus:1 simulation:2 solid:2 reduction:1 united:1 pub:1 ka:1 yet:1 written:1 john:2 belmont:1 numerical:1 predetermined:1 confirming:1 cheap:1 designed:1 plot:3 beginning:1 maximised:1 provides:2 postal:1 hyperplanes:1 ofo:2 prove:2 rapid:1 automatically:3 little:5 enumeration:1 lll:1 provided:2 maximizes:1 lowest:1 developed:1 proposing:1 adatron:3 classifier:1 uk:6 control:2 gallinari:1 medical:1 before:1 service:1 engineering:2 aat:1 solely:1 approximately:1 dynamically:6 conversely:1 suggests:1 range:1 averaged:1 unique:1 lecun:1 testing:1 yj:3 practice:1 implement:1 digit:4 procedure:8 sch61kopf:1 adapting:4 word:1 get:1 close:3 selection:10 risk:2 map:2 lagrangian:3 go:1 starting:3 convex:1 survey:1 adjusts:1 regarded:1 his:1 variation:2 increment:1 rozonoer:1 tting:1 hierarchy:1 controlling:1 aik:1 programming:2 hypothesis:1 origin:2 element:1 expensive:1 satisfying:2 updating:1 jk:1 recognition:3 fries:1 observed:1 remote:1 trade:2 incremented:1 mentioned:1 complexity:6 cristianini:6 depend:1 negatively:1 usps:1 easily:1 exi:1 train:1 separated:1 fast:1 sejnowski:2 artificial:1 otherwise:1 ability:1 noisy:1 itself:1 advantage:1 differentiable:2 took:1 propose:1 maximal:9 product:1 rapidly:1 iff:1 degenerate:1 achieve:1 convergence:1 optimum:1 produce:1 ftp:2 ac:3 ij:1 op:1 implemented:1 kuhn:1 radius:5 correct:1 vc:5 centered:1 ao:5 generalization:7 fix:1 adjusted:1 equilibrium:1 mapping:1 smallest:1 jackel:1 extremal:1 minimization:2 brought:1 rough:1 mit:1 gaussian:5 always:2 cr:1 corollary:2 derived:1 rank:2 sense:2 dependent:2 nn:1 lj:1 fogelman:1 adm:2 classification:3 initialize:1 wadsworth:1 once:1 t2:1 report:1 few:3 phase:2 investigate:1 mining:1 braverman:1 futhermore:1 partial:3 traversing:1 tree:1 indexed:2 taylor:6 calif:1 theoretical:4 instance:2 increased:1 soft:1 cost:5 subset:1 srm:3 too:2 motivating:1 sv:7 international:3 off:2 continuously:3 containing:3 choose:1 derivative:3 simard:1 actively:1 li:2 potential:1 de:1 explicitly:1 depends:1 performed:3 reached:1 accuracy:1 kaufmann:1 efficiently:1 maximized:1 handwritten:3 utomatic:1 bristol:4 reach:2 ed:4 definition:1 against:1 pp:1 tucker:1 james:1 proof:1 mi:1 stop:2 tunable:2 adjusting:1 dataset:5 knowledge:1 dimensionality:1 ster:1 routine:2 ea:1 campbell:6 back:2 done:1 though:1 furthermore:2 implicit:4 smola:1 overfit:1 hand:1 zif:1 christopher:1 su:1 nonlinear:1 sackinger:1 defines:1 aj:1 usa:1 validity:1 multiplier:1 hence:2 illustrated:1 ll:1 during:4 coincides:1 criterion:1 complete:1 bring:1 recently:1 functional:1 ji:2 significant:1 cambridge:1 ai:8 tuning:2 outlined:1 mathematics:2 shawe:6 dot:1 surface:1 add:1 verlag:1 yiai:2 life:2 exploited:1 muller:1 seen:1 minimum:3 additional:5 morgan:1 determine:2 maximize:1 colin:1 dashed:1 full:2 smooth:2 technical:1 af:1 sphere:1 qi:1 breast:2 ae:1 fifteenth:1 iteration:3 kernel:38 else:3 singular:3 publisher:1 ascent:1 subject:3 structural:2 near:2 noting:2 xj:7 architecture:1 drucker:1 shift:1 expression:1 rhbnc:1 bartlett:2 effort:1 cause:1 jj:1 generally:2 amount:2 svms:6 tutorial:1 dotted:1 sign:1 hji:1 diagnosis:1 nctr:1 kept:1 angle:1 place:1 reasonable:1 guyon:1 wu:3 decision:2 submatrix:1 bound:20 display:1 quadratic:3 constraint:3 aspect:1 min:1 ball:3 poor:1 hoo:1 brunot:1 gradually:1 computationally:1 equation:2 remains:1 needed:1 gaussians:1 denker:1 observe:1 neighbourhood:1 top:1 move:1 quantity:2 strategy:2 aiajyiyjk:2 gradient:1 distance:1 separate:2 unable:1 neurocolt:1 capacity:1 oa:3 nello:1 maximising:4 index:3 minimizing:1 balance:1 robert:1 hij:1 xll:1 perform:1 upper:10 datasets:5 situation:2 dc:1 yiyjk:1 namely:2 alternately:1 usually:3 pattern:5 aizerman:1 royal:1 max:1 suitable:1 advanced:1 scheme:1 axis:2 faced:1 discovery:1 determining:1 wisconsin:2 proven:2 remarkable:1 validation:8 foundation:1 ayj:1 sufficient:1 cancer:2 course:1 changed:1 repeat:1 burges:2 shavlik:1 curve:5 rich:1 author:1 made:1 san:1 pruning:1 implicitly:2 bernhard:1 keep:1 overfitting:1 francisco:1 xi:8 continuous:6 sonar:3 nature:1 ca:1 symmetry:1 williamson:1 investigated:1 bottou:1 anthony:1 ofj:1 oat:1 incrementing:1 positively:1 fig:3 sub:2 position:2 learns:1 yizi:1 theorem:5 showing:2 cortes:1 exists:1 vapnik:2 mirror:1 margin:23 gorman:2 smoothly:3 simply:1 explore:1 lagrange:2 expressed:1 doubling:1 springer:1 satisfies:1 ello:1 consequently:1 labelled:1 experimentally:1 generalisation:12 determined:1 hyperplane:4 called:1 gij:1 experimental:4 holloway:1 college:1 support:11 alexander:1 dept:3 tested:1 ex:7 |
531 | 1,486 | Evidence for a Forward Dynamics Model
in Human Adaptive Motor Control
Nikhil Bhushan and Reza Shadmehr
Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21205
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Based on computational principles, the concept of an internal
model for adaptive control has been divided into a forward and an
inverse model. However, there is as yet little evidence that learning
control by the eNS is through adaptation of one or the other. Here
we examine two adaptive control architectures, one based only on
the inverse model and other based on a combination of forward and
inverse models. We then show that for reaching movements of the
hand in novel force fields, only the learning of the forward model
results in key characteristics of performance that match the kinematics of human subjects. In contrast, the adaptive control system
that relies only on the inverse model fails to produce the kinematic
patterns observed in the subjects, despite the fact that it is more
stable. Our results provide evidence that learning control of novel
dynamics is via formation of a forward model.
1 Introduction
The concept of an internal model, a system for predicting behavior of a controlled
process, is central to the current theories of motor control (Wolpert et al. 1995) and
learning (Shadmehr and Mussa-Ivaldi 1994). Theoretical studies have proposed
that internal models may be divided into two varieties: forward models, which
simulate the causal flow of a process by predicting its state transition given a motor
command, and inverse models, which estimate motor commands appropriate for a
desired state transition (Miall and Wolpert, 1996). This classification is relevant for
adaptive control because based on computational principles, it has been proposed
that learning control of a nonlinear system might be facilitated if a forward model
of the plant is learned initially, and then during an off-line period is used to train
an inverse model (Jordan and Rumelhart, 1992). While there is no experimental
evidence for this idea in the central nervous system, there is substantial evidence
N. Bhushan and R. Shadmehr
that learning control of arm movements involves formation of an internal model.
For example, practicing arm movements while holding a novel dynamical system
initiates an adaptation process which results in the formation of an internal model:
upon sudden removal of the force field, after-effects are observed which match the
expected behavior of a system that has learned to predict and compensate for the
dynamics of the imposed field (Shadmehr and Brashers-Krug, 1997). However, the
computational nature of this internal model, whether it be a forward or an inverse
model, or a combination of both, is not known.
Here we use a computational approach to examine two adaptive control architectures: adaptive inverse model feedforward control and adaptive forward-inverse
model feedback control. We show that the two systems predict different behaviors
when applied to control of arm movements. While adaptation to a force field is
possible with either approach, the second system with feedback control through an
adaptive forward model, is far less stable and is accompanied with distinct kinematic
signatures, termed "near path-discontinuities". We observe remarkably similar instability and near path-discontinuities in the kinematics of 16 subjects that learned
force fields. This is behavioral evidence that learning control of novel dynamics is
accomplished with an adaptive forward model of the system.
2 Adaptive Control using Internal Models
Adaptive control of a nonlinear system which has large sensory feedback delays,
such as the human arm, can be accomplished by using two different internal model
architectures. The first method uses only an adaptive inverse dynamics model to
control the system (Shadmehr and Mussa-Ivaldi, 1994). The adaptive controller
is feedforward in nature and ignores delayed feedback during the movement. The
control system is stable because it relies on the equilibrium properties of the muscle
and the spinal reflexes to correct for any deviations from the desired trajectory.
The second method uses a rapidly adapting forward dynamics model and delayed
sensory feedback in addition to an inverse dynamics model to control arm movements (Miall and Wolpert, 1996). In this case, the corrections to deviations from
the desired trajectory are a result of a combination of supraspinal feedback as well
as spinal/muscular feedback. Since the two methods rely on different internal model
and feedback structures, they are expected to behave differently when the dynamics
of the system are altered.
The Mechanical Model of the Human Arm
For the purpose of simulating arm movements with the two different control architectures, a reasonably accurate model of the human arm is required. We model the
arm as a two joint revolute arm attached to six muscles that act in pairs around
the two joints. The three muscle pairs correspond to elbow joint, shoulder joint
and two joint muscles and are assumed to have constant moment arms. Each muscle is modeled using a Hill parametric model with nonlinear stiffness and viscosity
(Soechting and Flanders, 1997). The dynamics of the muscle can be represented by
a nonlinear state function f M, such that,
where, Ft is the force developed by the muscle, N is the neural activation to the
muscle, and X m, xm are the muscle length and velocity. The passive dynamics
related to the mechanics of the two-joint revolute arm can be represented by fD,
such that,
x = fD(T, x, x) = D- 1 (x)[T - C(x, x)x + JT Fxl
Evidence for a Forward Dynamics Model in Human Adaptive Motor Control
where, x is the hand acceleration, T is the joint torque generated by the muscles,
x, x are the hand position and velocity, D and C are the inertia and the coriolis
matrices of the arm, J is the Jacobian for hand position and joint angle, and Fx is
the external dynamic interaction force on the hand.
Under the force field environment, the external force Fx acting on the hand is
equal to Bx, where B is a 2x2 rotational viscosity matrix. The effect of the force
field is to push the hand perpendicular to the direction of movement with a force
proportional to the speed of the hand. The overall forward plant dynamics of the
arm is a combination of JM and JD and can be repff~sented by the function Jp ,
Adaptive Inverse Model Feedforward Control
The first control architecture uses a feedforward controller with only an adaptive
inverse model. The inverse model computes the neural activation to the muscles
for achieving a desired acceleration, velocity and position of the hand. It can be
represented as the estimated inverse, 1;1, of the forward plant dynamics, and maps
the desired position Xd, velocity Xd, and acceleration Xd of the hand, into descending
neural commands N c.
Nc = 1;1 (Xd, Xd, Xd)
Adaptation to novel external dynamics occurs by learning a new inverse model of the
altered external environment. The error between desired and actual hand trajectory
can be used for training the inverse model. When the inverse model is an exact
inverse of the forward plant dynamics, the gain of the feedforward path is unity and
the arm exactly tracks the desired trajectory. Deviations from the desired trajectory
occur when the inverse model does not exactly model the external dynamics. Under
that situation, the spinal reflex corrects for errors in desired (Xmd, Xmd) and actual
(xm,x m) muscle state, by producing a corrective neural signal NR based on a linear
feedback controller with constants K1 and K 2 ?
Adaptive Forward-Inverse Model Feedback Control
The second architecture provides feedback control of arm movements in addition
to the feedforward control described above. Delays in feedback cause instability,
therefore, the system relies on a forward model to generate updated state estimates
of the arm. An estimated error in hand trajectory is given by the difference in
desired and estimated state, and can be used by the brain to issue corrective neural
signals to the muscles while a movement is being made. The forward model, written
Inverse Arm
Dynamics Model Td
Inverse Muscle
Model f;:.,'
! '".-...----v-----~
l. . ...._. _. . . _. . __._..._!e.. . . . .__ . . . _. ........ .
A=gO ms
6 d (I.30)
(external force)
Figure 1: The adaptive inverse model feedforward control system.
N. Bhushan and R. Shadmehr
x, X (t+60)
Td Inverse Muscle Nc
A=60 ms +
Figure 2: A control system that provides feedback control with the use of a forward
and an inverse model.
as jp, mimics the forward dynamics of the plant and predicts hand acceleration
from neural signal Nc, and an estimate of hand state x, ?.
U sing this equation, one can solve for x, ?at time t, when given the estimated state
at some earlier time t - T, and the descending neural commands N c from time t - T
to t. If t is the current time and T is the time delay in the feedback loop, then sensory
feedback gives the hand state x, x at t-T. The current estimate of the hand position
and velocity can be computed by assuming initial conditions x(t - T)=X(t - T) and
?(t - T)=X(t - T), and then solving Eq. 6. For the simulations, T has value of 200
msec, and is composed of 120 msec feedback delay, 60 msec descending neural path
delay, and 20 msec muscle activation delay.
Based on the current state estimate and the estimated error in trajectory, the desired
acceleration is corrected using a linear feedback controller with constants Kp and
Kv. The inverse model maps the hand acceleration to appropriate neural signal
for the muscles Nc. The spinal reflex provides additional corrective feedback N R ,
when there is an error in the estimated and actual muscle state.
+ Xc = Xd + Kp(Xd - x) + Kv(Xd 1;1 (x new , x, ?)
K 1 (x m - xm) + K 2 (?m d - xm)
When the forward model is an exact copy of the forward plant dynamics jp= jp, and
the inverse model is correct j;l =1;1, the hand exactly tracks the desired trajectory.
Errors due to an incorrect inverse model are corrected through the feedback loop.
However, errors in the forward model cause deviations from the desired behavior
and instability in the system due to inappropriate feedback action.
3 Simulations results and comparison to human behavior
To test the two control architectures, we compared simulations of arm movements
for the two methods to experimental human results under a novel force field environment. Sixteen human subjects were trained to make rapid point-to-point reaching
Evidence for a Forward Dynamics Model in Human Adaptive Motor Control
Inverse Model
Feedforward Control
r<:. .~
t>4J(:: ::~
.,../ .).. ?./
c. .... .....v )
i.. .. :;. ..: . . . .,
_.i .')-'"
Forward?lnverse Model
Feedback Control
Typical Subject
O'IT[] 04[m:J
O.5 sec 1
O.5 sec 1
Figure 3: Performance in field B2 after a typical subject (middle column) and each of
the controllers (left and right columns) had adapted to field B 1 . (1) hand paths for
8 movement directions , (2-5) hand velocity, speed, derivative of velocity direction,
and segmented hand path for the -90 0 downward movement . The segmentation in
hand trajectory that is observed in our subjects is almost precisely reproduced by
the controller that uses a forward model.
movements with their hand while an external force field , Fx = Bx, pushed on the
hand. The task was to move the hand to a target position 10 cm away in 0.5
sec. The movement could be directed in any of eight equally spaced directions.
The subjects made straight-path minimum-jerk movements to the targets in the
absence of any force fields. The subjects were initially trained in force field Bl
with B=[O 13;-130]' until they had completely adapted to this field and converged
to the straight-path minimum-jerk movement observed before the force field was
applied. Subsequently, the force field was switched to B2 with B=[O -13;13 0] (the
new field pushed anticlockwise, instead of clockwise), and the first three movements
in each direction were used for data analysis. The movements of the subjects in
field B2 showed huge deviations from the desired straight path behavior because
the subjects expected clockwise force field B 1 ? The hand trajectories for the first
movement in each of the eight directions are shown for a typical subject in Fig. 3
(middle column).
Simulations were performed for the two methods under the same conditions as
the human experiment. The movements were made in force field B 2 , while the
internal models were assumed to be adapted to field B 1 . Complete adaptation
to the force field Bl was found to occur for the two methods only when both
N. Bhushan and R. Shadmehr
data from
16 subjects
:[[[1 I~ ~ III
d l(m)
cJ(m/s' )
Figure 4: The mean and standard deviation for segmentation parameters for each
type of controller as compared to the data from our subjects. Parameters are
defined in Fig. 3: Ai is angle about a seg. point, d i is the distance to the i-th
seg. point, ti is time to reach the i-th seg. point, Cj is cumulative squared jerk
for the entire movement, Ns is number of seg. point in the movement. Up until
the first segmentation point (AI and dd, behavior of the controllers are similar
and both agree with the performance of our subjects. However, as the movement
progresses, only the controller that utilizes a forward model continues to agree with
the movement characteristics of the subjects.
the inverse and forward models expected field B I . Fig. 3 (left column) shows the
simulation of the adaptive inverse model feedforward control for movements in field
B2 with the inverse model incorrectly expecting B I . Fig. 3 (right column) shows the
simulation of the adaptive forward-inverse model feedback control for movements
in field B2 with both the forward and the inverse model incorrectly expecting B I .
Simulations with the two methods show clear differences in stability and corrective
behavior for all eight directions of movement. The simulations with the inverse
model feedforward control seem to be stable, and converge to the target along a
straight line after the initial deviation. The simulations with the forward-inverse
model feedback control are more unstable and have a curious kinematic pattern
with discontinuities in the hand path. This is especially marked for the downward
movement. The subject's hand paths show the same kinematic pattern of near
discontinuities and segmentation of movement as found with the forward-inverse
model feedback control.
To quantify the segmentation pattern in the hand path, we identified the "near
path-discontinuities" as points on the trajectory where there was a sudden change
in both the derivative of hand speed and the direction of hand velocity. The hand
path was segmented on the basis of these near discontinuities. Based on the first
three segments in the hand trajectory we defined the following parameters: AI,
angle between the first segment and the straight path to the target; d l , the distance
covered during the first segment; A2, angle between the second segment and straight
path to the target from the first segmentation point; t2, time duration of the second
Evidence for a Forward Dynamics Model in Human Adaptive Motor Control
segment; A3, angle between the second and third segments; Ns, the number of
segmentation points in the movement . We also calculated the cumulative jerk CJ
in the movements to get a measure of the instability in the system.
The results of the movement segmentation are presented in Fig. 4 for 16 human subjects, 25 simulations of the inverse model and 20 simulations of the forward model
control for three movement directions (a) -900 downward, (b) 90 0 upward and (c)
135 0 upward. We performed the different simulations for the two methods by systematically varying various model parameters over a reasonable physiological range.
This was done because the parameters are only approximately known and also vary
from subject to subject. The parameters of the second and third segment, as represented by A2, t2 and A3, clearly show that the forward model feedback control
performs very differently from inverse model feedforward control and the behavior
of human subjects is very well predicted by the former. Furthermore, this characteristic behavior could be produced by the forward-inverse model feedback control
only when the forward model expected field B 1 . This could be accomplished only
by adaptation of the forward model during initial practice in field B 1 ? This provides
evidence for an adaptive forward model in the control of human arm movements in
novel dynamic environments.
We further tried to fit adaptation curves of simulated movement parameters (using
forward-inverse model feedback control) to real data as subjects trained in field B 1 .
We found that the best fit was obtained for a rapidly adapting forward and inverse
model (Bhushan and Shadmehr, 1999). This eliminated the possibility that the
inverse model was trained offline after practice. The data, however, suggested that
during learning of a force field, the rate of learning of the forward model was faster
than the inverse model. This finding could be paricularly relevant if it is proven
that a forward model is easier to learn than an inverse model (Narendra, 1990),
and could provide a computational rationale for the existence of forward model in
adaptive motor control.
Bhushan N, Shadmehr R (1999) Computational architecture of the adaptive controller
during learning of reaching movements in force fields. Biol Cybern, in press.
Jordan MI, Flash T, Arnon Y (1994) A model of learning arm trajectories from spatial
deviations Journal of Cog Neur 6:359-376 .
Jordan MI, Rumelhart DE (1992) Forward model: supervised learning with a distal
teacher. Cog Sc 16:307-354.
Miall RC, Wolpert DM (1996) Forward models for phySiological motor control. Neural
Networks 9:1265-1279.
Narendra KS (1990) Identification and control of dynamical systems using neural networks.
Neural Networks 1:4-27.
Shadmehr R, Brashers-Krug T (1997) Functional stages in the formation of human longterm memory. J Neurosci 17:409-19.
Shadmehr R, Mussa-Ivaldi FA (1994) Adaptive representation of dynamics during learning
of a motor task. The Journal of Neuroscience 14:3208-3224.
Soechting JF, Flanders M (1997) Evaluating an integrated musculoskeletal model of the
human arm J Biomech Eng 9:93-102 .
Wolpert DM, Ghahramani Z, Jordan MI (1995) An internal model for sensorimotor integration. Science 269:1880-82.
| 1486 |@word longterm:1 middle:2 simulation:12 tried:1 eng:1 moment:1 initial:3 ivaldi:3 current:4 activation:3 yet:1 written:1 john:1 motor:10 nervous:1 sudden:2 provides:4 rc:1 along:1 incorrect:1 behavioral:1 expected:5 rapid:1 behavior:10 examine:2 mechanic:1 brain:1 torque:1 td:2 little:1 jm:1 actual:3 inappropriate:1 elbow:1 arnon:1 cm:1 q2:1 developed:1 finding:1 act:1 ti:1 xd:10 exactly:3 control:51 producing:1 before:1 engineering:1 despite:1 krug:2 path:16 approximately:1 might:1 k:1 perpendicular:1 range:1 directed:1 practice:2 coriolis:1 jhu:2 adapting:2 get:1 cybern:1 instability:4 descending:3 imposed:1 map:2 go:1 duration:1 stability:1 fx:4 updated:1 target:5 exact:2 us:4 velocity:8 rumelhart:2 continues:1 predicts:1 observed:4 ft:1 seg:4 movement:37 substantial:1 expecting:2 environment:4 dynamic:25 signature:1 trained:4 solving:1 segment:7 upon:1 completely:1 basis:1 joint:8 differently:2 represented:4 various:1 corrective:4 train:1 distinct:1 kp:2 sc:1 formation:4 solve:1 nikhil:1 reproduced:1 interaction:1 adaptation:7 relevant:2 loop:2 rapidly:2 kv:2 produce:1 bme:2 progress:1 eq:1 predicted:1 involves:1 quantify:1 direction:9 musculoskeletal:1 correct:2 subsequently:1 human:17 correction:1 around:1 equilibrium:1 predict:2 narendra:2 vary:1 a2:2 purpose:1 soechting:2 clearly:1 reaching:3 varying:1 command:4 contrast:1 bhushan:6 entire:1 integrated:1 initially:2 upward:2 overall:1 classification:1 issue:1 spatial:1 integration:1 field:30 equal:1 eliminated:1 mimic:1 t2:2 composed:1 delayed:2 mussa:3 huge:1 fd:2 possibility:1 kinematic:4 accurate:1 desired:16 causal:1 theoretical:1 column:5 earlier:1 deviation:8 delay:6 teacher:1 off:1 corrects:1 hopkins:1 squared:1 central:2 external:7 derivative:2 bx:2 de:1 accompanied:1 sec:3 b2:5 performed:2 characteristic:3 correspond:1 spaced:1 identification:1 produced:1 trajectory:15 straight:6 converged:1 reach:1 email:1 sensorimotor:1 dm:2 mi:3 gain:1 segmentation:8 cj:3 supervised:1 done:1 furthermore:1 biomedical:1 stage:1 until:2 hand:33 nonlinear:4 effect:2 concept:2 former:1 distal:1 during:7 m:5 hill:1 complete:1 performs:1 passive:1 novel:7 functional:1 spinal:4 reza:2 attached:1 jp:4 ai:3 had:2 stable:4 showed:1 termed:1 accomplished:3 muscle:19 minimum:2 additional:1 converge:1 period:1 signal:4 clockwise:2 segmented:2 match:2 faster:1 compensate:1 divided:2 equally:1 a1:1 controlled:1 xmd:2 controller:10 addition:2 remarkably:1 baltimore:1 subject:22 flow:1 seem:1 jordan:4 curious:1 near:5 feedforward:11 iii:1 variety:1 jerk:4 fit:2 architecture:8 fm:1 identified:1 idea:1 whether:1 six:1 cause:2 action:1 clear:1 covered:1 viscosity:2 generate:1 estimated:6 neuroscience:1 track:2 key:1 achieving:1 practicing:1 inverse:46 facilitated:1 angle:5 almost:1 reasonable:1 utilizes:1 sented:1 pushed:2 adapted:3 occur:2 precisely:1 x2:1 simulate:1 speed:3 neur:1 combination:4 unity:1 equation:1 agree:2 kinematics:2 initiate:1 brashers:2 stiffness:1 eight:3 observe:1 away:1 appropriate:2 simulating:1 jd:1 existence:1 xc:1 ghahramani:1 especially:1 k1:1 bl:2 move:1 occurs:1 parametric:1 fa:1 md:1 nr:2 distance:2 simulated:1 unstable:1 assuming:1 length:1 modeled:1 rotational:1 nc:4 ql:1 holding:1 sing:1 behave:1 incorrectly:2 situation:1 shoulder:1 pair:2 mechanical:1 required:1 learned:3 discontinuity:6 suggested:1 dynamical:2 pattern:4 xm:4 memory:1 force:22 rely:1 predicting:2 arm:23 altered:2 removal:1 revolute:2 plant:6 rationale:1 oms:1 proportional:1 proven:1 sixteen:1 switched:1 principle:2 dd:1 systematically:1 copy:1 offline:1 feedback:27 calculated:1 curve:1 transition:2 cumulative:2 evaluating:1 computes:1 sensory:3 forward:48 ignores:1 adaptive:27 inertia:1 made:3 miall:3 far:1 assumed:2 nature:2 reasonably:1 learn:1 neurosci:1 fig:5 en:1 n:3 fails:1 position:6 msec:4 flanders:2 jacobian:1 third:2 cog:2 jt:1 physiological:2 evidence:10 a3:2 downward:3 push:1 easier:1 wolpert:5 reflex:3 relies:3 marked:1 acceleration:6 flash:1 jf:1 absence:1 change:1 muscular:1 typical:3 corrected:2 shadmehr:11 acting:1 experimental:2 internal:11 dept:1 biol:1 |
532 | 1,487 | A Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
in Partially Observable Environments
Using Short-Term Memory
Nobuo Suematsu and Akira Hayashi
Faculty of Computer Sciences
Hiroshima City University
3-4-1 Ozuka-higashi, Asaminami-ku, Hiroshima 731-3194 Japan
{suematsu,akira} @im.hiroshima-cu.ac.jp
We describe a Reinforcement Learning algorithm for partially observable environments using short-term memory, which we call BLHT. Since
BLHT learns a stochastic model based on Bayesian Learning, the overfitting problem is reasonably solved. Moreover, BLHT has an efficient
implementation. This paper shows that the model learned by BLHT converges to one which provides the most accurate predictions of percepts
and rewards, given short-term memory.
Research on Reinforcement Learning (RL) problem for partially observable environments is gaining more attention recently. This is mainly because
the assumption that perfect and complete perception
of the state of the environment is available for the
learning agent, which many previous RL algorithms
require, is not valid for many realistic environments.
Figure I: Three approaches
One of the approaches to the problem is the model-free approach (Singh et al. 1995;
Jaakkola et al. 1995) (arrow a in the Fig.l) which gives up state estimation and uses
memory-less policies. We can not expect the approach to find a really effective policy when
it is necessary to accumulate information to estimate the state. Model based approaches are
superior in these environments.
A popular model based approach is via a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process
(POMDP) model which represents the decision process of the agent. In Fig.1 the approach
is described by the route from "World" to "Policy" through "POMDP". The approach has
two serious difficulties. One is in the learning of POMDPs (arrow b in Fig. I). Abe and
N. Suematsu and A. Hayashi
Warmuth (1992) shows that learning of probabilistic automata is NP-hard, which means
that learning of POMDPs is also NP-hard. The other difficulty is in finding the optimal
policy of a given POMDP model (arrow c in Fig. I ). Its PSAPCE-hardness is shown in
Papadimitriou and Tsitsiklis (1987). Accordingly, the methods based on this approach
(Chrisman 1992; McCallum 1993), will not scale well to large problems.
The approach using short-term memory is computationally more tractable. Of course we
can construct environments in which long-term memory is essential. However, in many
environments, because of their stochasticity, the significance of the past information decreases exponentially fast as the time goes. In such environments, memories of moderate
length will work fine.
McCallum (1995) proposes "utile suffix memory" (USM) algorithm. USM uses a tree
structure to represent short-term memories with variable length. USM's model learning is
based on a statistical test, which requires time and space proportional to the learning steps.
This makes it difficult to adapt USM to the environments which require long learning steps.
USM suffers from the overfitting problem which is a difficult problem faced by most of
model based learning methods. USM may overfit or underfit up to the significance level
used for the statistical test and we can not know its proper level in advance.
In this paper, we introduce an algorithm called BLHT (Suematsu et al. 1997), in which the
environment is modeled as a history tree model (HTM), a stochastic model with variable
memory length. Although BLHT shares the tree structured representation of short-term
memory with USM, the computational time required by BLHT is constant in each step and
BLHT copes with environments which require large learning steps. In addition, because
BLHT is based on Bayesian Learning, the overfitting problem is solved reasonably in it. A
similar version of HTMs was introduced and has been used for learning of Hidden Markov
Models in Ron et at. (1994). In their learning method, a tree is grown in a similar way with
USM. If we try to adapt it to our RL problem, it will face the same problems with USM.
This paper shows that the HTM learned by BLHT converges to the optimal one in the
sense that it provides the most accurate predictions of percepts and rewards, given shortterm memory. BLHT can learn a HTM in an efficient way (arrow d in Fig.l). And since
HTMs compose a subset of Markov Decision Processes (MDPs), it can be efficiently solved
by Dynamic Programming (DP) techniques (arrow e in Fig. I). So, we can see BLHT as an
approach to follow an easy way from "World" to "Policy" which goes around "POMDP".
The decision process of an agent in a partially observable environment can be formulated
as a POMDP. Let the finite set of states of the environment be S, the finite set of agent's
actions be A, and the finite set of all possible percepts be I. Let us denote the probability
of and the reward for making transition from state 8 to 8' using action a by Ps' lsa and W sas'
respectively. We also denote the probability of obtaining percept i after a transition from 8
to 8' using action a by 0ilsas" Then, a POMDP model is specified by (S, A,I, P, 0, W,
xo), where P = {Ps/l sa 18,8' E S,a E A}, 0 = {oilsas,18,8' E S,a E A,i E I}, W
= {W sas,18, 8' E S, a E A}, and Xo = (X~l" .. , x~I SI_l) is the probability distribution of
the initial state.
We denote the history of actions and percepts of the agent till time t, ( ... , at-2, it-I, at-I,
it) by D t . If the POMDP model, M = (S, A,I, P, 0, W, Xi) is given, one can compute
the belief state, Xt = (X~l"'" x~ISI_l) from Df, which is the state estimation at time t.
We denote the mapping from histories to belief states defined by POMDP model M by
X M( .), that is, Xt = X M(Dt). The belief state Xt is the most precise state estimation
and it is known to be the sufficient statistics for the optimal policy in POMDPs (Bertsekas
1987). It is also known that the stochastic process {Xt, t 2:: O} is an MDP in the continuous
An RL Algorithm in Partially Observable Environments Using Memory
In this section. we summarize our RL algorithm for partially observable environments.
which we call BLHT (Suematsu et at. 1997).
BLHT is Bayesian Learning on a hypothesis space which is composed of predictive models.
which we call History Tree Models (HTMs). Given short-term memory. a HTM provides
the probability disctribution of the next percept and the expected immediate reward for
each action. A HTM is represented by a tree structure called a history tree and parameters
given for each leaf of the tree.
A history tree h associates history D t with a leaf as follows. Starting from the root of h.
we check the most recent percept. it and follow the appropriate branch and then we check
the action at-l and follow the appropriate branch. This procedure is repeated till we reach
a leaf. We denote the reached leaf by Ah(D t ) and the set of leaves of h by Lh.
Each leaf l E Lh has parameters Billa and Wla. Billa denotes the probability of observing
i at time t + 1 when Ah(Dt} = l and the last action at was a. Wla denotes the expected
immediate reward for performing a when Ah(D t ) = l. Let 8 h = {Billa liE T, l E
Lh,a E A}.
2 f-~- - - - it
b f-~- - - at-l
a / " - . . ........
2 1
~ it-l
Figure 2: (a) A three-state environment. in which the agent receives percept 1 in state 1 and
percept 2 in states 2a and 2b. (b) A history tree which can represent the environment.
Fig. 2 shows a three-state environment (a) and a history tree which can represent the
environment (b). We can construct a HTM which is equivalent with the environment by
setting appropriate parameters in each leaf of the history tree.
BLHT is designed as Bayesian Learning on the hypothesis space. 11.. which is a set of
history trees. First we show the posterior probability of a history tree h E 11. given history
D t . To derive the posterior probability we set the prior density of 8h as
p(8 h lh) =
II B~:~a-l,
where Kia is the normalization constant and ailla is a hyper parameter to specify the prior
density. Then we can have the posterior probabili,ty of h.
P(hID 11.) =
r(N~1 + a'll )
, la
~ a
r(Nt + a)
where Ct is the normalization constant. r(?) is the gamma function. Nflla is the number
of times i is observed after executing a when Ah(Dt ,) = l in the history D t ? N/ =
L.JiEI N illa ? and ala = L.JiEI ailla'
Next. we show the estimates of the parameters. We use the average of Billa with its posterior
N. Suematsu and A. Hayashi
density as the estimate, 8~lla' which is expressed as
+ ailla
t a N / a + a'a .
= -'-;----
W'a is estimated just by accumulating rewards received after executing a when Ah(Dt ) =
and dividing it by the number of times a was performed when Ah (D t ) = l, N/a ? That is,
wIa =
la k=l
where tk is the k-th occurrence of execution of a when Ah(D t ) = l.
In principle, by evaluating Eq.( J) for all h E 11., we can extract the MAP model. However,
it is often impractical, because a proper hypothesis space 11. is very large when the agent has
little prior knowledge concerning the environment. Fortunately, we can design an efficient
learning algorithm by assuming that the hypothesis space, 11., is the set of pruned trees of a
large history tree h1i and the ratio of prior probabilities of a history tree h and hi obtained
by pruning off subtree Llh from h is given by a known function q( Llh) I .
We define function g(hIDt,1I.) by taking logarithm of the R.H.S. of Eq.(J) without the
normalization constant, which can be rewritten as
g(hIDt,1I.) = log P(hI1l.)
L At,
[Kla ItEIreNt
r(Nfl/a + a i ll a )]
AIt = ""'1
~ og
Then, we can extract the MAP model by finding the history tree which maximizes g. Eq.(2)
shows that g(hIDt, 11.) can be evaluated by summing up At over Lh. Accordingly, we can
implement an efficient algorithm using the tree h1i whose each (internal or leaf) node 1
stores AI, N i l/a , ail/a, and Wla?
Suppose that the agent observed it+l when the last action was at. Then, from Eq.(3),
Nt,tl l/ a , +o<;,tll/ a ,
N'la, +0</ a,
cor lEND,
where N D, is the set of nodes on the path from the root to leaf Ah~ (D t ). Thus, h1i is
updated just by evaluating Eq(4), adding I to Nil /a ' and recalculating Wla in nodes of N D ,.
After h1i is updated, we can extract the MAP model using the procedure "Find-MAPSubtree" shown in Fig. 3(a). We show the learning algorithm in Fig.3(b), in which the
MAP model is extracted and policy 7r is updated only when a given condition is satisfied.
In this section, we describe limit theorems of BLHT. Throughout the section, we assume
that policy 7r is used while learning and the stochastic process {(st, at, it+d, t ~ O} is
ergodic under 7r ?
First we show a theorem which ensures that the history tree model learned by BLHT does
not miss any relevant memories (see Suematsu et al. (1997) for the proof).
I The condition is satisfied, for example, when P(hl1i) ex ")'Ikl where 0
the size of h.
< ")'
~ 1 and Ihl denotes
An RL Algorithm in Partially Observable Environments Using Memory
10 -
Mam-Loop(condltlOn C)
I: t f- O. D t f- ()
2: rr f- "policy selecting action at random"
3: at f- rr(Dt) or exploratory action
4: perform at and receive it+l and rt+l
5: update hll.
6: if (condition C is satisfied) do
h f- Find-MAP-Subtree(Root(hll?
rr f- Dynamic-Programming(h)
9: end
10: Dt+l f- (Dt ,at,i t +l), t f- t + 1
II: goto 3
u tree no e
hf- .Af-O
2: C f- {all child nodes of node l}
3: if ICI = 0 then return {l, Ad
4: for each c E C do
{Llhc, Ac} f- Find-MAP-Subtree( c)
Llh f- Llh U Llhc
A f- A+ Ac
8: end
9: Llg f-logq(Llh) + A - Al
10: if Llg > 0 then return {Llh, A}
11: else return l, Al
Figure 3: The procedure to find MAP subtree (a) and the main loop (b).
Theorem 1 For any h E 11..
lim !g(hID t ,11.) = -Hh(IIL, A),
where Hh(IIL, A) is the conditional entropy ofi t+1 given It = Ah(D t ) and at defined by
Hh(IIL,A) == Err
-Prr (it+l = i I lt,at)logPrr (i t+1 = i Ilt,at)},
where Prr (.) and Err (.) denotes probability and expected value under 7r respectively.
Let the history tree shown in Fig.2(b) be h* and a history tree obtained by pruning a subtree
of h* be h-. Then, for the environment shown in Fig.2(a) H h- (IlL, A) > H h? (IlL, A),
because h - misses some relevant memories and it makes the conditional entropy increase.
Since BLHT learns the history tree which maximizes g(hID t , 11.) (minimizes Hh(IIL , A),
the learned history tree does not miss any relevant memory.
Next we show a limit theorem concerning the estimates of the parameters. We denote the
true POMDP model by M = (S, A, I, P, 0, W, Xi) and define the following parameters,
O'i lsa
= i I St = s,at = a) =
E(rt+ll s t
= s,at = a) =
Ps'l saOi lsas'
Then, the following theorem holds.
Theorem 2 For any leaf I E Ch, a E A. i E I
= '"'
~ J-LsaY:lla'
where Y:lla == Prr(St = SIAh(Dt) = I, at = a).
Outline of proof: Using the Ergodic Theorem, We have
O! lla
= Prr (it+l
= ilAh(Dd = I, at = a).
N. Suematsu and A. Hayashi
By expanding R.H.S of the above equation using the chain rule, we can derive Eq.(5).
Eq.(6) can be derived in a similar way.
To explain what Theorem 2 means clearly, we show the relationship between Y;lla and the
belief state Xt.
P7r (St
= SIAh(Dd = i, at = a, Xo = Xi)
L P(St = SIDt = D, at = a, Xo = xi)P
= Dlit = i, at = a, Xo = Xi)
1 L :n.D~
(D){ X M(D)}s P7r (Dt
= Dlit = i, at = a, Xo = xi)dx
where Vi
XS P7r (Xt
= xlit = i, at = a, Xo = xi)dx,
== {DtIAh(D t ) = I}, :n.B(-) is the indicator function of a set B,
{DtIX M(Dd
= x}, and dx = dXl'"
limt-too of the above equation, we have
Yla =
where Yla
dXISI-l' Under the ergodic assumption, by taking
= (Y;llla' ... , Y;ISI-I Ila) and CPia (x) = P
= xIAh(Dt) = i, at = a).
We see from Eq.(7) that Yla is the average of belief state Xt with conditional density CPia,
that is, the belief states distributed according to CPla are represented by Yia' When shortterm memory of i gives the dominant information of Dt. CPia is concentrated and Yla is
a reasonable approximation of the belief states. An extreme of the case is when CPia is
non-zero only at a point in X. Then YIa = Xt when Ah(Dd = i.
Please note that given short-term memory represented by i and a, YIa is the most accurate
state estimation. Consequently, Theorem 1 and 2 ensure that learned HTM converges to
the model which provides the most accurate predictions of percepts and rewards among 1/..
This fact provides a solid basis for BLHT, and we believe BLHT can be compared favorably
with other methods using short-term memory. Of course, Theorem 1 and 2 also say that
BLHT will find the optimal policy if the environment is Markovian or semi-Markovian
whose order is small enough for the equivalent model to be contained in 1/..
We made experiments in various environments. In this paper, we show one of them to
demonstrate the effectiveness of BLHT. The environment we used is the grid world shown
in Fig.4(a). The agent has four actions to change its location to one of the four neighboring
grids, which will fail with probability 0.2. On failure, the agent does not change the location
with probability 0.1 or goes to one ofthe two grids which are perpendicular to the direction
the agent is trying to go with probability 0.1. The agent can detect merely the existence of
the four surrounding walls. The agent receives a reward of 10 when he reaches the goal
which is the grid marked with "G" and - 1 when he tries to go to a grid occupied by an
obstacle. At the goal, any action will relocate the agent to one of the starting states which
are marked with "S" at random. In order to achieve high performance in the environment,
the agent has to select different actions for an identical immediate percept, because many of
the states are aliased (i.e. they look identical by the immediate percepts). The environment
has 50 states, which is among the largest problems shown in the literature of the model
based RL techniques for partially observable environments.
Fig.4(b) shows the learning curve which is obtained by averaging over 10 independent runs.
While learning, the agent updated the policy every 10 trials (10 visits to the goal) and the
An RL Algorithm in Partially Observable Environments Using Memory
policy was evaluated through a run of 100,000 steps. Actions were selected using the policy or at random and the probability of selecting at random was decreased exponentially as
the time goes. We used the tree which has homogeneous depth of 5 as h1i.. In Fig.4(b), the
horizontal broken line indicates the average reward for the MOP model obtained by assuming perfect and complete perception. It gives an upper bound for the original problem, and
it will be higher than the optimal one for the original problem. The learning curve shown
there is close to the upper bound in the later stage.
1 - .- .- .--- --.-.-.. -.---.-.-..-- .- - - ---.-._-.
Figure 4: The grid world (a) and the learning curve (b).
This paper has described a RL algorithm for partially observable environments using shortterm memory, which we call BLHT. We have proved that the model learned by BLHT
converges to the optimal model in given hypothesis space, 1{, which provides the most
accurate predictions of percepts and rewards, given short-term memory. We believe this
fact provides a solid basis for BLHT, and BLHT can be compared favorably with other
methods using short-term memory.
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Learning, pp. 284-292.
Suematsu, N., A. Hayashi, and S. Li (1997). A Bayesian approch to model learning in nonmarkovian environments. In Proc. the 14th International Conference on Machine Learning, pp.
| 1487 |@word trial:2 cu:1 version:1 faculty:1 wla:4 solid:2 dedi:2 initial:1 selecting:2 ala:2 past:1 err:2 nt:3 dx:4 realistic:1 designed:1 update:1 intelligence:1 leaf:10 selected:1 warmuth:2 accordingly:2 mccallum:4 short:11 utile:3 provides:7 node:5 ron:2 location:2 compose:1 introduce:1 expected:3 hardness:1 isi:1 aliasing:1 little:1 moreover:1 maximizes:2 aliased:1 what:1 ail:1 minimizes:1 finding:2 impractical:1 every:1 lsa:4 bertsekas:2 limit:3 path:1 perpendicular:1 implement:1 procedure:3 lla:5 ila:1 close:1 prentice:1 accumulating:1 equivalent:2 map:7 go:6 attention:1 starting:2 automaton:3 ergodic:3 pomdp:10 h1i:5 rule:1 htms:3 exploratory:1 updated:4 suppose:1 programming:3 homogeneous:1 us:2 hypothesis:5 associate:1 logq:1 observed:2 higashi:1 solved:3 probabili:1 ensures:1 decrease:1 environment:33 broken:1 complexity:1 reward:10 dynamic:2 singh:3 predictive:1 basis:2 htm:7 represented:3 various:1 grown:1 hiroshima:3 surrounding:1 approch:1 fast:1 describe:2 effective:1 artificial:1 hyper:1 whose:2 say:1 s:1 otherwise:1 statistic:1 rr:3 relocate:1 hid:3 relevant:3 loop:2 neighboring:1 till:2 achieve:1 p:4 perfect:2 converges:4 executing:2 tk:1 derive:2 ac:3 received:1 eq:8 sa:3 dividing:1 direction:1 stochastic:4 require:3 really:1 wall:1 im:1 hidt:3 hold:1 around:1 hall:1 iil:4 mapping:1 mop:1 dxl:1 estimation:5 proc:6 largest:1 city:1 ttk:1 clearly:1 occupied:1 og:2 jaakkola:3 tll:1 derived:1 check:2 mainly:1 indicates:1 nonmarkovian:1 sense:1 detect:1 suffix:1 hidden:2 among:2 ill:2 proposes:1 construct:2 identical:2 represents:1 look:1 papadimitriou:2 np:2 serious:1 composed:1 gamma:1 national:1 llg:2 recalculating:1 extreme:1 chain:1 accurate:5 necessary:1 lh:5 tree:28 incomplete:1 logarithm:1 instance:1 obstacle:1 markovian:2 subset:1 too:4 tishby:1 st:5 density:4 international:4 probabilistic:3 off:1 satisfied:3 yia:3 return:3 li:1 japan:1 iei:2 ad:1 vi:1 performed:1 try:2 root:3 later:1 observing:1 reached:1 hf:1 percept:13 efficiently:1 ofthe:1 bayesian:7 pomdps:3 history:24 ah:10 explain:1 reach:2 suffers:1 failure:1 ty:1 pp:4 proof:2 proved:1 popular:1 ihl:1 knowledge:1 lim:3 higher:1 dt:12 follow:3 specify:1 evaluated:2 just:2 stage:1 overfit:1 receives:2 horizontal:1 ikl:1 mdp:1 believe:2 true:1 ll:3 please:1 trying:1 outline:1 complete:2 demonstrate:1 recently:1 superior:1 rl:9 jp:1 exponentially:2 he:2 accumulate:1 ai:2 grid:6 mathematics:1 stochasticity:1 dominant:1 posterior:4 recent:1 moderate:1 route:1 store:1 suematsu:9 fortunately:1 akira:2 p7r:3 ii:7 branch:2 semi:1 adapt:2 af:1 long:2 concerning:2 visit:1 prediction:4 df:1 represent:3 normalization:3 limt:1 receive:1 addition:1 fine:1 decreased:1 else:1 goto:1 effectiveness:1 jordan:2 call:4 easy:1 enough:1 nfl:1 aea:3 action:14 prr:4 concentrated:1 estimated:1 four:3 merely:1 run:2 ilt:1 throughout:1 reasonable:1 decision:7 bound:2 ct:2 hi:1 pruned:1 performing:1 structured:1 according:1 making:1 xo:7 computationally:1 equation:2 fail:1 hh:4 singer:1 know:1 tractable:1 end:2 cor:1 available:1 operation:1 rewritten:1 appropriate:3 occurrence:1 existence:1 original:2 mam:1 denotes:4 jiei:2 ensure:1 rt:2 dp:1 assuming:2 length:4 modeled:1 relationship:1 ratio:1 difficult:2 favorably:2 implementation:1 design:1 proper:2 policy:13 perform:1 upper:2 markov:6 finite:3 immediate:4 precise:1 yla:4 abe:2 overcoming:1 introduced:1 required:1 specified:1 learned:6 distinction:2 chrisman:2 perception:3 summarize:1 gaining:1 memory:27 lend:1 belief:7 difficulty:2 indicator:1 hll:2 mdps:1 shortterm:3 extract:3 faced:1 prior:4 literature:1 expect:1 proportional:1 agent:16 sufficient:1 principle:1 dd:4 share:1 course:2 kia:2 summary:1 last:2 free:2 tsitsiklis:2 face:1 taking:2 distributed:1 curve:3 depth:1 valid:1 world:4 transition:2 evaluating:2 llh:6 made:1 reinforcement:5 ici:1 cope:1 pruning:2 observable:13 usm:9 overfitting:3 summing:1 xi:7 continuous:1 wia:1 ku:1 reasonably:2 learn:1 iec:1 expanding:1 obtaining:1 significance:2 main:1 arrow:5 underfit:1 ait:1 repeated:1 child:1 fig:14 tl:1 lie:1 perceptual:2 learns:2 kla:1 ix:2 theorem:11 xt:9 x:1 essential:1 adding:1 execution:1 subtree:5 entropy:2 lt:1 expressed:1 contained:1 partially:12 hayashi:5 ch:1 extracted:1 conditional:3 goal:3 formulated:1 marked:2 consequently:1 hard:2 change:2 averaging:1 miss:3 called:2 nil:1 e:2 la:7 ofi:1 select:1 internal:1 ex:1 |
533 | 1,488 | A Model for Associative Multiplication
G. Bjorn Christianson*
Department of Psychology
McMaster University
Hamilton,Ont. L8S 4Kl
[email protected]
Suzanna Becker
Department of Psychology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Onto L8S 4Kl
[email protected]
Despite the fact that mental arithmetic is based on only a few hundred basic facts and some simple algorithms, humans have a difficult time mastering the subject, and even experienced individuals
make mistakes. Associative multiplication, the process of doing
multiplication by memory without the use of rules or algorithms,
is especially problematic. Humans exhibit certain characteristic
phenomena in performing associative multiplications, both in the
type of error and in the error frequency. We propose a model for
the process of associative multiplication, and compare its performance in both these phenomena with data from normal humans
and from the model proposed by Anderson et al (1994).
Associative mUltiplication is defined as multiplication done without recourse to
computational algorithms, and as such is mainly concerned with recalling the basic
times table. Learning up to the ten times table requires learning at most 121
facts; in fact, if we assume that normal humans use only four simple rules, the
number of facts to be learned reduces to 39. In theory, associative multiplication is
therefore a simple problem. In reality, school children find it difficult to learn, and
even trained adults have a relatively high rate of error, especially in comparison
to performance on associative addition, which is superficially a similar problem.
There has been surprisingly little work done on the methods by which humans
perform basic multiplication problems; an excellent review of the current literature
is provided by McCloskey et al (1991).
If a model is to be considered plausible, it must have error characteristics similar to
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Current address: Computation
and Neural Systems, California Institute of Technology 139-74, Pasadena, CA 91125.
G. B. Christianson and S. Becker
those of humans at the same task. In arithmetic, this entails accounting for, at a
minimum, two phenomena. The first is the problem size effect, as noted in various
studies (e.g. Stazyk et ai, 1982), where response times and error rates increase for
problems with larger operands. Secondly, humans have a characteristic distribution
in the types of errors made. Specifically, errors can be classified as one of the
following five types, as suggested by Campbell and Graham (1985), Siegler (1988),
McCloskey et al (1991), and Girelli et al (1996): operand, where the given answer is
correct with one of the operands replaced (e.g. 4 x 7 = 21; this category accounts
for 66.4% of all errors made by normal adults); close-miss, where the result is within
ten percent of the correct response (4 x 7 = 29; 20.0%); table, where the result is
correct for a problem with both operands replaced (4 x 7 = 25; 3.9%); non-table,
where the result is not on the times table (4 x 7 = 17; 6.7%); or operation, where
the answer would have been correct for a different arithmetic operation, such as
addition (4 x 7 = 11; 3.0%)1.
It is reasonable to assume that humans use at least two distinct representations
when dealing with numbers. The work by Mandler and Shebo (1982) on modeling
the performance of various species (including humans, monkeys, and pigeons) on
numerosity judgment tasks suggests that in such cases a coarse coding is used. On
the other hand, humans are capable of dealing with numbers as abstract symbolic
concepts, suggesting the use of a precise localist coding. Previous work has either
used only one of these coding ideas (for example, Sokol et ai, 1991) or a single
representation which combined aspects of both (Anderson et ai, 1994).
Warrington (1982) documented DRC, a patient who suffered dyscalculia following
a stroke. DRC retained normal intelligence and a grasp of numerical and arithmetic
concepts. When presented with an arithmetic problem, DRC was capable of rapidly
providing an approximate answer. However, when pressed for a precise answer, he
was incapable of doing so without resorting to an explicit computational algorithm
such as counting. One possible interpretation of this case study is that D RC retained
the ability to work with numbers in a magnitude-related fashion, but had lost the
ability to treat numbers as symbolic concepts. This suggests the hypothesis that
humans may use two separate, concurrent representations for numbers: both a
coarse coding and a more symbolic, precise coding in the course of doing associative
arithmetic in general, and multiplication in particular, and switch between the
codings at various points in the process. This hypothesis will form the basis of our
modeling work. To guide the placement of these transitions between representations,
we assume the further constraint that the coarse coding is the preferred coding (as
it is conserved across a wide variety of species) and will tend to be expressed before
the precise coding.
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
Figure 1: The coarse coding for digits. Numbers along the left are the digit; numbers
along the bottom are position numbers. Blank regions in the grid represent zero
IData taken from Girelli et al (1996).
A Model for Associative Multiplication
Following the work of Mandler and Shebo (1982), our coarse coding consists of a
54-dimensional vector, with a sliding "bump" of ones corresponding to the magnitude of the digit represented. The size of the bump decreases and the degree of
overlap increases as the magnitude of the digit increases (Figure 1). Noise in this
representation is simulated by the probability that a given bit will be in the wrong
state. The precise representation, intended for symbolic manipulation of numbers,
consists of a 10-dimensional vector with the value of the coded digit given by the
dimension of greatest activity. Both of these representations are digit-based: each
vector codes only for a number between 0 and 9, with concatenations of vectors
used for numbers greater than 9.
direction of flow
Figure 2: Schematic of the network architecture. (A) The coarse coding. (B) The
winner-take-all network. (C) The precise coding. (D) The feed-forward look-up
table. See text for details.
The model is trained in three distinct phases. A simple one-layer perceptron
trained by a winner-take-all competitive learning algorithm is used to map the
input operands from the original coarse coding into the precise representation.
The network was trained for 10 epochs, each with a different set of 5 samples
of noisy coarse-coded digits. At the end of training, the winner-take-all network
performed at near-perfect levels. The translated operands are then presented to a
two-layer feed-forward network with a logistic activation function trained by backpropagation. The number of hidden units was equal to the number of problems in
the training set (in this case, 32) to force look-up table behaviour. The look-up
table was trained independently for varying numbers of iterations, using a learning rate constant of 0.01. The output of the look-up table is coarse coded as in
Figure 1. In the final phase, the table output is translated by the winner-take-all
network to provide the final answer in the precise coding. A schematic of the network architecture is given in Figure 2. The operand vectors used for training of
both networks had a noise parameter of 5%, while the vectors used in the analysis
had 7.5% noise. Both the training and the testing problem set consisted of ten
copies of each of the problems listed in Table 2, which are the problems used in
G. B. Christianson and S. Becker
Anderson et al (1994). Simulations were done in MATLAB v5.1 (Mathworks, Inc.,
24 Prime Park Way, Natick MA, 01760-1500).
OO r---------~====================~
Normal humans (Girelli eta/1996)
Model 01 Anderson eta/(1994)
Model, 200 iterations training
Model, 400 iterations training
Model, 600 iterations training
Error Category
Figure 3: Error distributions for human data (Girelli et al 1996), the model of
Anderson et al (1994), and our model.
Once a model has been trained, its errors on the training data can be categorized
according to the error types listed in the Introduction section; a summary of the
performance of our model is presented in Table 1. For comparison, we plot data
generated by our model, the model of Anderson et al (1994), and human data from
Girelli et al (1996) in Figure 3. In no case did the model generate an operation error.
This is to be expected, as the model was only trained on multiplication, it should
permit no way in which to make an operation error, other than by coincidence. A
full set of results obtained from the model with 400 training iterations is presented
in Table 22.
Table 1: Error rates generated by our model. A column for operation errors is not
included, as in no instance did our model generate an operation error.
Errors in
320 trials
2 As in Anderson et al (1994) , we have set 8 x 9
only problem with an answer greater than 70.
= 67 deliberately so that it is not the
A Model for Associative Multiplication
Table 2: Results from ten trials run with the model after 400 training iterations.
Errors are marked in boldface.
I Problem I
I 10 I
The convention in the current arithmetic literature is to test for the existence of a
problem-size effect by fitting a line to the errors made versus the sum of operands
in the problem. Positive slopes to such fits would demonstrate the existence of a
problem size effect. The results of this analysis are shown in Figure 4. The model
had a problem size effect in all instances. Note that no claims are made of the
appropriateness of a linear model for the given data, nor should any conclusions be
drawn from the specific parameters of the fit, especially given the sparsity of the
data. The sole point of this analysis is to highlight a generally increasing trend.
As noted in the Results section above, our model demonstrates the problem-size
effect in number of errors made (see Figure 4), though the chosen architecture does
not permit a response time effect. The presence of this effect is hardly surprising,
as all models which use a representation similar to our coarse coding (Mandler &
Shebo, 1982; Anderson et al, 1994) display a problem-size effect.
G. B. Christianson and S. Becker
y=3 .6x-13
? ?
? ?
Sum of Operands
Figure 4: Demonstration of the problem size effect. The data plotted here is for
the model trained for 400 iterations, as it proved the best fit to the distribution of
errors in humans (Figure 3); a similar analysis gives a best-fit slope of 1.9 for 200
training iterations and 1.1 for 600 training iterations.
It has been suggested by a few researchers (e .g. Campbell & Graham, 1985) that
the problem-size effect is simply a frequency effect, as humans encounter problems
involving smaller operands more often in real life. While there is some evidence to
the contrary (Hamman and Ashcraft , 1986) , it remains a possibility.
It is immediately apparent from Figure 3 that our model has much the same distribution of errors as seen in normal humans, and is superior to the model of Anderson
et al (1994) in this regard. That model, implemented as an auto-associative network
using a Brain State in a Box (BSB) architecture (Anderson et al, 1994; Anderson
1995) generates too many operand errors, and no table, non-table or operation
errors. These deficiencies can be predicted from the attractor nature of an autoassociative network. It is the process of translating between representations for
digits, and the possibility for error in doing so, which we believe allows our model
to produce its various categories of errors .
An interesting aspect of our model is revealed by Figure 3 and Table 1. While increased training of the look-up table improves the overall performance of the model,
the error distribution remains relatively constant across the length of training studied. This suggests that in this model, the error distribution is an inherent feature
of the architecture, and not a training artifact. This corresponds with data from
normal humans , in which the error distribution remains relatively constant across
individuals (Girelli et al, 1996). As noted above, the design of our model should
permit the occurrence of all the various error types, save for operation errors. However, at this point, we do not have a clear understanding of the exact architectural
features that generate the error distribution itself.
Defining a model for associative multiplication is only a single step towards the goal
of understanding how humans perform general arithmetic. Rumelhart et al (1986)
proposed a mechanism for multi-digit arithmetic operations given a mechanism for
single-digit operations , which addresses part of the issue; this model has been implemented for addition by Cottrell and T 'sung (1991). The fact that humans make
operation errors suggests that there might be interactions between the mechanisms
A Model for Associative Multiplication
of associative multiplication and associative addition; conversely, errors on these
tasks may occur on different processing levels entirely.
In summary, this model , despite several outstanding questions, shows great potential
as a description of the associative multiplication process. Eventually, we expect it
to form the basis for a more complete model of arithmetic in human cognition.
The first author acknowledges financial support from McMaster University and Industry Canada. The second author acknowledges financial support from the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. We would like to thank J .
Linden, D. Meeker, J. Pezaris, and M. Sahani for their feedback and comments on
this work.
Anderson J.A. et al. (1994) In Neural Networks for Knowledge Inference and Representation, Levine D.S. & Aparcicio M., Eds. (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
Hillsdale NJ) pp. 311-335.
Anderson J.A. (1995) An Introduction to Neural Networks. (MIT Press/Bradford,
Cambridge MA) pp. 493-544.
Campbell J.I.D. & Graham D.J. (1985) Canadian Journal of Psychology. 39338.
Cottrell G.W. & T'sung F.S . (1991) In Advances in Connectionist and Neural Computation Theory, Burnden J.A. & Pollack J.B ., Eds. (Ablex Publishing Co., Norwood NJ) pp. 305-321.
Girelli L. et al. (1996) Cortex. 32 49.
Hamman M.S. & Ashcraft M.H. (1986) Cognition and Instruction. 3 173.
Mandler G. & Shebo B.J. (1982) Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 111
McCloskey M. et al. (1991) Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 17 377.
Rumelhart D.E. et al. (1986) In Parallel distributed processing: Explorations in the
microstructure of cognition. Vol. 2: Psychological and biological models, McClelland
JL, Rumelhart DE, & the PDP Research Groups, Eds. (MIT Press/Bradford,
Cambridge MA) pp. 7-57.
Siegler R. (1988) Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 117 258.
Stazyk E.H. et al. (1982) Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory,
and Cognition. 8 355.
Warrington E.K. (1982) Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 34A 31.
| 1488 |@word trial:2 instruction:1 simulation:1 accounting:1 pressed:1 current:3 blank:1 surprising:1 activation:1 must:1 cottrell:2 numerical:1 plot:1 intelligence:1 mental:1 coarse:10 five:1 rc:1 along:2 consists:2 fitting:1 expected:1 nor:1 multi:1 brain:1 ont:1 little:1 increasing:1 provided:1 sokol:1 monkey:1 nj:2 sung:2 wrong:1 demonstrates:1 unit:1 hamilton:2 before:1 positive:1 engineering:1 treat:1 mistake:1 despite:2 might:1 studied:1 suggests:4 conversely:1 co:1 testing:1 bsb:1 lost:1 backpropagation:1 x3:3 digit:10 symbolic:4 onto:1 close:3 map:1 independently:1 immediately:1 suzanna:1 rule:2 financial:2 exact:1 hypothesis:2 drc:3 trend:1 rumelhart:3 associate:1 bottom:1 levine:1 coincidence:1 region:1 numerosity:1 decrease:1 trained:9 ablex:1 basis:2 translated:2 various:5 represented:1 distinct:2 apparent:1 larger:1 plausible:1 ability:2 noisy:1 itself:1 final:2 associative:16 propose:1 interaction:1 rapidly:1 description:1 produce:1 perfect:1 oo:1 sole:1 school:1 implemented:2 predicted:1 convention:1 appropriateness:1 direction:1 correct:4 exploration:1 human:21 translating:1 hillsdale:1 behaviour:1 microstructure:1 biological:1 secondly:1 considered:1 normal:7 great:1 lawrence:1 cognition:5 bump:2 claim:1 council:1 concurrent:1 mit:2 varying:1 mainly:1 inference:1 pasadena:1 hidden:1 overall:1 issue:1 equal:1 once:1 x4:4 park:1 look:5 connectionist:1 inherent:1 few:2 individual:2 replaced:2 intended:1 phase:2 attractor:1 recalling:1 possibility:2 grasp:1 capable:2 plotted:1 pollack:1 psychological:1 instance:2 column:1 modeling:2 eta:2 increased:1 industry:1 localist:1 hundred:1 erlbaum:1 too:1 answer:6 combined:1 x9:3 mcmaster:4 account:1 suggesting:1 potential:1 de:1 coding:16 inc:1 performed:1 doing:4 competitive:1 parallel:1 slope:2 characteristic:3 who:1 judgment:1 researcher:1 classified:1 stroke:1 ed:3 frequency:2 pp:4 proved:1 knowledge:1 improves:1 campbell:3 feed:2 x6:4 methodology:1 response:3 done:3 though:1 box:1 anderson:13 hand:1 warrington:2 logistic:1 artifact:1 believe:1 effect:11 concept:3 consisted:1 deliberately:1 pezaris:1 x5:4 noted:3 complete:1 demonstrate:1 percent:1 superior:1 operand:13 winner:4 jl:1 he:1 interpretation:1 cambridge:2 ai:3 resorting:1 grid:1 had:4 entail:1 cortex:1 prime:1 manipulation:1 certain:1 incapable:1 life:1 caltech:1 conserved:1 seen:1 minimum:1 greater:2 arithmetic:10 mandler:4 sliding:1 full:1 reduces:1 coded:3 schematic:2 involving:1 basic:3 patient:1 natick:1 iteration:10 represent:1 addition:4 addressed:1 suffered:1 comment:1 subject:1 tend:1 contrary:1 flow:1 near:1 counting:1 presence:1 revealed:1 canadian:1 concerned:1 switch:1 variety:1 fit:4 psychology:8 architecture:5 idea:1 becker:5 hardly:1 matlab:1 autoassociative:1 generally:1 clear:1 listed:2 ten:4 category:3 mcclelland:1 documented:1 generate:3 problematic:1 vol:1 group:1 four:1 drawn:1 idata:1 sum:2 run:1 reasonable:1 architectural:1 graham:3 bit:1 entirely:1 layer:2 display:1 correspondence:1 activity:2 occur:1 placement:1 constraint:1 deficiency:1 x2:3 x7:5 aspect:2 generates:1 performing:1 relatively:3 department:2 according:1 across:3 smaller:1 mastering:1 taken:1 recourse:1 remains:3 eventually:1 mechanism:3 mathworks:1 end:1 operation:12 permit:3 quarterly:1 occurrence:1 save:1 encounter:1 existence:2 original:1 publishing:1 especially:3 v5:1 question:1 exhibit:1 separate:1 thank:1 simulated:1 concatenation:1 whom:1 boldface:1 length:1 code:1 retained:2 providing:1 demonstration:1 difficult:2 design:1 perform:2 defining:1 precise:8 pdp:1 canada:2 kl:2 california:1 learned:1 adult:2 address:2 suggested:2 sparsity:1 including:1 memory:3 greatest:1 overlap:1 natural:1 force:1 technology:1 x8:6 acknowledges:2 auto:1 sahani:1 text:1 review:1 literature:2 epoch:1 understanding:2 acknowledgement:1 multiplication:17 expect:1 highlight:1 interesting:1 christianson:4 versus:1 norwood:1 degree:1 course:1 summary:2 surprisingly:1 copy:1 guide:1 perceptron:1 institute:1 wide:1 distributed:1 regard:1 feedback:1 dimension:1 superficially:1 transition:1 author:3 made:5 forward:2 approximate:1 preferred:1 dealing:2 meeker:1 table:23 reality:1 learn:1 nature:1 ca:2 excellent:1 did:2 noise:3 child:1 categorized:1 fashion:1 experienced:1 position:1 explicit:1 specific:1 linden:1 evidence:1 l8s:2 magnitude:3 siegler:2 pigeon:1 simply:1 bjorn:2 expressed:1 mccloskey:3 corresponds:1 ma:3 marked:1 goal:1 towards:1 included:1 specifically:1 miss:3 specie:2 bradford:2 experimental:5 support:2 outstanding:1 phenomenon:3 |
534 | 1,489 | A N euromorphic Monaural Sound
John G. Harris, Chiang-Jung Pu, and Jose C. Principe
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611
We describe the first single microphone sound localization system
and its inspiration from theories of human monaural sound localization. Reflections and diffractions caused by the external ear (pinna)
allow humans to estimate sound source elevations using only one
ear. Our single microphone localization model relies on a specially
shaped reflecting structure that serves the role of the pinna. Specially designed analog VLSI circuitry uses echo-time processing to
localize the sound. A CMOS integrated circuit has been designed,
fabricated, and successfully demonstrated on actual sounds.
The principal cues for human sound localization arise from time and intensity differences between the signals received at the two ears. For low-frequency components
of sounds (below 1500Hz for humans), the phase-derived interaural time difference
(lTD) can be used to localize the sound source. For these frequencies, the sound
wavelength is at least several times larger than the head and the amount of shadowing (which depends on the wavelength of the sound compared with the dimensions of
the head) is negligible. lTD localization is a well-studied system in biology (see e.g.,
[5]) and has even been mapped to neuromorphic analog VLSI circuits with limited
success on actual sound signals [6] [2]. Above 3000Hz, interaural phase differences
become ambiguous by multiples of 3600 and are no longer viable localization cues.
For these high frequencies, the wavelength of the sound is small enough that the
sound amplitude is attenuated by the head. The intensity difference of the log magnitudes at the ears provides a unique interaural intensity difference (lID) that can
be used to localize.
Many studies have shown that when one ear is completely blocked, humans can
still localize sounds in space, albeit at a worse resolution in the horizontal direc-
A Neuromorphic Monaural Sound Localizer
Sound Signal
---- --,
Model :
. ""
. ; d1
~ k'
.. 2
.. 1
(b )
Figure 1: (a) Proposed localization model is inspired from the biological model (b)
Special reflection surface to serve the role of the pinna
tion. Monaural localization requires that information is somehow extracted from
the direction-dependent effects of the reflections and diffractions of sound off of the
external ear (pinna), head, shoulder, and torso. The S<rcalled "Head Related Transfer Function" (HRTF) is the effective direction-dependent transfer function that is
applied to the incoming sound to produce the sound in the middle ear. Section
2 of this paper introduces our monaural sound localization model and Section 3
discusses the simulation and measurement results.
Monaural Sound Localization Model
Batteau [1] was one of the first to emphasize that the external ear, specifically the
pinna, could be a source of spatial cues that account for vertical localization. He
concluded that the physical structure of the external ear introduced two Significant
echoes in addition to the original sound. One echo varies with the azimuthal position
of the sound source, having a latency in the 0 to 80t'S range, while the other varies
with elevation in the lOOt'S to 300t'S range. The output y(t) at the inner ear is
related to the original sound source x(t) as
= x(t) + atx(t -
+ a2x(t -
where T a , Tv refer to azimuth and elevation echoes respectively; at and a2 are two
reflection constants. Other researchers subsequently verified these results [11] [4].
Our localizer system (shown in Figure l(a)) is composed of a special reflection
surface that encodes the sound source's direction, a silicon cochlea that functions
as a band-pass filter bank, onset detecting circuitry that detects and amplifies the
energy change at each frequency tap, pulse generating circuitry that transfers analog
sound signals into pulse signals based on adaptively thresholding the onset signal,
and delay time computation circuitry that computes the echo's time delay then
decodes the sound source's direction.
Since our recorded signal is composed of a direct sound and an echo, the sound is a
simplified version of actual HRTF recordings that are composed of the direct sound
J. G. Harris, c.-J. Pu and J. C. Principe
Figure 2: (a) Sound signal's onset is detected by taking the difference 01 two low-pass
filters with different time constants. (b) Pulse generating circuit.
and its reflections from the external ear, head, shoulder, and torso. To achieve
localization in a ID plane, we may use any shape of reflection surface as long as the
reflection echo caused by the surface provides a one-to-one mapping between the
echo's delay time and the source's direction. Thus, we propose two flat surfaces to
compose the reflection structure in our proposed model depicted in Figure l(b). A
microphone is placed at distances a1 and lI2 from two flat surfaces (81 and 8 2 ), dis
the distance between the microphone and the sound source moving line (the dotted
line in Figure l(b). As shown in Figure l(b), a sound source is at L~ position.
If the source is far enough from the reflection surface, the ray diagram is valid to
analyze the sound's behavior. We skip the complete derivation but the echo's delay
time can be expressed as
where d 1 is the length of the direct path, r1 + r2 is reflected path length, and c
is the speed of sound. The path distance are easily solved in terms of the source
direction and the geometry of the setup (see [9] for complete details).
The echo's delay time T decreases as the source position ~ moves from 0 to 90
degrees. A similar analysis can be made if the source moves in the opposite direction,
and the reflection is caused by the other reflection surface 8 2 ? Since the reflection
path is longer for reflection surface 8 2 than for reflection surface 8 1 , the echo's delay
time can be segmented into two ranges. Therefore, the echo's delay time encodes
the source's directions in a one-to-one mapping relation.
In the setup, an Earthworks M30 microphone and Labl amplifier were used to record
and amplify the sound signals [3]. For this preliminary study of monaurallocalization, we have chosen to localize simple impulse sounds generated through speakers
and therefore can drop the silicon cochlea from our model. In the future, more
complicated signals, such as speech, will require a silicon cochlea implementation.
Inspired by ideas from visual processing, onset detection is used 'to segment sounds
[10]. The detection of an onset is produced by first taking the difference of two
first-order, low-pass filters given by [10]
OCt, k, r)
lot Iz(t - x, k)s(x)dx -lot Iz(t - x, k/r)s(x)dx
where r>l, k is a time constant, sex) is the input sound signal, and /z(x, k)
A hardware implementation of the above equation is depicted in Figure 2a. In our
model, sound signals from the special reflection surface microphone are fed into
two low-pass filters which have different time constants determined by two bias
A Neuromorphic Monaural Sound Localizer
Figure 3: Adaptive threshold circuit used to remove unwanted reflections.
A(t- 't)
A(t-2 't)
Figure 4: Neural signal processing model
voltages V Onb1 and V onb2 . The bias voltage V onbS determines the amplification of the
difference. The output of the onset detecting circuit is Vonouc. The onset detection
circuit determines significant increases in the signal energy and therefore segments
sound events. By computing the delay time between two sound events (direct
sound and its echo caused by the reflection surface), the system is able to decode
the source's direction. Each sound event is then transformed into a fixed-width
pulse so that the delay time can be computed with binary autocorrelators.
The fixed-width pulse generating circuit is depicted in Figure 2b. The pulse generating circuit includes a self-resetting neuron circuit [8] that controls the pulse duration
based on the bias voltage Vneubs' As discussed above, an appropriate threshold is
required to discriminate sound events from noise. One input of the pulse generating
circuit is the output of the onset detecting signal, Vonouc. vthreBh is set properly in
the pulse generating circuit in order to generate a fixed width pulse when Vonouc
exceeds vthreBh. Unfortunately the system may be confused by unwanted sound
events due to extraneous reflections from the desks and walls. However, since we
know the expect range of echo delays, we can inhibit many of the environmental
echoes that fall outside this range using an adaptive threshold circuit.
In order to cancel unwanted signals, we need to design an inhibition mechanism
which suppresses signals arriving to our system outside of the expected time range.
This inhibition is implemented in Figure 3. As the pulse generating circuit detects
the first sound event (which is the direct sound signal), the threshold becomes high
in a certain period of time to suppress the detection of the unwanted reflections (not
from our reflection surfaces). The input of the adaptive threshold circuit is Vneuouc
which is the output of the pulse generating circuit. The output of the threshold
circuit is vthreBh which is the input of the pulse generating circuit. When the pulse
generating circuit detects a sound event, Vneuouc becomes high, which increases
vthreBh from V re / 2 to V re / 1 as shown in Figure 3. The higher vthreBh suppresses the
detection. The suppression time is determined by the other self-resetting neuron
1. G. Harris. c.-1. Pu and 1. C. Principe
2 . G5':2
2 . 551 :-
2 . 't 51 ;-
241:2 . )51 ~
2 It;-,
5 ? ~
... ~ .
, -;
:: 'i'f 'i5'U N2 no
~ ~
:.: t-~.-- -~ - -:-~ It ----:------.--4~,=-=-=-~
,,:,::. l . ..
I! . ..? . ?
2? i511"
Figure 5: (a) The input sound signal: impulse signal recorded in typical office environment (b) HSPICE simulation of the output of the detecting onset circuit (label
61), the output of the pulse generating circuit {label 12), and the adaptive threshold
circuit response (label 11)
The nervous system likely uses a running autocorrelation analysis to measure the
time delay between signals. The basic neural connections are shown in Figure 4 [7].
A(t) is the input neuron, A(t - r), A(t - 2r), ... A(t - mr) is a delay chain. The
original signal and the delayed signal are multiplied when A(t) and A(t - kr) feed
Ck. Assuming the state of neuron A is NA(t). H each synaptic delay in the chain
is r, the chain gives us NA(t) under various delays. Ck fires simultaneously when
both A(t) and A(t - kr) fire. Neuron Ck connects neuron Dk. Excitation is built
up at Dk by the charge and discharge of Ck' The excitation at Dk is therefore
Viewing the arrangement of Figure 4 as a neuron autocorrelator, the time-varying
excitation at Db D2, .. Dk provides a spatial representation of the autocorrelation
function. The localization resolution of this system depends on the delay time r,
and the number of the correlators. As r decreases, the localization resolution is
improved provided there are enough correlators. In this paper, 30 unit delay taps,
and 10 correlators have been implemented on chip. The outputs of the 10 correlators
display the time difference between two sound events. The delay time decodes the
source's direction. Therefore, the 10 correlators provide a unit encoding of the
source location in the ID plane.
Simulation and Measurement Results
The complete system has been successfully simulated in HSPICE using database we
have recorded. Figure 5(a) shows the input sound signal which is an impulse signal
recording in our lab (a typical student office environment). Figure 5(b) shows the
output of the onset detector (labeled 61), the pulse generating output (labeled 12),
and the adaptive threshold (labeled 11). When the onset output exceeds the threshold, the output of the pulse generating circuit becomes high. Simultaneously, the
high value of the generated pulse turns on the adaptive threshold circuit to increase
the threshold voltage. The adaptive threshold voltage suppresses the unwanted re-
A Neuromorphic Monaural Sound Localizer
Reflection Surface
? a1
o LED 2
- - -- >
Figure 6: Block diagram of the test setup
flection which can be seen right after the direct signal (we believe the unwanted
reflection is caused by the table). Further simulation results are discussed in [9].
The single microphone sound localizer circuit has been fabricated through the MOSIS 2J.'m N-well CMOS process. Impulse signals are played through speakers to
test the fabricated localizer chip. Figure 6 depicts the block diagram of the test
setup. The M30 microphone picks up the direct impulse signal and echoes from the
reflection surface. Since the reflection surface in our test is just a single flat surface,
localization is only tested in one-half of the ID plane. The composite signals are
fed into the input of the sound localizer after amplification. Our sound localizer
chip receives the composite signal, computes the echo time delay, and sends out the
localization result to a display circuit. The display circuit is composed of 4 LEDs
with each LED representing a specific sound source location. The sound localizer
sends the computational result to turn on a specific LED signifying the echo time
delay. In the test, the M30 microphone and the reflection surface are placed at fixed
locations. The speaker is moved along the dotted line shown in Figure 6. The M30
microphone is d1 (33cm) from the reflection surface and al (24cm) from the speaker
moving line. The speaker's location is defined as ch as depicted in Figure 6.
Figure 7(a) shows the theoretical echo's delay at various speaker locations. Figure 7(b) is the measurement of the setup depicted in Figure 6. The y-axis indicates
LED 1 through LED 4. The x-axis represents the distance between the speaker's
location (ch in Figure 6). The solid horizontal line in Figure 7(b) represents the
theoretical results for which LED should respond for each displacement. The results
show that localization is accurate within each region with possibilities of two LEDs
responding in the overlap regions.
We have developed the first monaural sound localization system. This system provides a real-time model for human sound localization and has potential use in such
applications as low-cost teleconferencing. More work is needed to further develop
the system. We need to characterize the accuracy of our system and to test more
interesting sound signals, such as speech. Our flat reflection surface is straightforward and simple, but it lacks sufficient flexibility to encode the source's direction in
more than a I-D plane. We plan to replace the flat surfaces with a more complicated
surface to provide more reflections to encode a richer set of source directions.
J G. Harris, c.-J Pu and J C. Principe
sound so ..... d i _ f r o m _ (em)
localizer clip ...............
EJ 0
9 9
sound so..... di_lrom _ _ _ (em)
Figure 7: Sound localizer chip test result
This work was supported by an ONR contract #NOOOI4-94-1-0858 and an NSF CAREER award #MIP-9502307. We gratefully acknowledge MOSIS chip fabrication
and Earthworks Inc. for loaning the M30 microphone and amplifier.
[1] D. W. Batteau. The role of the pinna in human localization. Proc. R. Soc.
London, Ser. B, 168:158-180,1967.
[2] Neal A. Bhadkamkar. Binaural source localizer chip using subthreshold analog
cmos. In Proceeding of JCNN, pages 1866-1870, 1994.
[3] Earthworks, Inc., P.O. Box 517, Wilton, NH 03086. M90 Microphone.
[4] y. Hiranaka and H. Yamasaki. Envelop representations of pinna impulse responses relating to three-dimensional localization of sound sources. J. Acoust.
Soc. Am., 73:29, 1983.
[5] E. Knudsen, G. Blasdel, and M. Konishi. Mechanisms of sound localization in
the barn owl (tyto alba). J. Compo Physiol, 133:13-21, 1979.
[6] J. Lazzaro and C. A. Mead. A silicon model of auditory localization. Neural
Computation, 1:47-57, 1989.
[7] J.C. Licklider. A duplex theory of pitch perception. Experientia, 7:128-133,
[8] C. Mead. Analog VLSJ and Neural Systems. Addison-Wesley, 1989.
[9] Chiang-Jung Pu. A neuromorphic microphone for sound localization. PhD
thesis, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, May 1998.
[10] L.S. Smith. Sound segmentation using onsets and offsets. J. of New Music
Research, 23, 1994.
[11] A.J. Watkins. Psychoacoustical aspects of synthesized vertical locale cues. J.
Acoust. Soc. Am., 63:1152-1165, 1978.
| 1489 |@word version:1 middle:1 sex:1 d2:2 pulse:19 simulation:4 gainesville:2 azimuthal:1 pick:1 solid:1 amp:1 dx:2 john:1 physiol:1 shape:1 remove:1 designed:2 drop:1 cue:4 half:1 nervous:1 plane:4 smith:1 record:1 chiang:2 compo:1 provides:4 detecting:5 location:6 lbo:1 along:1 direct:7 become:1 viable:1 interaural:3 compose:1 ray:1 autocorrelation:2 expected:1 behavior:1 inspired:2 detects:3 actual:3 becomes:3 confused:1 provided:1 circuit:27 duplex:1 tyto:1 cm:2 suppresses:3 developed:1 acoust:2 fabricated:3 locale:1 charge:1 unwanted:6 ser:1 control:1 unit:2 negligible:1 engineering:1 encoding:1 id:3 mead:2 path:4 studied:1 hspice:2 limited:1 range:6 unique:1 acknowledgment:1 atx:1 block:2 displacement:1 composite:2 amplify:1 demonstrated:1 straightforward:1 duration:1 resolution:3 q:1 d1:2 konishi:1 discharge:1 decode:1 us:2 pinna:7 mic:1 database:1 labeled:3 role:3 electrical:1 solved:1 region:2 decrease:2 inhibit:1 environment:2 segment:2 serve:1 localization:24 completely:1 teleconferencing:1 binaural:1 easily:1 chip:7 various:2 derivation:1 describe:1 effective:1 london:1 detected:1 outside:2 richer:1 larger:1 echo:19 propose:1 flexibility:1 achieve:1 amplification:2 moved:1 amplifies:1 r1:1 produce:1 generating:14 cmos:3 develop:1 received:1 soc:3 implemented:2 skip:1 direction:13 filter:4 subsequently:1 human:7 viewing:1 owl:1 require:1 wall:1 preliminary:1 elevation:3 biological:1 experientia:1 barn:1 mapping:2 blasdel:1 circuitry:4 a2:1 proc:1 shadowing:1 label:3 successfully:2 ck:4 ej:1 varying:1 voltage:5 office:2 encode:2 derived:1 properly:1 indicates:1 suppression:1 am:2 dependent:2 integrated:1 vlsi:2 relation:1 transformed:1 extraneous:1 plan:1 spatial:2 special:3 shaped:1 having:1 biology:1 represents:2 cancel:1 future:1 composed:4 simultaneously:2 delayed:1 phase:2 geometry:1 connects:1 fire:2 envelop:1 amplifier:2 detection:5 possibility:1 introduces:1 chain:3 accurate:1 m30:6 re:3 mip:1 theoretical:2 neuromorphic:6 cost:1 delay:21 fabrication:1 azimuth:1 characterize:1 varies:2 adaptively:1 contract:1 off:1 na:2 thesis:1 ear:11 recorded:3 worse:1 external:5 account:1 potential:1 student:1 includes:1 alba:1 inc:2 caused:5 depends:2 onset:13 tion:1 lot:2 lab:1 analyze:1 complicated:2 om:1 il:1 accuracy:1 resetting:2 subthreshold:1 decodes:2 produced:1 researcher:1 detector:1 yamasaki:1 synaptic:1 energy:2 frequency:4 auditory:1 noooi4:1 torso:2 segmentation:1 amplitude:1 reflecting:1 feed:1 wesley:1 ta:1 higher:1 reflected:1 response:2 improved:1 box:1 just:1 receives:1 horizontal:2 lack:1 somehow:1 impulse:6 believe:1 effect:1 bhadkamkar:1 inspiration:1 neal:1 width:3 self:2 ambiguous:1 speaker:9 excitation:3 complete:3 reflection:29 physical:1 nh:1 analog:5 he:1 discussed:2 relating:1 synthesized:1 measurement:3 blocked:1 significant:2 silicon:4 refer:1 gratefully:1 moving:3 longer:2 surface:22 inhibition:2 pu:5 certain:1 psychoacoustical:1 binary:1 success:1 onr:1 seen:1 mr:1 period:1 signal:31 ii:2 multiple:1 sound:70 rj:1 segmented:1 exceeds:2 long:1 award:1 a1:2 pitch:1 basic:1 cochlea:3 addition:1 diagram:3 source:24 concluded:1 sends:2 specially:2 hz:2 recording:2 db:1 correlators:5 enough:3 opposite:1 inner:1 idea:1 attenuated:1 jcnn:1 ltd:2 speech:2 lazzaro:1 latency:1 amount:1 desk:1 band:1 hardware:1 clip:1 generate:1 sl:1 nsf:1 dotted:2 li2:1 iz:2 threshold:13 localize:5 verified:1 mosis:2 jose:1 i5:1 respond:1 diffraction:2 fl:2 played:1 display:3 kexp:1 flat:5 encodes:2 aspect:1 speed:1 department:1 tv:2 em:2 lid:1 equation:1 discus:1 turn:2 mechanism:2 needed:1 know:1 addison:1 fed:2 serf:1 multiplied:1 appropriate:1 florida:2 original:3 responding:1 running:1 music:1 move:2 arrangement:1 g5:1 distance:4 mapped:1 simulated:1 earthwork:3 assuming:1 length:2 setup:5 unfortunately:1 a2x:1 suppress:1 implementation:2 design:1 vertical:2 neuron:7 acknowledge:1 knudsen:1 shoulder:2 head:6 monaural:9 intensity:3 introduced:1 required:1 connection:1 tap:2 autocorrelator:1 able:1 below:1 perception:1 built:1 event:8 overlap:1 representing:1 axis:2 hrtf:2 expect:1 interesting:1 degree:1 sufficient:1 thresholding:1 bank:1 licklider:1 jung:2 placed:2 supported:1 arriving:1 dis:1 bias:3 allow:1 fall:1 taking:2 dimension:1 valid:1 computes:2 made:1 adaptive:8 simplified:1 far:1 emphasize:1 incoming:1 table:1 transfer:3 career:1 s2:1 noise:1 arise:1 n2:1 depicts:1 localizer:14 position:3 watkins:1 specific:2 r2:2 dk:4 offset:1 dl:2 albeit:1 kr:2 phd:1 magnitude:1 direc:1 kx:1 depicted:5 yin:1 led:11 wavelength:3 likely:1 visual:1 expressed:1 ch:2 determines:2 relies:1 harris:4 extracted:1 environmental:1 oct:1 replace:1 change:1 specifically:1 determined:2 typical:2 principal:1 microphone:14 pas:4 discriminate:1 principe:4 signifying:1 tested:1 |
535 | 149 | 57
Self Organizing Neural Networks for the
Identification Problem
Manoel Fernando Tenorio
VVei-Tsih Lee
School of Electrical Engineering
Purdue University
School of Electrical Engineering
Purdue University
VV. Lafayette, UN. 47907
VV. Lafayette, UN. 47907
[email protected]
[email protected]
This work introduces a new method called Self Organizing
Neural Network (SONN) algorithm and demonstrates its use in a
system identification task. The algorithm constructs the network,
chooses the neuron functions, and adjusts the weights. It is compared to
the Back-Propagation algorithm in the identification of the chaotic time
series. The results shows that SONN constructs a simpler, more
accurate model. requiring less training data and epochs. The algorithm
can be applied and generalized to appilications as a classifier.
In various engineering applications, it is important to be able to estimate, interpolate,
and extrapolate the behavior of an unknown system when only its input-output pairs are
available. Algorithms which produce an estimation of the system behavior based on these
pairs fall under the category of system identification techniques.
A general form to represent systems, both linear and nonlinear, is the KolmogorovGarbor polynomial tGarbor. 19611 shown below:
y = ao +
L aixi + L L aijxiXj + ...
Tenorio and Lee
where the y is the output. and x the input to the system. [Garbor .1961] proposed a
learning method that adjusted the coefficient of (1) by minimizing the mean square error
between each desired output sample and the actual output
This paper describes a supervised learning algorithm for structure construction and
adjustment Here. systems which can be described by (1) are presented. The computation
of the function for each neuron performs a choice from a set of possible functions
previously assigned to the algorithm. and it is general enough to accept a wide range of
both continuous and discrete functions. In this work. the set is taken from variants of the
2-input quadratic polynomial for simplicity. although there is no requirement making it
so. This approach abandons the simplistic mean-square error for perfonnance measure in
favor of a modified Minimum Description Length (MOL) criterion [Rissanen,1975]. with
provisions to measure the complexity of the model generated. The algorithm searches for
the simplest model which generates the best estimate. The modified MDL. from hereon
named the Structure Estimation Criterion (SEC). is applied hierarchically in the selection
of the optimal neuron transfer function from the function set. and then used as an optimal
criterion to guide the construction of the structure. The connectivity of the resulting
structure is arbitrary. and under the correct conditions [Geman&Geman. 84] the estimation
of the struCture is optimal in tenns of the output error and low function complexity. This
approach shares the same spirit of GMDH-type algorithms. However, the concept of
parameter estimation from Information Theory. combined with a stochastic search
algorithm - Simulated Annealing. was used to create a new tool for system identification.
This work is organized as follows: section II presents the problem formulation and the
Self Organizing Neural Network (SONN) algorithm description; section III describes the
results of the application of SONN to a well known problem tested before using other
neural network algorithms [Lapede8&Farber. 1987; Moody. 1988]; and fmally, section IV
presents a discussion of the results and future directions for this work.
The Self Organizing Neural Network (SONN) algorithm performs a search on the model
space by the construction of hypersurfaces. A network of nodes. each node representing a
hypersurface. is organized to be an approximate model of the real system. SONN can be
fully characterized by three major components. which can be modified to incorporate
knowledge about the process: (1) a generating rule of the primitive neuron transfer
functions. (2) an evaluation method which accesses the quality of the model. and. (3) a
structure search strategy. Below. the components of SONN are discussed.
Self Organizing Neural Networks
11.2.1 The Generating Rule
Given a set of observations S:
= {(Xl,
Yl),(Xl, Yl)",,(XI, YI)}
Yi =f(XV + 11
generated by
where f(.) is represented by a Kolmogorov-Garbor polynomial. and the random variable
11 is nonnally distributed. N(O.l). The dimensions of Y is m. and the dimensions of X is
n. Every component Yk of Y fonns a hypersurface Yk = fk(X) in the space of dim (X) +
1. The problem is to fmd f(.). given the observations S. which is a corrupted version of
the desired function. In this work. the model which estimates f(.) is desired to be as
accurate and simple (small number of parameters. and low degree of non linearity) as
The approach taken here is to estimate the simplest model which best describes f(.) by
generating optimal functions for each neuron. which can be viewed as the construction of
a hypersurface based on the observed data. It can be described as follows: given a set of
observations S; use p components of the n dimensional space of X to create a
hypersurface which best describes Yk =f(X). through a three step process. First, given X
= [xl' x2' x3' .... xn) and Yk' and the mapping '? n: [Xl' x2' x3' .... Xn) -> [x'?(1)'
x'?(2)' x,?(3)' .... x'?(n?)' construct the hypersurface hi (x'?(1)' x'?(2)' x,?(3)' ....
x'?(n? (hi after the fIrst iteration) of p+ 1 dimensions. where '?n is a projection from n
dimensions to p dimensions. The elements of the domain of '?n are called tenninals.
Second. If the global optimality criterion is reached by the construction of hi(x'?(l)'
x'?(2)' x,?(3)' .... x'?(n?' then stop. otherwise continue to the third step. Thud.
generate from [Xl' x2' x3' .... xn.hl(x'?(l)' x'?(2)' x,?(3)' .... x'?(n?) a new p+l
dimensional hypersurface hi+ I through the extended mapping '?n+ 1(.). and reapply the
second step.The resulting model is a multilayered neural network whose topology is
arbitrarily complex and created by a stochastic search guided by a structure estimation
criterion. For simplicity in this work. the set of prototype functions (F) is restricted to be
2-input quadratic surfaces or smaller. with only four possible types:
= 8o+alxl +a2x 2
= 8o+alxl +a2x2+a3 x l x2
Y = 3o+a l x l+ a2x1
Y = 8o+alxl+a2x2+a3xlx2+~x1+a5x~
11.2.2 Evaluation or the Model Based on the MDL Criterion
The selection rule (T) of the neuron transfer function was based on a modifIcation of the
Minimal Description Length (MOL) information criterion. In [Rissanen. 1975] the
principle of minimal description for statistical estimation was developed. The MDL
provides a trade-off between the accuracy and the complexity of the model by including
the structure estimation tenn of the fInal model. The final model (with the minimal
Tenorio and Lee
MOL) is optimum in the sense of being a consistent estimate of the number of
parameters while achieving the minimum error [Rissanen.1980]. Given a sequence of
observation xl,x2,x3 ?...?xN from the random variable X. the dominant tenn of the MDL
in [Rissanen. 1975] is:
MDL =- log f(xI8) + 0.5 k log N
where f(xI8) is the estimated probability density function of the model. k is the number
of parameters. and N is the number of observations. The first tenn is actually the negative
of the maximum likelihood (ML) with respect to the estimated parameter. The second
term describes the structure of the models and it is used as a penalty for the complexity of
the model. In the case of linear polynomial regression. the MOL is:
MDL = - 0.5 N log S~ + 0.5 k log N
where k is the number of coefficients in the model selected.
In the SONN algorithm. the MDL criterion is modified to operate both recursively and
hierarchically. First. the concept of the MDL is applied to each candidate prototype
surface for a given neuron. Second. the acceptance of the node. based on Simulated
Annealing. uses the MDL measure as the system energy. However. since the new neuron
is generated from terminals which can be the output of other neurons. the original
defmition of the MDL is unable to compute the true number of system parameters of the
final function. Recall that due to the arbitrary connectivity. feedback loops and other
configurations it is non trivial to compute the number of parameters in the entire
structure. In order to reflect the hierarchical nature of the model. a modified MDL called
Structure Estimation Criterion (SEC) is used in conjunction with an heuristic estimator
of the number of parameters in the system at each stage of the algorithm. A
computationally efficient heuristic for the estimation of the number of parameters in the
model is based on the fact that SONN creates a tree-like structure with multiple roots at
the input terminals. Then k. in expression (8). can be estimated recursively by:
k = kL + kR + (no. of parameters of the current node)
where kL and kR are the estimated number of parameters of the left and right parents of
the current node. respectively. This heuristic estimator is neither a lower bound nor an
upper bound of the true number of parameter in the model.
11.2.3 The SONN Algorithm
To explain the algorithm. the following definitions are necessary: Node - neuron and the
associated function. connections. and SEC; BASIC NODE - A node for the system input
variable; FRONT NODE - A node without children; IN1ERMIDIATE NODE - The nodes
that are neither front or basic nodes; STATE - The collection of nodes. and the
configuration of their interconnection; INITIAL STATE (SO - The state with only basic
nodes; PARENT AND CHILD STATE - The child state is equal to the parent state except
for f a new node and its interconnection generated on the parent state structure;
NEIGHBOR STATE - A state that is either a child or a parent state of another; ENERGY
Self Organizing Neural Networks
OF THE STATE (SEC-Si) - The energy of the state is defined as the minimum SEC of
all the front nodes in that state.
In the SONN algorithm. the search for the correct model structure is done via Simulated
Annealing. Therefore the algorithm at times can accept partial structures that look less
than ideal. In the same way. it is able to discard partially constructed substructures in
search for better results. The use of this algorithm implies that the node accepting rule
(R) varies at run-time according to a cooling temperature
schedule. The SONN
algorithm is as follows:
Initialize T, and S[
Sj = generate (Si),
If accept ( SEC_Sj. SEC_Si, T) then Si = Sj.
- application of P.
- application ofR.
WUiI the number of new neurons is greater than N.
Decrease the temperature T.
until The temperature T is smaller than tend (Terminal temperature for Simulated
Each neuron output and the system input variables are called terminals. Tenninals are
viewed as potential dimensions from which a new hypersurface can be constructed. Every
tenninal represents the best tentative to approximate the system function with the
available infmnatioo. and are therefore treated equally.
In the following results. the chaotic time series generated by the Mackay-Glass
differential equations was used. The SONN with the SEC. and its heuristic variant were
used to obtain the approximate model of the system. The result is compared with those
obtained by using the nonlinear signal processing method [LapedeS&Farber. 1987] . The
advantages and disadvantages of both approaches are analyzed in the next section.
111.1 Structure of the Problem
The MacKay-Glass differential equation used here can be described as:
a x(t - t) _ b x(t)
1 + x10(t - t)
By setting a =0.2. b =0.1. and t = 17. a chaotic time series with a' strange attractor of
fractal dimension about 3.5 will be produced [Lapedes&Farber. 1987] . To compare the
accuracy of prediction the nonnalized root mean square error is used as a perfonnance
Tenorio and Lee
nnalized RMSE - Standard Deviation
In the following examples, a modified hewistic version of the SEC is used. The estimator
of the number of parameters is given by (9), and the fmal configuraion is shown in figure
111.2.1 Node 19
In this subsection, SONN is allowed to generate up to the 19th accepted node. In this
first version of the algorithm, all neurons have the same number of interconnections. and
therefore draw their transfer function from the same pool of functions .. Generalizations of
the algorithm can be easily made to accommodate multiple input functions, and neuron
transfer function assignment being drawn from separate pools. In this example, the first
one hundred points of the time series was used for training, and samples 101 through 400
used for prediction testing. The total number of weights in the network is 27. The
performance index average 0.07. The output of the network is overlapped in the figure 2
with the original time series.
For comparison purposes, a GDR network with the structure used in [LapedeS&Farber,
1987] is trained for 6500 epochs. The training data consisted of the first 500 points of the
time series, and the testing data ran from the 501st sample to the 832nd. The total
number of weights is 165. and the fmal performance index equal to 0.12. This was done
to give both algorithms similar computational resources. Figure 3 shows the original
time series overlapped with the GDR network output.
Ill.2.2 NODE 37
In this subsection, the model chosen was formed by the 37th accepted node. The network
was trained in a similar manner to the flfSt example, sioce it is part of the same run. The
final number of weights is 40, and the performance index 0.018. Figure 4 shows the
output of the network overlapped with the original time series. Figure 5 shows the GDR
with 11,500 epochs. Notice that in both cases, the GDR network demands 150
connections and 150 weights. as compared to 12 connections and 27 weights for the first
example and 10 connections and 40 weights for the second example. The comparison of
the performance of different models is listed in figure 6.
IV. Conclusion and Future Work
In this study, we proposed a new approach for the identification problem based on a
flexible, self-organizing neural network (SONN) structure. The variable structure provides
the opportunity to search and construct the optimal model based on input-output
observations. The hierarchical version of the MDL, called the structure estimation criteria,
Self Organizing Neural Networks
was used to guide the trade-off between the model complexity and the accuracy of the
estimation. The SONN approach demonstrates potential usefulness as a tool for system
identification through the example of modeling a chaotic time series.
Garber, D .? eL al. ,"A universal nonlinear filter, predicator and simulator which
optimizes itsekf by a learning process," IEE Proc.,18B, pp. 422-438, 1961
RissanenJ. "Modeling by shortest data description," Automatica. vo1.14, pp. 465471.1975
Gemen, S, and Gernen D., "Stochastic relaxation, gibbs deisribution, and the bayesian
restoration of images." IEEE PAMI.? PAMI-6,pp.721-741. 1984
Lapedes.A. and Farber, R. ,"Nonlinear signal processing using neural networks:
Predication and system modeling," TR.. LA-UR-87-2662. 1987
Moody. J. This volume
Rissanen:,,J. "Consistent order estimation of autoregressive processing by shortest
description of data." Analysis and optimization of stochastic system. Jacobs et. al. Eds.
N.Y. Academic. 1980
Figure 1. The 37th State Generated
--------_ _ - .._---_.
.. ..
S"s._IO.?SOHNI_ 191
Figure 2. SONN 19th Model. P.I. = 0.06
Tenorio and Lee
..------------ -- ------.
+----~-- - _-
.- ~
Figure 3. GDR after 6.500 Epochs. P.I.
'. 00
Figure 4. SONN 37th Model. P.I.
~------------------<; ??1_ 10.. "ICk P'''Dlq1I!O" -III II 500 EDOCM. ------
r r
\ Ii \ I
. no
~ ~o
. no
?,-...C)o . . . .
Figure 5. GDR after 11.500 Epochs. P.I. = 0.018
Comparison ollhe Perform alice Index
I>:'UU t: I'''~''~
~Vt~tllfl""Uaj l~,
0. 10
SOliN (o .. ~j ~7)
BP \ I :;W Ep~I"
.,.-._._.;,_.", . . . . ...
.o. _._._ . _~ .. _._._._._.- . -.~.,..~
.............. ........ . ......... ..... . ...................... .... -_.... ..... .. ... .-. .. .. ..... .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - ' - - -
Figure 6. Perfonnance Index Versus the Number of Predicted Points
| 149 |@word version:4 polynomial:4 nd:1 jacob:1 tr:1 accommodate:1 recursively:2 initial:1 configuration:2 series:10 lapedes:4 current:2 si:3 dx:1 tenn:3 selected:1 accepting:1 provides:2 node:22 simpler:1 constructed:2 differential:2 ood:1 manner:1 behavior:2 nor:1 simulator:1 terminal:4 actual:1 lll:1 linearity:1 developed:1 lft:1 every:2 demonstrates:2 classifier:1 before:1 engineering:3 xv:1 io:1 pami:2 alice:1 range:1 lafayette:2 testing:2 x3:4 chaotic:5 universal:1 projection:1 selection:2 primitive:1 simplicity:2 adjusts:1 rule:4 fmally:1 estimator:3 construction:5 aixi:1 us:1 overlapped:3 element:1 cooling:1 geman:2 observed:1 ep:1 electrical:2 trade:2 decrease:1 yk:4 ran:1 complexity:5 trained:2 creates:1 easily:1 various:1 represented:1 kolmogorov:1 whose:1 heuristic:5 garber:1 otherwise:1 interconnection:3 favor:1 abandon:1 final:4 sequence:1 advantage:1 xi8:2 loop:1 organizing:10 description:6 gmdh:1 parent:5 requirement:1 optimum:1 produce:1 generating:3 school:2 sonn:20 predicted:1 implies:1 uu:1 direction:1 guided:1 farber:5 correct:2 filter:1 stochastic:4 ao:1 generalization:1 adjusted:1 mapping:2 major:1 purpose:1 estimation:12 proc:1 create:2 tool:2 ick:1 modified:6 conjunction:1 likelihood:1 sense:1 glass:2 dim:1 el:1 nn:2 entire:1 accept:3 ill:1 flexible:1 initialize:1 mackay:2 equal:2 construct:4 represents:1 look:1 future:2 interpolate:1 attractor:1 acceptance:1 evaluation:2 mdl:12 introduces:1 nonnally:1 analyzed:1 accurate:2 partial:1 necessary:1 perfonnance:3 tree:1 iv:2 desired:3 minimal:3 a2x2:2 modeling:3 disadvantage:1 restoration:1 assignment:1 deviation:1 hundred:1 usefulness:1 front:3 iee:1 varies:1 corrupted:1 chooses:1 combined:1 st:1 density:1 lee:5 yl:2 off:2 pool:2 moody:2 connectivity:2 reflect:1 tenninals:2 potential:2 sec:8 coefficient:2 root:2 reached:1 substructure:1 rmse:2 square:3 formed:1 accuracy:3 identification:9 bayesian:1 tenninal:1 produced:1 explain:1 ed:2 definition:1 energy:3 pp:3 associated:1 stop:1 recall:1 knowledge:1 subsection:2 provision:1 organized:2 schedule:1 actually:1 back:1 supervised:1 formulation:1 done:2 fmal:2 stage:1 until:1 nonlinear:4 propagation:1 quality:1 requiring:1 true:2 concept:2 consisted:1 assigned:1 ll:2 self:10 criterion:10 generalized:1 performs:2 hereon:1 temperature:4 image:1 ecn:2 volume:1 discussed:1 defmition:1 gibbs:1 fk:1 iia:1 access:1 surface:2 dominant:1 optimizes:1 discard:1 arbitrarily:1 continue:1 tenns:1 vt:1 yi:2 ofr:1 minimum:3 greater:1 fernando:1 shortest:2 signal:2 ii:4 multiple:2 x10:1 characterized:1 academic:1 equally:1 prediction:2 variant:2 simplistic:1 regression:1 fonns:1 basic:3 iteration:1 represent:1 annealing:4 operate:1 tend:1 spirit:1 ee:1 ideal:1 iii:2 enough:1 topology:1 prototype:2 expression:1 flfst:1 penalty:1 fractal:1 listed:1 category:1 simplest:2 generate:3 notice:1 estimated:4 discrete:1 four:1 rissanen:5 achieving:1 drawn:1 neither:2 relaxation:1 run:2 named:1 strange:1 draw:1 bound:2 hi:4 quadratic:2 bp:1 x2:5 generates:1 optimality:1 according:1 describes:5 smaller:2 ur:1 making:1 modification:1 hl:1 restricted:1 taken:2 computationally:1 resource:1 equation:2 previously:1 available:2 hierarchical:2 reapply:1 original:4 opportunity:1 predicator:1 strategy:1 unable:1 separate:1 simulated:4 trivial:1 length:2 index:6 minimizing:1 negative:1 a2x:1 unknown:1 perform:1 upper:1 neuron:14 observation:6 purdue:4 predication:1 solin:1 extended:1 nonnalized:1 arbitrary:2 pair:2 kl:2 connection:4 tentative:1 manoel:1 able:2 below:2 including:1 treated:1 representing:1 created:1 thud:1 epoch:5 uaj:1 aijxixj:1 fully:1 versus:1 degree:1 consistent:2 principle:1 share:1 repeat:2 guide:2 vv:2 fall:1 wide:1 neighbor:1 distributed:1 feedback:1 dimension:7 xn:4 autoregressive:1 collection:1 made:1 hypersurface:7 sj:2 approximate:3 ml:1 global:1 automatica:1 xi:1 un:2 continuous:1 search:8 nature:1 transfer:5 mol:4 complex:1 domain:1 hierarchically:2 multilayered:1 child:4 allowed:1 fmd:1 x1:1 xl:6 candidate:1 third:1 a3:1 kr:2 gdr:6 demand:1 lwt:1 tenorio:5 adjustment:1 partially:1 hypersurfaces:1 viewed:2 except:1 vo1:1 called:5 total:2 accepted:2 la:1 incorporate:1 tested:1 extrapolate:1 |
536 | 1,490 | Very Fast EM-based Mixture Model
Clustering using Multiresolution kd-trees
Andrew W. Moore
Robotics Inst.i t. ut.e, Carnegie tl1plloll University
Pittsburgh , PA 15:21:3. a\\'l11'9.'cs.cll1u.eciu
Clust ering is impor ta nt in m any fi elds including m a nufac tlll'ing ,
bio l og~' , fin a nce , a nd astronomy. l\Iixturp models a rp a popula r approach due to their st.atist.ical found a t.ions, and EM is a very popular l1wthocl for fillding mixture models. EM, however, requires
lllany accesses of the dat a , a nd thus h as been dismissed as impract ical (e .g. [9]) for d ata mining of enormous dataset.s. We present a
nt' \\? algorit.hm, baspd on thp l1lultiresolution ~.'Cl- trees of [5] , whi ch
dramatically reeluc ps th e cost of EtlI-baspd clusteriug , wit.h savings
rising linearl:; wit.h the numb er of datapoints. Although prespnt.pd
lwre for maximum likplihoocl estimation of Gaussian mixt.ure modf' ls , it. is also applicable to non-(~aussian models (provided class
d ensit.i es are monotonic in Mahala nobis dist.ance ), mixed categorical/ nUllwric clusters. anel Bayesian nwthocls such as Antoclass [1] .
Learning Mixture Models
In a Gaussian mixtur e lllod f' l (e.g. [3]) , we aSSUI1W t.hat d ata points {Xl .. . XR} ha\'p
bef'n ge lw r<lt ecl incl e p e ncl e lltl~ by the following process. For each X I in turn, natlll'f'
begius by randomly picking a class, c}' from a discrf' t e set of classf's {('I . . ' Cs }.
T lwn nat m e dr aws X I from an .II-dimension a l Gallss ia n whosf' m ea n fI i and cO\'a riallce ~i depe nd 0 11 th e class, Thus we have
wh ere 8 d en ot ps all the p ar ameters of the mixture: the class probabilities Vi (w lwre
P(Cj 18)) , the class centers fl j and th e class covariances ~j'
Vi =
Tlw job of a mixture m od el learn er is to find a good estimat e of t.he mod eL and
Expectation MaximizRtion (EM) , also known a::l "Fuzzy ~' -m e a n::l", i::l a popular
A. W Moore
algorit.hm for doing so. TIlt' Ith iteration of El\I begins \vith an estimatp (/ of tllP
model , and ends with all il11prO\'ed pstimate ll+1. 'Write
E;\I iteratps over parh point.-class combination, comput.ing for pach dass Cj and Pnch
datapoint Xi, thp pxtent to which Xi is "owned" by Cj. The ownership is simply
tl'i) = P(Cj I Xi, (/). Throughout this paper \\iP will use thp following notation :
I Cj Jl)
I Xi , (i) = (/ ijJ!.d Lt~ l (/iI.. )JJ.. (by
Bayes ' Rule)
Then tl1P new value of thp cpntroid, J.ij' of the jt.b rlass in thp npw modpl (l+l is
sim ply tilt' \\"Pightpel t11pan of all the da t<'l point:,; , using the values {LV 1), W~j, . .. lIB.i }
as t.he weights. A similar weight.eel procedure gives the new est.imat.e's of the class
probabilities and the dass cov<'Iriances:
p' f- _
1 R
tt} f- - - ~ U:i}Xi
i= l
w)wre S\\'j = L~= l tl;ij . Thus each iteration of EM visit:-; ewry datapoint-rla:,;:,; pair.
meaning "YR evaluations of a l\l-dilllensional Ganssian, and so needing O(J/.!.SR)
arithnwtic operations ]wr iteration. This paper aims to reduce that cost.
An IIIrkd-tree (Multiresolution J~D-tree), introduced in [2] and developed further
in [5], is a binary tree in which each node is associateel wit.h a subset of the elatapoints. The root node owns all the datapoints. Each non-leaf-noelp has t \VO rhilelren.
d efineel by a splitting dimension NO.SPLITOIM and a splitting valup NO.sPLITVAL. The
two children divide their parent's datapoints between them , with the left child owing those dat.apoillts that are strictly less than the splitting \"alue in the splitting
dimension, and t he right child owning tllP remaindpr of the parent's cia t apoinb:
x i [No.sPLITDIM]
l\O.SPLITVAL anel Xi E No
The distinguishing featur e of mrkcl-trees is that their nodes contain the following:
? NO.NUMPOINTS: The number of points owned by No (equivalently, the average density in No).
? NO.CENTROID: The centroid of the points owned by No (equivalently, the
fir:st 1lI0ment of the density below ND) .
? No.(?ov: The cov<'lriance of the points owned by No (equivalently. the second
lI10lllent. of the clensi t.y below No).
? NO. HYPERRECT: The bounding hyper-rectangle of the points below No
\\"1' construct. mrkcl-trpes top-down, id ent.ifying tilt' bounding box of th e current.
node , and splitting in t.hf' cent er of t.he widest dimension. A node is d eclared to be
a lea L and is left unsplit , if the widest dimension of its bounding box is
threshold, JIB IV. If MB W is zero, t.hen all leaf nodes denote singleton or coincident
points , the tree bas O(R) nodes and so requires O(M~ R) memory, and (with some
care) the cons t ruction co ~t is O(",J'2 R+ M R log R). In practice , we :-;et MB IT' t.o 1%
of t he range of the datapoint components . The tree size and construction thus cost
Very Fast EM-Based Mixture Model Clustering Using Multiresolution Kd-Trees
co ns icle ra bl," If'sS t.l Ja n these b Ollnc\s b f'ca use in c\ f' nsf' reg io ns , tin~' lea f n o d es we rf'
a ble t o summari ze cl ozf'lls of cl at apo ints , No t f' t oo th a t. t h e cost of trf'e-builcling is
a m ol' t izecl - th f' tree must I)f' built. o nef' , .ve t E ~I p f'l' fo rms m a llY it er a tio ns ,
To p e rform an it.eratio n ofE1\1 with tllf' IIIrkd- tl'f'e , we ca ll t.h e functio n l\ L\K ESTAT S
(d f'scril)f'c\ b e lo w) o n t. h f' root of t h e trf'f', \L-\K ESn,Ts ( No , tl) o u t puts :i N va lu es:
(S\\'l , S\\':! , ' , , SWx , SWX 1, ' , ,S"'X ,V, SWXX 1, , , ,S\\,XX N ) wh f're
tl 'ij X ,
x, E NO
x , E NO
((j )
e + 1:
TI1f' res ults of 1\ 1A KES TATS (RooT) pro \'idf' sU ffi c if' nt. stat isti c8 to COIl St rue t
]I) f--- S \\'
,iI R
If l\ [AK ESTATS is ca llf'cl o n a If'a f n o c\ f' ,
\ \'P
s impl)' co mpu tf', fo r f'aeh j,
= P (c) I x,e = P(x I t'j ,(l)p( c) I et)/ I::: P (x I Ck , et )p (Ck l et)
t )
1.' =1
whe rf' x
NO, ('ENTROID , a nd when ' a ll the it f'lI1s in tllf' rig ht h a nd
a r f' eas il~ ' co mput.ed , \Vf' thell r f't urn S\\'j = Il 'j X =" O,NTJ 1\IPOI NTS,
Il 'j x NO,N TI1\!POINTS x X a nd s \\'xx)
Il'j x );O,f\ Tli\!POINTS x No, co \' ,
SOil Wf' ca ll d o this is th a t, if the If'a f noclf' is W J') ' sm a ll, t.llf' rf' willlw lit tle
in te l ) fo r th f' po int s o \\'l lf'd by t. h f' nod f' a nd so , fo r f'xa lll p lf'
Il',j X i ~
III t h e eXpf'r ill lf'llts be lo w \\'e li se \'e r)' t iny lea f nod f' s , f' lIsurin g acc u rac,\',
f' qu at io n
s \\,x) =
The rea va ri atlo n
11'.1 LX"
If \IAKEST.-\TS is ca ll e d o n a no n-If'a f-n odf', it (' a n easily co mputf' its a ns \Vf'r by
r f'c llrsivf' l~' ca llin g l\ IAK ESTAT s o n its tw o chilclrf' n and t.hf' n l'f' turning the :-:UIll of
tllf' t\Vo Sf' ts
was th f' end
co n venti o nal
O(R) n od es,
of a n s \\'f'l'S, In genf'r a l. th a t is f'xact ly how we will pro cef'd, If t h a t
of th e sto ry , W P wo uld h aw little computa tion a l improvel1lf' nt o \'er
E1\l, b ecRuse o n f' pass wo uld fully t.r al'E'rsf' t h e trf'f', which con ta ins
doing O( S .11:!) \\'o rk p er node ,
\Ve will win if we evf'l' sp ot th at. a t so m f' int f' rm edi ate no d f' , \\'f' ca n jll '1111 t , i,f',
e\'a lu a t f' th f' n o d e as if it were a If'a f. witho u t. sf' al't'hin g it.s d f' sce nd en ts , but witho u t.
introduc in g si gnifica nt e rro r int o tllf' compu tatio n,
T o do t hi:-: , \\,f' will CO tllput f' , fo r f'ac h j , the minimulIl a nd m aximum U'ij th a t any
p o int ins idp th f' no d f' could h a \'f' , This pl'o cf'cl lll'f' is m or e complf' x than in tllf' casf'
o f l o" all~ ' we ig ht pd r f'g l'eSSiOll [.5] ,
I{'T ax
ll1 is a lo\\'f' l' b ound
a nd
fo r each j , wh e re
o n minxi E NO /i 'i) a nd u'T <lX is a n uppf' r b o und on m a xx , E :\O (I'i,/ , T hi s is h ard
b ec ause wjl11 11 is d e t ermin ed Bo t o nly by t Ilf' m ea n and co\'aria nce o f tl lf' jt.h d a s;-;
but also t h e o th f'r cla:,ses , For f'x ample , in Fi g ur f' l. ti'3:! is approximatel~' 0, 5 , but
it wo uld bf' much la rge r if Cl werf' f mtll er to t lr f' If'ft , o r h a d a thinll e r ('o \'a ri a nce,
\\'e wi;-;h t o co mput f'
Blit l'f' nw mber th a t tl lf'
(/ 'j j ),1/
L: ~:~1 (/,h li h, \Vf'
rpquire:, th at
1'0 1'
ti'ij' S
a r f' d f' fin f'cl in t e rms of
(l ij'S,
t hus:
lI 'i)
pu t bo unds o n t.l lP (li j ' :, rela tive ly <-,a sil~' , [t sim ply
f'a ('h j \\,f' co mpllt f' l tllf' closf' ;-; t a nd fUl'tl lf'st po int fro m I',; within
I C o mpu t ing Ih bt' p oint:-. r equire,., non-t ri\'ia l co mpu t.a t ion a l geo Illetr,\ ' lwca u"e the co\'a ria lJ ce III a t rice:, are n ot llece""arily axis- a li gned , There i" n o space h ere fo r d el a iJ,."
A. W. Moore
Maximizer of a 2
? ?
Figure 1: The rectangle denote" a h.\"lwrrectangle in the mrkd-tn'e. The !"mall
"quares denote datapoint.s "owlled" h.\?
t lIe node.
Suppo:se t.here are ju:;( l \\'0
~Minimizer of a 1 claf-se!" , with the given means, and covaliances depicteel by the ellipse:;. Small
circles indicate the locations wit.hin the
rMinimizer of a 2 node for which (/) (i.e. P(.r I c))) would
be extremized.
using the Mahalanobis cli::otancp MHD(x, x') = (x-x/)T~.j I (x-x').
Call tllf':';P short.pst and furtllf'st squarpcl distancps illHDI11I11 and JIHD l11 ax . Then
is a lowpr bound for minx ,
x, E NO
(lij , with a similar dpfinition of aTflX . Thpn write
min (aij}Jj/L((ikPh'l
x, E NO
ajlllnpj /(ClT ll1 pj
L ar
= x,min
(aij}Jj/(Clij}Jj + LouiN))
1ax Pk)
h?t j
wlwrp tl'T II1 is ulli' lo\\,pr bound. There is a similar definition for tl'.TflX. The iLlc'qualit.\' i;-, proved b)' elenH'ntary algebra, and requires that all qllantitips are positiw
(which thpy are). vVe can often tight.en thp bounds further using a procedure that
pxploits the fact. t.hat.
j Wij = 1, but space does not permit further discussion.
ax are close for all j. 'Vha t should be the criterion for
\ \,p will prune if wjllll1 anel
clospnpss? The first. idea that springs to mind is: Prune if Vj . (wj11aX - wj11lI1 < t).
But such a simplp critprioll is not suitable: some classps may be accumulating very
largp sums of weights, whilst others may bp accumulating vpry small Sllms. The
largp-sllll1-weight clasl>ps can t.olerate far looser bounds than the small-sum-weight
da.sses. Hprp, then, is a more satisfactory pruning critf'l'ion : Pnll1P ifVj . (wr ax Il',Tll1 < nC,;otal) where wjotal is the tot al weight. awarded to class j o\,pr tlw entire
dataset , and T is SOI1lP small constant. Sadl~' , w.ioTal is not. known ill advan('e, but
lI1 , where
happily we can find a lower bound on u,.~otal of
Lt'jofar is the total weight awarded to cla.ss j so fa.r during the sear('h over the kcl-trpp.
The algorithm as c1(>scribed so far performs c1ivide-and-conquer-\vith-cut.offs on the
spt of clatapoints. In addition, it is possiblp to achieve an extra ac(,pleration by
nwallS of diviclp and conquer on the class ('enters. Suppose there wpre N = 100
classps . Illstpad of considering all 100 classps at all Bodes, it is frequelltly possible
t.o clPlPrmine at SOI1W node that t.he maximum possi ble \\,pight. w,Tux for som e class j
is less thau a minisculp fraction of tllf' minimull1 pos:-;ible weight u't ln for sonlf' other
ax < Aut lll where /\
da:-,:-, "'. Thlb if we 0\'<"1' find that in some nocle
10 -..( .
tlLell class ('j is rel1lowc\ from ('onsicleration from all clescendpnt:-; ofthp Clll'l'pnt node.
FrpC[uPlltly this m ea llS that nea r tllf' tree's Ipa\'ps, only a tiny fraction of thp dassps
compete for o\\'nership of the datapoints, and thil> lea.ds to large time savings.
Very Fast EM-Based Mixture Model Clusten'ng Using Multiresolution Kd-Trees
h a vp subj ed pd this a pp ro ach to llum prous i\ Iont.e-Ca rlo empirical tests . Her p
\VP report 0 11 on e ::::pt of Ruch tpsts . created with th e fo llowin g m eth od ology.
? We ra nd omly gP llerate a mi xt ure of Ga u::::sia ns in 1\J -dimensio ll a l : : pace (by
ciefa nlt .11 = 2 ). The numb er of G a ussians , N is , by d efa ult, :20. E ach
(~ a u ~ ~i a n h a ~ a m ean ly ing within the unit hypercub e, and a cova ria nce
m a tri x r and omly gen erat ed with dia gonal elem ents between 0 up to 40' :!
(by d efa ul t, 0' = 0.05) and rand om non-dia go nal elem ent.s t h a t ensure symm etric positive defini tene:-;s. T hus th e dist a nce from a G a ussia n cen ter t.o
it.s l -::::t.andard-elevi a tion contour is of th p order of magni t ude of 0'.
? \\lp r andomly generate a d ataset fro111 t he mixt ure m odel. The number of
point:::: , R , i~ (by defa ult) 160 ,000 . Figure :2 sh ow:::: a typical ge nerated set
of G a u::::~i a n s a nel clat apoinb.
? We then build an I/Irkd- t ree for th e d ataset. , a nd record th e m em ory requirPlllents a nd real time to build (on a Pent.ium :200Mhz, in seconds).
? We t hpn run Ei\I on the d at a. Ei\I begin:::: wit.h a n entirely different set of
(~ au ss i a n:-;, randomly ge ne ra ted using the sam e procedure.
? \Vp run 5 it era tions of the co nvent ional EM algori thm and the n ew mrkdt rpp-ba:: : pd algorithm. TllP n ew algorit.hm uses a defa ult value of 0 .1 for T .
\Vp record thp rpa l t ime (ill seconds ) for each itera tion of each a lgorithm,
a nd wp a lso reco rd t he m ean log-likelihood score (1/ R) L~= l log P(Xi I rl)
for t. he tth m od pl fo r both algo rithm:::: .
F igurf' :) :-;ho\\':-; t.h e n od es t.ha t arp visit.pd durin g It eration :2 of the Fast. EM wi t h
~y = (j cla::::ses . T a blp 1 shows t.h e d ptailecl resul ts a:::: the experim ental pa r am eters a re
varied. Speedups vary fro m 8-fold to 1000-fold . There a re 100-fold speedup:" even
wit.h very wiel e (no n-loca l) G a ussia ns. In oth pI' exp eriments, simil a r resul t s were also
obt ain f>c\ on l'ea l d ata ~ ets t ha t disobe.y t llP Gaussia n ass umption . Ther e too, we find
one- a.nd two-order- of-m agnitude computa tion al advantages with indis t. in guish able
::::tat.i :-; tical b ph a yi or (no bett.pr ancln o worse ) compared with conventi on al E i\ I.
R e al Data: Prelimin a ry experiments in a pplying t his to la rge d a tasets h ave bee n
encour ag ing. Fo r thrpe-dinlPnsi on al gala xy clust ering with 800 ,000 gala xies and
lUOO elust ns , tr adition al El\1 need ed :3?5 minutes per iteration, while t he mrkd-trees
rpquired only H SPcOl1(ls . With l. () millio n gala xies, t.radition al EM need ed 70
minut es a nd IIIrkd-trpPs required 14 seconds .
Th p use of vari a ble resolution struc t ures for clustering has been suggested in m a ny
pl aces (P.g . [7 ,8 , 4, !:l]). The BIRCH sys t em , in pa rt.icul a r , is popula r in the d a t.a b ase
co mmunity'. BIRCH is, howpver. Iln9blp to identify seconci-m Ol11Pllt feat ures of clust,pr:; (s uch as Il on-n xis-ali gned spread). Our co ntributions h ave been the use of a
ll1ulti-l'f'solut.io n a pproac h, with associa tf>d comput a tion a l benefi t s , a nd th e introducti on of a n pffi cient algo ri t hm t ha t leaves tllP sta tistica l aspects of mixture m od el
estil1l a tion uncil angpd. The growth of rpcpnt d a.t. a minin g algorihm s th a t are /l ot
based on st.a t istica l foundati ons has frec!pnt.ly been j ust.ified by the following statelllent: U:; illg st ate-of- t hp- Cl rt sta tisti cal techniques is too expensive because such
t pchniqu ps were not d psig npel to h andle la rgp da t asets and becom e intraet a bJe with
mi Ili on:'; of d a t a p oints . In earlier work we prO\ iclpd ev idence t.h a t t.hi s sta te m ent may
Effect of Number of Datapoints, R:
As R increases so Joes the computational aJvantage,
essentiall~' linearly. The tree-build time (11 seconds
at worst) is a tiny cost compared with even just one
iteration of Regular EM (2385 seconds, on the big
dataset.) FinalSlowSecs: 238.5. FinalFastSecs: 3.
A. W Moore
I"" ' ' ?
' ...
, '"
or pOinte (in thou ??nds)
Effect of Number of Dimensions, A/f:
As with many J.:d-tree algorithms. the benefits decline
as dimensionality increases, yet even in 6 dimensions,
there is an 8-fold advantage. FinalSlowSecs: 2742.
FinalFastSecs: 310.2.5.
EHect of N umber of Classes, N:
Conventional EM slows down linearly with the number of classes. Fast EM is clearly sublinear, with a
70-fold speedup even with 320 classes. Note how the
tree size grows. This is because more classes mean
a more uniform data distribution and fewer datapoints "sharing" tree leaves. FinalSlowSecs: 9278 .
FinalFastSecs: 143.:3.
Effect of Tau, T:
The larger T, the more willing we are to prune during
the tree search, anJ thus the faster we search, but the
less accurately we mirror EM's statistical behavior.
InJeeJ when T is large, the discrep<\llcy In the log
likelihood is relatively large. FinalSlowSecs: .584 . .5 .
FinalFastSecs: .)
Effect of Standard Deviation, 17:
Even with very wide Gaussians, with wide support. ,
we still get large savings . The nodes that are pruned
in these cases are rarely nodes with one class owning
all the probability, but instead are nodes where all
classes have non-zero, but little varying, probability.
FinalSlowSecs: 58.1. FinalFastSecs: 4.75.
Number of Inpuba
001 '
Number of cent.,..
Table 1: In all the above results all parameters were held at their default values except
for one, which varied as shown in the graphs. Each graph shows the factor by which
the new E1.'1 is faster than the conventional EM. Below each graph is the time to build
the mrkd-tree in seconds and the number of nodes in the t.ree. Note that although the
tree builJing cost is not included in the speedup calculation, it is negligibl~ in all cases,
especially considering that only one tree build is needed for all EM iterations. Does the
approximate nature of this process result in inferior clusters'? The answer is no : the
quality of clusters is indistinguishable between the slow and fast methods when measureJ
by log-likelihood and when viewed visually.
Very Fast EM-Based Mixture Model Clustering Using Multiresolution Kd-Trees
Figure 2: A typical set of Gaussians generated by our random procedure. They in t.urn generate the
datasets upon which we compare
the performance of the old and new
implementations of EM.
Figure 3: The ellipses show the model 8 t at the start
of an EM iteration. The rectangles depict the mrkdtree nodes that were pruned. Observe larger rectangles (and larger savings) in areas with less variation
in class probabilities. Note this is not merely able to
only prune where the data density is low.
not apply for locally weighted regression [.5] or Bayesian network learning [6], and
we hope this paper provides some evidence that it also needn't apply to clustering .
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1\10 rga n Kaufmann, 1~19 7
[6) Andrew \V M oo re and 1\t. S. Lee Cached SuffiCient Statistics for EffiCi e nt 1\1achm'" Learnmg With
Large Datasets Journal oj A,'tljicll1l Intelllyen ce Research , 8 , Marc h 1888.
[7) S M . Omo h u ndro . Efficien t Algortthms With Neural Network Be haVIOu r .
Systems, 1(2 ):2 73-34 7, 1987.
of Complex
[8) S. M Omohundro Burnptrees for Efficient FlmctlOn , Co nst ralllt , a nd C lassificaflon Learning. In R . P .
Lippmann, J E. Moody. and D S. Touretzky, editors, Advances tTl Neural Inform a tIOn ProCfssmg
S!jstElns '3 Morgan Kaufmann, 18~ll
T. Zhang , R . Ramakrtshn a n, and M Llvny, BIRC H ' An Effici e nt Data Clustering Method for \'",ry
Large D a taba~,"s In Proceedwgs of th e FIfteenth AC'.\J ..;'JGACT-SIGMOD-8IGART ::"!jmpollum
0'1 Pnn np ies of Database Sys t ems: PODS 1991>. Ass n for Computing l\l achme ry, EI~II).
| 1490 |@word rising:1 nd:23 bf:1 willing:1 tat:3 covariance:1 cla:3 eld:1 tr:1 etric:1 score:1 imat:1 current:1 nt:9 od:6 si:1 yet:1 ust:1 must:1 tot:1 john:1 ints:1 depict:1 fewer:1 leaf:4 yr:1 ria:2 sys:2 ith:1 short:1 erat:1 record:2 lr:1 num:1 provides:1 node:17 location:1 ional:1 lx:2 zhang:1 ra:3 behavior:1 dist:2 ry:4 ol:1 sce:1 little:2 lll:3 considering:2 lib:1 itera:1 provided:1 xx:3 notation:1 begin:2 nea:1 taba:1 anj:1 ttl:1 fuzzy:1 developed:1 aximum:1 whilst:1 astronomy:1 ag:1 impl:1 computa:2 ti:2 ful:1 growth:1 estimat:1 ro:1 rm:1 bio:1 unit:1 ly:4 positive:1 io:3 rfa:1 era:1 ets:1 ak:1 id:1 ure:3 ree:2 andle:1 au:1 ecg:1 co:18 range:1 scribed:1 practice:1 tene:1 itlt:1 lf:6 ance:1 xr:1 procedure:4 area:1 empirical:1 eth:1 regular:1 atist:1 get:1 close:1 ga:1 cal:1 put:1 ilf:1 accumulating:2 mahala:1 conventional:2 center:1 go:1 l:2 pod:1 resolution:1 wit:6 splitting:5 rule:1 datapoints:6 his:1 lso:1 variation:1 pt:1 construction:1 suppose:1 gall:1 us:1 distinguishing:1 pa:3 expensive:1 ze:1 apo:1 cut:1 featur:1 database:2 tllp:4 ft:1 enters:1 worst:1 algorit:3 rig:1 pd:5 und:1 wil:1 icle:1 defini:1 inger:1 ov:1 tight:1 algo:2 ali:1 algebra:1 upon:1 po:3 easily:1 fast:7 kcl:1 minxi:1 hyper:1 ace:1 larger:3 whi:1 s:5 tlw:2 agnitude:1 statistic:1 cov:2 gp:1 ip:1 advantage:2 mb:2 gen:1 oint:1 multiresolution:5 achieve:1 ent:3 cli:1 parent:2 ijcai:1 p:5 ach:2 ecl:1 cluster:3 cached:1 tions:1 oo:3 andrew:2 ac:3 stat:1 ij:7 ard:1 sim:2 job:1 reco:1 c:3 nod:2 indicate:1 idp:1 owing:1 happily:1 nlt:1 alue:1 ja:1 strictly:1 pl:3 iny:1 visually:1 exp:1 nw:1 vith:2 cen:1 vary:1 numb:2 wre:1 estimation:1 applicable:1 ain:1 ound:1 tf:2 ere:2 weighted:1 hope:1 offs:1 clearly:1 gaussian:2 xact:1 pnt:2 spati:1 ck:2 aim:1 og:1 varying:1 ax:6 lon:1 likelihood:3 ave:2 centroid:2 wf:1 rpp:1 inst:2 bef:1 rgp:1 am:1 el:6 lj:1 entire:1 bt:1 her:1 ical:2 wij:2 rpa:1 umber:1 ill:3 loca:1 construct:1 saving:4 ng:1 ted:1 lit:1 np:1 others:1 report:1 lls:2 sta:3 randomly:2 ime:1 ve:2 baspd:2 ents:1 efa:2 mining:1 evaluation:1 mixture:9 sh:1 oth:1 llf:2 uill:1 tical:1 held:1 kt:1 xy:3 tree:22 impor:1 old:1 illg:1 divide:1 circle:1 iv:2 re:7 earlier:1 ar:2 shes:1 mhz:1 jib:1 cost:6 geo:1 deviation:1 subset:1 ory:1 uniform:1 uld:3 too:2 struc:1 answer:1 aw:1 st:7 ju:1 density:3 gaussia:1 lee:1 eel:1 picking:1 moody:1 aaai:1 algori:1 fir:1 ester:1 dr:1 worse:1 compu:1 depe:1 li:5 singleton:1 minin:1 needn:1 rsf:1 ology:1 int:8 vi:2 tli:1 root:3 tion:7 doing:2 defa:2 start:1 bayes:1 hf:2 odel:1 hpn:1 thp:8 ii1:1 alld:1 om:2 il:7 possi:1 kaufmann:3 identify:1 vp:4 bayesian:2 magni:1 eters:1 accurately:1 clust:3 lu:2 acc:1 datapoint:4 fo:10 inform:1 touretzky:1 ussia:2 ed:7 sharing:1 definition:1 esn:1 pp:1 mi:3 qualit:1 con:2 pst:1 dataset:3 popular:2 birch:2 wh:3 proved:1 rla:1 ut:1 dimensionality:1 cj:6 spt:1 ea:5 ta:2 y7:1 rand:1 box:2 xa:1 just:1 wlj:1 d:1 ntj:1 ei:3 su:1 maximizer:1 jll:1 quality:1 grows:1 effect:4 contain:1 lgorithm:1 mrkd:3 dud:1 moore:5 satisfactory:1 wp:1 mahalanobis:1 indistinguishable:1 ll:8 during:2 inferior:1 criterion:1 tt:1 omohundro:1 vo:2 tn:1 performs:1 pro:3 hin:2 meaning:1 fi:3 mixt:2 rl:1 tilt:3 jl:1 he:10 elem:2 nst:1 rd:1 hp:1 hus:2 access:1 clll:1 pu:1 awarded:2 verlag:1 nln:1 binary:1 yi:1 morgan:2 aut:1 care:1 schneider:1 ey:1 prune:4 clt:1 ii:4 thell:1 needing:1 mber:1 ing:5 faster:2 calculation:1 hart:1 e1:2 ase:1 functio:1 ellipsis:1 visit:2 y:1 das:2 va:2 regression:1 expectation:1 symm:1 lly:1 iteration:7 fifteenth:1 pnn:1 ion:3 c1:1 rea:1 addition:1 robotics:1 ures:2 lea:4 aws:1 ot:4 resul:2 extra:1 sr:1 tri:1 blp:1 ample:1 mod:1 pach:1 call:1 ter:1 iii:2 li1:1 ering:2 reduce:1 idea:1 frec:1 decline:1 ti1:1 rms:2 ul:2 wo:3 jj:4 dramatically:1 se:4 obt:1 locally:1 ph:1 nel:1 clusten:1 tth:1 bett:1 generate:2 nsf:1 ipa:1 wr:5 suppo:1 per:1 pace:1 carnegie:1 write:2 vol:1 threshold:1 enormous:1 kes:1 pj:1 ce:2 nal:2 ht:2 rectangle:4 graph:3 merely:1 fraction:2 nce:6 sum:2 compete:1 run:2 throughout:1 spl:1 looser:1 ble:3 vf:3 entirely:1 fl:1 hi:3 bound:5 fold:5 subj:1 idf:1 bp:1 ri:4 aspect:1 llin:1 min:2 ible:1 ults:1 urn:2 c8:1 spring:1 pruned:2 relatively:1 speedup:4 uf:1 combination:1 kd:4 associa:1 ate:2 llum:1 em:22 idence:1 ur:1 son:1 sam:1 tw:1 lp:2 qu:1 wi:3 pr:4 ln:1 turn:1 ffi:1 lta:1 needed:1 mind:1 ge:4 end:3 dia:2 gaussians:2 operation:1 permit:1 experim:1 apply:2 observe:1 cia:1 rac:1 ho:1 hat:2 rp:1 rlo:1 cent:2 top:1 res:1 cf:1 ensure:1 clustering:6 eriments:1 sw:1 cally:1 sigmod:1 especially:1 build:5 widest:2 ellipse:1 dat:2 conquer:2 bl:1 mpu:3 advan:1 ude:1 unsplit:1 fa:1 rt:2 ulli:1 aussian:1 minx:1 win:1 ow:1 predi:1 ause:1 gned:2 sia:1 elligence:1 ified:1 nc:1 equivalently:3 ncl:1 slows:1 uch:1 ba:2 implementation:1 l11:2 datasets:2 sm:1 fin:2 coincident:1 t:5 varied:2 thm:1 introduced:1 edi:1 pair:1 required:1 tive:1 ium:1 ther:1 able:2 suggested:1 pent:1 kriegel:1 llp:1 ev:1 below:4 pattern:1 solut:1 dismissed:1 nly:1 built:1 oj:1 memory:1 tau:1 tun:1 mall:1 rf:3 suitable:1 eration:1 including:1 ia:2 turning:1 ll1:2 ipoi:1 cheeseman:1 ne:1 axis:1 created:1 fro:2 hm:4 rela:1 categorical:1 ss:1 lij:2 discovery:1 hen:1 bee:1 fully:1 mixed:1 sublinear:1 lv:1 sil:1 scen:1 anel:3 sufficient:1 editor:2 tiny:2 pi:1 ata:3 lo:5 soil:1 aij:2 wide:2 benefit:1 dimension:7 default:1 vari:1 contour:1 ental:1 ig:1 ec:3 far:3 approximate:1 lippmann:1 pruning:1 feat:1 ons:1 pittsburgh:1 owns:1 xi:12 ctions:1 un:1 gala:3 nef:1 search:2 table:1 mtll:1 learn:1 nature:1 ca:8 ean:2 as:2 whe:1 complex:1 cl:8 som:1 rue:1 vj:1 marc:1 sp:1 pk:1 da:4 spread:1 linearly:2 bounding:3 big:1 child:3 xu:1 vve:1 cient:1 tl:11 en:3 tlll:1 rithm:1 owning:2 slow:1 sto:1 n:7 ny:1 sf:2 xl:1 lie:1 comput:2 ply:2 lw:1 tin:1 rk:1 minute:1 down:2 xt:1 jt:2 er:8 extremized:1 evidence:1 ih:1 mirror:1 aria:1 nat:1 te:3 tio:1 werf:1 lt:3 simply:1 ijj:1 bo:2 trf:3 monotonic:1 ch:1 minimizer:1 owned:4 tle:1 rice:1 coil:1 viewed:1 ownership:1 fisher:1 included:1 typical:2 except:1 rge:2 total:1 pas:1 arp:1 e:7 la:4 ili:1 est:1 ew:2 rarely:1 otal:2 illc:1 incl:1 support:1 mput:2 ult:3 tllf:9 reg:1 |
537 | 1,491 | Kernel peA and De-Noising in Feature Spaces
Sebastian Mika, Bernhard Scholkopf, Alex Smola
Klaus-Robert Muller, Matthias Scholz, Gunnar Riitsch
GMD FIRST, Rudower Chaussee 5, 12489 Berlin, Germany
{mika, bs, smola, klaus, scholz, raetsch} @first.gmd.de
Kernel PCA as a nonlinear feature extractor has proven powerful as a
preprocessing step for classification algorithms. But it can also be considered as a natural generalization of linear principal component analysis. This gives rise to the question how to use nonlinear features for
data compression, reconstruction, and de-noising, applications common
in linear PCA. This is a nontrivial task, as the results provided by kernel PCA live in some high dimensional feature space and need not have
pre-images in input space. This work presents ideas for finding approximate pre-images, focusing on Gaussian kernels, and shows experimental
results using these pre-images in data reconstruction and de-noising on
toy examples as well as on real world data.
1 peA and Feature Spaces
Principal Component Analysis (PC A) (e.g. [3]) is an orthogonal basis transformation.
The new basis is found by diagonalizing the centered covariance matrix of a data set
{Xk E RNlk = 1, ... ,f}, defined by C = ((Xi - (Xk))(Xi - (Xk))T). The coordinates in the Eigenvector basis are called principal components. The size of an Eigenvalue
>. corresponding to an Eigenvector v of C equals the amount of variance in the direction
of v. Furthermore, the directions of the first n Eigenvectors corresponding to the biggest
n Eigenvalues cover as much variance as possible by n orthogonal directions. In many applications they contain the most interesting information: for instance, in data compression,
where we project onto the directions with biggest variance to retain as much information
as possible, or in de-noising, where we deliberately drop directions with small variance.
Clearly, one cannot assert that linear PCA will always detect all structure in a given data set.
By the use of suitable nonlinear features, one can extract more information. Kernel PCA
is very well suited to extract interesting nonlinear structures in the data [9]. The purpose of
this work is therefore (i) to consider nonlinear de-noising based on Kernel PCA and (ii) to
clarify the connection between feature space expansions and meaningful patterns in input
space. Kernel PCA first maps the data into some feature space F via a (usually nonlinear)
function <II and then performs linear PCA on the mapped data. As the feature space F
might be very high dimensional (e.g. when mapping into the space of all possible d-th
order monomials of input space), kernel PCA employs Mercer kernels instead of carrying
Kernel peA and De-Noising in Feature Spaces
out the mapping <I> explicitly. A Mercer kernel is a function k(x, y) which for all data
sets {Xi} gives rise to a positive matrix Kij = k(Xi' Xj) [6]. One can show that using
k instead of a dot product in input space corresponds to mapping the data with some <I>
to a feature space F [1], i.e. k(x,y) = (<I>(x) . <I>(y)). Kernels that have proven useful
include Gaussian kernels k(x, y) = exp( -llx - Yll2 Ie) and polynomial kernels k(x, y) =
(x?y)d. Clearly, all algorithms that can be formulated in terms of dot products, e.g. Support
Vector Machines [1], can be carried out in some feature space F without mapping the data
explicitly. All these algorithms construct their solutions as expansions in the potentially
infinite-dimensional feature space.
The paper is organized as follows: in the next section, we briefly describe the kernel PCA
algorithm. In section 3, we present an algorithm for finding approximate pre-images of
expansions in feature space. Experimental results on toy and real world data are given in
section 4, followed by a discussion of our findings (section 5).
Kernel peA and Reconstruction
To perform PCA in feature space, we need to find Eigenvalues A > 0 and Eigenvectors
V E F\{O} satisfying AV = GV with G = (<I>(Xk)<I>(Xk)T).1 Substituting G into the
Eigenvector equation, we note that all solutions V must lie in the span of <I>-images of the
training data. This implies that we can consider the equivalent system
A( <I>(Xk) . V)
= (<I>(Xk) . GV) for all k = 1, ... ,f
and that there exist coefficients Q1 , ...
V =
such that
i =l
Substituting C and (2) into (1), and defining an f x f matrix K by Kij := (<I>(Xi)? <I>(Xj)) =
k( Xi, Xj), we arrive at a problem which is cast in terms of dot products: solve
fAa = Ko.
where 0. = (Q1, ... ,Ql)T (for details see [7]). Normalizing the solutions V k , i.e. (V k .
Vk) = 1, translates into Ak(o.k .o.k) = 1. To extract nonlinear principal components
for the <I>-image of a test point X we compute the projection onto the k-th component by
13k := (V k . <I> (X)) = 2:f=l Q~ k(x, Xi). Forfeature extraction, we thus have to evaluate f
kernel functions instead of a dot product in F, which is expensive if F is high-dimensional
(or, as for Gaussian kernels, infinite-dimensional). To reconstruct the <I>-image of a vector
X from its projections 13k onto the first n principal components in F (assuming that the
Eigenvectors are ordered by decreasing Eigenvalue size), we define a projection operator
P n by
If n is large enough to take into account all directions belonging to Eigenvectors with nonzero Eigenvalue, we have Pn<l>(Xi) = <I>(Xi). Otherwise (kernel) PCA still satisfies (i) that
the overall squared reconstruction error 2: i II Pn<l>(Xi) - <I>(xdll 2 is minimal and (ii) the
retained variance is maximal among all projections onto orthogonal directions in F. In
common applications, however, we are interested in a reconstruction in input space rather
than in F. The present work attempts to achieve this by computing a vector z satisfying
<I>(z) = Pn<l>(x). The hope is that for the kernel used, such a z will be a good approximation of X in input space. However. (i) such a z will not always exist and (ii) if it exists,
I For simplicity, we assume that the mapped data are centered in F. Otherwise, we have to go
through the same algebra using ~(x) := <I>(x) - (<I>(x;?).
S. Mika et al.
it need be not unique. 2 As an example for (i), we consider a possible representation of F.
One can show [7] that <I> can be thought of as a map <I> (x) = k( x, .) into a Hilbert space 1{k
of functions Li ai k( Xi, .) with a dot product satisfying (k( x, .) . k(y, .)) = k( x, y). Then
1{k is caHed reproducing kernel Hilbert space (e.g. [6]). Now, for a Gaussian kernel, 1{k
contains aHlinear superpositions of Gaussian bumps on RN (plus limit points), whereas
by definition of <I> only single bumps k(x,.) have pre-images under <1>. When the vector
P n<l>( x) has no pre-image z we try to approximate it by minimizing
p(z) = 1I<I>(z) - Pn<l>(x) 112
This is a special case of the reduced set method [2]. Replacing terms independent of z by
0, we obtain
p(z) = 1I<I>(z)112 - 2(<I>(z) . Pn<l>(x))
Substituting (4) and (2) into (6), we arrive at an expression which is written in terms of
dot products. Consequently, we can introduce a kernel to obtain a formula for p (and thus
V' % p) which does not rely on carrying out <I> explicitly
p(z) = k(z, z) - 2
L f3k L a~ k(z, Xi) + 0
Pre-Images for Gaussian Kernels
To optimize (7) we employed standard gradient descent methods. If we restrict our attention
to kernels of the form k(x, y) = k(llx - Y1l2) (and thus satisfying k(x, x) == const. for all
x), an optimal z can be determined as foHows (cf. [8]): we deduce from (6) that we have
to maximize
= (<I>(z) . Pn<l>(x)) + 0' = L
Ii k(z, Xi)
+ 0'
where we set Ii = L~=l f3ka: (for some 0' independent of z). For an extremum, the
gradient with respect to z has to vanish: V' %p(z) = L~=l lik'(llz - xi112)(Z - Xi) = O.
This leads to a necessary condition for the extremum: z = Li tJixd Lj tJj, with tJi
,ik'(llz - xiIl 2). For a Gaussian kernel k(x, y) = exp( -lix - Yll2 jc) we get
L~=l Ii exp( -liz - xil1 2 jC)Xi
Li=l liexp(-llz - xil1 2jc)
We note that the denominator equals (<I>(z) . P n<l>(X)) (cf. (8?. Making the assumption that
Pn<l>(x) i= 0, we have (<I>(x) . Pn<l>(x)) = (Pn<l>(x) . Pn<l>(x)) > O. As k is smooth, we
conclude that there exists a neighborhood of the extremum of (8) in which the denominator
of (9) is i= O. Thus we can devise an iteration scheme for z by
Zt+l =
L~=l Ii exp( -llzt - xill 2 jC)Xi
Li=l li exp(-lI z t
xil1 2jc)
Numerical instabilities related to (<I>(z) . Pn<l>(x)) being smaH can be dealt with by restarting the iteration with a different starting value. Furthermore we note that any fixed-point
of (10) will be a linear combination of the kernel PCA training data Xi. If we regard (10)
in the context of clustering we see that it resembles an iteration step for the estimation of
2If the kernel allows reconstruction of the dot-product in input space, and under the assumption
that a pre-image exists, it is possible to construct it explicitly (cf. [7]). But clearly, these conditions
do not hold true in general.
Kernel peA and De-Noising in Feature Spaces
the center of a single Gaussian cluster. The weights or 'probabilities' T'i reflect the (anti-)
correlation between the amount of cP (x) in Eigenvector direction Vk and the contribution
of CP(Xi) to this Eigenvector. So the 'cluster center' z is drawn towards training patterns
with positive T'i and pushed away from those with negative T'i, i.e. for a fixed-point Zoo the
influence of training patterns with smaner distance to x wi11 tend to be bigger.
4 Experiments
To test the feasibility of the proposed algorithm, we run several toy and real world experiments. They were performed using (10) and Gaussian kernels of the form k(x, y) =
exp( -(llx - YI12)/(nc)) where n equals the dimension of input space. We mainly focused
on the application of de-noising, which differs from reconstruction by the fact that we are
allowed to make use of the original test data as starting points in the iteration.
Toy examples: In the first experiment (table 1), we generated a data set from eleven Gaussians in RIO with zero mean and variance u 2 in each component, by selecting from each
source 100 points as a training set and 33 points for a test set (centers of the Gaussians randomly chosen in [-1, 1]10). Then we applied kernel peA to the training set and computed
the projections 13k of the points in the test set. With these, we carried out de-noising, yielding an approximate pre-image in RIO for each test point. This procedure was repeated for
different numbers of components in reconstruction, and for different values of u. For the
kernel, we used c = 2u 2 ? We compared the results provided by our algorithm to those of
linear peA via the mean squared distance of an de-noised test points to their corresponding center. Table 1 shows the ratio of these values; here and below, ratios larger than one
indicate that kernel peA performed better than linear peA. For almost every choice of
nand u, kernel PeA did better. Note that using alllO components, linear peA is just a
basis transformation and hence cannot de-noise. The extreme superiority of kernel peA
for small u is due to the fact that all test points are in this case located close to the eleven
spots in input space, and linear PeA has to cover them with less than ten directions. Kernel PeA moves each point to the correct source even when using only a sman number of
0.05 2058.42 1238.36 846.14 565.41 309.64 170.36 125.97 104.40 92.23
31.32 21.51
29.24 27.66 2:i.5:i 29.64 40.07 63.41
5.09 6.32
2.34 2.47
2.25 2.39
Table 1: De-noising Gaussians in RIO (see text). Performance ratios larger than one indicate how much better kernel PeA did, compared to linear PeA, for different choices of the
Gaussians' std. dev. u, and different numbers of components used in reconstruction.
To get some intuitive understanding in a low-dimensional case, figure 1 depicts the results
of de-noising a half circle and a square in the plane, using kernel peA, a nonlinear autoencoder, principal curves, and linear PeA. The principal curves algorithm [4] iteratively
estimates a curve capturing the structure of the data. The data are projected to the closest
point on a curve which the algorithm tries to construct such that each point is the average
of all data points projecting onto it. It can be shown that the only straight lines satisfying
the latter are principal components, so principal curves are a generalization of the latter.
The algorithm uses a smoothing parameter whic:h is annealed during the iteration. In the
nonlinear autoencoder algorithm, a 'bottleneck' 5-layer network is trained to reproduce the
input values as outputs (i.e. it is used in autoassociative mode). The hidden unit activations
in the third layer form a lower-dimensional representation of the data, closely related to
S. Mika et al.
PCA (see for instance [3]). Training is done by conjugate gradient descent. In all algorithms, parameter values were selected such that the best possible de-noising result was
obtained. The figure shows that on the closed square problem, kernel PeA does (subjectively) best, followed by principal curves and the nonlinear autoencoder; linear PeA fails
completely. However, note that all algorithms except for kernel PCA actually provide an
explicit one-dimensional parameterization of the data, whereas kernel PCA only provides
us with a means of mapping points to their de-noised versions (in this case, we used four
kernel PCA features, and hence obtain a four-dimensional parameterization).
kernel PCA
nonlinear autoencoder
Principal Curves
linear PCA
~It%i 1J;:qf~~
I::f;~.;~,: '~ll
Figure 1: De-noising in 2-d (see text). Depicted are the data set (small points) and its
de-noised version (big points, joining up to solid lines). For linear PCA, we used one
component for reconstruction, as using two components, reconstruction is perfect and thus
does not de-noise. Note that all algorithms except for our approach have problems in
capturing the circular structure in the bottom example.
USPS example: To test our approach on real-world data, we also applied the algorithm
to the USPS database of 256-dimensional handwritten digits. For each of the ten digits,
we randomly chose 300 examples from the training set and 50 examples from the test
set. We used (10) and Gaussian kernels with c = 0.50, equaling twice the average of
the data's variance in each dimensions. In figure 4, we give two possible depictions of
1111 II iI 111111 fill
0"(1' . ___ ? ?
11m 111111111111
Figure 2: Visualization of Eigenvectors (see
text). Depicted are the 2?, ... , 28 -th Eigenvector (from left to right). First row: linear
PeA, second and third row: different visualizations for kernel PCA.
the Eigenvectors found by kernel PCA, compared to those found by linear PCA for the
USPS set. The second row shows the approximate pre-images of the Eigenvectors V k ,
k = 2?, ... ,2 8 , found by our algorithm. In the third row each image is computed as
follows: Pixel i is the projection of the <II-image of the i-th canonical basis vector in input
space onto the corresponding Eigenvector in features space (upper left <II(el) . V k , lower
right <II (e256) . Vk). In the linear case, both methods would simply yield the Eigenvectors
oflinear PCA depicted in the first row; in this sense, they may be considered as generalized
Eigenvectors in input space. We see that the first Eigenvectors are almost identical (except
for signs). But we also see, that Eigenvectors in linear PeA start to concentrate on highfrequency structures already at smaller Eigenvalue size. To understand this, note that in
linear PCA we only have a maximum number of 256 Eigenvectors, contrary to kernel PCA
which gives us the number of training examples (here 3000) possible Eigenvectors. This
Kernel peA and De-Noising in Feature Spaces
? ? ? & ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 3.55
? ? ? &3
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 3S ? ? ? ? S!
Figure 3: Reconstruction of USPS data. Depicted are the reconstructions of the first digit
in the test set (original in last column) from the first n = 1, ... ,20 components for linear
peA (first row) and kernel peA (second row) case. The numbers in between denote the
fraction of squared distance measured towards the original example. For a small number
of components both algorithms do nearly the same. For more components, we see that
linear peA yields a result resembling the original digit, whereas kernel peA gives a result
resembling a more prototypical 'three'
also explains some of the results we found when working with the USPS set. In these
experiments, linear and kernel peA were trained with the original data. Then we added (i)
additive Gaussian noise with zero mean and standard deviation u = 0.5 or (ii) 'speckle'
noise with probability p = 0.4 (i.e. each pixel flips to black or white with probability
p/2) to the test set. For the noisy test sets we computed the projections onto the first n
linear and nonlinear components, and carried out reconstruction for each case. The results
were compared by taking the mean squared distance of each reconstructed digit from the
noisy test set to its original counterpart. As a third experiment we did the same for the
original test set (hence doing reconstruction, not de-noising). In the latter case, where
the task is to reconstruct a given example as exactly as possible, linear peA did better,
at least when using more than about 10 components (figure 3). This is due to the fact
that linear peA starts earlier to account for fine structures, but at the same time it starts
to reconstruct noise, as we will see in figure 4. Kernel PCA, on the other hand, yields
recognizable results even for a small number of components, representing a prototype of
the desired example. This is one reason why our approach did better than linear peA for the
de-noising example (figure 4). Taking the mean squared distance measured over the whole
test set for the optimal number of components in linear and kernel PCA, our approach did
better by a factor of 1.6 for the Gaussian noise, and 1.2 times better for the 'speckle' noise
(the optimal number of components were 32 in linear peA, and 512 and 256 in kernel
PCA, respectively). Taking identical numbers of components in both algorithms, kernel
peA becomes up to 8 (!) times better than linear peA. However, note that kernel PCA
comes with a higher computational complexity.
5 Discussion
We have studied the problem of finding approximate pre-images of vectors in feature space,
and proposed an algorithm to solve it. The algorithm can be applied to both reconstruction
and de-noising. In the former case, results were comparable to linear peA, while in the
latter case, we obtained significantly better results. Our interpretation of this finding is as
follows. Linear peA can extract at most N components, where N is the dimensionality of
the data. Being a basis transform, all N components together fully describe the data. If the
data are noisy, this implies that a certain fraction of the components will be devoted to the
extraction of noise. Kernel peA, on the other hand, allows the extraction of up to f features,
where f is the number of training examples. Accordingly, kernel peA can provide a larger
number of features carrying information about the structure in the data (in our experiments,
we had f > N). In addition, if the structure to be extracted is nonlinear, then linear peA
must necessarily fail , as we have illustrated with toy examples.
These methods, along with depictions of pre-images of vectors in feature space, provide
some understanding of kernel methods which have recently attracted increasing attention.
Open questions include (i) what kind of results kernels other than Gaussians will provide,
S. Mika et al.
Figure 4: De-Noising of USPS data (see text). The left half shows: top: the first occurrence
of each digit in the test set, second row: the upper digit with additive Gaussian noise (0' =
0.5), following five rows: the reconstruction for linear PCA using n = 1,4,16,64,256
components, and, last five rows: the results of our approach using the same number of
components. In the right half we show the same but for 'speckle' noise with probability
p = 0.4.
(ii) whether there is a more efficient way to solve either (6) or (8), and (iii) the comparison
(and connection) to alternative nonlinear de-noising methods (cf. [5]).
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[2] C.J.c. Burges. Simplified support vector decision rules. In L. Saitta, editor, Prooceedings, 13th ICML, pages 71-77, San Mateo, CA, 1996.
[3] K.I. Diamantaras and S.Y. Kung. Principal Component Neural Networks. Wiley, New
[4] T. Hastie and W. Stuetzle. Principal curves. JASA, 84:502-516,1989.
[5] S. Mallat and Z. Zhang. Matching Pursuits with time-frequency dictionaries. IEEE
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[6] S. Saitoh. Theory of Reproducing Kernels and its Applications. Longman Scientific &
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[7] B. Scholkopf. Support vector learning. Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich, 1997.
[8] B. Scholkopf, P. Knirsch, A. Smola, and C. Burges. Fast approximation of support vector kernel expansions, and an interpretation of clustering as approximation in feature
spaces. In P. Levi et. a1., editor, DAGM'98, pages 124 - 132, Berlin, 1998. Springer.
[9] B. Scholkopf, A.J. Smola, and K.-R. Muller. Nonlinear component analysis as a kernel
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| 1491 |@word version:2 briefly:1 polynomial:1 compression:2 open:1 covariance:1 q1:2 solid:1 contains:1 selecting:1 riitsch:1 activation:1 must:2 written:1 attracted:1 oldenbourg:1 additive:2 numerical:1 eleven:2 gv:2 drop:1 half:3 selected:1 parameterization:2 accordingly:1 plane:1 xk:7 provides:1 zhang:1 five:2 along:1 ik:1 scholkopf:4 recognizable:1 introduce:1 decreasing:1 increasing:1 becomes:1 provided:2 project:1 what:1 kind:1 eigenvector:7 finding:5 transformation:2 extremum:3 assert:1 every:1 exactly:1 classifier:1 unit:1 diamantaras:1 superiority:1 positive:2 limit:1 ak:1 joining:1 mika:5 might:1 plus:1 chose:1 resembles:1 twice:1 black:1 studied:1 mateo:1 scholz:2 unique:1 differs:1 digit:7 procedure:1 stuetzle:1 spot:1 thought:1 significantly:1 projection:7 matching:1 pre:12 get:2 onto:7 cannot:2 close:1 operator:1 noising:19 context:1 live:1 instability:1 influence:1 optimize:1 equivalent:1 map:2 center:4 annealed:1 go:1 attention:2 starting:2 resembling:2 focused:1 simplicity:1 rule:1 haussler:1 fill:1 coordinate:1 mallat:1 us:1 satisfying:5 expensive:1 located:1 std:1 database:1 bottom:1 lix:1 equaling:1 noised:3 complexity:1 rudower:1 carrying:3 trained:2 algebra:1 basis:6 completely:1 usps:6 fast:1 describe:2 klaus:2 neighborhood:1 larger:3 solve:3 reconstruct:3 otherwise:2 transform:1 noisy:3 eigenvalue:7 matthias:1 reconstruction:17 product:7 maximal:1 achieve:1 intuitive:1 cluster:2 perfect:1 measured:2 implies:2 indicate:2 come:1 direction:9 concentrate:1 closely:1 correct:1 tji:1 pea:39 centered:2 explains:1 generalization:2 clarify:1 hold:1 considered:2 liz:1 exp:6 mapping:5 bump:2 substituting:3 dictionary:1 purpose:1 estimation:1 proc:1 superposition:1 hope:1 clearly:3 gaussian:13 always:2 rather:1 pn:11 vk:3 mainly:1 detect:1 sense:1 rio:3 saitta:1 el:1 dagm:1 lj:1 nand:1 hidden:1 reproduce:1 interested:1 germany:1 pixel:2 overall:1 classification:1 among:1 colt:1 smoothing:1 special:1 equal:3 construct:3 extraction:3 identical:2 icml:1 nearly:1 employ:1 randomly:2 attempt:1 circular:1 extreme:1 yielding:1 pc:1 devoted:1 necessary:1 orthogonal:3 circle:1 desired:1 minimal:1 instance:2 kij:2 column:1 earlier:1 dev:1 cover:2 deviation:1 monomials:1 ie:1 retain:1 together:1 wi11:1 squared:5 reflect:1 knirsch:1 li:6 toy:5 account:2 de:25 coefficient:1 jc:5 explicitly:4 performed:2 try:2 closed:1 doing:1 start:3 contribution:1 square:2 variance:7 yield:3 dealt:1 handwritten:1 zoo:1 straight:1 sebastian:1 definition:1 frequency:1 f3k:1 dimensionality:1 organized:1 hilbert:2 actually:1 focusing:1 higher:1 done:1 furthermore:2 just:1 smola:4 correlation:1 working:1 hand:2 replacing:1 nonlinear:15 mode:1 scientific:1 contain:1 true:1 deliberately:1 former:1 hence:3 counterpart:1 nonzero:1 iteratively:1 illustrated:1 white:1 ll:1 during:1 faa:1 generalized:1 performs:1 cp:2 image:17 recently:1 common:2 interpretation:2 raetsch:1 llx:3 ai:1 had:1 dot:7 depiction:2 deduce:1 subjectively:1 saitoh:1 closest:1 certain:1 verlag:1 muller:2 devise:1 employed:1 maximize:1 signal:1 ii:16 lik:1 smooth:1 technical:1 england:1 bigger:1 a1:1 feasibility:1 qi:1 ko:1 denominator:2 iteration:5 kernel:63 whereas:3 addition:1 chaussee:1 fine:1 source:2 tend:1 december:1 contrary:1 iii:1 enough:1 xj:3 hastie:1 restrict:1 idea:1 prototype:1 translates:1 bottleneck:1 whether:1 expression:1 pca:31 york:1 autoassociative:1 useful:1 harlow:1 eigenvectors:13 amount:2 ten:2 gmd:2 reduced:1 exist:2 canonical:1 sign:1 gunnar:1 four:2 levi:1 drawn:1 longman:1 fraction:2 yll2:2 run:1 powerful:1 arrive:2 almost:2 guyon:1 decision:1 comparable:1 pushed:1 capturing:2 layer:2 followed:2 nontrivial:1 alex:1 whic:1 span:1 munich:1 combination:1 belonging:1 conjugate:1 smaller:1 b:1 making:1 projecting:1 equation:1 visualization:2 fail:1 flip:1 pursuit:1 gaussians:5 away:1 occurrence:1 alternative:1 original:7 top:1 clustering:2 include:2 cf:4 const:1 move:1 question:2 already:1 added:1 highfrequency:1 gradient:3 distance:5 mapped:2 berlin:2 reason:1 assuming:1 retained:1 ratio:3 minimizing:1 nc:1 ql:2 robert:1 potentially:1 negative:1 rise:2 zt:1 perform:1 upper:2 av:1 descent:2 anti:1 speckle:3 defining:1 rn:1 reproducing:2 cast:1 connection:2 boser:1 usually:1 pattern:3 xill:1 below:1 yi12:1 suitable:1 natural:1 rely:1 diagonalizing:1 representing:1 scheme:1 carried:3 extract:4 autoencoder:4 text:4 understanding:2 fully:1 interesting:2 tjj:1 prototypical:1 proven:2 jasa:1 mercer:2 llz:3 editor:3 row:10 qf:1 last:2 understand:1 burges:2 taking:3 regard:1 curve:8 dimension:2 world:4 xil1:3 preprocessing:1 projected:1 simplified:1 san:1 transaction:1 reconstructed:1 approximate:6 restarting:1 bernhard:1 pittsburgh:1 conclude:1 xi:19 why:1 table:3 ca:1 expansion:4 necessarily:1 did:6 big:1 noise:10 whole:1 allowed:1 repeated:1 biggest:2 depicts:1 oflinear:1 wiley:1 fails:1 explicit:1 lie:1 vanish:1 third:4 extractor:1 formula:1 normalizing:1 exists:3 vapnik:1 ci:1 margin:1 suited:1 depicted:4 simply:1 ordered:1 springer:1 corresponds:1 satisfies:1 extracted:1 acm:1 formulated:1 consequently:1 towards:2 infinite:2 determined:1 except:3 principal:13 called:1 experimental:2 meaningful:1 support:4 latter:4 kung:1 evaluate:1 |
538 | 1,492 | Viewing Classifier Systems
as Model Free Learning in POMDPs
Akira Hayashi and Nobuo Suematsu
Faculty of Information Sciences
Hiroshima City University
3-4-1 Ozuka-higashi, Asaminami-ku, Hiroshima, 731-3194 Japan
{akira,suematsu }@im.hiroshima-cu.ac.jp
Classifier systems are now viewed disappointing because of their problems such as the rule strength vs rule set performance problem and the
credit assignment problem. In order to solve the problems, we have developed a hybrid classifier system: GLS (Generalization Learning System). In designing GLS, we view CSs as model free learning in POMDPs
and take a hybrid approach to finding the best generalization, given the
total number of rules. GLS uses the policy improvement procedure by
Jaakkola et al. for an locally optimal stochastic policy when a set of
rule conditions is given. GLS uses GA to search for the best set of rule
Classifier systems (CSs) (Holland 1986) have been among the most used in reinforcement
learning. Some of the advantages of CSs are (1) they have a built-in feature (the use of
don't care symbols "#") for input generalization, and (2) the complexity of pOlicies can
be controlled by restricting the number of rules. In spite of these attractive features, CSs
are now viewed somewhat disappointing because of their problems (Wilson and Goldberg
1989; Westerdale 1997). Among them are the rule strength vs rule set performance problem, the definition of the rule strength parameter, and the credit assignment (BBA vs PSP)
In order to solve the problems, we have developed a hybrid classifier system: GLS (Generalization Learning System). GLS is based on the recent progress ofRL research in partially
observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs). In POMDPs, the environments are really Markovian, but the agent cannot identify the state from the current observation. It may
be due to noisy sensing or perceptual aliasing. Perceptual aliasing occurs when the sensor
returns the same observation in multiple states. Note that even for a completely observable
A. Hayashi and N. Suematsu
MDP, the use of don't care symbols for input generalization will make the process as if it
were partially observable.
In designing GLS, we view CSs as RL in POMDPs and take a hybrid approach to finding
the best generalization, given the total number of rules. GLS uses the policy improvement
procedure in Jaakkola et a!. (1994) for an locally optimal stochastic policy when a set of
rule conditions is given. GLS uses GA to search for the best set of rule conditions.
The paper is organized as follows. Since CS problems are easier to understand from GLS
perspective, we introduce Jaakkola et a!. (1994), propose GLS, and then discuss CS problems.
Jaakkola et a1. (1994) consider POMDPs with perceptual aliasing and memoryless stochastic policies. Following the authors, let us call the observations messages. Therefore, a
policy is a mapping from messages to probability distributions (PDs) over the actions.
Given a policy 7r, the value of a state s, V7!' (s), is defined for POMDPs just as for MDPs.
Then, the value of a message m under policy 7r, V7!' (m ), can be defined as follows:
V7!'(m) = LP7!'(slm)V7!'(s)
where P7!' (slm) is the probability that the state is s when the message is m under the policy
Then, the following holds.
lim'"' E{R(st, at) -R
E{V(s) Is
= s}
where St and at refer to the state and the action taken at the tth step respectively, R( St, at)
is the immediate reward at the tth step, R is the (unknown) gain (Le. the average reward
per step). s --t m refers to all the instances where m is observed in sand E{? I s --t m} is
a Monte-Carlo expectation.
In order to compute E{V(s)
m}, Jaakkola et a1. showed a Monte-Carlo procedure:
vt(m) = 'k{
+rl,IRtl+l + rl,2Rtl+2 + ... + rl ,t-tIRt
+r2,IRt2 +l + r2,2Rt2+2 + ... + r2,t-t2Rt
+ Rtk +rk ,IRtdl + ... + rk ,t-tkRtl
where tk denotes. the time step corresponding to the kth occurrence of the message m,
R t = R(st, at) - R for every t, rk,T indicates the discounting at the Tth step in the kth
sequence. By estimating R and by suitably setting rk ,T, Vt(m) converges to V7!'(m).
Q7!' (m, a), Q-value of the message m for the action a under the policy 7r, is also defined
and computed in the same way.
Jaakkola et a1. have developed a policy improvement method:
Step 1 Evaluate the current policy 7r by computing V7!' (m) and Q7!' (m, a) for each m and
Viewing Classifier Systems as Model Free Learning in POMDPs
Step 2 Test for any m whether max a Q1r (m, a) > V 1r (m) holds. If 110t, then return 7r.
Step 3 For each m and a, define 7r 1 (alm) as follows:
7r 1 (aim) = 1.0 when a = argmaxaQ1r(m, a),
7r 1 (aim) = 0.0 otherwise.
Then, define 7r as 7r (aim) = (1 - ? )7r( aim) + ?7r 1 (aim)
Step 4 Set the new policy as 7r = 7r f , and goto Stepl.
Each rule in GLS consists of a condition part, an action part, and an evaluation
part: Rule = (Condit'i on, Action, Evaluation). The condition part is a string c
over the alphabet {O, 1, #}, and is compared with a binary sensor message. # is a
don't care symbol, and matches 0 and 1. When the condition c matches the message, the action is randomly selected using the PD in the action part: Action =
(p(allc),p(a21c), ... ,p(a IA!lc)), I:j'!\ p(ajlc) = 1.0 where IAI is the total number ofactions. The evaluation part records the value of the condition V (c) and the Q-values of the
condition action pairs Q(c, a): Evaluation = (V(c), Q(c, ad , Q(c, a2), ... ,Q(c, a lAI))'
Each rule set consists of N rules, {Rulel, Rule2,"" RuleN}. N, the total number of
rules in a rule set, is a design parameter to control the complexity of policies. All the rules
except the last one are called standard rules. The last rule Rule N is a special rule which is
called the default rule. The condition part of the default rule is a string of # 's and matches
any message.
Learning in GLS proceeds as follows: (1 )Initialization: randomly generate an initial population of M rule sets, (2)Policy Evaluation and Improvement: for each rule set, repeat a
policy evaluation and improvement cycle for a suboptimal policy, then, record the gain of
the policy for each rule set, (3)Genetic Algorithm: use the gain of each rule set as its fitness measure and produce a new generation of rule sets, (4) Repeat: repeat from the policy
evaluation and improvement step with the new generation of rule sets.
In (2)Policy Evaluation and Improvement, GLS repeats the following cycle for each rule
Step 1 Set ? sufficiently small. Set t max sufficiently large.
Step 2 Repeat for 1 :::; t :::; t max ?
1. Make an observation of the environment and receive a message mt from the
2. From all the rules whose condition matches the message mt, find the rule
whose condition is the most specific l . Let us call the rule the active rule.
3. Select the next action at randomly according to the PD in the action part of
the active rule, execute the action, and receive the reward R( St, at) from the
environment. (The state St is not observable.)
4. Update the current estimate of the gain R from its previous estimate and
R( St, ad . Let R t = R( St , ad - R. For each rule, consider its condition Ci
as (a generalization of) a message, and update its evaluation part V (Ci ) and
Q(c;, aHa E A) using Eq.(4).
Step 3 Check whether the following holds. If not, exit.
3i (1 :::; i :::; N), max a Q (Ci , a) > V (cd
Step 4 Improve the current policy according to the method in the previous section, and
update the action part of the corresponding rules and goto Step 2.
IThe most specific rule has the least number of #'s. This is intended only for saving the number
of rules.
A. Hayashi and N. Suematsu
GLS extracts the condition parts of all the rules in a rule set and concatenates them to
form a string. The string will be an individual to be manipulated by the genetic algorithm
(GA). The genetic algorithm used in GLS is a fairly standard one. GLS combines the SGA
(the simple genetic algorithm) (Goldberg 1989) with the elitist keeping strategy. The SGA
is composed of three genetic operators: selection, crossover, and mutation. The fitness
proportional selection and the single-point crossover are used. The three operators are
applied to an entire population at each generation. Since the original SGA does not consider
#'s in the rule conditions, we modified SGA as follows. When GLS randomly generates
an initial population of rule sets, it generates # at each allele position in rule conditions
according to the probability P#.
In the history of classifier systems, there were two quite different approaches: the Michigan
approach (Holland and Reitman 1978), and the Pittsburgh (Pitt) approach (Dejong 1988).
In the Michigan approach, each rule is considered as an individual and the rule set as the
population in GA. Each rule has its strength parameter, which is based on its future payoff
and is used as the fitness measure in GA. These aspects of the approach cause many problems. One is the rule strength vs rule set performance problem. Can we collect only strong
rules and get the best rule set performance? Not necessarily. A strong rule may cooperate
with weak rules to increase its payoff. Then, how can we define and compute the strength
parameter for the best rule set performance? In spite of its problems, this approach is now
so much more popular than the other, that when people simply say classifier systems, they
refer to Michigan type classifier systems. In the Pitt approach, the problems of the Michigan approach are avoided by requiring GA to evaluate a whole rule set. In the approach, a
rule set is considered as an individual and multiple rule sets are kept as the population. The
problem of the Pitt approach is its computational difficulties.
GLS can be considered as a combination of the Michigan and Pitt approaches. GA in GLS
works as that in the Pitt approach. It evaluates a total rule set, and completely avoids the
rule strength vs rule set performance problem in the Michigan approach. As the Michigan
type CSs, GLS evaluates each rule to improve the policy. This alleviates the computational
burden in the Pitt approach. Moreover, GLS evaluates each rule in a more formal and sound
way than the Michigan approach. The values, V(c), and Q(c, a), are defined on the basis
of POMDPs, and the policy improvement procedure using the values is guaranteed to find
a local maximum.
Westerdale (1997) has recently made an excellent analysis of problematic behaviors of
Michigan type CSs. Two popular methods for credit assignment in CSs are the bucket
brigade algorithm (BBA) (Holland 1986) and the profit sharing plan (PSP) (Grefenstette
1988). Westerdale shows that BBA does not work in POMDPs. He insists that PSP with
infinite time span is necessary for the right credit assignment, although he does not show
how to carry out the computation. GLS does not use BBA or PSP. GLS uses the Monte
Carlo procedure, Eq.(4), to compute the value of each condition action pair. The series
in Eq.(4) is slow to converge. But, this is the cost we have to pay for the right credit
assignment in POMDPs. Westerdale points out another CS problem. He claims that a
distinction must be made between the availability and the payoff of rules. We agree with
him. As he says, if the expected payoff of Rule 1 is twice as much as Rule 2, then we
want to a/ways choose Rule 1. GLS makes the distinction. The probability of a stochastic
policy 71'(alc) in GLS corresponds to the availability, and the value of a condition action
pair Q ( c, a) corresponds to the payoff.
Samuel System (Grefenstette et a1. 1990) can also be considered as a combination of the
Michigan and Pitt approaches. Samuel is a highly sophisticated system which has lots of
features. We conjecture, however, that Samuel is not free from the CS problems which
Viewing Classifier Systems as Model Free Learning in POMDPs
Westerdale has analyzed. This is because Samuel uses PSP for credit assignment, and
Samuel uses the payoff of each rule for action selection, and does not make a distinction
between the availability and the payoff of rules.
xes (Wilson 1995) seems to be an exceptionally reliable Michigan?type es. In xes, each
rule's fitness is based not on its future payoff but on the prediction accuracy of its future
payoff (XeS uses BBA for credit assignment). Wilson reports that xes's population tends
to form a complete and accurate mapping from sensor messages and actions to payoff
predictions. We conjecture that xes tries to build the most general Markovian model of
the environment. Therefore, it will be difficult to apply xes when the environment is not
Markovian, or when we cannot afford the number of rules enough to build a Markovian
model of the environment, even if the environment itself is Markovian. As we will see in
the next section, GLS is intended exactly for these situations.
Kaelbling et a1. (19%) surveys methods for input generalization when reward is delayed.
The methods use a function approximator to represent the value function by mapping a state
description to a value . Since they use value iteration or Q?leaming anyway, it is difficult to
apply the methods when the generalization violates the Markov assumption and induces a
We have tested GLS with some of the representative problems in es literature. Fig. 1 shows
Grefl world (Grefenstette 1987). In Grefl world, we used GLS to find the smallest rule set
which is necessary for the optimal performance. Since this is not a POMDP but an MDP, the
optimal policy can easily be learned when we have a corresponding rule for each of the 16
states. However, when the total number of rules is less than that of states, the environment
looks like a POMDP to the learning agent, even if the environment itself is an MDP. The
graph shows how the gain of the best rule set in the population changes with the generation.
We can see from the figure that four rules are enough for the optimal performance. Also
note that the saving of the rules is achieved by selecting the most specific matching rule
as an active rule. The rule set with this rule selection is called the defallit hierarchy in es
ISO ....................................... .. ..........~ ................. .
N: . l N=3 N=2
M ? ?? ? ? _ _
O L-~~__~~~~
?I ~
.. -.~
. ~.-~
g.!ner.a tioruJ
Figure 1: LEFT: GREF1 World. States {O, 1,2, 3} are the start states and states {12.13, 14, 15 }
are the end states. In each state, the agent gets the state number (4 bits) as a message, and chooses
an action a,b,c, or d. When the agent reaches the end states, he receives reward 1000 in state 13, but
reward 0 in other states. Then the agent is put in one of the start states with equal probability. We
added 10% action errors to make the process ergodic. When an action error occurs, the agent moves
to one of the 16 states with equal probability.
RIGHT: Gain of the best rule set. Parameters: tma ;r =: 10000. ? =: 0.10. M =: 10. N =:
2,3 , 4, P# =: 0.33. For N =: 4, the best rule set at the 40 th generation was { if 0101 (State 5)
then a 1.0, if 1010 (State 10) then c 1.0, if ##11 (States 3,7,11,15) then d 1.0, if #### (Default
Rule) then b 1.0}.
A. Hayashi and N. Suematsu
10 L -......~~~oo4---'---'!'Pz.:tim:=o?.:...1-_""....
o W 20 30 ~ ~ 60 m 80 00 ~
Figure 2: LEFf: McCallum's Maze. We show the state numbers in the left, and the messages in the
right. States 8 and 9 are the start states, and state G is the goal state. In each state, the agent receives
a sensor message which is 4 bit long, Each bit in the message tells whether a wall exists in each of
the four directions. From each state, the agent moves to one of the adjacent states. When the agent
reaches the goal state, he receives reward 1000. The agent is then put in one of the start states with
equal probability.
RIGHT: Gain of the best rule set. Parameters: t mBX = 50000, ~ = 0.10, M = 10, N = 5,6, P# =
Fig. 2 is a POMDP known as as McCallum's Maze (McCallum 1993). Thanks to the use
of stochastic policies, GLS achieves near optimal gain for memoryless poliCies. Note that
no memoryless deterministic policy can take the agent to the goal for this problem.
We have seen GLS's generalization capability for an MDP in Grefl World, the advantage
of stochastic policies for a POMDP in McCallum's maze. In Woods7 (Wilson 1994), we
attempt to test GLS's generalization capability for a POMDP. See Fig. 3. Since each sensor
message is 16 bit long, and the conditions of GLS rules can have either O,l,or # for each of
the 16 bits, there are 3 16 possible conditions in total. When we notice that there are only
92 different actual sensor messages in the environment, it seems quite difficult to discover
them only by using GA. In fact, when we ran GLS for the first time, the standard rules
very rarely matched the messages and the default rule took over most of the time. In order
to avoid the no matching rule problem, we made the number of rules in a rule set large
(N = 100), increased P# from 0.33 in the previous problems to 0.70.
The problem was independently attacked by other methods. Wilson applied his ZCS, zeroth
level classifier system, to Woods7 (Wilson 1994). The gain was 0.20. ZCS has a special
covering procedure to tum around the no matching rule problem. The covering procedure
generates a rule which matches a message when none of the current rules matches the
message. We expect further improvement on the gain, if we equip GLS with some covering
In order to solve the CS problems such as the rule strength vs rule set performance problem
and the credit assignment problem, we have developed a hybrid classifier system: GLS.
We notice that generalization often leads to state aliasing. Therefore, in designing GLS,
we view CSs as model free learning in POMDPs and take a hybrid approach to finding
the best generalization, given the total number of rules. GLS uses the policy improvement
procedure by Jaakkola et a1. for an locally optimal stochastic policy when a set of rule
conditions is given. GLS uses GA to search for the best set of rule conditions.
Viewing Classifier Systems as Model Free Learning in POMDPs
????? , ????? 0 . ? ??????...? .. ???????.??? 00 ? ? , ????? ,0 ?? . , . "
. or o . . . . . F . ???? .. . F .? ? .???. ,D . ????? . F ?? , ? . ? . ? . r o., ..... .
.. . . ?? 0 . ? . ?? . . . 00 . . . ???. F . ? ?.?.? ?. ????? ..
? . . . .? . ? ?? . ?? ?? ? . .???? .? ??? 0 . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . .. F ?????? 0 ?? ???
. . . r ' " .. oro ..... .. . oro .. _.. . .... F . ?.???.?? 00 ???? . ? r ... .
? . ? 00 .. . . ?? . .???. . . ? ? ? . . ? ? ? ? . .. .??. 0 . . . ?..?? . ???? ? ??. . 0 ?? .
:~r~:.:: : :~~::::: : :~r: ::: : ::~::: :::: :: : ~t~ : :: :::: :~:: ::::: 'i
? ???????? ? ???.??.????????????.? ? ?.? . ?? ? ? . .??.????. 0 . ?.?? . .
. . ? 00 . . .. ?. , 0 . . . . . .
. . . F . . ..... r ......
. .... . . . . ~
. . . . . _ ? . 0 .?? . . ..? 00 ? . .. ? ?. 0 . "
. ? ?? .
. o.. . . .. . . Fo . .. . . ... F... ... .. or . . . . oro.
.. .
.. .. . . . ... . . . . ... ... .. . .. .. . . . .
? . 0 , , , ?? . ? . . . . . ? ? . .??.?? . 0 ? . ..? . ??.??? 0 ???? . ? 0 ?????? . 0 ????
. . r . .. . ... F . ?? . ? .. ?? . . ?.. ? F . . ? ????. . Fo . ? . ... . r .? ?. ?. oF . . .
. . 0 , .. _ . . ? 00 ?. . ? .. .? . . . . ? ?? 0 .?? ??.? , .
... ... .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . 0 ? .? ?? ? ? . ?.? "
.. . F .. .. . ? ? ? oro ...
.. . r . . . .. . . "
. . . 00 . ? . ? . . ??.?? ?. ?? . 0 . . . . . .
.??? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ?.? .??? ..
....... 0 . . ... . ....... .
F . . ? .?.?? r .
... . 0 F .. ????.?
. . . 00 . . . . ??? 0 ? .? ?? . 0 ..? ?.?? .
02 2
Figure 3: LEFT: Woods7.Each cell is either empty".", contains a stone "0", or contains food "F'.
The cells which contain a stone are not passable, and the cells which contain food are goals. In each
cell, the agent receives a 2 * 8 = 16 bit long sensor message, which tells the contents of the eight
adjacent cells. From each cell, the agent can move to one of the eight adjacent cells. When the agent
reaches a cell which contains food, he receives reward 1. The agent is then put in one of the empty
cells with equal probability.
RlGHT:Gain of the best rule set. Parameters: t ma x = 10000, to = 0.10, M = 10, N = 100, P#
Dejong, K. A. (1988). Learning with genetic algorithms: An overview. Machine Learning, 3:121-138.
Goldberg, D. E. (1989). Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine
Learning. Addison-Wesley.
Grefenstette, J. J. (1987). Multilevel credit assignment in a genetic learning system. In
Proc. Second Int. Con! on Genetic Algorithms, pp. 202-209.
Grefenstette, J. J. (1988). Credit assignment in rule discovery systems based on genetic
algorithms. Machine Learning, 3:225-245.
Grefenstette, J. J., C. L. Ramsey, and A. C. Schultz (1990). Learning sequential decision
rules using simulation and competition. Machine Learning, 5:355-381.
Holland, J. H. (1986). Escaping brittleness: the possibilities of general purpose learning
algorithms applied to parallel rule-based systems. In Machine Learning II, pp. 593623. Morgan Kaufmann.
Holland, J. H. and J. S. Reitman (1978). Cognitive systems based on adaptive algorithms. In D. A. Waterman and F. Hayes-Roth (Eds.), Pattern-directed inference
systems. Academic Press.
Jaakkola, T., S. P. Singh, and M. I. Jordan (1994). Reinforcement learning algorithm for
partially observable markov decision problems. In Advances of Neural Information
Processing Systems 7, pp. 345-352.
Kaelbling, L. P., M. L. Littman, and A. W. Moore (1996). Reinforcement learning: A
survey. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 4:237-285.
McCallum, R. A. (1993). Overcoming incomplete perception with utile distinction
memory. In Proc . the Tenth Int. Con! on Machine Learning, pp. 190-196.
Westerdale, T. H. (1997). Classifier systems - no wonder they don't work. In Proc. Second Annual Genetic Programming Conference, pp. 529-537.
Wilson, S. W. (1994). Zcs: A zeroth order classifier system. Evolutionary Computation ,
2(1): 1-18.
Wilson, S. W. (1995). Classifier fitness based on accuracy. Evolutionary Computation ,
3(2): 149-175.
Wilson, S. W. and D. E. Goldberg (1989). A critical review of classifier systems. In Proc .
Third Int . Con! on Genetic Algorithms, pp. 244-255.
| 1492 |@word cu:1 faculty:1 seems:2 suitably:1 simulation:1 profit:1 carry:1 initial:2 series:1 contains:3 selecting:1 genetic:12 ramsey:1 current:5 must:1 update:3 v:6 intelligence:1 selected:1 p7:1 mccallum:5 iso:1 record:2 utile:1 consists:2 combine:1 introduce:1 alm:1 expected:1 behavior:1 aliasing:4 food:3 actual:1 estimating:1 moreover:1 discover:1 matched:1 string:4 developed:4 dejong:2 finding:3 every:1 exactly:1 classifier:17 slm:2 control:1 ner:1 local:1 tends:1 rule2:1 zeroth:2 twice:1 initialization:1 collect:1 directed:1 procedure:9 crossover:2 sga:4 matching:3 refers:1 spite:2 get:2 cannot:2 ga:9 selection:4 operator:2 put:3 gls:41 deterministic:1 roth:1 independently:1 survey:2 pomdp:6 ergodic:1 rule:104 brittleness:1 his:1 population:7 anyway:1 cs:9 hierarchy:1 programming:1 us:10 designing:3 goldberg:4 q7:2 observed:1 higashi:1 cycle:2 ran:1 environment:10 pd:3 complexity:2 reward:8 littman:1 singh:1 ithe:1 exit:1 completely:2 basis:1 easily:1 hiroshima:3 alphabet:1 monte:3 artificial:1 tell:2 whose:2 quite:2 solve:3 say:2 s:1 otherwise:1 noisy:1 itself:2 advantage:2 sequence:1 took:1 propose:1 alleviates:1 description:1 competition:1 empty:2 produce:1 bba:5 converges:1 tk:1 tim:1 oo:1 ac:1 rt2:2 progress:1 eq:3 strong:2 c:6 direction:1 stochastic:7 allele:1 viewing:4 violates:1 sand:1 multilevel:1 generalization:13 really:1 wall:1 im:1 hold:3 sufficiently:2 credit:10 considered:4 around:1 mapping:3 pitt:7 claim:1 oro:4 achieves:1 a2:1 smallest:1 purpose:1 proc:4 him:1 city:1 sensor:8 aim:5 modified:1 avoid:1 jaakkola:8 wilson:9 improvement:10 indicates:1 check:1 inference:1 entire:1 among:2 plan:1 special:2 fairly:1 equal:4 saving:2 look:1 future:3 report:1 randomly:4 manipulated:1 composed:1 individual:3 delayed:1 fitness:5 intended:2 attempt:1 message:23 highly:1 possibility:1 evaluation:9 analyzed:1 accurate:1 necessary:2 incomplete:1 aha:1 instance:1 increased:1 markovian:5 assignment:10 cost:1 kaelbling:2 wonder:1 chooses:1 st:8 thanks:1 choose:1 v7:6 cognitive:1 return:2 japan:1 availability:3 int:3 ad:3 view:3 lot:1 try:1 start:4 capability:2 parallel:1 mutation:1 irtl:1 accuracy:2 kaufmann:1 identify:1 weak:1 none:1 carlo:3 pomdps:15 history:1 reach:3 fo:2 sharing:1 ed:1 definition:1 evaluates:3 pp:6 con:3 gain:11 popular:2 lim:1 organized:1 sophisticated:1 wesley:1 tum:1 insists:1 iai:1 execute:1 just:1 receives:5 mdp:4 requiring:1 contain:2 discounting:1 memoryless:3 moore:1 attractive:1 adjacent:3 covering:3 samuel:5 stone:2 complete:1 cooperate:1 recently:1 mt:2 rl:4 overview:1 brigade:1 jp:1 he:7 refer:2 leff:1 zcs:3 recent:1 showed:1 perspective:1 disappointing:2 binary:1 vt:2 suematsu:5 seen:1 morgan:1 akira:2 care:3 somewhat:1 q1r:1 converge:1 ii:4 multiple:2 sound:1 match:6 academic:1 long:3 lai:1 a1:6 controlled:1 prediction:2 expectation:1 iteration:1 represent:1 achieved:1 cell:9 receive:2 want:1 mbx:1 goto:2 jordan:1 call:2 near:1 enough:2 suboptimal:1 escaping:1 whether:3 cause:1 afford:1 action:20 tma:1 locally:3 induces:1 tth:3 generate:1 lsi:1 problematic:1 notice:2 rtk:1 per:1 four:2 tenth:1 kept:1 graph:1 decision:3 bit:6 pay:1 guaranteed:1 annual:1 strength:8 generates:3 aspect:1 span:1 conjecture:2 according:3 combination:2 psp:5 bucket:1 taken:1 agree:1 discus:1 addison:1 end:2 apply:2 eight:2 occurrence:1 original:1 denotes:1 build:2 move:3 added:1 occurs:2 strategy:1 evolutionary:2 kth:2 equip:1 condit:1 difficult:3 design:1 policy:32 unknown:1 observation:4 markov:3 waterman:1 attacked:1 immediate:1 payoff:11 situation:1 overcoming:1 pair:3 distinction:4 learned:1 proceeds:1 pattern:1 perception:1 built:1 max:4 reliable:1 memory:1 ia:1 critical:1 difficulty:1 hybrid:6 improve:2 mdps:1 elitist:1 extract:1 review:1 literature:2 discovery:1 expect:1 generation:5 proportional:1 approximator:1 agent:15 cd:1 summary:1 repeat:5 last:2 free:7 keeping:1 formal:1 understand:1 default:4 world:4 avoids:1 maze:3 author:1 made:3 reinforcement:3 adaptive:1 avoided:1 schultz:1 observable:5 rtl:2 active:3 hayes:1 pittsburgh:1 don:4 search:4 ku:1 concatenates:1 excellent:1 necessarily:1 whole:1 fig:3 representative:1 slow:1 lc:1 position:1 perceptual:3 third:1 rk:4 specific:3 symbol:3 sensing:1 r2:3 x:6 pz:1 burden:1 exists:1 restricting:1 sequential:1 alc:1 ci:3 easier:1 michigan:11 simply:1 partially:3 hayashi:4 holland:5 corresponds:2 ma:1 grefenstette:6 viewed:2 goal:4 leaming:1 passable:1 exceptionally:1 change:1 content:1 infinite:1 except:1 total:8 called:3 e:3 rarely:1 select:1 people:1 evaluate:2 tested:1 |
539 | 1,493 | Multi-electrode spike sorting
by clustering transfer functions
Dmitry Rinberg
Hanan Davidowitz
N aftali Tishby*
NEe Research Institute
4 Independence Way
Princeton, N J 08540
E-mail: {dima,hanan, tishby }<Dreseareh. nj . nee . com
Categories: spike sorting, population coding, signal processing.
A new paradigm is proposed for sorting spikes in multi-electrode
data using ratios of transfer functions between cells and electrodes.
It is assumed that for every cell and electrode there is a stable
linear relation. These are dictated by the properties of the tissue,
the electrodes and their relative geometries. The main advantage
of the method is that it is insensitive to variations in the shape and
amplitude of a spike. Spike sorting is carried out in two separate
steps. First, templates describing the statistics of each spike type
are generated by clustering transfer function ratios then spikes are
detected in the data using the spike statistics. These techniques
were applied to data generated in the escape response system of
the cockroach.
Simultaneous recording of activity from many neurons can greatly expand our understanding of how information is coded in neural systems[l]. 11ultiple electrodes
are often used to measure the activity in neural tissue and have become a standard
tool in neurophysiology [2 , 3,4]. Since every electrode is in a different position it will
measure a different contribution from each of the different neurons . Simply stated,
the problem is this: how can these complex signals be untangled to determine when
each individual cell fired? This problem is difficult because, a) the objects being
classified are very similar and often noisy, b) spikes coming from the same cell can
?Permanent address: Institute of Computer Science and Center for Neural Computation, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. Email: tishby<Des.huji.ae.il
Transfer Function Spike Sorting
vary in both shape and amplitude, depending on the previous activity of the cell
and c) spikes can overlap in time, resulting in even more complex temporal patterns.
Current approaches to spike sorting are based primarily on the presumed consistency of the spike shape and amplitude for a given cell [5, 6]. This is clearly the
only possible basis for sorting using a single electrode. Multiple electrodes, however,
provide additional independent information through the differences in the way the
same neuron is detected by the different electrodes. The same spike measured on
different electrodes can differ in amplitude, shape and its relative timing. These
differences can depend on the specific cell, the electrode and the media between
them. They can be characterized by linear transfer functions that are invariant to
changes in the overall spike waveform. In this paper the importance of this information is highlighted by using only the differences in how signals are measured on
different electrodes. It is then shown that clusters of similar differences correspond
to the same neuron. It should be emphasized that in a full treatment this transfer
function information will be combined with other cues to sort spikes.
Spikes, spectra and noise
The basic assumption behind the spike sorting approach described here is that the
medium between each neuron-electrode pair can be characterized by a linear system
that remains fixed during the course of an experiment. This assumption is justified
by the approximately linear dielectric properties of the electrode and its surrounding
nerve tissues.
Linear systems are described by their phase and amplitude response to pure frequencies , namely, by their complex transfer function H(w) = O(w)j I(w), where
I(w) and O(w) are the complex spectra (Le. Fourier transform, henceforth called
spectrum) of the input and output of the system, respectively. In the experiments
described here the input signal is the spectrum of the action potential generated
by cell j, denoted by Sj(w) and the output signal is the spectrum of the voltage
measured at electrode Il, denoted by VJ.L(w). The transfer function of the system
that links Sj(w) and VJ.L(w) is then defined as Hf(w) = VJ.L(w)jSj(w).
If the transfer functions are fixed in time, the ratio between the complex spectrum
of any spike from cell j as detected by electrodes Il and v , VJ.L (w) and V II (w ), is
given by,
Hj(w) ,
which is independent of the cell action potential spectrum Sj(w), provided that the
spike was detected by both electrodes.
Thus, even if a spike varies in shape and amplitude, Tjll (w) will remain a fixed
complex function of frequency. This ratio is also invariant with respect to time
translations of the spikes. In addition, the frequency components are asymptotically un correlated for stationary processes, which justifies treating the frequency
components as statistically independent[7] . The idea behind the approach described
here is shown in Figure 1.
In real experiments, however, noise can corrupt the invariance of Tjll. There are
several possible sources of noise in experiments of this kind: a) fluctuations in the
transfer function, b) changes in the spike shape, <;j and c) electrical and electrochemical noise, nJ.L.
D. Rinberg, H. Davidowitz and N Tishby
-- c::
( /)
Figure 1: The idea behind spike sorting by clustering of transfer function ratios.
Two spikes from the same cell (cell-I) may vary in shape/ amplitude during bursting
activity, for example. Although the spike shapes may differ, the transfer functions
relating them to the electrodes do not change so the transfer function ratios are
similar (two left columns). A different cell (cell-2) has a different transfer function
ratio even though the spikes shapes themselves are similar to those of cell-l (right
varies slowly with time, the transfer function noise is small relative to
and n Y ?
can then be expanded to first order in <;j, nJ.l. and n Y as
which is independent of <;j. Since the noise, nJ.l., is un correlated with the spike signal,
5 j , the variance at each frequency component can be considered to be Gaussian
with equal variances on the real and imaginary axes. Thus the mean of
will be
independent of 5 j , <;j and nJ.l. while its variance will be inversely proportional to 5 j .
A model system: the escape response of the cockroach
These techniques were tested on a relatively simple neural system - the escape
response system of the American cockroach. The escape behaviour, which has been
studied extensively [9, 10, 11], is activated when the insect detects air currents
Transfer Function Spike Sorting
f?- ,"-,
: 10 ms
. t \\ ..
1. lt \'\
50 ms
Figure 2: A schematic representation of the experiment. Typical raw data measured on two electrodes is shown at right. Relative time delays are evident in the
inset, but are not a necessary condition for the sorting techniques described here.
Abbreviations are: p-puffers, cg-circal ganglion, c-cerci.
produced by the movements of a predator. The insect detects the approach of a
predator, determines the direction of approach and starts running in an appropriate
direction. The cockroach does this by detecting the movement of several hundred
fine hairs located on two appendages, called cerci, protruding from the posterior
end of the animal. Each of these hairs is connected to a single neuron. Axons
from these cells converge on a dense neuropil called the cercal ganglion (cg), where
directional information is extracted and conveyed to the rest of the body by axons
in the abdominal nerve. This is shown schematically in Figure 2.
This system proved to be well suited as a first test of the sorting technique. The
system is simple enough so that it is not overwhelming (since only 7 neurons are
known to contribute to the code) but complex enough to really test the approach .
In addition, the nerve cords are linear in geometry, easily accessible and very stable.
Male cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) were dissected from the dorsal side to
expose the nerve cord. The left and right cords were gently separated and two tungsten wire electrodes were hooked onto the connective about 2 mm apart, separated
by abdominal ganglia. The stimulus was presented by two loudspeakers driving
two miniature wind tunnels pointed at the cerci, at 90 degrees from one another
as shown in Figure 2. Recordings typically lasted for several hours. Data were
collected with a sampling frequency of 2 . 104 Sis which was sufficient to preserve
the high frequency components of the spikes.
D. Rinberg, H. Davidowitz and N. Tishby
Figure 3: Real and imaginary parts of Tr v a single w. The circles have centers
(radii) equal to the average (variance) of Tr v at w = 248.7 rad S-l. Note that
while some clusters seem to overlap at this frequency they may be well seperated
at others. Cluster-l is dispersed throughout the complex plane and its variance is
well beyond the range of this plot.
Clustering and the detection of spikes
The spike sorting algorithm described here is done is two separate stages. First,
a statistical model of the individual spike types is built from "clean" examples
found in the data. Only then are occurrences of these spikes detected in the multielectrode data. This two-step arrangement allows a great deal of flexibility by
disconnecting the clustering from the detection. For example, here the clustering
was done on transfer function ratios while the detection was done on full complex
spectra. These stages are described below in more detail.
The clustering phase
First, the multi-electrode recording is chopped into 3 ms long frames using a sliding
window. Frames that have either too low total energy or too high energy at the
window edges are discarded. This leaves frames that are energetic in their central
2 ms and are assumed to carry one spike. No attempt is made to find all spikes in
the data. Instead, the idea is to generate a set of candidate spike types from clean
Once a large collection of candidate spikes is found, TrV(w) is calculated for every
Transfer Function Spike Sorting
Hook #1
Hook #2
R &
.... --
1 w?
Figure 4: Results of clustering spikes using transfer function ratios. Note that
although cluster-5 and cluster-6 are similarly shaped on hook-l they are time shifted
on hook-3. Cluster-l is made up of overlaps which are dealt with in the detection
spike. These are then grouped together into clusters containing similar
Results of the clustering are shown in Figure 3 while the corresponding waveforms
are shown in Figure 4. Full complex spectra are then used to build a statistical model of the different spike types, {Vj(w), af(w)}, which represent each cell's
action potential as it appears on each of the electrodes.
The detection phase
Once the cluster statistics are determined , an independent detection algorithm is
used. The data is again broken into short frames but now the idea is to find which
of the spike types (represented by the different clusters found in the previous steps)
best represents the data in that frame. Each frame can contain either noise, a spike
or an overlap of 2 spikes (overlaps of more than 2 spikes are not dealt with). This
part is not done on transfer function ratios because dealing with overlaps is more
Concl usion
A new method of spike sorting using transfer function ratios has been presented.
In effect the sorting is done on the properties of the tissue between the neuron and
D. Rinberg, H Davidowitz and N. Tishby
the electrode and individual spike shapes become less important. This method may
be useful when dealing with bursting cells where the transfer function ratios should
remain constant even though the spike amplitude can change significantly. This
technique may prove to be a useful tool for analysing multi-electrode data.
We are grateful to Bill Bialek for numerous enlightening discussions and many useful
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the cockroach Periplaneta americana to wind puffs of different directions and
velocities . Journal of Comparative Physiology A 121,307-324 (1977) .
| 1493 |@word neurophysiology:2 tr:2 papoulis:1 carry:1 imaginary:2 current:2 com:1 si:1 shape:10 treating:1 plot:1 stationary:1 cue:1 leaf:1 nervous:1 plane:1 short:1 record:1 lr:1 detecting:2 contribute:1 become:2 prove:1 presumed:1 themselves:1 multi:5 brain:1 detects:2 overwhelming:1 window:2 trv:1 provided:1 medium:2 israel:1 ttl:1 kind:1 connective:1 giant:2 nj:5 temporal:2 every:3 dima:1 unit:4 timing:1 mitra:1 fluctuation:1 firing:1 approximately:1 studied:1 bursting:2 tungsten:1 range:1 statistically:1 acknowledgment:1 significantly:1 physiology:3 onto:1 disconnecting:1 r78:1 davidowitz:4 bill:1 center:2 jerusalem:1 pure:1 periplaneta:2 population:1 variation:1 mcnaughton:1 velocity:1 located:1 electrical:1 cord:3 connected:1 movement:2 rinberg:4 broken:1 depend:1 grateful:1 basis:1 easily:1 represented:1 hooked:1 surrounding:1 separated:2 reece:1 detected:5 dielectric:1 statistic:3 highlighted:1 noisy:1 transform:1 advantage:1 coming:1 fired:1 flexibility:1 untangled:1 electrode:25 cluster:10 comparative:3 object:1 depending:1 measured:4 c:1 differ:2 direction:5 waveform:2 radius:1 stochastic:1 dissected:1 behaviour:1 really:1 mm:1 considered:1 great:1 miniature:1 driving:1 vary:2 expose:1 grouped:1 ctl:4 tool:2 clearly:1 gaussian:2 hj:1 voltage:1 ax:1 lasted:1 greatly:1 cerci:3 cg:2 camhi:3 typically:1 relation:1 expand:1 overall:1 hanan:2 classification:1 among:1 denoted:2 insect:2 animal:1 equal:2 once:2 shaped:1 sampling:1 represents:1 others:1 stimulus:3 escape:4 primarily:1 preserve:1 simultaneously:1 individual:3 geometry:2 phase:4 attempt:1 detection:7 abdominal:2 interneurons:2 male:1 activated:1 behind:3 usion:1 edge:1 necessary:1 re:1 circle:1 column:2 hundred:1 delay:1 tishby:6 too:2 varies:2 abele:2 combined:1 huji:1 accessible:1 together:1 again:1 central:2 recorded:1 containing:1 slowly:1 henceforth:1 american:1 potential:4 de:1 coding:1 permanent:1 mv:1 try:2 wind:2 mcgrawhill:1 start:1 sort:1 hf:3 parallel:1 predator:2 contribution:1 jsj:1 air:1 il:3 variance:5 correspond:1 directional:1 dealt:2 raw:1 produced:1 tissue:4 classified:1 simultaneous:2 email:1 energy:2 frequency:11 e2:1 proved:1 treatment:1 amplitude:8 nerve:4 appears:1 response:5 done:5 though:2 stage:2 kleinfeld:1 r53:1 effect:1 contain:1 deal:1 during:2 m:4 evident:1 insensitive:1 gently:1 anisotropic:1 relating:1 cambridge:2 automatic:1 consistency:1 similarly:1 pointed:1 concl:1 stable:2 posterior:1 dictated:1 apart:1 additional:1 determine:1 paradigm:1 converge:1 signal:7 ii:1 sliding:1 multiple:3 full:3 characterized:2 af:1 long:1 coded:1 schematic:1 basic:1 hair:2 ae:1 represent:1 cell:22 justified:1 addition:2 schematically:1 fine:1 chopped:1 source:1 rest:1 recording:4 seem:1 presence:1 enough:2 independence:1 isolation:1 idea:4 listening:1 energetic:1 york:1 action:3 tunnel:1 useful:3 extensively:1 category:1 generate:1 shifted:1 neuroscience:3 cercal:1 clean:2 appendage:1 asymptotically:1 throughout:1 gerstein:1 fee:1 multielectrode:1 barnes:1 activity:4 fourier:1 expanded:1 relatively:1 extracellular:1 loudspeaker:1 remain:2 invariant:2 remains:1 describing:1 end:1 appropriate:1 occurrence:1 clustering:9 running:1 assembly:1 build:1 society:1 arrangement:1 spike:50 bialek:1 separate:2 link:1 mail:1 collected:1 ru:1 code:2 ratio:12 hebrew:1 difficult:2 stated:1 neuron:9 wire:1 discarded:1 variability:1 frame:8 pair:1 namely:1 rad:1 nee:2 hour:1 address:1 beyond:1 below:1 pattern:2 built:1 enlightening:1 overlap:6 cockroach:8 inversely:1 numerous:1 hook:4 carried:1 review:1 understanding:1 relative:4 suggestion:1 proportional:1 degree:1 conveyed:1 sufficient:1 corrupt:1 translation:1 course:1 side:1 institute:2 template:1 protruding:1 calculated:1 made:2 collection:1 sj:3 dmitry:1 dealing:2 langberg:1 assumed:2 spatio:1 spectrum:9 un:2 seperated:1 transfer:22 ca:1 neuropil:1 complex:10 vj:5 main:1 dense:1 noise:7 body:1 neuronal:1 ny:1 axon:2 position:1 candidate:2 levy:1 specific:1 emphasized:1 inset:1 americana:2 tetrode:1 keefe:2 importance:1 justifies:1 cartesian:1 sorting:18 westin:1 suited:1 lt:1 simply:1 ganglion:3 lewicki:1 determines:1 dispersed:1 extracted:1 abbreviation:1 change:4 analysing:1 typical:1 determined:1 called:3 total:1 invariance:1 puff:1 dorsal:1 c9:1 princeton:1 tested:1 correlated:2 |
540 | 1,494 | Where does the population vector of motor
cortical cells point during reaching movements?
Pierre Baraduc*
[email protected]
Emmanuel Guigon
[email protected]
Yves Burnod
[email protected]
INSERM U483, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
9 quai St Bernard, 75252 Paris cedex 05, France
Visually-guided arm reaching movements are produced by distributed
neural networks within parietal and frontal regions of the cerebral cortex.
Experimental data indicate that (I) single neurons in these regions are
broadly tuned to parameters of movement; (2) appropriate commands are
elaborated by populations of neurons; (3) the coordinated action of neurons can be visualized using a neuronal population vector (NPV). However, the NPV provides only a rough estimate of movement parameters
(direction, velocity) and may even fail to reflect the parameters of movement when arm posture is changed. We designed a model of the cortical
motor command to investigate the relation between the desired direction
of the movement, the actual direction of movement and the direction of
the NPV in motor cortex. The model is a two-layer self-organizing neural
network which combines broadly-tuned (muscular) proprioceptive and
(cartesian) visual information to calculate (angular) motor commands for
the initial part of the movement of a two-link arm. The network was
trained by motor babbling in 5 positions. Simulations showed that (1)
the network produced appropriate movement direction over a large part
of the workspace; (2) small deviations of the actual trajectory from the
desired trajectory existed at the extremities of the workspace; (3) these
deviations were accompanied by large deviations of the NPV from both
trajectories. These results suggest the NPV does not give a faithful image
of cortical processing during arm reaching movements.
? to whom correspondence should be addressed
P. Baraduc, E. Guigon and Y. Burnod
When reaching to an object, our brain transforms a visual stimulus on the retina into a
finely coordinated motor act. This complex process is subserved in part by distributed
neuronal populations within parietal and frontal regions of the cerebral cortex (Kalaska
and Crammond 1992). Neurons in these areas contribute to coordinate transformations
by encoding target position and kinematic parameters of reaching movements in multiple frames of reference and to the elaboration of motor commands by sending directional
and positional signals to the spinal cord (Georgopoulos 1996). An ubiquitous feature of
cortical populations is that most neurons are broadly tuned to a preferred attribute (e.g.
direction) and that tuning curves are uniformly (or regularly) distributed in the attribute
space (Georgopoulos 1996). Accordingly, a powerful tool to analyse cortical populations
is the NPV which describes the behavior of a whole population by a single vector (Georgopoulos 1996). Georgopoulos et al. (1986) have shown that the NPV calculated on a set
of directionally tuned neurons in motor cortex points approximately (error
15?) in the
direction of movement. However, the NPV may fail to indicate the correct direction of
movement when the arm is in a particular posture (Scott and Kalaska 1995). These data
raise two important questions: (1) how populations of broadly tuned neurons learn to compute a correct sensorimotor transformation? Previous models (Burnod et al. 1992; Bullock
et al. 1993; Salinas and Abbott 1995) provided partial solutions to this problem but we still
lack a model which closely matches physiological and psychophysical data on reaching
movements; (2) Are cortical processes involved in the visual guidance of arm movements
readable with the NPV tool? This article provides answers to these questions through a
physiologically inspired model of sensorimotor transformations.
The arm model has voluntarily been chosen simple. It is a planar, two-link arm, with
limited (160 degrees) joint excursion at shoulder and elbow. An agonist/antagonist pair is
attached at each joint.
No cell is finely tuned to a specific input or output value to mimic the broad tunings or
monotonic firing characteristics found in cortical visuomotor areas.
Arm position
By analogy with the role of muscle spindles, proprioceptive sensors are assumed to code
muscle length. Arm position is thus represented by the population activity of NT = 20
neurons coding for the length of each agonist or antagonist. The activity of a sensor neuron
k is defined by:
LIl ( k)
is the length of muscle number n(k) , and
a piecewise linear sigmoid:
L ~ Ak
Ak < L
< Ak
L? Ak
Sensibility thresholds Ak are uniformly distributed in [L min , L max], and the dynamic range
is Ak - Ak is taken constant, equal to Lmax - L min .
Population Coding ofReaching Movements
Desired direction
The direction V of the desired movement in visual space is coded by a population of
N x = 50 neurons with cosine tuning in cartesian space. Each visual neuron j thus fires as:
= V? Vj
being the preferred direction of the cell. These 50 preferred directions are chosen
uniformly distributed in 2-D space.
Motor Command
In attempt to model the existence of muscular synergies (Lemon 1988), we identified motor command with joint movement rather than with muscle contraction . A motor neuron
i among Nt = 50 contributes to the effective movement M by its action on a synergy
(direction in joint space) Mi. This collective effect is formally expressed by:
M .= LtiMi
where ti is the activity of motor neuron i. The 50 directions of action Mi are supposed
uniformly distributed in joint space.
Information concerning the position of the arm and the desired direction in cartesian space
=. . . .~(visual)
motor synergy
Figure 1: Network Architecture
is combined asymmetrically (Fig. I). First, an intermediate (somatic) layer of neurons
P. Baraduc. E. Guigon and Y. Bumod
forms an internal representation of the arm position by a combination of the input from the
NT muscle sensors and the lateral interactions inside the population. Activity in this layer
is expressed by:
Sij =
Wijk Tk +
ljp Sip
where the lateral connections are:
= cos (27r(j -
Equation 1 is self-referent; so calculation is done in two steps. The feed-forward input
first arrives at time zero when there is no activity in the layer; iterated action of the lateral
connections comes into play when this feed-forward input vanishes.
The activity in the somatic layer is then combined with the visual directional information
by the output sigma-pi neurons as follows:
ti =
Xj Sij
The only adjustable weights are the Wijk linking the proprioceptive layer to the somatic
layer. Connectivity is random and not complete: only 15% of the somatic neurons receive
information on arm position. The visuomotor mapping is learnt by modifying the internal
representation of the arm.
Motor commands issued by the network are correlated with the visual effect of the movement ("motor babbling"). More precisely, the learning algorithm is a repetition of the
following cycle:
1. choice of an arm position among 5 positions (stars on Fig. 2)
2. random emission of a motor command (ti)
3. corresponding visual reafference (Xj)
4. weight modification according to a variant of the delta rule:
(tiXj - Sij) Tk
The random commands are gaussian distributions of activity over the output layer. 5000
learning epochs are sufficient to obtain a stabilized performance. It must be noted that
the error between the ideal response of the network and the actual performance never decreases completely to zero, as the constraints of the visuomotor transformation vary over
the workspace.
Correct learning of the mapping was tested in 21 positions in the workspace in a pointing
task toward 16 uniformly distributed directions in cartesian space. Movement directions
generated by the network are shown in Fig. 2 (desired direction 0 degree is shown bold).
Norm of movement vectors depends on the global activity in the network which varies with
arm position and movement direction.
Performance of the network is maximal near the learning positions. However, a good generalization is obtained (directional error 0.3?, SD 12.1?); a bias toward the shoulder can be
observed in extreme right or left positions. A similar effect was observed in psychophysical
experiments (Ghilardi et a1. 1995).
Population Coding of Reaching Movements
Figure 2: Performance in a pointing task
Behavior of the population vector
Preferred directions (PO) of output units were computed using a multilinear regression;
a perfect cosine tuning was found, which is a consequence of the exact multiplication in
sigma-pi neurons. Then, the population vector, the effective movement vector, and the
desired movement were compared (Fig. 3) for two different arm configurations A and B
marked on Fig. 2. The movement generated by the network (dashed arrow) is close to the
, ,
deSired direction
contnbution of one neuron
population vector ~
actual movement ......... ;:.,
Figure 3: Actual movement and population vector in two arm positions
desired one (dotted rays) for both arm configurations. However, the population vector (solid
arrow) is not always aligned with the movement. The discrepancy between movement and
population vector depends both on the direction and the position of the arm: it is maximal
P Baraduc, E. Guigon and Y Burnod
for positions near the borders of the workspace as position B. Fig. 3 (position B) shows that
the deviations of the population vector are due to the anisotropic distribution of the PDs in
cartesian space for given positions.
Difference between direction of action and preferred direction
Marked anisotropy in the distribution of PDs is compatible with accurate performance. To
see why, let us call "direction of action" (DA) the motor cell's contribution to the movement. The distribution of DAs presents an anisotropy due to the geometry of the arm. This
anisotropy is canceled by the distribution of PDs. Mathematically, if U is a N x 2 matrix of
uniformly distributed 2D vectors, the PD matrix is UJ- 1 whereas the DA matrix is UJ T ,
J being the jacobian of the angular-to-cartesian mapping. Difference between DA and PD
has been plotted with concentric arcs for four representative neurons at 21 arm positions
in Fig. 4. Sign and magnitude of the difference vary continuously over the workspace and
neuron number
" ..
Figure 4: Difference between direction of action and preferred direction for four units.
often exceed 45 degrees. It can also be noted that preferred directions rotate with the arm
as was experimentally noted by (Caminiti et a1. 1991).
We first asked how a network of broadly tuned neurons could produce visually guided
arm movements. The model proposed here produces a correct behavior over the entire
workspace. Biases were observed at the extreme right and left which closely resemble experimental data in humans (Ghilardi et a1. 1995). Single cells in the output layer behave as
motor cortical cells do and the NPV of these cells correctly indicated the direction of movement for hand positions in the central region of the workspace (see Caminiti et al. 1991).
Models of sensorimotor transformations have already been proposed. However they either
considered motor synergies in cartesian coordinates (Burnod et a1. 1992), or used sharply
Population Coding ofReaching Movements
tuned units (Bullock et al. 1993), or motor effects independent of arm position (Salinas
and Abbott 1995). Next, the use of the NPV to describe cortical activity was questioned.
A fundamental assumption in the calculation of the NPV is that the PD of a neuron is the
direction in which the arm would move if the neuron were stimulated. The model shows
that the two directions DA and PD do not necessarily coincide, which is probably the case
in motor cortex (Scott and Kalaska 1995). It follows that the NPV often points neither
in the actual movement direction nor in the desired movement direction (target direction),
especially for unusual arm configurations. A maximum-likelihood estimator does not have
these flaws; it would however accurately predict the desired movement out of the output
unit activities, even for a wrong actual movement. In conclusion: (l) the NPV does not
provide a faithful image of cortical visuomotor processes; (2) a correct NPV should be
based on the DAs, which cannot easily be determined experimentally; (3) planning of trajectories in space cannot be realized by the successive recruitment of motor neurons whose
PDs sequentially describe the movement.
Bullock, D., S. Grossberg, and F. Guenther (1993). A self-organizing neural model of
motor equivalent reaching and tool use by a multijoint arm. J Cogn Neurosci 5(4), 408435.
Burnod, Y., P. Grandguillaume, I. Otto, S. Ferraina, P. Johnson, and R Caminiti (1992).
Visuomotor transformations underlying arm movements toward visual targets: a neural
network model of cerebral cortical operations. J Neurosci 12(4), 1435-53.
Caminiti, R, P. Johnson, C. Galli, S. Ferraina, and Y. Burnod (1991). Making arm movements within different parts of space: the premotor and motor cortical representation of a
coordinate system for reaching to visual targets. J Neurosci 11(5), 1182-97.
Georgopoulos, A (1996). On the translation of directional motor cortical commands to
activation of muscles via spinal interneuronal systems. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res 3(2),
Georgopoulos, A, A Schwartz, and R Kettner (1986). Neuronal population coding of
movement direction . Science 233(4771), 1416-9.
Ghilardi, M. , J. Gordon, and C. Ghez (1995). Learning a visuomotor transformation in a
local area of work space pr oduces directional biases in other areas. J NeurophysioI73(6),
Kalaska, J. and D. Crammond (1992). Cerebral cortical mechanisms of reaching movements. Science 255(5051),1517-23.
Lemon, R (1988). The output map of the primate motor cortex. Trends Neurosci 11 (II),
Salinas, E. and L. Abbott (1995). Transfer of coded information from sensory to motor
networks. J Neurosci 15(10),6461-74.
Scott, S. and J. Kalaska (1995). Changes in motor cortex activity during reaching movements with similar hand paths but different arm postures. J Neurophysioi 73(6), 2563-7.
| 1494 |@word norm:1 simulation:1 contraction:1 solid:1 initial:1 configuration:3 tuned:8 nt:4 activation:1 must:1 motor:29 designed:1 accordingly:1 provides:2 contribute:1 successive:1 combine:1 ray:1 inside:1 guenther:1 behavior:3 nor:1 planning:1 brain:3 inspired:1 anisotropy:3 actual:7 elbow:1 provided:1 underlying:1 transformation:8 sensibility:1 act:1 ti:3 sip:1 wrong:1 schwartz:1 interneuronal:1 unit:4 local:1 sd:1 consequence:1 encoding:1 ak:8 extremity:1 firing:1 path:1 approximately:1 co:1 limited:1 range:1 grossberg:1 faithful:2 cogn:2 area:4 suggest:1 caminiti:4 close:1 cannot:2 equivalent:1 map:1 rule:1 estimator:1 population:23 coordinate:3 target:4 play:1 exact:1 velocity:1 trend:1 observed:3 role:1 calculate:1 cy:1 region:4 cord:1 cycle:1 movement:45 decrease:1 voluntarily:1 vanishes:1 pd:8 asked:1 dynamic:1 trained:1 raise:1 completely:1 po:1 joint:5 easily:1 represented:1 effective:2 describe:2 visuomotor:6 salina:3 whose:1 premotor:1 otto:1 analyse:1 directionally:1 interaction:1 maximal:2 fr:3 aligned:1 organizing:2 supposed:1 produce:2 perfect:1 object:1 tk:3 resemble:1 indicate:2 come:1 direction:37 guided:2 closely:2 correct:5 attribute:2 modifying:1 human:1 generalization:1 multilinear:1 mathematically:1 considered:1 visually:2 mapping:3 predict:1 pointing:2 vary:2 multijoint:1 repetition:1 tool:3 rough:1 sensor:3 gaussian:1 always:1 reaching:11 rather:1 command:10 emission:1 referent:1 likelihood:1 flaw:1 entire:1 relation:1 france:1 canceled:1 among:2 equal:1 never:1 broad:1 mimic:1 discrepancy:1 stimulus:1 piecewise:1 gordon:1 retina:1 geometry:2 fire:1 attempt:1 investigate:1 kinematic:1 wijk:3 arrives:1 extreme:2 accurate:1 partial:1 desired:12 plotted:1 re:2 guidance:1 deviation:4 johnson:2 answer:1 varies:1 learnt:1 combined:2 st:1 spindle:1 fundamental:1 workspace:8 continuously:1 ghez:1 connectivity:1 reflect:1 central:1 accompanied:1 star:1 coding:5 bold:1 coordinated:2 depends:2 vi:1 curie:1 elaborated:1 contribution:1 yves:1 characteristic:1 directional:5 iterated:1 accurately:1 produced:2 agonist:2 trajectory:4 sensorimotor:3 involved:1 universite:1 mi:2 ubiquitous:1 feed:2 planar:1 burnod:7 response:1 done:1 angular:2 hand:2 lack:1 indicated:1 effect:4 proprioceptive:3 during:3 self:3 noted:3 cosine:2 oc:1 antagonist:2 complete:1 image:2 snv:1 sigmoid:1 spinal:2 attached:1 cerebral:4 anisotropic:1 linking:1 tuning:4 cortex:7 showed:1 issued:1 muscle:6 babbling:2 signal:1 dashed:1 multiple:1 clockwise:1 ii:1 match:1 calculation:2 kalaska:5 elaboration:1 concerning:1 coded:2 a1:4 variant:1 regression:1 cell:7 receive:1 whereas:1 addressed:1 finely:2 probably:1 cedex:1 counterclockwise:1 regularly:1 call:1 near:2 ideal:1 intermediate:1 exceed:1 xj:3 architecture:1 identified:1 questioned:1 action:7 ghilardi:3 transforms:1 visualized:1 stabilized:1 dotted:1 sign:1 delta:1 correctly:1 ccr:2 broadly:5 four:2 threshold:1 marie:1 neither:1 abbott:3 recruitment:1 powerful:1 excursion:1 layer:9 correspondence:1 existed:1 activity:11 lemon:2 precisely:1 constraint:1 sharply:1 georgopoulos:6 min:2 according:1 combination:1 describes:1 bullock:3 modification:1 making:1 primate:1 sij:3 pr:1 taken:1 equation:1 fail:2 mechanism:1 sending:1 unusual:1 operation:1 appropriate:2 pierre:2 existence:1 cf:1 readable:1 emmanuel:1 uj:2 especially:1 psychophysical:2 move:1 question:2 realized:1 posture:3 already:1 link:2 lateral:3 whom:1 toward:3 code:1 length:3 sigma:2 lil:1 collective:1 adjustable:1 neuron:24 arc:1 behave:1 parietal:2 shoulder:2 frame:1 somatic:4 concentric:1 pair:1 paris:1 connection:2 scott:3 max:1 arm:32 epoch:1 multiplication:1 analogy:1 degree:3 sufficient:1 article:1 pi:2 translation:1 compatible:1 changed:1 lmax:1 bias:3 distributed:8 curve:1 calculated:1 cortical:14 sensory:1 forward:2 coincide:1 preferred:8 synergy:4 inserm:1 global:1 sequentially:1 assumed:1 physiologically:1 why:1 subserved:1 stimulated:1 learn:1 kettner:1 transfer:1 contributes:1 complex:1 necessarily:1 vj:2 da:7 neurosci:5 arrow:2 whole:1 border:1 reafference:1 neuronal:3 fig:7 representative:1 position:22 jussieu:3 jacobian:1 specific:1 physiological:1 magnitude:1 cartesian:7 visual:12 positional:1 expressed:2 monotonic:1 neurophysioi:1 marked:2 ljp:2 experimentally:2 change:1 muscular:2 determined:1 uniformly:6 crammond:2 bernard:1 asymmetrically:1 experimental:2 formally:1 internal:2 npv:15 rotate:1 frontal:2 tested:1 correlated:1 |
541 | 1,495 | A High Performance k-NN Classifier Using a
Binary Correlation Matrix Memory
Ping Zhou
[email protected]
Jim Austin
[email protected]
John Kennedy
[email protected]
Advanced Computer Architecture Group
Department of Computer Science
University of York, York YOW 500, UK
This paper presents a novel and fast k-NN classifier that is based on a
binary CMM (Correlation Matrix Memory) neural network. A robust
encoding method is developed to meet CMM input requirements . A
hardware implementation of the CMM is described, which gives over 200
times the speed of a current mid-range workstation, and is scaleable to
very large problems. When tested on several benchmarks and compared
with a simple k-NN method, the CMM classifier gave less than I % lower
accuracy and over 4 and 12 times speed-up in software and hardware
Pattern classification is one of most fundamental and important tasks, and a k-NN rule is
applicable to a wide range of classification problems. As this method is too slow for many
applications with large amounts of data, a great deal of effort has been put into speeding it
up via complex pre-processing of training data, such as reducing training data (Dasarathy
1994) and improving computational efficiency (Grother & Candela 1997). This work
investigates a novel k-NN classification method that uses a binary correlation matrix
memory (CMM) neural network as a pattern store and match engine. Whereas most neural
networks need a long iterative training time, a CMM is simple and quick to train. It
requires only one-shot storage mechanism and simple binary operations (Willshaw &
Buneman 1969), and it has highly flexible and fast pattern search ability. Therefore, the
combination of CMM and k-NN techniques is likely to result in a generic and fast
classifier. For most classification problems, patterns are in the form of multi-dimensional
real numbers, and appropriate quantisation and encoding are needed to convert them into
binary inputs to a CMM. A robust quantisation and encoding method is developed to meet
requirements for CMM input codes , and to overcome the common problem of identical
data points in many applications, e .g. background of images or normal features in a
diagnostic problem.
Many research projects have applied the CMM successfully to commercial problems, e.g.
symbolic reasoning in the AURA (Advanced Uncertain Reasoning Architecture) approach
P. Zhou. J. Austin and J. Kennedy
(Austin 1996), chemical structure matching and post code matching. The execution of the
CMM has been identified as the bottleneck. Motivated by the needs of these applications
for a further high speed processing, the CMM has been implemented in dedicated
hardware, i.e. the PRESENCE architecture. The primary aim is to improve the execution
speed over conventional workstations in a cost-effective way.
The following sections discuss the CMM for pattern classification, describe the
PRESENCE architecture (the hardware implementation of CMM), and present
experimental results on several benchmarks.
The key idea (Figure I) is to use a CMM to pre-select a smaIl sub-set of training patterns
from a large number of training data, and then to apply the k-NN rule to the sub-set. The
CMM is fast but produces spurious errors as a side effect (Turner & Austin 1997); these
are removed through the application of the k-NN rule. The architecture of the CMM
classifier (Figure I) includes an encoder (detailed in 2.2) for quantising numerical inputs
and generating binary codes, a CMM pattern store and match engine and a conventional kNN module as detailed below .
Training patterns
stored in CMM
Patterns preselected by CMM
k-NN patterns
Figure 1: Architecture of the binary CMM k-NN classifier
A correlation matrix memory is basically a single layer network with binary weights M. In
the training process a unique binary vector or separator s, is generated to label an unseen
input binary vector P,; the CMM learns their association by performing the following
logical ORing operation:
In a recall process, for a given test input vector
Pk' the CMM performs :
followed by thresholding v k and recovering individual separators. For speed, it is
appropriate to use a fixed thresholding method and the threshold is set to a level
proportional to the number of 'I' bits in the input pattern to allow an exact or partial
match. To understand the recall properties of the CMM , consider the case where a known
pattern Pk is represented, then Equation 2 can be written as the following when two
different patterns are orthogonal to each other:
where np is a scalar, i.e. the number of 'I' bits in P k ' and P,P: =0 for i:;; k . Hence a
perfect recall of Sk can be obtained by thresholding v, at the level n" . In practice
'partially orthogonal' codes may be used to increase the storage capacity of the CMM and
the recall noise can be removed via appropriately thresholding vk (as p,p[ ~ n p for i :;; k )
RNNs Can Learn Symbol-Sensitive Counting
and post-processing (e.g. applying k-NN rule). Sparse codes are usually used, i.e. only a
few bits in SA and P, being set to 'I' , as this maximises the number of codes and
minimises the computation time (Turner & Austin 1997). These requirements for input
codes are often met by an encoder as detailed below.
The CMM exhibits an interesting 'partial match' property when the data dimensionality d
is larger than one and input vector p; consists of d concatenated components. If two
different patterns have some common components, v k also contains separators for
partially matched patterns, which can be obtained at lower threshold levels. This partial or
near match property is useful for pattern classification as it allows the retrieval of stored
patterns that are close to the test pattern in Hamming distance.
From those training patterns matched by the CMM engine, a test pattern is classified using
the k-NN rule. Distances are computed in the original input space to minimise the
information loss due to quantisation and noise in the above match process. As the number
of matches returned by the CMM is much smaller than the number of training data, the
distance computation and comparison are dramatically reduced compared with the simple
k-NN method. Therefore, the speed of the classifier benefits from fast training and
matching of the CMM, and the accuracy gains from the application of the k-NN rule for
reducing information loss and noise in the encoding and match processes.
Figure 2 shows three stages of the encoding process. d-dimensional real numbers, xi' are
quantised as y; ; sparse and orthogonal binary vectors, Ci ' are generated and concatenated
to form a CMM input vector.
Figure 2: Quantisation, code generation and concatenation
CMM input codes should be distributed as uniformly as possible in order to avoid some
parts of the CMM being used heavily while others are rarely used. The code uniformity is
met at the quantisation stage. For a given set of N training samples in some dimension (or
axis), it is required to divide the axis into Nb small intervals, called bins, such that they
contain uniform numbers of data points. As the data often have a non-uniform distribution,
the sizes of these bins should be different. It is also quite common for real world problems
that many data points are identical. For instance, there are 11 %-99.9% identical data in
benchmarks used in this work. Our robust quantisation method described below is
designed to cope with the above problems and to achieve a maximal uniformity.
In our method data points are first sOfted in ascending order, N , identical points are then
identified, and the number of non-identical data points in each bin is estimated as
N p = (N - N, )/ Nb . B in boundaries or partitions are determined as follows. The right
boundary of a bin is initially set to the next N I' -th data point in the ordered data sequence;
the number of identical points on both sides of the boundary is identified; these are either
included in the current or next bin. If the number of non-identical data points in the last
bin is N , and N,~(Np +Nb)' Np may be increased by (N, -Np)/Nb and the above partition
process may be repeated to increase the uniformity. Boundaries of bins obtained become
parameters of the encoder in Figure 2. In general it is appropriate to choose Nh such that
each bin contains a number of samples, which is larger than k nearest neighbours for the
optimal classification.
P. Zhou, J. Austin and J. Kennedy
The pattern match and store engine of the CMM k-NN classifier has been implemented
using a novel hardware based CMM architecture. i.e. the PRESENCE.
Important design decisions include the use of cheap memory, and not embedding both the
weight storage and the training and testing in hardware (VLSI). This arises because the
applications commonly use CMMs with over 100Mb of weight memory. which would be
difficult and expensive to implement in custom silicon. VME and PCI are chosen to host
on industry standard buses and to allow widespread application.
The PRESENCE architecture implements the control logic and accumulators, i.e. the core
of the CMM. As shown in Figure 3a binary input selects rows from the CMM that are
added, thresholded using L-max (Austin & Stonham 1987) or fixed global thresholding,
and then returned to the host for further processing. The PRESENCE architecture shown
in Figure 3b consists of a bus interface, a buffer memory which allows interleaving of
memory transfer and operation of the PRESENCE system, a SATCON and SA TSUM
combination that accumulates and thresholds the weights. The data bus connects to a pair
of memory spaces, each of which contains a control block, an input block and an output
block. Thus the PRESENCE card is a memory mapping device, that uses interrupts to
confirm the completion of each operation. For efficiency, two memory input/output areas
are provided to be acted on from the external bus and used by the card. The control
memory input block feeds to the control unit, which is a FPGA device. The input data are
fed to the weights and the memory area read is then passed to a block of accumulators. In
our current implementation the data width of each FPGA device is 32 bits, which allows
us to add a 32 bit row from the weights memory in one cycle per device
Input (sparse codes)
wei hts (-)
Data bus
Separator output s
Figure 3: (a) correlation matrix memory. and (b) overall architecture of PRESENCE
Currently we have 16Mb of 25ns static memory implemented on the VME card, and 128
Mb of dynamic (60ns) memory on the PCI card. The accumulators are implemented along
with the thresholding logic on another FPGA device (SATSUM). To enable the SA TSUM
processors to operate faster, a 5 stage pipeline architecture was used, and the data
accumulation time is reduced from 175ns to 50ns. All PRESENCE operations are
supported by a C++ library that is used in all AURA applications. The design of the
SATCON allows many SATSUM devices to be used in parallel in a SIMD configuration.
The VME implementation uses 4 devices per board giving a 128 bit wide data path. In
addition the PCI version allows daisy chaining of cards allowing a 4 card set for a 512 bit
wide data path. The complete VME card assembly is shown in Figure 4. The SATCON
and SATSUM devices are mounted on a daughter board for simple upgrading and
alteration. The weights memory, buffer memory and VME interface are held on the
mother board.
RNNs Can Learn Symbol-Sensitive Counting
Figure 4: The VME based PRESENCE card (a) motherboard, and (b) daughterboard
By an analysis of the state machines used in the SATCON device the time complexity of
the approach can be calculated. Equation 4 is used to calculate the processing time, T, in
seconds to recall the data with N index values, a separator size of S, R 32 bit SATSUM
devices, and the clock period of C.
= C[23+(s-l)/32R+I)(N +38+2R)]
A comparison with a Silicon Graphics 133MHz R4600SC Indy in Table
shows the
speed up of the matrix operation (Equation 2) for our VME implementation (128 bits
wide) using a fixed threshold. The values for processing rate are given in millions of
binary weight additions per-second (MW/s). The system cycle time needed to sum a row
of weights into the counters (i.e. time to accumulate one line) is SOns for the VME version
and lOOns for the PCI version. In the PCI form, we will use 4 closely coupled cards,
which result in a speed-up of 432. The build cost of the VME card was half the cost of the
baseline SGI Indy machine, when using 4Mb of 20ns static RAM. In the PCI version the
cost is greatly reduced through the use of dynamic RAM devices allowing a 128Mb
memory to be used for the same cost. allowing only a 2x slower system with 32x as much
memory per card (note that 4 cards used in Table I hold 512Mb of memory).
Table I : Relative speed-up of the PRESENCE architecture
I Card VME implementation
Four card PCI system (estimate)
Processing_ Rate
11.8 MW/s
Relative Speed
The training and recogmtlon speed of the system are approximately equal. This is
particularly useful in on-line applications, where the system must learn to solve the
problem incrementally as it is presented. In particular, the use of the system for high speed
reasoning allows the rules in the system to be altered without the long training times of
other systems. Furthermore our use of the system for a k-NN classifier also allows high
speed operation compared with a conventional implementation of the classifier, while still
allowing very fast training times.
Performance of the robust quantisation method and the CMM classifier have been
evaluated on four benchmarks consisting of large sets of real world problems from the
Statlog project (Michie & Spiegelhalter 1994), including a satellite image database, letter
image recognition database. shuttle data set and image segmentation data set. To visualise
the result of quantisation, Figure Sa shows the distribution of numbers of data points of
the 8th feature of the image segment data for equal-size bins. The distribution represents
P. Zhou, J. Austin and J. Kennedy
the inherent characteristics of the data. Figure 5b shows our robust quantisation (RQ) has
resulted in the uniform distribution desired.
~ 300
~ 200
_ _ _ _- -_ _
1 111111
values o f)ll;
values of x
Figure 5: Distributions of the image segment data for (a) equal bins, (b) RQ bins
We compared the CMM classifier with the simple k-NN method, multi-layer perceptron
(MLP) and radial basis function (RBF) networks (Zhou and Austin 1997). In the
evaluation we used the CMM software libraries developed in the project AURA at the
University of York. Between 1 and 3 '1' bits are set in input vectors and separators.
Experiments were conducted to study influences of a CMM's size on classification rate (crate) on test data sets and speed-up measured against the k-NN method (as shown in
Figure 6). The speed-up of the CMM classifier includes the encoding, training and test
time. The effects of the number of bins N b on the performance were also studied.
0 .88
e 0.87
'"~ 0.86
0 0.85
0 .84
CMM Si7.e (MBytes)
CMM size (MBytes)
3. 5
Figure 6: Effects of the CMM size on (a) c-rate and (b) speed-up on the satellite image data
Choices of the CMM size and the number of bins may be application dependent, for
instance, in favour of the speed or accuracy. In the experiment it was required that the
speed-up is not 4 times less and c-rate is not 1% lower than that of the k-NN method.
Table 2 contains the speed-up of MLP and RBF networks and the CMM on the four
benchmarks. It is interesting to note that the k-NN method needed no training. The recall
of MLP and RBF networks was very faster but their training was much slower than that of
the CMM classifier. The recall speed-up of the CMM was 6-23 times, and the overall
speed-up (including training and recall time) was 4-15x. When using the PRESENCE, i.e.
the dedicated CMM hardware, the speed of the CMM was further increased over 3 times.
This is much less than the speed-up of 216 given in Table 1 because of recovering
separators and k-NN classification are performed in software.
Table 2: Speed-up of MLP, RBF and CMM relative to the simple k-NN method
Image segment
Satellite image
The classification rates by the four methods are given in Table 3, which shows the CMM
classifier performed only 0-1% less accurate than the k-NN method.
RNNs Can Learn Symbol-Sensitive Counting
Table 3: Classification rates of four methods on four benchmarks
simple k-NN
Image segment
Satellite image
A novel classifier is presented, which uses a binary CMM for storing and matching a large
amount of patterns efficiently, and the k-NN rule for classification . The RU encoder
converts numerical inputs into binary ones with the maximally achievable uniformity to
meet requirements of the CMM. Experimental results on the four benchmarks show that
the CMM classifier, compared with the simple k-NN method , gave slightly lower
classification accuracy (less than 1% lower) and over 4 times speed in software and 12
times speed in hardware. Therefore our method has resulted in a generic and fast
This paper has also described a hardware implementation of a FPGA based chip set and a
processor card that will support the execution of binary CMM . It has shown the viability
of using a simple binary neural network to achieve high processing rates. The approach
allows both recognition and training to be achieved at speeds well above two orders of
magnitude faster than conventional workstations at a much lower cost than the
workstation. The system is scaleable to very large problems with very large weight arrays.
Current research is aimed at showing that the system is scaleable, evaluating methods for
the acceleration of the pre- and post processing tasks and considering greater integration
of the elements of the processor through VLSI. For more details of the AURA project and
the hardware described in this paper see http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/arch/nnJaura.html.
We acknowledge British Aerospace and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
Council (grant no. GRiK 41090 and GR/L 74651) for sponsoring the research. Our thanks
are given to R Pack, A Moulds, Z Ulanowski. R Jennison and K Lees for their support.
Willshaw, 0.1., Buneman, O.P. & Longuet-Higgins, H .C. (1969) Non-holographic
associative memory. Nature, Vol. 222, p960-962.
Austin, J. (1996) AURA, A distributed associative memory for high speed symbolic
reasoning. In: Ron Sun (ed), Connectionist Symbolic Integration. Kluwer.
Turner, M. & Austin, J. (1997) Matching performance of binary correlation matrix
memories. Neural Networks; 10:1637-1648.
Dasarathy, B.V. (1994) Minimal consistent set (MCS) identification for optimal nearest
neighbor decision system design. IEEE Trans. Systems Man Cybernet; 24:511-517.
Grother, P.l., Candela, G.T. & Blue, J.L. (1997) Fast implementations of nearest neighbor
classifiers. Pattern Recognition ; 30:459-465.
Austin, J., Stonham, T.J. (1987) An associative memory for use in image recognition and
occlusion analysis. Image and Vision Computing; 5:251-261.
Michie, D., Spiegelhalter, 0.1. & Taylor, c.c. (1994) Machine learning, neural and
statistical classification (Chapter 9). New York, Ellis Horwood.
Zhou, P. & Austin J. (1998) Learning criteria for training neural network classifiers .
Neural Computing and Applications Forum; 7:334-342.
| 1495 |@word version:4 achievable:1 shot:1 configuration:1 contains:4 current:4 written:1 must:1 john:1 numerical:2 partition:2 cheap:1 designed:1 hts:1 v:1 half:1 device:11 core:1 ron:1 along:1 become:1 consists:2 multi:2 considering:1 mpj:1 project:4 provided:1 matched:2 developed:3 willshaw:2 classifier:21 uk:5 control:4 unit:1 grant:1 engineering:1 encoding:7 accumulates:1 dasarathy:2 meet:3 path:2 yd:1 approximately:1 rnns:3 studied:1 range:2 unique:1 accumulator:3 testing:1 practice:1 block:5 implement:2 area:2 matching:5 pre:3 radial:1 symbolic:3 close:1 put:1 storage:3 applying:1 nb:4 influence:1 accumulation:1 conventional:4 www:1 quick:1 smail:1 rule:8 higgins:1 array:1 embedding:1 commercial:1 heavily:1 exact:1 us:4 element:1 expensive:1 particularly:1 recognition:4 michie:2 database:2 module:1 calculate:1 cycle:2 sun:1 counter:1 removed:2 rq:2 complexity:1 dynamic:2 uniformity:4 segment:4 mbytes:2 efficiency:2 basis:1 chip:1 represented:1 chapter:1 train:1 fast:8 effective:1 describe:1 pci:7 quite:1 larger:2 solve:1 encoder:4 ability:1 knn:1 unseen:1 associative:3 sequence:1 tpi:1 maximal:1 mb:6 achieve:2 sgi:1 requirement:4 satellite:4 produce:1 generating:1 perfect:1 ac:4 completion:1 minimises:1 measured:1 nearest:3 sa:4 indy:2 implemented:4 c:4 recovering:2 met:2 closely:1 enable:1 bin:13 statlog:1 hold:1 normal:1 great:1 mapping:1 applicable:1 label:1 currently:1 sensitive:3 council:1 successfully:1 aim:1 zhou:6 avoid:1 shuttle:3 interrupt:1 vk:2 greatly:1 baseline:1 dependent:1 nn:28 cmm:60 initially:1 spurious:1 vlsi:2 selects:1 i1:2 overall:2 classification:16 flexible:1 aura:5 html:1 platform:1 integration:2 equal:3 simd:1 identical:7 represents:1 np:4 others:1 loon:1 inherent:1 few:1 connectionist:1 neighbour:1 resulted:2 individual:1 connects:1 consisting:1 occlusion:1 scaleable:3 mlp:4 highly:1 custom:1 evaluation:1 held:1 accurate:1 partial:3 orthogonal:3 divide:1 taylor:1 desired:1 minimal:1 uncertain:1 instance:2 increased:2 industry:1 elli:1 mhz:1 cost:6 uniform:4 fpga:4 holographic:1 conducted:1 gr:1 too:1 graphic:1 stored:2 thanks:1 fundamental:1 lee:1 choose:1 external:1 alteration:1 includes:2 vi:1 performed:2 candela:2 parallel:1 daisy:1 accuracy:4 characteristic:1 efficiently:1 identification:1 basically:1 vme:10 mc:1 kennedy:4 processor:3 classified:1 ping:1 ed:1 against:1 workstation:5 hamming:1 gain:1 static:2 handwriting:1 logical:1 recall:8 dimensionality:1 segmentation:1 feed:1 wei:1 maximally:1 evaluated:1 furthermore:1 stage:3 arch:1 correlation:6 clock:1 incrementally:1 widespread:1 effect:3 contain:1 hence:1 chemical:1 read:1 deal:1 ll:1 width:1 sponsoring:1 chaining:1 criterion:1 complete:1 performs:1 dedicated:2 interface:2 reasoning:4 image:13 novel:4 common:3 physical:1 nh:1 million:1 association:1 visualise:1 kluwer:1 accumulate:1 silicon:2 mother:1 quantisation:9 add:1 store:3 buffer:2 binary:19 greater:1 period:1 signal:1 match:10 faster:3 long:2 retrieval:1 host:2 post:3 buneman:2 vision:1 achieved:1 whereas:1 background:1 addition:2 crate:1 interval:1 appropriately:1 operate:1 near:1 presence:13 counting:3 mw:4 viability:1 gave:2 architecture:14 identified:3 idea:1 minimise:1 bottleneck:1 favour:1 motivated:1 passed:1 effort:1 returned:2 speech:1 york:8 dramatically:1 useful:2 detailed:3 aimed:1 amount:2 mid:1 hardware:10 reduced:3 http:1 diagnostic:1 estimated:1 per:4 blue:1 vol:1 group:1 key:1 four:7 threshold:4 thresholded:1 ram:2 convert:2 sum:1 grother:2 quantised:1 letter:3 decision:2 investigates:1 oring:1 bit:10 layer:2 followed:1 software:4 speed:28 performing:1 acted:1 department:1 upgrading:1 combination:2 smaller:1 slightly:1 son:1 pipeline:1 equation:3 bus:5 discus:1 mechanism:1 needed:3 horwood:1 ascending:1 fed:1 operation:7 apply:1 generic:2 appropriate:3 mlpn:2 slower:2 original:1 include:1 assembly:1 giving:1 concatenated:2 build:1 forum:1 added:1 primary:1 exhibit:1 distance:3 card:15 capacity:1 concatenation:1 ru:1 code:11 index:1 difficult:1 daughter:1 implementation:9 design:4 maximises:1 allowing:4 benchmark:8 acknowledge:1 jim:1 pair:1 required:2 aerospace:1 engine:4 trans:1 below:3 pattern:24 usually:1 preselected:1 max:1 memory:26 including:2 advanced:2 turner:3 improve:1 altered:1 spiegelhalter:2 library:2 axis:2 coupled:1 speeding:1 acknowledgement:1 relative:3 loss:2 interesting:2 generation:1 proportional:1 mounted:1 consistent:1 thresholding:6 storing:1 austin:14 row:3 supported:1 last:1 side:2 allow:2 understand:1 perceptron:1 wide:4 neighbor:2 sparse:3 benefit:1 distributed:2 overcome:1 dimension:1 boundary:4 world:2 calculated:1 evaluating:1 commonly:1 cope:1 logic:2 confirm:1 global:1 xi:1 search:1 iterative:1 sk:1 table:8 nature:1 learn:4 transfer:1 robust:6 pack:1 longuet:1 improving:1 complex:1 separator:7 pk:2 noise:3 repeated:1 board:3 slow:1 n:5 sub:2 learns:1 interleaving:1 british:1 showing:1 symbol:3 rbfn:2 ci:1 magnitude:1 execution:3 likely:1 ordered:1 partially:2 scalar:1 acceleration:1 rbf:4 man:1 included:1 determined:1 reducing:2 uniformly:1 called:1 experimental:2 rarely:1 select:1 support:2 arises:1 tested:1 |
542 | 1,496 | Coordinate Transformation Learning of
Hand Position Feedback Controller by
U sing Change of Position Error Norm
Eimei Oyama*
Mechanical Eng. Lab.
Namiki 1-2, Tsukuba Science City
Ibaraki 305-8564 Japan
Susumu Tachi
The University of Tokyo
Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku
Tokyo 113-0033 Japan
In order to grasp an object, we need to solve the inverse kinematics problem, i.e., the coordinate transformation from the visual
coordinates to the joint angle vector coordinates of the arm. Although several models of coordinate transformation learning have
been proposed, they suffer from a number of drawbacks. In human
motion control, the learning of the hand position error feedback
controller in the inverse kinematics solver is important. This paper
proposes a novel model of the coordinate transformation learning
of the human visual feedback controller that uses the change of
the joint angle vector and the corresponding change of the square
of the hand position error norm. The feasibility of the proposed
model is illustrated using numerical simulations.
The task of calculating every joint angle that would result in a specific hand position
is called the inverse kinematics problem. An important topic in neuroscience is the
study of the learning mechanisms involved in the human inverse kinematics solver.
We questioned five pediatricians about the motor function of infants suffering from
serious upper limb disabilities. The doctors stated that the infants still were able
to touch and stroke an object without hindrance. In one case, an infant without
a thumb had a major kinematically influential surgical operation, transplanting an
index finger as a thumb. After the operation, the child was able to learn how to
use the index finger like a thumb [1]. In order to explain the human motor learning
? Phone:+81-298-58-7298, Fax:+81-298-58-7201, e-mail:[email protected]
Coordinate Transformation Learning ofFeedback Controller
capability, we believe that the coordinate transformation learning of the feedback
controller is a necessary component.
Although a number of learning models of the inverse kinematics solver have been
proposed, a definitive learning model has not yet been obtained. This is from the
point of view of the structural complexity of the learning model and the biological plausibility of employed hypothesis. The Direct Inverse Modeling employed
by many researchers [2] requires the complex switching of the input signal of the
inverse model. When the hand position control is performed, the input of the inverse model is the desired hand position, velocity, or acceleration. When the inverse
model learning is performed, the input is the observed hand position, velocity, or
acceleration. Although the desired signal and the observed signal could coincide,
the characteristics of the two signals are very different. Currently, no research has
succeesfully modeled the switching system. Furthermore, that learning model is not
"goal-directed"; i.e., there is no direct way to find an action that corresponds to a
particular desired result. The Forward and Inverse Modeling proposed by Jordan
[3] requires the back-propagation signal, a technique does not have a biological basis. That model also requires the complex switching of the desired output signal
for the forward model. When the forward model learning is performed, the desired
output is the observed hand position. When the inverse kinematics solver learning is performed, the desired output is the desired hand position. The Feedback
Error Learning proposed by Kawato [4] requires a pre-existing accurate feedback
It is necessary to obtain a learning model that possesses a number of characteristics:
(1) it can explain the human learning function; (2) it has a simple structure; and
(3) it is biologically plausible. This paper presents a learning model of coordinate
transformation function of the hand position feedback controller. This model uses
the joint angle vector change and the corresponding change of square of the hand
position error norm.
2.1 Discrete Time First Order Model of Hand Position Controller
Let 8 E Rm be the joint angle vector and x ERn be the hand position/orientation
vector given by the vision system. The relationship between x and 8 is expressed
as x = /(8) where / is a C 1 class function. The Jacobian of the hand position
vector is expressed as J(8) = 8/(8)/88. Let Xd be the desired hand position and
e = Xd - X = Xd - /(8) be the hand position error vector. In this paper, an
inverse kinematics problem is assumed to be a least squares minimization problem
that calculates 8 in order to minimize the square of the hand position error norm
= le1 2 /2 = IXd -
/(8)1 2 /2.
First, the feed-forward controller in the human inverse kinematics solver is disregarded and the following first order control system, consisting of a learning feedback
controller, is considered:
+ 1)
+ A8(k)
Joint Angle
Figure 1: Configuration of 1-st Order Model of Hand Position Controller
E. Oyama and S. Tachi
a8(k) = ~fb(8(k), e(k)) + d(k)
e(k) = Xd - f(8(k))
where d(k) is assumed to be a disturbance noise from all components except the
hand position control system. Figure 1 shows the configuration of the control system. In this figure, Z-l is the operator that indicates a delay in the discrete time
signal by a sampling interval of tl.t. Although the human hand position control system includes higher order complex dynamics terms which are ignored in Equation
(2), McRuer's experimental model of human compensation control suggests that the
term that converts the hand position error to the hand velocity is a major term in
the human control system [5]. We consider Equation (2) to be a good approximate
model for the analysis of human coordinates transformation learning.
The learner ~ fb (8, e) E R m, which provides the hand position error feedback, is
modeled using the artificial neural network. In this paper, the hand position error
feedback controller learning by observing output x(k) is considered without any
prior knowledge of the function f (8).
Learning Model of the Neural Network
Let ~fb(8, e) be the desired output of the learner ~fb(8, e). ~fb(8, e) functions as
a teacher for ~fb(8,e). Let ~jb(8 , e) be the updated output of ~fb(8,e) by the
learning. Let E[t(8, e)18, e] be the expected value of a scalar, a vector, or a matrix
function t(8,e) when the input vector (8 , e) is given. We assume that ~fb(8 , e) is
an ideal learner which is capable of realizing the mean of the desired output signal,
completely. ~+ fb(8, e) can be expressed as follows:
~jb(8, e)
E[~fb(8 , e)18, e]
a~fb(8 , e)
When the expected value of
= ~fb(8 , e) + E[a~fb(8, e)18, e]
= ~fb(8 , e) -
~fb(8, e)
e) is expressed as:
E[a~fb(8,e)18,e] ~ Gfbe - Rfb~fb(8 , e) ,
Rfb E Rm xm is a positive definite matrix, and the inequality
I8~jb(8, e) I = I8(G fb e -
(Rfb - I)~fb(8, e?
8~ fb(8 , e)
is satisfied, the final learning result can be expressed as:
~fb(8 , e) ~ Rjb1Gfbe
I< 1
by the iteration of the update of
~fb(8 ,
e) expressed in Equation (4).
A Novel Learning Model of Feedback Controller
The change of the square of the hand position error norm tl.S = S(Xd , 8 + a8) S(Xd , 8) reflects whether or not the change of the joint angle vector A8 is in proper
direction. The propose novel learning model can be expressed as follows:
~fb(8, e) = -atl.Sa8
where a is a small positive real number. We now consider a large number of trials
of Equation (2) with a large variety of initial status 8(0) with learnings conducted
at the point of the input space of the feedback controller (8, e) = (8(k -1), e(k -1?
at time k. tl.S and a8 can be calculated as follows.
S(k) - S(k - 1) =
a8(k - 1)
~(le(kW -Ie(k -
Coordinate Transformation Learning ofFeedback Controller
.---------, Change of Square of
Hand Position Error Norm
Change of
Joint Angle
Input for
e(k-l) ---
Error Signal for k ' / '---,..--T----'
Input for
Input for
Figure 2: Configuration of Learning Model of Feedback Controller
Figure 2 shows the conceptual diagram of the proposed learning model.
Let p(qI8, e) be the probability density function of a vector q at at the point (8, e)
in the input space of ~fb(8, e). In order to simplify the analysis of the proposed
learning model, d(k) is assumed to satisfy the following equation:
p(dI8, e) = p( -dI8, e)
When d8 is small enough, the result of the learning using Equation (9) can be
expressed as:
~fb(8, e) ~ a(~R9JT (8)J(8) + 1)-1 R9JT (8)e
E[d8d8T I8, e]
where JT (8)e is a vector in the steepest descent direction of S(Xd, 8). When d(k) is
a non-zero vector, R9 is a positive definite symmetric matrix and (~R9JT J + 1)-1
is a positive definite matrix. When a is appropriate, ~ fb(8, e) as expressed in
Equation (13) can provide appropriate output error feedback control. The derivation of the above result will be illustrated in Section 3.2. A partially modified
steepest descent direction can be obtained without using the forward model or the
back-propagation signal, as Jordan's forward modeling [3].
Let Rd be the covariance matrix of the disturbance noise d(k). When a is infinitesimal, R9 ~ Rd is established and an approximate solution ~fb(8,e) ~ aRdJ T (8)e
is obtained.
3.2 Derivation of Learning Result
The change of the square of the hand position error norm llS(Xd, 8) by d8 can be
determined as:
llS(xd, 8) =
8S~;, 8) d8 + ~d8T H(Xd, 8)d8 + O(d83 )
= -eT (J(8) + ~ 8~~8)
i&l d8)d8
+ ~d8T J T (8)J(8)d8 + O(d83 )
where i&l is a 2-operand operator that indicates the Croneker's product. H(Xd,8) E
is the Hessian of S(Xd, 8). O(d8 3 ) is the sum of third and higher order
terms of d8 in each equation. When d8 is small enough, the following approximate
equations are obtained:
dx ~ J(8)d8 ~ J(8 + 2"d8)d8 ~ (J(8) + 2 88 i&l d8)d8
Therefore, llS can be approximated as follows:
llS ~ _eT J(8)d8 + 21dXI2
E. Oyama and S. Tachi
Since e T J AOAO = AOAO T JT e and IAxI2 AO = AOAOT JT J AO are determined, tl.S AO can be approximated as:
Considering AO njb defined as AO njb = AO - .jb(O,e), the expected value of the
product of AO and tl.S at the point (O,e) in the input space of .jb(O,e) can be
approximated as follows:
E[tl.SAOIO, e]
+ 2ReJ
-ReJ e
2E[AOAO J J AOnjblO, e]
When the arm is controlled according to Equation (2), AO njb is the disturbance
noise d(k). Since d(k) satisfies Equation (12), the following equation is established.
E[AOAO T JT JAOnjbIO,e] = 0
Therefore, the expected value of A.jb(O, e) can be expressed as;
E[A.jb(O, e)IO, e] ~ aReJ e - (2ReJ J
+ I).jb(O, e)
When a is small enough, the condition described in Equation (7) is established.
The learning result expressed as Equation (13) is obtained as described in Section
It should be noted that the learning algorithm expressed in Equation (9) is applicable not only to S(Xd,O), but also to general penalty functions of hand po-
sition error norm lei. The proposed learning model synthesizes a direction that
decreases S(Xd,O) by summing after weighting AO based on the increase or decrease of S(Xd, 0).
The feedback controller defined in Equation (13) requires a number of iterations
to find a correct inverse kinematics solution, as the coordinates transformation
function of the controller is incomplete. However, by using Kawato's feedback
error learning [4], the second feedback controller; the feed-forward controller; or the
inverse kinematics model that has a complete coordinate transformation function
can be obtained as shown in Section 4.
In this section, we will consider the case where Xd changes as xd(k)(k
1,2, ... ). The hybrid controller that includes the learning feed-forward controller
.ff(O(k), AXd(k)) E Rm that transforms the change of the desired hand position
AXd(k) = xd(k + 1) - xd(k) to the joint angle vector space is considered:
AO(k) = .ff(O(k), AXd(k)) + .,b(O(k),e(k))
xd(k) - x(k)
+ d(k)
The configuration of the hybrid controller is illustrated in Figure 3.
By using the modified change of the square of the error norm expressed as:
tl.S = 2(lxd(k - 1) - x(k)1 - le(k - 1)1 )
and AO(k) as defined in Equation (22), the feedback controller learning rule defined
in Equation (9) is useful for the tracking control system. A sample holder for
memorizing xd(k -1) is necessary for the calculation of tl.S. When the distribution
Coordinate Transformation Learning ofFeedback Controller
Error Signal for ~:,..-:--::----:-"'
4},(8,Lix" (k?)- J*(8)Lh" (k)
./i(8'. aj(8)
Figure 3: Configuration of Hybrid Controller
of 4Xd(k) satisfies Equation (20), Equation (13) still holds. When 4Xd(k) has no
correlation with d(k) and 4Xd(k) satisfies p(4XdI8, e) p( -4XdI8, e), Equation
(20) is approximately established after the feed-forward controller learning.
Using 48(k) defined in Equation (2) and e(k) defined in Equation (23), tl.S defined in Equation (10) can be useful for the calculation of ~fb(8, e). Although the
learning calculation becomes simpler, the learning speed becomes much lower.
Let~' ff(8(k),
4Xd(k)) be the desired output of ~,,(8(k), 4Xd(k)). According to
Kawato's feedback error learning [4], we use ~',,(8(k), 4Xd(k)) expressed as:
4Xd(k)) = (1 - >..)~,,(8(k), 4Xd(k))
+ ~fb(8(k + 1), e(k + 1))
where >.. is a small, positive, real number for stabilizing the learning process and
ensuring that equation ~,,(8,O) ~ 0 holds . If >.. is small enough, the learning
feed-forward controller will fulfill the equation:
4Xd) ~ 4Xd
Numerical simulation experiments were performed in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed model. The inverse kinematics of a 3 DOF arm moving on
a 2 DOF plane were considered. The relationship between the joint angle vector
8 = (8 1 '(h, ( 3 ) T and the hand position vector x = (x, y) T was defined as:
= Xo + Ll cos(8t} + L2 cos(81 + (2 ) + L3 cos(81 + 82 + ( 3 )
y = Yo
+ Ll sin(81) + L2 sin(81 + (2 ) + L3 sin(81 + 82 + ( 3 )
The range for 81 was (-30 0 ,1200 ); the range for 82 was (0 0 ,120 0 ); and the range
for 83 was (_75 0 ,75 0 ). Ll was 0.30 m, L2 was 0.25 m and L3 was 0.15 m.
Random straight lines were generated as desired trajectories for the hand. The
tracking control trials expressed as Equation (22) with the learning of the feedback
controller and the feed-forward controller were performed. The standard deviation
of each component of d was 0.01. Learnings based on Equations (9), (22) , (24),
and (25) were conducted 20 times in one tracking trial. 1,000 tracking trials were
conducted to estimate the RMS(Root Mean Square) of e(k) .
In order to accelerate the learning, a in Equation (9) was modified as a =
0.5/(Itl.xI 2 + 0.11tl.(12). >.. in Equation (25) was set to O.OOL
Two neural networks with 4 layers were used for the simulation. The first layer had
5 neurons and the forth layer had 3 neurons. The other layers had 15 neurons each.
The first layer and the forth layer consisted of linear neurons. The initial values of
weights of the neural networks were generated by using uniform random numbers.
The back-propagation method without optimized learning coefficients was utilized
for the learning.
E. Oyama and S. Tachi
w 10.2 +-r--___--.........__~
0.5 x
of Trials
Figure 4: Learning Process of Controller Figure 5: One Example of Tracking Control
Figure 4 shows the progress of the proposed learning model. It can be seen that the
RMS error decreases and the precision of the solver becomes higher as the number
of trials increases. The RMS error became 9.31 x 1O- 3 m after 2 x 107 learning trials .
Figure 5 illustrates the hand position control by the inverse kinematics solver after
2 x 107 learning trials. The number near the end point of the arm indicates the
value of k. The center of the small circle in Figure 5 indicates the desired hand
position. The center of the large circle indicates the final desired hand position.
Through learning, a precise inverse kinematics solver can be obtained. However,
for RMS error to fall below 0.02, trials must be repeated more than 106 times. In
such cases, more efficient learner or a learning rule is necessary.
A learning model of coordinate transformation of the hand position feedback controller was proposed in this paper. Although the proposed learning model may
take a long time to learn, it is capable of learning a correct inverse kinematics
solver without using a forward model, a back-propagation signal, or a pre-existing
feedback controller.
We believe that the slow learning speed can be improved by using neural networks
that have a structure suitable for the coordinate transformation. A major limitation
of the proposed model is the structure of the learning rule, since the learning rule
requires the calculation of the product of the change of the error penalty function
and the change of the joint angle vector. However, the existence of such structure in
the nervous system is unknown. An advanced learning model which can be directly
compared with the physiological and psychological experimental results is necessary.
[1] T. Ogino and S. Ishii, "Long-term Results after Pollicization for Congenital
Hand Deformities," Hand Surgery, 2, 2,pp.79-85,1997
[2] F. H. Guenther and D. M. Barreca," Neural models for flexible control of redundant systems," in P. Morasso and V. Sanguineti (Eds.), Self-organization, Computational Maps, and Motor Control. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp.383-421 ,1997
[3J M.1. Jordan, "Supervised Learning and Systems with Excess Degrees of Freedom," COINS Technical Report,88-27,pp.1-41 ,1988
[4J M. Kawato, K. Furukawa and R. Suzuki, "A Hierarchical Neural-network
Model for Control and Learning of Voluntary Movement," Biological Cybernetics, 57, pp.169-185, 1987
[5] D.T. McRuer and H. R. Jex, "A Review of Quasi-Linear Pilot Models," IEEE
Trans. on Human Factors in Electronics, HFE-8, 3, pp.38-51, 1963
| 1496 |@word trial:9 norm:10 tat:1 simulation:4 eng:1 covariance:1 electronics:1 configuration:5 initial:2 existing:2 yet:1 dx:1 must:1 numerical:3 motor:3 update:1 infant:3 nervous:1 plane:1 steepest:2 realizing:1 provides:1 simpler:1 five:1 direct:2 guenther:1 expected:4 dist:1 xti:1 solver:9 considering:1 becomes:3 transformation:14 every:1 xd:32 rm:3 control:18 positive:5 io:1 switching:3 sanguineti:1 approximately:1 suggests:1 co:3 range:3 directed:1 definite:3 pre:2 operator:2 map:1 center:2 go:1 stabilizing:1 ixd:1 rule:4 atl:1 coordinate:16 updated:1 us:2 hypothesis:1 velocity:3 approximated:3 utilized:1 observed:3 lix:1 decrease:3 movement:1 complexity:1 dynamic:1 tit:1 learner:4 basis:1 completely:1 po:1 joint:11 accelerate:1 finger:2 derivation:2 artificial:1 dof:2 solve:1 plausible:1 final:2 propose:1 product:3 arr:1 forth:2 object:2 progress:1 direction:4 drawback:1 tokyo:2 correct:2 human:11 ao:11 biological:3 hold:2 rfb:3 considered:4 major:3 applicable:1 currently:1 city:1 reflects:1 minimization:1 modified:3 fulfill:1 yo:1 deformity:1 indicates:5 ishii:1 elsevier:1 quasi:1 orientation:1 flexible:1 proposes:1 sampling:1 kw:1 jb:9 report:1 simplify:1 serious:1 lls:4 njb:3 consisting:1 freedom:1 organization:1 grasp:1 accurate:1 capable:2 necessary:5 lh:1 incomplete:1 desired:17 circle:2 psychological:1 modeling:3 deviation:1 uniform:1 delay:1 conducted:3 teacher:1 st:1 density:1 ie:1 satisfied:1 kinematically:1 d8:17 japan:2 includes:2 coefficient:1 satisfy:1 performed:6 view:1 root:1 lab:1 observing:1 doctor:1 capability:1 minimize:1 square:9 holder:1 became:1 characteristic:2 surgical:1 thumb:3 trajectory:1 researcher:1 cybernetics:1 straight:1 stroke:1 explain:2 ed:1 infinitesimal:1 pp:5 involved:1 di:1 pilot:1 knowledge:1 oyama:4 back:4 feed:6 higher:3 supervised:1 improved:1 furthermore:1 correlation:1 hand:42 hindrance:1 touch:1 propagation:4 aj:1 lei:1 believe:2 consisted:1 symmetric:1 illustrated:3 ll:3 sin:3 self:1 noted:1 mel:1 complete:1 motion:1 novel:3 kawato:4 operand:1 jp:1 rd:2 axd:3 had:4 l3:3 moving:1 phone:1 inequality:1 furukawa:1 seen:1 employed:2 redundant:1 signal:12 technical:1 plausibility:1 calculation:4 long:2 feasibility:1 calculates:1 controlled:1 ensuring:1 controller:35 vision:1 sition:1 iteration:2 background:1 interval:1 diagram:1 posse:1 jordan:3 structural:1 near:1 ideal:1 enough:4 variety:1 ibaraki:1 tpp:1 whether:1 rms:4 penalty:2 ool:1 suffer:1 bunkyo:1 questioned:1 hessian:1 action:1 ignored:1 useful:2 transforms:1 neuroscience:1 discrete:2 susumu:1 ce:1 convert:1 sum:1 inverse:19 angle:11 layer:6 tsukuba:1 speed:2 jex:1 ern:1 influential:1 according:2 biologically:1 memorizing:1 xo:1 equation:30 kinematics:14 mechanism:1 end:1 operation:2 limb:1 hierarchical:1 appropriate:2 coin:1 rmxm:1 rej:3 existence:1 calculating:1 surgery:1 disability:1 topic:1 mail:1 index:2 modeled:2 relationship:2 stated:1 proper:1 unknown:1 upper:1 neuron:4 sing:1 compensation:1 descent:2 voluntary:1 precise:1 lxd:1 mechanical:1 optimized:1 established:4 trans:1 able:2 below:1 xm:1 suitable:1 hybrid:3 disturbance:3 advanced:1 arm:5 morasso:1 fax:1 prior:1 review:1 l2:3 limitation:1 degree:1 i8:3 fall:1 feedback:25 calculated:1 fb:31 forward:12 suzuki:1 coincide:1 excess:1 approximate:3 status:1 hongo:1 conceptual:1 summing:1 assumed:3 xi:1 ku:1 learn:2 synthesizes:1 complex:3 definitive:1 noise:4 suffering:1 child:1 repeated:1 tl:11 ff:3 slow:1 precision:1 position:41 congenital:1 jacobian:1 third:1 weighting:1 specific:1 jt:4 uman:1 physiological:1 illustrates:1 disregarded:1 visual:2 expressed:15 amsterdam:1 tracking:6 partially:1 scalar:1 corresponds:1 a8:7 satisfies:3 itl:1 goal:1 acceleration:2 change:16 determined:2 except:1 called:1 r9:3 experimental:2 evaluate:1 |
543 | 1,497 | Finite-dimensional approximation of
Gaussian processes
Giancarlo Ferrari Trecate
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Universita di Pavia,
Via Ferrata 1, 27100 Pavia, Italy
[email protected]
Christopher K. I. Williams
Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh,
5 Forrest Hill, Edinburgh EH1 2QL,
[email protected].
Manfred Opper
Neural Computing Research Group
Division of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Aston University, Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK
[email protected]
Gaussian process (GP) prediction suffers from O(n3) scaling with the
data set size n. By using a finite-dimensional basis to approximate the
GP predictor, the computational complexity can be reduced. We derive optimal finite-dimensional predictors under a number of assumptions, and show the superiority of these predictors over the Projected
Bayes Regression method (which is asymptotically optimal). We also
show how to calculate the minimal model size for a given n. The
calculations are backed up by numerical experiments.
Over the last decade there has been a growing interest in the Bayesian approach to
regression problems, using both neural networks and Gaussian process (GP) prediction,
that is regression performed in function spaces when using a Gaussian random process
as a prior.
The computational complexity of the GP predictor scales as O(n 3), where n is the size
Finite-Dimensional Approximation o/Gaussian Processes
of the datasetl . This suggests using a finite-dimensional approximating function space,
which we will assume has dimension m < n. The use of the finite-dimensional model is
motivated by the need for regression algorithms computationally cheaper than the G P
one. Moreover, GP regression may be used for the identification of dynamical systems
(De Nicolao and Ferrari Trecate, 1998), the next step being a model-based controller
design. In many cases it is easier to accomplish this second task if the model is low
Use of a finite-dimensional model leads naturally to the question as to which basis is
optimal. Zhu et al. (1997) show that, in the asymptotic regime, one should use the
first m eigenfunctions of the covariance function describing the Gaussian process. We
call this method Projected Bayes Regression (PBR) .
The main results of the paper are:
1. Although PBR is asymptotically optimal, for finite data we derive a predictor
hO(x) with computational complexity O(n 2m) which outperforms PBR, and
obtain an upper bound on the generalization error of hO(x) .
2. In practice we need to know how large to make m . We show that this depends
on n and provide a means of calculating the minimal m. We also provide
empirical results to back up the theoretical calculation.
Problem statement
Consider the problem of estimating an unknown function f(x) : JRd -T JR, from the
noisy observations
ti = f(Xi) + Ei,
i = 1, ... , n
where Ei are i.i.d. zero-mean Gaussian random variables with variance a 2 and the
samples Xi are drawn independently at random from a distribution p(x) . The prior
probability measure over the function f (.) is assumed to be Gaussian with zero mean
and autocovariance function C (6,6). Moreover we suppose that f (.), Xi, Ei, are
mutually independent. Given the data set 'Dn = {x , f}, where x = [Xl' . .. ' Xn] and
f = [tl, ... , t n]', it is well known that the posterior probability PUI'Dn) is Gaussian
and the GP prediction can be computed via explicit formula (e.g. Whittle, 1963)
= E[JI'Dn](x) =
C(x , Xn)] H - lf,
[C(x, xd
{H} ij ~C(Xi ' Xj)
+ a20ij
where H is a n x n matrix and Oij is the Kronecker delta.
In this work we are interested in approximating j in a suitable m-dimensional space
that we are going to define. Consider the Mercer-Hilbert expansion of C(6, 6)
r C(6,6)'Pi(6)p(6)d6 =
r 'Pi(~)'Pj(Op(~)d~ = Oij
L Ai'Pi(6)'Pi(6),
where the eigenvalues Ai are ordered in a decreasing way.
Then, in (Zhu et al., 1997) is shown that, at least asymptotically, the optimal model
belongs to M = Span {'Pi, i = 1, ... , m}. This motivates the choice of this space even
when dealing with a finite amount of data.
Now we introduce the finite-dimensional approximator which we call Projected Bayes
lO(n3) arises from the inversion of a n x n matrix.
G. Ferrari- Trecate, C. K. I. Williams and M. Opper
Definition 1 The PBR approximator is b(x)
A = (A -1 + ,8iJ>' iJ? , (A)ij=Ai6ij and
= k' (x)w,
where w=,8A- 1iJ>'f, ,8=1/(12,
rpm (x)
The name PBR comes from the fact that b(x) is the GP predictor when using the
mis-specified prior
whose auto covariance function is the projection of C(6,6) on M. From the computational point of view, is interesting to note that the calculation of PBR scales with
the data as O(m 2 n), assuming that n ? m (this is the cost of computing the matrix
product A-I iJ>').
Throughout the paper the following measures of performance will be extensively used.
Definition 2 Let s{x) be a predictor that uses only information from Dn. Then its
x-error and generalization error are respectively defined as
Es(n,x)=Et.,x.,l [(t* - s(x*))2] , EHn)=Ex [Es{n,x)].
An estimator SO(x) belonging to a class 11. is said x-optimal or simply optimal if, respectively, Eso(n,x) ~ Es{n,x) or E;o(n) ~ E~(n), for all the s(x) E 11. and the data
sets x.
Note that x-optimality means optimality for each fixed vector x of data points. Obviously, if SO(x) is x-optimal it is also simply optimal. These definitions are motivated by
the fact that for Gaussian process priors over functions and a predictor s that depends
linearly on 1, the computation of Es(n, x) can be carried out with finite-dimensional
matrix calculations (see Lemma 4 below), although obtaining Ei{n) is more difficult,
as the average over x is usually analytically intractable.
Optimal finite-dimensional models
We start considering two classes of linear approximators,
11.1 {g(x) = k' (x)LIJL E jRmxn} and 11.2= {h(x) = k' (x)FiJ>'IJF E jRmxm}, where
the matrices Land F are possibly dependent on the Xi samples. We point out that
11.2 C 11.1 and that the PBR predictor b(x) E 11. 2. Our goal is the characterization of
the optimal predictors in 11.1 and 11. 2. Before stating the main result, two preliminary
lemmas are given. The first one is proved in (Pilz, 1991) while the second follows from
a straightforward calculation.
Lemma 3 Let A E jRnxn, BE jRnxr, A> O. Then it holds that
Tr [(ZAZ' - ZB - B' Z')] = Tr [-B' A-I B]
and the minimum is achieved for the matrix Z* = B' A-I .
Lemma 4 Let g(x) E 11. 1 ? Then it holds that
Eg(n,x) = LAi + (12 + q{L), q(L)=Tr [LHL' - 2LiJ>A].
Finite-Dimensional Approximation o/Gaussian Processes
[C(x*, xd
Et< ,t
In view of the
C(x*, x n )]' ,it holds
[(t* - k' (x*)U)2]
r( x*)
+ C(X*, X*) + k' (x*)LH L' k(x*)
-2k' (x*)Lr(x*)
(12 + C(x*, x*)
+Tr [LHL'k(x*)k' (x*) - 2Lr(x*)k' (x*)] .
Note that Ex< [k(x*)k' (x*)] = fm, Ex' [r(x*)k' (x*)] = ?I> A , and, from the MercerHilbert expansion (1), Ex' [C(x*, x*)] = I:~~ Ai? Then, taking the mean of (3) w.r.t.
x*, the result follows.D
Theorem 5 The predictors gO(x) E 11.1 given by L = ?0 = A?I>' H- 1 and hO(x) E 11.2
given by F = FO = A?I>' ?1>(<<1>' H?I?-I, Vn 2: m, are x-optimal. Moreover
Ego(n,x) = LAi+(12-Tr[A?I>'H-1?1>A]
L Ai
+ (12
Tr [A?I>' ?1>(<<1>' H?I?-I?I>' ?I>A]
Proof. We start considering the gO(x) case. In view of Lemma 4 we need only to
minimize q(L) w.r.t. to the matrix L. By applying Lemma 3 with B = ?I>A, A = H > 0,
Z = L, one obtains
argmlnq(L)=Lo = A?I>'H- 1
mlnq(L) = -Tr [A?I>'H- 1?1>A]
so proving the first result . For the second case, we apply Lemma 4 with L = F?I>' and
then perform the minimization of q(F?I>'), w.r.t. the matrix F. This can be done as
before noting that ?1>' H-I?I> > 0 only when n 2: m. 0
Note that the only difference between gO(x) and the GP predictor derives from the
approximation of the fUnctions C(x, Xk) with I::l Ai'Pi(X)'Pi(Xk) . Moreover the complexity of gO (x) is O(n 3) the same of j(x). On the other hand hO(x) scales as O(n 2m),
so having a computational cost intermediate between the GP predictor and PBR. Intuitively, the PBR method is inferior to hO as it does not take into account the x locations
in setting up its prior. We can also show that the PBR predictor b(x) and hO(x) are
asymptotically equivalent.
l,From (4) is clear that the explicit evaluations of E%o(n) and Eho(n) are in
general very hard problems, because the mean w.r.t.
the Xi samples that
enters in the ?I> and H matrices.
In the remainder of this section we
will derive an upper bound on Eho(n).
Consider the class of approximators
11.3= {u(x) = k' (x) D ?1>' ~D E ffi.mxm , (D)ij = di 6ij }. Because of the inclusions 11.3 C
11.2 C 11. 1 , if UO(x) is the x-optimal predictor in 11. 3, then Ego(n) ::; Eho(n) ::; E;o(n).
Due the diagonal structure of the matrix D, an upper bound to E~o (n) may be explicitly computed, as stated in the next Theorem.
Theorem 6 The approximator UO(x) E 11.3 given by
(<<I>' ?I> A) .
(D)ij = (DO)ij = (<<I>' H?I?:: 6ij ,
G. Ferrari-Trecate, C. K. I. Williams and M. Opper
is x-optimal. Moreover an upper-bound on its generalization error is given by
L Ai +
L qkAk,
(n -l)Ak
(J2 -
qk = Ck
In order to find the x-optimal approximator in 11. 3 , we start applying the
Lemma 4 with L = Dq,'. Then we need to minimize
w.r.t. di so obtaining (6). To bound E;o(n), we first compute the generalization error
of a generic approximation u(x) that is
verifying that
EZ = Ex
[q(Dq,')] + L~~ Ai +
we obtain from (8), assuming the d i constant,
Ai +
L d;Ci - 2n L diAi.
Minimizing EZ w.r.t. d i , and recalling that UO(x) is also simply optimal the formula
(7) follows.O When C(6, 6) is stationary, the expression of the Ci coefficient becomes
simply Ci = (n - l)Ai + L~~ Ai + (J2 .
Remark : A naive approach to estimating the coefficients in the estimator
L~lWi?i(X) would be to set Wi = n- 1 (q,'t)i as an approximation to the integral
Wi = f ?i(x)f(x)p(x)dx. The effect of the matrix D is to "shrink" the wi's of the
higher-frequency eigenfunctions. If there was no shrinkage it would be necessary to
limit m to stop the poorly-determined Wi'S from dominating, but equation 7 shows
that in fact the upper bound is improved as m increases. (In fact equation 7 can be
used as an upper bound on the GP prediction error; it is tightest when m ~ 00.) This
is consistent with the idea that increasing m under a Bayesian scheme should lead to
improved predictions. In practice one would keep m < n, otherwise the approximate
algorithm would be computationally more expensive than the O(n3) GP predictor.
Choosing m
For large n, we can show that
where b(x) is the PBR approximator of Definition 1. (This arises because the matrix
q,/q, becomes diagonal in the limit n ~ 00 due to the orthogonality of the eigenfunctions.)
In equation 9, the factor (Ail + ,Bn)-l indicates by how much the prior variance of
the ith eigenfunction ?i has been reduced by the observation of the n datapoints.
(Note that this expression is exactly the same as the posterior variance of the mean
Finite-Dimensional Approximation o/Gaussian Processes
o os
- , ,,
: o~
? --------,,~,------~,,~,------~,,?
Figure 1: (a) E~o(n) and detaching points for various model orders. Dashed: m
dash-dot: m = 5, dotted: m = 8, solid: Ejen). (b) Eg(n) - E~ o (n) plotted against n.
of a Gaussian with prior N(O , Ai) given n observations corrupted by Gaussian noise
of variance {3-1 .) For an eigenfunction with Ai ? 0- 2 In, the posterior is considerably
tighter than the prior, but when Ai ? 0- 2 In, the prior and posterior have almost the
same width , which suggests that there is little point in including these eigenfunctions
in the finite-dimensional model. By omitting all but the first m eigenfunctions we add
a term L~m+1 Ai to the expected generalization error.
This means that for a finite-dimensional model using the first m eigenfunctions, we
expect that Eg(n) ~ Ej(n) up to a training set size n determined by n = 1/({3Am).
We call n the detatching point for the m-dimensional approximator. Conversely, in
practical regression problems the data set size n is known. Then, from the knowledge
of the auto covariance eigenvalues, is possible to determine, via the detatching points
formula, the order m of the approximation that should be used in order to guarantee
Eho (n) ~ Ej(n).
Experimental results
We have conducted experiments using the prior covariance function C(6,6) = (1 +
h)e- h where h = 16 - 61/p? with p = 0.1. This covariance function corresponds
to a Gaussian process which is once mean-squared differentiable, It lies in the family
of stationary covariance functions C(h) = hV Kv(h) (where Kv(-) is a modified Bessel
function) , with v = 3/2. The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of this covariance kernel
for the density p(x) '" U(O, 1) have been calculated in Vivarelli (1998).
In our first experiment (using 0- 2 = 1) the learning curves of b(x), hO(x) and i(x) were
obtained; the average over the choice of training data sets was estimated by using 100
different x samples. It was noticed that Eg (n) and Eho(n) practically coincide, so only
the latter curve is drawn in the pictures.
In Figure l(a) we have plotted the learning curves for GP regression and the approximation hO(x) for various model orders. The corresponding detaching points are
also plotted, showing their effectiveness in determining the size of data sets for which
E~ o (n) ~ Ej(n). The minimum possible error attainable is (J2 = 1.0 For finitedimensional models this is increased by L~m+l Ai; these "plateaux" can be clearly
seen on the right hand side of Figure l(a).
G. Ferrari-Trecate, C. K. J. Williams and M. Opper
Our second experiment demonstrates the differences in performance for the hO(x) and
b(x) estimators, using (72 = 0.1. In Figure 1(b) we have plotted the average difference
Eg(n) - Eho(n). This was obtained by averaging Eb(n,x) - Eho(n,x) (computed with
the same x, i.e. a paired comparison) over 100 choices of x, for each n. Notice that
hO is superior to the PBR estimator for small n (as expected), but that they are
asymptotically equivalent.
In this paper we have shown that a finite-dimensional predictor hO can be constructed which has lower generalization error than the PBR predictor. Its computational
complexity is O(n 2 m), lying between the O(n 3 ) complexity of the GP predictor and
O(m 2 n) complexity of PBR. We have also shown how to calculate m, the number of
basis functions required, according to the data set size.
We have used finite-dimensional models to approximate GP regression. An interesting
alternative is found in the work of Gibbs and MacKay (1997), where approximate
matrix inversion methods that have O(n 2 ) scaling have been investigated. It would be
interesting to compare the relative merits of these two methods.
We thank Francesco Vivarelli for his help in providing the learning curves for Ej(n) and the
eigenfunctions/values in section 5.
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optimal finite dimensional linear models. Tech. Rep. NCRG/97/011. Aston University,
Birmingham, UK.
| 1497 |@word inversion:2 bn:1 covariance:7 attainable:1 tr:7 solid:1 phy:1 series:1 outperforms:1 dx:2 numerical:1 stationary:2 intelligence:1 xk:2 ith:1 lr:2 manfred:1 draft:1 characterization:1 location:1 dn:4 constructed:1 anchorage:1 introduce:1 ra:1 expected:2 growing:1 decreasing:1 pbr:14 little:1 considering:2 increasing:1 becomes:2 estimating:2 moreover:5 homepage:1 ail:1 guarantee:1 ti:1 xd:2 exactly:1 demonstrates:1 uk:7 uo:3 superiority:1 before:2 engineering:1 morciniec:1 limit:2 ak:2 eb:1 suggests:2 conversely:1 pui:1 practical:1 practice:2 lf:1 empirical:1 projection:1 applying:2 yee:1 wong:1 equivalent:2 backed:1 williams:6 straightforward:1 go:4 independently:1 estimator:4 datapoints:1 his:1 proving:1 ferrari:7 cavendish:1 suppose:1 us:1 ego:2 expensive:1 recognition:1 enters:1 verifying:1 hv:1 calculate:2 complexity:7 cam:1 division:1 basis:3 joint:1 various:2 artificial:1 choosing:1 whose:1 dominating:1 otherwise:1 gp:14 noisy:1 obviously:1 eigenvalue:3 differentiable:1 product:1 remainder:1 j2:6 poorly:1 kv:2 help:1 derive:3 ac:3 stating:1 ij:12 op:1 come:1 fij:1 filter:1 wol:1 observational:1 generalization:7 preliminary:1 tighter:1 dipartimento:1 hold:3 practically:1 lying:1 estimation:1 birmingham:3 minimization:1 clearly:1 gaussian:20 modified:1 ck:2 ej:4 shrinkage:1 indicates:1 tech:1 industrial:1 am:1 inference:1 dependent:1 going:1 interested:1 issue:1 html:1 mackay:3 once:1 having:1 spline:1 cheaper:1 recalling:1 interest:1 evaluation:1 integral:1 necessary:1 lh:1 autocovariance:1 plotted:4 theoretical:2 minimal:2 increased:1 cost:2 predictor:19 conducted:1 corrupted:1 accomplish:1 considerably:1 density:1 squared:1 thesis:1 possibly:1 conf:2 account:1 de:2 whittle:2 coefficient:2 int:1 jc:1 explicitly:1 depends:2 performed:1 view:3 start:3 bayes:3 minimize:2 square:1 variance:4 qk:1 bayesian:5 identification:2 plateau:1 fo:1 suffers:1 ed:2 definition:5 rohwer:2 against:1 frequency:1 pp:1 naturally:1 proof:3 di:4 mi:1 stop:1 proved:1 knowledge:1 hilbert:1 back:1 cbms:1 manuscript:1 higher:1 improved:2 zaz:1 done:1 shrink:1 hand:2 christopher:1 ei:4 o:1 multidisciplinary:1 name:1 effect:1 omitting:1 analytically:1 regularization:1 laboratory:1 eg:5 width:1 inferior:1 hill:1 cp:1 superior:1 ji:1 b4:1 ncrg:1 kluwer:1 cambridge:1 gibbs:2 ai:16 cup:1 consistency:1 mathematics:2 inclusion:1 dot:1 add:1 posterior:4 perspective:1 italy:1 belongs:1 inf:1 verlag:1 rep:1 approximators:2 seen:1 minimum:2 dai:1 determine:1 bessel:1 dashed:1 jrd:1 academic:1 calculation:5 lai:2 paired:1 prediction:8 regression:15 controller:1 mxm:1 yeung:1 kernel:1 achieved:1 regional:1 eigenfunctions:8 effectiveness:1 jordan:1 call:3 noting:1 intermediate:1 xj:1 forthcoming:1 fm:1 wahba:1 idea:1 trecate:6 motivated:2 expression:2 ird:2 remark:1 clear:1 amount:1 extensively:1 informatica:1 reduced:2 http:1 nsf:1 notice:1 dotted:1 delta:1 estimated:1 group:1 drawn:2 pj:1 asymptotically:5 family:1 throughout:1 almost:1 electronic:1 forrest:1 vn:1 scaling:2 rpm:1 bound:7 giancarlo:1 dash:1 detaching:2 kronecker:1 orthogonality:1 n3:3 aspect:1 span:1 optimality:2 department:1 according:1 belonging:1 jr:1 son:1 wi:4 intuitively:1 computationally:2 equation:3 mutually:1 describing:1 ffi:1 vivarelli:3 know:1 merit:1 available:1 tightest:1 apply:1 ckiw:1 kwok:1 generic:1 alternative:1 ho:11 graphical:1 eho:7 narx:1 calculating:1 approximating:2 universita:1 society:1 noticed:1 eh1:1 question:1 diagonal:2 said:1 thank:1 d6:1 assuming:2 providing:1 minimizing:1 ql:1 difficult:1 regulation:1 statement:1 stated:1 design:2 implementation:1 motivates:1 unknown:1 perform:1 upper:6 observation:3 francesco:1 finite:19 namely:1 required:1 specified:1 eigenfunction:2 beyond:1 dynamical:1 below:1 usually:1 pattern:1 regime:1 including:1 suitable:1 oij:2 zhu:4 scheme:1 aston:4 picture:1 carried:1 auto:2 naive:1 lij:1 prior:11 acknowledgement:1 determining:1 asymptotic:1 relative:1 expect:1 interesting:3 approximator:6 consistent:1 mercer:1 dq:2 editor:1 pi:8 land:1 lo:2 last:1 english:1 side:1 taking:1 edinburgh:2 curve:4 opper:6 dimension:1 xn:2 calculated:1 finitedimensional:1 projected:3 coincide:1 approximate:4 obtains:1 keep:1 dealing:1 assumed:1 xi:6 jrnxn:1 ripley:1 decade:1 obtaining:2 expansion:2 investigated:1 main:2 linearly:1 noise:1 tl:2 wiley:1 explicit:2 xl:1 lie:1 formula:3 theorem:3 showing:1 derives:1 intractable:1 ci:3 phd:1 easier:1 simply:4 nicolao:2 ez:2 ordered:1 springer:1 corresponds:1 ijf:1 lwi:1 goal:1 lhl:2 hard:1 determined:2 averaging:1 lemma:8 zb:1 e:4 experimental:2 latter:1 arises:2 ex:5 |
544 | 1,498 | Making Templates Rotationally Invariant:
An Application to Rotated Digit Recognition
Shurneet Baluja
[email protected]
Justsystem Pittsburgh Research Center &
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
This paper describes a simple and efficient method to make template-based
object classification invariant to in-plane rotations. The task is divided into two
parts: orientation discrimination and classification. The key idea is to perform
the orientation discrimination before the classification. This can be accomplished by hypothesizing, in turn, that the input image belongs to each class of
interest. The image can then be rotated to maximize its similarity to the training images in each class (these contain the prototype object in an upright orientation). This process yields a set of images, at least one of which will have the
object in an upright position. The resulting images can then be classified by
models which have been trained with only upright examples. This approach
has been successfully applied to two real-world vision-based tasks: rotated
handwritten digit recognition and rotated face detection in cluttered scenes.
1 Introduction
Rotated text is commonly used in a variety of situations, ranging from advertisements,
logos, official post-office stamps, and headlines in magazines, to name a few. For examples, see Figure 1. We would like to be able to recognize these digits or characters, regardless of their rotation.
Figure 1: Common examples of images which contain text that is not axis aligned include logos, post-office
stamps, magazine headlines and consumer advertisements.
S. Baluja
The focus of this paper is on the recognition of rotated digits. The simplest method for creating a system which can recognize digits rotated within the image-plane is to employ
existing systems which are designed only for upright digit recognition [Le Cun et aI.,
1990][Le Cun et a!., 1995a][Le Cun et ai., 1995b][Lee, 1991][Guyon et a!., 1989]. By
repeatedly rotating the input image by small increments and applying the recognition system at each rotation, the digit will eventually be recognized. As will be discussed in this
paper, besides being extremely computationally expensive, this approach is also errorprone. Because the classification of each digit must occur in many orientations, the likelihood of an incorrect match is high.
The procedure presented in this paper to make templates rotationally invariant is significantly faster and more accurate than the one described above. Detailed descriptions of the
procedure are given in Section 2. Section 3 demonstrates the applicability of this approach
to a real-world vision-based task, rotated handwritten digit recognition. Section 4 closes
the paper with conclusions and suggestions for future research. It also briefly describes the
second application to which this method has been successfully applied, face detection in
cluttered scenes.
2 Making Templates Rotationally Invariant
The process to make templates rotationally invariant is easiest to describe in the context of
a binary classification problem; the extension to multiple classes is discussed later in this
section. Imagine a simplified version of the digit recognition task: we want a detector for a
single digit. Suppose we wish to tell whether the input contains the digit '3' or not. The
challenge is that the '3' can be rotated within the image plane by an arbitrary amount.
Recognizing rotated objects is a two step process. In the first step, a "De-Rotation" network is applied to the input image. This network analyzes the input before it is given to a
"Detection" network. If the input contains a '3', the De-Rotation network returns the
digit's angle of rotation. The window can then be rotated by the negative of that angle to
make the '3' upright. Note that the De-Rotation network does not require a '3' as input. If
a non- ' 3' image is encountered, the De-Rotation network will return an unspecified rotation. However, a rotation of a non- '3' will yield another (perhaps different) image of a
non-'3'. When the resulting image is given to the Detection network it will not detect a
'3'. On the other hand, a rotated '3', which may not have been detected by the Detection
network alone, will be rotated to an upright position by the De-Rotation network, and will
subsequently be detected as a '3' by the Detection network.
The Detection network is trained to output a positive value only if the input contains an
upright '3', and a negative value otherwise (even if it contains a rotated '3 '). It should be
noted that the methods described here do not require neural networks. As shown in [Le
Cun et al., 1995a, Le Cun et ai., 1995b] a number of other classifiers can be used.
The De-Rotation and Detection networks are used sequentially. First, the input image is
processed by the De-Rotation network which returns an angle of rotation, assuming the
image contains a '3'. A simple geometric transformation of the image is performed to
undo this rotation. If the original image contained a '3', it would now be upright. The
resulting image is then passed to the Detection network. If the original image contained a
'3', it can now be successfully detected.
This idea can easily be extended to multiple-class classification problems: a De-Rotation
network is trained for each object class to be recognized. For the digit recognition problem, 10 De-Rotation networks are trained, one for each of the digits 0.. 9. To classify the
digits once they are upright, a single classification network is used with 10 outputs
(instead of the detection networks trained on individual digits - alternative approaches
will be described later in this paper). The classification network is used in the standard
manner; the output with the maximum value is taken as the classification. To classify a
new image, the following procedure is used:
Making Templates Rotationally Invariant
For each digitD (0 $; D
Pass image through De-Rotation-network-D. This returns the rotation angle.
Rotate the image by (-1.0 * returned rotation angle).
Pass the de-rotated image to the classification network.
If the classification network's maximum output is output D, the activation of
output D is recorded. Otherwise digit D is eliminated as a candidate.
In most cases, this will eliminate all but one of the candidates. However, in some cases
more than one candidate will remain. In these cases, the digit with the maximum recorded
activation (from Step 4) is returned. In the unlikely event that no candidates remain, either
the system can reject the sample as one it cannot classify, or it can return the maximum
value which would have been recorded in Step 4 if none of the examples were rejected.
2.1 Network Specifics
To train the De-Rotation networks, images of rotated digits were input, with the rotation
angle as the target output. Examples of rotated digits are shown in Figure 2. Each image is
28x28 pixels. The upright data sets are from the MNIST database [Le Cun et at. , 1995a].
?~~GJmmm? mm.
::&lIi?? ?\:? ?
?. :~..........
?. . .?IitIIUI:....
iB ? ? ?:R llil lll :? ?
11? ? ?? ? :? ?
~R.J aLIla U ~.:II.r. ~ . I!II:
:...~ ...... _........~u. . . . . . . ;a . . . :. . .;aa ..........
? ? ? ?l ? ?:? ?!
? ?!:? ?
Figure 2: 8 examples of each of the 10 digits to be recognized. The first example in each group of eight
is shown with no rotation; it is as it appears in the MNIST data set. The second through eighth examples
show the same digit rotated in-plane by random amounts.
In the classification network, each output represents a distinct class; therefore, the standard l-of-N output representation was used with 10 outputs. To represent a continuous
variable (the angle of rotation) in the outputs of the De-Rotation network, we used a Gaussian output encoding [Pomerleau, 1992] with 90 output units. With the Gaussian encoding, instead of only training the network to activate a single output (as is done in l-of-N
encoding), outputs close to the desired output are also activated in proportion to their distance from the desired output. This representation avoids the imposed discontinuities of
the strict l-of-N encoding for images which are similar, but have only slight differences in
rotations. Further, this representation allows finer granularity with the same number of
output units than would be possible if a l-of-N encoding was used [Pomerleau, 1992].
The network architecture for both the classification and the De-Rotation networks consists
of a single hidden layer. However, unlike a standard fully-connected network, each hidden
unit was only connected to a small patch of the 28x28 input. The De-Rotation networks
used groups of hidden units in which each hidden unit was connected to only 2x2, 3x3,
4x4 & 5x5 patches of the inputs (in each of these groups, the patches were spaced 2x2 pixels apart; therefore, the last three groups had overlapping patches). This is similar to the
networks used in [Baluja, 1997][Rowley et. at, 1998a, 1998b] for face detection. Unlike
the convolution networks used by [Le Cun et aI., 1990], the weights into the hidden units
were not shared. 1 Note that many different local receptive field configurations were tried;
almost all had equivalent performance.
S. Ba/uja
3 Rotated Handwritten Digit Recognition
To create a complete rotationally invariant digit recognition system, the first step is to segment each digit from the background. The second is to recognize the digit which has been
segmented. Many systems have been proposed for segmenting written digits from background clutter [Jain & Yu, 1997][Sato et ai., 1998][Satoh & Kanade, 1997]. In this paper,
we concentrate on the recognition portion of the task. Given a segmented image of a
potentially rotated digit, how do we recognize the digit?
The first experiment conducted was to establish the base-line performance. We used only
the standard, upright training set to train a classification network (this training set consists
of 60,000 digits). This network was then tested on the testing set (the testing set contains
10,000 digits) . In addition to measuring the performance on the upright testing set, the
entire testing set was also rotated. As expected, performance rapidly degrades with rotation. A graph of the performance with respect to the rotation angle is shown in Figure 3.
Perfonaaneeo' Network trained wtth t Jpript Dlpts
and Tcwhd on Rotated Dlgtu
Figure 3:
Performance of the classification
network trained only with upright images when
tested on rotated images. As the angle of
rotation increases, performance degrades. Note
the spike around 180 degrees, this is because
some digits look the same even when they are
upside-down. The peak performance is
approximately 97.5% (when the digits are
It is interesting to note that around 1800 rotation, performance slightly rises. This is
because some of the digits are symmetric across the center horizontal axis - for example
the digits '8', '1', '2' & '5' can be recognized upside-down. Therefore, at these orientations, the upright detector works well for these digits.
As mentioned earlier, the simplest method to make an upright digit classifier handle rotations is to repeatedly rotate the input image and classify it at each rotation. Thefirst drawback to this approach is the severe computational expense. The second drawback is that
because the digit is examined at many rotations, it may appear similar to numerous digits
in different orientations. One approach to avoid the latter problem is to classify the digit as
the one that is voted for most often when examined over all rotations. To ensure that this
process is not biased by the size of the increments by which the image is rotated, various
angle increments are tried. As shown in the first row of Table I, this method yields low
Table I: Exhaustive Search over all possible rotations
Number of Angle IncreQ1ents Tried
Exhaustive Search Method
(1 degree/increment) (3.6 degree/increment) (7.2 degreeslincrement
Most frequent vote (over all rotations)
65 .0%
Most frequent vote - counted onl y when votes are positi ve
(over all rotations)
1. Note that in the empirical comparisons presented in [Le Cun et ai., 1995aJ, convolution networks performed
extremely well in the upright digit recognition task. However, due to limited computation resources, we were
unable to train these networks, as each takes 14-20 days to train. The network used here was trained in 3 hours,
and had approximately a 2.6% misclassification rate on the upright test set. The best networks reported in [Le
Cun et ai, 1995aJ have less than 1% error. It should be noted that the De-Rotation networks trained in this study
can easily be used in conjunction with any classification procedure, including convolutional networks.
Making Templates Rotationally Invariant
classification accuracies. One reason for this is that a vote is counted even when the classification network predicts all outputs to be less than 0 (the network is trained to predict
+1 when a digit is recognized, and -1 when it is not). The above experiment was repeated
with the following modification: a vote was only counted when the maximum output of
the classification network was above O. The result is shown in the second row of Table I.
The classification rate improved by more than 10%.
Given these base-line performance measures2 , we now have quantitative measurements
with which to compare the effectiveness of the approach described in this paper. The performance of the procedure used here, with 10 "De-Rotation" networks and a single classification network, is shown in Figure 4. Note that unlike the graph shown in Figure 3, there
is very little effect on the classification performance with the rotation angle.
Figure 4:
Performance ofthe combined DeRotation network and classification network
system proposed in this paper. Note that the
performance is largely unaffected by the
rotation. The average performance, over all
rotations, is 85.0%.
To provide some intuition of how the De-Rotation networks perform, Figure 5 shows
examples of how each De-Rotation networks transform each digit. Each De-Rotation network suggests a rotation which makes the digit look as much like the one with which the
network was trained. For example, De-Rotation-Network-5 will suggest a rotation that
will make the input digit look as much like the digit '5' as possible; for example, see DeRotation-Network-5's effect on the digit '4'.
Original Digit
Digit rotated by De-Rotation-Network-O
Digit rotated by De-Rotation-Network-l
Digit rotated by De-Rotation-Network-2
Digit rotated by De-Rotation-Network-3
Digit rotated by De-Rotation-Network-4
Digit rotated by De-Rotation-Network-5
Digit rotated by De-Rotation-Network-6
Digit rotated by De-Rotation-Network-7
Digit rotated by De-Rotation-Network-8
Digit rotated by De-Rotation-Network-9
Figure 5: Digits which have been rotated by the angles specified by each of the De-rotation networks. As
expected (if the method is working), the digits on the diagonal (upper left to bottom right) appear upright.
2. Another approach is to train a single network to handle both rotation and classification by using rotated digits
as inputs, and the digit's classification as the target output. Experiments with the approach yielded results far
below the techniques presented here.
S. Baluja
As shown in Figure 4, the average classification accuracy is approximately 85.0%. The
performance is not as good as with the upright case alone, which had a peak performance
of approximately 97.5% (Figure 3). The high level of performance achieved in the upright
case is unlikely for rotated digits: if all rotations are admissible, some characters are
ambiguous. The problem is that when working correctly, De-Rotation-Network-D will
suggest an angle of rotation that will make any input image look as much like the digit D
as possible through rotation. In most cases when the input image is not the digit D, the
rotation will not cause the image to look like D. However, in some cases, such as those
shown in Figure 6(right), the digit will be transformed enough to cause a classification
error. Some of these errors will most likely never be correctable (for example, '6' and '9'
in some instances); however, there is hope for correcting some of the others.
Figure 6 presents the complete confusion matrix. As can be seen in the examples in Figure
6(right), the digit '4' can be rotated to appear similar to a'S'. Nonetheless, there often
remain distinctive features that allow real '5's to be differentiated from the rotated '4's.
However, the classification network is unable to make these distinctions because it was
not trained with the appropriate examples. Remember, that since the classification network was only trained with the upright digit training set, rotated '4's are never encountered during training. This reflects a fundamental discrepancy in the training/testing
procedure. The distributions of images which were used to train the classification network
is different than the distributions on which the network is tested.
To address this problem, the classification mechanism is modified. Rather than using the
single 1-oj-1O neural network classifier used previously, 10 individual Detection networks
are used. Each detection network has a single binary output that signifies whether the
input contains the digit (upright) with which the network was trained. Each De-Rotation
network is paired with the respective Detection network. The crucial point is that rather
than training the Detection-Network-D with the original upright images in the training
set, each image (whether it is a positive or negative example) is first passed through DeRotation-Network-D. Although this makes training Detection-Network-D difficult since
all the digits are rotated to appear as much like upright-D's as possible by De-RotationNetwork-D, the distribution of training images matches the testing distribution more
closely. In use, when a new image is presented, it is passed through the lO network pairs.
Candidate digits are eliminated if the binary output from the detection network does not
signal a detection. Preliminary results with this new approach are extremely promising;
the classification accuracy increases dramatically - to 93% when averaged over all rotations. This is a more than a 50% reduction in error over the previously described approach.
Predicted Digit
!:a.:al liBII! 'JaBEI.
c?III?BEt: "11.'111 '-? .?:?.
:.! ,?.? ?!.?.?111
A. ::? ?
Original Image
mage Rotated to Look Like Mistake Digit
r1mage Rotated to Look Like Correct Digit
:.1 :11.11111'.??~??
D. [? ?
l [? ??.la.II:.!
E?l? . ? ?
i?? . ?
111:11'1:: ;??11?
G. [? ? ??
Figure 6: Example errors. (LEFI) Confusion Matrix (only entries account for 2% or more entries are
filled in for ease of reading). (RlGH1) some of the errors made in classification. 3 examples of each of the
errors are shown. Row A: '4' mistaken as '5'. Row B: '5' mistaken as '6', Row C: '7' mistaken as '2'. Row
D: '7' mistaken as '6'. Row E: '8' mistaken as '4', Row F: '9' mistaken as '5', Row G: '9' mistaken as '6'.
Making Templates Rotationally Invariant
4 Conclusions and Future Work
This paper has presented results on the difficult problem of rotated digit recognition. First,
we presented base-line results with naive approaches such as exhaustively checking all
rotations. These approaches are both slow and have large error rates. Second, we presented results with a novel two-stage approach which is both faster and more effective
than the naive approaches. Finally, we presented preliminary results with a new approach
that more closely models the training and testing distributions.
We have recently applied the techniques presented in this paper to the detection of faces in
cluttered scenes. In previous studies, we presented methods for finding all upright frontal
faces [Rowley et aT., 1998aJ. By using the techniques presented here, we were able to
detect all frontal faces, including those which were rotated within the image plane [Baluja,
1997][Rowley et al., 1998bJ. The methods presented in this paper should also be directly
applicable to full alphabet rotated character recognition.
In this paper, we examined each digit individually. A straight-forward method to eliminate
some of the ambiguities between rotationally similar digits is to use contextual information. For example, if surrounding digits are all rotated to the same amount, this provides
strong hints about the rotation of nearby digits. Further, in most real-world cases, we
might expect digits to be close to upright; therefore, one method of incorporating this
information is to penalize matches which rely on large rotation angles.
This paper presented a general way to make template-based recognition rotation invariant.
In this study, both the rotation estimation procedures and the recognition templates were
implemented with neural-networks. Nonetheless, for classification, any technique which
implements a form of templates, such as correlation templates, support vector machines,
probabilistic networks, K-Nearest Neighbor, or principal component-based methods,
could have easily been employed.
The author would like to thank Kaari Aagstad for her reviews of many successive drafts of this paper.
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| 1498 |@word version:1 briefly:1 proportion:1 tried:3 tr:3 reduction:1 configuration:1 contains:7 existing:1 contextual:1 comparing:1 activation:2 must:1 written:1 designed:1 discrimination:2 alone:2 intelligence:1 plane:6 smith:1 provides:1 draft:1 location:1 successive:1 incorrect:1 consists:2 manner:1 uja:1 expected:2 mechanic:1 little:1 window:1 lll:1 easiest:1 kaufman:1 unspecified:1 finding:1 transformation:1 quantitative:1 remember:1 demonstrates:1 classifier:3 gallinari:1 unit:6 appear:6 segmenting:1 before:2 positive:2 local:1 mistake:1 encoding:5 approximately:4 pami:1 logo:2 might:1 examined:3 suggests:1 ease:1 limited:1 averaged:1 lecun:3 testing:7 hughes:1 implement:1 x3:1 backpropagation:1 digit:86 procedure:7 empirical:1 poujaud:1 significantly:1 reject:1 suggest:2 cannot:1 close:3 context:1 applying:1 equivalent:1 imposed:1 center:3 regardless:1 cluttered:3 correcting:1 oh:1 handle:2 increment:5 imagine:1 suppose:1 target:2 magazine:2 recognition:22 expensive:1 predicts:1 database:2 bottom:1 connected:3 news:1 mentioned:1 intuition:1 rowley:5 exhaustively:1 trained:14 segment:1 distinctive:1 easily:3 various:1 alphabet:1 train:6 surrounding:1 distinct:1 jain:2 describe:1 activate:1 effective:1 detected:3 tell:1 exhaustive:2 otherwise:2 transform:1 net:1 frequent:2 aligned:1 rapidly:1 description:1 rotated:47 object:5 oo:1 nearest:1 ij:1 school:1 strong:1 implemented:1 c:1 predicted:1 concentrate:1 drawback:2 closely:2 correct:1 subsequently:1 require:2 preliminary:3 extension:1 mm:1 around:2 predict:1 bj:1 early:1 estimation:1 applicable:1 jackel:3 headline:2 individually:1 hubbard:1 create:1 successfully:3 reflects:1 hope:1 gaussian:2 modified:1 rather:2 avoid:1 bet:1 mobile:1 office:2 conjunction:1 focus:1 likelihood:1 detect:2 kaari:1 nn:1 eliminate:2 unlikely:2 entire:1 hidden:5 her:1 transformed:1 pixel:2 fogelman:1 classification:35 orientation:6 ill:1 field:1 once:1 never:2 eliminated:2 x4:1 represents:1 yu:2 look:7 hypothesizing:1 future:2 others:1 discrepancy:1 report:1 hint:1 few:1 employ:1 kwon:1 recognize:4 ve:1 individual:2 mll:1 detection:22 interest:1 severe:1 henderson:1 activated:1 accurate:1 respective:1 filled:1 rotating:1 desired:2 guidance:1 instance:1 classify:5 earlier:1 measuring:1 signifies:1 applicability:1 entry:2 recognizing:1 conducted:1 reported:1 combined:1 cho:1 peak:2 fundamental:1 international:1 lee:2 probabilistic:1 ambiguity:1 recorded:3 creating:1 lii:1 simard:2 return:5 account:1 de:35 later:2 performed:2 portion:1 voted:1 accuracy:3 convolutional:1 largely:1 miller:1 yield:3 spaced:1 ofthe:1 handwritten:8 none:1 finer:1 unaffected:1 straight:1 classified:1 detector:2 touretzky:1 ed:2 nonetheless:2 pp:2 back:1 appears:1 day:1 improved:1 done:1 rejected:1 stage:1 correlation:1 hand:1 working:2 horizontal:1 sackinger:2 overlapping:1 propagation:1 aj:3 perhaps:1 name:3 effect:2 contain:2 concept:1 symmetric:1 x5:1 during:1 ambiguous:1 noted:2 complete:2 confusion:2 image:43 ranging:1 dreyfus:1 novel:1 recently:1 common:1 rotation:76 discussed:2 slight:1 association:1 kluwer:1 mellon:1 measurement:1 ai:7 mistaken:7 automatic:1 satoh:2 had:4 robot:1 access:1 similarity:1 base:3 perspective:1 belongs:1 apart:1 binary:3 accomplished:1 muller:1 rotationally:9 analyzes:1 seen:1 morgan:1 employed:1 recognized:5 maximize:1 signal:1 ii:6 multiple:2 upside:2 full:1 segmented:2 technical:1 match:3 academic:1 faster:2 x28:2 divided:1 post:2 paired:1 vision:2 cmu:1 represent:1 achieved:1 penalize:1 background:2 want:1 addition:1 crucial:1 biased:1 unlike:3 archive:1 strict:1 undo:1 effectiveness:1 granularity:1 iii:1 enough:1 variety:1 architecture:2 idea:2 tm:1 prototype:1 drucker:2 whether:3 passed:3 returned:2 cause:2 repeatedly:2 dramatically:1 detailed:1 amount:3 clutter:1 processed:1 simplest:2 correctly:1 correctable:1 carnegie:1 vol:1 group:4 key:1 graph:2 angle:15 almost:1 guyon:4 patch:4 layer:1 encountered:2 yielded:1 sato:2 occur:1 scene:3 x2:2 nearby:1 extremely:3 wtth:1 describes:2 remain:3 slightly:1 character:3 across:1 cun:10 making:5 modification:1 brunot:1 invariant:11 taken:1 computationally:1 resource:1 previously:2 turn:1 eventually:1 mechanism:1 eight:1 denker:4 ocr:1 differentiated:1 appropriate:1 alternative:1 original:5 include:1 ensure:1 establish:1 personnaz:1 spike:1 receptive:1 degrades:2 diagonal:1 distance:1 unable:2 thank:1 reason:1 consumer:1 assuming:1 besides:1 difficult:2 onl:1 potentially:1 expense:1 negative:3 rise:1 ba:1 pomerleau:3 perform:2 upper:1 convolution:2 howard:1 january:1 situation:1 extended:1 frame:1 arbitrary:1 david:1 pair:1 specified:1 distinction:1 boser:1 hour:1 discontinuity:1 nip:1 address:1 able:2 below:1 perception:1 pattern:3 eighth:1 oft:1 challenge:1 reading:1 including:2 oj:1 video:3 event:1 misclassification:1 rely:1 numerous:1 axis:2 naive:2 text:3 review:1 geometric:1 acknowledgement:1 checking:1 fully:1 expect:1 suggestion:1 interesting:1 digital:1 degree:3 classifying:1 row:9 lo:1 last:1 allow:1 neighbor:1 template:12 face:10 world:3 avoids:1 forward:1 commonly:1 made:1 author:1 simplified:1 counted:3 far:1 transaction:1 sequentially:1 pittsburgh:2 continuous:1 search:2 table:3 kanade:5 promising:1 bottou:2 official:1 icann:1 justsystem:2 repeated:1 slow:1 position:2 wish:1 candidate:5 stamp:2 ib:1 advertisement:2 ito:1 admissible:1 down:2 specific:1 cortes:2 incorporating:1 workshop:1 mnist:2 vapnik:2 positi:1 mage:1 likely:1 contained:2 aa:1 rbf:1 shared:1 content:1 baluja:9 upright:27 ilcnn:1 principal:1 pas:2 la:1 vote:5 support:1 latter:1 rotate:2 frontal:2 tested:3 |
545 | 1,499 | VLSI Implementation of Motion Centroid
Localization for Autonomous Navigation
Ralph Etienne-Cummings
Dept. of ECE,
Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD
Viktor Gruev
Dept. of ECE,
Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD
Mohammed Abdel Ghani
Dept. ofEE,
S. Illinois University,
Carbondale, IL
A circuit for fast, compact and low-power focal-plane motion centroid
localization is presented. This chip, which uses mixed signal CMOS
components to implement photodetection, edge detection, ON-set
detection and centroid localization, models the retina and superior
colliculus. The centroid localization circuit uses time-windowed
asynchronously triggered row and column address events and two
linear resistive grids to provide the analog coordinates of the motion
centroid. This VLSI chip is used to realize fast lightweight
autonavigating vehicles. The obstacle avoiding line-following
algorithm is discussed.
Many neuromorphic chips which mimic the analog and parallel characteristics of visual,
auditory and cortical neural circuits have been designed [Mead, 1989; Koch, 1995] .
Recently researchers have started to combine digital circuits with neuromorphic aVLSI
systems [Boahen, 1996]. The persistent doctrine, however, has been that computation
should be performed in analog, and only communication should use digital circuits. We
have argued that hybrid computational systems are better equipped to handle the high
speed processing required for real-world problem solving , while maintaining
compatibility with the ubiquitous digital computer [Etienne, 1998]. As a further
illustration of this point of view, this paper presents a departure form traditional
approaches for focal plane centroid localization by offering a mixed signal solution that is
simultaneously high-speed, low power and compact. In addition, the chip is interfaced
with an 8-bit microcomputer to implement fast autonomous navigation.
Implementation of centroid localization has been either completely analog or completely
digital. The analog implementations, realized in the early 1990s, used focal plane current
mode circuits to find a global continuos time centroid of the pixels' intensities
[DeWeerth, 1992]. Due to their sub-threshold operation, these circuits are low power,
but slow. On the other hand, the digital solutions do not compute the centroid at the focal
R. Etienne-Cummings, V. Grnev and M A. Ghani
plane. They use standard CCO cameras, AID converters and OSP/CPU to compute the
intensity centroid [Mansfield, 1996]. These software approaches offer multiple centroid
localization with complex mathematical processing. However, they suffer from the usual
high power consumption and non-scalability of traditional digital visual processing
systems. Our approach is novel in many aspects. We benefit from the low power,
compactness and parallel organization of focal plane analog circuits and the speed,
robustness and standard architecture of asynchronous digital circuits. Furthermore, it
uses event triggered analog address read-out, which is ideal for the visual centroid
localization problem. Moreover, our chip responds to moving targets only by using the
ON-set of each pixel in the centroid computation. Lastly, our chip models the retina and
two dimensional saccade motor error maps of superior colliculus on a single chip
[Sparks, 1990] . Subsequently, this chip is interfaced with a IlC for autonomous obstacle
avoidance during line-following navigation. The line-following task is similar to target
tracking using the saccadic system, except that the "eye" is fixed and the "head" (the
vehicle) moves to maintain fixation on the target. Control signals provided to the vehicle
based on decisions made by the IlC are used for steering and accelerating/braking. Here
the computational flexibility and programmability of the IlC allows rapid prototyping of
complex and robust algorithms.
The mathematical computation of the centroid of an object on the focal plane uses
intensity weighted average of the position of the pixels forming the object [OeWeerth,
1992] . Equation (1) shows this formulation. The implementation of this representation
j =1
L I,
can be quite involved since a product between the intensity and position is implied. To
eliminate this requirement, the intensity of the pixels can be normalized to a single value
within the object. This gives equation (2) since the intensity can be factored out of the
summations. Normalization of the intensity using a simple threshold is not advised since
Intensity Image
X l+l
X 1+2
X I +3
x 1+4
Edges from pixels
Figure 1: Centroid computation
Figure 2: Centroid computation method.
the value of the threshold is dependent on the brightness of the image and number of
pixels forming the object may be altered by the thresholding process. To circumvent
these problems, we take the view that the centroid of the object is defined in relation to its
boundaries. This implies that edge detection (second order spatial derivative of intensity)
can be used to highlight the boundaries, and edge labeling (the zero-crossing of the
edges) can be used to normalize the magnitude of the edges. Subsequently, the centroid
VLSI Implementation ofMotion Centroid Localization for Autonomous Navigation
of the zero-crossings is computed. Equation (2) is then realized by projecting the zerocrossing image onto the x- and y-axis and performing two linear centroid determinations.
Figure (1) shows this process.
The determination of the centroid is computed using a resistance grid to associate the
position of a column (row) with a voltage. In figure 2, the positions are given by the
voltages Vi . By activating the column (row) switch when a pixel of the edge image
appears in that column (row), the position voltage is connected to the output line through
the switch impedance, Rs. As more switches are activated, the voltage on the output line
approximates equation (2). Clearly, since no buffers are used to isolate the position
voltages, as more switches are activated, the position voltages will also change. This
does not pose a problem since the switch resistors are design to be larger than the position
resistors (the switch currents are small compared to the grid current). Equation (3) gives
the error between the ideal centroid and the switch loaded centroid in the worst case
when Rs
= on.
In the equation, N is the number of nodes, M is the number of switches
set and Xl and xM are the locations of the first and last set switches, respectively. This
error is improved as Rs gets larger, and vanishes as N
approaches infinity . The
terms Xi represent an ascending ordered list of the activated switches; x I may correspond
to column five, for example. This circuit is compact since it uses only a simple linear
resistive grid and MOS switches. It is low power because the total grid resistance, N x R,
can be large. It can be fast when the parasitic capacitors are kept small . It provides an
analog position value, but it is triggered by fast digital signals that activate the switches.
error = VmOll -Vmin
M(N + 1)
~[ X
_ _--'-1-'--_-'--_
N + 1 + XI - Xm
3.1 System Overview
The centroid computation approach presented in section 2 is used to isolate the location
of moving targets on a 20 focal plane array. Consequently, a chip which realizes a
neuromorphic visual target acquisition system based on the saccadic generation
mechanism of primates can be implemented. The biological saccade generation process is
mediated by the superior colliculus, which contains a map of the visual field [Sparks,
1990}. In laboratory experiments, cellular recordings suggest that the superior colliculus
provides the spatial location of targets to be foveated. Clearly, a great deal of neural
circuitry exists between the superior colliculus and the eye muscle. Horiuchi has built an
analog system which replicates most of the neural circuits (including the motor system)
which are believed to form the saccadic system [Horiuchi, 1996]. Staying true to the
anatomy forced his implementation to be a complex multi-chip system with many control
parameters. On the other hand, our approach focuses on realizing a compact single chip
solution by only mimicking the behavior of the saccadic system, but not its structure.
3.2 Hardware Implementation
Our approach uses a combination of analog and digital circuits to implement the
functions of the retina and superior colliculus at the focal plane. We use simple digital
control ideas, such as pulse-width modulation and stepper motors, to position the "eye".
The retina portion of this chip uses photodiodes, logarithmic compression, edge detection
and zero-crossing circuits. These circuits mimic the first three layers of cells in the retina
R. Etienne-Cummings, V. Grnev and M. A. Ghani
with mixed sub-threshold and strong inversion circuits. The edge detection circuit is
realized with an approximation of the Laplacian operator implemented using the
difference between a smooth (with a resistive grid) and unsmoothed version of the image
[Mead, 1989]. The high gain of the difference circuit creates a binary image of
approximate zero-crossings. After this point, the computation is performed using mixed
analog/digital circuits. The zero-crossings are fed to ON-set detectors (positive temporal
derivatives) which signal the location of moving or flashing targets. These circuits model
the behavior of some of the amacrine and ganglion cells of the primate retina [Barlow,
1982]. These first layers of processing constitute all the "direct" mimicry of the
biological models. Figure 3 shows the schematic of these early processing layers.
The ON-set detectors provide inputs to the model of the superior colliculus circuits. The
ON-set detectors allow us to segment moving targets against textured backgrounds. This
is an improvement on earlier centroid and saccade chips that used pixel intensity. The
essence of the superior colliculus map is to locate the target that is to be foveated. In our
case, the target chosen to be foveated will be moving. Here motion is define simply as
the change in contrast over time. Motion, in this sense, can be seen as being the earliest
measurable attribute of the target which can trigger a saccade without requiring any high
level decision making. Subsequently, the coordinates of the motion must be extracted and
provided to the motor drivers.
X M otion Cenuold
Edge Detc:ctlon
ON-set Detecu on
Figure 3: Schematic of
the model of the retina.
Figure 4: Schematic of the model of the superior
collicu Ius.
The circuits for locating the target are implemented entirely with mixed signal, nonneuromorphic circuits. The theoretical foundation for our approach is presented in
section 2. The ON-set detector is triggered when an edge of the target appears at a pixel.
At this time, the pixel broadcasts its location to the edge of the array by activating row
and column lines. This row (column) signal sets a latch at the right (top) of the array. The
latches asynchronously activate switches and the centroid of the activated positions is
provided. The latches remain set until they are cleared by an external control signal. This
control signal provides a time-window over which the centroid output is integrated. This
has the effect of reducing noise by combining the outputs of pixels which are activated at
different instances even if they are triggered by the same motion (an artifact of small fill
factor focal plane image processing). Furthermore, the latches can be masked from the
pixels' output with a second control signal. This signal is used to de-activate the centroid
VLSI Implementation of Motion Centroid Localization for Autonomous Navigation
circuit during a saccade (saccadic suppression). A centroid valid signal is also generated
by the chip. Figure 4 shows a portion of the schematic of the superior colliculus model.
3.3 Results
In contrast to previous work, this chip provides the 2-D coordinates of the centroid of a
moving target. Figure 5 shows the oscilloscope trace of the coordinates as a target moves
back and forth, in and out of the chip's field of view. The y-coordinate does change
while the x-coordinate increases and decreases as the target moves to the left and right,
respectively. The chip has been used to track targets in 2-D by making micro-saccades .
In this case, the chip chases the target as it attempts to escape from the center. The eye
movement is performed by converting the analog coordinates into PWM signals, which
are used to drive stepper motors. The system performance is limited by the contrast
sensitivity of the edge detection circuit, and the frequency response of the edge (high
frequency cut-off) and ON-set (low frequency cut-off) detectors. With the appropriate
optics, it can track walking or running persons under indoor or outdoor lighting
conditions at close or far distances. Table I gives a summary of the chip characteristics.
VarYing x?
l'Oordma te
Figure 5: Oscilloscope trace of 20
centroid for a moving target.
1.2um ORBIT
Chip Size
Array Size
4mm 1
12 x 10
Pixel Size
Fill Factor
Min . Contrast
0.lu-1OOmW/cm 2
Response Time
Power (chip)
2-10 6 Hz(@1 mW/cml)
5 mW (@l m W/cm~ Vdd
Table I: Chip characteristics.
4.1 System Overview
The frenzy of activity towards developing neuromorphic systems over the pass 10 years
has been mainly driven by the promise that one day engineers will develop machines that
can interact with the environment in a similar way as biological organisms. The prospect
of having a robot that can help humans in their daily tasks has been a dream of science
fiction for many decades. As can be expected, the key to success is premised on the
development of compact systems, with large computational capabilities, at low cost (in
terms of hardware and power) . Neuromorphic VLSI systems have closed the gap between
dreams and reality, but we are still very far from the android robot. For all these robots,
autonomous behavior, in the form of auto-navigation in natural environments, must be
one of their primary skills. For miniaturization, neuromorphic vision systems performing
most of the pre-processing, can be coupled with small fast computers to realize these
compact yet powerful sensor/processor modules.
4.2 Navigation Algorithm
The simplest form of data driven auto-navigation is the line-following task. In this task,
the robot must maintain a certain relationship with some visual cues that guide its motion.
In the case of the line-follower, the visual system provides data regarding the state of the
R. Etienne-Cummings, V. Gruev and M A. Ghani
line relative to the vehicle, which results in controlling steering and/or speed. If obstacle
avoidance is also required, auto-navigation is considerably more difficult. Our system
handles line-following and obstacle avoidance by using two neuromorphic visual sensors
that provide information to a micro-controller OlC) to steer, accelerate or decelerate the
vehicle. The sensors, which uses the centroid location system outlined above, provides
information on the position of the line and obstacles to the p,C, which provides PWM
signals to the servos for controlling the vehicle. The algorithm implemented in the p,C
places the two sensors in competition with each other to force the line into a blind zone
between the sensors. Simultaneously, if an object enters the visual field from outside, it
is treated as an obstacle and the p,C turns the car away from the object. Obstacle
avoidance is given higher priority than line-following to avoid collisions. The p,C also
keeps track of the direction of avoidance such that the vehicle can be re-oriented towards
the line after the obstacle is pushed out of the field of view. Lastly, for line following,
the position, orientation and velocity of drift, determined from the temporal derivative of
the centroid, are used to track the line. The control strategy is to keep the line in the blind
zone, while slowing down at corners, speeding up on straight aways and avoiding
obstacles. The angle which the line or obstacle form with the x-axis also affects the
speed. The value of the x-centroid relative to the y-centroid provides rudimentary
estimate of the orientation of the line or obstacle to the vehicle. For example, angles less
L Zone
'.)", /
~\?': ~../
;i:~~~~???. .\j ~
\;... ?? ? ?~i=~s..s
Figure 6: Block diagram of the
autonomous line-follower system.
Figure 7: A picture of the vehicle.
(greater) than +/- 45 degrees tend to have small (large) x-coordinates and large (small) ycoordinates and require deceleration (acceleration). Figure 6 shows the organization of
the sensors on the vehicle and control spatial zones. Figure 7 shows the vehicle and
samples of the line and obstacles.
4.3 Hardware Implementation
The coordinates from the centroid localization circuits are presented to the p,C for
analysis. The p,C used is the Microchip PIC16C74. This chip is chosen because of its
five NO inputs and three PWM outputs. The analog coordinates are presented directly to
the NO inputs. Two of the PWM outputs are connected to the steering and speed control
servos. The PIC16C74 runs at 20 MHz and has 35 instructions, 4K by 8-b ROM and 80
by 20-b RAM. The program which runs on the PIC determines the control action to take,
based on the signal provided by the neuromorphic visual sensors. The vehicle used is a
four-wheel drive radio controlled model car (the radio receiver is disconnected) with
Digital Proportional Steering (DPS) .
VLSI Implementation ofMotion Centroid Localization for Autonomous Navigation
4.4 Results
The vehicle was tested on a track composed of black tape on a gray linoleum floor with
black and white obstacles. The track formed a closed loop with two sharp turns and some
smooth S-curves. The neuromorphic vision chip was equipped with a 12.5 mm variable
iris lens, which limited its field of view to about 100. Despite the narrow field of view ,
the car was able to navigate the track at an average speed of 1 mls without making any
errors. On less curvy parts of the track, it accelerated to about 2 mls and slowed down at
the corners. When the speed of the vehicle is scaled up, the errors made are mainly due
to over steering.
A 2D model of the saccade generating components of the superior colliculus is presented .
This model only mimics the functionality the saccadic system using mixed signal focal
plane circuits that realize motion centroid localization. The single chip combines a
silicon retina with the superior colliculus model using compact, low power and fast
circuits. Finally, the centroid chip is interfaced with an 8-bit IlC and vehicle for fast linefollowing auto navigation with obstacle avoidance. Here all of the required computation is
performed at the visual sensor, and a standard IlC is the high-level decision maker.
Barlow H., The Senses: Physiology of the Retina, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, England, 1982.
Boahen K., "Retinomorphic Vision Systems II: Communication Channel Design," ISCAS
96, Atlanta, GA, 1996.
DeWeerth, S. P., "Analog VLSI Circuits for Stimulus Localization and Centroid
Computation," Int'l 1. Computer Vision, Vol. 8, No.2, pp. 191-202, 1992.
Etienne-Cummings R., J Van der Spiegel and P. Mueller, "Neuromorphic and Digital
Hybrid Systems," Neuromorphic Systems: Engineering Silicon from Neurobiology, L.
Smith and A. Hamilton (Eds.), World Scientific, 1998.
Horiuchi T., T. Morris, C . Koch and S. P . DeWeerth, "Analog VLSI Circuits for
Attention-Based Visual Tracking," Advances in Neural Information Processing
Systems, Vol. 9, Denver, CO, 1996.
Koch C. and H. Li (Eds.), Vision Chips: Implementing Vision Algorithms with Analog
VLSI Circuits, IEEE Computer Press, 1995.
Mansfield, P., "Machine Vision Tackles Star Tracking," Laser Focus World, Vol. 30, No.
26, pp. S21 -S24, 1996.
Mead C. and M. Ismail (Eds.), Analog VLSI Implementation of Neural Networks, Kluwer
Academic Press, Newell, MA, 1989.
Sparks D., C. Lee and W. Rohrer, "Population Coding of the Direction, Amplitude and
Velocity of Saccadic Eye Movements by Neurons in the Superior Colliculus," Proc.
Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quantitative Biology, Vol. LV, 1990.
| 1499 |@word version:1 inversion:1 compression:1 cco:1 instruction:1 r:3 pulse:1 cml:1 brightness:1 lightweight:1 contains:1 offering:1 detc:1 cleared:1 current:3 yet:1 follower:2 must:3 john:2 realize:3 s21:1 motor:5 designed:1 cue:1 vmin:1 slowing:1 plane:10 realizing:1 smith:1 provides:8 node:1 location:6 five:2 windowed:1 mathematical:2 direct:1 driver:1 rohrer:1 persistent:1 microchip:1 resistive:3 fixation:1 combine:2 symp:1 expected:1 rapid:1 behavior:3 oscilloscope:2 multi:1 cpu:1 equipped:2 window:1 provided:4 moreover:1 circuit:30 cm:2 microcomputer:1 temporal:2 quantitative:1 tackle:1 um:1 scaled:1 control:10 hamilton:1 positive:1 engineering:1 despite:1 id:1 mead:3 modulation:1 advised:1 black:2 co:1 limited:2 camera:1 block:1 implement:3 cold:1 physiology:1 pre:1 suggest:1 get:1 onto:1 close:1 wheel:1 operator:1 ga:1 measurable:1 map:3 center:1 attention:1 spark:3 factored:1 avoidance:7 array:4 fill:2 his:1 population:1 handle:2 autonomous:8 coordinate:10 deceleration:1 target:19 trigger:1 controlling:2 us:8 associate:1 crossing:5 velocity:2 walking:1 cut:2 module:1 enters:1 worst:1 ycoordinates:1 connected:2 decrease:1 movement:2 prospect:1 servo:2 boahen:2 vanishes:1 environment:2 vdd:1 solving:1 segment:1 localization:15 creates:1 completely:2 textured:1 accelerate:1 chip:27 laser:1 horiuchi:3 fast:8 forced:1 activate:3 labeling:1 outside:1 doctrine:1 quite:1 larger:2 spiegel:1 asynchronously:2 chase:1 triggered:5 product:1 combining:1 loop:1 flexibility:1 forth:1 ismail:1 normalize:1 scalability:1 competition:1 requirement:1 generating:1 cmos:1 staying:1 object:7 help:1 avlsi:1 develop:1 pose:1 strong:1 implemented:4 implies:1 direction:2 anatomy:1 attribute:1 functionality:1 subsequently:3 human:1 implementing:1 argued:1 require:1 activating:2 biological:3 summation:1 mm:2 koch:3 great:1 mo:1 circuitry:1 early:2 proc:1 realizes:1 radio:2 maker:1 weighted:1 clearly:2 sensor:8 amacrine:1 avoid:1 varying:1 voltage:6 earliest:1 focus:2 improvement:1 mainly:2 contrast:4 centroid:42 suppression:1 sense:1 mueller:1 dependent:1 eliminate:1 integrated:1 compactness:1 vlsi:10 relation:1 zerocrossing:1 ralph:1 compatibility:1 pixel:13 mimicking:1 orientation:2 development:1 retinomorphic:1 spatial:3 field:6 having:1 biology:1 mimic:3 stimulus:1 micro:2 escape:1 retina:10 oriented:1 composed:1 simultaneously:2 iscas:1 maintain:2 attempt:1 detection:6 organization:2 atlanta:1 replicates:1 navigation:11 activated:5 sens:1 programmability:1 edge:14 daily:1 carbondale:1 orbit:1 re:1 stepper:2 theoretical:1 android:1 instance:1 column:7 modeling:1 obstacle:15 earlier:1 steer:1 mhz:1 neuromorphic:11 cost:1 masked:1 considerably:1 person:1 sensitivity:1 lee:1 off:2 iy:1 hopkins:2 na:1 s24:1 broadcast:1 priority:1 external:1 corner:2 derivative:3 li:3 premised:1 de:1 star:1 coding:1 int:1 vi:1 blind:2 vehicle:15 performed:4 view:6 closed:2 portion:2 parallel:2 capability:1 il:1 formed:1 loaded:1 characteristic:3 interfaced:3 correspond:1 lu:1 lighting:1 researcher:1 drive:2 straight:1 processor:1 detector:5 ed:3 against:1 acquisition:1 frequency:3 involved:1 pp:2 gain:1 auditory:1 car:3 ubiquitous:1 amplitude:1 back:1 appears:2 higher:1 cummings:5 day:1 follow:1 response:2 improved:1 formulation:1 furthermore:2 lastly:2 deweerth:3 until:1 hand:2 mode:1 artifact:1 gray:1 scientific:1 effect:1 normalized:1 true:1 barlow:2 requiring:1 read:1 laboratory:1 deal:1 white:1 latch:4 during:3 width:1 essence:1 iris:1 motion:10 ilc:5 rudimentary:1 image:7 novel:1 recently:1 superior:14 denver:1 overview:2 viktor:1 analog:17 discussed:1 approximates:1 braking:1 organism:1 kluwer:1 silicon:2 cambridge:2 focal:10 grid:6 outlined:1 illinois:1 moving:7 robot:4 driven:2 mohammed:1 buffer:1 certain:1 binary:1 success:1 der:1 muscle:1 seen:1 greater:1 steering:5 floor:1 converting:1 signal:16 ii:1 multiple:1 photodiodes:1 smooth:2 determination:2 england:1 offer:1 believed:1 academic:1 laplacian:1 schematic:4 controlled:1 mansfield:2 controller:1 vision:7 normalization:1 represent:1 cell:2 addition:1 background:1 baltimore:2 diagram:1 isolate:2 recording:1 hz:1 tend:1 capacitor:1 mw:2 ideal:2 switch:13 affect:1 harbor:1 architecture:2 converter:1 idea:1 regarding:1 accelerating:1 suffer:1 locating:1 resistance:2 constitute:1 action:1 tape:1 collision:1 morris:1 hardware:3 simplest:1 fiction:1 track:8 promise:1 vol:4 key:1 four:1 threshold:4 ce:1 kept:1 ram:1 year:1 colliculus:13 nce:1 run:2 angle:2 powerful:1 place:1 decision:3 bit:2 entirely:1 layer:3 pushed:1 activity:1 optic:1 infinity:1 software:1 aspect:1 speed:8 min:1 unsmoothed:1 spring:1 performing:2 developing:1 combination:1 disconnected:1 remain:1 aways:1 primate:2 making:3 continuo:1 projecting:1 slowed:1 equation:6 turn:2 mechanism:1 ascending:1 fed:1 operation:1 decelerate:1 away:1 appropriate:1 robustness:1 top:1 pwm:4 running:1 maintaining:1 etienne:6 implied:1 move:3 realized:3 strategy:1 saccadic:7 primary:1 md:2 traditional:2 usual:1 responds:1 dp:1 distance:1 consumption:1 cellular:1 dream:2 rom:1 relationship:1 illustration:1 difficult:1 trace:2 implementation:11 design:2 av:2 neuron:1 neurobiology:1 communication:2 head:1 locate:1 sharp:1 intensity:11 drift:1 pic:1 required:3 narrow:1 address:2 able:1 prototyping:1 departure:1 xm:2 indoor:1 program:1 built:1 including:1 power:9 event:2 natural:1 hybrid:2 circumvent:1 force:1 treated:1 altered:1 technology:1 eye:5 ne:1 picture:1 axis:2 started:1 mediated:1 auto:4 coupled:1 speeding:1 relative:2 highlight:1 mixed:6 generation:2 proportional:1 lv:1 abdel:1 digital:13 foundation:1 degree:1 thresholding:1 row:6 summary:1 last:1 asynchronous:1 guide:1 allow:1 benefit:1 van:1 boundary:2 curve:1 cortical:1 world:3 valid:1 made:2 far:2 approximate:1 compact:7 skill:1 keep:2 ml:2 global:1 receiver:1 xi:3 decade:1 table:2 impedance:1 reality:1 channel:1 robust:1 interact:1 complex:3 noise:1 ghani:4 slow:1 aid:1 sub:2 position:13 resistor:2 xl:1 outdoor:1 ix:1 down:2 navigate:1 list:1 exists:1 flashing:1 magnitude:1 te:1 foveated:3 gap:1 logarithmic:1 simply:1 forming:2 ganglion:1 visual:12 ordered:1 tracking:3 saccade:7 newell:1 determines:1 extracted:1 ma:1 consequently:1 acceleration:1 towards:2 change:3 determined:1 except:1 reducing:1 engineer:1 total:1 lens:1 pas:1 ece:2 zone:4 parasitic:1 accelerated:1 dept:3 tested:1 avoiding:2 |
546 | 15 | 270
Correlational Strength and Computational Algebra
of Synaptic Connections Between Neurons
Eberhard E. Fetz
Department of Physiology & Biophysics,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195
Intracellular recordings in spinal cord motoneurons and cerebral
cortex neurons have provided new evidence on the correlational strength of
monosynaptic connections, and the relation between the shapes of
postsynaptic potentials and the associated increased firing probability. In
these cells, excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) produce crosscorrelogram peaks which resemble in large part the derivative of the EPSP.
Additional synaptic noise broadens the peak, but the peak area -- i.e., the
number of above-chance firings triggered per EPSP -- remains proportional to
the EPSP amplitude. A typical EPSP of 100 ~v triggers about .01 firings per
EPSP. The consequences of these data for information processing by
polysynaptic connections is discussed. The effects of sequential polysynaptic
links can be calculated by convolving the effects of the underlying
monosynaptic connections. The net effect of parallel pathways is the sum of
the individual contributions.
Interactions between neurons are determined by the strength and
distribution of their synaptic connections.
The strength of synaptic
interactions has been measured directly in the central nervous system by two
techniques. Intracellular recording reveals the magnitude and time course of
postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) produced by synaptic connections, and crosscorrelation of extracellular spike trains measures the effect of the PSP's on the
firing probability of the connected cells. The relation between the shape of
excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) and the shape of the crosscorrelogram peak they produce has been empirically investigated in cat
motoneurons 2,4,5 and in neocortical cells 10.
Synaptic interactions have been studied most thoroughly in spinal
cord motoneurons. Figure 1 illustrates the membrane potential of a
rhythmically firing motoneuron, and the effect of EPSPs on its firing. An
EPSP occurring sufficiently close to threshold (8) will cause the motoneuron
to fire and will advance an action potential to its rising edge (top).
Mathematical analysis of this threshold-crossing process predicts that an
EPSP with shape e(t) will produce a firing probability f(t), which resembles
? American Institute of Phy~ics 1988
/..-::-- ----.... ....
..,, .... ..
.. :
Fig. 1. The relation between EPSP's and motoneuron firing. Top: membrane trajectory of
rhythmically firing motoneuron, showing EPSP crossing threshold (8) and shortening the
normal interspike interval by advancing a spike. V(t) is difference between membrane
potential and threshold. Middle: same threshold-crossing process aligned with EPSP, with
v(t) plotted as falling trajectory. Intercept (at upward arrow) indicates time of the advanced
action potential. Bottom: Cross-correlation histogram predicted by threshold crossings. The
peak in the firing rate f(t) above baseline (fo) is produced by spikes advanced from baseline,
as indicated by the changed counts for the illustrated trajectory. Consequently, the area in
the peak equals the area of the subsequent trough.
the derivative of the EPSP 4,8. Specifically, for smooth membrane potential
trajectories approaching threshold (the case of no additional synaptic noise):
=fo + (fo/v) del dt
where fo is the baseline firing rate of the motoneuron and is the rate of
closure between motoneuron membrane potential and threshold. This
relation can be derived analytically by tranforming the process to a
coordinate system aligned with the EPSP (Fig. 1, middle) and calculating the
relative timing of spikes advanced by intercepts of the threshold trajectories
with the EPSP 4. The above relation (1) is also valid for the correlogram
trough during the falling phase of the EPSP, as long as del dt >
if the EPSP
falls more rapidly than
the trough is limited at zero firing rate (as
illustrated for the correlogram at bottom). The fact that the shape of the
correlogram peak above baseline matches the EPSP derivative has been
empirically confirmed for large EPSPs in cat motoneurons 4. This relation
implies that the height of the correlogram peak above baseline is proportional
to the EPSP rate of rise. The integral of this relationship predicts that the area
between the correlogram peak and baseline is proportional to the EPSP
This linear relation further implies that the effects of
simultaneously arriving EPSPs will add linearly.
The presence of additional background synaptic "noise", which is
normally produced by randomly occurring synaptic inputs, tends to make the
correlogram peak broader than the duration of the EPSP risetime. This
broadening is produced by membrane potential fluctuations which cause
additional threshold crossings during the decay of the EPSP by trajectories
that would have missed the EPSP (e.g., the dashed trajectory in Fig. 1,
middle). On the basis of indirect empirical comparisons it has been proposed
6,7 that the broader correlogram peaks can be described by the sum of two
linear functions of e(t):
=fo + a e(t) + b deldt
This relation provides a reasonable match when the coefficients (a and b) can
be optimized for each case 5,7, but direct empirical comparisons 2,4 indicate
that the difference between the correlogram peak and the derivative is
typically briefer than the EPSP.
The effect of synaptic noise on the transform -between EPSP and
correlogram peak has not yet been analytically derived (except for the case of
However the threshold-crossing process has been
Gaussian noise1).
simulated by a computer model which adds synaptic noise to the trajectories
intercepting the EPSP 1. The correlograms generated by the simulation match
the correlograms measured empirically for small EPSP's in motoneurons 2,
confirming the validity of the model.
Although synaptic noise distributes the triggered firings over a wider
peak, the area of the correlogram peak, i.e., the number of motoneuron firings
produced by an EPSP, is essentially preserved and remains proportional to
EPSP amplitude for moderate noise levels. For unitary EPSP's (produced by
a single afferent fiber) in cat motoneurons, the number of firings triggered per
EPSP (Np) was linearly related to the amplitude (h) of the EPSP 2:
Np = (O.l/mv)? h (mv) + .003
The fact that the number of triggered spikes increases in proportion to EPSP
amplitude has also been confirmed for neocortical neurons 10; for cells
recorded in sensorimotor cortex slices (probably pyramidal cells) the
coefficient of h was very similar: 0.07/mv. This means that a typical unitary
EPSP with amplitude of 100 Ilv, raises the probability that the postsynaptic
cell fires by less than .01. Moreover, this increase occurs during a specific
time interval corresponding to the rise time of the EPSP - on the order of 1 - 2
msec. The net increase in firing rate of the postsynaptic cell is calculated by
the proportional decrease in interspike intervals produced by the triggered
spikes 4. (While the above values are typical, unitary EPSP's range in size
from several hundred IlV down to undetectable levels of severalllv., and
have risetimes of.2 - 4 msec.)
Inhibitory connections between cells, mediated by inhibitory
postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs), produce a trough in the cross-correlogram.
This reduction of firing probability below baseline is followed by a
subsequent broad, shallow peak, representing the spikes that have been
delayed during the IPSP. Although the effects of inhibitory connections
remain to be analyzed more quantitatively, preliminary results indicate that
small IPSP's in synaptic noise produce decreases in firing probability that are
similar to the increases produced by EPSP's 4,5.
The effects of polysynaptic links between neurons can be understood
as combinations of the underlying monosynaptic connections.
monosynaptic connection from cell A to cell B would produce a first-order
cross-correlation peak P1(BIA,t), representing the conditional probability that
neuron B fires above chance at time t, given a spike in cell A at time t = O. As
noted above, the shape of this first-order correlogram peak is largely
proportional to the EPSP derivative (for cells whose interspike interval
exceeds the duration of the EPSP). The latency of the peak is the conduction
time from A to B (Fig. 2 top left).
In contrast, several types of disynaptic linkages betw.een A and B,
mediated by a third neuron C, will produce a second-order correlation peak
between A and B. A disynaptic link may be produced by two serial
monosynaptic connections, from A to C and from C to B (Fig. 2, bottom left),
or by a common synaptic input from C ending on both A and B (Fig. 2,
bottom right). In both cases, the second-order correlation between A and B
produced by the disynaptic link would be the convolution of the two firstorder correlations between the monosynaptically connected cells:
As indicated by the diagram, the cross-correlogram peak P2(BIA,t) would be
smaller and more dispersed than the peaks of the underlying first-order
correlation peaks. For serial connections the peak would appear to the right
of the origin, at a latency that is the sum of the two monosynaptic latencies.
The peak produced by a common input typically straddles the origin, since its
timing reflects the difference between the underlying latencies.
Monosynaptic connection
I \
t \
First-order correlation
Disynaptic connection
Serial connection
Second-order correlation
Common input
t \
I \
: \. A
~ (C I A)
t \
_________ ~,_2__----
1 \/\ '
J t"-_------
_ _ _/\.~(BIA)
Fig. 2. Correlational effects of monosynaptic and disynaptic links between two neurons.
Top: monosynaptic excitatory link from A to B produces an increase in firing probability of B
after A (left). As with all correlograms this is the time-inverted probability of increased firing
in A relative to B (right). Bottom: Two common disynaptic links between A and B are a
serial connection via C (left) and a common input from C. In both cases the effect of the
disynaptic link is the convolution of the underlying monosynaptic links.
This relation means that the probability that a spike in cell A will
produce a correlated spike in cell B would be the product of the two
probabilities for the intervening monosynaptic connections. Given a typical
Np of .Ol/EPSP, this would reduce the effectiveness of a given disynaptic
linkage by two orders of magnitude relative to a monosynaptic connection.
However, the net strength of all the disynaptic linkages between two given
cells is proportional to the number of mediating intemeurons (C}, since the
effects of parallel pathways add. Thus, the net potency of all the disynaptic
linkages between two cells could approach that of a monosynaptic linkage if
the number of mediating interneurons were sufficiently large. It should also
be noted that some intemeurons may fire more than once per EPSP and have
a higher probability of being triggered to fire than motoneurons 11.
For completeness, two other possible disynaptic links between A and B
involving a third cell C may be considered. One is a serial connection from B
to C to A, which is the reverse of the serial connection from A to B. This
would produce a P2(BIA) with peak to the left of the origin. The fourth
circuit involves convergent connections from both A and B to C; this is the
only combination that would not produce any causal link between A and B.
The effects of still higher-order polysynaptic linkages can be computed
similarly, by convolving the effects produced by the sequential connections.
For example, trisynaptic linkages between four neurons are equivalent to
combinations of disynaptic and monosynaptic connections.
The cross-correlograms between two cells have a certain symmetry,
depending on which is the reference cell. The cross-correlation histogram of
cell B referenced to A is identical to the time-inverted correlogram of A
referenced to B. This is illustrated for the monosynaptic connection in Fig.2,
top right, but is true for all correlograms. This symmetry represents the fact
that the above-chance probability of B firing after A is the same as the
probability of A firing before B:
P(BIA, t)
= P(AIB, -t)
As a consequence, polysynaptic correlational links can be computed as the
same convolution integral (Eq. 4), independent of the direction of impulse
In addition to the simple combinations of pair-wise connections
between neurons illustrated above, additional connections between the same
cells may form circuits with various kinds of loops. Recurrent connections
can produce feedback loops, whose correlational effects are also calculated by
convolving effects of the underlying synaptic links. Parallel feed-forward
paths can form multiple pathways between the same cells. These produce
correlational effects that are the sum of the effects of the individual
underlying connections.
The simplest feedback loop is formed by reciprocal connections
between a pair of cells. The effects of excitatory feedback can be computed by
successive cO?1volutions of the underlying monosynaptic connections (Fig. 3
top). Note that such a positive feedback loop would be capable of sustaining
activity only if the connections were sufficiently potent to ensure
postsynaptic firing. Since the probabilities of triggered firings at a single
synapse are considerably less than one, reverberating activity can be
sustained only if the number of interacting cells is correspondingly increased.
Thus, if the probability for a single link is on the order of .01, reverberating
activity can be sustained if A and B are similarly interconnected with at least
a hundred cells in parallel.
Connections between three neurons may produce various kinds of
Feedforward parallel pathways are formed when cell A is
monosynaptically connected to B and in addition has a serial disynaptic
connection through C, as illustrated in Fig. 3 (bottom left); the correlational
effects of the two linkages from A to B would sum linearly, as shown for
excitatory connections. Again, the effect of a larger set of cells {C} would be
additive. Feedback loops could be formed with three cells by recurrent
connections between any pair; the correlational consequences of the loop
again are the convolution of the underlying links. Three cells can form
another type loop if both A and B are monosynaptically connected, and
simultaneously influenced by a common interneuron C (Fig. 3 bottom right).
In this case the expected correlogram between A and B would be the sum of
the individual components -- a common input peak around the origin plus a
delayed peak produced by the serial connection.
Feedback loop
1 - - - - -..
.... ....
Parallel jeedfOrward path
Common input loop
PI (BIA) +P 2 (BIA)
:/\ ____
Fig. 3. Correlational effects of parallel connections between two neurons. Top: feedback
loop between two neurons A and B produces higher-order effects equivalent to convolution
of mono~aptic effects. Bottom: Loops formed by parallel feed forward paths (left) and by a
common mput concurrent with a monosynaptic link (right) produce additive effects.
Thus, a simple computational algebra can be used to derive the
correlational effects of a given network structure. Effects of sequential
connections can be computed by convolution and effects of parallel paths by
summation. The inverse problem, of deducing the circuitry from the
correlational data is more difficult, since similar correlogram features may be
produced by different circuits 9.
The fact that monosynaptic links produce small correlational effects on
the order of .01 represents a significant constraint in the mechanisms of
information processing in real neural nets. For example, secure propagation
of activity through serial polysynaptic linkages requires that the small
probability of triggered firing via a given link is compensated by a
proportional increase in the number of parallel links. Thus, reliable serial
conduction would require hundreds of neurons at each level, with
appropriate divergent and convergent connections. It should also be noted
that the effect of intemeurons can be modulated by changing their activity.
The intervening cells need to be active to mediate the correlational effects. As
indicated by eq. I, the size of the correlogram peak is proportional to the
firing rate (fo) of the postsynaptic cell. This allows dynamic modulation of
polysynaptic linkages. The greater the number of links, the more susceptible
they are to modulation.
Acknowledgements: The author thanks Mr. Garrett Kenyon for stimulating
discussions and the cited colleagues for collaborative efforts. This work was
supported in part by Nll-I grants NS 12542 and RR00166.
1. Bishop, B., Reyes, A.D., and Fetz E.E., Soc. for Neurosci Abst. 11:157 (1985).
2. Cope, T.C., Fetz, E.E., and Matsumura, M., J. Physiol. 390:161-18 (1987).
3. Fetz, E.E. and Cheney, P.D., J. Neurophysiol. 44:751-772 (1980).
4. Fetz, E.E. and Gustafsson, B., J. Physiol. 341:387-410 (1983).
5. Gustafsson, B., and McCrea, D., J. Physiol. 347:431-451 (1984).
6. Kirkwood, P.A., J. Neurosci. Meth. 1:107-132 (1979).
7. Kirkwood, P.A., and Sears, T._ J. Physiol. 275:103-134 (1978).
8. Knox, C.K., Biophys. J. 14: 567-582 (1974).
9. Moore, G.P., Segundo, J.P., Perkel, D.H. and Levitan, H., Biophys. J. 10:876900 (1970).
10. Reyes, A.D., Fetz E.E. and Schwindt, P.C., Soc. for Neurosci Abst. 13:157
11. Surmeier, D.J. and Weinberg, R.J., Brain Res. 331:180-184 (1985).
| 15 |@word middle:3 rising:1 proportion:1 closure:1 simulation:1 t_:1 reduction:1 phy:1 yet:1 physiol:4 additive:2 subsequent:2 confirming:1 interspike:3 shape:6 nervous:1 reciprocal:1 completeness:1 provides:1 cheney:1 successive:1 height:1 mathematical:1 correlograms:5 direct:1 undetectable:1 gustafsson:2 sustained:2 pathway:4 expected:1 p1:1 ol:1 perkel:1 brain:1 provided:1 monosynaptic:18 underlying:9 moreover:1 circuit:3 kind:2 firstorder:1 normally:1 grant:1 appear:1 before:1 positive:1 understood:1 timing:2 referenced:2 tends:1 consequence:3 firing:26 fluctuation:1 path:5 modulation:2 plus:1 studied:1 resembles:1 sustaining:1 co:1 limited:1 range:1 area:5 empirical:2 physiology:1 close:1 intercept:2 equivalent:2 compensated:1 duration:2 monosynaptically:3 coordinate:1 trigger:1 origin:4 crossing:6 predicts:2 bottom:8 cord:2 connected:4 decrease:2 dynamic:1 raise:1 algebra:2 volution:1 basis:1 neurophysiol:1 indirect:1 cat:3 fiber:1 various:2 train:1 sears:1 broadens:1 whose:2 larger:1 transform:1 nll:1 triggered:8 abst:2 net:5 interaction:3 product:1 epsp:41 interconnected:1 aligned:2 loop:13 rapidly:1 intervening:2 seattle:1 produce:17 wider:1 depending:1 recurrent:2 derive:1 measured:2 eq:2 p2:2 epsps:5 soc:2 predicted:1 resemble:1 implies:2 indicate:2 involves:1 direction:1 require:1 preliminary:1 summation:1 sufficiently:3 considered:1 ic:1 normal:1 around:1 circuitry:1 ilv:2 concurrent:1 reflects:1 gaussian:1 broader:2 derived:2 indicates:1 contrast:1 secure:1 baseline:7 typically:2 relation:10 upward:1 equal:1 once:1 washington:1 identical:1 represents:2 broad:1 np:3 quantitatively:1 randomly:1 simultaneously:2 individual:3 delayed:2 phase:1 fire:5 interneurons:1 analyzed:1 edge:1 integral:2 capable:1 segundo:1 re:1 plotted:1 causal:1 increased:3 hundred:3 conduction:2 considerably:1 thoroughly:1 thanks:1 cited:1 eberhard:1 peak:30 straddle:1 potent:1 knox:1 intercepting:1 again:2 central:1 recorded:1 convolving:3 derivative:5 american:1 crosscorrelation:1 potential:12 coefficient:2 trough:4 afferent:1 mv:3 parallel:10 contribution:1 collaborative:1 formed:4 largely:1 produced:14 trajectory:8 confirmed:2 fo:6 influenced:1 synaptic:15 sensorimotor:1 disynaptic:14 colleague:1 associated:1 amplitude:6 garrett:1 feed:2 higher:3 dt:2 synapse:1 correlation:9 propagation:2 del:2 indicated:3 impulse:1 effect:31 validity:1 aib:2 true:1 kenyon:1 intemeurons:3 analytically:2 moore:1 illustrated:5 ll:1 during:4 noted:3 neocortical:2 reyes:2 wise:1 common:9 empirically:3 spinal:2 cerebral:1 discussed:1 significant:1 lja:1 similarly:2 cortex:2 add:3 moderate:1 reverse:1 certain:1 inverted:2 motoneuron:14 additional:5 greater:1 mr:1 dashed:1 multiple:1 smooth:1 exceeds:1 match:3 cross:7 long:1 ipsps:1 serial:10 biophysics:1 involving:1 essentially:1 histogram:2 cell:32 preserved:1 background:1 addition:2 interval:4 diagram:1 pyramidal:1 probably:1 recording:2 effectiveness:1 unitary:3 presence:1 feedforward:1 psps:1 bic:2 een:1 approaching:1 rhythmically:2 reduce:1 linkage:10 effort:1 cause:2 action:2 latency:4 shortening:1 simplest:1 inhibitory:3 per:4 four:1 threshold:11 falling:2 mono:1 changing:1 advancing:1 sum:6 bia:10 inverse:1 fourth:1 reasonable:1 missed:1 noise1:1 followed:1 aic:1 convergent:2 activity:5 strength:5 constraint:1 ri:1 extracellular:1 department:1 combination:4 membrane:6 psp:1 remain:1 smaller:1 postsynaptic:9 shallow:1 remains:2 count:1 mechanism:1 appropriate:1 top:7 ensure:1 calculating:1 levitan:1 spike:10 occurs:1 link:21 simulated:1 relationship:1 difficult:1 mediating:2 susceptible:1 weinberg:1 rise:2 neuron:14 convolution:6 interacting:1 pair:3 connection:39 optimized:1 below:1 reliable:1 tranforming:1 ia:1 advanced:3 meth:1 representing:2 mediated:2 acknowledgement:1 relative:3 proportional:9 pi:2 excitatory:5 course:1 changed:1 supported:1 arriving:1 fetz:6 institute:1 fall:1 correspondingly:1 slice:1 feedback:8 calculated:3 kirkwood:2 valid:1 ending:1 forward:2 author:1 cope:1 active:1 reveals:1 ipsp:2 symmetry:2 broadening:1 investigated:1 linearly:3 intracellular:2 arrow:1 noise:8 neurosci:3 mediate:1 fig:12 n:1 msec:2 third:2 down:1 specific:1 bishop:1 showing:1 reverberating:2 decay:1 divergent:1 evidence:1 sequential:3 magnitude:2 illustrates:1 occurring:2 biophys:2 interneuron:1 deducing:1 polysynaptic:7 correlogram:19 chance:3 dispersed:1 stimulating:1 conditional:1 consequently:1 briefer:1 typical:4 determined:1 specifically:1 except:1 distributes:1 correlational:13 mput:1 modulated:1 betw:1 surmeier:1 correlated:1 |
547 | 150 | 256
Rodney M. Goodman, John W. Miller
Department of Electrical Engineering
C altech 116-81
Pasadena, CA 91125
Padhraic Smyth
Communication Systems Research
Jet Propulsion Laboratories 238-420
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109
We discuss in this paper architectures for executing probabilistic rule-bases in a parallel manner, using as a theoretical basis recently introduced information-theoretic
models. We will begin by describing our (non-neural) learning algorithm and theory
of quantitative rule modelling, followed by a discussion on the exact nature of two
particular models. Finally we work through an example of our approach, going from
database to rules to inference network, and compare the network's performance with
the theoretical limits for specific problems.
With the advent of relatively cheap mass storage devices it is common in many
domains to maintain large databases or logs of data, e.g., in telecommunications,
medicine, finance, etc. The question naturally arises as to whether we can extract
models from the data in an automated manner and use these models as the basis
for an autonomous rational agent in the given domain, i.e., automatically generate
"expert systems" from data. There are really two aspects to this problem: firstly
learning a model and, secondly, performing inference using this model. What we
propose in this paper is a rather novel and hybrid approach to learning and inference. Essentially we combine the qu'alitative knowledge representation ideas of
AI with the distributeq, computational advantages of connectionist models, using
an underlying theoretical basis tied to information theory. The knowledge representation formalism we adopt is the rule-based representation, a scheme which is
well supported by cognitive scientists and AI researchers for modeling higher level
symbolic reasoning tasks. We have recently developed an information-theoretic algorithm called ITRULE which extracts an optimal set of probabilistic rules from a
given data set [1, 2, 3]. It must be emphasised that we do not use any form of neural
learning such as backpropagation in our approach. To put it simply, the ITRULE
learning algorithm is far more computationally direct and better understood than
(say) backpropagation for this particular learning task of finding the most informative individual rules without reference to their collective properties. Performing
useful inference with this model or set of rules, is quite a difficult problem. Exact
theoretical schemes such as maximum entropy (ME) are intractable for real-time
An Infonnation Theoretic Approach to Expert Systems
We have been investigating schemes where the rules represent links on a directed
graph and the nodes correspond to propositions, i.e., variable-value pairs. Our
approach is characterised by loosely connected, multiple path (arbitrary topology)
graph structures, with nodes performing local non-linear decisions as to their true
state based on both supporting evidence and their a priori bias. What we have in
fact is a recurrent neural network. What is different about this approach compared
to a standard connectionist model as learned by a weight-adaptation algorithm such
as BP? The difference lies in the semantics of the representation [4]. Weights such
as log-odds ratios based on log transformations of probabilities possess a clear meaning to the user, as indeed do the nodes themselves. This explicit representation of
knowledge is a key requirement for any system which purports to perform reasoning,
probabilistic or otherwise. Conversely, the lack of explicit knowledge representation
in most current connectionist approaches, i.e., the "black box" syndrome, is a major limitation to their application in critical domains where user-confidence and
explanation facilities are key criteria for deployment in the field.
Learning the model
Consider that we have M observations or samples available, e.g., the number of
items in a database. Each sample datum is described in terms of N attributes
or features, which can assume values in a corresponding set of N discrete alphabets. For example our data might be described in the form of lO-component binary
vectors. The requirement for discrete rather than continuous-valued attributes is
dictated by the very nature of the rule-based representation. In addition it is important to note that we do not assume that the sample data is somehow exhaustive and
"correct." There is a tendency in both the neural network and AI learning literature
to analyse learning in terms of learning a Boolean function from a truth table. The
implicit assumption is often made that given enough samples, and a good enough
learning algorithm we can always learn the function exactly. This is a fallacy, since
it depends on the feature representation. For any problem of interest there are
always hidden causes with a consequent non-zero Bayes misclassification risk, i.e.,
the function is dependent on non-observable features (unseen columns of the truth
table). Only in artificial problems such as game playing is "perfect" classification
possible - in practical problems nature hides the real features. This phenomenon
is well known in the statistical pattern recognition literature and renders invalid
those schemes which simply try to perfectly classify or memorise the training data.
We use the following simple model of a rule, i.e.,
= x with probability p
where X and Yare two attributes (random variables) with "x" and "y" being values
in their respective discrete alphabets. Given sample data as described earlier we
pose the problem as follows: can we find the "best" rules from a given data set,
say the K best rules? We will refer to this problem as that of generalised rule
induction, in order to distinguish it from the special case of deriving classification
Goodman, Miller and Smyth
rules. Clearly we require both a preference measure to rank the rules and a learning
algorithm which uses the preference measure to find the K best rules.
Let us define the information which the event y yields about the variable X, say
!(Xj y). Based on the requirements that !(Xj y) is both non-negative and that
its expectation with respect to Y equals the average mutual information J(Xj Y),
Blachman [5] showed that the only such function is the j-measure, which is defined
i(Xj y) = p(x\y) log (p(x\y))
+ p(x\y) log (p(x)~y))
More recently we have shown that i(Xj y) possesses unique properties as a rule
information measure [6]. In general the j-measure is the average change in bits
required to specify X between the a priori distribution (p(X)) and the a posteriori
distribution (p(X\y)). It can also be interpreted as a special case of the cross-entropy
or binary discrimination (Kullback [7]) between these two distributions. We further
define J(Xj y) as the average information content where J(X; y) = p(Y)-i(Xj y).
J(Xj y) simply weights the instantaneous rule information i(X; y) by the probability
that the left-hand side will occur, i.e., that the rule will be fired. This definition
is motivated by considerations of learning useful rules in a resource-constrained
environment. A rule with high information content must be both a good predictor
and have a reasonable probability of being fired, i.e., p(y) can not be too small.
Interestingly enough our definition of J(Xj y) possesses a well-defined interpretation
in terms of classical induction theory, trading off hypothesis simplicity with the
goodness-of-fit of the hypothesis to the data [8].
The ITRULE algorithm [1, 2, 3] uses the J-measure to derive the most informative
set of rules from an input data set. The algorithm produces a set of K probabilistic
rules, ranked in order of decreasing information content. The parameter K may be
user-defined or determined via some statistical significance test based on the size of
the sample data set available. The algorithm searches the space of possible rules,
trading off generality of the rules with their predictiveness, and using informationtheoretic bounds to constrain the search space.
Using the Model to Perform Inference
Having learned the model we now have at our disposal a set of lower order constraints on the N-th order joint distribution in the form of probabilistic rules. This
is our a priori model. In a typical inference situation we are given some initial
conditions (i.e., some nodes are clamped), we are allowed to measure the state of
some other nodes (possibly at a cost), and we wish to infer the state or probability
of one more goal propositions or nodes from the available evidence. It is important
to note that this is a much more difficult and general problem than classification of
a single, fixed, goal variable, since both the initial conditions and goal propositions
may vary considerably from one problem instance to the next. This is the inference problem, determining an a posteriori distribution in the face of incomplete and
uncertain information. The exact maximum entropy solution to this problem is in-
An Information Theoretic Approach to Expert Systems
tractable and, despite the elegance of the problem formulation, stochastic relaxation
techniques (Geman [9]) are at present impractical for real-time robust applications.
Our motivation then is to perform an approximation to exact Bayesian inference
in a robust manner. With this in mind we have developed two particular models
which we describe as the hypothesis testing network and the uncertainty network.
Principles of the Hypothesis Testing Network
In the first model under consideration each directed link from Y to x is assigned a
weight corresponding to the weight of evidence of yon x. This idea is not necessarily
new, although our interpretation and approach is different to previous work [10, 4].
Hence we have
:r.y -
p{xIY) -1
og p(x)
og p(x)
= -log p(x)
and the node x is assigned a threshold term corresponding to a priori bias. We use
a sigmoidal activation function, i.e.,
W:r.y; .
q(y,) -
based on multiple binary inputs Y1 ... Yn to x. Let 8 be the set of all Yi which are
hypothesised true (Le., a{yd = 1), so that
AE =
Iog p(x)
+ '" (1 p(xlYd _ 1 p(x IY,))
L- og p(x)
og p(x)
If each y, is conditionally independent given x then we can write
p(xIS) = p(x)
Therefore the updating rule for conditionally independent y, is:
T . log
= log
1 - a(x)
1 - p(x/S)
Hence a(x) > ~ iff p{xI8) > ~ and if T == 1, a(x) is exactly p(xIS). In terms of a
hypothesis test, a(x) is chosen true iff:
'L" Iog p(XIYi) > - Iog-p{x)
p(XIYi) -
Since this describes the Neyman-Pearson decision region for independent measurements (evidence or yd with R:r. = -log :~~~ [11], this model can be interpreted as
a distributed form of hypothesis testing.
Goodman, Miller and Smyth
Principles of the Uncertainty Network
For this model we defined the weight on a directed link from Yi to x as
si.1(XjYi) = Si? p(XIYi}log( p(x) ) + p(xly,)log( p(x)
where Si = ?1 and the threshold is the same as the hypothesis model. We can
interpret W:Z lli as the change in bits to specify the a posteriori distribution of x. H
P(XIYi) > p{x), w:ZYi has positive support for x, i.e., Si = +1. H P{XIYi) < p(x), W:Z lli
has negative support for x, Le., Si = -1. IT we interpret the activation a(Yi) as an
estimator (p(y)) for p(Yi), then for multiple inputs,
~ ..
P(XIYi) )
- ~ p(Yi).Si. p(XIYi log( p{x) ) + P xly,) log( p(x) )
This sum over input links weighted by activation functions can be interpreted as
the total directional change in bits required to specify x, as calculated locally by the
node x. One can normalise !:1Ex to obtain an average change in bits by dividing by
a suitable temperature T. The node x can make a local decision by recovering p(x)
from an inverse J-measure transformation of !:1E (the sigmoid is an approximation
to this inverse function).
Experimental Results and Conclusions
In this section we show how rules can be generated from example data and automatically incorporated into a parallel inference network that takes the form of a
multi-layer neural network. The network can then be "run" to perform parallel
inference. The domain we consider is that of a financial database of mutual funds,
using published statistical data [12]. The approach is, however, typical of many
different real world domains.
Figure 1 shows a portion of a set of typical raw data on no-load mutual funds.
Each line is an instance of a fund (with name omitted), and each column represents
an attribute (or feature) of the fund. Attributes can be numerical or categorical.
Typical categorical attributes are the fund type which reflect the investment objectives of the fund (growth, growth and income, balanced, and agressive growth) and
a typical numerical attribute is the five year return on investment expressed as a
percentage. There are a total of 88 fund examples in this data set. From this raw
data a second quantized set of the 88 examples is produced to serve as the input to
ITRULE (Figure 2). In this example the attributes have been categorised to binary
values so that they can be directly implemented as binary neurons. The ITRULE
software then processes this table to produce a set of rules. The rules are ranked
in order of decreasing information according to the J-measure. Figure 3 shows a
An Infonnation Theoretic Approach to Expert Systems
portion (the top ten rules) of the ITRULE output for the mutual fund data set. The
hypothesis test log-likelihood metric h(Xj y), the instantaneous j-measure j(Xj y),
and the average J-measure J(Xj y), are all shown, together with the rule transition
probability p{x/y).
In order to perform inference with the ITRULE rules we need to map the rules
into a neural inference net. This is automatically done by ITRULE which generates a network file that can be loaded into a neural network simulator. Thus rule
information metrics become connection weights. Figure 4 shows a typical network
derived from the ITRULE rule output for the mutual funds data. For clarity not
all the connections are shown. The architecture consists of two layers of neurons
(or "units"): an input layer and an output layer, both of which have an activation
within the range {O,l}. There is one unit in the input layer (and a corresponding
unit in the output layer) for each attribute in the mutual funds data. The output
feeds back to the input layer, and each layer is synchronously updated. The output
units can be considered to be the right hand sides of the rules and thus receive
inputs from many rules, where the strength of the connection is the rule's metric.
The output units implement a sigmoid activation function on the sum of the inputs, and thus compute an activation which is an estimator of the right hand side
posteriori attribute value. The input units simply pass this value on to the output
layer and thus have a linear activation.
To perform inference on the network, a probe vector of attribute values is loaded
into the input and output layers. Known values are clamped and cannot change
while unknown or desired attribute values are free to change. The network then
relaxes and after several feedback cycles converges to a solution which can be read
off the input or output units. To evaluate the models we setup fo~r standard classification tests with varying number of nodes clamped as inPlits. Undamped nodes
were set to their a priori probability. After relaxing the network, the activation of
the "target" node was compared with the true attribute values for that sample in
order to determine classification performance. The two models were each trained
on 10 randomly selected sets of 44 samples. The performance results given in Table
1 are the average classification rate of the models on the other 44 unseen samples.
The Bayes risk (for a uniform loss matrix) of each classification test was calculated
from the 88 samples. The actual performance of the networks occasionally exceeded
this value due to small sample variations on the 44/44 cross validations.
Table 1
Units Cramped Uncertainty Test
HYPOthesis Test
1 - Bayes' Risk
Goodman, Miller and Smyth
We conclude from the performance of the networks as classifiers that they have
indeed learned a model of the data using a rule-based representation. The hypothesis network performs slightly better than the uncertainty model, with both being
quite close to the estimated optimal rate (the Bayes' risk). Given that we know
that the independence assumptions in both models do not hold exactly, we coin the
term robust inference to describe this kind of accurate behaviour in the presence of
incomplete and uncertain information. Based on these encouraging initial results,
our current research is focusing on higher-order rule networks and extending our
theoretical understanding of models of this nature.
This work is supported in part by a grant from Pacific Bell, and by Caltech's
program in Advanced Technologies sponsored by Aerojet General, General Motors
and TRW. Part of the research described in this paper was carried out by the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. John Miller is supported by
NSF grant no. ENG-8711673.
1. R. M. Goodman and P. Smyth, 'An information theoretic model for rule-based
expert systems,' presented at the 1988 International Symposium on Information
Theory, Kobe, Japan.
2. R. M. Goodman and P. Smyth, 'Information theoretic rule induction,' Proceedings of the 1988 European Conference on AI, Pitman Publishing: London.
3. R. M. Goodman and P. Smyth, 'Deriving rules from databases: the ITRULE
algorithm,' submitted for publication.
4. H. Geffner and J. Pearl, 'On the probabilistic semantics of connectionist networks,' Proceedings of the 1987 IEEE ICNN, vol. II, pp. 187-195.
5. N. M. Blachman, 'The amount of information that y gives about X,' IEEE
Transactions on Information Theory, vol. IT-14 (1), 27-31, 1968.
6. P. Smyth and R. M. Goodman, 'The information content of a probabilistic
rule,' submitted for publication.
7. S. Kullback, Information Theory and Statistics, New York: Wiley, 1959.
8. D. Angluin and C. Smith, 'Inductive inference: theory and methods,' ACM
Computing Surveys, 15(9), pp. 237-270, 1984.
9. S. Geman, 'Stochastic relaxation methods for image restoration and expert systems,' in Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods in Science and Engineering
(Vol. 2), 265-311, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988.
10. G. Hinton and T. Sejnowski, 'Optimal perceptual inference,' Proceedings of the
11. R. E. Blahut, Principles and Practice of Information Theory, Addison-Wesley:
Reading, MA, 1987.
12. American Association of Investors, The individual investor's guide to no-load
mutual funds, International Publishing Corporation: Chicago, 1987.
An Infonnation Theoretic Approach to Expert Systems
Fund Type
5 Year Diver- Beta
Bull Bear Stocks
Return sity
(Risk) Perf. Perf. 0/0
0.8 B
32 .5
1.05 E
Growth& Income 88.3
0.96 C
1.23 E
0.59 A
0.71 B
Type Type Type Type 5 Year
G (?J Return 0/0
above S&P
below S&P
no no yes no below
no no yes no below
no no no yes below
no no no yes above
no no no yes below
no no yes no above
Figure 2.
Invest- Net
Distri- Expense Turn- Total
ment Asset butions Ratio % over Assets
Incm. $ Value $ (%NAV\
Rate %$M
0.67 37 .3 17 . 63
0 .79
34 415
- 0.02 12.5
1.4 200
0.14 11.9
4 .78
1.34 127
0.02 6.45
9 .30
1.4 1 61
0.53 13.6
31 113
13 10 .44
0 .98 239 190
Raw Mutual Funds Data
Stocks Turn>90% over
Diver- Bull Bear
sity Perf. Perf.
<100% <$100M <150/0NAV C.D.E C.D.E C.D.E
>100% >$100M >150/0NAV A.B
high low
low high
low low
high high
low high
high high low
Quantized Mutual Funds Data
ITRULE rule output: Mutual Funds
Bull perf
0 .04
0 .26
0 .50
0 .49
J(X;y) h(X;y)
0 .201
0 .123
-3 . 87
-1 . 95
3 .54
Figure 3. Top Ten Mutual Funds Rules
metric connection
one unit per attribute
~ ~ Input layer - linear units
Feedback connections
weight 1
o DOD 0 DD0 o
output layer - sigmoid units
Figure 4. Rule Network
| 150 |@word agressive:2 eng:1 initial:3 xiy:3 interestingly:1 current:2 activation:8 xiyi:10 si:6 must:2 john:2 chicago:1 numerical:2 informative:2 cheap:1 motor:1 sponsored:1 fund:16 discrimination:1 selected:1 device:1 item:1 smith:1 quantized:2 node:12 preference:2 firstly:1 oak:1 sigmoidal:1 five:1 direct:1 become:1 symposium:1 beta:2 consists:1 combine:1 manner:3 indeed:2 themselves:1 multi:1 simulator:1 decreasing:2 automatically:3 actual:1 encouraging:1 begin:1 distri:1 underlying:1 mass:1 advent:1 what:3 nav:3 kind:1 interpreted:3 developed:2 finding:1 transformation:2 corporation:1 impractical:1 quantitative:1 growth:6 finance:1 exactly:3 classifier:1 unit:11 grant:2 yn:1 generalised:1 positive:1 engineering:2 scientist:1 understood:1 local:2 limit:1 despite:1 path:1 yd:2 black:1 might:1 conversely:1 relaxing:1 deployment:1 range:1 directed:3 practical:1 unique:1 acknowledgment:1 testing:3 investment:2 practice:1 implement:1 backpropagation:2 bell:1 confidence:1 symbolic:1 cannot:1 close:1 storage:1 put:1 risk:5 map:1 survey:1 simplicity:1 rule:49 estimator:2 deriving:2 financial:1 autonomous:1 xjyi:1 variation:1 updated:1 target:1 user:3 smyth:8 exact:4 us:2 hypothesis:10 recognition:1 updating:1 aerojet:1 geman:2 database:5 electrical:1 region:1 connected:1 hypothesised:1 cycle:1 balanced:3 environment:1 trained:1 serve:1 basis:3 joint:1 stock:2 alphabet:2 describe:2 london:1 sejnowski:1 artificial:1 pearson:1 exhaustive:1 quite:2 valued:1 cvpr:1 say:3 otherwise:1 statistic:1 erf:6 unseen:2 analyse:1 advantage:1 net:2 xi8:2 propose:1 ment:1 adaptation:1 iff:2 fired:2 invest:1 requirement:3 extending:1 produce:2 perfect:1 executing:1 converges:1 sity:2 derive:1 recurrent:1 pose:1 dividing:1 recovering:1 implemented:1 trading:2 xly:2 correct:1 attribute:14 stochastic:2 require:1 behaviour:1 really:1 icnn:1 itrule:11 proposition:3 secondly:1 hold:1 predictiveness:1 considered:1 major:1 vary:1 adopt:1 omitted:1 infonnation:3 weighted:1 clearly:1 always:2 rather:2 og:4 varying:1 publication:2 derived:1 modelling:1 rank:1 likelihood:1 posteriori:4 inference:16 dependent:1 pasadena:2 hidden:1 going:1 semantics:2 classification:7 priori:5 constrained:1 special:2 mutual:11 field:1 equal:1 having:1 represents:1 connectionist:5 kobe:1 randomly:1 national:1 individual:2 blahut:1 maintain:1 ab:1 interest:1 accurate:1 grove:1 respective:1 incomplete:2 loosely:1 desired:1 theoretical:5 uncertain:2 instance:2 formalism:1 modeling:1 boolean:1 column:2 classify:1 earlier:1 goodness:1 restoration:1 bull:3 cost:1 predictor:1 uniform:1 dod:1 too:1 considerably:1 international:2 probabilistic:7 off:3 contract:1 together:1 iy:1 reflect:1 padhraic:1 possibly:1 geffner:1 cognitive:1 expert:8 american:1 return:3 japan:1 depends:1 try:1 portion:2 bayes:4 investor:2 parallel:3 rodney:1 loaded:2 miller:5 correspond:1 yield:1 directional:1 yes:10 bayesian:2 raw:3 produced:1 xyi:1 lli:2 drive:1 researcher:1 published:1 asset:7 submitted:2 fo:1 definition:2 pp:2 naturally:1 elegance:1 rational:1 knowledge:4 back:1 trw:1 focusing:1 feed:1 disposal:1 higher:2 exceeded:1 wesley:1 specify:3 formulation:1 done:1 box:1 generality:1 implicit:1 hand:3 lack:1 somehow:1 name:1 true:4 facility:1 hence:2 assigned:2 inductive:1 read:1 laboratory:2 conditionally:2 game:1 criterion:1 butions:1 theoretic:9 performs:1 temperature:1 reasoning:2 meaning:1 image:1 instantaneous:2 novel:1 recently:3 consideration:2 sigmoid:3 common:1 association:1 interpretation:2 kluwer:1 interpret:2 refer:1 measurement:1 ai:4 etc:1 base:1 aeronautics:1 hide:1 dictated:1 showed:1 occasionally:1 binary:5 yi:5 caltech:1 syndrome:1 determine:1 ii:2 multiple:3 infer:1 jet:2 academic:1 cross:2 iog:3 ae:1 essentially:1 expectation:1 metric:4 represent:1 receive:1 addition:1 publisher:1 goodman:8 posse:3 file:1 odds:1 presence:1 enough:3 relaxes:1 automated:1 xj:12 fit:1 independence:1 architecture:2 topology:1 perfectly:1 idea:2 administration:1 whether:1 motivated:1 render:1 york:1 cause:1 useful:2 clear:1 amount:1 locally:1 ten:2 generate:1 angluin:1 percentage:1 nsf:1 estimated:1 per:1 discrete:3 write:1 vol:3 key:2 threshold:2 clarity:1 graph:2 relaxation:2 sum:2 year:3 run:1 inverse:2 uncertainty:4 telecommunication:1 reasonable:1 decision:3 bit:4 bound:1 layer:12 followed:1 datum:1 distinguish:1 strength:1 occur:1 constraint:1 constrain:1 bp:1 software:1 generates:1 aspect:1 performing:3 relatively:1 department:1 pacific:1 according:1 describes:1 slightly:1 qu:1 computationally:1 resource:1 neyman:1 discus:1 describing:1 turn:2 mind:1 know:1 addison:1 tractable:1 available:3 yare:1 probe:1 coin:1 top:2 publishing:2 medicine:1 emphasised:1 classical:1 objective:1 question:1 link:4 normalise:1 propulsion:2 me:1 induction:3 ratio:2 difficult:2 setup:1 expense:1 memorise:1 negative:2 collective:1 unknown:1 perform:6 observation:1 neuron:2 supporting:1 situation:1 hinton:1 communication:1 incorporated:1 y1:1 synchronously:1 arbitrary:1 introduced:1 pair:1 required:2 connection:5 california:1 learned:3 pearl:1 below:6 pattern:1 reading:1 program:1 explanation:1 critical:1 misclassification:1 event:1 hybrid:1 ranked:2 suitable:1 dd0:1 advanced:1 scheme:4 technology:2 carried:1 perf:5 categorical:2 extract:2 literature:2 understanding:1 determining:1 loss:1 bear:2 limitation:1 validation:1 undamped:1 agent:1 principle:3 dd:1 playing:1 lo:1 supported:3 free:1 bias:2 side:3 guide:1 institute:1 face:1 pitman:1 diver:2 distributed:1 feedback:2 calculated:2 world:1 transition:1 made:1 far:1 income:2 transaction:1 observable:1 informationtheoretic:1 kullback:2 categorised:1 investigating:1 conclude:1 xi:3 continuous:1 fallacy:1 search:2 table:5 learn:1 nature:4 robust:3 ca:2 necessarily:1 european:1 domain:5 significance:1 motivation:1 allowed:1 wiley:1 purport:1 explicit:2 wish:1 lie:1 clamped:3 tied:1 perceptual:1 zyi:1 load:2 specific:1 consequent:1 evidence:4 intractable:1 entropy:4 simply:4 expressed:1 truth:2 acm:1 ma:1 goal:3 invalid:1 content:4 change:6 characterised:1 determined:1 typical:6 called:1 total:3 pas:1 tendency:1 e:2 experimental:1 support:2 arises:1 evaluate:1 phenomenon:1 ex:1 |
548 | 1,500 | Outcomes of the Equivalence of Adaptive Ridge
with Least Absolute Shrinkage
Yves Grandvalet
Stephane Canu
Heudiasyc, UMR CNRS 6599, Universite de Technologie de Compiegne,
BP 20.529, 60205 Compiegne cedex, France
[email protected]
Adaptive Ridge is a special form of Ridge regression, balancing the
quadratic penalization on each parameter of the model. It was shown to
be equivalent to Lasso (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator),
in the sense that both procedures produce the same estimate. Lasso can
thus be viewed as a particular quadratic penalizer.
From this observation, we derive a fixed point algorithm to compute the
Lasso solution. The analogy provides also a new hyper-parameter for tuning effectively the model complexity. We finally present a series ofpossible extensions oflasso performing sparse regression in kernel smoothing,
additive modeling and neural net training.
In supervised learning, we have a set of explicative variables x from which we wish to predict a response variable y. To solve this problem, a learning algorithm is used to produce a
predictor x) from a learning set Sf. = {(Xi, yd
of examples. The goal of prediction
may be: 1) to provide an accurate prediction of future responses, accuracy being measured
by a user-defined loss function; 2) to quantify the effect of each explicative variable in the
response; 3) to better understand the underlying phenomenon.
Penalization is extensively used in learning algorithms. It decreases the predictor variability
to improve the prediction accuracy. It is also expected to produce models with few non-zero
coefficients if interpretation is planned.
Ridge regression and Subset Selection are the two main penalization procedures. The former is stable, but does not shrink parameters to zero, the latter gives simple models, but is
unstable [1]. These observations motivated the search for new penalization techniques such
as Garrotte, Non-Negative Garrotte [1], and Lasso (least absolute shrinkage and selection
operator) [10].
Y. Grandvalet and S. Canu
Adaptive Ridge was proposed as a means to automatically balance penalization on different
coefficients. It was shown to be equivalent to Lasso [4]. Section 2 presents Adaptive Ridge
and recalls the equivalence statement. The following sections give some of the main outcomes ofthis connection. They concern algorithmic issues in section 3, complexity control
in section 4, and some possible generalizations oflasso to non-linear regression in section 5.
For clarity of exposure, the formulae are given here for linear regression with quadratic loss.
The predictor is defined as j( x) = rff x, with rff = (f31, ... , f3d). Adaptive Ridge is a
modification of the Ridge estimate, which is defined by the quadratic constraint ~~ = 1 f3; ~
C applied to the parameters. It is usually computed by minimizing the Lagrangian
jj =
L (L
f3j Xij - Yi) 2 + A
f3; ,
where A is the Lagrange multiplier varying with the bound C on the norm of the parameters.
When the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimate maximizes likelihood 1 , the Ridge estimate
may be seen as a maximum a posteriori estimate. The Bayes prior distribution is a centered
normal distribution, with variance proportional to 1/ A. This prior distribution treats all covariates similarly. It is not appropriate when we know that all covariates are not equally
The garrotte estimate [1] is based on the OLS estimate,8 . The standard quadratic constraint
is replaced by ~~ = 1 f3] (iJf ~ C. The coefficients with smaller OLS estimate are thus
more heavily penalized. Other modifications are better explained with the prior distribution viewpoint. Mixtures of Gaussians may be used to cluster different set of covariates.
Several models have been proposed, with data dependent clusters [9], or classes defined a
priori [7]. The Automatic Relevance Determination model [8] ranks in the latter type. In [4],
we propose to use such a mixture, in the form
Xij - Yi) 2
---. " " (L.,.,f3j
i=l j=l
+ "L.,.,Ajf3j
Here, each coefficient has its own prior distribution. The priors are centered normal distributions with variances proportional to 1/ Aj. To avoid the simultaneous estimation of these
d hyper-parameters by trial, the constraint
dL ~ = ~
, Aj > 0
is applied on A = (A1, .. . , Ad)T, where A is a predefined value. This constraint is a link
between the d prior distributions. Their mean variance is proportional to 1/ A. The values of
Aj are automatically2 induced from the sample, hence the qualifieradaptative. Adaptativity
refers here to the penalization balance on {Pj }, not to the tuning of the hyper-parameter A.
{(.C,} are independently and identically drawn from some distribution, and that some{3" exists,
such that Y. = {3" T (.C, + e, where c is a centered normal random variable, then the empirical cost
1 If
based on the quadratic loss is proportional to the log-likelihood of the sample. The OLS estimate{3
is thus the maximum likelihood estimate offJ'.
2 Adaptive Ridge, as Ridge or Lasso, is not scale invariant, so that the covariates should be normalized to produce sensible estimates.
Equivalence of Adaptive Ridge with Least Absolute Shrinkage
It was shown [4] that Adaptive Ridge and least absolute value shrinkage are equivalent, in
the sense that they yield the same estimate. We remind that the Lasso estimate is defined by
j3 =
L (L (3j
Xij -
Yi ) 2
subject to
j =l
l{3j l ~
j =l
The only difference in the definition of the Adaptive Ridge and the Lasso estimate is that
the Lagrangian form of Adaptive Ridge uses the constraint CL1=1l{3j 1) 2/ d ~ f{ 2.
Tibshirani [10] proposed to use quadratic programming to find the l,asso solution, with 2d
variables (positive and negative parts of (3j ) and 2d + 1 constraints (signs of positive and
negative parts of (3j plus constraint (4)). Equations (2) and (3) suggest to use a fixed point
(FP) algorithm. At each step s, the FP algorithm estimates the optimal parameters ). of
the Bayes prior based on the estimate (3) S -1 ) , and then maximizes the posterior to compute
the current estimate (3) S ) ?
As the parameterization (j3, A) may lead to divergent solutions, we define new variables
= Vr;:
.= 1, .. . , d
for J
The FP algorithm updates alternatively c and -y as follows:
d ,jS -1 )2
(s -1 )2
L.., k =l /k
-y (s) = (diag( c (s) )XT
diag( c (s) )
+ AI) -1 diag( c (S) )XT y
where Xi j = X i j , I is the identity matrix, and diag( c) is the square matrix with the vector
c on its diagonal.
The algorithm can be initialized by the Ridge or the OLS estimate. In the latter case,,B(1) is
the garrotte estimate.
Practically, 'if
lys-1 )is small compared to numerical accuracy, then c~s) is set to zero. In
is zero, and the system to be solved in the second step to determine -y can be
reduced to the other var~ables. If cJ' is set to zero at any time during the optimization process, the final estimate {3j will be zero. The computations are simplified, but it is not clear
whether global convergence can be obtained with this algorithm. It is easy to show the convergence towards a local minimum, but we did not find general conditions ensuring global
convergence. If these conditions exist, they rely on initial conditions.
Finally, we stress that the optimality conditions for c (or in a less rigorous sense for A) do
not depend on the first part of the cost minimized in (2). In consequence, the equivalence
between Adaptive Ridge and lasso holds/or any model or loss/unction . The FP algorithm
can be applied to these other problems, without modifying the first step.
The Adaptive Ridge estimate depends on the learning set Sf. and on the hyper-parameter
A. When the estimate is defined by (2) and (3), the analogy with Ridge suggests A as the
Y. Grandvalet and S. Canu
"natural" hyper-parameter for tuning the complexity of the regressor. As ..\ goes to zero, j3
approac~es the OLS estimatej3 , and the number of effective parameters is d. As ..\ goes to
infinity, (3 goes to zero and the number of effective parameters is zero.
When the estimate is defined by (4), there is no obvious choice for the hyper-parameter controlling complexity. Tibshirani [10] proposed to use v = 'Lf=1
l.8j 1/ 'Lf=l ~ I. As v goes
to one,{3 approaches{3 ; as v goes to infinity, {3goes to zero.
The weakness of v is that it is explicitly defined from the OLS estimate. As a result, it is
variable when the design matrix is badly conditioned. The estimation of v is thus harder,
and the overall procedure looses in stability. This is illustrated on an experiment following
Breiman's benchmark [1] with 30 highly correlated predictors lE(XjX k ) = plj-k l , with
p = 1 - 10- 3 .
We generate 1000 Li.d. samples of size ? = 60. For each sampie s1, the modeling error (ME) is computed for several values of v and'\. We select v k and ,\k achieving the
lowest ME. For one sample, there is a one to one mapping from v to'\. Thus ME is the
same for v k and ,\k. Then, we compute v* and ..\* achieving the best average ME on
the 1000 samples. As v k and ,\k achieve the lowest ME for s1, the ME for
is higher
or equal for v* and ,\ *. Due to the wide spread of {Vk }, the average loss encountered is
twice for v* than for ,\*: 1/1000 'L!~10 (ME(s~, v*) - ME(s; , v k )) = 4.6 10- 2 , and
1/1000'L!~010 (ME(s~ , ..\ * ) - ME(s1 , ,\k)) = 2.310- 2 . The average modeling error are
ME(v*) = 1.910- 1 and ME("\*) = 1.710- 1.
The estimates of prediction error, such as leave-one-out cross-validation tend to be variable.
Hence, complexity tuning is often based on the minimization of some estimate of the mean
prediction error (e.g bootstrap, K-fold cross-validation). Our experiment supports that, regarding mean prediction error, the optimal ,\ performs better than the optimal v . Thus, ,\ is
the best candidate for complexity tuning.
Although,\ and v are respectively the control parameter of the FP and QP algorithms, the
preceding statement does not imply that we should use the FP algorithm. Once the solution
73 is known, v or ,\ are easily computed. The choice of one hyper-parameter is not linked to
the choice of the optimization algorithm.
Adaptive Ridge may be applied to a variety of regression techniques. They include kernel
smoothing, additive and neural net modeling.
Soft-thresholding was proved to be efficient in wavelet functional e~timation [2]. Kernel
smoothers [5] can also benefit from the sparse representation given by soft-thresholding
methods. For these regressors, l( x) = 'L1=1 f3i K(x , xd+f3o, there are as many covariates
as pairs in the sample. The quadratic procedure of Lasso with 2? + 1 constraints becomes
computationally expensive, but the FP algorithm of Adaptive Ridge is reasonably fast to
An example of least squares fitting is shown in fig. 1 for the motorcycle dataset [5]. On
this example, the hyperparameter ,\ has been estimated by .632 bootstrap (with 50 bootstrap replicates) for Ridge and Adaptive Ridge regressions. For tuning..\, it is not necessary
to determine the coefficients {3 with high accuracy. Hence, compared to Ridge regression,
Equivalence ofAdaptive Ridge with Least Absolute Shrinkage
the overall amount of computation required to get the Adaptive Ridge estimate was about
six times more important. For evaluation, Adaptive Ridge is ten times faster as Ridge regression as the final fitting uses only a few kernels (11 out of 133).
-- - - R
+ "'+
+ ++
+ + +
Figure 1: Adaptive Ridge (AR) and Ridge (R) in kernel smoothing on the
motorcycle data. The + are data points, and. are the prototypes corresponding to the kernels with non-zero coefficients in AR. The Gaussian
kernel used is represented dotted in the lower right-hand corner.
Girosi [3] showed an equivalence between a version of least absolute shrinkage applied to
kernel smoothing, and Support Vector Machine (SVM). However, Adaptive Ridge, as applied here, is not equivalent to SVM, as the cost minimized is different. The fit and prototypes are thus different from the fit and support vectors that would be obtained from SVM.
Additive models [6] are sums of univariate functions , f( x) =
fj (x j ).
In the non-
parametric setting, {fj} are smooth but unspecified functions. Additive models are easily
represented and thus interpretable, but they require the ch~ice of the relevant covariates to
be included in the model, and of the smoothness of each Ij.
In the form presented in the two previous sections, Adaptive Ridge regression penalizes
differently each individual coefficient, but it is easily extended to the pooled penalization of
coefficients. Adaptive Ridge may th~ be used as an alternative to BRUTO [6] to balance
the penalization parameters on each Ij .
A classical choice for fj is cubic spline smoothing. Let B j denote the ? x (? + 2) matrix of
the unconstrained B-spline basis, evaluated at Xij. Let 51 j be the (? + 2) x (f + 2) matrix
corresponding to the penalization of the second derivative of J;. The coefficients of fj in
the unconstrained B-spline basis are noted /3j. The "natural" extension of Adaptive Ridge
is to minimize
B j/3j -
YI12 + L
,\jf3]' 51 j /3j
subject to constraint (3). This problem is easily shown to have the same solution as the
minimization of
Bjf3j -
yll' + A
Note that if the cost (8) is optimized with respect to a single covariate, the solution is a usual
smoothing spline regression (with quadratic penalization). In the multidimensional case,
Y. Grandvalet and S. Canu
ex] =rif o'j/3j = {Ij'(t)}2dt may be used to summarize the non-linearity of Ij, thus lajl
can be interpreted as a relevance index operating besides linear dependence of feature j.
The penalizer in (8) is a least absolute shrinkage operator applied to ex j. Hence, formula (8)
may be interpreted as "quadratic penalization within, and soft-thresholding between covariates".The FP algorithm of section 3 is easily modified to minimize (8), and backfitting may
be used to solve the second step of this procedure.
A simulated example in dimension five is shown in fig. 2. The fitted univariate functions
are plotted for five values of'\. There is no dependency between the the explained variable
and the last covariate. The other covariates affect the response, but the dependency on the
first features is smoother, hence easier to capture and more relevant for the spline smoother.
For a small value of '\, the univariate functions are unsmooth, and the additive model is
interpolating the data. For,\ 10- 4 , the dependencies are well estimated on all covariates.
As ,\ increases, the cov~riates with higher coordinate number are more heavily penalized,
and the corresponding Ij tend to be linear.
.., ......
+. .. .... :.:... :.
.. ..
....<~:______J -_ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _- J
Figure 2: Adaptive Ridge in additive modeling on simulated data. The
true model is y = Xl + cos( rrx2) + cOS(2rrx3) + cos(3rrx4) + E. The covariates are independently drawn from a uniform distribution on [-1, 1]
and E is a Gaussian noise of standard deviation (j 0.3. The solid curves
are the estimated univariate functions for different values of '\, and + are
partial residuals.
Linear trends are not penalized in cubic spline smoothing. Thus, when after convergence
/3j n j/3j
= 0, the jth covariate is not eliminated. This can be corrected by applying Adap-
bve Ridge a second time. To test if a significant linear trend can be detected, a linear (pek #- j being cubic splines.
nalized) model may be used for 1;, the remaining
The generalization to the pooled penalization of coefficients can also be applied to MultiLayered Perceptrons to control the complexity of the fit. If weights are penalized individually, Adaptive Ridge is equivalent to the Lasso. If weights are pooled by layer, Adaptive
Ridge automatically tunes the amount of penalization on each layer, thus avoiding the multiple hyper-parameter tuning necessary in weight-decay [7].
Equivalence ofAdaptive Ridge with Least Absolute Shrinkage
Figure 3: groups of weights for two examples of Adaptive Ridge in MLP
fitting. Left: hidden node soft-thresholding. Right: input penalization
and selection, and individual smoothing coefficient for each output unit.
Two other interesting configurations are shown in fig. 3. If weights are pooled by incoming and outcoming weights of a unit, node penalization/pruning is performed. The weight
groups may also gather the outcoming weights from each input unit, orthe incoming weights
from each output unit (one set per input plus one per output). The goal here is to penalize/select the input variables according to their relevance, and each output variable according to the smoothness of the corresponding mapping. This configuration proves itself especially useful in time series prediction, where the number of inputs to be fed into the network
is not known in advance. There are also more complex choices of pooling, such as the one
proposed to encourage additive modeling in Automatic Relevance Determination [8].
[1] L. Breiman. Heuristics of instability and stabilization in model selection. The Annals
of Statistics, 24(6):2350-2383, 1996.
[2] D.L Donoho and I.M. Johnstone. Minimax estimation via wavelet shrinkage. Ann.
Statist., 26(3):879--921,1998.
[3] F. Girosi. An equivalence between sparse approximation and support vector machines.
Technical Report 1606, M.LT AI Laboratory, Cambridge, MA., 1997.
[4] Y. Grandvalet. Least absolute shrinkage is equivalent to quadratic penalization. In
L. Niklasson, M. Boden, and T Ziemske, editors, ICANN'98, volume 1 of Perspectives in Neural Computing, pages 201-206. Springer, 1998.
[5] W. HardIe. Applied Nonparametric Regression, volume 19 of Economic Society
Monographs. Cambridge University Press, New York, 1990.
[6] TJ. Hastie and R.J. Tibshirani. Generalized Additive Models, volume 43 of Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman & Hall, New York, 1990.
[7] D.J.C. MacKay. A practical Bayesian framework for backprop networks. Neural Computation, 4(3):448-472,1992.
[8] R. M. Neal. Bayesian Learning for Neural Networks. Lecture Notes in Statistics.
Springer, New York, 1996.
[9] S.I. Nowlan and G.E. Hinton. Simplifying neural networks by soft weight-sharing.
Neural Computation, 4(4):473-493, 1992.
[10] R.I. Tibshirani. Regression shrinkage and selection via the lasso. Journal ofthe Royal
Statistical Society, B, 58(1):267-288, 1995.
| 1500 |@word trial:1 version:1 norm:1 simplifying:1 solid:1 harder:1 initial:1 configuration:2 series:2 current:1 unction:1 nowlan:1 additive:9 numerical:1 girosi:2 interpretable:1 update:1 parameterization:1 provides:1 node:2 five:2 backfitting:1 fitting:4 expected:1 utc:1 automatically:2 becomes:1 underlying:1 linearity:1 maximizes:2 lowest:2 argmin:2 unspecified:1 interpreted:2 loos:1 multidimensional:1 xd:1 lys:1 control:3 unit:4 positive:2 ice:1 local:1 treat:1 consequence:1 yd:1 plus:2 umr:1 twice:1 equivalence:8 suggests:1 co:3 practical:1 lf:2 bootstrap:3 procedure:5 empirical:1 refers:1 suggest:1 get:1 selection:6 operator:3 applying:1 instability:1 equivalent:6 lagrangian:2 penalizer:2 exposure:1 go:6 independently:2 hds:1 stability:1 coordinate:1 pek:1 controlling:1 annals:1 heavily:2 user:1 programming:1 us:2 trend:2 expensive:1 solved:1 capture:1 decrease:1 monograph:2 complexity:8 covariates:10 technologie:1 depend:1 basis:2 easily:5 differently:1 represented:2 fast:1 effective:2 detected:1 hyper:8 outcome:2 heuristic:1 solve:2 cov:1 statistic:3 itself:1 final:2 net:2 propose:1 fr:1 relevant:3 motorcycle:2 achieve:1 cl1:1 rff:2 cluster:2 convergence:4 adap:1 produce:4 leave:1 bve:1 derive:1 measured:1 ij:5 quantify:1 stephane:1 modifying:1 centered:3 stabilization:1 backprop:1 require:1 generalization:2 extension:2 hold:1 practically:1 hall:1 normal:3 algorithmic:1 predict:1 mapping:2 estimation:3 ofpossible:1 individually:1 minimization:2 gaussian:2 modified:1 avoid:1 shrinkage:12 breiman:2 varying:1 heudiasyc:1 vk:1 rank:1 likelihood:3 rigorous:1 sense:3 posteriori:1 dependent:1 cnrs:1 lj:1 hidden:1 france:1 issue:1 overall:2 priori:1 smoothing:9 special:1 mackay:1 equal:1 once:1 f3:3 eliminated:1 chapman:1 future:1 minimized:2 report:1 spline:7 few:2 individual:2 replaced:1 mlp:2 highly:1 ziemske:1 evaluation:1 replicates:1 weakness:1 mixture:2 tj:1 predefined:1 accurate:1 encourage:1 partial:1 necessary:2 initialized:1 penalizes:1 plotted:1 fitted:1 modeling:6 soft:5 planned:1 ar:3 ordinary:1 cost:4 deviation:1 subset:1 predictor:4 uniform:1 dependency:3 regressor:1 corner:1 derivative:1 li:1 de:2 pooled:4 coefficient:11 explicitly:1 ad:1 depends:1 performed:1 linked:1 bayes:2 minimize:2 yves:2 square:3 accuracy:4 variance:3 yield:1 ofthe:1 bayesian:2 simultaneous:1 sharing:1 definition:1 obvious:1 universite:1 proved:1 dataset:1 recall:1 f3j:2 cj:3 rif:1 higher:2 dt:1 supervised:1 response:4 evaluated:1 shrink:1 hand:1 hardie:1 aj:3 effect:1 normalized:1 multiplier:1 true:1 former:1 hence:5 laboratory:1 orthe:1 neal:1 illustrated:1 during:1 noted:1 generalized:1 compiegne:2 stress:1 ridge:41 performs:1 l1:1 fj:4 ols:7 niklasson:1 functional:1 qp:1 volume:3 interpretation:1 significant:1 cambridge:2 ai:2 smoothness:2 tuning:8 automatic:2 unconstrained:2 canu:4 similarly:1 stable:1 operating:1 j:1 posterior:1 own:1 showed:1 perspective:1 unsmooth:1 yi:3 seen:1 minimum:1 preceding:1 determine:2 converge:1 ii:2 smoother:3 multiple:1 asso:1 technical:1 faster:1 smooth:1 determination:2 cross:2 f3o:1 equally:1 y:1 a1:1 ensuring:1 j3:4 prediction:7 regression:14 kernel:9 penalize:1 cedex:1 pooling:1 induced:1 subject:2 tend:2 identically:1 easy:1 variety:1 affect:1 fit:3 hastie:1 lasso:12 f3i:1 economic:1 regarding:1 prototype:2 whether:1 motivated:1 six:1 york:3 jj:1 useful:1 clear:1 tune:1 amount:2 nonparametric:1 extensively:1 ten:1 statist:1 reduced:1 generate:1 xij:4 exist:1 dotted:1 sign:1 estimated:3 tibshirani:4 per:2 hyperparameter:1 group:2 achieving:2 drawn:2 clarity:1 pj:1 sum:1 bound:1 layer:2 fold:1 quadratic:11 encountered:1 badly:1 constraint:9 infinity:2 bp:1 ables:1 optimality:1 performing:1 according:2 smaller:1 explicative:2 modification:2 s1:4 explained:2 invariant:1 computationally:1 equation:1 turn:1 know:1 fed:1 gaussians:1 appropriate:1 alternative:1 remaining:1 include:1 plj:1 prof:1 especially:1 classical:1 garrotte:4 society:2 parametric:1 dependence:1 usual:1 diagonal:1 link:1 simulated:2 sensible:1 me:12 unstable:1 besides:1 index:1 remind:1 balance:3 minimizing:1 statement:2 negative:3 design:1 observation:2 benchmark:1 extended:1 variability:1 hinton:1 pair:1 required:1 connection:1 optimized:1 yll:1 usually:1 fp:8 summarize:1 yi12:1 royal:1 natural:2 rely:1 residual:1 minimax:1 improve:1 imply:1 prior:7 f3d:1 loss:5 lecture:1 interesting:1 proportional:4 analogy:2 var:1 penalization:16 validation:2 gather:1 thresholding:4 viewpoint:1 editor:1 grandvalet:6 balancing:1 penalized:4 last:1 jth:1 understand:1 johnstone:1 wide:1 absolute:10 sparse:3 benefit:1 f31:1 curve:1 dimension:1 adaptive:27 regressors:1 simplified:1 pruning:1 global:2 incoming:2 xi:2 alternatively:1 search:1 timation:1 reasonably:1 correlated:1 boden:1 interpolating:1 complex:1 diag:4 did:1 icann:1 main:2 spread:1 multilayered:1 noise:1 fig:3 cubic:3 vr:1 wish:1 sf:2 xl:1 candidate:1 wavelet:2 formula:2 xt:2 covariate:3 divergent:1 svm:3 decay:1 concern:1 dl:1 ofthis:1 exists:1 effectively:1 conditioned:1 easier:1 lt:1 univariate:4 lagrange:1 springer:2 ch:1 outcoming:2 ijf:1 ma:1 viewed:1 goal:2 identity:1 donoho:1 ann:1 towards:1 included:1 corrected:1 e:1 perceptrons:1 select:2 support:4 latter:3 relevance:4 phenomenon:1 avoiding:1 ex:2 |
549 | 1,501 | Learning curves for Gaussian processes
Peter Sollich *
Department of Physics, University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, U.K. Email: P.Sollich<Oed.ac . uk
I consider the problem of calculating learning curves (i.e., average
generalization performance) of Gaussian processes used for regression. A simple expression for the generalization error in terms of
the eigenvalue decomposition of the covariance function is derived,
and used as the starting point for several approximation schemes.
I identify where these become exact, and compare with existing
bounds on learning curves; the new approximations, which can
be used for any input space dimension, generally get substantially
closer to the truth.
Within the neural networks community, there has in the last few years been a
good deal of excitement about the use of Gaussian processes as an alternative to
feedforward networks [lJ. The advantages of Gaussian processes are that prior
assumptions about the problem to be learned are encoded in a very transparent
way, and that inference-at least in the case of regression that I will consider-is
relatively straightforward. One crucial question for applications is then how 'fast'
Gaussian processes learn, i.e., how many training examples are needed to achieve a
certain level of generalization performance. The typical (as opposed to worst case)
behaviour is captured in the learning curve, which gives the average generalization
error ? as a function of the number of training examples n. Several workers have
derived bounds on ?(n) [2,3, 4J or studied its large n asymptotics. As I will illustrate
below, however, the existing bounds are often far from tight; and asymptotic results
will not necessarily apply for realistic sample sizes n. My main aim in this paper
is therefore to derive approximations to ?( n) which get closer to the true learning
curves than existing bounds, and apply both for small and large n.
In its simplest form, the regression problem that I am considering is this: We are
trying to learn a function 0* which maps inputs x (real-valued vectors) to (realvalued scalar) outputs O*(x) . We are given a set of training data D, consisting of n
'Present address: Department of Mathematics, King's College London, Strand, London
WC2R 2LS, U.K. Email peter.sollicMlkcl.ac . uk
Learning Curves for Gaussian Processes
input-output pairs (Xl, yt); the training outputs Yl may differ from the 'clean' target
outputs 9* (xL) due to corruption by noise. Given a test input x, we are then asked
to come up with a prediction 9(x) for the corresponding output, expressed either in
the simple form of a mean prediction 9(x) plus error bars, or more comprehensively
in terms of a 'predictive distribution' P(9(x)lx, D). In a Bayesian setting, we do this
by specifying a prior P(9) over our hypothesis functions, and a likelihood P(DI9)
with which each 9 could have generated the training data; from this we deduce the
posterior distribution P(9ID) ex P(DI9)P(9). In the case of feedforward networks,
where the hypothesis functions 9 are parameterized by a set of network weights, the
predictive distribution then needs to be extracted by integration over this posterior,
either by computationally intensive Monte Carlo techniques or by approximations
which lead to analytically tractable integrals. For a Gaussian process, on the other
hand, obtaining the predictive distribution is trivial (see below); one reason for
this is that the prior P(9) is defined directly over input-output functions 9. How
is this done? Any 9 is uniquely determined by its output values 9(x) for all x
from the input domain, and for a Gaussian process, these are simply assumed to
have a joint Gaussian distribution (hence the name). This distribution can be
specified by the mean values (9(x))o (which I assume to be zero in the following,
as is commonly done), and the covariances (9(x)9(x ' ))o = C(x, x'); C(x, x') is
called the covariance function of the Gaussian process. It encodes in an easily
interpretable way prior assumptions about the function to be learned. Smoothness,
for example, is controlled by the behaviour of C(x, x') for x' -+ x: The OrnsteinUhlenbeck (OU) covariance function C(x, x') ex exp( -IX-X'l/l) produces very rough
(non-differentiable) functions, while functions sampled from the squared exponential
(SE) prior with C(X,X') ex exp(-Ix - x ' 12/(2l2)) are infinitely differentiable. The
'length scale' parameter l, on the other hand, corresponds directly to the distance in
input space over which we expect our function to vary significantly. More complex
properties can also be encoded; by replacing l with different length scales for each
input component, for example, relevant (smalll) and irrelevant (large l) inputs can
be distinguished.
How does inference with Gaussian processes work? I only give a brief summary here
and refer to existing reviews on the subject (see e.g. [5, 1]) for details. It is simplest
to assume that outputs yare generated from the 'clean' values of a hypothesis
function 9(x) by adding Gaussian noise of x-independent variance 0'2. The joint
distribution of a set of training outputs {yd and the function values 9(x) is then
also Gaussian, with covariances given by
here I have defined an n x n matrix K and x-dependent n-component vectors k(x).
The posterior distribution P(9ID) is then obtained by simply conditioning on the
{Yl}. It is again Gaussian and has mean and variance
( (9(x) - 9(X))2)
C(x, x) - k(X)TK-lk(x)
Eqs. (1,2) solve the inference problem for Gaussian process: They provide us directly
with the predictive distribution P(9(x)lx, D). The posterior variance, eq. (2), in
fact also gives us the expected generalization error at x. Why? If the teacher
is 9*, the squared deviation between our mean prediction and the teacher output
is 1 (9(x) - 9* (X))2; averaging this over the posterior distribution of teachers P(9* ID)
just gives (2). The underlying assumption is that our assumed Gaussian process
lOne can also one measure the generalization by the squared deviation between the
prediction O(x) and the noisy teacher output; this simply adds a term 0'2 to eq. (3).
P. Sollich
prior is the true one from which teachers are actually generated (and that we are
using the correct noise model). Otherwise, a more complicated expression for the
expected generalization error results; in line with most other work on the subject, I
only consider the 'correct prior' case in the following. Averaging the generalization
error at x over the distribution of inputs gives then
This form of the generalization error (which is well known [2, 3, 4, 5]) still depends
on the training inputs (the fact that the training outputs have dropped out already
is a signature of the fact that Gaussian processes are linear predictors, compare (1)).
Averaging over data sets yields the quantity we are after,
= (t(D)}D?
This average expected generalization error (I will drop the 'average expected' in the
following) only depends on the number of training examples n; the function ?(n)
is called the learning curve. Its exact calculation is difficult because of the joint
average in eqs. (3,4) over the training inputs Xl and the test input x.
As a starting point for an approximate calculation of ?(n), I first derive a representation of the generalization error in terms of the eigenvalue decomposition of
the covariance function. Mercer's theorem (see e.g. [6]) tells us that the covariance
function can be decomposed into its eigenvalues Ai and eigenfunctions (/Ji(x):
C(x, x') =
L Ai<Pi(X)qJi(x')
This is simply the analogue of the eigenvalue decomposition of a finite symmetric
matrix; the eigenfunctions can be taken to be normalized such that (<Pi (x) <Pj (x)} x =
Oij . Now write the data-dependent generalization error (3) as ?(D) = (C(x,x)}xtr (k(x)k(x)T)x K- 1 and perform the x-average in the second term:
?(k(x)k(x)T)lm)x =
L AiAj<Pi(XI) (<Pi (x)<pj (x)} <pj(xm) = L A;<Pi (Xt}<Pi (x
This suggests introducing the diagonal matrix (A)ij = AiOij and the 'design matrix'
(<J?li = <Pi (xt), so that (k(x)k(x)T)x = <J>A2<J>T. One then also has (C(x,x)}x =
tr A, and the matrix K is expressed as K = a 21 + <J>A<J>T, 1 being the identity
matrix. Collecting these results, we have
= tr A -
tr (a 21 + <J>A<J>T)-I<J>A 2<J>T
This can be simplified using the Woodbury formula for matrix inverses (see e.g. [7]),
which applied to our case gives (a 2I+<J>A<J>T)-1 = a- 2[I-<J>(a 21+A<J>T<J?-1 A<J>TJ;
after a few lines of algebra, one then obtains the final result
t= (t(D))D'
?(D) =tra 2A(a 21+A<J>T<J?-1 =tr(A- 1 +a- 2 <J>T<J?-1
This exact representation of the generalization error is one of the main results of this
paper. Its advantages are that the average over the test input X has already been
carried out, and that the remainingf dependence on the training data is contained
entirely in the matrix <J> T <J>. It also includes as a special case the well-known result
for linear regression (see e.g. [8]); A-I and <J> T <J> can be interpreted as suitably
generalized versions of the weight decay (matrix) and input correlation matrix.
Starting from (6), one can now derive approximate expressions for the learning
Learning Curves for Gaussian Processes
curve I:(n). The most naive approach is to entirely neglect the fluctuations in cJ>TcJ>
over different data sets and replace it by its average, which is simply (( cJ> T cJ> )ij ) D =
I:l (?i(Xt)?j(XI)) D = n8ij . This leads to the Naive approximation
I:N(n) = tr (A -1 + O'- 2 nI)-1
which is not, in general, very good. It does however become exact in the large noise
limit 0'2 -t 00 at constant nlO' 2 : The fluctuations of the elements of the matrix
O'- 2cJ>TcJ> then become vanishingly small (of order foO'- 2 = (nlO' 2 )/fo -t 0) and
so replacing cJ> T cJ> by its average is justified.
To derive better approximations, it is useful to see how the matrix 9 = (A -1 +
O'- 2cJ>TcJ?-1 changes when a new example is added to the training set. One has
+ 1) -
= [9- 1 (n) + O'- 2 1j11j1 T
l -
9(n)1jI1jI T 9(n)
+ 1jIT 9(n)1jI
in terms of the vector 1jI with elements (1jI)i = ?i(Xn+I); the second identity uses
again the Woodbury formula. To get exact learning curves, one would have to average this update formula over both the new training input Xn+1 and all previous
ones. This is difficult, but progress can be made by again neglecting some fluctuations: The average over Xn +1 is approximated by replacing 1jI1jIT by its average,
which is simply the identity matrix; the average over the previous training inputs
by replacing 9(n) by its average G(n) = (9(n)) D' This yields the approximation
G 2 (n)
G(n + 1) - G(n) = - 2
a +tr n
Iterating from G(n = 0) = A, one sees that G(n) remains diagonal for all n, and
so (9) is trivial to implement numerically. I call the resulting I:D(n) = tr G(n) the
Discrete approximation to the learning curve, because it still correctly treats n as
a variable with discrete, integer values. One can further approximate (9) by taking
n as continuously varying, replacing the difference on the left-hand side by the
derivative dG( n) 1dn. The resulting differential equation for G( n) is readily solved;
taking the trace, one obtains the generalization error
I:uc(n) = tr (A -1 + O'- 2 n'I)-1
with n' determined by the self-consistency equation n' + tr In(I + O'- 2 n' A) = n.
By comparison with (7), n' can be thought of as an 'effective number of training
examples'. The subscript DC in (10) stands for Upper Continuous approximation.
As the name suggests, there is another, lower approximation also derived by treating
n as continuous. It has the same form as (10), but a different self-consistent equation
for n', and is derived as follows. Introduce an auxiliary offset parameter v (whose
usefulness will become clear shortly) by 9- 1 = vI+A -1 +O'- 2cJ>TcJ>; at the end ofthe
calculation, v will be set to zero again. As before, start from (8)-which also holds
for nonzero v-and approximate 1jI1jIT and tr 9 by their averages, but retain possible
fluctuations of 9 in the numerator. This gives G(n+ 1) - G(n) = - (9 2 (n)) 1[0'2 +
tr G(n)]. Taking the trace yields an update formula for the generalization error 1:,
where the extra parameter v lets us rewrite the average on the right-hand side as
-tr (9 2 ) = (olov)tr (9) = ol:lov. Treating n again as continuous, we thus arrive
at the partial differential equation Eh{on = (oI:l ov) 1 (0'2 + 1:). This can be solved
using the method of characteristics [8 and (for v = 0) gives the Lower Continuous
approximation to the learning curve,
= tr (A -1 + O'- 2 n'I)-1 ,
nO' 2
+ I:LC
By comparing derivatives w.r.t. n, it is easy to show that this is always lower than
the DC approximation (10). One can also check that all three approximations that
I have derived (D, LC and DC) converge to the exact result (7) in the large noise
limit as defined above.
P. Sol/ich
I now compare the D, LC and UC approximations with existing bounds, and with
the 'true' learning curves as obtained by simulations. A lower bound on the generalization error was given by Michelli and Wahba [2J as
?(n) ~ ?Mw(n) = 2::n+l Ai
This is derived for the noiseless
jections of 0* (x) along the first
to be tight for the case of 'real'
information theoretic methods, a
case by allowing 'generalized observations' (pron eigenfunctions of C (x, x') ), and so is unlikely
observations at discrete input points. Based on
different Lower bound was obtained by Opper [3J:
?(n) ~ ?Lo(n) = 4"tr (A -1
+ 2a- 2 nl)-1
x [I + (I
+ 2a- 2 nA)-lJ
This is always lower than the naive approximation (7); both incorrectly suggest that
? decreases to zero for a 2 -+ 0 at fixed n, which is clearly not the case (compare (12)).
There is also an Upper bound due to Opper [3J,
i(n) ~ ?uo(n)
= (a- 2 n)-1 tr In(1 + a- 2 nA) + tr (A -1 + a- 2 nl)-1
Here i is a modified version of ? which (in the rescaled version that I am using)
becomes identical to ? in the limit of small generalization errors (? ? a 2 ), but never
gets larger that 2a 2 ; for small n in particular, ?(n) can therefore actually be much
larger than i(n) and its bound (13). An upper bound on ?(n) itself was derived
by Williams and Vivarelli [4J for one-dimensional inputs and stationary covariance
functions (for which C(x, x') is a function of x - x' alone). They considered the
generalization error at x that would be obtained from each individual training example, and then took the minimum over all n examples; the training set average
of this 'lower envelope' can be evaluated explicitly in terms of integrals over the
covariance function [4J. The resulting upper bound, ?wv(n), never decays below a 2
and therefore complements the range of applicability of the UO bound (13).
In the examples in Fig. 1, I consider a very simple input domain, x E [0, 1Jd,
with a uniform input distribution. I also restrict myself to stationary covariance
functions, and in fact I use what physicists call periodic boundary conditions. This
is simply a trick that makes it easy to calculate the required eigenvalue spectra of
the covariance function, but otherwise has little effect on the results as long as the
length scale of the covariance function is smaller than the size of the input domain 2 ,
l ? 1. To cover the two extremes of 'rough' and 'smooth' Gaussian priors, I
consider the OU [C(x, x') = exp( -lx-xll/l)J and SE [C(x, x') = exp( -lx-x' 12 /2l 2 )J
covariance functions. The prior variance of the values of the function to be learned is
simply C (x, x) = 1; one generically expects this 'prior ignorance' to be significantly
larger than the noise on the training data, so I only consider values of a 2 < 1.
I also fix the covariance function length scale to l = 0.1; results for l = 0.01
are qualitatively similar. Several observations can be made from Figure 1. (1)
The MW lower bound is not tight, as expected. (2) The bracket between Opper's
lower and upper bounds (LO /UO) is rather wide (1-2 orders of magnitude); both
give good representations of the overall shape of the learning curve only in the
asymptotic regime (most clearly visible for the SE covariance function), i. e., once
? has dropped below a 2 . (3) The WV upper bound (available only in d = 1) works
21n d = 1 dimension, for example, a 'periodically continued' stationary covariance
function on [0,1] can be written as C(X,X') = 2:::_ooc(x - x' + r). For I ? 1, only
the r = 0 term makes a significant contribution, except when x and x' are within ~ I of
opposite ends of the input space. With this definition, the eigenvalues of C(x, x') are given
dx c(x) exp( -2rriqx), for integer q.
by the Fourier transform
Learning Curves for Gaussian Processes
OU, d=l, 1=0.1 , cr =10
SE, d=l, 1=0.1, cr =10
10- 1
MW--y~ - -
' ,L?
'i- ,
, - __
'MW ---
OU, d=l, 1=0.1, cr =0.1
SE, d=l , 1=0.1, cr =0.1
10- 1
,- - - - - - - - - - - --- - - _ _ -VO- ,
- _ _ -l-O
- ..!-O-
- --
OU, d=2, 1=0.1, cr =10
SE, d=2, 1=0.1, cr =10
-- -- - -~
vo--- ---
10- 1
, - ___ ~o
- -- 600
-- -
Figure 1: Learning curves c(n): Comparison of simulation results (thick solid lines;
the small fluctuations indicate the order of magnitude of error bars), approximations
derived in this paper (thin solid lines; D = discrete, UC/LC = upper/lower continuous) , and existing upper (dashed; UO = upper Opper, WV = Williams-Vivarelli)
and lower (dot-dashed; LO = lower Opper, MW = Michelli-Wahba) bounds. The
type of covariance function (Ornstein-Uhlenbeck/Squared Exponential), its length
scale l, the dimension d of the input space, and the noise level (72 are as shown.
Note the logarithmic y-axes. On the scale of the plots, D and UC coincide (except
in (b)); the simulation results are essentially on top of the LC curve in (c-e) .
well for the OU covariance function, but less so for the SE case. As expected, it
is not useful in the asymptotic regime because it always remains above (72. (4)
The discrete (D) and upper continuous (UC) approximations are very similar, and
in fact indistinguishable on the scale of most plots. This makes the UC version
preferable in practice, because it can be evaluated for any chosen n without having
to step through all smaller values of n. (5) In all the examples, the true learning
curve lies between the UC and LC curves. In fact I would conjecture that these two
approximations provide upper and lower bounds on the learning curves, at least
for stationary covariance functions. (6) Finally, the LC approximation comes out
as the clear winner: For (72 = 0.1 (Fig. 1c,d), it is indistinguishable from the true
learning curves. But even in the other cases it represents the overall shape of the
learning curves very well, both for small n and in the asymptotic regime; the largest
deviations occur in the crossover region between these two regimes.
In summary, I have derived an exact representation of the average generalization c
error of Gaussian processes used for regression, in terms of the eigenvalue decomposition of the covariance function. Starting from this, I have obtained three different
approximations to the learning curve c(n) . All of them become exact in the large
noise limit; in practice, one generically expects the opposite case ((72 /C(x, x) ? 1),
but comparison with simulation results shows that even in this regime the new
approximations perform well. The LC approximation in particular represents the
overall shape of the learning curves very well, both for 'rough' (OU) and 'smooth'
(SE) Gaussian priors, and for small as well as for large numbers of training examples
n. It is not perfect, but does get substantially closer to the true learning curves
than existing bounds. Future work will have to show how well the new approximations work for non-stationary covariance functions and/or non-uniform input
distributions, and whether the treatment of fluctuations in the generalization error
(due to the random selection of training sets) can be improved, by analogy with
fluctuation corrections in linear perceptron learning [8].
Acknowledgements: I would like to thank Chris Williams and Manfred Opper for
stimulating discussions, and for providing me with copies of their papers [3,4] prior
to publication. I am grateful to the Royal Society for financial support through a
Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellowship.
[1] See e.g. D J C MacKay, Gaussian Processes, Tutorial at NIPS 10, and recent papers
by Goldberg/Williams/Bishop (in NIPS 10), Williams and Barber/Williams (NIPS 9),
Williams/Rasmussen (NIPS 8).
[2] C A Michelli and G Wahba. Design problems for optimal surface interpolation. In
Z Ziegler, editor, Approximation theory and applications, pages 329-348. Academic
Press, 1981.
[3] M Opper. Regression with Gaussian processes: Average case performance. In I K
Kwok-Yee, M Wong, and D-Y Yeung, editors, Theoretical Aspects of Neural Computation: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Springer, 1997.
[4] C K I Williams and F Vivarelli. An upper bound on the learning curve for Gaussian
processes. Submitted for publication.
[5] C K I Williams. Prediction with Gaussian processes: From linear regression to linear
prediction and beyond. In M I Jordan, editor, Learning and Inference in Graphical
Models. Kluwer Academic. In press.
[6] E Wong. Stochastic Processes in Information and Dynamical Systems. McGraw-Hill,
New York, 1971.
[7] W H Press, S A Teukolsky, W T Vetterling, and B P Flannery. Numerical Recipes in
C (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1992.
[8] P Sollich. Finite-size effects in learning and generalization in linear perceptrons. Journal of Physics A, 27:7771- 7784, 1994.
| 1501 |@word version:4 nd:1 suitably:1 simulation:5 decomposition:4 covariance:21 tr:17 solid:2 existing:7 comparing:1 dx:1 written:1 readily:1 visible:1 periodically:1 numerical:1 realistic:1 shape:3 drop:1 interpretable:1 update:2 treating:2 plot:2 stationary:5 alone:1 manfred:1 lx:4 dn:1 along:1 become:5 differential:2 introduce:1 lov:1 expected:6 ol:1 decomposed:1 little:1 considering:1 becomes:1 underlying:1 what:1 interpreted:1 substantially:2 lone:1 collecting:1 preferable:1 uk:2 uo:4 before:1 dropped:2 treat:1 limit:4 physicist:1 id:3 subscript:1 fluctuation:7 interpolation:1 yd:1 plus:1 studied:1 specifying:1 suggests:2 range:1 woodbury:2 practice:2 implement:1 ooc:1 asymptotics:1 crossover:1 significantly:2 thought:1 suggest:1 get:5 selection:1 yee:1 wong:2 map:1 yt:1 straightforward:1 williams:9 starting:4 l:1 continued:1 financial:1 aiaj:1 target:1 exact:8 us:1 goldberg:1 hypothesis:3 trick:1 element:2 approximated:1 solved:2 worst:1 calculate:1 region:1 sol:1 decrease:1 rescaled:1 asked:1 oed:1 signature:1 ov:1 tight:3 rewrite:1 algebra:1 grateful:1 predictive:4 tcj:4 easily:1 joint:3 fast:1 effective:1 london:2 monte:1 tell:1 whose:1 encoded:2 larger:3 valued:1 solve:1 otherwise:2 transform:1 noisy:1 itself:1 final:1 advantage:2 eigenvalue:7 differentiable:2 took:1 vanishingly:1 relevant:1 achieve:1 recipe:1 produce:1 perfect:1 tk:2 illustrate:1 derive:4 ac:2 ij:3 progress:1 eq:4 auxiliary:1 imw:1 come:2 indicate:1 differ:1 thick:1 correct:2 stochastic:1 myself:1 wc2r:1 behaviour:2 transparent:1 generalization:21 fix:1 correction:1 hold:1 considered:1 exp:5 lm:1 vary:1 a2:1 ziegler:1 largest:1 rough:3 xtr:1 clearly:2 gaussian:27 always:3 aim:1 modified:1 rather:1 cr:6 varying:1 publication:2 derived:9 ax:1 likelihood:1 check:1 am:3 inference:4 dependent:2 vetterling:1 lj:2 unlikely:1 overall:3 integration:1 special:1 uc:8 mackay:1 once:1 never:2 having:1 identical:1 represents:2 thin:1 future:1 few:2 dg:1 individual:1 consisting:1 generically:2 extreme:1 nl:2 bracket:1 tj:1 integral:2 closer:3 worker:1 neglecting:1 partial:1 old:1 michelli:3 theoretical:1 cover:1 applicability:1 introducing:1 deviation:3 expects:2 predictor:1 usefulness:1 uniform:2 teacher:5 periodic:1 my:1 retain:1 physic:2 yl:2 continuously:1 na:2 squared:4 again:5 opposed:1 derivative:2 li:1 includes:1 tra:1 explicitly:1 depends:2 vi:1 pron:1 ornstein:1 start:1 di9:2 complicated:1 contribution:1 oi:1 ni:1 variance:4 characteristic:1 yield:3 identify:1 ofthe:1 bayesian:1 carlo:1 corruption:1 submitted:1 fo:1 ed:1 email:2 definition:1 sampled:1 treatment:1 cj:8 ou:7 actually:2 improved:1 done:2 evaluated:2 just:1 correlation:1 hand:4 replacing:5 multidisciplinary:1 name:2 effect:2 normalized:1 true:6 analytically:1 hence:1 symmetric:1 nonzero:1 deal:1 ignorance:1 indistinguishable:2 numerator:1 self:2 uniquely:1 generalized:2 trying:1 hill:1 theoretic:1 vo:3 oid:1 ornsteinuhlenbeck:1 ji:4 conditioning:1 winner:1 kluwer:1 numerically:1 refer:1 significant:1 cambridge:2 ai:3 smoothness:1 consistency:1 mathematics:1 dot:1 surface:1 deduce:1 add:1 posterior:5 recent:1 perspective:1 irrelevant:1 certain:1 wv:6 captured:1 minimum:1 converge:1 dashed:2 smooth:2 academic:2 calculation:3 nlo:2 long:1 controlled:1 prediction:6 regression:7 noiseless:1 essentially:1 yeung:1 uhlenbeck:1 justified:1 fellowship:1 dorothy:1 crucial:1 extra:1 envelope:1 eigenfunctions:3 subject:2 jordan:1 call:2 integer:2 mw:6 feedforward:2 easy:2 wahba:3 restrict:1 opposite:2 intensive:1 whether:1 expression:3 peter:2 york:1 generally:1 useful:2 se:8 iterating:1 clear:2 simplest:2 tutorial:1 correctly:1 write:1 discrete:5 pj:3 clean:2 year:1 inverse:1 parameterized:1 ich:1 hodgkin:1 arrive:1 eh9:1 bound:20 entirely:2 occur:1 encodes:1 fourier:1 aspect:1 relatively:1 conjecture:1 department:2 smaller:2 sollich:5 taken:1 computationally:1 equation:4 remains:2 vivarelli:3 excitement:1 needed:1 tractable:1 end:2 available:1 apply:2 yare:1 kwok:1 distinguished:1 alternative:1 shortly:1 jd:1 top:1 graphical:1 qji:1 calculating:1 neglect:1 society:1 question:1 already:2 quantity:1 added:1 dependence:1 diagonal:2 distance:1 thank:1 chris:1 me:1 barber:1 trivial:2 reason:1 jit:1 length:5 providing:1 difficult:2 trace:2 design:2 xll:1 perform:2 allowing:1 upper:12 observation:3 finite:2 incorrectly:1 dc:3 community:1 complement:1 pair:1 required:1 specified:1 learned:3 nip:4 address:1 beyond:1 bar:2 below:4 dynamical:1 xm:1 regime:5 royal:1 analogue:1 eh:1 oij:1 scheme:1 brief:1 realvalued:1 lk:1 carried:1 naive:3 prior:12 review:1 l2:1 acknowledgement:1 asymptotic:4 expect:1 analogy:1 consistent:1 mercer:1 editor:3 pi:7 lo:3 summary:2 last:1 copy:1 rasmussen:1 side:2 perceptron:1 wide:1 comprehensively:1 taking:3 edinburgh:2 curve:27 dimension:3 xn:3 stand:1 opper:7 boundary:1 commonly:1 made:2 qualitatively:1 simplified:1 coincide:1 far:1 approximate:4 obtains:2 mcgraw:1 assumed:2 xi:2 spectrum:1 continuous:6 why:1 jz:1 learn:2 obtaining:1 necessarily:1 complex:1 domain:3 main:2 noise:8 fig:2 foo:1 lc:11 exponential:2 xl:3 lie:1 ix:2 theorem:1 formula:4 xt:3 bishop:1 offset:1 decay:2 adding:1 magnitude:2 flannery:1 logarithmic:1 simply:8 infinitely:1 expressed:2 strand:1 contained:1 scalar:1 springer:1 corresponds:1 truth:1 extracted:1 teukolsky:1 stimulating:1 identity:3 king:1 replace:1 change:1 typical:1 determined:2 except:2 averaging:3 called:2 perceptrons:1 college:1 support:1 ex:3 |
550 | 1,502 | Adding Constrained Discontinuities to Gaussian
Process Models of Wind Fields
Ian T. Nabney
Christopher K. I. Williams t
Neural Computing Research Group
Aston University, BIRMINGHAM, B4 7ET, UK
[email protected]
Dan Cornford*
Gaussian Processes provide good prior models for spatial data, but can
be too smooth. In many physical situations there are discontinuities
along bounding surfaces, for example fronts in near-surface wind fields.
We describe a modelling method for such a constrained discontinuity
and demonstrate how to infer the model parameters in wind fields with
MCMC sampling.
We introduce a model for wind fields based on Gaussian Processes (GPs) with 'constrained
discontinuities'. GPs provide a flexible framework for modelling various systems. They
have been adopted in the neural network community and are interpreted as placing priors
over functions.
Stationary vector-valued GP models (Daley, 1991) can produce realistic wind fields when
run as a generative model; however, the resulting wind fields do not contain some features
typical of the atmosphere. The most difficult features to include are surface fronts. Fronts
are generated by complex atmospheric dynamics and are marked by large changes in the
surface wind direction (see for example Figures 2a and 3b) and temperature. In order
to account for such features, which appear discontinuous at our observation scale, we have
developed a model for vector-valued GPs with constrained discontinuities which could also
be applied to surface reconstruction in computer vision, and geostatistics.
In section 2 we illustrate the generative model for wind fields with fronts. Section 3 explains what we mean by GPs with constrained discontinuities and derives the likelihood of
data under the model. Results of Bayesian estimation of the model parameters are given,
?To whom correspondence should be addressed.
tNowat: Division of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, 5 Forrest Hill, Edinburgh EHI 2QL,
Scotland, UK
D. Com/ord, I. T. Nabney and C. K. I. Williams
using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) procedure. In the final section, the strengths
and weaknesses of the model are discussed and improvements suggested.
We are primarily interested in retrieving wind fields from satellite scatterometer observations of the ocean surface!. A probabilistic prior model for wind fields will be used in
a Bayesian procedure to resolve ambiguities in local predictions of wind direction. The
generative model for a wind field including a front is taken to be a combination of two
vector-valued GPs with a constrained discontinuity.
A common method for representing wind fields is to put GP priors over the velocity potential ~ and stream function 'It, assuming the processes are uncorrelated (Daley, 1991). The
horizontal wind vector u = (u, v) can then be derived from:
This produces good prior models for wind fields when a suitable choice of covariance
function for ~ and 'It is made. We have investigated using a modified Bessel function
based covariance2 (Handcock and Wallis, 1994) but found, using three years of wind data
for the North Atlantic, that the maximum a posteriori value for the smoothness paramete~
in this covariance function was'" 2.5. Thus we used the correlation function:
p(r) =
(1 + .!:. + ~)
where L is the correlation length scale, which is equivalent to the modified Bessel function
and less computationally demanding (Cornford, 1998).
Simulate Frontal Position. Orientation and Direction
Simulate Along Both Sides of Front using GPl
Simulate 'Mnd Raids Either Side of Front Conditionally
on that Sides Frontal 'Mnds using GP2
Figure 1: (a) Flowchart describing the generative frontal model. See text for full description. (b) A description of the frontal model.
The generative model has the form outlined in Figure 1a. Initially the frontal position and
orientation are simulated. They are defined by the angle clockwise from north (?/) that
the front makes and a point on the line (x/, Y/). Having defined the position of the front,
for details of the scatterometer work. Technical reports describing, in more detail, methods for
generating prior wind field models can also be accessed from the same page.
2The modified Bessel function allows us to control the differentiability of the sample realisations
through the 'smoothness parameter', as well as the length scales and variances.
3This varies with season, but is the most temporally stable parameter in the covariance function.
Adding Constrained Discontinuities to GP Models o/Wind Fields
the angle of the wind across the front (a J) is simulated from a distribution covering the
range [0,71"). This angle is related to the vertical component of vorticity ?() across the front
through ( = k? V x u ex: cos
and the constraint a J E [0,71") ensures cyclonic vorticity
at the front. It is assumed that the front bisects a J. The wind speed (8 J) is then simulated at
the front. Since there is generally little change in wind speed across the front, one value is
simulated for both sides of the front. These components 8 f = (? J , x J , YJ, a J, 8 J) define
the line of the front and the mean wind vectors just ahead of and just behind the front
(Figure Ib):
(? )
A realistic model requires some variability in wind vectors along the front. Thus we use a
GP with a non-zero mean (mla or mlb) along the line of the front. In the real atmosphere
we observe a smaller variability in the wind vectors along the line of the front compared
with regions away from fronts . Thus we use different GP parameters along the front (G Pl ),
from those used in the wind field away from the front (GP2 ), although the same GPl
parameters are used both sides of the front, just with different means. The winds just ahead
of and behind the front are assumed conditionally independent given ml a and mlb, and
are simulated at a regular 50 km spacing. The final step in the generative model is to
simulate wind vectors using G P2 in both regions either side of the front, conditionally on
the values along that side of the front. This model is flexible enough to represent fronts, yet
has the required constraints derived from meteorological principles, for example that fronts
should always be associated with cyclonic vorticity and that discontinuities at the model
scale should be in wind direction but not in wind speed4 . To make this generative model
useful for inference, we need to be able to compute the data likelihood, which is the subject
of the next section.
. ;....
Figure 2: (a) The discontinuity in one ofthe vector components in a simulation. (b) Framework for GPs with boundary conditions. The curve Dl has nl sample points with values
Zt. The domain D2 has n2 points with values Z2.
4The model allows small discontinuities in wind speed, which are consistent with frontal dynamics.
D. Cornford, 1. T Nabney and C. K. 1. Williams
We consider data from two domains D1 and D2 (Figure 2b), where in this case D1 is a
curve in the plane which is intended to be the front and D2 is a region of the plane. We
obtain n1 variables Zl at points Xl along the curve, and we assume these are generated
under G P1 (a GP which depends on parameters 81 and has mean m1 = m1l which will be
determined by (3) or (4?. We are interested in determining the likelihood of the variables
Z2 observed at n2 points X2 under GP2 which depends on parameters 82, conditioned on
the 'constrained discontinuities' at the front.
We evaluate this by calculating the likelihood of Z2 conditioned on the n1 values of Zl
from G P1 along the front and marginalising out Zl:
p(Z2182,81) =
p(Z2I Z 1,82,81,m1)p(ZlI81,m1) dZ1.
From the definition ofthe likelihood of a GP (Cressie, 1993) we find:
p(Z2IZ1,82,81,m1) =
(271") ISd'2
To understand the notation consider the joint distribution of Zl, Z2 and in particular its
covariance matrix:
where K 1112 is the n1 x n1 covariance matrix between the points in D1 evaluated using
8 2, K1212 = K~112 the n1 x n2 (cross) covariance matrix between the points in D1 and D2
evaluated using 8 2 and K2212 is the usual n2 x n2 covariance for points in D 2. Thus we
can see that S22 is the n2 x n2 modified covariance for the points in D2 given the points
along D 1 , while the Z; is the corrected mean that accounts for the values at the points in
D 1 ? which have non-zero mean.
We remove the dependency on the values Zl by evaluating the integral in (5).
p(ZlI8 1, m1) is given by:
p(ZlI81, m1) =
(--21(Zl -
m1)' Kill1 (Zl - m 1
where K 1111 is the n1 x n1 covariance matrix between the points in D1 evaluated under
the covariance given by 8 1 . Completing the square in Zl in the exponent, the integral (5)
can be evaluated to give:
188m ) 2
_1_ x
IS221 t IK11111t IBlt
(~ (C' B- 1C -
Z2' S2;l Z2 - m1' Kill1 m1) )
' K-1 )'S-lK' K- 1
K- 1
(K 1212
1112 22 1212 1112 + 1111
Z 2'S-lK'
22 1212 K1112 + m1 'K1111
The algorithm has been coded in MATLAB and can deal with reasonably large numbers of
points quickly. For a two dimensional vector-valued GP with n1 = 12 and n2 = 200 5 and
5This is equivalent to nl = 24 and n2 = 400 for a scalar GP.
Adding Constrained Discontinuities to GP Models of Wind Fields
a covariance function given by (2), computation of the log likelihood takes 4.13 seconds on
an SGI Indy R5000.
The mean value just ahead and behind the front define the mean values for the constrained
discontinuity (i.e. m1 in (9?. Conditional on the frontal parameters the wind fields either
side (Figure 3a) are assumed independent:
p(Z2a, Z2b\02, 01, Of) = p(Z2a\02, 01, m1a)p(m1a\Of) x
p(Z2b\02, 01, m1b)p(m1b\Of)
where we have performed the integration (5) to remove the dependency on Z1a and Z1b.
Thus the likelihood of the data Z2 = (Z2a, Z2b) given the model parameters O2,01 , Of
is simply the product of the likelihoods of two GPs with a constrained discontinuity which
can be computed using (9).
_ _- . . . " " " " , , - -
......,"--.............. ,"
" , .... , ' - - - -
_II ::::
,!. 100
.... , ,
-- - - -
, ''I. \ , - - -.... ,
- '
"" _-......... ", ,
' \ \, \, - - - ..... , , , ,
' " _--....'''''' "
Figure 3: (a) The division of the wind field using the generative frontal model. Z1a, Z1b
are the wind fields just ahead and behind the front, along its length, respectively. Z2a,
Z2b are the wind fields in the regions ahead of and behind the front respectively. (b) An
example from the generative frontal model: the wind field looks like a typical 'cold front'.
The model outlined above was tested on simulated data generated from the model to assess
parameter sensitivity. We generated a wind field ZO = (Z2a' Z2b) using known model
parameters (e.g. Figure 3b). We then sampled the model parameters from the posterior
where p( ( 2), p( ( 1 ), p( Of) are prior distributions over the parameters in the GPs and front
models. This brings out one advantage of the proposed model. All the model parameters
have a physical interpretation and thus expert knowledge was used to set priors which
produce realistic wind fields. We will also use (10) to help set (hyper)priors using real data
in Zoo
MCMC using the Metropolis algorithm (Neal, 1993) is used to sample from (to) using the
NETLAB 6 library. Convergence of the Markov chain is currently assessed using visual inspection of the univariate sample paths since the generating parameters are known, although
other diagnostics could be used (Cowles and Carlin, 1996). We find that the procedure is
insensitive to the initial value of the GP parameters, but that the parameters describing the
location ofthe front (1/>" d,) need to be initialised 'close' to the correct values if the chain
is to converge on a reasonable time-scale. In the application some preliminary analysis of
the wind field would be necessary to identify possible fronts and thus set the initial parameters to 'sensible' values. We intend to fit a vector-valued GP without any discontinuities
6Available from http://www.ncrg.aston.ac . uk/netlab/index. html.
D. Comjord, I. T. Nabney and C. K. 1. Williams
Sample nurrber
4 '
Sample number
? In'
w 104
Figure 4: Examples from the Markov chain of the posterior distribution (10). (a) The
energy = negative log posterior probability. Note that the energy when the chain was initialised was 2789 and the first 27 values are outside the range of the y-axis. (b) The angle
of the front relative to north (?> I) '
and then measure the 'strain' or misfit of the locally predicted winds with the winds fitted
by the GP. Lines of large 'strain' will be used to initialise the front parameters.
sample number
~~-an1.5~uw~2ww~2.~5~~3L-~3. 5
Angle of wind (radians)
Figure 5: Examples from the Markov chain of the posterior distribution (10). (a) The angle
of the wind across the front (01 ). (b) Histogram of the posterior distribution of 01 allowing
a 10000 iteration bum-in period.
Examples of samples from the Markov chain from the simulated wind field shown in Figure 3a can be seen in Figures 4 and 5. Figure 4a shows that the energy level (= negative log
posterior probability) falls very rapidly to near its minimum value from its large starting
value of 2789. In these plots the true parameters for the front were ?> I = 0.555,01 = 2.125
while the initial values were set at ?>I = 0.89,01 = 1.49. Other parameters were also incorrectly set. The Metropolis algorithm seems to be able to find the minimum and then
stays in it.
Figure 4b and 5a show the Markov chains for ?>I and 0/ ' Both converge quickly to an apparently stationary distributions, which have mean values very close to the 'true' generating
parameters. The histogram of the distribution of 01 is shown in Figure 5b.
Adding Constrained Discontinuities to GP Models of Wind Fields
Simulations from our model are meteorologically plausible wind fields which contain
fronts. It is possible similar models could usefully be applied to other modelling problems where there are discontinuities with known properties. A method for the computation
of the likelihood of data given two GP models, one with non-zero mean on the boundary
and another in the domain in which the data is observed, has been given. This allows us
to perform inference on the parameters in the frontal model using a Bayesian approach of
sampling from the posterior distribution using a MCMC algorithm.
There are several weaknesses in the model specifically for fronts, which could be improved
with further work. Real atmospheric fronts are not straight, thus the model would be improved by allowing 'curved' fronts. We could represent the position of the front, oriented
along the angle defined by ?, using either another smooth GP, B-splines or possibly polynomials.
Currently the points along the line of the front are simulated at the mean observation spacing in the rest of the wind field ('" 50 km). Interesting questions remain about the (in-fill)
asymptotics (Cressie, 1993) as the distance between the points along the front tends to zero.
Empirical evidence suggests that as long as the spacing along the front is 'much less' than
the length scale of the GP along the front (which is typically'" 1000 km) then the spacing
does not significantly affect the results.
Although we currently use a Metropolis algorithm for sampling from the Markov chain,
the derivative of (9) with respect to the GP parameters 8 1 and 8 2 could be computed analytically and used in a hybrid Monte Carlo procedure (Neal, 1993).
These improvements should lead to a relatively robust procedure for putting priors over
wind fields which will be used with real data when retrieving wind vectors from scatterometer observations over the ocean.
This work was partially supported by the European Union funded NEUROSAT programme
(grant number ENV 4 CT96-0314) and also EPSRC grant GRlL03088 Combining Spatially
Distributed Predictions from Neural Networks.
Cornford, D. 1998. Flexible Gaussian Process Wind Field Models. Technical Report
NCRG/98/017, Neural Computing Research Group, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, UK.
Cowles, M. K. and B. P. Carlin 1996. Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo Convergence
Diagnostics-A Comparative Review. Journal of the American Statistical Association 91, 883-904.
Cressie, N. A. C. 1993. Statistics for Spatial Data. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Daley, R. 1991. Atmospheric Data Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Handcock, M. S. and J. R. Wallis 1994. An Approach to Statistical Spatio-Temporal
Modelling of Meteorological Fields. Journal of the American Statistical Association 89, 368-378.
Neal, R. M. 1993. Probabilistic Inference Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods.
Technical Report CRG-TR-93-1, Department of Computer Science, University of
Toronto. URL: http://www.cs.utoronto.ca/ ... radford.
| 1502 |@word polynomial:1 seems:1 km:3 d2:6 simulation:2 dz1:1 covariance:11 tr:1 initial:3 o2:1 atlantic:1 com:1 z2:7 yet:1 john:1 realistic:3 remove:2 plot:1 stationary:2 generative:10 plane:2 inspection:1 scotland:1 location:1 toronto:1 accessed:1 along:16 mla:1 retrieving:2 dan:1 gpl:2 introduce:1 p1:2 scatterometer:3 resolve:1 little:1 project:1 notation:1 what:1 interpreted:1 developed:1 temporal:1 usefully:1 uk:6 control:1 zl:8 grant:2 appear:1 local:1 tends:1 path:1 suggests:1 co:1 range:2 yj:1 union:1 procedure:5 cold:1 asymptotics:1 empirical:1 significantly:1 regular:1 close:2 put:1 www:3 equivalent:2 williams:4 starting:1 l:1 d1:5 fill:1 initialise:1 gps:9 cressie:3 origin:1 velocity:1 observed:2 epsrc:1 cornford:4 region:4 ensures:1 dynamic:2 division:2 triangle:1 joint:1 various:1 zo:1 describe:1 monte:4 hyper:1 outside:1 valued:5 z2i:1 plausible:1 statistic:1 gp:18 final:2 advantage:1 reconstruction:1 product:1 combining:1 rapidly:1 description:2 sgi:1 convergence:2 satellite:1 produce:3 generating:3 comparative:1 help:1 illustrate:1 ac:3 ex:1 p2:1 indy:1 predicted:1 c:1 direction:4 discontinuous:1 correct:1 explains:1 atmosphere:2 preliminary:1 crg:1 pl:1 exp:4 nurrber:1 estimation:1 birmingham:2 currently:3 bisects:1 gaussian:4 always:1 modified:4 season:1 derived:2 improvement:2 modelling:4 likelihood:9 posteriori:1 inference:3 typically:1 initially:1 interested:2 flexible:3 orientation:2 html:1 exponent:1 constrained:13 spatial:2 integration:1 field:32 having:1 sampling:3 env:1 placing:1 s22:1 look:1 report:3 spline:1 realisation:1 primarily:1 oriented:1 intended:1 n1:8 weakness:2 nl:2 diagnostics:2 behind:5 z2b:5 bum:1 chain:11 integral:2 necessary:1 fitted:1 front:54 too:1 dependency:2 varies:1 ehi:1 sensitivity:1 stay:1 probabilistic:2 informatics:1 quickly:2 von:1 ambiguity:1 possibly:1 expert:1 derivative:1 american:2 account:2 potential:1 north:3 depends:2 stream:1 performed:1 wind:51 apparently:1 ass:1 square:1 variance:1 ofthe:3 identify:1 misfit:1 bayesian:3 carlo:4 zoo:1 straight:1 definition:1 energy:3 initialised:2 associated:1 radian:1 sampled:1 knowledge:1 improved:2 evaluated:4 marginalising:1 just:6 correlation:2 horizontal:1 christopher:1 meteorological:2 brings:1 contain:2 true:2 analytically:1 spatially:1 neal:3 deal:1 conditionally:3 covering:1 hill:1 m1l:1 demonstrate:1 temperature:1 common:1 physical:2 b4:1 insensitive:1 ncrg:3 discussed:1 interpretation:1 m1:11 association:2 cambridge:2 smoothness:2 outlined:2 handcock:2 mlb:2 funded:1 stable:1 surface:6 vorticity:3 posterior:7 seen:1 minimum:2 gp2:3 converge:2 period:1 bessel:3 clockwise:1 ii:1 full:1 infer:1 smooth:2 technical:3 cross:1 long:1 coded:1 prediction:2 vision:1 histogram:2 represent:2 iteration:1 spacing:4 addressed:1 rest:1 subject:1 near:2 enough:1 affect:1 carlin:2 fit:1 url:1 york:1 matlab:1 generally:1 useful:1 locally:1 differentiability:1 http:3 group:2 putting:1 uw:1 isd:1 year:1 run:1 angle:7 reasonable:1 forrest:1 z2a:5 netlab:2 completing:1 nabney:4 correspondence:1 strength:1 ahead:5 constraint:2 x2:1 speed:3 simulate:4 relatively:1 department:1 combination:1 across:4 smaller:1 meteorologically:1 remain:1 son:1 metropolis:3 taken:1 computationally:1 describing:3 adopted:1 available:1 observe:1 away:2 ocean:2 include:1 calculating:1 intend:1 question:1 mnd:1 usual:1 distance:1 simulated:8 sensible:1 whom:1 assuming:1 length:4 index:1 difficult:1 ql:1 negative:2 zt:1 perform:1 allowing:2 ord:1 observation:4 vertical:1 markov:9 curved:1 incorrectly:1 situation:1 variability:2 strain:2 dc:1 ww:1 community:1 atmospheric:3 required:1 flowchart:1 discontinuity:19 geostatistics:1 able:2 suggested:1 including:1 suitable:1 demanding:1 hybrid:1 representing:1 aston:6 library:1 temporally:1 lk:2 axis:1 text:1 prior:10 review:1 l2:1 acknowledgement:1 determining:1 relative:1 interesting:1 consistent:1 principle:1 uncorrelated:1 soil:1 supported:1 side:8 understand:1 fall:1 edinburgh:2 distributed:1 boundary:2 curve:3 evaluating:1 made:1 lz:1 programme:1 ml:1 assumed:3 spatio:1 an1:1 reasonably:1 robust:1 ca:1 investigated:1 complex:1 european:1 domain:3 bounding:1 s2:2 n2:9 raid:1 wiley:1 position:4 daley:3 xl:1 ib:1 ian:1 utoronto:1 evidence:1 derives:1 dl:2 adding:4 conditioned:2 lt:1 simply:1 univariate:1 visual:1 partially:1 scalar:1 radford:1 conditional:1 marked:1 change:2 typical:2 determined:1 corrected:1 specifically:1 wallis:2 htm1:1 assessed:1 frontal:10 evaluate:1 mcmc:4 tested:1 cowles:2 |
551 | 1,503 | Learning from Dyadic Data
Thomas Hofmann?, Jan Puzicha+, Michael I. Jordan?
? Center for Biological and Computational Learning, M .I.T
Cambridge , MA , {hofmann , jordan}@ai.mit.edu
+ Institut fi.ir Informatik III , Universitat Bonn, Germany, [email protected]
Dyadzc data refers to a domain with two finite sets of objects in
which observations are made for dyads , i.e., pairs with one element
from either set. This type of data arises naturally in many application ranging from computational linguistics and information
retrieval to preference analysis and computer vision . In this paper,
we present a systematic, domain-independent framework of learning from dyadic data by statistical mixture models. Our approach
covers different models with fiat and hierarchical latent class structures. We propose an annealed version of the standard EM algorithm for model fitting which is empirically evaluated on a variety
of data sets from different domains.
Over the past decade learning from data has become a highly active field of research distributed over many disciplines like pattern recognition, neural computation , statistics, machine learning, and data mining. Most domain-independent
learning architectures as well as the underlying th eories of learning have been focusing on a feature-based data representation by vectors in an Euclidean space. For
this restricted case substantial progress has been achieved. However, a variety of
important problems does not fit into this setting and far less advances have been
made for data types based on different representations.
In this paper, we will present a general framework for unsupervised learning from
dyadic data . The notion dyadic refers to a domain with two (abstract) sets of objects, ;r = {Xl , ... , XN} and Y = {YI, ... , YM} in which observations S are made for
dyads (Xi, Yk). In the simplest case - on which we focus - an elementary observation
consists just of (Xi, Yk) itself, i.e., a co-occurrence of Xi and Yk, while other cases
may also provide a scalar value Wik (strength of preference or association). Some exemplary application areas are: (i) Computational linguistics with the corpus-based
statistical analysis of word co-occurrences with applications in language modeling ,
word clustering, word sense disambiguation , and thesaurus construction. (ii) Textbased znJormatzon retrieval, where ,:{, may correspond to a document collection , Y
Learningfrom Dyadic Data
to keywords , and (Xi, Yk) would represent the occurrence of a term Yk in a document
Xi. (iii) Modeling of preference and consumption behavior by identifying X with individuals and Y with obj ects or stimuli as in collaborative jilterzng. (iv) Computer
VIS tOn , in particular in the context of image segmentation, where X corresponds to
imagE' loc ations , y to discretized or categorical feature values , and a dyad (Xi , Yk)
represents a feature Yk observed at a particular location Xi.
Mixture Models for Dyadic Data
Across different domains there are at least two tasks which playa fundamental role
in unsupervised learning from dyadic data: (i) probabilistic modeling, i.e., learning
a joint or conditional probability model over X xY , and (ii) structure discovery, e.g. ,
identifying clusters and data hierarchies. The key problem in probabilistic modeling
is the data sparseness: How can probabilities for rarely observed or even unobserved
co-occurrences be reliably estimated? As an answer we propose a model-based approach and formulate latent class or mixture models . The latter have the further
advantage to offer a unifying method for probabilistic modeling and structure discovery. There are at least three (four, if both variants in (ii) are counted) different
ways of defining latent class models:
The most direct way is to introduce an (unobserved) mapping c : X X Y --+
{Cl , . . . , CK} that partitions X x Y into K classes. This type of model is
called aspect-based and the pre-image c- l (cO') is referred to as an aspect.
n. Alternatively, a class can be defined as a subset of one of the spaces X (or Y
by symmetry, yielding a different model) , i.e., C : X --+ {Cl, . .. , CK} which
induces a unique partitioning on X x Y by C(Xi , yk) == C(Xi) . This model is
referr ed to as on e-szded clustering and c-l(c a ) ~ X is called a cluster.
Ill. If latent classes are defined for both sets, c : X --+ {ci , .. . , cK} and C :
Y --+ {cI , . .. , cD, respectively, this induces a mapping C which is a K . L partitioning of X x y. This model is called two-sided clustering.
Aspect Model for Dyadic Data
In order to sp ecify an aspect model we make the assumption that all co-occurrences
in the sample set S are i.i .d. and that Xi and Yk are conditionally independent given
the class. With parameters P(x i lca ), P(Yklca) for the class-conditional distributions
and prior probabilities P( cO' ) the complete data probability can be written as
P(S , c) =
IT [P(Cik)P(Xilcik)P(Yklcik)t (x"Yk)
where n(xi, Yk) are the empirical counts for dyads in Sand Cik == C(Xi, Yk) . By
summing over the latent variables C the usual mixture formulation is obtained
= IT P(Xi, Ykt(X"Yk),
where P(Xi , Yk)
P(ca)P(xilca)P(Yk Ic a )
Following the standard Expectation Maximi zation approach for maximum likelihood
t's timation [DE'mpster et al .. 1977], the E-step equations for the class posterior probabilities arE' given byl
1 In the case of multiple observations of dyads it has been assumed that each observation
may have a different latent class. If only one latent class variable is introduced for each
dyad, slightly different equations are obtained.
T. Hofmann, J puzicha and M. 1. Jordan
..... .
. . . . _0 . . . . . . . .
............... --
..... __ .........
Ill , U.UU4
114, U.UU:l
! P (Ca)
: maximal
: maximal
two 0.18
seven 0.10
tbree 0.10
four 0.06
five 0.06
years 0.11
bousand 0.1
buodred 0.1
days 0.07
cubits 0.05
be 0.02
up 0.40
fortb 0.15
out 0.09
I"', U.U~9
sbalt 0.18
bast 0.08
wilt 0.08
art 0.07
if 0.05
tbe 0.95
bis 0.006
my 0.005
our 0.003
tby 0.003
tbou 0.85
DOt 0.01
also 0.004
ndeed 0.00
aooiot 0.003
lord 0.09
bildreo 0.0
SOD 0.02
land 0.02
o Ie 0.02
aDd 0.33
for 0.08
but 0.07
ben 0.0
so 0.02
ee O.
me 0.03
him 0.03
it 0.02
you 0.02
Figure 1: Some aspects of the Bible (bigrams) .
It is straightforward to derive the M-step re-estimation formulae
P(c a) ex
L n(xi' Yk)P{Cik = Ca }, P(xilca) ex L n(xi, Yk)P{Cik = Ca },
and an analogous equation for P(Yk Ic a ). By re-parameterization the aspect model
can also be characterized by a cross-entropy criterion. Moreover, formal equivalence to the aggregate Markov model, independently proposed for language modeling in [Saul, Pereira, 1997], has been established (cf. [Hofmann, Puzicha, 1998] for
One-Sided Clustering Model
The complete data model proposed for the one-sided clustering model is
P(S, c) = P( c)P(SIc) =
P( c(x;)) )
[P( x;)P(Y' Ic( X;))]n(x",,)) ,
where we have made the assumption that observations (Xi, Yk) for a particular Xi
are conditionally independent given c( xd . This effectively defines the mixture
P(S) =
IT P(S;) ,
P(S;) =
L P(c a ) IT [P(XdP(Yklea)r(X"Yk)
where Si are all observations involving Xi. Notice that co-occurrences in Si are not
independent (as they are in the aspect model) , but get coupled by the (shared)
latent variable C(Xi). As before, it is straightforward to derive an EM algorithm
with update equations
P{ c( Xi) =Ca } ex P( Ca )
IT P(Yk Icat(x. ,Yk), P(Yk lea) ex L n(Xi, Yk )P{ c( Xi) =ca }
and P(c a ) ex Li P{C(Xi ) = cal, P(Xi) ex Lj n(xi,Yj)? The one-sided clustering
mod el is similar to the distributional clustering model [Pereira et al. , 1993], however, there are two important differences: (i) the number of likelihood contributions
in (7) scales with the number of observations - a fact which follows from Bayes' rule
- and (ii) mixing proportions are rpissing in the original distributional clustering
model. The one-sided clustering model corresponds to an unsupervised version of
the naive Bayes' classifier, if we interpret Y as a feature space for objects Xi EX .
There are also ways to weaken the conditional independence assumption, e.g., by
utilizing a mixture of tree dependency models [Meila, Jordan, 1998] .
Two-Sided Clustering Model
The latent variable structure of the two-sided clustering model significantly reduces
the degrees of freedom in the specification of the class conditional distribution. We
Learning from Dyadic Data
Figure 2: Exemplary segmentation results on Aerial by one-sided clustering.
propose the following complete data model
P(S, c) =
II P(C(Xi))P(C(Yk)) [P(xi)P(Yk)1Tc(xi),c(YIc)f(x"yIc)
where 1Tc:r: cll are cluster association parameters. In this model the latent variables
in the X and Y space are coupled by the 1T-parameters. Therefore, there exists
no simple mixture model representation for P(S). Skipping some of the technical
details (cf. [Hofmann, Puzicha, 1998]) we obtain P(Xi) ex Lk n(xi,Yk), P(Yk) ex
Li n(xi' Yk) and the M-step equations
L i k n(xi, Yk)P{C(Xi) = c~ /\ C(Yk) = c~}
1Tc~.c~ = [Li P{C(Xi) = ~;} Lk n(xi, Yk)] [Lk P{C(Yk) = cn Li n(xi, Yk)]
as well as P(c~)
L i P{C(Xi) c~} and P(c~) Lk P{C(Xk) cn . To preserve
tractability for the remaining problem of computing the posterior probabilities in
the E-step , we apply a factorial approximation (mean field approximation), i.e.,
P{C(Xi ) = c~ /\ C(Yk) =
~ P{C(Xi) = c~}P{C(Yk) =
This results in the
following coupled approximation equations for the marginal posterior probabilities
P{ c(x;)
= c~} ex P(c~) exp [~n(x;, y,) ~ PI cry,) = c'(} log "'~"~1
and a similar equation for P {C(Yk) = c~}. The resulting approximate EM algorithm
performs updates according to the sequence (CX- post., 1T, cLpost., 1T). Intuitively
the (probabilistic) clustering in one set is optimized in alternation for a given clustering in the other space and vice versa. The two-sided clustering model can also
be shown to maximize a mutual information criterion [Hofmann, Puzicha, 1998] .
Discussion: Aspects and Clusters
To better understand the differences of the presented models it is elucidating to
systematically compare the conditional probabilities P( CO' Ixd and P( CO' IYk):
P(CoIYk )
P{x.ico' W{co' 2
Ic", W( c'" 2
P(Y k)
X Clustering
Y Clustering
P{xdcO' W{ CO' 2
P{C(Yk) = cO'}
P{C(Yk) = c~}
P{c(xd = cO'}
P(lf.kl cO' )P(cO' 2
= c~}
As can be seen from the above table, probabilities P(CoIXi) and P(CaIYk) correspond
to posterior probabilities of latent variables if clusters are defined in the X-and
Y-space, respectively. Otherwise, they are computed from model parameters. This
is a crucial difference as, for example, the posterior probabilities are approaching
T. Hofmann, J. Puzicha and M. I. Jordan
. . ...-
'''' P' '' ''' '~
... 1?
' ~.
.~ ,
f ..... I~
. --" ....
. . .r... ...........,.....
< ?? I~
h .. .. ' ? ???
_ ??? 1
Il10' ' ''
c r .....
.. , ..
? ... ~ . " ... ,
~.'''< .I ??
~:.:: ~."..
~.::;,:'::.I ~:::: ..
. h .~.
.. . .,_.
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??10' '''
? ..... _ .
_" ....
..? .. .i'.......
f . . ..
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. _11
' '''.,.
I ~ ..
'''. " ...... , .... ~ .i ul
" ' ..tol.
Io'.,f.. ,
? ?? 1-.
. 1. . ....
,' " .... ,.
oa." ....,
. .c; ?? "" ...!:~:I::'
" . .. ..
, .. h lt.
..."... , ...it,
.Iln., ...
... w
, . ..
.. ?? ? ? ? L
1. '10 ?
".d .
D~~~ ""
I?? ,.
_ ;' ,117
d .....
u u ll ? ??
,,<., .,,"??ua,
" ,
, h .... , ., " ??? , .. .. .
u d d . ..
.. .. .... hi
.< ~
,."... .
. ~.c,
?.. Ii.,
,e. .....
?? , ,
1111 ,
b ..... ,
u ."'~'
)O ,.i.
~ ._ ..
........... 'u..
<? ?? .,.
<. . . .11 . . .. i . ..
. . , .. , . . .
n, ..."
_.. ',.<.
1, ? ? -
.. ... ,
? . . ,, '"
fl ????
. .... ]0
....'.,"10 ...
,... ,, 1. . .
I."""'''' .. ~Ii.,<oJ
~~:::~.".~'. :::~'.~~~~'
.??;::., :::;!..'.,
Figure 3: Two-sided clustering of LOB:
matrix and most probable words.
Boolean values in the infinite data limit and P(Yklxd = Lo P{C(Xi)=Co}P(Yk!co)
are converging to one of the class-conditional distributions. Yet, in the aspect model
P(Yklxd = Lo P(CoIXi)P(Yk!co) and P(CoIXi) ex: P(Co)P(Xi!co) are typically not
peaking more sharply with an increasing number of observations. In the aspect
model, conditionals P(Yk IXi) are inherently a weighted sum of the 'prototypical'
distributions P(Yk Ic o ). Cluster models in turn ultimately look for the 'best' classconditional and weights are only indirectly induced by the posterior uncertainty.
The Cluster-Abstraction Model
The models discussed in Section 2 all define a non-hierarchical, 'flat' latent class
structure. However, for structure discovery it is important to find hierarchical data
organizations. There are well-known architectures like the Hierarchical Mixtures
of Experts [Jordan, Jacobs , 1994] which fit hierarchical models. Yet, in the case
of dyadic data there is an alternative possibility to define a hierarchical model.
The Cluster-Abstraction Model (CAM) is a clustering model (e.g., in X) where
the conditionals P(Yk Ico) are itself xi-specific aspect mixtures, P(Yk leo, Xi) =
LII P(Yk la ll )P( alllc o , Xi) with a latent aspect mapping a. To obtain a hierarchical organization, clusters Co are identified with the terminal nodes of a hierarchy
(e.g., a complete binary tree) and aspects all with inner and terminal nodes. As
a compatibility constraint it is imposed that P( all/co, xd = 0 whenever the node
corresponding to all is not on the path to the terminal node co. Intuitively, conditioned on a 'horizontal' clustering c all observations (Xi, Yk) E Si for a particular
Xi have to be generated from one of the 'vertical' abstraction levels on the path to
c( Xi)' Since different clusters share aspects according to their topological relation ,
this favors a meaningful hierarchical organization of clusters. Moreover, aspects at
inner nodes do not simply represent averages over clusters in their subtree as they
are forced to explicitly represent what is common to all subsequent clusters.
Skipping the technical details, the E-step is given by
= all/c(xi) = co} ex: P(alllco,xi)P(Yk/all)
P{ C(Xi) = co} ex: P( co)
II L [P( alllc o , Xi)P(Yk /a ll
and the M-step formulae are P(Yk/all) ex: LiP{a(xi,Yk) = all}n(xi,Yk), P(c o ) ex:
Li P{C(Xi) = co}, and P(alllco , Xi) ex: Lk P{a(xi ' Yk) = all/c(xi) = co}n(xi, Yk)'
Learning from Dyadic Data
....... :f;:::::m??????
: weiCht '.
.: learn \
.' error '.
.:' example \
rundl.l.ln :
~idd~:r i
d .. s~ir
;~=fit ~
i\, '1M1"I1
i """ ~:!:' ~.r ./ \ ... :-e:rsion demnln
~;IKIU' ! . . . : :. . . .: .-: . ~;~-.//
m ....
~t~n ?-? ?? ?? ?-?
control ;
/ ;?k. i ;~~:...;
machin :
...... ...... -, dynamjc
:' Umt '"
.: modd \
f nruron ",
neuron nrtwork
r~pons aicorithm
: ntlwork:
i process ~
: data
j modtl :
,.,"'/ /
m.".... ?
7?~d~_" " ~""_-::;'bll
nrtwork \
; map
visual memori
motion (papc
p~~tSS lra~
paramll :
=!:. ..... ~
,,.,....w (:...., ',....
::~d'.;:;" ';~'';ari
:;::~~ :~it.ri
:' a1corithm
i rult
r::kl' ::!::-'
pedsJ"a.pt nop)
krn (...J
Figure 4: Parts of the top levels of a hierarchical clustering solution for the Neural
document collection, aspects are represented by their 5 most probable word stems.
Annealed Expectation Maximization
Annealed EM is a generalization of EM based on the idea of deterministic annealing [Rose et al., 1990] that has been successfully applied as a heuristic optimization
technique to many clustering and mixture problems. Annealing reduces the sensitivity to local maxima, but, even more importantly in this context , it may also improve
the generalization performance compared to maximum likelihood estimation. 2 The
key idea in annealed EM is to introduce an (inverse temperature) parameter (3 ,
and to replace the negative (averaged) complete data log-likelihood by a substitute
known as the fre e energy (both are in fact equivalent at f3 = 1) . This effectively
results in a simple modifi cation of the E-step by taking the likelihood contribution
in Bayes ' rul e to the power of ;3. In order to determine the optimal value for f3 we
used an additional validation set in a cross validation procedure.
Results and Conclusions
In our experiments we have utilized the following real-world data sets: (i) Cranfield:
a standard test collection from information retrieval (N = 1400, M = 4898) , (ii)
Penn : adjective-noun co-occurrences from the Penn Treebank corpus (N = 6931 ,
M = 4995) and the LOB corpus (N = 5448, M = 6052) , (iii) Neural: a document
collection with abstracts of journal papers on neural networks (N = 1278 , M = 6065) ,
(iv) Bzble: word bigrams from the bible edition of the Gutenberg project (N = M =
12858) , (v) Aerial: Textured aerial images for segmentation (N = 128x128, M = 192).
In Fig. 1 we have visualized an aspect model fitted to the Bible bigram data. Notice
that although X = Y the role of the preceding and the subsequent words in bigrams
is quite different . Segmentation results obtained on Aerial applying the one-sided
clustering model are depicted in Fig. 2. A multi-scale Gabor filter bank (3 octaves,
4 orientations) was utilized as an image representation (cf. [Hofmann et al. , 1998]) .
In Fig. 3 a two- sided clustering solution of LOB is shown. Fig. 4 shows the top
levels of the hierarchy found by the Cluster-Abstraction Model in Neural. The
inner node distributions provide resolution-specific descriptors for the documents
in the conesponding subtree which can be utilized , e.g., in interactive browsing
for information retrieval, Fig. 5 shows typical test set perplexity curves of the
2 Moreover,
the tree topology for the CAM is heuristically grown via phase transitions.
T. Hofmann, 1. Puzicha and M 1. Jordan
Figure 5: Perplexity curves for annealed EM (aspect (a), (b) and one-sided clustering model (c)) on the Bible and Gran data.
- 685
0.88 482
0.72 255
0.83 386
0.79 360
0.78 353
X /Y-c1uster
X /Y-cluster
Table 1: Perplexity results for different models on the Gran (predicting words conditioned on documents) and Penn data (predicting nouns conditioned on adjectives).
annealed EM algorithm for the aspect and clustering model (P = e- 1 where I is
the per-observation log-likelihood). At {J
1 (standard EM) overfitting is clearly
visible, an effect that vanishes with decreasing (J. Annealed learning performs also
better than standard EM with early stopping. Tab. 1 systematically summarizes
perplexity results for different models and data sets.
In conclusion mixture models for dyadic data have shown a broad application potential. Annealing yields a substantial improvement in generalization performance
compared to standard EM, in particular for clustering models, and also outperforms a complexity control via J{. In terms of perplexity, the aspect model has
the best performance. Detailed performance studies and comparisons with other
state-of-the-art techniques will appear in forthcoming papers.
[Dempster et al., 1977] Dempster, A.P., Laird, N.M., Rubin, D.B. (1977). Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the EM algorithm . J. Royal Statist. Soc. B , 39 , 1-38.
[Hofmann , Puzicha, 1998] Hofmann, T., Puzicha, J. 1998. Statistical models for cooccurrence data. Tech. rept . Artifical Intelligence Laboratory Memo 1625, M.LT.
[Hofmann et al., 1998] Hofmann, T., Puzicha, J ., Buhmann, J.M. (1998). Unsupervised
texture segmentation in a deterministic annealing framework. IEEE Transactions on
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , 20(8) , 803-818.
[Jordan, Jacobs, 1994] Jordan, M.L, Jacobs, R.A. (1994). Hierarchical mixtures of experts
and the EM algorithm. Neural Computation, 6(2), 181-214.
[Meila, Jordan , 1998] Meila, M., Jordan, M. L 1998. Estimating Dependency Structure
as a Hidden Variable. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 10.
[Pereira et al., 1993] Pereira, F.e.N., Tishby, N.Z., Lee, L. 1993. Distributional clustering
of English words. Pages 189-190 of: Proceedings of the A CL.
[Rose et al., 1990] Rose, K., Gurewitz , E., Fox, G. (1990). Statistical mechanics and phase
transitions in clustering. Physical Review Letters, 65(8), 945-948.
[Saul, Pereira, 1997] Saul, 1., Pereira, F. 1997. Aggregate and mixed-order Markov models for statistical language processing. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.
| 1503 |@word version:2 bigram:4 proportion:1 nd:2 heuristically:1 r:1 tat:1 jacob:3 loc:1 document:6 past:1 outperforms:1 thre:1 skipping:2 si:3 yet:2 written:1 visible:1 subsequent:2 partition:1 hofmann:13 update:3 intelligence:2 parameterization:1 xk:1 node:6 location:1 preference:3 x128:1 five:1 direct:1 become:1 ect:1 consists:1 fitting:1 introduce:2 behavior:1 pum:1 mechanic:1 multi:1 ol:1 discretized:1 terminal:3 decreasing:1 td:1 ua:1 increasing:1 project:1 estimating:1 underlying:1 moreover:3 what:1 unobserved:2 xd:3 interactive:1 classifier:1 partitioning:2 control:3 penn:4 appear:1 before:1 local:1 rept:1 limit:1 io:1 flu:1 path:2 equivalence:1 co:30 bi:1 averaged:1 unique:1 yj:1 lf:2 procedure:1 jan:2 area:1 empirical:2 significantly:1 gabor:1 word:9 pre:1 refers:2 get:1 cal:1 context:2 applying:1 equivalent:1 imposed:1 map:2 center:1 deterministic:2 annealed:7 straightforward:2 independently:1 formulate:1 resolution:1 identifying:2 ixd:1 rule:1 utilizing:1 importantly:1 notion:1 analogous:1 construction:1 hierarchy:3 machin:1 pt:2 ixi:1 element:1 recognition:1 utilized:3 distributional:3 observed:2 role:2 tur:1 yk:57 substantial:2 rose:3 vanishes:1 dempster:2 complexity:1 cooccurrence:1 cam:4 ultimately:1 lord:1 textured:1 joint:1 represented:1 grown:1 leo:1 train:1 infonn:2 forced:1 aggregate:2 quite:1 heuristic:1 otherwise:1 favor:1 statistic:1 itself:2 laird:1 advantage:1 sequence:1 exemplary:2 cai:1 propose:3 maximal:2 mixing:1 cluster:16 ben:1 object:4 derive:2 keywords:1 progress:1 soc:1 c:1 uu:1 filter:1 sand:1 generalization:3 biological:1 elementary:1 probable:2 im:1 ic:6 exp:1 mapping:3 early:1 estimation:2 him:1 vice:1 successfully:1 weighted:1 mit:1 clearly:1 ck:3 focus:1 improvement:1 likelihood:7 tech:1 sense:1 textbased:1 el:1 abstraction:4 stopping:1 lj:1 typically:1 hidden:1 relation:1 i1:1 germany:1 compatibility:1 ill:2 orientation:1 art:2 noun:2 mutual:1 marginal:1 field:2 f3:10 represents:1 broad:1 look:1 unsupervised:4 stimulus:1 preserve:1 individual:1 phase:2 freedom:1 organization:3 tss:1 plim:1 highly:1 mining:1 possibility:1 elucidating:1 mixture:12 nl:1 yielding:1 bible:4 xy:1 institut:1 fox:1 tree:3 iv:2 euclidean:1 incomplete:1 re:2 zation:1 weaken:1 fitted:1 modeling:6 boolean:1 cover:1 ations:1 pons:1 maximization:1 tractability:1 subset:1 sod:1 gutenberg:1 tishby:1 universitat:1 dependency:2 answer:1 my:1 fundamental:1 cll:1 sensitivity:1 ie:2 international:1 systematic:1 probabilistic:4 lee:1 discipline:1 michael:1 ym:1 lii:1 expert:2 li:5 potential:1 de:2 wilt:1 explicitly:1 vi:1 dad:1 tab:1 bayes:3 collaborative:1 contribution:2 oi:1 ir:2 ni:1 descriptor:1 bave:1 correspond:2 yield:1 raw:1 informatik:1 cation:1 umt:1 whenever:1 ed:1 synaptic:1 energy:1 naturally:1 fre:1 fiat:1 segmentation:5 cik:4 focusing:1 day:1 formulation:1 evaluated:1 just:1 cran:1 horizontal:1 defines:1 sic:1 effect:1 laboratory:1 conditionally:2 ll:3 sin:1 lob:3 iln:1 criterion:2 octave:1 complete:5 performs:2 motion:1 temperature:1 ranging:1 image:5 fi:1 ari:1 common:1 empirically:1 physical:1 association:2 discussed:1 m1:1 interpret:1 cambridge:1 versa:1 ai:1 meila:3 associ:1 language:4 dot:1 ute:1 specification:1 add:1 playa:1 nop:1 posterior:6 perplexity:5 lra:1 binary:1 alternation:1 yi:1 seen:1 additional:1 preceding:1 determine:1 maximize:1 ii:13 bast:2 multiple:1 ico:2 reduces:2 stem:2 intt:1 technical:2 characterized:1 offer:1 cross:2 retrieval:4 lin:2 post:1 converging:1 variant:1 involving:1 vision:1 expectation:2 represent:3 lulu:1 achieved:1 lea:1 conditionals:2 annealing:4 crucial:1 induced:1 mod:1 idd:1 jordan:11 obj:1 ee:1 iii:3 variety:2 independence:1 fit:3 forthcoming:1 architecture:2 approaching:1 identified:1 topology:1 inner:3 idea:2 cn:3 dyad:6 ul:1 modd:1 tol:1 byl:1 detailed:1 factorial:1 statist:1 induces:2 visualized:1 simplest:1 notice:2 estimated:1 per:1 key:2 four:2 year:1 tbe:1 sum:1 ork:1 inverse:1 letter:1 you:1 uncertainty:1 disambiguation:1 thesaurus:1 dy:1 summarizes:1 fl:1 hi:1 bound:1 topological:1 strength:1 constraint:1 sharply:1 ri:2 flat:1 bonn:2 aspect:23 lca:1 according:2 gran:2 aerial:4 across:1 slightly:1 em:13 wi:1 intuitively:2 restricted:1 peaking:1 classconditional:1 sided:16 ln:1 equation:7 turn:1 count:1 apply:1 hierarchical:10 indirectly:1 occurrence:7 alternative:1 ho:1 thomas:1 original:1 top:2 clustering:30 linguistics:2 cf:3 remaining:1 eri:1 substitute:1 unifying:1 learningfrom:1 nai:1 spike:1 usual:1 oa:1 consumption:1 me:1 seven:1 negative:1 memo:1 reliably:1 perform:1 vertical:1 observation:11 neuron:2 markov:2 finite:1 defining:1 bll:1 introduced:1 pair:1 kl:2 optimized:1 established:1 nu:1 pattern:3 adjective:2 oj:1 royal:1 power:1 natural:1 predicting:2 buhmann:1 wik:1 improve:1 iyk:1 theta:1 ne:1 lk:5 categorical:1 coupled:3 naive:1 gurewitz:1 prior:1 review:1 discovery:3 mixed:1 prototypical:1 validation:2 degree:1 rubin:1 treebank:1 bank:1 systematically:2 pi:1 cd:1 land:1 cry:1 lo:2 share:1 cranfield:1 english:1 formal:1 understand:1 saul:3 taking:1 distributed:1 curve:2 xn:1 world:1 transition:2 author:1 made:4 collection:4 counted:1 far:1 transaction:1 approximate:1 uni:1 active:1 rul:1 overfitting:1 corpus:3 summing:1 assumed:1 xi:62 alternatively:1 latent:13 decade:1 timation:1 yic:2 table:2 lip:1 learn:5 ca:7 inherently:1 symmetry:1 ioo:1 cl:4 domain:6 sp:1 edition:1 dyadic:12 fig:5 referred:1 tl:1 pereira:6 xl:1 tin:1 krn:1 formula:2 bad:1 specific:2 dol:1 ton:1 exists:1 i11:1 effectively:2 ci:2 texture:1 subtree:2 conditioned:3 sparseness:1 browsing:1 entropy:1 tc:4 cx:1 lt:2 simply:1 depicted:1 visual:1 ykt:1 scalar:1 rror:1 corresponds:2 ma:1 conditional:6 shared:1 replace:1 infinite:1 typical:1 called:3 la:1 meaningful:1 rarely:1 puzicha:10 tby:1 latter:1 arises:1 artifical:1 ex:16 |
552 | 1,504 | Example Based Image Synthesis of Articulated
Trevor Darrell
Interval Research. 1801C Page Mill Road. Palo Alto CA 94304
[email protected], http://www.interval.com/-trevor/
We present a method for learning complex appearance mappings. such
as occur with images of articulated objects. Traditional interpolation
networks fail on this case since appearance is not necessarily a smooth
function nor a linear manifold for articulated objects. We define an appearance mapping from examples by constructing a set of independently
smooth interpolation networks; these networks can cover overlapping regions of parameter space. A set growing procedure is used to find example clusters which are well-approximated within their convex hull;
interpolation then proceeds only within these sets of examples. With this
method physically valid images are produced even in regions of parameter space where nearby examples have different appearances. We show
results generating both simulated and real arm images.
1 Introduction
Image-based view synthesis is.an important application of learning networks. offering the
ability to render realistic images without requiring detailed models of object shape and
illumination effects. To date. much attention has been given to the problem of view synthesis under varying camera pose or rigid object transformation. Several successful solutions
have been proposed in the computer graphics and vision literature. including view morphing [12], plenoptic modeling/depth recovery [8], "lightfields" [7], and recent approaches
using the trifocal tensor for view extrapolation [13].
For non-rigid view synthesis. networks for model-based interpolation and manifold learning have been used successfully in some cases [14. 2. 4. 11]. Techniques based on Radial
Basis Function (RBF) interpolation or on Principle Components Analysis (peA), have been
able to interpolate face images under varying pose. expression and identity [1.5, 6]. How-
Example-Based Image Synthesis ofArticulated Figures
extends the notion of example clustering to the case of coupled shape and texture appearance models.
Our basic method is to find sets of examples which can be well-approximated from their
convex hull in parameter space. We define a set growing criterion which enforces compactness and the good-interpolation property. To add a new point to an example set, we
require both that the new point must be well approximated by the previous set alone and
that all interior points in the resulting set be well interpolated from the exterior examples.
We define exterior examples to be those on the convex hull of the set in parameter space.
Given a training subset s C 0 and new point p E 0,
= max(E/(s U {p}),EE(S,p))
with the interior and extrapolation error defined as
1ix (s) is the subset of s whose x vectors lie on the convex hull of all such vectors in s. To
add a new point, we require E < E, where E is a free parameter of the clustering method.
Given a seed example set, we look to nearest neighbors in appearance space to find the next
candidate to add. Unless we are willing to test the extrapolation error of the current model
to all points, we have to rely on precomputed non-vectorized appearance distance (e.g.,
MSE between example images). If the examples are sparse in the appearance domain, this
may not lead to effective groupings.
If examples are provided in sequence and are based on observations from an object with
realistic dynamics, then we can find effective groupings even if observations are sparse in
appearance space. We make the assumption that along the trajectory of example observations over time, the underlying object is likely to remain smooth and locally span regions of
appearance which are possible to interpolate. We thus perform set growing along examples
on their input trajectory. Specifically, in the results reported below, we select K seed points
on the trajectory to form initial clusters. At each point p we find the set s which is the
smallest interval on the example trajectory which contains p, has a non-zero interior region
(s -1i x (s)), and for which E / (s) < ?. If such set exists, we continue to expand it, growing
the set along the example trajectory until the above set growing criterion is violated. Once
we can no longer grow any set, we test whether any set is a proper subset of another, and
delete it if so. We keep the remaining sets, and use them for interpolation as described
4 Synthesis using example sets
We generate new views using sets of examples: interpolation is restricted to only occur
inside the convex hull of an example set found as above for which E/(s) ::; E. Given a new
parameter vector x, we test whether it is in the convex hull of parameters in any example
set. If the point does not lie in the convex hull of any example set, we find the nearest point
on the convex hull of one of the example sets, and use that instead. This prevents erroneous
If a new parameter is in the convex hull of more than one example set, we first select the
set whose median example parameter is closest to the desired example parameter. Once a
set has been selected, we interpolate a new function value from examples using the RBF
method summarized above. To enforce temporal consistency of rendered images over time,
T. Darrell
Figure 2: (a) Images of a real arm (from a sequence of 33 images) with changing appearance and elbow configuration. (b,c) Interpolated shape of arms tracked in previous figure.
(b) shows results using all examples in a single interpolation network; (c) shows results
using example sets algorithm. Open contours show arms example locations; filled contour shows interpolation result. Near regions of appearance singularity in parameter space
the full network method generates physically-invalid arm shapes; the example sets method
produces realistic images.
The method presented below for grouping examples into locally valid spaces is generally
applicable to both the PCA and RBF-based view synthesis techniques. However our initial
implementation, and the results reported in this paper, have been with RBF-based models.
Finding consistent example sets
Given examples from a complicated (non-linear, non-smooth) appearance mapping, we find
local regions of appearance which are well-behaved as smooth, possibly linear, functions.
We wish to cluster our examples into sets which can be used for successful interpolation
using our local appearance mode\.
Conceptually, this problem is similar to that faced by Bregler and Omohundro [2], who
built image manifolds using a mixture of local PCA models. Their work was limited to
modeling shape (lip outlines); they used K-means clustering of image appearance to form
the initial groupings for PCA analysis. However this approach had no model of texture and
performed clustering using a mean-squared-error distance metric in simple appearance.
Simple appearance clustering drastically over-partitions the appearance space compared to
a model that jointly represent shape and texture. Examples which are distant in simple
appearance can often be close when considered in 'vectorized' representation. Our work
Example-Based Image Synthesis ofArticulated Figures
.. : ... .
. ..
.. .
...... '.. .
(b) ,-------.c'-,-' '_'
. _' ' _--,
.. ..
.:.... ..
:': ',::'::
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___"
.. ..
. . : ....
- ' ,
:::~:.:.: :-:.:
..... .
.. .
'-----"--'---'--_ _ _ _---' '------"--'---'--_ _--'
'------"~_ _- '
'_____ _~_ _ _ _~ '-----'_ _ _ _ _ _- - '
'-----"--'---'--_ _ _ _---'
_ _ _ _ _ _--'
Figure 1: Arm appearance interpolated from examples using approximation network. (a)
A 2DOF planar arm. Discontinuities in appearance due to workspace constraints make
this a difficult function to learn from examples; the first and last example are very close
in parameter space, but far in appearance space. (b) shows results using all examples
in a single network; (c) using the example sets algorithm described in text. Note poor
approximation on last two examples in (a); appearance discontinuities and extrapolation
cause problems for full network, but are handled well in examples sets method.
In peA-based approaches, G projects a portion of u onto a optimal linear subspace found
from D, and F projects a portion of u onto a subspace found from T [6, 5]. For example
G D (u) = PI) 59 U , where 59 is a diagonal boolean matrix which selects the texture parameters from u and PI) is a matrix containing the m-th largest principle components of D .
F warps the reconstructed texture according to the given shape: FT(u, s) = [PT 5 t u] 0 s.
While interpolation is simple using a peA approach, the parameters used in peA models
often do not have any direct physical interpretation. For the task of view synthesis, an additional mapping u = H(x) is needed to map from task parameters to peA input values;
a backpropogation neural net was used to perform this function for the task of eye gaze
analysis [10].
Using the RBF-based approach [1], the application to view synthesis is straightforward.
Both G and F are networks which compute locally-weighted regression, and parameters
are used directly (u = x) . G computes an interpolated shape, and F warps and blends the
example texture images according to that shape: G D(X) = Ei cd(x - xd, FT(X, s) =
[Ei cU(x - Xi)] os , where f is a radial basis function. The coefficients c and c' are derived
from D and T, respectively: C = D R+ , where rij = f (x i-X j) and C is the matrix of row
vectors Ci; similarly C' = T R+ [9] . We have found both vector norm and Gaussian basis
functions give good results when appearance data is from a smooth function; the results
below use f(r) = Ilrll.
T. Darrell
ever, these methods are limited in the types of object appearance they can accurately model.
PCA-based face analysis typically assumes images of face shape and texture fall in a linear
subspace; RBF approaches fare poorly when appearance is not a smooth function.
We want to extend non-rigid interpolation networks to handle cases where appearance is
not a linear manifold and is not a smooth function, such as with articulated bodies. The
mapping from parameter to appearance for articulated bodies is often one-to-many due to
the multiple solutions possible for a given endpoint. It will also be discontinuous when
constraints call for different solutions across a boundary in parameter space, such as the
example shown in Figure 1.
Our approach represents an appearance mapping as a set of piecewise smooth functions.
We search for sets of examples which are well approximated by the examples on the convex
hull of the set's parameter values. Once we have these 'safe' sets of examples we perform
interpolation using only the examples in a single set.
The clear advantage of this approach is that it will prevent inconsistent examples from
being combined during interpolation. It also can reduce the number of examples needed to
fully interpolate the function, as only those examples which are on the convex hull of one
or more example sets are needed. If a new example is provided and it falls within and is
well-approximated by the convex hull of an existing set, it can be safely ignored.
The remainder of this paper proceeds as follows. First, we will review methods for modeling appearance when it can be well approximated with a smooth and/or linear function.
Next, we will present a technique for clustering examples to find maximal subsets which
are well approximated in their interior. We will then detail how we select among the subsets
during interpolation, and finally show results with both synthetic and real imagery.
2 Modeling smooth and/or linear appearance functions
Traditional interpolation networks work well when object appearance can be modeled either as a linear manifold or as a smooth function over the parameters of interest (describing
pose, expression, identity, configuration, etc.). As mentioned above, both peA and RBF
approaches have been successfully applied to model facial expression.
In both approaches, a key step in modeling non-rigid shape appearance from examples is
to couple shape and texture into a single representation. Interpolation of shape has been
well studied in the computer graphics literature (e.g., splines for key-frame animation) but
does not alone render realistic images. PCA or RBF models of images without a shape
model can only represent and interpolate within a very limited range of pose or object
In a coupled representation, texture is modeled in shape-normalized coordinates, and shape
is modeled as disparity between examples or displacement from a canonical example to all
examples. Image warping is used to generate images for a particular texture and shape.
Given a training set n = {(Yi, Xi, d i ), 0 ~ i ~ n}, where Yi is the image of example i,
Xi is the associated pose or configuration parameter, and di is a dense correspondence map
relative to a canonical pose, a set of shape-aligned texture images can be computed such
that texture ti warped with displacement di renders example image Yi: Yi = ti 0 d i [5, 1,6].
A new image is constructed using a coupled shape model G and texture model F, based on
input u:
y(n,U) = FT(GD(U),u) ,
where D, T are the matrices [dodl ... d n ], [totl ... t n ], respectively.
Example-Based Image Synthesis ofArticulated Figures
Figure 3: Interpolated shape and texture result. (a) shows exemplar contours (open) and
interpolated shape (filled). (b) shows example texture images. (c) shows final interpolated
we can use a simple additional constraint on subsequent frames. Once we have selected
an example set, we keep using it until the desired parameter value leaves the valid region
(convex hull) of that set. When this occurs, we allow transitions only to "adjacent" example
sets; adjacency is defined as those pairs of sets for which at least one example on each
convex hull are sufficiently close (11Yi - Yj II < E) in appearance space.
S Results
First we show examples using a synthetic arm with several workspace constraints. Figure
l(a) shows examples of a simple planar 2DOF ann and the inverse kinematic solution for a
variety of endpoints. Due to an artificial obstacle in the world, the ann is forced to switch
between ann-up and ann-down configurations to avoid collision.
We trained an interpolation network using a single RBF to model the appearance of the ann
as a function of endpoint location. Appearance was modeled as the vector of contour point
locations, obtained from the synthetic ann rendering function. We first trained a single RBF
network on a dense set of examples of this appearance function. Figure l(b) shows results
interpolating new ann images from these examples; results are accurate except where there
are regions of appearance discontinuity due to workspace constraints, or when the network
extrapolates erroneously.
We applied our clustering method described above to this data, yielding the results shown
in Figure 1(c). None of the problems with discontinuities or erroneous extrapolation can
be seen in these results, since our method enforces the constraint that an interpolated result
must be returned from on or within the convex hull of a valid example set.
Next we applied our method to the images of real anns shown in Figure 2(a). Ann contours
were obtained in a sequence of 33 such images using a semi-automated defonnable contour
tracker augmented with a local image distance metric [3]. Dense correspondences were interpolated from the values on the contour. Figure 2(b) shows interpolated ann shapes using
a single RBF on all examples; dramatic errors can be seen near where multiple different
T. Darrell
appearances exist within a small region of parameter space.
Figure 2( c) shows the results on the same points using sets of examples found using our
clustering method; physically realistic arms are generated in each case. Figure 3 shows the
final interpolated result rendered with both shape and texture.
View-based image interpolation is a powerful paradigm for generating realistic imagery
without full models of the underlying scene geometry. Current techniques for non-rigid
interpolation assume appearance is a smooth function. We apply an example clustering
approach using on-line cross validation to decompose a complex appearance mapping into
sets of examples which can be smoothly interpolated. We show results on real imagery
of human arms, with correspondences recovered from deformable contour tracking. Given
images of an arm moving on a plane with various configuration conditions (elbow up and
elbow down), and with associated parameter vectors marking the hand location, our method
is able to discover a small set of manifolds with a small number of exemplars each can
render new examples which are always physically correct. A single interpolating manifold
for this same data has errors near the boundary between different arm configurations, and
where multiple images have the same parameter value.
[1] D. Beymer, A. Shashua and T. Poggio, Example Based Image Analysis and Synthesis, MIT AI
Lab Memo No. 1431, MIT, 1993. also see D. Beymer and T. Poggio, Science 272:1905-1909,
[2] C. Breg1er and S. Omohundro, Nonlinear Image Interpolation using Manifold Learning, NIPS7, MIT Press, 1995.
[3] T. DarrelI, A Radial Cumulative Similarity Transform for Robust Image Correspondence, Proc.
CVPR-98. Santa Barbara, CA, IEEE CS Press, 1998.
[4] M. Jagersand, Image Based View Synthesis of Articulated Agents, Proc. CVPR-97, San Jaun,
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[5] M. Jones and T Poggio, Multidimensional Morphable Models, Proc. ICCV-98, Bombay, India,
pp. 683-688, 1998.
[6] A. Lanitis, C.J. Taylor, TF. Cootes, A Unified Approach to Coding and Interpreting Fa:::e Images, Proc. ICCV-95, pp. 368-373, Cambridge, MA, 1995.
[7] M. Levoy and P. Hanrahan, Light Field Rendering, In SIGGRAPH-96, pp. 31-42,1996.
[8] L. McMillan and G. Bishop, Plenoptic Modeling: An image-based rendering system. In Proc.
SIGGRAPH-95, pp. 39-46, 1995.
[9] T Poggio and F. Girosi , A Theory of Networks for Approximation and Learning, MIT AI Lab
Memo No. 1140. 1989.
[10] T Rikert and M. Jones, Gaze Estimation using Morphable Models, Proc. IEEE Conf. Face and
Gesture Recognition '98, pp. 436-441, Nara, Japan, IEEE CS Press, 1998.
[II] L. Saul and M. Jordan, A Variational Principle for Model-based Morphing, NIPS-9, MIT Press,
[12] S. Seitz and C. Dyer, View Morphing, in Proc. SIGGRAPH-96, pp. 21-30,1996.
[13] A. Shashua and M. Werman, Trilinearity of Three Perspective Views and its Associated Tensor,
in Proc. ICCV-95, pp. 920-935, Cambridge, MA, IEEE CS Press, 1995.
[14] 1. Tenenbaum, Mapping a manifold of perceptual observations, NIPS-IO, MIT Press, 1998.
| 1504 |@word cu:1 norm:1 open:2 willing:1 seitz:1 dramatic:1 initial:3 configuration:7 contains:1 disparity:1 offering:1 existing:1 current:2 com:2 recovered:1 must:2 distant:1 subsequent:1 realistic:6 partition:1 shape:23 girosi:1 alone:2 selected:2 leaf:1 plane:1 location:4 along:3 constructed:1 direct:1 inside:1 nor:1 growing:5 elbow:3 provided:2 project:2 underlying:2 discover:1 alto:1 unified:1 finding:1 transformation:1 temporal:1 safely:1 multidimensional:1 ti:2 xd:1 local:4 io:1 interpolation:22 studied:1 limited:3 range:1 camera:1 enforces:2 yj:1 procedure:1 displacement:2 road:1 radial:3 onto:2 interior:4 close:3 www:1 map:2 straightforward:1 attention:1 independently:1 convex:15 recovery:1 handle:1 notion:1 coordinate:1 pt:1 approximated:7 recognition:1 ft:3 rij:1 region:9 mentioned:1 dynamic:1 trained:2 basis:3 siggraph:3 various:1 articulated:6 forced:1 effective:2 artificial:1 dof:2 whose:2 cvpr:2 ability:1 jointly:1 transform:1 final:2 sequence:3 advantage:1 net:1 maximal:1 remainder:1 aligned:1 date:1 poorly:1 deformable:1 cluster:3 darrell:4 produce:1 generating:2 object:9 pose:6 exemplar:2 nearest:2 c:4 safe:1 discontinuous:1 correct:1 hull:15 pea:6 human:1 adjacency:1 require:2 decompose:1 singularity:1 bregler:1 sufficiently:1 considered:1 tracker:1 seed:2 mapping:8 werman:1 smallest:1 estimation:1 proc:8 applicable:1 palo:1 largest:1 tf:1 successfully:2 weighted:1 mit:6 gaussian:1 always:1 avoid:1 varying:2 derived:1 rigid:5 typically:1 compactness:1 expand:1 selects:1 among:1 field:1 once:4 represents:1 look:1 jones:2 spline:1 piecewise:1 interpolate:5 geometry:1 interest:1 kinematic:1 mixture:1 yielding:1 light:1 accurate:1 poggio:4 facial:1 unless:1 filled:2 taylor:1 desired:2 delete:1 modeling:6 boolean:1 obstacle:1 bombay:1 cover:1 subset:5 successful:2 graphic:2 reported:2 lanitis:1 synthetic:3 combined:1 gd:1 workspace:3 gaze:2 synthesis:13 squared:1 imagery:3 containing:1 possibly:1 conf:1 warped:1 japan:1 summarized:1 coding:1 coefficient:1 performed:1 view:13 extrapolation:6 lab:2 portion:2 shashua:2 complicated:1 who:1 conceptually:1 accurately:1 produced:1 none:1 trajectory:5 anns:1 trevor:3 pp:8 associated:3 di:2 couple:1 rico:1 planar:2 until:2 hand:1 ei:2 o:1 overlapping:1 nonlinear:1 mode:1 behaved:1 effect:1 requiring:1 normalized:1 adjacent:1 during:2 criterion:2 outline:1 omohundro:2 interpreting:1 image:42 variational:1 physical:1 tracked:1 endpoint:3 extend:1 interpretation:1 fare:1 cambridge:2 backpropogation:1 ai:2 consistency:1 similarly:1 had:1 moving:1 longer:1 similarity:1 morphable:2 etc:1 add:3 closest:1 recent:1 perspective:1 barbara:1 continue:1 yi:5 hanrahan:1 seen:2 additional:2 paradigm:1 ii:2 semi:1 full:3 multiple:3 smooth:13 gesture:1 cross:1 nara:1 basic:1 regression:1 vision:1 metric:2 physically:4 represent:2 want:1 interval:4 grow:1 median:1 inconsistent:1 jordan:1 call:1 ee:1 near:3 rendering:3 variety:1 switch:1 automated:1 reduce:1 whether:2 expression:3 pca:5 handled:1 render:4 returned:1 cause:1 ignored:1 generally:1 collision:1 detailed:1 clear:1 santa:1 locally:3 tenenbaum:1 http:1 generate:2 exist:1 canonical:2 key:2 changing:1 prevent:1 inverse:1 powerful:1 cootes:1 extends:1 correspondence:4 extrapolates:1 occur:2 constraint:6 scene:1 nearby:1 interpolated:12 generates:1 erroneously:1 span:1 rendered:2 marking:1 according:2 poor:1 remain:1 across:1 restricted:1 iccv:3 describing:1 precomputed:1 fail:1 needed:3 dyer:1 apply:1 enforce:1 assumes:1 remaining:1 clustering:9 tensor:2 warping:1 occurs:1 blend:1 fa:1 traditional:2 diagonal:1 subspace:3 distance:3 simulated:1 manifold:9 modeled:4 difficult:1 memo:2 implementation:1 proper:1 perform:3 observation:4 ever:1 frame:2 mcmillan:1 pair:1 discontinuity:4 nip:2 able:2 proceeds:2 below:4 built:1 including:1 max:1 rely:1 arm:12 eye:1 coupled:3 faced:1 morphing:3 literature:2 text:1 review:1 relative:1 fully:1 validation:1 agent:1 vectorized:2 consistent:1 principle:3 pi:2 cd:1 row:1 last:2 free:1 drastically:1 allow:1 warp:2 india:1 neighbor:1 fall:2 face:4 saul:1 sparse:2 boundary:2 depth:1 valid:4 transition:1 contour:8 computes:1 world:1 cumulative:1 levoy:1 san:1 far:1 reconstructed:1 keep:2 xi:3 search:1 lip:1 learn:1 robust:1 ca:2 exterior:2 mse:1 complex:2 necessarily:1 constructing:1 domain:1 interpolating:2 dense:3 animation:1 body:2 augmented:1 wish:1 lie:2 candidate:1 perceptual:1 ix:1 down:2 erroneous:2 bishop:1 grouping:4 exists:1 ci:1 texture:16 illumination:1 jagersand:1 smoothly:1 mill:1 appearance:42 likely:1 beymer:2 prevents:1 tracking:1 ma:2 identity:2 ann:9 rbf:11 invalid:1 specifically:1 except:1 select:3 plenoptic:2 violated:1 |
553 | 1,505 | Call-based Fraud Detection in Mobile
Communication Networks using a Hierarchical
Regime-Switching Model
Jaakko Hollmen
Helsinki University of Technology
Lab. of Computer and Information Science
P.O. Box 5400, 02015 HUT, Finland
[email protected]
Volker Tresp
Siemens AG, Corporate Technology
Dept. Information and Communications
81730 Munich, Germany
[email protected]
Fraud causes substantial losses to telecommunication carriers. Detection systems which automatically detect illegal use of the network can be
used to alleviate the problem. Previous approaches worked on features
derived from the call patterns of individual users. In this paper we present
a call-based detection system based on a hierarchical regime-switching
model. The detection problem is formulated as an inference problem on
the regime probabilities. Inference is implemented by applying the junction tree algorithm to the underlying graphical model. The dynamics are
learned from data using the EM algorithm and subsequent discriminative
training. The methods are assessed using fraud data from a real mobile
communication network.
Fraud is costly to a network carrier both in terms of lost income and wasted capacity. It has
been estimated that the telecommunication industry looses approximately 2-5% of its total
revenue to fraud. The true losses are expected to be even higher since telecommunication
companies are reluctant to admit fraud in their systems. A fraudulent attack causes lots of
inconveniences to the victimized subscriber which might motivate the subscriber to switch
to a competing carrier. Furthermore, potential new customers would be very reluctant to
switch to a carrier which is troubled with fraud.
Mobile communication networks -which are the focus of this work- are particularly
appealing to fraudsters as the calling from the mobile terminal is not bound to a physical
place and a subscription is easy to get. This provides means for an illegal high-profit
business requiring minimal investment and relatively low risk of getting caught. Fraud is
Hollmen and V. Tresp
usually initiated by a mobile phone theft, by cloning the mobile phone card or by acquiring
a subscription with false identification. After intrusion the subscription can be used for
gaining free services either for the intruder himself or for his illegal customers in form of
call-selling. In the latter case, the fraudster sells calls to customers for reduced rates.
The earliest means of detecting fraud were to register overlapping calls originating from
one subscription, evidencing card cloning. While this procedure efficiently detects cloning,
it misses a large share of other fraud cases. A more advanced system is a velocity trap which
detects card cloning by using an upper speed limit at which a mobile phone user can travel.
Subsequent calls from distant places provide evidence for card cloning. Although a velocity
trap is a powerful method of detecting card cloning, it is ineffective against other types of
fraud. Therefore there is great interest in detection systems which detect fraud based on
an analysis of behavioral patterns (Barson et aI., 1996, Burge et aI., 1997, Fawcett and
Provost, 1997, Taniguchi et aI., 1998).
In an absolute analysis, a user is classified as a fraudster based on features derived from
daily statistics summarizing the call pattern such as the average number of calls. In a differential analysis, the detection is based on measures describing the changes in those features
capturing the transition from a normal use to fraud. Both approaches have the problem
of finding efficient feature representations describing normal and fraudulent behavior. As
they usually derive features as summary statistics over one day, they are plagued with a
latency time of up to a day to detect fraudulent behavior. The resulting delay in detection
can already lead to unacceptable losses and can be exploited by the fraudster. For these
reasons real-time fraud detection is seen to be the most important development in fraud
detection (Pequeno, 1997).
In this paper we present a real-time fraud detection system which is based on a stochastic
generative model. In the generative model we assume a variable victimized which indicates
if the account has been victimized by a fraudster and a second variable fraud which indicates if the fraudster is currently performing fraud. Both variables are hidden. Furthermore,
we have an observed variable call which indicates if a call being is performed or not. The
transition probabilities from no-call to call and from call to no-call are dependent on the
state of the variable fraud. Overall, we obtain a regime-switching time-series model as described by Hamilton (1994), with the modifications that first, the variables in the time series
are not continuous but binary and second, the switching variable has a hierarchical structure. The benefit of the hierarchical structure is that it allows us to model the time-series
at different time scales. At the lowest hierarchical level, we model the dynamical behavior
of the individual calls, at the next level the transition from normal behavior to fraudulent
behavior and at the highest level the transition to being victimized. To be able to model a
time-series at different temporal resolutions was also the reason for introducing a hierarchy
into a hidden Markov model for Jordan, Ghahramani and Saul (1997). Fortunately, our
hidden variables have only a small number of states such that we do not have to work with
the approximation techniques those authors have introduced.
Section 2 introduces our hierarchical regime-switching fraud model. The detection problem is formulated as an inference problem on the regime probabilities based on subscriber
data. We derive iterative algorithms for estimating the hidden variables fraud and victimized based on past and present data (filtering) or based on the complete set of observed
data (smoothing). We present EM learning rules for learning the parameters in the model
using observed data. We develop a gradient based approach for fine tuning the emission
probabilities in the non-fraud state to enhance the discrimination capability of the model.
In Section 3 we present experimental results. We show that a system which is fine-tuned on
real data can be used for detecting fraudulent behavior on-line based on the call patterns.
In Section 4 we present conclusions and discuss further applications and extensions of our
fraud model.
Fraud Detection Using a Hierarchical Regime-Switching Model
The hierarchical regime-switching model consists of three variables which evolve in time
stochastically according to first-order Markov chains. The first binary variable Vt (victimized) is equal to one if the account is currently being victimized by a fraudster and zero
otherwise. The states of this variable evolve according to the state transition probabiliP(Vt = ilVt_l
j); i,j
0,1. The second binary variable St (fraud) is
ties pij
equal to one if the fraudster currently performs fraud and is equal to zero if the fraudster
is inactive. The change between actively performing fraud and intermittent silence is typical for a victimized account as is apparent from Figure 3. Note that this transient bursty
behavior of a victimized account would be difficult to capture with a pure feature based
approach. The states of this variable evolve following the state transition probabilities
pfjk = P(St
j,St-l = k,);i,j,k
0,1. Finally, the binary variable Yt (call)
is equal to one if the mobile phone is being used and zero otherwise with state transition
matrix pfjk
P(Yt ilst j, Yt-l k); i, j, k = 0,1. Note that this corresponds to the
assumption of exponentially distributed call duration. Although not quite realistic, this is
the general assumption in telecommunications. Typically, both the frequency of calls and
the lengths of the calls are increased when fraud is executed. The joint probability of the
time series up to time T is then
= =
P(VT' ST, YT) = P(vo, So, Yo)
II P(Vt!Vt-l) II P(stlvt, St-l) II P(Ytlst, Yt-l)
where in the experiments we used a sampling time of one minute. Furthermore, VT
{vo, ... , VT }, ST = {so, ... , ST }, YT = {Yo, ... , YT} and P(vo, So, Yo) is the prior distribution of the initial states.
Figure 1: Dependency graph of the hierarchical regime-switching fraud model. The square
boxes denote hidden variables and the circles observed variables. The hidden variable Vt
on the top describes whether the subscriber account is victimized by fraud. The hidden
variable St indicates if fraud is currently being executed. The state of St determines the
statistics of the variable call Yt.
When using the fraud detection system, we are interested to estimate the probability that
an account is victimized or that fraud is currently occurring based on the call patterns up to
the current point in time (filtering). We can calculate the probabilities of the states of the
hidden variables by applying the following equations recursively with t = 1, ... , T.
J. Hol/men and V Tresp
= i, St-1 = k!Yt-1) = '2::prlP(Vt-1 = l, St-1 = kIYt- 1)
= j!Yt-1) = '2:: PjikP(Vt = i, St-1 = kIYt-1)
P(Vt = i, St
where c is a scaling factor. These equations can be derived from the junction tree algorithm
for the Bayesian networks (Jensen, 1996). We obtain the probability of victimization and
fraud by simple marginalization
= ilYt ) = L
= i, = jlYr) ; P(St = jlYd = L
= i, St = jlYd?
In some cases -in particular for the EM learning rules in the next section- we might
be interested in estimating the probabilities of the hidden states at some time in the past
(smoothing). In this case we can use a variation of the smoothing equations described in
Hamilton (1994) and Kim (1994). After performing the forward recursion, we can calculate
the probability of the hidden states at time tf given data up to time T > tf iterating the
following equations with t = T, T - 1, ... ,1.
"""' P(Vt+1 = k,St+1 = lIYT)
_ k
-ll?') P(Vt+l
Vt+1 - ,St+1 t
= k,St = JIYT) = ~
P( Vt=z,St=JI.T
= k,St = JIYt}Plkj
"""' P(Vt+1 = k,St =jIYT)p(
?Iv") v
_ 'I?,)
Vt+1 - ,St - J t
Parameter estimation in the regime-switching model is conveniently formulated as an incomplete data problem, which can be solved using the EM algorithm (Hamilton, 1994).
Each iteration of the EM algorithm is guaranteed to increase the value of the marginal loglikelihood function until a fixed point is reached. This fixed point is a local optimum of the
marginal log-likelihood function.
In the M-step the model parameters are optimized using the estimates of the hidden states
using the current parameter estimates. Let 0
{prj, Pijk' P;kj} denote the current parameter estimates. The new estimates are obtained using
2:;=1 P( Vt
Pij =
Pijk =
= i, Vt-1 = jIYT; 0)
'I ,"
L....t=l P Vt-1 = J }T; 0)
2:;-1 P(St = i, Vt = j, St-1 = kIYT; 0)
2:t=l P( Vt = J, St-1 = kIYT; 0)
2:;=l,if Yt=i andYt_l=j P(St-1 = kIYT;O)
2:t=l, if Yt-l=j P(St-1 kIYT; 0)
Fraud Detection Using a Hierarchical Regime-Switching Model
The E-step determines the probabilities on the right sides of the equations using the current
parameter estimates. These can be determined using the smoothing equations from the
previous section directly by marginalizing
= k,
= l, Vt+l = i, St+1 = jIYT)
where the terms on the right side are obtained from the equations in the last Section.
In our data setting, it is not known when the fraudulent accounts were victimized by fraud.
This is why we use the EM algorithm to learn the two regimes from data in an incomplete data setting. We know, however, which accounts were victimized by fraud. After EM
learning the discrimination ability of the model was not satisfactory. We therefore used
the labeled sequences to improve the model. The reason for the poor performance was
credited to unsuitable call emission probabilities in the normal state. We therefore mini-
L:i (maXt P(v!i)I}~(i)) - t(i?)2 with regard to the parameter
mize the error function E
P;=O,j=O ,k=O' where the t(i) = {O, I} is the label for the sequence i. The error function
was minimized with Quasi-Newton procedure with numerical differentiation.
To test our approach we used a data set consisting of 600 accounts which were not affected
by fraud and 304 accounts which were affected by fraud. The time period for non-fraud and
fraud accounts were 49 and 92 days, respectively. We divided the data equally into training
data and test data. From the non-fraud data we estimated the parameters describing the
normal calling behavior, i.e. pr,j =O,k' Next, we fixed the probability that an account is
victimized from one time step to the next to PY=l,j=O = 10- 5 and the probability that
a victimized account becomes de-victimized as pi=O,j=l = 5 X 10- 4 ? Leaving those
parameters fixed the remaining parameters were trained using the fraudulent accounts and
the EM algorithm described in Section 2. We had to do unsupervised training since it was
known by velocity check that the accounts were affected but it was not clear when the
intrusion occurred. After unsupervised training, we further enhanced the discrimination
capability of the system which helped us reduce the amount of false alarms. The final
model parameters can be found in the Appendix.
After training, the system was tested using the test data. Unfortunately, it is not known
when the accounts were attacked by fraud, but only on per-account basis if an account was
at some point a victim of fraud. Therefore, we declare an account to be victimized if the
victimized variable at some point exceeds the threshold. Also, it is interesting to study the
results shown in Figure 3. We show data and posterior time-evolving probabilities for an
account which is known to be victimized. From the call pattern it is obvious that there are
periods of suspiciously high traffic at which the probability of victimization is recognized
to be very high. We also see that the variable fraud St follows the bursty behavior of
the fraudulent behavior correctly. Note, that for smoothing which is important both for
a retrospective analysis of call data and for learning, we achieve smoother curves for the
victimized variable.
J. Hollmen and V. Tresp
,- - '
Figure 2: The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves are shown for on-line detection (left figure) and for retrospective classification (right figure). In the figures, detection
probability is plotted against the false alarm probability. The dash-dotted lines are results
before, the solid lines after discriminative training. We can see that the discriminative
training improves the model considerably.
After EM training and discriminative training, we tested the model both in on-line detection mode (filtering) and in retrospective classification (smoothing) with smoothed probabilities. The detection results are shown in Figure 2. With a fixed false alarm probability
of 0.003, the detection probabilities for the training set were found to be 0.974 and 0.934
using on-line detection mode and with smoothed probabilities, respectively. With a testing
set and a fixed false alarm probability of 0.020, we obtain the detection probabilities of
0.928 and 0.921, for the on-line detection and for retrospective classification, respectively.
We presented a call-based on-line fraud detection system which is based on a hierarchical regime-switching generative model. The inference rules are obtained from the junction
tree algorithm for the underlying graphical model. The model is trained using the EM algorithm in an incomplete data setting and is further refined with gradient-based discriminative
training, which considerably improves the results.
A few extensions are in the process of being implemented. First of all , it makes sense to
use more than one fraud model for the different fraud scenarios and several user models
to account for different user profiles. For these more complex models we might have to
rely on approximations techniques such as the ones introduced by Jordan, Ghahramani and
Saul (1997).
The model parameters after EM training and discriminative training. Note that entering the
fraud state without first entering the victimized state is impossible.
pY. . ,)=
. Ok
, = ( 0.3533
pi,j=O,k = ( 0.0000
0.0441 )
0.0000 )
p?t ,J=
. 1 , k = ( 0.0570
pi,j=l ,k
0.0708 )
0.0021 )
Fraud Detection Using a Hierarchical Regime-Switching Model
_-o:t 111111111111U 11111] 111I111111[IIIIIIIIJIillIIIIIIII
1 .5
2 .5
Figure 3: The first line shows the calling data Yt from a victimized account. The second
and third lines show the states of the victimized and fraud variables, respectively. Both are
calculated with the filtering equations. The fourth and fifth lines show the same variables
using the smoothing equations. The displayed time window period is seventeen days.
Barson P., Field, S., Davey, N., McAskie, G., and Frank, R. (1996). The Detection of Fraud
in Mobile Phone Networks. Neural Network World, Vol. 6, No.4.
Bengio, Y. (1996). Markovian Models for Sequential Data. Technical Report # 1049,
Universite de Montreal.
Burge, P., Shawe-Taylor J., Moreau Y., Verrelst, H., Stormann C. and Gosset, P. (1997).
BRUTUS - A Hybrid Detection Tool. Proc. of ACTS Mobile Telecommunications Summit,
Aalborg, Denmark.
Fawcett, T. and Provost, F. (1997). Adaptive Fraud Detection. Journal of Data Mining and
Knowledge Discovery, , Vol. I, No.3, pp. 1-28.
Hamilton, J. D. (1994). Time Series Analysis. Princeton University Press.
Jensen, Finn V. (1996). Introduction to Bayesian Networks. UCL Press.
Jordan, M. I, Ghahramani, Z. and Saul, L. K. (1997). Hidden Markov Decision Trees, in
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems: Proceedings of the 1996 Conference
(NIPS'9), MIT-Press, pp. 501-507.
Kim, c.-J. (1994). Dynamical linear models with Markov-switching. Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 60, pp. 1-22.
Pequeno, K. A.(1997). Real-Time fraud detection: Telecom's next big step. Telecommunications (America Edition), Vol. 31, No.5, pp. 59-60.
Taniguchi, M., Haft, M., Hollmen, J. and Tresp, V. (1998). Fraud detection in communications networks using neural and probabilistic methods. Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE Int.
Con! in Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'98). Vol. 2. pp. 1241-1244.
| 1505 |@word verrelst:1 subscriber:4 profit:1 solid:1 recursively:1 initial:1 series:6 tuned:1 past:2 current:4 distant:1 realistic:1 numerical:1 subsequent:2 discrimination:3 generative:4 inconvenience:1 provides:1 detecting:3 attack:1 unacceptable:1 differential:1 consists:1 behavioral:1 expected:1 behavior:10 terminal:1 detects:2 automatically:1 company:1 window:1 becomes:1 estimating:2 underlying:2 lowest:1 loos:1 ag:1 finding:1 differentiation:1 temporal:1 act:1 tie:1 hamilton:4 carrier:4 service:1 declare:1 local:1 before:1 haft:1 limit:1 switching:14 initiated:1 approximately:1 credited:1 might:3 testing:1 lost:1 investment:1 procedure:2 evolving:1 illegal:3 fraud:56 get:1 risk:1 applying:2 impossible:1 py:2 customer:3 yt:13 caught:1 duration:1 resolution:1 pure:1 rule:4 his:1 variation:1 enhanced:1 hierarchy:1 user:5 velocity:3 particularly:1 econometrics:1 summit:1 labeled:1 observed:4 solved:1 capture:1 calculate:2 highest:1 substantial:1 jaakko:1 dynamic:1 oed:2 hol:1 motivate:1 trained:2 basis:1 selling:1 icassp:1 joint:1 america:1 evidencing:1 refined:1 apparent:1 quite:1 victim:1 loglikelihood:1 tested:2 otherwise:2 ability:1 statistic:3 final:1 sequence:2 ucl:1 achieve:1 getting:1 optimum:1 prj:1 ilvt:1 derive:2 develop:1 montreal:1 implemented:2 stochastic:1 transient:1 alleviate:1 extension:2 hut:2 normal:5 plagued:1 great:1 bursty:2 finland:1 estimation:1 proc:1 travel:1 label:1 currently:5 tf:2 tool:1 mit:1 mobile:10 volker:2 earliest:1 derived:3 focus:1 emission:2 yo:3 indicates:4 cloning:6 likelihood:1 intrusion:2 check:1 kim:2 detect:3 summarizing:1 sense:1 inference:5 dependent:1 typically:1 hidden:12 originating:1 quasi:1 interested:2 germany:1 overall:1 classification:3 development:1 smoothing:7 marginal:2 equal:4 field:1 sampling:1 sell:1 unsupervised:2 minimized:1 report:1 few:1 aalborg:1 individual:2 consisting:1 detection:29 interest:1 mining:1 introduces:1 chain:1 daily:1 tree:4 iv:2 incomplete:3 taylor:1 circle:1 plotted:1 minimal:1 increased:1 industry:1 markovian:1 introducing:1 delay:1 dependency:1 considerably:2 st:32 probabilistic:1 enhance:1 admit:1 stochastically:1 actively:1 account:22 potential:1 de:3 int:1 register:1 performed:1 helped:1 lot:1 lab:1 traffic:1 reached:1 capability:2 om:1 square:1 characteristic:1 efficiently:1 identification:1 bayesian:2 classified:1 against:2 frequency:1 pp:5 obvious:1 universite:1 con:1 seventeen:1 reluctant:2 knowledge:1 improves:2 ok:1 higher:1 dt:1 day:4 box:2 furthermore:3 until:1 overlapping:1 mode:2 oil:1 requiring:1 true:1 entering:2 satisfactory:1 ll:1 subscription:4 complete:1 vo:3 performs:1 fi:1 physical:1 ji:1 exponentially:1 occurred:1 ai:3 tuning:1 shawe:1 had:1 operating:1 taniguchi:2 posterior:1 phone:5 scenario:1 binary:4 vt:30 exploited:1 seen:1 fortunately:1 recognized:1 period:3 signal:1 mize:1 ii:3 smoother:1 corporate:1 exceeds:1 technical:1 divided:1 equally:1 himself:1 iteration:1 fawcett:2 fine:2 leaving:1 ineffective:1 jordan:3 call:27 bengio:1 easy:1 switch:2 marginalization:1 competing:1 reduce:1 inactive:1 whether:1 retrospective:4 speech:1 cause:2 latency:1 iterating:1 clear:1 amount:1 reduced:1 dotted:1 estimated:2 per:1 correctly:1 vol:5 affected:3 threshold:1 wasted:1 graph:1 powerful:1 telecommunication:6 fraudulent:8 fourth:1 place:2 intruder:1 decision:1 appendix:2 scaling:1 capturing:1 bound:1 guaranteed:1 dash:1 pijk:2 worked:1 helsinki:1 calling:3 speed:1 performing:3 relatively:1 munich:1 according:2 poor:1 describes:1 em:12 appealing:1 modification:1 pr:1 equation:9 describing:3 discus:1 know:1 finn:1 junction:3 hierarchical:13 top:1 remaining:1 graphical:2 newton:1 unsuitable:1 ghahramani:3 already:1 costly:1 gradient:2 card:5 capacity:1 oa:1 reason:3 denmark:1 length:1 mini:1 difficult:1 executed:2 unfortunately:1 frank:1 upper:1 markov:4 attacked:1 displayed:1 communication:5 intermittent:1 provost:2 smoothed:2 introduced:2 optimized:1 acoustic:1 learned:1 nip:1 able:1 usually:2 pattern:6 dynamical:2 regime:15 gaining:1 business:1 rely:1 hybrid:1 recursion:1 advanced:1 improve:1 technology:2 tresp:6 kj:1 prior:1 discovery:1 evolve:3 marginalizing:1 loss:3 men:1 interesting:1 filtering:5 revenue:1 i111111:1 pij:2 share:1 pi:3 maxt:1 summary:1 last:1 free:1 silence:1 side:2 saul:3 absolute:1 mchp:1 fifth:1 benefit:1 distributed:1 regard:1 curve:2 calculated:1 transition:7 davey:1 world:1 moreau:1 author:1 forward:1 adaptive:1 income:1 receiver:1 discriminative:7 continuous:1 iterative:1 why:1 learn:1 adi:1 complex:1 big:1 alarm:4 profile:1 edition:1 telecom:1 roc:1 burge:2 third:1 minute:1 jensen:2 evidence:1 trap:2 false:5 sequential:1 occurring:1 conveniently:1 acquiring:1 corresponds:1 determines:2 formulated:3 change:2 typical:1 determined:1 miss:1 total:1 experimental:1 siemens:2 latter:1 assessed:1 dept:1 princeton:1 d1:1 |
554 | 1,506 | Applications of multi-resolution neural
networks to mammography
Clay D. Spence and Paul Sajda
Sarnoff Corporation
Princeton, NJ 08543-5300
{cspence, psajda }@sarnoff.com
We have previously presented a coarse-to-fine hierarchical pyramid/neural network (HPNN) architecture which combines multiscale image processing techniques with neural networks. In this
paper we present applications of this general architecture to two
problems in mammographic Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD).
The first application is the detection of microcalcifications. The
<:oarse-to-fine HPNN was designed to learn large-scale context information for detecting small objects like microcalcifications. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis suggests that the
hierarchical architecture improves detection performance of a well
established CAD system by roughly 50 %. The second application
is to detect mammographic masses directly. Since masses are large,
extended objects, the coarse-to-fine HPNN architecture is not suitable for this problem. Instead we construct a fine-to-coarse HPNN
architecture which is designed to learn small-scale detail structure
associated with the extended objects. Our initial results applying
the fine-to-coarse HPNN to mass detection are encouraging, with
detection performance improvements of about 36 %. We conclude
that the ability of the HPNN architecture to integrate information
across scales, both coarse-to-fine and fine-to-coarse, makes it well
suited for detecting objects which may have contextual clues or
detail structure occurring at scales other than the natural scale of
the object.
In a previous paper [8] we presented a coarse-to-fine hierarchical pyramid/neural
network (HPNN) architecture that combines multi-scale image processing tech-
Applications of Multi-Resolution Neural Networks to Mammography
niques with neural networks to search for small targets in images (see figure IA).
To search an image we apply the network at a position and use its output as an
estimate of the probability that a target (an object of the class we wish to find) is
present there. We then repeat this at each position in the image. In the coarseto-fine HPNN , the hidden units of networks operating at low resolution or coarse
scale learn associated context information, since the targets themselves are difficult
to detect at low resolution. The context is then passed to networks searching at
higher resolution. The use of context can significantly improve detection performance since small objects have few distinguishing features. In the HPNN each of
the networks receives information directly from only a small part of several feature
images , and so the networks can be relatively simple. The network at the highest
resolution integrates the contextual information learned at coarser resolutions to
detect the object of interest.
The HPNN architecture can be extended by considering the implications of inverting
the information flow in the coarse-to-fine architecture. This fine-to-coarse HPNN
would have networks extracting detail structure at fine resolutions of the image
and then passing this detail information to networks operating at coarser scales
(see figure IB). For many types of objects, information about the fine structure is
important for discriminating between different classes. The fine-to-coarse HPNN is
therefore a natural architecture for exploiting fine detail information for detecting
extended objects.
In this paper , we present our experiences in applying the HPNN framework to
two problems in mammographic Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD); that of detecting microcalcifications in mammograms and that of detecting malignant masses in
mammograms. The coarse-to-fine HPNN architecture is well-suited for the microcalcification problem , while the fine-to-coarse HPNN is suited for mass detection.
We evaluate the performance and utility of the HPNN framework by considering
its effects on reducing false positive rates in a well characterized CAD system.
The University of Chicago (UofC) has been actively developing ' mammographic
CAD systems for micro calcification and mass detection [6] and has been evaluating
their performance clinically. A general block diagram showing the basic processing
elements of these CAD systems is shown in figure 2. First, a pre-processing step
is used to segment the breast area and increase the overall signal-to-noise levels in
the image. Regions of interest (ROIs) are defined at this stage , representing local
areas of the breast which potentially contain a cluster of micro calcifications or a
mass. The next stage typically involves feature extraction and rule-based/heuristic
analysis , in order to prune false positives. The remaining ROIs are classified as
positive or negative by a statistical classifier or neural network. The CAD system
is used as a "second reader", aiding the radiologist by pointing out spots to double
check. One of the key requirements of CAD is that false positive rates be low
enough that radiologists will not ignore the CAD system output. Therefore it is
critical to reduce false positive rates of CAD systems without significant reductions
in sensitivity. In this paper we evaluate the HPNN framework within the context
of reducing the false positive rates of the UofC CAD systems for microcalcification
and mass detection. In both cases the HPNN acts as a post-processor of the UofC
CAD system.
Microcalcification detection
Microcalcifications are calcium deposits in breast tissue that appear as very small
bright dots in mammograms. Clusters of microcalcifications frequently occur around
tumors. Unfortunately microcalcification clusters are sometimes missed, since they
C. D. Spence and P. Sqjda
Figure 1: Hierarchical pyramid/neural network architectures for (A) detecting microcalcifications and (B) detecting masses. In (A) context is propagated from low
to high resolution via the hidden units of low resolution networks. In (B) small
scale detail information is propagated from high to low resolution. In both cases
the output of the last integration network is an estimate of the probability that a
target is present.
Feature extraction
and rule-based/
heuristic analysis
Mass or
Cluster locations
Figure 2: Block diagram for a typical CAD detection system.
can be quite subtle and the radiologists can only spend about a minute evaluating
a patient's mammograms.
Data used for the micro calcification experiments was provided by The University of
Chicago. The first set of data consists of 50 true positive and 86 false positive ROls_
These ROIs are 99x99 pixels and digiti7,ed at 100 micron resolution. A second set
of data from the UofC clinical testing database included 47 true positives and 103
false positives, also 99x99 and sampled at 100 micron resolution.
We trained the coarse-to-fine HPNN architecture in figure 1A as a detector for individual calcifications. For each level in the pyramid a network is trained, beginning
with the network at low resolution. The network at a particular pyramid level is
applied to one pixel at a time in the image at that resolution , and so produces an
output at each pixel. All of the networks are trained to detect micro calcifications,
however, at low resolutions the micro calcifications are not directly detectable. To
achieve better than chance performance, the networks at those levels must learn
something about the context in which micro calcifications appear. To integrate
context information with the other features the outputs of hidden units from low
resolution networks are propagated hierarchically as inputs to networks operating
at higher resolutions.
Input to the neural networks come from an integrated feature pyramid (IFF) [lJ.
To construct the IFP, we used steerable filters [3J to compute local orientation
energy. The steering properties of these filters enable the direct computation of
the orientation having maximum energy. We constructed features which represent,
at each pixel location, the maximum energy (energy at 8rnax) , the energy at the
Applications of Multi-Resolution Neural Networks to Mammography
(7 Az
Chicago NN
(7 Az
Table 1: Comparison of HPNN and Chicago networks .
orientation perpendicular to emu;]; (ernux - 90?), and the energy at the diagonal
(energy at ernux - 45 0 ).l The resulting features are input into the coarse-to-fine
network hierarchy.
In examining the truth data for the ROI data set , we found that the experts who
specified the microcalcification positions often made errors in these positions of
up to ?2 pixels of the correct position. To take this uncertainty in position into
account , we used the following error function
Euop = -
log( 1 -
IT (1 xEp
y(X))) -
10g(1 - y(x))
x ENe y
which we have called the Uncertain Object Position (UOP) error function [7].2 (y(x)
is the network's output when applied to position x.) It is essentially the crossentropy error, but for positive examples the probability of generating a positive
output (y( x), in this case) has been replaced by the probability of generating at
least one positive output in a region or set of pixels p in the image. In our case each
p is a five-by-five pixel square centered on the location specified by the expert. To
this we added the standard weight decay regularization term. The regularization
constant was adjusted to minimize the ten-fold cross-validation error.
The coarse-to-fine HPNN was applied to each input ROI , and an image was constructed from the output of the Level 0 network at each pixel. Each of these pixel
values is the network 's estimate of the probability that a microcalcification is present
there. Training and testing were done using as jackknife protocol [5], whereby one
half of the data (25 TPs and 43 FPs) was used for training and the other half for
testing. We used five different random splits of the data into training and test sets.
For a given ROI, the probability map produced by the network was thresholded at
a given value to produce a binary detection map. Region growing was used to count
the number of distinct detected regions. The ROI was classified as a positive if the
number of regions was greater than or equal to a certain cluster criterion.
Table 1 compares ROC results for the HPNN and another network that had been
used in the University of Chicago CAD system [9] using five different cluster criterion
(cc). Reported are the area under the ROC curve (Az), the standard deviation of
A z across the subsets of the jackknife ((7 AJ, the false posit ive fraction at a true
positive fraction of 1.0 (FPF@TPF= 1.0) and the standard deviation of the FPF
across the subsets of the jackknife ((7FPF). A z and FPF@TPF = 1.0 represent
1 We found that the energies in the two diagonal directions were nearly identical.
2Keeler et al. [4] developed a network for object recognition that had some similarities
to the UOP error. In fact the way in which the outputs of units are combined for their
error function can be shown to be an approximation to the UOP error.
C. D. Spence and P Sajda
the averages of the subsets of the jackknife. Note that both networks operate best
when the cluster criterion is set to two. For this case the HPNN has a higher Az
than the Chicago network while also halving the false positive rate. This difference,
between the two networks ' A z and F P F values , is statistically significant (z-test;
PAz = .0018, PFPF = .00001).
A second set of data was also tested. 150 ROls taken from a clinical prospective
study and classified as positive by the full Chicago CAD system (including the
Chicago neural network) were used to test the HPNN. Though the Chicago CAD
system classified all 150 ROls as positive, only 47 were in fact positive while 103
were negatives. We applied the HPNN trained on the entire previous data set to this
new set of ROls. The HPNN was able to reclassify 47/103 negatives as negative,
without loss in sensitivity (no false negatives were introduced).
On examining the negative examples rejected by the coarse-to-fine HPNN, we found
that many of these ROls contained linear, high-contrast structure which would
otherwise be false positives for the Chicago network. The Chicago neural network
presumably interprets the "peaks" on the linear structure as calcifications. However
because the coarse-to-fine HPNN also integrates information from low resolution it
can associate these "peaks" with the low-resolution linear structure and reject them.
Mass detection
Although microcalcifications are an important cue for malignant masses in mammograms, they are not visible or even present in all cases. Thus mammographic CAD
systems include algorithms to directly detect the presence of masses. We have
started to apply a fine-to-coarse HPNN architecture to detect malignant masses
in digitized mammograms. Radiologists often distinguish malignant from benign
masses based on the detailed shape of the mass border and the presence of spicules
alone the border. Thus to integrate this high resolution information to detect malignant masses, which are extended objects, we apply the fine-to-coarse HPNN of
figure lB.
As for microcalcifications, we apply the HPNN as a post-processor, but hei'e it
processes the output of the mass-detection component of UofC CAD system. The
data in our study consists of 72 positive and 100 negative ROls. These are 256-by256 pixels and are sampled at 200 micron resolution.
At each level of the fine-to-coarse HPNN several hidden units process the feature
images. The outputs of each unit at all of the positions in an image make up a
new feature image. This is reduced in resolution by the usual pyramid blur-andsubsample operation to make an input feature image for the network units at the
next lower resolution. We trained the entire fine-to-coarse HPNN as one network
instead of training a network for each level, one level at a time. This training is quite
straightforward. Back-propagating error through the network units is the same
as in conventional networks. We must also back-propagate through the pyramid
reduction operation, but this is linear and therefore quite simple. In addition we
use the same UOP error function (Equation 1) used to train the coarse-to-fine
architecture. The rationale for this application of the UOP error function is that the
truth data specifies the location of the center of the mass at the highest resolution.
However, because of the sub-sampling the center cannot be unambiguously assigned
to a particular pixel at low resolution .
The features input to the fine-to-coarse HPNN are filtered versions of the image,
with filter kernels given by
(r e) = (
71"(q+ lp l)!
)1 / 2r IPle-r2 / 2LIP
I(r2)etp1> in polar
Applications of Multi-Resolution Neural Networks to Mammography
Coarse-to-Fine HPNN
Fine-to-Coarse HPNN
Table 2: Detector Specificity (% reduction in false positive rate of UofC CAD
system) .
coordinates, with (q, p) E {(O, 1) , (1,0), (0, 2)}. These are combinations of derivatives of Gaussians, and can be written as combinations of separable filter kernels
(products of purely horizontal and vertical filters) , so they can be computed at
relatively low cost. They are also easy to steer, since this is just multiplication by
a complex phase factor. We steered these in the radial and tangential directions
relative to the tentative mass centers, and used the real and imaginary parts and
their squares and products as features. The center coordinates of the are generated
by the earlier stages of the CAD system. These features were extracted at each
level of the Gaussian pyramid representation of the mass ROI, and used as inputs
only to the network units at the same level.
The fine-to-coarse HPNN is quite similar to the convolution network proposed by
Le Cun, et al [2], however with a few notable differences. The fine-to-coarse HPNN
receives as inputs preset features extracted from the image (in this case radial
and tangential gradients) at each resolution, compared to the convolution network,
whose inputs are the original pixel values at the highest resolution. Secondly, in
the fine-to- coarse HPNN , the inputs to a hidden unit at a particular position are
the pixel values at that position in each of the feature images , one pixel value per
feature image. Thus the HPN N's hidden units do not learn linear filters, except
as linear combinations of the filters used to form the features. Finally the fine-tocoarse HPNN is trained using the UOP error function , which is not used in the Le
Cun network.
Currently our best performing fine-to-coarse HPNN system for mass detection has
two hidden units per pyramid level. This gives an ROC area of A z = 0.85 and
eliminates 36 % of the false-positives at a cost of missing 5 % of the actual positives.
To improve performance further , we are investigating different regularizers, richer
feature sets, and more complex architectures, i.e., more hidden units.
We have presented the application of multi-resolution neural network architectures
to two problems in computer-aided diagnosis , the detection of micro calcifications
in mammograms and the direct detection of malignant masses in mammograms. A
summary of the performance of these architectures is given in Table 2. In the case
of microcalcifications , the coarse-to-fine HPNN architecture successfully discovered
large-scale context information that improves the system's performance in detecting
small objects. A coarse-to-fine HPNN has been directly integrated with the UofC
CAD system for micro calcification detection and the complete system is undergoing
clinical evaluation.
In the case of malignant masses, a fine-to-coarse HPNN architecture was used to
exploit information from fine resolution detail which could be used to differentiate
C. D. Spence and P Sajda
malignant from benign masses. The results of this network are encouraging, but additional improvement is needed. In general, we have found that the multi-resolution
HPNNs are a useful class of network architecture for exploiting and integrating information at multiple scales.
This work was funded by the National Information Display Laboratory, DARPA
through ONR contract No. N00014-93-C-0202, and the Murray Foundation. We
would like to thank Drs. Robert Nishikawa and Maryellen Giger of The University
of Chicago for useful discussions and providing the data.
[1] Peter Burt. Smart sensing within a pyramid vision machine. Proceedings IEEE,
76(8):1006-1015, 1988. Also in Neuro- Vision Systems, Gupta and Knopf, eds.,
[2] Y. Le Cun, B. Boser, J . S. Denker, and D. Henderson. Handwritten digit recognition with a back-propagation network. In David S. Touretzky, editor, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2, pages 396- 404, 2929 Campus Drive, San Mateo: CA 94403 , 1991. Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers.
[3] William T. Freeman and Edward H. Adelson. The design and use of steerable
filters. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, PAMI13(9):891- 906, 1991.
[4] James D. Keeler, David E. Rumelhart, and Wee-Keng Leow. Integrated segmentation and recognition of hand-printed numerals. In Richard P. Lippmann,
John E. Moody, and David S. Touretzky, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 3, pages 557- 563, 2929 Campus Drive, San Mateo, CA
94403, 1991. Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers.
[5] Charles Metz. Current problems in ROC analysis. In Proceedings of the Chest
Imaging Conference, pages 315- 33, Madison, WI, November 1988.
[6] R. M. Nishikawa, R. C. Haldemann, J. Papaioannou, M. L. Giger, P. Lu, R. A.
Schmidt, D. E. Wolverton, U. Bick, and K. DoL Initial experience with a prototype clinical intelligent mammography workstation for computer-aided diagnosis. In Murray H. Loew and Kenneth M. Hanson, editors, Medical Imaging
1995, volume 2434, pages 65- 71, P .O. Box 10, Bellingham WA 98227-0010, 1995.
[7] Clay D. Spence. Supervised learning of detection and classification tasks with
uncertain training data. In Image Understanding Workshop. ARPA, 1996. This
[8] Clay D. Spence, John C. Pearson, and Jim Bergen. Coarse-to-fine image search
using neural networks. In Gerald Tesauro, David S. Touretzky, and Todd K.
Leen, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7, pages 981988, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02142, 1994. MIT
[9] W. Zhang, K. Doi, M. L. Giger, Y. Wu , R. M. Nishikawa, and R. Schmidt.
Computerized detection of clustered micro calcifications in digital mammograms
using a shift-invariant artificial neural network. Medical Physics, 21(4):517-524 ,
April 1994.
| 1506 |@word version:1 propagate:1 leow:1 reduction:3 initial:2 iple:1 imaginary:1 current:1 com:1 contextual:2 cad:21 must:2 written:1 john:2 visible:1 chicago:12 blur:1 benign:2 shape:1 designed:2 alone:1 half:2 cue:1 intelligence:1 beginning:1 filtered:1 coarse:34 detecting:8 location:4 zhang:1 five:4 constructed:2 direct:2 fps:1 consists:2 uop:6 combine:2 roughly:1 themselves:1 frequently:1 growing:1 multi:7 freeman:1 encouraging:2 actual:1 considering:2 provided:1 campus:2 mass:26 developed:1 corporation:1 nj:1 act:1 classifier:2 rols:5 unit:13 medical:2 appear:2 positive:24 local:2 todd:1 mateo:2 suggests:1 sarnoff:2 perpendicular:1 statistically:1 acknowledgment:1 testing:3 spence:6 block:2 bellingham:1 digit:1 spot:1 steerable:2 area:4 significantly:1 reject:1 printed:1 pre:2 radial:2 integrating:1 specificity:1 cannot:1 context:9 applying:2 conventional:1 map:2 center:4 missing:1 straightforward:1 resolution:33 mammography:5 rule:2 searching:1 coordinate:2 target:4 hierarchy:1 distinguishing:1 associate:1 element:1 rumelhart:1 recognition:3 cspence:1 coarser:2 database:1 region:5 highest:3 gerald:1 trained:6 segment:1 smart:1 purely:1 darpa:1 sajda:3 train:1 distinct:1 doi:1 detected:1 artificial:1 pearson:1 quite:4 heuristic:2 spend:1 ive:1 whose:1 richer:1 otherwise:1 ability:1 differentiate:1 product:2 iff:1 achieve:1 az:6 exploiting:2 cluster:7 double:1 requirement:1 produce:2 generating:2 nishikawa:3 object:14 propagating:1 edward:1 involves:1 come:1 direction:2 posit:1 correct:1 filter:8 centered:1 enable:1 numeral:1 clustered:1 secondly:1 adjusted:1 keeler:2 around:1 fpf:8 roi:8 presumably:1 pointing:1 wolverton:1 polar:1 integrates:2 coarseto:1 currently:1 successfully:1 mit:1 gaussian:1 crossentropy:1 improvement:2 check:1 tech:1 contrast:1 detect:7 bergen:1 nn:2 typically:1 integrated:3 lj:1 entire:2 hidden:8 pixel:14 overall:1 classification:1 orientation:3 integration:1 mammographic:5 equal:1 construct:2 extraction:2 having:1 sampling:1 identical:1 adelson:1 nearly:1 intelligent:1 micro:9 few:2 tangential:2 richard:1 wee:1 national:1 individual:1 tpf:4 replaced:1 phase:1 william:1 detection:19 interest:2 evaluation:1 henderson:1 regularizers:1 radiologist:4 implication:1 experience:2 uncertain:2 arpa:1 earlier:1 steer:1 cost:2 deviation:2 subset:3 examining:2 paz:1 reported:1 combined:1 peak:2 sensitivity:3 discriminating:1 contract:1 physic:1 moody:1 expert:2 derivative:1 steered:1 actively:1 account:1 notable:1 metz:1 hpn:1 psajda:1 minimize:1 bright:1 square:2 kaufmann:2 characteristic:1 who:1 handwritten:1 produced:1 lu:1 computerized:1 cc:2 drive:2 processor:2 classified:4 tissue:1 detector:2 touretzky:3 ed:2 energy:8 james:1 associated:2 spie:1 workstation:1 propagated:3 sampled:2 massachusetts:1 improves:2 segmentation:1 clay:3 subtle:1 back:3 higher:3 supervised:1 unambiguously:1 april:1 leen:1 done:1 though:1 box:1 rejected:1 stage:3 just:1 hand:1 receives:2 horizontal:1 multiscale:1 propagation:1 aj:1 effect:1 contain:1 true:3 regularization:2 assigned:1 laboratory:1 whereby:1 criterion:3 tps:1 complete:1 image:21 charles:1 ifp:1 volume:2 significant:2 cambridge:1 cn5300:1 dot:1 had:2 funded:1 similarity:1 operating:4 something:1 tesauro:1 certain:1 n00014:1 binary:1 onr:1 morgan:2 greater:1 additional:1 steering:1 prune:1 signal:1 full:1 multiple:1 hpnn:45 characterized:1 clinical:4 cross:1 post:2 halving:1 neuro:1 basic:1 breast:3 vision:2 essentially:1 patient:1 represent:2 kernel:2 sometimes:1 pyramid:11 addition:1 fine:40 diagram:2 publisher:2 operate:1 eliminates:1 flow:1 chest:1 extracting:1 presence:2 split:1 enough:1 easy:1 architecture:21 interprets:1 reduce:1 prototype:1 shift:1 utility:1 passed:1 peter:1 passing:1 useful:2 detailed:1 aiding:1 ten:1 reduced:1 specifies:1 per:2 diagnosis:4 key:1 thresholded:1 kenneth:1 imaging:2 fraction:2 micron:3 uncertainty:1 reader:1 wu:1 missed:1 distinguish:1 display:1 fold:1 occur:1 performing:1 separable:1 relatively:2 jackknife:4 developing:1 clinically:1 combination:3 across:3 wi:1 lp:1 cun:3 invariant:1 ene:1 taken:1 equation:1 previously:1 hei:1 detectable:1 malignant:8 count:1 needed:1 drs:1 operation:2 gaussians:1 apply:4 denker:1 hierarchical:4 schmidt:2 original:1 remaining:1 include:1 madison:1 exploit:1 murray:2 added:1 usual:1 diagonal:2 gradient:1 thank:1 prospective:1 providing:1 difficult:1 unfortunately:1 robert:1 potentially:1 negative:7 design:1 calcium:1 vertical:1 convolution:2 november:1 extended:5 digitized:1 jim:1 discovered:1 lb:1 burt:1 introduced:1 inverting:1 david:4 specified:2 tentative:1 hanson:1 learned:1 boser:1 established:1 emu:1 able:1 pattern:1 rnax:1 including:1 ia:1 suitable:1 critical:1 natural:2 representing:1 improve:2 technology:1 started:1 understanding:1 multiplication:1 relative:1 deposit:1 loss:1 bick:1 rationale:1 validation:1 foundation:1 integrate:3 digital:1 editor:4 summary:1 repeat:1 last:1 institute:1 curve:1 evaluating:2 made:1 clue:1 san:2 transaction:1 lippmann:1 ignore:1 investigating:1 receiver:1 conclude:1 search:3 table:4 lip:1 learn:5 ca:2 complex:2 protocol:1 hierarchically:1 keng:1 border:2 noise:1 paul:1 roc:5 sub:1 position:11 wish:1 ib:1 mammogram:10 minute:1 showing:1 undergoing:1 r2:2 decay:1 sensing:1 gupta:1 dol:1 workshop:1 false:13 niques:1 occurring:1 suited:3 contained:1 truth:2 chance:1 extracted:2 ma:1 aided:4 included:1 typical:1 except:1 reducing:2 preset:1 tumor:1 called:1 evaluate:2 princeton:1 tested:1 |
555 | 1,507 | Lazy Learning Meets
the Recursive Least Squares Algorithm
Mauro Birattari, Gianluca Bontempi, and Hugues Bersini
Iridia - Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Bruxelles, Belgium
{mbiro, gbonte, bersini} @ulb.ac.be
Lazy learning is a memory-based technique that, once a query is received, extracts a prediction interpolating locally the neighboring examples of the query which are considered relevant according to a distance
measure. In this paper we propose a data-driven method to select on a
query-by-query basis the optimal number of neighbors to be considered
for each prediction. As an efficient way to identify and validate local
models, the recursive least squares algorithm is introduced in the context of local approximation and lazy learning. Furthermore, beside the
winner-takes-all strategy for model selection, a local combination of the
most promising models is explored. The method proposed is tested on
six different datasets and compared with a state-of-the-art approach.
Lazy learning (Aha, 1997) postpones all the computation until an explicit request for a
prediction is received. The request is fulfilled interpolating locally the examples considered relevant according to a distance measure. Each prediction requires therefore a local
modeling procedure that can be seen as composed of a structural and of a parametric identification . The parametric identification consists in the optimization of the parameters of
the local approximator. On the other hand, structural identification involves, among other
things, the selection of a family of local approximators, the selection of a metric to evaluate
which examples are more relevant, and the selection of the bandwidth which indicates the
size of the region in which the data are correctly modeled by members of the chosen family
of approximators. For a comprehensive tutorial on local learning and for further references
see Atkeson et al. (1997).
As far as the problem of bandwidth selection is concerned, different approaches exist. The
choice of the bandwidth may be performed either based on some a priori assumption or
on the data themselves. A further sub-classification of data-driven approaches is of interest
M. Birattari, G. Bontempi and H. Bersini
here. On the one hand, a constant bandwidth may be used; in this case it is set by a global
optimization that minimizes an error criterion over the available dataset. On the other hand,
the bandwidth may be selected locally and tailored for each query point.
In the present work, we propose a method that belongs to the latter class of local data-driven
approaches. Assuming a given fixed metric and local linear approximators, the method we
introduce selects the bandwidth on a query-by-query basis by means of a localleave-oneout cross- validation. The problem of bandwidth selection is reduced to the selection of the
number k of neighboring examples which are given a non-zero weight in the local modeling
procedure. Each time a prediction is required for a specific query point, a set of local
models is identified, each including a different number of neighbors. The generalization
ability of each model is then assessed through a local cross-validation procedure. Finally,
a prediction is obtained either combining or selecting the different models on the basis of
some statistic of their cross-validation errors.
The main reason to favor a query-by-query bandwidth selection is that it allows better
adaptation to the local characteristics of the problem at hand. Moreover, this approach is
able to handle directly the case in which the database is updated on-line (Bontempi et at.,
1997). On the other hand, a globally optimized bandwidth approach would, in principle,
require the global optimization to be repeated each time the distribution of the examples
The major contribution of the paper consists in the adoption of the recursive least squares
algorithm in the context of lazy learning. This is an appealing and efficient solution to the
intrinsically incremental problem of identifying and validating a sequence of local linear
models centered in the query point, each including a growing number of neighbors. It is
worth noticing here that a leave-one-out cross-validation of each model considered does
not involve any significant computational overload, since it is obtained though the PRESS
statistic (Myers, 1990) which simply uses partial results returned by the recursive least
squares algorithm. Schaal and Atkeson (1998) used already the recursive least squares
algorithm for the incremental update of a set of local models. In the present paper, we
use for the first time this algorithm in a query-by-query perspective as an effective way to
explore the neighborhood of each query point.
As a second contribution, we propose a comparison, on a local scale, between a competitive
and a cooperative approach to model selection. On the problem of extracting a final prediction from a set of alternatives, we compared a winner-takes-all strategy with a strategy
based on the combination of estimators (Wolpert, 1992).
In Section 5 an experimental analysis of the recursive algorithm for local identification
and validation is presented. The algorithm proposed, used in conjunction with different
strategies for model selection or combination, is compared experimentally with Cubist, the
rule-based tool developed by Ross Quinlan for generating piecewise-linear models.
Local Weighted Regression
Given two variables x E lR m and y E lR, let us consider the mapping
only through a set of n examples {(Xi, yd} ~=l obtained as follows:
lR m
lR, known
where Vi, Ci is a random variable such that E[ciJ = 0 and E[ciCjJ = 0, Vj =1= i, and
such that E[ciJ = I-lm(Xi), Vm ~ 2, where I-lmO is the unknown mth moment of the
distribution of Ci and is defined as a function of Xi. In particular for m = 2, the last of
the above mentioned properties implies that no assumption of global homoscedasticity is
Lazy Learning Meets the Recursive Least Squares Algorithm
The problem of local regression can be stated as the problem of estimating the value that the
regression function f(x) = E[Ylx] assumes for a specific query point x, using information
pertaining only to a neighborhood of x.
Given a query point x q , and under the hypothesis of a local homoscedasticity of Ci, the
parameter (3 of a local linear approximation of f (.) in a neighborhood of Xq can be obtained
solving the local polynomial regression:
where, given a metric on the space Rm, d( Xi, Xq) is the distance from the query point to the
example, K (.) is a weight function, h is the bandwidth, and where a constant value 1
has been appended to each vector Xi in order to consider a constant term in the regression.
In matrix notation, the solution of the above stated weighted least squares problem is given
= (X'W'WX)-lX'W'Wy = (Z'Z)-lZ'V = PZ'v,
where X is a matrix whose ith row is x~, y is a vector whose ith element is Yi, W is
a diagonal matrix whose ith diagonal element is Wii = JK (d(Xi,Xq)jh), Z = WX,
v = Wy, and the matrix X'W'WX = Z'Z is assumed to be non-singular so that its
inverse P = (Z'Z)-l is defined.
Once obtained the local linear polynomial approximation, a prediction of Yq = f(x q), is
finally given by:
Yq=X~/3 .
Moreover, exploiting the linearity of the local approximator, a leave-one-out crossvalidation estimation of the error variance E[ (Yq - Yq)2] can be obtained without any
significant overload. In fact, using the PRESS statistic (Myers, 1990), it is possible to
= Yj - xj /3 _ j' without explicitly identifying the parameters /3- j
calculate the error
from the examples available with the ph removed. The formulation of the PRESS statistic
for the case at hand is the following:
cv _
_ Yj - xjPZ'v _ Yj - xj/3
Yj - x j {3 _ j -
'P Zj
where zj is the ph row of Z and therefore Zj = WjjXj, and where h jj is the
e1ementoftheHatmatrixH = ZPZ' = Z(Z'Z) - lZ' .
h jj '
Recursive Local Regression
In what follows, for the sake of simplicity, we will focus on linear approximator. An
extension to generic polynomial approximators of any degree is straightforward. We will
assume also that a metric on the space R m is given. All the attention will be thus centered
on the problem of bandwidth selection.
If as a weight function K(-) the indicator function
K (d(Xi'X q)) =
ifd(xi,xq)::; h,
is adopted, the optimization of the parameter h can be conveniently reduced to the optimization of the number k of neighbors to which a unitary weight is assigned in the local
M. Birattari, G. Bontempi and H. Bersini
regression evaluation. In other words, we reduce the problem of bandwidth selection to a
search in the space of h( k) = d( x( k), Xq), where x( k) is the kth nearest neighbor of the
query point.
The main advantage deriving from the adoption of the weight function defined in Eq. 6,
is that, simply by updating the parameter /3(k) of the model identified using the k nearest
neighbors, it is straightforward and inexpensive to obtain /3 (k + 1). In fact, performing a
step of the standard recursive least squares algorithm (Bierman, 1977), we have:
+ 1) =
P(k) _ P(k)x(k + l)x'(k + l)P(k)
1 + x'(k + l)P(k)x(k + 1)
,(k + 1) = P(k + l)x(k
e(k + 1) =
+ 1) =
+ 1)
y(k + 1) - x' (k + l)/3(k)
/3(k) + ,(k + l)e(k + 1)
where P(k) = (Z'Z)-l when h = h(k), and where x(k
neighbor of the query point.
+ 1)
is the (k
+ l)th
Moreover, once the matrix P(k + 1) is available, the leave-one-out cross-validation errors
can be directly calculated without the need of any further model identification:
Yj - xj/3(k + 1)
ej (k + 1) - 1 _ xjP(k + l)x/
It will be useful in the following to define for each value of k the [k x 1] vector e CV (k) that
contains all the leave-one-out errors associated to the model {3(k).
Once an initialization /3(0) = jj and P(O) = P is given, Eq. 7 and Eq. 8 recursively
evaluate for different values of k a local approximation of the regression function f(?),
a prediction of the value of the regression function in the query point, and the vector of
leave-one-out errors from which it is possible to extract an estimate of the variance of the
prediction error. Notice that jj is an a priqri estimate of the parameter and P is the covariance matrix that reflects the reliabi!ity of f3 (Bierman, 1977). For non-reliable initialization,
the following is usually adopted: P = >'1, with>. large and where I is the identity matrix.
Local Model Selection and Combination
The recursive algorithm described by Eq. 7 and Eq. 8 returns for a given query point x q ,
a set of predictions Yq (k) = x~/3(k), together with a set of associated leave-one-out error
vectors e Cv (k) .
From the information available, a final prediction f)q of the value of the regression function
can be obtained in different ways. Two main paradigms deserve to be considered: the first
is based on the selection of the best approximator according to a given criterion, while the
second returns a prediction as a combination of more local models.
If the selection paradigm, frequently called winner-takes-all, is adopted, the most natural
way to extract a final prediction Yq, consists in comparing the prediction obtained for each
value of k on the basis of the classical mean square error criterion:
with k = argmin MSE(k) = argmin
L.Ji=l W t
Lazy Learning Meets the Recursive Least Squares Algorithm
Table 1: A summary of the characteristics of the data sets considered.
Number of
Number of
I Housing I Cpu I Prices I Mpg I Servo I Ozone I
where Wi are weights than can be conveniently used to discount each error according to the
distance from the query point to the point to which the error corresponds (Atkeson et at.,
As an alternative to the winner-takes-all paradigm, we explored also the effectiveness of
local combinations of estimates (Wolpert, 1992). Adopting also in this case the mean
square error criterion, the final prediction of the value Yq is obtained as a weighted average
of the best b models, where b is a parameter of the algorithm. Suppose the predictions il q (k)
and the error vectors e Cv (k) have been ordered creating a sequence of integers {k i } so that
MSE( ki ) ::; MSE( kj ), Vi < j. The prediction of Yq is given by
Yq =
L~-l (iYq(kd
L..-i=l ,>z
where the weights are the inverse of the mean square errors: (i = l/MSE(ki ). This is an
example of the generalized ensemble method (Perrone & Cooper, 1993).
5 Experiments and Results
The experimental evaluation ofthe incremental local identification and validation algorithm
was performed on six datasets. The first five, described by Quinlan (1993), were obtained
from the VCI Repository of machine learning databases (Merz & Murphy, 1998), while the
last one was provided by Leo Breiman. A summary ofthe characteristics of each dataset is
presented in Table 1.
The methods compared adopt the recursive identification and validation algorithm, combined with different strategies for model selection or combination. We considered also two
approaches in which k is selected globally:
Ibl: Local bandwidth selection for linear local models. The number of neighbors is selected on a query-by-query basis and the prediction returned is the one of the best
model according to the mean square error criterion.
IbO: Local bandwidth selection for constant local models. The algorithm for constant
models is derived directly from the recursive method described in Eq. 7 and Eq. 8.
The best model is selected according to the mean square error criterion.
IbC: Local combination of estimators. This is an example, of the method described in
Eq. 10. On the datasets proposed, for each query the best 2 linear local models
and the best 2 constant models are combined.
gbl: Global bandwidth selection for linear local models. The value of k is obtained minimizing the prediction error in 20-fold cross-validation on the dataset available.
This value is then used for all the query points.
gbO: Global bandwidth selection for constant local models. As in gbl, the value of k is
optimized globally and kept constant for all the queries.
M. Birattarl. G. Bontempi and H. Bersini
Table 2: Mean absolute error on unseen cases.
Method I Housing I Cpu I Prices I Mpg I Servo I Ozone
Table 3: Relative error (%) on unseen cases.
I Method I Housing I
I Prices I
I Servo I Ozone
As far as the metric is concerned, we adopted a global Euclidean metric based on the
relative influence (relevance) ofthe regressors (Friedman, 1994). We are confident that the
adoption of a local metric could improve the performance of our lazy learning method.
The results of the methods introduced are compared with those we obtained, in the same
experimental settings, with Cubist, the rule-based tool developed by Quinlan for generating
piecewise-linear models. Each approach was tested on each dataset using the same 10-fold
cross-validation strategy. Each dataset was divided randomly into 10 groups of nearly
equal size. In turn, each of these groups was used as a testing set while the remaining
ones together were providing the examples. Thus all the methods performed a prediction
on the same unseen cases, using for each of them the same set of examples. In Table 2
we present the results obtained by all the methods, and averaged on the 10 cross-validation
groups. Since the methods were compared on the same examples in exactly the same
conditions, the sensitive one-tailed paired test of significance can be used. In what follows,
by "significantly better" we mean better at least at a 5% significance level.
The first consideration about the results concerns the local combination of estimators. According to Table 2, the method IbC performs in average always better than the winnertakes-all linear and constant. On two dataset IbC is significantly better than both Ibl and
IbO; and on three dataset it is significantly better than one of the two, and better in average
than the other.
The second consideration is about the comparison between our query-by-query bandwidth
selection and a global optimization of the number of neighbors: in average Ibl and IbO
performs better than their counterparts gbl and gbO. On two datasets Ibl is significantly
better than gbl, while is about the same on the other four. On one dataset IbO is significantly
better than gbO.
As far as the comparison with Cubist is concerned, the recursive lazy identification and
validation proposed obtains results comparable with those obtained by the state-of-the-art
method implemented in Cubist. On the six datasets, IbC performs one time significantly
better than Cubist, and one time significantly worse.
Lazy Learning Meets the Recursive Least Squares Algorithm
The second index of performance we investigated is the relative error, defined as the mean
square error on unseen cases, normalized by the variance of the test set. The relative errors
are presented in Table 3 and show a similar picture to Table 2, although the mean square
errors considered here penalize larger absolute errors.
Conclusion and Future Work
The experimental results confirm that the recursive least squares algorithm can be effectively used in a local context. Despite the trivial metric adopted, the local combination
of estimators, identified and validated recursively, showed to be able to compete with a
state-of-the-art approach.
Future work will focus on the problem of local metric selection. Moreover, we will explore more sophisticated ways to combine local estimators and we will extend this work to
polynomial approximators of higher degree.
The work of Mauro Birattari was supported by the FIRST program of the Region Wallonne,
Belgium. The work of Gianluca Bontempi was supported by the European Union TMR
Grant FMBICT960692. The authors thank Ross Quinlan and gratefully acknowledge using
his software Cubist. For more details on Cubist see http://www.rulequest.com.
We also thank Leo Breiman for the dataset ozone and the UCI Repository for the other
datasets used in this paper.
Aha D. W. 1997. Editorial. Artificial Intelligence Review, 11(1-5), 1-6. Special Issue on
Lazy Learning.
Atkeson C. G. , Moore A. W. & Schaal S. 1997. Locally weighted learning. Artificial
Intelligence Review, 11(1-5), 11-73.
Bierman G. 1. 1977. Factorization Methodsfor Discrete Sequential Estimation. New York,
NY: Academic Press.
Bontempi G., Birattari M. & Bersini H. 1997. Lazy learning for local modeling and
control design. International Journal of Control. Accepted for publication.
Friedman 1. H. 1994. Flexible metric nearest neighbor classification. Tech. rept. Department of Statistics, Stanford University.
Merz C. J. & Murphy P. M . 1998. UCI Repository of machine learning databases.
Myers R. H. 1990. Classical and Modern Regression with Applications. Boston, MA:
Perrone M. P. & Cooper L. N. 1993. When networks disagree: Ensemble methods for
hybrid neural networks. Pages 126-142 of Mammone R. J. (ed), Artificial Neural
Networks for Speech and Vision. Chapman and Hall.
Quinlan 1. R. 1993. Combining instance-based and model-based learning. Pages 236-243
of Machine Learning. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference. Morgan
Schaal S. & Atkeson C. G. 1998. Constructive incremental learning from only local
information. Neural Computation, 10(8), 2047-2084.
Wolpert D. 1992. Stacked Generalization. Neural Networks, 5, 241-259.
| 1507 |@word repository:3 polynomial:4 covariance:1 kent:1 recursively:2 moment:1 contains:1 selecting:1 comparing:1 com:1 wx:3 update:1 intelligence:2 selected:4 cubist:9 ith:4 lr:4 lx:1 five:1 consists:3 combine:1 introduce:1 homoscedasticity:2 themselves:1 frequently:1 growing:1 mpg:3 globally:3 cpu:3 hugues:1 provided:1 estimating:1 moreover:4 notation:1 linearity:1 what:2 argmin:2 minimizes:1 developed:2 exactly:1 rm:1 control:2 grant:1 local:47 rept:1 despite:1 meet:4 yd:1 initialization:2 factorization:1 adoption:3 averaged:1 acknowledgment:1 yj:5 testing:1 recursive:16 union:1 procedure:3 significantly:7 word:1 selection:22 context:3 influence:1 www:1 straightforward:2 attention:1 simplicity:1 identifying:2 ozone:4 estimator:5 rule:2 deriving:1 his:1 ity:1 handle:1 updated:1 suppose:1 us:1 hypothesis:1 element:2 jk:1 updating:1 database:3 cooperative:1 calculate:1 region:2 removed:1 servo:3 mentioned:1 solving:1 basis:5 leo:2 stacked:1 effective:1 pertaining:1 query:29 artificial:3 neighborhood:3 mammone:1 whose:3 larger:1 stanford:1 otherwise:1 ability:1 statistic:5 favor:1 unseen:4 final:4 housing:3 sequence:2 myers:3 advantage:1 propose:3 adaptation:1 neighboring:2 relevant:3 combining:2 uci:2 validate:1 crossvalidation:1 exploiting:1 generating:2 incremental:4 leave:6 ac:1 nearest:4 received:2 eq:8 implemented:1 involves:1 implies:1 centered:2 require:1 generalization:2 extension:1 considered:8 hall:1 mapping:1 lm:1 major:1 adopt:1 belgium:2 estimation:2 ross:2 sensitive:1 tool:2 weighted:4 reflects:1 always:1 ej:2 breiman:2 publication:1 conjunction:1 derived:1 focus:2 validated:1 schaal:3 indicates:1 tech:1 ibl:6 mth:1 bierman:3 selects:1 issue:1 among:1 classification:2 flexible:1 priori:1 art:3 special:1 equal:1 once:4 f3:1 chapman:1 nearly:1 ibc:6 future:2 piecewise:2 modern:1 randomly:1 composed:1 comprehensive:1 murphy:2 friedman:2 interest:1 evaluation:2 bontempi:7 partial:1 aha:2 euclidean:1 rulequest:1 instance:1 modeling:3 combined:2 confident:1 international:2 vm:1 together:2 tmr:1 worse:1 creating:1 return:2 de:1 explicitly:1 vi:2 performed:3 competitive:1 contribution:2 appended:1 square:18 il:1 variance:3 characteristic:3 kaufmann:1 ensemble:2 identify:1 ofthe:3 identification:8 worth:1 ed:1 inexpensive:1 universite:1 associated:2 dataset:10 intrinsically:1 sophisticated:1 higher:1 formulation:1 though:1 furthermore:1 until:1 hand:6 vci:1 normalized:1 counterpart:1 assigned:1 moore:1 criterion:6 generalized:1 performs:3 consideration:2 ji:1 winner:4 extend:1 significant:2 cv:6 gratefully:1 l3:1 showed:1 perspective:1 belongs:1 driven:3 approximators:5 yi:1 seen:1 morgan:1 paradigm:3 gb1:1 academic:1 cross:8 divided:1 paired:1 prediction:21 regression:11 vision:1 metric:10 editorial:1 tailored:1 adopting:1 penalize:1 singular:1 gbl:5 validating:1 thing:1 member:1 effectiveness:1 birattari:5 integer:1 extracting:1 structural:2 unitary:1 concerned:3 xj:3 winnertakes:1 bandwidth:17 identified:3 reduce:1 six:3 returned:2 speech:1 york:1 jj:4 useful:1 involve:1 ylx:1 discount:1 locally:4 ph:3 reduced:2 http:1 exist:1 zj:4 tutorial:1 notice:1 fulfilled:1 correctly:1 discrete:1 group:3 four:1 tenth:1 kept:1 compete:1 inverse:2 noticing:1 family:2 comparable:1 ki:2 fold:2 software:1 sake:1 performing:1 department:1 according:7 combination:10 request:2 perrone:2 kd:1 wi:2 appealing:1 turn:1 adopted:5 available:5 wii:1 generic:1 alternative:2 assumes:1 remaining:1 quinlan:5 bersini:6 classical:2 already:1 strategy:6 ulb:1 parametric:2 diagonal:3 bruxelles:2 kth:1 distance:4 thank:2 mauro:2 trivial:1 reason:1 assuming:1 modeled:1 index:1 providing:1 minimizing:1 cij:2 oneout:1 stated:2 design:1 unknown:1 disagree:1 datasets:6 acknowledge:1 introduced:2 required:1 optimized:2 deserve:1 able:2 wy:2 usually:1 xjp:1 program:1 including:2 memory:1 reliable:1 natural:1 hybrid:1 indicator:1 improve:1 yq:9 picture:1 extract:3 kj:1 xq:5 review:2 relative:4 beside:1 approximator:4 validation:12 degree:2 principle:1 row:2 gianluca:2 summary:2 supported:2 last:2 jh:1 neighbor:10 absolute:2 calculated:1 author:1 made:1 regressors:2 atkeson:5 far:3 lz:2 obtains:1 confirm:1 global:7 assumed:1 xi:8 search:1 tailed:1 table:8 promising:1 mse:4 investigated:1 interpolating:2 european:1 vj:1 significance:2 main:3 libre:1 repeated:1 cooper:2 ny:1 sub:1 lmo:1 explicit:1 pws:1 specific:2 methodsfor:1 er:1 explored:2 pz:1 concern:1 sequential:1 effectively:1 ci:3 boston:1 wolpert:3 simply:2 explore:2 conveniently:2 lazy:12 ordered:1 corresponds:1 ma:1 identity:1 price:3 change:1 experimentally:1 called:1 accepted:1 experimental:4 merz:2 select:1 latter:1 assessed:1 relevance:1 overload:2 constructive:1 evaluate:2 tested:2 |
556 | 1,508 | Markov processes on curves for
automatic speech recognition
Lawrence Saul and Mazin Rahim
AT&T Labs - Research
Shannon Laboratory
180 Park Ave E-171
Florham Park, NJ 07932
We investigate a probabilistic framework for automatic speech
recognition based on the intrinsic geometric properties of curves.
In particular, we analyze the setting in which two variables-one
continuous (~), one discrete (s )-evolve jointly in time. We suppose that the vector ~ traces out a smooth multidimensional curve
and that the variable s evolves stochastically as a function of the
arc length traversed along this curve. Since arc length does not
depend on the rate at which a curve is traversed, this gives rise
to a family of Markov processes whose predictions, Pr[sl~]' are
invariant to nonlinear warpings of time. We describe the use of
such models, known as Markov processes on curves (MPCs), for
automatic speech recognition, where ~ are acoustic feature trajectories and s are phonetic transcriptions. On two tasks-recognizing
New Jersey town names and connected alpha-digits- we find that
MPCs yield lower word error rates than comparably trained hidden
Markov models.
Variations in speaking rate currently present a serious challenge for automatic
speech recognition (ASR) (Siegler & Stern, 1995). It is widely observed , for example,
that fast speech is more prone to recognition errors than slow speech. A related effect, occurring at the phoneme level, is that consonants (l,re more frequently botched
than vowels. Generally speaking, consonants have short-lived, non-stationary acoustic signatures; vowels, just the opposite. Thus, at the phoneme level, we can view
the increased confusability of consonants as a consequence of locally fast speech.
L. Saul and M. Rahim
set) =s 1
Figure 1: Two variables-one continuous (x), one discrete (s )- evol ve jointly in
time. The trace of s partitions the curve of x into different segments whose boundaries occur where s changes value.
In this paper , we investigate a probabilistic framework for ASR that models variations in speaking rate as arising from nonlinear warpings of time (Tishby, 1990) .
Our framework is based on the observation that acoustic feature vectors trace out
continuous trajectories (Ostendorf et aI , 1996). We view these trajectories as multidimensional curves whose intrinsic geometric properties (such as arc length or
radius) do not depend on the rate at which they are traversed (do Carmo, 1976).
We describe a probabilistic model whose predictions are based on these intrinsic
geometric properties and-as such-are invariant to nonlinear warpings of time.
The handling of this invariance distinguishes our methods from traditional hidden
Markov models (HMMs) (Rabiner & Juang, 1993).
The probabilistic models studied in this paper are known as Markov processes on
curves (MPCs). The theoretical framework for MPCs was introduced in an earlier
paper (Saul , 1997), which also discussed the problems of decoding and parameter
estimation. In the present work, we report the first experimental results for MPCs
on two difficult benchmark problems in ASR. On these problems- recognizing New
Jersey town names and connected alpha-digits- our results show that MPCs generally match or exceed the performance of comparably trained HMMs.
The organization of this paper is as follows . In section 2, we review the basic
elements of MPCs and discuss important differences between MPCs and HMMs. In
section 3, we present our experimental results and evaluate their significance.
Markov processes on curves
Speech recognizers take a continuous acoustic signal as input and return a sequence
of discrete labels representing phonemes, syllables, or words as output. Typically
the short-time properties of the speech signal are summarized by acoustic feature
vectors. Thus the abstract mathematical problem is to describe a multidimensional
trajectory {x(t) It E [0, T]} by a sequence of discrete labels S1 S2 . . . Sn. As shown in
figure 1, this is done by specifying consecutive time intervals such that s(t)
for t E [tk-1, tk] and attaching the labels Sk to contiguous arcs along the trajectory.
To formulate a probabilistic model of this process, we consider two variables-one
continuous (x), one discrete (s )-that evolve jointly in time. Thus the vector x
traces out a smooth multidimensional curve, to each point of which the variable s
attaches a discrete label.
Markov processes on curves are based on the concept of arc length. After reviewing
how to compute arc lengths along curves, we introduce a family of Markov processes
whose predictions are invariant to nonlinear warpings of time. We then consider
the ways in which these processes (and various generalizations) differ from HMMs.
Markov Processes on Curves for Automatic Speech Recognition
Arc length
Let g(~) define a D x D matrix-valued function over x E RP. If g(~) is everywhere
non-negative definite, then we can use it as a metric to compute distances along
curves. In particular, consider two nearby points separated by the infinitesimal
vector d~. We define the squared distance between these two points as:
Arc length along a curve is the non-decreasing function computed by integrating
these local distances. Thus, for the trajectory x(t), the arc length between the
points x(t!) and X(t2) is given by:
where i: =
[~(t)] denotes the time derivative of~ . Note that the arc length defined
by eq. (2) is invariant under reparameterizations of the trajectory, ~(t) -t ~(J(t)) ,
where f(t) is any smooth monotonic function of time that maps the interval [tl, t2]
into itself.
In the special case where g(~) is the identity matrix, eq. (2) reduces to the standard
definition of arc length in Euclidean space. More generally, however, eq. (1) defines
a non-Euclidean metric for computing arc lengths. Thus, for example, if the metric
g(x) varies as a function of~, then eq. (2) can assign different arc lengths to the
trajectories x(t) and x(t) + ~o, where ~o is a constant displacement.
States and lifelengths
We now return to the problem of segmentation, as illustrated in figure 1. We refer
to the possible values of s as states. MPCs are conditional random processes that
evolve the state variable s stochastically as a function of the arc length traversed
along the curve of~. In MPCs, the probability of remaining in a particular state
decays exponentially with the cumulative arc length traversed in that state. The
signature of a state is the particular way in which it computes arc length.
To formalize this idea, we associate with each state i the following quantities: (i)
a feature-dependent matrix gi (x) that can be used to compute arc lengths, as in
eq. (2); (ii) a decay parameter Ai that measures the probability per unit arc length
that s makes a transition from state i to some other state; and (iii) a set of transition
probabilities aij, where aij represents the probability that-having decayed out of
state i-the variable s makes a transition to state j . Thus, aij defines a stochastic
transition matrix with zero elements along the diagonal and rows that sum to one:
0 and 2: j aij
1. A Markov process is defined by the set of differential
).]:1 + ~
L.J /ljpjaji
[X. T gi ( X X
T ( ) ? ] :I
~ 9j x ~
where Pi(t) denotes the (forward) probability that s is in state i at time t, based
on its history up to that point in time. The right hand side of eq. (3) consists of
two competing terms. The first term computes the probability that s decays out
of state i; the second computes the probability that s decays into state i. Both
terms are proportional to measures of arc length, making the evolution of Pi along
the curve of x invariant to nonlinear warpings of time. The decay parameter, Ai,
controls the typical amount of arc length traversed in state i ; it may be viewed as
L. Saul and M. Rahim
an inverse lifetime or-to be more precise-an inverse lifelength. The entire process
is Markovian because the evolution of Pi depends only on quantities available at
time t.
Given a trajectory x(t), the Markov process in eq. (3) gives rise to a conditional
probability distribution over possible segmentations, s(t). Consider the segmentation in which s(t) takes the value Sk between times tk-l and tk, and let
fSk = jtk dt [XTgsk(X) X ]%
denote the arc length traversed in state Sk. By integrating eq. (3), one can show that
the probability of remaining in state Sk decays exponentially with the arc length f Sk '
Thus, the conditional probability of the overall segmentation is given by:
= II ASke->'Sklsk II aSkSk+ll
where we have used So and Sn+1 to denote the START and END states of the Markov
process. The first product in eq. (5) multiplies the probabilities that each segment
traverses exactly its observed arc length. The second product multiplies the probabilities for transitions between states Sk and Sk+l' The leading factors of ASk are
included to normalize each state's distribution over observed arc lengths.
There are many important quantities that can be computed from the distribution,
Pr[ S Ix]. Of particular interest for ASR is the most probable segmentation: s* (x) =
argmaxs,l {In Pr[s, fix]}. As described elsewhere (Saul, 1997), this maximization
can be performed by discretizing the time axis and applying a dynamic programming
procedure. The resulting algorithm is similar to the Viterbi procedure for maximum
likelihood decoding (Rabiner & Juang, 1993).
Parameter estimation
The parameters {Ai, aij, gi (x)} in MPCs are estimated from training data to maximize the log-likelihood of target segmentations. In our preliminary experiments
with MPCs, we estimated only the metric parameters, gi(X); the others were assigned the default values Ai = 1 and aij = 1/ Ii, where Ii is the fanout of state i.
The metrics gi (x) were assumed to have the parameterized form:
where (ji is a positive definite matrix with unit determinant, and cI>i (x) is a nonnegative scalar-valued function of x. For the experiments in this paper, the form of
cI>i(X) was fixed so that the MPCs reduced to HMMs as a special case, as described
in the next section. Thus the only learning problem was to estimate the matrix
parameters (ji. This was done using the reestimation formula:
dt. T
? 1 cI>i(x(t)),
[x (ji-1X]"2
where the integral is over all speech segments belonging to state i, and the constant
C is chosen to enforce the determinant constraint l(ji I = 1. For fixed cI>i (x), we
have shown previously (Saul, 1997) that this iterative update leads to monotonic
increases in the log-likelihood.
Markov Processes on Curves for Automatic Speech Recognition
Relation to HMMs and previous work
There are several important differences between HMMs and MPCs. HMMs parameterize joint distributions of the form: Pr[s, z] = Dt Pr[st+1lsd Pr[zt Isd. Thus,
in HMMs, parameter estimation is directed at learning a synthesis model, Pr[zls]'
while in MPCs, it is directed at learning a segmentation model, Pr[s,flz]. The
direction of conditioning on z is a crucial difference. MPCs do not attempt to learn
anything as ambitious as a joint distribution over acoustic feature trajectories. \
HMMs and MPCs also differ in how they weight the speech signal. In HMMs, each
state contributes an amount to the overall log-likelihood that grows in proportion
to its duration in time. In MPCs, on the other hand, each state contributes an
amount that grows in proportion to its arc length. Naturally, the weighting by arc
length attaches a more important role to short-lived but non-stationary phonemes,
such as consonants. It also guarantees the invariance to nonlinear warpings of time
(to which the predictions of HMMs are quite sensitive).
In terms of previous work,\mr motivation for MPCs resembles that of Tishby (1990),
who several years ago proposed a dynamical systems approach to speech processing.
Because MPCs exploit the continuity of acoustic feature trajectories, they also bear
some resemblance to so-called segmental HMMs (Ostendorf et aI, 1996). MPCs
nevertheless differ from segmental HMMs in two important respects: the invariance
to nonlinear warpings of time , and the emphasis on learning a segmentation model
Pr[s , flz], as opposed to a synthesis model, Pr[xls].
Finally, we note that admitting a slight generalization in the concept of arc length,
we can essentially realize HMMs as a special case of MPCs. This is done by computing arc lengths along the spacetime trajectories z(t) = {x(t),t}-that is to say,
replacing eq. (1) by dL 2 = [zTg(z) z]dt 2 , where z = {:il, 1} and g(z) is a spacetime
metric. This relaxes the invariance to nonlinear warpings of time and incorporates
both movement in acoustic feature space and duration in time as measures of phonemic evolution. Moreover, in this setting, one can mimic the predictions of HMMs
by setting the (J'i matrices to have only one non-zero element (namely, the diagonal
element for delta-time contributions to the arc length) and by defining the functions
<l>i(X) in terms of HMM emission probabilities P(xli) as:
P(zli) ]
<l>i(X) = -In [ 2::k P(xlk) .
This relation is important because it allows us to initialize the parameters of an
MPC by those of a continuous-density HMM,. This initialization was used in all the
experiments reported below.
Automatic speech recognition
Both HMMs and MPCs were used to, build connected speech recognizers. Training
and test data came from speaker-independent databases of telephone speech. All
data was digitized at the caller's local switch and transmitted in this form to the
receiver. For feature extraction, input telephone signals (sampled at 8 kHz and
band-limited between 100-3800 Hz) were pre-emphasized and blocked into 30ms
frames with a frame shift of 10ms. Each frame was Hamming windowed , autocorrelated, and processed by LPC cepstral analysis to produce a vector of 12 liftered
cepstral coefficients (Rabiner & Juang, 1993). The feature vector was then augmented by its normalized log energy value, as well as temporal derivatives of first
and second order. Overall, each frame of speech was described by 39 features . These
features were used diffe:.;ently by HMMs and MPCs, as described below.
L. Saul and M. Rahim
NJ town names
22 ~
HMM (%)
MPC ('fo)
- 0-
parameters pe r state
Table 1: Word error rates for HMMs (dashed) and MPCs (solid) on the task of
recognizing NJ town names. The table shows the error rates versus the number of
mixture components; the graph , versus the number of parameters per hidden state.
Recognizers were evaluated on two tasks. The first task was recognizing New Jersey town names (e.g., Newark) . The training data for this task (Sachs et aI , 1994)
consisted of 12100 short phrases, spoken in the seven major dialects of American
English . These phrases, ranging from two to four words in length, were selected to
provide maximum phonetic coverage. The test data consisted of 2426 isolated utterances of 1219 New Jersey town names and was collected from nearly 100 speakers.
Note that the training and test data for this task have non-overlapping vocabularies .
Baseline recognizers were built using 43Ieft-to-right continuous-density HMMs, each
corresponding to a context-independent English phone. Phones were modeled by
three-state HMMs , with the exception of background noise , which was modeled by
a single state. State emission probabilities were computed by mixtures of Gaussians
with diagonal covariance matrices. Different sized models were trained using M
4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 mixture components per hidden state; for a particular model ,
the number of mixture components was the same across all states. Parameter
estimation was handled by a Viterbi implementation of the Baum-Welch algorithm.
MPC recognizers were built using the same overall grammar. Each hidden state
in the MPCs was assigned a metric gi(~) = O';l<I>l(~). The functions <I>i(~) were
initialized (and fixed) by the state emission probabilities of the HMMs , as given
by eq. (8). The matrices O'i were estimated by iterating eq. (7). We computed arc
lengths along the 14 dimensional spacetime trajectories through cepstra, log-energy,
and time . Thus each O'i was a 14 x 14 symmetric matrix applied to tangent vectors
consisting of delta-cepstra, delta-log-energy, and delta-time.
The table in figure 1 shows the results of these experiments comparing MPCs to
HMMs. For various model sizes (as measured by the number of mixture components), we found the MPCs to yield consistently lower error rates than the HMMs.
The graph in figure 1 plots these word error rates versus the number of modeling parameters per hidden state. This graph shows that the MPCs are not outperforming
the HMMs merely because they have extra modeling parameters (i .e. , the O'i matrices). The beam widths for the decoding procedures in these experiments were
chosen so that corresponding recognizers activated roughly equal numbers of arcs.
The second task in our experiments involved the recognition of connected alphadigits (e.g ., N Z 3 V J 4 E 3 U 2). The training and test data consisted of
Markov Processes on Curves for Automatic Speech Recognition
HMM (%)
MPC (%)
..... ,
parameters per state
Figure 2: Word error rates for HMMs and MPCs on the task of recognizing connected alpha-digits. The table shows the error rates versus the number of mixture
components; the graph , versus the number of parameters per hidden state.
14622 and 7255 utterances, respectively. Recognizers were built from 285 sub-word
HMMs/MPCs, each corresponding to a context-dependent English phone. The recognizers were trained and evaluated in the same way as the previous task. Results
are shown in figure 2.
While these results demonstrate the viability of MPCs for automatic speech recognition, several issues require further attention . The most important issues are feature selection-how to define meaningful acoustic trajectories from the raw speech
signal-and learning- how to parameterize and estimate the hidden state metrics
gi (~) from sampled trajectories {z (t)}. These issues and others will be studied in
future work.
M. P. do Carmo (1976) . Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces. Prentice
M. Ostendorf, V. Digalakis, and O. Kimball (1996). From HMMs to segment models: a unified view of stochastic modeling for speech recognition. IEEE Transactions
on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 4:360-378.
L. Rabiner and B . Juang (1993) . Fundamentals of Speech Recognition. Prentice
Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
R. Sachs, M. Tikijian, and E. Roskos (1994). United States English subword speech
data. AT&T unpublished report.
L. Saul (1998) . Automatic segmentation of continuous trajectories with invariance
to nonlinear warpings of time . In Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Machine Learning, 506- 514.
M. A. Siegler and R . M. Stern (1995). On the effects of speech rate in large vocabulary speech recognition systems. In Proceedings of th e 1995 IEEE International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 612-615.
N. Tishby (1990). A dynamical system approach to speech processing. In Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
Processing, 365-368 .
| 1508 |@word determinant:2 proportion:2 aske:1 covariance:1 solid:1 att:1 united:1 subword:1 com:1 comparing:1 realize:1 partition:1 plot:1 update:1 stationary:2 selected:1 short:4 traverse:1 mathematical:1 along:10 windowed:1 differential:2 consists:1 introduce:1 roughly:1 frequently:1 decreasing:1 moreover:1 spoken:1 unified:1 nj:4 guarantee:1 temporal:1 multidimensional:4 rahim:4 exactly:1 control:1 unit:2 positive:1 local:2 consequence:1 lsd:1 cliff:1 emphasis:1 initialization:1 studied:2 resembles:1 specifying:1 hmms:28 limited:1 directed:2 definite:2 digit:3 procedure:3 displacement:1 word:7 integrating:2 pre:1 selection:1 prentice:2 context:2 applying:1 map:1 baum:1 attention:1 duration:2 formulate:1 welch:1 evol:1 variation:2 caller:1 target:1 suppose:1 programming:1 associate:1 element:4 recognition:14 database:1 observed:3 role:1 parameterize:2 connected:5 movement:1 jtk:1 reparameterizations:1 flz:2 dynamic:1 signature:2 trained:4 depend:2 reviewing:1 segment:4 aii:1 joint:2 jersey:4 various:2 autocorrelated:1 dialect:1 separated:1 fast:2 describe:3 whose:5 quite:1 widely:1 valued:2 say:1 grammar:1 florham:1 gi:7 jointly:3 itself:1 sequence:2 product:2 argmaxs:1 normalize:1 juang:4 produce:1 tk:5 oo:1 measured:1 phonemic:1 eq:12 coverage:1 differ:3 direction:1 radius:1 stochastic:2 require:1 assign:1 fix:1 generalization:2 preliminary:1 probable:1 traversed:7 hall:2 lawrence:1 viterbi:2 major:1 consecutive:1 estimation:4 label:4 currently:1 sensitive:1 kimball:1 emission:3 consistently:1 likelihood:4 ave:1 baseline:1 dependent:2 typically:1 entire:1 lsaul:1 hidden:8 relation:2 overall:4 issue:3 multiplies:2 special:3 initialize:1 equal:1 asr:4 having:1 extraction:1 represents:1 park:2 nearly:1 mimic:1 future:1 t2:3 report:2 others:2 serious:1 distinguishes:1 ve:1 geometry:1 consisting:1 vowel:2 attempt:1 organization:1 interest:1 englewood:1 investigate:2 mixture:8 admitting:1 activated:1 integral:1 euclidean:2 initialized:1 re:1 isolated:1 theoretical:1 increased:1 earlier:1 modeling:3 markovian:1 contiguous:1 maximization:1 tg:1 phrase:2 recognizing:5 tishby:3 reported:1 varies:1 st:1 decayed:1 density:2 fundamental:1 international:3 probabilistic:5 decoding:4 synthesis:2 squared:1 town:6 opposed:1 stochastically:2 american:1 derivative:2 leading:1 return:2 summarized:1 coefficient:1 depends:1 performed:1 view:3 lab:1 analyze:1 start:2 contribution:1 il:1 phoneme:4 who:1 yield:2 rabiner:4 xli:1 raw:1 comparably:2 trajectory:16 ago:1 history:1 fo:1 definition:1 infinitesimal:1 energy:3 involved:1 mpc:4 naturally:1 hamming:1 sampled:2 ask:1 diffe:1 segmentation:9 formalize:1 dt:6 done:3 evaluated:2 lifetime:1 just:1 hand:2 ostendorf:3 replacing:1 nonlinear:9 overlapping:1 continuity:1 defines:2 resemblance:1 grows:2 name:6 effect:2 concept:2 normalized:1 consisted:3 evolution:3 assigned:2 symmetric:1 laboratory:1 illustrated:1 ll:1 width:1 speaker:2 anything:1 m:2 demonstrate:1 ranging:1 ji:5 conditioning:1 exponentially:2 khz:1 discussed:1 slight:1 refer:1 blocked:1 ai:7 automatic:10 recognizers:8 surface:1 segmental:2 phone:3 phonetic:2 carmo:2 discretizing:1 came:1 outperforming:1 transmitted:1 mr:1 maximize:1 signal:8 ii:5 dashed:1 reduces:1 smooth:3 match:1 prediction:5 basic:1 essentially:1 metric:8 fifteenth:1 beam:1 background:1 interval:2 crucial:1 extra:1 hz:1 incorporates:1 exceed:1 iii:1 viability:1 relaxes:1 switch:1 competing:1 opposite:1 idea:1 shift:1 handled:1 fanout:1 speech:30 speaking:3 ieft:1 generally:3 iterating:1 fsk:1 amount:3 locally:1 band:1 processed:1 reduced:1 mazin:1 sl:1 estimated:3 arising:1 per:6 delta:4 discrete:6 four:1 nevertheless:1 isd:1 graph:4 merely:1 sum:1 year:1 inverse:2 everywhere:1 parameterized:1 zli:1 flx:1 family:2 syllable:1 spacetime:3 nonnegative:1 occur:1 constraint:1 cepstra:2 nearby:1 zls:1 belonging:1 across:1 evolves:1 making:1 s1:1 invariant:5 pr:11 equation:1 previously:1 discus:1 mpcs:32 end:2 available:1 gaussians:1 enforce:1 rp:1 denotes:2 remaining:2 exploit:1 build:1 warping:9 quantity:3 traditional:1 diagonal:3 distance:3 hmm:4 seven:1 collected:1 length:30 modeled:2 difficult:1 trace:4 negative:1 rise:2 implementation:1 stern:2 lived:2 zt:1 ambitious:1 observation:1 markov:15 arc:31 benchmark:1 defining:1 precise:1 digitized:1 frame:4 introduced:1 namely:1 unpublished:1 acoustic:12 dynamical:2 below:2 lpc:1 challenge:1 built:3 confusability:1 digalakis:1 representing:1 axis:1 utterance:2 sn:2 review:1 geometric:3 tangent:1 evolve:3 bear:1 attache:2 proportional:1 versus:5 pi:4 cd:1 row:1 prone:1 elsewhere:1 english:4 aij:6 side:1 saul:8 cepstral:2 attaching:1 curve:21 boundary:1 default:1 transition:5 cumulative:1 vocabulary:2 computes:3 forward:1 transaction:1 alpha:3 transcription:1 reestimation:1 receiver:1 assumed:1 consonant:4 continuous:8 iterative:1 sk:8 table:4 learn:1 contributes:2 significance:1 sachs:2 s2:1 motivation:1 noise:1 augmented:1 tl:2 slow:1 sub:1 xl:1 pe:1 weighting:1 ix:1 formula:1 xt:1 emphasized:1 decay:6 dl:1 intrinsic:3 g10:1 ci:4 occurring:1 siegler:2 vii:1 visual:1 scalar:1 monotonic:2 conditional:3 identity:1 viewed:1 sized:1 xlk:1 change:1 included:1 typical:1 telephone:2 called:1 invariance:5 experimental:2 shannon:1 meaningful:1 exception:1 newark:1 evaluate:1 handling:1 |
557 | 1,509 | Experimental Results on Learning Stochastic
Memoryless Policies for Partially Observable
Markov Decision Processes
John K. Williams
Department of Mathematics
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309-0395
[email protected]
Satinder Singh
AT &T Labs-Research
180 Park Avenue
Florham Park, NJ 07932
[email protected]
Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (pO "MOPs) constitute
an important class of reinforcement learning problems which present
unique theoretical and computational difficulties. In the absence of the
Markov property, popular reinforcement learning algorithms such as
Q-Iearning may no longer be effective, and memory-based methods
which remove partial observability via state-estimation are notoriously
expensive. An alternative approach is to seek a stochastic memoryless
policy which for each observation of the environment prescribes a
probability distribution over available actions that maximizes the
average reward per timestep. A reinforcement learning algorithm
which learns a locally optimal stochastic memoryless policy has been
proposed by Jaakkola, Singh and Jordan, but not empirically verified.
We present a variation of this algorithm, discuss its implementation,
and demonstrate its viability using four test problems.
Reinforcement learning techniques have proven quite effective in solving Markov
Decision Processes ("MOPs), control problems in which the exact state of the
environment is available to the learner and the expected result of an action depends only
on the present state [10]. Algorithms such as Q-Iearning learn optimal deterministic
policies for "MOPs----rules which for every state prescribe an action that maximizes the
expected future reward. In many important problems, however, the exact state of the
environment is either inherently unknowable or prohibitively expensive to obtain, and
only a limited, possibly stochastic observation of the environment is available. Such
1. K. Williams and S. Singh
Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) [3 ,6] are often much more
difficult than MDPs to solve [4]. Distinct sequences of observations and actions
preceding a given observation in a POMDP may lead to different probabilities of
occupying the underlying exact states of the MDP. If the efficacy of an action depends
on the hidden exact state of the environment, an optimal choice may require knowing
the past history as well as the current observation, and the problem is no longer Markov.
In light of this difficulty, one approach to solving POMDPs is to explore the
environment while building up a memory of past observations, actions and rewards
which allows estimation of the current hidden state [1]. Such methods produce
deterministic policies, but they are computationally expensive and may not scale well
with problem size. Furthermore, policies that require state-estimation using memory
may be complicated to implement.
Memoryless policies are particularly appropriate for problems in which the state is
expensive to obtain or inherently difficult to estimate, and they have the advantage of
being extremely simple to act upon. For a POMDP, the optimal memoryless policy is
generally a stochastic policy-one which for each observation of the environment
prescribes a probability distribution over the available actions. In fact, examples of
POMDPs can be constructed for which a stochastic policy is arbitrarily better than the
optimal deterministic policy [9] . An algorithm proposed by Jaakkola, Singh and Jordan
OSJ) [2], which we investigate here, learns memoryless stochastic policies for POMDPs.
We assume that the environment has discrete states S = {s1, S2, .. IV}, and the learner
chooses actions from a set f4. State transitions depend only on the current state s and the
action a taken (the Markov property); they occur with probabilities r(s,sl) and result in
expected rewards K'(s,s} In a POMDP, the learner cannot sense exactly the state s of
the enVironment, but rather perceives only an observation--or "message"-from a set
:M = {m 1, m 2 , .. m M } according to a conditional probability distribution P(mls). The
learner will in general not know the size of the underlying state space, its transition
probabilities, reward function, or the conditional distributions of the messages.
In MDPs, there always exists a policy which simultaneously maximizes the expected
future reward for all states, but this is not the case for POMDPs [9]. An appropriate
alternative measure of the merit of a stochastic POMDP policy 7Z{alm) is the asymptotic
average reward per timestep, R 7r, that it achieves. In seeking an optimal stochastic
policy, the JSJ algorithm makes use of Q-values determined by the infinite-horizon
differential reward for each observation-action pair (m,a). In particular, if rr denotes the
reward obtained at time t, we may define the differential-reward Q-values by
Q7r(s,a)= LE7r [Ii _R 7r I S1 =s,a 1
= a];
Q7r(m,a)= E s [Q7r(s,a)IM(s)=m](l)
where M is the observation operator. Note that E[rr] ~ R7r as t ~
so the summand
converges to ~ero. The value functions V7r(s) and V7r(m) may be defined similarly.
The JSJ algorithm consists of a method for evaluating Q7r and V7r and a mechanism for
using them to improve the current policy. Roughly speaking, if Q7r(m,a) > V7r(m), then
action a realized a higher differential reward than the average for observation m, and
assigning it a slightly greater probability will increase the average reward per timestep,
R7r. We interpret the quantities ~m(a) = Q 7r(m,a) - V7r(m) as comprising a "gradient" of
R7r in policy space. Their projections onto the probability simplexes may then be written
An Algorithm which Learns Stochastic Memoryless Policies for POMDPs
as 8m = Llm -<Llm,l> 11/JIl, where 1 is the one-vector (1,1, ... ,1), <, > is the inner product,
and IJIl is the number of actions, or
8mea) = Llm(a) - IAI1 LLlm (a') = Q~ (m,a) - -IAI
LQ (m, a').
For sufficiently small
1l'(a/m) = 1l(alm) +
an improved policy 1l'(alm) may be obtained by the increments
8m(a) .
In practice, we also enforce 1l'(alm) ~ Pmin for all a and m to guarantee continued
exploration. The original JSJ algorithm prescribed using Llm(a) in place of 8m(a) in
equation (3), followed by renormalization [2]. Our method has the advantage that a
given value of Ll yields the same incremeiu regardless of the current value of the policy,
and it ensures that the step is in the correct direction. We also do not require the
differential-reward value estimate, yR.
As the POMDP is simulated under a fixed stochastic policy 1l, every occurrence of an
observation-action pair (m, a) begins a sequence of rewards which can be used to
estimate QR(m, a). Exploiting the fact that the QR(m, a) are defined as sums, the JSJ Qevaluation method recursively averages the estimates from all such sequences using a socalled "every-visit" Monte-Carlo method. In order to reduce the bias and variance
caused by the dependence of the evaluation sequences, a factor fJ is used to discount their
shared "tails". Specifically, at time t the learner makes observation m r , takes action ar ,
and obtains reward rr. The number of visits K(mr,ar) is incremented, the tail discount
rate rem, a) = 1- K(m, arl/4, and the following updates are performed (the indicator
function x.:Cm, a) is 1 if (m,a) = (mr,a r) and 0 otherwise).
fJ (m,a)= [1- %r(m,a)]
K(m,a) r(m,a) (m,a)+ K(m,a)
[1- ~~::~
[1- ~f:::~
=Q(m, a) -
]Q(m, a) + fJ(m,a)[Ti - R]
]c(m,a) + fJ(m, a)
R = (1 - lIt)R + (lit) rr
Q(m, a)
(tail discount factor)
(cumulative discount effect)
C(m, a) [R - R old ]; Rold
(QR-estimate correction)
Other schedules for rem, a) are possible----see [2~and the correction provided by (8)
need not be performed at every step, but can be delayed until the Q~-estirnate is needed.
This evaluation method can be used as given for a policy-iteration type algorithm in
which independent T-step evaluations of Q~ are interspersed with policy improvements
as prescribed in section 3. However, an online version of the algorithm which performs
policy improvement after every step requires that old experience be gradually "forgotten"
so that the QR-estimate can respond to more recent experience. To achieve this, we
multiply the previous estimates of fJ, Q, and C at each timestep by a "decay" factor
a, 0 < a< 1, before they are updated via equations (4)-(6), and replace equation (7) by
R = a(l - lit) R + [1 - a(1 - lit)] r l
An alternative method, which also works reasonably well, is to multiply K and t by
each timestep instead.
a at
J K. Williams and S. Singh
0. '
r --
r --
r --
- - - - ; -- - - - - ;
.. .. .. .. j...... .
3 0000
number of iterations
0 .8
~::"==_:::_-=-__~~.~=~.-....:'.. . .'-"'-" '-"'-" . ---..;...---
0. 2
oo=o-=o --'2::::0~
" --=
number Of Iterations
Figure 1: (a) Schematic of confounded two-state POMDP, (b) evolution of the R7r_
estimate, and (c) evolution of n(A) (solid) and nCB) (dashed) for e= 0.0002, a= 0.9995 .
We present only results from single runs of our online algorithm, including the modified
policy improvement and Q-evaluation procedures described above. Results from the
policy iteration version are qualitatively similar, and statistics performed on multiple
runs verify that those shown are representative of the algorithm's behavior. To simplify
the presentation, we fix a constant learning rate, e, and decay factor, a, for each problem,
and we use Pmin = 0.02 throughout. Note, however, that appropriate schedules or online
heuristics for decreasing e and Pmin while increasing a would improve performance and
are necessary to ensure convergence. Except for the first problem, we choose the initial
policy n to be uniform. In the last two problems, values of n(alm) < 0.03 are rounded
down to zero, with renormalization, before the learned policy is evaluated.
The two-state MDP diagrammed in Figure l(a) becomes a POMDP when the two states
are confounded into a single observation. The learner may take action A or B, and
receives a reward of either +1 or -1; the state transition is deterministic, as indicated in
the diagram. Note that either stationary deterministic policy results in R7r = -1 , whereas
the optimal stochastic policy assigns each action the probability 112, resulting in R7r = O.
The evolution of the R7r-estimate and policy, starting from the initial policy n(A) = 0.1
and nCB) = 0.9, is shown in Figure 1. Clearly the learned policy approaches the optimal
stochastic policy n =(112,112).
Scissors-Paper-Stone-Glass-Water (SPSGW), an extension of the well-known ScissorsPaper-Stone, is a symmetric zero-sum matrix game in which the learner selects a row i,
the opponent selects a column j, and the learner' s payoff is determined by the matrix
entry M(i,j). A game-theoretic solution is a stochastic (or "mixed") policy which
guarantees the learner an expected payoff of at least zero. It can be shown using linear
programming that the unique optimal strategy for SPSGW, yielding R7r = 0, is to play
stone and water with probability 1/3, and to play scissors, paper, and glass with
probability 119 [7]. Any stationary deterministic policy results in R7r = -1, since the
opponent eventually learns to anticipate the learner's choice and exploit it.
An Algorithm which Learns Stochastic Memory/ess Policiesfor POMDPs
- 0. 4
[0 -1
1 1
M= -1
. ...
-0 5 O~--='-=OO::::OO:-----:::20=:':O=OO"-----:::300'-!:'OO:::::---:-::40::':::OOO:::-----:5;-;::'OOOO
number of iterations
1 1
1 -1 -1
0 -1
1 0 -1
1 0
0. 8
~ ~.=
_______ .______________ __ _
__ _
number of iteratio ns
Figure 2: (a) Diagram of Scissors-Paper-Stone-Glass-Water, (b) the payoff matrix,
(c) evolution of the RJr-estimate, and (d) evolution of n(stone) and n(water) (solid) and
n(scissors), n(paper), and n(glass) (dashed) for ?= 0.00005, a= 0.9995.
In formulating SPSGW as a POMDP, it is necessary to include in the state sufficient
information to allow the opponent to exploit any sub-optimal strategy. We thus choose
as states the learner's past action frequencies, multiplied at each timestep by the decay
factor, a. There is only one observation, and the learner acts by selecting the "row"
scissors, paper, stone, glass or water, producing a deterministic state transition. The
simulated opponent plays the column which maximizes its expected payoff against the
estimate of the learner's strategy obtained from the state. The learner's reward is then
obtained from the appropriate entry of the payoff matrix.
The policy n = (0.1124,0.1033,0.3350,0.1117,0.3376) learned after 50,000 iterations
(see Figure 2) is very close to the optimal policy 7i = (119, 119,113,119,1/3).
Parr and Russell's grid world [S] consists of 11 states in a 4x3 grid with a single obstacle
as shown in Figure 3(a). The learner senses only walls to its immediate east or west and
whether it is in the goal state (upper right comer) or penalty state (directly below the
goal), resUlting in the 6 possible observations (0-3, G and P) indicated in the diagram.
The available actions are to move N, E, S, or W, but there is a probability 0.1 of slipping
to either side and only O.S of moving in the deSired direction; a movement into a wall
results in bouncing back to the original state. The learner receives a reward of + 1 for a
transition into the goal state, -1 for a transition into the penalty state, and -0.04 for all
other transitions. The goal and penalty states are connected to a cost-free absorbing
state; when the learner reaches either of them it is teleported immediately to a new start
state chosen with uniform probability.
The results are shown in Figure 3. A separate 106 -step evaluation of the final learned
policy resulted in RJr = 0.047. In contrast, the optimal deterministic policy indicated by
arrows in Figure 3(a) yields R Jr = 0.024 [5], while Parr and Russell's memory-based
SPOVA-RL algorithm achieved RJr = 0.12 after learning for 400,000 iterations [S].
At each timestep, an arriving job having type 1, 2, or 3 with probability 112, 113 or 116,
respectively, must be assigned to server A, B or C; see Figure 4(a). Each server is
optimized for a particular job type which it can complete in an expected time of 2.6
J K. Williams and S. Singh
0 04
0 .0 2
- 0 .04
- 0 .06
-0.0 8
nurrber of itera1iorlS;
~ - 0 .02
7r(alm) = 8:8i
0.02 0.43
0.60 0.18
0.02 0.11
0.02 0.19
Figure 3: (a) Parr and Russell's grid world, with observations shown in lower right
corners and the optimal deterministic memoryless policy represented by arrows,
(b) evolution of the R7r-estimate, and (c) the resulting learned policy (observations 0-3
across columns, actions N, E, S, W down rows) for E= 0.02, a= 0.9999.
timesteps, while the other job types require 50% longer. All jobs in a server's queue are
handled in parallel, up to a capacity of 10 for each server; they finish with probability Ilf
at each timestep, where f is the product of the expected time for the job and the number
of jobs in the server's queue. The states for this POMDP are all combinations of waiting
jobs and server occupancies of the three job types, but the learner's observation is
restricted to the type of the waiting job. The state transition is obtained by removing all
jobs which have finished and adding the waiting job to the chosen server if it has space
available. The reward is + 1 if the job is successfully placed, or 0 if it is dropped.
The results are shown in Figure 4. A separate 106- step evaluation of the learned policy
obtained R7r = 0.95, corresponding to 95% success in placing jobs. In contrast, the
optimal deterministic policy, which assigns each job to the server optimized for it,
attained only 87% success. Thus the learned policy more than halves the drop rate!
Our online version of an algorithm proposed by Jaakkola, Singh and Jordan efficiently
learns a stochastic memoryless policy which is either provably optimal or at least
superior to any deterministic memoryless policy for each of four test problems. Many
enhancements are possible, including appropriate learning schedules to improve
performance and ensure convergence, estimation of the time between observation-action
visits to obtain better discount rates r and thereby enhance Q7r-estimate bias and variance
reduction (see [2]), and multiple starts or simulated annealing to avoid local minima. In
addition, observations could be extended to include some past history when appropriate.
Most POMDP algorithms use memory and attempt to learn an optimal deterministic
policy based on belief states. The stochastic memoryless policies learned by the JSJ
algorithm may not always be as good, but they are simpler to act upon and can adapt
smoothly in non-stationary environments. Moreover, because it searches the space of
stochastic policies, the JS] algorithm has the potential to find the optimal memoryless
policy. These considerations, along with the success of our simple implementation,
suggest that this algorithm may be a viable candidate for solving real-world POMDPs,
including distributed control or network admission and routing problems in which the
numbers of states are enormous and complete state information may be difficult to obtain
or estimate in a timely manner.
An AlgOrithm which Learns Stochastic Memoryless Policiesjor POMDPs
Server A
TA = (2.6,3.9,3.9)
of type
1,2,or 3
Server B
TB = (3.9,2.6,3.9)
o. 8o'----=20~00::-:0-----,-:
1 00000
number of iterations
Server C
[0.73 0.02 0.02]
n(alm) = 0.02 0.96 0.09
0.25 0.02 0.89
Figure 4: (a) Schematic of the multi-server queue, (b) evolution of the R71-estimate, and
(c) the resulting learned policy (observations I, 2, 3 across columns, actions A, B, C
down rows) for ?= 0.005, a= 0.9999.
We would like to thank Mike Mozer and Tim Brown for helpful discussions.
Satinder Singh was funded by NSF grant IIS-9711753.
Chrisman, L. (1992). Reinforcement learning with perceptual aliasing: The
perceptual distinctions approach.
In Proceedings of the Tenth National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Jaakkola, T., Singh, S. P., and Jordan, M. I. (1995). Reinforcement learning
algorithm for partially observable Markov decision problems. In Advances in
Neural Information Processing Systems 7.
Littman, M., Cassandra, A., and Kaelbling, L. (1995). Learning poliCies for
partially observable environments: Scaling up. In Proceedings of the Twelfth
International Conference on Machine Learning.
Littman, M. L. (1994). Memoryless policies: Theoretical limitations and practical
results. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Simulation of
Adaptive Behavior: From Animals to Animats.
Loch, J., and Singh, S. P. (1998). Using eligibility traces to find the best
memoryless policy in partially observable Markov decision processes. In Machine
Learning: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference.
Lovejoy, W. S. (1991). A survey of algorithmic methods for partially observable
Markov decision processes. In Annals of Operations Research, 28.
Morris, P. (1994). Introduction to Game Theory. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Parr, R. and Russell, S. (1995). Approximating optimal poliCies for partially
In Proceedings of the International Joint
observable stochastic domains.
Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Singh, S. P., Jaakkola, T., and Jordan, M. I. (1994). Learning without stateestimation in partially observable Markovian decision processes. In Machine
Learning: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference.
[10] Sutton, R. S. and Barto, A. G. (1998). Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction.
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| 1509 |@word version:3 twelfth:1 simulation:1 seek:1 thereby:1 solid:2 recursively:1 reduction:1 initial:2 att:1 efficacy:1 selecting:1 past:4 current:5 com:1 assigning:1 written:1 must:1 john:1 remove:1 drop:1 update:1 stationary:3 half:1 intelligence:2 yr:1 es:1 simpler:1 admission:1 along:1 constructed:1 differential:5 viable:1 consists:2 eleventh:1 manner:1 alm:7 expected:8 behavior:2 roughly:1 multi:2 aliasing:1 rem:2 decreasing:1 increasing:1 perceives:1 begin:1 provided:1 underlying:2 becomes:1 maximizes:4 moreover:1 cm:1 nj:1 guarantee:2 forgotten:1 every:5 act:3 ti:1 iearning:2 exactly:1 unknowable:1 prohibitively:1 ro:1 control:2 grant:1 producing:1 before:2 dropped:1 local:1 sutton:1 co:1 limited:1 unique:2 practical:1 practice:1 implement:1 x3:1 procedure:1 empirical:1 r7r:10 projection:1 suggest:1 cannot:1 onto:1 close:1 operator:1 mea:1 ilf:1 deterministic:12 williams:4 regardless:1 starting:1 pomdp:10 survey:1 assigns:2 immediately:1 rule:1 continued:1 variation:1 increment:1 updated:1 annals:1 play:3 colorado:2 exact:4 programming:1 prescribe:1 expensive:4 particularly:1 mike:1 ensures:1 connected:1 russell:5 incremented:1 movement:1 mozer:1 environment:11 reward:20 littman:2 diagrammed:1 prescribes:2 singh:11 solving:3 depend:1 upon:2 learner:18 comer:1 po:1 joint:1 represented:1 distinct:1 effective:2 q7r:6 monte:1 artificial:2 quite:1 heuristic:1 solve:1 otherwise:1 florham:1 statistic:1 final:1 online:4 sequence:4 advantage:2 rr:4 ero:1 product:2 achieve:1 qr:4 exploiting:1 convergence:2 enhancement:1 produce:1 converges:1 tim:1 oo:14 job:15 arl:1 direction:2 correct:1 f4:1 stochastic:20 exploration:1 routing:1 require:4 fix:1 wall:2 anticipate:1 im:1 c00:1 extension:1 correction:2 sufficiently:1 algorithmic:1 mop:3 parr:5 nurrber:1 achieves:1 estimation:4 occupying:1 successfully:1 mit:1 clearly:1 always:2 modified:1 rather:1 avoid:1 barto:1 jaakkola:5 improvement:4 contrast:2 sense:1 glass:6 helpful:1 lovejoy:1 hidden:2 comprising:1 selects:2 provably:1 socalled:1 animal:1 having:1 placing:1 park:2 lit:4 future:2 simplify:1 summand:1 sta:1 simultaneously:1 resulted:1 national:1 delayed:1 attempt:1 message:2 investigate:1 multiply:2 evaluation:7 yielding:1 light:1 sens:1 partial:1 necessary:2 experience:2 iv:1 old:2 desired:1 ncb:2 theoretical:2 column:4 obstacle:1 jil:1 markovian:1 ar:2 cost:1 kaelbling:1 entry:2 uniform:2 chooses:1 international:5 rounded:1 enhance:1 choose:2 possibly:1 corner:1 pmin:3 potential:1 caused:1 scissors:7 depends:2 performed:3 lab:1 start:2 complicated:1 parallel:1 timely:1 jsj:5 variance:2 efficiently:1 v7r:5 yield:2 euclid:1 carlo:1 notoriously:1 pomdps:10 history:2 reach:1 against:1 simplexes:1 frequency:1 popular:1 oooo:1 schedule:3 ea:2 back:1 higher:1 attained:1 ta:1 improved:1 iai:1 ooo:1 evaluated:1 furthermore:1 until:1 receives:2 indicated:3 mdp:2 building:1 effect:1 verify:1 brown:1 evolution:7 assigned:1 memoryless:15 symmetric:1 ll:1 game:4 eligibility:1 stone:8 theoretic:1 demonstrate:1 complete:2 performs:1 fj:6 consideration:1 superior:1 absorbing:1 empirically:1 rl:1 interspersed:1 tail:3 interpret:1 grid:4 mathematics:1 similarly:1 baveja:1 funded:1 moving:1 longer:3 j:1 recent:1 verlag:1 server:13 arbitrarily:1 success:3 slipping:1 minimum:1 greater:1 preceding:1 mr:2 dashed:2 ii:2 multiple:2 adapt:1 visit:3 schematic:2 fifteenth:1 iteration:8 achieved:1 whereas:1 addition:1 annealing:1 diagram:3 jordan:5 viability:1 finish:1 timesteps:1 observability:1 inner:1 reduce:1 avenue:1 knowing:1 whether:1 handled:1 penalty:3 queue:4 speaking:1 york:1 constitute:1 action:21 generally:1 discount:5 locally:1 morris:1 sl:1 nsf:1 per:3 discrete:1 waiting:3 four:2 enormous:1 verified:1 tenth:1 timestep:8 sum:2 run:2 respond:1 bouncing:1 place:1 throughout:1 decision:8 scaling:1 followed:1 occur:1 extremely:1 prescribed:2 formulating:1 department:1 according:1 teleported:1 combination:1 jr:1 across:2 slightly:1 s1:2 gradually:1 restricted:1 boulder:1 taken:1 computationally:1 equation:3 discus:1 eventually:1 mechanism:1 needed:1 know:1 merit:1 confounded:3 available:6 operation:1 opponent:4 multiplied:1 appropriate:6 enforce:1 occurrence:1 alternative:3 original:2 denotes:1 ensure:2 include:2 exploit:2 approximating:1 seeking:1 move:1 realized:1 quantity:1 strategy:3 dependence:1 gradient:1 separate:2 thank:1 simulated:3 capacity:1 water:7 loch:1 difficult:3 trace:1 implementation:2 policy:57 animats:1 upper:1 observation:22 markov:10 immediate:1 payoff:5 extended:1 spova:1 pair:2 optimized:2 learned:9 distinction:1 chrisman:1 below:1 tb:1 including:3 memory:6 belief:1 difficulty:2 indicator:1 occupancy:1 improve:3 mdps:2 finished:1 acknowledgement:1 asymptotic:1 mixed:1 limitation:1 proven:1 sufficient:1 row:4 placed:1 last:1 free:1 arriving:1 bias:2 allow:1 side:1 distributed:1 transition:8 evaluating:1 cumulative:1 world:4 qualitatively:1 reinforcement:7 adaptive:1 observable:9 obtains:1 satinder:2 ml:1 llm:4 search:1 osj:1 learn:2 reasonably:1 inherently:2 domain:1 arrow:2 s2:1 arrival:1 representative:1 west:1 renormalization:2 n:1 sub:1 lq:1 candidate:1 perceptual:2 third:1 learns:7 down:3 removing:1 decay:3 exists:1 adding:1 te:1 horizon:1 cassandra:1 smoothly:1 tc:1 explore:1 partially:9 springer:1 conditional:2 goal:4 presentation:1 shared:1 absence:1 replace:1 determined:2 infinite:1 specifically:1 except:1 experimental:1 east:1 |
558 | 151 | 703
J. Lazzaro, S. Ryckebusch, M.A. Mahowald, and C. A. Mead
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91125
We have designed, fabricated, and tested a series of compact CMOS
integrated circuits that realize the winner-take-all function. These
analog, continuous-time circuits use only O(n) of interconnect to
perform this function. We have also modified the winner-take-all
circuit, realizing a circuit that computes local nonlinear inhibition.
Two general types of inhibition mediate activity in neural systems: subtractive inhibition, which sets a zero level for the computation, and multiplicative (nonlinear)
inhibition, which regulates the gain of the computation. We report a physical realization of general nonlinear inhibition in its extreme form, known as winner-take-all.
We have designed and fabricated a series of compact, completely functional CMOS
integrated circuits that realize the winner-take-all function, using the full analog
nature of the medium. This circuit has been used successfully as a component
in several VLSI sensory systems that perform auditory localization (Lazzaro and
Mead, in press) and visual stereopsis (Mahowald and Delbruck, 1988). Winnertake-all circuits with over 170 inputs function correctly in these sensory systems.
We have also modified this global winner-take-all circuit, realizing a circuit that
computes local nonlinear inhibition. The circuit allows multiple winners in the network, and is well suited for use in systems that represent a feature space topographically and that process several features in parallel. We have designed, fabricated,
and tested a CMOS integrated circuit that computes locally the winner-take-all
function of spatially ordered input.
Lazzaro, Ryckebusch, Mahowald and Mead
Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of the winner-take-all circuit. A single wire, associated with the potential Vc, computes the inhibition for the entire circuit; for an
n neuron circuit, this wire is O(n) long. To compute the global inhibition, each
neuron k contributes a current onto this common wire, using transistor T2 a.' To
apply this global inhibition locally, each neuron responds to the common wire voltage Vc, using transistor Tla.' This computation is continuous in time; no clocks
are used. The circuit exhibits no hysteresis, and operates with a time constant
related to the size of the largest input. The output representation of the circuit
is not binary; the winning output encodes the logarithm of its associated input.
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the winner-take-all circuit. Each neuron receives
a unidirectional current input 11;; the output voltages VI ?.. VB represent the result
of the winner-take-all computation. If II; = max(II ??? I B ), then VI; is a logarithmic
function of 11;; if Ii <: 11;, then Vi ~ O.
A static and dynamic ana.lysis of the two-neuron circuit illustrates these system
properties. Figure 2 shows a schematic diagram of a two-neuron winner-take-all
circuit. To understand the beha.vior of the circuit, we first consider the input
condition II = 12
1m. Transistors TIl ~d T12 have identical potentials at gate
and source, and are both sinking 1m; thus, the drain potentials VI and V2 must be
equal. Transistors T21 and T22 have identical source, drain, and gate potentials,
and therefore must sink the identical current ICI = IC2 = I c/2. In the subthreshold
region of operation, the equation 1m = 10 exp(Vc/Vo) describes transistors Til and
T 12 , where 10 is a fabrication parameter, and Vo = kT/qlt. Likewise, the equation
Ic/2 = 10 exp((Vm - Vel/Volt where Vm
VI = V2, describes transistors T21 and
T22 . Solving for Vm(Im, Ie) yields
= Voln(~:) + Voln(:;).
Winner-Take-All Networks ofO(N) Complexity
Thus, for equal input currents, the circuit produces equal output voltages; this
behavior is desirable for a winner-take-all circuit. In addition, the output voltage
Vm logarithmically encodes the magnitude of the input current 1m.
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of a two-neuron winner-take-all circuit.
The input condition II = 1m + Oi, 12 = 1m illustrates the inhibitory action of the
circuit. Transistor Til must sink 0, more current than in the previous example; as a
result, the gate voltage of Til rises. Transistors Tit and TI2 share a common gate,
howeverj thus, TI2 must also sink 1m + 0,. But only 1m is present at the drain of
T12 ? To compensate, the drain voltage of T12 , V2, must decrease. For small OiS, the
Early effect serves to decrease the current through Th , decreasing V2 linearly with
0,. For large o's, TI2 must leave saturation, driving V2 to approximately 0 volts.
As desired, the output associated with the smaller input diminishes. For large OiS,
Ie2 $!:::f 0, and Iel $!:::f Ie. The equation 1m + 0, = 10 exp(Ve/Vo) describes transistor
Til' and the equation Ie = 10 exp((VI - Vel/Yo) describes transistor T21 ? Solving
for VI yields
The winning output encodes the logarithm of the associated input. The symmetrical
circuit topology ensures similar behavior for increases in 12 relative to II.
Equation 2 predicts the winning response of the circuit; a more complex expression,
derived in (Lazzaro et.al., 1989), predicts the losing and crossover response of the
circuit. Figure 3 is a plot of this analysis, fit to experimental data. Figure 4 shows
the wide dynamic range and logarithmic properties of the circuitj the experiment in
Figure 3 is repeated for several values of 12 , ranging over four orders of magnitude.
The conductance of transistors Til and T1:a determines the losing response of the
circuit. Variants of the winner-take-all circuit shown in (Lazzaro et. aI., 1988)
achieve losing responses wider and narrower than Figure 3, using circuit and mask
layout techniques.
Lazzaro, Ryckebusch, Mahowald and Mead
A good winner-take-all circuit should be stable, and should not exhibit damped
oscillations ("ringing") in response to input changes. This section explores these
dynamic properties of our winner-take-all circuit, and predicts the temporal response of the circuit. Figure 8 shows the two-neuron winner-take-all circuit, with
capacitances added to model dynamic behavior.
Figure 8. Schematic diagram of a two-neuron winner-take-all circuit, with capacitances added for dynamic analysis. 0 is a large MOS capacitor added to each
neuron for smoothingj 0., models the parasitic capacitance contributed by the gates
of Tu and T 12 , the drains of T21 and T22, and the interconnect.
(Lazzaro et. al., 1988) shows a small-signal analysis of this circuit. The transfer
function for the circuit has real poles, and thus the circuit is stable and does not ring,
if 10 > 41(Oe/O), where 11 RlI2 Rl 1. Figure 9 compares this bound with experimental
H Ie > 41(0 0 /0), the circuit exhibits first-order behavior. The time constant OVo/I
sets the dynamics of the winning neuron, where Vo = A:T /qK. Rl 40 mV. The time
constant OVE/I sets the dynamics of the losing neuron, where VE Rl 50 v. Figure 10
compares these predictions with experimental data.
Winner-Take-All Networks ofO(N) Complexity
0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.0S
Figure 8. Experimental data (circles) and theory (solid lines) for a two-neuron
winner-take-all circuit. II, the input current of the first neuron, is swept about the
value of 12, the input current of the second neuron; neuron voltage outputs VI and
V2 are plotted versus normalized input current.
10- 11
10- 10
10- 0
10- 8
Figure 4. The experiment of Figure 3 is repeated for several values of 12; experimental data of output voltage response are plotted versus absolute input current on
a log scale. The output voltage VI = V2 is highlighted with a circle for each experiment. The dashed line is a theoretical expression confirming logarithmic behavior
over four orders of magnitude (Equation 1).
Lazzaro, Ryckebusch, Mahowald and Mead
Figure 9. Experimental data (circles) and theoretical statements (solid line) for a
two-neuron winner-take-all circuit, showing the smallest 10 , for a given I, necessary
for a first-order response to a small-signal step input.
Figure 10. Experimental data (symbols) and theoretical statements (solid line) for
a two-neuron winner-take-all circuit, showing the time constant of the first-order
response to a small-signal step input. The winning response (filled circles) and losing
response (triangles) of a winner-take-a.ll circuit are shownj the time constants differ
by several orders of magnit ude.
Networks ofO(N) Complexity
The winner-take-all circuit in Figure 1, as previously explained, locates the largest
input to the circuit. Certain applications require a gentler form of nonlinear inhibition. Sometimes, a circuit that can represent multiple intensity scales is necessary.
Without circuit modification, the winner-take-all circuit in Figure 1 can perform
this task. (Lazzaro et. al., 1988) explains this mode of operation.
Other applications require a local winner-take-all computation, with each winner
having inHuence over only a limited spatial area. Figure 12 shows a circuit that
computes the local winner-taite-all function. The circuit is identical to the original
winner-take-all circuit, except that each neuron connects to its nearest neighbors
with a nonlinear resistor circuit (Mead, in press). Each resistor conducts a current
Ir in response to a voltage ~V across it, where Ir = I.tanh(~V/(2Vo)). 1., the
saturating current of the resistor, is a controllable parameter. The current source,
10, present in the original winner-take-all circuit, is distributed between the resistors
in the local winner-take-all circuit.
Figure 11. Schematic diagram of a section of the local winner-take-all circuit.
Each neuron i receives a unidirectional current input Iii the output voltages Vi
represent the result of the local winner-take-all computation.
To understand the operation of the local winner-take-all circuit, we consider the
circuit response to a spatial impulse, defined as 1" :> 1, where 1 == h~". 1,,:> 1"-1
and 1,,:> 1"+1, so Ve:,. is much larger than Ve:,._l and Ve:lI+l' and the resistor circuits
connecting neuron 1: with neuron 1: - 1 and neuron 1: + 1 saturate. Each resistor
sinks 1. current when saturatedj transistor T2,. thus conducts 21. + Ie: current. In
the subthreshold region of operation, the equation 1" = 10 exp(Ve:,. /Vo) describes
transistor TI ,., and the equation 21. + Ie = Ioexp((V" - Ve:,.)/Vo) describes transistor
Lazzaro, Ryckebusch, Mahowald and Mead
T2,.. Solving for VA: yields
VA: = voln((2I. + 10 )/10 )
+ voln(IA:/lo).
As in the original winner-take-all circuit, the output of a winning neuron encodes
the logarithm of that neuron's associated input.
As mentioned, the resistor circuit connecting neuron Ie with neuron Ie - 1 sinks 1.
CUlTent. The current sources 10 associated with neurons Ie -1, Ie - 2, ... must supply
this current. If the current source 10 for neuron Ie - 1 supplies part of this current,
the transistor T2,._1 carries no current, and the neuron output VA:-l approaches zero.
In this way, a winning neuron inhibits its neighboring neurons.
This inhibitory action does not extend throughout the network. Neuron Ie needs
only 1. current from neurons Ie - 1, Ie - 2, .... Thus, neurons sufficiently distant
from neuron Ie maintain the service of their current source 10, and the outputs of
these distant neurons can be active. Since, for a spatial impulse, all neurons Ie - 1,
Ie - 2, ... have an equal input current I, all distant neurons have the equal output
Similar reasoning applies for neurons
+ 1, Ie + 2, ....
The relative values of 1. and 10 determine the spatial extent of the inhibitory action.
Figure 12 shows the spatial impulse response of the local winner-take-all circuit, for
different settings of 1./10 ,
Ie (Pollition)
Figure 12. Experimental data showing the spatial impulse response of the local
winner-take-all circuit, for values of 1./10 ranging over a factor of 12.7. Wider
inhibitory responses correspond to larger ratios. For clarity, the plots are vertically
displaced in 0.25 volt increments.
Winner-Take-All Networks ofO(N) Complexity
The circuits described in this paper use the full analog nature of MOS devices to
realize an interesting class of neural computations efficiently. The circuits exploit
the physics of the medium in many ways. The winner-take-all circuit uses a single
wire to compute and communicate inhibition for the entire circuit. Transistor TI,.
in the winner-take-all circuit uses two physical phenomena in its computation: its
exponential current function encodes the logarithm of the input, and the finite
conductance of the transistor defines the losing output response. As evolution
exploits all the physical properties of neural devices to optimize system performance,
designers of synthetic neural systems should strive to harness the full potential of
the physics of their media.
Acknow ledgments
John Platt, John Wyatt, David Feinstein, Mark Bell, and Dave Gillespie provided
mathematical insights in the analysis of the circuit. Lyn Dupre proofread the document. We thank Hewlett-Packard for computing support, and DARPA and MOSIS
for chip fabrication. This work was sponsored by the Office of Naval Research and
the System Development Foundation.
Lazzaro, J. P., Ryckebusch, S., Mahowald, M.A., and Mead, C.A. (1989). WinnerTake-All Networks of O(N) Oomplexity, Caltech Computer Science Department
Technical Report Caltech-CS-TR-21-88.
Lazzaro, J. P., and Mead, C.A. {in press}. Silicon Models of Auditory Localization,
Neural Oomputation.
Mahowald, M.A., and Delbruck, T.I. (1988). An Analog VLSI Implementation of
the Marr-Poggio Stereo Correspondence Algorithm, Abstracts of the First Annual
INNS Meeting, Boston, 1988, Vol. I, Supplement I, p. 392.
Mead, C. A. (in press). Analog VLSI and Neural Systems. Reading, MA: AddisonWesley.
| 151 |@word tr:1 solid:3 carry:1 series:2 document:1 current:26 ida:1 must:7 john:2 realize:3 distant:3 confirming:1 designed:3 plot:2 sponsored:1 device:2 realizing:2 ofo:4 mathematical:1 supply:2 mask:1 behavior:5 decreasing:1 provided:1 circuit:69 medium:3 ringing:1 fabricated:3 temporal:1 ti:2 platt:1 t1:1 service:1 local:11 vertically:1 mead:10 approximately:1 limited:1 range:1 area:1 crossover:1 bell:1 onto:1 optimize:1 cmcuit:1 layout:1 insight:1 marr:1 increment:1 losing:6 us:2 logarithmically:1 predicts:3 t12:3 region:2 ensures:1 oe:1 decrease:2 mentioned:1 complexity:5 dynamic:7 solving:3 tit:1 topographically:1 ove:1 ali:1 localization:2 completely:1 sink:5 triangle:1 darpa:1 chip:1 larger:2 highlighted:1 transistor:17 inn:1 t21:4 tu:1 neighboring:1 realization:1 achieve:1 produce:1 cmos:3 leave:1 ring:1 wider:2 nearest:1 ois:2 c:1 differ:1 vc:3 ana:1 explains:1 require:2 im:1 sufficiently:1 ic:1 exp:5 mo:2 driving:1 early:1 smallest:1 diminishes:1 tanh:1 largest:2 successfully:1 t22:3 modified:2 voltage:11 office:1 derived:1 yo:1 naval:1 interconnect:2 vl:1 integrated:3 entire:2 pasadena:1 vlsi:3 vior:1 development:1 spatial:6 equal:5 having:1 identical:4 report:2 t2:4 ve:7 connects:1 maintain:1 conductance:2 extreme:1 hewlett:1 damped:1 kt:1 necessary:2 poggio:1 addisonwesley:1 filled:1 conduct:2 logarithm:4 desired:1 circle:4 plotted:2 theoretical:3 wyatt:1 delbruck:2 mahowald:8 pole:1 fabrication:2 synthetic:1 explores:1 ie:21 vm:5 physic:2 connecting:2 strive:1 til:6 li:1 potential:5 hysteresis:1 mv:1 vi:10 multiplicative:1 parallel:1 unidirectional:2 oi:1 ir:2 qk:1 efficiently:1 likewise:1 subthreshold:2 yield:3 correspond:1 dave:1 associated:6 static:1 gain:1 auditory:2 harness:1 response:18 vel:2 clock:1 receives:2 nonlinear:7 defines:1 mode:1 impulse:4 effect:1 normalized:1 evolution:1 spatially:1 volt:3 ll:1 gentler:1 vo:8 reasoning:1 ranging:2 common:3 functional:1 physical:3 regulates:1 rl:3 winner:45 ti2:3 analog:5 sinking:1 extend:1 silicon:1 ai:1 winnertake:2 stable:2 inhibition:12 certain:1 binary:1 meeting:1 swept:1 proofread:1 caltech:2 determine:1 signal:3 ii:8 dashed:1 full:3 multiple:2 desirable:1 technical:1 long:1 compensate:1 locates:1 va:3 schematic:6 beha:1 variant:1 prediction:1 represent:4 sometimes:1 addition:1 diagram:6 source:6 capacitor:1 iii:1 ledgments:1 fit:1 topology:1 expression:2 stereo:1 lazzaro:12 action:3 locally:2 inhibitory:4 designer:1 correctly:1 vol:1 four:2 clarity:1 mosis:1 communicate:1 throughout:1 oscillation:1 vb:1 bound:1 correspondence:1 annual:1 activity:1 encodes:5 inhibits:1 magnit:1 department:1 describes:6 smaller:1 across:1 modification:1 explained:1 tla:1 equation:8 previously:1 feinstein:1 serf:1 operation:4 apply:1 v2:7 gate:5 original:3 exploit:2 capacitance:3 added:3 ude:1 ryckebusch:6 responds:1 exhibit:3 thank:1 extent:1 ratio:1 statement:2 acknow:1 rise:1 implementation:1 perform:3 contributed:1 wire:5 displaced:1 neuron:40 finite:1 lyn:1 intensity:1 david:1 california:1 reading:1 saturation:1 max:1 packard:1 gillespie:1 ia:1 technology:1 drain:5 relative:2 interesting:1 versus:2 foundation:1 ovo:1 subtractive:1 share:1 lo:1 understand:2 institute:1 wide:1 neighbor:1 absolute:1 voln:4 distributed:1 computes:5 sensory:2 ici:1 compact:2 global:3 active:1 symmetrical:1 stereopsis:1 continuous:2 nature:2 transfer:1 ca:1 controllable:1 contributes:1 complex:1 ic2:1 linearly:1 mediate:1 taite:1 repeated:2 resistor:7 winning:7 exponential:1 saturate:1 showing:3 symbol:1 supplement:1 magnitude:3 iel:1 illustrates:2 boston:1 suited:1 logarithmic:3 visual:1 ordered:1 saturating:1 applies:1 determines:1 ma:1 narrower:1 change:1 except:1 operates:1 experimental:8 parasitic:1 mark:1 support:1 tested:2 phenomenon:1 |
559 | 1,510 | The Effect of Correlations on the Fisher
Information of Population Codes
Hyoungsoo Yoon
[email protected]
Haim Sompolinsky
[email protected]
Racah Institute of Physics and Center for Neural Computation
Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
We study the effect of correlated noise on the accuracy of population coding using a model of a population of neurons that are
broadly tuned to an angle in two-dimension. The fluctuations in
the neuronal activity is modeled as a Gaussian noise with pairwise
correlations which decays exponentially with the difference between
the preferred orientations of the pair. By calculating the Fisher information of the system, we show that in the biologically relevant
regime of parameters positive correlations decrease the estimation
capability of the network relative to the uncorrelated population.
Moreover strong positive correlations result in information capacity which saturates to a finite value as the number of cells in the
population grows. In contrast, negative correlations substantially
increase the information capacity of the neuronal population.
In many neural systems , information regarding sensory inputs or (intended) motor
outputs is found to be distributed throughout a localized pool of neurons. It is generally believed that one of the main characteristics of the population coding scheme is
its redundancy in representing information (Paradiso 1988; Snippe and Koenderink
1992a; Seung and Sompolinsky 1993). Hence the intrinsic neuronal noise, which
has detrimental impact on the information processing capability, is expected to be
compensated by increasing the number of neurons in a pool. Although this expectation is universally true for an ensemble of neurons whose stochastic variabilities
are statistically independent, a general theory of the efficiency of population coding
when the neuronal noise is correlated within the population, has been lacking. The
conventional wisdom has been that the correlated variability limits the information
pro cessing capacity of neuronal ensembles (Zohary, Shadlen, and Newsome 1994).
H. Yoon and H. Sompolinsky
However, detailed studies of simple models of a correlated population that code for
a single real-valued parameter led to apparently contradicting claims. Snippe and
Koenderink (Snippe and Koenderink 1992b) conclude that depending on the details
of the correlations, such as their spatial range, they may either increase or decrease
the information capacity relative to the un correlated one. Recently, Abbott and
Dayan (Abbott and Dayan 1998) claimed that in many cases correlated noise improves the accuracy of population code. Furthermore, even when the information
is decreased it still grows linearly with the size of the population. If true, this conclusion has an important implication on the utility of using a large population to
improve the estimation accuracy. Since cross-correlations in neuronal activity are
frequently observed in both primary sensory and motor areas (Fetz, Yoyama, and
Smith 1991 ; Lee, Port, Kruse, and Georgopoulos 1998), understanding the effect of
noise correlation in biologically relevant situations is of great importance.
In this paper we present an analytical study of the effect of noise correlations on the
population coding of a pool of cells that code for a single one-dimensional variable,
an angle on a plane, e.g. , an orientation of a visual stimulus, or the direction of
an arm movement. By assuming that the noise follows the multivariate Gaussian
distribution, we investigate analytically the effect of correlation on the Fisher information. This model is similar to that considered in (Snippe and Koenderink
1992b; Abbott and Dayan 1998). By analyzing its behavior in the biologically relevant regime of tuning width and correlation range, we derive general conclusions
about the effect of the correlations on the information capacity of the population.
Population Coding with Correlated Noise
We consider a population of N neurons which respond to a stimulus characterized
by an angle (), where -1r < () ~ 1r . The activity of each neuron (indexed by i) is
assumed to be Gaussian with a mean h((}) which represents its tuning curve, and a
uniform variance a . The noise is assumed to be pairwise-correlated throughout the
population. Hence the activity profile of the whole population, R = {rl, r2, .. . , r N } ,
given a stimulus () , follows the following multivariate Gaussian distribution.
P(RI(}) = Nexp
(-~ l:(ri - h((}?)Gi-/(rj -
t ,J
where N is a normalization constant and Cj is the correlation matrix.
G ij =
+ bij (1
- c5ij ).
It is assumed that the tuning curves of all the neurons are identical in form but
peaked at different angles, that is fi((}) = f((} - ?i) where the preferred angles ?i
are distributed uniformly from -1r to 1r with a lattice spacing, w , which is equal
to 21r IN. We further assume that the noise correlation between a pair of neurons
is only a function of their preferred angle difference, i.e., bij ((}) = b(ll?i - ?jll)
where lI(}l - (}211 is defined to be the relative angle between (}l and (}2, and hence
its maximum value is 1r. A decrease in the magnitude of neuronal correlations with
the dissimilarity in the preferred stimulus is often observed in cortical areas. We
model this by exponentially decaying correlations
= b exp( _1I?i -
where p specifies the angular correlation length.
?j II)
Fisher Information of Correlated Population Codes
The amount of information that can be extracted from the above population will
depend on the decoding scheme. A convenient measure of the information capacitv
in the population is given by the Fisher information, which in our case is (for it
given stimulus 8)
giGi-/ gj
i ,j
.(e) =
{)Iiae(8) .
The utility of this measure follows from the well known Cramer-Rao bound for the
variance of any unbiased estimators, i.e., ((8 - iJ)2) 2: 1/ J(8). For the rest of this
paper, we will concentrate on the Fisher information as a function of the noise
correlation parameters, band p, as well as the population size N.
In the case of un correlated population (b
by (Seung and Sompolinsky 1993)
0) , the Fisher information is given
\vhere gn is the Fourier transform of gj, defined by
gn = N
Le .
The mode number n is an integer running from _N:;l to N:;l (for odd N) and
= -7f(N + 1)/N + iw, i = 1, .. . , N. Likewise, in the case of b ::j:. 0, J is given by
J =
NL Ignl
where Gn are the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix,
(a _ 2&)
+ 2b 1 -
.\ cos(nuJ) - ( _ 1)11.\ -y- C'os(nw)(1 - .\)
1 - 2,\ cos(nw) + .\2
7J, .\
where w =
= e- w / p , and N is assumed to be an odd integer. Note that thE'
covariance matrix Gij remains positive definite as long as
where the lower bound holds for general N while the upper bound is valid for
large N.
To evaluate the effect of correlations in a large population it is important to specify
the appropriate scales of the system parameters. We consider here the biologically
relevant case of broadly tuned neurons that have a smoothly varying tuning curve
with a single peak. When the tuning curve is smoothly varying, Ignl 2 will be a
rapidly decaying function as n increases beyond a characteristic value which is
H. Yoon and H. Sompolinsky
proportional to the inverse of the tuning width, a. We further assume a broad
tuning, namely that the tuning curve spans a substantial fraction of the angular
extent. This is consistent with the observed typical values of half-width at half
height in visual and motor areas, which range from 20 to 60 degrees . Likewise , it
is reasonable to assume that the angular correlation length p spans a substantial
fraction of the entire angular range. This broad tuning of correlations with respect
to the difference in the preferred angles is commonly observed in cortex (Fetz,
Yoyama, and Smith 1991 ; Lee , Port, Kruse, and Georgopoulos 1998). To capture
these features we will consider the limit of large N while keeping the parameters p
and a constant. Note that keeping a of order 1 implies that substantial contributions
to Eq. (8) come only from n which remain of order 1 as N increases. On the
other hand, given the enormous variability in the strength of the observed crosscorrelations between pairs of neurons in cortex, we do not restrict the value of b at
this point.
Incorporating the above scaling we find that when N is large 1 is given by
p- 2 + n 2
1=~~19nl p-2+n2+(~)(1-(-1)ne-7I'/p) '
Inspection of the denominator in the above equation clearly shows that for all
positive values of b, 1 is smaller than 1 0 , On the other hand, when b is negative
1 is larger than 10 , To estimate the magnitude of these effects we consider below
three different regimes.
1.0 """"'----,-----r---.....,------,
Figure 1: Normalized Fisher information when p '" 0(1) (p
0.257r was used).
a = 1 and b = 0.1 , 0.01, and 0.001 from the bottom. We used a circular Gaussian
tuning curve, Eq. (13), with fmax = 10 and a = 0.27r.
Strong positive correlations: We first discuss the regime of strong positiw
correlations, by which we mean that a < b/a "" 0(1). In this case the second term
in the denominator of Eq. (11) is of order Nand Eq. (11) becomes
p-2 + n 2
19n1 1 _ (-1)ne-7I'/P'
This result implies that in this regime the Fisher information in the entire population does not scale linearly with the population size N but saturates to a sizeindependent finite limit . Thus, for these strong correlations, although the number
of neurons in the population may be large, the number of independent degrees of
freedom is small.
We demonstrate the above phenomenon by a numerical evaluation of 1 for the
following choice of tuning curve
= fmax
exp ((cos(O) - 1)/a 2 )
Fisher Information of Correlated Population Codes
with (J = 0.211". The results are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. The results of Fig. 1
clearly show the substantial decrease in J as b increases. The reduction in J I J o
when b '" 0(1) indicates that J does not scale with N in this limit. Fig. 2 shows t.he
saturation of J when N increases. For p = 0.1 and 1 ((c) and (d)), J saturates at.
about N = 100, which means that for these parameter values the network contains
at most 100 independent degrees of freedom. When the correlation range becomes
either smaller or bigger, the saturation becomes less prominent (( a) and (b)) , which
is further explained later in the text.
Figure 2: Saturation of Fisher information with the correlation coefficient kept fixed:
a = 1 and b = 0.5. Both p '" 0(1) ((c) p = 0.1 and (d) p = 1) and other extreme
limits ((a) p = 0.01 and (b) p = 10) are shown. Tuning curve with fmax = 1 and
(J = 0.211" was used for all four curves .
Weak positive correlations: This regime is defined formally by positive values
In this case, while J is still smaller than .10 the
of b which scale as bla '" O(
suppressive effects of the correlations are not as strong as in the first case. This is
shown in Fig. 3 (bottom traces) for N = 1000. While J is less than J o , it is still a
substantial fraction of J o , indicating J is of order N.
Figure 3: Normalized Fisher information when p '" 0(1) and bla '" O(~). N =
1000, a = 1, fmax = 10, and (J = 0.211". The top curves represent negative h
(b = -0.005 and -0.002 from the top) and the bottom ones positive b (b = 0.01
and 0.005 from the bottom).
Weak negative correlations: So far we have considered the case of positive b.
As stated above, Eq. (11) implies that when b < 0, J > J o . The lower bound of b
(Eq. (10)) means that when the correlations are negative and p is of order 1 th!'
amplitude of the c:orrelations must be small. It scales as bla = biN with b which
is of order 1 and is larger than bmin = -(11"lp)/(I- exp(-11"lp)). In this regime
(.] - .10 )IN retains a finite positive value even for large N. This enhancement call
H. Yoon and H. Sompolinsky
be made large if b comes close to bmin . This behavior is shown in Fig. 3 (upper
traces). Note that, for both positive and negative weak correlations, the curves
have peaks around a characteristic length scale p '" a, which is 0.211" in this figure.
Extremely long and short range correlations: Calculation with strictly uniform correlations, i. e., bij = b, shows that in this case the positive correlations
enhance the Fisher information of the system, leading to claims that this might
be a gelleri<: result (Abbott and Dayan 1998). Here we show that this behavior
is special to cases where the correlations essentially do not vary in strength. We
consider the case p '" O(N). This means that the strength of the correlations is the
same for all the neurons up to a correction of order liN. In this limit Eq. (11) is
not valid, and the Fisher information is obtained from Eq. (8) and Eq. (9),
where {} = wpl4. Note that even in this extreme regime, only for {} > 1 is 1
guaranteed to be always larger than .10' Below this value the sign of 1 -.10 depends
on the particular shape of the tuning curve and the value of b. In fact, a more
detailed analysis (Yoon and Sompolinsky 1998) shows that as soon as p? O(VN),
1 - 10 < 0, as in the case of p rv 0(1) discussed above. The crossover between these
two opposite behaviors is shown in Fig. 4. For comparison the case with p rv 0(1)
is also shown.
Figure 4: Normalized Fisher information when bla rv 0(1). N = 1000 and a = 1.
When p '" 0(1), increasing b always decreases the Fisher information (bottom curve
p = 0.2511"). However, this trend is reversed when p ,. . ., O(VN) and when p > ~N
.1 - .10 becomes always positive. From the top p = 400, 50, and 25 .
Another extreme regime is where the correlation length p scales as 1IN but the
tuning width remains of order 1. This means that a given neuron is correlated with
a small number of its immediate neighbors, which remains finite as N ~ 00. In this
limit , the Fishel' information becomes, again from Eq. (8) and Eq. (9),
1 - a(>..-1_1)+2bI:19nl.
(15 )
In this case, the behavior of 1 is similar to the cases of weak correlations discussed
above. The information remains of order N but the sign of 1 - 10 depends on the
sign of b. Thus, when the amplitude of the positive correlation function is 0(1), .]
increases linearly with N in the two opposite extremes of very large and very small
p as shown in Fig. 2 ((a) and (b)).
Fisher Information of Correlated Population Codes
In this paper we have studied the effect of correlated variability of neuronal activity
OIl the maximum accuracy of the population coding. We have shown that the
effect of correlation on the information capacity of the population crucially depends
on the scale of correlation length. We argue that for the sensory and motor areas
which are presumed to utilize population coding, the tuning of both the correlations
and the mean response profile is broad and of the same order. This implies that
each neuron is correlated with a finite fraction of the total number of neurons,
N, and a given stimulus activates a finite fraction of N. We show that in this
regime positive correlations always decrease the information. When they are strong
enough in amplitude they reduce the number of independent degrees of freedom
to a finite number even for large population. Only in the extreme case of almost
uniform correlations the information capacity is enhanced. This is reasonable since
to overcome the positive correlations one needs to subtract the responses of different
neurons. But in general this will reduce their signal by a larger amount. When the
correlations are uniform, the reduction of the correlated noise by subtraction is
perfect and can be made in a manner that will little affect the signal component.
Acknow ledgments
H.S. acknowledges helpful discussions with Larry Abbott and Sebastian Seung. This
research is partially supported by the Fund for Basic Research of the Israeli Academy
of Science and by a grant from the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF), Jerusalem, Israel.
L. F. Abbott and P. Dayan (1998). The effect of correlated variability on the
accuracy of a population code. Neural Camp., in press.
E. Fetz , K. Yoyama, and W. Smith (1991). Synaptic interactions between cortical
neurons. In A. Peters and E. G. Jones (Eds.) , Cerebral Cortex, Volume 9. New
York: Plenum Press.
D. Lee, N. L. Port, W. Kruse, and A. P. Georgopoulos (1998). Variability and
correlated noise in the discharge of neurons in motor and parietal areas of the
primate cortex. J. Neurosci. 18, 1161- 1170.
M. A. Paradiso (1988). A theory for the use of visual orientation informatioll
which exploits the columnar structure of striate cortex. BioI. Cybern . 58, 35- 49.
H. S. Seung and H. Sompolinsky (1993). Simple models for reading neuronal
population codes. Proc . Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90, 10749- 10753.
H. P. Snippe and J. J. Koenderink (1992a). Discrimination thresholds for channelcoded Hystems. Biol. Cybern. 66, 543- 551.
H. P. Snippe and J. J. Koenderink (1992b). Information in chClnnel-coded system:
correlated receivers . Biol. Cybern. 67, 183- 190.
H. Yoon and H. Sompolinsky (1998). Population coding in neuronal systems with
correlated noise, preprint.
E. Zohary, M. N. Shadlen, and W. T. Newsome (1994). Correlated neuronal
discharge rate and its implications for psychophysical performance. Nature 370,
140- 143.
| 1510 |@word crucially:1 covariance:2 reduction:2 contains:1 united:1 tuned:2 must:1 numerical:1 shape:1 motor:5 fund:1 discrimination:1 half:2 plane:1 inspection:1 smith:3 short:1 height:1 manner:1 pairwise:2 presumed:1 expected:1 behavior:5 frequently:1 little:1 zohary:2 increasing:2 becomes:5 moreover:1 israel:3 substantially:1 ti:1 grant:1 positive:16 limit:7 acad:1 analyzing:1 fluctuation:1 might:1 studied:1 co:3 range:6 statistically:1 bi:1 bla:4 definite:1 area:5 crossover:1 convenient:1 close:1 cybern:3 conventional:1 center:1 compensated:1 jerusalem:2 estimator:1 bsf:1 racah:1 population:37 plenum:1 discharge:2 enhanced:1 trend:1 observed:5 bottom:5 yoon:6 preprint:1 capture:1 sompolinsky:9 decrease:6 movement:1 substantial:5 seung:4 depend:1 efficiency:1 whose:1 larger:4 valued:1 gi:1 transform:1 eigenvalue:1 analytical:1 interaction:1 relevant:4 rapidly:1 fmax:4 academy:1 enhancement:1 perfect:1 depending:1 derive:1 ac:2 ij:2 odd:2 eq:11 strong:6 paradiso:2 implies:4 come:2 direction:1 concentrate:1 snippe:6 stochastic:1 larry:1 bin:1 strictly:1 correction:1 hold:1 around:1 considered:2 cramer:1 exp:3 great:1 nw:2 claim:2 vary:1 estimation:2 proc:1 iw:1 clearly:2 activates:1 gaussian:5 c5ij:1 always:4 varying:2 indicates:1 contrast:1 camp:1 helpful:1 dayan:5 entire:2 nand:1 orientation:3 spatial:1 special:1 equal:1 identical:1 represents:1 broad:3 jones:1 peaked:1 stimulus:6 intended:1 fiz:2 n1:1 freedom:3 investigate:1 circular:1 evaluation:1 extreme:5 nl:3 natl:1 implication:2 indexed:1 rao:1 gn:3 newsome:2 retains:1 lattice:1 uniform:4 peak:2 huji:2 lee:3 physic:1 decoding:1 pool:3 enhance:1 again:1 koenderink:6 leading:1 li:1 coding:8 coefficient:1 depends:3 later:1 apparently:1 decaying:2 capability:2 contribution:1 il:2 accuracy:5 variance:2 characteristic:3 likewise:2 ensemble:2 wisdom:1 weak:4 sebastian:1 synaptic:1 ed:1 improves:1 cj:1 amplitude:3 specify:1 response:2 furthermore:1 angular:4 correlation:46 hand:2 o:1 jll:1 mode:1 grows:2 oil:1 effect:12 usa:1 normalized:3 true:2 unbiased:1 hence:3 analytically:1 ll:1 width:4 prominent:1 bmin:2 demonstrate:1 pro:1 fj:1 recently:1 fi:1 rl:1 binational:1 exponentially:2 cerebral:1 volume:1 discussed:2 he:1 cessing:1 tuning:15 nexp:1 cortex:5 gj:3 gt:1 multivariate:2 claimed:1 subtraction:1 kruse:3 signal:2 ii:1 rv:3 rj:1 characterized:1 calculation:1 believed:1 cross:1 long:2 lin:1 bigger:1 coded:1 impact:1 basic:1 denominator:2 essentially:1 expectation:1 normalization:1 represent:1 cell:2 spacing:1 decreased:1 suppressive:1 rest:1 integer:2 call:1 enough:1 ledgments:1 affect:1 restrict:1 opposite:2 reduce:2 regarding:1 utility:2 peter:1 york:1 generally:1 detailed:2 amount:2 band:1 crosscorrelations:1 specifies:1 sign:3 broadly:2 redundancy:1 four:1 threshold:1 enormous:1 abbott:6 kept:1 utilize:1 fraction:5 angle:8 inverse:1 respond:1 throughout:2 reasonable:2 almost:1 vn:2 scaling:1 bound:4 haim:1 guaranteed:1 activity:5 strength:3 georgopoulos:3 ri:2 fourier:1 span:2 extremely:1 remain:1 smaller:3 lp:2 biologically:4 primate:1 explained:1 equation:1 remains:4 discus:1 appropriate:1 rp:1 top:3 running:1 calculating:1 exploit:1 psychophysical:1 primary:1 striate:1 detrimental:1 reversed:1 sci:1 capacity:7 argue:1 extent:1 assuming:1 length:5 code:9 modeled:1 hebrew:1 trace:2 stated:1 negative:6 acknow:1 upper:2 neuron:18 finite:7 parietal:1 immediate:1 situation:1 saturates:3 variability:6 pair:3 namely:1 israeli:1 beyond:1 below:2 regime:10 reading:1 saturation:3 arm:1 representing:1 scheme:2 improve:1 ne:2 acknowledges:1 text:1 understanding:1 relative:3 lacking:1 proportional:1 localized:1 foundation:1 degree:4 consistent:1 shadlen:2 port:3 uncorrelated:1 supported:1 keeping:2 soon:1 institute:1 fetz:3 neighbor:1 distributed:2 curve:13 dimension:1 cortical:2 valid:2 overcome:1 sensory:3 commonly:1 made:2 universally:1 far:1 preferred:5 receiver:1 conclude:1 assumed:4 un:2 nature:1 main:1 linearly:3 neurosci:1 whole:1 noise:15 profile:2 n2:1 contradicting:1 neuronal:11 fig:8 bij:4 r2:1 decay:1 intrinsic:1 incorporating:1 importance:1 magnitude:2 dissimilarity:1 columnar:1 subtract:1 smoothly:2 led:1 visual:3 partially:1 extracted:1 bioi:1 fisher:17 typical:1 uniformly:1 total:1 gij:1 indicating:1 formally:1 vhere:1 phenomenon:1 evaluate:1 biol:2 correlated:21 |
560 | 1,511 | Learning multi-class dynamics
A. Blake, B. North and M. Isard
Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Oxford OXl 3P J, UK.
Web: http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/ ... vdg/
Standard techniques (eg. Yule-Walker) are available for learning
Auto-Regressive process models of simple, directly observable, dynamical processes. When sensor noise means that dynamics are
observed only approximately, learning can still been achieved via
Expectation-Maximisation (EM) together with Kalman Filtering.
However, this does not handle more complex dynamics, involving
multiple classes of motion. For that problem, we show here how
EM can be combined with the CONDENSATION algorithm, which
is based on propagation of random sample-sets. Experiments have
been performed with visually observed juggling, and plausible dynamical models are found to emerge from the learning process.
The paper presents a probabilistic framework for estimation (perception) and classification of complex time-varying signals, represented as temporal streams of states.
Automated learning of dynamics is of crucial importance as practical models may
be too complex for parameters to be set by hand. The framework is particularly
general, in several respects, as follows.
1. Mixed states: each state comprises a continuous and a discrete component.
The continuous component can be thought of as representing the instantaneous
position of some object in a continuum. The discrete state represents the current
class of the motion, and acts as a label, selecting the current member from a set of
dynamical models.
2. Multi-dimensionality: the continuous component of a state is, in general,
allowed to be multi-dimensional. This could represent motion in a higher dimensional continuum, for example , two-dimensional translation as in figure 1. Other
examples include multi-spectral acoustic or image signals, or multi-channel sensors
such as an electro-encephalograph.
A. Blake. B. North and M Isard
Figure 1: Learning the dynamics of juggling. Three motion classes, emerging
from dynamical learning, turn out to correspond accurately to ballistic motion (mid
grey), catch/throw (light grey) and carry (dark grey).
3. Arbitrary order: each dynamical system is modelled as an Auto-Regressive
Process (ARP) and allowed to have arbitrary order (the number of time-steps of
"memory" that it carries.)
4. Stochastic observations: the sequence of mixed states is "hidden" - not
observable directly, but only via observations, which may be multi-dimensional,
and are stochastically related to the continuous component of states. This aspect is
essential to represent the inherent variability of response of any real signal sensing
Estimation for processes with properties 2,3,4 has been widely discussed both in
the control-theory literature as "estimation" and "Kalman filtering" (Gelb, 1974)
and in statistics as ''forecasting'' (Brockwell and Davis, 1996). Learning of models
with properties 2,3 is well understood (Gelb, 1974) and once learned can be used
to drive pattern classification procedures, as in Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) in
speech analysis (Rabiner and Bing-Hwang, 1993), or in classification of EEG signals
(Pardey et al., 1995). When property 4 is added, the learning problem becomes
harder (Ljung, 1987) because the training sets are no longer observed directly.
Mixed states (property 1) allow for combining perception with classification. Allowing properties 2,4, but restricted to a Oth order ARP (in breach of property 3), gives
Learning Multi-Class Dynamics
Hidden Markov Models (HMM) (Rabiner and Bing-Hwang, 1993), which have been
used effectively for visual classification (Bregler , 1997). Learning HMMs is accomplished by the "Baum-Welch" algorithm, a form of Expectation-Maximisation (EM)
(Dempster et al., 1977). Baum-Welch learning has been extended to "graphicalmodels" of quite general topology (Lauritzen, 1996). In this paper, graph topology
is a simple chain-pair as in standard HMMs, and the complexity of the problem lies
elsewhere - in the generality of the dynamical model.
Generally then, restoring non-zero order to the ARPs (property 3), there is no exact
algorithm for estimation. However the estimation problem can be solved by random
sampling algorithms , known variously as bootstrap filters (Gordon et al., 1993),
particle filters (Kitagawa, 1996), and CONDENSATION (Blake and Isard, 1997). Here
we show how such algorithms can be used, with EM, in dynamical learning theory
and experiments (figure 1).
Multi-class dynamics
Continuous dynamical systems can be specified in terms of a continuous state vector
Xt E nNcr. In machine vision , for example, Xt represents the parameters of a timevarying shape at time t . Multi-class dynamics are represented by appending to the
continuous state vector Xt, a discrete state component Yt to make a "mixed" state
Xt = (
) ,
where Yt E Y = {I, . .. , Ny} is the discrete component of the state, drawn from
a finite set of integer labels. Each discrete state represents a class of motion , for
example "stroke", "rest" and "shade" for a hand engaged in drawing.
Corresponding to each state Yt = Y there is a dynamical model, taken to be a
Markov model of order KY that specifies Pi (Xt IXt-l, . .. Xt-KY ) . A linear-Gaussian
Markov model of order K is an Auto-Regressive Process (ARP) defined by
= LAkxt-k
+ d + BWt
in which each Wt is a vector of N x independent random N(O, 1) variables and
are independent for t ? t'. The dynamical parameters of the model are
W t'
? deterministic parameters AI, A 2 , ... , AK
? stochastic parameters B, which are multipliers for the stochastic process Wt,
and determine the "coupling" of noise Wt into the vector valued process Xt.
For convenience of notation, let
Each state Y E Y has a set {AY, BY, dY} of dynamical parameters, and the goal is
to learn these from example trajectories. Note that the stochastic parameter BY
is a first-class part of a dynamical model, representing the degree and the shape
of uncertainty in motion, allowing the representation of an entire distribution of
possible motions for each state y. In addition, and independently, state transitions
are governed by the transition matrix for a 1st order Markov chain:
P(Yt = y'IYt-1 = y) = My,y"
A. Blake. B. North and M. Isard.
Observations Zt are assumed to be conditioned purely on the continuous part x of
the mixed state, independent of Yt, and this maintains a healthy separation between
the modelling of dynamics and of observations. Observations are also assumed to
be independent, both mutually and with respect to the dynamical process. The
observation process is defined by specifying, at each time t, the conditional density
p(ZtIXt) which is taken to be Gaussian in experiments here.
Maximum Likelihood learning
When observations are exact, maximum likelihood estimates (MLE) for dynamical parameters can be obtained from a training sequence Xi ... X T of mixed states.
The well known Yule-Walker formula approximates MLE (Gelb, 1974; Ljung, 1987),
but generalisations are needed to allow for short training sets (small T), to include
stochastic parameters B, to allow a non-zero offset d (this proves essential in experiments later) and to encompass multiple dynamical classes.
The resulting MLE learning rule is as follows.
= BY0'
dY =
where (omitting the
TY _ KY 0
= TY _1 KY
_ AY('QY)T)
superscripts for clarity) C = BBT and
and the first-order moments Ri and (offset-invariant) auto correlations Ri,j, for each
class y, are given by
Rf =
RL = RL - T ~ KRfRrT,
RL = L X;_iX;_j T;
= Ht
Y; = y} == L
The MLE for the transition matrix M is constructed from relative frequencies as:
T y,y' = ll{t?
M Y,Y' = "" Ty,y'T , were
. Yt-l
= y, Yt* = Y'} .
Learning with stochastic observations
To allow for stochastic observations, direct MLE is no longer possible, but an EM
learning algorithm can be formulated. Its M-step is simply the MLE estimate of
the previous section. It might be thought that the E-step should consist simply of
computing expectations, for instance [[xtIZ[J, (where Zi = (Zl,"" Zt) denotes a
sequence of observations) and treating them as training values x;. This would be
incorrect however because the log-likelihood function I:- for the problem is not linear
in the x; but quadratic. Instead, we need expectations
Learning Multi-Class Dynamics
conditioned on the entire training set Z'[ of observations, given that ? is linear
in the R i , Ri,j etc. (Shumway and Stoffer, 1982). These expected values of autocorrelations and frequencies are to be used in place of actual auto correlations and
frequencies in the learning formulae of section 3. The question is, how to compute
them. In the special case y = {I} of single-class dynamics, and assuming a Gaussian
observation density, exact methods are available for computing expected moments,
using Kalman and smoothing filters (Gelb, 1974), in an "augmented state" filter
(North and Blake, 1998). For multi-class dynamics, exact computation is infeasible, but good approximations can be achieved based on propagation of sample sets,
Forward sampling with backward chaining
For the purposes of learning, an extended and generalised form of the CONDENSATION algorithm is required. The generalisations allow for mixed states, arbitrary order for the ARP, and backward-chaining of samples. In backward chaining,
sample-sets for successive times are built up and stored together with a complete
state history back to time t = O. The extended CONDENSATION algorithm is given
in figure 2. Note that the algorithm needs to be initialised. This requires that the
Yo and (X~~lo' k = 0, ... ,KYO - 1) be drawn from a suitable (joint) prior for the
multi-class process. One way to do this is to ensure that the training set starts in a
known state and to fix the initial sample-values accordingly. Normally, the choice
of prior is not too important as it is dominated by data.
At time t = T, when the entire training sequence has been processed, the final
sample set is
(n)} ,n -- 1 , ... , N}
{ ( X(n)
TIT'? .. , X(n?)
OIT' 7rT
represents fairly (in the limit, weakly, as N -+ 00) the posterior distribution for
the entire state sequence X O , .?? ,XT, conditioned on the entire training set Z'[
of observations. The expectations of the autocorrelation and frequency measures
required for learning can be estimated from the sample set, for example:
An alternative algorithm is a sample-set version of forward-backward propagation
(Kitagawa, 1996). Experiments have suggested that probability densities generated
by this form of smoothing converge far more quickly with respect to sample set
size N, but at the expense of computational complexity - O(N2) as opposed to
O(N log N) for the algorithm above.
Practical applications
Experiments are reported briefly here on learning the dynami(:s of juggling using the
EM-Condensation algorithm, as in figure 1. An offset d Y is learned for each class
in Y = {I, 2, 3}; other dynamical parameters are fixed such that that learning d Y
amounts to learning mean accelerations a Y for each class. The transition matrix is
also learned. From a more or ?less neutral starting point, learned structure emerges
as in figure 3. Around 60 iterations of EM suffice, with N = 2048, to learn dynamics
in this case. It is clear from the figure that the learned structure is an altogether
plausible model for the juggling process.
A. Blake, B. North and M. Isard
Iterate for t = 1, ... , T.
Construct t he sampIe-set {(X (n)
l i t " ' " X tit ,7r t
,n = 1, ... , N for time
For each n:
1. Choose (with replacement) mE {I, .. . , N} with prob. 7ri~{'
2. Predict by sampling from
vt-l 1"\.1
to choose X~~). For multi-class ARPs this is done in two steps.
Discrete: Choose y~n) = y' E Y with probability My,y" where
y = y~~i.
Continuous: Compute
(n) _ ~AY (m)
x tit - ~ kXt-klt-l
+d + Bw~n),
where y = y~n) and w~n) is a vector of standard normal r.v.
3. Observation weights 7r~n) are computed from the observation
density, evaluated for the current observations Zt:
7rt(n) = P(I
Zt Xt = x tit '
then normalised multiplicatively so that
En 7ri n )
= 1.
4. Update sample history:
X ti(n)lt
t = 1, ... , t - 1.
Figure 2: The CONDENSATION algorithm for forward propagation with backward chaining.
We are grateful for the support of the EPSRC (AB,BN) and Magdalen College
Oxford (MI).
Blake, A. and Isard, M. (1997) . The Condensation algorithm - conditional density propagation and applications to visual tracking. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 9, pages 361-368. MIT Press.
Learning Multi-Class Dynamics
a = ( 0.0 )
a=(-;:) ~
Figure 3: Learned dynamical model for juggling. The three motion classes
allowed in this experiment organise themselves into: ballistic motion (acceleration
a ~ -g),- catch/throw,- carry. As expected, life-time in the ballistic state is longest,
the transition probability of 0.95 corresponding to 20 time-steps or about 0.7 seconds. Transitions tend to be directed, as expected,- for example ballistic motion is
more likely to be followed by a catch/throw (p = 0.04) than by a carry (p = 0.01).
(Acceleration a shown here in units of m/ S2 .)
Bregler, C. (1997). Learning and recognising human dynamics in video sequences. In Proc.
Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
Brockwell, P. and Davis, R. (1996). Introduction to time-series and forecasting. SpringerVerlag.
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Kitagawa, G. (1996). Monte Carlo filter and smoother for non-Gaussian nonlinear state
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Lauritzen, S. (1996). Graphical models. Oxford.
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Learning dynamical models using expectationmaximisation. In Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Computer Vision, pages 384-389.
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Shumway, R. and Stoffer, D. (1982) . An approach to time series smoothing and forecasting
USing the EM algorithm. J. Time Series Analysis, 3:253-226 .
| 1511 |@word briefly:1 version:1 grey:3 bn:1 harder:1 carry:4 moment:2 initial:1 series:3 selecting:1 current:3 shape:2 treating:1 update:1 isard:6 accordingly:1 smith:1 short:1 bwt:1 regressive:3 successive:1 constructed:1 direct:1 incorrect:1 autocorrelation:1 expected:4 themselves:1 multi:14 ry:1 actual:1 becomes:1 notation:1 suffice:1 emerging:1 temporal:1 act:1 ti:1 uk:2 control:1 zl:1 normally:1 unit:1 medical:1 generalised:1 engineering:2 understood:1 limit:1 ak:1 oxford:4 approximately:1 might:1 specifying:1 hmms:2 directed:1 practical:2 restoring:1 maximisation:2 bootstrap:1 procedure:1 thought:2 convenience:1 prentice:2 www:1 deterministic:1 yt:9 baum:2 starting:1 independently:1 welch:2 rule:1 handle:1 user:1 exact:4 roy:1 recognition:2 particularly:1 tarassenko:1 observed:3 epsrc:1 solved:1 cy:1 dempster:2 complexity:2 dynamic:15 weakly:1 grateful:1 tit:4 predictive:1 purely:1 joint:1 represented:2 monte:1 quite:1 widely:1 plausible:2 valued:1 drawing:1 statistic:2 laird:1 superscript:1 final:1 sequence:6 kxt:1 combining:1 brockwell:2 ky:4 object:1 coupling:1 ac:1 stat:1 lauritzen:2 throw:3 soc:1 filter:5 stochastic:7 human:1 fix:1 kitagawa:3 bregler:2 around:1 hall:2 blake:8 normal:1 visually:1 predict:1 continuum:2 purpose:1 estimation:7 proc:3 label:2 ballistic:5 iw:1 healthy:1 mit:2 sensor:2 gaussian:4 varying:1 timevarying:1 yo:1 klt:1 longest:1 modelling:2 likelihood:4 entire:5 hidden:2 classification:5 smoothing:3 special:1 fairly:1 once:1 construct:1 sampling:3 represents:4 gordon:2 inherent:1 variously:1 replacement:1 bw:1 ab:1 stoffer:2 light:1 oth:1 chain:2 incomplete:1 instance:1 neutral:1 too:2 ixt:1 stored:1 reported:1 my:2 combined:1 st:1 density:5 fundamental:1 probabilistic:1 lee:1 physic:1 together:2 pardey:1 quickly:1 nongaussian:1 opposed:1 choose:3 stochastically:1 conf:2 coding:1 north:6 int:1 stream:1 performed:1 later:1 start:1 maintains:1 correspond:1 rabiner:3 bbt:1 modelled:1 bayesian:1 identification:1 accurately:1 carlo:1 trajectory:1 drive:1 history:2 stroke:1 llt:2 ty:4 frequency:4 initialised:1 mi:1 emerges:1 dimensionality:1 back:1 higher:1 response:1 done:1 ox:1 evaluated:1 generality:1 dey:1 correlation:2 hand:2 web:1 nonlinear:2 propagation:5 autocorrelations:1 hwang:3 omitting:1 multiplier:1 eg:1 ll:1 davis:2 chaining:4 ay:4 complete:1 motion:11 image:1 instantaneous:1 novel:1 rl:3 tilt:1 discussed:1 he:1 approximates:1 cambridge:1 ai:1 particle:1 robot:1 longer:2 etc:1 posterior:1 vt:1 life:1 accomplished:1 ey:1 determine:1 converge:1 signal:4 ii:1 smoother:1 multiple:2 encompass:1 mle:6 involving:1 vision:3 expectation:5 iteration:1 represent:2 achieved:2 qy:1 condensation:8 addition:1 oxl:1 walker:2 crucial:1 rest:1 tend:1 electro:1 member:1 integer:1 automated:1 iterate:1 zi:1 topology:2 oit:1 forecasting:3 juggling:5 speech:2 generally:1 clear:1 amount:1 dark:1 mid:1 cony:1 processed:1 http:1 specifies:1 estimated:1 discrete:6 drawn:2 clarity:1 ht:1 backward:5 graph:1 prob:1 uncertainty:1 place:1 separation:1 dy:2 followed:1 quadratic:1 ri:5 dominated:1 aspect:1 department:1 em:9 wi:1 restricted:1 invariant:1 taken:2 mutually:1 bing:3 turn:1 needed:1 available:2 spectral:1 appending:1 alternative:1 altogether:1 denotes:1 include:2 ensure:1 graphical:2 prof:1 added:1 question:1 parametric:1 rt:2 hmm:1 me:1 assuming:1 kalman:3 multiplicatively:1 iyt:1 robert:1 expense:1 zt:4 allowing:2 observation:16 markov:4 finite:1 gelb:5 pat:1 extended:3 variability:1 arbitrary:3 pair:1 required:2 specified:1 acoustic:1 learned:6 suggested:1 dynamical:18 perception:2 pattern:2 lpc:1 rf:1 built:1 memory:1 video:1 suitable:1 representing:2 catch:3 auto:5 breach:1 prior:2 literature:1 acknowledgement:1 review:1 relative:1 shumway:2 par:1 ljung:3 mixed:7 filtering:2 degree:1 rubin:1 editor:1 pi:1 translation:1 lo:1 elsewhere:1 infeasible:1 allow:5 normalised:1 organise:1 salmond:1 emerge:1 transition:6 forward:3 far:1 observable:2 assumed:2 xi:1 continuous:9 expectationmaximisation:1 channel:1 learn:2 eeg:2 complex:3 s2:1 noise:2 n2:1 allowed:3 augmented:1 en:1 dynami:1 ny:1 position:1 comprises:1 lie:1 governed:1 ix:1 yule:2 formula:2 shade:1 xt:10 sensing:1 offset:3 essential:2 consist:1 recognising:1 effectively:1 importance:1 conditioned:3 lt:1 simply:2 likely:1 visual:2 tracking:1 ma:1 conditional:2 goal:1 formulated:1 acceleration:3 springerverlag:1 generalisation:2 wt:3 arp:6 engaged:1 college:1 support:1 |
561 | 1,512 | Replicator Equations, Maximal Cliques,
and Graph Isomorphism
Marcello Pelillo
Dipartimento di Informatica
Universita Ca' Foscari di Venezia
Via Torino 155, 30172 Venezia Mestre, Italy
E-mail: [email protected]
We present a new energy-minimization framework for the graph
isomorphism problem which is based on an equivalent maximum
clique formulation. The approach is centered around a fundamental
result proved by Motzkin and Straus in the mid-1960s, and recently
expanded in various ways, which allows us to formulate the maximum clique problem in terms of a standard quadratic program. To
solve the program we use "replicator" equations, a class of simple
continuous- and discrete-time dynamical systems developed in various branches of theoretical biology. We show how, despite their
inability to escape from local solutions, they nevertheless provide
experimental results which are competitive with those obtained using more elaborate mean-field annealing heuristics.
The graph isomorphism problem is one of those few combinatorial optimization
problems which still resist any computational complexity characterization [6]. Despite decades of active research, no polynomial-time algorithm for it has yet been
found. At the same time, while clearly belonging to N P, no proof has beel1 provided that it is NP-complete. Indeed, there is strong evidence that this cannot be
the case for, otherwise, the polynomial hierarchy would collapse [5]. The current
belief is that the problem lies strictly between the P and NP-complete classes.
Because of its theoretical as well as practical importance, the problem has attracted
much attention in the neural network community, and various powerful heuristics have been developed [11, 18, 19, 20]. Following Hopfield and Tank's seminal
work [10], the typical approach has been to write down a (continuous) energy function whose minimizers correspond to the (discrete) solutions being sought, and then
construct a dynamical system which converges toward them. Almost invariably, all
the algorithms developed so far are based on techniques borrowed from statistical
mechanics, in particular mean field theory, which allow one to escape from poor
Replicator Equations, Maximal Cliques, and Graph Isomorphism
local solutions.
In this paper, we develop a new energy-minimization framework for the graph isomorphism problem which is based on the idea of reducing it to the maximum clique
problem, another well-known combinatorial optimization problem. Central to our
approach is a powerful result originally proved by Motzkin and Straus [13], and
recently extended in various ways [3, 7, 16], which allows us to formulate the maximum clique problem in terms of an indefinite quadratic program. We then present
a class of straightforward continuous- and discrete-time dynamical systems known
in mathematical biology as replicator equations, and show how, thanks to their
dynamical properties, they naturally suggest themselves as a useful heuristic for
solving the proposed graph isomorphism program. The extensive experimental results presented show that, despite their simplicity and their inherent inability to
escape from local optima, replicator dynamics are nevertheless competitive with
more sophisticated deterministic annealing algorithms. The proposed formulation
seems therefore a promising framework within which powerful continuous-based
graph matching heuristics can be developed, and is in fact being employed for solving practical computer vision problems [17J. More details on the work presented
here can be found in [15J.
Let G = (V, E) be an undirected graph, where V is the set of vertices and E ~ V x V
is the set of edges. The order of G is the number of its vertices, and its size is the
number of edges. Two vertices i,j E V are said to be adjacent if (i,j) E E. The
adjacency matrix of G is the n x n symmetric matrix A = (aij) defined as follows:
aij = 1 if (i,j) E E, aij = a otherwise.
Given two graphs G' = (V', E') and Gil = (V", E") having the same order and
size, an isomorphism between them is any bijection ? : V' -t V" such that
(i,j) E E' {:} (?(i),?(j)) E E", for all i,j E V'. Two graphs are said to be
isomorphic if there exists an isomorphism between them. The graph isomorphism
problem is therefore to decide whether two graphs are isomorphic and, in the affirmative, to find an isomorphism. Barrow and Burstall [IJ introduced the notion
of an association graph as a useful auxiliary graph structure for solving general
graphjsubgraph isomorphism problems. The association graph derived from G'
and Gil is the undirected graph G = (V, E), where V = V' X V" and
E = {((i, h), (j, k)) E V x V : i:f= j, h:f= k, and (i,j) E E' {:} (h, k) E E"} .
Given an arbitrary undirected graph G = (V, E), a subset of vertices C is called a
clique if all its vertices are mutually adjacent , i.e. , for all i,j E C we have (i,j) E E.
A clique is said to be maximal if it is not contained in any larger clique, and
maximum if it is the largest clique in the graph. The clique number, denoted by
w(G), is defined as the cardinality of the maximum clique.
The following result establishes an equivalence between the graph isomorphism
problem and the maximum clique problem (see [15J for proof).
Theorem 2.1 Let G' and Gil be two graphs of order n , and let G be the corresponding association graph . Then, G' and Gil are isomorphic if and only if w(G) = n. In
this case, any maximum clique of G induces an isomorphism between G' and Gil ,
and vice versa.
M. Pelillo
Let G = (V, E) be an arbitrary undirected graph of order n, and let Sn denote the
standard simplex of lRn :
Sn={xElR n :
foralli=l. .. n, and
z== 1
Given a subset of vertices C of G, we will denote by XC its characteristic vector
which is the point in Sn defined as xI = 1/ICI if i E C, xi = 0 otherwise, where ICI
denotes the cardinality of C.
Now, consider the following quadratic function:
x T Ax
where "T" denotes transposition. The Motzkin-Straus theorem [13] establishes a
remarkable connection between global (local) maximizers of fin Sn and maximum
(maximal) cliques of G. Specifically, it states that a subset of vertices C of a
graph G is a maximum clique if and only if its characteristic vector XC is a global
maximizer of the function f in Sn. A similiar relationship holds between (strict)
local maximizers and maximal cliques [7, 16].
One drawback associated with the original Motzkin-Straus formulation relates to
the existence of spurious solutions, i.e., maximizers of f which are not in the form
of characteristic vectors [16]. In principle, spurious solutions represent a problem
since, while providing information about the order of the maximum clique, do not
allow us to extract the vertices comprising the clique. Fortunately, there is straightforward solution to this problem which has recently been introduced and studied
by Bomze [3]. Consider the following regularized version of function f:
j (x) = x T Ax + ~ X T X
The following is the spurious-free counterpart of the original Motzkin-Straus theorem (see [3] for proof).
Theorem 2.2 Let C be a subset of vertices of a graph G, and let
be its charac-
teristic vector. Then the following statements hold:
(a) C is a maximum clique of G if and only if XC is a global maximizer of
the simplex Sn. Its order is then given by ICI = 1/2(1 - f(x C ) ) .
(b) C is a maximal clique of G if and only if XC is a local maximizer of
(c) All local (and hence global) maximizers of
in Sn.
over Sn are strict.
Unlike the Motzkin-Straus formulation, the previous result guarantees that all maximizers of j on Sn are strict, and are characteristic vectors of maximal/maximum
cliques in the graph. In an exact sense, therefore, a one-to-one correspondence exists between maximal cliques and local maximizers of j in Sn on the one hand, and
maximum cliques and global maximizers on the other hand.
Let G' and Gil be two arbitrary graphs of order n, and let A denote the adjacency
matrix of the corresponding association graph, whose order is assumed to be N.
The graph isomorphism problem is equivalent to the following program:
subject to
j(x) = x T (A
x E SN
+ ~ IN)X
Replicator Equations. Maximal Cliques. and Graph Isomorphism
More precisely, the following result holds, which is a straightforward consequence
of Theorems 2.1 and 2.2.
Theorem 2.3 Let G' and Gil be two graphs of order n, and let x* be a global
solution of program (3), where A is the adjacency matrix of the association graph
of G' and Gil . Then, G' and Gil are isomorphic if and only if j(x*) = 1 - 1/2n.
In this case, any global solution to (3) induces an isomorphism between G' and Gil,
and vice versa.
In [15] we discuss the analogies between our objective function and those proposed
in the literature (e.g., [18, 19]).
Let W be a non-negative n x n matrix, and consider the following dynamical system:
~Xi(t) = Xi(t) ("i(t) - t.X;(t)";(t))
where 7ri(t)
= 1. . . n
= 2:.7=1 WijXj(t), i = 1 . . . n , and its discrete-time counterpart:
Xi(t)7ri (t)
xi(t+1)=2:. nj = l x] ()
t 7r]. (t ) '
i = l .. . n.
It is readily seen that the simplex Sn is invariant under these dynamics, which
means that every trajectory starting in Sn will remain in Sn for all future times.
Both (4) and (5) are called replicator equations in theoretical biology, since they
are used to model evolution over time of relative frequencies of interacting, selfreplicating entities [9]. The discrete-time dynamical equations turn also out to be
a special case of a general class of dynamical systems introduced by Baum and
Eagon [2] in the context of Markov chain theory.
Theorem 3.1 If W is symmetric, then the quadratic polynomial F(x) = xTWx is
strictly increasing along any non-constant trajectory of both continuous-time (4) and
discrete-time (5) replicator equations. Furthermore, any such trajectory converges
to a (unique) stationary point. Finally, a vector x E Sn is asymptotically stable
under (4) and (5) if and only if x is a strict local maximizer of F on Sn.
The previous result is known in mathematical biology as the Fundamental Theorem
of Natural Selection [9, 21]. As far as the discrete-time model is concerned, it
can be regarded as a straightforward implication of the more general Baum-Eagon
theorem [2]. The fact that all trajectories of the replicator dynamics converge to a
stationary point is proven in [12].
Recently, there has been much interest in evolutionary game theory around the
following exponential version of replicator equations , which arises as a model of
evolution guided by imitation [8, 21]:
:t Xi (t)
= Xi(t)
(L:7~1 ~:;;;~ ..
'(t) -
= l... n
where K, is a positive constant. As K, tends to 0, the orbits of this dynamics approach
those of the standard, first-order replicator model (4), slowed down by the factor
M Pelillo
K. Hofbauer [8] has recently proven that when the matrix W is symmetric, the
quadratic polynomial F defined in Theorem 3.1 is also strictly increasing, as in
the first-order case. After discussing various properties of this, and more general
dynamics, he concluded that the model behaves essentially in the same way as the
standard replicator equations, the only difference being the size of the basins of
attraction around stable equilibria. A customary way of discretizating equation (6)
is given by the following difference equations:
+ 1) =
L: n.
( )
X)? t e"1l'J
i = l. .. n
which enjoys many of the properties of the first-order system (5), e.g., they have
the same set of equilibria.
The properties discussed above naturally suggest using replicator equations as a
useful heuristic for the graph isomorphism problem. Let G' and G" be two graphs
of order n, and let A denote the adjacency matrix of the corresponding N-vertex
association graph G. By letting
W = A + "2IN
we know that the replicator dynamical systems, starting from an arbitrary initial
state, will iteratively maximize the function j(x) = xT(A + !IN)x in SN, and will
eventually converge to a strict local maximizer which, by virtue of Theorem 2.2 will
then correspond to the characteristic vector of a maximal clique in the association
graph. This will in turn induce an isomorphism between two subgraphs of G' and
G" which is "maximal," in the sense that there is no other isomorphism between
subgraphs of G' and G" which includes the one found. Clearly, in theory there is no
guarantee that the converged solution will be a global maximizer of j, and therefore
that it will induce an isomorphism between the two original graphs . Previous work
done on the maximum clique problem [4, 14], and also the results presented in this
paper, however, suggest that the basins of attraction of global maximizers are quite
large, and very frequently the algorithm converges to one of them.
In the experiments reported here, the discrete-time replicator equation (5) and its
exponential counterpart (7) with K = 10 were used. The algorithms were started
from the barycenter of the simplex and they were stopped when either a maximal
clique was found or the distance between two successive points was smaller than a
fixed threshold, which was set to 10- 17 . In the latter case the converged vector was
randomly perturbed, and the algorithm restarted from the perturbed point . Because
of the one-to-one correspondence between local maximizers and maximal cliques,
this situation corresponds to convergence to a saddle point. All the experiments
were run on a Sparc20.
Undirected 100-vertex random graphs were generated with expected connectivities
ranging from 1% to 99%. For each connectivity value, 10'0 graphs were produced and
each of them had its vertices randomly permuted so as to obtain a pair of isomorphic
graphs. Overall, therefore, 1500 pairs of isomorphic graphs were used. Each pair
was given as input to the replicator models and, after convergence, a success was
recorded when the cardinality of the returned clique was equal to the order of the
graphs given as input (Le., 100) .1 Because of the stopping criterion employed, this
1 Due to the high computational time required, in the 1% and 99% cases the first-order
replicator algorithm (5) was tested only on 10 pairs, instead of 100.
Replicator Equations, Maximal Cliques, and Graph Isomorphism
- -
--- .
-- .
. -
I ---.--.. -. .-. -. . . . ?
- - -
75 1
25 I
001 003 0 05
0 "
0 95 0 97 099
001 003 0 .05
0 .2
Expecled connectivity
0 "
a 97
0 99
Expected connecllvlty
Figure 1: Percentage of correct isomorphisms obtained using the first-order (left) and the
exponential (right) replicator equations, as a function of the expected connectivity.
-- - -
~1U7 (1)
(:t201 0)
(N ~ Ill)
' ,-
001 0030 05 0.1
(:to 94)
Expected connectivity
09 095 0 , 9 7
001 003 0 .05
0 2
0 "
0.9 095 097 099
Expected connectivity
Figure 2: Average computational time taken by the first-order (left) and the exponential
(right) replicator equations, as a function of the expected connectivity. The vertical axes
are in logarithmic scale, and the numbers in parentheses represent the standard deviation.
guarantees that a maximum clique, and therefore a correct isomorphism, was found.
The proportion of successes as a function of the expected connectivities for both
replicator models is plotted in Fig. 1, whereas Fig. 2 shows the average CPU time
taken by the two algorithms to converge (in logarithmic scale). Notice how the
exponential replicator system (7) is dramatically faster and also performs bet.ter
than the first-order model (5).
These results are significantly superior to those reported by Simic [20] who obtained
poor results at connectivities less than 40% even on smaller graphs (Le. , up to 75
vertices). They also compare favorably with the results obtained more recently
by Rangarajan et ai. [18] on 100-vertex random graphs for connectivities up to
50%. Specifically, at 1% and 3% connectivities they report a percentage of correct
isomorphisms of about 30% and 0%, respectively. Using our approach we obtained,
on the same kind of graphs, a percentage of success of 80% and 11%, respectively.
Rangarajan and Mjolsness [19] also ran experiments on 100-vertex random graphs
with various connectivities, using a powerful Lagrangian relaxation network. Except
for a few instances , they always obtained a correct solution. The computational
time required by their model, however, turns out to largely exceed ours. As an
example, the average time taken by their algorithm to match two 100-vertex 50%connectivity graphs was about 30 minutes on an SGI workstation. As shown in
Fig. 2, we obtained identical results in about 3 seconds.
It should be emphasized that all the algorithms mentioned above do incorporate
sophisticated annealing mechanisms to escape from poor local minima. By contrast, in the presented work no attempt was made to prevent the algorithms from
converging to such solutions.
M Pelillo
Acknowledgments. This work has been done while the author was visiting the Department of Computer Science at the Yale University. Funding for this research has been
provided by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche , Italy. The author would like to thank 1.
M. Bomze, A. Rangarajan, K. Siddiqi , and S. W. Zucker for many stimulating discussions.
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| 1512 |@word version:2 polynomial:4 seems:1 proportion:1 initial:1 ours:1 hearn:1 current:1 optim:1 yet:1 attracted:1 readily:1 stationary:2 short:1 transposition:1 completeness:1 characterization:2 math:5 bijection:1 successive:1 mathematical:2 along:1 expected:7 indeed:1 themselves:1 frequently:1 mechanic:1 freeman:1 cpu:1 cardinality:3 increasing:2 provided:2 kind:1 affirmative:1 weibull:1 developed:4 nj:1 guarantee:3 zippelius:1 bomze:5 every:1 interactive:1 uk:1 appear:1 unive:1 positive:1 local:12 tends:1 consequence:1 despite:3 studied:1 equivalence:1 co:1 collapse:1 practical:2 unique:1 acknowledgment:1 foralli:1 empirical:1 significantly:1 matching:5 induce:2 suggest:3 cannot:1 selection:1 context:1 cybern:1 seminal:1 equivalent:2 deterministic:1 lagrangian:2 baum:3 straightforward:4 attention:1 starting:2 formulate:2 simplicity:1 subgraphs:2 attraction:2 regarded:1 notion:1 hierarchy:1 exact:1 recognition:1 preprint:1 mjolsness:3 ran:1 mentioned:1 nazionale:1 complexity:1 gibbon:1 dynamic:7 solving:3 hopfield:2 various:6 venezia:2 labeling:1 whose:2 heuristic:5 larger:2 solve:1 quite:1 otherwise:3 net:1 maximal:16 budapest:1 gen:1 subgraph:1 gold:1 sgi:1 convergence:2 optimum:1 rangarajan:5 neumann:1 converges:3 develop:1 ij:1 pelillo:10 borrowed:1 strong:1 soc:1 auxiliary:1 guided:1 drawback:1 correct:4 centered:1 pardalos:1 adjacency:4 dipartimento:1 strictly:3 hold:3 around:3 equilibrium:2 sought:1 estimation:1 combinatorial:2 largest:1 vice:2 establishes:2 minimization:2 mit:1 clearly:2 always:1 bet:1 derived:1 ax:3 contrast:1 sense:2 minimizers:1 stopping:1 spurious:3 comprising:1 tank:2 overall:1 ill:1 denoted:1 development:1 constrained:1 special:1 field:2 construct:1 equal:1 having:1 biology:4 identical:1 marcello:1 future:1 simplex:4 np:4 report:1 escape:4 few:2 inherent:1 randomly:2 attempt:1 ecology:1 invariably:1 interest:1 lrn:1 chain:1 implication:1 edge:2 orbit:1 plotted:1 re:1 theoretical:3 stopped:1 instance:1 hastad:1 delle:1 assignment:1 bull:1 vertex:16 subset:4 deviation:1 johnson:1 reported:2 perturbed:2 thanks:1 fundamental:2 probabilistic:1 mestre:1 connectivity:13 central:1 recorded:1 oper:1 includes:1 sparc20:1 competitive:2 om:1 characteristic:5 who:1 largely:1 correspond:2 produced:1 trajectory:4 converged:2 inform:2 phys:1 ed:2 energy:3 frequency:1 pp:16 straus:7 garey:1 naturally:2 proof:5 di:2 associated:1 mi:1 workstation:1 proved:2 sophisticated:2 originally:1 formulation:5 done:2 amer:1 furthermore:1 hand:2 maximizer:6 counterpart:3 evolution:4 hence:1 symmetric:3 iteratively:1 adjacent:2 game:4 simic:1 criterion:1 complete:2 txi:1 performs:1 ranging:1 image:1 sigmund:1 recently:6 funding:1 novel:1 superior:1 replicator:24 burstall:2 behaves:1 permuted:1 association:8 he:1 discussed:1 kluwer:1 versa:2 cambridge:3 ai:1 u7:1 had:1 stable:2 zucker:2 italy:2 optimizing:1 verlag:1 inequality:1 success:3 discussing:1 jagota:1 seen:1 minimum:1 fortunately:1 wijxj:1 employed:2 ricerche:1 converge:3 maximize:2 ii:1 branch:1 relates:1 match:1 faster:1 parenthesis:1 converging:1 vision:2 essentially:1 represent:2 whereas:1 annealing:3 concluded:1 unlike:1 strict:5 subject:1 undirected:5 ter:1 exceed:1 iii:1 concerned:1 architecture:1 idea:1 whether:1 isomorphism:30 akin:1 returned:1 dramatically:1 useful:3 burkhardt:1 netherlands:1 mid:1 induces:2 siddiqi:2 informatica:1 eory:1 percentage:3 notice:1 gil:10 discrete:9 write:1 vol:15 indefinite:1 nevertheless:2 threshold:1 prevent:1 graph:57 asymptotically:1 relaxation:3 run:1 powerful:4 almost:1 decide:1 decision:1 collegium:1 correspondence:2 yale:1 quadratic:9 topological:1 foscari:1 precisely:1 ri:2 min:1 expanded:1 department:1 poor:3 belonging:1 remain:1 smaller:2 slowed:1 invariant:1 taken:3 equation:19 mutually:1 etworks:1 discus:1 turn:3 eventually:1 mechanism:1 know:1 letting:1 ramana:1 hierarchical:1 eagon:3 customary:1 existence:1 original:3 denotes:2 xc:5 hofbauer:3 universita:1 objective:1 torino:1 barycenter:1 canad:1 said:3 evolutionary:3 visiting:1 distance:1 thank:1 berlin:1 entity:1 mail:1 toward:1 relationship:1 providing:1 charac:1 statement:1 favorably:1 negative:1 vertical:1 markov:2 fin:1 similiar:1 barrow:2 situation:1 extended:1 relational:1 interacting:1 arbitrary:4 community:1 introduced:3 pair:4 required:2 extensive:1 connection:1 resist:1 trans:1 dynamical:9 program:9 max:1 belief:1 natural:1 regularized:1 started:1 extract:1 sn:17 literature:1 relative:1 dsi:1 analogy:1 proven:2 remarkable:1 versus:1 basin:2 principle:1 intractability:1 eccv:1 free:1 infeasible:1 enjoys:1 aij:3 guide:1 allow:2 lett:2 author:2 made:1 ici:3 san:1 far:2 gene:1 clique:41 global:11 active:1 assumed:1 francisco:1 xi:11 imitation:2 continuous:8 search:1 decade:1 promising:1 ca:2 fig:3 elaborate:1 exponential:5 lie:1 down:2 theorem:12 minute:1 xt:1 emphasized:1 virtue:1 evidence:2 maximizers:9 exists:2 importance:1 logarithmic:2 saddle:1 motzkin:7 contained:1 restarted:1 springer:1 aa:1 corresponds:1 ma:1 stimulating:1 boppana:1 towards:1 feasible:1 typical:1 specifically:2 reducing:1 except:1 called:2 isomorphic:6 experimental:3 latter:1 inability:2 arises:1 incorporate:1 tested:1 biol:2 |
562 | 1,513 | Convergence Rates of Algorithms for
Visual Search: Detecting Visual Contours
A.L. Yuille
Smith-Kettlewell Inst .
San Francisco, CA 94115
James M. Coughlan
Smith-Kettlewell Inst.
San Francisco, CA 94115
This paper formulates the problem of visual search as Bayesian
inference and defines a Bayesian ensemble of problem instances .
In particular, we address the problem of the detection of visual
contours in noise/clutter by optimizing a global criterion which
combines local intensity and geometry information. We analyze
the convergence rates of A * search algorithms using results from
information theory to bound the probability of rare events within
the Bayesian ensemble. This analysis determines characteristics of
the domain , which we call order parameters, that determine the
convergence rates. In particular, we present a specific admissible
A * algorithm with pruning which converges, with high probability,
with expected time O(N) in the size of the problem. In addition, we briefly summarize extensions of this work which address
fundamental limits of target contour detectability (Le. algorithm
independent results) and the use of non-admissible heuristics.
Many problems in vision, such as the detection of edges and object boundaries in
noise/clutter, see figure (1), require the use of search algorithms . Though many
algorithms have been proposed, see Yuille and Coughlan (1997) for a review, none
of them are clearly optimal and it is difficult to judge their relative effectiveness. One
approach has been to compare the results of algorithms on a representative dataset
of images. This is clearly highly desirable though determining a representative
dataset is often rather subjective.
In this paper we are specifically interested in the convergence rates of A * algorithms
(Pearl 1984). It can be shown (Yuille and Coughlan 1997) that many algorithms
proposed to detect visual contours are special cases of A * . We would like to
understand what characteristics of the problem domain determine the convergence
A. L. Yuille and J. M Coughlan
Figure 1: The difficulty of detecting the target path in clutter depends, by our
theory (Yuille and Coughlan 1998), on the order parameter K. The larger K the
less computation required. Left, an easy detection task with K = 3.1. Middle, a
hard detection task K = 1.6. Right, an impossible task with K = -0.7.
We formulate the problem of detecting object curves in images to be one of statistical
estimation. This assumes statistical knowledge of the images and the curves, see
section (2). Such statistical knowledge has often been used in computer vision for
determining optimization criteria to be minimized. We want to go one step further
and use this statistical knowledge to determine good search strategies by defining
a Bayesian ensemble of problem instances. For this ensemble, we can prove certain
curve and boundary detection algorithms, with high probability, achieve expected
time convergence in time linear with the size of the problem. Our analysis helps
determine important characteristics of the problem, which we call order parameters,
which quantify the difficulty of the problem.
The next section (2) of this paper describes the basic statistical assumptions we
make about the domain and describes the mathematical tools used in the remaining
sections. In section (3) we specify our search algorithm and establish converEence
rates. We conclude by placing this work in a larger context and summarizing recent
Statistical Background
Our approach assumes that both the intensity properties and the geometrical shapes
of the target path (i.e. the edge contour) can be determined statistically. This path
can be considered .to be a set of elementary path segments joined together. We first
consider the intensity properties along the edge and then the geometric properties.
The set of all possible paths can be represented by a tree structure, see figure (2).
The image properties at segments lying on the path are assumed to differ, in a
statistical sense, from those off the path. More precisely, we can design a filter ?(.)
with output {Yx = ?(I(x))} for a segment at point x so that:
P(Yx) = Pon(Yx), if "XII lies on the true path
P(Yx) = Poff(Yx), if "X'I lies off the true path.
For example, we can think of the {Yx} as being values of the edge strength at point
x and Pon, Poll being the probability distributions of the response of ?(.) on and
off an edge. The set of possible values of the random variable Yx is the alphabet
with alphabet size M (Le. Yx can take any of M possible values). See (Geman and
Jedynak 1996) for examples of distributions for Pon, Pol I used in computer vision
We now consider the geometry of the target contour. We require the path to be
made up of connected segments Xl, X2, ... , x N. There will be a Markov probability
distribution Pg(Xi+I!Xi) which specifies prior probabilistic knowledge of the target.
Convergence Rates ofAlgorithmsfor Visual Search: Detecting Visual Contours
It is convenient, in terms of the graph search algorithms we will use, to consider that
each point x has a set of Q neighbours. Following terminology from graph theory,
we refer to Q as the branching factor. We will assume that the distribution P g
depends only on the relative positions of XHI and Xi. In other words, Pg(XHllxi) =
PLlg(XHl - Xi). An important special case is when the probability distribution
is uniform for all branches (Le. PLlg(Ax) = U(Ax) = I/Q, VAx). The joint
distribution P(X, Y) of the road geometry X and filter responses Y determines the
Bayesian Ensemble.
By standard Bayesian analysis, the optimal path X* = {xi, ... , XN} maximizes the
sum of the log posterior:
where the sum i is taken over all points on the target. U(Xi+l - Xi) is the uniform
distribution and its presence merely changes the log posterior E(X) by a constant
value. It is included to make the form of the intensity and geometric terms similar,
which simplifies our later analysis.
We will refer to E(X) as the reward of the path X which is the sum of the intensity
rewards log Pon (Y(~jl) and the geometric rewards log PL:>.g (Xi+l -Xi)
Poll (Y(~i?
U(Xi+l -Xi)
It is important to emphasize that our results can be extended to higher-order
Markov chain models (provided they are shift-invariant). We can, for example,
define the x variable to represent spatial orientation and position of a small edge
segment. This will allow our theory to apply to models, such as snakes, used in
recent successful vision applications (Geman and Jedynak 1996). (It is straightforward to transform the standard energy function formulation of snakes into a Markov
chain by discretizing and replacing the derivatives by differences. The smoothness
constraints, such as membranes and thin plate terms, will transform into first and
second order Markov chain connections respectively). Recent work by Zhu (1998)
shows that Markov chain models of this type can be learnt using Minimax Entropy
Learning theory from a representative set of examples. Indeed Zhu goes further by
demonstrating that other Gestalt grouping laws can be expressed in this framework
and learnt from representative data.
Most Bayesian vision theories have stopped at this point. The statistics of the problem domain are used only to determine the optimization criterion to be minimized
and are not exploited to analyze the complexity of algorithms for performing the optimization. In this paper, we go a stage further. We use the statistics ofthe problem
domain to define a Bayesian ensemble and hence to determine the effectiveness of
algorithms for optimizing criteria such as (2). To do this requires the use of Sanov's
theorem for calculating the probability of rare events (Cover and Thomas 1991).
For the road tracking problem this can be re-expressed as the following theorem,
derived in (Yuille and Coughlan 1998):
Theorem 1. The probabilities that the spatially averaged log-likelihoods on, and
off, the true curve are above, or below, threshold T are bounded above as follows:
< T} :s; (n + I)M2-nD(PTlfPon)
> T}:S; (n+ I)M2-nD(PTIIPOI/) ,
{log Pon(y(Xi?) }on
Poff (Y(Xi?)
Pr{.!. t{lOg Pon(Y(Xi?) }off
n i=l
A. L. Yuille and J. M. Coughlan
on the
the subscripts on and off mean that the data is generated by Pon, Po",
= p;;;>'(T) (y)P;;p jZ(T) where a ::; "\(T) ::; 1 is a scalar which depends
threshold T and Z(T) is a normalization factor. The value of "\(T) is deterby the constraint 2: y PT (y) log ;'?In}(~) = T.
In the next section, we will use Theorem 1 to determine a criterion for pruning
the search based on comparing the intensity reward to a threshold T (pruning will
also be done using the geometric reward). The choice of T involves a trade-off. If
T is large (Le. close to D(PonllPoff)) then we will rapidly reject false paths but
we might also prune out the target (true) path. Conversely, if T is small (close
to -D(PoffllPon)) then it is unlikely we will prune out the target path but we
may waste a lot of time exploring false paths. In this paper we choose T large and
write the fall-off factors (Le. the exponents in the bounds of equations (3,4)) as
D(PTllPon) = tl (T), D(PTilPoff) = D(PonilPoff) - t2(T) where tl (T), t2(T) are
positive and (tl(T),t2(T)) t-+ (0,0) as T t-+ D(PonilPoff ). We perform a similar
analysis for the geometric rewards by substituting P6.g , U for Pon , Pol I' We choose
a threshold T satisfying -D(UIIP6.g) < T < D(P6.gllU). The results of Theorem
1 apply with the obvious substitutions. In particular, the alphabet factor becomes
Q (the branching factor). Once again, in this paper, we choose T to be large and
obtain fall-off factors D(Pt'IIP6.g) = El (T), D(Pt'IIU) = D(P6.gllU) - E2(T).
Tree Search: A *, heuristics, and block pruning
We now consider a specific example, motivated by Geman and Jedynak (1996),
of searching for a path through a search tree. In Geman and Jedynak the path
corresponds to a road in an aerial image and they assume that they are given an
initial point and direction on the target path. They have a branching factor Q = 3
and, in their first version, the prior probability of branching is considered to be the
uniform distribution (later they consider more sophisticated priors). They assume
that no path segments overlap which means that the search space is a tree of size
QN where N is the size of the problem (Le. the longest length). The size of the
problem requires an algorithm that converges in O(N) time and they demonstrate
an algorithm which empirically performs at this speed. But no proof of convergence
rates are given in their paper. It can be shown, see (Yuille and Coughlan 1997),
that the Geman and Jedynak algorithm is a close approximation to A * which uses
pruning. (Observe that Geman and Jedynak's tree representation is a simplifying
assumption of the Bayesian model which assumes that once a path diverges from
the true path it can never recover, although we stress that the algorithm is able to
recover from false starts - for more details see Coughlan and Yuille 1998).
We consider an algorithm which uses an admissible A * heuristic and a pruning
mechanism. The idea is to examine the paths chosen by the A * heuristic. As the
length of the candidate path reaches an integer multiple of No we prune it based on
its intensity reward and its geometric reward evaluated on the previous No segments,
which we call a segment block. The reasoning is that few false paths will survive
this pruning for long but the target path will survive with high probability.
We prune on the intensity by eliminating all paths whose intensity reward, averaged
over the last No segments, is below a threshold T (recall that -D(PoffllPon) < T <
D(PonllPoff) and we will usually select T to take values close to D(PonllPoff)).
In addition, we prune on the geometry by eliminating all paths whose geometric
rewards, averaged over the last No segments, are below T (where -D(UIIP6.g) <
T < D(P6.gllU) with T typically being close to D(P6.gllU)). More precisely, we
Convergence Rates ofAlgOrithms for Visual Search : Detecting Visual Contours
discard a path provided (for any integer z
1 (z~o I
~ og
No i=zNo+l
< T,
1 (z+l)No
or No
L log
< T.
There are two important issues to address: (i) With what probability will the
algorithm converge?, (ii) How long will we expect it take to converge? The next
two subsections put bounds on these issues.
Probability of Convergence
Because of the pruning, there is a chance that there will be no paths which survive
pruning. To put a bound on this we calculate the probability that the target
(true) path survives the pruning. This gives a lower bound on the probability of
convergence (because there could be false paths which survive even if the target
path is mistakenly pruned out).
The pruning rules removes path segments for which the intensity reward r I or the
geometric reward r 9 fails the pruning test. The probability of failure by removing
a block segment of the true path, with rewards r~, r~, is Pr(r~ < T or r~ < T) ::;
Pr(r~ < T) + Pr(r~ < T) ::; (No + 1)M2- NoE1 (T) + (No + 1)Q2-NoilCT), where we
have used Theorem 1 to put bounds on the probabilities. The probability of pruning
out any No segments of the true path can therefore be made arbitrarily small by
choosing No, T, T so as to make Notl and NOtl large.
It should be emphasized that the algorithm will not necessarily converge to the
exact target path. The admissible nature of the heuristic means that the algorithm
will converge to the path with highest reward which has survived the pruning. It
is highly probable that this path is close to the target path. Our recent results
(Coughlan and Yuille 1998, Yuille and Coughlan 1998) enable us to quantify this
Bounding the Number of False Paths
Suppose we face a Q-nary tree. We can order the false paths by the stage at which
they diverge from the target (true) path, see figure (2). For example, at the first
branch point the target path lies on only one of the Q branches and there are Q - 1
false branches which generate the first set of false paths Fl' Now consider all the
Q -1 false branches at the second target branch, these generate set F 2 . As we follow
along the true path we keep generating these false sets F i . The set of all paths is
therefore the target path plus the union of the Fi (i = 1, ... , N). To determine
convergence rates we must bound the amount of time we spend searching the Fi. If
the expected time to search each Fi is constant then searching for the target path
will at most take constant? N steps.
Consider the set Fi of false paths which leave the true path at stage i. We will apply
our analysis to block segments of Fi which are completely off the true path. If (i -1)
is an integer multiple of No then all block segments of Fi will satisfy this condition.
Otherwise, we will start our analysis at the next block and make the worse case
assumption that all path segments up till this next block will be searched. Since
the distance to the next block is at most No - 1, this gives a maximum number of
QNo-l starting blocks for any branch of F i . Each Fi also has Q - 1 branches and
so this gives a generous upper bound of (Q - l)Q N o-l starting blocks for each Fi .
A. L. Yuille and J. M. Coughlan
Figure 2: The target path is shown as the heavy line. The false path sets are
labelled as Fl ,F2 , etc. with the numbering depending on how soon they leave the
target path. The branching factor Q = 3.
For each starting block, we wish to compute (or bound) the expected number of
blocks that are explored thereafter. This requires computing the fertility of a block,
the average number of paths in the block that survive pruning. Provided the fertility
is smaller than one, we can then apply results from the theory of branching processes
to determine the expected number of blocks searched in F i .
The fertility q is the number of paths that survive the geometric pruning times the
probability that each survives the intensity pruning. This can be bounded (using
Theorem 1) by q q where:
+ I)Q2-No{D(hgIIU)-?2(T)}(No + I)M2-No{D(PonIIPoff)-E2(T)}
= (No
+ I)Q+M 2- No {D(Pon IIPof! )-H(Pa g)-E2(T)-?2(T)},
where we used the fact that D(PLlgIIU) = 10gQ - H(PLlg).
Observe that the condition q < 1 can be satisfied provided D(PonllPolf )-H(PLlg) >
O. This condition is intuitive, it requires that the edge detector information, quantified by D(PonIIPolf )' must be greater than the uncertainty in the geometry measured by H(PLlg). In other words, the better the edge detector and the more
predictable the path geometry then the smaller q will be.
We now apply the theory of branching processes to determine the expected number
of blocks explored from a starting block in Fi 'L~o qZ = 1/(1 - q). The number
of branches of Fi is (Q - 1), the total number of segments explored per block is at
most QNo , and we explore at most QNo-l segments before reaching the first block.
The total number of Fi is N. Therefore the total number of segments wastefully
explored is at most N(Q - 1) 1~qQ2No-1. We summarize this result in a theorem:
Theorem 2. Provided q = (No + I)Q+M2- N oK < 1, where the order parameter
K = D(PonllPolf) - H(PLlg) - ?2(T) - ?2(T), then the expected number of false
segments explored is at most N(Q - 1) 1~qQ2No-1.
Comment The requirement that q < 1 is chiefly determined by the order parameter
K = D (Pon IlPolf ) - H (PLlg) - ?2 (T) - f2 (T). Our convergence proofrequires that
K > 0 and will break down if K < O. Is this a limitation of our proof? Or does it
correspond to a fundamental difficulty in solving this tracking problem?
In more recent work (Yuille and Coughlan 1998) we extend the concept of order
parameters and show that they characterize the difficulty of visual search problem
independently of the algorithm. In other words, as K 1----7 0 the problem becomes
impossible to solve by any algorithm. There will be too many false paths which
have better rewards than the target path. As K 1----7 0 there is a phase transition in
the ease of solving the problem.
Convergence Rates ofAlgorithmsfor Visual Search: Detecting Visual Contours
Our analysis shows it is possible to detect certain types of image contours in linear
expected time (with given starting points). We have shown how the convergence
rates depend on order parameters which characterize the problem domain. In particular, the entropy of the geometric prior and the Kullback-Leibler distance between Pon and Pof f allow us to quantify intuitions about the power of geometrical
assumptions and edge detectors to solve these tasks.
Our more recent work (Yuille and Coughlan 1998) has extended this work by showing that the order parameters can be used to specify the intrinsic (algorithm independent) difficulty of the search problem and that phase transitions occur when
these order parameters take critical values. In addition, we have proved convergence rates for A * algorithms which use inadmissible heuristics or combinations of
heuristics and pruning (Coughlan and Yuille 1998).
As shown in (Yuille and Coughlan 1997) many of the search algorithms proposed
to solve vision search problems, such as (Geman and Jedynak 1996), are special
cases of A * (or close approximations). We therefore hope that the results of this
paper will throw light on the success of the algorithms and may suggest practical
improvements and speed ups.
Acknow ledgements
We want to acknowledge funding from NSF with award number IRI-9700446, from
the Center for Imaging Sciences funded by ARO DAAH049510494, and from an
ASOSRF contract 49620-98-1-0197 to ALY. We would like to thank L. Xu, D.
Snow, S. Konishi, D. Geiger, J. Malik, and D. Forsyth for helpful discussions.
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[6] A.L. Yuille and J .M~ Coughlan. "Visual Search: Fundamental Bounds, Order
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| 1513 |@word middle:1 version:1 briefly:1 eliminating:2 nd:2 simplifying:1 pg:2 initial:1 substitution:1 subjective:1 comparing:1 must:2 shape:1 remove:1 intelligence:2 smith:2 coughlan:19 detecting:6 mathematical:1 along:2 kettlewell:2 prove:1 combine:1 interscience:1 indeed:1 expected:9 examine:1 becomes:2 provided:5 pof:1 bounded:2 maximizes:1 what:2 q2:2 sanov:1 positive:1 before:1 local:1 limit:1 subscript:1 path:61 yd:1 might:1 plus:1 quantified:1 conversely:1 ease:1 statistically:1 averaged:3 jedynak:8 practical:1 testing:1 union:1 block:19 survived:1 reject:1 convenient:1 ups:1 word:3 road:5 suggest:1 close:7 put:3 context:1 impossible:2 pon:12 center:1 go:3 straightforward:1 starting:5 independently:1 iri:1 attention:1 formulate:1 iiu:1 m2:5 rule:1 konishi:1 searching:3 embedding:1 target:22 pt:4 suppose:1 exact:1 us:2 pa:1 element:1 satisfying:1 recognition:1 geman:8 calculate:1 connected:1 trade:1 highest:1 intuition:1 predictable:1 complexity:1 pol:2 reward:15 depend:1 solving:2 segment:20 yuille:19 f2:2 completely:1 po:1 joint:1 represented:1 alphabet:3 hancock:1 artificial:1 choosing:1 whose:2 heuristic:8 larger:2 spend:1 solve:3 otherwise:1 statistic:2 think:1 transform:2 aro:1 gq:1 rapidly:1 till:1 achieve:1 intuitive:1 convergence:18 requirement:1 diverges:1 satellite:1 generating:1 converges:2 leave:2 object:2 help:1 depending:1 measured:1 throw:1 involves:1 judge:1 quantify:3 differ:1 direction:1 snow:1 filter:2 enable:1 require:2 probable:1 elementary:1 extension:2 pl:1 exploring:1 lying:1 considered:2 claim:1 substituting:1 generous:1 estimation:1 tool:1 survives:2 hope:1 minimization:1 clearly:2 rather:1 reaching:1 og:1 ax:2 derived:1 focus:1 longest:1 improvement:1 likelihood:1 detect:2 summarizing:1 inst:2 inference:1 sense:1 helpful:1 el:1 snake:2 unlikely:1 typically:1 interested:1 issue:2 orientation:1 exponent:1 spatial:1 special:3 field:1 once:2 never:1 placing:1 survive:6 thin:1 minimized:2 t2:3 xhi:1 few:1 neighbour:1 geometry:6 phase:3 detection:5 organization:1 highly:2 light:1 chain:4 edge:9 tree:7 re:1 stopped:1 instance:2 cover:2 formulates:1 rare:2 uniform:3 successful:1 too:1 characterize:2 learnt:2 fundamental:3 probabilistic:1 off:10 contract:1 diverge:1 together:1 again:1 satisfied:1 choose:3 worse:1 derivative:1 waste:1 forsyth:1 satisfy:1 depends:3 later:2 break:1 lot:1 analyze:2 start:2 recover:2 characteristic:3 ensemble:6 correspond:1 ofthe:1 bayesian:10 none:1 submitted:3 detector:3 reach:1 ed:1 failure:1 energy:2 pp:1 james:1 obvious:1 e2:3 proof:2 dataset:2 proved:1 recall:1 knowledge:4 subsection:1 sophisticated:1 ok:1 wesley:1 higher:1 follow:1 specify:2 response:2 formulation:1 done:1 though:2 evaluated:1 stage:3 p6:5 mistakenly:1 replacing:1 defines:1 concept:1 true:12 hence:1 spatially:1 leibler:1 branching:7 criterion:5 plate:1 stress:1 demonstrate:1 performs:1 geometrical:2 reasoning:1 image:7 fi:11 funding:1 empirically:1 jl:1 extend:1 refer:2 llx:1 smoothness:1 funded:1 etc:1 posterior:2 recent:6 optimizing:2 discard:1 verlag:1 certain:2 discretizing:1 arbitrarily:1 success:1 yi:1 exploited:1 greater:1 prune:5 determine:10 converge:4 ii:1 branch:9 multiple:2 desirable:1 long:2 award:1 basic:1 vision:8 represent:1 normalization:1 addition:3 want:2 background:1 nary:1 comment:1 effectiveness:2 call:3 integer:3 presence:1 easy:1 simplifies:1 idea:1 shift:1 motivated:1 york:1 amount:1 clutter:3 generate:2 specifies:1 nsf:1 per:1 patt:1 xii:1 write:1 detectability:1 ledgements:1 vol:1 thereafter:1 terminology:1 demonstrating:1 poll:2 threshold:5 imaging:1 graph:2 merely:1 sum:3 uncertainty:1 geiger:1 bound:10 fl:2 mined:1 strength:1 occur:1 precisely:2 constraint:2 x2:1 speed:2 pruned:1 performing:1 numbering:1 combination:1 aerial:1 membrane:1 describes:2 smaller:2 invariant:1 pr:5 taken:1 equation:1 mechanism:1 addison:1 apply:5 observe:2 thomas:2 assumes:3 remaining:1 yx:8 calculating:1 establish:1 society:1 malik:1 question:1 strategy:1 distance:2 thank:1 length:2 difficult:1 acknow:1 design:1 anal:1 twenty:1 perform:1 upper:1 markov:6 poff:4 acknowledge:1 january:1 defining:1 extended:2 intensity:11 aly:1 required:1 connection:1 pearl:2 trans:1 address:3 able:1 below:3 usually:1 pattern:2 summarize:2 power:1 event:2 overlap:1 difficulty:5 critical:1 zhu:3 minimax:1 vax:1 fertility:3 review:1 geometric:10 prior:4 determining:2 relative:2 law:2 expect:1 lecture:1 limitation:1 heavy:1 last:2 soon:1 allow:2 understand:1 fall:2 face:1 boundary:2 curve:4 xn:1 transition:3 contour:10 qn:1 made:2 san:2 gestalt:2 pruning:18 emphasize:1 kullback:1 keep:1 global:1 active:1 conclude:1 francisco:2 assumed:1 xi:15 search:21 qz:1 jz:1 nature:1 ca:2 necessarily:1 domain:6 bounding:1 noise:2 xu:1 representative:4 intel:1 tl:3 wiley:1 fails:1 position:2 wish:1 xl:1 lie:3 candidate:1 perceptual:1 admissible:4 theorem:9 removing:1 down:1 specific:2 emphasized:1 showing:1 explored:5 grouping:1 intrinsic:1 workshop:1 false:15 entropy:2 explore:1 visual:13 expressed:2 tracking:4 joined:1 scalar:1 springer:1 corresponds:1 determines:2 chance:1 chiefly:1 llxi:1 labelled:1 hard:1 change:1 included:1 specifically:1 determined:2 inadmissible:1 total:3 select:1 searched:2 |
563 | 1,514 | Coding time-varying signals using sparse,
shift-invariant representations
Terrence J. Sejnowski
Michael S. Lewicki*
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Computational Neurobiology Laboratory
The Salk Institute
10010 N. Torrey Pines Rd.
La Jolla, CA 92037
A common way to represent a time series is to divide it into shortduration blocks, each of which is then represented by a set of basis
functions. A limitation of this approach, however, is that the temporal alignment of the basis functions with the underlying structure
in the time series is arbitrary. We present an algorithm for encoding
a time series that does not require blocking the data. The algorithm
finds an efficient representation by inferring the best temporal positions for functions in a kernel basis. These can have arbitrary
temporal extent and are not constrained to be orthogonal. This
allows the model to capture structure in the signal that may occur
at arbitrary temporal positions and preserves the relative temporal
structure of underlying events. The model is shown to be equivalent
to a very sparse and highly over complete basis. Under this model,
the mapping from the data to the representation is nonlinear, but
can be computed efficiently. This form also allows the use of existing methods for adapting the basis itself to data. This approach
is applied to speech data and results in a shift invariant, spike-like
representation that resembles coding in the cochlear nerve.
Time series are often encoded by first dividing the signal into a sequence of blocks.
The data within each block is then fit with a standard basis such as a Fourier or
wavelet. This has a limitation that the components of the bases are arbitrarily
aligned with respect to structure in the time series. Figure 1 shows a short segment
of speech data and the boundaries of the blocks. Although the structure in the signal
is largely periodic, each large oscillation appears in a different position within the
blocks and is sometimes split across blocks. This problem is particularly present
for acoustic events with sharp onset, such as plosives in speech. It also presents
?To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Coding Time-Varying Signals Using Sparse, Shift-Invariant Representations
difficulties for encoding the signal efficiently, because any basis that is adapted to
the underlying structure must represent all possible phases. This can be somewhat
circumvented by techniques such as windowing or averaging sliding blocks, but it
would be more desirable if the representation were shift invariant.
Figure 1: Blocking results in arbitrary phase alignment the underlying structure.
The Model
Our goal is to model a signal by using a small set of kernel functions that can be
placed at arbitrary time points. Ultimately, we want to find the minimal set of
functions and time points that fit the signal within a given noise level. We expect
this type of model to work well for signals composed of events whose onset can occur
at arbitrary temporal positions. Examples of these include, musical instruments
sounds with sharp attack or plosive sounds in speech.
We assume time series x(t) is modeled by
where Ti indicates the temporal position of the ith kernel function, <Pm [i) , which is
scaled by Si. The notation m[i] represents an index function that specifies which of
the M kernel functions is present at time Ti. A single kernel function can occur at
multiple times during the time series. Additive noise at time t is given by E(t).
A more general way to express (1) is to assume that the kernel functions exist
at all time points during the signal, and let the non-zero coefficients determine
the positions of the kernel functions. In this case, the model can be expressed in
convolutional form
L / Sm(T)<Pm(t - T)dT + E(t)
L sm(t) * <Pm(t) + E(t) ,
where Sm(T) is the coefficient at time T for kernel function <Pm.
It is also helpful to express the model in matrix form using a discrete sampling of
the continuous time series:
x = As + E.
M. S. Lewicki and T. J. Sejnowski
The basis matrix, A, is defined by
where C(a) is an N-by-N circulant matrix parameterized by the vector a. This
matrix is constructed by replicating the kernel functions at each sample position
C(a) =
The kernels are zero padded to be of length N . The length of each kernel is typically
much less than the length of the signal, making A very sparse. This can be viewed as
a special case of a Toeplitz matrix. Note that the size of A is M N-by-N, and is thus
an example of an overcomplete basis, i.e. a basis with more basis functions than
dimensions in the data space (Simoncelli et al., 1992; Coifman and Wickerhauser,
1992; Mallat and Zhang, 1993; Lewicki and Sejnowski, 1998) .
A probabilistic formulation
The optimal coefficient values for a signal are found by maximizing the posterior
s = argmaxP(slx,A) = argmaxP(xIA,s)P(s)
where s is the most probable representation of the signal. Note that omission of the
normalizing constant P(xIA) does not change the location of the maximum. This
formulation of the problem offers the advantage that the model can fit more general
types of distributions and naturally "denoises" the signal. Note that the mapping
from x to s is nonlinear with non-zero additive noise and an overcomplete basis
(Chen et al., 1996; Lewicki and Sejnowski, 1998). Optimizing (7) essentially selects
out the subset of basis functions that best account for the data.
To define a probabilistic model, we follow previous conventions for linear generative models with additive noise (Cardoso, 1997; Lewicki and Sejnowski, 1998). We
assume the noise, to, to have a Gaussian distribution which yields a data likelihood
for a given representation of
logP(xIA,s) ex - 2u 2 (x - As)2.
The function P(s) describes the a priori distribution of the coefficients. Under the
assumption that P(s) is sparse (highly -peaked around zero), maximizing (7) results
in very few nonzero coefficients. A compact representation of s is to describe the
values of the non-zero coefficients and their temporal positions
P(s) =
II P(Um,Tm) = II II P(Um,i)P(Tm ,i),
m=l i =l
where the prior for the non-zero coefficient values, Um,i, is assumed to be Laplacian,
and the prior for the temporal positions (or intervals), Tm,i, is assumed to be a
gamma distribution.
Coding Time-Varying Signals Using Sparse, Shift-Invariant Representations
Finding the best encoding
A difficult challenge presented by the proposed model is finding a computationally
tractable method for fitting it to the data. The brute-force approach of generating
the basis matrix A generates an intractable number basis functions for signals of
any reasonable length, so we need to look for ways of making the optimization of
(7) more efficient. The gradient of the log posterior is given by
as 10gP(sIA,x) oc AT(x - As)
+ z(s) ,
where z(s) = (logP(s)),. A basic operation required is v = AT u. We saw that
x = As can be computed efficiently using convolution (2). Because AT is also block
AT = [
C(?'u )
where ?'(1 : N) = ?(N : -1 : 1). Thus, terms involving AT can also be computed
efficiently using convolution
v = AT U = [ ?1 (-~~ ~ u(t)
?M( -t) * u(t)
Obtaining an initial representation
An alternative approach to optimizing (7) is to make use of the fact that if the
kernel functions are short enough in length, direct multiplication is faster than
convolution, and that, for this highly overcomplete basis, most of the coefficients
will be zero after being fit to the data. The central problem in encoding the signal
then is to determine which coefficients are non-zero, ideally finding a description of
the time series with the minimal number of non-zero coefficients. This is equivalent
to determining the best set of temporal positions for each of the kernel functions
A crucial step in this approach is to obtain a good initial estimate of the coefficients.
One way to do this is to consider the projection of the signal onto each of the basis
functions, i.e. AT x. This estimate will be exact (i.e. zero residual error) in the
case of zero noise and A orthogonal. For the non-orthogonal, overcomplete case the
solution will be approximate, but for certain choices of the basis matrix, an exact
representation can still be obtained efficiently (Daubechies, 1990; Simoncelli et aI.,
Figure 2 shows examples of convolving two different kernel functions with data. One
disadvantage with this initial solution is that the coefficient functions s~(t) are not
sparse. For example, even though the signal in figure 2a is composed of only three
instances of the kernel function, the convolution is mostly non-zero.
A simple procedure for obtaining a better initial estimate of the most probable
coefficients is to select the time locations of the maxima (or extrema) in the convolutions. These are positions where the kernel functions capture the greatest amount
of signal structure and where the optimal coefficients are likely to be non-zero. This
generates a large number of positions, but their number can be reduced further by
selecting only those that contribute significantly, i.e. where the average power is
greater than some fraction of the noise level. From these, a basis for the entire signal
is constructed by replicating the kernel functions at the appropriate time positions.
M. S. Lewicki and T J Sejnowski
Figure 2: Convolution using the fast Fourier transform is an efficient way to select an
initial solution for the temporal positions of the kernel functions. (a) The convolution of
a sawtooth-shaped kernel function, ?J(t), with a sawtooth waveform, x(t). (b) A single
period sine-wave kernel function convolved with a speech segment.
Once an initial estimate and basis are formed, the most probable coefficient values are estimated using a modified conjugate gradient procedure. The size of the
generated basis does not pose a problem for optimization, because it is has very
few non-zero elements (the number of which is roughly constant per unit time).
This arises because each column is non-zero only around the position of the kernel
function, which is typically much shorter in duration than the data waveform. This
structure affords the use of sparse matrix routines for all the key computations in
the conjugate gradient routine. After the initial fit, there typically are a large number of basis functions that give a very small contribution. These can be pruned
to yield, after refitting, a more probable representation that has significantly fewer
Properties of the representation
Figure 3 shows the results of fitting a segment of speech with a sine wave kernel.
The 64 kernel functions were constructed using a single period of a sine function
whose log frequencies were evenly distributed between 0 and Nyquist (4 kHz), which
yielded kernel functions that were minimally correlated (they are not orthogonal
because each has only one cycle and is zero elsewhere). The kernel function lengths
varied between 2 and 64 samples. The plots show the positions of the non-zero
coefficients superimposed on the waveform. The residual errors curves from the
fitted waveforms are shown offset, below each waveform. The right axes indicate
the kernel function number which increase with frequency. The dots show the
starting position of the kernels with non-zero coefficients, with the dot size scaled
according to the mean power contribution. This plot is essentially a time/frequency
analysis, similar to a wavelet decomposition, but on a finer temporal scale.
Figure 3a shows that the structure in the coefficients repeats for each oscillation in
the waveform. Adding a delay leaves the relative temporal structure of the nonzero coefficients mostly unchanged (figure 3b). The small variations between the
two sets of coefficients are due to variations in the fitting of the small-magnitude
coefficients. Representing the signal in figure 3b with a standard complete basis
would result in a very different representation.
Coding Time- Varying Signals Using Sparse, Shift-Invariant Representations
.. .
.: .
: ?
e? ? ?
~. 1
~. 1
Figure 3: Fitting a shift-invariant model to a segment of speech, x(t). Dots indicate
positions of kernels (right axis) with size scaled by the mean power contribution. Fitting
error is plotted below speech signal.
M S. Lewicki and T. J. Sejnowski
The model presented here can be viewed as an extension of the shiftable transforms
of Simoncelli et al. (1992). One difference is that here no constraints are placed on
the kernel functions. Furthermore, this model accounts for additive noise, which
yields automatic signal denoising and provides sensible criteria for selecting significant coefficients. An important unresolved issue is how well the algorithm works
for increasingly non-orthogonal kernels.
One interesting property of this representation is that it results in a spike-like representation . In the resulting set of non-zero coefficients, not only is their value important for representing the signal, but also their relative temporal position, which
indicate when an underlying event has occurred. This shares many properties with
cochlear models. The model described here also has capacity to have an over complete representation at any given timepoint, e.g. a kernel basis with an arbitrarily
large number of frequencies. These properties make this model potentially useful
for binaural signal processing applications.
The effectiveness of this method for efficient coding remains to be proved. A trivial
example of a shift-invariant basis is a delta-function model. For a model to encode
information efficiently, the representation should be non-redundant. Each basis
function should "grab" as much structure in the data as possible and achieve the
same level of coding efficiency for arbitrary shifts of the data. The matrix form
of the model (4) suggests that it is possible to achieve this optimum by adapting
the kernel functions themselves using the methods of Lewicki and Sejnowski (1998).
Initial results suggest that this approach is promising. Beyond this, it is evident that
modeling the higher-order structure in the coefficients themselves will be necessary
both to achieve an efficient representation and to capture structure that is relevant
to such tasks as speech recognition or auditory stream segmentation. These results
are a step toward these goals.
Acknowledgments. We thank Tony Bell, Bruno Olshausen, and David Donoho
for helpful discussions.
Cardoso, J.-F. (1997). Infomax and maximum likelihood for blind source separation.
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 4:109- 11 I.
Chen, S., Donoho, D. L., and Saunders, M. A. (1996). Atomic decomposition by
basis pursuit. Technical report, Dept. Stat., Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA.
Coifman, R. R. and Wickerhauser, M. V. (1992). Entropy-based algorithms for best
basis selection. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 38(2) :713- 718.
Daubechies, I. (1990). The wavelet transform, time-frequency localization, and
signal analysis. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 36(5):961- 1004.
Lewicki, M. S. and Sejnowski, T. J. (1998). Learning overcomplete representations.
Neural Computation. submitted.
Mallat, S. G. and Zhang, Z. F. (1993). Matching pursuits with time-frequency
dictionaries. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 41(12):3397-3415.
Simoncelli, E. P., Freeman, W. T., Adelson, E. H., and J ., H. D. (1992). Shiftable
multiscale transforms. IEEE Trans . Info . Theory, 38:587- 607.
| 1514 |@word decomposition:2 initial:8 series:9 selecting:2 existing:1 si:1 must:1 additive:4 plot:2 generative:1 fewer:1 leaf:1 ith:1 short:2 provides:1 contribute:1 location:2 attack:1 zhang:2 constructed:3 direct:1 fitting:5 coifman:2 roughly:1 themselves:2 freeman:1 underlying:5 notation:1 finding:3 extremum:1 temporal:14 ti:2 um:3 scaled:3 brute:1 unit:1 medical:1 encoding:4 minimally:1 resembles:1 suggests:1 slx:1 acknowledgment:1 atomic:1 hughes:1 block:8 procedure:2 bell:1 adapting:2 significantly:2 projection:1 matching:1 suggest:1 onto:1 selection:1 equivalent:2 maximizing:2 starting:1 duration:1 variation:2 mallat:2 exact:2 element:1 recognition:1 particularly:1 blocking:2 capture:3 cycle:1 ideally:1 ultimately:1 segment:4 localization:1 efficiency:1 basis:28 binaural:1 represented:1 univ:1 fast:1 describe:1 sejnowski:9 saunders:1 whose:2 encoded:1 stanford:2 toeplitz:1 torrey:1 gp:1 itself:1 transform:2 sequence:1 advantage:1 unresolved:1 aligned:1 relevant:1 achieve:3 description:1 optimum:1 argmaxp:2 generating:1 stat:1 pose:1 ex:1 dividing:1 indicate:3 convention:1 waveform:6 require:1 ao:2 timepoint:1 probable:4 extension:1 around:2 mapping:2 pine:1 dictionary:1 a2:2 saw:1 gaussian:1 modified:1 varying:4 encode:1 ax:1 indicates:1 likelihood:2 superimposed:1 helpful:2 typically:3 entire:1 selects:1 issue:1 priori:1 constrained:1 special:1 once:1 shaped:1 sampling:1 represents:1 look:1 adelson:1 peaked:1 report:1 few:2 composed:2 preserve:1 gamma:1 phase:2 highly:3 alignment:2 necessary:1 shorter:1 orthogonal:5 divide:1 plotted:1 overcomplete:5 minimal:2 fitted:1 instance:1 column:1 modeling:1 disadvantage:1 logp:2 subset:1 shiftable:2 delay:1 periodic:1 refitting:1 probabilistic:2 terrence:1 infomax:1 michael:1 daubechies:2 central:1 convolving:1 denoises:1 account:2 coding:7 coefficient:25 onset:2 stream:1 blind:1 sine:3 wave:2 contribution:3 formed:1 convolutional:1 musical:1 largely:1 efficiently:6 yield:3 finer:1 submitted:1 c7:1 frequency:6 naturally:1 auditory:1 proved:1 segmentation:1 routine:2 nerve:1 appears:1 higher:1 dt:1 follow:1 formulation:2 though:1 furthermore:1 nonlinear:2 multiscale:1 olshausen:1 laboratory:1 nonzero:2 during:2 oc:1 criterion:1 evident:1 complete:3 common:1 khz:1 occurred:1 significant:1 ai:1 rd:1 automatic:1 pm:4 bruno:1 replicating:2 dot:3 base:1 posterior:2 optimizing:2 jolla:1 certain:1 arbitrarily:2 greater:1 somewhat:1 determine:2 period:2 redundant:1 signal:30 ii:3 sliding:1 windowing:1 desirable:1 sound:2 multiple:1 simoncelli:4 technical:1 faster:1 offer:1 laplacian:1 involving:1 basic:1 essentially:2 represent:2 kernel:32 sometimes:1 want:1 addressed:1 interval:1 source:1 crucial:1 effectiveness:1 split:1 enough:1 fit:5 tm:3 shift:9 nyquist:1 speech:9 useful:1 cardoso:2 amount:1 transforms:2 reduced:1 specifies:1 exist:1 affords:1 estimated:1 delta:1 per:1 discrete:1 express:2 key:1 v1:1 grab:1 padded:1 wickerhauser:2 fraction:1 parameterized:1 letter:1 reasonable:1 separation:1 oscillation:2 correspondence:1 yielded:1 adapted:1 occur:3 constraint:1 generates:2 fourier:2 pruned:1 circumvented:1 according:1 conjugate:2 across:1 describes:1 increasingly:1 making:2 invariant:8 computationally:1 remains:1 tractable:1 instrument:1 pursuit:2 operation:1 appropriate:1 alternative:1 convolved:1 include:1 tony:1 unchanged:1 spike:2 gradient:3 thank:1 capacity:1 sensible:1 evenly:1 cochlear:2 whom:1 extent:1 trivial:1 toward:1 length:6 sia:1 modeled:1 index:1 difficult:1 mostly:2 potentially:1 info:1 convolution:7 sm:3 howard:1 neurobiology:1 varied:1 arbitrary:7 sharp:2 omission:1 david:1 required:1 acoustic:1 trans:1 beyond:1 below:2 challenge:1 greatest:1 event:4 power:3 difficulty:1 force:1 residual:2 representing:2 axis:1 prior:2 multiplication:1 determining:1 relative:3 sawtooth:2 expect:1 interesting:1 limitation:2 share:1 elsewhere:1 placed:2 repeat:1 institute:2 circulant:2 sparse:9 distributed:1 boundary:1 dimension:1 xia:3 curve:1 transaction:3 approximate:1 compact:1 assumed:2 continuous:1 promising:1 ca:2 obtaining:2 plosive:2 noise:8 salk:1 inferring:1 position:19 wavelet:3 offset:1 a3:1 normalizing:1 intractable:1 adding:1 magnitude:1 chen:2 entropy:1 likely:1 expressed:1 lewicki:9 goal:2 viewed:2 donoho:2 change:1 averaging:1 denoising:1 la:1 select:2 arises:1 dept:1 correlated:1 |
564 | 1,515 | Almost Linear VC Dimension Bounds for
Piecewise Polynomial Networks
Peter L. Bartlett
Department of System Engineering
Australian National University
Canberra, ACT 0200
[email protected]
Vitaly Maiorov
Department of Mathematics
Technion, Haifa 32000
Ron Meir
Department of Electrical Engineering
Technion, Haifa 32000
[email protected]
We compute upper and lower bounds on the VC dimension of
feedforward networks of units with piecewise polynomial activation functions. We show that if the number of layers is fixed, then
the VC dimension grows as W log W, where W is the number of
parameters in the network. This result stands in opposition to the
case where the number of layers is unbounded, in which case the
VC dimension grows as W 2 ?
The VC dimension is an important measure of the complexity of a class of binaryvalued functions, since it characterizes the amount of data required for learning in
the PAC setting (see [BEHW89, Vap82]). In this paper, we establish upper and
lower bounds on the VC dimension of a specific class of multi-layered feedforward
neural networks. Let F be the class of binary-valued functions computed by a
feed forward neural network with W weights and k computational (non-input) units,
each with a piecewise polynomial activation function. Goldberg and Jerrum [GJ95]
Cl(W 2 + Wk) = O(W2), where Cl is a constant.
have shown that VCdim(F)
Moreover, Koiran and Sontag [KS97] have demonstrated such a network that has
VCdim(F) ~ C2 W 2 = O(W2), which would lead one to conclude that the bounds
Almost Linear VC Dimension Bounds for Piecewise Polynomial Networks
are in fact tight up to a constant. However, the proof used in [KS97] to establish
the lower bound made use of the fact that the number of layers can grow with W.
In practical applications, this number is often a small constant. Thus, the question
remains as to whether it is possible to obtain a better bound in the realistic scenario
where the number of layers is fixed.
The contribution of this work is the proof of upper and lower bounds on the VC
dimension of piecewise polynomial nets. The upper bound behaves as O(W L2 +
W L log W L), where L is the number of layers. If L is fixed, this is O(W log W),
which is superior to the previous best result which behaves as O(W2). Moreover,
using ideas from [KS97] and [GJ95] we are able to derive a lower bound on the VC
dimension which is O(WL) for L = O(W). Maass [Maa94] shows that three-layer
networks with threshold activation functions and binary inputs have VC dimension
O(W log W), and Sakurai [Sak93] shows that this is also true for two-layer networks
with threshold activation functions and real inputs. It is easy to show that these
results imply similar lower bounds if the threshold activation function is replaced by
any piecewise polynomial activation function f that has bounded and distinct limits
limx-t - oo f(x) and limx-too f(x). We thus conclude that if the number oflayers L is
fixed, the VC dimension of piecewise polynomial networks with L ~ 2 layers and real
inputs, and of piecewise polynomial networks with L ~ 3 layers and binary inputs,
grows as W log W. We note that for the piecewise polynomial networks considered
in this work, it is easy to show that the VC dimension and pseudo-dimension are
closely related (see e.g. [Vid96]), so that similar bounds (with different constants)
hold for the pseudo-dimension. Independently, Sakurai has obtained similar upper
bounds and improved lower bounds on the VC dimension of piecewise polynomial
networks (see [Sak99]).
We begin the technical discussion with precise definitions of the VC-dimension and
the class of networks considered in this work.
Definition 1 Let X be a set, and A a system of subsets of X. A set S =
{ Xl, . .. ,xn} is shattered by A if, for every subset B ~ S, there exists a set A E A
such that SnA = B. The VC-dimension of A, denoted by VCdim(A), is the largest
integer n such that there exists a set of cardinality n that is shattered by A.
Intuitively, the VC dimension measures the size, n, of the largest set of points for
which all possible 2n labelings may be achieved by sets A E A. It is often convenient
to talk about the VC dimension of classes of indicator functions F. In this case we
simply identify the sets of points X E X for which f(x) = 1 with the subsets of A,
and use the notation VCdim(F).
A feedforward multi-layer network is a directed acyclic graph that represents a
parametrized real-valued function of d real inputs. Each node is called either an
input unit or a computation unit. The computation units are arranged in L layers.
Edges are allowed from input units to computation units. There can also be an
edge from a computation unit to another computation unit, but only if the first
unit is in a lower layer than the second. There is a single unit in the final layer,
called the output unit. Each input unit has an associated real value, which is One
of the components of the input vector x E Rd. Each computation unit has an
associated real value, called the unit's output value. Each edge has an associated
real parameter, as does each computation unit. The output of a computation unit
is given by (7 CEe weze + wo), where the sum ranges over the set of edges leading to
P L. Bartlett, V. Maiorov and R. Meir
the unit, We is the parameter (weight) associated with edge e, Ze is the output value
of the unit from which edge e emerges, Wo is the parameter (bias) associated with
the unit, and a : R -t R is called the activation function of the unit. The argument
of a is called the net input of the unit. We suppose that in each unit except the
output unit, the activation function is a fixed piecewise polynomial function of the
for i = 1, ... ,p+ 1 (and set to = -00 and tp+1 = 00), where each cPi is a polynomial
of degree no more than l. We say that a has p break-points, and degree l. The
activation function in the output unit is the identity function. Let k i denote the
number of computational units in layer i and suppose there is a total of W parameters (weights and biases) and k computational units (k = k1 + k2 + ... + k L - 1 + 1).
For input x and parameter vector a E A = R w, let f(x, a) denote the output of
this network, and let F = {x f-t f(x,a) : a E RW} denote the class of functions
computed by such an architecture, as we vary the W parameters. We first discuss the computation of the VC dimension, and thus consider the class of functions
sgn(F) = {x f-t sgn(f(x, a)) : a E RW}.
Before giving the main theorem of this section, we present the following result,
which is a slight improvement of a result due to Warren (see [ABar], Chapter 8).
Lemma 2.1 Suppose II (.), h (.), .. , ,fm (-) are fixed polynomials of degree at
most 1 in n ~ m variables.
Then the number of distinct sign vectors
{sgn(Jl (a)), ... ,sgn(Jm (a))} that can be generated by varying a ERn is at most
We then have our main result:
Theorem 2.1 For any positive integers W, k ~ W, L ~ W, l, and p, consider a
network with real inputs, up to W parameters, up to k computational units arranged
in L layers, a single output unit with the identity activation function, and all other
computation units with piecewise polynomial activation functions of degree 1 and
with p break-points. Let F be the class of real-valued functions computed by this
network. Then
VCdim(sgn(F)) ~ 2WLlog(2eWLpk)
+ 2WL2log(1 + 1) + 2L.
Since Land k are O(W), for fixed 1 and p this implies that
VCdim(sgn(F)) = O(WLlogW
+ WL2).
Before presenting the proof, we outline the main idea in the construction. For
any fixed input x, the output of the network f(x, a) corresponds to a piecewise
polynomial function in the parameters a, of degree no larger than (l + I)L-1 (recall
that the last layer is linear). Thus, the parameter domain A = R W can be split
into regions, in each of which the function f(x,?) is polynomial. From Lemma 2.1,
it is possible to obtain an upper bound on the number of sign assignments that can
be attained by varying the parameters of a set of polynomials. The theorem will be
established by combining this bound with a bound on the number of regions.
2.1 For an arbitrary choice of m points Xl, X2, ..? ,xm , we
wish to bound
= I{(sgn(f(Xl ,a)), . ..
,sgn(J(xm, a))) : a E A }I.
Almost Linear VC Dimension Bounds for Piecewise Polynomial Networks
Fix these m points, and consider a partition {SI, S2, ... , S N} of the parameter
domain A. Clearly
K ~
L I{(sgn(J(xl , a?, ... , sgn(J(xm, a?) : a ESdi?
We choose the partition so that within each region Si, f (Xl, .), ... ,f (x m, .) are all
fixed polynomials of degree no more than (1 + I)L-1. Then, by Lemma 2.1, each
term in the sum above is no more than
(2em(1;' I)L - l) W
The only remaining point is to construct the partition and determine an upper
bound on its size. The partition is constructed recursively, using the following
procedure. Let 51 be a partition of A such that, for all S E 51, there are constants
bh,i,j E {0,1} for which
for all a E S,
where j E {I, ... ,m}, h E {I, ... ,kd and i E {1, ... ,pl. Here ti are the breakpoints of the piecewise polynomial activation functions, and Ph,x) is the affine function describing the net input to the h-th unit in the first layer, in response to X j.
That is,
where ah E R d, ah,O E R are the weights of the h-th unit in the first layer. Note
that the partition 51 is determined solely by the parameters corresponding to the
first hidden layer, as the input to this layer is unaffected by the other parameters.
Clearly, for a E S, the output of any first layer unit in response to an Xj is a fixed
polynomial in a.
Now, let WI, ... , W L be the number of variables used in computing the unit outputs
up to layer 1, ... , L respectively (so W L = W), and let k l , . .. , kL be the number of
computation units in layer 1, ... , L respectively (recall that kL = 1). Then we can
choose 51 so that 151 1is no more than the number of sign assignments possible with
mk l P affine functions in WI variables. Lemma 2.1 shows that
151 ~ 2 (2e~~IP) WI
Now, we define 5 n (for n > 1) as follows. Assume that for all S in 5 n - 1 and all
Xj, the net input of every unit in layer n in response to Xj is a fixed polynomial
function of a E S, of degree no more than (1 + l)n-1 . Let 5 n be a partition of A
that is a refinement of 5 n- 1 (that is, for all S E 5 n , there is an S' E 5 n- 1 with
S ~ S'), such that for all S E 5 n there are constants bh,i,j E {O, I} such that
sgn(Ph,x) (a)
- ti ) =
for all a E S,
where Ph ,x) is the polynomial function describing the net input of the h-th unit in
the n-th layer, in response to Xj, when a E S. Since S ~ S' for some S' E 5 n- 1 , (2)
implies that the output of each n-th layer unit in response to an X j is a fixed
polynomial in a of degree no more than l (l + 1) n-l, for all a E S.
Finally, we can choose 5 n such that, for all S' E 5 n- 1 we have I{S E 5 n : S ~
S'}I is no more than the number of sign assignments of mknP polynomials in Wn
variables of degree no more than (l + 1)n- l, and by Lemma 2.1 this is no more than
2 (2emkn~n+lr-I ) Wn
Notice also that the net input of every unit in layer n + 1 in
P. L. Bartlett, V Maiorov and R. Meir
response to
(l + l)n.
is a fixed polynomial function of a ESE Sn of degree no more than
Proceeding in this way we get a partition SL-l of A such that for S E SL-l the
network output in response to any Xj is a fixed polynomial of a E S of degree no
more than l(l + 1)L-2. Furthermore,
< 2
TI eemk'p~,+ 1)'-')
TI 2CemkiP~,+ 1)'-')
Multiplying by the bound (1) gives the result
2 (2emkip(l .+ l)i-l) W.
Since the points Xl, ... ,X m were chosen arbitrarily, this .gives a bound on the maximal number of dichotomies induced by a E A on m points. An upper bound on
the VC-dimension is then obtained by computing the largest value of m for which
this number is at least 2 m , yielding
< L+
w, log Cempk'~,+ 1)i-1 )
< L [1 + (L - l)W log(l + 1) + W log(2empk)] ,
where all logarithms are to the base 2. We conclude (see for example [Vid96] Lemma
4.4) that
VCdim(F) ~ 2L [(L -l)W log(l
+ 1) + W
log (2eWLpk)
+ 1].
We briefly mention the application of this result to the problem of learning a regression function E[YIX = x], from n input/output pairs {(Xi, Yi)}i=l' drawn
independently at random from an unknown distribution P(X, Y). In the case of
quadratic loss, L(f) = E(Y - f(X))2, one can show that there exist constants Cl ;::: 1
and C2 such that
EL(f~n ) <
? f L- (f)
+ Cl JET
+ C2 MPdim(F)
where 8 2 = E [Y - E[YIX]]2 is the noise variance, i(f) = E [(E[YIX] - f(X))2] is
the approximation error of f, and
is a function from the class F that approximately minimizes the sample average of the quadratic loss. Making use of recently
derived bounds [MM97] on the approximation error, inf JET i(f), which are equal,
up to logarithmic factors, to those obtained for networks of units with the standard sigmoidal function u{u) = (1 + e-u)-l , and combining with the considerably
lower pseudo-dimension bounds for piecewise polynomial networks, we obtain much
better error rates than are currently available for sigmoid networks.
We now compute a lower bound on the VC dimension of neural networks with
continuous activation functions. This result generalizes the lower bound in [KS97],
since it holds for any number of layers.
Almost Linear VC Dimension Bounds for Piecewise Polynomial Networks
Theorem 3.1 Suppose f : R -+ R has the following properties:
1. limo-too f(a)
= 1 and limo-t-oo f(a) = 0,
2. f is differentiable at some point
with derivative f'(xo)
Then for any L ~ 1 and W ~ 10L - 14, there is a feedforward network with the
following properties: The network has L layers and W parameters, the output unit
is a linear unit, all other computation units have activation function f, and the set
sgn(F) of functions computed by the network has
l l
~ ~ J ~ J'
where l u J is the largest integer less than or equal to u.
As in [KS97], the proof follows that of Theorem 2.5 in [GJ95], but we
show how the functions described in [GJ95] can be computed by a network, and
keep track of the number of parameters and layers required. We first prove the
lower bound for a network containing linear threshold units and linear units (with
the identity activation function), and then show that all except the output unit
can be replaced by units with activation function f, and the resulting network still
shatters the same set. For further details of the proof, see the full paper [BMM98].
Fix positive integers M, N E N. We now construct a set of M N points, which
may be shattered by a network with O(N) weights and O(M) layers. Let {ad,
i = 1,2, ... ,N denote a set of N parameters, where each ai E [0,1) has an M -bit
binary representation ai = E~l 2-jai,j, ai,j E {O, I}, i.e. the M-bit base two
representation of ai is ai = O.ai,l ai,2 ... ai,M. We will consider inputs in B N X B M,
where BN = {ei : 1 ~ i ~ N}, ei E {O, I}N has i-th bit 1 and all other bits 0, and
BM is defined similarly. We show how to extract the bits of the ai, so that for
input x = (el' ern) the network outputs al,rn. Since there are N M inputs of the
form (el,e rn ), and al,rn can take on all possible 2MN values, the result will follow.
There are three stages to the computation of al,rn: (1) computing ai, (2) extracting
al,k from ai, for every k, and (3) selecting al,rn among the al,ks.
Suppose the network input is x = ((Ul,'" ,UN),(Vt, ... ,VM? = (el,e rn ). Using
one linear unit we can compute E~l Uiai = al. This involves N + 1 parameters
and one computation unit in one layer. In fact, we only need N parameters, but we
need the extra parameter when we show that this linear unit can be replaced by a
unit with activation function f.
Consider the parameter Ck = O.al,k ... al,M, that is, Ck = E~k 2k-1-jal,j for k =
1, ... ,M. Since Ck ~ 1/2 iff al,k = 1, clearly sgn(ck - 1/2) = al,k for all k. Also,
Cl = al and Ck = 2Ck-l - al ,k-l' Thus, consider the recursion
= 2Ck-l
- al,k-l
= sgn(ck - 1/2)'
with initial conditions CI = al and au = sgn(al - 1/2). Clearly, we can compute
al,l, ... ,al,M-l and C2,' .. ,CM-l in another 2(M - 2) + 1 layers, using 5(M - 2) + 2
parameters in 2(M - 2) + 1 computational units.
We could compute al,M in the same way, but the following approach gives fewer
layers. Set b = sgn (2C M - 1 - al,M - l then the input vector (VI, ... ,VM)
b = sgn(cM) = sgn(O.al,M) = al,M.
E~~I Vi)'
= eM,
If m
=1= M
then b = O. If m
and thus E~~lvi
= 0,
implying that
P L. Bartlett, V. Maiorov and R. Meir
In order to conclude the proof, we need to show how the variables al,m may be
recovered, depending on the inputs (VI, V2, ... ,VM). We then have al,m = b V
V';~I(al,i/\vi). Since for boolean x and y, x/\y = sgn(x+y-3/2), and V';I Xi =
sgn(2:,;1 Xi - 1/2), we see that the computation of al,m involves an additional 5M
parameters in M + 1 computational units, and adds another 2 layers.
In total, there are 2M layers and 10M + N -7 parameters, and the network shatters
a set of size N M. Clearly, we can add parameters and layers without affecting
the function of the network. So for any L, WEN, we can set M = lL/2J and
N = W + 7 - 10M, which is at least lW/2J provided W :2: 10L - 14. In that case,
the VC-dimension is at least l L /2 J l W /2 J .
The network just constructed uses linear threshold units and linear units. However,
it is easy to show (see [KS97], Theorem 5) that each unit except the output unit can
be replaced by a unit with activation function f so that the network still shatters the
set of size M N. For linear units, the input and output weights are scaled so that the
linear function can be approximated to sufficient accuracy by f in the neighborhood
of the point Xo. For linear threshold units, the input weights are scaled so that the
behavior of f at infinity accurately approximates a linear threshold function.
M. Anthony and P. L. Bartlett. Neural Network Learning: Theoretical
Foundations. Cambridge University Press, 1999 (to appear).
[BEHW89] A. Blumer, A. Ehrenfeucht, D. Haussler, and M. K. Warmuth. Learnability and the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension. J. ACM, 36(4):929965, 1989.
[BMM98] P. L. Bartlett, V. Maiorov, and R. Meir. Almost linear VC-dimension
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P.W. Goldberg and M.R. Jerrum. Bounding the VC Dimension of
Concept Classes Parameterized by Real Numbers. Machine Learning,
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P. Koiran and E.D. Sontag. Neural Networks with Quadratic VC Di[KS97] .
mension. Journal of Computer and System Science, 54:190- 198, 1997.
W. Maass. Neural nets with superlinear VC-dimension. Neural Computation, 6(5):877- 884, 1994.
V. Maiorov and R. Meir.
On the Near Optimality of the
Stochastic Approximation of Smooth Functions by Neural Networks.
Submitted for publication, 1997.
A. Sakurai. Tighter bounds on the VC-dimension of three-layer networks. In World Congress on Neural Networks, volume 3, pages 540543, Hillsdale, NJ, 1993. Erlbaum.
A. Sakurai. Tight bounds for the VC-dimension of piecewise polynomial networks. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems,
volume 11. MIT Press, 1999.
V. N. Vapnik. Estimation of Dependences Based on Empirical Data.
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1982.
M Vidyasagar. A Theory of Learning and Generalization. Springer
Verlag, New York, 1996.
| 1515 |@word behw89:2 briefly:1 polynomial:31 bn:1 mention:1 recursively:1 initial:1 selecting:1 chervonenkis:1 recovered:1 activation:18 si:2 realistic:1 partition:8 implying:1 fewer:1 warmuth:1 lr:1 node:1 ron:1 sigmoidal:1 unbounded:1 c2:4 constructed:2 prove:1 behavior:1 multi:2 jm:1 cardinality:1 begin:1 provided:1 moreover:2 bounded:1 notation:1 israel:2 cm:2 minimizes:1 nj:1 pseudo:3 every:4 act:1 ti:4 k2:1 scaled:2 unit:60 appear:1 before:2 positive:2 engineering:2 congress:1 limit:1 solely:1 approximately:1 au:2 k:1 range:1 directed:1 practical:1 eml:1 procedure:1 empirical:1 binaryvalued:1 convenient:1 get:1 superlinear:1 layered:1 bh:3 demonstrated:1 independently:2 haussler:1 construction:1 suppose:5 goldberg:2 us:1 ze:1 approximated:1 electrical:1 region:3 complexity:1 tight:2 chapter:1 talk:1 distinct:2 dichotomy:1 neighborhood:1 limo:2 larger:1 valued:3 say:1 jerrum:2 maiorov:6 final:1 ip:1 differentiable:1 net:7 oflayers:1 maximal:1 combining:2 iff:1 sna:1 derive:1 oo:2 ac:1 depending:1 involves:2 implies:2 australian:1 closely:1 stochastic:1 vc:29 australia:1 sgn:21 hillsdale:1 vcdim:8 fix:2 generalization:1 tighter:1 pl:1 hold:2 considered:2 koiran:2 vary:1 estimation:1 currently:1 largest:4 wl:1 mit:1 clearly:5 yix:3 ck:9 varying:2 publication:1 derived:1 improvement:1 el:4 shattered:3 hidden:1 labelings:1 among:1 denoted:1 logn:1 equal:2 construct:2 represents:1 dumbo:1 piecewise:19 wen:1 national:1 replaced:4 limx:2 yielding:1 edge:6 wl2:1 logarithm:1 haifa:2 theoretical:1 mk:1 boolean:1 tp:1 sakurai:4 assignment:3 subset:3 technion:3 erlbaum:1 too:2 learnability:1 considerably:1 vm:3 containing:1 choose:3 derivative:1 leading:1 wk:1 ad:1 vi:4 break:2 characterizes:1 contribution:1 il:1 accuracy:1 variance:1 identify:1 accurately:1 multiplying:1 unaffected:1 ah:2 submitted:1 definition:2 proof:8 associated:5 di:1 cee:1 recall:2 emerges:1 feed:1 attained:1 follow:1 response:7 improved:1 arranged:2 furthermore:1 just:1 stage:1 ei:2 grows:3 concept:1 true:1 maass:2 ehrenfeucht:1 ll:1 presenting:1 outline:1 recently:1 superior:1 sigmoid:1 behaves:2 volume:2 jl:1 slight:1 approximates:1 cambridge:1 ai:11 rd:1 mathematics:1 similarly:1 base:2 add:2 inf:1 scenario:1 verlag:2 binary:4 arbitrarily:1 vt:1 yi:1 additional:1 determine:1 ii:1 full:1 smooth:1 technical:1 jet:2 regression:1 achieved:1 affecting:1 grow:1 w2:3 extra:1 induced:1 vitaly:1 integer:4 extracting:1 near:1 feedforward:4 split:1 easy:3 wn:2 xj:6 architecture:1 fm:1 idea:2 whether:1 ese:1 bartlett:7 ul:1 wo:2 peter:2 sontag:2 jal:1 york:2 amount:1 ph:3 rw:2 meir:6 sl:2 exist:1 notice:1 sign:4 rmeir:1 track:1 threshold:7 drawn:1 shatters:3 ce:1 graph:1 sum:2 parameterized:1 almost:5 bit:5 bound:34 layer:38 opposition:1 breakpoints:1 quadratic:3 infinity:1 x2:1 argument:1 optimality:1 ern:2 department:3 kd:1 em:2 wi:3 making:1 intuitively:1 xo:3 remains:1 discus:1 describing:2 available:1 generalizes:1 v2:1 remaining:1 giving:1 k1:1 establish:2 question:1 dependence:1 parametrized:1 unknown:1 upper:9 precise:1 rn:6 arbitrary:1 pair:1 required:2 kl:2 vap82:2 established:1 able:1 xm:3 vidyasagar:1 indicator:1 recursion:1 mn:1 imply:1 extract:1 sn:1 jai:1 l2:1 loss:2 acyclic:1 foundation:1 degree:11 affine:2 sufficient:1 jsl:1 land:1 last:1 bias:2 warren:1 dimension:32 xn:1 stand:1 world:1 forward:1 made:1 refinement:1 bm:1 keep:1 conclude:4 xi:3 continuous:1 un:1 cl:5 anthony:1 domain:2 lvi:1 main:3 motivation:1 s2:1 noise:1 bounding:1 allowed:1 cpi:1 canberra:1 wish:1 xl:6 lw:1 theorem:7 specific:1 pac:1 exists:2 vapnik:2 ci:1 anu:1 logarithmic:1 simply:1 springer:2 corresponds:1 acm:1 identity:3 blumer:1 determined:1 except:3 wt:1 lemma:6 called:5 total:2 |
565 | 1,516 | Probabilistic Image Sensor Fusion
Ravi K. Sharma1 , Todd K. Leen 2 and Misha Pavel 1
1 Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology
P.O. Box 91000 , Portland , OR 97291-1000
Email: {ravi,pavel} @ece.ogi.edu, tleen@cse .ogi.edu
We present a probabilistic method for fusion of images produced
by multiple sensors . The approach is based on an image formation
model in which the sensor images are noisy, locally linear functions
of an underlying, true scene. A Bayesian framework then provides
for maximum likelihood or maximum a posteriori estimates of the
true scene from the sensor images. Maximum likelihood estimates
of the parameters of the image formation model involve (local)
second order image statistics, and thus are related to local principal
component analysis. We demonstrate the efficacy of the method
on images from visible-band and infrared sensors .
Advances in sensing devices have fueled the deployment of multiple sensors in several
computational vision systems [1, for example]. Using multiple sensors can increase
reliability with respect to single sensor systems. This work was motivated by a
need for an aircraft autonomous landing guidance (ALG) system [2, 3] that uses
visible-band, infrared (IR) and radar-based imaging sensors to provide guidance
to pilots for landing aircraft in low visibility. IR is suitable for night operation,
whereas radar can penetrate fog. The application requires fusion algorithms [4] to
combine the different sensor images .
Images from different sensors have different characteristics arising from the varied
physical imaging processes. Local contrast may be polarity reversed between visibleband and IR images [5 , 6] . A particular sensor image may contain local features
not found in another sensor image , i.e., sensors may report complementary features .
Finally, individual sensors are subj ect to noise. Fig . l(a) and l(b) are visible-band
and IR images respectively, of a runway scene showing polarity reversed (rectangle)
Probabilistic Image Sensor Fusion
and complementary (circle) features. These effects pose difficulties for fusion.
An obvious approach to fusion is to average the pixel intensities from different
sensors. Averaging, Fig. l(c), increases the signal to noise ratio, but reduces the
contrast where there are polarity reversed or complementary features [7].
Transform-based fusion methods [8, 5, 9] selectfrom one sensor or another for fusion.
They consist of three steps: (i) decompose the sensor images using a specified
transform e.g. a multiresolution Laplacian pyramid, (ii) fuse at each level of the
pyramid by selecting the highest energy transform coefficient, and (iii) invert the
transform to synthesize the fused image. Since features are selected rather than
averaged, they are rendered at full contrast, but the methods are sensitive to sensor
noise, see Fig. l(d).
To overcome the limitations of averaging or selection methods, and put sensor fusion
on firm theoretical grounds, we explicitly model the production of sensor images
from the true scene, including the effects of sensor noise. From the model, and
sensor images, one can ask What is the most probable true scene? This forms
the basis for fusing the sensor images. Our technique uses the Laplacian pyramid
representation [5], with the step (ii) above replaced by our probabilistic fusion. A
similar probabilistic framework for sensor fusion is discussed in ([10]).
The lInage Forlnation Model
The true scene, denoted s, gives rise to a sensor image through a noisy, non-linear
transformation. For ALG, s would be an image of the landing scene under conditions
of uniform lighting, unlimited visibility, and perfect sensors. We model the map from
the true scene to a sensor image by a noisy, locally affine transformation whose
parameters are allowed to vary across the image (actually across the Laplacian
ai(~ t)
= (3i(~ t) s(~ t) + O'i(~ t) + Ei(~ t)
where, s is the true scene, ai is ith sensor image, == (x, y, k) is the hyperpixel
location, with x, y the pixel coordinates and k the level of the pyramid, t is the
time, 0' is the sensor offset, {3 is the sensor gain (which includes the effects of local
polarity reversals and complementarity), and E is the (zero-mean) sensor noise. To
simplify notation, we adopt the matrix form
a = (3s
+ 0' + l
where a = [al,a2, . . . ,aqr, f3
[(31,(32, ... , (3qr, Q'
[0'1,0'2, ... ,O'qr, s is a
and we have dropped the reference to location and
scalar and l = [El,E2, ... ,E q
Since the image formation parameters f3, Q', and the sensor noise covariance E~ can
vary from hyperpixel to hyperpixel, the model can express local polarity reversals,
complementary features, spatial variation of sensor gain, and noise.
We do assume, however, that the image formation parameters and sensor noise
distribu tion vary slowly with location 1 . Hence, a particular set of parameters is
considered to hold true over a spatial region of several square hyperpixels. We will
use this assumption implicitly when we estimate these parameters from data.
The model (2) fits the framework of the factor analysis model in statistics [11,
12] . Here the hyperpixel values of the true scene s are the latent variables or
1 Specifically the parameters vary slowly on the spatia-temporal scales over which the
true scene s may exhibit large variations.
R. K. Sharma, T. K. Leen and M. Pavel
common factors, f3 contains the factor loadings, and the sensor noise ? values are
the independent factors. Estimation of the true scene is equivalent to estimating
the common factors from the observations a.
Bayesian Fusion
Given the sensor intensities a, we will estimate the true scene s by appeal to a
Bayesian framework. We assume that the probability density function of the latent
variables s is a Gaussian with local mean so(~ t) and local variance u;(~ t). An
attractive benefit of this setup is that the prior mean So might be obtained from
knowledge in the form of maps, or clear-weather images of the scene. Thus, such
database information can be folded into the sensor fusion in a natural way.
The density on the sensor images conditioned on the true scene, P(als), is normal
with mean f3 s+a and covariance E? :::: diag[u;l' U;2" .. ,u;J The marginal density
P(a) is normal with mean I'm :::: f3 So + a and covariance
C :::: E?
+ u;f3f3 T
Finally, the posterior density on s, given the sensor data a, P(sla) is also normal
with mean M- 1 (f3T E;l (a -a)+ so/u;), and covariance M- 1 :::: (f/ E;l f3+ l/u;fl.
Given these densities, there are two obvious candidates for probabilistic fusion :
maximum likelihood (ML) 5 :::: max. P(als), and maximum a posteriori (MAP)
5:::: max. P(sla) .
The MAP fusion estimate is simply the posterior mean
[f3TE;If3+1/u;r 1 (f3 TE ;l(a_a) + so/un
To obtain the ML fusion estimate we take the limit
u; -+
in either (4) or (5).
For both ML and MAP, the fused image 5 is a locally linear combination of the sensor
images that can, through the spatio-temporal variations in f3, a, and E?, properly
respond to changes in the sensor characteristics that tax averaging or selection
schemes. For example, if the second sensor has a polarity reversal relative to the
first, then f32 is negative and the two sensor contributions are properly subtracted.
If the first sensor has high noise (large u;J, its contribution to the fused image is
attenuated. Finally, a feature missing from sensor 1 corresponds to f31 :::: O. The
model compensates by accentuating the contribution from sensor 2.
Model Parameter Estimates
We need to estimate the local image formation model parameters a(~ t), f3(~ t) and
the local sensor noise covariance?E?(~ t). We estimate the latter from successive,
motion compensated video frames from each sensor. First we estimate the average
value at each hyperpixel (ai(t)), and the average square (a;(t)) by exponential
moving averages . We next estimate the noise variance by the difference
(t) ::::
a; (t) -
ai 2 (t).
To estimate f3 and a, we assume that f3, a, E?, So and u; are nearly constant
over small spatial regions (5 x 5 blocks) surrounding the hyperpixel for which the
Probabilistic Image Sensor Fusion
parameters are desired. Essentially we are invoking a spatial analog of ergodicity,
where ensemble averages are replaced by spatial averages, carried out locally over
regions in which the statistics are approximately constant.
To form a maximum likelihood (ML) estimate of a, we extremize the data loglikelihood C = Z=;;=llog[P(an)] with respect to a to obtain
a ML = I'a -
f3 so
where I'a is the data mean, computed over a 5 x 5 hyperpixellocal region (N
= 25
To obtain a ML estimate of f3, we set the derivatives of C with respect to
to zero and recover
(C - Ea)C
f3 = 0
where Ea is the data covariance matrix, also computed over a 5 x 5 hyperpixel local
region . The only non-trivial solution to (7) is
f3 ML
= E,!-(X-l)t
where U , A are the principal eigenvector and eigenvalue of the weighted data co_
variance matrix, Ea == E, 2 EaE ?
and r = ?l.
An alternative to maximum likelihood estimation is the least squares (LS) approach [11] . We obtain the LS estimate aLS by minimizing
with respect to a . This gives
The least squares estimate
f3 LS
f3 . The
is obtained by minimizing
with respect to
= I'a - f3 so .
= II Ea -
solution to this minimization is
f3LS =
where U, A are the principal eigenvector and eigenvalue of the noise-corrected covariance matrix (Ea - E f ), and r = ? l. 2
The estimation procedures cannot provide values of the priors u~ and So. Were we
dealing with a single global model, this would pose no problem. But we must impose
a constraint in order to smoothly piece together our local models. We impose that
11.811 1 everywhere, or by (12)
= A. Recall that A is the leading eigenvalue of
~a - ~, and thus captures the scale of variations in a that arise from variations in
s . Thus we would expect A ex u~. Our constraint insures that the proportionality
constant be the same for each local model. Next, note that changing So causes a shift
2The least squares and maximum likelihood solutions are identical when the model is
exact Ea == C, i.e. the observed data covariance is exactly of the form dictated by the
model. Under this condition, U = (U TE;lU)-1/2Ee -1/2U and (~- 1) = ~(UTE;lU).
The LS and ML solutions are also identical when the noise covariance is homoscedastic
Ee = I, even if the model is not exact.
R. K. Sharma, T. K. Leen and M. Pavel
in s. To maintain consistency between local regions, we take So
These choices for 11'; and So constrain the parameter estimates to
f3 LS
r V
Pa .
= 0 everywhere.
In (5) 11'; and So are defined at each hyperpixel. However, to estimate f3 and a,
we used spatial averages to compute the sample mean and covariance. This is
somewhat inconsistent, since the spatial variation of So (e.g. when there are edges
in the scene) is not explicitly captured in the model mean and covariance. These
variations are, instead , attributed to 11';, resulting in overestimation of the latter.
A more complete model would explicitly model the spatial variations of So, though
we expect this will produce only minor changes in the results .
Finally, the sign parameter r is not specified. In order to properly piece together
our local models , we must choose r at each hyperpixel in such a way that f3 changes
direction slowly as we move from hyperpixel to hyperpixel and encounter changes
in the local image statistics. That is, large direction changes due to arbitrary sign
reversals are not allowed . We use a simple heuristic to accomplish this.
Relation to peA
The MAP and ML fusion rules are closely related to PCA. To see this, assume that
the noise is homoscedastic EE = 11';1 and use the parameter estimates (13) in the
MAP fusion rule (5), reducing the latter to
s= 1+I1'UI1';
+ 1+11';;11'~
where Va is the principal eigenvector of the data covariance matrix Ea. The MAP
estimate s is simply a scaled and shifted local PCA projection of the sensor data.
Both the scaling and shift arise because the prior distribution on s tends to bias s
towards So. When the prior is flat 11'; -+ 00, (or equivalently when using the ML
fusion estimate), or when the noise variance vanishes, the fused image is given by a
simple local PCA projection
(15 )
Experilllents and Results
We applied our fusion method to visible-band and IR runway images, Fig. 1, containing additive Gaussian noise. Fig. l(e) shows the result of ML fusion with f3
and a estimated using (13) . ML fusion performs better than either averaging or
selection in regions that contain local polarity reversals or complementary features.
ML fusion gives higher weight to IR in regions where the features in the two images are common , thus reducing the effects of noise in the visible-band image. ML
fusion gives higher weight to the appropriate sensor in regions with complementary
Fig. l(f) shows the result of MAP fusion (5) with the priors 11'; and So those dictated
by th e consistency requirements discussed in section 4. Clearly, the MAP image is
less noisy than the ML image. In regions of low sensor image contrast, 11'; is low
(since>. is low), thus the contribution from the sensor images is attenuated compared
to the ML fusion rule. Hence the noise is attenuated. In regions containing features
such as edges, 11'; is high (since>. is high); hence the contribution from the sensor
images is similar to that in ML fusion.
Probabilistic Image Sensor Fusion
(a) Visible-band image
(b) IR image
(c) Averaging
(d) Selection
(e) ML
(f) MAP
Figure 1: Fusion of visible-band and IR images containing additive Gaussian noise
In Fig. 2 we demonstrate the use of a database image for fusion. Fig. 2(a) and 2(b)
are simulated noisy sensor images from visible-band and JR, that depict a runway
with an aircraft on it. Fig. 2(c) is an image of the same scene as might be obtained
from a terrain database. Although this image is clean, it does not show the actual
situation on the runway. One can use the database image pixel intensities as the
prior mean So in the MAP fusion rule (5). The prior variance u; in (5) can be
regarded as a m-e asure of confidence in the database image - it's value controls the
relative contribution of the sensors vs. the database image in the fused image. (The
parameters f3 and a, and the sensor noise covariance EIE were estimated exactly
as before.) Fig. 2(d), 2(e) and 2(f) show the MAP-fused image as a function of
increasing 0";. Higher values of 0"; accentuate the contribution of the sensor images,
whereas lower values of 0"; accentuate the contribution of the database.
We presented a model-based probabilistic framework for fusion of images from multiple sensors and exercised the approach on visible-band and IR images. The approach
provides both a rigorous framework for PCA-like fusion rules, and a principled way
to combine information from a terrain database with sensor images.
We envision several refinements of the approach given here. Writing new image
formation models at each hyperpixel produces an overabundance of models. Early
experiments show that this can be relaxed by using the same model parameters over
regions of several square hyperpixels, rather than recalculating for each hyperpixel.
A further refinement could be provided by adopting a mixture of linear models to
build up the non-linear image formation model. Finally, we have used multiple
frames from a video sequence to obtain ML and MAP fused sequences, and one
should be able to produce superior parameter estimates by suitable use of the video
R. K. Sharma, T. K. Leen and M Pavel
(a) Visible-band image
(b) IR image
(c) Database image
Figure 2: Fusion of simulated visible-band and IR images using database image
Acknowledgments - This work was supported by NASA Ames Research Center
grant NCC2-S11. TKL was partially supported by NSF grant ECS-9704094.
[1] L. A. Klein. Sensor and Data Fusion Concepts and Applications. SPIE, 1993.
[2] J. R. Kerr, D. P. Pond, and S. Inman. Infrared-optical muItisensor for autonomous
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[3] B. Roberts and P. Symosek. Image processing for flight crew situation awareness.
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[4] M. Pavel and R. K. Sharma. Model-based sensor fusion for aviation. In J. G. Verly,
editor, Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 1997, volume 3088, pages 169-176. SPIE, 1997.
[5] P. J. Burt and R. J. Kolczynski. Enhanced image capture through fusion. In Fourth
Int. Conf. on Computer Vision, pages 173-182. IEEE Compo Soc., 1993.
[6] H. Li and Y. Zhou. Automatic visual/IR image registration. Optical Engineering,
35(2):391-400, 1996.
[7] M . Pavel, J. Larimer, and A. Ahumada. Sensor fusion for synthetic vision. In Proceedings of the Society for Information Display, pages 475-478. SPIE, 1992.
[8] P. Burt. A gradient pyramid basis for pattern-selective image fusion. In Proceedings
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[9] A. Toet. Hierarchical image fusion. Machine Vision and Applications, 3:1-11, 1990.
[10] J. J. Clark and A. L. Yuille. Data Fusion for Sensory Information Processing Systems.
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[11] A. Basilevsky. Statistical Factor Analysis and Related Methods. Wiley, 1994.
[12] M. E. Tipping and C. M. Bishop. Probabilistic principal component analysis. Technical report, NCRG/97/01O, Neural Computing Research Group, Aston University,
| 1516 |@word aircraft:3 f32:1 loading:1 proportionality:1 covariance:13 pavel:7 invoking:1 contains:1 efficacy:1 selecting:1 envision:1 must:2 additive:2 visible:11 visibility:2 depict:1 v:1 selected:1 device:1 ith:1 compo:1 provides:2 cse:1 location:3 successive:1 ames:1 ect:1 combine:2 actual:1 increasing:1 provided:1 estimating:1 notation:1 underlying:1 what:1 eigenvector:3 transformation:2 temporal:2 exactly:2 scaled:1 uk:1 control:1 grant:2 before:1 ncc2:1 engineering:3 local:19 todd:1 dropped:1 limit:1 tends:1 approximately:1 might:2 deployment:1 graduate:1 averaged:1 acknowledgment:1 block:1 procedure:1 weather:1 projection:2 confidence:1 cannot:1 selection:4 put:1 writing:1 landing:4 equivalent:1 map:14 missing:1 compensated:1 center:1 l:5 penetrate:1 rule:5 regarded:1 autonomous:2 coordinate:1 variation:8 enhanced:2 exact:2 us:2 runway:4 complementarity:1 synthesize:1 pa:2 infrared:3 database:10 observed:1 electrical:1 capture:2 region:12 highest:1 principled:1 vanishes:1 overestimation:1 radar:2 yuille:1 basis:2 surrounding:1 formation:7 firm:1 whose:1 heuristic:1 loglikelihood:1 compensates:1 statistic:4 transform:4 noisy:5 sequence:3 eigenvalue:3 multiresolution:1 tax:1 qr:2 requirement:1 produce:3 perfect:1 pose:2 minor:1 soc:1 crew:1 direction:2 closely:1 pea:1 decompose:1 probable:1 hold:1 considered:1 ground:1 normal:3 vary:4 adopt:1 a2:1 homoscedastic:2 early:1 estimation:3 sensitive:1 exercised:1 weighted:1 minimization:1 clearly:1 sensor:66 gaussian:3 rather:2 zhou:1 properly:3 portland:1 likelihood:6 contrast:4 rigorous:1 posteriori:2 el:1 relation:1 selective:1 i1:1 pixel:3 denoted:1 spatial:8 marginal:1 equal:1 tkl:1 f3:24 identical:2 nearly:1 report:2 simplify:1 individual:1 replaced:2 maintain:1 recalculating:1 mixture:1 misha:1 fog:1 edge:2 circle:1 desired:1 guidance:3 theoretical:1 fusing:1 f3t:1 uniform:1 accomplish:1 synthetic:2 density:5 probabilistic:10 together:2 fused:7 containing:3 choose:1 slowly:3 conf:1 derivative:1 leading:1 li:1 includes:1 coefficient:1 int:1 oregon:1 explicitly:3 piece:2 tion:1 recover:1 contribution:8 square:6 ir:12 variance:5 characteristic:2 ensemble:1 bayesian:3 produced:1 lu:2 lighting:1 eie:1 email:1 energy:1 obvious:2 e2:1 attributed:1 spie:6 gain:2 pilot:1 ask:1 recall:1 knowledge:1 actually:1 ea:7 nasa:1 higher:3 tipping:1 leen:4 box:1 though:1 ergodicity:1 flight:1 night:1 ei:1 effect:4 contain:2 true:13 concept:1 hence:3 attractive:1 ogi:2 complete:1 demonstrate:2 performs:1 motion:1 image:73 common:3 superior:1 accentuating:1 physical:1 volume:1 ncrg:1 discussed:2 analog:1 kluwer:1 ai:4 automatic:1 consistency:2 reliability:1 moving:1 ute:1 spatia:1 posterior:2 dictated:2 s11:1 captured:1 somewhat:1 impose:2 relaxed:1 sharma:4 signal:1 ii:3 multiple:5 full:1 reduces:1 technical:1 laplacian:3 va:2 vision:5 essentially:1 ui1:1 accentuate:2 adopting:1 pyramid:6 invert:1 whereas:2 inconsistent:1 ee:3 iii:1 fit:1 attenuated:3 shift:2 motivated:1 pca:4 cause:1 clear:1 involve:1 locally:4 band:11 extremize:1 nsf:1 shifted:1 sign:2 estimated:2 arising:1 klein:1 express:1 group:1 sla:2 changing:1 clean:1 ravi:2 registration:1 rectangle:1 imaging:2 fuse:1 everywhere:2 fourth:1 fueled:1 respond:1 scaling:1 tleen:1 fl:1 display:2 subj:1 constraint:2 constrain:1 scene:17 flat:1 unlimited:1 optical:2 rendered:1 department:2 combination:1 jr:1 across:2 ur:1 kerr:1 reversal:5 operation:1 hierarchical:1 appropriate:1 subtracted:1 alternative:1 encounter:1 build:1 society:2 move:1 pond:1 exhibit:1 gradient:1 reversed:3 simulated:2 trivial:1 polarity:7 ratio:1 minimizing:2 equivalently:1 setup:1 robert:1 negative:1 rise:1 observation:1 situation:2 frame:2 varied:1 arbitrary:1 intensity:3 burt:2 specified:2 able:1 pattern:1 including:1 max:2 video:3 suitable:2 difficulty:1 natural:1 scheme:1 technology:1 aston:1 carried:1 prior:7 relative:2 expect:2 limitation:1 clark:1 awareness:1 affine:1 editor:1 production:1 supported:2 distribu:1 bias:1 institute:1 benefit:1 f31:1 overcome:1 toet:1 sensory:1 refinement:2 ec:1 implicitly:1 dealing:1 ml:19 global:1 spatio:1 terrain:2 un:1 latent:2 alg:2 ahumada:1 diag:1 noise:21 arise:2 allowed:2 complementary:6 fig:10 wiley:1 exponential:1 candidate:1 bishop:1 showing:1 sensing:1 offset:1 appeal:1 fusion:42 consist:1 te:2 conditioned:1 boston:1 smoothly:1 simply:2 insures:1 visual:1 partially:1 scalar:1 corresponds:1 towards:1 change:5 specifically:1 folded:1 corrected:1 reducing:2 averaging:5 llog:1 aviation:1 principal:5 ece:1 latter:3 ex:1 |
566 | 1,517 | On the optimality of incremental neural network
Ron Meir*
Department of Electrical Engineering
Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel
[email protected]
Vitaly Maiorov t
Department of Mathematics
Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel
[email protected]
We study the approximation of functions by two-layer feedforward neural networks, focusing on incremental algorithms which greedily add
units, estimating single unit parameters at each stage . As opposed to
standard algorithms for fixed architectures, the optimization at each stage
is performed over a small number of parameters, mitigating many of the
difficult numerical problems inherent in high-dimensional non-linear optimization. We establish upper bounds on the error incurred by the algorithm, when approximating functions from the Sobolev class, thereby
extending previous results which only provided rates of convergence for
functions in certain convex hulls of functional spaces. By comparing our
results to recently derived lower bounds, we show that the greedy algorithms are nearly optimal. Combined with estimation error results for
greedy algorithms, a strong case can be made for this type of approach.
1 Introduction and background
A major problem in the application of neural networks to real world problems is the excessively long time required for training large networks of a fixed architecture. Moreover,
theoretical results establish the intractability of such training in the worst case [9][4]. Additionally, the problem of determining the architecture and size of the network required to
solve a certain task is left open. Due to these problems, several authors have considered
incremental algorithms for constructing the network by the addition of hidden units, and
estimation of each unit's parameters incrementally. These approaches possess two desirable attributes: first, the optimization is done step-wise, so that only a small number of
parameters need to be optimized at each stage; and second, the structure of the network
-This work was supported in part by the a grant from the Israel Science Foundation
tThe author was partially supported by the center for Absorption in Science, Ministry of Immigrant Absorption, State of Israel.
R. Meir and V Maiorov
is established concomitantly with the learning, rather than specifying it in advance. However, until recently these algorithms have been rather heuristic in nature, as no guaranteed
performance bounds had been established. Note that while there has been a recent surge
of interest in these types of algorithms, they in fact date back to work done in the early
seventies (see [3] for a historical survey).
The first theoretical result establishing performance bounds for incremental approximations
in Hilbert space, was given by Jones [8]. This work was later extended by Barron [2], and
applied to neural network approximation of functions characterized by certain conditions
on their Fourier coefficients. The work of Barron has been extended in two main directions. First, Lee et at. [10] have considered approximating general functions using Hilbert
space techniques, while Donahue et al. [7] have provided powerful extensions of Jones'
and Barron's results to general Banach spaces. One of the most impressive results of the
latter work is the demonstration that iterative algorithms can, in many cases, achieve nearly
optimal rates of convergence, when approximating convex hulls.
While this paper is concerned mainly with issues of approximation, we comment that it is
highly relevant to the statistical problem of learning from data in neural networks. First,
Lee et at. [10] give estimation error bounds for algorithms performing incremental optimization with respect to the training error. Under certain regularity conditions, they are
able to achieve rates of convergence comparable to those obtained by the much more computationally demanding algorithm of empirical error minimization. Moreover, it is well
known that upper bounds on the approximation error are needed in order to obtain performance bounds, both for parametric and nonparametric estimation, where the latter is
achieved using the method of complexity regularization. Finally, as pointed out by Donahue et al. [7], lower bounds on the approximation error are crucial in establishing worst
case speed limitations for learning.
The main contribution of this paper is as follows. For functions belonging to the Sobolev
class (see definition below), we establish, under appropriate conditions, near-optimal rates
of convergence for the incremental approach, and obtain explicit bounds on the parameter
values of the network. The latter bounds are often crucial for establishing estimation error
rates. In contrast to the work in [10] and [7], we characterize approximation rates for
functions belonging to standard smoothness classes, such as the Sobolev class. The former
work establishes rates of convergence with respect to the convex hulls of certain subsets
of functions, which do not relate in a any simple way to standard functional classes (such
as Lipschitz, Sobolev, Holder, etc.). As far as we are aware, the results reported here are
the first to report on such bounds for incremental neural network procedures. A detailed
version of this work, complete with the detailed proofs, is available in [13].
2 Problem statement
We make use of the nomenclature and definitions from [7]. Let H be a Banach space of
functions with norm II . II. For concreteness we assume henceforth that the norm is given
by the Lq norm, 1 < q < 00, denoted by II . Ilq. Let linn H consist of all sums of the form
L~=l aigi , gi E H and arbitrary ai, and COn H is the set of such sums with ai E [0,1] and
L~=l ai = 1. The distances, measured in the Lq norm, from a function f are given by
dist(1in n H,f) = inf {l lh - fllq : hE linnH},
dist(conH , f) = inf {l lh - fllq : hE conH}.
The linear span of H is given by linH = Un linn H, while the convex-hull of H is coH =
Unco n H. We follow standard notation and denote closures of sets by a bar, e.g. coH is the
closure of the convex hull of H. In this work we focus on the special case where
H = H1} ~ {g : g(x) = eCJ(a T x
+ b), lei::; 1}, IICJ(?)llq ::; I},
On the Optimality of Incremental Neural Network Algorithms
corresponding to the basic building blocks of multilayer neural networks. The restriction
110-011 ::; 1 is not very demanding as many sigmoidal functions can be expressed as a sum
of functions of bounded norm. It should be obvious that linn 1l1) corresponds to a two-layer
neural network with a linear output unit and o--activation functions in the single hidden
layer, while COn 1l1) is equivalent to a restricted form of such a network, where restrictions
are placed on the hidden-to-output weights. In terms of the definitions introduced above,
the by now well known property of universal function approximation over compacta can
be stated as lin1l = C(M), where C(M) is the class of continuous real valued functions
defined over M , a compact subset of Rd . A necessary and sufficient condition for this
has been established by Leshno et af. [11], and essentially requires that 0-(.) be locally
integrable and non-polynomial. We comment that if 'T} = 00 in (l), and c is unrestricted in
sign, then co1l= = lin1l=. The distinction becomes important only if 'T} < 00 , in which
case co1l1) C lin1l1).
For the purpose of incremental approximation, it turns out to be useful to consider the convex hull co1l, rather than the usual linear span, as powerful algorithms and performance
bounds can be developed in this case. In this context several authors have considered
bounds for the approximation of a function 1 belonging to co1l by sequences of functions
belonging to COn 1l . However, it is not clear in general how well convex hulls of bounded
functions approximate general functions . One contribution of this work is to show how
one may control the rate of growth of the bound 'T} in (1), so that general functions, belonging to certain smoothness classes (e.g. Sobolev), may be well approximated. In fact, we
show that the incremental approximation scheme described below achieves nearly optimal
approximation error for functions in the Sobolev space.
Following Donahue et af. [7], we consider c:-greedy algorithms. Let E = (El ' E2, ... ) be a
positive sequence, and similarly for (ai, a 2, ... ), 0 < an < 1. A sequence of functions
hI, h2 ' ... is E-greedy with respect to 1 if for n = 0, 1, 2, .. . ,
Ilhn+I - Illq< inf {llanhn + (1 -
an)g -
Illq :
9 E 1l1)}
+ En ,
where we set ho = O. For simplicity we set an = (n - l)/n , although other schemes are
also possible. It should be clear that at each stage n, the function h n belongs to COn 1l1).
Observe also that at each step, the infimum is taken with respect to 9 E 1l1)' the function
h n being fixed. In terms of neural networks, this implies that the optimization over each
hidden unit parameters (a, b, c) is performed independently of the others. We note in passing, that while this greatly facilitates the optimization process in practice, no theoretical
guarantee can be made as to the convexity of the single-node error function (see [1] for
counter-examples). The variables En are slack variables, allowing the extra freedom of
only approximate minimization . In this paper we do not optimize over an, but rather fix a
sequence in advance, forfeiting some generality at the price of a simpler presentation. In
any event, the rates we obtain are unchanged by such a restriction.
In the sequel we consider E-greedy approximations of smooth functions belonging to the
Sobolev class of function s,
W; =
{I : m?x WDk 1112 ::; ?1} ,
OS k S r
where k = (k 1 , . ?? , k d ) , k i 2:: 0 and Ikl = ki + ... k d . Here Vk is the partial derivative
operator of order k. All functions are defined over a compact domain K C Rd.
Upper bound for the L2 norm
First, we consider the approximation of functions from WI using the L2 norm. In distinction with other Lq norms, there exists an inner product in this case, defined through
R. Meir and V Maiorov
(".) = II?II~. This simp1ification is essential to the proof in this case.
We begin by recalling a result from [12], demonstrating that any function in L2 may be
exactly expressed as a convex integral representation of the form
h(x, O)w(O)dO,
where 0 < Q < 00 depends on f, and w( 0) is a probability density function (pdf) with
respect to the multi-dimensional variable O. Thus, we may write f(x) = QEw{h(x, e)},
where Ew denotes the expectation operator with respect to the pdf w . Moreover, it was
shown in [12], using the Radon and wavelet transforms, that the function h(x, 0) can be
taken to be a ridge function with 0 = (a, b, e) and h(x, 0) = ea(a T x + b).
In the case of neural networks, this type of convex representation was first exploited by
Barron in [2], assuming f belongs to a class of functions characterized by certain moment
conditions on their Fourier transforms. Later, Delyon et al. [6] and Maiorov and Meir
[12] extended Barron's results to the case of wavelets and neural networks, respectively,
obtaining rates of convergence for functions in the Sobolev class.
The basic idea at this point is to generate an approximation, hn(x), based on n draws of
random variables en = {e l , e 2, ... ,en}, e i ,....., w(?), resulting in the random function
hn(x; en)
2: h(x, e
i ).
Throughout the paper we conform to standard notation, and denote random variables by
uppercase letters, as in e, and their realization by lower case letters, as in O. Let w n =
TI~=l Wi represent the product pdf for {e l , ... ,en}. Our first result demonstrates that,
on the average, the above procedure leads to good approximation of functions belonging to
Theorem 3.1 Let K C Rd be a compact set. Then/or any
there exists a constant e > 0, such that
Ew "
Ilf -
hn(x; en)112 :S en- rld +E ,
E W{, n
0 and c
where Q < en(1/ 2- r l d)+, and (x)+ = max(O,x).
The implication of the upper bound on the expected value, is that there exists a set of
values o* ,n = {Or, ... , O~}, for which the rate (5) can be achieved. Moreover, as long as
the functions h(x, Od in (4) are bounded in the L2 norm, a bound on Q implies a bound on
the size of the function h n itself.
Proof sketch The proof proceeds by expressing f as the sum of two functions, iI
and 12 . The function iI is the best approximation to f from the class of multi-variate
splines of degree r. From [12] we know that there exist parameters on such that
IliI (.) - h n {-, on)112 :S en-rid. Moreover, using the results of [5] it can be shown that
1112112 :S en-rid. Using these two observations, together with the triangle inequality
Ilf - h n l1 2:S IliI - h nl1 2+ 1112112, yields the desired result.
Next, we show that given the approximation rates attained in Theorem 3.1, the same rates
may be obtained using an c -greedy algorithm. Moreover, since in [12] we have established
the optimality of the upper bound (up to a logarithmic factor in n), we conclude that greedy
approximations can indeed yield near-optimal perfonnance, while at the same time being
much more attractive computationally. In fact, in this section we use a weaker algorithm,
which does not perform a full minimization at each stage.
On the Optimality of Incremental Neural Network Algorithms
Incremental algorithm: (q = 2) Let an
1. Let 0i be chosen to satisfy
lin, 6: n
an = lin.
Ilf(x) - Qh(x,Onll~ = EWl {llf(x) - Qh(x,edIID?
2. Assume that 0i ,
f(x) -
have been generated. Select O~ to obey
L h(x,On - 6:nQh(x,O~)
f(x) - Qa n n-l
"h(x, On - 6: n Qh(x, en)
22} .
which measures the error incurred at the n-th stage by this incremental procedure. The
main result of this section then follows.
Theorem 3.2 For any
bounded as
WI and c > 0, the error of the incremental algorithm above is
for some finite constant c.
Proof sketch The claim will be established upon showing that
namely, the error incurred by the incremental procedure is identical to that of the nonincremental one described preceding Theorem 3.1. The result will then follow upon using
Holder's inequality and the upper bound (5) for the r.h.s. of (6). The remaining details are
straightforward, but tedious, and can be found in the full paper [13].
Upper bound for general Lq norms
Having established rates of convergence for incremental approximation of WI in the L2
norm, we move now to general Lq norms. First, note that the proof of Theorem 3.2 relies
heavily on the existence on an inner product. This useful tool is no longer available in the
case of general Banach spaces such as L q . In order to extend the results to the latter norm,
we need to use more advanced ideas from the theory of the geometry of Banach spaces. In
particular, we will make use of recent results from the work of Donahue et al. [7]. Second,
we must keep in mind that the approximation of the Sobolev space WI using the Lq norm
only makes sense if the embedding condition rid> (1/2 - l/q)+ holds, since otherwise
the Lq norm may be infinite (the embedding condition guarantees its finiteness; see [14]
for details).
We first present the main result of this section, followed by a sketch of the proof. The full
details of the rather technical proof can be found in [13]. Note that in this case we need to
use the greedy algorithm (2) rather than the algorithm of Section 3.
R. Meir and V Maiorov
Theorem 4.1 Let the embedding condition r / d
0< r < r*, r* =
~ + (~- ~)+
(1/2 - 1/ q) + hold for 1 < q <
andassumethatllh(-,O)llq:S IforallO. Thenforany
;I- (~-P
!+% _qd
q > 2,
q :s 2,
c = c(r, d , K) and h n(-, on) is obtained via the incremental greedy algorithm (2) with
cn = O.
, =
Proof sketch The main idea in the proof of Theorem 4.1 is a two-part approximation
scheme. First, based on [13], we show that any JEW; may be well approximated by
functions in the convex class COn ('111/) for an appropriate value of TJ (see Lemma 5.2 in
[13]), where R1/ is defined in (1). Then, it is argued, making use of results from [7] (in
particular, using Corollary 3.6) , that an incremental greedy algorithm can be used to approximate the closure of the class co( R 1/) by the class COn (111/). The proof is completed by
using the triangle inequality. The proof along the above lines is done for the case q > 2. In
the case q 2, a simple use of the Holder inequality in the form Ilfllq ~ IKI 1 /q- l/21IfI12,
where IKI is the volume of the region K, yields the desired result, which, given the lower
bounds in [12], is nearly optimal.
We have presented a theoretical analysis of an increasingly popular approach to incremental
learning in neural networks . Extending previous results , we have shown that near-optimal
rates of convergence may be obtained for approximating functions in the Sobolev class
These results extend and clarify previous work dealing solely with the approximation
of functions belonging to the closure of convex hulls of certain sets of functions. Moreover,
we have given explicit bounds on the parameters used in the algorithm , and shown that the
restriction to COn 111/ is not too stringent. In the case q ~ 2 the rates obtained are as good (up
to logarithmic factors) to the rates obtained for general spline functions, which are known
to be optimal for approximating Sobolev spaces. The rates obtained in the case q > 2
are sub-optimal as compared to spline functions, but can be shown to be provably better
than any linear approach. In any event, we have shown that the rates obtained are equal,
up to logarithmic factors, to approximation from linn 111/' when the size of TJ is chosen
appropriately, implying that positive input-to-output weights suffice for approximation. An
open problem remaining at this point is to demonstrate whether incremental algorithms for
neural network construction can be shown to be optimal for every value of q. In fact, this
is not even known at this stage for neural network approximation in general.
W; .
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| 1517 |@word version:1 polynomial:1 norm:15 tedious:1 open:2 closure:4 iki:2 thereby:1 moment:1 pub:1 comparing:1 od:1 activation:2 must:1 numerical:1 statis:2 ilii:2 juditsky:1 implying:1 greedy:11 warmuth:1 node:2 ron:1 forfeiting:1 sigmoidal:2 simpler:1 along:1 symposium:1 boor:1 indeed:1 expected:1 surge:1 dist:2 multi:2 leshno:2 becomes:1 provided:2 estimating:1 moreover:7 notation:2 bounded:5 begin:1 suffice:1 rivest:1 israel:4 agnostic:1 developed:1 guarantee:2 every:1 ti:1 growth:1 exactly:1 demonstrates:1 assoc:1 control:1 unit:6 grant:1 positive:2 engineering:2 local:1 establishing:3 solely:1 interpolation:1 specifying:1 co:1 practice:1 block:1 procedure:4 universal:2 empirical:1 projection:1 operator:2 context:1 ilf:3 restriction:4 equivalent:1 optimize:1 center:1 straightforward:1 independently:1 convex:12 survey:1 simplicity:1 embedding:3 qh:3 construction:1 heavily:1 ilq:1 approximated:2 electrical:2 worst:2 region:1 counter:1 mozer:1 convexity:1 complexity:2 upon:2 triangle:2 tx:1 wdk:1 heuristic:1 solve:1 valued:1 schocken:1 otherwise:1 statistic:1 gi:1 itself:1 maiorov:8 sequence:4 net:1 product:3 relevant:1 realization:1 date:1 achieve:2 ecj:1 convergence:9 regularity:1 extending:2 r1:1 incremental:22 ftp:1 ac:3 measured:1 strong:1 implies:2 qd:1 direction:1 attribute:1 hull:8 stochastic:1 stringent:1 argued:1 tthe:1 fix:2 absorption:2 extension:1 clarify:1 hold:2 considered:3 claim:1 major:1 achieves:1 early:1 purpose:1 estimation:5 superposition:1 hasselmo:1 establishes:1 tool:1 minimization:3 mit:2 rather:6 nqh:1 publication:1 corollary:1 derived:1 focus:1 vk:1 mainly:1 greatly:1 contrast:1 greedily:1 sense:1 el:1 hidden:4 quasi:1 mitigating:1 provably:1 issue:1 denoted:1 special:1 equal:1 aware:1 gurvits:1 having:1 washington:1 identical:1 seventy:1 jones:3 nearly:4 dumbo:2 report:2 others:1 spline:4 inherent:1 np:1 geometry:1 recalling:1 freedom:1 llq:2 interest:1 highly:1 uppercase:1 llf:1 tj:2 implication:1 integral:1 partial:1 necessary:1 lh:2 perfonnance:1 concomitantly:1 haifa:2 desired:2 theoretical:4 ar:2 subset:2 technion:6 too:1 characterize:1 reported:1 combined:1 density:1 herbster:1 sequel:1 lee:3 together:1 opposed:1 hn:3 henceforth:1 derivative:1 linh:1 de:1 coefficient:1 satisfy:1 depends:1 performed:2 later:2 h1:1 view:1 tion:1 contribution:2 il:3 holder:3 accuracy:1 kaufmann:1 yield:3 cc:1 submitted:1 touretzky:2 definition:3 obvious:1 e2:1 proof:12 con:7 rld:1 popular:1 hilbert:4 ea:1 back:1 auer:1 focusing:1 attained:1 follow:2 amer:1 done:3 generality:1 stage:7 until:1 sketch:4 o:1 ikl:1 incrementally:1 infimum:1 lei:1 usa:1 building:1 excessively:1 former:1 regularization:1 attractive:1 ll:1 pdf:4 complete:2 ridge:1 demonstrate:1 l1:6 interface:1 wise:1 recently:2 functional:2 exponentially:1 pinkus:1 banach:4 extend:2 he:2 volume:1 expressing:1 nonpolynomial:1 ai:4 smoothness:2 rd:3 approx:2 mathematics:2 similarly:1 pointed:1 had:1 impressive:1 longer:1 etc:1 add:1 recent:2 inf:3 belongs:2 certain:8 inequality:4 exploited:1 integrable:1 morgan:1 ministry:1 unrestricted:1 minimum:1 preceding:1 ewl:1 ii:7 full:3 desirable:1 smooth:2 technical:2 characterized:2 af:2 long:2 lin:3 basic:2 regression:1 multilayer:2 essentially:1 expectation:1 represent:1 achieved:2 background:1 addition:1 finiteness:1 crucial:2 appropriately:1 extra:1 posse:1 comment:2 facilitates:1 vitaly:1 near:4 feedforward:2 concerned:1 variate:1 architecture:3 inner:2 idea:3 cn:1 triebel:1 whether:1 bartlett:1 sontag:1 nomenclature:1 passing:1 useful:2 detailed:2 clear:2 transforms:2 nonparametric:1 locally:1 generate:1 meir:7 exist:1 sign:1 rmeir:1 conform:1 write:1 demonstrating:1 blum:1 linn:4 nalysis:1 concreteness:1 sum:4 letter:2 powerful:2 throughout:1 sobolev:11 draw:1 radon:1 comparable:1 layer:3 bound:24 hi:1 guaranteed:1 ki:1 followed:1 fan:1 fourier:2 speed:1 optimality:7 span:2 performing:1 jew:2 coh:2 department:3 belonging:8 increasingly:1 wi:5 making:1 restricted:1 taken:2 computationally:2 turn:1 slack:1 needed:1 know:1 mind:1 available:2 pursuit:1 observe:1 obey:1 barron:8 appropriate:2 ho:1 existence:1 denotes:1 remaining:2 completed:1 unifying:1 establish:3 approximating:5 unchanged:1 move:1 parametric:1 usual:1 distance:1 assuming:1 demonstration:1 difficult:1 october:1 statement:1 relate:1 stated:1 design:1 basel:1 perform:1 allowing:1 upper:7 observation:1 neuron:1 darken:1 finite:1 november:1 wegman:1 extended:3 arbitrary:1 introduced:1 immigrant:1 namely:1 required:2 optimized:1 distinction:2 established:6 qa:1 trans:2 able:1 bar:1 proceeds:1 below:2 max:1 event:2 demanding:2 advanced:1 scheme:3 l2:5 determining:1 limitation:1 foundation:1 h2:1 incurred:3 degree:1 sufficient:1 nonincremental:1 editor:3 intractability:1 benveniste:1 supported:2 placed:1 weaker:1 judd:1 world:1 author:3 made:2 historical:1 far:1 transaction:1 compacta:1 approximate:4 compact:3 keep:1 dealing:1 rid:3 conclude:1 un:1 iterative:1 continuous:1 additionally:1 nature:1 obtaining:1 williamson:1 constructing:1 domain:1 main:5 en:12 sub:1 explicit:2 lq:7 wavelet:3 donahue:5 theorem:7 showing:1 consist:1 exists:3 essential:1 delyon:2 boston:1 illq:2 logarithmic:3 expressed:2 partially:1 corresponds:1 relies:1 presentation:1 ann:1 lipschitz:1 price:1 infinite:1 birkhauser:1 lemma:2 ew:2 select:1 latter:4 constructive:1 andf:1 |
567 | 1,518 | Contrast adaptation in simple cells by changing
the transmitter release probability
Peter Adorjan
Klaus Obennayer
Dept. of Computer Science, FR2-1, Technical University Berlin
Franklinstrasse 28/2910587 Berlin, Germany
{adp, oby} @cs.tu-berlin.de http://www.ni.cs.tu-berlin.de
The contrast response function (CRF) of many neurons in the primary visual cortex saturates and shifts towards higher contrast values following
prolonged presentation of high contrast visual stimuli. Using a recurrent
neural network of excitatory spiking neurons with adapting synapses we
show that both effects could be explained by a fast and a slow component in the synaptic adaptation. (i) Fast synaptic depression leads to saturation of the CRF and phase advance in the cortical response to high
contrast stimuli. (ii) Slow adaptation of the synaptic transmitter release
probability is derived such that the mutual information between the input
and the output of a cortical neuron is maximal. This component-given
by infomax learning rule-explains contrast adaptation of the averaged
membrane potential (DC component) as well as the surprising experimental result, that the stimulus modulated component (Fl component)
of a cortical cell's membrane potential adapts only weakly. Based on our
results, we propose a new experiment to estimate the strength of the effective excitatory feedback to a cortical neuron, and we also suggest a
relatively simple experimental test to justify our hypothesized synaptic
mechanism for contrast adaptation.
Cells in the primary visual cortex have to encode a wide range of contrast levels, and they
still need to be sensitive to small changes in the input intensities. Because the signaling
capacity is limited, this paradox can be resolved only by a dynamic adaptation to changes
in the input intensity distribution: the contrast response function (CRF) of many neurons
in the primary visual cortex shifts towards higher contrast values following prolonged presentation of high contrast visual stimuli (Ahmed et al. 1997, Carandini & Ferster 1997).
On the one hand, recent experiments, suggest that synaptic plasticity has a major role
Contrast Adaptation and Infomax
in contrast adaptation. Because local application of GABA does not mediate adaptation
(Vidyasagar 1990) and the membrane conductance does not increase significantly during
adaptation (Ahmed et al. 1997, Carandini & Ferster 1997), lateral inhibition is unlikely to
account for contrast adaptation. In contrast, blocking glutamate (excitatory) autoreceptors
decreases the degree of adaptation (McLean & Palmer 1996). Furthermore, the adaptation
is stimulus specific (e.g. Carandini et al. 1998), it is strongest if the adapting and testing
stimuli are the same. On the other hand, plasticity of synaptic weights (e.g. Chance et
al. 1998) cannot explain the weak adaptation of the stimulus driven modulations in the
membrane potential (FI component) (Carandini & Ferster 1997) and the retardation of the
response phase after high contrast adaptation (Saul 1995). These experimental findings
motivated us to explore how presynaptic factors, such as a long term plasticity mediated
by changes in the transmitter release probability (Finlayson & Cynader 1995) affect contrast adaptation.
The single cell and the cortical circuit model
The cortical cells are modeled as leaky integrators with a firing threshold of -55 mY. The
interspike membrane potential dynamics is described by
Cm~ = -91eak
(Vi(t) -
Eresd -
L9ij(t) (Vi(t) -
Esyn) .
The postsynaptic conductance 9ij (t) is the integral over the previous presynaptic events
and is described by the alpha-function
where is the arrival time of spike number s from neuron j. Including short term synaptic
depressIOn, the effective conductance is weighted by the portion of the synaptic resource
Pij (t) . Rij (t) that targets the postsynaptic side. The model parameters are C m = 0.5 nF,
91e ak = 31 nS, E rest = -65 mY, Esyn = -5 mY, 9'::':~x = 7.8 nS, and Tpeak = 1 ms,
and the absolute refractory period is 2 ms, and after a spike, the membrane potential is reset 1 mV below the resting potential. Following Tsodyks & Markram (1997) a synapse
between neurons j and i is characterized by the relative portion of the available synaptic
transmitter or resource Rij. After a presynaptic event, Rij decreases by Pij Rij, and recovers exponentially, where Pij is the transmitter release probability. The time evolution
of Rij between two presynaptic spikes is then
Rij(t) = 1 - (1 - (Rij{t) - pij(t)Rij{t))) exp
(-(t -i))
where ? is the last spike time, and the recovery time constant Tree = 200 ms. Assuming
Poisson distributed presynaptic firing, the steady state of the expected resource is
The stationary mean excitatory postsynaptic current (EPSC) Ii] (fj , Pij) is proportional to
the presynaptic firing frequency fj and the activated transmitter Pij Ri] (fj , Pij )
Ii] (fj, Pij) ex f Pij Ri] (fj, Pij) .
The mean current saturates for high input rates /j and it also depends on the transmitter
release probability Pij: with a high release probability the function is steeper at low presynaptic frequencies but saturates earlier than for a low release probability.
P Adorjem and K. Obermayer
80 r = = = = - '- -- - - ,
--- p=O.55
60 - p=O.24
e 40
J!" 20
-641.. - - - --.====:::::::;-]
--- p = 0.55
- -64.2 ,
'\ .?
p= 02
S -64.4 : \ ;\
.... --
0 0
~ -64.6'
: \ :\.
10 '
Firing rate [Hz 1
-{)5 0
Time [ms[
Figure 1: Short term synaptic dynamics at high and low transmitter release probability,
(a) The estimated transfer function O(f, p) for the cortical cells (Eq. 7) (solid and dashed
lines) in comparison with data obtained by the integrate and fire model (Eq. 1, circles and
asterisks). (b) EPSP trains for a series of presynaptic spikes at intervals of 31 ms (32 Hz).
p=O.55 (0.24) corresponds to adaptation to 1% (50% ) contrast (see Section 4).
In order to study contrast adaptation. 30 leaky-integrator neurons are connected fully via
excitatory fast adapting synapses. Each "cortical" leaky integrator neuron receives its
"geniculate" input through 30 synapses. The presynaptic geniculate spike-trains are independent Poisson-processes. Modeling visual stimulation with a drifting grating, their rates
are modulated sinusoidally with a temporal frequency of2 Hz. The background activity for
each individual "geniculate" source is drawn from a Gaussian distribution with a mean of
20 Hz and a standard deviation of 5 Hz. In the model the mean geniculate firing rate (Fig.
2b) and the amplitude of modulation (Fig. 2a) increases with stimulus log contrast according to the experimental data (Kaplan et al. 1987). In the following simulations CRFs are
determined according to the protocol of Carandini & Ferster (1997). The CRFs are calculated using an initial adaptation period of 5 s and a subsequent series of interleaved test and
re-adaptation stimuli (1 s each).
The learning rule
We propose that contrast adaptation in a visual cortical cell is a result of its goal to maximize the amount of information the cell's output conveys about the geniculate input l . Following (Bell & Sejnowski 1995) we derive a learning rule for the transmitter release probability p to maximize the mutual information between a cortical cell's input and output. Let
O(f, p) be the average output firing rate, f the presynaptic firing rate, and p the synaptic
transmitter release probability. Maximizing the mutual information is then equivalent to
maximizing the entropy of a neuron's output if we assume only additive noise:
H [O(f,p)]
-E[ In Prob(O(J, p))]
-E In I(}O(f ,p)/(}f l
E [In 1(}O~;, p) I] - E[ In Prob(f)]
(In the following all equations apply locally to a synapse between neurons j and i.)
In order to derive an analytic expression for the relation between 0 and f we use the fact
that the EPSP amplitude converges to its steady state relatively fast compared to the modulation of the geniculate input to the visual cortex, and that the average firing rates of the
I A different approach of maximizing mutual information between input and output of a single
spiking neuron has been developed by Stemmler & Koch (1999). For non-spiking neurons this strategy has been demonstrated experimentally by. e.g. Laughlin (1994).
Contrast Adaptation and Infomax
presynaptic neurons are approximately similar. Thus we approximate the activation function by
S(f)pRoo (f ,p),
where S(f) =
accounts for the frequency dependent summation of EPSCs. The
parameters a = 1.8 and
= 15 Hz are determined by fitting O(f, p) to the firing rate
of our integrate and fire single cell model (see Fig. 1a) . The objective function is then
maximized by a stochastic gradient ascent learning rule for the release probability p
op _ oH [O(f, p)] _ ~ 1
ot -
- Op n
IoO(f, p) I
Evaluating the derivatives we obtain a non-Hebbian learning rule for the transmitter release
probability p,
= }-
2 Tre e fR
Tree(fa - 1)
- 1)
+ p- + a + TreeP(fa
where a
I~e' and the adaptation time constant Tadapt
7 s (Ohzawa et al. 1985).
This is similar in spirit to the anti-Hebbian learning mechanism for the synaptic strength
proposed by Barlow & Foldiak (1989) to explain adaptation phenomena. Here, the first
term is proportional to the presynaptic firing rate f and to the available synaptic resource
R, suggesting a presynaptic mechanism for the learning. Because the amplitude of the
EPSP is proportional to the available synaptic resource, we could interpret R as an output
related quantity and -2Tree f R as an anti-Hebbian learning rule for the "strength of the
synapse", i.e. the probability p of the transmitter release. The second term ensures that pis
always larger than O. In the current model setup for the operating range of the presynaptic
geniculate cells p also stays al ways less than 1. The third term modulates the adaptation
slightly and increases the release probability p most if the input firing rate is close to 20 Hz,
i.e. the stimulus contrast is low.
Image contrast is related to the standard deviation of the luminance levels normalized by
the mean . Because ganglion cells adapt to the mean luminance, contrast adaptation in the
primary visual cortex requires only the estimation of the standard deviation. In a free viewing scenario with an eye saccade frequency of 2-3 Hz, the standard deviation can be estimated based on 10-20 image samples. Thus the adaptation rate can be fast (Tadapt = 7 s),
and it should also be fast in order to maintain good a representation whenever visual contrast changes, e.g. by changing light conditions. Higher order moments (than the standard
deviation) of the statistics of the visual world express image structure and are represented
by the receptive fields' profiles. The statistics of the visual environment are relatively
static, thus the receptive field profiles should be determined and constrained by another
less plastic synaptic parameter. such as the maximal synaptic conductance 9max.
Figure 2 shows the average geniculate input, the membrane potential, the firing rate and the
response phase of the modeled cortical cells as a function of stimulus contrast. The CRFs
were calculated for two adapting contrasts 1% (dashed line) and 50% (solid line). The
cortical CRF saturates for high contrast stimuli (Fig. 2e). This is due to the saturation ofthe
postsynaptic current (cf. Fig. I a) and thus induced by the short term synaptic depression. In
accordance with the experimental data (e.g. Carandini et al. 1997) the delay of the cortical
response (Fig. 2f) decreases towards high contrast stimuli. This is a consequence of fast
synaptic depression (c.f. Chance et al. 1998). High modulation in the input firing rate
leads to a fast transient rise in the EPSC followed by a rapid depression.
P. Ador}an and K. Obermayer
U' 40
10 1
Contrast [%]
0- 62 L--_~
_ _- - '
Contrast [%]
~ -60
,,- -
o 0 l...-_~~_~
(e) 10
10 1
--~ 20
....... 10
-80 l...-_~~_---'
10 1
Contrast [%]
Figure 2: The DC (a) and the FI (b) component of the geniculate input, and the response of
the cortical units in the model with strong recurrent lateral connections and slow adaptation
of the release probability on both the geniculocortical and lateral synapses. The Fl (c)
and the DC (d) component of the subthreshold membrane potential of a single cortical
unit, the Fl component of the firing rate (e). and the response phase (0 are plotted as a
function of stimulus contrast after adaptation to 1% (solid lines) and to 50% (dashed lines)
contrast stimuli. The CRF for the membrane potential (c, d) is calculated by integrating
Eg. I without spikes and without reset after spikes. The cortical circuitry involves strong
recurrent lateral connections.
The model predicts a shift of 3-5 mV in the DC component of the subthreshold membrane
potential (Fig. 2d)- a smaller amount than measured by Carandini & Ferster (1997). Nevertheless, in accordance with the data the shift caused by the adaptation is larger than the
change in the DC component of the membrane potential from I % contrast to 100% contrast. The largest shift in the DC membrane potential during adaptation occurs for small
contrast stimuli because an alteration in the transmitter release probability has the largest
effect on the postsynaptic current if the presynaptic firing rate is close to the geniculate
background activity of 20 Hz. The maximal change in the Fl component (Fig. 2c) is
around 5mV and it is half of the increase in the FI component of the membrane potential from 1% contrast to 100% contrast. The CRF for the cortical firing rate (Fig. 2e) shifts
to the right and the slope decreases after adaptation to high contrast. The model predicts
that the probability p for the transmitter release decreases by approximately a factor of two.
The Fl component of the cortical firing rate decreases after adaptation because after tonic
decrease in the input modulated membrane potential, the over-threshold area of its FI component decreases. The adaptation in the Fl firing rate is fed back via the recurrent excitatory connections resulting in the observable adaptation in the FI membrane potential.
Without lateral feedback (Fig. 3) the Fl component of the membrane potential is basically
independent of the contrast adaptation. At high release probability a steep rise of the EPSC
to a high amplitude peak is followed by rapid depression if the input is increasing. At low
release probability the current increases slower to a lower amplitude, but the depression is
Contrast Adaptation and lnfomax
u 25
-aE 20
- 10
102 (c) 10?
10 1
Contrast [%]
10 1
(a) 10?
-.l ~ -60
-o--a-o ___ .(). __
Figure 3
10 1
Contrast [%]
10 1
Contrast [%]
-60 L--~~_~...-l
10 1
Contrast [%]
Figure 4
Figure 3: The membrane potential (a, b), the phase (d) of the Fl component of the firing
rate, and the Fl component (c) averaged for the modeled cortical cells after adaptation to
1% (dashed lines) and 50% (solid lines) contrast. The weight of cortical connections is
set to zero. The CRF for the membrane potential (a, b) is calculated by integrating Eq. 1
without spikes and without reset after spikes.
Figure 4: Hysteresis curve revealed by following the ramp method protocol (Carandini &
Ferster 1997). After adaption to I % contrast, test stimuli of 2 s duration were applied with
a contrast successively increasing from 1% to 100% (asterisks). and then decreasing back
to 1% (circles).
less pronounced too. As a consequence, the power at the first harmonic (Fl component)
of the subthreshold membrane potential does not change if the release probability is modulated. It is modulated to a large extent by the recurrent excitatory feedback . The adaptation
of the Fl component of the firing rate could therefore be used to measure the effective
strength of the recurrent excitatory input to a simple ceIl in the primary visual cortex.
Additional simulations (data not shown) revealed that changing the transmitter release
probability of the geniculocortical synapses is responsible for the adaptation in our model
network. Fixing the value of p for the geniculocortical synapses abolishes contrast adaptation, while fixing the release probability p for the lateral synapses has no effect. Simulations show that increasing the release probability of the recurrent excitatory synapses leads
to oscillatory activity (e.g. Senn et al. 1996) without altering the mean activity of simple
cells. These results suggest an efficient functional segregation of feedforward and recurrent excitatory connections. Plasticity of the geniculocortical connections may playa key
role in contrast adaptation, while-without affecting the CRF-plasticity of the recurrent
excitatory synapses could could playa key role in dynamic feature binding and segregation
in the visual cortex (e.g. Engel et al. 1997).
Figure 4 shows the averaged CRF of the cortical model neurons revealed by the ramp
method (see figure caption) for strong recurrent feedback and adapting feedforward and
recurrent synapses. We find hysteresis curves for the Fl component of the firing rate simi-
P. Adorjan and K. Obermayer
lar to the results reported by Carandini & Ferster (1997), and for the response phase.
In summary, by assuming two different dynamics for a single synapse we explain the saturation of the CRFs, the contrast adaptation, and the increase in the delay of the cortical
response to low contrast stimuli. For the visual cortex of higher mammals, adaptation of
release probability p as a substrate for contrast adaptation is so far only a hypothesis. This
hypothesis, however, is in agreement with the currently available data, and could additionally be justified experimentally by intracellular measurements of EPSPs evoked by stimulating the geniculocortical axons. The model predicts that after adaptation to a low contrast
stimulus the amplitude of the EPSPs decreases steeply from a high value, while it shows
only small changes after adaptation to a high contrast stimulus (cf. Fig. 1b).
Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to Christian Piepenbrock for fruitful discussions. Funded by the German Science Foundation (Ob 102/2-1, GK 120-2).
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| 1518 |@word vogt:1 simulation:3 mammal:1 solid:4 moment:1 initial:1 series:2 current:6 od:1 surprising:1 activation:1 physiol:1 additive:1 subsequent:1 interspike:1 plasticity:5 analytic:1 christian:1 piepenbrock:1 stationary:1 half:1 short:3 ire:1 fitting:1 shapley:1 wannier:1 expected:1 rapid:2 integrator:3 brain:1 freeman:1 decreasing:1 prolonged:2 increasing:3 underlying:1 linearity:1 circuit:2 cm:1 developed:1 ret:1 finding:1 temporal:3 nf:1 ro:1 control:1 unit:3 local:1 accordance:2 ceil:1 timing:1 consequence:2 acad:1 receptor:1 ak:1 firing:21 modulation:4 approximately:2 evoked:1 co:1 limited:1 palmer:2 range:2 averaged:3 acknowledgment:1 responsible:1 testing:1 signaling:1 area:1 bell:2 adapting:6 significantly:1 matching:1 integrating:2 suggest:3 cannot:1 close:2 selection:1 www:1 equivalent:1 fruitful:1 demonstrated:1 crfs:4 maximizing:3 duration:1 recovery:1 rule:6 oh:1 target:1 caption:1 substrate:1 hypothesis:2 agreement:1 fr2:1 mammalian:1 predicts:3 blocking:1 role:4 fly:1 rij:8 tsodyks:2 epsc:3 ensures:1 connected:1 decrease:9 environment:1 dynamic:6 weakly:1 grateful:1 cynader:2 neurophysiol:1 resolved:1 represented:1 cat:5 neurotransmitter:1 stemmler:2 train:2 fast:8 effective:3 sejnowski:2 oby:1 klaus:1 larger:2 ramp:2 statistic:2 propose:2 interaction:1 maximal:3 epsp:3 adaptation:54 reset:3 tu:5 fr:1 adapts:1 pronounced:1 transmission:1 converges:1 derive:2 recurrent:11 fixing:2 measured:1 ij:1 op:4 eq:3 strong:3 epsps:2 grating:1 c:2 involves:1 stochastic:1 viewing:1 transient:1 explains:1 summation:1 koch:2 around:1 exp:2 circuitry:1 major:1 estimation:1 proc:1 geniculate:11 currently:1 sensitive:1 largest:2 engel:2 weighted:1 gaussian:1 always:1 encode:1 release:25 derived:1 transmitter:15 steeply:1 contrast:62 am:1 dependent:1 el:1 unlikely:1 relation:1 lgn:1 germany:1 adorjan:2 orientation:1 constrained:1 mutual:4 field:2 stimulus:20 individual:1 phase:6 fire:2 maintain:1 conductance:4 allison:1 light:1 activated:1 natl:1 integral:1 tree:4 circle:2 re:3 plotted:1 earlier:1 modeling:1 sinusoidally:1 altering:1 maximization:2 deviation:5 delay:2 too:1 reported:1 my:3 peak:1 stay:1 infomax:3 successively:1 mclean:2 derivative:1 account:2 potential:19 suggesting:1 de:2 retinal:1 alteration:1 coding:1 hysteresis:2 caused:1 mv:3 vi:5 depends:2 blind:2 steeper:1 portion:2 slope:1 ni:1 acid:1 characteristic:1 maximized:1 subthreshold:3 ofthe:1 weak:1 plastic:1 basically:1 tissue:1 explain:3 synapsis:10 strongest:1 oscillatory:1 whenever:1 synaptic:21 ed:1 frequency:5 pp:1 conveys:1 recovers:1 static:1 gain:1 carandini:12 amplitude:6 back:2 wesley:1 higher:4 response:13 synapse:4 furthermore:1 hand:2 receives:1 tre:1 lar:1 effect:3 hypothesized:1 ohzawa:2 normalized:1 barlow:2 evolution:1 eg:1 during:2 steady:2 m:5 crf:9 neocortical:1 fj:5 image:3 harmonic:1 fi:5 stimulation:1 spiking:3 hyperpolarization:1 vitro:1 functional:1 refractory:1 exponentially:1 volume:1 jl:1 cerebral:2 adp:1 resting:1 interpret:1 neuropharmacology:1 measurement:1 of2:1 funded:1 cortex:19 operating:1 inhibition:1 playa:2 recent:1 foldiak:1 driven:1 scenario:1 additional:1 maximize:2 period:2 dashed:4 ii:4 signal:1 hebbian:3 technical:1 characterized:1 ahmed:3 adapt:1 long:1 cross:1 fjj:3 ae:1 poisson:2 normalization:1 cell:18 justified:1 background:2 affecting:1 operative:1 interval:1 pyramidal:1 source:1 ot:2 rest:1 ascent:1 hz:9 induced:1 spirit:1 revealed:3 feedforward:2 affect:2 simi:1 brecht:1 shift:6 motivated:1 expression:1 o0:1 movshon:2 peter:1 depression:10 amount:2 locally:1 http:1 senn:2 estimated:2 express:1 key:2 threshold:2 nevertheless:1 drawn:1 changing:3 douglas:1 abbott:1 btl:2 luminance:2 prob:3 prog:1 roelfsema:1 ob:1 interleaved:1 fl:12 followed:2 durbin:1 activity:5 strength:4 ri:2 relatively:3 martin:1 according:2 neur:1 gaba:1 membrane:19 smaller:1 slightly:1 postsynaptic:5 explained:1 resource:5 equation:1 segregation:2 german:1 mechanism:3 singer:1 addison:1 fed:1 available:4 apply:1 fry:1 slower:1 drifting:1 cf:2 retardation:1 objective:1 quantity:1 spike:10 occurs:1 strategy:1 primary:7 fa:2 receptive:2 dependence:1 striate:1 obermayer:3 gradient:1 berlin:4 capacity:1 lateral:7 oa:1 sci:1 nelson:1 presynaptic:15 extent:1 geniculocortical:5 finlayson:2 assuming:2 code:1 modeled:3 esyn:2 setup:1 steep:1 gk:1 obennayer:1 kaplan:2 rise:2 f6ldiak:1 design:1 neuron:19 anti:2 saturates:4 tonic:2 paradox:1 dc:6 intensity:2 connection:6 macaque:1 nip:1 below:1 pattern:2 saturation:3 including:1 max:1 vidyasagar:2 event:2 power:1 decorrelation:1 glutamate:1 eye:3 mediated:1 relative:1 fully:1 proportional:3 asterisk:2 foundation:1 integrate:2 nucleus:1 degree:1 pij:11 lnfomax:1 principle:1 pi:1 excitatory:12 summary:1 last:1 free:1 side:1 laughlin:2 wide:1 saul:2 markram:2 absolute:1 leaky:3 distributed:1 slice:1 feedback:4 calculated:4 cortical:23 evaluating:1 world:1 curve:2 author:1 far:1 miall:1 eak:1 alpha:1 approximate:1 observable:1 mitchison:1 purpura:1 additionally:1 transfer:1 molecule:1 ioo:1 protocol:2 domain:1 intracellular:2 neurosci:5 noise:1 mediate:1 arrival:1 profile:2 amino:1 neuronal:1 fig:11 slow:3 axon:1 n:2 heeger:1 comput:1 perceptual:1 third:1 c1o:1 specific:1 deconvolution:1 modulates:1 epscs:1 entropy:1 explore:1 ganglion:1 visual:24 saccade:1 binding:2 corresponds:1 chance:3 adaption:1 stimulating:1 goal:1 presentation:2 towards:3 ferster:9 change:8 experimentally:2 determined:3 justify:1 experimental:5 modulated:5 tpeak:1 dept:1 phenomenon:2 ex:2 |
568 | 1,519 | Controlling the Complexity of HMM Systems by
Christoph Neukirchen, Gerhard Rigoll
Department of Computer Science
Gerhard-Mercator-University Duisburg
47057 Duisburg, Germany
email: {chn.rigoll}@fb9-ti.uni-duisburg.de
This paper introduces a method for regularization ofHMM systems that
avoids parameter overfitting caused by insufficient training data. Regularization is done by augmenting the EM training method by a penalty
term that favors simple and smooth HMM systems. The penalty term
is constructed as a mixture model of negative exponential distributions
that is assumed to generate the state dependent emission probabilities of
the HMMs. This new method is the successful transfer of a well known
regularization approach in neural networks to the HMM domain and can
be interpreted as a generalization of traditional state-tying for HMM systems. The effect of regularization is demonstrated for continuous speech
recognition tasks by improving overfitted triphone models and by speaker
adaptation with limited training data.
One general problem when constructing statistical pattern recognition systems is to ensure
the capability to generalize well, i.e. the system must be able to classify data that is not
contained in the training data set. Hence the classifier should learn the true underlying data
distribution instead of overfitting to the few data examples seen during system training.
One way to cope with the problem of overfitting is to balance the system's complexity and
flexibility against the limited amount of data that is available for training.
In the neural network community it is well known that the amount of information used in
system training that is required for a good generalization performance should be larger than
,the number of adjustable weights (Baum, 1989). A common method to train a large size
neural network sufficiently well is to reduce the number of adjustable parameters either
by removing those weights that seem to be less important (in (Ie Cun, 1990) the sensitivity of individual network weights is estimated by the second order gradient) or by sharing
C. Neukirchen and G. Rigoll
the weights among many network connections (in (Lang, 1990) the connections that share
identical weight values are determined in advance by using prior knowledge about invariances in the problem to be solved). A second approach to avoid overfitting in neural networks is to make use of regularization methods. Regularization adds an extra term to the
training objective function that penalizes network complexity. The simplest regularization
method is weight decay (Plaut, 1986) that assigns high penalties to large weights. A more
complex regularization term is used in soft weight-sharing (Nowlan, 1992) by favoring
neural network weights that fall into a finite set of small weight-clusters. The traditional
neural weight sharing technique can be interpreted as a special case of soft weight-sharing
regularization when the cluster variances tend towards zero.
In continuous speech recognition the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) method is common.
When using detailed context-dependent triphone HMMs, the number ofHMM-states and
parameters to estimate in the state-dependent probability density functions (pdfs) is increasingly large and overfitting becomes a serious problem. The most common approach
,to balance the complexity of triphone HMM systems against the training data set is to reduce the number of parameters by tying, i.e. parameter sharing (Young, 1992). A popular
sharing method is state-tying with selecting the HMM-states to be tied in advance, either
by data-driven state-clustering based on a pdf-dependent distance metric (Young, 1993),
or by constructing binary decision trees that incorporate higher phonetic knowledge (Bahl,
1991). In these methods, the number of state-clusters and the decision tree sizes, respectively, must be chosen adequately to match the training data size. However, a possible
drawback of both methods is that two different states may be selected to be tied (and their
pdfs are forced to be identical) although there is enough training data to estimate the different pdfs of both states sufficiently well. In the following, a method to reduce the complexity
of general HMM systems based on a regularization term is presented. Due to its close relationship to the soft weight-sharing method for neural networks this novel approach can be
interpreted as soft state-tying.
Maximum likelihood training in HMM systems
Traditionally, the method most commonly used to determine the set of adjustable parameters 8 in a HMM system is maximum likelihood (ML) estimation via the expectation
maximization (EM) algorithm. If the training observation vector sequence is denoted as
X = (x(l), ... ,x(T)) and the corresponding HMM is denoted as W the ML estimator is
given by:
{)ML = argmax {logpe(XIW)}
In the following, the total number of different HMM states is given by K. The emission pdf
,of the k-th state is denoted as bk (x); for continuous HMMs bk (x) is a mixture of Gaussian
pdfs most commonly; in the case of discrete HMMs the observation vector x is mapped by
a vector quantizer (VQ) on the discrete VQ-Iabel m(x) and the emission pdfis replaced by
the discrete output probability bk (m). By the forward-backward algorithm the probabilistic
state counts rdt) can be determined for each training observation and the log-likelihood
over the training data can be decomposed into the auxiliary function Q(8) optimized in
the EM steps (state transition probabilities are neglected here):
Q(8) =
L L rk(t) ?logbk(x(t))
t=l k=l
Sometimes, the observation vector x is split up into several independent streams. If the total
number of streams is given by Z, the features in the z-th stream comprise the subvector x(z)
and in the case of application ofa VQ the corresponding VQ label is denoted as m(z) (x(z?).
Controlling the Complexity ofHMM Systems by Regularization
The observation subvectors in different streams are assumed to be statistically independent
thus the states' pdfs can be written as:
bk(x) =
II b~z)(x(z?)
A complexity measure for HMM systems
When using regularization methods to train the HMM system, the traditional objective
training function Q(0) is augmented by a complexity penalization term 0 and the new
optimization problem becomes:
(reg = argmax {Q(0)
+ v? 0(0)}
Here, the regulizer term 0 should be small if the HMM system has high complexity and
parameter overfitting becomes a problem; 0 should be large if the HMM-states' pdfs are
shaped smoothly and system generalization works well. The constant v 2: 0 is a control
parameter that adjusts the tradeoff between the pure ML solution and the smoothness of
penalization. In Eqn. (4) the term Q(0) becomes larger the more data is used for training
(which makes the ML estimation become more reliable) and the influence of the term v? 0
gets less important, relatively.
The basic idea when constructing an expression for the regulizer 0 that favors smooth
HMM systems is, that in the case of simple and smooth systems the state-dependent emission pdfs bk (.) should fall into several groups of similar pdfs. This is in contrast to the
traditional state-tying that forces identical pdfs in each group. In the following, these clusters of similar emission pdfs are described by a probabilistic mixture model. Each pdf is
assumed to be generated by a mixture of I different mixture components Pi (. ). In this case
the probability (-density) of generating the emission pdf bk (.) is given by:
p(bkO) =
Ci . Pi(bk(?))
with the mixture weights Ci that are constrained to 0 ::::; Ci ::::; 1 and 1 = 2::=1 ci. The i-th
mixture component Pi (.) is used to model the i-th cluster of HMM-emission pdfs. Each
cluster is represented by a prototype pdf that is denoted as fJi (.) for the i-th cluster; the
distance (using a suitable metric) between a HMM emission pdf bk 0 and the i-th prototype
pdfis denoted as Di(bk (.)). If these distances are small for all HMM emission probabilities
there are several small clusters of emission probabilities and the regulizer term 0 should be
large. Now, it is assumed that the distances follow a negative exponential distribution (with
a deviation parameter Ai), yielding an expression for the mixture components:
p; (b.O) -
A;,,) . exp ( -
~ A;"
. D;" (bh)) )
In Eqn. (6) the more general case of Z independent streams is given. Hence, the HMM
emission pdfs and the cluster prototype pdfs are split up into Z different pdfs b~) (.) and
fJ;Z) (.), respectively and the stream dependent distances D i,z and parameters Ai,z are used.
Now, for the regulizer term 0 the log-likelihood of the mixture model in Eqn. (5) over all
emission pdfs in the HMM system can be used:
0(0) =
L logp(b
k (?))
C. Neukirchen and G. Rigoll
Regularization example: discrete HMMs
As an example for parameter estimation in the regularization framework, a discrete HMM
system with different VQs for each of the Z streams is considered here: Each VQ subdivides the feature space into J z different partitions (i.e. the z-th codebook size is J z) and
the VQ-partition labels are denoted m)z) . If the observation subvector x (z) is in the j-th
VQ-partition the VQ output is m(z) (x(z)) = m)Z).
Since the discrete kind HMM output probabilities b~\m(z)) are used here, the regulizer's
, prototypes are the discrete probabilities (3~z) (m (z) ). As a distance metric between the HMM
emission probabilities and the prototype probabilities used in Eqn. (6) the asymmetric
Kullback-Leibler divergence is applied:
Estimation of HMM parameters using regularization
The parameter set e of the HMM system to be estimated mainly consists of the discrete
HMM emission probabilities (transition probabilities are not subject of regularization here).
To get an iterative parameter estimation in the EM style, Eqn. (4) must be maximized; e.g.
by setting the derivative of Eqn. (4) with respect to the HMM -parameter b~) (m )z) ) to zero
and application of Lagrange multipliers with regard to the constraint 1 = EJ~ 1 biz)(m ;z)) .
This leads to a quite complex solution that can be only solved numerically.
The optimization problem can be simplified if the mixture in Eqn. (5) is replaced by the
maximum approximation; i.e. only the maximum component in the sum is considered. The
corresponding index of the maximum component is denoted i * :
In this simplified case the HMM parameter estimation is given by:
This is a weighted sum of the well known ML solution and the regulizer's prototype probability (3i~ (.) that is selected by the maximum search in Eqn. (9). The larger the value ofthe
constant II, the stronger is the force that pushes the estimate of the HMM emission probability biz) (m ;z)) towards the prototype probability (3i~ (.). The situation when II tends towards
infinity corresponds to the case of traditional state-tying, because all different states that
fall into the same cluster i* make use of (3i~ (.) as emission probability in the z-th stream.
Estimation of regulizer parameters
The parameter set ~ of the regulizer consists of the mixture weights Ci, the deviation parameters Ai,z , and of the discrete prototype probabilities (3~z) (m ;z) ) in the case of regulizing
Controlling the Complexity ofHMM Systems by Regularization
discrete HMMs. These parameters can be set in advance by making use of prior knowledge; e.g. the prototype probabilities can be obtained from a simple HMM system that
uses a small number of states. Alternatively, the regulizer's parameters can be estimated in
a similar way as in (Nowlan, 1992) by maximizing Eqn. (7). Since there is no direct solution to this optimization problem, maximization must be performed in an EM-like iterative
procedure that uses the HMM emission pdfs bk (.) as training data for the mixture model
and by increasing the following auxiliary function in each step:
L L P(ilbk(?)) ?logp(i, bk(?))
L L P(ilb k(?)) . log (Ci . Pi(bk(?)))
with the posterior probability used as weighting factor given by:
P(ilb k (.))
ICi . Pi(bk('))
2:: 1=1 Cl . Pl(bk(?))
Again, maximization of Eqn. (11) can be performed by setting the derivative of R(~)
with respect to the regulizer's parameters to zero under consideration of the constraints
ci and 1 =
f3~Z)(m~Z)) by application of Lagrange multipliers. For the es1=
timation of the regulizer parameters this yields:
~ .L
Ci =
P(ilb k (-))
2:::=1 P(ilbk(?))
~,z ~(z)(
2:::=1 Di,z(b~) (.)) . P(ilbk(-))
exp (
(z)) _
2:::=1 P(ilbk(')) 'IOgb~)(m)Z)))
2::k=1 P(zlbk('))
P(llb k (.)) 'IOgb~)(m}Z)))
2::k=1 P(llb k (?))
The estimate Ci can be interpreted as the a:-erage probability that a HMM emission probability falls into the i-th mixture cluster; Ai,z is the inverse ofthe weighted average distance between the emission probabilities and the prototype probability f3;z) ( .). The estimate
~;z)(m)zl) is the average probability over all emission probabilities for the VQ-label m~zl
weighted in the log-domain.
If the Euclidean distance between the discrete probabilities is used instead of Eqn. (8) to
measure the differences between the HMM emission probabilities and the prototypes
Di 'Z (b~)(m(zl)) =
L (f3jz\myl) - b~z)(m;Zl))
the estimate of the prototype probabilities is given by the average of the HMM probabilities
weighted in the original space:
C. Neukirchen and G. Rigo/l
Experimental results
To investigate the performance of the regularization methods described above a HMM
speech recognition system for the speaker-independent resource management (RM) continuous speech task is built up. For training 3990 sentences from 109 different speakers are
used. Recognition results are given as word error rates averaged over the official DARPA
RM test sets feb'89, oct'89, feb'91 and sep'92, consisting of 1200 sentences from 40 different speakers, totally. Recognition is done via a beam search guided Viterbi decoder using
the DARPA RM word pair grammar (perplexity: 60).
'As acoustic features every 10 ms 12 MFCC coefficients and the relative signal power are
extracted from the speech signal along with the dynamic ~- and ~~-features, comprising
39 features per frame. The HMM system makes use of standard 3-state discrete probability phonetic models. Four different neural networks, trained by the MMI method, that
is described in in (Rigoll, 1997) and extended in (Neukirchen, 1998), are used as VQ to
quantize the features into Z = 4 different streams of discrete labels. The codebook size in
each stream is set to 200.
A simple system with models for 47 monophones and for the most prominent 33 function
words (totally 394 states) yields a word error rate of 8.6%. A system that makes use of
the more detailed (but untied) word internal triphone models (totally 6921 states) yields
12.2% word error. Hence HMM overfitting because of insufficient training data is a severe
problem in this case. Traditional methods to overcome the effects of overfitting like interpolating between triphones and monophones (Bahl, 1983), data driven state-clustering and
decision tree clustering yield error rates of 6.5%, 8.3% and 6.4%, respectively. It must be
noted that in contrast to the usual training procedure in (Rigoll, 1996) no further smoothing
methods are applied to the HMM emission probabilities here.
In a first series of experiments the untied triphone system is regulized by a quite simple
mixture of I = 394 density components, i.e. the number of clusters in the penalty term is
identical to the number of states in the monophone system. In this case the prototype probabilities are initialized by the emission probabilities of the monophone system; the mixture
weights and the deviation parameters in the regulizer are set to be uniform, initially. In
order to test the inluence of the tradeoff parameter v it is set to 50, 10 and 2, respectively.
The corresponding word error rates are 8.4%, 6.9% and 6.3%, respectively. In the case
of large vs regularization degrades to a tying of trip hone states to monophone states and
,the error rate tends towards the monophone system performance. For smaller vs there is a
good tradeoff between data fitting and HMM smoothness yielding improved system performance. The initial prototype probability settings provided by the monophone system do not
seem to be changed much by regulizer parameter estimation, since the system performance
only changes slightly when the regulizer's parameter reestimation is not incorporated.
In preliminary experiments the regularization method is also used for speaker adaptation.
A speaker-independent system trained on the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) database yields an
error rate of32.4% on the Nov. 93 S33>0 test set with 10 different non-native speakers. The
speaker-independent HMM emission probabilities are used to initialize the prototype probabilities of the regulizer. Then, speaker-dependent systems are built up for each speaker
using only 40 fast enrollment sentences for training along with regularization (v is set to
10). Now, the error rate drops to 25.7% what is better than the speaker adaptation method
described in (Rottland, 1998) that yields 27.3% by a linear feature space transformation. In
combination both methods achieve 23.0% word error.
Summary and Discussion
A method to avoid parameter overfitting in HMM systems by application of a regularization term that favor smooth and simple models has been presented here. The complexity
Controlling the Complexity of HMM Systems by Regularization
measure applied to the HMMs is based on a finite mixture of negative exponential distributions, that generates the state-dependent emission probabilities. This kind of regularization
term can be interpreted as a soft state-tying, since it forces the HMM emission probabilities
to form a finite set of clusters. The effect of regularization has been demonstrated on the
RM task by improving overfitted trip hone models. On a WSJ non-native speaker adaption
task with limited training data, regularization outperforms feature space transformations.
Eqn. (4) may be also interpreted from a perspective of Bayesian inference: the term v .
n plays the role of setting a prior distribution on the HMM parameters to be estimated.
Hence, the use of a mixture model for n is equivalent to using a special kind of prior in the
framework of MAP estimation for HMMs (Gauvain, 1994).
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| 1519 |@word stronger:1 simplifying:1 initial:1 series:1 selecting:1 outperforms:1 nowlan:4 gauvain:2 lang:2 must:5 written:1 partition:3 drop:1 v:2 intelligence:1 selected:2 quantizer:2 plaut:2 codebook:2 along:2 constructed:1 direct:1 become:1 consists:2 fitting:1 iogb:2 brain:1 decomposed:1 subvectors:1 increasing:1 becomes:4 totally:3 provided:1 underlying:1 s33:1 what:2 tying:10 kind:3 interpreted:6 transformation:2 every:1 ti:1 ofa:1 classifier:1 rm:5 control:1 zl:4 tends:2 mercator:1 mateo:1 christoph:1 hmms:8 limited:3 statistically:1 averaged:1 backpropagation:1 procedure:2 word:9 get:2 close:1 bh:1 context:2 influence:1 rottland:3 equivalent:1 map:1 demonstrated:2 baum:2 maximizing:1 assigns:1 pure:1 estimator:1 adjusts:1 haussler:1 traditionally:1 controlling:4 play:1 gerhard:2 us:2 pa:1 recognition:12 asymmetric:1 native:2 database:1 role:1 solved:2 solla:1 overfitted:2 complexity:12 neglected:1 dynamic:1 trained:2 subdivides:1 sep:1 darpa:3 joint:1 icassp:4 represented:1 train:2 forced:1 fast:1 quite:2 larger:3 grammar:1 favor:3 sequence:1 net:1 adaptation:4 flexibility:1 achieve:1 exploiting:1 cluster:13 generating:1 wsj:2 augmenting:1 auxiliary:2 c:1 guided:1 drawback:1 generalization:4 wall:1 preliminary:1 pl:1 sufficiently:2 considered:2 exp:3 viterbi:1 estimation:10 proc:6 label:4 jackel:1 weighted:4 mit:1 gaussian:2 avoid:2 ej:1 es1:1 emission:26 pdfs:16 likelihood:5 mainly:1 contrast:2 posteriori:1 inference:1 dependent:9 initially:1 hidden:1 favoring:1 comprising:1 germany:1 among:1 denoted:8 constrained:1 special:2 smoothing:1 initialize:1 mutual:1 comprise:1 f3:2 shaped:1 identical:4 report:1 ilb:3 serious:1 few:1 divergence:1 individual:1 hmmiann:1 replaced:2 argmax:2 consisting:1 investigate:1 severe:1 introduces:1 mixture:18 yielding:2 chain:1 tree:4 euclidean:1 penalizes:1 initialized:1 isolated:1 monophone:5 neukirchen:9 classify:1 soft:6 modeling:1 enrollment:1 rigo:1 logp:2 maximization:3 deviation:3 uniform:1 delay:1 successful:1 eurospeech:1 density:3 sensitivity:1 ie:2 probabilistic:2 lee:1 again:1 management:1 derivative:2 style:1 de:2 coefficient:1 caused:1 stream:10 reg:1 performed:2 capability:1 variance:1 phoneme:1 maximized:1 yield:6 ofthe:2 generalize:1 bayesian:1 mmi:2 mfcc:1 sharing:8 email:1 rdt:1 against:2 pp:1 di:3 popular:1 knowledge:3 higher:1 follow:1 improved:1 done:2 mar:1 correlation:1 eqn:12 bahl:4 biz:2 effect:3 true:1 multiplier:2 adequately:1 regularization:27 hence:4 leibler:1 during:1 speaker:13 noted:1 m:1 prominent:1 pdf:6 fj:1 consideration:1 novel:1 common:3 bko:1 numerically:1 willett:1 mellon:1 cambridge:1 ai:4 smoothness:2 language:1 recognizers:1 add:1 feb:2 triphones:1 posterior:1 multivariate:1 perspective:1 driven:2 perplexity:1 phone:1 phonetic:2 binary:1 muller:1 seen:1 morgan:1 triphone:5 determine:1 signal:2 ii:3 smooth:4 technical:1 match:1 basic:1 metric:3 expectation:1 cmu:1 sometimes:1 llb:2 beam:1 extra:1 subject:1 tend:1 seem:2 split:2 enough:1 architecture:1 reduce:3 idea:1 prototype:15 tradeoff:3 vqs:1 rigoll:9 expression:2 penalty:4 monophones:2 speech:14 woodland:1 detailed:2 amount:2 simplest:1 generate:1 estimated:4 per:1 discrete:14 carnegie:1 vol:2 group:2 four:1 duisburg:3 backward:1 sum:2 inverse:1 decision:4 nahamoo:1 constraint:2 infinity:1 untied:2 generates:1 relatively:1 department:1 waibel:1 combination:1 smaller:1 slightly:1 em:5 increasingly:1 cun:2 making:1 resource:1 vq:10 count:1 fji:1 available:1 denker:1 original:1 clustering:3 ensure:1 objective:2 xiw:1 degrades:1 damage:1 usual:1 traditional:6 gradient:1 distance:8 mapped:1 hmm:48 decoder:1 street:1 gopalakrishnan:1 index:1 relationship:1 insufficient:2 balance:2 pmc:1 negative:3 design:1 adjustable:3 observation:7 markov:2 hone:2 howard:1 finite:3 situation:1 extended:1 incorporated:1 hinton:3 frame:1 community:1 souza:1 bk:14 pair:1 required:1 subvector:2 trip:2 connection:2 optimized:1 sentence:3 acoustic:2 trans:1 able:1 pattern:2 built:2 reliable:1 power:1 suitable:1 natural:1 force:3 hybrid:3 kj:1 prior:4 relative:1 ofhmm:4 penalization:2 mercer:1 share:1 pi:5 changed:1 summary:1 fall:4 jelinek:1 regard:1 overcome:1 transition:2 avoids:1 valid:1 forward:1 commonly:2 ici:1 simplified:2 san:1 cope:1 transaction:1 picheny:1 nov:1 sj:1 uni:1 kullback:1 ml:6 overfitting:9 reestimation:1 pittsburgh:1 assumed:4 alternatively:1 continuous:7 iterative:2 search:2 timation:1 learn:1 transfer:1 mj:1 jz:1 ca:1 improving:2 quantize:1 complex:2 cl:1 constructing:3 domain:2 official:1 interpolating:1 augmented:1 exponential:3 tied:2 weighting:1 young:4 removing:1 rk:1 decay:1 workshop:1 ci:9 push:1 chn:1 smoothly:1 lagrange:2 contained:1 ch:4 corresponds:1 adaption:1 extracted:1 ma:1 oct:1 towards:4 change:1 determined:2 total:2 invariance:1 experimental:1 internal:1 incorporate:1 audio:1 |
569 | 152 | 436
Brian Rasnow 1, Christopher Assad2, Mark E. Nelson3 and James M. Bow~
Divisions of Physics1,Elecbical Engineerini, and Biolo~
Caltech, Pasadena, 91125
The weakly electric fish, Gnathonemus peters;;, explores its environment by generating pulsed elecbic fields and detecting small pertwbations in the fields resulting from
nearby objects. Accordingly, the fISh detects and discriminates objects on the basis of a
sequence of elecbic "images" whose temporal and spatial properties depend on the timing of the fish's electric organ discharge and its body position relative to objects in its environmenl We are interested in investigating how these fish utilize timing and body-position during exploration to aid in object discrimination. We have developed a fmite-element simulation of the fish's self-generated electric fields so as to reconstruct the electrosensory consequences of body position and electric organ discharge timing in the fish.
This paper describes this finite-element simulation system and presents preliminary electric field measurements which are being used to tune the simulation.
The active positioning of sensory structures (i.e. eyes, ears, whiskers, nostrils, etc.)
is characteristic of the information seeking behavior of all exploratory animals. Yet, in
most existing computational models and in many standard experimental paradigms, the
active aspects of sensory processing are either eliminated or controlled (e.g. by stimulating fIXed groups of receptors or by stabilizing images). However, it is clear that the active positioning of receptor surfaces directly affects the content and quality of the sensory
infonnation received by the nervous system. Thus. controlling the position of sensors
during sensory exploration constitutes an important feature of an animals strategy for
making sensory discriminations. Quantitative study of this process could very well shed
light on the algorithms and internal representations used by the nervous system in discriminating peripheral objects.
Studies of the active use of sensory surfaces generally can be expected to pose a
number of experimental challenges. This is because, in many animals, the sensory surfaces involved are themselves structurally complicated, making it difficult to reconstruct p0sition sequences or the consequences of any repositioning. For example, while the sen-
Simulation and Measurement of the Weakly Electric Fish
sory systems of rats have been the subjects of a great deal of behavioral (Welker, 1964)
and neurophysiological study (Gibson & Welker, 1983), it is extremely difficult to even
monitor the movements of the perioral surfaces (lips, snout, whiskers) used by these animals in their exploration of the world let alone reconstruct the sensory consequences. For
these reasons we have sought an experimental animal with a sensory system in which
these sensory-motor interactions can be more readily quantified.
The experimental animal which we have selected for studying the control of sensory
surface position during exploration is a member of a family of African freshwater fish
(Monniridae) that use self-generated electric fields to detect and discriminate objects in
their environment (Bullock & Heiligenberg, 1986). The electrosensory system in these
fish relies on an "electric organ" in their tails which produces a weak pulsed electric field
in the surrounding environment (significant within 1-2 body lengths) that is then detected
with an array of electrosensors that are extremely sensitive to voltage drops across the
skin. These "electroreceptors" allow the fISh to respond to the perturbations in the electric field resulting from objects in the environment which differ in conductivity from the
surrounding water (Fig. 1).
. . conducting
IIID electric organ
field lines
Figure 1. The peripheral electrosensory system of Gnathonemus petersii
consists of an "electric organ" current source at the base of the tail and several thousand "electroreceptor" cells distributed non uniformly over the
fish's body. A conducting object near the fish causes a local increase in the
current through the skin.
These fISh are nocturnal, and rely more on their electric sense than on any other sensory
system in perfonning a wide range of behaviors (eg. detecting and localizing objects such
as food). It is also known that these fish execute exploratory movements, changing their
body position actively as they attempt an electrosensory discrimination (Toerring &
Belbenoit, 1979). Our objective is to understand how these movements change the distribution of the electric field on the animals skin, and to determine what, if any, relationship
this has to the discrimination process.
There are several clear advantages of this system for our studies. First, the electrore-
Rasnow, Assad, Nelson and Bower
ceptors are in a fixed position with respect to each other on the surface of the animal.
Therefore, by knowing the overall body position of the animal it is possible to know the
exact spatial relationship of electroreceptors with respect to objects in the environment.
Second, the physical equations governing the self-generated electric fIeld in the fish's environment are well understood. As a consequence, it is relatively straightforward to reconstruct perturbations in the electric field resulting from objects of different shape and
conductance. Third, the electric potential can be readily measured, providing a direct
measure of the electric field at a distance from the fish which can be used to reconstruct
the potential difference across the animals skin. And finally, in the particular species of
fish we have chosen to work with, Gnathonemus petersii, individual animals execute a
brief (100 J.1Sec) electric organ discharge (BOD) at intervals of 30 msec to a few seconds.
Modification of the firing pattern is 1cnown to be correlated with changes in the electrical
environment (Lissmann, 1958). Thus, when the electric organ discharges, it is probable
that the animal is interested in "taking a look" at its surroundings. In few other sensory
systems is there as direct an indication of the attentional state of the subject.
Having stated the advantages of this system for the study we have undertaken, it is
also the case that considerable effort will still be necessary to answer the questions we
have posed. For example, as described in this paper, in order to use electric field measurements made at a distance to infer the voltages across the surface of the animal's skin,
it is necessary to develop a computer model of the fish and its environment. This will
allow us to predict the field on the animal's skin surface given different body poSitions
relative to objects in the environment. This paper describes our first steps in constructing
this simulation system.
Experimental Approach and Methods
Simulations of Fish Electric Fields
The electric potential, cll(x), generated by the EOD of a weakly electric fish in a fish
tank is a solution ofPoisson's equation:
Ve(pVell) = f
where p(x)and f(x) are the impedance magnitude and source density at each point x inside and surrounding the fish. Our goal is to solve this equation for ell given the current
source density, f, generated by the electric organ and the impedances, p, corresponding to
the properties of the fish and external objects (rocks, worms, etc.). Given p and f. this
equation can be solved for the potential ell using a variety of iterative approximation
schemes. Iterative methods, in general, first discretize the spatial domain of the problem
into a set of "node" points, and convert Poisson's equation into a set of algebraic equations with the nodal potentials as the unknown parameters. The node values, in this case,
each represent an independent degree of freedom of the system and, as a consequence,
there are as many equations as there are nodes. This very large system of equations can
Simulation and Measurement of the Weakly Electric Fish
then be solved using a variety of standard techniques, including relaxation methods, conjugate gradient minimization, domain decomposition and multi-grid methods.
To simulate the electric fields generated by a fish, we currently use a 2-dimensional
fmite element domain discretization (Hughes, 1987) and conjugate gradient solver. We
chose the finite element method because it allows us to simulate the electric fields at
much higher resolution in the area of interest close to the animal's body where the electric field is largest and where errors due to the discretization would be most severe. The
fmite element method is based on minimizing a global function that corresponds to the
potential energy of the electric field. To compute this energy, the domain is decomposed
into a large number of elements, each with uniform impedance (see Fig. 2). The global
energy is expressed as a sum of the contributions from each element, where the potential
within each element is assumed to be a linear interpolation of the potentials at the nodes
or vertices of each element The conjugate gradient solver determines the values of the
node potentials which minimize the global energy function.
1\ IVrv'V
1\ 1\ rv:V J J 1\/1\ .J1\/
1\11\/1\/1\11\/1\/1\ 1\11\/[\ 1\1 IV
If\ If\ '\ '\ V\ V If\ J\ 1'\
l/\ V 11'\ '\ 1/ :1'\ '\ '\ '\ V '\ 1'\" '\ 11\1/\ \ '\ V
Figure 2. The inner region of a fmite element grid constructed for simulating in 2-dimensions the electric field generated by an electric fish.
Measurement of Fish Electric Fields
Another aspect of our experimental approach involves the direct measurement of
the potential generated by a fish's EOD in a fish tank using arrays of small electrodes and
differential amplifiers. The electrodes and electronics have a high impedance which minimizes their influence on the electric fields they are designed to measure. The electrodes
are made by pulling a 1mm glass capillary tube across a heated tungsten filament, resulting in a fine tapered tip through which a 1~ silver wire is run. The end of this wire is
melted in a flame leaving a 200J,un ball below the glass insulation. Several electrodes are
then mounted as an array on a microdrive attached to a modified X-Yplotter under computer control and giving better than 1mm positioning accuracy. Generated potentials are
amplified by a factor of 10 - 100, and digitized at a rate of 100kHz per channel with a 12
bit AID converter using a Masscomp 5700 computer. An array processor searches this
Rasnow, Assad, Nelson and Bower
continuous stream of data for EOD wavefonns. which are extracted and saved along with
the position of the electrode array.
Calibration of the Simulator
In order to have confidence in the overall system, it was fD'St necessary to calibrate
both the recording and the simulation procedures. To do this we set up relatively simple
geometrical arrangements of sources and conductors in a fish tank for which the potential
could be found analytically. The calibration source was an electronic "fake fish" circuit
that generated signals resembling the discharge of Gnathonemus.
Point current source
A point source in a 2-dimensional box is perhaps the simplest configuration with
which to initially test our electric field reconstruction system. The analytic solution for
the potential from a point current source centered in a grounded. conducting 2-dimensional box is:
. (.n7t). (n7tx). h (.n7ty )
4>(x. y) =
n =1
sm("2 sm
n L cosh(T)
Our fmite element simulation. based on a regular 80 x 80 node grid differs from the
above expression by less than 1%. except in the elements adjacent to the source. where
the potential change across these elements is large and is not as accurately reconstructed
by a linear interpolation (Fig. 3). Smaller elements surrounding the source would improve the accuracy. however. one should note the analytic solution is infmite at the location of the "point" source whereas the measured and simulated sources (and real fish)
have finite current densities.
To measure the real equivalent of a point source in a 2-dimensional box. we used a
linear current source (a wire) which ran the full depth of a real 3-dimensional tank.
Measurements made in the midplane of the tank agree with the simulation and analytic
solution to better than 5% (Fig. 3.). Uncertainty in the positions of the ClUTent source and
recording sites relative to the position of the conducting walls probably accounts for
much of this difference.
Simulation and Measurement of the Weakly Electric Fish
o - measured
x - simulated
dislaDce from source
Figure 3. Electric potential of a point current source centered in a grounded
2-dimensional box.
Measurements of Fish Fields and 2-Dimensional Simulations
Calibration of our fmite element model of an electric fish requires direct measurements of the electric potential close to a discharging fish. Fig. 4 shows a recording of a
single EOD sampled with 5 colinear electrodes near a restrained fish. The wavefonn is
bipolar, with the fIrst phase positive if recorded near the animals head and negative if recorded near the tail (relative to a remote reference). We used the peak amplitude of the
larger second phase of the wavefonn to quantify the electric potential recorded at each
location. Note that the potential reverses sign at a point approximately midway along the
tail. This location corresponds to the location of the null potential shown in Fig. 5.
Figure 4. EOD waveform sampled simultaneously from 5 electrodes.
Rasnow, Assad, Nelson and Bower
Measurements of EODs from a restrained fish exhibited an extraordinarily small variance in amplitude and waveform over long periods of time. In fact, the peak-peak amplitude of the EOD varied by less than 0.4% in a sample of 40 EOD's randomly chosen during a 30 minute period. Thus we are able to directly compare waveforms sampled sequentially without renonnalizing for fluctuations in EOD amplitude.
Figure 5 shows equipotential lines reconstructed from a set of 360 measurements
made in the midplane of a restrained Gnathonemus. Although the observed potential resembles that from a purely dipolar source (Fig. 6), careful inspection reveals an asymmetry between the head and tail of the fISh. This asymmetry can be reproduced in our simulations by adjusting the electrical properties of the fish. Qualitatively, the measured
fields can be reproduced by assigning a low impedance to the internal body cavity and a
high impedance to the skin. However, in order to match the location of the null potential,
the skin impedance must vary over the length of the body. We are currently quantifying
these parameters, as described in the next section.
!!!!m 1'!I!fl!IPf!~m
!~ ...... II..
?? 1.. . ...... 1 ???
Figure 5. Measured potentials (at peak of second phase of EOD) recorded
from a restrained Gnathonemus petersii in the midplane of the fish.
Equipotential lines are 20 mV apart. Inset shows relative location of fish
and sampling points in the fISh tank.
Figure 6. Equipotential lines from a 2-dimensional finite element simulation of a dipole using the grid of Fig. 2. The resistivity of the fish was set
equal to that of the sWToundings in this simulation.
Simulation and Measurement of the Weakly Electric Fish
Future Directions
There is still a substantial amount of work that remains to be done before we
achieve our goal of being able to fully reconstruct the pattern of electroreceptor activation for any arbitrary body position in any particular environment. First. it is clear that
we require more information about the electrical structure of the fISh itself. We need an
accurate representation of the internal impedance distribution p(x) of the body and skin
as well as of the source density f(x) of the electric organ. To some extent this can be addressed as an inverse problem, namely given the measured potential cl>(x), what choice of
p(x) and f(x) best reproduces the data. Unfortunately, in the absence of further constraints, there are many equally valid solution, thus we will need to directly measure the
skin and body impedance of the fish. Second, we need to extend our finite-element simulations of the fish to 3-dimensions which, although conceptually straight forward, requires substantial technical developments to be able to (a) specify and visualize the
space-filling set of 3-dimensional finite-elements (eg. tetrahedrons) for arbitrary configurations, (b) compute the solution to the much larger set of equations (typically a factor of
100-1(00) in a reasonable time, and (c) visualize and analyze the resulting solutions for
the 3-dimensional electrical fields. As a possible solution to (b), we are developing and
testing a parallel processor implementation of the simulator.
Bullock, T. H. & Heiligenberg, W. (Eds.) (1986). "Electroreception", Wiley & Sons,
New York.
Gibson, J. M. & Welker. W. I. (1983). Quantitative Studies of Stimulus Coding in FirstOrder Vibrissa Afferents of Rats. 1. Receptive Field Properties and Threshold
Distributions. Somatosensory Res. 1:51-67.
Hughes, T. J. (1987). The Finite Element Method: Linear Static and Dynamic Finite
Element Analysis. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
Lissmann. H.W. (1958). On the function and evolution of electric organs in fish. J. Exp.
Bioi. 35:156-191.
Toening, M. J. and Belbenoit. P. (1979). Motor Programmes and Electroreception in
Monnyrid Fish. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 4:369-379.
Welker, W. I. (1964). Analysis of Sniffing of the Albino Rat Behaviour 22:223-244.
| 152 |@word simulation:18 electrosensory:4 decomposition:1 electroreceptors:3 fmite:6 electronics:1 configuration:2 existing:1 current:8 discretization:2 activation:1 yet:1 assigning:1 must:1 readily:2 j1:1 midway:1 shape:1 analytic:3 motor:2 drop:1 designed:1 discrimination:4 alone:1 selected:1 nervous:2 accordingly:1 perioral:1 inspection:1 detecting:2 node:6 location:6 nodal:1 constructed:1 direct:4 differential:1 along:2 consists:1 behavioral:1 inside:1 expected:1 behavior:2 themselves:1 multi:1 simulator:2 detects:1 decomposed:1 food:1 solver:2 circuit:1 null:2 what:2 minimizes:1 developed:1 eod:9 temporal:1 quantitative:2 firstorder:1 shed:1 bipolar:1 ro:1 control:2 conductivity:1 discharging:1 positive:1 before:1 understood:1 timing:3 local:1 consequence:5 receptor:2 firing:1 interpolation:2 approximately:1 fluctuation:1 chose:1 resembles:1 quantified:1 tungsten:1 range:1 filament:1 testing:1 wavefonns:1 hughes:2 differs:1 insulation:1 procedure:1 area:1 gibson:2 confidence:1 regular:1 close:2 prentice:1 influence:1 heated:1 equivalent:1 resembling:1 straightforward:1 resolution:1 stabilizing:1 clutent:1 dipole:1 array:5 exploratory:2 discharge:5 controlling:1 exact:1 element:20 observed:1 electrical:4 solved:2 thousand:1 region:1 remote:1 movement:3 ran:1 substantial:2 discriminates:1 environment:10 dynamic:1 weakly:7 depend:1 colinear:1 purely:1 division:1 basis:1 jersey:1 surrounding:4 detected:1 extraordinarily:1 whose:1 posed:1 solve:1 larger:2 reconstruct:6 itself:1 reproduced:2 sequence:2 advantage:2 indication:1 rock:1 sen:1 reconstruction:1 interaction:1 bow:1 achieve:1 amplified:1 bod:1 electrode:7 asymmetry:2 produce:1 generating:1 silver:1 object:14 develop:1 pose:1 measured:6 received:1 electroreception:2 involves:1 somatosensory:1 revers:1 quantify:1 differ:1 direction:1 waveform:3 saved:1 exploration:4 centered:2 require:1 behaviour:1 wall:1 preliminary:1 brian:1 probable:1 mm:2 ecol:1 hall:1 exp:1 great:1 predict:1 visualize:2 sought:1 vary:1 currently:2 infonnation:1 sensitive:1 largest:1 organ:10 minimization:1 sensor:1 modified:1 voltage:2 sense:1 detect:1 glass:2 typically:1 initially:1 pasadena:1 interested:2 tank:6 overall:2 iiid:1 development:1 animal:16 spatial:3 ell:2 field:28 equal:1 having:1 eliminated:1 sampling:1 look:1 constitutes:1 filling:1 future:1 stimulus:1 few:2 surroundings:1 randomly:1 simultaneously:1 ve:1 individual:1 phase:3 attempt:1 freedom:1 conductance:1 amplifier:1 interest:1 fd:1 severe:1 light:1 electroreceptor:2 accurate:1 necessary:3 iv:1 re:1 localizing:1 calibrate:1 vertex:1 uniform:1 answer:1 repositioning:1 st:1 density:4 explores:1 freshwater:1 discriminating:1 cll:1 peak:4 tip:1 ear:1 tube:1 recorded:4 sniffing:1 external:1 actively:1 account:1 potential:23 sec:2 coding:1 mv:1 afferent:1 stream:1 analyze:1 complicated:1 parallel:1 contribution:1 minimize:1 capillary:1 accuracy:2 variance:1 characteristic:1 conducting:4 conceptually:1 weak:1 accurately:1 straight:1 processor:2 african:1 resistivity:1 ed:1 tetrahedron:1 energy:4 involved:1 james:1 nostril:1 static:1 sampled:3 adjusting:1 amplitude:4 higher:1 specify:1 execute:2 box:4 done:1 snout:1 governing:1 christopher:1 quality:1 perhaps:1 ipf:1 pulling:1 evolution:1 analytically:1 restrained:4 infmite:1 deal:1 eg:2 adjacent:1 during:4 self:3 rat:3 equipotential:3 midplane:3 heiligenberg:2 geometrical:1 image:2 physical:1 attached:1 khz:1 extend:1 tail:5 measurement:14 significant:1 grid:4 calibration:3 surface:8 etc:2 base:1 pulsed:2 apart:1 caltech:1 determine:1 paradigm:1 period:2 signal:1 ii:1 rv:1 full:1 infer:1 positioning:3 match:1 technical:1 long:1 equally:1 controlled:1 dipolar:1 poisson:1 represent:1 grounded:2 cell:1 whereas:1 fine:1 interval:1 addressed:1 source:19 leaving:1 exhibited:1 probably:1 subject:2 recording:3 member:1 near:4 variety:2 affect:1 converter:1 inner:1 knowing:1 expression:1 effort:1 peter:1 algebraic:1 york:1 cause:1 behav:1 generally:1 fake:1 clear:3 nocturnal:1 tune:1 amount:1 cosh:1 simplest:1 fish:51 sign:1 per:1 group:1 threshold:1 monitor:1 changing:1 tapered:1 undertaken:1 utilize:1 welker:4 relaxation:1 convert:1 sum:1 run:1 inverse:1 uncertainty:1 respond:1 family:1 reasonable:1 electronic:1 bit:1 fl:1 constraint:1 nearby:1 aspect:2 simulate:2 extremely:2 relatively:2 developing:1 peripheral:2 ball:1 conjugate:3 describes:2 across:5 smaller:1 son:1 wavefonn:2 bullock:2 making:2 modification:1 equation:9 agree:1 remains:1 know:1 end:1 studying:1 simulating:1 giving:1 seeking:1 skin:10 objective:1 question:1 arrangement:1 strategy:1 receptive:1 gradient:3 distance:2 attentional:1 simulated:2 sory:1 nelson:3 extent:1 reason:1 water:1 length:2 relationship:2 providing:1 minimizing:1 difficult:2 unfortunately:1 stated:1 negative:1 implementation:1 unknown:1 discretize:1 wire:3 sm:3 finite:8 head:2 digitized:1 perturbation:2 varied:1 vibrissa:1 arbitrary:2 namely:1 able:3 below:1 pattern:2 challenge:1 including:1 soo:1 rely:1 scheme:1 improve:1 brief:1 eye:1 relative:5 fully:1 whisker:2 mounted:1 degree:1 allow:2 understand:1 wide:1 taking:1 distributed:1 dimension:2 depth:1 world:1 valid:1 sensory:13 forward:1 made:4 qualitatively:1 programme:1 reconstructed:2 cavity:1 global:3 active:4 investigating:1 sequentially:1 reveals:1 reproduces:1 assumed:1 un:1 iterative:2 search:1 continuous:1 lip:1 impedance:9 channel:1 cl:1 electric:46 constructing:1 domain:4 body:14 fig:8 site:1 aid:2 wiley:1 structurally:1 position:13 msec:1 bower:3 third:1 minute:1 inset:1 rasnow:4 magnitude:1 neurophysiological:1 expressed:1 albino:1 corresponds:2 determines:1 relies:1 extracted:1 stimulating:1 bioi:1 goal:2 quantifying:1 careful:1 absence:1 content:1 change:3 considerable:1 except:1 uniformly:1 conductor:1 worm:1 specie:1 discriminate:1 experimental:6 assad:3 internal:3 mark:1 eods:1 perfonning:1 correlated:1 |
570 | 1,520 | Exploiting generative models
discriminative classifiers
Tommi S. Jaakkola*
MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratorio
545 Technology Square
Cambridge, MA 02139
David Haussler
Department of Computer Science
University of California
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Generative probability models such as hidden ~larkov models provide a principled way of treating missing information and dealing
with variable length sequences. On the other hand , discriminative
methods such as support vector machines enable us to construct
flexible decision boundaries and often result in classification performance superior to that of the model based approaches. An ideal
classifier should combine these two complementary approaches. In
this paper, we develop a natural way of achieving this combination by deriving kernel functions for use in discriminative methods
such as support vector machines from generative probability models. We provide a theoretical justification for this combination as
well as demonstrate a substantial improvement in the classification
performance in the context of D~A and protein sequence analysis.
Speech, vision , text and biosequence data can be difficult to deal with in the context
of simple statistical classification problems. Because the examples to be classified
are often sequences or arrays of variable size that may have been distorted in particular ways, it is common to estimate a generative model for such data, and then
use Bayes rule to obtain a classifier from this model. However. many discriminative methods, which directly estimate a posterior probability for a class label (as
in Gaussian process classifiers [5]) or a discriminant function for the class label
(as in support vector machines [6]) have in other areas proven to be superior to
* Corresponding author.
T. S. Jaakkola and D. Haussler
generative models for classification problems. The problem is that there has been
no systematic way to extract features or metric relations between examples for use
with discriminative methods in the context of difficult data types such as those
listed above. Here we propose a general method for extracting these discriminatory
features using a generative model. V{hile the features we propose are generally
applicable, they are most naturally suited to kernel methods.
Kernel methods
Here we provide a brief introduction to kernel methods; see, e.g., [6] [5] for more
details. Suppose now that we have a training set of examples Xl and corresponding
binary labels 51 (?1) . In kernel methods. as we define them. the label for a new
example X is obtained from a weighted sum of the training labels. The weighting of
each training label 52 consists of two parts: 1) the overall importance of the example
Xl as summarized with a coefficient '\1 and 2) a measure of pairwise "similarity"
between between XI and X, expressed in terms of a kernel function K(X2' X). The
predicted label S for the new example X is derived from the following rule:
s ~ sign ( ~ S, '\,K(X,. X) )
We note that this class of kernel methods also includes probabilistic classifiers, in
\vhich case the above rule refers to the label with the maximum probability. The
free parameters in the classification rule are the coefficients '\1 and to some degree
also the kernel function K . To pin down a particular kernel method. two things
need to be clarified. First , we must define a classification loss . or equivalently, the
optimization problem to solve to determine appropriate values for the coefficients
'\1' Slight variations in the optimization problem can take us from support vector
machines to generalized linear models. The second and the more important issue is
the choice of the kernel function - the main topic of this paper. \Ve begin with a
brief illustration of generalized linear models as kernel methods.
Generalized linear models
For concreteness we consider here only logistic regression models. while emphasizing
that the ideas are applicable to a larger class of models l . In logistic regression
models , the probability of the label 5 given the example X and a parameter vector
e is given by2
P(5IX. e) = (7 (5e T X)
where (7(z) = (1 + e- z) - l is the logistic function. To control the complexity of
the model when the number of training examples is small we can assign a prior
distribution p(e) over the parameters. \Ve assume here that the prior is a zero
mean Gaussian with a possibly full covariance matrix L:. The maximum a posteriori
(l\IAP) estimate for the parameters e given a training set of examples is found by
1 Specifically. it applies to all generalized linear models whose transfer functions are
2Here we assume that the constant + 1 is appended to every feature vector X so that
an adjustable bias term is included in the inner product T X.
Exploiting Generative Models in Discriminative Classifiers
maximizing the following penalized log-likelihood:
I: log P(S, IX
+ log P(B)
where the constant c does not depend on B. It is straightforward to show, simply
by taking the gradient with respect to the parameters , that the solution to this
(concave) maximization problem can be written as 3
Xote that the coefficients A, appear as weights on the training examples as in the
definition of the kernel methods . Indeed. inserting the above solution back into the
conditional probability model gives
By identifying !..:(X/. X) = X;'f.X and noting that the label with the maximum
probability is the aile that has the same sign as the sum in the argument. this gives
the decision rule (1).
Through the above derivation , we have written the primal parameters B in terms
of the dual coefficients A,.J. Consequently. the penalized log-likelihood function can
be also written entirely in terms of A, : the resulting likelihood function specifies
how the coefficients are to be optimized. This optimization problem has a unique
solution and can be put into a generic form. Also , the form of the kernel function
that establishes the connection between the logistic regression model and a kernel
classifier is rather specific , i.e .. has the inner product form K(X,. X) = X;'f.X.
However. as long as the examples here can be replaced with feature vectors derived
from the examples. this form of the kernel function is the most general. \Ve discuss
this further in the next section.
The kernel function
For a general kernel fUIlction to be valid. roughly speaking it only needs to be positive semi-definite (see e.g. [7]). According to the t-Iercer 's theorem. any such valid
kernel function admits a representation as a simple inner product bet\\'een suitably
defined feature vectors. i.e .. !":(X,.Xj) = 0\,0.'\) . where the feature vectors come
from some fixed mapping X -> ? .'\. For example. in the previous section the kernel
function had the form X;'f.Xj ' which is a simple inner product for the transformed
feature vector ? .'\ = 'f. 1- X.
Specifying it simple inner product in the feature space defines a Euclidean metric space. Consequently. the Euclidean distances between the feature vectors are
obtained directly from the kernel fUllction: with the shorthand notation K ,} =
3This corresponds to a Legendre transformation of the loss functions log a( z) .
.}This is possible for all those e that could arise as solutions to the maximum penalized
likelihood problem: in other words. for all relevant e.
T. S. Jaakkola and D. Haussler
K(Xi , Xj) we get II<Px, - <PxJ W = K ti - 2Ktj + K jj . In addition to defining the
metric structure in the feature space, the kernel defines a pseudo metric in the original example space through D(Xi,Xj) = II<px. - <pxJII. Thus the kernel embodies
prior assumptions about the metric relations between the original examples. No
systematic procedure has been proposed for finding kernel functions, let alone finding ones that naturally handle variable length examples etc. This is the topic of the
next section.
Kernels from generative probability models: the Fisher
The key idea here is to derive the kernel function from a generative probability
model. We arrive at the same kernel function from two different perspectives, that
of enhancing the discriminative power of the model and from an attempt to find
a natural comparison between examples induced by the generative model. Both of
these ideas are developed in more detail in the longer version of this paper[4].
We have seen in the previous section that defining the kernel function automatically
implies assumptions about metric relations between the examples. We argue that
these metric relations should be defined directly from a generative probability model
P(XIO). To capture the generative process in a metric between examples we use
the gradient space of the generative model. The gradient of the log-likelihood with
respect to a parameter describes how that parameter contributes to the process of
generating a particular example 5 . This gradient space also naturally preserves all
the structural assumptions that the model encodes about the generation process.
To develop this idea more generally, consider a parametric class of models P(XIO) ,
o E e. This class of probability models defines a Riemannian manifold Ale with
a local metric given by the Fisher information matrix 6 I, where I = Ex{UxU{},
Us = \1 () log P(XIB), and the expectation is over P(XIO) (see e.g. [1]). The gradient
of the log-likelihood , Us , is called the Fisher score, and plays a fundamental role in
our development. The local metric on lvle defines a distance between the current
model P(XIO) and a nearby model P(XIO+J). This distance is given by D(O, 0+15) =
~JT 16, which also approximates the KL-divergence between the two models for a
sufficiently small 6.
The Fisher score Us = \l(} log P(XIB) maps an example X into a feature vector
that is a point in the gradient space of the manifold Ale. We call this the Fisher
score mapping. This gradient Us can be used to define the direction of steepest
ascent in log P(X 10) for the example X along the manifold, i.e. , the gradient in the
direction 6 that maximizes log P( X 10) while traversing the minimum distance in
the manifold as defined by D(O , 0 + 6). This latter gradient is known as the natural
gradient (see e.g. [1]) and is obtained from the ordinary gradient via <Ps = I - I Ux.
We will call the mapping X ~ <Px the natural mapping of examples into feature
vectors 7 . The natural kernel of this mapping is the inner product between these
5For the exponential family of distributions, under the natural parameterization () ,
these gradients, less a normalization constant that depends on () , form sufficient statistics
for the example.
6For simplicity we have suppressed the dependence of I and Ux on the parameter
setting (), or equivalently, on the position in the manifold .
7 Again, we have suppressed dependence on the parameter setting () here.
Exploiting Generative Models in Discriminative Classifiers
feature vectors relative to the local Riemannian metric:
We call this the Fisher kernel owing to the fundamental role played by the Fisher
scores in its definition. The role of the information matrix is less significant; indeed,
in the context of logistic regression models, the matrix appearing in the middle of
the feature vectors relates to the covariance matrix of a Gaussian prior, as show
above. Thus, asymptotically, the information matrix is immaterial, and the simpler
kernel KU(X i , Xj) ex
Ux) provides a suitable substitute for the Fisher kernel.
We emphasize that the Fisher kernel defined above provides only the basic comparison between the examples, defining what is meant by an "inner product" between
the examples when the examples are objects of various t.ypes (e .g. variable length
sequences). The way such a kernel funct.ion is used in a discriminative classifier
is not specified here. Using the Fisher kernel directly in a kernel classifier, for example, amounts to finding a linear separating hyper-plane in the natural gradient.
(or Fisher score) feature space. The examples may not. be linearly separable in this
feature space even though the natural metric st.ructure is given by t.he Fisher kernel.
It may be advantageous to search in the space of quadratic (or higher order) decision boundaries, which is equivalent to transforming the Fisher kernel according to
R(X t , Xj) = (1 + K(X t ? x)))m and using the resulting kernel k in the classifier.
\Ve are now ready to state a few properties of the Fisher kernel function. So long as
the probability model P(XIB) is suitably regular then the Fisher kernel derived from
it is a) a valid kernel function and b) invariant to any invertible (and differentiable)
transformation of the model parameters. The rather informally stated theorem
below motivates the use of this kernel function in a classification setting.
Theorem 1 Given any suitably regular probability model P(XIB) with parameters
B and assuming that the classification label is included as a latent variable, the
Fisher kernel K(X 1 , X)) = V~, I-I Ux] derived from this model and employed in
a kernel classifier is. asymptotically. never inferior to the MAP decision rule from
this model.
The proofs and other related theorems are presented in the longer version of this
paper [4].
To summarize, we have defined a generic procedure for obtaining kernel functions
from generative probability models. Consequently the benefits of generative models are immediately available to the discriminative classifier employing this kernel
function . We now turn the experimental demonstration of the effectiveness of such
a combined classifier.
Experimental results
Here we consider two relevant examples from biosequence analysis and compare
the performance of the combined classifier to the best generative models used in
these problems. vVe start with a DNA splice site classification problem, where the
objective is to recognize true splice sites, i.e. , the boundaries between expressed
regions (exons) in a gene and the intermediate regions (introns) . The dat.a set used
in our experiments consisted of 9350 DNA fragments from C. elegans. Each of the
T S. Jaakkola and D. Haussler
2029 true examples is a sequence X over the DNA alphabet {A, G, T, C} of length
25; the 7321 false examples are similar sequences that occur near but not at 5'
splice sites. All recognition rates we report on this data set are averages from 7-fold
To use the combined classifier in this setting requires us to choose a generative
model for the purpose of deriving the kernel function. In order to test how much
the performance of the combined classifier depends on the quality of the underlying
generative model, we chose the poorest model possible. This is the model where
the DKA residue in each position in the fragment is chosen independently of others,
i.e., P(XIB) =
P(XzIBz) and , furthermore , the parameters Bz are set such that
P( Xzl OJ) = 1/4 for all i and all Xl E {A. G, T, C} . This model assigns the same
probability to all examples X. We can still derive the Fisher kernel from such a
model and use it in a discriminative classifier. In this case we used a logistic regression model as in (5) with a quadratic Fisher kernel K(X/. X j ) = (1 + K(Xz, Xj))2.
Figure 1 shows the recognition performance of this kernel method, using the poor
generative model, in comparison to the recognition performance of a naive Bayes
model or a hierarchical mixture model. The comparison is summarized in ROC
style curves plotting false positive errors (the errors of accepting false examples)
as a function of false negative errors (the errors of missing true examples) when
we vary the classification bias for the labels. The curves show that even with such
a poor underlying generative model, the combined classifier is consistently better
than either of the better generative models alone.
In the second and more serious application of the combined classifier. we consider
the well-known problem of recognizing remote homologies (evolutionary/structural
similarities) between protein sequences 8 that have low residue identity. Considerable
recent work has been done in refining hidden l\Iarkov models for this purpose as
reviewed in [2], and such models current achieve the best performance. We use
these state-of-the-art HMMs as comparison cases and also as sources for deriving the
kernel function. Here we used logistic regression with the simple kernel K u (X1 ' X J)'
as the number of parameters in the Hj\IMs was several thousand.
The experiment was set up as follows. We picked a particular superfamily (glycosyltransferases) from the TIl'vI-barrel fold in the SCOP protein structure classification
[3], and left out one of the four major families in this superfamily for testing while
training the HMJlvI as well as the combined classifier on sequences corresponding
to the remaining three families . The false training examples for the discriminative
method came from those sequences in the same fold but not in the same superfamily. The test sequences consisted of the left-out family (true examples) and proteins
outside the TIM barrel fold (false examples). The number of training examples varied around 100 depending on the left-out family. As the sequences among the four
glycosyltransferase families are extremely different, this is a challenging discrimination problem. Figure lc shows the recognition performance curves for the HMM
and the corresponding kernel method, averaged over the four-way cross validation.
The combined classifier yields a substantial improvement in performance over the
HJl..IM alone.
8These are variable length sequences thus rendering many discriminative methods
Exploiting Generative Models in Discriminative Classifiers
~O ,.
'to 12
~ 0'
0 08
0 04
FaN t'leQllttve tata
False I'Wgalllle rate
Figure 1: a) & b) Comparison of classification performance between a kernel classifiers from t he uniform model (solid line) and a mixt ure model (dashed line) . In
a) t he mixt ure model is a naive Bayes model and in b) it has t hree components in
each class . c) Comparison of homology recognition performance between a hidden
Mar kov model (das hed line) and t he corresponding kernel classifier (solid line).
The model based kernel fun ction derived in this pa per provides a generic mechanism
for incorporating generative models into discriminative classifiers. For d iscrimination, the resulting combined classifier is guaranteed to be superior t o the generative
model alone wit h little addi t ional computational cost . Vie not e that t he power of
t he new classifier arises to a large ext.ent from the use of Fisher scores as features
in place of original exa mples. It is possible to use t hese features with any classifier.
e.g. a feed-forward neur al net, but kernel methods are most naturally suited for
incorp orating them .
F inally we note that while we have used classification t o guide the development of
the kernel fun ction , t he results are directly applicable t o regression . clustering. or
even interpolation problems, all of which can easily exploit metric relations among
the examples defined by the Fisher kernel.
[1] S.-I. Amari . Natural gradient works efficient ly in learning.
10:251- 276, 1998.
Neural Computation,
[2] R. Durbin , S. Eddy, A. K rogh, a nd G . :\Iitchison . Biological Sequence Analysis: Probabilistic Models of Proteins and Nucleic Aczds. Cambridge C niversity Press, 1998.
[3] T. Hubba rd , A. Murzin , S. Brenner , a nd C. C hothia . seo?: a structural classification
of proteins database. NA R , 25(1) :236- 9, Jan . 199 7.
[4] T. S. Jaakkola a nd D . Haussler .
Exploiting generative models in discriminat ive classifiers.
Revised and exten ded version . \Vill be available from
http : //r,l'.lY . ai . mit . edu/ rv tommi.
[5] D . J. C. MacKay. Introduction to gaussia n processes.
http : //wol.ra . phy . cam . ac.uk/mackay/.
Availa ble from
[6] V. Vapnik. The nature of statistical learning theory. Springer-Verlag. 1995.
[7] G. Wahba . Spline models f or observational data. CB:\IS-NSF Regional Conference
Series in Applied t>.lathematics , 1990.
| 1520 |@word middle:1 version:3 advantageous:1 nd:3 suitably:3 covariance:2 solid:2 phy:1 series:1 score:6 fragment:2 current:2 must:1 written:3 cruz:1 treating:1 discrimination:1 alone:4 generative:26 intelligence:1 parameterization:1 plane:1 steepest:1 accepting:1 provides:3 clarified:1 ional:1 simpler:1 along:1 consists:1 shorthand:1 kov:1 combine:1 pairwise:1 ra:1 indeed:2 roughly:1 xz:1 automatically:1 little:1 begin:1 notation:1 underlying:2 maximizes:1 barrel:2 what:1 developed:1 finding:3 transformation:2 pseudo:1 vhich:1 every:1 ti:1 concave:2 fun:2 classifier:30 uk:1 control:1 ly:2 appear:1 positive:2 vie:1 local:3 ext:1 ure:2 interpolation:1 chose:1 specifying:1 challenging:1 hmms:1 discriminatory:1 averaged:1 unique:1 testing:1 definite:1 procedure:2 jan:1 area:1 word:1 refers:1 regular:2 protein:6 get:1 put:1 context:4 equivalent:1 map:2 missing:2 maximizing:1 murzin:1 straightforward:1 independently:1 wit:1 simplicity:1 identifying:1 immediately:1 assigns:1 rule:6 haussler:5 array:1 deriving:3 handle:1 variation:1 justification:1 suppose:1 play:1 mples:1 pa:1 recognition:5 database:1 role:3 capture:1 thousand:1 region:2 remote:1 principled:1 substantial:2 transforming:1 complexity:1 xio:5 cam:1 hese:1 immaterial:1 depend:1 hjl:1 funct:1 inapplicable:1 exon:1 easily:1 various:1 derivation:1 alphabet:1 ction:2 artificial:1 dka:1 hyper:1 outside:1 whose:1 larger:1 solve:1 ive:1 amari:1 statistic:1 addi:1 sequence:13 differentiable:1 net:1 propose:2 product:7 inserting:1 relevant:2 achieve:1 ent:1 exploiting:5 p:1 generating:1 object:1 tim:1 derive:2 develop:2 depending:1 ac:1 predicted:1 come:1 implies:1 tommi:2 direction:2 owing:1 enable:1 wol:1 observational:1 assign:1 discriminat:1 biological:1 im:1 sufficiently:1 around:1 cb:1 mapping:5 major:1 vary:1 purpose:2 applicable:3 label:12 by2:1 pxj:1 seo:1 establishes:1 weighted:1 mit:2 gaussian:3 rather:2 hj:1 bet:1 jaakkola:5 derived:5 refining:1 improvement:2 consistently:1 likelihood:6 posteriori:1 hidden:3 relation:5 transformed:1 overall:1 classification:14 flexible:1 issue:1 dual:1 among:2 development:2 art:1 mackay:2 construct:1 never:1 report:1 others:1 spline:1 serious:1 few:1 preserve:1 ve:4 divergence:1 recognize:1 replaced:1 attempt:1 hed:1 mixture:1 primal:1 biosequence:2 traversing:1 euclidean:2 theoretical:1 maximization:1 ordinary:1 cost:1 uniform:1 recognizing:1 combined:9 st:1 fundamental:2 gaussia:1 systematic:2 probabilistic:2 invertible:1 na:1 again:1 choose:1 possibly:1 exten:1 style:1 til:1 scop:1 summarized:2 includes:1 coefficient:6 depends:2 vi:1 picked:1 start:1 bayes:3 appended:1 square:1 yield:1 classified:1 definition:2 naturally:4 proof:1 riemannian:2 eddy:1 back:1 feed:1 higher:1 done:1 though:1 mar:1 furthermore:1 hand:1 defines:4 logistic:7 quality:1 consisted:2 true:4 homology:2 deal:1 inferior:1 generalized:4 demonstrate:1 mixt:2 superior:3 common:1 he:7 approximates:1 slight:1 ims:1 significant:1 cambridge:2 ai:1 rd:1 had:1 xib:5 similarity:2 longer:2 etc:1 posterior:1 recent:1 perspective:1 verlag:1 binary:1 came:1 seen:1 minimum:1 employed:1 determine:1 dashed:1 semi:1 relates:1 ale:2 ii:2 rv:1 full:1 cross:2 long:2 regression:7 basic:1 vision:1 expectation:1 enhancing:1 bz:1 metric:13 kernel:60 normalization:1 ion:1 addition:1 residue:2 source:1 regional:1 ascent:1 induced:1 thing:1 elegans:1 effectiveness:1 call:3 extracting:1 structural:3 near:1 noting:1 ideal:1 intermediate:1 rendering:1 xj:7 een:1 wahba:1 inner:7 idea:4 hile:1 fullction:1 speech:1 speaking:1 jj:1 generally:2 santa:1 listed:1 informally:1 amount:1 dna:3 http:2 specifies:1 nsf:1 sign:2 per:1 key:1 four:3 achieving:1 asymptotically:2 concreteness:1 sum:2 distorted:1 arrive:1 aile:1 family:6 place:1 decision:4 ble:1 poorest:1 entirely:1 guaranteed:1 played:1 fold:4 quadratic:2 fan:1 exa:1 durbin:1 occur:1 x2:1 encodes:1 nearby:1 argument:1 extremely:1 separable:1 px:3 department:1 according:2 neur:1 combination:2 poor:2 legendre:1 describes:1 suppressed:2 ypes:1 invariant:1 pin:1 discus:1 turn:1 mechanism:1 iap:1 available:2 hierarchical:1 appropriate:1 generic:3 appearing:1 original:3 substitute:1 hree:1 remaining:1 clustering:1 embodies:1 exploit:1 dat:1 objective:1 parametric:1 dependence:2 evolutionary:1 gradient:14 vill:1 distance:4 separating:1 hmm:1 topic:2 manifold:5 argue:1 tata:1 discriminant:1 assuming:1 length:5 illustration:1 demonstration:1 equivalently:2 difficult:2 stated:1 negative:1 motivates:1 availa:1 adjustable:1 nucleic:1 revised:1 defining:3 varied:1 david:1 kl:1 specified:1 optimized:1 connection:1 california:1 below:1 summarize:1 oj:1 power:2 suitable:1 natural:9 technology:1 brief:2 ready:1 extract:1 naive:2 text:1 prior:4 relative:1 loss:2 generation:1 proven:1 validation:2 degree:1 sufficient:1 plotting:1 penalized:3 free:1 bias:2 guide:1 taking:1 superfamily:3 benefit:1 boundary:3 curve:3 valid:3 author:1 forward:1 employing:1 emphasize:1 gene:1 dealing:1 discriminative:15 xi:3 search:1 latent:1 reviewed:1 ku:1 transfer:1 nature:1 ca:1 obtaining:1 contributes:1 da:1 main:1 linearly:1 arise:1 ded:1 complementary:1 x1:1 vve:1 site:3 roc:1 lc:1 position:2 exponential:1 xl:3 weighting:1 ix:2 splice:3 down:1 emphasizing:1 theorem:4 specific:1 jt:1 intron:1 admits:1 incorporating:1 false:7 vapnik:1 importance:1 suited:2 simply:1 expressed:2 ux:4 applies:1 springer:1 corresponds:1 ma:1 conditional:1 identity:1 consequently:3 fisher:20 considerable:1 brenner:1 included:2 specifically:1 called:1 experimental:2 support:4 latter:1 arises:1 meant:1 ex:2 |
571 | 1,521 | SMEM Algorithm for Mixture Models
N aonori U eda Ryohei Nakano
{ueda, nakano }@cslab.kecl.ntt.co.jp
NTT Communication Science Laboratories
Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-0237 Japan
Zoubin Ghahramani Geoffrey E. Hinton
[email protected] [email protected]
Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London
17 Queen Square, London WC1N 3AR, UK
We present a split and merge EM (SMEM) algorithm to overcome the local
maximum problem in parameter estimation of finite mixture models. In the
case of mixture models, non-global maxima often involve having too many
components of a mixture model in one part of the space and too few in another, widely separated part of the space. To escape from such configurations
we repeatedly perform simultaneous split and merge operations using a new
criterion for efficiently selecting the split and merge candidates. We apply
the proposed algorithm to the training of Gaussian mixtures and mixtures of
factor analyzers using synthetic and real data and show the effectiveness of
using the split and merge operations to improve the likelihood of both the
training data and of held-out test data.
Mixture density models, in particular normal mixtures, have been extensively used
in the field of statistical pattern recognition [1]. Recently, more sophisticated mixture density models such as mixtures of latent variable models (e.g., probabilistic
PCA or factor analysis) have been proposed to approximate the underlying data
manifold [2]-[4]. The parameter of these mixture models can be estimated using the
EM algorithm [5] based on the maximum likelihood framework [3] [4]. A common
and serious problem associated with these EM algorithm is the local maxima problem. Although this problem has been pointed out by many researchers, the best
way to solve it in practice is still an open question.
Two of the authors have proposed the deterministic annealing EM (DAEM) algorithm [6], where a modified posterior probability parameterized by temperature is
derived to avoid local maxima. However, in the case of mixture density models,
local maxima arise when there are too many components of a mixture models in
one part of the space and too few in another. It is not possible to move a component from the overpopulated region to the underpopulated region without passing
N Ueda, R. Nakano, Z. Ghahramani and G. E. Hinton
through positions that give lower likelihood. We therefore introduce a discrete move
that simultaneously merges two components in an overpopulated region and splits
a component in an underpopulated region.
The idea of split and merge operations has been successfully applied to clustering
or vector quantization (e.g., [7]). To our knowledge, this is the first time that
simultaneous split and merge operations have been applied to improve mixture
density estimation. New criteria presented in this paper can efficiently select the
split and merge candidates. Although the proposed method, unlike the DAEM
algorithm, is limited to mixture models, we have experimentally comfirmed that our
split and merge EM algorithm obtains better solutions than the DAEM algorithm.
Split and Merge EM (SMEM) Algorithm
The probability density function (pdf) of a mixture of M density models is given by
p(x; 8) =
L amP(xlwm;Om),
am 2: 0 and
The p(xlwm ; Om) is a d-dimensional density model corresponding to the component
The EM algorithm, as is well known, iteratively estimates the parameters 8 =
{(am, Om), m = 1, ... , M} using two steps. The E-step computes the expectation
of the complete data log-likelihood.
Wm .
Q(818(t?) =
L L P(wmlx; 8(t?) logamP(xlwm;Om),
where P(wmlx; 8(t?) is the posterior probability which can be computed by
8(t?) =
Lm'=l am,p(xlwm,;Om')
Next, the M-step maximizes this Q function with respect to 8 to estimate the new
parameter values 8(t+1).
Looking at (2) carefully, one can see that the Q function can be represented in
the form of a direct sum; i.e., Q(818(t?) = L~=l qm(818(t?), where qm(818(t?) =
LXEx P(wmlx ; 8(t?) logamP(xlw m; Om) and depends only on am and Om . Let 8*
denote the parameter values estimated by the usual EM algorithm. Then after the
EM algorithm has converged, the Q function can be rewritten as
Q* = q7
+ q; + qk +
We then try to increase the first three terms of the right-hand side of (4) by merging
two components Wi and Wj to produce a component Wi', and splitting the component
Wk into two components Wj' and Wk" To reestimate the parameters of these new
components, we have to initialize the parameters corresponding to them using 8*.
The initial parameter values for the merged component Wi' can be set as a linear
combination of the original ones before merge:
?l x,? 8*)
= O*~
wX P(w ? lx?8*)+O*~
J wX
Lx P(wil x ; 8*) + Lx P(wjlx; 8*)
SMEM Algorithm for Mixture Models
On the other hand, as for two components Wj' and
we set
where t is some small random perturbation vector or matrix (i.e., Iltll?IIOk 11)1.
The parameter reestimation for m = i', j' and k' can be done by using EM steps,
but note that the posterior probability (3) should be replaced with (7) so that this
reestimation does not affect the other components.
am,p x m ,
P(wm'lx; 8*),
m = i',j', k'.
Clearly Lm'=i',j',k' P(wm, Ix; 8(t)) = Lm=i,j,k P{wmlx; 8*) always holds during
the reestimation process. For convenience, we call this EM procedure the partial
EM procedure. After this partial EM procedure, the usual EM steps, called the full
EM procedure, are performed as a post processing. After these procedures, if Q
is improved, then we accept the new estimate and repeat the above after setting
the new paramters to 8*. Otherwise reject and go back to 8* and try another
candidate. We summarize these procedures as follows:
[SMEM Algorithm]
1. Perform the usual EM updates. Let 8* and Q* denote the estimated parameters
and corresponding Q function value, respectively.
2. Sort the split and merge candidates by computing split and merge criteria (described in the next section) based on 8*. Let {i, j, k}c denote the cth candidate.
3. For c = 1, ... , C max , perform the following: After initial parameter settings
based on 8 *, perform the partial EM procedure for {i, j, k }c and then perform
the full EM procedure. Let 8** be the obtained parameters and Q** be the
corresponding Q function value. If Q** > Q*, then set Q* f - Q**, 8* f - 8**
and go to Step 2.
4. Halt with 8* as the final parameters.
Note that when a certain split and merge candidate which improves the Q function
value is found at Step 3, the other successive candidates are ignored. There is
therefore no guarantee that the split and the merge candidates that are chosen will
give the largest possible improvement in Q. This is not a major problem, however,
because the split and merge operations are performed repeatedly. Strictly speaking,
C max = M(M -1)(M - 2)/2, but experimentally we have confirmed that C max '" 5
may be enough.
Split and Merge Criteria
Each of the split and merge candidates can be evaluated by its Q function value
after Step 3 of the SMEM algorithm mentioned in Sec.2. However, since there
are so many candidates, some reasonable criteria for ordering the split and merge
candidates should be utilized to accelerate the SMEM algorithm.
In general, when there are many data points each of which has almost equal posterior
probabilities for any two components, it can be thought that these two components
1 In the case of mixture Gaussians, covariance matrices E i , and E k , should be positive
definite. In this case, we can initialize them as E i , = E k , = det(Ek)l/d Id indtead of (6).
N. Ueda. R. Nakano. Z. Ghahramani and G. E. Hinton
might be merged.
To numerically evaluate this, we define the following merge
Jmerge(i,j; 8*) = P i (8*fp j (8*),
where Pi(8*) = (P(wilxl; 8*), ... , P(wilxN; 8*))T E nN is the N-dimensional
vector consisting of posterior probabilities for the component Wi. Clearly, two components Wi and Wj with larger Jmerge(i,j; 8*) should be merged.
As a split criterion (Jsplit), we define the local Kullback divergence as:
J split (k ; 8- *) =
Pk x; 8*)
- Iog Pk(X;
(I 8*)
e) d x,
P x Wk; k
which is the distance between two distributions: the local data density Pk(X) around
the component Wk and the density of the component Wk specified by the current
parameter estimate ILk and ~k' The local data density is defined as:
This is a modified empirical distribution weighted by the posterior probability so
that the data around the component Wk are focused. Note that when the weights
are equal, i.e., P(wklx; 8*) = 11M, (10) is the usual empirical distribution, i.e.,
Pk(X; 8*) = (liN) E~=l 6(x - xn). Since it can be thought that the component
with the largest Jspl it (k; 8*) has the worst estimate of the local density, we should
try to split it. Using Jmerge and Jsp/it, we sort the split and merge candidates as
follows. First, merge candidates are sorted based on Jmerge. Then, for each sorted
merge ' candidate {i,j}e, split candidates excluding {i,j}e are sorted as {k}e. By
combining these results and renumbering them, we obtain {i, j , k }e.
Gaussian mixtures
First, we show the results of two-dimensional synthetic data in Fig. 1 to visually
demonstrate the usefulness of the split and merge operations. Initial mean vectors
and covariance matrices were set to near mean of all data and unit matrix, respectively. The usual EM algorithm converged to the local maximum solution shown in
Fig. l(b), whereas the SMEM algorithm converged to the superior solution shown
in Fig. led) very close to the true one. The split of the 1st Gaussian shown in
Fig. l(c) seems to be redundant, but as shown in Fig. led) they are successfully
merged and the original two Gaussians were improved. This indicates that the split
and merge operations not only appropriately assign the number of Gaussians in a
local data space, but can also improve the Gaussian parameters themselves.
Next, we tested the proposed algorithm using 20-dimensional real data (facial images) where the local maxima make the optimization difficult. The data size was 103
for training and 103 for test. We ran three algorithms (EM, DAEM, and SMEM)
for ten different initializations using the K-means algorithm. We set M = 5 and
used a diagonal covariance for each Gaussian. As shown in Table 1, the worst solution found by the SMEM algorithm was better than the best solutions found by
the other algorithms on both training and test data.
SMEM Algorithmfor Mixture Models
:'(:0: .
. ' " .; ':.. .
," ...... .
. :~~1 co
.... O?:6
'..!' " ~:. "
2 .:
? i,:"'.....
. ,,' :. '
(a) True Gaussians and
generated data
(b) Result by EM (t=72)
,' ..
(c) Example of split
and merge (t=141)
? :: . : :,?? t
, ' ??
(d) Final result by SMEM
Figure 1: Gaussian mixture estimation results.
Table 1: Log-likelihood I data point
initiall value
Table 2: No. of iterations
with split and'merge
I-------'--~ ,-.----~--~~
.. ~ m ~
No. of iterations
Figure 2: Trajectories of loglikelihood. Upper (lower)
corresponds to training (test) data.
Figure 2 shows log-likelihood value trajectories accepted at Step 3 of the SMEM
algorithm during the estimation process 2. Comparing the convergence points at
Step 3 marked by the '0' symbol in Fig. 2, one can see that the successive split
and merge operations improved the log-likelihood for both the training and test
data, as we expected. Table 2 compares the number of iterations executed by the
three algorithms. Note that in the SMEM algorithm, the EM-steps corresponding
to rejected split and merge operations are not counted. The average rank of the
accepted split and merge candidates was 1.8 (STD=O.9) , which indicates that the
proposed split and merge criteria work very well . Therefore, the SMEM algorithm
was about 155 x 1.8/47 c::: 6 times slower than the original EM algorithm.
Mixtures of factor analyzers
A mixture of factor analyzers (MFA) can be thought of as a reduced dimension
mixture of Gaussians [4]. That is, it can extract locally linear low-dimensional
manifold underlying given high-dimensional data. A single FA model assumes that
an observed D-dimensional variable x are generated as a linear transformation of
some lower K-dimensionallatent variable z rv N(O, I) plus additive Gaussian noise
v rv N(O, w). w is diagonal. That is, the generative model can be written as
2Dotted lines in Fig. 2 denote the starting points of Step 2. Note that it is due to the
initialization at Step 3 that the log-likelihood decreases just after the split and merge.
N. Ueda, R. Nakano, Z. Ghahrarnani and G. E. Hinton
(a) Initial values
(b) Result by EM
(c) Result by SMEM
Rgure 3: Extraction of 1D manifold by using a mixture of factor analyzers.
x = Az + v + J-L. Here J-L is a mean vector. Then from simple calculation, we
can see that x
N(J-L, AAT + '11). Therefore, in the case of a M mixture of FAs,
L~=l omN(J-Lm, AmA~ + 'lim). See [4] for the details. Then, in this case,
the Q function is also decomposable into M components and therefore the SMEM
algorithm is straightforwardly applicable to the parameter estimation of the MFA
Figure 3 shows the results of extracting a one-dimensional manifold from threedimensional data (nOisy shrinking spiral) using the EM and the SMEM algorithms 3.
Although the EM algorithm converged to a poor local maxima, the SMEM algorithm successfully extracted data manifold. Table 3 compares average log-likelihood
per data point over ten different initializations. The log-likelihood values were drastically improved on both training and test data by the SMEM algorithm.
The MFA model is applicable to pattern recognition tasks [2][3] since once an MFA
model is fitted to each class, we can compute the posterior probabilities for each data
point. We tried a digit recognition task (10 digits (classes))4 using the MFA model.
The computed log-likelihood averaged over ten classes and recognition accuracy for
test data are given in Table 4. Clearly, the SMEM algorithm consistently improved
the EM algorithm on both log-likelihood and recognition accuracy. Note that the
recognition accuracy by the 3-nearest neighbor (3NN) classifier was 88.3%. It is
interesting that the MFA approach by both the EM and SMEM algorithms could
outperform the nearest neighbor approach when K = 3 and M = 5. This suggests
that the intrinsic dimensionality of the data would be three or so.
3In this case, each factor loading matrix Am becomes a three dimensional column
vector corresponding to each thick line in Fig. 3. More correctly, the center position and
the direction of each thick line are f..Lm and Am, respectively. And the length of each thick
line is 2 IIAmll.
4The data were created using the degenerate Glucksman's feature (16 dimensional data)
by NTT labs.[8]. The data size was 200/class for training and 200/class for test.
SMEM Algorithm/or Mixture Models
Table 4: Digit recognition results
Table 3: Log-likelihood I data point
Training -7.68 (0.151)
-7.75 (0.171)
-7.26 (0.017)
-7.33 (0.032)
Log-likelihood / data point Recognition rate ("!o)
We have shown how simultaneous split and merge operations can be used to move
components of a mixture model from regions of the space in which there are too
many components to regions in which there are too few. Such moves cannot be
accomplished by methods that continuously move components through intermediate
locations because the likelihood is lower at these locations. A simultaneous split and
merge can be viewed as a way of tunneling through low-likelihood barriers, thereby
eliminating many non-global optima. In this respect, it has some similarities with
simulated annealing but the moves that are considered are long-range and are very
specific to the particular problems that arise when fitting a mixture model. Note
that the SMEM algorithm is applicable to a wide variety of mixture models, as long
as the decomposition (4) holds. To make the split and merge method efficient we
have introduced criteria for deciding which splits and merges to consider and have
shown that these criteria work well for low-dimensional synthetic datasets and for
higher-dimensional real datasets. Our SMEM algorithm conSistently outperforms
standard EM and therefore it would be very useful in practice.
[1] MacLachlan, G. and Basford K., "Mixture models: Inference and application
to clustering," Marcel Dekker, 1988.
[2] Hinton G. E., Dayan P., and Revow M., "Modeling the minifolds of images of
handwritten digits," IEEE Trans. PAMI, vol.8, no.1, pp. 65-74, 1997.
[3] Tipping M. E. and Bishop C. M., "Mixtures of probabilistic principal component analysers," Tech. Rep. NCRG-97-3, Aston Univ. Birmingham, UK, 1997.
[4] Ghahramani Z. and Hinton G. E., "The EM algorithm for mixtures of factor
analyzers," Tech. Report CRG-TR-96-1, Univ. of Toronto, 1997.
[5] Dempster A. P., Laird N. M. and Rubin D. B., "Maximum likelihood from
incomplete data via the EM algorithm," Journal of Royal Statistical Society
B, vol. 39, pp. 1-38, 1977.
[6] Ueda N. and Nakano R., "Deterministic annealing EM algorithm," Neural Networks, voLl1, no.2, pp.271-282, 1998.
[7] Ueda N. and Nakano R., "A new competitive learning approach based on an
equidistortion principle for designing optimal vector quantizers," Neural Networks, vol.7, no.8, pp.1211-1227, 1994.
[8] Ishii K., "Design of a recognition dictionary using artificially distorted characters," Systems and computers in Japan, vol.21, no.9, pp. 669-677, 1989.
| 1521 |@word eliminating:1 seems:1 loading:1 dekker:1 open:1 tried:1 covariance:3 decomposition:1 thereby:1 tr:1 xlw:1 initial:4 configuration:1 selecting:1 amp:1 outperforms:1 current:1 comparing:1 written:1 additive:1 wx:2 update:1 generative:1 location:2 lx:4 successive:2 toronto:1 direct:1 ryohei:1 fitting:1 introduce:1 expected:1 themselves:1 seika:1 becomes:1 underlying:2 maximizes:1 transformation:1 guarantee:1 qm:2 classifier:1 uk:4 unit:2 before:1 positive:1 aat:1 local:12 id:1 merge:34 pami:1 might:1 plus:1 initialization:3 suggests:1 co:2 limited:1 range:1 averaged:1 practice:2 definite:1 digit:4 procedure:8 empirical:2 reject:1 thought:3 zoubin:2 convenience:1 close:1 cannot:1 deterministic:2 center:1 go:2 starting:1 focused:1 decomposable:1 splitting:1 designing:1 recognition:9 utilized:1 std:4 q7:1 observed:1 worst:2 region:6 wj:5 ordering:1 decrease:1 ran:1 mentioned:1 dempster:1 wil:1 accelerate:1 represented:1 separated:1 univ:2 london:2 analyser:1 widely:1 solve:1 larger:1 loglikelihood:1 otherwise:1 noisy:1 laird:1 final:2 ucl:1 dimensionallatent:1 ste:1 combining:1 degenerate:1 ama:1 az:1 convergence:1 optimum:1 jsp:1 produce:1 ac:2 nearest:2 marcel:1 direction:1 thick:3 merged:4 assign:1 crg:1 strictly:1 hold:2 around:2 considered:1 normal:1 visually:1 deciding:1 lm:5 major:1 dictionary:1 estimation:5 birmingham:1 applicable:3 largest:2 successfully:3 weighted:1 clearly:3 gaussian:7 always:1 modified:2 avoid:1 derived:1 improvement:1 consistently:2 rank:1 likelihood:17 indicates:2 tech:2 ishii:1 am:7 inference:1 dayan:1 nn:2 accept:1 initialize:2 field:1 equal:2 once:1 having:1 extraction:1 report:1 escape:1 few:3 serious:1 simultaneously:1 divergence:1 replaced:1 consisting:1 mixture:33 held:1 wc1n:1 partial:3 facial:1 incomplete:1 fitted:1 column:1 modeling:1 ar:1 queen:1 usefulness:1 too:6 straightforwardly:1 synthetic:3 cho:1 st:1 density:11 probabilistic:2 continuously:1 daem:6 ek:1 japan:2 sec:1 wk:7 depends:1 performed:2 try:3 lab:1 wm:4 sort:2 competitive:1 om:7 square:1 oi:1 accuracy:3 qk:1 efficiently:2 sid:1 handwritten:1 trajectory:2 confirmed:1 researcher:1 converged:4 simultaneous:4 reestimate:1 eda:1 pp:5 associated:1 basford:1 knowledge:1 lim:1 improves:1 dimensionality:1 sophisticated:1 carefully:1 back:1 higher:1 tipping:1 improved:5 done:1 evaluated:1 rejected:1 just:1 hand:2 true:2 laboratory:1 iteratively:1 during:2 criterion:10 pdf:1 complete:1 demonstrate:1 temperature:1 image:2 recently:1 common:1 superior:1 jp:1 ncrg:1 numerically:1 pointed:1 analyzer:5 similarity:1 posterior:7 certain:1 rep:1 accomplished:1 redundant:1 rv:2 full:2 kyoto:1 ntt:3 calculation:1 renumbering:1 lin:1 long:2 post:1 halt:1 iog:1 expectation:1 iteration:3 whereas:1 annealing:3 appropriately:1 unlike:1 effectiveness:1 call:1 extracting:1 near:1 intermediate:1 split:37 enough:1 spiral:1 variety:1 affect:1 idea:1 det:1 pca:1 soraku:1 passing:1 speaking:1 repeatedly:2 algorithmfor:1 ignored:1 useful:1 involve:1 extensively:1 ten:3 locally:1 reduced:1 outperform:1 dotted:1 neuroscience:1 estimated:3 per:1 correctly:1 paramters:1 discrete:1 vol:4 sum:1 parameterized:1 distorted:1 almost:1 reasonable:1 ueda:6 tunneling:1 ilk:1 min:3 cslab:1 combination:1 poor:1 em:38 character:1 wi:5 cth:1 operation:10 rewritten:1 gaussians:5 apply:1 slower:1 original:3 assumes:1 clustering:2 nakano:7 ghahramani:4 hikaridai:1 threedimensional:1 society:1 move:6 question:1 fa:2 usual:5 diagonal:2 distance:1 simulated:1 gun:1 manifold:5 length:1 difficult:1 executed:1 quantizers:1 design:1 perform:5 upper:1 datasets:2 finite:1 hinton:7 communication:1 looking:1 excluding:1 perturbation:1 introduced:1 specified:1 merges:2 trans:1 pattern:2 fp:1 summarize:1 max:6 royal:1 mfa:6 improve:3 smem:30 aston:1 created:1 extract:1 interesting:1 geoffrey:1 rubin:1 kecl:1 principle:1 pi:1 repeat:1 drastically:1 side:1 neighbor:2 wide:1 barrier:1 overcome:1 dimension:1 xn:1 computes:1 author:1 counted:1 approximate:1 obtains:1 kullback:1 global:2 reestimation:3 latent:1 table:8 artificially:1 pk:4 noise:1 arise:2 fig:8 gatsby:2 shrinking:1 position:2 candidate:16 ix:1 specific:1 bishop:1 symbol:1 intrinsic:1 quantization:1 merging:1 led:2 corresponds:1 extracted:1 sorted:3 marked:1 viewed:1 revow:1 experimentally:2 principal:1 overpopulated:2 called:1 accepted:2 la:1 select:1 college:1 underpopulated:2 evaluate:1 tested:1 lxex:1 |
572 | 1,522 | An entropic estimator for structure discovery
Matthew Brand
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, 201 Broadway, Cambridge MA 02139
[email protected]
We introduce a novel framework for simultaneous structure and parameter learning in
hidden-variable conditional probability models, based on an en tropic prior and a solution
for its maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimator. The MAP estimate minimizes uncertainty
in all respects: cross-entropy between model and data; entropy of the model ; entropy
of the data's descriptive statistics. Iterative estimation extinguishes weakly supported
parameters, compressing and sparsifying the model. Trimming operators accelerate this
process by removing excess parameters and, unlike most pruning schemes, guarantee
an increase in posterior probability. Entropic estimation takes a overcomplete random
model and simplifies it, inducing the structure of relations between hidden and observed
variables. Applied to hidden Markov models (HMMs), it finds a concise finite-state
machine representing the hidden structure of a signal. We entropically model music,
handwriting, and video time-series, and show that the resulting models are highly concise,
structured, predictive, and interpretable: Surviving states tend to be highly correlated
with meaningful partitions of the data, while surviving transitions provide a low-perplexity
model of the signal dynamics.
1 . An entropic prior
In entropic estimation we seek to maximize the information content of parameters. For
conditional probabilities , parameters values near chance add virtually no information
to the model, and are therefore wasted degrees of freedom. In contrast, parameters
near the extrema {O, I} are informative because they impose strong constr?aints on the
class of signals accepted by the model. In Bayesian terms, our prior should assert that
parameters that do not reduce uncertainty are improbable. We can capture this intuition in
a surprisingly simple form: For a model of N conditional probabilities 9 = {(h , . . . , ()N }
we write
whence we can see that the prior measures a model's freedom from ambiguity (H(9) is an
entropy measure). Applying Pe (.) to a multinomial yields the posterior
p (LlI)
where Wi is evidence for event type i. With extensive evidence this distribution converges
to "fair"(ML) odds for w, but with scant evidence it skews to stronger odds.
M Brand
MAP estimator
To obtain MAP estimates we set the derivative of log-posterior to zero, using Lagrange
multipliers to ensure L:i (}i = 1,
1+ (); +IOg(}i+"\
We obtain (}i by working backward from the Lambert W function, a multi-valued inverse
function satisfying W(x)eW(x) =x. Taking logarithms and setting y = logx,
0= -W(x) -logW(x) + logx
- W(e Y ) -log W(e Y ) + y
IjW(e Y ) +logljW(e Y )+logz+y-Iogz
zjW(e Y ) + 10gzjW(e Y ) + y -logz
Setting (}i = zjW(e Y ) , y = 1 +"\+logz, and z = -Wi, eqn. 4 simplifies to eqn. 3, implying
Equations 3 and 5 together yield a quickly converging fix-point equation for ..\ and therefore
for the entropic MAP estimate. Solutions lie in the W -1 branch of Lambert's function. See
[Brand, 1997] for methods we developed to calculate the little-known W function.
The negated log-posterior is equivalent to a sum of entropies:
+ D(wIIO) + H(w)
Maximizing Pe(Olw) minimizes entropy in all respects: the parameter entropy H(O); the
cross-entropy D (w "0) between the parameters 0 and the data's descriptive statistics w;
and the entropy of those statistics H (w), which are calculated relative to the structure
of the model. Equivalently, the MAP estimator minimizes the expected coding length,
making it a maximally efficient compressor of messages consisting of the model and the
data coded relative to the model. Since compression involves separating essential from
accidental structure, this can be understood as a form of noise removal. Noise inflates the
apparent entropy of a sampled process; this systematically biases maximum likelihood
(ML) estimates toward weaker odds, more so in smaller samples. Consequently, the
entropic prior is a countervailing bias toward stronger odds.
An Entropic Estimator for Structure Discovery
Model trimming
Because the prior rewards sparse models, it is possible to remove weakly supported
parameters from the model while improving its posterior probability, such that
P e (O\(}iIX) > P e (OIX). This stands in contrast to most pruning schemes, which typically
try to minimize damage to the posterior. Expanding via Bayes rule and taking logarithms
we obtain
where hi((}i) is the entropy due to (}i. For small (}i, we can approximate via differentials:
() . {)H(O)
() . {)logP(XIO)
{)(} i
By mixing the left- and right-hand sides of equations 7 and 8, we can easily identify
trimmable parameters-those that contribute more to the entropy than the log-likelihood.
E.g., for multinomials we set hi ((}i) = -(}i log (}i against r.h.s. eqn. 8 and simplify to obtain
exp [ -
Parameters can be trimmed at any time during training; at convergence trimming can
bump the model out of a local probability maximum, allowing further training in a lowerdimensional and possibly smoother parameter subspace.
2 Entropic HMM training and trimming
In entropic estimation of HMM transition probabilities, we follow the conventional E-step,
calculating the probability mass for each transition to be used as evidence w:
L aj(t) Pilj Pi(Xt+1) fh(t + 1)
where P ilJ is the current estimate of the transition probability from state j to state i;
Pi(Xt+d is the output probability of observation Xt+1 given state i, and Q, {3 are obtained
from forward-backward analysis and follow the notation of Rabiner [1989]. For the Mstep, we calculate new estimates {Pi lj h = 0 by applying the MAP estimator in ?1.1 to
each w = {,j ,i k That is, w is a vector of the evidence for each kind of transition out of
a single state; from this evidence the MAP estimator calculates probabilities O. (In BaumWelch re-estimation, the maximum-likelihood estimator simply sets Pilj = Ij ,i/ 2:i Ij,d
In iterative estimation, e.g., expectation-maximization (EM), the entropic estimator drives
weakly supported parameters toward zero, skeletonizing the model and concentrating
evidence on surviving parameters until their estimates converge to near the ML estimate.
Trimming appears to accelerate this process by allowing slowly dying parameters to
leapfrog to extinction. It also averts numerical underflow errors.
For HMM transition parameters, the trimming criterion of egn. 9 becomes
(11 )
where Ij (t) is the probability of state j at time t. The multinomial output distributions of a
discrete-output HMM can be en tropically re-estimated and trimmed in the same manner.
M. Brand
Entropic versus ML HMM models of Bach chorales
7S .-.-~-.-----,...,
, states at initialization
Figure 1: Left: Sparsification, classification, and prediction superiority of entropically
estimated HMMs modeling Bach chorales. Lines indicate mean performance over 10
trials; error bars are 2 standard deviations . Right: High-probability states and subgraphs of
interest from an entropically estimated 35-state chorale HMM. Tones output by each state
are listed in order of probability. Extraneous arcs have been removed for clarity.
Structure learning experiments
To explore the practical utility of this framework, we will use entropically estimated HMMs
as a window into the hidden structure of some human-generated time-series.
Bach Chorales: We obtained a dataset of melodic lines from 100 of I.S. Bach's 371
surviving chorales from the UCI repository [Merz and Murphy, 1998], and transposed all
into the key of C. We compared entropically and conventionally estimated HMMs in
prediction and classification tasks, training both from identical random initial conditions
and trying a variety of different initial state-counts. We trained with 90 chorales and
testing with the remaining 10. In ten trials, all chorales were rotated into the test
set. Figure 1 illustrates that despite substantial loss of parameters to sparsification, the
entropically estimated HMMs were, on average, better predictors of notes. (Each test
sequence was truncated to a random length and the HMMs were used to predict the first
missing note.) They also were better at discriminating between test chorales and temporally
reversed test chorales-challenging because Bach famously employed melodic reversal as a
compositional device. With larger models, parameter-trimming became state-trimming: An
average of 1.6 states were "pinched off" the 35-state models when all incoming transitions
were deleted.
While the conventionally estimated HMMs were wholly uninterpretable, in the entropically
estimated HMMs one can discern several basic musical structures (figure 1, right),
including self-transitioning states that output only tonic (C-E-G) or dominant (G-B-D)
triads, lower- or upper-register diatonic tones (C-D-E or F-G-A-B), and mordents (A-nGA). We also found chordal state sequences (F-A-C) and states that lead to the tonic (C) via
the mediant (E) or the leading tone (B).
Handwriting: We used 2D Gaussian-output HMMs to analyze handwriting data. Training
data, obtained from the UNIPEN web site [Reynolds, 1992], consisted of sequences of
normalized pen-position coordinates taken at 5msec intervals from 10 different individuals
writing the digits 0-9. The HMMs were estimated from identical data and initial conditions
(random upper-diagonal transition matrices; random output parameters). The diagrams
in Figure 2 depict transition graphs of two HMMs modeling the pen-strokes for the digit
"5," mapped onto the data. Ellipses indicate each state's output probability iso-contours
(receptive field); X s and arcs indicate state dwell and transition probabilities, respectively,
by their thicknesses. Entropic estimation induces an interpretable automaton that captures
essential structure and timing of the pen-strokes. 50 of the 80 original transition parameters
An Entropic Estimator for Structure Discovery
ConlUStOn MatrIX WIth 93 0% acct.JIlIcy
eonrus.on Matnll WIth 96 0%,accuracy
:,"' .s -':
.,-!.:~ ,~_~~"
. -,
a. conventional
b. en tropic
c. conventional
d. en tropic
Figure 2: (a & b): State machines of conventionally and entropically estimated hidden
Markov models of writing "S." (c & d): Confusion matrices for all digits.
were trimmed. Estimation without the entropic prior results in a wholly opaque model, in
which none of the original dynamical parameters were trimmed. Model concision leads to
better classification-the confusion matrices show cumulative classificMion error over ten
trials with random initializations. Inspection of the parameters for the model in 2b showed
that all writers began in states 1 or 2. From there it is possible to follow the state diagram
to reconstruct the possible sequences of pen-strokes: Some writers start with the cap (state
1) while others start with the vertical (state 2); all loop through states 3-8 and some return
to the top (via state 10) to add a horizontal (state 12) or diagonal (state 11) cap.
Office activity: Here we demonstrate a model of human activity learned from mediumto long-term ambient video. By activity, we mean spatio-temporal patterns in the pose,
position, and movement of one's body. To make the vision tractable, we consider the
activity of a single person in a relatively stable visual environment, namely, an office.
We track the gross shape and position of the office occupant by segmenting each image
into foreground and background pixels. Foreground pixels are identified with reference
to an acquired statistical model of the background texture and camera noise. Their
ensemble properties such as motion or color are modeled via adaptive multivariate
Gaussian distributions, re-estimated in each frame.
A single bivariate Gaussian is
fitted to the foreground pixels and we record the associated ellipse parameters [mean x ,
meany, timean x , timean y, mass, timass, elongation, eccentricity]. Sequences of these
observation vectors are used to train and test the HMMs.
Approximately 30 minutes of data were taken at SHz from an SGI IndyCam. Data
was collected automatically and at random over several days by a program that started
recording whenever someone entered the room after it had been empty S+ minutes.
Backgrounds were re-Iearned during absences to accommodate changes in lighting and
room configuration. Prior to training, HMM states were initialized to tile the image
with their receptive fields, and transition probabilities were initialized to prefer motion
to adjoining tiles. Three sequences ranging from 1000 to 1900 frames in length were used
for entropic training of 12, 16,20, 2S, and 30-state HMMs.
Entropic training yielded a substantially sparsified model with an easily interpreted state
machine (see figure 3). Grouping of states into activities (done only to improve readability)
was done by adaptive clustering on a proximity matrix which combined Mahalonobis
distance and transition probability between states. The labels are the author's description
of the set of frames claimed by each state cluster during forward-backward analysis of
test data. Figure 4 illustrates this analysis, showing frames from a test sequence to which
specific states are strongly tuned. State S (figure 3 right) is particularly interesting-it has a
very non-specific receptive field, no self-transition, and an extremely low rate of occupancy.
Instead of modeling data, it serves to compress the model by summarizing transition
patterns that are common to several other states. The entropic model has proven to be
quite superior for segmented new video into activities and detecting anomalous behavior.
M Brand
-~ --. ~ ...".".
Figure 3: Top: The state machine found by en tropic training (left) is easily labeled and
interpreted. The state machine found by conventional training (right) is not, begin fully
connected. Bottom: Transition matrices after (1) initialization, (2) entropic training, (3)
conventional training, and (4 & 5) entropic training from larger initializations. The top row
indicates initial probabilities of each state; each subsequent row indicates the transition
probabilities out of a state. Color key: 0 = 0; ? = 1. The state machines above are
extracted from 2 & 3. Note that 4 & 5 show the same qualitative structure as 2, but sparser,
while 3 shows no almost no structure at all.
Figure 4: Some sample frames assigned high state-specific probabilities by the model. Note
that some states are tuned to velocities, hence the difference between states 6 and 11.
Related work
HMMs: The literature of structure-learning in HMMs is based almost entirely on generateand-test algorithms. These algorithms work by merging [Stokke and Omohundro, 1994]
or splitting [Takami and Sagayama, 1991] states, then retraining the model to see if any
advantage has been gained. Space constraints force us to summarize a recent literature
review: There are now more than 20 variations and improvements on these approaches, plus
some heuristic constructive algorithms (e.g., [Wolfertstetter and Ruske, 1995]). Though
these efforts use a variety of heuristic techniques and priors (including MDL) to avoid
detrimental model changes, much of the computation is squandered and reported run-times
often range from hours to days. Entropic estimation is exact. monotonic, and orders of
magnitude faster-only slightly longer than standard EM parameter estimation.
MDL: Description length minimization is typically done via gradient ascent or search via
model comparison; few estimators are known. Rissanen [1989] introduced an estimator for
binary fractions, from which Vovk [1995] derived an approximate estimator for Bernoulli
An Entropic Estimator for Structure Discovery
models over discrete sample spaces. It approximates a special case of our exact estimator,
which handles multinomial models in continuous sample spaces. Our framework provides
a unified Bayesian framework for two issues that are often treated separately in MDL:
estimating the number of parameters and estimating their values.
MaxEnt: Our prior has different premises and an effect opposite that of the "standard"
MaxEnt prior e- aD (9i1 9 o). Nonetheless, our prior can be derived via MaxEnt reasoning
from the premise that the expectation of the perplexity over all possible models is finite
[Brand, 1998]. More colloquially, we almost always expect there to be learnable structure.
Extensions: For simplicity of exposition (and for results that are independent of model
class), we have assumed prior independence of the parameters and taken H (8) to be the
combined parameter entropies of the model's component distributions. Depending on the
model class, we can also provide variants of eqns. 1-8 for H (8) =conditional entropy or
H (8) =entropy rate of the model. In Brand [1998] we present entropic MAP estimators
for spread and covariance parameters with applications to mixtures-of-Gaussians, radial
basis functions, and other popular models. In the same paper we generalize eqns. 1-8
with a temperature term, obtaining a MAP estimator that minimizes the free energy of the
model. This folds deterministic annealing into EM, turning it into a quasi-global optimizer.
It also provides a workaround for one known limitation of entropy minimization: It is
inappropriate for learning from data that is atypical of the source process.
Open questions: Our framework is currently agnostic w.r.t. two important questions: Is
there an optimal trimming policy? Is there a best entropy measure? Other questions
naturally arise: Can we use the entropy to estimate the peakedness of the posterior
distribution, and thereby judge the appropriateness of MAP models? Can we also directly
minimize the entropy of the hidden variables, thereby obtaining discriminant training?
Entropic estimation is highly efficient hillclimbing procedure for simultaneously estimating
model structure and parameters. It provides a clean Bayesian framework for minimizing all
entropies associated with modeling, and an E-MAP algorithm that brings the structure of a
randomly initialized model into alignment with hidden structures in the data via parameter
extinction . The applications detailed here are three of many in which entropically estimated
models have consistently outperformed maximum likelihood models in classification and
prediction tasks. Most notably, it tends to produce interpretable models that shed light on
the structure of relations between hidden variables and observed effects.
Brand, M. (1997). Structure discovery in conditional probability models via an entropic prior and
parameter extinction. NeuraL Computation To appear; accepted 8/98.
Brand, M. (1998). Pattern discovery via entropy minimization. To appear in Proc .. ArtificiaL
Intelligence and Statistics #7.
Merz, C. and Murphy, P. (1998). UCI repository of machine learning databases.
Rabiner, L. R. (1989). A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications in speech
recognition. Proceedings of the IEEE, 77(2):257-286.
Reynolds, D. (1992). Handwritten digit data. UNIPEN web site, hUp:llhwr.nici.kun.nl/unipen/.
Donated by HP Labs, Bristol, England.
Rissanen, J. (1989). Stochastic CompLexit)' and StatisticaL Inquiry. World Scientific.
Stolcke, A. and Omohundro, S. (1994). Best-first model merging for hidden Markov model induction.
TR-94-003, International Computer Science Institute, U.c. Berkeley.
Takami, 1.-1. and Sagayama, S. (1991). Automatic generation of the hidden Markov model by
successive state splitting on the contextual domain and the temporal domain. TR SP91-88, IEICE.
Vovk, V. G. (1995). Minimum description length estimators under the optimal coding scheme. In
Vitanyi, P., editor, Proc. ComputationaL Learning Theory / Europe, pages 237-251. Springer-Verlag.
Wolfertstetter, F. and Ruske, G. (1995). Structured Markov models for speech recognition. In
InternationaL Conference on Acoustics. Speech. and SignaL Processing, volume I, pages 544-7.
| 1522 |@word trial:3 repository:2 compression:1 stronger:2 retraining:1 extinction:3 open:1 seek:1 mitsubishi:1 covariance:1 concise:2 thereby:2 tr:2 accommodate:1 initial:4 configuration:1 series:2 complexit:1 tuned:2 reynolds:2 current:1 com:1 contextual:1 chordal:1 numerical:1 partition:1 informative:1 subsequent:1 shape:1 mstep:1 remove:1 interpretable:3 depict:1 implying:1 intelligence:1 selected:1 device:1 tone:3 inspection:1 iso:1 record:1 detecting:1 provides:3 contribute:1 readability:1 successive:1 differential:1 qualitative:1 manner:1 introduce:1 acquired:1 notably:1 expected:1 behavior:1 multi:1 ijw:1 automatically:1 little:1 window:1 inappropriate:1 becomes:1 begin:1 estimating:3 notation:1 colloquially:1 mass:2 agnostic:1 kind:1 interpreted:2 minimizes:4 substantially:1 developed:1 dying:1 unified:1 extremum:1 sparsification:2 guarantee:1 assert:1 temporal:2 berkeley:1 donated:1 shed:1 superiority:1 appear:2 segmenting:1 understood:1 local:1 timing:1 tends:1 despite:1 approximately:1 plus:1 extinguishes:1 initialization:4 challenging:1 someone:1 hmms:15 range:1 practical:1 camera:1 testing:1 digit:4 procedure:1 logz:3 wholly:2 scant:1 radial:1 melodic:2 onto:1 operator:1 applying:2 writing:2 equivalent:1 map:12 conventional:5 missing:1 maximizing:1 deterministic:1 go:1 automaton:1 simplicity:1 splitting:2 subgraphs:1 estimator:18 rule:1 egn:1 handle:1 coordinate:1 variation:1 exact:2 iearned:1 velocity:1 satisfying:1 particularly:1 recognition:2 labeled:1 database:1 observed:2 bottom:1 capture:2 calculate:2 compressing:1 connected:1 triad:1 movement:1 removed:1 substantial:1 intuition:1 environment:1 gross:1 workaround:1 xio:2 reward:1 concision:1 dynamic:1 trained:1 weakly:3 predictive:1 writer:2 basis:1 accelerate:2 easily:3 train:1 mahalonobis:1 artificial:1 apparent:1 quite:1 larger:2 valued:1 heuristic:2 reconstruct:1 skews:1 statistic:4 descriptive:2 sequence:7 advantage:1 uci:2 loop:1 entered:1 mixing:1 description:3 inducing:1 sgi:1 convergence:1 empty:1 eccentricity:1 cluster:1 produce:1 converges:1 rotated:1 depending:1 pose:1 ij:4 strong:1 involves:1 indicate:3 judge:1 appropriateness:1 stochastic:1 human:2 premise:2 fix:1 extension:1 proximity:1 exp:1 predict:1 bump:1 matthew:1 optimizer:1 entropic:24 fh:1 estimation:11 proc:2 outperformed:1 label:1 currently:1 minimization:3 gaussian:3 always:1 avoid:1 office:3 derived:2 leapfrog:1 improvement:1 consistently:1 bernoulli:1 likelihood:4 indicates:2 contrast:2 summarizing:1 whence:1 posteriori:1 typically:2 lj:1 hidden:12 relation:2 quasi:1 i1:1 pixel:3 issue:1 classification:4 extraneous:1 special:1 field:3 elongation:1 identical:2 foreground:3 others:1 logx:2 simplify:1 few:1 inflates:1 randomly:1 simultaneously:1 individual:1 murphy:2 consisting:1 freedom:2 interest:1 trimming:9 message:1 highly:3 alignment:1 mdl:3 mixture:1 nl:1 light:1 adjoining:1 ambient:1 improbable:1 logarithm:2 initialized:3 re:4 maxent:3 overcomplete:1 fitted:1 merl:1 modeling:4 logp:2 maximization:1 deviation:1 predictor:1 reported:1 thickness:1 combined:2 person:1 international:2 discriminating:1 off:1 together:1 quickly:1 ilj:1 ambiguity:1 possibly:1 slowly:1 tile:2 derivative:1 leading:1 return:1 coding:2 register:1 ad:1 try:1 lab:1 analyze:1 start:2 bayes:1 minimize:2 accuracy:1 became:1 musical:1 ensemble:1 yield:2 identify:1 rabiner:2 generalize:1 bayesian:3 handwritten:1 lambert:2 lli:1 none:1 occupant:1 lighting:1 drive:1 bristol:1 stroke:3 simultaneous:1 inquiry:1 whenever:1 against:1 nonetheless:1 energy:1 naturally:1 associated:2 transposed:1 handwriting:3 sampled:1 dataset:1 concentrating:1 popular:1 color:2 cap:2 appears:1 day:2 follow:3 maximally:1 done:3 though:1 strongly:1 until:1 working:1 eqn:3 hand:1 web:2 horizontal:1 brings:1 aj:1 scientific:1 ieice:1 effect:2 consisted:1 multiplier:1 normalized:1 hence:1 assigned:1 laboratory:1 during:3 self:2 eqns:2 criterion:1 trying:1 omohundro:2 demonstrate:1 confusion:2 motion:2 temperature:1 reasoning:1 image:2 ranging:1 novel:1 began:1 common:1 superior:1 multinomial:4 volume:1 interpretation:1 approximates:1 cambridge:1 automatic:1 hp:1 had:1 stable:1 europe:1 longer:1 add:2 dominant:1 posterior:7 multivariate:1 showed:1 recent:1 perplexity:2 claimed:1 verlag:1 binary:1 minimum:1 lowerdimensional:1 impose:1 nici:1 employed:1 converge:1 maximize:1 signal:4 ii:2 branch:1 smoother:1 segmented:1 faster:1 england:1 cross:2 bach:5 long:1 coded:1 iog:1 ellipsis:1 calculates:1 converging:1 prediction:3 basic:1 anomalous:1 variant:1 vision:1 expectation:2 background:3 separately:1 interval:1 annealing:1 diagram:2 source:1 unlike:1 ascent:1 recording:1 tend:1 virtually:1 surviving:4 odds:4 peakedness:1 near:3 stolcke:1 indycam:1 variety:2 independence:1 identified:1 opposite:1 reduce:1 simplifies:2 utility:1 trimmed:4 effort:1 speech:3 compositional:1 detailed:1 listed:1 pinched:1 ten:2 takami:2 induces:1 tutorial:1 estimated:12 track:1 write:1 discrete:2 diatonic:1 sparsifying:1 key:2 rissanen:2 deleted:1 clarity:1 clean:1 backward:3 wasted:1 graph:1 fraction:1 sum:1 nga:1 baumwelch:1 inverse:1 run:1 uncertainty:2 opaque:1 discern:1 almost:3 prefer:1 uninterpretable:1 entirely:1 hi:2 dwell:1 vitanyi:1 accidental:1 fold:1 yielded:1 activity:6 constraint:1 extremely:1 relatively:1 structured:2 smaller:1 slightly:1 em:3 wi:2 constr:1 making:1 taken:3 equation:3 count:1 tractable:1 reversal:1 serf:1 gaussians:1 original:2 compress:1 top:3 remaining:1 ensure:1 clustering:1 iix:1 calculating:1 music:1 ellipse:1 question:3 olw:1 damage:1 receptive:3 diagonal:2 gradient:1 detrimental:1 subspace:1 reversed:1 pilj:2 mapped:1 separating:1 distance:1 hmm:7 collected:1 discriminant:1 toward:3 induction:1 length:5 modeled:1 minimizing:1 equivalently:1 kun:1 tropic:4 broadway:1 policy:1 negated:1 allowing:2 upper:2 vertical:1 observation:2 markov:6 arc:2 finite:2 truncated:1 sparsified:1 tonic:2 frame:5 introduced:1 namely:1 extensive:1 acoustic:1 learned:1 hour:1 bar:1 dynamical:1 pattern:3 summarize:1 program:1 including:2 video:3 event:1 treated:1 force:1 turning:1 representing:1 scheme:3 chorale:9 improve:1 occupancy:1 temporally:1 started:1 conventionally:3 logw:1 entropically:9 prior:14 literature:2 discovery:6 removal:1 review:1 relative:2 loss:1 fully:1 expect:1 interesting:1 limitation:1 generation:1 proven:1 versus:1 degree:1 editor:1 systematically:1 famously:1 pi:3 row:2 supported:3 surprisingly:1 free:1 bias:2 weaker:1 side:1 institute:1 taking:2 stokke:1 sparse:1 calculated:1 transition:17 stand:1 contour:1 t5:1 cumulative:1 forward:2 author:1 adaptive:2 world:1 excess:1 pruning:2 approximate:2 ml:4 global:1 incoming:1 assumed:1 spatio:1 search:1 iterative:2 pen:4 continuous:1 expanding:1 obtaining:2 improving:1 electric:1 sagayama:2 domain:2 spread:1 noise:3 arise:1 fair:1 body:1 site:2 en:5 position:3 msec:1 lie:1 pe:4 atypical:1 removing:1 minute:2 transitioning:1 xt:3 specific:3 showing:1 learnable:1 evidence:7 bivariate:1 essential:2 grouping:1 merging:2 gained:1 texture:1 magnitude:1 illustrates:2 sparser:1 entropy:21 simply:1 explore:1 visual:1 hillclimbing:1 lagrange:1 compressor:1 monotonic:1 springer:1 underflow:1 chance:1 extracted:1 ma:1 conditional:5 consequently:1 exposition:1 room:2 absence:1 content:1 change:2 vovk:2 accepted:2 oix:1 merz:2 brand:10 meaningful:1 ew:1 hup:1 constructive:1 correlated:1 |
573 | 1,523 | Optimizing Classifiers for Imbalanced
Training Sets
Grigoris Karakoulas
Global Analytics Group
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
161 Bay St., BCE-ll,
Toronto ON, Canada M5J 2S8
Email: karakoulOcibc.ca
John Shawe-Taylor
Department of Computer Science
Royal Holloway, University of London
Egham, TW20 OEX
Email: jstOdcs.rhbnc.ac.uk
Following recent results [9 , 8] showing the importance of the fatshattering dimension in explaining the beneficial effect of a large
margin on generalization performance, the current paper investigates the implications of these results for the case of imbalanced
datasets and develops two approaches to setting the threshold.
The approaches are incorporated into ThetaBoost, a boosting algorithm for dealing with unequal loss functions. The performance
of ThetaBoost and the two approaches are tested experimentally.
Keywords: Computational Learning Theory, Generalization, fat-shattering, large
margin, pac estimates, unequal loss, imbalanced datasets
Shawe-Taylor [8] demonstrated that the output margin can also be used as an
estimate of the confidence with which a particular classification is made. In other
words if a new example has an output value we]) clear of the threshold we can
be more confident of the associated classification than when the output value is
closer to the threshold. The current paper applies this result to the case where
there are different losses associated with a false positive, than with a false negative.
If a significant number of data points are misclassified we can use the criterion
of minimising the empirical loss. If, however, the data is correctly classified the
empirical loss is zero for all correctly separating hyperplanes. It is in this case that
the approach can provide insight into how to choose the hyperplane and threshold.
In summary, the paper suggests ways in which a hyperplane should be optimised for
imbalanced datasets where the loss associated with misclassifying the less prevalent
class is higher.
G. Karakoulas and J Shawe-Taylor
Background to the Analysis
Definition 2.1 [3} Let F be a set of real-valued functions. We say that a set of
points X is ,-shattered by F if there are real numbers rx indexed by x E X such
that for all binary vectors b indexed by X, there is a function fb E F realising
dichotomy b with margin ,. The fat-shattering dimension Fat.:F of the set F is a
function from the positive real numbers to the integers which maps a value, to the
size of the largest ,-shattered set, if this is finite, or infinity otherwise.
In general we are concerned with classifications obtained by thresholding real-valued
functions. The classification values will be {-I, I} instead of the usual {O, I} in order to simplify some expressions. Hence, typically we will consider a set F of
functions mapping from an input space X to the reals. For the sake of simplifying
the presentation of our results we will assume that the threshold used for classification is O. The results can be extended to other thresholds without difficulty.
Hence we implicitly use the classification functions H = T(F) = {T(J) : f E F},
where T(f) is the function f thresholded at O. We will say that f has , margin on
the training set {(Xi, Yi) : i = 1, ... , m} , if minl<i<m{yd(Xi)} = ,. Note that a
positive margin implies that T(f) is consistent. - -
Definition 2.2 Given a real-valued function f : X --+ [-1, 1] used for classification
by thresholding at 0, and probability distribution P on X x {-I, I}, we use er p (f)
to denote the following probability erp(f) = P{(x, y) : yf(x) ::; O}. Further suppose
o ::; TJ ::; 1, then we use er p(fITJ) to denote the probability
er p (f ITJ) = P { ( x, y) : y f ( x) ::; 0 II f ( x ) I 2: TJ}?
The probability erp(fITJ) is the probability of misclassification of a randomly chosen
example given that it has a margin of TJ or more.
We consider the following restriction on the set of real-valued functions.
Definition 2.3 The real-valued function class F is closed under addition of constants if
E F :::>
f + TJ
E F.
Note that the linear functions (with threshold weights) used in perceptrons [9]
satisfy this property as do neural networks with linear output units. Hence, this
property applies to the Support Vector Machine, and the neural network examples.
We now quote a result from [8].
Theorem 2.4 [8} Let F be a class of real-valued functions closed under addition
of constants with fat-shattering dimension bounded by Fat.:Fh) which is continuous
from the right. With probability at least 1 - t5 over the choice of a random m sample
(Xi, Yi) drawn according to P the following holds. Suppose that for some f E F,
TJ > 0,
1. yd(xd
2: -TJ + 2,
for all (Xi, yd in the sample,
2. n
= I{i: yi/(xd 2: TJ + 2,}I,
3. n
2: 3J2m(2dln(288m) log2(12em) + In(32m 2jt5)),
Let d
Fat.:Fh /6). Then the probability that a new example with margin TJ
misclassified is bounded by
~ (2dlog2(288m)lOg2(12em) + log2
Optimizing Classijers for Imbalanced Training Sets
Unequal Loss Functions
We consider the situation where the loss associated with an example is different
for misclassification of positive and negative examples. Let Lh(x, y) be the loss
associated with the classification function h on example (x, y). For the analysis
considered above the loss function is taken to be Lh(X, y) = Ih(x) - YI, that is 1 if
the point x is misclassified and 0 otherwise. This is also known as the discrete loss.
In this paper we consider a different loss function for classification functions.
Definition 3.1 The loss function L{3 is defined as L{3(x, y)
h (x) f. y, and 0, otherwise.
+ (1
- y), if
We first consider the classical approach of minimizing the empirical loss, that is the
loss on the training set. Since, the loss function is no longer binary the standard
theoretical results that can be applied are much weaker than for the binary case. The
algorithmic implications will, however, be investigated under the assumption we are
using a hyperplane parallel to the maximal margin hyperplane. The empirical risk
is given by ER(h) = 2:::1 Lf3(Xi, yd, for the training set {(Xi,Yi): i = 1, ... ,m}.
Assuming that the training set can be correctly classified by the hypothesis class
this criterion will not be able to distinguish between consistent hypotheses, hence
giving no reason not to choose the standard maximal margin choice. However,
there is a natural way to introduce the different losses into the maximal margin
quadratic programming procedure [1]. Here, the constraints given are specified as
Yi ((w . Xi) + 0) ~ 1, i ~ 1,2, ... , m. In order to force the hyperplane away from the
positive points which will incur greater loss, a natural heuristic is to set Yi = -1 for
negative examples and Yi = 1/f3 for positive points, hence making them further from
the decision boundary. In the case where consistent classification is possible, the
effect of this will be to move the hyperplane parallel to itself so that the margin on
the positive side is f3 times that on the negative side. Hence, to solve the problem
we simply use the standard maximal margin algorithm [1] and then replace the
threshold 0 with
b = 1 + f3[(w, x+)
+ f3(w? x-)),
where x+ (x-) is one of the closest positive (negative) points.
The alternative approach we wish to employ is to consider other movements of the
hyperplane parallel to itself while retaining consistency. Let
be the margin of the
maximal margin hyperplane. We consider a consistent hyperplane hI] with margin
+ "I to the positive examples, and
"I to the negative example. The basic
analytic tool is Theorem 2.4 which will be applied once for the positive examples
and once for the negative examples (note that classifications are in the set {-I, I}).
,0 -
Theorem 3.2 Let ho be the maximal margin hyperplane with margin ,0, while hI]
is as above with "I < ,0? Set
= (,0 + "I) /2 and ,- = (,0 - "I) /2. With probability
at least 1 - J over the choice of a random m sample (Xi, Yi) drawn according to P
the following holds. Suppose that for ho
1. no
= I{i: YihO(xd
~ 2"1
+ ,o}1,
2. no ~ 3J2m(dln(288m) log2(12em)
+ In(8/J)),
Let d+ = FatF(r+ /6) and d- = FatF(r- /6). Then we can bound the expected loss
G. Karakoulas and 1. Shawe- Taylor
Proof: Using Theorem 2.4 we can bound the probability of error given that the
correct classification is positive in terms of the expression with the fat shattering
dimension d+ and n = no, while for a negative example we can bound the probability
of error in terms of the expression with fat shattering dimension d- and n = m.
Hence, the expected loss can be bounded by taking the maximum of the second
bound with n+ in place of m together with a factor {3 in front of the second log
term and the first bound multiplied by {3 ??
The bound obtained suggests a way of optimising the choice of "I, namely to minimise
the expression for the fat shattering dimension of linear functions [9]. Solving for "I
in terms of {a and {3 gives
{a ((
W - 1) / ( W + 1) ) .
This choice of "I does not in general agree with that suggested by the choice of
the threshold b in the previous section. In a later section we report on initial
experiments for investigating the performance of these different choices.
The ThetaBoost Algorithm
The above idea for adjusting the margin in the case of unequal loss function can
also be applied to the AdaBoost algorithm [2] which has been shown to maximise
the margin on the training examples and hence the generalization can be bounded
in terms of the margin and the fat-shattering dimension of the functions that can
be produced by the algorithm [6]. We will first develop a boosting algorithm for
unequal loss functions and then extend it for adjustable margin. More specifically,
assume: (i) a set of training examples (Xl, yd, ... , (Xrn, Yrn) where Xi E X and
Y E Y = {-I, + I} j (ii) a weak learner that outputs hypotheses h : X -r {-I, + I}
and (iii) the unequal loss function L(3 (y) of Definition 3.1.
We assign initial weight Dl (i) = w+ to the n+ positive examples and Dt{ i)
wto the n- negative examples, where w+n+ + w- n- = 1. The values can be set so
that w+ /w- = {3 or they can be adjusted using a validation set. The generalization
of AdaBoost to the case of an unequal loss function is given as the AdaUBoost
algorithm in Figure 1. We adapt theorem 1 in [7] for this algorithm.
Theorem 4.1 Assuming the notation and algorithm of Figure 1, the following
bound holds on the training error of H
w+li: H(xd
#- Yi
11 + w-li:
#- Yi
IT Zt.
The choice of w+ and w- will force uneven probabilities of misclassification on
the training set, but to ensure that the weak learners concentrate on misclassified
positive examples we define Z (suppressing the subscript) as
Thus, to minimize training error we should seek to minimize Z with respect to Q'
(the voting coefficient) on each iteration of boosting. Following [7], we introduce
the notation W++, W_+, W+_ and W __ , where for Sl and S2 E {-I, +1}
i :y, =31 ,h(x ,)=32
Optimizing Classifers for Imbalanced Training Sets
By equating to zero the first derivative of (4) with respect to a, Z'(a), and using (5)
we have - exp( -0'/ J3)W++/ ,6+exp(a/ ,6)W_+/,6+exp(a)W+_ -exp( -a)W__ = o.
Letting Y = exp(a) we get a polynomial in Y:
where C 1 = -W++/,6, C 2 = W_+/,6, C3 = W+_, and C4 = -W__ .
The root of this polynomial can be found numerically. Since Z" (a) > 0, Z' (a) can
have at most one zero and this gives the unique minimum of Z(a). The solution
for a from (6) is used (as at) when taking the distance of a training example from
the standard threshold on each iteration of the AdaUBoost algorithm in Figure 1
as well as when combining the weak learners in H(x).
The ThetaBoost algorithm searches for a positive and a negative support vector
(SV) point such that the hyperplane separating them has the largest margin. Once
these SV points are found we can then apply the formulas (1) and (2) of Sections
3.1 and 3.2 respectively to compute values for adjusting the threshold. See Figure
2 for the complete algorithm.
Algorithm AdaUBoost(X, Y, (3)
1. Initialize Dt{i) as described above.
2. For t
= 1, ... , T
train weak learner using distribution Dt;
get weak hypothesis h t ;
choose at E lR ;
update: Dt+l(i) = Dt(i) exp[-at(3iYih(xdl/Zt
where (3i = 1/(3 if Yi = 1 and 1 if otherwise, and Zt is a normalization
factor such that Li Dt+1(i) = 1;
3. Output the final hypothesis: H(x) = sgn (L'f=l atht(x)).
Algorithm ThetaBoost(X, Y, (3, 6M
1. H(x)
= AdaUBoost(X, Y, ,6);
2. Remove from the training dataset the false positive and borderline points;
3. Find the smallest H(x+) and mark this as the SV+; and remove any negative points with value greater than H(SV+);
4. Find the first negative point that is next in ranking to the SV+ and mark
this as SV_; and compute the margin as the sum of distances, d+ and d_,
of SV+ and SV_ from the standard threshold;
5. Check for candidate SV_ 's that are near to the current one and change the
margin by at least 6M ;
6. Use SV+ and SV_ to compute the theta threshold from Eqn (1) and (2);
7. Output the final hypothesis: H(x)
= sgn (L'f=l atht(x) -
Figure 1: The AdaUBoost and Theta-Boost algorithms.
G. Karakoulas and J Shawe-Taylor
The purpose of the experiments reported in this section is two-fold:
(i) to compare the generalization performance of AdaUBoost against that of
standard Adaboost on imbalanced datasetsj
(ii) to examine the two formulas for choosing the threshold in ThetaBoost and
evaluate their effect on generalization performance.
For the evaluations in (i) and (ii) we use two performance measures: the average
Li3 and the geometric mean of accuracy (g-mean) [4]. The latter is defined as
9 = Jprecision . recall, where
preClSlOn =
# positives correct
# posItIves
. . pre d?Icte d j
recaII -
# positives correct
# true POSI.tJ.ves .
The g-mean has recently been proposed as a performance measure that, in contrast
to accuracy, can capture the "specificity" trade-off between false positives and true
positives in imbalanced datasets [4]. It is also independent of the distribution of
examples between classes.
For our initial experiments we used the satimage dataset from the UCI repository
[5] and used a uniform D 1 ? The dataset is about classifying neigborhoods of pixels
in a satelite image. It has 36 continuous attributes and 6 classes. We picked class
4 as the goal class since it is the less prevalent one (9.73% of the dataset). The
dataset comes in a training (4435 examples) and a test (2000 examples) set.
Table 1 shows the performance on the test set of AdaUBoost, AdaBoost and C4.5
for different values of the beta parameter. It should be pointed out that the latter
two algorithms minimize the total error assuming an equal loss function (13 = 1). In
the case of equal loss AdaUBoost simply reduces to AdaBoost. As observed from the
table the higher the loss parameter the bigger the improvement of AdaUBoost over
the other two algorithms. This is particularly apparent in the values of g-mean.
f3 values
avgLoss g-mean
avgLoss g-mean
avgLoss g-mean
Table 1: Generalization performance in the SatImage dataset.
Figure 2 shows the generalization performance of ThetaBoost in terms of average
loss (13 = 2) for different values of the threshold (). The latter ranges from the largest
margin of negative examples that corresponds to SV_ to the smallest margin of
positive examples that corresponds to SV+. This range includes the values of band
TJ given by formulas (I) and (2). In this experiment,sM was set to 0.2. As depicted in
the figure , the margin defined by b achieves better generalization performance than
the margin defined by TJ. In particular, b is closer to the value of () that gives the
minimum loss on this test set. In addition, ThetaBoost with b performs better than
AdaUBoost on this test set. We should emphasise, however, that the differences
are not significant and that more extensive experiments are required before the two
approaches can be ranked reliably.
Optimizing Classifers for Imbalanced Training Sets
Threshold e
Figure 2: Average Loss L{3 (13 = 2) on test set as a function of ()
In the above we built a theoretical framework for optimaIly setting the margin
given an unequal loss function. By applying this framework to boosting we developed AdaUBoost and ThetaBoost that generalize Adaboost, a weIl known boosting
algorithm, for taking into account unequal loss functions and adjusting the margin
in imbalanced datasets. Initial experiments have shown that both these factors
improve the generalization performance of the boosted classifier.
[lJ Corinna Cortes and Vladimir Vapnik, Machine Learning, 20, 273- 297, 1995.
[2J Yoav Freund and Robert Schapire, pages 148-156 in Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML '96, 1996.
[3] Michael J. Kearns and Robert E. Schapire, pages 382- 391 in Proceedings of the
31st Symposium on the Foundations of Computer Science, FOCS'90, 1990.
[4J Kubat, M., Holte, R. and Matwin, S., Machine Learning, 30, 195-215, 1998.
[5] Merz, C.J. and Murphy, P.M. (1997). UCI repository of machine learning
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[6] R. Schapire, Y. Freund , P. Bartlett, W. Sun Lee, pages 322- 330 in Proceedings
of International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML '97, 1997.
[7] Robert Schapire and Yoram Singer, in Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual
Conference on Computational Learning Theory, COLT'98, 1998.
[8] John Shawe-Taylor, Algorithmica, 22,157-172,1998.
[9J John Shawe-Taylor, Peter Bartlett, Robert Williamson and Martin Anthony,
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 44 (5) 1926-1940, 1998.
| 1523 |@word repository:2 polynomial:2 seek:1 simplifying:1 initial:4 suppressing:1 current:3 john:3 analytic:1 remove:2 update:1 lr:1 boosting:5 toronto:1 hyperplanes:1 beta:1 symposium:1 focs:1 eleventh:1 introduce:2 li3:1 expected:2 examine:1 bounded:4 notation:2 kubat:1 developed:1 voting:1 xd:5 fat:10 classifier:2 uk:1 unit:1 positive:21 maximise:1 before:1 optimised:1 subscript:1 yd:5 equating:1 suggests:2 analytics:1 range:2 commerce:1 unique:1 borderline:1 procedure:1 tw20:1 empirical:4 confidence:1 word:1 pre:1 specificity:1 get:2 risk:1 applying:1 xrn:1 restriction:1 www:1 map:1 demonstrated:1 insight:1 suppose:3 programming:1 hypothesis:6 particularly:1 database:1 observed:1 capture:1 sun:1 movement:1 trade:1 solving:1 incur:1 learner:4 matwin:1 train:1 london:1 dichotomy:1 choosing:1 apparent:1 heuristic:1 valued:6 solve:1 say:2 otherwise:4 itself:2 final:2 maximal:6 karakoulas:4 uci:3 combining:1 develop:1 ac:1 keywords:1 implies:1 come:1 concentrate:1 correct:3 attribute:1 sgn:2 icte:1 assign:1 generalization:10 d_:1 adjusted:1 hold:3 considered:1 ic:1 exp:6 mapping:1 algorithmic:1 achieves:1 smallest:2 fh:2 purpose:1 wto:1 quote:1 largest:3 tool:1 boosted:1 improvement:1 prevalent:2 check:1 contrast:1 shattered:2 typically:1 lj:1 misclassified:4 pixel:1 classification:12 html:1 colt:1 retaining:1 initialize:1 equal:2 once:3 f3:5 shattering:7 optimising:1 icml:2 report:1 develops:1 simplify:1 employ:1 randomly:1 bce:1 murphy:1 algorithmica:1 lf3:1 evaluation:1 tj:12 implication:2 closer:2 lh:2 indexed:2 taylor:7 oex:1 theoretical:2 yoav:1 uniform:1 front:1 reported:1 sv:8 confident:1 st:2 international:2 lee:1 off:1 j2m:2 michael:1 together:1 itj:1 posi:1 choose:3 derivative:1 li:3 account:1 w_:3 includes:1 coefficient:1 satisfy:1 ranking:1 fatshattering:1 later:1 root:1 picked:1 closed:2 parallel:3 minimize:3 accuracy:2 fitj:2 generalize:1 weak:5 produced:1 rx:1 classified:2 mlearn:1 fatf:2 email:2 definition:5 against:1 associated:5 proof:1 dataset:6 adjusting:3 recall:1 higher:2 dt:6 adaboost:7 eqn:1 yf:1 yrn:1 effect:3 true:2 hence:8 ll:1 mlrepository:1 criterion:2 complete:1 performs:1 image:1 recently:1 s8:1 extend:1 classifers:2 numerically:1 significant:2 consistency:1 pointed:1 shawe:7 longer:1 closest:1 imbalanced:10 recent:1 optimizing:4 inf:1 binary:3 yi:12 minimum:2 greater:2 holte:1 minl:1 ii:4 reduces:1 england:1 adapt:1 minimising:1 bigger:1 j3:1 basic:1 iteration:2 normalization:1 background:1 addition:3 xdl:1 integer:1 near:1 canadian:1 iii:1 concerned:1 idea:1 minimise:1 expression:4 rhbnc:1 bartlett:2 f:1 peter:1 clear:1 band:1 schapire:4 http:1 sl:1 misclassifying:1 dln:2 correctly:3 discrete:1 group:1 threshold:16 imperial:1 drawn:2 erp:2 thresholded:1 sum:1 place:1 decision:1 investigates:1 bound:7 hi:2 distinguish:1 fold:1 quadratic:1 annual:1 infinity:1 constraint:1 sake:1 martin:1 department:1 according:2 beneficial:1 em:3 making:1 taken:1 agree:1 singer:1 letting:1 multiplied:1 apply:1 away:1 egham:1 alternative:1 corinna:1 ho:2 ensure:1 log2:4 yoram:1 giving:1 classical:1 move:1 usual:1 distance:2 separating:2 reason:1 assuming:3 minimizing:1 vladimir:1 robert:4 negative:13 reliably:1 zt:3 adjustable:1 datasets:5 sm:1 finite:1 situation:1 extended:1 incorporated:1 canada:1 namely:1 required:1 specified:1 c3:1 extensive:1 c4:3 unequal:9 boost:1 trans:1 able:1 suggested:1 built:1 royal:1 misclassification:3 difficulty:1 natural:2 force:2 ranked:1 improve:1 theta:2 geometric:1 freund:2 loss:32 validation:1 foundation:1 consistent:4 thresholding:2 bank:1 classifying:1 summary:1 side:2 weaker:1 explaining:1 taking:3 emphasise:1 boundary:1 dimension:7 fb:1 t5:1 made:1 implicitly:1 dlog2:1 dealing:1 global:1 investigating:1 xi:9 continuous:2 search:1 bay:1 table:3 ca:1 williamson:1 investigated:1 anthony:1 s2:1 n2:1 atht:2 realising:1 en:2 wish:1 xl:1 candidate:1 theorem:6 formula:3 showing:1 pac:1 er:4 cortes:1 dl:1 ih:1 false:4 vapnik:1 importance:1 margin:31 depicted:1 simply:2 applies:2 corresponds:2 goal:1 presentation:1 satimage:2 replace:1 experimentally:1 change:1 specifically:1 hyperplane:11 kearns:1 total:1 merz:1 perceptrons:1 holloway:1 uneven:1 support:2 mark:2 latter:3 evaluate:1 tested:1 |
574 | 1,525 | Batch and On-line Parameter Estimation of
Gaussian Mixtures Based on the Joint Entropy
Yoram Singer
AT&T Labs
[email protected]
Manfred K. Warmuth
University of California, Santa Cruz
[email protected]
We describe a new iterative method for parameter estimation of Gaussian mixtures. The new method is based on a framework developed by
Kivinen and Warmuth for supervised on-line learning. In contrast to gradient descent and EM, which estimate the mixture's covariance matrices,
the proposed method estimates the inverses of the covariance matrices.
Furthennore, the new parameter estimation procedure can be applied in
both on-line and batch settings. We show experimentally that it is typically faster than EM, and usually requires about half as many iterations
as EM.
1 Introduction
Mixture models, in particular mixtures of Gaussians, have been a popular tool for density
estimation, clustering, and un-supervised learning with a wide range of applications (see
for instance [5, 2] and the references therein). Mixture models are one of the most useful
tools for handling incomplete data, in particular hidden variables. For Gaussian mixtures
the hidden variables indicate for each data point the index of the Gaussian that generated it.
Thus, the model is specified by ajoint density between the observed and hidden variables.
The common technique used for estimating the parameters of a stochastic source with hidden variables is the EM algorithm. In this paper we describe a new technique for estimating
the parameters of Gaussian mixtures. The new parameter estimation method is based on a
framework developed by Kivinen and Warmuth [8] for supervised on-line learning. This
framework was successfully used in a large number of supervised and un-supervised problems (see for instance [7, 6, 9, 1]).
Our goal is to find a local minimum of a loss function which, in our case, is the negative
log likelihood induced by a mixture of Gaussians. However, rather than minimizing the
Parameter Estimation of Gaussian Mixtures
loss directly we add a tenn measuring the distance of the new parameters to the old ones.
This distance is useful for iterative parameter estimation procedures. Its purpose is to keep
the new parameters close to the old ones. The method for deriving iterative parameter
estimation can be used in batch settings as well as on-line settings where the parameters
are updated after each observation. The distance used for deriving the parameter estimation
method in this paper is the relative entropy between the old and new joint density of the
observed and hidden variables. For brevity we tenn the new iterative parameter estimation
method the joint-entropy (JE) update.
The JE update shares a common characteristic with the Expectation Maximization [4, 10]
algorithm as it first calculates the same expectations. However, it replaces the maximization
step with a different update of the parameters. For instance, it updates the inverse of the
covariance matrix of each Gaussian in the mixture, rather than the covariance matrices
themselves. We found in our experiments that the JE update often requires half as many
iterations as EM. It is also straightforward to modify the proposed parameter estimation
method for on-line setting where the parameters are updated after each new observation.
As we demonstrate in our experiments with digit recognition, the on-line version of the
JE update is especially useful in situations where the observations are generated by a nonstationary stochastic source.
2 Notation and preliminaries
Let S be a sequence of training examples (Xl, X2, ..? , XN) where each Xi is a ddimensional vector in ~d. To model the distribution of the examples we use m ddimensional Gaussians. The parameters of the i-th Gaussian are denoted by 8 i and they
include the mean-vector and the covariance matrix
The density function of the ith Gaussian, denoted P(xI8d, is
We denote the entire set of parameters of a Gaussian mixture by 8 = {8i }:: 1 =
{Wi, Pi' C i }::l where w = (WI, ... , w m ) is a non-negative vector of mixture coefficients
such that 2:::1 Wi = 1. We denote by P(xI8) = 2:;:1 w;P(xI8d the likelih~od of an
observation x according to a Gaussian mixture with parameters_8. Let 8 i and 8 i be two
Gaussian distributions. For brevity, we d~note by E; (Z) and E j (Z) the expectation of a
random variable Z with respect to 8i and 8 j ? Let f be a parametric function whose parameters constitute a matrix A = (a;j). We denote by {) f / {)A the matrix of partial derivatives
of f with respect to the elements in A. That is, the ij element of {) f / {)A is {) f / {)aij.
Similarly, let B = (bij(x)) a matrix whose elements are functions of a scalar x. Then, we
denote by dB / dx the matrix of derivatives of the elements in B with respect to x, namely,
the ij element of dB / dx is dbij (x) / dx.
3 The framework for deriving updates
Kivinen and Warmuth [8] introduced a general framework for deriving on-line parameter
updates. In this section we describe how to apply their framework for the problem of
Y. Singer and M. K. Warmuth
parameter estimation of Gaussian mixtures in a batch setting. We later discuss how a
simple modification gives the on-line updates.
Given a set of data points S in ~d and a number m, the goal is to find a set of m
Gaussians that minimize the loss on the data, denoted as loss(SI8). For density estimation the natural loss function is the negative log-likelihood of the data loss(SI8) =
-(I/ISI) In P(SI8) ~f -(I/ISI) L: xES In P(xI8). The best parameters which minimize
the above loss cannot be found analytically. The common approach is to use iterative methods such as EM [4, 10] to find a local minimizer of the loss.
In an iterative parameter estimation framework we are given the old set of parameters 8 t
and we need to find a set of new parameters 8 t +1 that induce smaller loss. The framework
introduced by Kivinen and Warmuth [8] deviates from the common approaches as it also
requires to the new parameter vector to stay "close" to the old set of parameters which
incorporates all that was learned in the previous iterations. The distance of the new parameter setting 8 t +1 from the old setting 8 t is measured by a non-negative distance function
Ll(8 t +1 , 8 t ). We now search for a new set of parameters 8 t +1 that minimizes the distance
summed with the loss multiplied by 17. Here 17 is a non-negative number measuring the relative importance of the distance versus the loss. This parameter 17 will become the learning
rate of the update. More formally, the update is found by setting 8 t+1 = arg mineUt(8)
whereU t (8) = Ll(8,8 t ) + 17loss(SI8) + A(L:::1 Wi -1). (We use a Lagrange multiplier A to enforce the constraint that the mixture coefficients sum to one.) By choosing the
apropriate distance function and 17 = 1 one can show that EM becomes the above update.
For most distance functions and learning rates the minimizer of the function U t (8) cannot be found analytically as both the distance function and the log-likelihood are usually
non-linear in 8. Instead, we expand the log-likelihood using a first order Taylor expansion around the old parameter setting. This approximation degrades the further the new
parameter values are from the old ones, which further motivates the use of the distance
function Ll(8, 8 t ) (see also the discussion in [7]). We now seek a new set of parameters
8 t + 1 = argmineVt(8) where
Vt(8) =
~(8, 0 t ) + '7 (loss(510 t ) + (8 - 0 t ) . V' e l0ss(510t)) + A(L w.
- 1) .
Here V' eloss(SI8t) denotes the gradient of the loss at 8 t . We use the above method
Eq. (1) to derive the updates of this paper. For density estimation, it is natural to use the
relative entropy between the new and old density as a distance. In this paper we use the
joint density between the observed (data points) and hidden variables (the indices of the
Gaussians). This motivates the name joint-entropy update.
Entropy based distance functions
We first consider the relative entropy between the new and old parameter parameters of a
single Gaussian. Using the notation introduced in Sec. 2, the relative entropy between two
Gaussian distributions denoted by 8i , 8i is
~(8., 8i)
JXE~d P(xI0i) In P(xI8.) dx
-z- -
' X -I-'i
? (X -I-'i
1-(( X
+ zEi
I-'i) Te? ( x-I-'. ))
Parameter Estimation of Gaussian Mixtures
Using standard (though tedious) algebra we can rewrite the expectations as follows:
A(8-- i, 8)
ICil = 2"1] n -;;:;ICil
1 (C-1C-)
+ 2"tr
i + 2"1(J.li -
J.l )T C i-1(J.li - J.li ) .
The relative entropy between the new and the old mixture models is the following
= ix P(xI0) In P(xI0)dx = ix
~- L~1 w.P(xI8.)
w.P(xI0.)ln ~:1 w.P(xI0./ x .
Ideally, we would like to use the above distance function in V t to give us an update of
in terms of 8. However, there isn't a closed form expression for Eq. (3). Although the
relative entropy between two Gaussians is a convex function in their parameters, the relative
entropy between two Gaussian mixtures is non-convex. Thus, the loss function V t (e) may
have multiple minima, making the problem of finding arg mine V t (e) difficult.
In order to sidestep this problem we use the log-sum inequality [3] to obtain an upper bound
for the distance function ~(e, 8). We denote this upper bound as Li(e, 8).
In ;;;,
j -
p(xle ,) In p(xle
I ) dx =
P(x e,l
In -;;;,
e,l .
We call the new distance function Li(e, 8) the joint-entropy distance. Note that in this
distance the parameters of Wi and Wi are "coupled" in the sense that it is a convex combination of the distances 6.(8 i , 8d. In particular, Li(8 , 8) as a function of the parameters
Wi, Pi' Ci does not remain constant any more when the parameters of the individual Gaussians are permuted. Furthermore, Li (e, 8) is also is sufficiently convex so that finding the
minimizer of V t is possible (see below).
5 The updates
We are now ready to derive the new parameter estimation scheme. This is done by setting
the partial derivatives of V t , with respect to
to O. That is, our problem consists of solving
the following equations
a~(e, e)
a In p(5Ie)
+>- =
a~(e, e)
a In P(5Ie)
aJ.L ,
a~(e , e)
aln p(5Ie)
= o.
We now use the fact that Ci and thus C;l is symmetric. The derivatives of Li(e, 8), as
defined by Eq. (4) and Eq. (2), with respect to Wi, Pi and C\, are
In -W.
+ 1 + -21 In -ICd
1 ( -1 - )
1()TC-1 ()
+ -tr
2 C Ci + -2"",,,,,,,,,,,"", (5)
ll . -
- d
1 - (C-- 1 C-1)
2 Wi i
+ .
Y Singer and M. K. Warmuth
To simplify the notation throughout the rest of the paper we define the following variables
d ef
( d ef wi P (xI0i)
P(x\0) and (X i x) = P(x\0)
= P ('1t x, 0i) = wif3i(X ) .
The partial derivatives of the log-likelihood are computed similarly:
oln P(SI0)
~a ( )
L.; P' x
X? s
~ w.P(xI0.) -1 (
L.; P(xI0) C i X-I-I.)
oln P(SI0)
oIn P(SI0)
~ P(xI0i)
L.; P(xI0)
_l ~ wiP(xI0.) (C:- 1
-1 (
L.;(X.(x)C. X-I-Ii)
C:- 1 (
-t L(X,(x)(Ci
1 -
C i 1 (x-l-li)(X-I-I.f c ;-t).
We now need to decide on an order for updating the parameter classes Wi, Pi ' and C i . We
use the same order that EM uses, namely, Wi, then Pi' and finally, C i . (After doing one
pass over all three groups we start again using the same order.) Using this order results in
a simplified set of equations as several terms in Eq. (5) cancel out. Denote the size of the
sample by N = lSI. We now need to sum the derivatives from Eq. (5) and Eq. (8) while
using the fact that the Lagrange multiplier). simply assures that the new weight Wi sum to
one. By setting the result to zero, we get that
w. t-
exp (-N Ex? s f3i(X?)
Similarly, we sum Eq. (6) and Eq. (9), set the result to zero, and get that
I-li t-I-I.
+ ~ Lf3i(X) (x -I-Ii)'
Finally, we do the same for C i . We sum Eq. (7) and Eq. (10) using the newly obtained Pi'
Cit t- Ci 1 + ~ Lf3.(x) (Cit - C;-l(X -I-I.)(x -l-lifCi1) .
We call the new iterative parameter estimation procedure the joint-entropy (JE) update.
To summarize, the JE update is composed of the following alternating steps: We first calculate for each observation x the value !3i(X) = P(xI8;}j P(xI8) and then update the
parameters as given by Eq. (11), Eq. (12), and Eq. (13). The JE update and EM differ in
several aspects. First, EM uses a simple update for the mixture we!ghts w . Second, EM
uses the expectations (with respect to the current parameters) of the sufficient statistics [4]
for Pi and C; to find new sets of mean vectors and covariance matrices. The JE uses a
(slightly different) weighted average of the observation and, in addition, it adds the old
parameters. The learning rate TJ determines the proportion to be used in summing the old
parameters and the newly estimated parameters. Last, EM estimates the covariance matrices Ci whereas the new update estimates the inverses, C;l, of these matrices. Thus, it is
potentially be more stable numerically in cases where the covariance matrices have small
condition number.
To obtain an on-line procedure we need to update the parameters after each new observation
at a time. That is, rather than summing over all xES, for a new observation Xt, we update
Parameter Estimation of Gaussian Mixtures
JE ot8_1 .9
. "!/
ot8:1 .1../ / ota=l .OS
~ -32
/ /.
_~" EM
! -0170
- 0 171
l-//' ./'
/( ,/
Number 01 iterations
................. ..........
Figure 1: Left: comparison of the convergence rate of EM and the JE update with different
learning rates. Right: example of a case where EM initially increases the likelihood faster
than the JE update.
the parameters and get a new set of parameters 8 t +1 using the current parameters 8 t ? The
new parameters are then used for inducing the likelihood of the next observation Xt+ 1. The
on-line parameter estimation procedure is composed of the following steps:
Xj e,
1. Set: (3i (Xt ) = PP(Xj
e) .
2. Parameter updates:
(a) Wj
f- Wj
exp (-1]t(3j (xt)) /
(b) J,lj
f- J,lj
(c) Ci f- Ci 1
I:j=1 Wj exp ( -1]t(3j (xt))
(3j (xt) (Xt - J,lj)
+ 1]t (3j(xt) (Cil - Ci 1 (Xt - J,lj)(Xt - J,lj)TCi1).
To guarantee convergence of the on-line update one should use a diminishing learning rate,
that is 1]t -t 0 as t -t 00 (for further motivation see [lID.
6 Experiments
We conducted numerous experiments with the new update. Due to the lack of space we describe here only two. In the first experiment we compared the JE update and EM in batch
settings. We generated data from Gaussian mixture distributions with varying number of
components (m
2 to 100) and dimensions (d
2 to 20). Due to the lack of space
we describe here results obtained from only one setting. In this setting the examples were
generated by a mixture of 5 components with w = (0.4 , 0.3,0.2,0.05,0.05). The mean
vectors were the 5 standard unit vectors in the Euclidean space 1R5 and we set all of covariances matrices to the identity matrix. We generated 1000 examples. We then run EM and
the JE update with different learning rates (1]
1.9,1.5,1.1,1.05). To make sure that all
the runs will end in the same local maximum we fist performed three EM iterations. The
results are shown on the left hand side of Figure 1. In this setting, the JE update with high
learning rates achieves much faster convergence than EM. We would like to note that this
behavior is by no means esoteric - most of our experiments data yielded similar results.
We found a different behavior in low dimensional settings. On the right hand side of Figure 1 we show convergence rate results for a mixture containing two components each of
which is a single dimension Gaussians. The mean of the two components were located
Y. Singer and M. K. Warmuth
at 1 and -1 with the same variance of 2. Thus, there is a significant "overlap" between
the two Gaussian constituting the mixture. The mixture weight vector was (0 .5,0 .5). We
generated 50 examples according to this distribution and initialized the parameters as fol0.01,1-'2
-0.01, 0"1
2, WI
0.5 We see that initially
lows: 1-'1
EM increases the likelihood much faster than the JE update. Eventually, the JE update
convergences faster than EM when using a small learning rate (in the example appearing in
Figure 1 we set 'rJ = 1.05). However, in this setting, the JE update diverges when learning
rates larger than 'rJ
1.1 are used. This behavior underscores the advantages of both methods. EM uses a fixed learning rate and is guaranteed to converge to a local maximum of the
likelihood, under conditions that typically hold for mixture of Gaussians [4, 12]. the JE update, on the other hand, encompasses a learning rate and in many settings it converges much
faster than EM. However, the superior performance in high dimensional cases demands its
price in low dimensional "dense" cases. Namely, a very conservative learning rate, which
is hard to tune, need to be used. In these cases, EM is a better alternative, offering almost
the same convergence rate without the need to tune any parameters.
Acknowledgments Thanks to Duncan Herring for careful proof reading and providing
us with interesting data sets.
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| 1525 |@word version:1 proportion:1 duda:1 tedious:1 si8:4 seek:1 covariance:9 b39:1 tr:2 tci1:1 att:1 offering:1 current:2 com:1 od:1 dx:6 herring:1 cruz:1 additive:1 ota:1 update:38 joy:1 half:2 tenn:2 warmuth:12 ith:1 smith:1 manfred:2 cse:1 ucsc:1 become:1 consists:1 behavior:3 themselves:1 isi:2 becomes:1 estimating:2 notation:3 aln:1 minimizes:1 developed:2 titterington:1 finding:2 guarantee:1 multidimensional:1 unit:1 local:4 modify:1 oxford:1 ap:1 therein:1 range:1 acknowledgment:1 digit:1 procedure:5 induce:1 get:3 cannot:2 close:2 straightforward:1 convex:4 helmbold:2 rule:1 deriving:4 updated:2 annals:1 us:5 element:6 recognition:2 updating:1 dbij:1 located:1 observed:3 worst:1 calculate:1 wj:4 eu:1 oln:2 dempster:1 ideally:1 mine:1 rewrite:1 solving:1 algebra:1 joint:7 univ:1 describe:5 choosing:1 whose:2 larger:1 furthennore:1 statistic:1 laird:1 sequence:1 rr:1 advantage:1 xi8:7 ajoint:1 inducing:1 convergence:7 diverges:1 converges:1 derive:2 ac:3 stat:1 measured:1 ij:2 eq:14 ddimensional:2 indicate:1 differ:1 stochastic:2 preliminary:1 hold:1 around:1 sufficiently:1 exp:3 bj:1 achieves:1 purpose:1 estimation:22 proc:1 si0:3 successfully:1 tool:2 weighted:1 gaussian:20 rather:3 varying:1 likelihood:11 underscore:1 contrast:1 sense:1 typically:2 entire:1 lj:5 initially:2 hidden:6 diminishing:1 koller:1 expand:1 arg:2 classification:1 denoted:4 summed:1 f3:1 r5:1 cancel:1 simplify:1 composed:2 individual:1 lf3:1 mixture:30 tj:1 partial:3 incomplete:2 old:14 taylor:1 euclidean:1 initialized:1 instance:3 cover:1 measuring:2 maximization:2 conducted:1 aw:2 thanks:1 density:9 siam:1 ie:4 stay:1 again:1 containing:1 derivative:6 sidestep:1 li:10 makov:1 sec:1 coefficient:2 later:1 performed:1 lab:1 closed:1 doing:1 start:1 minimize:2 variance:1 characteristic:1 bayesian:1 pp:1 proof:1 con:1 newly:2 popular:1 redner:1 supervised:5 done:1 though:1 furthermore:1 hand:3 o:1 lack:2 aj:2 name:1 multiplier:2 analytically:2 alternating:1 symmetric:1 ll:4 oc:1 demonstrate:1 ef:2 common:4 superior:1 permuted:1 sigmoided:1 xi0:10 numerically:1 significant:1 ai:1 similarly:3 stable:1 add:2 inequality:1 vt:1 minimum:2 converge:1 ii:5 fist:1 multiple:1 rj:2 faster:6 hart:1 calculates:1 prediction:1 regression:1 ae:2 expectation:5 iteration:5 addition:1 whereas:1 walker:1 source:2 w2:1 rest:1 sure:1 induced:1 db:2 incorporates:1 call:2 nonstationary:1 xj:2 zi:1 f3i:1 icd:2 expression:1 constitute:1 useful:3 santa:1 tune:2 cit:2 schapire:1 lsi:1 estimated:1 vol:1 group:1 sum:6 run:2 inverse:3 uncertainty:1 throughout:1 almost:1 decide:1 wu:1 duncan:1 def:2 bound:4 guaranteed:1 replaces:1 yielded:1 annual:1 constraint:1 x2:1 scene:1 aspect:1 according:2 combination:1 smaller:1 remain:1 em:29 slightly:1 wi:15 lid:1 modification:1 making:1 handling:1 ln:1 equation:2 assures:1 discus:1 eventually:1 singer:7 end:1 gaussians:9 multiplied:1 apply:1 enforce:1 appearing:1 batch:5 alternative:1 thomas:2 denotes:1 clustering:1 include:1 yoram:1 especially:1 society:1 parametric:1 degrades:1 gradient:3 distance:19 index:2 providing:1 minimizing:1 difficult:1 potentially:1 negative:5 motivates:2 upper:2 observation:9 neuron:1 finite:1 descent:1 january:1 situation:1 introduced:3 namely:3 specified:1 xle:2 california:1 learned:1 usually:2 below:1 pattern:2 reading:1 summarize:1 encompasses:1 royal:1 overlap:1 natural:2 kivinen:7 scheme:1 numerous:1 ready:1 icil:2 coupled:1 isn:1 alii:1 deviate:1 review:1 relative:9 loss:17 zei:1 interesting:1 versus:2 sufficient:1 rubin:1 share:1 pi:7 lo:1 last:1 aij:1 side:2 exponentiated:1 wide:1 bauer:1 dimension:2 xn:1 simplified:1 constituting:1 keep:1 summing:2 xi:1 un:2 iterative:7 search:1 expansion:1 oin:1 dense:1 owi:1 motivation:1 je:18 cil:1 wiley:3 xl:1 ix:2 bij:1 xt:10 bishop:1 wip:1 x:2 importance:1 ci:9 te:2 demand:1 entropy:13 tc:2 simply:1 lagrange:2 scalar:1 minimizer:3 determines:1 goal:2 identity:1 careful:1 price:1 experimentally:1 hard:1 conservative:1 pas:1 formally:1 brevity:2 ex:1 |
575 | 1,526 | Recurrent Cortical Amplification Produces
Complex Cell Responses
Frances S. Chance~ Sacha B. Nelson~ and L. F. Abbott
Volen Center and Department of Biology
Brandeis University
Waltham, MA 02454
Cortical amplification has been proposed as a mechanism for enhancing
the selectivity of neurons in the primary visual cortex. Less appreciated
is the fact that the same form of amplification can also be used to de-tune
or broaden selectivity. Using a network model with recurrent cortical
circuitry, we propose that the spatial phase invariance of complex cell
responses arises through recurrent amplification of feedforward input.
Neurons in the network respond like simple cells at low gain and complex ceUs at high gain. Similar recurrent mechanisms may playa role
in generating invariant representations of feedforward input elsewhere in
the visual processing pathway.
Synaptic input to neurons in the primary visual cortex is primarily recurrent, arising from
other cortical cells. The dominance of this type of connection suggests that it may play an
important role in cortical information processing. Previous studies proposed that recurrent
connections amplify weak feedforward input to the cortex (Douglas et aI., 1995) and selectively amplify tuning for specific stimulus characteristics, such as orientation or direction
of movement (Douglas et aI., 1995; Ben-Yishai et aI., 1995; Somers et aI., 1995; Sompolinsky and Shapley, 1997). Cortical cooling and shocking experiments provide evidence that
there is cortical amplification through recurrent connections, but they do not show increases
in orientation or direction selectivity as a result of this amplification (Ferster et aI., 19%;
Chung and Ferster, 1998). Recurrent connections can also decrease neuronal selectivity
through the same form of amplification, generating responses that are insensitive to certain
stimulus features. Although the ability to sharpen tuning may be an important feature in
cortical processing, the capacity to broaden tuning for particular stimulus attributes is also
Neurons in the primary visual cortex can be divided into two classes based on their re-
Recurrent Cortical Amplification Produces Complex Cell Responses
sponses to visual stimuli such as counterphase and drifting sinusoidal gratings. Simple cells show tuning for orientation, spatial frequency, and spatial phase of a grating
(Movshon et aI., 1978a). Complex cells exhibit orientation and spatial frequency tuning, but are insensitive to spatial phase (Movshon et aI., 1978b). A counterphase grating,
s(x, t) = cos(Kx - cp) cos(wt), is one in which the spatial phase, CP,and spatial frequency,
K, are held constant but the contrast, s(x, t), varies sinusoidally in time at some frequency
w. In response to a counterphase grating, the activity of a simple cell oscillates at the same
frequency as the stimulus, w. A complex cell response is modulated at twice the frequency,
2w. To create a drifting grating of frequency 1/, s( x, t) = cos( K x - I/t), the spatial phase
and spatial frequency are held constant but the grating is moved at velocity 1// K. A simple
cell response to a drifting grating is highly modulated at frequency 1/, while a complex
cell response to a drifting grating is elevated but relatively unmodulated. The differences
between complex and simple cell responses are a direct consequence of the complex cell
spatial phase insensitivity.
Previous models of complex cells generate spatial-phase invariant responses through converging sets of feedforward inputs with a wide range of spatial phase preferences but similar
orientation and spatial frequency selectivities (Hubel and Wiesel, 1962; Mel et aI., 1998).
These models do not incorporate recurrent connections between complex cells, which are
known to be particularly strong (Toyama et al., 1981). We propose that the spatial phase
invariance of complex cell responses can arise from a broadening of spatial phase tuning
by cortical amplification (Chance et aI., 1998). The model neurons exhibit simple cell behavior when weakly coupled and complex cell behavior when strongly coupled, suggesting
that the two classes of neurons in the primary visual cortex may arise from the same basic
cortical circuit.
The activity of neuron i in the model network is characterized by a firing rate rio Each
neuron sums feedforward and recurrent input and responds as described by the standard
rate-model equation
= Ii + L.J Wijrj - rio
Ii represents the feedforward input to cell i, W ij is the weight of the synapse from neuron
j to neuron i, and Tr is a time constant. Previous studies have suggested that, for a neuron
receiving many inputs, Tr is small, closer to a synaptic time constant than the membrane
time constant (Ben-Yishai et al., 1995; Treves, 1993). Thus we choose Tr = 1 ms.
The feedforward input describes the response of a simple cell with a Gabor receptive field
Ii = [/ dxGi(x)
dt' H(t')s(x, t - t')] + '
where s(x, t) represents the contrast function of the visual stimulus and the notation [ 1+
indicates rectification. The temporal response function is (Adelson and Bergen, 1985)
H(t') = exp(-at') ( - - - - 5!
where we use a
= l/ms. The spatial filter is a Gabor function,
G= exp ( - 2:; ) cos(kix -
where Ui determines the spatial extent of the receptive field, ki is the preferred spatial
frequency, and <Pi is the preferred spatial phase. The values of <Pi are equally distributed
F S. Chance, S. B. Nelson and L. F Abbott
over the interval [-180 0 , 180 0 ) . To give the neurons a realistic bandwidth, (j i is chosen
such that ki(ji = 2.5 . Initially we consider a simplified case in which k i = 1 for all cells.
Later we consider the spatial frequency selectivity of neurons in the network and allow the
value of k i to range from 0 to 3.5 cycles/deg.
In this paper we assume that the model network describes one orientation column of the
primary visual cortex, and thus all neurons have the same orientation tuning. All stimuli
are of the optimal orientation for the network.
Spatial phase tuning is selectively broadened in the model because the strength of a recurrent connection between two neurons is independent of the spatial phase selectivities of
their feedforward inputs. In the model with all k i = 1, the recurrent input is determined by
= (N -1) '
for all i =I j. N is the number of cells in the network, and 0 ~ 9 < gmax, where gmax is
the largest value of 9 for which the network remains stable. In this case gmax = 1.
The steady-state solution of the rate-model equation is given by Ti = Ii + L WijTj . To
solve this equation, we express the rates and feedfoward inputs in terms of a complete set
of eigenvectors ~r of the recurrent weight matrix, L Wij~r = ~/.l~r for I-L = 1,2, ... , N,
where ~/.l are the eigenvalues. The solution is then
This equation displays the phenomenon of cortical amplification if one or more of the
eigenvalues is near one. If we assume only one eigenvalue, ~1 , is close to one, the factor 1~1 in the denominator causes the I-L = 1 term to dominate and we find Ti ~ ~t L Ij~J (1 ~1) -1. The input combination L Ij~J dominates the response, determining selectivity,
and this mode is amplified by a factor 1/(1 - ~1)' We refer to this amplification factor as
the cortical gain.
In the case where W ij = g/(N - 1) for i =I j, the largest eigenvalue is ~1 = 9 and the
corresponding eigenvector has all components equal to each other. For 9 near one, the recurrent input to neuron i is then proportional to Lj [cos(~-1>j)]+ which, for large numbers
of cells with uniformly placed preferred spatial phases 1>i, is approximately independent of
~, the spatial phase of the stimulus. When 9 is near zero, the network is at low gain and
the response of neuron i is roughly proportional to its feedforward input, [cos(~ - 1>j)]+,
and is sensitive to spatial phase.
The response properties of simple and complex cells to drifting and counterphase gratings
are duplicated by the model neuron, as shown in figure 1. For low gain (gain = 1, top panels
of figures lA and IB), the neuron acts as a simple cell and its activity is modulated at the
same frequency as the stimulus (w for counterphase gratings and v for drifting gratings).
At high gain (gain = 20), the neuron responds like a complex cell, exhibiting frequency
doubling in the response to a counterphase grating (bottom panel of Figure 1A) and an
elevated DC response to a drifting grating (bottom panel, Figure IB). Intermediate gain
(gain =5) produces intermediate behavior (middle panels).
The basis of this model is that the amplified mode is independent of spatial phase. If
the amplified mode depends on spatial frequency or orientation, neurons at high gain can
be selective for these attributes. To show that the model can retain selectivity for other
Recurrent Cortical Amplification Produces Complex Cell Responses
time (ms)
time (ms)
Figure 1: The effects of recurrent input on the responses of a neuron in the model network.
The responses of one neuron to a 2 Hz counterphase grating (A) and to a 2 Hz drifting
grating (B) are shown for different levels of network gain. From top to bottom in A and B,
the gain of the network is one, five, and twenty.
stimulus characteristics while maintaining spatial phase insensitivity, we allowed the spatial
frequency selectivity which each neuron receives from its feedforward input, ki' to vary
from neuron to neuron and also modified the recurrent weight matrix so that the strength
of the connection between two neurons, i and j, depends on k i - k j . The dependence is
modeled as a difference of Gaussians, so the recurrent weight matrix is now
((k i - kj
W ij = (N -1) 2exp 20'~
)2) -
((k i - kj
exp 20';
)2)] .
Thus neurons that receive feedforward input tuned for similar spatial frequencies excite
each other and neurons that receive very differently tuned feedforward input inhibit each
other. This produces complex cells that are tuned to a variety of spatial frequencies, but are
still insensitive to spatial phase (see figure 2). The spatial frequency tuning curve width is
primarily determined by 0' c = 0.5 cycle/deg and 0' s = 1 cycle/deg.
Cells within the same network do not have to exhibit the same level of gain. In previous figures, the gain of the network was determined by a parameter 9 that described the
strength of all the connections between neurons. In figure 3, the recurrent input to cell i
is determined by W ij = gi/(N - 1), where the values of gi are chosen randomly within
the allowed range. The gain of each neuron depends on the value of gi for that neuron. As
shown in figure 3, a range of complex and simple cell behaviors now coexist within the
same network.
In the recurrent model we have presented, as in Hubel and Wiesel's feedforward model, the
feedforward input to a complex cell arises from simple cells. Measurements by Alonso and
F S. Chance, S. B. Nelson and L. F Abbott
A c:~
phase (deg)
spatial frequency (cyc/deg)
Figure 2: Neurons in a high-gain network can be selective for spatial frequency while remaining insensitive to spatial phase. Both spatial phase and spatial frequency tuning are
included in the feedforward input. A) The spatial phase tuning curves of three representative neurons from a high-gain network. B) The spatial frequency tuning curves of the same
three neurons as in A.
Martinez (1998) support this circuitry. However, direct excitatory input to complex cells
arising from the LGN has also been reported (Hoffman and Stone, 1971; Singer et aI., 1975;
Ferster and Lindstrom, 1983). Supporting these measurements is evidence that certain
stimuli can excite complex cells without strong excitation of simple cells (Hammond and
Mackay, 1975, 1977; Movshon, 1975) and also that complex cells still respond when simple
cells are silenced (Malpeli, 1983; Malpeli et ai, 1986; Mignard and Malpeli, 1991). In
accordance with this, the weak feedforward simple cell input in the recurrent model could
probably be replaced by direct LGN input, as in the feedforward model of Mel et al. (1998).
The proposed model makes definite predictions about complex cell responses. If the phaseinvariance of complex cell responses is due to recurrent interactions, manipulations that
modify the balance between feedforward and recurrent drive should change the nature of
the responses in a predictable manner. The model predicts that blocking local excitatory
connections should turn complex cells into simple cells. Conversely, manipulations that
increase cortical gain should make simple cells act more like complex cells. One way to
increase cortical gain may be to block or partially block inhibition since this increases the
influence of excitatory recurrent connections. Experiments along these lines have been
performed, and blockade of inhibition does indeed cause simple cells to take on complex
cell properties (Sillito, 1975; Shulz et aI., 1993).
In a previous study, Hawken, Shapley, and Grosof (1996) noted that the temporal frequency
tuning curves for complex cells are narrower for counterphase stimuli than for drifting
stimuli. The recurrent model reproduces this result as long as the integration of synaptic
inputs depends on temporal frequency. Such a dependence is provided, for example, by
short-term synaptic depression (Chance et aI., 1998). Hubel and Wiesel's feedforward
model (1962) does not reproduce this effect, even with synaptic depression at the synapses.
We have presented a model of primary visual cortex in which complex cell response characteristics arise from recurrent amplification of simple cell responses. The complex cell
responses in the high gain regime arise because recurrent connections selectively deamplify selectivity for spatial phase. Thus recurrent connections can act to generate invariant
representation of input data. A similar mechanism could be used to produce responses that
are independent of other stimulus attributes, such as size or orientation. Given the ubiquity
of invariant representations in the visual pathway, this mechanism may have widespread
Recurrent Cortical Amplification Produces Complex Cell Responses
eft. 50
o -+-------,.--------.
time (ms)
time (ms)
Figure 3: Responses to a 4 Hz drifting grating of four neurons from a large network consisting of a mixture of simple and complex cells. The two traces on the left represent simple
cells and the two traces on the right represent complex cells.
Research supported by the Sloan Center for Theoretical Neurobiology at Brandeis University, the National Science Foundation (DMS-95-03261), the W.M. Keck Foundation, the
National Eye Institute (EY-11116), and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
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| 1526 |@word middle:1 wiesel:4 tr:3 tuned:3 current:1 physiol:6 realistic:1 feedfoward:1 short:1 tolhurst:2 preference:1 kix:1 five:1 along:1 direct:3 differential:2 pathway:2 shapley:4 manner:1 indeed:1 roughly:1 behavior:4 brain:3 provided:1 notation:1 circuit:2 panel:4 eigenvector:1 monkey:1 kimura:1 temporal:4 toyama:2 ti:2 act:3 oscillates:1 control:1 unit:1 broadened:1 unmodulated:1 accordance:1 modify:1 local:1 consequence:1 acad:1 firing:1 path:1 approximately:1 twice:1 evoked:1 suggests:1 conversely:1 co:6 range:4 block:2 definite:1 area:3 gabor:2 amplify:2 close:1 coexist:1 influence:1 center:2 thompson:2 dominate:1 weyand:1 play:1 velocity:3 particularly:1 cooling:1 predicts:1 blocking:1 bottom:3 role:2 suarez:1 wheat:1 cycle:3 sompolinsky:3 movement:1 decrease:1 inhibit:1 predictable:1 ui:1 dynamic:1 weakly:1 cynader:1 basis:1 textured:1 neurophysiol:4 differently:1 emergent:1 cat:16 solve:1 ability:1 gi:3 eigenvalue:4 propose:2 interaction:2 malpeli:6 insensitivity:2 amplified:4 amplification:14 moved:1 keck:1 produce:7 generating:2 ben:3 derive:1 recurrent:31 ij:6 grating:16 soc:2 strong:2 waltham:1 exhibiting:1 direction:2 attribute:3 filter:1 opinion:1 opt:1 summation:1 koch:1 exp:6 circuitry:2 vary:1 proc:1 geniculate:1 sensitive:1 largest:2 create:1 hoffman:2 modified:1 indicates:1 contrast:2 suppression:1 am:1 rio:2 bergen:2 lj:1 initially:1 wij:2 france:1 selective:2 lgn:2 reproduce:1 orientation:16 spatial:42 integration:1 mackay:3 field:10 equal:1 biology:1 represents:2 adelson:2 stimulus:15 primarily:2 shulz:2 randomly:1 national:2 replaced:1 phase:24 consisting:1 ab:1 organization:3 highly:1 mixture:1 natl:1 yishai:3 held:2 closer:1 gmax:3 re:4 theoretical:1 column:1 sinusoidally:1 mahowald:1 masked:1 sacha:1 archie:1 reported:1 conduction:1 varies:1 spatiotemporal:1 retain:1 lee:1 receiving:1 fregnac:1 connectivity:2 choose:1 chung:3 suggesting:1 sinusoidal:1 de:1 intracortical:1 sloan:2 afferent:2 depends:4 vi:1 later:1 performed:1 thalamic:2 contribution:1 characteristic:3 weak:2 intradendritic:1 hammond:3 drive:1 submitted:1 synapsis:1 synaptic:5 energy:1 frequency:26 dm:1 efferent:1 gain:21 duplicated:1 dt:1 response:31 synapse:1 strongly:1 binocular:1 correlation:3 receives:1 ruderman:1 widespread:1 mode:3 usa:1 effect:2 blockade:1 width:1 noted:1 mel:3 steady:1 excitation:2 m:6 stone:2 complete:1 neocortical:1 cp:2 motion:1 functional:2 ji:1 insensitive:4 elevated:2 eft:1 refer:1 measurement:2 ai:13 tuning:17 sharpen:1 stable:1 cortex:21 inhibition:3 playa:1 perspective:1 manipulation:2 selectivity:15 certain:2 responsiveness:1 ey:1 ii:4 desirable:1 characterized:1 cross:1 long:1 divided:1 equally:1 converging:1 prediction:1 basic:1 denominator:1 enhancing:1 represent:2 cell:68 receive:2 interval:1 probably:1 hz:3 dri:1 flow:1 near:3 feedforward:19 intermediate:2 revealed:1 variety:1 geniculo:1 architecture:1 bandwidth:1 movshon:6 cyc:1 neurones:1 cause:2 depression:2 eigenvectors:1 tune:1 generate:2 vy:1 inhibitory:1 neuroscience:1 arising:2 alfred:1 express:1 dominance:1 four:1 jv:1 douglas:3 abbott:5 sum:1 respond:2 somers:2 hawken:2 ki:3 layer:2 display:1 activity:4 strength:4 lond:4 relatively:1 martin:1 department:1 combination:1 electrically:1 gaba:1 membrane:1 describes:2 invariant:5 rectification:1 equation:4 remains:1 turn:1 mechanism:6 singer:2 gaussians:1 ubiquity:1 drifting:10 broaden:2 top:2 remaining:1 maintaining:1 spike:1 receptive:9 primary:6 dependence:2 striate:7 responds:2 exhibit:3 sci:1 capacity:1 lateral:1 alonso:2 nelson:6 extent:1 sur:1 modeled:1 balance:1 trace:2 twenty:1 neuron:37 supporting:1 neurobiology:2 volen:1 dc:1 treves:2 connection:13 tanaka:1 suggested:1 bar:1 perception:1 pattern:1 regime:1 eye:1 coupled:2 kj:2 acknowledgement:1 determining:1 proportional:2 foundation:3 nucleus:1 pi:3 translation:1 elsewhere:1 excitatory:3 placed:1 supported:1 appreciated:1 allow:1 institute:1 wide:1 distributed:1 curve:4 cortical:24 jor:1 simplified:1 brandeis:2 preferred:3 deg:5 reproduces:1 hubel:4 excite:2 sillito:2 nature:3 broadening:1 investigated:1 complex:39 intracellular:1 neurosci:4 arise:4 martinez:2 allowed:2 neuronal:2 silenced:1 representative:1 cortically:1 ib:2 lindstrom:2 specific:1 evidence:2 dominates:1 sponses:1 texture:1 kx:1 visual:22 partially:1 doubling:1 chance:7 determines:1 ma:1 narrower:1 ferster:6 absence:1 change:1 included:1 determined:4 uniformly:1 wt:1 invariance:2 la:1 selectively:3 support:1 arises:2 modulated:3 incorporate:1 phenomenon:1 |
576 | 1,527 | Facial Memory is Kernel Density Estimation
Matthew N. Dailey
Garrison W. Cottrell
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
U.C. San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0114
Thomas A. Busey
Department of Psychology
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405
[email protected]
We compare the ability of three exemplar-based memory models, each
using three different face stimulus representations, to account for the
probability a human subject responded "old" in an old/new facial memory experiment. The models are 1) the Generalized Context Model, 2)
SimSample, a probabilistic sampling model, and 3) MMOM, a novel
model related to kernel density estimation that explicitly encodes stimulus distinctiveness. The representations are 1) positions of stimuli in
MDS "face space," 2) projections of test faces onto the "eigenfaces" of
the study set, and 3) a representation based on response to a grid of Gabor
filter jets. Of the 9 model/representation combinations, only the distinctiveness model in MDS space predicts the observed "morph familiarity
inversion" effect, in which the subjects' false alarm rate for morphs between similar faces is higher than their hit rate for many of the studied
faces. This evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that human memory for faces is a kernel density estimation task, with the caveat that distinctive faces require larger kernels than do typical faces.
1 Background
Studying the errors subjects make during face recognition memory tasks aids our understanding of the mechanisms and representations underlying memory, face processing, and
visual perception. One way of evoking such errors is by testing subjects' recognition of
new faces created from studied faces that have been combined in some way (e.g. Solso and
McCarthy, 1981; Reinitz, Lammers, and Cochran 1992). Busey and Tunnicliff (submitted) have recently examined the extent to which image-quality morphs between unfamiliar
faces affect subjects' tendency to make recognition errors.
Their experiments used facial images of bald males and morphs between these images (see
? \i<"
Facial Memory Is Kernel Density Estimation (Almost)
... "
<: . .
\ ,';'.>,"i'.. >
.,. :- . ?... '
Figure 1: Three normalized morphs from the database.
Figure 1) as stimuli. In one study, Busey (in press) had subjects rate the similarity of all
pairs in a large set of faces and morphs, then performed a multidimensional scaling (MDS)
of these similarity ratings to derive a 6~dimensional "face space" (Valentine and Endo,
1992). In another study, "Experiment 3" (Busey and Tunnicliff, submitted), 179 subjects
studied 68 facial images, including 8 similar pairs and 8 dissimilar pairs, as determined in a
pilot study. These pairs were included in order to study how morphs between similar faces
and dissimilar faces evoke false alanns. We call the pair of images from which a morph are
derived its "parents," and the morph itself as their "child." In the experiment's test phase,
the subjects were asked to make new/old judgments in response to 8 of the 16 morphs, 20
completely new distractor faces, the 36 non-parent targets and one of the parents of each of
the 8 morphs. The results were that, for many of the morphlparent pairs, subjects responded
"old" to the unstudied morph more often than to its studied parent. However, this effect (a
morphfamiliarity inversion) only occurred for the morphs with similar parents. It seems
that the similar parents are so similar to their "child" morphs that they both contribute
toward an "old" (false alann) response to the morpho
Researchers have proposed many models to account for data from explicit memory experiments. Although we have applied other types of models to Busey and Tunnicliff's
data with largely negative results (Dailey et al., 1998), in this paper, we limit discussion
to exemplar-based models, such as the Generalized Context Model (Nosofsky, 1986) and
SAM (Gillund and Shiffrin, 1984). These models rely on the assumption that subjects
explicitly store representations of each of the stimuli they study. Busey and Tunnicliff applied several exemplar-based models to the Experiment 3 data, but none of these models
have been able to fully account for the observed similar morph familiarity inversion without positing that the similar parents are explicitly blended in memory, producing prototypes
near the morphs.
We extend Busey and Tunnicliff's (submitted) work by applying two of their exemplar
models to additional image-based face stimulus representations, and we propose a novel
exemplar model that accounts for the similar morphs' familiarity inversion. The results are
consistent with the hypothesis that facial memory is a kernel density estimation (Bishop,
1995) task, except that distinctive exemplars require larger kernels. Also, on the basis of
our model, we can predict that distinctiveness with respect to the study set is the critical
factor influencing kernel size, as opposed to a context-free notion of distinctiveness. We
can easily test this prediction empirically.
2 Experimental Methods
2.1 Face Stimuli and Normalization
The original images were 104 digitized 560x662 grayscale images of bald men, with consistent lighting and background and fairly consistent position. The subjects varied in race
and extent of facial hair. We automatically located the left and right eyes on each face using
a simple template correlation technique then translated, rotated, scaled and cropped each
image so the eyes were aligned in each image. We then scaled each image to 114x 143 to
speed up image processing. Figure 1 shows three examples of the normalized morphs (the
original images are copyrighted and cannot be published) .
M N. Dailey, G. W Cottrell and T. A. Busey
2.2 Representations
Positions in multidimensional face space Many researchers have used a multidimensional scaling approach to model various phenomena in face processing (e.g. Valentine and
Endo, 1992). Busey (in press) had 343 subjects rate the similarity of pairs of faces in the
test set and performed a multidimensional scaling on the similarity matrix for 100 of the
faces (four non-parent target faces were dropped from this analysis). The process resulted
in a 6-dimensional solution with r2 = 0.785 and a stress of 0.13. In the MDS modeling
results described below, we used the 6-dimensional vector associated with each stimulus as
its representation.
Principal component projections "Eigenfaces," or the eigenvectors of the covariance
matrix for a set of face images, are a common basis for face representations (e.g. Turk and
Pentland, 1991). We performed a principal components analysis on the 68 face images used
in the study set for Busey and Tunnicliff's experiment to get the 67 non-zero eigenvectors
of their covariance matrix. We then projected each of the 104 test set images onto the 30
most significant eigenfaces to obtain a 30-dimensional vector representing each face. l
Gabor filter responses von der Malsburg and colleagues have made effective use of
banks of Gabor filters at various orientations and spatial frequencies in face recognition systems. We used one form of their wavelet (Buhmann, Lades, and von der Malsburg, 1990) at
five scales and 8 orientations in an 8x8 square grid over each normalized face image as the
basis for a third face stimulus representation. However, since this representation resulted
in a 2560-dimensional vector for each face stimulus, we performed a principal components
analysis to reduce the dimensionality to 30, keeping this representation's dimensionality the
same as the eigenface representation's. Thus we obtained a 30-dimensional vector based
on Gabor filter responses to represent each test set face image.
2.3 Models
The Generalized Context Model (GCM) There are several different flavors to the GCM.
We only consider a simple sum-similarity form that will lead directly to our distinctivenessmodulated density estimation model. Our version of GCM's predicted P(old), given a
representation y of a test stimulus and representations x E X of the studied exemplars, is
= a + {3 L
e- c (d x ?y )2
where a and {3linearly convert the probe's summed similarity to a probability, X is the set
of representations of the study set stimuli; c is used to widen or narrow the width of the
similarity function, and dx,y is either Ilx - yll, the Euclidean distance between x and y
or the weighted Euclidean distance VLk Wk(Xk - Yk)2 where the "attentional weights"
Wk are constants that sum to 1. Intuitively, this model simply places a Gaussian-shaped
function over each of the studied exemplars, and the predicted familiarity of a test probe is
simply the summed height of each of these surfaces at the probe's location.
Recall that two of our representations, PC projection space and Gabor filter space, are
30-dimensional, whereas the other, MDS, is only 6-dimensional. Thus allowing adaptive
weights for the MDS representation is reasonable, since the resulting model only uses 8
parameters to fit 100 points, but it is clearly unreasonable to allow adaptive weights in
PC and Gabor space, where the resulting models would be fitting 32 parameters to 100
points. Thus, for all models, we report results in MDS space both with and without adaptive
weights, but do not report adaptive weight results for models in PC and Gabor space.
SimSample Busey and Tunnicliff (submitted) proposed SimSample in an attempt to remedy the GCM's poor predictions of the human data. It is related to both GCM, in that it
1We used 30 eigenfaces because with this number, our theoretical "distinctiveness" measure was
best correlated with the same measure in MDS space.
Facial Memory Is Kernel Density Estimation (Almost)
uses representations in MDS space, and SAM (Gillund and Shiffrin, 1984), in that it involves sampling exemplars. The idea behind the model is that when a subject is shown
a test stimulus, instead of a summed comparison to all of the exemplars in memory, the
test probe probabilistically samples a single exemplar in memory, and the subject responds
"old" if the probe's similarity to the exemplar is above a noisy criterion. The model has
a similarity scaling parameter and two parameters describing the noisy threshold function.
Due to space limitations, we cannot provide the details of the model here.
Busey and Tunnicliff were able to fit the human data within the SimS ample framework,
but only when they introduced prototypes at the locations of the morphs in MDS space and
made the probability of sampling the prototype proportional to the similarity of the parents.
Here, however, we only compare with the basic version that does not blend exemplars.
Mixture Model of Memory (MMOM) In this model, we assume that subjects, at study
time, implicitly create a probability density surface corresponding to the training set. The
subjects' probability of responding "old" to a probe are then taken to be proportional to the
height of this surface at the point corresponding to the probe. The surface must be robust
in the face of the variability or noise typically encountered in face recognition (lighting
changes, perspective changes, etc.) yet also provide some level of discrimination support
(i.e. even when the intervals of possible representations for a single face could overlap
due to noise, some rational decision boundary must still be constructed). If we assume
a Gaussian mixture model, in which the density surface is built from Gaussian "blobs"
centered on each studied exemplar, the task is a form of kernel density estimation (Bishop,
We can fonnulate the task of predicting the human subjects' P(old) in this framework, then,
as optimizing the priors and widths of the kernel functions to minimize the mean squared
error of the prediction. However, we also want to minimize the number of free parameters
in the model - parsimonious methods for setting the priors and kernel function widths
potentially lead to more useful insights into the principles underlying the human data. If
the priors and widths were held constant, we would have a simple two parameter model
predicting the probability a subject responds "old" to a test stimulus y:
predy =
2 ..
where a folds together the uniform prior and normalization constants, and (7 is the standard deviation of the Gaussian kernels. If we ignore the constants, however, this model
is essentially the same as the version of the GCM described above. As the results section
will show, this model cannot fully account for the human familiarity data in any of our
representational spaces.
To improve the model, we introduce two parameters to allow the prior (kernel function
height) and standard deviation (kernel function width) to vary with the distinctiveness of the
studied exemplar. This modification has two intuitive motivations. First, when humans are
asked which of two parent faces a 50% morph is most similar to, if one parent is distinctive
and the other parent is typical, subjects tend to choose the more distinctive parent (Tanaka et
aI., submitted). Second, we hypothesize that when a human is asked to study and remember
a set of faces for a recognition test, faces with few neighbors will likely have more relaxed
(wider) discrimination boundaries than faces with many nearby neighbors.
Thus in each representation space, for each studied face x, we computed d(x), the theoretical distinctiveness of each face, as the Z-scored average distance to the five nearest studied
faces. We then allowed the height and width of each kernel function to vary with d(x):
predy =
+ cod(x?e
2("(l+c .. d(x?2
As was the case for GCM and SimSample, we report the results of using a weighted Euclidean distance between y and x in MDS space only.
M. N Dailey. G. W. Cottrell and T. A. Busey
" MDS space
SimS ample
I MDS + weights I PC projections I Gabor jets I
Table 1: RMSE for the three models and three representations. Quality of fit for models
with adaptive attentional weights are only reported for the low-dimensional representation
("MDS + weights"). The baseline RMSE, achievable with a constant prediction, is 0.2044.
2.4 Parameter fitting and model evaluation
For each of the twelve combinations of models with face representations, we searched
parameter space by simple hill climbing for the parameter settings that minimized the mean
squared error between the model's predicted P(old) and the actual human P(old) data.
We rate each model's effectiveness with two criteria. First, we measure the models' global
fit with RMSE over all test set points. A model's RMSE can be compared to the baseline
performance of the "dumbest" model, which simply predicts the mean human P(old) of
0.5395, and achieves an RMSE of 0.2044. Second, we evaluate the extent to which a model
predicts the mean human response for each of the six categories of test set stimuli: 1) nonparent targets, 2) non-morph distractors, 3) similar parents, 4) dissimilar parents, 5) similar
morphs, and 6) dissimilar morphs. If a model correctly predicts the rank ordering of these
category means, it obviously accounts for the similar morph familiarity inversion pattern in
the human data. As long as models do an adequate job of fitting the human data overall, as
measured by RMSE, we prefer models that predict the morph familiarity inversion effect
as a natural consequence of minimizing RMSE.
3 Results
Table 1 shows the global fit of each model/representation pair. The SimSample model in
MDS space provides the best quantitative fit. GeM generally outperforms MMOM, indicating that for a tight quantitative fit, having parameters for a linear transformation built
into the model is more important than allowing the kernel function to vary with distinctiveness. Also of note is that the PC projection representation is consistently outperformed by
both the Gabor jet representation and the MDS space representation.
But for our purposes, the degree to which a model predicts the mean human responses for
each of the six categories of stimuli is more important, given that it is doing a reasonably
good job globally. Figure 2 takes a more detailed look at how well each model predicts
the human category means. Even though SimSample in MDS space has the best global
fit to the human familiarity ratings, it does not predict the familiarity inversion for similar
morphs. Only the mixture model in weighted MDS space correctly predicts the morph
familiarity effect. All of the other models underpredict the human responses to the similar
4 Discussion
The results for the mixture model are consistent with the hypothesis that facial memory is
a kernel density estimation task, with the caveat that distinctive exemplars require larger
kernels. Whereas true density estimation would tend to deemphasize outliers in sparse
areas of the face space, the human data show that the priors and kernel function widths for
outliers should actually be increased. Two potentially significant problems with the work
presented here are first, we experimented with several models before finding that MMOM
was able to predict the morph familiarity inversion effect, and second, we are fitting a single
Facial Memory Is Kernel Density Estimation (Almost)
0 .4
0 .2
0 .2
0 .6
iill:: 0."
0 .0
0 .6
0 .0
0 .0
Figure 2: Average actual/predicted responses to the faces in each category. Key: DP =
Dissimilar parents; SM Similar morphs; T Non-parent targets; SP Similar parents;
DM Dissimilar morphs; D = Distractors.
experiment. The model thus must be carefully tested against new data, and its predictions
empirically validated.
Since a theoretical distinctiveness measure based on the sparseness of face space around an
exemplar was sufficient to account for the similar morphs' familiarity inversion, we predict
that distinctiveness with respect to the study set is the critical factor influencing kernel size,
rather than context-free human distinctiveness judgments. We can easily test this prediction
by having subjects rate the distinctiveness of the stimuli without prior exposure and then
determine whether their distinctiveness ratings improve or degrade the model's fit.
A somewhat disappointing (though not particularly surprising) aspect of our results is that
the model requires a representation based on human similarity judgments. Ideally, we
would prefer to provide an information-processing account using image-based representations like eigenface projections or Gabor filter responses. Interestingly, the efficacy of the
image-based representations seems to depend on how similar they are to the MDS representations. The PC projection representation performed the worst, and distances between
pairs of PC representations had a correlation of 0.388 with the distances between pairs of
MDS representations. For the Gabor filter representation, which performed better, the correlation is 0.517. In future work, we plan to investigate how the MDS representation (or a
representation like it) might be derived directly from the face images.
M N. Dailey, G. W Cottrell and T A. Busey
Besides providing an infonnation-processing account of the human data, there are several
other avenues for future research. These include empirical testing of our distinctiveness
predictions, evaluating the applicability of the distinctiveness model in domains other than
face processing, and evaluating the ability of other modeling paradigms to account for this
We thank Chris Vogt for comments on a previous draft, and other members of Gary's
Unbelievable Research Unit (GURU) for earlier comments on this work. This research was
supported in part by NIMH grant MH57075 to GWe.
Bishop, C. M. (1995). Neural networks for pattern recognition. Oxford University Press,
Busey, T. A. (1999). Where are morphed faces in multi-dimensional face space? Psychological Science. In press.
Busey, T. A. and Tunnicliff, J. (submitted). Accounts of blending, distinctiveness and
typicality in face recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory,
and Cognition.
Dailey, M. N., Cottrell, G. W., and Busey, T. A. (1998). Eigenfaces for familiarity. In
Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pages
273-278, Mahwah, NJ. Erlbaum.
Gillund, G. and Shiffrin, R. (1984). A retrieval model for both recognition and recall.
Psychological Review, 93(4):411-428.
J. Buhmann, M. L. and von der Malsburg, C. (1990). Size and distortion invariant object
recognition by hierarchical graph matching. In Proceedings of the IJCNN International
Joint Conference on Neural Networks, volume II, pages 411-416.
Nosofsky, R. M. (1986). Attention, similarity, and the identification-categorization relationship. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 116(1):39-57.
Reinitz, M., Lammers, W., and Cochran, B. (1992). Memory-conjunction errors: Miscombination of stored stimulus features can produce illusions of memory. Memory &
Cognition, 20(1):1-11.
Solso, R. L. and McCarthy, J. E. (1981). Prototype formation offaces: A case of pseudomemory. British Journal of Psychology, 72(4):499-503.
Tanaka, J., Giles, M., Kremen, 5., and Simon, V. (submitted). Mapping attract or fields in
face space: The atypicality bias in face recognition.
Turk, M. and Pentland, A. (1991). Eigenfaces for recognition. The Journal of Cognitive
Neuroscience, 3:71-86.
Valentine, T. and Endo, M. (1992). Towards an exemplar model of face processing: The
effects of race and distinctiveness. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology,
| 1527 |@word version:3 inversion:9 achievable:1 seems:2 vogt:1 covariance:2 efficacy:1 interestingly:1 outperforms:1 surprising:1 yet:1 dx:1 must:3 cottrell:5 hypothesize:1 xex:3 discrimination:2 xk:1 caveat:2 provides:1 draft:1 contribute:1 location:2 gillund:3 positing:1 five:2 height:4 constructed:1 fitting:4 introduce:1 distractor:1 multi:1 globally:1 automatically:1 actual:3 underlying:2 finding:1 indiana:2 transformation:1 nj:1 remember:1 quantitative:2 multidimensional:4 scaled:2 hit:1 unit:1 grant:1 evoking:1 producing:1 before:1 engineering:1 influencing:2 dropped:1 limit:1 consequence:1 oxford:2 might:1 studied:10 examined:1 testing:2 illusion:1 area:1 empirical:1 gabor:12 projection:7 matching:1 get:1 onto:2 cannot:3 context:5 applying:1 exposure:1 attention:1 typicality:1 insight:1 notion:1 diego:1 target:4 us:2 hypothesis:3 recognition:12 particularly:1 located:1 predicts:7 database:1 observed:2 vlk:1 worst:1 oe:1 ordering:1 yk:1 nimh:1 asked:3 ideally:1 depend:1 tight:1 distinctive:5 completely:1 basis:3 translated:1 easily:2 joint:1 iit:2 various:2 effective:1 cod:1 formation:1 larger:3 distortion:1 ability:2 itself:1 noisy:2 obviously:1 blob:1 propose:1 aligned:1 shiffrin:3 representational:1 intuitive:1 parent:18 produce:1 categorization:1 rotated:1 object:1 wider:1 derive:1 measured:1 exemplar:18 nearest:1 op:9 job:2 c:1 predicted:5 involves:1 filter:7 centered:1 human:22 eigenface:2 require:3 blending:1 around:1 iil:1 cognition:2 predict:5 mapping:1 matthew:1 bald:2 vary:3 achieves:1 purpose:1 estimation:11 outperformed:1 infonnation:1 create:1 weighted:3 clearly:1 gaussian:4 rather:1 probabilistically:1 conjunction:1 derived:2 validated:1 consistently:1 rank:1 baseline:2 attract:1 typically:1 overall:1 orientation:2 plan:1 spatial:1 summed:3 fairly:1 field:1 shaped:1 having:2 sampling:3 look:1 future:2 minimized:1 report:3 stimulus:18 few:1 x_:1 widen:1 resulted:2 phase:1 attempt:1 investigate:1 evaluation:1 male:1 mixture:4 pc:7 behind:1 held:1 dailey:6 wts:3 facial:10 old:13 euclidean:3 theoretical:3 psychological:2 increased:1 modeling:2 earlier:1 giles:1 blended:1 applicability:1 deviation:2 uniform:1 erlbaum:1 reported:1 stored:1 guru:1 morph:11 morphs:21 combined:1 density:13 twelve:1 international:1 ie:4 probabilistic:1 together:1 nosofsky:2 von:3 squared:2 opposed:1 choose:1 cognitive:2 account:11 wk:2 explicitly:3 race:2 fonnulate:1 performed:6 doing:1 cochran:2 simon:1 rmse:7 om:12 il:1 square:1 offaces:1 responded:2 minimize:2 largely:1 judgment:3 climbing:1 identification:1 none:1 lighting:2 researcher:2 published:1 submitted:7 against:1 colleague:1 frequency:1 turk:2 dm:1 endo:3 associated:1 rational:1 bloomington:1 pilot:1 recall:2 distractors:2 dimensionality:2 carefully:1 actually:1 higher:1 response:10 though:2 correlation:3 gcm:8 quality:2 effect:6 normalized:3 true:1 remedy:1 lades:1 during:1 width:7 criterion:2 generalized:3 stress:1 hill:1 image:21 novel:2 recently:1 common:1 empirically:2 volume:1 alann:1 occurred:1 extend:1 unfamiliar:1 significant:2 morphed:1 ai:1 grid:2 had:3 similarity:12 surface:5 etc:1 mccarthy:2 perspective:1 optimizing:1 jolla:1 disappointing:1 store:1 der:3 additional:1 relaxed:1 somewhat:1 determine:1 paradigm:1 ii:2 jet:3 morpho:1 long:1 retrieval:1 prediction:7 basic:1 hair:1 essentially:1 kernel:22 represent:1 normalization:2 background:2 cropped:1 whereas:2 want:1 interval:1 comment:2 subject:20 tend:2 ample:2 member:1 effectiveness:1 call:1 near:1 affect:1 fit:9 psychology:5 reduce:1 idea:1 prototype:4 avenue:1 whether:1 six:2 reinitz:2 adequate:1 useful:1 generally:1 detailed:1 eigenvectors:2 category:5 neuroscience:1 correctly:2 key:1 four:1 threshold:1 graph:1 sum:2 convert:1 place:1 almost:4 reasonable:1 parsimonious:1 decision:1 prefer:2 scaling:4 fold:1 encountered:1 annual:1 ijcnn:1 encodes:1 nearby:1 aspect:1 speed:1 department:2 combination:2 poor:1 sam:2 modification:1 intuitively:1 outlier:2 invariant:1 taken:1 describing:1 mechanism:1 studying:1 unreasonable:1 probe:7 quarterly:1 hierarchical:1 thomas:1 original:2 responding:1 include:1 malsburg:3 society:1 blend:1 md:21 responds:2 dp:4 distance:6 attentional:2 thank:1 oa:1 degrade:1 chris:1 extent:3 toward:1 besides:1 relationship:1 providing:1 minimizing:1 potentially:2 negative:1 allowing:2 sm:13 pentland:2 variability:1 digitized:1 ucsd:1 varied:1 rating:3 introduced:1 pair:10 yll:1 unbelievable:1 narrow:1 tanaka:2 able:3 below:1 perception:1 pattern:2 built:2 including:1 memory:20 critical:2 overlap:1 natural:1 rely:1 predicting:2 buhmann:2 representing:1 improve:2 eye:2 created:1 x8:1 prior:7 understanding:1 acknowledgement:1 review:1 fully:2 men:1 limitation:1 proportional:2 degree:1 sufficient:1 consistent:5 principle:1 bank:1 supported:1 free:3 keeping:1 bias:1 allow:2 neighbor:2 eigenfaces:6 face:57 distinctiveness:17 template:1 sparse:1 boundary:2 evaluating:2 made:2 adaptive:5 san:1 projected:1 unstudied:1 ignore:1 implicitly:1 evoke:1 global:3 gem:1 grayscale:1 iill:3 table:2 reasonably:1 robust:1 ca:1 domain:1 sp:13 linearly:1 motivation:1 noise:2 alarm:1 scored:1 mahwah:1 child:2 allowed:1 solso:2 garrison:1 aid:1 position:3 explicit:1 third:1 wavelet:1 british:1 familiarity:13 bishop:3 r2:1 experimented:1 sims:2 evidence:1 false:3 sparseness:1 flavor:1 ilx:1 simply:3 likely:1 twentieth:1 visual:1 gary:2 towards:1 change:2 included:1 typical:2 determined:1 except:1 principal:3 tendency:1 la:1 experimental:4 indicating:1 support:1 searched:1 dissimilar:6 evaluate:1 tested:1 phenomenon:1 correlated:1 |
577 | 1,528 | Orientation, Scale, and Discontinuity as
Emergent Properties of Illusory Contour
Karvel K. Thornber
NEC Research Institute
4 Independence Way
Princeton, NJ 08540
Lance R. Williams
Dept. of Computer Science
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
A recent neural model of illusory contour formation is based on
a distribution of natural shapes traced by particles moving with
constant speed in directions given by Brownian motions. The input
to that model consists of pairs of position and direction constraints
and the output consists of the distribution of contours joining all
such pairs. In general, these contours will not be closed and their
distribution will not be scale-invariant. In this paper, we show
how to compute a scale-invariant distribution of closed contours
given position constraints alone and use this result to explain a
well known illusory contour effect.
It has been proposed by Mumford[3] that the distribution of illusory contour shapes
can be modeled by particles travelling with constant speed in directions given by
Brownian motions. More recently, Williams and Jacobs[7, 8] introduced the notion
of a stochastic completion field, the distribution of particle trajectories joining pairs
of position and direction constraints, and showed how it could be computed in a
local parallel network. They argued that the mode, magnitude and variance of
the completion field are related to the observed shape, salience, and sharpness of
illusory contours.
Unfortunately, the Williams and Jacobs model, as described, has some shortcomings. Recent psychophysics suggests that contour salience is greatly enhanced by
closure[2]. Yet, in general, the distribution computed by the Williams and Jacobs
model does not consist of closed contours. Nor i:; it scale-invariant-doubling the
distances between the constraints does not produce a comparable completion field of
K. K. Thornber and L. R. Williams
double the size without a corresponding doubling of the particle's speeds. However,
the Williams and Jacobs model contains no intrinsic mechanism for speed selection. The speeds (like the directions) must be specified a priori. In this paper, we
show how to compute a scale-invariant distribution of closed contours given position
constraints alone.
Consistent with our earlier work[5, 6], in this paper we do not use the same distribution described by Mumford[3] but instead assume a distribution of completion
shapes consisting of straight-line base-trajectories modified by random impulses
drawn from a mixture of two limiting distributions. The first distribution consists
of weak but frequently acting impulses (we call this the Gaussian-limit). The distribution of these weak impulses has zero mean and variance equal to (7~. The weak
impulses act at Poisson times with rate R g . The second distribution consists of
strong but infrequently acting impulses (we call this the Poisson-limit). Here, the
magnitude of the random impulses is Gaussian distributed with zero mean. However, the variance is equal to (72 (where (7~ ? (7;). The strong impulses act at
Poisson times with rate Rp < <
Particles decay with half-life equal to a parameter T. The effect is that particles tend to travel in smooth, short paths punctuated
by occasional orientation discontinuities. See [5, 6].
Let i and j be position and velocity constraints, (xi,id and (xj,Xj). Then P(jl i)
is the conditional probability that a particle beginning at i will reach j. Note that
these transition probabilities are not symmetric, i.e., P(j 1 i) 1= P(i 1 j). However, by
time-reversal symmetry, P(j 1 i) = P(I 1 J) where I = (Xi, -Xi) and J = (Xj, -Xj).
Given only the matrix of transition probabilities, P, we would like to compute the
relative number of closed contours satisfying a given position and velocity constraint.
We begin by noting that, due to their randomness, only increasingly smaller and
smaller fractions of contours are likely to satisfy increasing numbers of constraints.
Suppose we let s~l) contours start at Xi with Xi. Then
(2) _ ~
- ui
P( J'I '/.)
, Si
is the relative number of contours through Xj with Xj, i.e., which satisfy two constraints. In general,
(n+1) _ ~ P( 'I .) (n)
- ui
J '/, Si
Now suppose we compute the eigenvector,
with largest, real positive eigenvalue, and take s~1) = Si. Then clearly si n + 1 ) = AnSi.
This implies that as the number of constraints satisfied increases by one, the number
of contours remaining in the sample of interest decreases by A. However, the ratios
of the Si remain invariant. Letting n pass to infinity, we see that the Si are just
the relative number of contours through i. To summarize, having started with all
possible contours, we are now left with only those bridging pairs of constraints at
all past-times. By solving AS = Ps for s we know their relative numbers. We refer
to the components of s as the eigensources of the stochastic completion field.
Emergent Properties of Illusory Contour Shape
Note that the eigensources alone do not represent a distribution of closed contours.
In fact, the majority of contours contributing to s will not satisfy a single additional
constraint. However , the following recurrence equation gives the number of contours
which begin at constraint i and end at constraint j and satisfy n - 1 intermediate
p(n+1) (j I i) = Lk P(j I k)p(n) (k Ii)
where p( 1) (j I i) = P(j Ii). Given the above recurrence equation , we can define an
expression for the relative number of contours of any length which begin and end
at constraint i:
Ci = lim n -+ oo p(n)(i I i)/ Lj p(n)(j I))
Using a result from the theory of positive matrices[l}, it is possible to show that
the above expression is simply
Ci = Si 8 d Lj Sj8j
where sand s are the right and left eigenvectors of P with largest positive real
eigenvalue, i.e., AS = Ps and AS = pTs. Because of the time-reversal symmetry
of P, the right and left eigenvectors are related by a permutation which exchanges
opposite directions, i.e. , 8i = St.
Finally, given sand s, it is possible to compute the relative number of closed
contours through an arbitrary position and velocity in the plane, i.e., to compute
the stochastic completion field. If", = (x, x) is an arbitrary position and velocity
in the plane, then
C(",) = >.s~s Li P(", I i)Si . Lj P(j I",)8j
gives the relative probability that a closed contour will pass through ",. Note, that
this is a natural generalization of the Williams and Jacobs[7] factorization of the
completion field into the product of source and sink fields.
Under the restriction that particles have constant speed, the transition probability
matrix, P, becomes block-diagonal. Each block corresponds to a different possible
speed, 'Y- Since the components of any given eigenvector will be confined to a single
block , we can consider P to be a function of, and solve:
A(r) s(r) = P(r)s(r)
Let Amax (r) be the largest positive real eigenvalue of P(r) and let ,max be the speed
where Amax (r) is maximized. Then Sma x (rma x), i.e., the eigenvector of P (rmax)
associated with Amax (rma x), is the limiting distribution over all spatial scales.
Given eight points spaced uniformly around the perimeter of a circle of diameter,
d = 16, we would like to find the distribution of directions through each point and
the corresponding completion field (Figure 1 (left)). Neither the order of traversal ,
directions, i.e., xdlxil, or speed , i.e. , , = IXil. are specified a priori. In all of
our experiments, we sample direction at 5? intervals. Consequently, there are 72
discrete directions and 576 position-direction pairs, i.e., P(r) is of size 576 x 576. 1
lThe parameters defining the distribution of completion shapes are T = Rga~ = 0.0005
and 'T = 9.5. For simplicity, we assume the pure Gaussian-limit case described in [6] .
K. K. Thornber and L. R. Williams
? ? ?
? ? ?
I .
Figure 1: Left: (a) The eight position constraints. Neither the order of traversal, directions, or speed are specified a priori. (b) The eigenvector, Smax (,max) represents the limiting distribution over all spatial scales. (c) The product of smaxC!max) and smaxC!max).
Orientations tangent to the circle dominate the distribution of closed contours. (d) The
stochastic completion field, C, due to smaxC!max). Right: Plot of magnitude of maximum
positive real eigenvalue, >'max, vs. logl.l (1/,) for eight point circle with d = 16.0 (solid)
and d = 32.0 (dashed).
Figure 2: Observers report that as the width of the arms increases, the shape of the
illusory contour changes from a circle to a square[4].
First, we evaluated Amax b) over the velocity interval [1.1- 1 , 1.1- 3o J using standard
numerical routines and plotted the magnitude of the largest, real positive eigenvalue,
Amax vs. logl.l(l/,). The function reaches its maximum value at '"'(max:::::: 1.1- 2
Consequently, the eigenvector, Smax (1.1 - 2 ?) represents the limiting distribution over
all spatial scales (Figure 1 (right)).
Next, we scaled the test Figure by a factor of two, i.e., d' = 32.0 and plotted
A~axb) over the same interval (Figure 1 (right)). We observe that A~ax(1.1-x+7)
:::::: Amax (1.1- X ), i.e., when plotted using a logarithmic x-axis, the functions are
identical except for a translation. It follows that '"'(~ax :::::: logl.1 7 x '"'(max:::::: 2.0 x '"'(max'
This confirms the scale-invariance of the system-doubling the size of the Figure
results in a doubling of the selected speed.
The Koffka Cross stimulus (Figure 2) has two basic degrees of freedom which we call
diameter (i.e. , d) and arm width (i .e., w) (Figure 3 (a)). We are interested in how
Emergent Properties of Illusory Contour Shape
(-0 5w . O.5d)
( O.5w ,O.Sd )
(--O.Sd , 05w)
(OSd , 05w)
.- -......,
(--OSd, --05w)
( 0 Sd ,-O.5w )
(--05w. -O.5d)
(O.5w. --OSd )
Figure 3: (a) Koffka Cross showing diameter, d, and width , w. (b) Orientation and
position constraints in terms of d and w. The normal orientation at each endpoint
is indicated by the solid lines while the dashed lines represent plus or minus one
standard deviation (i.e. , 12 .8?) of the Gaussian weighting function. (c) Typically
perceived as square. (d) Typically perceived as circle. The positions of the line
endpoints is the same.
the stochastic completion field changes as these parameters are varied. Observers
report that as the width of the arms increases, the shape of the illusory contour
changes from a circle to a square[4]. The endpoints of the lines comprising the
Koftka Cross can be used to define a set of position and orientation constraints
(Figure 3 (b)). The position constraints are specified in terms of the parameters, d
and w. The orientation constraints take the form of a Gaussian weighting function
which assigns higher probabilities to contours passing through the endpoints with
orientations normal to the lines. 2 The prior probabilities assigned to each positiondirection pair by the Gaussian weighting function form a diagonal matrix, D:
where P(r) is the transition probability matrix for the random process at scale
" A(r) is an eigenvalue of Q(,), and s(r) is the corresponding eigenvector. Let
Amax(r) be the largest positive real eigenvalue of Q(r) and let ,max be the scale
where Amax(r) is maximized. Then smax(rmax), i.e., the eigenvector of Q(rmax)
associated with Amax (rma x), is the limiting distribution over all spatial scales.
First, we used a Koffka Cross where d = 2.0 and w = 0.5 and evaluated Amax (r) over
the velocity interval [8.0 x 1.1- 1 , 8.0 x 1.1- 8 ?] using standard numerical routines. 3
The function reaches its maximum value at ,max::::; 8.0 X 1.1- 62 (Figure 4 (left)).
Observe that the completion field due to the eigenvector, smax(8.0 x 1.1- 62 ), is
dominated by contours of a predominantly circular shape (Figure 4 (right)). We
then uniformly scaled the Koffka Cross Figure by a factor of two, i.e., d' = 4.0 and
20bserve that Figure 3 (c) is perceived as a square while Figure 3 (d) is perceived as a
circle. Yet the positions of the line endpoints is the same. It follows that the orientations
of the lines affect the percept. We have chosen to model this dependence through the use
of a Gaussian weighting function which favors contours passing through the endpoints of
the lines in the normal direction. It is possible to motivate this based on the statistics of
natural scenes. The distribution of relative orientations at contour crossings is maximum
at 90? and drops to nearly zero at 0 0 and 180 0 ?
3The parameters defining the distribution of completion shapes were: T = RgO'~ =
0.0005, T = 9.5, ?p = O'~/T = 100.0 and Rp = 1.0 X 10- 8 . As an anti-aliasing measure, the
transition probabilities, P(j I i) , were averaged over initial conditions modeled as Gaussians
of variance
= = 0.00024 and O'J = 0.0019. See [6].
0'; 0';
K. K. Thornber and L. R. Williams
_ -_=0>==
I a
.. 0
Figure 4: Left: Plot of magnitude of maximum positive real eigenvalue, >'max, vs.
logl.l (1h) for Koffka Crosses with d = 2.0 and w = 0.5 (solid) and d = 4.0 and w = 1.0
(dashed). Right: The completion field due to the eigenvector, sma x (8 .0 x 1.1- 62 ) .
w' = 1.0 and plotted Anax (,) over the same interval (Figur~ 4 (left)) . Observe
that A~ax (8.0 X 1.1- x+ ) :::::: Amax(8.0 x 1.1- X). As before, thls confirms the scaleinvariance of the system.
Next, we studied how the relative magnitudes of the local maxima of Amax (,)
change as the parameter w is varied. We begin with a Koffka Cross where d = 2.0
and w = 0.5 and observe that Amax(r) has two local maxima (Figure 5 (left)).
We refer to the larger of these maxima as ,circle . As previously noted, this maximum is located at approximately 8.0 x 1.1- 62 . The second maximum is located
at approximately 8.0 x 1.1 -32. When the completion field due to the eigenvector,
smax(8.0 x 1.1- 32 ), is rendered, we observe that the distribution is dominated by
contours of predominantly square shape (Figure 5(a)). For this reason , we refer
to this local maximum as ,square. Now consider a Koffka Cross where the widths
of the arms are doubled but the diameter remains the same, i.e., d' = 2.0 and
w' = 1.0. We observe that A~ax (r) still has two local maxima, one at approximately 8.0 x 1.1- 63 and a second at approximately 8.0 x l.1- 29 (Figure 5 (left)).
When we render the completion fields due to the eigenvectors, s~ax(8.0x 1.1- 63 ) and
s~ax(8.0 x 1.1- 29 ), we find that the completion fields have the same general character as before-the contours associated with the smaller spatial scale (i.e., lower
speed) are approximately circular and those associated with the larger spatial scale
(Le., higher speed) are approximately square (Figure 5 (d) and (c)). Accordingly,
we refer to the locations of the respective local maxima as '~ircle and ,~quar e ' However, what is most interesting is that the relative magnitudes of the local maxima
have reversed. Whereas we previously observed that Amax(,circle) > Amax(rsquare),
we now observe that A~ax(r~quare) > A~ax(r~ircle)' Therefore, the completion field
due to the eigenvector, s~ax(r~quar e ) [not s~ax(r~ircle)!l represents the limiting
distribution over all spatial scales. This is consistent with the transition from circle
to square reported by human observers when the widths of the arms of the Koffka
Cross are increased.
Emergent Properties of Illusory Contour Shape
-, ~:...-
Gl o
Figure 5: Plot of magnitude of maximum positive real eigenvalue, Ama x, vs. log 1.1 (1/"'()
for Koffka Crosses with d = 2.0 and w = 0.5 (solid) and d = 2.0 and w = 1.0 (dashed) .
Stochastic completion fields for Koffka Cross due to (a) Sm ax ("'(.quar e ) is a local optimum
for w = 0.5 (b) Sma x ("'(ci rcl e ) is the global optimum for w = 0.5 (c) s~ax("'(~quar e ) is the
global optimum for w = 1.0 (d) s~a x ("'(~quar e ) is a local optimum for w = 1.0. These
results are consistent with the circle-to-square transition perceived by human subjects
when the width of the arms of the Koffka Cross are increased .
We have improved upon a previous model of illusory contour formation by showing how to compute a scale-invariant distribution of closed contours given position
constraints alone. We also used our model to explain a previously unexplained
perceptual effect.
[1] Horn, R.A ., and C.R. Johnson, Matrix Analysis, Cambridge Univ. Press , p. 500 ,
[2] Kovacs, I. and B. Julesz, A Closed Curve is Much More than an Incomplete One:
Effect of Closure in Figure-Ground Segmentation, Pmc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 90,
pp. 7495-7497, 1993.
[3] Mumford, D., Elastica and Computer Vision, Algebraic Geometry and Its Applications, Chandrajit Bajaj (ed.) , Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994.
[4) Sambin , M., Angular Margins without Gradients, Italian Journal of Psychology 1,
pp. 355-361, 1974.
[5] Thornber, KK and L.R. Williams, Analytic Solution of Stochastic Completion
Fields, Biological Cybernetics 75 , pp. 141-151, 1996.
[6] Thornber , KK and L.R. Williams, Characterizing the Distribution of Completion
Shapes with Corners Using a Mixture of Random Processes, Intl. Workshop on
Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision, Venice, Italy, 1997.
[7] Williams, L.R. and D.W . Jacobs, Stochastic Completion Fields: A Neural Model of
Illusory Contour Shape and Salience, Neural Computation 9(4) , pp. 837-858, 1997.
[8) Williams, L.R. and D.W. Jacobs, Local Parallel Computation of Stochastic Completion Fields, Neural Computation 9(4), pp. 859-881 , 1997.
| 1528 |@word closure:2 confirms:2 jacob:7 minus:1 solid:4 initial:1 contains:1 past:1 si:8 yet:2 must:1 ixil:1 numerical:2 shape:17 analytic:1 plot:3 drop:1 v:4 alone:4 half:1 selected:1 accordingly:1 plane:2 beginning:1 short:1 location:1 consists:4 x0:1 nor:1 frequently:1 aliasing:1 increasing:1 becomes:1 begin:4 what:1 kg:1 rmax:3 eigenvector:11 nj:1 act:2 scaled:2 positive:9 before:2 local:10 sd:3 limit:3 acad:1 joining:2 id:1 path:1 approximately:6 plus:1 studied:1 suggests:1 factorization:1 averaged:1 horn:1 block:3 doubled:1 selection:1 restriction:1 williams:13 punctuated:1 sharpness:1 simplicity:1 assigns:1 pure:1 amax:15 dominate:1 notion:1 limiting:6 enhanced:1 suppose:2 pt:1 crossing:1 velocity:6 satisfying:1 infrequently:1 located:2 observed:2 decrease:1 ui:2 traversal:2 motivate:1 solving:1 upon:1 sink:1 emergent:4 univ:1 shortcoming:1 formation:2 larger:2 solve:1 favor:1 statistic:1 eigenvalue:9 product:2 elastica:1 rma:3 ama:1 double:1 p:2 optimum:4 smax:5 produce:1 intl:1 oo:1 completion:24 figur:1 quare:1 strong:2 implies:1 direction:13 stochastic:10 human:2 sand:2 argued:1 exchange:1 generalization:1 biological:1 around:1 ground:1 normal:3 sma:3 perceived:5 travel:1 unexplained:1 largest:5 minimization:1 clearly:1 gaussian:7 modified:1 og:2 ira:1 ax:12 greatly:1 lj:3 typically:2 italian:1 interested:1 comprising:1 orientation:10 priori:3 ircle:3 spatial:7 psychophysics:1 field:21 equal:3 having:1 identical:1 represents:3 nearly:1 report:2 stimulus:1 koffka:12 geometry:1 consisting:1 freedom:1 interest:1 circular:2 mixture:2 natl:1 perimeter:1 respective:1 incomplete:1 circle:13 plotted:4 increased:2 earlier:1 deviation:1 johnson:1 reported:1 st:1 nm:1 satisfied:1 corner:1 li:1 rcl:1 satisfy:4 observer:3 closed:11 start:1 parallel:2 il:1 square:9 oi:1 variance:4 percept:1 maximized:2 spaced:1 weak:3 albuquerque:1 trajectory:2 cybernetics:1 straight:1 randomness:1 explain:2 reach:3 ed:1 energy:1 pp:5 associated:4 illusory:12 lim:1 segmentation:1 routine:2 higher:2 improved:1 evaluated:2 just:1 angular:1 logl:4 mode:1 indicated:1 impulse:7 usa:1 effect:4 assigned:1 symmetric:1 width:8 recurrence:2 noted:1 motion:2 recently:1 predominantly:2 endpoint:6 jl:1 refer:4 cambridge:1 particle:8 moving:1 rgo:1 base:1 brownian:2 recent:2 showed:1 italy:1 verlag:1 life:1 additional:1 dashed:4 ii:2 smooth:1 technical:1 cross:15 basic:1 vision:2 poisson:3 represent:2 confined:1 thornber:6 whereas:1 interval:5 source:1 subject:1 tend:1 call:3 noting:1 intermediate:1 scaleinvariance:1 independence:1 xj:6 affect:1 psychology:1 opposite:1 expression:2 bridging:1 wo:2 render:1 algebraic:1 passing:2 york:1 chandrajit:1 eigenvectors:3 julesz:1 diameter:4 discrete:1 traced:1 drawn:1 neither:2 fraction:1 ansi:1 venice:1 comparable:1 constraint:22 infinity:1 scene:1 dominated:2 speed:13 rendered:1 smaller:3 remain:1 increasingly:1 character:1 invariant:6 xo:1 equation:2 previously:3 remains:1 mechanism:1 know:1 letting:1 reversal:2 end:2 travelling:1 gaussians:1 eight:5 observe:7 occasional:1 rp:2 remaining:1 mumford:3 dependence:1 diagonal:2 gradient:1 distance:1 reversed:1 sci:1 majority:1 lthe:1 reason:1 length:1 modeled:2 kk:2 ratio:1 mexico:1 pmc:1 unfortunately:1 lil:1 sm:1 anti:1 defining:2 varied:2 arbitrary:2 kovacs:1 introduced:1 pair:6 specified:4 discontinuity:2 summarize:1 max:12 lance:1 natural:3 arm:6 lk:1 started:1 axis:1 prior:1 tangent:1 contributing:1 relative:10 permutation:1 interesting:1 degree:1 consistent:3 translation:1 koftka:1 gl:1 salience:3 institute:1 characterizing:1 distributed:1 curve:1 transition:7 contour:39 osd:3 sj:2 global:2 xi:5 symmetry:2 bajaj:1 position:16 perceptual:1 weighting:4 showing:2 decay:1 consist:1 intrinsic:1 workshop:1 ci:5 nec:1 magnitude:8 margin:1 logarithmic:1 simply:1 likely:1 doubling:4 springer:1 corresponds:1 conditional:1 consequently:2 axb:1 change:4 except:1 uniformly:2 acting:2 pas:2 invariance:2 dept:1 princeton:1 |
578 | 1,529 | Stationarity and Stability of
Autoregressive Neural Network Processes
Friedrich Leisch\ Adrian Trapletti 2 & Kurt Hornik l
1 Institut fur Statistik
Technische UniversiUit Wien
Wiedner Hauptstrafie 8-10 / 1071
A-1040 Wien, Austria
[email protected]
Institut fiir Unternehmensfiihrung
Wirtschaftsuniversi tat Wien
Augasse 2-6
A-lOgO Wien, Austria
adrian. [email protected]
We analyze the asymptotic behavior of autoregressive neural network (AR-NN) processes using techniques from Markov chains and
non-linear time series analysis. It is shown that standard AR-NNs
without shortcut connections are asymptotically stationary. If linear shortcut connections are allowed, only the shortcut weights
determine whether the overall system is stationary, hence standard
conditions for linear AR processes can be used.
In this paper we consider the popular class of nonlinear autoregressive processes
driven by additive noise, which are defined by stochastic difference equations of
where ft is an iid. noise process. If g( . .. , (J) is a feedforward neural network with
parameter ("weight") vector (J, we call Equation 1 an autoregressive neural network
process of order p, short AR-NN(p) in the following.
AR-NNs are a natural generalization of the classic linear autoregressive AR(p) process
See, e.g., Brockwell & Davis (1987) for a comprehensive introduction into AR and
ARMA (autoregressive moving average) models.
F. Leisch, A. Trapletti and K. Hornik
One of the most central questions in linear time series theory is the stationarity of
the model, i.e., whether the probabilistic structure of the series is constant over time
or at least asymptotically constant (when not started in equilibrium). Surprisingly,
this question has not gained much interest in the NN literature, especially there
are-up to our knowledge-no results giving conditions for the stationarity of ARNN models. There are results on the stationarity of Hopfield nets (Wang & Sheng,
1996), but these nets cannot be used to estimate conditional expectations for time
series prediction.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2 we recall some results
from time series analysis and Markov chain theory defining the relationship between
a time series and its associated Markov chain. In Section 3 we use these results to
establish that standard AR-NN models without shortcut connections are stationary.
We also give conditions for AR-NN models with shortcut connections to be stationary. Section 4 examines the NN modeling of an important class of non-stationary
time series, namely integrated series. All proofs are deferred to the appendix .
Some Time Series and Markov Chain Theory
Let ~t denote a time series generated by a (possibly nonlinear) autoregressive process as defined in (1). If lEft = 0, then 9 equals the conditional expectation
1E(~t I~t-l' ... , ~t-p) and g(~t-l' ... , ~t-p) is the best prediction for ~t in the mean
square sense.
If we are interested in the long term properties of the series, we may ask whether
certain features such as mean or variance change over time or remain constant.
The time series is called weakly stationary if lE~t = Jl and cov(~t,~t+h) = ,h, 'it,
i.e., mean and covariances do not depend on the time t. A stronger criterion is
that the whole distribution (and not only mean and covariance) of the process does
not depend on the time, in this case the series is called strictly stationary. Strong
stationarity implies weak stationarity if the second moments of the series exist. For
details see standard time series textbooks such as Brockwell & Davis (1987).
If ~t is strictly stationary, then IP (~t E A)
rr( A), 'it and rrO is called the stationary
distribution of the series. Obviously the series can only be stationary from the
beginning if it is started with the stationary distribution such that ~o '" rr. If
it is not started with rr, e.g., because ~o is a constant , then we call the series
asymptotically stationary if it converges to its stationary distribution:
lim IP(~t E A)
= rr(A)
Time Series as Markov Chains
Using the notation
(~t-l"" ,~t_p)'
(g(Xt-d,~t-l"" , ~t-p+d
(ft,O, ... ,O)'
we can write scalar autoregressive models of order p such as (1) or (2) as a first
order vector model
Stationarity and Stability ofAutoregressive Neural Network Processes
with Xt, et E lR P (e.g., Chan & Tong, 1985). If we write
p( x, A)
IP{Xt+n E Alxt
pl (x, A)
= x}
for the probability of going from point x to set A E B in n steps, then {xd with
p(x , A) forms a Markov chain with state space (lRP , B,>'), where B are the Borel
sets on lR P and>' is the usual Lebesgue measure.
The Markov chain {xd is called cp-irreducible, if for some IT-finite measure cp on
(lR P , B, >.)
whenever cp(A) > O. This me~ns essentially, that all parts of the state space can be
reached by the Markov chain irrespective of the starting point. Another important
property of Markov chains is aperiodicity, which loosely speaking means that there
are no (infinitely often repeated) cycles. See, e.g., Tong (1990) for details .
The Markov chain {Xt} is called geometrically ergodic, if there exists a probability
measure 1I"(A) on (lR P , B, >.) and a p > 1 such that
Vx E lR P
lim pnllpn(x,.) - 11"(?)11 = 0
where II . II denotes the total variation. Then 11" satisfies the invariance equation
p(x, A) 1I"(dx) ,
There is a close relationship between a time series and its associated Markov chain.
If the Markov chain is geometrically ergodic, then its distribution will converge to
11" and the time series is asymptotically stationary. If the time series is started with
distribution 11", i.e., Xo "" 11", then the series {~d is strictly stationary.
Stationarity of AR-NN Models
We now apply the concepts defined in Section 2 to the case where 9 is defined by
a neural network. Let x denote a p-dimensional input vector, then we consider the
following standard network architectures:
Single hidden layer perceptrons:
= 'Yo + L,8ilT(ai + a~x)
where ai, ,8i and 'Yo are scalar weights, aj are p-dimensional weight vectors,
and IT(') is a bounded sigmoid function such as tanh(?).
Single hidden layer perceptrons with shortcut connections:
where c is an additional weight vector for shortcut connections between
inputs and output. In this case we define the characteristic polynomial c(z)
associated with the linear shortcuts as
ClZ - C2z2 - . .. -
cP zP,
F. Leisch, A. TrapleUi and K. Hornik
Radial basis function networks:
where mj are center vectors and ?( ...) is one of the usual bounded radial
basis functions such as ?(x) = exp( _x 2 ).
Lemma 1 Let {xtl be defined by (6), let IEjt:tl < 00 and let the PDF of f:t be
positive everywhere in JR. Then if 9 is defined by any of (7), (8) or (9), the Markov
chain {Xt} is ?-irreducible and aperiodic.
Lemma 1 basically says that the state space of the Markov chain, i.e., the points that
can be reached, cannot be reduced depending on the starting point. An example
for a reducible Markov chain would be a series that is always positive if only Xo >
(and negative otherwise). This cannot happen in the AR-NN(p) case due to the
unbounded additive noise term.
Theorem 1 Let {~tl be defined by (1), {xtl by (6), further let IEktl
PDF of f:t be positive everywhere in JR. Then
< 00
and the
1. If 9 is a network without linear shortcuts as defined in (7) and (9), then
{ x tl is geometrically ergodic and {~tl is asymptotically stationary.
2. If 9 is a network with linear shortcuts as defined in (8) and additionally
c(z) f 0, Vz E C : Izl ~ 1, then {xtl is geometrically ergodic and {~tl is
asymptotically stationary.
The time series {~t} remains stationary if we allow for more than one hidden layer
(-+ multi layer perceptron, MLP) or non-linear output units, as long as the overall
mapping has bounded range. An MLP with shortcut connections combines a (possibly non-stationary) linear AR(p) process with a non-linear stationary NN part.
Thus, the NN part can be used to model non-linear fluctuations around a linear
process like a random walk.
The only part of the network that controls whether the overall process is stationary
are the linear shortcut connections (if present). If there are no shortcuts, then the
process is always stationary. With shortcuts, the usual test for stability of a linear
system applies.
Integrated Models
An important method in classic time series analysis is to. first transform a nonstationary series into a stationary one and then model the remainder by a stationary
process. The probably most popular models of this kind are autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models, which can be transformed into stationary
ARMA processes by simple differencing.
Let I::!..k denote the k-th order difference operator
et -
I::!..(~t - ~t-d
= ~t -
+ ~t-2
Stationarity and Stability ofAutoregressive Neural Network Processes
with ~ 1 = ~. E.g., a standard random walk ~t = ~t-l +ft is non-stationary because
of the growing variance, but can be transformed into the iid (and hence stationary)
noise process ft by taking first differences.
If a time series is non-stationary, but can be transformed into a stationary series
by taking k-th differences, we call the series integrated of order k. Standard MLPs
or RBFs without shortcuts are asymptotically stationary. It is therefore important
to take care that these networks are only used to model stationary processes. Of
course the network can be trained to mimic a non-stationary process on a finite time
interval, but the out-of-sample or prediction performance will be poor, because the
network inherently cannot capture some important features of the process. One way
to overcome this problem is to first transform the process into a stationary series
(e.g., by differencing an integrated series) and train the network on the transformed
series (Chng et al., 1996).
As differencing is a linear operation, this transformation can also be easily incorporated into the network by choosing the shortcut connections and weights from
input to hidden units accordingly. Assume we want to model an integrated series
of integration order k, such that
~k~t = g(~k~t_l' . .. ' ~k~t_p)
+ ft
where ~k~t is stationary. By (12) this is equivalent to
~(-lt-l (~)~t-n + g(~k~t_l' ... ' ~k~t_p) +
~(-lt-l (~)~t-n + g(~t-l' ... ,~t-p-k) +
which (for p > k) can be modeled by an MLP with shortcut connections as defined
by (8) where the shortcut weight vector c is fixed to
:= 0 for n
and 9 is such that g(~t-l' ... ,~t-p-k) = g(~kXt_d. This is always possible and
can basically be obtained by adding c to all weights between input and first hidden
layer of g.
An AR-NN(p) can model integrated series up to integration order p. If the order
of integration is known , the shortcut weights can either be fixed, or the differenced
series is used as input. If the order is unknown, we can also train the complete
network including the shortcut connections and implicitly estimate the order of
integration. After training the final model can be checked for stationarity by looking
at the characteristic roots of the polynomial defined by the shortcut connections.
Fractional Integration
Up to now we have only considered integrated series with positive integer order of
integration, i.e., kEN. In the last years models with fractional integration order
became very popular (again). Series with integration order of 0.5 < k < 1 can
be shown to exhibit self-similar or fractal behavior, and have long memory. These
type of processes were introduced by Mandelbrot in a series of paper modeling river
flows, e.g., see Mandelbrot & Ness (1968). More recently, self-similar processes were
used to model Ethernet traffic by Leland et al. (1994). Also some financial time
series such as foreign exchange data series exhibit long memory and self-similarity.
FLeisch. A. Trapletti and K. Hornik
The fractional differencing operator ~ k , k E [-1, 1] is defined by the series expansion
~ ~t = ~ r(-k)f(n + 1)~t-n
which is obtained from the Taylor series of (1 - z)k. For k > 1 we first use Equation (12) and then the above series for the fractional remainder. For practical
computation, the series (13) is of course truncated at some term n = N. An ARNN(p) model with shortcut connections can approximate the series up to the first
p terms.
We have shown that AR-NN models using standard NN architectures without shortcuts are asymptotically stationary. If linear shortcuts between inputs and outputs
are included-which many popular software packages have already implementedthen only the weights of the shortcut connections determine if the overall system
is stationary. It is also possible to model many integrated time series by this kind
of networks . The asymptotic behavior of AR-NNs is especially important for parameter estimation, predictions over larger intervals of time, or when using the
network to generate artificial time series. Limiting (normal) distributions of parameter estimates are only guaranteed for stationary series. We therefore always
recommend to transform a non-stationary series to a stationary series if possible
(e.g ., by differencing) before training a network on it.
Another important aspect of stationarity is that a single trajectory displays the
complete probability law of the process. If we have observed one long enough trajectory of the process we can (in theory) estimate all interesting quantities of the
process by averaging over time. This need not be true for non-stationary processes
in general, where some quantities may only be estimated by averaging over several
independent trajectories. E.g., one might train the network on an available sample and then use the trained network afterwards-driven by artificial noise from a
random number generator-to generate new data with similar properties than the
training sample. The asymptotic stationarity guarantees that the AR-NN model
cannot show "explosive" behavior or growing variance with time.
We currently are working on extensions of this paper in several directions. AR-NN
processes can be shown to be strong mixing (the memory of the process vanishes
exponentially fast) and have autocorrelations going to zero at an exponential rate .
Another question is a thorough analysis of the properties of parameter estimates
(weights) and tests for the order of integration. Finally we want to extend the univariate results to the multivariate case with a special interest towards cointegrated
This piece of research was supported by the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) under
grant SFB#OlO ('Adaptive Information Systems and Modeling in Economics and Management Science') .
Stationarity and Stability ofAutoregressive Neural Network Processes
Appendix: Mathematical Proofs
Proof of Lemma 1
It can easily be shown that {xe} is <p-irreducible if the support of the probability density
function (PDF) of ?t is the whole real line, i.e., the PDF is positive everywhere in IR (Chan
& Tong, 1985). In this case every non-null p-dimensional hypercube is reached in p steps
with positive probability (and hence every non-null Borel set A).
A necessary and sufficient condition for {Xt} to be aperiodic is that there exists a set A
and positive integer n such that pn(x, A) > 0 and pn+l (x, A) > 0 for all x E A (Tong,
1990, p. 455). In our case this is true for all n due to the unbounded additive noise.
Proof of Theorem 1
We use the following result from nonlinear time series theory:
Theorem 2 (Chan & Tong 1985) Let {Xt} be defined by (1), (6) and let G be compact,
i.e. preserve compact sets. IfG can be decomposedasG = Gh+Gd andGd(-) is of bounded
range, G h(-) is continuous and homogeneous, i.e., Gh(ax) = aGh(x), the origin is a fixed
point of G h and Gh is uniform asymptotically stable, IEI?tl < 00 and the PDF of ?t is
positive everywhere in IR, then {Xt} is geometrically ergodic.
The noise process ?t fulfills the conditions by assumption. Clearly all networks are continuous compact functions. Standard MLPs without shortcut connections and RBFs have
a bounded range , hence G h == 0 and G == G d , and the series {ee} is asymptotically stationary. If we allow for linear shortcut connections between the input and the outputs,
we get G h = c'x and G d = 70
l.:i (3i(T(ai aix) i.e., G h is the linear shortcut part
of the network, and Gd is a standard MLP without shortcut connections. Clearly, G h is
continuous, homogeneous and has the origin as a fixed point. Hence, the series {eel is
asymptotically stationary if G h is asymptotically stable, i.e., when all characteristic roots
of Gh have a magnitude less than unity. Obviously the same is true for RBFs with shortcut
connections. Note that the model reduces to a standard linear AR(p) model if Gd == O.
Brockwell, P. J. & Davis, R. A. (1987). Time Series: Theory and Methods. Springer Series
in Statistics. New York, USA: Springer Verlag.
Chan, K. S. & Tong, H. (1985). On the use of the deterministic Lyapunov function for
the ergodicity of stochastic difference equations. Advances in Applied Probability, 17,
Chng, E . S., Chen, S., & Mulgrew, B. (1996). Gradient radial basis function networks
for nonlinear and nonstationary time series prediction. IEEE Transactions on Neural
Networks, 7(1), 190- 194.
Husmeier, D. & Taylor, J. G . (1997). Predicting conditional probability densities of stationary stochastic time series. Neural Networks, 10(3),479-497.
Jones, D. A. (1978). Nonlinear autoregressive processes. Proceedings of the Royal Society
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Leland, W. E., Taqqu, M. S., Willinger, W., & Wilson, D. V. (1994) . On the self-similar
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Mandelbrot, B. B. & Ness, J . W. V. (1968). Fractional brownian motions, fractional noises
and applications. SIAM Review, 10(4), 422-437.
Tong, H. (1990). Non-linear time series: A dynamical system approach. New York, USA:
Oxford University Press.
Wang, T. & Sheng, Z. (1996). Asymptotic stationarity of discrete-time stochastic neural
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| 1529 |@word version:1 polynomial:2 stronger:1 adrian:2 tat:1 covariance:2 moment:1 series:59 kurt:1 dx:1 willinger:1 additive:3 happen:1 stationary:43 accordingly:1 beginning:1 short:1 lr:5 unbounded:2 mathematical:1 mandelbrot:3 xtl:3 combine:1 leland:2 behavior:4 growing:2 multi:1 tuwien:1 notation:1 bounded:5 null:2 kind:2 textbook:1 transformation:1 guarantee:1 thorough:1 every:2 xd:2 control:1 unit:2 grant:1 positive:8 before:1 oxford:1 fluctuation:1 logo:1 might:1 range:3 practical:1 radial:3 get:1 cannot:5 close:1 operator:2 equivalent:1 deterministic:1 center:1 economics:1 starting:2 ergodic:5 agh:1 examines:1 financial:1 stability:5 classic:2 variation:1 limiting:1 homogeneous:2 origin:2 ze:1 observed:1 ft:7 reducible:1 wang:2 capture:1 cycle:1 vanishes:1 taqqu:1 trained:2 weakly:1 depend:2 basis:3 easily:2 hopfield:1 train:3 fast:1 london:1 universiuit:1 artificial:2 choosing:1 larger:1 say:1 otherwise:1 cov:1 statistic:1 transform:3 ip:3 final:1 obviously:2 rr:4 net:2 remainder:2 alxt:1 brockwell:3 mixing:1 zp:1 converges:1 oo:1 depending:1 ac:2 strong:2 implies:1 ethernet:2 lyapunov:1 direction:1 aperiodic:2 stochastic:4 vx:1 exchange:1 hx:1 generalization:1 strictly:3 pl:1 extension:1 around:1 considered:1 normal:1 exp:1 equilibrium:1 mapping:1 estimation:1 tanh:1 currently:1 vz:1 lrp:1 clearly:2 always:4 pn:3 wilson:1 ax:1 yo:2 fur:1 sense:1 nn:15 foreign:1 integrated:9 hidden:5 going:2 transformed:4 interested:1 overall:4 integration:9 ness:2 special:1 equal:1 jones:1 mimic:1 recommend:1 t_l:2 irreducible:3 preserve:1 comprehensive:1 lebesgue:1 explosive:1 stationarity:15 interest:2 mlp:4 deferred:1 chain:15 necessary:1 institut:2 loosely:1 taylor:2 walk:2 arma:2 wiedner:1 modeling:3 ar:18 technische:1 uniform:1 nns:3 gd:3 density:2 river:1 siam:1 probabilistic:1 eel:1 aix:1 again:1 central:1 management:1 possibly:2 iei:1 wien:5 piece:1 root:2 analyze:1 traffic:2 reached:3 rbfs:3 mlps:2 square:1 ir:2 aperiodicity:1 became:1 variance:3 characteristic:3 weak:1 iid:2 basically:2 trajectory:3 networking:1 whenever:1 checked:1 associated:3 proof:4 popular:4 ask:1 austria:2 knowledge:1 recall:1 lim:2 fractional:6 organized:1 ergodicity:1 sheng:2 working:1 nonlinear:5 autocorrelations:1 leisch:3 aj:1 usa:2 concept:1 true:3 hence:5 self:4 lastname:1 davis:3 criterion:1 pdf:5 complete:2 cp:4 gh:4 motion:1 recently:1 sigmoid:1 exponentially:1 jl:1 extend:1 ai:3 moving:2 stable:2 similarity:1 multivariate:1 brownian:1 chan:4 driven:2 certain:1 verlag:1 xe:1 additional:1 care:1 determine:2 converge:1 husmeier:1 ii:2 afterwards:1 reduces:1 long:5 va:1 prediction:5 austrian:1 essentially:1 expectation:2 izl:1 want:2 interval:2 rest:1 probably:1 flow:1 call:3 nonstationary:2 integer:2 fwf:1 ee:1 feedforward:1 enough:1 architecture:2 whether:4 sfb:1 speaking:1 york:2 fractal:1 ken:1 reduced:1 generate:2 exist:1 estimated:1 chng:2 write:2 discrete:1 arima:1 asymptotically:12 geometrically:5 year:1 package:1 everywhere:4 ilt:1 wu:1 appendix:2 layer:5 guaranteed:1 display:1 software:1 statistik:1 aspect:1 poor:1 jr:2 remain:1 unity:1 xo:2 equation:5 remains:1 available:1 operation:1 apply:1 denotes:1 giving:1 especially:2 establish:1 society:1 hypercube:1 question:3 already:1 quantity:2 usual:3 exhibit:2 gradient:1 me:1 modeled:1 relationship:2 differencing:5 negative:1 unknown:1 markov:15 finite:2 truncated:1 defining:1 cointegrated:1 incorporated:1 looking:1 extended:1 introduced:1 namely:1 friedrich:1 connection:18 t_p:3 differenced:1 dynamical:1 firstname:1 including:1 memory:3 royal:1 natural:1 predicting:1 started:4 irrespective:1 review:1 literature:1 acknowledgement:1 asymptotic:4 law:1 interesting:1 generator:1 foundation:1 sufficient:1 course:2 summary:1 surprisingly:1 last:1 supported:1 allow:2 perceptron:1 taking:2 overcome:1 autoregressive:10 adaptive:1 transaction:2 approximate:1 compact:3 implicitly:1 fiir:1 continuous:3 additionally:1 mj:1 nature:1 inherently:1 hornik:4 expansion:1 whole:2 noise:8 allowed:1 repeated:1 tl:6 borel:2 tong:7 n:1 exponential:1 ifg:1 theorem:3 xt:9 exists:2 adding:1 gained:1 ci:1 magnitude:1 chen:1 lt:2 univariate:1 infinitely:1 scalar:2 applies:1 springer:2 satisfies:1 acm:1 conditional:3 towards:1 shortcut:30 change:1 included:1 averaging:2 lemma:3 called:5 total:1 invariance:1 perceptrons:2 support:1 fulfills:1 olo:1 |
579 | 153 | 594
Range Image Restoration
using Mean Field Annealing
Wesley E. Snyder
Griff L. Bilbro
Center for Communications and Signal Processing
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC
A new optimization strategy, Mean Field Annealing, is presented.
Its application to MAP restoration of noisy range images is derived
and experimentally verified.
The application which motivates this paper is image analysis; specifically the analysis of range images. We [BS86] [GS87] and others [YA85][BJ88] have found that
surface curvature has the potential for providing an excellent, view-invariant feature with which to segment range images. Unfortunately, computation of curvature
requires, in turn, computation of second derivatives of noisy data.
We cast this task as a restoration problem: Given a measurement g(z, y), we assume
that g(z, y) resulted from the addition of noise to some "ideal" image fez, y) which
we must estimate from three things:
1. The measurement g(z, y).
2. The statistics of the noise, here assumed to be zero mean with variance (1'2.
3. Some a priori knowledge of the smoothness of the underlying surface(s).
We will turn this restoration problem into a minimization, and solve that minimization using a strategy called Mean Field A nnealing. A neural net appears to be
the ideal architecture for the reSUlting algorithm, and some work in this area has
already been reported [CZVJ88].
Simulated Annealing and Mean Field Anneal?
The strategy of SSA may be summarized as follows:
Let H(f) be the objective function whose minimum we se~k, wher~ /is somt' parameter vector.
A parameter T controls the algorithm. The SSA algorithm begins at a relatively
high value of T which is gradually reduced. Under certain conditions, SSA will
converge to a global optimum, [GGB4] [RS87]
H (f) = min{ H (fie)} Vfie
Range Image Restoration Using Mean Field Annealing
even though local minima may occur. However, SSA suffers from two drawbacks:
? It is slow, and
? there is no way to directly estimate [MMP87] a continuously-valued
or its
The algorithm presented in section 2.1 perturbs (typically) a single element of fat
each iteration. In Mean Field Annealing, we perturb the entire vector f at each
iteration by making a deterministic calculation which lowers a certain average of
H, < H(f) >, at the current temperature. We thus perform a rather conventional
non-linear minimization (e.g. gradient descent), until a minimum is found at that
temperature. We will refer to the minimization condition at a given T as the
equilibrium for that T. Then, T is reduced, and the previous equilibrium is used as
the initial condition for another minimization.
MFA thus converts a hard optimization problem into a sequence of easier problems.
In the next section, we justify this approach by relating it to SSA.
Stochastic Simulated Annealing
The problem to be solved is to find j where
minimization with the following strategy:
minimizes H(f). SSA solves this
1. Define PT ex e- H / T .
2. Find the equilibrium conditions on PT, at the current temperature, T. By equilibrium, we mean that any statistic ofpT(f) is constant. These statistics could
be derived from the Markov chain which SSA constructs: jO, p, ... , IN, ... , although in fact such statistical analysis is never done in normal running of an
SSA algorithm.
3. Reduce T gradually.
4. As T --+ 0, PT(f) becomes sharply peaked at j, the minimum.
Mean Field Annealing
In Mean Field Annealing, we provide an analytic mechanism for approximating the
equilibrium at arbitrary T. In MFA, we define an error function,
EMF(Z, T) = Tln--=-H- f eTdl
- / j ---
f e- TdJ
- --.
which follows from Peierl's inequality [BGZ76]:
Fo+ < H - Ho >
where F = -Tlnf e---r-dl and Fo = -Tlnf e T dl . The significance of EMF is as
follows: the minimum of EMF determines the best approximation given the form
Bilbro and Snyder
of Ho to the equilibrium statistics of the SSA-generated MRF at T. We will then
anneal on T. In the next section, we choose a special form for Ho to simplify this
process even further.
1. Define some Ho(f, z) which will be used to estimate H(f).
2. At temperature T, minimize EMF(Z) where EMF is a functional of Ho and
H which characterizes the difference between Ho and H. The process of
minimizing EMF will result in a value of the parameter z, which we will
denote as ZT.
3. Define HT(f) = Ho(f, ZT) and for(f) ex e- iiT / T .
Image Restoration Using MFA
We choose a Hamiltonian which represents both the noise in the image, and our a
priori knowledge of the local shape of the image data.
" -2
1 2 (Ii - gil 2
HN = "
where 18( represents [Bes86] the set of values of pixels neighboring pixel i (e.g. the
value of I at i along with the I values at the four nearest neighbors of i); A is some
scalar valued function of that set of pixels (e.g. the 5 pixel approximation to the
Laplacian or the 9 pixel approximation to the quadratic variation); and
The noise term simply says that the image should be similar to the data, given noise
of variance (1'2. The prior term drives toward solutions which are locally planar. Recently, a simpler V(z) = z2 and a similar A were successfully used to design a neural
net [CZVJ88] which restores images consisting of discrete, but 256-valued pixels.
Our formulation of the prior term emphasizes the importance of "point processes,"
as defined [WP85] by Wolberg and Pavlidis. While we accept the eventual necessity
of incorporating line processes [MMP87] [Mar85] [GG84] [Gem87] into restoration,
our emphasis in this paper is to provide a rigorous relationship between a point
process, the prior model, and the more usual mathematical properties of surfaces.
Using range imagery in this problem makes these relationships direct. By adopting
this philosophy, we can exploit the results of Grimson [Gri83] as well as those of
Brady and Horn [BH83] to improve on the Laplacian.
The Gaussian functional form of V is chosen because it is mathematically convenient for Boltzmann statistics and beca.use it reflects the following shape properties
recommended for grey level images in the literature and is especially important if
Range Image Restoration Using Mean Field Annealing
line processes are to be omitted: Besag [Bes86] notes that lito encourage smooth
variation", V(A) "should be strictly increasing" in the absolute value of its argument and if "occasional abrupt changes" are expected, it should "quickly reach a
maximum" .
Rational functions with shapes similar to our V have been used in recent stochastic
approaches to image processing [GM85]. In Eq. 6, T is a "soft threshold" which
represents our prior knowledge of the probability of various values of \7 2 f (the
Laplacian of the undegraded image). For T large, we imply that high values of
the Laplacian are common - f is highly textured; for small values of T, we imply
that f is generally smooth. We note that for high values of T, the prior term is
insignificant, and the best estimate of the image is simply the data.
We choose the Mean Field Hamiltonian to be
and find that the optimal ZT approximately minimizes
both at very high and very low T . We have found experimentally that this approximation to ZT does anneal to a satisfactory restoration. At each temperature, we
use gradient descent to find ZT with the following approximation to the gradient of
V(r?) -
, - y'2;(T+T)
.. ?
2( ..
Differentiating Eq. 8 with this new notation, we find
Since 6'+11,; is non-zero only when i
< H > _8 :J! .
+ v = i,
:J!j (1'
we have
and this derivative can be used to find the equilibrium condition.
Bilbro and Snyder
1. Initially, we use the high temperature assumption, which eliminates the prior
term entirely, and results in
=g;; for
= 00.
This will provide the initial estimate of z. Any other estimate quickly converges to g.
2. Given an image z;, form the image ri
(L ? z);, where the ? indicates
3. Create the image V. = V' (r?)
= - -----l=
_-.!'L e - :II(T~
.. ) ?
4. Using 12, perform ordinary non-linear minimization of < H > starting from
the current z. The particular strategy followed is not critical. We have
successfully used steepest descent and more sophisticated conjugate gradient [PFTV88] methods. The simpler methods seem adequate fot Gaussian
5. Update z to the minimizing z found in step 4.
6. Reduce T and go to 2. When T is sufficiently close to 0, the algorithm is
In step 6 above, T essentially defines the appropriate low-temperature stopping
point. In section 5, we will elaborate on the determination of T and other such
In this section, we describe the performance of the algorithm as it is applied to
several range images. We will use range images, in which the data is of the form
z = z(z, y).
Images With High Levels of Noise
Figure 1 illustrates a range image consisting of three objects, a wedge (upper left),
a cylinder with rounded end and hole (right), and a trapezoidal block viewed from
the top. The noise in this region is measured at (1' = 3units out of a total range of
about 100 units. Unsophisticated smoothing will not estimate second derivatives of
such data without blurring. Following the surface interpolation literature, [Gri83]
[BB83] we use the quadratic variation as the argument of the penalty function for
the prior term to
and performing the derivative in a manner analogous to Eq. 11 and 12. The
Laplacian of the restoration is shown in Figure 2. Figure 3 shows a cross-section
taken as indicated by the red line on Figure 2.
Fig. 1 Original rallge image
J~~ l\~lll
Fig. 2 Laplacian of the restored image
Fig. 3 Cross section
Through Laplacian along
Red Line
Comparison With Existing Techniques
Accurate computation of surface derivatives requires extremely good smoothing of
surface noise, while segmentation requires preservat.ion of edges. One suc.h adapt.ive
smoothing technique,[Ter87] iterative Gaussian smoothing (IGS) has been successfully applied to range imagery. [PB87] Following this strategy, step edges are first
detected, and smoothing is then applied using a small center-weighted kernel. At
edges, an even smaller kernel, called a "molecule", is used to smooth right up to
the edge without blurring the edge. The smoothing is then iterated.
Bilbro and Snyder
The results, restoration and Laplacian, of IGS are not nearly as sharp as those
shown in Figure 2.
Determining the Parameters
Although the optimization strategy described in section 3 has no hard thresholds,
several parameters exist either explicitly in Eq. 8 or implicitly in the iteration.
Good estimates of these parameters will result in improved performance, faster
convergence, or both. The parameters are:
(1' the standard deviation of the noise
b the relative magnitude of the prior term
11 = T + T the initial temperature and
T the final temperature.
The decrement in T which defines the annealing schedule could also be considered
a parameter. However, we have observed that 10% or less per step is always good
We find that for depth images of polyhedral scenes, T = 0 so that only one parameter
is problem dependent: (1'. For the more realistic case of images which also contain
curved surfaces, however, see our technical report [BS88], which also describes the
MFA derivation in much more detail.
The standard deviation of the noise must be determined independently for each
problem class. It is straightforward to estimate (1' to within 50%, and we have
observed experimentally that performance of the algorithm is not sensitive to this
order of error.
We can analytically show that annealing occurs in the region T:::::: IL12(1'2 and choose
2ILI2(1'2. Here, ILI2 is the squared norm of the operator Land ILI2
20 for
the usual Laplacian and ILI2 12.5 for the quadratic variation.
Further analysis shows that b .J2;ILI(1' is a good choice for the coefficient of the
prior term.
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| 153 |@word norm:1 grey:1 simulation:1 carolina:3 tr:1 necessity:1 initial:3 existing:1 current:3 z2:1 must:2 numerical:1 realistic:1 shape:3 analytic:1 update:1 steepest:1 hamiltonian:2 simpler:2 mathematical:1 along:2 direct:1 fitting:1 polyhedral:1 manner:1 expected:1 fez:1 lll:1 increasing:1 becomes:1 begin:1 underlying:1 notation:1 proceeding6:1 minimizes:2 brady:4 fat:1 control:1 unit:2 local:2 interpolation:3 approximately:1 pami:3 emphasis:1 range:15 pavlidis:2 bilbro:6 horn:2 fot:1 unsophisticated:1 block:1 illposed:1 area:1 convenient:1 beca:1 close:1 operator:2 conventional:1 map:1 deterministic:1 center:4 go:1 straightforward:1 starting:1 independently:1 abrupt:1 chapel:2 variation:4 analogous:1 pt:3 pa:1 element:1 recognition:2 trapezoidal:1 geman:4 observed:2 role:1 solved:1 region:2 sangiovanni:1 wher:1 grimson:2 segment:1 blurring:2 textured:1 iit:1 various:1 chapter:1 derivation:1 jain:1 describe:1 chellappa:1 detected:1 whose:1 solve:1 valued:3 say:1 ive:1 besl:1 statistic:5 noisy:2 final:1 sequence:1 net:2 reconstruction:1 neighboring:1 j2:1 convergence:1 optimum:1 converges:1 object:2 measured:1 nearest:1 eq:4 solves:1 wedge:1 drawback:1 stochastic:5 tln:1 mathematically:1 strictly:1 sufficiently:1 considered:1 normal:1 equilibrium:7 omitted:1 proc:1 sensitive:1 create:1 successfully:3 reflects:1 weighted:1 minimization:7 gaussian:3 always:1 rather:1 zhou:1 derived:2 emission:1 romeo:1 ponce:1 indicates:1 besag:2 rigorous:1 dependent:1 stopping:1 vetterling:1 typically:1 entire:1 accept:1 initially:1 vlsi:1 pixel:6 priori:2 restores:1 special:1 smoothing:6 field:13 construct:1 never:1 represents:3 nearly:1 peaked:1 others:1 report:3 simplify:1 resulted:1 consisting:2 cylinder:1 detection:1 highly:1 primal:1 tj:1 hg:1 chain:1 accurate:1 edge:5 encourage:1 poggio:1 theoretical:1 soft:1 modeling:1 restoration:15 ordinary:1 deviation:2 recognizing:1 reported:1 international:1 probabilistic:1 rounded:1 continuously:1 quickly:2 jo:1 imagery:2 squared:1 thesis:1 choose:4 hn:1 conf:1 american:2 derivative:6 potential:1 photon:1 domb:1 summarized:1 north:3 coefficient:1 explicitly:1 view:1 characterizes:1 red:2 minimize:1 variance:2 climbing:1 bayesian:2 iterated:1 emphasizes:1 drive:1 fo:2 suffers:1 reach:1 rational:1 gg84:2 knowledge:3 segmentation:3 schedule:1 sophisticated:1 marroquin:2 appears:1 wesley:1 planar:1 improved:1 april:1 formulation:1 done:1 though:1 until:1 sketch:1 defines:2 indicated:1 contain:1 analytically:1 satisfactory:1 hill:3 complete:1 temperature:9 image:36 recently:1 common:1 functional:2 relating:1 kluwer:1 measurement:2 refer:1 cambridge:2 gibbs:1 ai:1 smoothness:1 surface:12 gj:1 curvature:2 recent:1 certain:2 inequality:1 binary:1 minimum:5 converge:1 recommended:1 signal:3 ii:4 july:1 ing:1 technical:3 smooth:3 academic:1 fie:1 determination:1 calculation:1 cross:2 mcclure:1 adapt:1 faster:1 laplacian:9 mrf:1 emf:6 essentially:1 vision:1 symm:1 iteration:3 kernel:2 adopting:1 ion:1 hfl:1 addition:1 annealing:14 eliminates:1 thing:1 december:1 seem:1 ideal:2 enough:1 architecture:1 reduce:2 penalty:1 york:1 wolberg:2 adequate:1 generally:1 se:1 locally:1 tomography:1 reduced:2 exist:1 gil:1 per:1 discrete:1 snyder:7 four:1 threshold:2 verified:1 ht:1 relaxation:2 convert:1 zinn:1 nnealing:1 entirely:1 followed:1 quadratic:3 occur:1 constraint:1 sharply:1 ri:1 scene:1 ncsu:1 argument:2 min:1 extremely:1 performing:1 relatively:1 march:1 conjugate:1 smaller:1 describes:1 making:1 invariant:1 gradually:2 taken:1 turn:2 describing:1 mechanism:1 end:1 available:1 jenkins:1 occasional:1 appropriate:1 netr:1 ho:8 original:1 top:1 running:1 dirty:1 exploit:1 cvgip:3 perturb:1 especially:1 approximating:1 society:1 objective:1 already:1 occurs:1 restored:1 strategy:7 usual:2 september:1 gradient:4 perturbs:1 simulated:2 toward:2 relationship:2 providing:1 minimizing:2 nc:2 unfortunately:1 fe:2 design:1 implementation:1 motivates:1 zt:5 boltzmann:1 perform:2 upper:1 convolution:1 markov:1 descent:3 curved:1 november:1 communication:3 assp:1 arbitrary:1 sharp:1 august:1 cast:1 justin:1 pattern:1 royal:1 green:1 mfa:4 critical:3 improve:1 imply:2 picture:1 prior:9 literature:2 determining:1 relative:1 editor:2 land:1 lo:1 raleigh:1 terzopoulos:1 neighbor:1 differentiating:1 absolute:1 boundary:1 depth:1 ig:2 implicitly:1 global:1 pittsburgh:1 assumed:1 iterative:1 kanade:1 molecule:1 probabalistic:1 excellent:1 anneal:3 suc:1 significance:1 decrement:1 noise:11 fig:3 mitter:1 elaborate:1 slow:1 insignificant:1 ssa:9 dl:3 incorporating:1 importance:1 phd:1 magnitude:1 illustrates:1 hole:1 easier:1 flannery:1 lt:1 simply:2 visual:1 lito:1 scalar:1 determines:1 teukolsky:1 ma:1 viewed:1 eventual:1 experimentally:3 hard:2 change:1 specifically:1 determined:1 asada:1 justify:1 called:2 total:1 ili:1 u6ing:1 philosophy:1 griff:1 phenomenon:2 ex:2 |
580 | 1,530 | A Precise Characterization of the Class of
Languages Recognized by Neural Nets under
Gaussian and other Common Noise Distributions
Wolfgang Maass*
Inst. for Theoretical Computer Science,
Technische Universitat Graz
Klosterwiesgasse 3212,
A-80lO Graz, Austria
email: [email protected]
Eduardo D. Sontag
Oep. of Mathematics
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ 08903, USA
email: [email protected]
We consider recurrent analog neural nets where each gate is subject to
Gaussian noise, or any other common noise distribution whose probability density function is nonzero on a large set. We show that many regular
languages cannot be recognized by networks of this type, for example
the language {w E {O, I} * I w begins with O}, and we give a precise
characterization of those languages which can be recognized. This result
implies severe constraints on possibilities for constructing recurrent analog neural nets that are robust against realistic types of analog noise. On
the other hand we present a method for constructing feedforward analog
neural nets that are robust with regard to analog noise of this type.
1 Introduction
A fairly large literature (see [Omlin, Giles, 1996] and the references therein) is devoted
to the construction of analog neural nets that recognize regular languages. Any physical
realization of the analog computational units of an analog neural net in technological or
biological systems is bound to encounter some form of "imprecision" or analog noise at
its analog computational units. We show in this article that this effect has serious consequences for the computational power of recurrent analog neural nets. We show that any
analog neural net whose computational units are subject to Gaussian or other common
noise distributions cannot recognize arbitrary regular languages. For example, such analog
neural net cannot recognize the regular language {w E {O, I} * I w begins with O}.
? Partially supported by the Fonds zur F6rderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschnung (FWF), Austria, project P12153.
W Maass and E. D. Sontag
A precise characterization of those regular languages which can be recognized by such
analog neural nets is given in Theorem 1.1. In section 3 we introduce a simple technique
for making feedforward neural nets robust with regard to the same types of analog noise.
This method is employed to prove the positive part of Theorem 1.1. The main difficulty in
proving Theorem 1.1 is its negative part, for which adequate theoretical tools are introduced
in section 2.
Before we can give the exact statement of Theorem 1.1 and discuss related preceding work
we have to give a precise definition of computations in noisy neural networks. From the
conceptual point of view this definition is basically the same as for computations in noisy
boolean circuits (see [Pippenger, 1985] and [Pippenger, 1990]). However it is technically
more involved since we have to deal here with an infinite state space.
We will first illustrate this definition for a concrete case, a recurrent sigmoidal neural net
with Gaussian noise, and then indicate the full generality of our result, which makes it
applicable to a very large class of other types of analog computational systems with analog
noise. Consider a recurrent sigmoidal neural net N consisting of n units, that receives
at each time step t an input Ut from some finite alphabet U (for example U = {O, I}).
The internal state of N at the end of step t is described by a vector Xt E [-1, l]n, which
consists of the outputs of the n sigmoidal units at the end of step t. A computation step of
the network N is described by
+ h + UtC + Vi)
where W E IRnxn and c, h E IRn represent weight matrix and vectors, a is a sigmoidal
activation function (e.g., a(y) = 1/(1 + e- Y applied to each vector component, and
VI, V2 , ? ?? is a sequence of n-vectors drawn independently from some Gaussian distribution. In analogy to the case of noisy boolean circuits [Pippenger, 1990] one says that this
network N recognizes a language L ~ U* with reliability c (where c E (O,~] is some
given constant) if immediately after reading an arbitrary word w E U* the network N is
with probability 2: ~ + c in an accepting state in case that w E L, and with probability
c in an accepting state in case that w rf. LI.
: :; ! -
We will show in this article that even if the parameters of the Gaussian noise distribution for
each sigmoidal unit can be determined by the designer of the neural net, it is impossible to
find a size n, weight matrix W, vectors h, C and a reliability c E (0, so that the resulting
recurrent sigmoidal neural net with Gaussian noise accepts the simple regular language
{w E {0,1}*1 w begins with O} with reliability c. This result exhibits a fundamental
limitation for making a recurrent analog neural net noise robust, even in a case where the
noise distribution is known and of a rather benign type. This quite startling negative result
should be contrasted with the large number of known techniques for making a feedforward
boolean circuit robust against noise, see [Pippenger, 1990].
Our negative result turns out to be of a very general nature, that holds for virtually all related
definitions of noisy analog neural nets and also for completely different models for analog
computation in the presence of Gaussian or similar noise. Instead of the state set [-1, l]n
one can take any compact set n ~ IRn , and instead of the map (x, u) t-+ W x + h + uc one
can consider an arbitrary map I : n x U ~ 0 for a compact set 0 ~ IRn where f (', u) is
Borel measurable for each fixed U E U. Instead of a sigmoidal activation function a and a
Gaussian distributed noise vector V it suffices to assume that a : IRn ~ n is some arbitrary
Borel measurable function and V is some IRn -valued random variable with a density ?(.)
that has a wide support2 ? In order to define a computation in such system we consider for
1 According to this definition a network N that is after reading some w E U? in an accepting state
with probability strictly between
c and + c does not recognize any language L ~ U?.
2More precisely: We assume that there exists a subset no of n and some constant Co > 0 such
Analog Neural Nets with Gaussian Noise
each U E U the stochastic kernel Ku defined by Ku(x, A) := Prob [a(f(x, u) + V) E A]
for x E n and A S;;; n. For each (signed, Borel) measure /-l on n, and each U E U, we
let lKu/-l be the (signed, Borel) measure defined on n by (lKu/-l)(A) := Ku(x , A)d/-l(x) .
Note that lKu /-l is a probability measure whenever /-l is. For any sequence of inputs W =
U1 , .?. ,U r , we consider the composition of the evolution operators lKu. :
If the probability distribution of states at any given instant is given by the measure /-l, then
the distribution of states after a single computation step on input U E U is given by lKu /-l,
and after r computation steps on inputs W = U1,"" U r , the new distribution is IKw /-l,
where we are using the notation (1). In particular, if the system starts at a particular initial
state ~, then the distribution of states after r computation steps on W is IKwbe, where be is
the probability measure concentrated on {O. That is to say, for each measurable subset
Prob [Xr+1 E F
I Xl
=~, input =
w] = (lKwbe)(F).
We fix an initial state ~ E n, a set of "accepting" or "final" states F, and a "reliability"
level E > 0, and say that the resulting noisy analog computational system M recognizes
the language L S;;; U* if for all w E U* :
wEL ~ (lKwbe)(F) ;::: 2 + E
(lKwbe)(F) :::;
E .
In general a neural network that simulates a DFA will carry out not just one, but a fixed
number k of computation steps (=state transitions) of the form x' = a(W x + h +
uc + V) for each input symbol U E U that it reads (see the constructions described in
[Omlin, Giles, 1996], and in section 3 of this article). This can easily be reflected in our
model by formally replacing any input sequence w = UI, U2 , . . . , U r from U* by a padded
sequence W = UI , bk - I , U2 , bk - I , ... ,U r , bk - I from (U U {b})*, where b is a blank symbol not in U, and bk - I denotes a sequence of k - 1 copies of b (for some arbitrarily fixed
k ;::: 1). This completes our definition of language recognition by a noisy analog computational system M with discrete time. This definition essentially agrees with that given in
[Maass, Orponen, 1997].
We employ the following common notations from formal language theory: We write WI w2
for the concatenation of two strings WI and W2,
for the set of all concatenations of r
strings from U, U* for the set of all concatenations of any finite number of strings from U,
and UV for the set of all strings WI W2 with WI E U and W2 E V . The main result of this
article is the following:
Theorem 1.1 Assume that U is some arbitrary finite alphabet. A language L S;;; U* can
be recognized by a noisy analog computational system of the previously specified type if
and only if L E1 UU* E2 for two finite subsets E1 and E2 of U* .
A corresponding version of Theorem 1.1 for discrete computational systems was previously
shown in [Rabin, 1963]. More precisely, Rabin had shown that probabilistic automata with
strictly positive matrices can recognize exactly the same class of languages L that occur
in our Theorem 1.1. Rabin referred to these languages as definite languages. Language
recognition by analog computational systems with analog noise has previously been investigated in [Casey, 1996] for the special case of bounded noise and perfect reliability
that the following two properties hold: <jJ(v) :::: Co for all v E Q := a-I (no) (that is, Q is the
set consisting of all possible differences z - y, with a(z) E no and yEn) and a-I (no) has finite
and nonzero Lebesgue measuremo =). (a- 1 (no)).
W Maass and E. D. Sontag
(i.e. ~ l vll:S;71 ?>(v)dv = 1 for some small TJ > 0 and c = 1/2 in our terminology), and in
[Maass, Orponen, 1997] for the general case. It was shown in [Maass, Orponen, 1997] that
any such system can only recognize regular languages. Furthermore it was shown there
that if ~lvll:S;71 ?>(v)dv = 1 for some small TJ > 0 then all regular languages can be recognized by such systems. In the present paper we focus on the complementary case where the
condition "~lvll:S;71 ?>(v)dv = 1 for some small '" > 0" is not satisfied, i.e. analog noise may
move states over larger distances in the state space. We show that even if the probability of
such event is arbitrarily small, the neural net will no longer be able to recognize arbitrary
regular languages.
2 A Constraint on Language Recognition
We prove in this section the following result for arbitrary noisy computational systems M
as specified at the end of section 1:
Theorem 2.1 Assume that U is some arbitrary alphabet. If a language L ~ U* is recognized by M, then there are subsets E1 and E2 of u:S;r, for some integer r, such that
L = E1 U U* E 2. In other words: whether a string w E U* belongs to the language L
can be decided by just inspecting the first r and the last r symbols of w.
A General Fact about Stochastic Kernels
Let (5, S) be a measure space, and let K be a stochastic kernel 3 . As in the special case of
the Ku's above, for each (signed) measure f-t on (5, S), we let II<?t be the (signed) measure
defined on S by (II<?t)(A) := J K(x, A)df-t(x) . Observe that II<?t is a probability measure
whenever f-t is. Let c > 0 be arbitrary. We say that K satisfies Doeblin's condition (with
constant c) if there is some probability measure p on (5, S) so that
K(x, A) ~ cp(A) for all x E 5, A E S.
(Necessarily c ::; 1, as is seen by considering the special case A = 5.) This condition is
due to [Doeblin, 1937].
We denote by Ilf-til the total variation of the (signed) measure f-t. Recall that Ilf-til is defined as follows. One may decompose 5 into a disjoint union of two sets A and B, in
such a manner that f-t is nonnegative on A and nonpositive on B. Letting the restrictions
of f-t to A and B be "f-t+" and "-f-t-" respectively (and zero on B and A respectively),
we may decompose f-t as a difference of nonnegative measures with disjoint supports,
f-t = f-t+ - f-t- . Then, Ilf-til = f-t+ (A) + f-t- (B). The following Lemma is a "folk"
fact ([Papinicolaou, 1978]).
Lemma 2.2 Assume that K satisfies Doeblin's condition with constant c. Let f-t be any
(signed) measure such that f-t(5) = o. Then 111I<?t11 ::; (1 - c) 1If-t1l.
Proof of Theorem 2.1
Lemma 2.3 There is a constant c
constantc,foreveryu E U.
> 0 such
that Ku satisfies Doeblin's condition with
Proof Let no, co, and 0 < rno < 1 be as in the second footnote, and introduce the
following (Borel) probability measure on no:
Ao(A) :=
~A (0'-1 (A))
3That is to say, K(x,?) is a probability distribution for each x, and K(-, A) is a measurable
function for each Borel measurable set A.
Analog Neural Nets with Gaussian Noise
Pick any measurable A ~ no and any yEn. Then,
Z(y, A)
Prob [O"(y
+ V)
(?(v) dv
E A] = Prob [y
E 0"-1 (A)]
coA(Ay) = CoA (0"-1 (A?) = comoAo(A) ,
where Ay := 0"-1 (A) - {y} ~ Q. We conclude that Z(y, A) ~ cAo(A) for all y, A,
where c = como. Finally, we extend the measure AO to all of n by assigning zero measure
to the complement of no, that is, p(A) := Ao(A no) for all measurable subsets A of n .
Pick u E U; we will show that Ku satisfies Doeblin's condition with the above constant
c (and using p as the "comparison" measure in the definition). Consider any x E nand
measurable A ~ n. Then,
Ku(x, A)
= Z(f(x, u), A)
~ Z(f(x, u), A
no) ~ cAo(A
= cp(A) ,
as required.
For every two probability measures 1-'1,1-'2 on n, applying Lemma 2.2 to I-' := 1-'1 -1-'2, we
know that 111Ku1-'1 -1Ku1-'211 ::; (1 - c) 111-'1 - 1-'211 for each u E U . Recursively, then, we
IllKwl-'l -lKw1-'211 ::; (1 111-'1 - 1-'211::; 2(1 -
for all words w of length
Now pick any integer r such that (1 -
ct < 2c. From Equation (3), we have that
for all w of length ~ r and any two probability measures 1-'1,1-'2. In particular, this means
that, for each measurable set A,
for all such w. (Because, for any two probability measures
set A, 2Ivl(A) - v2(A)1 ::; Ilvl - v211 ?)
and any measurable
Lemma 2.4 Pick any v E U* and wE ur. Then
w E L {:::::::} vw E L .
Proof Assume that w E L, that is, (lKw t5e)(F) ~ ~+E. Applying inequality (4) to the measures 1-'1 := t5e and 1-'2 := lKvt5e and A = F, we have that l(lKwt5e)(F) - (lKvw t5e)(F) I <
2E,andthisimpliesthat(lKvwt5e)(F) > ~-E,i.e. , vw E L. (Since ~-E < (lKvwt5e)(F) <
~ + E is ruled out.) If w ~ L, the argument is similar.
We have proved that
where El := L u~r and E2 := L
proof of Theorem 2.1.
nur are both included in u~r. This completes the
W. Maass and E. D. Sontag
Construction of Noise Robust Analog Neural Nets
In this section we exhibit a method for making feedforward analog neural nets robust with
regard to arbitrary analog noise of the type considered in the preceding sections. This
method will be used to prove in Corollary 3.2 the missing positive part of the claim of the
main result (Theorem 1.1) of this article.
Theorem 3.1 Let C be any (noiseless) feedfOlward threshold circuit, and let u : ~ -+
[-1, 1] be some arbitrary function with u( u) -+ 1 for u -+ 00 and u( u) -+ -1 for
u -+ -00. Furthermore assume that 8, p E (0, 1) are some arbitrary given parameters.
Then one can transform for any given analog noise of the type considered in section 1 the
noiseless threshold circuit C into an analog neural net Nc with the same number of gates,
whose gates employ the given function u as activation function, so that for any circuit input
~ E {-I, l}m the output of the noisy analog neural net Nc differs with probability ~ 1- 8
by at most p from the output ofC.
Idea of the proof Let k be the maximal fan-in of a gate in C, and let w be the maximal
absolute value of a weight in C. We choose R > so large that the density function ?>(.) of
the noise vector V satisfies for each gate with n inputs in C
28 for i= 1, ... ,n.
Furthermore we choose Uo > so large that u(u) ~ 1 - p/(wk) for u ~ Uo and u(u) :c:;
-1 + p/(wk) for u :c:; -Uo . Finally we choose a factor "/ > so large that ,,/(1- p) - R ~
Uo. LetNc be the analog neural net that results from C through multiplication of all weights
and thresholds with "/ and through replacement of the Heaviside activation functions of the
gates in C by the given activation function u.
The following Corollary provides the proof of the positive part of our main result Theorem
1.1. It holds for any u considered in Theorem 3.1.
Corollary 3.2 Assume that U is some arbitrary finite alphabet, and language L ~ U* is
of the form L = El U U* E2 for two arbitrary finite subsets El and E2 of U*. Then the
language L can be recognized by a noisy analog neural net N with any desired reliability
E E (0, ~), in spite of arbitrary analog noise of the type considered in section 1.
Proof. We first construct a feed forward threshold circuit C for recognizing L, that receives
each input symbol from U in the form of a bitstring u E {a, 1}' (for some fixed I ~
log2 \U\), that is encoded as the binary states of l input units of the boolean circuit C. Via
a tapped delay line of fixed length d (which can easily be implemented in a feedforward
threshold circuit by d layers, each consisting of l gates that compute the identity function on
a single binary input from the preceding layer) one can achieve that the feed forward circuit
C computes any given boolean function of the last d sequences from {O, 1}1 that were
presented to the circuit. On the other hand for any language of the form L = El U U* E2
with E 1 , E2 finite there exists some dEN such that for each w E U* one can decide
whether w E L by just inspecting the last d characters of w. Therefore a feedforward
threshold circuit C with a tapped delay line of the type described above can decide whether
wE L.
We apply Theorem 3.1 to this circuit C for 8
p = min(~ - E,
We define the set F
of accepting states for the resulting analog neural net Nc as the set of those states where
the computation is completed and the output gate of Nc assumes a value ~ 3/4. Then
according to Theorem 3.1 the analog neural net Nc recognizes L with reliability E. To be
formally precise, one has to apply Theorem 3.1 to a threshold circuit C that receives its
Analog Neural Nets with Gaussian NOise
input not in a single batch, but through a sequence of d batches. The proof of Theorem 3.1
readily extends to this case.
We have exhibited a fundamental limitation of analog neural nets with Gaussian or other
common noise distributions whose probability density function is nonzero on a large set:
They cannot accept the very simple regular language {w E {O, 1 }*I w begins with O}.
This holds even if the designer of the neural net is allowed to choose the parameters of
the Gaussian noise distribution and the architecture and parameters of the neural net. The
proof of this result introduces new mathematical arguments into the investigation of neural
computation, which can also be applied to other stochastic analog computational systems.
We also have presented a method for makingfeedfOlward analog neural nets robust against
the same type of noise. This implies that certain regular languages, such as for example
{w E {O, 1 }*I wends with O} can be recognized by a recurrent analog neural net with
Gaussian noise. In combination with our negative result this yields a precise characterization of all regular languages that can be recognized by recurrent analog neural nets with
Gaussian noise, or with any other noise distribution that has a large support.
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| 1530 |@word version:2 rno:2 pick:4 recursively:1 doeblin:7 carry:1 initial:2 irnxn:1 orponen:5 blank:1 activation:5 assigning:1 readily:1 realistic:1 benign:1 nur:1 accepting:5 v211:1 characterization:4 provides:1 math:2 sigmoidal:7 mathematical:1 lku:5 symposium:1 prove:3 consists:1 manner:1 introduce:2 coa:2 utc:1 considering:1 begin:4 project:1 notation:2 bounded:1 circuit:14 string:5 nj:1 eduardo:1 every:1 exactly:1 assoc:2 control:1 unit:7 uo:4 positive:4 before:1 consequence:1 mach:1 signed:6 therein:1 co:3 decided:1 union:1 definite:1 differs:1 xr:1 word:3 regular:12 spite:1 cannot:4 operator:1 impossible:1 applying:2 ilf:3 restriction:1 measurable:10 deterministic:1 map:2 missing:1 independently:1 automaton:3 immediately:1 pure:1 proving:1 variation:1 vll:1 construction:3 exact:1 tapped:2 recognition:3 graz:3 technological:1 edited:1 ui:2 complexity:1 dynamic:1 support2:1 technically:1 klosterwiesgasse:1 completely:1 easily:2 america:1 alphabet:4 sympos:1 whose:4 quite:1 larger:1 valued:1 encoded:1 say:5 transform:1 noisy:11 final:1 sequence:7 net:35 maximal:2 tu:1 cao:2 realization:1 achieve:1 perfect:1 illustrate:1 recurrent:11 ac:1 soc:1 implemented:1 implies:2 indicate:1 uu:1 stochastic:5 suffices:1 fix:1 ao:3 decompose:2 investigation:1 biological:1 inspecting:2 strictly:2 hold:4 considered:4 claim:1 proc:1 applicable:1 bitstring:1 agrees:1 ofc:1 tool:1 gaussian:16 rather:1 corollary:3 focus:1 casey:3 ivl:1 regis:1 inst:1 el:4 nand:1 accept:1 irn:5 development:1 special:3 fairly:1 uc:2 construct:1 extraction:1 serious:1 employ:2 recognize:7 consisting:3 lebesgue:1 replacement:1 possibility:1 severe:1 introduces:1 tj:2 devoted:1 folk:1 ruled:1 desired:1 theoretical:2 rabin:5 giles:4 boolean:5 bull:1 technische:1 subset:6 recognizing:1 delay:2 universitat:1 density:4 fundamental:2 ie:1 probabilistic:2 synthesis:1 concrete:1 satisfied:1 choose:4 til:3 li:1 ku1:2 de:2 wk:2 igi:1 vi:3 view:1 wolfgang:1 start:1 yen:2 yield:1 basically:1 startling:1 footnote:1 whenever:2 email:2 definition:8 against:3 involved:1 e2:8 proof:9 nonpositive:1 proved:1 austria:2 recall:1 ut:1 hilbert:1 feed:2 reflected:1 generality:1 furthermore:3 just:3 hand:2 receives:3 replacing:1 usa:1 effect:2 evolution:1 imprecision:1 read:1 nonzero:3 maass:10 deal:1 ay:2 cp:2 common:5 physical:1 analog:47 extend:1 organism:1 composition:1 uv:1 mathematics:3 language:31 had:1 reliability:7 longer:1 wxt:1 belongs:1 certain:2 inequality:1 binary:2 arbitrarily:2 der:1 fen:1 seen:1 preceding:3 employed:1 recognized:10 ii:3 full:1 e1:4 essentially:1 noiseless:2 rutgers:2 df:1 represent:1 kernel:3 zur:1 completes:2 w2:4 exhibited:1 subject:2 virtually:1 simulates:1 fwf:1 integer:2 vw:2 presence:1 feedforward:6 architecture:1 idea:1 whether:3 sontag:5 york:1 wissenschaftlichen:1 jj:1 adequate:1 dfa:1 concentrated:1 designer:2 disjoint:2 rosenblatt:1 discrete:4 write:1 vol:5 terminology:1 threshold:7 amlin:2 drawn:1 padded:1 prob:4 extends:1 decide:2 bound:1 wel:1 ct:3 layer:2 fan:1 nonnegative:2 occur:1 constraint:2 precisely:2 u1:2 lkw:1 argument:2 min:1 according:2 combination:1 character:1 ur:2 wi:4 making:4 dv:5 den:1 equation:2 previously:3 discus:1 turn:1 know:1 letting:1 end:3 apply:2 observe:1 v2:3 batch:2 encounter:1 gate:10 denotes:1 assumes:1 t11:1 recognizes:3 completed:1 log2:1 instant:1 ikw:1 move:1 exhibit:2 distance:1 t1l:1 sci:1 concatenation:3 length:3 sur:1 nc:5 statement:1 negative:4 finite:10 precise:6 arbitrary:15 introduced:1 bk:4 complement:1 required:1 specified:2 accepts:1 able:1 reading:2 rf:1 reliable:1 power:1 omlin:2 event:1 difficulty:1 literature:1 multiplication:1 asymptotic:1 par:1 limitation:2 analogy:1 foundation:1 article:5 lo:1 supported:1 last:3 copy:1 formal:1 wide:1 absolute:1 distributed:1 regard:3 transition:1 computes:1 forward:2 compact:2 unreliable:2 conceptual:1 conclude:2 nature:1 ku:7 robust:8 investigated:1 necessarily:1 constructing:3 main:4 noise:35 allowed:1 complementary:1 referred:1 borel:6 xl:1 comput:1 jay:1 theorem:18 xt:2 symbol:4 exists:2 fonds:1 partially:1 u2:2 maa:1 satisfies:5 acm:1 identity:1 pippenger:10 included:1 infinite:1 determined:1 contrasted:1 lemma:5 total:1 invariance:1 formally:2 internal:1 support:2 brunswick:1 heaviside:1 |
581 | 1,531 | Finite-Sample Convergence Rates for
Q-Learning and Indirect Algorithms
Michael Kearns and Satinder Singh
AT&T Labs
180 Park Avenue
Florham Park , NJ 07932
In this paper, we address two issues of long-standing interest in the reinforcement learning literature. First, what kinds of performance guarantees can be made for Q-learning after only a finite number of actions?
Second, what quantitative comparisons can be made between Q-learning
and model-based (indirect) approaches, which use experience to estimate
next-state distributions for off-line value iteration?
We first show that both Q-learning and the indirect approach enjoy
rather rapid convergence to the optimal policy as a function of the number of state transitions observed. In particular, on the order of only
(Nlog(1/c)/c 2 )(log(N) + loglog(l/c)) transitions are sufficient for both
algorithms to come within c of the optimal policy, in an idealized model
that assumes the observed transitions are "well-mixed" throughout an
N-state MDP. Thus, the two approaches have roughly the same sample
complexity. Perhaps surprisingly, this sample complexity is far less than
what is required for the model-based approach to actually construct a good
approximation to the next-state distribution. The result also shows that
the amount of memory required by the model-based approach is closer to
N than to N 2 ?
For either approach, to remove the assumption that the observed transitions are well-mixed, we consider a model in which the transitions are
determined by a fixed, arbitrary exploration policy. Bounds on the number
of transitions required in order to achieve a desired level of performance
are then related to the stationary distribution and mixing time of this
There are at least two different approaches to learning in Markov decision processes:
indirect approaches, which use control experience (observed transitions and payoffs)
to estimate a model, and then apply dynamic programming to compute policies from
the estimated model; and direct approaches such as Q-Iearning [2], which use control
Convergence Rates for Q-Leaming and Indirect Algorithms
experience to directly learn policies (through value functions) without ever explicitly
estimating a model. Both are known to converge asymptotically to the optimal policy [1, 3] . However, little is known about the performance of these two approaches
after only a finite amount of experience .
A common argument offered by proponents of direct methods is that it may require
much more experience to learn an accurate model than to simply learn a good policy.
This argument is predicated on the seemingly reasonable assumption that an indirect
method must first learn an accurate model in order to compute a good policy. On
the other hand, proponents of indirect methods argue that such methods can do
unlimited off-line computation on the estimated model, which may give an advantage
over direct methods, at least if the model is accurate. Learning a good model may
also be useful across tasks, permitting the computation of good policies for multiple
reward functions [4]. To date, these arguments have lacked a formal framework for
analysis and verification.
In this paper, we provide such a framework, and use it to derive the first finite-time
convergence rates (sample size bounds) for both Q-learning and the standard indirect
algorithm. An important aspect of our analysis is that we separate the quality of the
policy generating experience from the quality of the two learning algorithms. In
addition to demonstrating that both methods enjoy rather rapid convergence to the
optimal policy as a function of the amount of control experience, the convergence rates
have a number of specific and perhaps surprising implications for the hypothetical
differences between the two approaches outlined above. Some of these implications,
as well as the rates of convergence we derive, were briefly mentioned in the abstract;
in the interests of brevity, we will not repeat them here, but instead proceed directly
into the technical material.
MDP Basics
Let M be an unknown N-state MDP with A actions . We use PM(ij) to denote the
probability of going to state j, given that we are in state i and execute action a;
and RM(i) to denote the reward received for executing a from i (which we assume is
fixed and bounded between 0 and 1 without loss of generality). A policy 1r assigns
an action to each state. The value of state i under policy 1r, VM(i), is the expected
discounted sum of rewards received upon starting in state i and executing 1r forever :
VM(i) = E7r[rl + ,r2 + ,2r3 + ...], where rt is the reward received at time step t
under a random walk governed by 1r from start state i, and 0 ~ , < 1 is the discount
factor . It is also convenient to define values for state-action pairs (i, a): QM(i, a) =
RM (i)
Lj PM (ij) VM(j) . The goal of learning is to approximate the optimal policy
1r* that maximizes the value at every state; the optimal value function is denoted QM.
Given QM' we can compute the optimal policy as 1r*(i) = argmaxa{QM(i,a)}.
If M is given , value iteration can be used to compute a good approximation to the
optimal value function. Setting our initial guess as Qo(i, a) = 0 for all (i, a), we
iterate as follows:
+, 2)PM(ij)Ve(j)]
where we define \Il(j) = maxv{Qe(j, b)}. It can be shown that after I! iterations,
max(i,aj{IQe(i, a) - QM(i , a)1} ~
Given any approximation Q to QM we can compute the greedy approximation 1r to the optimal policy 1r* as 1r(i) = argmaxa{Q(i, a)}.
M Kearns and S. Singh
The Parallel Sampling Model
In reinforcement learning, the transition probabilities PM(ij) are not given, and a
good policy must be learn ed on the basis of observed experience (transitions) in M .
Classical convergence results for algorithms such as Q-Iearning [1] implicitly assume
that the observed experience is generated by an arbitrary "exploration policy" 7r, and
then proceed to prove convergence to the optimal policy if 7r meets certain minimal conditions - namely, 7r must try every state-action pair infinitely often, with
probability 1. This approach conflates two distinct issues : the quality of the exploration policy 7r, and the quality ofreinforcement learning algorithms using experience
generated by 7r. In contrast, we choose to separate these issues. If the exploration
policy never or only very rarely visits some state-action pair, we would like to have
this reflected as a factor in our bounds that depends only on 7r; a separate factor
depending only on the learning algorithm will in turn reflect how efficiently a particular learning algorithm uses the experience generated by 7r . Thus, for a fixed 7r, all
learning algorithms are placed on equal footing, and can be directly compared.
There are probably various ways in which this separation can be accomplished; we
now introduce one that is particularly clean and simple. We would like a model of
the ideal exploration policy - one that produces experiences that are "well-mixed",
in the sense that every state-action pair is tried with equal frequency. Thus, let us
define a parallel sampling subroutine PS(M) that behaves as follows: a single call to
PS( M) returns, for every state-action pair (i, a), a random next state j distributed
according to PM (ij). Thus, every state-action pair is executed simultaneously, and
the resulting N x A next states are reported. A single call to PS(M) is therefore really
simulating N x A transitions in M, and we must be careful to multiply the number
of calls to PS(M) by this factor if we wish to count the total number of transitions
What is PS(M) modeling? It is modeling the idealized exploration policy that manages to visit every state-action pair in succession, without duplication, and without
fail. It should be intuitively obvious that such an exploration policy would be optimal,
from the viewpoint of gathering experience everywhere as rapidly as possible.
We shall first provide an analysis, in Section 5, of both direct and indirect reinforcement learning algorithms, in a setting in which the observed experience is generated
by calls to PS(M). Of course, in any given MDP M , there may not be any exploration
policy that meets the ideal captured by PS(M) - for instance, there may simply be
some states that are very difficult for any policy to reach, and thus the experience
generated by any policy will certainly not be equally mixed around the entire MDP.
(Indeed, a call to PS(M) will typically return a set of transitions that does not even
correspond to a trajectory in M.) Furthermore, even if PS(M) could be simulated
by some exploration policy, we would like to provide more general results that express the amount of experience required for reinforcement learning algorithms under
any exploration policy (where the amount of experience will , of course, depend on
properties of the exploration policy).
Thus, in Section 6, we sketch how one can bound the amount of experience required
under any 7r in order to simulate calls to PS(M) . (More detail will be provided in a
longer version of this paper.) The bound depends on natural properties of 7r, such as
its stationary distribution and mixing time. Combined with the results of Section 5,
we get the desired two-factor bounds discussed above: for both the direct and indirect
approaches, a bound on the total number of transitions required, consisting of one
factor that depends only on the algorithm, and another factor that depends only on
the exploration policy.
Convergence Rates for Q-Learning and Indirect Algorithms
The Learning Algorithms
We now explicitly state the two reinforcement learning algorithms we shall analyze
and compare. In keeping with the separation between algorithms and exploration
policies already discussed, we will phrase these algorithms in the parallel sampling
framework, and Section 6 indicates how they generalize to the case of arbitrary exploration policies. We begin with the direct approach.
Rather than directly studying standard Q-Iearning, we will here instead examine a
variant that is slightly easier to analyze, and is called phased Q-Iearning. However, we
emphasize that all of our resuits can be generalized to apply to standard Q-learning
(with learning rate a(i, a) = t(i~a)' where t(i, a) is the number oftrials of (i, a) so far) .
Basically, rather than updating the value function with every observed transition from
(i , a), phased Q-Iearning estimates the expected value of the next state from (i, a)
on the basis of many transitions, and only then makes an update. The memory
requirements for phased Q-learning are essentially the same as those for standard
Direct Algorithm - Phased Q-Learning: As suggested by the name , the algorithm operates in phases. In each phase, the algorithm will make mD calls to PS(M)
(where mD will be determined by the analysis), thus gathering mD trials of every
state-action pair (i, a) . At the fth phase, the algorithm updates the estimated value
function as follows: for every (i , a),
Ql+d i , a)
= RM(i) + ,_1_ ~ Oeu?)
mD k=l
where jf, ... , j~ are the m D next states observed from (i, a) on the m D calls to
PS(M) during t~e fth phase. The policy computed by the algorithm is then the
greedy policy determined by the final value function. Note that phased Q-learning
is quite like standard Q-Iearning, except that we gather statistics (the summation in
Equation (2)) before making an update.
We now proceed to describe the standard indirect approach .
Indirect Algorithm: The algorithm first makes m[ calls to PS(M) to obtain m[
next state samples for each (i, a) . It then builds an empirical model of the transition
probabilities as follows: PM(ij) = #(~aj) , where #(i -+a j) is the number of times
state j was reached on the m[ trials of (i, a). The algorithm then does value iteration
(as described in Section 2) on the fixed model PM(ij) for f[ phases. Again , the policy
computed by the algorithm is the greedy policy dictated by the final value function .
Thus , in phased Q-Iearning, the algorithm runs for some number fD phases, and each
phase requires mD calls to PS(M), for a total number of transitions fD x mD x N x A .
The direct algorithm first makes m j calls to PS(M) , and then runs f[ phases of
value iteration (which requires no additional data) , for a total number of transitions
m[ x N x A. The question we now address is: how large must mD, m[, fD' f[ be
so that, with probability at least 1 - 6, the resulting policies have expected return
within f. of the optimal policy in M? The answers we give yield perhaps surprisingly
similar bounds on the total number of transitions required for the two approaches in
the parallel sampling model.
Bounds on the Number of Transitions
We now state our main result.
M Kearns and S. Singh
Theorem 1 For any MDP M:
? For an appropriate choice of the parameters mJ and and fJ, the total number
of calls to PS(M) required by the indirect algorithm in order to ensure that,
with probability at least 1 - 6, the expected return of the resulting policy will
be within f of the optimal policy, is
O((I/f 2 )(log(N/6)
+ loglog(l/f)).
? For an appropriate choice of the parameters mD and fD, the total number of
calls to PS(M) required by phased Q-learning in order to ensure that, with
probability at least 1 - 6, the expected return of the resulting policy will be
within f of the optimal policy, is
O((log(1/f)/f 2 )(log(N/6)
+ log log(l/f)).
The bound for phased Q-learning is thus only O(log(l/f)) larger than that for the
indirect algorithm. Bounds on the total number of transitions witnessed in either
case are obtained by multiplying the given bounds by N x A .
Before sketching some of the ideas behind the proof of this result, we first discuss
some of its implications for the debate on direct versus indirect approaches. First of
all, for both approaches, convergence is rather fast: with a total number of transitions
only on the order of N log(N) (fixing f and 6 for simplicity), near-optimal policies
are obtained. This represents a considerable advance over the classical asymptotic
results: instead of saying that an infinite number of visits to every state-action pair
are required to converge to the optimal policy, we are claiming that a rather small
number of visits are required to get close to the optimal policy. Second, by our
analysis, the two approaches have similar complexities, with the number of transitions
required differing by only a log(l/f) factor in favor of the indirect algorithm. Third
- and perhaps surprisingly - note that since only O(log(N)) calls are being made
to PS(M) (again fixing f and 6), and since the number of trials per state-action pair
is exactly the number of calls to PS(M), the total number of non-zero entries in the
model PM (ij) built by the indirect approach is in fact only O(log( N)). In other
words , PM (ij) will be extremely sparse - and thus, a terrible approximation to the
true transition probabilities - yet still good enough to derive a near-optimal policy!
Clever representation of PM(ij) will thus result in total memory requirements that
are only O(N log(N)) rather than O(N2). Fourth, although we do not have space
to provide any details, if instead of a single reward function, we are provided with L
reward functions (where the L reward functions are given in aqvance of observing any
experience), then for both algorithms, the number of transitions required to compute
near-optimal policies for all L reward functions simultaneously is only a factor of
O(log(L)) greater than the bounds given above.
Our own view of the result and its implications is:
? Both algorithms enjoy rapid convergence to the optimal policy as a function
of the amount of experience.
? In general, neither approach enjoys a significant advantage in convergence
rate, memory requirements, or handling multiple reward functions. Both are
quite efficient on all counts.
We do not have space to provide a detailed proof of Theorem 1, but instead provide
some highlights of the main ideas. The proofs for both the indirect algorithm and
phased Q-Iearning are actually quite similar, and have at their heart two slightly
Convergence Rates for Q-Learning and Indirect Algorithms
different uniform convergence lemmas. For phased Q-Iearning, it is possible to show
that, for any bound fD on the number of phases to be executed, and for any T > 0,
we can choose mD so that
(l/mD)LVtU?)- LPijVtU) < T
will hold simultaneously for every (i, a) and for every phase f = 1, . . . , fD. In other
words, at the end of every phase, the empirical estimate of the expected next-state
value for every (i, a) will be close to the true expectation, where here the expectation
is with respect to the current estimated value function Vt.
For the indirect algorithm, a slightly more subtle uniform convergence argument is
required. Here we show that it is possible to choose, for~any bound fI on the number
of iterations of value iteration to be executed on the PM(ij), and for any T > 0, a
value mI such that
for every (i,a) and every phase f = 1, . . . ,fI, where the VtU) are the value functions
resulting from performing true value iteration (that is, on the PM (ij)). Equation (6)
essentially says that expectations of the true value functions are quite similar under
either the true or estimated model, even though the indirect algorithm never has
access to the true value functions .
In either case, the uniform convergence results allow us to argue that the corresponding algorithms still achieve successive contractions, as in the classical proof
of value iteration. For instance, in the case of phased Q-Iearning, if we define
max(i ,a){IQe(i, a) - Ql(i , a)l}, we can derive a recurrence relation for b..l+ 1
as follows :
,(l/m) L VtU?) -, L Pij VtU)
"E'I',~x,} {
,T + ,b..l .
P;j v,(j)
+") -
P;j V, (j)
Here we have made use of Equation (5). Since b.. o = 0 (Qo = Qo) , this recurrence
gives b..l :::; Tb/(l--,)) for any f. From this it is not hard to show that for any (i,a)
IQdi , a) - Q*(i, a)1 :::; Tb/(l -,))
+ ,l .
From this it can be shown that the regret in expected return suffered by the policy
computed by phased Q-Learning after f phases is at most (T, /(1-,) +,l )(2/(1-,)).
The proof proceeds by setting this regret smaller than the desired f, solving for f and
T, and obtaining the resulting bound on m D. The derivation of bounds for the indirect
algorithm is similar.
Handling General Exploration Policies
As promised, we conclude our technical results by briefly sketching how we can translate the bounds obtained in Section 5 under the idealized parallel sampling model into
M Kearns and S. Singh
bounds applicable when any fixed policy 1r is guiding the exploration. Such bounds
must, of course, depend on properties of 1r. Due to space limitations, we can only
outline the main ideas; the formal statements and proofs are deferred to a longer
version of the paper.
Let us assume for simplicity that 1r (which may be a stochastic policy) defines an
ergodic Markov process in the MDP M. Thus, 1r induces a unique stationary distribution PM,1[(i, a) over state-action pairs - intuitively, PM ,1[(i, a) is the frequency of
executing action a from state i during an infinite random walk in M according to
1r. Furthermore, we can introduce the standard notion of the mixing time of 1r to
its stationary distribution - informally, this is the number T1[ of steps required such
that the distribution induced on state-action pairs by T1[-step walks according to 1r
will be "very close" to PM,1[ 1. Finally, let us define P1[ = min(i,a){PM,1[(i,
Armed with these notions, it is not difficult to show that the number of steps we must
take under 1r in order to simulate, with high probability, a call to the oracle PS(M) ,
is polynomial in the quantity T1[ / P1[. The intuition is straightforward: at most every
T1[ steps, we obtain an "almost independent" draw from PM,1[(i, a); and with each
independent draw, we have at least probability p of drawing any particular (i, a)
pair. Once we have sampled every (i, a) pair, we have simulated a call to PS(M).
The formalization of these intuitions leads to a version of Theorem 1 applicable to
any 1r, in which the bound is multiplied by a factor polynomial in T1[ / P1[, as desired.
However, a better result is possible . In cases where P1[ may be small or even 0 (which
would occur when 1r simply does not ever execute some action from some state), the
factor T1[ / P1[ is large or infinite and our bounds become weak or vacuous. In such
cases, it is better to define the sub-MDP M1[(O'), which is obtained from M by simply
deleting any (i, a) for which PM,1[(i, a) < a, where a> 0 is a parameter of our choosing . In M1[ (a), P1[ > a by construction, and we may now obtain convergence rates
to the optimal policy in M1[ (a) for both Q-Iearning and the indirect approach like
those given in Theorem 1, multiplied by a factor polynomial in T1[/O'. (Technically,
we must slightly alter the algorithms to have an initial phase that detects and eliminates small-probability state-action pairs, but this is a minor detail.) By allowing
a to become smaller as the amount of experience we receive from 1r grows, we can
obtain an "anytime" result, since the sub-MDP M1[(O') approaches the full MDP M
as 0'-+0.
[1] Jaakkola, T., Jordan, M. I., Singh, S. On the convergence of stochastic iterative dynamic programming algorithms. Neural Computation, 6(6), 1185-1201, 1994.
[2] C. J. C. H. Watkins. Learning from Delayed Rewards. Ph.D. thesis, Cambridge University, 1989.
[3] R. S. Sutton and A. G. Barto. Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. MIT Press,
[4] S. Mahadevan. Enhancing Transfer in Reinforcement Learning by Building Stochastic
Models of Robot Actions. In Machine Learning: Proceedings of the Ninth International
Conference, 1992.
1 Formally, the degree of closeness is measured by the distance between the transient and
stationary distributions. For brevity here we will simply assume this parameter is set to a
very small, constant value.
| 1531 |@word trial:3 version:3 briefly:2 polynomial:3 tried:1 contraction:1 initial:2 mkearns:1 att:1 current:1 com:1 surprising:1 yet:1 must:8 remove:1 update:3 maxv:1 stationary:5 greedy:3 guess:1 footing:1 successive:1 direct:9 become:2 prove:1 fth:2 introduce:2 indeed:1 expected:7 rapid:3 p1:6 examine:1 roughly:1 discounted:1 detects:1 little:1 armed:1 provided:2 estimating:1 bounded:1 begin:1 maximizes:1 what:4 kind:1 differing:1 nj:1 guarantee:1 quantitative:1 every:18 hypothetical:1 iearning:12 exactly:1 rm:4 qm:6 control:3 enjoy:3 before:2 t1:7 sutton:1 meet:2 phased:12 unique:1 regret:2 empirical:2 convenient:1 word:2 argmaxa:2 get:2 close:3 clever:1 straightforward:1 starting:1 ergodic:1 simplicity:2 assigns:1 notion:2 construction:1 programming:2 us:1 particularly:1 updating:1 observed:9 mentioned:1 intuition:2 complexity:3 reward:10 dynamic:2 singh:5 depend:2 solving:1 technically:1 upon:1 basis:2 indirect:24 various:1 derivation:1 distinct:1 fast:1 describe:1 choosing:1 quite:4 larger:1 say:1 drawing:1 florham:1 statistic:1 favor:1 final:2 seemingly:1 advantage:2 nlog:1 date:1 rapidly:1 mixing:3 translate:1 achieve:2 convergence:19 p:21 requirement:3 produce:1 generating:1 executing:3 derive:4 depending:1 fixing:2 measured:1 ij:12 minor:1 received:3 come:1 stochastic:3 exploration:16 transient:1 material:1 require:1 really:1 summation:1 ofreinforcement:1 hold:1 around:1 proponent:2 applicable:2 mit:1 rather:7 barto:1 jaakkola:1 indicates:1 contrast:1 e7r:1 sense:1 lj:1 entire:1 typically:1 relation:1 going:1 subroutine:1 issue:3 denoted:1 equal:2 construct:1 never:2 once:1 sampling:5 represents:1 park:2 alter:1 simultaneously:3 ve:1 delayed:1 phase:14 consisting:1 vtu:3 interest:2 fd:6 multiply:1 certainly:1 deferred:1 behind:1 implication:4 accurate:3 closer:1 experience:21 walk:3 desired:4 minimal:1 witnessed:2 instance:2 modeling:2 phrase:1 entry:1 uniform:3 reported:1 answer:1 combined:1 international:1 standing:1 off:2 vm:3 michael:1 sketching:2 again:2 reflect:1 thesis:1 choose:3 return:6 explicitly:2 idealized:3 depends:4 try:1 view:1 lab:1 analyze:2 observing:1 reached:1 start:1 parallel:5 il:1 efficiently:1 succession:1 correspond:1 yield:1 generalize:1 weak:1 manages:1 basically:1 trajectory:1 multiplying:1 reach:1 ed:1 frequency:2 obvious:1 proof:6 mi:1 sampled:1 anytime:1 subtle:1 actually:2 reflected:1 execute:2 though:1 generality:1 furthermore:2 predicated:1 hand:1 sketch:1 qo:3 defines:1 quality:4 perhaps:4 aj:2 mdp:10 grows:1 building:1 name:1 true:6 during:2 recurrence:2 qe:1 generalized:1 outline:1 fj:1 fi:2 common:1 behaves:1 rl:1 discussed:2 m1:4 significant:1 cambridge:1 outlined:1 pm:18 baveja:1 access:1 robot:1 longer:2 own:1 dictated:1 certain:1 vt:1 accomplished:1 captured:1 additional:1 greater:1 converge:2 multiple:2 full:1 technical:2 long:1 equally:1 visit:4 permitting:1 variant:1 basic:1 essentially:2 expectation:3 enhancing:1 iteration:9 receive:1 addition:1 suffered:1 eliminates:1 probably:1 duplication:1 induced:1 jordan:1 call:17 near:3 ideal:2 mahadevan:1 enough:1 iterate:1 idea:3 avenue:1 proceed:3 action:20 useful:1 detailed:1 informally:1 amount:8 discount:1 ph:1 induces:1 terrible:1 estimated:5 per:1 shall:2 express:1 demonstrating:1 promised:1 neither:1 clean:1 asymptotically:1 sum:1 run:2 everywhere:1 fourth:1 throughout:1 reasonable:1 saying:1 almost:1 separation:2 draw:2 decision:1 bound:22 oracle:1 occur:1 unlimited:1 aspect:1 simulate:2 argument:4 extremely:1 min:1 performing:1 according:3 across:1 slightly:4 smaller:2 making:1 intuitively:2 gathering:2 heart:1 equation:3 turn:1 r3:1 count:2 fail:1 discus:1 end:1 studying:1 lacked:1 multiplied:2 apply:2 appropriate:2 simulating:1 assumes:1 ensure:2 build:1 classical:3 already:1 question:1 quantity:1 rt:1 md:11 distance:1 separate:3 simulated:2 argue:2 difficult:2 executed:3 ql:2 statement:1 debate:1 claiming:1 policy:55 unknown:1 allowing:1 markov:2 finite:4 payoff:1 ever:2 ninth:1 arbitrary:3 conflates:1 vacuous:1 pair:15 required:15 namely:1 address:2 suggested:1 proceeds:1 tb:2 built:1 max:2 memory:4 deleting:1 natural:1 literature:1 asymptotic:1 loss:1 highlight:1 mixed:4 limitation:1 versus:1 degree:1 offered:1 sufficient:1 verification:1 gather:1 pij:1 viewpoint:1 course:3 surprisingly:3 repeat:1 placed:1 keeping:1 enjoys:1 formal:2 allow:1 sparse:1 distributed:1 transition:25 made:4 reinforcement:7 far:2 approximate:1 emphasize:1 forever:1 implicitly:1 satinder:1 conclude:1 iterative:1 learn:5 mj:1 transfer:1 obtaining:1 main:3 n2:1 formalization:1 sub:2 guiding:1 wish:1 governed:1 watkins:1 loglog:2 third:1 theorem:4 specific:1 r2:1 closeness:1 easier:1 simply:5 infinitely:1 goal:1 careful:1 leaming:1 jf:1 considerable:1 hard:1 determined:3 except:1 operates:1 infinite:3 kearns:4 lemma:1 total:11 called:1 rarely:1 formally:1 brevity:2 handling:2 |
582 | 1,532 | Mean field methods for classification with
Gaussian processes
Manfred Opper
Neural Computing Research Group
Division of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Aston University Birmingham B4 7ET, UK.
Ole Winther
Theoretical Physics II, Lund University, S6lvegatan 14 A
S-223 62 Lund, Sweden
CONNECT, The Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen 0, Denmark
We discuss the application of TAP mean field methods known from
the Statistical Mechanics of disordered systems to Bayesian classification models with Gaussian processes. In contrast to previous approaches, no knowledge about the distribution of inputs is needed.
Simulation results for the Sonar data set are given.
Modeling with Gaussian Processes
Bayesian models which are based on Gaussian prior distributions on function spaces
are promising non-parametric statistical tools. They have been recently introduced
into the Neural Computation community (Neal 1996, Williams & Rasmussen 1996,
Mackay 1997). To give their basic definition, we assume that the likelihood of the
output or target variable T for a given input s E RN can be written in the form
p(Tlh(s)) where h : RN --+ R is a priori assumed to be a Gaussian random field.
If we assume fields with zero prior mean, the statistics of h is entirely defined by
the second order correlations C(s, S') == E[h(s)h(S')], where E denotes expectations
M Opper and 0. Winther
with respect to the prior. Interesting examples are
C(s, s')
C(s, s')
The choice (1) can be motivated as a limit of a two-layered neural network with
infinitely many hidden units with factorizable input-hidden weight priors (Williams
1997). Wi are hyperparameters determining the relevant prior lengthscales of h(s).
The simplest choice C(s, s') = 2::i WiSiS~ corresponds to a single layer percept ron
with independent Gaussian weight priors.
In this Bayesian framework, one can make predictions on a novel input s after
having received a set Dm of m training examples (TJ.1., sJ.1.), J.L = 1, ... , m by using
the posterior distribution of the field at the test point s which is given by
p(h(s)l{hV}) p({hV}IDm)
II dhJ.1..
p(h(s)1 {hV}) is a conditional Gaussian distribution and
p({hV}IDm) =
~P({hV}) II p(TJ.1.IhJ.1.).
is the posterior distribution of the field variables at the training points. Z is a
normalizing partition function and
is the prior distribution of the fields at the training points. Here, we have introduced
the abbreviations hJ.1. = h(sJ.1.) and CJ.1.V == C(sJ.1., SV).
The major technical problem of this approach comes from the difficulty in performing the high dimensional integrations. Non-Gaussian likelihoods can be only
treated by approximations, where e.g. Monte Carlo sampling (Neal 1997), Laplace
integration (Barber & Williams 1997) or bounds on the likelihood (Gibbs & Mackay
1997) have been used so far. In this paper, we introduce a further approach, which
is based on a mean field method known in the Statistical Physics of disordered
systems (Mezard, Parisi & Virasoro 1987).
We specialize on the case of a binary classification problem, where a binary class
label T = ?1 must be predicted using a training set corrupted by i.i.d label noise.
The likelihood for this problem is taken as
where I\, is the probability that the true classification label is corrupted, i. e. flipped
and the step function, 0(x) is defined as 0(x) = 1 for x > 0 and 0 otherwise. For
such a case, we expect that (by the non-smoothness of the model), e.g. Laplace's
method and the bounds introduced in (Gibbs & Mackay 1997) are not directly
Mean Field Methods for Classification with Gaussian Processes
Exact posterior averages
In order to make a prediction on an input s, ideally the label with maximum posterior probability should be chosen, i.e. TBayes = argmax r p( TIDm), where the predictive probability is given by P(TIDm) = dhp(Tlh) p(hIDm). For the binary case the
Bayes classifier becomes TBayes = sign(signh(s)), where we throughout the paper let
brackets (... ) denote posterior averages. Here, we use a somewhat simpler approach
by using the prediction
T = sign((h(s))) .
This would reduce to the ideal prediction, when the posterior distribution of h(s)
is symmetric around its mean (h(s)). The goal of our mean field approach will be
to provide a set of equations for approximately determining (h( s)) . The starting
point of our analysis is the partition function
Z =
IIp(TJ.LlhJ.L)e~ LI' ,u cI'UxI'X U-
L I' hl'xl' ,
where the new auxiliary variables x/l (integrated along the imaginary axis) have
been introduced in order to get rid of C- l in (5).
It is not hard to show from (6) that the posterior averages of the fields at the m
training inputs and at a new test point s are given by
We have thus reduced our problem to the calculation of the "microscopic orderparameters" (x/l). 1 Averages in Statistical Physics can be calculated from derivatives
of -In Z with respect to small external fields, which are then set to zero, An
equivalent formulation uses the Legendre transform of -In Z as a function of the
expectations , which in our case is given by
G( {(XJ.L) , ((XJ.L)2)}) = -In Z(, /l, A)
+ L(xJ.L)'yJ.L + ~ L
Z( bJ.L, A/l})
dX;:ihJ.L IIp(TJ.LlhJ.L)e~
AJ.L((XJ.L)2) .
LI',JAI'Ol'u+Cl' u)x l'x u + LI' xl'(-yl' - hl').
The additional averages ((XJ.L)2) have been introduced , because the dynamical variables xJ.L (unlike Ising spins) do not have fixed length. The external fields ,J.L , AJ.L
must be eliminated from t~ =
= 0 and the true expectation values of xJ.L and
8G ) -- 0 ,
(x J.L)2 are th ose wh'ICh sat'IS fy 8 ? 8G
xl' )2) -- 8(xl'
Naive mean field theory
So far, this description does not give anything new. Usually G cannot be calculated
exactly for the non-Gaussian likelihood models of interest. Nevertheless, based on
mean field theory (MFT) it is possible to guess an approximate form for G.
1 Although the integrations are over the imaginary axis, these expectations come out
positive. This is due to the fact that the integration "measure" is complex as well.
M Opper and 0. Winther
Mean field methods have found interesting applications in Neural Computing within
the framework of ensemble learning, where the the exact posterior distribution is
approximated by a simpler one using product distributions in a variational treatment. Such a "standard" mean field method for the posterior of the hf.L (for the
case of Gaussian process classification) is in preparation and will be discussed somewhere else. In this paper, we suggest a different route, which introduces nontrivial
corrections to a simple or "naive" MFT for the variables xl-'. Besides the variational
method (which would be purely formal because the distribution of the xf.L is complex
and does not define a probability), there are other ways to define the simple MFT.
E.g., by truncating a perturbation expansion with respect to the "interactions" Cf.LV
in G after the first order (Plefka 1982). These approaches yield the result
~ Gnaive
Go -
~ :LCI-'f.L((XI-')2) - ~
1-' , v, wl-f.L
Go is the contribution to G for a model without any interactions i.e. when CI-'v = 0
in (9), i.e. it is the Legendre transform of
- In Zo
= l: In [~+ (1 - 2~) <I>
(TI-' ; ; ) ] ,
where <I>(z) = J~oo .:}f;e- t2 / 2 is an error function. For simple models in Statistical
Physics, where all interactions CI-'V are positive and equal, it is easy to show that
Gnaive will become exact in the limit of an infinite number of variables xl-'. Hence,
for systems with a large number of nonzero interactions having the same orders of
magnitude, one may expect that the approximation is not too bad.
The TAP approach
Nevertheless, when the interactions Cf.LV can be both positive and negative (as one
would expect e.g. when inputs have zero mean), even in the thermodynamic limit
and for nice distributions of inputs, an additional contribution tlG must be added
to the "naive" mean field theory (10). Such a correction (often called an Onsager
reaction term) has been introduced for a spin glass model by (Thouless, Anderson
& Palmer 1977) (TAP). It was later applied to the statistical mechanics of single
layer perceptrons by (Mezard 1989) and then generalized to the Bayesian framework
by (Opper & Winther 1996, 1997). For an application to multilayer networks, see
(Wong 1995). In the thermodynamic limit of infinitely large dimension of the input
space, and for nice input distributions, the results can be shown coincide with the
results of the replica framework. The drawback of the previous derivations of the
TAP MFT for neural networks was the fact that special assumptions on the input
distribution had been made and certain fluctuating terms have been replaced by
their averages over the distribution of random data, which in practice would not be
available. In this paper, we will use the approach of (Parisi & Potters 1995), which
allows to circumvent this problem. They concluded (applied to the case of a spin
model with random interactions of a specific type), that the functional form of tlG
should not depend on the type of the "single particle" contribution Go. Hence, one
may use any model in Go, for which G can be calculated exactly (e.g. the Gaussian
regression model) and subtract the naive mean field contribution to obtain the
Mean Field Methods for Classification with Gaussian Processes
desired I:1G. For the sake of simplicity, we have chosen the even simpler model
p( TI-'l hi-') '"" 6 (hi-') without changing the final result. A lengthy but straightforward
calculation for this problem leads to the result
with RI-' == ((xl-')2) - (Xi-')2. The Ai-' must be eliminated using
to the equation
t j( = 0,
which leads
Note, that with this choice, the TAP mean field theory becomes exact for Gaussian
likelihoods , i. e. for standard regression problems.
Finally, setting the derivatives of GT AP = Gnaive + I:1G with respect to the 4
variables (xl-'), ((xl-')2) ,rl-" AI-' equal to zero, we obtain the equat ions
where D( z ) = e- z 2 /2 /..,j2; is the Gaussian measure. These eqs . have to be solved
numerically together with (12). In contrast, for the naive MFT , the simpler result
AI-' = C 1-'1-' is found.
Solving the nonlinear system of equations (12,13) by iteration turns out to be quite
straightforward. For some data sets to get convergence, one has to add a diagonal
term v to the covariance matrix C: Cij -+ Cij +6ijV. It may be shown that this term
corresponds to learning with Gaussian noise (with variance v ) added the Gaussian
random field.
Here, we present simulation results for a single data set, the Sonar - Mines versus
Rocks using the same training/test set split as in the original study by (Gorman &
Sejnowski 1988). The input data were pre-processed by linear rescaling such that
over the training set each input variable has zero mean and unit variance. In some
cases the mean field equations failed to converge using the raw data.
A further important feature of TAP MFT is the fact that the method also gives
an approximate leave-one-out estimator for the generalization error , C]oo expressed
in terms of the solution to the mean field equations (see (Opper & Winther 1996,
1997) for more details) . It is also possible to derive a leave-one-out estimator for
the naive MFT (Opper & Winther to be published).
Since we so far haven't dealt with the problem of automatically estimating the
hyperparameters, their number was drastically reduced by setting Wi = (TiN in the
covariances (1) and (2). The remaining hyperparameters, a 2 , K, and v were chosen
M. Opper and 0. Winther
Table 1: The result for the Sonar data.
Covariance Function
TAP Mean Field
Naive Mean Field (1)
Simple Percept ron
Best 21ayer - 12 Hidden 0.096(?0.018)
as to minimize ?Ioo . It turned out that the lowest
without noise: K, = v = O.
was found from modeling
The simulation results are shown in table 1. The comparisons for back-propagation
is taken from (Gorman & Sejnowski 1988). The solution found by the algorithm
turned out to be unique, i.e. different order presentation of the examples and different initial values for the (XIL) converged to the same solution.
In table 1, we have also compared the estimate given by the algorithm with the
exact leave-one-out estimate ?i~~ct obtained by going through the training set and
keeping an example out for testing and running the mean field algorithm on the
rest. The estimate and exact value are in complete agreement. Comparing with
the test error we see that the training set is 'hard' and the test set is 'easy'. The
small difference for test error between the naive and full mean field algorithms also
indicate that the mean field scheme is quite robust with respect to choice of AIL '
More work has to be done to make the TAP approach a practical tool for Bayesian
modeling. One has to find better methods for solving the equations. A conversion
into a direct minimization problem for a free energy maybe helpful. To achieve this,
one may probably work with the real field variables hJ.l. instead of the imaginary XIL .
A further problem is the determination of the hyperparameters of the covariance
functions. Two ways seem to be interesting here. One may use the approximate
free energy G, which is essentially the negative logarithm of the Bayesian evidence
to estimate the most probable values of the hyperparameters. However, an estimate
on the errors made in the TAP approach would be necessary. Second, one may use
the built-in leave-one-out estimate to estimate the generalization error. Again an
estimate on the validity of the approximation is necessary. It will further be interesting to apply our way of deriving the TAP equations to other models (Boltzmann
machines, belief nets, combinatorial optimization problems), for which standard
mean field theories have been applied successfully.
This research is supported by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research and
by the Danish Research Councils for the Natural and Technical Sciences through
the Danish Computational Neural Network Center (CONNECT).
Mean Field Methods for Classification with Gaussian Processes
D. Barber and C. K. I. Williams, Gaussian Processes for Bayesian Classification via
Hybrid Monte Carlo, in Neural Information Processing Systems 9, M . C. Mozer,
M. I. Jordan and T. Petsche, eds., 340-346. MIT Press (1997).
M. N. Gibbs and D. J. C . Mackay, Variational Gaussian Process Classifiers, Preprint
Cambridge University (1997).
R. P. Gorman and T. J. Sejnowski, Analysis of Hidden Units in a Layered Network
Trained to Classify Sonar Targets, Neural Networks 1, 75 (1988) .
D. J. C. Mackay, Gaussian Processes, A Replacement for Neural Networks , NIPS tutorial 1997, May be obtained from http://wol.ra.phy.cam.ac . uk/pub/mackay/.
M. Mezard, The Space of interactions in Neural Networks: Gardner's Computation
with the Cavity Method, J. Phys. A 22, 2181 (1989).
M. Mezard and G. Parisi and M. A. Virasoro, Spin Glass Theory and Beyond,
Lecture Notes in Physics, 9, World Scientific (1987).
R. Neal, Bayesian Learning for Neural Networks, Lecture Notes in Statistics,
Springer (1996).
R. M. Neal, Monte Carlo Implementation of Gaussian Process Models for Bayesian
Regression and Classification, Technical Report CRG-TR-97-2, Dept. of Computer
Science, University of Toronto (1997).
M. Opper and O. Winther, A Mean Field Approach to Bayes Learning in FeedForward Neural Networks, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 1964 (1996).
M. Opper and O. Winther, A Mean Field Algorithm for Bayes Learning in Large
Feed-Forward Neural Networks, in Neural Information Processing Systems 9, M. C.
Mozer, M. I. Jordan and T. Petsche, eds., 225-231. MIT Press (1997).
G. Parisi and M. Potters, Mean-Field Equations for Spin Models with Orthogonal
Interaction Matrices, J . Phys. A: Math. Gen . 28 5267 (1995).
T. Plefka, Convergence Condition of the TAP Equation for the Infinite-Range Ising
Spin Glass, J. Phys. A 15, 1971 (1982).
D. J. Thouless, P. W. Anderson and R. G. Palmer , Solution of a 'Solvable Model
of a Spin Glass ', Phil. Mag. 35, 593 (1977).
C. K. I. Williams, Computing with Infinite Networks, in Neural Information Processing Systems 9, M. C. Mozer, M. I. Jordan and T. Petsche, eds., 295-301. MIT
Press (1997).
C. K. I. Williams and C. E. Rasmussen, Gaussian Processes for Regression, in
Neural Information Processing Systems 8, D. S. Touretzky, M. C. Mozer and M. E.
Hasselmo eds., 514-520, MIT Press (1996).
K. Y. M. Wong, Microscopic Equations and Stability Conditions in Optimal Neural
Networks, Europhys. Lett. 30, 245 (1995).
| 1532 |@word simulation:4 covariance:4 tr:1 initial:1 phy:1 pub:1 mag:1 imaginary:3 reaction:1 comparing:1 dx:2 written:1 must:4 partition:2 guess:1 manfred:1 math:1 toronto:1 ron:2 simpler:4 along:1 direct:1 become:1 specialize:1 introduce:1 ra:1 mechanic:2 ol:1 automatically:1 becomes:2 estimating:1 lowest:1 ail:1 onsager:1 ti:2 exactly:2 classifier:2 uk:3 unit:3 positive:3 engineering:1 xv:1 limit:4 approximately:1 ap:1 palmer:2 range:1 unique:1 practical:1 acknowledgment:1 yj:1 testing:1 practice:1 pre:1 suggest:1 get:2 cannot:1 layered:2 wong:2 equivalent:1 center:1 phil:1 williams:6 go:4 starting:1 truncating:1 straightforward:2 simplicity:1 estimator:2 deriving:1 stability:1 laplace:2 target:2 exact:7 us:1 agreement:1 approximated:1 ising:2 preprint:1 solved:1 hv:5 equat:1 mozer:4 ideally:1 mine:1 cam:1 trained:1 depend:1 solving:2 predictive:1 purely:1 division:1 derivation:1 zo:1 monte:3 ole:1 sejnowski:3 lengthscales:1 europhys:1 quite:2 otherwise:1 statistic:2 transform:2 final:1 parisi:4 net:1 rock:1 interaction:8 product:1 j2:1 relevant:1 turned:2 gen:1 achieve:1 opperm:1 description:1 convergence:2 xil:2 leave:4 oo:2 derive:1 ac:2 received:1 eq:1 auxiliary:1 predicted:1 come:2 indicate:1 drawback:1 disordered:2 wol:1 ijv:1 generalization:2 probable:1 crg:1 correction:2 around:1 bj:1 major:1 niels:1 birmingham:1 applicable:1 label:4 combinatorial:1 council:1 hasselmo:1 wl:1 successfully:1 tool:2 minimization:1 mit:4 gaussian:23 hj:2 likelihood:6 contrast:2 glass:4 helpful:1 integrated:1 hidden:4 going:1 classification:10 priori:1 integration:4 mackay:6 special:1 field:35 equal:2 having:2 sampling:1 eliminated:2 flipped:1 t2:1 report:1 haven:1 thouless:2 replaced:1 argmax:1 replacement:1 interest:1 introduces:1 bracket:1 tj:4 ihj:3 bohr:1 necessary:2 sweden:1 orthogonal:1 logarithm:1 desired:1 theoretical:1 virasoro:2 classify:1 modeling:3 strategic:1 plefka:2 too:1 connect:2 corrupted:2 sv:1 winther:10 physic:5 yl:1 together:1 again:1 iip:2 external:2 derivative:2 rescaling:1 li:3 jii:2 later:1 bayes:3 hf:1 contribution:4 minimize:1 spin:7 variance:2 percept:2 ensemble:1 yield:1 dealt:1 bayesian:9 raw:1 lu:1 carlo:3 lci:1 published:1 converged:1 dhj:1 phys:4 touretzky:1 ed:4 lengthy:1 definition:1 danish:2 energy:2 dm:1 treatment:1 wh:1 knowledge:1 cj:1 back:2 feed:1 ayer:1 swedish:1 formulation:1 done:1 anderson:2 correlation:1 nonlinear:1 propagation:1 aj:2 scientific:1 validity:1 true:2 hence:2 symmetric:1 nonzero:1 neal:4 anything:1 generalized:1 complete:1 variational:3 novel:1 recently:1 functional:1 rl:1 b4:1 discussed:1 numerically:1 mft:7 cambridge:1 gibbs:3 ai:3 smoothness:1 particle:1 had:1 joo:1 tlg:2 gt:1 add:1 posterior:9 route:1 certain:1 binary:3 additional:2 somewhat:1 converge:1 ii:3 thermodynamic:2 full:1 technical:3 xf:1 determination:1 calculation:2 prediction:4 basic:1 regression:4 multilayer:1 essentially:1 expectation:4 iteration:1 ion:1 else:1 concluded:1 rest:1 unlike:1 probably:1 seem:1 jordan:3 ideal:1 feedforward:1 split:1 easy:2 xj:7 reduce:1 motivated:1 se:1 maybe:1 processed:1 simplest:1 reduced:2 http:1 tutorial:1 sign:2 group:1 nevertheless:2 changing:1 replica:1 tlh:2 ich:1 throughout:1 electronic:1 entirely:1 layer:2 bound:2 hi:2 ct:1 nontrivial:1 ri:1 sake:1 performing:1 legendre:2 wi:2 rev:1 hl:2 taken:2 equation:10 discus:1 turn:1 needed:1 available:1 apply:1 fluctuating:1 petsche:3 original:1 denotes:1 remaining:1 cf:2 running:1 somewhere:1 uxi:1 added:2 parametric:1 diagonal:1 microscopic:2 blegdamsvej:1 barber:2 fy:1 idm:3 denmark:1 potter:2 length:1 besides:1 dhp:1 cij:2 negative:2 implementation:1 boltzmann:1 conversion:1 rn:2 perturbation:1 community:1 introduced:6 copenhagen:2 tap:11 nip:1 beyond:1 dynamical:1 usually:1 lund:2 built:1 belief:1 difficulty:1 treated:1 circumvent:1 natural:1 hybrid:1 solvable:1 scheme:1 aston:2 gardner:1 axis:2 naive:8 jai:1 prior:7 nice:2 determining:2 expect:3 lecture:2 interesting:4 versus:1 lv:2 foundation:1 supported:1 rasmussen:2 keeping:1 free:2 drastically:1 formal:1 institute:1 opper:9 calculated:3 dimension:1 world:1 lett:2 forward:1 made:2 coincide:1 far:3 sj:3 approximate:3 cavity:1 rid:1 sat:1 assumed:1 xi:2 thep:1 sonar:4 table:3 promising:1 robust:1 ioo:2 expansion:1 cl:1 complex:2 factorizable:1 noise:3 hyperparameters:5 ose:1 mezard:4 xl:10 tin:1 bad:1 specific:1 normalizing:1 evidence:1 ci:4 magnitude:1 gorman:3 subtract:1 infinitely:2 failed:1 expressed:1 springer:1 corresponds:2 prop:1 conditional:1 abbreviation:1 goal:1 presentation:1 hard:2 infinite:3 called:1 perceptrons:1 preparation:1 dept:1 |
583 | 1,533 | Modeling Surround Suppression in VI Neurons
with a Statistically-Derived Normalization Model
Eero P. Simoncelli
Center for Neural Science, and
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
New York University
[email protected]
Odelia Schwartz
Center for Neural Science
New York University
[email protected]
We examine the statistics of natural monochromatic images decomposed
using a multi-scale wavelet basis. Although the coefficients of this representation are nearly decorrelated, they exhibit important higher-order
statistical dependencies that cannot be eliminated with purely linear proc~ssing. In particular, rectified coefficients corresponding to basis functions at neighboring spatial positions, orientations and scales are highly
correlated. A method of removing these dependencies is to divide each
coefficient by a weighted combination of its rectified neighbors. Several successful models of the steady -state behavior of neurons in primary
visual cortex are based on such "divisive normalization" computations,
and thus our analysis provides a theoretical justification for these models.
Perhaps more importantly, the statistical measurements explicitly specify
the weights that should be used in computing the normalization signal.
We demonstrate that this weighting is qualitatively consistent with recent physiological experiments that characterize the suppressive effect
of stimuli presented outside of the classical receptive field. Our observations thus provide evidence for the hypothesis that early visual neural
processing is well matched to these statistical properties of images.
An appealing hypothesis for neural processing states that sensory systems develop in response to the statistical properties of the signals to which they are exposed [e.g., 1, 2].
This has led many researchers to look for a means of deriving a model of cortical processing purely from a statistical characterization of sensory signals. In particular, many such
attempts are based on the notion that neural responses should be statistically independent.
The pixels of digitized natural images are highly redundant, but one can always find a
linear decomposition (i.e., principal component analysis) that eliminates second-order corResearch supported by an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship to EPS, and by the Sloan Center for Theoretical
Neurobiology at NYU.
E. P Simoncelli and 0. Schwartz
relation. A number of researchers have used such concepts to derive linear receptive fields
similar to those determined from physiological measurements [e.g., 16,20]. The principal
components decomposition is, however, not unique. Because of this, these early attempts
required additional constraints, such as spatial locality and/or symmetry, in order to achieve
functions approximating cortical receptive fields.
More recently, a number of authors have shown that one may use higher-order statistical measurements to uniquely constrain the choice of linear decomposition [e.g., 7, 9].
This is commonly known as independent components analysis. Vision researchers have
demonstrated that the resulting basis functions are similar to cortical receptive fields, in
that they are localized in spatial position, orientation and scale [e.g., 17, 3]. The associated coefficients of such decompositions are (second-order) decorrelated, highly kurtotic,
and generally more independent than principal components.
But the response properties of neurons in primary visual cortex are not adequately described
by linear processes. Even if one chooses to describe only the mean firing rate of such
neurons, one must at a minimum include a rectifying, saturating nonlinearity. A number of
authors have shown that a gain control mechanism, known as divisive normalization, can
explain a wide variety of the nonlinear behaviors of these neurons [18, 4, II, 12,6]. In most
instantiations of normalization, the response of each linear basis function is rectified (and
typically squared) and then divided by a uniformly weighted sum of the rectified responses
of all other neurons. PhYSiologically, this is hypothesized to occur via feedback shunting
inhibitory mechanisms [e.g., 13, 5]. Ruderman and Bialek [19] have discussed divisive
normalization as a means of increasing entropy.
In this paper, we examine the joint statistics of coefficients of an orthonormal wavelet image decomposition that approximates the independent components of natural images. We
show that the coefficients are second-order decorrelated, but not independent. In particular, pairs of rectified responses are highly correlated. These pairwise dependencies may
be eliminated by dividing each coefficient by a weighted combination of the rectified responses of other neurons, with the weighting determined from image statistics. We show
that the resulting model, with all parameters determined from the statistics of a set of images, can account for recent physiological observations regarding suppression of cortical
responses by stimuli presented outside the classical receptive field. These concepts have
been previously presented in [21, 25].
1 Joint Statistics of Orthonormal Wavelet Coefficients
Multi-scale linear transforms such as wavelets have become popular for image representation. 'TYpically, the basis functions of these representations are localized in spatial position,
orientation, and spatial frequency (scale). The coefficients resulting from projection of
natural images onto these functions are essentially uncorrelated. In addition, a number
of authors have noted that wavelet coefficients have significantly non-Gaussian marginal
statistics [e.g., 10,14]. Because of these properties, we believe that wavelet bases provide
a close approximation to the independent components decomposition for natural images.
For the purposes of this paper, we utilize a typical separable decomposition, based on
symmetric quadrature mirror filters taken from [23]. The decomposition is constructed by
splitting an image into four subbands (lowpass, vertical, horizontal, diagonal), and then
recursively splitting the lowpass subband.
Despite the decorrelation properties of the wavelet decomposition, it is quite evident that
wavelet coefficients are not statistically independent [26, 22]. Large-magnitude coefficients
(either positive or negative) tend to lie along ridges with orientation matching that of the
subband. Large-magnitude coefficients also tend to occur at the same relative spatiallocations in subbands at adjacent scales, and orientations. To make these statistical relationships
| 1533 |@word dividing:1 effect:1 hypothesized:1 concept:2 approximating:1 classical:2 adequately:1 symmetric:1 filter:1 receptive:5 primary:2 decomposition:9 adjacent:1 diagonal:1 bialek:1 exhibit:1 uniquely:1 noted:1 steady:1 recursively:1 evident:1 ridge:1 demonstrate:1 image:11 relationship:1 recently:1 must:1 early:2 negative:1 purpose:1 discussed:1 proc:1 approximates:1 eps:1 measurement:3 vertical:1 neuron:7 surround:1 observation:2 weighted:3 provides:1 characterization:1 nonlinearity:1 always:1 gaussian:1 neurobiology:1 digitized:1 cortex:2 mathematical:1 along:1 constructed:1 base:1 become:1 derived:1 recent:2 pair:1 required:1 pairwise:1 suppression:2 behavior:2 examine:2 multi:2 minimum:1 additional:1 decomposed:1 typically:2 relation:1 increasing:1 redundant:1 signal:3 ii:1 matched:1 pixel:1 simoncelli:3 orientation:5 decorrelation:1 natural:5 spatial:5 marginal:1 field:5 divided:1 shunting:1 eliminated:2 look:1 nearly:1 vision:1 essentially:1 stimulus:2 schwartz:2 control:1 normalization:6 addition:1 positive:1 fellowship:1 relative:1 despite:1 cns:1 suppressive:1 eliminates:1 attempt:2 localized:2 firing:1 tend:2 highly:4 monochromatic:1 consistent:1 uncorrelated:1 statistically:3 variety:1 unique:1 supported:1 regarding:1 institute:1 neighbor:1 wide:1 divide:1 significantly:1 theoretical:2 projection:1 matching:1 feedback:1 cortical:4 modeling:1 sensory:2 author:3 kurtotic:1 qualitatively:1 cannot:1 onto:1 close:1 york:2 commonly:1 generally:1 demonstrated:1 center:3 successful:1 transforms:1 instantiation:1 characterize:1 dependency:3 eero:2 splitting:2 chooses:1 inhibitory:1 physiologically:1 importantly:1 deriving:1 orthonormal:2 alfred:1 notion:1 correlated:2 justification:1 symmetry:1 four:1 squared:1 hypothesis:2 utilize:1 account:1 sum:1 quadrature:1 coefficient:13 explicitly:1 sloan:2 vi:1 ssing:1 position:3 lie:1 weighting:2 wavelet:8 removing:1 rectifying:1 occur:2 exposed:1 constraint:1 purely:2 constrain:1 nyu:3 physiological:3 basis:5 evidence:1 joint:2 lowpass:2 mirror:1 separable:1 magnitude:2 rectified:6 researcher:3 describe:1 explain:1 combination:2 locality:1 entropy:1 outside:2 decorrelated:3 led:1 quite:1 visual:3 appealing:1 frequency:1 saturating:1 statistic:6 associated:1 gain:1 taken:1 popular:1 previously:1 mechanism:2 neighboring:1 higher:2 courant:1 determined:3 typical:1 uniformly:1 specify:1 achieve:1 response:8 subbands:2 principal:3 divisive:3 horizontal:1 ruderman:1 nonlinear:1 include:1 odelia:2 derive:1 develop:1 perhaps:1 believe:1 subband:2 |
584 | 1,534 | Analog VLSI Cellular Implementation of the
Boundary Contour System
Gert Cauwenberghs and James Waskiewicz
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Johns Hopkins University
3400 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218-2686
E-mail: {gert, davros }@bach. ece. jhu. edu
We present an analog VLSI cellular architecture implementing a simpli.fied version of the Boundary Contour System (BCS) for real-time image
processing. Inspired by neuromorphic models across several layers of
visual cortex, the design integrates in each pixel the functions of simple cells, complex cells, hyper-complex cells, and bipole cells, in three
orientations interconnected on a hexagonal grid. Analog current-mode
CMOS circuits are used throughout to perform edge detection, local inhibition, directionally selective long-range diffusive kernels, and renormalizing global gain control. Experimental results from a fabricated 12 x 10
pixel prototype in 1.2 J-tm CMOS technology demonstrate the robustness
of the architecture in selecting image contours in a cluttered and noisy
1 Introduction
The Boundary Contour System (BCS) and Feature Contour System (FCS) combine models
for processes of image segmentation, feature filling, and surface reconstruction in biological vision systems [1 ],[2]. They provide a powerful technique to recognize patterns and
restore image quality under excessive fixed pattern noise, such as in SAR images [3]. A
related model with similar functional and structural properties is presented in [4].
The motivation for implementing a relatively complex model such as BCS and FCS on
the focal-plane is dual. First, as argued in [5], complex neuromorphic active pixel designs
become viable engineering solutions as the feature size of the VLSI technology shrinks
significantly below the optical diffraction limit, and more transistors can be stuffed in each
pixel. The pixel design that we present contains 88 transistors, likely the most complex
G. Cauwenberghs and J. Waskiewicz
Bipole Cells
(long-range orientational cooperaHon)
...... Diffusive Network
...... Local itlhibiticnt
Input Image
(locally normalized and contrast
enhanced; diffused)
Focal-Plane Receptors;
...... Ri1ndom-Access Inputs
Figure 1: Diagram of BCSIFCS model for image segmentation, feature filling, and surface
reconstruction. Three layers represent simple, complex and bipole cells.
active pixel imager ever put on silicon. Second, our motivation is to extend the functionality
of previous work on analog VLSI neuromorphic image processors for image boundary
segmentation, e.g. [6, 7, 5, 8,9] which are based on simplified physical models that do not
include directional selectivity and/or long-range signal aggregation for boundary fonnation
in the presence of significant noise and clutter. The analog VLSI implementation of BCS
reported here is a first step towards this goal, with the additional objectives of real-time,
low-power operation as required for demanding target recognition applications. As an
alternative to focal-plane optical input, the image can be loaded electronically through
random-access pixel addressing.
The BCS model encompasses visual processing at different levels, including several layers of cells interacting through shunting inhibition, long-range cooperative excitation, and
renonnalization. The implementation architecture, shown schematically in Figure 1, partitions the BCS model into three levels: simple cells, complex and hypercomplex cells, and
bipole cells.
Simple cells compute unidirectional gradients of nonnalized intensity obtained from the
photoreceptors. Complex (hyper-complex) cells perfonn spatial and directional competition (inhibition) for edge fonnation. Bipole cells perfonn long-range cooperation for
boundary contour enhancement, and exert positive feedback (excitation) onto the hypercomplex cells. Our present implementation does not include the FCS model, which completes and fills features through diffusive spatial filtering of the image blocked by the edges
fonned in BCS.
Modified BeS Algorithm and Implementation
We adopted the BCS algorithm for analog continuous-time implementation on a hexagonal
grid, extending in three directions u, v and w on the focal plane as indicated schematically
in Figure 2. For notational convenience, let subscript 0 denote the center pixel and ?u, ?v
and ?w its six neighbors. Components of each complex cell "vector" C i at grid location i,
along three directions of edge selectivity, are indicated with superscript indices u, v and w.
In the implemented circuit model, a pixel unit consists of a photosensor (or random-access
analog memory) sourcing a current indicating light intensity, gradient computation and
rectification circuits implementing simple cells in three directions, and one complex (hyper-
Analog VLSI Cellular Implementation of the Boundary Contour System
Figure 2: Hexagonal arrangement of Bes pixels, at the level of simple and complex cells,
extending in three directions u, v and w in the focal plane.
complex) cell and one bipole cell for each of the three directions.
The photosensors generate a current Ii that is proportional to intensity. Through current
mirrors, the currents Ii propagate in the three directions u, v, and w as noted in Figure
2. Rectified finite-difference gradient estimates of Ii are obtained for each of the three
hexagonal directions. These gradients excite the complex cells
Lateral inhibition among spatially (i) and directionally (j) adjacent complex cells implement the function of hypercomplex cells for edge enhancement and noise reduction. The
complex output (Cl) is inhibited by local complex cell outputs in the two competing directions of j. Co is additionally inhibited by the complex cells of the four nearest neighbors
in competing locations i with parallel orientation.
A directionally selective interconnected diffusive network of bipole cells
provides long range cooperative feedback, and enhances smooth
with the complex cells
edge contours while reducing spurious edges due to image clutter.
is excited by bipole
on the line crossing i in the same direction j.
interaction received from the bipole cell
The operation of the (hyper-)complex cells in the hexagonal arrangement is summarized in
the following equation, for one of the three directions u:
1. 1~(Iv + Iw) - 101 represents the rectified gradient input as approximated on the
hexagonal grid;
+ Co) is the inhibition from locally opposing directions;
o:'(C;: + c::; + c~v + C~w) is inhibition from non-aligned neighbors in the same
2. 0:(C8
direction; and
f3B8 is the excitation through long-range cooperation from the bipole cell.
G. Cauwenberghs and J Waskiewicz
Figure 3: Network of bipole cells, implemented on a hexagonal resistive grid using orientationally tuned diffusors extending in three directions. glat! gvert determines the spatial
extent of the dipole, whereas glat! gcross sets the directional selectivity.
The bipole cell resistive grid (Figure 3) implements a three-fold cross-coupled, directionally polarized, long-range diffusive kernel, formulated as follows:
where K::, K::, and K~ represent spatial convolutional kernels implementing bipole fields
symmetrically polarized in the u, v and w directions. Diffusive kernels can be efficiently
implemented with a distributed representation using resistive diffusive elements [7, 10].
Three linear networks of diffusor elements are used, complemented with cross-links of
adjustable strength, to control the degree of direction selectivity and the spatial spread
of the kernel. Finally, the result (2) is locally normalized, before it is fed back onto the
complex cells.
3 Analog VLSI Implementation
The simplified circuit diagram of the BCS cell, including simple, complex and bipole cell
functions on a hexagonal grid, is shown in Figure 4.
The image is acquired either optically from phototransistors on the focal-plane, or in direct
electronic format through random-access pixel addressing, Figure 4 (a). The simple cell
portion in Figure 4 (b) combines the local intensity 10 with intensities Iv and Iw received
from neighboring cells to compute the rectified gradient in (l), using distributed current
mirrors and an absolute value circuit. A pMOS load converts the complex cell output into
a voltage representation C8 for distribution to neighboring nodes and complementary orientations: local inhibition for spatial and directional competition in Figure 4 (c), and longrange cooperation through the bipole layer in Figure 4 (d). The linear diffusive kernel is
implemented in current-mode using ladder structures of subthreshold MOS transistors [7],
three families extending in each direction with cross-links for directional dispersion as indicated in Figure 3.
Voltage biases control the spatial extent and directional selectivity of the interactions, as
Analog VLSI Cellular Implementation of the Boundary Contour System
Figure 4: Simplified circuit schematic of one BCS cell in the hexagonal array, showing
only one of three directions, the other directions being symmetrical in implementation. (a)
Photosensor and random-access input selection circuit. (b) Simple cell rectified gradient
calculation. (c) Complex cell spatial and orientational inhibition. (d) Bipole cell directionallong range cooperation. (e) Bipole global gain and threshold control.
well as the relative strength of inhibition and excitation, and the level of renormalization,
for the complex and bipole cells. The values for gvert. glat and gcross controlling the
bipole kernel are set externally by applying gate bias voltages Vvert. Vlat and Vcross, respectively. Likewise, the constants a, a' and /3 in (1) are set independently by the applied
source voltages Va, Va' and Vt1. Global normalization and thresholding of the bipo1e response for improved stability of edge formation is achieved through an additional diffusive
network that acts as a localized Gilbert-type current normalizer (only partially shown in
Figure 4 (e?.
4 Experimental Results
A prototype 12 x 10 pixel array has been fabricated and tested. The pixel unit, illustrated in
Figure 5 (a), has been designed for testability, and has not been optimized for density. The
pixel contains 88 transistors including a phototransistor, a large sample-and-hold capacitor,
and three networks of interconnections in each of the three directions, requiring a fanin/fan-out of 18 node voltages across the interface of each pixel unit. A micrograph of the
Tiny 2.2 x 2.2 sq. mm chip, fabricated through MOSIS in 1.2 J.Lm CMOS technology, is
shown in Figure 5 (b).
We have tested the BCS chip both under focal-plane optical inputs, and random-access
direct electronic inputs. Input currents from optical input under ambient room lighting
conditions are around 30 nA. The experimental results reported here are obtained by feeding test inputs electronically. The response of the BCS chip to two test images of interest
are shown in Figures 6 and 7.
G. Cauwenberghs and J Waskiewicz
Figure 5: BCS processor. (a) Pixel layout. (b) Chip micrograph.
. ,
.. - ..
'I \ I II-~ -->';-
:";- ':""'l){
' -\-~
X \ \
-\-*~ *-\-*+ , .:.,..-';-
.' \
\ - \ \ \ X\ \ / \
--:- ,***\ / \ \-"
\ '.
*- ~
, '.
-~---~ -\-+ ':"""T
... \ ){ + +~~ --.:.,.. ,
- \ 1 \ -:- -:-- ' \ + :..;* :..; .:,, \- ..,.+ , ...\,..
..... -*-\-+-r '\:
-- ~~~ -\- -\-,""""':"--+-4;-
.... ->.;-* :..;-.;- :..; -I-
\ . -'.;... -
'* * \ '........
-'o- ~ -'o- -\- -\-- -\-....,.* \-
\ \ \ Y \
Figure 6: Experimental response of the BCS chip to a curved edge. (a) Reconstructed
input image. (b) Complex field. (c) Bipolefield. The thickness of the bars on the grid
represent the measured components in the three directions.
Figure 6 illustrates the interpolating directional response to a curved edge in the input. varying in direction between two of the principal axes (u and w in the example). Interpolation
between quantized directions is important since implementing more axes on the grid incurs
a quadratic cost in complexity. The second example image contains a bar with two gaps of
different diameter. for the purpose of testing BCS's capacity to extend contour boundaries
across clutter. The response in Figure 7 illustrates a characteristic of bipole operation. in
which short-range discontinuities are bridged but large ones are preserved.
An analog VLSI cellular architecture implementing the Boundary Contour System (BCS)
on the focal plane has been presented. A diffusive kernel with distributed resistive networks
has been used to implement long-range interactions of bipole cells without the need of
excessive global interconnects across the array of pixels. The cellular model is fairly easy to
implement. and succeeds in selecting boundary contours in images with significant clutter.
Analog VLSI Cellular Implementation of the Boundary Contour System
-T~~+-\-~ ---:--...!.r-\-~
\.\ \
~~ -\-~ ~ ___ -+---Io;-*"'\
I \ I , \ \ I \ I X
\ ; \ 1" \ . X \
----1 .. ----
\ \ \ I \
1 \
-T++ ~ + - +++*
j x x Y
x \ X/
\ \ \ ~ \ 1 '. \ X \
'\ ,; '. :,' , 1. \ \ '/ \
. . ~+~...!.::-+ .. ~
-\- * - - - -I- - -\- + -\?
"\ -.\\\\\
Figure 7: Experimental response of the BCS chip to a bar with two gaps of different size.
(a) Reconstructed input image. (b) Complex field. (c) Bipolefield.
Experimental results from a 12 x 10 pixel prototype demonstrate expected BCS operation
on simple examples. While this size is small for practical applications, the analog cellular
architecture is fully scalable towards higher resolutions. Based on the current design, a
10, OOO-pixel array in 0.5 J.tm CMOS technology would fit a 1 cm 2 die.
This research was supported by DARPA and ONR under MURI grant NOO0l4-95-1-0409.
Chip fabrication was provided through the MOSIS service.
[1] S. Grossberg, "Neural Networks for Visual Perception in Variable Illumination," Optics News,
pp. 5-10, August 1988.
[2] S. Grossberg, "A Solution of the Figure-Ground Problem for Biological Vision," Neural Networks, vol. 6, pp. 463-482, 1993.
[3] S. Grossberg, E. Mingolla, and J. Williamson, "Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing by a
Multiple Scale Neural System for Boundary and Surface Representation," Neural Networks,
vol. 9 (1), January 1996.
[4] Z.P. Li, "A Neural Model of Contour Integration in the Primary Visual Cortex," Neural Computation, vol. 10 (4), pp. 903-940, 1998.
[5] K.A. Boahen, "A Retinomorphic Vision System," IEEE Micro, vol. 16 (5), pp. 30-39, Oct.
[6] lG. Harris, C. Koch, and J. Luo, "A Two-Dimensional Analog VLSI Circuit for Detecting
Discontinuities in Early Vision," Science, vol. 248, pp. 1209-1211, June 1990.
[7] A.G. Andreou, K.A. Boahen, P.O. Pouliquen, A. Pavasovic, R.E. Jenkins, and K. Strohbehn,
"Current-Mode Subthreshold MOS Circuits for Analog VLSI Neural Systems," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 2 (2), pp 205-213, 1991.
[8] L. Dron McIlrath, "A CCD/CMOS Focal-Plane Array Edge Detection Processor Implementing
the Multiscale Veto Algorithm," IEEE 1. Solid State Circuits, vol. 31 (9), pp 1239-1248, 1996.
[9] P. Venier, A. Mortara. X. Arreguit and E.A. Vittoz, "An Integrated Cortical Layer for Orientation Enhancement," IEEE 1. Solid State Circuits, vol. 32 (2), pp 177-186, Febr. 1997.
[10] E. Fragniere, A. van Schaik and E. Vittoz, "Reactive Components for Pseudo-Resistive Networks," Electronic Letters, vol. 33 (23), pp 1913-1914, Nov. 1997.
| 1534 |@word version:1 bf:2 propagate:1 excited:1 incurs:1 solid:2 reduction:1 contains:3 selecting:2 optically:1 tuned:1 current:11 luo:1 john:1 partition:1 designed:1 plane:9 short:1 schaik:1 provides:1 quantized:1 node:2 location:2 detecting:1 along:1 direct:2 become:1 viable:1 consists:1 resistive:5 combine:2 acquired:1 expected:1 inspired:1 provided:1 circuit:11 cm:1 fabricated:3 perfonn:2 pseudo:1 act:1 control:4 imager:1 unit:3 grant:1 positive:1 before:1 engineering:2 local:5 service:1 limit:1 io:1 receptor:1 subscript:1 interpolation:1 exert:1 co:2 range:11 grossberg:3 practical:1 acknowledgment:1 testing:1 implement:4 sq:1 jhu:1 significantly:1 bipole:21 onto:2 convenience:1 selection:1 put:1 applying:1 phototransistor:1 gilbert:1 center:1 layout:1 cluttered:1 bou:1 independently:1 resolution:1 dipole:1 array:5 fill:1 stability:1 gert:2 sar:1 enhanced:1 target:1 controlling:1 crossing:1 element:2 recognition:1 approximated:1 muri:1 cooperative:2 electrical:1 news:1 boahen:2 complexity:1 testability:1 radar:1 darpa:1 chip:7 vt1:1 hyper:4 formation:1 pmos:1 interconnection:1 cov:1 noisy:1 superscript:1 directionally:4 transistor:4 reconstruction:2 interconnected:2 interaction:3 neighboring:2 aligned:1 bow:1 competition:2 enhancement:3 extending:4 renormalizing:1 cmos:5 measured:1 nearest:1 received:2 implemented:4 uu:1 vittoz:2 direction:22 functionality:1 implementing:7 argued:1 venier:1 feeding:1 biological:2 mm:2 hold:1 around:1 koch:1 ground:1 fragniere:1 mo:2 lm:1 early:1 purpose:1 integrates:1 iw:2 modified:1 varying:1 voltage:5 ax:2 june:1 notational:1 contrast:1 normalizer:1 integrated:1 spurious:1 vlsi:12 selective:2 pixel:19 dual:1 orientation:4 among:1 retinomorphic:1 spatial:8 integration:1 fairly:1 field:3 represents:1 filling:2 excessive:2 inhibited:2 micro:1 recognize:1 opposing:1 detection:2 interest:1 light:1 ambient:1 edge:11 mortara:1 iv:2 neuromorphic:3 cost:1 addressing:2 fabrication:1 reported:2 thickness:1 synthetic:1 density:1 v4:1 hopkins:1 na:1 li:1 summarized:1 north:1 cauwenberghs:4 portion:1 aggregation:1 parallel:1 unidirectional:1 ir:1 convolutional:1 loaded:1 characteristic:1 efficiently:1 likewise:1 subthreshold:2 directional:7 lighting:1 rectified:4 processor:3 pp:9 james:1 gain:2 bridged:1 segmentation:3 orientational:2 back:1 higher:1 response:6 improved:1 ooo:1 photosensors:1 shrink:1 multiscale:1 mode:3 quality:1 indicated:3 normalized:2 requiring:1 spatially:1 illustrated:1 adjacent:1 noted:1 excitation:4 die:1 demonstrate:2 vo:1 interface:1 image:18 charles:1 functional:1 physical:1 analog:15 extend:2 silicon:1 significant:2 blocked:1 grid:9 focal:9 arreguit:1 access:6 cortex:2 surface:3 inhibition:9 selectivity:5 onr:1 additional:2 simpli:1 signal:1 ii:5 multiple:1 bcs:19 fonnation:2 smooth:1 calculation:1 bach:1 long:9 cross:3 shunting:1 va:4 schematic:1 scalable:1 vision:4 pavasovic:1 kernel:8 represent:3 normalization:1 achieved:1 cell:43 diffusive:10 preserved:1 background:1 whereas:1 schematically:2 baltimore:1 diagram:2 completes:1 source:1 veto:1 photosensor:2 capacitor:1 structural:1 presence:1 symmetrically:1 easy:1 fit:1 architecture:5 competing:2 cow:1 prototype:3 tm:2 six:1 mingolla:1 clutter:4 locally:3 diameter:1 generate:1 vol:9 four:1 threshold:1 micrograph:2 stuffed:1 mosis:2 convert:1 letter:1 powerful:1 throughout:1 family:1 electronic:3 wu:1 polarized:2 diffraction:1 layer:5 fold:1 fan:1 quadratic:1 strength:2 optic:1 c8:2 hexagonal:9 optical:4 relatively:1 format:1 department:1 across:4 rectification:1 equation:1 pouliquen:1 fed:1 photo:1 adopted:1 operation:4 jenkins:1 alternative:1 robustness:1 gate:1 include:2 ccd:1 diffused:1 objective:1 arrangement:2 primary:1 md:1 enhances:1 gradient:7 link:2 lateral:1 capacity:1 street:1 mail:1 extent:2 cellular:8 index:1 lg:1 implementation:11 design:4 adjustable:1 perform:1 dispersion:1 finite:1 curved:2 january:1 ever:1 nonnalized:1 diffusor:2 interacting:2 august:1 vbm:1 intensity:5 required:1 optimized:1 andreou:1 discontinuity:2 renonnalization:1 bar:3 below:1 pattern:2 perception:1 encompasses:1 bov:1 including:3 memory:1 power:1 demanding:1 restore:1 interconnects:1 technology:4 ladder:1 coupled:1 relative:1 fully:1 filtering:1 proportional:1 localized:1 degree:1 thresholding:1 tiny:1 cooperation:4 sourcing:1 supported:1 electronically:2 bias:2 neighbor:3 absolute:1 distributed:3 van:1 boundary:13 feedback:2 cortical:1 contour:14 fonned:1 simplified:3 hypercomplex:3 transaction:1 reconstructed:2 nov:1 longrange:1 aperture:1 global:4 active:2 photoreceptors:1 symmetrical:1 excite:1 continuous:1 additionally:1 williamson:1 complex:27 cl:4 interpolating:1 spread:1 motivation:2 noise:3 complementary:1 fied:1 vve:1 renormalization:1 externally:1 load:1 showing:1 phototransistors:1 mirror:2 illumination:1 illustrates:2 gap:2 fanin:1 fcs:4 strohbehn:1 likely:1 visual:4 partially:1 determines:1 complemented:1 harris:1 oct:1 goal:1 formulated:1 towards:2 room:1 reducing:1 principal:1 ece:1 experimental:6 succeeds:1 indicating:1 reactive:1 tested:2 |
585 | 1,535 | DTs: Dynamic Trees
Christopher K. I. Williams
Nicholas J. Adams
Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation
Division of Informatics, 5 Forrest Hill
Edinburgh, EHI 2QL, UK.
http://www.anc.ed.ac . uk/
In this paper we introduce a new class of image models, which we
call dynamic trees or DTs. A dynamic tree model specifies a prior
over a large number of trees, each one of which is a tree-structured
belief net (TSBN). Experiments show that DTs are capable of
generating images that are less blocky, and the models have better
translation invariance properties than a fixed, "balanced" TSBN.
We also show that Simulated Annealing is effective at finding trees
which have high posterior probability.
In this paper we introduce a new class of image models, which we call dynamic
trees or DTs. A dynamic tree model specifies a prior over a large number of trees,
each one of which is a tree-structured belief net (TSBN) . Our aim is to retain
the advantages of tree-structured belief networks, namely the hierarchical structure
of the model and (in part) the efficient inference algorithms, while avoiding the
"blocky" artifacts that derive from a single, fixed TSBN structure. One use for
DTs is as prior models over labellings for image segmentation problems.
Section 2 of the paper gives the theory of DTs, and experiments are described in
section 3.
There are two essential components that make up a dynamic tree network (i) the
tree architecture and (ii) the nodes and conditional probability tables (CPTs) in
the given tree. We consider the architecture question first.
DTs: Dynamic Trees
Figure 1: (a) "Naked" nodes, (b) the "balanced" tree architecture, (c) a sample
from the prior over Z, (d) data generated from the tree in (c).
Consider a number of nodes arranged into layers, as in Figure lea). We wish
to construct a tree structure so that any child node in a particular layer will be
connected to a parent in the layer above. We also allow there to be a null parent for
each layer, so that any child connected to it will become a new root. (Technically we
are constructing a forest rather than a tree.) An example of a structure generated
using this method is shown in Figure 1 (c).
There are a number of ways of specifying a prior over trees. If we denote by Zi the
indicator vector which shows to which parent node i belongs, then the tree structure
is specified by a matrix Z whose columns are the individual Zi vectors (one for each
node). The scheme that we have investigated so far is to set P(Z) = It P(Zi).
In our work we have specified P(Zi) as follows. Each child node is considered to
have a "natural" parent-its parent in the balanced structure shown in Figure l(b).
Each node in the parent layer is assigned an "affinity" for each child node, and
the "natural" parent has the highest affinity. Denote the affinity of node k in the
parent layer by ak. Then we choose P(Zi = ek) = e!3a/e / EjEPai e!3 a j , where (3 is
some positive constant and ek is the unit vector with a 1 in position k. Note that
the "null" parent is included in the sum, and has affinity anull associated with it,
which affects the relative probability of "orphans". We have named this prior the
"full-time-node-employment" prior as all the nodes participate in the creation of
the tree structure to some degree.
Having specified the prior over architectures, we now need to translate this into a
TSBN. The units in the tree are taken to be C-class multinomial random variables.
Each layer of the structure has associated with it a prior probability vector 7f1
and CPT MI. Given a particular Z matrix which specifies a forest structure, the
probability of a particular instantiation of all of the random variables is simply
the product of the probabilities of all of the trees, where the appropriate root
probabilities and CPTs are picked up from the 7fIS and MIS. A sample generated
from the tree structure in Figure l(c) is shown in Figure led).
C. K. I. Williams and N. 1. Adams
Our intuition as to why DTs may be useful image models is based on the idea that
most pixels in an image are derived from a single object. We think of an object as
being described by a root of a tree, with the scale of the object being determined
by the level in the tree at which the root occurs. In this interpretation the ePTs
will have most of their probability mass on the diagonal.
Given some data at the bottom layer of units, we can form a posterior over the tree
structures and node instantiations of the layers above. This is rather like obtaining
a set of parses for a number of sentences using a context-free grammar l .
In the DT model as described above different examples are explained by different
trees. This is an important difference with the usual priors over belief networks as
used, e.g. in Bayesian averaging over model structures. Also, in the usual case of
model averaging, there is normally no restriction to TSBN structures, or to tying
the parameters (1rIS and MIS) between different structures.
Inference in DTs
We now consider the problem of inference in DTs, i.e. obtaining the posterior
P(Z, XhlXv) where Z denotes the tree-structure, Xv the visible units (the image
clamped on the lowest level) and X h the hidden units. In fact, we shall concentrate on obtaining the posterior marginal P(ZIXv), as we can obtain samples from
P(XhIXv, Z) using standard techniques for TSBNs.
There are a very large number of possible structures; in fact for a set of nodes created from a balanced tree with branching factor b and depth D (with the top level
indexed by 1) there are IT~=2(b(d-2) + l)b(d-l) possible forest structures. Our objective will be to obtain the maximum a posteriori (MAP) state from the posterior
P(ZIXv) ex P(Z)P(XvIZ) using Simulated Annealing.2 This is possible because
two components P(Z) and P(XvIZ) are readily evaluated. P(XvIZ) can be computed from ITr (Exr A(X r )'7r(xr)), where A(Xr) and 7r(xr) are the Pearl-style vectors
of each root r of the forest.
An alternative to sampling from the posterior P(Z, XhlXv ) is to use approximate
inference. One possibility is to use a mean-field-type approximation to the posterior
of the form QZ(Z)Qh(Xh) (Zoubin Ghahramani, personal communication, 1998).
Comparing DTs to other image models
Fixed-structure TSBNs have been used by a number of authors as models of images
(Bouman and Shapiro, 1994), (Luettgen and Willsky, 1995). They have an attractive multi-scale structure, but suffer from problems due to the fixed tree structure,
which can lead to very "blocky" segmentations. Markov Random Field (MRF)
models are also popular image models; however, one of their main limitations is
that inference in a MRF is NP-hard. Also, they lack an hierarchical structure. On
the other hand, stationarity of the process they define can be easily ensured, which
lCFGs have a O(n 3 ) algorithm to infer the MAP parse; however, this algorithm depends
crucially on the one-dimensional ordering of the inputs. We believe that the possibility of
crossed links in the DT architecture means that this kind of algorithm is not applicable to
the DT case. Also, the DT model can be applied to 2-d images, where the O(n 3 ) algorithm
is not applicable.
2It is also possible to sample from the posterior using, e.g. Gibbs Sampling.
DTs: Dynamic Trees
is not the case for fixed-structure TSBNs. One strategy to overcome the fixed structure of TSBNs is to break away from the tree structure, and use belief networks
with cross connections e.g. (Dayan et ai., 1995). However, this means losing the
linear-time belief-propagation algorithms that can be used in trees (Pearl, 1988)
and using approximate algorithms. While it is true that inference over DTs is also
NP-hard, we do retain a"clean" semantics based on the fact that we expect that
each pixel should belong to one object, which may lead to useful approximation
In this section we describe two experiments conducted on the DT models. The first
has been designed to compare the translation performance of DTs with that of the
balanced TSBN structure and is described in section 3.1. In section 3.2 we generate
2-d images from the DT model, find the MAP Dynamic Tree for these images, and
contrast their performance in relative to the balanced TSBN.
Comparing DTs with the balanced TSBN
We consider a 5-1ayer binary tree with 16 leaf nodes, as shown in Figure 1. Each node
in the tree is a binary variable, taking on values of white/black. The 7r1'S, M,'s and
affinities were set to be equal in each layer. The values used were 7r = (0.75,0.25)
with 0.75 referring to white, and M had values 0.99 on the diagonal and 0.01 offdiagonal. The affinities 3 were set as 1 for the natural parent, 0 for the nearest
neighbour(s) of the natural parent, -00 for non-nearest neighbours and anull = 0,
with f3 = 1.25.
!\I~ ~i
. ..
., ..,
(a) 5 black nodes
?? "..
?" " '.
.... .
(b) 4 black nodes
Figure 2: Plots of the unnormalised log posterior vs position of the input pattern
for (a) the 5-black-nodes pattern and (b) 4-black-nodes pattern.
To illustrate the effects of translation, we have taken a stimulus made up of a bar
of five black pixels, and moved it across the image. The unnormalised log posterior
for a particular Z configuration is logP(Z) + logP(XvIZ). This is computed for
the balanced TSBN architecture, and compared to the highest value that can be
found by conducting a search over Z. These results are plotted in Figure 2(a).
The x-axis denotes the position of the left hand end of the bar (running from 1 to
3The affinities are defined up to the addition of an arbitrary constant.
C. K. I. Williams and N. 1. Adams
12), and the y-axis shows the posterior probability. Note that due to symmetries
there are in reality fewer than 12 distinct configurations. Figure 2(a) shows clearly
that the balanced TSBN is a poor model for this stimulus, and that much better
interpretations can be found using DTs, even though the "natural parent" idea
ensures that the logP(Z) is always larger for the balanced tree.
Notice also how the balanced TSBN displays greater sensitivity of the log posterior
with respect to position than the DT model. Figure 2 shows both the "optimal"
log posterior (found "by hand", using intuitions as to the best trees), and the those
of the MAP models discovered by Simulated Annealing. Annealing was conducted
from a starting temperature of 1.0 and exponentially decreased by a factor of 0.9.
At each temperature up to 2000 proposals could be made, although transition to
the next temperature would occur after 200 accepted steps. The run was deemed to
have converged after five successive temperature steps were made without accepting
a single step. We also show the log posterior of trees found by Gibbs sampling from
which we report the best configuration found from four separate runs (with different
random starting positions), each of which was run for 25,000 sweeps through all of
the nodes .
In Figure 2(b) we have shown the log posterior for a stimulus made up of four black
nodes 4 . In this case the balanced TSBN is even more sensitive to the stimulus
location, as the four black nodes fit exactly under one sub-tree when they are
in positions 1, 5, 9 or 13. By contrast, the dynamic tree is less sensitive to the
alignment, although it does retain a preference for the configuration most favoured
by the balanced TSBN. This is due to the concept of a "natural" parent built into
the (current) architecture (but see Section 4 for further discussion) .
Clearly these results are somewhat sensitive to settings of the parameters. One of
the most important parameters is the diagonal entry in the CPT. This controls the
relative desirability of having a disconnection against a transition in the tree that
involves a colour change. For example, if the diagonal entry in the CPT is reduced
to 0.95, the gap between the optimal and balanced trees in Figure 2(b) is decreased.
We have experimented with CPT entries of 0.90,0.95 and 0.99, but otherwise have
. not needed to explore the parameter space to obtain the results shown.
Generating from the prior and finding the MAP Tree in 2-d
We now turn our attention to 2-d images. Considering a 5 layer quad-tree node
arrangement gives a total of 256 leaf nodes or a 16x16 pixel image. A structural
plot of such a tree generated from the prior is shown in figure 3.
Each sub-plot is a slice through the tree showing the nodes on successive levels.
The boxes represent a single node on the current level and their shading indicates
the tree to which they belong. Nodes in the parent layer above are superimposed
as circles and the lines emanating from them shows their connectivity. Black circles
with a smaller white circle inside are used to indicate root nodes. Thus in the
example above we see that the forest consists of five trees, four of whose roots lie
at level 3 (which between them account for most of the black in the image, Figure
3(f?, while the root node at level 1 is responsible for the background.
4The parameters are the same as above, except that
encourage disconnections at this level.
in level 3 was set to 10.0 to
DTs: Dynamic Trees
Figure 3: Plot of the MAP Dynamic Tree of the accompanying image (f).
Broadly speaking the parameters for the 2-d DTs were set to be similar to the I-d
trees of the previous section, except that the disconnection affinities were set to
favour disconnections higher up the tree, and to values for the leaf level such that
leaf disconnection probabilities tend to zero. In practice this resulted in all leaves
being connected to parent nodes (which is desirable as we believe that single-pixel
objects are unlikely). The (3 values increase with tree depth so that lower levels
nodes choose parents from a tighter neighbourhood. The 7ft and M t values were
unchanged, and again we consider binary valued nodes.
A suite of 600 images were created by sampling DTs from the above prior and then
generating 5 images from each. Figure 3(f) shows an example of an image generated
by the DT and it can be seen that the "blockiness" exhibited by balanced TSBNs
is not present .
. ':. .
Figure 4: (a) Comparison of the MAP DT log posterior against that of the quad-tree
for 600 images, (b) tree generated from the "part-time-node-employment" prior.
C. K. I. Williams and N. J Adams
The MAP Dynamic Tree for each of these images was found by Simulated Annealing
using the same exponential strategy described earlier, and their log posteriors are
compared with those of the balanced TSBN in the plot 4(a). The line denotes the
boundary of equal log posterior and the location of all the points above this clearly
shows that in every case the MAP tree found has a higher posterior.
Above we have demonstrated that DT models have greater translation invariance
and do not exhibit the blockiness of the balanced TSBN model. We also see that
Simulated Annealing methods are successful at finding trees that have high posterior
We now discuss some extensions to the model. In the work above we have kept the
balanced tree arrangement of nodes. However, this could be relaxed, giving rise to
roughly equal numbers of nodes at the various levels (cf stationary wavelets). This
would be useful (a) for providing better translation invariance and (b) to avoid
slight shortages of hidden units that can occur when patterns that are "misaligned"
wrt the balanced tree are presented. In this case the prior over Z would need to be
adjusted to ensure a high proportion of tree-like structures, by generating the z's
and x's in layers, so that the z's can be contingent on the states of the units in the
layer above. We have devised a prior of this nature and called it the "part-timeemployment" prior as the nodes can decide whether or not they wish to be employed
in the tree structure or remain redundant and inactive. An example tree generated
from this prior is shown in figure 4(b); we plan to explore this direction further
in on-going research. Other research directions include the learning of parameters
in the networks (e.g. using EM), and the introduction of additional information
at the nodes; for example one might use real-valued variables in addition to the
multinomial variables considered above. These additional variables might be used to
encode information such as that concerning the instantiation parameters of objects.
This work stems from a conversation between CW and Zoubin Gharahmani at the Isaac
Newton Institute in October 1997. We thank Zoubin Ghahramani, Geoff Hinton and Peter
Dayan for helpful conversations, and the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences
(Cambridge, UK) for hospitality during the "Neural Networks and Machine Learning" programme. NJA is supported by an EPSRC research studentship, and the work of CW is
partially supported by EPSRC grant GR/L03088, Combining Spatially Distributed Predictions From Neural Networks.
Bouman, C. A. and M. Shapiro (1994). A Multiscale Random Field Model for Bayesian
Image Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 3(2),162-177.
Dayan, P., G. E. Hinton, R. M. Neal, and R. S. Zemel (1995). The Helmholtz Machine.
Neural Computation 7(5)r 889-904.
Luettgen, M. R. and A. S. Willsky (1995). Likelihood Calculation for a Class of
Multiscale Stocahstic Models, with Application to Texture Discrimination. IEEE
Trans. Image Processing 4(2?, 194-207.
Pearl, J. (1988). Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems: Networks of Plausible
Inference. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.
| 1535 |@word proportion:1 crucially:1 shading:1 configuration:4 current:2 comparing:2 readily:1 visible:1 designed:1 plot:5 v:1 stationary:1 discrimination:1 leaf:5 fewer:1 accepting:1 node:38 location:2 successive:2 preference:1 five:3 mathematical:1 become:1 consists:1 inside:1 introduce:2 roughly:1 multi:1 tsbn:16 quad:2 considering:1 mass:1 null:2 lowest:1 tying:1 kind:1 finding:3 suite:1 every:1 exactly:1 ensured:1 uk:5 control:1 unit:7 normally:1 grant:1 positive:1 xv:1 ak:1 black:10 might:2 mateo:1 specifying:1 misaligned:1 responsible:1 practice:1 xr:3 zoubin:3 context:1 www:1 restriction:1 map:9 demonstrated:1 williams:4 attention:1 starting:2 qh:1 exr:1 losing:1 helmholtz:1 bottom:1 ft:1 epsrc:2 ensures:1 connected:3 ordering:1 highest:2 balanced:19 intuition:2 dynamic:13 personal:1 employment:2 creation:1 technically:1 division:1 easily:1 geoff:1 various:1 distinct:1 effective:1 describe:1 emanating:1 zemel:1 whose:2 larger:1 valued:2 plausible:1 otherwise:1 grammar:1 think:1 advantage:1 net:2 product:1 combining:1 translate:1 moved:1 parent:16 r1:1 generating:4 adam:4 object:6 derive:1 illustrate:1 ac:3 nearest:2 involves:1 indicate:1 concentrate:1 direction:2 f1:1 tighter:1 adjusted:1 extension:1 accompanying:1 considered:2 applicable:2 sensitive:3 clearly:3 hospitality:1 always:1 aim:1 desirability:1 rather:2 avoid:1 tsbns:5 derived:1 encode:1 indicates:1 superimposed:1 likelihood:1 contrast:2 posteriori:1 inference:7 helpful:1 dayan:3 unlikely:1 fis:1 hidden:2 going:1 semantics:1 pixel:5 plan:1 marginal:1 field:3 construct:1 equal:3 having:2 f3:1 sampling:4 np:2 stimulus:4 report:1 intelligent:1 neighbour:2 resulted:1 individual:1 stationarity:1 possibility:2 alignment:1 blocky:3 capable:1 encourage:1 tree:66 indexed:1 circle:3 plotted:1 bouman:2 column:1 earlier:1 logp:3 entry:3 successful:1 conducted:2 gr:1 referring:1 ehi:1 sensitivity:1 retain:3 probabilistic:1 informatics:1 connectivity:1 again:1 luettgen:2 choose:2 ek:2 style:1 account:1 depends:1 crossed:1 cpts:2 root:8 picked:1 break:1 offdiagonal:1 kaufmann:1 conducting:1 bayesian:2 converged:1 ed:3 against:2 blockiness:2 isaac:2 associated:2 mi:3 popular:1 conversation:2 segmentation:3 higher:2 dt:10 ayer:1 arranged:1 evaluated:1 though:1 box:1 hand:3 parse:1 christopher:1 multiscale:2 lack:1 propagation:1 artifact:1 believe:2 effect:1 concept:1 true:1 assigned:1 spatially:1 neal:1 white:3 attractive:1 during:1 branching:1 hill:1 temperature:4 reasoning:1 image:26 multinomial:2 exponentially:1 belong:2 interpretation:2 slight:1 cambridge:1 gibbs:2 ai:1 had:1 posterior:20 belongs:1 binary:3 seen:1 morgan:1 dai:2 greater:2 somewhat:1 relaxed:1 employed:1 additional:2 contingent:1 redundant:1 ii:1 full:1 desirable:1 infer:1 stem:1 calculation:1 cross:1 devised:1 concerning:1 prediction:1 mrf:2 represent:1 lea:1 proposal:1 addition:2 background:1 annealing:6 decreased:2 exhibited:1 tend:1 call:2 structural:1 affect:1 fit:1 zi:5 architecture:7 idea:2 itr:1 favour:1 whether:1 inactive:1 colour:1 suffer:1 peter:1 speaking:1 cpt:4 useful:3 shortage:1 reduced:1 http:1 specifies:3 shapiro:2 generate:1 notice:1 broadly:1 shall:1 four:4 clean:1 kept:1 sum:1 run:3 named:1 decide:1 forrest:1 layer:14 display:1 occur:2 ri:1 structured:3 poor:1 remain:1 across:1 smaller:1 em:1 labellings:1 explained:1 taken:2 turn:1 discus:1 needed:1 wrt:1 end:1 ckiw:1 hierarchical:2 away:1 appropriate:1 nicholas:1 neighbourhood:1 alternative:1 denotes:3 top:1 running:1 cf:1 ensure:1 include:1 newton:2 giving:1 ghahramani:2 unchanged:1 sweep:1 objective:1 question:1 arrangement:2 occurs:1 strategy:2 usual:2 diagonal:4 exhibit:1 affinity:8 cw:2 link:1 separate:1 simulated:5 thank:1 participate:1 willsky:2 providing:1 ql:1 october:1 rise:1 markov:1 hinton:2 communication:1 discovered:1 arbitrary:1 namely:1 specified:3 sentence:1 connection:1 dts:19 pearl:3 trans:1 bar:2 pattern:4 built:1 belief:6 natural:6 indicator:1 scheme:2 axis:2 created:2 deemed:1 unnormalised:2 prior:18 acknowledgement:1 relative:3 par:1 expect:1 limitation:1 degree:1 translation:5 naked:1 supported:2 free:1 allow:1 disconnection:5 institute:3 taking:1 edinburgh:1 slice:1 overcome:1 depth:2 boundary:1 transition:2 studentship:1 distributed:1 author:1 made:4 adaptive:1 san:1 programme:1 far:1 transaction:1 approximate:2 instantiation:3 search:1 why:1 table:1 reality:1 qz:1 nature:1 nja:1 ca:1 obtaining:3 symmetry:1 forest:5 orphan:1 anc:1 investigated:1 constructing:1 main:1 child:4 x16:1 favoured:1 sub:2 position:6 wish:2 xh:1 exponential:1 lie:1 clamped:1 wavelet:1 showing:1 experimented:1 essential:1 texture:1 gap:1 led:1 simply:1 explore:2 partially:1 conditional:1 hard:2 change:1 included:1 determined:1 except:2 averaging:2 total:1 called:1 invariance:3 accepted:1 avoiding:1 ex:1 |
586 | 1,536 | Divisive Normalization, Line Attractor
Networks and Ideal Observers
Sophie Deneve l Alexandre Pougetl, and P.E. Latham 2
Institute for Computational and Cognitive Sciences,
Georgetown University, Washington, DC 20007-2197
2Dpt of Neurobiology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1763, U.S.A.
1 Georgetown
Gain control by divisive inhibition, a.k.a. divisive normalization,
has been proposed to be a general mechanism throughout the visual cortex. We explore in this study the statistical properties
of this normalization in the presence of noise. Using simulations,
we show that divisive normalization is a close approximation to a
maximum likelihood estimator, which, in the context of population
coding, is the same as an ideal observer. We also demonstrate analytically that this is a general property of a large class of nonlinear
recurrent networks with line attractors. Our work suggests that
divisive normalization plays a critical role in noise filtering, and
that every cortical layer may be an ideal observer of the activity in
the preceding layer.
Information processing in the cortex is often formalized as a sequence of a linear
stages followed by a nonlinearity. In the visual cortex, the nonlinearity is best described by squaring combined with a divisive pooling of local activities. The divisive
part of the nonlinearity has been extensively studied by Heeger and colleagues [1],
and several authors have explored the role of this normalization in the computation
of high order visual features such as orientation of edges or first and second order
motion[ 4]. We show in this paper that divisive normalization can also playa role in
noise filtering. More specifically, we demonstrate through simulations that networks
implementing this normalization come close to performing maximum likelihood estimation. We then demonstrate analytically that the ability to perform maximum
likelihood estimation, and thus efficiently extract information from a population of
noisy neurons, is a property exhibited by a large class of networks.
Maximum likelihood estimation is a framework commonly used in the theory of
ideal observers. A recent example comes from the work of Itti et al., 1998, who have
shown that it is possible to account for the behavior of human subjects in simple
discrimination tasks. Their model comprised two distinct stages: 1) a network
Divisive Normalization. Line Attractor Networks and Ideal Observers
which models the noisy response of neurons with tuning curves to orientation and
spatial frequency combined with divisive normalization, and 2) an ideal observer (a
maximum likelihood estimator) to read out the population activity of the network.
Our work suggests that there is no need to distinguish between these two stages,
since, as we will show, divisive normalization comes close to providing a maximum
likelihood estimation. More generally, we propose that there may not be any part
of the cortex that acts as an ideal observer for patterns of activity in sensory areas
but, instead , that each cortical layer acts as an ideal observer of the activity in the
preceding layer.
The network
Our network is a simplified model of a cortical hypercolumn for spatial frequency
and orientation. It consists of a two dimensional array of units in which each unit
is indexed by its preferred orientation, 8i , and spatial frequency, >'j.
LGN model
Units in the cortical layer are assumed to receive direct inputs from the lateral
geniculate nucleus (LG N). Here we do not model explicitly the LG N, but focus
instead on the pooled LGN input onto each cortical unit . The input to each unit
is denoted aij' We distinguish between the mean pooled LGN input, fij(8, >'), as
a function of orientation, 8, and spatial frequency, >., and the noise distribution
around this mean, P(aijI8, >.).
In response to a stimulus of orientation, 8, spatial frequency, >., and contrast, G,
the mean LGN input onto unit ij is a circular Gaussian with a small amount of
spontaneous activity, 1/:
J'J,,(8 ,/\')
- KG
(COS(>. - >'j) 2
cos(8 - 8i )
1) +
where K is a constant. Note that spatial frequency is treated as a periodic variable;
this was done for convenience only and should have negligible effects on our results
as long as we keep>. far from 27m, n an integer.
On any given trial the LGN input to cortical unit ij, aij, is sampled from a Gaussian
noise distribution with variance ~;j:
In our simulations, the variance of the noise was either kept fixed (~'fj = ~2) or set
to the mean activity (~t = Jij(8, >.)). The latter is more consistent with the noise
that has been measured experimentally in the cortex. We show in figure I-A an
example of a noisy LGN pattern of activity.
Cortical Model: Divisive Normalization
Activities in the cortical layer are updated over time according to:
S. Deneve, A. Pouget and P. E. Latham
:::::::: r:::L:: t ::;-:::;:::::
- r- , _ :-
Figure 1: A- LGN input (bottom) and stable hill in the cortical network after
relaxation (top). The position of the stable hill can be used to estimate orientation
(0) and spatial frequency (5.). B- Inverse of the variance of the network estimate for
orientation using Gaussian noise with variance equal to the mean as a function of
contrast and number of iterations (0, dashed; 1, diamond; 2, circle; and 3, square).
The continuous curve corresponds to the theoretical upper bound on the inverse
of the variance (i.e. an ideal observer). C- Gain curve for contrast for the cortical
units after 1, 2 and 3 iterations.
where {Wij,kt} are the filtering weights, Oij(t) is the activity of unit ij at time t,
S is a constant, and J1. is what we call the divisive inhibition weight. The filtering
weights implement a two dimensional Gaussian filter:
Wi-k,j - l
= Kwexp (COS[27!'(i
-2 k )/P]
where Kw is a constant,
there are p 2 units.
+ cos[27!'(j ~ l)/Pl-1)
control the width of the filtering weights, and
On each iteration the activity is filtered by the weights, squared, and then normalized by the total local activity. Divisive normalization per se only involves the
squaring and division by local activity. We have added the filtering weights to obtain a local pooling of activity between cells with similar preferred orientations and
spatial frequencies. This pooling can easily be implemented with cortical lateral
connections and it is reasonable to think that such a pooling takes place in the
Divisive Normalization, Line Attractor Networks and Ideal Observers
Simulation Results
Our simulations consist of iterating equation 3 with initial conditions determined by
the presentation orientation and spatial frequency. The initial conditions are chosen
as follows: For a given presentation angle, (}o, and spatial frequency, Ao, determine
the mean cortical activity, /ij((}o, AO), via equation 1. Then generate the actual
cortical activity, {aij}, by sampling from the distribution given in equation 2. This
serves as our set of initial conditions: Oij (t = 0) = aij'
Iterating equation 3 with the above initial conditions, we found that for very low
contrast the activity of all cortical units decayed to zero. Above some contrast
threshold, however, the activities converged to a smooth stable hill (see figure I-A
for an example with parameters (Jw(} = (Jw).. = (J(} = (J).. = I/V8, K = 74, C = 1,
J.L = 0.01). The width of the hill is controlled by the width of the filtering weights.
Its peak, on the other hand, depends on the orientation and spatial frequency of the
LGN input, (}o and Ao. The peak can thus be used to estimate these quantities (see
figure I-A). To compute the position of the final hill, we used a population vector
estimator [3] although any unbiased estimator would work as well. In all cases we
looked at, the network produced an unbiased estimate of (}o and Ao.
In our simulations we adjusted (Jw(} and (Jw).. so that the stable hill had the same
profile as the mean LGN input (equation 1). As a result, the tuning curves of the
cortical units match the tuning curves specified by the pooled LGN input. For this
case, we found that the estimate obtained from the network has a variance close
to the theoretical minimum, known as the Cramer-Rao bound [3]. For Gaussian
noise of fixed variance, the variance of the estimate was 16.6% above this bound,
compared to 3833% for the population vector applied directly to the LGN input.
In a ID network (orientation alone), these numbers go to 12.9% for the network
versus 613% for population vector. For Gaussian noise with variance proportional
to the mean, the network was 8.8% above the bound, compared to 722% for the
population vector applied directly to the input. These numbers are respectively 9%
and 108% for the I-D network. The network is therefore a close approximation to
a maximum likelihood estimator, i.e., it is close to being an ideal observer of the
LGN activity with respect to orientation and spatial frequency.
As long as the contrast, C, was superthreshold, large variations in contrast did not
affect our results (figure I-B). However, the tuning of the network units to contrast
after reaching the stable state was found to follow a step function whereas, for real
neurons, the curves are better described by a sigmoid [2]. Improved agreement
with experiment was achieved by taking only 2-3 iterations, at which point the
performance of the network is close to optimal (figure I-B) and the tuning curves to
contrast are more realistic and closer to sigmoids (figure I-C). Therefore, reaching
a stable state is not required for optimal performance, and in fact leads to contrast
tuning curves that are inconsistent with experiment.
Mathematical Analysis
We first prove that line attractor networks with sufficiently small noise are close
approximations to a maximum likelihood estimator. We then show how this result
applies to our simulations with divisive normalization.
S. Deneve, A. Pouget and P. E. Latham
General Case: Line Attractor Networks
Let On be the activity vector (denoted by bold type) at discrete time, n, for a set
of P interconnected units. We consider a one dimensional network, i.e., only one
feature is encoded; generalization to multidimensional networks is straightforward.
A generic mapping for this network may be written
where H is a nonlinear function. We assume that this mapping admits a line
attractor, which we denote G(O), for which G(O) = H(G(O)) where 0 is a continuous
variable. 1 Let the initial state of the network be a function of the presentation
parameter, 00 , plus noise,
= F(Oo)
where F(Oo) is the function used to generate the data (in our simulations this
would correspond to the mean LGN input, equation 1). Iterating the mapping,
equation 5, leads eventually to a point on the line attractor. Consequently, as
n -+ 00 , On -+ G(O) . The parameter 0 provides an estimate of 00 .
To determine how well the network does we need to find fJO :::: 0 - 00 as a function
of the noise, N, then average over the noise to compute the mean and variance of
fJO. Because the mapping, equation 5, is nonlinear, this cannot be done exactly. For
small noise, however, we can take a perturbative approach and expand around a
point on the attractor. For line at tractors there is no general method for choosing
which point on the attractor to expand around. Our approach will be to expand
around an arbitrary point, G( 0), and choose 0 by requiring that the quadratic terms
be finite. Keeping terms up to quadratic order, equation 6 may be written
In .
+ fJo n .
fJo o +
I.: (Jm . fJo
o) .
H" . (J m . fJo o )
where J(O) == [8G (o)H(G(0))f is the Jacobian (the subscript T means transpose),
H" is the Hessian of H evaluated at G(O) and a "." represents the standard dot
Because the mapping, equation 5, admits a line attractor , J has one eigenvalue
equal to 1 and all others less than 1. Denote the eigenvector with eigenvalue 1 as
y and its adjoint v t : J . v = v and JT . v t = yt. It is not hard to show that y =
8oG(0), up to a multiplicative constant. Since J has an eigenvalue equal to 1, to
avoid the quadratic term in Eq. 8 approaching infinity as n -+ 00 we require that
lim I
n .
fJo o = O.
IThe line attractor is, in fact , an idealization ; for P units the attractors associated with
equation 5 consists of P isolated points. However, for P large, the attractors are spaced
closely enough that they may be considered a line.
Divisive Normalization. Line Attractor Networks and Ideal Observers
This equations has an important consequence: it implies that, to linear order,
limn-too 60 n = 0 (see equation 8), which in turn implies that 0 00 = G(O) which,
~nally, implies that 0 = O. Consequently we can find the network estimator of 00 ,
0, by computing O. We now turn to that task.
It is straightforward to show that JOO = vv t . Combining this expression for J with
equation 9, using equation 7 to express 600 in terms of 00 and G(O), and, finally
using equation 6 to express 00 in terms of the initial mean activity, F(Oo), and the
noise, N, we find that
v t (0) . [F(Oo) - G(O)
Using 00
+ N] = O.
60 and expanding F(Oo) to first order in 60 then yields
= vt(O) . [N + F(O) -
vt(O) . F'(O)
As long as v t is orthogonal to F(O) - G(O), (60) = 0 and the estimator is unbiased.
This must be checked on a case by case basis, but for the circularly symmetric
networks we considered orthogonality is satisfied.
We can now calculate the variance of the network estimate, (60)2. Assuming v t .
[F(O) - G(O)] = 0, equation 11 implies that
vt.R?v t
(60) = [v t . F'F
where a prime denotes a derivative with respect to 0 and R is the covariance matrix
of the noise, R = (NN). The network is equivalent to maximum likelihood when
this variance is equal to the Cramer-Rao bound [3], (60)bR. If the noise, N, is
Gaussian with a covariance matrix independent of 0, this bound is equal to:
F'. R - l . F'
For independent Gaussian noise of fixed variance, (T2, and zero covariance, the
variance of the network estimate, equation 12, becomes (T2 1(IF'1 2 cos2 f-L) where f-L
is the angle between v t and F'. The Cramer-Rao bound, on the other hand, is
equal to (T2 IIF'1 2 . These expressions differ only by cos 2 J1., which is 1 if F ex v t . In
addition, it is close to 1 for networks that have identical input and output tunin
curves, F(O) = G(O), and the Jacobian, J, is nearly symmetric, so that v ::::: v
(recall that v = G'). If these last two conditions are satisfied, the network comes
close to being a maximum likelihood estimator.
Application to Divisive Normalization
Divisive normalization is a particular example of the general case considered above.
For simplicity, in our simulations we chose the input and output tuning curves to
be equal (F = G in the above notation), which lead to a value of 0.87 for cos2 f-L
(evaluated numerically). This predicted a variance 15% above the Cramer-Rao
S. Deneve, A. Pouget and P E. Latham
bound for independent Gaussian noise with fixed variance, consistent with the 16%
we obtained in our simulations. The network also handles fairly well other noise
distributions, such as Gaussian noise with variance proportional to the mean, as
illustrated by our simulations.
We have recently shown that a subclass of line attractor networks can be used as
maximum likelihood estimators[3]. This paper extend this conclusion to a much
wider class of networks, namely, any network that admits a line (or, by straightforward extension of the above analysis, a higher dimensional) attractor. This is true
in particular for networks using divisive normalization, a normalization which is
thought to match quite closely the nonlinearity found in the primary visual cortex
and MT.
Although our analysis relies on the existence of an attractor, this is not a requirement for obtaining near optimal noise filtering. As we have seen, 2-3 iterations
are enough to achieve asymptotic performance (except at contrasts barely above
threshold). What matters most is that our network implement a sequence of low
pass filtering to filter out the noise, followed by a square nonlinearity to compensate
for the widening of the tuning curve due to the low pass filter, and a normalization
to weaken contrast dependence. It is likely that this process would still clean up
noise efficiently in the first 2-3 iterations even if activity decayed to zero eventually,
that is to say, even if the hills of activity were not stable states. This would allow us
to apply our approach to other types of networks, including those lacking circular
symmetry and networks with continuously clamped inputs.
To conclude, we propose that each cortical layer may read out the activity in the
preceding layer in an optimal way thanks to the nonlinear pooling properties of
divisive normalization, and, as a result, may behave like an ideal observer. It is
therefore possible that the ability to read out neuronal codes in the sensory cortices
in an optimal way may not be confined to a few areas like the parietal or frontal
cortex, but may instead be a general property of every cortical layer.
[1] D. Heeger. Normalization of cell responses in cat striate cortex. Visual Neuroscience, 9:181- 197,1992.
[2] L. Itti, C. Koch, and J. Braun. A quantitative model for human spatial vision threshold on the basis of non-linear interactions among spatial filters. In
R. Lippman, J. Moody, and D. Touretzky, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, volume 11. Morgan-Kaufmann, San Mateo, 1998.
[3] A. Pouget, K. Zhang, S. Deneve, and P. Latham. Statistically efficient estimation
using population coding. Neural Computation, 10:373- 401, 1998.
[4] E. Simoncelli and D. Heeger. A model of neuronal responses in visual area MT.
Vision Research, 38(5):743- 761 , 1998.
| 1536 |@word trial:1 cos2:2 simulation:11 covariance:3 initial:6 nally:1 perturbative:1 written:2 must:1 realistic:1 j1:2 discrimination:1 alone:1 filtered:1 provides:1 zhang:1 mathematical:1 direct:1 consists:2 prove:1 behavior:1 actual:1 jm:1 becomes:1 notation:1 what:2 kg:1 eigenvector:1 quantitative:1 every:2 multidimensional:1 act:2 subclass:1 braun:1 exactly:1 control:2 unit:15 negligible:1 local:4 consequence:1 id:1 subscript:1 plus:1 chose:1 studied:1 mateo:1 suggests:2 co:5 statistically:1 implement:2 lippman:1 area:3 thought:1 onto:2 close:10 convenience:1 cannot:1 context:1 equivalent:1 yt:1 go:1 straightforward:3 formalized:1 simplicity:1 pouget:4 estimator:10 array:1 population:8 handle:1 variation:1 updated:1 spontaneous:1 play:1 agreement:1 fjo:7 bottom:1 role:3 calculate:1 ithe:1 division:1 basis:2 easily:1 cat:1 distinct:1 choosing:1 quite:1 encoded:1 say:1 ability:2 think:1 noisy:3 final:1 sequence:2 eigenvalue:3 propose:2 interconnected:1 jij:1 product:1 interaction:1 combining:1 achieve:1 adjoint:1 los:1 requirement:1 wider:1 oo:5 recurrent:1 measured:1 ij:4 eq:1 implemented:1 predicted:1 involves:1 come:4 implies:4 differ:1 fij:1 closely:2 filter:4 human:2 implementing:1 require:1 ao:4 generalization:1 adjusted:1 extension:1 pl:1 around:4 cramer:4 sufficiently:1 considered:3 exp:1 koch:1 mapping:5 estimation:5 geniculate:1 gaussian:10 reaching:2 avoid:1 cr:1 og:1 focus:1 likelihood:11 contrast:13 squaring:2 nn:1 expand:3 wij:2 lgn:13 among:1 orientation:13 denoted:2 spatial:14 fairly:1 equal:7 washington:1 sampling:1 iif:1 kw:1 represents:1 identical:1 nearly:1 others:1 stimulus:1 t2:3 few:1 attractor:18 circular:2 kt:1 edge:1 closer:1 orthogonal:1 indexed:1 circle:1 isolated:1 theoretical:2 weaken:1 rao:4 comprised:1 too:2 periodic:1 combined:2 thanks:1 decayed:2 peak:2 continuously:1 moody:1 squared:1 satisfied:2 choose:1 cognitive:1 derivative:1 itti:2 account:1 coding:2 pooled:3 bold:1 matter:1 explicitly:1 depends:1 multiplicative:1 observer:13 square:2 variance:17 who:1 efficiently:2 kaufmann:1 correspond:1 spaced:1 yield:1 produced:1 converged:1 touretzky:1 checked:1 colleague:1 frequency:12 associated:1 gain:2 sampled:1 recall:1 lim:1 alexandre:1 higher:1 follow:1 response:4 improved:1 jw:4 done:2 evaluated:2 stage:3 hand:2 nonlinear:4 effect:1 normalized:1 unbiased:3 true:1 requiring:1 analytically:2 read:3 symmetric:2 illustrated:1 width:3 hill:7 demonstrate:3 latham:5 motion:1 fj:1 recently:1 sigmoid:1 mt:2 volume:1 extend:1 numerically:1 tuning:8 nonlinearity:5 had:1 dot:1 joo:1 stable:7 cortex:11 inhibition:2 playa:1 recent:1 prime:1 vt:3 seen:1 minimum:1 morgan:1 preceding:3 determine:2 dashed:1 simoncelli:1 smooth:1 match:2 long:3 compensate:1 controlled:1 vision:2 iteration:6 normalization:23 achieved:1 cell:2 confined:1 receive:1 whereas:1 addition:1 limn:1 exhibited:1 pooling:5 subject:1 inconsistent:1 integer:1 call:1 j08:1 near:1 presence:1 ideal:13 enough:2 affect:1 approaching:1 br:1 angeles:1 expression:2 hessian:1 v8:1 generally:1 iterating:3 se:1 amount:1 extensively:1 generate:2 neuroscience:1 per:1 discrete:1 express:2 threshold:3 clean:1 kept:1 deneve:5 relaxation:1 idealization:1 inverse:2 angle:2 place:1 throughout:1 reasonable:1 layer:9 bound:8 followed:2 distinguish:2 quadratic:3 activity:24 orthogonality:1 infinity:1 ucla:1 performing:1 according:1 wi:1 equation:18 turn:2 eventually:2 mechanism:1 serf:1 apply:1 generic:1 existence:1 dpt:1 top:1 denotes:1 added:1 quantity:1 looked:1 primary:1 dependence:1 striate:1 lateral:2 barely:1 assuming:1 code:1 providing:1 lg:2 perform:1 diamond:1 upper:1 neuron:3 finite:1 behave:1 parietal:1 neurobiology:1 dc:1 arbitrary:1 namely:1 hypercolumn:1 kl:1 specified:1 connection:1 required:1 pattern:2 including:1 critical:1 treated:1 widening:1 oij:2 extract:1 georgetown:2 tractor:1 asymptotic:1 lacking:1 filtering:9 proportional:2 versus:1 nucleus:1 consistent:2 editor:1 last:1 keeping:1 transpose:1 aij:4 allow:1 vv:1 institute:1 taking:1 curve:11 cortical:17 sensory:2 author:1 commonly:1 san:1 simplified:1 far:1 preferred:2 keep:1 assumed:1 conclude:1 continuous:2 ca:1 expanding:1 obtaining:1 symmetry:1 did:1 noise:25 profile:1 neuronal:2 position:2 heeger:3 clamped:1 jacobian:2 jt:1 explored:1 admits:3 consist:1 circularly:1 sigmoids:1 explore:1 likely:1 visual:6 applies:1 corresponds:1 relies:1 presentation:3 consequently:2 experimentally:1 hard:1 specifically:1 determined:1 except:1 sophie:1 total:1 pas:2 divisive:21 latter:1 frontal:1 ex:1 |
587 | 1,537 | Maximum Conditional Likelihood via
Bound Maximization and the CEM
Tony J ebara and Alex Pentland
Vision and Modeling, MIT Media Laboratory, Cambridge MA
http://www.rnedia.rnit.edu/ ~ jebara
{ jebara,sandy }~rnedia.rnit.edu
We present the CEM (Conditional Expectation Maximi::ation) algorithm as an extension of the EM (Expectation M aximi::ation)
algorithm to conditional density estimation under missing data. A
bounding and maximization process is given to specifically optimize
conditional likelihood instead of the usual joint likelihood. We apply the method to conditioned mixture models and use bounding
techniques to derive the model's update rules . Monotonic convergence, computational efficiency and regression results superior to
EM are demonstrated.
Conditional densities have played an important role in statistics and their merits
over joint density models have been debated. Advantages in feature selection , robustness and limited resource allocation have been studied. Ultimately, tasks such
as regression and classification reduce to the evaluation of a conditional density.
However, popularity of maximumjoint likelihood and EM techniques remains strong
in part due to their elegance and convergence properties . Thus , many conditional
problems are solved by first estimating joint models then conditioning them . This
results in concise solutions such as the N adarya- Watson estimator [2], Xu's mixture
of experts [7], and Amari's em-neural networks [1]. However, direct conditional
density approaches [2, 4] can offer solutions with higher conditional likelihood on
test data than their joint counter-parts.
Maximum Conditional Likelihood via Bound Maximization and CEM
(a) La
= -4.2
= -2.4
(b) Lb = -5 .2 Lb
= -1.8
Figure 1: Average Joint (x, y) vs. Conditional (ylx) Likelihood Visualization
Pop at [6] describes a simple visualization example where 4 clusters must be fit with
2 Gaussian models as in Figure 1. Here, the model in (a) has a superior joint likelihood (La> Lb) and hence a better p(x, y) solution. However, when the models are
conditioned to estimate p(ylx), model (b) is superior (Lb > L~). Model (a) yields
a poor unimodal conditional density in y and (b) yields a bi-modal conditional
density. It is therefore of interest to directly optimize conditional models using conditionallikelihood. We introduce the CEM (Conditional Expectation Maximization)
algorithm for this purpose and apply it to the case of Gaussian mixture models.
EM and Conditional Likelihood
For joint densities, the tried and true EM algorithm [3] maximizes joint likelihood
over data. However , EM is not as useful when applied to conditional density estimation and maximum conditional likelihood problems. Here, one typically resorts to
other local optimization techniques such as gradient descent or second order Hessian
methods [2]. We therefore introduce CEM, a variant of EM , which targets conditional likelihood while maintaining desirable convergence properties. The CEM
algorithm operates by directly bounding and decoupling conditional likelihood and
simplifies M-step calculations.
In EM, a complex density optimization is broken down into a two-step iteration
using the notion of missing data. The unknown data components are estimated via
the E-step and a simplified maximization over complete data is done in the M-step.
In more practical terms, EM is a bound maximization : the E-step finds a lower
bound for the likelihood and the M-step maximizes the bound.
P(Xi, Yi18)
p(m, Xi, Yi1 8 )
Consider a complex joint density p(Xi , Yi 18) which is best described by a discrete
(or continuous) summation of simpler models (Equation 1) . Summation is over the
'missing components' m .
L:~llog(P(Xi' Yi 18 t ?) -Iog(p(xi ' YiI 8t - 1 ))
h I
p(m ,X. ,Y.le t )
L...m=l im og p(m,X"Y.let I)
p(m,x. ,y.le t- I )
were im = ",\,M
L...,,=I p(n ,x"y .Ie t- I )
By appealing to Jensen's inequality, EM obtains a lower bound for the incremental
log-likelihood over a data set (Equation 2) . Jensen's inequality bounds the logarithm of the sum and the result is that the logarithm is applied to each simple
T. Jebara and A. Pentland
model p(m, Xi , yd8) individually. It then becomes straightforward t.o compute the
derivatives with respect to e and set to zero for maximization (M-step) .
I 8) = =c""-7
p( Yi IXi, 8)
- = L..: p( m , Y i Xi , M+------'-----'-
Lm=IP(m,XiI 8 )
However, the elegance of EM is compromised when we consider a conditioned density
as in Equation :3. The corresponding incremental conditional log-likelihood, L:l.lc, is
shown in Equation 4.
L~llog(p(Yilxi' 8 t )) -log(p(ydxi, 8 t I
LMm_I P(m ,X. ,Y.10)t
L;"=I p(m ,X. ,Y.10 t -
l )
LMn_IP(n ,X, I0 t)
Ln=1 p(n ,X.10 t -
l )
The above is a difference between a ratio of joints and a ratio of marginals. If
Jensen's inequality is applied to the second term in Equation 4 it yields an upper
bound since the term is subtracted (this would compromise convergence). Thus,
only the first ratio can be lower bounded with Jensen (Equation 5).
p(m,xi,YiI 8t ) -I
- L..: L..: 2m og (
18 t - 1) og
i=1 m=1
p m, Xi, Yi -
Ln=1 p(n, XiI8 t - 1)
Note the lingering logarithm of a sum which prevents a simple M-Step. At this point,
one would resort to a Generalized EM (GEM) approach which requires gradient or
second-order ascent techniques for the M-step. For example, Jordan et al. overcome
the difficult M-step caused by EM with an Iteratively Re- Weighted Least Squares
algorithm in the mixtures of experts architecture [4].
Conditional Expectation Maximization
The EM algorithm can be extended by substituting Jensen's inequality for a different bound. Consider the upper variational bound of a logarithm x-I 2: log(x)
(which becomes a lower bound on the negative log). The proposed logarithm's
bound satisfies a number of desiderata: (1) it makes contact at the current operating point 1, (2) it is tangential to the logarithm, (3) it is a tight bound, (4)
it is simple and (5) it is the variational dual of the logarithm. Substituting this
linear bound into the incremental conditional log-likelihood maintains a true lower
bounding function Q (Equation 6).
The Mixture of Experts formalism [4J offers a graceful representation of a conditional
density using experts (conditional sub-models) and gates (marginal sub-models).
The Q function adopts this form in Equation 7.
1 The
current operating point is 1 since the
previous iteration's value e t - 1 .
model in the ratio is held fixed at the
Maximum Conditional Likelihood via Bound Maximization and CEM
L~l L~=1 {him(logp(Yilm,Xi,e t ) +logp(m,xile t )
where Zim = log(p(m,xi,Yile t -- 1 ))
- Zim) - riP(m , xile) +
and ri = (L~=1p(n'Xilet-1) )-1
Computing this Q function forms the CE-step in the Conditional Expectation Maximization algorithm and it results in a simplified M-step. Note the absence of the
logarithm of a sum and the decoupled models. The form here allows a more straightforward computation of derivatives with respect to e t and a more tractable M-Step.
For continuous missing data, a similar derivation holds.
At this point , without loss of generality, we specifically attend to the case of a conditioned Gaussian mixture model and derive the corresponding M-Step calculations.
This serves as an implementation example for comparison purposes.
CEM and Bound Maxinlization for Gaussian Mixtures
In deriving an efficient M-step for the mixture of Gaussians, we call upon more
bounding techniques that follow the CE-step and provide a monotonically convergent learning algori thm . The form ofthe condi tional model we will train is obtained
by conditioning a joint mixture of Gaussians. We write the conditional density
in a experts-gates form as in Equation 8. We use unnormalized Gaussian gates
N(x; p,~) = exp( - ~(x - p)T~-1 (x - p? since conditional models do not require
true marginal densities over x (i .e. that necessarily integrate to 1). Also, note that
the parameters of the gates (0:' , px , :E xx ) are independent of the parameters of the
experts (vm,rm,om).
Both gates and experts are optimized independently and have no variables in common. An update is performed over the experts and then over the gates. If each
of those causes an increase, we converge to a local maximum of conditional loglikelihood (as in Expectation Conditional Maximization [5]).
To update the experts , we hold the gates fixed and merely take derivatives of the Q
function with respect to the expert parameters (<l>m = {v m , rm, am} ) and set them
to O. Each expert is effectively decoupled from other terms (gates, other experts ,
etc .). The solution reduces to maximizing the log of a single conditioned Gaussian
and is analytically straightforward.
8Q(e t ,e(t-l?)
Similarly, to update the gate mixing proportions, derivatives of the Q function are
taken with respect to O:'m and set to O. By holding the other parameters fixed , the
update equation for the mixing proportions is numerically evaluated (Equation 10).
O:'m := LriN(xi;P~,:E~x) le(l-I) {Lhim}-l
T. Jebara and A. Pentland
' .,
( a)
... :
~, ,>/~
,1 \
f Function
I ~ jr' --...-.;==i
j--- - -
' - ,- - 10
(b) Bound on f..L
( c) g Function
(d) Bound on I: xx
Figure 2: Bound Width Computation and Example Bounds
Bounding Gate Means
Taking derivatives of Q and setting to a is not as straightforward for the case of
the gate means (even though they are decoupled). What is desired is a simple
update rule (i.e. computing an empirical mean). Therefore, we further bound the
Q function for the M-step. The Q function is actually a summation of sub-elements
Qim and we bound it instead by a summation of quadratic functions on the means
(Equation 11).
Q(e t , e(t-1)) =
Q(e t , e(t-1))im >
kim - Wimllf..L~ - ciml1 2 (11)
i=l m=l
Each quadratic bound has a location parameter
(a centroid), a scale parameter
Wim (narrowness), and a peak value at kim. The sum of quadratic bounds makes
contact with the Q function at the old values of the model t - 1 where the gate
mean was originally f..L':* and the covariance is I:':x*' To facilitate the derivation,
one may assume that the previous mean was zero and the covariance was identity
if the data is appropriately whitened with respect to a given gate.
The parameters of each quadratic bound are solved by ensuring that it contacts the
corresponding Qim function at t - 1 and they have equal derivatives at contact (i .e.
tangential contact) . Sol ving these constraints yields quadratic parameters for each
gate m and data point i in Equation 12 (kim is omitted for brevity) .
The tightest quadratic bound occurs when Wim is minimal (without violating the
inequality). The expression for Wim reduces to finding the minimal value, wim, as in
Equation 13 (here p2 = xT xd. The f function is computed numerically only once
and stored as a lookup table (see Figure 2(a)). We thus immediately compute the
optimal wim and the rest of the quadratic bound's parameters obtaining bounds as
in Figure 2(b) where a Qim is lower bounded.
* -_
{ e-
e- 2 C e CP
cp - 1 }
h?1m _
+- -
r l Cl'm e
- -p
f( p) + - (13)
The gate means f..L~ are solved by maximizing the sum of the M x N parabolas which
bound Q. The update is f..L': = (2: wimCim) (2: wim)-l. This mean is subsequently
unwhitened to undo earlier data transformations.
Maximum Conditional Likelihood via Bound Maximization and CEM
?. i
..... :
J ... .
(a) Data
(b) CEM p(ylx)
(c) CEM IC
(d) EM fit
(e) EM p(ylx)
(f) EM I C
Figure 3: Conditional Density Estimation for CEM and EM
Bounding Gate Covariances
Having derived the update equation for gate means, we now turn our attention
to the gate covariances. We bound the Q function with logarithms of Gaussians.
Maximizing this bound (a sum of log-Gaussians) reduces to the maximum-likelihood
estimation of a covariance matrix . The bound for a Qim sub-component is shown
in Equation 14. Once again, we assume the data has been appropriately whitened
with respect to the gate's previous parameters (the gate's previous mean is 0 and
previous covariance is identity). Equation 15 solves for the log-Gaussian parameters
(again p2 = XTXi).
Q( Dt,D(t-1));m > Iog (N) = k im
-1 Cim WimCimL..xx
Iog I",m
L.. xx I (14)
The computation for the minimal Wim simplifies to wim = riQ:mg(p) . The 9 function
is derived and plotted in Figure 2(c). An example of a log-Gaussian bound is
shown in Figure 2( d) a sub-component of the Q function. Each sub-component
corresponds to a single data point as we vary one gate 's covariance. All M x N
log-Gaussian bounds are computed (one for each data point and gate combination)
and are summed to bound the Q function in its entirety.
To obtain a final answer for the update of the gate covariances E~ we simply
maximize the sum of log Gaussians (parametrized by wim, kim, Cim). The update is
E~x = (2: WimCimCim T) (2: wim)-l. This covariance is subsequently unwhitened ,
inverting the whitening transform applied to the data.
'~ - -- -:----"
The CEM algorithm updates the conditioned mixture of Gaussians by computing
him and rim in the CE steps and interlaces these with updates on the experts,
mixing proportions, gate means and gate covariances. For the mixture of Gaussians ,
each CEM update has a computation time that is comparable with that of an EM
update (even for high dimensions). However, conditional likelihood (not joint) is
monotonically increased .
Consider the 4-cluster (x , y) data in Figure 3(a). The data is modeled with a conditional density p(ylx) using only 2 Gaussian models . Estimating the density with
CEM yields the p(ylx) shown in Figure 3(b). CEM exhibits monotonic conditional
likelihood growth (Figure 3(c)) and obtains a more conditionally likely model. In
T. Jebara and A. Pentland
Table 1: Test Results. Class label regression accuracy data. (CNNO=cascadecorrelation, hidden units, CCN5=5 hidden LD=linear discriminant).
the EM case, a joint p(x, y) clusters the data as in Figure 3(d) . Conditioning it
yields the p(ylx) in Figure 3(e) . Figure 3(f) depicts EM's non-monotonic evolution
of conditional log-likelihood. EM produces a superior joint likelihood but an inferior conditional likelihood. Note how the CEM algorithm utilized limited resources
to capture the multimodal nature of the distribution in y and ignored spurious bimodal clustering in the x feature space. These properties are critical for a good
conditional density p(ylx).
For comparison , standard databases were used from DCI 2. Mixture models were
trained with EM and CEM , maximizingjoint and conditional likelihood respectively.
Regression results are shown in Table 1. CEM exhibited , monotonic conditional loglikelihood growth and out-performed other methods including EM with the same
2-Gaussian model (EM2 and CEM2).
We have demonstrated a variant of EM called CEM which optimizes conditional
likelihood efficiently and monotonically. The application of CEM and bound maximization to a mixture of Gaussians exhibited promising results and better regression
than EM . In other work , a MAP framework with various priors and a deterministic
annealing approach have been formulated. Applications of the CEM algorithm to
non-linear regressor experts and hidden Markov models are currently being investigated . Nevertheless , many applications CEM remain to be explored and hopefully
others will be motivated to extend the initial results .
Many thanks to Michael Jordan and Kris Popat for insightful discussions.
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Networks , 8(9), 1995 .
[2 ] C. Bishop. Neural Networks Jor Pattern Recognition. Oxford Press, 1996.
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[4] M. Jordan and R. Jacobs. Hierarchical mixtures of experts and the em algorithm .
Neural Computation, 6:181 - 214, 1994.
[5] X. Meng and D. Rubin. Maximum likelihood estimation via the ecm algorithm : A
general framework. Biometrika , 80(2), 1993.
[6] A . Popat. Conjoint probabilistic subband modeling (phd. thesis). Technical Report
461, M.LT. Media Laboratory, 1997.
[7] 1. Xu , M. Jordan , and G. Hinton . An alternative model for mixtures of experts . In
Neural InJormation Processing Systems 7, 1995.
| 1537 |@word proportion:3 tried:1 covariance:10 b39:1 jacob:1 concise:1 ld:1 initial:1 current:2 must:1 update:14 v:1 yi1:1 location:1 simpler:1 direct:1 introduce:2 becomes:2 estimating:2 bounded:2 xx:4 maximizes:2 medium:2 what:1 finding:1 transformation:1 xd:1 growth:2 biometrika:1 rm:2 unit:1 attend:1 local:2 oxford:1 meng:1 studied:1 limited:2 bi:1 practical:1 empirical:1 ving:1 selection:1 www:2 optimize:2 map:1 demonstrated:2 missing:4 maximizing:3 deterministic:1 straightforward:4 attention:1 independently:1 immediately:1 rule:2 estimator:1 deriving:1 notion:1 qq:1 target:1 rip:1 ixi:1 element:1 recognition:1 utilized:1 parabola:1 database:1 role:1 solved:3 capture:1 counter:1 sol:1 xile:2 dempster:1 broken:1 ultimately:1 trained:1 tight:1 compromise:1 upon:1 efficiency:1 multimodal:1 joint:14 various:1 derivation:2 train:1 loglikelihood:2 qim:4 amari:2 statistic:1 transform:1 laird:1 ip:2 final:1 injormation:1 advantage:1 mg:1 yii:2 uci:1 mixing:3 convergence:4 cluster:3 produce:1 incremental:3 derive:2 p2:2 solves:1 strong:1 entirety:1 subsequently:2 require:1 summation:4 im:4 extension:1 hold:2 ic:2 exp:1 lm:1 substituting:2 yilxi:1 vary:1 sandy:1 omitted:1 purpose:2 estimation:5 label:1 currently:1 wim:12 individually:1 him:2 weighted:1 mit:1 gaussian:11 ecm:1 og:5 derived:2 zim:2 likelihood:29 centroid:1 kim:4 am:1 tional:1 i0:1 typically:1 hidden:3 spurious:1 classification:1 dual:1 html:1 summed:1 marginal:2 equal:1 once:2 having:1 others:1 report:1 tangential:2 geometry:1 interest:1 evaluation:1 mixture:15 held:1 decoupled:3 incomplete:1 old:1 logarithm:9 re:1 desired:1 plotted:1 minimal:3 increased:1 formalism:1 modeling:2 earlier:1 logp:2 maximization:13 stored:1 answer:1 thanks:1 density:19 peak:1 ie:1 probabilistic:1 vm:1 regressor:1 michael:1 again:2 rlcl:1 algori:1 thesis:1 expert:16 resort:2 derivative:6 li:1 lookup:1 jc:1 caused:1 maximumjoint:1 performed:2 maintains:1 om:1 square:1 ir:1 accuracy:1 efficiently:1 yield:6 ofthe:1 kris:1 mlearn:1 elegance:2 rim:1 actually:1 higher:1 originally:1 violating:1 follow:1 dt:1 modal:1 done:1 evaluated:1 though:1 generality:1 hopefully:1 aj:1 facilitate:1 true:3 evolution:1 hence:1 analytically:1 laboratory:2 iteratively:1 conditionally:1 ll:2 width:1 inferior:1 unnormalized:1 abalone:1 mlrepository:1 generalized:1 complete:1 cp:2 variational:2 superior:4 common:1 ji:1 rnit:2 conditioning:3 extend:1 marginals:1 numerically:2 cambridge:1 similarly:1 operating:2 whitening:1 etc:1 ebara:1 optimizes:1 inequality:5 watson:1 yi:4 converge:1 maximize:1 monotonically:3 ii:1 unimodal:1 desirable:1 reduces:3 technical:1 calculation:2 offer:2 iog:3 ensuring:1 variant:2 regression:5 desideratum:1 whitened:2 vision:1 expectation:6 iteration:2 bimodal:1 condi:1 annealing:1 appropriately:2 rest:1 exhibited:2 ascent:1 undo:1 jordan:4 call:1 fit:2 architecture:1 reduce:1 simplifies:2 expression:1 motivated:1 hessian:1 cause:1 ignored:1 useful:1 ylx:9 http:2 estimated:1 popularity:1 xii:1 discrete:1 write:1 nevertheless:1 ce:3 merely:1 sum:7 ydxi:1 comparable:1 bound:37 played:1 convergent:1 quadratic:7 constraint:1 alex:1 ri:1 graceful:1 px:1 combination:1 poor:1 jr:1 describes:1 cascadecorrelation:1 em:31 remain:1 appealing:1 lp:1 taken:1 ln:2 resource:2 visualization:2 remains:1 equation:17 turn:1 merit:1 tractable:1 serf:1 gaussians:8 tightest:1 apply:2 hierarchical:1 subtracted:1 alternative:1 robustness:1 gate:25 clustering:1 tony:1 maintaining:1 subband:1 society:1 contact:5 occurs:1 usual:1 exhibit:1 gradient:2 parametrized:1 discriminant:1 modeled:1 ratio:4 difficult:1 holding:1 dci:1 negative:1 implementation:1 unknown:1 upper:2 markov:1 descent:1 pentland:4 extended:1 hinton:1 lb:4 thm:1 jebara:5 xtxi:1 inverting:1 optimized:1 pop:1 pattern:1 max:1 including:1 oj:1 royal:1 critical:1 ation:2 cim:3 prior:1 acknowledgement:1 loss:1 j8:1 allocation:1 conjoint:1 integrate:1 rubin:2 taking:1 overcome:1 dimension:1 jor:1 adopts:1 simplified:2 obtains:2 em2:1 cem:23 gem:1 xi:13 continuous:2 compromised:1 table:3 promising:1 nature:1 decoupling:1 obtaining:1 investigated:1 complex:2 necessarily:1 cl:1 bounding:7 xu:2 depicts:1 lc:1 sub:6 debated:1 down:1 xt:1 bishop:1 insightful:1 jensen:5 popat:2 explored:1 effectively:1 phd:1 conditioned:6 unwhitened:2 lt:1 simply:1 likely:1 prevents:1 monotonic:4 corresponds:1 satisfies:1 ma:1 conditional:42 identity:2 formulated:1 absence:1 specifically:2 operates:1 llog:2 called:1 la:2 brevity:1 |
588 | 1,538 | Robot Docking using Mixtures of Gaussians
Matthew Williamson*
Roderick Murray-Smith t
Volker Hansen t
This paper applies the Mixture of Gaussians probabilistic model, combined with Expectation Maximization optimization to the task of summarizing three dimensional range data for a mobile robot. This provides
a flexible way of dealing with uncertainties in sensor information, and allows the introduction of prior knowledge into low-level perception modules. Problems with the basic approach were solved in several ways: the
mixture of Gaussians was reparameterized to reflect the types of objects
expected in the scene, and priors on model parameters were included
in the optimization process. Both approaches force the optimization to
find 'interesting' objects, given the sensor and object characteristics. A
higher level classifier was used to interpret the results provided by the
model, and to reject spurious solutions.
1 Introduction
This paper concerns an application of the Mixture of Gaussians (MoG) probabilistic model
(Titterington et aI., 1985) for a robot docking application. We use the ExpectationMaximization (EM) approach (Dempster et aI., 1977) to fit Gaussian sub-models to a sparse
3d representation of the robot's environment, finding walls, boxes, etc .. We have modified
the MoG formulation in three ways to incorporate prior knowledge about the task, and the
sensor characteristics: the parameters of the Gaussians are recast to constrain how they fit
the data, priors on these parameters are calculated and incorporated into the EM algorithm,
and a higher level processing stage is included which interprets the fit of the Gaussians on
the data, detects misclassifications, and providing prior information to guide the modelfitting.
The robot is equipped with a LIDAR 3d laser range-finder (PIAP, 1995) which it uses to
identify possible docking objects. The range-finder calculates the time of flight for a light
pulse reflected off objects in the scene. The particular LIDAR used is not very powerful,
making objects with poor reflectance (e.g., dark, shiny, or surfaces not perpendicular to the
*Corresponding author: MIT AI Lab, Cambridge, MA, USA. rna t t@ai . rni t . edu
tDept. of Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark. rod@imm. dtu. dk
tDaimlerChrysler, Alt-Moabit 96a, Berlin, Germany. [email protected]. dairnierbenz . com
M M Williamson, R. Murray-Smith and V. Hansen
laser beam) invisible. The scan pattern is also very sparse, especially in the vertical direction, as shown in the scan of a wall in Figure 1. However, if an object is detected, the range
returned is accurate (?1-2cm). When the range data is plotted in Cartesian space it forms
a number of sparse clusters, leading naturally to the use of MoG clustering algorithms to
make sense of the scene. While the Gaussian assumption is not an ideal model of the data,
the generality of MoG, and its ease of implementation and analysis motivated its use over a
more specialized approach. The sparse nature of the data inspired the modifications to the
MoG formulation described in this paper.
Model-based object recognition from dense range images has been widely reported (see
(Arman and Aggarwal, 1993) for a review), but is not relevant in this case given the sparseness of the data. Denser range images could be collected by combining multiple scans, but
the poor visibility of the sensor hampers the application of these techniques. The advantage
of the MoG technique is that the segmentation is "soft", and perception proceeds iteratively
during learning. This is especially useful for mobile robots where evidence accumulates
over time, and the allocation of attention is time and state-dependent. The EM algorithm is
useful since it is guaranteed to converge to a local maximum.
The following sections of the paper describe the re-parameterization of the Gaussians to
model plane-like clusters, the formulation of the priors, and the higher level processing
which interprets the clustered data in order to both move the robot and provide prior information to the model-fitting algorithm.
~ -0.6
Figure 1: Plot showing data from a LIDAR scan of a wall, plotted in Cartesian space. The
robot is located at the origin, with the y axis pointing forward, x to the right, and z up. The
sparse scan pattern is visible, as well as the visibility constraint: the wall extends beyond
where the scan ends, but is invisible to the LIDAR due to the orientation of the wall
2 Mixture of Gaussians model
The range-finder returns a set of data, each of which is a position in Cartesian space Xi =
(Xi, Yi, Zi). The complete set of data D = {Xl ... XN} is modeled as being generated by a
mixture density
P(xn Ii, JLi, E i , 1l'i)P( i),
where we use a Gaussian as the sub-model, with mean JLi, variance Ei and weight 1l'i' which
makes the probability of a particular data point:
P(xnIJL, E, 1l') =
~ (21l')3/:jE I1/2 exp ( -~(Xn i
JLi)TE;l(xn - JLi))
Robot Docking Using Mixtures of Gaussians
Given a set of data D, the most likely set of parameters is found using the EM algorithm.
This algorithm has a number of advantages, such as guaranteed convergence to a local
minimum, and efficient computational performance.
In 3D Cartesian space, the Gaussian sub-models form ellipsoids, where the size and orientation are determined by the covariance matrix ~~. In the general case, the EM algorithm
can be used to learn all the parameters of ~i. The sparseness of the LIDAR data makes
this parameterization inappropriate, as various odd collections of points could be clustered
together. By changing the parameterization of ~~ to better model plane-like structures, the
system can be improved. The reparameterization is most readily expressed in terms of the
eigenvalues Ai and eigenvectors ~ of the covariance matrix ~i = ~Ai ~ -I.
The covariance matrix of a normal approximation to a plane-like vertical structure will
have a large eigenvalue in the z direction, and in the x-y plane one large and one small
I = ~T = ~,
eigenvalue. Since ~i is symmetrical, the eigenvectors are orthogonal,
and ~i can be written:
where Oi is the angle of orientation of the ith sub-model in the x-y plane, ai scales the
cluster in the x and y directions, and bi scales in the z direction. The constant, controls
the aspect ratio of the ellipsoid in the x-y plane. I
The optimal values of these parameters (a, b) are found using EM, first calculating the
probability that data point Xn is modeled by Gaussian i, (h tn ) for every data point Xn and
every Gaussian i,
hin =
7ril~il-1/2 exp (-~(Xn - fli)T~il(Xn - fli))
Li==1 7ril~~I - 1/2exp (-~(Xn - fldT~il(Xn - fli))'
This "responsibility" is then used as a weighting for the updates to the other parameters,
{) _ ~ t -I ( 2 Ln htn(Xnl - flil)(X n 2 - fli2) )
t 2 an
Ln htn[(Xnl - fl~I)2 - (Xn2 - fli2)2]
(r - l)((xnl - flid sin 0 + (Xn2 - fl~2) COSO)2 + (Xnl - flid 2 + (Xn2 - fli2)2
Ln hinxn
Ln h tn '
Ln hin(
2, Ln hin '
t -
Ln h in (Xn3 - fln3)2
Ln h tn
where Xnl is the first element of Xn etc. and ( corresponds to the projection of the data into
the plane ofthe cluster. It is im~ortant to update the means fli first, and use the new values
to update the other parameters. Figure 2 shows a typical model response on real LIDAR
Practicalities of application, and results
Starting values for the model parameters are important, as EM is only guaranteed to find a
local optimum. The Gaussian mixture components are initialized with a large covariance,
allowing them to pick up data and move to the correct positions. We found that initializing
the means fli to random data points, rather than randomly in the input space, tended to
experimentation, a value of'Y of 0.01 was found to be reasonable for this application.
2Intuition for the Oi update can be obtained by considering that (Xnl - fltl) is the x component of
the distance between Xn and /.Li, which is IXn - /.Ld cos and similarly (Xn2 - /.Li2) is IXn - /.Li Isin
so tan 2() = sin 20 = 2 sin 0 cos 0 = 2(xn1 -1'.1 )(xn 2 -1'.2) .
cos 20
cos 2 0-sin 2 0
(X n 1-l'i1 )2 -(Xn2 -1'.2)2
M. M. Williamson, R. Murray-Smith and V. Hansen
O '+ ~~
1 ;Ui?h?
Figure 2: Example of clustering of the 3d data points. The left hand graph shows the view
from above (the x-y plane), and the right graph shows the view from the side (the y-z
plane), with the robot positioned at the origin. The scene shows a box at an oblique angle,
with a wall behind. The extent of the plane-like Gaussian sub-models is illustrated using
the ellipses, which are drawn at a probability of 0.5.
work better, especially given the sensor characteristics-if the LIDAR returned a range
measurement, it was likely to be part of an interesting object.
Despite the accuracy of measurement, there are still outlying data points, and it is impossible to fully segment the data into separate objects. One simple solution we found was
to define a "junk" Gaussian. This is a sub-model placed in the center of the data, with a
large covariance ~. This Gaussian then becomes responsible for the outliers in the data (i.e.
sparsely distributed data over the whole scene, none of which are associated with a specific
object), allowing the object-modeling Gaussians to work undistracted.
The use of EM with the a, b, e parameterization found and represented plane-like data clusters better than models where all the elements of the covariance matrix were free to adapt.
It also tended to converge faster, probably due to the reduced numbers of parameters in the
covariance matrix (3 as opposed to 6). Although the algorithm is constrained to find planes,
the parameterization was flexible enough to model other objects such as thin vertical lines
(say from a table leg). The only problem with the algorithm was that it occasionally found
poor local minimum solutions, such as illustrated in Figure 3. This is a common problem
with least squares based clustering methods (Duda and Hart, 1973) .
I ..%.6
Figure 3: Two examples of 'undesirable' local minimum solutions found by EM. Both
graphs show the top view of a scene of a box in front of a wall. The algorithm has incorrectly clustered the box with the left hand side of the wall.
Robot Docking Using Mixtures ofGaussians
3 Incorporating prior information
As well as reformulating the Gaussian models to suit our application, we also incorporated
prior knowledge on the parameters of the sub-models. Sensor characteristics are often
well-defined, and it makes sense to use these as early as possible in perception, rather than
dealing with their side-effects at higher levels of reasoning. Here, e.g., the visibility constraint, by which only planes which are almost perpendicular to the lidar rays are visible,
could be included by writing P(x n ) = I:~~l P(xnli, f3t)P(i)P(visiblelf3i), the updates
could be recalculated, and the feature immediately brought into the modeling process. In
addition, prior knowledge about the locations and sizes of objects, maybe from other sensors, can be used to influence the modeling procedure. This allows the sensor to make
better use of the sparse data.
For a model with parameters f3 and data D, Bayes rule gives:
P(,8ID) = P(D)
II P(xn lf3)?
Normally the logarithm of this is taken, to give the log-likelihood, which in the case of
mixtures of Gaussians is
L(DIf3) = log(p({/-li, 7ri,ai,bi ,6Q)) -log(p(D)) + LlogLp(xnli,/-li,7ri,ai,bi,Oi)
To include the parameter priors in the EM algorithm, distributions for the different parameters are chosen, then the log-likelihood is differentiated as usual to find the updates to the parameters (McMichael, 1995). The calculations are simplified if the
priors on all the parameters are assumed to be independent, p( {/-li, 7rt , ai, bt , Od) =
It p(/-ldp( 7ri)P( ai)p(bdp( Od?
The exact form of the prior distributions varies for different parameters, both to capture different behavior and for ease of implementation. For the element means (/-li),
a flat distribution over the data is used, specifying that the means should be among
the data points. For the element weights, a multinomial Dirichlet prior can be used,
p(7ri la) = n::~1J n~l 7rf. When the hyperparameter a > 0, the algorithm favours
weights around 1/NI, and when -1 < a < 0, weights close to 0 or 1. 3 The expected
value of ai (written as ai) can be encoded using a truncated inverse exponential prior
(McMichael, 1995), setting p(ailai) = Kexp(-at/(2ai)), where K is a normalizing
factor. 4 The prior for bi has the same form. Priors for Ot were not used, but could be useful
to capture the visibility constraint. Given these distributions, the updates to the parameters
I:n h in + a
I: nI:j h jn + a
I:n h in(/, + a;
2 I: nh in
bt = I:n h in (X n3 -
I:n h in
+ bt .
The update for /-li is the same as before, the prior having no effect. The update for at and
bt forces them to be near ai and bi , and the update for 7ri is affected by the hyperparameter
The priors on ai and bi had noticeable effects on the models obtained. Figure 4 shows the
results from two fits, starting from identical initial conditions. By adjusting the size of the
prior, the algorithm can be guided into finding different sized clusters. Large values of the
prior are shown here to demonstrate its effect.
3In this paper we make little use of the Q priors, but introducing separate Q;'S for each object
could be a useful next step for scenes with varying object sizes.
4To deal with the case when a, = 0, the prior is truncated, setting p(a;!a,) = 0 when a, < Perit .
M M Williamson. R. Murray-Smith and V. Hansen
.. ) ., ..
Figure 4: Example of the action of the priors on ai and bi . The photograph shows a
visual image of the scene: a box in front of a wall, and the priors were chosen to prefer a
distribution matching the wall. The two left hand graphs show the top and side view of the
scene clustered without priors, while the two right hand graphs use priors on ai and bi . The
priors give a preference for large values of ai and bi , so biasing the optimization to find a
mixture component matching the whole wall as opposed to just the top of it.
4 Classification and diagnosis
Figure 5: Schematic of system
This section describes how higher-level processing can be used to not only interpret the
clusters fitted by the EM algorithm, but also affect the model-fitting using prior information.
The processes of model-fitting and analysis are thus coupled, and not sequential.
The results of the model fitting are primarily processed to steer the robot. Once the cluster
has been recognized as a boxlwaIVetc., the location and orientation are used to calculate
a move command. To perform the object-recognition, we used a simple classifier on a
feature vector extracted from the clustered data. The labels used were specific to docking,
and commonly clustered objects - boxes, walls, thin vertical lines. but also included labels
for clustering errors (like those shown in Figure 3). The features used were the values of the
parameters ai, bi , giving the size of the clusters, but also measures of the visibility of the
clusters, and the skewness of the within-cluster data. The classification used simple models
of the probability distributions of the features fi' given the objects OJ (i.e. P(hIOj)),
using a set of training data. In addition to moving the robot, the classifier can modify the
behavior of the model fitting algorithm. If a poor clustering solution is found, EM can be
re-run with slightly different initial conditions. If the probable locations or sizes of objects
are known from previous scans, or indeed from other sensors, then these can constrain the
clustering through priors, or provide initial means.
Robot Docking Using Mixtures ofGaussians
5 Summary
This paper shows that the Mixture of Gaussians architecture combined with EM optimization and the use of parameter priors can be used to segment and analyze real data from the
3D range-finder of a mobile robot. The approach was successfully used to guide a mobile
robot towards a docking object, using only its range-finder for perception.
For the learning community this provides more than an example of the application of a
probabilistic model to a real task. We have shown how the usual Mixture of Gaussians
model can be parameterized to include expectations about the environment in a way which
can be readily extended. We have included prior knowledge at three different levels: 1.
The use of problem-specific parameterization of the covariance matrix to find expected
patterns (e.g. planes at particular angles). 2. The use of problem-specific parameter priors
to automatically rule-out unlikely objects at the lowest level of perception. 3. The results of
the clustering process were post-processed by higher-level classification algorithms which
interpreted the parameters of the mixture components, diagnosed typical misclassification,
provided new priors for future perception, and gave the robot control system new targets.
It is expected that the basic approach can be fruitfully applied to other sensors, to problems which track dynamically changing scenes, or to problems which require relationships
between objects in the scene to be accounted for and interpreted. A problem common
to all modeling approaches is that it is not trivial to determine the number and types of
clusters needed to represent a given scene. Recent work with Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo
approaches has been successfully applied to mixtures of Gaussians (Richardson and Green,
1997), allowing a Bayesian solution to this problem, which could provide control systems
with even richer probabilistic information (a series of models conditioned on number of
All authors were employed by Daimler-Benz AG during stages of the work. R. MurraySmith gratefully acknowledges the support of Marie Curie TMR grant FMBICT96 I 369.
Arman, F. and Aggarwal, J. K. (1993). Model-based object recognition in dense-range
images-a review. ACM Computing Surveys, 25 (1), 5-43.
Dempster, A. P., Laird, N. M., and Rubin, D. B. (1977). Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the EM algorithm. J. Royal Statistical Society Series B, 39, 1-38.
Duda, R. O. and Hart, P. E. (1973). Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis. New York,
McMichael, D. W. (1995). Bayesian growing and pruning strategies for MAP-optimal
estimation of gaussian mixture models. In 4th lEE International Con! on Artificial
Neural Networks, pp. 364-368.
PIAP (1995) . PIAP impact report on TRC lidar performance. Technical Report 1, Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measure ments, 02-486 Warszawa, AI.
Jerozolimskie 202, Poland.
Richardson, S. and Green, P. J. (1997). On Bayesian anaysis of mixtures with an unknown
number of components. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 50 (4), 700-792.
Titterington, D., Smith, A., and Makov, U. (1985). Statistical Analysis of Finite Mixture
Distributions. Chichester, John Wiley & Sons.
| 1538 |@word duda:2 pulse:1 covariance:8 pick:1 ld:1 initial:3 series:2 com:1 od:2 trc:1 written:2 readily:2 john:1 visible:2 visibility:5 plot:1 update:10 parameterization:6 plane:14 ith:1 smith:5 oblique:1 provides:2 location:3 preference:1 mathematical:1 shiny:1 become:1 fitting:5 ray:1 indeed:1 expected:4 behavior:2 growing:1 inspired:1 detects:1 automatically:1 little:1 equipped:1 inappropriate:1 considering:1 becomes:1 provided:2 lowest:1 cm:1 interpreted:2 skewness:1 titterington:2 finding:2 ag:1 every:2 classifier:3 control:3 normally:1 grant:1 before:1 local:5 modify:1 despite:1 accumulates:1 id:1 dynamically:1 specifying:1 co:4 ease:2 range:12 perpendicular:2 bi:10 responsible:1 procedure:1 reject:1 projection:1 matching:2 undesirable:1 close:1 impossible:1 writing:1 influence:1 map:1 center:1 attention:1 starting:2 survey:1 immediately:1 rule:2 reparameterization:1 jli:4 target:1 tan:1 exact:1 us:1 origin:2 element:4 recognition:3 located:1 coso:1 sparsely:1 module:1 solved:1 initializing:1 capture:2 calculate:1 intuition:1 roderick:1 dempster:2 environment:2 ui:1 segment:2 various:1 represented:1 laser:2 describe:1 monte:1 detected:1 artificial:1 encoded:1 widely:1 richer:1 denser:1 say:1 richardson:2 laird:1 advantage:2 eigenvalue:3 relevant:1 combining:1 convergence:1 cluster:13 optimum:1 object:24 odd:1 noticeable:1 expectationmaximization:1 direction:4 guided:1 correct:1 bin:1 require:1 clustered:6 wall:12 probable:1 im:1 around:1 normal:1 exp:3 recalculated:1 matthew:1 pointing:1 early:1 estimation:1 label:2 hansen:5 successfully:2 mit:1 brought:1 sensor:11 gaussian:12 rna:1 modified:1 rather:2 volker:1 mobile:4 varying:1 command:2 modelling:1 likelihood:3 industrial:1 summarizing:1 sense:2 dependent:1 bt:4 unlikely:1 spurious:1 i1:2 germany:1 ldp:1 among:1 flexible:2 orientation:4 classification:4 constrained:1 once:1 f3:2 having:1 identical:1 thin:2 future:1 report:2 primarily:1 randomly:1 hamper:1 suit:1 lf3:1 chichester:1 mixture:19 light:1 behind:1 chain:1 accurate:1 ln3:1 orthogonal:1 incomplete:1 logarithm:1 initialized:1 re:2 plotted:2 fitted:1 soft:1 modeling:4 steer:1 maximization:1 introducing:1 f3t:1 fruitfully:1 front:2 reported:1 varies:1 combined:2 density:1 international:1 probabilistic:4 off:1 lee:1 together:1 tmr:1 reflect:1 opposed:2 leading:1 return:1 li:9 makov:1 automation:1 view:4 lab:1 responsibility:1 analyze:1 bayes:1 curie:1 square:1 ni:2 oi:3 il:3 variance:1 characteristic:4 accuracy:1 identify:1 ofthe:1 bayesian:3 none:1 carlo:1 tended:2 pp:1 naturally:1 associated:1 xn1:1 junk:1 con:1 adjusting:1 knowledge:5 segmentation:1 positioned:1 higher:7 reflected:1 response:1 improved:1 formulation:3 box:6 diagnosed:1 generality:1 just:1 stage:2 flight:1 hand:4 ei:1 o:3 usa:1 effect:4 ril:2 reformulating:1 iteratively:1 illustrated:2 deal:1 sin:4 during:2 complete:1 demonstrate:1 invisible:2 tn:3 hin:3 reasoning:1 image:4 fi:1 common:2 specialized:1 multinomial:1 flid:2 nh:1 interpret:2 measurement:2 cambridge:1 ai:21 ofgaussians:2 similarly:1 gratefully:1 had:1 moving:1 robot:18 surface:1 etc:2 recent:1 occasionally:1 yi:1 minimum:3 employed:1 recognized:1 converge:2 determine:1 ii:2 xn2:5 multiple:1 aggarwal:2 technical:2 faster:1 adapt:1 calculation:1 hart:2 post:1 finder:5 ellipsis:1 calculates:1 schematic:1 impact:1 basic:2 hioj:1 expectation:2 mog:6 represent:1 beam:1 addition:2 htn:2 ot:1 probably:1 near:1 ideal:1 enough:1 affect:1 fit:4 zi:1 misclassifications:1 architecture:1 gave:1 interprets:2 rod:1 favour:1 motivated:1 returned:2 york:1 action:1 useful:4 eigenvectors:2 maybe:1 dark:1 processed:2 daimler:1 reduced:1 track:1 li2:1 diagnosis:1 hyperparameter:2 affected:1 drawn:1 changing:2 marie:1 isin:1 graph:5 run:1 angle:3 inverse:1 uncertainty:1 powerful:1 parameterized:1 extends:1 almost:1 reasonable:1 ob:1 prefer:1 fl:2 guaranteed:3 kexp:1 constraint:3 constrain:2 scene:13 ri:5 flat:1 n3:1 aspect:1 poor:4 describes:1 slightly:1 em:15 son:1 making:1 modification:1 leg:1 outlier:1 taken:1 ln:8 benz:1 needed:1 end:1 b_:1 gaussians:14 experimentation:1 murraysmith:1 differentiated:1 jn:1 top:3 clustering:7 include:2 dirichlet:1 calculating:1 giving:1 reflectance:1 practicality:1 murray:4 especially:3 society:2 move:4 strategy:1 rt:1 usual:2 distance:1 separate:2 berlin:1 collected:1 extent:1 trivial:1 denmark:1 modeled:2 relationship:1 ellipsoid:2 providing:1 ratio:1 implementation:2 unknown:1 perform:1 allowing:3 vertical:4 markov:1 finite:1 incorrectly:1 reparameterized:1 truncated:2 extended:1 incorporated:2 community:1 beyond:1 proceeds:1 perception:6 pattern:4 biasing:1 recast:1 rf:1 oj:1 green:2 royal:2 misclassification:1 force:2 ixn:2 dtu:1 axis:1 acknowledges:1 coupled:1 docking:8 prior:35 review:2 acknowledgement:1 poland:1 fully:1 interesting:2 allocation:1 xnl:6 rni:1 rubin:1 bdp:1 summary:1 accounted:1 placed:1 free:1 guide:2 side:4 institute:1 sparse:6 distributed:1 calculated:1 xn:15 author:2 forward:1 collection:1 commonly:1 simplified:1 outlying:1 pruning:1 dealing:2 imm:1 symmetrical:1 assumed:1 xi:2 table:1 nature:1 learn:1 williamson:4 fli:6 dense:2 whole:2 je:1 wiley:2 sub:7 position:2 exponential:1 xl:1 weighting:1 specific:4 showing:1 dk:1 alt:1 ments:1 concern:1 evidence:1 incorporating:1 normalizing:1 sequential:1 te:1 conditioned:1 cartesian:4 sparseness:2 photograph:1 likely:2 visual:1 expressed:1 applies:1 corresponds:1 extracted:1 ma:1 acm:1 sized:1 towards:1 lidar:9 included:5 determined:1 typical:2 la:1 support:1 scan:7 incorporate:1 |
589 | 1,539 | Fisher Scoring and a Mixture of Modes
Approach for Approximate Inference and
Learning in Nonlinear State Space Models
Thomas Briegel and Volker Tresp
Siemens AG, Corporate Technology
Dept. Information and Communications
Otto-Hahn-Ring 6,81730 Munich, Germany
{Thomas.Briegel, Volker.Tresp} @mchp.siemens.de
We present Monte-Carlo generalized EM equations for learning in nonlinear state space models. The difficulties lie in the Monte-Carlo E-step
which consists of sampling from the posterior distribution of the hidden
variables given the observations. The new idea presented in this paper is
to generate samples from a Gaussian approximation to the true posterior
from which it is easy to obtain independent samples. The parameters of
the Gaussian approximation are either derived from the extended Kalman
filter or the Fisher scoring algorithm. In case the posterior density is multimodal we propose to approximate the posterior by a sum of Gaussians
(mixture of modes approach). We show that sampling from the approximate posterior densities obtained by the above algorithms leads to better
models than using point estimates for the hidden states. In our experiment, the Fisher scoring algorithm obtained a better approximation of
the posterior mode than the EKF. For a multimodal distribution, the mixture of modes approach gave superior results.
Nonlinear state space models (NSSM) are a general framework for representing nonlinear
time series. In particular, any NARMAX model (nonlinear auto-regressive moving average
model with external inputs) can be translated into an equivalent NSSM. Mathematically, a
NSSM is described by the system equation
where Xt denotes a hidden state variable, (t denotes zero-mean uncorrelated Gaussian noise
with covariance Qt and Ut is an exogenous (deterministic) input vector. The time-series
measurements Yt are related to the unobserved hidden states Xt through the observation
where Vt is uncorrelated Gaussian noise with covariance lit. In the following we assume
that the nonlinear mappings fw{.) and gv{.) are neural networks with weight vectors w
and v, respectively. The initial state Xo is assumed to be Gaussian distributed with mean
ao and covariance Qo. All variables are in general multidimensional. The two challenges
T Briegel and V. Tresp
in NSSMs are the interrelated tasks of inference and learning. In inference we try to estimate the states of unknown variables Xs given some measurements Yb ... , Yt (typically
the states of past (s < t), present (s = t) or future (s > t) values of Xt) and in learning we
want to adapt some unknown parameters in the model (i.e. neural network weight vectors
wand v) given a set of measurements. 1 In the special case of linear state space models
with Gaussian noise, efficient algorithms for inference and maximum likelihood learning
exist. The latter can be implemented using EM update equations in which the E-step is
implemented using forward-backward Kalman filtering (Shumway & Stoffer, 1982). If
the system is nonlinear, however, the problem of inference and learning leads to complex
integrals which are usually considered intractable (Anderson & Moore, 1979). A useful
approximation is presented in section 3 where we show how the learning equations for
NSSMs can be implemented using two steps which are repeated until convergence. First in
the (Monte-Carlo) E-step, random samples are generated from the unknown variables (e.g.
the hidden variables Xt) given the measurements. In the second step (a generalized M-step)
those samples are treated as real data and are used to adapt Iw (.) and gv (.) using some
version of the backpropagation algorithm. The problem lies in the first step, since it is difficult to generate independent samples from a general multidimensional distribution. Since
it is difficult to generate samples from the proper distribution the next best thing might be
to generate samples using an approximation to the proper distribution which is the idea
pursued in this paper. The first thing which might come to mind is to approximate the
posterior distribution of the hidden variables by a multidimensional Gaussian distribution
since generating samples from such a distribution is simple. In the first approach we use the
extended Kalman filter and smoother to obtain mode and covariance ofthis Gaussian. 2 Alternatively, we estimate the mode and the covariance of the posterior distribution using an
efficient implementation of Fisher scoring derived by Fahrmeir and Kaufmann (1991) and
use those as parameters of the Gaussian. In some cases the approximation of the posterior
mode by a single Gaussian might be considered too crude. Therefore, as a third solution,
we approximate the posterior distribution by a sum of Gaussians (mixture of modes approach). Modes and covariances of those Gaussians are obtained using the Fisher scoring
algorithm. The weights of the Gaussians are derived from the likelihood of the observed
data given the individual Gaussian. In the following section we derive the gradient of the
log-likelihood with respect to the weights in I w (.) and gv (.). In section 3, we show that
the network weights can be updated using a Monte-Carlo E-step and a generalized M-step.
Furthermore, we derive the different Gaussian approximations to the posterior distribution
and introduce the mixture of modes approach. In section 4 we validate our algorithms using
a standard nonlinear stochastic time-series model. In section 5 we present conclusions.
Given our assumptions we can write the joint probability of the complete data for t
1, ... , T as 3
p(Xr, Yr, Ur) = p(Ur) p(xo)
II p(Xt IXt-l. ut} II p(Yt IXt, ut}
1 In this paper we focus on the case s :::; t (smoothing and offline learning, respectively).
2Independently from our work, a single Gaussian approximation to the E-step using the EKFS
has been proposed by Ghahramani & Roweis (1998) for the special case of a RBF network. They
show that one obtains a closed form M-step when just adapting the linear parameters by holding
the nonlinear parameters fixed. Although avoiding sampling, the computational load of their M-step
seems to be significant.
3In the following, each probability density is conditioned on the current model. For notational
convenience, we do not indicate this fact explicitly.
Fisher Scoring and Mixture of Modes for Inference and Learning in NSSM
where UT
{Ul,"" UT} is a set of known inputs which means that p( UT) is irrelevant
in the following. Since only YT = {Yl,"" YT} and UT are observed, the log-likelihood
of the model is
log L = log J p(XT, YTIUT)p(UT) dXT ex log J p(XT, YTIUT ) dXT
with XT = {xo, ... , XT}. By inserting the Gaussian noise assumptions we obtain the
gradients of the log-likelihood with respect to the neural network weight vectors wand v,
respectively (Tresp & Hofmann, 1995)
Xt -fw(Xt-llUd p(Xt,Xt-l YT,UT)dxt-ldxt
Yt-gv(Xt,ut} p(Xt!YT,UT)dxt.
Monte-Carlo Generalized EM Learning
The integrals in the previous equations can be solved using Monte-Carlo integration which
leads to the following learning algorithm.
1. Generate S samples {xo, ... , };=1 from P(XT \YT , UT ) assuming the current
model is correct (Monte-Carlo E-Step).
2. Treat those samples as real data and update w new = wold
void + 1]&I~~L with stepsize 1] and
S t=1 s=1
+ 1] &~! Land v new
(x:-fW(X:_l,ud) (6)
Xt-l=t:_ 1
~~~8gv (Xt,Ut)1
( _ ("S
Yt gv Xt,Ut
t=1 s=1
(generalized M-step). Go back to step one.
The second step is simply a stochastic gradient step. The computational difficulties lie
in the first step. Methods which produce samples from multivariate distributions such as
Gibbs sampling and other Markov chain Monte-Carlo methods have (at least) two problems. First, the sampling process has to "forget" its initial condition which means that the
first samples have to be discarded and there are no simple analytical tools available to determine how many samples must be discarded . Secondly, subsequent samples are highly
correlated which means that many samples have to be generated before a sufficient amount
of independent samples is available. Since it is so difficult to sample from the correct
posterior distribution p(XT !YT, UT) the idea in this paper is to generate samples from an
approximate distribution from which it is easy to draw samples. In the next sections we
present approximations using a multivariate Gaussian and a mixture of Gaussians.
Approximate Mode Estimation Using the Extended Kalman Filter
Whereas the Kalman filter is an optimal state estimator for linear state space models the
extended Kalman filter is a suboptimal state estimator for NSSMs based on locallinearizations of the nonlinearities. 4 The extended Kalman filter and smoother (EKFS) algorithm is
4 Note that we do not include the parameters in the NSSM as additional states to be estimated as
done by other authors, e.g. Puskorius & Feldkamp (1994).
T. Briegel and V. Tresp
a forward-backward algorithm and can be derived as an approximation to posterior mode
estimation for Gaussian error sequences (Sage & Melsa, 1971). Its application to our framework amounts to approximating x~ode ~ x~KFS where x~KFS is the smoothed estimate
of Xt obtained from forward-backward extended Kalman filtering over the set of measurements YT and x~ode is the mode of the posterior distribution p( Xt IYT , UT). We use x~KFS
as the center of the approximating Gaussian. The EKFS also provides an estimate of the
error covariance of the state vector at each time step t which can be used to form the covariance matrix of the approximating Gaussian. The EKFS equations can be found in Anderson
& Moore (1979). To generate samples we recursively apply the following algorithm. Given
xLI is a sample from the Gaussian approximation of p(xt-IIYT, UT) at time t - 1 draw
from p(XtIXt-1 = X:_I' YT, UT). The last conditional density is Gaussian
a sample
with mean and covariance calculated from the EKFS approximation and the lag-one error
covariances derived in Shumway & Stoffer (1982), respectively.
Exact Mode Estimation Using the Fisher Scoring Algorithm
If the system is highly nonlinear, however, the EKFS can perform badly in finding the
posterior mode due to the fact that it uses a first order Taylor series expansion of the nonlinearities fw (.) and gv(.) (for an illustration, see Figure 1). A u!:>cful- and computationally
tractable - alternative to the EKFS is to compute the "exact" posterior mode by maximizing
logp(XT IYrr, UT) with respect to XT. A suitable way to determine a stationary point of
the log posterior, or equivalently, of P(XT, YTIUT) (derived from (3) by dropping P(UT))
FS old
. to app Iy rlS
D' h
W'It h the current estImate
er scormg.
we get a better estImate
X~s,new = X;S,old + 1] J for the unknown state sequence XT where J is the solution of
with the score function s(XT
= alogp(::~YTIUT) and the expected information matrix
= E[_a210~1X;{fIUT'J.5
By extending the arguments given in Fahrmeir &
Kaufmann (1991) to nonlinear state space models it turns out that solving equation (8) e.g. to compute the inverse of the expected information matrix - can be performed by
Cholesky decomposition in one forward and backward pass. 6 The forward-backward steps
can be implemented as a fast EKFS-Iike algorithm which has to be iterated to obtain the
maximum posterior estimates x~ode
x;S (see Appendix). Figure 1 shows the estimate
obtained by the Fisher scoring procedure for a bimodal posterior density. Fisher scoring
is successful in finding the "exact" mode, the EKFS algorithm is not. Samples of the
approximating Gaussian are generated in the same way as in the last section.
The Mixture of Modes Approach
The previous two approaches to posterior mode smoothing can be viewed as single Gaussian approximations of the mode of p(XTIYT, UT). In some cases the approximation of
the posterior density by a single Gaussian might be considered too crude, in particular if
the posterior distribution is multimodal. In this section we approximate the posterior by a
weighted sum of m Gaussians p(XT IYT, UT) ~ :E~I okp(XT Ik) where p(XT Ik) is the
k-th Gaussian. If the individual Gaussians model the different modes we are able to model
multimodal posterior distributions accurately. The approximations of the individual modes
are local maxima of the Fisher scoring algorithm which are f~)Und by starting the algorithm
using different initial conditions. Given the different Gaussians, the optimal weighting facp(YTlk)p(k)jp(YT) where p(YTlk)
jp(YTIXT)P(XTlk)dXT is the
tors are ok
SNote that the difference between the Fisher scoring and the Gauss-Newton update is that in the
fonner we take the expectation of the information matrix.
6The expected information matrix is a positive definite blOCk-tridiagonal matrix.
Fisher Scoring and Mixture of Modes for Inference and Learning in NSSM
likelihood of the data given mode k. If we approximate that integral by inserting the Fisher
scoring solutions x;S,k for each time step t and linearize the nonlinearity gv (.) about the
Fisher scoring solutions, we obtain a closed form solution for computing the ok (see Appendix). The resulting estimator is a weighted sum of the m single Fisher scoring estimates
L::=l ok x;s,k. The mixture of modes algorithm can be found in the Appendix.
For the learning task samples of the mixture of Gaussians are based on samples of each of
the m single Gaussians which are obtained the same way as in subsection 3.2.
In the first experiment we want to test how well the different approaches can approximate
the posterior distribution of a nonlinear time series (inference). As a time-series model we
1 2
= 0.5 Xt-l + 25 1 +Xt-l
+ 8eas ( 1.2(t -I},) g(xt} = 20Xt,
xt_ 1
the covariances Qt = 10, lit = 1 and initial conditions ao = 0 and Qo = 5 which is
f(Xt-l, Ut}
considered a hard inference problem (Kitagawa, 1987). At each time step we calculate the
expected value of the hidden variables Xt, t = 1, ... , 400 based on a set of measurements
Y400 = {Yl, ... , Y400} (which is the optimal estimator in the mean squared sense) and based
on the different approximations presented in the last section. Note that for the single mode
approximation, x~ode is the best estimate of Xt based on the approximating Gaussian. For
the mixture of modes approach, the best estimate is L:~l ok x;S,k where x;S,k is the mode
of the k-th Gaussian in the dimension of Xt. Figure 2 (left) shows the mean squared error
(MSE) of the smoothed estimates using the different approaches. The Fisher scoring (FS)
algorithm is significantly better than the EKFS approach. In this experiment, the mixture of
modes (MM) approach is significantly better than both the EKFS and Fisher scoring. The
reason is that the posterior probability is multimodal as shown in Figure 1.
In the second experiment we used the same time-series model and trained a neural network to approximate fw (.) where all covariances were assumed to be fixed and known.
For adaptation we used the learning rules of section 3 using the various approximations
to the posterior distribution of XT . Figure 2 (right) shows the results. The experiments
show that truly sampling from the approximating Gaussians gives significantly better results than using the expected value as a point estimate. Furthermore, using the mixture
of modes approach in conjunction with sampling gave significantly better results than the
approximations using a single Gaussian . When used for inference, the network trained using the mixture of modes approach was not significantly worse than the true model (5%
significance level, based on 20 experiments).
In our paper we presented novel approaches for inference and learning in NSSMs. The
application of Fisher scoring and the mixture of modes approach to nonlinear models as
presented in our paper is new. Also the idea of sampling from an approximation to the
posterior distribution of the hidden variables is presented here for the first time. Our results
indicate that the Fisher scoring algorithm gives better estimates of the expected value of
the hidden variable than the EKFS based approximations. Note that the Fisher scoring algorithm is more complex in requiring typically 5 forward-backward passes instead of only
one forward-backward pass for the EKFS approach. Our experiments also showed that if
the posterior distribution is multi modal, the mixture of modes approach gives significantly
better estimates if compared to the approaches based on a single Gaussian approximation.
Our learning experiments show that it is important to sample from the approximate distributions and that it is not sufficient to simply substitute point estimates. Based on the
T. Briegel and V. Tresp
0.4,---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---,
0 . 2 , - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
0 . 18
, ,
0 . 35
1t 0.25
,,- ....
o - 'o---~~~-=-=--~o--~--~~-~
t =-= 2 9 5
Figure 1: Approximations to the posterior distribution p( x t iY400, U400) for t = 294 and t =
295. The continuous line shows the posterior distribution based on Gibbs sampling using
1000 samples and can be considered a close approximation to the true posterior. The EKFS
approximation (dotted) does not converge to a mode. The Fisher scoring solution (dashdotted) finds the largest mode. The mixture of modes approach with 50 modes (dashed)
correctly finds the two modes.
sampling approach it is also possible to estimate hyperparameters (e.g. the covariance matrices) which was not done in this paper. The approaches can also be extended towards
online learning and estimation in various ways (e.g. missing data problems).
Appendix: Mixture of Modes Algorithm
The mixture of modes estimate x~M is derived as a weighted sum of k = 1, . .. ,m individual Fisher
scoring (mode) estimates x;S ,k. For m = 1 we obtain the Fisher scoring algorithm of subsection 3.3.
First, one performs the set of forward recursions (t = 1, ... , T) for each single mode estimator k.
p(~FS , k)"'k
pT( , FS ,k)+Q
pT('FS ,k)(",k
tXt_I ""'tit-I
(11 )
,FS ,k)
St ( x t
with the initialization :E~lo = Qo, 'Yo
ing recursions (t = T , .. . , 1)
k T
+ Bt
= So (X~S , k). Then, one performs the set of backward smooth:E kt - l l t - l
(Dkt-I )-1
Bkt T
( Dtk 1)-1 'Yt-l
+ B;:E~ B; T
+ Bkok
t t
= 8fw(Xt_l
' U') I
G ( Z ) -- &YdXt,Utll
( ) - &logp(Xr,YrIUT) I
a d
Xt=Z, St Z &Xt
Xt=Z n
initialization o} = :E}'Y}. The k individual mode estimates x;S ,k are obtained by iterative application of the update rule X~S , k := '7 Ok + X~S , k with stepsize '7 where X~S , k = {X~S , k, .. . ,X~S,k}
with Pt(z)
and Ok = {o~ , ... , o} }. After convergence we obtain the mixture of modes estimate as the weighted
. h'ttng coe ffi Clents
k := 0'0k were
T -,
1 "' , 0)
sum X,MM
= ",m
6k=1 0' k~FS
x t ' k WIt. h welg
O't t =
are computed recursively starting with a uniform prior O'} =
(N(xlp,:E) stands for a Gaussian
with center p and covariance :E evaluated at x):
O'~+IN(Ytlgv(xfs,k, ur),
Fisher Scoring and Mixture of Modes for Inference and Learning in NSSM
0 . "1
Figure 2: Left (inference): The heights of the bars indicate the mean squared error between
the true Xt (which we know since we simulated the system) and the estimates using the
various approximations. The error bars show the standard deviation derived from 20 repetitions of the experiment. Based on the paired t-test, Fisher scoring is significantly better
than the EKFS and all mixture of modes approaches are significantly better than both EKFS
and Fisher scoring based on a 1% rejection region. The mixture of modes approximation
with 50 modes (MM 50) is significantly better than the approximation using 20 modes. The
improvement of the approximation using 20 modes (MM 20) is not significantly better than
the approximation with 10 (MM 10) modes using a 5% rejection region.
Right (learning): The heights of the bars indicate the mean squared error between the true
fw (.) (which is known) and the approximations using a multi-layer perceptron with 3 hidden units and T = 200. Shown are results using the EKFS approximation, (left) the Fisher
scoring approximation (center) and the mixture of modes approximation (right). There are
two bars for each experiment: The left bars show results where the expected value of x t
calculated using the approximating Gaussians are used as (single) samples for the generalized M-step - in other words - we use a point estimate for Xt. Using the point estimates, the
results of all three approximations are not significantly different based on a 5% significance
level. The right bars shows the result where S = 50 samples are generated for approximating the gradient using the Gaussian approximations. The results using sampling are all
significantly better than the results using point estimates (l % significance level). The sampling approach using the mixture of modes approximation is significantly better than the
other two sampling-based approaches (l % significance level). If compared to the inference
results of the experiments shown on the left, we achieved a mean squared error of 6.02 for
the mixture of modes approach with 10 modes which is not significantly worse than the
results the with the true model of 5.87 (5% significance level).
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Tresp, V. and Hofmann, R. (1995) Missing and Noisy Data in NonLinear Time-Series Prediction,
Neural Networks for Signal Processing 5, IEEE Sig. Proc. Soc., pp. 1-10.
| 1539 |@word dtk:1 version:1 seems:1 covariance:14 decomposition:1 recursively:2 initial:4 series:10 score:1 past:1 current:3 must:1 subsequent:1 hofmann:2 gv:8 update:4 stationary:1 pursued:1 yr:1 metrika:1 regressive:1 provides:1 height:2 welg:1 ik:2 consists:1 introduce:1 xt_l:3 expected:7 multi:2 feldkamp:2 ag:1 unobserved:1 finding:2 multidimensional:3 control:1 unit:1 before:1 positive:1 local:1 treat:1 might:4 chose:1 initialization:2 block:1 definite:1 backpropagation:1 xr:3 procedure:1 adapting:1 significantly:14 word:1 get:1 convenience:1 close:1 prentice:1 equivalent:1 deterministic:1 yt:17 center:3 maximizing:1 go:1 missing:2 starting:2 independently:1 wit:1 estimator:5 rule:2 updated:1 pt:3 exact:3 us:1 sig:1 observed:2 solved:1 calculate:1 region:2 solla:1 und:1 dynamic:2 trained:3 solving:1 xtixt:1 tit:3 division:1 translated:1 multimodal:5 joint:1 various:3 jersey:1 fast:1 dkt:1 monte:8 lag:1 otto:1 statistic:1 noisy:1 online:1 sequence:2 analytical:1 propose:1 adaptation:1 inserting:2 roweis:2 validate:1 convergence:2 extending:1 produce:1 generating:1 ring:1 derive:2 linearize:1 recurrent:1 qt:2 ex:5 soc:1 implemented:4 come:1 indicate:4 correct:2 filter:7 stochastic:3 ao:2 secondly:1 mathematically:1 kitagawa:2 mm:5 considered:5 hall:1 mapping:1 tor:1 estimation:6 proc:1 iw:1 infonnation:1 largest:1 repetition:1 tool:1 weighted:4 mit:1 gaussian:31 ekf:1 volker:2 conjunction:1 derived:8 focus:1 yo:1 notational:1 improvement:1 likelihood:6 sense:1 inference:14 nn:1 typically:2 bt:1 hidden:10 keams:1 germany:1 udl:1 smoothing:3 integration:1 special:2 uc:1 sampling:13 lit:2 rls:1 future:1 report:1 individual:5 highly:2 stoffer:3 mixture:27 truly:1 puskorius:2 chain:1 kt:1 integral:3 kfs:3 taylor:1 old:2 iiyt:1 modeling:1 logp:2 deviation:1 uniform:1 successful:1 tridiagonal:1 too:2 ixt:2 st:2 density:6 yl:2 iy:1 squared:5 worse:2 external:1 ek:1 nonlinearities:2 de:1 explicitly:1 performed:1 try:1 closed:2 exogenous:1 iike:1 kaufmann:3 xli:1 iterated:1 accurately:1 carlo:8 app:1 llt:1 pp:4 subsection:2 ut:25 ea:1 back:1 ok:6 modal:1 yb:1 done:2 wold:1 evaluated:1 anderson:3 furthermore:2 just:1 until:1 qo:3 cohn:1 nonlinear:17 mode:57 requiring:1 true:6 moore:3 davis:1 generalized:7 hill:1 complete:1 performs:2 novel:1 superior:1 jp:2 jl:1 eps:1 measurement:6 significant:1 cambridge:1 gibbs:2 nonlinearity:1 moving:1 okp:1 posterior:33 multivariate:2 showed:1 irrelevant:1 vt:1 scoring:28 additional:1 determine:2 converge:1 ud:1 dashed:1 ii:2 smoother:2 signal:1 corporate:1 ing:1 smooth:1 technical:1 adapt:2 paired:1 prediction:1 regression:1 expectation:1 bimodal:1 achieved:1 whereas:1 want:2 ode:4 void:1 pass:1 comment:1 briegel:5 thing:2 nonstationary:1 easy:2 gave:2 suboptimal:1 idea:4 ul:1 forecasting:1 f:7 york:1 useful:1 amount:2 generate:7 sl:1 exist:1 dotted:1 estimated:1 correctly:1 write:1 dropping:1 backward:8 sum:6 wand:2 inverse:1 ilt:1 family:1 draw:2 appendix:4 layer:1 alogp:1 badly:1 btk:1 argument:1 munich:1 em:5 ur:3 xo:4 computationally:1 equation:8 turn:1 ffi:1 mind:1 know:1 tractable:1 available:2 gaussians:12 apply:1 stepsize:2 alternative:1 thomas:2 substitute:1 denotes:2 include:1 newton:1 coe:1 bkt:1 ghahramani:2 hahn:1 approximating:8 xlp:1 gradient:5 simulated:1 reason:1 assuming:1 kalman:10 illustration:1 iyt:2 equivalently:1 difficult:3 holding:1 sage:2 implementation:1 proper:2 unknown:4 perform:1 observation:2 markov:1 discarded:2 extended:7 communication:2 smoothed:2 bk:1 able:1 bar:6 usually:1 dynamical:1 challenge:1 suitable:1 difficulty:2 treated:1 xtiyt:1 recursion:2 representing:1 technology:1 auto:1 tresp:7 prior:1 shumway:3 dxt:5 filtering:4 xtlk:1 jasa:1 sufficient:2 uncorrelated:2 land:1 lo:1 dashdotted:1 neurocontrol:1 gl:2 last:3 offline:1 perceptron:1 fahrmeir:2 mchp:1 distributed:1 calculated:2 dimension:1 stand:1 forward:8 author:1 transaction:1 approximate:12 obtains:1 mcgraw:1 assumed:2 alternatively:1 continuous:1 iterative:1 expansion:1 mse:1 complex:2 significance:5 noise:4 hyperparameters:1 repeated:1 xt_:1 exponential:1 lie:3 crude:2 third:1 weighting:1 load:1 xt:53 er:1 x:1 intractable:1 ofthis:1 ekfs:17 conditioned:1 rejection:2 forget:1 interrelated:1 simply:2 ma:1 conditional:1 viewed:1 rbf:1 towards:1 fisher:28 fw:9 hard:1 pas:2 gauss:1 experimental:1 siemens:2 cholesky:1 latter:1 dept:1 avoiding:1 correlated:1 |
590 | 154 | 81
Eric B. Baum
Department of Physics
Princeton University
Princeton NJ 08540
David Haussler
Computer and Information Science
University of California
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
We address the question of when a network can be expected to
generalize from m random training examples chosen from some arbitrary probability distribution, assuming that future test examples
are drawn from the same distribution. Among our results are the
following bounds on appropriate sample vs. network size. Assume
o < ? $ 1/8. We show that if m > O( ~log~) random examples can be loaded on a feedforward network of linear threshold
functions with N nodes and W weights, so that at least a fraction
1 - t of the examples are correctly classified, then one has confidence approaching certainty that the network will correctly classify
a fraction 1 - ? of future test examples drawn from the same distribution. Conversely, for fully-connected feedforward nets with
one hidden layer, any learning algorithm using fewer than O(
random training examples will, for some distributions of examples
consistent with an appropriate weight choice, fail at least some
fixed fraction of the time to find a weight choice that will correctly
classify more than a 1 - ? fraction of the future test examples.
In the last few years, many diverse real-world problems have been attacked by back
propagation. For example "expert systems" have been produced for mapping text
to phonemes [sr87], for determining the secondary structure of proteins [qs88], and
for playing backgammon [ts88].
In such problems, one starts with a training database, chooses (by making an educated guess) a network, and then uses back propagation to load as many of the
training examples as possible onto the network. The hope is that the network so designed will generalize to predict correctly on future examples of the same problem.
This hope is not always realized.
This paper will appear in the January 1989 issue of Neural Computation. For
completeness, we reprint this full version here, with the kind permission of MIT
Press. ? 1989, MIT Press
Baum and Haussler
We address the question of when valid generalization can be expected. Given a
training database of m examples, what size net should we attempt to load these
on? We will assume that the examples are drawn from some fixed but arbitrary
probability distribution, that the learner is given some accuracy parameter E, and
that his goal is to produce with high probability a feedforward neural network that
predicts correctly at least a fraction 1 - E of future examples drawn from the same
distribution. These reasonable assumptions are suggested by the protocol proposed
by Valiant for learning from examples [val84]. However, here we do not assume the
existence of any "target function"; indeed the underlying process generating the
examples may classify them in a stochastic manner, as in e.g. [dh73].
Our treatment of the problem of valid generalization will be quite general in that
the results we give will hold for arbitrary learning algorithms and not just for
back propagation. The results are based on the notion of capacity introduced by
Cover [cov65] and developed by Vapnik and Chervonenkis [vc7l], [vap82]. Recent
overviews of this theory are given in [dev88], [behw87b] and [poI84], from the various
perspectives of pattern recognition, Valiant's computational learning theory, and
pure probability theory, respectively. This theory generalizes the simpler counting
arguments based on cardinality and entropy used in [behw87a] and [dswshhj87], in
the latter case specifically to study the question of generalization in feedforward
nets (see [vap82] or [behw87b]).
The particular measures of capacity we use here are the maximum number of dichotomies that can be induced on m inputs, and the Vapnik-CheMlonenki. (Ve)
Dimen.ion, defined below. We give upper and lower bounds on these measures for
classes of networks obtained by varying the weights in a fixed feedforward architecture. These results show that the VC dimension is closely related to the number of
weights in the architecture, in analogy with the number of coefficients or "degrees
of freedom" in regression models. One particular result, of some interest independent of its implications for learning, is a construction of a near minimal size net
architecture capable of implementing all dichotomies on a randomly chosen set of
points on the n-hypercube with high probability.
Applying these results, we address the question of when a network can be expected
to generalize from m random training examples chosen from some arbitrary probability distribution, assuming that future test examples are drawn from the same
distribution. Assume 0 < E < 1/8. We show that ifm ~ O(~log.r:) random examples can be loaded on a feedforward network of linear threshold functions with
N nodes and W weights, so that at least a fraction 1 - j of the examples are correctly classified, then one has confidence approaching certainty that the network
will correctly classify a fraction 1 - E of future test examples drawn from the same
distribution. Conversely, for fully-connected feedforward nets with one hidden layer,
any learning algorithm using fewer than O( ~) random training examples will, for
some distributions of examples consistent with an appropriate weight choice, fail
at least some fixed fraction of the time to find a weight choice that will correctly
classify more than a 1 - E fraction of the future test examples.
What Size Net Gives Valid Generalization?
Ignoring the constant and logarithmic factors, these results suggest that the appropriate number of training examples is approximately the number of weights times
the inversel of the accuracy parameter E. Thus, for example, if we desire an accuracy level of 90%, corresponding to E
0.1, we might guess that we would need
about 10 times as many training examples as we have weights in the network. This
is in fact the rule of thumb suggested by Widrow [wid87], and appears to work fairly
well in practice. At the end of Section 3, we briefly discuss why learning algorithms
that try to minimize the number of non-zero weights in the network [rum87] [hin87]
may need fewer training examples.
We use In to denote the natural logarithm and log to denote the logarithm base
2. We define an ezample as a pair (i, a), i E ~n, a E {-I, +1}. We define a
random sample as a sequence of examples drawn independently at random from
some distribution D on ~n X {-1, +1}. Let I be a function from ~n into {-1, +1}.
We define the error of I, with respect to D, as the probability a;/; I(i) for (i,a)
a random example.
Let F be a class of {-1, +l}-valued functions on ~n and let S be a set of m points
in ~n . A dichotomy of S induced by I E F is a partition of S into two disjoint
subsets S+ and S- such that I(i)
+1 for i E S+ and I(i)
-1 for i E S-.
By .6. F (S) we denote the number of distinct dichotomies of S induced by functions
I E F, and by .6.F(m) we denote the maximum of .6.F(S) over all S C ~n of
cardinality m. We say S is shattered by F if .6.F(S) = 2151 , i.e. all dichotomies of
S can be induced by functions in F. The Vapnik-CheMlonenkis (VC) dimension of
F, denoted VCdim(F), is the cardinality of the largest S C ~n that is shattered
by F, i.e. the largest m such that .6.F ( m) 2m ?
A feedforward net with input from ~n is a directed acyclic graph G with an ordered
sequence ofn source nodes (called inputs) and one sink (called the output). Nodes
of G that are not source nodes are called computation nodes, nodes that are neither
source nor sink nodes are called hidden nodes. With each computation node n.
there is associated a function" : ~inde't'ee(n,) ~ {-I, +1}, where indeg7'ee(n.) is
the number of incoming edges for node n,. With the net itself there is associated
a function I : ~n ~ {-I, +1} defined by composing the I,'s in the obvious way,
assuming that component i of the input i is placed at the it" input node.
A Jeedlorward architecture is a class of feedforward nets all of which share the
same underlying graph. Given a graph G we define a feedforward architecture by
a class of functions F, from ~'nde't'ee(n,)
associating to each computation node
It should be noted that our bounds differ significantly from those given in [dev88] in
that the latter exhibit a dependence on the inverse of e2 ? This is because we derive
our results from Vapnik's theorem on the uniform relative deviation of frequencies
from their probabilities ([vap82], see Appendix A3 of [behw87b]), giving sharper
bounds as E approaches o.
Baum and Haussler
to {-I, +1}. The resulting architecture consists of all feedforward nets obtained by
choosing a particular function" from F, for each computation node ft,. We will
identify an architecture with the class offunctions computed by the individual nets
within the architecture when no confusion will arise.
Theorem 1: Let F be a feedforward architecture generated by an underlying
graph G with N > 2 computation nodes and F, be the class of functions associated
with computation node ft, of G, 1 < i < N. Let d = E~l VCdim(Fl). Then
AF(m) < n~lAF,(m)::; (Nem/d)d for m > d, where e is the base of the natural
Proof: Assume G has n input nodes and that the computation nodes of G are
ordered so that node receives inputs only from input nodes and from computation
nodes nj, 1 < j ::; i - I . Let S be a set of m points in ~n. The dichotomy
induced on S by the function in node nl can be chosen in at most AFI (m) ways.
This choice determines the input to node nz for each of the m points in S. The
dichotomy induced on these m inputs by the function in node nz can be chosen
in at most AF:a(m) ways, etc. Any dichotomy of S induced by the whole network
can be obtained by choosing dichotomies for each of the ni's in this manner, hence
AF(m) < nf:l AF,(m).
By a theorem of Sauer [sau72], whenever VCdim(F) = Ie < 00, AF(m) < (em/Ie)l
for all m > Ie (see also [behw87b]). Let ~ = VCdim(Fi), 1 < i < N. Thus
d Ef:l~. Then n~l AF,(m) < n~l(em/~)'" for m > d. Using the fact that
E~l -ailogai < logN whenever a. > 0, 1 < i < N, and E~l ai = I, and setting
~/d, it is easily verified that n~l ~d. > (d/N)d. Hence n~l(em/di)d. <
Corollary 2: Let F be the class of all functions computed by feedforward nets
defined on a fixed underlying graph G with E edges and N > 2 computation
nodes, each of which computes a linear threshold function. Let W
E + N (the
total number of weights in the network, including one weight per edge and one
threshold per computation node). Then AF(m) < (Nem/W)W for all m > Wand
VCdim(F) < 2Wlog(eN).
Proof: The first inequality follows from directly from Theorem 1 using the fact that
VCdim(F) = Ie + 1 when F is the class of all linear threshold functions on ~l (see
e.g. [wd81]). For the second inequality, it is easily verified that for N > 2 and
m 2Wlog(eN), (N em/W)W < 2m. Hence this is an upper bound on VCdim(F).
Using VC dimension bounds given in [wd81], related corollaries can be obtained for
nets that use spherical and other types of polynomial threshold functions. These
bounds can be used in the following.
What Size Net Gives Valid Generalization?
Theorem 3 [vapS2} (see [behw87b), Theorem A3.3): Let F be a class offunctions2
on ~n, 0 < l' < 1,0 < ?,6 < 1. Let S be a random sequence of m examples drawn
independently according to the distribution D. The probability that there exists a
function in F that disagrees with at most a fraction (1 - 1')? of the examples in S
and yet has error greater than ? (w.r.t. D) is less than
From Corollary 2 and Theorem 3, we get:
Corollary 4: Given a fixed graph G with E edges and N linear threshold units
(i.e. W = E + N weights), fixed 0 < ? < 1/2, and m random training examples,
32W 1 32N
if one can find a choice of weights so that at least a fraction 1- ?/2 of the m training
examples are correctly loaded, then one has confidence at least 1 - Se- 1?5W that
the net will correctly classify all but a fraction ? of future examples drawn from the
same distribution. For
64W I 64N
> --;-
the confidence is at least 1 - Se-em/S2.
Proof: Let l' = 1/2 and apply Theorem 3, using the bound on aF(m) given in
Corollary 2. This shows that the probability that there exists a choice of the weights
that defines a function with error greater than ? that is consistent with at least a
fraction 1 - ?/2 of the training examples is at most
When m = !ll!.ln!!K
this is S(2e 3fN'
E In!!K)W
which is less than Se- 1. 5W for N ->
2 and ? < 1/2. When m > 84EW In 8~N, (2N em/W) W < e Em / S2 , so S(2N em/W) W
e- Em / 16 < Se-em/S2.
The constant 32 is undoubtably an overestimate. No serious attempt has been made
to minimize it. Further, we do not know if the log term is unavoidable. Nevertheless,
even without these terms, for nets with many weights this may represent a considerable number of examples. Such nets are common in cases where the complexity
of the rule being learned is not known in advance, so a large architecture is chosen
2 We assume some measurability conditions on the class F. See [poI84], [behwS7b1 for
Baum and Haussler
in order to increase the chances that the rule can be represented. To counteract the
concomitant increase in the size of the training sample needed, one method that
has been explored is the use of learning algorithms that try to use as little of the
architecture as possible to load the examples, e.g. by setting as many weights to
zero as possible, and by removing as many nodes as possible (a node can be removed
if all its incoming weights are zero.) [rumS7] [hin87]. The following shows that the
VC dimension of such a "reduced" architecture is not much larger than what one
would get if one knew a priori what nodes and edges could be deleted.
Corollary 5: Let F be the class of all functions computed by linear threshold
feedforward nets defined on a fixed underlying graph G with N' > 2 computation
nodes and E' ~ N' edges, such that at most E > 2 edges have non-zero weights
and at most N ~ 2 nodes have at least one incoming edge with a non-zero weight.
Let W = E + N. Then the conclusion of Corollary 4 holds for sample size
Prool sketch: We can bound dF( m) by considering the number of ways the N nodes
and E edges that remain can be chosen from among those in the initial network. A
crude upper bound is (N')N (E')E. Applying Corollary 2 to the remaining network
gives dF(m) ~ (N')N(E')E(Nem/W)w. This is at most (N E'em/W)w. The rest
of the analysis is similar to that in Corollary 4.
This iridicates that minimizing non-zero weights may be a fruitful approach. Similar
approaches in other learning contexts are discussed in [hauSS] and [litSS].
The following general theorem gives a lower bound on the number of examples
needed for distribution-free learning, regardless of the algorithm used.
Theorem 6 [ehkvS7] (see also [behw87b]): Let F be a class of {-I, +1}-valued
functions on ~n. with VCdim(F) > 2. Let A be any learning algorithm that takes
as input a sequence of {-I, +1}-labeled examples over ~n. and produces as output
a function from ~n. into {-I, +1}. Then for any 0 < f ~ l/S, 0 < 0 ~ l~ and
1- fl 1 VCdim(F) -1]
3 2e
e n7'
< maz [ -
there exists (1) a function I E F and (2) a distribution D on ~n X {-I, +1} for
which Prob((E, a) : a f. I(E)) = 0, such that given a random sample of size m
chosen according to D, with probability at least 0, A produces a function with error
greater than e.
What Size Net Gives Valid Generalization?
This theorem can be used to obtain a lower bound on the number of examples
needed to train a net, assuming that the examples are drawn from the worst-case
distribution that is consistent with some function realizable on that net. We need
only obtain lower bounds on the VC dimension of the associated architecture. In
this section we will specialize by considering only fully-connected networks of linear
threshold units that have only one hidden layer. Thus each hidden node will have an
incoming edge from each input node and an outgoing edge to the output node, and
no other edges will be present. In [b88] a slicing construction is given that shows
that a one hidden layer net of threshold units with n inputs and 2j hidden units
can shatter an arbitrary set of 2jn vectors in general position in ~". A corollary of
this result is:
Theorem 7: The class of one hidden layer linear threshold nets taking input from
~" with k hidden units has VC dimension at least 2L~Jn.
Note that for large k and n, 2 L~ Jn is approximately equal to the total number W
of weights in the network.
A special case of considerable interest occurs when the domain is restricted to
the hypercube: {+1,-1}". Lemma 6 of [lit88] shows that the class of Boolean?
functions on {+1, _I}" represented by disjunctive normal form expressions with k
terms, k < 0(2,,/2/Vn) , where each term is the conjunction of n/2 literals, has
VC dimension at least kn/4. Since these functions can be represented on a linear
threshold net with one hidden layer of k units, this provides a lower bound on the
VC dimension of this architecture. We also can use the slicing construction of [b88]
to give a lower bound approaching kn/2. The actual result is somewhat stronger in
that it shows that for large n a randomly chosen set of approximately kn/2 vectors
is shattered with high probability.
Theorem 8: With probability approaching 1 exponentially in n, a set S of m < 2,,/3
vectors chosen randomly and uniformly from {+1, _I}" can be shattered by the
one hidden layer architecture with 2rm/l(n(1 - 1~0,,))J1linear threshold units in
its hidden layer.
Prool,ketch: With probability approaching 1 exponentially in n no pair of vectors
in S are negations of each other. Assume n > eto. Let l' = In(l- I~O,,)J. Divide
S at random into m/1'1 disjoint subsets S1I ... , Srm/t'l each containing no more
than l' vectors. We will describe a set T of ?1 vectors as Iliceable if the vectors
in T are linearly independent and the subspace they span over the reals does not
contain any ?l vector other than the vectors in T and their negations. In [od188]
it is shown, for large n, that any random set of l' vectors has probability P
4(;)(~)" +0(( 110)") of not being sliceable. Thus the probability that some S. is not
sliceable is 0(mn2(~)"), which is exponentially small for m < 2,,/3. Hence with
probability approaching 1 exponentially in n, each S, is sliceable, 1 ~ i $ m/ 1'1.
Consider any Boolean function
on S and let
= {i
S, : f(i)
= +1},
Baum and Haussler
1 < i < m/7'1. If Si is sliceable and no pair of vectors in S are negations of each
other then we may pass a plane through the points in
that doesn't contain any
other points in S. Shifting this plane parallel to itself slightly we can construct two
half spaces whose intersection forms a slice of~" containing
and no other points
in S. Using threshold units at the hidden layer recognizing these two half spaces,
with weights to the output unit +1 and -1 appropriately, the output unit receives
input +2 for any point in the slice and 0 for any point not in the slice. Doing this
for each
and thresholding at 1 implements the function f.
We can now apply Theorem 6 to show that any neural net learning algorithm using
too few examples will be fooled by some reasonable distributions.
Corollary 9: For any learning algorithm training Ii net with k linear threshold
functions in its hidden layer, and 0 < l ~ 1/8, if the algorithm uses (a) fewer
than 2l lc/;'f,,-1 examples to learn a function from ~" to {-I, +1}, or (b) fewer
than l"lll/2J(mQ,:I:(1/!~~-10/(ln n?)J-1 examples to learn a function from {-I, +1}"
to {-I, +1}, for k ~ O(2 n / 3 ), then there exist distributions D for which (i) there
exists a choice of weights such that the network exactly classifies its inputs according
to D, but (ii) the learning algorithm will have probability at least .01 of finding a
choice of weights which in fact has error greater than E.
We have given theoretical lower and upper bounds on the sample size vs. net
size needed such that valid generalization can be expected. The exact constants we
have given in these formulae are still quite crudej it may be expected that the actual
values are closer to 1. The logarithmic factor in Corollary 4 may also not be needed,
at least for the types of distributions and architectures seen in practice. Widrow's
experience supports this conjecture [wid87]. However, closing the theoretical gap
lower bound on the worst case
between the O( ': log ~) upper bound and the (2 (
sample size for architectures with one hidden layer of threshold units remains an
interesting open problem. Also, apart from our upper bound, the case of multiple
hidden layers is largely open. Finally, our bounds are obtained under the assumption
that the node functions are linear threshold functions (or at least Boolean valued).
We conjecture that similar bounds also hold for classes of real valued functions such
as sigmoid functions, and hope shortly to establish this.
We would like to thank Ron Rivest for suggestions on improving the bounds given in
Corollaries 4 and 5 in an earlier draft of this paper, and Nick Littlestone for many
helpful comments. The research of E. Baum was performed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, as part of its Innovative Space
What Size Net Gives Valid Generalization?
Technology Center, which is sponsored by the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization/Innovative Science and Technology through an agreement with the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). D. Haussler gratefully acknowledges the support of ONR grant NOOOI4-86-K-0454. Part of this work was done
while E. Baum was visiting UC Santa Cruz.
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[sr87]SEJNOWSKI, T.J., ROSENBERG, C. R., (1987), NET Talk: a parallel network that learns to read aloud, Complex Systems, vi pp145-168.
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play backgammon, in Neural Information Procelling Sy,tem" ed. D.Z. Anderson,
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[val84]VALIANT, L. G., (1984), A theory of the learnable, Comm. ACM V27, Nil
[vc71]VAPNIK, V.N., Chervonenkis, A. Ya., (1971), On the uniform convergence of
relative frequencies of events to their probabilities, Th. Probe and its Applications,
V17, N2, pp264-280.
[vap82]VAPNIK, V.N., (1982), E,timation of Dependence, Ba,ed on Empirical Data,
Springer Verlag, NY.
[wd81]WENOCUR, R. S., DUDLEY, R. M., (1981) Some special Vapnik-Chervonenkis
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[wid87]WIDROW, B, (1987) ADALINE and MADALINE - 1963, Plenary Speech,
Vol I, Proc. IEEE 1st Int. Conf. on Neural Networks, San Diego, CA, pp143-158.
| 154 |@word briefly:1 version:1 polynomial:1 stronger:1 maz:1 duda:1 open:2 initial:1 chervonenkis:4 ketch:1 nt:1 si:1 yet:1 cruz:4 fn:1 partition:1 offunctions:1 designed:1 sponsored:1 v:2 half:2 fewer:5 guess:2 intelligence:2 warmuth:2 plane:2 completeness:1 provides:1 node:36 ron:1 draft:1 math:2 simpler:1 shatter:1 ucsc:2 initiative:1 consists:1 specialize:1 dimen:1 comb:2 manner:2 indeed:1 expected:5 nor:1 ifm:1 spherical:1 little:1 actual:2 lll:1 cardinality:3 considering:2 abound:1 classifies:1 underlying:5 rivest:1 what:8 kind:1 developed:1 finding:1 nj:2 certainty:2 nf:1 exactly:1 rm:1 schwartz:1 unit:11 val84:2 grant:1 appear:4 overestimate:1 educated:1 approximately:3 might:1 nz:2 conversely:2 directed:1 v27:1 practice:2 implement:1 procedure:1 empirical:1 significantly:1 confidence:4 protein:2 suggest:1 get:2 onto:1 selection:1 context:1 applying:2 fruitful:1 center:1 baum:9 regardless:1 independently:2 pure:1 slicing:2 rule:4 haussler:10 spanned:1 his:1 mq:1 notion:1 target:1 construction:3 play:1 diego:1 exact:1 us:2 agreement:1 rumelhart:1 recognition:3 predicts:1 database:2 labeled:1 ft:2 disjunctive:1 worst:2 s1i:1 v13:1 connected:3 solla:1 removed:1 comm:1 complexity:2 pp1l34:1 personal:1 eric:1 learner:1 sink:2 easily:2 various:1 represented:3 talk:1 train:1 distinct:1 mn2:1 describe:1 sejnowski:3 artificial:2 dichotomy:9 choosing:2 aloud:1 quite:2 whose:1 larger:1 valued:4 say:1 itself:2 sequence:4 net:31 adaline:1 eto:1 convergence:2 produce:3 generating:1 prool:2 derive:1 widrow:3 v10:1 differ:1 closely:1 attribute:1 stochastic:2 vc:8 alp:1 implementing:1 globular:1 vcdim:9 generalization:12 hold:3 normal:1 mapping:1 predict:1 proc:2 jackel:1 largest:2 hope:3 mit:2 always:1 varying:1 rosenberg:1 conjunction:1 corollary:13 backgammon:2 fooled:1 tech:2 realizable:1 helpful:1 shattered:4 hidden:16 issue:1 among:2 denoted:1 logn:1 priori:1 special:2 fairly:1 uc:3 equal:1 construct:1 field:1 extraction:1 hop:1 lit:1 tem:1 future:9 connectionist:1 serious:1 few:2 randomly:3 ve:1 national:1 individual:1 undoubtably:1 negation:3 attempt:2 freedom:1 organization:1 interest:2 nl:1 implication:1 edge:12 capable:1 closer:1 necessary:1 experience:1 sauer:2 afi:1 divide:1 logarithm:3 littlestone:2 theoretical:2 minimal:1 plenary:1 classify:6 earlier:1 boolean:3 cover:2 bull:1 strategic:1 deviation:1 subset:2 uniform:2 srm:1 recognizing:1 too:1 learnability:1 kn:3 chooses:1 st:3 density:1 ie:4 physic:1 quickly:1 unavoidable:1 containing:2 literal:1 conf:1 expert:1 coefficient:1 int:2 vi:1 performed:1 try:2 doing:1 start:1 parallel:2 capability:1 minimize:2 ni:1 accuracy:3 loaded:3 phoneme:1 largely:1 sy:1 identify:1 generalize:3 thumb:1 produced:1 comp:1 classified:2 whenever:2 ed:2 definition:1 frequency:2 obvious:1 e2:1 associated:4 proof:3 di:1 treatment:1 noooi4:1 ezample:1 back:3 nasa:1 appears:1 dh73:2 done:1 anderson:1 just:1 sketch:1 receives:2 propagation:3 defines:1 measurability:1 contain:2 inductive:1 hence:4 read:1 laboratory:1 ehrenfeucht:3 ll:1 razor:1 noted:1 elect:1 confusion:1 nde:1 geometrical:1 ef:1 fi:1 common:1 sigmoid:1 overview:1 exponentially:4 discussed:1 v14:1 ai:3 automatic:2 closing:1 gratefully:1 etc:1 base:2 aeronautics:1 recent:1 perspective:1 irrelevant:1 apart:1 tesauro:1 verlag:2 inequality:3 onr:1 rep:2 seen:1 greater:4 somewhat:1 ii:2 full:1 multiple:1 jet:1 af:8 wittner:1 hart:1 regression:1 multilayer:1 df:2 represent:1 ion:1 source:3 appropriately:1 rest:1 comment:1 induced:7 n7:1 ee:3 near:1 counting:1 feedforward:14 architecture:17 approaching:6 associating:1 administration:1 expression:1 quian:1 defense:1 pollard:1 york:2 speech:1 santa:4 se:4 reduced:1 exist:1 disjoint:2 correctly:10 per:2 diverse:1 discrete:1 vol:1 threshold:18 nevertheless:1 drawn:10 deleted:1 neither:1 verified:2 graph:7 fraction:13 year:1 wand:1 counteract:1 inverse:1 prob:1 family:1 reasonable:2 vn:1 appendix:1 bound:23 layer:12 fl:2 scene:1 argument:1 span:1 innovative:2 conjecture:2 department:1 according:3 remain:1 slightly:1 em:11 n4:1 making:1 restricted:1 ln:2 remains:1 discus:1 fail:2 needed:6 know:1 end:1 generalizes:1 apply:2 denker:1 probe:1 v2:1 appropriate:4 dudley:1 permission:1 shortly:1 existence:1 jn:3 remaining:1 vc71:1 giving:1 establish:1 hypercube:2 question:4 realized:1 occurs:1 dependence:2 visiting:1 exhibit:1 subspace:2 thank:1 capacity:2 propulsion:1 assuming:4 devroye:1 procelling:1 concomitant:1 minimizing:1 madaline:1 sharper:1 ba:1 upper:6 revised:1 howard:1 attacked:1 january:1 hinton:1 communication:1 arbitrary:5 david:1 introduced:1 pair:3 nick:1 california:2 learned:1 vap82:4 trans:2 address:3 suggested:2 below:1 pattern:4 including:1 shifting:1 event:1 natural:2 predicting:1 technology:3 ne:1 reprint:1 acknowledges:1 text:1 disagrees:1 acknowledgement:1 determining:1 relative:2 fully:3 inde:1 interesting:1 suggestion:1 analogy:1 acyclic:1 lit88:2 degree:1 sufficient:1 consistent:4 thresholding:1 playing:1 share:1 occam:1 placed:1 last:1 free:1 bias:1 institute:1 taking:1 slice:3 dimension:9 valid:10 world:1 computes:1 doesn:1 made:1 san:1 odlyzko:1 incoming:4 knew:1 timation:1 why:1 learn:2 ca:2 composing:1 ignoring:1 improving:1 complex:2 protocol:1 domain:1 linearly:1 whole:1 s2:3 arise:1 n2:1 en:2 ny:2 wiley:1 wlog:2 lc:1 position:1 crude:1 learns:2 theorem:14 ofn:1 removing:1 load:3 formula:1 learnable:1 explored:1 a3:2 exists:4 vapnik:8 valiant:5 biophys:1 gap:1 b88:3 entropy:1 intersection:1 logarithmic:2 desire:1 ordered:2 springer:2 determines:1 chance:1 acm:2 oct:1 nem:4 goal:1 blumer:2 quantifying:1 crl:2 considerable:2 specifically:1 uniformly:1 ami:1 lemma:1 kearns:1 called:4 total:2 secondary:2 pas:1 nil:1 ya:1 ew:1 perceptrons:1 support:2 latter:2 outgoing:1 princeton:2 |
591 | 1,540 | General-purpose localization of textured
Rutb Rosenboltz?
3333 Coyote Hill Rd.
Palo Alto, CA 94304
We suggest a working definition of texture: Texture is stuff that is
more compactly represented by its statistics than by specifying the
configuration of its parts. This definition suggests that to fmd
texture we look for outliers to the local statistics, and label as
texture the regions with no outliers. We present a method, based
upon this idea, for labeling points in natural scenes as belonging to
texture regions, while simultaneously allowing us to label lowlevel, bottom-up cues for visual attention. This method is based
upon recent psychophysics results on processing of texture and
In a number of problems in computer VlSlon and image processing, one must
distinguish between image regions that correspond to objects and those which
correspond to texture, and perform different processing depending upon the type of
region. Current computer vision algorithms assume one magically knows this
region labeling. But what is texture? We have the notion that texture involves a
pattern that is somehow homogeneous, or in which signal changes are "too
complex" to describe, so that aggregate properties must be used instead (Saund,
1998). There is by no means a firm division between texture and objects; rather, the
characterization often depends upon the scale of interest (Saund, 1998).
? Email: [email protected]
R. Rosenholtz
Ideally the defmition of texture should probably depend upon the application. We
investigate a definition that we believe will be of fairly general utility: Texture is
stuff that seems to belong to the local statistics. We propose extracting several
texture features, at several different scales, and labeling as texture those regions
whose feature values are likely to have come from the local distribution.
Outliers to the local statistics tend to draw our attention (Rosenholtz, 1997, 1998).
The phenomenon is often referred to as "popout." Thus while labeling (locally)
statistically homogeneous regions as texture, we can simultaneously highlight
salient outliers to the local statistics. Our revised defmition is that texture is the
absence of popout.
In Section 2, we discuss previous work in both human perception and in fmding
texture and regions of interest in an image. In Section 3, we describe our method.
We present and discuss results on a number of real images in Section 4.
See (Wolfe, 1998) for a review of the visual search literature. Popout is typically
studied using simple displays, in which an experimental subject searches for the
unusual, target item, among the other, distractor items. One typically attempts to
judge the "saliency," or degree to which the target pops out, by studying the
efficiency of search for that item. Typically popout is modeled by a relatively lowlevel operator, which operates independently on a number of basic features of the
image, including orientation, contrast/color, depth, and motion. In this paper, we
look only at the features of contrast and orientation.
Within the image-processing field, much of the work in fmding texture has defmed
as texture any region with a high luminance variance, e.g. Vaisey & Gersho (1992).
Unfortunately, the luminance variance in a region containing an edge can be as high
as that in a textured region. Won & Park (1997) use model fitting to detect image
blocks containing an edge, and then label blocks with high variance as containing
Recently, several computer vision researchers have also tackled this problem.
Leung & Malik (1996) found regions of completely deterministic texture. Other
researchers have used the defmition that if the luminance goes up and then down
again (or vice versa) it's texture (Forsyth et aI, 1996). However, this method will
treat lines as if they were texture. Also, with no notion of similarity within a texture
(also lacking in the image-processing work), one would mark a "fault" in a texture
as belonging to that texture. This would be unacceptable for a texture synthesis
application, in which a routine that tried to synthesize such a texture would most
likely fail to reproduce the (highly visible) fault. More recently, Shi and Malik
(1998) presented a method for segmenting images based upon texture features. Their
method performs extremely well at the segmentation task, dividing an image into
regions with internal similarity that is high compared to the similarity across
regions. However, it is difficult to compare with their results, since they do not
explicitly label a subset of the resulting regions as texture. Furthermore, this
method may also tend to mark a "fault" in a texture as belonging to that texture.
This is both because the method is biased against separating out small regions, and
because the grouping of a patch with one region depends as much upon the
difference between that patch and other regions as it does upon the similarity
between the patch and the given region.
Very little computer vision work has been done on attentional cues. Milanese et al
(1993) found salient image regions using both top-down information and a bottomup "conspicuity" operator, which marks a local region as more salient the greater the
General-Purpose Localization o/Textured Image Regions
difference between a local feature value and the mean feature value in the
surrounding region. However. for the same difference in means. a local region is
less salient when there is a greater variance in the feature values in the surrounding
region (Duncan & Humphreys. 1989; Rosenholtz. 1997). We use as our saliency
measure a test for outliers to the local distribution. This captures. in many cases. the
dependence of saliency on difference between a given feature value and the local
mean. relative to the local standard deviation. We will discuss our saliency measure
in greater detail in the following section.
We compute multiresolution feature maps for orientation and contrast. and then look
for outliers in the local orientation and contrast statistics. We do this by fast
creating a 3-level Gaussian pyramid representation of the image. To extract
contrast. we filter the pyramid with a difference of circularly symmetric Gaussians.
The response of these filters will oscillate. even in a region with constant-contrast
texture (e.g. a sinewave pattern). We approximate a computation of the maximum
response of these filters over a small region by fast squaring the filter responses.
and then filtering the contrast energy with an appropriate Gaussian. Finally. we
threshold the contrast to eliminate low-contrast regions ("flat" texture). These
thresholds (one for each scale) were set by examining the visibility of sinewave
patterns of various spatial frequencies.
We compute orientation in a simple and biologically plausible way. using Bergen &
Landy's (1991) "back pocket model" for low-level computations:
Filter the pyramid with horizontal. vertical. and ?45? oriented Gaussian second
Compute opponent energy by squaring the filter outputs. pooling them over a
region 4 times the scale of the second derivative filters. and subtracting the
vertical from the horizontal response and the +45 0 from the _45 0 response.
Normalize the opponent energy at each scale by dividing by the total energy in
the 4 orientation energy bands at that scale.
The result is two images at each scale of the pyramid. To a good approximation. in
regions which are strongly oriented. these images represent kcos(26) and ksin(26).
where 6 is the local orientation at that scale. and k is a value between 0 and 1 which
is related to the local orientation specificity. Orientation estimates from points with
low specificity tend to be very noisy. In images of white noise. 80% of the
estimates of k fall below 0.5. therefore with 80% confidence. an orientation
specificity of k>0.5 did not occur due to chance. We use this value to threshold out
orientation estimates with low "orientedness.??
We then estimate D, the local feature distribution, for each feature and scale, using
the method of Parzen windows. The blurring of the distribution estimate by the
Parzen window mimics uncertainty in estimates of feature values by the visual
system. We collect statistics over a local integration region. For texture processing.
the size of this region is ind.ependent of viewing distance, and is roughly lOS in
diameter, where S is the support of the Gaussian 2nd derivative filters used to extract
the texture features (Kingdom & Keeble, 1997; Kingdom et ai, 1995).
We next compute a non-parametric measure of saliency:
saliency = -IO~
P(v ID)
maxP(x ID)
R. Rosenholtz
Note that if D were Gaussian N(~,a2), this simplifies to
'1a 2
which should be compared to the standard parametric test for outliers, which uses
the measure (x - tt)/a. Our saliency measure is essentially a more general, nonparametric form of this measure (i.e. it does not assume a Gaussian distribution).
Points with saliency less than 0.5 are labeled as candidate texture points. If D were
Gaussian, this would correspond to feature estimates within one standard deviation
of the mean. Points with saliency greater than 3.1 are labeled as candidates for
bottom-up attentional cues. If D were Gaussian, this would correspond to feature
estimates more than 2.50 from the mean, a standard parametric test for outliers.
One could, of course, keep the raw saliency values, as a measure of the likelihood
that a region contained texture, rather than setting a hard threshold. We use a hard
threshold in our examples to better display the results. Both the texture images and
the region of interest images are median-filtered to remove extraneous points.
Figure 3 shows several example images. Figures 2, 3, and 4 show texture found at
each scale of processing. The striped and checkered patterns represent oriented and
homogeneous contrast texture, respectively. The absence of an image in any of
these figures means that no texture of the given type was found in that image at the
given scale. Note that we perform no segmentation of one texture from another.
For the building image, the algorithm labeled bricks and window panes as fme-scale
texture, and windows and shutters as coarser-scale texture. The leopard skin and
low-frequency stripes in the lower right comer of the leopard image were correctly
labeled as texture. In the desk image, the "wood" texture was correctly identified.
The regular pattern of windows were marked as texture in the hotel image. In the
house image, the wood siding, trees, and part of the grass were labeled as texture
(much of the grass was low contrast and labeled as "flat" texture). One of the
bushes is correctly identified as having coarser texture than the other has. In the
lighthouse image, the house sans window, fence, and tower were marked, as well as
a low-frequency oriented pattern in the clouds.
Figure 5 shows the regions of interest that were found (the striped and plaid patterns
here have no meaning but were chosen for maximum visibility). Most complex
natural scenes had few interesting low-level attentional areas. In the lighthouse
image, the life preserver is marked. In the hotel, curved or unusual angular
windows are identified as attentional cues, as well as the top of the building. Both
of these results are in agreement with psychophysical results showing that observers
quickly identify curved or bent lines among straight lines (reviewed in Wolfe,
1998). The simpler desk scene yields more intuitive results, with each of the 3
objects labeled, as well as the phone cord.
Bottom-up attentional cues are outliers to the local distribution of features, and we
have suggested that texture is the absence of such outliers. This definition captures
some of the intuition that texture is homogeneous and statistical in nature. We
presented a method for fmding contrast and orientation outliers, and results both on
localizing texture and on finding popout in natural images. For the simple desk
image, the algorithm highlights salient regions that correspond to our notions of the
important objects in the scene. On complicated natural scenes, its results are less
intuitive; suggesting that search in natural scenes makes use of higher-level
General-Purpose Localization o/Textured Image Regions
processing such as grouping into objects. This result should not be terribly
surprising, but serves as a useful check on simple low-level models of visual
attention. The algorithm does a good job of identifying textured regions at a
number of different scales, with the results perhaps more intuitive at finer scales.
This work was partially supported by an NRC postdoctoral award at NASA Ames.
Many thanks to David Marimont and Eric Saund for useful discussions.
J. R. Bergen and M. S. Landy (1991), "Computational modeling of visual texture
segmentation," Computational Models of Visual Processing, Landy and Movshon
(eds.), pp. 252-271, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
J. Duncan and G. Humphreys (1989), "Visual search and stimulus similarity,"
Psych. Review 96, pp. 433-458.
D. Forsyth, J. Malik, M. Fleck, H. Greenspan, T. Leung, S. Belongie, C. Carson,
and C. Bregler (1996), "Finding pictures of objects in collections of images," ECCV
Workshop on Object Representation, Cambridge.
F. A. A. Kingdom, D. Keeble, D., and B. Moulden (1995), "Sensitivity to
orientation modulation in micropattern-based textures," Vis. Res. 35, 1, pp. 79-91.
F. A. A. Kingdom and D. Keeble (1997), "The mechanism for scale invariance in
orientation-defined textures." Invest. Ophthal. and Vis . Sci. (Suppl.) 38, 4, p. 636.
T. K. Leung and J. Malik (1996), "Detecting, localizing, and grouping repeated
scene elements from an image," Proc. 4th European Con! On Computer Vision,
1064, 1, pp. 546-555, Springer-Verlag, Cambridge.
R. Milanese, H. Wechsler, S. Gil, J. -M. Bost, and T. Pun (1993), "Integration of
bottom-up and top-down cues for visual attention using non-linear relaxation,"
Proc. IEEE CVPR, pp. 781-785, IEEE Computer Society Press, Seattle.
R. Rosenholtz (1997), "Basic signal detection theory model does not explain search
among heterogeneous distractors." Invest. Ophthal. and Vis. Sci. (Suppl.) 38, 4, p.
R. Rosenholtz (1998), "A simple saliency model explains a number of motion
popout phenomena." Invest. Ophthal. and Vis. Sci. (Suppl.) 39,4, p. 629.
E. Saund (1998), "Scale and the ShapelTexture Continuum," Xerox Internal
Technical Memorandum.
J. Shi and J. Malik (1998), "SelfInducing Relational Distance and its Application to
Image Segmentation," Proc. jth European Con! on Computer Vision, Burkhardt and
Neumann (eds.), 1406, 1, pp. 528-543, Springer, Freiburg.
J. Vaisey and A. Gersho (1992), "Image compression with variable block size
segmentation." IEEE Trans. Signal Processing 40,8, pp. 2040-2060.
J. M. Wolfe (1998), "Visual search: a review," Attention, H. Pashler (ed.), pp. 1374, Psychology Press Ltd., Hove, East Sussex, UK.
C. S. Won and D. K. Park (1997), "Image block classification and variable block
size segmentation using a model-fitting criterion," Opt. Eng. 36, 8, pp. 2204-2209.
R. Rosenholtz
Figure I: Original images.
Figure 2: Fine-scale texture. (a) oriented texture, (b) homogeneous contrast
?, ?
Figure 3: Medium-scale texture. (a) oriented texture, (b) homogeneous contrast
General-Purpose Localization of Textured Image Regions
Figure 4: Coarse-scale texture. (a) oriented texture, (b) homogeneous contrast
texture .
.. .
, I,
Figure 5: Regions of interest.
| 1540 |@word compression:1 seems:1 nd:1 tried:1 eng:1 configuration:1 current:1 com:1 surprising:1 must:2 visible:1 visibility:2 remove:1 grass:2 cue:6 item:3 filtered:1 detecting:1 coarse:1 characterization:1 ames:1 simpler:1 pun:1 unacceptable:1 fitting:2 roughly:1 distractor:1 little:1 window:7 alto:1 medium:1 what:2 psych:1 finding:3 stuff:2 uk:1 segmenting:1 local:17 treat:1 io:1 id:2 modulation:1 studied:1 specifying:1 suggests:1 collect:1 statistically:1 acknowledgment:1 block:5 area:1 confidence:1 regular:1 specificity:3 suggest:1 operator:2 pashler:1 deterministic:1 map:1 shi:2 go:1 attention:5 lowlevel:2 independently:1 moulden:1 identifying:1 notion:3 memorandum:1 target:2 homogeneous:7 us:1 agreement:1 wolfe:3 synthesize:1 element:1 stripe:1 coarser:2 labeled:7 bottom:4 cloud:1 capture:2 region:42 cord:1 intuition:1 ideally:1 depend:1 parc:1 localization:4 upon:8 division:1 efficiency:1 textured:6 completely:1 compactly:1 blurring:1 comer:1 eric:1 represented:1 various:1 surrounding:2 fast:2 describe:2 labeling:4 aggregate:1 firm:1 whose:1 plausible:1 cvpr:1 maxp:1 statistic:7 noisy:1 propose:1 subtracting:1 multiresolution:1 intuitive:3 normalize:1 los:1 invest:3 seattle:1 neumann:1 object:7 depending:1 job:1 dividing:2 involves:1 come:1 judge:1 plaid:1 filter:8 human:1 terribly:1 viewing:1 explains:1 opt:1 bregler:1 leopard:2 sans:1 milanese:2 continuum:1 a2:1 purpose:4 proc:3 label:4 palo:1 vice:1 mit:1 gaussian:8 rather:2 greenspan:1 fence:1 likelihood:1 check:1 contrast:15 detect:1 bergen:2 squaring:2 leung:3 typically:3 eliminate:1 reproduce:1 among:3 orientation:14 classification:1 extraneous:1 spatial:1 integration:2 psychophysics:1 fairly:1 field:1 having:1 park:2 look:3 mimic:1 stimulus:1 few:1 oriented:7 simultaneously:2 attempt:1 detection:1 interest:6 investigate:1 highly:1 edge:2 tree:1 re:1 brick:1 modeling:1 localizing:2 deviation:2 subset:1 coyote:1 examining:1 too:1 thanks:1 sensitivity:1 synthesis:1 parzen:2 quickly:1 again:1 containing:3 creating:1 derivative:3 suggesting:1 forsyth:2 explicitly:1 depends:2 vi:4 saund:4 observer:1 complicated:1 fme:1 variance:4 correspond:5 saliency:11 identify:1 yield:1 raw:1 researcher:2 finer:1 straight:1 explain:1 ed:3 email:1 definition:4 against:1 energy:5 hotel:2 frequency:3 pp:9 con:2 color:1 distractors:1 segmentation:6 pocket:1 routine:1 back:1 nasa:1 higher:1 response:5 done:1 strongly:1 furthermore:1 angular:1 working:1 horizontal:2 somehow:1 perhaps:1 believe:1 building:2 symmetric:1 white:1 ind:1 defmed:1 sussex:1 won:2 criterion:1 carson:1 hill:1 freiburg:1 tt:1 performs:1 motion:2 image:39 meaning:1 recently:2 belong:1 defmition:3 versa:1 cambridge:3 ai:2 rd:1 had:1 similarity:5 recent:1 phone:1 lighthouse:2 verlag:1 fault:3 life:1 greater:4 signal:3 technical:1 bent:1 award:1 basic:2 heterogeneous:1 vision:5 essentially:1 popout:7 represent:2 pyramid:4 suppl:3 want:1 fine:1 median:1 biased:1 probably:1 subject:1 tend:3 pooling:1 marimont:1 extracting:1 psychology:1 identified:3 idea:1 simplifies:1 shutter:1 utility:1 ltd:1 movshon:1 oscillate:1 useful:2 burkhardt:1 nonparametric:1 desk:3 locally:1 band:1 diameter:1 conspicuity:1 rosenholtz:7 gil:1 correctly:3 salient:5 threshold:5 luminance:3 relaxation:1 wood:2 uncertainty:1 patch:3 draw:1 duncan:2 distinguish:1 display:2 tackled:1 occur:1 striped:2 scene:7 flat:2 extremely:1 pane:1 relatively:1 xerox:2 belonging:3 magically:1 across:1 biologically:1 outlier:11 discus:3 fail:1 mechanism:1 know:1 gersho:2 serf:1 unusual:2 studying:1 gaussians:1 opponent:2 appropriate:1 original:1 top:3 landy:3 wechsler:1 society:1 psychophysical:1 malik:5 skin:1 parametric:3 dependence:1 distance:2 attentional:5 separating:1 sci:3 tower:1 bost:1 modeled:1 fmding:3 difficult:1 unfortunately:1 kingdom:4 perform:2 allowing:1 vertical:2 revised:1 curved:2 relational:1 david:1 pop:1 trans:1 suggested:1 below:1 pattern:7 perception:1 including:1 natural:5 picture:1 extract:2 review:3 literature:1 relative:1 lacking:1 highlight:2 interesting:1 filtering:1 degree:1 eccv:1 course:1 supported:1 jth:1 fall:1 depth:1 collection:1 approximate:1 checkered:1 keep:1 belongie:1 bottomup:1 postdoctoral:1 search:7 why:1 reviewed:1 nature:1 ca:1 complex:2 european:2 did:1 nrc:1 noise:1 repeated:1 fmd:1 referred:1 candidate:2 house:2 humphreys:2 down:3 sinewave:2 showing:1 grouping:3 workshop:1 circularly:1 texture:68 likely:2 visual:9 contained:1 partially:1 springer:2 chance:1 ma:1 marked:3 absence:3 change:1 hard:2 operates:1 total:1 invariance:1 experimental:2 east:1 fleck:1 internal:2 mark:3 support:1 bush:1 phenomenon:2 |
592 | 1,541 | Active Noise Canceling using Analog NeuroChip with On-Chip Learning Capability
Jung-Wook Cho and Soo-Young Lee
Computation and Neural Systems Laboratory
Department of Electrical Engineering
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
373-1 Kusong-dong, Yusong-gu, Taejon 305-701, Korea
[email protected]
A modular analogue neuro-chip set with on-chip learning capability is
developed for active noise canceling. The analogue neuro-chip set
incorporates the error backpropagation learning rule for practical
applications, and allows pin-to-pin interconnections for multi-chip
boards. The developed neuro-board demonstrated active noise
canceling without any digital signal processor. Multi-path fading of
acoustic channels, random noise, and nonlinear distortion of the loud
speaker are compensated by the adaptive learning circuits of the
neuro-chips. Experimental results are reported for cancellation of car
noise in real time.
Both analog and digital implementations of neural networks have been reported.
Digital neuro-chips can be designed and fabricated with the help of well-established
CAD tools and digital VLSI fabrication technology [1]. Although analogue neurochips have potential advantages on integration density and speed over digital chips[2],
they suffer from non-ideal characteristics of the fabricated chips such as offset and
nonlinearity, and the fabricated chips are not flexible enough to be used for many
different applications. Also, much careful design is required, and the fabricated chip
characteristics are fairly dependent upon fabrication processes.
For the implementation of analog neuro-chips, there exist two different approaches, i.e.,
with and without on-chip learning capability [3,4], Currently the majority of analog
neuro-chips does not have learning capability, while many practical applications
require on-line adaptation to continuously changing environments, and must have online adaptation learning capability. Therefore neuro-chips with on-chip learning
capability are essential for such practical applications. Modular architecture is also
Active Noise Canceling with Analog On-Chip Learning Neuro-Chip
advantageous to provide flexibility of implementing many large complex systems from
same chips.
Although many applications have been studied for analog neuro-chips, it is very
important to find proper problems where analog neuro-chips may have potential
advantages over popular DSPs. We believe applications with analog input/output
signals and high computational requirements are those good problems. For example,
active noise controls [5] and adaptive equalizers [6,7] are good applications for analog
In this paper we report a demonstration of the active noise canceling, which may have
many applications in real world. A modular analog neuro-chip set is developed with
on-chip learning capability, and a neuro-board is fabricated from multiple chips with
PC interfaces for input and output measurements. Unlike our previous implementations
for adaptive equalizers with binary outputs [7], both input and output values are
analogue in this noise canceling.
..-.---1-1.... 0
xl, ~t---(~.-~-.lI'"'"'"iI--- (~
Figure 1. Block diagram of a synapse cell
._._.- i')
Figure 2. Block diagram of a neuron cell
We had developed analog neuro-chips with error backpropagation learning capability.
With the modular architecture the developed analog neuro-chip set consists of a
synapse chip and a neuron chip.[8] The basic cell of the synapse chip is shown in
Figure 1. Each synapse cell receives two inputs, i.e., pre-synaptic neural activation x
and error correction term 8, and generates two outputs, i.e., feed-forward signal wx and
back-propagated error w8. Also it updates a stored weight w by the amount of x8.
Therefore, a synapse cell consists of three multiplier circuits and one analogue storage
for the synaptic weight. Figure 2 shows the basic cell in the neuron chip, which collects
signals from synapses in the previous layer and distributes to synapses in the following
layer. Each neuron body receives two inputs, i.e., post-synaptic neural activation 0 and
back-propagated error 8 from the following layer, and generates two outputs, i.e.,
Sigmoid-squashed neural activation 0 and a new backpropagated error 8 multiplied by
a bell-shaped Sigmoid-derivative. The backpropagated error may be input to the
synapse cells in the previous layer.
To provide easy connectivity with other chips, the two inputs of the synapse cell are
represented as voltage, while the two outputs are as currents for simple current
summation. On the other hand the inputs and outputs of the neuron cell are represented
as currents and voltages, respectively. For simple pin-to-pin connections between chips,
one package pin is maintained to each input and output of the chip. No time-
J.-W Cho and s.-Y. Lee
multiplexing is introduced, and no other control is required for multi-chip and multilayer systems. However, it makes the number of package pins the main limiting factor
for the number of synapse and neuron cells in the developed chip sets.
Although many simplified multipliers had been reported for high-density integration,
their performance is limited in linearity, resolution, and speed. For on-chip learning, it
is desirable to have high precision, and a faithful implementation of the 4-quadranr
Gilbert multipliers is used. Especially, the mUltiplier for weight updates in the synapse
cell requires high precision.[9] The synaptic weight is stored on a capacitor, and an
MaS switch is used to allow current flow from the multiplier to the capacitor during a
short time interval for weight adaptation. For applications like active noise controls [5]
and telecommunications [6,7], tapped analog delay lines are also designed and
integrated in the synapse chip. To reduce offset accumulation, a parallel analog delay
line is adopted. Same offset voltage is introduced for operational amplifiers at all
nodes [10] . Diffusion capacitors with 2.2 pF are used for the storage of the tapped
analog delay line.
In a synapse chip 250 synapse cells are integrated in a 25xl0 array with a 25-tap
analog delay line. Inputs may be applied either from the analog delay line or from
external pins in parallel. To select a capacitor in the cell for refresh, decoders are
placed in columns and rows. The actual size of the synapse cell is 14111m x 17911m,
and the size of the synapse chip is 5.05mm x 5.05mm. The chip is fabricated in a
0.811m single-poly CMOS process. On the other hand, the neuron chip has a very
simple structure, which consists of 20 neuron cells without additional circuits. The
Sigmoid circuit [3] in the neuron cell uses a differential pair, and the slope and
amplitude are controlled by a voltage-controlled resistor [II]. Sigmoid-derivative
circuit is also using differential pair with min-select circuit. The size of the neuron cell
is 177.2I1m x 62.4l1m.
~ _ ' Target
N t-.,.' ----t~
-:-r!1"iJ-[B~h:---'-:_._.-.____;--..; r:1-r:"1'
..._~Q_-I_""',_ _
- L -_ _ _--I
ANN Board
Figure 3: Block diagram of the analog neuro-board
tv.c : 32ch
ArIC : 48<:h
D1 : 16bitll
DO : 48bitll
Active Noise Canceling with Analog On-Chip Learning Neuro-Chip
Using these chip sets, an analog neuro-system is constructed. Figure 3 shows a brief
block diagram of the analog neuro-system, where an analogue neuro-board is
interfaced to a host computer through a GDAB (General Data Acquisition Board). The
GDAB board is specially designed for the data interface with the analogue neuro-chips.
The neuro-board has 6 synapse chips and 2 neuron chips with the 2-layer Perceptron
architecture. For test and development purposes, a DSP, ADC and DAC are installed
on the neuro-board to refresh and adjust weights.
Forward propagation time of the 2 layers Perceptron is measured as about 30 f..lsec.
Therefore the computation speed of the neuro-board is about 266 MCPS (Mega
Connections Per Second) for recall and about 200 MCUPS (Mega Connections
Updates Per Second) for error backpropagation learning. To achieve this speed with a
DSP, about 400 MIPS is required for recall and at least 600 MIPS for error-back
propagation learning.
C 1 (z)
Adaptive Filter
Multilayer Perceptron
Figure 4: Structure of a feedforward active noise canceling
Basic architecture of the feed forward active noise canceling is shown in Figure 4. An
area near the microphone is called "quiet zone," which actually means noise should be
small in this area. Noise propagates from a source to the quiet zone through a
dispersive medium, of which characteristics are modeled as a finite impulse response
(FIR) filter with additional random noise. An active noise canceller should generate
electric signals for a loud speaker, which creates acoustic signals to cancel the noise at
the quiet zone. In general the electric-to-acoustic signal transfer characteristics of the
loud speaker is nonlinear, and the overall active noise canceling (ANC) system also
becomes nonlinear. Therefore, multilayer Perceptron has a potential advantage over
popular transversal adaptive filters based on linear-mean.-square (LMS) error
Experiments had been conducted for car noise canceling. The reference signal for the
noise source was extracted from an engine room, while a compact car was running at
60 kmlhour. The difference of the two acoustic channels, i.e., H(z) = C1 (z) / C2 ( z) ,
addition noise n, and nonlinear characteristics of the loud speaker need be
compensated. Two different acoustic channels are used for the experiments. The first
channel Hl (z) = 0.894 + 0.447z- 1 is a minimum phase channel, while the second non-
J.-W Cho and S-Y. Lee
H2 (z)
= 0.174 + 0.6z -I + 0.6z -2 + 0.174z -3
frequency-selective multipath fading with a deep spectral amplitude null. A simple
cubic distortion model was used for the characteristics of the loud speaker.[12] To
compare performance of the neuro-chip with digital processors, computer simulation
was first conducted with error backpropagation algorithm for a single hidden-layer
Perceptron as well as the LMS algorithm for a transversal adaptive filter. Then, the
same experimental data were provided to the developed neuro-board by a personal
computer through the GDAB.
g -10 .
o -15
- 20 ~-----~------~----~------~--=-~
Signal-to-Distortion Ratio
15 -5
~ -10
Signal-to-Distortion Ratio
Figure 5: Noise Reduction Ratio (dB) versus Signal-to-Distortion Ratio (dB) for (a) a
simple acoustic channel HI (z) and (b) a multi-path fading acoustic channel H2 (z) _
Here, '+', '*', 'x', and '0' denote results ofLMS algorithm, neural networks simulation,
neural network simulation with 8-bit input quantization, and neuro-chips, respectively_
Active Noise Canceling with Analog On-Chip Learning Neuro-Chip
Results for the channels HI ( z) and H2 (z) are shown in Figures 5(a) and 5(b),
respectively. Each point in these figures denotes the result of one experiment with
different parameters. The horizontal axes represent Signal-to-Distortion Ratio (SDR)
of the speaker nonlinear characteristics. The vertical axes represent Noise Reduction
Ratio (NRR) of the active noise canceling systems. As expected, severe nonlinear
distortion of the loud speaker resulted in poor noise canceling for the LMS canceller.
However, the performance degradation was greatly reduced by neural network
canceller. With the neuro-chips the performance was worse than that of computer
simulation. Although the neuro-chip demonstrated active noise canceling and worked
better than LMS cancellers for very small SDRs, i.e. , very high nonlinear distortions,
its performance became saturated to -8 dB and -5 dB NRRs, respectively. The
performance saturation was more severe for the harder problem with the complicated
H 2 (z ) channel.
The performance degradation with neuro-chips may come from inherent limitations of
analogue chips such as limited dynamic ranges of synaptic weights and signals,
unwanted offsets and nonlinearity, and limited resolution of the learning rate and
sigmoid slope. [9] However, other side effects of the GDAB board, i.e., fixed resolution
of AID converters and D/A converters for data 110, also contributed to the performance
degradation. The input and output resolutions of the GDAB were J6 bit and 8 bit,
respectively. Unlike actual real-world systems the input values of the experimental
analogue neuro-chips are these 8-bit quantized values. As shown in Figures 5, results
of the computer simulation with 8-bit quantized target values showed much degraded
performance compared to the floating-point simulations. Therefore, a significant
portion of the poor performance in the experimental analogue system may be
contributed from the AID converters, and the analogue system may work better in real
world systems.
Actual acoustic signals are plotted in Figure 6. The top, middle, and bottom signals
denote noise , negated speaker signal, and residual noise at the quiet zone, respectively.
Figure 6: Examples of noise, negated loud-speaker canceling signal, and residual error
J.-w. Cho and s.-Y. Lee
In this paper we report an experimental results of active noise canceling using analogue
neuro-chips with on-chip learning capability. Although the its performance is limited
due to nonideal characteristics of analogue chip itself and also peripheral devices, it
clearly demonstrates feasibility of analogue chips for real world applications.
This research was supported by Korean Ministry of Information and Telecommunications.
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[2J T. Morie and Y. Amemiya (1994) An All-Analog Expandable Neural Network
LSI with On-Chip Backpropagation Learning, IEEE Journal of Solid State
Circuits, vo1.29, No.9, pp.1086-1093.
[3J J.-W. Cho, Y. K. Choi, S.-Y. Lee (1996) Modular Neuro-Chip with On-Chip
Learning and Adjustable Learning Parameters, Neural Processing Letters, VolA,
[4J J. Alspector, A. Jayakumar, S. Luna (1992) Experimental evaluation of learning in
neural microsystem, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 4, pp.
871-878 .
[5 J B. Widrow, et al. (1975) Adative Noise Cancelling: Principles and Applications,
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[6] J. Choi, S.H. Bang, BJ. Sheu (1993) A Programmable Analog VLSI Neural
Network Processor for Communication Receivers, IEEE Transaction on Neural
Network, VolA, No.3, ppA84-495.
[7J J.-W. Cho and S.-Y. Lee (1998) Analog neuro-chips with on-chip learning
capability for adaptive nonlinear equalizer, Proc. lJCNN, pp. 581-586, May 4-9,
Anchorage, USA.
[8J J. Van der Spiegel, C. Donham, R. Etienne-Cummings, S. Fernando (1994) Large
scale analog neural computer with programmable architecture and programmable
time constants for temporal pattern analysis, Proc. ICNN, pp. 1830-1835.
[9J Y.K. Choi, K.H. Ahn, and S.Y. Lee (1996) Effects of multiplier offsets on onchip learning for analog neuro-chip, Neural Processing Letters, vol. 4, No.1, 1-8.
[1OJ T. Enomoto, T. Ishihara and M. Yasumoto (1982) Integrated tapped MaS
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Vo1.l8, pp.193-194.
[11 J P.B. Allen, D.R. Holberg (1987) CMOS Analog Circuit Design, Holt, Douglas
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[12J F. Gao and W.M. Snelgrove (1991) Adaptive linearization of a loudspeaker,
Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal processing, pp.
| 1541 |@word middle:1 advantageous:1 donham:1 simulation:6 solid:1 harder:1 reduction:2 electronics:1 nrr:1 current:4 cad:1 activation:3 must:1 refresh:2 wx:1 designed:3 update:3 device:1 short:1 quantized:2 node:1 anchorage:1 constructed:1 c2:1 differential:2 consists:3 expected:1 alspector:1 multi:4 actual:3 pf:1 becomes:1 provided:1 linearity:1 circuit:8 medium:1 null:1 developed:7 adc:1 fabricated:6 kimura:1 temporal:1 w8:1 unwanted:1 ro:1 demonstrates:1 control:3 engineering:1 installed:1 path:2 onchip:1 studied:1 mcups:1 collect:1 limited:4 range:1 practical:3 faithful:1 block:4 backpropagation:5 area:2 bell:1 pre:1 holt:1 storage:2 microsystem:1 gilbert:1 accumulation:1 demonstrated:2 compensated:2 resolution:4 rinehart:1 rule:1 array:1 limiting:1 target:2 us:1 tapped:3 bottom:1 electrical:1 environment:1 dynamic:1 personal:1 upon:1 creates:1 gu:1 chip:73 represented:2 modular:5 kaist:1 distortion:8 interconnection:1 sakata:1 spiegel:1 itself:1 online:1 advantage:3 adaptation:3 cancelling:1 flexibility:1 achieve:1 requirement:1 cmos:2 help:1 widrow:1 ac:1 measured:1 ij:1 come:1 filter:4 implementing:1 require:1 l1m:1 icnn:1 summation:1 correction:1 mm:2 bj:1 lm:4 purpose:1 proc:3 currently:1 tool:1 minimization:1 clearly:1 voltage:4 ax:2 dsp:3 greatly:1 dependent:1 integrated:3 hidden:1 vlsi:2 i1m:1 selective:1 overall:1 flexible:1 development:1 transversal:2 integration:2 fairly:1 shaped:1 cancel:1 report:2 inherent:1 resulted:1 floating:1 phase:2 sdr:1 amplifier:1 evaluation:1 adjust:1 severe:2 saturated:1 pc:3 korea:2 morie:1 plotted:1 column:1 delay:6 fabrication:2 conducted:2 reported:3 stored:2 cho:6 density:2 international:1 lee:7 dong:1 continuously:1 connectivity:1 fir:1 worse:1 external:1 luna:1 jayakumar:1 derivative:2 li:1 potential:3 characterizes:1 portion:1 capability:10 parallel:2 complicated:1 slope:2 square:1 degraded:1 became:1 characteristic:8 interfaced:1 expandable:1 j6:1 processor:3 synapsis:2 canceling:18 synaptic:5 acquisition:1 frequency:1 pp:8 propagated:2 popular:2 recall:2 car:3 dispersive:1 amplitude:2 actually:1 back:3 feed:2 cummings:1 response:1 synapse:17 hand:2 receives:2 horizontal:1 dac:1 nonlinear:8 propagation:2 impulse:1 believe:1 usa:1 effect:2 multiplier:6 yusong:1 laboratory:1 during:1 maintained:1 speaker:9 q_:1 allen:1 interface:2 sigmoid:5 sheu:1 analog:29 measurement:1 significant:1 cancellation:1 nonlinearity:2 had:3 ahn:1 showed:1 binary:1 der:1 minimum:2 additional:2 ministry:1 fernando:1 signal:19 ii:3 multiple:1 desirable:1 host:1 post:1 controlled:2 feasibility:1 neuro:39 basic:3 multilayer:3 represent:2 cell:17 c1:1 addition:1 interval:1 diagram:4 source:3 unlike:2 specially:1 db:4 flow:1 incorporates:1 capacitor:5 ee:1 near:1 ideal:1 feedforward:1 enough:1 easy:1 mips:2 switch:1 architecture:5 converter:3 reduce:1 suffer:1 speech:1 programmable:3 deep:1 amount:1 backpropagated:2 reduced:1 generate:1 exist:1 lsi:1 per:2 mega:2 vol:1 changing:1 douglas:1 diffusion:1 equalizer:3 package:2 letter:2 telecommunication:2 taejon:1 bit:5 layer:7 hi:2 winston:1 fading:3 worked:1 multiplexing:1 generates:2 lsec:1 speed:4 min:1 loudspeaker:1 department:1 tv:1 peripheral:1 poor:2 hl:1 aold:1 mcps:1 pin:7 adopted:1 multiplied:1 multipath:1 spectral:1 denotes:1 running:1 top:1 etienne:1 especially:1 squashed:1 quiet:4 majority:1 decoder:1 sylee:1 modeled:1 ratio:6 demonstration:1 korean:1 adative:1 implementation:4 design:2 proper:1 adjustable:1 contributed:2 negated:2 i_:1 vertical:1 neuron:12 finite:1 communication:1 dsps:1 introduced:2 pair:2 required:3 connection:3 tap:1 acoustic:9 engine:1 established:1 trans:1 pattern:1 saturation:1 oj:1 soo:1 analogue:15 residual:2 advanced:1 technology:2 brief:1 x8:1 acknowledgement:1 limitation:1 versus:1 digital:7 h2:3 ljcnn:1 switched:1 propagates:1 principle:1 row:1 l8:1 jung:1 placed:1 supported:1 side:1 allow:1 perceptron:5 institute:1 van:1 world:4 forward:3 adaptive:8 simplified:1 transaction:1 compact:1 active:17 receiver:1 channel:11 transfer:1 operational:1 anc:1 complex:1 poly:1 electric:2 main:1 noise:35 body:1 board:13 cubic:1 aid:2 precision:2 watanabe:1 resistor:1 xl:1 ito:1 young:1 choi:3 offset:5 essential:1 quantization:1 kr:1 ci:4 nonideal:1 linearization:1 gao:1 ch:1 loud:7 extracted:1 ma:2 ann:1 careful:1 bang:1 room:1 vo1:3 distributes:1 degradation:3 microphone:1 called:1 experimental:6 zone:4 select:2 xl0:1 d1:1 |
593 | 1,542 | Bayesian modeling of human concept learning
Joshua B. Tenenbaum
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139
[email protected]
I consider the problem of learning concepts from small numbers of positive examples, a feat which humans perform routinely but which computers are rarely capable of. Bridging machine learning and cognitive
science perspectives, I present both theoretical analysis and an empirical
study with human subjects for the simple task oflearning concepts corresponding to axis-aligned rectangles in a multidimensional feature space.
Existing learning models, when applied to this task, cannot explain how
subjects generalize from only a few examples of the concept. I propose
a principled Bayesian model based on the assumption that the examples
are a random sample from the concept to be learned. The model gives
precise fits to human behavior on this simple task and provides qualitati ve
insights into more complex, realistic cases of concept learning.
1 Introduction
The ability to learn concepts from examples is one of the core capacities of human cognition.
From a computational point of view, human concept learning is remarkable for the fact that
very successful generalizations are often produced after experience with only a small number
of positive examples of a concept (Feldman, 1997). While negative examples are no doubt
useful to human learners in refining the boundaries of concepts, they are not necessary
in order to make reasonable generalizations of word meanings, perceptual categories, and
other natural concepts. In contrast, most machine learning algorithms require examples of
both positive and negative instances of a concept in order to generalize at all, and many
examples of both kinds in order to generalize successfully (Mitchell, 1997).
This paper attempts to close the gap between human and machine concept learning by
developing a rigorous theory for concept learning from limited positive evidence and
testing it against real behavioral data. I focus on a simple abstract task of interest to
both cognitive science and machine learning: learning axis-parallel rectangles in ?R m . We
assume that each object x in our world can be described by its values (XI, ... , xm) on m
real-valued observable dimensions, and that each concept C to be learned corresponds to a
conjunction of independent intervals (mini (C) ~ Xi ~ maXi (C? along each dimension
1. B. Tenenbaum
\ - ...... - . ~
:C +
" ...... ~ .
- >"
t.. ... ____ ... __ ...... ___,
Figure 1: (a) A rectangle concept C. (b-c) The size principle in Bayesian concept learning:
of the man y hypotheses consistent wi th the observed posi ti ve examples, the smallest rapidly
become more likely (indicated by darker lines) as more examples are observed.
i. For example, the objects might be people, the dimensions might be "cholesterol level"
and "insulin level", and the concept might be "healthy levels". Suppose that "healthy
levels" applies to any individual whose cholesterol and insulin levels are each greater than
some minimum healthy level and less than some maximum healthy level. Then the concept
"healthy levels" corresponds to a rectangle in the two-dimensional cholesterol/insulin space.
The problem of generalization in this setting is to infer, given a set of positive (+) and
negative (-) examples of a concept C, which other points belong inside the rectangle
corresponding to C (Fig. 1a.). This paper considers the question most relevant for cognitive
modeling: how to generalize from just a few positive examples?
In machine learning, the problem of learning rectangles is a common textbook example
used to illustrate models of concept learning (Mitchell, 1997). It is also the focus of stateof-the-art theoretical work and applications (Dietterich et aI., 1997). The rectangle learning
task is not well known in cognitive psychology, but many studies have investigated human
learning in similar tasks using simple concepts defined over two perceptually separable
dimensions such as size and color (Shepard, 1987). Such impoverished tasks are worth
our attention because they isolate the essential inductive challenge of concept learning in a
form that is analytically tractable and amenable to empirical study in human subjects.
This paper consists of two main contributions. I first present a new theoretical analysis
of the rectangle learning problem based on Bayesian inference and contrast this model's
predictions with standard learning frameworks (Section 2). I then describe an experiment
with human subjects on the rectangle task and show that, of the models considered, the
Bayesian approach provides by far the best description of how people actually generalize
on this task when given only limited positive evidence (Section 3). These results suggest
an explanation for some aspects of the ubiquotous human ability to learn concepts from just
a few positive examples.
Theoretical analysis
Computational approaches to concept learning. Depending on how they model a concept, different approaches to concept learning differ in their ability to generalize meaningfully from only limited positive evidence. Discriminative approaches embody no explicit
model of a concept, but only a procedure for discriminating category members from members of mutually exclusive contrast categories. Most backprop-style neural networks and
exemplar-based techniques (e.g. K -nearest neighbor classification) fall into this group,
along with hybrid models like ALCOVE (Kruschke, 1992). These approaches are ruled out
by definition; they cannot learn to discriminate positive and negative instances ifthey have
seen only positive examples. Distributional approaches model a concept as a probability
distribution over some feature space and classify new instances x as members of C if their
Bayesian Modeling ofHuman Concept Learning
estimated probability p(xIG) exceeds a threshold (J. This group includes "novelty detection" techniques based on Bayesian nets (Jaakkola et al., 1996) and, loosely, autoencoder
networks (Japkowicz et al., 1995). While p(xIG) can be estimated from only positive examples, novelty detection also requires negative examples for principled generalization, in
order to set an appropriate threshold (J which may vary over many orders of magnitude for
different concepts. For learning from positive evidence only, our best hope are algorithms
that treat a new concept G as an unknown subset of the universe of objects and decide how
to generalize G by finding "good" subsets in a hypothesis space H of possible concepts.
The Bayesian framework. For this task, the natural hypothesis space H corresponds to all
rectangles in the plane. The central challenge in generalizing using the subset approach is
that any small set of examples will typically be consistent with many hypotheses (Fig. Ib).
This problem is not unique to learning rectangles, but is a universal dilemna when trying to
generalize concepts from only limited positive data. The Bayesian solution is to embed the
hypothesis space in a probabilistic model of our observations, which allows us to weight
different consistent hypotheses as more or less likely to be the true concept based on the
particular examples observed. Specifically, we assume that the examples are generated by
random sampling from the true concept. This leads to the size principle: smaller hypotheses
become more likely than larger hypotheses (Fig. Ib - darker rectangles are more likely),
and they become exponentially more likely as the number of consistent examples increases
(Fig. lc). The size principle is the key to understanding how we can learn concepts from
only a few positive examples.
Formal treatment. We observe n positive examples X
{xCI), ... , x Cn )} of concept G
and want to compute the generalization/unction p(y E GIX), i.e. the probability that some
new object y belongs to G given the observations X. Let each rectangle hypothesis h be
denoted by a quadruple (11,/ 2,81,82), where Ii E [-00,00] is the location of h's lower-left
comer and 8i E [0,00] is the size of h along dimension i.
Our probabilistic model consists of a prior density p( h) and a likelihood function p( X Ih)
for each hypothesis h E H. The likelihood is determined by our assumption of randomly
sampled positive examples. In the simplest case, each example in X is assumed to be
independently sampled from a uniform density over the concept C. For n examples we
then have:
o otherwise,
where Ihl denotes the size of h. For rectangle (11,/2,81,82), Ihl is simply 8182 . Note that
because each hypothesis must distribute one unit mass oflikelihood over its volume for each
h p(xlh)dh
1), the probability density for smaller consistent hypotheses is
greater than for larger hypotheses, and exponentially greater as a function of n. Figs. Ib,c
illustrate this size principle for scoring hypotheses (darker rectang!es are more likely).
The appropriate choice of p( h) depends on our background knowledge. If we have no a
priori reason to prefer any rectangle hypothesis over any other, we can choose the scaleand location-invariant uninformative prior, p( h) = P(ll, 12, 81 ,82) = 1/(81,82), In any
realistic application, however, we will have some prior information. For example, we may
know the expected size O'i of rectangle concepts along dimension i in our domain, and then
use the associated maximum entropy prior P(ll, 12, 81,82) = exp{ -( 81/0'1 + 82/ 0'2)}.
The generalization function p(y E GIX) is computed by integrating the predictions of all
hypotheses, weighted by their posterior probabilities p( h IX):
p(y E GIX) =
p(y E Glh) p(hIX) dh,
where from Bayes' theorem p(hIX) ex: p(Xlh)p(h) (normalized such that
fhEH p(hIX)dh = 1), and p(y E Clh) = 1 if y E hand 0 otherwise. Under the
J. B. Tenenbaum
uninformative prior, this becomes:
Here ri is the maximum distance between the examples in X along dimension i, and
di equals 0 if y falls inside the range of values spanned by X along dimension i, and
otherwise equals the distance from y to the nearest example in X along dimension i.
Under the expected-size prior, p(y E GIX) has no closed form solution valid for all n.
However, except for very small values of n (e.g. < 3) and ri (e.g. < 0'i/1O), the following
approximation holds to within 10% (and usually much less) error:
Fig. 2 (left column) illustrates the Bayesian learner's contours of equal probability of
generalization (at p = 0.1 intervals), for different values of nand ri. The bold curve
0.5, a natural boundary for generalizing the concept.
corresponds to p(y E GIX)
Integrating over all hypotheses weighted by their size-based probabilities yields a broad
gradient of generalization for small n (row 1) that rapidly sharpens up to the smallest
consistent hypothesis as n increases (rows 2-3), and that extends further along the dimension
with a broader range ri of observations. This figure reflects an expected-size prior with
0'1 = 0'2 = axiLwidthl2; using an uninformative prior produces a qualitatively similar plot.
Related work: MIN and Weak Bayes. Two existing subset approaches to concept learning
can be seen as variants of this Bayesian framework. The classic MIN algorithm generalizes
no further than the smallest hypothesis in H that includes all the positive examples (Bruner
et al., 1956; Feldman, 1997). MIN is a PAC learning algorithm for the rectangles task, and
also corresponds to the maximum likelihood estimate in the Bayesian framework (Mitchell,
1997). However, while it converges to the true concept as n becomes large (Fig. 2, row 3),
it appears extremely conservative in generalizing from very limited data (Fig. 2, row 1).
An earlier approach to Bayesian concept learning, developed independently in cognitive
psychology (Shepard, 1987) and machine learning (Haussler et al., 1994; Mitchell, 1997),
was an important inspiration for the framework of this paper. I call the earlier approach
weak Bayes, because it embodies a different generative model that leads to a much weaker
likelihood function than Eq. 1. While Eq. 1 came from assuming examples sampled
randomly from the true concept, weak Bayes assumes the examples are generated by an
arbitrary process independent of the true concept. As a result, the size principle for scoring
hypotheses does not apply; all hypotheses consistent with the examples receive a likelihood
of 1, instead of the factor of 1/lhln in Eq. 1. The extent of generalization is then determined
solely by the prior; for example, under the expected-size prior,
Weak Bayes, unlike MIN, generalizes reasonably from just a few examples (Fig. 2, row 1).
However, because Eq. 5 is independent of n or ri, weak Bayes does not converge to the
true concept as the number of examples increases (Fig. 2, rows 2-3), nor does it generalize
further along axes of greater variability. While weak Bayes is a natural model when the
examples really are generated independently of the concept (e.g. when the learner himself
or a random process chooses objects to be labeled "positive" or "negative" by a teacher), it
is clearly limited as a model oflearning from deliberately provided positive examples.
In sum, previous subset approaches each appear to capture a different aspect of how humans
generalize concepts from positive examples. The broad similarity gradients that emerge
Bayesian Modeling ofHuman Concept Learning
from weak Bayes seem most applicable when only a few broadly spaced examples have
been observed (Fig. 2, row 1), while the sharp boundaries of the MIN rule appear more
reasonable as the number of examples increases or their range narrows (Fig. 2, rows 2-3).
In contrast, the Bayesian framework guided by the size principle automatically interpolates
between these two regimes of similarity-based and rule-based generalization, offering the
best hope for a complete model of human concept learning.
3 Experimental data from human subjects
This section presents empirical evidence that our Bayesian model - but neither MIN nor
weak Bayes - can explain human behavior on the simple rectangle learning task. Subjects
were given the task of guessing 2-dimensional rectangular concepts from positive examples
only, under the cover story of learning about the range of healthy levels of insulin and
cholesterol, as described in Section 1. On each trial of the experiment, several dots
appeared on a blank computer screen. Subjects were told that these dots were randomly
chosen examples from some arbitrary rectangle of "healthy levels," and their job was to
guess that rectangle as nearly as possible by clicking on-screen with the mouse. The dots
were in fact randomly generated on each trial, subject to the constraints ofthree independent
variables that were systematically varied across trials in a (6 x 6 x 6) factorial design. The
three independent variables were the horizontal range spanned by the dots (.25, .5, 1, 2, 4,
8 units in a 24-unit-wide window), vertical range spanned by the dots (same), and number
of dots (2,3,4,6, 10,50). Subjects thus completed 216 trials in random order. To ensure
that subjects understood the task, they first completed 24 practice trials in which they were
shown, after entering their guess, the "true" rectangle that the dots were drawn from. I
The data from 6 subjects is shown in Fig. 3a, averaged across subjects and across the two
directions (horizontal and vertical). The extent d of subjects' rectangles beyond r, the
range spanned by the observed examples, is plotted as a function of rand n, the number
of examples. Two patterns of generalization are apparent. First, d increases monotonically
with r and decreases with n. Second, the rate of increase of d as a function of r is much
slower for larger values of n.
Fig. 3b shows that neither MIN nor weak Bayes can explain these patterns. MIN always
predicts zero generalization beyond the examples - a horizontal line at d = 0 - for all values
of rand n. The predictions of weak Bayes are also independent of rand n: d
0" log 2,
assuming subjects give the tightest rectangle enclosing all points y with p(y E G\X) > 0.5.
Under the same assumption, Figs. 3c,d show our Bayesian model's predicted bounds on
generalization using uninformative and expected-size priors, respectively. Both versions of
the model capture the qualitative dependence of d on rand n, confirming the importance of
the size principle in guiding generalization independent of the choice of prior. However, the
uninformative prior misses the nonlinear dependence on r for small n, because it assumes
an ideal scale invariance that clearly does not hold in this experiment (due to the fixed size
of the computer window in which the rectangles appeared). In contrast, the expected-size
prior naturally embodies prior knowledge about typical scale in its one free parameter 0". A
reasonable value of 0" =5 units (out of the 24-unit-wide window) yields an excellent fit to
subjects' average generalization behavior on this task.
In developing a model of concept learning that is at once computationally principled and
able to fit human behavior precisely, I hope to have shed some light on how people are able
I Because dots were drawn randomly, the "true" rectangles that subjects saw during practice were
quite variable and were rarely the "correct" response according to any theory considered here. Thus
it is unlikely that this short practice was responsible for any consistent trends in subjects' behavior.
1. B. Tenenbaum
to infer the correct extent of a concept from only a few positive examples. The Bayesian
model has two key components: (1) a generalization function that results from integrating
the predictions of all hypotheses weighted by their posterior probability; (2) the assumption
that examples are sampled from the concept to be learned, and not independently of the
concept as previous weak Bayes models have assumed. Integrating predictions over the
whole hypothesis space explains why either broad gradients of generalization (Fig. 2, row
1) or sharp, rule-based generalization (Fig. 2, row 3) may emerge, depending on how
peaked the posterior is. Assuming examples drawn randomly from the concept explains
why learners do not weight all consistent hypotheses equally, but instead weight more
specific hypotheses higher than more general ones by a factor that increases exponentially
with the number of examples observed (the size principle).
This work is being extended in a number of directions. Negative instances, when encountered, are easily accomodated by assigning zero likelihood to any hypotheses containing
them. The Bayesian formulation applies not only to learning rectangles, but to learning
concepts in any measurable hypothesis space - wherever the size principle for scoring
hypotheses may be applied. In Tenenbaum (1999), I show that the same principles enable
learning number concepts and words for kinds of objects from only a few positive examples. 2 I also show how the size principle supports much more powerful inferences than
this short paper could demonstrate: automatically detecting incorrectly labeled examples,
selecting relevant features, and determining the complexity of the hypothesis space. Such
inferences are likely to be necessary for learning in the complex natural settings we are
ultimately interested in.
Thanks to M. Bernstein, W. Freeman, S. Ghaznavi, W. Richards, R Shepard, and Y. Weiss for helpful
discussions. The author was a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Predoctoral Fellow.
Bruner, J. A., Goodnow,J. S., & Austin, G. J. (1956). A study of thinking. New York: Wiley.
Dietterich, T, Lathrop, R, & Lozano-Perez, T (1997). Solving the multiple-instance problem with
axis-parallel rectangles. ArtificiaL Intelligence 89(1-2), 31-71.
Feldman, J. (1997). The structure of perceptual categories. J. Math. Psych. 41, 145-170.
Haussler, D., Keams, M., & Schapire, R (1994). Bounds on the sample complexity of Bayesian
learning using infonnation theory and the VC-dimension. Machine Learning 14, 83-113.
Jaakkola, T., Saul, L., & Jordan, M. (1996) Fast learning by bounding likelihoods in sigmoid type
belief networks. Advances in NeuraL Information Processing Systems 8.
Japkowicz, N., Myers, C., & Gluck, M. (1995). A novelty detection approach to classification.
Proceedings of the 14th InternationaL Joint Conference on AritificaL InteLLigence.
Kruschke, J. (1992). ALCOVE: An exemplar-based connectionist model of category learning. Psych.
Rev. 99,22-44.
Mitchell, T (1997). Machine Learning. McGraw-Hill.
Muggleton, S. (preprint). Learning from positive data. Submitted to Machine Learning.
Shepard, R (1987). Towards a universal law of generalization for psychological science. Science
Thnenbaum, J. B. (1999). A Bayesian Frameworkfor Concept Learning. Ph. D. Thesis, MIT
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences.
2In the framework of inductive logic programming, Muggleton (preprint) has independently
proposed that similar principles may allow linguistic grammars to be learned from positive data only.
Bayesian Modeling ofHuman Concept Learning
weak Bayes
n= 12
Figure 2: Performance of three concept learning algorithms on the rectangle task.
(b) MIN and weak Bayes models
(a) Average data from 6 subjects
~ 1.5
'0 1
~ 0.5
weak Bayes (0 :: 2)
weak Bayes (0:: 1)
n examples
(c) Bayesian model (uninformative prior)
r: Range spanned by
(d) Bayesian model (expected-size prior)
n", 10
n= 50
Figure 3: Data from human subjects and model predictions for the rectangle task.
| 1542 |@word trial:5 version:1 sharpens:1 selecting:1 offering:1 existing:2 glh:1 blank:1 unction:1 assigning:1 must:1 realistic:2 confirming:1 dilemna:1 plot:1 generative:1 intelligence:2 guess:2 plane:1 core:1 short:2 cjx:1 provides:2 detecting:1 math:1 location:2 along:9 become:3 qualitative:1 consists:2 behavioral:1 inside:2 expected:7 embody:1 behavior:5 nor:3 brain:2 freeman:1 automatically:2 window:3 becomes:2 provided:1 mass:1 kind:2 psych:2 textbook:1 developed:1 finding:1 fellow:1 multidimensional:1 ti:1 shed:1 unit:5 medical:1 appear:2 positive:26 understood:1 xig:2 treat:1 quadruple:1 solely:1 might:3 limited:6 range:8 averaged:1 unique:1 responsible:1 acknowledgment:1 testing:1 practice:3 hughes:1 procedure:1 universal:2 empirical:3 word:2 integrating:4 suggest:1 cannot:2 close:1 measurable:1 xci:1 attention:1 kruschke:2 independently:5 rectangular:1 insight:1 haussler:2 rule:3 cholesterol:4 spanned:5 classic:1 suppose:1 programming:1 hypothesis:29 trend:1 richards:1 distributional:1 labeled:2 predicts:1 observed:6 preprint:2 capture:2 decrease:1 principled:3 complexity:2 ultimately:1 solving:1 learner:4 comer:1 easily:1 joint:1 routinely:1 fast:1 describe:1 artificial:1 whose:1 apparent:1 larger:3 valued:1 quite:1 otherwise:3 grammar:1 ability:3 insulin:4 myers:1 net:1 propose:1 aligned:1 relevant:2 rapidly:2 description:1 produce:1 converges:1 object:6 illustrate:2 depending:2 exemplar:2 nearest:2 job:1 eq:4 predicted:1 differ:1 direction:2 guided:1 correct:2 vc:1 human:18 enable:1 backprop:1 require:1 explains:2 generalization:19 really:1 hold:2 considered:2 exp:1 cognition:1 vary:1 smallest:3 applicable:1 infonnation:1 healthy:7 saw:1 successfully:1 alcove:2 weighted:3 reflects:1 hope:3 mit:2 clearly:2 always:1 jaakkola:2 broader:1 conjunction:1 linguistic:1 ax:1 focus:2 refining:1 likelihood:7 contrast:5 rigorous:1 helpful:1 inference:3 typically:1 unlikely:1 nand:1 keams:1 japkowicz:2 interested:1 classification:2 bruner:2 accomodated:1 stateof:1 denoted:1 priori:1 art:1 equal:3 once:1 sampling:1 broad:3 nearly:1 thinking:1 peaked:1 connectionist:1 few:8 randomly:6 ve:2 individual:1 attempt:1 detection:3 interest:1 light:1 perez:1 amenable:1 capable:1 necessary:2 experience:1 loosely:1 ruled:1 plotted:1 theoretical:4 psychological:1 instance:5 classify:1 modeling:5 column:1 earlier:2 cover:1 oflearning:2 subset:5 uniform:1 successful:1 teacher:1 chooses:1 thanks:1 density:3 international:1 gix:5 discriminating:1 ie:1 probabilistic:2 told:1 mouse:1 posi:1 thesis:1 central:1 containing:1 choose:1 xlh:3 cognitive:7 style:1 doubt:1 distribute:1 bold:1 includes:2 goodnow:1 depends:1 view:1 closed:1 bayes:17 parallel:2 contribution:1 yield:2 spaced:1 clh:1 generalize:10 weak:15 bayesian:24 produced:1 worth:1 submitted:1 explain:3 definition:1 against:1 naturally:1 associated:1 di:1 sampled:4 treatment:1 massachusetts:1 ihl:2 mitchell:5 color:1 knowledge:2 impoverished:1 actually:1 appears:1 higher:1 response:1 wei:1 rand:4 formulation:1 just:3 hand:1 horizontal:3 nonlinear:1 indicated:1 dietterich:2 concept:62 true:8 normalized:1 deliberately:1 inductive:2 analytically:1 inspiration:1 lozano:1 entering:1 jbt:1 ll:2 during:1 trying:1 hill:1 complete:1 demonstrate:1 meaning:1 common:1 sigmoid:1 shepard:4 exponentially:3 volume:1 belong:1 cambridge:1 feldman:3 ai:1 dot:8 similarity:2 posterior:3 perspective:1 belongs:1 came:1 joshua:1 scoring:3 seen:2 minimum:1 greater:4 novelty:3 converge:1 monotonically:1 ii:2 multiple:1 infer:2 exceeds:1 frameworkfor:1 muggleton:2 equally:1 prediction:6 variant:1 himself:1 receive:1 background:1 want:1 uninformative:6 interval:2 unlike:1 subject:19 isolate:1 meaningfully:1 member:3 seem:1 jordan:1 call:1 ideal:1 bernstein:1 fit:3 psychology:2 cn:1 bridging:1 interpolates:1 york:1 useful:1 factorial:1 tenenbaum:5 ph:1 category:5 simplest:1 schapire:1 ofthree:1 estimated:2 neuroscience:1 broadly:1 group:2 key:2 threshold:2 drawn:3 neither:2 rectangle:29 sum:1 powerful:1 extends:1 reasonable:3 decide:1 prefer:1 bound:2 encountered:1 constraint:1 precisely:1 ri:5 aspect:2 min:11 extremely:1 separable:1 department:2 developing:2 according:1 smaller:2 across:3 psyche:1 wi:1 rev:1 wherever:1 invariant:1 computationally:1 mutually:1 know:1 tractable:1 generalizes:2 tightest:1 apply:1 observe:1 appropriate:2 slower:1 denotes:1 assumes:2 ensure:1 completed:2 embodies:2 question:1 exclusive:1 dependence:2 guessing:1 gradient:3 distance:2 capacity:1 considers:1 extent:3 reason:1 assuming:3 mini:1 negative:7 design:1 enclosing:1 unknown:1 perform:1 predoctoral:1 vertical:2 observation:3 howard:1 incorrectly:1 extended:1 variability:1 precise:1 varied:1 arbitrary:2 sharp:2 learned:4 narrow:1 beyond:2 able:2 usually:1 pattern:2 xm:1 regime:1 appeared:2 challenge:2 explanation:1 belief:1 natural:5 hybrid:1 technology:1 axis:3 hix:3 autoencoder:1 prior:17 understanding:1 determining:1 law:1 remarkable:1 consistent:9 principle:12 story:1 systematically:1 row:10 austin:1 free:1 formal:1 weaker:1 allow:1 institute:2 neighbor:1 fall:2 wide:2 saul:1 emerge:2 boundary:3 dimension:11 curve:1 world:1 valid:1 contour:1 author:1 qualitatively:1 far:1 observable:1 mcgraw:1 feat:1 logic:1 assumed:2 xi:2 discriminative:1 why:2 learn:4 reasonably:1 investigated:1 complex:2 excellent:1 domain:1 main:1 universe:1 whole:1 bounding:1 fig:17 screen:2 darker:3 wiley:1 lc:1 guiding:1 explicit:1 clicking:1 perceptual:2 ib:3 ix:1 theorem:1 embed:1 specific:1 pac:1 maxi:1 evidence:5 essential:1 ih:1 importance:1 magnitude:1 perceptually:1 illustrates:1 gap:1 aritifical:1 gluck:1 entropy:1 generalizing:3 simply:1 likely:7 applies:2 corresponds:5 dh:3 ma:1 towards:1 man:1 specifically:1 determined:2 except:1 typical:1 miss:1 conservative:1 discriminate:1 invariance:1 e:1 experimental:1 lathrop:1 rarely:2 people:3 support:1 ex:1 |
594 | 1,543 | Learning Mixture Hierarchies
Nuno Vasconcelos
Andrew Lippman
MIT Media Laboratory, 20 Ames St, EI5-320M, Cambridge, MA 02139,
{nuno,lip} @media.mit.edu,
The hierarchical representation of data has various applications in domains such as data mining, machine vision, or information retrieval. In
this paper we introduce an extension of the Expectation-Maximization
(EM) algorithm that learns mixture hierarchies in a computationally efficient manner. Efficiency is achieved by progressing in a bottom-up
fashion, i.e. by clustering the mixture components of a given level in the
hierarchy to obtain those of the level above. This cl ustering requires onl y
knowledge of the mixture parameters, there being no need to resort to
intermediate samples. In addition to practical applications, the algorithm
allows a new interpretation of EM that makes clear the relationship with
non-parametric kernel-based estimation methods, provides explicit control over the trade-off between the bias and variance of EM estimates, and
offers new insights about the behavior of deterministic annealing methods
commonly used with EM to escape local minima of the likelihood.
1 Introduction
There are many practical applications of statistical learning where it is useful to characterize
data hierarchically. Such characterization can be done according to either top-down or
bottom-up strategies. While the former start by generating a coarse model that roughly
describes the entire space, and then successively refine the description by partitioning the
space and generating sub-models for each of the regions in the partition; the later start
from a fine description, and successively agglomerate sub-models to generate the coarser
descriptions at the higher levels in the hierarchy.
Bottom-up strategies are particularly useful when not all the data is available at once, or
when the dataset is so big that processing it as whole is computationally infeasible. This
is the case of machine vision tasks such as object recognition, or the indexing of video
databases. In object recognition, it is many times convenient to determine not only which
object is present in the scene but also its pose [2], a goal that can be attained by a hierarchical,
description where at the lowest level a model is learned for each object pose and all pose
models are then combined into a generic model at the top level of the hierarchy. Similarly,
Learning Mixture Hierarchies
for video indexing, one may be interested in learning a description for each frame and
then combine these into shot descriptions or descriptions for some other sort of high level
temporal unit [6).
In this paper we present an extension of the EM algorithm [I) for the estimation of hierarchical mixture models in a bottom-up fashion. It turns out that the attainment of this goal
has far more reaching consequences than the practical applications above. In particular,
because a kernel density estimate can be seen as a limiting case ofa mixture model (where
a mixture component is superimposed on each sample), this extension establishes a direct
connection between so-called parametric and non-parametric density estimation methods
making it possible to exploit results from the vast non-parametric smoothing literature [4)
to improve the accuracy of parametric estimates. Furthennore, the original EM algorithm
becomes a particular case of the one now presented, and a new intuitive interpretation becomes available for an important variation of EM (known as deterministic annealing) that
had previously been derived from statistical physics. With regards to practical applications,
the algorithm leads to computationally efficient methods for estimating density hierarchies
capable of describing data at different resolutions.
2 Hierarchical mixture density estimation
Our model consists of a hierarchy of mixture densities, where the data at a given level is
described by
P(X) =
L 1I"~p(Xlz~ =
I , Md,
k= 1
where 1 is the level in the hierarchy (l = 0 providing the coarsest characterization of the
data), MI the mixture model at this level, C l the number of mixture components that
compose it, 11"~ the prior probability of the kth component, and z~ a binary variable that
takes the value 1 if and only if the sample X was drawn from this component. The only
restriction on the model is that if node j of levell + 1 is a child of node i of levell, then
jlk k'
where k is the parent of j in the hierarchy of hidden variables.
The basic problem is to compute the mixture parameters of the description at levell given
the knowledge of the parameters at level 1 + 1. This can also be seen as a problem of
clustering mixture components. A straightforward solution would be to draw a sample
from the mixture density at levell + 1 and simply run EM with the number of classes of
the level 1 to estimate the corresponding parameters. Such a solution would have at least
two major limitations. First, there would be no guarantee that the constraint of equation (2)
would be enforced, i.e. there would be no guarantee of structure in the resulting mixture
hierarchy, and second it would be computationally expensive, as all the models in the
hierarchy would have to be learned from a large sample. In the next section, we show that
this is really not necessary.
3 Estimating mixture hierarchies
The basic idea behind our approach is, instead of generating a real sample from the mixture
model at level L + 1, to consider a virtual sample generated from the same model, use EM
to find the expressions for the parameters of the mixture model of levell that best explain
this virtual sample, and establish a closed-fonn relationship between these parameters and
those of the model at level 1 + I. For this, we start by considering a virtual sample
X = {XI, .. . , X C l+ l } from ; \.11+1, where each of the Xi is a virtual sample from one of
N. Vasconcelos and A. Lippman
the C ' + 1 components of this model, with size Mi =
virtual points.
11'! N,
where N is the total number of
We next establish the likelihood for the virtual sample under the model M" For this, as is
usual in the EM literature, we assume that samples from different blocks are independent,
C 1+ 1
P(XIM,) =
II P(XiIM,),
but, to ensure that the constraint of equation (2) is enforced, samples within the same block
are assigned to the same component of M,. Assuming further that, given the knowledge
of the assignment the samples are drawn independently from the corresponding mixture
component, the likelihood of each block is given by
j = 1
j= 1
= 2: lI'~P(Xilzij = I,M,) = 2: 11'}
II p(XrlZij = I,M,),
m= 1
where Zij = Z!+I z; is a binary variable with value one if and only if the block Xi is assigned
is the mth data point in Xi. Combining equations (3)
to the jth component of M" and
and (4) we obtain the incomplete data likelihood, under M" for the whole sample
C 1+ 1
II 2: 11'; II p(XrlZij = I,M,).
i= 1 j = 1
m= 1
This equation is similar to the incomplete data likelihood of standard EM, the main difference being that instead of having an hidden variable for each sample point, we now have
one for each sample block. The likelihood of the complete data is given by
C 1+ 1
P(X, ZIM,) =
II II [lI'~P(Xilzij = 1, M,)f?i ,
i= 1 j = 1
where Z is a vector containing all the Zij, and the log-likelihood becomes
C 1+ 1
log P(X, ZIM,)
= 2: 2: Zij 10g(1I';P(Xilzij = 1, M,).
i= 1 j = 1
Relying on EM to estimate the parameters of M, leads to the the following E-step
P(Xi IZij = I, M,)lI';
E[zijIXi,M,]-P(zij-lIXi , M,)-~ P(X .I. - I lA) I ' (8)
, Zzk - , l VI/ lI'k
The key quantity to compute is therefore P (Xi IZij = I, M,). Taking its logarithm
h ij
= I,M,)
1 M.
Mi[M . 2:logP(xrlzij
= I,M,)]
, i= 1
MiE M 1+ [log P(XIZij = 1, M,)],
1 .,
where we have used the law of large numbers, and EM 1+ 1? ? [x] is the expected value of x
according the ith mixture component of M'+ 1 (the one from which Xi was drawn). This
is an easy computation for most densities commonly used in mixture modeling. It can be
shown [5] that for the Gaussian case it leads to
{ ~l _1~ l +I}]M.
I 1
[ g(J1.i+
,/L~ , E~)e-~trace (~J)~'
Learning Mixture Hierarchies
where 9(x, J1., E) is the expression for a Gaussian with mean J1. and covariance E.
The M-step consists of maximizing
C I +1
L L hij 10g(1T~P(Xilzij =
1, Md)
i= 1 j = 1
subject to the constraint E j 7r~ = I. Once again, this is a relatively simple task for
common mixture models and in [5] we show that for the Gaussian case it leads to the
following parameter update equations
Ei hij MiJ1.~+ 1
Ei h ij Mi
E.~ .. M . [LhijMiE~+1 + LhijMi(J1.~+I-J1.;)(J1.!+1 -J1.;f] .(4)
Notice that neither equation (10) nor equations (12) to (14) depend explicitly on the underlying sample Xi and can be computed directly from the parameters of Ml+l. The
algorithm is thus very efficient from a computational standpoint as the number of mixture
components in Ml+ 1 is typically much smaller than the size of the sample at the bottom of
the hierarchy.
Relationships with standard EM
There are interesting relationships between the algorithm derived above and the standard
EM procedure. The first thing to notice is that by making Mi = I and E~+ 1 = 0, the E and
M-steps become those obtained by applying standard EM to the sample composed of the
points J1.~+1
Thus, standard EM can be seen as a particular case of the new algorithm, that learns a two
level mixture hierarchy. An initial estimate is first obtained at the bottom of this hierarchy
by placing a Gaussian with zero covariance on top of each data point, the model at the
second level being then computed from this estimate. The fact that the estimate at the
bottom level is nothing more than a kernel estimate with zero bandwidth suggests that other
choices of the kernel bandwidth may lead to better overall EM estimates.
Under this interpretation, the E~+I become free parameters that can be used to control the
smoothness of the density estimates and the whole procedure is equivalent to the composition
of three steps: I) find the kernel density estimate that best fits the sample under analysis, 2)
draw a larger virtual sample from that density, and 3) compute EM estimates from this larger
sample. In section 5, we show that this can leave to significant improvements in estimation
accuracy, particularly when the initial sample is small, the free parameters allowing explicit
control over the trade-off between the bias and variance of the estimator.
Another interesting relationship between the hierarchical method and standard EM can
be derived by investigating the role of the size of the underlying virtual sample (which
determines M i ) on the estimates. Assuming Mi constant, Mi = M, Vi, it factors out of
all summations in equations (12) to (14), the contributions of numerator and denominator
canceling each other. In this case, the only significance of the choice of M is its impact on
the E-step. Assuming, as before, that E~+I = 0 we once again have the EM algorithm, but
where the class-conditional likelihoods of the E-step are now raised to the Mth power. If
N Vasconcelos and A. Lippman
M is seen as the inverse of temperature, both the E and M steps become those of standard
EM under deterministic annealing (DA) I [3] .
The DA process is therefore naturally derived from our hierarchical formulation, which
gives it a new interpretation that is significantly simpler and more intuitive than those
derived from statistical physics. At the start of the process M is set to zero, i.e. no virtual
samples are drawn from the Gaussian superimposed on the real dataset, and there is no
virtual data. Thus, the assignments hij of the E-step simply become the prior mixing
proportions 11"; and the M-step simply sets the parameters of all Gaussians in the model to
the sample mean and sample covariance of the real sample. As M increases, the number
of virtual points drawn from each Gaussian also increases and for M = 1 we have a single
point that coincides with the point on the real training sample. We therefore obtain the
standard EM equations. Increasing M further will make the E-step assignments harder (in
the limit of M = 00 each point is assigned to a single mixture component) because a larger
virtual probability mass is attached to each real point leading to much higher certainty with
regards to the reliability of the assignment.
Overall, while in the beginning of the process the reduced size of the virtual sample allows
the points in the real sample to switch from mixture to mixture easily, as M is increased
the switching becomes much less likely. The "exploratory" nature of the initial iterations
drives the process towards solutions that are globally good, therefore allowing it to escape
local minima.
5 Experimental results
In this section, we present experimental results that illustrate the properties of the hierarchical EM algorithm now proposed. We start by a simple example that illustrates how the
algorithm can be used to estimate hierarchical mixtures.
. ~.,...:.:~ ..:
, :...
:~~y :.~.::
- 100
'?.i~ i ' ;~
Figure I: Mixture hierarchy derived from the model shown in the left. The plot relative to each
level of the hierarchy is superimposed on a sample drawn from this model. Only the one-standard
deviation contours are shown for each Gaussian.
The plot on the left of Figure 1 presents a Gaussian mixture with 16 uniformly weighted
components. A sample with 1000 points was drawn from this model, and the algorithm
used to find the best descriptions for it at three resolutions (mixtures with 16, 4, and 2
Gaussian). These descriptions are shown in the figure. Notice how the mixture hierarchy
naturally captures the various levels of structure exhibited by the data.
This example suggests how the algorithm could be useful for applications such as object
recognition or image retrieval. Suppose that each of the Gaussians in the leftmost plot of
IDA is a technique drawn from analogies with statistical physics that avoids local maxima of
the likelihood function (in which standard EM can get trapped) by perfonning a succession of
optimizations at various temperatures [31.
Learning Mixture Hierarchies
o-.I? ...,r'Itol
Figure 2: Object recognition task. Left: 8 of the 100 objects in the database. Right: computational
savings achieved with hierarchical recognition vs full search.
the figure describes how a given pose of a given object populates a 2-D feature space on
which object recognition is to be perfonned. In this case, higher levels in the hierarchical
representation provide a more generic description of the object. E.g. each of the Gaussians
in the model shown in the middle of the figure might provide a description for all the poses
in which the camera is on the same quadrant of the viewing sphere, while those in the
model shown in the right might represent views from the same hemisphere. The advantage,
for recognition or retrieval, of relying on a hierarchal structure is that the search can be
perfonned first at the highest resolution, where it is much less expensive, only the best
matches being considered at the subsequent levels.
Figure 2 illustrates the application of hierarchical mixture modeling to a real object recognition task. Shown on the left side of the figure are 8 objects from the 100 contained in the
Columbia object database [2]. The database consists of 72 views (obtained by positioning
the camera in 5? intervals along a circle on the viewing sphere), which were evenly separated into a training and a test set. A set of features was computed for each image, and a
hierarchical model was then learned for each object in the resulting feature space. While
the process could be extended to any number of levels, here we only report on the case of
a two-level hierarchy: at the bottom each image is described by a mixture of 8 Gaussians,
and at the top each mixture (also with 8 Gaussians) describes 3 consecutive views. Thus,
the entire training set is described by 3600 mixtures at the bottom resolution and 1200 at
the top.
Given an image of an object to recognize, recognition takes place by computing its projection
into the feature space, measuring the likelihood of the resulting sample according to each
of the models in the database, and choosing the most likely. The complexity of the process
is proportional to the database size. The plot on the left of Figure 2 presents the recognition
accuracy achieved with the hierarchical representation vs the corresponding complexity,
shown as a percent of the complexity required by full search. The full-search accuracy is
in this case 90%, and is also shown as a straight line in the graph. As can be seen from the
figure, the hierarchical search achieves the full search accuracy with less than 40% of its
complexity. We are now repeating this experiments with deeper trees, where we expect the
gains to be even more impressive.
We finalize by reporting on the impact of smoothing on the quality of EM estimates.
For this, we conducted the following Monte Carlo experiment: I) draw 200 datasets
Si, i = 1, ... ,200 from the model shown on the left of Figure 1, 2) fit each dataset with
EM, 3) measure the correlation coefficient Pi, i = 1, ... ,200 between each of the EM fits
and the original model, and 4) compute the sample mean pand variance p. The correlation
coefficient is defined by Pi = f f(x)h(x)dxIU f(x)dxf ii(X)dx), where f(x) is the
N. Vasconcelos and A. Lippman
8lC 10~
- -HI)
- -
- - 100
- - 300
- - 1000
-- - 1000
o .o'-----'--~,
O :---25
40: :---'
- - - - - - - - -:: ..-- ----10
~ . " -, -'
Figure 3: Results of the Monte Carlo experiment described on the text. Left: p as a function 17k.
Right: Up as a function of 17k. The various curves in each graph correspond to to different sample
true model and fi(X) the ith estimate, and can be computed in closed form for Gaussian
mixtures. The experiment was repeated with various dataset sizes and various degrees of
smoothing (by setting the bandwidth of the underlying Gaussian kernel to
for various
values of O'k).
Figure 3 presents the results of this experiment. It is clear, from the graph on the left, that
smoothing can have a significant impact on the quality of the EM estimates. This impact
is largest for small samples, where smoothing can provide up to a two fold improvement
estimation accuracy, but can be found even for large samples.
The kernel bandwidth allows control over the trade-off between the bias and variance of
the estimates. When O'k is zero (standard EM), bias is small but variance can be large, as
illustrated by the graph on the right of the figure. As O'k is increased, variance decreases at
the cost of an increase in bias (the reason why for large O'k aU lines in the graph of the left
meet at the same point regardless ofthe sample size). The point where p is the highest is the
point at which the bias-variance trade off is optimal. Operating at this point leads to a much
smaller dependence of the accuracy of the estimates on the sample size or, conversely, the
need for much smaller samples to achieve a given degree of accuracy.
[I] A. Dempster, N. Laird, and D. Rubin. Maximum-likelihood from Incomplete Data via
the EM Algorithm. J. of the Royal Statistical Society, B-39, 1977.
[2] H. Murase and S. Nayar. Visual Learning and Recognition of 3-D Objects from
Appearence. International Journal of Computer Vision, 14:5-24, 1995.
[3] K. Rose, E. Gurewitz, and G. Fox. Vector Quantization by Determinisc Annealing.
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol. 38, July 1992.
[4] J. Simonoff. Smoothing Methods in Statistics. Springer-Verlag, 1996.
[5] N. Vasconcelos and A. Lippman. Learning Mixture Hierarchies. Technical report,
ftp:l/ftp.media.mit.eduJpub/nunolHierMix.ps.gz .
[6] N. Vasconcelos and A. Lippman. Content-based Pre-Indexed Video. In Proc. Int. Con!
Image Processing, Santa Barbara, California, 1997.
| 1543 |@word middle:1 proportion:1 covariance:3 xilzij:5 fonn:1 harder:1 shot:1 initial:3 zij:4 ida:1 od:1 si:1 dx:1 subsequent:1 partition:1 j1:8 plot:4 update:1 v:2 beginning:1 ith:2 provides:1 characterization:2 coarse:1 ames:1 node:2 simpler:1 along:1 direct:1 become:4 consists:3 combine:1 compose:1 introduce:1 manner:1 expected:1 roughly:1 behavior:1 nor:1 relying:2 globally:1 considering:1 increasing:1 becomes:4 dxf:1 estimating:2 underlying:3 medium:5 lixi:1 lowest:1 mass:1 guarantee:2 temporal:1 certainty:1 ofa:1 control:4 partitioning:1 unit:1 before:1 local:3 limit:1 consequence:1 switching:1 io:1 meet:1 might:2 au:1 suggests:2 conversely:1 practical:4 camera:2 block:5 xr:1 lippman:6 procedure:2 significantly:1 convenient:1 projection:1 pre:1 quadrant:1 get:1 applying:1 www:1 restriction:1 deterministic:3 xlz:1 equivalent:1 maximizing:1 appearence:1 straightforward:1 regardless:1 independently:1 resolution:4 insight:1 estimator:1 exploratory:1 variation:1 limiting:1 hierarchy:23 suppose:1 recognition:11 particularly:2 expensive:2 coarser:1 database:6 bottom:9 role:1 capture:1 region:1 trade:4 highest:2 decrease:1 rose:1 dempster:1 complexity:4 depend:1 efficiency:1 easily:1 various:7 separated:1 monte:2 choosing:1 larger:3 furthennore:1 statistic:1 gp:1 laird:1 advantage:1 combining:1 mixing:1 achieve:1 description:12 intuitive:2 parent:1 xim:2 p:1 generating:3 leave:1 object:16 ftp:2 illustrate:1 andrew:1 pose:5 ij:2 murase:1 mie:1 viewing:2 virtual:13 really:1 summation:1 extension:3 considered:1 major:1 achieves:1 consecutive:1 estimation:6 proc:1 largest:1 establishes:1 weighted:1 mit:5 gaussian:11 reaching:1 derived:6 zim:2 improvement:2 likelihood:11 superimposed:3 progressing:1 entire:2 typically:1 hidden:2 mth:2 interested:1 overall:2 smoothing:6 raised:1 once:3 saving:1 vasconcelos:6 having:1 placing:1 report:2 escape:2 composed:1 recognize:1 mining:1 mixture:41 behind:1 capable:1 necessary:1 fox:1 tree:1 incomplete:3 indexed:1 logarithm:1 circle:1 increased:2 modeling:2 measuring:1 logp:1 assignment:4 maximization:1 cost:1 deviation:1 conducted:1 characterize:1 combined:1 st:1 density:10 international:1 off:4 physic:3 again:2 successively:2 containing:1 resort:1 leading:1 li:4 coefficient:2 int:1 explicitly:1 vi:2 later:1 view:3 closed:2 start:5 sort:1 contribution:1 accuracy:8 pand:1 variance:7 succession:1 correspond:1 ofthe:1 carlo:2 finalize:1 drive:1 straight:1 explain:1 canceling:1 nuno:2 naturally:2 mi:8 con:1 gain:1 dataset:4 knowledge:3 higher:3 attained:1 formulation:1 done:1 correlation:2 ei:2 quality:2 oil:1 true:1 former:1 assigned:3 laboratory:2 illustrated:1 numerator:1 coincides:1 leftmost:1 agglomerate:1 complete:1 temperature:2 percent:1 image:5 fi:1 common:1 attached:1 interpretation:4 significant:2 composition:1 cambridge:1 smoothness:1 similarly:1 had:1 reliability:1 impressive:1 operating:1 hemisphere:1 barbara:1 hierarchal:1 verlag:1 binary:2 seen:5 minimum:2 determine:1 july:1 ii:8 full:4 levell:5 match:1 positioning:1 technical:1 offer:1 sphere:2 retrieval:3 impact:4 basic:2 denominator:1 vision:3 expectation:1 iteration:1 kernel:7 represent:1 achieved:3 c1:5 addition:1 fine:1 annealing:4 interval:1 standpoint:1 exhibited:1 subject:1 thing:1 intermediate:1 easy:1 switch:1 fit:3 bandwidth:4 idea:1 expression:2 useful:3 clear:2 santa:1 repeating:1 reduced:1 http:1 generate:1 notice:3 trapped:1 vol:1 key:1 drawn:8 neither:1 vast:1 graph:5 enforced:2 run:1 inverse:1 place:1 reporting:1 draw:3 hi:1 fold:1 refine:1 constraint:3 scene:1 coarsest:1 relatively:1 according:3 describes:3 smaller:3 em:31 making:2 indexing:2 jlk:1 computationally:4 equation:9 previously:1 turn:1 describing:1 available:3 gaussians:5 hierarchical:14 generic:2 original:2 top:5 clustering:2 ensure:1 exploit:1 establish:2 society:1 quantity:1 parametric:5 strategy:2 dependence:1 md:2 usual:1 kth:1 evenly:1 reason:1 assuming:3 relationship:5 providing:1 onl:1 hij:3 trace:1 allowing:2 datasets:1 extended:1 frame:1 populates:1 required:1 connection:1 california:1 learned:3 trans:1 royal:1 video:3 power:1 perfonned:2 improve:1 gz:1 columbia:1 gurewitz:1 text:1 prior:2 literature:2 relative:1 law:1 expect:1 interesting:2 limitation:1 proportional:1 analogy:1 c30:1 degree:2 rubin:1 pi:2 free:2 infeasible:1 jth:1 bias:6 side:1 deeper:1 taking:1 regard:2 curve:1 avoids:1 contour:1 simonoff:1 commonly:2 far:1 ml:2 investigating:1 xi:8 search:6 cxl:1 why:1 lip:1 nature:1 attainment:1 cl:3 domain:1 da:2 significance:1 hierarchically:1 main:1 big:1 whole:3 nothing:1 child:1 repeated:1 tl:1 fashion:2 lc:1 sub:2 explicit:2 learns:2 down:1 quantization:1 illustrates:2 simply:3 likely:2 visual:1 contained:1 springer:1 determines:1 ma:1 conditional:1 goal:2 towards:1 content:1 uniformly:1 called:1 total:1 experimental:2 la:1 perfonning:1 izij:2 nayar:1 |
595 | 1,544 | Exploratory Data Analysis Using Radial Basis
Function Latent Variable Models
Alan D. Marrs and Andrew R. Webb
St Andrews Road, Malvern
Worcestershire U.K. WR14 3PS
@British Crown Copyright 1998
Two developments of nonlinear latent variable models based on radial
basis functions are discussed: in the first, the use of priors or constraints
on allowable models is considered as a means of preserving data structure
in low-dimensional representations for visualisation purposes. Also, a
resampling approach is introduced which makes more effective use of
the latent samples in evaluating the likelihood.
Radial basis functions (RBF) have been extensively used for problems in discrimination
and regression. Here we consider their application for obtaining low-dimensional representations of high-dimensional data as part of the exploratory data analysis process. There
has been a great deal of research over the years into linear and nonlinear techniques for
dimensionality reduction. The technique most commonly used is principal components
analysis (PCA) and there have been several nonlinear generalisations, each taking a particular definition of PCA and generalising it to the nonlinear situation.
One approach is to find surfaces of closest fit (as a generalisation of the PCA definition
due to the work of Pearson (1901) for finding lines and planes of closest fit). This has
been explored by Hastie and Stuetzle (1989), Tibshirani (1992) (and further by LeBlanc
and Tibshirani, 1994) and various authors using a neural network approach (for example,
Kramer, 1991). Another approach is one of variance maximisation subject to constraints
on the transformation (Hotelling, 1933). This has been investigated by Webb (1996), using
a transformation modelled as an RBF network, and in a supervised context in Webb (1998).
An alternative strategy also using RBFs, based on metric multidimensional scaling, is described by Webb (1995) and Lowe and Tipping (1996). Here, an optimisation criterion,
A. D. Marrs and A. R. Webb
termed stress, is defined in the transformed space and the weights in an RBF model determined by minimising the stress.
The above methods use a radial basis function to model a transformation from the highdimensional data space to a low-dimensional representation space. A complementary approach is provided by Bishop et al (1998) in which the structure of the data is modelled as
a function of hidden or latent variables. Termed generative topographic mapping (GTM),
the model may be regarded as a nonlinear generalisation of factor analysis in which the
mapping from latent space to data space is characterised by an RBF.
Such generative models are relevant to a wide range of applications including radar target
modelling, speech recognition and handwritten character recognition.
However, one of the problems with GTM that limits its practical use for visualising data on
manifolds in high dimensional space arises from distortions in the structure that it imposes.
This is acknowledged in Bishop et al (1997) where 'magnification factors' are introduced
to correct for the GTM's deficiency as a means of data visualisation.
This paper considers two developments: constraints on the permissible models and resampiing of the latent space. Section 2 presents the background to latent variable models;
Model constraints are discussed in Section 3. Section 4 describes a re-sampling approach
to estimation of the posterior pdf on the latent samples. An illustration is provided in Section 5.
Briefly, we shall re-state the basic GTM model, retaining the notation of Bishop et al
(1998). Let Ui, i = 1, ... , N}, ti E RP represent measurements on the data space variables; Z E R. represent the latent variables.
Let t be normally-distributed with mean y(z; W) and covariance matrix {3-1 I; y(z; W)
is a nonlinear transformation that depends on a set of parameters W. Specifically, we shall
assume a basis function model
L Wi<Pi(Z)
y(z; W) =
where the vectors Wi E R.D are to be determined through optimisation and {<Pi, i =
1, . . . , M} is a set of basis functions defined on the latent space.
The data distribution may be written
p(tIW,{3) =
p(tlz; W , {3)p(z)dz
where, under the assumptions of normality,
{3 )
p(tlz; W,{3) = ( 271"
-"2 ly (z; W) -
tll 2
Approximating the integral by a finite sum (assuming the functions p(z) and y(z) do not
vary too greatly compared with the sample spacing), we have
p(tIW,{3) = LPiP(tlzi; W,{3)
i =1
which may be regarded as a function of the parameters W and {3 that characterise y .
Exploratory Data Analysis Using Radial Basis Function Latent Variable Models
Given the data set {ti' i
= 1, ... ,N}, the log likelihood is given by
L(W,J3) = I)n[p(t;IW,J3)]
which may be maximised using a standard EM approach (Bishop et ai, 1998).
In this case, we have
= N
as the re-estimate of the mixture component weights, Pj, at the (m
p~m)p(tnIZi; w(m), J3(m?)
+ 1) step, where
and (.) (m) denotes values at the mth step. Note that Bishop et al (1998) do not re-estimate
P;; all values are taken to be equal.
The number of P; terms to be re-estimated is K, the number of terms used to approximate
the integral (1). We might expect that the density is smoothly varying and governed by a
much fewer number of parameters (not dependent on K).
The re-estimation equation for the D x M matrix W = [w 11 ... IWM] is
= TT RT +[+TG+]-l
where G is the K x K diagonal matrix with
Gjj = LRjn
and TT = [tIl .. . ltN], +T
[tfJ(Zl)I .. . ltfJ(ZK)]. The term
l/J3(m) = 1/(ND) E~l E~l Rjilti - w(m+l)tfJ(Zj) 12.
is re-estimated as
Once we have determined parameters of the transformation, we may invert the model by
asking for the distribution of Z given a measurement ti. That is, we require
f p(tilz)p(z)dz
For example, we may plot the position of the peak of the distribution p( Ziti) for each data
sample ti.
One way to retain structure is to impose a condition that ensures that a unit step in the
latent space corresponds to a unit step in the data space (more or less). For a single latent
variable, Xl, we may impose the constraints that
l ay 12 =
which may be written, in terms of W as
A. D. Marrs and A. R. Webb
where;l = ~
The derivative of the data space variable with respect to the latent variable has unit magnitude. The derivative is of course a function of Xl and imposing such a condition at each
sample point in latent space would not be possible owing to the smoothness of the RBF
model. However, we may average over the latent space,
where ( .) denotes average over the latent space.
In general, for L latent variables we may impose a constraint JTWTW J = 1 L leading
to the penalty term
Tr {A(JTWTW J - IL)}
where J is an M x L matrix with jth column 8?/8xj and A is a symmetric matrix of
Lagrange multipliers. This is very similar to regularisation terms. It is a condition on
the norm of W; it incorporates the Jacobian matrix J and a symmetric L x L matrix of
Lagrange multipliers, A. The re-estimation solution for W may be written
with A chosen so that the constraint JT W T W J = 1 L is satisfied.
We may also use the derivatives of the transformation to define a distortion measure or
magnification factor,
M(Zj W) = IIJTWTW J - 1112
which is a function of the latent variables and the model parameters. A value of zero shows
that there is no distortion 1?
An alternative to the constraint approach above is to introduce a prior on the allowable
transformations using the magnification factor; for example,
exp(-AM(zj W))
where A is a regularisation parameter. This leads to a modification to the M-step reestimation equation for W, providing a maximum a posteriori estimate. Equation (8) provides a natural generalisation of PCA since for the special case of a linear transformation
(Pi = Xi, M = L), the solution for W is the PCA space as A ~ 00.
Having obtained a mapping from latent space to data space using the above constraint, we
seek a better estimate to the posterior pdf of the latent samples. Current versions of GTM
require the latent samples to be uniformly distributed in the latent space which leads to
distortions when the data of interest are projected into the latent space for visualisation.
Since the responsibility matrix R can be used to determine a weight for each of the latent
samples it is possible to update these samples using a resampling scheme.
We propose to use a resampling scheme based upon adaptive kernel density estimation. The
basic procedure places a Gaussian kernel on each latent sample. This results in a Gaussian
1Note that this differs from the measure in the paper by Bishop et aI, where a rati()-()f-areas
criterion is used, a factor which is unity for zero distortion, but may also be unity for some distortions.
Exploratory Data Analysis Using Radial Basis Function Latent Variable Models
mixture representation of the pdf of the latent samples p( x It),
p(xlt) = ~PiN(lLi' E i ),
where each mixture component is weighted according to the latent sample weight Pi. Initially, the Ei'S are all equal, taking their value from the standard formula of Silverman
Ei = hLy,
where matrix Y is an estimate of the covariance of p( x )and,
If the kernels are centered exactly on the latent samples, this model artificially inflates the
variance of the latent samples. Following West (1993) we perform kernel shrinkage by
making the lLi take the values
where jL is the mean of the latent samples. This ensures that there is no artificial inflation
of the variance.
To reduce the redundancy in our initially large number of mixture components, we propose
a kernel reduction scheme in a similar manner to West. However, the scheme used here
differs from that of West and follows a scheme proposed by Salmond (1990). Essentially,
we chose the component with the smallest weight and its nearest neighbour, denoting these
with subscripts 1 and 2 respectively. These components are then combined into a single
component denoted with subscript c as follows,
Ec = Pl[El
+ (lLc
Pc = Pl + P2
PllLl + P21L2
IL = --=---=
-lLl)(lL c -lLl)T]
+ P2[E 2 + (lLc
-1L2)(lLc -1L2)T].
This procedure is repeated until some stopping criterion is met. The stopping criterion
could be a simple limit upon the number of mixture components ie; smaller than K but
sufficiently large to model the data structure. Alternatively, the average kernel covariance
and between kernel covariance can be monitored and the reduction stopped before some
multiple (eg. 10) of the average kernel covariance exceeds the between kernel covariance.
Once a final mixture density estimate is obtained, a new set of equally weighted latent
samples can be drawn from it. The new latent samples represent a better estimate of the
posterior pdf of the latent samples and can be used, along with the existing RBF mapping,
to calculate a new responsibility matrix R. This procedure can be repeated to obtain a
further improved estimate of the posterior pdf which, after only a couple of iterations can
lead to good estimates of the posterior pdf which further iterations fail to improve upon.
A latent variable model based oil a spherically-symmetric Gaussian RBF has been implemented. The weights and the centres of the RBF were initialised so that the solution
best approximated the zer<rdistortion principal components solution for tw<rdimensional
A. D. Marrs and A. R. Webb
For our example we chose to construct a simulated data set with easily identifiable structure.
Four hundred points lying on the letters "NIPS" were sampled and projected onto a sphere
of radius 50 such that the points lay between 25 0 and 175 0 longitude and 750 and 125 0
latitude with Gaussian noise of variance 4.0 on the radius of each point. The resulting data
are shown in figure 1.
ToY dataset
Figure 1: Simulated data.
I ..,:.' .:\ ~.. ~.
.i,~ ?
.> I .~.,......
:: I
r...1 I :., ......
Figure 2: Results for standard GTM model.
Figure 3: Results for regularisedlresampled model.
Figure 2 shows results for the standard GTM (uniform grid of latent samples) projection of
the data to two dimensions. The central figure shows the projection onto the latent space,
exhibiting significant distortion. The left figure shows the projection of the regular grid of
latent samples (red points) into the data space. Distortion of this grid can be easily seen.
The right figure is a plot of the magnification factor as defined in section 3, with mean value
of 4.577. For this data set most stretching occurs at the edges of the latent variable space.
Figure 3 shows results for the regularisedlresampled version of the latent variable model
for A = 1.0. Again the central figure shows the projection onto the latent space after 2
iterations of the resampling procedure. The left-hand figure shows the projection of the
initial regular grid of latent samples into the data space. The effect of regularisation is
evident by the lack of severe distortions. Finally the magnification factors can be seen in
the right-hand figure to be lower, with a mean value of 0.976.
Exploratory Data Analysis Using Radial Basis Function Latent Variable Models
We have considered two developments of the GTM latent variable model: the incorporation
of priors on the allowable model and a resampling approach to the maximum likelihood parameter estimation. Results have been presented for this regularisedlresampling approach
and magnification factors lower than the standard model achieved, using the same RBF
model. However, further reduction in magnification factor is possible with different RBF
models, but the example illustrates that resampling offers a more robust approach. Current
work is aimed at assessing the approach on realistic data sets.
Bishop, C.M. and Svensen, M. and Williams, C.K.1. (1997). Magnification factors for the
GTM algorithm. lEE International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 465-471.
Bishop, C.M. and Svensen, M. and Williams, C.K.1. (1998). GTM: the generative topographic mapping. Neural Computation, 10,215-234.
Hastie, T. and Stuetzle, W. (1989). Principal curves, Journal of the American Statistical
Association, 84, 502-516.
Hotelling, H. (1933). Analysis of a complex of statistical variables into principal components. Journal of Educational Psychology, 24, 417-441,498-520.
Kramer, M.A. (1991). Nonlinear principal component analysis using autoassociative neural
networks. American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal, 37(2),233-243.
LeBlanc, M. and Tibshirani, R. (1994). Adaptive principal surfaces. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 89(425), 53-664.
Lowe, D. and Tipping, M. (1996). Feed-forward neural networks and topographic mappings for exploratory data analysis. Neural Computing and Applications, 4, 83-95.
Pearson, K. (1901). On lines and planes of closest fit. Philosophical Magazine, 6, 559-572.
Salmond, D.J. (1990). Mixture reduction algorithms for target tracking in clutter. Signal &
Data processing of small targets, edited by O. Drummond, SPlE, 1305.
Silverman, B.W. (1986). Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis. Chapman &
Tibshirani, R. (1992). Principal curves revisited. Statistics and Computing, 2(4), 183-190.
Webb, A.R. (1995). Multidimensional scaling by iterative majorisation using radial basis
functions. Pattern Recognition, 28(5), 753-759.
Webb, A.R. (1996). An approach to nonlinear principal components analysis using
radially-symmetric kernel functions. Statistics and Computing, 6, 159-168.
Webb, A.R. (1997). Radial basis functions for exploratory data analysis: an iterative majorisation approach for Minkowski distances based on multidimensional scaling. Journal
of Classification, 14(2),249-267.
Webb, A.R. (1998). Supervised nonlinear principal components analysis. (submitted for
publication ).
West, M. (1993). Approximating posterior distributions by mixtures. J. R. Statist. Soc B,
55(2), 409-422.
| 1544 |@word version:2 briefly:1 norm:1 nd:1 seek:1 covariance:6 tiw:2 tr:1 reduction:5 initial:1 denoting:1 existing:1 current:2 written:3 realistic:1 plot:2 update:1 resampling:7 discrimination:1 generative:3 fewer:1 plane:2 maximised:1 provides:1 revisited:1 along:1 manner:1 introduce:1 gov:1 lll:2 provided:2 notation:1 finding:1 transformation:8 multidimensional:3 ti:4 axl:1 exactly:1 uk:1 zl:1 normally:1 ly:1 unit:3 before:1 limit:2 subscript:2 might:1 chose:2 range:1 practical:1 maximisation:1 differs:2 silverman:2 procedure:4 stuetzle:2 area:1 projection:6 radial:9 road:1 regular:2 onto:3 context:1 applying:1 dz:2 williams:2 educational:1 regarded:2 exploratory:7 target:3 magazine:1 recognition:3 magnification:8 approximated:1 lay:1 majorisation:2 visualising:1 calculate:1 ensures:2 edited:1 ui:1 radar:1 upon:3 basis:11 easily:2 various:1 gtm:10 effective:1 artificial:2 pearson:2 distortion:9 statistic:3 topographic:3 final:1 xlt:1 leblanc:2 propose:2 relevant:1 zer:1 drummond:1 p:1 assessing:1 andrew:2 svensen:2 nearest:1 p2:2 longitude:1 implemented:1 soc:1 met:1 exhibiting:1 radius:2 correct:1 owing:1 centered:1 tlz:2 require:2 pl:2 lying:1 inflation:1 considered:2 sufficiently:1 hall:1 exp:2 great:1 mapping:6 vary:1 smallest:1 purpose:1 estimation:6 iw:1 weighted:2 gaussian:4 shrinkage:1 varying:1 tll:1 publication:1 modelling:1 likelihood:3 greatly:1 am:1 posteriori:1 dependent:1 el:1 stopping:2 initially:2 hidden:1 visualisation:3 mth:1 transformed:1 classification:1 denoted:1 retaining:1 development:3 special:1 equal:2 once:2 construct:1 having:1 sampling:1 chapman:1 inflates:1 neighbour:1 interest:1 severe:1 mixture:8 pc:3 copyright:1 integral:2 edge:1 re:8 stopped:1 column:1 asking:1 tg:1 wr14:1 hundred:1 uniform:1 too:1 combined:1 st:1 density:4 peak:1 international:1 ie:1 ltn:1 retain:1 lee:1 again:1 central:2 satisfied:1 american:3 derivative:3 til:1 leading:1 toy:1 depends:1 lowe:2 responsibility:2 red:1 hly:1 rbfs:1 il:2 variance:4 eip:1 stretching:1 modelled:2 handwritten:1 lli:2 submitted:1 definition:2 initialised:1 monitored:1 couple:1 sampled:1 dataset:1 radially:1 dimensionality:1 feed:1 tipping:2 supervised:2 improved:1 until:1 hand:2 gjj:1 ei:2 nonlinear:9 lack:1 oil:1 effect:1 multiplier:2 chemical:1 symmetric:4 spherically:1 deal:1 eg:1 ll:1 criterion:4 allowable:3 stress:2 pdf:6 tt:2 ay:1 evident:1 crown:1 jl:1 discussed:2 association:2 measurement:2 significant:1 imposing:1 ai:2 smoothness:1 grid:4 centre:1 surface:2 closest:3 posterior:6 termed:2 preserving:1 seen:2 impose:3 determine:1 signal:2 multiple:1 alan:1 exceeds:1 minimising:1 sphere:1 offer:1 equally:1 j3:6 regression:1 basic:2 optimisation:2 metric:1 essentially:1 iteration:3 represent:3 kernel:10 invert:1 achieved:1 background:2 spacing:1 permissible:1 subject:1 incorporates:1 xj:1 fit:3 psychology:1 hastie:2 reduce:1 pca:5 penalty:1 speech:1 autoassociative:1 aimed:1 characterise:1 clutter:1 extensively:1 statist:1 zj:3 estimated:2 tibshirani:4 shall:2 redundancy:1 four:1 acknowledged:1 drawn:1 pj:2 year:1 sum:1 letter:1 place:1 scaling:3 identifiable:1 constraint:10 deficiency:1 incorporation:1 minkowski:1 according:1 describes:1 smaller:1 em:1 character:1 unity:2 wi:2 tw:1 modification:1 making:1 taken:1 equation:3 pin:1 fail:1 hotelling:2 alternative:2 rp:1 dera:2 denotes:2 approximating:2 occurs:1 strategy:1 marrs:5 rt:1 diagonal:1 distance:1 simulated:2 manifold:1 considers:1 assuming:1 illustration:1 providing:1 webb:12 perform:1 finite:1 situation:1 introduced:2 philosophical:1 nip:1 pattern:1 latitude:1 including:1 natural:1 normality:1 scheme:5 improve:1 prior:3 l2:2 regularisation:3 expect:1 imposes:1 pi:4 course:1 jth:1 salmond:2 institute:1 wide:1 taking:2 distributed:2 curve:2 dimension:1 llc:3 evaluating:1 author:1 commonly:1 adaptive:2 projected:2 forward:1 ec:1 approximate:1 reestimation:1 generalising:1 xi:1 alternatively:1 latent:46 iterative:2 zk:1 robust:1 obtaining:1 investigated:1 complex:1 artificially:1 noise:1 repeated:2 complementary:1 malvern:1 west:4 position:1 xl:2 governed:1 jacobian:1 british:1 formula:1 bishop:8 jt:1 explored:1 magnitude:1 illustrates:1 smoothly:1 tfj:2 lagrange:2 tracking:1 corresponds:1 kramer:2 rbf:10 generalisation:4 determined:3 characterised:1 specifically:1 uniformly:1 principal:9 engineer:1 highdimensional:1 arises:1 |
596 | 1,545 | Independent Component Analysis of
Intracellular Calcium Spike Data
Klaus Prank, Julia Borger, Alexander von zur Miihlen,
Georg Brabant, Christof Schoil
Department of Clinical Endocrinology
Medical School Hannover
D-30625 Hannover
Calcium (Ca2 +)is an ubiquitous intracellular messenger which regulates cellular processes, such as secretion, contraction, and cell
proliferation. A number of different cell types respond to hormonal
stimuli with periodic oscillations of the intracellular free calcium
concentration ([Ca 2 +]i). These Ca2+ signals are often organized
in complex temporal and spatial patterns even under conditions
of sustained stimulation. Here we study the spatio-temporal aspects of intracellular calcium ([Ca 2+]i) oscillations in clonal J3-cells
(hamster insulin secreting cells, HIT) under pharmacological stimulation (Schofi et al., 1996). We use a novel fast fixed-point algorithm (Hyvarinen and Oja, 1997) for Independent Component
Analysis (ICA) to blind source separation of the spatio-temporal
dynamics of [Ca 2 +]i in a HIT-cell. Using this approach we find two
significant independent components out of five differently mixed input signals: one [Ca2+]i signal with a mean oscillatory period of
68s and a high frequency signal with a broadband power spectrum
with considerable spectral density. This results is in good agreement with a study on high-frequency [Ca 2+]j oscillations (Palus
et al., 1998) Further theoretical and experimental studies have to
be performed to resolve the question on the functional impact of
intracellular signaling of these independent [Ca 2 +]i signals.
K. Prank et al.
Independent component analysis (ICA) (Comon, 1994; Jutten and Herault, 1991)
has recently received much attention as a signal processing method which has been
successfully applied to blind source separation and feature extraction. The goal of
ICA is to find independent sources in an unknown linear mixture of measured sensory data. This goal is obtained by reducing 2nd-order and higher order statistical
dependencies to make the signals as independent as possible. Mainly three different
approaches for ICA exist. The first approach is based on batch computations minimizing or maximizing some relevant criterion functions (Cardoso, 1992; Comon,
1994). The second category contains adaptive algorithms often based on stochastic
gradient methods, which may have implementations in neural networks (Amari et
al., 1996; Bell and Sejnowski, 1995; Delfosse and Loubaton, 1995; Hyvarinen and
Oja, 1996; Jutten and Herault, 1991; Moreau and Macchi, 1993; Oja and Karhunen,
1995). The third class of algorithms is based on a fixed-point iteration scheme for
finding the local extrema of the kurtosis of a linear combination of the observed
variables which is equivalent to estimating the non-Gaussian independent companents (Hyvarinen and Oja 1997). Here we use the fast fixed-point algorithm for
independent component analysis proposed by Hyvarinen and Oja (1997) to analyze
the spatia-temporal dynamics of intracellular free calcium ([Ca2+]i) in a hamster
insulin secreting cell (HIT).
Oscillations of [Ca 2+]i have been reported in a number of electrically excitable and
non-excitable cells and the hypotheses of frequency coding were proposed a decade
ago (Berridge and Galione, 1988). Recent experimental results clearly demonstrate
that [Ca 2 +]i oscillations and their frequency can be specific for gene activation concerning the efficiency as well as the selectivity (Dolmetsch et al., 1998). Cells are
highly compartmentalized structures which can not be regarded as homogenous entities. Thus, [Ca 2+]i oscillations do not occur uniformly throughout the cell but
are initiated at specific sites which are distributed in a functional and nonunifortm
manner. These [Ca 2 +]i oscillations spread across individual cells in the form of
Ca2+ waves. [Ca2+]i gradients within cells have been proposed to initiate cell migration, exocytosis, lymphocyte, killer cell activity, acid secretion, transcellular ion
transport, neurotransmitter release, gap junction regulation, and numerous other
functions (Tsien and Tsien, 1990). Due to this fact it is of major importance to
study the spatia-temporal aspects of [Ca 2 +]i signaling in small sub compartments
using calcium-specific fluorescent reporter dyes and digital videomicroscopy rather
than studying the cell as a uniform entity. The aim of this study was to define the
independent components of the spatia-temporal [Ca 2 +]i signal.
In Independent Component Analysis (ICA) the original independent sources are unknown. In this study we have recorded the [Ca 2 +]i signal in single HIT-cells under
pharmacological stimulation at different subcellular regions (m = 5) in parallel.
The [Ca 2+]i signals (mixtures of sources) are denoted as Xl, X2, ?? ? , X m . Each Xi
is expressed as the weighted sum of n unknown statistically independent compa-
Independent Component Analysis ofIntracellular Calcium Spike Data
nents (ICs), denoted as SI, S2, ?.? , Sn. The components are assumed to be mutually
statistically independent and zero-mean. The measured signals Xi as well as the independent component variables can be arranged into vectors x = (Xl, X2, ?.. ,XIIl )
and 8 = (81,82, ... , 8 n ) respectively. The linear relationship is given by:
Here A is a constant mixing matrix whose elements aij are the unknown coefficients
of the mixtures. The basic problem of ICA is to estimate both the mixing matrix
A and the realizations of the Si using only observations of the mixtures X j. In
order to perform ICA, it is necessary to have at least as many mixtures as there
are independent sources (m 2: n). The assumption of zero mean of the ICs is no
restriction, as this can always be accomplished by subtracting the mean from the
random vector x. The ICs and the columns of A can only be estimated up to a
mUltiplicative constant, because any constant multiplying an IC in eq. 1 could be
cancelled by dividing the corresponding column of the mixing matrix A by the same
constant. For mathematical convenience, the ICs are defined to have unit variance
making the (non-Gaussian) ICs unique, up to their signs (Comon, 1994). Here we
use a novel fixed-point algorithm for ICA estimation which is based on 'contrast'
functions whose extrema are closely connected to the estimation of ICs (Hyvarinen
and OJ a, 1997). This method denoted as fast fixed-point algorithm has a number
of desirable properties. First, it is easy to use, since there are no user-defined
parameters. Furthermore, the convergence is fast, conventionally in less than 15
steps and for an appropriate contrast function, the fixed-point algorithm is much
more robust against outliers than most ICA algorithms.
Most solutions to the ICA problem use the fourth-order cumulant or kurtosis of the
signals, defined for a zero-mean random variable x as:
where E{ x} denotes the mathematical expectation of x. The kurtosis is negative for
source signals whose amplitude has sub-Gaussian probability densitites (distribution
flatter than Gaussian, positive for super Gaussian) sharper than Gaussian, and zero
for Gausssian densities. Kurtosis is a contrast function for ICA in the following
sense. Consider a linear combination of the measured mixtures x, say wTx, where
the vector w is constrained so that E{(w T X}2} = 1. When w T x = ?Si, for some i,
i.e. when the linear combination equals, up to the sign, one of the ICs, the kurtosis
of w T x is locally minimized or maximized. This property is widely used in ICA
algorithms and forms the basis of the fixed-point algorithm used in this study which
finds the relevant extrema of kurtosis also for non-whitened data. Based on this fact,
Hyvarinen and Oja (1997) introduced a very simple and highly efficient fixed-point
algorithm for computing ICA, calculated over sphered zero-mean vectors x, that is
able to find the rows of the separation matrix (denoted as w) and so identify one
independent source at a time. The algorithm which computes a gradient descent
over the kurtosis is defined as follows:
1. Take a random initial vector
of unit norm. Let 1 = 1.
2. Let WI = E{V(Wf-1V}3} - 3WI-l. The expectation can be estimated using
a large sample of Vk vectors.
K. Prank et al.
3. Divide WI by its norm (e.g. the Euclidean norm
II W 11=
4. If 1WfWI-l 1is not close enough to 1, let 1 = 1 + 1 and go back to step 2.
Otherwise, output the vector WI.
To calculate more than one solution, the algorithm may be run as many times as
required. It is nevertheless, necessary to remove the information contained in the
solutions already found, to estimate each time a different independent component.
This can be achieved, after the fourth step of the algorithm, by simply subtracting
the estimated solution 8 = w T v from the unsphered data x.
In the first step of analysis we determined the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix
of the measured [Ca 2+]i signals Si to reduce the dimensionality of the system.
Then the fast fixed-point algorithm was run using the experimental [Ca 2 +]i data to
determine the lOs. The resulting lOs were analyzed in respect to their frequency
content by computing the Fourier power spectrum.
To measure [Ca2+]i' HIT (hamster insulin secreting tumor)-cells were loaded with
the fluorescent indicator Fura-2/ AM and Fura-2 fluorescence was recorded at five
different subcellular regions in parallel using a dual excitation spectrofluorometer
videoimaging system. The emission wavelength was 510 nm and the excitation
wavelengths were 340 nm and 380 nm respectively. The ration between the excitation wavelength (F340nm/ F38onm) which correlates to [Ca2+]i was sampled at a rate
of 1 Hz over 360 s. [Ca 2 +]i spikes in this cell were induced by the administration
of 1 nM arginine vasopressin (AVP).
From the five experimental [Ca 2 +]i signals (Fig. 1) we determined two significant
eigenvalues of the covariance matrix. The fixed-point algorithm converged in less
than 15 steps and yielded two different lOs, one slowly oscillating component with
a mean period of 68 s and one component with fast irregular oscillations with a flat
broadband power spectrum (Fig. 2). The spectral density of the second component
was considerably larger than that for the high-frequency content of the first slowly
oscillating component.
Ohanges in [Ca 2 +]i associated with Ca 2+ oscillations generally do not occur uniformly throughout the cell but are initiated at specific sites and are able to spread
across individual cells in the form of intracellular Ca2+ waves. Furthermore, Ca 2+
signaling is not limited to single cells but occurs between adjacent cells in the form of
intercellular Ca 2 + waves. The reasons for these spatio-temporal patterns of [Ca2+]i
are not yet fully understood. It has been suggested that information is encoded in
the frequency, rather than the amplitude, of Ca2+ oscillations, which has the advantage of avoiding prolonged exposures to high [Ca2+]i. Another advantage of
Independent Component Analysis ofIntracellular Calcium Spike Data
: : : :~j
rim. (5)
Figure 1: Experimental time series of [Ca2+]i in a ,B-cell (insulin secreting cell from
a hamster, HIT-cell) determined in five subcellular regions. The data are given as
the ratio between both exciation wavelengths of 340 nm and 380 nm respectively
which correspond to [Ca2+k [Ca2+]i can be calculated from this ratio. The plotted
time series are whitened.
frequency modulated signaling is its high signal-to-noise ratio. In the spatial domain, the spreading of a Ca 2+ oscillation as a Ca2+ wave provides a mechanism
by which the regulatory signal can be distributed throughout the cell. The extension of Ca2+ waves to adjacent cells by intercellular communication provides one
mechanism by which multicellular systems can effect coordinated and cooperative
cell responses to localized stimuli. In this study we demonstrated that the [Ca2+]i
signal in clonal ,B-cells (HIT cells) is composed of two independent components
using spatio-temporal [Ca 2 +]i data for analysis. One component can be described
as large amplitude slow frequency oscillations whereas the other one is a high frequency component which exhibits a broadband power spectrum. These results are
in good agreement with a previous study where only the temporal dynamics of
[Ca 2 +]i in HIT cells has been studied. Using coarse-grained entropy rates computed from information-theoretic functionals we could demonstrate in that study
that a fast oscillatory component of the [Ca2+]i signal can be modulated pharmacologically suggesting deterministic structure in the temporal dynamics (Palu8
et al., 1998). Since Ca2+ is central to the stimulation of insulin secretion from
pancreatic ,B-cells future experimental and theoretical studies should evaluate the
impact of the different oscillatory components of [Ca 2+]i onto the secretory process as well as gene transcription. One possibility to resolve that question is to
use a recently proposed mathematical model which allows for the on-line decoding
of the [Ca 2+]i into the cellular response represented by the activation (phospho-
K. Prank et al.
-0 '----- - -- - -----'
10- 6 L - -_
10 -?0?'------:0,,'-0::-":
0,-:0 --=-'
0 .?
frequency (Hz)
limets )
rime (S)
0 .2
_ _ _- - - '
O. S
0 .4
0 .5
frequency (Hz)
Figure 2: Results from the independent component analysis by the fast fixed-point
algorithm. Two independent components of [Ca 2+]i were found. A: slowlyoscillating [Ca 2+]i signal, B: fast oscillating [Ca 2 +]i signal. Fourier power spectra of the
independent components. C: the major [Ca 2+]i oscillatory period is 68 s, D: flat
broadband power spectrum.
rylation) of target proteins (Prank et al., 1998). Very recent experimental data
clearly demonstrate that specificty is encoded in the frequency of [Ca2+]i oscillations. Rapid oscillations of [Ca2+]j are able to stimulate a set of transcription
factors in T-Iymphocytes whereas slow oscillations activate only one transcription
factor (Dolmetsch et al., 1998). Frequency-dependent gene expression is likely to
be a widespread phenomenon and oscillations of [Ca 2+]i can occur with periods
of seconds to hours. The technique of independent component analyis should be
able to extract the spatio-temporal features of the [Ca2+]i signal in a variety of
cells and should help to understand the differential regulation of [Ca2+]i-dependent
intracellular processes such as gene transcription or secretion.
This study was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under grants
Scho 466/1-3 and Br 915/4-4.
Independent Component Analysis ofIntracellular Calcium Spike Data
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Berridge, M. & Galione, A. (1988) Cytosolic calcium oscillators. FASEB 2:30743082.
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Comon, P. (1994) Independent component analysis - a new concept? Signal Procesing 36:287-314.
Delfosse, N. & Loubaton, P. (1995) Adaptive blind separation of independent
sources: a deflation approach. Signal Processing 45:59-83.
Dolmetsch, R E., Xu, K. & Lewis, R S. (1998) Calcium oscillations increase the
efficiency and specificity of gene expression. Nature 392:933-936.
Hyvarinen, A. & Oja, E. (1996) A neuron that learns to separate one independent
component from linear mixtures. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Neural Networks,
pp. 62-67, Washington, D.C.
Hyvarinen, A. & Oja, E. (1997) A fast fixed-point algorithm for independent component analysis. Neural Computation 9:1483-1492.
Jutten, C. & Herault, J. (1991) Blind separation of sources, part I: An adaptive
algorithm based on neuromimetic architecture. Signal Processing 24:1-10.
Moureau, E., & Macchi, O. (1993) New self-adaptive algorithms for source separation based on contrast functions. In Proc. IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on
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OJ a, E. & Karhunen, J. (1995) Signal separation by nonlinear hebbian learning.
In Palaniswami, M., Attikiouzel, Y., Marks, R, Fogel, D. & Fukuda, T. (eds.)
Computational Intelligence - a Dynamic System Perspective pp. 83-97. IEEE Press,
New York.
Palus, M., Schafl, C., von zur Miihlen, A., Brabant, G. & Prank, K. (1998) Coarsegrained entropy rates quantify fast Ca 2 + dynamics modulated by pharmacological
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Prank, K., Laer, L., Wagner, M., von zur Miihlen, A., Brabant, G. & Schafl, C.
(1998) Decoding of intracellular calcium spike trains. Europhys. Lett. 42:143-147.
Schafl, C., ROssig, L., Leitolf, H., Mader, T., von zur Miihlen, A. & Brabant, G.
(1996) Generation of repetitive Ca 2+ transients by bombesin requires intracellular release and influx of C a2+ through voltage-dependent and voltage independent
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Annu. Rev. Cell BioI. 6:715-760.
| 1545 |@word norm:3 nd:1 pancreatic:1 contraction:1 covariance:2 initial:1 contains:1 series:2 activation:2 si:4 yet:1 remove:1 intelligence:1 coarse:1 provides:2 tahoe:1 five:4 mathematical:3 differential:1 symposium:1 sustained:1 manner:1 pharmacologically:1 ica:13 rapid:1 secretory:1 proliferation:1 resolve:2 prolonged:1 estimating:1 deutsche:1 killer:1 finding:1 extremum:3 temporal:11 hit:10 unit:2 medical:1 grant:1 christof:1 positive:1 understood:1 local:1 eusipco:1 initiated:2 studied:1 limited:1 statistically:2 unique:1 intercellular:2 signaling:4 bell:2 specificity:1 protein:1 convenience:1 close:1 onto:1 restriction:1 equivalent:1 deterministic:1 demonstrated:1 maximizing:1 go:1 attention:1 exposure:1 regarded:1 target:1 user:1 hypothesis:1 agreement:2 element:1 cooperative:1 observed:1 calculate:1 region:3 connected:1 mozer:1 ration:1 dynamic:6 efficiency:2 basis:1 differently:1 represented:1 neurotransmitter:1 train:1 fast:12 activate:1 sejnowski:2 klaus:1 europhys:1 whose:3 encoded:2 widely:1 larger:1 say:1 amari:2 otherwise:1 hormonal:1 statistic:1 insulin:5 advantage:2 eigenvalue:2 kurtosis:8 subtracting:2 relevant:2 realization:1 mixing:3 subcellular:3 los:3 convergence:1 oscillating:3 unsphered:1 help:1 measured:4 school:1 received:1 wtx:1 eq:1 dividing:1 quantify:1 closely:1 stochastic:1 transient:1 rime:1 extension:1 ic:8 major:2 nents:1 a2:1 delfosse:2 estimation:2 proc:3 spreading:1 fluorescence:1 hasselmo:1 successfully:1 weighted:1 mit:1 clearly:2 gaussian:6 always:1 aim:1 super:1 hannover:2 rather:2 voltage:2 release:2 emission:1 vk:1 mainly:1 contrast:4 sense:1 wf:1 am:1 dependent:3 germany:1 dual:1 denoted:4 herault:3 spatial:2 constrained:1 homogenous:1 equal:1 extraction:1 washington:1 future:1 minimized:1 stimulus:2 loubaton:2 oja:8 composed:1 individual:2 hamster:4 highly:2 possibility:1 mixture:7 analyzed:1 secretion:4 palus:2 necessary:2 divide:1 euclidean:1 plotted:1 theoretical:2 column:2 cumulants:1 maximization:1 lymphocyte:1 uniform:1 reported:1 dependency:1 periodic:1 considerably:1 migration:1 density:3 decoding:2 von:4 central:1 recorded:2 nm:6 slowly:2 berridge:2 conf:1 suggesting:1 coding:1 flatter:1 coefficient:1 int:1 coordinated:1 blind:8 performed:1 multiplicative:1 analyze:1 wave:5 parallel:2 palaniswami:1 compartment:1 acid:1 variance:1 loaded:1 maximized:1 correspond:1 identify:1 multiplying:1 ago:1 converged:1 oscillatory:4 messenger:1 touretzky:1 ed:2 against:1 frequency:14 pp:5 associated:1 sampled:1 dimensionality:1 ubiquitous:1 organized:1 amplitude:3 rim:1 back:1 higher:2 compartmentalized:1 response:2 arranged:1 furthermore:2 transport:1 nonlinear:1 widespread:1 jutten:3 stimulate:1 usa:1 effect:1 concept:1 adjacent:2 pharmacological:3 ll:1 self:1 excitation:3 criterion:1 theoretic:1 demonstrate:3 julia:1 novel:2 recently:2 scho:1 stimulation:5 functional:2 regulates:1 significant:2 measurement:1 compa:1 cambridge:1 spatia:3 recent:2 dye:1 perspective:1 store:1 selectivity:1 accomplished:1 determine:1 period:4 signal:27 ii:1 desirable:1 hebbian:1 clinical:1 concerning:1 impact:2 j3:1 basic:1 whitened:2 expectation:2 iteration:1 repetitive:1 achieved:1 cell:36 zur:4 irregular:1 whereas:2 ion:1 source:13 hz:3 induced:1 yang:1 forschungsgemeinschaft:1 easy:1 wn:1 enough:1 variety:1 architecture:1 reduce:1 br:1 administration:1 expression:2 wo:1 york:1 generally:1 cardoso:2 locally:1 category:1 exist:1 sign:2 estimated:3 georg:1 nevertheless:1 sum:1 run:2 fourth:3 ca2:24 respond:1 throughout:3 separation:10 oscillation:18 lake:1 yielded:1 activity:1 occur:3 x2:2 flat:2 influx:1 aspect:2 fourier:2 department:1 pacific:1 brussels:1 combination:3 electrically:1 across:2 wi:4 rev:1 making:1 comon:4 outlier:1 macchi:2 mutually:1 mechanism:2 deflation:1 initiate:1 neuromimetic:1 studying:1 junction:1 coarsegrained:1 spectral:2 appropriate:1 cancelled:1 batch:1 original:1 denotes:1 fukuda:1 question:2 already:1 spike:6 occurs:1 concentration:1 exhibit:1 gradient:3 separate:1 reporter:1 entity:2 procesing:1 cellular:2 reason:1 relationship:1 ratio:3 minimizing:1 regulation:2 sharper:1 negative:1 implementation:1 calcium:15 unknown:4 perform:1 observation:1 neuron:1 descent:1 prank:7 communication:1 introduced:1 required:1 fogel:1 hour:1 able:4 suggested:1 pattern:2 oj:2 power:6 indicator:1 scheme:1 numerous:1 conventionally:1 excitable:2 extract:1 cichocki:1 sn:1 acknowledgement:1 fully:1 mixed:1 generation:1 fluorescent:2 localized:1 digital:1 sao:1 row:1 supported:1 free:2 aij:1 understand:1 wagner:1 moreau:1 distributed:2 calculated:2 lett:1 computes:1 sensory:1 adaptive:4 hyvarinen:8 correlate:1 functionals:1 arginine:1 transcription:4 gene:5 assumed:1 spatio:5 xi:2 spectrum:6 regulatory:1 iterative:1 decade:1 nature:1 channel:2 robust:1 ca:33 complex:1 domain:1 spread:2 intracellular:11 s2:1 noise:1 xu:1 site:2 broadband:4 fig:2 slow:2 sub:2 xl:2 third:1 learns:1 grained:1 annu:1 specific:4 deconvolution:1 workshop:1 importance:1 multicellular:1 faseb:1 karhunen:2 gap:1 endocrinology:1 entropy:2 tsien:4 simply:1 wavelength:4 likely:1 gausssian:1 expressed:1 contained:1 a8:1 lewis:1 ma:1 bioi:1 goal:2 oscillator:1 considerable:1 content:2 determined:3 reducing:1 uniformly:2 tumor:1 experimental:7 mark:1 sphered:1 modulated:3 alexander:1 cumulant:1 biocomputing:1 avoiding:1 evaluate:1 phenomenon:1 |
597 | 1,546 | Vertex Identification in High Energy
Physics Experiments
Gideon Dror*
Department of Computer Science
The Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo, Tel Aviv 64044 , Israel
Halina Abramowicz t David Horn t
School of Physics and Astronomy
Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences
Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978 , Israel
In High Energy Physics experiments one has to sort through a high
flux of events , at a rate of tens of MHz, and select the few that are
of interest. One of the key factors in making this decision is the
location of the vertex where the interaction , that led to the event ,
took place. Here we present a novel solution to the problem of
finding the location of the vertex , based on two feedforward neural networks with fixed architectures , whose parameters are chosen
so as to obtain a high accuracy. The system is tested on simulated data sets , and is shown to perform better than conventional
An event in High Energy Physics (HEP) is the experimental result of an interaction
during the collision of particles in an accelerator . The result of this interaction is
the production of tens of particles, each of which is ejected in a different direction
and energy. Due to the quantum mechanical effects involved, the events differ from
one another in the number of particles produced , the types of particles, and their
energies. The trajectories of produced particles are detected by a very large and
sophisticated detector .
? [email protected]
[email protected]
Vertex Identification in High Energy Physics Experiments
Events are typically produced at a rate of 10 MHz, in conjunction with a data
volume of up to 500 kBytes per event. The signal is very small, and is selected from
the background by multilevel triggers that perform filtering either through hardware
or software. In the present paper we confront one problem that is of interest in these
experiments and is part of the triggering consideration. This is the location of the
vertex of the interaction. To be specific we will use a simulation of data collected by
the central tracking detector [1] of the ZEUS experiment [2] at the HEP laboratory
DESY in Hamburg, Germany. This detector, placed in a magnetic field , surrounds
the interaction point and is sensitive to the path of charged particles. It has a
cylindrical shape around the axis, z, where the interaction between the incoming
particles takes place. The challenge is to find an efficient and fast method to extract
the exact location of the vertex along this axis.
The Input Data
An example of an event, projected onto the z = 0 plane, is shown in Figure 1. Only
the information relevant to triggering is used and displayed. The relevant points,
which denote hits by the outgoing particles on wires in the detector , form five rings
due to the concentric structure of the detector. Several slightly curved particle
tracks emanating from the origin, which is marked with a + sign, and crossing
all five rings, can easily be seen. Each track is made of 30-40 data points. All
tracks appear in this projection as arcs, and indeed, when viewed in 3 dimensions,
every particle follows a helical trajectory due to the solenoidal magnetic field in the
. "1:.-
-60 -40 -20
Figure 1: A typical event projected onto the z = 0 plane. The dots, or hits , have
a two-fold ambiguity in the determination of the xy coordinates through which the
particle has moved. The correct solutions lie on curved tracks that emanate from
the origin.
Each physical hit is represented twice in Fig. 1 due to an inherent two-fold ambiguity
in the determination of its xy coordinates. The correct solutions form curved tracks
emanating from the origin. Some of those can be readily seen in the data. Due to
the limited time available for decision making at the trigger level, the z coordinate
is obtained from the difference in arrival times of a pulse at both ends of the CTD
and is available for only a fraction of these points. The hit resolution in xy is
'" 230 J.lm , while that of z-by-timing is ::: 4 cm. The quality of the z coordinate
G. Dror. H. Abramowicz and D. Hom
information is exemplified in figure 2. Figure 2(a) shows points forming a track of
a single particle on the z = 0 projection. Since the corresponding track forms a
helix with small curvature, one expects a linear dependence of the z coordinate of
the hits on their radial position, r = J x 2 + y2. Figure 2(b) compares the values of
r with the measured z values for these points. The scatter of the data around the
linear regression fit is considerable.
:-r. -
51I I I
x [cm)
Figure 2: A typical example of uncertainties in the measured z values: (a) a single
track taken from the event shown in figure 1, (b) the z coordinate vs r
Jx 2 + y2
the distance from the z axis for the data points shown in (a). The full line is a
linear regression fit.
The Network
Our network is based on step-wise changes in the representation of the data, moving
from the input points, to local line segments and to global arcs. The nature of
the data and the problem suggest it is best to separate the treatment of the xy
coordinates from that of the z coordinate. Two parallel networks which perform
entirely different computations, form our final system. The first network, which
handles the xy information is responsible for constructing arcs that correctly identify
some of the particle tracks in the event. The second network uses this information
to evaluate the z location of the point where all tracks meet .
Arc Identification Network
The arc identification network processes information in a fashion akin to the method
visual information is processed by the primary visual system [3].
The input layer for this network is made of a large number of neurons (several tens
of thousands) and corresponds to the function of the retina. Each input neuron
has its distinct receptive field. The sum of all fields covers completely the relevant
domain in the xy plane. This domain has 5 concentric rings, which show up in
figure 1. The total area of the rings is about 5000 cm 2 , and covering it with 100000
input neurons leads to satisfactory resolution. A neuron in the input level fires
when a hit is present in its receptive field. We shall label each input neuron by the
(xy) coordinates of the center of its receptive field.
Neurons of the second layer are line segment detectors. Each second layer neuron
is labeled by (XY a), where (X, Y) are the coordinates of the center of the segment
Vertex Identification in High Energy Physics Experiments
denotes its orientation. The activation of second layer neurons is given by
= g(2:: J XY a ,xy V xy
- ( 2) ,
lxY a ,ry
ifr.L < O.5cmArll < 2cm
ifO.5cm< r.L < 1cmArii < 2cm
and g( x) is the standard Heaviside step function . rll and r.L are the parallel and
perpendicular distances between (X , Y) and (x, y) with respect to the axis of the
line segment , defined by 0' . It is important to note that at this level , values of the
threshold 82 which are slightly lower than optimum are preferable, taking the risk
of obtaining superfluous line segments in order to reduce the probability of missing
one . Superfluous line segments are filtered out very efficiently in higher layers.
Figure 3 represents the output of the second layer neurons for the input illustrated
by the event of figure 1. An active second layer neuron (XY 0') is represented in
this figure by a line segment centered at the point (X , Y) making an angle 0' with
the x axis. The length of the line segments is immaterial and was chosen only for
the purpose of visual clarity.
#- .>~~
~.::.. ~
~ ~.
..,. ~, .
"'" "
-60 -40 -20
Figure 3: Representation of the activity of second layer neurons XY 0' for the input
of figure 1 taken by plotting the appropriate line segments in the xy plane . At some
XY locations several line segments with different directions occur due to the rather
low threshold parameter used , 82 = 4.
Neurons of the third layer transform the representation of local line segments into
local arc segments. An arc which passes through the origin is uniquely defined by
its radius of curvature R and its slope at the origin . Thus , each third layer neuron
is labeled by '" 8 i , where 1"'1 = 1/ R is the curvature and the sign of '" determines
the orient ation of the arc . 1 < i < 5 is an index which relates each arc segment to
the ring it belongs to.
-The mapping between second and third layers is based on a winner-take-all mechanism. Namely, for a given local arc segment, we take the arc segment which is
closest to being tangent to the local arc segment.
Denoting the average radius of the ring i ( i=1 ,2, ...5) by rj and using f3i = sin -1 (y)
G. Dror. H. Abramowicz and D. Horn
the final expression for the activation of the third layer neurons is
= maxe
cos (() - 2f3i - 0:),
where 6 = 6(X , Y, "', (), i) = J(X - ri cos((} - f3d)2 + (Y - ri sin(() - f3d)2 is simply
the distance of the center of the receptive field of the (XY 0:) neuron to the ("'(})
The fourth layer is the last one in the arc identification network . Neurons belonging
to this layer are global arc detectors. In other words, they detect projected tracks
on the z 0 plane. A fourth level neuron is denoted by "'(} , where", and () have the
previous meaning , now describing global arcs. Fourth layer neurons are connected
to third layer neurons in a simple fashion ,
= g( L
6""",,611 ,11' V""II'i - (}4) .
",'II' i
Figure 4 represents the activity of fourth layer neurons . Each active neuron "'(} is
equivalent in the xy plane to one arc appearing in the figure .
. ~60
-60 -40 -20
x f<em] 20
Figure 4: Representation of the activity of fourth layer neurons "'(} for the input of
figure 1 taken by plotting the appropriate arcs in t he xy plane. The arcs are not
precisely congruent to the activity of the input layer which is also shown , due to
the finite widths which were used, il", = 0.004 and il(} = 7r/20. This figure was
produced with (}4 = 3.
z Location Network
The architecture of the second network has a structure which is identical to the first
one, although its computational task is different. We will use an identical labeling
system for its neurons , but denote their activities by v xy . The latter will assume
continuous values in this network.
A first layer neuron of the z-location network receives its input from the same
receptive field as its corresponding neuron in the first network. Its value , v xy , is the
mean value of the z values of the points within its receptive field . If no z values are
available for these points , a null value is assigned to it.
The second layer neurons compute the mean value vXY a = (v xy ) of the z coordinate
of the first layer neurons in their receptive field , averaging over all neurons within
Vertex Identification in High Energy Physics Experiments
the section
II(x -
X) sina - (y - Y) cosal < 0.5cm/\ (x - X)2 + (y - y)2 < 4cm2} ,
which corresponds to the excitatory part of the synaptic connections of equation
(2). If null values appear within that section they are disregarded by the averaging
procedure. If all values are null , VXYa is assigned a null value too . This Z averaging
procedure is similarly propagated to the third layer neurons.
The fourth layer neurons evaluate the Z value of the origin of each arc identified
by the first network. This is performed by a simple linear extrapolation. The final
z estimate of the vertex, Znet , which should be the common origin of all arcs , IS
calculated by averaging the outputs of all active fourth layer neurons.
In order to test the network , we ran it over a set of 1000 events generated by a
Monte-Carlo simulator as well as over a sample of physical events taken from the
ZEUS experiment at the HEP laboratory DESY in Hamburg . For the former set
we compared the estimate of the net Znet with the nominal location of the vertex z ,
whereas for the real events in the latter set , we compared it with an estimate Zrec
obtained by full reconstruction algorithm , which runs off-line and uses all available
data. Results of the two tests can be compared since it is well established that the
result of the full reconstruction algorithm is within 1 mm from the exact location
of the vertex.
(1 = 6.1 ?O.2
J ~~
<Az>= 1.9?O.3
(1 = 8.4?O.3
Az [em]
Figure 5: Distribution of ~ z = Ze8timate - Zexact values for two types of estimates,
(a) the one proposed in this paper and (b) the one based on a commonly used
histogram method .
We also compared our results with those of an algorithmic method used for triggering at ZEUS [4]. We shall refer to this method as the 'histogram method '. The
performance of the two methods was compared on a sample of 1000 Monte-Carlo
events. The network was unable to get an estimate for 16 events from the set ,
as compared with 15 for the histogram method (15 of those events were common
G. Dror, H. Abramowicz and D. Horn
failures). In Figure 5 we compare the distributions of ~z = Znet - Zexact and
~Z = Zhist - Zexact for the sample of Monte-Carlo events , where Zexact is the generated location of the vertex. Both methods lead to small biases, -2.7 cm for Znet
and 1.9 cm for Zhist . The resolution, as obtained from a Gaussian fit , was found
to be better for the network approach (06.1 cm) as compared to the histogram
method (08.4cm). In addition, it should be noted that the histogram method
yields discrete results, with a step of 10 cm, whereas the current method gives continuous values. This can be of great advantage for further processing. Note that
off-line, after using the whole CTD information, the resolution is better than 1 mm.
We have described a feed forward double neural network that performs a task of
pattern identification by thresholding and selecting subsets of data on which a simple
computation can lead to the final answer. The network uses a fixed architecture,
which allows for its implementation in hardware, crucial for fast triggering purposes.
The basic idea of using a fixed architecture that is inspired by the way our brain
processes visual information, is similar to the the raison d 'etre of the orientation
selective neural network employed by [5]. The latter was based on orientation selective cells only, which were sufficient to select linear tracks that are of interest in
HEP experiments. Here we develop an arc identification method, following similar
steps. Both methods can also be viewed as generalizations of the Hough transform [6] that was originally proposed for straight line identification and may be
regarded as a basic element of pattern recognition problems [7]. Neither [5] nor
our present proposal were considered by previous neural network analyses of HEP
data [8] . The results that we have obtained are very promising. We hope that they
open the possibility for a new type of neural network implementation in triggering
devices of HEP experiments.
We are indebted to the ZEUS Collaboration whose data were used for this study.
This research was partially supported by the Israel National Science Foundation .
[1] B. Foster et al. , Nuclear Instrum. and Methods in Phys. Res. A338 (1994) 254.
[2] ZEUS Collab., The ZEUS Detector, Status Report 1993, DESY 1993; M.
Derrick et al. , Phys. Lett. B 293 (1992) 465 .
[3] D. H. Hubel and T . N. Wiesel, J. Physiol. 195 (1968) 215.
[4] A. Quadt , MSc thesis, University of Oxford (1997) .
[5] H. Abramowicz , D. Horn , U. Naftaly and C . Sahar-Pikielny, Nuclear Instrum.
and Methods in Phys. Res. A378 (1996) 305; Advances in Neural Information
Processing Systems 9, eds. M. C . Mozer , M. J. Jordan and T. Petsche, MIT
Press 1997, pp. 925- 931.
[6] P. V. Hough , "Methods and means to recognize complex patterns", U.S. patent
[7] R. O. Duda and P. E. Hart , "Pattern classification and scene analysis" , Wiley,
New York , 1973.
[8] B. Denby, Neural Computation, 5 (1993) 505.
| 1546 |@word cylindrical:1 faculty:1 wiesel:1 duda:1 open:1 cm2:1 simulation:1 cml:1 pulse:1 denby:1 selecting:1 denoting:1 current:1 activation:2 scatter:1 readily:1 physiol:1 shape:1 v:1 selected:1 device:1 plane:7 kbytes:1 filtered:1 location:11 five:2 along:1 abramowicz:5 indeed:1 nor:1 ry:1 simulator:1 brain:1 inspired:1 null:4 israel:3 cm:13 dror:4 astronomy:1 finding:1 every:1 preferable:1 hit:6 appear:2 timing:1 local:5 oxford:1 meet:1 path:1 twice:1 co:2 limited:1 perpendicular:1 horn:4 responsible:1 acknowledgment:1 procedure:2 emanate:1 area:1 projection:2 word:1 radial:1 suggest:1 get:1 onto:2 risk:1 conventional:1 equivalent:1 charged:1 center:3 rll:1 missing:1 resolution:4 regarded:1 nuclear:2 handle:1 coordinate:11 trigger:2 nominal:1 exact:3 us:3 origin:7 crossing:1 element:1 recognition:1 labeled:2 thousand:1 connected:1 ran:1 mozer:1 immaterial:1 segment:16 completely:1 easily:1 represented:2 distinct:1 fast:2 monte:3 detected:1 emanating:2 labeling:1 whose:2 otherwise:1 transform:2 final:4 advantage:1 net:1 took:1 reconstruction:2 interaction:6 relevant:3 helical:1 moved:1 az:3 double:1 optimum:1 congruent:1 ring:6 develop:1 ac:3 measured:2 school:1 differ:1 direction:2 radius:2 correct:2 centered:1 multilevel:1 generalization:1 mm:2 around:2 considered:1 great:1 mapping:1 algorithmic:1 lm:1 jx:1 purpose:2 label:1 sensitive:1 hope:1 mit:1 gaussian:1 rather:1 conjunction:1 detect:1 typically:1 selective:2 i1:1 germany:1 classification:1 orientation:3 denoted:1 field:10 identical:2 represents:2 report:1 inherent:1 few:1 retina:1 national:1 recognize:1 fire:1 interest:3 possibility:1 superfluous:2 xy:23 hough:2 re:2 hep:6 cover:1 mhz:2 vertex:12 subset:1 expects:1 too:1 answer:1 physic:7 off:2 thesis:1 central:1 ambiguity:2 lii:1 ifo:1 performed:1 extrapolation:1 sort:1 parallel:2 slope:1 il:4 accuracy:1 beverly:1 efficiently:1 yield:1 identify:1 identification:10 produced:4 carlo:3 trajectory:2 straight:1 indebted:1 detector:9 phys:3 synaptic:1 ed:1 failure:1 energy:8 pp:1 involved:1 propagated:1 derrick:1 treatment:1 zeus:6 sophisticated:1 feed:1 higher:1 originally:1 msc:1 outgoing:1 receives:1 quality:1 aviv:4 effect:1 y2:2 lxy:1 former:1 assigned:2 laboratory:2 satisfactory:1 illustrated:1 sin:2 during:1 width:1 uniquely:1 covering:1 noted:1 performs:1 meaning:1 wise:1 consideration:1 novel:1 common:2 physical:2 patent:1 winner:1 volume:1 yaffo:1 he:1 refer:1 surround:1 vxy:1 similarly:1 particle:13 dot:1 moving:1 curvature:3 closest:1 belongs:1 hamburg:2 collab:1 server:1 pikielny:1 seen:2 eo:1 employed:1 signal:1 ii:3 relates:1 full:3 rj:1 academic:1 determination:2 hart:1 regression:2 basic:2 confront:1 histogram:5 cell:1 proposal:1 background:1 whereas:2 addition:1 crucial:1 pass:1 jordan:1 feedforward:1 fit:3 architecture:4 identified:1 triggering:5 f3i:2 reduce:1 idea:1 expression:1 akin:1 york:1 collision:1 ten:3 hardware:2 processed:1 ctd:2 sign:2 per:1 track:12 correctly:1 discrete:1 shall:2 key:1 threshold:2 clarity:1 neither:1 fraction:1 sum:1 orient:1 angle:1 run:1 uncertainty:1 fourth:7 place:2 decision:2 entirely:1 layer:25 hom:2 sackler:1 fold:2 activity:5 occur:1 precisely:1 ri:2 software:1 scene:1 department:1 mta:1 belonging:1 slightly:2 em:2 naftaly:1 making:3 taken:4 equation:1 describing:1 mechanism:1 end:1 available:4 appropriate:2 petsche:1 magnetic:2 appearing:1 denotes:1 ifr:1 receptive:7 primary:1 dependence:1 distance:3 separate:1 unable:1 simulated:1 vd:1 collected:1 length:1 index:1 znet:4 implementation:2 perform:3 wire:1 neuron:31 arc:22 finite:1 curved:3 displayed:1 concentric:2 david:1 namely:1 mechanical:1 connection:1 established:1 exemplified:1 pattern:4 gideon:2 challenge:1 tau:2 event:18 ation:1 axis:5 extract:1 raymond:1 tangent:1 f3d:2 accelerator:1 sahar:1 filtering:1 foundation:1 sufficient:1 plotting:2 thresholding:1 foster:1 helix:1 collaboration:1 production:1 excitatory:1 placed:1 last:1 supported:1 bias:1 taking:1 dimension:1 calculated:1 lett:1 quantum:1 forward:1 made:2 commonly:1 projected:3 flux:1 status:1 global:3 active:3 incoming:1 hubel:1 continuous:2 promising:1 nature:1 tel:4 obtaining:1 complex:1 constructing:1 domain:2 whole:1 arrival:1 fig:1 fashion:2 wiley:1 position:1 lie:1 uron:1 third:6 specific:1 disregarded:1 led:1 desy:3 simply:1 forming:1 visual:4 tracking:1 partially:1 corresponds:2 determines:1 marked:1 viewed:2 considerable:1 change:1 instrum:2 typical:2 averaging:4 total:1 experimental:1 maxe:1 select:2 college:1 latter:3 sina:1 evaluate:2 heaviside:1 tested:1 |
598 | 1,547 | Attentional Modulation of Human Pattern
Discrimination Psychophysics Reproduced
by a Quantitative Model
Laurent Itti, Jochen Braun, Dale K. Lee and Christof Koch
{itti, achim, jjwen, koch}Oklab.caltech.edu
Computation & Neural Systems, MSC 139-74
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, U.S.A.
We previously proposed a quantitative model of early visual processing in primates, based on non-linearly interacting visual filters
and statistically efficient decision. We now use this model to interpret the observed modulation of a range of human psychophysical
thresholds with and without focal visual attention. Our model calibrated by an automatic fitting procedure - simultaneously reproduces thresholds for four classical pattern discrimination tasks,
performed while attention was engaged by another concurrent task.
Our model then predicts that the seemingly complex improvements
of certain thresholds, which we observed when attention was fully
available for the discrimination tasks, can best be explained by a
strengthening of competition among early visual filters.
What happens when we voluntarily focus our attention to a restricted part of our
visual field? Focal attention is often thought as a gating mechanism, which selectively allows a certain spatial location and and certain types of visual features to
reach higher visual processes. We here investigate the possibility that attention
might have a specific computational modulatory effect on early visual processing.
We and others have observed that focal visual attention can modulate human psychophysical thresholds for simple pattern discrimination tasks [7, 8, 5] When attention is drawn away from a task, for example by "cueing" [12] to another location
of the display, or by a second, concurrent task [1, 7, 8], an apparently complex
pattern of performance degradation is observed: For some tasks, attention has little or no effect on performance (e.g., detection of luminance increments), while for
L. ltti, J. Braun, D. K. Lee and C. Koch
other tasks, attention dramatically improves performance (e.g., discrimination of
orientation). Our specific findings with dual-task psychophysics are detailed below.
These observations have been paralleled by electrophysiological studies of attention.
In the awake macaque, neuronal responses to attended stimuli can be 20% to 100%
higher than to otherwise identical unattended stimuli. This has been demonstrated
in visual cortical areas VI, V2, and V4 [16, 11, 10,9] when the animal discriminates
stimulus orientation, and in areas MT and MST when the animal discriminates the
speed of stimulus motion [17]. Even spontaneous firing rates are 40% larger when
attention is directed at a neuron's receptive field [9]. Whether neuronal responses
to attended stimuli are merely enhanced [17] or whether they are also more sharply
tuned for certain stimulus dimensions [16] remains controversial. Very recently,
fMRI studies have shown similar enhancement (as measured with BOLD contrast)
in area VI of humans, specifically at the retinotopic location where subjects had
been instructed to focus their attention to [2, 14].
All of these observations directly address the issue of the "top-down" computational
effect of attentional focusing onto early visual processing stages. This issue should
be distinguished from that of the "bottom-up" control of visual attention [6], which
studies which visual features are likely to attract the attention focusing mechanism (e.g., pop-out phenomena and studies of visual search). Top-down attentional
modulation happens after attention has been focused to a location of the visual
field, and most probably involves the massive feedback circuits which anatomically
project from higher cortical areas back to early visual processing areas.
In the present study, we quantify the modulatory effect of attention observed in
human psychophysics using a model of early visual processing. The model is based
on non-linearly interacting visual filters and statistically efficient decision [4, 5].
Although attention could modulate virtually any visual processing stage (e.g ., the
decision stage, which compares internal responses from different stimuli), our basic
hypothesis here - supported by electrophysiology and fMRI [16,11,10,17,9,2, 14]is that this modulation might happen very early in the visual processing hierarchy.
Given this basic hypothesis, we investigate how attention should affect early visual
processing in order to quantitatively reproduce the psychophysical results.
We measured attentional modulation
of spatial vision thresholds using a
Central task:
dual-task paradigm [15, 7]: At the
center of the visual field, a letter discrimination task is presented, while
a pattern discrimination task is simultaneously presented at a random
peripheral location (4 0 eccentricity).
The central task consists of discriminating between five letters "T" or
four "T" and one "L". It has been
shown to efficiently engage attention
[7]. The peripheral task is chosen
from a battery of a classical pattern
threshold measurement
discrimination tasks, and is the task
of interest for this study. Psychophysical thresholds are measured for two distinct conditions: In the "fully attended"
condition, observers are asked to devote their entire attention to the peripheral
Quantitative Modeling ofAttentional Modulation
task, and to ignore the central task (while still fixating the center of the screen).
In the "poorly attended" condition, observers are asked to pay full attention to
the central task (and the blocks of trials for which performance for the central task
falls below a certain cut-off are discarded).
Four classical pattern discrimination tasks were investigated, each with two volunteer subjects (average shown in Figure 1), similarly to our previous experiments
[7, 8]. Screen luminance resolution was 0.2%. Screen luminance varied from 1 to
90cd/m 2 (mean 45cd/m 2 ), room illumination was 5cd/m 2 and viewing distance
80cm. The Yes/No (present/absent) paradigm was used (one stimulus presentation
per trial). Threshold (75% correct peformance) was reached using a staircase procedure , and computed through a maximum-likelihood fit of a Weibull function with
two degrees of freedom to the psychometric curves.
Exp. 2: Orientation discrimination
., 10
S 5
~ ~~~~~
Mask contrast
Figure 1: Psychophysical data and model fits using the parameters from Table 1
(P=poorly and F=fully attended). Gray curves: Model predictions for fully attended
data, using the poorly attended parameters, except for -y = 2.9 and {) = 2.1 (see Results).
Expo 1 measured increment contrast discrimination threshold: The observer discriminates between a 4cpd (cycles per degree) stochastic oriented mask [7] at fixed
contrast , and the same mask plus a low-contrast sixth-derivative-of-Gaussian (D6G)
bar; threshold is measured for bar contrast [8]. Expo 2 measured orientation discrimination thresholds: The observer discriminates between a vertical and tilted
grating at 4cpd; threshold for the angle difference is measured. In addition, two
contrast masking tasks were investigated for their sensitivity to non-linearities in
visual processing. A 4cpd stochastic mask (50% contrast) was always present, and
threshold was measured for the contrast of a vertical superimposed D6G bar. In
Expo 3, the orientation of the masker was varied and its spatial frequency fixed
(4cpd), while in Expo 4 the spatial period of the masker was varied and its orientation vertical. Our aim was to investigate very dissimilar tasks, in particular with
respect to the decision strategy used by the observer.
Using the dual-task paradigm, we found mixed attentional effects on psychophysical
thresholds, including the appearance of a more pronounced contrast discrimination
L. ltti, J. Braun, D. K. Lee and C. Koch
"dipper" in Exp. 1, substantial improvement of orientation thresholds in Exp. 2,
and reduced contrast elevations due to masking in Exps. 3-4 (also see [7, 8]).
The model consists of three
successive stages [4, 5]. In
the first stage, a bank of
Gabor-like linear filters analyzes a fixed location of the
visual scene. Here, a singlescale model composed of 12
pairs of filters in quadrature
phase, tuned for orientations
o E e evenly spanning 1800 ,
was sufficient to account for
the data (although a multiscale model may account for
a wider range of psychophysical thresholds). The linear filters take values between
0.0 and 100.0, then multiplied by a gain factor A (one of the ten free parameters of
the model), and to which a small background activity f. is added.
In the second stage, filters non-linearly interact as follows: (1) Each unit receives
non-linear self-excitation, and (2) each unit receives non-linear divisive inhibition
from a pool of similarly-tuned units: With E8 being the linear response from a unit
tuned for orientation 0, the pooled response R8 is given by:
is a Gaussian weighting function centered around 0, and 1J a positive constant to
account for background activity in the pooling stage. This stage is inspired from
Heeger's model of gain control in cat VI [3, 4]. Our formulation, in which none of
the parameters is given a particular value, however allows for multiple outcomes,
to be determined by fitting the model to our psychophysical data: A sigmoidal
(S > 0, I > d') as well as simple power-law (S = 0) or even linear (! = 1, d' = 0)
contrast response characteristic could emerge, the responses could be saturating
d') or not (, i= d'), and the inhibitory pool size (~8) could be broad or narrow.
Because striate neurons are noisy, physiological noise is assumed in the model at
the outputs of the second stage. The noise level is chosen close to what is typically
observed in cortical pyramidal cells, and modeled by Gaussian noise with variance
equal to mean taken to some power a determined by fitting.
(, =
Because the decision stage - which quantitatively relates activity in the population
of pooled noisy units to behavioral discrimination performance - is not fully characterized in humans, we are not in a position to model it in any detail. Instead,
we trained our subjects (for 2-3 hours on each task), and assume that they perform close to an "optimal detector". Such optimal detector may be characterized
in a formal manner, using Statistical Estimation Theory [4, 5]. We assume that a
brain mechanism exists, which, for a given stimulus presentation, builds an internal estimate of some stimulus attribute ( (e.g., contrast, orientation, period). The
central assumption of our decision stage is that this brain mechanism will perform
close to an unbiased efficient statistic T, which is the best possible estimator of (
Quantitative Modeling ofAttentional Modulation
given the noisy population response from the second stage. The accuracy (variance) with which T estimates ( can be computed formally, and is the inverse of
the Fisher Information with respect to ( [13, 4]. Simply put, this means that, from
the first two stages of the model alone, we have a means of computing the best
possible estimation performance for (, and consequently, the best possible discrimination performance between two stimuli with parameters (1 and (2 [4, 5]. Such
statistically efficient decision stage is implementable as a neural network [13].
This decision stage provides a unified framework for optimal discrimination in any
behavioral situation, and eliminates the need for task-dependent assumptions about
the strategy used by the observers to perform the task in a near optimal manner.
Our model allows for a quantitative prediction of human psychophysical thresholds,
based on a crude simulation of the physiology of primary visual cortex (area VI).
All parameters in the model were automatically adjusted in order to best fit the psychophysical data from all experiments. A multidimensional downhill simplex with
simulated annealing overhead was used to minimize the root-mean-square distance
between the quantitative predictions of the model and the human data [4]. The
best-fit parameters obtained independently for the "fully attended" and "poorly
attended" conditions are reported in Table 1. The model's simultaneous fits to our
entire dataset are plotted in Figure 1 for both conditions. After convergence of
the fitting procedure, a measure of how well constrained each parameter was by the
data was computed as follows: Each parameter was systematically varied around its
best-fit value, in 0.5% steps, and the fitting error was recomputed; the amplitude
by which each parameter could be varied before the fitting error increased by more
than 10% of its optimum is noted as a standard deviation in Table 1. A lower
deviation indicates that the parameter is more strongly constrained by the dataset.
Table 1. Model parameters for both attentional conditions.
Symbol fully attended
poorly attended
Linear gaint
l.7 ? 0.2
8.2 ? 0.9
Activity-independent inhibition t
14.1 ? 2.3
10l.5 ? 16.6
Excitatory exponent
3.36 ? 0.02
2.09 ? 0.01
Inhibitory exponent
2.48 ? 0.02
l.51 ? 0.02
Noise exponent
l.34 ? 0.07
1.39 ? 0.08
Background activity, linear stage
l.13 ? 0.35
1.25 ? 0.60
Background activity, pooling stage
0.18 ? 0.05
0.77 ? 0.11
Spatial period tuning width X
0.85 ? 0.06 oct. 0.85 ? 0.09 oct .
Orientation tuning width X
26? ? 2.4?
38? ? 5.5?
Orientation pooling width X
48? ? 25?
50? ? 26?
t Dynamic range of linear filters is [? ... 100.0 X A + 4
x For clarity, FWHM values are given rather than 17 values (FWHM = 2I7J2ln(2?.
Although no human bias was introduced during the fitting procedure, interestingly,
all of the model's internal parameters reached physiologically plausible best-fit values, such as, for example, slightly supra-Poisson noise level (a ~ 1.35), ~ 30?
orientation tuning FWHM (full-width at half-maximum), and ~ 0.85 octave spatial period tuning FWHM. Some of the internal characteristics of the model which
more closely relate to the putative underlying physiological mechanisms are shown
in Figure 2.
L. ltti, J. Braun, D. K. Lee and C. Koch
Transducer function
Orientation tuning
5.c: o.s
e 0.4
Orientation pooling
0 -40
Orientation (deg)
Figure 2: Internals of the model. (a) The response function of individual units to contrast
was sigmoidal under full (F) and almost linear under poor (P) attention. (b) Native linear
orientation tuning was broader under poor (NP) than full (NF) attention, but it was
sharpened in both cases by pooling (PP=pooled poor, and PF=pooled full attention). (c)
There was no difference in orientation pooling width under poor (P) or full (F) attention.
Using poorly attended parameters, except for -y = 2.9 and ~ = 2.1 (grey curves), yielded
steep non-linear contrast response, and intermediary tuning (same width as NF).
In Table 1, attention had the following significant effects on the model's parameters: 1) Both pooling exponents (-y, d) were higher; 2) the tuning width (0"/1) was
narrower; 3) the linear gain (A) and associated activity-independent inhibition (5)
were lower; and 4) the background activity of the pooling stage was lower. This
yielded increased competition between filters: The network behaved more like a
winner-take-all under full attention, and more like a linear network of independent
units under poor attention. While the attentional modulation of "d and 0"/1 are
easy to interpret, its effect on the A, 5 and 'fJ is more difficult to understand.
Consequently, we conducted a further automatic fit, which, starting from the
"poorly attended" parameters, was only allowed to alter, and d to fit the "fully
attended" data. The motivation for not varying 0"/1 was that we observed significant
sharpening of the tuning induced by higher exponents "d (Figure 2) . Also, slight
changes in the difference , - d can easily produce large changes in the overall gain
of the system, hence compensating for changes in A, 5 and 'fJ . (We however do not
imply here that 0"/1, A, 5 and 'fJ are redundant parameters; there is only a small range
around the best-fit point over which, and d can compensate for variations in the
other parameters, without dramatically impairing the quality of fit) .
Although the new fit was not as accurate as that obtained with all parameters
allowed to vary, it appeared that a simple modification of the pooling exponents
well captured the effect of attention (Figure 1). Hence, the "poorly attended"
parameters of Table 1 well described the "poorly attended" data, and the same
parameters except for, = 2.9 and d = 2.1 well described the "fully attended" data.
A variety of other simple parameter modifications were also tested, but none except
for the pooling exponents (-y,o) could fully account for the attentional modulation.
These modifications include: Changes in gain (obtained by modifying A only, ,
only, or d only), in tuning (0"/1), in the extent ofthe inhibitory pool (E/I), and in the
noise level (a). A more systematic study, in which all possible parameter subsets
are successively examined, is currently in progress in our laboratory.
At the basis of our results is the hypothesis that attention might modulate the
earlier rather than the later stages of visual processing. We found that a very
Quantitative Modeling ofAttentional Modulation
simple, prototypical, task-independent enhancement of the amount of competition
between early visual filters accounts well for the human data. This enhancement
resulted from increases in parameters 'Y and 5 in the model, and was paralleled by
an increase in contrast gain and a sharpening in orientation tuning. Although it is
not possible from our data to rule out any attentional modulation at later stages,
our hypothesis has recently received experimental support that attention indeed
modulates early visual processing in humans [2, 14].
More psychophysical experiments are needed to investigate attentional modulation
at later processing stages. For example, it might be possible to study the effect
of attention on the decision stage by manipulating attention during experiments
involving decision uncertainty. In the absence of such results, we have attempted
in our experiments to minimize the possible impact of attention on later stages,
by using only simple stimulus patterns devoid of conceptual or emotional meaning,
such as to involve as little as possible the more cognitive stages of visual processing.
Our finding that attention may increase the amount of competition between early
visual filters is accompanied by an enhancement of the gain and sensitivity of the
filters, and by a sharpening of their tuning properties. The existence of two such
processing states - one, more sensitive and selective inside the focus of attention,
and the other, more broadly-tuned and non-specific outside - can be justified by
at least two observations: First, the higher level of activity in attended neurons
consumes more energy, which may not be desirable over the entire extent of visual
cortices. Second, although less efficient for fine discriminations, the broadly-tuned
and non-specific state may have greater ability at catching unexpected, non-specific
visual events. In this perspective, this state would be desirable as an input to
bottom-up, visual alerting mechanisms, which monitor the rest of our visual world
while we are focusing on a specific task requiring high focal accuracy.
This research was supported by ONR and NSF (Caltech ERG).
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| 1547 |@word trial:2 grey:1 simulation:1 attended:18 tuned:6 bc:1 interestingly:1 tilted:1 mst:1 happen:1 discrimination:17 alone:1 half:1 provides:1 location:6 successive:1 sigmoidal:2 zhang:1 five:1 transducer:1 consists:2 fitting:7 overhead:1 behavioral:2 inside:1 manner:2 mask:4 indeed:1 brain:2 compensating:1 inspired:1 automatically:1 little:2 pf:1 project:1 retinotopic:1 linearity:1 underlying:1 circuit:1 spitzer:1 what:2 cm:1 weibull:1 unified:1 finding:2 sharpening:3 quantitative:7 w8:1 multidimensional:1 nf:2 braun:8 control:2 unit:7 maunsell:2 christof:1 positive:1 before:1 laurent:1 firing:1 modulation:12 might:4 plus:1 examined:1 range:4 statistically:3 fwhm:4 directed:1 internals:1 block:1 procedure:4 area:6 thought:1 gabor:1 physiology:1 onto:1 close:3 put:1 unattended:1 demonstrated:1 center:2 attention:37 starting:1 independently:1 focused:1 resolution:1 pouget:1 estimator:1 rule:1 erg:1 population:2 variation:1 increment:2 hierarchy:1 spontaneous:1 enhanced:1 massive:1 engage:1 gandhi:1 gm:1 hypothesis:4 cut:1 predicts:1 native:1 observed:7 bottom:2 cycle:1 e8:1 luck:1 consumes:1 voluntarily:1 discriminates:4 substantial:1 asked:2 battery:1 exps:1 dynamic:1 trained:1 basis:1 easily:1 cat:1 distinct:1 outcome:1 outside:1 larger:1 plausible:1 arvo:4 otherwise:1 ability:1 statistic:1 noisy:3 reproduced:1 seemingly:1 strengthening:1 poorly:9 pronounced:1 competition:4 convergence:1 enhancement:4 eccentricity:1 optimum:1 supra:1 produce:1 wider:1 measured:8 received:1 progress:1 sa:1 grating:1 involves:1 quantify:1 closely:1 correct:1 attribute:1 filter:12 stochastic:2 modifying:1 centered:1 human:11 viewing:1 elevation:1 adjusted:1 koch:10 around:3 exp:4 vary:1 early:11 estimation:2 proc:4 intermediary:1 currently:1 sensitive:1 concurrent:2 gaussian:3 always:1 aim:1 rather:2 varying:1 broader:1 treue:1 focus:3 improvement:2 likelihood:1 superimposed:1 indicates:1 contrast:18 am:1 dependent:1 attract:1 entire:3 typically:1 achim:1 pasadena:1 manipulating:1 reproduce:1 selective:1 issue:2 among:1 orientation:19 dual:3 overall:1 exponent:7 animal:2 spatial:6 constrained:2 psychophysics:3 singlescale:1 field:4 equal:1 identical:1 broad:1 alter:1 jochen:1 fmri:2 simplex:1 others:1 stimulus:12 quantitatively:2 cpd:4 np:1 oriented:1 melchner:1 composed:1 simultaneously:2 resulted:1 individual:1 phase:1 freedom:1 detection:1 interest:1 investigate:4 possibility:1 accurate:1 desimone:2 re:2 plotted:1 catching:1 increased:2 modeling:3 earlier:1 deviation:2 subset:1 conducted:1 reported:1 calibrated:1 devoid:1 sensitivity:2 discriminating:1 lee:7 v4:1 off:1 systematic:1 pool:3 central:6 sharpened:1 successively:1 bonnel:1 cognitive:1 derivative:1 itti:5 ullman:1 fixating:1 account:5 accompanied:1 bold:1 pooled:4 vi:11 performed:1 root:1 observer:6 later:4 apparently:1 reached:2 masking:2 minimize:2 square:1 accuracy:2 variance:2 characteristic:2 efficiently:1 ofthe:1 yes:1 none:2 comp:1 detector:2 simultaneous:1 reach:1 sixth:1 energy:1 frequency:1 pp:1 associated:1 gain:7 cueing:1 dataset:2 improves:1 electrophysiological:1 amplitude:1 back:1 focusing:3 higher:6 response:10 formulation:1 strongly:1 stage:24 msc:1 receives:2 multiscale:1 quality:1 gray:1 behaved:1 name:1 effect:9 staircase:1 unbiased:1 requiring:1 hence:2 laboratory:1 during:2 self:1 width:7 noted:1 excitation:1 octave:1 latham:1 motion:1 fj:3 meaning:1 recently:2 mt:1 winner:1 slight:1 interpret:2 measurement:1 significant:2 automatic:2 tuning:12 focal:4 similarly:2 dj:2 had:2 hillyard:1 cortex:2 inhibition:3 perspective:1 certain:5 onr:1 caltech:2 captured:1 analyzes:1 greater:1 paradigm:3 period:4 redundant:1 ii:2 relates:1 full:7 multiple:1 desirable:2 characterized:2 compensate:1 impact:1 prediction:3 involving:1 basic:2 vision:1 poisson:1 volunteer:1 cell:1 justified:1 addition:1 background:5 fine:1 annealing:1 pyramidal:1 eliminates:1 rest:1 probably:1 subject:3 dipper:1 virtually:1 pooling:10 induced:1 near:1 easy:1 peformance:1 variety:1 affect:1 fit:12 absent:1 whether:2 dramatically:2 modulatory:2 detailed:1 involve:1 amount:2 stein:1 ten:1 reduced:1 nsf:1 inhibitory:3 per:2 broadly:2 motter:1 recomputed:1 four:3 threshold:17 monitor:1 drawn:1 clarity:1 luminance:3 deneve:1 merely:1 angle:1 letter:2 inverse:1 uncertainty:1 somers:1 almost:1 putative:1 decision:10 pay:1 display:1 chelazzi:1 yielded:2 activity:9 sharply:1 awake:1 expo:4 scene:1 speed:1 neur:1 peripheral:3 poor:5 slightly:1 primate:1 happens:2 modification:3 explained:1 restricted:1 anatomically:1 taken:1 previously:1 remains:1 sperling:1 mechanism:6 needed:1 available:1 multiplied:1 away:1 v2:1 distinguished:1 existence:1 top:2 include:1 emotional:1 build:1 classical:3 psychophysical:12 added:1 hum:1 receptive:1 strategy:2 primary:1 striate:1 fa:1 devote:1 distance:2 attentional:10 simulated:1 sci:4 evenly:1 extent:2 spanning:1 modeled:1 difficult:1 steep:1 relate:1 perform:3 vertical:3 observation:3 neuron:3 discarded:1 implementable:1 situation:1 dc:1 interacting:2 varied:5 inv:3 introduced:1 pair:1 alerting:1 california:1 narrow:1 pop:1 hour:1 macaque:1 nip:1 address:1 bar:3 below:2 pattern:8 appeared:1 including:1 power:2 event:1 technology:1 imply:1 psychol:1 acknowledgement:1 law:1 fully:10 mixed:1 prototypical:1 degree:2 controversial:1 sufficient:1 boynton:1 bank:1 systematically:1 cd:3 excitatory:1 supported:2 free:1 formal:1 bias:1 understand:1 jh:2 institute:1 fall:1 emerge:1 feedback:1 dimension:1 cortical:3 curve:3 world:1 dale:1 instructed:1 sj:1 ignore:1 deg:1 reproduces:1 conceptual:1 assumed:1 masker:2 search:1 physiologically:1 table:6 mj:1 nature:1 ca:1 nakayama:1 interact:1 investigated:2 complex:2 sp:1 linearly:3 neurosci:1 motivation:1 noise:6 allowed:2 quadrature:1 neuronal:2 psychometric:1 en:1 screen:3 position:1 downhill:1 heeger:3 crude:1 pe:1 weighting:1 down:2 specific:6 gating:1 r8:2 symbol:1 dk:3 physiological:2 moran:1 exists:1 modulates:1 illumination:1 electrophysiology:1 simply:1 likely:1 appearance:1 visual:34 unexpected:1 saturating:1 oct:2 modulate:3 presentation:2 narrower:1 consequently:2 room:1 jf:1 fisher:1 absence:1 change:4 specifically:1 except:4 determined:2 degradation:1 engaged:1 divisive:1 experimental:1 attempted:1 selectively:1 formally:1 internal:4 support:1 paralleled:2 dissimilar:1 tested:1 phenomenon:1 |
599 | 1,548 | Familiarity Discrimination of Radar
Eric Grangerl, Stephen Grossberg 2
Mark A. RUbin2 , William W. Streilein 2
1 Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
Montreal, Qc. H3C 3A 7 CAN ADA
2Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston University
Boston, MA 02215 USA
The ARTMAP-FD neural network performs both identification
(placing test patterns in classes encountered during training) and
familiarity discrimination (judging whether a test pattern belongs
to any of the classes encountered during training). The performance of ARTMAP-FD is tested on radar pulse data obtained in
the field, and compared to that of the nearest-neighbor-based NEN
algorithm and to a k > 1 extension of NEN.
The recognition process involves both identification and familiarity discrimination.
Consider, for example, a neural network designed to identify aircraft based on their
radar reflections and trained on sample reflections from ten types of aircraft A . . . J.
After training, the network should correctly classify radar reflections belonging to
the familiar classes A . .. J, but it should also abstain from making a meaningless
guess when presented with a radar reflection from an object belonging to a different,
unfamiliar class. Familiarity discrimination is also referred to as "novelty detection,"
a "reject option," and "recognition in partially exposed environments."
ARTMAP-FD, an extension of fuzzy ARTMAP that performs familiarity discrimination, has shown its effectiveness on datasets consisting of simulated radar range
profiles from aircraft targets [1, 2]. In the present paper we examine the performance of ARTMAP-FD on radar pulse data obtained in the field , and compare it
E. Granger, S. Grossberg, M. A. Rubin and W. W. Streilein
to that of NEN, a nearest-neighbor-based familiarity discrimination algorithm, and
to a k > 1 extension of NEN.
Fuzzy ARTMAP [3] is a self-organizing neural network for learning, recognition,
and prediction. Each input a learns to predict an output class K. During training,
the network creates internal recognition categories, with the number of categories
determined on-line by predictive success. Components of the vector a are scaled
so that each ai E [0,1] (i = 1 ... M). Complement coding [4] doubles the number
of components in the input vector, which becomes A
(a, a C ) , where the ith
component of a C is ai (I-ad. With fast learning, the weight vector w) records the
largest and smallest component values of input vectors placed in the /h category.
The 2M-dimensional vector Wj may be visualized as the hyperbox R j that just
encloses all the vectors a that selected category j during training.
Activation of the coding field F2 is determined by the Weber law choice function
Tj(A) =1 A 1\ Wj 1 /(0:+ 1 Wj I), where (P 1\ Q)i = min(Pi , Qj) and 1 P 1=
L;~ 1 Pi I? With winner-take-all coding, the F2 node J that receives the largest
Fl -+ F2 input T j becomes active. Node J remains active if it satisfies the matching
criterion: 1Al\wj 1/ 1A 1= 1Al\wj 1/M > p, where p E [0,1] is the dimensionless
vigilance parameter. Otherwise, the network resets the active F2 node and searches
until J satisfies the matching criterion. If node J then makes an incorrect class
prediction, a match tracking signal raises vigilance just enough to induce a search,
which continues until either some F2 node becomes active for the first time, in
which case J learns the correct output class label k( J) = K; or a node J that has
previously learned to predict K becomes active. During testing, a pattern a that
activates node J is predicted to belong to the class K = k( J).
Familiarity measure. During testing, an input pattern a is defined as familiar
when a familiarity function ?(A) is greater than a decision threshold T Once a
category choice has been made by the winner-take-all rule, fuzzy ARTMAP ignores
the size of the input TJ. In contrast, ARTMAP-FD uses TJ to define familiarity,
?(A) = TJ(A) = 1 A 1\ WJ 1
1 WJ 1
where TjlAX =1 WJ 1/(0:+ 1WJ I)? This maximal value of T J is attained by each
input a that lies in the hyperbox RJ, since 1 A 1\ W J 1= 1 W J 1 for these points.
An input that chooses category J during testing is then assigned the maximum
familiarity value 1 if and only if a lies within RJ.
Familiarity discrimination algorithm. ARTMAP-FD is identical to fuzzy
ARTMAP during training. During testing, ?(A) is computed after fuzzy ARTMAP
has yielded a winning node J and a predicted class K = k(J). If ?(A) > I,
ARTMAP-FD predicts class K for the input a. If ?(A) ::; I, a is regarded as
belonging to an unfamiliar class and the network makes no prediction.
Note that fuzzy ARTMAP can also abstain from classification, when the baseline
vigilance parameter 15 is greater than zero during testing. Typically 15 = during
training, to maximize code compression. In radar range profile simulations such
Familiarity Discrimination of Radar Pulses
as those described below, fuzzy ARTMAP can perform familiarity discrimination
when p > 0 during both training and testing. However, accurate discrimination
requires that p be close to 1, which causes category proliferation during training.
Range profile simulations have also set p = 0 during both training and testing, but
with the familiarity measure set equal to the fuzzy ARTMAP match function:
This approach is essentially equivalent to taking p = 0 during training and p > 0
during testing, with p
However, for a test set input a E RJ, the function
defined by (2) sets ?(A) =1 w J 1/ M, which may be large or small although a is
familiar. Thus this function does not provide as good familiarity discrimination as
the one defined by (1), which always sets ?(A) = 1 when a E RJ. Except as noted ,
all the simulations below employ the function (1), with p = O.
Sequential evidence accumulation. ART-EMAP (Stage 3) [5] identifies a test
set object's class after exposure to a sequence of input patterns, such as differing
views, all identified with that one object. Training is identical to that of fuzzy
ART MAP, with winner-take-all coding at F2 . ART-EMAP generally employs distributed F2 coding during testing. With winner-take-all coding during testing as
well as training, ART-EMAP predicts the object's class to be the one selected by the
largest number of inputs in the sequence. Extending this approach, ARTMAP-FD
accumulates familiarity measures for each predicted class K as the test set sequence
is presented. Once the winning class is determined, the object's familiarity is defined as the average accumulated familiarity measure of the predicted class during
the test sequence.
Familiarity discrimination simulations
Since familiarity discrimination involves placing an input into one of two sets, familiar and unfamiliar, the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) formalism can
be used to evaluate the effectiveness of ARTMAP-FD on this task. The hit rate
H is the fraction of familiar targets the network correctly identifies as familiar and
the false alarm rate F is the fraction of unfamiliar targets the network incorrectly
identifies as familiar. An ROC curve is a plot of H vs. F, parameterized by the
threshold'Y (i.e., it is equivalent to the two curves Fh) and Hh)) . The area under
the ROC curve is the c-index, a measure of predictive accuracy that is independent
of both the fraction of positive (familiar) cases in the test set and the positive-case
decision threshold 'Y.
An ARTMAP-FD network was trained on simulated radar range profiles from 18
targets out of a 36-target set (Fig. la). Simulations tested sequential evidence
accumulation performance for 1, 3, and 100 observations, corresponding to 0.05,
0.15, and 5.0 sec. of observation (smooth curves, Fig. Ib) . As in the case of
identification [6], a combination of multiwavelength range profiles and sequential
evidence accumulation produces good familiarity discrimination, with the c-index
approaching 1 as the number of sequential observations grows.
Fig. Ib also demonstrates the importance of the proper choice of familiarity measure. The jagged ROC curve was produced by a familiarity discrimination simulation identical to that which resulted in the IOO-sequential-view smooth curve, but
using the match function (2) instead of ? as given by (1).
E. Granger, S. Grossberg, M A. Rubin and W. W. Streilein
IO , -
- - - - ----r
'-"- ..
0 .2
Figure l:(a) 36 simulation targets with 6 wing positions and 6 wing lengths, and 100
scattering centers per target. Boxes indicate randomly selected familiar targets. (b) ROC
curves from ARTMAP-FD simulations, with multiwavelength range profiles having 40
center frequencies. Sequential evidence accumulation for 1, 3 and 100 views uses familiarity
measure (1) (smooth curves); and for 100 views uses the match function (2) (jagged curve).
(c) Training and test curves of miss rate M = (1- H) and false alarm rate F vs threshold
1', for 36 targets and one view, Training curves intersect at the point where "y = r p
(predicted); and test curves intersect near the point where l' = ra (optimal). The training
curves are based on data from the first training epoch, the test curves on data from 3
training epochs.
Familiarity threshold selection
When a system is placed in operation, one particular decision threshold 'Y = r must
be chosen . In a given application, selection of r depends upon the relative cost
of errors due to missed targets and false alarms. The optimal r corresponds to a
point on the parameterized ROC curve that is typically close to the upper left-hand
corner of the unit square, to maximize correct selection of familiar targets (H) while
minimizing incorrect selection of unfamiliar tar gets (F) .
Validation set method. To determine a predicted threshold r p , the training
data is partitioned into a training subset and a validation subset. The network
is trained on the training subset, and an ROC curve (F(r) , H(r)) is calculated
for the validation subset. r p is then taken to be the point on the curve that
maximizes [H(r) - F(r)]. (For ease of computation the symmetry point on the
curve, where 1 - H('y) = F(r), can yield a good approximation.) For a familiarity
discrimination task the validation set must include examples of classes not present
in the training set. Once rp is determined , the training subset and validation subset
should be recombined and the network retrained on the complete training set. The
retrained network and the predicted threshold r p are then employed for familiarity
discrimination on the test set.
On-line threshold determination. During ARTMAP-FD training, category
nodes compete for new patterns as they are presented. When a node J wins the
competition, learning expands the category hyperbox RJ enough to enclose the
training pattern a. The familiarity measure ? for each training set input then becomes equal to 1. However, before this learning takes place, ? can be less than 1,
and the degree to which this initial value of ? is less than 1 reflects the distance
from the training pattern to RJ. An event of this type- a training pattern successfully coded by a category node-is taken to be representative of familiar test-set
patterns. The corresponding initial values of ? are thus used to generate a training
Familiarity Discrimination of Radar Pulses
hit rate curve, where H("() equals the fraction of training inputs with cp > ,.
What about false alarms? By definition, all patterns presented during training are
familiar. However, a reset event during training (Sec. 2) resembles the arrival of
an unfamiliar pattern during testing. Recall that a reset occurs when a category
node that predicts class K wins the competition for a pattern that actually belongs
to a different class k. The corresponding values of cp for these events can thus be
used to generate a training false-alarm rate curve, where F("() equals the fraction
of match-tracking inputs with initial cp > "(.
Predictive accuracy is improved by use of a reduced set of cp values in the trainingset ROC curve construction process. Namely, training patterns that fall inside
RJ, where cp = I, are not used because these exemplars tend to distort the miss
rate curve. In addition, the first incorrect response to a training input is the best
predictor of the network's response to an unfamiliar testing input, since sequential
search will not be available during testing. Finally, giving more weight to events
occurring later in the training process improves accuracy. This can be accomplished
by first computing training curves H("() and F("() and a preliminary predicted
threshold r p using the reduced training set; then recomputing the curves and r p
from data presented only after the system has activated the final category node
of the training process (Fig. Ic). The final predicted threshold r p averages these
values. This calculation can still be made on-line, by taking the "final" node to be
the last one activated.
Table I shows that applying on-line threshold determination to simulated radar
range profile data gives good predictions for the actual hit and false alarm rates, H A
and FA. Furthermore, the HA and FA so obtained are close to optimal, particularly
when the ROC curve has a c-index close to one. The method is effective even when
testing involves sequential evidence accumulation, despite the fact that the training
curves use only single views of each target.
Near-enough-neighbor (NEN) [7, 8] is a familiarity discrimination algorithm based
on the single nearest neighbor classifier. For each familiar class K, the familiarity
threshold t:l.K is the largest distance between any training pattern of class K and
its nearest neighbor also of class K. During testing, a test pattern is declared
unfamiliar if the distance to its nearest neighbor is greater than the threshold t:l.K
corresponding to the class K of that nearest neighbor.
We have extended NEN to k > I by retaining the above definition of the t:l.K's,
while taking the comparison during testing to be between t:l.K and the distance
between the test pattern and the closest of its k nearest neighbors which is of the
class K to which the test pattern is deemed to belong.
Radar pulse data
Identifying the type of emitter from which a radar signal was transmitted is an
important task for radar electronic support measures (ESM) systems. Familiarity
discrimination is a key component of this task, particularly as the continual proliferation of new emitters outstrips the ability of emitter libraries to document every
sort of emitter which may be encountered.
The data analyzed here, gathered by Defense Research Establishment Ottawa, con-
E. Granger, S. Grossberg, M. A. Rubin and W W Streilein
hit rate
false alarm rate
Table 1: Familiarity discrimination, using ARTMAP-FD with on-line threshold prediction, of simulated radar range profile data. Training on half the target classes (boxed
"aircraft" in Fig. la) , testing on all target classes. (In 3x3 case, 4 classes out of 9 total used for training.) Accuracy equals the fraction of correctly-classified targets out of
familiar targets selected by the network as familiar. The results for the 6x6' dataset involve sequential evidence accumulation, with 100 observations (5 sec.) per test target.
Radar range profile simulations use 40 center frequencies evenly spaced between 18GHz
and 22GHz, and wp x wl simulated targets, where wp =number of wing positions and
wi =number of wing lengths. The number of range bins (2/3 m. per bin) is 60 , so each
pattern vector has (60 range bins) x (40 center frequencies) = 2400 components. Training
patterns are at 21 evenly spaced aspects in a 10? angular range and, for each viewing
angle, at 15 downrange shifts evenly spaced within a single bin width. Testing patterns
are at random aspects and downrange shifts within the angular range and half the total
range profile extent of (60 bins) x (2/3 m.) =40 m.
hit rate
f. a. rate
city-block metric
Euclidean metric
k-l k-5 k - 25
k-l k-5 k - 25
Table 2: Familiarity discrimination of radar pulse data set, using ARTMAP-FD and NEN
with different metrics and values of k. Figure given for memory is twice number of F2
nodes (due to complement coding) for ARTMAP-FD, number of training patterns for
NEN. Training (single epoch) on first three quarters of data in classes 1-9, testing on other
quarter of data in classes 1-9 and all data in classes 10-12. (Values given are averages
over four cyclic permutations of the the 12 classes.) ARTMAP-FD familiarity threshold
determined by validation-set method with retraining.
sist of radar pulses from 12 ship borne navigation radars [9]. Fifty pulses were
collected from each radar, with the exception of radars #7 (100 pulses) and #8
(200 pulses). The pulses were preprocessed to yield 800 I5-component vectors. with
the components taking values between a and l.
From Table 2, ARTMAP-FD is seen to perform effective familiarity discrimination
on the radar pulse data. NEN (k = 1) performs comparatively poorly. Extensions
of NEN to k > 1 perform well. During fielded operation these would incur the
cost of the additional computation required to find the k nearest neighbors of the
current test pattern , as well as the cost of higher memory requirements] relative to
ARTMAP-FD. The combination of low hit rate with low false alarm rate obtained
by NEN on the simulated radar range profile datasets (Table 3) suggests that the
algorithm performs poorly here because it selects a familiarity threshold which is
1The memory requirements of kNN pattern classifiers can be reduced by editing
techniques[8], but how the use of these methods affects performance of kNN-based familiarity discrimination methods is an open question.
Familiarity Discrimination ofRadar Pulses
hit rate
false alarm rate
k - 5 k - 99 k - 1 I k - 5
Table 3: Familiarity discrimination of simulated radar range profiles using ARTMAP-FD
and NEN with different values of k. Training and testing as in Table 1. ARTMAP-FD
familiarity threshold determined by on-line method. City-block metric used with NEN;
results with Euclidean metric were slighlty poorer.
too high. ARTMAP-FD on-line threshold selection, on the other hand, yields a
value for the familiarity threshold which balances the desiderata of high hit rate
and low false alarm rate.
This research was supported in part by grants from the Office of Naval Research, ONR
NOOOI4-95-1-0657 (S . G.) and ONR NOOOI4-96-1-0659 (M. A. R ., W. W. S.) , and by a grant
from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Office of Naval Research,
ONR NOOOI4-95-1-0409 (S. G. , M. A. R. , W W. S.). E. G. was supported in part by
the Defense Research Establishment Ottawa and the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada.
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| 1548 |@word aircraft:4 compression:1 norm:1 retraining:1 open:1 pulse:15 simulation:9 initial:3 cyclic:1 ecole:1 document:1 reynolds:1 current:1 activation:1 must:2 designed:1 plot:1 discrimination:28 v:2 half:2 selected:4 guess:1 ith:1 record:1 node:15 incorrect:3 inside:1 ra:1 proliferation:2 examine:1 actual:4 becomes:5 project:1 maximizes:1 what:1 sist:1 fuzzy:13 differing:1 every:1 multidimensional:1 expands:1 continual:1 scaled:1 hit:8 demonstrates:1 classifier:2 unit:1 grant:2 positive:2 before:1 engineering:3 io:1 despite:1 accumulates:1 dasarathy:2 twice:1 resembles:1 suggests:1 ease:1 emitter:4 range:17 grossberg:6 testing:20 block:2 x3:4 area:1 intersect:2 reject:1 matching:2 induce:1 get:1 close:4 encloses:1 selection:5 dimensionless:1 applying:1 accumulation:7 equivalent:2 map:2 center:4 exposure:1 artmap:37 qc:1 identifying:1 rule:1 regarded:1 target:20 construction:1 us:3 recognition:7 particularly:2 continues:1 predicts:3 electrical:1 wj:9 environment:1 agency:1 radar:28 trained:3 raise:1 exposed:1 predictive:3 incur:1 creates:1 upon:1 eric:1 f2:8 fast:3 effective:2 artificial:1 otherwise:1 ability:1 knn:2 h3c:1 final:3 sequence:4 maximal:1 reset:3 organizing:2 poorly:2 competition:2 los:1 double:1 requirement:2 extending:1 produce:1 categorization:1 incremental:1 object:6 montreal:2 exemplar:1 nearest:10 predicted:9 involves:3 indicate:1 enclose:1 slighlty:1 correct:2 viewing:1 bin:5 icnn:1 preliminary:1 recombined:1 extension:4 ic:1 predict:2 smallest:1 fh:1 label:1 ross:1 council:1 largest:4 wl:1 successfully:1 city:2 reflects:1 activates:1 always:1 establishment:2 tar:1 office:2 june:1 naval:2 contrast:1 baseline:1 accumulated:1 nn:2 typically:2 selects:1 classification:2 ill:1 retaining:1 resonance:1 art:7 field:3 once:3 equal:5 having:1 washington:1 identical:3 placing:2 rosen:2 intelligent:1 employ:2 randomly:1 resulted:1 familiar:15 consisting:1 william:1 detection:1 fd:26 analyzed:1 navigation:1 activated:2 tj:4 accurate:1 poorer:1 euclidean:2 recomputing:1 classify:1 formalism:1 ada:1 cost:3 ottawa:2 subset:6 predictor:1 too:1 chooses:1 international:1 outstrips:1 vigilance:3 borne:1 cognitive:1 corner:1 wing:4 de:1 coding:7 sec:3 jagged:2 ad:1 depends:1 later:1 view:6 sort:1 option:1 square:1 accuracy:7 characteristic:1 yield:3 identify:1 gathered:1 spaced:3 identification:3 produced:1 classified:1 ed:3 definition:2 distort:1 frequency:3 con:1 dataset:2 noooi4:3 recall:1 improves:1 actually:1 scattering:1 attained:1 higher:1 supervised:1 x6:5 response:2 improved:1 editing:1 box:1 cantin:1 furthermore:1 just:2 stage:1 angular:2 until:2 hand:2 receives:1 grows:1 usa:1 assigned:1 wp:2 during:27 self:2 width:1 noted:1 criterion:2 asme:1 complete:1 polytechnique:1 performs:4 cp:5 reflection:4 weber:1 abstain:2 quarter:2 winner:4 belong:2 analog:2 unfamiliar:8 ai:2 automatic:1 stable:1 operating:1 closest:1 belongs:2 hemisphere:1 ship:1 corp:1 onr:3 success:1 accomplished:1 transmitted:1 seen:1 greater:3 additional:1 houston:1 employed:1 novelty:1 maximize:2 determine:1 signal:3 stephen:1 ii:6 rj:7 smooth:3 match:5 determination:3 calculation:1 coded:1 prediction:5 desideratum:1 essentially:1 metric:5 addition:1 fifty:1 meaningless:1 tend:1 effectiveness:2 near:3 enough:4 trainingset:1 affect:1 architecture:2 identified:1 approaching:1 shift:2 qj:1 whether:1 defense:3 york:1 cause:1 generally:1 involve:1 ten:1 visualized:1 category:12 reduced:3 generate:2 judging:1 correctly:3 per:3 key:1 four:1 threshold:21 preprocessed:1 lavoie:1 fraction:6 compete:1 angle:1 parameterized:2 i5:1 place:1 electronic:1 missed:1 decision:3 fl:1 encountered:3 yielded:1 your:1 declared:1 aspect:2 min:1 department:2 combination:2 belonging:3 partitioned:1 wi:1 making:1 taken:2 remains:1 previously:1 etworks:1 granger:4 hh:1 available:1 operation:2 nen:15 esm:1 rp:1 clustering:1 include:1 publishing:1 giving:1 society:1 comparatively:1 question:1 alamitos:1 occurs:1 fa:2 win:2 distance:4 simulated:7 evenly:3 extent:1 collected:1 code:1 length:2 index:3 minimizing:1 balance:1 proper:1 perform:3 upper:1 observation:4 datasets:2 incorrectly:1 extended:1 retrained:2 canada:1 complement:2 namely:1 required:1 fielded:1 learned:1 below:2 pattern:26 memory:5 event:4 natural:1 advanced:1 library:1 identifies:3 deemed:1 epoch:3 relative:2 law:1 permutation:1 validation:6 degree:1 rubin:6 pi:2 placed:2 last:1 supported:2 neighbor:12 fall:1 taking:5 distributed:1 ghz:2 curve:26 calculated:1 emap:5 ignores:1 made:2 adaptive:1 transaction:2 active:5 receiver:1 search:3 table:7 ca:1 symmetry:1 ioo:1 boxed:1 alarm:10 profile:13 arrival:1 carpenter:5 eural:1 fig:5 referred:1 representative:1 roc:9 position:2 winning:2 lie:2 ib:2 learns:2 rk:1 familiarity:44 evidence:7 false:10 sequential:9 importance:1 occurring:1 boston:2 tracking:2 partially:1 corresponds:1 satisfies:2 ma:2 determined:6 except:1 miss:2 total:2 la:2 exception:1 internal:1 mark:1 support:1 evaluate:1 tested:2 |