29 values
Reddit, my roommate's boyfriend is a scumbag.
About a month ago, my roommate started dating this guy, about who she told me nothing. Usually we tell each other everything so, I already found this a little odd. A couple weeks ago I found out a guy with which I work is this guy's roommate. He told me that he how manipulative and shallow he is, how he tells girls exactly what they want to hear, and (now here is where he gets extra scummy) he has another girl "waiting" for him until after the summer. This girl other believes that they are technically still dating and has no idea about my roommate. My roommate knows none of this. She is spending more and more time with this guy. I really want to tell her but, I'm afraid that she won't listen or worse pull the whole "You're just jealous cause I'm dating someone and you're not." card. Is it even my business to tell her? And if it is, how should I do it?
my roommate is dating a douchebag. Should I tell her? If so, How?
What if you had the chance to be with someone else?
Me: *M 29* Current SO: *F 26* Former SO: *F 22* I have been dating a wonderful girl over the past year (long distance). Love her lots. But now, a woman has re-entered my life and has brought the doubts I have over my current relationship further into light. Current doubts: Accepting the worst of my past, being able to move together to another part of the country, pursue progress and life for as long as we live. Regarding my past; I have brought it up a bit and shocked her. It doesn't seem like it's an important thing in our relationship, but she doesn't want to hear more of it. --------------- Ms. Re-entry. There was crazy passionate love. We were more open with each other than with anyone ever, but I couldn't close the flood gates and she was scared/not mature enough to be up front with me and it ended poorly after a short time. Nearly 2 years later, we are both aware of the mistakes we made, apologized and are back on excellent terms with romance clearly still existing passionately between us. I have been thinking about this for weeks and I'm not sure what to make of it. Oh, and though I'm sure a lot of y'all will feel the need to tell me that I am doing something horrible, I hope you can refrain from that. I'm very confused and understand how horrible I am at this moment but I can't wrap my head around all of this and that is what I'm here for. Thanks
Been dating a girl for a while and an ex stepped back into my life and my head is all over the place.
[F20] Never been kissed...something wrong with me?
I'm a female who has never been kissed or in any type of relationship. I'm starting to think there is something wrong with me, like maybe I'm really hideous or maybe my personality is disgusting. I have friends, and they tend to describe me as kind, caring and funny/someone who makes people laugh. I try to take care of myself. I'm playing handball a couple of times a week as a hobby, I try to eat healthy, I try to dress nice and look nice. Idk all of my friends are in relationships/are having casual sex and I feel alone and such an outcast. I think there's a problem with me, I probably look hideous or my behavior/personality isn't likable. I don't know what to do reddit. I'm studying in uni atm so I shouldn't be worrying but I'm afraid I'm missing out on all the stuff you do when young.
never been kissed or in any type of relationship. I don't know what the problem is
I (23/f) tried ending this so many times. Reddit, help me end things with him (23/m) for real.
I cannot go through every detail of our "relationship". It would be confusing. And it would take too long. I've been talking to this guy for 2 years. We never spent any time together as a couple. We only hung out as friends before we developed any feelings for each other. It's weird. But I fell for him. And I think he fell for me. We were supposed to give things a go 1000 times. We live very far away. I was supposed to go there and try finding work while he goes to school/work. But it just never happened. I didn't have money. He got bad depression. He ended up lying to me about a few things. And it pushed off us meeting. I wanted him to come and see me before I moved there for comfort reasons. I know this is really unhealthy. So my question is, how do I get the guts to do it? It's going to hurt me. I'm going to cry and cry. I'm so attached to him. But I know it's the right thing. If he cared about me, he would have been at my door. How do I say this? How do I not feel like I'm going to regret it? Do I not say anything at all?
How to end a relationship you don't want to end but know you need to.
TIFU by thinking I had good reflexes from playing hackysack
Yes, this DID happen today. I work in food service, not in a restaurant but rather in a nursing home, so its a bit more tame. Anyways, I was getting a drink for a customer, I walked back into the dishroom, everyday 50 times a day type shit here. Pickup a glass, toss it in the air like I always do, being the over confident dumb ass I am. *insert slow motion oh fuck scene as I watch the glass fall to the floor, about to shatter* Sweet! I got a lucky bounce, it somehow isn't broken, and its bouncing back! I like to play hackysack, I could totally just pop this back up with my foot and I can avoid broken glass and I'll have a sweet ninja story to tell! Nope. The problem here was I was on a slippery ground, and I'm a dumbass on multiple levels. I slip(fuck I should by non slip shoes) and end up punting this glass across the room and subsequently shattered it into the shelf full of freshly washed dishes. ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck Now, instead of having to sweep up glass, I have a shelf full off dishes covered in glass and a story to explain to my boss. Should be a fun day.
No elderly were harmed in the FU of T.
My Gf (F22) and I (M23) were talking about marriage. She said that she doesn't want to lose her last name, due to a promise, and finds it a deal breaker if her future husband doesn't take hers. She is also against combining.
Hi Reddit, my gf and I were talking about marriage, due to the fact that our friends are marrying. During our conversation we started to talk metaphorically if we were to get married. She mentioned that she promised her dad that she would pass on his name since he had only daughters. Her older and younger sister don't believe in marriage. I am currently the only one of my family capable of passing on my name, I have a cousin and brother but both are still very young. I'm not a stickler for traditions (but I do love/respect them) and was initially open to the idea of possibly sharing last names (smith-jones) since I would like to keep my name (family history and all that) and understood why she wanted to keep hers. However she said that she wouldn't want to do a compromise, because it would sound weird on her. She also mentioned that she considers it to be a deal breaker if her future husband is unwilling to take her name, adding on that she fully expects to be single forever. Which hurt a lot more. I am at a lost, marriage is very important in my family, to the point where when I start dating, I consider if I could see myself with them long term. I love this woman and want to make this work. I don't want to end this relationship we've built. Any advice would help.
Gf doesn't want to change name or compromise, says it's a deal breaker if her future husband doesn't take hers
It's that time of the year, and my boyfriend [20M] basically disappears [19F]
Hi reddit, My boyfriend [20M] and I [19F] have been dating for two years. We are long distance, maybe a couple hours a part, but we skype quite often; typically we skype for 1.5-4 hours a day ( its not all talking, its more the the comfort of the presence), and let the call run through the night as we sleep which has become routine. However, he recently asked for a bit of space, requesting that we limit our calls to one hour a day, but during that time his whole attention will be on me. I'm completely okay with that, it was a bit of a hit to the ego, but if it's what he wants, okay. However, 'tis that time of the semester. Exams, and with that being said he doesn't text, doesn't message, doesn't call, and our communication is basically non-existent. And when he does talk to me it's because I've put in the effort in first. There's no call for one hour as he had said and I get that school is important, but I've really taken a back seat. This phase will end at the end of his exams which is in three weeks, but I'm pretty sure it'll be similar re-occurring events every time exams come around. Is this normal for most relationships? Am I in the wrong?
come exams my boyfriend goes MIA and I feel left in the dust. Am I in the wrong for feeling this way?
My girlfriend (20) is putting up a wall and I (24m) feel like I've been locked out of her life
My girlfriend and I have been dating for a little over 1 year and a half. Five months ago she moved three hours away and we decided to try a long distance relationship. I thought things were ok between us but two weeks ago she broke up with me. She told me I wasn't paying her enough attention or thinking of her feelings. After reflecting on what she told me I realized I may not have been doing a good job of showing her how I felt. We talked about this and I told her I wanted to try to work things out. I realize the mistakes I made and truly want do a better job of showing my feelings toward her. She agreed to get back together but says I am on "probation". We text all day and talk on the phone but she is not telling her parents we are back together. Additionally, when people ask her if we are still dating she replies "we just broke up". I understand she wants some space but I am ready to try and fix our relationship. I try to show her I think of her throughout the day, I ask her about her feelings and let her talk about them. Why I need advise is because she has built a wall between us. I ask her about her day and she replies "good". I ask her how was work and she says "fine". She never asks me about my life and seems uninterested when I tell her. Most of all she seems annoyed at me when I try to talk to her. She tells me I am doing a good job at showing my love and she tells me not to worry so much about us breaking up again. I can't stop worrying about it. I live in constant fear that she's mad at me and will break up with me again. Also, I am getting very little out of the relationship. I want things to go back to how they used to be when we both made each other happy and excited. I am totally willing to work toward that but she seems to be standing still. I don't think our relationship will improve until she lets me back in. What can I do to break down this wall between us?
My girlfriend took me back but has been emotionally detached and is unwilling to work with me to fix our relationship
Does she like me
Background info, me and this chick had been dating for about 10 months a couple years ago, now she is with this guy and they have been together for more then 2 years. We are like bestfriends still though and hangout all the time. We are both 17, and go to the same school. Recently we have been hanging out ALOT and she will invite me places with other couples instead of her boyfriend and she is always saying how hes mean and a dick but hes actually a pretty good guy to her and me and the guy are friends too. Whenever we are together she is always laughing and smiling non stop. She will always say she hates me even though cmon, we all know she doesnt and shell hit me and stuff and grab onto my harm or lay her head on my shoulder and idk its weird.. Let me know what you guys think!
Me and my ex always have a great time together and she invites me places before her bf.
Should I [21M] stop dating [24F] because of behavior in a her previous relationship?
A few weeks back during the start of the school semester I met a girl who it seems that I've clicked well with. We've been hanging out constantly, going to the gym, studying together, and have gone on several dates. Everything has been going great. However, I think there might be a red flag with her. The other night we went out for dinner and then went to the park where we ended up talking for a couple of hours. The conversation led to her mentioning how she was in a shitty relationship with a ex boyfriend form a while back and how they would cheat on each other. My first thought was that this was a deal breaker for me since from what I can tell, people who previously cheat in relationships tend to follow that behavior in future relationships. But then she further explained that her cheating was never physical, only emotional. In my mind, cheating is cheating, but she then further explained that her relationship with this guy was right during the time that her parents were divorcing which was pretty hard on her. She told me me how she was very depressed during that time because of her parents divorce which made me think that her emotional cheating was a way of looking for support since her boyfriend wasn't really there for her. She also explained that the relationship was a huge wake up call for her since up until the end of that relationship, she never took her relationships serious. Her mentality was backwards in that if the relationship faced a road block she would want to to break up instead of trying to over come it. For the most part, I feel like I should continue to date her and see how things pan out. I feel like I can look past the fact that she cheated on her ex boyfriend, given the circumstances at the time. Although, I slightly feel as if her behavior in her previous relationship is a red flag. Should I be worried?
girl I'm dating emotionally cheated in a previous relationship. It was with a crappy ex boyfriend and was during a low point in her life where her parents were divorcing. Should her cheating be seen as a red flag?
Ex-gf [21f] wants to have sex with me [26m]
She cheated on me 4 months in and felt compelled to tell me near our 6 month mark. We fought about it for a week. Lots of lies and anger. In my head I was on a see-saw of forgiving her and moving on, or leaving her. I decided, for the time being, to leave (move out). During the few days where our relationship was in the dumps we would talk multiple times a day and agreed to see each other on the weekends to see if what we had was salvageable. In the meantime she ended up being consoled by some guy whom she had just met: she told him everything about what had happened, then cuddled with him in her bed, then went to his room and did the same. This was the 2nd time she had met him, the 1st was an exchange of hellos. I was told a milder version of this story at first, then the full version after some prodding, much like her cheating story. I decided to drop her and completely ignore her. Since then shes been texting and calling at an alarming rate. At first the texts were mundane and friendly, mostly about getting closure. They slowly turned desperate and needy. The last 6 texts I got were in the early morning hours, telling me about how horny she was and that she misses the sex and how we used to be. I admit, I have been thinking about visting her for sex. Strangely, the sex got better after all the cheating drama. Do you guys think its a good idea? Or should I continue ignoring her and move on with my life?
Broke up with ex over cheating/questionable behavior, started ignoring her which drove her crazy, wants me back/wants sex, should I go for it or no?
I'm 18, I was texting a girl, her friend took over, then called me and put me on speaker phone. What happened?
So I was texting a girl (yes I like her) and a few texts later her friend starts to answer. Anyways her friend calls me and puts me on speaker and she starts messing with me along with her other friends. I asked where the girl was and they claimed she was in the bathroom, then I asked if she knew they were doing this and they just said "Yes and no." Anyways I heard a voice in the background (sounded male) say "well they're practically dating" and I think this refers to how I spent three hours with her at a cafe after an engineering club meeting. Yeah we talked nonstop until I had to go so I hope that went well. So what's going on? Is this good or bad? My friend told me that she could be flirting or something, but my other friend told me that this usually means she doesn't care if she's letting her friends handle it and if its the latter, then it feels like I just got kicked in the chest. Will provide more details if needed.
Texting girl, her friend takes over, her friend calls and puts me on speaker and messes with me. Don't know what is going on.
Me [26F] with my best friend [26 M] ten years, We've always liked each other and now we are both in a situation to be together, but he's hesitant.
So yeah, he's been my friend for so long and I've always had a thing for him and he's always had a thing for me. We had a brief falling out five years ago and shortly after that he started dating someone else, and then I started dating someone too. We became friends again and it was nice. So in the summer he split up with his girlfriend and it was really hard on him. And recently I split up with my boyfriend. Since then my feelings for him have increased exponentially. We talk all the time and I really want to be with him. He is worried that I'm just getting over my relationship and that my feelings for him will wane. I don't believe so, since I've always liked him. Also, because of his difficult breakup he is having a hard time trusting women, which I totally understand. He is really careful and wants everything to be perfect, but I feel like there's no time like the present and there is never going to be a perfect time to be together and we never know if we will work out unless we try. Everything is a risk, right? I feel like my breakup has given me perspective on love and relationships and my whole heart is in this. I have the excitement of new possibilities but also the consistent love I've had for him all along. I'm ready to start this chapter but he is hesitant and I want to respect that.
How can I show him that I am in this for the long haul, that I'm trustworthy and that this is a risk that is worth it?
TIFU by scaring my landlord
So I grew up on a farm and am now living in an unbelievably urban area. By nature, I expect courtesy and respect from my neighbors, and seldomly do I receive it. I may or may not have become slightly alcoholic since moving to the city, so that factors into the current predicament. I have been a little toasted on rum for the past couple days, and /r/funny and netflix have been the main source of entertainment for my weekend, so I've been unobnoxiously keeping to myself. So living in what I feel is fair to call "the hood," I am aware of "hood-like" shenanigans since apartment is in the middle of the main hallway, and I am subjected to quarrels of all imaginable varieties. As I said, I haven't really been in my right mind the last couple days. I've been sitting here listening to music and browsing reddit like a noob, and I hear a bunch of "commotion" outside. I pay no attention and continue swigging/redditing, because that's what people do. The commotion continues for what seems like an hour. I finally decide I've had enough, and I get off my bed to make a 6 foot trip to the door when my inebriated feet forget how to operate, and I bash my face into the peephole long enough to get a glimpse of the landlord right outside.
Was drunk, tripped while trying to see what was happening outside my door, scared the shit out of my landlord who was making friendly banter with fellow residents outside, and think I knocked myself out for a tick.
I [22F] broke up with my ex BF [24M] of 1 year last week, but now I'm reconsidering. Is it too late?
I broke up with my boyfriend of over 1 year last week. I'll try to make this short. I've been depressed lately because brain chemistry, he's been depressed lately because he didn't get a promotion. So we ended up arguing a lot over the past few months, and some incompatibilities rose to the surface. For example, he would get frustrated and upset easily, which would then aggravate my anxiety, and I felt he didn't care enough to listen to me/understand me while he felt I never told him what I was really thinking. (He's a talker, I'm more of a listener). I went away to visit family for a week, realized I felt more peaceful without him, then came back and broke up with him. It was incredibly hard because I still love him a lot, and he's really sweet and loving for the most part. But I was just too emotionally exhausted to be with him anymore. Now, 5 days later, I'm thinking I moved too quickly. I didn't really communicate how I was feeling before I ended things (he was totally blindsided), and we never discussed ways to work on our relationship. Now I'm thinking that if I had just tried harder to communicate and gone back to therapy, our relationship would have a fighting chance. Yes, there were some big issues in our relationship, but most of them boil down to a communication problem. Can communication styles be worked on? Is it too late? I need advice: I can't tell if I'm reconsidering the breakup because I'm still experiencing intense grief (I feel like I'm dying), or if I logically didn't give us enough of a chance. He said he loves me and doesn't want to lose me, but understands if I need space to deal with my own issues. So while it wouldn't be easy, I think there is a chance he would take me back. Is this cruel to him? I don't want to hurt him again, if our issues can't be resolved. Should I just cut my losses and try to move on? Or reach out to him? Any similar experiences?
Broke up with my boyfriend last week because we were both depressed and constantly arguing, now I'm wondering if I acted too quickly and could have tried harder to make it work. Need perspective because depression fucks with my view of reality.
Am I being a bad friend?
Hey reddit. For a couple of years now I've been part of this little group of friends. There's me, some guys, and some girls. We used to hang out all the time, see some movies, go bowling, shoot the shit. We were good friends, really close. So one of the guys, let's call him Chris, started dating one of the girls, let's call her Mary. So Chris and Mary date for a bit, seem crazy about each other, and then break up. Chris loses his shit and doesn't even want to see Mary ever again. Two years later, he maintains this position. My problem, is that I really enjoy the company of Mary. She's fun, she gets me, and I've confided in her quite a bit. Here recently, Mary and I have reconnected a bit. So I've been hanging out with Mary kind of behind Chris' back. So after all that, my question is, is this wrong? I'm not planning anything sinister here, Mary is just a really chill girl who knows more about me than really anyone else.
I'm hanging out with one of my good friends, who happens to be the ex of another one of my good friends. Is it wrong?
How do I [20/M] get my brother [18/M] to understand that my work takes precedence over his video games?
I'm a current college student living at my dad's house over the summer. My dad spends most of his time at his wife's house (6 hours away, and that's a whole different story) so he doesn't bother to keep the fastest internet (important in a minute). I am working as an engineering intern; however, my boss is traveling around right now getting jobs for the firm all around the country, so I mostly work at home on my laptop and desktop simultaneously. My brother is an avid League of Legends player. He works in the morning, usually 8-12. And I usually work though the day while keeping odd hours, anywhen from 10-6 or sometimes even 12-9. When he gets home he expects me to immediately get of the internet so he can play his game, while I am in the office downstairs, getting paid. He always yells down to me to get off so he can play. Sometimes he texts my from across the house to yell at me. I can't help but use bandwidth for my JOB but he doesn't understand that. He thinks I didn't earn my internship and that I couldn't possibly be working all day. I feel like when I'm using the wifi to work, it's totally reasonable that he should either deal with it or find something else to do. How can I get him to understand that my work warrants more bandwidth than his online gaming?
My brother yells at me for sucking up bandwidth when I'm working so he can play League of Legends.
I am overly emotional, I get mood swings, anxiety, and I am very sensitive. How do I cope with this?
I've tried everything I can think of. I talk to my boyfriend to vent, I cry, I take hot showers, I've exercised, I've also realized what my problems are and through that I have tried to rationalize my anxiety. (That has helped the best, but stops working once I'm not upset or anxious about anything just FEELING bad, upset, sad, anxious, emotional, etc.) I get this very painful feeling in my chest.. It varies from feeling to feeling. (Sharp when I'm anxious, it feels like its seeping into my body from my chest when I'm sad, dull and sinking when I'm depressed and have no motivation, etc.) I feel like it becomes so painful that I just cry and get upset. Sometimes it's caused by different triggers and other times there is no cause at all... I'm just upset. :( My emotions and sensitivity is getting out of control. It affects my daily life and I feel like there is no way to cope with it anymore. I'm trying to explain it the best I can. Ask questions if you need to. I need to figure out how to cope with my overwhelming emotions. I need to learn how to control them. (Honestly, I don't want to feel them anymore... Or at least on a level as extreme as I feel them, now.) I just find myself constantly crying over uncontrollable emotions. The thing is, I'm pretty happy with my life. I don't understand why I become so emotional. I think it's just my personality, but nonetheless I need control, now.
I need to learn how to control, cope, and/or eliminate my emotions. It's overwhelming for me and I have no idea what to do anymore. I feel like I've tried everything and this is interfering with my life every single day.
[16 F] crushing on [16 F] who is, unfortunately, straight
I have a massive crush on a girl at my school. We had a lot of classes together last year, which is when my crush developed. We're not really in the same circles, but we're friendly. Although we don't have any classes together this year, we see each other occasionally and I have a class with her boyfriend... because yes, she's dating a guy. (I'm friendly with him, too, but please don't suggest a threesome.) I obviously know that I shouldn't try anything now, but what if she breaks up with him? She has a lot of pictures on Facebook of her kissing female friends on the cheek and them doing the same, but I don't actually know if she's bi or not. Would it be acceptable to make a move then? How could I "test the waters" so to say? There's also the issue that I'm not actually out to anyone besides my two best friends. Welp, thanks for helping my tangled mess of a love life. Any advice at all is hugely appreciated!
Straight girl crush, fml.
Me [20 M] texting girl [19 F] how do I beat her mind games?
Right, I've been texting (and regularly face timing) this girl almost every day for around 4 months, we've met up a few times and when we are actually together ,it always has gone really well, both of us being intimate and close with each other, with a lot of flirting and kissing. It's always occurred to me that she didn't seem sure about me, which confused me as I have always been genuine to her and just acted as myself (a genuine nice guy). Whereas she can change from on occasions telling me she loves me, to being very cold and seeming to try and avoid conversation, which was where I possibly possibly made the mistake of acting too clingy(when she acts cold to me). The first time I tried to meet her it went really well and we agreed to meet again soon, which ended up being a month after! She would always seem unsure about meeting when I asked and would then proceed to usually cancel ,which I told her that it hurt me. Further down the line we see each other more, though she is constantly hot and cold as I explained above, it drives me mad sometimes! I just really would like any advice at all about how I can get over these mind games with her as I don't want to give up because I really like her, and it's hard but I'm sure she likes me back. If any of this seems unclear and if anyone thinks further explaining is needed I will gladly elaborate on any of this.
How do I get over the hot and cold mind games this girl (19) is playing with me?
Am I overreacting? Me (f22) my SO (m24)
My SO(m24) and I(f22) (been together 16 months) were talking last night and he asked me if I think people can find that one special person. I told him I never thought about it and he replied with "I think I could be happy with many different people. What are the chances of me finding the perfect person?" and then that was the end of the conversation because I had no response. It bugged me though, not like I was expecting him to tell me I was the one or anything, but it just made me feel less special and less important. I guess I was hoping for a different response. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since last night. Gahhh, stupid over thinking!
S.O. said he could be happy with others, left me feeling inadequate. Am I overreacting?
Reddit, what's the worst nightmare you've ever had? One that still haunts you to this day?
A little while ago, I had this very vivid dream where I was at my grandparent's house, and in their second cellar. I was always scared of going down there when I was little, but for some reason in this dream I was down there all by myself. It was poorly lit, and quite narrow. There were boxes lining the sides of the room, and at the very end there was an old fashioned antenna TV. I sat down to watch it, and then I happened to glance past it, and I saw a bed. All I could see was the very end of it, with two huge feet sticking up under the covers. I heard a loud moaning sound, and I just sat there frozen for what seemed like hours. It started to move, so I stood up and bolted out of there. The pathway got narrower as I walked, and I looked behind me to see what exactly was chasing me, and it was this huge cyclopse with a crowbar. The door out of the cellar got farther and farther away, until I couldn't see it anymore, no matter how fast I seemed to be running. I could hear his footsteps behind me, and then I felt his hand on my shoulder, and then I woke up. I could never fall back asleep that night, and the dream is still as vivid as ever, unlike all the other nightmares I've had.
I dreamt a cyclopse was chasing me with a crowbar
It has almost been a year and I can't get over it.
Male 22 cant get over Female 24. Best friends for 6 years. We both told each other we loved each other. Never romantic though. She never showed an interest and I was fine with it. Did I accidentally fall in love and she couldn't handle it? She flat out told me she didn't want to see my anymore after accusing me of not caring about her. She always used to tell me how much she cared about me and how she would always support me. Somehow she thought I was taking advantage of her. She moved. I haven't been able to get any response out of her for a year. I am not sure she really ever did respect me. I think part of her though she was better than me somehow. But for some reason all I desperately want is reconciliation. Reconciliation that's it. I just cant get over it. Help.
How do I get over her?
Age old question, please answer honestly.
I've been talking to this girl for quite some time now and I know we both know it will lead to sex eventually. She however is a very sweet, good looking lady and I know that she is very experienced. I'm definitely a lot shorter than all of her previous ex's. I fear I may not "satisfy" her "full" needs down there if you catch my drift. Ladies- I just want to know if you have been with a man who isn't gifted down below who you've had successful sexual relationships with. Men- For the select few that share my physical inabilities, how do you manage this improbable task?
Does size matter, is a smaller man able to sexually satisfy a woman?
Not sure what to do Next
any who I am in collage right now and there is a woman I would like to date we have some classes together and we have been getting to know each other so far so good. I have asked her if she would like to get lunch two times now but both times she has said she has been just to busy. She is taking 16 credit hours all of them 200 or 300 level classes so I think this could be true. What I want to know is this just a way of her nicely telling me thanks but no thanks. Should I just come out and ask? If so how do I do that politely?
why is dating more complicated than differential equations?
Please help me (38F) figure out what is going on in my marriage with a husband (47M) who seems somewhat delusional.
We've been married 2 years after a whirlwind courtship. We got married in the "honeymoon" phase (woops) and now a lot of issues are surfacing. This is my 2nd marriage and I don't want it to end in divorce. Husband told me from beginning he is very into open and honest talking, and talking through all problems before they fester. I am on board with that. I have tried through our marriage to talk things out. To my surprise, he apparently doesn't like to talk things out or even acknowledge when there is a problem. I keep telling him very plainly when something is wrong. For example, he is awful with the budget. I tell him why this is an issue, how it is an issue and how it can be fixed. He then will just try to ignore this issue by telling me "everything is ok" (yeah, but no it isn't) and talk about something else. Later he will feign ignorance and act like I never mentioned it. AND he will try to say that I am bad at the budget, but cannot say how (no, no I'm not). It is maddening and it happens with several issues. If I really push the issue and get very upset, he will tell me OKAY I'LL FIX IT! But he doesn't. So I'm completely at a standstill knowing how to deal with our problems. He seems to deflect taking any responsibility by pretending to "forget" what I've told him, or by projecting it onto me. And in the end I'm beginning to doubt my own sanity! The strangest thing about all this is his open and honest communication in the beginning was what drew me to him! After my last marriage (constant stonewalling) I felt like I hit the jackpot.
Husband dodges all our issues by forgetting them or blaming me.
[24F] with my boyfriend [22 M] of 2 years.. broken up. time to write a love letter.
FIRST TIME REDDIT POST! My boyfriend of 2 years recently told me he wanted to break up and move out. The relationship has been rocky for 3 months and though we've been trying to work on things, he told me he should feel better by now and thinks there is no hope left for us. This my dear redditors has crushed me to a million little pieces of broken matter. We have a dog together and our lease is up at the end of January. We have chosen to live together for the next 2 weeks to help each other out with rent. We share the same bed, he tells me he loves me and acts like nothing happened. He refuses to give us another try. Last night we had very passionate sex and i asked him how it could be over when we still act like we're in love... he couldn't respond. I'm 90% sure there is no one else, he comes straight home after work ( we work together, how fucking fantastic right?)
I called out of work for the next 4 days and got a hotel room for the next 2 nights. I haven't told him any of this. As of now, I'm writing him a letter to leave for him to read after work expressing my thoughts and disappointments of his promises to me. I'm a scorned woman, its the only way we tend to feel better!. I would love more than anything to rekindle this horror story. Please.. advice.. on my letter. on my love life. Im a hot mess and any input would help me feel less alone in this shitty chapter of my life.
Reddit, please help me understand the fascination with Star Wars, especially when it's coming from younger people.
This is aimed at people 30ish and younger. I'm mid-20s, geeky and in tune with pop culture. I've seen all Star Wars movies multiple times, and enjoyed them. And I understand why it was such a big deal in the 70s and 80s and why older co-workers go on and on about it. The technology was groundbreaking at the time. But I found the story pretty average, acting hollow, characters not at all developed and dialogues lame. So why is it still so big today? There are so many newer movies/TV shows that are as good (if not better) and technologically brilliant which people don't give as much credit to. The Matrix trilogy, Terminator series, LOTR, Jurassic Park and Avatar to name a few. *Battlestar Galactica*, for heaven's sake. How can someone prefer Star Wars over *that*? And yet, we still have everyone and their mothers reference Star Wars in every setting to gain some geek credit. Still have multiple Star Wars themed Superbowl commercials every year. *Why?* So next time you see a friend dress up as Vader or a storm trooper for Halloween, or engage in some princess Leia cosplay, kindly ask them about it.
Why is our generation fascinated with Star Wars, even though we weren't part of the phenomenon 30 years ago? Why don't we have an equivalent pop culture landmark for our time.
Hey reddit, have you ever over reacted with revenge? I'll start.
Basically what happened is, I went through my daily internet schedule (check Facebook, twitter, email, etc). But when I got to checking my email I found that someone had hacked my email account and send spam to half my contacts (not spoof my account actually hacked). This is the procedure I took: 1) Found out the IP of where this email was sent from. 2) Traced the IP's physical location (somewhere in Taiwan). 3) Found out some more info with whois such as email address and name. 4) Tried using LOIC to DDOS attack, didn't think it worked so I just signed up the email for some christian mailing lists (among other things that annoy people eg. Performance enhancing drugs ;D) Haven't been hacked all day so I'm guessing they got the message. Have you guys over reacted with revenge.
Got email account hacked, flooded hacker's email address with 10x the amount of spam being sent from my email
Should I call the cops on my thief friend?
Last year was my final year at high school; and while it was a pretty decent finish, I got really fucked over by a friend. I went to a reasonably rich private school, but despite having its own upstairs cafe, the food was horrible and overpriced. At this point, some of my friends were getting their driving licenses, and would drive to fast food places to get their own lunches. My dad would give me his debit card to buy food since he couldn't always give me cash. I was stupid enough to lend the debit card to a friend so he could buy me lunch. I gave him the number and account and he'd bring the food+card back within 10 minutes. But one day my dad was going through the bank statements and he noticed someone had taken out over $1000 at the local mall. Guess who? Yeah. My parents made me give them my friend's phone number and they texted him, saying they were going to call his parents and the police if he didn't pay it back. He owned up and said it was because he owed a friend a lot of money. Pathetic excuse. He also said he was going to pay them back ASAP. Well, six months later, not a single cent out of him. Should I call the police?
friend stole $1000 from my parents' bank account, hasn't paid back in six months, should I call the cops?
[19M] Best looking girl at my prom glanced at me the whole time. Why would she stare at me?
I had my prom maybe a week ago. There was this girl I've never seen in my life, but she had to be the best looking girl that night. She looked like she was 25 (but she's 18 or 19), absolute 10/10. Anyway, throughout the night she kept looking at me, making eye contact. At first she would just glance, but later on we made a few eye contacts for several seconds. Yesterday, we were taking final tests in school. All classes were there. I was one of the last people who finished and when I looked up, there she was staring at me. Note that I'm an average looking guy. I look kinda different (wouldn't say weird), a lot like Alex Turner (same hairstyle), some people think I'm a mobster. I kept low profile in high school so I knew pretty much nobody and nobody knew for me. Honestly, I don't know what would attract her to me. I'll be realistic here! What I lack in looks, I make up for my charisma, but I never even talked to her! Why would a girl stare at someone like that?
Reasons why a girl would stare at a guy? Attraction, curiosity?
I (22 M) asked out a girl (21 F) who I've known for like 3 years and she hasn't answered for almost a week!
So I'm new to reddit, yeah big shock but yeah.... Basically I asked out a girl 3 months ago and she kinda friend zoned me then, but recently we've been getting closer to the point where we're kinda like a couple at times. she's told me she's started to like me and the other day I kinda asked her to be my girlfriend. btw she's never been in a relationship before and recently another close friend of hers confessed to her as well. He knew how close we were and isn't gunna pursue it, but honestly at times I think she might like him but doesn't know it herself.... Anyways it's been nearly a week and she hasn't said yes or no. I really want to know and I've been thinking about just simply asking her again but I know that's a bit pushy and I don't want her to rush it..... any help? I can't really concentrate on much other than that!
asked a girl out almost a week ago, no reply so what should I do???
What are your favorite board/card games for 2+ people, Reddit?
My wife and I have started playing games at a local cafe, and discovered that there were many, *many* wonderful games that we'd never even heard of. We'd like to find more! (Ideally that work with only 2 players but that also support 5+.) Raised on standard game fare (Monopoly, Scrabble, Pictionary, Uno, etc.), we each got bored and switched to RPGs like AD&D, White Wolf games. (Vampire, Werewolf, etc.) But somewhere in between lies a realm of kick-ass games that don't take a huge investment of time to learn, yet are much more fun and interesting than most Parker Brothers/Hasbro games. Don't get us wrong; we still *like* our old boardgames. Heck, we played Uno last night, and Monopoly the day before that. But we're trying to find more... I don't know, variety, perhaps? Tongue-in-cheek games with in-jokes, crazy little loopholes and bizarre, yet functional game mechanics are *exactly* what we're looking for! Here are some examples of what we've discovered we like so far: * [Settlers of Catan]( * [Munchkin] (We *love* this one!) * [Fluxx]( * [Chez Geek]( * [Lunch Money] (Oh. My. *God*.) * [Falling] (*Man* I wish this game was still around!) * [Gloom]( We're trying to avoid collectible games like Magic: the Gathering, due to the sheer investment required. That said, games like Munchkin and Chez Geek that offer expansions are fine, so long as you don't have to buy them to continue enjoying the game.
We like weird or interesting games. What are your favorites?
Me [25 M] with my Girlfriend[29 F]3 years, Am I being irrational?
About a year ago my girlfriend moved out to move in with another man, I was devastated. She came to the house 2 months later. she came in and we talk and talked all day till finally we decided to try again under the understanding that I had 0 trust for her. for a long time everything was great she would call and let me know where she was if she was going to be out late or even invite me to join which was a big improvement over hiding it from me. Now things have gotten shady again shes beginning to leave details out like its nothing like certain people who will be at the bar when she goes. Still her alibi has always held up by Facebook posts and pictures but i shouldn't have to find out about that stuff by looking at Facebook right? i mean I don't even use that shit. so now she wants to go to this party which I have agreed to go to with her but she is planning on staying well after I leave(gotta work in the AM) we have had conversations about the things that still make me uncomfortable when she goes out, but anytime we talk about it I get met with an attitude like an angry attitude. so now here I am asking your opinion
My lady cheated on me a year ago and I still feel uncomfortable, is there anything I can do to make this stop and just be happy with her? the only thing keeping me from kicking her out is that I Love Her and want to be able to see through this but i'm getting tired of worriying
Me [25 M] with my "Friend" [21 F] "dating" for about a month, Not sure what our relationship is
I've been "seeing" this girl for about a month, we've been on a few dates she has slept at mine and I've slept over at hers. She seems to like me and I kinda like her too. We haven't explicitly said that we were a couple and I don't think I'm ready for that type of commitment anyway. I have been seeing and sleeping with other girls while still seeing this girl. I feel bad when I do but I also feel that we are not an official couple and I have never said that I wanted that type of relationship. Should I tell this girl what I've been doing? I wouldn't mind if she was doing the same thing...
Not sure what my relationship is with this girl, I don't want to hurt her feelings
Mother's employer giving her a hard time to take vacation days (FL) advice?
I posted this in r/legal but I thought I might get a better response here. My mother works at a small family owned pharmacy in Florida as a pharmacy technician . Whenever she requests to use her vacation days it is always a huge ordeal. Recently, my mom requested vacation days so she could be with my cousin who is coming from out of the country. The manager called her into the office and asked her to work weekends to make up for the days she is requesting. That is unacceptable, these are her paid vacation days that she hasn't used for the year. She declined and the manager insisted that she work at least half days on the days she is requesting. Throughout the year, every time my mother has requested to use her days she has been denied or the days have been rearranged in a way that is convenient for the manager and inconvenient for my mom because she is given no choice. Last year, it came to the point where they didn't allow her to take any days off and gave her a check for the remaining paid days off instead. Essentially they are not allowing her to take her time off and paying her for it instead without giving her a choice. I don't think this is ethical. I would like to know if there is anything that can be done or if this is even legal. There is no HR department in this company, all of the issues are handled by either the manager or the vice president (who are related).
Workplace not giving mom time off and paying her for it instead. Mother doesn't want this she wants her time off. We live in Florida. Is this legal?
Me [18F], still can not get over him [19M], and its been almost a year since i broke up with him.
This might be a bit of a rant but I really need some advice. So it has been almost a year since I decided to break up with him, we dated for a little over a year. A brief explanation of our relationship is that we were inseparable, and we knew everything about each other. He, had many issues. Depression, and I also believe he was bipolar. He did not get along with my family because he just got too nervous or worked up to talk with them when the opportunity presented itself. He would pull me into his world rather than me living in mine. We were at his house most of the time with his family. I loved his family and they seemed to like me too. I know i am only naming the bad stuff but we did have a lot of fun together and a lot of really great memories. Eventually, I could not handle all of the emotions. Since I have anxiety, our combination of issues was too heavy for me to handle. So i broke up with him. We got back together and broke up a total of three times. It had been almost a year and I have been really working on myself. I got a new job, I am at a great university and overall i am a lot happier. I also am taking prozac to help with my anxiety. For some reason I still can not move on. I am not sure why and it is so frustrating. I find myself looking on facebook to see if he posted anything i can see. Or if he unblocked me on twitter. I even go as far to look at his brothers band on youtube to see if he is in it. I know it is pathetic and I just want to let go. I am just not sure how.
Can not seem to figure out how to move on, advice please!
TIFU by trying to impress my girlfriend
So my girlfriend is on a two week vacation, and I wanted to really spice things up with her when she gets back. I've been sending her provocative messages, calling her just because, and most notably I've started going to the gym again because I want her to be impressed with my super toned Bruce Wayne body. It was going great until I hit back day and I decided to do deadlifts. I noticed a slight tightness in my lower back near my hip, but I ignored it because gains. I keep doing my sets and tightness turns into pain. But why stop, because gains. I wake up the next morning and I can barely bend over. I then was walking hunched over like an old man wondering if I should see a chiropractor.
I wanted to impress my girlfriend so I went to the gym and hurt my back doing deadlifts because I ignored an unusual pain and had to walk like the hunchback of Notre freaking Dame
How do I keep my dog from running away?
Fellow Bacon-lovers, I need your help. I rescued a dog from a local shelter about 5 or 6 months ago, here he is making his [derp face] His papers listed him as part Golden Retriever, part Australian Shepherd and he's now about 10 months old. He settled in as a member of the family, my wife and three kids love him to death. Unfortunately he has a nasty habit of darting out of the door or gate if given the opportunity, even pushing past me or the kids a few times. And when he gets out, he's gone. He's disappeared for a couple days at a time, though I think that was mostly because the people who found him wanted to keep him. He doesn't appear to go very far when he gets out, but we live in a pretty dense suburban area and we've never been able to find him before it gets too dark to continue looking. He seems to have a pretty high prey instinct; he tries to chase rabbits and birds when we go on walks. He's also highly energetic, we walk him at least once a day, sometimes more, as well as trips to the dog park as often as we can. I've even purchased a Walky Dog bike leash for him that I've used a few times. I'm not sure that we can commit to any more activities with him with our busy schedule. So, has anyone else experienced this, or have any suggestions for how to keep him from running out every chance he gets? I'm worried one of these times he'll get into a major road and get hit by a car. We're currently considering: * Obedience classes (expensive and I'm not convinced will solve the issue) * Invisible dog fence (expensive) * Shock Collar (eeesh) * Giving him away (awwwww) As a rule I'm against causing any harm to him, but when it's a choice between him getting hit by a car, or some Pavlovian love, I may have to break that rule.
Our dog runs out the door or gate at almost every opportunity, and we need to teach him not to before he's hit by a car.
Me [19F] with my [21 M] one year, boyfriend wants to stay a virgin.
We're planning on getting married in the next two years. I love him dearly. As of recent we seem to have one issue: he wants to stay a virgin. I'm so confused. He likes to mess around and tell me everything he has planned for me physically. He recently announced that he's against anything that would cause the other person to finish. (I didn't see that coming after everything else.) It drives me crazy because he has no problem messing around and telling me the things above, but every now and then makes sure to tell me that he's waiting until we get married. Recently I suggested we cut out the physical aspect of our relationship as to not compromise his views. He got annoyed and accused of dating him just so I could sleep with him. Um, okay? Wth? (Is this what a guy feel like?) I'm still a virgin (in all meanings of the word). Hell, I was skittish about the idea of intimacy before he eased me out of it. I like the idea of being closer to him. It's not that I just really have this undying desire to sleep with someone. I only want it to be with people I truly love and care for. I'm usually considered pretty. In fact he was surprised that I wanted to date him because he considers me his ideal- physically, intellectually, emotionally, ect. - So that rules a reason not to. Am I being a jerk or a creep?
Boyfriend wants to stay a virgin, but push the enevlope/ Am I being a jerk?!
I [19/f] am obsessed with being in relationships. Help?
So I am a 19 year old female and I absolutely love relationships. Don't get me wrong my self worth does not depend on being with someone and I don't like them because they boost my self esteem. I like the consistency of it more than anything, cuddling, kissing, etc. I am happy when I'm alone but being with someone gives me a completely different feeling, almost euphoric. I haven't been fully single for longer than two months for the past four years and I think that has caused me to become obsessed. Is there any way I can get over this obsession?
Obsessed with being in a relationship. Need tips to get out of it
GF [18F] of 2 years is pissed at me [20 M] for asking my house mate [20 M] something related to his new fwb
Just going to get straight to the point. My girlfriend and I were talking to a room-mate who recently got into a Fwb relationship. I asked whether they have sexted and whether they have sent nudes to each other (fwb). Now my girlfriend is in a strop and I'm not sure if I'm in the wrong or not. I had no intentions to hurt her feelings nor did I have intentions to see the nudes myself. I just considered it small talk. Am I wrong?
asked my house mate if he has sent nudes to his new fwb and whether they sext and gf is now angry. Am I wrong?
TIFU by telling my boyfriend I cheated on him.
This happened a few months ago but another post here triggered my memory so I thought I would share. My boyfriend is in the army and he's gone all but 4 weeks out of the year. This type of situation is entirely new to me and I was pretty surprised when I first found myself wanting to be in a LDR. Anyway... He was doing army stuff "in the field" (I still have no idea what that means) and was having to stay up for all hours of the night. At this point, he had been out there about a week and was sleeping anywhere from 1-4 hours a day in small intervals. We texted when he had time and conversation helped keep him awake when things got boring. The fuck up happened around 5 in the morning after he'd been fighting sleep for at least 4 hours. He started texting me that he almost fell asleep and something about how he'd like it if I helped keep him up. Me, not thinking because it was 4 am where I live, had the brilliant idea of texting him, "Lol. I almost thought about texting you that I cheated on you or something." At the time, I thought that would shock him awake and we'd have a good laugh. However, he didn't see my clearly misplaced humor and I got the lecture of a lifetime. "Why would you say that?!?! I thought I'd get a funny picture or we could sext!" was his completely understandable response. I then spent a solid 2 hours telling him I was joking around and would rather beat myself with a sack full of feisty weasels than cheat on him. He told a few of his friends once they woke up and they mostly (and rightfully) think I'm loonier than the Animaniacs for texting that. I did manage to keep him awake, though.
Brainless girlfriend is not a comedian and texts boyfriend a "joke" about cheating on him, boyfriend is a smart man and blows my shit up like a terrorist at a journalism office.
I [21/m] need some really quick advice to help me with a girl [23/f] I am dating
I have known this girl for about 4-5 months and was seeing her for the first 2 months. 3 months in she decided we should only be friends. The reason for that was because I wasn't making any moves on her and she felt like she was more of a friend rather than in a relationship with me. Long story short, we're dating again because she still really likes me. The problem for me is that I still made no moves on her. I took her to my company party, stayed at her house, slept in her bed and never even attempted to kiss her. Sure I held her hand a bit but at the end of the day I am inexperienced when it comes to making physical contact. It would be great to get some advice on how to make physical contact easier for someone who doesn't know how to initiate it. My second thing is, would it be weird if the next time I saw her I made a sudden kiss on her? I'm sure she'd be receptive to it but not sure if doing it suddenly is the right move. I need to do something soon or i'll fail again. Thanks, reddit.
Just read the last paragraph :D
Me [22 F] with my boyfriend [32 M] of 6 months, started dating very soon after his breakup.
My boyfriend and I started having casual sex six weeks after his breakup with his girlfriend of two years. We started dating officially about a month later. We're both finishing college the with in the next year and a half and we will probably both be moving to follow our careers. We talked about it and come to the consensus that we'll breakup and go our separate ways at that time. Since then I've developed some very strong feelings for him. In fact, I would say I've been in love for about a month now. He is very intelligent, funny and caring and someone I could see developing a more serious relationship with. I don't think he feels the same about me though. I pretty sure he still has feelings for his ex. I'm not sure if I should tell him how I feel or if it's too irrelevant to bring up. I'm not very good at expressing emotions. I don't want him to suddenly feel like he is in a situation he doesn't want to be in. Any advice?
I have a very casual relationship with my boyfriend who broke up with his ex two and half months before we were dating. I love him but am not sure if I should tell him, since I don't believe the feeling is reciprocated. Advice?
TIFU by getting a job
So, I am a troll. I love pranks and jokes. However. Today I got a job as an IT tech support at a medium sized company. The first thing, after installing adobe reader of course, was receive complaints about the slow internet speed. I told my boss, it's because we're up on the 20th floor, the downloads are slow because of gravity. The closer we are to the ground, the faster the internet will be. Thinking I would score brownie points for having a sense of humour, the boss nodded and dismissed me. Two dates later, I heard the rest of the IT staff were fired, a bunch of people laid off and they kept me, for my 'genius'. The entire company sold the building and moved to the ground floor. Needless to say, since they fired the IT staff who downloaded all day, the servers were free, and the internet sped up drastically.
I relocated a company and got a bunch of people fired.
Reddit, I need some opinions on a big life changer for me.
I have a best friend in Edmonton, AB. I plan on visiting him this may long weekend, I also have a extremely pretty and talented female friend from my hometown here in Winnipeg, MB out in Nanaimo, BC. We got talking today and she wants to see me badly enough to come out to Edmonton this weekend while I'm out there. Me and her have talked many times before about me moving out to her and staying with her and starting a new chapter in my life, much like she did. Well we got talking and I let it slip that I would consider canceling my return flight home and just continuing the journey back with her! Which is something I'm totally down to do...I have a few set backs, barely no cash in the bank, all my stuff here in Winnipeg, MB and I've never done something like this before!! I like this girl and I can tell she likes me (clearly) so, What do you guys think??? last second ditch of my current life to pursue this with her out in beautiful BC after visiting my BFF in Edmonton??? Its seriously a big crazy idea that I kinda want to do, but do you guys see this going over well???? please and thanks for the responses.
Do I ditch my life I have with barely any money and travel/hike it back from Edmonton to BC with a girl who is cooler then shit and I like?
TIFU by pushing my kids into a pond
This happened about 20 mins ago. My family and I just moved to a new home about 2 months ago into a nice subdivision. Our neighbor has an overflow drain pond in the corner of his back yard. Both of us have basements so there is a nice slope from the front to the back yard between our homes. It is snowing on the East Coast and I'm in NC. My kids don't see snow often and wanted to go play in it. They are 7 and 2, both boys. Coming from the north east previously, I used to snowboard quite a bit and thought it would be fun to let them use my board as a makeshift sled. So I sent them down the slope from front to back yard several times and they had a blast. On the 4th trip though, something changed. Their momentum was a little slower at the start this time so my oldest decided to push off with his hands. Sure enough they started down the hill, but the board started drifting to the right, then TURNED to the right. Now the pond is far enough off that had they simply went down they would not have had the momentum to continue anywhere near the pond. But turning to the right caused them to hit a different slope that sped them up even more until finally...SPLASH. They and my board are now in the pond. I rushed to them, slipping and sliding the entire way to pick them out. It's a shallow pond, maybe 2 ft tops, but they were soaked. So yeah, dads actions cut the fun in the snow short. My wife has been giving me this 'look' since we got in.
Let kids use my snowboard as a sled and accidentally sent them into a pond.
I JUST gained ownership of this what the hell do I do?
[] [NSFW] Long story short, I now own this of tonight. Still some domain transferring that needs to be done and of course a lot of work with the layout and categorization changes. I have ZERO website/html knowledge.....other than a course I took in 7th grade. The site itself is very new, which is why there are no third party ads yet and the site is so simple. I have one friend I might contact soon to help me with the programming/layout....but I don't know if he'll charge or not. Got the website from cheaper than their listing prices though. Hosting is $12/month through cPanel X and it uses Joomla for the administrator configuration and organization. A) Would it be cost efficient to transfer the hosting to something better and cheaper...even after transfer fee is taken into account? B) suggestions for the layout? I definitely know I want to reorder the left side column and make everything look more dashing...and better constructed. What about how the subcategories are broken down? C) Change the name of the website? D) Any really good online website manuals to guide me a bit more through th process? E) Any other suggestions? F) Am I screwing myself over? Thanks.
I just bought a website and am very clueless...tell me everything I need to know.*
TIFU by not talking to a beautiful girl / angel
this just happened a few hours ago. i was in a store to buy something and it was incredibly hot, so i was sweating like hell. a girl was staying in front of me in the queue and she was watching me all the time! okay maybe she wasnt watching me, but she was watching the advertisements right next to me.. but you could clearly see that she wasnt really interested in the advertisements, because she always looked at me and looked away again and had a little cute smile.. god i would love to see her smile again.. you cant believe how beautiful and cute her red lips were.. and her blond hair was so fluffy like swanfeathers.. she did even let me in front of her because i didnt had a lot of stuff so i dont have to wait in line. dont get me wrong. im good at talking to girls and having a small talk.. but it was so hot and i were so sweaty.. i just couldnt open my mouth and talk to her because i thought i smell like hell and sweaty all over my body.. so i didnt talk to her.. yeah i am an idiot.
beautiful girl wanted me to talk to her, but thought i am to sweaty to talk to her.
Scared as hell about sex with older boyfriend, how to deal?
I'm new btw! I'll try to summarize this as much as possible. I've been seeing a guy older guy for the last 3 months and a bit. We have been exclusively dating for almost a month. Recently he is wanting to have sex, he has mentioned it before a lot and I always said I only have sex when I'm in relationships. Now we are, and I'm scared as fuck. I love being his girlfriend, don't get me wrong. However, sex makes me scared. There are variables to this though. (we have an 8year ish age gap, I'm fine with this and so is he, I'm legally able to consent in Canada so its fine.) about a year and a half ago when I just turned 16 I was forced into sex by someone older, that traumatized me to an extent. Other than him, I had a long term boyfriend for about a year and a half. I've had two sexual partners. My current boyfriend has had quite a lot, due to the age gap(he is in his mid 20s) I need to get over it. I also, have a hard time coming to terms with me being sexual, I feel like I want to sleep with him, but when it comes to it I want to cry and get extremely scared. I know he has waited for awhile, and he is loyal as hell to me, however I can't shake the fact I'm scared. I want to wait a bit longer but I don't know how to go about it, I don't want to be this way forever and how can I ease up to the idea of sex with my older boyfriend without feeling scared or used?
my older boyfriend wants to have sex with me cause he says that its what normal couples do etc, I'm too scared because of my past dealing with sexual abuse and forced sex, how do I get over it or maybe talk about it?
My boyfriend [19/M] is too rough during sex [20/M]
well, we tried having sex. It hurt. He did me from behind and it plain and simple hurt. he went way too fast, and was just far too rough. I told him "Dude you fucking hurt me. You're too rough man", and he just tells me to stop being a baby that he goes faster for women and they don't complain. He tells me that he wasn't even going that fast, nor could he finish. I want to believe him, but, I'm not sure. I've never had sex with a man, and y'know maybe size is a problem? He's too big maybe? Idk, all I know is sex should not be painful.
My b/f is too rough during sex.
Best friend (25 M) had unrequited feelings for me (25 F) for a year. He moved on and now I have feelings for him.
My best friend had feelings for me for over a year, which I was unaware of at the time because he never made a move. Well, I suspected a couple of times that he might have a small crush on me, but tried to avoid it due to a past relationship with a best friend ending poorly. Once I entered into a long term relationship with someone else, he stopped talking to me. I partially blame myself for losing contact because I was busy with a new relationship, school, and work. Also, a while later a couple of friends told me that he had feelings for me during that period and thought I knew. I didn't have much dating experience at the time and am a very friendly person (often confused for flirting) so I had a hard time recognizing subtle hints. I ended my first long term relationship due to my SO not having certain qualities that I now realize are important to me. I am now realizing that my friend has all of those qualities, however he is in a relationship with someone else. I initially thought he was in a happy relationship and tried to keep my distance because I wanted him to be happy. However, I work with him and he occasionally describes how unhealthy his relationship is and has tried to break up with her a couple of times. We are not nearly as close as we used to be and I really miss our friendship, but can't tell if he isn't hanging out with me anymore because his GF is jealous of his female friends or if he just doesn't care to be my friend anymore. He has asked me for advice on his relationship, which I try to avoid commenting on because I know my opinion is biased and wouldn't want to influence his relationship. I don't know if I should keep waiting around, if I should somehow distance myself more from him, or tell him I have feelings for him (which seems like a bad idea).
Best friend, who I work with, used to have feelings for me, moved on, now I have feelings for him. He appears to be in an unhealthy relationship.
Reddit, I was sitting next to the guy who tried to commit suicide by jumping into the tiger pen at the Bronx Zoo. How can I help my family move on?
Sorry if this is a little long -- My boyfriend and I decided to take our daughter and my brother to the Bronx Zoo for a family outing this morning. On the way out we decided to walk across the park to go back and go on the monorail since elephants (one of our favorites) arent located anywhere else. After finding seats on the last cart with another couple a guy jumped in last second and we looked but thought nothing of it. The first few exhibits were fine until we got to the tiger exhibit. All of the sudden we the cart started shaking and I looked around to see what was happening just to turn and see the man who jumped on last second jumping off of the monorail into the tiger area. Everyone immediately began screaming including my autistic brother and two year old child. The tiger immediately went after the man who didn't even try to break his fall and all we heard as the monorail was moving away was him screaming. Needless to say we left the park immediately and spent the ride home in silence. <b>
</b> We were on the Bronx Zoo monorail when the man next to us tried to commit suicide. I feel like my boyfriend and I will be alright but how do I help my autistic brother and my now terrified two year old. Any advice is appreciated.
Me [43 M] broke up with GF [44 F] after 6 months, because she wasn't hot enough. Am I an idiot?
I dated this girl for 6 months and she is a sweetheart. I think the relationship had long term potential. I recently broke up with her because I want someone more attractive. I married very young and didn't think things through and that led to divorce. Now I am hyper sensitive to who I want for fear of not making another mistake. I settled in a big way the first go around as we really were different types of people. I don't think I should settle again. BUT.....I am 42 and I've heard good relationships don't come along all that often. Eventually we both will grow older and not look as attractive. So the question is, am I making a big mistake? I miss talking to her. I am wondering how she is doing (she didn't take it so well). I really do care about her.
Broke up with GF because she wasn't attractive enough; Am I making a big mistake?
I [24 F] found out a guy I was dating [27 m] was cheating on his girlfriend with me
I dated a guy briefly a few years back in college. It was really casual and we saw other people. I'm connected on a few social media networks with him, so we talk occasionally and I know he has had a girlfriend for a while now. Anyway, his girlfriend posts this long thing about how happy she is with him and they are celebrating 6 years together. Thing is, we dated 3 years ago... I feel really bad for the girl. She is likely clueless. To make things worse, he mentioned to me after we stopped dating that he felt he could never really love someone and had never been in love. He has been stringing this girl along for 6 years. I want to say something to him or her, but I feel like it's not my place.
guy I had a fling with was cheating on his girlfriend
I[18M] heard something extremely unsettling about SO of one month[19F]
I've been seeing this girl from work (restaurant, if it matters. Refer to her as C) for around two'ish months now, dating for around one. We don't tell most people from work that we're dating just to avoid problems, as some other people we work with have had issues recently and its been a real shitstorm. The people we hang out with outside of work know, as well as four or so more people. Its been great so far, we hang out a lot, get along, etc etc, but before we started dating, and soon after we started, one of her good friends(also works with us, so we're cool as well) mentioned that he didn't like how much she was talking to her ex. I don't know the guy, but evidently hes a real shit bag, her parents hated him, all of her friends hated him, you get the gist of it. At first, I just shrugged it off, even though it bothered me; I'm not going to tell her who she can or can't talk to, as we aren't too serious and at the moment I didn't really know where the relationship was going. Another coworker, N, who I trust, told me that C had been talking with one of her friends about her ex, and that friend had come to her. The friend asked if she was still talking to the ex, to which she replied, "Well, I shouldn't..," the friend asked if she would be getting back together with him when he gets back in town, with the same answer. This bothers me, like a lot. Took a little while to realize how not okay I actually am with this, and just basically need some advice or insight. I'm definitely going to say something about it, and I already thought about just breaking it off. I know this sounds like some high school he said she said shit, but the story flows a little bit better if you know the people.
Girl says that she "Shouldn't" be talking to, or get back together with her shit head ex, that she apparently still talks to. Should I just break it off now?
Me [27 M] with my girlfriend [29 F], together 5 months, she's too attached to her traditional parents
First time posting here, but I'm so tired of this situation so I need some advice. I'm also not an english speaker so sorry in advance. Me (27) and my girlfriend (29) are together for about 5 months but we know each other for 8 months. Everything's going great so far apart from one thing - her parents. My girl is very attached to them - she has epilepsy and they've grown very close over the years of treatment and hard times. She also still lives with them (she doesn't have a great financial situation). They're extremely traditional and religious (they're catholic). She is my first girlfriend and I'm her first boyfriend. We are both virgins. We went on vacation few times, her parents had some objections concerning us sleeping together in one bed, but we did it anyway. I should probably point out that we have non-penetrative sex very often, but no penetrative sex yet, although we're starting to talk about it. We love each other very much. And now, the problem: I've asked her to stay over at my house for the night. No particular reason, I just thought it would be nice to sleep in one bed and spend a nice, romantic evening. She immediately answered "Sure!" and everything was good to go. Even her parents told her yesterday that although they don't approve of this, she can go if she wants, "it's your life" they said. She was literally about to leave right now when they told her that she can't go, and that she can only spend the night at my house when we'll be married. So now she can't go, her parents are furious, I'm pissed off, and she's probably crying. I don't know, am I being the weird one here by being so annoyed by this? I mean... she's 29 years old for crying out loud, how on earth is it possible that her parents are controlling her like she's a teenager?! I'm really pissed off and tired of this situation, I want to date a normal, adult woman, but sometimes I feel like I'm an adult dating a 15 year old girl and we have to ask permission to share a bed.
Parents of my 29 year old girlfriend don't allow her to sleep at my house.
My girlfriend (22f) always dresses like crap when she visits me at work (24m) but dresses nice everywhere else
So my girlfriend of 3 years visits me at work every once in a while whether it's to drop off some lunch, pick up something, have me sign something for an errand etc. But it seems like every time she comes into my work she is dressed like she would be walking around the house. She will wear an old hat, big puffy ski jacket, slippers, old jeans etc. Later that day we will go to the grocery store and she will change completely. She will throw on some nice jeans, a fashionable jacket, nice stylish boots, nice shirt etc. I'm sure it sounds like I'm embarrassed...well maybe I am. She is beautiful no matter what. Is it so wrong that I want all my co-workers to see how gorgeous she is on a daily basis? Is she testing me or something?
girl dresses weird when she visits at work but nice everywhere else
[18 M] letter to my ex [17 G] to get her back?
throwaway cus friends know my reddit, So basically me and my girlfriend of 7 months broke up a few weeks ago in a pretty messy breakup but now I want her back, I've expressed this to her and she says that for now she just wants to be friends but that her feelings towards me may change in the future. I believe there is a chance of us getting back together but whether that's just wishful thinking or not I don't know. So we've been chatting recently and its its sorta friendly but also just how we used to talk when we were going out, really playful and jokey and I was just wondering what i could do to increase the chances of us getting back together, I might stop contact between us for a bit to see what happens but apart from that I'm not sure what to do. I'm considering writing a letter to her in a couple more weeks basically saying that I'm sorry for what I did (i was a dick to her towards the end of the relationship, I didn't mean to it was a mistake but hey-ho) and that i hope she can give me a second chance. I can't decide whether this would be really creepy instead of romantic and whether it would just push her further away. So yeah just sorta looking for general advice on what I can do to get her back and whether I should send the letter or not
broke up with GF, want her back, what can I do to increase my chances + should I send her a letter?
Question about properly logging calories burned/exercise
So, stay with me here. I put my HR monitor on and measured the amount of calories I burned while just sitting in front of the TV and it said I burned around 80 - 100 cal in an hour. I then used my HR monitor for a half hour jog and multiplied it by 2 giving me a total of around 300 cal/hr. If MFP already takes into account my resting calories burned to give me my daily goal, does that mean I should be subtracting my resting rate from my calories burned during a workout? Sorry, this is harder for me to explain in writing, but essentially, if my HR monitor says I burned 300 calories in an hour, shouldn't I subtract the 100 I would have burned doing nothing (as MFP has already counted those calories burned) and only log the additional 200 calories burned?
Should I subtract the amount of calories I would have burned at rest from the amount of calories my HR monitor says I burned during a work out to prevent overestimating my calories expended?
Overcoming fear of hunger?
I grew up in a neglectful home and then foster care. We would go weeks with no food in the house because my mother has a mental illness which makes it hard for her to function normally and sometimes makes her delusional. Before we went into foster care we would steal food at school or at home eat whatever we could find - leaves dragged in on shoes, cushion stuffing, anything. When we went into foster care I started keeping a stash, always. I have loads of food hidden away in my home still just in case. Hunger terrifies me in a way which just isn't rational anymore. I binge eat when I'm stressed and as you would expect have made myself very fat. and I hate it. I am trying to lose weight but finding it really hard. I start getting hungry and getting anxious and all I want to do is lock myself away and eat until I vomit. I can keep it up for a few days but start feeling sick and can't sleep or concentrate at work and then fail again. I'm on anti anxiety medication and used to have therapy which helped a lot with almost everything. The only tick left is food. Has anyone had similar problems and got over it? I just can't work out how to make myself better. I hope this isn't violating the posting rules. I suppose it would be most similar to a day1 post but is sort of pre-day 1. Thanks for anyone who can offer any advice.
hunger frightens me - how do you get over it?
[20/M] need advice with girlfriend [19/f] of 3 years
Recently I have been questioning what I should do in my relationship. We both love each other and I know she would be an amazing woman to be with for the rest of my life. But i don't know what to do about some issues that I have. One of those issues is that I don't get to see her as often as I'd like to. We only see each other once a week for around 5-6 hours and this is the way it's practically been throughout our relationship. It has made it feel almost boring in a sense. And when we do see each other its always the same things we do every time. Another issue I have is that we have never have had sex. We are both virgins and the urge to experience it just keeps growing for me. But I know that she is completely fine without it. We have touched each other as well as oral but even then I don't feel like these occur as often as I'd like. We don't talk about anything sex related because it feels awkward for her. And even bringing up the idea will just be instantly shot down. I really do love her to death but I am unsure of what to do. Any help?
Starting to question the quality of my relationship. Love each other but only meet once a week, no sex, relationship feels like the same routine over and over.
Pregnant and confused
I'm 19 and in college. My boyfriend is 22 and is in school also. I just found out I was pregnant a few weeks ago. We've been together for almost 2 years but since we're still in school and have no jobs, no money and nothing to show for ourselves, we know a baby would be a burden right now. I was on birth control and thought I got pregnant when I came off of birth control but I have a hormonal disorder and things just get out of whack. I go in for my first day abortion appointment and they tell me in 14 weeks!!! My heart dropped. I had my mind set on the abortion until I realised how far along I am and I just don't feel comfortable terminating anymore. My boyfriend doesn't realize how far along I am and how much a abortion could hurt me. He says we have experienced anything yet which is true. Financially a baby would be the dumbest thing I could do right now. I'm only 19 and I have so much to live for I know a baby would make everything 100x more difficult than it already is. Our parents support my decision but just bc its there doesn't mean I should take it. I've never had to make a decision like this before so yeah.. Take the anti abortion mumbo jumbo elsewhere. Thnx C&P
far along into pregnancy second guessing everything
TIFU by taking a shower!
So a few years back I was living with my aunt and my cousin in a three bed two bath house, I shared a bathroom with my my cousin who is a girl and I'm a guy, but on this particular day my cousin was using the bathroom at the same time I needed to use it, I knew that I was going to have to wait forever when I heard her starting to sing in the shower, so I thought, hey I guess I could just use my aunts shower to get ready real fast, I mean shit we have two bathrooms why not use em, right? So I get naked,turn on the water and jump in my aunts shower, and seeing as I don't have my regular shampoo and cleaning liquids I start going over my aunts extensive selection, now I realize that there is just to much to choose from and just pick a bottle that says Veet on it and begin to apply it to my head, I rub it in well and good, then I start rubbing it all over the rest of my body, after a while I start smelling this really strong sulfur smell, I start panicking trying to find out where the smell is coming from, when all of a sudden my head starts itching like crazy, I realize something is really wrong, and start washing the shampoo( or that's what I thought it was) out of my hair, only to have chunks of my hair start to fall out, I'm freaking out now, crying as I'm watching my hair fall out more and more, and also all the hair on the rest of my body is falling out as I wash everything out, after I got it all out and dried off, I got the bottle of Veet and read that it's actually hair remover, FML!
Living with women, didn't read what I put in my hair(hair remover), now I'm bald!
[19 M] I never learned any basics of romantic interaction growing up and now I'm trying to learn from the ground up. So far I've not been successful.
Basically I was always awkward as a kid but later in life I came out of my shell and now I am able to function normally im society. However, where most guys had their first "girlfriends" and stuff in middle school, I have never dated on any level ever. As such, I have absolutely zero experience with anything remotely romantic and I have no idea how to pick up on hints, make a move, or even give/ask for phone numbers. It's all very foreign to me and I will talk to a girl and think she's pretty cool and that I'd love to talk to her more, but then that's it. I don't think to like ask her for her number or anything until I am thinking about it later and I realize how dumb I am. Is there any way to get better at this stuff? I know part of it is confidence, but a lot of it is also how I don't even consider romance until afterwards when I am feeling bad about myself for how lonely I am. I have had women flirt with me and me not realize it until afterwards many times and I am getting sick of just being so clueless.
I didn't have any experience with anything romantic as a teenager and now I am very awkward around it all and very inexperienced.
After two months of unemployment I got the job!
I took the fall for a fellow employee at my last job, that backfired, I got booted. C'est la vie Cut to me, depressed as shit, barely making the last months and this months rent. Constantly trying not to succumb to the comfort of the fetal position/Netflix. Ashamed to tell anyone that I was fired. Get some interviews. Thinking to myself, "Oh god, these aren't enough I need to have ALL the interviews." Then, descending from the heavens, comes the local travel agency/club interview. * **Good sign #1** - Offers me a better position than I originally applied for. Sales instead of secretary. * **Good sign #2** - interviewer told me the hours/pay were great for getting smashed on the weekends. * **Good sign #3** - Using all the tenses that are for someone you are going to work with. Saying "*when* I start" not "*if* I am chosen" * Best news ever! - She called less than an hour after the interview to tell me when to start! I'm so happy with myself. My short adult career has consisted of restaurant industry jobs and now I've finally made the next step in making an easier life for myself. I was worrying myself sick about becoming too depressed to help myself or becoming a recession horror story. Well no more! I stuck myself out there in a field that I wasn't sure would want me and made it. I would also like to say that I do know there are people who go far longer without jobs, lose everything, etc. This is just a personal victory for me and I wanted to share my excitement. Thanks for your time, here's [my pet rat, Bacon] as gratitude.
Just look at the title.
Me [25 M] seeing a girl [28 F] on and off since last year - she requires me to do all the travelling
I met a girl on OKC 6-7 months ago, and I've seen her maybe a grand total of 5-6 times. We live about 2.5 hours bus away from each other. The problem is, neither of us drives, and she has only come to see me in my city once. She claims that money has been an issue, but I've offered to pay for her ticket/expenses while hanging out with me. She has expressed that me paying for her clashes with her personal views. The problem is that my job has a shitty schedule so having 2.5 hrs of travel time each way makes things difficult, when I may only have 1-1.5 days off a week. I've always had the philosophy that someone who likes me will try and make the time for me. And she is currently unemployed, so time is not a factor for her. She seems to be into me otherwise. I've laid out the situation logically for her, but she's mostly just in a mental block regarding the issue of me paying for her. It makes me think that she's just super lazy to travel. Thoughts?
Girl is broke and doesn't want to travel as a result. I offer to remove the obstacle, girl gets weird.
I'm (22f) infatuated with a narcissist (22m) and I keep going back
I need to snap out of it. I've been trying to establish a relationship with a guy for over a year now. He wanted me to come meet him and work out a relationship. He won't visit, so it's all up to me to come there and see if we want to become official. He says he has school and work but I think it's just being lazy or I don't even know what. I've been doing some research as to why he acts the way he does. He has depression and uses it as an excuse for everything. I can't say or do anything to upset him. By that I mean call him out for lying, ignoring me, being rude. He says he can't feel anything for me because I'm not there with him but cares about me very much. I know he does. But it's like he cares about himself to a higher degree. He will literally ignore me for days and come back to ask me to visit so we can work something out. I asked him why he was doing all of this with me. He said because no one will care about him like I do. Basically put up with him like I do. And that he knows if I move on I will never love them like I love him. No way no how. He also makes comments about how beautiful I am. At the end of every conversation we have about it, it's "well you can either come here or it's done". Like I should be running there for someone so depressed they can't feel anything and seems completely self centered. But again, I keep talking to him. I'm initiating it. What is wrong with me? Please be kind. I'm fragile.
Need help breaking things off with someone who seems to be a narcissist
Nothing annoys me more than the sound of people smacking their lips, is there any socially acceptable way to ask people to stop?
Growing up my older brother smacked his lips like crazy every time he ate, and my dad has TMJ so his jaw clicks really bad when he eats. Both of these (as well as pretty much any "mouth sounds" like people trying to tongue food out of their teeth after eating) really got on my nerves to the point where sometimes I flat out refused to eat with my family. It sounds extreme, but it was really bad. I had a friend over for dinner once and he commented later that my family had terrible table manners and even he was really annoyed. Current day it still annoys me just as much, but I can tolerate it a little better depending on the situation. However, me and my girlfriend were drinking and we got a bag of chips to eat and she obliterated those things making the loudest crunching sounds and smacking her lips like crazy. I was almost too drunk to care but once I noticed it I couldn't take my focus off of it. I just said "Hey, do you think you could try to eat a little quieter?..." This resulted in an hour of ignoring me and eventually crying. D: Looking back, this happened before with a ex. I asked her as considerately as possible to try not to make so much noise while eating. She cried, got mad, confided in her sister, as if I had beaten her or something. So if these two people I'm so close with had their feelings crushed when I asked them nicely, is there any way to ask strangers to eat more quietly without being offensive? At my work's breakroom if someone's eating loudly I'll just go outside for a smoke or something. But what about a situation where you can't really leave, like if you're in class and the person behind you is chewing gum obnoxiously loud?
Sounds of people eating loudly drives me crazy, is there any way to ask them to stop without completely offending them?
I'm [22f] sleeping with my coworker [34m].....and he's married.
We've always been very friendly at work and on the same page about our interests inside and outside of work. Last month after a drunken night this escalated into a sexual relationship. We're maintaining the same fun friendly friendship while taking any chance to get in each others pants. I know this is wrong but I don't think I'm properly processing how bad this actually is. He has a wife and two kids. It's like I'm compartmentalizing the whole thing. I know this is going to end badly but I'm just not sure what to do..... I'd also like to note that I don't see myself as his "girlfriend" and I actually make it very clear to him there is no relationship past friendship. I don't know what's wrong with me
22F sleeping with older married coworker
Being bullied-What should I do without talking to a teacher?
So a few guys from my Intro to CAD class are being assholes and I don't want to let them push me around anymore. I'm really thinking of not holding myself back and punching a few of them next time they piss me off. I don't want to talk to a teacher because that wouldn't really help. They do little things like call me a freak, goth, emo, etc. (only because I like metal and just recently dyed my hair black after my previous hair color faded to start over...anyway) and tell me to shut up even if I'm just chatting with a friend. I never did anything to them before either. So, do any of you have advice on how to get them to leave me alone, whether it be causing a lot of damage physically (without injuring them too badly permanently) or telling them to f*** off in a more convincing way? Also, I'm a girl (freshman) and most of them are sophomores (most in sports, so they're big, too).
Guys in my class are being mean-- What's the best way to punch somebody and cause the most damage and/or get them to leave me alone?
TIFU a relationship by being absurdly busy
Alright, longtime lurker and first time poster so a little back story. I'm an insanely busy junior in high school and I'm in several extracurriculars, namely quiz bowl, robotics, and track. Back in early December I met this girl, we'll call her X, while at a quiz bowl tournament. We hit it off almost instantly, traded phone numbers in the biggest coincidence ever (to me at least), and then shortly thereafter we were unofficially dating. Skip forward to late January, we're pretty interested in each other. I finally get the balls to officially ask her out after forgetting several times before on the 8th of this monthmonth. My forgetfulness was attributed to me having such a great time with her that I forgot everything else. (I should mention we only see each other on weekends since she lives half an hour away and 2 hours away on holiday weekends, divorced parents) Alright so the other thing is I'm I'm robotics and we're currently at our peak of build season so I'm at school until 8 every night building the robot. Recently, since we're ahead of schedule, I've been coming home early. Track season's also getting into swing and as a result I'm busy every day of the week as well as several Saturdays. When I'm not doing any of these things I'm worrying about my college physics, trig, or assorted other assignments. This has gotten to the point I never get to talk to her anymore and she's disappointed with me more often than anything. Now I'm concerned that this is the end.
I like girl and she liked me in December. I'm really fucking busy and she probably hates me now for not having time for her.
My Mom[55 F] and my sister [17F] are always fighting and I don't like to be around the two when home.
Ever since my sister got her license, the two have had a deteriorating relationship. Sis likes to party, smoke weed and maybe sleeps around but I don't know for sure about that. She has lied about going to a friend's house or the mall, but actually went somewhere else. My sister held a party in the house while my mom was in Boston to run the marathon and I was in college. My mom has taken her car away before, but she's taken the keys back or just gone to dad's house (amicably divorced in 2010 I think). Sis graduated high school and has almost no responsibility except work. She fights with mom a lot over missing curfew, staying out too late, drugs, sneaking out, etc. They recently got into a shouting match because a box of college stuff was missing and she accused mom f moving it while mom screamed that she should look after her stuff. I'm tired of living in a house where every time sis comes home from work the two end up screaming. I'm tired of the incessant bickering. I feel like my mom isn't really handling the situation very well by trying to keep sister on a short chain, but sister is somewhat out of control. What can I do about this situation?
My mom and sister have started to get at each other's throats now that sister has graduated and I'm sick of dealing with it.
Advice on picking college?
Hi, I need help deciding on what college to go to. Out of the four UCs I applied to, I got accepted to UCSB. I was waitlisted at UCI, but that's basically rejected. I also got accepted to University of the Pacific in the 6 year accelerated pharmacy program. I regret not applying to cal states, since my parents only wanted me to attend a UC. My parents are keen on me going to UCSB, but I don't want to move out lol. I, personally, would prefer going to community college and transferring to UCI to commute. Also, barely don't qualify for financial aid. If it helps here is the kind of person I am: APs - score: Human Geo - 4 Bio - 3 Calc AB - 3 USH - 4 Current: Comp Sci Econ US Gov SAT: 1900 630 CR 630 Math 640 Writing SAT II USH: 700 SAT Math II: 600 Top 5% class rank Senior year: no math class, regular english, lol no ECs at all I feel it's pretty bad considering I spent all of my high school year in my house with loads of free time doing nothing. I am unmotivated and can't socialize. I avoided AP English so I wouldn't have to debate and took 0-4 senior year so I could leave during lunchtime because no friendz.
should I man the fuck up and move out for college despite aspergers or go to community college?thanks
Not sure where to turn.
OK reddit, I hate doing this but I'm not sure what else to do. I created a throw away account because I have a lot of friends and associates on reddit and I'm a little embarrassed about asking for help. Here's the deal: The small business that I created and have run successfully for over two years has just failed due to a confluence of factors beyond my control (mostly a changing political landscape). The good news is that the company doesn't carry any debt. The bad news is that over the past month and a half or so, I have put all of my money into the business and I couldn't save it. At this point I'm sort of at the end of my rope. I am already looking for a new job and I'm confident that I'll have one soon, but right now I need about $3,000 so that I can make a final holiday payment to my employees before I let them go and to pay my rent for December before I get evicted. In order to get that $3,000, I'm willing to do pretty much anything. I have worked successfully in business consulting for many years for a variety of large and small companies across many disciplines. I have a broad array of very high level skills but I can also do data entry, act as your remote personal assistant, photoshop you into famous works of art, send you my dirty socks to sniff, or do pretty much anything else that you need done. If you have any potential work for me or would like to see my resume or hear more details about my business and its plight, please PM me and I'd be happy to answer any questions. I need the money before the end of the year but I'm willing to work for you throughout the month of January while I continue to look for a new job. I have always respected reddit for coming together in peoples' times of need and now, for the first time, I am looking for a favor. If anyone can help me out, I would be eternally grateful and work my ass off to earn the money that I need to keep going.
I need $3,000 quickly and I'm willing to work my ass off to get it.
Why the fuck is she [19F] keep talking about her ex to me [20M]
Ok, I'm typing this on my phone because I'm pretty pissed off and need to get this out... We have been seeing each other for a couple months and I really like her more then I have any other girl... We have talked about our exs like every couple should at least once but she just keeps talking about them. She said she is not interested in them and I completely believe her although she keeps telling me stuff like her first date with max and how she talks to James everyday and hangs out with him sometimes and how I and James where the first guys to be respectful to her. I have told her I don't want to talk about our past relationships twice now but she keeps brining it up. Both these guys cheated on her, I only just asked her out to be official and I already regret it or am I over reacting? What or how should I tell her enough of the whole ex talk and I don't like the fact she's hanging out with her ex!
short question above.
I've been in love with a girl for 8
So, I've known this woman for 1/3rd of my life, and I am absolutely head over heels for her. We dated for one year, a year after we met, but broke up due to her moving to NYC(I live in Texas). We spoke on the phone for hours after she moved but eventually we met other love interests and moved on. We still spoke once a year or so but nothing substantial. I was still in love with her though. Love to me is commitment, both to the person and bettering the relationship in anyway possible. Recently we've began talking more and more. I spoke to her about flying up to see her again, and she said "YES!" all excited like. I would like nothing more than to tell her how I feel, but I'm scared she won't reciprocate and it will cause an awkward tension between us. Usually I'm great in relationship dilemmas, but this is pretty scary. She's my oldest and most special friend. Even when we were on "hiatus" I still felt close enough to tell her things I've told no one. She is a complete perfect match for me and I her, but I feel like the distance and life will get in the way if I try anything. Help?
I love a girl, she is far away, I'm scared of losing my best friend.
(24/f) Handling a break up with an emotional manipulator (23/m)
5 months ago, my boyfriend of two years and I broke up. We were together for two years, on and off. That was his doing. We would have a really good week, one where he was busy, one where he would ignore me, one where he would break up with me, and then the next we were back together. For two years. I'm not really sure what happened but 5 months ago I said that I was done and he agreed. We haven't talked to each other since. Overall, I'm over him. I don't feel heartbroken. I don't feel sad. I don't cringe thinking about him with another woman. I don't care. I just still feel like "he's around the corner" even though he hasn't tried once to contact me. I guess I feel like he let go of our relationship so easily when he normally springs back and comes up with some excuse on why we should get back together. He emotionally manipulated and gaslighted me our entire relationship. He was extremely selfish and I took him back every time. I guess I still feel out of sorts because I'm waiting for the cycle to start again. It hasn't. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to feel like it really is done with? 5 months is the longest we haven't communicated. I know we are broken up for good. I just don't know how to shake the feeling that one day out of the blue it's just going to start up again. I know I can block and be on my merry way, but I'm referring to more of him *wanting it*. Like suddenly he's going to want me again. Any advice is appreciated.
Dated an emotional manipulator for two years. How do you shake the feeling that he's going to turn around and decide he wants to be with me again?
What is your most embarrassing moment in a very public place?
Straight guy here. I was in a public bus going to church so I was in a long-sleeve, slacks, necktie, eyeglasses, and a big clutchbag outfit. I was listening to Taylor Swift on my headphone. Then the guy in charge of collecting fees was approaching so I hand over my money. As I was extending my arm, the cable of the headphone somehow got entangled and the 3.5 got unplugged and since my phone would auto-transfer to the speaker, ♫♫♫White Horse♫♫♫ blared for everyone nearby to hear. It was quite embarrassing sitting back and pretending nothing happened. I still finished the album though.
I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale.
My (22F) boyfriend (25f) has financial problems that he refuses to deal with
Before we started dating, he dropped out of college and was not paying back his loans. He seemed like a cool guy but a burn out so I never saw him as someone I'd be interested in. Awhile later he got a decent job, got his feet on the ground, started getting out of debt and we started dating. We fell in love, moved in together and are loving life. Then he got fired from his job. He was hurt and depressed because they fired him over something pretty minuscule (a <1% error rate). After living off of unemployment for awhile he got in touch with someone he knew from years ago who wanted to start a business. He thought it would be a good idea. Almost two years later, he has barely even seen $1000 after working over 40 hours a week almost every week. He lost control of his finances and didn't tell me for awhile. He stopped paying his bills and loans. He ruined his credit. He has borrowed thousands of dollars from me just to make it. I want more than anything for him to stop working on this business and he knows that. We had a good talk today and he asked for my advice. I said to get his feet back on the ground and then he can start a business someday. Seemed to go ok. Then after working the entire day he seemed to change his mind. "It's too soon to give up on the business, I have no skills, I don't want to get an hourly job again" and all kinds of excuses. We got into an argument and he left for a friends house in the middle of the night. I am crushed. I work so hard to help provide for him and we are both exhausted and burnt out from living this way! I don't know how to help him anymore. I love him dearly and when we are happy it's the best! But it hurts me to see him come home after working all day every day, after not getting any pay and not even able to afford to get a drink with our friends unless I'm paying.
My boyfriend doesn't have the financial means to continue starting up a business but is too stubborn to quit, I want to find a way to get through to him or help him without being pushy, we are both burnt out of working hard and being poor, I am sad to see him depressed almost every day when he comes home from work with nothing to show for it.
Mom walked into my room yesterday...
So I was in my room yesterday browsing the web looking at some different porn websites. I've ingeniously placed my PC in the best place so that if someone barges into my room I have plenty of time to alt+tab off of the current porn site to my desktop or something. I have one headphone in so I can hear if someone walks in. Someone barges in so I casually alt+tab. Only it wasn't to the desktop, it was to some porn pop up that was screaming obscenities to me which startled me not only because it was freaking loud, but also because it was a porn pop up that I didn't want my mom to see. When I jumped because of the pop up, it yanked the headphones out of my PC and my room fills with long moans and many sighing fucks. Right in front of me, my mom hears it, keeps looking forward not at me and turns and leaves...
Mom walked in my room scaring the headphones out of my PC which blared moans and sighs from porn, she walked out silently.
How does cannabis urin tests work in correlation with companies in the US?
Some background first: My mother's been married to a wonderful man (which I from now on will call Kenneth) for a couple of months now and even being a generation older than me he still has the mindset and liberal views of an intelligent, young person. I'm not saying older people are stupid generally, but I see it as the older you get the harder your opinions are to change. Now at this family dinner we're having along with an uncle, grandmother, mother and my girlfriend we manage to spark up a conversation about cannabis. The view on cannabis here in Sweden is generally pretty harsh, seeing how Sweden is a very narrow-minded country when it comes to new ideas about drugs. My mother is of this breed of swede's, so discussing these things in my family is pretty taboo. Now after a few very interesting things said about cannabis, including Kenneth saying "If somebody would offer me weed right now, I'd buy it, smoke it and have a great time!". This would to my mother be the same as saying "I'm a total asshole who smokes heroin, shoots meth all day long and rob mother's of their baby's candy just to fuck shit up", this made me laugh with the most anxious and nervous laughter you'd ever be lucky to hear. Okay, so let's get to the point: In this conversation we're having he says that the urine tests used to test for cannabis by companies in the US detects cannabis for a year. Now I hardly doubt this since the Swedish police's urine tests manages to test for about a week or a month at max. Of course there are other type's of tests you can use which detect longer periods of time. But what I don't understand is how that long a time-frame would be relevant to an employment seeing how you could have had a vacation or some sort of trip to a location were cannabis isn't prohibited. So my question is, how long does a company quality urine test test for in the States?
How many days/weeks/months long does cannabis urine tests in the US test for?
So my Gf[22] and I[23] for personal reasons HAVE to move out in a couple of months. Making not much money would it be wise to move out with another couple (friends of ours) who themselves are also looking for a place?
Both my girlfriend and I work part time minimum wage jobs and go to school almost full time. We've been looking for places and well in this city there's really no cheap ones. We can afford rent and all the bills that we'd have but then after groceries and gas and all that jiggity we'd end up with no money at the end of the month. So we went out to eat with a couple of our friends who are also a couple. They've been living with one of their family members and when we mentioned to them what was going on and how we had to move blah blah blah they came up with the idea. They suggested finding a place together. One with two rooms of course. After doing all the math it makes sense and it'd be so incredibly easy to pay for stuff and have money left at the end of the month. Also, they're not strangers and are responsible. But then again, I've never lived with them. So I wanted the opinion of redditors. Having only those two choices, moving out by ourselves and struggling for a while maybe even having to take it easy on school in order to work more or moving out with another couple and reducing money problems by quite a lot even though it might come with problems? Which one would you guys go for?
roommates who would help with money or no roommates leaving us to pay everything on our own.
TIFU - By losing my virginity...
OK well this post may be a little TMI for some people but its not too bad and ill spare the gory details lol Well it wasnt today but new years eve were it started. Im a 20 year old male and I went out on new years with a few mates to a bar. I was drinking and having a good time when I met this really nice girl, we started dancing and hooking up and later decided to go back to my place that I share with a few mates. So we're getting down and dirty and im so excited because this is my first time and im finally going to lose the stigma of being a virgin after a long time when i start to feel this searing pain on my dick. I look down and everything seems to be alright so i continue (later would discover this was my fatal mistake) and so the deed get finished and all seems sweet. The next few days my dick just keeps hurting and stinging when i urinate so i go to a urologists and get it looked at and turns out ive got incredibly tight foreskin and having sex really fucked it up and ive only been realising 1/3 of my bladder due to the tightness. So now ive got to go in to get circumcised when apparently if i hadnt had sex all i would of needed was some cream and stretching exercises...
Fucked, fucked my dick up and now gotta get cut.
Texas made alcohol for bar?
Since I'm from Texas and we're getting married in Texas, I'd love to have a Texas themed bar at our wedding with as much Texas made wine, liquor, and beer (we're having a full open bar) we can find. Beer is easy enough. We're planning on having Tito's vodka and some of the Deep Eddy flavored vodkas, but I can't think of any other hard liquor that is made in Texas. Does anyone know of a good Texas bourbon or tequila? Wine is also tough. I had some delicious wines at a winery by Fredericksburg (Hye Meadow Winery) recently that I'd love to feature, but they're $20/bottle. We're not big wine drinkers, but I know some people will want it, and $20/bottle is so expensive. We're planning on doing 1 white and 1 red. Anyone know of a good Texas bottle for under $15, preferably under $10? I haven't had any Texas champagne that isn't super sweet, but I'm open to trying whatever.
anyone know of any good and affordable Texas wines, bubbles, and liquors (besides vodka)?
Boyfriend and housemates had argument, now its ruining mine and his time together, how do I solve this?
Basically my boyfriend has put his foot in it a bit, said the wrong thing at the wrong time and insulted my housemates in the process (unintentionally but still.) So last night it all blew up a bit they were asking why he said certain things and that they felt it was disrespectful as they are letting him stay here and expecting no payment towards bills etc... He apologized, bought some wine and chocolate as a peace offering and they said it was ok but they are still a bit offended by it all as they felt he was insulting their intelligence etc.. I have said there is nothing more that can be done and to try and forget it now and go on as normal and let it blow over in its own time but him being a worrier (like myself so I do get it) is continuing to worry and letting it affect his day. I hardly see him due to it being a long distance relationship so I want to make the most of the time we have together, but he is stubborn and saying he doesn't want to do anything today and that he just wants to mope etc.. however that is making it a bit awkward for me as I have already said it will sort itself out as have my housemates, but it will take a little time to be back to normal. Basically how do I say he needs to forget it and try and enjoy our time together and actually go out and do shit and have a good day and not let this ruin the little time we have in a way that may actually work?
Boyfriend put his foot in it and upset my housemates, now he is worrying and doesn't want to do anything but mope, how do I solve this?
[M27] got a text from my ex [F25] saying that she misses me.
So I broke up with my ex of 6 years 7 months ago. We have hung out occasionally as friends and things have been fine. (I really tried to keep the friendship open afterwards because I really enjoy her as a person but we didn't work anymore as a couple.) So after a lot of time grieving and feeling bad I have started a new relationship and its going pretty well. I havent told my ex about it because I hurt her so bad when we broke up I don't want to put her through more stress. Today my ex sends me a message saying she misses me. I responded with "yeah sorry I couldn't hang out last night I had some things to do. You should still watch cabin in the woods though, it was awesome" Then she sends me another text that just says "that isn't what I meant"... What do I respond? How should I handle this? I really don't want to hurt her and the truth is after 6 years of being together I also miss her. I just know we broke up for a reason.
Ex texted saying she misses me, how do I respond without ruining friendship?
I [25M] have a female friend. My [25F] wife does not like, but I refuse to stop. Am I so wrong?
My wife and I have been married 5 years. We're both 25, and we both are starting to feel like different people. In a good way! But still. Recently we've had a bit of a rough patch, for the first time. I told her if things didn't improve we should probably get a divorce, since we owed it to ourselves to be happy. We both agreed we wouldn't give up, and try 110% to improve our relationship. So far things have gotten seriously better. BUT. We're moving to another state, where an old mutual friend lives. We both added her on facebook and we both talk to her. Turns out, she has changed a lot. Seriously, if she was a dude we would instantly be best friends for life. We've chatted here and there about moving, our lives and stuff, and we've been constantly having these "what? you too?" moments where we realize we're both into the same really obscure stuff (music, ideas about life etc). Areas where my wife and I are total opposites. I never get to talk about this kind of stuff with my wife, and I really, really enjoy it. My wife noticed how much we talk, I'm not hiding anything we talk publicly on facebook and she has all my passwords. She said it bothered her that we talk so much, and wants me to cut off contact. I basically told her no, because we don't talk about anything inappropriate and I refuse to be controlled like that. I seriously have like no friends and this is important to me. She was upset and we're not talking right now. Do I find her attractive? Nope. We're honestly just friends. The way I see it, we either agree on this or we'll divorce, and that is just how it will have to be. I'm hoping she comes to terms with her feelings about the matter, and lets go of her jealousy. Am I really wrong? Am I failing to see things from her perspective in a way that would change my attitude?
i have a female friend I talk to a lot. Wife does not like. I basically told her to be ok with it or we will divorce. Wondering if I'm really being so wrong.
TIFU by punching my wife, spitting in her mouth, and then having an accident
So last night, my wife and I were in bed just cuddling. You know the kind, lying with your arm around her and she's snuggled in tightly. Everything was being really cute and adorable. The my arm fell asleep and I had to pee. I told her my arm was going to sleep and I had to get up. We've been married a while now so it's not like those new relationships where she's going to pout because I'm not cuddling her anymore. I sat up on the edge of the bed and took a drink of water. When I put the water down, I kinda violently stretched where I suddenly pulled my arms back behind my head and stretched out. Well... she had been sneaking up on me to grab me in a hug and my sudden stretch punched her in the face. Right after I accidentally hit her I checked to see if she was okay. She looked to be fine but when I went to check on her she had this open mouthed stunned look on her face that I, for some reason, found hilarious. I started to laugh and tried to hold it back (because I know you don't punch your wife in the face and then laugh at her) and it ended up coming out as that "Pppppfffffff" This, combined with my recently moistened mouth from the water, resulted in spittle flying out of my mouth and, because she had her mouth open, into her mouth. I couldn't help it at that point, I started laughing uncontrollably, so hard that I peed JUST a little. Even my wife had a good laugh after punching me a few times. Oh, and texting my family that I just pissed myself. Though... she will probably not try to sneak up on me anymore.
Got out of bed to go to the bathroom and stretched suddenly and accidentally punched my wife. Tried to not laugh but succeeded instead in spitting int her mouth accidentally and then collapsing into a hilarious fit of laughter resulting in pissing myself a bit.
I was asked out by a woman....who is 12 years older than me! (M24, F36)
So I'm a member of an online dating site and recently, very out of the blue, a woman 12 years older than me (I'm 24, she's 36) asks me out. She is quite attractive so I said yes. However what boggles my mind is why a woman would go for a younger guy. Obvioiusly a guy her age would be much further along in his career and would be more likely to want to be in a long term relationship with her. He'll also be more mature and probably more on "her level". I however am way behind in all those things, I guess the main stuff that I've got going for me is that I'm tall and muscular (the less tangible qualities of sense of humor, intelligence, conversational skill are harder to exhibit on a dating site profile). Could she just be looking for something physical or are there other reasons why women go for younger guys?
Older woman asks me out: why?
I love her.
Well guys I've never been to this subreddit before but I have to get this off my chest. I'm in love with my best friend. I'm an 18 year old male that has been best friends with this girl, lets call her M, for about 3 years. Recently, however, I've started to develop feelings for her. Like strong feelings. I think I love her. I look around at other women and none of them even matter anymore. She's all I want. I think about her constantly. This is the typical story. Boy loves girl, girl loves douchebags. She's the sweetest girl in the world and always sees the best in everyone and I want to tell her I love her but I don't want to ruin our friendship. I have no clue how she feels about me but I fear rejection. I love her guys. She means everything to me. What do I do?
I love my best friend, no clue if she feels the same, too scared to ask.
TIFU by melting Babywell cheese wax
To begin with, I like melting wax, it is an inexpensive hobby and my fingers get all gloopy and shit, I'm so mature. Anyway, I was rather Hungry for I had just watched the entirety of Black Adder the 2nd with no breaks. So naturally I was rather hungry. Fast Forward to downstairs I open my fridge and find a couple of Babybel Cheese well thingies. They were the red ones (it's relevant to the story I promise). Fast Forward(again) to upstairs. I put in Black Adder the Third and started consuming my Babybells. My radiator was obscenely hot today probably because my brother is a dick and turned the setting to full and so I start melting the Babybell wax on the radiator. I have a lock on my door to prevent my little brother to keep out of my room but my mum thinks its cause I don't want to talk to anyone, which is partially true. Whilst laughing manically when melting my wax and sliding it along the radiator, my mum heard this walked by my room and asked if I was ok, I said I was fine(she didn't open the door). Fast Forward to later when half way through Black Adder the Third and my radiator being covered in red runny wax as well as my hands, my mother walks in and lets out a shrill "shriek!" as she thinks I cut myself over the radiator. I am depressed a lot cause I'm a twat and get depressed easily but I have never resorted to self harm and never will. Anyway now she thinks I cut myself after thorough explanation of what actually happened.
Ate Babybell Cheese, melted wax, mother walks in and thinks that I'm self harming.
Me [18F] with my girlfriend [17F] I brought up an open relationship, but having second thoughts.
I've been with my girl for a couple of months (we've been on and off for a pretty long time now) and we're both going off to college soon. She's going to school in Ohio, and I'm staying in Jersey. We've already both decided we want to continue this relationship in college as a long distance thing, so there's no doubt about that. I've been browsing around Reddit and saw a lot of people trying open relationships, but I didn't know if I wanted to try one myself. So I talked to her about it, and she said she'd be open to the idea and it's something we should at least try. Before we talked, I told her this was entirely hypothetical and I'm not okay with doing it, but if we were to do it, we made a set of rules and all. I've thought about it a lot. I love this girl, and seeing her with another guy would completely crush me. I'm the only person she's actually had a serious physical or emotional relationship with, and I don't like the idea of her doing any physical stuff with other dudes. What should I do about this? Am I being overprotective?
I brought up the prospect of an open long-distance relationship, but I don't know if I should do it.
How to help GF's parents make friends so she'll feel comfortable moving out?
My (26F) gf and I (25M) have been dating for close to 6 years. The first two while we were in uni, 2 years of us basically trying to figure out life (job hunting, switching etc), and 2 years of having a lot more things figured out on the path to settlement. For me, 2 of those years was living near campus, 2 years at home with the parents, and then 2 years away from home (1 year about an hour away from the GF, 1 year and currently a 5 hour drive from GF). For her, she has always lived with her parents.The university was close enough that she didn't need to move out. Now, that isn't to say she isn't independent. She takes care of all the finances, shopping, housekeeping etc at home, but her parents are in good physical health to do this on their own. So here's where the problem is. I am living quite a bit ways away, but willing to move closer back (sort of giving up a job I love, though might get laid off soon) if her and i moved in together. She'll often mention how she wants to do it and talk about what it would be like. But when I get serious about it, she always brings up how her parents would be lonely and depressed if she wasn't there. Fair enough (I argued we'd move at least an hour away from them so that the distance wouldn't be insane, but no bite) So now, I'm wondering, with parents that are ~45-55ish age range, and Indian in a community that is predominately Canadian, how can I go about helping her parents make friends?
Girlfriend doesn't want to move out of her parents house because they are lonely with no friends. If they weren't alone, she'd consider moving out. How do I help her parents make some good buddies?*
TIFU by laughing at starving African children.
So this FU literally happened a couple of minutes ago. I was sitting in class browsing TIFU when i came across the post about the guy who thought it would be a good idea to chug a bottle of hot sauce during an interview. After reading it me and my friend couldn't stop laughing, and as soon as we stopped laughing one of us would giggle a little bit a we would just start laughing hysterically to the point where we had tears in our eyes. Since we were suppose to read that lesson and everyone else was completely quiet we decided to try to force ourselves to stop. This is where the FU occured. In order to stop laughing we googled "starving african children" to make us sad instead. It didn't work and we just kept laughing. That's when our teacher came up behind us to see what we were giggling at... To him it looked like we were laughing at the children. He gave us a look of pure disgust and walked away before we could explain ourselves. Needless to say I wont be browsing reddit during class again any time soon...
Teacher caught us laughing while looking at pictures of starving african children and now he thinks that we have a mental problem...
How to [M 29] stop crushing on my coworker [F 26]?
Hello, I think I have started to obsess over my coworker. She is always in my head and I am beginning to hate myself for that. This has been going on since almost an year now when she joined our team. I asked her out within a month of her joining the team and she said she doesn't mix dating with work. I thought I was receiving mixed signals so asked her one more time about 6 months ago, she said that she is seeing someone. It's clear that she doesn't want to date me but her behavior does give an impression that she is attracted to me. Regardless, that is inconsequential. How do I move on? I try to restrict my glances to only when required but if I do that she acts like I am ignoring her or something and makes a long face. At this point I don't care about that either and am willing to do anything to move past her. I am already looking for a new job but was wondering if you all have any other suggestions.
How to stop obsessing over coworker?
Does it matter if i have a planned vacation in the near future when applying for a job?
LE BACKGROUND: I started at a very well established clothing store when I was 18. It started as part time for the first year because I was also going to university. After I finished my program I began full time hours at my work, got promoted to shift leader 6 months later, shortly after that I was promoted again with discussion of me eventually moving into a Store Manager role when we build new stores. THE PRESENT: I am 21 years old, currently assistant manager. I have been considering leaving for almost a year for many reasons and Im under a lot of pressure right now to stay. The company is expanding and we are opening two new stores in the area in May, and it is expected of me to either move up in my position or transfer/ help take on and set up the new two stores. Now, my job isnt terrible.. all the time. Its actially pretty chill and my coworkers/staff are amazing. But for the position that I have and the amount of work, god-awful scheduling and just plain old stress I have to endure, I am not getting paid nearly what I should be. (Big company, they dont like to pay anything if they can avoid.) In addition, I have just discovered my favorite store is hiring and the job is closer/pays more. THE DILEMMA: I have planned a 10 day long vacation for April for my SO's bday. Also I have discovered a job opening perfect for me thats closer and pays more. So, if I leave my job now I am assuming the new job wont be happy about my upcoming vacation being so soon. On the other hand, i don't want to pass up this opportunity and have to stay at my current job/settle for something else later on.
planned a 10day vacay for April, but I want to leave my job now because a better opportunity presented itself.
Me [25 M] with my GF [21 F] of 1 year she tested positive for herpes #2 a few days ago. I'm lost.
First off - this is a followup to a post that i made yesterday. That was more in anger then anything so i'm re posting this. The basis of the last post was that I read a chat from my GF's EX and it said that he had herpes. My GF never told me about this and never planned on telling me, she had about 2 weeks before i confronted her to tell me. I made her get tested and she tested positive for #2. The shitty part is that I dont think she had any intention of telling me. She said she never had any symptoms, so she assumed that her EX got it from his new GF. Her ex and her haven't done anything in a year +, probably closer to 1.5 years. I honestly didn't dig too deep. They were together for 5 years. However, he has it and so does she (she assumes she gave it to him now). She said that she NEVER had an outbreak and if she had something that worried her she always went to get it swabbed. She had done this at least once in our relationship so i believe her. I honestly don't know what to do here, I lost my virginity to this girl at 25 because i was always so worried about STDs when i was younger. I trusted her to be clean and nope (even after testing), she wasn't. In the short term - I'm going to turn our current relationship into a sexless one for now. No PIV till I get tested, but i may give it another week or two to be safe. Is this a mistake? I mean, I really don't even know how i feel about this whole situation. Has anyone had to deal with this type of situation?
GF has herpes #2, Im still not tested and I don't know how to proceed. I'll get tested in the next week or so.
My BF (23) has just broken up with me (23,f) after 6.5 years. Totally blindsided. We live together and have no other choice.
I feel completely lost. My boyfriend and best friend of 6 and a half years has just broken up with me out of, what feels like, nowhere. We were high school sweethearts, went to uni together, survived all that and 6 months ago moved 400 miles away for an amazing job he got offered (UK). I've found a great job that I love, started to make some pretty good friends and we have an amazing house together. Everything seemed perfect and I was looking forward to this fresh start together. 3 weeks ago he just said he didn't know how to feel any more. He'd been down for a couple of weeks but always said his job was stressing him out (he does have a pretty stressful job for a new grad). He said he still loves me but not in the same way he used to and that things just don't 'click' any more. I've given him space over the past few weeks but we live together and can't afford to move out and none of the friends we know here are in a position to offer either of us somewhere to stay. He's my best friend. I've never got on with anybody as well as him. Over the past few weeks we've been getting on really well, considering everything, and it makes me happy that he seems happier and calmer. He unfortunately bottles up his emotions for too long and can just blow/break down at times. I'm scared about the future. We have 6 months left on the lease of our house and moving on fills me with dread. I still love him with all of my heart but I understand that if that's not what he wants, I can't make those feelings come back. A couple of weeks ago, I went out with friends to cheer myself up, a guy ended up feeling me up in a bar and then tried to follow me home. This makes me even more depressed about the future! I'm just looking for a bit of support really. I'm struggling to talk about this to friends and family so I'm hoping you wonderful internet people will be able to help me!
Boyfriend of 6.5 years broke up with me because 'he doesn't feel like he used to' - just looking for some support whilst I try and get my head around this whole situation!