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I'm journalist Jon Ward, who wrote the inside story of how some in the GOP are now fighting against the Koch brothers in the run up to the 2016 presidential election. AMA! | 3a5ywn | 3,952 | Title: I'm journalist Jon Ward, who wrote the inside story of how some in the GOP are now fighting against the Koch brothers in the run up to the 2016 presidential election. AMA!
Body: I've written about American politics for over a decade now, starting as a city desk reporter in Washington DC. I've written about the Republican National Committee, big data, and the Koch brothers for over a year now. Here's the latest story: https://www.yahoo.com/politics/the-koch-brothers-and-the-republican-party-go-to-121193159491.html. You can follow me on Twitter @jonward11.
Let's get started!
Top Comments:
What do the Koch Brothers want? I live in Kansas, and from the rumor mill, it seems they have completely bought off a majority of the congress here and completely own the governor. What do think their end goal is?
I can actually answer this. In 1980 David Koch ran for VP on the Libertarian party platform which was as follows. If you look at the the policies they support and the candidates they fund I would hazard a guess that their ultimate goal is to get as close to this as possible. As to why Kansas, they were born there. It might be just as simple as that.
* “We urge the repeal of federal campaign finance laws, and the immediate abolition of the despotic Federal Election Commission.”
* “We favor the abolition of Medicare and Medicaid programs.”
* “We oppose any compulsory insurance or tax-supported plan to provide health services, including those which finance abortion services.”
* “We also favor the deregulation of the medical insurance industry.”
* “We favor the repeal of the fraudulent, virtually bankrupt, and increasingly oppressive Social Security system. Pending that repeal, participation in Social Security should be made voluntary.”
* “We propose the abolition of the governmental Postal Service. The present system, in addition to being inefficient, encourages governmental surveillance of private correspondence. Pending abolition, we call for an end to the monopoly system and for allowing free competition in all aspects of postal service.”
* “We oppose all personal and corporate income taxation, including capital gains taxes.”
* “We support the eventual repeal of all taxation.”
* “As an interim measure, all criminal and civil sanctions against tax evasion should be terminated immediately.”
* “We support repeal of all law which impede the ability of any person to find employment, such as minimum wage laws.”
* “We advocate the complete separation of education and State. Government schools lead to the indoctrination of children and interfere with the free choice of individuals. Government ownership, operation, regulation, and subsidy of schools and colleges should be ended.”
* “We condemn compulsory education laws … and we call for the immediate repeal of such laws.”
* “We support the repeal of all taxes on the income or property of private schools, whether profit or non-profit.”
* “We support the abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency.”
* “We support abolition of the Department of Energy.”
* “We call for the dissolution of all government agencies concerned with transportation, including the Department of Transportation.”
* “We demand the return of America's railroad system to private ownership. We call for the privatization of the public roads and national highway system.”
* “We specifically oppose laws requiring an individual to buy or use so-called "self-protection" equipment such as safety belts, air bags, or crash helmets.”
* “We advocate the abolition of the Federal Aviation Administration.”
* “We advocate the abolition of the Food and Drug Administration.”
* “We support an end to all subsidies for child-bearing built into our present laws, including all welfare plans and the provision of tax-supported services for children.”
* “We oppose all government welfare, relief projects, and ‘aid to the poor’ programs. All these government programs are privacy-invading, paternalistic, demeaning, and inefficient. The proper source of help for such persons is the voluntary efforts of private groups and individuals.”
* “We call for the privatization of the inland waterways, and of the distribution system that brings water to industry, agriculture and households.”
* “We call for the repeal of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.”
* “We call for the abolition of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.”
* “We support the repeal of all state usury laws.”
Direct Source http://www.sanders.senate.gov/koch-brothers
I know this is a candidate with a lot against the Koch's but I have heard this in several other places as well. I can't find them easily now and I'm at work.
EDIT: Related NYTimes article for further reading. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/18/us/politics/quixotic-80-campaign-gave-birth-to-kochs-powerful-network.html
Well for one, the Koch brothers seem more socially liberal than the GOP. They're more libertarian than the GOP. They're fiscally conservative but socially liberal.
I know a lot of conspiracy theorists think they're very conservative but that's not the case. David Koch supports gay marriage, pot legalization, and is against war.
I think this is true, but they don't put their money where their collective mouth is. They would much rather support candidates that have lax regulation (especially environmental) views and are socially conservative than the reverse. Anything in the name of higher profits for GP.
Holy shit.
That's a really great question. There a multitude of them and I could fill the page with thoughts on that. But I also think there's a lot to be optimistic about since we are in an age of innovation and because the hyper competitiveness of the market now means we as journalists are being forced to really up our game to stand out.
But I do encourage younger journalists to try to have a long view. Build a life, not a career (that's more just life advice I guess). But in view of that, I want more young journalists to fight against the urge to do stuff that's quick, cute or clever and to dig deeper and do work that might take a little longer, but is thoughtful, or makes a serious point, or helps readers understand things about the world that actually help them or enlighten them or raise their spirits in a meaningful way.
We do need to have more investigative journalism, and I'm encouraged by what Ben Smith at Buzzfeed is doing in that space, as well as places like ProPublica. But we need many more folks to get into that space, and there's no question that the business side is still a puzzle.
They may be more socially liberal than the GOP, but if you look at the candidates they support you can see where their priorities lie. They will support a fiscally and socially conservative candidate every time over a fiscally and socially liberal candidate.
What are the biggest problems facing journalists in the digital age?
Here's my somewhat cynical (but realistic) perspective:
The Koch brothers are right-wing billionaires who aren't stupid. They've watched the last two presidential elections (and the support for Bernie Sanders, and the general political tide of the last decade), and they've seen the obvious pattern. Obama won both elections by offering *change*, and by building a liberal coalition (including many racial minorities, gays, leftists, and so on). He painted himself as the liberal, diametrically-opposed alternative to the conservative (arguably reactionary) establishment that had gained traction under the 8 years of G.W. Bush, which sold itself as conservative, but in reality had begun to replace traditional conservatism with a kind of right-wing statism that they called "neoconservatism."
But the Kochs (and many other powerful people in right-wing politics) are acutely aware that Obama won his election by exploiting a clear liberal mandate that the electorate was demanding after Bush. And his rhetoric was so powerful that *even after 4 years of doing NOTHING* to create "change," Obama was able to win a second election. People still wanted to believe in his "change," rather than switching back to the conservatives, despite an unpopular first term, in which Obama had a supermajority of Democrats and still failed to make any real progress.
Immediately after the second Obama election, you could hear prominent right-wing pundits and planners recognizing this fact, and reassessing their strategy moving forward. It seemed clear, even among devout conservatives and right-wing extremists that a new approach was necessary if the Republican party was going to remain relevant and successful in American politics.
It's at this juncture when we suddenly start seeing major donations shifting to the "libertarian" branch of the GOP. Do I think that Republican candidates who express socially liberal sentiments about gay marriage, abortion, and cannabis-legalization, are lying? No. Of course not. But I think their rise to prominence (like every major political movement in recent US history) was only possible thanks to shifts in the interests of the big-money donors who fund their campaigns. These folks (the ones with the real power, whose donations make or break political careers) obviously could see that the GOP was going in a failing direction-- one that isn't reaching the mass of young voters, who (especially after 8 years of Obama, whose policies were essentially the same as Bush's) largely feel disenfranchised by the traditional Republican-Democrat two-party system.
What's important to realize is that social issues are *not the root of the Republican party*. Sure, they love to rally around "Christian" and "family" values, but that's secondary. The point of the right wing is to defend capitalism (and, for the last 60 years, the neoliberal imperialism that goes along with it). The reason you get billionaires buying into right-wing politics instead of left-wing politics-- and the reason they shift from right-wing conservatism to right-wing "libertarianism," rather than shifting to left-libertarianism-- is because they know the right will defend the system that makes them so rich and powerful. No matter what libertarian rhetoric they espouse, no matter what social policies they advocate, at the end of the day, they will defend capitalism (which is, at base, a fundamentally exploitative and authoritarian system)-- and that's what's really important to the wealthy. That's *why* they blow so much money investing in politics. Shutting down abortion clinics or supporting cannabis growers may be pet projects for some of the ultra-rich (they can legitimately fall on either side of the social spectrum), but economically, they are unified by their underlying class interest. The interest in defending private-property owners against everyone else, maintaining low wages, preventing the tax burden from shifting back from workers to corporations, avoiding regulation of industry, except where it benefits the biggest corporations, etc..
So the Koch's may genuinely be "libertarians," or they may just be the more clever opportunists of the right wing, but either way-- they're supporting their real interests. There's a reason they fund shills like Rand Paul, and not true libertarians like Kshama Sawant. It's all about supporting whoever will be most effective at protecting the capitalist from the working, the lower, and-- more recently-- the middle class. If that means legalizing weed, or gay marriage, that's of little import to the wealthy, except the smaller demographic of conservative true believers.
I use the word "libertarianism" in quotes when discussing right-wing libertarianism because libertarianism was always intended to describe the anti-authoritarian branches of the socialist movement (libertarian and anarchist socialists). Libertarianism was understood to include opposition to capitalism-- until the American right wing got its hands on the term. They re-invented it as a defense of "free-markets," even though some measure of equality is a necessary foundation for libertarian society. Libertarians have traditionally understood that a system in which you have no choice but to rent yourself to someone of a higher social class is not altogether different from slavery, and certainly doesn't meet the libertarian standard of freedom from coercion.
their roots are in Libertarianism but they've become much more involved in the Republican Party over the last decade or so. "Sons of Kansas" by Daniel Schulman is a book about the brothers that's actually been recommended to me by people inside the Koch empire as pretty accurate.
they haven't shown any affinity for Rand Paul. their most positive mentions have been of Scott Walker, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio. They're pragmatists at the end of the day i think
For that they need all seven dragon balls, not Sam Brownback.
Look at the laws where the Koch bros own the local government. They are typically in labor busting states. Ultimately if they can break labor across the nation their profits go way, way up. Every labor busting state is a win for them and less their companies owe to their employees.
The "both parties are the same" narrative is a known disinformation meme designed to discourage participation.
Don't fall for it. You're smarter than that.
since Goldwater in 64 they've become pretty conservative, and have had a pretty consistent internal tension between the hard right and the establishment/elite more moderate wing. Reagan united them and so did Bush for a while but they've struggled without a national leader, as any party does. Democrats were in the same position in the 80's before Clinton came along, and could be there after Obama, depending on how HRC does
Any word on the left defying George Soros?
Yeah, the money is a huge deal.
While gay marriage and pot legalization are "nice to have", policies on taxes affect them in a major way.
upping our game means doing quality work in a way that is also easy to read, interesting and relevant. there is inherent tension between the sort of purist attitude of 'this is important/really good/etc so people should read it' and 'make it palatable to the largest possible audience.'
but journalists do have an obligation to serve the reader, and inflaming them is not that.
Maybe I'm missing something, but doesn't this brand of libertarianism inevitably lead to some form of feudalism? Wouldn't we just be swapping subservience to the State (at least we get a vote) for subservience to regional barons who control land and resources?
Libertianism is an incredibly stupid economic and political philosophy from the perspective of common good. The essence of libertarianism is laissez-faire economics. But what happens when businesses fundamentally exploit people, workers, and do what's against common interest? Libertarianism leads to oligopolistic economic situations where there are a handful of companies that own everything in an industry, who then use their powerful positions to exploit others. Without rules and regulations to check companies and means of wealth redistribution within a society, individuals in society quickly becomes separated into slaves and owners (perhaps not in name, but in practice).
Edit: Actually, I'm not sure if your comment meant you supported libertarian ideology or were against it. If the latter than, I'm speaking to the choir here. Also, feel free to argue your side :)
Let me ask you - are you a millionaire? My guess is you're not. Therefore by supporting libertarianism, you are undermining your own economic position.
Eternal life! | 2015-06-17 14:20:29 |
Bernie Sanders Shifts the 2016 Presidential Paradigm: The inevitability of Hillary Clinton’s nomination has been turned on its head by Sanders, whose insurgent candidacy has breathed new life into next year’s election. | 3dxipt | 13,943 | Title: Bernie Sanders Shifts the 2016 Presidential Paradigm: The inevitability of Hillary Clinton’s nomination has been turned on its head by Sanders, whose insurgent candidacy has breathed new life into next year’s election.
Top Comments:
>Hillary has been so vilified for so many years — heck, there is a whole network dedicated just to trashing her (yes, I’m looking at you Fox). Republicans would love another divisive partisan contest to bring back the old national divide that keeps them in power. And they have been planning on a Hillary run for the White House for a long, long time. We threw them a big curve ball with Barack. They will be in deep kimchi (lots of trouble) if Democrats nominate Senator Bernie.
Right, because Republicans have embraced Obama without resorting to divisive partisanship. And they'd surely do the same for Sanders if he were the candidate.
The idea that Democrats should pick their nominee based on the mean things Republicans might say about them is silly. They called Clinton a rapist and a murderer, they called Kerry a yellow-bellied traitor, and they called Obama an America-hating Kenyan Muslim. They're not going to play nice with Bernie Sanders just because he hasn't been on their radar.
Honestly, I think it might play out better that way. Calling Obama a socialist when he clearly isn't causes him to deny it publically, which keeps the story in the news and immediately puts him on the defensive. Call Bernie a socialist, and his response will be "Yes, yes I am. And here's why I think socialism will work."
Heaven forbid, it might actually force people to debate the merits of social democracy in America. Can't have that!
He calls himself a socialist. Bernie is a Fox News wet dream.
Ok, let's be super pessimistic, as some people on here are, and say that Hillary has a 99.9999999999999999999999% chance of winning the nomination and the only possible way Bernie could ever win is if Hillary died or something. If that's how utterly unchangeable you think the outcome is, why do you even follow the primary at all? Furthermore, if you think it's *that* set in stone, aren't you upset? I guess I don't understand that frame of mind. And as sick and tired as some people say they are of hearing about Bernie Sanders' "pointless" campaign, I'm sick of folks insinuating that we should just cancel the primary season immediately and go ahead and give Hillary the nomination six months before the first votes are cast.
Clearly, the odds are stacked against Bernie Sanders, but he's never shied away from that fact. And regardless of how big the gap may still be be, it's a hell of a lot smaller than it was when he announced his candidacy.
> Honestly, I think it might play out better that way. Calling Obama a socialist when he clearly isn't causes him to deny it publically, which keeps the story in the news and immediately puts him on the defensive. Call Bernie a socialist, and his response will be "Yes, yes I am. And here's why I think socialism will work."
I think it's more likely to be spun as "Obama was just a taste of what Democrats wanted to do. They gave you a taste of socialism with Obama, now they want to shove it down your throat with Sanders."
He's been an absolute pro at staying on topic and shutting bullshit questions/remarks down. In many of the interviews I've seen, the interviewer has fished for him to shit-talk his opponents or done the whole "SO YOU'RE A SOCIALIST?" thing, and he **never** strays from his talking points or gives into the interviewer's game. His ideologies are rock fucking solid (as is his voting record...). If the news outlets want to pull that card, he'll set them straight.
On that note, his debates are going to be SO much fun to watch.
I will be voting for and working for Bernie in 2016.
This is **exactly** what will happen
I still want to know what Sanders is going to trade to get the policies he is advocating for passed. It's a Conservative/tea party congress who is content to not doing anything in response to a "liberal agenda". How will he get far left ideals (that I support) passed?
It's fun to be a cynical jackass. if you're wrong then humanity has justified it's existence for another day, if you're right you get be be smug.
I'm pretty sure his goal is to rally the people to start telling congress what to do - even if they are against something, most people in congress are the type to switch their side when enough people bombard them with calls/mail.
I say bring it on. Bernie don't play that shit.
This is the Achilles Heel of so many millennials. They think only the presidency matters. It was so heartbreaking to see tea-party lunatics start sweeping states in the mid-term election because younger voters didn't seem to care. Getting a president that actually cares about us is just the first step in saving our nation from crumbling ruin.
Bernie is just the beginning. We have to oust the corrupt in Washington, at all levels, or we might as well be spinning our wheels but going nowhere.
Nobody's saying you shouldn't keep rooting for Bernie against all odds until the very end. More power to you. But this sub acts like he's the next coming of Jesus and Hillary is an evil bitch and anybody who votes for her is a corporate shill. Then you have people who actually believe that Bernie doesn't have a mountain to climb and are going to be hugely let down and disillusioned when he inevitably does lose and may just not vote in the general. Especially once they've decided how terrible Hillary is.
Plus I think people are just starting to get sick of the fucking circle jerk over this guy.
Congress doesn't operate on the rally of the "people". It operates on the districts and the state populations. and they are separate and individual. The current do nothing congress didn't get into power by luck. They have a strong rep at home and a gerrymandered election.
The past two presidential cycles have lead to a majority of people demanding something different and they have not cared at all in the legislature. Meanwhile the past two legislative cycles have seen a growing conservative/tea party caucus. The President is one part. Let's not pretend it will all change at every level. It won't.
So what does Sanders trade? How does he accomplish these goals? Populist candidates are great but people need to hear plans. Pragmatics are more electable for this reason. They can clearly state what they trade cause they rarely go too far to one extreme, whether Conservative or Liberal. Sanders needs to make his case soon.
This times a thousand. People just want to be right, they want to be on the "winning" team
Well guys - if it's in the OP-ED section of the Honolulu Civil Beat, then you know that the next stop is the New York Times and then the White House.
>Who is the most electable candidate for president against the Republicans? Senator Bernie.
I plan to vote for Bernie Sanders, but not sure I agree he is the 'most electable.' Polls show Hillary alone beating the presumptive Republican nominees. Hopefully this is only because early polls are skewed by lack of name recognition, and this will change as the race heats up & Sanders crushes it in the debates.
Source: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/latest_polls/president/
Recent polls only include Clinton vs GOP, but previous polls showed Sanders losing. | 2015-07-20 10:24:12 |
Bernie Sanders is raising more money than every Republican candidate: "...donors giving relatively small amounts are shaping the 2016 presidential election more than any billionaire." | 3o53du | 10,555 | Title: Bernie Sanders is raising more money than every Republican candidate: "...donors giving relatively small amounts are shaping the 2016 presidential election more than any billionaire."
Top Comments:
Wierd article.
Bernie is raising more money. Queue second paragraph, oh but he really isnt.
What? Click bait tbh.
Wait until after the primaries, you're going to see amounts of money enter the equation on the GOP side that will be tough to match.
While I agree, the very tag line of the article is incredibly misleading.
It is attempting to paint the picture that big money is not influencing politics as much as we think, because of Bernie. When in reality, we know the amount raised by the wealthy is unreachable by the masses at this point in time.
Either Bernie is raising more.then all other rivals, or he isnt. In this case, he isnt. Not even close. Like... 10 to 15 times less in fact than the front runners.
It clearly says he raised more money than any republican. The 2nd paragraph says only Clinton raised more money. She's democrat.
The author's last paragraph best explains what the their title misrepresents.
"None of [those super PACs] will affect Bernie Sanders, who has rejected the idea of forming a super PAC or raising money in big chunks from rich donors. So he’ll remain an underdog no matter how much money his campaign raises. Which seems to suit him fine."
> Bernie Sanders, who has rejected the idea of forming a super PAC
no candidate can actually "reject" a Super PAC... thanks to the absurdity of the law, Bernie has no real say in whether or not he has a Super PAC.
(he's actually got one, for the record, though he's disavowed them and actively discouraged any of his supporters from donating to them)
if he wins the Democratic nomination, he will absolutely, 100% have Super PAC's supporting him and unfortunately there's nothing he can do about it.
No no no, PACs are independent of the candidate, they raise money and spend it independently. Legally, PACs cannot coordinate their activities with the candidate, therefore, they are not limited by contribution limits.
Yeah, so did Howard Dean back in 2004.
This article is intentionally misleading for a specific demographic.
There's plenty to be proud about if you're Sanders or a Sanders supporter, no reason to ignore the impact of SuperPac money on a candidate and just how much ahead of Sanders many of the republicans are in that regard.
But it's pointless to compare to Republican campaign contributions when the vast majority of their contributions are to PACs and other "unaffiliated" groups.
Yes, this headline is misleading and damaging.
But actual campaign contributions opposed to pacs do matter significantly. Your official campaign needs money, and if you're not getting enough to run it, you have to spend lots of extra time fundraising like Hillary and much of the GOP. Time that could be spent campaigning/rallying. Rick Perry had plenty of pac money coming in, but his campaign had basically no popular support to fund it, so his campaign collapsed and he dropped out. Campaign contributions still matter.
It's important to look at individual campaign fundraising separately from Super PAC fundraising, since it's such a critical measure of the breadth and depth of voter support. And Bernie's his refusal to take PAC money speaks volumes and will in turn generate more success in soliciting small donations from ordinary Americans.
I have a couple of really old folk in my family who like Bernie but think he can't win. My Dad called me the other day and said he donated $50.00 for each of us since he was so impressed by the "people like us" supporting him.
TIL: money = speech.
I found it shallow and pedantic.
I'm sure part of it is so they can call in a favor later when the candidate loses and goes back to the elected position they already held.
It's not just the raw amount of funds. Every small donor has made a mental commitment that will result in far greater likelihood of a vote for the candidate (if the candidate makes it that far) than if they had not done so. A million dollar donor still only gets to vote once, and their million dollars can't do any more than a million in small donations.
Many small donations are a very big sign of a solid vote.
> You can't limit speech.
The content of speech.
There are plenty of limits around how you can deliver your message. Just look at the FCC and checking your local noise ordinance.
| 2015-10-09 20:08:52 |
True: Ten times more 'dark money' has been spent for 2016 elections, U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin says | 3s5dtv | 8,091 | Title: True: Ten times more 'dark money' has been spent for 2016 elections, U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin says
Top Comments:
The American election season is too long, too expensive, too televised, too secret and too based on personalities instead of policies. This shows that is getting worse not better.
The more envelopes full of free speech you *can* collect, the more time you have to spend collecting it. If we fix that, everything else falls into place.
Explain it to me again? What prevents foreign monied interests from influencing U.S. elections?
"Citizens United" is not the issue, and legally SCOTUS did the right thing.
The issue is that we need a "new law," as indicated by the ruling, that changes the way the politicians use the money and not how independent organizations decide to exercise free speech. SCOTUS cannot make new laws, they only interpret the constitution and current laws.
We could, (as only one example) also tax all advertisements paid for by a (S)PAC at 50% and put the money into a pool.
Reversing CU would only hamper people from organizing into groups or even from already formed groups, like unions for example, from exercising their free speech during election cycles.
[an illustration of dark money](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5d/A_Maze_of_Money.png)
Botswana... I see where you're going with this.
>The issue is that we need a "new law,"
If only those who hate this idea weren't already the people who get to make the laws and pass the taxes.
All I know is, someone somewhere came out of the blue and started a group of supporters who all started trying to get Ben Carson to run for President. The guy had no intention of really entering politics until someone came out of the woodwork with a bunch of cash to bankroll him with, so he started taking it seriously. I do believe it is the very elite and wealthy, doing a good job of hiding the ties back to them, in order to obscure why they support him. He wants a flat tax: that means, the rich get even richer, and the poor will end up paying more in taxes now than every before, which logistically and economically makes absolutely no sense whatsoever- the only people it benefits is those at the top. That's one aspiration of having Ben Carson run; secondly, by throwing their own minority out there, I think they are trying to counteract the minority they expect the Democrats to run, which is most likely going to be Hilary (as potential first woman President). And, just like some people will be voting for Hilary just because she is a woman, others will be voting for Carson just because he is black.
Lastly, Carson does not really love the IRS. Me personally, I think the IRS serves a distinct function in this country by basically making sure the mobsters who run our economy kick a little back to the great nation that they should be thankful they are allowed to so richly profit from. But, many rich people feel like they pay too much in taxes, which I personally think is ridiculous because even if you pay 2 billion of your 10 billion fortune in taxes... you still have eight fucking billion dollars left over. I dunno, it's astounding what people will do to protect their largess. I don't care who you are, what celebrity you fucked, what business you own, how nice you are, or how much you give to charity- no human being needs billions of dollars to survive. Once you reach billionaire status, you're pretty much set, and whining about not having enough money after that, or paying too much in taxes, is just bullshit and you deserve to be kicked in the teeth, or better yet, made to live like a regular person for a few years just to humble yourself.
Anyway, the right wing/ultra elite were looking for someone who was:
a.) possible minority of some sort
b.) religious enough that they could be a Republican
c.) against Obamacare
d.) against taxes and IRS
e.) someone who is seen as a Washington outsider; not just some propped up, vetted junior senator or governor
f.) someone who appears intelligent (not like Sarah Palin)
So, Ben Carson fit this criteria. He was probably brought to the attention of the right wing by Fox news, who he was affiliated with but stopped affiliating with them prior to announcing his campaign.
Personally, I think the guy is a little whackadoo. He seems like he is one of those book smart people, after all he was praised in his field as a doctor, but as far as general awareness goes, to me he seems out of touch with reality, as evidenced by the questionable beliefs he holds as a seventh-day adventist and also by some of the things he says. I particularly dislike the way he talks; slowly, as if his mind is not very quick or intuitive and this is reflected in his speech.
The guy has no political experience at all, and I would say isn't even qualified to run a campaign for Pres, but the right-wing is desperate, many right-wing Americans will take ANY half-viable candidate over another Democrat so at this point I don't think many of them care that the top 2 contenders are completely unqualified.
People often say, a good leader doesn't need experience if he has the right people around him to do the job for him, but I dunno, when I think of Ben Carson running the country, I see another 9/11 because he has that slow, dumb look that GW Bush had, and when I think of Trump running it, I see another war because Trump wants to show off and make himself look big and strong and I am afraid he will use the US military to stroke his ego with at the consequences of Americans.
On the other hand, Hilary is the most experienced, both domestically and internationally, and although she wouldn't be my first choice, I'd still choose her over Trump or Carson any day. Over all, though, Sanders would really turn things around in America, and I would love for him to win in 2016 although it's a long shot. America just isn't ready for him yet, I'm afraid, although a candidate like that is what we really, truly need in this country
Two terms of Obama might have helped with unemployment and healthcare, but he made absolutely no progress with money in politics. It honestly feels like he didn't even try.
Before people jump on me, I'm not talking killing a Justice and getting a new one that'll repeal Citizens United. Money permeates the system, Citizens United is only the top of the iceberg. Obama did essentially nothing about lobbying (despite the promises), nothing about media consolidation, nothing about the revolving door, nothing to invigorate the national conversation... He's even in the process of severely reducing internet freedom. Don't tell me he tried and couldn't do it. He might not be as bad as a Republican, but if you think he's working to give the people a voice in government, try again.
Before I clicked the link, I half-expected it to be a picture of a middle finger.
Lessig: [I told you so.](http://i.imgur.com/YlJSZFH.jpg)
I know CU makes sense in theory, but in practice lobbyist money and CPACs together are not about Planned Parenthood. They are about Exxon Mobile. In Canada we do just fine with preventing companies from spending money that supports a politician or party. Planned Parenthood can always go on the CBC and scream bloody murder. The Politicians need to listen to us because there isn't money sitting by to just buy an election through a ton of political ads.
And remind me, which country has extra cash to spend on such things because of a massive trade imbalance with us?
New definition for Trickle Down economics - Making it rain on the whores of Congress.
I certainly feel less oppressed now that billionaires can purchase elections.
Yeah it's like how arbitration clauses in theory are supposed to stop frivolous lawsuits when in reality they just make it prohibitive to get justice for non-corporations ("people")
Democrats absolutely use dark money, too.
But the vast, vast majority of dark money spent and raised thus far in the 2016 presidential race has been from and for Republicans.
Clinton-aligned Super PACs have raised about $20 million this far, which is less than 10% of the $250 million in total outside money that been raised for 2016 campaigns. Jeb Bush, alone, has raised (not spent) 5 times more than Clinton.
In contrast, Clinton has raised far more money from individual donors than any Republican. Clinton has raised $77 million in individual contributions (which are capped at $2700 per person), while the most any Republican has raised is Ben Carson at $31 million.
OP is suggesting that China is trying to fuck American democracy, and have the money to do it. | 2015-11-09 16:29:34 |
Sanders: I have a "good chance" to win 2016 election - "With just two weeks until voting begins in the 2016 primaries and polls showing him closing in on Hillary Clinton, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is feeling confident." | 41dzid | 8,810 | Title: Sanders: I have a "good chance" to win 2016 election - "With just two weeks until voting begins in the 2016 primaries and polls showing him closing in on Hillary Clinton, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is feeling confident."
Top Comments:
That war alone is 1/3 of our national debt
~BREAKING~ Bernie Sanders receives endorsement from Bernie Sanders
Let's dept up a Nation so big Business can make fat money and pay no taxes for it.
This is currently the ~~5th~~ top post on this subreddit. Are people just upvoting things that make them feel good?
This is the exact type of echo chamber that Redditors whine about existing on the right.
You guys need to get in touch with reality. Bernie is losing, and probably won't get the nomination. If you want to change that you need to be in touch with the reality of the situation instead of sitting here upvoting and reading articles that paint Sanders as inevitable.
It would be a pretty big shift in the political landscape if he were to get elected. If he wins the primary that means the dems want a more progressive stance and if he wins the general, that means the general public will want something more progressive. Congress may feel the need to give him some of his policies through his honeymoon period, but a lot of that depends on how much they feel pressured in their own districts/states.
OK serious question how much of his purposed ideas could he actually execute if elected?
I think people are excited because it's a sanders fluff piece on CBS. Doesn't happen too often it seems.
Aint that America
The White House has [this infographic](https://www.whitehouse.gov/infographics/us-national-debt) illustrating the public debt and where the money went. Iraq and Afghanistan together are not even close to a third. Bush's tax cuts form a much larger portion.
No. There's an exception for Bernie because of his history. And rightly so. I don't care what job you've had all your life, I won't vote for you unless you did it right. If you were a plumber who was am asshole and cut corners that fucked people over, guess what? No vote for you.
Seriously, it's an article with Bernie saying he's confident. It's completely meaningless.
Well, he's down 25 points nationally. Iowa and New Hampshire, if they go Bernie's way, can really help shrink that number. So, of course Bernie is going to maintain confidence, that's part of running for office. But if you like Sanders, donate, volunteer, and stay active and vigilant.
And if you don't like Sanders, that's understandable. But when you say that he's going to get destroyed and his supporters are like ''not necessarily", that's not a circle jerk.
Very true. And just BTW, Clinton has much less experience in elected offices.
Bush asked for them, but don't forget that Congress is ultimately responsible for drafting and voting for the legislation. The entire political atmosphere of the post 9/11 Era was fucked from top to bottom
Not from the US, but holy shit Bush really fucked you guys hard. Look at all that tax cuts and war spending. None of that will have any long term returns on helping the country's people and its economies.
Against war in the Middle East since before it started, supported civil rights with MLK, for gay rights since the 1980s, fighting for the middle class against corporate/Wall Street greed since the 90s, explaining the financial sector's problems and predicting the reasons for its failure, in 1998.
Single payer costs LESS per person than our current system. www.pnhp.org/facts/single-payer-system-cost
The real question is what are we going to do with extra money.
A pro Sanders piece not on reddit is somewhat indicative of the potentially changing nature of this race.
[deleted] | 2016-01-17 15:36:01 |
2016: The Year the Americans Found out Our Elections Are Rigged | 4ej2b8 | 16,056 | Title: 2016: The Year the Americans Found out Our Elections Are Rigged
Top Comments:
Anyone who's paid attention has known the system has been rigged for years.
This year we happen to have both a Republican and a Democrat who are open about trying to fight the establishment's system.
Because our country is being stolen by special interest groups, mutlinational corporations, and political elites. This election is exposing the nasty strangle-hold they have on our democracy. That is why we can't get the right kind of health care reform... That's why we can't decriminalize drugs across the board.... That's why we have the most prisoners than any other country... That's why we have crumbling infrastructure and a collapsing social security system... The state of our democracy is in shambles because the electorate has let it slip out of our hands.
Not only that! We also have a government that is willing to eradicate our Bill of Rights protections. Openly spying on everybody, monitoring mass communications and wiping their ass with our 4th amendment. Things have got to change! Wake up people! Our republic is disappearing! Both political parties are actively doing their best to rid the popular vote... Super delegates?? Delegates in general?? Brokered conventions?? What the fuck?? We let this happen and it's terrifying
For the people who don't remember the year 2000
I see it a lot like this:
Imagine you're on a desert island with a chest full of delicious food and bottles of clean drinking water. You go to eat some food, but find that even though the top of the food looked pretty good, the underside was covered in festering human shit!
Disgusted, you throw it away and reach for a new thing to eat. To your chagrin, this piece is covered in shit, too. You root around for hours, but never find a really clean piece of food. There's always human shit on it somewhere. Underneath. Around the edges. Creamy shit filling. Some aren't even food at all! Some are just disgusting turds through and through.
Bewildered, you go for a drink of water. But...it's actually full of piss. God dammit, everything's full of piss and shit!
Well! You aren't going to eat shit and drink piss! You've got some dignity! You'd rather starve to death than eat that shit.
...but then you see the other survivors eating it. Some kind of shrug and say it's better than nothing. Others say it's really good and call you a Nazi for not eating shit with them.
So, you give up and wander off. After sometime, you come across a big coconut tree. It doesn't have quite enough to feed everyone, but it looks clean. It certainly didn't come from that damn shit box. You all might survive after all. But you need help reaching the tree.
So you run back and tell your friends the news. There's food! We just have to drop our shitty food and work together. Some are excited and eager to help...
...but others aren't so quick to join. "What's wrong with the shitty food?" "I'm sure there's shit on those coconuts somewhere!". "We need to drink this piss, since it contains wasted vitamins and salts to keep us alive!"
Some even insist there isnt, nor was there ever any shit on the food as they smear turds around their mouth, staring at you with mad eyes.
So you and a few friends run off to try and get those coconuts. And while you flail and jump, the shit eating survivors will laugh and jeer. No matter how much you beg, they'll insist that all food is shitty, and thinking anything different is stupid.
That's voter apathy to me.
The debacle on drugs and privacy comes from the top-down (in my opinion). The media's opinion on these issues shape the American voter. The problem is, American mass media is deeply entrenched with our political system. They both scratch each other's backs. CNN wants access to top secretaries and top aids, well, they better be soft on this issue(or that issue). A journalist in the associated press gives the President or a major political figure a hard time at a conference, then say goodbye to your seat. The media doesn't get paid by the government to "tow the line". They tow the line so they can have access. So they can provide the illusion of content and influence. It was EXTREMELY apparent during the 8 Bush years. It's what made Fox News explode onto the scene. They openly fought for Republicans and establishment political figures, and now look. Fox News is one of the most lucrative media channels in the United States. And it is complete garbage propaganda.
The American public is dumb as fuck, imo, due to a concerted effort by the political elite and financial elite to eliminate us from the general political environment. Diluting our minds with bullshit and entertainment.
(Lol i sound like some loon off r/conspiracy)
More like the year Americans proved it was rigged.
For me that would be 2000.
I have underwear older than you.
The two parties can do whatever they want in their primaries. They are NOT government entities. People are operating under this idea that the D's and R's are officially endorsed by the Constitution.
They are semi-private gangs that exist to win elections. Thats it. The elections are rigged only in that People barely vote and are generally retarded.
More like "2016: The Year Millennials Deluded Themselves Into Believing They Are Fully Representative of All Americans".
It was a culmination of things. Gore actually won the popular vote by 500,000, there were some vote recounting shenanigans in Florida, and a flawed "voting machine" issue. I don't think I fully understood most of those things when it happened, but eventually I learned.
A very popular candidate was elected in 2008, and before that the Internet wasn't nearly as big as now, social media was non-existent. So injustices and suppression were not really heard of, especially on a large scale, and it had a bit of a conspiracy sound to it. Now, people have a platform to express and rally on, and it's a lot easier to see, "oh yeah, maybe there is a problem".
Most people care about the presidential election more than any other, for better or worse. It's also the only one (at least that I can think of) that is a national vote.
The RNC was pretty blatant about robbing Dr. Paul of any fair shot at a nomination.
I never thought politics could be explained so well with shit analogies.
Part of the issue with your statement is that much of the country legitimately believes in it. There isn't a single policy issue that somewhere around 50% of people don't follow. You think some vast majority of the country wants to decriminalize drugs? Or be softer on crime? Nope. It might be a slight majority, but only slight. Not a single policy issue gets passed without some decent portion of the populace wanting it. People wanted the war on drugs when it was first pushed, and the data shows a majority of conservatives still do. It also shows that people want to be spied on like they are. A slight majority was opposed to Snowden and though he should be thrown in jail for what he did. A lot of people want a bigger NSA that makes companies like Apple give the government whatever they want.
I had to get halfway through this before I realized it was satire. That's how bad it's gotten around here. | 2016-04-13 00:26:18 |
What would be the ultimate plot twist of the 2016 presidential elections? | 4i1cp3 | 12,867 | Title: What would be the ultimate plot twist of the 2016 presidential elections?
Top Comments:
Trump wins, and resigns within 6 months. So he can go back to being The Donald, but under a President that he hand picked.
Donald selects Bernie as VP
Bernie Sanders was dead all along
The election was just a Weekend at Bernie's.
Trump wins the election, builds the wall, brings jobs back, and defeats ISIS.
Then just to fuck with everyone he runs in 2020 as a democrat, wins the election, implements universal healthcare, provides free college, and fixes climate change.
Clinton actually gets arrested, giving Sanders the Democratic nomination.
The Donald selects Bill Clinton as his running mate.
There's another Zodiac murder.
If Queen Elizabeth rolls in and takes back her colonies.
oh my god.
George Bush Senior runs as an independent and wins his second term!
Donald Trump takes off his toupee to reveal a zipper. Undoes his sophisticated latex mask to reveal that he's been Ross Perot the whole time.
EDIT: Stay gold, Ponyboy!
Because both front-runners have negative net favorability, the two party system crumbles. Independents rally around the outsiders. A very close four-way race occurs with Hillary, Trump, Jill Stein, and Gary Johnson. No one nets enough electoral votes to be president presumptive. House of Representatives to determine next president, and they pick
The release of the Clinton/Trump sex tapes from the late 90's.
Everyone would go fucking nuts.
Trump selects Lewinsky as his VP, Hillary selects Bill. The VP debate would be great.
Kevin Spacey is elected President on the condition he stay in character as Frank Underwood.
Trump wins and immediately reverses his positions so far to the left Bernie would look like Mitt Romney.
Plot twist, the Clinton involved is not Hillary. | 2016-05-05 18:50:33 |
59% of Americans are exhausted about the 2016 election coverage | 4sv43j | 14,324 | Title: 59% of Americans are exhausted about the 2016 election coverage
Top Comments:
Surprising since the 2016 coverage has only been going on since 2013 or so.
I'm exhausted by it and I'm not even from the USA. And it didn't even start yet... the parties just chose.. right? Yoir system is so weird as well.
The two options were "worn out by so much coverage" and "like seeing so much coverage." That is a HORRIBLE poll design. It leaves for no middle ground uses victimizing language with "worn out." This is meaningless.
You joke, but there is always speculation for the next election immediately after the election. Some of it is [surprisingly accurate](http://www.theonion.com/video/after-obama-victory-shrieking-white-hot-sphere-of--30284)
The next few days wont be any better since apparently Trump is picking someone who doesn't believe in gay rights, evolution, climate change, stem cell research, and wanted abortions to have to have funerals as his VP.
No, you can't be your own running mate.
Not even majority of votes with how our election system works. Most recently in 2000 Bush won over Gore even though Gore got the majority vote.
The Onion is probably the most hard-hitting and accurate news source. It just takes some time for reality to catch up.
"Always predict the worst and you'll be hailed as a prophet" -Tom Lehrer
Same here. The people recently chose the candidates that will represent the parties (Republican: Trump, Democrats: Hillary) and they ~~battle to the death in Mortal Kombat~~ now basically have to gain the majority of the votes by... november, I think? To become president.
If Trump wins the majority of votes but loses then I don't even know what would happen...
I'm picturing Trump announcing his running mate, Ronald Tromp, before ducking underneath the podium and putting on a ridiculous looking fake mustache.
I eat this election stuff up. This is as close as we get to Hunger Games in real life.
God damn. That's almost as good as this, from the week of Bush's inauguration.
"so much coverage" is also terrible. I am worn out by this shitty poll design.
Could you imagine the US if either candidate won this time around like that? It'd be crazy
It's the dumbest thing he's done yet. He just lost the entire not-Hillary vote in one fell swoop.
[deleted] | 2016-07-14 19:25:39 |
Pew poll: Most voters 'frustrated,' 'disgusted' with 2016 election | 53ty9i | 3,296 | Title: Pew poll: Most voters 'frustrated,' 'disgusted' with 2016 election
Top Comments:
A year ago, I thought, "Wow, a candidate who I'd actually like to vote for! This is going to be a great year for politics."
What the hell happened?
Embarrassed is more like it
That's how primary season always is. That's not new.
What's wild about this year is I could have productive disagreements with a person on Mitt Romney. A person who is voting for Trump I re-evaluate that individual at a core level and if they are needed in my life.
Yeah, thanks news outlets! You've done a stellar job!
Because in DWS' own words, "we can't let grassroots activists actually win."
The two parties' primary elections are no replacement for a general multi-party election. But that's what people are being fed - that they "get to have their voices heard in the primary". The DNC clearly showed this year that this is not how it actually works.
Frustrated Embarrassed Disgusted. It's the FED Trifecta.
It's almost as if the government has ceased any semblance of representation of the needs of the population...
Trumps the first major candidate I honestly don't know how someone can support without having some sort of personality flaw. I just don't get it.
And I just can't wrap my head around anyone who believes Hillary will 1) End foreign intervention and needless war, 2) End the corruption and influence of big money in politics, 3) provide ANY meaningful leadership on issues such as fracking, 4) Further the cause for single-payer universal healthcare, while being bribed... sorry, taking "donations" from big pharma (who has outspent the NRA at least 8 to 1 on campaign donations) and big health care conglomerates.
Honestly, I really would love someone supporting her to make anywhere close to a rational argument that she'll actually DO any good. It appears her supporters don't actually *listen* to what she says. Like when she was asked if she was opposed to fracking, and gave a carefully worded answer that translates into "yep, I'm against it only when people are rich and mobilized enough to fight the special interests carrying out fracking in their state." Zero ethical stance, zero care for the fact they're absolutely raping landscapes in rural America for resources, akin to 3rd world resource pillaging normally reserved for Africa (although just as abhorrent, but easy to forget since it's not in our back yard).
I honestly just see zero moral compass in that woman, and would love to hear someone who thinks otherwise make a rational claim to it.
I can't vote for her, and I can't vote for Trump... without sacrificing the ethics and values I hold dear. And while I certainly don't agree with Gary Johnson's positions on many things, IMHO it is far more important to reach the threshold of votes to get Federal 3rd party status and financing, than any single issue being talked about in this election... of which the President usually has almost zero influence on.
The ONE thing might be the SCJs due for appointment, but even so, the SC has shown itself to be bought-and-paid-for as well. Nothing will change if she's elected.
Edit: wow thanks for the gold kind stranger!
Ironic coming from CNN when they are part of the reason we are at this point. If they had nonbiased coverage of the Democratic primary Bernie would probably be the nominee.
This entire election has either been an insult to our collective intelligence or a very damning example of our poor civics and history education. Not sure yet.
I'm not a progressive, but I feel so bad for Democrats who supported Sanders and hope the DNC feels shame for their unethical dealings to get Hillary nominated.
Thankfully, the candidate I supported from the beginning of this year, Governor Gary Johnson, is still in the race.
The problem is if you reluctantly vote for Hillary you're telling the DNC it's okay to screw over the people. If instead, people voted for Stein (or come join us at r/garyjohnson ) then the DNC might get the message that voters won't stand for its bullshit.
Yeah, I'm FED up with this whole election...
Someone who votes Hilldogg as the best of a set of bad choices I can work with. She is, at worst, a dirty politician. Our country can survive that.
Voting a racist demagogue is unforgivable.
Voter suppression (and shitty voter turnout). The mainstream media abdicating their responsibility. The strategic positioning of former campaign staff as the leaders of unions and other organizations whose endorsements are influential. General all-around fuckery.
> Unpledged delegates exist, really, to make sure that party leaders and elected officials don't have to be in a position where they are running against grassroots activists.
Hillary is *textbook* establishment Democrat. There's little to differentiate herself from Obama. I'd even make the argument that Obama's zealous prosecution of whistleblowers, doubling down on domestic surveillance, and his drone program is far more condemning (or just as condemning) than any of the substantiated negative claims against Clinton.
Yet, Obama's approval ratings are nearly double of that of Clinton's. Hillary's true problem is a deficit of charisma, and a surplus of public suspicion fueled by her reclusiveness.
I was thinking about this and it occurred to me that it wasn't just the press abdicating their responsibility - we as citizens also didn't uphold our end of the bargain. How many of us still subscribe to newspapers or pay for online content? Once stuff started appearing online for free we were willing to trade convenience for rigor and fact checking. And the established media responded by supplementing more of their income from paid advertising. And now all we seem to care about is sensationalism and he said she said.
I agree that the media has let us down, but I also feel we are somewhat to blame for this situation.
I wouldn't say that's been true of the **entire** thing, Bernie Sanders was a very positive highlight in the race. | 2016-09-21 16:17:42 |
How about we don't elect anybody in 2016 | 555ii3 | 15,678 | Title: How about we don't elect anybody in 2016
Top Comments:
Bruh if you havent noticed, niggas been in the purge
[Hell naw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-K7fCQlUhj0)
It's almost as if the purge was based off of this years election
Seems more like GTA IRL .. Cops be overreacting.
But the woman in the purge was hot af.
But the pic of them, wearing the same clothes, is from the Senate a couple nights ago.
Edit: or the debate a couple nights ago fucking autocorrect
She looked and acted as well as a pornstar
The ~~Minnie Mouse~~ blonde hair, possibly blue eyes, w/ glasses chick was actually trying to end the Purge though.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't think the creators ever wanted to make the Purge 1. But the studio heard their pitch and insisted they prove the concept with a safe generic horror movie about rich white people before they let them get all political.
That's my completely unsubstantiated theory anyway.
Google "Hillary Clinton red pantsuit". She wears them a lot. They had a 50/50 shot with Trump's tie. I haven't seen the movie and obviously they couldn't have foreseen the future, but it wouldn't be that hard to figure out what they would wear from an educated guess.
That user name tho lmaoo
Purge 2 is the best example of a shitty first movie and a great sequel.
The minnie mouse chick in the movie was the psycho teenager who tries to loot the deli
No I don't know what youre saying. Could you explain?
Cause shit is fire
She's done some nude scenes before. Also not Penny's boat.
It's a great premise, but it suffers from one critical flaw: All the good guys are wearing plot armor.
Oh shit, nvm, I meant the senator with glasses or whatever lol. Super off. That's on me though. | 2016-09-30 01:06:34 |
I’m with stupid: The entire 2016 election has been an insult to our intelligence | 5a0od9 | 7,135 | Title: I’m with stupid: The entire 2016 election has been an insult to our intelligence
Top Comments:
Honestly it really made me realize how stupid and naive our country is...
Exactly. It's not an insult, it's a measure of American intelligence. It's the best argument I've seen in a long time for massive amounts of educational reform. Tens of millions of people require lessons in critical thinking otherwise another conman is going to come along and con them again.
No it hasn't, it's been a reflection of our intelligence.
We chose this. It's not an insult, it's a reflection.
ITT: the college kids of r/politics yet again explain how everyone is stupid *except them*.
I agree we have a problem with reasonable discourse between opposing sides, but let's be very clear: a lot of the shit going on with the Trump campaign isn't a matter of discourse, it's a matter of fact denying. There is no "agreeing" on facts. Facts are facts, period. Trump supporters refuse, outright, to acknowledge certain facts and reality. That alone makes reasonable discourse with them next to impossible because they are *not reasonable*. You can't have a reasonable discussion about the environment with someone who believes climate change is a Chinese hoax anymore than you can have a reasonable discussion about French history with someone who believes they're Napoleon. In a normal situation, the mature reasonable thing to do would be to walk away and ignore them but in a presidential campaign, where their ignorance and fact denial is going to create very real, very serious tangible damage to our nation and our society, they can not be ignored.
I think Salon is more of an insult to our intelligence tbh
And our inability to talk to people we disagree with.
It's not an insult to our intelligence. It has exposed our lack of intelligence. We chose Trump. We chose him without him hiding who he is. We chose him not in spite of his idiotic statements and promises, but because of them. On election day a majority of the people in at least 20 states are going to says that they want Donald Trump to be the leader of most powerful military in the world. This is our country.
I teach middle school science and my students are learning fallacies in langauage arts, so I incorporate them into our scientific inquiries.
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice" -Wayne Gretzky
I don't like Fox News but this statement in the article is misleading: "Politifact has claimed that only 10 percent of what Fox News reports is true."
Politifact does not fact check every claim made by Fox News so they can't speak about all of what Fox News reports. They only claim that 10% of what they actually fact check gets a True rating (which doesn't include Mostly True).
Just add two more 'R's to the existing 3, so it's:
- Reading
- Writing
- Arithmetic
- Reasoning (logic)
- Reflection (useful self-criticism and correction)
This will never happen because those two new skills directly threaten dogma. I hate sounding like a conspiracy nut, but it seems to be the truth. Particularly as long as religion has any significant role in society - religion can't stand up to competent reasoning, so we can't risk children understanding logic.
> [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/71259)
It's not entirely our fault. The primaries are a messy situation that aren't very democratic or representative of voters. Our first-past-the-post system also kills the chances of having a third party candidate.
Counterpoint: Have you met this country lately? We're not the brightest bulbs in the box. Most of the country uses Texas textbooks in schools, and we're rapidly moving toward phasing out public education in favor of for-profit charters with a financial incentive to herd kids through standardized tests as quickly and cheaply as possible.
The success of an openly xenophobic, misogynist, hateful campaign is not surprising to me in the slightest. | 2016-10-29 14:30:34 |
US Pre-Election Day Megathread 2016 | 5amg64 | 2,420 | Title: US Pre-Election Day Megathread 2016
Body: The [United States presidential election of 2016](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election,_2016), and more generally, [US Election Day](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_elections,_2016) occurs on Tuesday, November 8, 2016.
Please use this thread to ask questions about the 2016 presidential election with a top-level comment. People can answer your question and treat each parent comment like an individual thread.
**Please note: if your top-level comment doesn't contain a direct question (i.e. it's a reply to this post, not a reply to a comment) it will automatically be removed.**
Just like our other megathreads, posts relating to the election and the sort will be removed while this post is up. It's also in "suggested sort: new" but you can change the sorting to whatever you prefer.
Top Comments:
Can we have a sexy pre Election Day thread as well?
Who's ready for the front page to be normal again?
So who is ready for the 2020 election to start on November 10th?
I am.
Are you looking forward to this election being over?
I pushed for one, but was shot down.
To make it clear, I, too, voted for the sexy thread
Anyone see this post and panic cause they thought the election was today (Nov 1st)?
I have a feeling if he looses, he's not going to be quiet.
Because it was all ***RIGGED***
How will news channels adapt to not having Trump as their primary focus 24/7 after the election is done?
If he somehow manages to win popular vote, but lose the Electoral College, it'd be chaos
Yes. I answered my own question.
As a Canadian, I can't wait for this to be over. I don't know who I want to win, I'm not much into politics. But it's *finally* ***almost*** over!!!
Edit: holy shit stop messaging me about politics guys
There must be one weirdo that will change his last name to Hindsight and run for president.
Does anyone think we might have the largest voter turnout by a large margin?
Why do some anti-Clinton voters claim that she'll just be another 4 yrs of Obama when a majority of Americans would probably take a third term of him instead of any of the candidates?
Have you ordered your Kanye 2020 yard signs yet? | 2016-11-01 23:11:48 |
US Election Day Megathread 2016 | 5bpw79 | 3,503 | Title: US Election Day Megathread 2016
Body: The [United States presidential election of 2016](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election,_2016), and more generally, [US Election Day](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_elections,_2016) is occurring on Tuesday, November 8, 2016.
Americans, if you'd like to vote, head to the polls on November 8!
For more information about voting, go to [Rock the Vote](https://www.rockthevote.com/) to find your polling place and see who will be on your ballot.
Please use this thread to ask questions about the 2016 presidential election with a top-level comment. People can answer your question and treat each parent comment like an individual thread.
**Please note: if your top-level comment doesn't contain a direct question (i.e. it's a reply to this post, not a reply to a comment) it will automatically be removed.**
Just like our other megathreads, posts relating to the election and the sort will be removed while this post is up. It's also in "suggested sort: new" but you can change the sorting to whatever you prefer.
Top Comments:
Whose else is ready for all the drama on Wednesday at work and school?
Anyone else rooting for Jeb?
Reddit drama too
is it over yet?
Okay, so, 18 y/o first-time voter here (obviously). I was under the impression I was voting solely for a president tomorrow, and just found out now (the night before) that I'm voting for all kinds of political positions and amendments, etc. Could anyone link me to a complete/compiled list or something of the sort so I may educate myself?
Anyone else ordering take out Mexican food after voting? It just seems right.
im going to remove all filters, this year long shit show is finally ready to climax. i cant wait to see reddit have a mental breakdown. and it's going to happen regardless of who wins.
Does a person's absentee/ early vote still count if they die before election day?
Mickey Mouse didn't sign my booklet as a child when I went to Disney.
But overall he's pretty solid. Easily better than the 2 major candidates.
Do you think anyone in Trump's campaign has been able to convince him that he should have a concession speech "just in case"?
Early voting 100%.
If the ballot was mailed in, it has a line where you date and sign it. If the date was before the person died, 100% ok.
If it was after, then it is up to the registrar counting the votes to recognize that fact. More than likely it would not be caught unless their was a fiercely contested recount.
Season finale of america
It's not Jeb? It's Jeb!
What's the funniest political ad you've seen this season?
[This one takes the cake for me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrtMf-sJHVk&feature=youtu.be)
There's a pretty deep vein of nationalism that runs through small-town America. There are a lot of people that would love to hear Europeans bash Trump because, to them, Europe is a socialist hellhole that is currently drowning in Muslims. Their information streams are the people around them and the right-wing American media, specifically Fox News. A lot of these people work in industry or agriculture, real salt-of-the-earth, blue-collar jobs that have largely shifted away from the US, or modernized enough to significantly reduce the required workforce. They used to have stable, high-paying jobs that have gone away. For the past 50 years, if you're a good union worker, you vote Democrat and know that they'll fight for you. Well where has that gotten you? The jobs are slowly slipping away and your little town is dying. The Democrats have done nothing for you, the Republicans fought your union, so they're not exactly on your side either. You're fed up and angry with presidential candidates coming through every 4 years telling you that they're gonna fix things, and then they get elected (whether you voted for them or not) and they disappear until the next election cycle. You're part of the downtrodden, the passed-by, the forgotten American worker and they couldn't tell you enough how important you are. But as soon as January comes along and they get sworn in, they're focused on some conflict in some place that has never meant a thing to you. Or they're fixing a health care system that used to work just fine for you, or an education bill, or taxes, etc. etc. etc. but all you really want is your job that you used to have.
So now, here comes this guy who is a businessman. As far as you know, he's a self made man. He's not a politician. And you know what else? **He talks the way you talk.** He's not gonna bullshit you about how you're the backbone of this country. He actually knows that it's true, because he's a builder and he knows what blue-collar labor does. You could see yourself in his shoes some day, maybe after you save up a few bucks and start that welding outfit you always wanted to start. And the misogyny, hey, he's just a man right. People talked like that in the 70s and it was no big deal because the 70s were great and you had a job back then. Maybe if people loosened up about the sexual-harassment-this and patriarchy-that, then we could go back to that time.
And another thing. You're a white guy, and maybe you're all for black equality, but you saw that they got everything they wanted in the 60s with MLK and the Civil Rights Act. Battle over. And maybe you live in a town with almost no black people. Well how easy it is, then, to say "If they don't have jobs by now, it's their fault. They have every opportunity, they just haven't taken it." And it's **so easy** to say that because you don't see them, you have no idea what their life is like, and you hear your neighbor Bill say it. And his wife Susan agrees. "If those n*****s had any motivation at all, they'd be just fine." And maybe you don't use the n-word like that, but you remember how your dad used to, and you share the sentiment anyway, so what can one word hurt.
So back to Donald, he's saying that what we really need to do is **crack down** on those people. If they're gonna act like children, then we need to be firm parents here. And you're all on board, that's the kind of non-PC action that we need in this country.
This guy is a billionaire, he has buildings all over the world with his name on them, and a penthouse suite in each one. He bangs models, he flies around in his own jet, and he's gonna run for president? Why do that? Why leave that life for the thankless office of president? Because he cares about you, the little guy. And he's gonna help you. And he's telling the Dems and the GOP to go fuck themselves, and brother, that is music to your ears. Your vote is as good as his. And it all makes sense; everybody you know thinks the same way, Fox news seems to agree, and if they're not quite singing the tune you like, fuck them too, there's this new website called Breitbart that Bill's kid reads and it's saying all the things you're thinking. The only people that disagree are hippies and city-dwelling liberals that have never done an honest day's work in their lives. They've never been out digging trenches on a hot day, so what the fuck would they know about how the world works? You have real honest-to-god experience, you know that the real world begins where the big city ends.
So tomorrow, when you go to that poll, you're going to pull the golden shiny lever, and things will change. Everything will go back to the way it used to be, back before the world got so tangled and complicated and confusing. And you'll remember how great it was to come home from the factory to your comfortable 3-bedroom house and have a cold beer and watch Leave it to Beaver, or Father Knows Best, or whatever you used to watch.
That's why Trump exists. That's why this election is even in question.
The [Rock the Vote](https://www.rockthevote.com/) website will show you everything you can vote for if you go to "What's on my ballot?" Then you can look up the candidates and/or propositions.
Go to their polling place and vote. Get some nice free airtime.
Probably take a nap.
Stay close by to monitor polls. See if they need to move resources one way or another to help get out the vote.
Call supporters.
Maybe take another nap.
Make their way to their headquarters and prepare for a really long night.
How will /r/The_Donald react on Wednesday morning, win or lose? | 2016-11-08 00:06:07 |
The 2016 US Presidential Election | 5by0qh | 95,736 | Title: The 2016 US Presidential Election
Body: That's it. That's the entire fucking joke.
Top Comments:
Brexit was funny, but this affects ME.
Lizard that got away from the snakes 2020
Putin end to my life
Good enough
Not a fan of political jokes - seen too many get elected
Are you supposed to cry at jokes?
Brexit affects you too. Like it or not, we live in a global society now .
We'll post it in 2021. Everything's 2020 in hindsight
Lets just hope America doesn't repost this joke of an election in 2020. This is too much as it is
This election season will cost more than 5 billion dollars..
There must be a cheaper way to find the worst people in society...
Not ~~if~~ *when* Trump wins! Isolationism, 2016! WE ARE THE WORLD!
Edit: Reality strikes hard, bro.
I'm a Muslim living in the States. Trump doesn't scare me as much as his supporters do.
Edit: I have to clarify, most Trump supporters I know are fine people. He issue I have is that he enables outright racism from the minority, and they might feel emboldened to take action.
Orange is the new black.
I feel like the Mayan calendar was off a bit
I blame on DNC, rigged the primary and shot themselves in the foot. Great job
Not just ME, all the other states too...
I'll shut up now
I'm Jewish and I'm right there with you in fearing his supporters. Their anti Muslim sentiments are large but so are their anti Jewish views. Even if Trump doesn't put these views into law, these people have become emboldened and their views are becoming normalized. | 2016-11-09 03:21:44 |
2016 Final Election Day Returns Megathread | 5bz70q | 1,307 | Title: 2016 Final Election Day Returns Megathread
Body: Welcome to the final /r/politics 2016 Election Day Returns Megathread! This will be the last Election Day Returns Megathread for this election cycle. We will however have one final megathread once a Presidential-Elect is projected.
* /r/politics hosted a couple of Reddit Live threads this evening. The [first thread](https://www.reddit.com/live/xw7hncgk1gi7) is highlights of today and will be moderated by us personally. The [second thread](https://www.reddit.com/live/xw7ya3zdewzc) is hosted by us with the assistance of a variety of guest contributors. This second thread is much heavier commentary, busier and more in-depth.
* Join us in a live chat! You simply need login to OrangeChat [here](https://app.orangechat.io/#/r/politics) to join the discussion.
* [See our /r/politics events calendar](https://goo.gl/DJ83mr) for upcoming AMAs, debates, and other events.
* To get the cool "I Voted" flair added to your username simply say the words "I voted" anywhere in your comment and it will be automatically added. You can also just select it from the flair picker if you are so inclined.
# Election Returns Resources
* **Live Stream**: [CNN](http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/07/politics/live-election-results-coverage/index.html?sr=watchLiveHPbutton), [C-Span](https://www.c-span.org/video/?418191-1/campaign-2016-election-night-results-speeches), [NBC/YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deh3phE97ok), [ABC/YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TTiDlK4vS8), [PBS/YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lL-gicgoCAY)
* **Interactive Web Tools**: [FiveThirtyEight](http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/election-night-forecast-2016/), [270ToWin](http://www.270towin.com/), [Politico](http://www.politico.com/2016-election/results/map/president), [New York Times](http://www.nytimes.com/elections/results/president), [The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2016/nov/08/us-election-2016-results-live-clinton-trump?view=map&type=presidential)
* **Live Blog**: [FiveThirtyEight](http://fivethirtyeight.com/live-blog/2016-election-results-coverage/), [The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2016/nov/08/us-election-2016-polls-trump-clinton-results-live), [Breitbart](http://www.breitbart.com/live/2016-election-day-live-updates/), [NPR](http://www.npr.org/2016/11/08/500427835/live-blog-election-night-2016), [CNN](http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/07/politics/live-election-results-coverage/index.html?sr=watchLiveHPbutton)
#Megathread Topic
The point of this megathread (that will be stickied all evening) is to serve as the hub for both general Election Day and US Presidential discussion. More targeted discussion will occur in each state’s associated thread. These threads will serve for discussion of all local and state specific elections. This will ideally help make the discussion much more accessible for all those interested in these races.
* **State Links:** [Alabama](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5bri47/2016_election_day_state_megathread_alabama/), [Alaska](https://redd.it/5brhkd), [Arizona](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brigl/2016_election_day_state_megathread_arizona/), [Arkansas](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brims/2016_election_day_state_megathread_arkansas/), [California](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5briy5/2016_election_day_state_megathread_california/), [Colorado](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brj2k/2016_election_day_state_megathread_colorado/), [Connecticut](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brkpa/2016_election_day_state_megathread_connecticut/), [Delaware](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brj7j/2016_election_day_state_megathread_delaware/), [Florida](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brjig/2016_election_day_state_megathread_florida/), [Georgia](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brjmn/2016_election_day_state_megathread_georgia/), [Hawaii](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brjw9/2016_election_day_state_megathread_hawaii/), [Idaho](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brjzv/2016_election_day_state_megathread_idaho/), [Illinois](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brk9s/2016_election_day_state_megathread_illinois/), [Indiana](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brkdy/2016_election_day_state_megathread_indiana/), [Iowa](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brkin/2016_election_day_state_megathread_iowa/), [Kansas](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brku2/2016_election_day_state_megathread_kansas/), [Kentucky](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brkxo/2016_election_day_state_megathread_kentucky/), [Louisiana](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brl1m/2016_election_day_state_megathread_louisiana/), [Maine](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brl4x/2016_election_day_state_megathread_maine/), [Maryland](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brl8q/2016_election_day_state_megathread_maryland/), [Massachusetts](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brlck/2016_election_day_state_megathread_massachusetts/), [Michigan](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brlfg/2016_election_day_state_megathread_michigan/), [Minnesota](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brlir/2016_election_day_state_megathread_minnesota/), [Mississippi](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brln8/2016_election_day_state_megathread_mississippi/), [Missouri](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brlqc/2016_election_day_state_megathread_missouri/), [Montana](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brlv8/2016_election_day_state_megathread_montana/), [Nebraska](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brlz4/2016_election_day_state_megathread_nebraska/), [Nevada](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brm2j/2016_election_day_state_megathread_nevada/), [New Hampshire](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brm69/2016_election_day_state_megathread_new_hampshire/), [New Jersey](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brmbt/2016_election_day_state_megathread_new_jersey/), [New Mexico](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brmg3/2016_election_day_state_megathread_new_mexico/), [New York](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brmjz/2016_election_day_state_megathread_new_york/), [North Carolina](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brmn1/2016_election_day_state_megathread_north_carolina/), [North Dakota](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brmry/2016_election_day_state_megathread_north_dakota/), [Ohio](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brmxi/2016_election_day_state_megathread_ohio/), [Oklahoma](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brn0s/2016_election_day_state_megathread_oklahoma/), [Oregon](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brn5a/2016_election_day_state_megathread_oregon/), [Pennsylvania](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brnbn/2016_election_day_state_megathread_pennsylvania/), [Rhode Island](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brngz/2016_election_day_state_megathread_rhode_island/), [South Carolina](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brnjd/2016_election_day_state_megathread_south_carolina/), [South Dakota](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brnn0/2016_election_day_state_megathread_south_dakota/), [Tennessee](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brnr8/2016_election_day_state_megathread_tennessee/), [Texas](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brnur/2016_election_day_state_megathread_texas/), [Utah](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brnyn/2016_election_day_state_megathread_utah/), [Vermont](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5bro2i/2016_election_day_state_megathread_vermont/), [Virginia](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5bro76/2016_election_day_state_megathread_virginia/), [Washington (state)](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5broap/2016_election_day_state_megathread_state_of/), [Washington D.C.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brogx/2016_election_day_state_megathread_washington_dc/), [West Virginia](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5brojt/2016_election_day_state_megathread_west_virginia/), [Wisconsin](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5broni/2016_election_day_state_megathread_wisconsin/), [Wyoming](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5bros6/2016_election_day_state_megathread_wyoming/) and [U.S. Territories](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5browb/2016_election_day_state_megathread_us_territories/).
#Previous Megathreads
* [Election Day Eve](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5bpzkl/2016_election_day_eve_megathread/), [4am EST](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5bs7ms/2016_election_day_megathread_4am_est/), [6am EST](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5bsl1l/2016_election_day_megathread_6am_est/), [9am EST](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5btbto/2016_election_day_megathread_9am_est/), [12pm EST](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5budzo/2016_election_day_megathread_12pm_est/), [3pm EST](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5bvj86/2016_election_day_megathread_3pm_est/), [6pm EST](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5bwmxp/2016_election_day_returns_megathread/), [7:45pm EST](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5bx7em/2016_election_day_returns_megathread_745pm_est/), [8:50pm EST](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5bxjb8/2016_election_day_returns_megathread_850pm_est/), [9:35pm EST](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5bxrwr/2016_election_day_returns_megathread_935pm_est/), [10:10pm EST](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5bxyd3/2016_election_day_returns_megathread_1010pm_est/), [10:40pm EST](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5by3kh/2016_election_day_returns_megathread_1040pm_est/), [11:10pm EST](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5by9gx/2016_election_day_returns_megathread_1110pm_est/), [11:50pm EST](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5byhk8/2016_election_day_returns_megathread_1150pm_est/), [12:20am EST](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5byorc/2016_election_day_returns_megathread_1220am_est/), [1am EST](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5byy3d/2016_election_day_returns_megathread_1am_est/)
Top Comments:
With Pennsylvania calling for Trump, the race is over. Trump will be the 45th President of the United States of America.
The American people have elected a President and Vice President that deny climate change, evolution, that endorse the anti-vaccine movement, are anti-choice, anti-immigration and anti-science, to name just a few.
To my American friends that voted against him and will now have to live through not only Trump, but Pence, a Republican controlled Senate, Republican controlled House of Representatives, and the promised conservative anti-LGBT SCOTUS judge, I am so sorry.
Let's do a quick review:
Trump just beat HILLARY CLINTON. THE HILLARY CLINTON spent the GDP of a small nation, had a president support her, had a former president campaign for her, had Bernie Fucking Sanders campaign for her, managed to beat two heavy scandals, and had the media back her up with polls and nonsense data, AND STILL LOST.
Lost to Donald Trump, who was riddled with scandals, barely spent anything, and won handily.
Wew lads. The DNC should have chosen a better candidate
You want something really scary.
- Control of the House
- Control of the Senate
- Trump
- Pence
- Modern media.
The Republican Party has the strongest grip on America it has ever had. Ever.
If you are LGBT, non-religious, work in science, are an immigrant or liberal; be fucking prepared.
Climate Change consensus just got kicked into the fucking trash can.
He's not the president America needs but the one they deserve
Good job Americans, you elected a fucking meme for president
As someone who voted for Bernie in the primaries (but absolutely hated the attitude most Bernie supporters had in the primary) I think the Democratic Party should've paid more attention to what the future generation (millennials) wanted. Sure, I voted for Hillary in the election, and so did everyone I could convince. But the people I talked to were never crazy for Hillary like people were for Bernie.
The fact the entire Democratic establishment went for Hillary before even the debates started was a bad sign that she was not going to get properly tested. It was completely disproportionate to how the voters did vote and made a lot of would be Democrats lose faith in the process.
My recommendation for fellow liberals will be to do to the Democratic Party what the Tea Party did to the Republican Party. Only when the leaders of the party fears the base will we get what we want. Pushing through a candidate with so much baggage was a terrible mistake and the DNC needs to be punished for it. #PurgetheDNC
Wow. What a sad day for America.
Dear media, if you treat the fucking election like a reality TV show, you get a reality TV show host for president.
...And here we are. Congratulations to the half of America that will be celebrating/rejoicing at their presidential choice. To the half that feel this is the end of the world, just remember once you hit rock bottom, the only direction left is up.
Unless there's a nuclear holocaust. In which case, up is not such a good idea.
Good night, America. Regardless of the results, the world does indeed keep going, work included.
they wanted a president that's not a politician, well they're fucking getting one now.
The winner of tonight's election is the Voyager space probe, launched in 1977, which is currently travelling at 62,137 km per hour away from the Earth into interstellar space...
Hello to future historians, citizens of the world, explorers of the ancient Internet.
We tried.
I honest to god teared up a little as my heart sank. I'm horrified that apparently the majority of Americans agree with them.
She didn't really beat those scandals, they really hindered her
Surprising stat of the night: Clinton only won educated women by 6%
Americans are no longer allowed to say: "how the hell did Hitler come into power" | 2016-11-09 06:44:59 |
AP projects Donald Trump wins 2016 US Presidential Election - Magathread | 5bzh35 | 9,123 | Title: AP projects Donald Trump wins 2016 US Presidential Election - Magathread
Body: AP has projected that Donald Trump has won the 2016 Presidential Election and will serve as our 45th President of the United States. Mike Pence will serve as his Vice President. Congratulations to those that voted and helped campaign for them.
Please enjoy discussion about this election below, but remember that [our civility guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/rulesandregs#wiki_please_be_civil) are still in place.
##Submissions that may interest you
[Ex-KKK Leader David Duke Celebrates Donald Trump's Election Night](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/david-duke-donald-trump_us_5822b0a6e4b0d9ce6fbfe338) | /u/MacNCheezOnUrKneez
[Donald Trump set to become President after extraordinary victory over Hillary Clinton](http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/politics/donald-trump-set-become-president-9223711) | /u/ElectionObserver2016
[Donald Trump wins presidential election, plunging US into uncertain future](http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/09/donald-trump-wins-us-election-news?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_New_Submission) | /u/schadenschokolade
[Donald Trump wins Presidential Election](http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/09/donald-trump-wins-us-election-news?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other) | /u/availableusername10
[Hillary Clinton calls Donald Trump and concedes presidential election](http://www.cnbc.com/2016/11/08/live-global-markets-jolted-on-the-election-jitters-dow-futures-plunge-700-points.html) | /u/HanniGunz
[Donald Trump wins presidential election, plunging US into uncertain future](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/09/donald-trump-wins-us-election-news?CMP=share_btn_tw) | /u/Clubjustin
[Donald Trump Is Elected President in Stunning Repudiation of the Establishment](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/09/us/politics/hillary-clinton-donald-trump-president.html) | /u/kiramis
['Dear God, America what have you done?': How the world and its media reacted as Donald Trump poised to become US president](http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/11/09/us-election-the-world-holds-its-breath-as-polls-close-in-america/) | /u/Nuro92
[Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton called to congratulate us](http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2016/11/09/donald-trump-speaks-election-headquarters-announcement-sot.cnn) | /u/bernieaccountess
[Mexicans wonder how they'll be treated with President-elect Trump](http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/11/08/mexico-united-states-presidential-election/93520600/) | /u/Dominator27
[President-elect Donald Trump calls for unity after brutal election](http://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/president-elect-donald-trump-calls-for-unity-after-brutal-election-231073?lo=ap_a1) | /u/cyanocittaetprocyon
[Hillary Clinton won't concede tonight - Los Angeles Times](http://www.latimes.com/nation/politics/trailguide/la-na-election-day-2016-hillary-clinton-won-t-concede-1478675592-htmlstory.html) | /u/agentf90
[Hillary Clinton concedes defeat in private call to Donald Trump](http://www.latimes.com/nation/politics/trailguide/la-na-election-day-2016-hillary-clinton-concedes-defeat-in-1478678030-htmlstory.html) | /u/Mr_unbeknownst
[Global markets in tailspin as Trump elected next U.S. president](http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/markets/2016/11/09/global-markets-tailspin-trump-victory-declared/93531114/) | /u/Im_Not_A_Socialist
[US Election 2016: Asia markets jolted by Trump win](http://www.bbc.com/news/business-37917842) | /u/phuocnguyen286
[Donald Trump Is Elected President in Stunning Repudiation of the Establishment - NYTimes.com](http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/11/09/us/politics/hillary-clinton-donald-trump-president.html) | /u/peter_poiuyt
[Donald Trump just blew up the electoral map](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/11/08/donald-trumps-path-to-victory-is-suddenly-looking-much-much-wider/) | /u/youregaylol
[Donald Trump stuns the world, elected USA's 45th president](http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/2016/11/08/trump-clinton-target-social-media-swing-states-final-hours/93494872/) | /u/Annacarry83
[Full transcript: President-elect Donald Trump's victory speech](http://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-president-elect-donald-trump-white-house-election-2016-518822?rx=us) | /u/samuelsamvimes
[Europes far-right politicians congratulate Donald Trump on election victory](http://www.newsweek.com/europe-far-right-congratulate-donald-trump-victory-marine-le-pen-518774?rx=us) | /u/ericcantonevilcousin
[How Trump won the election: volatility and a common touch](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/09/how-did-donald-trump-win-analysis) | /u/abdullahnisar7
[US election 2016 result: Donald Trump's victory speech in 2 minutes](http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37923498) | /u/rockyk8411
[Protests break out across the country minutes after Donald Trump is elected President](http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/protests-erupt-minutes-donald-trump-elected-president-article-1.2865737) | /u/free_george_bush
[World leaders react to Donald Trump's US election victory](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/09/world-leaders-react-to-donald-trumps-us-election-victory) | /u/Shebu11
[Donald Trumps election could mean planetary disaster, environmentalists warn as UN climate summit begins](http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/donald-trump-election-us-global-warming-climate-change-fossil-fuels-petrol-oil-a7402276.html) | /u/The_Big_Lebowskii
[President-elect Trump vows to bring nation 'together as never before' should be an interesting 4 years](http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/11/09/donald-trump-nation-world-obama/93534352/) | /u/wccoffma
[Democrats Dont Have A Plan If Donald Trump Is Elected](https://www.buzzfeed.com/katenocera/democrats-dont-have-a-plan-if-donald-trump-is-elected?utm_term=.vgY860yjk#.bioexJEmQ) | /u/TwoToneTrump
[17 things Trump said he will do if elected president](http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2016/11/17_things_trump_said_hed_do_if_elected_president.html#incart_river_home) | /u/coolcrosby
[Top aide reveals details about Trump's phone calls with Clinton, Obama](http://www.cbsnews.com/news/kellyanne-conway-talks-details-of-trumps-phone-calls-with-clinton-obama/) | /u/KuttKameen
[Trump wins presidency, defeats Clinton in historic election upset in the face of insurmountable odds, a biased media, and a corrupt establishment!](http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/11/08/trump-wins-presidency-defeats-clinton-in-historic-election-upset.html) | /u/CluelessWill
[Former KKK leader David Duke: 'Our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump!'](http://www.businessinsider.com/david-duke-kkk-trump-election-2016-11) | /u/sl1ce_of_l1fe
[Trump will be the 4th president to win the Electoral College after getting fewer votes than his opponent](http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/9/13572112/trump-popular-vote-loss) | /u/NeilPoonHandler
[Trump Wins Electoral College Votes; Clinton Has More Popular Votes](http://www.npr.org/2016/11/09/501403297/trump-wins-electoral-college-votes-clinton-wins-popular-vote) | /u/ColdStoneSkeevAutism
[r/politics has lost all credibility allowing itself to be turned into an echo chamber by the CTR trolls during this election. Their tactics were anti-democratic and bullying. I despise Trump but I value open and free debate. Shame on this sub-reddit for giving them free reign during recent months.](http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/27/reddit-users-declare-war-on-hillarys-paid-internet-trolls/) | /u/HalfRottenChihuahua
[What's next for Gov. Chris Christie now that Trump has won the presidential election](http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2016/11/what_now_for_chris_christie_experts_offer_predicti.html#incart_river_home) | /u/coolcrosby
[Election Victory Won't Shield Trump From Legal Woes](http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/election-victory-shield-trump-legal-woes/story?id=43415273&cid=abcn_tco) | /u/thiman
[Private prison stocks are soaring after Donald Trump's election](http://www.businessinsider.com/private-prison-stocks-are-soaring-after-donald-trumps-election-2016-11) | /u/Mapleyy
[President-Elect Trump: Hillary Lost because Power Brokers decided She was Damaged Goods](http://www.globalresearch.ca/president-elect-trump-hillary-lost-because-power-brokers-decided-she-was-damaged-goods/5555983) | /u/User_Name13
[Donald Trump Is Elected President in Stunning Repudiation of the Establishment](http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/11/09/us/politics/hillary-clinton-donald-trump-president.html?referer=https://www.google.com/) | /u/lookupmystats94
[Former KKK leader David Duke: 'Our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump!'](http://finance.yahoo.com/news/former-kkk-leader-david-duke-075823237.html) | /u/Talk_Data_To_Me
[Donald Trump despised the Electoral College in 2012. It just won him the election.](http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/9/13574138/trump-electoral-college-election-2016) | /u/European_Sanderista
[Clinton to Make First Remarks Since Conceding Election to Trump](http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/clinton-make-first-remarks-conceding-election-trump-n681336) | /u/estheranil
[Hillary Clinton concedes to Trump: 'We owe him an open mind and a chance to lead'](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2016/live-updates/general-election/real-time-updates-on-the-2016-election-voting-and-race-results/hillary-clinton-concedes-to-trump-we-owe-him-an-open-mind-and-a-chance-to-lead/?hpid=hp_rhp-bignews3_election-liveblog-ticker-desktop%3Aprime-time%2Fpromo&tid=notifi_push_breaking-news&pushid=breaking-news_1478710775) | /u/the_hack_attack
[Hillary Clinton Publicly Concedes: 'This Is Painful and It Will Be for a Long Time](http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/hillary-clinton-expected-give-concession-speech-shortly/story?id=43416467) | /u/abdullahnisar7
[Trump wins US election: How world leaders have reacted](http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37919394) | /u/SplintPunchbeef
[I hope he will be a successful president', Hillary Clinton says as she concedes after Donald Trump victory](http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/11/09/hillary-clinton-supporters-in-dismay-as-the-democrat-candidate-c/) | /u/abdullahnisar7
[Hillary Clinton concedes to Trump: We owe him an open mind and a chance to lead](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2016/live-updates/general-election/real-time-updates-on-the-2016-election-voting-and-race-results/hillary-clinton-concedes-to-trump-we-owe-him-an-open-mind-and-a-chance-to-lead/) | /u/gAlienLifeform
[How Trump Won the Election According to Exit Polls](http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/11/08/us/elections/exit-poll-analysis.html) | /u/WhiteChristianMan
[52% of voters earning less than $50,000 a year who make up 36% of the electorate voted for Clinton. 41% voted for Trump.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/09/white-voters-victory-donald-trump-exit-polls) | /u/NeverHadTheLatin
[3 ways Trump's election is truly historic](http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/305196-3-ways-trumps-election-is-truly-historic) | /u/Linda_Latina
["Donald Trump will not be the 45th president of the United States. Nor the 46th, nor any other number you might name. The chance of his winning nomination and election is exactly zero."](http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/07/3-truths-about-trump/398351/) | /u/Spooky_White
[Trump popular vote loss would imperil Electoral College](http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/trump-popular-vote-loss-would-imperil-electoral-college/article/2606938?custom_click=rss) | /u/MegaSansIX
[Hillary Clinton concedes, telling little girls you are valuable and powerful](http://www.vox.com/2016/11/9/13574496/hillary-clinton-concession-speech) | /u/juliarobart
[If Clinton wins popular vote, expect calls to kill Electoral College](http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2016/11/09/clinton-popular-vote-electoral-college-trump-gore/93540436/) | /u/FeelTheJohnson1
[No Trump crash; Dow up 200 as Clinton concedes](http://money.cnn.com/2016/11/09/investing/dow-jones-trump-wins-election/) | /u/walrus-mafia
[The Guardian view on President-Elect Donald Trump: a dark day for the world](http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/nov/09/the-guardian-view-on-president-elect-donald-trump-a-dark-day-for-the-world?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_reddit_is_fun) | /u/jimrosenz
[Hack the vote: Did a 4chan attack help rig the election for Trump?](http://www.salon.com/2016/11/09/hack-the-vote-did-a-4chan-attack-rig-the-election-for-trump/) | /u/JessePayneee
[Islamist extremists celebrate Trumps election win](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/11/09/islamist-extremists-celebrate-trumps-election-win) | /u/ClosingDownSummer
[President-Elect Trump Proved Me Wrong About This Election. Now I Ardently Pray He Proves Me Wrong About Him.](http://www.dailywire.com/news/10639/president-elect-trump-proved-me-wrong-about-ben-shapiro) | /u/lurk3295
[What President-Elect Donald Trump Has Pledged to Do in His First 100 Days](http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/president-elect-donald-trump-pledged-100-days/story?id=43424814) | /u/chefr89
[CBS makes horrendous post comparing Donald Trump being elected to 9/11.](http://www.cbsnews.com/news/people-are-saying-the-date-of-trumps-win-119-is-the-new-911-september-11th/?ftag=CNM-00-10aab7e&linkId=30980180) | /u/willkilliam
[Amy Schumer will stay in the US despite promise to leave if Trump wins election](http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2016/11/09/amy-schumer-will-stay-in-us-despite-promise-to-leave-if-trump-wins-election.html) | /u/Allyanna
[US election 2016: Trump victory in maps](http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37889032) | /u/SawsanFod
[We actually elected a meme as president: How 4chan celebrated Trumps victory](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2016/11/09/we-actually-elected-a-meme-as-president-how-4chan-celebrated-trumps-victory/?tid=sm_tw) | /u/CatDad69
[Islamist extremists celebrate Trumps election win](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/11/09/islamist-extremists-celebrate-trumps-election-win/) | /u/drew1492
[Allan Nairn: Did the FBI Hand the Election to Donald Trump?](http://www.democracynow.org/2016/11/9/allan_nairn_did_the_fbi_hand) | /u/spacehogg
[Melania Trumps Hometown In Slovenia Is Partying After Election Victory](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/melania-trump-hometown-slovenia-partying_us_582338f3e4b0e80b02ce3400) | /u/JavascriptFanboy
[Winners and losers in the health-care industry under President Trump](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/11/09/winners-and-losers-in-the-health-care-industry-under-president-trump/) | /u/drew1492
[Clinton and Obama lead calls for unity as US braces for Trump presidency](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/09/trump-victory-obama-clinton-unity) | /u/Prince104
[Trump wins US election: How world leaders have reacted](http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37919394?SThisFB) | /u/thatiswhathappened
[Another election surprise: Many Hispanics backed Trump](http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/2016/11/09/hispanic-vote-election-2016-donald-trump-hillary-clinton/93540772/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter) | /u/juliarobart
[Donald Trump Is Elected President in Stunning Repudiation of the Establishment](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/09/us/politics/hillary-clinton-donald-trump-president.html?ref=politics) | /u/NinjaHDD
[Silicon Valley Reels After Trump's Election](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/10/technology/trump-election-silicon-valley-reels.html) | /u/PleaseDontUpv0te
[Here's President-elect Donald Trump's list of potential Supreme Court nominees](http://www.businessinsider.com/president-elect-donald-trump-supreme-court-list?) | /u/douchiz
[Donald Trumps Election Victory Sparks Protests Across the World](http://time.com/4565023/donald-trump-election-victory-protests-world/) | /u/wyldcat
[These former Obama strongholds sealed the election for Trump](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/2016-election/obama-trump-counties/) | /u/TheCandyGenius
[Dow ends near record highs following election of Trump](http://www.marketwatch.com/story/dow-futures-plunge-500-points-but-pare-losses-as-trump-closes-in-on-us-presidency-2016-11-09) | /u/derstherower
[We actually elected a meme as president: How 4chan celebrated Trumps victory](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2016/11/09/we-actually-elected-a-meme-as-president-how-4chan-celebrated-trumps-victory/) | /u/blarginfadiddlenohip
[Trumps election marks the end of any serious hope of limiting climate change to 2 degrees.](http://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2016/11/9/13575684/trump-2-degrees) | /u/CheapBeer
[Electing Trump: the moment America laid waste to democracy as we know it](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/09/electing-donald-trump-democracy-us-politics) | /u/galt1776
[11 questions for President-elect Donald Trump](http://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/donald-trump-11-questions-231151) | /u/tiggsabby
[US election result: Europeans stunned by deafening Trump roar](http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-37925716) | /u/JusticeRobbins
[Lee Fang: Donald Trump Recruits Corporate Lobbyists to Select His Future Administration](http://www.democracynow.org/2016/11/9/lee_fang_donald_trump_recruits_corporate) | /u/misstastemaker
[The Democratic Party deserves so much of the blame for electing Donald Trump](http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/king-democratic-party-deserves-blame-electing-trump-article-1.2866238) | /u/clib
[Donald Trump election win as much a shocker as stock markets rally](http://www.marketwatch.com/story/stock-markets-reaction-more-of-a-surprise-than-trump-election-win-2016-11-09) | /u/mbungle
[As Clinton concedes, NYSE traders reportedly boo, shout "lock her up"](http://www.cbsnews.com/news/as-clinton-concedes-nyse-traders-reportedly-boo-shout-lock-her-up/) | /u/innociv
[Another election surprise: Many Hispanics backed Trump](http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/2016/11/09/hispanic-vote-election-2016-donald-trump-hillary-clinton/93540772/) | /u/musiton
[Trump called the Electoral College a sham and a travesty in 2012](https://news.vice.com/story/donald-trump-denounced-the-electoral-college-in-2012) | /u/OsamaBeenModdin
[Trump Tower: President-Elect's Residence and New Security Challenge](http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/trump-tower-president-elect-s-residence-new-security-challenge-n681641) | /u/NerdyRomantic
[US election 2016 results: Meet President Trump's possible cabinet](http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37931552) | /u/marathon
[Election results not altering Schneiderman's Trump investigations](http://www.politico.com/states/new-york/city-hall/story/2016/11/election-results-not-altering-schneidermans-trump-investigations-107241) | /u/HILLARY_EATS_BABIES
[How the Terrible, Skewed, Anachronistic Electoral College Gave Us Trump](https://newrepublic.com/article/138631/terrible-skewed-anachronistic-electoral-college-gave-us-trump) | /u/superiority
['Keep an open mind': US children react to Trump election victory](http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/37919676) | /u/rockyk8411
[Bernie Sanders offers warning to Trump in post-election statement](http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/bernie-sanders-offers-warning-trump-post-election-statement-article-1.2866652) | /u/tiggsabby
[Thousands Across the US Protest President-Elect Donald Trump](http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/thousands-us-protest-president-elect-donald-trump/story?id=43427653) | /u/madflavr
[Trumps election marks the end of any serious hope of limiting climate change to 2 degrees](http://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2016/11/9/13575684/trump-2-degrees?utm_campaign=vox.social&utm_medium=social&utm_content=voxdotcom&utm_source=facebook) | /u/JanetYellensFuckboy
[Protests to Trumps Election Spread Nationwide](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/10/us/trump-election-protests.html?_r=0) | /u/mnali
[Protests to Trumps Election Spread Nationwide](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/10/us/trump-election-protests.html) | /u/ZeroEqualsOne
[Why Voters Elected President Donald J. Trumpand Why Theyll Regret It](http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/11/09/why-voters-elected-president-donald-j-trump-and-why-they-ll-regret-it.html?via=desktop&source=Reddit) | /u/greymanbomber
[x After Donald Trump Was Elected President, Aaron Sorkin Wrote This Letter to His Daughter](http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2016/11/aaron-sorkin-donald-trump-president-letter-daughter) | /u/kvanzanten
[Hack the vote: Did a 4chan attack help rig the election for Trump?](http://www.salon.com/2016/11/09/hack-the-vote-did-a-4chan-attack-rig-the-election-for-trump) | /u/smallhands1
[Donald Trump won election because Democrats rigged system to have Clinton beat Bernie Sanders, says WikiLeaks](http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-elections/bernie-sanders-us-election-president-donald-trump-hillary-clinton-democrats-primary-results-a7408451.html) | /u/feeling_that_bern
[Dow closes up 250 points; financials surge after Trump election upset](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2016/11/09/us-markets.html?client=safari) | /u/boogietime
[How The Electoral College Can Save Us From Trump And Hillary](http://thefederalist.com/2016/10/26/electoral-college-can-save-us-trump-hillary/) | /u/HardcoreHamburger
[Hillary Clinton: I hope to be friendly with Donald Trump after the election](https://www.yahoo.com/news/hillary-clinton-i-hope-to-be-friendly-with-donald-trump-after-the-election-193845099.html) | /u/gulghafar
[National recall after Newsweek misfires with Clinton cover](http://nypost.com/2016/11/09/national-recall-after-newsweek-misfires-with-clinton-cover/) | /u/le_petit_dejeuner
[How Trump redrew the electoral map, from sea to shining sea](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/2016-election/election-results-from-coast-to-coast/) | /u/TheChinchilla914
[The ACLU has received nearly $1 million in donations since Donald Trump's election](http://www.businessinsider.com/aclu-to-donald-trump-see-you-in-court-2016-11) | /u/BellsBastian
[Not Above the Law: 75 Lawsuits Against President-Elect Trump](http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/11/10/75-lawsuits-against-president-elect-trump.html) | /u/cynycal
[Trumps Call to Ban Muslims From U.S. Quietly Scrubbed From Campaign Website After Election](http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2016/11/09/trump_s_call_to_ban_muslims_from_u_s_quietly_scrubbed_from_campaign_website.html) | /u/piede
[Donald Trump 2012 Election Tweetstorm Resurfaces](http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trumps-2012-election-tweetstorm-resurfaces-popular-electoral/story?id=43431536) | /u/ColdStoneSkeevAutism
[Why Bernie Sanders' Statement On Donald Trump's Election Walks A Dangerous Line](https://www.bustle.com/articles/194497-why-bernie-sanders-statement-on-donald-trumps-election-walks-a-dangerous-line) | /u/progressive_voter
[The 538 electors who will cast their votes for president in December are under no obligation to vote the way their state did. Should enough electors choose to dissent, or withhold their vote, Trump could be denied the White House.](http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/electoral-college-prevent-president-trump-article-1.2738571) | /u/Mako18
['The reason Trump won is because people like you lecture people': Steve Price clashes with former Labor staffer Jamila Rizvi over US election result on The Project... before Carrie Bickmore tells him to 'change his tone'](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3919792/Steve-Price-clashes-Jamila-Rizvi-election-result-Project.html) | /u/Wizking990
[The Promises of President-elect Donald Trump, in His Own Words](http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-11-10/the-promises-of-president-elect-donald-trump-in-his-own-words) | /u/Ulter_Yon11
[Thousands take to streets in major cities to protest Trump election](http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/11/10/thousands-take-to-streets-in-major-cities-to-protest-trump-election.html) | /u/AM_Kylearan
[FiveThirtyEight elections podcast: President Trump](http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/elections-podcast-president-trump/) | /u/AndNowIKnowWhy
[Donald Trump in charge: The considerable clout of the president-elect](http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/11/09/donald-trump-charge-considerable-clout-president-elect/93538998/) | /u/RIDEO
[White Women Helped Elect Donald Trump](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/01/us/politics/white-women-helped-elect-donald-trump.html?_r=0) | /u/Bathbodyworks
[Donald Trump campaign team 'were in contact' with Russian government ahead of shock election as President](http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-elections/donald-trump-campaign-contact-with-russia-kremlin-government-wins-election-president-vladimir-putin-a7408866.html) | /u/grepnork
[Extremists celebrate Donald Trump election win](http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/11/10/extremists-celebrate-donald-trump-election-win/93580822/) | /u/SoylentRainbow
[Protesting Donald Trump's Election, Not Wars, Surveillance, or Deportations](http://reason.com/blog/2016/11/10/protesting-donald-trumps-election-not-wa) | /u/monkeydeluxe
[Donald Trump due to meet President Obama as backlash begins with protests against US election result across America](http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/11/10/us-election-2016-donald-trump-barack-obama-white-house/) | /u/Shebu11
[Donald Trump to meet Barack Obama after US election victory live updates](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2016/nov/10/donald-trump-barack-obama-white-house-us-election-live-updates) | /u/Shebu11
[Trump's Election Boosts Kremlin Hopes for Better Relations](http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2016/11/10/world/europe/ap-eu-russia-trump-whats-next.html) | /u/FELLATIO_by_TedCruz
[How Gary Johnson and Jill Stein helped elect Donald Trump](http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/10/politics/gary-johnson-jill-stein-spoiler/index.html?sr=twpol111016gary-johnson-jill-stein-spoiler0147PMVODtopLink&linkId=31006018) | /u/xxipilots
[Electoral College Lesson: More Voters Chose Clinton, but Trump Will Be President](http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/2016-election-day/electoral-college-lesson-more-voters-chose-hillary-clinton-trump-will-n681701) | /u/Shifter25
[Russia Says It Was In Touch With Trump Campaign During The Election](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-russia-in-touch-election_us_582475f5e4b0d9ce6fc0e5f4) | /u/million_monkeys
[Russia says was in touch with Trump campaign during election](http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-russia-trump-idUSKBN1351RJ) | /u/MakeItxBreakIt
[Donald Trump due to meet President Obama as backlash begins with protests against US election result across America](http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/11/10/donald-trump-due-to-meet-president-obama-as-backlash-begins-with/) | /u/comsian45
[How Gary Johnson and Jill Stein helped elect Donald Trump](http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/10/politics/gary-johnson-jill-stein-spoiler/index.html) | /u/pablogoat
[Colleges Cancelled Exams for Students Traumatized by Trump's Election](http://reason.com/blog/2016/11/10/colleges-cancelled-exams-for-students-tr) | /u/GoStars817
[After Donald Trump Was Elected President, Aaron Sorkin Wrote This Letter to His Daughter](http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2016/11/aaron-sorkin-donald-trump-president-letter-daughter?mbid=social_twitter) | /u/JanetYellensFuckboy
[US president-elect Donald Trump STILL hasn't spoken to Theresa May](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3923382/What-special-relationship-president-elect-Donald-Trump-hasn-t-spoken-Theresa-called-Turkey-Egypt-Ireland.html) | /u/Prince102
[President-elect Trump arrives for White House meeting with Obama](http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1350FO) | /u/callcybercop
[Obama Hosts Trump at White House for First Meeting After Election](http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/2016-election-day/obama-hosts-trump-white-house-first-meeting-after-election-n682026) | /u/RIDEO
[How Gary Johnson and Jill Stein helped elect Donald Trump](http://edition.cnn.com/2016/11/10/politics/gary-johnson-jill-stein-spoiler/) | /u/tonettafan
[How Trump Pushed the Election Map to the Right](http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/11/08/us/elections/how-trump-pushed-the-election-map-to-the-right.html) | /u/thurst31
[Trump just completely reversed his policy on South Korea only 2 days after being elected](http://www.vox.com/world/2016/11/10/13585524/donald-trump-phone-call-south-korea-park-geun-hye?utm_campaign=vox&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter) | /u/cossack1000
[Protestors Against Donald Trump Should Challenge The Electoral College If They Want To Create Change](https://www.bustle.com/articles/194511-protestors-against-donald-trump-should-challenge-the-electoral-college-if-they-want-to-create-change) | /u/moonlightsugar
[Russia Reached Out to Trump, Clinton Camps During Election](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-11-10/russia-says-it-was-in-contact-with-trump-s-team-during-campaign) | /u/SlumpDOCTOR
[President elect Donald Trump live The Republican meets Barack Obama at the White House](http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-live-president-wins-news-us-election-2016-barack-obama-nigel-farage-assad-latest-a7409326.html) | /u/Slimyjimy1
[In Meeting At White House, President-Elect Trump Calls Obama 'Very Fine Man'](http://www.npr.org/2016/11/10/501566466/in-surreal-moment-president-elect-donald-trump-meets-with-president-obama) | /u/GoStars817
[CNN is Projecting Trump as winner of the popular vote.](http://www.cnn.com/election/results) | /u/indifilm68
[Trump just completely reversed his policy on South Korea only 2 days after being elected](http://www.vox.com/world/2016/11/10/13585524/donald-trump-phone-call-south-korea-park-geun-hye) | /u/kajanana
[According to CNN Trump is projected to win the popular vote.](http://edition.cnn.com/election/results) | /u/Helicaster
[Women Accusing Trump Won't Be Intimidated After Election, Lawyer Says](http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/president-trump-intimidate-women-accusing-misconduct-lawyer/story?id=43440825) | /u/ZenBerzerker
[Did Harambe the Gorilla Write-Ins Hand Election to Donald Trump?](http://www.sfgate.com/entertainment/the-wrap/article/Did-Harambe-the-Gorilla-Write-Ins-Hand-Election-10604788.php) | /u/HILLARY_4_TREASON
[Trump election helps spur record Obamacare signups](http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2016/11/10/trump-election-spurs-record-obamacare-signups-month/93590056/) | /u/SplintPunchbeef
[The Kremlin says a victory for Clinton would have sparked World War Three and electing Trump saved the world from Armageddon](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3922890/The-Kremlin-says-victory-Clinton-sparked-World-War-Three-electing-Trump-saved-world-Armageddon.html) | /u/Spooky_White
Top Comments:
They did it. /pol/ actually did it.
They shitposted a man into the White House.
Not just the president, but the house and the senate too.
Which means the Supreme court is in the hands of a 100% controlled Republican US government.
The GOP is officially in charge of *EVERYTHING.*
Hilary was supposed to win this election handily. Then Trump wins just about every battleground state (FL/OH/NC/PA/MI/WI) and proved every single poll wrong. This will be written in history books about how the polls were so wrong and how Donald fucking Trump was elected as president.
My god, yes, President Donald Trump. It's been real, America.
I love how people gave Silver shit for saying Trump had a 30% chance because it was "too high".
Breyer and Ginsburg better start taking their vitamins.
What an unexpected voter turnout. Keeping all political biases aside, I'm shocked how inaccurate the polls were - it seemed Clinton had a sure win at the beginning of the day. Not only will this election be a huge one in history, but this election day in particular as well.
It's been a very intense, divisive, explosive, and energetic past year in American politics and culture. I'm interested in seeing how this will all play out in the next few weeks and once Trump eventually takes office.
MI, WI, were not **perceived** battleground states, that's how HRC fucked up.
just as everyone expected^whatthefuckjusthappened^ohmygod
Hahaha 4chan won an election what the hell
Good. Maybe they can actually start doing their job for once instead of acting like whiny brats. Anything that goes wrong in next two years, they own it
Sorry UK --- and I'ma let you finish --- but the Americans made the worst political decision OF ALL TIME.
**It should have been Bernie.**
John Oliver is going to lose his mind on his show on Sunday.
What the fuck.
Congrats Trump. I hate your guts, but congrats on completely destroying the political establishment and winning.
"hey guys.. we got Mountain Dew to cancel their 'name our flavour' contest, what do you wanna do next?"
"let's elect the next president.."
"dude that's brilliant!"
"i was just joking.."
"fucking brilliant!"
[deleted] | 2016-11-09 07:31:49 |
If America's okay with a man with zero political experience being elected in 2016, I'd fully support this guy running in 2020. | 5c1a9a | 45,396 | Title: If America's okay with a man with zero political experience being elected in 2016, I'd fully support this guy running in 2020.
Top Comments:
Jon Stewart would run on a platform of "I'm only running because you idiots seem to like me and I don't fucking trust who you'll elect otherwise..."
According the apparent Oracles that are The Simpsons writers, our 1st female president follows Trump's presidency.
Stewart for president: "If this election is going to be a joke, then we might as well be laughing."
Yeah, but we aren't going to get that. We are going to get [this guy](http://img.wennermedia.com/article-leads-vertical-300/1251227849_kanye_west_290x402.jpg), guaranteed.
We must all follow the church of the yellow all hail the Do'oh.
No political experience for president you say?
Musk 2020
Hindsight will be 2020
Admit it though: if they both went for the DNC nomination, those debates would be nothing short of incredible
Could be Tulsi Gabbard instead.
Remember when the Republicans were arguing that Obama was unfit to run for president because he didn't have much experience in political office before???? Remember that shit??
A TV personality could ne.... Oh wait, yeah Stewart/Colbert 2020!
This is true for literally everyone with power in this country. Every major politician is rich. There are no poor people with voices in this country at all. That's a huge problem, but people like John Stuart, John Oliver, Stephen Colbert are not the problem. The problem is with the people convincing poor people that other poor people are their enemy and not the corporations that we all work for and the venal government that bows down to them.
Mark Cuban is absolutely running in 2020 for the Dems.
Wasn't there a movie about this with Robin Williams?
Man of the year.
Yeah, so he's African American. It's right there in the word: American. That's who we need for America!
I like John Oliver, I think he's an intelligent guy and he's shed light on a lot of issues that nobody else has been willing to ... but on one level he's part of the problem. Liberal urban elitists just got the shit kicked out of them in one of the most important but horrible election cycles in living memory. John Oliver, unlike many others, has put himself into economic arguments, and I'm happy he has, but for all their righteous talk we all know that there's a reason why guys like John Oliver and Jon Stewart chose not to become say, steel industry foremen. When a guy with an [$80 million](https://www.google.com/search?q=jon+stewart+net+worth&espv=2&biw=1249&bih=603&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiNxZGFjpzQAhVBxoMKHe7DDyoQ_AUIBygA&dpr=1) net worth calls you a bigot for not supporting illegal immigration despite the fact that you're struggling to pay your health insurance premium (which recently doubled), you're probably not going to take too kindly to it.
I don't doubt either of the Jo(h)ns is a humble person at heart, but the economics of their situations makes them inherently different from the rest of us. Period. Until the problem of inequality and the poor plight of the working class is solved, liberals will be viewed as just another form of bad guy, and the Trumps of the world will prosper. | 2016-11-09 14:11:58 |
Donald Trump is making a strong case for a recount of his own 2016 election win | 5fbjlb | 22,120 | Title: Donald Trump is making a strong case for a recount of his own 2016 election win
Top Comments:
>he's also a bona fide conspiracy theorist. (Remember how Ted Cruz's dad might have been involved in JFK's assassination?)
No, and neither does anyone else, his strategy is clear and simple, the higher you pile the bullshit, the harder to see over it and remember the real ground buried beneath it. The people in this country have become so gullible that this blatant obvious facade of pure, ever expanding shit storm is now the new normal. Post-truth my ass, this is full on fantasy land in action.
Edit: Thank you for the gold kind stranger, but I have mixed feelings about getting it for such a pained cry for our loss of reality (how ever much that may be).
This is going to be a bizarre four years
> Trump: It's rigged!
> Clinton: No it isn't.
> Trump: Definitely rigged!
> ~~Clinton~~ Stein: Okay, let's audit.
> [Trump: They're trying to steal the election!](https://twitter.com/GeorgeTakei/status/803077187288985600)
But you need to coddle conservatives in their fantasy safe spaces or in their "economic anxiety," they'll elect an actual fascist.
*And he doesn't get impeached
Imagine how nuts he will get if he doesn't win Time's Person of the Year for 2016.
The polls did not predict a 99% chance of a Hillary victory. 538 had it 65/35 just before the election through some pretty rigorous statistical analysis.
That's because they're delighted they have all three branches of government.
Jon Stewart coined the term Bullshit Mountain when he debated O'Reilly in 2012(?). Sad to see we've added a few more peaks to the range.
As far as they're concerned, he's a rubberstamp president. Sure he might put up a fight but he has no idea what he's doing, and that makes him easy to manipulate.
He's got good odds there. Time's Person of the year doesn't really mean anything *good*, just that the person has had a huge effect on the world.
Im expecting some type of GOP coup, they've been too quiet about these shenanigans
He realized after the white house visit that being president isn't easy. He's now trying to find a way out without seeming like that's what he wants.
Well, if the polls predict a 99% chance of a Hillary victory and then Trump wins anyway, then maybe the polls actually were rigged. Or at least horribly flawed.
To be fair. They chose a racist and he came with a bonus of fascism.
He's got the mouth of King Joffrey but the fortitude of King Tommen.
>Republicans vote regardless. You're blaming the wrong people.
Jesus Christ every time.
Guys X is to blame. And Y. And Z. Can we stop this totally non-productive habit of ignoring what put Trump in office?
Trump won because down-on-their-luck rural people swallowed the empty lies of a billionaire out of desperation. This is inalienably true.
Trump *also* won because the Dems put forward the candidate that *didn't* get people excited.
Trump *also* won because gerrymandering and the electoral college allows someone to be president even if 2 million more people voted for the other guy.
Trump *also* won because the MSM gave him free marketing for literally every burp to tumble out from his lips.
Trump *also* won because of foreign interference.
Trump *also* won because America makes it as hard as possible to vote, and lots of people can't spend hours in line or make it out to a polling station.
None of this shit is in a bubble. Lets stop this waving-away, blame shifting nonsense - there's dozens of things to blame here. And they *all* need to be addressed. | 2016-11-28 13:04:19 |
Obama orders US intelligence agencies to conduct a full review of cyber attacks in the 2016 election and deliver a report before he leaves office | 5hiblw | 14,037 | Title: Obama orders US intelligence agencies to conduct a full review of cyber attacks in the 2016 election and deliver a report before he leaves office
Top Comments:
What about that huge ass international DDos that happened the same day Assange was rumored to have been taken out of the Ecuadorian embassy back in October?
Can we see the report and results on that too?
ctrl + f "hello this is russian hacker"
Got nothing lads, lets go home!
Here's the report:
1. Seth Rich (RIP) leaked the DNC emails. (pretty clear tells here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kp7FkLBRpKg)
2. Podesta's password was "p@ssw0rd". (https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/22335)
3. Kim Dotcom got the rest of Hillary's emails because her server was illegal and run by a re-re who even posted on Reddit to learn more about managing his server for this, "Very VIP," person. (too much to cite but here's the re-re: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2016/09/20/hillary-clintons-it-guy-asked-reddit-for-help-altering-emails-a-twitter-sleuth-claims/ )
People want to act like this is some kind of interference abroad, and maybe there was some, but the real shit that brought the DNC down was their own arrogance.
Hi I have some questions.
1) What does Level3 mean?
2) What does RF mean?
3) What does MPLS mean?
4) Am I an idiot for not knowing this stuff?
5) Who killed Seth Rich?
I'm beginning to get the feeling that all the fuckups we've been seeing out of Level3 lately are the government's fault. Like that big outage on November 2. It took 4 days and 3 tickets to finally get an RFO, and the best we got was that a route reflector bounced. How the fuck does it just bounce? And how the fuck does it take out phones and MPLS for half the country? I think there were some shenanigans going on.
Edit:A letter
1) Level 3 is a communications company
2) RF - I assume he means root fault which is typically an RCA or root cause analysis. It's the results given when there is a service interruption.
3) MPLS is a Multi Protocol Label Switching. It's a technology that is most often used for private connections by companies but many providers supply the service on the same systems that deliver Internet.
4) No, he used acronyms common in the industry.
Yeah, but will he [publish the results](https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20161209/11115036236/president-obama-orders-intel-agencies-to-produce-report-russian-election-influence.shtml), too?
Or will he just insinuate that maybe sort of they kind of did it, but we're not just going to outright say it, like his administration has already done so far?
Considering January 20 is just a few days before handing the White House to Trump, I assume the answer to that is *no*.
If they are going to make a claim that that a foreign country influenced our democracy, shouldn't they have evidence to show us? The intelligence agencies want us to believe them, but I remember believing that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and then there were not. I would really like to see evidence before an accusation is made.
That being said, I'm not against a review, but it seems like a last ditch effort to change the results. The protests didn't work, threatening the electoral college voters didn't work, Jill Stein's recount didn't work, and now this. I just can't help but take both of these Reuters articles with the biggest grain of salt.
The CIA was actually pretty confident there were no WMDs in Iraq, so Bush and friends found another agency with less institutional spine and badgered them into "finding" the evidence.
Our government has lost credibility so any report will be discredited or applauded along party lines. The average American will sigh and hope for better days ahead.
This article is about hacking private emails and releasing damaging information for one side (while not touching the other side). It has nothing to do with vote totals, which is what Obama was referring to when he said the elections wouldn't be rigged.
Did anyone else read this in a Russian accent?
I remember before the election when Obama was saying it's impossible to rig an American election.
It's amazing how many people are giving Obama shit here or seem to think that this is just the Dems acting like sore losers. A foreign country tried to influence our election through cyberwarfare essentially. What am I missing here, how is this not a big ass deal?
Sounds Orwellian
[deleted] | 2016-12-10 04:03:25 |
/u/jacquedsouza provides a detailed, cited account of the investigation surrounding Russia's alleged involvement in the 2016 US Presidential Election. | 5hqf85 | 11,577 | Title: /u/jacquedsouza provides a detailed, cited account of the investigation surrounding Russia's alleged involvement in the 2016 US Presidential Election.
Top Comments:
I can't help but find it amusing that the US is freaking out because another country influenced its elections. Now you know what Latin America feels like.
The thing I find amusing/baffling/maddening about this is how people on the right are either ignoring this, or trying to paint russia/putin in a good light, as if it's not a big deal.
Now, if Russia was Russia-stan, full of bearded muslims, and the attacks were to help Clinton win the election, whole other story.
The part where amusement turns to despair is where Trump is so openly friendly with Putin/Russia, and the right GIVES LITERALLY ZERO FUCKS.
But then as someone who only moved to the US two years ago, I literally don't understand how so many people in this country were drawn in by a snake oil salesman like Trump. I've read all the excuses, I'll heard all the arguments, but... I don't get it. I honestly feel like I'm living in an alternate reality.
Ironically I told my (american) wife I wouldn't live in the US until healthcare got sorted out because I was worried about us having kids somewhere that they might not be able to get insurance/proper care, and now that my wife's pregnant, it looks like Obama's imperfect but positive steps towards a functional healthcare system are going to be turned back.
Middle East here. Every election has huge US influence, features one side being sponsored by US/EU NGOs. Preventing that sponsorship is apparently "undemocratic".
The Americans often forget that the world can see their hypocrisy even if they don't see it themselves.
EDIT: So this got a bit higher than I expected, so a couple things to clear up here: first, I love americans, and I don't blame each and every one of you personally. It's all good bros! Second, I don't hate the United States, nor the government, and I'm definitely not the flag-burning kind of guy. All I'm pointing out is: on one hand, this attitude of “[We cannot allow foreign governments to interfere in our democracy](http://www.economist.com/blogs/democracyinamerica/2016/12/house-divided)”; on the other hand having a huge machine with a history of interfering in other countries' democracies (the State Department) — these two can't go hand in hand.
What happened to reddit?
I keep seeing people defend this by saying it's ok because clinton had dirty laundry. This is just one step away from the police don't need warrants as long as they find incriminating evidence.
"It's cool when we're not the victims"
> What happened to reddit?
/r/the_donald happened. /pol/ found a nice cozy place over here.
/r/the_donald is literally *thanking* Russia for influencing the election.
They are deplorable scum.
I feel like you may have missed all of those people in the south and
midwest. They definitely voted Trump as much as they didn't vote Clinton.
And it's just some influence, revealing some secrets of one candidate. The US has helped get into power a lot of dictators in the last half century.
Remember all the military dictatorships killing people by the thousands in the 70s? The CIA files probably 'member.
Hi american here, we're completely unaware of these things happening in your country sorry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It's so easy for you all to say this. Nobody is going to claim she's perfect, but she ran a strong campaign. She out-raised him, out-organized him, out-prepared him, and out-debated him. She mostly did her job. It's pretty challenging to win an election with a media that doesn't cover issues or truth, a foreign government shilling for the other candidate through wikilekas, and an FBI director knowingly trying to sway the election. Not to mention a voting populace dumb enough to believe someone who says dumb shit like they have a plan to defeat ISIS, but it's a secret. This was a failing of the entire country's. Not just one person or campaign.
We know exactly how Podesta's emails, the DNC's emails, the DCCC's emails, Former NATO General Breedlove's emails, Former Secretary of State Colin Powell's emails and Soros' Open Society Foundation's intranet documents, were all hacked.
The proof is that the hackers used Bitly to mask the malicious URL and trick people into thinking the URL was legitimate. They made two mistakes, however.
First, they accidentally left two of their Bitly accounts public, rather than setting them to private. This allowed security researchers to view some general account information, like what URLs were shortened and what they were changed to.
Second, they used Gmail's official numeric ID for each person inside of their maliciously crafted URLs. This allowed cybersecurity researchers to find out exactly *who* had been targeted.
Want the entire list?
**Confirmed Victims**
* NATO General Breedlove
* Secretary of State Colin Powell
* George Soros' Open Society Foundation
**Confirmed Targets**
Individuals in political, military, and diplomatic positions in former Soviet states, as well as journalists, human rights organizations, regional advocacy groups, authors, journalists, NGOs, and political activists in Russia:
* Bellingcat
* Opposition-based Russian journalist Roman Dobrokhotov
Government personnel, military personnel, government supply chain, and aerospace, such as:
* Systems engineer working on a military simulation tool
* Consultant specializing in unmanned aerial systems
* IT security consultant working for NATO
* Director of federal sales for the security arm of a multinational technology company
* High-profile Syrian rebel leaders, including a leader of the Syrian National Coalition
* German parliament
* Italian military
* Saudi foreign ministry
* Spokesperson for the Ukrainian prime minister.
Clinton campaign/DNC:
* National political director
* Finance director
* Director of strategic communications
* Director of scheduling
* Director of travel
* Traveling press secretary
* Travel coordinator
* Director of speechwriting for Hillary for America
* Deputy director office of the chair at the DNC
* William Rinehart, a staffer with Clinton’s presidential campaign.
As you can see, critics of Russia and Democrat officials were targeted, along with other people, like military men.
[Threat Group-4127 Targets Google Accounts](https://www.secureworks.com/research/threat-group-4127-targets-google-accounts)
[Threat Group-4127 Targets Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign](https://www.secureworks.com/research/threat-group-4127-targets-hillary-clinton-presidential-campaign)
>**Use of the Bitly URL-shortening service**
>A Bitly URL was uploaded to Phishtank at almost the same time as the original spearphishing URL (see Figure 4).
>[Figure 4. Bitly phishing URL submitted at same time as accoounts-google . com phishing URL.](https://www.secureworks.com/~/media/Images/Insights/Resources/Threat%20Analyses/072%20Google%20Accounts/image004_ta-google-accounts.ashx?h=96&w=700&hash=3F1B911C3F7C4C3C316875D1E162C27944F089B2&la=en)
>Using a tool on Bitly’s website, CTU researchers determined that the Bitly URL redirected to the original phishing URL (see Figure 5). Analysis of activity associated with the Bitly account used to create the shortened URL revealed that it had been used to create more than 3,000 shortened links used to target more than 1,800 Google Accounts.
>[Figure 5. Link-shortener page for bit. ly/1PXQ8zP that reveals the full URL. ](https://www.secureworks.com/~/media/Images/Insights/Resources/Threat%20Analyses/072%20Google%20Accounts/image005_ta-google-accounts.ashx?h=195&w=700&hash=C6D25DD8BD795D1C1820667A43280CDFCA531A2B&la=en)
>**Target analysis**
>CTU researchers analyzed the Google Accounts targeted by TG-4127 to gain insight about the targets and the threat group’s intent.
>**Focus on Russia and former Soviet states**
>Most of the targeted accounts are linked to intelligence gathering or information control within Russia or former Soviet states. The majority of the activity appears to focus on Russia’s military involvement in eastern Ukraine; for example, the email address targeted by the most phishing attempts (nine) was linked to a spokesperson for the Ukrainian prime minister. Other targets included individuals in political, military, and diplomatic positions in former Soviet states, as well as journalists, human rights organizations, and regional advocacy groups in Russia.
The founder of CrowdStrike is a Russian-American and his company has been tasked with investigating the DNC/Podesta leaks. He blames Mother Russia:
[The Russian Expat Leading the Fight to Protect America](http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a49902/the-russian-emigre-leading-the-fight-to-protect-america/)
The guy who discovered that Stuxnet was an American creation also blames Russia:
[Cybersecurity Expert: Proof Russia Behind DNC, Podesta Hacks
[How Hackers Broke Into John Podesta and Colin Powell’s Gmail Accounts](http://motherboard.vice.com/read/how-hackers-broke-into-john-podesta-and-colin-powells-gmail-accounts)
[How Russia Pulled Off the Biggest Election Hack in U.S. History](http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a49791/russian-dnc-emails-hacked/)
**And guess what happened after Trump won?**
>Merely a few hours after Donald Trump declared his stunning victory, a group of hackers that is widely believed to be Russian and was involved in the breach of the Democratic National Committee launched a wave of attacks against dozens of people working at universities, think tank tanks, NGOs, and even inside the US government.
>....The targets work for organizations such as Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, the Atlantic Council, the RAND Corporation, and the State Department, among others.
If you want a more in-depth analysis of the actors behind the leaks, read my much longer post here: **[Culminating Analysis of DNC/DCCC/Soros/Colin-Powell/NATO-General-Breedlove/NSA-Equation-Group/Podesta Leaks and Hacks](https://www.reddit.com/r/geopolitics/comments/5bgwfj/culminating_analysis_of/)**
A detailed, cited account that only shows how little concrete evidence the intelligence agencies have in this matter. Attribution is notoriously difficult for cyber-attacks.
Trump didn't win the election so much as Clinton lost it.
Speak for yourself. Especially when telling everyone you're uninformed.
Let's agree that most Americans are unaware of what the US is fully doing
Oh, we see it. There is a ton of unrest and distrust in the US. Especially among the younger generations. It just doesn't feel like there's much we can do about it, which is probably a little similar to what you feel...only on a smaller scale.
Partisans and ideologues are trying to control the conversation and they don't care what methods are used to get the political results they want.
You mean "that only shows how little concrete evidence the intelligence agencies have *declassified and made publicly available*."
Not making evidence public isn't the same as not having evidence. | 2016-12-11 15:03:21 |
Governments around the world shut down the internet more than 50 times in 2016 – suppressing elections, slowing economies and limiting free speech | 5l3ynt | 27,505 | Title: Governments around the world shut down the internet more than 50 times in 2016 – suppressing elections, slowing economies and limiting free speech
Top Comments:
This is why internet was declared a human right. It's not about providing it to everyone, it is to stop governments from silencing communication.
Free communication is the most important of all rights, because the first step in stopping other wrongs is for people to know that they exist.
Communication free of survailance would also be something people should stand up for
Because "I got nothin' to hide."
"Just call up Bill Gates and shut some of that shit down."
-People soon to be in power, probably.
Net neutrality is important, but it is an entirely different issue from government control of internet access. A 100% neutral internet can still be taken away.
When people say this I ask them how they feel about shady people barging into their home and poking about. Suddenly they understand what privacy means.
I'm not sure why you're being down voted. This is paraphrasing a direct quote from Donald Trump.
Here's the link: https://www.google.com/amp/www.forbes.com/sites/ericmack/2015/12/08/donald-trump-thinks-he-can-call-bill-gates-to-shut-down-the-internet/
> I'm not sure why you're being down voted.
[Trump supporters follow me around Reddit and instantly downvote every one of my comments. It's like having an annoying fan club.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRecordCorrected/comments/53ck4e/pretty_sure_this_user_is_a_shill/)
I agree. How is that not already guaranteed by the 1st and 4th amendments?
Surprised it isn't more considering how long a year is and how repressive some regimes are.
Don't worry. Pretty sure the UK is gearing up to raise those numbers.
My go to is "Why do you close the door when you go to the bathroom? If you aren't doing anything wrong in there why cant you do your business in front of god and everybody?"
The problem is that the question of the legality of surveillience is framed in the context of catching criminals and not of personal respect. Everyone has secrets, be it your financial status, what kind of porn you're into, or the mean things you text your friends about your mother in law.
Additionally I would remind them of the immense security risk this poses. If the government records everything you do online they're recording when you log into your bank account & other important things and you can be damn sure they're not bulletproof security-wise. Would a database of all bank account numbers in America not be the biggest target imaginable? How often do you hear about government officials getting hacked? What incentive is there for an employee to not snag that database, sell it on the black market, and fuck off to a beach somewhere for the rest of their life? Do you really feel safe putting your livelihood in the hands of people who think we should "see about shutting the internet down in some places"?
The important distinction is that a non neutral Internet doesn't need to be taken away.
You've now been reported to Theresa Mao
We need a new sort of distributed internet. Can someone remind me of the sub that is dedicated to that?
And 49 of those were Turkey. Maybe slightly exaggerating, but you have shutting down internet problems, Turkey.
Think your username *might* have something to do with it? | 2016-12-30 15:31:19 |
It Will Be an Election Unlike Any We’ve Lived Through. Are the Democrats Prepared? | Like it or not, 2024 has arrived. We’re in for 11 months of hell. But the outcome is far from preordained. | 18wtb9a | 4,306 | Title: It Will Be an Election Unlike Any We’ve Lived Through. Are the Democrats Prepared? | Like it or not, 2024 has arrived. We’re in for 11 months of hell. But the outcome is far from preordained.
Top Comments:
Nobody's prepared. The Republicans don't even know if their frontrunner's going to be in prison.
Really dreading all the yard signs, billboards, and ads.
Looking at my neighbor's yard daily and shaking my head.
To be fair, republicans don’t know much of anything.
I feel like you’re lucky your neighbors took their shit down. I have two neighbors that have been flying “fuck Biden” and pro trump flags since we moved in back in 2020.
As a kid, I actually really looked forward to being able to put signs up for the causes I support when I owned a home. I lived in a very conservative area, and I am not conservative but it didn’t feel unsafe to put things up. But now, I’m pretty sure if I was to put up a rainbow flag or a Biden sign someone would set my house on fire or something.
The only thing I know for certain right now is that I'm feeling a lot of something about this year, and that's dread.
There's a lot of head-in-the-sand mentality via people expecting there's no way Trump can win and trying hard to dismiss any bad news/polling regarding Biden. It would be better to take these as a warning and work to reverse them now, even if they never ended up materializing closer to the election. Better safe than sorry.
They know every sq inch of hunter’s cock.
I am fully prepared—to vote for Joe Biden.
I’m hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.
I’m just hoping my rights will be restored, and maybe we can do something about this whole student loan biz.
For your safety and your loved ones safety (if you live with family) I would honestly make that decision to openly fly a flag very carefully.
These Republicans are openly admitting they want a genocide of left wing Americans and legally acting Americans.
Myself? I have small children and my area of the nation is headed towards removing children from LGBTQ supportive families because many Christians consider it "child abuse".
We need to understand.
Fascism is here. And our Christian neighbors who 10 years ago could be trusted, we must understand, that many of the Christians we used to trust, cannot be trusted any more.
Admitting to a Christian the truth of your situation, could result in your imprisonment, your Deportation, or your death.
Until trump dies, gives up, is barred from running or somehow loses favor, every fucking election is going to be like this.
11 months sounds optimistic. If Trump loses we can fully expect another several months of Jan 6 style rhetoric and violence.
This shouldn’t be a difficult election. It’s the same two candidates from last time except the Republican has spent 4 years whining and the democrat has spent 4 years fixing the problems left by the last guy. If American voters are at all rational this should be a bigger defeat than last time.
What could Trump do to make Republicans leave him? I think that's the real question. Whether he has enough votes to actually win is an important/horrifying question. But the bottom line issue with society is that we are just never going to get better if half the country can be taken in with a demagogue with no real platform other than, "I will take my vengeance."
Maybe Joe doesn’t give you those Obama tingles, but voting for Obama wasn’t about saving the nation from an authoritarian lunatic bent on revenge. Perhaps taking an action to save the republic can be just as fulfilling.
This is one of very many reminders to vote, don't sit this one out, we need to stop fascism
We have plenty of flags like that around, but not my neighborhood, thankfully.
And yeah, I definitely won't be putting up any flags or signs. Don't need a target on my house.
Don jr or vivek or some other clown ass Republican will pick up the mantle... A known weak spot in democracy got exposed, and it will be weaponized forever.
This. Nothing is set in stone. Criticism should be listened to and not ignored or shamed as wrong/dangerous as it only pushes people further away.
Talk to people. Listen. Get active locally.
He isn’t going to be in prison by then. He will delay the start of every trial he can and then delay the proceedings of every trial as long as he can. | 2024-01-02 16:24:50 |
Illinois voters ask elections board to take Trump off 2024 ballot | 18yqkok | 11,900 | Title: Illinois voters ask elections board to take Trump off 2024 ballot
Top Comments:
Trump attempted to remove Biden as the duly elected President of the United States on Jan 6. Got his own supporters killed and many hurt.
That's why Illinois voters are doing what they're doing.
Thank you Illinois voters who respect the Constitution, the rule of law and make efforts to enforce it against this brazen insurrectionist.
So when does the Supreme Court chime in on this? It’s quite apparent that if Colorado stands Trump is gone.
You don't get it! Trump didn't tell anyone to go to the Capitol and start an insurrection, he merely told his supporters to "stand by and stand ready" then tweeted "calling all patriots to DC on January 6th!" And "be there, it will be wild!". He was quite obviously talking about the sub shop down the road that was having a BOGO promotion. Antifa was there too!!!
Hopefully they wait until after the GOP primaries, where Trump will be declared the Republican nominee. Then, Republicans will have to scramble to inform their base that they should vote for Nimrata Hailey.
Its this unironically all day on repeat and will be for weeks. That and:
"No one there was armed": lies, many were
"No one there did it because trump wanted them to" : lies, there are hundreds of videos of people doing it expressly because of their devotion to trump
"Trump didnt ask anyone to do anything" : lies, he expressly told them what to do, to march down to the capitol building and 'stop the steal'.
"He said be peaceful" : once, after saying to fight like hell and other violent rhetoric, after YEARS of violent rhetoric. When his followers started the violence, he waited hours to say anything to make it stop. When he did, he told them how much he loved and approved of them.
This is how fascism operates. Its not about size of government. Its about the plausible deniability of their violent intentions right before striking.
Trump along with “Trumpism (White Christofascism)” won’t go away even when he’s dead. We need some real big changes in education and a real detachment of religion from the state. There’s an infection in this country that goes far beyond one man.
We are doing what we can
Biden didn't cause an insurrection so he is safe. States can try to remove Biden it will not work.
Also we need to stop worrying about what the GOP will do, we have laws for a reason and they need to be enforced.
At this point, I wouldn't hold my breath until SCOTUS takes action on the subject.
Some random Tandoori Oven Restaurant waitress is about to get elected president, a truly historic moment in US history.
Crazy how the people who won't lift a finger to keep children from being slaughtered in schools because of the 2nd amendment, suddenly think the constitution is open for interpretation.
As an Illinoisan, I approve this message.
Legit question, what happens if you misspell someone's name when writing in? Do secretaries of State have a choice to group votes together? Or will the electoral college just make that choice?
I can see a lot of votes going to Nimarta Hailey whoever they are.
Trump won't be gone until he's dead and gone.
We literally watched all of this on TV as it was happening. I don't get how folks can pretend it didn't happen or rewrite the story of what happened when we watched it happen live. It blows my mind.
YESSSS!!! Another state with balls. LOVE IT!!
He said something about the metal detectors were preventing his attendees to his early Jan 6th rally from bringing weapons. When someone questioned him on it. He said that obviously they are here for me!
It was along the lines of “let them keep their weapons! They’re not here to hurt me!” | 2024-01-04 22:51:40 |
GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik won't commit to certifying the 2024 election results | 190twj0 | 3,352 | Title: GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik won't commit to certifying the 2024 election results
Top Comments:
People like her are the lowest form of scum. Harvard educated and now just PANDERING to her less than educated constitutes, knowing full well how everything actually works.
Gobble it up NBC
Traitor and insurrectionist.
not eligible to hold office anymore. If Rump's ballot removal holds up(which I have my doubts), then expect every single GOPer that signed on to that letter in 2020 to also have a lawsuit against them to remove them. I plan on suing to get my house member off the ballot, because hes a corrupt piece of shit that doesn't give two fucks about us here, but only wins because of a gerrymander.
GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik is crazy and she is in our government. I just watched her plow over the host Kristen Welker with her insane talking points. She says it's Biden who is a threat to our democracy. I was shocked how Welker had no control over correcting her.
Both sides are not the same. Stefanik called Welker "typical bias media" and then ran with her lies. Meet the Press, what are you doing? Donald Trump is running for Dictator. Both sides are NOT THE SAME.
Reporter: Will you commit to certifying the results of the 2024 election?
GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik: That depends on the context.
This. She is flat out manipulating the paranoid and uneducated. She’s framing removing Trump from ballots as a threat to democracy, while omitting WHY he is being removed. She knows what she’s doing.
Goebbel’s went to the nicest schools in Germany. When he felt rejected by his liberal peers he joined up with Hitler and never looked back. You can have the finest education and the smartest mind and still be blind, you just have to lack a soul.
I don’t understand why Kristen Welker didn’t press her further to explain herself on what the context would be. She basically let Stefanik spew endless bullshit while stopping before changing topics to add disclaimers.
Just fantasizing, but imagine what would happen if all the signers of that letter were suddenly prohibited from holding office, and special elections had to be immediately held in every one of their districts? At least a few districts would probably flip. Others would end up being held by the craziest MAGA candidates ever.
The Republican protests would be wild, and probably violent.
Stefanik isn't crazy. What happened is that she sold her soul for power, and is now paying off the debt in installments.
Vote. Her. Out.
Clarence Thomas for example.
Republicans are the only ones that say "both sides are the same" and they say it when they are being called out for their bullshit.
Not enough people are talking about what happens IF Biden is elected fairly and GOP states/reps declare that they don't recognize the results and we live in *that* reality for the indefinite time being until they cave, lose, or are prosecuted.
Right now we are saying "that's cool" to what members of congress did in 2020.
She should be removed from the ballot, too.
If that's what it is, it's a terrible decision. There needs to be pushback. It's so frustrating watching shows like *Meet the Press* and *Face the Nation* and seeing the hosts let guests like Stefanik spew this bullshit without correcting them or forcing them to defend their false narratives. That's how this bs is allowed to spread and it gives it some level of legitimacy in the minds of some.
Whenever a president has ever talked about fear being the only thing to fear and doing because they're difficult and not because they're easy, this is what it's about.
If we let MAGA violence dictate policy, then our democracy is over.
Harvard seems to consistently produce a lot the worst people in our society. It's a hedge fund that happens to teach classes.
I don’t know where Steven Miller went to school, but the parallels between him and Goebbel seem pretty stark. | 2024-01-07 14:58:01 |
Attorney General Merrick Garland says there should be ‘speedy trial’ of Trump as 2024 election looms | 19ap7mi | 3,885 | Title: Attorney General Merrick Garland says there should be ‘speedy trial’ of Trump as 2024 election looms
Top Comments:
>“What we have to do is show by the acts that we take that we’re following the law, that we’re following the facts,”
This guy is so full of shit:
[FBI resisted opening probe into Trump’s role in Jan. 6 for more than a year.In the DOJ’s investigation of Jan. 6, key Justice officials also quashed an early plan for a task force focused on people in Trump’s orbit](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2023/06/19/fbi-resisted-opening-probe-into-trumps-role-jan-6-more-than-year/)
[Garland let the statute of limitations expire on the 10 instances of Trump's obstruction of justice listed in the Mueller report](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRYiPzDP94I).
[Ignored Jan 6. cmt criminal referrals of Meadows and Scavino.and hasn't done shit about Eastman,Clark,Giuliani,](https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/03/politics/justice-department-declines-charge-meadows-scavino-january-6/index.html).
[Is ignoring all the criminal referrals that NYAG Letitia James sent to DOJ regarding Trump's financial crimes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cjqkepQJfg&t=1544s).
[Ignored the fake electors referrals that Michigan AG Nessel sent to DOJ](https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-michigan-elections-electoral-college-criminal-investigations-8a0454f0a28fd3f5903fa3ab962f764b).
Ignored all the gop politicians involvment in Jan 6 insurrection.
Ok chump . Sat on it for a couple of years for no good reason
I don’t know what it is, but our government loves forgiving its top office holders when it comes to crimes.
This guy ...
Mr. hurry it along all of the sudden? Where was the urgency that year you decided to sit on charging the pile of orange flesh?
Wow, it's almost as if the DOJ is asleep at the wheel.
I expect no less from a partisan Attorney General who is a ~~member of~~ major contributor to the Federalist Society. His goals directly conflict with prosecuting Trump.
It's wild, because you'd think after the Republicans denied him a Supreme Court seat, Garland would have some fucking spine to take the fight back to them.
Guess he's just a fucking pussy.
Garland has to be a strong contender for one of the worst political appointees by a Democrat of the modern era.
So NOW speed is a concern?
Delay and handwringing will become Garland’s legacy.
Yet another victim of Trump.
I’ve always been mad about this. Him not even getting hearings was a complete miscarriage of justice by McConnell but maybe he wasn’t meant to be SCOTUS after all. The right thing would have been to give him a chance though. Hope we don’t come back down the road to pinpoint that moment as the beginning of the end.
It's depressing as fuck honestly
The beginning of the end was Nixon and then Ford pardoning him. Then came along Newt Gingrich and Glitch McConnell. If anyone needs to be tried for being traitors…
This fucking guy 💀
James Comey is breathing a sigh of relief as he's going to be named after Garland in the list of people in position of power who utterly failed their country.
I mean, I’d prefer they’d build evidence for an ironclad case than risk sloppiness that could let him go free.
A the while Fed Judge Aileen Cannon says, "Here, hold my beer".
I thought Trump was the one constantly asking for delays?
It must be so easy to be so ignorant. | 2024-01-19 17:57:33 |
Attorney General Merrick Garland says there should be ‘speedy trial’ of Trump as 2024 election looms | 19at8br | 8,853 | Title: Attorney General Merrick Garland says there should be ‘speedy trial’ of Trump as 2024 election looms
Top Comments:
[FBI resisted opening probe into Trump’s role in Jan. 6 for more than a year.In the DOJ’s investigation of Jan. 6, key Justice officials also quashed an early plan for a task force focused on people in Trump’s orbit](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2023/06/19/fbi-resisted-opening-probe-into-trumps-role-jan-6-more-than-year/)
[Garland let the statute of limitations expire on the 10 instances of Trump's obstruction of justice listed in the Mueller report](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRYiPzDP94I).
[Ignored Jan 6. cmt criminal referrals of Meadows and Scavino.and hasn't done shit about Eastman,Clark,Giuliani,](https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/03/politics/justice-department-declines-charge-meadows-scavino-january-6/index.html).
[Is ignoring all the criminal referrals that NYAG Letitia James sent to DOJ regarding Trump's financial crimes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cjqkepQJfg&t=1544s).
[Ignored the fake electors referrals that Michigan AG Nessel sent to DOJ](https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-michigan-elections-electoral-college-criminal-investigations-8a0454f0a28fd3f5903fa3ab962f764b).
Oh, so you didn't hear us shouting at you in 2021, then. Thanks for clearing it up, Merrick.
It’s almost as if the system is allergic to real accountability for Presidents, as they do so much of the nation’s dirty work the Congress doesn’t want to do
Look at Merrick Garland’s connections and history and place them next to his actions as OP has laid out so well. Merrick Garland is a GOP plant, he was a terribly bad choice for AG, let alone a supreme court justice, Democrats like Biden and Obama have failed at assessing and measuring the vileness of the GOP and their determination to bring about a fascist USA. The AG pick should have been a Corpo buster and civil rights champion. Merrick Garland is none of those.
Instead of pussyfooting around appearances of political bias, Biden’s steps should have been decisively protectionist of US democracy. They went for the bipartisan unity bullshit to appease what is now the Republican MAGA party and the entire planet will pay the price.
Trump will want to delay the trial so the verdict is close to the election so he can amp up the political messaging. He needs to go on trial with a verdict before the election.
Of course, if he loses he's still going to go nuts - but he won't have the power like he did before to do things.
Fuck this Federalist Society milquetoast asshole. He sat on his fucking hands for two years. Biden’s worst appointment by far; a consolation prize because he didn’t get on the SCOTUS.
No shit. A speedy trial stopped being an option once 2022 hit. At this point can we just get a trial, in general, for God's sake? Even that is looking increasingly unlikely.
Hopelessly slow Garland.
We need judges to start denying motions that are clearly delay tactics. Stop letting people make a mockery of the judicial system. Trials should be speedy, whether the defendant wants it or not.
Agreed. The "Bipartisan Unity" trap is one both Obama fell for and Biden keeps falling for.
Much like Charlie Brown always trusts Lucy to keep that football in place.
Your last point is crucial. The coup did as well as it did partially because he was actually still in power at the time. While there is still risk of violence and problems, the system now anticipates those problems upfront, which will make it much harder to pull off.
At least, that's the hope.
The big truth is people need to make a voting plan and have backups in place too, and also help everyone they know do it. Ignore polls (good or bad). Just register, vote, and spend time or increasing turnout and persuasion of those on the fence.
And learn to recognize propaganda and ignore it. Tune out the bad actors, even when they say they're on the left, or whatever.
Absolutely. Merrick Garland's only real qualification for the Supreme Court was that Obama thought (wrongly as it turned out) that he was such a mild inoffensive centrist that even the GOP wouldn't object to him, then he got Attorney General as a consolation prize.
I've been saying this all along but the Attorney General should've been Doug Jones. Jones successfully prosecuted the 16th Street Baptist Church bombers, which means he took on the KKK in *Alabama* and **won**. Then he ran for Senate as a Democrat in Alabama and won **again**. (Briefly. It is Alabama after all, we were bound to default back to making the dumbest decisions possible before long. Hence Tommy Tuberville's embarrassingly stupid ass.) Point is, Doug Jones' resume is not the resume of someone who shies away from a difficult fight. He would've torn into Trump immediately, not sat on his hands for a full year before even considering halfassedly starting an investigation.
Garland on the other hand has been telegraphing "I really don't want to deal with prosecuting a former president because the consequences are scary and people will get mad, can we all just collectively look the other way and forget it all happened" since Day 1. He couldn't have wanted this fight any less if he'd tried, and he couldn't have made it any clearer if he had tried either. He was absolutely the wrong choice to restore normalcy and the rule of law in the United States after the Trump Administration, and we're all going to pay the price for his spinelessness and Biden's refusal to treat this situation with the seriousness it deserved.
His response was terrifyingly absent. I kept waiting for the news every day that they were going to hold these people accountable and slowly became 2022 and then 2023……
The investigation should have started Jan 21st, 2021.
I hate when people say "The wheels of justice turn slowly".
Sure, they do, but you didn't start turning them for nearly two years.
That might be convincing had they been gathering evidence, but Garland didn't do shit until the House Jan 6 committee embarrassed the DoJ into taking action. They didn't want to appear political.
I truly feel they’re/ have been just waiting for him to die. Like they were banking on the stress of all this topping him off, or, making him so rattled he bottles the election
His reasoning was that this was a big case, arguably the biggest in the nations history. If he got it wrong, and didn’t gather an overwhelming amount of evidence, it would just martyr trump and his cause and make it look like a witch hunt that failed.
This is not true. Garland doesn't investigate D.C. crimes, that would the the US Attorney of Washington, D.C., who was block by the GOP for the first 10 months of of 2021 and then investigated Trump until they handed the investigation off to Smith (meanwhile they prosecuted over 1000 other Jan 6th criminals).
Not just, presidents. It’s white collar crime. It’s just like the IRS doesn’t have the funds or manpower to go after wealthy tax evaders and the republicans don’t want to give it to them.
Prosecuting the blue collar commoner for the usual is cheap, easy, and routine. A well staffed assembly line.
Prosecuting white collar criminals is hard work, tricky and expensive. And we all know which group the movers and shakers are in. | 2024-01-19 20:43:34 |
Trump is bleeding moderate support. It could cost him the 2024 election. | 19dml2v | 16,223 | Title: Trump is bleeding moderate support. It could cost him the 2024 election.
Top Comments:
The Republican party as a whole is so effing dumb for going along with this trump con job. I hope they dissolve into the abyss. Only problem when things like the Republican party dissolve, they reappear in another form usually worse.
If you support Trump you aren't a moderate. Moderate does not mean average.
I remember thinking after Bush 2, how anybody could go back to the Republican well after decimating a record surplus, getting us involved in the second most disastrous military conflict in our history, and leading to the biggest economic collapse since The Depression.
Issue after issue Republicans routinely prove they’re wrong on everything, but somehow every election 30% of eligible voters go “you know what I bet they’ll get it right this time!”
The secret sauce to their comeback? Racism.
My dad is retired Army and he said something about Obama not wanting to pay for military funerals.
I had no clue wtf he was talking about. I looked it up, and he was right. Obama did stop paying for military funerals…for one week…because of a government shutdown in 2013. So he was actually wrong and dumb.
When the race becomes about Trump, Biden wins.
>because of a government shutdown in 2013.
...which the GOP instigated, of course.
If you are one the fence about Trump, you aren't a moderate.
Apparently the Republican Party saw what happened in 2020 and then again at the mid terms and went “what a great strategy that was, we had so much success with voters we desperately need like independents, moderates, and undecided voters running absolutely terrible and toxic candidates, let’s run it back!”
Just voluntarily walking over an electoral cliff at this point.
Standard Republican tactic. Cause a problem, blame the Democrats for the problem.
Moderates: Too selfish to care about others, too cowardly to express that view.
I think this is a 100000% accurate statement and its hilarious that Trump doesn’t see it.
Trump is an insurrectionist, he's not qualified to hold office anymore. The word "unelectable" comes to mind.
He lost in 2020 after his abysmal presidency and now he's facing 91 felonies across 4 indictments. He hasn't gained any new supporters, in fact hundreds of thousands of them died thanks to his spread of misinformation and handling of the pandemic.
If he somehow makes it to the November election, he's going to lose by even more than he did in 2020.
It's all they have left. They've painted themselves into a corner, distilled the crazy until there's nothing else left.
Person on the Titanic as it sinks: “You guys are suggesting some extreme things, and I can’t decide between the guy trying to get us to safety and the guy demanding we all drown so he can fill lifeboats with food for himself.”
“Government is the problem!”
No, republicans in government are the problem…
Yesteday I made a comment against the far-right which was
"they just have other priorities, such as racism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, prenatalism, classism, anti-environmentalism, anti-intellectualism, anti-feminism and a weird gun-fetish. Or they just want to screw with liberals."
and then a self proclaimed moderate replied to me saying:
"I don't understand how you could possibly say this with a straight face. This is not simply not true. I consider myself a moderate, and none of those words describe any part of the US"
I've watched the republican party morph about 4 different times in my lifetime. Until the chuckle fucks who fund these dipshits run out of money; they'll just crank the boogey man rhetoric. It might be awhile.
Break it, complain its broken, block all efforts to fix it, run on broken issue. | 2024-01-23 11:44:09 |
US 2024 Presidential Elections. | 19emsf4 | 2,616 | Title: US 2024 Presidential Elections.
Top Comments:
Voting libertarian is not voting for a winner. You are voting for what seems like the next most viable party to get in the presidential debates next election cycle. It’s about voting in favor of changing our voting system, I’m not kidding myself that rfk is going to win
You want Universal healthcare... you can start by stop calling it free healthcare.
I initially called it universal healthcare, however I thought free healthcare was much funnier.
Nobody votes third party expecting they'll win
Trump needs to win so this site finally explodes and is gone forever
I just want 5% so they have to fund a third party and share a debate stage with a third person.
My President🙏🙏🙏
Correct. I don’t vote third party to win. I vote third party because the primary two options are always horrible.
I mean, Milei won because people voted for him
Those goalposts will move the instant you get there.
I’d bet that a lot of the people mad at Biden for his stance on Israel are just going to sit out the election.
Which is hilarious considering that to my knowledge, every single American President since the founding of Israel has liked Israel. There's tons of things to criticize Biden for, but being on Israel's side? I don't know man, just seems weird to throw a tantrum for something every other president has done before him.
I really don't want Trump to win but I will be laughing my ass off at the meltdowns that will happen if he does.
Reddit was sooo much better before Trump melted everyone's brains and caused the admins to declare memes were violence. We were actually allowed to have fun here. Now this shit hole site is censored harder than a North Korean..I don't know, something in North Korea.
definitely is funny
Ive been told wed be allowed to hunt certain groups of people if trump is relected???
Our goal was 5% in most states for access to automatic ballot access and access to state campaign resources that are automatically given to the GOP and Dems.
These 2 things effectively triple the distance that current campaign contributions to the LP go in future elections.
The road map was for the Pragmatist Caucus of the LP (now defunct following their chairman doing corrupt shit and the Mises Caucus destroying the plan).
1) 5% in a presidential election to secure major party status.
2) use the funding that gets to secure state rep posistions and contend for National representatives.
3) build momentum from there to show seriousness as a party to contend for actual change.
The Mises Caucus plan is to use the platform of having a party at all to just advertise Libertarianism in general to people. They have multiple times stopped endorsement for LP members in order to endorse a Republican because they support libertarian ideals on a few things (most would never have won endorsements in the LP due to posistions on borders and abortion and even occasionally guns).
Yeah, Redditors.
The thing is, election systems are very different | 2024-01-24 17:56:38 |
Exclusive: Xi promised Biden China wouldn’t interfere in 2024 election | 1aeume2 | 4,579 | Title: Exclusive: Xi promised Biden China wouldn’t interfere in 2024 election
Top Comments:
Oh good. He promised.
Hmmm, I seem to recall a Chinese proverb “the mountains are tall and the emperor is far away”. That is, China then and now is so large and bureaucratic that much can happen “without” the leaders knowledge (or deniability).
Just their Russian friends right?
Bet he didn't even use his pinky. Null and void.
but did he pinky swear?
Russian will also say they won't either, upon request. Whether that reflects reality would be completely separate subject matter.
I don't really see how this is oniony. Two political leaders met and talked about resolving soft conflicts together, and got mutual assurances of more cooperation. This is how normal geo-politics should work.
If you genuinely don't think both China and Russia have multiple bot farms a piece stoking the flames, I envy your optimism. The truth is they do, they have, and they will continue to. I'm not entirely sure why society just refuses to open its eyes to this fact. Over 47% of internet traffic is bots. The current quality of consumer facing LLMs make shitty random one off comments indistinguishable from human-written ones, and those are just the consumer versions. The toothpaste is out of the tube and the internet hasn't been "just people talking" in well over a decade.
I don't understand the skepticism. Sitting this one out is the only reasonable choice.
Its not like he can top the shitshow Americans will create on their own.
Russia is gonna work their ass off to get Trump elected.
Yeah and a lot of people are dumb enough to think somehow this is Biden’s failing, like he should have threatened Xi at gunpoint.
And Tokugawa Ieasu said he'd secure the toyotomi dynasty. And Putin said he wouldn't invade Ukraine. And Germany said they had no interest in war. And palpatine said he loves the republic...
We gotta gear up for misinformation and troll chaos this year.
Yes, Russia wants Trump in control. They've made that very, very [clear](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_interference_in_the_2016_United_States_elections) already. There were 34 individuals and 3 Russian businesses indicted as a result of the Mueller report. Russia was very much in support of Trump and spent a lot of time and money trying to get him elected.
On another note, Russia also doesn't want Americans to get vaccinated. From 2014-2017, [93%](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6137759/) of anti-vax information shared on Twitter was from Russian bots. Russia has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world but they don't want Americans to be vaccinated. They're waging war against America by weaponizing our stupidity.
He did, but he also had his fingers crossed behind his back. No takebacksies!
They’re not cheating the election, they’re sending false info / propaganda to support Trump
Bet he kept his fingers crossed behind his back.
>i dont want to be vaccinated, am i russian now?
No, you're just an idiot who believes Russian lies about vaccines.
>i also don't use twitter, i dont even have an account
The Russian bots aren't only on Twitter. They're on all social media.
> and you're using wikipedia as a source, that's nice
Wikipedia is just an easy link to where all evidence is gathered. The source material is all provided. You have heard of a bibliography, right?
Not just China and Russia, you’re out of your mind if you think the US isn’t running bot farms to sway public perception in other countries as well. I’d be surprised if we’re not leading the pack in that regard.
I’d go as far to say that all the major powers do this to some extent. How much they work together on it, i’ll leave that to the conspiracy theorists.
>i did my own research about vaccines
You can barely form a coherent thought, yet you think you're smart enough to "research" vaccines and their efficacy 😂 | 2024-01-30 17:55:32 |
What If Lawless GOP Lawmakers in the House Refuse to Certify the 2024 Election? | 1ahe6cm | 4,290 | Title: What If Lawless GOP Lawmakers in the House Refuse to Certify the 2024 Election?
Top Comments:
Then Biden won’t leave the WH. Major constitutional crisis.
No. The House speaker (as of 2025-01-20) succeeds Biden.
If Dems retake the House, Hakeem Jeffries would become the 47th President of the United States.
so vote blue for the house/senate?? got it.
So insurrection and we 14th amendment them.
If dems take the house in the fall, it won’t matter.
As opposed to apathy stopping you from voting at all, red was never a viable choice
As opposed to normally?
They impeached trump immediately. On 1/21/21. Remember? The repubs said it was a legal issue, not a political one. Now they say it’s a political issue, not a legal
You can’t blame Democrats on this. It’s all repubs. All the way down.
Nice try, though.
That doesn't really solve the problem though, which is why Dems should have taken a swift and strict approach post January 6th that held all lawmakers accountable instead of, y'know, waiting a year to investigate and then essentially giving republican members of Congress immunity during the investigations. This tolerance of their intolerance and lawlessness is guaranteed to be the end of us. Dems need to take a stand. It would have been easier to do it immediately following the coup. Much harder now.
I would hope there are enough who still respect our country to vote with Democrats (if Joe Biden wins) and do the right thing
Apathy is how we got into this situation. Vote every time you can.
And we need to keep that up for the next 20 years until we've stomped out MAGA. Every election could be our last.
And we take our own guided tour of the capital
This. Make it irrefutable. Everyone make sure your registration information is up to date and bring a friend to the polls. https://www.vote.org
If Jeffries was the Speaker, Republicans could not stop the certification since they would be in the minority.
Daily reminder that we had record turnout in 2020 and over performed in the house and senate races.
Wasn't there an update to the Electoral Count Act that made it substantially more difficult to raise objections?
If Jeffries is interim POTUS, the republicans will be crawling over each other to address the ever living fuck out of the issue.
Republicans have refused to argue in good faith for over a decade. If you're still taking them at their word, this isn't a sign of moral high ground, this is a sign of a learning disability.
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me 5115 times and maybe I'm just a fool. | 2024-02-02 21:02:35 |
Joe Biden Lists Why a Second Trump Presidency Would Be a ‘Nightmare’ - Biden told voters at a speech in Nevada that the 2024 presidential election was shaping up to be a “battle for the soul of our nation.” | 1ajey92 | 15,965 | Title: Joe Biden Lists Why a Second Trump Presidency Would Be a ‘Nightmare’ - Biden told voters at a speech in Nevada that the 2024 presidential election was shaping up to be a “battle for the soul of our nation.”
Top Comments:
He's not wrong. I can't imagine voting for anyone who is outright stating that they will be a dictator, even if it IS for one day (spoiler alert: it'll be more than 1 day).
I mean it looks like Republicans want a sick fuck to lead the nation... and they are pretty proud of that.
Project 2025 would introduce authoritarian rule to all of government. The USA would be over.
I wish I could find the video again, but I ran into a video on YouTube shorts where a guy just shouted obscenities as a board meeting calling people fat, ugly, and stupid. The comments were "imagine if this guy were President, all the problems would be fixed." The guy literally said nothing on how to change anything or make anything better at all. It was just insults.
Somehow in their heads they've connected effective with asshole.
Every election since Obama has been.
Electing Bush was a pretty gigantic hit to the 'soul of our' nation in it's own right, and he shouldn't have even been president. The fucking Supreme Court has been fucking us for decades, idiotic institution
I won’t be dictator tomorrow. Promise. What? Today is not tomorrow.
Bold of you to think that there would be elections in 2028 if Trump wins.
its insane to me. everyday i feel like I'm living in a nightmare when i read the news. How is this actually real?
They like the trope of "he's a jackass but he gets stuff done" popularized by shows like House and Sherlock so much that they not only mistook it for reality but also confused the causation.
Being a jackass who gets stuff done is shitty in the real world, because 90% of the time your genius isn't worth how much of a dick you are - even if you *are* effective and not just an asshole, there are other people who are just as good and don't suck to work with.
hate + fear - critical thinking skills = maga cult
The executive isn’t even the biggest concern: it’s the assault on the judiciary that is our real long term risk. Once the courts are corrupt, the people have no protection against bad law.
From the article:
"Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said Biden “has been a nightmare for this country in just three short years in the White House, and no amount of gaslighting will make Americans forget about all the misery and destruction he has brought.”"
Was there a follow up question from the author asking to name 5 examples of Biden's nightmare?
I can't imagine any nightmare worse than the leader of the government ignoring COVID, enacting tax cuts that turned into steep tax increases in the next term, tanking the economy, having raging unemployment and ignoring our longtime allies in favor of Russia, China and North Korea.
What amazes me is the fact so many actually want former President Trump back in office.
Then I remember we are the same Country that fought a war to keep people as slaves.
So here we are...
The outright sanctioning of torture really shook me. I thought Bush would be the worst president we could ever have, but I was proven wrong
Republicans would accept Trump as a literal Emperor if it meant they won. That's literally all they care about in their little chimp brains. Winning.
IDK it would be a true test of our elections in 2028. Technically Trump wouldn't be allowed to run again, but you know he would go for it again.
Authoritarians tend to use pretend elections to lend a sense of legitimacy to their rule. I don't think they'd be gone, but republicans have been skewing elections with gerrymandering and silent voter unregistration for years. I think that behavior would be kicked up to an 11.
There shouldn't be any battle with trump. He should have been put in prison by now for stealing nuclear secrets and other classified documents, or 1/6 and calling for the second civil war. He should be barred from our elections for disrupting the peaceful transition of power. The fact that he's allowed to run and ruin the nation at all is a great example of how worthless and pathetic our system is and the amount of loopholes for the rich and powerful to slip through exist.
I am going to vote for Biden; but, if Trump is truly this much of a threat it’s fucking crazy that a declining 81 year old is the best option the Democratic Party has to put forward. | 2024-02-05 12:06:13 |
Jon Stewart Says ‘Daily Show’ Return Was Prompted by Wanting to Have a “Place to Unload Thoughts” Ahead of 2024 Election | 1ap38zi | 5,773 | Title: Jon Stewart Says ‘Daily Show’ Return Was Prompted by Wanting to Have a “Place to Unload Thoughts” Ahead of 2024 Election
Top Comments:
His first episode airs tonight
>“I very much wanted to have some place to unload thoughts as we get into this election season,” Stewart said, then referring to The Problem With Jon Stewart not moving forward with a third season on the streamer. “I thought I was going to do it over at — they call it Apple TV+. It’s a television enclave, very small. It’s like living in Malibu. They decided, they felt that they didn’t want me to say things that might get me in trouble.”
>“I don’t know about hoping to have an influence, but I’m hoping to have a catharsis and a way to comment on things and a way to express them that hopefully people will enjoy. But as far as influence, and you guys know from doing this, just about everything I had wanted to happen over the 16 years that I was at The Daily Show did not happen, if you were hoping for influence. And I think I’ve learned that post-Daily Show … I don’t really view it as ‘I really want to have an influence on this issue, this election,’ things like that.”
While I think Jon Stewart somewhat underestimates just how influential he actually was, it’s also very obviously true that the political and media landscapes have not moved in the direction he so clearly hoped they would.
At his height, I think he was always pretty clear-eyed about the state of things, but you can pretty visibly track his disillusionment with the ability to change the *direction* of things over the course of his run and what he did after.
I feel like he's re-entering the ring with the best of intentions, but in actual practice we're just going to watch him die inside.
And then he loses his show on Apple because they wouldn't let him say anything about China and AI.
My problem with Last Week Tonight is that I'm already exhausted from all the widely publicized problems in the world and then he comes along and dumps an entirely new, lesser-known and equally terrible problem into my brain. It's not that I don't care, it's that I don't have the mental bandwidth.
I still watch it but sometimes I'll jet after a few minutes if it starts to depress me. I enjoy the random rabbit holes he'll get into like this recent one with Chuck E. Cheese.
He has affected positive change for the 9/11 community. I think that fortifies him a lot.
It was also incredibly boring. I’m curious, but have a feeling him returning to the Daily Show might reveal that he was a good fit for the time he was popular and hasn’t quite kept up with what works today.
Keep on F’ing that chicken Jon.
Are we pretending that every semi political late night host wasn't already doing this? Kimmel, Colbert, Meyers, Oliver, Bee, Noah all couldn't get it done combined but Stewart would've single handedly set the record straight?
All it would've resulted in is more content. It would not have moved the needle in this country at all.
I wouldn't call his his show on Apple boring, but more of depressing. It dealt a lot of heavy handed problems but no real point rather than addressing the problem. Last Week Tonight did a much better job on that format. Stewart is at his best in satire.
I highly, highly doubt that. He's only entering this arena with the largest of fortitudes. We are talking about a guy who quite literally had to shame Congress into providing money to 9/11 heroes dying of early cancer. Go watch him talk about it, not just the speeches he did, but the behind the scenes when he talks about the Herculean effort required to get that bill passed.
No, no, if he was dead inside he wouldn't come back. Not after that.
Paramount+ the next day
Does anyone know where to stream it?
I'm guessing delivery.
People want those bite sized tick tock reels BS and Stewart is an orator who prefers to deep dive.
Its also why I think Last Week Tonight isn't as big as it used to be, IMO.
And even more recently, he shamed enough Republicans who had quickly switched their votes to "no" to block the passage of the Pact Act, which among other things provides assistance to veterans who developed illnesses due to their exposure to toxic burn pits, including Beau Biden, who died from brain cancer that was almost assuredly caused by his own exposure to those pits.
I think part of the problem is that people are hoping for another devastating Crossfire moment where Jon Stewart just totally obliterates some right wing scumbag, but times a thousand. They want him to issue an oratory burn so brutal and so final that it takes down the right wing entirely. And that's not possible. If he could have done it, he would have done it 20 years ago. I mean, I think a lot of people were hoping Tucker Carlson's career was over after that one Crossfire episode in 2005, but the douchebag had a fox news show for years and was just fawning over Putin last week.
I wonder if some of the frustration we hear from Jon Stewart stems from the fact that it's not that easy, it was never going to be that easy. And yet people seem to think that one day the right combination of words will come out of Jon Stewart's mouth and the right wing will truly be destroyed forever.
I think the turning point was his Rally to Restore Sanity, when he truly took a huge step out of his comic circle into a political/activist one, only to watch as the Tea Party took massive gains in the ensuing election. Can't help but think that really jaded his confidence to the state of things and whether or not what he was doing was actually getting normal, sane people out to vote, or just creating a liberal circlejerk.
Yeah, all the hosts, except Conan were talking about Trump 24/7. At some point it looked like they have the same writers, because the jokes were so similar. And you coul see how they lost their mind the day Trump won
[deleted] | 2024-02-12 15:58:11 |
Jon Stewart Says ‘Daily Show’ Return Was Prompted by Wanting to Have a “Place to Unload Thoughts” Ahead of 2024 Election | 1ap3ftg | 4,905 | Title: Jon Stewart Says ‘Daily Show’ Return Was Prompted by Wanting to Have a “Place to Unload Thoughts” Ahead of 2024 Election
Top Comments:
I am so glad they allowed him to come back and take reins. This is a tumultuous time in our country. We need a LOUD outspoken figure saying exactly how fucked the right is. I love this, literally when the nation needed him most.
This headline makes me feel like a dirty thought dumpster.
>I am so glad they allowed him to come back and take reins.
Allowed? They probably *begged* for him to come back. Comedy Central is not in a good spot in general and Jon is as popular and beloved as he ever was. Heck, since he left he might be even MORE respected because the void he left behind is so obvious, despite John Oliver doing a great job at HBO.
Honestly, my go-to for that kind of political content in the last few years has been on Youtube more and more. Notably *Some More News*, which I think has the right ratio of in-depth analysis and humor.
Weekly shows is a good format, and I am glad Jon will take part in that schedule.
Jon Stewart: one of the few to successfully put Tucker Carlson in his place on air
You dirty, dirty thought whore.
No, because I think it would break him or at the very least make him very unhappy. He is where he belongs.
Love that he crawled out from Steven Colbert's desk draped in Arby's wrappers last week. Bet Arby's is stoked that Jon is coming back.
To be fair Tucky Tum Tums would only debate college students after Stewart humiliated him. If you are an unserious college freshman he'll invite you on his show to debate him.
I am 100% an indoctrinated millennial that grew up watching Jon Stewart after school. While I fully admit that he shaped many of my political views, he also shaped my curiosity and my nuance and my sense of humor. I am glad he’s returning.
It really really looks like Hassan Minhaj was tapped to be the new host before the "exaggerated hate crimes" scandal broke, because they'd been pushing back their return further and further with no permanent host announced.
I have no doubt that comedy central execs are *extremely* grateful that Jons apple cancellation lines up so perfects as to allow him to return to the daily show. It is the absolute best case scenario for a show that really appeared to be in a tail spin.
I only wish he was there in 2016
Don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe on his YouTube video when it posts. Reinforce the behavior
>It really really looks like Hassan Minhaj was tapped to be the new host
I think so too, plus I think he would have been good, but he dug his own grave, twice actually when he doubled down.
>I have no doubt that comedy central execs are extremely grateful that Jons apple cancellation lines up so perfects as to allow him to return to the daily show.
Lines up so perfectly *at the start of an election year*, which is setting up to be the most controversial and divisive American election of all time. We need Jon more than ever.
Aw man I’m gonna miss that running gag of him living under Stephen’s desk
Yeah because he doesn’t want the power or responsibility, which ironically makes him a great candidate.
He never owed us anything, and he left when he just wasn’t feeling inspired anymore, and it coincided perfectly with him wanting and needing to spend time with his family and young kids in their most formative years. Honestly I think I would’ve thought less of him if, knowing all that, he chose to stay instead of taking that time he needed for himself.
But he’s back now, and as an executive producer, and in an election cycle that kind of a repeat of 2016, except in a world where fuckface had already won once and things are shittier than ever. It’s gonna be great.
[Some new behind the scenes footage was just released ](https://streamable.com/hmrcx6)
He can unload on me anytime | 2024-02-12 16:05:53 |
Russia’s 2024 election interference has already begun: Moscow is spreading disinformation about Joe Biden and other Democrats to lessen U.S. military aid to Ukraine and U.S. support for NATO, former U.S. officials and cyber experts say | 1b0hhnm | 21,770 | Title: Russia’s 2024 election interference has already begun: Moscow is spreading disinformation about Joe Biden and other Democrats to lessen U.S. military aid to Ukraine and U.S. support for NATO, former U.S. officials and cyber experts say
Top Comments:
Already? It's constant and ongoing. If Russia isn't busy steering a presidential election they're taking part in midterms and elsewhere steering legislation in their favor and otherwise just sowing the seeds of discontent to divide public opinion unnecessarily
And I feel it is our duty as part of NATO to help USA with handling the fake shit coming out of Russia.
The USA's election is very important for NATO safety, and since Putin is interfering, why shouldn't we?
Edit: woo this got upvoted nicely!
Here's some of my suggestions for what should be done:
Let's keep it morally correct and not as an interference with the election. However, we must flag all YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, etc videos we can find that tout either hate speech or false information. **Don't false flag!** False flags will backfire, so don't! That's very important!
Also there's a lot of bots out there with propaganda who are not really going to do much if it gets taken down.
Facebook and similar needs vigilance to help people from getting tricked by fake information. Do this with some manners, as nobody wants to listen to a know-it-all, and we don't have the luxury of playing into our fantasy of feeling smarter than someone. Be nice when approaching people who are on the fence.
Also, think about the people who don't have all the info, like minorities for example in low income areas.
Most important, keep an eye out for AI generated content. It can be a thorn in everyone's side. If we are lucky it'll be completely discredited due to how much people end up making it.
And please, inform yourself about how the far right uses tactics in debates. You probably will face some of it, and it'll serve you well to know how it works.
They didn’t seem to do too well in the 2022 midterms. but yeah, if Vladimir Putin is actively promoting your candidate, you might wanna ask if your candidate is the bad guy.
It's been a constant in Canada as well, and will only increase with the coming election. You can see it on Reddit as well. In Canada it comes from Russia, China, and India.
American here, yes please
2016. They’ve been at this for a very long time.
Don't be surprised when we learn that Moscow urged Hamas(through Iran) to attack Israel on 10/07.
For the past decade I've been saying the same words, "Russia is clearly and blatantly pushing foreign propaganda and Murdoch is allied with them." And I've gotten scoffed and yelled at nearly every time. Only in the past few years does it seem like a portion of this site agrees, and the rest considers the *possibility* that Putin is *maybe* thinking of spreading misinformation.
It's unbelievable. I've felt like I've been taking crazy pills with how strongly people deny the thing that Russia brags about doing.
People will believe that Trump is Putin's stooge, mainly because he's so stupid that he just outright talks about sucking Putin's dick whenever it's brought up. But they downplay it, maybe he's just a foolish asset, maybe he just admires a dictator. People will see report after report of Russian money going straight into American pockets, and then just shrug and say maybe they were tricked. It's insanity. It's right there, the obvious reality that Russia has been flooding the country with foreign propaganda and many news sites are happy to help.
It's American exceptionalism, I think. The idea that the US couldn't possibly in any way ever be affected by foreign entities. I think it's so much stronger than people have ever realized.
> most of my co-workers over here thinks there's no way Trump loses 2024
Do they really? I drive by "former Trump country" about twice a month and I see far, far less Trump signs than I did 4 years ago.
Trump has simply pissed off too many of his own party and potential swing voters. Sure he has his fanatics who love him cause he "owns the libs"... but he couldn't win last time and Trump's only alienated even more people in the meantime. All his various legal troubles aren't helping him with women voters either.
Please, can you disconnet russia from the internet, thank you! The rest of the world.
The danger I see most here is in the most critically important voting demographic: today’s young people. We absolutely need them to engage and vote, but the number of them that take everything they hear on TikTok at face value, from simple trends to historical misrepresentations to completely fabricate news stories… social media is a dangerous place for the developing mind.
Note: I am not making a sweeping generation that every youth is a zombie and incapable of critical free thinking, but rather pointing out a volatile space in which this disinformation could do some real damage.
"I've felt like I've been taking crazy pills with how strongly people deny the thing that Russia brags about doing."
"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."
Mark Twain
And God wasn't he fucking right.
No, it matters A LOT. Because only one party is blocking aid to Ukraine.
It's been constant on Reddit also. FTR: Hamas = Iran = Russia
Funny I just saw a post about one of the Canadian party leaders, something about their past history catching up with them and now they might loose their political job over it. Coming from an account who had Russian language all over the profile.
I hope people aren't seeing that and falling for it.
Most magas are unreachable. You're better trying to get more rational people to vote for Biden.
I will not be surprised at all. I have been expecting to see some links since the day it happened. The war in Gaza is the best thing that has happened for Russia since the start of the latest Ukraine invasion. And the war was initiated by a planned attacked by one of Russia's proxy's proxy. I'd like to know which Hamas influencers slid away to a new mansion in someplace like Qatar shortly after 10/07. | 2024-02-26 13:27:36 |
What is the deal with holding no presidential debates for the 2024 election? | 1b2jfh5 | 5,549 | Title: What is the deal with holding no presidential debates for the 2024 election?
Body: How can they get away with holding no presidential debates for the general election this year? Why would they opt out of doing so? Do they not feel beholden to the American people?
Top Comments:
In 1987, the two main U.S. political parties established the Committee for Presidential Debates to ensure voters would have a chance in each presidential election cycle to hear candidates' views, plans, and platforms in a moderated, ideally-fair way.
In the 2016 and 2020 presidential races, Donald Trump repeatedly responded to debate criticism by claiming that moderators and critical pundits were biased against him and the GOP. As he gradually took hold of the party, other Republicans in support of him echoed these claims of bias and unfairness.
In April 2022, the Republican National Committee (RNC) [unanimously voted](https://npr.org/2022/04/14/1092916451/republicans-say-theyre-quitting-the-biased-commission-on-presidential-debates) to leave the CPD, twice calling the Commission "biased" in a two-sentence statement. In doing so, they required that Republican candidates could only appear in committee-sanctioned [primary and general election debates](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/republican-party-withdraws-us-commission-presidential-debates-2022-04-14/).
During the lead-up to the 2024 Republican primaries, Trump did not participate in any debates, and the RNC [stopped sanctioning debates](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/12/08/rnc-officially-bows-out-of-hosting-primary-debates-for-now-00130857) in December 2023.
Since the RNC has withdrawn from the CPD and has shown no indications they will sanction a debate between (almost certain nominee) Trump and Biden, there is no guarantee the two will debate. The ABC article linked in the main post quotes Trump as saying that "even if it was organized by [the CPD], I would do as many debates as they want" -- whether his nonparticipation in the primary debates affects the veracity of that statement I will leave to the decision of the reader -- and quotes Biden's campaign manager as making a noncommittal statement.
But the reason it's not guaranteed to happen is because of the RNC's withdrawal from the CPD in 2022. A general debate could happen but the RNC would have to sanction it.
*(EDIT: fixed a broken link)*
Answer: debates between candidates used to be a pro forma nod to the idea that oratory in an assembly is an effective way to arrive at an understanding of the spectrum of ideas, and an opportunity for an individual to make a case for a position so that listeners can make decisions.
They've devolved to the point that the candidates are given almost no time at all to present a position, and they use the debate as an opportunity to heckle and dig at each other. At times they seem more like a multi-way celebrity roast than a debate. When they're not doing that, very often they're finding ways to address questions other than what was asked, because they know their position is unpopular.
Trump has upended the tradition, as he has so many others, because he won't even adhere to the basic form. He interrupts, talks over, and lambastes the other candidate(s). Or doesn't show up at all.
So at this point each candidate weighs whether participating is likely to help or harm their campaign,. Knowing the news media talking heads will immediately pronounce "winners" and "losers" of the debate based on who got in the best zingers means candidates are vulnerable. More and more, it makes sense to skip it.
Thanks for taking the time on that one!
>More and more, it makes sense to skip it.
Esp. when it's two candidates who have both served as president. It's pretty clear what we're getting this time around.
I'd love to see them ["empty chair" a debate.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empty_chair_debating) Just have Biden at one podium answering questions then cut to the podium where Trump should be standing.
I honestly don't think Trump's ego could stand to be made fun of like that.
This reply saddens me, because it is very useful to people...because it contains the same information included in the article, which it seems that neither OP nor most of the commenters took the time to read.
Good answer. Sad that it's necessary for some reason.
Answer: donald tump gets embarrassed and loses his shit when confronted with the easiest of pushback to his bullshit so he does not want to do them anymore.
Did you notice how he skipped all of the republican primary debates?
Looked it up as I was unaware (appreciate your letting me know) -- the woman who sent Clinton debate questions was not the moderator, but was a CNN (who hosted that debate) contributor and later became head of the DNC (but resigned just before the '16 election when her tipping off Clinton was leaked). And as you said, that was a DNC primary, not a national debate; while that might affect 2016, that doesn't play into 2020.
I feel like if OP just read the article they themselves posted they would get the same info.
That was a DNC run debate, not CPD.
Honestly, most website news articles are almost impossible to read with the amount of popups and spam and consent forms so I would always choose this format.
Clint Eastwood tried that at the Republican convention, better in theory than in practice.
Answer: We aren't even in the general election season yet, debates between GOP and Dem candidates typically begin in September. OP's article is just speculation.
However, Trump has refused to debate in the GOP primary election race this contest either. He currently has the GOP on lock, participating in a debate (party or against the Democratic candidate) will only bring to light his progressing dementia, lack of actual substance in his plans and policies, and general inability to communicate when it's not to a crowd of adoring sycophants. Debating for the primaries or general will only hurt his electability.
There is no "objective" under fascism. You're either with them or against them.
Or hell, bring on candidates from third parties. If the RNC wants to fade from obscurity, let a more sensible platform take the limelight.
Especially since the dementia has clearly advanced. Dude can barely throw together a half-coherent rant anymore, can you imagine him debating with any somewhat competent politician or public figure?
But I'm shocked Trump doesn't want to show up by himself just so he can ramble about how much of a cowardly loser his opponent is. Seems like free publicity.
>the woman who sent Clinton debate questions was not the moderator, but was a CNN (who hosted that debate) contributor and later became head of the DNC
She was also the sitting DNC Vice Chair at the time she did that. It was really terrible optics, as it got her fired from CNN and promoted at the DNC
As soon as one shows up, the other would be obligated, even if it means changing their answer. If they both skip, no one has to deal with any of it.
Game theory advises to skip, even if the other party skips first. | 2024-02-28 22:23:33 |
Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema will not seek re-election in 2024 | 1b7e164 | 8,394 | Title: Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema will not seek re-election in 2024
Top Comments:
Good riddance to a straight up liar and deceiver of her constituents
Between her and Manchin, I definitely loathe her more. Manchin is a true believer in his weird 1980's conserva-Dem bullshit, and I can semi respect that. But Sinema is a chameleon, she's whatever she needs to be at the moment.
Expected, she doesn't want to get embarrassed as an incumbent, by getting crushed by 20 points.
Good riddance, she can now go be a lobbyist or something, good news for Gallego though.
Sinema realized she was setting back bisexual women by perpetuating the notion that they only exist to facilitate three-way elections.
Avoiding a 3-way race is extremely good news.
She will undoubtedly turn into a Fox News commentator who they bill as a "Democrat" but is eagerly willing to parrot right-wing talking points. Then write a book called "Sinematic: One Woman's Quest to Fix Washington" that's full of completely made up nonsense about how she is a true progressive fighting for the people against corporate run Government.
Manchin can also point to the coal industry in West Virginia and at least say he's working for someone, plus he's been honest about that since day one. Sinema? She didn't even seem to be working for her own self interest and definitely didn't seem to represent any clear constituent groups.
Biggest donation regret of my life. Absolutely two-faced opportunist. Fade into obscurity, you narcisstic liar.
I think she wanted to be "maverick-y" like John McCain, but his last act of defiance against his own party was to save the ACA, not to sink a minimum wage hike.
This is HUGE! With her off the ballot completely, Arizona is wide open for Democrats!
Come help turn the state deep blue at /r/voteDEM. There are tons of opportunities to pitch in this election all over the country.
> Sinematic: One Woman's Quest to Fix Washington
That book title made me physically ill
I like the fact that McCain became a "maverick" by being the only decent person in the party.
That scenario only works with Moms For Liberty.
“After running on values and ideas that I completely abandoned while serving in the senate, I retire today to a cash pile and opportunities to further exploit our voters”
As someone who was a college student in AZ in 2018 and active with the local Dems, I put time, money, and blood (the door hangers she bought during GOTV kept on giving everyone papercuts) into getting her elected statewide.
Took her class my last semester of undergrad on the intersection of social work and the legal system, which ran on a curriculum staunchly more left-leaning than her US House voting record. Recall having to write an essay on how mass-transit underfunding disproportionately impacts communities of color who rely on it over motor vehicles, leading to more missed court dates and fines, sucking them into a cycle of incarceration. Her syllabus really strongly insinuated to us we should pirate the book she used for the course instead of buy it from the store.
When I voted for her in that primary over Abboud I expected her to be who Kelly has become. After taking that class in Spring 2019 I thought she might have even moved to the left of where she was in the US House, now that she didn't have to run for election every 2 years. Nope, the complete opposite.
The nerd in me is a bit bummed we won't get data on how precincts would vote in a competitive 3-way general election in Arizona, the voter in me is happy she's not even going to bother to try.
He became a "maverick" by only voting the party line 93% of the time. Definitely a RINO.
This should help Biden in Arizona as well.
When she curtsied after voting down 15 dollar federal min wage I couldn't stand her. What a terrible human being.
Sinema's term has been truly breathtaking in its open corruption. She completely shut the door on the people who got her elected and set about enriching herself. | 2024-03-05 19:26:13 |
Young voters helped elect Biden in 2020. His campaign is courting them again in 2024 | 1bc2jps | 1,962 | Title: Young voters helped elect Biden in 2020. His campaign is courting them again in 2024
Top Comments:
call me crazy, but one guy is trying to protect your healthcare and women's bodily autonomy...
the other guy is calling you **vermin**. Literally.
*not a difficult choice.*
Sure. But voting for Biden wasn’t a motivating factor for most of us. The alternative was (and is) terrifying.
Say whatever you want about Joe. If trump is the person on the other side of the ballot, I’d walk barefoot over hot coals to vote for a literal Biden-shaped sock puppet.
I can't fathom how anyone, but especially women and anyone of color, can support trump. He and his kind have been very vocal about not liking you as well as taking away your rights. They aren't your friends, and just because they claim to be christians that means that you're willing to look past everything else? What on earth will it take for them to lose your support?
Young people of America, this is YOUR future you're voting on. Trump winning will ruin your future and the planets, and this may be the last election you vote in. Do not make this a protest vote, and do not hand the election to trump. We're depending on you.
Joe has been outstanding, It's republicans owning the house still and the corrupt SCOTUS that hold us back. If Democrats could get ahold of all 3 house senate and supreme court things would go a little smoother as opposed to the far right cult with zero policies.
He may be old but he far exceeded my expectations.
yea but trump is draining the swamp and cant be bought.
(an actual argument i heard at a bar)
That was a common argument in 16 too
"Trumps a wealthy business man he won't be able to be bought!" Turns out thst was a lie on multiple levels
They choose instead to vote for no one. Not understanding that failing to vote in US elections (or voting third party as long as we have FPTP voting) is a vote for the least liked candidate of the two real options.
He really has done an amazing job with a pathetic congress. He's got my vote again. Easiest vote I'll ever make because all metrics say he'll continue being awesome.
>[Youth activist groups jointly endorse Biden. They say his achievements matter more than his age](https://apnews.com/article/biden-youth-activists-joint-endorsement-reelection-age-15ea5b67e05f2dc6c41ba7f48cfccdcd)
>Jack Lobel is a college sophomore who will be voting in his first presidential election this fall, casting a ballot for Joe Biden. At 19, he’s six-plus decades Biden’s junior, which isn’t lost on him. But Lobel is spokesperson for Voters of Tomorrow, one of 15 youth organizations that announced Monday that they are jointly endorsing the reelection of the oldest president in U.S. history — defying polls consistently showing voter concerns about the 81-year-old Biden’s age.
>“If age were really a concern we would not see this much energy around these groups,” said Lobel, an urban studies major in New York. As he worked on hammering out the joint endorsement this week he was also writing a paper for his American urban politics class and taking a midterm in his voting and political behavior class.
>“President Biden comes before midterms and exams and papers,” Lobel said, only half-joking. The joint endorsement is meant as a show of political strength for Biden, who would be 86 by the end of the second term he’s seeking — after Super Tuesday all but cemented a November rematch of the 2020 election between him and former President Donald Trump.
>Joining Voters of Tomorrow formally supporting Biden is NextGen PAC, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Blue Future, Jr. Newtown Action Alliance, Path to Progress, Students Demand Action, Team ENOUGH, Voices of Gen-Z and Dream for America. They are doing so with more traditional, party-aligned youth organizations, the Young Democrats of America, College Democrats of America, Democratic Youth Coalition, Grassroots Dems HQ and High School Democrats of America.
That's so odd and self-defeating for teachers to do that. For instance, my wife is on the school board here, and while yes, the President does not have anything to do with pay structures, him calling for higher teacher pay is a huge win for all teachers. Dismissing that as a teacher, seems like the last thing they would do. But you are a very honest person, so I don't know what to believe.
My uncle calls this the "hold my breath till I get what I want" vote, named after his 4yo grandson. Trump seems like he is going to get a lot of help from young voters who won't vote because of something they think Biden did, while also not realizing that Trump would be massively worse. And that they didn't like that Biden did, Trump is going to do much much more of.
My dad keeps sending me clips of Biden interviews saying “I have no doubt he can be president for another 4 years”
Thanks dad. I was really undecided until you sent me that clip, and was totally going to vote for that other guy with 91 felony counts, tried to inspire a coup, and is actively saying he will be a dictator if elected.
Again, this sounds like a very childish and unrealistic thought process. I know a lot of teachers and none of them are like this. You're describing how politics and campaigns work and have worked for decades and acting as if its some kind of news and an outrage. Vote for the person/party that's going to help you most, and for all teachers, everywhere, that is Biden and Democrats, the end. And any teacher that blames anyone other than Republicans for student debt not being ended (under 20k), then they are stupid.
What young people need to understand is that if Trump get into office again that it is certain that Alito, Thomas will resign and be replaced by a couple of forty something far-right judges who will be on the court for another 30 to 40 years. So if you’re 20 years old that means that you’ll be in your fifties or sixties before there’s even a chance of a liberal majority again and that would seem pretty doubtful given what Trump and the Republicans are likely to do to the constitution in general.
You are not just voting for the next 4 years. You are voting for the next 40 years. Get off your backside and vote against minority rule and far-right tyranny.
Unless you want US troops in Gaza, him setting up ports to bring in aid and pushing a ceasefire is about the most he can do (and no, cutting of funding to Israel won't stop it, they'll just wait for Trump to win before changing plans b/c of who is in power) because Israel and Hamas BOTH need to agree on a ceasefire. And it's not a ban, it's changing ownership.
I fucking hope so. I see anything political posted in the GenZ subreddit and the comment sections really make me worry.
Like Mark Cuban, I’m voting for Biden even if he’s being read his last rites on his death bed over Trump.
At least your dad doesn't have Fox News brain rot and is sending you those kinds of clips.
At a time when Hesbollah was poised to make a move.
The US still only provides 15% of the Isreali defense budget, that’s not a ton of leverage to use against the Isrealis.
I think I found what Biden was talking about.
Within the American Rescrue Plan/COVID-19 Stimulus Package, there was a section and funding available called the "Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief." This funding's purpose is to help districts with staffing, recruitment, and retention of teachers.
As written on the [U.S. Department of Education](https://www.ed.gov/raisethebar/educators) site. | 2024-03-11 12:57:12 |
Russian elections 2024 | 1bfgmm8 | 48,723 | Title: Russian elections 2024
Top Comments:
Home girl pouring ink on the ballots in that one shot?
Do Russians believe Putin when he claims they have fair elections?
I doubt it. I'd say even Putin supporters know what's happening, they just go along with it because it's their guy. I would guess most people in the middle just don't want to talk about it because they know there's nothing they can do without putting themselves and their family at risk.
Not only that, but according to the last news, we have more candidates for the record of the “ruin the most ballots in a single action” category: some woman in Moscow set a voting booth on fire, the some other individual used movolov in Saint Petersburg, a lot of election booths are burning actually and for the latest news, even a member of electoral commission used the ink which really shows the true love for putin from his fellow citizens
kudos to the Russian citizens who are fighting this mockery of an election.
1. Vlad Put
2. Vladimir P
3. V Putin
Civil disobedience at its finest. I'm proud of them but also worried for them. :-(
Nice. True mvp
World leaders are already congratulating Putin on his landslide election victory as a fuck you to his rigged election.
This is the thing that people dont realise. There is literally nothing Putin could do if everyone just said fuck this shit and started burning everything to the ground.
Once the fears gone hes totally powerless.
Edit: i havent got time to reply to people anymore, i appreciate discussion of this magnitude i really do and everyones opinion is equal, unlike in Russia where its a man child with an ego problem with the opinion.
Fingers crossed and good luck Russia im rooting for you, ive got a few friends from Russia and they were the most fun guys to work with on site.
It's like the old Soviet joke:
A man goes to prison. A fellow inmate asks him:
"How long are you in for?"
"I got 10 years." replies the man.
"What did you do?"
"Nothing? You're full of shit."
"For nothing they only give you 5 years."
It's also "interesting as fuck" that you can be sentenced to up to 5 years in prison for doing this. Absolutely mental.
4. Schladimir Schutin (Putin in a Mrs. Doubtfire wig)
As a Russian I can say that, yea we have 3 choices
Why are they even pretending
propaganda is pretty strong in russia
The girl is 20 years old, she was detained. Independent news channel said that she would, most probably, get 5 years in prison as her sentence for “disrupting of voting”.
All I can say is that I’m SO glad I’m not Russian. Fake elections suck. I don’t think I’d be brave enough to protest Putin if I lived there… but thank goodness, I live in the USA- where I can say whatever I want. Putin is a Bully and a fraud. He is also mortal. It is only a matter of time before he is judged. I will cheer his fall with a smile.
Putin still estimated to win in a clean sweep with 136% of the vote with only 0% of the ballots counted. | 2024-03-15 15:28:09 |
Russian Election 2024 | 1bg2w8u | 6,083 | Title: Russian Election 2024
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**The comic was based off a repurposed Soviet joke:**
**Commissar:** *"Comrade! Do you love the Soviet Union?"*
**Worker:** *"Yes, of course comrade!"*
**Commissar:** *"How much do you love your Motherland?"*
**Worker:** *"Same as you do comrade!"*
**Commissar:** *"You are under arrest for subversion and treason!"*
Commisar doesent like the soviet union, so if he doesent like it, and you believe what he believes, you dont like the soviet union.
I wonder who will win the Russian election, do you think it will be Putin or Vladimir or Vladimir Putin or Putin Vladimir or Vlad…
I'm voting for Vladimir Poutine, maybe with a Canadian in charge Russia will stop being so overtly aggressive.
i still don't get it lmao
I heard from a rumor that Putin has conspired Putin to hire Putin to assassinate Putin while in Putin’s home after Putin wins the election so that Putin can seize power from Putin, making Putin Putin’s successor.
He doesn't like the country, but he does like his job!
Oh man, he’s gonna have difficulty challenging their French counterpart, Vladimir Putain.
His job is *so much fun*
Mommyland :DDD
If that’s remotely true, then I am secretly a North Korean agent trying to bring down the West by posting comics on a specific subreddit with sexual innuendos.
I think it’s The commissar hates the Soviet Union, so the worker is admitting to hating the Soviet Union, which is treason
Don't count out his northern Ohioan counterpart, Vladimir Put-in-Bay quite yet
I immediately thought of the Putin replacement conspiracy theory and this makes it more funny
The person who is arresting hates the USSR.
Or his massively alcoholic Irish cousin, Vladimir Poitín
Mommyland made me chuckle
[Putin Learns Putin Behind Plot To Assassinate Putin](https://youtu.be/vm1U5E44W90)
Yes, correctly.
Took a look at his post history, and it this individual is interesting. They're a Russo-Ukranian who can (possibly) speak Polish. They're also rather fascinated with the Ethiopian-Eritrean conflict. On top of that, multiple comments of theirs seem to slander Ukraine or other "imperialistic" nations, as contradicting as it may seem. So I wouldn't say that this is bait, more so their unique opinion, which can be seen as heavily flawed. Take this information with a grain of salt, especially as some speculations could be wrong. | 2024-03-16 10:16:21 |
Trump Bloodbath: Trump Warns 'Bloodbath' If Biden Wins 2024 Election: Another January 6 Coming? | 1bgjcab | 2,208 | Title: Trump Bloodbath: Trump Warns 'Bloodbath' If Biden Wins 2024 Election: Another January 6 Coming?
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Trump's threat is an attempt to intimidate those on the fence to vote for him or face a violent end to the election.
Yeah he'll lose and the idoits will try something dumb.
If they were to try and pull this shit again, the guard and DC police would be ready for Meal Team Six, and their insurrectionist buddies.
30 years ago I studied in the US for four years, it was an amazing experience. I always dreamed of going back on vacation to show my kids where I lived and studied those fours years but I don’t want to go to the US anymore. It has become a country I don’t recognize at all and it just doesn’t seem safe to go. Sad times 😞
And fail right out the gate...again.
Those of us here living through this feel the same. I don’t recognize the US anymore. Half of this country cheers for a madman who wants to be hitler.
If the DOJ isn't going to do their job the Republicans can have the mob justice they want. Let's see how that goes for the traitors in our government.
I think alot of the people who would follow another insurrection noticed how the government has already tried and locked up alot of the previous insurectionists.....and Donnie didn't do shit to help them
I just really feel like those on the fence would then vote against him because of this. I know if I was on the fence I would be PISSED hearing this
Then, by definition, they are NOT doing their jobs. In any real country anybody involved with Jan 6 would be in prison. Instead, they are in government or running to be. The country is a joke and a fraud being led around by christofascist frauds
He is desperate to win and this just goes to show how unsuitable he is to be president.
Let’s hope it’s his blood
Does this read like extortion to anyone else?
"Nice country you got here. Be a shame if anything happened to it."
Just me?
This mother fucker is a traitor to USA
Lock him up.
The violence will be more wide spread than just DC when he loses.
Agreed, we are a nation of laws. WTF is going on.
Trump's a career criminal extortionist, it's all he knows.
Some people are actually cowards. It's not necessary their fault, but they'll respond to this, so we need to beat up the bully to show people it's not okay to use these tactics. | 2024-03-16 23:34:43 |
Preliminary voting results in 2024 russian "elections" | 1bh6b6j | 32,516 | Title: Preliminary voting results in 2024 russian "elections"
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Why not 187.86% ? )))
kim jong un has got some competition
People show psychological bias when generating random numbers and tend toward certain digits & patterns, in part personal preferences and misconceptions about randomness. Manifestations of the randomness bias include:
- Digit Preference: Favoring numbers like 7 or 3 as more random
- Repetition Avoidance: Believing true randomness must exclude repeat numbers or patterns (this a quick way to spot tax fraud)
- Clustering Illusion: Seeing non-existent patterns in random data, like a concentration of numbers in the seventies and eighties (*cough, cough*)
Well, colour me surprised. What a shocking result that nobody saw coming! /s
If you believe that your job is useless, think about the analysts that have to gather and study the poll results of Russian elections
holy hell, new totally fair elections just dropped
Isn't 87% a little bit too much? Maybe he should've gone easier on fake votes and all type of shit
They also didn't want to give Putin the exact number of 88.
Ah yes, my beloved democratic country of Russia /s
Am Russian
Hoping for belarus scenario cuz there's no way this 87% contains at least half of real votes
>!Mild Shock!<
You mean 146%?
Very secret. Not even the voters get to know what's in that envelope.
these numbers add up to 98,45% for anyone to lazy to do the maths
- If those numbers are fake, it shows that there is no real democracy and opposition in Russia
- If those numbers are real, it shows even more that there is no real democracy and opposition in Russia
I mean if the last 2 years didnt get enough Russians on the streets a faked elections sure as hell wont. But I hope that I am wrong.
actual dictator
He did Nazi that coming!
Honestly, I think the true numbers are still gathered. Because, even if they contain fake ballots and Putin is the only real candidate, they are the closest thing they have to a true opinion of the Russian people. Especially since this time (from what I have seen) the votes are secret / in an envelope.
Oh damn, this comment is actually brutal af. | 2024-03-17 19:33:18 |
If Trump loses the 2024 election, what will happen? | 1bhq7xv | 171 | Title: If Trump loses the 2024 election, what will happen?
Body: There is a lot of focus on the possibility of Trump winning the 2024 election, but what do you think will happen, and what will Trump do, if he loses the election? What actions will he take assuming that he disputes the election results?
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If he isn’t dead? My money is he tries to run in 2028 and stands a good shot at winning the primary. His base doesn’t care about facts so why wouldn’t he keep lying?
He will keep running until he’s broke or dead
Most likely outcome for him if he loses is prison. His entire "get out of jail" strategy requires he is elected POTUS and can make the cases against him disappear.
Without that, he's kinda guilty as sin and it'd be pretty difficult to convince a DC jury that his well documented attempt to defraud the US wasn't an attempt to defraud the US.
Ideally, things precede as they should, the same as most US elections. Biden wins, we move forward. Realistically, I don’t expect trump to just move on. His back’s against a wall and it’s getting to an almost all or nothing situation for him. If he doesn’t win, I could definitely see him pressuring the Republican Party into going with the states vote plan that was shared a few months ago. Basically, the party makes a lot of noise about how it looks like there were voting irregularities. In the house, the speaker doesn’t accept the electoral votes from those states to be counted. Because of that, no one is able to reach 270. The election is then handed to the states, which each get one vote. 26 will vote for trump, 24 for Biden. Even if Biden swept trump on Election Day, it wouldn’t matter.
He’ll run from in jail and win the primary too. They don’t care.
Your forgot the jail option, He'll run until he's broke, dead, or in jail.
Rich people generally aren't *charged* with crimes. Helps them stay out of prison. They also tend to hire competent counsel and *usually* listen to them.
Trump is a terrible client in a jurisdiction and courtroom with no reason to do him any favors. If he loses the election there's not a lot to protect him, and I don't think he'll be attempting to bribe Chutkan.
Hell, if he loses, I'm not even sure Aileen will be willing to do him that many favors anymore. It's not like Biden is gonna give her a supreme court nomination.
That's...not how it works. The new Congress has to meet in order to elect a new speaker, but they are de facto members before that. After the speaker's election is held, the new members are sworn in. *That* speaker could, in theory, choose not to seat members, but the old speaker has no power over that.
If he loses, we must all swear to never bring him up again. I am so fucking tired of his stupid fat mouth. Toss his ass into obscurity.
That assumes a Republican speaker, which seems highly unlikely.
How any red-blooded American is ok with this kind of thing is beyond me.
I agree that his cult followers wouldn't care, but it takes money to run a national campaign, and a lot of in-person stuff, neither of which he'll have access to from jail. He's going to bankrupt the GOP this year, there won't be anything left for campaigns.
I believe the plan said that johnston wouldn’t swear in a few democrats (citing voting irregularities) to guarantee a republican majority in the house, force a speaker vote (republicans would then win), then force the state vote, which would vote trump 26, Biden 24.
He’ll probably throw a fit and say some stupid things, if the democrats gets lucky, he even implicates himself in the eyes of the law during one of these fits. If not, then it’s another four years of the Republicans being yes men to whatever Trump says. At least assuming that they don’t get a new rising figure to overthrow his influence.
Realistically, the two outcomes for him are that he becomes president in 2024 or dies in prison/whatever prison is for an ex president.
Rich people almost never go to jail. No way he spends a night in jail.
When I see stuff like this, it reminds me of the pipe dreams some generals had from WW2. "Well if the enemy doesn't have anyone on these roads, I can march straight to Berlin by Christmas!"
Completely ignoring the fact that there's an opposition and they're likely going to be unhappy and actively trying to do whatever they can to stop you.
You have at least three or four perfect "winning the lotto" moments for something like what the OP suggested, to happen. I mean sure its possible. But its up there with the same odds of him keeling over of a heart attack in the same week as Biden. (Adams and Jefferson 2.0?)
Red-blooded American patriots are not ok with it. The side that isn’t just ok with but actually wants this, they usurp and pervert everything we value. They take what we are proud of and make a mockery of it, then after a few generations people like me who believe in the rule of law and democracy grow up thinking that the flag, or the word patriot belongs to those that know the meaning of neither.
House arrest seems like the only option I just can't see them putting a former President (even for a POS like Trump) in prison, or even in rich person prison
Trump gets pissy, J6 II fails miserably because there will actually be guards at the Capitol. | 2024-03-18 13:03:57 |
Are you aware of Project 2025, the plan to install Christian Nationalism should Trump win the 2024 election? | 1brfzzq | 9,629 | Title: Are you aware of Project 2025, the plan to install Christian Nationalism should Trump win the 2024 election?
Body: The best thing about the prior Trump administration was their incompetence. Project 2025 aims to correct that problem via drastic measures.
Besides voting, how can we stop this?
If we can't stop it, how do we survive this?
Top Comments:
Project 2025 isn’t completely dependent on the orange one winning the presidential election. They are all the way down the ballot. You need to make sure read up on EVERYONE on your ballot. From city council to school board members.
I think most people at this point are aware of it, the problem is a lot of people want it. As long as the Republican backers of it are in power, voting is our only option.
Good news is that Republicans are getting hammered in elections. Bad news is that makes for complacent Democrats who don't feel the need to vote anymore.
I’ve said many times that we are extremely lucky that the first serious attempt to destroy America and install a dictatorship was carried out by some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. But Putin was following it carefully; next time they’ll be better organized and more dangerous.
Yep even if Trump loses this plan isn't going away. Maybe not until the Republicans (Now MAGAts) suffer so many electoral losses over several cycles that the party dissolves. This just means people need to vote in EVERY election and vote against every Republican. The democratic party will absorb the normal/"RINO Republicans who will end up branching off into a new political party.
If by “following” you mean “orchestrating” then yes.
Trump has been [Putin’s bitch](https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/12/21/how-russian-money-helped-save-trumps-business/) since the early 90s.
Yeah, but most haven't actually *read* it - guaranteed. It sounds a whole lot better than it is. Once people start learning more details of what's actually in that thing and what it's actually going to take to implement it - most people will be flipping out......
They want Christian Sharia laws ... because their religion is so fucking fragile that they can't allow other religions (and non-believers) to coexist.
It's out in the open now, so the only option is for every competent, eligible voter to ensure it can't happen by voting their lying, racist, sexist, misogynistic supporters out of office.
Kind of like all the people in England who voted for Brexit today are like, why don't we get good trading deals with the EU.
My hope is the party as a whole ends up so depleted from paying Trump's legal bills that they get routed at every level and only the most entrenched incumbents are left. Never thought I'd miss the establishment Republicans, but here I am.
We need to vote blue long enough so the idiots who want Project 2025 die out.
They will never stop. They have given too much to ever stop. We must encourage people to vote blue like their lives depend on it for a very long time.
Project 2025 is the result of 50 years of Republican work to destroy the middle class and make sure women do not have any rights.
When Chris Christie is the voice of reason you know we are in trouble.
Here's what I have observed. I live in rural Indiana. From what I can tell, so many people in my situation as a working stiff live paycheck to paycheck and barely pay attention to the deeper layers of the current political situation. I know because I used to be one of those people.
They vaguely know the highlights because they saw a few headlines in-between looking up recipes or memes or posting photos. And because our current political climate is even more polarized than ever before (except maybe civil war era?) they are even more inclined to NOT discuss politics for fear of a fight breaking out.
The ones that DO pay attention have gone down rabbit holes and picked up conspiracy theories from Facebook or Joe Rogan. Most of the people I've met who are more left had always been interested in civics and government and are usually college educated, so have an understanding of how to find credible sources for their information.
The problem is there is SO much information to digest and so many things to constantly fact check and verify or research. It seriously is a full time job trying to keep up and stay informed, especially if you just recently started taking it seriously. Most people are exhausted from work and kids and they don't want to spend their tiny bit of leisure time reading articles debunking other articles about something complicated that they don't even understand why it is important. They honestly just kinda want to be told who to vote for, if they even vote at all.
That's what I have been dealing with. None of my coworkers or family or my friends (unless I told them) know about project 2025. And that is a major problem! Or, like you said, they DO know about it.. and like it!! Which is very scary.
Of course.
That's why religion should be taken down a couple of pegs to give normal people some reprieve.
Non-religionists are way too forgiving. If someone threatens the removal of hard-won civil liberties in the name of religion there should be a fight back, exposing their hatred to people who aren't typically engaged.
I don't 'respect' any religion, I *acknowledge* it. It's there, I think it's bull shit and I am not going to pay lip service to placate the hard-of-thinking.
This is the 21st century - religion should be attacked for its crippling effect on Humanity when the minority start looking to shape policy for the majority.
*Awake, arise or be for ever fall’n.*
- John Milton, *Paradise Lost*
Putin totally controlled him but nobody can call Putin a genius...
Always remember it was Hitler's 2nd attempt when he did the damage..
Don't forget there were geniuses behind Trump...Mercer being one.
Read up on Mercer , and your skin will crawl.
…and Scotland, Wales, and NI. The English “leavers” weren’t the only morons that fucked the UK over.
Just a reminder this plan does not go away if we win this year. we need to keep right wingers and republicans out of office. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats.
Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections.
Unfortunately, I can promise you most haven’t even attempted to read project 2025. I work for a fairly large, unionized company, and while I am not union, I am an advocate. I get asked questions on the daily regarding contract issues that are basic page 1-5 solves. The people I work with are not inept, they are people I respect and love to work with. They just won’t read it, despite the major impacts it literally has on their jobs/lives.
Yes. Pretty much *The Handmaid's Tale* for the US, all climate change initiatives completely scrapped, the ending of American support for Ukraine, and the likely emboldening of China to take Taiwan (to name just a few consequences). | 2024-03-30 11:48:51 |
If This Trump Warning on 2024 Doesn’t Scare You, You’re Sleepwalking | Donald Trump is warning that 2024 could be America’s “last election.” | 1bus6m0 | 4,347 | Title: If This Trump Warning on 2024 Doesn’t Scare You, You’re Sleepwalking | Donald Trump is warning that 2024 could be America’s “last election.”
Top Comments:
Such naked projection by Trump to accuse Biden of being a threat to democracy.
They always project with what they themselves do or will do.
He is warning that it will be America’s last election of Joe Biden wins, which means it will be the last election if he wins.
2 tiered justice system friend. Glad you’re awake now. Federal judges are walking us into a crisis with the way they are treating him. Why should I follow this country’s law if these people can get away with whatever they want?
One minute Joe Biden is a clueless and senile old man that doesn't know where he is, and the next minute he's some sort of brilliant criminal mastermind powerful enough to do something that hasn't happened in the entire history of America and cancel democracy and elections and become a dictator for life.
Why would Joe Biden even be allowing an election THIS time if that was the case?
How are Trump supporters this fucking stupid? Like are we just forgetting that January 6th exists?
Practically? Because *you* can't get away with it.
Strategically? Because chaos helps the forces who benefit most from injustice in the system. That is why they foment it.
But Gaza….. there are a lot of people that are good to screw us over in this country for something that’s happening miles and mjles away.
The one issue voters are going to repeat the 2016 elections circus again.
If you spot it, you got it.
I'm sure he'd love that to be the case if he wins.
If his coup succeeded in 2020 we wouldn’t be having this one.
Fascism 101
He isn’t “warning” - he’s announcing it.
The enemy is weak, but also strong.
My opinion of him is so far below zero already, what he does is no longer important, he is a pile of shit and will always be.
Drumph might be the most transparent moron we’ve seen. The world outside of his cult can see straight through him.
Very well said, it is your second point that the majority of folks unfortunately miss. The dysfunction is the goal | 2024-04-03 13:09:04 |
Updated: 2024 Election Cheat Sheet | 1bux8vr | 2,776 | Title: Updated: 2024 Election Cheat Sheet
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You forgot to mention Joe ate ice cream.
Thats quite generous for Trump
I think he had an affair while Melania was pregnant, but then after Barron was born was when he cheated on his mistress to sleep with the porn star. 🤷🏻♂️
And now he sells bibles 🙄
He’s also friends with a black guy who wore a tan suit once. If you can let that slide that’s on you, but not in my book
Forgot Best friends with Jeff Epstein
true, he did just win the trump cup golf tournament
Don’t forget guy on right is Russian asset
So does Trump, Biden at least nominally shows sympathy for Palestinians.
You have to add "severe cognitive decline" on the right.
Mocks the disabled and doesn’t think they should be in public, going as far as saying “no one wants to see that” about an amputee veteran at a veterans event whom he had removed
There's also more on the Trump side, but this is just a meme that you are taking too seriously.
bOtH sIdEs!
He also has a stutter
I tell people all the time that I think history will look back on Biden’s first term and objectively view it as one of the most consequential of the modern presidential era and they seem surprised.
Biden has accomplished some very impressive things with a split government including the largest investment in our country’s infrastructure in decades and the largest ever action on climate change by the US. Those two things alone will propel the US forward for the next 30 years (assuming it’s not undone) and they aren’t even the only things he has accomplished.
I get he/things aren’t perfect. The situation in Israel/Palestine is horrible. Inflation is still a major problem for a lot of people. The situation at the border, while absolutely over exaggerated by the right, does deserve more attention than he has given it. To me, that is valid criticism. But, overall, no president has ever batted 1,000 during their presidency and I am pretty happy with what Biden has achieved.
A black guy? Was he one of the good ones like my one black friend?
Not the right, Biden has a stutter and is showing signs of normal aging. The way trump is forgetting who is president, slurring his words and making up nonsense words when he can't remember common words is very concerning.
You forgot the most important Trump crime... Falsifying a national weather service announcement by trying to change the path of a hurricane with a sharpie, which is in fact a felony and he did it live on TV. Of all of his crimes,I don't know that he intentionally brought the press into the room to record his felony in real time.
Not even, this one was born in Kenya and is a Muslim! And trust me, you don’t even want to know what his middle name is
Also he incited an erection | 2024-04-03 16:37:57 |
MMW: Republicans are about to suffer record election losses in 2024 | 1c3jjbi | 1,249 | Title: MMW: Republicans are about to suffer record election losses in 2024
Body: The party literally stands for nothing except worshipping a bankrupt conman. Now they’ve turned all their money over to him.
Their draconian abortion laws will be their undoing. But also the fact they’re at each other’s throats constantly and are a disordered party.
Dems will still have to show up in massive numbers because of Rethug election fraud and tampering, as well as our stupid slave-holding era relic Electoral College. But vast amounts of Americans are beyond sick of unserious, do-nothing, big mouth Rethug shit heads.
Top Comments:
I wish that was something that I felt confident about, but I don't. We all have to vote, it's so important that Trump doesn't win. I can't even imagine how much worse he'd be without having to worry about future elections.
And honestly its not enough for Trump to not win. The election needs to be a historic defeat up and down the ticket. We need a Blue Wave in the House, Senate Gubernatorial and state and local elections. Maga needs to be so thoroughly defeated everywhere its clear it can never win again, and I don't think that's going to happen.
We need to push the narrative of "vote in numbers too large to be manipulated".
Really funny watching dementia donny try to walk back his abortion ban this week, he knows he fucked up bad with that but his ego won’t let him admit it
If this was the 1800s they all be hung for treason
Hanged. They act like little bitches because they are decidedly not hung.
It doesn’t matter because any loss and Trump will say that it was rigged. If there is a massive blue wave and Biden won like Reagan in 84, Trump would just say something along the lines of ‘how can someone who you never see people wearing shirts or hats for win so bigly? We have the best mechandise sales, 50 times what sleepy joe sell”, and if he loses by a little it will be “they only had to stuff 20,000 votes. Thats not a lot of votes, I can count to 20,000. I can count to 20,000 in like 4 minutes, watch, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 12, 18, 360, 20,000. See it’s that easy to steal”
What Democrats need is to win down ballot votes, en masse. They need to take back not only federal positions, but also state ones. People need to repudiate Trump/MAGA fully and swiftly.
But...but, I was pandering to this group of people I secretly despise, now this whole other group I openly despise is upset? So unfair!
If we all vote trump doesn’t stand a chance.
If Trump is still alive in 2028, I'll eat my hat. Man doesn't even look like he's going to make it to November. I worked professionally around geriatric people. He's a stroke/coronary just waiting to happen. He's getting bloated (I'm not talking about his fat, his skin looks off), if he's not on a diuretic, he should be before he strokes out. I've passed tons of meds, I'm morbidly curious about what his medication regimen is.
It can be the most resounding victory in US history. That clown and his circus would still be screaming from the sidelines. We are never getting rid of these fucking people.
He won't be out of the equation he'll be on the sidelines screaming about another stolen election.
Yea, and if it's not a crushing defeat, we're going to keep dealing with Maga in the house and senate and state governments.
Although I hope you're correct, I think you underestimate the cult following, and the big money following Trump. The cultists aren't going to be deprogrammed any time soon (if ever) and the moneyed interests don't care.
Totally agree 💯%! But for every person throwing down criticism and their political points, they better vote to support it and keep this orange asshole out of office. We're at a strange point in time where I feel that democracy as we know it could devolve into some strange theocratic authoritarian dictatorship. It's not a far fetched thought. The hard right have literally published something called project 2025 that would essentially give all power to the executive branch and spiral down to a more draconian controlled government. I don't want my kids having to deal with that or missing out on what could be. Vote Blue in 2024 and keep our country!!!
Idk. The fact that ~30% of America is still polling for him after everything, and I don't see any other shifts online or otherwise (anecdotally), we could be totally fucked.
Sadly it's the ugly on the inside that makes her unfit.
Yeah I think that would be hoping for far too much. It may be a toss-up as to the president, and even the house and Senate. But crushing defeat across the board seems pretty unlikely
Bobert and Cruz have a great chance of losing!!! I'm more sick and tired of Margie Taylor Greene this ugly troll needs to go
And he will just immediately announce he’s running for 2028 once he loses this is my bet | 2024-04-14 03:04:45 |
Trump Says He Has Enough Votes to “Cancel” 2024 Presidential Election | 1c3yycd | 5,535 | Title: Trump Says He Has Enough Votes to “Cancel” 2024 Presidential Election
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If Trump wants us to just keep Biden on for another term, I’m fine with that.
So we just default to President Biden? Works for me. Please proceed you criminal POS.
Chump's desperation is palpable. It must suck to go through life as such a miserable person. Earned every bit of it.
I'm not sure that's how it'll work.
It's funny though that he was telling voters in a speech a few months ago they can stay home they don't need to vote. I figured that meant he had something up his sleeve to try and steal this election. This confirms it.
I'm not. I'm already pissed at MAGA Republicans for robbing the US of a third straight presidential election in which policies and issues are discussed. Trump isn't even eligible to run for office and yet the other two branches are allowing it. If checks and balances are dead then it really is up to the people to bury Donald Trump's political career for good.
Imagine living with a mind like his, it's gotta be torture. Raging insecurity, lies, not a fiber of truth in his body, every living second dedicated to overcompensating.... holy shit.
> Just as he did in 2020, Trump has claimed without evidence that there will be “cheating” in the 2024 presidential race.
“Without evidence”? My dude, that was a statement of intent.
The way he can’t keep his mouth shut about anything because he’s like a little kid with a secret, his handlers have obviously discussed with him an attempt to have the election voided and thrown to the House to call, whilst expecting to keep those details under wraps until it’s time. Unfortunately for everyone Two Scoops will let the cat out of the bag way too early and blab about what he expects to happen, so at least there will be a little time to use that against him.
He really has no understanding of how anything works.
Its a miracle stress isn't killing him. Maybe an inability to feel guilt shields him from the bulk of it.
"Here's what he really meant..."
r/conservative where you at to defend this dumb pos?
*Default? The two sweetest words in the English language!*
I'll never get over this. People sit there like "what are the democrats supposed to do."
Presidential Lincoln Roosevelt Shit that's what. Declare some Shit. Do FUCKING Anything.
We invade a country and kill over half a million people on provable lies and we can't even get this guy in a courtroom? Fuck off America. Game over.
Nah. He took his shot on Jan 6 and fucked it up. Thankfully he cheaped out on his coup like he does with everything else. What we are seeing now is end stage narcissism. He's been fucking around his whole life and is finding out probably for the first time.
He's saying he's going to win because if he doesn't he's screwed. He's believing his own lies at this point.
Well not being told No and forced to face the unmitigated consequences of hia actions most of the time has lwft him feeling as if he applies enough Toddler Tantrum energy and threats that he can get away with anything.
This is how he won that golf tournament isn't it. Surely even his supporters aren't stupid enough to buy this... Surely.
“Checks and balances” means absolutely nothing when most of the checks are balanced to a single side!
“Biden something something dark side…”
He could shit directly into their mouths and tell them it's chocolate ice cream and they'd just eat it up. Their stupidity knows no bounds. | 2024-04-14 17:29:02 |
Lara Trump vows RNC will 'physically handle the ballots' in 2024 presidential election | 1cbxggf | 3,729 | Title: Lara Trump vows RNC will 'physically handle the ballots' in 2024 presidential election
Body: Oh no she won’t. Cheating is the only way Orange Top ever wins. He won’t get away with stealing another election. He’s going down in orange flames.
Top Comments:
It’s truly astonishing that one family can produce that many stupid people. I can just imagine their thanksgiving dinner. All the riveting conversations mixed with a healthy dose of sucking up to daddy and a touch of sexual abuse. It would be like being in a high security wing of a mental institution with slightly more expensive furnishings.
Dumb, dumber, and then Trumper…
Didn't she marry in? So it's more like shit attracting flies.
The GQP has just admitted it’s going to rig the election AGAIN
I had a dog once, who insisted on pissing and shitting inside the house. No matter what. That dog would look like a graduate of Science Academy for Exceptionally Gifted if put in one room with the Trump family.
Lara Trump vows RNC will 'commit fraud' in 2024 presidential election
Yep she did. Another one is Kimberley Guilfoyle. Real genius that one.
What is wrong with her face? Is it bad plastic surgery?
Lara Trump’s face looked very different when she was modeling for “lad magazines” before she married Eric. I think she and Kimberly Guilfoyle get a family discount from whichever plastic surgeon they patronize.
*"So there was a moratorium for about 40 years on the RNC actually training people to work in these polling locations," she said, referring to a* [*consent decree running from 1982 to 2018*](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/court-cases/dnc-v-rnc-consent-decree) *limiting Republican poll watcher activity after a series of illegal attempts to challenge voter eligibility in Black and Latino neighborhoods in New Jersey.*
SO - they were **banned** from handling ballots over **corruption issues**, but now they're ready to corrupt again...
MAGA keeps breaking the irony meter.
She was perfect on The Power Rangers as Rita Repulsa
Seriously. They won't even support him on trial.
They're a family of leeches looking out for themselves. It will be great watching them all eat each other.
Nope, they aren’t going to because we aren’t going to allow that to happen!
Daddy’s money…
Noem is slavering to be VP. However, she has so offended the Native residents of South Dakota that she’s banned from entering 17% of the state she reportedly governs.
She also appears very proud of her toned arms, flexing them frequently while clad in the same type of sleeveless dresses that attracted such hateful attention for a similarly fit Michelle Obama.
Don Jr has Gaven Newstrom’s sloppy seconds. His girlfriend is older than is step mom, might be why he is so angry.
"At last! After 10000 years I'm free! Now to marry a Trump! Muahaha!"
You really think they all get together for holidays? | 2024-04-24 12:55:12 |
Trump, Repeating 2020 Election Lies, Will Not Commit to Accepting 2024 Results | 1cie4m3 | 3,000 | Title: Trump, Repeating 2020 Election Lies, Will Not Commit to Accepting 2024 Results
Top Comments:
Too many people prefer lies, no matter how dangerous or absurd.
Biden should just declare himself winner as an official act and no one could do anything about it because of presidential immunity. ^/s
If he "can't accept" unfavorable results, why is the fat piece of shit allowed to run in the first place?
The same people who cry about participation trophies don’t have enough character to admit defeat
Don't they have to pledge that they will accept the results and honour the 'Peaceful transition of Power' to run?... if not they should.
Stuff this stupid demented old man in a nursing home, and take away his phone already. I’m so fucking sick of this clown.
Some states require it to get on their ballots, but obviously it doesn’t apply to the special snowflake Trump. For reasons.
He needs to build an excuse just in case he loses. But it's a really dumb country, so pretty sure he's winning
Biden could just make America into a Bidenocracy, as an official act, and end all elections, as a official act. Thanks to presidential immunity. /s
Apparently, it's descriminatory to Republicans to expect them to behave with decency.
Absolutely, if he’s admitting he won’t accept the results...why let him run in the first place?
Democracy wasn’t built on stupidity, yet the way this clown can so easily manipulate it, sure makes you wonder.....
That’s what everyone thought in 2016 and no one voted because they “assumed” he’d get steam rolled. Make sure everyone votes! And not just for president, we meed a blue wave all the way down to damn city councils and county/city mayors.
Liberal Democratic voters didn’t take Trump seriously in 2016. And Russian voter interference and suppression helped Trump. Democrats learned from that, took the 2020 election seriously and won. That knowledge and the seriousness of today and tomorrow’s politics will definitely be difference between victory and defeat.
I think a full reset is the only hope for SCOTUS at this point
This type of casual nonchalance is what got us in this mess in the first place.
I don't know. He had alot more people willing to give him the benefit of the doubt in 2016.
For educated people with a conscious and a brain in 2024, he has given more than enough reason to doubt him in many, many ways.
The day I never have to hear this voice again is a day I will relish forever. | 2024-05-02 12:13:14 |
Trump Refuses to Commit to Accepting 2024 Election Results | 1cij596 | 7,527 | Title: Trump Refuses to Commit to Accepting 2024 Election Results
Top Comments:
Nothing has damaged America in my lifetime more than that sack of unpatriotic shit. You'd have to truly despise this nation to support such a blatantly perfidious turd.
Since 2020 he's been 0/60+ in election fraud lawsuits.
0 people, even in Republican-run states, have been arrested, charged, or prosecuted for the election fraud conspiracy Trump has alleged.
0 Democratic voters were snared with Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick's offer of a $25k cash bounty for tips leading to successful election fraud prosecutions (he had to pay out for some Republicans who were reported voting multiple times for Trump)
A few dozen Republicans have been indicted for illegal and fraudulent acts they took to attack the fraud they couldn't find.
Millions of dollars have been spent in recounts that added zero states to Trump's EC count.
The better part of a billion dollars has been paid by Fox to settle a suit about election fraud lies they knew were bogus at the time (and said so to each other)
There is no evidence of a widespread and coordinated effort to rig 2020 for Biden.
There is TONS of evidence that Trump and Republicans lied, knew they were lying, and lied anyway about the election.
But the denial is strong in MAGA.
The grifters at the top are aware of the con, but the red hatstands at the bottom are true believers in the conspiracy theory.
I've debated online with some of these people and have been told that the vote rigging for Biden was *really obvious*
When I asked them why Bidens people didn't rig the House and Senate too since they were on the same ballots, I was told that would be *too obvious.* 🤔
F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote, “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.”
I think MAGA disproves that idea.
Or the idiots saying they won’t vote for “Genocide Joe” they could hand this election to Trump.
You can't save Palestine by not voting or voting for Trump.
Trump will absolutely accelerate the genocide of the Palestinian people. With glee.
trump by himself is a racist con man and only poses a danger to the wallets of people who walk into his used car dealership and women who have the unfortunate circumstance of crossing paths with him.
trump with a half billion dollar inheritance, 63 million supporters, and the powers of the presidency is a clear and present danger to end the American experiment.
I'd really like to not get on this stupid fucking ride again.
But.... here we go. Insurrection 2, electric boogaloo.
I blame whoever was president at the time of this alleged vote rigging. If they’re incapable of nominating a single judge who can hear their smoking gun cases, and incapable of making sure the country had fair elections after years of claiming there’s rampant fraud and a corrupt system, then I think the first thing we should do is disqualify them from office ever again.
I mean he will accelerate the loss of many countries.
Plus the decades of right-wing political machinations to stack the deck and saturation of the media with unbalanced conservative views and propaganda.
Of course not. He’s headed straight for dictator don’t pass go don’t collect $200. If he gets back in ain’t nobody accepting election results again until after the next civil war.
Specifically the US.
Who would proceed to genocide the shit out of Palestine as he has intimated already
The US, Ukraine, Taiwan, South Korea, Palestine and/or Israel
This part cannot be ignored. The Republican Party and their voters were waiting for a Trump. He didn’t invent any of this, he only enabled it.
If you can not commit to something as little as the opinion of the majority of the US, you should not be allowed to run.
He knows he's losing, bigly.
Because ANYONE meeting the very basic requirements can run. This may be a good addition to those requirements...
Holy shit, this is actually the best argument. "Donald, you were in charge, and you claim it was a rigged vote, so you were so incompetent you couldn't keep the 'vote' from being 'rigged?'"
Say that to his face, he'll say it was the fairest election and hurt himself in confusion. | 2024-05-02 15:53:20 |
2024 is the most important election in world history | 1ckei5b | 2,331 | Title: 2024 is the most important election in world history
Top Comments:
i think it’s brilliant bc you’re voting for either puppet of the same master
Meanwhile we got these r3tards from both sides thinking they're better than each other
People really are brainwashed if they believe that either side is here to help. 2 wings of the same bird.
But where do they stand on the Kendrick/Drake beef?
We're literally in They Live. Good to see other awake people
But it’s a bald eagle baby
Election year what do you expect
Good article on how the Rothschilds took over the world via the 1815 Battle of Waterloo market manipulation incident: "The Evolution of Money. The Phantom Menace of the Rothschild Banking. Episode III"
>I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale. The system of banking we have both equally and ever reprobated. I contemplate it as a blot left in all our constitutions, which, if not covered, will end in their destruction, which is already hit by the gamblers in corruption, and is sweeping away in its progress the fortunes and morals of our citizens. Funding I consider as limited, rightfully, to a redemption of the debt within the lives of a majority of the generation contracting it; every generation coming equally, by the laws of the Creator of the world, to the free possession of the earth he made for their subsistence, unincumbered by their predecessors, who, like them, were but tenants for life.
Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Taylor, 1816 (Source: Library of Congress.
- Epstein victim Maria Farmer, who reported Epstein to FBI in 1996 and was ignored, told Whitney Webb that Ghislaine Maxwell told her that the Rothchilds were her Maxwell family's number one protector
- Alan Dershowitz literally said Lynn Rothschild introduced him to Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein
- Lynn and Evelyn Rothschild on Epstein flight logs
- The Wall Street journal reported that the CIA and Rothschilds had regularly scheduled frequent meetings with Jeffrey Epstein long after the pedophile conviction
"Excerpt from "The Secrets of the Federal Reserve: The London Connection" by Eustace Mullins*
>Chart I reveals the linear connection between the **Rothschilds** and the Bank of England, and the London banking houses which ultimately control the Federal Reserve Banks through their stockholdings of bank stock and their subsidiary firms in New York. The two principal **Rothschild representatives** in New York, J.P. Morgan Co., and Kuhn, Loeb & Co. were the firms which set up the Jekyll Island Conference at which the Federal Reserve Act was drafted, who directed the subsequent successful campaign to have the plan enacted into law by Congress, and who purchased the controlling amounts of stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914. These firms had their principal officers appointed to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Advisory Council in 1914.
"Lord Rothschild: My Family Created Israel"
"Lord Rothschild discusses cousin’s crucial role in ‘miracle’ Balfour Declaration", https://www.jewishnews.co.uk/rothschild/
Lord Rothschild posing with satanic witch Marina Abramovic in front of the painting "Lucifer Summoning his Legions" in late 2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/CxnUR5lMRVf/
Here's a documentary that exposed an Apollo (Lucifer) temple on a Rothschild estate where people in black robes do occult rituals:
"1666: Redemption Through Sin" by Robert Sepehr:
Explains how Amschel Rothschild created the Illuminati with Jacob Frank on 5/1/1776 with Isaac Weishaupt as the front man. The Illuminati is a Luciferian psychotic occult group dedicated bringing the world under a one world hell tyranny.
"Trump added $8.4 trillion to the national debt: Analysis"https://thehill.com/business/4426965-trump-added-8-4-trillion-to-the-national-debt-analysis/amp/
Bill Gates 9/4/19 $55 million BioNTech mRNA vaxx creator investment: https://investors.biontech.de/news-releases/news-release-details/biontech-announces-new-collaboration-develop-hiv-and
"Bill Gates says Trump offered him a job as White House science advisor"
President Trump awards Sharon Rockefeller the National Medal of Arts
"Getting Donald Out Of Debt: The 25-Year-Old Ties That Bind Trump and Wilbur Ross"
>In stepped Ross, then head of Rothschild Inc’s bankruptcy advising team, to represent bondholders, who were pondering forcing the casino into involuntary bankruptcy and ousting Trump. (Trump then appointed Wilbur Ross to be Secretary of Commerce).
"Antony Blinken Tied To Jeffrey Epstein: Went To School Where He Taught, Family Connected To Epstein’s Mistress"
>Samuel Pisar, the stepfather of Biden regime Secretary of State Antony Blinken, was a close confidant and lawyer for Ghislaine Maxwell’s father Robert Maxwell. Blinken’s stepfather was reportedly the last person to speak to Maxwell before he mysteriously fell to his death off the Lady Ghislaine while cruising near Spain’s Canary Islands in 1991.
>Secretary Blinken attended the Dalton School until 1971. National File reported in June that the prestigious New York prep school employed Epstein in a teaching position only a few years later, in 1974. The school has a long and prestigious history of educating the children of wealthy families, and has employed several noteworthy figures including William Barr, erotic novel author and father of disgraced former Attorney General Bill Barr, who previously served as the school’s headmaster and hired Epstein.
also rfk is a zionist
They both would support drake since they both are pedos
Fucking great movie. Longest fight scene in history lol
I'm voting for the old white man. We've had such success with it
Please tell me, where was all of these "both sides are the same" people when Trump was President?
These posts are a manipulation tactic.
All sides of politics serve the same Elite corporation... It's all an illusion to make people think we have a say in the matter but presidents are selected, not elected. It doesn't matter who you vote for, it's already selected which puppet will "win". It's also a division tool to keep us at war with each other rather than coming together against our corrupt government (and the ones who control the government)
"I've come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass and I'm all out of bubblegum."
cOnSpIrAcY tHeOrY
Surely humans have never desired and shown a constant historical trend lusting for power and conspiring to gain and control everything at any cost. No thats just fantasy in comic books and tin foil hatters heads.
I’m voting RFK
If I was American I would feel hopeless 😔
If you guys know that both sides are corrupt then why don't vote for the independent candidate? 😔 | 2024-05-05 00:14:29 |
Trump says he will only accept 2024 election results ‘if everything’s honest’ | 1ckokfz | 1,561 | Title: Trump says he will only accept 2024 election results ‘if everything’s honest’
Top Comments:
I don't care what he "accepts" or doesn't, he's a meaningless pos.
Man, when Trump dies, the United States will be so much better off
if he had any evidence (besides his opinion) then we might listen, but so far nada, zip, nil, and a whole lot of GOP interference.
“This election wasn’t fair! I cheated and still lost!”
The US will only be better off if he goes to jail and is punished for his crimes. Otherwise another will simply take his place.
Hes a one trick pony.It will be the same bullshit redux from the last time.
The fix was in! He appointed the right Federalist Society Judges, sucked off the correct dictators, stolen the appropriate secrets, acquired the Saudi oil money... But he was just too stinky and uncouth for the real billionaires so they let him rot.
Being that he still doesn't accept 2020, nor 2016, him not accepting 2024, before it even happened means nothing.
Because he is such an honest man, his word should be enough to declare it honest or not./S A man who has never lost anything./S
Gee I hope he accepts the jail time.
He's working up his minions to attempt another coup when he loses in November.
And you can be damn well sure republicans will try to cheat again.
Depends on if he ever gets held accountable for his actions. If he doesn't then he will have helped set a rather scary precedent. He will have firmly established that crimes don't matter, regardless of how open and public they are, so long as the GOP itself stands united in shielding you from repercussions.
The longer Republicans hold to this rather scary dream, the more the party will be forced to depend on this strategy as if the party loses power then everyone taking advantage of this strategy will fear being held accountable. If things go far enough down that path, you'd end up with a party fully willing to pull off a military coup or civil war rather than lose power.
We aren't particularly far from this outcome already. I'm honestly a little apprehensive that the point of no return has already been crossed.
All I need is 11,780 votes
It will go worse for them when the President isn’t aiding them.
Fucking idiot trump thinks he’s still in charge.
I honestly believe he'll have a heart attack when he's found guilty.
The difference now is we know what to expect.
If Trump was in a kung fu movie, it would be called "Farts of Fury." | 2024-05-05 10:50:52 |
Trump Suggests He Might Not Accept 2024 Election Results if He Loses, Repeats 2020 Election Lies | 1cmh9xm | 2,757 | Title: Trump Suggests He Might Not Accept 2024 Election Results if He Loses, Repeats 2020 Election Lies
Top Comments:
This is supposed to be "news"?
He is literally campaigning on the promise of ending democracy. No surprises here.
He is an American TRAITOR that was never vetted for the job in 2016
I refuse to accept the results if Trump wins. He has been caught trying to steal it once already. Fuck Demented Dipshit Donald Trump.
He sees [dictatorship](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) as his only way out of his legal troubles.. Either way, whether he wins or loses, he's a cornered dog...
The Rs have no idea what’s coming for them at the Nov polls.
I keep saying….anyone that votes republican at this point deserves what they get…..but dammit, I don’t want to suffer for their stupidity…..
US Senator Tim Scott is also all in making sure Trump is president once again by any means necessary. He will say the election is rigged if his god-king is not relected. His recent interview is proof that he doesn't care about the constitution.
The Trump campaign and RNC also want to ban all votes after election day. They are currently trying to accomplish this in Nevada.
I don’t think he wins.
I could be wrong about this like I was in 2016, but I don’t thing the MAGA base is that strong now.
In fact it seems to me that the Republican Party has lost its identity and is at war from within.
I also think that Trump will be unable to escape the criminal justice system.
Women will help defeat Trump as the GOP is trying to take their rights away by pushing Roe v Wade; a losing political move.
Trump has taken credit for being the champion of bringing abortion back. No bueno.
Dems will bang that drum from now through November. Expect to see lots of commercials clips of Trump taking credit for resurrecting Roe v Wade.
This abortion issue will resonate with the majority of women in the US, the same as it did in the 2022 midterm elections where it played a prominent role in upsetting pollsters predicting a red wave.
Finally I no longer pay much attention to the polls. They aren’t accurate, especially 538 which was massively misleading in the 2 last Presidential elections.
The only one I think has credibility is Allan Lichtman.
He was vetted and found thoroughly unsuitable. Unfortunately, people didn’t pay any attention to that.
For me, it was the David Duke question, where he claimed to not even know who Duke was, despite running for President in 2000 with him. I took that to mean one of two things:
1. He knew who Duke was and was lying about it, which made him unsuitable for office
2. He honestly didn’t know who Duke was, meaning he wasn’t aware of basic American society and was thus unsuitable for office.
It was reinforced in the debates:
Q: what are you going to do about cybersecurity and threats of cyber attacks from other countries
Trump: We’re gonna be the best on cyber. (No other information provided)
Please vote!
Yeah. This isn't news. You can bet your last thin dime that 1 of 2 things is going to happen - 1: His worthless ass is actually, somehow, going to win, or 2: He's going to cry foul and pull some loser shit like he did last time. Problem is that if he loses, his legion of unstable dirtneck minions is so goddamned unhinged that any violence is very liable to not be confined to one small area, and is likely to include far more than the few thousand shitwits who stormed the capitol building at his behest. The fucking asshole is already riling up his smoothbrained followers with threats of doom, gloom and destruction if he loses. He's a danger to everyone in this country...
The only court he cares about is the court of public opinion. He hopes to rile up his base of millions to commit violence and storm the government and put him back in power as the dictator for life he wants to be. How scary it must be for him that he can only inspire a handful of supporters to protest at the courthouse that could seal his fate.
He said the same shit in 2015 and 2016. He's too narcissistic to "lose".
He already knows he’s gonna lose. He’s depending on his cult followers to start a war.😂😂😂😂😂
Of course he won't. Hopefully his followers learned from the first time but we all know thry didn't. They are literally just hanging on his balls ballsack believing every lie he spews.
I like the way you think my friend!
Then bring the hammer down on them.
I'm sick of mollycoddling MAGA fools.
"if I can't win then no one can play"
Exactly. 😂 | 2024-05-07 17:20:04 |
Biden Thinks Trump Won't Accept 2024 Election Result | 1cnwu8c | 12,023 | Title: Biden Thinks Trump Won't Accept 2024 Election Result
Top Comments:
Well, no shit.
Trump still hasn’t accepted the 2020 election result. So… yeah, duh.
Given that there's been no real repercussions for the last insurrection attempt, why wouldn't he plan on another?
Or the 2016 election results
That’s correct. He didn’t expect to win in 2016 and had planned a spoilsport campaign that would have implied that illegal immigrants had voted her in. Even after he won, I guess he didn’t want to waste all the hard work he’d put into that con, so he *still* insisted there had been massive voter fraud, while at the same time insisting he’d won in a landslide and his inauguration had been the most amazing and unimaginably huge inauguration in history, pay no attention to the actual photos of the event. Voter fraud has been and always will be his go-to con. And he’s been gaslighting the country since day one of his presidency.
Trump hasn't even accepted the results of the 2020 election.
Nor the 2016 election. He repeatedly claimed that he probably won California.
Because this time around he doesn't hold the reigns of power. He or his yes men can't send out any memos or missives telling capital police to not engage any rioters unless they are helping them.
He can't order the national guard to shut down cities under martial law the way he was advised last time. He can't seize voting machine pieces and take them apart again.
This time round, when Trump loses, the winner will still be in the White House, with all of the power that entails.
Biden is correct, yet again. Trump can never admit defeat because Roy Cohn taught him not to. He also taught trump to always lie and deflect and accuse others of what he, trump is doing. These tactics didn’t end well for Cohn but he generation an extraordinary amount of chaos and damage. To other people and the country before le lost his law license and before he died of a disease he also denied.
Here's what people don't seem to be seeing. Trump, Flynn, Stone, Jones, the GOP have had 4 years to prime people to not accept election results, 4 years to radicalize people and convince them that violence is not just acceptable, but may be the only way to 'save the country'. They're very well funded, have foreign adversaries supporting them, and have no fear of consequences, because as we've seen, there are none, once you've reached a certain position in society.
This upcoming election has the potential to ignite something very ugly. It may not take the same shape as 2021, but, people are angrier, better prepared, better armed and better funded
> he still insisted there had been massive voter fraud, while at the same time insisting he’d won in a landslide
Won in a fraudslide.
Biden thinks sun will rise tomorrow.
He started his election fraud BS in 2012.
Also *coincidentally* when SCOTUS struck down pre-clearance from the Voting Rights Act "election fraud" became the biggest issue in a few years.
Well he's probably right
I'll be surprised if he doesn't try another January 6th if he loses, but at least this time the national guard will be ready for it
Is he ever going to get implicated in the Jan 6th debacle? He gets his voter pool all gassed up on the while Democracy is fake nonsense.
It is not hyperbole when people say that Trump's primary purpose for running for re-election is to stay out of prison.
Trump has found the one way he can be free of any consequences for his lifetime of criminal behavior and it is behind winning the presidency again.
This should help people understand just how desperate he will be to win this November as well as the lengths he and his supporters will go to make sure that happens.
I hear you. I feel you. But Biden is and will be the commander in chief through Inauguration Day at the minimum. The degree of difficulty for the treasonous class is much higher now.
Biden ~~thinks~~ **knows** Trump won't accept 2024 election results.
He's been indicted for it.
That's the case that's currently in front of the Supreme Court for a ruling on "presidential immunity".
The court will kick it back down to the appeals court for a ruling, which will then be appealed to the Supreme Court again, which will delay further. Then election will happen before a final opinion on the matter is resolved. Either Trump wins and pardons himself, or he doesn't and ties the trial up in delays and appeals until he dies.
Trump literally said just a few days ago that he won’t accept the results unless he wins. So both candidates agree on that fact. | 2024-05-09 13:06:28 |
$600,000,000 spent on the 2024 elections by 50 Families | 1ctkqmt | 8,558 | Title: $600,000,000 spent on the 2024 elections by 50 Families
Body: Register to vote: https://vote.gov
Contact your reps:
Senate: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm?Class=1
House of Representatives: https://contactrepresentatives.org/
Top Comments:
[Citizens United](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/citizens-united-explained?ref=foreverwars.ghost.io) - The only reason this exists.
Democracy.. lol
100 years down the drain because a mostly Conservative group of law makers said it was against free speech and that unlimited corporate spending would be transparent and not completely corrupt. Well we found out THAT was a LIE.
Conservatives, why do you seem like the worst part of democracy? You undermine it at every turn. You shit on the very thing that your country was founded on. You hand out billions in welfare to corporations and roll back every social assistance program and claim you care about people's rights and freedoms and then double down repealing women's rights and child labour laws.
Thank you, you fucking cocksukers on the Supreme Court.
Reverse Citizen's United - it is NOT about fucking Citizens.
Exactly why we need a wealth cap
Call me crazy but I think bribes should be illegal. No campaign donations or “lobbying” at all. Each candidate can have the same amount of time on public radio/TV. Or release their shit via social media. Take money all the way out of politics.
Technically, it’s about _fucking_ citizens
I mean they want it back to the country they founded, where a rich land owning man mattered.
Moneyocracy? Or greedocracy. Only the greedy get what they want.
but but these billionaires don't have any actual money its all debt!!!!!!! huuuuuuuuuuuur
And a wealth tax.
Thinly veiled plutocracy
class warfare.
ItS AlL iN StOCkS BrO thEy DoNt JuSt HaVe ThAt MoNEy iN tHe bAnK
>where a rich land-owning, man-owning man mattered.
This type of shit is what i try to inform and remind voting-apathetic people of. The ones that say basically 'why vote when its already decided who will win/its rigged'
If its decided then why in the world would these greedy ass billionaires with more money than God spend so much money on it?!?
I can understand thinking the game is very influenced. But the influencing is THIS RIGHT FUCKING HERE.
And no more littering the streets with shitty plastic campaign signs.
Where a rich, land-owning, man-owning *white* man mattered.
It's all about dividing people get them to divide against interest it's the rich against the poor they don't want to pay taxes and they don't want unions to earn a decent wage so they found a con man that they could get behind and try to get him in office wake up people | 2024-05-16 19:01:56 |
$600,000,000 spent on the 2024 elections by 50 Families | 1cud4ml | 3,655 | Title: $600,000,000 spent on the 2024 elections by 50 Families
Body: Register to vote: https://vote.gov
Contact your reps:
Senate: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm?Class=1
House of Representatives: https://contactrepresentatives.org/
Top Comments:
I hate billionaire families.
Of course all the hedge fund leeches pouring money into the machinery.
All my homies hate billionaire families.
Taxing billionaires should have been done decades ago. I think they're too entrenched at this point so we might need to have a huge feast. We will need to wear bibs because they are very plump and will probably make a mess of things for a while.
Gee , I wonder why Jefferey Yas and Kenneth Cordele Griffin would want to influence this current election.
Maybe it has something to do with putting a puppet into the white house who wants to gut the SEC and all but remove any and all market regulations that we have so that they can weasel out of their massive short positions that they've made their wealth off of.
Even a monkey would see this as painfully obvious.
All our homies gonna end up eating billionaire families.
Remember that if you see someone spending $70 million on something, they're doing it expecting to get a greater amount of money back. $600 million spent on an election turns into far, far more money being plucked from the rest of America and put into their pockets.
Frankly, for all those billionaire families out there, having incest and whatnot out of pornhurb, raping kids and making it look like picnic, shitting on standards and regulations of all kinds, one would think they're the enemy of the state, not the one who funds it.
If you work in an office, and get those big Uline catalogs, throw them away. They are owned by the Uihlein family that spends millions on Republicans. Don't let your company order from them.
you know those movies where a motley crew of criminals kidnap some rich kid and hold them for ransom? I love those movies...

Oh look financial terrorist ken Griffen
I bet he can't fight tho
Mayo man we see you.
Let's start with this dude
ask about the shit health insurance and crappy 9 hour days they make their wage slaves work with no chance of a sliver of equity. parasites on the country
Look into Ken griffin.
Of course, Yass and Grifffin are at the top of the list... of course they ate. I suppose it makes sense. They are paying a lot of people, a lot of stolen money to look at anything but the Market.
Who first
Their business model includes destroying companies, mostly pharmaceutical and biotechnology, preventing potentially life-saving medicines from ever reaching the market. Disgusting parasites
Just saw a video of Warren Buffet saying if billionaires and billion dollar corporations paid what the middle class pays in taxes, the rest of the country wouldn’t need to pay taxes of any kind.
Gotta keep those pockets greased. | 2024-05-17 18:53:41 |
Sen. Marco Rubio won't commit to accepting 2024 election results | 1cvrkvj | 2,285 | Title: Sen. Marco Rubio won't commit to accepting 2024 election results
Top Comments:
Unless Trump wins. Fuck these clowns
Not surprising. He’s always been an absolutely pathetic excuse for a human being.
Florida could have had Val Demings as a senator but they wanted another six years of this weasel. That state is so far gone it’s not even funny.
Remember the same ballot that gets Republicans elected in the house and senate is rigged but not THEIR election.
They’re just openly rejecting democracy. The biggest fucking babies I’ve ever seen in my life. We’re to the point words and protests won’t fix this if people simply refuse reality and force everyone on their anti-democratic terms.
Even worse, they’re ALL rigged unless they win. So when Trump lost that was rigged but wherever R’s won on the same ballot, that was somehow legit.
I keep saying this. If they hold House and/or Senate after the next election, they will not affirm a Biden/Harris electoral win. To any moderate “I vote for the candidate not the party” voters out there, you won’t save our democracy with just your presidential vote. You cannot vote for any election denier — which is pretty much the entire Republican Party at this point.
I don’t accept his non-acceptance. He really does accept it and is just a huge lying coward.
Yeah imagine being a senator from Florida which has worked the hardest to disenfranchise voters and not accept a democrat win. They’re starting 100 miles behind you.
Exactly. We’re supposed to believe their election was legit but those other elections in the rest of the ballot were wrong
Listening to his interview on Meet the Press this morning was pretty exasperating. The first thing that struck me is how annoyed he appeared before the interview even began. You can’t defend the indefensible and have a good spirit.
To still say you won’t commit to accepting the election results after January 6 is akin to saying, I don’t give a fuck about democracy. I don’t care about the voters’ will. Shame is dead in the Republican Party.
*And let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that Marco Rubio doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing.*
So basically, one entire US political party has abandoned Democracy. The media has to start spelling this out very*clearly.*
I'm not certain the Biden administration should commit to the election results either. The goalpost shifted so far on the right that they are outright saying "there will be blood no matter what in 7 months" so fuck em.
Facists you mean .. not babies
I went to Florida when I was a tiny kid. It was pretty good then. No plans to ever return. I vote with my vacation money.
They're going to chip away at every norm in our society until they destroy representative democracy. Alarm bells are going off, warning lights are flashing red, a voice is saying "pull up, pull up". Folks, we're crashing into a mountain. A fascist mountain.
This has become the GOP Party Line now...Putin must be so proud
They have to in order to survive.
The last GOP popular vote win was in 2004. The last one before that was 1988. If there was no electoral college, George HW Bush would have been the last elected GOP president, that was 36 years ago.
Without extreme gerrymanders they basically would never win the House.
Biden is the seventh Dem popular vote win in a row, that is a streak completely unprecedented in American history. Like it should not be possible.
The GOP is a party that relies on gaming the system to over represent whites, a group that is rapidly shrinking. The baby boomers are all gone in 10 years and the rest of America is far far far browner and more liberal.
The 20th century can’t last forever, we are 1/4 in to the 21st century.
Imagine someone in 1924 running on a platform of “let’s go back to how things were in 1857”. That’s the GOP.
*“If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism, they will abandon democracy."* - David Frum
Frum's prediction, from long ago, came true a while back.
They all know exactly what they're doing. If you make people distrust the media and keep repeating the same lies, eventually it becomes the truth. Especially helpful if your population is as dumb as a box of hammers. | 2024-05-19 16:00:54 |
Bring on the 2024 election | 1cwub58 | 26,966 | Title: Bring on the 2024 election
Top Comments:
Supreme Court Justice Sam Alito decided to fly a upside down flag on his home in a display of solidarity for the Jan. 6 insurrection.
He's not going to recuse himself from a ruling about the foundation of the Jan. 6 charge.
SCOTUS is illegitimate, has been for decades.
Imagine being that fired up in your support of a man who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. Coming to that realization in a courtroom full of other adults should probably induce a bit of psychological distress
Frankly, I think there's no realization to speak of. They cry because of self pity.
Didn't you hear his excuse? It was his wife, not him. Totally not him. He didn't even know.
Lying POS.
They're only crying because they are being held accountable. At least 95% of them are not sorry.
You and most of the country.
His excuse is just so unbelievably lame and wouldn’t even be accepted in a kangaroo court!
He & Thomas have waaaay too much sway and Roberts has to taking a fucking stand here. This is REALLY BAD and it will be on him if they destroy our democracy
if biden wins again i’d bet massive amounts of money something similar happens, I mean literally every republican refuses to denounce it or just acts like leftist are obsessed with it. God forbid you tell them how 94% of BLM protest were peaceful or that the people actually doing damage were there purely for that.
It wasn't just in the court room. The second they hit those interrogation rooms and realize it was the FBI handling them a lot of them broke down crying. There are multiple recordings of dudes just loosing it and FBI agents trying to calm them down and start over.
They cry and they snivel and beg and the second they get sent back to jail they act hard and forget it ever happened. Most of the Jan 6 people were being held in a single wing of a prison and they'd hype each other up and sing the national anthem at lights out.
Anyone remember the confession bear where the guy ate his cum when he was young because his parents told him it was his life force?
Edit: [For the uninitiated](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1q4obx/in_response_to_the_guy_who_jizzed_in_his_own_mouth/)
What got me the most is the audio from Jan 6. The full-throated roars of so many idiots that are fully convinced in their self-righteousness, rallying all the like-minded window lickers to violence. They were winning so hard in their own minds. To see that delusional brain damaged energy come crashing back to reality is very satisfying. Eat shit Trump humpers
worst confession ever?
It’s not much of a confession to say you’re glad felons go to jail.
He has to walk past it or see it from his window right?
If he did know and decided to do nothing he's an insurrectionist. If he didn't know... He's fucking lying.
Only way this is a confession is if you’re one of, or know a bunch of the insurrectionists.
Funny how none of them got charged with terrorism and the black guy got one of the longest sentences….
Where's the video?
There was a time when I had never heard that story.
And you took that from me, You bastard.
*Edit: typo*
Except they're right on the verge of it just being lifted right off them. They already got propped up as heros singing the fucking anthem at a god damn rally. And have their daddy saying he's going to pardon them. It's not satisfying yet and if the polls are any indication there's at least a 50% chance it's going to be reality crashing on the rest of us and we have to accept the country is basically entirely fucked and rules don't mean fucking shit | 2024-05-20 23:58:37 |
Marco Rubio Says He Might Not Accept the 2024 Election Results, Because That’s a Requirement of Potential Trump VPs Now | 1cx7kcx | 3,354 | Title: Marco Rubio Says He Might Not Accept the 2024 Election Results, Because That’s a Requirement of Potential Trump VPs Now
Top Comments:
Watch as they all try to come crawling back to the political mainstream in a few years. They shouldn’t be allowed to though, hopefully people never forget what they were complicit in.
All these fucking insurrectionist politicians should be permanently barred from holding office in the uniteUnited States. Some should just be behind bars.
The minute he hooked himself up with trump trash, he became irrelevant. His mouth is firmly attached to trump's ass. He's a self loathing slime ball, who is afraid of trump. I prefer y politicians to be fearless about doing the right thing and actually working for the people, and not violating their oaths of office, and upholding the Constitution. He does none of those things. He's just another degenerate liar who is incapable of doing the right thing.
Rubio never recovered from the complete and utter humiliation he suffered from Chris Christie in that 2016 debate. The guy is pathetic
What's infuriating is that Rubio was one of Trump's loudest critics in 2015/16. Along with Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham, they called him out for his racism, and his authoritarian tendencies.
Then once he got the nomination they stepped into line.
Then after Jan 6th that same group condemned Trump for inciting an insurrection. They clutched their pearls, but once it became clear the rest of the GOP was still behind Trump, they fell into line again.
Rubio, Cruz, Graham, McConnell - they know better, but are some of the most spineless fucking cowards I've ever known.
They should ALL be behind bars.
I wonder what it feels like to be so spineless. I guess I’ve never wanted anything as badly as these guys want power, or to be in the limelight, or whatever the hell it is that motivates a guy like Little Marco. The way Trump debased him in 2015/16 should make any self-respecting person completely disassociate themselves from Trump. And yet here he is, begging; “please sir, can I have another?”
Except so far not that many of them seem to be paying a price for the chaos they create
So many of them who hitched their wagon to trump have just ruined their careers and their self respect.
He was already on shaky ground after the thirsty SOTU response. Why can't the right drink water?
This *is* the political mainstream in the Republican party. Let's quit pretending MAGA is fringe and anti-establishment.
Conservatives will sooner abandon democracy than abandon conservatism.
*“If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”*
*David Frum – a former Republican speech writer. Jan 16, 2018*
Mr. Frum hit the nail on the head. Republicans are either complicit in attempting a coup, or are too cowardly to stand up the the MAGA clowns.
It says way too much about Florida that this dude still represents them after getting dragged worse than any politician I can personally remember in a live debate almost a decade ago
Good, things like this have pushed me away from the Republican Party. Keep embarrassing yourselves and keep losing voters
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
That's just it. If they had to pay any consequences for their shit behavior, those idiots wouldn't be doing the shit they do.
Rubio was only a critic because he was running for President himself and thought Trump would be easy to beat.
You ever see the wizard of oz. Wicked people and water don’t mix | 2024-05-21 13:11:59 |
Nikki Haley says she will vote for Donald Trump in 2024 election | 1cyks24 | 1,538 | Title: Nikki Haley says she will vote for Donald Trump in 2024 election
Body: “Haley’s U-turn provoked a swift backlash. Sarah Longwell, a political strategist and publisher of the conservative Bulwark website, tweeted: “So when Nikki Haley said, ‘It is now up to Donald Trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him.’ She really meant, he can treat me and my voters like garbage and I’ll still fall in line and support him.”
“Joe Walsh, an ex-Republican congressman, added: “This isn’t complicated: Nikki Haley believes Trump is unfit. And she believes he should never be back in the White House. But if she said that publicly, her career as a Republican would be over. So, as expected, she decided to not be truthful. To keep her career as a Republican.”
Top Comments:
Predictable and pathetic. More proof that the republican party is corrupt to the core.
Just another reason to vote blue
Yeah, it sucks. It's no excuse to let the fucking cult win though.
In other news, water is wet.
Such a party of weak people. Just bow down to an Orange conman who could care less about politics.
You can't have one sane party in a democracy. Don't get me wrong, the GOP is a cult beyond repair. But a democracy with only one functioning party is also broken.
Ha! Sending a message that she’s still willing to accept that vp spot.
Surprised she did not show up at the NYC courthouse to kiss trump’s ass like the rest of those disgusting craven suck-ups.
And that is SO maga - personal power before country.
The cult has to be voted out of existence. Then the Dems need to split into a conservative wing and a progressive wing.
Spineless weak worms bowing to the god emperor.
She like all the others just hope it will placate the Red Hat Cultists when their next coup succeeds so she doesn't end up against the firing squad wall with everyone else Dear Orange Leader hates.
Thing is, the whole point of idiots like Trump, Greene, Haley, etc. Is they're supposed to be useful idiots that shift the Overton window further to the right, by making people like Bush seem moderate. The trouble is the Republican machine back fired and one of the useful idiots ended up getting elected. And now other useful idiots like Haley are now considered, "moderate."
I thought she was “Barred Permanently!” Guess Trump is correct. She is a BirdBrain (an insult to birds).
Like always, they fucking bend the knee to kiss his sweaty ring piece.
craven assholes from the bottom to the top. she’ll happily gobble up a cabinet position too. He could appoint her Secretary of Deez Nuts and she’d take it
We all knew she fucking would and anyone who was going to vote for her because you lied to yourself and said she was different than Trump here you fucking go. She called him unhinged and unfit and that she didn’t need to kiss the ring but just fucking lied to you all. It’s all your party has in common, they’ll do anything for self gain. Especially destroying this country
This is the way.
Coward. Hypocrite. Opportunist. Liar.
What an unhinged thing to say about Biden’s wildly successful 4 years (especially when compared with the orange shitsack’s run).
She’s a batshit as the rest of these hate mongers
Did she say that while she was on her knees or bent over the table at Mar A Lago?
I mean, yeah, America is already a one-party state (the GOP aren't a political party, they're an antisocial domestic terror cabal) with a broken democracy.
We have needed this for a long time. The corporate centrists are completely at odds with progressive values. They undermine any real progressive push in the party. | 2024-05-23 04:59:03 |
Cruz refuses to unconditionally accept results of 2024 election | 1cysrln | 4,342 | Title: Cruz refuses to unconditionally accept results of 2024 election
Top Comments:
>Like, we have an entire election law system: that people challenge elections, elections get overturned, voter fraud gets proven. That happens all the time,” Cruz said.
The is a complete lie. Elections get challenged all the time and a single digit cases of fraud are found but very rarely are the results overturned.
Dont forget to mention that its always the Republicans committing voter fraud
I hate republicans. Such cowards.
And telling their base to go and commit it.
We need journalists who are going to ASK the hard followup questions when Republicans make ludicrous claims like this complete BS in his direct response:
"elections get overturned, voter fraud gets proven. That happens all the time."
WHEN was the last election that was overturned on FRAUD, Mr. Cruz? Like seriously, you don't need to be a great journalist to fucking followup and bust them on their BS
Republicans arent even politicians anymore. You cant be a politician if you dont accept the political system that made you a politician.
Its like MTG using the power she gained in the 2020 election to attack the credibility of the 2020 election.
They are just domestic terrorists in suits
The second attempt at a coup is going to be much more organized.
Like in 2020 when Donald told his voters to vote twice. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN25U2FX/
It does, in fact, happen.[ I remember when Texas Lt Gov Dan Patrick paid out $25,000 American dollars after a Democrat who discovered Republican voter fraud.](https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/22/politics/texas-voter-fraud-award/index.html)
This whole act of treating trump as their unquestionable cult leader doesn't make trump look strong it makes them look weak.
And when they fail to name one, followup: "so if you can not name an instance, was your statement that it happens 'all of the time', misinformed, uninformed, or was it a lie?"
We literally have an example of election fraud that cost a candiate an election.
Did the voters get a chance to fix it? Nope the Republican candidate still won and shes still in power today.
Agree. When have we ever had an election overturned because of voter fraud being proven? I can't think of one.
We've had recounts overturn results of very close races, that happens pretty regularly.
And don't forget the examples we have of voter fraud occurring is because the system fucking works and those people were caught.
While projecting their fraud on Dems..
I hate the reporters that talk to these clowns and let them get away with this
- Reporter there was no Fraud
- Cruise - ah ha! Are you saying there was 0 fraud?!! Give me evidence of 0 fraud
- Reporter - Well no evidence that it would have any impact to the election
- Cruise - Gotcha! So you admit there was fraud!!
Then they let it go… when yes out of ~160 million votes there were probably dozens of cases were people voted twice or something happened but it’d be 0.0001% or some completely inconsequential number.
But they let these obvious conmen frame it and they take outliers and let them present it as if it’s the norm… when it’s not at all the case
News Media in the USA is awful.
Well, not exactly a *legal* overturning, we've had these events ..
- [Colfax massacre](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colfax_massacre)
- [Ocoee 1920 massacre]( https://calendar.eji.org/racial-injustice/nov/2)
- [Wilmington Massacre]( https://www.zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/wilmington-massacre-2/)
- [Atlanta Race Massacre of 1906]( https://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/articles/history-archaeology/atlanta-race-massacre-of-1906/)
One group tends to resort to violence and uprising more than the others when they don't like the outcome of an election more than just waiting to deal with any potential issues via the legal system (why? Because they usually don't have a legal standing).
Side note, when they mention "Democrat" and "Republicans" please realize that during this era, the Republican's were the progressive tolerant and the Democrats (Southern Democrat) were the racist. They didn't switch until about the 1960's.
I think the police are going to be much more assertive a second time around.
Lot of republicans went to prison over the NC 2018 fraud
Al Gore would also like a word. | 2024-05-23 13:27:34 |
Don't vote for the Stein, aka the Green (Getting Republicans Elected Every November) Party nominee. Vote Democratic/Biden 2024! | 1cz7hok | 3,246 | Title: Don't vote for the Stein, aka the Green (Getting Republicans Elected Every November) Party nominee. Vote Democratic/Biden 2024!
Top Comments:
How is one *not* sobered up after Jan 6, Roe v. Wade, and Project 2025?
EDIT: I mean WTF else has to happen??
So why would Trump 2 sober up people in a way that Trump 1 didn’t?
*that sobering clarity*
-Trump becomes perma president and the government is fully run by bootlicking yes men...
I do not care who is on the ticket. A vote for third party, not voting or a vote for anyone else will equal a birth control ban.
Project 2025 is real and terrifying.
Translation: “I want to be a victim while feeling justified and making everyone around me pay for my lack of perspective”
“We’re going to teach them a lesson and not have a democracy anymore!”
"I don't drink, now you can't without breaking the law." -Trump 2 signing the reinstatement of Prohibition.
Stein is a fan of Putin. Always has been. Third parties are typically spoiler candidates put in by Conservatives and their supporters.
Don’t forget the Supreme Court. If Trump wins there’s a decent chance he’ll get to nominate two new justices and we’ll have 5 Trump judges on the court for the next 30-40 years.
I would probably go more with "I come from a wealthy background and am almost certainly straight and white, so I'll be just fine no matter what, and I'm totally willing to throw everyone else under the bus just so I have the opportunity to act self-righteous about how I know best and all the politicians should have catered to me personally."
Sounds like every person raised in abusive relationships ever - “I’m gonna mimic what I saw growing up and help the aggressive, abusive maniac force the system I live under and watch them become so abusive it’s no longer functional, ever, no going back to the good old days ever.”
The Green Party suspiciously pops up right before the election and has no candidates in other elections. It's almost like they have no platform and don't know how to get a foothold as a party. Weird.
EDIT: What's this idiot's view of a "moment of sobering clarity" that we need? Does he want to see abortion illegal, LGBTQ rights removed and immigrants arrested and deported? I think he does.
Honestly I don’t even think most of these people are real. Just bots trying to help Trump
They'll actually have to live in the reality of a Christo-fascist authoritarian state and, uh-oh! They're not at the top of the food chain like they thought they were gonna be! Turns out all those liberal cuck nerds who were warning about this for more than a decade were right! And now there is no longer a non-violent way to get our shit back.
Whoopsie doodle.
A few of these people really want the end of our current society, burn it to ashes. And seem to think a glorious utopia will take its place rather than, say, a warlord type system. I believe in systematic tweaks toward improvement, I think throwing the whole thing out will result in something much worse.
We literally just watched Republicans willingly die rather than admit that Democrats were right about something during the pandemic.
Somebody would have to be completely detached from reality to think that Republicans would ever admit that they were wrong about this. Their entire ego depends on doubling down and never admitting fault.
More like “I didn’t wear a condom with Stormy, and now you can’t either… wait maybe not”
Yeah, accelerationists.
I've spoken to a bunch of these people over the years and they all have the same problem. They all just assume that the only possible outcome of the complete obliteration of our society is that an ideal society takes its place, when there are actually countless other possible outcomes, most of which are absolutely horrifying, and almost all of them are dramatically more likely than the one that they are latching on to.
They don't have any actual plan or idea of how this is supposed to work. They just believe it will, blindly.
They are the underpants gnomes business plan.
A lot of the people who believe this that I see are also incredibly privileged and really have no idea what it's like to suffer or what they are asking for. They would get about 5 minutes into this and find out that their previously privileged existence was over and go into complete panic because that's not what they expected.
Think of how many more Alito’s he can stack on the SCOTUS - that should terrify everyone.
Including everyone on the right - but I don’t think they quite understand how bad things can be.
These folks will be marching into ovens and still not sobering up, saying stupid shit like "Just imagine how bad the economy would have been under Biden" | 2024-05-23 23:58:00 |
South African general election results in 2019 and 2024. Largest party by municipality. | 1d5merl | 2,623 | Title: South African general election results in 2019 and 2024. Largest party by municipality.
Top Comments:
"Wait why is there one area in the middle with no data"
– My stupid ass just now
* These are the results of the 2019 and 2024 South African general elections showing the largest party by municipality. Colours refer to parties with either a majority or plurality (i.e. most votes but not a majority) in each municipality.
* With 99% of the vote counted, these are the expected end results by each municipality.
How well did the parties do overall in 2024? (Only showing parties with 1%+).
Parties shown on this map (with at least a plurality in a municipality)
* **African National Congress (ANC)**. Centre-left, 40% of vote in 2024.
* **Democratic Alliance (DA)**. Centre-right (or broadly centrist), 22% of vote in 2024.
* **Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP).** Right-wing. 4% of vote in 2024.
* **uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK)**. Left-wing. 15% of vote in 2024.
Parties not shown on this map as having not won any pluralities.
* **Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF)**. Far-left. 10% of vote in 2024.
* **Patriotic Alliance (PA).** Far-right. 2% of vote in 2024.
* **Freedom Front Plus (FF+/VF+).** Right-wing. 1% in 2024.
* **Action SA.** Centre-right, right-wing. 1% in 2024.
(Political positions of parties taken from how they are identified through media).
Any questions - please comment below! I'll try my best to answer!
From what my boer friends tell me (and general reporting) the DA is pretty popular with the white and colored populations while the MK is popular with Zulu
The independent country of Lesotho?
It looks like support for MK is mainly concentrated in KwaZulu Natal. Disappointing to see them vouch for a corrupt former president and ethnic nationalism over a more inclusive party. Are they also popular in non-Zulu areas?
The proud and venerable country of Lesotho mentioned!!!! Let’s fucking goooo🇱🇸🇱🇸🇱🇸
To add to this, IFP is also mostly concentrated around Zulu (they are associated with the Zulu monarchy), while Freedom Front Plus is mostly supported by Afrikaners in the Cape provinces.
Its just being replaced by itself in new clothes.
Yes, race / tribe still play a massive role. And probably will continue to do so for decades.
That pink bit of the map are 95% Zulu voters. Same for the red bit. Just a different Zulu faction.
The green is probably 95% black voters. Basically all the other black people who aren't Zulu, and who don't vote blue.
The blue is about 33% white, 33% black and 33% coloured / mix race.
Probably about 95% of white people vote blue. White people are about 7% of the population, and they all vote mostly blue.
The part of blue votes that come from black people are mostly people who live in urban areas. The rural areas all overwhelmingly vote green.
It's Jacob Zuma. He (his wife) lost the leadership contest in the ANC. His main goal is securing a clean chit for his many corruption scandals.
MK really was the disruptive force in this election. A party formed like 6 months ago just got nearly 15% of the vote. But it appears their base is mostly Zulu. Not even sure if they have enough MPs to fill the seats they’ve won. 🤔
DA looks like it’s hit its ceiling (21%-22%), which resembles SA’s minority population share (19%) ironically. Barely any growth since 2019. If it has any ambitions of growing its influence outside of being a junior partner in a national coalition with the ANC, it’s going to have to do more to attract black voters.
EFF seems like it was marginalized this time around, largely due to KZN swinging to the MK.
And of course, the ANC’s fall appears to have more to do with their traditional base leaving for more populist parties (MK, EFF). Despite that, they’re still the dominant party in the country by a wide margin. They can either stay center-left and have the DA/IFP support in a national coalition, or pivot to the far left with MK/EFF. Ramaphosa may prefer the former, but we’ll see what happens in the next few weeks.
Because they’re the liberation party and most black South African voters (81% of the population/electorate) still have that weighing heavily with their loyalty. Apartheid may have ended 30 years ago, but I’d argue “never again” is deeply embedded within their psyche. Similar to how many Eastern Europeans feel about communism after the fall of the USSR, I imagine.
More importantly, there haven’t been any viable contenders to replace them outside of populist parties (at least yet). The DA is the official opposition and could be a contender, they just can’t get enough black voters to vote for them. Unless they can change their perception with that base, they’re stuck where they’re at nationally.
It's disappointing for everyone else in KZN. Shameful. I'm in rural kzn and we have a gigantic inflammatory MK poster on a main road here. Says in big writing 'land for natives' or something in the middle of boer central
How did the ANC manage to survive so long despite the economic and political chaos South Africa has endured for over a decade now? I understand that they get some rep on their participation in the ending of Apartheid, but given South Africa’s demographics most voters weren’t even born during Apartheid or were very small children at its tail end, and they have faced so many hardships with South Africa edging itself on failed stateship, you’d think it was going to experience at least some challenge.
It's beautiful to see the ANC on its death bed.
Does race play a role in party affiliation?
Northern and Southern suburbs of Cape Town.
The Northern suburbs are where most Afrikaans speaking white people live. Most of the wards there voted over 90% for DA.
I live in such a white Afrikaans speaking area. My ward voted 90% for DA and 3% for FF+.
Some wards just across the high way from us are mostly coloured, and vote between 75% and 90% DA as well.
AMC got 54 and MK didn't exist AFAIK.
To a depressing extent.
That’s the reason South Africa is falling apart.
Never realized how regionally based political support was in South Africa. Like, the A is only (in majority status) in the Cape area and MK and IFP only in Natal. And it seems that the Gauteng/central area which used to be ANC is now not at all secure for them.
Will the ANC be forced into a coalition now? And with who? I hope its not with that rascal Zuma... | 2024-06-01 12:57:53 |
Top Comments:
Looks like Modi is the only leader in modern times to gain seats year-over-year for 3 successive terms.
This is unprecedented.
agreed... this is good for bharat... since bharat needs stability
Great to see predictions of increased seats in wb, tn and kerala
Lol if you want to see major coping and seething go to randia sub.
He may even win the 4th term if he continues.
Yeah this is just as expected, 400 was too optimistic, 360-370 is reasonable
Nah the 'United' sub is where the real fun is to be had
Stonks go up 📈
Tn and Kerala are most important. I have several colleagues and friends. I think if the BJP wins some seats, they will invest heavily there.
Waiting for Bruv rathee meltdown ranting about dead indian democracy, how kejri pappu herogasm would have saved it
Bro it's massive.
Third term this big.
There is no age limit..
No. Stop undermining the man. If you get over 47% of the vote share in a country as diverse as India its not because the opposition is shit. Its because you're doing somehting right.
I will camp there on the 4th.
I put a fuck ton of cash in adanient before the weekend, Abhi Monday ko maza ayega :D
EVM hack ho gaye bhai
We have failed as citizens
-a random Indian liberal
No they are finished, younger generations is smarter and more educated than previous generations, they know how excessive freebies will destroy the economy.
congresss was just that bad. Now people see result they vote more for bjp.
Kerala is seeing a massive change.
It has a lot of silent voters. | 2024-06-01 14:26:02 |
Top Comments:
We need a good opposition. BJP has been becoming arrogant especially Birj Bhushan, Electioral bonds, Manipur, taking in super corrupt opposition leaders into party or alliance. Hopefully this election will humble BJP a bit.
400 for any party is not good for democracy
I might get hate but hear me out , INDIA alliance fighting almost toe to toe with NDA is good thing . Atleast Modi won't be overconfident this time and won't ignore problems that needed to be addressed .
But my only problem is the promises on which INDI ALliance winning .
The world isn't ready for BJP putting Allegations on I.N.D.I.A for hacking evms
Irony is people in this sub was excited for r/india meltdown and opposite is happening here wtf 😭
dont remember where I heard it..but perfectly captures the current mood...
*BJP and it's supporters are feeling like they have lost, even in victory...*
*and INC and it's supporters are feeling like they have won, even in defeat....*
neither side got what it wanted...lol....
Very happy. Now BJP will get fear for next elections. This is what happens when they ignore the cries of middle class and keep increasing taxes. Make middle class life easy or lose next time. Enjoy hung parliament (unlikely but still happy) :)
BJP winning in Bengal
BJP losing in UP
Modiji galat jagah hacking ho gayi shayad
BJP is like me frfr
Started to focus on my Weak subject and ended up fucking up my strong subjects and lowering my percentage
A huge wake-up call for the BJP now they need to wake up and smell the coffee. They must stop their appeasement politics and focus on the people who vote for them. Otherwise, today's UP would be tomorrow's India.
NDA:- we did not expect these amount of seatsp
INDI Alliance:- neither did we 
Looks like Bjp voters got overconfident when BJP said 400 paar. so they didn't go to vote in this hot summer thinking Bjp will win anyway
So we were in a democracy after all.
Sort of like ‘India Shining’ moment. If you are as old as me, you know what I mean.
400 par slogan was a strategic blunder, it projected over confidence leading to core bjp voters staying at home and karyakarta taking it lightly. At least BJP is still coming on top.
There won't be Modi next time around. So unless BJP get their sh 1t together, I see a new govt in 2029.
In only an Indian election can you blame the voters and not the party!!
UP me BJP MP kabhi ground pe dikhte hain? Haarna to tha hi.
Learn lessons and improve. Nothing is granted.
Ground reality is so much different from social media isn’t it …
People tend to underestimate our voter combined intelligence.. But our people sure know how to strike balance ..
BJP winning more seats in Bengal and INDIA winning more seats in UP truly shows how beautiful our democracy is
As per south they are more educated than the north because they don’t vote for BJP
Does that make UP the most intellectually rich state in the country rn?
Telugu states saving India from going back to Soviet era 👏
Lotion aur tissue paper leke baitha tha ki meltdown dekhke maja aayega
Yaha khudka mansik santulan bigad raha hai | 2024-06-04 02:28:46 |
India Election Results (2024) | 1d81ew7 | 2,891 | Title: India Election Results (2024)
Top Comments:
For most people the results are "closer than expected", especially since a lot of BJP supporters were going around with their "400+" thing. It felt like it was possible if you were just scrolling through Twitter, Instagram and Reddit for all the news. Looking at the actual ground reality it was obvious this was about to happen.
The orange and blue* colors represent coalitions. A coalition is a bunch of parties coordinating together in an election.
The NDA coalition (National Democratic Alliance) is mostly center-right to right-wing, led by the BJP. So BJP managed to win around 240 out of 543 seats nationwide but it couldn't cross the simple majority margin of 272 (which it did back in 2014 and 2019). Right now it's banking on regional parties called JDU and TDP in order to cross the majority mark as a coalition. NDA is represented by orange here. It has technically "won" but the issue is: the leader of JDU is known to jump camps pretty often.
The INDIA coalition (Indian National Democratic Inclusive Alliance) is big-tent, mostly center-left group led by INC (which managed to win around 100 out of 543 seats by itself) allied with a lot of strong regional parties. INDIA is represented by blue here.
Under OTHERS you mostly have independent people and small, regional parties which did not form coalitions and still managed to win a seat or two.
A mixture of various factors -
1) Rising unemployment amongst the lower strata of society since the pandemic struck.
2) BJP's list of candidates being poor choices for their constituencies in so far as they merely went to the electorate and asked votes in the name of Mr. Modi as opposed to offering any solutions to the existing problems. There were even issues of these candidates being at odds with the local party workers themselves.
3) A relative decline in the popularity of Mr. Modi himself. In a way this was bound to happen given he was 10 years in power.
4) The opposition, unlike 2014 and 2019, was in a consolidated alliance which meant they had divided the seats amongst themselves so as to not eat up each other's shares and directly compete against the BJP and its allies.
Can someone explain what the parties are and who won? I have no idea in Indian politics
According to the polls NDA/BJP was supposed to do considerably better, it wasn’t just a bunch of partisans online. Unless the major pollsters are biased towards the current government idk. But if you were just looking at the polls this was probably the worst-case scenario for Modi that you could imagine.
You cannot term BJP = NDA
and Congress = INDIA , both of these are alliance parties
BJP = 243
INC = 100+ (many news reports differ so not sure there)
Why has the BJP lost so much in Uttar Pradesh
This is so satisfying to look at, democracy at its best
Also added to this, the regional parties they form coalition with doesn’t always have same political alignment. Like in South, for example TDP is not hard right as BJP but still both are in coalition in these elections.
Low voter turnout and overconfidence/complacency played a massive part.
relatively ofc

The color scheme reminds me of something 😁
It’s insane funny watching Westerners with no knowledge of Indian politics trying to come to conclusions
So Madhya Pradesh is now the BJP stronghold.
India isn't a two party democracy like the US. There's many parties that only contest and have power in only a few states. But there's two major national parties called BJP (Modi's Party) and INC or Congress. What always happens is these two parties form coalitions with multiple regional parties and contest together because they're not going to get the magic figure (the min number of seats to control the parliament and form government). The exception to this was last term when BJP won so big that they had their own majority (they were still in a coalition though).
This time the BJP lead coalition is called NDA and the opposition coalition is called INDIA
Modi is still popular. BJP got the same percentage of votes as last time. The real problem was , as you mentioned, the candidates using modi’s name and hoping they would win the election. Even still, bjp managed to get 30+ seats and were defeated in razor thin margins in some areas
Bad candidates
Exam paper leak
Rajput protests
Opposition used the possibility of changes to the constitution by bjp to get SC votes
Bjp just took UP for granted they need to introspect hopefully before 2027
Orange one is right and blue one is left | 2024-06-04 16:27:30 |
France's European Election 2024 result. | 1dc0u5t | 3,429 | Title: France's European Election 2024 result.
Top Comments:
Also Macron dissolved the Assembly now so we French are gonna vote again in three week to vote a new government
For non-French people, Rassemblement national is the far-right party and Renaissance is Macron’s party.
He was gonna lose an important vote tuesday and the Republican would have vote a "motion de censure" wich would have removed the Prime minister and usually that come with a desolve of the assembly from the president.
He probably thought it was a better idea to do it now as a response of the EU vote like "I heard your voice" instead of response to decision of the assembly
why is he doing that? Given how bad his score is in EU elections, he probably doesn't hope to win more sits?
No, it is a play against far right.
We will vote in 3 weeks, which will give our parliament a new majority and a new Prime Minister based on that majority. Two things can happen.
1) RN (far right) wins, we have a far right prime minister. However this is a risky position for RN because now, they have to govern. And traditionally, the longer a PM stays in place, the less popular he, and his party becomes. Which could mean that in 2027, RN will not win the presidency.
2) RN does not win the majority in June 2024. Macron can interpret this as a vote of confidence by the French population. Though RN will have an high score, and can continue to criticise the sitting government for the next 3 years, in preparation for the 2027 election.
And "reconquête" is the even more far right and " la France insoumise " is the far left that said to Zelensky that he is not welcome in France
Écologistes are greens (surprising I know)
Reconquête is far-far right
Républicains is right
France Insoumise is far-left
Parti Socialiste is left
Renaissance is Macron's political party
Rassemblement National is far-right
(for people wondering where each party is on the political spectrum)
I always laugh when La France Insoumise promote the human rights while, at the same time, they support the biggest dictatorships on this planet (Russia, China, Cuba, some of african countries, Venezuela...)
peaceful trasnition of power? I mean in the end if the government and the parliament don't represent the population that's what elections are for. Only dictatorships do elections when they think they can gain numbers.
I love how Renaissance is just "Macron's party". When you look them up they're just "centrist". When you look at their programme they.. just exist? They stand for nothing and everything at the same time. Really a strange party
No, he’s hoping for a far right government to prove themselves to be shit before the 2027 presidential elections, without letting them handle international relations nor military because that’s the president’s powers
Just to add on that : if the RN gets their first place, and as the lead party he gives them the PM position, they still won't have the majority in parliament to do anything, with a PM who would then be at the mercy of said parliament who can do a censor motion on him if he ever does anything real bad, and a president who can veto any law he doesn't like.
This might end up a very good way to give them "the power" without actually doing it by keeping a leash in case things go south, instead of waiting them getting the presidency in 2027 for their first demonstration of evil incompetence.
We all know how us french turn sour on those leading us, especially when they suck, and the RN is big on talk but their program is actually terrible.
Did Macron not just dissolve the government? So general election coming up?
They also support Hamas under the cover of "promoting peace in Palestine".
Macron definetly read 48 laws of power. This tactic was a genius power move.
A few years ago, in Romania, the estabilishment party had to give in and make a coalition with the progressive party. (Socialist corrupt estabilishment vs center right and lineral party)
They didn’t have a majority in parliament, so they ended up being incapable of doing a lot of stuff, all while having to deal with the pandemic , and the falling economy and infrastructure. Bucharest literally had no hot water running
End result after 6-12 months of governing? They went from 30% in polls to about 10% at the election. They never recovered from it, and the media absolutely devoured them (paid by corruption)
This is exactly what Macron is doing, he’s going to give them reign so he can blame everything on their govermence. People are going to blame the far right for not doing shit and they will be voted out.
The average voter doesn’t understand this 5d chess moves. He’s too occupied with his daily life. Also, memory is short
Macron, is , in my opinion, probably the best european leader in recent history. Because he is , an adaptable leader.
I think there is some kind of genius in him.
Sorry for glazing
People have been screaming to do something about migration, politicians do nothing about migration and then the far right wins. Have some introspection, politicians are supposed to do what the population wants not tell them what they should want.
Jesus fucking christ.
Well "Macron's Party" mean mostly people will vote regarding on their opinion on macron not on their belief
in english that's vote of no-confidence btw
So basically the average western leftist party | 2024-06-09 18:41:37 |
Countries that allow voting online in the 2024 European Parliament elections | 1dc2hlp | 1,949 | Title: Countries that allow voting online in the 2024 European Parliament elections
Top Comments:
Seems like most of you think Estonia uses Google Forms to collect online votes. That's how far behind you are in digital world.
a lot of people in these comments obviously have no idea about how estonia handles e-votes. estonia isn’t stupid - their system has and continues to work. their definitely worlds ahead in digitalisation which is great.
Well, we've had online voting for 19 years and we haven't voted Putin our emperor yet, so it must work to some extent.
If it was that easy to rig, it would've already been rigged. It's not like we don't have state level enemies who would love to have their own politicians in power.
I guess most here dont have any idea how out voting works. Its easy to say it isnt secure but what is? E-voting has many layers of security compared to rigging and tossing paper votes. You may say that someone else can vote for you. Sure, if if you give them your most secret ID-card PIN codes and if you do it, everything you have is gone, all bank accounts, data etc. As some countries show, paper is not legit either. Fact is, no "expert" has managed to trick the system, just one single spoofed e-vote. If its so unsecure then just show it, I am sure that our government would like to see it.
Shocking how strongly opinionated people are on a very technical topic with barely any understanding.
For anyone curious, Estonia uses an ID card in the voting process which you can read more about here : https://www.id.ee/en/article/id-card-and-its-uses/
That Estonia have been doing this for something like 20 years despite living next door to the hacking epicentre of the world is kind of damning on the rest of the EU at this stage, no?
It is funny how people assume the Baltics would be behind the rest of Europe though (or the west at least). In the early/mid 2000s they had already (just about) take on online food shopping, banking and voting while most of the rest of us were still years away from having our first Amazon, eBay or PayPal account.
Here's an interesting little read from the American Christian Science Monitor, all the way back from 2003: https://www.csmonitor.com/2003/0701/p07s01-woeu.html
That is why AI is such a popular buzzword right now also. People have no idea how it works and pretend the worlds gonna end.
There is a really great video explaining what estonia is doing and why. I use it for work. If i remember, i will try to link to it when i get there.
nice one Estonia, some of the best software developers in my teams are/were from Estonia!
And how do you deal with the secret ballot? I guess that you have to somehow log in with your personal data in order to vote. How can you be sure that somewhere on some server it is not recorded how did you vote?
And on an even more basic level how do you insure someone, like a controlling spouse isn’t standing behind their back? The idea behind voting booths is that everyone goes there alone.
UK ballots aren’t secret for example. They are numbered and noted against your name, so in case of any alleged malarkey a court can order for it to be traced and verified.
The digital system itself cannot make sure nobody is watching you, but you can cast the vote as many times as you like and only the last one will be counted. So, if your boss, for example (using some casual example from Russia) asks you to vote for a particular party, you can vote again later for the party you actually want to vote for
Estonia being based as usual
Thats half the point, actually. You can explain a pencil and paper to an illiterate buffoon to the level they understand and trust it. Try to explain the intricacies of IT to the general population who are just barely more tech savvy than a neanderthal, and you will get "stolen election" movements all over the place.
Additionally, not sure how it is structured in Estonia, but manipulating electronic votes sounds way more cost-effective than manipulating every physical voting booth.
Serious question now: How does the system make sure that the person voting isn't being forced to vote a certain way? In the "classic" system, this is achieved by requiring that every person goes behind a curtain alone to prepare their ballot, puts it into the envelope there, then casts the envelope into the box in front of the commission.
For example, on r/czech, we had a discussion several days ago about a young voter whose parents were forcing him to vote for a certain party under various threats. We concluded that if the commission does its job and the process of going behind the curtain etc. is followed, it really isn't possible for the parents to force/blackmail him in any way and to later learn how he voted.
Reading the comments here is quite funny yet terrifying.
You can sell your vote many many times, someone buys your vote you log in and vote for a a party, show the person you voted for that party, but then you can log in another time and revote. only your last vote is legit. So you can make money off of buing votes.
A lot of people terrified of the big bad scary Internet in this thread weird.
It can also potentialy be used to discriminate those who vote for the "wrong" parties. | 2024-06-09 19:52:21 |
2024 European Parliament election in Germany | 1dch7ya | 8,217 | Title: 2024 European Parliament election in Germany
Top Comments:
Fans of Cold War history may have seen this map somewhere else before...
Berliner :chuckles: "I'm in danger"
Literally everyone has seen this map somewhere else before. Because thats the map for everything in Germany
What is the white blob in Saxony?
The four areas of Germany: Former West Germany, former East Germany, big cities, and Bremen.
Wow I didn't know west east divide is still extremely relevant
Probably not yet approved numbers. Whatever is the data basis of the map
A reminder that soil doesn't vote, people do. The small green places do hold a lot of voters.
For that, most interesting is to see Dresden and München who voted like their environment.
Edit: Because people assumed I'm American, I'm not. I'm Dutch. The logic still applies to NL and DE. Seen people reason that certain parties won by a land slide with the argument: just look at the map.
I've also driven through DDR, or now the eastern part of DE. It's empty for my feeling, especially if you are used to ruhrgebiet or NL
I lived in Berlin for 10 years and spent time in both former West and East Germany. Every time you ask someone from the West, they say the GDR at this thing from the past, so far away it’s almost insulting to bring it up. Meanwhile folks from the GDR still use terms like “Ossi” and “Wessi” all the time. My point is that the reunification may have happened on paper, but in reality East Germans have been largely told to figure it out, and the West assumed throwing money at them would solve the issue. This map is living proof that the wound has never healed.
Fans of other wars have seen this, too.
Right? There are 35 year olds voting in the former DDR who don’t even remember a split country.
Even bigger cities like Dresden and Leipzig.
Edit: typo
The other commenter speculates. One of the major factors is that East Germany is a lot poorer than West Germany still, leading to a lot of frustration among East Germans.
Possibly interesting context.
The divide never really went way. To this day Germany has different pension pay-outs based on state. Former DDR territories get less. Which isn't a cruel punishment but based on economic activity. Even today the pension is subsidised by the western states.
And that is also kinda the key driver for the divide. When integrating the DDR into Germany, it wasn't done the same way as the creation of the BRD. With the Marshall plan and massive on site support providing a ton of help for economic growth and prosperity. Obviously also yielding huge amounts of support by voters. Who wouldn't want a better life?
Whereas the DDR regions were basically just thrown into the market economy to fend for themselves. The planned economy was not at all viable and major restructuring was necessary. This was done through an institution called the "Treuhand" (the word itself would be translated as "trust" but in practice it was a government agency restructuring and selling off everything).
The proceeds were intended to bring the regions to the same standards as the west. But ultimately a lot of corruption happened, all the machines and stuff were sold off super cheap. Both the "Treuhand" and the purchasers were all from the west. So were the parties and their members that rushed in from the west. To many in the east it almost felt like a heist. Foreigners coming in, taking over control and taking everything away. Leaving behind low income jobs and not the greatest prospects.
Economically it kinda just collapsed and never really went anywhere. Lowest GDP per capita, lowest salaries, highest unemployment and so on.
So they very much feel the economically botched reunification to this day. And they doubly feel it because the age demographic in Germany overall means the mandatory social contributions increase noticably and the taxes also went up through CO2 taxes that were supposed to be paid back out to make sure people choose more climate friendly options and are financially rewarded for doing so. Rather than just being punished less. But that never happened either.
It's not a great situation. And they somehow figured out that it's gotta be the migrants who are responsible for everything. Despite, ironically, having the lowest number of migrants in their states (around 5-6% whereas most western states have around 15%).
Which is obviously silly and far right nonsense, going into extremist territories. But what isn't silly is the very real fear for their standard of living, the uncertainty regarding the economy and the personal instability that comes with such a situation.
Shhh.. the walls are listening.
Median income, median age, economics, politics, ...
Every map of Germany looks like this
To be honest, the reunification never really affected people from West Germany, besides a small additional tax and that they had to see the Bundesliga with very few teams from the former GDR in one year. Everyone was able to continue their regular life. For East Germans it heavily affected more than one generation. It was a massive change in politics, work, social and economical stuff. Mass unemployment, feeling unneeded and unwanted, having your biography reduced to GDR citizens and more. It was traumatic for many people and this trauma is still real.
I looked at Leipzigs results and the highest vote count went to "other" which was displayed white. So it might be that too https://www.leipzig.de/buergerservice-und-verwaltung/wahlen-in-leipzig/europawahlen/europawahl-2024
> Literally everyone has seen this map somewhere else
You're overestimating how many people outside the EU know what germany looks like on a map
on This sub we do know ofc
Well, Germany is not the US and most of it is rather densely populated. So the electoral loss of SPD, greens and libs is severe | 2024-06-10 09:13:49 |
Map of 2024 European election results in France | 1dchz3a | 9,004 | Title: Map of 2024 European election results in France
Top Comments:
Fun fact, the best department for RN is Mayotte with ~52% of the votes. Around 95% of Mayotte's population is muslim.
Just this sentence
> The Europe of Nations project is based on a central idea: power.
feels like from a villain speech
Le Macron is in le danger
Feels like this is just representative of deep political issues.
So france is just far right now?
What are RN's main goals, or objectives?
What does this mean to the EU?
Looks like the map of Hungary every election, welcome! Enjoy the ride!
A bit over 50%.
ETA : oh, mb, you meant in Mayotte ! Very, very low. About 15%.
This is bad, but why pretend it's surprising?
Unsustainable immigration won't make me and probably won't make you vote for the far right, but it will make many people vote for the far right. It doesn't matter that we don't think it's the solution, it's still incredibly predictable, and the moderate elites should have been able to see something that simple as well. But they didn't, so now we have this.
Pretty ironic since a disunited Europe is far less powerful than a united one could be.
What the fuck, 15% is terrible
What was the voting attendance % in there?
nous sommes cooked
Let us cry just a little bit. Macron dissolved the Assembly, we vote in 3 weeks. Far Right may rule France in a mouth
If you understand the situation with Comoros it makes sense. The immigration crisis there makes the EU immigration crisis look like a joke
In a nutshell, the comoros archipelago was once a french colony, but then they had a referendum for independence and only the island of mayotte decided to remain under french rule, time skip and now a lot of people from the other comoros islands are tryinf to get to mayotte so that they can get into france
In Croatia on national level we had 21% turnout. In national parliamentary election two months ago it was 62%. There are places where public doesn't care for EU parliament elections as they don't perceive them as relevant to their day-to-day lives.
Keep in mind, land doenst vote.
RN only got 30% of the vote.
Still not great, but not as bad as this pic implies
I sure hope we germans can get our shit together before our map looks like this too...
Le Macron just seems to have noticed that.
A lot of sensationalist comments.
The immigration crisis in Europe in general is a well established topic that is there for 20 years now and, surprise surprise, the parties that more talked about that won the elections or increased their parties.
The more people will consider right wing as stupid and more they will get votes.
Stop being antidemocratic and start the dialogue on topics that matter on people:
- anti immigration / limit immigration
- defence/security
- economy
The left did exactly nothing, they appeased the dictatorships in EU and they left immigrats coming into Europe without a plan.
Also I see a lot of dumb comments here.
The center right is not far right and not all rights are the same, mostly are pro-Europe, pro-nato and against autocraties.
Stop with this hysteria and start talk and discussing with your citizens on what is the problem and how to solve it.
This is democracy and not just one single point of view winning over and over and then cry that the population got tired of them. | 2024-06-10 10:07:29 |
Voter turnout in 2024 European elections based on European Parliament provisional data | 1de6t10 | 4,500 | Title: Voter turnout in 2024 European elections based on European Parliament provisional data
Top Comments:
That's a turnout of \~34% in Bulgaria for combined General Elections + European Elections. Send help.
Voting is mandatory in Belgium!
Croatians on Dust 2 planting the bomb.
If I do, will the help actually reach you or be swiped by a politician on the way?
It's also mandatory in Bulgaria 🤣 no penalty however if you don't vote.
I know it was a third election in less than a year, but seeing Poland's turnout be this low feels a bit sad.
21.34% just means that my vote has more meaning 🙂
There is always a positive side, the less people vote the more impact your vote has.
People in red countries still don't understand that they can contribute to EU by sending correct representatives. They just see the decisions of EU as an order from above and take it for granted.
Damn lol, Finland woke up today & chose violence.
Not that you're wrong...
We spent all of our energy voting in the parliamentary elections last month.
We broke a record in Slovenia, it's never been this high for EU elections.
That's not surprising. Euroelection always get lower turnout. It's not a Polish-specific problem as this map showcases too
Shitting on the EU but not actually doing anything that would change the EU is more fun /s
And morale is pretty low because of the result of those elections
Shocking, I can understand the low turnout for the European elections as we've seen across Europe over many years. But I don't understand why it's so low for the General Election, what's going on.
I dont think so. If people who dont care about voting often do not know and care about politics. It is better to keep them away from the ballot.
Same here, by law there is a penalty though, but last person that got persecuted for not voting here was in 2003.
Luxembourg too.
Should be everywhere. Those numbers are shameful.
5th general election in the past 3 years. Also we had a round of local elections (with a second round for mayors who didn't get 50% in the first round) and a presidential election (also with a second round). That's 9 votes in 3 years. People are sick of voting. | 2024-06-12 13:34:55 |
CMV: People shouldn't vote for Donald Trump in the 2024 election because he tried to overturn the results of the 2020 election | 1dek023 | 1,521 | Title: CMV: People shouldn't vote for Donald Trump in the 2024 election because he tried to overturn the results of the 2020 election
Body: Pretty simple opinion here.
Donald Trump tried to overturn the results of the 2020 election. That's not just the Jan 6 riot, it's his efforts to submit fake electors, have legislatures overturn results, have Congress overturn results, have the VP refuse to read the ballots for certain states, and have Governors find fake votes.
This was bad because the results weren't fraudulent. A House investigation, a Senate investigation, a DOJ investigation, various courts, etc all have examined this extensively and found the results weren't fraudulent.
So Trump effectively tried to overthrow the government. Biden was elected president and he wanted to take the power of the presidency away from Biden, and keep it himself. If he knew the results weren't fraudulent, and he did this, that would make him evil. If he genuinely the results were fraudulent, without any evidence supporting that, that would make him dangerously idiotic. Either way, he shouldn't be allowed to have power back because it is bad for a country to have either an evil or dangerously idiotic leader at the helm.
So, why is this view not shared by half the country? Why is it wrong?
EDIT: Okay for clarity's sake, I already currently hold the opinion that Trump voters themselves are either dangerously idiotic (they think the election *was* stolen) or evil (they support efforts to overthrow the government). I'm looking for a view that basically says, "Here's why it's morally and intellectually acceptable to vote for Trump even if you don't believe the election was stolen and you don't want the government overthrown."
EDIT 2: Alright I'm going to bed. I'd like to thank everyone for conversing with me with a special shoutout to u/seekerofsecrets1 who changed my view. His comment basically pointed out how there are a number of allegations of impropriety against the Dems in regards to elections. While I don't think any of those issues rise nearly to the level of what Trump did, but I can see how someone, who is not evil or an idiot, would think otherwise.
I would like to say that I found some of these comments deeply disheartening. Many comments largely argued that Republicans are choosing Trump because they value their own policy positions over any potential that Trump would try to upend democracy. Again. This reminds me of the David Frum quote: "If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy." This message was supposed to be a negative assessment of conservatives, not a neutral statement on morality. We're not even at the point where conservatives can't win democratically, and yet, conservatives seem to be indicating they'd be willing to abandon democracy to advance conservatism.
EDIT 3: Alright, I've handed out a second delta now to u/decrpt for changing my view back to what it originally was. I had primarily changed my view because of the allegation that Obama spied on Trump. However, I had lazily failed to click the link, which refuted the claim made in the comment. I think at the time I just really wanted my view changed because I don't really like my view.
At this point, I think this CMV is likely done, although I may check back. On the whole, here were the general arguments I received and why they didn't change my view:
1. *Trump voters don't believe the election was stolen.*
When I said, "People should not vote for Donald Trump," I meant both types of "should." As in, it's a dumb idea, and it's an evil idea. You shouldn't do it. So, if a voter thought it was stolen, that's not a good reason to vote for Donald Trump. It's a bad reason.
2. *Trump voters value their own policy preferences/self-interest over the preservation of democracy and the Constitution.*
I hold democracy and the Constitution in high regard. The idea that a voter would support their own policy positions over the preservation of the system that allows people to advance their policy positions is morally wrong to me. If you don't like Biden's immigration policy, but you think Trump tried to overturn the election, you should vote Biden. Because you'll only have to deal with his policies for 4 years. If Trump wins, he'll almost certainly try to overturn the results of the 2028 election if a Dem wins. This is potentially subjecting Dems to eternity under MAGA rule, even if Dems are the electoral majority.
3. *I'm not concerned Trump will try to overturn the election again because the system will hold.*
"The system" is comprised of people. At the very least, if Trump tries again, he will have a VP willing to overturn results. It is dangerous to allow the integrity of the system to be tested over and over.
4. *Democrats did something comparable*
I originally awarded a delta for someone writing a good comment on this. I awarded a second delta to someone who pointed out why these examples were completely different. Look at the delta log to see why I changed my view back.
Finally, I did previously hold a subsidiary view that, because there's no good reason to vote for Donald Trump in 2024 and doing so risks democracy, 2024 Trump voters shouldn't get to vote again. I know, very fascistic. I no longer hold that view. There must be some other way to preserve democracy without disenfranchising the anti-democratic. I don't know what it is though.
Top Comments:
I want to be utterly clear here that I am simply presenting the following statement as a response to your CMV and I do not whatsoever hold this view.
One of the key policies that differentiate Trump versus Biden in 2024 will be the continued fallout from the Dobbs decision. A Biden presidency will never sign into law any restriction on abortion. A Trump presidency is likely to do so. At minimum, the Trump DOJ would not pursue any federal court actions to defend laws that support abortion or to combat laws that restrict it.
If you believe, as a statistically significant number of people do, that abortion is the murder of innocent babies and you see a Biden presidency as an outcome that leads to thousands or millions more babies murdered, you could easily dismiss the concerns about his anti-democratic efforts in 2020. In fact, you could easily find yourself believing that such actions were worthwhile in the spirit of trying to protect the unborn. If you thought one candidate was killing babies and the other one was not, you would probably enthusiastically advocate for them to lie and cheat and steal their way into office to save the babies.
Your post inherently assumes that the person who is voting prioritizes democracy over any other policy position they hold. But the person you vote for qualifies themselves in your mind in aggregate of all of the things you care about. Hell, maybe you are just a greedy SOB and you don’t care if he hacked every voting system in the nation if it gets you a fat tax cut and helps you make your next billion dollars. Your morality might already be at a point where caring about 2020 isn’t on the table to begin with.
(Again, none of that is my point of view. But it’s CMV so what are ya gonna do.)
I hate this but it's the best argument I've read, I can see people legitimately thinking like this
That comment explains why I don’t like most pro abortion arguments. They’re never aimed at the people whose mind needs to be changed. If someone thinks abortion is equivalent to murder, then A LOT of pro abortion arguments aren’t very persuasive
if one truly, honestly thinks that abortion is killing babies- *no argument* will be effective. it’s an impossible goal
I want to express one thing that might change this simple opinion. Most people are not absolutists in their morality nor are they absolutists when it comes to certain freedoms.
For example, while a ton of 2A gun people might want more guns to be available, if we see a rampant rise in LGBTQ+Guns becoming a thing, they may distance themselves from guns out of fear of association of being seen as gay. Then they might not be so 2A vocal. Some, however, don't care about the new image and are actually 2A absolutists.
You may be Pro-Choice, but if you see a medical group actually advertising how painful babies are- and to abort them without a limit using their free clinic with little-to-no paperwork, you might get a lot of people who are normally Pro-Choice riled up.
So if you're saying that Trump shouldn't be voted for because of a single event or a belief you hold (i.e. he's a bad president), then you're already on a biased side. The same people who you say shouldn't vote for Trump will say the same thing about Biden (economy, border security, foreign affairs, Hunter, etc.). If your defense to all of those is, "yes, but Trump is worse", it becomes a pissing contest at that point.
I would argue that a vast majority of Trump voters aren't necessarily Trump-specific voters. Most are staunch Republicans or Anti-Biden at this point. Visa versa, I know plenty of Democrat voters who dislike both parties but dislike Biden marginally less.
I have a hard time meeting someone who genuinely believes that any presidential candidate is "good".
I work with several die hard Trump voters (middle of deep blue LA of all places) and their mistrust of democrats is HUGE. They are pretty certain the left is coming for them just as much as the left is worried about things like Jan 6th.
Take this current topic/thread for example. It started by declaring Trump dangerous and a threat to the transfer of power (let's call it a threat to democracy). Then, not halfway through the thread was a call to disenfranchise Trump voters by finding a way to ban or exclude them from voting (a threat to dempcracy from the other side). The Trump voters live on that stuff and point to it as a reason to have "their guy" in power because if left (no pun intended) to the other side they'd steal their votes (which is what Trump claimed). Or take their guns, or outlaw their religions, or talk their kids into alternative lifestyles, or, or, or....
They vote for him because you and your rhetoric are scarier to them than whatever he's done. It's tribal. Their guy is safe, whereas yours is dangerous.
Might not change your view, but it seems to be where the Trump voters I've talked with tend to land.
I’ve personally trained a handful of women and several members of the (very visibly) LGBTQ community in firearms safety and use on the range. Helped a few purchase their first (and subsequent) guns. Nobody has ever cared around where I lived (in two states, one blue and one red).
Matter of fact, I’ve worked with more people that were non white and non male than I have with whites and males.
I’ve never seen anyone from the gun community care about what they identify as or who they wanted to love. Matter of fact, we got a lot of help on the range a few times from crusty old white dudes in punisher shirts and NRA hats.
I’m not saying those people don’t exist, I’m just saying the people who are 2A people care about teaching and sharing in their commonalities overall, rather than nitpicking the differences.
Also, the amount of liberal gun owners is enough to have their own sub, so I guess there’s that too.
I see this response a lot on CMV. And I'm always a bit confused by it. I'm not necessarily here because I *want* my view changed. I'm here because I'm *open* to having my view changed.
That being said, I do kind of want this view changed. It is deeply unsettling to me that half the country is willing to vote for Trump after he did this. My current conclusion is that they actually *want* someone evil or dangerously idiotic in the oval office. It makes me sad to have such a low opinion of half the country.
>So if you're saying that Trump shouldn't be voted for because of a single event or a belief you hold (i.e. he's a bad president), then you're already on a biased side.
The issue isn't that they have a different opinion. And the issue isn't just that I think he's a bad president. The issue is that he tried to overturn election results and take power that wasn't given to him. I can see how a person could put to the side the fact that he was held liable for rape and fraud. I could see how a person wouldn't mind that he's an idiot. I could see why a person wouldn't have an issue with his racism. All these things are just "being a bad guy." But attempting to overthrow the government is an attempt to be a dictator. He could just repeatedly do that to always have a supporter in power. He tried to end democracy. Isn't that a different level of "bad?"
Yeah, so i can second this, generally, about gun people. I went to the range with a friend for his birthday during the Hillary/Trump run-up. He's conservative, I'm progressive. I'd never handled a firearm in my life.
They were talking shit about Hillary, until my buddy said something like, "Alright, guys, my buddy's pretty liberal" and they couldn't apologize enough. "Aw man, I didn't mean nothing by it, you want me to get rid of those Zombie Hillary targets, replace 'em with something else?"
As we were leaving, he pulled me aside and apologized again. "I really don't like making people uncomfortable, and I'm passionate about guns. Please don't let my bullshit turn you off, brother, you're always welcome man, I promise." And it was true. Went back a few times, and it was clear they cared more about the gun stuff than they did the politics. They just wanted to teach me stuff.
Whilst I do somewhat agree with you, your position is... well, it's murder, but the murder is okay in certain circumstances.
A very strong case can be made under this position for medically necessary abortions. Someone is going to die, the mother should obviously be prioritised.
But rape/incest/defects? You're justifying either murder for the sake of eugenics or murder because the mother was assaulted/slept with a family member.
I feel that if your position stems from abortion being murder of a life, only abortion for medical sake is valid. Everything else is allowing someone to commit a murder because they were wronged by someone other than the victim of this murder.
So clearly, abortion *isn't* seen as murder if you're okay with it in cases of rape, so what's the actual underlying position?
(Any direct language here like 'you' is the proverbial hypothetical holder of these positions, not you yourself)
i gave your link a (quick) look, and while i’m admittedly pretty entertained by the creative metaphors it seems to just be an elaborate argument in favor of bodily autonomy- which is essentially what every pro-choice argument is at its core.
however, those who are anti-abortion typically place a special level of value on the hypothetical baby- it’s the picture of innocence more so than a violinist or a massive monster baby in a house. in such a case even acknowledging the personhood of the baby but arguing that you shouldn’t have to give up your own body and rights to bring life to it often doesn’t work simply because you’ll be viewed as selfish and they will say you are responsible for doing what is necessary for the baby. especially if they view you (or your supposed irresponsible actions) as being the reason for the baby’s existence to begin with.
so to advance the metaphor, if you were the cause of that violinist’s terminal illness, accidentally or otherwise, a non insignificant amount of people would argue it is your duty to sustain their life even at the expense of your own autonomy temporarily.
ETA in reality, we know that even if you hit someone with your car and they need a kidney to survive as a result, the law would not mandate that you give them yours, but it is difficult to apply that rationality to an abortion argument due to the emotional weight of “but it’s a baby!”
It’s not my point about the Right as a whole. There are Republicans who do not vote on abortion. The Ohio referendum is a great example, it passed with more votes than there are Democrats in the state, so it had R votes.
But when your CMV is that people generally shouldn’t vote for him because of 2020, I gave you one reason why some people will set that aside as it isn’t a higher priority than the one that motivates them to vote.
Democracy is *your* highest prerogative. For some people, their faith is. For others, their bank balance is. For others still, their hate is.
There will absolutely be a non-zero number of people who will vote for Trump explicitly because he will support Bibi turning the Gaza Strip into a parking lot. For them, his anti-Democratic bent is again not an outweighing factor.
It would be difficult but not impossible. There’s some arguments for (limited) abortion that acknowledge the premise a fetus has the same right to life as an adult.
See [Judith Thompson’s Violinist argument in "A Defense of Abortion"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Defense_of_Abortion)
"Im looking for a view that says its acceptable to vote for Trump even if you dont want the election overthrown"
Can it not be as simple as "Biden has been a shit President, and life was better in 2019 than it is now"? Is that not a reasonable view people are allowed to have? Like big picture type stuff. Biden ran on "Im not Trump, im gonna fix his fuckups", and for the vast majority of people in most ways, things have gotten worse. Is that not a reasonable take for a lot of people to have?
I'd like to, in good faith, challenge some of your points and ask that you elaborate on some points:
**I ask that you elaborate on:**
Your views/opinion on why turning over title 9 is good (not challenging your position on this, would just like your POV).
Which of his policies algin with your personal views and how they will be a net benefit (again, not challenging your position on this, would just like your POV).
What you view the threat that Biden poses to be greater than Trump possibly doing something idiotic (and also what, in your opinion, has he done that *is* idiotic)
**I will challenge:**
*First: Hope that he would decrease deficit spending*
I challenge this by presenting an argument that his economic policy would actually *increase* deficit spending, not decrease it. The tax cuts he passed were skewed to top earners in the US, increase the deficit by $1.9 trillion over 10 years, and did not return on it's promises for the majority of those that made below $114,000. See the link below for my source. It's long, but a quality read.
*Second: Hopefully is pro oil stance brings gas back down to $2 a gallon*
Biden already has a rather pro-oil stance, maybe at the behest of some of his base. The United States has become *the* top exporter of fossil energies, pumping more than even SA and Russia. The reason gas hasn't dropped to $2 a gallon, and never will not matter who is President (in my opinion), is because US gas and oil is still connected to global markets. Just because we produce enough to be completely energy independent and self-sufficient doesn't mean US-drilled gas and oil is being used solely by Americans. It gets sold, shipped, and used by the rest world too. Oil companies do not have any particular affinity for any country, only money. They do not care about an energy independent US, only money. You will not get Oil corps to buy into "America First" to reduce gas prices. Trump's apparent "pro-oil" stance would, therefore, not drop gas prices to $2 for the long term. Also, the natural inflation of currency (plus the inflation we see now) will prevent a drop to $2.
*Third: Hopefully decreasing illegal immigration and reforming asylum claims*
It was the GOP (and Trump has he held/hold considerable sway over the GOP) that continuously shoot down border bills that could have slashed illegal immigration and managed asylum claims. Now, if you want to argue that we should be harsher on asylum cases, there is a discussion to be had there. However, it is a fact that the proposed border bills by the Biden Administration would have cut down on illegal immigration as it is defined by the United States government.
This is strictly my opinion based on how the GOP has acted in the house over the last 4 years, but they are not interested in solving the border crisis. It is an excellent political tool, and beyond presidential executive orders, they have routinely failed to pass meaningful legislation through the house and solve the problem (other than dead on arrival bills that they know would fail, to pass the visage that they "tried").
If someone thinks abortion is murder, they would have to be morally bankrupt to accept the most populous state in the country allowing it.
The generic, most common liberal position does not believe that abortion should be legal up until birth. Claiming that the majority of democrats believe in abortion until 5 minutes before birth is creating a strawman. The most frequently advocated liberal policy position is legal abortion until fetal viability as outlined in Roe v Wade.
So I’m a conservative, or well more of a right leaning libertarian, but I didn’t vote in 2016 and then reluctantly voted for him in 2020. And I’ll vote for him in 2024.
The most charitable read for his actions is that he needed an alternate slate of electors submitted before the safe harbor dead line. That way IF any of the law suits panned out there would be an alternate slate that could be easily slotted in. There is actually some precedent for this.
This was the same exact scenario of alternate electors. Ultimately the alternate electors were chosen after the re count was completed.
Where Trump went off the rails was when he attempted to use the alternate electors as a means to invalidate both slates…. That was insane and absolutely abhorrent. I won’t defend him on that. Thankfully our institutions held.
I don’t believe that the 2020 election was “stolen.” I don’t believe that votes where swapped or stuffed or that the machines where hacked or whatever. It’s all nonsense. I do believe that there’s an argument that it was “rigged.”
There’s a decent argument that the FBI pressuring social media companies to bury the laptop was unconstitutional:
That the changes to voter laws due to Covid where unprecedented and in some cases illegal
Ultimately the republicans got caught with their pants down and got out played as the rules changed.
I wish Trump had left with dignity….
But as to why I’ll vote for him again. It’s a risk calculation, I view the threat that Biden poses to be greater than Trump possibly doing something idiotic again. Because ultimately nothing actually happened.
Trumps policy much more aligns with my personal policy prescriptions and I believe that his policies will have a net benefit on me and my families lives.
From over turning title 9 reform
Hopefully decreasing illegal immigration and reforming asylum claims
Hopefully is pro oil stance brings gas back down to $2 a gallon
Hopefully he decreases the deficit spending while we’re in an inflationary period.
He’s by far not my first, second or even third choice…. But he’s all I have | 2024-06-12 22:52:29 |
You are offered the opportunity to cancel the 2024 U.S. presidential election and hand-pick the next president, but everyone else in the country will know you did so. | 1dhdnq3 | 1,307 | Title: You are offered the opportunity to cancel the 2024 U.S. presidential election and hand-pick the next president, but everyone else in the country will know you did so.
Body: A team of lawyers gravely explain to you that through some weird loophole or misprint in federal election law, you personally have the power to cancel the upcoming presidential election and choose the next president. It only applies to the 2024 election. It’s already been confirmed by the Supreme Court as being legally ironclad.
If you decide to take the deal, you can choose anyone, whether they’re a registered candidate or not (assuming they accept the position). If they don’t, you can keep choosing until someone accepts. You cannot choose yourself.
Once you choose, though, it will be announced in a televised press conference. The media circus will begin a few minutes thereafter. You will be identified as the person who chose.
EDIT: If you do decide to go through with it, the person you choose would select their vice president. They could tell you ahead of time who it would be, but they’d be under no legal obligation to actually stick to that choice once they’re president.
EDIT 2: All other presidential eligibility rules apply. You can’t choose Vladimir Putin or a 17-year-old kid or anything like that.
Top Comments:
In a heartbeat.
Weird Al. Who is not going to like a weird al presidency?
I would do it, and I'd choose my wife since I can't choose myself. She shares my values and she gets shit done.
Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho
Not with my brilliant pick. They'd add me to Mt Rushmore.
Jon Stewart. I think he'd do his best and hate every minute of it the whole time
I pick Dolly Parton. No one’s murdering me for that call.
90% of the world's population would be better than these 2 geezer ass clowns. That's low hanging fruit at this point.
You’d get murdered.
sounds like a good way to end up on a lot of hit lists, no thanks
Absolutely - in 50 years I’m deemed a hero. I also immediately hire a ghostwriter and sell my book shortly for a fortune
You just learned how the country is run congrats lol
Brilliant. Free secret service protection too!
I for one welcome our new weird overlord
I'd do it in a second to spare my country from 4 more years of Trump or Biden, and I'd name Dolly Parton president. I trust her to do the right thing for the American people a lot more than any of the career politicians put there. And who could be mad about President Dolly Parton?!
I will pick the national winner of a ranked choice election.
vermin supreme
The ONLY sane choice.
I mean shit Terry Crews would not be a bad choice either.
I'm choosing a Golden Retriever.
Tenacious D to Play "Rock the Vote" Concerts Ahead of 2024 U.S. Presidential Election | 1dppbw6 | 2,940 | Title: Tenacious D to Play "Rock the Vote" Concerts Ahead of 2024 U.S. Presidential Election
Top Comments:
All swing state dates! Thats fucking teamwork!
I hope they play "The government totally sucks".

Lmao that poster is hilarious, their balls are on the liberty bell
This song is for the people in the streets, not the people in city hall
You're asking the wrong questions man.
Will they shred?
That's cool with me. Indiana's not my favorite. But I'll do it for you.
Indiana isn’t a swing state, but I’ll take it!
Brother there are 18 year olds that will vote in this election that weren't even born when pick of destiny came out.

But does Tenacious D's demographic actually meaningfully intersect the target demographic for voter registration?
Wow. I went to their concert like 10 years ago and it was amazing. At the end of the concert a giant inflatable penis was on stage blowing thousands of tiny paper sperm when Jack and Kyle's face on them.
You just turned my brain into shit
Well, young democrats are pretty infamous for not voting, aren't they? But I guess The D probably skews a bit older these days.
Ye Olde Teabag
I feel like Tenacious D has a pretty wide demographic because of Jack Black, so I would say yes.
Third decree
No more rich people and poor people
From now on, we'll all be the same
Um, I don't know, I gotta think about that
That's why we need to vote, man. The government sucks less when you vote in people that suck less (or keep people that suck more out, in this case.)
I saw them do this in 2008. Jack Black said "I'm can't tell you who to vote for, but it rhymes with 'yo mama'"
Ya muthafucka...
The government totally sucks. | 2024-06-27 11:48:01 |
Discussion Thread: First US Presidential General Election Debate of 2024 Between Joe Biden and Donald Trump | 1dq5s2f | 12,308 | Title: Discussion Thread: First US Presidential General Election Debate of 2024 Between Joe Biden and Donald Trump
Body: Tonight's debate will begin at 9 p.m. Eastern. It will be moderated by CNN anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. There will be no audience, and the candidates' microphones will be muted at the end of the allotted time for each response. The next presidential debate will be hosted by ABC and take place on September 10th, while the vice presidential debate has not yet been scheduled.
- AP: [How the Biden-Trump debate could change the trajectory of the 2024 campaign](https://apnews.com/article/bidentrumppresidentialdebate-0e7577e9a354a69f50675494fea54ca9)
- 538 via ABC: [Who Will Win The First Biden-Trump Presidential Debate? | We’re partnering with Ipsos to poll voters before and after the candidates take the stage.](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-trump-june-debate-poll/)
**Live Fact Checking**
- Politifact via PBS NewsHour: [Live fact check: CNN’s Biden-Trump debate](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/live-fact-check-cnns-biden-trump-debate)
- CBS: [Trump and Biden's first presidential debate of 2024, fact checked](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/first-presidential-debate-2024-fact-check/)
**Live Updates**
[The Associated Press](https://apnews.com/live/presidential-debate-2024-updates), [NPR](https://www.npr.org/live-updates/trump-biden-presidential-debate-2024), [CNN](https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/cnn-debate-trump-biden-06-27-24/index.html), [NBC](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/live-blog/presidential-debate-trump-biden-live-updates-rcna157191), [ABC and 538](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/live-updates/Biden-Trump-first-2024-presidential-debate/?id=111366511), [CBS](https://www.cbsnews.com/live-updates/first-presidential-debate-2024-trump-biden/), [The Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/2024/06/27/presidential-debate-live-updates/) (soft paywall), [The New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/06/27/us/biden-trump-debate) (soft paywall), [CNBC](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/27/presidential-debate-between-trump-biden-live-updates.html), [USA Today](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/06/27/trump-biden-debate-live-updates/74195213007/), [BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/live/c88800k2njkt), [Axios](https://www.axios.com/2024/06/27/biden-trump-cnn-presidential-debate-2024-election), [The Hill](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4741868-trump-biden-presidential-debate-2024-live/), and [The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2024/jun/27/supreme-court-decision-politics-trump-biden-debate-latest-updates) will all be live-blogging the debate.
**Where to Watch**
- PBS NewsHour via YouTube: [Biden and Trump debate — PBS News simulcast of CNN’s 2024 Presidential Debate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n89KRvz6Tdw)
- C-SPAN: [Simulcast - CNN Presidential Debate](https://www.c-span.org/video/?536407-1/simulcast-cnn-presidential-debate)
- CBS via YouTube: [Biden and Trump face off in first 2024 presidential debate, hosted by CNN](https://www.youtube.com/live/XxAU0K94fpw) (Will include commentary before the debate).
- The Washington Post via YouTube: [CNN presidential debate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFHkVxhKbE8) (Stream has closed captioning).
- PBS NewsHour via YouTube: [What happened in the first Biden-Trump debate of 2024 | PBS News Special](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ba6wGGFhBkY) (Will begin after the debate concludes and include commentary).
- CBS via YouTube: [Trump-Biden presidential debate highlights and analysis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdAFRVy9BnU)
#Post-debate thread
Can be found here, and hopefully is less buggy than the thread before: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1dq932e/discussion_thread_first_us_presidential_general/
Top Comments:
I’m in my early 30s. I remember Howard Dean being essentially disqualified for yelling YEAHH during his campaign. I remember the Al Gore and Bush Florida debacle. Now, it feels like we are living in a fever dream compared to those days.
The fact that there's no fact check on "after-birth abortion" (which is murdering a baby) is infuriating.
"I did not have sex with a porn star"
Things you never thought you'd hear in a presidential debate.
Trump just said, "Putin told me his dream is to invade Ukraine."
“This was his dream i talked to him about it”
Trump about Putin invading Ukraine
Probably most truthful thing he said tonight
Trump was asked about climate change and gave an answer about police and black people loving him
Biden: “Trump you molested a women and had sex with a pornstar”
Trump: “I never had sex with a pornstar!!”
Omfg….no one fucking kills a baby after it’s born. That is NOT an abortion.
Fun reminder that Trump tried to steal the 2020 election and the fact that he's treated like a regular candidate is utterly fucking insane
"I didn't have sex with a porn star." He paid her 6 figures, had her sign an NDA and DIDN'T have sex with her? I thought he was good at making deals lol
Al Gore was heavily criticized for audibly sighing a few times during the debate with George W. Bush.
I've been watching some CBS on youtube, and the way they are normalizing Trump just as if he is a regular candidate is maddening.
Its like the last 6 years have just been erased from history.
"Oh he is goin to come on here and talk about his policies, and people prefer him because he can deliver on crime" etc. Like what the fuck
Can we get some fact checkers on "after birth abortion", because I'm like 69% sure that's just regular garden variety murder and doesn't happen.
He just said I talked to Putin about his plan
He said this was Putin's dream
He said it on the tv
Trump denying having sex with Stormy Daniels but not being a molester. Great priorities
"You have the morals of an alley cat." That made me cackle!
Someone could aim a howitzer at my head but I’m still voting for President Biden in November.
How any American voter could want that fucking criminal to be the President AGAIN is beyond ANY intelligent reasoning whatsoever.
34 felony convictions
54 pending criminal charges
2 impeachments
2 popular vote losses
$88M owed to E Jean Carroll
$450M owed for civil fraud
$8T added to nat'l debt
2.9M net loss of jobs
These is just a very small list of Trump’s massive fuck ups.
What I wouldn’t give for a real-time fact check. WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY
Incredibly so. Trump is a fucking lying sack of felonious shit and NO ONE is holding his feet to the fire like he is a not a normal person, which he absolutely is NOT: he's a TRAITOR TO THIS NATION. | 2024-06-27 23:49:16 |
Discussion Thread: First US Presidential General Election Debate of 2024 Between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, Post-Debate Discussion | 1dq932e | 3,451 | Title: Discussion Thread: First US Presidential General Election Debate of 2024 Between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, Post-Debate Discussion
Body: Hi folks, Reddit has encountered some errors tonight and there was [a delay in comments appearing](https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/1dq8nga/we_are_aware_comments_are_currently_delayed_dont/). Please use this thread for post-debate discussion of the debate. [Here's the link to the live discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1dq5s2f/discussion_thread_first_us_presidential_general/).
Tonight's debate began at 9 p.m. Eastern. It was moderated by CNN anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. There was no audience, and the candidates' microphones were muted at the end of the allotted time for each response. The next presidential debate will be hosted by ABC and take place on September 10th, while the vice presidential debate has not yet been scheduled.
- AP: [How the Biden-Trump debate could change the trajectory of the 2024 campaign](https://apnews.com/article/bidentrumppresidentialdebate-0e7577e9a354a69f50675494fea54ca9)
- 538 via ABC: [Who Will Win The First Biden-Trump Presidential Debate? | We’re partnering with Ipsos to poll voters before and after the candidates take the stage.](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-trump-june-debate-poll/)
**Live Fact Checking**
- Politifact via PBS NewsHour: [Live fact check: CNN’s Biden-Trump debate](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/live-fact-check-cnns-biden-trump-debate)
- CBS: [Trump and Biden's first presidential debate of 2024, fact checked](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/first-presidential-debate-2024-fact-check/)
**Live Updates**
[The Associated Press](https://apnews.com/live/presidential-debate-2024-updates), [NPR](https://www.npr.org/live-updates/trump-biden-presidential-debate-2024), [CNN](https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/cnn-debate-trump-biden-06-27-24/index.html), [NBC](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/live-blog/presidential-debate-trump-biden-live-updates-rcna157191), [ABC and 538](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/live-updates/Biden-Trump-first-2024-presidential-debate/?id=111366511), [CBS](https://www.cbsnews.com/live-updates/first-presidential-debate-2024-trump-biden/), [The Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/2024/06/27/presidential-debate-live-updates/) (soft paywall), [The New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/06/27/us/biden-trump-debate) (soft paywall), [CNBC](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/27/presidential-debate-between-trump-biden-live-updates.html), [USA Today](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/06/27/trump-biden-debate-live-updates/74195213007/), [BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/live/c88800k2njkt), [Axios](https://www.axios.com/2024/06/27/biden-trump-cnn-presidential-debate-2024-election), [The Hill](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4741868-trump-biden-presidential-debate-2024-live/), and [The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2024/jun/27/supreme-court-decision-politics-trump-biden-debate-latest-updates) will all be live-blogging the debate.
**Where to Watch**
- PBS NewsHour via YouTube: [Biden and Trump debate — PBS News simulcast of CNN’s 2024 Presidential Debate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n89KRvz6Tdw)
- C-SPAN: [Simulcast - CNN Presidential Debate](https://www.c-span.org/video/?536407-1/simulcast-cnn-presidential-debate)
- CBS via YouTube: [Biden and Trump face off in first 2024 presidential debate, hosted by CNN](https://www.youtube.com/live/XxAU0K94fpw) (Will include commentary before the debate).
- The Washington Post via YouTube: [CNN presidential debate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFHkVxhKbE8) (Stream has closed captioning).
- PBS NewsHour via YouTube: [What happened in the first Biden-Trump debate of 2024 | PBS News Special](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ba6wGGFhBkY) (Will begin after the debate concludes and include commentary).
- CBS via YouTube: [Trump-Biden presidential debate highlights and analysis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdAFRVy9BnU)
Top Comments:
The only winner tonight is the Voyager probe speeding away from Earth at 17km/sec.
We’re in danger
I like both candidates but I think we need somebody older
The people: Discussion thread!
Reddit: I think not
Trump can talk but doesn’t always answer the question. Biden can’t talk but answers the question more often.
America lost that debate
My favorite part was Trump saying his cognitive test was the highest ever seen or some shit like that
History has shown a smooth talking liar will usually beat a rough talking truther. Biden looked and sounded weak. That’s what people will remember.
They should have been way harder on Trump for not answering the asked question.
We had a debate between the next two potential prime ministers in the UK with audience asked questions.
One of the audience members got up and asked "are you two really the best candidates we could find in this country?"
Everyone clapped.
Seems like you guys are going through something similar.
I’d still vote for Biden even if he was on his death bed. Trump is just that bad.
But that performance tonight will not sit well with independents and never-Trump Republicans. And that has me worried for November.
The greatest thing Biden could have done for the country was to be a one-term president and let a new, energetic Democrat rise to the occasion, running off Biden's economy. Biden would go down in the history books as the president who led the country out of the Trump era. If he loses this election - and god is it looking likely now - he'll only be remembered as the one who couldn't keep Trump out of office. And Trump is going to be much, much worse this second time around.
That was a tough watch. Unfortunately, I’d rather vote for a walking corpse than a lying wannabe despot.
Both Biden and Trump had issues in this debate, but holy shit CNN didn't either bother moderating this after a whole damn month hyping this
I didn't think Trump honestly had a chance until tonight. We're so fucked
Yeah, they only give you a dementia test if your doctor thinks you might have dementia. Can’t believe people don’t constantly hammer him for bragging about passing such a test.
We should build two more fake White Houses and just stick these guys in them and tell them they’re president while the rest of us elect someone that’s halfway normal.
I tired boss, I don't want to be an american no more
That was downright embarrassing. What happened to us as a country? This just makes me sad for our future and my children’s future.
And they should have fact checked him, like CNN said they would. | 2024-06-28 02:39:21 |
US election 2024: trial by combat | 1dqy2d9 | 3,071 | Title: US election 2024: trial by combat
Top Comments:
Nothing communicates being in touch with the average American worried about their pocketbook and healthcare than two rich white dudes arguing about who is better at golf.
Biden's picture seems to be from 9 years ago
I get what you're saying but I think it misses the point of what Biden was saying. And it misses the point *to the point* that it's a little disingenuous.
Biden *never* mentions golf beyond reference that I've seen. Not in metaphor or in conversation.
He was only talking about it because Trump is a golf cheat. Biden knows he doesn't play full games, work out, etc. That's why he challenged him to carry his clubs. It was an attack on his ego, and honestly it worked. It was one of the few bright spots of the night.
That and calling him a child.
Morals of an alley cat another lol
18 holes, no cart or caddy. Neither would survive and America would win.
I just looked up the clip and I don't think it's disingenuous or missing the point. There is no point. It's a stupid discussion point, regardless of who brought it up. Just because someone says something doesn't mean you have to respond, and there are far better ways for his point to have been made than bickering over his own handicap.
Yeah, the correct response is "Trump is more concerned about his golf score than the American people. I don't care about a golf score. I care about working to help you - that's the job of the American president, and Trump doesn't understand that.".
Trump has already declared himself the winner without even playing. This wouldn't be the first time he's done that.
I don't know if he could hit a golf ball 20 yards currently.
Well sure, FDR had a higher handicap
I mean either of them could have beaten FDR when he was president, but that doesn’t make them a better president
That man could hardly walk off the stage without Jill holding his hand. We must have not watch the same debate
This would prolly be better than Jake Paul v Mike Tyson, Netflix should pick this up.
Fucking embarrassing
The man looks like a walking corpse. Trump would probably easily beat him in golf because he only plays it every other day for 70 years.
In the context of the full debate, the golf argument felt like one of the few times Biden perked up. It made it seem like he cared entirely too much about something entirely inconsequential.
Instead he said ≈“when I was vice president my handicap improved to a 6” 🤦♂️
First and only picture of Biden I’ve seen golfing, but I’ve seen dozens of Trump golfing. Not gonna lie, if I was the potus, I’d find an excuse to golf every day. Good thing I’m Canadian.
Meh, Biden had a chance there to say fuck that, we are here to debate policy and provide a vision for the country, not argue golf. He could have still made the mark asking if trump could even carry his own bag but the overall back and forth was worthless to the debate.
Let's be honest. Nobody gives a shit about two old men comparing golf. It truly is one of the lamest conversations
Dude this doesn’t have to do with spin on a network. You can go WATCH the video of him walking off stage.
You mean he hasn’t been golfing his whole presidency? Does he even know how to President? | 2024-06-29 00:00:54 |
CMV: Michelle Obama would easily win the 2024 election if she chose to run and Biden endorsed her | 1dugpl3 | 1,600 | Title: CMV: Michelle Obama would easily win the 2024 election if she chose to run and Biden endorsed her
Body: A reuters pool came out yesterday that revealed Michelle Obama would beat Trump by 11 points. One noteworthy fact about this poll was that she was the only person who beat Trump out of everyone they inquired about (Biden, Kamala, Gavin, etc.)
Michelle Obama (obviously) carries the Obama name, and Barack is still a relatively popular president, especially compared to either Trump or Biden.
Betting site polymarket gives Michelle a 5% chance to be the Democratic nominee, and a 4% chance to win the presidency, meaning betting markets likewise believe that she likely won't be president only because she doesn't want to run, not because she couldn't win. Even Ben Shapiro has said she should run and is the democrats best chance to win.
My cmv is as follows- if Michelle Obama decided to run, and Biden endorsed her, she would have very strong (probably around 80%) odds of winning, as per betting markets. You can add on that I believe that no one else has higher odds of winning than she does.
Top Comments:
>A reuters pool came out yesterday that revealed Michelle Obama would beat Trump by 11 points.
Polls about any Dem before the entire weight of the negative partisanship driven conservative media is pointless. Hillary as Secretary of State had high approvals, high favorability (was at 65%). I don't know why Dem leaning people point to polls all the time without regard to the context or without contemplating what it really means. What it really means is Dems generically like Michelle and conservatives aren't outraged by her because she isn't in their media now. But, can she sustain it when she is?
>have very strong (probably around 80%) odds of winning
If you're talking about the popular vote, sure. But the electoral college is so skewed in favor of the Republicans that winning by millions of votes in the popular vote means you can still lose. See: Hillary.
The question is could Michelle carry the working-class heavy counties like Macomb County in Michigan that Trump flipped? Would she take Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan?
Your whole view is based on the polls and the polls were wrong before with Trump. Why do you believe them now?
Why do you want this view changed? Michelle Obama said she wants nothing to do with politics, I see no reason to disbelieve her.
This is just not true. The earliest deadline for a major party candidate to get on the ballot is August 6th. Trump and Biden aren't even officially nominated yet.
> Wisconsin does not allow withdrawal from the ballot for any reason besides death.
That's fine, because Joe Biden is not yet on the ballot in Wisconsin.
> In Nevada, no changes can be made to the ballot after 5 p.m. on the fourth Friday in July of an election year
This is the deadline for independent candidates, not major party candidates.
> or 'a nominee dies or is adjudicated insane or mentally incompetent.'
That's fine, because Joe Biden is not yet on the ballot in Nevada
> If Biden were to withdraw less than 60 days before the election Georgia his name will remain on the ballot but no votes will be counted.
There are currently 125 days until the Presidential election. If Biden decides to withdraw, he will do it well before this 60 day deadline.
> In Texas, the two party's nominees have until the 74th day before the election to withdraw from the ballot.
There are currently 125 days until the Presidential election. If Biden decides to withdraw, he will do it well before this 74 day deadline.
> Some states, like South Carolina, do not allow candidates to withdraw for political reasons.
That's fine, because Joe Biden is not yet on the ballot in South Carolina.
Quit spreading nonsense.
>the polls were wrong before with Trump.
Do you think a 70% chance of winning is wrong if the result lands in the other 30%? It means the odds were beat, not that the odds were wrong.
So, let's get into the actual logistics of what happens if we replace Biden:
* We have to spend weeks or months dealing with the legality of campaign finance laws involved in transferring funds to a new candidate who didn't win a primary, and where the candidate did not die or become incapacitated due to some sort of emergency.
* Ballot access would be a real problem. The registration deadline has already passed in many states.
* Most importantly, this would give Trump a huge talking point. He'd be all over television crowing about how he got Joe Biden to retire from politics. It would play into his strongman image and energize his base. It would almost assuredly hand the election to him.
Wound up looking it up myself and you’re right, Hillary had very high approval ratings before her candidacy.
It crashed rapidly from 2012 to 2016, and potentially, Michelle Obama might experience something similar and much more rapidly if she ran. So she may not trust her favorability to sustain itself as it’s not really that durable.
I heard versions of this argument before but not many actual examples that made it clear that it’s a big concern for her, so I’ll award a !delta accordingly.
I was at a talk that featured her in 2018 and someone asked her if she considered running. Her answer was that people dedicate their whole lives to governance and service and that she's got to see close up what that's like and how complicated it can be. She said she doesn't have the experience needed to do a good job and while she's glad people like her and is flattered at the question, because of those reasons she'll never run.
I found it refreshing for her to remind us that while it seems like a popularity contest to win an election you need yo understand how to govern if you want to do more than just that.
Wisconsin does not allow withdrawal from the ballot for any reason besides death.
In Nevada, no changes can be made to the ballot after 5 p.m. on the fourth Friday in July of an election year or 'a nominee dies or is adjudicated insane or mentally incompetent.'
If Biden were to withdraw less than 60 days before the election Georgia his name will remain on the ballot but no votes will be counted.
In Texas, the two party's nominees have until the 74th day before the election to withdraw from the ballot. Some states, like South Carolina, do not allow candidates to withdraw for political reasons.
Edit: meant July not June
This is curious to me, can you elaborate? What kinda of laws could be broken here? Any in swing states?
Sorry, how does this make sense when the Democrat primary hasn't actually finished yet?
No - that’s not what the person is referencing.
The 70/30 is the reference is the Nate Silver’s 538 model which gave Hilary a 70% chance of winning in 2016. It’s based on polling, specifically in swing states where the margin was all like 50.5 / 49.5 (actually like 48/47 due to high 3rd party turnout) and used the margin of error as a way to determine the probability of each candidate securing enough electoral votes to win.
Everyone dunked on Nate for being “wrong” when he was by far and away the only one who was remotely close to correct.
>So OP shouldn’t necessarily want their view changed, but rather to spur conversation around it.
That goes against this sub's rules
Polling was not wrong about Trump. Polling is not predictive. It has a margin of error and polls can have flaws. Pollsters themselves can have flaws with methodology.
Talking heads were wrong about Trump's chances, not the polls. Polls are just data.
Pollsters on the aggregate gave Trump ~30% chance to win in 2016. That's a significant chance. People will take those odds. A 70% chance is not a sure thing by a long shot.
Polls have been fairly accurate at the popular vote level, even in 2016.
The 2016 polls projected a 1.6 popular vote advantage for Hillary Clinton.
She lost because the race was much tighter in the swing states (something the polls also predicted) but the inaccuracy was correlated across all of them in favor of Trump.
An 11 point popular vote difference would be an entirely different matter…
Now you could counter by saying we don’t have enough polls to really solidify that data yet, but I’d argue that, going off the polls, betting odds, and data available to us right now, it does look like a stomp for Michelle.
Clarifying question...
From that article (and many other sources):
><Obama> has said repeatedly she does not intend to run for president.
So... what's your point, exactly? Is this a "fantasy football" kind of view?
Furthermore: I see no evidence this was analyzed for the only thing that actually *matters*: how she would perform in swing states (and the electoral college in general). And it does not have statistical strength sufficient in those states to say anything about them.
None of her votes in the nation's largest state of California, for example, matter worth shit. A democrat is going to win there no matter who is running.
Sorry to bomb you but I find this shit interesting. There's one point where Hillary beats Jeb by 12 points: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/poll-gop-presidential-race-wide-open-hillary-clinton-leads-jeb-bush-in-theoretical-matchup/2014/04/29/44c75634-cfb9-11e3-b812-0c92213941f4\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/poll-gop-presidential-race-wide-open-hillary-clinton-leads-jeb-bush-in-theoretical-matchup/2014/04/29/44c75634-cfb9-11e3-b812-0c92213941f4_story.html)
One thing -- and hope to not get you take back the delta -- is that Clinton has been a public figure for a long time and has favorability ratings rise and fall.
But, 2015, the media kept running stories about her favorability/disfavorability so much that it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Check out this in July 2014:
But the headline of "the two most unpopular candidates" was a media creation that self-perpetuated.
By July of 2015, just 1 year later, headlines like this emerge: [https://time.com/3977941/hillary-clinton-poll-trump/](https://time.com/3977941/hillary-clinton-poll-trump/)
The story did begin with the "but her emails" story.
Conservative Republicans have hated Michelle even when Barak was super popular: [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2014/02/10/americans-like-michelle-obama-except-for-conservative-republicans/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2014/02/10/americans-like-michelle-obama-except-for-conservative-republicans/) | 2024-07-03 15:09:36 |
Count Binface, one of the official challengers of the current PM of the United Kingdom in the 2024 elections | 1dv7pil | 8,570 | Title: Count Binface, one of the official challengers of the current PM of the United Kingdom in the 2024 elections
Top Comments:
lord buckethead has a brother?
It’s silly for sure but some of his policies are great.
I'd refuse to have a person who is \*literal\* trash be my PM. That's why I'd vote Count Binface instead of Rishi Sunak.
I like his realistic goal of building at least 1 affordable house.
>the hand dryer in the gents’ urinals at the crown & treaty, uxbridge to be moved to a more sensible position.
Probably the most sensible policy out there, it really needs moving.
Sadly, Lord Buckethead was cancelled due to copyright infringements somewhere, so his equally capable brother Count Binface took over.
Ship that dude to the states.
Count Binface ran for London Mayor recently too. Got more votes than the Far-Right nominee. 💚
He’d have a good shot of winning over there, and even stranger than that he might be the best at the position
Well I don’t know about all that but locking MPs wages to nurses wages would be good to see
Yes some American put to stop to it. Sad twat.
The best part was seeing him storm off stage when the winner was announced shouting about how Sadiq Khan has destroyed London or whatever and he had to walk past a guy with a bin on his head who got more votes than him. Beautiful.
As a Brit, I only wish he was standing in my constituency.
Does he have an American cousin that can run for President across the pond?
Great, if he isn't elected, then it's another 4 years without that affordable house.
Knowing the Barrack *Hussein* Obama nonsense, I don’t think with someone with “bin” in the name stand a chance.
I believe you mean Lord bucket head was killed in the battle for Copyright IX. He was reincarnated as Binface and immediately elevated to gentry
They’re the same person! Apparently lord buckethead is character and he got done for copyright
That would probably be Vermin Supreme.
Edit to add: didn't know he was running as a Democrat this time. Would have wrote him in on my primary.
Did the musician Buckethead put and end to Lord Buckethead? | 2024-07-04 14:03:49 |
Newly Liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court Reinstates Ballot Drop Boxes Ahead of 2024 Elections | 1dvyfbr | 3,011 | Title: Newly Liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court Reinstates Ballot Drop Boxes Ahead of 2024 Elections
Top Comments:
Gotta love seeing the person I voted for having such a drastic and positive influence on things!
Good. No longer being able to just drop off my ballot like I did for *years* when I worked non-standard shifts was complete BS.
I live in MN now and we’ve been having this wild experience where we voted for people to do things and they’ve been doing all the positive things! Crazy, right?! Glad to see the same happening in my home state.
On Wisconsin! Let’s vote for the non felon ,child raping, democracy destroying, orange sicko and send mustache man back to California.
Very specific complete BS meant to try to have fewer votes counted from people like you working non-standard shifts because of a guess that you would vote a certain way.
I should just ban you for telling election lies, but let's hear you out.
How is a drop box cheating when a mailbox is not?
Edit: as expected, no response. We all know that's because the elections were audited over and over absolutely no meaningful fraud happened. The large majority of the fraud that did occur with perpetrated by members of the Republican party.
> Wisconsin’s Republican-controlled Legislature — which also intervened in the lawsuit — averred that drop boxes are not permitted under state law and that the court should let the Teigen decision stand. In the Legislature’s view, overruling Teigen just two years after it was decided would flout the “well-established principles of stare decisis” — a legal doctrine stipulating that courts should adhere to precedent.
> In line with the GOP Legislature’s arguments, the dissenting opinion — penned by conservative Justice Rebecca Grassl Bradley — maintained that the majority decision “tramples the doctrine of stare decisis” given that “[n]othing relevant has changed since this court decided Teigen two years ago.” Grassl Bradley, who was joined in dissent by the court’s two other conservative justices, accused the majority of trying to “advance its political agenda.”
How convenient to cling to *stare decisis* when it suits you and easily discard it when it doesn't.
I'm not a Wisconsinite.
Love seeing the person I donated money to for having such a drastic and positive influence on things.
On, Wisconsin!
Weird how you can never prove this cheating despite being so confident in your claims.
Now how will the red chodes try to f it up
Bro that bleach you injected during covid is showing
Do you mean like when Kimberly Zapata requested military absentee ballots and then sent them to Republican state Rep. Janel Brandtjen, who was promoting false theories about election fraud? Because I’d think you, as a veteran, would be upset at the Wisco GOP at falsifying votes and using military members as the avenue for that fraud. That’s what you meant by cheating, right?
Cool, another one. While I should just ban you outright for telling election lies, I want to hear you out. Since I'm the only moderator around today, I'm going to go ahead and break the rules and abuse my ⚡ moderation power⚡!
Since you know about all these absentee ballots being printed, I'm sure you have evidence of where the serial numbers are coming from and how they're being entered into the election system.
I look forward to your source. I'll give you, maybe an hour. We don't hear back with some facts I'll just go ahead and ban you for lying and trying to hurt america.
Difficulty: I'm educated on how clerks process and issue absentee ballots and know there is no way to inject fake ballots into drop boxes without being caught. But I just want another comment to refer back to when people whining and cry that I just don't want to hear differing opinions. Bring on your facts or I'll bring on the ban.
Edit: I guess they couldn't do it. Banned.
Thanks you for supporting us in defending the principles and ideals of our democratic system 🙂
Drop boxes?! Whats next, people just leaving their absentee ballots in a mailbox?!
Stupidest fucking take
It’s a great outcome but unfortunately I won’t be utilizing them this time. The Republicans have proven they will do anything and everything they can to fuck things up with our voting systems - including screwing with the USPS, filing bogus lawsuits to sequester ballots from the drop boxes, etc. Don’t get me wrong - I’m comforted by the fact the state Supreme Court is in the right headspace now. But I won’t give the Republicans the opportunity. I’m going in person and will feel satisfied when I watch the ballot run through that scanner myself. Fuck the GOP
Or to drop off your roommates ballot, or your SO, or your grandparents.... EDIT: Which is completely normal for families and households and special care homes.
Let's go!!!
Sir with respect, your views are not valid | 2024-07-05 13:48:05 |
2024 United Kingdom General Election Results | 1dwfo2p | 1,603 | Title: 2024 United Kingdom General Election Results
Top Comments:
Not any sort of expert on British politics, but I am always fascinated how the Liberal Democrats always seem to hang around as a significant third party, particular when it comes to acquiring Parliament seats compared to the other parties outside the 'big two'.
I mean they’ve only just returned to third party status: the SNP was the third party (in parliamentary seat terms) from 2015 to 2024.
But the to answer your main point: the LibDems are _very_ good at concentrating resources where they can win. They don’t do big national campaigns like Labour and the Tories, but they’re very efficient and effective at local campaigns on local issues. They’re also good at selling themselves as “the alternative” to incumbents. People often complain that Labour and the Tories take their votes for granted but I’d wager few would make that complaint against the LibDems.
This must be the first time you can get from Brighton to Berwick without encountering a Tory seat.
They've been rocked by scandal, corruption, incompetence and complacency and have rightfully been punished for it.
Labour have once again managed to become a dominant force in Scotland following the SNP’s collapse.
Additionally, there are parts of the country, particularly in non-urban southern England, where the Labour Party never established a strong foothold. These parts of the country typically don’t have much mining or industry, out of which Labour historically grew, or the dense urban populations that have more recently become the Labour base. Here, the contest has effectively been between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats for generations. In many of these seats, even in this election, the Labour candidates received under 10% of the vote.
If a few hundred people had voted Lib Dem in west Devon instead of Tory you'd have been able to get from Land's End to the Scottish border without passing through a Conservative seat.
They painted themselves as paragons of virtue and competence over recent years, but stories of corruption have come out and shown them to be at the trough like everyone else. The electorate has punished them accordingly.
This was an incredibly lopsided race. The Greens and Reform won basically nothing, and Labour has an outsized majority compared to their vote percentage. Some may like the results (I'm glad Labour is back) but you have to call out the flaws in the first past the post winner take all elections.
I think it’s worth noting that “independent” here is not the name of a political party, but refers to collective single candidates that have stood and won whilst not being part of any political party
This is what happens when you add more than one party to FPTP voting combined with the fact that British elections are about voting for local mps instead of the actual office of prime minister.
The SNP are playing an analogous role to the Tories here - they’re the incumbent government, have been mired in scandals, corruption,internal infighting, and have failed to deal with any of the major issues affecting Scottish voters on a daily basis (healthcare, education, housing etc.). There’s widespread discontent with the party - even amongst independence leaning Scots - and a growing sense that they’ve failed to govern effectively over the last 5 years. The swing from SNP to Labour will contain an element of people voting against the Tories in Westminster - but should also be seen as a vote against the SNP in Scotland (in both Westminster and Holyrood). Whether this plays out in national or local Scottish elections remains to be seen - but an alarming showing from the SNP.
They were a genuinely incompetent party that failed on pretty much every metric but were able to get away with it by blaming the tories and promising more independence referendums
326 is technically needed for a majority but in practice it’s fewer because Sinn Fein doesn’t take their seats and the Speaker doesn’t vote
What happened to the SNP?
I very much agree. Labour has played an absolute blinder under the rules of the game, getting one of the most efficient spreads of the vote we've ever seen, but the fact they were able to do so shows why the system has to change. I'm glad they've back, but no one has any business getting such a big majority on 34% of the vote no matter how cleverly they planned it.
A party which has 12% of votes gets 72 seats when a party with 14% of votes gets 5 seats. All while a party with 33% of votes has a supermajority. Brits are on crack, as always.
It’s not the size, it’s how they use it
But got about 6% of the total vote, so under a proportional system would have about 44 seats.
I believe it's being called at half 10 today, though it looks like the lib Dems will take it as the snp candidate there conceded | 2024-07-06 02:54:54 |
New colour of London after the 2024 general election | 1dwsq6v | 2,834 | Title: New colour of London after the 2024 general election
Top Comments:
Romford electing a tory sex offender who hasn't been in Westminster because of it... what a let down.
Islington North is basically that meme of the smirking cat surrounded by knives.
In my limited experience they are wealthy people who are socially liberal and hence wouldn't vote Conservative or Labour.
Reform split the Tory vote much more than Lib Dems split the Labour vote.
Honestly should be red as well, just a deeper, legally distinct shade
Bermondsey and Old Southwark also elected (and Labour still endorsed as candidate) someone who was previously suspended over upheld complaints of sexual and racial harassment - so much for zero tolerance…
Love to see that nice bit of orange in the bottom left - the Lib Dems actually had a manifesto further left than Labour this year.
That’s about it. Actual respect for human rights helps, too.
Why does south west favour Lib Dem?
Still too much blue on it but I'll settle for that for the next five years.
I’m so happy Corbyn was elected. It’ll be a sad day for politics when he retires
Overall, Labour vote share in London has went up significantly with Jewish voters and constituencies with very safe tory seats. However Labour has significantly lost the muslim vote in some constituencies to pro Palestine independents. In England, Labour lost 4 seats to the pro Palestine Independents.
Wealthier constituencies have turned to Labour with massive swings but it was very close for the conservatives too. Lib Dems did extremely well.
The Corbyn democratic republic standing strong as ever rn.
Chelsea voting labour blows my mind.
Red with a hammer and sickle
Two types of posh/rich people. The "I'm better than the poors and the foreigns" types who vote tory. And then there's the "I'm rich but I have socialist sensibilities" types who vote lib dem because Labour isn't really left wing enough but the greens aren't a viable option.
The SW falls into the latter group. They aren't posh people fed up with tories. Historically they've never really voted for them in the first place.
Just as we should avoid stereotyping all working class people as monolithic in their politic views, we should also recognise that "posh" people aren't a monolith either
Posh people who are fed up with the Tories but won't vote Labour (or think enough other people won't vote Labour). Same as traditional Tory constituencies in Dorset and Somerset that have just gone orange
Majority of unions still fund Labour
Can we return those areas to Kent and Essex? I feel everyone would be happier with the arrangement.
Labour shanked their own candidate and replaced her so she ran against them | 2024-07-06 15:53:22 |
US 2024 election | 1e0x96i | 9,534 | Title: US 2024 election
Top Comments:
Gork/Mork '24
Make America WAAAAGH Again
a traitor or a rotting corpse, GL gringos
Ok so who's Erebus then?
Roger Stone
I vote khorne because rather than getting stabbed in the back by a politician id rather get stabbed in the face
To be fair it you could just have emps for them both. Neither are really giving horus or any Primark energy.
Incorrect. Dorn can actually build effective fortifications.
Can we not get American politics here?
As much as I love this meme, I super agree. Wrong dystopia.
Careful what you ask for
corpse please
Like Erebus he is covered in runes.
Kidding, I did meet him at a party once, he does have Nixon’s face tattooed on his back.
“We need to build a wall”
Trump is Dorn
Joe would have to be Lion because of old age.
Same, at least khorne as the decency to spit on our faces
Better to be a servant to a corpse than a slave to the carrions
After careful consideration, and looking at >![REDACTED]!<, I have come to the conclusion that I shall blithely continue wishing. Because either my wish will come true. Or the overtonian window of acceptable discourse will include the truth about civil unrest, and we'll start the arduous process of taxing the rich to repair the society they've destroyed.
Both are acceptable to me.
That's just an insult to Horus, he is so much better written than the bad Bond style villain Trump is.
Who’ll be Sanguinius?
I feel like that would be Jimmy Carter. Except Carter is still alive. | 2024-07-11 19:23:13 |
Trump allies at Heritage declare 2024 election illegitimate in advance | 1e1gf3t | 21,623 | Title: Trump allies at Heritage declare 2024 election illegitimate in advance
Top Comments:
If its already illegitimate, Biden should just cancel
Elections and stay in power. Isn’t that what the Supreme Court just gave him the powers to do?
Massive sarcasm.
It is a shame we never actually enforce our domestic terrorism laws when there are clear and present threats to our democracy as a whole.
No, because they will decide it’s not official for democrats
Still voting for old, predictable, reliable Biden.
So don’t bother voting, Republicans.
As an American, if Biden is still the nominee come August, you have an obligation to vote for him even if he’s been clinically dead since last week. Sincerely, Sweden.
What do dictators usually do when people disagree with them?
But, but the system!
It’s still astonishing to me that the Biden administration didn’t take all this seriously in early 2021. Trump attempted a coup, and there were no consequences for him or his top allies. They all should’ve been charged with sedition and treason and tossed into a military prison in January 2021.
It’s no fucking shock that the wannabe fascists doubled down and went for it again—especially when the DoJ added in the late criminal charges and gave Trump the option of accepting jail or running for president again to escape due punishment for his crimes.
They calmly and respectfully disagree, of course
Yeah Trump and his allies will never accept a loss. This might be their final chance to reform America in their image before demographics become completely unmanageable for them.
Prepare accordingly.
America overwhelmingly supports Biden, all these ppl that are questioning him on tv are just trying to be relevant
>It is a shame we never actually enforce our domestic terrorism laws
That is because we still effectively have **no federal law criminalizing domestic terrorism or applying penalties for it** (and only 32 states have terrorism laws of varying strength). There are laws against threatening people, there are laws against murder, there are laws against blowing up buildings, there are laws against inciting criminal behavior, etc...
But when it comes to engaging in the criminal conspiracy that would be recognized by a rational person as domestic terrorism... Federal law has no criminal penalties.
And you can thank the Republicans for that one too. Because when we strengthened our terrorism laws after 9/11, Republicans killed all language that would have similarly cracked down on domestic terrorism.
A failed coup with no reprecuasions is just a practice for a successful coup.
Worse. They are going to boycott the elections. They have plans to screw over swing states so people cannot vote.
I am afraid that the election day is the first day of the American second civil war.
It’s a forgone conclusion that these scum fuckers will pull this at election time. It’s clear that powerful financial forces are drooling at the chance for another Trump dumpster fire of shit and are doing everything they can to force this piece of human garbage on America. Tough times ahead for all Americans except of course the ultra rich.
As a member of the Marine Corps, obviously never say never, but I don’t see how any sort of coup could be pulled off using the military
You basically never see anyone higher oh in the chain of command higher than your company commander (Captain/O3), you’re platoon commander (0-1 or 0-2) is the highest officer you’re in regular contact with, any access to weapons, ammo, vehicles, and any other gear can only come from the people in charge of it and getting a hold of that equipment when it’s time for an op that’s been prepped for months already is hard enough, let alone immediately with no legitimate reason.
Plus, the generals don’t like trump.
There might be individuals within the military who try to be part of the coup, but they’re not going be able to use any of the things that make the military useful while doing so
shortest civil war ever.... a bunch of inbred magats vs the military
They calmly and respectfully throw them out of a 20 story building.
So they already believe Biden will win. Interesting.
Or are dancing like good little puppets for their billionaire media corp CEOs who desperately want to keep their tax rate criminally low. | 2024-07-12 12:27:42 |
Exclusive: Meta removes Trump account restrictions ahead of 2024 election | 1e1rhki | 22,921 | Title: Exclusive: Meta removes Trump account restrictions ahead of 2024 election
Top Comments:
Note to Self: Continue to *not* have a Facebook account.
Trump Threatens Mark Zuckerberg With Prison In Unhinged Truth Social Rant
More likely they just anticipate more $$$ from all the user engagement new trump posts will generate.
> If Trump were to violate Meta's policies for a minor infraction, such as posting a person's address without permission
Crazy that we live in a world where there's an actual possibility for one of our presidential candidates to do this from an official account.
sophisticated divide fragile toy abundant dinner fanatical deranged governor run
*This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*
It’s engrained into my head that the media was talking for fucking weeks when Obama wore a tan colored suit. A decade later here we are talking about second chances for a president who doxes people
My mind cannot comprehend
Of course he likes him, he's a billionaire who very much enjoys not paying taxes. That's why he was grabbing lunch with Trump before the people booted him out of office.
If you're still unaware of why billionaires regularly court the GOP, you're not living in reality.
Add in Instagram and TikTok
I've read that Meta [relatively] recently stopped promoting right wing conspiracy bullshit on Facebook and that overall engagement and traffic has subsequently plummeted, but I don't know the veracity of those claims.
Edit: I was conflating two related things. Meta allegedly reduced promotion of right wing conspiracy bullshit, and so the traffic to the regular bunch of right-wing propaganda rags crashed as a result, not traffic to Facebook. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/06/13/facebook-traffic-political-content/
>This history is worth revisiting now because of a report from the Atlantic. Written by Washington Post veteran Paul Farhi, it notes that conservative and right-wing media sites have seen huge drops in traffic.
>“The flow of traffic to Donald Trump’s most loyal digital-media boosters isn’t just slowing, as in the rest of the industry; it’s utterly collapsing,” Farhi writes. Who’s to blame? “The obvious culprit,” he writes, “is Facebook.”
Zuck is just as big of a traitor as Trump is. He’s known about Russians spreading disinformation on Facebook since before 2016.
With Joel Kaplan as head of Global Policy, fuck no, they won't stop promoting right wing nonsense.
Remember that Joel Kaplan was at the Brooks Brothers Riot with Roger Stone, and then help push Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court.
He also exempted right wing blog sites from the news truthfulness standards at Facebook. Allowing Breitbart and Infowars to lie with impunity in the lead up to the 2020 election.
Sounds like the SEC to be honest. HEY STOP THAT MANIPULATION ASAP. Here’s a 500k fee that we’ll pocket while we ignore the billions in gains that they took advantage of
Zuckerberg is going to get paid from engagement and the clicks...doesn't give a shit about anything else
It’s really disgusting how wealthy people will fuck everybody over just to get a little bit more money. It’s a mental illness.
Reddit is all I have like a real loser lol
Fun (?) fact: there’s pictures of Reagan in like the same damned suit twenty years earlier. It was a fucking sham then, and it’s only gotten worse since.
Oh nice, so they wouldn't do it when it mattered, they did it after he attempt a coup, then they're turning it on just in time for him to use it when it it matters again. Thanks, Zuck.
frighten fear plate dolls thumb late plucky shame reminiscent detail
*This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*
and i barely even want to have anything to do with this anymore either. | 2024-07-12 20:20:25 |
Why did the assassination attempt "won" Trump the 2024 elections? | 1e2obyl | 2,298 | Title: Why did the assassination attempt "won" Trump the 2024 elections?
Body: I see everyone saying that the assassination attempt insured Trump's victory but it doesn't really make sense to me.
Most republicans were voting in the 2024 elections anyways and I doubt any centrists got swayed by this assassination attempt.
And this is not the first time something like this happened, not that long ago the Slovakian PM got almost assassinated too and everyone was saying that this insured his victory in the EU elections witch literally didn't happen.
I mean, I just don't see why assassination attempt would do anything for any political figure really.
Top Comments:
Makes for damn good PR
Trump wins if his base is motivated to vote and his opposition’s base is not motivated to vote.
This could motivate trumps base.
That photo with his fist will definitely be in the news for the next month
Historically, assassination attempts boost the odds of political candidates. Everyone loves a victim, and the active opposition rallies their voting base. This is of course a tendency, not a hard rule, as you pointed out.
This could not have been a better outcome for Trump if it had been totally scripted. He has a bad guy, a martyr, and an inspirational photo.
Anyone who thinks this won't get him more votes or that he is not going to milk it for all it's worth is delusional.
It'll be in the history books.
This guy is so polarizing. no one is changing their minds.
Trump lost some of his base with the reversal of Roe v Wade not to mention Project 25. This could get them behind the lie of white christians being under attack and they need to 'retake' the country to keep themselves safe. That's the narrative that I predict will be preached from pulpits and OP Ed pages across the country.
Because his base wasn’t already motivated?
Doesn't matter what the affiliation of the shooter is, even if it was a Maga supporter it would be framed as fake news, and any other affiliation will be used to galvanize the faithful
Feels like it’ll be a meme by the end of the weekend tbh
I already saw one about 10 minutes after it happened saying "Do NOT get your ears pierced at Claire's"
It comes down to the 1-2% who legit could swing either way in voting. Bases are going to vote for base regardless.
I hate Trump with the fire of a billion suns but damn if the image of Trump with blood on his face standing with a fist raised in front of the flag as secret service ushers him away isn't one of the most iconic photos I've ever seen. That image will sway a lot of voters and Biden was already behind given his age related concerns.
Anyone on his side who wasn’t energized will be now. Moderates who didn’t like either of them will feel sympathy towards him.
Edit: I guess best case scenario on the second point (for those of us who don’t support him) is that he leans in to the divisive rhetoric he’s known for and that turns off any moderates on the margins.
Trumps base is going to vote regardless. Basically, every election is hinged on whether or not the left can get enough younger people out to vote, and I don't think Biden is going to bring them in this time .
End of the weekend? It's only been a few hours and the memes are out already
It's going to galvanize his base for sure. People will be all about him.. even more than they already were.. for a while.
This will definitely help him in the near future.. polls will probably swing his way. November is still far off tho so I kinda agree with you that I don't think it's going to be the deciding factor in the election.
Technically yes, but since Trump was shot first, Biden will be labeled as a poser for not being original and he'll lose some street cred for that
To be fair, Trump has always played the weak, whiny victim. | 2024-07-13 23:46:27 |
The Picture that won the 2024 Election - Your Thoughts? | 1e2ocsn | 2,145 | Title: The Picture that won the 2024 Election - Your Thoughts?
Top Comments:
Not a law, but a common PR saying: never let a good tragedy go to waste.
That's a very historic picture. You have to admit that
Law 28: Enter Action with Boldness
It definitely gave Trump more ammo.
50th Law - Chapter 3, Turn shit into sugar.
Edit: Apparently people dont know that 50cent and RG wrote this.
Agreed. I think he was going to win anyway but this cements it.
Hard to say, it will definitely make him a lot more popular, it was a brilliant political move to show bravery there.
But there is still a lot of hate for the man, I say it’s all theoretical on how this will influence the campaign up until they actually count the votes.
Edit: I have noticed many people have assumed I insinuated that Trump was not brave at the moment of the assassination. Rest assured that is not what I’m saying.
Yes, this is how Putin came into power in Russia. He used every tragedy to his advantage.
Anecdotally, he is well liked by so many. My boss is half black, half Dominican. Voting for him. He's admired a lot in the area I live in. He stood up after this assassination attempt, triumphant. Simple things win votes. Don't ever under or over estimate Americans.
Law 6 attract attention at all costs
My unbiased opinion: just look at the goddamn picture! What a power move. I understand that people see things differently here but this should really seal the deal for him.
It gave him at least 1 piece of ammunition, that's for sure
...plus created some along the way...
In my opinion, based on a lot of Asian and Western movies, Trump will win.
Could be an album cover or a nice poster.
I mean the election hasnt occured so we shall see - also discourse was trending that way even by democrat voters due to the two leaders being inept in different ways; but this photo is a triumphant one and one he can use strategically to bolster power
People who abandoned him are definitely going to give him a 2nd look.
He’s probably more determined as ever. No doubt, he gonna raise hell and then some. To all his enemies foreign and domestic.
Im in Atlanta, I heard about this at the gym as a black guy says out loud”they just shot my boy!”
He’s gaining
Not a chance he loses to sleepy joe now
I hate Trump but he is one of, if not THE best modern day example of the 48 laws. After I read the book his entire shtick just made sense to me | 2024-07-13 23:47:33 |
Being a teacher during 2024 election…. | 1e35mu0 | 2,114 | Title: Being a teacher during 2024 election….
Body: Regardless of political affiliation, school demographic, and/or subject/grade you teach, anyone else now dreading the return to school following the event that transpired this week and the impending doom guaranteed to take place over the next month?
Especially with high schoolers that adopt opinions using social media and memes…
Top Comments:
I teach 4th grade and it's not hard to tell most of my students' family's political leanings since the kids often mimic their parents' political opinions in class.
It’s simple. YOU CANNOT SHARE YOUR OPINION TO STUDENTS, that simple. Let them come up with their own conclusions, even if you disagree. I’ve taught through 4 elections. I know this one is different.
Also a 4th grade teacher here and this is SO HARD. The kids know absolutely nothing other than what their parents tell them and man, they are fervent in those beliefs.
I'm implementing a ZERO tolerance policy on religion and politics in my classroom this year. I've already put it in my class "handbook" and welcome letter.
Yeah. Teenagers say dumb things with absurd confidence, which is developmentally appropriate but annoying at the best of times. And this is not the best of times.
Also, the election coincides with my Lord of the Flies unit, which is...a thing. The weeks immediately following the election will be dedicated to Fahrenheit 451, where the supplementary readings deal with AI, algorithms, and social media. Yesterday at brunch, halfway through my second very strong mimosa, I came up with a concept where students have to log their tech use and reflect on 1) how they're training algorithms on what content to feed them and 2) how those algorithms shape their opinions and personal tastes. I still plan to do this, but do I really want to read their tech logs at that time of year? No. No I don't.
1st edit: Now I kind of want to lean into it and do my 451F unit during the election. It's an easy switch, and I can assign the tech log without making it explicitly about politics. Idk.
2nd edit: A lot of people are asking for more details on my unit. Tbh I just came up with this and don't have much yet, but I'm always happy to share materials, so feel free to DM me with questions. I included some of my initial thoughts below:
The readings will probably include excerpts from *Filterworld* by Kyle Chayka (highly recommended!) and some popular articles about social media and AI. Idk what yet, sorry!
The tech log will be a three-week assignment with a different tech focus each week. I'm giving six options, so students only need to choose half of them. The options are search engines, social media, generative AI, auto-complete, music streaming, and video streaming. Each week students will read an article about how that tech works, record their use throughout the week, and complete two additional activities.
For example, one of my activities for the search engine topic is "Do a search for a topic you are interested in or need to research for an assignment. Have two other people do a search for the same topic using the same search engine, but on their own device. Only ONE of these people can be another student. Compare your first page search results—what similarities did you find? What differences? What might account for these results?"
For the generative AI topic, I have "Ask a large language model (LLM) such as ChatGPT to assess your *Much Ado about Nothing* in-class essay according to the rubric. How does its feedback compare to the feedback I gave? What difference, if any, is there in the score? What characteristics of student writing does the AI seem to most value? Who grades harder, the AI or me? Which grade seems fairer and why?"
I teach a class all about 2024 elections. Gonna be chaos
I get your hesitancy but I truly believe that children need to be taught early how to engage in civil discourse about sensitive subjects. I teach 4th as well and start early on with lessons on debate and civility as well as teaching routines for shared discussion. The kids always do really well with it! If we don’t teach them now, when will they learn?
I have had some amazing conversations with trump supporting kids and Biden supporting kids that parents from both sides have messaged thanking me for.
Now the one zero tolerance policy I do have is for political aggression. Any sort of disparaging will result in the student not participating in any more conversations. I also do not share any of my own political beliefs.
I very much remember being on lunch duty in 2016 and a bunch of middle schoolers chanted "build the wall". And admin did not stop it, but instead had the Hispanic students eat lunch in the office for their "safety". I will never ever forget that moment. Ever.
I teach 4th grade as well and I have a student who keeps saying “I’m going to vote for Trump in 2024!” And I’m like “dude, you’re 9. You can’t even vote in 2032!”
I teach 6th and it’s the same way. I have students who wore FJB shirts to school, and I’m just like, regardless of your political beliefs, this shouldn’t be worn to school bc it’s an acronym for A CUSS WORD. Parents be like “free speech”, and I just respond “the dress code states student’s clothing should be free of inappropriate words and images”.
Yup. I may play devils advocates with kids of all opinions, bringing up points to get to them think, but I don't share personal opinions
This! I’m currently a camp counselor with 6-10 year-olds and I feel your pain.
I was so worried about the Hawk Tuah meme not dying. I am hoping people keep it alive now so my 7th grade history class is less serious
If you teach older kids have them take the online quiz at isidewith.com. It ask questions based on the hot topics of the day then takes your answers and tells you what candidate you most align with.
I did this in 2016 and 2020 and some of my students were stunned with their results.
It will make them think.
We'll talk about the trials, to the extent I'm comfortable with it. But like the ones that are in the past, we'll spend a little time on them. The ones that are actively going on - sure, to the extent we have info on it, but these are actively changing, and probably won't complete prior to the class ending / election happening.
The basic questions I want answered are
- why are supporters of Trump or Biden voting for them? How can we understand voters better
- how do elections function, from the hidden primary right up until Jan 20
- what is it that voters are concerned about
So it's not going to be a Trump/Biden biography, and it's not going to be anything that will get me overscrutinized by passionate parents. Candidates will get their time but that misses the point in some ways. The students will vote at some point, so how can they best understand the system for that? or for their parents voting?
yeah. as a gay teacher, one of these sides wants to put me in jail (or worse) for being gay and a teacher. the other side will just keep the current shitshow as the status quo. thank god I teach math so any political stuff is off topic.
Retired middle school teacher here, who occasionally subs. Your two unit plans are absolutely brilliant!!! Can I please sub for you?
You can have opinions like everyone else. It is not appropriate to be passing it on to your students. They are impressionable and you have power over them, so you need to leave them the space to make their own opinions.
My first year of teaching was the 2016 election… it was certainly an interesting time to enter the field. It’s not too complicated though. Don’t share your political opinions, and allow discussion as long as it’s respectful.
I remember teaching during the 2016 election. I remember trying to remain unbiased. My students were almost 100% migrants. They were terrified. I kept telling them the Constitution is the supreme law. Nobody, not even a president, can violate the Constitution. And now here we are. And I’m so afraid for our country.
It’s almost as if the two party system oversimplifies our lives 🤔 | 2024-07-14 15:54:24 |
2024 election result that was revealed to me in a dream | 1e7efa8 | 2,861 | Title: 2024 election result that was revealed to me in a dream
Top Comments:
If this is the EXACT map in November I'll live stream a video of me eating my cats poop
Edit: I love the internet how tf did this get me more upvotes than ever before
RemindMe! 108 days
That reminds me of something
away down south
I don’t know what’s more shocking, Texas turning blue or California turning red
Who’d win this theoretical war?
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In the land of traitors
Alaska and Hawaii went with RFK
Texas really isn't that republican of a state much of the southern part and the cities vote Democrat consistently some think that in a few decades it may be a blue state idk tho
I could totally see blue winning, right?
The cat eats his poop
Rattlesnakes and alligators
Too bad about your colorimetric dyslexia
TBF California on the other hand is also really republican past 100 miles from the coast and in the North.
I think Texas will flip blue long before California will turn red though. Difference is Texas blue cities are for more populated than California's red towns. I don't see either happening in the near future though
RemindMe! 108 days
Right away! (Right away)
Come away! (Come away)
Biden’s going back to his Dixiecrat roots | 2024-07-19 21:03:58 |
Joe Biden drops out of 2024 Election | 1e8s31k | 2,492 | Title: Joe Biden drops out of 2024 Election
Top Comments:
Hasan tweet from 1h ago lmao:
"i am shooting a trailer today for a twitch show so **i most likely wont be live biden you better not drop out yet**"
Yet again getting my breaking news from the h3 subreddit haha
you think i just fell out of a coconut tree?
Jo Jo
Biden probably was going to announce it on Monday, but saw Hasan’s tweet and said “fuck it” hahahahah
I just wanted a peaceful weekend, instead I feel like ab because I cant have shit
Oh shit Fidias is gonna take the states
Do not cum.
It’s so joever
Its for the best tbh. He's too old. Guy needs to just go home, take it easy, & enjoy the time he's got left.
Is coconut tree Kamala running then?
I’m gonna cum.
Joe Biden woke up... and did the right thing
For real! This is also where I learned that trump had been shot
No Jo no mo
Thank you Joe Biden for doing the right thing
with Margot Robbie as his VP
My jaw just smashed thru the floor lmaooo i shouldn’t be surprised but still, joe really got bullied into stepping down 💀💀💀
Come to Mamala (Do not cum)
End of the world party at my house. Bring your own cyanide | 2024-07-21 17:51:17 |
President Joe Biden has officially dropped out of the 2024 Presidential Election | 1e8s56s | 4,877 | Title: President Joe Biden has officially dropped out of the 2024 Presidential Election
Top Comments:
bro dropped before carti
all the ways to find out about this and I found out through a carti subreddit post😭
I found out about trumps assassination attempt and now this via this sub lmao
Praying for gra 6 to drop so people can stop making this joke
Shit we're probably gonna get gta6 before he even drops anything
this sub is basically its own social network
The hood lost a real one 😔✊️
Thanks for the news bro
now its his time to shine
Ain't no way I find about this through carti subreddit
R.I.P. man. You served us well Joe, we’ll miss you!
They cancelled him for that, now he had to do an apology letter
A league of extraordinary individuals
Joe said bi den😂😂😂
coconuts shall rain from the sky. kamala will sweep🥥🌴🌴 | 2024-07-21 17:53:57 |
Biden withdraws from the 2024 elections | 1e8s7a2 | 1,812 | Title: Biden withdraws from the 2024 elections
Body: Update 3:
[Obama not endorsing Kamala Harris:](https://x.com/BarackObama/status/1815110737095721109)
>Joe Biden has been one of America’s most consequential presidents, as well as a dear friend and partner to me. Today, we’ve also been reminded – again – that he’s a patriot of the highest order.
[Full statement.](https://barackobama.medium.com/my-statement-on-president-bidens-announcement-1eb78b3ba3fc)
Update 2:
[Update: Biden endorses Kamala Harris:](https://x.com/JoeBiden/status/1815087772216303933)
>My fellow Democrats, I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.
From his [tweet](https://x.com/JoeBiden/status/1815080881981190320):
July 21, 2024
My Fellow Americans,
Over the past three and a half years, we have made great progress as a Nation.
Today, America has the strongest economy in the world. We've made historic investments in
rebuilding our Nation, in lowering prescription drug costs for seniors, and in expanding
affordable health care to a record number of Americans. We've provided critically needed care
to a n1illion veterans exposed to toxic substances. Passed the first gun safety law in 30 years.
Appointed the first African American woman to the Supreme Court. And passed the most
significant climate legislation in the history of the world. Arr1erica has never been better
positioned to lead than we are today.
I know none of this could have been done without you, the American people. Together, we
overca1ne a once in a century pandemic and the worst economic crisis since the Great
Depression. We've protected and preserved our Democracy. And we've revitalized and
strengthened our alliances around the world.
It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my
intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me
to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my
I will speak to the Nation later this week in more detail about my decision.
For now, let me express my deepest gratitude to all those who have worked so hard to see me
reelected. I want to thank Vice President Kamala Harris for being an extraordinary partner in all
this work. And let me express my heartfelt appreciation to the American people for the faith and
trust you have placed in me.
I believe today what I always have: that there is nothing America can't do - when we do it
together. We just have to remember we are the United States of America.
Top Comments:
Neither did he… 😂
Wow, i never thought he would actually do it.
there was a post about four days ago saying he would make this announcement on Sunday.
We are living in a crazy fucking timeline , that being said this is one of the more sensible things to happen 😂
He probably still doesn’t
Not mentally competent to run.
But competent to remain president.
That's a fine line
I wonder how he's gonna feel when he finds out
>[This](https://x.com/continetti/status/1815086265148076521) will be the first time that America has back-to-back full one-term presidencies of opposite parties in more than 100 years.
I have a feeling the only reason why kamala is nominated is so that the campaign can keep the money. If someone other than who is on the ticket was chosen to run, according to laws that control election campaign finances, the DNC would take the money.
If someone else wanted to run, they’d have to get their own money to do so. They can’t just take over Joe Biden’s campaign. I could be wrong but this is what my amateur research found
I came here for this because I remember that post. Someone link it.
Ok I’ll do it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/yFsb0SgSDJ)
Time to take out stock in Orville Redenbacher, because this is going to get wild!
Same bin where Bernie Sander's votes from the Dem primaries where thrown.
>100%. His party turned on him quickly after the debates.
They probably held the debate early so that they could turn on him. If you mentioned Biden's dementia before the debate, it was seen as an alt-right talking point. Suddenly it's become acceptable - only because the powers that be have deigned to allow it. They put Biden out like a lamb to slaughter.
It's an even playing field. I think the commissioner of the league has done a great job. Both teams have a shot every year, they both pick up great free agents, both sides have great and passionate fans. There's never a clear underdog. We know about team Independent and Green Party, but they're in a developmental league.
I dont know why people are saying anyone but Kamala is going to be on the ticket.
Its going to be her. Shes picking her VP now. It will not be RFK.
Each time he finds out he’s gonna be pissed
That man is a piece of shit
heavy crown ad hoc deserted ten arrest fall automatic nail dependent
*This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*
100%. His party turned on him quickly after the debates. Who y'all got for his replacement? Harris Harris's polling is not any better than Biden was so I don't see her breathing life back into the democratic party. Michelle Obama is making bank away from the hill and shows no interest so it looks like it will have to be an unknown place in the position.
That medical condition excuse worked pretty fast | 2024-07-21 17:56:22 |
Biden’s statement withdrawing from the 2024 election | 1e8s8sf | 4,393 | Title: Biden’s statement withdrawing from the 2024 election
Top Comments:
I'm shocked he actually pulled out.
He'll be equally as shocked when they tell him Monday morning.
Very surprising. But lets take a step back and appreciate that Joe Biden stepped down. I did not dislike him. I really disliked his vision and platform for the country, but he gave it his best as he could and I recognize that. I wish the president an easier and calmer way of life moving forward with less stress. Man served in politics forever and rose to the presidency. Respect.🫡
As much as I dislike him, I wish him the best. The dude was mentally deteriorating at an alarming rate and was forcibly propped up by the Democratic party until they finally realized he was only hindering their chances.
I was just reading denials on the news from the White House like 30m ago. Shocked as well.
r/politics is having a meltdown again lol
Feels like I'm in a real-life House of Cards episode.
He actually dropped out? Wow
Who's going to be his replacement?
The DNC hasn't made their decision public yet.
I respect that he dropped out honestly. Most politicians would never, just keep holding on as long as humanly possible.
They never let “the people” decide lmao
The delegates will do what the elite donors and top dems decide then tell “the people” to fall in line. Something something *saving democracy*…
Same thing they did to Bernie for [2016 election](https://observer.com/2017/08/court-admits-dnc-and-debbie-wasserman-schulz-rigged-primaries-against-sanders/)
I wish him the best. He deserves to spend his final years with his friends and family.
Welp it's Harris vs Trump now.
He just endorsed Harris in another tweet
From what I'm reading they wanted him to pull out.
Nice to hear some decency and respect across party lines. Respect.
This community owes you a great debt of gratitude for that comment. Fantastic.
They also realize Harris can't beat Trump lmao
Not to highjack this thread but man I can’t believe how left leaning Reddit actually is.
Biden is going to be devastated when he learns this news.
This is huge | 2024-07-21 17:58:06 |
Joe Biden has dropped out of the 2024 presidential election | 1e8t3bc | 1,874 | Title: Joe Biden has dropped out of the 2024 presidential election
Body: What will be the greater socioeconomic impacts of this on the world economy and the countries that might be effected second handedly? How will this affect short and long-term investment horizons and what are the implications involving general instability that might be occurring in the United States on a level that is truly unprecedented.
Top Comments:
Every time I think something will happen, the opposite thing happens.
Nobody knows, check back in 6 months :)
Go ahead and drop your prediction so we can inverse it.
Short term I’m going to keep DCAing. Long term I’m going to keep DCAing. Depending on who’s elected this term or next term I’m going to keep DCAing…..do you get it yet?
But the bots need us to discusssss
Very red early in the week. Markets favor predictably, even if it’s bad. Not knowing Biden’s successor is worse for markets than even the worst possible pick.
Long term, really depends who it is.
More money in the hands of the wealthy, less money in the hands of your average joe, record profits, record CEO salaries, stories about booming economy despite your average person being squeezed like gumby.
I think the graphs will go right
Hahaha. "Someone predict the future so I can get rich"
This Trump trade stuff is nonsense. The markets have always performed better under democratic administrations.
Come to think of it. Markets prefer democracy over authoritarian regimes.
Idk man I think if Trump is elected I might DCA and hold for 30 years but if Kamala is elected I might DCA and hold for 30 years instead.
He literally endorsed Harris right after he dropped out. That's the plan.
the stock market will be fine regardless of which party nominee is president.
>what are the implications involving general instability that might be occurring in the United States on a level that is truly unprecedented.
Biden withdrawing from the presidential campaign is not unprecedented, much less truly unprecedented. That's a load of hysterical hyperventilating. Johnson withdrew from the presidential reelection campaign in 1968. Nixon resigned from the presidency during his reelection campaign in 1974. Life went on and the US continued to prosper.
There is no great systematic instability. There is a presidential campaign that is unfolding a bit differently than usual. The Democrats will select a new candidate, one way or another, and there will be a presidential election in November. Life will go on and the US will continue to prosper.
There may, and probably will be, some short term effects on the markets. I have no prediction on those.
More like several years. Economic effects from presidential policy always take a long time to manifest.
Not even a joke, will be a great time to have money.
So, a good time to invest then? lol
[removed] | 2024-07-21 18:32:44 |
Official word ahead of the 2024 US election | 1e912s6 | 3,268 | Title: Official word ahead of the 2024 US election
Top Comments:
presidential election and it’s the same but biden endorses kamala instead so it’s not
plz vote everyone for real!! reproductive rights are in danger, trans rights are in danger, being a brat is in danger!! vote for kamala against trump like a true brat!!
She saw yalls posts on here about Red Scare and Dasha
Kamala followed Charli on Twitter and IG. I wouldn’t be surprised if we get an official fancam at this rate 😭
Votin’ that 💚
This was extremely clever only someone in the midst of a brat summer could pen such a magical message
This coming from a br**i**t means a lot!
Please educate yourself on how that happened.
Bro democracy itself is in danger
I just saw this post
Fascism: “ hi it’s me ur all in danger “
If Kamala's campaign song is The Apple she wins 100% of the popular vote
Eyyy Indians represent!
Because the only other option is Trump which would be a disaster for both american and global politics, and democracy in general
The apple remix with kamala harris and it's coconuts now sorry kim
Everyone already knows that was the Supreme Court, what an absolutely dog shit attempt at forum sliding. You will not be getting your 50 cents for that one.
The gays are too fast. How’d yall do that?? (Asking as a much slower gay) | 2024-07-22 00:31:55 |
Who will YOU vote for? 2024 United States presidential election. | 1e9c6g6 | 1,443 | Title: Who will YOU vote for? 2024 United States presidential election.
Top Comments:
I am voting for Vermin supreme, but shouldn’t Chris Pratt and Tom Cruise be flipped?
Alternatively, Chris Pratt could be a Republican, Bernie Sanders a Democrat and Tom Cruise an Independent backed by Scientology?
Or the "National Scientologist Party" or the Natsci Party for short
Voting for Ryan Gosling
Pratt is an outspoken Christian and Cruise is a Scientologist. Their party affiliations should be flipped.
Ya. But people have been trying to cancel Chirs Pratt for years now because of his church and he has refused to do fund raising for the democrats. While Tom Cruises openly endorses Democrats and has campaign for Democratic candidates.
Vermin is the only correct choice
I don't think 2024 democrat voters would support Scientology
…where are his eye things??
Good idea
Are Scientologists liberal now?
High control group
Messianic mission
If anything, it should be the Cruise/Pratt or Pratt/Cruise GOP ticket.
Not voting vermin supreme is a waste of a vote.
Ryan Reynolds though...
Gosling won the primary for the Ryan party
White supremacists support the right too! Really makes you think…
Chris Pratt is VERY religious and many times has spoken against wokism. He’s not liberal he’s conservative
Christian doesn't automatically mean Republican. Then again, we can consider his father-in-law.
This is it. Chris Pratt is running for president. And some others too. It's a quite a shitshow really.
Hillary Clinton dropped off due to health concerns and Chris Pratt took her spot.
Ted Cruz's ear got infected and he dropped out, so Tom Cruise took his spot.
And the other two they just ran.
This is an unprecedented 4 way split in American election. Who will win? Who will YOU vote for?
I’m not a US citizen so i can’t vote in the US elections,but it would be Vermin Supreme without a second thought | 2024-07-22 11:44:14 |
For the Americans voting in 2024 Election, does Kamala Harris get your vote? Why or why not? | 1e9gkat | 26,556 | Title: For the Americans voting in 2024 Election, does Kamala Harris get your vote? Why or why not?
Top Comments:
Sure, but if you think Reddit will give you a good temperature on America, you are out of your mind
The people you need to hear from aren’t on Reddit.
Alright, so according to Reddit 98% will vote for Harris.
Asking redditors if they will vote blue no matter who...can't imagine how this will turn out
> If Reddit was indicative of America
We’d be on Bernie Sanders 3rd term
Yep, this is the biggest misconception. If Reddit was indicative of America, Biden would never have dropped out, because he’d be winning in a landslide.
So given that…it’s kind of funny that the question is would you vote for Kamala. Of course the overwhelming majority here is going to say yes. She was Biden’s VP. If someone was going to vote Trump, they’re not going to change their mind now that Harris is the nominee. If anything, she’s less popular amongst the right. Reddit is an echo chamber
The Democratic candidate is just as irrelevant today as it was last week.
The 2024 presidential election has boiled down to "yes Trump" or "no Trump".
I don’t think there is a good place at all to ask. Here will have you thinking the whole world is going to vote for blue, while in Twitter will have you thinking that the whole world will vote for red.
This is what messed me up in 2016. We’re in an echo chamber on Reddit. I was so damn sure Hilary would win because of the comments on Reddit.
I voted for every GOP presidential candidate from Reagan to Romney. But I will crawl a mile on broken glass to vote against Trump. It doesn't matter who is running against him.
Anyone who even slightly criticizes Kamala is now getting downvoted to hell.
Those exact same complaints two days ago would've been upvoted.
Reddit is a horrible place to have nuanced discussions.
You're essentially asking reddit if they're voting for Trump. Nobody is going to give you a different answer here because they'll be down voted to hell.
This is hands down the most problematic thing about Reddit. Massive echo chamber and this applies to lots of different things, not just politics.
Edit: ask me about the time I was banned from r/mommit for saying pit bulls should be banned on a post a mom made about her child being attacked by a pitbull. Did not break one sub rule. Banned for having a dissenting opinion and saying something a mod didn’t care for.
You’re on Reddit, you already know the answers you’re going to get
There really isn’t. The people you want to hear from are the moderate swing voters who don’t spend all day on social media and vote based off news highlights once every 4 years. The liberals on Reddit are gonna vote blue and the conservatives on Twitter are gonna vote red. Nothing has changed with those two demographics based off Biden dropping out. Looking at Reddit today, liberals on here seem to actually think something has changed and that Kamala is gonna bring in more votes than Biden would have. It’s so weird how Reddit gets swayed so easily by the news cycle.
Yep. What matters in America are about ~6 states.
- Pennsylvania
- Wisconsin,
- Arizona
- Nevada
- Michigan
Maybe Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Minnesota as well.
I'm in Chicago, my vote is largely going to be unimportant. Kamala will likely win Illinois comfortably. A conservative in Texas is largely unimportant. And liberal in California/NY is largely unimportant.
Still vote but those votes aren't going to decide the presidency.
It'll be ~250k people across the states I listed above.
Our voting system is straight up idiotic.
Yes, because I know that her cabinet will be competent. Trump is gonna pick people like Marjorie Taylor green. We don't need 4 years of that.
President Bernie Sanders would have taken the reigns from President Ron Paul.
Because somehow, Reddit was 1000% behind those two polar opposites.
I used to vote Republican back in the old days. However there's no way in hell I'd vote for Trump ever. | 2024-07-22 15:05:42 |
Ohio state Sen. George Lang (R) said at a Trump-Vance 2024 rally on Monday in Middletown that he’s “afraid” a civil war might be necessary if Republicans lose the election: " if we come down to a civil war, I’m glad we got people like … Bikers for Trump on our side.” | 1e9ng73 | 2,642 | Title: Ohio state Sen. George Lang (R) said at a Trump-Vance 2024 rally on Monday in Middletown that he’s “afraid” a civil war might be necessary if Republicans lose the election: " if we come down to a civil war, I’m glad we got people like … Bikers for Trump on our side.”
Top Comments:
These people are champing at the bit to murder Democrats
It’s so much worse than that, but yes.
Old guy thinks other old guys (but with motorcycles) are prepared for armed conflict against the United States Military.
These guys weren't able to beat back diabetes, but they are ready for war.
You know what can beat *Bikers for Trump*? Cars. Trucks. Semis. Virtually any vehicle with at least 4 wheels. I know this because I’ve played plenty of Grand Theft Auto.
Sen Lang said, “I love white supremacy” and like how is he still having a job?
The problem for them is they don't know who is on their side or not. We don't put flags up or hats on our heads
Still funny that the Cons think only they have guns.
Not just Democrats. Anyone who is against their autocracy in general. I think they will be in for a shock when they see how many people that don't identify as Democrat will fight against MAGA.
I live in rural KY and fly a rainbow flag.... I'm their target. *shrugs*
Lang just admitted that he would violate his oath of office for partisan goals. Censure him.
Also of interest: George Lang was indicted for perjury when he claimed that, when he [participated in the Dynus corruption scandal](https://www.forbes.com/sites/walterpavlo/2018/06/21/a-signature-and-political-backstabbing-put-an-ohio-county-auditor-in-prison-for-two-years/), he didn't understand what he was doing, despite being the company's Financial President at the time. He wasn't convicted, though I'm not clear on why.
Gravy Seals
Amen to that. Not a democrat, but vote for them by default to stop fascism at all costs
> Vance is slated to travel to Virginia later on Monday to hold a second event in Radford.
What has Vance done for Ohio other than ignore a burning train? The rest of his time is going to be spent campaigning for an ex-president that delivered on nothing he promised other than tax cuts for the rich and terrible supreme court justices that Ohio voters have needed to overturn their decisions.
Bikers for Trump?
You know how easy it is to take out some overweight boomer bikers?
These are the same people that wouldn’t take a drive through Cincinnati in the evening without an official escort.
If they want to keep pushing this whole civil war thing, I’m going to make a lot of money when I start printing my “Nobody is afraid of anyone from Middletown” bumper stickers.
So basically republicans are saying “if the majority of voters will not side with us we will take power by force” doesn’t sound very democratic to me. Vote blue or we’re screwed!
Don't let them know about r/liberalgunowners
I live in rural upstate NY and fly a rainbow flag. If one kid sees it and thinks “hey those people support me” in this sea of red I feel I’ve done at least something. In the end it just feels like the right thing to do when that community comes under constant attack for just existing.
You need to move up to Cincinnati, I've got your back | 2024-07-22 19:46:09 |
Republican apologizes for threatening civil war if Trump loses 2024 election | 1eajima | 7,087 | Title: Republican apologizes for threatening civil war if Trump loses 2024 election
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When Trump says "[The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/president-trump-shares-video-of-supporter-saying-the-only-good-democrat-is-a-dead-democrat/)", this is what he means.
When Trump [makes plans to deport 15-20 million people](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/01/politics/trump-immigration-what-matters/index.html), this is what he means.
When Trump [makes plans to shoot migrants in the legs](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/01/us/politics/trump-border-wars.html), this is what he means.
When a Trump campaign video [references a booming economy due to a "Unified Reich"](https://apnews.com/article/trump-election-2024-rhetoric-germany-antisemitism-31002afb91b642c0314223d19e51f427), this is what he means.
He means that he wants to lead his supporters in killing everybody who disagrees with him. They don't actually have any more boundaries than their leader does. They don't actually have any deeper plan, just the killing.
As dumb as he looks.
Apology rejected.
In my field, if I made statements like that in public with my name attached, I would soon find myself unemployed and on watch lists for the rest of my life. Why should this asshole get a free pass?
That's because purging the enemy is a tried and true lazy dictator's way of dealing with an opposing viewpoint. Mussolini did it, Hitler did it, Stalin did it, All the Chinese communist leaders did/do it, Putin and the CCCP ilk did and still does it. It's easier to overwrite history when there's no one left to call you out on your version of it.
That’s the list of leaders Trump idolizes.
Why’s the dude so yellow?
A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin.
He's actually got on MAKE-UP!! WHOEVER does his make-up, see the blush, use a yellow color to blend and match, and wipe out gray or red spots. Whoever didnt know what they were doing
Now that Biden is gone, they all realized that they’re thoroughly screwed against Kamala and now they’re all trying to pretend that they were moderates all along, lmao
*South Park bp meme* ... "Sorry.."
Too late! You belong to the internet now...
I thought he had jaundice.
He's only sorry he got called out on it.
> The unifying theme behind reactionary movements is a desire for a sort of restorative authoritarianism, for a strong man to come in and forcibly put everything back ‘where it belongs’. There is a sympathetic nugget in the anxiety that the world has gotten too complex - that things are spinning out of control... But the Q analysis of the problem is that the fault lies with the people outlining the complexity.
> The purpose of cosmologies like Q and Flat Earth is to simplify the world. The Qanon map of global politics is almost pure nonsense, but the shape of it isn’t. If you were to map out the political landscape of the world, it would look a lot like thousands of political entities, big and small, all with their own goals, values and incentives navigating an equally complex series of conflicts, alliances and rivalries in competition for power, fame or limited resources. Qanon takes all this, the chaos of millions of individuals trying to reshape the world and turns it into a single entity.
> All the world’s complexities, all the chaos, it’s all the fault of one group. Not an ideology, not a worldview, not historical inertia, not anything so nebulous as the way we think about the world. A single, tangible, identifiable group with a written agenda.
> These types of conspiratorial beliefs, for all their complex cosmologies, exist in opposition to structural challenges and a lot of people get involved because they resent structural criticism. Structural criticism poses that we are the way we are because of complicated forces, some intentional and many unintentional, that have compounded and morphed over generations. There’s no plan, no template and no goal. The world won’t just magically morph into a better place as a function of its existence. We are responsible for confronting the past, fixing the present and shaping the future.
> Qanon and other reactionaries want to believe that things are the way they are because someone has deliberately crafted it to be that way. That there is a natural order to the world and we need to just trust ‘the plan’. Climate scientists, queer activists, women’s rights, reproductive autonomy, racial justice. protests against police brutality... All of these are interlocking systemic issues. These are, inarguably, disruptions of the status quo - confrontations of deep-rooted complexities that intersect the lives and futures of billions of people. And it’s that disruption, not the underlying injustices, that make Qanon anxious, that make Qanon feel like the world has gotten too complex. They don’t want those complexities to exist, and by talking about them you make them exist.
> It’s a form of magical thought. Talking about police brutality wills police brutality into existence. A disruption of the status quo is seen as a disruption of the natural order. The problem they see is that no one has made ‘those people’ shut up. That is what they want - someone to come in and make ‘those people’ shut up and go away, and put things back ‘where they belong’.
> This is the lifeblood of all reactionary movements, and they are of course in conflict with facts. Global warming, for example, is real and an existential threat to civilization, that’s just a fact. It wasn’t willed into existence by people talking about it, it isn’t overtuned leftists looking for patterns in clouds - it is the byproduct of dumping carbion dioxide into the atmosphere for 200 years. And there is a temptation to engage on that level and confront all the material ways in which they are just wrong... And it largely does not work.
> All reactionary movements are in tension with reality, a tension that eventually results in a psychological crisis, and belief systems like Qanon are the endpoint of that crisis - the point where reality itself becomes an enemy. Because ultimately it’s not about facts, it’s about power. Qanons are not otherwise empty vessels who believe one whacky thing, they have an agenda. Qanon, what it accepts and what it believes, is driven by the outcomes it justifies. The reason they aren’t more bothered by Q constantly getting things wrong or the extreme inconsistencies and outright contradictions by the claims that are just materially wrong is because it gives them power over others who are bound by something as weak and flimsy as reality.
> They claim to be against corruption while hanging their hopes on an openly corrupt man - and that naked hypocrisy is the point. They will effortlessly carve out an exception because it makes them exceptional. They engage in wild hypocrisy as an act of domination, adhering to something demonstrably untrue out of spite - because they believe that power belongs to those with the greatest will to take it... And what greater sign of will than the ability to override truth?
> Their will is a hammer that they are using to beat reality itself into a shape of their choosing. A simple world where reality is exactly what it looks like through their eyes, devoid of complexity, devoid of change, where they are right and their enemies are silent.
> They are trying to build a flat earth.
- Dan Olson
How long do you think that doughy fuck would last if things got rough?
$+R+W= Unaccountable.
Nope. He is only sorry he said it outloud and it went viral. When Republicans tell you who they are, believe it!
Now burn the confederate flag and I might believe you
Not really just in your field. Pretty much ANY field outside politics. Imagine walking into a board meeting and suggesting that if sales drop, we have to start shooting at the rival's customers. These people are out of their collective mind and their bubble is self-validating.
He could probably get a whopping 150 people to back him. Save the country from what or whom? | 2024-07-23 21:22:35 |
Will you (or did you) leave the US if the 2024 election doesn't go your way? | 1ebweqn | 968 | Title: Will you (or did you) leave the US if the 2024 election doesn't go your way?
Body: I'm a New York Times reporter working on a story about Americans who have left or are planning to leave the US because of the country's politics. Are you making concrete plans to leave the US if the candidate you support loses the 2024 election? Or are you already living abroad partly because of the politics back home? I'd love to hear stories from people of all different political leanings who have taken steps to be able to live outside the US (or are already doing it.) My DMs are open. -Ronda Kaysen
Top Comments:
The same NYT who has called for Biden to drop out but didn't cover trump's name being all over the Epstein documents?
You guys want trump to win, he keeps journalists in business.
> Depends if you have to means to leave.
This is the main crux of this sub. You ain't going anywhere unless you have money. Sure, we all get really irritated, myself included, about the USAs politics and lifestyle but if you ain't got money, a very in demand job, speak more than one language, or a foreign spouse..... you better buckle up because those dream lands you fantasize about do not want you.
Do you remember when the New York Times called for Biden to step down over a hundred times but gave Trump a pass after the debate?
A media outlet complicit in helping Project 2025 so the owner can have tax cuts is just as bad and arguably more damaging than a political party planning to cancel democracy.
Both are good reasons to leave the US.
Here's the fucking quote to start your article. Print that on the front page.
Why should anyone trust NYT when they are biased in Trump's favor?
I left the US for Mexico in 2019 on a whim (yeah, that was dumb), but because of Trump's first term in combination with the global pandemic, I realized how vulnerable I was with just one passport. People keep saying that the US passport is strong enough to bypass a lot of these sort of issues, but never did I ever think I'd have to check for live updates on Twitter on which border crossings were closing in July 2019 as I rushed back to Mexico with my newly-bought used car.
But in reality, I left the US because I didn't feel that the country had the will to do what it takes to make life better for everyone. It feels very much like a "got mine, fuck you" culture. I got a Master's in Healthcare Administration to better understand why it's so hard to implement universal healthcare, and the more I learned about the policies, Medicare, and Medicaid, the more I realized that it's designed to prevent universal healthcare. That was when I decided to leave and try my luck elsewhere.
Mexico was meant as a leaping pad for me to figure out where in the world I wanted to settle down. I ended up staying here for 5 years, got married to my wife, and we're now packing up to move to Europe for long-term. I'm fortunate to have obtain two additional passports (thanks WWII!) and I have emotional attachments to my grandmother's culture and homelands, so I'll be trying my luck in Poland. I plan to involved in activism and politics there to the extent possible and ensure that it keeps moving in the right direction so that future generations don't feel compelled to leave and find hope elsewhere.
I left the U.S. three years ago, and the ridiculous political climate was indeed one reason. And it should be noted that while I despise what the GOP has become, I have serious issues with the Democrats as well.
Another group I have serious problems with is the news media: you desperately want a lot of drama from the election to get more views and clicks, possibly because the public was getting tired of the constant Taylor Swift coverage. I don’t miss the NYT, Fox News, CNN, etc. in the least
Get bent, you guys are a huge part of the reason we are here.
I have absolutely been looking at where I can qualify for a visa, cost of living, political stability, and other characteristics of countries. But, like many commenters here, I blame the NYT in part for the rise of Trump through your unhinged, biased, clicks-at-all-costs coverage.
Agree. I used to think NYT was a bastion of truth. Some of the headlines lately are absolute garbage. Im solidly in your target customer segment and will never subscribe now. A publication really can’t re-earn trust once it’s lit on fire.
Based af. You just know that whatever article that comes out of this is just gonna be another clicks-at-all-costs article too. FML
There's a reason I no longer consider the NYT an unbiased, reputable news source.
Moved permanently to Switzerland after the 2020 election completely for political reasons. Everyone said it was an overreaction, everyone says they’ll leave, the same that’s happening now. Some people really have had enough and decided to leave, myself included.
Why don’t you cover Trump’s appearance in the Epstein files. Become a credible 4th estate by reporting on the actions of big actors.
I have a pretty comfy paying career in the US and even I cant confidently say I have the means to move once I start a family (like in 1-2 years).
Moving is expensive in general, but immigration has all the legal and bureaucratic costs added on top of the costly international moves. I think most people are financially quite naive how expensive it can be, especially if they want to maintain more or less of a similar quality of life in their target country
Big picture, yes I am happier here. Switzerland has its problems that no one will show on their insta of the trip to interlaken, but J6 really knocked something loose for me and I couldn’t look past it anymore.
A small part of me that will always remain American will always be bitter at my countrymen for trying to ruin such a beautiful and diverse country.
The list of countries you want to move to is an accurate reflection of your personal opinion about your future in your country.
So if someone draws parallels between current USA and of early years of Nazism in Germany (and some do) then it is logical for that person to wish to move to almost any country. (Just like people who were fleeing Nazis were not very picky about their destination).
People who are less pessimistic about their hypothetical future in USA are more choosy about places they consider moving to.
In another worlds: tell us list of countries you want to move to and we can see how bad you think US will become.
( this is only applicable to migration for political and economical reasons).
We are a family replete with advanced degrees, but I'm an only child with parents approaching their nineties. That's the only reason to stay in a fascist 2nd Trump term; to safeguard them.
Otherwise we'd be gone, with all our assets - human and financial - with us.
After Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, approximately 363,000 people fled Germany between that year and 1939. This included Jews, political opponents, intellectuals, and others who were persecuted under the Nazi regime.
Good and decent people walking away from funding hate isn't anything new.
The NYT hasn't been an authentic broker since Curveball and the ultimatum given to Chris Hedges. Maybe you can at least seek to be a "paper of record" on the record of Trumpism.
It is hate made manifest. With a 2nd term we will have given over republic to fascist authoritarianism and abandoned the idea of America.
What do you think Project 2025 is the beginning of?
JFC... | 2024-07-25 14:33:54 |
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