Who we are 44 45 3M 2020 Sustainability Report #improvinglives Introduction
Sustainability has long been at the heart of 3M, and we’re always trying to do more. In 2019, we took measures that will lead into a decade of action. This is the story of how we are doing it — setting aggressive goals, requiring Sustainability to be built into every new 3M product, and using science to change the world and make it more sustainable for future generations. And we aren’t doing it alone.
We understand that the impact we can make as we improve our business, our planet, and every life can be far greater when we join forces with our customers, communities, and partners.
Impacting the world for the greater good.
This is the continued story of our purpose: #improvinglives.
Imagine a world where every life is improved.
At 3M, we look at Sustainability in terms of shared global needs. To have a sustainable future, many challenges must be addressed, including limited natural resources, lack of access to education and health care, inadequate food supplies, rapid urbanization, stressed water systems, and a global climate crisis. Even though the solutions aren’t always clear, we are ready to take them on. From our highly collaborative work environment to our community of scientists and 51 core Technology Platforms, we have the resources and the desire to make a real difference in the world.
Who we are 46 47 3M 2020 Sustainability Report #improvinglives Introduction
The power of 3M comes from the way we connect our strengths to our customers.
These fundamental strengths — technology, manufacturing, global capabilities, and brand — are the core of 3M.
3M’s Value Model requires an intense focus on Sustainability. It is at the heart of our innovation. We grow our business by collaborating to help solve some of humanity’s greatest challenges.
Our Values bind us together and are shared across all regions of the globe. These collective ideals exemplify how all employees should act to drive growth, development, reputation, and impact with every action.
3M Value Model.
Our commitment.
Our Value Model makes us unique among companies and differentiates us in the marketplace. This Value Model links our Vision, our fundamental strengths, the priorities we’re driving, and our Values as a company.
Our Vision 3M’s corporate Vision inspires and motivates us. It’s our North Star, guiding our work every day: 3M Technology Advancing Every Company 3M Products Enhancing Every Home 3M Innovation Improving Every Life.
Our Vision is about how we use our technology, our products, and our innovation to improve every company, every home, and every life — for each of our customers, every day. Our Vision is aspirational and drives us as we look to the future, and it serves as a daily reminder of what the 3M Brand stands for.
Our Values.
Our Values come to life through the dedicated efforts of our employees who aim to “Be 3M” — by being inclusive, respectful, encouraging, and by being champions of diversity and Sustainability.
How do we become the most inclusive enterprise we can be? By attracting top talent around the world. This leads to a much more diverse 3M, a stronger 3M, a more creative 3M, a higher-performing 3M.
We believe in supporting each individual by respecting, encouraging, and challenging everyone in the company to be their best. It’s embedded in our company Values, and it takes a strong, inclusive culture to make it happen. With unequivocal support, 3M employees can succeed in their individual careers, as part of a team, and as part of the entire enterprise.
3M’s Value Model requires an intense focus on Sustainability. It is at the heart of our innovation.
Manufacturing Technology Global Capabilities Brand.
Portfolio Transformation Innovation People and Culture 48 49 3M 2020 Sustainability Report #improvinglives Who we are 3M Value Model
Our Strategic Sustainability Framework.
Our Vision and our Values drive and inform our approach to Sustainability through our Strategic Sustainability Framework, which guides business decisions and strategy where we can make the greatest impact.
Advancing Sustainability for 3M is a priority. It’s not just for 3M; it’s for all of our stakeholders.
We have set a clear commitment and an ambitious, long-term strategy that will leverage our passion for science. We believe this is what makes us uniquely capable to deliver on our purpose. Our intent is to use a sciencebased approach to tackle challenges most material to 3M and critical to our planet and the people living on it. Building on our global capabilities and diverse technologies, we are focusing on three priority areas:
Create a more positive world through science and inspire people to join us.
By 2050, the world population is expected to surpass nine billion people. Science is more important than ever to help our growing population live well. We need scientific solutions to global challenges like climate change, accessible health care, interconnectivity, and safe workplaces — and technical skills are increasingly required for all types of jobs.
3M’s 2019 State of Science Index (a survey of 14,000 people across 14 countries) concludes that attitudes about science are complex. Yet around the world, people are curious and agree that science needs champions to deliver on its potential for future generations.
At 3M, we recognize the importance of science and use it every day to improve the lives of people in our communities and around the world. We know that in order to solve global challenges we need new technologies, creative scientists, and evidencebased policies and decisions to drive impactful change. We also recognize the importance of well-trained science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduates and the critical need for a diverse workforce with advanced manufacturing and vocational skills. We believe in the power of science, sharing our expertise, and investing in the bright minds of tomorrow. Together we will lead and design a sustainable future for all.
For more information, see the Communities section.
Design solutions that do more with less material, advancing a global circular economy.
Our current global economy’s linear business model of “take, make, and waste” is depleting natural resources faster than they can be replenished and straining ecosystems. Imagine repurposing a piece of plastic at the end of its use, giving it another life as something else. Its use is, in fact, circular, and the end of use doesn’t mean the end of life.
A circular economy does more with less, keeps products and materials in use, designs out waste and pollution, and regenerates natural systems. At the core is an opportunity to develop technologies and business models that are restorative and regenerative by design. At 3M, we see the circular economy as an opportunity to inspire leadership, innovation, and disruptive change, all driving impact for a sustainable future.
For more information, see the Circular materials section.
Innovate to decarbonize industry, accelerate global climate solutions and improve our environmental footprint.
There is no question that climate change is the greatest challenge we face as a global community. Its impacts are widespread, and its risks are not limited by continent, industry, or even species.
At 3M, we support the global consensus set forth in the 2015 Paris Agreement, and we are incorporating the 2018 findings of the Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change into our goals, operations, and actions. The global climate crisis impacts business, our communities, and our families. We believe that by working together, we can drive the systemic change needed. We recognize the work to be done and are inspired by the opportunity to chart our collective path forward.
For more information, see the Climate and energy section.
Science for Circular.
Science for Climate.
Science for Community.
Advancing Sustainability for 3M is a priority. It’s not just for 3M; it’s for all of our stakeholders.
Who we are 50 51 3M 2020 Sustainability Report #improvinglives 3M Value Model
Our actions.
We are a science-based company with many stakeholders: customers, consumers, investors, government agencies, industry organizations, subject-matter experts, academia, non-government organizations (NGOs), and other corporations.
When it comes to strategic planning, partnerships, environmental and social goal setting, and reporting, we seek and rely on both internal and external input in order to understand the top social, economic, and environmental global challenges.
Stakeholder engagement 3M’s stakeholder engagement strategy on priority focus areas continues to evolve. We continually look to our stakeholders to help us increase understanding, broaden our awareness, seek technical input and expertise, and evaluate possible collaborations and strategic partnerships. We rely on their counsel and expertise to help guide us. We believe stakeholder engagement should be based on candid and authentic dialogue — grounded in the company’s Values — and should contribute to the evolution of our strategic priorities.
Stakeholder engagement varies greatly by geography, type, and function. For example, we frequently engage 3M employees globally through Sustainability communications and events with diverse content based on our materiality topics.
The feedback from this assessment was incorporated into our consideration for our Strategic Sustainability Framework, goals, and actions as we continue to evolve and advance our company purpose. Moving forward, we will continue a consistent rhythm to produce a comprehensive third-party focus area (materiality) assessment.
Data provided in this report includes information on issues that were found through this assessment to have the highest potential to impact our reputation and that are of great importance to internal and external stakeholders. Because we are a diversified company, several other environment-related topics and performance indicators relevant to various sectors of the company are also included in the report. 3M’s executive-level Innovation Steering Committee reviews, approves, and assures material topics are covered in our Sustainability Report. In addition, effective November 2019, the 3M Science, Technology, and Sustainability Committee of the Board of Directors will annually review the company’s Sustainability Report.
All material aspects defined within this report are deemed material for all entities within the 3M organization. The prioritization for the different aspects may vary within 3M operations and geographies, but they are still material.
Past, present, and future focus areas.
From our 2018 assessment, the top focus areas for stakeholders center around climate change, waste from operations, fresh-water shortages, energy use, human rights, and the reduction of toxic substances. Most of these focus areas were perceived to have increased in importance since 2016, along with scarcity of raw materials, water quality, social equality, and ethical business practices.
Materiality assessment.
In 2014, 2016, and 2018, 3M commissioned GlobeScan, an independent research consultancy, to assist us in better understanding our stakeholders’ perspectives on key issues and assessing our corporate reputation and leadership opportunities.
Through an in-depth interview process conducted for the 2018 assessment, stakeholders shared their short-term (0 to 1 year), medium-term (1 to 5 years), and long-term (10-plus years) expectations for 3M. As part of the process, they revisited top focus areas identified in 2016 compared with current areas.
Stakeholders included in the comparative assessment consisted of academia, consultants, customers, governmental/regulatory agencies, group purchasing organizations, NGOs, trade unions, 3M retirees, and non-3M private-sector businesses. At the same time, 3M conducted a similar process through an internal online employee survey. Following completion of the interviews, GlobeScan analyzed insights and inputs from the stakeholders to develop our evidence-based focus area matrix.
From this matrix, 3M and the readers of this report can understand stakeholder expectations and the degree of importance they place on each issue, the ability of 3M to make a positive difference on the issue, and the level of impact an issue may have on our reputation.
More than ever, we need science. The resilience of our planet, our people, and our economy depends on it.
Responding to natural disasters.
Workplace diversity.
Food safety.
Treatment of workers.
Air quality.
Scarcity of raw materials.
Improving access to education.
Engagement with citizens on sustainable behavior.
Human health.
Advocating laws supporting Sustainability.
Ethical business.
Human rights.
Reducing toxic substances.
Water shortages.
Reducing waste from operations.
Availability of sustainable products and services.
Climate change.
Community health & safety/ development.
Water quality.
Energy use.
Impact on 3M reputation.
Importance to stakeholders.
Impact on 3M reputation.
Indicates a higher priority on 2018 versus the 2016 assessment 2019 focus areas* *Based on 2018 focus area assessment.