Allentown's $272 million downtown revitalization project is still a work in progress, but it has created a rift between the city and the Allentown School District, which is concerned about the project's impact on its finances. A meeting later this month may clear up some of the confusion. School officials have asked city administrators to explain how the taxing rules in the state's one-of-a kind Neighborhood Improvement Zone will affect the district's budget, which is 21/2 times larger than the city's and is projected to have a $6.6 million deficit by 2014-15. It was set up after some school directors publicly criticized Mayor Ed Pawlowski, alleging he has ignored the district while touting the project to business leaders and suburban communities. "I've never seen him in a school board meeting to talk about that," Director David Zimmerman said Friday. That was a day after the school board Finance Committee in a 5-3 vote defeated a motion to rebuke the city administration for allegedly not providing NIZ-related financial information. The vote came after Zimmerman complained how he, as chairman of the board Finance Committee, was forced to fill out a Right to Know request about current and future real estate taxes in the zone. The committee's public vote caught the city administration off guard. "There is no concealment of any information," Pawlowski spokesman Mike Moore said in an email. City officials have presented the NIZ plans at public meetings for anyone to attend, said Moore. The mayor also had met in the past with former board President Jeff Glazier and Vice President Julie Ambrose to talk about the NIZ. Pawlowski also meets monthly with the superintendent, he said. The school district never asked for a formal presentation until last week, Moore said. On Wednesday, he said, the district requested a NIZ-related meeting with Sara Hailstone, Allentown Community and Economic Development director. The meeting will be held Nov. 29 and involve Zimmerman, Superintendent Russ Mayo and other board members and district staff. "This is the first such request from the district," Moore said. School board President Robert E. Smith Jr. said on Friday Mayo asked for the meeting after Zimmerman raised concerns over the zone's impact to the district's budget in an Oct. 27 opinion piece in The Morning Call. On Thursday, Director Debra Lamb, who voted against the rebuke, said she did not understand why the city would deny Zimmerman's "reasonable request for information. I'm having trouble understanding why the city would be providing roadblocks." What board members have seen as roadblocks may simply be confusion over how the NIZ works and is funded under a unique law written by state Sen. Pate Browne, R-Lehigh. To set up the NIZ, the city had to create the Allentown Neighborhood Improvement Zone Development Authority to buy properties and sell bonds. Zimmerman sent his Right to Know request to the city, not the authority, records show. The city directed him to send his request to the authority, and Moore said Zimmerman sent it as a citizen, not as a representative of the school board. The board also wasn't clear on how the project is being funded. When the law was originally written, it allowed all local and state taxes, except real estate taxes, generated in the zone to be used to help fund new development. While real estate taxes are not included in the funding mix, the three taxing bodies did lose real estate tax revenue when the authority purchased 34 properties through eminent domain in early 2011. On Friday, Mayo said the city has not told the district what properties came off the tax rolls. The district also does not know how the NIZ will affect the real estate taxes of other properties that were added to the zone when it was expanded, Mayo said. A Morning Call analysis of county tax records shows that the 34 properties had a total assessment of $2.9 million 2010. The district would have gotten $134,000 in real estate taxes in the 2010-11 school year. The city would have gotten about $88,694 in real estate taxes and Lehigh County, $34,973, in 2011, records show. Pawlowski has steadfastly said the 127-acre arena property will generate millions more in real estate revenue for the school district and attract thousands of jobs downtown. The eight-story office building that will be leased by a Lehigh Valley Hospital sports medicine center and the 180-room hotel, both owned by City Center Investment, will be paying real estate taxes. The 11-story Two City Center being built across the street also will generate real estate taxes. Those projects are expected to cost $150 million to build. The assessed value of the new properties will not be known until they are completed, said Francis "Buddy" Unger, county real estate director. The general criteria that goes into an assessment of a commercial property is construction cost, size, use, and income appraisal, which takes into account fair-market rent "for whatever is occurring there," Unger said. In addition, there are at least a few properties in the NIZ that were not on the school district tax rolls because they were previously in a Keystone Opportunity Zone in which they were given a 10-year reprieve from paying real estate taxes. When those property owners agreed to go into the NIZ, they also agreed to give up the KOZ tax benefits. Among those properties is the 12-story Americus Hotel, which beginning next year will have to pay $23,000 a year in property taxes, most of which will be going to the school district. "We are going to set up a meeting," Smith said, "and get down to the bottom of this."
Instead of metal and ceramic hip replacements, patients receive an implant made from a plastic material that stimulates new bone growth, and then gradually degrades. The result would be a new hip made of bone. Scientists at Edinburgh and Southampton universities have created the artificial bone material, which has a honeycomb structure and acts as a scaffold for stem cells. The results of their study, published in the journal Advanced Functional Materials, was funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council. The stem cells attach themselves to the artificial material, and are then transformed into bone cells. "We would like to start human trials, but we have to get regulatory approval, which takes time and is expensive. It will probably be five years until we start them," Professor Bradley at Edinburgh University told the Daily Telegraph. Richard Oreffo, professor of musculoskeletal science at Southampton University, who also conducted research into the study, said: "If you have a hip replacement, and you have to have it revised after 10 or 15 years, you need bone stock to keep it from rattling around," he said. According to the National Osteoporosis Society, there are about 300,000 fragility fractures in the UK every year, while some 14,000 people die due to hip fractures. Hip replacements are not confined to the elderly or those with osteoporosis. Significant numbers have hips replaced at a relatively young age. They then need second replacements as the original prosthetics wear out. Problems have arisen recently with some types of 'metal-on-metal' (MoM) implants, which are meant to last longer. The concern is that as the hip replacements wear down, metal particles can be released from the artificial hip. These react with the soft tissue (such as muscle and ligaments) surrounding the joint and enter the bloodstream. In 2010, the UK regulator, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) issued a product recall for DePuy ASR, a brand of MoM artificial hip. Channel 4 News reported that around 30,000 people in Britain have received MoM hip replacements. The new artificial bone can also be used for mending broken bones as well as better hip replacements. Professor Bradley added: "We are confident that this material could soon be helping to improve the quality of life for patients with severe bone injuries, and will help maintain the health of an ageing population." To contact the editor, e-mail: Most Popular Slideshows - Jackie Chan Dead 2013: Where is the Chinese Actor Amid Resurfaced Fake Death Reports? [PHOTOS]
FCC is in-home child care provided by an adult family member occupying government quarters. FCC in homes-off-post (HOP's) is also available on the East, Northeast and West sides of El Paso. FCC is dedicated to the improvement of home child care and continuously strives to meet the changing needs of the Fort Bliss community. The priority of FCC is to ensure a safe and healthy environment for children participating in the program. FCC hopes to enhance the quality of life for all community members by offering developmental care through initial provider certification and consistent, on-going, in-service training in all areas of child development. Potential providers may attend an Informational Briefing which is held every Thursday at 11:00 at Building 3503 Story Road in Lower Logan Housing Area. No reservations are required. FCC providers are adults who have expressed the desire to care for children and to be certified by Fort Bliss Child Development Services through the Family Child Care Office. The training required to be a provider consists of classes in Army Regulation 608-10, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's), Child Growth and Development, Child Guidance, Safety, Fire Prevention, Food Safety, Menu Planning, Daily Activities, Administering Medication, Childhood Diseases, Contracts, Business Practices, Child Abuse Prevention, Working with Parents, Observing at the Day Care Center, Observing at an FCC Home, Infant Care, Learning Centers, First Aid and CPR. A developmental home environment allows the individual child to develop at his/her own rate and provides experiences and opportunities to explore, manipulate and discover, thereby developing those skills needed for independent learning. The FCC office is responsible for ensuring that all FCC providers meet all requirements outlined in Army Regulation 608-10 and Fort Bliss SOP's. The staff provides training classes, workshops, and provider newsletters. Providers may qualify for a Child Development Association Credential (CDA) or a Nation Family Child Care Accreditation (NAFCC) after special training and demonstration of competency. For FCC, parents must first register each child through Parent Central (PC) located at 1743 Victory Avenue. The PC staff will assign each parent a password to view every provider via www.armyfcc.com. Parents may choose a provider and schedule a family interview. The FCC team consists of an FCC Director, Training and Curriculum Specialist (TACS), USDA Representative, FCC Program Associate and an Administrative Assistant. Monthly visits to each FCC home ensure required program standards are attained and maintained. Fort Bliss Child, Youth and School Services will participate in the USDA Summer Food Service Program June 10 through August 23. Meals will be provided to all children without charge and are the same for all children regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability, and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service. Meals will be provided at the sites and times as follows: - Bliss SAC, located at 2012 Sheridan Road on West Fort Bliss, will serve breakfast from 7:30-8:30 a.m. and lunch from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. - Main CDC, located at 1730 Haan Road on West Fort Bliss, will serve breakfast from 7:30-8:30 a.m. and lunch from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. - The YouthPlex, located at 195 Chaffee Road on West Fort Bliss, will serve lunch from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. and snack from 3-4 p.m. Monday through Friday. - Milam CDC, located at 11896 Haan Road on East Fort Bliss, will serve breakfast from 7:30-8:30 a.m. and lunch from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. - Replica CDC, located at 5036 Sheridan Road on West Fort Bliss, will serve breakfast from 7:30-8:30 a.m. and lunch from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Summer Food Service Program will also be implemented during Vaction Bible School from July 15-19. Lunch will be served from 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at 449 Pershing Road on West Fort Bliss. In accordance with federal law and USDA policy, meals are the same for all children regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability, and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-0410 or call (800) 795-3272 or (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
We have added a new functionality to your Store Building Dashboard called "Merge Category". Before we explain how to merge categories together let us explain the uses and benefits of this function first. Merge categories allows you to group upto 5 categories together into one main category. The benefit of this is to allow you to display similar products from multiple merchants into one main category. You have a store selling Halloween posters and you have 4 categories in that store. Your store categories are: - Halloween Posters from Zazzle - Halloween Posters from Amazon - Halloween Posters from AllPosters - Halloween Pumpkins from Amazon Now instead of listing 3 different poster categories on your store and confusing your visitors, you wish to merge all the Halloween poster categories into one category. So you decide to take Halloween Posters from Zazzle as the main category and then merge posters from Amazon and AllPosters into that main category. You merge the categories together and now you have one category called "Halloween Posters from Zazzle" that will now display all the products from the all the 3 merged categories. The other 2 merged categories will then not be displayed on your store navigation menu but will still be available in your backoffice category list for you to manage. How To Merge Product Categories: - Login to your member section - Select the store you want to work with - Click on the "Products and Categories" link under the Settings menu - Select the Category you want to merge and then click on "edit" - On this page locate the "Merge with Category" option and select the category you want this category to merge with - Click on OK to save. Your Category is now merged with the category you selected. This category will now display all the products in the main category and the link will disappear from your main store site. You can also to choose to un-merge your categories anytime by following the above steps and selecting "Do not Merge" option in the category list under the "Merge with Category" option.
Stowe Real Estate, Time to Invest? August 29, 2011 Leave a comment Is it time to invest in Stowe real estate? There are many opinions floating around that are insinuating that now is indeed the time to exit the stock market and invest in real estate. Real estate professionals and investors are seeing the volatility of the stock market as an ideal time to invest in Stowe real estate, and real estate across the nation. One such opinion comes from Jack Cotton, a former Star Power “Star”, who believes that the recent economic downgrade can actually be seen as a real estate upgrade. Marcia and John Biondolillo, of BCK Real Estate and Stowe Realty, are current “Stars” with Star Power, a group that represents some of the top realtors in the nation and extends cutting edge education to its members. Cotton believes that now is the time to invest in luxury real estate, and there are some fantastic Stowe properties that are currently on the market. In addition, a recent article from Smart Money, “Forget the Market. Buy a House”, suggests that now is a great time to buy a home or a vacation home. Mortgage rates are low, real estate is bumping along the bottom, and investing in Stowe real estate has perks that stocks just don’t, like tax write-offs and the opportunity to collect rental income. Please contact us today to learn more about the Stowe real estate market, there are many opportunities in our unique area. An experienced Stowe REALTOR® can be invaluable, providing access to all Stowe properties that are currently listed and offering a wealth of information on the Central Vermont area. Click here to read “Forget the Market. Buy a House”, from Smart Money. Contact us today to learn more about buying and selling Stowe real estate. Click here for a search of the Stowe MLS and have free access to all Stowe Ski Homes that are currently listed for sale. John Biondolillo and his wife Marcia know Stowe real estate. AS the president of BCK Real Estate and Stowe Realty, John is dedicated to all aspects of buying and selling Central Vermont real estate. Marcia is the CFO of the group and knows the business end of Central Vermont real estate inside and out.
October 8, 2009 | 5 FAJARDO, Puerto Rico—I first heard about Matt Hedman’s talk while going out to dinner on Tuesday night. Best talk of the meeting, I was told. Everywhere I went yesterday, I kept hearing about this guy Matt Hedman. A former professor of mine chided me for missing his presentation. The problem with the Division for Planetary Sciences meeting is that you have to make hard choices about which of many parallel sessions to go to, and clearly I’d made the wrong choice on Tuesday afternoon. Fortunately, I caught up with Hedman today and learned what is causing all the fuss. Hedman, a Cornell University researcher, and his team have discovered a very curious feature in the rings of Saturn. Although it has gotten much less attention than Saturn’s newly discovered ring, it may well be more significant. In mid-August, Saturn passed through its equinox and sunlight shone directly along the rings, so that even the most subtle vertical structure cast long shadows. Images from the Cassini spacecraft revealed that the planet’s C ring has a gentle corrugation that extends across tens of thousands of kilometers. (Saturn has seven main rings, named A to G in order of discovery.) The ripples are barely 100 meters high and recur with a wavelength varying from 30 kilometers toward the planet to 80 kilometers farther out. The pattern appears to be an extension of a corrugation that scientists first noticed in Saturn’s D ring back in 2005. What’s more, the pattern seems to be evolving with time, its wavelength steadily diminishing. Extrapolating back in time, it must have been set in motion 25 years ago. It looks like the ring—the whole ring—was abruptly yanked out of Saturn’s equatorial plane. Pulled out of the plane, ring particles began to bob up and down, creating the corrugation; the giant planet’s oblong shape tugged on the pattern, causing it to evolve. But what could possibly do that to a ring? A passing moon could scarcely cause such a vast disruption, Hedman says. Instead, he suggests that it wasn’t the ring that shifted, but Saturn’s equatorial plane. A tilt of a thousandth of a degree would suffice. "It’s a little shift, but it affected the structure of the rings in a pretty profound way," Hedman says. In other words, the entire planet Saturn suddenly lurched in the mid-1980s. A change in the planet’s spin axis is out of the question. Saturn is, in effect, a gyroscope with a radius of 60,000 kilometers and the mass of 95 Earths. It isn’t going to tilt over with anything short of an apocalyptic event. What must have happened instead is that mass shifted within the planet, reorienting the effective gravitational equator. But how? "It’s not obvious how to shift Saturn’s internal gravitational distribution fast enough to do this," Hedman says. Saturn modelers have clearly got their work cut out for them. Corrugations in Saturn’s C and D rings, as seen by the Cassini spacecraft, courtesy of NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute
Nothing official about it, but Larissa Riquelme did remind one of a campaign that Pepsi had run way back in 1996. It further established Pepsi as a major cola brand and later, went on to be hailed as one of the most successful ambush marketing strategies ever. Coca-Cola had bagged the official sponsorship rights for the 1996 cricket World Cup in India, but it was Pepsi which grabbed the attention with their brilliant catchline. In the football World Cup this year, Paraguay played some of their best football, but it was this 25-year-old lingerie model from Asunción who hogged the limelight. Now that the World Cup is over, it is time to count the positives. Off the field, Larissa will rank quite high up. With a million-watt smile, daring dress sense and a cellphone seductively tucked away, Larissa was much more than the most famous Paraguayan fan. She was perhaps the one everyone was looking forward to, every time Paraguay took to the field. The lady had got much more than she had bargained for, just like Pepsi had done 14 years ago with its 'Nothing Official About It' tagline. There was nothing official about the way Larissa rooted for Paraguay, who went on to make their first-ever World Cup quarterfinals. Nothing official, either, the way her cellphone grabbed the eyeballs. It was meant to be that way, although no one had informed the organisers about it. Ambush marketing is defined as a campaign that happens around a major event, without the organisers of the campaign paying anything for it. Nokia and Axe might have paid Larissa a 'princely' sum to have their brand/product displayed prominently, but that must have been pittance to what they would have had to pay, had they bought any kind of sponsorship rights. The bigger marketing success was Larissa herself, who ensured that she would become a much more sellable model than she already was, just by appearing in her country's colours during the World Cup. She has the looks and the attitude; she just needed a platform to advertise them. She got that during the World Cup, and may be much more. The Larissa show was more of an innovative marketing than the ambush type and it will surely lead to many more such appearances in major events. Larissa is counted among the most successful models in Paraguay, but then like all ambitious professionals, she surely wanted to spread her wings beyond the borders of her country, whose agriculture-based economy would never have provided her with the kind of contracts that she has ensured for herself now. Don't be surprised if Larissa soon starts hitting the TV screens in Germany, England and Italy. An emerging market like India too might be interested in this bubbly lady who knows how to carry herself. 'Larissa who' is now 'Larissa WOW'. The model had also promised to run with only body paint (Paraguayan colours) if her country won the world Cup. Paraguay lost in the quarterfinals, but Larissa kept the essential part of her promise. She did not run, but just posed for a publication, without the body-paint. There was perhaps a message in that too; that she is game for really bold campaigns. For the leading brands, the lady might well be a case of 'yeh hi hai right choice baby'. After all, she might soon have the consumers saying: 'yeh dil maange more'. Networkingitimes | Dating & Chat | Email
Here at Campus Archaeology we collect a lot of nails. They come in varying sizes and shapes, and can be found across the historic campus. Often nails found from the 19th century are coated with rust after years of sitting in the ground. This can make it difficult to determine their shape or construction. Regardless of how bad they are, we collect them all. One of the questions we get is whether we can actually learn anything from a nail. Production of nails has varied throughout time, and changed drastically with industrialization. By looking at the shape of the nail and the way is was made we can determine the time period it is from. During the 1700′s and early 1800′s in the United States hand-wrought nails were the most common. These were made one at a time by blacksmiths. A square iron rod would be heated, and the end shaped into a point on four sides. The rod was then reheated and the end was cut off. In order to create the head, the blacksmith would insert the nail into a hole in the anvil and flatten the top using glancing blows. Beginning in the 1790′s through the early 1800′s a number of machines were invented in the US for making cut nails. The earliest machine cut nails in a guillotine fashion, the taper formed by wiggling the bar back and forth. The head was added by hand, using a hammer and glancing blows to create it like the iron wrought nails. These are referred to as Cut Nail Type A. In the 1810′s, a new machine was invented that automated the entire process. The machine flipped the bar after each cut in order to ensure even sides. The cutter was set to create a taper, rather than requiring human intervention. Finally, the machine gripped the cut nail and created a head. The entire production became a single automated process. These are referred to as Cut Nail Type B. Distinguishing these types of nails requires knowledge of the process of construction. Type A have diagonal burrs due to the wiggling required to create the taper, whereas Type B is even on all sides since the metal was flipped on each stroke. The Type B nails are the most popular form throughout the 19th century. During the 1880′s, machines were developed to produce nails from inexpensive steel wire. This is the first time that nails begin to have the round shafts that we are more accustomed to seeing. The wire is fed into a machine that cuts it lengthwise, tapers the point and hammers the opposite end to create a head in one stage. Unlike previous machines requiring human aid or multiple steps, this is a single stage. These steel wire nails can be made much faster and cheaper. By 1886, 10% of all nails were round bodied steel wire, and by 1913 90% of all nails are this type. The question then is so what? Why do we care about nails? Since we can date nails so well they are helpful in determining the age of sites that we find. If we discover a site with only Type A cut nails we know that it was likely an early farmstead dating before the university period. Type B cut nails tell us that it was probably one of the early campus buildings prior to the turn of the 20th century. It is also relevant because we know that students were in charge of constructing and maintaining the first campus buildings. Knowing what students worked with helps us better understand what it was like to be part of the early campus. Try working with square cut nails and you will quickly see that this task isn’t easy! Allen. All About Nails. Appalachian Blacksmith Association. http://www.appaltree.net/aba/nails.htm Glasgow Steel Mill. History of Nail Making. http://www.glasgowsteelnail.com/nailmaking.htm
========================================================================== I/290 Pulkovo catalogue of 58483 stars (Pul-3) (Khrutskaya+, 2004) The following files can be converted to FITS (extension .fit .fgz or .fiZ) pul3.dat centers.dat ========================================================================== drwxr-xr-x 279 cats archive 4096 Jun 11 11:50 [Up] drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 4096 Jun 16 10:56 [TAR file] -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 328 Apr 5 2004 .message -r--r--r-- 1 cats archive 9712 May 4 2007 ReadMe -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 1925 Sep 19 2007 +footg5.gif -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 9087 Mar 5 2008 +footg8.gif -r--r--r-- 1 cats archive 12264 Nov 6 2003 centers.dat [txt] [txt.gz] [fits] [fits.gz] [html] -r--r--r-- 1 cats archive 1850452 Nov 6 2003 pul3.dat.gz [txt] [txt.gz] [fits] [fits.gz] [html] Beginning of ReadMe : I/290 Pulkovo catalogue of 58483 stars (Pul-3) (Khrutskaya+, 2004) ================================================================================ Pul-3: A catalogue of positions and proper motions of 58483 stars on the ICRS system at the Pulkovo plates with galaxies. Khrutskaya E.V.,Khovritchev M.Yu., Bronnikova N.M. <Izv. Glav. Astron. Obs., 216, 336-348 (2002)> The Pul-3 catalogue of 58483 stars on the Tycho-2 system. Khrutskaya E.V., Khovritchev M.Yu., Bronnikova N.M. <Astron. Astrophys., 418, 357-362 (2004)> =2002IzPul.216..336K =2004A&A...418..357K ================================================================================ ADC_Keywords: Photographic catalog; Stars, faint; Positional data; Proper motions Description: A catalogue of positions and proper motions of 58483 stars (Pul-3) has been constructed at the Pulkovo observatory. The Pul-3 is based on the results of measurements of the photographic plates ((x,y)-data) with galaxies (Deutsch's plan). The observations were made with Pulkovo Normal Astrograph (F=3467mm, D=330mm) during the periods from 1935 till 1960 (the first epoch) and from 1969 till 1986 (the second epoch). The radius of working field was 50 arcmin for all plates. The exposure times were 1 hour. All plates were taken near the meridian. The measurements of the plates were made at the Pulkovo observatory in 1970-s and in 1980-s with ASCORECORD measuring machine. Photographic magnitudes of these stars have been determined at the Pulkovo observatory. The Pulkovo plates contain stars mainly 12-16.5 magnitudes in 146 field in declination zone from -5 to +85 degrees. The maximal density of stars in the Pulkovo plates is 500 stars per square degree. The Tycho-2 catalogue (Cat. I/259) has been used as a reference catalogue for astrometric reductions of the photographic plates. The great stars density of the Tycho-2 provides 40-65 reference stars in working field of the Pulkovo plates. Only approximate equatorial coordinates of the optical centers of all plates had been known in initial stage of construction of the Pul-3 catalogue and thus recalculation of ones has been done. A six-parameter plate model has been used for the astrometric reduction of the plates. The residuals of the tangential coordinates of reference stars have been analysed to investigate residual systematic errors. The coma parameters have been determined and coma-dependent systematic errors have been excluded. The magnitude-dependent systematic errors and color-dependent ones were investigated. The most significant corrections for magnitude equation have been obtained for stars brighter than 9 magnitude and fainter than 14 magnitude. The most significant color corrections have been obtained in equatorial zone for declinations of stars. The corrected coordinates of all stars have been determined. On the whole, recalculation of the plates optical centers and taking into account of all revealed systematic errors provide improvement of the accuracy of coordinates of stars on 64mas and 51mas for right ascension and declination correspondingly. The new proper motions have been determined for all stars. The mean position has been calculated at the mean epoch of observations of each star using it proper motion. The mean epoch of the Pul-3 is 1963.25. The internal positional accuracy of the Pul-3 catalogue at the mean epoch of observations is 80mas. The internal accuracy of the proper motions is 5mas/yr. Comparisons of the Pul-3 with Tycho-2 and ARIHIP have been done. The Pul-3 external positional accuracy relative to Tycho-2 is 150mas at the mean epoch of the Pulovo plates. The Pul-3 catalogue successfully represents the Tycho-2 system for more than 50000 stars which are fainter than 12 magnitude in 146 fields. The stars from the Pul-3 catalogue may be used as reference stars for reductions of the positional CCD-observations of the extragalactic radio sources and small bodies of the Solar system. The 40-years difference between Pul-3 observational epoch and modern epoch will allow to determine high precision proper motions of the faint stars of the Pul-3 catalogue (about 2mas/yr-3mas/yr). Proper motions of stars from Pul-3 catalogue may be used for stellar kinematics investigations. There are two data files for user's convenience: - the file pul3.dat represents the Pul-3 catalogue; - the file centers.dat contains the equatorial coordinates of centers of the Pulkovo fields (RA, DE).
1511 First of January, the age of the Lord,one thousand five hundred and eleven years. O Conchobair Failgi, Cathair son of Conn son of Calbach, a joyous universal patron to the scholars and ollavs of Ireland and the leader of the bravery and valour and constant warfare of Western Europe, was killed by some of his own relatives, namely the posterity of Tadc O Conchobair and the sons of Sean Ballach O Conchobair, hard by Monasteroris. Dubthach son of Dubthach O Duibgennain, a rich prosperous gentleman full of wisdom and liberality, died this year. O Neill, that is Art son of Aed O Neill, led an army into Tir Conaill, burnt Glenfinn and all this side of the Swilly and exacted hostages from O Dochurtaig. Cenel Feradaig was plundered by Magnus O Domnaill this year. Mac Donnchada of Tirerrill, Sean son of Tadc son of Brian, lamp of the bravery and prowess of Clann Mailruanaid and universal patron to scholars and men of art, died in his own stronghold at Ballindoon, having been not quite a year in possession of his lordship; and Fergal son of Tadc son of Brian, eligible prince of Tirerrill, was killed the same year by the sons of Ruaidri Mac Diarmata. The Bishop of the two Brefnes died this year, Tomas son of Aindriu Mac Bradaig.
Except for assessments against responsible persons under section 3734.908 of the Revised Code, no assessment of the fee imposed by sections 3734.90 to 3734.9014 of the Revised Code shall be made by the tax commissioner more than four years after the date on which the return for the period assessed was due or was filed, whichever date is later. This section does not bar an assessment when any of the following occur: (A) The person assessed failed to file a return required by section 3734.904 of the Revised Code; (B) The person assessed knowingly filed a false or fraudulent return; (C) The person assessed and the tax commissioner have waived in writing the time limitation. Effective Date: 10-29-1993
It’s new paper season here at Complementary Slackness! Today’s offering is all about two conditions on when a maximally entangled state can (approximately) be recovered from a given bipartite state, using only local operations at one end. Why is this interesting, you ask? Because this operation is essentially the final step in an entanglement distillation or quantum communication procedure, so knowing when it can be done is the first step in designing such protocols. It’s best to begin with the end in mind, as they say. The two conditions are based on the idea of breaking quantum information down into two classical pieces, such that these pieces successfully reassembled into the quantum whole. Recall the original approach to quantum error correction in which quantum errors are digitized, in particular into amplitude and phase errors. Each of these errors is effectively classical, and correcting both restores the original quantum information. It turns out, though, that this is a suboptimal way to handle quantum errors. So here we shift the focus away from making the quantum errors classical to dealing with classical information inherent in the bipartite quantum state itself. The states we’re after, maximally entangled states, have the property that, given one system, we can predict either of two complementary measurements made on the other. This is clear just by writing down the maximally entangled state, for two qubits A and B say: . A and B are perfectly correlated in both the and bases, so measurement in either of these bases always produces correlated outcomes. The bases are complementary because given a state prepared in one basis, measuring it in the other produces a completely random outcome. Thus, the entangled state has the advertised property: to predict the outcome of measuring A in a given basis, just perform the same measurement on B, and this will work for either complementary basis. Furthermore, this property actually defines the state . The first condition just generalizes this, in several ways. First, we don’t demand that the prediction be perfect, and in exchange we’re willing to accept a good approximation to the state . This is important for designing quantum communication protocols, as the amount of approximate entanglement a channel can produce is generally higher than the amount of perfect entanglement it can produce. Second, we don’t require the prediction measurements on B to have the same form as the measurement on A; any measurements which can predict the outcomes for either basis will do. This means the state spaces of A and B can be quite different. Lastly, and most importantly, we only require that one of the measurements, say the basis be predictable from B; the other measurement need only be predictable using B plus a sort of copy of A in the basis. This might sound like cheating, but it stems to the fact that the entanglement recovery operation just performs the two prediction measurements in sequence. Since the first one is good at predicting the measurement, this information is available to predict the outcome of measuring in the other basis. And it’s useful if there are correlations between the two. This condition was implicitly used here to construct protocols for entanglement distillation which operate at the optimal rate (though you wouldn’t have guessed this from the title), so this approach successfully avoids the pitfalls encountered by error digitization. And it can be used to perform quantum communication over noisy channels, at least if there’s an extra classical channel available: Just use the channel to distribute bipartite states, distill entanglement, and then teleport the quantum information you actually want to send using the classical channel and the entanglement. The nice thing about this approach is that the necessary recovery operation (or decoder) is actually constructed, rather than just shown to exist, which might be an advantage in exploring more efficient schemes. Ok, you might be thinking that this isn’t really constructive, since you have to supply (construct) the two prediction measurements. But these are involved in a classical task and it is presumably easier to divide the full quantum problem into two classical pieces. The second condition is sort of the inverse of the first — the two outcomes of the two measurements on A should be completely unpredictable to someone with access to the purification of A and B, i.e. a system R such that ABR is a pure state. Actually, a caveat similar to the last point above applies here, so that one of the measurments should be unpredictable even if given R and knowledge of the other measurement outcome. This is a sort of decomposition of the often-used decoupling approach into two classical pieces. I plan to say a bit more about that in a future post, but the point is that entanglement is recoverable from A and B if A is uncorrelated with R, i.e. the joint quantum state just factors into independent states for each system. Here we’re saying essentially the same thing using classical information instead. Ultimately this condition comes from the first by using the duality explored in a previous paper, discussed here. This approach isn’t constructive, but it’s aesthetically pleasing to see that it holds as well.
Click Here for the Official Sweepstakes Rules Click Here for the Sweepstakes' Home Page Note: If the sweepstakes entry link doesn't work for you, try entering through the home page and looking for a link to the sweepstakes. Runner-Up Prizes (4): A check for $1,000. (ARV: $1,000) Semi-Finalist Prizes (25 - 5 per category): A gift basket with Eagle Brand products and baking supplies. (ARV: $25) - Cookie Bar, or Five recipes from each category will be selected to be semi-finalists on the basis of likely taste, originality, creativity, ease of preparation and appearance. The recipes will then be prepared and judged on the basis of taste (1-55 points), originality (1 - 45 points), creativity (1 - 40 points), appearance (1 - 30 points), and ease of preparation (1 - 30 points). The essays will be judged on the basis of relevance to theme (1 - 30 points), creative expression (1 - 20 points), and clarity (1 - 10 points), and the results from the recipe and the essay will be combined to choose one finalist from each category. The finalist recipes will be put up for public vote, and the grand-prize winner will be the recipe with the highest combined score from the vote and judges' scores.
(March 30, 2012) For those of us involved in the dairy industry for a number of years, we know that what’s old can become “news” again. Dairy Profit Weekly editor Dave Natzke updated DairyLine listeners on a couple of long-standing issues that have resurfaced recently. “While I was in Kansas City last week for the Dairy Farmers of America annual meeting, Tom Gallagher, head of Dairy Management Inc., the nation’s dairy promotion organization, addressed a worrisome, long-term trend for dairy farmers – that of declining U.S. fluid milk sales. Gallagher called the trend dismal, noting that fluid milk sales for the previous year were down 3.9%, and that both per capita and fluid milk total volume sales were down. Part of the problem, he said, is that the direct relationship between retail milk prices and consumer sales has been proven over four decades, and that retail fluid milk prices are up 11% compared to a year ago. Also hampering sales, Gallagher said, is that fluid milk in gallon jugs has been treated as a “commodity” by producers, processors and consumers alike, with little product and marketing innovation. To stop and reverse the trend, Gallagher outlined a number of efforts to increases fluid milk sales. Turning our attention to food labels, the U.S. Trade Representative office is appealing a 2011 World Trade Organization (WTO) ruling over U.S. implementation of a mandatory U.S. country-of-origin labeling (COOL) requirement. The rule, first approved in 2002 and initiated in 2009, required country-of-origin labels on most meats and fresh produce sold in the U.S., and legislative proposals have sought to include dairy products under the rule. However, WTO sided with Mexico and Canada last year, challenging the rule’s validity under global trade agreements. A WTO decision on the appeal is expected to take months. In the past couple of weeks I’ve talked to a number of farmers in the southern part of the Corn Belt already starting fieldwork for the 2012 growing season. Two big government reports, to be released later (today/Friday), will give us an idea on how the year’s feed prospects and prices are shaping up for dairy farmers. You can find summaries of these reports in this week’s DairyProfit Weekly.”
Requirement =========== It should be possible to replicate a table that has more columns on the master than on the slave, i.e., there are M columns in the table on the master and N columns in the table on the slave and M > N. When replicating in this manner, the contents of the extra columns on the master is lost, but replication will accept the situation and keep running. Implementation ============== Slave needs to discard columns that are not part of the slave table definition. Restrictions ============ All extra columns on master is at the end of the table. Related work ============ This work is related to WL#3259 (RBR with more columns on slave than on master) in that implementation of this worklog is necessary to support on-line table definition changes (a.k.a., "schema upgrade") when using circular replication. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below is for reference only, not part of this WL. CONFIGURATION - Add "CHANGE MASTER SET SLAVE_IGNORE_EXTRA_COLUMNS=true" (and internally add corresponding variable to mi) OFFICIAL DESCRIPTION Ability to introduce new columns without impacting ongoing traffic. This is required to introduce new attributes to existing tables. There will only be the ability to add columns in this first release. Add column is only possible on “dynamic tables”. Starting with NDB-6.1.7, tables are dynamic by default (NDB-6.1.6 tables are not). Please note that it is only possible to add columns at the end of a table and still maintain compatibility. Online disk-based columns are not supported. New columns must have default values, or the replication stream needs to be synchronized by the DBA with the change. Effects and behavior of this feature to replication in multi-master mode must be considered. DDL changes will not be replicated, instead individually applied. Support for replicating to and from tables with more or less columns will be supported. • Master (T) replicating to Slave (T+1) • Master (T+1) replicating to Slave (T) NOT NULL columns should have a default value assigned to them when replicating. For restore using ndb_restore, schemas must be the same, ndb_restore cannot handle adding columns. The basic constraint of this work is that a number of additional columns on slave can appear at the end of the table definition. This is what application must respect because the slave server's replication code does not check whether that's true or not. This feature does not affect statement-based replication at all. Master side =========== The master should deliver necessary info about the extra fields the slave is to skip when it parses a row. That info should be sent to the slave per table basis for efficiency. The master should deliver necessary info for the slave to be able to decide whether a nullable extra column has any data or the data is NULL and thereafter the values is presented an a turned-ON null bit. Slave side ========== the slave must be able to discard all data corresponding the extra columns to satisfy the basic constraint like to reach the end of the event's data upon passing though skipping algorithm. The skipping algorithm must be robust to work with any type of replication events on any type of tables incl NDB, whose events carry only modified columns. Changes to ``unpack_row()`` =========================== Changes in unpack_row should take care of stopping fields unpacking when slave's version of the record got filled up "prematurely". I.e the main loop of unpacking of regular fields continuation condition should be refined and no work for filling slave's extra columns is needed (by this task definition). Such simplistic approach bases on either ability (feasibility) of instantiating of a Field class given the type of the field delivered with Table map event or on a non-existed yet info on the size of an individual row in Rows_log_event chunk. In the former case, to skip the extra masters columns would be done via calling Field::unpack(); in the latter, to skip it would be simply ignore the trailing part starting from the last common field unpacking addvanced pointer till the value of the size of the row. last common master's row field unpacking length | | +--------------------+-------------------+ | | Extra fields | | | on master | +--------------------+-------------------+ There is the third alternative to exploit `field_length_from_packed'. That'd an light equivalent to the instantiation. This solution was chosen for implementation where the function above was replaced by table_def::get_field_size() provided by WL#3228. To unpack a nullable extra column which value is NULL it's necessary to know the value of field::maybe_null(). That info is per-table and is included as part of additional information to be sent by the master for WL#3228. The extra columns skipping alg is as the following At the end of the regular columns unpacking loop the last field counter is stored. In the loop starting from the counter + 1 all the extra columns are processed to advance unpack_row():pack_ptr in the column presented in Rows_log_event m_cols bitmap respecting possible absence of the value for a nullable column: if (!((null_bits & null_mask) && tabledef->maybe_null(i))) pack_ptr+= tabledef->get_field_size(i, (uchar *) pack_ptr); The caller has a guard checking how well the final pack_ptr value fits to the end of the event's data in the end.
Aries Personal Organizer Software is a very basic program that allows users to keep track of their schedule and contacts. Although the program is not particularly sophisticated, it's a nice choice for users who need a simple program of this sort. The program's interface is plain and somewhat dated-looking, but it's very intuitive. The program's features are organized into tabs for tasks, contacts, dates and events, and notes. Given that the program comes in a weird mint green color, we were happy to see that the color of the interface can be customized. The program's online Help file is well-done, although we had absolutely no need for it; this is one of the most self-explanatory programs we've ever used. The program's features are quite basic, and there really aren't any stand-outs. Users can set tasks and create events on a calendar, both of which can include reminder alerts. The contacts manager allows users to enter contact information and organize contacts into categories. With the notes feature, users can create multiple notes using unformatted text; these can also be organized by category. And that's pretty much it. This is a decidedly unsophisticated program, and users who are used to having a lot of bells and whistles will find it quite lacking. Users who only need basic features, and especially novice computer users, may find that this program meets their needs. Information from the program's publisher states that the trial version has limited functionality, but we can't tell what the limitations are. The program installs desktop icons without asking and leaves a folder behind upon removal. We recommend this program to all users seeking a basic organizer.
I have long considered Dr. Stephen R. Covey as one of the most influential contributors to my personal view of life and the world. Stephen was a professor of mine as a graduate student at Brigham Young University over 30 years ago and what he taught in that organizational behavior class made a huge impact on my life. One of his earliest books, The Spiritual Roots of Human Relations, had a profound impact on the way I looked at life and relationships and in many ways formed the basis for my parenting philosophies. But his landmark book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People changed forever how I conducted my life personally, professionally and in my family. I enjoyed the opportunity the last nine years that we have lived in Dr. Covey's hometown of Provo, Utah to get to know him and his family better. He and his wife Sandra have made Provo a priority and helped raise money for and contribute significantly to the Covey Center for the Arts in downtown Provo which has added immeasurably to the quality of the visual and performing arts in our larger community. But what impressed me most about Dr. Covey all these years was his commitment to his family. I was able to see in close proximity that he lived at home and with his family the principles he taught professionally. I don't think I have ever know a better and more committed father than Stephen Covey, nor have I ever known a man that is more congruent - meaning that his life truly reflected his beliefs. I thought I might share with my readers some of the comments made by Dr. Covey's children at his funeral service on July 20. It would be a great thing if every father made choices now that allowed his children to say similar things about him at his funeral. Son Sean Covey: "Dad was so good at making each of us feel special."(Deseret News) Catherine Covey recalled the time when she was in junior high school and at her request, her father took her to see "Star Wars," even though he didn't like movies like that. "He came because he knew how much it meant to me," she said. (Deseret News) Daughter Colleen Covey Brown: "Dad's greatest joy was his family." (Deseret News) In sharing memories, daughter Maria, known as the shrimp of the family, told about some hard times she went through after delivering her third baby. "It was just too much for me to handle," she remembered. She called her father, who told her, "Throw out your Franklin Covey planner and enjoy the baby. For at least six months you won't be on top of things." (Provo Daily Herald) Son Stephen M. R. Covey: "He had complete integrity. There was no gap between what he said and what he did. As good as he was in public, he was even better in private as a husband and father." (Provo Daily Herald) Daughter Cynthia Covey: "He taught us the great secret to happiness is contribution, not accumulation," Cynthia Covey said, according to the (Salt Lake Tribune) I will personally miss Dr. Covey and his wisdom and influence. He has set an example for me as a husband and father which will be with me forever and that inspires me to be better in my own life at building people, and as Dr. Covey's own personal mission reflected, "unleashing human potential." More on Stephen R. Covey: - My profile of Dr. Covey - Stephen Covey's Four Quadrants and Work-Life Balance - Stephen Covey Quotations - How to Write a Family Mission Statement
Among the several residential districts of London, Bloomsbury is renowned for its impressive beauty and architecture. Besotted with all the latest amenities, Bloomsbury is the perfectible spot to go through at ease living. Everybody is astonished to visualize this district of London which provides innumerable choices to folks desiring to invest here. From the investment point of view, Bloomsbury is a pleasure for its high-rise mansions and residential buildings. You can rest assured of effective returns of your investments in Bloomsbury. If you desire your personal home or would like to invest in Bloomsbury, then your investments are unquestionably safe because Bloomsbury District ensures you good earnings on your money. The market value of the property here has never gone down. Several British Museums are situated in the Bloomsbury district, where you will chance beautiful literary artworks in good amounts. This part of London is as well notable for its uniqueness and artistry because of the Georgian Houses situated here. Bloomsbury is known not alone for its prime properties, but as well for the well-acclaimed, well-known, and great folks you will come across here. Bloomsbury can besides be equated with the Left Bank of Paris. It houses several philosophers, artists, publishers, creative people, and writers, who could be a pleasure to interact with. A day in Bloomsbury could be exciting for all these interesting reasons. A number of establishments and unconventional buildings show the creativeness and eccentricity of the folks here. In Bloomsbury, fans of antiquates will find a lot of antique shops with a vast diversity of attractive collections. It is besides recognized for its infinite cafes which serve the best drinks, coffee, and other hot drinks. From 1980 to 1990, was the blast time period for Bloomsbury district. Situated in East London, it has acquired the fame as the best residential area for rich and affluent persons all over the globe. Related area information
RUN! For Your Life The most functional activity that you could ever do as a human being, regardless of age, is run. We are a species born to run, and for the majority of our existence we required the ability to run in order to survive. That meant an all-out sprint every once in a while to escape danger, hunt prey, or maybe just for kicks or competition with our pals. When you break into an all-out sprint, there is a resulting powerful neuroendocrine response that stimulates your genes to build stronger muscle, thicker bones, and faster nerve impulses – thus allowing you to go faster next time! Sprinting also fires up your metabolism (can you say weight loss?), improves your insulin sensitivity (so you burn fuel efficiently), and sculpts your body into a lean mean machine (woohoo!). One of these athletes spends hours on end at a chronic pace, breaking their body down slowly, and the other trains intervals of very brief all-out efforts followed by plenty of rest and recovery. Can you guess who’s who? It’s no secret which of these two athletes is healthier, more functional, and more like our ancestors. Sprint training can be done as little as once or twice every two weeks on top of your regular exercise programming. I do them once per week on top of my Crossfit training, and I have noticed a tremendous improvement in my explosiveness. The cool thing about sprint training, whether swimming, biking, running, rowing, etc… is that on top of improving your anaerobic fitness (short bursts of speed), it also improves your cardiovascular fitness! But this doesn’t work the other way around. Read more about these metabolic pathways in the October 2002 crossfit journal. Listen up! A word of caution - if you are a beginner or have not sprinted in a long time, make sure you ease into this slowly. Start by gradually picking up the pace of your walking, then go to a slow jog, then to a run, then to uphill walking/running to dampen the impact, then to all-out sprints. There is potential to injure yourself, since sprinting requires a good base of strength, fitness and flexibility. Make sure you scale accordingly. This goes for sprints in other activities, too, like swimming, biking, rowing, doing laundry, etc. Sprint training can be done with any activity and at various intervals. I usually train anywhere from 10 to 30 second intervals, with anywhere from 1-2 minutes of rest in between sprints. I will usually do anywhere from 4 to 12 rounds of this 1-2 times every 2 weeks. For beginners, pick up the pace for 10 seconds, and rest for 2 minutes. Do this 4 times in a row every week. I promise your body will improve quickly! A great resource for sprint and distance interval training is the crossfit endurance website. As the 2007 Crossfit Games, champ James Fitzgerald said: “Get comfortable with the uncomfortable.” Go get some! Your health coach, Dr. Ryan Hewitt
I showed this bracelet project live on Jewelry Television's Jewel School broadcast on November 21st. Here’s the tutorial so you can make one for yourself! (You can get everything you need to make this bracelet on JTV.com.) This saucy little number is sure to turn heads and is a breeze to throw together. I’m a fan of jewelry with movement and this has a kinetic appeal. I’ve combined earthy colors in a variety of gemstones with yummy animal print mother of pearl beads. The wire coils add just the right touch of whimsy. Create Your Own Jungle Boogie Bracelet JLWKIT1632 Nugget Set (We’re Using (12) Red Agate and (8) Green Opal) JLWKIT1486 (8) 5mm and (13) 12mm Black Agate Beads JLWKIT1620 Mother of Pearl rectangle beads (We’re using (6) leopard and (6) zebra) JLW1305A (8) labradorite nuggets 33 JLW1792G Set of 24 Ball Tipped Head Pins JSWR52S 20 Gauge German Style Wire JLW600 Sterling Silver Size 2 Crimp Tubes Set of 10 JSWR83B .018 49 Strand Beadalon Wire 1. Use the 8mm dowel. Thread one end of your 20 gauge wire into the jump ring maker tool. I work from the coil. Wrap the wire around the dowel tightly about three times and then insert your pointer finger into the opening of the tool, grasp the wire tail tightly between the thumb and pointer finger on your other hand and coil the wire up the dowel tightly without overlapping. 2. Use flush cutters to remove your wire coil. Gently pull the coil apart with your fingers by grasping at both ends and tugging until coils open up evenly. 3. Cut individual coils working to every fifth coil, so each coil you remove should have five loops. Use the tip of your round nose pliers to create a small loop in one end of the coil. 4. Use the larger part of the jaw of your round nose pliers to create a larger loop in the opposite end of your coil, turn this loop up to create a bail for your coil. Repeat making a total of 12 coils. Make sure the loops are secured so they won’t slip off of your core wire when strung. 5. Use the ball tipped head pins to create coiled dangles with the 8mm black agate rounds, red agate nuggets, green opal nuggets and labradorite nuggets. 6. Use the German style wire to make beaded dangles with the 12mm black agate rounds. You will need 7 of these. Thread a 2” wire segment into the bead. Use round nose pliers to make a tiny loop in one end. Use round nose pliers to coil the top of the wire to make a dangle. Repeat this process with the MOP rectangles using 3” wire segments. 7. Make a hook and eye clasp using round nose pliers. Cut off a .75” segment of 20 gauge wire and loop one end. Turn the wire around and make a loop on the other end creating a figure eight. Use chain nose pliers to secure the loops closed. The loops should be the same size, cut off any excess wire with flush cutters. 8. To create the hook cut off a 2.5” segment of wire. Use round nose pliers to bend a small loop in one end of the wire. Bend wire over a 15mm dowel (I used a lip gloss container; necessity is the mother of invention!) Create a small loop in the wire tail, grasp in the jaws of your chain nose pliers and loop into a coil working around until the top of the loop is equidistant to the loop on the other end of the hook. Secure coil so it will not slide off of the wire using chain nose pliers. The finished hook should be 1” in length. 9. Attach a 7” segment of Beadalon wire to the hook end of your clasp using a crimp bead. Cut off excess wire tail flush to the bottom of the crimped tube. (Always fill your beads with wire, the wire shouldn’t fit inside of the smallest bead or your wire is too thin for maximum durability.) 10. Slide the beads and coils on the wire in the following order: 6mm black agate dangle, red agate dangle, labradorite dangle, coil, black agate round, MOP Leopard, coil, green opal dangle , red agate dangle, 5mm black agate round…this pattern repeats six times. Finish the necklace with a seventh segment that ends with a green opal dangle followed by a 5mm black agate round. 11. Attach the wire to the clasp ‘eye’ using a crimp tube. Round the bracelet before you finish creating ‘play’ between the beads and preventing the bracelet from being too stiff.
Want to start a scholarly communications program at your institution? Do you have an existing program and are looking for tools that other institutions have found useful? The goal of this site is to enable ARL/ACRL members to find help at your point of need, and to leverage the expertise and experience of library colleagues everywhere. Scholarly communication initiatives can take many different forms and focus on many different issues, such as the Harvard Arts & Science faculty’s Open Access resolution, the University of California’s innovative recruitment of faculty publications into its eScholarship Repository, the University of Minnesota’s author’s rights education program, or SPARC’s student-focused “Right to Research” campaign. Whatever the issues particularly relevant to your institution, librarians can engage faculty members, students, and administrators to make a significant impact on the scholarly landscape.... The open access movement: Putting peer-reviewed scientific and scholarly literature on the internet. Making it available free of charge and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. Removing the barriers to serious research.
Re: ash vs. bash > Julian Gilbey <[email protected]> wrote: > > Read the code, realise how long there is and how many <do X> || die > > commands there are between deleting the old link and installing the > > new one, and it will be obvious. It's not a question of two links > > rather than one, but a question of "what happens if > > update-alternatives fails for some reason"? > Which is really sad because there's no reason for this. > Proper way to update the link is: > create new link under some unique name, > rename new link so it occupies the old name. > [This will automatically delete the old link if it occupies > the old name.] > I suppose I ought to file a bug report against update-alternatives, > but I don't really have the time at the moment... There are two links involved. You have to synchronise them. You have to have proper unwinding. And you have to cope with any potential pre-existing mess. It's non-trivial, but in most cases it seems to work fine. All I was saying was that it would not be wise to trust such software for a system-critical link such as the /bin/sh link. (And I wouldn't use a Perl script for arranging library links either.) As a possible solution to the problem, bash could do something like if test -f /bin/sh; then cp -d /bin/sh /bin/sh.save if test -f /bin/sh.save; then mv /bin/sh.save /bin/sh Then there is always a /bin/sh (except during the execution of the mv command) and its nature is preserved, except for the short period between the unpacking of the bash package and it being configured. Julian Gilbey, Dept of Maths, QMW, Univ. of London. [email protected] Debian GNU/Linux Developer, see http://www.debian.org/~jdg
[Preservenw] Mellon Grants CLIR $4.27 Million for Program to Catalog Hidden Collections menges at u.washington.edu Mon Mar 24 12:48:18 PDT 2008 The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) $4.27 million to create a national program to identify and catalog hidden special collections and archives. Through a national competition, the program will award funds to institutions holding collections of high scholarly value that are difficult or impossible to locate through finding aids. Award recipients will create descriptive information for their hidden collections that will be linked to and interoperable with all other projects funded by this grant, to form a federated environment that can be built upon over time. CLIR will issue a request for proposals by early June, and decisions will be announced in fall 2008. CLIR expects to award about $4 million in the first cycle. It is possible that the program will be extended for subsequent funding cycles over five years. "Librarians and archivists have long despaired at the huge amount of intellectually valuable information that, for lack of cataloging, is unknown or inaccessible to scholars," said CLIR Board Chairperson Paula Kaufman. "This award to CLIR underscores the importance of the hidden collections problem and supports a coordinated, national response. On behalf of the community and the CLIR Board, I want to express my deep gratitude to the Mellon Foundation for its decision to support this important initiative." "Only a national program can effectively address the problem of hidden collections," said CLIR President Charles Henry. "The records and descriptions this program creates will be accessible through the Internet and the Web, exposing collections to a global audience of scholars, students, and teachers. It will facilitate the harvesting, aggregation, and thematic correlation of the records to advance intellectual productivity. As a cyberinfrastructure effort, the program will also build sustainable communities of complementary backgrounds and perspectives within higher education over time." CLIR will form a review panel to evaluate proposals and select award recipients. Scholars will make up half of the ten-person panel; the remaining five will include one university and one college library director, one expert in special collections and one in information technology, and CLIR's president. "The composition of the committee is meant to ensure the program's priority of making collections available that are of the highest value to research and teaching," said Mr. Henry. More information about the award program is available at CLIR is an independent, nonprofit, organization whose mission is to expand access to information, however recorded and preserved, as a public good. Through publications, projects, and programs, CLIR works to maintain and improve access to information for generations to come. In partnership with other institutions, CLIR helps create services that expand the concept of "library" and supports the providers and preservers of information. Information about CLIR and its work is available at www.clir.org. More information about the Preservenw
- Pre-training for a major incident - Planning for evacuation - Creation of evacuation maps combining Satnav/real-time GIS - Access control Governments only - No charge is made for my time or travel working on these disasters. - Post major disaster: such as 2010 Floods in Pakistan - Immediately implementing Satnav/GIS in Emergency Management Control. Using pre-determined Standard Operating Proceedure, employed by the emergency responders on the ground, to determine clearly defined levels of access via railways, roads, tracks and paths for different types of categorized vehicles, maximising opportunities for safe access. Defining safe areas for Command & Control, casualty evacuation, locations for field hospitals, shelter camps, fuel dumps, aircraft landing zones and temporary mortuaries.
The Suffolk Heritage Coastline is one of low marshes and reed beds interspersed with beaches of sand and shingle. Several long estuaries serve to keep the major roads well inland and preserve a sense of unhurried calm along the coast. There are RSPB nature reserves at Aldeburgh, Orford, and Minsmere, where you will see avocet, bitterns, and marsh harriers, in addition to numerous butterflies and wildflowers. Nowhere is the effect of sea erosion more noticeable than at Dunwich. The town was once one of the leading ports on the east coast, but the sea crept in, and much of the village, including 6 churches, a monastery, and 3 chapels, is now underwater. Legend has it that if you listen carefully you can hear the sound of the church bells ringing under the waves. Nearby Dunwich Heath is an expanse of 215 acres of sandy cliffs and beach owned by the National Trust. Orford is another town that has seen changing fortunes due to its seaside location. In the 12th century Henry II built a castle here, in recognition of its strategic importance as a port. The long shingle of Orford Ness gradually cut off the town from the sea, and today it survives as a small fishing village and holiday centre on the River Alde. The castle keep houses an exhibition of arms and armour. The attractive fishing and sailing centre of Southwold boasts more excellent bathing beaches, and close by is Walberswick nature reserve, overlooking the estuary of the River Blyth.
FREESTYLE LIBERALESQUE SOCIO-POLITICAL BLOG AVEC A MODICUM OF SNARK. A Holiday Thought... Aren't humans amazing? They kill wildlife - birds, deer, all kinds of cats, coyotes, beavers, groundhogs, mice and foxes by the million in order to protect their domestic animals and their feed. Then they kill domestic animals by the billion and eat them. This in turn kills people by the million, because eating all those animals leads to degenerative - and fatal - health conditions like heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and cancer. So then humans spend billions of dollars torturing and killing millions more animals to look for cures for these diseases. Elsewhere, millions of other human beings are being killed by hunger and malnutrition because food they could eat is being used to fatten domestic animals. Meanwhile, few people recognize the absurdity of humans, who kill so easily and violently, and once a year send out cards praying for "Peace on Earth." ~Revised Preface to Old MacDonald's Factory Farm by C. David Coates~ _____________Anyone can break this cycle of violence! Everyone has the power to choose compassion! Please visit these websites to align your core values with life affirming choices: http://veganvideo.org & http://tryveg.com"Any great change must expect opposition because it shakes the very foundation of privilege."Lucretia Coffin Mott, 1793-1880, minister, women's rights leader, abolitionist, peace activist, humanitarian Post a Comment
We will do any presentation or combination of presentations that you want. They will all stand alone or all work together. We have seminars for all age groups, from young children, middle school age, high school, and adults. We try to take complex science and make it understandable to all ages. We have seminar notebooks for sale that go with each presentation that explains in more detail everything presented with a bibliography. Every scientific statement is presented with at least one paper or article from a peer-reviewed journal. We have some books to sell from a number of different authors presenting science from Biblical and secular perspectives. We have a few fossil replicas for sale. Seminar Titles and Descriptions 1. Mathematical Probabilities: Creation Or Evolution. This presentation explores the mathematical numbers and impossibilities of the first cell ever happening by chance. (View Free Online 2. The Age Of The Earth. This presentation uses science to show evidence of a very young universe despite what we are taught in school. 3. What Happened To The Dinosaurs? Do dinosaurs fit with the Bible? Did man and dinosaurs co-exist? Are all dinosaurs really extinct? What does the evidence tell us? 4. Noah’s Ark. Shows evidence that the Ark is real and cultures that know of Noah. 5. Ancient Man. What are the so-called apemen? Was ancient man really a cave dweller? Where is the evidence of “man evolving?” And how far back does man go? 6. Ancient Technology: Was ancient man advanced or was he dumb? We show several ancient civilizations that are clearly very advanced, and did things that we still can not do today. Astronomy as an advanced science, advanced surgery, buildings that stand today, and metallurgy beyond our abilities. 7. Were Biblical Giants real? What has science found that is not publicly known, and why does it seem this evidence is hidden from the general public. 8. The Great Missoula Flood. 9. The Great Bonneville Flood. 10. Mt. St. Helens. Post-Noahic Flood Catastrophic Events: The above three seminars about Mt. St. Helens, The Great Missoula Flood, and the Bonneville Flood are all used to show that landscapes can change very rapidly and things like the Grand Canyon could have happened in a very short time. 11. Problems Caused In Modern Times By 12. Lies In The School Textbooks: What Can We Do About It.
Robert William Groce, born August 3, 1951 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Our Bob went home to his Lord surrounded by his family and loved ones on March 4, 2013. Bob was a graduate of Pitman High School and worked for close to 40 years as a mason and in the construction trade. Bob was very proud of his work and his abilities as a mason. Bob retired in 2009 and began enjoying traveling with all of his family; loved the beach, he was a NASCAR fan and loved being Pop-Pop. He enjoyed his puppies, Oscar and Winston and loved to be outdoors working in the gardens around his home. He was everyone's friend and never forgot a favor. Bob was a beloved husband and friend to Diane Groce (Griffith) for 22 years. Bob was the youngest child of Viola (DeSoi) and Richard Groce. Beloved brother to Sandra and her husband Bill of Gillette, Wyoming, Donna Hoffman and her husband Jack of Statesville, North Carolina, George E. Carey and his wife Dyanne of Statesville, North Carolina, June Bonsall of Collingdale, Pennsylvania, Richard Groce and his wife Rose of Yadkinville, North Carolina, Edward Groce and his wife Lorraine of Statesville, North Carolina. Bob was predeceased by his brother George, his sister Donna, his dear nephews Joe and Robbie and his brother-in-law and friend, Harry Brady. Bob was a loved brother-in-law to Eva Harper and her husband Garry of Chesapeake, Virginia; Chuck Griffith and his wife Marie of West Deptford, New Jersey and Henrietta Smith of Highspire, Pennsylvania. Bob is the very proud father to Julie Jackson and her husband Frank of Pitman, New Jersey and Laura Belanger also of Pitman, New Jersey. He is the proud step father of Brian Lukasiewicz and his wife Jessica of Woodbury, New Jersey, Jeffrey Lukasiewicz of Quinton, New Jersey, Caroline Guy and her husband Peter of Monkton, Maryland and of Sara Lukasiewicz and her fiance Tom Scheeper of Clayton, New Jersey. Bob is especially proud of his grandchildren, Frank Jr., Thomas and Tyler Jackson, Alanna Lukasiewicz, Austin Lukasiewicz, Felicity Van Atta, Emily, Benjamin, Logan Guy and Aubrey Scheeper. Bob was blessed with nieces and nephews who are a source of enduring joy and love. Bob also leaves behind countless friends and co-workers who sought his knowledge and friendship. Bob will be truly missed by everyone he touched and will forever remain in all of our hearts. A Memorial Service and celebration of life will be held in Bob's honor at the Quinton Baptist Church on Saturday, March 9, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. In lieu of flowers, contributions are requested to be made to the Quinton Baptist Church, P.O. Box 6, Quinton, New Jersey 08072. Arrangements by the WOODSIDE FUNERAL HOME. Published in South Jersey Times on March 8, 2013
At the age of thirty-five, the author of such literary classics as I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell and Assholes Finish First has had something of an epiphany regarding the licentious lifestyle which informed his New York Times-bestselling tomes. As the years have worn on and life taken its toll, Tucker Max has conceded that copious sex and booze do not lead to happiness. Forbes’ Michael Ellsberg explains: … this most public of “I-don’t-wanna-grow-up” males is in fact now in the midst of a serious, intentional and devoted period of cleaning up and growing up. He is changing his ways of the past, and—gasp!—becoming a mature adult male, one is who seeking a committed, long-term relationship, leading to marriage, with an intelligent, substantive, accomplished woman. The full account of Tucker’s rite of passage from reckless detachment to sober insight is well worth the read. What it speaks to, perhaps unintentionally, is the very nature of maturity. The word “mature” is defined as “complete in natural growth or development,” also “fully developed in mind and body.” Left undefined is the standard for development. Without here delving into the full philosophical proof, let us accept for the sake of argument that human maturity is the capacity to deal rationally with the facts of reality and to act to sustain your life and pursue long-term happiness. Consider, the reason children remain in the care of parents until they reach adulthood is because they lack the knowledge and experience to act rationally in pursuit of their own lives. Otherwise, they would have no need of parenting. An animal is mature at a certain age, having developed to the point where its instincts and physical abilities are sufficient for it to act according to its nature without the aid of its mother. Human beings are different. We alone must utilize reason in order to survive. By this standard, it is apparent to the casual observer that maturity is a rare trait among men and women. Physical development is completely disconnected from the ability to deal rationally with the facts of reality. Indeed, many make it into middle and advanced age without maturing in this sense. Some go their entire lives without truly growing up.
Notes to Jean Baudrillard 1. For my earlier takes on Baudrillard, see Kellner 1989a; Best and Kellner 1991; Kellner 1994 and 1995, Chapter 8; and Best and Kellner 1997, Chapter 3. Other books on Baudrillard include Frankovits 1984; Gane 1991, 1992, and 1993; Stearns and Chaloupka 1992; Rojek and Turner 1993; Genosko 1994; and Butler 1999. 2. The year in parentheses here refers to the English translation of his work. By now, most of Baudrillard has been translated into English; see the bibliographies in Kellner 1989a and Butler 1999 for more detailed listing of his works than the bibliography above that cites his major works. A detailed online bibliography can be found in the Jean Baudrillard Bibliography in the Other Internet Resources section. 3. Semiology refers to studies of language and culture as a system of signs inaugurated by Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure; on Baudrillard and semiology, see Gary Genosko, Baudrillard and Signs. Signification Ablaze. London: Routledge, 1994. 4. Guy Debord and a group of associates who formed a “Situationist International” called for the construction of situations, through which they meant alternative and oppositional modes of culture, behavior, and politics. They were extremely influential in the 1960s, influencing the May 1968 rebellions in France and diverse forms of cultural revolution throughout the world. They are experiencing an aftermath in many Internet sites devoted to their work and various cultural projects that replicate it; see, for example, the link to Situationist International in the Other Internet Resources section. For more on Debord and the Situationist International, see Best and Kellner 1997, and also Steven Best and Douglas Kellner, ‘Debord and the Postmodern Turn: New Stages of the Spectacle,’ Substance #90 (1999): 129-156. 5. In Simulacra and Simulation, Baudrillard writes: “To dissimulate is to feign not to have what one has. To simulate is to feign to have what one hasn't. One implies a presence, the other an absence. But the matter is more complicated, since to simulate is not simply to feign: ”Someone who feigns an illness can simply go to bed and pretend he is ill. Someone who simulates an illness produces in himself some of the symptoms“ (Littre). Thus, feigning or dissimulating leaves the reality principle intact: the difference is always clear, it is only masked; whereas simulation threatens the difference between ”true“ and ”false“, between ”real“ and ”imaginary“. Since the simulator produces ”true“ symptoms, is he or she ill or not? The simulator cannot be treated objectively either as ill, or as not ill.” (1994a, 3). 6. On Baudrillard and feminism, see Keith Goshorn, “Valorizing ‘the Feminine’ while Rejecting feminism? – Baudrillard's Feminist Provocations” in Kellner 1994: 257-291 and Victoria Grace, Baudrillard's Challenge: A Feminist Reading. London: Routledge, 2000). 7. To those who would deny that Baudrillard is a postmodern theorist and has nothing to do with the discourse of the postmodern (e.g. Gane 1991 and 1993), one might note that Baudrillard uses the concept of the postmodern in his books of the 1990s (Baudrillard 1994b: 23, 27, 31, 34, 36, 107, passim; and Baudrillard 1996a: 36, 70 passim). The Perfect Crime (Baudrillard 1996b) does not use the discourse of the postmodern per se, but makes ample use of his classic categories of simulation, hyperreality, and implosion to elucidate a new virtual order opposed to the previous order of reality, the murder of which is “the perfect crime” (see 16, 83, 125, 128, passim). And in the conference “Jean Baudrillard und die Kunste: Eine Hommage zu seinem 75. Geburtstag,” Baudrillard mentioned several times that radical transformations in art and culture were linked to fundamental “anthropological changes in the human being,” ruptures that which the term “postmodern” has been generally used to signify. 8. While many commentators have remarked on Baudrillard's obvious Manicheanism and nihilism, Dr. Jonathan Smith argues that skepticism is also a key aspect of Baudrillard's thought; see Smith 2004 (Other Internet Resources). Baudrillard's thought does contain a curious mixture of Manicheanism and Gnosticism that identifies with the principle of evil mixed with an ironic skepticism. The result of this mixture is a unique form of cynicism and nihilism which plays with philosophical and other categories, debunks standard philosophical theorizing and offers provocative alternatives. Yet Dr. Smith seems to miss the dimension of play and irony in Baudrillard's work, as well as his valorization of writing and the symbolic, in which writing and not forms of thought or philosophy are privileged as (see, for example, the section on “Poetic Transference” in Impossible Exchange (2001, pp. 111ff). Smith also goes astray by claiming that “pure appearance” is the key affirmative concept of Baudrillard's thought, whereas in fact he valorizes a whole set of categories delineating the accursed and despised poles of fundamental dichotomies such as appearance, illusion, meaninglessness, and evil). 9. See Jacques Derrida, On Grammatology (Baltimore and London: John Hopkins University Press, 1976) and T.W. Adorno, Negative Dialectics (London, Routledge, 1973). 10. See also on the collapse of Communism, see D. Kellner, “The End of Orthodox Marxism,” in Marxism in the Postmodern Age, edited by Jack Amarglio, et al. New York, Guilford Press: 1995: 33-41 and “The Obsolescence of Marxism?,” in Whither Marxism?, edited by Bernd Magnus and Stephen Cullenberg. London and New York: Routledge, 1995: 3-30. 11. For systematic studies of recent media spectacle, see Kellner 2003a and on the September 11 terror spectacle, see Kellner 2003b. 12. Baudrillard begrudgingly acknowledges in a later writing that the fall of the Berlin wall “signified something closer to an enormous repentance on the part of history” (Baudrillard 2000: 39). Political writings of the period are collected in Screened Out (Baudrillard 2002). 13. Initially, Bush spoke of a “war against terrorism” and then began expanding the concept to a “war on terror,” an obviously infinite project with no conceivable end or terminus. 14. Jean Baudrillard, cited in Goldblatt 2001 (Other Internet Resources). Goldblatt reproduces the anti-French discourse of the right that was prevalent at the time. 15. Baudrillard, ‘This is the Fourth World War’, Der Spiegel, Number 3, 2002; see Baudrillard 2004 (Other Internet Resources) for a translation into English. 16. Jean Baudrillard, “La violence du Mondial,” in Power Inferno (Paris: Galilee, 2002), pp. 63-83; see Baudrillard 2002 (Other Internet Resources) for a translation into English. 17. Baudrillard, The Spirit of Terrorism, p. 32. 18. In other words, democratization, rights, and justice may be part of a highly contradictory and contested globalization. See D. Kellner, “Theorizing Globalization,” Sociological Theory, Vol. 20, Nr. 3 (November 2002): 285-305. 19. The inauguration in 2003 of a International Journal of Baudrillard Studies, however, indicates that there is a global coterie of Baudrillard scholars producing continued publications and reflections on his work; see the link to this journal in the Other Internet Resources. 20. Baudrillard distanced himself from the film and its vision of virtual reality in an interview by Aude Lancelin in Le Nouvel Observateur, June 2003; for a translation into English, see Baudrillard 2003 in the Other Internet Resources.
Not that there is a conventional way to restore lichen-rich vegetation on shingle of course. This is a vegetation community that has developed over many decades, perhaps centuries, so recreating it was never likely to be easy. Why do we need to recreate lichen heath in the first place? Well this vegetation is very, very fragile. Drive over it regularly enough to expose the humus and it blows away, and for some reason once this happens old stable shingle inland from the sea just does not revegetate, especially when the damaged areas are large. Extensive areas of the shingle beach, damaged during World War 2, remain as bare gravel and overall we have lost about half of the lichen heath that should be present on Dungeness* Which brings me to the interesting news. The RSPB have been clearing willow trees from some of the Open Pits. This is perhaps not what you might expect of conservationists but to be frank the trees are a form of green death in these habitats, shading out much rarer habitats and species (click here to see which ones). Read the rest of this entry »
Iraqis fear new draft constitution will lead to country's disintegration BAGHDAD, August 30 (RIA Novosti, Pavel Davydov) - Iraq fears that a constitution that does not meet the interests of the whole society may lead to the disintegration of the state. "The Sunnis, which represent one of the key groups in Iraqi society, refused to sign the draft constitution," an Iraqi writer, Shiite Diya al-Khalidi, said. "This means the constitution does not meet the aspirations and hopes of the whole Iraqi nation, which might lead to the country's disintegration." Many people said they believed that if the constitution did not take into account the interests of all major communities within Iraqi society - Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds - conflict and tension would grow between them. "Federalism in Iraq, which Kurds and some Shiite leaders are insisting upon," Shiite Adnan al-Mayahi, a worker from Baghdad, said, "will lead to escalation of hatred between different communities, as the balance will be distorted between them." Shiite lawyer Ali Mahmoud said the idea of federalism was absolutely unacceptable for Iraq. "Federalism would be possible in Iraq if Iraqis first of all felt that they were the country's citizens, and then, that they were members of a community, faith, or tribe, if all Iraqis could live in any part of the country regardless of its ethnic composition." This would not be possible either now or in the near future, the lawyer said. He explained that Kurds, for example, did not associate themselves with Iraq and wanted to separate from it. So what does this mean? Basically, it means the chances of a civil war will not go away any time soon, despite our best efforts to build as effective a coalition government as we have in building a coalition to prosecute this war and occupation. (Meaning, for the lurking FReepers out there, no chance at all) See, Federalism speaks to a strong, centralized government, which favors a majority (except in the United States, where tyranny of the minority is the order of the day, but you can read all about that in my book-in-progress when it comes out). Regionalist government would at least give the Sunnis a safe haven in their own country to have some form of autonomy and self-determination, kind of like a local town can ignore some state mandates on their own volition. Stupid neo-cons missed the lessons of the early Articles of Confederation...
Power of One As an example of the Power of One vigil, here is a response detailing one person's experience. I want to write to thank the group for the healing ceremony that was performed on behalf of my mother. Mother was scheduled for back surgery at 2 pm on June 19, 2002. The intent the healing mantram delivered was felt to the far reaches of her soul and the soul of all of us. "May the Love of the One Soul focused in this group radiate ... revealing the Soul's Plan and purpose in and through Miriam Flanagan, and may all connected soul's cooperate with this plan and purpose." Mother has suffered with back and leg pain for years prior to the surgery for which I am writing. Ten years prior she had a surgery to scrape calcium deposits off three discs in her back. It took almost 8 months to recover. She did not walk for days after the surgery. The surgery to take place in June was more pervasive. The doctors recommended scraping calcium from 4 of her discs, straightening out her back by shaving bone of her pelvis and fusing it to her spine with screws. My brother and sister were very hesitant to support mother in the surgery. They said that this may kill her. My brother said that this surgery will be the end of her independence. As requested, the healing ceremony began. The healing mantram was said and the surgery took place. The doctors stated that the surgery went well and mother was walking 6 hours after her surgery!! It is two months since the surgery and healing ceremony, and she is doing very very well. She thought that she would be an "invalid" for several months. That is not so. After 3 to 4 weeks of someone in the home assisting her, she is on her own. The past surgery required that she be waited on for months. This more extensive surgery went very well and I am absolutely convinced that it was due to the healing sent to the heaven's on her behalf. I spoke to mother today. Her mood is good. She is walking through her home without a cane or her walker. She is looking forward to driving her car again and being more independent. As for the pain, it is under control and it is apparent in her good mood. Thank you again for the healing work. I KNOW in all that I am that this request for her healing has made the difference for all of us. My love, Karen Joy A note of appreciation sent by a 68-year old woman for Power of One support for her recent compacted disk surgery - Sincerely, please thank your circle of friends who did the prayer vigil ( I hope I am saying the right thing). Since I have no pain in my left leg now the surgery was a success. How could I have done it without your prayers and support. A healing was done for Michelle and she was given some impressions along with a meditation to do. Here is a transcript of a phone message she left - I want to thank everybody so much for the group healing and for the meditation. I got it right away. It’s so beautiful and powerful. I keep doing it. It reminds me of the really elaborate rituals we used to do at my women’s group when it was a lot bigger. It’s just extraordinary ~ a truly beautiful meditation. I know the meditation you did really helped and I want to continue it because there are still many more places and spaces and paths and steps that need to come next. I know it will help me on my quest when I go to the mountains to know what do next with regards to schooling. Thank you so much for your love, life and power that you all have been sending me. I really have noticed it and it really, really helped. Questions? Answers? Impressions? Soul's a Goal
Evidence presented in a State-of-the-Art Lecture during yesterday’s Plenary Session indicated a strong association between the formation of kidney stones and the presence or development of the metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease (CVD) in patients who develop kidney stones. In the lecture, Dean G. Assimos, M.D., Professor of Surgical Sciences-Urology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, cited several studies, including a recently published analysis of data from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Study showing that nephrolithiasis and atherosclerosis have common systemic risk factors and that kidney stones were associated with a 60 percent increased risk of carotid atherosclerosis, even after adjusting for major atherosclerotic risk factors. In addition, a case-controlled study of the residents of Olmsted County, Minnesota, assessed the risk of a “kidney stone former developing myocardial infarction,” Dr. Assimos said. “Despite controlling for other medical comorbidities, a stone former was at 31 percent increased risk of sustaining a myocardial infarction.” Another case-controlled study, again done among residents of Olmsted County, revealed that kidney stone formation was a significant risk for the development of chronic kidney disease. “In this study, the hazard ratio was 1.42,” Dr. Assimos said. “It is well documented that chronic kidney disease is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease.” An analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III (NHANES III) showed that people with the metabolic syndrome had 2 times the risk of developing a kidney stone than those without signs of the metabolic syndrome. This analysis also demonstrated a positive correlation between the prevalence of kidney stones and the components of the metabolic syndrome, including obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance, increased serum triglycerides, and low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. “A screening renal ultrasound study done on a fairly large cohort of people with the metabolic syndrome in southern Italy demonstrated that 10.3 percent of patients with the metabolic syndrome had renal stones,” Dr. Assimos added. “This is 10 times higher than rates reported from renal ultrasound screening studies of the general adult population.” The causative factors underlying the associations between stone formation and the metabolic syndrome and CVD include low urinary pH levels. “Low urinary pH is the major driving factor for the formation of uric acid stones,” Dr. Assimos said. “Studies have demonstrated that there is a negative correlation between BMI and urinary pH, meaning that those who are obese will have lower urinary pH.” People with the combination of obesity and low urinary pH also excrete greater amounts of calcium and oxalate, which are risk factors for the development of calcium oxalate kidney stones. The reasons for lower urinary pH in obese individuals are not fully known, but one hypothesis is that these individuals do not produce ammonium effectively in the proximal tubule. Dr. Assimos’ own research with his team at Wake Forest has identified a possible new pathway for the endogenous synthesis of oxalate. It involves the metabolism of the reactive dialdehyde glyoxal, which is stimulated by oxidative stress. The hypothesis behind the research is that glyoxal metabolism may be linked with increased oxalate excretion in people with obesity and diabetes. Based on the evidence he presented, Dr. Assimos concluded: “There is strong evidence that stone formation is associated with cardiovascular disease, the metabolic syndrome, and a number of systemic disorders. We as urologists need to be cognizant of these associations and counsel our patients about these associations, as they might benefit from cardiovascular screening and lifestyle changes.”
Message from the Vice-Chancellor and Principal The University of Pretoria is one of South Africa’s leading research universities. For a number of years it has led the field in South Africa with regard to research output in terms of accredited publications. We are delighted that the University is sustaining its lead, and in fact produced more research outputs than was ever attained by a South African university. In a similar vein, we were also happy to note that the University of Pretoria was again listed as one of four South African universities in the Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s list of the world’s top 500 universities. The international stature of the University rests to a very large extent on its research activities which are reflected in its diverse publications. These together with its production of masters and doctoral graduates are a measure of the contribution that the University is making to the generation of new knowledge and the application of that knowledge to the development of economic activity in our region. Given the importance which is attached to ensuring that the University plays a significant role in research and economic development on the African continent, the new strategic plan, Innovation Generation: Creating the Future 2007-2011, sees research and postgraduate education as two of the key drivers for the implementation of the plan. Indeed, key interventions of the plan are to grow the number of postgraduate students, particularly in the natural sciences and engineering, and to ensure that academic staff are able to enhance their research stature through an enabling research environment. During the past year the University has made significant investments in capital equipment which have ensured that the research groups using the equipment remain internationally competitive and serve as a focus of attraction for postgraduate students. Furthermore, the University collaborates with a number of other universities and research councils in Gauteng in the Regional Expensive Equipment Forum (REEF) which allows for the creation of a pool of equipment that can enhance the productivity of the regions research groups. Another function of REEF is to allow the institutions to support each other in the acquisition of large items of equipment that are funded by national programs. These collaborative arrangements reflect the University's view that institutions in the region need to collaborate in order to ensure national competitiveness in a global research environment. This report records the steady growth of the University's research activities. It is pleasing to note that the University’s number of NRF rated staff has risen to twenty one percent despite the fact that undergraduate student numbers continue to grow. In addition, a very important spin off of our research intensive activities is that our research active staff have strong interactions with industries that is reflected by the fact that we had research contracts with some 102 companies. These companies provided financial support, seconded staff to work in university laboratories and also supplied much needed logistic support. Research publications provide a measure of international competitiveness, while the interaction with industries and other institutions reflects the local impact of the work that we undertake. During the period of the new strategic plan, the University intends to enhance its standing internationally and to ensure that its local impact has increased visibility. This report is an encouraging milestone on the journey to this goal. Professor Calie Pistorius Vice-Chancellor and Principal
Acoustic noise from small electronically commutated motors Brackley, Mark (2001) Acoustic noise from small electronically commutated motors. PhD thesis, University of Warwick. WRAP_THESIS_Brackley_2001.pdf - Requires a PDF viewer such as GSview, Xpdf or Adobe Acrobat Reader Official URL: http://webcat.warwick.ac.uk/record=b1372996~S15 An analysis of acoustic noise in electronically controlled variable speed drives is presented. The causes of vibration and acoustic noise in switched reluctance motors are discussed and it is shown that brushless d.c. motors can produce resonant vibration and acoustic noise by similar mechanisms. The flux switching motor is introduced. This new class of reluctance motor is an advance on the established switched reluctance motor, retaining many of its benefits, but with a simpler and cheaper power electronic converter. The phase windings and method of flux control are different and tests are performed to quantify the effect on the acoustic noise produced. Measurements of acoustic noise are made on one flux switching motor and one 2-phase switched reluctance motor, made from the same laminations and mechanical components. It is shown that the flux switching motor produced 2dB less acoustic noise under the same conditions. Finite element analysis is used to calculate the radical force profiles of the two motors during normal rotation, and further analysis of this data provides evidence to support the experimental results. The experimental results go on to show how the acoustic noise from a second flux switching drive was found to be comparable to that of a split phase induction motor. |Item Type:||Thesis or Dissertation (PhD)| |Subjects:||T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering| |Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH):||Variable speed drives -- Research, Vibration -- Research, Acoustic emission testing, Reluctance motors -- Research| |Institution:||University of Warwick| |Theses Department:||School of Engineering| |Supervisor(s)/Advisor:||Pollock, C. (Charles)| |Format of File:| |Extent:||202 leaves : ill., charts| Actions (login required)
is a property of data which, when satisfied, requires every value of one attribute (column) of a relation In relational model:A relation value, which is assigned to a certain relation variable, is time-varying. By using a Data Definition Language , it is able to define relation variables.The following is an example of a heading which consists of three attributes.... (table) to exist as a value of another attribute in a different (or the same) relation (table). For referential integrity to hold in a relational database A relational database is a database that conforms to relational model theory. The software used in a relational database is called a relational database management system . Colloquial use of the term "relational database" may refer to the RDBMS software, or the relational database itself... , any field in a table In relational databases and flat file databases, a table is a set of data elements that is organized using a model of vertical columns and horizontal rows. A table has a specified number of columns, but can have any number of rows... that is declared a foreign key In the context of relational databases, a foreign key is a referential constraint between two tables.A foreign key is a field in a relational table that matches a candidate key of another table... can contain only values from a parent table's primary key or a candidate key In the relational model of databases, a candidate key of a relation is a minimal superkey for that relation; that is, a set of attributes such that# the relation does not have two distinct tuples In the relational model of databases, a candidate key of a relation is a minimal superkey for that... . For instance, deleting a record that contains a value referred to by a foreign key in another table would break referential integrity. Some relational database management system A relational database management system is a database management system that is based on the relational model as introduced by E. F. Codd. Most popular databases currently in use are based on the relational database model.... s (RDBMS) can enforce referential integrity, normally either by deleting the foreign key rows as well to maintain integrity, or by returning an error and not performing the delete. Which method is used may be determined by a referential integrity constraint defined in a data dictionary A data dictionary, or metadata repository, as defined in the IBM Dictionary of Computing, is a "centralized repository of information about data such as meaning, relationships to other data, origin, usage, and format." The term may have one of several closely related meanings pertaining to... Improved data quality An obvious benefit is the boost to the quality of data that is stored in a database. There can still be errors, but at least data references are genuine Referential integrity is declared. This is much more productive (one or two orders of magnitude) than writing custom programming code. The declarations of referential integrity are more concise than the equivalent programming code. In essence, such declarations reuse the tried and tested general-purpose code in a database engine, rather than redeveloping the same logic on a case-by-case basis. Consistency across applications Referential integrity ensures the quality of data references across the multiple application programs that may access a database. You will note that the definitions from the Web are expressed in terms of relational databases. However, the principle of referential integrity applies more broadly. Referential integrity applies to both relational and OO databases, as well as programming languages and modeling. - Dangling pointer Dangling pointers and wild pointers in computer programming are pointers that do not point to a valid object of the appropriate type. These are special cases of memory safety violations.... - Declarative Referential Integrity Declarative Referential Integrity is one of the techniques in the SQL database programming language to ensure data integrity.- Meaning in SQL :... - Domain/key normal form Domain/key normal form is a normal form used in database normalization which requires that the database contains no constraints other than domain constraints and key constraints.... - Entity integrity In the relational data model, entity integrity is one of the three inherent integrity rules. Entity integrity is an integrity rule which states that every table must have a primary key and that the column or columns chosen to be the primary key should be unique and not null.A direct consequence of... - Propagation constraint In database systems, a propagation constraint "details what should happen to a related table when we update a row or rows of a target table" . Tables are linked using primary key to foreign key relationships...
AccessMyLibrary provides FREE access to millions of articles from top publications available through your library. (From Vietnam News Briefs) General Vo Nguyen Giap, who orchestrated the defeat of the French colonialists in the battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954, returned to the historic site last Saturday amidst a warm welcome from local people. The visit, which comes a decade after the General's last trip to the town, is part of activities in honor of the 50th anniversary of victory at Dien Bien Phu. Several hundred local people converged on Dien Bien Airport and line the road to the town to welcome the 92-year-old general, who is perhaps the most important figure in the history of communist Vietnam - …
AdvanceMe Named As Finalist In 2008 American Business Awards 6th Annual Stevie Awards will be presented on June 12 in New York City atlanta(June 9, 2008) – AdvanceMe, Inc. (AMI), the nation's leading provider of Merchant Cash Advances (MCA) for small and mid-sized businesses, today announced it is a Finalist in the Best Marketing Campaign category of The 2008 American Business Awards. The American Business Awards is the only national, all-encompassing program of its kind honoring great performances in business. Stevie Award winners will be announced during the annual gala on Thursday, June 12 at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York City. More than 600 executives from across the U.S.A. are expected to attend. The ceremonies, hosted by Liz Claman of FOX Business Network, will be broadcast on radio nationwide by the Business TalkRadio Network. More than 2,600 entries from companies of all sizes and in virtually every industry were submitted for consideration in more than 40 categories, including Best Overall Company, Best Executive, Best New Product or Service, Best Corporate Social Responsibility Program, and new categories including Best Marketing Campaign, Best Management Team and Best Corporate Environmental Responsibility Program. AdvanceMe's nomination into the Best Marketing Campaign category highlights a recent partnership with RBS Lynk, a subsidiary of the Royal Bank of Scotland, one of the oldest and largest financial institutions in the world. Knowing that cash flow is one of the most important challenges facing their small business customers, RBS Lynk partnered with co-market AdvanceMe's Merchant Cash Advance product to its significant customer base with a cadenced, multi-tactic touch point campaign. The overall campaign has been extremely successful, generating thousands of inbound calls in a short time period that resulted in hundreds of business owners successfully receiving the working capital needed to help manage and grow their businesses. Finalists were chosen by business professionals nationwide during preliminary judging in April through early May. Members of the Awards' Board of Distinguished Judges & Advisors and their staffs will select Stevie Award winners from among the Finalists. "ABA entries grew more than 30 percent this year, so being named a Finalist is more of an accomplishment than ever before," said Michael Gallagher, founder and president of The Stevie Awards. "It means that independent business executives have agreed that the nominee is worthy of national recognition. We congratulate all of the Finalists on their achievement and wish them well in the competition." "We are honored to be a finalist in the 2008 American Business Awards," said Glenn Goldman, Chief Executive Officer of Capital Access Network, Inc. the parent company of AdvanceMe. "Our business is here to serve owners by providing needed working capital. Because of RBS Lynk's innovative and value-oriented customer approach, more small business owners were educated and approved for the capital they needed to keep their business running during this economically challenging time." Details about The American Business Awards and the list of Finalists in all categories are available at www.stevieawards.com/aba.. About RBS Lynk RBS Lynk is a leading, single-source provider of electronic payment processing services including credit, debit, EBT, checks, gift cards, e-commerce, customer loyalty cards, fleet cards, prepaid cards, ATM processing and cash management services. The U.S. payment processing division of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc, RBS Lynk is a non-bank subsidiary of Citizens Financial Group. For more information, please visit www.rbslynk.com About The Stevie Awards Stevie Awards are conferred in four programs: The American Business Awards, The International Business Awards, The Stevie Awards for Women in Business, and the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. Honoring companies of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide. Learn more about The Stevie Awards at www.stevieawards.com THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT, TAX OR LEGAL ADVICE. Consult with a financial advisor, accountant or attorney before making important decisions in these areas..
Drug and Alcohol Review Drug and Alcohol Review is the official journal of APSAD, and was first published in 1982. The Journal is an international forum for the views, expertise and experience of all those involved in the study of treatment of alcohol, tobacco and drug problems. The journal represents an important source of information to clinicians, drug and alcohol agency staff, researchers, policy makers and alcohol service administrators. ||Clinicians, researchers and decision-makers involved in the multi-disciplinary nature of the alcohol and drug research community and field: criminology, psychology, public health, philosophy, political science, epidemiology, sociology and economics are amongst the disciplines published ||Bi-monthly (January, March, May, July, September, November) ||Addiction Abstracts, Applied Social Science Index and Abstracts (ASSIA), Australasia Medical Index, Current Contents/Social & Behavioural Sciences, e-psyche, Health-ROM, Index Medicus/MEDLINE, National Criminal Justice Reference Services Abstracts, Psychological Abstracts/PsycINFO/PsycLIT, Research Alert, Social Sciences Citation Index, Social SciSearch, Studies on Women and GenderAbstracts, Tobacco and Health Abstracts (NISC), Toxibase, Violence and Abuse Abstracts: A Review of Current Literature on Interpersonal Violence. Members of APSAD receive the Journal as part of their annual subscription. Members can also enjoy free online access by logging on to the Members section and following the link to the journal website. Accessing the Drug and Alcohol Review online Enter your user name and password in the logon fields located on the left hand side of the home page. Your login name and password are set up by you when you join APSAD. If you are unsure of either of these, please contact the APSAD office between 9:00am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday. Contributors to the journal examine and report on alcohol and drug abuse from a wide range of clinical, biomedical, psychological and sociological standpoints. The principal criterion for publication of papers is their quality. The Drug and Alcohol Review features articles in the following categories: - Original Research - Comprehensive Reviews - Brief Communications - Seminars in Practical Management - For Debate - Reviews and Commentary - Letters to the Editor - News and Views - Harm Reduction Digest - Asia Pacific Column - Book Reviews If you are submitting a paper for publication in the Drug and Alcohol Review, please read the author guidelines (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291465-3362/homepage/ForAuthors.html). All manuscripts are to be submitted electronically on the Drug and Alcohol Review manuscript submission site (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dar). New users should first create an account. Once you are logged onto the site, submissions can be entered via the Author Centre. The scientific quality and professional standards of the Drug and Alcohol Review are guaranteed by the editors and a panel of expert peer reviewers. The Editorial team endeavours to continually expand its panel of reviewers, and is particularly interested in identifying younger researchers, academics and research-oriented clinicians whose scientific reputation may not yet have received international recognition. The Editorial team is immensely grateful to the Journal's reviewers, on the basis of whose efforts the international reputation of the Drug and Alcohol Review is founded.
io9 reports the official CW synopsis of ARROW, the Green Arrow television show written by the same people that are working on a Booster Gold project for SyFy. http://io9.com/5909960/which-new-superhero-will-join-earths-mightiest-heroes-in-the-avengers-2 Read the following and ask yourself if this is what they do to a character as well established as Green Arrow, what are they doing to Booster Gold? After a violent shipwreck, billionaire playboy Oliver Queen was missing and presumed dead for five years before being discovered alive on a remote island in the Pacific. When he returns home to Starling City, his devoted mother Moira, much-beloved sister Thea, and best friend Tommy welcome him home, but they sense Oliver has been changed by his ordeal on the island. While Oliver hides the truth about the man he's become, he desperately wants to make amends for the actions he took as the boy he was. Most particularly, he seeks reconciliation with his former girlfriend, Laurel Lance. As Oliver reconnects with those closest to him, he secretly creates the persona of Arrow – a vigilante – to right the wrongs of his family, fight the ills of society, and restore Starling City to its former glory. By day, Oliver plays the role of a wealthy, carefree and careless philanderer he used to be – flanked by his devoted chauffeur/bodyguard, John Diggle – while carefully concealing the secret identity he turns to under cover of darkness. However, Laurel's father, Detective Quentin Lance, is determined to arrest the vigilante operating in his city. Meanwhile, Oliver's own mother, Moira, knows much more about the deadly shipwreck than she has let on – and is more ruthless than he could ever imagine. I will say this, these television writers do understand what comic writers do not: ongoing stories have to have a sizeable cast of supporting characters to "support" the hero's story. There are seven characters named in that synopsis! Does Booster Gold even know seven people anymore?
Despite the absence of any highly visible breakthrough presentation, the 8th World Conference on Lung Cancer in Dublin, Ireland, was a true watershed event. Trends that have been developing over the last decade have now become clear, and the need for new approaches is compelling. In the context of a continuing perspective on these meetings, enormous progress has been made in the treatment of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), in the understanding of the molecular events leading to lung cancer, and in the war against tobacco. Complacency based on these advances would, however, be folly. The continued lack of progress against small-cell lung cancer (SCLC), the absence of major progress in diagnostic imaging, and the continued slow pace of translating biologic understanding to clinical application are frustrating. Underlying all of this is our inability to complete pivotal randomized trials in a timely fashion. NSCLC Is, Stage for Stage, More Successfully Treated Than SCLC Much of the past 2 decades has been absorbed with extolling the curability of SCLC and intensifying its treatment so as to increase the number of cures achieved. The corollary to this was the ongoing denigration of any therapy other than surgery for NSCLC. Table 1 is a comparison, albeit an unconventional one, of outcomes for patients with SCLC and NSCLC. As a group, and for virtually any specific stage of disease, patients with NSCLC now clearly have an equal or superior outcome compared with patients with SCLC. The era during which we justified treating just about anyone with SCLC because they do so well and withheld treatment from patients with NSCLC because they do so poorly is now clearly at an end. Adenocarcinoma Is Now the Most Common Histologic Subtype of Lung Cancer Most investigators in lung cancer matured during the era when squamous cell carcinomas were the predominant form of non-small-cell lung cancer. With uncommon exceptions in certain nations, this trend has now been totally reversed. Whether this represents a change in the spectrum of inhaled carcinogens due to increasing use of filtered products is speculative, albeit intriguing. The emergence of adenocarcinomas, with their tendency for earlier metastasis, means that clinical practiceseg, screening for asymptomatic brain metastases and more frequent use of mediastinoscopy in patients with negative computed tomography scanswill have to be re-evaluated. Multimodal Therapy Has Replaced Unimodal Therapy in Many Clinical Settings With the exception of very early stage IA NSCLC and widespread NSCLC or SCLC, evidence suggests that combinations of treatment modalities are superior to single-modality treatment (Table 2). An adjunct to this is the emergence of the thoracic oncologist who may be trained in any of the modalities but is widely experienced in using all available modalities of treatment. Therapeutic Imperative Has Triumphed Over Nihilism and Cost Cutting Although highly variable across cultures, the concept that a patient wants to be treated, despite long odds against success (the therapeutic imperative) is now well established. Earlier objections to this approach, especially for patients with metastatic NSCLC, centered around the lack of a survival benefit and the worsening of quality of life due to treatment-related toxicity. It is now clear from randomized trials and meta-analyses that treatment for metastatic NSCLC improves survival, albeit modestly,[4-6] that patient symptoms are improved in most cases,[7-10] that the emetogenic side effects of therapy can be abrogated,[11,12] and that the cost-benefit ratio is clearly in favor of including chemotherapy for the treatment of locally advanced and metastatic NSCLC. One hopes that the era of studies comparing treatment vs best supportive care is now truly over. Although the accumulated damage from decades of tobacco abuse will continue to plague us well into the next century, the tide appears to have finally turned. As a result of extraordinarily brave political action by former commissioner David Kessler, md, the Food and Drug Administration in the United States has recognized and documented the addictive nature of nicotine(Drug information on nicotine) and has moved to regulate its use as a drug.[15,16] It is expected that a similar action will ensue in Europe with the election of the Labour Party in England and a formal end to British opposition to an advertising ban in Europe. Canada has passed legislation to restrict advertising and limit tar and nicotine content and, most extraordinarily, the tobacco industry in the United States has been forced to its knees in court by several states, resulting in settlement agreements that reimburse tobacco-related health costs, end or restrict most advertising, and severely limit access to tobacco products for minors. As of this writing, at least one firm has admitted to covering up their knowledge of tobaccos harmful effects, thus ending one of the longest scientific fantasies ever promulgated by an industry. For these efforts to have long-term success, the changes in consumer behaviors need to be sustained. The revelations of doping of cigarettes by manipulation of nicotine content have had a clear impact on the glamour associated with smoking. The remaining clouds on this horizon are significant, however. Cigar smoking has regained its cachet and, though less dangerous than cigarette smoking, it threatens the societal pressures against smoking behaviors. Finally, the legislation and legal actions in Europe and North American have had little or no impact on sales or marketing in Central and South America, Eastern Europe, and Asia. Understanding the Molecular Changes Leading to Development and Progression of Lung Cancer Initial studies demonstrating the presence of autocrine and paracrine growth control in lung cancer[19-22] have been followed by the recognition that these receptors are generally tyrosine kinases, and that the growth signal is transferred to the nucleus by a complex signal transduction machinery that includes activation of vital proteins such as Ras, GTPase, Raf, and MAP kinase, which in turn translocate to the nucleus and activate transcription factors. Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) can also signal more directly to the nucleus by activating signal transducers and transcription activators (STATs) that dimerize, bind directly to DNA, and activate transcription. Cell division is stimulated by RTKs through activation of cyclin-dependent kinases that allow cells to progress through the cell cycle. Overexpression or inappropriate expression of several RTKs and constitutive overexpression of cyclin-dependent kinases and signal transducers and transcription activator proteins appear to be involved in sustaining the growth of malignant cells. Although not yet fully characterized, the sequence of genetic changes leading to development of lung carcinogenesis also is being unraveled. Mutations in up to 10 to 20 recessive or dominant oncogenes appear common in each cancer and may be related to abnormalities of DNA repair. Abnormal p53, myc, and Rb genes and gene products have been described as having a series of recessive oncogenes (FHIT homozygous deletion region FRA3B fragile site, BAP-1, ACL5 homozygous deletion region, and the VHL gene region) exposed during 3p allelic loss, a common finding in lung cancer. What is less clear is how these aberrations directly affect cell-signaling mechanisms that lead to continued cell proliferation. Real Progress Has Been Made Against NSCLC Because of the enormous numbers of NSCLC patients, even small changes in long-term outcome affect thousands of individuals. Progress in the past several years, however, has been far more than incremental. In the management of metastatic NSCLC, the introduction of paclitaxel(Drug information on paclitaxel) (Taxol),[29,30] docetaxel (Taxotere),[31,32] vinorelbine (Navelbine),[33,34] gemcitabine(Drug information on gemcitabine) (Gemzar),[35,36] and the topoisomerase I inhibitors topotecan(Drug information on topotecan) (Hycamtin) and irinotecan (Camptosar) led to a series of doublet studies incorporating cisplatin(Drug information on cisplatin) (Platinol) or carboplatin(Drug information on carboplatin) (Paraplatin), resulting in now-routine 1-year survival rates of 40% and better, with measurable 2-year survival rates. Paclitaxel/cisplatin, vinorelbine/cisplatin,[41,42] and gemcitabine/cisplatin have all proven superior to older regimens, and comparisons between and among them are under way. The combination of paclitaxel/carboplatin has become a de-facto community standard in the United States. Despite the fact that only phase II trial results are available, this combination has become the comparative arm in each of the cooperative group trials currently under way in the United States (Table 3). Combinations of these new agents with surgery and/or radiation are now under active investigation and may represent our first real impact on systemic disease.[45,46] Previous expectations that patients with locally advanced NSCLC would have only a 5% 5-year survival rate with radiation alone have now been eclipsed by regular expectations of 20% to 30% 5-year survivals with various permutations of sequential and concurrent chemotherapy, radiation, and possibly surgery.[47,48]
Direct numerical simulation (DNS) A direct numerical simulation (DNS) is a simulation in computational fluid dynamics in which the Navier-Stokes equations are numerically solved without any turbulence model. This means that the whole range of spatial and temporal scales of the turbulence must be resolved. All the spatial scales of the turbulence must be resolved in the computational mesh, from the smallest dissipative scales (Kolmogorov scales), up to the integral scale L, associated with the motions containing most of the kinetic energy. The Kolmogorov scale, , is given by where ν is the kinematic viscosity and ε is the rate of kinetic energy dissipation. On the other hand, the integral scale depends usually on the spatial scale of the boundary conditions. To satisfy these resolution requirements, the number N of points along a given mesh direction with increments h, must be so that the integral scale is contained within the computational domain, and also so that the Kolmogorov scale can be resolved. where u' is the root mean square (RMS) of the velocity, the previous relations imply that a three-dimensional DNS requires a number of mesh points satisfying where Re is the turbulent Reynolds number Hence, the memory storage requirement in a DNS grows very fast with the Reynolds number. In addition, given the very large memory necessary, the integration of the solution in time must be done by an explicit method. This means that in order to be accurate, the integration must be done with a time step, Δt, small enough such that a fluid particle moves only a fraction of the mesh spacing h in each step. That is, (C is here the Courant number). The total time interval simulated is generally proportional to the turbulence time scale given by Combining these relations, and the fact that h must be of the order of , the number of time-integration steps must be proportional to . By other hand, from the definitions for Re, η and L given above, it follows that and consequently, the number of time steps grows also as a power law of the Reynolds number. One can estimate that the number of floating-point operations required to complete the simulation is proportional to the number of mesh points and the number of time steps, and in conclusion, the number of operations grows as . Therefore, the computational cost of DNS is very high, even at low Reynolds numbers. For the Reynolds numbers encountered in most industrial applications, the computational resources required by a DNS would exceed the capacity of the most powerful computer currently available. However, direct numerical simulation is a useful tool in fundamental research in turbulence. Using DNS it is possible to perform "numerical experiments", and extract from them information difficult or impossible to obtain in the laboratory, allowing a better understanding of the physics of turbulence. Also, direct numerical simulations are useful in the development of turbulence models for practical applications, such as sub-grid scale models for Large eddy simulation (LES) and models for methods that solve the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations (RANS). This is done by means of "a priori" tests, in which the input data for the model is taken from a DNS simulation, or by "a posteriori" tests, in which the results produced by the model are compared with those obtained by DNS. The biggest DNS in the world, up to this date, used mesh points. It was carried out in the Japanese Earth Simulator supercomputer in 2002. - DNS page at Wikipedia
Cisco® Security Agent security software provides threat protection for server and desktop computing systems, also known as endpoints. Cisco Security Agent goes beyond conventional endpoint security solutions by identifying and preventing malicious behavior before it can occur, thereby removing potential known and unknown security risks that threaten enterprise networks and applications. Cisco Security Agent mitigates new and evolving threats without requiring reconfigurations or updates on endpoints, providing robust protection with reduced operational costs. Cisco Security Agent Version 5.1 provides ease-of-use enhancements to the Cisco Management Center for Cisco Security Agents, thereby simplifying and enhancing operations. Q. What are the new features of Cisco Security Agent Version 5.1? A. Cisco Security Agent Version 5.1 provides a standalone management application (CiscoWorks Management Center for Cisco Security Agents) to configure and monitor Cisco Security Agent server and desktop agents, supports the Microsoft Windows 2003 Server (Standard, Enterprise, Web, or Small Business Editions). Q. What is the standalone Management Center for Cisco Security Agents? A. With Cisco Security Agent Version 5.1, the Management Center for Cisco Security Agents is now available to new Cisco Security Agent customers as a standalone management application, no longer part of the CiscoWorks VPN/Security Management Solution (VMS). Earlier versions of Cisco Security Agent required a customer to install CiscoWorks Common Services Software Version 2.2 (part of CiscoWorks VMS) as a requirement to run the Management Center. Q. Should existing Cisco Security Agent customers upgrade to Version 5.1? A. No. Existing customers should remain on Version 5.0. They should not upgrade to Version 5.1. Cisco Security Agent Version 5.1 offers no new features since CiscoWorks is already installed and running. A follow-on release, Cisco Security Agent Version 5.2, will provide Cisco Security Agent Version 5.0 customers with Windows 2003 support. Q. What features are provided by the Management Center for Cisco Security Agents? A. The Management Center for Cisco Security Agents supports the configuration of agent policies and rules and the monitoring and global correlation of events. The Management Center can also send events to Cisco Security Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting System (Cisco Security MARS) for centralized correlation of all security events occurring in the network. Q. How do I order Cisco Security Agent Version 5.1? A. You would order the Cisco Security Agent 5.1 Starter Bundle, which includes the Management Center for Cisco Security Agents, and also the applicable agent bundle for the number of server and desktop agents needed. The part number for the Cisco Security Agent 5.1 Starter Bundle is CSA-START-5.1-K9. FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information about Cisco Security Agent, contact a Cisco representative or visit: http://www.cisco.com/go/csa.
As expected, cotton producers will have numerous choices as they decide which seed varieties to plant in 2009. The big question: Have producers observed test plot data and learned enough by studying their state’s Official Variety Trials (OVT)? Here are some updates from several companies: in 2009, Monsanto’s D&PL business will introduce a new naming system to help producers better identify promising new cotton varieties for the Deltapine brand. The new naming approach uses a four digit numbering system. The first two numbers indicate the year the variety was introduced, and the second two numbers show relative maturity. The uppercase abbreviation at the end of the name will continue to represent the included trait technology. Two Deltapine varieties – DP 0924 B2RF and DP 0935 B2RF – were introduced last summer. 0924 is an early-mid maturity variety that is well adapted to the upper Mid-South. 0935 is a mid-maturing variety that should be well adapted across a broad spectrum of soils. Other new Deltapine varieties are scheduled to be announced at the Beltwide Cotton Conferences in DP 0924 B2RF DP 0935 B2RF is expected to announce several new ‘09 varieties at the Beltwide Cotton Conferences in January. That announcement will follow Cotton Agronomic Trials at 140 locations across the Belt in ‘08. WideStrike cotton continues as a popular choice for producers in the Mid-South and SE with its two-gene Bt for season-long protection against a broad spectrum of troublesome worm pests. PHY 755 WRF Americot has high hopes for two NexGen varieties slated for launch in 2009 – NG 3348 B2RF and NG 3410 RF. Both varieties are targeted for producers in the Southwest and feature high yield potential, excellent fiber package and good seedling vigor. The varieties also feature stormproof qualities and verticilium wilt tolerance traits. NG 3348 B2RF NG 3410 RF This Texas-based seed company will launch five new varieties in 2009 – three Roundup Ready Flex varieties and two conventional The family-owned and operated business began delivering seed to Texas producers in 1974. It also does custom delinting of cottonseed. Epic RF 65333 Patriot RF 65018 Orbit RF 65016 This company is the proprietary brand of the farmer-owned, full-line seed division of Land O’Lakes. Although no new varieties will be offered in ‘09, five varieties will be offered from last year because of continued yield success and performance. two new varieties in 2008 – DG 2400 RF and DG 2570 B2RF – the company won’t launch any new products in 2009 but will have a total of eight varieties in its 2009 portfolio. will offer four varieties in 2008, including one new one – all geared toward Pima growing conditions in the San Joaquin Valley. Seed Source Genetics This company, based in Bishop, Texas, was formerly known as Seed Tec Genetics. It specializes in cold tolerant varieties for the northern part of the Cotton Belt. It will offer six varieties
Masters outdoor track championships sprint into Lisle The USA Masters Track and Field Championships are coming to Lisle the first weekend of August, bringing top-notch athletes and competitors 30 and older who want to test themselves on the track at Benedictine University. Courtesy of USATF With Olympic fever in the air, the Village of Lisle-Benedictine University Sports Complex plans to stage an event of national prominence. No need to book a flight to London, the USA Masters Outdoor Track and Field Championships are coming to Lisle. "If people want to see the best, most fit adult athletes in the world competing and breaking records, then come to the meet," said Bob Weiner, national masters' media committee chairman for USA Track and Field. Weiner said the event will spread the word that speed, strength and endurance are possible for all ages. "Our events are adult track and field," said Weiner. "It is open to everyone." Each year, athletes from across the country compete in the USA Masters over four days the first weekend in August. The meet in Lisle is Thursday to Sunday, Aug. 2 to 5. A full range of track events include races from 100 meters to 10,000 meters. Field events include javelin and discus throw, long and high jump, hammer and weight throw, shot put, pole vault, triple jump and hurdles. Stamina is challenged in the steeplechase, pentathlon and racewalking events. The Masters division features athletes over the age of 30 testing their skills in track and field events with their peers. Groupings are in 5-year increments, with the oldest group being 100 years and older. Yes, Weiner said, there was a 101-year-old competitor. There is a man registered for the USATF Masters in the age group 85-89 in 80-meter hurdles. "I saw a man set the record in the 200-meter indoors and he was in his 90s," said Lorette Cherry, Illinois secretary of USATF. "I had tears in my eyes, the man was so amazing." "In Masters, you look forward to your birthdays, because every five years is another age group to compete in," said Weiner. "When you are a year older, you then compete at the youngest age of the next five-year division, and that is an advantage." The event is open to all who want a physical challenge. If you run a mile between 4.5 and 9 minutes you are within the range of contenders, according to Weiner. "Any time is acceptable," Weiner said. "If you run as a jogger and you want to see how you can do in a competition, you are welcome to enter." The USATF Illinois, based in Lisle, hosts this year's competition and leads the bid process that Cherry attended. The event, which Lisle will host for the first time, was the result of an extensive process that began in 2009. The results left national board members pleased with the Lisle Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Village of Lisle-Benedictine University Sports Complex proposal. "People love coming to this Chicago area because there is so much for them to do," Cherry said. "You will be surprised to see the quality that comes to our meet; it is so amazing to see that determination in our athletes." The Benedictine facility has hosted national youth events on two previous occasions, as well as the 2006 NCAA Division II Women's Lacrosse Championship. "The latest numbers we have from the Illinois group is that we should expect about 1,200 athletes," said Jay Allen, LCVB sales manager for the Lisle visitors bureau. The successful bid reflects all the resources Lisle and the university have to offer events of this caliber. The extensive bid defined hotel accommodations, access to convenient transportation and a variety of food venues, in addition to all the equipment and field requirements. The sports complex has a nine-lane Olympic quality track with a 3,000-seat stadium. Cherry said with more stadium seating, Lisle could host more events. "We are bringing new people and outside money to the area," Allen SAID. "It is also a great showcase for Benedictine and Lisle to have this national event." Allen said that LCVB will provide free shuttle service for the athletes to and from hotels and will add local information to the USATF Illinois welcome packets. It also will staff an information table to answer visitor's questions. Athletes, trainers, officials, spectators and family members will come to the area. Although it is too early to know exact numbers and names, organizers said Lisle can expect to have some prior Olympians and world champions at the games. "The events are very social, too," Weiner said. "Everyone is there for the competition and the camaraderie." USA Track and Field has 57 associations that cover the United States with its national offices in Indianapolis. Go to USATF.org and USATFillinois.org for a complete rules book, meet history and score results from the past 10 years in all events. To find out who else is registered in the Masters, so far, go to USATF.org and then click on events calendar, national championship, scroll down to find Aug. 2-5 and click on entry list. Each event has its list. Then, be an active participant in the Olympic spirit. - Share Facebook Twitter Article sent to (required)E-mail Article sent from (required)E-mail Name Subject Line (article title) Message (optional)Success - Article sent Click to close Interested in reusing this article? Custom reprints are a powerful and strategic way to share your article with customers, employees and prospects. The YGS Group provides digital and printed reprint services for Daily Herald. Complete the form to the right and a reprint consultant will contact you to discuss how you can reuse this article.Need more information about reprints? Visit our Reprints Section for more details. 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Travel to the stars has been a dream of science-fiction writers since the 1920s. Now scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California are saluting sci-fi giants such as Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Ray Bradbury and Robert Heinlein with big plans to launch the first, targeted interstellar robot spacecraft sometime after the year 2014. While no humans will be onboard the proposed Innovative Interstellar Explorer probe, or simply IIE, this Voyager-sized craft will be like a rapid transit to the stars. IIE will bypass its "slower" moving interstellar-bound 20th century ancestors, Pioneer 10 and 11 and Voyager 1 and 2. These 1970s-era spacecraft are currently on the edge of where our Sun's influence drops up and the vast deeps of interstellar space begins. The Voyagers have been reconfigured and currently form the Voyager Interstellar Mission, but IIE ultimately surpass these star-trekking geezers by the year 2029. Powered by a compact, high-tech power unit that will provide onboard juice for nearly a century, IIE will reach 200 A.U.s in 15 years. What's an A.U.? A.U. is a space-distance measurement short for astronomical unit. For a reference point, think of Earth as being located 1 A.U. (or 93 million miles) from the Sun; so IIE's goal is to reach interstellar space at a distance of 200 A.U.s from the Sun-that's a long, strange trip from the green hills of Earth. Assisting its nuclear power source, IIE will call upon the powerful gravitational field of the planet Jupiter to fling itself ever deeper into interstellar space. The primary goal of IIE will be to pass through a region at the edge of the solar system called the heliopause, the place where our Sun's influence ends and interstellar space actually begins. The probe will then use instruments to explore the nature of the interstellar medium-especially cosmic dust and rays-and its implications for the formation of the galaxy.
Sega announced that The Creative Assembly, the development studio behind the Total War series, is expanding with the creation of the Total War Digital team. The new team will be tasked with developing Total War games for yet to be announced mobile platforms using the Unity engine. The new series will be named Total War Battles. Rob Bartholomew, Brand Director at The Creative Assembly said: Total War Battles is a distinct new direction. For the last 12 months our Digital team has been extensively prototyping technology and making sense of exactly what a Total War game on mobile would look and feel like. Lead Designer on the new Total War Digital team Renaud Charpentier added: This isn’t the traditional Total War you might expect. We are working on a title that is specifically tailored to the play styles and control methods of mobile platforms. We want to deliver a game that plays to the strengths of handheld RTS mechanics, and perfectly adapts to a host of different platforms. We’re developing in Unity to help us achieve stunning visuals, gameplay and audio on all our target devices. Specific platforms and details on the first game of the Total War Battles series will be announced in the very near future. By continuing past this page, you by your continued use of this site, agree to be bound by and abide by the User Agreement. © 2013 DualShockers. All content, including editorials, comments, and any other written works on DualShockers, are licensed under a Creative Commons License permitting non-commercial sharing with attribution.
- Supple, which uses decision-theoretic optimization to automatically generate user interfaces adapted to a person's device and long-term usage; - Arnauld, which allows optimization-based systems to be adapted to users' preferences; and - Ability Modeler and an extension of Supple that first performs a one-time assessment of a person's motor abilities and then automatically generates user interfaces predicted to be the fastest to use for that user. User Interfaces for today's software are usually created in a one-size-fits-all manner, making implicit assumptions about the needs, abilities, and preferences of the "average user" and the characteristics of the "average device." I argue that personalized user interfaces, which are adapted to a person's devices, tasks, preferences, and abilities, can improve user satisfaction and performance. I have developed three systems: Krzysztof Z. Gajos. Automatically Generating Personalized User Interfaces. PhD thesis, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, 2008.BibTeX
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Click on a label to read posts from that part of the world. From the New Europe: The Unbearable Appeal of Being in Prague It is still a fairly common cliche in Prague: a backpacker with a beat up copy of Milan Kundera's 1984 novel The Unbearable Lightness of Being, trying to discover the Prague Kundera once described. That Prague--desperate amidst the Russian invasion--does not exist anymore. The locals don't want it to exist. I always sense a little disappointment when tourists find out that Prague is not at all the exotic, gloomy city that Kundera wrote about. It has--like it or not--become free and commerce-driven. No Russian soldiers, no interrogation, just free market capitalism. The literary scene is not great, despite foreign media and guidebooks' keeping on "selling it" as the city of uber-intellectuals, such as Kundera, Kafka and Havel. Understandably, it is a much more appealing brand than "just another up and coming Eastern European city." With that in mind, I found it amusing to read today's article in the travel section of The New York Times entitled "Milan Kundera's Prague: Trumping the Unbearable Darkness of History." Oh no, here we go again, longing for the way Prague felt under communism. Kundera has actually had a very troubled relationship to the post-communist country. He has lived in France for the last few decades and hasn't even wanted his books to be published in Czech. The idea that his is the Prague being sold to tourists wouldn't be particularly appealing to him, I don't think. As the author of the article pointed out, The Unbearable Lightness of Being is no love letter to Prague. That is an accurate observation. It is a great book, don't get me wrong. One of my all time favorites. However, to think that it will make you understand the Prague you are seeing today is silly. There is a lot more to Prague than its communist past. Try looking back longer than 20, 40 years. Prague has a great Gothic and Baroque past that--in the grand scheme of things--is a lot more relevant that its 40 years under communism (20 years ago).
The Loxton family is far reaching with a number of branches all around the world. This project has been set up in an effort to amalgamate a number of trees on Geni and establish other trees, the object being to get the most accurate information available for all individuals. It is important that all managers of profiles check the information added, and resolve any conflicts appearing under the Actions menu. There is often conflicting data and the aim is to amicably resolve these issues. If possible please add any source documents to the profiles or explain in the "About" section the reasons for the information added so that all managers can see it. To participate in any project You first need be a collaborator - so join the project. See the discussion Project Help: How to add Text to a Project - Starter Kit to get you going! How to Participate - Please add only the profiles of members of this family to this project! This is easily done from the profile page using the Add to project link. - If you have any queries related to these families please start a discussion linked to this project. (See the menu top right). - Please add related projects to the menu on the right. - If you have links to related web pages that would be of interest to others please add them in the relevant section at the bottom of the page. In order to do this use the drop down menu at the top left of the screen and Join the Project. If this option is not available to you then contact a collaborator and ask to be added to the project. As a collaborator you will be able to edit this page. - Add any documents of interest using the menu at the top right of the page, and then add a link to the document in the text under the heading below. If you do not know how to do this please contact one of the other collaborators to assist you. Loxton is not a common name, it is the 5,027 th most common name in Great Britain, 1,643 people share the surname. 5% of the people whose name is Loxton live in the Vale of Glamorgan, conflicting with the widely held view that it is a Somerset name linked to the village of Loxton. However, a lot of people left the north Somerset coalfields to work in South Wales. The circumstantial evidence that links the name to Somerset is so strong that few people doubt the link between the name and the place. It is thought that the name of Locking, near Weston Super Mare, is also linked to the same source. Farming has been important in Somerset since the introduction of domesticated animals and plants and some Loxtons can be traced due to their links to the land. It may not be possible to prove direct family links but he concept of a ‘clan’ of people linked by a sense of place and social connections is appropriate. Variations - Luxton and Laxton are common variations of the name which may have come from the same source or may have evolved separately. There is a village called Laxton in Nottinghamshire which may have been the root of the name of Richard of Loxley, better known as Robin Hood. Other variations are the phonetic ‘Lockston’ and ‘Lauchstone’ - others are found. One theory regarding the origin of the name Loxton (or Laxton) is that it is derived from “lax ton” or salmon town. However, the Somerset village of Loxton is nowhere near any salmon rivers. Refer to the Loxton village website [www.loxtonsomerset.org.uk/ Loxton village website] for more information about the location of the village. Another theory is that the name is derived from some Celtic description of a lake as in the Scotish ‘loch’, a variation of this theory is that it describes a pathway across swampy ground. A related theory is that it is the truncation of the name of a person so the villages could be named after somebody called Lock or Loki who could hae been a Celt, Saxon of even a Viking. Loxton is mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1086, and was known as 'Lochestone'. Today, it is believed that village names in those parts of the kingdom, where hamlets and scattered farmsteads had flourished, were probably derived from the name given to one of the farmsteads or enclosures which were described in Old English as a (tun) and where later a community consisting of working families, living in simple dwellings had evolved. Perhaps it was derived from a farmstead belonging to a Saxon landowner whose name sounded like 'Lock', although it is claimed that many place names were derived in this manner even after the Norman Conquest. Loxton - Occurrences - people to explore - a fairly random list (Bold Links are to profiles on Geni. Others are to pages and resources of interest.) The following are early mentions of the name. - Gervase de Lokeston, lord of the manor of Loxton, is mentioned three times in the Buckland Cartulary c 1250. Various spellings of his name were used and he was probably the Gervase de Sparkford who gave the manor of Lokeston as his daughter Jordana’s dowry to Philip de Insula. It was common for people to use a variety of second names in those days. - A John Lokestone was a tenant in Emborough in 1448. He paid the substantial sum of £8 as an entry fee so he was a reasonably wealthy man. He was farming the ‘manor farm’ of Emborogh which further suggests that he was a substantial man. - William Loxton obtained a tenancy in Ston Easton in 1490. He may hae been the William Loxston accused of illegally ploughing part of the Whitnel Common land in 1516. - Nicholas Loxton of Shepton Mallet was fined for aiding the Cornish rebels in 1497. The cause of the rebellion was the objection of the Cornish tin miners to paying taxes. The Cornish tin miners were previously exempt from paying taxes. The Mendip lead miners may have enjoyed similar privileges which suggests that Nicholas had some interest in lead mining. He may have been the same man mentioned in wills dated 1511 and 1529. - John Loxton took a lease of land from the Marquis of Bath in West Horrington in 1538. It was probably him who was listed as the oldest inhabitant of West Horrington aged 60 according to the Hobhouse map. - William Loxton of Horrington was mentioned in a certificate of muster for 1569 as an archer. John Loxton [of West Bradley?] was mentioned as a pikeman and another William Loxton from the same place as John Loxton was mentioned as a billman. - William Loxton of Montecute had twin daughters, Grace and Sarah, baptised in 1589. Henry Loxston took a lease in Wells in also in 1589. The Chewton Mendip vestry committee records ar full of references to Loxtons in the 18th century, mainly as recipients of poor relief. The Loxtons’ estate is mentioned frequently but this was farmed by other people in the 18th century. The King family were often mentioned as paying poor rates for part of Loxtons. A William Loxton was a regular recipient of money and clothing from 1730 to 1745 when he became ill and died. His sickness was not specified but small pox was a common killer and usually referred to by name. Cholera was known to have ben common at the time. The Chewton Mendip Loxtons appear in a range of roles and social classes. - Gideon Loxton, who was baptised in 1753, married Hester Bush in Chewton Mendip in 1780. One of their sons married Mary Dando who was baptised in Chewton Mendip in 1795. Another son of Gideon and Hester was George Loxton who was baptised in West Harptree in 1795. George had a son, also called George, who was baptised in Chewton Mendip in 1819. He married Eliza Guppy of North Wooton who was baptised in 1818. George died in 1897 and Eliza in 1906 and is buried in Priddy. Eliza’s brothers, Walter and James Guppy emigrated to Australia. - Martha, the daughter of Martha Loxton was baptised in North Wooton on 25/6/1760. No father is listed in the FreeReg record and no link to Christopher Loxton has been proven. A Martha Loxtone was buried in North Wooton 0n 29/6/1761 who could have been either the mother or child born in 1760. - Christopher Loxton was buried in North Wooton in 1766. He is a good prospect for the father or grandfather of Christopher Laxton or Loxton. - John Lockstone - a tree as yet not verified - - John Lockstone had several children baptised in Emborough from 1594 onwards. He married Dorethe Cheesman in Emborough in 31/5/1594. The record of Loxtons in Emborough is fairly consistent from that date up to - - Peter Loxton of Emborough married Susanna Blanning who was the sister of William Blanning. Susanna was the daughter of Samuel and Mary Blanning and was baptised in Chewton Mendip on 20/3/1811. Peter Loxton was born in 1805 and married Susanna Blanning some time before 1843 when they had two sons baptised in Binigar. Peter Loxton is often identified as the earliest erifiable member of a cluster of Loxtons based in the North Somerset part of the Mendips. - Samuel Loxton was probably Peter’s brother and was born about 1811 and died in 1867. The vicarage, which they probably renamed Pleasant House, was put into trust to Samuel Loxton probably because William Blanning had remarried to Rebecca - George Loxton, the son of George born c1801 was born in North Wooton c1837. - A Christopher Laxton or Loxton was having children baptised in Pilton from 1786 and North Wooton from 1803. They may have been the same person because Ann or Anne was specified as the wife of all of the children. - George the son of Thomas Loxton and Betty Parson who married in 1807 in Pilton, was born in 1813 and some records show he lived in Chewton Mendip for a while. This branch of the Loxtons were involved with the Turnpike roads which may explain their presence in Chewton Mendip. - Samuel Loxton (1704-1786) There were also Loxtons in Ston Easton, Litton, the Harptrees and Priddy. - Sarah Millard Married Christopher Loxton in St Cuthberts church, Wells on 29/7/1792. - George Loxton was born in West Pennard c 1801. He could have been the son of Christopher and Sarah Loxton but there were also families of Loxtons in West Pennard, Pilton and other villages. His wife was probably Mary Stevens who he married 5/5/1831 in North Wooton. The Hampshire archives contain records that show that a Richard Loxton was living in Chewton Mendip in the 1690s. These records are the earliest definition of what was the Loxton Estate but there are earlier accounts of people called Loxton living in th area. The limited information about the property suggest that Richard Loxton was a reasonably wealthy man. The wealthy branch of the York(e) family took over the estate and they continued to be responsible for the Loxton’s estate for the next 100 years or so. - Wm Charles Loxton who was born in 1848 in Staines, Middlesex near London, established the town of Loxton in South Australia. He was the son of Albert Richard Loxton who born in North Wooton in 1821 and baptised in Southover, Wells in 1822. Albert Loxton married Grace Lintern in 1846. They had 13 children and the Wm Charles who founded Loxton in Austrailia . Some sources trace him back to Thomas and Betty Loxton from Pilton (see above). South African connections - The Cape Archives of South Africa identify Loxtons in that country as early as 1834. There is a town in the northern Cape called Loxton named after them. Loxtons were also recorded in the Transvaal in the 20th century. Some sources trace the South African Loxtons back to Thomas and Betty Loxton who may have lived there for a while. - Jane Loxton married Joseph Dicks on 5 December 1836 at Wynberg, Cape, South Africa. She was the daughter of Thomas Loxton and Elizabeth (Betty) Parsons. - Rev. James Loxton married Emily Nutter (born 1809 - daughter of Timothy and Ann Nutter) just prior to their leaving England for the South Seas where James was to be a missionary for the London Missionary Society. James died within months of their arriving at Raiatea and was buried there according to native custom. Emily decided to return to England, but had to break her journey at Huahine for the birth of her daughter, Emily Loxton on 16 September 1834. Mother and daughter arrived back in England in June 1835. Emily Loxton then met the Rev John Locke in England, shortly before he too was posted as a missionary to South Africa, sailing for Cape Town in May 1837. They moved to Grahamstown in 1838. Emily was widowed again in 1848, and died in Grahamstown at the age of 80 years in December 1889, having outlived her daughter Emily by ten years. Emily Loxton is believed to be the first European child born in the South Sea Islands. Her early life would have been taken up with the long sea voyages from the South Seas to England, and again on a three month voyage from England to Cape Town in 1837, with another sea voyage or possibly overland trek by ox wagon to Grahamstown in 1838. Emily married Charles Horatio Nelson in December 1852 in Grahamstown. Charles became virtually blind in 1860 and the family decided he should go to England for medical care to try and restore his sight. He travelled alone to England, Emily being busy caring for five young children in Grahamstown. Operations only partially restored Charles sight, and they decided that the family should settle in Crediton, Devon. Emily and the children joined him there and a further eight children were born in England, three died young. One son, James, fell severely ill while studying to become an ordained minister. On her way to visit James in London, Emily was run over by a horse and carriage and was buried in Abney Park Cemetery in 1879. - Joseph Henry Loxton was born in 1860 in Wells. He ran away from home and joined a crew of a ship when he was between 13 and 15 and arrived in Galveston in Texas. He joined a wagon train to San Antonio in Texas. He worked as a cowboy which included a stint shooting buffalo in Montana. He eventualy returned to Texas and married Mary Slaughter and settled down to have a family. This story is based on the memories of his grand daughter, Susan Loxton Clines who recorded the story in 1990. - Wilfrid William Loxton (20 January 1909 – 2 November 1992), known as Bill Loxton, was a British Royal Air Force pilot during the Battle of Britain. Loxton was born in Gretton, Gloucestershire, the son of Ernest Robert Loxton and Mary Ann Loxton (née Minett). After training as a carpenter, he joined the RAF on 30 April 1930. - Daniel Loxton is a Canadian writer, illustrator, and skeptic. He is the Editor of Junior Skeptic magazine, a kids’ science section bound into the Skeptics Society's Skeptic magazine. He writes and illustrates most issues of Junior Skeptic. - David R. Loxton (January 28, 1943 – September 20, 1989), was a producer of documentaries and other programs for public television in the USA. - John Harold Loxton, Australian mathematician - Samuel John Everett "Sam" Loxton, OBE (29 March 1921 – 3 December 2011) was an Australian cricketer, footballer and politician.
Ensemble Creation Techniques Workshop On Saturday, August 11, the Ghost Road Company will offer a one-day intensive in our development process. Participants will explore tools the company uses in developing devised performance, taught by Katharine Noon and members of the ensemble. Participants will engage in exercises involving the development of language, imagery, character and story. Physical in nature, the workshop includes writing exercises and the creation of image and design ideas. Using an existing text and/or image, the participants will be guided through a condensed version of Ghost Road’s process of adaptation and storytelling. This workshop is for performers, directors, writers and designers interested in collaborative approaches to creating new work. We have spent more than 10 years developing our creation methods and look forward to sharing these with the greater Los Angeles theatre community. WHAT: Ensemble Creation Techniques Workshop WHO: Ghost Road Theatre Company WHEN: Saturday, August 11, 1:00-4:00 pm WHERE: Artworks Theatre and Studios 6569 Santa Monica Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90038 PARKING: Free street parking on Seward & Hudson The Bargain and the Butterfly The Ghost Road Company just held the first work-in-progress showing of our latest project, The Bargain and the Butterfly. This new ensemble-devised project explores the dubious distinction between genius and insanity and uses Nathaniel Hawthorne's short story "The Artist of the Beautiful" as a primary jumping off point. Conceived and directed by Katharine Noon, performed by Ronnie Clark, Kimberly Glann, Christel Joy Johnson, Doug Sutherland and Brian Weir. Mark Seldis, producer and JoAnna Senatore, Assistant Director. Additional creative contributors: Sarah Broyles, Shaughn Buchholz, Devin Kasper. At different points in the development of a piece we invite you to join us and see what we have created thus far. This part of the process is instrumental for us in that, through your feedback, we can assess what is resonating with you. This in turn gives us new ideas and direction in order to bring you the kind of theatrical experiences you come to appreciate. July 25th - 26th 8pm only! Artworks Theatre and Studios 6569 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90038 Come out, Enjoy an evening with us, Share your experience, Be a part of the process! RSVP at [email protected] or (310) 281-8341. Seating is limited! Funded in part by a grant from the Los Angeles County Arts Commission.
Trenton Sports Speakers Browse and compare 38 professional Trenton Sports Speakers and Sports Speakers who will travel to Trenton to perform at your event. One of the best! Started touring in 1980 and has kept audiences laughing ever since! Comic Relief's Bob Zmuda: "One of the funniest!" On The Tonight Show w. Carson & Leno. Letterman, Showtime, HBO. Headlines All Events: Corporate, awards, fundraisers, weddings, holiday shows. Can keynote, mc, customize and auctioneer. Worked with: Leno, Seinfeld, Ray Romano, Drew Carey... Seinfeld... Mt. Everest Summiter and Professional Motivational Speaker. Gary Guller is both a world-renowned, Mt Everest Summiter, record-setting mountaineer, author and a professional motivational and inspirational speaker, trusted by the world's top corporations. Gary Guller's New Book is due for release on 23 May 2013. Exactly 10 years after becoming the first person in the world with one arm to sta... Stephen Caruso and Matt Fried are blowing audiences away with their award-winning performances! Collectively, they have won two gold medals, and Stephen was recently voted Pennsylvania's Funniest Comic. Don't be fooled; this is more than just a juggling show - this is a comedy show. Most stand-up comics are not this funny, which is why Stephen and Matt have been featured at the Sovereign C... My name is Jerry Torres State:Mt.Holly, New Jersey My act is basically every day life of things that I go through and people can relate too. Such as relationships, life and my observations on politics,religion...in all it's truth. I talk about everything of anything. When I started doing stand up at 20 years old I didn't know what I was getting myself into at first I ... Nancy Sathre-Vogel, a long-time schoolteacher, is internationally known as Mom to Family on Bikes, a family of four who rode their bicycles from Alaska to Argentina. Together as a family, they spent nearly three years pedaling 17,300 miles through fifteen countries and learned a thing or two about doing big things. At your event, Nancy will inspire your audience with stories of her family's... Mike Easterling is an actor-director now speaking and performing comedy on the East Coast. For the past two years he has developed his craft, performing at clubs, birthday parties, churches and corporate affairs from Virginia to New York City. His television and motion picture credits include Homicide, The Wire, America's Most Wanted and Something the Lord Made. His brand of Boomer Humor is p... Paul Nardizzi is a much sought after national entertainer who will also guarantee if he doesn't crush at your event, you will be refunded in full. Paul has been invited to perform 3 times on Late Night with Conan O'Brien, Comedy Central three times, The Best Damn Sports Show Period, NESN Comedy All Stars 2 times (where he got a standing ovation) A & E Network, Comcast, Comics Come Home with De... We have been booking comedians , emcees, humorists , magicians, imposters, jugglers, hypnotists, ventriloquists, impressionists, celebrities and improv groups all over the United States and Canada since 1993, making diverse audiences laugh out loud and stand up and cheer! Our talented entertainers have been featured on numerous national television shows such as ; The Tonight Show With Jay ... Smart, Clean Comedy! Dan has traveled the U.S. as a comedian, working with acts such as Jon Stewart, Rob Schneider, Sam Kinison, Steven Wright, Kevin Meaney and The Shirelles. He was also the host of the comedy game show "The Battle of Wits". His credits include comedy clubs, cruises, colleges, and corporate events, as well as appearances on The Nashville Network and in TV commercials.... SMASH THE BOX focuses on “what can be” rather than “what is” which involves constructive thinking, creative thinking and designing a way forward. Audiences will learn the skills and techniques necessary to perform at their full creative potential by breaking patterns, crushing routines and thinking new and original thoughts. What could you discover if you had more of that magic spark called...
Outgoing people oriented Comedy Entertainer and Motivational Speaker with more than 25 years of experience specializing in spontaneous and high energy vaudeville-style performances and clean stage/atmosphere entertainment. Excel at leveraging improvisational communications and a strong sense of humor to build/manage relationships with customers of all ages. Demonstrated entertainment strengths include: • Original Stand-up Comedy • Comedy Magic • Comedic Balancing • Physical Comedy • Events Emcee • Linguistic Humor (Inflationary Language, Phonetic Pronunciation, etc,) • Comedic Roasts and Telegram Deilveries • Motivational Humor • Prop Comedy • Song Parodies and Humorous Original Songs • Chapeaugraphy (Hat Shaping With Original Storytelling) • Corporate Humor Consulting Aardvark Entertainment, Westerville/Newark, Ohio 1986-Present Professional Development and Education Ohio Christian University, Circleville, OH Bachelor of Arts in Leadership, 2003 LaughMaker's Variety Arts Conference, Aurora, NY Performing Arts Training, 1987, 1988, and 1989 Stand-up Comedy Workshop - Improv Comedy Club, Cleveland, Ohio - 2012 Formal entertainment training included more than 500 hours of study in stand-up and sketch comedy writing, venue/performance management, atmosphere entertainment, character development, stage presence, tailoring material, performing style to the audience, events management (marketing, negotiations, scheduling, contract management, hiring/supervision of other entertainers), comedy writing, improvisation, comedy sketch writing/performing. Informal training included hundreds of hours of study in the works of legendary entertainers such as Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford, Harold Lloyd, the Marx Brothers, Laurel & Hardy, Abbott & Costello, Spike Jones, the Three Stooges, Carol Burnett, and Lucille Ball. Bob Simpson: Comedy Variety Artist Weird Al Yankovic, Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford, Harold Lloyd, Marx Brothers, Laurel & Hardy, Abbott & Costello, Spike Jones, Three Stooges, Carol Burnett, David Brenner, Johnny Carson, Jay Leno, Bob Newhart, Don Rickles, and Lucille Ball. What to Expect Typical Gig Duration: 15 - 720 minutes I specialize in writing original comedy and leveraging a wide array of comedic disciplines to entertain my audiences – hence my “Comedy Variety Artist” title. My performances include a buffet of physical/prop comedy, comedy magic, chapeaugraphy (hat shaping with original storytelling), comedic balancing, linguistic humor, and clean, original comedy songs, humorous song parodies, and, of course, clean, original stand-up comedy. With more than 4,000 corporate, civic, and private performances under my belt, I offer a seasoned stage presence, superior audience interaction skills and a stellar ability to engage audiences in my interactive shows. Technical needs will differ with each event. I specialize in writing original comedy and leveraging a wide array of comedic disciplines to entertain my audiences – hence my “Comedy Variety Artist” title. My performances include a buffet of physical/prop comedy, comedy magic, chapeaugraphy (hat shaping with original storytelling), comedic balancing, linguistic humor, and clean, original comedy songs, humorous song parodies, and, of course, clean, original stand-up comedy. I also write and deliver comedic roasts and telegrams. As a variety artist, I am available for any occasion from small, intimate get-to-gethers to large, corporate, civic, and faith-based events. Available for Your Anniversary Party, Awards Night, Baby Shower, Bachelor Party, Bachelorette Party, Bar/Bat Mitzvah Party, Bar/Lounge, Birthday Party, Bridal Shower, Casino, Casting Call, Christmas Party, Church Service, Club/Nightclub, Competition, Concert Venue, Convention, Corporate Event, Cruise, Dinner Dance, Ethnic Celebration, Fair, Festival, Fundraiser, Graduation, Grand Opening, Halloween Party, Holiday Party, Hotel, Launch Party, Luncheon/Tea, Other, Parade, Private Party, Prom, Quinceañera, Religious Celebration, Restaurant, Retreat, Reunion, Seminar, Sweet 16 Party, Trade Show, Wedding Reception, Workshop Stand-Up Comedians in Columbus, Ohio Event not near Columbus, Ohio? Search a different location When booking a Stand-Up Comedian… Whether you hire Bob Simpson or other Stand-Up Comedians in Columbus for your party, wedding, or event, Gig Salad makes it super-easy to book professional Stand-Up Comedians. We strongly recommend that all communication be kept on the Gig Salad Booking Platform as you book your Stand-Up Comedian. When you do, we’re able to offer numerous benefits that we can’t guarantee if you take communication or deposit payment off the Gig Salad platform. Our booking system is easy to use and handles secure deposit payments from you to the Columbus Stand-Up Comedian of your choice. Additionally, the quote/agreement sent from your Stand-Up Comedian to you using the Gig Salad platform, should outline performance fees, extras, arrival and departure times, cancellation policy, insurance information and other details.
Doris Magdelena Ella Fick In the early evening hours of Tuesday, June 17, 2008, the Lord blessed Doris Magdelena Ella Fick (nee Friede) of Mequon with eternal peace and carried her in His arms to everlasting life with Him in heaven. Funeral services were held on Monday, June 23, at Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church in Freistadt, where Doris had been a lifetime member. Interment took place in the church cemetery. Mueller Funeral Home in Cedarburg served the family. Doris Magdelena Ella Friede was born Feb. 3, 1922 in Mequon, daughter of Reinhold Friede and Lydia (nee Lemke). Doris became a child of God and a member of GodŐs family on Feb. 12, 1922 when she was baptized at Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church in Freistadt. She confirmed her faith in the rite of confirmation on May 31, 1936. Doris graduated from Whitefish Bay High School on June 19, 1941. She was united in marriage with Harvey J. Fick on July 14, 1951 at Trinity in Freistadt by the Rev. Wiechmann. Doris and Harvey resided in Mequon their entire wedded life in the home where Harvey was born. Throughout her life, Doris displayed her strong Christian faith with the dignity in which she led her life, her hardworking, loving, caring and cheerful spirit. Caring for others was always an important part of her life. She was a Red Cross NursesŐ Aide working at St. Alphonsus Hospital in Port Washington. She drove a school bus, first working with her husband Harvey, then for Riteway Bus Company until her retirement in the mid-1990s. After her marriage, Doris cared for her father-in-law, Alfred, until his death in 1977, and then her mother, Lydia, until her death in 1995. Her grandchildren were the light of her eye and, as the family grew, GrandmaŐs was the place to be. Doris is survived by three daughters, Cindy Comee and her husband Towne, Mary Clausing and her husband Ozzie, and Jane Welter and her husband George; grandchildren, Joseph, Adam, Daniel, Nicholas, Erin and Abigail Clausing, Chris Schultz and his wife Debbie, Sarah Schultz, and Hannah, Andy and Zachery Welter; her great-granddaughter, Rylee Hudson; and step- great-grandchildren Tyler and Kathy Picker. She is further survived by brother Elroy and his wife Ruth; Frank and the late Adell; dear friend Doris Paske; and many nieces, nephews and other relatives and friends. The family would like to express a special thank you to the staff of Family Tree and Vitas Hospice for all of their care and compassion. For online condolences, visit www.muellerfuneralhome.com.
|Client Onboarding Specialist - 2 month contract |£30,000 - £35,000 pro rata| We are keen to hear from experienced compliance/client onboarding specialists for an ongoing project at a leading international bank. The assignment is currently for 2 months. The role is to perform a review of all client files to... |£35-42,000 + benefits| We have an exciting opportunity with a very forward thinking bank, for an experienced AML Analyst. We are ideally looking for people who have gained, or are studying towards their AML diploma or certificate - cementing their interest in... |Loans Documentation - Chinese Speaking The Role of Loans Documentation Chinese speaking will be to assist in preparation of Retail Banking Loan Documentation and delivery of Retail Banking mortgage products and services to prospective borrowers. Responsible for delivering Retail Banking internal communications and completing any...
Harmony Headlands State Park Access Road For Cayucos Land Conservancy In 2007, the Hind Foundation granted $10,000 to the Cayucos Land Conservancy (CLC) to help build an access road to the 784 Harmony Headlands State Park. The opening of the Harmony Headlands State Park (just a few miles north of the Estero Bluffs) had been stalled for years, but through the leadership of the CLC a beautiful and unique piece of our Central Coast is now available for individuals to access and enjoy. • Public Access The 784 acre State Park located approximately 5 minutes north of Cayucos is now accessible for day use hiking from 6am to sunset. A small parking lot along the west side can accommodate approximately 10 vehicles. A one and a half mile trail from the parking lot extends west to coastal marine terrace grassland with steep hills and panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean. “The Hind Foundation Grant allows our organization to finalize the project we’ve been working to accomplish for countless years.” ~Samantha Wilburn, Board of Directors |Area of Funding: Land Conservation| |Type of Funding: Standard Grant| |Amount Funded: $10,000| |Year Funded: 2007| |Year Completed: 2008| |About the Organization| |Cayucos Land Conservancy| |P. O. Box 336| |Cayucos, CA 93430| To preserve the coastline and hillsides surrounding the town of Cayucos, the Cayucos Land conservancy, a non-profit, all-volunteer organization, has entered into unique partnerships with state, county, and local organizations and individual land owners.
Within any organisation, the risk of fraud can be minimised by implementing specific controls, traditional separation of duties, effective pre-employment screening and clear management principles. However, when these controls are poorly maintained, or even absent, the exposure to fraud and risk increases, and the circumvention of internal controls can occur, without you even knowing. Research has shown that: - Most frauds are discovered by accident; - The size of the fraud increases with the seniority and financial authority of the perpetrator; - Your staff and managers are your greatest threat; approximately 80% of reported frauds are committed internally; - If the controls and deterrents in an organisation are poor, the risk of fraud increases and honest staff will either be tempted to commit fraud or leave; - Once a control weakness is discovered, it will be exploited! Therefore, in the hands of a dishonest employee, corporate systems can be manipulated to the detriment of the organisation by allowing or assisting in the diversion of funds or in the manipulation of records. However, such systems and data can also provide an unparalleled opportunity to improve controls and implement detection routines within the organisation. For businesses, we offer a number of Corporate Counter Fraud and Risk (CCFR) services, each consisting of a proactive Fraud and Operational Risk Summary (FORS™) Review that comprises of a targeted retrospective examination of one or more chosen areas of your business. If you have a specific proactive need, then our FORS™ Review is ideal in utilising the investigative and technology experience of our experts to conduct a proactive examination on the activities within a specific business area. The value in using fraud and risk data mining techniques and technologies as part of your counter fraud and risk strategy can help you to reveal exposures such as: undetected fraud schemes, due diligence exposures, bribery and corrupt practices, money laundering activities, regulatory non-compliance, and breaches of corporate
My name is Dr. Abe Stanley and as long as I remember, I’ve been a book lover. I remember the first book, which was a gift from my brother and I also remember clearly that I didn’t stop reading it until I finished it. My favorite place when I was in grade school was library even during vacations. I went there, pulled out any book that looked the slightest bit interesting and by the end of the week it was finished and I returned it back. It was the time for another stack. Nowadays, I am still passionate about reading in a wide range of topics such as; science, fiction, metaphysics, philosophy, and psychology. Although I think the development of technology should be restricted because of its negative effects in our life, I feel that combining books and technology makes for the best of both worlds. This is why I love ebooks and e-readers. I have started this website to share with others all I learnt and learn about the combination of book and technology such as; ebooks, e-readers, kindles and ebook reader software. You are most welcome to leave your ideas and useful information. All The Best Dr. Abe Stanley
As organizations increasingly turn to Software as a Service (SaaS) and cloud-based applications, developers must work to address new concerns. This expert e-guide discusses the differences in the requirements management process for cloud-based applications versus traditional applications, as well as approaches for customizing applications in the cloud. Read on to gain insight into: - The use of Agile processes with cloud-based apps - Constraints that impact the frequency of new releases - Security and integration concerns with customizing SaaS apps - And more.
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Cart is empty Sign in / Register < Back to collections by Micha Bar Am Micha Bar Am - Israel.Six Day War Syrian prisoners being exchanged Golan Heights 1967, a bus load of Syrian prisoners of war with POW signs on their backs, being returned to their country. The return of the bodies of Israeli soldiers killed during the Golan Heights conflict, which were exchanged for Syrian prisoners of War.July 1967 After the "6 day war", Syrian civilians returning to their country along route G.1 to Damascus.Golan Heights. July 1967, Syrian prisoners of war being returned to their country under the control of Israeli military police.Golan Heights. Syrian inhabitants from Quneitra (Golan Heights) leave from Damascus, 1967 © 2012 Magnum Photos - All rights reserved Terms and conditions Design by AREA 17 Magnum Photos is a photographic cooperative of great diversity and distinction owned by its photographer members. With powerful individual vision, Magnum photographers chronicle the world and interpret its peoples, events, issues and personalities. Join us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Built by Orange Logic
Island of a Thousand Mirrors, 2012 Longlist Nayomi Munaweera was born in Sri Lanka and grew up in Nigeria. She lives in Oakland, California. Island of a Thousand Mirrors is her first novel. Island of a Thousand Mirrors is set on the eve of Sri Lankan independence from British colonial rule. A young Sinhala boy, Nishan, enjoys the simple life of a fishing village where the idea of peace stretches infinitely ahead. In Colombo, the girl who will be his wife leads a privileged existence. Sri Lanka is shaken by the rumblings of civil war which lead to the daily presence of war. The brutality of the 1983 race riots and mass extermination of Tamils cause the family, though Sinhala, to migrate to Los Angeles. Shiva and his family also disappear. Meanwhile, Saraswathi, a young Tamil girl living in the active Northern war zone of Sri Lanka dreams of becoming a school teacher. Her family struggle in a daily fight for survival. When Tiger terrorists come to her school to enlist child soldiers, Saraswathi rejects them. However, her dreams are shattered by a group of Sinhala soldiers who arrest her under the pretext that she is a Tiger. Brutally raped, Saraswathi is devastated. Saraswathi’s family decides that she has ruined the family’s reputation, is spoilt goods, and unable to make a proper marriage. They decree she must join the Tigers. At first unwilling, Saraswathi soon realizes that she has power within the Tiger movement. With weapons and training she will never again be weak and powerless as she was with the soldiers. Soon she is a dedicated Tiger and resolves to join the Black Tigers suicide squad. Shiva and Yasodhara flee Sri Lanka. They marry and build a life in San Francisco. They have a daughter and attempt to forget. When the war ends, they are at first unbelieving and then elated. Yasodhara vows to return to the island with her daughter. Buy Island of a Thousand Mirrors online
Measure A, a $149 parcel tax increase in the Ross Valley School District, passed with a 73-percent majority Tuesday. The measure received 4,516 votes in favor and 1,671 against, according to unofficial results. It needed a two-thirds majority for passage. Dr. Chris Carlucci, president of the school board, said the results were "fabulous." "We have been under shrinking funding from the state, and this was an opportunity for us to secure a stable source of local funding in order to maintain the high quality of education that our community enjoys and has come to expect," she said. The measure raises the annual tax rate from $309.66 to $458.66, with automatic annual increases of 4 percent for the next The district, which relies on state per-pupil funding for much of its $18.5 million budget, said it needed the tax hike to offset state budget cuts. Supporters said state funding has dropped by more than 20 percent since 2007. The tax increase, which takes effect in July, will add about $1 million a year to the district budget. The measure includes an exemption for residents 65 and older or those with disabilities and low incomes. The district, which serves Fairfax, San Anselmo and Sleepy Hollow, has nearly 2,000 students in four schools: Brookside, Wade Thomas and Manor elementary schools and White Hill Middle School. Two years ago, Ross Valley voters passed a $41 million facilities bond to pay for the Contact Gary Klien via email at [email protected]
- Join over 1.2 million students every month - Accelerate your learning by 29% - Unlimited access for just £4.99 per month 'Fireworks and a number twenty-two' - Commentary. The first 200 words of this essay... The stimulus for the creation of 'Fireworks and a number twenty-two' derived from columns and articles found in many women's magazines today. These features tell of various events the writers have experienced and convey the accounts in a very 'earthy', 'honest' and 'raw' way. This allows the reader to connect with the writer through a commonality of an experience, which draws the audience more into the article. The model text that inspired my article was the column, turned book, turned major blockbuster movie 'Bridget Jones' Diary'. 'Fireworks and a number thirty-two' is a magazine column written to entertain a female audience, suitable to feature in magazines such as 'Red', 'Cosmopolitan' and 'Company'. These magazines attract a female audience, aged between twenty and thirty-five, who take an interest in fashion, beauty and modern lifestyles. In addition, females are commonly known for their fascination with gossip, and magazines such as 'Company' provide an abundance of scandal and gossip stories for women to feast on. Magazines such as those mentioned frequently offer a commonality of experience for their audience; problem pages and real-life stories all provide an insight into the life of a 'conventional' workingwoman. This Found what you're looking for? - Start learning 29% faster today - Over 150,000 essays available - Just £4.99 a month Not the one? We have 100's more Paper-based media studies (view all) - Racism In the Media. - Communication Theory - Analysis of Nelson Mandela's Inauguration Speech - Using examples, consider how useful semiotics is as an appro... - Chocolate vs Vanilla ""Chris Mckellar. Media Studies, IT, English. A Level Student. ""Waseem Hussain. Biology, Maths, Chemistry, ICT A Level Student.
Newton Cultural Council c/o Linda R. Plaut225 Nevada StreetNewton, MA 02460-1212 Applications for field trips are not accepted. (Formerly known as PASS applications.) LCC Program Guidelines (PDF) The postmark deadline for applications is October 15 Newton Cultural Council Guidelines APPLICATIONS must be in the Newton Cultural Council office at the Newton Cultural Center by OCTOBER 15: 225 Nevada Street, Newton, MA 02460 Please read these Guidelines carefully before filling out the application. These Guidelines are in addition to the Guidelines provided by the Massachusetts Cultural Council. FUNDING PERIOD: July 2011-December 2012 (this represents a change made by the Massachusetts Cultural Council) OBJECTIVES: To support activities that contribute to the cultural vitality of Newton as a whole, through funding creative, cultural and humanistic projects involving Newton cultural organizations and Newton artists and humanists. 1. Non-profit, tax exempt under Section 501 (C ) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service. 2. Unincorporated associations that come together with a common cultural or humanistic goal. 1. The Council encourages artists in any discipline, to apply for grants. 2. Individuals must show a public benefit result from their project. This may include a public presentation, a performance, lecture, reading, open studio (or studio visit), or a slide show at a public place such as the Newton Cultural Center, cable TV, a school or senior center. 1. Must be typed. All questions must be clearly and completely stated within the space provided. 2. Budget page must balance and be arithmetically correct. 3. Dates, times and venues for projects must be committed and in place; contact names, email addresses and telephone numbers of venue must be listed for applications to be considered. 4. Indicate other funding sources you are seeking. 5. Include ONE set only, of supporting materials: examples of work, photos, cassettes, videotapes, letters of support, slides. 6. For return of your materials, include a proper sized, self-addressed stamped envelope with your application. 7. Submit a SIGNED original application plus 10 additional copies. Flyers, programs, announcements, invitations, etc. for all funded projects must include the Newton Cultural Council/Massachusetts Cultural Council logo. The MCC logo alone will not be acceptable. All announcements must also include the phrase: “This program is sponsored in part by a grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council as administered by the Newton Cultural Council.” Failure to do this will jeopardize future funding. ©2001-2013. Massachusetts Cultural Council. All rights reserved. print this page
- 5 pictures As you get older, the outer layer of the skin ages as well. The skin becomes less elastic, which leads to loose and saggy skin marked with lines and crevices. Researchers at the University of Rochester found even with typical cosmetic procedures an individual's skin will begin to sag. The only procedure that may slow the process of aging is bone implants. You Become More Absent-minded According to Karen Campbell, a current doctoral student at the Department of Psychology at the University of Toronto, as an individual ages their ability to ignore distractions becomes more of a challenge. However, she discovered that becoming more distracted can also increase the knowledge of "extraneous co-occurrences compared to younger adults." Laughter Remains Healthy Just because you age, it doesn't mean you lose your sense of humor. According to Prathiba Shammi, a psychologist at Baycrest Center for Geriatric Care, humor may enhance the quality of life and it is essential in social interactions. You Sleep Less According to a study conducted by U.K. researchers, older people need less sleep. Older adults between the ages 66 and 83 sleep 20 minutes less than young adults between the ages of 20 and 30. Scientists found that health aging may be associated with reductions in sleep required to maintain alertness. Your Stem Cells Age In a study published in 2007, researchers found stem cells also become victim to wear and tear of aging. In time, stem cells' ability to repopulate declines. Researchers theorize it has to do with stress and inflammation. Published by Medicaldaily.com
- Mercy Nurse - Symptom Navigator - Levitt Medical Library - Health Information - Body Guide - Multimedia Encyclopedia - In-Depth Health Reports - Complementary & Alternative Medicine - Drug Information Center - Drug Interactions - Wellness Tools - Today's Medical News - Pregnancy Health Center - Recursos Españoles De la Salud - Enciclopedia Multimedia - Centro de Information sobre el Embarazo If you are taking any of the following medications, you should not use echinacea without first talking to your healthcare provider: Econazole echinacea may be useful in combination with econazole, an antifungal agent used to treat yeast infections (such as athlete's foot). When echinacea is used together with econazole, recurrence rates of these infections may be reduced. Immunosuppressants Immunosuppressants refers to a group of medications that are used for two main purposes -- treat cancer and suppress the immune system following organ transplant so that the new organ is not rejected. Because echinacea can enhance immune function, people should not use the herb with immunosuppressive medications, especially when taken for organ transplant. In terms of cancer treatment, a couple of test tube studies imply that echinacea may be useful when used in combination with cyclophosphamide, one medication in this class. Using echinacea with this or other chemotherapy agents that act as immunosuppressants, may allow the cancer-fighting medicines to kill the tumors while still protecting the immune system. If this theory proves to be correct then echinacea could possibly prevent many of the side effects of chemotherapy. The information provided herein should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. A licensed medical professional should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions. Call 911 for all medical emergencies. Links to other sites are provided for information only -- they do not constitute endorsements of those other sites. © 1997- A.D.A.M., Inc. Any duplication or distribution of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited.
Sermon on the Mount: Anger “You’re familiar with the command to the ancients, ‘Do not murder.’ I’m telling you that anyone who is so much as angry with a brother or sister is guilty of murder. Carelessly call a brother ‘idiot!’ and you just might find yourself hauled into court. Thoughtlessly yell ‘stupid!’ at a sister and you are on the brink of hellfire. The simple moral fact is that words kill. “This is how I want you to conduct yourself in these matters. If you enter your place of worship and, about to make an offering, you suddenly remember a grudge a friend has against you, abandon your offering, leave immediately, go to this friend and make things right. Then and only then, come back and work things out with God. (Matthew 5:21-24 MSG) Journal: Jesus now goes into a discourse on single issues of the heart and the behaviors that are attached starting with anger. Jesus compares anger to murder to show its severity. Aside from all sin being equal, he probably does this to show that there are all types of evil behavior whose initial seed was one of anger. Anger, grudges, and hot tempers are all like poison. One, it poisons our relationships. Two, it poisons our hearts as we dwell on things that would be better if forgotten. Jesus then goes on to show the importance of making things right. He calls us to put reconciliation ahead of even our church rituals and business. He calls us to resolve our earthly conflicts before pursuing heavenly relationships because it is that important to live in right relationship with other people. If murder is an extreme action that leads to judgement, then anger is its brother, the extreme thought that leads to judgment as well. May we be quick to forgive and slow to anger.
Older people with large waistlines have a higher mortality rate than those with a slim waistline. This was shown in a new study conducted by the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Coherent research has shown that being underweight is considerably more dangerous for the elderly than being overweight. A study at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, has now shown that large waist circumference is associated with the risk of increased mortality in the elderly. 30 scientific studies An international team which includes researchers from the Sahlgrenska Academy has brought together data from a total of 30 scientific studies in order to identify risk factors associated with mortality in people aged 65 to 74 years. Large waistline increases risk of death The comprehensive study, published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, shows that older men and women who have a large waistline run an increased risk of death - particularly due to cardiovascular disease - irrespective of if their Body Mass Index is normal, low, or high. The results, which were controlled for smoking and age, are based on a five-year follow-up of over 32,000 men and 25,000 women from more than ten countries. An unhealthy large waistline is defined in the study as more than 102 centimeters (40 inches) in men and more than 88 centimeters (35 inches) in women. According to the results, a waist circumference of 132 centimeters (52 inches) in men, and 116 centimeters (46 inches) in women, was linked to a doubled risk of death. For cardiovascular death there was a doubling in risk at a waist circumference of 123 cm among men and 105 cm in women. "People have long known that that a large waistline there is a strong link between disorders of glucose and fat metabolism in the body. The results provide a solid basis for showing that waistlines are an important factor that continues to have a significant effect on health even in the elderly," commented Professor Annika Rosengren, who participated in the study.
Congress probably will raise the U.S. statutory debt limit or the government will resort to several options to avoid reaching the threshold to avoid missing payments, Moody’s Investors Service said. Moody’s doesn’t anticipate placing the nation’s top Aaa credit rating on review for a downgrade even if action to raise the so-called debt ceiling is delayed because the risk of default will remain “extremely” low, the New York-based company said in a statement today. The U.S. has $8.96 trillion of marketable debt outstanding. “This expectation is based on the long history of debt limit increases, the vast majority of which have occurred before the limit is actually reached,” Steven Hess, senior credit officer in the sovereign risk group at Moody’s wrote in a report today. “Some increases in the limit have been contentious and this is particularly likely to occur when one political party has a majority in the House of Representatives and the other occupies the White House, as is currently the case.” The U.S. debt is projected by the Treasury Department to reach its authorized ceiling of $14.3 trillion within a few months, setting the stage for a congressional showdown over lifting the borrowing limit. Also, current government funding runs out March 4 as lawmakers battle over the budget for the rest of the fiscal year that ends Sept. 30. If debt service is interrupted the credit-rating company would consider a downgrade, though a brief lapse in interest payments “would not automatically lead to a ‘penalty downgrade,” Moody’s said. U.S. debt has more than doubled from about $4.34 trillion in mid-2007 as the government increased spending to bail out the financial system and bring the economy out of recession. The budget deficit has increased to 8.8 percent of the economy from 1 percent in 2007. © Copyright 2013 Bloomberg News. All rights reserved.
Pedestrian Safety Initiative The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT), the Attorney General and the Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) have partnered in a variety of programs to improve pedestrian conditions, including facility improvements, education and enforcement efforts, planning and technical guidance. In a typical year, 150 pedestrians lose their lives statewide. For each pedestrian fatality, two more are severely injured. Extensive research has shown that New Jersey follows the national pattern in which most pedestrian fatalities occur in urban or dense suburban areas. A majority of these accidents occur under conditions of darkness and away from intersections. Fundamental to reducing pedestrian safety accidents in New Jersey is a change in driver behavior, incorporation of safety improvements on our state and local roads and a campaign to raise pedestrian safety awareness. This pedestrian safety initiative incorporates comprehensive enforcement, engineering and education solutions. Safety through Engineering Initiate pedestrian safety improvements: $50 million* NJDOT will create a five-year fund to provide for pedestrian safety projects and improvements. This money will be used for intersection and sidewalk safety improvements and traffic calming measures. It will also fund new and high technology solutions to improve pedestrian accommodations such as overhead crosswalk illumination and high visibility crosswalk paint. Roll out Safe Routes to School Program: $15 million* NJDOT has been a leader in developing this statewide program. This program provides funds to local governments to create safer walkways, bikeways and street crossings near schools. It also increases pedestrian safety awareness among motorists and school children. Establish Pedestrian Safety Corridor Program: $2.5 million* This program will designate "Pedestrian Safe Corridors" based on accident history and estimated rates of exposure to motor vehicles/pedestrian conflicts. Once designated, NJDOT will deploy Safety Impact Teams and make recommendations for engineering improvements. These areas will also be targeted for enhanced education and enforcement measures. Create Safe Streets to Transit Program: $5 million* As more people use mass transit, it is imperative that we provide the riders safe pedestrian access to the train or bus station. This program will identify risks based on crash history as well as develop and fund improvements. (*over five years) Improve pedestrian planning NJDOT will review the current access permit process to incorporate pedestrian safety improvements when considering access permits on state highways. In numerous areas around the state, there is a direct correlation between the opening of new commercial development across a multi-lane highway and an existing residential area. The access permit process provides an important window of opportunity to detect the creation of those new pedestrian routes and attempt to address the projected crossing behavior. In addition, NJDOT will account for and incorporate possible future pedestrian safety improvements into all of its appropriate projects. Safety through Enforcement Enforce current pedestrian safety laws on the books The Attorney General will collaborate with local and county prosecutors to ensure prosecution of failure to yield laws and to reduce the plea bargaining and downgrading of such offenses. The Attorney General will also work with the Administrative Office of the Courts to emphasize the importance of fully enforcing pedestrian safety laws. Distribute grants for enforcement of pedestrian laws Through the Division of Highway Traffic Safety, the Attorney General will issue $1.5 million in grants to state and local law enforcement agencies to vigorously address pedestrian enforcement and safety. Establish Statewide Traffic Safety Task Force The Attorney General through the New Jersey State Police and in collaboration with NJDOT has created the Safe Passages Task Force. This Task Force will undertake a number of innovative statewide initiatives aimed at improving traffic safety. Safety through Education Develop statewide driver education curriculum MVC, NJDOT, the Attorney General's Office and the Department of Education are currently developing a driver's education curriculum. The curriculum will focus on the rights and responsibilities of a driver and laws protecting pedestrians who cross our roadways. Add pedestrian safety information to the NJ Driver Manual MVC will enhance the NJ Driver Manual's pedestrian safety information so that it more clearly and forcefully emphasizes the responsibilities of both motorists and pedestrians. Incorporate pedestrian safety laws into the New Jersey driver examination MVC will develop test criteria to evaluate driver knowledge of New Jersey's pedestrian safety laws.
This course introduces the students to the varied maintenance required by wind turbines and supporting structures and systems. Students will review the cyclical maintenance required by wind turbines and the specific and unique maintenance procedures required by each supporting system. These include, but are not limited to ladder systems, control systems, lubrication systems, lifting systems, monitoring systems and related equipment. Date First Offered: Total Hours: 48 Lecture Hours: 32 Laboratory Hours: 16 This course is offered online: WTMT 110 - Wind Turbine Mechanical - Wind control and shut down - Lubrication, cooling and heating - Alignment and balance - Safety systems Upon successful completion of this course, learners will be able to: - Describe cyclical maintenance practices - Identify turbine systems requiring cyclical maintenance - Describe standard maintenance practices for lubrication, heating and cooling systems - Describe documentation for cyclical maintenance - Identify regulated requirements for safety equipment maintenance Use initiative to identify tasks. Use time productively. Select and use appropriate tools. Final Exam: 20 % Quizzes and Tests: 70 % Lab Work: 10 % Percentage of Individual Work: Course Offered in Other Programs: Coveralls, footwear having CSA approved safety-toe protection, CSA approved safety glasses with clear lenses, learning modules, notebooks, and calculator. Keys to Success: Maintaining a professional attitude Successful study habits Receiving a minimum 70% in the program Required - BZEE, BZEE Curriculum Manual (BZEE). Chapters Covered: Selections Required - Industry Training Authority, Electrical Selected Curriculum (Queen's Printer). Chapters Covered: Selections
I HOPE IT'S NOT OVER AND GOOD-BYE: SELECTED POEMS OF EVERETTE MADDOX Edited by Ralph Adamo University of New Orleans Press, $16.95 By Susan Larson Everette Maddox, who died in 1989, is one of those New Orleans writers whose legend lives on, haunting the Maple Leaf Bar, perhaps. An Alabama boy who moved here in 1976, he came to a place that seemed perfectly constructed for his own doomed romanticism, his love of drink, his unique sense of humor. This edition of his selected poems, ably edited by his friend Ralph Adamo, should serve to introduce his work to new readers, those who haven’t encountered his unforgettable voice. As Adamo writes in his introduction, Maddox is overdue for a serious biography. "While he lived a more public life than most poets (forced into public places as much by years of homelessness as by choice), the ‘real’ Everett Maddox remains concealed in the myth, obscured by pipe smoke and alcohol fumes, by the inevitable projections upon him by those who knew him and those who have only heard the stories. We each have our own Everette, and then we have the poems." The poems in this volume are sad and sweet and funny, elegant yet accessible, driven by the sound of the human voice, the storyteller enchanting, wooing, mourning. He writes poems to the river, styles himself as Huck Finn, admires the moon, that Alabama moon or the moonlight on the Mississippi. The title of this book comes from his poem, "Moon Fragment," when he speaks directly to the reader: "Well, what is it all about? you//ask. What does it mean? You have me//there. It means, whatever this is between// you and me, I hope it’s not over, and good-bye." These are poems rooted precisely in geography, both of the South and of the human heart. When Maddox writes "Even, Odd," for his McMain High School students, he tells them to put their hands over the hearts and listen. "That’s your heart laughing at the language," he writes. "The language wants to love you: Let it." That love affair with language, ever hopeful, never wears thin, does it? These poems are a kind of steadfast testimony to its power and consolation. Book editor Susan Larson can be reached at [email protected] or 504.826.3457. Comment or read her online at NOLA.com/books.
Is safety good enough in your company? Resolute targeting to improve health, safety and the environment (HSE) in industry prevents accidents, fires, explosions, emissions etc, and unwanted incidents which might result in injury and material costs for the company. Should an accident occur in spite of safety precautions, effective emergency plans can make all the difference between insignificant or catastrophic consequences. The employees in a company must be protected, and the company's technology, information and material values must also be safeguarded. This applies regardless of whether the potential threats stem from accidents or criminal acts. Protective measures must be an integral part of the company's total safety and security management. Own protection - emergency preparedness Emergency preparedness is a company's own protection against undesirable incidents, and should safeguard life and health, the environment and material values. A company required to maintain emergency preparedness, must have a functioning emergency preparedness organisation suited to the company's risk factors and its own unique character. Tasks include both preventive and emergency measures. Norwegian companies do not want compartmentalised concepts. NSO's safety philosophy is based on a total solution: Security against criminal acts is therefore included in the concept of own protection. The owners' and users' responsibility for safety is strongly underlined in our legislation. Safety and security present a real challenge to company management in particular. Safety work is rarely effective without the involvement and active participation of management. Management must prepare an HSE programme, ensure that employees are well acquainted with the programme, and implement follow-up and control. A company's risk level is dependent on the branch, production and processes, storage, buildings, location and other local factors. The company's risk class, set by NSO, delineates minimum requirements for the organisation of emergency preparedness. A risk analysis is used to tailor emergency preparedness to the individual company. The analysis is an important tool in the planning of preventive work, and in dimensioning the operative emergency preparedness, training, procurement of equipment, organisation of drilis etc. Emergency preparedness is an important part of a company's HSE work and is also covered by the regulations relating to systematic HSE work in companies (internal control). The main purpose of the Norwegian Industrial Safety and Security Organisation (NSO) is to organise and control own protection (emergency preparedness) in operations governed by the regulations relating to ernergency preparedness requirements. NSO fulfils its task by - preparing guidelines for emergency preparedness and ensuring the regulations are up to date - advising individual companies, distributing training material and arranging courses - inspecting companies required to implement emergency preparedness - collating status reports from companies required to implement emergency preparedness dealing with plans for, and carrying out inspections of, fall-out shelters The Norwegian Industrial Safety and Security Organisation - is led by a Board appointed by the Confederation of Norwegian Industry - reports professionally to the Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planningand and the Ministry of Justice. The Ministry of Justice also approve the guidelines for own protection (emergency preparedness) which NSO distributes to the companies. - is financed by duties from companies required to implement emergency preparedness and earnings from course fees, sale of material, etc. Formal regulations of the Norwegian Industrial Safety and Security Organisation - Act Of 17 July 1953 relating to civil defence § 47 and § 48 "Owners and users of real estate - public or private - shall improve and implement own-protective measures forthe estate in accordance with regulations laid down by the Ministry. The King can impose specific rules relating to internal control and internal control systems to ensure that requirements for own-protection (emergency preparedness) specified pursuant to § 41 are upheld." - Statute governing own protection-measures in industrial companies etc., Order in Council 29 November 1996: "NHO, through the Norwegian Industrial Safety and Security Organisation, is required to organise and monitor own protection at industrial and trade and industry companies which ... on average employ 40 or more people annually." - Statute governing systematic health, safety and environment work in companies (internal control), 6 December 1996 - Regulations and Guidelines relating to Industrial Protection dated 2008 - Instructions for Norwegian Industrial Safety and Security Organisation
According to the draft of the stimulus that is floating around, here is the itemized spending sorted into categories. It is worth noting that, despite all the talk about new bridges and highways, mainly the stimulus is about tax cuts, health care, education, energy, the environment, and unemployment. Total itemized spending: $518.7 billion Health Care: $150.1 billion - $87 billion for a temporary increase in the Medicaid matching rate; - $39 billion to support those who lose their jobs by helping them to pay the cost of keeping their employer provided healthcare under COBRA and providing short-term options to be covered by Medicaid;* - $20 billion for health information technology to prevent medical mistakes, provide better care to patients and introduce cost-saving efficiencies; - $4.1 billion to provide for preventative care and to evaluate the most effective healthcare treatments. Education, Science and Technology: $132.6 billion - $41 billion to local school districts through Title I ($13 billion), IDEA ($13 billion), a new School Modernization and Repair Program ($14 billion), and the Education Technology program ($1 billion); - $39 billion to local school districts and public colleges and universities distributed through existing state and federal formulas; - $15.6 billion to increase the Pell grant by $500; - $15 billion to states as bonus grants as a reward for meeting key performance measures; - $10 billion for science facilities, research, and instrumentation; - $6 billion to expand broadband internet access so businesses in rural and other underserved areas can link up to the global economy; - $6 billion for higher education modernization. Energy and Environment: $104 billion - $32 billion to transform the nation's energy transmission, distribution, and production systems by allowing for a smarter and better grid and focusing investment in renewable technology; - $31 billion to modernize federal and other public infrastructure with investments that lead to long term energy cost savings; - $19 billion for clean water, flood control, and environmental restoration investments; - $16 billion to repair public housing and make key energy efficiency retrofits; - $6 billion to weatherize modest-income homes Unemployment Compensation: $63 billion - $43 billion for increased unemployment benefits and job training; - $20 billion to increase the food stamp benefit by over 13% in order to help defray rising food costs. Transportation: $40 billion - $30 billion for highway construction; - $10 billion for transit and rail to reduce traffic congestion and gas consumption. Misc: $29 billion * -= Applicable to either Health Care or Unemployment Compensation - $25 billion to states for other high priority needs such as public safety and other critical services, which may include education; - $4 billion for state and local law enforcement funding. Now, the summary indicated that the bill will have $550 billion in spending, so either the remaining $30-$35 billion is not itemized here, or there are still debates over how to spend it. The remaining $275 billion for the stimulus will come in the form of tax cuts, mainly what appears to be the middle class tax cut Obama kept talking about during the campaign, but also energy tax benefits. I support the growing consensus that, while this is a start, overall there is not enough spending here. While it is an important and promising shift away from Bush-era governance, we need to aim even higher.
Having spent over 30 years in Arizona as a resident and as an educator, the State Board of Education's plan to 'label' schools as excelling, maintaining, improving, under performing, or failing conjures up feelings of disbelief, disappointment and disgust. Governors, legislators and taxpayers have failed to adequately fund our Arizona schools for decades. We have been enthralled with tax cuts, and we've been very satisfied to consistently be in the bottom one-third for financial support of public education and for teacher salaries. We would rather berate our schools and educators for under performing or failing performances than admit that we have neglected to place public education funding at or near the top of our expenditure/investment ladder. Many Arizonans want to be ranked in the top one-third in our country in educational spending and in student achievement, but humiliating students, schools, parents and educators won't bring any improvement in student achievement unless there is a commensurate investment in our schools. The State Board of Education's 'labeling' plan will probably have some unintended consequences. Excellent students and teachers will flee schools 'labeled' as failing or under performing. Does anyone believe a takeover of a failing school by the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) or any state agency will bring improvement to these schools? Please recall the debacle surrounding the AIMS tests brought to us by ADE and the alt-fuel fiasco brought to us by our legislature and governor. Schools, students and teachers all need to improve, and we, the taxpayers of Arizona, need to bite the tax bullet and provide them with resources to hoist us out of our lower level funding hole. Until such a time as upper echelon funding exists, I've devised my own 'labeling' system concerning education in Arizona over the past three decades: Governors and Legislators = Failing Superintendents of Public Instruction and State Boards of Education = Under Performing Arizona Taxpayers = Maintaining Richard K. Meszar, Ed.D., Whispering Pines
Indian and Himalayan Art The Monkeys and Bears Build a Bridge to Lanka Artist/maker unknown, India Opaque watercolor and gold on paper Currently not on view 1959-93-82Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Lessing J. Rosenwald, 1959 LabelWell-armed but dressed in skins and leaves to indicate their status as exiles, the divine Prince Rama and his brother Lakshmana sit on the southern shore of India. They look across the water to the island of Lanka where Rama's wife, Sita, is imprisoned by the demon Ravana. Rama instructs his allied armies of monkeys and bears to build a bridge to Lanka. The two most common types of Indian monkeys come together for this work-red-faced, rusty-coated, and stocky rhesus macaques and black-faced, gray-coated, and lanky Hanuman langurs. They are joined by an army of long-nosed sloth bears, a species common across India. The animals hurl boulders into the ocean to form the causeway, seen at the left, that cuts through a swirling ocean inhabited by a great variety of real and imaginary sea creatures.
Location: Adjacent to Princess Road (A5103), which is the main road into Manchester from the M56, on the west side. Directions: From the South - get onto the A5103, or the M56 if far enough out. Watch out for the last bit of the M56 branching off to 'Didsbury' - ignore this and follow signs for A5103/City Centre. You can get to this point from the M60 if approaching from East or West. Watch out for speed cameras on A5103. Continue northwards past Southern Cemetery and the Siemens building. Hough End is on the left immediately after the (disused) railway bridge but it is best to ignore the car park on Princess Road (it's normally locked anyway). Turn left at the next traffic lights onto Mauldeth Road West. Entrance to Hough End Fields and Broughton Park Rugby Club is 400m along on left. Follow the driveway and park adjacent to the sports pitches. The OS grid reference refers to this entrance. Parking: Free parking in car park adjacent to flying area. Facilities: Bring your own toilets, shelter, seating and refreshments. Southern Pub a few hundred metres down the road but possibly not a family venue. Shops just past the pub. Southern Friary in this block of shops does an interestingly international selection of takeaways. Accessibility: The field is adjacent to the carpark. No toilets. Flying Area: Field is approximately 500m square and is the largest recreation ground in Manchester, which means that it is possible to get clear of obstructions regardless of wind direction. Surface is well maintained sports pitch grass and drains fairly well after periods of normal rainfall. Soccer and Rugby pitches get churned up in wet winter weather but recover reasonably well. There are fairly wide areas between some of the pitches. The area is very well used by dog walkers but fouling is at a low density because of the large area of the field. Comments: The land is owned and maintained by the council and is open to the public. Organised sports matches will take precedence to kite flying. Evening training sometimes restricts access to the pitches adjacent to the car park but the upside is that the floodlighting sometimes allows flying after dusk in winter! The Broughton Park Rugby Club has a clubhouse on the site but I don't know if any enquiries have been made about using their facilities. There is a long history of model aircraft flying at Hough End, so please be polite in seeking a flying area that will not interfere with their activities. Local Clubs/Contacts: None as far as I know. Nearest Retailer: There are no kite shops in Manchester. Report By: Stuart Baldwin, 15/7/2005 - See Northern Kite Group site and forum at www.nkg.org.uk to find occasional Hough End fliers.
CONTACT: Clinton Dixson, Committee Chairman, 2nd Annual Gingerbread House Event 250-575-3906 / [email protected] / http://www.gingerbreadcompetition.ca Kelowna, BC – The Gingerbread House Event is very happy to announce that $375 was raised to support the Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs “Cool Moves” Program. In addition, hundreds of dollars worth of food and toys were collected for the Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs Christmas Hampers. The funds, food and toys go a long way in supporting kids and families of the Okanagan Valley. At the 2nd Annual Event, held on November 27th, 2011, Kelowna families built a village of over 75 gingerbread houses and more than 400 people came to marvel at the beauty of gingerbread. Families, adults and youth competed for cash prizes of up to $300. The grand prize winner for 2011 was the Okanagan Roller Derby Association with their Gingerbread Roller-skate and Club House Entry. The 3rd Annual Gingerbread House Event will be on Dec 16th, 2012 at the Parkinson Recreation Centre. The event committee is being formed and has already started planning for the 2012 event with some exciting improvements. Anyone interested in helping organize this year’s event can find more information and contact the chairman at www.gingerbreadevent.com. About The Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs: The Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs is a leading provider of programs to children and youth that support the healthy physical, educational and social development for over 6,000 young people and families each year throughout the Okanagan valley. Each center creates a safe, supportive environment where children and youth experience new opportunities, overcome barriers, build positive relationships and develop confidence and skills for life. Our programs focus on an individual’s strengths and capabilities, and all programs embrace the principles of equality and inclusion. They help young people grow healthy, happy and safely from birth to adulthood, and are a resource and support for parents throughout their family’s involvement with us. About the Red Hot Chili Paddlers Dragon Boat Team: The Red Hot Chili Paddlers are a co-ed recreational dragon boat team with the Kelowna Dragon Boat Club. The team is comprised of fun loving, active, outgoing paddlers from their 20's to their 60's from many walks of life who share one goal: To Have Fun! In 2010 the Red Hot Chili Paddlers undertook the planning and production of the 1st annual Gingerbread House Event with a vision of creating a premier event, a Kelowna family tradition, and an annual fundraiser to support the Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs, and the local community.
In May, domestic equity funds saw net outflows of nearly $5 billion, during a month of poor stock returns: the average US stock mutual fund lost 4.2% in the month, on an asset-weighted basis. That brought total US equity fund flows to -$7.4 billion for the first five months of 2012 – a sharp reversal from the first five months of 2011, when US equity funds enjoyed cumulative net inflows of $40 billion. International / Global equity funds offered some relief, drawing net inflows of $5 billion in May, but that was down from the $6.5 billion they took in the prior month. In the first five months of 2012, international equity funds drew aggregate net inflows of $27.6 billion. “US investors’ psyches have been battered with a stream of negative news, whether disappointments in job growth or disappointing progress on the euro-zone problems. This has exacerbated the caution that many investors already felt,” said Avi Nachmany, SI’s Director of Research. “Until we see sustained improvement in employment growth and real progress on Greece and the euro, caution will probably favor bond fund flows over stock fund flows.” Taxable bond funds saw net inflows of $9 billion in May, the smallest amount of net inflows they’d experienced since they attract just over $8 billion in December 2011. Investors continued to use bond funds as income-producing solutions amid extremely low rates. Short- and intermediate- Taxable bond funds have drawn an estimated $110 billion in the first five months of 2012, far ahead of the $80 billion in net flows that taxable bond funds took in over the course of 2011’s first five months. Meanwhile, muni bond funds saw net inflows of $5 billion in May. Muni bond funds drew $24 billion in net inflows through the first five months of the year, as long-term muni bond issuance has risen substantially from year-earlier levels. Money-market funds saw net outflows of $2 billion in May, which was an improvement over April’s net outflows of $22 billion. Ultra-low yields continued to hamper demand for money market funds even as more investors turned to them as a safe haven. ETFs: Separately, Strategic Insight said US Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) saw roughly $2 billion in net inflows in May 2012. That brought total ETF net inflows to $60 billion for the first five months of 2012 – a pace that could result in the sixth straight year of $100 billion or more in annual net inflows to US ETFs. Bond ETFs were the only major category to post net inflows in May, drawing net nearly $8 billion. Equity ETFs saw an estimated $6 billion in net outflows, with both domestic and international equity products seeing net redemptions. Real estate and gold ETFs also saw significant net inflows. “ETFs are often used to express investor sentiment regarding the financial market, and so the redemptions from stock ETFs are sending a clear message,” said Loren Fox, SI’s head of ETF research. At the end of April 2012, US ETF assets (including ETNs) stood at $1.13 trillion, down from $1.2 trillion at the end of April.
This edition of To the point: Current issues for boards of directors, reviews guidance from the SEC and DOJ about the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and policy updates from the ISS on executive compensation, board response to proposals with majority shareholder support, hedging of company stock, and what directors should know about data security and cyberattacks. Signs point to a potential surge in domestic manufacturing, and US companies are carefully watching seven key factors that are impacting the trend. They also need to consider what a potential move or expansion of manufacturing facilities to the US could mean for all aspects of their business. This annual publication focuses on the critical governance issues directors and senior executives face, offering information, insights, and practical guidance to help directors meet the demands of their role and enrich boardroom discussions. The 2011 edition of Current developments for directors includes a section on factors that are influencing companies' growth plans. Also discussed are how global trends are affecting companies' operations and international expansion opportunities and covers key developments in regulatory reform, financial reporting, and tax reform. The key issues that stand out in 2010 for directors include business challenges given the state of the economy, the impact of global tax trends, financial reporting and regulatory developments, major ongoing legislative issues, and a special focus on government involvement in business. PwC’s 8th annual examination of the internal audit profession, focuses on this rising importance of risk management and internal audit's contribution by taking a closer look at how stakeholders and board members view critical risks and the role internal audit could be playing. Revenue, or the “top line,” is a closely monitored measure of an entity's growth and market share. The FASB and IASB are currently in the process of replacing existing revenue guidance with a new global accounting standard for all revenue transactions. How will this change affect your business? Audit committees, management, and auditors work together to meet the information needs of the capital markets and to ensure quality audits and financial reporting. The leading practices in this 10Minutes may help audit committees continue to improve their oversight of auditors and management, thereby enhancing the quality of audits and financial reporting. Cloud computing is making deep inroads into the marketplace, but organizations are concerned about risks regarding security, privacy, availability, data protection and retention. Any one of these could damage a company’s business and its brand. How can the risks impact companies’ brands and how can third-party assurance provide a solution? PwC and Compliance Week teamed up to survey over 120 senior-level compliance executives at leading U.S. companies. The resulting report summarizes the findings of the study and provides selected benchmarking data in four key areas: Compliance organization scope and support; effectiveness; technology and resources and reporting. As early as 2014, in the US and internationally, leases could be required to appear on companies' balance sheets, which will impact debt and earnings metrics, and some companies' ability to borrow or spend capital PwC looks at the issue, and how procurement, IT, tax, treasury, operations, HR, finance and accounting can all be affected.
Rolls-Royce wins $110 million in new contracts for energy projects Monday, 6 December 2010 Rolls-Royce, the global power systems company, has won new contracts valued at over $110 million for energy projects in Europe, Africa, India and the Middle East. As part of these contracts, Rolls-Royce will deliver both power generation and pipeline transmission products and services. Andrew Heath, Rolls-Royce, President - Energy said: “We are pleased to announce these new contracts, which demonstrate the confidence customers have in our product technology and performance. Rolls-Royce continues to grow in the important global power generation and oil and gas markets, powering pipelines in 24 countries and delivering electricity generation capability in over 50 countries.” Two RB211 gas turbine power generation packages have been ordered by the Total Oil Company to provide power to an oil facility in the Middle East, which will utilize gas fuel that would otherwise have been burned off, thereby increasing the efficiency of the operation. Two additional RB211 turbines, powering gas compression packages, will be supplied to Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a.s. (SPP) for use in a compressor station, which is part of their gas transmission network in Central Europe. Rolls-Royce has already provided five turbines to the gas transmission system, which last year enabled the network to deliver 66 billion cubic meters of gas to homes and businesses. Also included in the new contracts, Rolls-Royce will provide Bergen reciprocating engines to customers in Tanzania, Madagascar, India and Spain to efficiently generate electricity. In the energy markets, Rolls-Royce has supplied more than 15,000 units to customers in nearly 120 countries and is investing in new products and capabilities for the oil and gas industry and for distributed electricity generation. - Rolls-Royce, a world-leading provider of power systems and services for use on land, at sea and in the air, has established a strong position in global markets - civil aerospace, defence aerospace, marine and energy. - As a result of this strategy, Rolls-Royce today has a broad customer base comprising more than 600 airlines, 4,000 corporate and utility aircraft and helicopter operators, 160 armed forces, more than 2,000 marine customers, including 70 navies, and energy customers in nearly 120 countries, with an installed base of 54,000 gas turbines. - Rolls-Royce employs 39,000 skilled people in offices, manufacturing and service facilities in 50 countries. The Group has a strong commitment to apprentice and graduate recruitment, and to further developing employee skills. - In 2009, Rolls-Royce invested £864 million on research and development, two thirds of which had the objective of further improving the environmental aspects of its products, in particular the reduction of emissions. - Annual underlying revenues were £10.1 billion in 2009, of which about half came from services revenues. The firm and announced order book stood at £58.4 billion at 30 June 2010, providing visibility of future levels of activity - Nearly 700 Rolls-Royce gas compression sets powered by the Avon, 501, RB211 and Trent gas turbines have now been ordered for 46 pipelines in 24 countries, the majority of these powering Rolls-Royce pipeline compressors which are among the most efficient available on the market. - Today’s fleet of RB211s includes a number of units that have completed more than 100,000 hours of operation. The longest serving industrial RB211 is on a pipeline in North America with over 187,000 hours, while another unit providing electrical power in the North Sea on an oil platform holds the current record for offshore service at over 146,000 hours. - The RB211 engine’s record for continuous operation has seen its role on gas pipelines expand. Today, it is providing the power to keep gas flowing on major pipelines in 19 countries.
RUSH: Here, grab audio sound bite number eight. I mentioned in the previous busy broadcast hour that it was Todd Akin who finally drew Barack Obama out and sent him to the White House pressroom. Two months without taking substantive questions from his own stenographers. He's been talking to People magazine, Entertainment Tonight, but his own stenographers' feelings were hurt. He won't come out and talk to 'em. So Akin says what he says Sunday in St. Louis, and Obama says, (imitating Obama) "You know what, I'm gonna go out, I'm gonna talk to press." And it was yesterday at the White House, the press briefing, Obama dropped in, spoke with his stenographers, and Jim Kuhnhenn, AP, said, "You're no doubt aware the comments made by Todd Akin. I wondered if you think those views represent the views of the Republican Party in general." Oh, what a probing question. Man, oh, man, what would we do without our press corps? "Mr. President, Mr. President, do you think what Todd Akin says represents the entire thinking of the Republican Party? Hmm? Hmm?" Obama's been afraid to face this? Obama's been scared to go out and take these hard, penetrating questions? Now, here's what Obama said. OBAMA: The views expressed were offensive. Rape is rape. What I think these comments do underscore is why we shouldn't have a bunch of politicians, a majority of whom are men, making health care decisions on behalf of women. And so although these particular comments have led Governor Romney and other Republicans to distance themselves, I think the underlying notion that we should be making decisions on behalf of women for their health care decisions or qualifying forcible rape versus non-forcible rape, I think those are broader issues, and that is a significant difference in approach between me and the other party. RUSH: Okay. Rape is rape. Women's health care. I don't know, but I mean I know that all Akin cares about is the lives of innocent children. I guarantee you, folks, that's all he cares about. And he doesn't know how to talk about it. He doesn't know how to make his point about it. But do you remember the story from last week? This is from Reuters: "Janet Napolitano Accused of Sexual Harassment -- Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano has been accused of sexual harassment and discrimination against male employees." Really. Does anybody care about this? Has anybody seen this story outside of the first day it was reported? We have an ongoing controversy at the Department of Homeland Security, article from August the 12th, folks, that's when this story hit. August the 12th, nine days ago. We have a lawsuit here. We have actual charges of sexual harassment against the Department of Homeland Security director, and what's Obama have to say about that? Zip, zero, nada. Is anybody gonna ask Napolitano to resign? For the good of the party, for the good of the country, for the good of Obama's reelection. Anybody gonna say to Janet Napolitano, "Hey, Big Sis, this is a distraction we don't need." No, nobody's gonna say that because it isn't a distraction because nobody knows about it. You know, talking about making health care decisions for women and men, ought not be doing that, what the hell is Obama? He's a man. What does Obamacare do? He's got his mandate in there. He's got a birth control mandate in there. He is mandating certain behaviors where women are concerned via Obamacare. But somehow that connection isn't made. "In the complaint, Napolitano is accused of turning her female-run department into a 'frat house' where male staffers were routinely humiliated, reports Forbes. Along with the culture against men, Napolitano is also accused of providing unequal opportunities for men and women, promoting women to the highest positions while equally qualified men were bypassed. The lawsuit against Janet Napolitano serves as a stark reminder for employers that discrimination goes both ways, and that you have to be on the lookout for much more than men harassing women." We do? We have to be on the lookout for that? No, we don't. This story didn't cause a ripple, much less a wave. There wasn't anybody upset about this. This story didn't cause Obama to go to the pressroom and start taking questions. This story didn't cause anybody any concern. Sexual harassment at the highest levels of Homeland Security. A female frat house. Discrimination against men. "The complaint against Napolitano is instructive to employers" because you gotta pay attention to discrimination against men now. Nobody cares. Not a word.
Seychelles: Supreme CourtYou are here: SAFLII >> Databases >> Seychelles: Supreme Court >> 2009 >> SCSC 126 | Noteup | LawCite Ex parte: Church SCSC 126; Civil Side No. 75 of 2009 (29 May 2009) Download original files Bookmark/share this page IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SEYCHELLES EXPARTE: LISE CHURCH born HOAREAU Civil Side No. 75 of 2009 Mr. C. Lucas for the Petitioner This is a petition of sans souci by Mrs. Lise Church born Hoareau also the executrix of the succession of he late Graziella Hoareau nee Jumeau. See letters of appointment dated 6th February, 2007 (PE3). The petition was lodged on the 3rd of April, 2009 under Section 13of the Presumption of Deaths Act, Cap 178. Only one witness, the petitioner was called to depone on the 26th of May, 2009 whereupon she stated that she is the sister of one Hector Antonin Hoareau who was born in Seychelles on the 9th of May, 1933 to Hector Hoareau (Senior) and Graziella Hoareau (parents) (See petitioner’s birth certificate PE2 and that of Hector Antonin Hoareau PE1. That sometime in the 1950’s Hector Hoareau left the Seychelles to emigrate and work in East Africa. The petitioner averred that to the best of her recollection, knowledge and information, her said parents, brothers and sisters, other members of the family and acquaintances have since never heard from or of the aforesaid Hector Antonin Hoareau. The petitioner further averred that in the 1950’s and 60’s Hector Hoareau (Senior) and Graziella Hoareau took steps to attempt to locate and establish contact with Hector Antonin Hoareau through the auspices of the British Colonial Administration but to no avail. That he could not be located and has failed to return to Seychelles until this day. Further, despite enquiries and other attempts to establish the whereabouts of Hector Antonin Hoareau, no information has been forthcoming whereupon the petitioner verily believes that her brother is dead as there are no other plausible reasons preventing him from establishing contact with his family who are still residents of Glacis, Mahe for a period of excess of 60 years even at the time when Hector Antonin Hoareau left Seychelles. It also her evidence that her afore said parents have since passed away intestate leaving behind immovable property at Glacis. As executrix of their estate, to which Hector Antonin Hoareau is heir, the petitioner is prevented from completing the administration of the said estate until such a time or unless the Court declares that Hector Antonin Hoareau, who for all legal intents and purposes is presumed alive due to the entry of his birth and non-entry of his death in the registers kept by the chief civil status officer, ‘be presumed dead.’ It will be recalled that the Attorney General in his capacity as “Ministere Publique” intimated before the Court that he had no objection to the petition. The petition has fully complied with the requirements of Sections 2 and 3 of the above Act. From the evidence on record I am satisfied that H. A. H disappeared from his home country, Seychelles when he emigrated to East Africa in the 1950’s. I am also further satisfied that all reasonable effort and means have been engaged to locate him but with no success. Accordingly, pursuant to Section 7 of the Act I hereby declare Hector Antonin Hoareau dead. It is also ordered that this judgment and record be placed before the Registrar of the Supreme Court. I so order. Dated this 29th day of May, 2009.
Revista de Psiquiatria Clínica Print version ISSN 0101-6083 MOREIRA, Andreza Giuliane Guimarães et al. Physical activity and performance in executive function tasks in healthy older adults: preliminary data. Rev. psiquiatr. clín. [online]. 2010, vol.37, n.3, pp. 109-112. ISSN 0101-6083. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0101-60832010000300003. BACKGROUND: Physical activity seems to produce positive effects on many cognitive processes in elderly people. Nevertheless, little is known about the impact of sequential physical activity, such as dancing, on the executive functions in older adults. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate, in elderly people, the relation between the type of physical practice and the performance in executive functions. METHODS: Thirty five older adults, age 60-69, participated in this study. The control group (CD) was composed by sedentary participants; the physical activity group (PAG) was composed by practitioners of physical activity; the dance group (DG) was composed by practitioner of identical physical activity to the PAG plus practice of senior dance. After an initial triage, executive function tests were administered for all participants. RESULTS: Compared to the other groups, the DG presented better performance in the measures of planning (Tower of London) and inhibitory control (Stroop test). DISCUSSION: The preliminary findings suggest a specificity of physical activity on the performance of some executive functions. Our perspective is to find the same results with a larger sample. Keywords : Cognition; physical education and training; dancing; health; aging.
African fraud gang: Could you please send us £102,000? Scottish council: Why, of course we can AN African fraud gang has succeeded in conning a cash-strapped Scottish council out of £102,000. Strathclyde Police is investigating the con after South Lanarkshire Council admitted an accounts worker had been taken in by the sting. According to councillors the fraud originated in Africa. In recent years Nigeria, in particular, has grown a reputation for being the source of frauds which involves getting people to hand over bank details either by e-mail or letter. The investigation into the fraud in South Lanarkshire has taken on a UK-wide perspective with other local authorities understood to have been targeted in a similar way. The fraud involved a letter to the council, claiming to be a real contractor informing the local authority of a change in bank details and asking for its details in return. A council employee approved the change without checking and 102,000 duly went out of the council's account and into the fraudulent one. Because the crime is classed as an external fraud the council is not covered by its insurance, and it is unlikely it will get the money back as these types of offences are notoriously difficult to trace and bring to justice. To rub salt in the wounds, the council was conned during a week its trading standards team was warning householders to be on their guard against a new council tax fraud. People in South Lanarkshire had been written to by people claiming to be the council and informing them that they had been moved into a different council tax band and were entitled to a rebate. They were then asked to respond with their bank details which the con-artists used to extract money. David Templeton, divisional trading standards officer, who has been leading the awareness raising campaign, said the request for bank details should immediately set "alarm bells ringing" and anyone taken in would be putting themselves at risk of having "money taken from their bank accounts". The fraud against the council was discussed in yesterday's meeting of the Risk and Audit Scrutiny Forum. Graham Horne, chairman of the forum and deputy leader of the council's SNP group, said: "The finance department was sent documents on letter headed paper to tell them to change bank details. It's not something I have ever seen before and it wasn't like an e-mail scam, which many people get sent to their home computers. We are not sure who has done this, but it has been professionally done by a gang in an African country." Asked if the someone should be sacked for the error, he said: "If the person involved took all the appropriate action then they shouldn't be sacked. "We will need to investigate if the person did follow the correct procedures.If there is a fault in the department's procedures then they will need to be fixed." A council spokeswoman said: "Forged documents instructing a change of bank details were sent to the council and used to obtain fraudulent payment of 102,000. We are co-operating with an ongoing national police investigation. The council are confident no member of staff is involved." South Lanarkshire is not the first local authority in the UK to be targeted in this manner. Police say a number of councils have been taken in by a similar fraud and forces across the country are working together to try and trace the gang. Chief Inspector Jim Jennings, of Hamilton police, said: "We can confirm this incident has been reported to Strathclyde Police, as part of a national investigation involving several police forces." A spokeswoman for Strathclyde Police said: "Strathclyde Police can confirm that officers within our economic crime unit are investigating alleged fraud at South Lanarkshire Council." Search for a job Search for a car Search for a house Weather for Edinburgh Thursday 20 June 2013 Temperature: 12 C to 21 C Wind Speed: 7 mph Wind direction: South east Temperature: 11 C to 19 C Wind Speed: 12 mph Wind direction: West
EDT Instruments Ltd EDT directION have a proud tradition of manufacturing and supplying both conventional and cutting edge electrochemistry products. The products are manufactured and fully supported in the UK by technical specialists and engineers. The major areas of speciality are pH, Conductivity, Ion measurement and Dissolved Oxygen. EDT directION manufacture meters, probes and consumables in all of these areas thereby offering the total solution to your electrochemistry requirement. Our products are widely used in many areas particularly water, food, bio-medical and environmental industries. EDT directION is committed to supplying the best possible products to meet the demands of todays analyst and to supporting and servicing them, long after initial delivery.
Ariel Sharon's election as prime minister of Israel has set off powerful reactions around the world, as has often been the case throughout his 40 years of public life. Bay Area Arabs and Muslims said they feared that Sharon's election yesterday will mean more fighting and a hard line against Palestinians. Jews, however, were divided, some saying that Sharon would guarantee peace through security and others expressing concern that he will derail the fragile peace process. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-San Francisco, who is Jewish, cautioned against predicting how Sharon will perform as prime minister during what she described as a very difficult juncture in Israeli-Palestinian relations. "It is too soon to prejudge Mr. Sharon and to assume that the peace process is over," she said. President Bush indicated this morning that Sharon is a man he can work with to nudge the Mideast peace process forward. In the Arab world, some leaders are not inclined to rush to judgment. On the day after his landslide victory, Sharon -- a battle-tested general and political hard liner -- stayed firmly in character, standing before the Western Wall and declaring Jerusalem the "eternal and indivisible capital of Israel." But even as Sharon's adversaries denounced him as a war criminal and predicted increased repression of Israeli Arabs, President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Prime Minister Rafik Hariri of Lebanon and other Arab leaders said that his election does not mean the end of the peace process. "We hope that the peace process will resume and move on the right track, although the recent remarks by Mr. Sharon are not encouraging," Mubarak said. "The world has changed," Hariri said. "We hope that Sharon understands that what was possible in 1982 (when Israel invaded Lebanon) is no more today." In brief comments today on the election, Bush pledged to work with Sharon "to promote an environment of calm" in the Middle East. The United States will "give the Sharon government a chance to do what he said he was going to do," Bush said. Sharon's 62.5 to 37.4 percent victory over Ehud Barak was one of the most one-sided in Israel's history and signaled a remarkable comeback for the 72- year-old general, who not so long ago was considered a political has-been. In today's appearance at the Western Wall, Sharon once again emphasized his commitment to keeping all Jerusalem under full Israeli control -- a crucial point of contention with the Palestinians, who want the eastern sector of the city as the capital of a future state. Hatem Bazian, a Palestinian native, lecturer at the University of California at Berkeley and a leader among Bay Area Muslins, said that based on Sharon's record, it appears that "he will pursue an even harsher response" to Palestinian protests than Barak has. Sharon, he said, "has a history of blunders that are very well demonstrated by the Lebanon invasion, which was a catastrophe. . . . From his rhetoric during the election, he is clearly pursuing a hawkish approach to the powder keg in the Middle East." Bazian predicted Sharon will use militant Jewish settlers on the West Bank "as a means of trying to compel Palestinians to submit to whatever he wants to dictate." Rabbi Michael Barenbaum of Congregation Rodes Sholom in Marin County had a singular, nonpartisan take on the election. "In the course of history, some of the people who seem least likely to make contributions to peace have done so," he said, adding that Sharon may be one such leader. Barenbaum cited the examples of President Richard Nixon, who mended relations with the People's Republic of China; of Menachem Begin, the tough- minded Israeli prime minister who signed the Camp David accords with Egypt's President Anwar Sadat; and President Ronald Reagan, whose negotiations with the premier of the former Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, ended the Cold War. Reaction from Muslims was less charitable. "It's basically the election of someone who's a war criminal," said Farhan Memon, a Muslim activist from Berkeley. "He has spent his entire life viewing Arabs and Palestinians as the enemy, has fought against them in battle and said quite categorically that Yasser Arafat and the rest of the Palestinian leadership are terrorists and his enemy, " he said. "This is someone who does not want to make a just peace in the region. Ariel Sharon, to me, is the equivalent of an apartheid-era white South African." Julie Brandt, a member of the board of the Jewish Community Relations Council, said that as a practical matter "the election was not about Sharon or Barak -- it was about Yasser Arafat and the violence he has incited." "The Israelis are saying that they are deeply committed to peace, but they can no longer sustain the kind of violence that Arafat has incited. Sharon will do what he is committed to: He will try to deliver peace with security," she said. Hala Hijazi, a San Franciscan who was born in Jordan, called Sharon's election "is a sad day in Palestine and all over the Mideast." "There is no peace," Hijazi said. "(Sharon's) version of peace is security for Israel, and for him one death of an Israeli soldier equals a thousand Palestinian children." Rabbi Douglas Kahn of the Jewish Community Relations Council noted that Sharon's record includes accomplishments as well as blemishes. "It's important to remember that he was largely responsible for dismantling Jewish settlements in the Sinai and that he reached a peace treaty and supported the return of Hebron (to Palestinian control). He has shown a willingness to compromise." Kahn noted that despite Israeli's concern for security, recent polls reveal that 69 percent of them want peace negotiations to continue. Rabbi Michael Lerner, the Bay Area author and activist, sees Sharon's election as an unmitigated disaster. "If there were an award for the person who played the greatest role in undermining the possibility of peace between Israel and her neighbors in the past 20 years, Ariel Sharon would win it hands down," he said. Israelis have voted for despair against hope, he said. The "least bad scenario is that we can expect increased repression of Palestinians," Lerner said. "The worst is the possibility of precipitating a regional war. (Sharon's) hand is on nuclear weapons, and he has the consciousness of Israel against the world." Lerner said that "from the standpoint of the Jewish people, this is a terrible tragedy. Sharon represents the negation of the highest values of the Jewish tradition."
The excerpts below come from Volume VII, in Book II of the current edition of The Human Revolution. Suggested discussion questions follow. Please also see the “highlights” reading, also available on the SGI-USA website, with longer excerpts from Volume VII. We encourage all Men’s Division members to own and read the complete work, available through your SGI-USA bookstore. “Flight” pp. 825 - 827 At a New Year’s dinner party in 1953, a YMD member sang “A Star Falls in the Autumn Wind on Wuchang Plain.” Pres. Toda was visibly and profoundly moved by this song, and asked for it to be sung over and over. In this abridged passage, he explains why it resonates so strongly with him. “The reason Chuke K’ung-ming’s feeling appeals so strongly to the depths of my heart is not because of mere sentimentality. What strikes me most are the sense of responsibility as well as the inner struggle of a person who is aware of his own mission and who stands alone to carry out that mission. Chuke K’ung-ming had one mission that he had to accomplish by all means possible….” “Now, with his mission still unfinished, Kung-ming’s life hangs over a precipice by the merest thread. His army is losing battle after battle. What can a person think and how would he feel if he finds himself in such a critical dilemma? Certainly, his feelings would not be at all sentimental, much less resigned. K’ung-ming is about to die in a terrible predicament. Alone, he muses in silence, his head bowed. What would you do if you were in his position?” Toda interwove fantasy with reality in his talk. After a few seconds of silence, he resumed his explanation. “K’ung-ming’s tenacity of purpose on his deathbed is still alive in history. It was this intense tenacity that struck a responsive chord in me, moving me to tears in spite of myself. Perhaps I have not yet made myself sufficiently clear. Let me elaborate. The first stanza, I venture to say, could be applied to the sad plight of Nichiren Shoshu when the Daishonin’s Buddhism was in danger of ruin. Who was truly concerned about this? Even now there is only jealousy and criticism both within and outside of the orthodox school. “The next stanza indicates the person who regards the Daishonin’s will, of which he is mindful even in his dreams, as his own mission and stakes his life on it. ‘Should the great tree fall at last,’ what will be the fate of Nichiren Buddhism? I am growing gradually weaker from the illness spreading through my body. What will become of kosen rufu if I succumb to my disease now? Because I am aware of the great, noble mission, and because no one else is, I cannot think of the future of Nichiren Buddhism without weeping. I cannot die yet. I am not allowed to die even if I want to….” “In the fourth stanza, the author wonders why Chuke K’ung-ming chose to assume the regency of the kingdom of Shu even though he knew that it would mean hardships. If he had wished, he could have remained in the idyllic community of Nan Yang, in camaraderie with the farmers, exchanging jokes and playing the flute, just as he had been doing for twenty years. His mission and position, however, had now grown so supremely important that he was no longer allowed to indulge in such rural luxuries. “I am in similar circumstances. Without realizing my mission for kosen rufu. I could have worked to my heart’s content in some suitable occupation, enjoying my liquor and leading a life full of merriment. Why did I choose to toil, sleeping or waking, for the accomplishment of this difficult mission? I wonder why as much as you do….” “Much to my regret, there is no one who can fathom my thoughts. From this stems my solitude. I am a common mortal. I am convinced that only the Daishonin -- that is, only the Gohonzon -- knows how I feel. Because of this conviction, an enormous, unswerving courage wakes up within me. There is no other support to which I can cling.” Toda even looked and sounded different than his usual self. The sentiment in the depths of his heart pierced the people’s minds and pointed them in one direction. At the same time, it seemed as if he was gazing intently into his own innermost being. “Chuke K’ung-ming’s death finally comes in this last stanza, sadly enough, leaving his mission unaccomplished. True, K’ung-ming’s name remains immortal even today, nearly two millennia after his death, but his failure is an indisputable fact. Perhaps failure is admissible in K’ung-ming’s case but not in mine. If the great cause of kosen-rufu were to end in fiasco, humankind would wander in utter darkness. “If there should be someone else who could carry out this task, I would not care what may happen to me or when. As it is, however, there is no one. This is not to say that you are unreliable; on the contrary, I have full confidence in you, but that does not get us anywhere. There is no choice but for me to devote my life to discharging my heavy responsibility, no matter what hardships I may feel and no matter what people may say. There is no alternative but for me to sacrifice myself alone where no one can see or even notice. My sole source of strength now is the conviction that only the Daishonin knows what I am doing. “Because of this conviction, tears of joy pour from my eyes. I wept this afternoon because the poem ‘Wuchang Plain’ almost perfectly represents my feelings….” * * * * * * * “The Oath of Suiko” p. 924 On December 16, 1952, Toda met for the first time with the Suiko-kai, a special YMD training group formed at the request of Shin’ichi Yamamoto, and encouraged them about their future mission. “It is certain that the spread of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism will bring peace and prosperity to humankind. This naturally presupposes a reform in every field of human society. “True, faith is most important in our lives, but I do not want you to cling to it so narrow-mindedly that you refuse to turn your eyes to the wider spectrum of society. We need not, and must not, become peddlers of religion. Nothing is more secure and easygoing than to live exclusively in a religious world. You should not follow that path. You must grow into efficient and genuine members of society who, awakened to the supreme philosophy of the Mystic Law, will display their full capabilities and contribute to society. This is the only way to save those who are suffering in these difficult times of the Latter Day of the Law. This great path alone leads to the boundless ocean of the Gohonzon’s mercy. “Who will lead the march along this royal road? You alone! Pioneers are nowhere but in this very room!” Suggested Discussion Questions: 1. Toda’s response to the song (first excerpt) gives us a picture of “his innermost being.” What are the main points you get from reading this passage? How is this heartfelt speech by Toda related to his human revolution, as we have been learning about it through the first several volumes of this novel? What is your response, what does it mean to you? 2. While encouraging the youth that spreading Nichiren Buddhism is most critical to peace and prosperity, Toda also encourages them to not be narrow-minded within “a religious world.” Does this seem to you to be a contradiction? How do we put this guidance into practice?
When it comes to commercial aircraft, one of the top manufacturers is Boeing. According to the aviation giant, the commercial aircraft industry will boom between now and 2030. Boeing estimates that globally airlines will need 32,500 new aircraft. Many of those aircraft will be needed by Asia-Pacific carriers where 11,450 are estimated to be needed. The cost of those 33,500 new aircraft is estimated to be $4 trillion. Carriers in Asia-Pacific region alone will gobble up 35% of the estimated need with the new aircraft expected to be worth $1.5 trillion. Boeing splits out the estimated 33,500 aircraft expecting that 60% of the new planes will be needed for expanding fleets, while the remainder will be needed to replace aircraft that are getting too old. An estimated 80% of the new aircraft in Asia-Pacific fleets will be needed for expansion. Boeing is planning to serve these new and growing markets in all aircraft ranges from single isle to very large aircraft such as the 787 Dreamliner. Boeing is also considering a larger aircraft able to carry more passengers than the Dreamliner called the 787-10X, able to carry 320 passengers.
St. Louis Park was the home of several nurseries, especially along Excelsior Blvd., which was dubbed “nursery and greenhouse row” by the Dispatch. Morton Arneson started operating his three acres at 4951 Excelsior Blvd. in 1929. This land became the site of two major buildings. The first was the St. Louis Park Medical Center. The second was built for a grocery story, but also became the property of the Medical Center (Park Roger V. Holt came out of the service in 1946 and started his nursery at 4600 Excelsior Blvd. The building was designed by his brother (Sam Holt?) who was an architectural engineer. He ran the business until at least 1964. In 1973 a new building was built at the site, first serving as a pizza parlor and then Jennings Liquors. The site is now part of Excelsior and Grand. The Minnesota Tree Service, run by Byron F. and Marjorie Bell, was located at 4601 Excelsior Blvd. from at least 1933. In 1962 the business (Minnesota Tree and Garden Center) moved to Highway 169 and Shady Oak Road in Hopkins. The St. Louis Park Greenhouse, run by Wallace Plantikow, was located at 4617 Excelsior Blvd. Conflicting information gives his start in 1927 or 1938. The building on that lot today was built in 1945. The greenhouse continued until at Leslie B. Santos Nurseries were located at 4801 Excelsior Blvd., across the street from Holt. His building, built in 1945, was in operation two weeks before Plantikow’s. On December 12, 1945, Leslie Santos opened Santos Art and Gift Shop. Santos operated the site until 1953. Larson's Greenhouse was run by C.F. Larson in the 1930's. He was located at 4159 Webster, on the same block as Brookside School. He grew his stock in a glass greenhouse behind his house. We know he was there from 1931 to 1937, but he could have been there before and/or after that time. The greenhouse was taken down in the 1940's. This information comes from a variety of sources: newspapers, books, yearbooks, phone directories, interviews, etc. Given the varied sources, we cannot guarantee that all of this information is correct, and welcome any additions and corrections. Please contact us with your contributions and comments.
Sunday Mornings at Spirit Rock Led by Sylvia Boorstein, Sally Armstrong & Others Final* Class: December 16, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm By donation at the door. Registration not required - just come! December 16: Donald Rothberg Topic: Resolution *Dear Sunday Mornings at Spirit Rock Class participants: As most of you know from our announcements, December 16th will be the last gathering of the Sunday Morning class until we have our new Community Meditation Hall. We have heard from many of you how much you loved the class and the community that has formed in the past year and how sad you are that it will not be offered next year. While we are also sad to be suspending this program for now, we are really looking forward to the day when the new Community Meditation Hall is built, providing us with a better space to offer this class and a greater variety of programs that our current hall is simply inadequate to accommodate. We have a lot of gratitude for Sally Armstrong and Sylvia Boorstein for nurturing the idea of this gathering, and bringing it to life. Sally did a wonderful job holding the class over the past year. However, Sally will be taking a yearlong sabbatical starting in 2013. We hope that Sally will resume this role when the new Community Meditation Hall is built. On December 16, Donald Rothberg will be teaching on the topic of “Resolution”, and offers this: “Resolution (or determination) is a wonderful topic to explore and a wonderful capacity to develop. It is about developing the energy and clarity and resilience to keep going toward what is most important in our lives, even though (and perhaps especially when) there are difficulties. So it is a capacity related to a lot of other capacities, such as having clarity of intention and aspiration, energy, commitment, skill in navigating difficulties, and more. I very much look forward to being with the group again and deepening our appreciation of and ability to practice resolution and determination.” Spirit Rock will again be offering morning snacks and tea, and you are welcome to bring anything you might like to share as well. We hope as many of you as possible will come to celebrate all the good that has been created, and share in the joy and sadness at this “last” class... for now! Please visit the Sunday Mornings at Spirit Rock Facebook page!
'Fever' - Explains what climate change is and why it is so important to indigenous peoples. This film covers: what is climate change; what is carbon; what is the greenhouse effect? What are the underlying causes of climate change? What are the impacts of climate change? 'Fever - A Video Guide' consists of 4 short films for indigenous communities to raise awareness and build knowledge about the issue of climate change and how it relates to indigenous peoples, cultures, rights and territories. In these films we hear the stories of indigenous peoples from communities in Ecuador, Nicaragua, the Philippines and Indonesia. Fever was awarded the 2010 award for Creativity and Contribution to the Indigenous Narrative by the Indigenous Peoples’ Latin American Network for Film and Communication at the Xth International Indigenous Film and Video Festival in Quito, Ecuador. This documentary film, "Pidlisan's Gold," is initiated by UNESCO within the framework of Information and Communication Technologies for Inter-Cultural Dialogue (ICT4ID) to enhance the knowledge of budding film makers of the indigenous peoples in the Philippine Cordillerra in participatory video production. Produced by: Tebtebba and Montañosa Research & Development Center in coordination with Center for Indigenous Cultural Arts and Development (CICAD) Trainee Directing: Robert Pangod Trainee Sound & Editing: Julie Mero Trainee Carmera: Anthony Dacyon Trainor: Wiek Lennsen (The Netherlands) Between Waters: From the Sacred to Disaster For centuries, an intrinsic and harmonious connection was shared between indigenous peoples and the nature of their territory. Now, as a result of the climatic change brought by the action of men, these same indigenous peoples are facing threats to their subsistence in their ancestral lands. In the Andes, the snowcapped mountains that provide water to the towns of the mountain range are melting too fast and are in danger of disappearance. Torrential rains affect their cultures. In the Amazon forests, people observe changes in biodiversity and in their traditional way of life. "Between Waters" explores the tribulations and difficulties that the indigenous peoples of Peru face, people who have contributed the least to climate change but, nevertheless, suffer the most from the adverse effects on their environment. Produced by Centro de Culturas Indígenas el Perú (CHIRAPAQ), this video is carried out with the support of Tebtebba, IFAD and NORAD. Director - Ludovico Pigeon; Overall Coordinator - Tarcila Rivera Zea; Executive Producer - Nestor Casafranca. 2010. CADPI Video on Climate Change The Centro para la Autonomía y Desarollo de los Pueblos Indígenas (CADPI) has produced a short video related to its ongoing project on indigenous peoples, climate change and REDD plus. The video, entitled "Working Towards Adaptation," is part of the 1-year project "Ensuring the Effective Participation of Indigenous Peoples in Global and National REDD Processes” funded by NORAD and implemented with Tebtebba. The film showcases the project undertaken in Nicaragua. The activities in Nicaragua were carried out by Centro para la Autonomía y Desarollo de los Pueblos Indígenas (CADPI). Directed by Mirna Cunningham. Produced by Dennis Mairena Arauz. Made by Dania Torres Hurtado. Cameramen - Mrlan Blinski, Elvin Gonzalez. 2010. Bugta is a message from the Talaandig tribe, Mindano, Philippines for COP15. The Talaandig community will hold a ritual during the Copenhagen summit, to pray for the leaders to protect the earth, and guarantee justice for all beings. Produced by: Talaandig / LifeMosaic (1minute) Page 2 of 3
The Vermont Legislative Research Service (VLRS) of the James M. Jeffords Center Vermont Legislative Research Shop EMS and Fire Dispatch Funding One of the byproducts of Chittenden Countys inability to impose taxes has caused local officials and emergency staff to search for new funding mechanisms. By looking at other Vermont Counties and various New England states a number of avenues to circumvent the funding problem that currently exists. In Lamoille County separate contracts are established between dispatch centers and each local government within the county. The burden of funding falls upon the budgets of local governments; the amount of money that each locality contributes varies in relation to its size and population, etc. The success of the emergency dispatch services are contingent upon the successful negotiation of these contracts. In various other counties that have been explored, property taxes are the main source of funds for emergency services. Within Windham County, the town of Putney expressed that EMS and the fire department are a local service provided through the taxing of its citizens. The same funding scheme is enacted throughout Caledonia County; municipalities budget annual expenditures on EMS and Fire dispatch centers and then set local property taxes to take into account the allocated funds. St. Albans also funds their EMS and Fire dispatch centers through local property taxes. In the town of Brattleboro, local property taxes are also the source of funding but it was noted by the Chief of the Fire Department that Brattleboro differs from other communities in the sense that Ambulance services are provided privately. The EMS is still apart of the central dispatch center but they incur a regional charge of $24,000 a year to have their calls dispatched. In Rutland, EMS is dispatched at the police department. The EMS system is funded by both the Rutland police and fire departments, however a portion of the money comes indirectly from the State of Vermont (Lt. Gino Rutland Police Dept.). The state of Maine EMS communications department has stated that they too have faced funding problems in the past particularly in sponsoring their 911 services. In funding Maine Municipal and County 911 related equipment the state legislature either imposes surcharges on each telephone line or delegates this authority to cities and counties. Steve Bunker, Director of Operations for the state of Maine EMS communications, stated that the surcharge has often been set at approximately $0.32 per phone line. However EMS equipment is primarily funded by the local tax base. In both Vermont counties and in other New England states the funding for emergency services comes primarily through the ability of local towns and communities to raise and budget revenue through property taxes. When 911 first response programs are in place the central dispatch center, which in most cases is the state police, is funded through state taxes on phone service. Ultimately it is still up to the town to provide emergency service to its community; the 911 system is simply in place to forward calls to local dispatch centers. Completed by Michelle Bellavance and Andrew Braley on May 1, 2000 Last modified June 07 2000 02:13 PM
Beautification of Bhopal – BDA implemented many housing projects and business center development schemes under its Master Plan Bhopal Development Authority (BDA) has, of late, implemented many development projects aimed at beautification of the city of Nawabs. These schemes carried out under Bhopal Master Plan so far includes, in main, land development projects, construction of houses, development of business centers and shopping complexes, infrastructure development and beautification work. Some of the key projects implemented under the master plan hitherto include Raksha Vihar Housing Scheme for defense personnel near Raja Bhoj Airport, Mansarovar Housing Project at Shahpura, Maharana Pratap Major Shopping Center at Habibganj, Keshabhau Thakre Inter-state Bus Terminal behind Habibganj, business center at Bus Stop No 10, Antodaya Yojana at Pul Boghda and so on. All these complexes and centers are fully equipped with modern facilities. Under the plan, many more ambitious projects are underway. Raksha Vihar – The project provides residential facilities to defense service personnel near Raja Bhoj Airport at a large piece of land located between village Mubarakpur and Barkheda Bondar. Under the project, a total of 975 plots were developed for various kinds of residents in three sectors. Mansarovar Residential Scheme Shahpur – As many as 1578 houses have been built in three sectors on 112.17 acres of land. The scheme also provides for marketplace and other community facilities. Housing at Airport Road National Highway 12 Bhopal – Around 50 houses and flats of various classes have been built at Qazi Vajd-ul Hussani, Nayapura under the master plan. Major Shopping Center at Habibganj – A total of 712 commercial and residential blocks have been developed under this scheme. Besides, flats and shops have been provided to persons of different income categories in 10-storey Vijay Stambh Residential cum Commercial Complex, Amber Complex Residential cum Commercial Complex, Indira Press Complex, Chittod Complex, Ranthambhore, Meera Complex, Shabari Complex, Vaishali Complex and Amer Complex. Rajeev Gandhi Nagar Bypass Road Bhopal Around 160 houses have been built on 9.80 acre of land under this project. Residential and commercial blocks have been built in two sectors on Raisen-Bhopal Road near BHEL. Under the project, a complex of MIG and HIG houses has been developed on main road. Saket Nagar Sector 2 and 3 BHEL Project As many as 1250 blocks, multistoried flats and shopping center on 7 acres of land have been built under this project, mainly for BHEL employees. Similarly, in 9A and 9B sectors of Saket Nagar, 1264 blocks have been constructed for people of different income groups. In this project implemented in three sectors in front BHEL campus, a total of 1000 plots, houses and flats have been built. The project has been carried out in 5 sectors on Bhopal-Indore Road. As many as 417 plots and flats have been built in Kahkasha Complex, Ashiyana Complex and Sheerin Complex. Kasturba Nagar Residential Project The project links BHEL to new Bhopal and spreads over 26 acres of land in three sectors. Besides 289 plots, flats have been developed for income groups in Sabarmati Complex, LIG Complex and EWS Complex. Also, commercial blocks have been developed on either side of Chetak bridge. The project spreads over 15.86 acres of land from Bhopal Nursing Home Road to Bypass Road Central Jail. Under the project, 850 plots and houses have been developed for informal sector. As many as 392 plots, duplex bungalows, flats and shopping center have been developed in 4 sectors on Bhopal-Hoshangabad Road. E-8 Shahpura Slums Rehabilitation Scheme In this project spreading over 725 acres of land for rehabilitation of slums, around 411 plots and 30 middle class plots have been developed. Dr Rajendra Prasad Office Complex In this complex of 4 phases situated on main road linking new and old Bhopal, three offices are built. In place of phase 4, houses are proposed in collaboration with private sector. Panchsheel Nagar Project As many as 1400 plots of informal sector have been developed in this project spreading over 26.60 hectare adjacent to government South TT Nagar. Arera Colony E-Sector The project spreads over 29.91 hectare of land. Around 150 flats and plots have been developed under the project. Idgah Hills Project A total 35 plots have been developed in Idgah Hills near Jawahar Lal Nehru Cancer Hospital. In this project sprawling from Sultania Infantry Lines to Bairasia, 1700 plots of different categories have been developed. Shanti Nagar Project In this project, 140 plots have been developed from Bhopal Talkies to Bairasia Road. Antodaya Nagar Project As many as 110 plots and 22 JuMIG flats have been built near Pul Boghda on Raisen Road. Most of the plots belong to informal sector. Ankur Complex Project This project is built in 5 phases in government residential colony near Shivaji Nagar. Here, 186 flats have been built for different income groups. As many as 61 flats of various categories have been built on 0.74 acres of land in the middle of 1466 Quarters Shivaji Nagar. Shankar Nagar Extension As many as 64 two-storied flats are built on 1.38 acres of land at six and a half bus stop Shivaji Nagar. Sarita Complex and Sanitary Hostel Shivaji Nagar Project Around 120 SrHIG and 64 MIG units have been constructed on 4.53 acres of land. Congress Bhawan Project Under this project, 19 high income plots and houses have been developed on 1.16 acres of land. Sanjay Complex Project As many as 184 flats of various categories have been built on main road near Mata Mandir under this project. Similarly, 100 flats have been constructed in 11-storied Annapurna Complex in Kotra Sultanabad. In this project spreading over 7.50 acres of land, 386 flats have been built. Shopping Complex at Bus Stop No 10 Around 100 flats and shops have been developed on 1.37 acres of land near Bus Stop No 10. As many as 176 flats have been built near Tin Shade TT Nagar. Indira Nagar Mandideep Project Plots and flats have been developed on 291 acres of land at Mandideep. Behind Indrapuri Project on Raisen Road, 168 flats have been constructed on 2.66 acres of land. In this project sprawling over 23.33 hectare of land near Bhopal-Hoshangabad Road Bypass, 1200 plots will be developed. Archana and Anjali Complex As many as 152 flats have been built in this project starting from South TT Nagar and Tulsi Nagar. Kushabhau Thakre Inter-State Bus Terminal This first ISBT of the state is being constructed over 22.17 acres of land behind Habibganj Railway Station. The ISBT will comprise of commercial complex and shopping mall. Munshi Premchand Parisar The construction of duplex bungalows and flats in Munshi Premchand Parisar on Airport Road is nearing completion. Rishi Nagar Project Duplex bungalows have been built under this project on main road no 3 at Char Imali. 0.9 Acre Project As many as 12 duplex bungalows, 16 HIGs flats and Petrol block have been developed near Ayushman Hospital at Sharpura C Sector. Principal Deposit Works Construction of Indian Forest Management Institute Campus Construction of Administrative Office of NABARD Construction of Residential Complex for Employees of NABARD Construction of Officer Complex of Bharat Petrolium in Vidyanagar D Sector Construction of Administrative Offices for Various Banks, Administrative Office of Water Resources Department and Regional Office of Oriental Bank Construction of First Underground Subway of the State at New Market Kushbhau Thakre Nagar at Kolar Road Bhopal Raisen Bypass at Peepalner near Central Jail Residential Project Master Plan Road Construction Residential Project at Village Kokta Lawyers Chambers Project at Arera Hills Raksha Vihar Phase-2 and 3 Residential Project
The synopsis for this grant opportunity is detailed below, following this paragraph. This synopsis contains all of the updates to this document that have been posted as of updates have been made to the opportunity synopsis, update information is provided below the synopsis. If you would like to receive notifications of changes to the grant me change notification emails The only thing you need to provide for this service is your email address. No other information is requested. Any inconsistency between the original printed document and the disk or electronic document shall be resolved by giving precedence to the Funding Opportunity Number: Aug 06, 2009 Aug 06, 2009 Original Closing Date for Applications: Sep 25, 2012 Current Closing Date for Applications: Sep 25, 2012 Oct 26, 2012 Funding Instrument Type: Category of Funding Activity: Expected Number of Awards: Estimated Total Program Funding: Human Genome Research Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: Public and State controlled institutions of higher education Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized) Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments) Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education Private institutions of higher education For profit organizations other than small businesses Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification) Additional Information on Eligibility: Other Eligible Applicants include the following: Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Hispanic-serving Institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs); Indian/Native American Tribal Governments (Other than Federally Recognized); Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs) ; U.S. Territory or Possession. National Institutes of Health Purpose. This funding opportunity supports two types of activities: (1) short, advanced level courses that are intended to disseminate new laboratory techniques, methods, analyses related to the mission of the NHGRI and (2) research education and training initiatives that are linked to specific NHGRI research initiatives, such as Centers of Excellence in Genomic Science (CEGS) and large-scale sequencing and database grants. Mechanism of Support. This FOA will use the NIH Research Education (R25) grant mechanism. Research education and training initiatives may not be transferred from one institution to another, unless strongly justified (see Section VI.2). Funds Available and Anticipated Number of Awards. Because the nature and scope of the proposed research will vary from application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award will also vary. The total amount awarded and the number of awards will depend upon the mechanism, numbers, quality, duration, and costs of the applications received.
Released: October 4, 2012 |RSNA Media Relations:||1-630-590-7762| OAK BROOK, Ill. (October 4, 2012) — The Academy of Radiology Leadership and Management (ARLM) has awarded its first Certificates of Achievement to Amilcare Gentili, M.D., and Lisa H. Lowe, M.D. ARLM was launched in 2011 to give radiology practitioners the opportunity to develop professionally. As the field of radiology continues to evolve, and healthcare faces mounting financial challenges, leadership skills are becoming even more critical. ARLM combines existing leadership and management courses under one umbrella. "Although we gain a vast amount of medical knowledge through residency, fellowship and clinical experience over time, opportunities for radiologists to learn how to be effective managers, administrators and leaders have been few and far between," said Dr. Lowe, professor of radiology at University of Missouri-Kansas City and Radiology Residency Program Director at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine. "The courses offered through ARLM are practical and useful to all. Receiving a Certificate of Achievement means a great deal to me, as it allows me to demonstrate my commitment to improving my leadership and management skills." ARLM courses are offered by the five sponsoring organizations: RSNA, the Association of University Radiologists (AUR), American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS), the Society of Chairs of Academic Radiology Departments (SCARD), and the Association of Administrators in Academic Radiology Departments (AAARAD). ARLM builds on educational programs and resources offered by the sponsoring societies online and at their annual meetings. The goal of ARLM is to organize the educational pursuits of radiology professionals to ensure that they are exposed to content across the critical domains of leadership and management. "During medical school, residency, fellowship, and years in practice I did not have any formal leadership or management training," said Dr. Gentili, clinical professor of radiology at University of California — San Diego and service chief of radiology at San Diego VA Medical Center. "Once I became service chief, I found many new challenges that my clinical training did not prepare me for. I signed up for ARLM to improve my leadership and management skills. The Certificate of Achievement signifies that I am committed to excellence, professional development and radiology leadership and management." Medical imaging professionals can earn a Certificate of Achievement from ARLM by participating in 50 hours of education—including at least 30 hours in person—across a spectrum of core learning domains, including financial skills, human resources, professionalism, legal/contracting, academic mission and more. A minimum of three credits in each domain is required. Course curriculum includes important issues facing medical imaging professionals, such as Quality Assessment and Improvement in Radiology, Ethics and Professionalism in Research, Conflict of Interest, Critical Issues Facing the Profession of Radiology, and Clinical Portfolios, among others. There are no fees beyond costs associated with the courses—and many of those are free to members of the respective sponsoring societies. Additional information on the program is available at www.radleaders.org. # # # RSNA is an association of more than 50,000 radiologists, radiation oncologists, medical physicists and related scientists promoting excellence in patient care and health care delivery through education, research and technologic innovation. The Society is based in Oak Brook, Ill. (RSNA.org)
Matsuri da! (6): Strange ways to make religion fun Posted by ampontan on Monday, January 22, 2007 The Japanese are the first to admit that some of their festivals are unusual. They even have a word for them: kisai, or strange festivals. Books in Japan about festivals always include a section on kisai, and some are devoted entirely to a nationwide sampling of these oddities. How common are the kisai? Well, just last Sunday in northern Kyushu, three smaller ones were held within driving distance of each other. Indeed, the streak of strangeness that runs through all three is enough to make one wonder not only what sort of people conceived them, but also about the people who’ve enjoyed them so much they’ve kept them alive for centuries. Take for example the Tatami Yaburi festival held at the Nanko Shrine in Isahaya, Nagasaki Prefecture, a bedroom community of Nagasaki City. During the event that dates back more than 250 years, 25-30 local men split into two groups to reenact an incident in which the feudal warlord Masashige Kusunoki employed guerilla tactics using dummies in his 1333 campaign in support of the Emperor Go-Daigo against the armies of the Kamakura Shogunate. Tatami Yaburi literally means to rip up tatami mats. As part of the reenactment, one group plays the role of Kusunoki’s forces, while the other plays the role of the Shogunate soldiers. Against a backdrop of taiko drumming, the men strip to the waist and don straw hats. The men in the Shogun’s army barricade themselves in the main building of the shrine with the tatami mats, which they call “castle walls”. The men representing Kusunoki’s warriors charge up the main shrine path to attack them. Their skirmish surges into the shrine itself. In the melee that ensues, the men from both sides tear apart the tatami mats and rub the straw vigorously on the bodies of the troops in the opposing army while exhorting each other to put up with the cold and the pain. The story goes that this is part of a supplication for health and safety during the coming year, but I won’t blame you if one of your eyebrows rises after you read the first part of this sentence. No one is sure how the event got started, but both Kusunoki and Hachiman, the protector of warriors and the tutelary deity of Minamoto no Yoritomo, the founder of the Kamakura Shogunate, are enshrined at Nanko. The theory is that blending both enshrined spirits in the festival will preserve peace in the region. And I say that’s as good an explanation as any! On the same night the Nagasaki guys are getting it on in rub-a-dub style, a group of people are wandering around in Fukuoka Prefecture’s Keisen-machi for the purpose of getting drenched with water as they stand outside in close-to-zero temperatures. The name of this event is the Tohetohe, which is written with the characters for door and blessing repeated twice. This traditional affair is held to pray for the provision of abundant water during rice planting season. So, how do the people in the area go about making sure they get enough water? A group of 12 ranging in age from 13 to their mid-40s wear traditional conical bamboo hats (kasa) and straw raincoats (mino) to visit 110 different homes. The residents of each one welcome the group by dousing them with water. Traditional attire may be more practical for some purposes than modern clothing, but I’d be surprised if even the sturdiest mino and kasa can hold up under that sustained deluge. Sounds like a perfectly natural way to guarantee an abundance of water later on during the summer, don’t you think? Of course, everyone likes a good water fight, but this one is held in January. As if this were not enough frathouse shenanigans for one Kyushu winter’s night, the Muko-Oshi Festival was underway at the same time at the Kasuga shrine in Kasuga, Fukuoka Prefecture. The objective of this event is to bring the blessing of happiness to the year’s newlyweds. And how do they accomplish that? Here’s a hint: Muko-Oshi literally means bridegroom pushing. During one of the festival events called the taruseri, men fight for shards from a barrel of sacred sake. And they aren’t just tussling for form’s sake—during the scuffle most wind up being thrown into a pond next to the torii in front of the shrine grounds. There’s more to it than that, of course. Before the action starts, the brides, dressed in furisode, the traditional long-sleeved kimono of unmarried women, serve sake to the shrine elders, bridegrooms and the go-betweens. After this sweet little ceremony, a group of young boys dressed in loincloths barge in and try to snatch the cask of sacred sake. The cask will later be offered to the divinities. After the cask is blessed, the shrine priest tosses it out onto the grounds, and that’s when the pushing and shoving begins in earnest. The men stomp on the cask to break it into pieces, and each one takes home a chunk to place on the kamidana, or Shinto family altar. This is just a sampling of festivals that the Japanese consider to be strange, held on one day in one corner of the country. But the truth of the matter is that there’s nothing so unusual about any of them. In Japan, matsuri in which young men strip down to loincloths in mid-winter to grapple with each other, compete for sacred objects, or get water thrown on them aren’t strange at all. They’re a part of everyday life.