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泰坦尼克号上的女侍玛丽·斯隆(Mary Sloan)指出,安德鲁斯曾说服她登上救生艇,后来在一封信中写道:“安德鲁斯先生像个真正的英雄一样面对命运,意识到巨大的危机后,牺牲自己来拯救妇女和泰坦尼克号的孩子们。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Mary Sloan, a stewardess on the ship, whom Andrews persuaded to enter a lifeboat, later wrote in a letter: "Mr. Andrews met his fate like a true hero, realising the great danger, and gave up his life to save the women and children of the Titanic. |
如在秘鲁,克布拉达·塔卡瓦伊(Quebrada Tacahuay)和克布拉达·哈瓜伊(Quebrada Jaguay)已经由考古学家研究过。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | In Peru, Quebrada Tacahuay and Quebrada Jaguay have been studied by archaeologists. |
但他是一个跛子,因为自己的虚弱而无法控制自己的政体。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | But he was a cripple and could not govern his polity because of his infirmity. |
与此同时,OPEC成员国(包括一些刚把石油工业国有化的国家)响应国际新经济秩序的呼吁,加入开始联合初级生产者。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | At that time, OPEC nations – including many who had recently nationalised their oil industries – joined the call for a New International Economic Order to be initiated by coalitions of primary producers. |
海风琴 (克罗地亚语:Morske orgulje)是克罗地亚扎达尔的一组听觉艺术装置和实验乐器,通过海浪和隐藏在大理石台阶下面的聚乙烯管子与共振器的作用,来演奏音乐。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The Sea organ (Croatian: Morske orgulje) is an architectural sound art object located in Zadar, Croatia and an experimental musical instrument, which plays music by way of sea waves and tubes located underneath a set of large marble steps. |
当它被降下时,几乎被被船侧排出的水柱冲翻。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | As it was lowered, it was nearly flooded by water being pumped out of the ship. |
InCopy的直接竞争对手是1991年发布的Quark CopyDesk。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Since 1999, InCopy from Adobe is a direct competitor to Quark CopyDesk, which was launched in 1991. |
Louis Jourdain(弗洛伊德·乔丹的儿子)于2005年3月28日因涉及这次事件而被捕,被告以合谋罪。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Louis Jourdain, the son of the Tribal Chairman Buck Jourdain, was arrested in connection with the shootings on March 28, 2005 and charged with conspiracy to commit murder. |
Lisp中的符号通常类似于其它语言中的标识符(identifier)用法:保存变量的值;然而还有很多种用途。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Symbols in Lisp are often used similarly to identifiers in other languages: to hold the value of a variable; however there are many other uses. |
松方幸次郎的收藏品后来存放于英国和法国,直到第二次世界大战后,日本政府要求法国返还。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | His collection had remained in England and France until after World War II when the Japanese Government asked France for its return to Japan. |
随后数年本地报章多次邀他访问,王维基称他21岁时就萌生从台湾引进免税工程教科书的想法,而在就读香港中文大学第3年时,这为他带来丰厚利润,同时亦有助纾缓在读大学生面对当时中文教科书稀缺以及成本高昂的困境。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Also reported in many other interviews by local press through the years, was that Ricky Wong had the business idea of bringing in non-taxed engineering textbooks from Taiwan when he was 21, at his 3rd year at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, which earned him a good fortune and helped fellow undergraduates, at a time when textbooks are rare and expensive locally. |
对国际劳工标准的三种最常见的批评是它们破坏了国际竞争力、蚕食国内政策和社会条款。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The two most common arguments raised against international labour standards are that they undermine international competitiveness and erode domestic policy. |
在他的书中云中面临的一个新的宗教理论,斯图尔特格思里的理论是,所有的宗教都是由于大脑的倾向自然现象来检测是否存在或其他人的痕迹anthropomorphisms发起的。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | In Faces in the Clouds, anthropologist Stewart Guthrie proposes that all religions are anthropomorphisms that originate in the brain's tendency to detect the presence or vestiges of other humans in natural phenomena. |
1910年6月抵达伦敦之前,他曾在美国犯下一连串抢劫案。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | He had travelled through the United States, where he undertook a series of robberies, before arriving in London in June 1910. |
Pallasite:石铁陨石 Panspermia:生命可以通过陨石或彗星到达其他行星的理论。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Pallasite Panspermia – the hypothesis that life could reach other planets by the means of meteorites and/or comets. |
在拉丁字母,希腊字母和西里尔字母(有时统称为LGC)脚本中,可以参考从基线到顶部的距离 常规小写字形(主线)为X字高,字形高于x高度的部分为升部 。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | In the Latin, Greek and Cyrillic (sometimes collectively referred to as LGC) scripts, one can refer to the distance from the baseline to the top of regular lowercase glyphs (mean line) as the x-height, and the part of a glyph rising above the x-height as the ascender. |
在电影《蝙蝠侠与罗宾》中,艾莉·麦克弗森饰演布鲁斯的女朋友朱莉,这个角色似乎与她的漫画版本没有什么共同之处。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | In Batman & Robin, Elle Macpherson plays Julie, Bruce's girlfriend, though the character seems to have little in common with her comic book self. |
Girls、超! | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Super, Girls! |
飞机飞行仅73秒,航天飞机在48,000英尺的高度解体,七名机组人员全部遇难。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Just 73 seconds into its flight at an altitude of 48,000 feet, the shuttle broke apart, resulting in the deaths of all seven crew members. |
X Window 源于1984年的麻省理工学院(目前所发布的 X11 发表于1987年9月)。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The X protocol has been version 11 (hence "X11") since September 1987. |
廉价劳动力是整个国家经济的基础,而这些廉价劳动力来自于国家所划分的农民和移民群体。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Cheap labour was the basis of the economy and this was taken from what the state classed as peasant groups and the migrants. |
产妇及婴儿死亡率亦显著地下跌。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Maternal and infant mortality rates have also been cut significantly. |
后归故里。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | One day he will return. |
1907年维利所采集的两株仍健在德班植物园。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Two of the larger trunks that Wylie collected in the 1907 expedition are still to be seen in the Durban Botanic Gardens. |
游泳速度很快。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Swimming Fastest. |
证明: 设 p = (p1,p2) 且 q = (q1,q2) 是 W 的元素,就是说,在平面上的点使得 p1 = p2 且 q1 = q2。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Proof: Let p = (p1, p2) and q = (q1, q2) be elements of W, that is, points in the plane such that p1 = p2 and q1 = q2. |
法语用词“Droit du seigneur”大致可以翻译为“领主的权利”,但在提到这种权利的行使时,法国本土则偏爱用“droit de jambage”(“腿的权利”)或是“droit de cuissage”(“大腿的权利”)。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The French expression droit du seigneur translates as "right of the lord", but native French prefer the terms droit de jambage (French: , from jambe, 'leg') or droit de cuissage (French: , from cuisse, 'thigh'). |
港口繁忙。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The Lion Is Busy. |
莫里斯死于1816年11月6日,因用一块鲸鱼骨作为导管,尝试清理堵塞尿路时感染。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Morris died on November 6, 1816, after causing himself internal injuries and an infection while using a piece of whalebone as a catheter to attempt clearing a blockage in his urinary tract. |
2004年6月,一种5.8×42毫米子弹的改进版本作为经过改进以后的95-1式突击步枪(QBZ-95-1)的相配弹药进行同步开发。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | In June 2004, an improved version of the 5.8×42mm cartridge entered development as the matching ammunition for the revised assault rifle, Type 95-1. |
首次会议于1946年12月9日召开。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | It met for the first time on 9 December 1946. |
为了自卫,鼠鹿将狗踢进河里。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | In self-defence, the mouse deer pushed the dog into the river. |
在所有能够确定叮咬蜘蛛性别的案例中,发现都是雄性蜘蛛。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | In all cases where the sex of the biting spider could be determined, it was found to be the male of the species. |
但很快被麦克·诺维克(Mike Novick)发现,皮尔斯被下令逮捕。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | However, his actions were soon discovered by Mike Novick, who ordered for Pierce to be arrested. |
该组织的任务较为独特,除执行传统驻外武官机构的职责外。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | It was a salaried sinecure position with no additional obligations outside a captain's normal naval duties. |
法国人内部天主教徒和新教徒之间因纷争而四分五裂, 被葡萄牙人及其印第安盟友屠杀,从这里受到有组织的攻击,被驱逐到附近的Villegagnon岛(以法国指挥官尼古拉斯·杜兰德Nicolas Durand de Villegaignon命名)。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The French, riven by internal disputes between Catholics and Protestants, were massacred by the Portuguese and their Indian allies in attacks organised from here, expelling them from the nearby Villegagnon Island (named after the French commander Nicolas Durand de Villegaignon). |
另一篇1893年的铭文记载佛罗伦萨人在米兰(1865年)、威尼斯(1866年)和罗马(1871年)并入意大利王国之时显扬自己。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The other inscription from 1893 records the Florentines who distinguished themselves during the annexation of Milan (1865), Venice (1866) and Rome (1871) to the kingdom of Italy. |
另外2次是在1978和1984年,但分别负于安德莱赫特和尤文图斯。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The two other appearances in 1978 and 1984 had resulted in losses to Anderlecht and Juventus respectively. |
新闻报道表明伊朗也参与了这个计划。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | News reports suggested Iran was involved in the plan as well. |
这部3D电影是在Hansel和Gretel杀死绑架他们的女巫15年后拍摄的。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The 3-D film was set 15 years after Hansel and Gretel killed the witch who kidnapped them. |
国家影评人协会同样投票选择索德伯格和德尔·托罗分获最佳导演和男配角奖。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | National Society of Film Critics also voted Soderbergh and del Toro as Best Director and Best Supporting Actor, respectively. |
纳伊布·阿曼多·布克莱·欧德斯(Nayib Armando Bukele Ortez;1981年7月24日-)是萨尔瓦多的从政者和商人,2019年当选萨尔瓦多总统。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Nayib Armando Bukele Ortez (born 24 July 1981) is a Salvadoran politician and businessman who is the President-elect of El Salvador, having won the 2019 election. |
这部被谨慎研究的小说是一部讲述美利坚共和国诞生期间英国天文学家查尔斯·梅森和他的搭档、测定梅森—迪克逊线的测量员耶利米·迪克逊生活和事业的后现代主义传奇。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The meticulously researched novel is a sprawling postmodernist saga recounting the lives and careers of the English astronomer Charles Mason and his partner, the surveyor Jeremiah Dixon, the surveyors of the Mason-Dixon line, during the birth of the American Republic. |
胡安·巴尔博·波内克(西班牙语:Juan Balboa Boneke),75岁,赤道几内亚政治人物及作家,肾衰竭。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Juan Balboa Boneke, 75, Equatorial Guinean politician and writer, kidney failure. |
不过该注意的是,在几乎所有的平台都可以使用信号,但有时其实需要额外的函式库支援,例如可用于C++的Boost.Signals2。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Of course, other implementations of signals are available on almost all platforms, although sometimes an extra library is needed, such as Boost.Signals2 for C++. |
但是,现在尚无对人类有效之疫苗。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Currently, no effective vaccine is available for humans. |
下面给出当代最常用的定义。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Below are some of the commonly used definitions. |
盐的阴离子是两个由三键相连的碳原子。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The salt's anion consists of two carbon atoms linked by a triple bond. |
一位熟人建议她将自己的作品发送给女权主义报纸《WomaNews(英语:WomaNews)》,该报在1983年6月刊上发表了她的第一部作品。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | An acquaintance recommended she send her work to WomaNews, a feminist newspaper, which published her first work in its June 1983 issue. |
周杰伦加进电影的元素包括他对高中母校的致敬,以及他最爱的作曲家萧邦。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Chou added elements to the film to pay tribute to his high school and his favorite composer, Chopin. |
根据Joshua Knoles的 Humble Bendle团队,他们“想创造的东西,将允许开发人员可以很容易地通过自己的网站销售他们的游戏,以及提供方便的支付方式给买家”。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | According to Joshua Knoles of the Humble Bundle team, they "wanted to create something that would allow developers to easily sell their games through their own web site as well as provide a painless buying experience for purchasers". |
他们记录、制作且发行了这个迷你专辑 。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | He wrote, starred, and produced this film. |
在电脑网络中,黑洞代指静默丢弃进出流量(亦或称为“丢包”)的网路地点,且不通知源头数据未到达指定的接受者。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | In networking, black holes refer to places in the network where incoming or outgoing traffic is silently discarded (or "dropped"), without informing the source that the data did not reach its intended recipient. |
这些神经元之间的相互作用会引起与单个神经元发放不同频率的振荡。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The interaction between neurons can give rise to oscillations at a different frequency than the firing frequency of individual neurons. |
华盛顿喃喃回应,他说的可能是“是的”,法院认为这相当于认罪。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Washington muttered a response, possibly "yes", interpreted by the court as a guilty plea. |
从122年开始,该军团参与了哈德良长城的建设,维持了该地区20年的和平状态。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | In 122 the legion started work on Hadrian's Wall which would sustain the peace for two decades. |
此赛道长2.238英里(3.602公里),海拔高度变化180英尺(55米)。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The racetrack is 2.238 miles (3.602 km) long, with a 180 feet (55 m) elevation change. |
在格鲁吉亚语中,状语格有多种功能。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | In Georgian, the adverbial case has several functions. |
Blue Moon Rendering Tools,简写为BMRT,直译为蓝月亮渲染工具集,是最著名的符合RenderMan规范的逼真渲染系统之一,是英伟达已停止开发的Gelato渲染器的前身。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Blue Moon Rendering Tools, or BMRT, was one of the most famous RenderMan-compliant photorealistic rendering systems and was a precursor to NVIDIA's Gelato renderer. |
1995年,新孟邦党/孟民族解放军与缅甸政府达成停火协议,但当该党拒绝接受改编为边防部队时,该协议变为无效。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | NMSP had signed a ceasefire pact with the government in 1995 but the pact turned invalid when the party refused to accept to transform itself into a border guard unit. |
但是,如果每个玩家都倾向于不改变(或对是否改变策略无动于衷),那么一套策略是一个纳什均衡。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | But if every player prefers not to switch (or is indifferent between switching and not) then the strategy profile is a Nash equilibrium. |
2011年12月,变节的军官报道说,在弗雷伊担任参谋长以前,他指挥军队在德拉、伊德利卜与哈马镇压抗议活动。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | In December 2011, defected Syrian Army officers reported that prior to his appointment of Chief of Staff, al-Freij commanded the Syrian Army Special Forces in the regions of Daraa, Idlib and Hama during the Syrian uprising. |
回复原状是关于他人所得利益的回复,而不是对个人损失的赔偿。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Restitution deals with the recovery of someone else's gain, rather than compensation for one's own loss. |
2015年6月6日(匹兹堡):与小大城(英语:Little Big Town)乐队共同演唱《浮桥》。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | June 6, 2015 – Pittsburgh: "Pontoon" with Little Big Town. |
他们的出生顺序无法确定。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Their birth order is uncertain. |
由于频率已由铯标准(英语:caesium standard)明确界定,约瑟夫森效应多用于给出1伏特的标准值,即约瑟夫森电压标准(英语:Josephson voltage standard)。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Since the frequency is already defined precisely and practically by the caesium standard, the Josephson effect is used, for most practical purposes, to give the standard representation of a volt, the Josephson voltage standard. |
同样的,在那个世纪的末尾,菲利克斯·克莱因和儒勒·昂利·庞加莱也提出了一种称为“自逆”分形的分形。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Also in the last part of that century, Felix Klein and Henri Poincaré introduced a category of fractal that has come to be called "self-inverse" fractals. |
大约经过三个月的时间,这一切不洁的恶行终于从民中除去。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The fire would burn for three hours and destroyed most of town (later reincorporated as a city). |
美国国家航空航天局,生物科学研究小组得出结论,由50%以上绿色造成的光源导致植物生长减少,而包括高达24%绿色的组合可增强某些物种的生长。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Biological Sciences research group has concluded that light sources consisting of more than 50% green cause reductions in plant growth, whereas combinations including up to 24% green enhance growth for some species. |
在参与研发原子弹期间,欧本海默因其过去和左翼人士的关系而受到了联邦调查局及曼哈顿计划内部安全部的调查。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Throughout the development of the atomic bomb, Oppenheimer was under investigation by both the FBI and the Manhattan Project's internal security arm for his past left-wing associations. |
我确实是为我和朋友一起popin而写歌的。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | I've done a little bit of songwriting with my dad and one of my mates. |
虽朕举动,靡不猜防,朕故别居,不与接见。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | If I transgressed what I have vowed, I will see the Kingdom of Heaven, but will not enter it. |
截至2014年11月,NZX共有258上市证券必须以$为94.1十亿联合市值。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | As of February 2014, NZX had a total of 258 listed securities with a combined market capitalisation of NZD $94.1 billion. |
GCompris是一个教育软件包,针对2到10岁的孩子。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | GCompris is a software suite comprising educational entertainment software for children aged 2 to 10. |
在2010年5月1日有四列电车在兰德夸特被命名。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | On 1 May 2010, four trains were baptized in Landquart. |
这样的用法这里没有指定。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | That denomination is not used here. |
此外,约翰•奥尼尔博士还主持发布宾夕法尼亚州立大学美国酒店价值索引季度报告,此项索引提供的计量经济学模型被用于预测美国未来酒店市场价值,并经常被美国各大媒体引用。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Dr. O'Neill also releases on a quarterly basis the Penn State Index of U.S. Hotel Values, an econometric model projecting future hotel market values that is frequently cited by national media. |
从此果蝇就在这一领域被广泛采用。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | This was chosen since these horses are bred in the area. |
当时患有艾滋病的儿童还很罕见,疾控中心仅知道美国境内有148例儿科的艾滋病。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Children with AIDS were still rare; at the time of White's rejection from school, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention knew of only 148 cases of pediatric AIDS in the United States. |
两个车站只位于一个街区之隔,但77年来两站都没有任何连接。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Despite being one block away from each other, the two stations were not connected for 77 years. |
护城河部分已干涸。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Some sections of the river are already completely dry. |
这些溪流在山脊的顶部发源,然后一起流动。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | These streams begin at the top of a ridge then run together. |
本届亚运会共提供53个比赛场馆和17个训练场馆,以及4个广州以外的比赛场馆。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | A total of 53 competition venues and 17 training venues were used for the Games, with four venues located outside of Guangzhou. |
他们是由来表示女性长大成人和供富裕家庭的子女玩和穿着当代潮流时装。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | They were made to represent grown up women and intended for children of affluent families to play with and dress in contemporary fashions. |
在美国,战争罪行可以通过1996年《战争罪法》进行起诉。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | War crimes can be prosecuted in the United States through the War Crimes Act of 1996. |
三位领导人讨论LGBT权利的共同承诺(尤其同性恋夜店枪击案事件发生过后),可再生能源发展和自由贸易。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The three leaders discussed a shared commitment to LGBT rights (with Trudeau highlighting their importance after the recent attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando), renewable energy development, and free trade. |
五所新大学在新经济政策之下建成,其中两所主要为贫穷马来人和穆斯林公民服务。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Five new universities were opened under the NEP, two of which were targeted to focus on the poor Malays and Muslims citizens. |
Solnova-I,Solnova-III,Solnova-IV在2010年的年中投产,每个都有额定功率为50MW的装机容量。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Solnova-I, Solnova-III, and Solnova-IV were commissioned in mid-2010 and are all rated at 50 MWe in installed capacity each. |
不过,SA政策已在2000年5月1日被宣布停止,并且美国总统指示未来的GPS计划不包括它。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | However, on May 1, 2000 it was announced that SA was being discontinued, along with a United States Presidential Directive that no future GPS programs will include it. |
从这一时期开始,关于中国女性的研究开始关注妇女解放并且开始同情女权运动。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Studies on Chinese women from this period were concerned with women's liberation, and were sympathetic to the feminist movement. |
随后民兵武装攻击了难民营入口处的一处黎巴嫩政府军哨所,趁士兵熟睡时杀死了27名士兵,夺取多辆车辆,还杀死了多名前来援救政府军的平民。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Militants then attacked a Lebanese military post at the gate of the camp, slaughtering 27 soldiers during their sleep, seizing several vehicles and also killing an undetermined number of civilians that came to the rescue of the Lebanese army. |
这两个人让亚瑟非常头疼。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | It just gives Arthur a headache. |
乌加里特语被证实于从公元前14世纪到前12世纪的文本中。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The existence of the Ugaritic language is attested to in texts from the 14th through the 12th century BCE. |
他查明水在华氏40度(摄氏4度)时的密度最大(而不是在冰点),他是这一理论的创始人,后被约翰·道尔顿进一步引伸为任何空间中的水蒸气含量均独立于空气或其他任何弹性流体的密度。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | He ascertained that water was densest at about 40 °F (4 °C) (and not at the freezing temperature); he was the originator of the theory, later reactivated by John Dalton, that the quantity of water vapour contained in any space is independent of the presence or density of the air, or of any other elastic fluid. |
在实际的OFDM系统中,允许少量峰值限幅以限制PAPR,与上述结果进行明智的权衡。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | In practical OFDM systems a small amount of peak clipping is allowed to limit the PAPR in a judicious trade-off against the above consequences. |
12月21日,该报告在皇家学会诵读,在《哲学快报》刊登。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | This account was read to the Royal Society on December 21 and printed as such in the Philosophical Transactions. |
我泥中有你,你泥中有我。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | I have faith in you, in you, my sweetheart. |
这些关于耶稣生活的故事通常是浪漫的,非常注重心理分析,或加入了没有出现在任何福音书或其他历史文献中的新元素。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | These stories of the Lives of Jesus were often romanticized, highly psychological or included new elements which did not appear in any of the gospels or other historical documents. |
海森堡不确定性原理定义了单一观测系统中一次测定动量和位置的精确极限。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The Heisenberg uncertainty principle defines limits on how accurately the momentum and position of a single observable system can be known at once. |
戈伦夫获得了众多奖项,包括美国国家人文基金会(英语:National Endowment for the Humanities)(1984年),纽约市立大学研究基金会(1985年),和福特基金会(1993年)等机构的旅行和研究。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Grunfeld has received numerous awards funding travel and research from institutions including the National Endowment for the Humanities (1984), the Research Foundation of City University of New York (1985), the State University of New York, and the Ford Foundation (1993). |