1 value
My skin considers dog saliva, horses, Russian thistle, and KORT mix grass to be the most reactive. I don't really consider any of them deadly, at least not in the sense that they will kill me. I didn't know what I was allergic to prior to this, and of the trees alone they tested me for, I have about 7 of them in my area, so who knows. Haven't died yet though
No riding a horse through a field of Russian Thistle. Good to know.
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"At aperture we fire the whole bullet, that's 90 percent more bullet" but that's like a 7.62 far from "high caliber"
Thanks, Cave Johnson!
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Get hype, stay hype!!
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The hooker vibes are strong.
SUPER strong.
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Please tell me it wasn’t you that scribbled out their faces and she at least had the shreds of decent to do that herself before posting 🤢
Wasn't her. Wasn't me either, I tried to get screenshots from here from the past that wonderful Pepinos thoughtfully blurred.
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I know, plenty of reasons why it wouldn't be the best idea, including the fact that no one has air superiority right now.
There were also rumors of them eventually getting F-16s that were floating around the time of the MiG 29 deal shitshow with Poland but that would take even longer.
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no. no brakes just gas
Average 150cc enjoyer
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I have a really bad ear infection in my left ear right now so stuff sounds a little muffled but not her annoying ass voice? Whyyyyy?! Also he clearly wants a McKenzie just not the one he had lol
Right! Their voices are even similar!
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I'm soooo ready to be hurt again...
i’ve long accepted that i have stonkholm syndrome
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Must be pretty dang cold to need a hat like that
i live in texas.
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Honestly, I'd probably format and reinstall, and change your passwords.. Fgdump extracts passwords from your OS, Neshta.B infects other exes on your system. If that virus report is accurate, it looks like you've been compromised. I don't usually fuck around with trying to disinfect systems.. if the antivirus didn't catch it before it was executed, I'd consider it a lost cause.
This! ^
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Bin Laden determined to attack the US was the headline of a Presidential Daily Briefing from Aug 2001.
In December of 98, the CIA reported to the Clinton Administration that al-Qaeda was preparing to attack the United States using hijacked airliners.
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At least it's unique
Thanks, it’s not that much tho, shirt tucked into skirt with an undershirt
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How does the system work in America? Can that motherfucker go to jail even though he’s a teenager?
Yeah he’s most likely going to face time
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Its unionised salt made by unionised workers.
But the workers are iodized.
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Really, the alternative interpretation—that Sonic is recognizably an adult man and should not be playing on a children's soccer league—is significantly more disturbing.
sonic is in his 50s
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I think so Wembanyama is much more of a "unicorn" (couldnt think of a better word) at his size and skill level
True, but Zions athleticism was and still is insane. Dude was hitting his head off the backboard
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Just don't go throwing chairs though
Yeah wouldnt wanna get invited back
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They can but good fuckin luck beating a hospital system. They pay lawyers salaries to work full time for them. Do you?
Not sure why I’d need too, I’m not an anti vaxx moron, neither am I American…
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Remember when this was first posted and how creepy the comments were
Oh some of those comments made it here too.
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Make it back ? This won't end well ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
I mean I have to make up losses some now lol
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Man. I thought I was the only one
There are dozens of us. DOZENS!
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they do. aramco is the saudi national oil company.
I was talking about the airline saudia who vandoorne is backed by
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I don't think people realize how much drinking was going on before 1920. It actually worked in the sense that drinking levels never went back to the pre-prohibition levels.
Do you recall the Zillion Beers War?
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It seems idk wrong to assume that consent did not exist until women got political freedoms Like horny women existed before the 19th amendment Were there more power imbalances? Sure. But that doesn't mean no woman had agency in adultery ever
Actually Catherine The Great couldn’t consent due to bad gender norms
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NTA. If she can't pass without your help, then SHE can't pass the class. You aren't doing her any favors by doing her homework for her (any part of it). Besides, we are talking about your career. It's true you don't *have* to go...but don't turn down the rare opportunity to work F2F. It looks good to the company, puts you in a different environment (for a potentially more creative mindset), lets you meet team members in person (which does make a difference), and more benefits you'll discover along the way. Go on the trip. While consideration for your partner is nice, you don't need their permission. A *supportive* partner would encourage you, not hold you back.
Exactly. Don't ask for permission, TELL her you're going and you'll see her when you get back.
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AH trading is generally not retail. So it gives the HF a chance to pass shares back and forth to drop the price. It is all an illusion to make people panic and try and "get out" at market open.
Ok thanks for explaining. That's what I was looking for.
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That generic catacomb boss room with the tree spirit pissed me off so much, but forced me to finally learn to dodge everything
Imagine a falling star beast in there. And yes that was an unexpected boss for such a small area. Dodging definitely improved cuz of it.
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Same, for a second I thought it February already
I just woke up from an afternoon sleep a bit before reading it, so my head was kinda gone still. I was genuinely happy for like a split milisecond.
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As a gay man I used to play female characters as a kid, but I definitely wanna play that beefy male character and make him hot :)
you get the best of both worlds! you either play as a hot muscular guy or a fabulous fierce woman who would definitely be your bestie IRL either way i don't give a shit whether someone thinks i'm gay or not, obviously. that's for the straights to lose their minds over.
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Practicing learning how to cry out of her right eye.
I like it!
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Thanks, it’s not that much tho, shirt tucked into skirt with an undershirt
There are countless people I know who just wear the same old tracksuit from nike as if they're gta npcs or some shit. In comparison to them your taste in fashion/clothing is very good
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i notice you are a fan of fairy tail
Indeed I am
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Welp, I can physically hear the creeps and pedos rn, good luck.
Not that bad lol, mainly just complements
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I wish. Usually it's 'Hey, I know we usually don't make it required, but can we make this field required on the form. Just in off-hand case, they want this data down the road. ' Okay FINE. Whatever gets this fucking PR approved.
Yeah it is one of the two. Either a 20 loc change pr with 20 open discussions, 50 comments each, or a single 10k loc pr affecting 200 files with a single comment, "lgtm", and a single approval. One of those two, and never anything inbetween
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What kind of knots do doctors use when you get your tubes tied?
Frog position
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Xandão nesse momento deve estar virando Super Sayajin, mesmo sendo careca. Vai faltar tinta na caneta da punição.
Vai ficar igual o Nappa, só a sobrancelha loira
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>Women that tall for some reason get portrayed as unattractive and it’s so annoying coz like, no. I mean, in the case of her role as Brienne of Tarth, she's supposed to be ugly. Which is funny because Tyrion is supposed to be ugly AS FUCK, but he's played by a pretty handsome guy.
Tbf it’s probably quite hard to advertise a role as “gotta be ugly af like, people hate looking at you” Biggest examples are Tyrion and Brienne who are supposed to be ugly and yet both are just attractive actors.
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some players sometimes complain that the performance of certain vehicules in the game aren't the exact same as the real life counterpart, and when Gaijin (the company that made war thunder) doesn't comply, those people leak classified documents to "prove their point" and to force the devs into buffing the vehicule in question. this is the 7th time this has happened so far
Haha that’s kinda funny, they have more dedication than 2b2t players wow
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Theyre still real lit up boards Someone here explained it once Its boards with different ads at different frequencies
Yes they are still real
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Reconciling with her family
Big reunion going down in Mexico!
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Medical malpractice. One hears about it, but one doesn't really hear that much about it. It's not reported in the media, there aren't any loud groups screeching about it all the time, but medical malpractice results in around 300,000 deaths per year in the U.S., according to the CDC. Compare this to all firearm related deaths, including suicide (which make up about half of all firearm deaths in the U.S.).
This is actually what inspired me to make this post
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I was just talking about this movie at work and everybody refused to believe it was real.
It shouldn't be, but it is.
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There was also a married radio presenter who hooked up with him when he was 17 and she was in her 30’s. It’s insane to me that people still use that as proof of him being a “fuckboi” and criticize him for it when he was a *child* and she was a grown adult (according to him, she also told him she and her husband were on a break at the time). He was a sex symbol at so young and was taken advantage of by so many much older men and women, it’s honestly surprising to me he turned out as well adjusted as he did.
Yep, she’s one of the two I’m talking about.
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I don't get what's happening with the car. Is there a driver, or did they just leave it double parked in the middle of the road until they are ready to come down? It's not exactly a low-profile exit, if the car is there blocking the road until they get there.
they have a driver.
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Credit cards where high interest and only used for emergencies. Not everyone had one, and not everyone used them. They took a long time as either they would be run on paper or called in and the number and name manually entered into the phone - one screw up and you had to run it again. Likely you would have to get a credit card through your bank as credit scores were just emerging. Easy credit availability wasn't a thing for a few more years after this.
Oh yea, totally forgot about those machines. I remember them mostly in grocery stores as a kid. By the time I was old enough to have a debit card, they were pretty much on the way out.
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Shit man, respectable hustle. Hope you're doing okay now
Much better now, thank you for asking.
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Honestly surprised I haven’t seen anyone compare that game to the second half of Niners Eagles yet
Hadn't thought of it but damn you're not wrong
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Based lavender scented advice
I also advise OP to make himself smell nice before having sex. It's a good general rule.
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I'd take a free Hakim
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A general FFP question - if 40M is paid up front is that counted all at once for FFP purposes and then the remainder is amortized over the life of the contract?
No it Will be 120m divided over the contract length.
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No fucking way hahahhaa. I'm glad I found this sub, it helps to cope for my trauma with my own Narc person lolll
I think that's what most of us have in common lol
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David Gilmour
He’s great.
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He’s great.
My all time fave!
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Jomboy hates [my team] - fan of every team that's not the Yankees.
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Much better now, thank you for asking.
Glad to hear it ♥️
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is it mandatory to make an announcement before the deadline day?
No but you need to register the player
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is it mandatory to make an announcement before the deadline day?
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Ziyech must hate Chelsea lol
Who doesn’t ?
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