

annotation downloading url broken

by SFXX - opened

Hi, this is exciting work!
I was using this command provided in your website: annotations = objaverse.load_annotations()
and downloading around half way I will see:

urllib.error.URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer>

can you kindly look into it and maybe suggest how to fix it? Thanks!

Hi @SFXX ,

I've also recently run into this.

Can you try running the following:

# taken from
sudo update-ca-certificates --fresh
export SSL_CERT_DIR=/etc/ssl/certs

It solved it on my end :)

@mattdeitke Thanks for the quick response!
I just used the command you provided, and I ran "objaverse.load_annotations()" twice again, I observed one success and one failure (due to the same error). So in my case, with the provided commands and multiple trials will fix it, not sure if others will meet the same situations.

Hmm, can you try clearing the existing annotations with the following command, and then try again?

rm -rf ~/.objaverse/hf-objaverse-v1/metadata

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