smart_contracts /
andstor's picture
annotations_creators: []
language_creators: []
  - en
  - monolingual
pretty_name: Smart Contracts
  - 100K<n<1M
  - original
  - text-generation
  - language-modeling
paperswithcode_id: verified-smart-contracts

Dataset Card for Smart Contracts

Table of Contents

Dataset Description

Dataset Summary

This is a dataset of verified Smart Contracts from that are deployed to the Ethereum blockchain. A set of about 100,000 to 200,000 contracts are provided, containing both Solidity and Vyper code.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

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Dataset Structure

Data Instances


  'contract_name': 'MiaKhalifaDAO',
  'contract_address': '0xb3862ca215d5ed2de22734ed001d701adf0a30b4',
  'language': 'Solidity',
  'source_code': '// File: @openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol\r\n\r\n\r\n// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (utils/Strings.sol)\r\n\r\npragma solidity ^0.8.0;\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * @dev String operations.\r\n */\r\nlibrary Strings {\r\n...',
  'abi': '[{"inputs":[{"internalType":"uint256","name":"maxBatchSize_","type":"uint256"}...]',
  'compiler_version': 'v0.8.7+commit.e28d00a7',
  'optimization_used': False,
  'runs': 200,
  'constructor_arguments': '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a000...',
  'evm_version': 'Default',
  'library': '',
  'license_type': 'MIT',
  'proxy': False,
  'implementation': '',
  'swarm_source': 'ipfs://e490df69bd9ca50e1831a1ac82177e826fee459b0b085a00bd7a727c80d74089'


Same fields as flattened but with the following additional fields:

  'tx_count': 1074,
  'balance': 38


  'language': 'Solidity',
  'text': '// File: SafeMath.sol\r\npragma solidity =0.5.16;\r\n\r\n// a library for performing overflow-safe math...'


  'contract_name': 'PinkLemonade',
  'file_path': 'PinkLemonade.sol',
  'contract_address': '0x9a5be3cc368f01a0566a613aad7183783cff7eec',
  'language': 'Solidity',
  'source_code': '/**\r\n\r\\r\n*/\r\n\r\n// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\r\npragma solidity ^0.8.0;\r\n\r\n\r\n/*\r\n * @dev Provides information about the current execution context, including the\r\n * sender of the transaction and its data. While these are generally available...',
  'abi': '[{"inputs":[],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"constructor"}...]',
  'compiler_version': 'v0.8.4+commit.c7e474f2',
  'optimization_used': False,
  'runs': 200,
  'constructor_arguments': '',
  'evm_version': 'Default',
  'library': '',
  'license_type': 'MIT',
  'proxy': False,
  'implementation': '',
  'swarm_source': 'ipfs://eb0ac9491a04e7a196280fd27ce355a85d79b34c7b0a83ab606d27972a06050c'


  'language': 'Solidity',
  'text': '\\npragma solidity ^0.4.11;\\n\\ncontract ERC721 {\\n    // Required methods\\n    function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256 total);...'


  'contract_name': 'BondedECDSAKeep',
  'file_path': '@keep-network/keep-core/contracts/StakeDelegatable.sol',
  'contract_address': '0x61935dc4ffc5c5f1d141ac060c0eef04a792d8ee',
  'language': 'Solidity',
  'class_name': 'StakeDelegatable',
  'class_code': 'contract StakeDelegatable {\n    using OperatorParams for uint256;\n\n    mapping(address => Operator) internal operators;\n\n    struct Operator {\n        uint256 packedParams;\n        address owner;\n        address payable beneficiary;\n        address authorizer;\n    }\n\n...',
  'class_documentation': '/// @title Stake Delegatable\n/// @notice A base contract to allow stake delegation for staking contracts.',
  'class_documentation_type': 'NatSpecSingleLine',
  'func_name': 'balanceOf',
  'func_code': 'function balanceOf(address _address) public view returns (uint256 balance) {\n        return operators[_address].packedParams.getAmount();\n    }',
  'func_documentation': '/// @notice Gets the stake balance of the specified address.\n/// @param _address The address to query the balance of.\n/// @return An uint256 representing the amount staked by the passed address.',
  'func_documentation_type': 'NatSpecSingleLine',
  'compiler_version': 'v0.5.17+commit.d19bba13',
  'license_type': 'MIT',
  'swarm_source': 'bzzr://63a152bdeccda501f3e5b77f97918c5500bb7ae07637beba7fae76dbe818bda4'

Data Fields


  • contract_name (string): containing the smart contract name.
  • contract_address (string): containing the Ethereum address for the smart contract.
  • language (string): containing the language of the smart contract.
  • source_code (string): containing the source code of the smart contract. This contains all code needed for compilation of the contract, including libraries.
  • abi (string): containing the Application Binary Interface (ABI) of the smart contract.
  • compiler_version (string): containing the compiler version used to compile the smart contract.
  • optimization_used (boolean): indicating if the smart contract used optimization.
  • runs (number): containing the number of optimization steps used.
  • constructor_arguments (string): containing the constructor arguments of the smart contract.
  • evm_version (string): containing the EVM version used to compile the smart contract.
  • library (string): containing the name:address of libraries used separated by ;.
  • license_type (string): containing the license type of the smart contract.
  • proxy (boolean): indicating if the smart contract is a proxy.
  • implementation (string): containing the implementation of the smart contract if it is a proxy.
  • swarm_source (string): containing the swarm source of the smart contract.


Same fields as flattened but with the following additional fields:

  • tx_count (number): containing the number of transactions made to the smart contract.
  • balance (string): containing the ether balancce of the smart contract.


  • text (string): containing the source code of the smart contract. This contains all code needed for compilation of the contract, including libraries.
  • language (string): containing the language of the smart contract.


Same fields as flattened but with the following additional fields:

  • file_path (string): containing the original path to the file.


  • text (string): containing the source code of the smart contract. This contains all code needed for compilation of the contract, including libraries.
  • language (string): containing the language of the smart contract.


  • contract_name (string): containing the smart contract name.
  • file_path (string): containing the original path to the file.
  • contract_address (string): containing the Ethereum address for the smart contract.
  • language (string): containing the language of the smart contract.
  • class_name (string): containing the name of the "class" (contract).
  • class_code (string): containing the source code of the "class" (contract).
  • class_documentation (string): containing the documentation (code comment) of the "class" (contract).
  • class_documentation_type (string): containing the documentation type of the "class" (contract). Can be one of: NatSpecMultiLine, NatSpecSingleLine, LineComment or Comment.
  • func_name (string): containing the name of the function definition.
  • func_code (string): containing the source code of the function.
  • func_documentation (string): containing the documentation (code comment) of the contract definition (or "class").
  • func_documentation_type (string): containing the documentation type of the function. Can be one of: NatSpecMultiLine, NatSpecSingleLine, LineComment or Comment.
  • compiler_version (string): containing the compiler version used to compile the smart contract.
  • license_type (string): containing the license type of the smart contract.
  • swarm_source (string): containing the swarm source of the smart contract.

Data Splits

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Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

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Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

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Who are the source language producers?

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Annotation process

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Who are the annotators?

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Personal and Sensitive Information

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Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

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Discussion of Biases

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Other Known Limitations

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Additional Information

Dataset Curators

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Licensing Information

[More Information Needed]

Citation Information

        title={Efficient Avoidance of Vulnerabilities in Auto-completed Smart Contract Code Using Vulnerability-constrained Decoding}, 
        author={André Storhaug and Jingyue Li and Tianyuan Hu},


Thanks to @andstor for adding this dataset.