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Guerillas in America
The Patriot Post ® · Guerillas in America In the not too distant future I expect the arrival of jack booted thugs at my home posing as Law enforcement personnel that are here to defend and protect because of my opinion that our collection of elected bureaucrats are not friends of Liberty, but rather enemies of those that elected them. Those elected that fail to honor their oath to defend and protect our Constitutionally protected rights need to be recognized for who they are. The sad part of the situation with our local, state and federal government is they have forgotten their role in a free nation. Our governments no longer represent us in protecting our individual freedom and rights; our elected and their appointed bureaucrats have become our overlords to guide us, regulate and control us through laws created by them to direct our lives in a way that they alone will determine is correct. In a sense they have taken a role of a god that will determine the activities of our existence. Our law enforcement agencies have also forgotten their role and no longer work to stop the criminal but have evolved into the enforcement arm of tyrannical Lawmakers; government lawmaking and regulation has made just about everything moral, religious or promotes individual liberty illegal. We can make no decisions about our lives or property without the permission of our elected bureaucrats and their minion; if you do, you face the brute force of the government law enforcement agencies that today are armed and equipped like military infantry. The first sentence of this article brings up the issue of “to defend and Protect.” Who? It is becoming more apparent daily that our Government and Law Enforcement are no longer in the business to defend and protect the citizens of this once free Republic but instead work to defend and protect the elected, turned despots, that do not view themselves as representatives of the people but instead view themselves as Lawmakers, which is just another way to say they are regulation creators to control and subjugate those they were elected to represent. Lawmakers of the past were labeled Dictators, Emperors, Kings, Queens, Warlords and a multitude of descriptive words that represent totalitarian control of all within their domain. Our government, at all levels, spend our present and future tax dollars worse than drunken sailors on leave. Drunken sailors only spend money they have, our elected bureaucrats spend money they do not have and cannot expect to have or be paid by collected taxes and fees by this generation of tax payers or the next several generation of tax payers, building a public debt that is a huge, outrage and nothing short of criminal that our self-proclaimed Lawmakers are committing on a daily basis. How can they justify such poor fiscal behavior? If any citizen conducted their finances in the same way they would be bankrupt and the IRS would be seizing all their bank accounts and property or putting liens on future earnings and possessions. When will we have had enough? We have arrived at a cross roads in the history of our nation, a cross roads that will lead us down the path of totalitarian tyranny ruled by despots or down the road to the full restoration of our Free Republic. To take the path of Tyrannical rule we need to do nothing now but submit. Our country is full of those people who really have no clue what total loss of liberty means to them and submission to rule of any authority is ingrained into their DNA. Those sheep will never fight for anything unless conscripted and they, like good little drones, will submit to anything demanded of any leader occupying the leader ship slot as they find making life decisions without guidance from government impossible. Freedom or slavery, it is all the same to them. Once we have submitted to tyranny the path away from it would be almost impossible to reverse. Today we are almost to the point of no return. The freedom we once enjoyed is being reduced daily and the product of that will be slaves to despots. The other path is freedom restored; to fight with pen and voice and action to sway others to recognize the increasing encroachment on what made this country a place where the population of the world endured almost any struggle to get here as fast as they could. At this point rhetoric by voice and pen seem to be the equivalent of spitting into the wind. The lawmakers in our government are ignoring our pleas of limited government restored in support of individual liberty and rights. The choices left to those who are not slaves nor have the attitude that will allow tyrannical rule over their lives have been eliminated. Let’s call it like it is: We are at the end of the road; we can either go into the twilight of freedom and the darkness of slavery, or we enter into the sunshine of Liberty. Do not get me wrong: At this point the turn toward Liberty will not be sunshine and roses as those who are building barriers to freedom will not go away without a fight. Power is currently organized and consolidated in the hands of those tyrannical Lawmakers and their supporters. Turning toward Liberty at this point will criminalize you and make you a target of the force of government as they need to stop resistance to their planned totalitarian rule. The tyrannical lawmakers cannot allow any substantial opposition and will quickly and quietly snuff out opposition where it appears to be a threat. There are many recent occurrences buried by government and the media as not to attract attention to government malfeasance. Back to the title of this article, Guerillas in America. No, I am not speaking about the zoo variety – although we are being ruled by a bunch of monkeys that should be in a zoo instead of our government. In using the term guerillas I am referring to those individuals who have the bravery to stand against tyrannical rule; those who value freedom, who are not sheep. In the situation that has developed in America today there is no longer protectors of our freedom in our so-called representative government. The responsibility to protect our Liberty must and will be borne by those of us who won’t shy away from any risk to avoid a life of government servitude as subjects of tyranny for themselves, family and posterity. The new American guerillas cannot sit by while Liberty is being stolen by tyrannical bureaucrats. The American Guerilla is a product of the self-proclaimed Lawmakers; we put those people in office to represent us as representatives, senators etc. Back to the cross roads, this nation has arrived; many will do nothing to protect the freedom they have and will just take whatever they are given by the benevolence of government. Life to them is nothing more than existence and the ability to entertain themselves and grow old to and expect to be taken care of by government social insecurity. Those compliant slaves (and they have no idea they are slaves) are diametrically opposed to those that love and embrace Liberty and individual responsibility. Freemen do not need the intrusion or guidance of a central authority and wish to live in a society that supports and protect a freedom from government tyrannical intrusion. The compliant slave will live in any society they are placed into. They are the drones, and they are neither hot nor cold and cannot be depended upon to preserve freedom.
Inflated News Exposure Is Propping Up Donald Trump
Silver’s analysis provides a sort of proof that Trump’s media coverage is inflating his poll numbers. As Silver notes, “a candidate can potentially gain in the polls in the short term by increasing his media coverage, even if he potentially hurts his favorability rating. Trump seems to realize this.” In the month of December, Trump received a whopping 70 percent of media headlines, even higher than his long-term average of 54 percent. This extra media attention is worth about 8 percent in the polls, according to Silver’s analysis, and that number is close to the amount his poll numbers have shot up in the past month -- putting him in the mid-30s instead of the high 20s. As The Washington Post’s Paul Schwartzman and Jenna Johnson explain, the thunderstorm of Trump’s statements is not chaos, but the media mogul’s campaign strategy. “While it may seem like a lurching, chaotic campaign, Trump is, for the most part, a disciplined and methodical candidate,” the Post writers explain. The media mogul tests his messages in real-time, tailoring his words to his audience. If the audience boos or is slower to laugh, he changes the subject. Trump also has an astounding consistency in his presentation -- using the same words and the same types of attacks (“low-energy”) in different settings. In these ways, Trump has played directly to the media's obsession with his campaign, keeping the cycle going even as journalists tire of reporting on his antics. Will It Work? The success or failure of Trump’s media strategy is painfully hard to predict, according to Silver’s analysis. “A higher share of media coverage is correlated with a higher error in predicting a candidate’s eventual vote share,” the pollster noted. If Trump continues to dominate the media, the poll bubble may translate into a vote bubble. But it could burst just as easily. Ted Cruz is surging in Iowa, and if the Texas Senator bests the media mogul in that first voting state, the result may be devastating for Trump’s support. Trump’s most consistent theme is that he is a winner, while the other candidates are each losers. If Trump loses the very first primary, will that weaken his narrative? One fascinating question is whether Trump’s supporters will show up at the polls. As The New Yorker’s John Cassidy explains, “Many of Trump’s supporters are disaffected folks who are only marginally attached to the political process, (so) a good number of them won’t show up at the voting booths.” In polls that screen for likely primary voters, Trump tends to get smaller percentages of the vote. In the recent Des Moines Register/Bloomberg survey, which used tighter screening than other polls, Trump trailed Cruz by ten points. On the contrary, however, polls may be understating Trump’s lead. In some state primaries, voters do not need to have registered previously as Republican. In Iowa, they can register on the night of the caucus. In appealing to people who did not previously vote, Trump’s campaign could expand the Republican electorate in a manner which pollsters cannot predict. The irony of a journalist featuring Trump in his headline while noting that journalists doing exactly that may be giving the mogul a political boost is not lost on me. But, if the media is so intent on stopping Donald Trump’s success, their best bet is to cover him less -- or just stop breathlessly searching for every angle on any Trump story. If journalists truly consider his candidacy revolting, they should refrain from giving him the coverage which artificially boosts his poll numbers.
New York Post Endorses The Donald, Attacks Trump
The New York Post made a surprise endorsement on Thursday night, but it wasn't exactly logical. Indeed, the editorial board seemed to be suffering under the same delusions hardcore supporters of Donald Trump entertain. The Post based its endorsement on the fact that Trump is an accomplished businessman, but that he is also a "rookie" when it comes to politics. They assume he will do a full about-face from the primary to the general. This not only explains Trump's policy simplicity and angry eccentricities, it excuses them. As the New York Daily News' Shaun King declares, this "is so sad it's actually kind of funny." The editors of the Post not only expect Trump to change his positions, they advise him on how to do so. Should he win the nomination, we expect Trump to pivot -- not just on the issues, but in his manner. The post-pivot Trump needs to be more presidential: better informed on policy, more self-disciplined and less thin-skinned. Yet the promise is clearly there in the rookie who is, after all, leading the field as the finals near. Besides Trump's astonishing success, the editors of the Post cannot name any concrete goals of his that they actually like. Oh, they find plenty of things they disagree with: pulling U.S. troops out of Japan and South Korea, building a border wall, opposing trade deals without supporting free trade, and Trump's coarse language and manners. Nevertheless, Trump must be supported, because "he's challenging the victim culture that has turned into a victimizing culture." This is true, but how does it not apply to Ted Cruz? The editors "expect Trump to stay true to his voters," but not to the positions or the personal style which attracted them in the first place. Indeed, the publication goes so far as to call The Donald "an imperfect messenger carrying a vital message." What is that message? It is "the best hope for all Americans who rightly feel betrayed by the political class." In the end, the Post trusts Trump because "he has the potential -- the skills, the know-how, the values -- to live up to his campaign slogan: to make America great again." It ignores all evidence to the contrary, much of which the editors themselves have mentioned in that very article! This reminds me of something Jonah Goldberg wrote in National Review in March. The fact that Trump has attracted voters is treated as a justification for his outlandish proposals, even inviting comparisons to Ronald Reagan (who was also widely attacked in the media). Next Page: Why the Reagan comparisons are completely off-base.
Trumps Blows Abortion Gotcha Question
A political firestorm erupted Wednesday afternoon when Donald Trump said during a pre-taped MSNBC town hall in Wisconsin that he would favor "some form of punishment" for American women who have abortions if the procedure were to become illegal. During the mid-day taping on MSNBC, Hardball host Chris Matthews battered Trump with a series of pointed questions on abortion that sort of knocked the GOP frontrunner off-balance. Via the Daily Mail: 'Should abortion be punished? This is not something you can dodge,' Matthews asked. 'If you say "Abortion is a crime" or "abortion is murder," you have to deal with it under the law. Should abortion be punished?' Trump replied that 'people in certain parts of the Republican Party, and conservative Republicans, would say, "Yes, they should be punished".' Asked for his personal view, Trump called abortion 'a very serious problem, and it's a problem we have to decide on. It's very hard.' 'But you’re for banning it,' Matthews interjected. Trump engaged him: 'Are you going to say – well wait, are you going to say put them in jail? Is that the punishment you’re talking about?' 'No, I’m asking you because you say you want to ban it. What does that mean?' Matthews pressed. Trump ultimately said 'there has to be some form of punishment,' for women who have abortions if the practice were to be outlawed.
Trump Lacks Pro-Life Credibility
One should always take campaign rhetoric with a grain of salt. When Cruz adviser Alice Stewart and Trump national spokeswoman Katrina Pierson clashed on Fox News recently, each performed as people in their roles are expected to, cherry-picking facts to make their respective campaigns look good while making the other campaign look bad. Even so, when the rhetorical smoke cleared, the camp that came out on top was clearly that of Ted Cruz. At issue was Donald Trump's position on abortion, which has changed from explicitly pro-choice to professed pro-life. The Trump camp objects to Cruz running ads which use Trump's own words against him. Those ads feature Trump declaring himself pro-choice. On Fox News, Pierson defended Trump, saying that those clips are from "seventeen years ago" and do not reflect where he stands today. Stewart, speaking for Cruz, pointed out that Trump has recently praised Planned Parenthood for "doing wonderful things." On that last point, Pierson attempts to distinguish between abortion and other services like cervical cancer screening, claiming that Trump supports the latter and not the former. However, in a context where taxpayer funding is concerned, no such distinctions can be made. Money is fungible. You can't support one thing Planned Parenthood does without supporting everything it does. Money earmarked for cervical cancer screenings just frees other funds for abortion services. If Trump understands this, then his support for Planned Parenthood undermines his pro-life bona fides. If Trump does not understand it, then his judgment may prove unfit for the presidency. Conversion to a politically expedient position is always suspect. In the Cruz ad embedded on the next page, Trump is shown arrogantly claiming that he can change into whatever he needs to be. While it's certainly possible for people to sincerely change their minds on issues, going from pro-choice to pro-life proves fairly dramatic. It's fair to question the sincerity of Trump's professed conversion, especially in a context where he's asking for immense power. Have a look...
Cruz Uses Eminent Domain to Attack Trump
Texas Senator Ted Cruz released his first negative ad against GOP frontrunner Donald J. Trump, hitting the real estate tycoon over his support for eminent domain, and showing the widow whose house Trump tried to turn into a limousine parking lot. Trump shot back Sunday, calling the ad "false advertising," but PolitiFact stood by the ad's message. The ad starts with an ominous background and a definition. "Eminent Domain: Fancy term for politicians seizing private property to enrich the fat cats who bankroll them -- like Trump," the narrator explains. Then the ad cuts to an image of Trump, playing his words, "I think eminent domain is wonderful." Trump has held to this position as recently as October. The narrator continues, "It made him rich, like when Trump colluded with Atlantic City insiders to bulldoze the home of an elderly widow for a limousine parking lot at his casino." The footage turns from newspaper clippings about Trump's push for eminent domain, to the elderly widow herself. Damningly, she says, "he doesn't have no heart, that man." The ad concludes with a strong quip, "Trump won't change the system, he's what's wrong with it." As the New York Times' Ross Douthat explains, Trump seems inevitable, because the attacks most thrown against him -- "that he's an unserious creep who's temperamentally unsuited for the presidency" and that he's not a real conservative -- haven't turned off his base. But making Trump out to be the heartless soul using big government to profit from other people's miseries -- that attack just might stick. As Douthat explains, Trump is a salesman. "How do you flip a salesman's brand? You persuade people that he's a con artist, and they're his marks." Cruz's poll numbers have fallen in Iowa recently, but maybe this attack will have traction.
The Patriot Post
The Patriot Post ® · Big Government Sung to the tune of Big City, Merle Haggard I’m tired of this dirty Obamacare Entirely too much lies and never any facts I’m tired of Nancy Pelosi And her pass it to see what’s in its lie refrain Cut me loose set me free somewhere without governmental tyranny Stop taking pay I’ve got coming to me You can keep your higher tax rates and your social in-security Big Government cut me loose with Liberty I been paying taxes every before I was twenty Haven’t got a lot dough to show for any work I’ve done Folks in DC never work Because they’ve got my money Think it time guys like me had some dough So Cut me loose set me free somewhere without governmental tyranny Stop taking pay I’ve got coming to me You can keep your higher tax rates and your social in-security Big Government cut me loose with Liberty
We Have Arrived!
The Patriot Post ® · We Have Arrived! We have arrived at a time in the history of our Republic that WILL require every able body Patriot to come to the aid of his country. Our once representative elected government has transformed into a totalitarian attitude toward those who placed them in office to protect our Freedom and Rights. Our elected have assumed powers that have enabled them to pass mind numbing legislation, contrary to our Constitutional protections, to enslave the population of the United States of America into government servitude. We are taxed on all daily activity. We no longer have private property rights and need permission from local bureaucrats to do any improvements to what we supposedly own. If you think you own your property, guess again. All you have is equitable title, that enables you to buy and sell and make a little profit, but the government has their talons in that also. You must pay burdensome property taxes to keep your property or improve your property, more permits, taxes and prior permission from the local tyrants before any activity is allowed. Try to avoid the burdensome taxes or regulations and you will be pursued like a criminal. For those who are just waking up to the path away from, our government serves us to we serve the government, need to gather their resolve to restore our freedom and limited government. Millions throughout the history of our nation “We the People” have answered the call to defend our freedom and rights from all comers and uncounted have paid that price with their lives. Today we have arrived at a time in history that the new comers to take our Liberty are in fact enemies within, an elected that have forgotten their roles in the animating contest to retain a liberty seen nowhere else in the world. I guess our elected are under the mistaken illusion that the people of the USA will submit to tyrannical rule like other populations around the world. They are wrong! Our elected, who were placed in office to defend our rights and freedom have been embolden by our lack of resistance to their totalitarian, tyrannical legislative actions that they feel immune to any consequences to their actions conducted outside their limits placed on them by our Constitution. Our elected are attempting to take away our teeth by infringing on another protection, our second amendment just to mention one of the assaults on our liberty. But Their big error was to feel emboldened by our real lack of protest to their infringement on our Liberty by ramping up their assault on our individual rights and liberty by cramming down our throats and stuffing up our backsides laws that are designed to enslave us. Our elected stand against our Liberty and rights with very few exceptions; in the political realm of our Federal and State capitols, lying to the people has become standard operating procedure and an accepted political tool to mislead those who haven’t been paying attention. There is a double standard, if we lie to government we go to jail for perjury, if our government lies to us, under the law it is politics as usual, no recourse for, “We the People”. Are these the actions of Representative Government of a Free People? Our government passes laws that they have exempted themselves from. The Affordable Care Act Obamacare is the Lexington/Concord of the 21st century. After 238 years since our Declaration of Independence from the tyranny of the King of the British Empire we find ourselves facing once again the most powerful government in the world whose tyrannical designs Make King George the third look like the protector of Liberty. We need to stand and resist this tyranny on all levels. And now I guess for exercising my First Amendment right for this opinion, my position on our tyrannical governments list of possible home grown terrorists I am sure has gone up, if our government labels me a home grown terrorist because I speak the same words as our founders, I will wear that label with honor and pay any price required to restore the Freedom and Rights our country was founded upon. I don’t seek death, although it is inevitable, what I seek is Liberty for my posterity, if my early demise is required to secure a future of Liberty for all, I will pay that price willingly, but, it will get real expensive for those tyrant minions to take if I am vigilant. I seek peaceful resolution to tyrannical totalitarian government intrusions into our lives but stand ready to be a citizen soldier in our fight to retain our birth right provided by the blood of our ancestors.
The Worst Is Yet to Come
The Patriot Post ® · The Worst Is Yet to Come I am not looking forward to the day they come for my health care insurance premium. I will not be coerced by an out of control bureaucracy to buy something I do not need nor want. It is my life to manage as I see fit. I do not need a bureaucrat deciding what is best for me and then exempting themselves from the rules they created for me and for the good of the collective. This constitutional Republic is for the protection of our freedom and rights and our elected were put in power to protect same, not to transform us into a socialist totalitarian tyranny that passes laws we must follow but exempts themselves from or issues waivers for themselves and supporting friends and companies. The fact is that I am an outspoken conservative who also has two pro-freedom websites up and comment daily on The Patriot Post about my positions on tyrannical government actions that are contrary to a free society. I am sure that everything I write and all websites I visit are tracked by our representative elected government and their agencies. I have a new high speed computer and have a fast as greased lightning processor but I have lately been experiencing problems with the ability to navigate the web with being frozen in websites, my processing being slowed and being forced to close some sites to move on. I am not a cherry using computers and my hardware and software is in perfect working order and so is my Virus program and shield. Moral of this is I am sure I am being tracked and under surveillance and I do not doubt for a second that if our tyrannical government can construct a reason to begin an assault on me from my statements like, I will not participate in Obama care etc., they will. I don’t think I am being paranoid on the matter. I expect the IRS or State department of Revenue to want to audit my books again as both have done so in the last 1 ½ years and found nothing … yet. I will count myself as blessed if I am able to survive for the next three years without having to experience the brute force of our growing governmental socialist totalitarian tyranny. I will not capitulate to tyranny and live as a total slave. I say total slave as I like many others of like-minded patriots have watched and done little to stop the encroachment and erosion of my freedom and rights and we are experiencing slavery with oppressive taxes, regulation and miles of bureaucratic red tape. For crying out loud they want me to purchase a permit to clear brush off land I own, I need government approval to do anything and am taxed for everything and that is just the tip of the mountain of crap our government wants to and does feed us.
For Those Who Have Any Sense
The Patriot Post ® · For Those Who Have Any Sense We must prepare for what may become a crash in our economy caused by our elected and their monetary policies that will make the Great Depression look like a Sunday Picnic. Everyone needs to plant gardens and stock up on essentials while there is still money in the bank or real hunger could be in your future. Think I am kidding? Imagine a family making $$27,000.00 per year and spending $$36,000.00 per year with credit card debit at $$170,000.00, do you think bankruptcy is far behind? This scenario is exactly what our Federal and State governments have been doing for years all you need to do is add 8 zeros to the government spending to the previous numbers I have listed as average family spending; disaster cannot be far away. Government is not the solution, it is the problem. There is not one Department of government that is run with any efficiency, free of massive waste, corruption or ethics, unless the ethics are self-serving. We fought a revolution to free ourselves from the oppressive taxation and rule of the tyrant King George the third. Now we face the oppressive taxation and tyrannical rule of Presidente Obama and his socialist lemming which makes the rule of King George the Third look unobtrusive. If the American people do not wake from their slumber soon and restore Limited Constitutional government with safeguards against tyrannical elected ignoring oath of office, the freedom the United States of American had will become a memory. I am not saying there are those who won’t fight, but, the numbers look to be very small to oppose the brute force of tyrannical government as the citizens of America are looking for someone else to pay the price of Freedom and their God granted rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I heard a government minion declare that he was invoking his privilege of the 5th amendment protections to refuse to answer questions and I was floored. Our constitutional rights are not privileges granted by government to be given and taken but are rights that cannot be infringed. To believe otherwise opens the door to a totalitarian tyranny that will be very hard to close. I think the road to reversal may be paved with the blood of patriots acting alone in desperation to assist in the restoration of our Free Constitutional Republic, and of course they will be criminalized, demonized as terrorists and provide fuel for tyrannical regimes to justify tyrannical ultra-regulated rule where everything is government regulated and granted privilege. Where will the battles begin and what will be the targets and goals of any resistance to governmental tyranny, will they be governmental infrastructure of will they be assassinations or will we just talk while our Freedom is taken? I wonder as I write this opinion if this opinion will be the straw the government needs to increase their assault on me with further audits and possibly mistaken address for a raid against a suspected drug dealer? Sorry we made an address mistake and we are very sorry Anton was killed, after all he was armed, and he must have been a terrorist because he had rifles, shotguns and hand guns with a lot of ammunition. Oh well, the community is safer now that Anton is gone because who knew what he may have done, he was very political, opposed to Obama and was a Christian and a Veteran, you know the groups we have declared, “A threat to America”.
Infiltrate, Deceive and Conquer
The Patriot Post ® · Infiltrate, Deceive and Conquer The freedom the United States of American was founded upon – the concept of individual liberty since its conception – has been under attack by anti-freedom forces since. There have been wars fought to end the experiment of individual freedom and limited government and many have made the ultimate sacrifice. I have read many opinions and authored a few of my own on the coming armed revolution to restore the foundation of freedom and rights, to restore the limited government that enables a free society. But, we have ignored one way that may accomplish the goals of freedom loving peoples without the use of armed force as the means of restoration. That being said, armed restoration must remain on the table. I am not speaking about writing opinions, putting into office people who will work to restore our liberty – although the elected in our government play an important role; our elected only play a part. What needs to be done is to expose those subversive forces that have worked to transform our freedom into a collective socialist totalitarian tyranny – a socialistic tyrannical system where there is no freedom based upon the natural rights of man, the rights and freedoms granted by the supreme power of the universe. There is an avenue that has not been consciously pursued; the avenue of infiltration and deception, the same venue used by those who have compromised the system that supports individual rights and freedom. All that would fight and sacrifice their lives as millions before us have done to preserve liberty need to become members of a secret society, one of infiltrators, secret agents of liberty, deceiving the enemies of freedom by appearing to be one of them, getting inside, gathering inside information, gathering evidence to expose the agenda of those who work diligently to enslave the free people of the United States of America by robing us of liberty and limited government. The secret agents of liberty need to acquire documented information that, when brought to the light of day, will open the eyes of those who slumber while freedom is lost. This will be difficult as you will have to appear to be one of them. It may not be easier to do than pick up arms and begin an insurgency to defeat those in entrenched positions of tyrannical power. I think this will provide us a venue to do something besides sacrifice our lives with lone wolf armed action against the tyranny we face. With that being said Lone wolf action cannot be ultimately ruled out. When a person joins the Military they write a blank check to Uncle Sam which includes their life. Let’s write that same blank check to our posterity and begin an assault on those enemies of freedom through the use of the same tactics of infiltration and deceit that the enemies of freedom have used successfully to compromise the freedom and rights enjoyed in years past. This cannot be a centrally controlled or an easily identified effort; this must begin as a lone wolf commitment to infiltrate, deceive and conquer to restore as to leave no one that can expose your operation through knowledge of your effort. Information gathered would have to be exposed to the light of day in such a way as not to compromise the secret agents of liberty. We need to infiltrate local, state and national democrat party organizations, obtain elected office by deceiving those who have been brainwashed into accepting the alternative to freedom by gathering their votes and, once in office, work to gather information that would shine light of the anti-freedom agenda to the American people. Become educators to work within to restore belief in true Liberty and God given rights. The struggle will be long as has been the struggle to compromise liberty, but the end result will be worth the effort for you, your children and their following generations. I am not suggesting that any option be off the table because armed force has it place when all else fails, but let us all begin with the infiltration of the enemy within.
The Times They Are Transforming
The Patriot Post ® · The Times They Are Transforming Sung to the tune of The times they are a changing, Bob Dylan Come gather round people where ever you call home And Admit that the govmit around you has grown And Admit that soon you be taxed to the bone If freedom to you Is worth protecting You’d better start fighting Or you will give up your rights For the times they are transforming Come Republicans, Democrats please heed the call And don’t believe government can do it all For your Sons and your Daughters Will surly fall Into the slavery Their making Please get out you people And demand a halt to it all Stop the things they are Transforming Come Senators, Congress Please hear our call And stop the regulation That will cause the country to fall We are a free people Who will not learn how to crawl There is a battle at home That is brewing We will fight for rights And we do give a damm Stop the things you are Transforming Come Obama, Pelosi and Reid Don’t try to sell us your health care creed Don’t try to control us An make us you slaves November is coming And you’ll be moaning Stop the things you are Transforming The limits were set For you all to accept You’ve broken your oath And we will not forget And the office you’ve held Is one you’ll regret Stop the things you are Transforming There is a price you will pay For they lies you have said Our government is not immune To the laws that we dread The ones you have passed And crammed down our throat Stop the things you are Transforming
Religion, Politics & Screaming at the Internet
That for others the warm feelings and emotional highs they get from religious participation, pop culture fandom, and sports devotion can substitute for a genuine worship of God? Absolutely, you are correct. I countered a warm, fuzzy feeling with a historically accurate truth: Jesus wasn't blonde. That solicited about 50 comments, most of which were profanity-laced criticisms followed by Biblical warnings from other Christians against using profanity. I once had a passionate exchange with a Jewish socialist friend who punctuated it by repeating "you need to change your politics" in front of an entire roomful of close family and friends at his birthday celebration. I just kept repeating, "I love you, Happy Birthday," until we left. And if you're ever in Jerusalem on Shabbat, be careful where you drive lest the Hasidim throw rocks at your car, you heathen. These types of vitriolic response are similar to ones found among any pop culture fandom when a show is cancelled, or the movie doesn't play out as well on the screen as the book did in their heads. And if your team loses, or your player is found shooting up 'roids or running illegal dogfighting rings, the depression is the same. There's a reason God gave us scripture: He knew how prone to idol worship we'd be.
Love and Altruism Prove Opposite
Sunday, I offered the provocative theological claim that Altruism Has No Place in Christianity. I referenced the biblical teaching of pastor and theologian John Piper, who advances a notion of Christian hedonism summed up in the declaration that "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him." My colleague Susan L.M. Goldberg approached my claim with reservations. She concluded: The question of whether or not altruism holds a place in religious life is dependent upon how one defines the structure of their faith: as a business arrangement or a personal relationship. The argument Walter poses is a good one in terms of the welfare state in America. I agree with him that socialist policies should not be promoted as altruistic acts of a benevolent big government. As far as altruism goes in relation to faith, I also agree that God prepares an individual for His purpose in their life and rewards them for their faith. I do, however, question Walter’s contextualizing our personal relationship with God into a business transaction. Before we hasten to view our personal faith in that light, we should bear in mind that the failure of the welfare state was preceded by the transformation of our houses of worship into social halls dedicated to fulfilling our own very non-altruistic needs. Susan makes a distinction which I reject. Whether business or personal in nature, all relationships prove transactional. Certainly it is possible for people to act altruistically in their relationships. But altruism proves the exception to the transactional rule, and undermines the relational bond. In my previous piece, I cited the example of a husband buying a bouquet of his wife's favorite flower with money he would rather spend on something else. That's altruism, doing something for someone else at the expense of your values. Not only would the husband harbor bitterness from his sacrifice. If his wife learned how he felt about the purchase, she would despise him for it. Why? We have heard it said that "it's the thought that counts" when gifts are given. What thought are we referring to? In the case of a bouquet bought for a wife, the thought might be, "I love you and want you to have this symbol of my affection far more than I want the money and time it took to acquire it." In other words, the wife wants the husband to feel satisfied by her enjoyment of the flowers he bought. It's transactional. Everyone is better off. The same applies in our personal relationship to God. 2 Corinthians 9:7 reads: Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. If God wanted altruistic worshipers, He would not care whether they were reluctant or not.
Altruism in Religion's Free Market
My colleague Walter Hudson recently concluded that altruism has no place in Christian life: Christian giving promotes life and health. Altruism promotes starvation and death. Altruism redistributes. Christian giving transacts. Christ’s own words assure us of greater blessing in giving than receiving. Christian giving leaves us better off, not worse. Altruism therefore proves atheistic, as Piper declares. We will never give more to others than God will give to us. Walter’s basic conclusion is capitalist in nature: A Christian should be rewarded in kind (or over and above) for giving of their money, their time, or their talent. On the face of it, his argument makes sense, especially in light of congregational membership. My Christian friends often complain about the concept of “tithing,” a Torah teaching that is grossly abused by the religious establishment. Far too often, “tithing” translates into religious leadership putting pressure on church members to “donate” up to 10% of their annual income to their church. Synagogue membership, on the other hand, is rather simple: The same flat fee is charged to everyone on a yearly basis. No weekly passing of plates, no feeling ashamed; most synagogues have provision to assist members who may not be able to meet the annual sum. Programming fees are charged for additional events, like holiday services and Hebrew school. This model best fits Walter’s description of being rewarded in kind for monies given. In the era where religious establishments have become places to fulfill business networking and social needs, it makes sense that you’d pay a fee for the religious service as you would any other mode through which these things would be accomplished. You pay for drinks at bars, JDate and Christian Mingle memberships, and head hunters; someone’s got to pay the electric bill so the lights are on when you’re shaking hands. The only question is, where is God in all of this? If the Bible is right, and we were put on earth to walk with Him in a personal relationship, what is He getting for His services rendered? That is, besides a corrupt priesthood on both sides of the aisle, pressuring congregants for cash and willing to let God take the back seat to a business deal?
Obama's Questionable Diplomacy in Iraq
But before we begin to dissect these claims, and to be completely fair to Senator Obama, it is important to note that the author of the Post article is Iranian-born writer Amir Taheri. Taheri has had significant credibility problems in the not too distant past, claiming in a Canadian newspaper that Iran was implementing a system of color-coded badges that religious minorities would have to wear, evoking imagery of the Nazi Party in Germany more than six decades ago. That claim turned out to be completely false. In his current article in the New York Post, however, Taheri directly quotes a named Iraqi government official, lending the claim at least the appearance of more credibility. The only response to the article by the Obama campaign thus far has been an unnamed staffer accusing Taheri of confusing the Status of Forces agreement (which defines legal protections for U.S. military personnel and property in Iraq) with a Strategic Framework Agreement, a much broader document. Curiously, the New York Post reports that the Obama campaign has not called the editorial department to ask for a correction or retraction of the Taheri article. The Obama campaign has also refused to respond to requests by Pajamas Media to confirm or deny the story. For the time being, let's interpret the lack of a more forceful response by the Obama campaign to be acquiescence, and give Zebari, who has been the Iraqi foreign minister since 2003 (through Iraq's interim, transitional, and permanent governments) some credit as a legitimate source. If the claims in Taheri's article are accurate, then Senator Obama is playing a dangerous and duplicitous game. It would mean Barack Obama attempted to pressure American military commanders to make a declaration that he would have used as a political tool during his presidential campaign to undermine both his opponent and the current president, perhaps undermining the credibility of the U.S. military as an apolitical group loyal to the United States instead of political parties. It was wrong to attempt to put American commanders at war in such a predicament, where their words could be used against their sitting commander-in-chief as a political bludgeon. Either Obama did not think of that, or he was simply untroubled by the thought of abusing the careers of American commanders for political gain. Obama would have used any timeline offered to shore up Obama's support on the far left wing of the Democratic Party, a fringe that advocates an immediate withdrawal of American forces from Iraq, regardless of the resulting security vacuum or the possibilities of political and security instabilities that would be the likely result. Many in this radicalized wing, while thankfully only a fraction of the overall party, openly desire a too-quick retreat in order to secure an American defeat and a failed Iraqi state. They would tout that as a failure of the "Bush doctrine," specifically the part that justifies preemptive war to depose foreign governments that pose a threat to the security of the United States, even if that government is not an imminent threat. But even as Senator Obama may have been pandering to his anti-war base by trying to pressure U.S. commanders for a withdrawal date that would be used as a political tool, he was concurrently trying to keep his same core group of radicals stirred up by attempting to slow the signs of progress in Iraq by manipulating a key statistic progressive blogs and other anti-war activists keyed on the most heavily: the number of American forces in Iraq. If American forces began to withdraw significant numbers of soldiers from Iraq , it would undermine Obama's core campaign message that to elect anyone else would result in the continuance of a war without end. For Senator Obama to keep his base motivated, he needs Iraq to either appear that it is either failing or deadlocked. A reduction in forces prior to the 2008 presidential election could prove damaging to a core element of his platform of "change." If "change" in Iraq occurs prior to the November elections, a substantial reason for voting for Obama is removed. By lobbying Iraqi leaders to keep the status quo until after the U.S. presidential election, Senator Obama would have been attempting to undermine the foreign policy of a sitting president to shore up his own political base. In response to the Taheri article, John McCain spokesman Randy Scheunemann stated At this point, it is not yet clear what official American negotiations Senator Obama tried to undermine with Iraqi leaders, but the possibility of such actions is unprecedented. It should be concerning to all that he reportedly urged that the democratically-elected Iraqi government listen to him rather than the US administration in power. If news reports are accurate, this is an egregious act of political interference by a presidential candidate seeking political advantage overseas. Senator Obama needs to reveal what he said to Iraq's Foreign Minister during their closed door meeting. The charge that he sought to delay the withdrawal of Americans from Iraq raises serious questions about Senator Obama's judgment and it demands an explanation. It is worth noting that the McCain campaign felt the story was credible enough to release such a statement. If this charge is false, the Obama campaign must push forcefully for and get a substantial correction, if not a full retraction of the Taheri article. If they don't, then longtime accusations of Obama's naked self-interest may doom an already flailing campaign.
How Do You Solve a Parenting Problem Like Donald Trump?
2. The Bully Pulpit Trump's supporters contend the candidate is merely punching back at his enemies twice as hard. But as Trump's newest attack on Megyn Kelly shows, it's often more bullying than anything else. Compare Trump's words and actions to what your children see on the playground. Describe why he says what he says, and the intended results. Suddenly, politics may seem a lot more understandable to their young minds.
Requiem For the Los Angeles Newspaper Industry
Tell Zell -- whose author, InkStainedRetch, will only identify him or herself as a longtime journalist at the Times -- urges Times staffers to fight back, to meet with Teamsters leaders, to take back their paper. "Because despite all the crap about MSM, the truth is that journalists care deeply about what they do. We wouldn't be in this job if we didn't. There's no money in it, no real fame. Just the bright feeling that we are doing something good and useful. That words matter. That writing is a way of warring for better days. Maybe we don't always get it right. But most of us, I promise, try damn hard." Days ago, a three-story-tall "Zell Hell" banner was unfurled off the Times' parking garage. Another former reporter has started, which spoofs everything from the paper's fixation on celebrity news to Zell's infamous support of gentleman's clubs ("It's un-American to not like p***y," he told staffers at the paper's Orange County plant soon after acquiring Tribune). But while Zell is mercilessly wielding the cutback ax, the problems of L.A. newspapers began long before he and his choice quotes came to town. Long before, even, the economic downturn. There are so many regions of the vast Los Angeles metropolitan area that are so inadequately covered, or have seen coverage beefed up and then yanked at the whim of a bean counter. Blogs and independent media caught on because readers needed a reliable antidote to the elitism in their local pages, and needed to hear from writers who were able to take chances and pursue stories outside the box. A paper that has spent so many years distancing itself from readers can't expect to launch a Web site and just trounce the Internet powerhouses. Readers need to feel that online mainstream journalists are beholden to the truth, not the wizard behind the curtain. And the agenda-pushing that fostered such alienation circulation-wise is subject to even more scrutiny on the Net. I've asked former colleagues what went wrong in L.A.'s newspaper industry, and few can peg it on one distinct cause. But perhaps it was voiced best the other night on the phone with one former co-worker, who even after leaving the paper was better versed on each day's pages than most L.A. journalists: "The only reason I get the paper anymore," this writer said with a note of sadness, "is for the coupons." For a journalist utterly fortunate enough to break away from L.A.'s morass, that statement is probably the saddest L.A. industry requiem of all.
A True Story of Bravery
The Patriot Post ® · A True Story of Bravery I read a story online a few months back were two men and one 15 year old had taken their quads into the wood hunting for Deer. They had the quads for transportation and to carry out any Deer they took. Traveling down a road in the forest they were blocked by a downed tree. All three stopped the quads to investigate the road blockage. Taking advantage of the stop both men decided to take a smoke break while the 15 year old young man went to see how they might clear the obstruction with the chainsaw they had for emergencies. Leaving his rifle by the quad the young man walked the 30 feet to the fallen tree, he was surveying the road obstruction when he noticed a Black Bear on the ridge just above the road moving parallel to the young man’s movements. It appeared the bear had no intention of leaving. Fortunately for this young man his father had prepared him for the uncertainties of hunting in the wilds of America as the unforeseen sometimes happens. The young man was armed with a 44 magnum hand gun and his father had taught him how to use the firearm for the, just in case moments. Back at the quads the two men were smoking and conducting a little BS session when the young man’s father looked towards his son and saw that he had the 44 magnum in his hands; he thought what is he doing, when the first of 4 shots exploded from the muzzle of the powerful hand gun. A gun that is powerful and punishing to shoot for most men. Then he noticed the charging bear approaching his son. Before that man could get to his rifle to assist and save his son from the mauling that looked like was seconds from occurring his son had shot the bear 4 times with 4 attempts and the bear dropped dead 10 feet from his young son. Shaken and relieved he ran to his son and all three men stood by the body of the huge black bear that had tried to attack the younger of the three men. I changed the description of the three to all men as anyone who did what that 15 year old did is a man in my book. This is a true story; it also is a rare moment as very few have to defend themselves from a charging black bear in this country hunting deer. My intent to telling this true story is there are many dangers we as a people and nation face in the world at large with many nations that have the capability of that black bear to cause injury and death. Like those hunters in the woods our nation and people must be vigilant and prepared to defend ourselves from the same kind of dangers that can damage or destroy us. Properly armed even the smallest can prevail against a larger and dangerous aggressor. If those hunters were unprepared for the event that occurred that day in the woods the life of a 15 year old young man could have very easily ended. Many people have their heads in the sand to the dangers that surround us and our nation and will succumb to the dangers that are there in our wild areas and world by embracing the Bambi syndrome or thinking that if we disarm everyone all will be safe. Unfortunately that attitude is the one that enables tragedy to become more and more common than anyone wants. Gun free zones create safe havens for the mentally ill, to conduct mass killing such as Aurora Colorado, Sandy Hook Elementary, Virginia Tech to name a few mass killings in GUN FREE ZONES. If only those utopia types had a view of reality they would not push to disarm people. Just one armed person in any of those killing fields mentioned herein could have averted those tragedies. The fact that there may be armed opposition in any of those locations may have prevented the act entirely or at the minimum prevented the deaths in the numbers that took place. The United States of America under the utopian view of the liberal socialist democrats who think that if you just have nice thoughts and do not offend but appease our enemies we will convert the enemies of freedom to peaceful coexistence. Nothing could be further from the truth. The young man at the beginning of this article I can safely say had no chance to talk that bear out of attempting to kill him, he survived through being prepared and using his training and superior fire power. Our streets and nation are no different; all of us must be prepared to defend ourselves and our nation through preparation, we must have strong people in positions of power that not only value the freedom and rights of the people of this country but also work to prepare for the event of aggression from unfriendly people, nations and the unfriendly elected. “Walk softly and carry a BIG FIRE Stick.” If you are unwilling or unprepared the bully in the school yard will use all advantages provided. Bottom line today our country is in great peril by the incompetent actions of our POTUS, Obama and our self-serving Congress and Senate. The banks of our freedom are being rapidly eroded by the raging waters of excessive governmental imposed law and regulations that the house of freedom this country represented to the people will soon fall off solid ground into the rushing river of history and will disappear until regained at some unknown future date by a people tired of the same slavery we experienced for thousands of years before the creation of this great nation. We as a free people have arrived at a time where those intend on the destruction of our nation are doing it under the color of law, regulation and the support of our elected congress, senate and our POTUS. It is a very difficult thing to take up the fight for our rights and freedom against the very power we as a people should trust. It is a big step to revolt against those in our government that are eroding our birth right but it is becoming a shorter step for the total subjugation of this nation by the tyrants that would have our freedom. The cross roads we find ourselves at are the choice between Liberty and subjugation. I pray there are enough of us that will choose Liberty and are unafraid to act even if it is alone.
Glenn Reynolds -
March 15, 2005 CONSERVATIVES CHORTLE as the Harvard Arts & Sciences faculty votes no confidence in Larry Summers. Stanley Kurtz: I think the vote of no confidence in Lawrence Summers is a wonderful thing. Harvard continues to discredit itself with the American public. The faculty is trapped. If Summers resigns, this extraordinary example of political correctness will come back to haunt Harvard, and the entire academy, for years. But if Summers hangs on, the faculty itself will have been humiliated�checked by the very fact of public scrutiny. Either way, Harvard is tearing itself apart. So long as the public simply writes of the academy, the mice can play. But the intense public scrutiny in this case puts the captains of political correctness into a no-win situation. Like the closely watched Susan Estrich fiasco, this battle is doing lasting damage to the cultural left. As they say, sunlight is the best disinfectant. Summers is an awfully smart man. Could this have been his plan all along? Meanwhile, Richard Bennett looks at one of Summers' critics and asks: "What kind of a man supports the presidency of Babangida but not that of Summers?" A bit harsh, perhaps, but I do think that this will work out badly for the Harvard faculty. James Joyner piles on. UPDATE: Power Line: "The vote essentially represents the conviction of President Summers for not believing in the gods of the city." ANOTHER UPDATE: Chris Bray notes that the vote was close. I suppose that's heartening, but for all I know, the legendary state legislative vote to make pi equal to three was close, too. . . . It's not the vote count that people remember.
What Would You Do?
The Patriot Post ® · What Would You Do? What would you do if a government agency came to you house and announced it was going to build a fence around yours and everyone else’s property for your safety and security and the rich who have armed protection would pay for it because they have something you don’t, effective protection for the children? The fence would serve two roles – keep your children and pets safe, and keep the robbers and murders out. Most would say, “Well, OK sounds like a good idea, besides I am getting a property improvement for FREE.” The day comes that the gate to the big fence that was built is being installed and an electronic lock is being installed along with video security cameras facing into your property. Concerned you go out to question the people doing the install and to get the code to open the gate, but you are told go back into you house and not to question what is being done or you will be arrested for interfering with a government officials. Your gate will open for you to leave when the government approves your application to leave the safety of your property. You ask, how will you get food etc? You are told a truck will be by once a month with your allotment of approved food with menus to follow to keep you and your family healthy and at an approved weight. But what about work – how will I get gas for my car to get to work, visit friends etc.? Sorry, cars will not be needed; you will have to take government approved mass transit to go to your new government selected job. You must also turn in your guns and not try to hide them or you will be forced into a reeducation labor camp. You say, Anton, this will never happen in the good old U.S. of A.! Well my friends, it is now happening with government deciding how, where and what you will have to maintain your health. Not far behind that will be an approved menu to assure good health to protect society from your bad choices that could make you sick and be a burden on society. Think this is pure science fiction? Who thought 50 years ago we would have a government that enforced only laws that they liked and created others by decree? We are not far from a GPS tracing our every move to assure our activities are only doing government approved activities and going to government approved locations. And of course our rulers are exempt from it all. This may seem extreme, but may not be far from the reality that is developing. We may not have the physical pens but with the war wagons being given to Law Enforcement by our Federal government etc. the pens are being built before your very eyes. Do you wait till the pens of government servitude are constructed or do you get involved and stop it before it becomes something that will become impossible to reverse.
You've Got to Stand for Freedom or You'll Lose Your Liberty
The Patriot Post ® · You've Got to Stand for Freedom or You'll Lose Your Liberty Sung to the tune of You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything by Aaron Tippin. Americans don’t like trouble but will face it if it comes along We have a Constitution that should limit those who are wrong Some will be heroes for our Liberty And we will do what is right To keep our country Free We’ve got to stand for freedom or we’ll lose our liberty We’ve got to keep our elected from changing laws that keep us free Never giving up our rights and stopping government tyranny We’ve got to stand for freedom or we’ll lose our liberty Now some think we’d better off with bigger government If congress had honored their oath instead of wearing crowns But we always have been trusting and fell for their devise All the things congress has conceived has brought us massive blight We’ve got to stand for freedom or we’ll lose our liberty We’ve got to keep our elected from changing laws that keep us free Never giving up our rights and stopping government tyranny We’ve got to stand for freedom or we’ll lose our liberty Now I know things aren’t much different when we won our liberty And all the rights that make us free really hasn’t changed We’ve got to stand for freedom or we’ll lose our liberty We’ve got to keep our elected from changing laws that keep us free Never giving up our rights and stopping government tyranny We’ve got to stand for freedom or we’ll lose our liberty We’ve got to stand for freedom or we’ll lose our liberty We’ve got to stand for freedom or we’ll lose our liberty By Anton D Rehling, 11/28/2013
Video: Obama jokes that Republicans want 'alligators and moats' on the border
This smirking jackwagon of a president delivers us jokes, just days after 13 people, including a Mexican marine, were killed in a firefight on Falcon Lake, which straddles the Texas-Mexico border. Ha ha, Mr. President, this drug war south of nature's moat known as the Rio Grande is making Mexico one of the most dangerous countries in the Western Hemisphere. Phoenix is still the kidnapping capital of the west. Hezbollah is setting up shop in Mexico. Ha ha, that's a real knee slapper. You, sir, are a comic genius. (hat tip Greg Hengler)
Stupid Interviewer Tricks
David Letterman, 67, announced on Thursday that he'll be retiring sometime next year. But it's been an interesting, if raw and painful decade for the chat show host leading up to his decision, particularly after he did something that Johnny Carson never did on air: he dropped the mask and revealed his misanthropic inner self to the world. We'll get to that in just a moment, but first, some background. As Rob Long writes in his review of Henry Bushkin's biography of Carson in the new issue of Commentary, a nightly talk show host with a lengthy career has a particularly challenging assignment maintaining his on-air facade: We’re all primed to hear stories of movie stars and celebrities and their creepy emotional problems. But for actors—who, after all, appear only on screen, in character, or in a few carefully stage-managed publicity appearances—it’s easy to cover up the seams of a psychotic or broken-down personality. But Johnny appeared on television every weeknight. He was playing himself—or, rather, an idealized version of himself: jovial, chummy, witty, warm. The strain of that kind of acting must have been monumental. It’s no wonder that real movie stars—Jimmy Stewart, Michael Caine, a whole bushel of A-listers—respected him so much. In one of the best stories in a book filled with great stories, when Johnny arrives late to a very exclusive industry event filled with movie stars, he lights up the room. He wasn’t just the king of late night television. He was the king of managing not to appear like the rat bastard he clearly was. Presumably, a man who has made his living for a quarter century interviewing famous people in front of millions should have banked plenty of methods along the way to artfully duck a question. The smartest politicians and celebrities share the ability to say nothing while saying it beautifully. So it’s ironic -- particularly given that irony was how he built his career -- that David Letterman’s luster was permanently scraped away on October 27th 2006, with just one question from a very different television interviewer who happened to be on his show, Bill O’Reilly: In now a famous “You Tube” moment, Bill O’Reilly of the Fox News Channel, went on Letterman to be the recipient of the host’s rude and sophomoric antics. As the segment shifted into high gear, O’Reilly asked Letterman a pointed and direct question: “Do you want the United States to win in Iraq?” To the surprise of no one but his sycophants, Letterman could not or would not answer the question. When pressed by O’Reilly to answer, the best he could do was to play to his mostly left-leaning audience for cheap debating points and say, “It’s not easy for me because I’m thoughtful.” Ironically, in February 2006, just three and a half years prior, Letterman shared this exchange with another famous newsman, Tom Brokaw: On Thursday's Late Show on CBS, NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw told David Letterman how people in Iraq "are afraid to say anything because the wrong thing gets them not only in trouble, but probably executed." Brokaw related how when he was in Baghdad in December, a man approached him and in a loud voice praised Saddam Hussein and promised to fight American invaders, but in a quiet voice he expressed hope that the Americans would arrive before Christmas since "we'll be very happy to have them come here as quickly as possible." That arc, and that length of time, from believing, at least on some level, in the liberation of Iraq from Saddam Hussein to diminishing the American war effort, follows the timeline of another CBS legend, Walter Cronkite, who during the course of the mid-1960s, went from a true believer in the policies of JFK and LBJ to declaring the Vietnam a failure. But while Cronkite in 1968 declared Vietnam “a stalemate,” to the best of my knowledge, he never actively wished for America to lose. And that’s where Dave miscalculated. It’s one thing to question a war -- Americans question political and foreign policy goals all the time -- but openly wishing on the air for American failure at war is inexcusable, even from a dedicated postmodernist like Letterman. In the mid-'80s, Letterman's misanthropy defined itself in mocking the titanic egos of his fellow stars. Twenty years later, those same misanthropic impulses were causing Letterman to wish for American defeat, and tacitly, along with it, even more American and Iraqi bloodshed. After O’Reilly’s question exposed him, Letterman seemed to be an increasingly cranky and bitter man; the nadir was attacking Sarah Palin’s 14-year old daughter in 2009. Last night, Palin got a modicum of revenge, during a segment with Sean Hannity. Tony Lee writes at Big Hollywood that when told of Letterman's upcoming retirement, "‘It's cool,’ Palin said tersely. ‘Out with the old, in with the new,’" a particularly delicious retort to a man who works in an industry obsessed with maintaining a youthful façade.
The 8 Ways Big Brother Facebook's New Changes Alienate Its Users
7) The Subscribe Button Is Anti-Facebook Facebook's new subscribe button lets you subscribe to a person's public posts, even if you aren't his friend. The thinking behind this new feature is undoubtedly that this is what Twitter and Google+ are doing, that it's a much appreciated feature there, and that, therefore, Facebook's users will also love it. It's once again proof that Zuckerberg doesn't know what his own website is all about. Ask yourself these questions: What do users expect from Facebook? Why do they log in? To read what people they don't know have to say, or to catch up with friends and family members? The answer, of course, is the latter. If they want to enable non-friends (or: outsiders) to read their updates, they'll post to Twitter or Google+. Facebook wants to change that, however. If you activate the subscribe button, those who don't know you can read your public messages. Although this feature isn't shoved down your throat -- you can choose not to allow it -- Facebook obviously encourages it. Additionally, many users worry that those who do activate this feature will start using Facebook like a second Twitter: quick, short updates that are meant to market and promote themselves (or their products), rather than personal messages aimed at their real-life friends. Of course you can simply defriend such people, but that isn't what you want to do. After all, you came to Facebook to connect to them. That's why you are spending hours a week talking to them, reading their status updates, and looking at their photos.
When Do We Call Enough, Enough?
The Patriot Post ® · When Do We Call Enough, Enough? Doesn’t the launch of Obamacare ACA look like an invasion to defeat our Constitutional Republic? I know it has been under assault for years with raids on our Liberty and Rights by those enemies within, but this whole ACA launch, as it progresses, is looking more and more like D-Day to defeat the freedom loving American people. What would you do if landing craft hit our shores with an invading Army? Hide in a hole or get out and risk all for your nations present and posterity? Is life so dear as to slowly accept the weight of the links of servitude that are being placed around our necks? Do we graciously lick the boots of tyrannical rule for the crumbs and illusion of comfort and safety? When do we call enough, enough!!?? The struggle for our birth rights, bought and paid for by the blood of our fore fathers, must not be surrendered because of pain and sacrifice for the cause we face. Any that pick up the banner of freedom must do so with the knowledge and acceptance that the price that may be required may be their mortal lives. That is a small price to pay considering death is in all our futures, the only question is will we die as slaves or as a free people fighting for the quest of all mankind, Individual Liberty. We will win, but at a cost. How many times has it been said that Freedom is not free. “The tree of Liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of Tyrants and Patriots alike.” Someone must pay the price, if it is to be me I will bear that price with honor and gratitude for participating in the restoration of our Liberty whether I am known or not by our present or our future. Let’s face it, those who step forward to pay the price of Liberty will be demonized as the Patriots of our founding were and many died a criminal’s death and those who lived were rewarded with poverty. I say the reward is not wealth or poverty, the reward is the freedom from tyranny and tyrants for our present and posterity. Our elected need to wake up and smell the coffee and honor their oath of office, to defend our individual freedom and rights or they will face the wrath of those who chose them to champion our birth right. I have one wish; I hope that I am not caught flat footed by the tyrants that seek to subjugate us by eliminating who they perceive to be enemies of their State of tyrannical rule.
For What We're Worth
The Patriot Post ® · For What We're Worth Sung to the tune of Buffalo Springfield, For What it’s Worth. There’s governmental tyranny here What it is has become exactly clear There are tyrants with guns over there Telling us we got to beware It’s time they stop pushing us around or they will soon be going down The Battle lines have been drawn Obama is right and everyone is wrong Young people are changing their minds About what’s coming out of Obamas behind It’s time they stop pushing us around or they will soon be going down What a good day to defeat Corruption from head to feet Passing Laws and subverting our minds Taking Freedom and Rights we like fine It’s time they stop pushing us around or they will soon be going down Tyrannical rule strikes deep Changing your lives they are creeps Taking away what little you have Step out of line, IRS will come and take away all you have It’s time they stop pushing us around or they will soon be going down stop pushing us around or they will soon be going down Stop pushing us around Before we put you on the ground By Anton D Rehling, 11-22-2013
Edge of Destruction
The Patriot Post ® · Edge of Destruction Sung to the tune of Eve of Destruction The economy is imploding Bad Legislation You’re old enough to work but no jobs to be taken Obamas ok well that explains the welfare you’re totin I can’t thank you Senator for all you’ve be votin Now tell me why you do it again congressmen You have brought us all to the edge of destruction. The actions you’re taking Concern that you’re faking Our freedom you’re trashing Our hand you are lashing Now tell me why you do it again congressmen You have brought us all to the edge of destruction. Our blood is boiling we feel like fighting Our futures are taken by your calculating Our protests are ignored For our money you’re salivating Now tell me why you do it again congressmen You have brought us all to the edge of destruction. We are not your children That you are teaching Your job was created to honor An oath that you’ve been breaking Now tell me why you do it again congressmen You have brought us all to the edge of destruction. You strip us naked Take all our protection, Our rights don’t matter We live under your freedom rejection Now tell me why you do it again congressmen You have brought us all to the edge of destruction. Revolution is brewing For all you are doing Liberty your taking Our cash you are raking Now tell me why you do it again congressmen You have brought us all to the edge of destruction. So tell me why you do it over and over and over again congressmen You have brought us all to the edge of destruction. By Anton D Rehling, 11/11/2013
Nebraska Firearms Owners Association Responds to Obama’s Gun Ban Proposals
Nebraska Firearms Owners Association Responds to Obama’s Gun Ban Proposals % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Nebraska Firearms Owners Association Gun Appreciation Day Nebraska Firearms Owners Association Lincoln, NE --( Undoubtedly you have heard of the gun control proposals made by President Obama. Many of these were already carried out, without congressional approval, when the President proceeded to issue 23 executive orders. However, many of the highlights of his proposals cannot happen without legislative action, including the same ineffectual, feel-good measures we have been hearing for decades such as banning standard capacity magazines and semi automatic rifles, and making private sales of firearms illegal. The NFOA, in conjunction with other Coalition members have issued a response to the Obama proposals, that we would like to share with you. We also wanted to thank NFOA members who attended the Gun Appreciation Day at the state capitol, as well as provide some of the highlights of the rally for those who were unable to make it. An Eye on the State: While the most dangerous proposals against the Second Amendment come at the federal level, we have been keeping vigilant at the state level. We have provided a brief summary of some of the firearms related legislation proposed here in Nebraska, including the Nebraska Firearms Freedom Act, and a bill to prohibit federal restrictions on firearms, magazines, and accessories. We need you to contact your representatives to let them know your stance on these issues. We have packed a lot into this alert to give you the tools you need to help us win the fight for your freedoms. Make no mistake, the media and some politicians continue to kick and scream, demanding that your freedoms be constrained to their liking. But we are pushing back, and while they can use emotions to sway the public, we can use the facts, statistics, logic and calm reasoning. In Liberty, John Mission: Nebraska Firearms Owners Association (NFOA) is organized for the purpose of voicing the opinion of its membership to the Nebraska Legislature and other law making bodies within the state as well as Federal level, as it pertains to firearms. NFOA members will also make it a priority to educate residents on firearms related issues. On the web: or email: [email protected] for more information. Source:
Lee & Tiffany Tag Another Trophy, The Golden Moose Award for ‘Best Deer’
Lee & Tiffany Tag Another Trophy, The Golden Moose Award for ‘Best Deer’ (Before It's News) The Crush with Lee and Tiffany PORTSMOUTH, New Hampshire --( The Crush with Lee & Tiffany leave Las Vegas this year with a little more hardware in their pocket than what they arrived with. Outdoor Channel celebrated Lee and Tiffany’s hard work in 2012 by bestowing upon them the coveted Golden Moose Award for “Best Deer”. “After an entire year of preparations and a season filled with early mornings and hard work, it feels amazing to be recognized with the ‘Best Deer’ award” said Lee. Outdoor Channel’s deep bullpen of quality hunting programs make awards like this even more special. Tiffany went on to comment “I am so thankful to take home ‘Best Deer’, Lee is going to be smiling all year long!”. With the up and downs of weather and the ever challenging task of patterning mature bucks in Iowa, Lee & Tiffany turned a taxing season into another successful one, seemingly pulling trophy deer out of a hat. “We are very fortunate to have the support of our great family of sponsors that allow us to do what we love, everyday” said a very thankful Lee Lakosky. Lee and Tiffany will be up to their old tricks with a few new twists for 2013, so stayed tuned, you never know what is going to happen next. The Crush With Lee and Tiffany is a reality based hunting show displaying what life can be like while hunting with your significant other. Lee and Tiffany Lakosky invite the world into their lives to experience what it is like to have fun (and headaches) while living the lifestyle of an American hunting couple. They show you the good and the not so good while traveling throughout North America chasing critters of all shapes and sizes. Whether they are traveling on The Crush bus, or they are hunting back home in Salem, Iowa, viewers are entertained each and every week all year long watching and learning the do’s and don’ts of a fun yet exhausting lifestyle. Lee and Tiffany love the challenges of hunting almost any animal but their true love is chasing whitetails. They plant over 1000 acres of food plots, hang over 100 tree stands, set up numerous blinds and strap over a hundred trail cameras on to trees just to figure out the ways of the whitetail deer. Some will say that Lee and Tiffany are America’s most “entertaining” hunting couple while others will say that they are Americas “favorite” hunting couple. Either way The Crush with Lee and Tiffany will make you laugh, maybe cry, but it will definitely make you wish you were there being a third wheel of this energetic young couple. Source:
We Need To Put Guns in the Hands of More Kids
We Need To Put Guns in the Hands of More Kids % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) We Need To Put Guns in the Hands of More Kids Student of the Gun LUVERNE, AL --( Mention the words “kids” and “guns” in the same sentence and many of the soft-bellied ninnies in this nation tinkle down their legs. Some might even pass out from fright. The news media will only use those words together after some heinous act or criminal villainy. For those of us who aren’t afraid of our shadows we know that putting kids and gun together is not a terrible thing. The problem most ninnies and news media members have is that they present children as some notional creature stuck in a perpetual Peter Pan state where they never age. Kids, or young people, do indeed grow up. I was a kid once, I was taught how to shoot and respect firearms and I grew up never having harmed a soul. When I first heard of the Ohio 4H Shooting Sport back in 2000, I knew immediately I had to get involved with the program. I took their training courses and became a 4H certified instructor. Thirteen years later, many of the kids I coached are now grown. They are adults with careers and spouses. I’ve even had many find me via social media to check in. Some of those “kids” are now returning as adults to become volunteer instructors. Without qualification I can say that the people who populate the 4H Shooting Sports organization are some of the finest human beings I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. The driving principle behind the 4H Shooting Sports is not just having fun with firearms, it is Youth Development. Though the various shooting sports disciplines kids are taught personal responsibility, self-discipline, sportsmanship, and they develop genuine, not contrived, self-esteem. Shane Iversen, a retired US Army Special Force team sergeant, likes to say “Shooting makes better people, period”. The 4H Shooting Sports program complete exemplifies that notion. Most of our kids today live in an artificial world. Their music doesn’t come from physical objects like record albums but digital files. They communicate via text or IM without ever having to dial the phone and talk. Video games provide only artificial stimulation and all they have to do is hit the “reset” button and start over when they make a mistake. The shooting sports provide a very real and tangible avenue of hands-on achievement. Hitting your target requires both mental and physical discipline. The success is real, not digital or virtual. Young people in the 4H Shooting Sports are taught to respect firearms and handle them responsibly, they aren’t toys. At no other time in our nation’s history is such an organization more needed. The value provided is nearly immeasurable. Student of the Gun ~ Watch the Show Kids don’t stay kids forever. Attempting shelter them and hide them away from the real world only turns them into weak and immature adults. These are the basement dwelling thirty year olds all too prevalent in our society. The 4H Shooting Sports is a not-for-profit organization and survives on volunteers and support from the shooting sports industry. If you’d like to support them please go to or Paul Markel c 2012 Follow Paul Markel at Student of the . Source:
Jim's Quote of the Day:
Jim's Quote of the Day: % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) “Give with a free hand, but give only your own.” – The fictional character Sador, from Narn i Hîn Húrin: The Childhood of Túrin by J.R.R. Tolkien Source:
Odds 'n Sods:
Odds 'n Sods: (Before It's News) What’s in Feinstein’s gun bill? Better question: What ISN’T in Feinstein’s gun bill? (Not much.) Needless to say, please contact all of your congresscritters again and tell them that ALL gun and magazine bans and assorted registration schemes are completely unacceptable and repugnant to the Constitution. OBTW, where do I find one of her mythical “rocket launcher” attachments? Those sound like they’d be a lot of fun. o o o Australian Gun-grabbers Target Bolt-action Firearms o o o NYS targets gun law confusion. JWR’s Comment: Many of the newly-enacted laws don’t take full effect until January 15, 2014. That gives New York residents nearly a year to Get Out of Dodge. Do you hear that giant sucking sound yet, Mr. Cuomo? o o o Reader P.D. suggested: Have you been living under a rock? Mexican family converts 131-foot stone in desert into a home Source:
Letter Re: New York Gun Ban: TEOTWAWKI is Here
Letter Re: New York Gun Ban: TEOTWAWKI is Here (Before It's News) Sir; The end of the world as we knew it is upon us in New York State. New York’s recent SAFE Act legislation (see the full text) immediately prohibited the sale of what misguided politicians call “assault weapons” and any magazine that holds more than seven cartridges effective January 14, 2013. Sales within New York were immediately halted and are now forever forbidden unless there is an unlikely repeal or successful legal challenge. This means that if you live in New York state and wanted to get a PTR91, AR15, WASR, Saiga, or a standard capacity magazine for any of the same – it is too late. You can not EVER legally buy one in New York – EVER – even from a private citizen within state lines. If you already have one you must dispose of or register it within one year. The same is true of magazines with the capacity to hold 10 or more cartridges. If you do not already have them, you can not legally obtain them in New York. And if you do have them, you will be required to dispose of them unless they belong to a C&R eligible weapon that your register as an assault weapon. Through SurvivalBlog you have warned your readers for years that when the SHTF, we will have to make due with those supplies that we have prepared ahead of time. That now is the case in New York. If you have not armed yourself, you can not now legally do so with the most effective tools for defense. To merely posses what has been legal will become a crime unless you are willing to give up your standard capacity magazines and give these same ignorant and arrogant politicians a list of what you have then rely on their good will to allow you to continue to possess it. It gets worse. Effective March 15th 2013 private sales of any firearm (“assault weapon” or otherwise) will be forbidden in New York without a NICS check; and effective January 2014 sales of ammunition will require a background check and be logged so that the state will know how many of what type of cartridge are purchase and how often we do so. Ammunition sellers will be required to record our name and address along with the quantity, brand, and caliber of ammunition purchased. As you can imagine under these circumstances, ammunition prices have skyrocketed in the rush for people to accumulate a lifetime supply of it before January 13, 2014. For those of us who value privacy the S has already hit the fan. If we ever need to defend ourselves from anything from criminals, corrupt governments, or post apocalyptic dangers, we will need to defend ourselves with whatever tools are already on hand and the ammunition we can accumulate in the next year. For those of you outside of New York I can only say heed the warnings. Learn by our failures, and fight against any similar tyranny on a Federal level or in your home states. Source:
Science and Technology
Dangerous Precedent % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Aetna did a very stupid thing. They allowed themselves to be bullied in to paying an extra-contractual claim after bowing to pressure from the Twitter-brain crowd. Arijit Guha, an Arizona State student bought a limited benefit student health insurance plan. Every one I have reviewed is terribly flawed and overpriced for the “benefit” you receive. This one is no different.They even include a “disclaimer” Your student health insurance coverage,offered by Aetna Student Health*, may notmeet the minimum standards required bythe health care reform law for therestrictions on annual dollar limits. Theannual dollar limits ensure that consumershave sufficient access to medical benefitsthroughout the annual term of the policy The above language applies to the 2012 – 2013 policy year. We have no way of knowing if similar language was included in the one purchased by Guha. Currently receiving treatment for stage 4 colon cancer, Guha quickly exhausted his $$300,000 lifetime limit on benefits under the Aetna student health insurance plan. After multiple surgeries and costly chemotherapy sessions, the 31-year-old Phoenix man quickly surpassed the $$300,000 lifetime limit on his Aetna student-health-insurance plan with another $$118,000 in medical bills left unpaid. Facing the prospect of medical bankruptcy, Guha launched a website, Poop Strong, and sold T-shirts and trinkets to raise money to pay for his costly chemotherapy and other medical bills. He also has used Twitter to rail against what he considers the outsized profits of Aetna and the health-insurance industry. To his surprise, Aetna CEO Mark T. Bertolini engaged Guha via Twitter and addressed the student’s plight. The result? Aetna agreed to pay the student’s medical costs despite his policy’s maxed-out coverage. While generous and noble, paying extra-contractual claims because of public pressure is foolhardy. Future policyholders can simply claim ignorance of the provisions in their policy and engage in social blackmail in hopes of getting the carrier to pay up. Now comes a new school year and a chance (perhaps) to purchase a new Aetna plan. Even if he qualifies, most student health plans exclude pre-existing medical conditions. Oh well. Perhaps Aetna’s CEO Bertolini will offer to cover those expenses as well. After all, he has set a precedent. Original content copyright © InsureBlog Source:
Social Security No Return
Social Security No Return (Before It's News) Social Security beneficiaries retiring in 2012 and later are in for a rude surprise. Your return on investment is the same as if you had buried your money in the back yard or stuffed it in a mattress. Lifetime Social Security taxes and benefits for people turning 65 in different decades. The lifetime value of taxes is based on the value of accumulated taxes paid, as if those taxes were put into an account that earned an annual 2 percent interest rate, plus inflation. The examples are for a married couple in which both spouses earned average wages ($$43,500 in 2011). Projected benefits assume that both spouses have average life spans after turning 65. Want more benefits? Live longer. If you turned 65 in 1960: Lifetime Social Security benefits: $$259,000. Lifetime Social Security taxes: $$36,000. ___ If you turned 65 in 1980: Lifetime benefits: $$452,000. Lifetime taxes: $$192,000. ___ If you turned 65 in 2010: Lifetime benefits: $$555,000. Lifetime taxes: $$588,000. ___ If you turn 65 in 2030: Lifetime benefits: $$699,000. Lifetime taxes: $$796,000. ___ In 1960, a 65-year-old woman could expect to live 16 more years, on average, and a 65-year-old man could expect to live 13 more years. In 2030, a 65-year-old woman could expect to live 21 more years, on average, and a 65-year-old man could expect to live 19 more years. Original content copyright © InsureBlog Source:
A Daily Dose Of Del Signore
31 Days to A Better You – Day 29
31 Days to A Better You – Day 29 % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) I’ve got a secret…..but today I will share it with you. I love tea especially when it turns cold outside. Why not drink some teas that have added weight loss benefits?!? I drink these once a day: These teas are thought to aid in weight loss. Cinnamon naturally speeds up your metabolism. Dandelion root has diuretic properties and helps better eliminate waste from your body. Studies have shown that pu-erh tea suppresses weight gain. To learn more about each tea, you can always do a quick internet search. I was able to easily find all three teas at our local health food store. When I’m trying to break a weight loss plateau, I drink each tea one time a day and it seems to help out. Source:
The Mahogany Way
Frankenstorm Preparation
Frankenstorm Preparation (Before It's News) Thanks to Frankenstorm, trick or treating will probably be rescheduled. I spoke to one of my friends back home in Ohio this morning…. she said they will have snow on Halloween – from the storm. My mom and dad purchased the kids costumes yesterday…here’s a preview of Kiah. Isn’t she the most adorable Snow Princess!? We picked up coloring books, I printed out some coloring pages from a new website I found called woojr. We have playdoh, books, puzzles, blank paper for the ultimate in creativity, Legos, blocks, tv and video games as long as the electricity stays on. I stopped watching the news years ago – made me more depressed and anxious than I already was. I skip certain articles on the internet as well. It wasn’t surprising that I didn’t know about Hurricane Sandy until a few days ago when one of my friends posted about it on Facebook. Check out these photos from all over the East Coast of what Sandy has done so far, and what people are doing to prepare. I like the nickname Frankenstorm – I don’t like how big it is. I watched this international space station clip with Kiah last night…she asked why our water was doing that and was amazed at the space view. We sat and talked about weather for a few minutes, and what the storm could do to us in this area. That’s lots of rain, flooding in certain areas, and winds up to 60mph or more. Schools are closed today and several have turned their gym into shelters. I have my knitting and crocheting to help keep me busy. I’m loving these bright colors, perfect for this dreary weather. This is a crochet cowl for my etsy shop. Thinking I’ll make several of these as Christmas gifts this year, but in different colors. I pray everyone on the East Coast is safe. Source:
Mama'S Minutia
the quotidian (10.29.12)
the quotidian (10.29.12) % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Quotidian: daily, usual or customary; everyday; ordinary; commonplace Charlotte had her first visit to the vet. She weighs nine and a half pounds. The cat weighs eleven. Two thinking hats? He better get all the answers right. Making Music. (Or maybe I should title it “Not Fighting.”) Looking at pictures of Bezaleel and Guatemala. Dreaming of something besides grammar. All dressed up for a birthday tea party. (The florescent green socks peeking out of her cowgirl boots crack me up.) Exuberance. My daughter in yet another wig. (What is it with my family and wigs?) Joint Party: these boys all turned thirteen within a week of each other. Birthday activity: the hosting mom’s absolutely brilliant idea. See spider man up there on the left? That’s my husband. (He helped to build the wall, back in the day when he was working for the university.) and a double batch of blondies This same time, years previous: how to bake pies on the stove top Jennifer Jo lives with her husband John and their four children on five acres in rural Virginia where she (kinda-sorta-maybe) homeschools the kids, gardens, bakes, and reads. You can find more of her musings and lots of recipes at her web-log Source:
Mark'S Veg Plot
Harvest Monday – 29th October
Harvest Monday – 29th October % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Latest post from MARKSVEGPLOT – a blog about food and gardening in England” This week I have been really extravagant: I harvested my complete crop of Squashes all at once :- Did you miss it? You must have blinked. Yes, well. What can I say? This it IT. My total harvest of squash for 2012 – one solitary tiny Patty Pan. It’s not even a good specimen of the type. It’s a good job I have had lots of Runner Beans. This lot may well be the final batch for the year. With one or two exceptions they are all fairly small, because I picked them early to avoid losing them to the weather, which has turned a lot colder now. We had snow for the first time on Saturday, and severe frosts are to be expected… I also picked the last one or two pods from the “Cobra” climbing French Beans. They are not only very small but also curled up as if trying to keep warm!  We have been eating a fair bit of Endive recently, since all the ones I started blanching are maturing now. Of course we only eat the really nice bit in the centre and discard the tough old green bits from the outside! Some people think that Endive is bitter, but believe you me, the blanched centre is not. If you are at all unsure, why not just try some with a sweet (maybe honey-based) salad dressing? We like ours with creamy blue cheese dressing, made up quite runny so that it coats all the finely dissected Endive leaves. The perfect accompaniment to some nice Lamb cutlets! I did also pick some more Cavolo Nero this week, or to be exact, Emma did – as part of her “wages” for helping me build the new raised bed. I have no evidence of this, so here’s a generic photo of Cavolo Nero instead! I’m entering this for Harvest Monday on Daphne’s Dandelions , so why not join me in looking at what everyone else harvested this week… To read more articles like this, on Gardening and Gastronomy, please visit * * Source:
Keep Calm Craft On {crafting on}
Keep Calm Craft On {crafting on} (Before It's News) The act of creating, in one form or another, preserves my sanity amongst the chaos of life. This explains why I always have more than one project going at a time as well as why my housework tends to fall behind. I enjoy seeing what others are working on and keeping calm with, too. What are you creating? What is keeping you going? Snap a picture and share it with the rest of us by leaving your link below. Thank you for your warm wishes on my wrists. Giving them a week off helped tremendously. The wrist pain started with my first pregnancy and has been off and on ever since then. I have been fortunate that it is ‘off” most of the time. I picked up a top secret knitting project for a friend who just recently welcomed a new little life into the world. Well, it’s a couple of projects actually for both of her children. But, just in case she sees this I can say no more…at least not for the time being. Back in September I joined the Winterwoods ABCs Cross-stitch Sampler Stitch Along fully intending to keep on course and stitch at least two letters a week. Well now we are on week 5, I believe, and I have only just begun. I am a very bad stitch along participant. Feel free to shake your finger at me! I had never cross stitched before in my life, but this project is just so beautiful and meaningful to me (Alicia lives in Portland, like me, and her sampler was inspired by the beauty here), I knew I had to do it. BUT because of what it meant to me and the fact that I had never tried this craft before, I was paralyzed by the fear of messing it up. So it sat there and I would glance at it longingly at least once a day and then move on. Fate stepped in last week and forced me to start on it. I had a horrible flu and was so weak I couldn’t do much but lay by the fire curled up in a blanket with my little ones. Laying by that wood stove inspired me to get over my fears and just do it. After I finished my letter n I was hooked. Unfortunately, staring at those threads also made me queasy so I had to put it back down. I am hoping to get on track starting this week and maybe even try to catch up with everyone else. I also need to finish up that pocket doll for the school store, though… What are you working on? If you would like to link up and share your current works in progress (or finished works) please leave your link below. It can now be either to your specific blog post or Flickr photo. There are no rules, only that your link is current and something about a craft project (of any kind) you are working on. Don’t forget that there is now a KCCO Flickr group for you to share your crafting photos at anytime. Please remember to link back here so that others who may want to join KCCO can find us. It’s as simple as that. Remember your post can be from any day of the week, it doesn’t have to be today. We all love feedback so if you have a moment please leave a comment on some of the KCCO posts you may visit. I know from my own experience just how much your comments really motivate me! Now please share and inspire us all! Source:
Gardening In The Boroughs Of Nyc
Tracking Sandy aka Frankenstorm
Tracking Sandy aka Frankenstorm (Before It's News) This is quite a storm that is hitting the Northeast Corridor. Sandy or “Frankenstorm” is pummeling us. Last year during this time, the week of Halloween, we were hit with a snowstorm! And now, we have a Hurricane. Oh, my! Here is a snapshot of the latest Con Edison power outage. Roughly 200,000 customers are without power now. Luckily, it hasn’t affected my neighborhood yet. Here is the link for the Con Ed power map. My friends told me to fill my bathtub with water in case there is a power outage and we have no running water. I don’t have a bathtub in this new place, so I did the next best thing. I filled all my garbage pails with water. It’s not for drinking, it’s to flush the toilet in case there is no running water. A lot of my family and friends are without power. In case my power goes out, I found all my flashlights, candles, and pain reliever in case of headache. Sandy, I’m ready for you. I can hear the wind howling outside. The weatherman says it’s gusts of 50 mph. There are reports of lots of flooding in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Jersey City and Hoboken. Prayers and thoughts for all those in the path of the storm. Stay safe out there! Source:
Usa Emergency Broadcasting Network
FEMA Operational Briefing (Hurricane Sandy 10.30.12)
FEMA Operational Briefing (Hurricane Sandy 10.30.12) % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Today’s briefing has detailed information on Recovery operations and logistical supplies for the Mid-Atlantic States. The report also details power outages over 11 states and the current status of the National Shelter system, how many are open and the number of occupancies for each. The power restoration project is progressing as fast as possible, however NY and NJ are still showing over 1.5 million each. Please note within the last 12 hours period NJ has restored power to over 1 million. All state Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) are still fully activated and Search and rescues are underway where needed. If you have a life threaten emergency, please dial 911 for emergency response. All other communications should used alternate means, like 311 for NYC. The 911 emergency system was extremely overloaded last night and almost failed due to high volume of non-emergency calls. The American Red Cross is requesting donations to assist our neighbors in the Mid-Atlantic States. Please visit their website at **IMPORTANT NOTICE** Common Sense Preparedness has installed links to the American Red Cross Person finder program, National Shelter System Locator and a Local Alert system where you can track any and all alerts issued in your local areas. For More Information and full report please visit Common Sense Preparedness at A wise man prepares for the darkness, while a fool plays. Don’t get caught playing. Listen to Common Sense Preparedness – An American Readiness Program at In order to save as many lives as we can please pass this information around, link to our site, whatever you need to do to share this information. Together we can save lives. Common Sense Preparedness Digital Broadcasting has opened up some Sponsorship and Commercial opportunities. Due to the current economy situation we are offer these opportunities as low as $$25. Help us get the life safety message out to millions of listeners. For more informationvisit Common Sense Preparedness Digital Broadcasting Emergency Alerts are for informational use only. These alerts purpose is to inform you of news events in order for you to adjust your family preparedness programs. We believe that knowledge is power and in order for you to make informed decisions, we try and bring you verified information, not to increase fear but to inform you. We do not endorse any of the sources we link to in any article. Remember: Research everything before you believe anything!!
Science and Technology
(Before It's News) My better half and I spent last week in beautiful, friendy and clean Montreal. It was an amazing trip, a truly historic city filled with friendly, warm and helpful people, great food and interesting sights (and sites). I would recommend it to anyone who wants a taste of Europe without a “hop across the pond.” A very special Thank You to Bob for holding down the fort here at IB all week. He’s a great co-blogger, and an even better friend. Now, back to the grindstone for moi.
Chasvoice, Reporter
Turkish Daily: CIA and Mossad behind Syria Bombings
Turkish Daily: CIA and Mossad behind Syria Bombings % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Turkish Daily: CIA and Mossad behind Syria Bombings Local Editor CIA and Mossad The Turkish daily Aydinlik said that suicide bombings represent a way of incitement carried out by the CIA and Mossad agents in Iraq, and are applied now in Syria, Lebanese daily Al-Benaa reported. “CIA and Mossad agents have carried out – and still – various attacks in several countries including Iraq, Pakistan and Libya,” Aydinlik stated in a report published Monday. The report made it clear that the agents have bombed mosques during the occupation of Iraq in order to incite Shiites against Sunnis and vice versa.
ISAF: Murdered Afghan Official Rejected Insurgents’ Agenda
ISAF: Murdered Afghan Official Rejected Insurgents’ Agenda % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) From an International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Release KABUL, Afghanistan, May 13, 2012 – An influential member of Afghanistan’s High Peace Council and Islamic Council member, Moulavi Arsala Rahmani, was murdered while reportedly riding in a vehicle on his way to work today, International Security Assistance Force officials reported. The ISAF offers its condolences and prayers to Rahmani’s family and loved ones, officials said. Rahmani, a former Taliban member, chose to make a positive contribution to his nation by turning his back on an insurgent movement that continues to be wholly detrimental to the future of Afghanistan, officials said. Rahmani’s decision to help make the future brighter for Afghans serves as an inspiration to all, and his contributions will be missed, officials said. The only possible aim of this attack is to intimidate those, who like Rahmani, want to help make Afghanistan a better place for its citizens and the region, officials said. This attack is clear evidence that those who oppose the legitimate government of Afghanistan have absolutely no interest in supporting the peace process on any level but through murder, thuggery, and intimidation. No one is underestimating the challenges in Afghanistan, or the desires of the enemies of peace to continue threatening the Afghan people and their government, officials said. The entire coalition is steadfast in its resolve, officials added, and remains ever-more confident that the government of Afghanistan is up to the tasks that lie ahead. The ISAF and Afghan National Security Forces remain committed to stop acts of terror in order to build a secure environment that promotes lasting peace and prosperity for the Afghan people, officials said. Read more at War on Terrorism Source:
Most ‘Green on Blue’ Attacks Individually Motivated
Most ‘Green on Blue’ Attacks Individually Motivated % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) By Army Sgt. 1st Class Tyrone C. Marshall Jr. American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON – The Defense Department believes recent incidents in which members of the Afghan National Security Forces have attacked their coalition trainers are individual acts of grievance, a senior DOD spokesman said today. “It’s often difficult to determine the exact motivation behind an attacker’s crime because they are, very often, killed in the act,” Navy Capt. John Kirby, deputy assistant secretary of defense for media operations, told reporters at the Pentagon. Kirby said these types of attacks have only been tracked since 2007. Fifty-seven such attacks, he added, have occurred during this time. “Based on the limited evidence that we have been able to collect, we believe that less than half, somewhere in the neighborhood of three to four out of every 10 [attacks] is inspired, or resourced, or planned or executed by the Taliban or Taliban sympathizers,” he said. “In other words, that it’s related to an infiltration attempt.” Kirby said it may not even be a deliberate infiltration, but a “legitimate soldier or police officer [who] turned Taliban.” Yet, the majority of attacks, he said, are acts of individual grievance. “You know how seriously affairs of honor are to the Afghan people,” Kirby said. “We believe, again, that most of these [attacks] are acted out as an act of honor for most of them representing a grievance of some sort.” The spokesman said Marine Corps Gen. John R. Allen, commander of International Security Assistance Forces in Afghanistan, believes the recent video of U.S. Marines urinating on the bodies of Taliban inspired at least one attack. Regardless of the motivations, Kirby emphasized the attacks leave lasting impressions on the families of the service members who’ve been killed. “We believe the majority of all of them are individual acts of grievance, but look, that doesn’t lessen the pain for family members who suffer from this,” he said. “It doesn’t lessen the importance of it whether it’s an act of infiltration or not. “It’s an issue that we’re taking very, very seriously,” Kirby added. “But we don’t believe the majority of them are Taliban inspired, resource planned [or] executed.” British Army Lt. Gen. Adrian Bradshaw, ISAF’s deputy commander, told Pentagon reporters during a May 9 video teleconference from Kabul that Afghanistan’s National Army and police force are working to “root out this problem with great determination.” “We’ve had several hundred National Directorate of Security counterintelligence operatives now join the Afghan National Army on attachment,” Bradshaw told reporters. “They are embedded down to battalion level, and they are carrying out rigorous counterintelligence operations. The commanders are taking great note of where their people go on leave [and] whether their families have come under pressure.” The British general said the vetting process for Afghan army and police recruits has been refined and there’s also “retrospective vetting of people in the force” with a “ruthless” approach to those members displaying signs of enemy complicity. “So a number of effective measures have been taken, and we continue to bear down on this problem very seriously indeed,” Bradshaw said. Read more at War on Terrorism Source:
Navy Casualty
Navy Casualty % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) The Department of Defense announced today the death of a Sailor who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. Petty Officer Second Class Jorge Luis Velasquez, 35, of Houston, died as a result of a non-combat related incident in Manama, Bahrain. Velasquez was assigned to Commander, Task Force (CTF) 56 in Bahrain, which conducts maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility. For further information related to this release, contact Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / Commander, U.S. Fifth Fleet Public Affairs at 011-973-1785-4027. Read more at War on Terrorism Source:
Major Terror Act In Motion: Thousands Of Pieces Of Evidence Point To Major Event
Major Terror Act In Motion: Thousands Of Pieces Of Evidence Point To Major Event (Before It's News) In past Security Weeklies we have often noted how analyzing terrorism is like assembling a puzzle. After an attack has transpired, it is easier to piece the disparate clues together because you have the luxury of knowing what the finished puzzle should look like. You know the target, the method of attack, the time, the place, etc. These factors frame your approach to the bits of evidence you gather and allow you to assemble them into a cohesive, logical framework. While there will certainly be missing pieces at times, having the reference point of the attack itself is helpful to investigators and analysts. On the other hand, analyzing a potential threat before an attack takes place is far more difficult. It is like sifting through pieces of thousands of different puzzles, all jumbled together in one big pile, and attempting to create a complete picture without knowing what the end result — the attack — will look like. Sometimes pieces look like they could be related, but it is often difficult to determine if they really are without having the picture of the finished attack and the important framework for investigative reference: target, method of attack, time and place. It is often easy to look back after an attack and criticize authorities for not making a critical connection, but it is difficult to piece things together before the attack occurs without the assistance of hindsight. Over the past few weeks we have been studying a number of interesting puzzle pieces pertaining to potential threats to U.S. interests by transnational jihadists. It is currently unclear if they all fit together to form a seamless narrative, but the implications of a potential convergence are too big to ignore. We feel compelled to write about this potential convergence in much the same way we did in September 2009, when we discussed the possibility of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) using innovative bomb designs to bring down passenger aircraft rather than to assassinate individuals. The earlier convergence came to fruition on Dec. 25, 2009, when AQAP attempted to destroy a Northwest/Delta flight from Amsterdam to Detroit using an improvised explosive device (IED) concealed in the suicide operative’s underwear. Time will tell if the current grouping of events is a true picture of what is about to happen or is simply a false positive. Read More »
Obama Welcomes New Stage of Afghan Security Transition
Obama Welcomes New Stage of Afghan Security Transition % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama welcomed Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai’s announcement of his government’s list of areas intended for the third stage of the transition of security responsibility from NATO’s International Security Assistance Force to Afghan security forces. “I welcome President Karzai’s announcement today of the third tranche of areas to transition to Afghan security lead, which is an important step forward in our effort to achieve our objectives in Afghanistan,” Obama said in a statement issued today. “As transition proceeds in these areas,” Obama said, “nearly 75 percent of the population of Afghanistan will be living in provinces, districts and villages where Afghan forces are leading.” The Afghan government will now enter the third of five tranches or stages, as they continue to move forward in the process of taking the responsibility of national security, ISAF officials said in a news release issued today. Meanwhile, Afghanistan’s national security forces “are strengthening their capacity as we remain on track to meet our goal of having the Afghan government fully responsible for security across the country by the end of 2014,” Obama said in his statement. A week from now, Obama said, world leaders will gather at the May 20-21 NATO Summit in Chicago “to discuss how we can effectively advance the transition process as our forces move from combat to a support role and demonstrate our enduring support for the Afghan government and Afghan National Security Forces.” Obama said he “looks forward to meeting with President Karzai and my fellow leaders in Chicago to discuss these critical steps that will strengthen Afghan sovereignty while responsibly winding down the war.” Read more at War on Terrorism Source:
Military Officials Participate in Pakistan Meetings
Military Officials Participate in Pakistan Meetings % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) From an International Security Assistance Force News Release KABUL, Afghanistan – Marine Corps Gen. John R. Allen, commander of the International Security Assistance Force, met with Gen. Sher Muhammad Karimi, chief of general staff of the Afghan army and Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, Pakistan’s chief of army staff, for talks this weekend in Islamabad, Pakistan, military officials reported. The meeting of the Afghanistan-Pakistan-ISAF Tripartite Commission, officials said, is a key component of the international community’s engagement in Afghanistan, assisting Afghan authorities in providing security and stability while creating the conditions for reconstruction and development. Allen said he was “very encouraged” at the conclusion of the meetings. “Not only were these meetings a signal of a renewed desire of all parties to address important topics and issues,” Allen said, “there was agreement these meetings are important to achieving continued progress toward our shared goals of a peaceful, stable, and prosperous Afghanistan, so that Afghanistan can no longer be a safe haven for terrorists again.” These were the first such talks in nearly a year and offered the opportunity for discussion by commanders and key staff on issues of tactical, operational and strategic importance including cross-border cooperation, officials said. The meetings also set conditions for continued discussions in the future, officials added. Read more at War on Terrorism Source:
ISAF Welcomes Third Stage of Security Transition
ISAF Welcomes Third Stage of Security Transition % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) From an International Security Assistance Force News Release KABUL, Afghanistan – The International Security Assistance Force welcomes the release of the Afghan government’s list of areas intended for the third stage of the transition of security responsibility in the country, officials reported today. The Afghan government will now enter the third of five tranches as they continue to move forward in the process of taking the responsibility of national security from ISAF, officials said. “President [Hamid] Karzai’s announcement of the third group of areas to enter transition is a testament to the capacity and capability of the Afghan National Security Force who will now be responsible for the security of more than 75 percent of the Afghan population.” said Marine Corps Gen. John R. Allen, ISAF commander. Three-fourths of Afghanistan’s population will be living in areas that will have transitioned from the ISAF to Afghan National Security Forces following the “tranche three” implementation. “Afghanistan continues to move forward,” Allen said, in establishing its sovereign future and the security of its borders. Implementation of the third tranche of security transition, he added, represents “another step in bringing the hope of greater prosperity to the Afghan people.” The transition of security responsibility in a designated area is a process that only takes place when the Afghan National Security Forces have the capability to take the lead role in maintaining their own security and can adequately deal with security situations that may arise in these areas, officials said. The complete process of transition in an area can take 12-18 months. The list of areas intended for the third tranche of transition covers 122 districts, bringing the total number of districts to 260 in all 34 provinces, officials said. Every capital of every province in Afghanistan is now in a designated area of transition. NATO’s senior civilian representative in Afghanistan, Ambassador Simon Gass, said he sees great momentum moving into the third tranche as a result of the progress made in the first two tranches. “This decision builds on the good results we have seen in the first two tranches and maintains momentum in the transition process. It has been enabled by the great strides made by the Afghan National Security Forces who have repeatedly shown their ability to maintain security,” Gass said. “Afghans can be proud of their security forces and the brave and professional job they are doing. “We are on course to complete transition at a sensible pace by the end of 2014,” Gass continued. “But after that, we will maintain a strong partnership with Afghanistan. We will not abandon this great country. After 30 years of conflict and suffering, Afghans deserve a better future. Today’s decision is another step in that direction.” As Afghanistan moves closer to assuming complete responsibility for its national security, the ambassador said, NATO remains clear that its commitment and support will continue beyond 2014. “The people of Afghanistan continue to make great strides in securing a peaceful nation for themselves,” Gass said. “As we move closer to the Afghan government taking complete control of their national security, ISAF’s role will shift from combat to support and its commitment to a peaceful Afghanistan will continue beyond 2014.” Read more at War on Terrorism Source:
Science and Technology
Arghhhhh! (Before It's News) Some days I wonder why I even bother answering the phone . . . Hello Hi Bob, this is Greg. We talked last year about health insurance and it was too expensive then but I understand premiums have dropped under the Obama plan. Really? Premiums in my world are going up more than they would if not for Obamacare. Well I heard they are going down and the health insurance companies can’t turn anyone down because of a medical condition. True, but that starts in 2014. We now want to look at a group plan. My wife has a business and we think some of them might like to buy health insurance. Can you come out next week, show us some rates and tell us how it works? We know the group rates are much lower so we can probably afford something then. For starters, group health rates are at least double a comparable individual major medical plan. The carrier will require the company to pay at least 50% of the employee cost and you must have at least 75% of the eligible employees participate. If your participation does not meet the requirements you have to pay more of the premium. That can’t be. My accountant bought a group plan and it was less premium. They didn’t have to cover any of their employees. I have only been doing this since 1975. Perhaps the rules changed last week and I didn’t get the memo. How long has your accountant been writing health insurance? I don’t know why anyone would buy health insurance unless they were sick. It is so expensive now, young people can’t afford it. That’s why we have our kids on PeachCare (SCHIP) because it is free and better than any health insurance plan we would have to pay for. The government made health insurance affordable for kids, why not adults? It sure seems like you have a handle on things. Obviously I can’t help you. Have a nice day. Original content copyright © InsureBlog Source:
Science and Technology
(Before It's News) It’s lobster season (or so I’ve been told), and the water’s boiling on the progenitor of ObamaCare:: Oy, that’s a 225% increase in the overall “curve.” Adding insult to injury, health care spending by the state’s government has increased almost 60%. And to top it all off, the Bay State “ spends more per capita on health care than any other state … Costs are 27% higher than the U.S. average “ So, more money, but better care, right? Right?? Maybe not: “ Under [a recently passed “cost containment” bill], all Massachusetts doctors, hospitals and other providers must register with a new state bureaucracy as a condition of licensure—that is, permission to practice. They’ll be required to track and report their financial performance, price and cost trends, state-sanctioned quality measures, market share and other metrics .” More red-tape means less time for health care delivery. But wait, it gets even more Orwellian: “ No registered provider is allowed to make “any material change to its operations or governance structure … without the commission’s approval … As the commission polices the market, it can decide to supervise the behavior of … doctors and hospitals that are spending too much on patient care .”
Ha, ha, ha – Thud
(Before It's News) Apparently, humor doesn’t sell so well: True dat. My favorite is the Mayhem guy, especially in the family dog commercial. Not a big fan of the gecko, or the Nationwide guy with the microphone. Still, one would think that these kinds of commercials would be highly effective: after all, they get your attention and promote brand recognition. Turns out, not so much: “ [T]he heavy emphasis on humor-based advertising appears to be generating little more than expensive chuckles … Nationwide’s fourth fresh ad campaign since 2005 is a marked departure from the swelling tide of laugh-infused TV, radio and digital ads its marketers believe is choking consumer interest .” The emphasis appears to be leaning towards “warm and fuzzy” and away from laugh-tracks. The key, of course, is differentiation: “ The challenge is how to stand out from the other guy,” says Jon Swallen, a longtime industry … The fact that Nationwide is changing its approach suggests that they’re attempting to carve a place where they can attempt to stand out .” Which, of course, makes sense. On a related note, Progressive’s “Snapshot” program seems to be paving the way for a new auto insurance rating model: pay-as-you-drive. This also makes sense: think about cell phones. A lot of us have monthly plans but leave minutes on the table, or run up big overage bills. But stop into Target or Walmart (to name just two) and one is faced with a broad array of pre-paid options. Whether or not this type of business model will work with car insurance is anyone’s guess, but at least the industry’s starting to think a bit outside the box.
Happy 81st Birthday to the Coolest Cucumber of Them All
Happy 81st Birthday to the Coolest Cucumber of Them All % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) The great NEIL ARMSTRONG was born on this day in 1930. His name must be capitalized on first mention, along with appropriate bows and genuflections in the direction of Wapakoneta. Everyone remembers Neil Armstrong saying “The Eagle has landed,” but nobody remembers Armstrong showing his true colors with his comments a few moments later, after excitable congratulations from Houston and a bit of technical talk:
Roger Ebert Is Not an Especial Fan of ‘The Change-Up’
(Before It's News) “‘The Change-Up’ is one of the dirtiest-minded mainstream releases in history. It has a low opinion of men, a lower opinion of women, and the lowest opinion of the intelligence of its audience. It is obscene, foulmouthed, scatological, creepy and perverted. As a bonus, it has the shabbiest low-rent main titles I’ve seen this side of YouTube.”
Anne Hathaway, at a Distance, Dressed as Catwoman, Apparently
Anne Hathaway, at a Distance, Dressed as Catwoman, Apparently % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) The long-awaited first photo of Anne Hathaway as Catwoman has been released. Let us glory in it: Sorry, I remain unmoved. Anne Hathaway is swell and all, but there’s not much in this photo to get anyone panting for summer 2012 and The Dark Knight Rises. The photo might as well be titled “First look at Anne Hathaway’s distant forehead!” Cool glasses, though. News flash: Catwoman uses Bluetooth! Now see non-Catwoman-related photos of Anne Hathaway looking fetching >> Celebrity news on Twitter Subscribe to our Celebrity news RSS feed Source:
Justine Halifax, Birmingham Mail
Is Shakespeare’s Secret Wedding Place Finally Revealed?
EXPERTS are examining the contents of a mysterious crypt rumoured to hold the secrets of the location of Shakespeare’s wedding. Archaeologists opened the chamber at the ancient All Saints Church in Billesley for first time in hundreds of years. The Churches Conservation Trust researchers photographed markings and inscriptions on the coffins at the 11th century listed Grade I-listed monument. <a href=”;slot=article%5Fmpu;sect=top%2Dstories;templ=page;cat=News;reg=MID;st=other;oid=29181223;sz=300×250;gs_cat=GS_CHANNELS;tile=4;ord=152208034?” target=”_blank”> <img src=”;slot=article%5Fmpu;sect=top%2Dstories;templ=page;cat=News;reg=MID;st=other;oid=29181223;sz=300×250;gs_cat=GS_CHANNELS;tile=4;ord=152208034?” width=”300″ height=”250″ border=”0″ alt=”article_mpuAdvertisement” /> </a> It is not yet known if the opening of the crypt has provided a definitive answer to the mystery. The findings are now being carefully analysed. All Saints, between Alcester and Stratford-on-Avon, is a leading contender among a number of churches thought to be the venue for William Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway’s wedding in 1582. There is strong historical evidence that Shakespeare’s granddaughter Elizabeth Barnard was married at the church – possibly to follow in her grandparents footsteps. There has also been speculation that Billesley’s crypt could hold vital clues. The trust’s archaeological team squeezed in to the crypt through a tiny opening and discovered five stone and lead coffins and a small wooden child’s coffin dating from the early 1700s belonging to the Whalley family. The family was the owner of the local manor house. Jo Cross, the trust’s Midlands officer, said: “It was tremendously exciting to go into the Billesley church crypt knowing we were the first people to enter the space for hundreds of years. The mystery of Shakespeare’s wedding venue remains unsolved, but trying to track down where our most famous writer tied the knot still remains as exciting and challenging as before.” The crypt has now been resealed and secured. The legends that surround Billesley and other possible venues for Shakespeare’s wedding will form part of a touring exhibition And Thereby Hangs A Tale, launched at Anne Hathway’s Cottage, Stratford-on-Avon, in September
Why I Hate Lucy
Why I Hate Lucy % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Lucille Ball was born 100 years ago today, and Google is celebrating with a clever video Doodle that reminds us how much we all hated her. It reminds *me* of that, anyway. What you are reminded of is your own business. The Google Doodle is a compendium of Lucy’s most horrid moments: Lucy bawling “Waaaaaaah! We might as well face it, Ricky, I’m a big fat flop.” (She’s right!) Lucy seemingly baffled by the sight of a friend singing in a passably pleasant manner, then jumping in to screech like a dumb crow. Lucy proving incompetent at grape-smashing, a task requiring nothing more than balance and a bit of modest endurance. Source: Related Stories
Scott C. Waring
Five Steps From Lady Gaga On How To Market and Build A Brand Name.
Five Steps From Lady Gaga On How To Market and Build A Brand Name. (Before It's News) Original Gaga Post Here. Take notes from music mogul on marketing and building a brand community Lady Gaga has taken the music and social media industries by storm. She has more than 35 million Facebook friends, 10 million Twitter followers and her most recent album release crashed Amazon’s servers. Louis Marino, a blogger at Fast Company, cleverly outlined five lessons that we can all learn from Lady Gaga and her ability to build a community-centered, successful and most importantly, authentic brand. We have summarized five of these as follows: • Target like-minded individuals and engage consumer groups with common interests. • Be honest about who you really are to attract strong devotees. • Treat the consumer like your boss. Put the consumer first, make their dreams your mission, and they will rally around you. • Create a collective experience. Allow consumers to feel like they are part of a larger group dynamic with brands. • Become a better company through community. That should be every company’s mission — to be better companies because of their consumers. We pass this information as it supports our fundamental thinking in the area of strategic marketing. For More Lady Gaga News & Updates Please Click Here.
Scott C. Waring
Kate Middleton, Michelle Obama, Lady Gaga Top Vanity Fair’s Best-Dressed List
Kate Middleton, Michelle Obama, Lady Gaga Top Vanity Fair’s Best-Dressed List % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Original GAGA post here. When it comes to fashion, Duchess Kate, Michelle Obama, and Lady Gaga probably wouldn’t hire the same stylist or shop at the same stores. But in the September issue ofVanity Fair, the three ladies top its 72nd Best Dressed List, thanks to their iconic, albeit very different, styles. It should come as no surprise that Kate, Obama, and Lady Gaga are considered fashion savvy. For example, Kate, 29, has incredible selling power — fans seeking the nude Reiss dress that she wore in London on May 24 crashed the label’s website due to its high demand.
Scott C. Waring
Lady Gaga to appear in interview special on CW Network.
Lady Gaga to appear in interview special on CW Network. % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. – Platinum-selling pop star Lady Gaga will sit down with fashion designer Jean Paul Gaultier (go-TEE’-ay) for an interview special airing next month on the CW network. On the program, “Gaga by Gaultier,” Lady Gaga meets Gaultier in Paris to discuss her meteoric rise to fame, her love of fashion and art, and her strategy in marketing her image and music. The special, announced Thursday by the network, will air Sept. 12 at 8 p.m. Eastern.
Scott C. Waring
Angelina Jolie Honored At Sarajevo Film Festival For Work With Bosnia Refugees
Angelina Jolie Honored At Sarajevo Film Festival For Work With Bosnia Refugees (Before It's News) SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina (Associated Press) — Angelina Jolie attended the closing ceremony of the eight-day Sarajevo Film Festival in Bosnia’s capital Saturday and organizers presented her with a special award for bringing attention to refugees from the country’s 1992-95 war. The award, called “The Heart of Sarajevo,” was handed to Jolie by festival director, Miro Purivatra, who said it was being given to her not only for her great impact in the movie industry, but also “for persisting in her active engagement in the complexities in the real world we live in.” Jolie visited Bosnia several times last year as UNHCR ambassador and drew attention to the plight of 117,000 people who haven’t able to return to their homes even though the Bosnia war ended 16 years ago. Accompanied by Brad Pitt, she visited several refugee camps. The visit resulted in a U.S. government donation that provided housing for the last 15 people living in one of the rundown facilities. “I told Brad in the car I was afraid I was going to cry,” she said with tears in her eyes as the audience gave her a standing ovation at the Sarajevo National Theater. Jolie said she experienced the “warmth and hospitality” of the city during her visits and was honored to receive the award – a silver heart she took out of the box and pressed against her chest. “There is no greater example of the strength of artists than a festival that begun during the war and grows stronger every year. I find it remarkable,” she said. For daily news about Lady Gaga, photos, tweets, videos please click here.
Key Questions for the Next US President
Key Questions for the Next US President (Before It's News) Global Brief, Canada’s leading geopolitical magazine, asks four writers in different policy fields what they think key questions for the next US president should be. Responses given by the four writers range from fiscal policy (M. Stabile) to the potential for a new war in the Middle East (M. Fitzpatrick), to approaches to Iran’s nuclear program (R. Marashi), and whether or not the American Dream is still achievable (F. Gagnon). The following is the link to the response given by the writers: Source:
Ntd Television
Chinese Warships Close to Japanese Island — Purpose Unclear
Japanese authorities went on alert after seven Chinese warships were seen close to a Japanese island Today. A Defence Ministry official from Tokyo said the Chinese naval ships, including two destroyers, were seen about 30 miles south-south-east of Japanese owned Yonaguni island. The presence of these warships is adding fuel to the dispute between the two countries over the ownership of islands in the East China Sea. The warships are believed to be returning from the Pacific Ocean after military training. The past week has seen both countries conducting various naval activities in what’s seen as saber rattling exercises. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
Ntd Television
China Defense Spending Quadruples in Last Decade: US Study
The Chinese regime has quadrupled its defense spending over the past decade, according to a US study released on Monday. Washington-based think-tank, Center for Strategic and International Studies, examined Asia’s five largest defense spenders—namely China, Japan, India, South Korea and Taiwan. It found that the total yearly defense spending by the countries doubled to $$224 billion over the last decade. The Chinese regime had the fastest growth in spending, expanding its share in the region from 20% in 2000 to over 40% in 2011. According to the study, the China spent nearly $$90 billion on defense last year, though the true figure may be much higher. The study excluded spending in R&D, and also only cited official figures, which are widely believed to be unreported. The study says the real figure could be up to 60% higher, putting Chinese military spending at closer to $$140 billion. Reasons for China’s increase in defense spending include growing economic power, regional land and resource disputes and, for the other nations in the study, trying to keep up with Chinese spending. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
Ntd Television
Xinhua Names Bo Xilai Probe as “Major” Corruption Case
Since 2007, the Chinese Communist Party has disciplined more than 660000 officials for corruption, state-run Xinhua News Agency reported on Monday. That’s out of more than six million reported cases, and, according to a state report last week, only 24000 investigations resulted in criminal prosecutions. Xinhua went on to name the probe into disgraced Chongqing Party secretary Bo Xilai as a “major case,” alongside the cases of other toppled senior officials, including former Railway Minister Liu Zhijun and former Shenzhen mayor Xu Zongheng. Liu was dismissed in February and Xu was given a suspended death sentence last year for graft. US based democracy activist Liu Yingquan says Xinhua is signalling how Chinese leaders will deal with Bo Xilai, by naming him first in the list of major corruption scandals. [Liu Yingquang, Chinese Democracy Activist] “This means Bo Xilai’s case is the most serious of all the corruption cases, and indicates his punishment will surpass that handed out to others. From this perspective, it’s likely he could be given the death sentence…but given that Bo may still have supporters inside the Party, he could get a death sentence with a 2 year reprieve.” Legal expert and former lecturer at Beijing’s Chinese People’s Public Security University, Zhao Yuanming, says the report is the latest attempt by Chinese authorities to show its will to weed out corruption. But the reliance on internal disciplinary actions and the low number of prosecutions …
Ntd Television
Romney’s Advisor Calls for US Action on China’s Forced Organ Harvesting
At an election campaign event last week (Oct. 11), John Bolton, the Foreign Policy Advisor to Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, spoke out against state-sanctioned organ harvesting in China. [John Bolton, Foreign Policy Advisor to Mitt Romney]: “This is the government…that we need to take on these issues. I think it’s important for the United States to do that. And frankly I think it would get us more respect from the government in Beijing if we stood up for our principles instead of apologizing for them.” From 1999 to 2001 Bolton served as Commissioner to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. He also served as the US Ambassador to the UN from 2005 to 2006. Senior investigative journalist Ken Timmerman also spoke about the persecution of prisoners of conscience in China. Timmerman is the author of “Selling Out America.” The book deals with the threat of high-tech goods from China being used to infiltrate US intelligence and businesses. [Ken Timmerman, Republican Candidate for US Congress]: “…Important things that America has done historically and must continue to do that we have not done in the past four years is to hold high that flag of freedom, and let people know around the world that we do stand for religious freedom. It means something to us, it’s one of our core values, and we will put our reputation and our power on the line to defend it.” On October 4th, 106 members of the US Congress issued a letter asking the State Department to …
Ntd Television
Sinopec Drops Hostile Takeover of China Gas
China’s state-owned China Petroleum & Chemical Corp, or Sinopec, has failed a bid to take over a small natural gas operator. Sinopec had been trying for almost a year to purchase China Gas, a private Chinese company. It teamed up with Hong Kong-based ENN Energy Holdings last year and made a 2.15 billion US dollar offer for China Gas. It would’ve been the first hostile takeover of a private company by a state-owned enterprise. On Monday, Sinopec and ENN announced they would drop the bid, partly because they could not get approval from Chinese regulators. It’s an embarrassing failure for the state-backed oil giant, but rather than completely losing out on its attempt to expand into the gas market, Sinopec managed to close a strategic cooperation with China Gas. The two will jointly develop China’s liquefied-petroleum gas retail market. China Gas will also give the state-owned giant priority in obtaining gas for distribution. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
Ntd Television
Chinese Artist Chen Weiming Heads to Syria for Democracy
Chen Weiming recreated the iconic image of the Tank Man in the middle of Time Square this year. In 2008 , the Chinese-born sculptor erected a 20-foot Statue of Democracy in Washington DC. Now, the avid supporter of democracy has taken to Syria—where he says democratic reform could bring about change in China. Originally born in Hangzhou, China, Chen has been living in the United States. On Sunday night, he left for the war-torn middle-eastern country, where conflict between Bashir al-Assad’s dictatorial regime and the opposition has left months of bloodshed. Chen Weiming spoke with NTD exclusively before he left, expressing his hope for Syrian democracy. [Chen Weiming, Chinese Sculptor] “All dictatorship regimes in eastern Europe have collapsed, now if the Syrian regime is toppled, then the Chinese Communist Party may start to consider whether it is legitimate after all.” Acknowledging that his individual action may be small, Chen says it can nonetheless have an effect. [Chen Weiming, Chinese Sculptor] “My actions are very small, but that can’t stop me from taking action. If everyone remains silent thinking their voices are weak, then dictatorships will only grow stronger. By putting our small efforts together, it will certainly have an effect in toppling tyrannical rule.” Fellow democracy activist Zhang Jian has applauded Chen’s actions. Despite the obvious dangers of his trip, Zhang says Chen serves as an example for other Chinese. [Zhang Jian, Chinese Democracy …
Ntd Television
Free China: The Courage to Believe (Short Trailer) THE FATES OF A WOMAN LIVING IN BEIJING AND A MAN LIVING IN NEW YORK BECOME INEXTRICABLY LINKED BECAUSE OF A COMMON CONVICTION… From the award-winning director of “Tibet Beyond Fear”, Free China — The Courage to Believe examines widespread human rights violations in China through the remarkable and uplifting stories of Jennifer Zeng, a mother and former Communist Party member and Dr. Charles Lee, a Chinese American businessman, who along with hundreds of thousands of peaceful citizens are imprisoned, tortured and subjected to slave labor for their spiritual beliefs. WINNER: – 2012 Free Speech Award Winner at American Insight’s inaugural Free Speech International Film Festival in Philadelphia (May 16th, 2012) – Top Award for International Political and Cultural Documentaries (“Obamanation” Category) at the LA Awareness Film Festival in West Hollywood (May 5th, 2012) – Equal Top Award for documentaries under 60 minutes at the 45th World-Fest Houston International Film Festival (April 21st 2012.) – “Best of the Fest”at Freethought International Film Festival (Denver, August 3rd) “This Film will be a Game Changer.” US Congressman Chris Smith, Chairman of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China “Free China shows the way to a more democratic and peaceful regime…where everybody wins instead of the Communist Party.” Peter Navarro, Author and Director of “Death by China” Please support a Free China and ‘like’ us on For more …
Ntd Television
Israeli Supreme Court Calls to Close Bodies Exhibition
BODIES – The Exhibit, a controversial show that displays plastinated human remains has been in Tel Aviv since May. On September 3rd, the Israeli Supreme Court announced a decree that unless organizers close the show by September 27th, the Country’s Attorney General must appear before the Court within 15 days and explain why he has not closed it. Israeli Lawyer David Schonberg was the one who applied to the court to close the exhibit. We spoke with his legal representative Roee Shahar to find out why. [Roee Shahar, Administration Law Advocate]: “The big problem with this exhibition is a problem that characterizes not only the exhibition in Israel but all over the world, this is a show based on people’s bodies unclaimed after they died. This is a cynical and commercial exploitation of the people who died in China and hence the call to close the show.” Shuki Gur brought the exhibition to Tel Aviv this year. [Shuki Gur, Producer, "Bodies Exhibition", Tel Aviv]: “This exhibition really gives us the ability to look into this wonderful machine called man. We can see in the exhibition how the inner fabric of the human body that you, I and our viewers can now see. How it is built from the inside. The value of the show is very, very important for education. It allows people to know the human body.” [...] [Roee Shahar, Administration Law Advocate]: “This issue has been investigated by the Attorney General of the State of New York and organizers of the exhibition there failed to …
Ntd Television
Second Presidential Debate – Washington Residents Respond
Description: Residents of Washington DC respond the second presidential debate between President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney. Full Story: Residents of Washington, DC crowded into public spaces on Tuesday to watch the second presidential debate. Viewers watched carefully as President Barack Obama came out swinging against Governor Mitt Romney, a noticeable change from the first debate. Sophie Jespersen appreciated Obama’s more aggressive stance. [Sophie Jespersen, Danish Woman]: “I think Obama came out super strong. He was really on it; he was really aggressive and came out so much stronger than last time. And I think that Romney came out quite fluffy. He kept repeating the same talking points over and over again and I’m just not convinced that he has anything concrete there that can actually help people. I mean, he tries to claim he can fix it but I’m not convinced.” Attorney Megan Chapman thinks too much time was spent on the economy and not enough on foreign policy. [Megan Chapman, Attorney]: “I thought foreign policy actually would have taken up a little bit more time than it did and I would have been interested to hear more about foreign policy. I thought the president was pretty strong on the foreign policy questions even though obviously, it’s a challenging issue. I thought he spoke with a sense of the seriousness of the issues that are at stake and a sense of responsibility which I admire.” During the debate, Obama for the first time accepted ultimate …
Eyes For You
How to Find Primary Source Documents
How to Find Primary Source Documents (Before It's News) from wikiHow – The How to Manual That You Can Edit When doing research, researchers usually rely on what is called “secondary”[1] and “tertiary”[2] sources. These are compilations and reinterpretations of original other sources that are called “primary”[3][4] sources. These secondary and tertiary sources are usually enough and sometimes even obligatory. However, in some areas and topics of research, it is desirable, and sometimes necessary, to go back to the original, primary sources. For example, in comparative studies[5] and studies of representations of specific concepts/topics. This article will help you find and extract the original primary sources from your secondary and tertiary sources. Steps Extracting Information About the Primary Source[6] Prepare yourself. Choose a good way to take notes. Sort your secondary and tertiary sources by importance. Separate secondary from tertiary sources. Create a section in your notes for each secondary or tertiary source. For example, create a card with the name of the source and information about it. Leave space to fill in information about its primary sources. Go through your secondary and tertiary sources. For each one, extract whatever information you can about the primary sources used within the secondary/tertiary source and note it down. The specifics differ depending on the type of the secondary or tertiary source, but mostly, the information can be found as follows: Look for bibliographic, references, or sources sections in most books, encyclopedias and other research papers. Usually all primary sources and citation sources are mentioned there. All you have to do is separate the citation sources from the general ones. Look within the title or subtitle of interpretative, explanatory, and guide books and paper materials. Usually, a book about XYZ will have XYZ somewhere in the title. Look up this specific source in the bibliographic/references section. Look within the body of the article for mentions of the primary sources in the case of magazines, newspapers, periodicals, handouts, and websites or web pages. This type of secondary or tertiary source is usually the hard one. In many cases, you won’t find the source immediately and you will have to dig deeper. Sometimes, the source is not mentioned at all, in which case you should try one of the following: Obtaining the primary sources from the author of the article in question: From the publication, extract the name and contact information of the author (if possible). If you couldn’t obtain the contact information of the author from the article, look up the author in a directory service or online. Most authors have websites that provide contact information. If you could not find a way to contact the author, follow the second method of obtaining primary sources below. Contact the author asking for the primary sources. Use one communication method at a time, so as not to be confused with a spammer or a fan. Obtaining the primary sources from the publishing company, organization, or institute of the publication: Obtain the contact information of the publisher from the publication. Use directory services or online search if the contact information is not explicitly stated. Contact the company asking for the primary sources of the article. State the title, the issue, the volume and any other information that identifies the article. You might use the last method (obtaining sources from the publisher) in other cases, such as encyclopedia and other collective works. Prepare a structured list of the primary sources you need to obtain from the information you collected earlier. You can use a spreadsheet application or a handwritten list. You should fill out the following fields for each source: Title. The title of the source. Type. What type of documents is the source? Usually this is one of: Works of art, architecture, literature, or music. Magazine, newspaper, periodical, or an article in one of them. Diary, journal or entry in a diary or journal Letter Proceedings (of meetings, conferences and symposia) Records of organizations, governments, or agencies such as: Annual Reports Treaties By-laws and laws Decrees Memos Regulations Patents Original documents. Such as: Birth certificates Wills Marriage licenses Trial transcripts Web sites Internet communications on email, listservs, etc. Survey research Interviews (oral histories, telephone, e-mail) Time Issued, published, or circulated. Be as precise as you can be. Serial Number/ISBN (if applicable). Volume, issue, page and column (if applicable). Edition (if applicable). Publisher, author. Sort the previously obtained list by document type. Acquiring the Primary Source (or Copies of them) Tips When contacting any organization asking for sources or contact information, clearly state the reason for you request and how you got their address. Make sure that you understand the difference between primary and secondary or tertiary sources[6]. Warnings Do not use primary sources in your research unless it is required. Some research situations explicitly forbid the use of primary sources. Do not list a source as primary unless you are sure it is. Sometimes the distinction is tricky and it could lead to discrediting your research. Related wikiHows Sources and Citations Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Find Primary Source Documents. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.
Eyes For You
Leave No Trace: How to Completely Erase Your Hard Drives, SSDs and Thumb Drives
Leave No Trace: How to Completely Erase Your Hard Drives, SSDs and Thumb Drives (Before It's News) With stories abounding of identity theft aided by information lifted from discarded storage devices, you want devices you no longer plan to use to have no usable information when they head out the door. Here’s how to wipe them clean. Why Erasing Files Is Not Enough Sure, you could erase the contents of the drive, but keep this in mind: the act of erasing a file does not remove it from a storage device. When you erase/delete a file from your computer, it’s not really gone until the areas of the disk it used are overwritten by new information. If you use the normal Windows delete function, the “deleted” file is sent to the Recycle Bin until the space it uses is required by other files. If you use Shift-Delete to bypass the Recycle Bin, the space occupied by the file is marked as available for other files. However, the file could be recovered days or even weeks later with third-party data recovery software. As long as the operating system does not reuse the space occupied by a file with another file, the “deleted” file can be recovered. With SSDs, the erased file situation is even more complex. SSDs store data in blocks rather than in sectors as with magnetic storage. Overwriting a block was previously used involves copying the contents of the block to cache, wiping the block’s contents, delete the block to be overwritten from cache, writing the new data to cache, and rewriting the block with the new data. As an SSD is used with files that are deleted or changed frequently, the performance can drop unless the drive (and operating system) support a technology called TRIM that wipes out deleted data blocks as soon as the file using the blocks is deleted. TRIM is supported by Windows 7 and by some late model SSDs, but not by older Windows versions. So, disk wiping can be both a security feature and a performance improvement strategy More »
The Great Rabbit Hole
By Way Of Thinking
By Way Of Thinking % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) I don’t know how I lived before But every day was a chore … I know now, by way of thinking, Shifts you into way of linking, Your thoughts to life with only joy no strife Endless abundance, wealth and health, Ditch the thought of woe is me and sorrows Create your future and happy tomorrows’, Think all is well with the world and you Feel the good in all you do, By great thoughts and wonderful feelings Your life will have a whole new meaning, Bring on great thoughts this very hour Feel the joys of your power, For in you, is your creator Believe it now don’t wait till later, Visualise what you want for you As a science and fact it will come true!!! *The previous article was written by: Simone Segal Read more at The Great Rabbit Hole Source:
Ld Jackson
Obama’s Keystone Pipeline Decision
Obama’s Keystone Pipeline Decision (Before It's News) Those of you who read Political Realities on a regular basis know I have been rather harsh on the Republican leadership. I have been very unhappy with the way they have handled most of their fights with President Obama, mainly because it seems they are continually handing him the high ground on any particular issue. That same sentiment holds true of how I felt about the payroll tax cut holiday and how the Speaker John Boehner seems to have folded the deck, even when he had a full house. Having said that, there is one tiny ray of hope in the compromise that was fostered out of that debate. Namely, the Keystone Pipeline. We all know the President was maneuvering to delay a decision on the Keystone Pipeline until after the 2012 election. There was no way he wanted to be faced with alienating any of his supporters, let alone the environmentalists or the unions. Keystone seemed to be a no win situation for him. No matter what his administration decided, he was bound to make someone mad, so he decided to put it off until the election of 2012 is in the history books. The kicker is, the deal that was negotiated to extend the payroll tax cut for two months included a provision to force the President to make his decision before the election. I think they are calling it a speedy decision. President Obama does not like having his hand forced, so he has said he would rather nix the pipeline, rather than rush a decision during an election year. If that isn’t pandering, then the definition of that word needs to be changed in Webster’s Dictionary. For once, it appears the Republicans have out foxed the current resident in the White House. In spite of his objections, he is going to have to make a decision about the Keystone Pipeline. I can just imagine his thought process. Does he allow the pipeline to be built, even with an alternative route through Nebraska, and not only foster job creation, but a greater chance of energy independence for America? All the while, playing nice with the labor unions? Or does he alienate the unions and the construction jobs they want, sink the pipeline and get all warm and fuzzy with the environmentalists who are throwing a temper tantrum over a possible spill of dirty oil? As much as I dislike the labor unions, I will side with them on this. We need the jobs and we need the oil. I say the President should approve the pipeline and see just how mad the environmentalists can really get over oil. My guess is that he will do just the opposite. He has stated too many times about how we need a green economy. An oil pipeline from Canada doesn’t fit into that agenda. Read more at Political Realities Source:
Set You Free News
China Protests Japanese Visit to Disputed Islands
(Before It's News) VOA Four Japanese politicians made a short visit on Tuesday to a group of disputed islands in the East China Sea, prompting an official protest from Beijing. Japanese officials say four municipal politicians from Okinawa visited the rocky, uninhabited chain of islands, known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China. The strategic and energy-rich islands are controlled by Japan, but also claimed by China and Taiwan. Such visits are regularly interpreted by China as a violation of its sovereignty. The Chinese Foreign Ministry said Tuesday the islands have been part of China since ancient times, vowing to protect what it sees as its territory in the region. Meanwhile, a group of 10 activists from Hong Kong, Taiwan and China are reported to be en route to the disputed islands. The squabble comes days after Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda visited Beijing, where he agreed to hold high-level meetings in order to help reduce maritime tensions. Relations between China and Japan sank to the lowest point in years after Japan arrested the captain of a Chinese fishing boat that collided with a Japanese coast guard vessel in the East China Sea in September 2010. FOLLOW SET YOU FREE NEWS:
Taxpayers' Leaf: Four Recharging Stops Needed to Go 180 Miles
Taxpayers' Leaf: Four Recharging Stops Needed to Go 180 Miles % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Consumer Reports has painted an ugly picture of the Nissan Leaf, as did an early enthusiast based in Los Angeles, who described his frustrations with the heavily subsidized, all-electric car in a recent column. Now comes what must be the definitive example of the Leaf’s impracticality – this time from a (still) hard-core advocate, whose 180-mile Tennessee trek to visit family over the holidays required four lengthy stops to keep the vehicle moving. Stephen Smith, executive director of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, set out from Knoxville on Monday with his wife and son, headed for the Nashville area. Read more at National Legal and Policy Center Source:
Set You Free News
Israel can cease to exist if Iran attacked
Israel can cease to exist if Iran attacked % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) PressTV A former CIA analyst says the notion that stirring up hostilities towards Iran will make Israel more secure will prove to be “the big mistake of the century.” “If this rhetoric spins out of control, if there are incidents in the Persian Gulf or the Strait of Hormuz that lead to wider hostilities, as night follows the day, this could spin not only into a regional war but even farther; and… of Israel, I fear, may cease to exist,” Ray McGovern told Press TV US Desk. Iran’s First Vice President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi warned on December 27 that imposing sanctions against the country’s energy sector will prompt Tehran to prevent oil cargoes from passing through the strategic Strait of Hormuz. “If they impose sanctions on Iran’s oil, not even a drop of oil will be allowed through the Strait of Hormuz,” he warned. Iran’s Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari also said on December 28 that Iran has complete command over the strategic waterway and that “closing the Strait of Hormuz is very easy for Iranian naval forces.” On December 28, the Bahrain-based US Fifth Fleet responded by saying it would not “tolerate” any disruption in the Strait of Hormuz. “[The fleet] maintains a robust presence in the region to deter or counter destabilizing activities,” a spokesperson for the fleet said. The US, Israel, and some of their allies accuse Tehran of pursuing military objectives in its nuclear program and have used this pretext to push for the imposition of sanctions as well as to call for an attack on the country. Tehran , however, refutes such allegations as “baseless” and maintains that as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the IAEA it has every right to develop and acquire nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. Iranian officials have also promised a crushing response to any military strike against the country, warning that any such measure could result in a war that would spread beyond the Middle East. © Copyright 2011 Press TV - Published at Set You Free News with license FOLLOW SET YOU FREE NEWS: Breaking the chains of enslavement Read more at Set You Free News Source:
A Little Rebellion
There's No Such Thing as a Stable State
There's No Such Thing as a Stable State (Before It's News) Dissent, discontent, and diatribes on the American Empire Writes Jeffrey Tucker: There are no permanent regimes. There is no impenetrable system of rules. States are created by elites and uncreated by everyone else. They are all more vulnerable than they appear, because they all consist of the few tricking the many into coughing up their property and giving… Read more at A Little Rebellion Source:
Eyes For You
How To Tell If Someone Is Using Your Wireless Network
How To Tell If Someone Is Using Your Wireless Network (Before It's News) There are many reasons you should learn how to check if someone is on your wireless network. We all know there are security risks associated with it (someone can hack your computer or your internet use stealing important personal information). There can also be legal implications. For instance, your neighbor could be doing something illegal and the authorities may accidentally trace the activity back to your equipment. Although you’re not guilty, proving this can be lengthy, difficult, and frustrating. Also, does your internet provider like the idea of the neighborhood using your internet service instead of paying for the service themselves? This could be construed as stealing from the service provider. In any case, it is good to know how to check if someone is on your wireless network. In this article I would like to show you how anyone can tell if someone is logging on. To find people on your wireless network, the process will be different depending on your router’s manufacturer but the basic idea is similar. Personally, I use a LinkSys because I think their routers are the best. That is why the screenshots in this article will be from a LinkSys interface. There are two main methods to tell if someone has been on your wireless network. You can check the logs to see if someone’s been on there recently or you can check out the DHCP Clients Table to see computers currently connected to your network. Let’s go through both, shall we? First Things First, What’s Your IP Address? The first step is to identify your own IP address (you’d hate tracking and being nervous about your own shadow, right?). Finding out your own IP address (a.k.a. your LAN IP address) is quite simple. Click for Full Text!
Set You Free News
America – the antidepressant nation?
America – the antidepressant nation? % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) RTAmerica A Recent study on antidepressants has shown that the drugs have some serious side effects: those taking certain prescriptions could lose their sex drive. It sounds like the whole nation’s sexuality is under a threat as, according to the statistics, one in ten Americans takes antidepressants. And it’s not only libido people are losing – many of these meds induce anxiety and double the risk of suicide. Psychologist and author Bruce Levine joins RT’s Liz Wahl to discuss the issue. FOLLOW SET YOU FREE NEWS: Breaking the chains of enslavement Read more at Set You Free News Source:
Set You Free News
Visit Sunny Chernobyl: Author Says Nuclear Meltdown Good for the Environment
Visit Sunny Chernobyl: Author Says Nuclear Meltdown Good for the Environment (Before It's News) Aaron Dykes Infowars Author and environmentalist Andrew Blackwell found in man’s disaster a shining desolate place that humans had vacated, and now returned to nature. Featured on NPR’s All Things Considered, author and environmentalist Andrew Blackwell heralded the beauty of Chernobyl, a man-made disaster, now a wasteland, where he found a shining desolate place that humans had vacated, and now returned to nature. Part of a ‘love letter to pollution,’ Blackwell discusses his book Visit Sunny Chernobyl, sounding off in poetic language “Paradoxically, perversely, the accident may actually have been good for this environment.” Listen to the interview with Andrew Blackwell here. From NPR’s website: “Because it’s [a] quarantined, radioactive zone, everyone has left a long time ago, and very few people spend any time there,” he tells weekends on All Things Considered host Guy Raz. “You’ve got to go in spring, obviously, and it’s just full of trees and birds and insects. And it’s sort of become this huge, accidental wilderness preserve.” In a way, nature has taken over. “The birds and the bees and the animals and the wolves are not aware, and/or don’t care about radioactive contamination the way we do,” Blackwell says. “There’s nothing like it, and it’s an absolutely unique place, and most of it is just flat-out beautiful.” Blackwell observes a synergy between nature and the radioactive contamination: “So it’s not just a place that has been contaminated with radiation and radioactive particles. They are sort of in it, which is another thing that makes it so incredibly fascinating … the ecosystem itself has sort of incorporated that pollution.” Yes, with Fukushima still falling out, we are again witnessing the celebration of harmful and destructive nuclear disasters– now salvaged as an environmentalist’s ironic, symbolic victory-from-disaster. For all hopes of scaling back the scourge of civilization, Nature seems at peace with nuclear dead zones, if this author’s account is any indication. Like Ann Coulter, Blackwell tries to convince the world that nuclear radiation has actually helped us and the environment. In the immediate aftermath of Fukushima, Coulter claimed that “radiation is good for you,” adding the Orwellian claim that “excess radiation operates as a sort of cancer vaccine.” Other Fox News contributors have boldly stated that Fukushima has caused zero deaths. Ann Coulter’s “Glowing” Report on Radiation Nuclear expert Dr. Christopher Busby accused Guardian columnist George Monbiot of being “criminally irresponsible” for downplaying the effects of Japan’s disaster, in part for his article, “Why Fukushima made me stop worrying and love nuclear power,” which cited global warming as a bigger threat than nuclear fallout. The corporate media have similarly tried to convince the mindless public that mercury is good for you! Incredibly, this “news” report claims that mercury based preservatives in vaccines may help not harm neurological behavior. Silence, cover-ups and lies about the extent of the effects of the radiation have cost untold millions of deaths. The partial meltdown at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory nuclear salt reactors in 1959 went undisclosed to the public for decades, with total effects unknown. A recent survey found 48 of 65 nuclear reactors in the U.S. are leaking, with many of them introducing tritium, the radioactive element of hydrogen, to the environment. Our recent investigation into Austin’s nuclear secrets raises further questions about illegal dumping of waste and the lack of disclosure to the public on nuclear issues. Of course, Blackwell is NOT overtly saying that radiation is good for living humans or that he’d like to see people die (at least, I presume not; it could be in the book). However, his book’s iconic title Visit Sunny Chernobyl is attempting to create an association of doom with beauty; inverting the darkness of disaster with the image-wording of ‘sunny.’ Thus creating at least a few positive connotations with meltdown and annihilation. The author’s only agenda may well be to use a little irony to cut through the saturated market for book sales and media influence. But his poetry on the landscape of apocalypse speaks the language of nihilistic technocrats, eugenicist legacy causes, environmentalist-bankers, UN controllers and climate change fanatics alike. When Blackwell finds solace in the pristine remains of an act that drove out humans through immense dark power, he resonates with those pursuing the cause of rewilding and depopulating the earth. Bleak but beautiful. Extreme measures for extreme times. The end justifies the means. Agenda 21 For Dummies NWO depopulation This author plays into the imagery of what amounts to the ultimate fantasy of your average upper eschelon eco-terrorist from the ranks of international policy bodies, finance, government or private eugenics sector: rewriting the earth via revolutionary causes (think 12 Monkeys) laced with Agenda 21 undertones. Blaming humanity for ruining the planet, all while hoping to someday toast a scorched earth with scant a person around. A sort of Logan’s Run wash over in balance with humanity’s greatest excesses. Whether intentional or not, the coined phrase “Visit Sunny Chernobyl” repeats a subtle propaganda meme that joins in concert with a wide campaign working to sell the public on the idea that humanity itself is bad for the planet (see Humanity’s Ultimate Secret below). Therefore, since humans are bad, extermination is necessary, and somehow, even a brilliant control mechanism and balancing act for the earth. Rather than actually recognizing who is repeatedly wrecking things, or addressing why nuclear meltdowns are happening, and stopping them, the population turns its head and creates an internal fiction to train themselves to accept and, finally, love their servitude, even in the depths of austere bleakness of apocalyptic proportions. Just as Aldous Huxley predicted that the Brave New World would be a future of people who “love their servitude,” there is an attempt going on to persuade the public into “loving their radiation”– by raising the “safe” limits, downplaying effects, by talking little about it, all part of an attempt to create a false memory about all the ‘good’ that nuclear has done for us, now not in spite of, but because of its disasters. Blackwell’s smug embrace of beauty in all things is signing a willing surrender of mankind’s future, and embracing the post-human world they say is to come. Because a corrupt elite have hijacked the mechanisms of social control, and have given into maniacal urges to implode development, and kill and destroy, many well-meaning people give into a severe Stockholm syndrome and nihilistically cheer on those designing a world without humans. If we allow ourselves to believe we are trash, we accept a great evil perpetrated upon the planet. Instead, we must create awareness and reset the global course and chart our future to steer away from the rocks of dehumanization, depopulation and death. Alex’s recent video on humanity’s prime directive tackles these issues with great clarity: So do the stark visions for the future explored in Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement: Another digestible explanation comes from Alex’s mini-film New World Order: Blueprint of Madmen (full film at link), which tackled the inconvenient truth that is the so-called “elites” collective mental illness, and their tendency towards democide (death by government), which killed more than 260 million people in the 20th Century alone. DEMOCIDE (DEATH BY GOVERNMENT) FOLLOW SET YOU FREE NEWS: Breaking the chains of enslavement Read more at Set You Free News Source:
Worldnetdaily News
More college students living at home
More college students living at home % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) (NYTIMES) — About half of college students lived at home in the most recent academic year to cut education costs, an increase over the last two years, according to a new study from Sallie Mae, the student loan giant. The increase is largely driven by students from more affluent families — those with incomes of $$100,000 or more, the study found. Students from lower- and moderate-income families have typically lived at home for at least part of their college career. But more difficult economic times, and the increasing cost of a college degree, are prompting students from better-off families to live with their parents, too. During the academic year ended in spring of 2012, almost half of students from high-income families lived at home, compared with about one-quarter two years ago. Read more at WorldNetDaily News Source:
food for thought
(Before It's News) The Green Economy movement is really a greenwashed attempt to create a new model of capital accumulation for global corporate capitalism, based on “the commodification of the commons.” Green Capitalism, like the first Industrial Revolution, is based on a large-scale process of primitive accumulation (a technical term Marxists use that simply means massive theft). The primitive accumulation preceding the rise of the factory system in industrial Britain involved the enclosure of common lands. The new green model of corporate-state capitalism partly based on agricultural land-grab but also on enclosing digital information and innovation, heavily reliant on patents and copyrights than the existing version of corporate capitalism. The “green capitalist” model is intended as a response to the primary threat facing corporate capitalism and its model of capital accumulation: the technological potential of abundance. If allowed to operate without hindrance, the free adoption of technologies and freely replicable digital information would not only destroy most existing corporate profits but render most investment capital superfluous. It’s this threat, all the “progressive” rhetoric aside, that “green capitalism” is intended to head off. It’s a last-ditch effort to rescue an entire system of class privilege and economic exploitation based on artificial scarcity from the revolutionary impact of abundance. Organic food is riding a surge in popularity; across the globe, sales of organic food are burgeoning. And where consumers go, the multinational food companies follow: everyone from Uncle Tobys to Kraft, Heinz, Kelloggs and even Coca-Cola has jumped on the bandwagon. And developing countries are joining in too: China’s organic exports grew 200-fold in a decade to reach US$$200 million in 2004. Australia is also a major exporter, and plans to increase its organic produce by 50 per cent by 2012. Popular or not, it’s clear that organic food is not necessarily healthier, nor more sustainable or better for the environment. With the Earth’s climate changing fast, and the human population heading for nine or 10 billion, we need solutions based on scientific evidence rather than faith and good intentions. Rachel Carson’s 1962 book Silent Spring unleashed public concern about the dangers of synthetic chemicals, not just to birds and animals, but to humans. The incidence of human cancers were rising and suspicion fell on man-made farming chemicals. There’s no doubt exposure to high doses of pesticides is hazardous to health: in countless studies, high doses given to laboratory animals have caused birth defects, sterility, tumours, and damaged organs. But as any toxicologist will tell you, most chemicals – natural or synthetic, are toxic at high doses. The question is not, “do pesticides cause cancer?” Rather, do the small traces of pesticide residue we eat in our food really cause a problem? Organic does not mean “small family farm,” though big agriculture tends to want us to think that. Many organics are what can be considered industrial agriculture, grown in monoculture, and take quite a bit of fossil fuels to grow. Organic does not mean “whole food” or even “fresh food.” Many organics are highly processed, including organic cookies, chips, sodas, frozen dinners and mixes. It’s still convenience food, which is fine in a pinch, but also higher calories and in more packaging. Organic does not mean “local” or “seasonal.” Many organics are packaged in plastic and shipped long distances. New Zealand organic apples, anyone? Organic food is no healthier than ordinary food. There is little difference in nutritional value and no evidence of any extra health benefits from eating organic produce. The Food Standards Agency, which commissioned the report, and the researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine looked at all the evidence on nutrition and health benefits from the past 50 years. Among the 55 of 162 studies that were included in the final analysis, there were a small number of differences in nutrition between organic and conventionally produced food but not large enough to be of any public health relevance. Overall the report found no differences in most nutrients in organically or conventionally grown crops, including in vitamin C, calcium, and iron. The same was true for studies looking at meat, dairy and eggs. Differences that were detected, for example in levels of nitrogen and phosphorus, were most likely to be due to differences in fertilizer use and ripeness at harvest and are unlikely to provide any health benefit. However, the review did not look at pesticides or the environmental impact of different farming practices. The FSA was neither pro- nor anti-organic food and recognised there were many reasons why people choose to eat organic, including animal welfare or environmental concerns. ‘Big Food’ may be much criticised, but large food producers have millions of dollars invested in their brands and reputations. They also have the scale of operation to put in place specialist safety testing and management.Historically, most food-related diseases are due to bacterial and fungal contamination, so in terms of health consciousness, focussing on pesticides is probably barking up the wrong tree. Three people from E. Coli poisoning related to spinach from a farm being converted to organic production, and 25 deaths from listeriosis caused by cantaloupes from a ‘pesticide-free’, family-operated farm in Colorado. A more recent incident, which may have occurred after the book went to press but confirms the point, is the death of 50 people after eating organic beansprouts from a farm in Germany last year. No matter how hard they try, local organic farmers may not be able to compost their manure properly or to control salmonella. To achieve high yields from food crops requires disturbing nature to deliver just what the crops need. First off, crops need fertiliser, which is often nitrogen in the form of nitrate and ammonia, because most plants can’t draw nitrogen directly from the atmosphere. (Legumes are a famous exception – their root nodules hold bacteria that turn atmospheric nitrogen into nitrate.) Second, there has to be a way of stopping all the other robust plant and insect species from competing with or consuming your crop. Non-organic farmers make use of chemicals to achieve these goals. Just prior to World War I, German chemists Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch learned to make ammonia synthetically. Their chemical reaction is still used today to produce more than 450 million tonnes of artificial fertiliser per year, and sustains the agriculture which feeds about 60 per cent of the Earth’s population. Organic farmers source nitrate from manures, gradually broken down by soil organisms. They use only naturally-occurring products to control pests, such as the elements sulphur and copper; pyrethrins and rotenone (both made by plants); BT spray and Spinosad (both made by bacteria). However, these natural pesticides are not harmless. For instance, sulphur irritates the lungs, and rotenone has been shown to cause Parkinson’s disease in rats. Scientists are unable to test these chemicals directly on humans, so they use rats instead. To establish the maximum dose considered to be safe for humans, they find a dose that’s completely safe for rats. Then they divide it by 100. Testing by Australia’s national regulator, Food Standards Australia New Zealand, shows that pesticide levels measured in food are either well below the recommended maximum dose or are completely undetectable. People live about 80 years longer than rats: that’s 80 years longer for pesticide cocktails to accumulate and wreak havoc. Even so, it turns out that a lifetime’s consumption of synthetic pesticides is a drop in the ocean compared to the natural pesticides we consume from the plants we eat. Plants have evolved a vast pharmacopeia of chemical weapons, and we consume many of these ‘weapons’ daily: caffeine in coffee, solanine in potatoes and psoralens in celery, to name just three. Even the freshest organic apples – as well as other plant foods – contain natural compounds which, when extracted and given to rats in high doses, cause tumours. Toxicologist Bruce Ames of the University of California became famous in the 1970s for sounding the alarm on the cancer-causing (or carcinogenic) potential of man-made chemicals. But after testing ‘natural’ pesticides in rats, he called off the warning. A paper he published in 1990 said it all. Entitled, “Dietary Pesticides (99.99 per cent All Natural)”, it reported that in a regular diet, people consume about 10,000 times more natural carcinogens than synthetic ones. According to Ames, a single cup of coffee contains more natural carcinogens than a year’s worth of the pesticide residues eaten on fruit and vegetables. A comprehensive review of some 400 scientific papers on the health impacts of organic foods concluded there was no evidence that eating organic food was healthier. If chemical pesticide use was hazardous to health, then farm workers should be most affected. The results of a 13-year study of nearly 90,000 farmers and their families in Iowa and North Carolina suggests we really don’t have much to worry about. These people were exposed to higher doses of agricultural chemicals because of their proximity to spraying, and 65 per cent of them had personally spent more than 10 years applying pesticides. If any group of people were going to show a link between pesticide use and cancer, it would be them. They didn’t. Compared to the normal population, their rates of cancer were actually lower. And they did not show any increased rate of brain-damaging diseases like Parkinson’s. There was one exception: prostate cancer. This seemed to be linked to farmers using a particular fungicide called methyl bromide, which is now in the process of being phased out. According to James Felton, of the Biosciences Directorate of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, who also chairs the study, “The bottom line is the results are coming out surprisingly negative. It’s telling us that most of the chemicals we use today are not causing cancer or other disease.” Agriculture, both ancient and modern, has always been about adapting the landscape and finding ways to get more production out of the same land, as the authors point out. The assumption is that what we are seeing is potentially devastating soil degradation and/or enormous losses in biodiversity. In fact, soil degradation is much worse in poorer countries and among nomadic peoples. Big farmers have maintained soil quality and vastly increased yields. The best method to avoid such erosion is ‘no till’ agriculture, which relies on synthetic herbicides and genetically modified crops that food activists decry. The earthworm-rich soils, so prized by organic farmers, are being achieved through contemporary no-till (or no-plough) techniques. One high-tech solution is known as no-till farming. The plough may be the icon of farming, but it turns out that ploughing actually wrecks the soil. Compared to the bad old days where virtually every part of a field was ploughed, these days the scars are restricted to two-centimetre-wide furrows 30 cm apart. No-till systems also win hands down when it comes to hanging on to soils. An 11-year farming experiment by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Beltsville, Maryland, compared crops grown three ways: conventional tillage, organic methods, or no-till. Compared to the conventional tilled plot, the organic plot was likely to hang on to 30 per cent more soil. But compared to the organic plot, the no-till plot hung on to 80 per cent more soil. (It’s possible to combine organic and no-till on a small scale by relying on hand weeding. But that’s not practical for large-scale farming. And without tilling, it’s difficult to work manures into the soil.) In Australia, most farmers use rotation to get crops out of synchronisation with weeds and to return nutrients to the soil. Natural predators are being used to control pests, and companies such as Dow Chemical are producing safe, short-acting pesticides. In fact Dow’s latest pesticide, Spinosad, is also happily used by organic farmers because it is naturally produced by bacteria. The soil that farmers prize has a structure that resembles a stack of peas with pores running through it. Earthworms and other creatures maintain this structure, and the whole thing is meshed together by the tendrils of fungi and plant roots. In other words – a spongy soil that holds onto water and won’t blow away. Too much tillage destroys that structure, so a method of no-till farming had to be developed. Tillage is used to bury the previous year’s crop residue and destroy weeds. But in no-till farming, herbicide removes the weeds and the new seed is sown directly into the stubble of the last crop. Leaving the stubble in the soil means the planet benefits. All that carbon kept in the ground by no-till farming reduces carbon dioxide emissions by up to eight million tonnes per year. The concept of‘”food miles” and eating local is flawed. Despite its popularity, the concept and its underlying rationale have been convincingly debunked in numerous life-cycle assessment (LCA) studies, a methodology that examines the environmental impact associated with all the stages of a product’s life cycle, from raw-material extraction to disposal of the finished product. Transportation is only one small element of the environmental impact of food production. In the US, for example, researchers have found that the “food miles” segment (the bit from producer to retailer) only accounts for 4% of total emissions, but 83% of a household’s carbon emissions related to food come from the production of the food. Therefore, food should be produced in the most ideal circumstances in order to minimise those emissions. That’s why it makes more sense for British people to eat New Zealand lamb or Spanish tomatoes, environmentally, than eating local, because the efficiency of production more than makes up for the distance travelled. Moreover, buying fresh from around the world makes more sense than storing local production. Indeed, the short hop to the supermarket by car to bring home a comparatively small amount of food may cause more carbon emissions than the shipping – or even flying – of food in bulk from thousands of miles away. You specialise in what you do best rather than being a jack of all trades , you become more efficient at it and we are all better off. One of the main lessons to be learned from experience over the last century-and-a-half is that autarkic food policies, relying on their own production or that of their local area can only result in disaster. If improving sustainability and reducing the environmental footprint is the goal, we need to be prepared to use the best tools we have. Going ‘organic’ and/or ‘local’ would mean lower yields and hence more wild land being brought into food production. That hardly seems to count as sane stewardship. Our problem is that we’re not globalised enough. There is one way the world can feed all the billions alive today with organic farming: we all go vegetarian. Half the world’s grain is grown for cattle, and this is undeniably a highly inefficient use of soil, farming land and resources. But the reality is that the demand for meat is forecasted to double by 2030. Modern farming techniques have evolved after decades of pressure from the environmental movement and decades of work by a generation of scientists inspired by environmental awareness. In fact, conventional farming is starting to look a lot like organic farming. For example, organic farmers will use litres of BT spray (BT is a ‘natural’ pesticide made by the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis), yet they often demonise the genetically modified (GM) cotton crops that carry an inbuilt supply of BT, and which therefore require less spraying. However, these GM varieties spare farmers – and the environment – from the risks of pesticide overuse. For instance, according to Richard Roush, the Dean of land and food resources at the University of Melbourne, cotton farmers in India have reduced their use of pesticides and accidental poisonings by 80 per cent since the introduction of genetically modified BT cotton. The free market is seriously flawed, but the answer is not to tinker around with it but to supersede that system with something better and not retreat into the limitations of the past. The real fact of the matter is that there is already enough food to feed the world’s population right now and into the future. The US and Europe wastes millions of tonnes of food each year. Quite simply, GM food is not needed to feed the world. Let’s farm along with nature, not against it. The message is clear: develop sustainably and conserve thoughtfully. Agricultural biodiversity is the foundation for all food production and our food security. GM crops which have come up in the recent past are the greatest singular threat for biodiversity. A broad genetic base is vital for healthy agriculture and overcoming new epidemics of pests and diseases and for adapting to climate change. Such a base is immensely reduced in the case of GM crops as they encourage monoculture. What socialists seek is a self-organised, decentralised economy, in which ordinary people take advantage of new technologies of abundance. The beauty of the age we live in is that we possess new production technology. So the question is, which model do we want to follow? Toiling under the domination of bosses and corporations or a society of self-governance, leisure and mutual cooperation. That said, agriculture – of whatever kind – is there to feed people.
Tesla Model X Wheels and Tires Specifications
Tesla Model X Wheels and Tires Specifications % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Whether you’re an existing Model X owner looking for tire pressure settings or someone on the cusp of purchasing a Model X – mixing and matching various configurations though the Model X online design studio – we hope the following guide will provide you with insight on the various wheel and tire combinations available. Model X Wheels The Tesla Model X is available in a 20″ size wheel or the optional 22″ wheel. The standard 20″ offering is a silver wheel with a flat spoke pattern, while the upgraded 20″ wheel costs an additional $$2,500 for a more unique twin spoke type pattern, also in silver. Those that seek more performance through better handling and traction can shell out $$4,500 and upgrade to a 22″ Turbine wheel (design first introduced on the Model S) in either silver or charcoal. According to ModelXTracker which keeps track of user submitted Model X reservation and order data, 72% of Model X configurations had the 20″ wheel while the remaining went with the larger wheel set up. Depending on the diameter of the wheel chosen, towing capacity and driving range on the Model X will vary, with the smaller diameter wheel being the more efficient of the two. This might be a reason why there’s such a large skew towards the 20″ wheel. That and of course the additional cost to upgrade. 20″ Wheels These wheels are available in either the standard Silver Wheels design or the optional ($$2,500) Helix Wheels design. Front wheels: 20 x 9.0 +35 mm (1.378″) offset +35 mm (1.378″) offset Rear wheels: 20 x 10.0 +40mm (1.575″) offset 22″ Wheels These wheel are only available in the Turbine design in either Silver or Charcoal color. ($$4,500) Front wheels: 22 x 9.0 +35 mm (1.378″) offset +35 mm (1.378″) offset Rear wheels: 22 x 10.0 +40mm (1.575″) offset Maximum towing capacity when using 22″ wheels is 3500 lbs. Model X Tire Pressure Setting The Model X is equipped with sensors on each wheel that will trigger a tire pressure indicator light on the instrument cluster if one or more of the tires are either over or under inflated. The Tire and Loading Information label containing information on Model X tire pressure settings can be found on the center door pillar directly behind the passenger side front door. It’s important to ensure that tires are always properly inflated in order to maximize safety and range. It’s recommended to check tire pressures regularly and especially before taking long Tesla road trips. Using a quality digital tire pressure gauge, take readings on a cold tire and inflate until the pressure is equivalent to the following Tesla recommended tire pressures. 20″ Tires Continental CrossContact LX Sport – an All-Season Crossover/SUV tire designed to combine performance, ride and noise comfort on highway driving, but also with year-round traction, even in light snow. Front Tires: 265/45 R20 – 40 PSI (*46 PSI / 317 kPa) (*46 PSI / 317 kPa) Rear Tires: 275/45 R20 – 40 PSI (*46 PSI / 317 kPa) 22″ Tires Pirelli Scorpion Zero Assimetrico Front Tires: 265/35 ZR22 – 42 PSI (*50 PSI / 345 kPa) (*50 PSI / 345 kPa) Rear Tires: 285/35 ZR22 – 42 PSI (*50 PSI/ 345 kPa) To reset the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), drive above 25 mph (40 km/h) for at least 10 minutes after adjusting tire pressures. * When using the Model X for towing, tire pressure settings must be adjusted to accommodate the additional load. The post Tesla Model X Wheels and Tires Specifications appeared first on Source:
Gold Alert
Premier Gold Mines Expands Management Team
Premier Gold Mines Expands Management Team % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Premier Gold Mines announced that it has retained Eric Lamontagne as Manager, Development Projects and will lead the advancement of the Company’s portfolio of projects. Mr. Lamontagne brings to Premier more than 14 years of experience in mine development and production. Highlights: * Mr. Lamontagne was most recently Project Manager for Agnico Eagle Mines Limited * While at Agnico, Eric was Operations Manager in developing the Meadowbank Mine and most recently, Project Manager for the Méliadine Project * He obtained his PhD in Mine Engineering from University of Quebec and B.R.G.M in France * In his new position at Premier Gold Mines, Mr. Lamontagne will coordinate, evaluate and advance the Company’s projects with the initial focus being the economic evaluation of the Trans-Canada Project, culminating in a Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) Ewan Downie, President and CEO of Premier Gold Mines: “Premier remains committed to building an industry-best team with substantial mineral exploration and mine development experience as we implement our strategy to convert from explorer to developer. Eric has a proven ability to provide early development concepts for deposits, advance projects to production, and manage mine operations. This experience will enhance the Corporation’s ability to transition its portfolio of advanced-stage projects.” Ovais Habib, Scotia Capital: Reiterates Sector Outperform rating and C$$8.50 price target on PG.TSX Source:
The Paradox of QE: If It Is Successful the Federal Reserve Will Fail & Plunge U.S. Into New Fiscal and Political Crises
So writes Mark Sunshine ( in edited excerpts from an article* posted on Seeking Alpha under the title The Fed’s Big Secret – Quantitative Easing Isn’t Free. This article is presented compliments of www.FinancialArticleSummariesToday. com (A site for sore eyes and inquisitive minds) and and may have been edited ([ ]), abridged (…) and/or reformatted (some sub-titles and bold/italics emphases) for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. Please note that this paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement. Sunshine goes on to say in further edited excerpts: When growth is strong enough for interest rates to increase there won’t be many policy choices. The Fed is going to lose money, and since the Fed has built up a $$3 trillion balance sheet, likely a lot. [Furthermore, since] it carries the full faith and credit of the United States of America, like it or not, the Fed cannot be allowed to fail. What the Fed has been downplaying is the paradox of quantitative easing. When the economy is underperforming and demand is insufficient to create sustained inflationary pressure, the Fed produces a profit, which it distributes to the Treasury and is used to lower the deficit. That is what’s happening now. The Fed is subsidizing the rest of Washington. The Fed makes money because it borrows in short-term money markets at very low cost and uses its borrowed funds to buy trillions of dollars of long-term fixed rate bonds at higher yields. The Fed pockets the difference between the cost of its borrowing and the yield on its bonds. Currently, the Fed is making about $$85 billion a year from its “borrow short and invest long strategy.” If the Fed balance sheet grows even bigger, it could make even more. However, there is no free lunch in banking and the reason that the Fed is making money is because it is taking on a lot of interest rate risk. In fact, it is taking on more interest rate risk than any public or private institution since forever. The interest rate risk problem kicks in when the economy recovers and interest rates rise, which is sure to happen sooner or later. When the inevitable occurs, the cost of Fed borrowings will go up but its bond yields will remain static. At first the Fed will earn less and less and then as rates keep going up it will start to operate at a loss. Even worse, the market value of its assets will decline causing mark to market losses. That’s the paradox of quantitative easing – if quantitative easing works and demand increases – [is that] the Fed is destined to lose a lot of money and probably bust the Federal budget. The Fed is only safe from losses if quantitative easing fails and the U.S. remains in perpetual economic stagnation. How big a tab has the Fed run up? Between operating losses and mark to market losses the bill may be in the hundreds of billions of dollars and possibly over a trillion dollars. An increase of 2.00% in the Federal Funds rate will likely push the Fed into the red and a rapid increase of 4.00% in the Federal Funds rate will create horrific losses that will shock the consciousness of even the most ardent Fed fans. Unfortunately, because of the size of the Fed’s balance sheet what seemed like a manageable problem when quantitative easing started is now a ticking time bomb. If the Fed were a private institution, or had a smaller balance sheet, it could buy hedges and swaps as protection from rising interest rates. However, the Fed isn’t a private institution and its balance sheet is much too large to hedge. Just imagine the Fed trying to collect on a few trillion dollars of interest rate swaps and in the process killing off too-big-to-fail banks. Also, there is no realistic way for the Fed to sell off its portfolio of bonds and mortgages to avoid loss. While the Fed can sell some of its bonds, as a practical matter its $$3 trillion balance sheet cannot be liquidated. It’s just too large to liquidate. It belatedly occurred to members of the Fed’s policy making apparatus in their December meeting that an infinite increase in the size of the Fed’s balance sheet may not have been their best policy idea. According to Fed minutes, policy makers are divided on when to stop growing the balance sheet. Media sources have reported that some Fed policy makers are now wondering how they will exit quantitative easing without taking losses. Conclusion Bernanke needs to get ahead of this problem before his cherished institution becomes a Congressional ward, and the process begins with communication. Unfortunately, the economic education process isn’t quick, it isn’t easy and it may fail. Even worse, it isn’t in the DNA of Fed technocrats to provide easy to understand information about what it likely to happen and how big the quantitative easing bill maybe. Perhaps Bernanke unintentionally took the path of least resistance by neglecting to mention that there is a cost to Fed monetary policy. Or, maybe Bernanke is more of an economist than a politician and communications aren’t his strong suit. Either way, Bernanke has set up the next Fed Chairman for the political fight of a lifetime. Editor’s Note: The author’s views and conclusions are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original article. Furthermore, the views, conclusions and any recommendations offered in this article are not to be construed as an endorsement of such by the editor. * Register HERE for Your Daily Intelligence Report Newsletter It’s FREE The “best of the best” financial, economic and investment articles An “edited excerpts” format to provide brevity & clarity for a fast & easy read Don’t waste time searching for informative articles. We do it for you! Register HERE “Follow Us” on twitter & “Like Us” on Facebook Related Articles: 1. Soros Sees Interest Rates Soaring Soon – What Does That Mean for Bonds & Gold? The U.S. economy is picking up steam and the Fed’s quantitative-easing approach is helping and as a result investors should watch out for a possible spike in interest rates once growth is well under way (later this year) warns billionaire financier George Soros. It has been suggested that this would adversely affect bonds but not everyone agrees. Read on! 2. Protect Your Future Standard of Living By Buying Gold & Silver Now – Here’s Why Higher interest rates [are eventually coming and]… will substantially increase the annual interest costs, the deficit, and the required borrowing/printing. More deficits, more borrowing, more printing, and higher interest rates will cause a larger deficit and more borrowing and the cycle will repeat. [You have a choice as to what you do to protect your current and future standard of living and this article sts it all out.] Words: 595 3. A Rise in Interest Rates Would Derail An Economic Recovery – Yes or No? [While]… I am not currently predicting an acceleration in inflation [I believe]…that the risk of interest rate instability is very real [given that] core inflation is already above a key benchmark that the Fed has staked its credibility on,. It should be of concern to investors that, despite economic growth being so anemic and overall resource utilization being so low (including human resources), there is currently very little margin for error on the inflation front. [In this article the author evaluates the danger that rising interest rates could potentially have on the U.S. economy.] Words: 2050
Tesla Owners to Get ‘Luxe’ On-Demand Valet and Parking Service
Tesla Owners to Get ‘Luxe’ On-Demand Valet and Parking Service (Before It's News) Tesla owners might soon be able to order valet parking directly from their mobile devices through a partnership with Luxe. The on-demand valet startup currently provides service in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Austin and Seattle. For as little as $$5.00, Luxe staff will come pick up your car, park it in one of its secure service locations, and return it to you when you need it. Customers can also request their car to be washed or refueled while it is in the hands of Luxe’s professional attendants. The new partnership between Tesla and Luxe, as first spotted by TechCrunch, will roll out as a pilot program to Tesla owners within San Francisco and New York. Tesla owners will be able to schedule a time and place to drop their car off via Luxe’s mobile app, and pick it up freshly washed and fully charged. According to Luxe via TechCrunch, “We want to make parking and charging as simple as possible for Tesla drivers, and are currently partnering with Tesla to pilot EV charging and Luxe Subscriptions to San Francisco and New York Tesla drivers. The pilot is available to any Luxe customer who owns a Tesla and requests Luxe to park and charge it for $$15 (in addition to the cost of parking). pon having their car parked with Luxe, interested customers may simply tap on the Tesla charging icon and Luxe will charge the vehicle while it has possession of it. Tesla drivers interested in a Luxe Subscription ranging from $$399 to $$899 per month depending on location and needs, can contact [email protected] or go to” Luxe also offers overnight storage and drive-home options. Luxe may decide in the future to add other concierge services such as checking tire pressures or replacing windshield wipers at additional cost as it develops its business model. It will likely expand its Tesla owners service to other cities if the pilot programs in New York and San Francisco prove to be successful. The partnership with Luxe is just one more way in which Tesla’s world class service continues to distinguish itself from other car companies. The post Tesla Owners to Get ‘Luxe’ On-Demand Valet and Parking Service appeared first on Source:
Book Review of ‘Owning Model S’ 2nd Edition
Book Review of ‘Owning Model S’ 2nd Edition (Before It's News) Owning Model S is exactly what it sounds like: a complete book that breaks down everything a potential Tesla owner should know. It is, in my opinion, a must have book for those considering buying a Model S and a should have book for those awaiting delivery. (Or Model X, really, because this book does a great job of explaining the overall points of the vehicle.) It will explain, in clear and concise terms, everything you need to know to make an educated and informed decision about whether or not to buy, what to expect, which options to order and how to feel confidant getting ready for that first drive home. I also really liked it as an experienced owner, even already knowing the majority of what is covered because it goes into some really great detail, providing data or graphics where required, to provide clear explanations. I still recommend it if you’ve been enjoying your car a while as the book will remind you how exciting the car is. The book is easy and quick to read yet comprehensive. It is intelligently written yet still accessible. It does not shy away from complexities where needed yet does not require an engineering degree to decipher. It is also a very pleasing physical size that lends itself to ease of packing as a travel read and storing in your Tesla once you own one. Things I learned or re-learned as an owner No matter how many times I read things like the following statement, I am amazed by it. I tend to shake my head and my eyes widen as I vaguely grasp how massively huge this car company is: The goal (at least for Elon) was not to build a successful car company per se, but to prove to the large auto makers that it was possible to create a successful, sustainable, electric car company, thereby spurring them to enter the market more aggressively than they would otherwise do. Starting on Page 19, the book also does an excellent job of explaining drag in a way that is easily understood. To summarize, a car’s mass has to push the air’s mass out of the way as it moves. That’s no easy task but every inch of the Model S is intended to help with it. Regenerative braking is carefully discussed early in the book. The description definitely reaffirmed how awesome the technology is and reminded me of the science behind it. (Spoiler alert: magnetism!) A bit later in the book, on page 53, there is a fantastic explanation of full torque at 0 revolutions per minute (rpm) and why Tesla acceleration is so awe-inspiring. I often tout this feature to folks who ask about the car but never really have an explanation. Now I do! Plus, this section includes a really great comparison of the Ferrari Tom Selleck drove in Magnum, P.I. (Second spoiler: the slowest MS in the current lineup is 2 seconds faster to 60 mph.) This section also reminds us that published 0-60 times for other vehicles include professional drivers manipulating a clutch with expert care. The Model S just requires you to stomp your foot and hold on to the wheel. I won’t talk about how this section’s discussion of the complicated internal combustion engine reminded me that the entire auto industry is a sham. Things that would have been helpful before ordering This book gives a very straightforward description of available options as well as the author’s opinion on each. It is comprehensive, if a little biased, but I still appreciate each part. For me, the panoramic moon roof is the must have and air suspension unnecessary. As the book will tell you, each option is very personal and you will be able to customize to your unique preferences. The delivery checklist is arguably the most important part of this book. In fact, the book evolved from it. If nothing else, get the book for the checklist. It will prepare you for a delivery that will almost certainly be completely unlike any other car buying experience you’ve had. Things that are helpful to new owners Along with the delivery checklist there is a great guide on setting up preferences ahead of your first drive. Little tidbits like not programming your Homelink while at work are much needed, as your delivery will include so much information and excitement, some things will undoubtedly be lost. Things I see a little differently The beauty of a review is that it is an honest opinion. As I mentioned before, I think the options recommendations are a bit biased. But they should be! Nick J. Howe is an extremely knowledgable owner and his opinions on which options to order are as good as they get. Mine differ; some driven by cost, others by personal preference. To me, premium sound and air suspension are things you can leave behind. Yet as mentioned above, I find the pano roof to be one of the most beautiful parts of the Model S and an absolute must-have, only second to Autopilot. I also happen to disagree with his directives on care. Nothing he says is wrong and his wash methods are perfect. What I can’t get behind is the recommendation to wash the car weekly. Our Model S is our daily workhorse and since there are only 24 hours in a day, washing the car only rarely makes the cut. If you enjoy and have time to wash your car weekly, go for it! Conclusion Buy the book if you are considering getting a Model S and want to be informed. The 2nd edition has been nicely updated to include discussions on Autopilot and current offerings. While you wait for it to ship, go ahead and request a free chapter of the book, available for a limited time here. I’d also recommend buying the book (or naming it the next time someone asks for gift ideas) if you are awaiting delivery or are already an owner but have not otherwise studied up on some of the more intricate details of how the car works. The post Book Review of ‘Owning Model S’ 2nd Edition appeared first on Source:
The Republic Of The United States Of America! Libertarian Group Forming New Government [first they laugh at you...]
Blogdog Contributor profile | More stories By Story Views Now: Last Hour: Last 24 Hours: Total: The Republic Of The United States Of America! Libertarian Group Forming New Government [first they laugh at you...] % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. Related Stories
Go with the scum for local color
Go with the scum for local color % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Tax havens are good. Food stamps are bad. Playing the system for the advantage of wealth and power is good. Playing the system for the advantage of poverty and hunger is bad. Cheap crooks with charming suits are semiannually American Cheap crooks with cheap clothes are scum. Cheap crooks who who create wealth for other cheap crooks are the cats pajamas. Work is for suckers. Maximizing the labor of others is just reward for beating the system. Entrepreneurs are holy … except when they are not. With great gifts comes great responsibility … except when it does not. Great responsibilities change from the vantage points seen. Non suckers have great responsibilities to themselves. The uses of power are many and varied. The power to be free means insulation, separation, control of the whip hand. Compassion is great … when it is cheap. Capitalism is great … except when it is not. Other forms are not great. Unless they work. Freedom dislikes masters. Masters dislike freedom. Its always best to go with the winners and let them have the spoils of victory. Its always best to go with the scum for local color. Better the winners than than the mob. Dominance Games / Politics…..politics, news, commentary, analysis…. The dumb …… the honored creed. The rancid bastards …… the true…. the thrill… books… On Facebook: refer To donate for post or site as you may wish….. sin is sin Filed under: Commentary, current events, dominance, News, opinion, political science, Politics, satire Tagged: Authority, capitalism, Critical thinking, Individualism, Moral relativism, political commentary, political satire, politics, power, Social Darwinism, Tax haven, Wage slavery Read more at Dominance Games Source:
Set You Free News
Britain flooded with ‘brand police’ to protect sponsors
Britain flooded with ‘brand police’ to protect sponsors % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Martin Hickman The Independent Olympic security is in disarray, but organisers are taking no chances with corporate deals… Hundreds of uniformed Olympics officers will begin touring the country today enforcing sponsors’ multimillion-pound marketing deals, in a highly organised mission that contrasts with the scramble to find enough staff to secure Olympic sites. Almost 300 enforcement officers will be seen across the country checking firms to ensure they are not staging “ambush marketing” or illegally associating themselves with the Games at the expense of official sponsors such as Adidas, McDonald’s, Coca-Cola and BP. The clampdown goes on while 3,500 soldiers on leave are brought in to bail out the security firm G4S which admitted it could not supply the numbers of security staff it had promised. Yesterday, the Culture Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, refused to rule out that even more soldiers may be called upon to help with security, but dismissed the issue as merely a “hitch”. However, as well as the regular Army, the Olympic “brand army” will start its work with a vengeance today. Wearing purple caps and tops, the experts in trading and advertising working for the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) are heading the biggest brand protection operation staged in the UK. Under legislation specially introduced for the London Games, they have the right to enter shops and offices and bring court action with fines of up to £20,000. Olympics organisers have warned businesses that during London 2012 their advertising should not include a list of banned words, including “gold”, “silver” and “bronze”, “summer”, “sponsors” and “London”. Publicans have been advised that blackboards advertising live TV coverage must not refer to beer brands or brewers without an Olympics deal, while caterers and restaurateurs have been told not to advertise dishes that could be construed as having an association with the event. At the 40 Olympics venues, 800 retailers have been banned from serving chips to avoid infringing fast-food rights secured by McDonald’s. Marina Palomba, for the McCann Worldgroup agency in London, described the rules as “the most draconian law in advance of an Olympic Games ever”. The ODA and Locog (London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games) say the rules are necessary to protect brands. Read Full Article FOLLOW SET YOU FREE NEWS: Breaking the chains of enslavement Read more at Set You Free News Source:
Worldnetdaily News
Barry's stories: A chronicle of destruction
Barry's stories: A chronicle of destruction (Before It's News) The country is going to hell in a hand basket specifically because of Obama’s pernicious permutation of our domestic and social policies – and the best he can come up with is: “When I think about … the mistake of my first term … [was forgetting that] the nature of this office is also to tell a story to the American people that gives them a sense of unity and purpose and optimism, especially during tough times.” (“Obama: My Biggest Mistake Was Not ‘Telling a Story,’” Weekly Standard, July 12, 2012) That is the most hebephrenic mea culpa I’ve heard in my life, in or out of politics. As an excuse it borders on “the dog ate my homework.” The truth is that you did tell a story, Barry – and We the People were listening. Your promise to “fundamentally change” our nation was the story of your plan to transmogrify America into that which Erebus, Lenin and Marx would applaud, and people are awaking to that fact. We heard your story when your wife hissed through her toothy overbite that she had been ashamed of America her entire life, right up until you came on the scene. You told America what amounted to a story of The Feast of Barmecide with your campaign pitch of “hope and change.” You told us the story of how you would cut the deficit in half in your first term, when the reality is that we are about to experience the fourth straight year of a trillion-dollar deficits – even as you now tell carefully preselected crowds on the campaign trail that the “private sector is doing fine.” It was a story of your cognitive dissonance. The actions of you and your wife have been telling us stories, Barry – and we’ve been watching and listening. We watched as your wife spent millions upon millions of our tax dollars on lavish vacations and saw her fraudulently represent your children as senior staff to either avoid paying for them or to give them salaries. We’ve watched as your wife spent $$50,000 on exotic underwear in one store on a New York shopping trip with the Queen of Qatar. We’ve watched the gluttony of your wife as she proposes to tell us how much to eat and drink. We watched and listened when you sardonically told people who approached you with concerns about the escalating fuel prices to “get used to it” and to get a fuel-efficient car. We watched as you arbitrarily demanded the closing of nearly 500 automobile dealerships nationwide, many of which just happened to have contributed to conservative candidates and conservative causes. Your blaming former President George W. Bush for all of the woes of your administration have not gone unnoticed, and it is telling us a story of your unwillingness to accept personal responsibility. We listened as, in a recent speech, you referenced yourself as “I” and “me” 117 times in 25 minutes, and it reminded us of the story of your narcissism. Your wife apparently saying, “All this for a damn flag” during 9/11 ceremonies told us a story that we heard loud and clear, and your leering smirk, while nodding your head, put an exclamation mark at the end of that story. We heard your Faustian stories as you personally told lie after lie about Obamacare – including that it wasn’t a tax, which we now have had confirmed as the tax we knew it to be. We heard the story of what kind of person you are as you lied about the Supreme Court during your State of the Union speech, as you lied during the debt-ceiling debates, and we listened carefully when you told us we needed “to be quiet and let the people that know what they’re doing” tell us why the debt ceiling should be raised. Everything you have said and done has told us a story – and it is a story with which we massively disagree. Yours is one continuing story of how to disparage America to foreign despots and how to reduce the White House to Cabrini Green on a hot weekend summer night. Your story is one that tells us you and your wife had no idea of the protocol and espirit de corps of the office you hold – and the dress and public behavior of your wife punctuates it. Now we have another reminder of a story that has haunted you since you assumed office as you have the audacity to raise the specter of Romney’s legal standing. Do you think we have forgotten the stories surrounding your eligibility, your relationships with known Chicago mobsters, your relationships with unrepentant domestic terrorists and that you are the only leader in history to hide his past? As I said, Barry, you have told a story – many of them, as a matter of fact. And they’ve all been nightmarish for those of us who have always loved America and who have not spent our lives cringing in shame of this nation as your wife told us she did. Read more at WorldNetDaily News Source:
Worldnetdaily News
Wearing out the trump card
Wearing out the trump card (Before It's News) Very few things in our world actually accrue value the more they are used. Cars depreciate from the moment they are driven off the lot. It’s very doubtful that you’ll ever be able to sell those hundred-dollar shoes you just bought for a profit, and I’m quite certain there will never be a full priced market for used electronics. It’s a simple fact. Most things lose their value and sometimes effectiveness the more use they endure. This fact of life, while not being an absolute, can also apply to more than just random consumer products. Words, over time, have the ability, as well – to diminish in “value” the more they are tossed around. Hearing the phrase “I love you” from a significant other for the first time generally carries much more impact than it does after many years. The first time a father hears the word “daddy” from his newborn son will likely have much more effect than that same word spoken 10 years later. Words, no matter how powerful the intended or literal definition may be, will diminish in their value and effectiveness the more they are used. “Racist” is a very powerful word. It’s a word that can weaken the knees and shake the conscience of anyone to whom it is directed. It’s a word that can end any argument and thwart any debate with almost immediate precision. When that big ol’ ace of spades hits the table with the word “racist!” stamped on it, it’s enough to send any discussion from 100 to 0 in half a second flat, with nothing more than the smell of smoking brakes in the air. It’s also a word that is thrown around much too carelessly in our society. If you have a tendency to follow mainstream media as I do, you have no doubt noticed the obnoxious level of frequency the word racist is being used. Everyone seems to be a “racist” these days. On some occasions when that card is laid there is pointed justification; in many more instances, however, the effort to point the dirty finger of racist accusation is simply absurd, designed to do nothing more than stifle all legitimate debate, derail the creation of common-sense policy, suffocate the enforcement of already existing measures or simply further ingrain the ideal of victimology into American society, along with further securing all of the benefits imparted to those seen as “victims.” I have very little doubt that a great deal of exception was taken by all 241 members of the House of Representatives when they were accused of being racists for holding Eric Holder in contempt. A list of documents was repeatedly requested by members of Congress. Those requests were repeatedly ignored. It would seem that a contempt action would be the next logical step. Racial bias? How? This is not 1968 Selma, Ala.! I would like to think we have progressed as a nation far beyond our elected officials behaving along the whims of racial bias. Evidently, according to special-interest groups and fear-mongering liberals, it’s not just House Republicans who are steeped in hatred and bigotry. According to some, legislators in Texas and South Carolina who have the audacity to suggest that a voter should be required by law to produce proper ID are participating in a racial agenda as well. In every corner of this country, members of all races, nationalities, colors, creeds and sexual orientations are required to have valid photo ID to operate an automobile, board a plane, even pick up a prescription. In these and many more scenarios, the identification requirements to perform certain functions are simply seen as the normal way of doing things. Being required to identify yourself prior to electing the next leader of the free world, however, is “racist” – end of discussion. Do those who suggest this racial bias feel that minorities who may be affected by such a law are incapable of performing such a simple task? Isn’t underestimating someone’s ability to perform a task based on that person’s race the basic cornerstone of bigotry? Sometimes the intentionally blind eye some turn toward common sense borders on plain insanity. And last but not least, my favorite example of the ridiculous slinging of racial accusations: It’s a gross understatement to say that the American media figuratively burned me at the stake for many years with flames that could be seen from one coast to the other for my supposed feelings of racism and bigotry. The intolerance of John Rocker by the overwhelming majority of media became a bit of an absolute for a long while. Rewind to 2009-2010 and the steroid and perjury trial of the greatest home run hitter in the history of Major League Baseball, Barry Bonds. Naturally, when a man of his stature, fame and prominence comes under allegation by the federal government for perjury, among several other counts, it’s going to draw quite a crowd. To be expected, media splashed daily results of Bonds’ trial across every media outlet available. Here’s the rub. After several weeks of media coverage many in the minority liberal community – NAACP, Rainbow PUSH and others – strongly chastised the very media that relentlessly crucified me for my supposed racial bias, claiming their coverage was racist, because Mr. Bonds is black! Seriously?! Just in case you were wondering, there was never any similar claims made regarding basically the exact situation that involved Roger Clemens, which got every bit as much media attention. The “trump card” is wearing out – and it’s wearing out fast! Read more at WorldNetDaily News Source:
Lonely Conservative
Obama’s Immigration Campaign Trip To Vegas Will Cost Taxpayers $$1.6 Million
(Before It's News) Originally published on President Obama is going to unveil his own immigration plan today in Las Vegas. Why he couldn’t do so from Washington, DC and save taxpayers $$1.6 million is a mystery. With Air Force One estimated to cost $$182,000 per hour in flight, Obama’s trip–that is, only his travel to and from Vegas–will cost taxpayers over $$1.6 million. Obama has no other public events scheduled in Las Vegas but his immigration speech.
Lonely Conservative
Leaked UN Report Shows 20 Years Of Overestimated Global Warming
(Before It's News) Originally published on A draft of a United Nations climate report was leaked and shows that the global warming alarmists have been overestimating warming for two decades. What a shock. A preliminary draft of a report by the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was leaked to the public this month, and climate skeptics say it contains fresh evidence of 20 years of overstated global warming. The report — which is not scheduled for publication until 2014 — was leaked by someone involved in the IPCC’s review process, and is available for download online. Bloggers combing through the report discovered a chart comparing the four temperature models the group has published since 1990. Each has overstated the rise in temperature that Earth actually experienced. “Temperatures have not risen nearly as much as almost all of the climate models predicted,” Roy Spencer, a climatologist at the University of Alabama at Huntsville, told “Their predictions have largely failed, four times in a row… what that means is that it’s time for them to re-evaluate,” Spencer said. The IPCC graph shows that the midpoints of the various models predicted that the world would warm by between about 0.5 degrees Fahrenheit and 0.9 degrees Fahrenheit between 1990 and 2012. Actual warming was much less than that: 0.28 F, according the data the IPCC cites. (Read More)
Tesla Clarifies Remark on Model 3 Production in China
Tesla Clarifies Remark on Model 3 Production in China % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Elon Musk recently talked with Tsinghua University in China about local production of its mass-market Model 3 in two years, but according to Reuters, Tesla has since come out to clarify the original transcript captured by Chinese media company Sina. Tesla has issued a written release stating that the automaker has the potential to cut the sale price of its vehicles if they were to produce them in China. Foreign automakers are typically required to partner with local businesses if they’re to produce cars within the country. Although Tesla has not shied away from the topic of soft sales in China, there’s been no word on the actual number of units sold within the country until recently. In a release on Friday, Tesla announced that it had sold 3,025 of its flagship Model S sedan in China. According to Reuters, Musk is in process of working with Chinese search giant Baidu on GPS navigation and automated driving, but there’s still no word from Tesla on whether there will be Model 3 production in China. Update 10/25/2015: Elon Musk confirmed Tesla’s position on producing cars and batteries in CA and NV. Model 3 is due in ~2 yrs. A China factory for local demand cd be as soon as a year after. A factory in Europe wd happen for same reason. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 25, 2015 The post Tesla Clarifies Remark on Model 3 Production in China appeared first on Source: