A is only vowel
I had A and 2
I had A and 2
'We don''t have a rule that all odd numbers have consonants on the other side, though.'
'We don''t have a rule that all odd numbers have consonants on the other side, though.'
'And we don''t know that every even number goes with a vowel (just vice versa).'
'And we don''t know that every even number goes with a vowel (just vice versa).'
even number and vowel? no.
even number and vowel? no.
All cards with vowels have an even number
All cards with vowels have an even number
'But it''s possible that some consonants also have evens, right?'
'But it''s possible that some consonants also have evens, right?'
All cards with vowels on one side have an even number on the other. to test this i feel selecting the card with A is appropriate
All cards with vowels on one side have an even number on the other. to test this i feel selecting the card with A is appropriate
I agree with @Cat
I agree with @Cat
'yes A has to be one but that only proves vowels and odd numbers it doesn''t tell us that evens have consonants. I don''t think we can know for certain only flipping one card'
'yes A has to be one but that only proves vowels and odd numbers it doesn''t tell us that evens have consonants. I don''t think we can know for certain only flipping one card'
'It doesn''t say we have to figure out all the rules, though, just prove the one rule we were given... Hm...'
'It doesn''t say we have to figure out all the rules, though, just prove the one rule we were given... Hm...'
'yes but just flipping the A only proves that the A card has an even number. the task says ALL cards with vowels have an even number so we''d probably need to flip the 2 card as well'
'yes but just flipping the A only proves that the A card has an even number. the task says ALL cards with vowels have an even number so we''d probably need to flip the 2 card as well'
'If we flipped the 2 and it had a consonant on the other side, that wouldn''t disprove the rule we received, as far as I can tell. Consonants might have odds OR evens, but that doesn''t affect the separate rule that vowels MUST have evens. Right?'
'If we flipped the 2 and it had a consonant on the other side, that wouldn''t disprove the rule we received, as far as I can tell. Consonants might have odds OR evens, but that doesn''t affect the separate rule that vowels MUST have evens. Right?'
'otherwise by flipping only the A we only know about the A we don''t know that ALL cards with a vowel have an even number. all we know is A we don''t know E I O U'
'otherwise by flipping only the A we only know about the A we don''t know that ALL cards with a vowel have an even number. all we know is A we don''t know E I O U'
'I see what you''re saying, Bat. Hm... I guess if we looked at it your way we''d need to flip A, 2, and 7 (to make sure 7 didn''t have a vowel?).'
'I see what you''re saying, Bat. Hm... I guess if we looked at it your way we''d need to flip A, 2, and 7 (to make sure 7 didn''t have a vowel?).'
So are we going with A and 2?
So are we going with A and 2?
'yeah it''s not easy since we have 5 vowels reaching 100% certainty is difficult'
'yeah it''s not easy since we have 5 vowels reaching 100% certainty is difficult'
I think A 2 or A 7 is the bare minimum
I think A 2 or A 7 is the bare minimum
'I don''t think flipping only 1 card really tells us much'
'I don''t think flipping only 1 card really tells us much'
'it can tell us about that one card but it won''t result in being able to eliminate any other options'
'it can tell us about that one card but it won''t result in being able to eliminate any other options'
'Now I''m thinking A, 2 & 7 if you wanted to be 100% sure. Because if you flipped A & 2 and it proved the rule, 7 could still have a vowel lurking behind it.'
'Now I''m thinking A, 2 & 7 if you wanted to be 100% sure. Because if you flipped A & 2 and it proved the rule, 7 could still have a vowel lurking behind it.'
'I think you''re on to something with that Falcon'
'I think you''re on to something with that Falcon'
'this way we''ve nailed down the vowels with the A and 2 and the consonants with the 7'
'this way we''ve nailed down the vowels with the A and 2 and the consonants with the 7'
'I''m going with that.'
'I''m going with that.'
Ok sounds good
Ok sounds good
'Do we need to reach an anonymous decision? I don''t think so...?'
'Do we need to reach an anonymous decision? I don''t think so...?'
'unanimous? no I don''t think so'
'unanimous? no I don''t think so'
I think the only requirement was to click on submit game if your choices changed from the initial choice to your choice during this discussion
I think the only requirement was to click on submit game if your choices changed from the initial choice to your choice during this discussion
'then when we''ve come to a conclusion make sure you have your proper cards selected and hit the final decision'
'then when we''ve come to a conclusion make sure you have your proper cards selected and hit the final decision'
Hi everyone
Hi everyone
What cards do you think we need to filp?
What cards do you think we need to filp?
Hi! How are you?
Hi! How are you?
'I''m good.'
'I''m good.'
'I''m not sure. The A was standing out to me.'
'I''m not sure. The A was standing out to me.'
For me I feel that A and 4 are ones we need to filp for sure
For me I feel that A and 4 are ones we need to filp for sure
I was thinking 4 as well.
I was thinking 4 as well.
SInce a is a vowel and 4 is a even number
SInce a is a vowel and 4 is a even number
I agree iwith this.
I agree iwith this.
I was having the same mindset.
I was having the same mindset.
I think one of each. One with odd number and one with vowel, to confirm the rule
I think one of each. One with odd number and one with vowel, to confirm the rule
'I think F is elimnated, since it''s a not a vowel so it''s no need for it'
'I think F is elimnated, since it''s a not a vowel so it''s no need for it'
And 7 is an odd number.
And 7 is an odd number.
'I''m going to select A and 4.'
'I''m going to select A and 4.'
'Let''s go with that'
'Let''s go with that'
Do we all have to select the same?
I think so
I think so
We have to select the cards to verify the rule, right?
We have to select the cards to verify the rule, right?
We are set?
We are set?
Should we verify that 7 doesn鈥檛 have vowel on the other side?
Should we verify that 7 doesn鈥檛 have vowel on the other side?
Or we just going with A and 4?
'I have no idea. I feel like you need to flip all the cards over but that doesn''t seem right'
Specifically to "test the rule" it seems to me that the letter U is the only card that does that.
Specifically to "test the rule" it seems to me that the letter U is the only card that does that.
'I''m a bit confused, however, by what "test the rule" means.'
'I''m a bit confused, however, by what "test the rule" means.'
what about 8?
what about 8?
True. Flipping #8 would let us test the rule.
True. Flipping #8 would let us test the rule.
'wait vowels have even numbers but even numbers don''t need vowels'
'wait vowels have even numbers but even numbers don''t need vowels'
'so I think you''re right about U but we might also need to flip J?'
'so I think you''re right about U but we might also need to flip J?'
'I think you''re right about that point, but I interpret it differently. We don''t choose 8 because there''s nothing saying there must be a vowel on the other side.'
'I think you''re right about that point, but I interpret it differently. We don''t choose 8 because there''s nothing saying there must be a vowel on the other side.'
'The instruction is specific to cards with vowels, so I''m thinking that sticking with "U" only is the right card to mark.'
'The instruction is specific to cards with vowels, so I''m thinking that sticking with "U" only is the right card to mark.'
'oh yeah you''re right. it doesn''t say anything about consonants'
'oh yeah you''re right. it doesn''t say anything about consonants'
What do the rest of you think about this?
'I''m good to submit with just U checked'
Me too. Llama and Raven, what do you two think?
Me too. Llama and Raven, what do you two think?
Hi there
Hi there
What card did everyone pick?
What card did everyone pick?
'I''m trying to figure out what we''re supposed to be doing. LOL'
'I''m trying to figure out what we''re supposed to be doing. LOL'
I picked U and 4
I picked U and 4
I picked U. Can we pick more than one?
I picked U. Can we pick more than one?
4 was my other choice.
4 was my other choice.
'Oh haha. I didn''t read very well. I revised to u and 4.'
'That''s what I did as well. LOL'
'That''s what I did as well. LOL'
'If we agree that''s the answer?'
'If we agree that''s the answer?'
'I agree that''s the answer. It seems pretty simple, but it also says most people get it wrong.'
'I agree that''s the answer. It seems pretty simple, but it also says most people get it wrong.'
Oh no. ha
Oh no. ha
'I guess we''ll find out in a min or so :)'
'I guess we''ll find out in a min or so :)'
Yep, sounds good to me.
Yep, sounds good to me.
'I''m thinking to much. Maybe you have to look at ALL the cards to test the rule?'
'I''m thinking to much. Maybe you have to look at ALL the cards to test the rule?'
I say we stick with the u and 4.
I say we stick with the u and 4.
So, I think the answer is 9 and E. Does anyone have any guesses?