class label
6 classes
i would point out that it really could have used a bit more attention on the writing aspect as it feels a bit dull in few places
[ 4.6328125, -0.44970703125, -1.1162109375, -0.441650390625, -1.19921875, -1.484375 ]
i will admit with the joy of cooking there are also times where you feel defeated
[ 4.609375, -0.37939453125, -1.16015625, -0.317626953125, -1.1640625, -1.81640625 ]
i feel like i am joining the masses which goes against my rebellion of the popular mentality ha i m so goth but i take peace in knowing that i am not making the same resolutions as everyone else
[ -1.3505859375, 4.140625, -0.1746826171875, -0.78564453125, -1.3974609375, -1.546875 ]
i don t know how i feel about my submissive learning how to use a firearm
[ 4.34765625, -0.8505859375, -1.0673828125, -0.82080078125, -0.1053466796875, -1.728515625 ]
ive learned that there are angels on earth who feel me as i feel them who stand by with a loving thought a healing heart or a steady hand just as i would also offer without a moments hesitation in return always
[ -1.5888671875, 1.60546875, 3.1171875, -1.3544921875, -1.7041015625, -1.30859375 ]
i was feeling cool that night and she got it right
[ -1.1884765625, 4.4921875, -0.63818359375, -0.8603515625, -1.5322265625, -1.453125 ]
i feel that this information is vital to moving on with your day and you re not complete until you read it
[ -1.2685546875, 4.4375, -0.51171875, -0.98779296875, -1.4375, -1.6513671875 ]
i feel appalled right now
[ -1.2578125, -1.576171875, -1.0107421875, 2.689453125, 0.84912109375, 0.60693359375 ]
i went around for the rest of the day feeling distressed that i changed my appearance based on someones comments how i made myself even by coincidence more appealing to him and that just felt wrong wrong wrong
[ -0.76220703125, -1.31640625, -1.490234375, -0.05059814453125, 4.453125, -0.319091796875 ]
i feel was pretty triumphant
[ -1.185546875, 4.3203125, -0.68017578125, -0.64697265625, -1.529296875, -1.3603515625 ]
i feel like a boring blogger lately
[ 4.359375, -0.482177734375, -1.2626953125, 0.49658203125, -1.4560546875, -1.728515625 ]
i feel so honored today and i want to share the emotion and my gratitude because i received a very complimentary email from someone who reads thought provoking perspectives
[ -1.2373046875, 4.3359375, 0.1141357421875, -1.2197265625, -1.8125, -1.36328125 ]
i feel that the suffering is more than i can bear i take refuge in the lord in the blessed sacrament and i speak to him with profound silence
[ 0.806640625, 2.341796875, 1.25, -1.4130859375, -2, -1.9755859375 ]
im feeling pretty homesick this week but i suppose thats to be expected
[ 4.703125, -0.92724609375, -1.2158203125, -0.320556640625, -0.7138671875, -1.83984375 ]
i feel a real emotional connection to the ice queen from the north now that you have revealed that inhumanity runs in her bloody family
[ 3.34375, -1.267578125, -0.89599609375, 0.06201171875, 0.361083984375, -1.92578125 ]
ive blogged and i feel strange about it
[ -1.076171875, -1.4443359375, -1.2587890625, -0.6943359375, 4.1484375, 1.0341796875 ]
i am left feeling heartbroken about losing that child and then guilty because my parenting and wife ing has been so far below par for the last months
[ 4.625, -0.8505859375, -1.0986328125, -0.89599609375, -0.548828125, -1.462890625 ]
i left with my bouquet of red and yellow tulips under my arm feeling slightly more optimistic than when i arrived
[ -0.986328125, 4.51953125, -0.6337890625, -1.048828125, -1.5390625, -1.587890625 ]
i just feel tender
[ -1.3291015625, 0.7158203125, 3.48828125, -1.095703125, -1.37109375, -1.2060546875 ]
i am feeling triumphant today
[ -1.1884765625, 4.38671875, -0.70751953125, -0.76611328125, -1.5419921875, -1.3447265625 ]
i feel very saddened that the king whom i once quite respected as far as monarchs go was ineffectual at best
[ 4.13671875, -0.191162109375, -0.485107421875, -0.84912109375, -1.158203125, -1.9345703125 ]
i feel i m handling it well and i m enjoying it he said
[ -1.423828125, 4.5, 0.1973876953125, -1.2900390625, -1.857421875, -1.548828125 ]
i feel that it only makes you a person that i love who happened to do something that i don t find acceptable
[ -1.0849609375, 4.44921875, -0.0204620361328125, -1.1328125, -1.703125, -1.7841796875 ]
i feel utterly disgusted with myself right now and am contemplating death every waking moment ever since she uttered those few words
[ -0.50048828125, -1.3623046875, -1.103515625, 4.125, -0.1983642578125, -0.99609375 ]
i feel affirmed gracious sensuous and will have less self doubt when a href http generations
[ -1.5673828125, 3.9609375, 0.9892578125, -1.080078125, -1.8466796875, -1.6376953125 ]
im already feeling pretty festive this year even though its only november
[ -1.12109375, 4.52734375, -0.458740234375, -0.990234375, -1.6435546875, -1.5869140625 ]
i was having an awful year racing and was feeling exhausted all the time
[ 4.62109375, -0.53369140625, -1.291015625, -0.7578125, -0.7353515625, -1.546875 ]
i don t like outsourcing because i m a picky sod and usually end up feeling dissatisfied with the work of others but i have to force myself to outsource because you need to realize you can t do everything yourself
[ -0.54541015625, -1.314453125, -1.1025390625, 4.05859375, 0.0560302734375, -1.0009765625 ]
i feel bouncy and i could easily run out there few hours
[ -1.3515625, 4.21484375, -0.71337890625, -0.51416015625, -1.513671875, -1.263671875 ]
i lie in bed knowing that the holy spirit has got to do the work but i feel burdened that i m not working hard enough
[ 4.61328125, -0.5458984375, -0.9658203125, -0.541015625, -1.05859375, -1.6884765625 ]
i guess it could be described as me just not really feeling like i m a part of the popular bands the up and comers or the growing local band
[ -1.07421875, 4.421875, -0.654296875, -0.88916015625, -1.6025390625, -1.4716796875 ]
i got a shot of terbutaline which makes you feel shaky and makes your heart race like you just drank cups of coffee
[ -0.375732421875, -1.4150390625, -1.484375, -0.31201171875, 4.421875, -0.51708984375 ]
i feel insulted pete edochie responds to death
[ -0.62060546875, -1.07421875, -0.91796875, 4.125, -0.3896484375, -1.0654296875 ]
i did feel rather like a celebrity and widget stood and let herself be admired while she drank orange squash from my cup
[ -1.8291015625, 2.958984375, 1.9384765625, -1.3876953125, -1.8798828125, -0.94580078125 ]
i see momo feel shy momo hmmm gt me heyy momo
[ 0.232421875, -1.5830078125, -1.240234375, -0.26025390625, 4.02734375, -0.74951171875 ]
i always feel really confident of my life and my choices when i go home
[ -1.0625, 4.25, -0.88525390625, -0.78369140625, -1.1884765625, -1.4375 ]
i feel so relieved and happy to realize what is being said
[ -1.1318359375, 4.57421875, -0.343505859375, -1.1630859375, -1.69921875, -1.5927734375 ]
i don t know if it s mostly because he s forcing himself to be distracted or if he s feeling more determined or what but i think that though he s still hurting he is learning to cope with it kame takes a breath
[ -1.408203125, 4.0234375, -0.126220703125, -0.483642578125, -1.498046875, -1.7841796875 ]
i feel like he s a lot more playful open with me than other girls i know he s friends with
[ -1.484375, 4.39453125, -0.294677734375, -0.83251953125, -1.62109375, -1.3818359375 ]
i feel special a href http facsimilogos
[ -1.5556640625, 4.125, -0.379638671875, -1.1357421875, -1.548828125, -0.7578125 ]
i must say i don t consider my family broken nor do i feel any discontent about not having a father around
[ 4.65234375, -0.27783203125, -1.076171875, -0.424560546875, -1.349609375, -1.7890625 ]
i feel cared for and accepted
[ -1.279296875, 1.1279296875, 3.294921875, -1.2490234375, -1.572265625, -1.375 ]
i think it s to do with the fact that i know i don t have a lot of time to play catch up and also because my free time for the first time in what feels like forever is really my free time
[ -1.1083984375, 4.16796875, -0.64453125, -0.81201171875, -1.501953125, -1.2783203125 ]
i smiled at him feeling his longing and said maybe later buddy but i have to make lunch now
[ -1.05078125, 0.81396484375, 3.41796875, -1.3896484375, -1.39453125, -1.2265625 ]
i journaled about my tendency to sometimes overcommit myself which can make me feel exhausted and overwhelmed
[ 4.56640625, -0.64794921875, -1.375, -0.89013671875, -0.32275390625, -1.3681640625 ]
i was stupid and said yes which made me feel idiotic because i didnt stick to my guns and do what i had set out to do
[ 4.67578125, -0.7529296875, -1.2841796875, -0.57666015625, -0.83154296875, -1.3740234375 ]
i was feeling a bit jaded that day but told myself why the hell not
[ 4.70703125, -0.60400390625, -1.0166015625, -0.5537109375, -1.0556640625, -1.744140625 ]
i feel useless with just a bachelors and masters
[ 4.67578125, -0.67138671875, -1.333984375, -0.1221923828125, -0.9931640625, -1.771484375 ]
i was feeling particularly pissed off and wanted to go to a party
[ -0.70849609375, -1.1611328125, -1.1015625, 4.1484375, 0.06207275390625, -1.1806640625 ]
i spend a lot of time feeling disappointed with myself for not doing a better job at attaining my goals
[ 4.671875, -0.71630859375, -1.095703125, -0.6123046875, -0.916015625, -1.4765625 ]
i grew up around this feeling living only minutes away from the gorgeous atlantic ocean in brazil so its probably no surprise i grew fond of the ocean
[ -1.921875, 2.345703125, 2.48046875, -1.2939453125, -1.8583984375, -0.865234375 ]
im happy i feel out of energy and not very inspired to do my crafts
[ -1.2568359375, 4.66015625, -0.493408203125, -1.158203125, -1.6591796875, -1.4453125 ]
i want to say i feel numb but if i was numb i wouldnt have this pain and i probably wouldnt be able to cry so much
[ 4.6328125, -0.7255859375, -1.1884765625, -0.8857421875, -0.603515625, -1.443359375 ]
i feel like a mom of a compassionate smart stable human being
[ -1.5927734375, 1.9609375, 2.787109375, -0.951171875, -1.7041015625, -1.560546875 ]
i could feel hundreds of loving people all around the world connecting with earth it was simply beautiful
[ -1.4677734375, 0.9697265625, 3.380859375, -1.236328125, -1.62109375, -1.134765625 ]
i found myself being amazed at how mid s f would feel a tad cool as if perhaps a sweatshirt wouldve been a good idea
[ -1.54296875, 4.0625, -0.958984375, -1.02734375, -1.208984375, -0.338623046875 ]
im feeling somewhat nostalgic about the game just from the fact that its star wars
[ -1.8232421875, 0.386962890625, 3.236328125, -0.626953125, -1.0859375, -0.60107421875 ]
i buy something i go out and look at what else i didnt buy and then after a bit of comparison here and there i suddenly feel dissatisfied with my purchase
[ -0.67431640625, -1.251953125, -1.060546875, 4.06640625, 0.137939453125, -0.984375 ]
i ended the podcast feeling not depressed exactly but like i still didn t have a concrete answer for how to strike that balance that self help authors love to talk about
[ 4.6328125, -0.381103515625, -1.0458984375, -0.75439453125, -1.015625, -1.662109375 ]
i feel ashamed and so i tried my very best to help them
[ 4.4375, -0.857421875, -0.990234375, -1.0654296875, -0.330078125, -1.3388671875 ]
i feel slightly unfortunate in the sense that the calendar year wasn t a great year for the systems if i m honest
[ 4.6796875, -0.65234375, -1.1640625, -0.58056640625, -0.90283203125, -1.5302734375 ]
ill likely post more on those later but feel free to ask if you have questions
[ -0.974609375, 4.20703125, -0.69384765625, -0.80615234375, -1.4990234375, -1.5849609375 ]
i feel so relaxed and happy when im in the water
[ -1.0712890625, 4.52734375, -0.488525390625, -1.1064453125, -1.5205078125, -1.6015625 ]
im not sure if im more at peace with our situation or if im just not feeling as bitter about it but in the past five months something has changed within me
[ -0.55322265625, -0.927734375, -0.62353515625, 4.05078125, -0.63525390625, -1.2724609375 ]
i feel more faithful than ever
[ -1.392578125, 1.6328125, 2.91015625, -0.83447265625, -1.63671875, -1.37109375 ]
i don t follow too many people and i don t have too many followers however i have a feeling that the people that i am talking about may know who they are i m not trying to be rude i m just being real
[ -0.56982421875, -1.1103515625, -0.98974609375, 4.11328125, -0.10614013671875, -1.2783203125 ]
i feel so thrilled to have three such distinguished individuals such as yourselves here
[ -1.4990234375, 4.44921875, -0.51416015625, -1.1142578125, -1.5205078125, -1.04296875 ]
i love neglecting this blog but sometimes i feel for my faithful readers
[ -1.3515625, 1.875, 2.8671875, -0.9052734375, -1.7919921875, -1.462890625 ]
i carried my phone in my pocket and didn t feel the pull to get lost in it
[ 4.38671875, -0.83251953125, -1.265625, -1.09765625, 0.005847930908203125, -1.326171875 ]
i didint feel any love and caring now
[ -1.4345703125, 0.97119140625, 3.375, -1.15234375, -1.5068359375, -1.259765625 ]
i feel numb i dont experience anything because of the numbness and of me just always feels something is going to go wrong
[ 4.63671875, -0.8515625, -1.2412109375, -0.7119140625, -0.482177734375, -1.50390625 ]
i feel to aid other women with infertility disorders this valuable individual guidance is offered for a restricted number of people
[ -1.259765625, 4.58203125, -0.338134765625, -1.1103515625, -1.64453125, -1.5693359375 ]
i was bonded to that point in time and still feel fond of this memory
[ -1.4150390625, 0.63671875, 3.48046875, -1.056640625, -1.42578125, -0.98779296875 ]
i notice how different this question is from why i am feeling so agitated
[ -1.1015625, -1.3720703125, -1.208984375, 2.55078125, 2.734375, -0.96728515625 ]
i always feel so dull in the morning
[ 4.73046875, -0.4970703125, -1.1494140625, -0.49853515625, -1.1787109375, -1.5078125 ]
i feel like we re getting a terrific recruiter basketball coach and person
[ -1.2255859375, 4.5703125, -0.541015625, -1.1923828125, -1.4873046875, -1.2255859375 ]
i feel such duties are unimportant to our profession i just am not qualified to discuss all of them
[ 3.48046875, 0.10467529296875, -1.69140625, 0.7041015625, -0.81396484375, -2.091796875 ]
i rarely feel happily joyful and dont walk about smiling much
[ -1.0419921875, 4.56640625, -0.5673828125, -0.9912109375, -1.73828125, -1.4453125 ]
i watched the news at the tv
[ -0.413818359375, -0.0665283203125, -1.259765625, 1.275390625, 1.09375, -0.5205078125 ]
i didnt want to be spending my days working in a job that i didnt enjoy or to come home feeling stressed and tired and not be able to give my daughter the attention she deserved
[ 3.75, -1.10546875, -1.525390625, 1.2421875, -0.407958984375, -2.109375 ]
i feel refrigerator magnets that were so popular a few years ago
[ -1.0546875, 4.4296875, -0.78955078125, -0.7958984375, -1.525390625, -1.4228515625 ]
im happy but i feel all this pressure to do one thing or another amp it makes me unhappy
[ 4.04296875, 0.65234375, -1.271484375, -0.1806640625, -1.65234375, -2.025390625 ]
i bought it at urban outfitters so it could fit mm film and have been feeling remorseful ever since
[ 4.7265625, -0.78564453125, -1.0849609375, -0.52001953125, -0.9375, -1.7568359375 ]
i was so focused on my heavy breathing my even strides the drops of sweat on my forehead that i forgot to feel socially awkward
[ 4.38671875, -0.99560546875, -1.3740234375, -0.84326171875, 0.13623046875, -1.365234375 ]
i do feel insecure sometimes but who doesnt
[ -0.87744140625, -1.046875, -1.1708984375, -0.059051513671875, 4.3359375, -0.61669921875 ]
i feel privileged to be a part of something so eternal and so precious to the lord jesus he shed his blood so that churches like this could exist
[ -1.517578125, 4.3203125, -0.11456298828125, -0.98291015625, -1.5419921875, -1.5 ]
i can cope with his presence without feeling distressed if i can force myself into a quiet and resigned friendship
[ -0.59033203125, -1.2724609375, -1.5703125, -0.262451171875, 4.4296875, -0.27490234375 ]
im feeling playful a href http
[ -1.47265625, 4.296875, -0.55322265625, -0.74951171875, -1.5302734375, -1.2158203125 ]
i feel so safe and tucked away
[ -1.1337890625, 4.43359375, -0.3115234375, -1.080078125, -1.421875, -1.7900390625 ]
im still feeling pretty low and demotivated including ups
[ 4.5625, -0.552734375, -1.3095703125, -0.308837890625, -0.83203125, -1.908203125 ]
i feel like if people accepted that wed get along a lot better
[ -1.63671875, 3.21875, 1.9609375, -1.576171875, -1.7470703125, -1.4736328125 ]
i feel it is very rude and ingorant
[ -0.486572265625, -1.1279296875, -0.9521484375, 4.1015625, -0.139404296875, -1.2822265625 ]
i always feel rushed during these emails which i dont like but asa este
[ -0.70166015625, -1.3310546875, -1.306640625, 3.73046875, 1.0693359375, -1.34375 ]
i can t quite figure out how i feel i m not devastated like i was with lucy and i m not sure if that s because it s easier to do after the first time or what
[ 4.5234375, -0.400146484375, -0.86328125, -0.9091796875, -1.0185546875, -1.55859375 ]
i feel i can only hope im not alone in these thoughts and im sure to all you fellow exchange students you probably have the same thoughts in mind with at least some of this listed some might say being an exchange student is unlike any other experience
[ 4.03125, -0.008148193359375, -1.6396484375, -0.450927734375, -0.21337890625, -1.9658203125 ]
ive tried bare minerals but it makes me feel like my face is dirty
[ 4.5, -0.837890625, -1.3193359375, 0.1988525390625, -0.962890625, -1.919921875 ]
i have learned how much more like a neighbourhood this place feels the humans with dogs have been very sympathetic and understand my quixotic need to walk a dog to walk period
[ -1.3876953125, 0.6865234375, 3.248046875, -1.07421875, -1.3525390625, -1.11328125 ]
i am on top of my game and my fingers feel strong and loose
[ -1.390625, 4.37890625, -0.130859375, -1.06640625, -1.43359375, -1.6513671875 ]
i too feel a sense of melancholy for them
[ 4.61328125, -0.505859375, -0.78369140625, -0.732421875, -1.0927734375, -1.7734375 ]
i feel sure that i will go beyond that
[ -1.298828125, 4.3203125, -0.68310546875, -0.8623046875, -1.2109375, -1.4970703125 ]

Dataset Card for AutoTrain Evaluator

This repository contains model predictions generated by AutoTrain for the following task and dataset:

  • Task: Multi-class Text Classification
  • Model: lewtun/sagemaker-distilbert-emotion
  • Dataset: emotion

To run new evaluation jobs, visit Hugging Face's automatic model evaluator.


Thanks to @gabrielaltay for evaluating this model.

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