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for once the kids do n't let sam down - and they 're not likely to forget the lessons they 've learned . | 0objective
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an entertaining , if somewhat standardized , action movie . | 1subjective
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the only thing that can help him is a very expensive operation , an operation their family can in no way afford . | 0objective
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this rough but extraordinary film presents a haunting picture of life in kurdistan . | 1subjective
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things never seem to be the way they really are . | 0objective
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april 's shower demands you to ask how far would you go for true love and if you have the strength to live in your truth . | 0objective
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it has a dashing and resourceful hero ; a lisping , reptilian villain ; big fights ; big hair ; lavish period scenery ; and a story just complicated enough to let you bask in your own cleverness as you figure it out . | 1subjective
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this may not be great moviemaking . . . but it 's vastly enjoyable in a low-down , scandal-mongering way . | 1subjective
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haris seems to be an all-american guy except that he creates strange installations of hanging ropes , and suffers from terrible visions- of himself as a child in afghanistan in traditional dress , of smoke and bombs , of his dead parents and the russian soldier who shot them during the soviet invasion . | 0objective
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the trouble is , its filmmakers run out of clever ideas and visual gags about halfway through . | 1subjective
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jack black will play dewey finn , a depressed musician that was recently fired from his band . | 0objective
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more of an intriguing curiosity than a gripping thriller . | 1subjective
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unfortunately for them , sarah 's parents send sarah 's ex-boyfriend peter prentis ( played by christian kane ) to break up the happy marriage . | 0objective
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there 's none of the happily-ever -after spangle of monsoon wedding in late marriage -- and that 's part of what makes dover kosashvili 's outstanding feature debut so potent . | 1subjective
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there 's an uneasy balance between the comedy and the drama that does n't really fire on all levels , but it works on a few of them . | 1subjective
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. it 's a testament to the film 's considerable charm that it succeeds in entertaining , despite playing out like a feature-length sitcom replete with stereotypical familial quandaries . there 's a sheer unbridled delight in the way the story unfurls . . . | 1subjective
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these two stories are simultaneously linked to the work and life of virginia woolf , who 's writing the novel mentioned before . | 0objective
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about a boy will warm your heart without making you feel guilty about it . | 1subjective
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elegant and eloquent [ meditation ] on death and that most elusive of passions , love . | 1subjective
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it deals with a whole lot of fun , romance and suspense . | 0objective
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and slowly but surely , the dim-witted duo begin to realise this . | 0objective
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a disappointment for a movie that should have been the ultimate imax trip . | 1subjective
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the film is an homage to power , strength and individualism . | 0objective
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paid in full is remarkably engaging despite being noticeably derivative of goodfellas and at least a half dozen other trouble-in-the-ghetto flicks . | 1subjective
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a fascinating literary mystery story with multiple strands about the controversy of who really wrote shakespeare 's plays . | 1subjective
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it 's easy for a filmmaker to blow up the world -- but what shyamalan does is much riskier . he tries to blow our minds . | 1subjective
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almost everything about the film is unsettling , from the preposterous hairpiece worn by lai 's villainous father to the endless action sequences . | 1subjective
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these were the first boats to perform deterrent patrols in the history of the navy , and they did it during some of the most crucial moments of the cold war including the 1962 cuban missile crisis . | 0objective
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comes . . . uncomfortably close to coasting in the treads of the bicycle thief . | 1subjective
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upon discovering her infidelity , roxie 's husband amos refuses to take the blame for the murder and roxie is sent to jail , pending hanging . | 0objective
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ong chooses to present ah na 's life as a slight , weightless fairy tale , whose most unpleasant details seem to melt away in the face of the character 's blank-faced optimism . | 1subjective
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there 's plenty of style in guillermo del toro 's sequel to the 1998 hit but why do we need 117 minutes to tell a tale that simply ca n't sustain more than 90 minutes . | 1subjective
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when stevie meets neil on the day he comes to deliver her brand new kitchen , it 's already too late for love at first sight . | 0objective
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an endlessly fascinating , landmark movie that is as bold as anything the cinema has seen in years . | 1subjective
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the movie just has too much on its plate to really stay afloat for its just under ninety minute running time . | 1subjective
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35-year old magnus edkvist hates class reunions as much as anyone and usually skip them . | 0objective
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while their first few meetings are innocent enough , the obsessive and seductive madison wants more - much more . | 0objective
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flawed but riveting , it wo n't be everyone 's cocktail of choice , but if you can suspend disbelief long enough , you 'll get a whopping good wallop without the hangover . | 1subjective
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feels like a cold old man going through the motions . | 1subjective
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like the series , the movie is funny , smart , visually inventive , and most of all , alive . | 1subjective
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while cherish does n't completely survive its tonal transformation from dark comedy to suspense thriller , it 's got just enough charm and appealing character quirks to forgive that still serious problem . | 1subjective
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when in doubt , the film ratchets up the stirring soundtrack , throws in a fish-out-of-water gag and lets the cliched dialogue rip . or else a doggie winks . | 1subjective
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its story is delicate and moving , and the film is a wholly commendable effort , if not quite as successful as majidi 's previous works . | 1subjective
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tension mounts , and as the cops arrive , morgan is growing impatient . | 0objective
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cabin fever sets in , and the border between fact and fantasy begins to distort . | 0objective
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benito -- for years a fixture in the church as well as the community -- welcomes father amaro into a new life of unseen challenges . | 0objective
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it 's that rare family movie -- genuine and sweet without relying on animation or dumb humor . | 1subjective
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in a time when a woman 's place was in the home , young emily ventures out and falls in love with a young soldier , eventually carrying his baby out of wedlock . | 0objective
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he has no idea how he has journeyed the 400 miles in less than two hours . | 0objective
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because of his horribly unforgivable sins , freddy krueger ( robert englund ) is stuck in hell eternally . | 0objective
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in the dark silence of the sea during world war ii , the submarine u . s . s . | 0objective
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not for everyone , but for those with whom it will connect , it 's a nice departure from standard moviegoing fare . | 1subjective
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city by the sea is a gritty police thriller with all the dysfunctional family dynamics one could wish for . but how it washed out despite all of that is the project 's prime mystery . | 1subjective
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for a film about action , ultimate x is the gabbiest giant-screen movie ever , bogging down in a barrage of hype . | 1subjective
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loonies is a touching comedy about five psychiatric patients who are forced to exchange their familiar surroundings for an old-fashioned , impersonal institution . | 0objective
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django is a character that decides to fight against his luck because he does n't accept the poverty he 's destined for . | 0objective
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they fool around for a while , but forget to get each other 's names down at the end of the night . | 0objective
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en un ca & # 243 ; tico principio del siglo xxi , oleadas de cr & # 237 ; menes saturan los informativos , y decenas de sectas tratan de captar la fe de la cada vez m & # 225 ; s esc & # 233 ; ptica poblaci & # 243 ; n . | 0objective
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'lovely and amazing , ' unhappily , is neither . . . excessively strained and contrived . | 1subjective
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they grew up sharing a special relationship , in which they existed only to each other . | 0objective
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story of annette kellerman , the international swimming vaudeville and silent screen star whose life story inspired the mgm classic million dollar mermaid starring esther williams , which featured lavish busby berkeley scenes . | 0objective
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broomfield reminds us that beneath the hype , the celebrity , the high life , the conspiracies and the mystery there were once a couple of bright young men -- promising , talented , charismatic and tragically doomed . | 1subjective
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an interesting psychological thriller that , more often than not , actually works . | 1subjective
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in order to make something of himself , dean assumes another identity and manages to enter high society . | 0objective
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the widow falls for the brit , who pretends to be in the fishing business but is actually a professional gambler . | 0objective
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in this action comedy feature film , 'superbob ' utilizes his highflying karate mastery and investigative techniques to tackle the ruthless big yard . | 0objective
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by presenting an impossible romance in an impossible world , pumpkin dares us to say why either is impossible -- which forces us to confront what 's possible and what we might do to make it so . | 1subjective
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proves that a movie about goodness is not the same thing as a good movie . | 1subjective
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she does n't want christina to suffer as she has , so sam goes to the edge to try to save the life of this lost girl - whether she wants to be saved or not . | 0objective
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a movie that will wear you out and make you misty even when you do n't want to be . | 1subjective
| subjective |
a smug and convoluted action-comedy that does n't allow an earnest moment to pass without reminding audiences that it 's only a movie . | 1subjective
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beautifully crafted and cooly unsettling . . . recreates the atmosphere of the crime expertly . | 1subjective
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apparently writer-director attal thought he need only cast himself and his movie-star wife sitting around in their drawers to justify a film . | 1subjective
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on the bright side , it contains jesse ventura 's best work since the xfl . | 1subjective
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the verdict : two bodies and hardly a laugh between them . | 1subjective
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. . . with the gifted pearce on hand to keep things on semi-stable ground dramatically , this retooled machine is ultimately effective enough at achieving the modest , crowd-pleasing goals it sets for itself . | 1subjective
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like its bizarre heroine , it irrigates our souls . | 1subjective
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read my lips is to be viewed and treasured for its extraordinary intelligence and originality as well as its lyrical variations on the game of love . | 1subjective
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unaware of the events to come , they quickly discovered that dabbling with the element of time may have dire consequences . | 0objective
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a perfectly acceptable , perfectly bland , competently acted but by no means scary horror movie . | 1subjective
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knowing his end is near , he puts out the call to his old comrade , john `` eagle eye `` pennell . | 0objective
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a happy young couple , sarah and tom ( brittany murphy and ashton kutcher ) marry against the wishes of sarah 's friends and family and go to europe for their honeymoon . | 0objective
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overall , this is a juicy movie but certainly not a trashy one . | 1subjective
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the change in political leaders sparks paranoia among american cia officials , so cia director bill cabot recruits a young analyst to supply insight and advice on the situation . | 0objective
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though excessively tiresome , the uncertainty principle , as verbally pretentious as the title may be , has its handful of redeeming features , as long as you discount its ability to bore . | 1subjective
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the plot is plastered with one hollywood cliche after another , most of which involve precocious kids getting the better of obnoxious adults . | 1subjective
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one day a mysterious young man enters her world . | 0objective
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nomad explores the futility of insulating oneself from the sometimes painful reality of human interaction . | 0objective
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extreme oops - oops , ops , no matter how you spell it , it 's still a mistake to go see it . | 1subjective
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what they do n't know , however , is that they 're filming near the secret hideout of slobodan pavle , a serbian war criminal . | 0objective
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frances decides to take a break and she buys a villa in the beautiful tuscan countryside and decides to begin anew . | 0objective
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everyone is sick with start-up fever ; dreaming of the power and freedom of starting their own internet company . | 0objective
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with this relation the characters will discover lot of things about their past . | 0objective
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chalk it up as the worst kind of hubristic folly . | 1subjective
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this is a shrewd and effective film from a director who understands how to create and sustain a mood . | 1subjective
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a spiritual exploration of sorts , offering a message of hope that resonates . | 1subjective
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just when it seems martha 's influence may be having a favorable effect on greg 's attitude , his old ways win out . | 0objective
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this is the sort of low-grade dreck that usually goes straight to video -- with a lousy script , inept direction , pathetic acting , poorly dubbed dialogue and murky cinematography , complete with visible boom mikes . | 1subjective
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though a touch too arthouse 101 in its poetic symbolism , heaven proves to be a good match of the sensibilities of two directors . | 1subjective
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schaeffer has to find some hook on which to hang his persistently useless movies , and it might as well be the resuscitation of the middle-aged character . | 1subjective
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Subsets and Splits