restored to fame by rama's grace to empire o'er the vanar race from ceaseless dread and toil set free restored to ruma and to me by grief and care and exile tried new to the bliss so long denied like visvamitra once alas he marks not how the seasons pass
the matrons of the vanar race see marks of fury in thy face they see thine eyes like blood are red and will not yet be comforted
she ceased and lakshman gave assent won by her gentle argument
so tara's pleading just and mild his softening heart had reconciled
the hero's side i will not leave but he the conquest shall achieve
so strong art thou so brave and bold so pure in thought so humble souled that thou deservest well to reign and all a monarch's bliss to gain
lend thou my brother aid and all his foes beneath his arm will fall
whatever hand it was that shot down bourbon rome after his death was plundered devastated and ravaged by a brutal greedy licentious and fanatical soldiery
wherefore for the future write us nothing at all but appoint us the time and place of meeting and we will bring our sword for you to cross protesting that the shame of any delay in fighting shall be yours seeing that when it comes to an encounter there is an end of all writing
sir answered the spaniard permit me to do my office and say what the emperor has charged me to say
nay i will not listen to thee said francis if thou do not first give me a patent signed by thy master containing an appointment of time and place sir i have orders to read you the cartel and give it you afterwards
burgundy without being put out began again sir
nay said francis i will not suffer him to speak to me before he has given me appointment of time and place
give it me or return as thou hast come
i am quite willing said the king let him have it
the peace of cambrai was called the ladies peace in honor of the two princesses who had negotiated it though morally different and of very unequal worth they both had minds of a rare order and trained to recognize political necessities and not to attempt any but possible successes
all the great political actors seemed hurrying away from the stage as if the drama were approaching its end
in fifteen sixty two at the battle of dreux he was aged and so ill that none expected to see him on horseback
he fully armed save only his head answered him right well sir this is the real medicine that hath cured me for the battle which is toward and a preparing for the honor of god and our king
the ladies peace concluded at cambrai in fifteen twenty nine lasted up to fifteen thirty six incessantly troubled however by far from pacific symptoms proceedings and preparations
at last he decided upon retreating
it was garcilaso de la vega the prince of spanish poesy the spanish petrarch according to his fellow countrymen
montmorency signed a similar one for piedmont
they all repaired together to the house prepared for their reception and after dinner the emperor being tired lay down to rest on a couch queen eleanor before long went and tapped at his door and sent word to the king that the emperor was awake
francis with the cardinal de lorraine and the constable de montmorency soon arrived
on entering the chamber he found the emperor still lying down and chatting with his sister the queen who was seated beside him on a chair
yes said charles i had made such cheer that i was obliged to sleep it off
francis did the converse with his own collar
only seven of the attendants remained in the emperor's chamber and there the two sovereigns conversed for an hour after which they moved to the hall where a splendid supper awaited them
the ghentese pleaded their privilege of not being liable to be taxed without their own consent
orders had been sent everywhere to receive him as kings of france are received on their joyous accession
lelechka was a delightful child
there was no other such child there never had been and there never would be
lelechka's mother serafima aleksandrovna was sure of that
lelechka's eyes were dark and large her cheeks were rosy her lips were made for kisses and for laughter
but it was not these charms in lelechka that gave her mother the keenest joy
she felt cold with her husband
he was always fresh and cool with a frigid smile and wherever he passed cold currents seemed to move in the air
it even seemed to serafima aleksandrovna that she was in love with her future husband and this made her happy
the bride was also good looking she was a tall dark eyed dark haired girl somewhat timid but very tactful
he had connexions and his wife came of good influential people
this might at the proper opportunity prove useful
after their marriage there was nothing in the manner of sergey modestovich to suggest anything wrong to his wife
later however when his wife was about to have a child sergey modestovich established connexions elsewhere of a light and temporary nature
serafima aleksandrovna found this out and to her own astonishment was not particularly hurt she awaited her infant with a restless anticipation that swallowed every other feeling
serafima aleksandrovna drifted farther and farther away from him
lelechka then ran away stamping with her plump little legs over the carpets and hid herself behind the curtains near her bed
where is my baby girl the mother asked as she looked for lelechka and made believe that she did not see her
then she came out a little farther and her mother as though she had only just caught sight of her seized her by her little shoulders and exclaimed joyously here she is my lelechka
her mother's eyes glowed with passionate emotion
her mother went to hide
lelechka turned away as though not to see but watched her mamochka stealthily all the time
where's my mamochka asked lelechka
a smile of absolute bliss played on her red lips
lelechka was getting nearer her mother's corner
her mother was growing more absorbed every moment by her interest in the game her heart beat with short quick strokes and she pressed even closer to the wall disarranging her hair still more
lelechka suddenly glanced toward her mother's corner and screamed with joy
through the half closed doors he heard the laughter the joyous outcries the sound of romping
even fedosya felt abashed now for her mistress now for herself
he liked coming here where everything was beautifully arranged this was done by serafima aleksandrovna who wished to surround her little girl from her very infancy only with the loveliest things
serafima aleksandrovna dressed herself tastefully this too she did for lelechka with the same end in view
one thing sergey modestovich had not become reconciled to and this was his wife's almost continuous presence in the nursery
it's just as i thought i knew that i'd find you here he said with a derisive and condescending smile
merely you see that the child should feel its own individuality he explained in answer to serafima aleksandrovna's puzzled glance
she's still so little said serafima aleksandrovna
i don't insist it's your kingdom there
i'll think it over his wife answered smiling as he did coldly but genially
then they began to talk of something else
that the mistress does it well that's one thing but that the young lady does it that's bad
why asked fedosya with curiosity
this expression of curiosity gave her face the look of a wooden roughly painted doll
yes that's bad repeated agathya with conviction terribly bad well
it's the truth i'm saying remember my words agathya went on with the same assurance and secrecy
it's the surest sign
the old woman had invented this sign quite suddenly herself and she was evidently very proud of it
madam madam she said quietly in a trembling voice
serafima aleksandrovna gave a start
fedosya's face made her anxious
what is it fedosya she asked with great concern is there anything wrong with lelechka
no madam said fedosya as she gesticulated with her hands to reassure her mistress and to make her sit down
lelechka is asleep may god be with her
only i'd like to say something you see lelechka is always hiding herself that's not good
i can't tell you how bad it is said fedosya and her face expressed the most decided confidence
i understand nothing of what you are saying
you see madam it's a kind of omen explained fedosya abruptly in a shamefaced way
nonsense said serafima aleksandrovna
who told you all this asked serafima aleksandrovna in an austere low voice
knows exclaimed serafima aleksandrovna in irritation as though she wished to protect herself somehow from this sudden anxiety
what nonsense as though lelechka could die
she saw clearly that there could be no possible connexion between a child's quite ordinary diversion and the continuation of the child's life
she made a special effort that evening to occupy her mind with other matters but her thoughts returned involuntarily to the fact that lelechka loved to hide herself
when lelechka was still quite small and had learned to distinguish between her mother and her nurse she sometimes sitting in her nurse's arms made a sudden roguish grimace and hid her laughing face in the nurse's shoulder
then she would look out with a sly glance
though she reproached herself at once for this unfounded superstitious dread nevertheless she could not enter wholeheartedly into the spirit of lelechka's favourite game and she tried to divert lelechka's attention to something else
she eagerly complied with her mother's new wishes
serafima aleksandrovna tried desperately to amuse lelechka
perhaps thought serafima aleksandrovna she is not as strongly drawn to the world as other children who are attracted by many things
if this is so is it not a sign of organic weakness
serafima aleksandrovna herself began the game once or twice though she played it with a heavy heart
she suffered as though committing an evil deed with full consciousness