All this was happening amidst a barrage of regular tweets from the President on his official account on social media, which most see as unbecoming and entirely inappropriate for a President in office.
Ihe a niile na-eme n' etiti ọtụtụ twiit nke si n' aka onyeisi ala kwa ụbọchị n' akaụntụ soshịa midia ya, nke ọtụtụ mmadụ na-ekwesịghị ekwesị n' ọ bụla n' onyeisi ala no.
Soon after Jota was denied by the recovering Davinson Sanchez after the defender's initial mistake allowed the forward through.
Ozigbo David Sanchez na-agbake agbake gọnahara Jota ka onye mgbachite mesiri mmejọ na mbido nke mere ka onye nọ n' ihu gafere.
Friday’s rout equalled Manchester United’s 9-0 demolition of Ipswich at Old Trafford in March 1995 for the biggest win in Premier League history.
Asọmụmpi nke Fụraịde nke Manchester United ji ọkpụ iteghete asaghị otu zi Ipswich mmọnwụ na Trafford Ochie n'ọnwa Maachị n'afọ 1995 dịka ndị kacha meri n'akụkọ okike nke Premier League.
There were over 70 million Nigerians on the high-speed Internet, millions of active subscriber base as well as numerous sensational story in the industry, which has been on this sustained trajectory for long.
E nwere ihe karịrị nde ndị Naịjirịa iri asaa nọ n'ịntaneetị, ọtụtụ nde ndị na-edebanye aha na ọtụtụ akụkọ n'ụlọ ọrụ ahụ, bụ nke nọworo na-adigide ogologo oge a.
Diet and Dementia: How you will cure dementia with chocolate and vegetables.
Diet and Dementia: Etu ị ga-esi jiri chocolate na-akwụkwọ nri chụọ nsogbu ụbụrụisi
A container has fallen near Tradefair International market on Badagry Road in Lagos State.
Gwongworo e ji ebu ngwa ahịa nke a na-akpọ 'container' na bekee adaala n'akụkụ ulọahịa 'tradefair International' dị n'ụzọ Badagry na Legọs steeti.
Udu assured them that Anambra State Government would continue to support the development of the media in the state including welfare of its members.
Udu mere ka obi sie ha ike na Gọọmentị Anambra ga-aga n’ihu ịkwado mmepe mgbasa ozi na steeti ahụ gụnyere ọdịmma nke ndị otu ya.
We will not disappoint Lagosians for the confidence reposed in us to lead on their behalf.
Anyị agaghị emechu ndị Legosi ihu na ntụkwasị obi ha nwere n' anyị ịchị n' ihi ha.
Intercessor Jehovah in Odumejeje
Intercessor Jehovah na Odumejeje
Rochas Okorocha:'those that have been warned'.
Rochas Okorocha: 'Ndị asịrị kpachara anya ha!'
Nnia Nwodo: emulate your father Joe Achuzia
Nnia Nwodo: Ṅomie nụ nna unu Joe Achuzia
A moving train has crushed two persons to death in Kano.
Ụgbọ okporoìgwè na-aga aga kwọriri mmadụ abụọ na Kano.
Under Buhari, you don’t have to achieve anything to receive a major appointment, or to achieve anything once you are appointed.
N'okpuru Buharị, ị kwesighị ịrụptụtali ihe ọbụla iji nweta nhọpụta dị ukwu, ma ọbụ ịrụpụta ihe ọbụla ma ahọpụta gị
The policemen and those present there, have made the government workers and those in charge of economy in the country to know about this, Pretorius said.
Ndị uweojii na ndị nọ n'ebe ahụ, e meela ka ndị ọrụ gọọmentị gụnyere ndị na-ahụ maka akụnaụba dị n'ala mara maka nke a, Pretorius kwuru.
SSS Is Indeed A Lying Machine By Stanley Imhanruor
SSS bụ igwe asị n'ezie, site n'aka Stanley Imhanruor
A man was on Wednesday caught raping little girl in a bush in Abia state, around Hightaste Road by Ibere Street of Ngwa Road.
E jidere otu nwoke n' ụbọchị Wenzidee ka ọ na-edina obere nwa nwaanyị n' ike n' ime ọhịa n' Abịa steeti, na gburugburu ụzọ si 'Hightaste' banye Ibere Striit nke ụzọ Ngwa.
Breaking news:Abia teachers have resume work
Akụkọ Mere Ugbua: Ndị nkuzi Abịa alaghachila ọrụ
Super Falcon now has a new coach.
Super Falcons enweela onye nkuzi ọhụrụ
The defendants in the other cases have been granted bail pending trial by the various magistrate courts.
E nyere ndị na-azara ọnụ ha n' ikpe ndị ọzọ mgbapụta ha na-eche mgbe ụlọ ikpe Majie dị iche iche ga-ekpe ha ikpe.
But Nigerians fear that if the money is not refunded, China will come and take much of Nigeria's wealth as they do in Zambia now.
Mana egwu na-atụ ụmụ Naịjirịa na ọ bụrụ na a kwụghachighị ego ahụ, China ga-abịa were ọtụtụ akụnaụba Naịjirịa dịka nke ha etu ha si eme na Zambia ugbua.
Donald Trump is pretty much preaching the same doctrine today.
Donald Trump na-agbasa ụdị nkwenye a n' ụzọ pụrụ iche taa.
About eight months into the year, less than 40 per cent has been received.
Ihe dika ọnwa asatọ dị n'ime afọ ahụ aga, eritebeghị pasent 40 n'ime ya.
EXCLUSIVE: Real Reason I was Assaulted –FUTA Student Brutalised By Colleagues.
SỌỌSỌ: Ihe kpatara e jiri manye m ọgụ mberede n' ezie - - nwata akwụkwọ FUTA ụmụ akwụkwọ ibe ya meruru ahụ.
Dr. Christopher Lamai said that this death affected mostly the northern parts of Nigeria.
Dọkịta Christopher Lamai kwuru na ọnwụ a kachasị metụta ndị mpaghara ugwu Naịjirịa.
The Christian Association of Nigeria has told the president Muhammadu Buhari that his party APC has become a hiding place for criminals
Otu ụka Christ na Naịjirịa bụ Christian Association of Nigeria agwaala onyeisiala Muhammadu Buhari na patị ya bụ APC aburula ụlọ ebe ndị mpu na aghụghọ na-ezo .
The official said preliminary investigation suggested that the Nigerians illegally entered the Indian territory through Bangladesh.
Ndị ọrụ kwuru na nnyocha nke mbido na-akọwa na ndị Naịjirịa a banyere ókèala India site Bangladesh n' ụzọ iwu n' akwadoghi.
“We have seen these signs creeping into the system for many years, not even a few months ago and it’s giving us serious concern. It has come out in full blast.
Ha ahụla ihe ngosi na-arịbakwute anyị kamgbe ọtụtụ afọ gara aga, ọ bụghịdị n'ọnwa olenaole gara aga ma na-enye anyị mmasị dị ukwu. ọ pụtala n'uju ya.
Aisha Ibrahim and a police woman
Aisha Ibrahim na nwaanyị onye uweojii
Tai Solarin's pessimism arose from the fact that he made a separation between the people and the Revolutionary Party—a type of separation that exists between the people and the existing political parties.
Nkwuputa okwu Tai Solarin sitere na eziokwu ahụ ọ kewara ndị mmadụ na ndị otu mgbanwe - ụdị nkewa dị n'etiti ndị mmadụ na ndị otu ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị dị ugbu a .
'As you can see that our women carried different placards with inscriptions such as say no to rape , no to violence against women.
'Dịka ị ga-ahụ na ụmụnwaanyị anyị bu akwụkwọ ịkpọ ganigani e dere ihe dị iche iche dị ka jụ mwakpo n' ike, jụ mmekpa ahụ ụmụnwaanyị na ụmụaka.'
What better place to have lunch than a restaurant accused of racism?
Kedu ebe ka mma iri nri ehihie karịa ụlọ oriri eboro ebubo ịkpa ókè agbụrụ?
But the 'flash' was not pursued.
Mana 'ịcha ọkụ' ahụ achughị.
Kụkah said this in his report in Africa Report Magazine of April
Kụkah kwuru nke a na-ozi ya na Africa Report Magazine nke Eprelu.
See the things he said
Lee ihe ndị okwuru
They want to be the king of kings and rivals of the supreme creator.
Ha chọrọ ịbụ eze ndị eze na ndị mgbagha nke onye okike kachasị elu.
interesting news
Akụkọ ga-amasị gị
Google has saluted Keshi
Google ekpụpurula Keshi okpu
2. Labour skills.
2. Nka ọrụ
Large numbers of families, who fled from conflict months ago, are left homeless while others are forced to share overcrowded tents with neighbours or relatives
Ọnụ ọgụgụ dị ukwuu nke ezinụlọ, bụ ndị gbabara n'ọgba aghara ọnwa gara aga, bụ ndị na-enweghị ebe obibi ebe ndị ọzọ na-amanye ka ha soro ndị agbata obi ma ọ bụ ndị ikwu ụlọikwuu karịrị akarị
This cattle herder whose name is not yet mentioned ambushed the girl on her way to fetch water and cut off her head on Tuesday.
Onye ọchịehi a a na-akpọbeghi aha ya chechiri nwaaghọghọ ahụ n'ụzọ ebe ọ gara ịkụte mmiri ma bepu ya isi na Tuzde.
Those affected by the judgement includes; Kabiru Mohammed, from Kaban-Magadan,in Funtua, Katsina state
Ndị ikpe a metụtara gụnyere Kabiru Mohammed, bu onye Kaban-Magadan, dị na Funtua, Katsina steeti.
Stakeholders the Nigerian cyber security space under the aegis of the Information Security Society of Africa-Nigeria (ISSAN) have called for collaborations in boosting cyber security in the country.
Ndị nchekwa saịba metụtara na Naijiria a na-akpọ 'Nigerian cyber security space' site na nkwado Information Security Society of Africa-Nigeria (ISSAN) akpọ latest okwu ijikọ aka wee kwalite nchekwa saịba n' ala a.
the government just intervained now for the past one month that those children were kidnapped .
O ruola otu ọnwa atọrọ ụmụaka ahụ, mana ugbu a ka Gọọmenti na-aga ebe ahụ.
'At the UNILAG Muslim Community, we congratulate them for their being specially recognised by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Anyị kelere ndị Muslim nọ na UNILAG makana onyeisi ala nke obodo Naijiria chetara ha n' ụzọ pụrụ iche.
What is the meaning of your night dream?
Kedụ ihe i hụrụ na nrọ n'abalị pụtara?
He said as it stands now, he cannot explain the reason behind the collapsing of the building but he believed that it might be as a result of being obsolete.
O kwuru na ugbua ọnaghị enwe ike ikwu ihe mere ụlọ a jiri daa, mana ọ na-eche na ọ bụ maka oteela ha lụrụ ụlọụka a.
In a message @reine_toyosii wrote, she said that she lost her mother in the disease.
N'ime ozi @reine_toyosii dere o kwuru na ọ bụ ọrịa a gburu nne ya.
I use this opportunity to call for peace and unity among the Yoruba and the Igbo and the rest of Nigerians,' he said.
E ji m ohere a arịọ maka udo na ịdịnotu n' etiti Igbo na Yoruba nakwa ndị Naịjirịa ndị ọzọ,' o kwuru.
Mamoudu Gassama was appreciated for saving the life of the baby
Mamoudou Gassama nwetara ekele nke ukwuu etu o siri ria ilu uloelu ahụ ga zopụta nwata ahu chọrọ ị dapụ.
Rochas Okorocha said that the crisis has ended thus, civil servants will start working all through the working days of the week.
Rochas Okorocha sị na ọtanisi ebeela, yabụ na ndị ọrụ ga-ebido ibịazu ọrụ n'izu.
The commission in charge of elections Inec has declared Ahmadu Fintri of PDP as the winner in the re-run election held on Thursday in Adamawa.
Ngalaba na-ahụ maka ntuliaka bụ INEC n'ịchafụ apọpụtala Ahmadu Fintri nke PDP dịka onye meriri mmeju ntuliaka e mere na Adamawa ụbọịchị Tọzde.
Frodd, Omatshola and Seyi Awolowo were the other contestants that made it into the top five.
Frodd, Omatshola na Seyi Awolowo bụ ndị ọzọ so sọọ mpi ma turu ugo na mmadụ ise kachasị elu.
On November 4, 1979, 34 days after the installation of President Shehu Shagari, the Sunday edition of the Tribune newspaper carried a column by Tai Solarin titled The Stolen Presidency.
Na Nọvemba 4, 1979, ụbọchị 34 ka e hibechara Onye isi ala Shehu Shagari, mbipụta Sọnde nke akwụkwọ akụkọ ikpe bụ otu nke Tai Solarin kpọrọ aha oche Onye isi ezuuru .
Closure Of Border Cannot End Smuggling, ECOWAS Tells Nigeria
Mmechi oke ala agaghị akwụsi ịzụbata ihe ECOWAS na-agwa Naịjirịa.
A BBC worker called and said that the fire service workers were there since morning trying to quench the fire, but they are not there now.
Otu onye BBC kpọrọ n'ekwentị kwuru na ndị na-emenyụ ọkụ ọgbụgba a na-akpọ 'fire service' na bekee, kwụbụ ebe ahụ kemgbe ụtụtụ na-eme ihe gbasara ọkụ a, mana ha anọghịzị ugbua.
After 90 minuites of the match, they were given another 13 minuites but nobody scored a goal
Ka nkeji 90 agbazuru bọọlụ, enyekwara ha nkeji iri na atọ ọzọ mana onweghị onye nyere goolu.
Evil forest still exists in Igbo land till today.
Ajọ Ọhịa ka dị na-ala Igbo ruo ugbua
The police have arrested criminals in Anambra
Ndi uweojii anwuchiela ndị omekome n'Anambra
Balkanizing the nation
imebe isi ala nke mba
How many universities in Nigeria are producing PhDs on annual basis ?
ụlọ akwụkwọ ole na Naịjirịa na emeputa ndị PhD kwa ubochi?
Nigeria versus Libya: Nigeria now heads group E.
Nigeria vs Libya: Super Eagles bụzị ndị isi Group E
I recall doing a degree in Gender Studies and when people asked what I was studying and I replied gender, they would nevertheless proceed to ask, “So, what is women’s studies about?”.
echetara m ịgụ akwụkwọ n'ihe gbasara Okike ma mgbe ndị mmadụ jụrụ m ihe m na-agụ, m zaa ha Okike, ha ga-aga n'ihu ịjụ, "Ya mere, gịnị bụ isi agụmaakwụkwọ ụmụ nwaanyị a?"
Kyari said NNPC would continue to lead the campaign to ensure that more works are carried out in the basins, with a view to increasing the nation's reserves, investment opportunities and create employment for the teeming youths in the Country.
Kyari kwuru na NNPC ga-aga n'ihu na-eduga mkpọsa ahụ iji hụ na arụrụ ọrụ ndị ọzọ n'ọdọ mmiri ahụ, na-eburu inwekwu ohere nke mba ahụ, ohere itinye ego na ịmepụta ọrụ maka ndị ntorobịa na-achọ ọrụ na obodo ahụ.
According to Madunagu, the coupists 'first made a move to pull the Northern Region out Nigeria, but when they were advised that they were now in a military situation to rule the whole country, instead of a part of it, they dropped the idea of secession and became champions of 'One Nigeria'.
Site n'akụkọ Magunagu, ndị a kpara ike a na mbu chọbuuru ikewa mpaghara ugwu na Naịjirịa, mana mgbe a duru ha ọdụ na ha bụzi ndị agha na achị mba niile kama ịchị so akụkụ nke ha, ha tufuru echiche ikewa obodo wee bụrụzie ndị agbachitere Otu Naịjirịa.
After meeting Emmanuel Macron in the French capital, Elysee Palace, he said that Gassam would become a Frenchman.
Ka onyeisiala Emmanuel Macron zutere ya n'obi ukwu ndị France akpọrọ Elysee Palace, okwuru na Gassam ga abụrụzi onye France.
Peter Obi will not give you money but he will support every good work.
Peter Obi agaghị enye gị ego mana ọ ga-akwado ọrụ ọbụla ziri ezi'
In declaring the winner, the Inec chairman, Mahmood Yakubu said that Buhari got more votes than the PDP presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar, and fulfilled the constitutional mandate, which led to his victory.
N'ịkpọpụta onye meriri, onyeisi Inec bụ Mahmood Yakubu kwuru na Buhari nwetere vootu karịa nke onye zọrọ ọchịchị n'okpuru pati PDP bụ Atiku Abubakar, ma mezuo ihe iwu kwuru, nke mere o ji pụta ka onyeisiala.
The story reaching us now is that the Fulani herdsmen kidnapped three young girls,that was returning from the market, at Agbani- ugbuawka of Nkanu local government Area of Enugu state.
Akụkọ na-eru anyị ntị na-ekwu na ndị eche na ha bụ ndị Fulani na-achị ehi atọọrọla ụmụ agbọghọ atọ bụ ndị si ahịa alọta n'ụzọ Agbani-Ugbụawka dị n'Okpuruọchịchị Nkanụ East dị n'Enugu steeti.
Atiku won in the primary as the next presidential candidate of the PDP in early October.
Atiku meriri dịka onye ga-azọ ọkwa onyeisiala na ntụliaka imeụlọ PDP mere na mbido October.
People's motives in remembering Biafra
Ebumnobi ndị mmadụ gbasara ncheta Biafra
The government of America: Trump begged for peace and unity.
Ọchịchị mba Amerịka: Trump arịọla maka udo na ịdịnaotu
Why should we find ourselves repeating the same theses and propositions after every bloody and farcical display called 'election'?
Kedu ihe kpatara anyị ga - eji hụ na anyị na - emegharị otu echiche na atụmatụ a mgbe ngosipụta ọbara niile ana - akpọ 'ntuli aka' ?
Many Nigerians showed their anger on Tijani.
Ọtụtụ ụmụ Naijiria zisara iwe ha n'ahụ Tijani.
stories you would like:
Akụkọ ndị ga-amasị gị:
We did not see him till five thirty
Anyị ahụghị ya ruo elekere ise na ọkara.
Some of these attacks were so overwhelming that the bases were overrun with hundreds of casualties. According to multiple media reports, not less than 1,000 soldiers were killed in 2018. These casualty figures do not include soldiers killed in Niger Republic, Yobe, Adamawa and in Southern Borno. “In fact, there has never been a year soldiers were killed more than in 2018; not even 2013 and 2014 did we see the kind of casualties we experienced today,” said another soldier who doubles as a medical doctor in Maiduguri. More traumatizing for soldiers, according to ISWAP sources, are the humiliating experience of scores of abducted soldiers compelled to tutor the insurgents on new weapons handling before they are enslaved or executed.
ọtụtụ n'ime mwakpo dị ukwu nke na ọtụtụ ọdọ ndị agha bụ nke imirikiti meruru ahụ. site n'aka ọtụtụ ndị ụlọ mgbasa ozi, opekata mpe ndị agha otu puku abụrụla ndị egburu n'afọ 2018. Ndị a nwụrụ agụrụ ọnụ agụnyeghị ndị egburu na Niger Republic, Yobe, Adamawa na Ọdịda Borno. N'ezie, o nwebeghị afọ egburu ndị agha dịka egburu n'afọ 2018, ọ bụghị n'afọ 2013 na 2014 nke anyị ahụghị ụdị ogbugbu anyị hụrụ ugbua,"ka otu onye agha bụ dibịa bekee kwuru na Maiduguri. Nke ka njọ nye ndị agha, site n'aka ndị ISWAP, bụ ihe mmaja dị iche iche bụ ndị agha adọọrọ n'agha ka ha zukiere ha etu esi eji ngwaọgụ ọgbara ọhụrụ alụ ọgụ tutu ha emee ha ohu maọbụ gbuo ha.
Snail is a good food that gives protein, calcium, selenium, magnesium and gives blood.
Ejula bụ ezi nri nwere proten, calcium, selenium, magnesium ma na-enye ọbara.
He said that Ekweremadu is known for peace when he once ruled in the parliament of 'Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS)
O kwuru na e ji iweta udo mara Ekweremadu mgbe ọ chịburu n'ụlọomeiwu nke 'Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas)'.
Tosin Olugbenga is calling on the NYSC to intervene in the matter
Tosin Olugbenga na-akpọ NYSC oku ka ha tinye ọnụ n'okwu a
Jan Vertonghen's stoppage time header continued Tottenham's turnaround under Jose Mourinho as Spurs moved up to fifth with a 2-1 win at Wolves.
Isi nkwụsị oge Jan Vertonghen mara tụgharịrị ọnọdụ Tottenham n' okpuru Jose Mourinho dịka Spurs gbagoro n' ọkwa nke ise na mmeri 2-1 ha mmeriri Wolves.
She applauded the zeal with which various committees of the House carried out their oversight responsibilities at Ministries, Parastatals and Agencies to enhance good governance.
O toro ịnụ ọkụ n'obi nke kọmitii dị iche iche nke ụlọ ọrụ ha ji arụ ọrụ na ministri na ụlọ ọrụ ndị ọzọ iji kwadoo ezi ọchịchị
Medical Doctors have urged mothers to maintain exclusive breast feeding of babies for aleast six months.
Ndị dibia bekee agbaala ndị nne ume ka ha n'enye ụmụ ha naanị mmiri ara ruo ọnwa isii
Two girls (32 years and 27 respectively) were injured in the attack.
Umu nwaanyị abụọ dị afọ 32 na ọzọ dị 27 merụrụ ahụ na mwakpo a.
On the face of it, that sounds like the same thing the US Fed discovered almost 100 years ago.
N'akụkụ ya, nke ahụ na-ada ka otu ihe ahụ US Fed chọpụtara n'ihe dị ka otu narị afọ gara aga.
It greatly saddened people as they expressed on the news.
Ihe a wutere ndị mmadụ nnukwu dịka ha gosiri n'elu atụmatụ mgbasa ozi:
It is used to welcome visitors
Eji ọjị anabata ọbịa
Any food that contains much pepper
Nri ọbụla ga-enwe ezigbote ose
The natural reservoir for the virus is the Mastomys natalensis rodent commonly known as the multimammate rat. Other rodents have also been identified to carry the virus,' he said.
'Ebe nje oke ahụ si bụ 'Mastomys natalensis' nke a na-akpọkarị oke 'multimammate'. Achọpụtakwala na òké ndị ọzọ bu nje ahụ,' o kwuru.
Why the Igbos excommunicate someone in the evil forest.
Ihe mere Igbo ji asụpụ mmadụ n'ajọ ọhịa
Kumapayi said the corpse had been deposited at the Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University Teaching Hospital morgue, Awka.
Kumapayi sịrị na e dewela ozu ya n' ebe nchekwa ozu nke Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University Teaching Hospital, Ọka.
MT4 is just a platform people trade on, just to buy and sell, that is what it is but it is the oldest, it has the highest adoption, it is what people love the most, so every broker has it.
MT4 bụ naanị ụzọ ndị mmadụ si ere ahịa, naanị ịzụ na ire, ya bụ ihe ọ bu mana ọ bụ ụzọ kasị ochie, ọ nwere nhọrọ kasị ukwuu, ọ bụ ihe masịrị ndị mmadụ, ya mere na ọre ahịa ọ bụla nwere ya.
3 people scooping oil from trucks are dead
Mmadụ 3 na-eku mmanụ na gwongworo anwụola
The news came that the Ozubulu women, dressed like the widows, went to see the Police Headquarter at Amawbia to plead for security yesterday
Akụkọ kwuru na ụmụnwaanyị Ozubulu jiri ejiji ka ndị mkpe gara n'isi ụlọ ndị uweoji na Amawbia ị rịọ mkpuchi.
Nigerians have been complaining of lack of power supply
Otela ndị Naịjirịa na-eti mkpụ maka ọkụ adịghị
what people are complaining.
Ihe ndị mmadụ na-ekwu
On Tuesday, The Senate and the house of assembly has mapped out the 2018 budget, as they increased the government revenue from 8.612 to 9.120, which was added 500m.
N'ụbọchị Tuusde, Ụlọomeiwu ukwu na nke nta wepụtara Bọjeti nke afọ 2018, ebe ha bulirị ego gọọmenti ga-emefu n'afọ site na tarịị naira 8.612 ga tarịị naira 9.120, nke pụtara mmanyekwu ijeri naira 500.
The former village Chairman, Mr Sunday Udoh pleaded with NDU to postpone the election to give him more time to prepare for re-election but he was told that his appeal was belated.
Onye bụbu onyeisi oche obodo, Maazị Sunday Udoh rịọrịrị ka NDU yigharịe nhọpụta ahụ iji nyekwuo ya oghere iji kwado maka ntuli aka mana a gwara ya na arịrịọ ya abịaghị n'oge.
' We are excited about the judgment and we hope that it is also brought to bear on the Babachir Lawal's case and other cases of people with a criminal record who think that being in the ruling party is a guarantee against justice,' he said.
'Anyị nwere obi añụrị banyere ikpe ma anyị na-atụkwasị anya na a ga-ewetakwazị ya na mmezu n' ikpe Babachir Lawal na ikpe ndị ọzọ nke ndị mmadụ nwere ndekọ mpụ ndị chere na ịnọ na pati na-achị achị bụ nkwa megide ikpe nkwụmọtọ' o kwuru.
A Nollywood star, Chief Pete Edochie encouraged the family to take heart as their mother died at eighty and have produced people of substance Who will continue from where she stopped.
Onye a maama n'ihi nkiri bụ Pete Edochie kwadoro ezinụlọ a ka ha tasie obi n'ọnwụ nne ha gbara afọ iri asatọ. Na ọ mụtara ụmụ dị mma ndị ga ebido ebe ọ kwusiri
In Igbo land, showing hospitality is an expression of warmth, trust, and deep affection.
N'ala Igbo, inye onye ọbịa ọjị gosiri na ị nabatara ya, o na-egosikwa na ị hụrụ ya n'anya nke ukwuu ma nwekwaa ntụkwasị obi n'ebe ọ nọ.

English-Igbo Parallel Corpus


This dataset is a comprehensive collection of parallel sentences in English and Igbo. It has been compiled from multiple sources to create a rich resource for machine translation, language research, and natural language processing tasks. The dataset is particularly valuable for those focusing on Igbo, a language spoken primarily in Nigeria, which is underrepresented in the field of computational linguistics.


The dataset comprises the following components:

  1. iamwille/igbo-translation Dataset: Originally sourced from Hugging Face, this subset includes professionally translated sentences covering various topics.

  2. Igbo-English Machine Translation Dataset: This subset, also sourced from Papers with Code, provides additional translated sentences with a focus on common phrases and expressions.

  3. Custom Text File Translations: A set of English-Igbo sentence pairs extracted from a custom text file, offering a diverse range of everyday language usage.

  4. JW300 Text Data: Sourced from the JW300 corpus, this part includes religious and educational text, contributing to the diversity of the dataset.

Dataset Structure

Data Splits

The dataset is divided into two splits:

  • Training Set: Contains a majority of the sentences, intended for training machine translation models or other NLP tasks.
  • Test Set: A smaller set of sentences for evaluating model performance.

Data Fields

Each entry in the dataset consists of two fields:

  • English: The sentence or phrase in English.
  • Igbo: The corresponding translation in Igbo.

Data Format

The dataset is available in CSV format, with each row representing a parallel sentence pair.


This dataset can be used for various tasks in NLP, including but not limited to:

  • Machine Translation
  • Cross-lingual Transfer Learning
  • Linguistic Research

Source and Acknowledgments

This dataset has been compiled from various sources. We acknowledge the contributions of:

  • Hugging Face for hosting the initial datasets.
  • The creators of the JW300 corpus.
  • Individual contributors of the custom text translations.


This dataset is released under [specify the license, e.g., MIT License]. Please ensure to adhere to the licensing terms of the original sources when using this dataset.


For any queries or contributions, please contact Chinemerem Ibe-Ekeocha at [email protected].

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