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i feel like there is something swollen and inflamed at the back of my knee. | 9knee pain
the worst headache was during a hangover in my twenties: i sincerely thought i was going to die from brain inflammation. | 12head ache
there are some pimples on my face that bother me a lot | 19acne
all my body is in a bad case and i need a good treatment | 10joint pain
my joints feel swollen | 10joint pain
when i tried to take care if my hair i found that it is falling out | 1hair falling out
even though i'm an adult my face keeps breaking out in pimples. | 19acne
my body feels like it's in a refrigerator. | 24feeling cold
when i stand up too quickly i start to feel dizzy and light-headed | 14feeling dizzy
my acne is really embarassing. it's so read. | 19acne
i feel really sad all the time. | 0emotional pain
i feel pain in my heart when i wake up | 2heart hurts
i lose a lot of my hair | 1hair falling out
i am feeling so dizzy, body is so fragile. | 13body feels weak
i have muscle pain at my left leg. | 20muscle pain
when i get up, i feel dizzy and fall down. | 14feeling dizzy
i think there's something wrong with my wound, it does not seem to heal like it should. | 3infected wound
my neck is annoying me i can't sleep bacause of it | 21neck pain
i used alot of pain killer to get better but i still feel the same back pain | 15back pain
i have difficulty in breathing in crowded places. | 11hard to breath
i feel dizzy when i make sudden movements | 14feeling dizzy
i often get a sharp pain in my chest and i can't tell what i'm doing that might be triggering it. | 2heart hurts
i got injured exercising | 6injury from sports
i often get a sharp pain in my chest and i can't tell what i'm doing that might be triggering it. | 2heart hurts
i have a very rash sensation close to my arms | 7skin issue
i often get a sharp pain in my chest and i can't tell what i'm doing that might be triggering it. | 2heart hurts
the warming system of my house is broken and feel so cold | 24feeling cold
how do you know if you have a torn meniscus in your knee? | 9knee pain
my body aches on the inside between my hips and shoulders. | 17internal pain
when i eat too much sugar my body gets weak and dizzy. | 13body feels weak
i have a pain in my muscle | 20muscle pain
i have a ear ache when i go to the pool | 23ear ache
there is a tingling sensation in my neck. | 21neck pain
i have a blurry vision after my head was hit yesterday. | 18blurry vision
my shoulder hurts when i try to reach something above my head. | 5shoulder pain
my shoulder hurts me so much | 5shoulder pain
i feel pain in my right shoulder after the tennis match. | 6injury from sports
i had a sharp pain in my stomach | 8stomach ache
it feels like my heart is going to leap out of my body. it hurts. | 2heart hurts
i can't see the sign i have a blurry vision | 18blurry vision
my throught is so sore. | 21neck pain
i have severe dry cough | 22cough
his infected wound was beginning to rot. | 3infected wound
i get tired too fast, i can barely put on my clothes in the morning. | 13body feels weak
my acne itches and oozes. | 19acne
i feel a pain in my neck | 21neck pain
my son got a tattoo several weeks ago and the skin around it is raised and hot and it looks infected. | 3infected wound
when i sneeze very hard i feel ear ache | 23ear ache
all of a sudden i felt dizzy when i stood up. | 14feeling dizzy
i have acne all over my face | 19acne
my entire body is freezing. | 24feeling cold
my knee hurts when i walk | 9knee pain
when i'm doing sport i have pain under my skin | 20muscle pain
my hair is falling out after i take a shower. | 1hair falling out
i was playing basketball yesterday, i have sprained ankle | 6injury from sports
there is pain in the muscles i do not know caused | 20muscle pain
i made lots and lots of analysis to know the main reason for my stomach ache | 8stomach ache
my knee is hurting so badly. | 10joint pain
i have a pain in my stomach | 17internal pain
i feel a pain on the left side of my chest, where my heart is | 2heart hurts
when i remember her i feel down | 0emotional pain
i had a pain in my knee when i was swimming | 9knee pain
his infected wound was beginning to rot. | 3infected wound
i started taking swimming lessons and i guess i swallowed too much water through my nose, because this sinusitis is killing me now. | 6injury from sports
i can't rotate my neck | 21neck pain
i m feeling cold though the temperature is high | 24feeling cold
when i stand up, i feel like i'm going to fall down instantly | 14feeling dizzy
when i stand i feel dizzy i do not know why | 14feeling dizzy
my head hurts and i lose the sensation in my face, then lose sight in my eye | 12head ache
my arm hurts when i stretch | 20muscle pain
it hurts when i bent my arm | 10joint pain
i have a blurry vision during my swimming training in the pool, why? | 18blurry vision
i started taking swimming lessons and i guess i swallowed too much water through my nose, because this sinusitis is killing me now. | 6injury from sports
when i stand i feel dizzy i do not know why | 14feeling dizzy
when i play football i have muscle pain. | 20muscle pain
i was watching tv and suddenly have blurry vision | 18blurry vision
i can hardly move my neck. it hurts. | 21neck pain
i have an open wound in my arm | 16open wound
i am struggling to bear weight on my knee, when i stand straight i feel and hear a loud popping noise. | 9knee pain
there is a tingling sensation in my neck. | 21neck pain
i have a very rash sensation close to my arms | 7skin issue
i can't ride my car at night because i have blurry vision. | 18blurry vision
i lose a lot of my hair | 13body feels weak
my abdominal muscles have great pain since i was at gym | 20muscle pain
when i play football i have muscle pain. | 20muscle pain
i have disterbance in my emotion | 0emotional pain
i feel great pressure in my chest | 11hard to breath
there is this pain that radiates from my chest up to my left arm. | 2heart hurts
i suffered a deep wound in my hand and i can not stop the bleeding | 3infected wound
i can't sleep i have a hard cough | 22cough
i feel a sharp pain in the stomach after eating | 8stomach ache
i fell a stiffness in my elbows and shoulders | 10joint pain
there is an extreme pressure below my belly button at the right, which i feel every time i go out for a jog. | 17internal pain
i feel suicidal. | 0emotional pain
i can't rotate my neck | 21neck pain
i have a scab on the back of my hand that just won't go away. | 7skin issue
i got injured exercising | 6injury from sports
i feel a clicking sensation in my knee each time i step. | 10joint pain
i cut my hand a couple of weeks ago and even though i keep using an antibiotic cream it's not getting better. | 3infected wound
i have a foot ache although i don't walk a lot. | 4foot ache