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Once again, I mean, we'll be doing that in a very systematic way and within our CapEx plans.
During the course of the year, we'll conduct, as Stu mentioned, more cost reductions, and we expect the aggregate of those dis-synergies to be $50 million, not to exceed $50 million for the 2 companies.
Well, I think, there -- certainly, it's a unique competitive environment in that I've mentioned there certainly are a handful of over-the-top folks that have been in the market in a relatively short period of time.
So I don't know really what's happening in other companies and other approaches, but if you look across the board at NetSuite geographically, vertically and by market segment, mid-market and enterprise, it was strong across the board.
Because you also -- sorry, you mentioned Dual Fuel and e-frac, certainly ESG is a big target of our efforts, right?
Environmental data contributors are required to gather all the relevant data into a dedicated reporting tool.
It was an office building constructed with a moderately sized data center component connected to it.
Direct CO2 emissions are determined mainly by the usage of fossil fuel power plants.
The method used for these impairment tests is consistent with that employed by the Group for the valuation of companies acquired in business combinations or acquisitions of equity interests.
For gas, as you just saw the recent update on our energy outlook, we got gas growing about 1.6% per year.
Myrtle Beach has a number of different sales centers, but really it was that market primarily that was impacted.
And right now, I mean, these -- the gas taxes, the diesel taxes, the registration fee as a loan raised over $3 billion a year, all that will start taking place in November of this year.
Our commitment to source 100% of our palm oil from sustainable sources is helping to avoid emissions from deforestation (see pages 14 and 47).
For the most part, expenditure windfalls are used to repay the national debt.
The other thing we're going to see as I touched on is these efficiencies with the longer trains and the additional locomotives, that's going to help, and that's going to help drive down that requirement.
We've seen strength across the business as reflected in the numbers.
At present, this outlook is uncertain, but South Africa has signalled a reliance on carbon-intensive sectors (in lieu of previously planned renewables investment) for its current recovery measures9.
In addition, with its level of feature such as approximately 160 tsubo of standard floor, 2,740mm ceiling height, OA floor of 60mm and individual air condi- tioning zone etc.,
In our medium-term plan, our target is to reduce costs in FY2015 by ¥8.5 billion or more in com- parison with FY2012 through generating merger synergies.
So the $20 million to $25 million does not include our projects with Solazyme Bunge renewable oils in Moema, nor the Phase II facility that's being built in the North of France.
In May 2016, the NYSPSC issued an order adopting a ratemaking and utility revenue framework.
As mentioned in the announcement dated 19 November 2014, Krasnoyar- skaya HPP suspended the supply of electricity in the amount required by KrAZ under the contract since Octo- ber 2014.
New locomotive and wagon production remains on schedule with first rollingstock arriving in November 2014.
Under the plan, seawater from the Red Sea will be turned into drinking water.
Greenbrier's approach to the market is to find a solution for both ourselves as well as our customers, whether it's building railcars, leasing railcars or the like.
2100 Warming Projections Emissions and expected warming based on pledges and current policies.
For the period 2013-2020, the award of free emission allowances is performed based on European benchmarks specific to each industrial segment, except for the thermoelectric sector that is not eligible for allocations for no consideration.
Asset classes such as alternative investment and equity assets typically generate higher fees relative to fixed income and liquidity product assets.
We strive to protect investment outcomes for clients, as demonstrated by our decision to close our institutional business to new clients in our South African equity and multi-asset class portfolios in 2012.
The South Central business owns and operates a 3,555 MW portfolio of generation assets in the Gulf Coast region.
It includes light-duty diesel and heavy-duty vehicles, and it will be effective in 2022.
We believe it’s one of the most environmentally conscious textile mills not only in Pakistan but also throughout the world.
There's 2 elements of that coal to solar and battery program if we were successful.
And yes, the way we're looking at it right now, given the size of the business, particularly the Chegg Study business and, to some degree, the writing business.
We will do the right thing in compliance with our Code of Ethics, supported by our Global Compliance Program, and we will care for our people, our communities, and our natural resources.
Eco Markets margin growth was mainly due to higher market prices for Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGC) and AGL’s ability to meet a significant part of its compliance obligations through renewable generation and utilisation of existing certificates.
Regarding internal carbon pricing, we have a dynamic internal CO2 price that is based on developments in particularly relevant regions such as the EU and on the corresponding targets up to 2030 and 2050.
We've set goals for deleveraging, so we'll -- the way we presented that plan is we'll continue to pay down debt, with asset sales where we can most efficiently, meaning there's no major tax impediment in doing so.
So when we look at -- we've been in the 2% to 3% range.
Ltd. 41 a) The Company has entered into preliminary agreement with one of the party for development and maintenance of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminal infrastructure facilities at Mundra (Mundra LNG Project) vide agreement dated September 30, 2014.
Establishes principles governing social and environmental management, and oversees development of performance management to achieve social and environmental goals.
Every company has to present enough certifi- cates to cover its total emissions at the end of each year.
Banpu and its group of companies emphasize the importance of risk management in order to manage risks that may affect business goals and objectives to be a leading integrated energy solutions company in Asia-Pacific.
You can see a market increase in that RPS standard between the years 2013 and 2014, and this is a result of solar legislation of 2012.
Kurita will continue striving to develop and expand sales of water treatment chemicals that can help to reduce environmental impact and contribute to the effective use of water resources.
Based on these scenario analyses, Tokio Marine Group engages in industry-academia collaboration to provide climate change risk research and natural disaster-related products and services, promote environmental protection activities such as mangrove planting, and implement environmental and disaster-prevention awareness programs.
Our cost-reduction programmes continue to bring down our adjusted operating expenses.
But as part of this economic cycle, we've seen deleveraging, a building up of liquidity and cash and our borrowing in our client base.
I mean, we're looking at all the different environmental benefits as well.
The Medium-Term Management Plan ended in fiscal 2016, but we will continue to pursue further growth by stepping up our efforts toward the realization of Vision 2020.
The Group is effectively supporting development in the country, whose electricity requirements increase significantly every year.
We must work together to protect the environment and to ensure that agriculture and cattle farming is sustainable.”
The Daikin Group believes that it is important to understand the concerns and expectations of its stakeholders through proactive communica- tion and report such voices to management so that it can utilize them in our business.
GREENING OUR OPERATIONS 一、致力綠色運營 As a strong advocate of sustainable development, Everbright International manages the Group’s environmental, social and governance impacts from various aspects and establishes green operational practices.
So the -- as part of the announced restructuring for both Genesis and ourselves this morning, is the commitment based upon contingencies of having a financing partner step up in that $105 million refinancing.
The decision to begin producing renewable diesel fuel is also expected to result in strong capital returns driven by credits generated through the California Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) and federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).
Yes, I think you're going to see that -- it's going to be over a couple of year type time period.
So I think the way you got to look at Q3 and Q4 is that the accounting piece of it is pretty much done.
Keppel Volunteers planted trees at Keppel Discovery Wetlands to signify the Group’s commitment to environmental conservation.
We are committed to getting our capital levels back to the pre-CECL levels by the end of 2020, which could mean that we curtail the 2019 share repurchase authorization a bit.
ENVIRONMENT CONTINUED Climate change continued GHG emissions by scope, in CO2-equivalent ‘15 ‘16 ‘17 ‘18* ‘19 * Restated.
And then we're doing as much we can to offset the labor-related expenses.
The other part is really general surgery, where the opportunity is more driven by the restricted measures the government takes against antibiotics and antibiotics overuse.
However, Newcrest is seeking opportunities to improve its energy efficiency to reduce direct mining and processing costs and is assessing options to use renewable power generation and low emission technologies to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions intensity.
It may be the fastest segment that we'll see in terms of growth over '10 and '11, because logic is very much a single-wafer, clean-oriented environment and becoming even more so.
So we're starting to gain some awards, we're starting to see better production, our costs are well under control.
Both acquisitions remain in line with the Group’s net zero emissions and post-pandemic recovery strategy.
It introduced a Transitional Electricity Pri- ce Stabilization Mechanism for customers on the regulated market.
» Invest in socially and environmentally responsible activities to create positive impact.
The loan is intended to provide financing for BPDB to purchase a complete set of facilities, including gas turbines (MITSUBISHI HITACHI POWER SYSTEMS, LTD.)
Association PositionEvaluation Process Ford advocates for positions that are science-, market- and performancebased, environmentally sustainable, technologically agnostic and harmonized.
Article 2 of the agreement also aims to ensure that finance flows are consistent with low carbon‑impact, climate‑resilient development.
Strategic Report OPERATIONAL RISKS Risk description How this risk is managed Our future hydrocarbon production depends on the delivery of large and integrated projects, and our ability to replace proved oil and gas reserves.
The emissions indirectly caused by the Group's activities (Scope 3) amount to 10,152 thousand tonnes of CO2e, 86% of the Group's total emissions.
We need to start a hedging program, and now that we've got the LMR assets in Kentucky, where our diesel used both direct and indirect is much greater.
1 We will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by developing new products and technologies that are conducive to environmental improvement.
What you're seeing, obviously here in '14, will continue in '15 but part of those savings go to fund some of these investments that we're talking about.
Going forward, we are determined to help solve social issues through our business activities, in addition to working on the Materiality identified as CSR.
The Company views its continued spending on restructuring and cost reduction activities as part of its ongoing operating principles to provide greater visibility in achieving its long-term profit growth targets.
We have -- I mean, we definitely are committed to having a safe natural gas deliverable system, and you know that's probably some of our highest risk assets.
By utilizing 3M Natural Pozzolan as a cement replacement, the greenhouse gas footprint of a yard of concrete is also reduced.
Advanced plans to support the 5-year EBITDA improvement target with resources, capital and initiatives allocated to key programmes to realise the objective. •
As we talked about, you're talking about the whole $350 million there's a couple of baskets there.
This engine is the most powerful, 100% natural gas engine for commercial vehicles available on the market.
According to the Edison Electric Institute (EEI), CO2 emissions for the electric power sector are now 15% below transportation sector emissions.
Accounting policy for property and equipment In accordance with IAS 16, Property and equipment is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any amount for impairment.
Just as a reminder, we are currently at about 40% or so of our total site locations covered with energy centers, and our current plan is to get to approximately 70% to 75% over the coming years.
Historically, we have backed out significant adjustments to the environmental provision.
Monday, the Senate approved the same union concession package, which closes the budget deficit by a substantial amount.
In 2015, several green awareness campaigns were launched by the working group: •
Yes, the big movement, Scott, was really in the Euro and then the Canadian dollar.
So all of those are going to be covered by our current long-range contracts.
We recognise that minimising the effects of our projects on the environment, understanding local social issues and positively contributing to our host communities are essential enablers that allow us to achieve the SDGs.
Can New Jersey continue to afford to pay for a 0 emissions energy?
So we are very pleased to be adding Clinique in these additional stores.
Accordingly, it is appropriate to compare Newcrest’s performance to that of other gold mining companies. •
The Tier 4 Dual Fuel technology, I think we highlighted that at an event recently.
So they have a target of 2% inflation and 4.5% to 5% unemployment rate.
The companies conduct autonomous activities by setting environmental targets corresponding to the environmental action plan.
£149 million to acquire ENER-G Cogen, a supplier of combined heat and power (CHP) solutions that allow customers to reduce costs and carbon emissions by generating heat and power on site.