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1 value
The city councilmen refused the demonstrators a permit because they feared violence.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "(Winograd 1972)" }
The city councilmen refused the demonstrators a permit because they advocated violence.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "(Winograd 1972)" }
The trophy doesn't fit into the brown suitcase because it is too large.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
The trophy doesn't fit into the brown suitcase because it is too small.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
Joan made sure to thank Susan for all the help she had recieved.
[ { "end_char": 64, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Joan made sure to thank Susan for all the help she had recieved.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 4, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "Joan", "start_char": 0, "text": "Joan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 9, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "make", "start_char": 5, "text": "made", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 14, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 2, "id": 3, "lemma": "sure", "start_char": 10, "text": "sure", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 17, "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": 4, "lemma": "to", "start_char": 15, "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 23, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 3, "id": 5, "lemma": "thank", "start_char": 18, "text": "thank", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 29, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": 6, "lemma": "Susan", "start_char": 24, "text": "Susan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 33, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 7, "lemma": "for", "start_char": 30, "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det:predet", "end_char": 37, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 8, "lemma": "all", "start_char": 34, "text": "all", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "PDT" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 41, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 10, "id": 9, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 38, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 46, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": 10, "lemma": "help", "start_char": 42, "text": "help", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 50, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": 11, "lemma": "she", "start_char": 47, "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 54, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "have", "start_char": 51, "text": "had", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "acl:relcl", "end_char": 63, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 10, "id": 13, "lemma": "recieve", "start_char": 55, "text": "recieved", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 64, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 14, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 63, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
Joan made sure to thank Susan for all the help she had given.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
Paul tried to call George on the phone, but he wasn't successful.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
Paul tried to call George on the phone, but he wasn't available.
[ { "end_char": 64, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Paul tried to call George on the phone, but he wasn't available.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 4, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "Paul", "start_char": 0, "text": "Paul", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 10, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "try", "start_char": 5, "text": "tried", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 13, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": "to", "start_char": 11, "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 18, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": 4, "lemma": "call", "start_char": 14, "text": "call", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 25, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 5, "lemma": "George", "start_char": 19, "text": "George", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 28, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 6, "lemma": "on", "start_char": 26, "text": "on", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 32, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": 7, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 29, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 38, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 8, "lemma": "phone", "start_char": 33, "text": "phone", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 39, "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": 9, "lemma": ",", "start_char": 38, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 43, "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": 10, "lemma": "but", "start_char": 40, "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 46, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": 11, "lemma": "he", "start_char": 44, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": null, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 14, "id": 12, "lemma": "be", "start_char": 47, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 53, "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": 13, "lemma": "not", "start_char": null, "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 63, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 2, "id": 14, "lemma": "available", "start_char": 54, "text": "available", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 64, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 15, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 63, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
The lawyer asked the witness a question, but he was reluctant to repeat it.
[ { "end_char": 75, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "The lawyer asked the witness a question, but he was reluctant to repeat it.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 3, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 0, "text": "The", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 10, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "lawyer", "start_char": 4, "text": "lawyer", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 16, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "ask", "start_char": 11, "text": "asked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 20, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 5, "id": 4, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 17, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "iobj", "end_char": 28, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 5, "lemma": "witness", "start_char": 21, "text": "witness", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 30, "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": 6, "lemma": "a", "start_char": 29, "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 39, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 7, "lemma": "question", "start_char": 31, "text": "question", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 40, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 8, "lemma": ",", "start_char": 39, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 44, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 9, "lemma": "but", "start_char": 41, "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 47, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": 10, "lemma": "he", "start_char": 45, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 51, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "be", "start_char": 48, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 61, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 3, "id": 12, "lemma": "reluctant", "start_char": 52, "text": "reluctant", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 64, "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": 13, "lemma": "to", "start_char": 62, "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 71, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 12, "id": 14, "lemma": "repeat", "start_char": 65, "text": "repeat", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 74, "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": 15, "lemma": "it", "start_char": 72, "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 75, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 16, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 74, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 1 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ], [ [ 0, 3, 4 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
The lawyer asked the witness a question, but he was reluctant to answer it.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 1 ] ], [ [ 0, 3, 4 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
The delivery truck zoomed by the school bus because it was going so fast.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 2 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 7 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
The delivery truck zoomed by the school bus because it was going so slow.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 2 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 7 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
Frank felt vindicated when his longtime rival Bill revealed that he was the winner of the competition.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 7 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
Frank felt crushed when his longtime rival Bill revealed that he was the winner of the competition.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
The man couldn't lift his son because he was so weak.
[ { "end_char": 53, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "The man couldn't lift his son because he was so weak.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 3, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 0, "text": "The", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 7, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": 2, "lemma": "man", "start_char": 4, "text": "man", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": null, "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 5, "id": 3, "lemma": "could", "start_char": 8, "text": "could", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 16, "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": 4, "lemma": "not", "start_char": null, "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 21, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 0, "id": 5, "lemma": "lift", "start_char": 17, "text": "lift", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "end_char": 25, "feats": "Case=Gen|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 7, "id": 6, "lemma": "his", "start_char": 22, "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 29, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": 7, "lemma": "son", "start_char": 26, "text": "son", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 37, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 8, "lemma": "because", "start_char": 30, "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 40, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": 9, "lemma": "he", "start_char": 38, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 44, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 12, "id": 10, "lemma": "be", "start_char": 41, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 47, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "so", "start_char": 45, "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 52, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 5, "id": 12, "lemma": "weak", "start_char": 48, "text": "weak", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 53, "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": 13, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 52, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
The man couldn't lift his son because he was so heavy.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
The large ball crashed right through the table because it was made of steel.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 2 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 7 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
The large ball crashed right through the table because it was made of styrofoam.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 2 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 7 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
John couldn't see the stage with Billy in front of him because he is so short.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 13, 13 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 7 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
John couldn't see the stage with Billy in front of him because he is so tall.
[ { "end_char": 77, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "John couldn't see the stage with Billy in front of him because he is so tall.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 4, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 1, "lemma": "John", "start_char": 0, "text": "John", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": null, "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": 2, "lemma": "could", "start_char": 5, "text": "could", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 13, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": "not", "start_char": null, "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 17, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 0, "id": 4, "lemma": "see", "start_char": 14, "text": "see", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 21, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": 5, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 18, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 27, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 6, "lemma": "stage", "start_char": 22, "text": "stage", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 32, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 7, "lemma": "with", "start_char": 28, "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 38, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 8, "lemma": "Billy", "start_char": 33, "text": "Billy", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 41, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 9, "lemma": "in", "start_char": 39, "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 47, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 10, "lemma": "front", "start_char": 42, "text": "front", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 50, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "of", "start_char": 48, "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "end_char": 54, "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 10, "id": 12, "lemma": "he", "start_char": 51, "text": "him", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 62, "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": 13, "lemma": "because", "start_char": 55, "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 65, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 17, "id": 14, "lemma": "he", "start_char": 63, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 68, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 17, "id": 15, "lemma": "be", "start_char": 66, "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 71, "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": 16, "lemma": "so", "start_char": 69, "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 76, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 4, "id": 17, "lemma": "tall", "start_char": 72, "text": "tall", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 77, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 18, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 76, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 7 ], [ 0, 13, 13 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
Tom threw his schoolbag down to Ray after he reached the top of the stairs.
[ { "end_char": 75, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Tom threw his schoolbag down to Ray after he reached the top of the stairs.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 3, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "Tom", "start_char": 0, "text": "Tom", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 9, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "throw", "start_char": 4, "text": "threw", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "end_char": 13, "feats": "Case=Gen|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": "his", "start_char": 10, "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 23, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 4, "lemma": "schoolbag", "start_char": 14, "text": "schoolbag", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 28, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 5, "lemma": "down", "start_char": 24, "text": "down", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 31, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 6, "lemma": "to", "start_char": 29, "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 35, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 7, "lemma": "Ray", "start_char": 32, "text": "Ray", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 41, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 8, "lemma": "after", "start_char": 36, "text": "after", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 44, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 10, "id": 9, "lemma": "he", "start_char": 42, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 52, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": 10, "lemma": "reach", "start_char": 45, "text": "reached", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 56, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 53, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 60, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": 12, "lemma": "top", "start_char": 57, "text": "top", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 63, "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": 13, "lemma": "of", "start_char": 61, "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 67, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 15, "id": 14, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 64, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "end_char": 74, "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 12, "id": 15, "lemma": "stair", "start_char": 68, "text": "stairs", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 75, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 16, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 74, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 8, 8 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 6 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
Tom threw his schoolbag down to Ray after he reached the bottom of the stairs.
[ { "end_char": 78, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Tom threw his schoolbag down to Ray after he reached the bottom of the stairs.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 3, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "Tom", "start_char": 0, "text": "Tom", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 9, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "throw", "start_char": 4, "text": "threw", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "end_char": 13, "feats": "Case=Gen|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": "his", "start_char": 10, "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 23, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 4, "lemma": "schoolbag", "start_char": 14, "text": "schoolbag", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 28, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 5, "lemma": "down", "start_char": 24, "text": "down", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 31, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 6, "lemma": "to", "start_char": 29, "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 35, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 7, "lemma": "Ray", "start_char": 32, "text": "Ray", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 41, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 8, "lemma": "after", "start_char": 36, "text": "after", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 44, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 10, "id": 9, "lemma": "he", "start_char": 42, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 52, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": 10, "lemma": "reach", "start_char": 45, "text": "reached", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 56, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 53, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 63, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": 12, "lemma": "bottom", "start_char": 57, "text": "bottom", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 66, "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": 13, "lemma": "of", "start_char": 64, "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 70, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 15, "id": 14, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 67, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "end_char": 77, "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 12, "id": 15, "lemma": "stair", "start_char": 71, "text": "stairs", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 78, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 16, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 77, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 6 ], [ 0, 8, 8 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
Although they ran at about the same speed, Sue beat Sally because she had such a good start.
[ { "end_char": 92, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Although they ran at about the same speed, Sue beat Sally because she had such a good start.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 8, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "although", "start_char": 0, "text": "Although", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 13, "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "they", "start_char": 9, "text": "they", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 17, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": 3, "lemma": "run", "start_char": 14, "text": "ran", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 20, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 4, "lemma": "at", "start_char": 18, "text": "at", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 26, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 5, "lemma": "about", "start_char": 21, "text": "about", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 30, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": 6, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 27, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "end_char": 35, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 8, "id": 7, "lemma": "same", "start_char": 31, "text": "same", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 41, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 8, "lemma": "speed", "start_char": 36, "text": "speed", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 42, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 9, "lemma": ",", "start_char": 41, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 46, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": 10, "lemma": "Sue", "start_char": 43, "text": "Sue", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 51, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 11, "lemma": "beat", "start_char": 47, "text": "beat", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 57, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": 12, "lemma": "Sally", "start_char": 52, "text": "Sally", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 65, "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": 13, "lemma": "because", "start_char": 58, "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 69, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 15, "id": 14, "lemma": "she", "start_char": 66, "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 73, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": 15, "lemma": "have", "start_char": 70, "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det:predet", "end_char": 78, "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": 16, "lemma": "such", "start_char": 74, "text": "such", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "PDT" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 80, "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 19, "id": 17, "lemma": "a", "start_char": 79, "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "end_char": 85, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 19, "id": 18, "lemma": "good", "start_char": 81, "text": "good", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 91, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 15, "id": 19, "lemma": "start", "start_char": 86, "text": "start", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 92, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 20, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 91, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 9, 9 ], [ 0, 13, 13 ] ], [ [ 0, 11, 11 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
Although they ran at about the same speed, Sue beat Sally because she had such a bad start.
[ { "end_char": 91, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Although they ran at about the same speed, Sue beat Sally because she had such a bad start.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 8, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "although", "start_char": 0, "text": "Although", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 13, "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "they", "start_char": 9, "text": "they", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 17, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": 3, "lemma": "run", "start_char": 14, "text": "ran", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 20, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 4, "lemma": "at", "start_char": 18, "text": "at", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 26, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 5, "lemma": "about", "start_char": 21, "text": "about", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 30, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": 6, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 27, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "end_char": 35, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 8, "id": 7, "lemma": "same", "start_char": 31, "text": "same", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 41, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 8, "lemma": "speed", "start_char": 36, "text": "speed", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 42, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 9, "lemma": ",", "start_char": 41, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 46, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": 10, "lemma": "Sue", "start_char": 43, "text": "Sue", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 51, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 11, "lemma": "beat", "start_char": 47, "text": "beat", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 57, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": 12, "lemma": "Sally", "start_char": 52, "text": "Sally", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 65, "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": 13, "lemma": "because", "start_char": 58, "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 69, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 15, "id": 14, "lemma": "she", "start_char": 66, "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 73, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": 15, "lemma": "have", "start_char": 70, "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det:predet", "end_char": 78, "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": 16, "lemma": "such", "start_char": 74, "text": "such", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "PDT" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 80, "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 19, "id": 17, "lemma": "a", "start_char": 79, "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "end_char": 84, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 19, "id": 18, "lemma": "bad", "start_char": 81, "text": "bad", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 90, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 15, "id": 19, "lemma": "start", "start_char": 85, "text": "start", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 91, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 20, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 90, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 9, 9 ] ], [ [ 0, 11, 11 ], [ 0, 13, 13 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
The sculpture rolled off the shelf because it wasn't anchored.
[ { "end_char": 62, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "The sculpture rolled off the shelf because it wasn't anchored.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 3, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 0, "text": "The", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 13, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "sculpture", "start_char": 4, "text": "sculpture", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 20, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "roll", "start_char": 14, "text": "rolled", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 24, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 4, "lemma": "off", "start_char": 21, "text": "off", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 28, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": 5, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 25, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 34, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 6, "lemma": "shelf", "start_char": 29, "text": "shelf", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 42, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 7, "lemma": "because", "start_char": 35, "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj:pass", "end_char": 45, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": 8, "lemma": "it", "start_char": 43, "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "end_char": null, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": 9, "lemma": "be", "start_char": 46, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 52, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 10, "lemma": "not", "start_char": null, "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 61, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 3, "id": 11, "lemma": "anchore", "start_char": 53, "text": "anchored", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 62, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 12, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 61, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 1 ], [ 0, 7, 7 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 5 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
The sculpture rolled off the shelf because it wasn't level.
[ { "end_char": 59, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "The sculpture rolled off the shelf because it wasn't level.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 3, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 0, "text": "The", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 13, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "sculpture", "start_char": 4, "text": "sculpture", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 20, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "roll", "start_char": 14, "text": "rolled", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 24, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 4, "lemma": "off", "start_char": 21, "text": "off", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 28, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": 5, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 25, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 34, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 6, "lemma": "shelf", "start_char": 29, "text": "shelf", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 42, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 7, "lemma": "because", "start_char": 35, "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 45, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": 8, "lemma": "it", "start_char": 43, "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": null, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": 9, "lemma": "be", "start_char": 46, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 52, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 10, "lemma": "not", "start_char": null, "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 58, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 11, "lemma": "level", "start_char": 53, "text": "level", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 59, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 12, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 58, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 1 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 5 ], [ 0, 7, 7 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
Sam's drawing was hung just above Tina's and it did look much better with another one below it.
[ { "end_char": 95, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Sam's drawing was hung just above Tina's and it did look much better with another one below it.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "end_char": null, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "Sam", "start_char": 0, "text": "Sam", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 5, "feats": null, "head": 1, "id": 2, "lemma": "'s", "start_char": null, "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "nsubj:pass", "end_char": 13, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": 3, "lemma": "draw", "start_char": 6, "text": "drawing", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "end_char": 17, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 5, "id": 4, "lemma": "be", "start_char": 14, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 22, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 0, "id": 5, "lemma": "hang", "start_char": 18, "text": "hung", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 27, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 6, "lemma": "just", "start_char": 23, "text": "just", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 33, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 7, "lemma": "above", "start_char": 28, "text": "above", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": null, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": 8, "lemma": "Tina", "start_char": 34, "text": "Tina", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 40, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 9, "lemma": "'s", "start_char": null, "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 44, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 10, "lemma": "and", "start_char": 41, "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 47, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": 11, "lemma": "it", "start_char": 45, "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 51, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "do", "start_char": 48, "text": "did", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 56, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 5, "id": 13, "lemma": "look", "start_char": 52, "text": "look", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 61, "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": 14, "lemma": "much", "start_char": 57, "text": "much", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 68, "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 13, "id": 15, "lemma": "good", "start_char": 62, "text": "better", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 73, "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": 16, "lemma": "with", "start_char": 69, "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 81, "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": 17, "lemma": "another", "start_char": 74, "text": "another", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 85, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 20, "id": 18, "lemma": "one", "start_char": 82, "text": "one", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 91, "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": 19, "lemma": "below", "start_char": 86, "text": "below", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 94, "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": 20, "lemma": "it", "start_char": 92, "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 95, "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": 21, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 94, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 2 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 8 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
Sam's drawing was hung just above Tina's and it did look much better with another one above it.
[ { "end_char": 95, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Sam's drawing was hung just above Tina's and it did look much better with another one above it.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "end_char": null, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "Sam", "start_char": 0, "text": "Sam", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 5, "feats": null, "head": 1, "id": 2, "lemma": "'s", "start_char": null, "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "nsubj:pass", "end_char": 13, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": 3, "lemma": "draw", "start_char": 6, "text": "drawing", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "end_char": 17, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 5, "id": 4, "lemma": "be", "start_char": 14, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 22, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 0, "id": 5, "lemma": "hang", "start_char": 18, "text": "hung", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 27, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 6, "lemma": "just", "start_char": 23, "text": "just", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 33, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 7, "lemma": "above", "start_char": 28, "text": "above", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": null, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": 8, "lemma": "Tina", "start_char": 34, "text": "Tina", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 40, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 9, "lemma": "'s", "start_char": null, "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 44, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 10, "lemma": "and", "start_char": 41, "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 47, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": 11, "lemma": "it", "start_char": 45, "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 51, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "do", "start_char": 48, "text": "did", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 56, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 5, "id": 13, "lemma": "look", "start_char": 52, "text": "look", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 61, "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": 14, "lemma": "much", "start_char": 57, "text": "much", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 68, "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 13, "id": 15, "lemma": "good", "start_char": 62, "text": "better", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 73, "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": 16, "lemma": "with", "start_char": 69, "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 81, "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": 17, "lemma": "another", "start_char": 74, "text": "another", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 85, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 20, "id": 18, "lemma": "one", "start_char": 82, "text": "one", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 91, "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": 19, "lemma": "above", "start_char": 86, "text": "above", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 94, "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": 20, "lemma": "it", "start_char": 92, "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 95, "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": 21, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 94, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 2 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 8 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
Anna did a lot better than her good friend Lucy on the test because she had studied so hard.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
Anna did a lot worse than her good friend Lucy on the test because she had studied so hard.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 9 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
The firemen arrived after the police because they were coming from so far away.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 1 ], [ 0, 7, 7 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 5 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
The firemen arrived before the police because they were coming from so far away.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 1 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 5 ], [ 0, 7, 7 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
Frank was upset with Tom because the toaster he had bought from him didn't work.
[ { "end_char": 80, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Frank was upset with Tom because the toaster he had bought from him didn't work.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 5, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "Frank", "start_char": 0, "text": "Frank", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 9, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "be", "start_char": 6, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 15, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "upset", "start_char": 10, "text": "upset", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 20, "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": 4, "lemma": "with", "start_char": 16, "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 24, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 5, "lemma": "Tom", "start_char": 21, "text": "Tom", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 32, "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": 6, "lemma": "because", "start_char": 25, "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 36, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": 7, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 33, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 44, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": 8, "lemma": "toaster", "start_char": 37, "text": "toaster", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 47, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": 9, "lemma": "he", "start_char": 45, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 51, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": 10, "lemma": "have", "start_char": 48, "text": "had", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "acl:relcl", "end_char": 58, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 8, "id": 11, "lemma": "buy", "start_char": 52, "text": "bought", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 63, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "from", "start_char": 59, "text": "from", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 67, "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": 13, "lemma": "he", "start_char": 64, "text": "him", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": null, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 16, "id": 14, "lemma": "do", "start_char": 68, "text": "did", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 74, "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": 15, "lemma": "not", "start_char": null, "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 79, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 3, "id": 16, "lemma": "work", "start_char": 75, "text": "work", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 80, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 17, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 79, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 8, 8 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
Frank was upset with Tom because the toaster he had sold him didn't work.
[ { "end_char": 73, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Frank was upset with Tom because the toaster he had sold him didn't work.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 5, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "Frank", "start_char": 0, "text": "Frank", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 9, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "be", "start_char": 6, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 15, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "upset", "start_char": 10, "text": "upset", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 20, "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": 4, "lemma": "with", "start_char": 16, "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 24, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 5, "lemma": "Tom", "start_char": 21, "text": "Tom", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 32, "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": 6, "lemma": "because", "start_char": 25, "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 36, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": 7, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 33, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 44, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 15, "id": 8, "lemma": "toaster", "start_char": 37, "text": "toaster", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 47, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": 9, "lemma": "he", "start_char": 45, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 51, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": 10, "lemma": "have", "start_char": 48, "text": "had", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "acl:relcl", "end_char": 56, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 8, "id": 11, "lemma": "sell", "start_char": 52, "text": "sold", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 60, "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": 12, "lemma": "he", "start_char": 57, "text": "him", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": null, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 15, "id": 13, "lemma": "do", "start_char": 61, "text": "did", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 67, "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": 14, "lemma": "not", "start_char": null, "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 72, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 3, "id": 15, "lemma": "work", "start_char": 68, "text": "work", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 73, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 16, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 72, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ], [ 0, 8, 8 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
Jim yelled at Kevin because he was so upset.
[ { "end_char": 44, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Jim yelled at Kevin because he was so upset.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 3, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "Jim", "start_char": 0, "text": "Jim", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 10, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "yell", "start_char": 4, "text": "yelled", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 13, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": "at", "start_char": 11, "text": "at", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 19, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 4, "lemma": "Kevin", "start_char": 14, "text": "Kevin", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 27, "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": 5, "lemma": "because", "start_char": 20, "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 30, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 9, "id": 6, "lemma": "he", "start_char": 28, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 34, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 9, "id": 7, "lemma": "be", "start_char": 31, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 37, "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": 8, "lemma": "so", "start_char": 35, "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 43, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 2, "id": 9, "lemma": "upset", "start_char": 38, "text": "upset", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 44, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 10, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 43, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 5, 5 ] ], [ [ 0, 3, 3 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
Jim comforted Kevin because he was so upset.
[ { "end_char": 44, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Jim comforted Kevin because he was so upset.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 3, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "Jim", "start_char": 0, "text": "Jim", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 13, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "comfort", "start_char": 4, "text": "comforted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 19, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 3, "lemma": "Kevin", "start_char": 14, "text": "Kevin", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 27, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 4, "lemma": "because", "start_char": 20, "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 30, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 8, "id": 5, "lemma": "he", "start_char": 28, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 34, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": 6, "lemma": "be", "start_char": 31, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 37, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 7, "lemma": "so", "start_char": 35, "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 43, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 2, "id": 8, "lemma": "upset", "start_char": 38, "text": "upset", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 44, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 9, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 43, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ], [ 0, 4, 4 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
The sack of potatoes had been placed above the bag of flour, so it had to be moved first.
[ { "end_char": 89, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "The sack of potatoes had been placed above the bag of flour, so it had to be moved first.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 3, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 0, "text": "The", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj:pass", "end_char": 8, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": 2, "lemma": "sack", "start_char": 4, "text": "sack", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 11, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": "of", "start_char": 9, "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "end_char": 20, "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 2, "id": 4, "lemma": "potato", "start_char": 12, "text": "potatoes", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 24, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 7, "id": 5, "lemma": "have", "start_char": 21, "text": "had", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "end_char": 29, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 7, "id": 6, "lemma": "be", "start_char": 25, "text": "been", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 36, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 0, "id": 7, "lemma": "place", "start_char": 30, "text": "placed", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 42, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 8, "lemma": "above", "start_char": 37, "text": "above", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 46, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 10, "id": 9, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 43, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 50, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": 10, "lemma": "bag", "start_char": 47, "text": "bag", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 53, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "of", "start_char": 51, "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "end_char": 59, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": 12, "lemma": "flour", "start_char": 54, "text": "flour", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 60, "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": 13, "lemma": ",", "start_char": 59, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 63, "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": 14, "lemma": "so", "start_char": 61, "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 66, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": 15, "lemma": "it", "start_char": 64, "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "end_char": 70, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 7, "id": 16, "lemma": "have", "start_char": 67, "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 73, "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": 17, "lemma": "to", "start_char": 71, "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "end_char": 76, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 19, "id": 18, "lemma": "be", "start_char": 74, "text": "be", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 82, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 16, "id": 19, "lemma": "move", "start_char": 77, "text": "moved", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 88, "feats": "NumType=Ord", "head": 19, "id": 20, "lemma": "first", "start_char": 83, "text": "first", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 89, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 21, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 88, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 3 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 11 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
The sack of potatoes had been placed below the bag of flour, so it had to be moved first.
[ { "end_char": 89, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "The sack of potatoes had been placed below the bag of flour, so it had to be moved first.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 3, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 0, "text": "The", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj:pass", "end_char": 8, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": 2, "lemma": "sack", "start_char": 4, "text": "sack", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 11, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": "of", "start_char": 9, "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "end_char": 20, "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 2, "id": 4, "lemma": "potato", "start_char": 12, "text": "potatoes", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 24, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 7, "id": 5, "lemma": "have", "start_char": 21, "text": "had", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "end_char": 29, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 7, "id": 6, "lemma": "be", "start_char": 25, "text": "been", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 36, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 0, "id": 7, "lemma": "place", "start_char": 30, "text": "placed", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 42, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 8, "lemma": "below", "start_char": 37, "text": "below", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 46, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 10, "id": 9, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 43, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 50, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": 10, "lemma": "bag", "start_char": 47, "text": "bag", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 53, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "of", "start_char": 51, "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "end_char": 59, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": 12, "lemma": "flour", "start_char": 54, "text": "flour", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 60, "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": 13, "lemma": ",", "start_char": 59, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 63, "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": 14, "lemma": "so", "start_char": 61, "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 66, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": 15, "lemma": "it", "start_char": 64, "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "end_char": 70, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 7, "id": 16, "lemma": "have", "start_char": 67, "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 73, "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": 17, "lemma": "to", "start_char": 71, "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "end_char": 76, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 19, "id": 18, "lemma": "be", "start_char": 74, "text": "be", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 82, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 16, "id": 19, "lemma": "move", "start_char": 77, "text": "moved", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 88, "feats": "NumType=Ord", "head": 19, "id": 20, "lemma": "first", "start_char": 83, "text": "first", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 89, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 21, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 88, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 3 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 11 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Hector Levesque" }
Pete envies Martin although he is very successful.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 4, 4 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
Pete envies Martin because he is very successful.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ], [ 0, 4, 4 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
The older students were bullying the younger ones, so we punished them .
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 2 ], [ 0, 12, 12 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 7 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
The older students were bullying the younger ones, so we rescued them .
[ { "end_char": 71, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "The older students were bullying the younger ones, so we rescued them .", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 3, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 0, "text": "The", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "end_char": 9, "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "old", "start_char": 4, "text": "older", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 18, "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 5, "id": 3, "lemma": "student", "start_char": 10, "text": "students", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 23, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 5, "id": 4, "lemma": "be", "start_char": 19, "text": "were", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 32, "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 0, "id": 5, "lemma": "bullying", "start_char": 24, "text": "bullying", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 36, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": 6, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 33, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "end_char": 44, "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 8, "id": 7, "lemma": "young", "start_char": 37, "text": "younger", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 49, "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 5, "id": 8, "lemma": "one", "start_char": 45, "text": "ones", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 50, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 9, "lemma": ",", "start_char": 49, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 53, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 10, "lemma": "so", "start_char": 51, "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 56, "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "we", "start_char": 54, "text": "we", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "end_char": 64, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 5, "id": 12, "lemma": "rescue", "start_char": 57, "text": "rescued", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 69, "feats": "Case=Acc|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": 13, "lemma": "they", "start_char": 65, "text": "them", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 71, "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": 14, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 70, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 2 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 7 ], [ 0, 12, 12 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
I poured water from the bottle into the cup until it was empty.
[ { "end_char": 63, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "I poured water from the bottle into the cup until it was empty.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 1, "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "I", "start_char": 0, "text": "I", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 8, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=1|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "pour", "start_char": 2, "text": "poured", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 14, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 3, "lemma": "water", "start_char": 9, "text": "water", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 19, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 4, "lemma": "from", "start_char": 15, "text": "from", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 23, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": 5, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 20, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 30, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 6, "lemma": "bottle", "start_char": 24, "text": "bottle", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 35, "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": 7, "lemma": "into", "start_char": 31, "text": "into", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 39, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 9, "id": 8, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 36, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 43, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 9, "lemma": "cup", "start_char": 40, "text": "cup", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 49, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 10, "lemma": "until", "start_char": 44, "text": "until", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 52, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": 11, "lemma": "it", "start_char": 50, "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 56, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "be", "start_char": 53, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 62, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 2, "id": 13, "lemma": "empty", "start_char": 57, "text": "empty", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 63, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 14, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 62, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 4, 5 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 8 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
I poured water from the bottle into the cup until it was full.
[ { "end_char": 62, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "I poured water from the bottle into the cup until it was full.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 1, "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "I", "start_char": 0, "text": "I", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 8, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=1|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "pour", "start_char": 2, "text": "poured", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 14, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 3, "lemma": "water", "start_char": 9, "text": "water", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 19, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 4, "lemma": "from", "start_char": 15, "text": "from", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 23, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": 5, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 20, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 30, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 6, "lemma": "bottle", "start_char": 24, "text": "bottle", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 35, "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": 7, "lemma": "into", "start_char": 31, "text": "into", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 39, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 9, "id": 8, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 36, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 43, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 9, "lemma": "cup", "start_char": 40, "text": "cup", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 49, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 10, "lemma": "until", "start_char": 44, "text": "until", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 52, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": 11, "lemma": "it", "start_char": 50, "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 56, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "be", "start_char": 53, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 61, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 2, "id": 13, "lemma": "full", "start_char": 57, "text": "full", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 62, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 14, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 61, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 4, 5 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 8 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
Susan knows all about Ann's personal problems because she is nosy.
[ { "end_char": 66, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Susan knows all about Ann's personal problems because she is nosy.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 5, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "Susan", "start_char": 0, "text": "Susan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 11, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "know", "start_char": 6, "text": "knows", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 15, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 3, "lemma": "all", "start_char": 12, "text": "all", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 21, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 4, "lemma": "about", "start_char": 16, "text": "about", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "end_char": null, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": 5, "lemma": "Ann", "start_char": 22, "text": "Ann", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 27, "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": 6, "lemma": "'s", "start_char": null, "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "amod", "end_char": 36, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 8, "id": 7, "lemma": "personal", "start_char": 28, "text": "personal", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "end_char": 45, "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 3, "id": 8, "lemma": "problem", "start_char": 37, "text": "problems", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 53, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 9, "lemma": "because", "start_char": 46, "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 57, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": 10, "lemma": "she", "start_char": 54, "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 60, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "be", "start_char": 58, "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 65, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 2, "id": 12, "lemma": "nosy", "start_char": 61, "text": "nosy", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 66, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 13, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 65, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 5 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
Susan knows all about Ann's personal problems because she is indiscreet.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 5 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
Sid explained his theory to Mark but he couldn't convince him.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 7, 7 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
Sid explained his theory to Mark but he couldn't understand him.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
Susan knew that Ann's son had been in a car accident, so she told her about it.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
Susan knew that Ann's son had been in a car accident, because she told her about it.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
Joe's uncle can still beat him at tennis, even though he is 30 years younger.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
Joe's uncle can still beat him at tennis, even though he is 30 years older.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
The painting in Mark's living room shows an oak tree. It is to the right of the bookcase.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
The painting in Mark's living room shows an oak tree. It is to the right of a house.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
There is a gap in the wall. You can see the garden through it .
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
There is a gap in the wall. You can see the garden behind it .
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
The drain is clogged with hair. It has to be cleaned.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
The drain is clogged with hair. It has to be removed.
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My meeting started at 4:00 and I needed to catch the train at 4:30, so there wasn't much time. Luckily, it was short, so it worked out.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
My meeting started at 4:00 and I needed to catch the train at 4:30, so there wasn't much time. Luckily, it was delayed, so it worked out.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
There is a pillar between me and the stage, and I can't see around it .
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[ [ [ 0, 2, 3 ], [ 0, 16, 16 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 8 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
There is a pillar between me and the stage, and I can't see it .
[ { "end_char": 64, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "There is a pillar between me and the stage, and I can't see it .", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "expl", "end_char": 5, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "there", "start_char": 0, "text": "There", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "EX" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 8, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "be", "start_char": 6, "text": "is", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 10, "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": "a", "start_char": 9, "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 17, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 4, "lemma": "pillar", "start_char": 11, "text": "pillar", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 25, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 5, "lemma": "between", "start_char": 18, "text": "between", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "end_char": 28, "feats": "Case=Acc|Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs", "head": 4, "id": 6, "lemma": "I", "start_char": 26, "text": "me", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 32, "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": 7, "lemma": "and", "start_char": 29, "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 36, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 9, "id": 8, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 33, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 42, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": 9, "lemma": "stage", "start_char": 37, "text": "stage", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 43, "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": 10, "lemma": ",", "start_char": 42, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 47, "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": 11, "lemma": "and", "start_char": 44, "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 49, "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs", "head": 15, "id": 12, "lemma": "I", "start_char": 48, "text": "I", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": null, "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 15, "id": 13, "lemma": "can", "start_char": 50, "text": "ca", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 55, "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": 14, "lemma": "not", "start_char": null, "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 59, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": 15, "lemma": "see", "start_char": 56, "text": "see", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 62, "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 15, "id": 16, "lemma": "it", "start_char": 60, "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 64, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 17, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 63, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 2, 3 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 8 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
They broadcast an announcement, but a subway came into the station and I couldn't hear it .
[ { "end_char": 91, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "They broadcast an announcement, but a subway came into the station and I couldn't hear it .", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 4, "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "they", "start_char": 0, "text": "They", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 14, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "broadcast", "start_char": 5, "text": "broadcast", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 17, "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": "a", "start_char": 15, "text": "an", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 30, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 4, "lemma": "announcement", "start_char": 18, "text": "announcement", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 31, "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": 5, "lemma": ",", "start_char": 30, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 35, "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": 6, "lemma": "but", "start_char": 32, "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 37, "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": 7, "lemma": "a", "start_char": 36, "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 44, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": 8, "lemma": "subway", "start_char": 38, "text": "subway", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 49, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": 9, "lemma": "come", "start_char": 45, "text": "came", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 54, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 10, "lemma": "into", "start_char": 50, "text": "into", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 58, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 55, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 66, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": 12, "lemma": "station", "start_char": 59, "text": "station", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 70, "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": 13, "lemma": "and", "start_char": 67, "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 72, "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs", "head": 17, "id": 14, "lemma": "I", "start_char": 71, "text": "I", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": null, "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 17, "id": 15, "lemma": "could", "start_char": 73, "text": "could", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 81, "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": 16, "lemma": "not", "start_char": null, "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 86, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 9, "id": 17, "lemma": "hear", "start_char": 82, "text": "hear", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 89, "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 17, "id": 18, "lemma": "it", "start_char": 87, "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 91, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 19, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 90, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 2, 3 ], [ 0, 17, 17 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 7 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
They broadcast an announcement, but a subway came into the station and I couldn't hear over it .
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[ [ [ 0, 2, 3 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 7 ], [ 0, 18, 18 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
In the middle of the outdoor concert, the rain started falling, but it continued until 10.
[ { "end_char": 90, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "In the middle of the outdoor concert, the rain started falling, but it continued until 10.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 2, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "in", "start_char": 0, "text": "In", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 6, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 3, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 13, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": 3, "lemma": "middle", "start_char": 7, "text": "middle", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 16, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 4, "lemma": "of", "start_char": 14, "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 20, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": 5, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 17, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "end_char": 28, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 7, "id": 6, "lemma": "outdoor", "start_char": 21, "text": "outdoor", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "end_char": 36, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 7, "lemma": "concert", "start_char": 29, "text": "concert", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 37, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 8, "lemma": ",", "start_char": 36, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 41, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 10, "id": 9, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 38, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 46, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": 10, "lemma": "rain", "start_char": 42, "text": "rain", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 54, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 11, "lemma": "start", "start_char": 47, "text": "started", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 62, "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 11, "id": 12, "lemma": "fall", "start_char": 55, "text": "falling", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 63, "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": 13, "lemma": ",", "start_char": 62, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 67, "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": 14, "lemma": "but", "start_char": 64, "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 70, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": 15, "lemma": "it", "start_char": 68, "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 80, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": 16, "lemma": "continue", "start_char": 71, "text": "continued", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 86, "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": 17, "lemma": "until", "start_char": 81, "text": "until", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 89, "feats": "NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card", "head": 16, "id": 18, "lemma": "10", "start_char": 87, "text": "10", "upos": "NUM", "xpos": "CD" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 90, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 19, "lemma": ".", "start_char": 89, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 4, 6 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 9 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
In the middle of the outdoor concert, the rain started falling, and it continued until 10.
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[ [ [ 0, 4, 6 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 9 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }
I used an old rag to clean the knife, and then I put it in the trash.
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[ [ [ 0, 2, 4 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 8 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "Ernest Davis" }

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